fn-h2UfxSIQ-00000-00000018-00000891 we have a vision is to have our church our family to be a praying family you know prayer was removed fn-h2UfxSIQ-00001-00000891-00001449 out of the schools but it's not the problem the problem is the prayer left the homes of fn-h2UfxSIQ-00002-00001449-00002055 Americans long time ago our goal is not to bring prayer back into the White House our goal is to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00003-00002055-00002643 bring prayer back into your house into our house once it's in our houses it will affect the White fn-h2UfxSIQ-00004-00002643-00003615 House it will affect the schools it will affect their communities yesterday I googled word prayer fn-h2UfxSIQ-00005-00003615-00004275 just type prayer I found out that eight things came out eight websites came about prayer and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00006-00004275-00005277 the ninth wasn't a website it was a map and on the map it had word hungry generation now fn-h2UfxSIQ-00007-00005277-00005844 I understand it was catered to local searching and because somebody on hungry generation went fn-h2UfxSIQ-00008-00005844-00006642 to Google and they left a review they said this is a house of God and a house of prayer so just fn-h2UfxSIQ-00009-00006642-00007488 since we're at it make sure you leave a rating on Google it will help for people who search fn-h2UfxSIQ-00010-00007488-00008037 prayer to see that there is a prayer going on you know five o'clock in the morning the church door fn-h2UfxSIQ-00011-00008037-00008754 opens here Monday to Friday and if you're not a morning person at 6:00 to 7:00 Monday to Friday fn-h2UfxSIQ-00012-00008754-00009495 even Saturdays there's prayer going on here we're believing for a time to be where constant non-stop fn-h2UfxSIQ-00013-00009495-00010158 24/7 prayer going on here for the glory of God that we will bring a movement and a revival to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00014-00010158-00011061 our city and to our region can somebody say Amen can somebody say Amen for many people prayer has fn-h2UfxSIQ-00015-00011061-00011787 become a garbage dump where you dump your problems your worries and you go only to prayer as your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00016-00011787-00012366 last resort instead of as a priority I was getting a haircut recently and a lady who was cutting my fn-h2UfxSIQ-00017-00012366-00012819 hair she she asked me what I do for living and so I asked I told her that I work at the church and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00018-00012819-00013227 I'm a pastor and so she looked around quickly if there was anybody else and she says can I ask you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00019-00013227-00013813 a question so the fact that she looked around told me that it's gonna get spiritual and so I was like fn-h2UfxSIQ-00020-00013813-00014290 of course throw throwing my way we have next 15 minutes and so and she says sister telling me her fn-h2UfxSIQ-00021-00014290-00015076 prayer request she says ooh is it okay that I pray this prayer to God of course I said of course it's fn-h2UfxSIQ-00022-00015076-00015922 okay to break the god I said but I'm not really sure that you're ready for the answer I'm like fn-h2UfxSIQ-00023-00015922-00016531 prayer is not just so you get the burden off of your shoulders it's so you can get the answer and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00024-00016531-00016930 I'm like the kind of prayer that you're praying that you're telling me right now I have a feeling fn-h2UfxSIQ-00025-00016930-00017374 I know what the answer is gonna be because I pray the same prayer many times and I'm like I'm not fn-h2UfxSIQ-00026-00017374-00017836 sure you're ready for the answer and she wasn't interested in the answer she was just making sure fn-h2UfxSIQ-00027-00017836-00018427 it's okay to pray and I was a girl you got green light go for a pray and pray and pray all the time fn-h2UfxSIQ-00028-00018427-00019027 and people pray people who don't come to church pray Jesus actually say said he didn't spray fn-h2UfxSIQ-00029-00019027-00019486 means people who don't have a relationship with God pray and they think that the more words they fn-h2UfxSIQ-00030-00019486-00019858 give to God the more chances they have to be heard by God and Jesus says that's not really how it fn-h2UfxSIQ-00031-00019858-00020425 works Jesus says hypocrites pray means people who pray to get approval from people or pray thinking fn-h2UfxSIQ-00032-00020425-00020701 it gonna it's gonna give him brownie points in heaven you know they can give him a higher fn-h2UfxSIQ-00033-00020701-00021175 chance of actually making it to heaven people pray everywhere but Jesus introduced different fn-h2UfxSIQ-00034-00021175-00021826 kind of prayer to his disciples he says but when you pray pray differently because he didn't tell fn-h2UfxSIQ-00035-00021826-00022363 us to pray to a God who is so distant he didn't pray us to pray to a god who is religious ruler fn-h2UfxSIQ-00036-00022363-00022822 he says when you come to prayer come as kids to the Father and address him as your father not fn-h2UfxSIQ-00037-00022822-00023296 as your Creator not as your Savior not as your healer not as your deliverer not as the one who fn-h2UfxSIQ-00038-00023296-00023884 supplies you needs according to his riches and his glory as your dad it gives different meaning fn-h2UfxSIQ-00039-00023884-00024397 to prayer and when Jesus introduced prayer one of the first times that Jesus prayed I want you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00040-00024397-00024922 to see what happened when he prayed because this becomes the model of what makes prayer different fn-h2UfxSIQ-00041-00024922-00025420 why many people are frustrated with prayer why many people give up on prayer why many people fn-h2UfxSIQ-00042-00025420-00026074 are disappointed in prayer is because your and my prayer sometimes misses the mark of how Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00043-00026074-00026670 wants us to pray if we will strive to pray like Jesus wants us to pray there will be rejuvenating fn-h2UfxSIQ-00044-00026670-00027361 refreshing reviving it will change their life it will be so powerful the people around you will ask fn-h2UfxSIQ-00045-00027361-00028006 teach me how to pray disciples of Jesus didn't ask Jesus teach us how to heal the sick they didn't fn-h2UfxSIQ-00046-00028006-00028483 ask Jesus Jesus teach us how to walk on water they were so impressed with how his prayer life fn-h2UfxSIQ-00047-00028483-00029386 was they said Jesus teach us how to pray I want you to see this in Luke chapter 3 verse 21 when fn-h2UfxSIQ-00048-00029386-00030027 all were gathering all people were baptized by the way baptism next Sunday it came to pass that Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00049-00030027-00030832 was also baptized another reason to get baptized Jesus did get baptized and while he prayed see fn-h2UfxSIQ-00050-00030832-00031468 when we have people getting out of baptism they usually go WOW when Jesus got out of the Baptist fn-h2UfxSIQ-00051-00031468-00032155 Bible ciske was getting out of the I mean Jesus was such a powerful prayer warrior he was praying fn-h2UfxSIQ-00052-00032155-00032502 on the cross he was praying in the garden he was praying on the mountains he was praying early fn-h2UfxSIQ-00053-00032502-00033046 Bible says often early would draw himself in the wilderness and here Jesus is praying in Baptism fn-h2UfxSIQ-00054-00033046-00033601 he's getting out of the River Jordan and the Bible says and while he was praying something happened fn-h2UfxSIQ-00055-00033601-00034699 the heaven was open the Holy Spirit descended in the bodily form like a dove upon him and the voice fn-h2UfxSIQ-00056-00034699-00035278 from heaven came saying this is my beloved son that is a different prayer than what usually we're fn-h2UfxSIQ-00057-00035278-00035758 accustomed to this wasn't prayer where Jesus was casting his anxieties and God and saying God you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00058-00035758-00036244 know how life is hard this was a different prayer and he had a different result I want you to I want fn-h2UfxSIQ-00059-00036244-00036718 to point out just few little nuggets from this prayer this prayer was birthed out of obedience fn-h2UfxSIQ-00060-00036718-00037447 not the spiration Jesus didn't have a problem he was facing he was obedient to his father and out fn-h2UfxSIQ-00061-00037447-00038011 of obedience this prayer was born if the only time you are praying is when you're sick you're fn-h2UfxSIQ-00062-00038011-00038512 missing the point of prayer if the only time you fasting and you're seeking God if the tragedy has fn-h2UfxSIQ-00063-00038512-00039070 hits that is not the prayer Jesus wants us to have Jesus one-cell prayer to be based and climbing out fn-h2UfxSIQ-00064-00039070-00039646 of obedience not just out of our knees or out of those desperation and then we see not only that he fn-h2UfxSIQ-00065-00039646-00040132 was praying out of obedience as he was repeating to the father in getting baptized we see that his fn-h2UfxSIQ-00066-00040132-00040882 prayer it opened the windows of heaven heaven was open the spiritual forces that were this fn-h2UfxSIQ-00067-00040882-00041392 sometimes combat you know us on this earth and God in heaven and they want to block that the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00068-00041392-00041944 principalities they were shifted and the heaven was open sea prayer is earth giving heaven a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00069-00041944-00042703 license to interfere sin is earth giving demons to interfere when you pray you clear out the heavens fn-h2UfxSIQ-00070-00042703-00043411 your goal in prayer is not just to get what you want your goal in prayer is not just to lift the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00071-00043411-00044080 anxieties and the war is your goal in prayer is make sure heavens get open because when heavens fn-h2UfxSIQ-00072-00044080-00044662 get open whatever is from here goes up there and whatever is there comes down here and that's why fn-h2UfxSIQ-00073-00044662-00045130 sometimes worship becomes the way the heavens is open and we see the next thing that happens is the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00074-00045130-00046024 Holy Spirit comes on Jesus I love when in prayer you walk out feeling a lighter you told your needs fn-h2UfxSIQ-00075-00046024-00046756 to God you feel so much better but that's not this prayer Jesus had no demons to lose during prayer fn-h2UfxSIQ-00076-00046756-00047479 God doesn't want you to limit prayer to getting route the demons he wants you to pursue further fn-h2UfxSIQ-00077-00047479-00048148 war in prayer you get filled with another spirit when another spirit comes on you the Holy Spirit fn-h2UfxSIQ-00078-00048148-00048766 in this world there are demons and demons cause pain and demons cause sickness and demons cause fn-h2UfxSIQ-00079-00048766-00049372 calamities unwanted things they cause premature death they cause mental breakdowns demons they fn-h2UfxSIQ-00080-00049372-00049816 bring fear they bring bondage they bring heaviness they're a cause of affliction the Bible clearly fn-h2UfxSIQ-00081-00049816-00050299 states that they come to steal kill and destroy and prayer is the place where you walk into God fn-h2UfxSIQ-00082-00050299-00050803 and heaven begins to open and those demons they begin to lift but it's not just so you can go fn-h2UfxSIQ-00083-00050803-00051433 and get another demon to come again to prayer it's so that the Spirit can descend on you the golden fn-h2UfxSIQ-00084-00051433-00051954 prayer is not just so God can give me what I want it so that God can give you someone you need it's fn-h2UfxSIQ-00085-00051954-00052825 the Holy Spirit come on somebody the Holy Spirit descended the Bible says and the voice of God fn-h2UfxSIQ-00086-00052825-00053671 spoke you don't see Jesus experiencing a miracle here you don't see Jesus having money getting a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00087-00053671-00054298 car finding a wife Jesus not experiencing a breakthrough here but he hears God's voice fn-h2UfxSIQ-00088-00054298-00054976 actually after this prayer he went through a very trying times the goal of prayer is not just so fn-h2UfxSIQ-00089-00054976-00055582 God can hear you he said that you can hear him if prayer is reduced to you talking and talking fn-h2UfxSIQ-00090-00055582-00056197 and talking and talking so you can feel better it's a one-way street God did not intend prayer fn-h2UfxSIQ-00091-00056197-00056833 to be a one-way street what's more important than getting what you need is hearing God who speaks to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00092-00056833-00057492 you and many people in prayer they literally see a prayer like a garbage bag will you come you dump fn-h2UfxSIQ-00093-00057492-00058039 the problems you quickly leave and next week you dump more and you dump when God comes and picks fn-h2UfxSIQ-00094-00058039-00058501 that up picks that up and that's fine if you are there spiritually but I wanted to use something fn-h2UfxSIQ-00095-00058501-00059044 Jesus introduces a different model of Prayer he says I want you to live a life of obedience and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00096-00059044-00059536 out of that obedience pray I want you to seek in prayer to see the heaven comes down on earth fn-h2UfxSIQ-00097-00059536-00060192 in prayer I want you to begin to feel my spirit not just simply wrestle with the demons not just fn-h2UfxSIQ-00098-00060192-00060724 wrestle with the forces of the enemy but I want you to feel my spirit and in prayer walk out even fn-h2UfxSIQ-00099-00060724-00061357 if you don't get a miracle make sure you hear my voice because Paul was praying three times that fn-h2UfxSIQ-00100-00061357-00061852 the thorn will be removed but the Torn wasn't removed but Paul still heard God's voice Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00101-00061852-00062332 prayed three times father let your will please take away the suffering from me and though the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00102-00062332-00062764 father didn't grant his petition but the Angels came and supported him meaning there was a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00103-00062764-00063274 presence of God that was there something that is more important in getting requests your request fn-h2UfxSIQ-00104-00063274-00063862 man and that is to know the voice of the Holy Spirit who guides you and leaves you and tells fn-h2UfxSIQ-00105-00063862-00064363 you listen I am with you I know your kid is not turning around but I'm working on them I know your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00106-00064363-00064885 health may not be turning around but I am your healer when you feel the voice of God you will fn-h2UfxSIQ-00107-00064885-00065614 go to prayer again you will go through life again your situation might not change but you will does fn-h2UfxSIQ-00108-00065614-00066229 somebody say Amen I want us to see that Jesus not only he prayed on this earth but Jesus goes up to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00109-00066229-00067015 heaven and he remains a prayer warrior in heaven I want us to look at the scripture what it says fn-h2UfxSIQ-00110-00067015-00067741 in Romans chapter 8 who is he who condemns it is Christ who died and furthermore it is also risen fn-h2UfxSIQ-00111-00067741-00068353 who is even at the right hand of God we know that Jesus rose from the dead Easter we know that he is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00112-00068353-00068962 sitting at the right hand of God and then this is what Romans says who also makes intercession fn-h2UfxSIQ-00113-00068962-00069568 for us so while being in heaven Jesus is not sipping on a kool-aid he's not resting chilling fn-h2UfxSIQ-00114-00069568-00070009 and chillaxing he's not just watching over the balcony of eternity how we're all struggling fn-h2UfxSIQ-00115-00070009-00070483 and going through stuff and just waiting for you know Antichrist to show up so he can kill him and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00116-00070483-00071101 squash him like a bug and come back and establish his kingdom Jesus is not passive in heaven Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00117-00071101-00071707 is actually very occupied and for those of you who think in his building your mansion in heaven fn-h2UfxSIQ-00118-00071707-00072232 I'm actually he's building his kingdom on earth by interceding for us on this earth right now fn-h2UfxSIQ-00119-00072232-00073045 he's busy praying not just busy relaxing if he's praying in heaven for us I think we should also fn-h2UfxSIQ-00120-00073045-00073744 pray on earth for us Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 therefore he is able to save to the uttermost fn-h2UfxSIQ-00121-00073744-00074473 those who come to God through him since he always lives to makes interest to make intercession for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00122-00074473-00075136 them Jesus Christ in heaven right now is praying he's not preaching he's running he's not running fn-h2UfxSIQ-00123-00075136-00075796 a crusade he's not singing worship songs he's praying which tells us that the highest calling fn-h2UfxSIQ-00124-00075796-00076594 any Christian can have is not to be a prophet an apostle it's to be an intercessor is to pray is to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00125-00076594-00077092 have the access to God and begin to plead before God on things on this earth you might say why is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00126-00077092-00077626 Jesus praying in heaven first of all as long as there is devil on earth there needs to be prayer fn-h2UfxSIQ-00127-00077626-00078121 as long as there's one person that does not know God that their sins were already paid for on the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00128-00078121-00078613 cross there needs to be prayer offered as long as there's one person addicted to drugs and this fn-h2UfxSIQ-00129-00078613-00079075 earth there needs to be prayer offered as long as there's one family that's facing tragedy there fn-h2UfxSIQ-00130-00079075-00079555 needs to be prayer offered as long as there's one person battling arthritis or battling cancer there fn-h2UfxSIQ-00131-00079555-00080047 needs to be prayer offered and Jesus doesn't see it as a time to take break because if there fn-h2UfxSIQ-00132-00080047-00080650 is somebody hurting on this earth he says heaven has to be busy praying and he says I'm not gonna fn-h2UfxSIQ-00133-00080650-00081202 delegate prayer to a Gabrielle or to Michael or to another arc angel I will actually lead this fn-h2UfxSIQ-00134-00081202-00082249 ministry myself I will spend time praying for my people in Luke chapter 22 verse 31 it says right fn-h2UfxSIQ-00135-00082249-00082792 before his crucifixion before going to the trial jesus said to Simon he said the Lord said Simon fn-h2UfxSIQ-00136-00082792-00083548 Simon indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but I prayed for you that your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00137-00083548-00084304 faith will not fail and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren so this is an example fn-h2UfxSIQ-00138-00084304-00084811 of what it's like when Jesus prays for you what I want to get out of it is this Jesus praying for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00139-00084811-00085588 you does very little for you unless you pray for you Jesus prayed for Simon and he told Simon he fn-h2UfxSIQ-00140-00085588-00086068 told Peter he says Peter I've been praying for you by the way Peter do you know why I've been fn-h2UfxSIQ-00141-00086068-00086635 praying for you because the devil's been praying against you so not only you have Jesus praying for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00142-00086635-00087166 you you have devil praying against you the Bible calls him the accuser of brethren the story of job fn-h2UfxSIQ-00143-00087166-00087784 confirms that that devil got jealous over job he went to God and start literally trashing job to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00144-00087784-00088375 God he's saying bad things to job and in this case devil comes to God and he stirs saying bad things fn-h2UfxSIQ-00145-00088375-00088966 about Peter so Jesus comes to God and he begins to intercede for Peter one of the reasons Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00146-00088966-00089974 intercedes for you because Devils talking smack about you and Jesus tells Peter Satan has actually fn-h2UfxSIQ-00147-00089974-00090760 been praying and I've been praying but Peter I want you to listen to this watch and you pray fn-h2UfxSIQ-00148-00090760-00091423 lest you enter into temptation Peter my praying and Satan's praying is not gonna really tilt the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00149-00091423-00092020 scales what's gonna tilt the scales Peter is will you watch and pray and we know Peter was sleeping fn-h2UfxSIQ-00150-00092020-00092524 instead of spraying and so guess what happened Peters start going back it's interesting that fn-h2UfxSIQ-00151-00092524-00093175 this is the first time Jesus calls Peter Simon twice Jesus changed his name from Simon which fn-h2UfxSIQ-00152-00093175-00093811 means unstable Peter means like a rock and Jesus refers for the first time to Peter according to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00153-00093811-00094327 his last name a last name that he used to have according to his old nature and he's a Simon fn-h2UfxSIQ-00154-00094327-00094777 Simon why is he saying that because every time you opt to prayerlessness you will always repeat your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00155-00094777-00095572 past if you don't pray you stray if you don't pray you start going back to your old nature all things fn-h2UfxSIQ-00156-00095572-00096067 begin to come back old friends begin to reach out when we don't pray just because Jesus is praying fn-h2UfxSIQ-00157-00096067-00096517 for us yes it gives us the boost but there is a devil that is demons who are actually combating fn-h2UfxSIQ-00158-00096517-00097165 us and Jesus was playing for us is saying pray with me I care so much about you that I pray for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00159-00097165-00097603 you could you care a little bit about yourself that you pray with me for yourself because if fn-h2UfxSIQ-00160-00097603-00098371 you don't pray you'll enter into temptation a lot of times people find themselves overcoming certain fn-h2UfxSIQ-00161-00098371-00098884 issue or certain habits certain pain certain thing in the past and you're doing fine but you have to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00162-00098884-00099427 understand if you don't maintain a lifestyle of Prayer and dependency on God your Simon fn-h2UfxSIQ-00163-00099427-00100048 may appear again for some people Simon is weed for some people Simon is anger for some people fn-h2UfxSIQ-00164-00100048-00100540 Simon is pornography for some people Simon is chronic depression a chronic anxiety for others fn-h2UfxSIQ-00165-00100540-00101083 Simon is just it's just being insecure whatever your Simon is I want to tell you something your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00166-00101083-00101503 Simon is waiting for you to sleep instead of praying and he wants to come back and become fn-h2UfxSIQ-00167-00101503-00102184 who you used to be but today is the time for the Simon to stay Simon in your past and for you to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00168-00102184-00103018 act like Peter by saying Jesus I will pray with you come on somebody when we don't live a life of fn-h2UfxSIQ-00169-00103018-00103477 Prayer not only we will stray instead of praying but like Peter we will live out of our emotion fn-h2UfxSIQ-00170-00103477-00104329 instead of devotional Peter made a lot of promises I'll go with you Jesus I'll die for you he was a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00171-00104329-00105082 big talker and when it came to the actual doing something slept cuss like a sailor there now is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00172-00105082-00105871 Jesus three times I went back to his always every time you your devotion is really measured not on fn-h2UfxSIQ-00173-00105871-00106683 how big you can talk it's how long you can walk with God everybody can talk to talk everybody can fn-h2UfxSIQ-00174-00106683-00107044 raise their hands one of your favorite song is playing when we are in the atmosphere of fn-h2UfxSIQ-00175-00107044-00107533 believers but it's about battle with the blankets in the morning it's about battle with the spirit fn-h2UfxSIQ-00176-00107533-00108036 of slumber in the afternoon where you really want to go home and just watch the watch the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00177-00108036-00108529 stranger things or other stuff stranger things on Netflix and but you know the Holy Spirit is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00178-00108529-00108885 pulling you and he says listen but let's girls come to prayer you know that you know the church fn-h2UfxSIQ-00179-00108885-00109429 is open it from 6:00 to 7:00 you could come and but I'm so busy you've been playing golf fn-h2UfxSIQ-00180-00109429-00109969 every day for the past three years you can skip one time and there is that battle that happens fn-h2UfxSIQ-00181-00109969-00110455 but you made so many promise you see people who don't live a life of prayer always over-promised fn-h2UfxSIQ-00182-00110455-00110938 and under-delivered because they feel guilty and so they constantly make big bigger promises new fn-h2UfxSIQ-00183-00110938-00111589 year's resolutions next next year I'm gonna pray more listen promise less do more less talking more fn-h2UfxSIQ-00184-00111589-00112828 walking less emotion more devotion and just live a life of prayer when we don't pray we begin to warm fn-h2UfxSIQ-00185-00112828-00113661 ourselves at the wrong fire Peter quickly went from cursing to being in a fire with people who fn-h2UfxSIQ-00186-00113661-00114285 were against Jesus and the crazy part he actually tried to fit him he tried to be like them I think fn-h2UfxSIQ-00187-00114285-00114799 he threw a few bad words around just to you know to make him understand I am NOT a Galilee and I fn-h2UfxSIQ-00188-00114799-00115408 am not belonging to Jesus they quickly found out that he's a bad bad hypocrite they said weren't fn-h2UfxSIQ-00189-00115408-00115975 you with Jesus and he just throws few little F in this F and dad no no blank this but was as he fn-h2UfxSIQ-00190-00115975-00116857 was cursing God didn't call you to fit in you were anointed to stand out well when you pray fn-h2UfxSIQ-00191-00117039-00117911 Eagles don't try to earn the high opinions of chicken and lions don't lose sleep over the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00192-00117911-00118626 opinions of sheep God gave you royalty inside God gave you authority inside but when you don't live fn-h2UfxSIQ-00193-00118626-00119208 a life of prayer you become subject to popular opinion you become too scared of what people fn-h2UfxSIQ-00194-00119208-00119808 will say you'll become too scared of this and then you try to fit into the clubs to the group's God fn-h2UfxSIQ-00195-00119808-00120606 called you to change and influence prayerlessness is deadly you may say but Jesus is praying for me fn-h2UfxSIQ-00196-00120606-00121092 that's not really what's going to change your life what's going to change your life is when fn-h2UfxSIQ-00197-00121092-00121806 Jesus will pray with you not just for you you know what Jesus tells Peter Peter eventually goes and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00198-00121806-00122376 starts to catch fish he can't catch fish Jesus prepares a breakfast at sea and he calls Peter fn-h2UfxSIQ-00199-00122376-00123021 he says Peter and it's like almost like in like an irony he says have you caught anything remember fn-h2UfxSIQ-00200-00123021-00123635 Peter is a professional fisherman fishing all night he just ran away from God and Jesus says fn-h2UfxSIQ-00201-00123635-00124296 Peter have you caught anything and Peter says no Jesus I haven't caught anything I'm empty I've fn-h2UfxSIQ-00202-00124296-00124797 been fishing all night I'm empty and Jesus said well since you're empty I got some fish right fn-h2UfxSIQ-00203-00124797-00125285 here come over the Bible says Peter jumped in the lake and he started to swim to Jesus and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00204-00125285-00125877 when he got there he had this meeting with Jesus in the morning breakfast with Jesus and there fn-h2UfxSIQ-00205-00125877-00126294 was this fish there was already stuff prepared and Jesus starts to ask a question Peter do you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00206-00126294-00126852 love me Peter do you love me and the relationship with Peter was restored with God you really want fn-h2UfxSIQ-00207-00126852-00127484 to kick the prayerlessness in the gear have a breakfast with Jesus Jesus is waiting for you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00208-00127484-00128031 at the shore with the revelation and with his presence and with his spirit and he's calling fn-h2UfxSIQ-00209-00128031-00128502 you from your empty life maybe he's calling you from prayerlessness and he says I know you blew fn-h2UfxSIQ-00210-00128502-00128936 it I know you made a new year's resolution I know you made a decision to read the Bible but fn-h2UfxSIQ-00211-00128936-00129366 your Bible app has been deleted it hasn't been even open in the past seven months I know that fn-h2UfxSIQ-00212-00129366-00130083 come to me let's have a breakfast let's begin to meet in the morning let's begin to continue that fn-h2UfxSIQ-00213-00130083-00130890 you see Jesus but I blew it as I know I can change you we can start from here no I'm a backslider no fn-h2UfxSIQ-00214-00130890-00131511 Peter you've been an apostate but I'm about to make you an apostle a breakfast can change your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00215-00131511-00132387 life with Jesus maybe maybe you're not like Peter maybe you're not a morning person you sing Jesus fn-h2UfxSIQ-00216-00132387-00133056 I can't hear you in the morning some sleepy you know to the church in Revelation that lost the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00217-00133056-00133596 passion for God Jesus says behold I stand at the door and I knock and he who hears my voice and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00218-00133596-00134232 opens the door I will dine with him so to all the night owls Jesus is saying I'll meet you at fn-h2UfxSIQ-00219-00134232-00135012 night I'll knock at night if that's if you wake up after 11 p.m. let's do it a 12th aisle let's dine fn-h2UfxSIQ-00220-00135012-00135444 together if you can't help reckless with me let's have a dinner with me but I want to meet with you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00221-00135444-00135942 I want to be with you and that will change your life can somebody say Amen come on somebody I fn-h2UfxSIQ-00222-00135942-00136698 know we have people here who feel like if you're not a morning person you can't be with God because fn-h2UfxSIQ-00223-00136698-00137100 everything is about morning it's not just about breakfast sometimes Jesus wants to dine with fn-h2UfxSIQ-00224-00137100-00137616 people and if you're here today and you don't wake up until 10 o'clock shame on you by the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00225-00137616-00138129 way but Jesus is not guilt-tripping it this guy may be guilt tripping you but Jesus saying good fn-h2UfxSIQ-00226-00138129-00138747 tripping you Jesus is saying I'll knock at 5 p.m. I'll knock at 6 p.m. and I want to dine with you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00227-00138747-00139302 if your breakfast is too early dinner is not too late and I want to meet you there I want to meet fn-h2UfxSIQ-00228-00139302-00139740 you at your time I want to meet with I want to have a relationship with you can somebody say fn-h2UfxSIQ-00229-00139740-00140802 Amen cuz we gonna come to a time of benefits of Prayer if you don't spend time with Jesus and you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00230-00140802-00141807 are a believer you either have no idea who Jesus is or you have no idea who you are the reason why fn-h2UfxSIQ-00231-00141807-00142443 we approach God is because he's our Father if you don't pray you're either for God who's your daddy fn-h2UfxSIQ-00232-00142443-00143172 are you simply for God whose kid you are if you don't pray you either for God who's your daddy fn-h2UfxSIQ-00233-00143172-00144048 oh you forgot whose kid you are maybe you became employee instead of God's child maybe you become fn-h2UfxSIQ-00234-00144048-00145056 God's errand boy instead of God's children because if you have a parent and your dad is loaded you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00235-00145056-00145572 will be talking to him I don't care differences you have with him I don't care your views of point fn-h2UfxSIQ-00236-00145572-00146145 you will be calling him you will be not just for his presence not just but for his presence for his fn-h2UfxSIQ-00237-00146145-00146733 help for his connections for everything and God is loaded silver and gold his mind says the Lord I fn-h2UfxSIQ-00238-00146733-00147303 give power to God has strength God has everything not just money but peace and joy and righteousness fn-h2UfxSIQ-00239-00147303-00147936 and he's surprised that his kids don't call his kids don't come but they do sometimes you know fn-h2UfxSIQ-00240-00147936-00148341 mow his lawn they do sometimes take care of things and God looks and he says why aren't we talking fn-h2UfxSIQ-00241-00148341-00148857 on the talking terms I'm your dad I'm not just your Creator your master your boss I'm not just fn-h2UfxSIQ-00242-00148857-00149403 your Lord the king and sovereign Messiah I am your father didn't my son taught you to come to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00243-00149403-00150156 me and say our Father who is in heaven did you forget who you are did you forget who I am but fn-h2UfxSIQ-00244-00150156-00151053 for us as Christians not only God is her father but Jesus is a bridegroom we are his wife imagine fn-h2UfxSIQ-00245-00151053-00151779 a husband who treats his wife like a house maid who's on good terms she doesn't cheat on him he fn-h2UfxSIQ-00246-00151779-00152427 doesn't beat her she cooks he provides the money she goes to one room he goes to another room they fn-h2UfxSIQ-00247-00152427-00152814 don't exchange words they don't communicate they don't say anything against each other that means fn-h2UfxSIQ-00248-00152814-00153438 two people have either forgot who they are when a believer does not spend time with Jesus he for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00249-00153438-00154155 God he or she is the Bride of Christ and Jesus is the lover the first commandment Jesus didn't give fn-h2UfxSIQ-00250-00154155-00154608 us is to clean my house and watch over my kingdom his first commandment is love the Lord your God fn-h2UfxSIQ-00251-00154608-00155058 with all your heart soul and mind which means Jesus wasn't intending to start a new religion fn-h2UfxSIQ-00252-00155058-00155646 there's plenty of them he was planning to start a romantic intimate relationship when we don't talk fn-h2UfxSIQ-00253-00155646-00156165 to him in marriage in relationship communication is the blood if there is no blood there is no fn-h2UfxSIQ-00254-00156165-00156795 life if there is no prayer there is no life in her relationship only dead rustic dead boring fn-h2UfxSIQ-00255-00156795-00157581 predictable teen cult religion there was a queen in the Bible two queens I call him the the tails fn-h2UfxSIQ-00256-00157581-00158130 of two queens the queen vashti book of esther is a beautiful book Queen Vashti was a queen fn-h2UfxSIQ-00257-00158130-00158688 and she was a wife of the king the King planned a big banquet for the man and queen decided not fn-h2UfxSIQ-00258-00158688-00159201 to waste any time got the wives of those men and decided to do a little little meeting for them as fn-h2UfxSIQ-00259-00159201-00159744 well she was the probably the first woman in the Bible started the women's ministry big banquet fn-h2UfxSIQ-00260-00159744-00160308 and during the banquet the king decided to call his wife to show her beauty and to be with her fn-h2UfxSIQ-00261-00160308-00161013 in front of his royal team his royal kings and the wife of the king who was so busy with the women's fn-h2UfxSIQ-00262-00161013-00162018 ministry she says I can't come I'm not going why I'm busy and the King's leg excuse me that's my fn-h2UfxSIQ-00263-00162018-00162738 palace that's my food you're giving to your women who you think you are woman did you forget you're fn-h2UfxSIQ-00264-00162738-00163368 not my servant you're not my concubine you are my wife your first duty is not to please the woman fn-h2UfxSIQ-00265-00163368-00163860 your first duty is to be with me and the Bible says because of that act which was not cheating fn-h2UfxSIQ-00266-00163860-00164559 or unfaithfulness it was an act of busyness which hindered her seeing the king she lost her crown fn-h2UfxSIQ-00267-00164559-00165024 she didn't lose her life she didn't lose her place in the palace most likely she became a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00268-00165024-00165669 concubine she acted like a concubine instead of acting like a wife you know it's interesting in fn-h2UfxSIQ-00269-00165669-00166233 Ephesians church and if Ephesus Church of Ephesus in Revelation was doing everything for Jesus it fn-h2UfxSIQ-00270-00166233-00166686 was working hard for Jesus it was patient for Jesus it was everything and Jesus rides to the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00271-00166686-00167169 Church of Ephesus and he says through John he says you are so incredible you're working so fn-h2UfxSIQ-00272-00167169-00167667 hard you're putting in overtime I see you're like really really just doing so much I'm so proud of fn-h2UfxSIQ-00273-00167667-00168594 you but he says I have one problem you don't love me this is you working for me I can get fn-h2UfxSIQ-00274-00168594-00169452 angels to work for me but are you not an angel you my wife I don't just expect your duties I expect fn-h2UfxSIQ-00275-00169452-00170263 your desire your passion and he says this if you don't change I'll remove your lampstand meaning fn-h2UfxSIQ-00276-00170263-00170896 if you don't act like a wife I won't act like a husband there will be no intimacy between us fn-h2UfxSIQ-00277-00170896-00171334 you'll continue to work you'll continue go to heaven but that's not why I bought you with my fn-h2UfxSIQ-00278-00171334-00172120 precious blood I bought you to be my wife and I love you with unfailing unfailing unconditional fn-h2UfxSIQ-00279-00172120-00172852 love and I want you to make it a priority in the midst of your business to remember you're not my fn-h2UfxSIQ-00280-00172852-00173524 servant you're my wife spend time with me fall in love with me again and again what you're doing is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00281-00173524-00174157 great applause you're gonna get the reward but I want intimacy so Astor comes on the scene after fn-h2UfxSIQ-00282-00174157-00174895 Vashti and Esther who was a queen she doesn't see the king for about 30 days and Esther's nation fn-h2UfxSIQ-00283-00174895-00175420 is about to be destroyed as the Jewish nation is about to be completely wiped out and Esther was a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00284-00175420-00175999 Jewish girl and so Esther has this pressure Esther has this burden and she wants to go now tell the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00285-00175999-00176416 King about this problem and instead of that I want you to see the comparison the difference fn-h2UfxSIQ-00286-00176416-00177013 Esther doesn't leave the women to feast she leaves the women to fast she can so all the women in the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00287-00177013-00177562 court is the head girls it's time to lose those pounds three days I know you're not Jewish I know fn-h2UfxSIQ-00288-00177562-00177976 you might not care about what's going on with me but we are gonna go fast why because before I go fn-h2UfxSIQ-00289-00177976-00178621 to the King I gotta break through the spiritual realm and then she comes to the King uninvited fn-h2UfxSIQ-00290-00178621-00179221 the King doesn't invite her the King doesn't ask for her she invites herself and this is a little fn-h2UfxSIQ-00291-00179221-00179794 lesson for each one of us you don't have to wait until you feel to pray to pray the Bible says draw fn-h2UfxSIQ-00292-00179794-00180811 near to me and I will draw near to you sometimes you take the initiative some people say well I fn-h2UfxSIQ-00293-00180811-00181318 don't feel God is drawing me why don't you try yourself because the scripture says in the New fn-h2UfxSIQ-00294-00181318-00181987 Testament draw near to God push yourself to God and God says the moment you make your steps toward fn-h2UfxSIQ-00295-00181987-00182578 me I'll extend the scepter I'll extend my mercy means I will meet you halfway if you start going fn-h2UfxSIQ-00296-00182578-00183085 on my back yard like a father to the prodigal son I'll run to meet you don't always wait for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00297-00183085-00183633 God to give you the desire and push you or maybe use the problems in your life push you on your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00298-00183633-00184254 knees listen you're an adult push yourself make yourself oh it's so hard to do that it's easy to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00299-00184254-00184692 do that with the remote control it's easier to do that with prayer just tell yourself make up fn-h2UfxSIQ-00300-00184692-00185259 your mind I'm gonna see God if God pulls me or not I'm gonna proceed God and Esther she steps fn-h2UfxSIQ-00301-00185259-00185799 into the palace of the king the King extends the scepter and I want you to see something Esther fn-h2UfxSIQ-00302-00185799-00186828 does not ask the King about her life why because the Jewish girl can wait the wife cannot what's fn-h2UfxSIQ-00303-00186828-00187647 more important than her problems is her position and her identity and her identity is a wife not a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00304-00187647-00188430 Jewish girl and she says my problems they can wait two more days but Who I am I don't want fn-h2UfxSIQ-00305-00188430-00189006 to lose that world is falling apart people are going to lose their lives I know but the only fn-h2UfxSIQ-00306-00189006-00189609 thing they can change that is if I be a wife and she doesn't tell the King please we need to talk fn-h2UfxSIQ-00307-00189609-00190431 about the problem she says King I have a feast for you why because I am your wife vast she prepared a fn-h2UfxSIQ-00308-00190431-00191238 king feast for the women Esther prepared a feast for a husband vast she had no problems Esther had fn-h2UfxSIQ-00309-00191238-00191787 only problems because see Esther didn't just have cancer didn't just have family falling apart she fn-h2UfxSIQ-00310-00191787-00192387 faced death for all of her family tree that she knew close and extended and that's worse than any fn-h2UfxSIQ-00311-00192387-00193011 sickness and any family trauma or any problem when you're facing death and the clock is ticking but fn-h2UfxSIQ-00312-00193011-00193572 even then she pushed the problems to the side and says I'll deal with you two days later but I first fn-h2UfxSIQ-00313-00193572-00194472 need to be a wife and when she was a wife to her King she gave him a feast something happened the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00314-00194472-00195120 next day she gave him a feast again and this is where the change happen the man who was against fn-h2UfxSIQ-00315-00195120-00195798 her his name was Haman he came there as well and this is the biggest mistake Haman met and fn-h2UfxSIQ-00316-00195798-00196818 made in his life he did not know who Esther was he thought she was just a beautiful girl in the court fn-h2UfxSIQ-00317-00196818-00198144 he did not know he was messing with the wife of a king who knew she was the wife of the king on the fn-h2UfxSIQ-00318-00198144-00198933 second feast when she presented a prayer request and says King I'm not asking you for money I'm not fn-h2UfxSIQ-00319-00198933-00199554 asking you for gold I just asked you for my life and the lives of my people that's all she says fn-h2UfxSIQ-00320-00199554-00200199 if we become slaves I'm fine I just don't want to die yet our fears were drowned in His perfect love fn-h2UfxSIQ-00321-00200199-00200925 and the Bible says this when the King heard that he walked off the palace and Haman were so bold fn-h2UfxSIQ-00322-00200925-00201744 who was so strong he mailed before Esther and start begging for mercy why because he realized fn-h2UfxSIQ-00323-00201744-00202680 he was messing with the wife of a king and Esther didn't play a Jewish girl she played a royalty in fn-h2UfxSIQ-00324-00202680-00203418 the midst of a mess in her life don't ever stop worshipping God because you got waters in your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00325-00203418-00204096 life don't ever stop loving God because you got Labour's in your life and don't ever trade your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00326-00204096-00204576 problems for this presence or trade the palace or trade this presence for this path for this fn-h2UfxSIQ-00327-00204576-00204996 presence I mean don't ever cause the problems to become a distraction don't ever other things fn-h2UfxSIQ-00328-00204996-00205533 why because it's in those things when you stand and who you are before God even if your world is fn-h2UfxSIQ-00329-00205533-00206100 falling apart even if your health is failing but you're saying god I know these problems they're fn-h2UfxSIQ-00330-00206100-00206717 important but if I die one second after my death they're not important cancer is not important to fn-h2UfxSIQ-00331-00206717-00207261 one second after your death all of your financial problems are not important one second after your fn-h2UfxSIQ-00332-00207261-00207810 death you know what's important one second after your death is who you are and therefore you don't fn-h2UfxSIQ-00333-00207810-00208308 want to give the secondary things that don't matter when you die a highest priority when you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00334-00208308-00208989 stand in the presence of everlasting and eternal King who is your husband come somebody say Amen I fn-h2UfxSIQ-00335-00208989-00209942 want to challenge each person this morning during this Christmas season Jesus Christ is not a baby fn-h2UfxSIQ-00336-00209942-00210687 in the manger he seated as a king and he happens to be your husband if you are a Christian now for fn-h2UfxSIQ-00337-00210687-00211176 those who may be men and the word Jesus is your husband offends you get used to it in heaven you fn-h2UfxSIQ-00338-00211176-00211796 won't have a gender the only change that you will have is that you will be loved on by the creator fn-h2UfxSIQ-00339-00211796-00212406 of the universe Jesus Christ God is your father come to him as a kid Jesus is your husband come fn-h2UfxSIQ-00340-00212406-00212883 to him as his wife that's why as a Christian if you don't pray you either forgot who you are or fn-h2UfxSIQ-00341-00212883-00213473 you forgot who God is you have to pray you have to live a life of intimacy with God why because fn-h2UfxSIQ-00342-00213473-00213888 jesus paid a dear price to be able to have that intimacy prayer is not a garbage dump fn-h2UfxSIQ-00343-00213888-00214461 it's not a spare tire it's an intimate scene it's a relationship with God amen hi there if fn-h2UfxSIQ-00344-00214461-00215133 you're like me and you like to click on things go ahead and click right here and subscribe to our fn-h2UfxSIQ-00345-00215133-00215769 YouTube channel in this way we'll be able to send the content to you directly and each week you'll fn-h2UfxSIQ-00346-00215769-00216258 stay updated with the things that we post thank you so much for watching and have a wonderful day g3pi0EfBPUy-00000-00000029-00000529 (birds chirping) (water lapping) g3pi0EfBPUy-00001-00000794-00000977 (tranquil piano music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00002-00000977-00001094 - [Matt] It doesn't look like something g3pi0EfBPUy-00003-00001094-00001279 that should be in fresh water. g3pi0EfBPUy-00004-00001279-00001585 It looks like a cross between a swordfish g3pi0EfBPUy-00005-00001585-00001668 and uh g3pi0EfBPUy-00006-00001668-00001773 a trout. g3pi0EfBPUy-00007-00001773-00001971 And then you see this thing that's iridescent g3pi0EfBPUy-00008-00001971-00002112 and shining the way it does g3pi0EfBPUy-00009-00002112-00002353 and it just makes you look at everything around you g3pi0EfBPUy-00010-00002353-00002515 in a different way. g3pi0EfBPUy-00011-00002515-00002624 - [Jeff] If you were to come across a Grayling g3pi0EfBPUy-00012-00002624-00002707 for the first time g3pi0EfBPUy-00013-00002707-00002790 and look at that g3pi0EfBPUy-00014-00002790-00002873 and if you look at that dorsal fin g3pi0EfBPUy-00015-00002873-00003090 it's like nothing you've ever seen before. g3pi0EfBPUy-00016-00003090-00003261 They're part and parcel of the experience g3pi0EfBPUy-00017-00003261-00003379 of the Centennial Valley. g3pi0EfBPUy-00018-00003379-00003645 So if we lost them we'd be losing part of the valley. g3pi0EfBPUy-00019-00004291-00004699 (soaring piano and violin music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00020-00005614-00005896 - I came here in the fall of 2008. g3pi0EfBPUy-00021-00006011-00006254 And the staff had been writing g3pi0EfBPUy-00022-00006254-00006517 a comprehensive conservation plan. g3pi0EfBPUy-00023-00006517-00006756 Part of what was in that plan was to g3pi0EfBPUy-00024-00006756-00007041 add Arctic Grayling conservation g3pi0EfBPUy-00025-00007041-00007280 at a level that it hadn't been in the past. g3pi0EfBPUy-00026-00007511-00007604 - In the lower 48 g3pi0EfBPUy-00027-00007604-00007828 there were only two Arctic Grayling populations g3pi0EfBPUy-00028-00007828-00007976 after the last glaciation. g3pi0EfBPUy-00029-00007976-00008059 One was in Michigan g3pi0EfBPUy-00030-00008059-00008196 that one's extinct. g3pi0EfBPUy-00031-00008196-00008391 And one was in the upper headwaters g3pi0EfBPUy-00032-00008391-00008499 of the Missouri River. g3pi0EfBPUy-00033-00008499-00008696 So those remnant populations g3pi0EfBPUy-00034-00008696-00008922 are glacial relic populations g3pi0EfBPUy-00035-00008922-00009230 which means that they were separated from Grayling g3pi0EfBPUy-00036-00009230-00009441 that exists in the northern latitudes. g3pi0EfBPUy-00037-00011264-00011467 - Grayling in Montana had been petitioned g3pi0EfBPUy-00038-00011467-00011724 to be listed under the Endangered Species Act g3pi0EfBPUy-00039-00011724-00011904 so that sort of uncertainty g3pi0EfBPUy-00040-00011904-00012088 loomed over everything. g3pi0EfBPUy-00041-00012364-00012552 - The animosity between agencies was g3pi0EfBPUy-00042-00012638-00012729 high. g3pi0EfBPUy-00043-00012729-00012900 There was tremendous disagreement g3pi0EfBPUy-00044-00012900-00013087 on what was driving the Grayling population g3pi0EfBPUy-00045-00013087-00013245 and how best to fix it. g3pi0EfBPUy-00046-00013804-00014121 (upbeat guitar music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00047-00014366-00014577 - We sat down and talked about g3pi0EfBPUy-00048-00014577-00014756 what we wanted to do g3pi0EfBPUy-00049-00014756-00014922 as individual agencies g3pi0EfBPUy-00050-00014922-00015194 to start to better conserve grayling. g3pi0EfBPUy-00051-00015194-00015382 What became apparent really quickly g3pi0EfBPUy-00052-00015382-00015541 is we were in the same camps g3pi0EfBPUy-00053-00015541-00015762 that people were in 40 years ago. g3pi0EfBPUy-00054-00015762-00016037 We sort of took a step back and said g3pi0EfBPUy-00055-00016037-00016341 rather than debating about these individual ideas g3pi0EfBPUy-00056-00016341-00016499 let's test them all. g3pi0EfBPUy-00057-00016499-00016632 We'll let grayling g3pi0EfBPUy-00058-00016632-00016784 and their population response g3pi0EfBPUy-00059-00016784-00017206 decide which is the best management approach going forward. g3pi0EfBPUy-00060-00017206-00017304 - Over the 80 years g3pi0EfBPUy-00061-00017304-00017529 three hypotheses kept being put forward. g3pi0EfBPUy-00062-00017742-00017990 - We thought Grayling numbers were being challenged g3pi0EfBPUy-00063-00017990-00018441 by competition from hybrid cutthroat rainbow trout. g3pi0EfBPUy-00064-00018530-00018703 - Another limiting factor g3pi0EfBPUy-00065-00018703-00018986 was spawning habitat in the streams. g3pi0EfBPUy-00066-00018986-00019254 Whether it was because of land use g3pi0EfBPUy-00067-00019254-00019480 or natural factors g3pi0EfBPUy-00068-00019480-00019702 Grayling may not have adequate amounts g3pi0EfBPUy-00069-00019702-00019945 or high enough quality spawning habitat. g3pi0EfBPUy-00070-00020172-00020460 - Another leading idea was winter habitat. g3pi0EfBPUy-00071-00020460-00020754 These fish migrate up streams to spawn g3pi0EfBPUy-00072-00020754-00021076 and migrate back to Upper Red Rock Lake to winter. g3pi0EfBPUy-00073-00021076-00021437 It's a large natural lake but it's shallow g3pi0EfBPUy-00074-00021437-00021682 and so when you have a hard winter g3pi0EfBPUy-00075-00021682-00022033 you can have anoxic low-oxygen conditions g3pi0EfBPUy-00076-00022033-00022182 and the fish die. g3pi0EfBPUy-00077-00022182-00022389 - There was information that both supported g3pi0EfBPUy-00078-00022389-00022586 and refuted each idea. g3pi0EfBPUy-00079-00022586-00022860 - We had an idea of how we could test those concurrently. g3pi0EfBPUy-00080-00022860-00023107 And that would just take all of us to get it done. g3pi0EfBPUy-00081-00023270-00023420 (determined upbeat country music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00082-00023420-00023802 - The adaptive management plan is really just a way g3pi0EfBPUy-00083-00023802-00024058 to test different management alternatives. g3pi0EfBPUy-00084-00024058-00024285 That's it in its simplest form. g3pi0EfBPUy-00085-00024518-00024761 They're described in different ways g3pi0EfBPUy-00086-00024761-00024866 hypotheses g3pi0EfBPUy-00087-00024966-00025098 limiting factors. g3pi0EfBPUy-00088-00025441-00025574 But at the end of the day g3pi0EfBPUy-00089-00025574-00025791 we're just sequentially implementing g3pi0EfBPUy-00090-00025791-00025941 different management actions g3pi0EfBPUy-00091-00025941-00026145 looking at the population response g3pi0EfBPUy-00092-00026145-00026362 and then implementing other management actions g3pi0EfBPUy-00093-00026362-00026683 to ultimately decide how we can most effectively manage. g3pi0EfBPUy-00094-00026973-00027304 - Adaptive management ultimately is agreeing to disagree g3pi0EfBPUy-00095-00027304-00027445 and being willing g3pi0EfBPUy-00096-00027445-00027579 to test g3pi0EfBPUy-00097-00027579-00027752 competing ideas at the same time g3pi0EfBPUy-00098-00027752-00027889 with the same project. g3pi0EfBPUy-00099-00027889-00028086 - The rest of us just tried to help g3pi0EfBPUy-00100-00028086-00028252 in any way we could. g3pi0EfBPUy-00101-00028252-00028435 But when they get into the deep mathematics g3pi0EfBPUy-00102-00028435-00028682 it's gotta go back to Jeff and Matt. g3pi0EfBPUy-00103-00028855-00028938 - Matt and I g3pi0EfBPUy-00104-00028938-00029049 literally spent a week g3pi0EfBPUy-00105-00029049-00029167 for each model. g3pi0EfBPUy-00106-00029167-00029293 We had to go through that process g3pi0EfBPUy-00107-00029293-00029536 of thinking about the mechanisms g3pi0EfBPUy-00108-00029536-00029833 that were behind those hypotheses g3pi0EfBPUy-00109-00029833-00029939 collect the data g3pi0EfBPUy-00110-00029939-00030044 the biological information g3pi0EfBPUy-00111-00030044-00030247 all the historical information. g3pi0EfBPUy-00112-00030247-00030389 And then building a model g3pi0EfBPUy-00113-00030389-00030652 that could take the data we collected g3pi0EfBPUy-00114-00030652-00030795 and spit out a prediction. g3pi0EfBPUy-00115-00030795-00030906 - We then compare g3pi0EfBPUy-00116-00030906-00031048 the number of Grayling that showed up g3pi0EfBPUy-00117-00031048-00031211 to each model's prediction g3pi0EfBPUy-00118-00031211-00031383 to understand which one g3pi0EfBPUy-00119-00031383-00031706 is probably most accurately influencing grayling. g3pi0EfBPUy-00120-00032584-00032926 (uplifting guitar music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00121-00033087-00033217 - For cutthroat trout g3pi0EfBPUy-00122-00033217-00033330 what we wanted to do g3pi0EfBPUy-00123-00033330-00033602 was see how many grayling would be in the population g3pi0EfBPUy-00124-00033602-00033771 at a high level of cutthroat trout g3pi0EfBPUy-00125-00033771-00033922 but also kind of a medium g3pi0EfBPUy-00126-00033922-00034046 and a low level. g3pi0EfBPUy-00127-00034046-00034169 And in order to do that g3pi0EfBPUy-00128-00034169-00034263 we needed to g3pi0EfBPUy-00129-00034263-00034545 to suppress a population in a short amount of time. g3pi0EfBPUy-00130-00034635-00034881 What we did was set up a weir g3pi0EfBPUy-00131-00034881-00035094 and culled fish from the population g3pi0EfBPUy-00132-00035094-00035372 as they came up during the spawning run. g3pi0EfBPUy-00133-00035372-00035545 We also called on the anglers. g3pi0EfBPUy-00134-00035892-00036007 - By the second year g3pi0EfBPUy-00135-00036007-00036139 the word was out. g3pi0EfBPUy-00136-00036139-00036312 We went from one or two vehicles g3pi0EfBPUy-00137-00036312-00036515 to 30 vehicles parked in one place g3pi0EfBPUy-00138-00036515-00036679 and three people per vehicle. g3pi0EfBPUy-00139-00037171-00037254 And g3pi0EfBPUy-00140-00037254-00037588 potentially everybody coming back with 10 or 20 fish g3pi0EfBPUy-00141-00037588-00037742 all of which are over 3 pound. g3pi0EfBPUy-00142-00038255-00038455 People had a lot of fun. g3pi0EfBPUy-00143-00038655-00038815 - Things were going along nicely. g3pi0EfBPUy-00144-00038815-00039050 We were reducing the number of cutthroat trout. g3pi0EfBPUy-00145-00039237-00039410 We were collecting really good data. g3pi0EfBPUy-00146-00039410-00039711 But we weren't just collecting data for cutthroat trout. g3pi0EfBPUy-00147-00039711-00040030 We concurrently collect data for all of our hypotheses. g3pi0EfBPUy-00148-00040227-00040441 (lively guitar music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00149-00040441-00040573 - The second test g3pi0EfBPUy-00150-00040573-00040784 was to start looking at whether or not g3pi0EfBPUy-00151-00040784-00040930 the fish have access g3pi0EfBPUy-00152-00040930-00041200 to adequate amounts of stream habitat. g3pi0EfBPUy-00153-00041422-00041515 - What we did g3pi0EfBPUy-00154-00041515-00041876 was take advantage of a natural fragmenter of habitat g3pi0EfBPUy-00155-00041876-00041959 beavers. g3pi0EfBPUy-00156-00043404-00043710 They had built over 50 dams in Red Rock Creek g3pi0EfBPUy-00157-00043710-00044075 and essentially made habitat that was upstream of those g3pi0EfBPUy-00158-00044075-00044244 unavailable to fish. g3pi0EfBPUy-00159-00044244-00044386 We notched those dams g3pi0EfBPUy-00160-00044386-00044529 in the course of a year g3pi0EfBPUy-00161-00044529-00044706 in order to make many many many g3pi0EfBPUy-00162-00044706-00044789 more g3pi0EfBPUy-00163-00044789-00044971 meters of habitat available to fish. g3pi0EfBPUy-00164-00045810-00046143 (exciting violin music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00165-00047013-00047132 - There's no way I could help g3pi0EfBPUy-00166-00047132-00047230 those two guys g3pi0EfBPUy-00167-00047230-00047500 with the mathematics or the models. g3pi0EfBPUy-00168-00047500-00047774 But I have a keen interest in history. g3pi0EfBPUy-00169-00048100-00048356 Some of the stuff in archival information g3pi0EfBPUy-00170-00048356-00048583 really got me to thinking g3pi0EfBPUy-00171-00048583-00048879 that that story hadn't been fully fleshed out. g3pi0EfBPUy-00172-00049050-00049274 Six anglers caught fully g3pi0EfBPUy-00173-00049274-00049488 1,000 Grayling in one day. g3pi0EfBPUy-00174-00049746-00049896 We determined g3pi0EfBPUy-00175-00049896-00050324 that the route the fish had taken to get to that springhead g3pi0EfBPUy-00176-00050324-00050644 had been altered by duck hunters in 1908. g3pi0EfBPUy-00177-00050762-00050970 And we had seen in Google Earth g3pi0EfBPUy-00178-00050970-00051084 photos g3pi0EfBPUy-00179-00051084-00051433 areas of a very curvy sinuous river g3pi0EfBPUy-00180-00051433-00051678 just going straight as an arrow. g3pi0EfBPUy-00181-00051678-00051874 It seemed odd. g3pi0EfBPUy-00182-00051874-00052166 Maybe we just needed to figure out how to put the landscape g3pi0EfBPUy-00183-00052166-00052460 back to the way it was in the late 1800s. g3pi0EfBPUy-00184-00052564-00052814 Our colleagues who were explosives experts g3pi0EfBPUy-00185-00052814-00052989 had it all put together. g3pi0EfBPUy-00186-00052989-00053091 And then g3pi0EfBPUy-00187-00053091-00053244 time came. g3pi0EfBPUy-00188-00053244-00053369 And it was four g3pi0EfBPUy-00189-00053369-00053452 three g3pi0EfBPUy-00190-00053452-00053535 two g3pi0EfBPUy-00191-00053535-00053680 one g3pi0EfBPUy-00192-00053680-00054013 (explosives detonating) g3pi0EfBPUy-00193-00054490-00054616 Almost immediately g3pi0EfBPUy-00194-00054616-00054897 the stream reconnected to the historic channel g3pi0EfBPUy-00195-00054897-00055090 and left the channel g3pi0EfBPUy-00196-00055090-00055313 that had been created by the duck hunters g3pi0EfBPUy-00197-00055313-00055428 a hundred years before. g3pi0EfBPUy-00198-00055851-00056240 There was a lot of happiness that the project had gone well. g3pi0EfBPUy-00199-00056240-00056565 But until the fish told us it was a success g3pi0EfBPUy-00200-00056565-00056776 it really wasn't a success g3pi0EfBPUy-00201-00056776-00057034 it was just a story about an explosion. g3pi0EfBPUy-00202-00057401-00057901 (ethereal violin music) (light rain falling) g3pi0EfBPUy-00203-00058435-00058611 - Going into the winter of 2015/16 g3pi0EfBPUy-00204-00058611-00058799 we had had g3pi0EfBPUy-00205-00058799-00059063 four years of cutthroat removal at that point. g3pi0EfBPUy-00206-00059325-00059541 So the competition model was predicting g3pi0EfBPUy-00207-00059541-00059690 fantastic spawning run g3pi0EfBPUy-00208-00059690-00059942 coming in 2016 for Grayling. g3pi0EfBPUy-00209-00059942-00060135 But the winter habitat model predicted g3pi0EfBPUy-00210-00060135-00060285 a population crash. g3pi0EfBPUy-00211-00060833-00061232 - I actually remember real specifically in 2016. g3pi0EfBPUy-00212-00061232-00061419 It was a cold wet day. g3pi0EfBPUy-00213-00061522-00061896 Matt Jaeger was there to do his surveys. g3pi0EfBPUy-00214-00061896-00062189 We had expected the Grayling to be there by then g3pi0EfBPUy-00215-00062189-00062391 we had not caught many in the trap. g3pi0EfBPUy-00216-00062391-00062760 And his surveys didn't find many grayling fish either. g3pi0EfBPUy-00217-00062975-00063101 - It was really what g3pi0EfBPUy-00218-00063101-00063246 winter habitat model predicted. g3pi0EfBPUy-00219-00063246-00063620 Our grayling population had declined fivefold. g3pi0EfBPUy-00220-00063620-00063810 - And that was hard to take. g3pi0EfBPUy-00221-00063946-00064192 - The bad winter and population decline were g3pi0EfBPUy-00222-00064192-00064433 undeniably a bad thing for Grayling. g3pi0EfBPUy-00223-00064433-00064653 But they were a great great thing for learning. g3pi0EfBPUy-00224-00064653-00064866 I think that was one of the first times g3pi0EfBPUy-00225-00064866-00065066 that Jeff and I looked at each other and said g3pi0EfBPUy-00226-00065066-00065245 "Holy smokes this is gonna work." g3pi0EfBPUy-00227-00065397-00065484 - Learning that g3pi0EfBPUy-00228-00065484-00065584 winter habitat g3pi0EfBPUy-00229-00065584-00065724 may be the limiting factor g3pi0EfBPUy-00230-00065724-00065867 is in a lot of ways positive. g3pi0EfBPUy-00231-00065867-00066194 It helps us understand what we need to do moving forward g3pi0EfBPUy-00232-00066194-00066414 to ensure that Grayling stay in this valley. g3pi0EfBPUy-00233-00066814-00067106 (serene piano music) g3pi0EfBPUy-00234-00067106-00067335 - As the Project Leader of a national wildlife refuge. g3pi0EfBPUy-00235-00067335-00067608 My job is to try to conserve g3pi0EfBPUy-00236-00067608-00067795 the wildlife that are native here g3pi0EfBPUy-00237-00067795-00068083 and try to recover those that are struggling g3pi0EfBPUy-00238-00068171-00068473 and lead the staff to figure out how to do that best. g3pi0EfBPUy-00239-00069079-00069306 I was just in my office g3pi0EfBPUy-00240-00069306-00069655 and I got a text from Jason g3pi0EfBPUy-00241-00069655-00069859 and he had a picture connected to it. g3pi0EfBPUy-00242-00069958-00070041 - There's one g3pi0EfBPUy-00243-00070217-00070349 - Yeah! (others exclaiming) g3pi0EfBPUy-00244-00070349-00070472 - Age one Grayling g3pi0EfBPUy-00245-00070642-00070917 - He explained that they had caught a Grayling g3pi0EfBPUy-00246-00070917-00071118 in the springhead g3pi0EfBPUy-00247-00071118-00071258 and this was him. g3pi0EfBPUy-00248-00071587-00071737 It actually took me a little bit g3pi0EfBPUy-00249-00071737-00071943 to really understand. g3pi0EfBPUy-00250-00071943-00072059 This is what we'd been g3pi0EfBPUy-00251-00072059-00072142 looking for. g3pi0EfBPUy-00252-00072142-00072288 This is what we were hoping for. g3pi0EfBPUy-00253-00072288-00072391 And g3pi0EfBPUy-00254-00072391-00072571 this hadn't happened in a long time. g3pi0EfBPUy-00255-00075452-00075610 This adaptive management g3pi0EfBPUy-00256-00075610-00075818 has brought to the table g3pi0EfBPUy-00257-00075818-00075966 history g3pi0EfBPUy-00258-00075966-00076115 science g3pi0EfBPUy-00259-00076115-00076284 on-the-ground management g3pi0EfBPUy-00260-00076284-00076483 different agencies g3pi0EfBPUy-00261-00076483-00076725 and problem-solving at a level g3pi0EfBPUy-00262-00076725-00076996 that transcends careers. g3pi0EfBPUy-00263-00077190-00077518 I think the future for Grayling here is bright g3pi0EfBPUy-00264-00077518-00077774 because we're on the right track. g3pi0EfBPUy-00265-00077774-00077936 We're looking at all aspects g3pi0EfBPUy-00266-00077936-00078138 we have all these hypotheses g3pi0EfBPUy-00267-00078138-00078263 and these models. g3pi0EfBPUy-00268-00078263-00078579 1,000 grayling coming up Red Rock Creek g3pi0EfBPUy-00269-00078579-00078755 will some day not just be a goal g3pi0EfBPUy-00270-00078755-00078955 it'll be something we can accomplish g3pi0EfBPUy-00271-00078955-00079178 with relative confidence each year. g3Sil5e_xrA-00000-00000069-00000425 OH Tanrım ooohh öhhhh g3Sil5e_xrA-00001-00000425-00000821 çok güzel görünüyor g3Sil5e_xrA-00002-00000821-00001325 hazır mısın ? Evet bu berbat bir şey g3Sil5e_xrA-00003-00001325-00001813 ben hazırım ya sen . aynen bende hazırım g3Sil5e_xrA-00004-00001813-00002169 kısaca : dikkatli ol si... he amk sus g3Sil5e_xrA-00005-00002169-00002573 tamam , çekme yerini eline al g3Sil5e_xrA-00006-00002573-00002948 yeah yes g3Sil5e_xrA-00007-00002948-00003357 oldu gibi g3Sil5e_xrA-00008-00003357-00003730 doğru kullanmıyoruz ama yinede korkmuyorum g3Sil5e_xrA-00009-00003730-00004079 çekiyom . çek çek g3Sil5e_xrA-00010-00004079-00004434 - hızlıca çekcem . Eminmisin -evet g3Sil5e_xrA-00011-00004434-00004802 sevdin mi bunu g3Sil5e_xrA-00012-00004802-00005146 hazırsın g3Sil5e_xrA-00013-00005146-00005503 bir kerede bitirecem g3Sil5e_xrA-00014-00005503-00005823 içinden gecen : amk yavaş çek dedik sikik g3Sil5e_xrA-00015-00005823-00005848 I g4lTe7ikOLo-00000-00000059-00000729 You can easily move material from one course to another course. To do this, go g4lTe7ikOLo-00001-00000729-00001623 into the course where you want the material. Go to settings, import course g4lTe7ikOLo-00002-00001623-00003225 content. Select 'copy a canvas course'. Type in the name of your course, and then g4lTe7ikOLo-00003-00003225-00004007 'select specific content'. If this content has dates, you can adjust those g4lTe7ikOLo-00004-00004007-00005046 or remove them, and then hit import. It will come up with a select content g4lTe7ikOLo-00005-00005046-00005603 button. Click on that and here you can choose what you want to put into this g4lTe7ikOLo-00006-00005603-00006150 course. You can drill down on many of these. If you click on the arrow, it will g4lTe7ikOLo-00007-00006150-00006639 give you the specific modules. If you have a quiz that you want to put in, you g4lTe7ikOLo-00008-00006639-00007445 can drill down and find the specific quiz or you can select all. Sometimes g4lTe7ikOLo-00009-00007445-00008054 other items will be associated with it, and they will come over at the same time. g4lTe7ikOLo-00010-00008054-00008804 Once you've selected what you want to put in, click on 'select content'. It will run, g4lTe7ikOLo-00011-00008804-00009275 and then it will say completed. g4qEnDRSkG0-00000-00000000-00000200 Khủng long bạo chúa thời tiền sử gq3Ey65hj5U-00000-00000163-00000383 Hi folks This is just a test gq3Ey65hj5U-00001-00000383-00000958 to see how the audio is and if its usable for adding captions gqh4b9ww1M0-00000-00000096-00000430 Are you ready for Devil's 4 Mile Road? gqh4b9ww1M0-00001-00000616-00000696 [loon call] gqh4b9ww1M0-00002-00000826-00000906 [loon call] gqh4b9ww1M0-00003-00000984-00001064 [loon call] gqh4b9ww1M0-00004-00001192-00001346 Oh, it's right there. -Oh okay. gqh4b9ww1M0-00005-00001684-00001876 -That's one. -Whoo. gqh4b9ww1M0-00006-00002880-00003090 Waa! It's a bat! [chuckles] gqh4b9ww1M0-00007-00003624-00003774 [whispers] That's evil. gqh4b9ww1M0-00008-00004120-00004608 Got another one, but Lyriclass tore away because this one's infested with gqh4b9ww1M0-00009-00004608-00004832 caterpillars. gqh4b9ww1M0-00010-00005308-00005674 Moha ha ha! The devil's hand. Hu oh. gqh4b9ww1M0-00011-00010028-00010202 LYRICLASS: Here it is. gqh4b9ww1M0-00012-00010350-00010442 Oh, neat. gqh4b9ww1M0-00013-00010560-00010880 -Devil in disguise, yep, he's got me fooled. gqh4b9ww1M0-00014-00013136-00013463 Oh, it's a spideEEEr. gqh4b9ww1M0-00015-00013991-00014519 Next one is called Dem Dry Bones. Oh,oh. gqh4b9ww1M0-00016-00014608-00015024 -I know where they got their names from. -Where? -All the bugs have eaten them. gqh4b9ww1M0-00017-00015024-00015410 -Oh yeah, the deer flies are just coming in to get us all. gqh4b9ww1M0-00018-00019556-00019740 LONDONWESTY: It's a crow. gqh4b9ww1M0-00019-00021784-00021936 -Got it. gqh4b9ww1M0-00020-00026836-00027224 LONDONWESTY: At the base of this tree. It's a cool container. gqh4b9ww1M0-00021-00027295-00027983 It's a wooden peanut butter jar. How much wood could a devil chuck, gqh4b9ww1M0-00022-00027983-00028342 if a devil could chuck wood? That is a cool container. gqh4b9ww1M0-00023-00028520-00029118 Oh natural. That one deserves a favorite, and a thumbs up. gqh4b9ww1M0-00024-00029183-00029288 Good job. gqh4b9ww1M0-00025-00030312-00030958 LONDONWESTY: Got it. Yep, got a black cat across my path. gqh4b9ww1M0-00026-00031056-00031552 This is a series well done. When the CO puts in work like that, gqh4b9ww1M0-00027-00031552-00031927 different containers, and really tells the story based on the gqh4b9ww1M0-00028-00031927-00032416 name of a road. Job well done. Definite Favorite Point. gqh4b9ww1M0-00029-00032416-00032732 Wish we had enough to give to every single cache. gqh4b9ww1M0-00030-00032732-00033070 Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. gqh4b9ww1M0-00031-00034502-00034814 -Oh, you got to see it. You got to come look at it. gqh4b9ww1M0-00032-00034968-00035350 LYRICLASS: It's kind of a cute little dragon. It's not very scary, it's purple. gqh4b9ww1M0-00033-00035624-00035988 -That's a really cute one to end the series on. What an awesome series! gqh4b9ww1M0-00034-00036008-00036516 And again, we have to give points to the CO for doing such a great job. gqh4b9ww1M0-00035-00036536-00036756 Now if she could just get rid of the bugs. gqh4b9ww1M0-00036-00037240-00037716 Oh cool. -Hey, did you find it? -No we got a new Patron. -Oh terrific! -Yeah, it's JanetU. gqh4b9ww1M0-00037-00037716-00038031 -Oh, JanetU , we see her when we go Live on Cache Canada. gqh4b9ww1M0-00038-00038032-00038368 -Yeah, and you can become a Patron too by. -Yeah, just go to gqh4b9ww1M0-00039-00038368-00038984 patreon.com/cachecanada. -Yeah. So cool to have JanetU join us on Patreon on Cache gqh4b9ww1M0-00040-00038984-00039186 Canada. Cool! -Take care. gqh4b9ww1M0-00041-00039358-00039714 We had a lot of fun with all those caches. They're very creative. gqh4b9ww1M0-00042-00039714-00039868 Thank you Inuksuk. gqh4b9ww1M0-00043-00039918-00040378 -That was no Mickey Mouse Adventure. [laughing] gqh4b9ww1M0-00044-00040466-00040952 -Keep watching there's more caches to be found. -And where will Geocaching take you? gqXuAO42Njg-00000-00000006-00000312 Hi, how are you, I'm Alejandro Lagrotta, we're enjoying ourselves! gqXuAO42Njg-00001-00000312-00000595 Who is Alejandro Lagrotta? gqXuAO42Njg-00002-00000595-00001101 Well, Alejandro Lagrotta by nature is the son of Angolina Lavergne and Roque Lagrotta, gqXuAO42Njg-00003-00001101-00001733 by decision he is a son of God, by vocation he is a musician, by love Jeannie's husband and for gqXuAO42Njg-00004-00001733-00002059 fun and having a good time a friend of many people. gqXuAO42Njg-00005-00002059-00002336 How did you experience the stage of the pandemic? gqXuAO42Njg-00006-00002336-00002840 The most complicated thing in the pandemic for me was: first of all, giving gqXuAO42Njg-00007-00002840-00003327 God control of what was happening and if I can put something else, getting along with myself gqXuAO42Njg-00008-00003327-00003427 in confinement. gqXuAO42Njg-00009-00003427-00003768 Tell us about your new facet as a music producer: gqXuAO42Njg-00010-00003768-00004306 This new facet, the musical product, which I think was born with the artist, I would gqXuAO42Njg-00011-00004306-00004918 put it as, what the film director is for the world of cinematography. gqXuAO42Njg-00012-00004918-00005673 When I became a producer, I was given the opportunity to creatively participate in gqXuAO42Njg-00013-00005673-00006256 artist projects, soundtracks were entrusted to me, and companies also gave me the opportunity gqXuAO42Njg-00014-00006256-00006848 to entrust the design of their sounds to me, and that is definitely a privilege to be able to create gqXuAO42Njg-00015-00006848-00007475 the band. sound of a film, the sound of an artist, even create the typical audio gqXuAO42Njg-00016-00007475-00008027 or the sound image of a brand, that definitely makes you a musical tailor and that gqXuAO42Njg-00017-00008027-00008546 is a privilege and thanks to God and the trust of the people for allowing me be this. gqXuAO42Njg-00018-00008546-00008886 What inspires you when writing a song? gqXuAO42Njg-00019-00008886-00009279 Many things inspire me to write a song. gqXuAO42Njg-00020-00009279-00009864 What triggers that motivation is sometimes an emotion. gqXuAO42Njg-00021-00009864-00010436 What I feel when listening to a friend's story, the love I feel for gqXuAO42Njg-00022-00010436-00010934 a person, an experience I have in life, something I have learned and my relationship gqXuAO42Njg-00023-00010934-00011034 with God. gqXuAO42Njg-00024-00011034-00011409 There are many things that can inspire me at X or Y moment. gqXuAO42Njg-00025-00011409-00011938 But although I live by inspiration I don't think that the muse is my solution. gqXuAO42Njg-00026-00011938-00012178 I would see it more than anything as an exercise. gqXuAO42Njg-00027-00012178-00012811 For me, composition is a discipline that I exercise every day, it's a muscle gqXuAO42Njg-00028-00012811-00013198 that needs to be enlarged, that needs to be motivated, that needs to be stretched. gqXuAO42Njg-00029-00013198-00013843 Every day I write a verse, a chorus, a beat, I do a trumpet line, a gqXuAO42Njg-00030-00013843-00014509 saxophone line, strings, an arrangement that includes X or Y things and so I stay active gqXuAO42Njg-00031-00014509-00014981 and also thank God for the volume of work that I have always been walking gqXuAO42Njg-00032-00014981-00015412 towards that constant exercise of being able to compose things. gqXuAO42Njg-00033-00015412-00015951 Also that listening to a lot of music can be like a base of inspiration and gqXuAO42Njg-00034-00015951-00016051 reading a lot. gqXuAO42Njg-00035-00016051-00016277 What advice would you give 10-year-old Alejandro Lagrotta? gqXuAO42Njg-00036-00016277-00016377 wow! gqXuAO42Njg-00037-00016377-00017062 If I could give 10-year-old Alejandro Lagrotta advice, he would have suddenly paid gqXuAO42Njg-00038-00017062-00017454 more attention to my mother, she was always right. gqXuAO42Njg-00039-00017454-00018279 It would have been, all of a sudden, a little more fun, there are times when children worry a lot. gqXuAO42Njg-00040-00018279-00018779 Another thing that I would have suddenly learned, I would have saved since I was 10 years old! gqXuAO42Njg-00041-00018779-00018934 I was a millionaire today, for sure! gqXuAO42Njg-00042-00018934-00019537 But if I had made a decision at the age of 10, it would possibly be to reconcile gqXuAO42Njg-00043-00019537-00020094 with God, "Because he teaches the child the right path and he will not deviate from it when he grows up" gqXuAO42Njg-00044-00020094-00020318 and I have to thank my mother for that. gqXuAO42Njg-00045-00020318-00020729 My mom always got me on the right track. gqXuAO42Njg-00046-00020729-00021265 I was a very restless child, very mischievous and I had a hard time paying attention. gqXuAO42Njg-00047-00021265-00021800 But I think my mom was never wrong, listening to her and mom would have been a good gqXuAO42Njg-00048-00021800-00021900 decision. gqXuAO42Njg-00049-00021900-00022222 Any advice for young people who want to enter a music career? gqXuAO42Njg-00050-00022222-00022812 Well, if I could give you some advice, even if you haven't asked me for it, I'll give it to you, it's that discipline gqXuAO42Njg-00051-00022812-00023037 is more powerful than talent. gqXuAO42Njg-00052-00023037-00023484 Part of the big mistakes that I have made in my life is when I have thought that gqXuAO42Njg-00053-00023484-00023629 my talent exceeds my discipline. gqXuAO42Njg-00054-00023629-00024339 But discipline is something that one educates and if one is violent enough, one learns gqXuAO42Njg-00055-00024339-00024837 his body, trains his mind, trains his spirit and can achieve practically anything. gqXuAO42Njg-00056-00024837-00025390 Every day if you do something and a year you will have 365 attempts. gqXuAO42Njg-00057-00025390-00025595 You are going to achieve something. gqXuAO42Njg-00058-00025595-00025948 Will there be an exclusive on Alejandro Lagrotta? gqXuAO42Njg-00059-00025948-00026558 Exclusive of some project, well right now we are precisely working on some gqXuAO42Njg-00060-00026558-00026850 singles that we are going to release in 2022. gqXuAO42Njg-00061-00026850-00027322 We are also working on a project of a rock group that we are very fond of, gqXuAO42Njg-00062-00027322-00027441 it is called Los Montilers. gqXuAO42Njg-00063-00027441-00027987 They haven't released their first ep yet, we're in the making of that and we're having gqXuAO42Njg-00064-00027987-00029072 a lot of fun in the creative process of creating new songs gtoIFMfy_Kc-00000-00001070-00001410 WOMAN: "PEOPLE THINK THAT I CREATED THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00001-00001410-00001750 "WHEN I WAS IN NEW YORK, BUT IT REALLY WAS BEFORE THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00002-00001750-00001926 "WHEN I CAME UP WITH THE IDEA OF 'JABBERWOCKY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00003-00001926-00002120 "NOBODY EVER THOUGHT OF DOING THIS BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00004-00002120-00002403 IT WAS WHEN I WAS IN MY SOPHOMORE YEAR." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00005-00002403-00002760 MATTHEW SAYS, "I THOUGHT THERE WAS AN NTD ACTOR gtoIFMfy_Kc-00006-00002760-00002940 NAMED JOE VELEZ WHO DID IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00007-00003153-00003353 MALZ SAYS, "NO, I TAUGHT HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00008-00003473-00003610 "SEE, THIS IS HOW IT WENT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00009-00003840-00004153 "HE HAD BETTER MOVEMENT THAN I DID, ACTUALLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00010-00004353-00004830 "I NEVER PERFORMED 'JABBERWOCKY' THE SAME WAY TWICE IN MY LIFE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00011-00004830-00005230 "MY ANIMALS ALWAYS CHANGED EACH TIME I PERFORMED IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00012-00005230-00005420 "SOMETIMES, I DID A GREAT JOB gtoIFMfy_Kc-00013-00005420-00005566 "AND SOMETIMES, I WAS ABSOLUTELY LOUSY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00014-00005566-00005936 "SO, FOR THE NTD RENDITION, I DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE A RISK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00015-00005936-00006210 "AND I DEVELOPED THE PERFECT MOVEMENTS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00016-00006210-00006409 "TO FIT HIS FACE AND BODY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00017-00006409-00006593 "AND THEN HE TOOK IT ON THE ROAD AND TOURED WITH IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00018-00006593-00006753 "AND MADE IT FAMOUS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00019-00006753-00006990 "I CREATED THAT WHEN I WAS 17 YEARS OLD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00020-00006990-00007373 "BACK IN 1939. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00021-00007373-00007596 "YUP, WAY BACK IN THE DAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00022-00007596-00007890 "PEOPLE WEREN'T REALLY READY FOR IT AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00023-00007890-00008086 "A THIRD OF THE FOLKS THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00024-00008086-00008336 "A THIRD OF THEM THOUGHT I WAS A GENIUS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00025-00008336-00008646 AND THE OTHER THIRD KIND OF WASN'T SURE WHICH I WAS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00026-00009136-00009546 "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? OH, NO, NO, NO. BUT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00027-00009833-00010163 "LET'S SEE. I THINK I DID IT FOR MSSD gtoIFMfy_Kc-00028-00010163-00010390 "ABOUT 15 YEARS AGO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00029-00010390-00010520 "BUT I DIDN'T DO A VERY GOOD JOB, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00030-00010520-00010803 TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00031-00010803-00011360 "THERE WERE 8 DIFFERENT CAMERAS, 8 DIFFERENT TAKES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00032-00011360-00011690 "LET'S SEE, WAS IT THE EIGHTH OR THE NINTH? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00033-00011690-00011873 "EVERYTHING WAS WRONG, AND THEN FINALLY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00034-00011873-00011993 "THEY GOT ALL THE TECHNOLOGY RIGHT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00035-00011993-00012180 "BUT THEN I MADE MISTAKES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00036-00012180-00012436 "I THINK WE GOT IT RIGHT ON THE 12th TAKE OR SOMETHING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00037-00012436-00012706 "BUT I WAS JUST SO TIRED BY THEN, SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00038-00012706-00012923 WASN'T AS GOOD AS I WOULD HAVE LIKED IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00039-00012923-00013200 PETER SAYS, "THEY COULD'VE TAKEN DIFFERENT ANGLES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00040-00013200-00013540 AND CUT TOGETHER DIFFERENT THINGS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00041-00013540-00013846 MALZ SAYS, "NO, IT WAS THE TECHNOLOGY AT THE TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00042-00013846-00013996 "IT WAS JUST DIFFERENT. AND THEN BY THE TIME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00043-00013996-00014133 "EVERYTHING ELSE WAS OK WITH THE TECHNOLOGY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00044-00014133-00014306 "THEN I SCREWED UP MY LINES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00045-00014306-00014430 "AND THEN FINALLY, I GOT IT RIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00046-00014430-00014640 "BUT I WAS EXHAUSTED BY THEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00047-00014640-00014833 IT WAS A LITTLE FLAT, I THINK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00048-00014833-00015010 PETER SAYS, "WELL, YOU WERE EXHAUSTED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00049-00015193-00015576 PETER SAYS, "WELL, WE'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00050-00015576-00015760 "WHEN YOU FIRST GOT INTO GALLAUDET. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00051-00015760-00016033 HOW OLD WERE YOU?" MALZ SAYS, "16." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00052-00016033-00016186 PETER SAYS, "YOU WERE 16. OK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00053-00016186-00016363 "SO, YOU GET INTO GALLAUDET WHEN YOU'RE 16, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00054-00016363-00016576 "AND YOU GET ONTO THE CAMPUS, AND, 'DID YOU HEAR, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00055-00016576-00016833 "'OH, THERE'S THIS GROUP WHO'S PERFORMING POETRY?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00056-00016833-00017003 "OR HOW EXACTLY DID THAT HAPPEN? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00057-00017003-00017110 HOW'D THAT ALL GET GOING?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00058-00017353-00017773 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, THERE HAD ALWAYS BEEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00059-00017773-00017983 "POETRY COMPETITIONS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00060-00017983-00018170 SIGNING POETRY COMPETITIONS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00061-00018336-00018606 "AND WE DIDN'T START THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00062-00018606-00018850 "THERE WAS A LITERARY SOCIETY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00063-00018850-00019146 "THAT HAD BEEN ON CAMPUS FOR A LONG TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00064-00019146-00019356 "AND THEY MET MONTHLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00065-00019356-00019710 "SO, THEY INCLUDED STORYTELLING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00066-00019710-00019970 "AND A LOT OF DIFFERENT THINGS LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00067-00019970-00020130 POETRY, TOO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00068-00020130-00020306 PETER SAYS, "WAS THIS WRITTEN POETRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00069-00020306-00020506 THAT THEN YOU WOULD SIGN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00070-00020506-00020756 MALZ SAYS, "NO, YOU WOULDN'T WRITE IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00071-00020756-00020903 "YOU WOULD READ IT AND ADAPT IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00072-00020903-00021066 AND THEN YOU WOULD SIGN IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00073-00021066-00021396 PETER SAID, "SO, PEOPLE WOULD LOOK AT IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00074-00021396-00021696 "AND THEN SAY, 'WOW, THE SIGNING RENDITION WAS GOOD gtoIFMfy_Kc-00075-00021696-00021966 OR THE WRITTEN RENDITION WAS GOOD'?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00076-00021966-00022273 MALZ SAID, "ALWAYS, THE SIGNING TOOK PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00077-00022273-00022470 "THAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00078-00022470-00022716 "AND EVERYBODY PRETTY MUCH AGREED WITH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00079-00022716-00022966 "WHO WERE THE GOOD SIGNERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00080-00022966-00023166 "AND YOU WOULDN'T EVEN READ A WRITTEN RENDITION OF IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00081-00023166-00023646 "YOU WOULD JUST LOOK AT THE SIGNING UP ON STAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00082-00023646-00023886 "BUT IT WAS VERY--WELL, THE WORD I WOULD USE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00083-00023886-00024270 "TO DESCRIBE THE SIGNING STYLE AT THE TIME WAS STAID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00084-00024270-00024673 "VERY FORMAL AND STAID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00085-00024673-00025070 "CONTROLLED PRODUCTION OF SIGNS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00086-00025070-00025336 "YOU WERE SHOWING WATER FLOWING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00087-00025336-00025670 "IT WOULD BE VERY, VERY CALMLY PRODUCED LIKE THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00088-00025670-00025843 "TILL I SHOWED UP WITH 'JABBERWOCKY' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00089-00025843-00026116 "AND I STARTED RUNNING ALL OVER THE STAGE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00090-00026116-00026333 "AND--HEH HEH--KIND OF SHOOK UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-00091-00026333-00026543 "THE SIGNING WORLD A LITTLE BIT AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00092-00026543-00026870 "IT WAS VERY DIFFERENT THAN WHAT PEOPLE WERE DOING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00093-00026870-00027166 "AND NOW YOU SEE THINGS LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00094-00027166-00027403 BUT BEFORE MY TIME, YOU DIDN'T." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00095-00027403-00027596 PETER SAID, "WHAT DID IT LOOK LIKE BEFORE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00096-00027596-00027746 "AS I SAID," MALZ SAID, "YOU WOULD STAND gtoIFMfy_Kc-00097-00027746-00027906 RIGHT IN ONE PLACE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00098-00027906-00028130 PETER SAID, "WAS IT ENGLISH SIGNING?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00099-00028130-00028350 MALZ SAID, "OH, NO, NO. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00100-00028350-00028636 "PRODUCTION OF SIGNING THAT PEOPLE DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00101-00028636-00028806 "BUT I DIDN'T FEEL THEY MOVED ENOUGH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00102-00028806-00028923 "AND I DIDN'T FEEL THERE WAS ENOUGH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00103-00028923-00029146 "EXPRESSION ON PEOPLE'S FACES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00104-00029146-00029383 THERE WAS A LOT LESS EXPRESSION." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00105-00029383-00029536 PETER SAYS, "CAN YOU SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00106-00029536-00029746 OF WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00107-00029746-00030273 MALZ SAYS, "SOMETHING LIKE A BIG MAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00108-00030273-00030453 LARGE-SHOULDERED..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00109-00030703-00030933 "IS VERY ANGRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00110-00030933-00031163 "NOTICE THERE'S NO CHANGE OF EXPRESSION WHATSOEVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00111-00031163-00031436 "AND I'D SAY, 'A BIG, TALL MAN WAS REALLY ANGRY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00112-00031436-00031680 "I MEAN, YOU CAN SEE THAT IT BUMPS IT UP A LOT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00113-00031680-00031780 "BUT PEOPLE DIDN'T DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00114-00031780-00031976 "THEY WOULD SIGN IT VERY BEAUTIFULLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00115-00031976-00032313 "I MEAN, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS SIGNS. SERIOUSLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00116-00032313-00032589 "BEAUTIFUL BOATS ON AN OCEAN, FLOWING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00117-00032589-00032716 YOU KNOW, GORGEOUS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00118-00032950-00033223 KENNY SAYS, "EXCUSE ME. UM, IF YOU WOULDN'T MIND, PETER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00119-00033223-00033503 "MAYBE IF WE HAVE A COMMENT ON THIS SIDE OF THE ROOM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00120-00033503-00033713 "MAYBE YOU COULD COPY IT, AND THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00121-00033713-00033870 "WHOEVER IS ON THE CAMERA gtoIFMfy_Kc-00122-00033870-00034003 "WOULD BE ABLE TO CAPTURE IT BETTER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00123-00034003-00034193 THAT OK?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00124-00034193-00034376 AND MATTHEW SAYS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00125-00034543-00034926 "SO, AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME IN GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00126-00034926-00035183 "WHO WOULD DECIDE WHAT BEAUTIFUL SIGNING WAS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00127-00035183-00035463 WHO WAS THE AUTHORITY AT THE TIME?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00128-00035463-00035766 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, THE STUDENTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00129-00035766-00036073 "BUT, REMEMBER, THERE WASN'T ANYTHING CALLED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00130-00036073-00036253 ASL AT THE TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00131-00036423-00036813 "ASL's A PRETTY NEW TERM, COMPARATIVELY SPEAKING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00132-00036813-00036983 "THAT KIND OF CAME ON THE SCENE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00133-00036983-00037246 "AROUND THE FIFTIES OR SIXTIES, AROUND THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00134-00037246-00037560 "WE DIDN'T USE THE WORD OR TERM ASL.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00135-00037560-00038100 "LOU FANT ACTUALLY COINED THE TERM "AMESLAN," gtoIFMfy_Kc-00136-00038100-00038386 "AND WE USED THAT FOR A WHILE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00137-00038386-00038723 "AND THAT FELL OUT OF USAGE ALSO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00138-00038723-00038873 "BUT THEN ASL FINALLY CAME UP, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00139-00038873-00039143 "BUT BEFORE THAT, EVEN EITHER OF THOSE TERMS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00140-00039143-00039496 WE JUST CALLED IT SIGN, JUST CALLED IT THE SIGN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00141-00039496-00039766 PETER SAYS, "OK, WOULD GROUPS OF PEOPLE GET TOGETHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00142-00039766-00039976 "AND COME UP WITH AN IDEA AND THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00143-00039976-00040210 "SOMEBODY WOULD SAY, 'OH, YOU'RE SIGNING THAT TOO ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00144-00040210-00040496 "'COULD YOU MAYBE SIGN IT MORE THE WAY WE DO AT HOME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00145-00040496-00040883 OR IN THE DORM, OR WOULD YOU SIGN IT A DIFFERENT WAY'?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00146-00040883-00041180 MALZ SAID, "NO. ALL OF US. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00147-00041180-00041516 "WELL, ALMOST ALL OF US, I WOULD SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00148-00041516-00041743 "DIDN'T REALLY TALK ABOUT IT, BUT IN CONVERSATION gtoIFMfy_Kc-00149-00041743-00042070 "OR HOW WE SIGNED ANYTHING, IT WAS WHAT I CALL PSC. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00150-00042070-00042210 "NOBODY DID STRAIGHT ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00151-00042210-00042406 "IT WAS USUALLY PSC. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00152-00042406-00042880 "BUT ONSTAGE, THAT'S WHERE WE WOULD SKEW gtoIFMfy_Kc-00153-00042880-00043116 "MORE TOWARDS WHAT YOU WOULD CALL ASL-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00154-00043116-00043276 "MORE NATURAL SIGNING AND MORE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00155-00043276-00043606 PICTORIAL LANGUAGE, I WOULD SAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00156-00043606-00043886 PETER SAID, "BUT MUCH MORE FORMAL, RIGHT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00157-00043886-00044143 AND MALZ SAYS, "YES. VERY FORMAL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00158-00044386-00044540 KENNY SAYS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00159-00044770-00045270 "WELL, PETER AND I--ACTUALLY, I HAVE TWO QUESTIONS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00160-00045270-00045820 "UM...PETER AND I AND OTHER DEAF POETS TODAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00161-00045820-00046043 "WE TEND TO BORROW TECHNIQUES LIKE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00162-00046043-00046336 "DIFFERENT CAMERA TECHNIQUES FROM FILMS OR TV. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00163-00046336-00046476 "CINEMATIC WAYS OF SIGNING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00164-00046476-00046603 "WE BORROW FROM DANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00165-00046603-00046803 "THERE'S A LOT OF DIFFERENT THINGS WE INCORPORATE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00166-00046803-00047080 "SO, WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION gtoIFMfy_Kc-00167-00047080-00047270 "OR WHAT ARE THE TECHNIQUES OR THINGS THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00168-00047270-00047516 YOU INCORPORATED INTO YOURS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00169-00047516-00047746 MALZ SAYS, "I CAN'T EVEN REALLY EXPLAIN THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00170-00047746-00048156 IT WAS JUST THE WAY IT WAS, YOU KNOW? UM..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00171-00048450-00048910 "YEAH, I DID CHANGE SOME THINGS, BUT... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00172-00048910-00049113 "FOR GOOD OR BAD, I DON'T REALLY KNOW gtoIFMfy_Kc-00173-00049113-00049453 "ABOUT THE NEW CHANGES THAT I INITIATED, BUT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00174-00049453-00049586 "I MEAN, AT THAT TIME, SOME PEOPLE SAID gtoIFMfy_Kc-00175-00049586-00049893 THAT I WAS DESTROYING SIGN LANGUAGE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00176-00049893-00050123 THEY SAID THAT. AND..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00177-00050363-00050766 "BECAUSE THEY DID THIS VERY FORMALIZED WAY OF SIGNING..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00178-00051063-00051350 "IF SOMETHING WASN'T CLEAR, THEY WOULD JETTISON IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00179-00051350-00051473 "THEY WOULDN'T DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00180-00051473-00051613 "BUT I WOULDN'T NECESSARILY DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00181-00051613-00051766 "I WOULDN'T NECESSARILY THROW THINGS OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00182-00051766-00052090 "SO, FOR EXAMPLE, YOU KNOW, I WOULDN'T NECESSARILY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00183-00052090-00052213 "CHANGE THINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00184-00052213-00052470 "I WOULD JUST MAKE UP SOME SIGNS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00185-00052470-00052586 "I WOULD INVENT SIGNS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00186-00052586-00052779 "THINGS THAT YOU'D NEVER SEEN BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00187-00052779-00053146 "BUT THEY WERE PERFECTLY CLEAR TO ANYBODY WHO SAW THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00188-00053146-00053310 "IN MY DAY, PEOPLE DIDN'T DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00189-00053310-00053486 I WAS PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY ONE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00190-00053736-00054113 "FOR EXAMPLE, THE SONG IN 'SOUTH PACIFIC' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00191-00054113-00054436 "THAT'S CALLED--LET'S SEE, THERE'S THIS ONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00192-00054436-00054836 "'BALI HA'I,' THAT SONG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00193-00054836-00055036 "WELL, THERE'S A LINE IN THAT: gtoIFMfy_Kc-00194-00055036-00055550 'BALI HA'I, WHERE THE SKY MEETS THE SEA.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00195-00055550-00055693 "WELL, MOST PEOPLE AT THE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00196-00055693-00055820 "THE TRADITIONAL WAY OF SIGNING IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00197-00055820-00056016 "WOULD BE 'WHERE THE SKY MEETS,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00198-00056016-00056266 "AS IN TWO PEOPLE MEETING EACH OTHER, 'THE SEA.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00199-00056266-00056470 "BUT IN MY WAY OF THINKING, IF THE SKY WAS ACTUALLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00200-00056470-00056786 TO MEET THE SEA THAT WAY, WE'RE IN BIG TROUBLE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00201-00056786-00056933 [MAN LAUGHS] gtoIFMfy_Kc-00202-00056933-00057316 "SO, WHAT I DID WAS 'WHERE THE SKY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00203-00057316-00057603 "AND THEN, SORT OF, 'MEETS,' AS IN TWO PLANES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00204-00057603-00057953 THE SKY AND THE SEA MEETING EACH OTHER AND BECOMING ONE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00205-00058103-00058360 "I HAVE THEM BECOME EACH OTHER AND THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00206-00058360-00058593 "REFLECT WITHIN EACH OTHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00207-00058593-00058813 "SO, I MADE A BALANCE OF THE SKY AND THE SEA. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00208-00058813-00059043 "SO, I EXPERIMENTED WITH A LOT OF DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00209-00059043-00059260 "IN A LOT OF DIFFERENT WAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00210-00059260-00059513 "I'M NOT SAYING REALLY I WAS THE ONLY ONE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00211-00059513-00059726 "BUT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS CREATING SIGNS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00212-00059726-00059886 IN THAT PARTICULAR WAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00213-00060053-00060290 "AND THEN WITH NATIONAL THEATRE OF THE DEAF, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00214-00060290-00060456 "WHEN THAT WAS FINALLY FOUNDED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00215-00060456-00060626 "I WAS PART OF THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00216-00060626-00061020 "AND AT FIRST, I WAS BERNARD BRAGG'S ASSISTANT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00217-00061020-00061163 "I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING OUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00218-00061163-00061396 "WITH THE NEW PEOPLE THERE WHO WERE JUST COMING ON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00219-00061396-00061686 THE STAFF AND THE COMPANY, BUT I HAD NOTHING TO DO, REALLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00220-00061836-00062153 "AND BOB PANARA WAS ACTUALLY AT NTD AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00221-00062153-00062463 "HE WAS TEACHING HISTORY OF THEATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00222-00062463-00062673 "AND HE KNEW THE SKILL THAT I POSSESSED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00223-00062673-00062933 "AND HE ASKED IF I WOULD BE WILLING TO HELP HIM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00224-00062933-00063120 "AND I WOULD TEACH THE HISTORY OF ACTING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00225-00063120-00063370 "AS PART OF THE COURSE THAT HE WAS OFFERING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00226-00063370-00063683 "I ACCEPTED THAT, AND THEN DAVID HAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00227-00063683-00063903 "SAW WHAT I WAS DOING AND HE SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00228-00063903-00064073 "'WAIT A MINUTE. FROM NOW ON, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00229-00064073-00064266 "'WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO IS SWITCH WITH BERNARD BRAGG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00230-00064266-00064479 "'BERNARD CAN TEACH HISTORY OF ACTING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00231-00064479-00064786 "AND I WANT YOU TO WORK WITH THE COMPANY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00232-00064786-00065293 "SO, I BASICALLY WORKED WITH LINDA BOVE AND LOU FANT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00233-00065293-00065726 "AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE-- PHYLLIS FRELICH FOR A FEW YEARS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00234-00065726-00065953 GIL EASTMAN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00235-00066153-00066460 "I TAUGHT ALL OF THOSE EARLY NTD FOLKS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00236-00066460-00066653 "I TAUGHT THEM TO KIND OF STRETCH THEIR ABILITIES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00237-00066653-00066863 "AND BECOME MORE CREATIVE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00238-00066863-00067036 BEEF IT UP A LITTLE BIT MORE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00239-00067370-00067630 PETER SAYS, "IT'S INTERESTING BECAUSE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00240-00067630-00067783 "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BORROWING TECHNIQUES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00241-00067783-00067963 "FROM DIFFERENT THINGS, AND, FOR INSTANCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00242-00067963-00068220 "KENNY AND I NOW WILL GO SEE MOVIES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00243-00068220-00068483 "AND WE'LL TRY A PANNING TECHNIQUE WHERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00244-00068483-00068806 "HOUSES WILL PASS US BY AS IF THE CAMERA IS PANNING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00245-00068806-00069120 "OR, YOU KNOW, WITH SIGN, WE CAN MOVE THROUGH TREES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00246-00069120-00069283 "AND HAVE THE TREES PASS US BY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00247-00069283-00069436 "WE CAN GO ABOVE THE TREES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00248-00069436-00069636 "WE CAN GO ABOVE THE EARTH THAT WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00249-00069636-00069913 "OR USE THINGS FROM PHOTOGRAPHY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00250-00069913-00070096 "AS IF SLIDES WERE BEING SHOWN ON A WALL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00251-00070096-00070276 "AND THE MOTION'S BEING FROZEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00252-00070276-00070550 "THOSE SORTS OF TECHNIQUES. I LEARNED THAT, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00253-00070550-00070770 "AND BECAUSE THIS IS THE TIME PERIOD THAT I WAS BORN INTO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00254-00070770-00070990 "THAT'S THE KIND OF THING THAT I LIKE TO USE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00255-00070990-00071203 SO, WHAT YEAR WERE YOU BORN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00256-00071203-00071446 MALZ SAYS, "1922." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00257-00071446-00071623 AND PETER SAYS, "OK, 1922. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00258-00071623-00071773 "SO, THERE WERE CARS AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00259-00071773-00072036 "THERE WERE SILENT MOVIES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00260-00072036-00072246 "THAT WAS STILL PRETTY BIG WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00261-00072246-00072353 "THERE WERE A LOT OF TECHNIQUES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00262-00072353-00072503 "AND THEN THINGS GOT FASTER AND FASTER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00263-00072503-00072803 "PEOPLE COULD PLAY WITH TIME, THEN SPEED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00264-00072803-00073236 "AND THEN NEWER IDEAS WOULD COME INTO THE CULTURE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00265-00073236-00073530 "AND I WONDERED IF THOSE WOULD WORK THEIR WAY INTO THE SIGN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00266-00073530-00073733 "YOU COULD WAVE VERY FAST, YOU COULD WAVE VERY SLOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00267-00073733-00073933 "YOU COULD SLOW TIME DOWN IN DIFFERENT WAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00268-00073933-00074070 "DID YOU SEE THESE FILM TECHNIQUES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00269-00074070-00074196 "OR SEE THINGS THAT WERE REFLECTED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00270-00074196-00074336 "IN THE WORLD CHANGING AROUND YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-00271-00074336-00074590 AND THEN PUT THEM INTO YOUR SIGN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00272-00074590-00074740 MALZ SAID, "NO. EVERYTHING I DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00273-00074740-00075006 "I FOUND WITHIN MYSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00274-00075006-00075260 "BUT THERE WERE SOME PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00275-00075260-00075523 WHO DID BORROW IN THE WAY YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00276-00075736-00075906 "I THINK THAT THERE WERE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00277-00075906-00076120 "THAT PEOPLE TRIED TO UTILIZE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00278-00076286-00076476 "LIKE, IF YOU WERE GONNA DO A WESTERN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00279-00076476-00076713 "YOU HAD KIND OF A JOHN WAYNE THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00280-00076713-00076986 "A MAN WALKING SLOWLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00281-00076986-00077293 "SHOWING THE HOLSTERS BOUNCING ON HIS LEGS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00282-00077293-00077630 "PUSHING THE SALOON DOORS OPEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00283-00077630-00077886 WALKING SLOWLY UP TO THE BAR." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00284-00078336-00078646 "ONE BEER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00285-00078646-00078836 "YOU KNOW, BEHAVING LIKE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00286-00078836-00079000 "WHAT PEOPLE SAW IN THE MOVIES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00287-00079000-00079206 "THERE WERE SOME PEOPLE DOING THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00288-00079206-00079356 "NOT A LOT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00289-00079356-00079586 "I THINK LATER, THAT CAME INTO BEING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00290-00079586-00080040 "A LOT MORE, MAYBE FORTIES, FIFTIES, SOMETHING LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00291-00080040-00080233 "THERE WERE SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO WERE REALLY GOOD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00292-00080233-00080443 "VERY, VERY GOOD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00293-00080443-00080770 BUT ONSTAGE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00294-00081253-00081476 "WELL, IT SEEMED THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00295-00081476-00081783 "MOST OF THE PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00296-00081783-00082060 "WERE VERY INTIMIDATED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00297-00082060-00082236 "BY THEIR PERCEIVED NEED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00298-00082236-00082503 "TO FOLLOW WHAT WAS THERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00299-00082503-00082653 "WITH THE RIGHT SIGNS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00300-00082653-00082856 "THE APPROPRIATE SIGNS, BUT NOT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00301-00082856-00083310 "FOR EXAMPLE, THE FIRST PLAY THAT I WAS IN AT GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00302-00083310-00083636 "I WAS SUPPOSED TO PLAY A PRO WRESTLER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00303-00083636-00083823 "OK, WHICH IS REALLY FUNNY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00304-00083823-00084110 "BECAUSE I HAD REALLY LONG HAIR AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00305-00084110-00084303 "NOT AS LONG AS YOURS, PETER, AND CERTAINLY..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00306-00084303-00084436 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-00307-00084436-00084730 "NOT THAT LONG, KENNY! gtoIFMfy_Kc-00308-00084730-00085036 "BUT THE REASON I HAD LONG HAIR, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00309-00085036-00085270 "IS I WAS ALWAYS BUSY AND I WAS ALWAYS BROKE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00310-00085270-00085513 "I COULDN'T AFFORD OR HAVE TIME TO GO TO A BARBER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00311-00085513-00085760 "AND THAT'S THE ONLY REASON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00312-00085760-00085986 "YOU KNOW, AND I WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH LONG HAIR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00313-00085986-00086283 "AND I HAD IT FOR THAT PARTICULAR REASON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00314-00086283-00086460 "AND SO, PEOPLE SAY IN THE FIFTIES OR SIXTIES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00315-00086460-00086603 "'OH, YOU'RE JUST BEING A BAD BOY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00316-00086603-00086786 "I SAID, 'NO, I'M BROKE AND I'M BUSY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00317-00086786-00086980 "THAT'S ALL.' YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00318-00086980-00087106 "I'M TOO BROKE, AND I'M TOO BUSY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00319-00087106-00087243 "AND I'M STILL TOO BROKE AND TOO BUSY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00320-00087243-00087420 "AND SOMETIMES MY HAIR GETS A LITTLE LONG gtoIFMfy_Kc-00321-00087420-00087660 "AND MY WIFE SAYS, 'PLEASE GO GET A HAIRCUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00322-00087660-00087786 "YOU LOOK LIKE A SHEEPDOG.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00323-00087786-00088070 "SO, THEN I JUST COMPLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00324-00088070-00088453 "BUT ANYWAY, THE LINE FROM THIS PARTICULAR PLAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00325-00088453-00088776 "WAS, 'IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00326-00088776-00089113 "I'M GONNA GIVE YOU A KNUCKLE SANDWICH.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00327-00089113-00089596 "WELL, AT THAT TIME, OR BEFORE MY TIME, I SHOULD SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00328-00089596-00089890 "PEOPLE WOULD'VE SAID, 'I'M GONNA GIVE YOU A KNUCKLE,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00329-00089890-00090226 "AND THEN SIGNED 'SANDWICH,' LIKE A REAL SANDWICH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00330-00090226-00090396 "OR, THEY'D SAY, 'IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00331-00090396-00090593 "I'M GOING TO HIT YOU.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00332-00090593-00090850 "WELL, THAT WORKS, I GUESS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00333-00090850-00090986 "BUT HERE'S HOW I DID THE LINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00334-00090986-00091216 "'IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL'-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00335-00091216-00091460 "BUT I DID 'ME,' AND THEN I SHOWED MY KNUCKLES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00336-00091460-00091736 "AND I HAVE THE KNUCKLES COME UP AND HIT THE PERSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00337-00091736-00091883 "BECAUSE I REALLY FELT IT WAS IMPORTANT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00338-00091883-00092080 "TO EMPHASIZE THE KNUCKLE PART OF THIS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00339-00092080-00092276 "NOT JUST THAT I WAS GONNA HIT THEM, BUT THE KNUCKLES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00340-00092276-00092600 "AND THAT SHOCKED PEOPLE, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00341-00092600-00092830 "AND THAT'S KIND OF HOW THE WAY I ROLL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00342-00092830-00093083 THAT'S WHAT I WOULD DO, FOR GOOD OR BAD." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00343-00093653-00093876 "MY FIRST--WELL, NOT MY FIRST PERFORMANCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00344-00093876-00094286 "BUT MY FIRST CONNECTION WITH THE GALLAUDET THEATER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00345-00094286-00094520 "WAS NOT A GREAT ONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00346-00094520-00094720 "I WAS ACTUALLY FIRED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00347-00094720-00094936 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-00348-00094936-00095126 "BECAUSE THERE WERE TWO GROUPS AT GALLAUDET gtoIFMfy_Kc-00349-00095126-00095320 "IN TERMS OF THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00350-00095320-00095693 "THERE WAS THE GALLAUDET THEATER CLUB. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00351-00095693-00095863 "THAT WAS FOR THE ELITE PERFORMERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00352-00095863-00096023 "THAT'S THE ONE I WANTED TO GET INTO gtoIFMfy_Kc-00353-00096023-00096170 "AND I APPLIED FOR THAT BECAUSE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00354-00096170-00096453 "I REALLY FELT I BELONGED IN THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00355-00096453-00096823 "AND THEY SAID, 'OK, YOU'LL BE THE CURTAIN PULLER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00356-00096823-00096996 "'YOU'LL OPEN THE CURTAINS AND CLOSE THE CURTAINS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00357-00096996-00097173 "DURING THE PERFORMANCES.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00358-00097173-00097340 "AND THAT WAS ALL RIGHT WITH ME. I ACCEPTED IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00359-00097340-00097536 "IT WAS LIKE AN APPRENTICESHIP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00360-00097536-00097750 "THAT WAS COOL WITH ME. THAT WAS FINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00361-00097750-00098203 "BUT THE SECOND SHOW, THE ROPES JAMMED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00362-00098203-00098366 "AND I COULDN'T GET THEM CLOSED AND ALL THE ACTORS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00363-00098366-00098570 "HAD TO FREEZE IN PLACE ON THE STAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00364-00098570-00098733 "EVERYBODY FROZE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00365-00098733-00098906 "AND SOMEONE ELSE HAD TO CLIMB UP THE ROPES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00366-00098906-00099126 "AND UNJAM THEM BECAUSE I WASN'T AGILE ENOUGH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00367-00099126-00099280 "TO BE ABLE TO SCALE THOSE ROPES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00368-00099280-00099516 "AND UNDO THE KNOTS OR WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00369-00099516-00099853 "SO, THEY ASKED ME VERY NICELY TO NOT SHOW UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-00370-00099853-00100323 "FOR THE THIRD SHOW AND PULL THE DRAPES CLOSED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00371-00100323-00100556 "BUT THIS OTHER GROUP ON CAMPUS AT THE TIME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00372-00100556-00100783 "WAS ALSO UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE THEATER CLUB, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00373-00100783-00100963 BUT IT WAS CALLED AMATEUR NIGHT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00374-00101136-00101366 "AND IF YOU WERE SUCCESSFUL IN AMATEUR NIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00375-00101366-00101696 "THEN THEY WOULD ACCEPT YOU OVER INTO THE ELITE DRAMA CLUB. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00376-00101696-00101996 "AND WHAT'S WHERE I SHOWED THAT 'KNUCKLE SANDWICH' LINE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00377-00101996-00102246 "AND PEOPLE SAW THAT AND IMMEDIATELY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00378-00102246-00102443 "ALLOWED ME TO GO INTO THE RANKS OF THE THEATER CLUB gtoIFMfy_Kc-00379-00102443-00102596 "AND THEN I WAS IN THE PLAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00380-00102596-00102990 "AND LATER WENT TO NEW YORK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00381-00102990-00103420 "NOW, ONE THING I DO WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00382-00103420-00103756 "WAS THAT PEOPLE--NOWADAYS, I THINK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00383-00103756-00103980 "EXCEPT FOR MAYBE YOU AND A COUPLE OTHERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00384-00103980-00104290 "AND ME, OF COURSE, QUITE OFTEN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00385-00104290-00104530 "WE ARE LIMITED, OR THEY'VE BEEN LIMITED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00386-00104530-00104726 BY THE USE OF VOICE INTERPRETERS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00387-00104903-00105113 "BECAUSE WAY BACK IN THE DAY, OF COURSE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00388-00105113-00105336 "WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY INTERPRETERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00389-00105336-00105526 "EVERYBODY JUST DID THEIR SIGNED PERFORMANCES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00390-00105526-00105630 "WITHOUT INTERPRETERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00391-00105630-00105783 "WE DIDN'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00392-00105783-00106003 "I THINK IT SPOILS US IN A WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00393-00106003-00106126 "YOU KNOW, WHEN WE WENT TO NEW YORK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00394-00106126-00106530 "WE HAD A FULL AUDIENCE OF HEARING PEOPLE AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00395-00106530-00106786 "HOW WAS THIS GOING TO GET ACROSS TO THEM? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00396-00106786-00107013 "SO, WE DID ASK THIS ONE WOMAN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00397-00107013-00107226 "WHO INTERPRETED FOR US FROM GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00398-00107226-00107383 "SHE CAME TO NEW YORK WITH US, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00399-00107383-00107559 "AND SHE DID THE WHOLE THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00400-00107559-00107733 "NOW THERE'S INTERPRETERS FOR EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00401-00107733-00107950 "BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE THAT BACK IN THE DAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00402-00107950-00108303 QUITE, QUITE DIFFERENT. THINGS SURE HAVE CHANGED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00403-00108303-00108626 KENNY SAID, "WHO WAS THE WOMAN WHO DID THAT BACK THEN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00404-00108626-00109030 MALZ SAYS, "HER NAME WAS ELIZABETH BENSON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00405-00109030-00109180 AND SHE TAUGHT AT GALLAUDET." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00406-00109370-00109566 "AND THERE'S ACTUALLY A HALL ON CAMPUS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00407-00109566-00109750 "THAT'S NAMED IN HER HONOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00408-00109750-00109956 "ELIZABETH BENSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00409-00109956-00110386 "SHE WAS A WONDERFUL SIGNER. SHE WAS HEARING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00410-00110386-00110509 YES, YES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00411-00111070-00111213 MATTHEW ASKS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00412-00111403-00111720 "SO, WHEN PEOPLE SIGNED POETRY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00413-00111720-00111926 "DID THAT SEEM ACCEPTABLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00414-00111926-00112136 TO THE DEAF COMMUNITY OUTSIDE OF GALLAUDET?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00415-00112453-00112800 "OR DID THEY NOT HAVE ANY INTEREST IN IT AT ALL?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00416-00112800-00112953 MALZ SAYS, "THEY LOVED IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00417-00112953-00113190 "THEY LOVED IT BECAUSE IT WASN'T STRAIGHT ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00418-00113190-00113433 "IT WAS NEVER PERFORMED IN STRAIGHT ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00419-00113433-00113663 "IF IT HAD BEEN STRAIGHT ENGLISH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00420-00113663-00113830 "IT STILL WOULD HAVE BEEN BEAUTIFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00421-00113830-00114116 "BECAUSE THEY PERFORMED IT SO WELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00422-00114116-00114266 "I THINK IT'S THE SAME THING TODAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00423-00114266-00114550 "YOU GO TO CHURCH, AND YOU HEAR SOMEBODY SINGING HYMNS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00424-00114550-00114840 "AND THEY'RE JUST GORGEOUS, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00425-00114840-00115066 "BUT NOBODY'S RUNNING AROUND WHILE THEY'RE DOING IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00426-00115066-00115190 "THEY'RE NOT DOING IT IN A WILD WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00427-00115190-00115600 "THEY'RE DOING IT IN A VERY FORMALLY PRODUCED WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00428-00115600-00115880 IN TERMS OF TECHNIQUES OF..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00429-00116136-00116306 "YOU KNOW, THAT BACK-AND-FORTH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00430-00116306-00116480 "OF SOMEBODY SHOWING DIFFERENT CHARACTERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00431-00116480-00116823 "AND STANDING IN ONE PLACE THE WAY THAT PETER DOES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00432-00116823-00117053 "I WOULD HAVE TO THINK THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00433-00117053-00117353 BERNARD BRAGG IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST OF THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00434-00117603-00117866 MATTHEW SAYS, "DO YOU THINK YOU'VE HAD gtoIFMfy_Kc-00435-00117866-00118170 "SOME INFLUENCE ON SIGNED PERFORMANCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00436-00118170-00118400 TECHNIQUES AND DEVELOPMENT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00437-00118400-00118790 MALZ SAYS, "PERFORMANCES, MAYBE NOT NECESSARILY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00438-00118790-00119523 "TECHNIQUES OF ACTING, YES. I THINK SO. YES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00439-00119776-00120046 PETER SAID, "MATTHEW'S ASKING, DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00440-00120046-00120463 A BIG INFLUENCE ON SIGNERS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00441-00120463-00120816 MALZ SAYS, "BERNARD HAS HAD A LOT OF INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00442-00120816-00121076 "BECAUSE HE TRAVELS A LOT, AND HE SELLS HIMSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00443-00121076-00121396 "I DON'T DO THAT. AND MAYBE THAT'S MY PROBLEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00444-00121396-00121533 "I HAVE A LOT OF MIXED FEELINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00445-00121533-00121700 "I MEAN, WHO THE HELL AM I TO gtoIFMfy_Kc-00446-00121700-00121850 "TELL PEOPLE I'M THE GREATEST? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00447-00121850-00122143 "I MEAN, COME ON. I'M JUST ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00448-00122143-00122253 SO..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00449-00122546-00122903 "BERNARD BRAGG, YES, HAS HAD A BIG INFLUENCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00450-00122903-00123236 AND I HAVE, TOO, IN A DIFFERENT WAY, I WOULD SAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00451-00123236-00123526 PETER SAYS, "IN WHAT WAY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00452-00123526-00123703 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, I CREATED SIGNS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00453-00123703-00123886 "IT'S VERY FREE TO MOVE AROUND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00454-00123886-00124253 HAD A LOT MORE LIBERATION IN MY MOVEMENTS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00455-00124253-00124796 KENNY ASKS, "YOU TALK ABOUT HOW FORMAL AND BEAUTIFUL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00456-00124796-00124956 "THE SIGNING WAS BACK IN THE DAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00457-00124956-00125140 "AND I'M CURIOUS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00458-00125140-00125453 "HAVE YOU SEEN CLAYTON VALLI PERFORM? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00459-00125453-00125620 YOU KNOW HIS WORK?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00460-00125770-00126313 "VALLI? WELL, WHAT HE'S DONE IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00461-00126313-00126553 "TAKE HIS FACIAL EXPRESSION gtoIFMfy_Kc-00462-00126553-00126770 "AND MELD IT WITH THE SIGNS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00463-00126770-00126963 "BUT WITHOUT MOVING HIS MOUTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00464-00126963-00127106 PETER, CAN YOU GIVE AN EXAMPLE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00465-00127503-00127863 PETER GIVES AN EXAMPLE OF THAT. NO WORDS NEEDED TO GO WITH THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00466-00127863-00128020 KENNY SAYS, "YEAH, JUST LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00467-00128020-00128453 "SO, IT'S AS IF HE'S TAKEN THIS FORMAL, CLASSICAL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00468-00128453-00128726 "WAY OF SIGNING AND MELDED IT WITH gtoIFMfy_Kc-00469-00128726-00128993 "CLASSICAL HEARING POETRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00470-00128993-00129166 "BY PUTTING ASL TO THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00471-00129166-00129486 "AND USING SIMILAR RULES AND CONSTRAINTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00472-00129486-00129733 HAVE YOU SEEN THAT, OR WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00473-00129733-00130003 MALZ SAYS, "YEAH, WELL, THE EXPRESSION, HMM." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00474-00130286-00130636 "REALLY, UM, TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00475-00130636-00130833 "I WASN'T THINKING ABOUT IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00476-00130833-00131020 "WE WEREN'T THINKING ABOUT IT THE SAME WAY YOU DO NOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00477-00131020-00131196 "THERE'S SO MUCH ANALYSIS GOING ON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00478-00131196-00131393 "I JUST DID IT. PERIOD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00479-00131393-00131603 "LIKE 'JABBERWOCKY,' I DON'T KNOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00480-00131603-00131823 "I WAS FLYING BLIND, REALLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00481-00131823-00132116 "I JUST SIGNED WHAT I SIGNED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00482-00132116-00132353 "NOW, YOU KNOW CAROL PADDEN? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00483-00132353-00132593 "SHE JUST PUBLISHED THIS NEW BOOK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00484-00132593-00132853 "AND IN IT SHE SAYS, "WOW,' YOU KNOW, LIKE, 'MALZ, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00485-00132853-00133163 "'YOU FOLLOWED ALL OF THESE ASL PRINCIPLES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00486-00133163-00133366 "BEAUTIFULLY WITH JABBERWOCKY.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00487-00133366-00133586 "I HAD NO IDEA WHAT ANY OF THIS WAS BACK THEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00488-00133586-00133753 HONESTLY. I JUST DID IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00489-00133936-00134130 "AND IT'S DIFFERENT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00490-00134130-00134256 "AND HERE'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00491-00134256-00134503 "BERNARD BRAGG AND ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00492-00134503-00134763 "BERNARD IS ALWAYS INTERESTED IN THE TECHNIQUE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00493-00134763-00135066 IN A VERY, I'D SAY, CIRCUS-Y KIND OF WAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00494-00135270-00135516 "AND I ALWAYS GO FOR WHAT'S INSIDE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00495-00135516-00135786 "WITH THE EMOTIONAL RESONANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00496-00135786-00135986 THE EMOTION." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00497-00136170-00136403 "I JUST WANT TO TAKE THAT OUT AND SHOW THE CHARACTER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00498-00136403-00136553 "I THINK IT'S MORE IMPORTANT TO ME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00499-00136553-00136956 "THAT I SHOW THE TRUE, AUTHENTIC CHARACTER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00500-00136956-00137270 "AND THE SIGNING THEMSELVES AREN'T NECESSARILY PERFECTION, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00501-00137270-00137566 "BUT BERNARD TAKES GREAT PAINS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00502-00137566-00137793 "TO SIGN PERFECTLY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00503-00137793-00137983 "AND SO, IN MY OPINION, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00504-00137983-00138260 "A LOT OF HIS WORK GOES FLAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00505-00138260-00138460 "IT SORT OF LOOKS ROBOTIC. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00506-00138460-00138920 "THERE'S NO EMOTION IN THERE. IT'S SO POLISHED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00507-00138920-00139286 "IT'S SO POLISHED AND SUPERFICIAL AND PERFECT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00508-00139286-00139470 BUT THERE'S NO HEART TO IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00509-00139753-00140086 "AND I WOULD PRACTICE ALL MY LINES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00510-00140086-00140290 "UNTIL I JUST HAD THEM WELL ENOUGH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00511-00140290-00140496 "JUST GOOD ENOUGH, BECAUSE WHEN I GO ONSTAGE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00512-00140496-00140650 "I WANTED TO COME TO IT FRESH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00513-00140650-00140820 "I WANTED TO FEEL THAT IT WAS NEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00514-00140820-00140963 "I WANTED TO CAPTURE THAT AUDIENCE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00515-00140963-00141253 "GRAB THEM EVERY NIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00516-00141253-00141410 "I WANTED TO BE FRESH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00517-00141410-00141646 I WANTED TO TAKE THAT AUDIENCE AND MAKE THEM MINE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00518-00141820-00142133 "AND SO, I THINK THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00519-00142133-00142646 "UM, I DON'T REALLY FOLLOW HIS WORK ANYMORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00520-00142646-00142993 I DON'T THINK HE PRODUCES MUCH WORK ANYMORE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00521-00142993-00143346 KENNY SAYS, "SO, YOUR WAY OF EXPRESSION gtoIFMfy_Kc-00522-00143346-00143573 "AND GETTING THE HEART OUT, LIKE YOU SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00523-00143573-00143833 YOU'RE NOT THINKING NECESSARILY ABOUT TECHNIQUES AND WHATEVER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00524-00143986-00144250 "BUT WHEN YOU LOOK AT 'JABBERWOCKY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00525-00144250-00144566 "IT LOOKS LIKE THERE'S TECHNIQUES IN THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00526-00144566-00144720 "YOU'RE NOT FOCUSING ON THEM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00527-00144720-00144880 BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THEY CAME OUT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00528-00144880-00145086 AND MALZ SAYS, "THAT'S EXACTLY RIGHT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00529-00145270-00145603 "PANARA SAID I DON'T SIGN ASL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00530-00145603-00146033 I SIGN MALZ-SL. MALZ SIGN LANGUAGE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00531-00146033-00146326 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-00532-00146326-00146726 PETER SAYS, "GOING BACK TO WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00533-00146726-00146893 "BACK IN GALLAUDET, WHEN EVERYBODY WAS SIGNING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00534-00146893-00147136 "THIS VERY FORMAL WAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00535-00147136-00147353 "WERE THERE OTHER POPULAR SIGNERS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00536-00147353-00147720 GOLLADAY AND LOWMAN AND ALL THOSE NAMES?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00537-00147720-00147853 MALZ SAYS, "NO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00538-00148003-00148236 "DON'T CONFUSE THE WRITTEN POETS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00539-00148236-00148406 "WITH THE SIGNING POETS, OK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00540-00148406-00148770 THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE GROUPS, BECAUSE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00541-00148970-00149376 "WELL, BRAGG WROTE ONE POEM, ONLY ONE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00542-00149570-00149806 "AND I WROTE A FEW MORE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00543-00149806-00150016 "BUT WHILE I WAS AT GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00544-00150016-00150213 "I NEVER SIGNED MY OWN POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00545-00150213-00150353 "I SIGNED THINGS THAT OTHER PEOPLE WROTE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00546-00150353-00150520 I DIDN'T SIGN MY OWN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00547-00151003-00151453 "POETS RARELY SIGNED THEIR OWN POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00548-00151453-00151603 "THEY USED THEIR ACTING SKILLS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00549-00151603-00151836 "TO ADAPT FROM OTHER WRITTEN POETRY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00550-00151836-00151963 BUT THEY DIDN'T DO THEIR OWN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00551-00151963-00152163 PETER SAYS, "I WONDER WHY THAT WAS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00552-00152163-00152486 AND MALZ SAYS, "PART OF THE REASON IS THAT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00553-00152720-00152906 "YOU WRITE POETRY IN ENGLISH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00554-00152906-00153070 GET ALL YOUR LINES DOWN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00555-00153316-00153666 "AND A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD SAY, 'I CAN'T SIGN THAT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00556-00153666-00153913 "WELL, UNTIL I CAME ALONG, THAT IS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00557-00153913-00154200 "BECAUSE I WAS VERY AGGRESSIVE, AND I THINK I CAN SIGN ANYTHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00558-00154200-00154336 "I DON'T HAVE THOSE KINDS OF FEARS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00559-00154336-00154753 "BUT NOBODY BEFORE ME HAD THAT KIND OF AGGRESSION IN THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00560-00154753-00154936 "YOU KNOW, PEOPLE ALWAYS SAY, 'I CAN'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00561-00154936-00155126 "I'LL ONLY PICK THE ONE THAT I THINK IS POSSIBLE,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00562-00155126-00155410 WHEREAS, I THINK I COULD DO ANYTHING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00563-00155410-00155720 "LIKE 'THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00564-00155720-00155903 "I DID THAT ONE. THAT'S A VERY LONG-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00565-00155903-00156183 "THAT'S AN EPIC POEM BY COLERIDGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00566-00156183-00156396 "I PICKED THAT ONE ONE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00567-00156396-00156620 "THE BOAT UPON THE OCEAN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00568-00156620-00156883 "WITH THE WAVES CRASHING AGAINST IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00569-00156883-00157116 "SOMEBODY GRABBING THE WHEEL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00570-00157116-00157290 "AS THE SPRAY HITS THEIR FACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00571-00157290-00157503 "I MEAN, I STAYED IN ONE PLACE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00572-00157503-00157746 "AND USED A LOT OF EXPRESSION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00573-00157746-00157883 "NOT ENOUGH, IN MY OPINION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00574-00157883-00158040 "SOME PEOPLE, WHEN THEY DO THESE LONG POEMS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00575-00158040-00158186 "BUT THE SIGNS ARE REALLY BEAUTIFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00576-00158186-00158336 SOME PEOPLE DID THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00577-00158486-00158786 "MOST PEOPLE AT THAT TIME TOOK ACTING CLASSES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00578-00159070-00159313 "THERE WAS A GENTLEMAN NAMED OLIVER CASSELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00579-00159653-00160046 "HE TAUGHT PRINTING FOR MANY YEARS IN WASHINGTON STATE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00580-00160046-00160246 "HE'S RETIRED NOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00581-00160246-00160483 "YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM? NO? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00582-00160483-00160703 "NO, IT'S FUNNY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00583-00160703-00160953 "THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE LIKE HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00584-00160953-00161230 "THERE WAS DEANDER MOORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00585-00161230-00161920 "NOW, DEANDER IS REALLY, REALLY INTERESTING, ACTUALLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00586-00161920-00162170 HE WAS VERY AWARE OF TECHNIQUE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00587-00162336-00162703 "AND NOT JUST SIGNING BUT BODY MOVEMENT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00588-00162703-00162903 "QUITE OFTEN, HE WOULD TAKE ON THIS CHARACTER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00589-00162903-00163320 "AND HE WOULD ACT AS IF HE HAD A PEG LEG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00590-00163320-00163570 "AND HE WOULD PUT ON THIS FAKE APPENDAGE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00591-00163570-00163903 AND HE WOULD STUMP AROUND ONSTAGE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00592-00164136-00164350 KENNY SAYS, "COULD YOU SHOW US WHAT HE WOULD LOOK LIKE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00593-00164350-00164620 WHAT WOULD HIS PARTICULAR STYLE LOOK LIKE FOR US?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00594-00164936-00165480 MALZ SAID, "WELL, I CAN'T REALLY, BUT, UM... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00595-00165480-00165713 "WHAT WAS INTERESTING ABOUT HIM-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00596-00165713-00165960 "WELL, OLIVER CASSELL-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00597-00165960-00166253 JUST BEAUTIFUL THE WAY HE PRODUCED SIGNING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00598-00166486-00166843 "YOU KNOW, EVERY GENERATION WOULD HAVE SOMEBODY LIKE HIM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00599-00166843-00167203 "SOME BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL SIGNER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00600-00167203-00167516 "EVERY GROUP, EVERY 4 OR 5 YEARS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00601-00167516-00167706 "YOU'D BE ABLE TO POINT SOMEBODY OUT AND SAY, "WOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00602-00167706-00167890 "LOOK AT THAT PERSON." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00603-00167890-00168470 "AND, YOU KNOW, MAYBE THEY WOULD GET THINGS GOING AND MAYBE NOT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00604-00168470-00168880 "IN ANOTHER GROUP, BUT FEW OF THOSE WOULD BECOME FAMOUS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00605-00168880-00169266 "AND THE REASON WAS THAT THEY WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING NEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00606-00169266-00169500 "EVERYTHING WAS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00607-00169500-00169673 "SO, YES, THEY WERE THESE BEAUTIFUL SIGNERS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00608-00169673-00169936 "BUT THERE WAS NOTHING NEW OR GROUNDBREAKING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00609-00169936-00170236 "UNTIL I CAME ALONG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00610-00170236-00170713 "AND I FELT FREE TO WRESTLE WITH THE LANGUAGE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00611-00170713-00170990 "AND STRETCH IT AND MOLD IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00612-00170990-00171153 "AND PLAY WITH THE SIGNS IN A DIFFERENT WAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00613-00171153-00171353 "AND START SOMETHING NEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00614-00171353-00171530 "AND THEN LATER, BRAGG CAME ALONG gtoIFMfy_Kc-00615-00171530-00171830 "AND HE FELT FREE TO USE, YOU KNOW, VV gtoIFMfy_Kc-00616-00171830-00172086 "AND USE OTHER TECHNIQUES, AND HE CHANGED THINGS UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-00617-00172086-00172283 "IN HIS PARTICULAR WAY, SO, I THINK THE TWO OF US gtoIFMfy_Kc-00618-00172283-00172483 "HAD THE MOST INFLUENCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00619-00172483-00172746 "BUT THERE WERE THESE PEOPLE, LIKE OLIVER CASSELL OR WHOEVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00620-00172746-00172960 "BUT NOBODY'S EVER HEARD OF THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00621-00172960-00173186 "BEAUTIFUL SIGNS, AS I SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00622-00173186-00173536 "BUT NOT DEVELOPING ANYTHING NEW IN A DIFFERENT WAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00623-00173536-00173676 "AND DEANDER. OH, YEAH, RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00624-00173676-00173810 "I CAN GIVE YOU THIS EXAMPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00625-00173810-00173953 "I CAN SHOW YOU SOMETHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00626-00174136-00174476 "SO, WHEN I SIGN 'JABBERWOCKY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00627-00174476-00174946 "CASSELL AND MOORE, THEY WATCHED ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00628-00174946-00175086 "AND THEY LOOKED LIKE THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00629-00175086-00175320 "THEY WERE JUST AGHAST. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00630-00175320-00175503 AND THEY WERE SHOCKED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00631-00175926-00176120 "NOW, MOORE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00632-00176440-00176686 HE ALWAYS TRIED TO ACT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00633-00176866-00177170 "AND HIDE HIMSELF BEHIND MAKEUP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00634-00177170-00177320 "HE WOULD TAKE THESE DIFFERENT ROLES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00635-00177320-00177456 "HE WOULD USE COSTUMES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00636-00177456-00177580 "AND DIFFERENT CHARACTERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00637-00177580-00177786 "AND HIDE HIMSELF, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00638-00177786-00178003 "AND THAT'S WHY I THINK IT WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00639-00178003-00178156 "SUPERFICIAL IN A SENSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00640-00178156-00178413 "THEN HE LEFT COLLEGE, I THINK IT WAS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00641-00178413-00178630 "I DON'T KNOW, SOPHOMORE OR JUNIOR YEAR, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00642-00178630-00178903 AND THEN I WENT TO BROADWAY, NEW YORK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00643-00179236-00179653 "AND I FELT LIKE HE SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00644-00179653-00179793 "YOU KNOW, I THINK THAT HE WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00645-00179793-00179973 "BETTER TECHNIQUE-WISE THAN I WAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00646-00179973-00180133 "HE WAS BETTER AT ACTING IN SOME WAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00647-00180133-00180313 "AND MAYBE HE SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00648-00180313-00180583 "BUT I DIDN'T NECESSARILY HAVE THAT TECHNICAL PART, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00649-00180583-00180766 "BUT MY FOCUS WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00650-00180766-00181106 "TO PROJECT A CHARACTER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00651-00181106-00181453 "A REAL RESONANCE OF A PERSONAGE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00652-00181453-00181610 THROUGH THE SIGNING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00653-00182203-00182953 "SO, IF A LINE IS 'I'M TELLING YOU TO STOP,' RIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00654-00182953-00183153 "I WOULD MOVE CLOSER TO YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00655-00183153-00183356 "SO, BEFORE THAT, PEOPLE WOULDN'T gtoIFMfy_Kc-00656-00183356-00183503 "ACT IN THAT PARTICULAR WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00657-00183503-00183690 "THEY'D SAY, "STOP, FINISH," WHATEVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00658-00183690-00183853 "BUT I WANTED TO SHOW gtoIFMfy_Kc-00659-00183853-00183986 "MORE MENACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00660-00183986-00184130 "SO, I WOULD SLOW THINGS DOWN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00661-00184130-00184313 "AND I WOULD MOVE TOWARDS THE PERSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00662-00184313-00184510 "SO, I MEAN, I DID THESE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00663-00184510-00184753 "DIFFERENT SORTS OF THINGS THAN OTHER PEOPLE DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00664-00184753-00184903 "I WAS ACTING IN A DIFFERENT WAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00665-00184903-00185040 "THAN OTHER PEOPLE DID, SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00666-00185040-00185283 THAT'S JUST ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00667-00185283-00185466 MATTHEW ASKS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00668-00185703-00185896 "SO, WERE ANY HEARING PEOPLE INVOLVED IN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00669-00185896-00186163 "ANY OF THESE PURSUITS, LIKE... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00670-00186163-00186346 "I MEAN, DID YOU HAVE ANY HEARING PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00671-00186346-00186696 WHO WERE PART OF THIS, OR THEY WEREN'T ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00672-00186696-00187026 MALZ ASKS, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BEING INVOLVED AND PARTICIPATE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00673-00187026-00187396 MATTHEW SAYS, "LIKE IN THE POETRY, SIGNING POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00674-00187396-00187640 WERE HEARING PEOPLE PART OF THIS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00675-00187640-00187990 MALZ SAID, "WELL, NO. BARELY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00676-00187990-00188283 "I MEAN, THEY PROBABLY NEVER THOUGHT OF IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00677-00188283-00188463 "WE NEVER THOUGHT TO ASK THEM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00678-00188463-00188626 "AND HEARING PEOPLE NEVER VOLUNTEERED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00679-00188626-00188820 TO BE PART OF IT AT ALL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00680-00189086-00189390 "NOW, TO BE FAIR, WE DIDN'T REALLY ASK THEM gtoIFMfy_Kc-00681-00189390-00189563 "AND WE DIDN'T WANT THEM TO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00682-00189563-00189770 "DO YOU KNOW AT THE TIME THAT IN GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00683-00189770-00189933 "DEAF PEOPLE COULDN'T GO TO GRAD SCHOOL? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00684-00189933-00190070 "I WANTED TO LEARN TO BECOME A TEACHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00685-00190070-00190293 "BUT I HAD TO GO TO A HEARING COLLEGE TO DO THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00686-00190293-00190556 "BECAUSE GALLAUDET WOULDN'T LET ME IN WHEN I APPLIED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00687-00190556-00190716 "THEY ONLY TOOK HEARING STUDENTS TO BE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00688-00190716-00190993 "PART OF THEIR MASTER'S PROGRAM, SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00689-00190993-00191156 "ASKING HEARING PEOPLE TO BE INVOLVED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00690-00191156-00191363 "WASN'T REALLY NECESSARILY WHAT WE WANTED TO DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00691-00191363-00191540 "WE HAD OUR TURF, THEY HAD THEIRS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00692-00191540-00191730 KNOW WHAT I MEAN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00693-00191920-00192053 "THIS WAS UNSPOKEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00694-00192053-00192236 "NOBODY EVER TALKED ABOUT IT, REALLY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00695-00192236-00192536 "UNTIL I WENT TO NEW YORK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00696-00192536-00192686 "AND THAT WAS REALLY INTERESTING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00697-00192686-00192953 "AND I WAS ON BROADWAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00698-00192953-00193146 "AND WE NEEDED SOME HEARING PEOPLE TO BE INVOLVED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00699-00193146-00193453 "AND WE ASKED THEM, AND THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00700-00193453-00193803 "THE SON OF THE PRESIDENT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00701-00193803-00193960 "OF THE DEAF CLUB THERE--JOHN HALL-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00702-00193960-00194136 HE CAME AND HELPED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00703-00194320-00194643 "HE HELPED WITH THE SETS, AND THAT WAS GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00704-00194643-00194790 "AND THAT WAS THE FIRST HEARING PERSON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00705-00194790-00194940 "WHO WAS REALLY INVOLVED WITH US, AND HE GAVE US gtoIFMfy_Kc-00706-00194940-00195270 A LOT OF SUPPORT, HELPING US WITH THE SETS AND STUFF." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00707-00195270-00195636 KENNY ASKED, "DID HEARING PEOPLE GO AND WATCH AND ENJOY IT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00708-00195636-00195936 MALZ SAYS, "YES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00709-00195936-00196156 KENNY SAID, "YOU MEAN--I DON'T MEAN BROADWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00710-00196156-00196353 "I MEAN BEFORE, WITH THE DIFFERENT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00711-00196353-00196583 "SIGNING OF POETRY AND WHAT HAVE YOU ON CAMPUS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00712-00196583-00196910 WERE HEARING PEOPLE OUT IN THE AUDIENCE WATCHING YOU?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00713-00196910-00197176 MALZ SAID... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00714-00197176-00197370 "WELL, SOME OF THE GRAD STUDENTS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00715-00197370-00197523 "WOULD BE THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00716-00197523-00197686 "THAT WAS CALLED THE NORMAL STUDENTS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00717-00197686-00197870 "BECAUSE IT WAS CALLED THE NORMAL SCHOOL AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00718-00197870-00197996 "HOW MANY? I DON'T KNOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00719-00197996-00198123 "OR IF IT WAS ALL OF THEM, I DON'T KNOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00720-00198123-00198286 "I DIDN'T LOOK AT THE AUDIENCE NECESSARILY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00721-00198286-00198470 "WHILE I WAS PERFORMING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00722-00198470-00198620 "YOU KNOW, IT'S REALLY DANGEROUS IF YOU LOOK AT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00723-00198620-00198813 "ANY ONE PARTICULAR PERSON IN THE AUDIENCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00724-00198813-00199126 "WHEN YOU'RE PERFORMING, BECAUSE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00725-00199126-00199296 "THAT CAN REALLY MESS YOU UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00726-00199296-00199590 "YOU CAN JUST--WHAT IF SOMEBODY FLIPS YOU THE FINGER? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00727-00199590-00199740 "YOU'RE GONNA LOSE ALL YOUR LINES gtoIFMfy_Kc-00728-00199740-00199900 "AND YOU'RE GONNA GO COMPLETELY OFF TASK gtoIFMfy_Kc-00729-00199900-00200083 "BECAUSE YOU'LL LOSE YOUR CONCENTRATION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00730-00200083-00200290 "SO, I ALWAYS LOOK WAY IN THE BACK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00731-00200290-00200430 "OUT IN THE BACK OF THE THEATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00732-00200430-00200660 "I NEVER LOOK AT ANYBODY IN PARTICULAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00733-00200660-00200810 "SO, I DON'T KNOW. I MEAN, I DO KNOW THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00734-00200810-00201010 "SOME HEARING PEOPLE WERE THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00735-00201010-00201150 "AND THERE WERE SOME TEACHERS, OF COURSE, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00736-00201150-00201363 "THEY LOVED IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00737-00201363-00201683 "MY PSYCHOLOGY TEACHER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00738-00201683-00201843 "I'VE TOLD YOU STORIES ABOUT HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00739-00201843-00202076 "HE WAS GREAT. OH, HE WAS FANTASTIC gtoIFMfy_Kc-00740-00202076-00202236 "AND HE LOVED COMING TO THE PLAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00741-00202236-00202653 "AND HE WOULD SAY, 'OK, ON TOMORROW'S EXAM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00742-00202653-00203150 "'I WANT TO KNOW WHAT DID ERIC ACT OUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00743-00203150-00203500 "'IN HIS ROLE AS JONATHAN? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00744-00203500-00203860 "'WHAT PARTICULAR PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONAL STATE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00745-00203860-00204060 "WAS HE PROJECTING?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00746-00204060-00204336 "SO, HE WOULD USE THE PLAYS AS PART OF THE EXAMS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00747-00204336-00204503 OR PART OF THE COURSE MATERIAL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00748-00204720-00205040 "NOW, ANOTHER PERSON WHO ALSO WENT TO NEW YORK WITH US..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00749-00205293-00205586 "WAS INTERESTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00750-00205586-00206100 "SHE TAUGHT DRAMA WITH HUGHES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00751-00206100-00206303 "OK, IN THAT CLASS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00752-00206303-00206669 "ON DRAMA NIGHT AND AMATEUR NIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00753-00206669-00206819 "SHE TAUGHT WITH HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00754-00206819-00206956 "SHE WAS A HEARING WOMAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00755-00206956-00207106 "JUST ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00756-00207106-00207336 "BEAUTIFUL WOMAN-- ENGLISH TEACHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00757-00207336-00207630 "THAT WAS ELIZABETH BENSON, AND SHE-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00758-00207630-00207953 "WELL, SHE DIRECTED ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00759-00207953-00208363 "SHE DIRECTED ME IN A PLAY CALLED "THE BOOR," BY CHEKHOV. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00760-00208363-00208773 VERY GOOD DIRECTOR. THIS HEARING WOMAN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00761-00208773-00209060 "AND SHE SIGNED GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00762-00209060-00209610 "WE WENT TO NEW YORK, AND SHE WAS THE VOICE INTERPRETER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00763-00209610-00209996 "BUT SHE ALSO...SHE KIND OF MADE OUT AS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00764-00209996-00210250 "SOMEBODY WHO COULD, YOU KNOW, ADD SOME IDEAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00765-00210250-00210446 "TO WHAT WE NEEDED AND, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00766-00210446-00210586 "WE TOOK IN HER IDEAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00767-00210586-00210886 "USUALLY WE USED MINE INSTEAD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00768-00210886-00211253 "BUT SHE MOSTLY WAS THERE TO INTERPRET FOR US. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00769-00211253-00211443 "BUT I DO HAVE TO GIVE HER CREDIT, BECAUSE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00770-00211443-00211606 "SHE WAS THE FIRST HEARING PERSON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00771-00211606-00211969 TO BE INVOLVED IN THE GALLAUDET DRAMA PURSUITS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00772-00212319-00212569 "AND SHE ALSO TAUGHT CLASSES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00773-00212569-00212860 "IT WAS REALLY SAD BECAUSE, LET'S SEE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00774-00212860-00213090 "SHE WAS PART OF THINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00775-00213090-00213516 "OTHER PEOPLE WOULD COME UP AND BE PART OF IT FOR A LITTLE WHILE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00776-00213516-00213756 "AND THEN THEY WOULD DISAPPEAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00777-00213756-00213919 "AND THEN THEY WOULD STOP GOING TO CLASS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00778-00213919-00214306 "THEY JUST DECIDED, 'EH, IT'S NOT WORTH IT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00779-00214306-00214590 "AND I KNOW THAT IT REALLY BROKE HER HEART, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00780-00214590-00214803 "IT BROKE HUGHES' HEART. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00781-00214803-00215153 "AND THEY SET UP THE OFFICIAL DRAMA DEPARTMENT LATER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00782-00215153-00215323 "AND THEN THOSE TWO WEREN'T INVOLVED ANYMORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00783-00215323-00215503 "THEY PICKED OTHER PEOPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00784-00215503-00215656 "SO, THEY HAD HEARING PEOPLE RUN IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00785-00215656-00215890 "THEY HAD THIS ONE MAN WHO WAS RUNNING THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00786-00215890-00216236 "AND DID FROM THEN ON, BUT THOSE TWO WERE SO GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00787-00216236-00216490 "YOU KNOW, THEY WERE WONDERFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00788-00216490-00216736 "THEY WERE MASTERS, REALLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00789-00216736-00216916 "HUGHES WAS A MASTER STORYTELLER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00790-00216916-00217090 "HE WAS GREAT, AND HE WENT ALL OVER THE PLACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00791-00217090-00217460 "HE WENT TO NEW YORK QUITE OFTEN AS A STORYTELLER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00792-00217460-00217796 "SIGNING STORIES. JUST AMAZING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00793-00217796-00218103 BEAUTIFUL. I LEARNED A LOT FROM HIM, ACTUALLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00794-00218746-00219210 "HE WENT ALL OVER MICHIGAN AND NEW YORK gtoIFMfy_Kc-00795-00219210-00219493 "TELLING STORIES, DOING POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00796-00219493-00219636 MM-HMM. ACTING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00797-00219876-00220246 "STANDING ONSTAGE IN ONE PLACE, OF COURSE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00798-00220246-00220463 PETER SAYS, "EVERYBODY STOOD IN ONE PLACE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00799-00220463-00220646 "OH, YES," MALZ SAYS. "OH, YES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00800-00220646-00220869 YOU KNOW, THAT WAS THE WAY IT WAS, OF COURSE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00801-00221119-00221303 PETER SAYS, "A PERSON WHO'S PERFORMING POETRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00802-00221303-00221519 WOULD MOVE AROUND?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00803-00221519-00221663 MALZ SAID, "OF COURSE, I THINK SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00804-00221663-00221803 "AND THAT'S WHAT I DID WITH 'JABBERWOCKY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00805-00221803-00222146 "I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT TO BE MOVING AROUND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00806-00222146-00222430 "AND THAT'S WHAT I LIKED ABOUT JOE VELEZ. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00807-00222430-00222590 "HE MOVED AROUND AND RAN AROUND, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00808-00222590-00222890 "I MEAN, I CAN'T RUN ANYMORE THESE DAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00809-00222890-00223153 BUT I USED TO MOVE QUITE A BIT AROUND ONSTAGE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00810-00223369-00223583 "VELEZ HAD A BETTER FACE THAN I DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00811-00223583-00223753 HE HAD KIND OF A RUBBER FACE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00812-00224119-00224550 "NOW, YOU GET THE PICTURE OF VELEZ, IF YOU'VE SEEN HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00813-00224550-00224850 "HE HAD THIS BETTER FACIAL EXPRESSION THAN I DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00814-00224850-00225150 "AND SO, I TOOK MY 'JABBERWOCKY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00815-00225150-00225446 "AND I PICKED THE BEST ASPECTS OF THEM gtoIFMfy_Kc-00816-00225446-00225663 "TO GIVE TO HIM, SO, THEY WERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00817-00225663-00225869 PARTIALLY MINE AND PARTIALLY HIS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00818-00226053-00226203 "IT'S INTERESTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00819-00226203-00226473 "HOW I FELT ABOUT MY 'JABBERWOCKY' IN 1939. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00820-00226473-00226613 "I MEAN, I CAME UP WITH IT THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00821-00226613-00226763 "AND THEN YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS LATER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00822-00226763-00226893 "IT WAS JUST MINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00823-00226893-00227156 "IT WAS ALL MINE FOR THE LONGEST TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00824-00227156-00227403 "THEN IT WAS 1960--I DON'T KNOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00825-00227403-00227769 "WHAT WAS, '67, '68, '69 OR SOMETHING gtoIFMfy_Kc-00826-00227769-00228043 "WHEN NTD WAS FINALLY FOUNDED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00827-00228043-00228269 "AND THEN ALL MY ANIMALS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00828-00228269-00228619 "THERE THEY WERE IN THEIR LITTLE CAGES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00829-00228619-00228826 "AND I HAD TO TAKE ALL THOSE CAGES AND THEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00830-00228826-00229026 "GIVE THEM TO JOE VELEZ, WHICH IS WHAT I DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00831-00229026-00229310 "ALL MY ANIMALS WERE GONE, AND IT BROKE MY HEART. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00832-00229310-00229523 ALL MY ANIMALS WERE GONE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00833-00229523-00229806 PETER SAID, "YOU GAVE THEM TO HIM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00834-00229806-00230153 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, WHAT I DID WAS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00835-00230426-00230663 "IT'S LIKE IF YOU BECOME A FATHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00836-00230663-00230840 "AND YOU HAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL CHILD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00837-00230840-00230983 "YOU WANT THEM TO BE SUCCESSFUL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00838-00230983-00231140 "AND THEN THEY GROW UP, AND THEN THEY GO AWAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00839-00231140-00231410 "AND YOU LET THEM GO, AND YOU SAY GOOD-BYE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00840-00231410-00231806 "AND YOU DON'T WANT YOUR CHILD TO GO AWAY, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00841-00231806-00232003 BUT LET ME EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED EXACTLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00842-00232303-00232806 "SO, AT FIRST, DAVID HAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00843-00232806-00233193 "HAD ME WORKING AS A TRANSLATOR WITH NTD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00844-00233193-00233740 "AND HE SAID, 'MALZ... HAVE A FEW BEERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00845-00233740-00233983 "AND THEN SHOW ME JABBERWOCKY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00846-00233983-00234256 "SO, I DRANK A FEW BEERS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00847-00234256-00234519 "AND HE SAID, 'NOW SHOW ME JABBERWOCKY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00848-00234719-00234919 "BECAUSE HE'D NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00849-00235119-00235403 "SO, BRAGG AND OTHER PEOPLE, YOU KNOW, WERE AROUND, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00850-00235403-00235523 "AND THEY WANTED-- FOR THE FIRST SHOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00851-00235523-00235686 "THEY THOUGHT IT'D BE REALLY WORTH IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00852-00235686-00235953 "TO HAVE 'JABBERWOCKY' AS PART OF THE FIRST THING OFFERED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00853-00235953-00236266 "AND SO, THEY HAD NEVER BEEN SIGNED LIKE THAT EVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00854-00236266-00236433 "AND NOBODY HAD EVER SEEN IT SIGNED, SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00855-00236433-00236583 "DAVID HAYS REALLY WANTED TO DO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00856-00236583-00236826 "AND I DIDN'T WANT TO VOLUNTEER TO BE THE ONE TO DO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00857-00236826-00237086 "UM, YOU KNOW, I'M A MIXTURE OF gtoIFMfy_Kc-00858-00237086-00237293 "AN EGOTISTICAL PERSON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00859-00237293-00237613 "AND A VERY SHY MAN AT THE SAME TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00860-00237613-00237803 "SO, I DIDN'T WANT TO BE THE ONE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00861-00237803-00238123 "TO BRING THIS FORTH ON THE STAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00862-00238123-00238283 "SO, I DRANK MY BEERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00863-00238283-00238503 "HE SAID, 'OK, NOW LET ME SEE IT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00864-00238503-00238756 "SO, DRUNK AS A SKUNK, I WENT OUT THERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00865-00238756-00238886 "AND I PERFORMED 'JABBERWOCKY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00866-00238886-00239193 "JUST, YOU KNOW, BARELY ABLE TO STAY UPRIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00867-00239193-00239446 "AND HE WANTED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00868-00239446-00239666 "AND FIRST, BERNARD BRAGG ACTUALLY WANTED IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00869-00239666-00239819 "BUT I SAID, 'NO WAY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00870-00239819-00239969 "I DID NOT WANT HIM TO DO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00871-00239969-00240136 "I DID NOT WANT BERNARD TO DO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00872-00240136-00240419 I WANTED JOE VELEZ TO BE THE ONE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00873-00240419-00240660 PETER SAYS, "WAS BERNARD UPSET?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00874-00240660-00240916 AND MALZ SAYS, "OH, YES, HE WAS VERY MAD AT ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00875-00240916-00241246 HE'S STILL MAD AT ME TODAY. HE'S ALWAYS MAD AT ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00876-00241246-00241416 [MAN LAUGHS] gtoIFMfy_Kc-00877-00241416-00241663 MATTHEW SAYS, "REALLY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00878-00241663-00241819 AND MALZ SAID, "YES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00879-00242103-00242219 AND... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00880-00242669-00242906 "HE WROTE 'TALES FROM A CLUB ROOM,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00881-00242906-00243030 "AND WHEN I LOOKED AT THE SCRIPT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00882-00243030-00243243 "I THOUGHT IT WAS AWFUL, SO, I FIXED IT UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-00883-00243243-00243443 "AND I GAVE IT BACK TO HIM AND HE THANKED ME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00884-00243443-00243606 "FOR HAVING FIXED IT UP AND EDITED IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00885-00243606-00243873 "AND THEN--THIS WAS BACK IN THE DAY, THIS WAS A WHILE AGO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00886-00243873-00244010 "AND I WENT TO SEE THE SHOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00887-00244010-00244243 THERE'S NO TICKET WAITING FOR ME IN THE LOBBY. NOTHING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00888-00244453-00244619 "AND I WONDERED IF MY NAME WOULD BE MENTIONED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00889-00244619-00244763 "IN PART OF THE CREDITS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00890-00244763-00244900 "THERE WAS NOTHING. ACTUALLY, ON THE BACK gtoIFMfy_Kc-00891-00244900-00245146 "OF THE PROGRAM, THEY GAVE SPECIAL THANKS TO MALZ, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00892-00245146-00245363 "AND I THOUGHT, 'OK, MAYBE HE WAS JUST BUSY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00893-00245363-00245550 "FORGOT TO PUT ME IN THE CREDITS.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00894-00245550-00245930 "BUT I THOUGHT HE SHOULD SHARE THE CREDIT WITH ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00895-00245930-00246516 "SO THE GROUP THAT ALL WERE TOGETHER, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00896-00246516-00246840 "WAS KIND OF ANGRY THAT MY NAME WASN'T THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00897-00246840-00247103 AND THEY FOUGHT FOR ME, BUT THAT'S HIM, THAT'S BERNARD." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00898-00247303-00247596 "AND SO, WE DON'T WORK TOGETHER ANYMORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00899-00247596-00247746 "WE'RE NOT CLOSE ANYMORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00900-00247746-00248023 "BUT THAT'S THE WAY HE IS. OK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00901-00248023-00248196 "I JUST FELT LIKE THAT'S IT FOR ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00902-00248196-00248450 "THAT'S IT. I WORKED WITH HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00903-00248450-00248636 "IT WAS VERY FRUSTRATING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00904-00248636-00248963 "LIKE AT NTD, I DID WORK WITH HIM AT NTD, OF COURSE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00905-00248963-00249503 "AND I...GAVE HIM A LOT OF CREDIT FOR WHAT HE DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00906-00249503-00249693 "HE'S REALLY WONDERFUL, BUT-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00907-00249693-00249963 "HE'S WONDERFUL AT WHAT HE DOES, BUT I DON'T THINK HE'S WONDERFUL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00908-00249963-00250256 "AS A PERSON, NECESSARILY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00909-00250256-00250483 "BUT I DON'T WANT YOU TO WRITE THAT, OK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-00910-00250483-00250680 I DO NOT WANT THAT TO GO DOWN IN PRINT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00911-00251053-00251236 "HE'D COME AFTER ME TO ASK gtoIFMfy_Kc-00912-00251236-00251436 "IF I WOULD BE INVOLVED WITH THINGS WITH HIM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00913-00251436-00251569 "IF I WOULD BE PART OF THINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00914-00251569-00251696 "I'D SAY, 'OH, NO, MY ARMS HURT,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00915-00251696-00251913 "AND IT IS TRUE THAT MY ARMS DO HURT SOMETIMES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00916-00251913-00252040 "I CAN'T SIGN. LIKE, LAST NIGHT gtoIFMfy_Kc-00917-00252040-00252260 "AFTER THE PERFORMANCE, IT REALLY HURT A LOT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00918-00252260-00252519 "BUT I GET THROUGH IT AND I FINISH IT UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00919-00252519-00252733 "BUT I WILL NOT PUT MYSELF THROUGH ANY PAIN FOR HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00920-00252733-00252966 "NOT ANYMORE, EVEN WHEN HE ASKS ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00921-00252966-00253236 "SO, THAT'S WHY HE'S MAD AT ME SOMETIMES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00922-00253236-00253453 "LET'S SEE, I THINK--LAST TIME HE WAS MAD AT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00923-00253453-00253619 LAST MAY, I THINK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00924-00253803-00253986 "I WAS WORKING WITH SOME INTERPRETERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-00925-00253986-00254473 "FOR 'ON THE TOWN,' THAT SHOW 'ON THE TOWN,' THE MUSICAL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00926-00254473-00254766 "AND SO, I WAS WORKING WITH INTERPRETERS TO FIGURE IT OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00927-00254766-00255076 "AND IN THE PROGRAM, THEY HAD gtoIFMfy_Kc-00928-00255076-00255383 "SOME PARAGRAPHS ABOUT THE INTERPRETATION, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00929-00255383-00255683 "AND THEY DID HAVE SOMETHING ABOUT ME IN THERE, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00930-00255683-00256296 "AND THEY HAD SOMETHING ABOUT BERNARD BRAGG IN THERE ALSO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00931-00256296-00256516 "BUT I WROTE MINE MYSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00932-00256516-00256783 "I WROTE THIS BIO MYSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00933-00256783-00257093 "AND I HAD, 'MALZ STARTED WORKING IN THE THEATER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00934-00257093-00257266 "'IN 1939.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00935-00257266-00257450 "AND THAT'S ALL I WROTE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00936-00257450-00257840 "AND HE WROTE--OH, MY GOD, THIS THING THAT, YOU KNOW, LIKE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00937-00257840-00257996 "HEH HEH. THAT WENT ON AND ON gtoIFMfy_Kc-00938-00257996-00258216 "AND HE SHOULD'VE DONE WHAT I DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00939-00258216-00258523 "BUT BERNARD CAME UP TO ME AND, YOU KNOW, HE SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00940-00258523-00258626 "OH, YOU SHOULD SAY THAT YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-00941-00258626-00258790 "WORKED UNDER ME AND WHAT HAVE YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00942-00258790-00259236 "I MEAN, THAT'S JUST--I SAID, 'YOU KNOW, BERNIE, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00943-00259236-00259583 "'THAT'S JUST TOO LONG AGO AND WE DON'T REALLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00944-00259583-00259893 "WORK TOGETHER ANYMORE,' AND, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00945-00259893-00260136 "THAT'S JUST NOT WHAT I WANT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00946-00260136-00260276 "AND HE GOT REALLY MAD WITH ME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00947-00260276-00260390 "AND WE'RE NOT SPEAKING ANYMORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00948-00260390-00260596 "HE HASN'T TALKED TO ME SINCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00949-00260596-00260819 "BUT JUST PUT THAT ASIDE. IT JUST REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00950-00260819-00261253 "I MEAN, HE IS KEY FOR TECHNIQUES, I THINK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00951-00261253-00261486 "AND I'M KEY FOR THE CREATION OF SIGNS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00952-00261486-00261640 "AND I THINK THAT'S HOW IT ALL FALLS OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00953-00261640-00262126 "WE'RE VERY DIFFERENT PEOPLE, BUT I DO ADMIRE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00954-00262126-00262476 "HIS COMMITMENT TO HIS SKILL gtoIFMfy_Kc-00955-00262476-00262850 "AND...I THINK HE'S THE BEST MIME gtoIFMfy_Kc-00956-00262850-00263103 I'VE EVER SEEN, TRUTHFULLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00957-00263276-00263576 "WHAT BOTHERS ME IS THAT HE gtoIFMfy_Kc-00958-00263576-00263790 "USES THE SAME SORT OF TECHNIQUES ALL THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00959-00263790-00264076 "THERE'S NOTHING NEW IN HIS REPERTOIRE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00960-00264076-00264236 "AND I WANT TO SAY, 'COME ON. DO SOMETHING NEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00961-00264236-00264400 "DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-00962-00264400-00264573 "BUT HE RARELY DOES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00963-00264573-00264710 "I'M ALWAYS INTERESTED IN NEW THINGS-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-00964-00264710-00264926 "WHAT'S UP AND COMING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00965-00264926-00265406 "AND THAT'S WHY 'JABBERWOCKY' WAS SUCH A BIG THING FOR ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00966-00265406-00265546 "I MEAN, IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00967-00265546-00265703 "IT WAS 1939, AS I SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00968-00265703-00265870 "AND I'M LOOKING--I'M STILL LOOKING FOR NEW THINGS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00969-00265870-00266040 "BUT THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE WHO gtoIFMfy_Kc-00970-00266040-00266370 HAVEN'T EXPLORED POTENTIAL TO DO SOMETHING NEW." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00971-00266670-00267003 MATTHEW SAYS, "I WAS TALKING TO KENNY AND PETER gtoIFMfy_Kc-00972-00267003-00267283 "ABOUT HOW IT SEEMS LIKE POETRY'S BEEN LOST gtoIFMfy_Kc-00973-00267283-00267546 "IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY FOR A WHILE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00974-00267546-00267776 "IT SEEMS LIKE IN THE SIXTIES OR SEVENTIES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00975-00267776-00268176 "MAYBE THERE WASN'T MUCH, AND I GUESS BY THAT I MEAN... gtoIFMfy_Kc-00976-00268176-00268423 "BY THAT I MEAN--YEAH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00977-00268423-00268643 "I'M TALKING ABOUT SIGNING, NOT WRITING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00978-00268643-00268880 "I'M TALKING ABOUT SIGNING POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00979-00268880-00269210 "NOW, I UNDERSTAND THAT BACK IN THE THIRTIES OR FORTIES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00980-00269210-00269450 "IT SEEMED LIKE IT WAS QUITE POPULAR TO SIGN gtoIFMfy_Kc-00981-00269450-00269650 "IN THIS VERY BEAUTIFUL, FORMALISTIC WAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00982-00269650-00269933 "AND THAT THAT WAS ACCEPTABLE IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00983-00269933-00270320 "WHILE HEARING PEOPLE, YOU KNOW, WERE STILL BANGING THE DRUM gtoIFMfy_Kc-00984-00270320-00270546 "ABOUT HOW ENGLISH WAS IMPORTANT, SO, I WONDERED gtoIFMfy_Kc-00985-00270546-00270733 "IF DEAF PEOPLE BECAME SCARED OFF FROM POETRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00986-00270733-00270990 "BECAUSE IN THEIR MINDS, POETRY EQUALS ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00987-00270990-00271150 "THEY CONFLATE THE TWO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00988-00271150-00271373 "AND SO, I WONDERED-- YOU HAD THIS GENERATION gtoIFMfy_Kc-00989-00271373-00271603 "OF STARTING IT, AND I WONDER IF gtoIFMfy_Kc-00990-00271603-00271913 "MAYBE IT'S TIME TO REVIVE IT IN A SENSE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00991-00271913-00272223 "BECAUSE IT'S--THERE'S A GAP, I THINK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-00992-00272223-00272420 "BETWEEN YOUR TIME AND WHAT'S GOING ON NOW gtoIFMfy_Kc-00993-00272420-00272596 "WITH A REJUVENATION OF POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00994-00272596-00272823 WOULD YOU AGREE WITH THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-00995-00272823-00273140 MALZ SAYS, "I CAN'T REALLY ANSWER THAT SPECIFICALLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-00996-00273140-00273616 "BECAUSE I WAS REALLY OUT OF IT FOR A WHILE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-00997-00273616-00273936 FOR SOME YEARS, I WASN'T INVOLVED WITH IT AT ALL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00998-00274070-00274246 "I WAS BUSY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-00999-00274520-00274933 "I HAD CHILDREN, AND MY CHILDREN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01000-00274933-00275120 "WERE REALLY INVOLVED WITH BASEBALL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01001-00275120-00275473 "SO, FOR MANY YEARS, 10 YEARS OR SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01002-00275473-00275656 "I WAS FOCUSED ON DRIVING MY KIDS AROUND gtoIFMfy_Kc-01003-00275656-00275856 "TO ALL THEIR BASEBALL PRACTICES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01004-00275856-00276186 "I WAS OFFICIAL SCOREKEEPER FOR THE LITTLE LEAGUE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01005-00276186-00276360 "ALL THE KIDS-- THE KIDS WERE HEARING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01006-00276360-00276560 "I WAS THE ONLY DEAF PERSON, BUT I WAS MANAGING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01007-00276560-00276853 "AND I WAS INVOLVED IN THAT FOR, LIKE, 10 YEARS OR SO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01008-00276853-00277023 "SO, PEOPLE SAY, 'WERE YOU A HERMIT?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01009-00277023-00277296 "AND I'D SAY, 'I'M NOT A HERMIT. I'M A FATHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01010-00277296-00277453 "'ONCE MY KIDS ARE GROWN UP, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01011-00277453-00277603 "'YOU'LL SEE ME AGAIN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01012-00277603-00277803 "JUST WAIT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01013-00277803-00278160 SO, I CAN'T REALLY ANSWER THAT QUESTION." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01014-00278160-00278666 KENNY SAYS, "SO, YOU SAID THAT THERE WERE CLUBS BACK IN THE DAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01015-00278666-00279010 "AND MAYBE THERE WAS POETRY BEING PERFORMED IN THOSE CLUBS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01016-00279010-00279200 AND GALLAUDET, TOO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01017-00279420-00279753 "WOULD YOU SAY THAT-- DID THINGS BECOME gtoIFMfy_Kc-01018-00279753-00279923 "MORE OFFICIAL THEN, MORE FORMAL? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01019-00279923-00280230 LIKE, WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE LIT SOCIETY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01020-00280230-00280503 MALZ SAYS, "THE LITERARY SOCIETY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01021-00280503-00280660 "WENT FOR THE LONGEST TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01022-00280660-00280823 "IT'S STILL GOING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01023-00280823-00281353 "BUT I DOUBT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01024-00281353-00281586 "THAT IT'S THE SAME WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01025-00281586-00281790 LET ME JUST SAY..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01026-00282186-00282590 "I CAN'T SPEAK SPECIFICALLY TO THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01027-00282590-00282830 "I MEAN, I WAS INVOLVED WITH A CERTAIN ASPECT OF IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01028-00282830-00282976 "AND GALLAUDET, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01029-00282976-00283170 JUST A LITTLE BIT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01030-00283453-00283643 "THEY INVITE ME TO COME ONCE IN A WHILE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01031-00283643-00284000 "AND GIVE SPEECHES OR GIVE PRESENTATIONS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01032-00284000-00284193 "BUT I DID TEACH AT MSSD, AND I WAS MORE ON gtoIFMfy_Kc-01033-00284193-00284353 "THAT END OF THINGS, SO, I LOST TOUCH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01034-00284353-00284540 WITH THE MAIN PART OF GALLAUDET." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01035-00284540-00284783 AND KENNY SAID, "DID YOU GO TO OTHER PEOPLE AND TALK TO THEM gtoIFMfy_Kc-01036-00284783-00285000 "AND SAY, "OH, SHOW ME SIGNED POETRY"? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01037-00285000-00285176 DID PEOPLE WANT TO SEE THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01038-00285676-00286053 MATTHEW SAYS, "LIKE, IF PEOPLE NOW MEET YOU, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01039-00286053-00286323 DO THEY SAY, 'SHOW ME YOUR POETRY, SHOW ME WHAT YOU DO'?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01040-00286323-00286556 MALZ SAYS, "NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01041-00286556-00286753 "NO. I MEAN, I DON'T SELL MYSELF THAT WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01042-00286753-00287336 I DON'T SELL MYSELF AS SOME SORT OF CRITIC, BUT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01043-00287336-00287530 "I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01044-00287530-00287670 "BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01045-00287670-00287820 "DO ASK ME TO WORK WITH THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01046-00287820-00287970 "THEY REALLY DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01047-00287970-00288203 "BUT NOT FOR ME TO SHOW THEM MY WORK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01048-00288203-00288463 "IT'S THAT THEY WANT HELP WITH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01049-00288463-00288713 "AN AUDITION THAT THEY'RE PUTTING TOGETHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01050-00288713-00288863 "SOMETHING LIKE THAT, THEY'LL COME TO ME gtoIFMfy_Kc-01051-00288863-00289033 "AND ASK ME TO FIX THEIR AUDITION, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01052-00289033-00289300 "TWEAK IT A LITTLE BIT, FIX THEM UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01053-00289300-00289470 THAT KIND OF WORK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01054-00289626-00289920 "RITA COREY. DO YOU KNOW WHO RITA COREY IS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01055-00289920-00290083 "RITA COREY WOULD COME TO ME QUITE OFTEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01056-00290083-00290240 "SHE WAS AT GALLAUDET. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01057-00290240-00290403 "AND SHE WOULD BE DOING SONGS OR WHAT HAVE YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-01058-00290403-00290786 AND I WOULD HELP HER WITH REFINING HER PRODUCT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01059-00291003-00291486 "BUT OTHERS...WELL, IN FACT, SEVERAL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01060-00291486-00291783 "SEVERAL PEOPLE WHO AUDITIONED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01061-00291783-00292226 "FOR THE FILM 'CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD' ASKED ME FOR HELP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01062-00292226-00292470 "MARLEE MATLIN DIDN'T ASK ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01063-00292470-00292613 "SHE DIDN'T ASK FOR MY HELP, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01064-00292613-00292780 "BUT THERE WERE SEVERAL OTHERS WHO WERE MY KIDS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01065-00292780-00292963 "WHO DID AUDITION, AND I PREPARED THEM gtoIFMfy_Kc-01066-00292963-00293136 FOR THEIR AUDITION FOR THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01067-00293470-00293670 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-01068-00294236-00294570 "TERRYLENE. TERRYLENE WAS ONE OF gtoIFMfy_Kc-01069-00294570-00294830 "THE FINALISTS FOR THAT ROLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01070-00294830-00295070 "'CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01071-00295070-00295466 "THINGS GOT NARROWED DOWN TO JUST 3 OR 4. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01072-00295466-00295633 "THEN THERE WERE ONLY TWO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01073-00295633-00295790 "AND TERRYLENE WAS THE THIRD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01074-00295790-00295950 "THEN IT CAME DOWN TO THESE TWO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01075-00295950-00296136 AND THEN MARLEE MATLIN GOT THE PART." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01076-00296503-00296790 KENNY SAYS, "I'M STILL HAMMERING AWAY AT THIS ONE IDEA gtoIFMfy_Kc-01077-00296790-00296970 THAT I WANT TO GET YOU TO ANSWER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01078-00297136-00297733 "IF YOU WENT TO NEW YORK CITY IN 1939, 1940, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01079-00297733-00298103 "WOULD YOU HAVE SEEN DEAF PEOPLE PERFORMING POETRY AT THAT TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01080-00298103-00298286 IN THE COMMUNITY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01081-00298453-00298786 MALZ SAYS, "YEAH, WELL, HOLD ON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01082-00298786-00299033 "YOU HAVE TO RECOGNIZE THE FACT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01083-00299033-00299200 "THAT THERE WAS A GAP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01084-00299200-00299360 "BETWEEN DEAF COMMUNITIES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01085-00299360-00299586 "BETWEEN GALLAUDET AND THE OTHER DEAF COMMUNITY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01086-00299586-00299736 "OR GRASSROOTS DEAF COMMUNITY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01087-00299736-00300093 "IN SOME PLACES, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01088-00300093-00300300 "ANYTHING TO DO WITH PEOPLE FROM GALLAUDET. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01089-00300300-00300553 IN FACT, WHEN I WENT TO NEW YORK CITY TO ACT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01090-00300836-00301043 "I WAS IN 'ARSENIC AND OLD LACE,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01091-00301043-00301273 "AND WHEN I GOT THERE, THE NEW YORK CITY DEAF CLUB gtoIFMfy_Kc-01092-00301273-00301503 "WAS COLD AS ICE TO ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01093-00301503-00301653 "THEY HAD NO USE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01094-00301653-00301803 "WHEN WE SHOWED UP, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01095-00301803-00301953 THEY ACTUALLY ASKED US TO LEAVE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01096-00302503-00303096 "AND THE CLUB ITSELF, THE CLUB ITSELF ACTUALLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01097-00303096-00303303 "DID HAVE STRONG ACTORS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01098-00303303-00303503 "AS MEMBERS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01099-00303503-00303673 "GOOD SIGNING, GOOD POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01100-00303673-00303846 "YES, THEY DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01101-00303846-00304080 "IN FACT, ONE OF THE BEST-KNOWN, WELL-KNOWN ACTORS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01102-00304080-00304306 "AND THAT WAS BERNARD BRAGG'S FATHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01103-00304306-00304536 "AND I'M SURE THAT BERNARD LEARNED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01104-00304536-00304710 "A LOT OF HIS TECHNIQUES FROM HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01105-00304710-00304900 "PROBABLY DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01106-00304900-00305293 "AND HE SIGNED ASL POETRY. HE SURELY DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01107-00305293-00305453 "AT FIRST, A LOT OF PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01108-00305453-00305603 "DIDN'T KNOW WHO HE WAS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01109-00305603-00305756 "BUT HE CREATED THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01110-00305756-00305996 "HE DIDN'T WORK FROM A WRITTEN SCRIPT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01111-00305996-00306263 "AND HE WOULD SIGN LIKE THIS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01112-00306263-00306596 "IF HE WAS SHOWING WATER ON A SHORE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01113-00306596-00306920 SHOWING THE WAVES LAPPING VERY SLOWLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01114-00307170-00307470 "JUST REALLY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL MOVEMENT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01115-00307470-00307920 "THAT WAS BERNARD BRAGG'S DAD. WAY BACK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01116-00307920-00308270 "SO, BERNARD'S FATHER, YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT--ABOUT HIS FATHER? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01117-00308270-00308486 "OH, BOY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01118-00308486-00308820 "WELL, HE HAD A COMPANY OF ACTORS AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01119-00308820-00308963 "I NEVER SAW THEM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01120-00308963-00309103 "BUT I HEARD THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01121-00309103-00309280 "THEY WERE PRETTY SUCCESSFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01122-00309280-00309510 "AND HE WROTE PLAYS, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01123-00309510-00309673 "HE WROTE PLAYS THAT THEY PUT ON, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01124-00309673-00309823 "AND HE WROTE THINGS FOR NTD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01125-00309823-00310016 "AND THEN BERNARD BRAGG WAS IN THOSE PLAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01126-00310016-00310186 BERNARD WROTE PLAYS ALSO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01127-00310503-00310930 MATTHEW SAYS, "IF THERE WAS A TIME WARP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01128-00310930-00311166 "AND YOU COULD GO BACK TO 1939 OR 1940, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01129-00311166-00311326 "DO YOU THINK THAT HEARING PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01130-00311326-00311476 "WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO GO SEE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01131-00311476-00311790 DEAF POETRY PERFORMED AT THE TIME?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01132-00311790-00312150 MALZ SAYS, "PROBABLY NOT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01133-00312503-00312743 "WELL, WHEN I WAS IN NEW YORK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01134-00312743-00312970 "THERE WAS A WRITER WHO SAID gtoIFMfy_Kc-01135-00312970-00313193 "THAT THIS PRODUCTION WAS THE FIRST TIME gtoIFMfy_Kc-01136-00313193-00313586 "THAT DEAF PEOPLE WERE SEEN IN PUBLIC gtoIFMfy_Kc-01137-00313586-00313776 "ON THE STAGE IN BROADWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01138-00313776-00314006 "IN PUBLIC. OK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01139-00314006-00314176 "SO, IN TERMS OF THE CLUBS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01140-00314176-00314536 "I MEAN, HEARING PEOPLE DIDN'T GO TO THE CLUBS AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01141-00314536-00314740 "SIGN LANGUAGE HADN'T PROLIFERATED AT THE TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01142-00314740-00314883 "NOW EVERYBODY WANTS TO LEARN IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01143-00314883-00315006 "BUT BACK THEN, THE ONLY PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01144-00315006-00315343 "WHO WOULD LEARN SIGN WERE PEOPLE WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01145-00315343-00315506 "THERE WERE NO CLASSES OFFERED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01146-00315506-00315683 "NOBODY HAD ANY INTEREST. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01147-00315683-00315856 "NOW THERE'S SO MANY CLASSES. PEOPLE SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01148-00315856-00316013 "'WHERE'S THE BEST PLACE TO GO LEARN?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01149-00316013-00316133 "AND, OF COURSE, YOU KNOW THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01150-00316133-00316286 "TO GO TO THE DEAF CLUB, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01151-00316286-00316450 "AND, OF COURSE, THEN THEY FALL IN LOVE WITH IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01152-00316450-00316676 "AND THEY SHOW UP, BUT BEFORE WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY OF THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01153-00316676-00316883 SO, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE COME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01154-00316883-00317186 MATTHEW SAYS, "WELL, HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY ABOUT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01155-00317186-00317623 "LIKE, PETER AND OTHER YOUNG DEAF POETS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01156-00317623-00317876 "THEY HAVE THEIR TECHNIQUES, THEY HAVE THEIR STYLES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01157-00317876-00317996 "WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE WORK YOU'RE SEEING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01158-00317996-00318176 FROM THEM THESE DAYS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01159-00318176-00318343 MALZ SAYS, "I THINK IT'S GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01160-00318343-00318533 "IT'S WONDERFUL, BUT I HAVE TO SAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01161-00318533-00318820 I'M A LITTLE UNCOMFORTABLE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01162-00319086-00319323 "I'M A LITTLE BOTHERED INSIDE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01163-00319323-00319513 "LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01164-00319513-00319786 "RITA COREY, WHO I MENTIONED BEFORE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01165-00319786-00320143 "SHE IS AN EXCELLENT SIGNER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01166-00320143-00320383 "BUT I KEEP GETTING ON HER CASE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01167-00320383-00320570 "AND SAYING, 'OK, GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01168-00320570-00320870 "'FINE. I CAN SEE YOUR SIGN, BUT I WANT TO SEE YOU ACT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01169-00320870-00321100 "'I WANT TO SEE MORE ACTING FROM YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01170-00321100-00321250 "'YOU NEED TO DEVELOP YOURSELF gtoIFMfy_Kc-01171-00321250-00321530 "'AND BE ABLE TO SHOW WHAT'S INSIDE YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01172-00321530-00321823 "'ON STAGE, IN PLAYS AND WHAT HAVE YOU, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01173-00321823-00321986 "'YOU KNOW, YOU'RE NOT DOING IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01174-00321986-00322120 "'AND IN POETRY, TOO, YOU NEED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01175-00322120-00322256 "TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01176-00322256-00322446 "AND WHAT I THINK ABOUT PETER IS THE SAME THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01177-00322446-00322603 "I WANT TO SEE MORE ACTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01178-00322603-00322723 "THE POETRY'S FINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01179-00322723-00322863 "THE POETRY IS ACTUALLY BEAUTIFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01180-00322863-00322980 "IT'S GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01181-00322980-00323136 "OK, NOW I WANT TO SEE YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-01182-00323136-00323656 "GROW AS A TOTAL, COMPLETE PERFORMER PACKAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01183-00323656-00323886 I WANT TO SEE THE ACTING DEVELOP." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01184-00323886-00324170 PETER SAYS, "THAT'S INTERESTING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01185-00324170-00324646 MATTHEW SAYS, "WELL, THERE'S SOME POLITICAL DISAGREEMENT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01186-00324646-00325176 "ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP OF POETRY AND ASL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01187-00325176-00325396 "SOME DEAF PEOPLE THINK IT CAN ONLY BELONG TO ENGLISH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01188-00325396-00325746 "AND ASL CAN'T CREATE ITS OWN POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01189-00325746-00325980 "TO WHICH OTHER PEOPLE SAY, 'NO, OF COURSE IT CAN.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01190-00325980-00326223 "SO, THIS IS BASED ON THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH ENGLISH, SO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01191-00326223-00326563 "I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR THOUGHTS ARE ABOUT THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01192-00326563-00326816 "WHAT DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT PARTICULAR ISSUE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01193-00326816-00327136 "BECAUSE IT'S A REALLY HOT TOPIC RIGHT NOW AMONG gtoIFMfy_Kc-01194-00327136-00327366 "FOLKS LIKE PETER, OTHER PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01195-00327366-00327540 "LOOKING AT EACH OTHER AND SAYING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01196-00327540-00327773 "'MY TECHNIQUE, MY WAY. THIS IS ASL, THIS ISN'T,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01197-00327773-00327886 "BUT WHO'S THE AUTHORITY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01198-00327886-00328200 WHO'S THE GOD OF ASL POETRY, IF YOU WILL?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01199-00328200-00328436 MALZ SAYS, "THERE IS NO SUCH THING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01200-00328586-00329003 "BUT, BY THE WAY, I MEAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01201-00329003-00329153 "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01202-00329153-00329440 "OLIVER CASSELL BACK IN THE DAY, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01203-00329440-00329663 "THERE WERE PEOPLE BACK AT THAT TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01204-00329663-00329900 "YOU KNOW, WHO HAD WORKED SO, SO HARD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01205-00329900-00330270 "TO PERFECT THEIR CRAFT, BUT THEY HAD NO HEART TO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01206-00330270-00330433 AS I SAID." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01207-00330703-00330936 "SO, MY PARTICULAR WAY..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01208-00331170-00331800 "WAS TO...WELL, I FELT THAT I COULD-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01209-00331800-00332303 "I FELT LIKE I COULD TRANSLATE ANYTHING, ANYTHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01210-00332303-00332613 "NOW, OTHER PEOPLE COULDN'T NECESSARILY DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01211-00332613-00332903 BUT I FELT THAT I COULD. I COULD TRANSLATE ANYTHING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01212-00333170-00333410 "YOU KNOW, LIKE WATER TO WINE, WINE TO WATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01213-00333410-00333720 "I COULD JUST KEEP THE BEAUTY BETWEEN LANGUAGES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01214-00333720-00334026 "AND OFTEN, WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE ENGLISH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01215-00334026-00334213 "YOU COULD STILL KEEP IT EXACTLY THE SAME gtoIFMfy_Kc-01216-00334213-00334356 "AND IT WOULD BE CLEAR, AND OTHER TIMES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01217-00334356-00334496 "IT WOULDN'T IF YOU KEPT IT THAT WAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01218-00334496-00334653 "AND THEN YOU WOULD JUST HAVE TO CHANGE IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01219-00334653-00334923 "YOU'D HAVE TO MAKE WHATEVER WOULD MAKE IT CLEAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01220-00334923-00335203 "AND SO, I TRULY BELIEVE IN THE USE OF gtoIFMfy_Kc-01221-00335203-00335453 ENGLISH, MIME..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01222-00335670-00335920 "PHOTOGRAPHY, EVERYTHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01223-00335920-00336113 "EVERY TECHNIQUE, ANYTHING TO MAKE IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01224-00336113-00336333 "AS CLEAR AS I POSSIBLY CAN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01225-00336333-00336496 "WHATEVER I NEED, I WANT TO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01226-00336496-00336620 "POUR IT INTO THE MIX OF THINGS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01227-00336620-00336840 "AND MAKE A PICTURE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01228-00336840-00337056 "AND THAT'S NOT NECESSARILY CALLED ASL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01229-00337056-00337256 "THAT'S CALLED MALZ-S-L. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01230-00337256-00337440 "I THINK THAT'S WHAT BOB WAS SAYING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01231-00337440-00337696 "SO, I DON'T BUY INTO THIS IDEA OF LIKE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01232-00337696-00337900 "WHO'S RIGHT, WHO'S WRONG, THIS IS BETTER THAN THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01233-00337900-00338066 "I JUST DON'T GO THAT WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01234-00338066-00338413 "I THINK SOMEBODY CAN BE RIGHT, BUT EVERYBODY COULD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01235-00338413-00338900 "WE DON'T NEED THIS SORT OF WRANGLING ABOUT THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01236-00338900-00339173 "I WILL ADMIT THAT I DON'T CARE FOR SEE SIGN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01237-00339173-00339476 "EXCEPT FOR ONE SIGN THAT I TRULY LOVE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01238-00339476-00339673 "IT'S THIS ONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01239-00339673-00339976 "'TREE' MADE WITH THE LETTER 'T.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01240-00339976-00340160 "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01241-00340160-00340413 "WHAT IS THIS SIGN? DO YOU KNOW? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01242-00340413-00340606 "NO, NO, NO, NO. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01243-00340606-00340816 "WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS? NO. OF COURSE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01244-00340816-00341043 "YOU THINK IT'S 'TREE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01245-00341043-00341293 "RIGHT. YOU THINK IT'S 'TREE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01246-00341293-00341456 "SEE PEOPLE THINK IT'S 'TREE,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01247-00341456-00341720 "TREE. BUT TO ME, IT'S 'OUTHOUSE.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01248-00341720-00341903 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-01249-00341903-00342216 "'OUTHOUSE.' A BATHROOM OUT IN THE WOODS, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01250-00342216-00342440 "HEH HEH. OUTHOUSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01251-00342440-00342606 "SO, SEE PEOPLE HATE ME FOR THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01252-00342606-00342820 "THEY REALLY HATE THAT I DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01253-00342820-00343126 "BUT, I MEAN, YOU KNOW, I DON'T SIGN PERFECTLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01254-00343126-00343353 "BUT OTHER THAN THAT... gtoIFMfy_Kc-01255-00343353-00343673 "BUT ANYWAY, ALL SILLINESS ASIDE, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01256-00343673-00343870 WITH PEOPLE WHO USE SEE SIGN..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01257-00344086-00344396 "THEY DON'T REALIZE WHAT THEY'RE LOSING, I THINK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01258-00344396-00344880 "BY NOT PERFORMING THINGS OR LEARNING IT IN A DIFFERENT WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01259-00344880-00345316 "SO, FOR EXAMPLE, THEY'LL SAY, 'I WILL KILL YOU.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01260-00345316-00345630 "OH, MY GOD. KILL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01261-00345630-00345813 "ALL RIGHT. I GUESS YOU COULD INFLECT IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01262-00345813-00346010 "'I WILL KILL YOU!' I MEAN, YOU COULD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01263-00346010-00346206 "SIGN IT THAT WAY, AND MAYBE I'D ACCEPT THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01264-00346206-00346386 "IF YOU ADD A LITTLE HEART TO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01265-00346386-00346606 "BUT THE FACIAL EXPRESSION'S GONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01266-00346606-00346810 "IT'S SO LINEAR. THERE'S A LOT LOST. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01267-00346810-00347006 "AND SO, I BELIEVE IN MARRYING THESE TWO THINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01268-00347006-00347126 "I THINK THERE NEEDS TO BE THE SIGNS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01269-00347126-00347313 "AND THE FACIAL EXPRESSION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01270-00347313-00347550 I MEAN, BUT PEOPLE SEPARATE THAT OUT SOMETIMES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01271-00347550-00347846 PETER SAYS, "I SAW SOME KID AT A SCHOOL LAST YEAR gtoIFMfy_Kc-01272-00347846-00347990 "WHO WAS A SEE SIGN KID SAYING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01273-00347990-00348216 "'LAST FALL,' USING THE SIGN FOR 'FALL.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01274-00348216-00348483 "'LAST FALL I WAS...' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01275-00348483-00348693 "I COULDN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT. 'LAST FALL.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01276-00348693-00348946 "LIKE, FALLING. REALLY MADE US LAUGH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01277-00348946-00349120 "BUT I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01278-00349120-00349300 THINGS GET LOST WITH THAT LANGUAGE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01279-00349993-00350420 MATTHEW SAYS, "SO... gtoIFMfy_Kc-01280-00350420-00350590 "YOU DON'T THINK THERE'S ANY ONE OR TWO PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01281-00350590-00350760 "WHO CAN PUT THEMSELVES UP AS THE AUTHORITIES gtoIFMfy_Kc-01282-00350760-00351003 FOR ASL POETRY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01283-00351003-00351403 AND MALZ SAYS, "WELL, I THINK THAT BERNARD DOES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01284-00351403-00351703 "I THINK HE THINKS HE'S THE AUTHORITY OF EVERYTHING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01285-00351703-00351960 "BUT NO, HE'S NOT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01286-00351960-00352273 "HE HAD A BIG, STRONG INFLUENCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01287-00352273-00352603 "I MEAN, BRAGG AND I BOTH DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01288-00352603-00352986 BUT DOES THAT MEAN THAT WE'RE THE GODS OF THIS? NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01289-00352986-00353403 "SOMETIMES, PEOPLE ASK ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01290-00353403-00353670 "'WOW, YOU KNOW, YOU ARE SUCH AN AUTHORITY ON THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01291-00353670-00353870 "WHEN DID YOU BECOME THAT?' AND I'LL ANSWER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01292-00353870-00354240 "'WELL, IN 1939, YOU KNOW, I WAS EITHER CRAZY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01293-00354240-00354506 "'OR I WAS A GENIUS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01294-00354506-00354690 "'AND IF I'M AUTHORITY BECAUSE OF THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01295-00354690-00354813 "'AND YOU WANT TO CALL ME THAT, THAT'S FINE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01296-00354813-00354986 "'BUT I DON'T CLAIM THAT NAME FOR MYSELF gtoIFMfy_Kc-01297-00354986-00355333 AND I CERTAINLY DON'T SELL MYSELF AS THAT.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01298-00355333-00355603 "I'M THE AUTHORITY AS A PERSON WHO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01299-00355603-00355883 "CAN LOOK AT THINGS, BUT I DON'T VOLUNTEER THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01300-00355883-00356313 AND I DON'T SAY THAT THAT'S SOMETHING THAT I CLAIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01301-00356313-00356556 "I MEAN, YOU MIGHT SAY THAT ABOUT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01302-00356556-00356720 "SOMEBODY ELSE MIGHT SAY THAT ABOUT ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01303-00356720-00356870 "BUT I DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01304-00356870-00357020 I DON'T THINK IT'S MY PLACE TO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01305-00357220-00357686 SO, PETER SAYS, "BEFORE, THERE WAS THIS VERY FORMALISTIC SIGN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01306-00357686-00357876 "AND THEN YOU HAD A REAL BREAKTHROUGH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01307-00357876-00358070 "AND PEOPLE WERE JUST AMAZED AT THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01308-00358070-00358236 "AND YOU COULD SAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01309-00358236-00358390 "YOUR INFLUENCE STARTED FROM THAT POINT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01310-00358390-00358583 "BUT IF YOU WERE TO LOOK AT A TIMELINE IN FRONT OF YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-01311-00358583-00358753 "AND YOU SEE THE INFLUENCE THAT YOU EXERTED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01312-00358753-00358886 "AND HOW THAT CARRIED FORWARD-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01313-00358886-00359173 "THEN THERE WAS BERNARD BRAGG WITH HIS TECHNICAL ASPECTS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01314-00359173-00359320 "WHO WOULD YOU SAY WERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01315-00359320-00359473 THE NEXT GENERATIONS AFTER THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01316-00359473-00359726 MALZ SAYS, "I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE YOU, PETER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01317-00359726-00360020 PETER SAYS, "NO, NO, NO, BEFORE ME, BEFORE ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01318-00360020-00360420 I'M TALKING ABOUT, LIKE, IN THE FIFTIES AND SIXTIES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01319-00360420-00360770 MALZ SAYS, "NTD WAS." PETER SAYS, "NTD?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01320-00360770-00361220 MALZ SAYS, "YES, NTD. NTD WAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01321-00361220-00361436 "THEY WERE CONSIDERED THE AUTHORITY TO MOST PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01322-00361436-00361653 BUT MOSTLY FOR HEARING PEOPLE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01323-00361903-00362286 SO PETER SAYS, "IN TERMS OF THE STYLE OF SIGNING?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01324-00362286-00362803 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, OK. I'LL TELL YOU SOMETHING HERE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01325-00363266-00363736 "THERE WAS A FAMOUS CRITIC NAMED SHERIDAN BACK IN THE DAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01326-00363736-00363970 "FOR BROADWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01327-00363970-00364236 OK, KEEP THAT IN MIND." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01328-00364403-00364546 "HE WAS THE TOP CRITIC gtoIFMfy_Kc-01329-00364546-00364706 "FOR NEW YORK CITY FOR BROADWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01330-00364706-00365050 "WE WENT THERE, AND HE SAW US, AND THIS WAS BACK IN THE DAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01331-00365050-00365260 "ALL RIGHT? HE WAS ONE OF THE TOP CRITICS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01332-00365260-00365650 "NOW, HE SAW OUR PLAY OF 'ARSENIC AND OLD LACE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01333-00365650-00366086 "AND HIS RESPONSE WAS, 'GALLAUDET WILL BE BACK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01334-00366086-00366253 "EVERY YEAR ON BROADWAY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01335-00366253-00366486 "AND THEN I GRADUATED, AND THERE WAS NOBODY FOLLOWING UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01336-00366486-00366770 "TO MAKE THAT PUSH AND GET THAT INITIATION GOING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01337-00366770-00367010 "AND BERNARD BRAGG DIDN'T DO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01338-00367010-00367386 "SO I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO REALLY HAD THAT GUMPTION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01339-00367386-00367653 "YOU KNOW, I DOVE INTO IT, AND I TOLD PEOPLE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01340-00367653-00367820 "'LET'S FIGHT FOR IT. LET'S DO IT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01341-00367820-00368053 AND I MADE IT HAPPEN, BUT I WAS THE ONLY ONE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01342-00368403-00368623 "NOW, YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS PASSED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01343-00368623-00368886 AND THEN NTD WAS FINALLY FOUNDED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01344-00369053-00369403 "AND, OF COURSE, PEOPLE SAW THEM ACT AND SAW THEIR PRODUCTIONS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01345-00369403-00369826 "AND THEY DID A PRODUCTION OF 'JABBERWOCKY' WITH JOE VELEZ. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01346-00369826-00370003 "AND, AGAIN, ONE OF THE TOP CRITICS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01347-00370003-00370160 "AT THAT TIME SAW THIS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01348-00370160-00370303 "AND WROTE IN THE NEWSPAPER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01349-00370303-00370446 "'JABBERWOCKY' IS THE KEY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01350-00370446-00370653 TO THE FUTURE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01351-00370653-00371036 "NOW, I CREATED THAT IN 1939. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01352-00371036-00371416 "AND NOW HERE WE ARE, NTD, COMING ALONG IN WHATEVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01353-00371416-00371803 "1967-68--WHATEVER, HOW MANY YEARS LATER?-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01354-00371803-00372050 "AND FINE. I STARTED THAT, BUT I WAS DOING OTHER THINGS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01355-00372050-00372193 "BY THAT TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01356-00372193-00372470 I'VE GONE ON AND MOVED ON TO OTHER AREAS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01357-00373003-00373253 PETER RESPONDS TO SOMETHING THAT MATTHEW AND KENNY SAID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01358-00373253-00373866 KENNY SAYS, "WELL, I READ IN 'HARPER'S'--THE MAGAZINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01359-00373866-00374320 "AND IT WAS TALKING ABOUT ENGLISH WRITTEN LANGUAGE POETS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01360-00374320-00374570 "AND THEY SAID THAT BACK IN THE 1920s, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01361-00374570-00375033 "THEY WOULD SAY THAT THE POETRY OF THE 1900s, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01362-00375033-00375150 "OR THE TURN OF THE CENTURY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01363-00375150-00375303 "WAS MUCH BETTER THAN THE CURRENT DAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01364-00375303-00375496 "WHICH WAS IN 1920. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01365-00375496-00375930 "20 YEARS LATER, IN 1940, THEY WOULD LOOK BACK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01366-00375930-00376196 "TO THE POETRY OF THE 1920s, AND SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01367-00376196-00376420 "'OH, THAT WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT WE'RE PRODUCING NOW.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01368-00376420-00376636 "AND SO IT SEEMS THAT EVERY 20 YEARS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01369-00376636-00376953 "THE CRITICS WOULD LOOK AT THE POETRY FROM 20 YEARS BEFORE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01370-00376953-00377236 "AND CRITICIZE THE THINGS THAT WERE GOING ON IN THEIR OWN DAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01371-00377236-00377686 "AND LAUD AS SUPERIOR THE THINGS FURTHER BACK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01372-00377686-00377996 "IN THE SIXTIES, ALLEN GINSBERG CAME ALONG, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01373-00377996-00378170 "AND SOME PEOPLE LOOKED ASKANCE AT HIM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01374-00378170-00378470 "AND SO NOW HERE WE ARE IN THE EIGHTIES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01375-00378470-00378720 "AND PEOPLE MIGHT THINK THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01376-00378720-00378936 "THINGS ARE GOING WELL OR NOT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01377-00378936-00379086 "AND I JUST WANT TO BRING THAT FORWARD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01378-00379086-00379403 AND SEE WHAT YOU THINK OF THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01379-00379403-00379653 AND SO PETER SAYS, "DO YOU THINK THAT HAPPENED THEN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01380-00379653-00379856 "THAT PEOPLE SAID, 'OH, YOU KNOW, LOOKING AT HOW DEAF POETRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01381-00379856-00380120 "'WAS PRODUCED, HOW WE SIGNED IT EARLIER WAS MUCH BETTER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01382-00380120-00380273 "AND NOW WE'RE NOT DOING AS WELL'? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01383-00380273-00380456 "DO YOU THINK THAT THERE'S THE SAME THING HAPPENING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01384-00380456-00380836 "WITH THE WAY PEOPLE LOOK AT MAYBE ELLA AND VALLI PERHAPS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01385-00380836-00381070 "EVEN, LOOKING AT THEIR WORK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01386-00381070-00381403 "YOU KNOW, PEOPLE LOOK AT MALZ AND GOLLADAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01387-00381403-00381610 "OOPS. I'M WRONG ABOUT THAT, RIGHT? HE DIDN'T SIGN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01388-00381610-00381813 "HE WROTE IT--GOLLADAY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01389-00381813-00382103 "LOWMAN? WAS LOWMAN WRITTEN OR SIGNED? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01390-00382103-00382270 "WOW. THIS IS HARD, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01391-00382270-00382536 "SOME OF THEM WERE WRITTEN, AND SOME WERE SIGNED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01392-00382536-00382820 FOLTZ? IS THAT RIGHT? I'M TRYING TO GET THE NAMES RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01393-00382820-00383020 THIS IS REALLY DIFFICULT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01394-00383020-00383203 MALZ SAID, "YOU HAVE TO NOT CONFUSE THE TWO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01395-00383203-00383393 "BECAUSE ONLY SOME PEOPLE WERE WRITING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01396-00383393-00383536 AND SOME PEOPLE WERE SIGNING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01397-00383536-00383913 PETER SAYS, "OK. RIGHT. BUT I GUESS THE POINT IS THAT MAYBE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01398-00383913-00384070 "PEOPLE DOWN THE ROAD WOULD LOOK BACK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01399-00384070-00384236 "AT WHAT'S BEING PRODUCED NOW AND THINK IT'S BETTER gtoIFMfy_Kc-01400-00384236-00384386 "THAN YOU YOURSELVES DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01401-00384386-00384753 "IF YOU LOOK AT PATRICK GRAYBILL AND HIS TIMELINE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01402-00384753-00384913 "YOU MIGHT LOOK AT THE PEOPLE BEFORE HIM gtoIFMfy_Kc-01403-00384913-00385170 "AND THINK THEY WERE BETTER THAN THE TIME HE'S PRODUCING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01404-00385170-00385323 "DID THE SAME THING HAPPEN WITH DEAF POETS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01405-00385323-00385470 "THAT SEEMED TO BE HAPPENING WITH HEARING POETS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01406-00385470-00385620 "AND THEIR ASSESSMENT OF THEIR SKILLS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01407-00385620-00385786 AND THEIR TALENTS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01408-00385936-00386253 THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S ASKING A QUESTION THAT WE CAN'T SEE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01409-00387136-00387320 MALZ SAYS, "OK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01410-00387603-00387953 "I HAVE TO ACCEPT PARTIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR NTD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01411-00387953-00388286 "BECAUSE I TRANSLATED MOST OF THOSE PLAYS MYSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01412-00388286-00388603 I WAS TRYING TO BE CREATIVE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01413-00388806-00388970 "WELL, FOR EXAMPLE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01414-00389186-00389536 "IF YOU SIGNED 'PUMPKIN,' OK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01415-00389536-00389720 "IS THAT A STANDARD SIGN ALL OVER THE U.S.? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01416-00389720-00389886 "DOES EVERYBODY KNOW THE SIGN 'PUMPKIN'? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01417-00389886-00390030 "SO I WOULD USE THE SIGN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01418-00390030-00390186 "BUT THEN I'D ALSO EMBODY A PUMPKIN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01419-00390186-00390336 "AND BECOME A PUMPKIN-HEAD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01420-00390336-00390530 "I WOULD ADD ALL THESE DIFFERENT FEATURES TO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01421-00390530-00390663 "AND SOME DEAF PEOPLE WERE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01422-00390663-00390803 "COMPLETELY LOST WHEN I DID gtoIFMfy_Kc-01423-00390803-00390936 "SOMETHING LIKE THAT OR HAD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01424-00390936-00391053 "THE ACTORS DO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01425-00391053-00391196 "SOMETHING LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01426-00391196-00391486 SO I TWEAKED THINGS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01427-00391653-00391780 "THERE WAS ONE PLAY I TRANSLATED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01428-00391780-00391936 "THAT WAS CALLED 'THE CRITIC.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01429-00391936-00392086 "THAT WAS THE TITLE OF IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01430-00392086-00392486 "IT'S A VERY OLD PLAY BY SHERIDAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01431-00392486-00392736 "AN OLDER PLAYWRIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01432-00392736-00393186 "BUT, ANYWAY, THAT PLAY HAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01433-00393186-00393520 "A POEM WITHIN IT WHERE THERE'S 7 BIRDS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01434-00393520-00393903 AND A POEM WITH 7 FLOWERS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01435-00393903-00394186 "AND SO WHEN I TRANSLATED IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01436-00394186-00394386 "I DIDN'T WANT TO JUST SAY 'RED FLOWERS, BLUE FLOWERS.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01437-00394386-00394530 "AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01438-00394530-00394673 "THAT DOESN'T HAVE ANY PIZZAZZ TO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01439-00394673-00394903 "I WANTED TO ADD MY PARTICULAR MARK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01440-00394903-00395203 "SO I HAD FLOWERS, AND I CREATED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01441-00395203-00395453 DIFFERENT HANDSHAPES FOR THE FLOWERS..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01442-00395603-00395886 "A FLOWER LIKE THIS WITH A CROWN OF PETALS AROUND IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01443-00395886-00396053 "A FLOWER WITH TENDRILS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01444-00396053-00396283 "AND VINES WRAPPING AROUND IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01445-00396283-00396486 "AND WITH THE BIRDS AS WELL-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01446-00396486-00396616 "SOME WITH POINTY BEAKS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01447-00396616-00396786 "SOME WITH TUFTS OF FEATHERS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01448-00396786-00397003 "SOME WITH CROWNS OF FEATHERS AROUND IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01449-00397003-00397153 "AND SORT OF A MANE-- A SHOCK OF FEATHERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01450-00397153-00397270 "ON THE HEAD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01451-00397270-00397413 "ALL DIFFERENT SORTS OF THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01452-00397413-00397543 "SO NOBODY ELSE WAS DOING THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01453-00397543-00397680 "AND NOBODY WAS USED TO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01454-00397680-00397990 "AND SO THE DEAF PEOPLE WERE PRETTY MUCH TAKEN ABACK BY IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01455-00397990-00398236 "I LEFT NTD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01456-00398236-00398493 "AND CHANGES OCCURRED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01457-00398493-00398916 "AND THEY STARTED PICKING THESE WEIRD PLAYS TO PERFORM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01458-00398916-00399403 "LIKE, LET'S SEE-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01459-00399403-00399820 "3 STAGES AND 4 ACTS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01460-00399820-00400003 "I THINK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01461-00400003-00400236 "AND THE ENGLISH DIDN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01462-00400236-00400386 "SO THE SIGNING WAS EVEN WORSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01463-00400386-00400530 "YOU COULDN'T FOLLOW IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01464-00400530-00400786 "PEOPLE WERE JUST COMPLETELY LOST. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01465-00400786-00400953 "YOU MIGHT GET THE BEAUTY OF THE SIGN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01466-00400953-00401120 "IT LOOKED PRETTY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01467-00401120-00401383 "BUT, YOU KNOW, PEOPLE JUST WEREN'T USED TO THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01468-00401383-00401590 "AND SO THOSE CHANGES OCCURRED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01469-00401590-00401993 "AND NOW IT'S MORE AND MORE SIMPLIFIED, I THINK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01470-00401993-00402270 "THEY CUT THINGS OUT, WHICH I DID NOT PERMIT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01471-00402270-00402436 "I WOULDN'T CUT ANYTHING OUT OF A SCRIPT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01472-00402436-00402610 "I WOULD JUST GET CREATIVE WITH A SCRIPT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01473-00402610-00402776 "BUT IT'S VERY DIFFERENT NOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01474-00402776-00402953 "I LOOK BACK, AND I REMEMBER SEEING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01475-00402953-00403170 "THESE BEAUTIFUL PLAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01476-00403170-00403353 "BUT THERE'S NOT SO MUCH ANYMORE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01477-00403353-00403503 "THAN WHAT USED TO BE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01478-00403503-00403640 "I MEAN, I'M JUST SO FRUSTRATED WITH NTD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01479-00403640-00403793 "I REALLY AM, WITH THEIR CHOICE OF PLAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01480-00403793-00404143 "I WANT TO SEE 'DEATH OF A SALESMAN.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01481-00404143-00404370 "YOU KNOW? YOU KNOW? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01482-00404370-00404503 "I THINK THEY UNDERSTAND IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01483-00404503-00404670 "I THINK PEOPLE WOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01484-00404670-00404853 "WHAT'S THIS 3 STAGES WITH 3 ACTS STUFF? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01485-00404853-00405003 "IT'S JUST TERRIBLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01486-00405003-00405263 "THAT'S JUST CRAPPY. IT'S BULLSHIT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01487-00405263-00405453 "IT GETS ME SO MAD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01488-00405453-00405736 "AND SO THAT'S ONE OF THE REASONS I LEFT NTD WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01489-00405736-00405886 THEIR CHOICES OF PLAYS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01490-00406070-00406373 MATTHEW SAID, "NTD GENERALLY IS SKEWED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01491-00406373-00406536 "TOWARDS HEARING AUDIENCES gtoIFMfy_Kc-01492-00406536-00406720 "AND NOT SO MUCH FOR DEAF AUDIENCES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01493-00406720-00407153 "AND SO HOW DO WE PRESERVE THE BEAUTY OF ASL? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01494-00407153-00407370 "THERE ARE NO OTHER COMPANIES gtoIFMfy_Kc-01495-00407370-00407653 "THAT ARE TRYING TO PRESERVE ASL IN ITS PURITY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01496-00407653-00407980 "THERE'S NTD, WHICH IS UNDER CONTROL OF A HEARING DIRECTOR, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01497-00407980-00408163 "AND THE DEAF AUDIENCES DON'T NECESSARILY UNDERSTAND gtoIFMfy_Kc-01498-00408163-00408320 "WHAT THEY'RE DOING ON STAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01499-00408320-00408480 WHAT CAN WE DO TO RECTIFY THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01500-00408480-00408686 MALZ SAID, "WELL, THERE IS ANOTHER COMPANY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01501-00408686-00408936 "THERE'S FAIRMOUNT THEATER OF THE DEAF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01502-00408936-00409103 "AND THERE'S A NEW ONE, I THINK, IN NEW YORK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01503-00409103-00409436 "THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING GOING SOON, I THINK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01504-00409436-00409653 "I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01505-00409653-00409853 SOMETHING. SOMETHING NEW?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01506-00410336-00410506 THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S SAYING SOMETHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01507-00410506-00410720 PETER'S SHADOWING IT, SAYING, "IT SEEMS LIKE THINGS START gtoIFMfy_Kc-01508-00410720-00410923 "AND STOP, AND THEY TRY TO GET GOING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01509-00410923-00411353 "BUT THEN THEY FOLD VERY QUICKLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01510-00411353-00411586 THERE WAS ONE IN BURBANK, I THINK OR..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01511-00411586-00411926 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, IT JUST DEPENDS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01512-00411926-00412226 "UNLESS, UNLESS YOU ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO GET gtoIFMfy_Kc-01513-00412226-00412683 "A REALLY HUGE GRANT IN THE SAME WAY THAT NTD DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01514-00412683-00412943 "AND THEN HAVING THAT CONTINUAL FUNDING WOULD ASSURE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01515-00412943-00413070 THAT IT WOULD KEEP GOING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01516-00413070-00413323 MATTHEW SAYS, "I'M ASKING YOUR OPINION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01517-00413323-00413470 "I'D LIKE YOUR POINT OF VIEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01518-00413470-00413776 "DO YOU OFTEN FIND IT'S TRUE THAT THE DEAF COMMUNITY IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01519-00413776-00413903 "NOT NECESSARILY COHESIVE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01520-00413903-00414053 "THEY'RE NOT UNIFIED? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01521-00414053-00414203 "THERE'S A LOT OF GOSSIP AND BACKSTABBING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01522-00414203-00414353 "AND PULLING EACH OTHER DOWN? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01523-00414353-00414550 "I SEE THAT NOW, AND I WONDER IF THAT WAS THE CASE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01524-00414550-00414720 WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER, TOO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01525-00415056-00415546 "WELL, IT'S RARE, BUT I THINK WITH ANY SMALL GROUP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01526-00415546-00415813 "THAT'S RELATIVELY HOMOGENOUS IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01527-00415813-00415953 "GOING TO HAVE THAT OCCUR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01528-00415953-00416270 SAME IN HEARING COMMUNITIES AS WELL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01529-00416620-00416770 "THERE'S ALWAYS GOSSIP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01530-00416770-00416923 "IN FACT, I WANT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01531-00416923-00417216 "MY WIFE FAINTED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01532-00417216-00417493 "IN THE STORE ONE DAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01533-00417493-00417846 "AND I GOT HER HOME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01534-00417846-00418103 "AND THE NEXT DAY, A NEIGHBOR gtoIFMfy_Kc-01535-00418103-00418270 "TOLD ME THAT MY WIFE WAS PREGNANT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01536-00418270-00418423 "AND WE WERE GONNA HAVE A BABY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01537-00418423-00418620 "BEFORE I KNEW IT, THE NEIGHBOR KNEW IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01538-00418620-00418753 "AND THEY WERE THE ONES WHO TOLD ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01539-00418753-00418873 "AND THE REASON WAS IT WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01540-00418873-00419010 "THE DOCTOR WHO TOLD EVERYBODY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01541-00419010-00419156 "IN THIS SMALL TOWN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01542-00419156-00419523 "THAT MY WIFE WAS PREGNANT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01543-00419523-00420136 KENNY SAYS, "OK, SO TODAY, IT SEEMS LIKE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01544-00420136-00420489 "IT'S VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND DEAF COMMUNITY SUPPORT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01545-00420489-00420886 "FOR SO MANY THINGS-- ALMOST ANYTHING, REALLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01546-00420886-00421070 "AND IT SEEMS LIKE IF YOU WANT SUPPORT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01547-00421070-00421270 YOU HAVE TO FIND IT THROUGH THE HEARING COMMUNITY INSTEAD." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01548-00421270-00421470 MATTHEW SAYS, "THAT'S RIGHT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01549-00421470-00422053 AND KENNY SAYS, "SO WAS THAT THE CASE BACK IN THE DAY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01550-00422053-00422220 MALZ SAYS, "YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01551-00422220-00422436 "WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY TVs BACK THEN. WE DIDN'T HAVE VCRs. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01552-00422436-00422613 "WHAT WE HAD WERE THE DEAF CLUBS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01553-00422613-00422786 "AND YOU WOULD GO TO THE DEAF CLUBS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01554-00422786-00423070 "AND AT THE CLUB, THERE WERE SHOWS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01555-00423070-00423230 "I DIRECTED SHOWS THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01556-00423230-00423473 "THERE WAS POETRY THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01557-00423473-00423646 "AND THERE WERE THINGS GOING ON THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01558-00423646-00423900 "BUT NOW THE CLUBS ARE SHRINKING, AND THEY'RE CLOSING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01559-00423900-00424473 SO THERE ARE FEWER THAN THERE USED TO BE. VCRs." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01560-00424473-00424650 KENNY SAYS, "VCRs, YOU THINK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01561-00424650-00424970 ARE RUINING THE DEAF CLUB CULTURE?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01562-00424970-00425370 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, SOME PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01563-00425370-00425710 BACK THEN COULDN'T AFFORD A MOVIE PROJECTOR." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01564-00425886-00426183 "BUT THEY'D HEAR THERE WAS GONNA BE A MOVIE SHOWN AT THE CLUB. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01565-00426183-00426413 AND SO THEY WOULD GO TO THE DEAF CLUB AND WATCH MOVIES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01566-00426413-00426553 KENNY SAYS, "DO YOU FEEL gtoIFMfy_Kc-01567-00426553-00426670 "THAT TECHNOLOGY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01568-00426670-00426836 "IS ACTUALLY DESTROYING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01569-00426836-00426996 "THE UNIFICATION OF THE DEAF COMMUNITY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01570-00426996-00427173 IF SO, WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01571-00427173-00427403 MALZ SAYS, "GO BACK IN TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01572-00427403-00427686 GO GET A HORSE AND BUGGY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01573-00427686-00427886 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-01574-00428673-00429070 THERE'S A COMMENT OFF-CAMERA FROM THE VIDEOGRAPHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01575-00431186-00431370 SOME OF THIS COMMENT HAD TO DO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01576-00431370-00431536 WITH THE VIDEOGRAPHER, ERNEST MARSHALL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01577-00431536-00431780 AND THAT TECHNOLOGY WAS GOING TO BE USED TO TAKE FORWARD gtoIFMfy_Kc-01578-00431780-00432103 HIS WORK SO PEOPLE COULD SEE WHAT HE FILMED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01579-00432103-00432313 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, I WAS IN CALIFORNIA. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01580-00432313-00432520 I WAS WORKING WITH PETER WOLF." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01581-00432520-00432820 PETER SAYS, "HE'S A FILMMAKER, RIGHT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01582-00432820-00433233 MALZ SAID, "YES. BACK IN CALIFORNIA, JONATHAN ROMAN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01583-00433233-00433970 "AND PETER WOLF AND I SET UP, LIKE, A CORPORATION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01584-00433970-00434203 "AND WE DID A LOT OF DIFFERENT PROJECTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01585-00434203-00434386 "WE FOCUSED PRIMARILY ON THE NEWS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01586-00434386-00434616 "AND WE HAD, LIKE, A NEWSCAST. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01587-00434616-00434786 "THE TWO OF THEM WOULD ACT AS THE NEWSMEN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01588-00434786-00435003 "BECAUSE THEY WERE MUCH MORE HANDSOME THAN I EVER WAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01589-00435003-00435160 "I STAYED OUT OF THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01590-00435160-00435336 "I'D STAY AWAY FROM THAT. I WORKED BEHIND THE SCENES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01591-00435336-00435560 "IF IT WERE YOU, YOU KNOW, YOU MIGHT WANT TO DO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01592-00435560-00435753 "OR SOMEBODY ELSE, BUT I WOULD GET OUT OF THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01593-00435753-00436056 "OTHER PEOPLE REALLY WANTED THAT KIND OF ROLE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01594-00436056-00436316 "BUT THOSE GUYS WERE BETTER FRIENDS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01595-00436316-00436553 AND THEY LOOKED BETTER ON SCREEN THAN I DID." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01596-00436820-00437193 "SO I WORKED WITH THEM BEHIND THE SCENES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01597-00437193-00437433 "I HELPED OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01598-00437433-00437606 "AND WE DID A LOT OF DIFFERENT PROJECTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01599-00437606-00438203 "BUT THEN I WAS HIRED BY MSSD, SO I LEFT THE COMPANY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01600-00438203-00438430 "AND EVERYBODY SORT OF WENT THEIR SEPARATE WAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01601-00438430-00438670 "AND THE COMPANY FOLDED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01602-00438670-00438953 "BUT, YOU KNOW, PETER WENT ON TO STUDY FILMMAKING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01603-00438953-00439220 "AT TWO DIFFERENT COLLEGES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01604-00439220-00439410 "AND HE DID SEEM TO DO PRETTY WELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01605-00439410-00440133 HE'S MADE FILMS, BUT..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01606-00440133-00440536 "I DIDN'T SEE THE LATEST FILM THAT HE MADE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01607-00440536-00440930 "AND I JUST WANT TO SAY YOU DO HAVE TO START gtoIFMfy_Kc-01608-00440930-00441203 "WITH A GOOD SCRIPT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01609-00441203-00441520 YOU HAVE TO HAVE A GOOD SCRIPT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01610-00441520-00441689 MATTHEW SAID, "BUT THAT'S DIFFICULT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01611-00441689-00441903 "THAT'S WHAT'S HARD. NOT EVERYBODY'S GOOD AT ENGLISH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01612-00441903-00442060 "THERE ARE SO FEW DEAF SCREENWRITERS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01613-00442060-00442250 WHO CAN WRITE A DECENT ENGLISH SCRIPT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01614-00442250-00442470 AND MALZ SAYS, "WELL, THEN FIND THOSE FEW gtoIFMfy_Kc-01615-00442470-00442666 "AND ASK THEM TO WRITE THE SCRIPT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01616-00442666-00442870 "I'VE BEEN ASKED TO WRITE SCRIPTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01617-00442870-00443070 "IF YOU CAN'T DO IT YOURSELF, ASK ME, ASK SOMEBODY ELSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01618-00443070-00443243 "I CAN DO EVERYTHING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01619-00443243-00443420 "I CAN WRITE SCRIPTS, AND I'VE DONE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01620-00443420-00443586 YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01621-00443586-00443889 MATTHEW SAYS, "WELL, WE IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY HAVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01622-00443889-00444230 "A VERY DIFFICULT PROBLEM WITH THE IDEA OF 'WE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01623-00444230-00444653 IT'S MORE ME, ME, ME-- AND NEVER WE--AN ATTITUDE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01624-00444653-00445180 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, THAT'S WHAT I MEAN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01625-00445180-00445636 "ABOUT THE FRIENDS THAT YOU MAKE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01626-00445636-00446020 "SO I WROTE A SERIOUS PLAY FOR BROADWAY A LONG TIME AGO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01627-00446020-00446486 "IT WAS ABOUT A DEAF MAN WITH A HEARING WIFE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01628-00446486-00446780 "AND I SENT THIS PLAY OFF TO DIFFERENT AGENTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01629-00446780-00447063 "AND I WAS TOLD 'NO, NO, NO' BY EVERYBODY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01630-00447063-00447320 "NO INTEREST IN DEAF CHARACTERS OR ANYTHING AT THAT TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01631-00447320-00447486 "I DID GET ONE YES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01632-00447486-00448136 "AND THIS WAS FROM THE ACTRESS BEATRICE STRAIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01633-00448136-00448346 "SHE WAS A VERY FAMOUS BROADWAY ACTRESS AT THE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01634-00448346-00448503 "AND MOVIES AS WELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01635-00448503-00448676 "SHE NEVER DID GET THE STARRING ROLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01636-00448676-00448830 "SHE WAS NEVER PICKED FOR THE STARRING ROLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01637-00448830-00449086 "IN EITHER OF THOSE, BUT SHE WAS PRETTY PROLIFIC. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01638-00449086-00449239 "AND SHE SAID TO ME, 'I HAVE TO GO TO EUROPE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01639-00449239-00449470 "'BUT WHEN I COME BACK, I WILL GET HOLD OF YOU gtoIFMfy_Kc-01640-00449470-00449616 "AS SOON AS I TOUCH DOWN.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01641-00449616-00449766 "I WAS THRILLED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01642-00449766-00449930 "THIS WAS 1950, AND I'M gtoIFMfy_Kc-01643-00449930-00450120 "STILL WAITING TO HEAR FROM HER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01644-00450120-00450276 "YOU KNOW, THEY JUST THROW gtoIFMfy_Kc-01645-00450276-00450420 "THESE THINGS IN A DRAWER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01646-00450420-00450603 "AND THEN THEY GO ON TO OTHER PLAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01647-00450603-00450986 "NOW, THE FUNNY THING IS, THAT WAS THE FIRST PLAY THAT I WROTE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01648-00450986-00451270 "AND THAT HAD A DEAF CHARACTER, AND I NEVER HAD IT PRODUCED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01649-00451270-00451523 "IT NEVER WENT ON STAGE ANYWHERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01650-00451523-00451953 "BUT I WROTE ABOUT, LET'S SEE, 6 OTHER PLAYS AFTER THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01651-00451953-00452203 "THAT I WOULD CALL JUNK TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01652-00452203-00452420 "NO DEAF CHARACTERS IN IT, BUT ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN PRODUCED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01653-00452420-00452586 "IN DIFFERENT PLACES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01654-00452586-00452853 "IN FACT, SWEDEN, ONE OF THEM, PUT THEM ON STAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01655-00452853-00453353 "SO WHAT I THINK I SHOULD DO NOW IS GO BACK TO MY FIRST PLAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01656-00453353-00453546 "AND FIX IT UP A LITTLE BIT AND GIVE IT ANOTHER TRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01657-00453546-00453920 BECAUSE THERE'S A NEW MARKET NOW THAN THERE USED TO BE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01658-00454386-00454680 "YOU KNOW, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHO'S IN THE ACTING WORLD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01659-00454680-00454873 "WHO YOU WOULD PICK TO BE THE LEADS IN IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01660-00454873-00455056 KNOW WHO'S AVAILABLE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01661-00455386-00455670 MATTHEW SAID, "I WISH THERE WAS A WAY TO SET UP A DEAF NETWORK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01662-00455670-00456070 "FOR TV, MOVIES, PLAYS, POETRY, PRODUCTION-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01663-00456070-00456293 "A DEAF NETWORK, A CENTER, WHERE EVERYBODY TOGETHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-01664-00456293-00456616 "COULD HASH OUT WHAT TO DO BECAUSE RIGHT NOW, I FEEL LIKE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01665-00456616-00456766 "EVERYTHING'S SO FACTIONALIZED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01666-00456766-00457003 "WE'RE ALL IN OUR SEPARATE, DIFFERENT AREAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01667-00457003-00457153 "AND I THINK THAT IT HURTS THE DEAF COMMUNITY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01668-00457153-00457293 "WHEN WE'RE SO DIVIDED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01669-00457293-00457433 "DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA gtoIFMfy_Kc-01670-00457433-00457576 "TO HAVE SOME SORT OF DEAF NETWORK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01671-00457576-00457716 OR SOME WAY TO DO THIS?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01672-00457716-00458086 MALZ SAYS, "I DO THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA. I DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01673-00458086-00458303 "NTD WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01674-00458303-00458670 "THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO PROVIDE THAT AS WELL AS BE A THEATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01675-00458670-00458896 "AND THEY WERE VERY ACTIVE, ACTUALLY, IN NETWORKING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01676-00458896-00459186 "AND RECOMMENDING ACTORS FOR DIFFERENT SORTS OF PROJECTS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01677-00459186-00459339 "FOR OTHER PEOPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01678-00459339-00459536 "YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT? OH, YEAH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01679-00459536-00459686 THEY'VE BEEN DOING THAT FOR A LONG TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01680-00459686-00459920 MATTHEW SAID, "I KNEW THEY DID THAT FOR A WHILE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01681-00459920-00460420 BUT I THOUGHT THAT THEY STOPPED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01682-00460420-00460853 MALZ SAID, "WELL, THEY USED TO BE VERY ACTIVELY RECRUITING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01683-00460853-00461203 "I USED TO DO IT ON MY OWN AT MSSD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01684-00461203-00461353 "BUT THEN I'VE GOT OTHER PEOPLE HELPING ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01685-00461353-00461493 "AND THERE'S ANOTHER DIRECTOR I'VE WORKED WITH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01686-00461493-00461636 "FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01687-00461636-00461803 "AND WE VERY ACTIVELY DO THAT, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01688-00461803-00461986 "WE MAKE A LOT OF CONTACTS FOR PEOPLE AND NETWORK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01689-00461986-00462136 "I'VE BEEN INVOLVED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01690-00462136-00462506 WITH THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS FOR A LONG TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01691-00462506-00462770 PETER SAYS, "WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DO FOR THEM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01692-00462770-00463136 MALZ SAYS, "I DO A LOT OF READING OF PLAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01693-00463136-00463420 "THAT ARE WRITTEN BY DISABLED PEOPLE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01694-00463420-00463686 "AND HELP TO DETERMINE WHICH PLAYS SHOULD GO FORWARD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01695-00463686-00464020 "I'VE BEEN INVOLVED WITH THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01696-00464020-00464320 "JEAN KENNEDY SMITH, IF YOU'RE FAMILIAR WITH HER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01697-00464320-00464466 "SHE'S INVOLVED IN THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01698-00464466-00464610 "SHE GIVES THE STAMP OF APPROVAL, OF COURSE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01699-00464610-00464986 "BUT I MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO HER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01700-00464986-00465313 "THAT'S THE WAY THOSE PARTICULAR PLAYS ARE CHOSEN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01701-00465313-00465520 "I'VE ALSO BEEN INVOLVED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01702-00465520-00465886 "IN THE WASHINGTON, D.C., COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01703-00465886-00466436 "AND THAT INVOLVES GRANT MONIES FOR THE WASHINGTON, D.C., AREA. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01704-00466436-00466620 "SO I'VE BEEN INVOLVED WITH THAT GROUP FOR A WHILE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01705-00466620-00466953 "SO I'VE BEEN HELPING IN MY WAYS BY JOINING THESE DIFFERENT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01706-00466953-00467266 VARIOUS AGENCIES AND TRYING TO CREATE SOME NETWORKS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01707-00467266-00467470 MATTHEW SAYS, "IN TERMS OF THE FLYING WORDS PROJECT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01708-00467470-00467626 "THEY'RE STARTING TO GET OUT THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01709-00467626-00467756 "AND THEY'RE TRYING TO EXPOSE PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01710-00467756-00467960 "TO THEIR POETRY AND TO THE WORK THAT THEY DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01711-00467960-00468236 DO YOU THINK IT'S IMPORTANT THEY CONTINUE DOING THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01712-00468236-00468786 MALZ SAYS, "VERY IMPORTANT, YES. ABSOLUTELY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01713-00468786-00469160 "YOU HAVE TO PROMOTE YOURSELVES. YOU HAVE TO PROMOTE YOUR WORK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01714-00469160-00469366 "YOU KNOW, DEFINITELY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01715-00469366-00469613 "IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT, GET AS MUCH OUT THERE AS POSSIBLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01716-00469613-00470006 "PROMOTE YOURSELVES. YOU HAVE TO. IT'S THE ONLY WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01717-00470006-00470220 "YOU KNOW, GET OUT THERE TO OTHER PLACES gtoIFMfy_Kc-01718-00470220-00470453 "BECAUSE IT'S NOT OUT THERE TO THE EXTENT THAT IT SHOULD BE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01719-00470453-00470703 "AND A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE TRIED AND FAILED AND TRIED AND FAILED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01720-00470703-00470853 "THERE USED TO BE SOMETHING CALLED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01721-00470853-00470993 THE FROZEN DINNER THEATER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01722-00470993-00471133 PETER SAID, "OH, YES! I REMEMBER THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01723-00471133-00471273 MALZ SAYS, "I DON'T KNOW gtoIFMfy_Kc-01724-00471273-00471420 "WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01725-00471420-00471686 "THEY STOPPED PERFORMING, AND I DON'T KNOW WHY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01726-00471686-00471900 "AND EVERYBODY PROBABLY WENT THEIR OWN SEPARATE WAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01727-00471900-00472236 "BUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT SHOULD BE GOING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01728-00472236-00472463 BUT THEY FOLD SO OFTEN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01729-00472463-00472620 MATTHEW SAYS, "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PETER'S WORK? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01730-00472620-00472803 HAVE YOU SEEN HIM PERFORM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01731-00472803-00473136 MALZ SAYS, "YES, I DID SEE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01732-00473136-00473520 PETER SAID, "DID YOU SEE ME IN LOS ANGELES OR...? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01733-00473520-00473936 WHERE WAS IT, BOSTON?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01734-00473936-00474116 MALZ SAYS, "I SAW YOU AT BERKELEY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01735-00474116-00474386 "AND YOU WERE WONDERFUL, JUST WONDERFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01736-00474386-00474736 "YOU KNOW, I'VE SEEN BRAGG A LOT. I'VE SEEN YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01737-00474736-00475023 "BUT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND BERNARD BRAGG, AGAIN, IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01738-00475023-00475486 "THAT BERNARD JUST POLISHES THINGS TO DEATH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01739-00475486-00475920 "HE REALLY DOES. PETER IS MORE OF AN INTERNAL POET, I THINK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01740-00475920-00476153 "AND AS I SAID BEFORE, THOUGH, I WANT TO SEE MORE POLISH gtoIFMfy_Kc-01741-00476153-00476503 "WITH THE ACTING ASPECT BUT NOT THE EMOTIONAL ASPECT OF IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01742-00476503-00476703 "ALL THAT INTERNAL STUFF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01743-00476703-00477160 "IT'S VERY DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN WHAT I MEAN BY THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01744-00477160-00477436 "LIKE, ONCE MORE WITH FEELING, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01745-00477436-00477636 "FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01746-00477636-00477903 "AND I THINK, PETER, YOU'RE JUST ALMOST THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01747-00477903-00478183 "BUT THEN I HAVE TO SAY, I'M NEVER SATISFIED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01748-00478183-00478486 "I'M NOT SATISFIED WITH MYSELF OR ANYBODY ELSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01749-00478486-00478686 "I CAN ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING WRONG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01750-00478686-00478933 "I'LL WATCH SOMETHING. I'LL SAY, 'THAT'S REALLY BEAUTIFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01751-00478933-00479323 "BUT YOU COULD FIX IT THIS WAY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01752-00479323-00479563 "I'D SAY, 'OH, THAT'S GREAT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01753-00479563-00480036 "NO, BUT THERE'S A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN gtoIFMfy_Kc-01754-00480036-00480370 "THE WAY BERNARD BRAGG WORKS AND THE WAY I DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01755-00480370-00480570 LET ME THINK IF I CAN GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01756-00480570-00480770 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-01757-00481003-00481453 "NO, NO, NO, NO. I DON'T WANT ANYBODY TO BE OFFENDED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01758-00481453-00481870 "BUT I WAS TEACHING AN ARTISTIC SIGN LANGUAGE WORKSHOP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01759-00481870-00482103 "AT A COLLEGE IN MICHIGAN AT ONE POINT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01760-00482103-00482736 "I WAS THERE FOR A WEEK. WELL, 4 DAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01761-00482736-00482953 "I WAS AN ARTIST IN RESIDENCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01762-00482953-00483120 "AND I WAS TEACHING THIS ONE CLASS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01763-00483120-00483270 "AND THERE WAS A VERY NICE, BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01764-00483270-00483403 "WHO WAS IN THE CLASS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01765-00483403-00483546 "AND WE BECAME REALLY GOOD FRIENDS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01766-00483546-00483696 "AND WE SPENT ALL DAY TOGETHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-01767-00483696-00483853 "UNTIL END OF THE EVENING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01768-00483853-00484103 "WHEN IT WAS TIME TO PART AND GO OUR SEPARATE WAYS TO BED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01769-00484103-00484373 "AND SHE WAS TO BE MARRIED THE FOLLOWING WEEK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01770-00484373-00484570 "AFTER THIS WORKSHOP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01771-00484570-00484920 "IT WAS A VERY EXCITING TIME FOR HER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01772-00484920-00485123 "IT'S INTERESTING TO NOTE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01773-00485123-00485320 "THERE WERE A COUPLE OF PEOPLE IN THE WORKSHOP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01774-00485320-00485470 "WHO ALSO GOT MARRIED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01775-00485470-00485620 "AFTER THIS WORKSHOP, THEY INVITED US TO THE WEDDING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01776-00485620-00485826 "WE ACTUALLY WENT. IT WAS REALLY NICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01777-00485826-00486296 "ANYWAY, THIS GIRL AND I ACTUALLY WENT TO THAT WEDDING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01778-00486296-00486439 "AND ATTENDED IT TOGETHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01779-00486439-00486583 "IT WAS WONDERFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01780-00486583-00486853 "IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING, OUTSIDE IN THE WOODS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01781-00486853-00487153 "REALLY NICE. I THINK MAYBE YOU EVEN KNOW WHO THIS IS-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01782-00487153-00487420 "INGRAHAM? YOU KNOW INGRAHAM, THE INTERPRETER-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01783-00487420-00487603 "LAST NAME INGRAHAM? THAT'S WHO GOT MARRIED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01784-00487603-00488253 "ANYWAY, SO THIS WORKSHOP WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01785-00488253-00488403 "THE SAME WORKSHOP gtoIFMfy_Kc-01786-00488403-00488703 "I'VE BEEN TEACHING FOR ABOUT 4 OR 5 YEARS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01787-00488703-00488963 "AND THE WAY I WOULD DO THIS WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01788-00488963-00489270 "THAT I WOULD GIVE A POEM OR A PIECE OF WORK TO SOMEBODY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01789-00489270-00489470 AND I'D SAY, 'GO AHEAD AND SIGN THIS.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01790-00489470-00489653 PETER SAYS, "YOU WANT ME TO DO THIS NOW?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01791-00489653-00489870 AND MALZ SAYS, "NO, NO, NO. I'M JUST SAYING WHAT I WOULD DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01792-00489870-00490153 "I WOULD GIVE THIS TO YOU, AND I WOULD WATCH YOUR WORK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01793-00490153-00490300 "AND I WOULD WATCH THIS PERSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01794-00490300-00490503 "I'D SAY, 'OK, THAT PART THERE--THAT PART RIGHT THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01795-00490503-00490703 "'LET'S JUST TAKE THIS ONE PART RIGHT THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01796-00490703-00490933 "AND LET'S WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PART.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01797-00490933-00491103 "BUT I WOULD NEVER TAKE AWAY THE ARTISTRY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01798-00491103-00491320 "THAT WAS THIS PERSON'S INDIVIDUAL STAMP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01799-00491320-00491720 "IT WAS THEIR WORK. IT WASN'T MY IDEAS. IT WAS THEIR IDEAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01800-00491720-00491996 "I WOULD JUST TAKE IT AND REFINE IT AND EXPAND UPON IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01801-00491996-00492163 "SO OK. BACK TO MY STORY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01802-00492163-00492336 "I WAS WORKING WITH THIS GIRL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01803-00492336-00492566 "AND AT THE END OF THE WORKSHOP, SHE SAID, 'NEXT WEEK, I'M GOING gtoIFMfy_Kc-01804-00492566-00492743 "TO TAKE A WORKSHOP UNDER BRAGG' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01805-00492743-00492903 "AT SOME OTHER COLLEGE SOMEPLACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01806-00492903-00493070 I SAID, 'OH, THAT'S GREAT. YOU'RE GONNA LEARN A LOT MORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01807-00493070-00493216 "THAT'S VERY EXCITING.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01808-00493216-00493386 "SO SHE WENT TO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01809-00493386-00493586 "NOW, A COUPLE YEARS LATER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01810-00493586-00494203 "I FLEW TO ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01811-00494203-00494643 "AND I WAS WITH TBI, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01812-00494643-00494820 "GIVING A PRESENTATION THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01813-00494820-00494989 "AND SHE WAS INVOLVED WITH THAT GROUP, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01814-00494989-00495170 "SO I MET UP WITH HER AGAIN. IT WAS SO GREAT TO SEE HER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01815-00495170-00495339 "SHE AND HER HUSBAND CAME TO PICK ME UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01816-00495339-00495610 "WE WENT OUT TO DINNER. HAD A REALLY GREAT TIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01817-00495610-00495903 "AND I SAID, 'SO HOW WAS THAT WORKSHOP YOU TOOK WITH BRAGG? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01818-00495903-00496026 "HOW WAS THAT?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01819-00496026-00496316 "SHE SAID, 'IT WAS TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01820-00496316-00496676 "ALL HE WANTED US TO DO WAS HIS IDEAS AND NO ONE ELSE'S.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01821-00496676-00496826 "AND THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01822-00496826-00497086 IT'S JUST VERY DIFFICULT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01823-00497600-00498053 KENNY SAYS, "ARE YOU READY, VIDEOGRAPHER? OK. PLAY BALL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01824-00498053-00498503 PETER, I'M GOING TO PITCH THE BALL TO YOU." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01825-00498503-00498660 PETER CATCHES THE BALL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01826-00498660-00498920 HE SAID, "OK, I HAVE A QUESTION I'M GOING TO LOB AT YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01827-00498920-00499470 "OK, ARE YOU READY? YOU OK FOR THIS? OK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01828-00499470-00499963 "SO WE'RE LOOKING FOR SOME NEW IDEAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01829-00499963-00500193 "SO WE THOUGHT WE'D DRILL DOWN TO YOUR CORE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01830-00500193-00500589 "AND SEE IF YOU COULD GIVE US SOME NEW INSPIRATION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01831-00500589-00501170 "OK. SO YOU BROKE THE FORMAL SIGNING RULES gtoIFMfy_Kc-01832-00501170-00501320 "THAT WERE THE BIG DEAL AT THE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01833-00501320-00501470 "AND YOU HAD A LOT OF GUMPTION, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01834-00501470-00501620 "A LOT OF INTERNAL STUFF THAT YOU WANTED TO GET OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01835-00501620-00501786 "BUT I JUST WONDERED, WHO INFLUENCED YOU? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01836-00501786-00501970 "WHAT GAVE YOU THAT INSPIRATION gtoIFMfy_Kc-01837-00501970-00502153 AND THAT IMPETUS TO GO FORWARD?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01838-00502153-00502320 MALZ SAYS, "NOBODY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01839-00502320-00502503 PETER SAID, "NO, THERE HAS TO BE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01840-00502503-00502966 "THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING LIKE MOVIES OR IDEAS OR A HERO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01841-00502966-00503233 "OR SOMETHING--SOMETHING YOU READ, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01842-00503233-00503513 "SOMETHING THAT GAVE YOU THE BRAVERY TO GO AND ATTACK THIS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01843-00503513-00503680 AND DO THINGS SO DIFFERENTLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01844-00503680-00503970 MALZ SAID, "I WAS INFLUENCED BY SIGNERS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01845-00503970-00504270 "AND I CAN SAY A SIGNER AT THE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF gtoIFMfy_Kc-01846-00504270-00504920 "I WENT TO NAMED SHANDON McCARTER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01847-00504920-00505320 "HE WAS A TEACHER, AND HE TAUGHT SHOE REPAIR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01848-00505320-00505810 "THAT'S WHAT HE DID. NEVER WENT TO COLLEGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01849-00505810-00506386 "HE WAS AN ACE SHOE REPAIRMAN, A GREAT COBBLER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01850-00506386-00506836 "AND HE GOT HIS VOCATIONAL LICENSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01851-00506836-00507320 "HIS SIGNING WAS BEAUTIFUL, JUST BEAUTIFUL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01852-00507320-00507520 AND IT HAD A BIG INFLUENCE ON ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01853-00507520-00507820 PETER SAID, "FOR WHAT?" MALZ SAID, "FOR STORIES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01854-00507820-00508053 PETER SAYS, "SO YOU REALLY LOOKED UP TO HIM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01855-00508053-00508236 MALZ SAID, "NOT NECESSARILY AS A PERSON, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01856-00508236-00508670 BUT HIS STORYTELLING CHOPS, HIS STYLE OF SIGNING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01857-00508670-00508836 KENNY SAID, "WELL, WHAT DID IT LOOK LIKE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01858-00508836-00508993 "DID HE PLAY WITH LANGUAGE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01859-00508993-00509143 "LIKE, WHAT DID HE DO EXACTLY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01860-00509143-00509376 CAN YOU GIVE US A LITTLE SNIPPET?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01861-00509376-00510139 MALZ SAID, "WELL, THERE WAS A STORY ABOUT A DETECTIVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01862-00510139-00510670 "CALLED GRAY SEAL, THE GRAY SEAL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01863-00510670-00511089 "PEOPLE ALREADY KNEW WHO THAT WAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01864-00511089-00511253 "THEY KNEW THE STORY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01865-00511253-00511470 "AND WHAT HE WOULD DO IS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01866-00511470-00511686 "THE GRAY SEAL WOULD GO TO PLACES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01867-00511686-00511853 "AND HE WOULD STEAL THINGS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01868-00511853-00512020 "AND HE WOULD DISTRIBUTE THEM TO THE POOR, LIKE ROBIN HOOD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01869-00512020-00512420 "AND HE'D ALWAYS LEAVE A LETTER, SAYING, 'GRAY SEAL WAS HERE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01870-00512420-00512643 "AND THAT WAS THE STORY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01871-00512643-00513196 "AND SO HE WOULD ACT LIKE THIS, WALKING VERY QUIETLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01872-00513196-00513703 "AND HALTINGLY, WITH MATTED HAIR AND A BEARD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01873-00513703-00514170 "LIFTING HIMSELF PAINFULLY UP TO OPEN A DOOR, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01874-00514170-00514470 "GET TO THE OTHER SIDE, CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND HIM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01875-00514470-00514720 "FINALLY BE SAFE, ALTER HIS APPEARANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01876-00514720-00515120 "TAKE OFF HIS MASQUERADE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01877-00515120-00515320 "YOU KNOW, HE WOULD SIGN THAT WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01878-00515320-00515853 "OH, YES, THEN HE GOES TO MEET SOMEBODY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01879-00515853-00516170 "AT EXACTLY 9:00 AT NIGHT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01880-00516170-00516670 "IN THE DARK WITH THE MOONLIGHT SHIMMERING DOWN UPON HIS FACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01881-00516670-00516970 "AND IN THE DISTANCE, HE SEES AN APPARITION APPROACHING HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01882-00516970-00517370 "IT'S A GIRL IN A BEAUTIFUL DIAPHANOUS GOWN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01883-00517370-00517670 "IT SWAYS AS SHE APPROACHES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01884-00517670-00517953 "HER HAIR RIFFLES IN THE WIND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01885-00517953-00518186 "THEIR HEARTS BEAT AS ONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01886-00518186-00518420 "THEY MEET. THEY EMBRACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01887-00518420-00518603 "YOU KNOW, JUST REALLY, REALLY BEAUTIFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01888-00518603-00518753 "IT WAS LIKE DANCE, REALLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01889-00518753-00518936 "DANCE MOVEMENTS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01890-00518936-00519336 "THE WAY HE WOULD SHOW LIGHTS FLICKERING ALL AROUND gtoIFMfy_Kc-01891-00519336-00519920 "AND THE TWO OF THEM WITH THEIR EYES LOCKED IN AN AMOROUS GAZE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01892-00519920-00520336 "SO LATER I TOOK THE STORY, AND--I ELONGATED IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01893-00520336-00520503 "A LITTLE BIT, ADDED A LITTLE BIT MORE OF MY STYLE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01894-00520503-00520676 "BUT HE WAS VERY FORMAL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01895-00520676-00521086 "VERY, VERY GOOD THE WAY HE DID IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01896-00521086-00521660 "AND LATER ON, I DID SEE ANDY VASNICK PERFORM gtoIFMfy_Kc-01897-00521660-00521823 "THE SAME GRAY SEAL STORY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01898-00521823-00522046 "AND HE WAS REALLY GREAT, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01899-00522046-00522223 "I WOULD SAY HE WAS EQUALLY ADEPT AT IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01900-00522223-00522436 "A VERY SIMILAR WAY OF DOING IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01901-00522436-00522670 YOU KNOW, THE BEST I EVER SAW." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01902-00522670-00523020 PETER SAID, "ANDY VASNICK?" MALZ SAID, "YES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01903-00523020-00523236 "YOU KNOW, REALLY, BOTH OF THEM WERE WONDERFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01904-00523236-00523400 "THERE MAY HAVE BEEN OTHER PEOPLE WHO PERFORMED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01905-00523400-00523570 "RENDITIONS OF THE GRAY SEAL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01906-00523570-00523776 "BUT THESE WERE THE ONLY TWO I SAW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01907-00523776-00524053 "BUT NOBODY INFLUENCED ME. NOBODY DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01908-00524053-00524423 "I MEAN, I JUST HAD THIS FEELING, AND I JUST WENT FOR IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01909-00524423-00524670 "I MEAN, YOU KNOW, AT ONE POINT, I DECIDED-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-01910-00524670-00524903 "YOU KNOW WHAT I WANTED TO BE? I WANTED TO BE A VET. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01911-00524903-00525086 "I WANTED TO BE A VET. NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01912-00525086-00525270 "I DIDN'T ACTUALLY WANT TO WORK AS A VET. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01913-00525270-00525426 "I DIDN'T WANT TO GO TO MED SCHOOL AND ALL THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01914-00525426-00525950 "BUT I WANTED TO WORK FOR A VET, ALL RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01915-00525950-00526140 "SO I APPLIED, AND I WAS TOLD NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01916-00526140-00526386 "AND THEY SAID, BECAUSE I COULDN'T COMMUNICATE WITH DOGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01917-00526386-00526536 THAT'S WHY I COULDN'T HAVE THE JOB." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01918-00526536-00526753 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-01919-00527553-00527970 "BUT LATER--WELL, YOU KNOW, I REALLY LOVE SPORTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01920-00527970-00528203 "JUST LOVE SPORTS. ALWAYS HAVE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01921-00528203-00528486 "SO THEN I DECIDED, WELL, MAYBE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01922-00528486-00528703 "I'D LIKE TO BE A SPORTSWRITER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01923-00528703-00529003 "SO I APPLIED FOR A JOB IN THE SUMMERTIME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01924-00529003-00529303 "I CAN'T REMEMBER IF IT WAS BETWEEN SOPHOMORE AND JUNIOR... gtoIFMfy_Kc-01925-00529303-00529456 "I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT YEAR IT WAS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01926-00529456-00529720 "BUT I WANTED TO WRITE FOR A SPORTS COLUMN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01927-00529720-00529936 "AND THEY SAID, 'YEAH, BUT YOU'RE DEAF.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01928-00529936-00530253 "AND I SAID, 'WELL, SO BALLS DON'T TALK, DO THEY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01929-00530253-00530386 "IS THERE ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01930-00530386-00530553 "AND THE GUY SAID, 'YEAH, I AGREE WITH YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01931-00530553-00530770 "BALLS DON'T TALK. THEY DON'T COMMUNICATE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01932-00530770-00531170 "AND SO HE GAVE A TRIAL RUN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01933-00531170-00531413 "AND I DID THAT EVERY SUMMER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01934-00531413-00531886 I WROTE FOR THE SPORTS COLUMN IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01935-00531886-00532436 KENNY SAYS, "DID SILENT MOVIES INFLUENCE YOU AT ALL? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01936-00532436-00532653 "DID YOU LOOK AT THOSE WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01937-00532653-00532816 SILENT MOVIES. DID YOU WATCH THEM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01938-00532816-00533336 MALZ SAYS, "NO, NO. WELL, YES AND NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01939-00533336-00533533 "THE PROBLEM IS, WHEN I WAS A KID, I MEAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01940-00533533-00533813 "I DIDN'T HAVE ANY AWARENESS OF WHERE I COULD GO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01941-00533813-00533970 "TO SEE A SILENT MOVIE OR WHERE COULD I GET ONE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01942-00533970-00534096 "BUT THE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF HAD THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01943-00534096-00534270 "AND THEY'D SHOW THEM EVERY WEEKEND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01944-00534270-00534536 "THEY'D SHOW THEM ON SUNDAY NIGHTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01945-00534536-00534853 "SO WE'D WATCH MOVIES ON SUNDAY NIGHTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01946-00534853-00535170 "SATURDAYS, WE'D GO DOWN INTO TOWN, AND WE'D WATCH MOVIES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01947-00535170-00535320 "AND WE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01948-00535320-00535553 BUT WE LIKED THEM ANYWAY. WE HAD A GOOD TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01949-00536203-00536390 MALZ SAYS, "OH, SILENT MOVIES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01950-00536390-00536670 "WELL, WAIT A MINUTE. MAYBE I DID. MAYBE I DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01951-00536670-00536920 "BUT MAYBE UNCONSCIOUSLY THEY INFLUENCED ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01952-00536920-00537103 "PERHAPS THEY INFLUENCED ME UNCONSCIOUSLY gtoIFMfy_Kc-01953-00537103-00537256 "BUT NOT IN THE FOREFRONT OF MY MIND gtoIFMfy_Kc-01954-00537256-00537620 "BECAUSE THERE WERE MANY SCENES THAT I CAN REMEMBER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01955-00537620-00537903 "YEARS LATER, I CAN STILL SORT OF SEE THEM IN MY MIND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01956-00537903-00538320 "OH! I'LL TELL YOU ONE MOVIE THAT I REALLY JUST LOVED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01957-00538320-00538886 "'THE THIEF OF BAGHDAD' WITH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01958-00538886-00539063 "THAT WAS POETRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01959-00539063-00539470 "VERY, VERY POETIC THE WAY THOSE MOVEMENTS WERE IN THAT FILM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01960-00539470-00539930 "AND I REALLY LIKED THAT A LOT. YES. MM-HMM! gtoIFMfy_Kc-01961-00539930-00540336 BUT MY GUMPTION AND WHATEVER, YOU KNOW, CAME FROM ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01962-00540603-00540886 KENNY SAYS, "PETER AND I SAW THIS MOVIE THAT WAS ABOUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-01963-00540886-00541033 "EL SALVADOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01964-00541033-00541203 "THIS WAS ABOUT 3 OR 4 YEARS AGO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01965-00541203-00541703 AND IT REALLY HAD A HUGE IMPACT ON US AT THE SAME TIME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-01966-00541950-00542320 "PETER, DO YOU REMEMBER EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01967-00542320-00542563 "I MEAN, WHAT IT WAS WE GOT FROM THAT MOVIE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01968-00542563-00542736 "ABOUT EL SALVADOR, WHAT IT WAS THAT GOT US? gtoIFMfy_Kc-01969-00542736-00542940 "I MEAN, IT, LIKE, EXPLODED OUR BRAINS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01970-00542940-00543086 "AND IMMEDIATELY WE CAME UP WITH A POEM THAT WAS INSTILLED gtoIFMfy_Kc-01971-00543086-00543236 "BY IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01972-00543236-00543436 "IT WASN'T FROM THIS MOVIE ITSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01973-00543436-00543840 "BUT THE IDEAS IN IT SOMEHOW ARE WHAT GAVE US gtoIFMfy_Kc-01974-00543840-00544026 "THIS INSPIRATION FOR SOMETHING ELSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01975-00544026-00544173 "HAVE YOU EVER HAD THAT HAPPEN TO YOU FROM A MOVIE gtoIFMfy_Kc-01976-00544173-00544303 "OR FROM A BOOK gtoIFMfy_Kc-01977-00544303-00544436 "OR SOMETHING--YOU READ IT AND GO, 'WOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01978-00544436-00544670 THAT GIVES ME THIS IDEA TO DO THIS NEW THING'?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-01979-00544670-00545020 MALZ SAYS, "I CAN'T REALLY REMEMBER, TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01980-00545020-00545436 "I MEAN, THAT WAS ALL REALLY A LONG TIME AGO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01981-00545436-00545820 "BUT THE WHOLE IDEA ABOUT ME DOING THAT ON MY OWN, I MEAN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01982-00545820-00546020 "THE SPORTS WRITING THAT, EVEN THOUGH I WAS DEAF, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01983-00546020-00546186 "I WANTED TO DO IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01984-00546186-00546470 "AND WRITING SCRIPTS TO SELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01985-00546470-00546653 "YOU KNOW, AT ONE POINT, I WAS A COPYWRITER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01986-00546653-00546820 "I WANTED TO WRITE ADS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01987-00546820-00547103 "I LOVED TV, AND I LOVED THE WAY ADS WERE AND STUFF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01988-00547103-00547336 "SO I WENT TO SOMEBODY WHO gtoIFMfy_Kc-01989-00547336-00547566 "NEEDED SOMEONE TO DO THAT JOB. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01990-00547566-00547690 "AND I APPLIED, AND THEY SAID, 'YOU'RE DEAF.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01991-00547690-00547873 "I SAID, 'SO? YOUR POINT IS?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-01992-00547873-00548153 "SO THEY GAVE ME A TRIAL TO BE AN AD WRITER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01993-00548153-00548520 "SO A MONTH LATER, THE WOMAN WHO HIRED ME ASKED ME TO TEACH HER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01994-00548520-00548770 "SO I WAS REALLY SUCCESSFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01995-00548770-00548936 "WHAT I WOULD DO--I WOULD GO TO THE STORE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-01996-00548936-00549086 "AND I'D GET WHATEVER THE PRODUCT WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-01997-00549086-00549226 "THAT HAD TO BE SOLD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01998-00549226-00549370 "AND I WOULD TAKE IT TO MY OFFICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-01999-00549370-00549510 "AND I'D REALLY STUDY IT AND LOOK AT IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02000-00549510-00549643 "AND THEN I WOULD WRITE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02001-00549643-00549770 "SOME COPY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02002-00549770-00550053 AND IT SEEMED TO WORK OUT GREAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02003-00550053-00550586 KENNY SAID, "DID YOU EVER WRITE A PLAY ABOUT BASEBALL?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02004-00550586-00551120 MALZ SAID, "GOOD IDEA. MAYBE I SHOULD DO THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02005-00551120-00551653 "I DID, A LONG TIME AGO, SIGN 'CASEY AT THE BAT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02006-00551653-00551920 I DID DO THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02007-00551920-00552160 PETER SAID, "DID YOU FOLLOW IT LINE FOR LINE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02008-00552160-00552386 OR DID YOU CHANGE THE WORDS OR ANYTHING?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02009-00552386-00552553 MALZ SAID, "OH, I FOLLOWED IT, BUT, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02010-00552553-00552770 I ADDED MY THINGS TO IT. I DID IT MY WAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02011-00552770-00552986 PETER SAID, "DO YOU HAVE ANY PARTICULAR LINES gtoIFMfy_Kc-02012-00552986-00553286 YOU REMEMBER FROM THAT THAT REALLY STICK OUT IN YOUR MIND?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02013-00553286-00553630 MALZ: "OH, IT'S BEEN SO MANY YEARS AGO. I'M SORRY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02014-00553630-00553770 "OH, NO, NO. WAIT A MINUTE. WAIT A MINUTE! NO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02015-00553770-00554153 "THE VERY, VERY END. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02016-00554153-00554586 I THINK THE VERY END--THE LAST VERSE, I THINK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02017-00554870-00555103 "I THINK HE'S STANDING. THERE WITH SOMETHING IN HIS BEARING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02018-00555103-00555260 LET ME SEE IF I CAN REMEMBER THIS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02019-00555473-00555836 "OK. THIS IS CASEY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02020-00555836-00556336 "'CASEY.' THE SNEER IS GONE FROM CASEY'S LIP." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02021-00556746-00556986 "HIS TEETH ARE CLENCHED IN HATE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02022-00557403-00557570 "HE POUNDS WITH CRUEL VIOLENCE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02023-00557570-00557773 "HIS BAT UPON THE PLATE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02024-00557773-00557996 "AND NOW THE PITCHER HOLDS THE BALL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02025-00557996-00558243 "AND NOW HE LETS IT GO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02026-00558243-00558586 AND NOW THE AIR IS SHATTERED BY THE FORCE OF CASEY'S BLOW." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02027-00558586-00558770 SO LOOK AT THAT. YOU KNOW, YOU'RE RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02028-00558770-00558920 I WAS DOING THE KIND OF TECHNIQUE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02029-00558920-00559086 BUT I WASN'T DOING THAT CONSCIOUSLY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02030-00559086-00559236 PETER SAYS, "THAT'S RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02031-00559236-00559403 TECHNICALLY, YOU GOT THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02032-00559403-00559576 AND MALZ SAID, "I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02033-00559576-00559733 IT'S JUST SORT OF LIKE A NATURAL THING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02034-00559733-00560006 AND PETER SAID, "YEAH, JUST A NATURAL THING YOU DID-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02035-00560006-00560163 THE VV." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02036-00560163-00560750 BUT MALZ SAYS, "SO BY THE FORCE OF CASEY'S BLOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02037-00560750-00561133 MIGHTY CASEY HAS STRUCK OUT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02038-00561133-00561320 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02039-00561320-00561533 [PERSON APPLAUDING] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02040-00561803-00562186 PETER SAYS, "INTERESTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02041-00562186-00562453 "YOU GREW UP--LET'S SEE. YOU WERE HEARING UNTIL YOU WERE 10. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02042-00562453-00562653 "YOU GOT SICK, AND THEN YOU BECAME DEAF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02043-00562653-00562870 "AND THEN AT 12, YOU WENT TO THE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02044-00562870-00563036 "AND YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND SIGN LANGUAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02045-00563036-00563203 "AND THEN GRADUALLY, YOU STARTED PICKING IT UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-02046-00563203-00563500 "AND ASSUMED THAT AS YOUR LANGUAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02047-00563500-00563886 BUT WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THAT COBBLER, THE SHOEMAKER AGAIN?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02048-00563886-00564026 "McCARTER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02049-00564026-00564340 "RIGHT. AND SO YOU SAW HIM PERFORMING THINGS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02050-00564340-00564520 "DID YOU EVER SAY, 'HEY, LOOK AT HOW HE'S DOING THAT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02051-00564520-00564660 I WANT TO DO THAT.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02052-00564660-00564903 MALZ SAID, "NO. HE JUST SIGNED VERY, VERY SMOOTHLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02053-00564903-00565203 "HE DIDN'T DO A BACK-AND-FORTH BODY SHIFT OR THINGS LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02054-00565203-00565363 IT WAS VERY SMOOTH." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02055-00565363-00565623 PETER SAID, "WHERE DID YOU THINK YOU FOUND gtoIFMfy_Kc-02056-00565623-00565910 THAT PARTICULAR ASPECT OF GOING FROM PERSON TO PERSON?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02057-00565910-00566060 MALZ SAYS, "I DON'T KNOW." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02058-00566060-00566270 PETER SAID, "THE REASON I ASKED IS BECAUSE I WAS HEARING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02059-00566270-00566453 "UNTIL I WAS 3, THEN I GOT SICK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02060-00566453-00566586 "I BECAME DEAF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02061-00566586-00566736 "I WENT TO AN ORAL SCHOOL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02062-00566736-00566890 "AND I DIDN'T KNOW SIGN AT ALL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02063-00566890-00567170 "AND THEN I WENT TO THE NAD CONFERENCE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02064-00567170-00567520 "THEIR 100-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IN CINCINNATI, OHIO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02065-00567520-00567670 "I DIDN'T SIGN AT ALL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02066-00567670-00567846 "AND THERE WERE ALL THESE DEAF PEOPLE SIGNING EVERYWHERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02067-00567846-00567990 DID YOU GO TO THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02068-00567990-00568190 MALZ SAYS, "NO, I WASN'T THERE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02069-00568190-00568453 PETER SAID, "I JUST REMEMBER THAT WERE THESE TWO ESCALATORS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02070-00568453-00568570 "THAT CRISS-CROSS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02071-00568570-00568803 "THEY WERE DIAGONAL TO EACH OTHER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02072-00568803-00569086 "AND PEOPLE WERE GOING UP TO THE SECOND-FLOOR ATRIUM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02073-00569086-00569286 "ABOVE THE LOBBY DOWNSTAIRS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02074-00569286-00569436 "AND I'M STANDING THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02075-00569436-00569586 "AND I'M WATCHING ALL THESE PEOPLE SIGNING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02076-00569586-00569736 "AS THEY PASS EACH OTHER ON THE ESCALATORS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02077-00569736-00569886 "AS THEY SIGN ALL ALONG THE ATRIUM UP ABOVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02078-00569886-00570036 "AND THE LOBBY BELOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02079-00570036-00570203 "AND I JUST FELT LIKE I WAS IN A FOREST OF HANDS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02080-00570203-00570370 "EVERYWHERE I LOOKED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02081-00570370-00570753 "AND I WAS AGOG. JUST DEAF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE I LOOKED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02082-00570753-00571040 "BUT I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING BECAUSE I DIDN'T SIGN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02083-00571040-00571303 "THEN I WENT INTO BERNARD BRAGG'S WORKSHOP ABOUT VV. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02084-00571303-00571450 "AND I'M WATCHING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02085-00571450-00571593 "AND HE'S DESCRIBING THE HUNTER AND THE DOG gtoIFMfy_Kc-02086-00571593-00571736 "WHERE HE GOES BACK AND FORTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02087-00571736-00571920 "AND I COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02088-00571920-00572170 "HE WENT BACK AND FORTH AND STAYED IN ONE PLACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02089-00572170-00572320 "AND MY MIND WAS BLOWN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02090-00572320-00572536 "AND SO IMMEDIATELY, I TOOK THAT TECHNIQUE INTO MYSELF gtoIFMfy_Kc-02091-00572536-00572693 "AS IF I'D ALWAYS HAD IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02092-00572693-00572976 "IT WAS JUST SO NATURAL FOR ME. I HAD NEVER DONE IT BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02093-00572976-00573153 "AND THE MOMENT I SAW IT, IT MADE PERFECT SENSE TO ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02094-00573153-00573296 "AND I MADE IT MY OWN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02095-00573296-00573520 DID YOU EVER HAVE ANYTHING LIKE THAT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02096-00573520-00573890 MALZ SAYS, "NOPE. AND, AGAIN, I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02097-00573890-00574260 LIKE I SAID BEFORE..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02098-00574926-00575396 "I REALIZED THAT I COULD BE 100% FREE OF ENGLISH gtoIFMfy_Kc-02099-00575396-00575716 "AND GO INTO ASL, BUT I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02100-00575716-00576036 "I JUST DID IT, YOU KNOW? IT WAS VERY, VERY DIFFERENT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02101-00576036-00576286 "I CAME UP WITH NEW THINGS, BUT I JUST DID THEM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02102-00576286-00576490 "AND I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THEM THE WAY YOU DO NOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02103-00576490-00576856 I WAS A FREAK. I'M TELLING YOU, I'M A FREAK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02104-00576856-00577370 KENNY SAYS, "YOU DIDN'T FEEL gtoIFMfy_Kc-02105-00577370-00577520 "THAT YOU WERE VERY TECHNICAL gtoIFMfy_Kc-02106-00577520-00577660 "IN A SENSE, BUT YOU SAID gtoIFMfy_Kc-02107-00577660-00577786 "THE EMOTION WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02108-00577786-00577953 "REALLY IMPORTANT TO GET OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02109-00577953-00578170 "AND I JUST WONDER, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02110-00578170-00578286 "IF SOMETHING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02111-00578286-00578506 "REALLY OCCURS TO YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02112-00578506-00578636 "YOU SEE A MOVIE OR YOU SEE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02113-00578636-00578770 "SOMETHING VERY EMOTIONAL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02114-00578770-00578920 "AND THIS FLOOD OF EMOTION OVERTAKES YOU, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02115-00578920-00579183 "OR SOMETHING SCARES YOU, OR SOMETHING INSPIRES YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02116-00579183-00579550 DOES THAT OCCUR TO YOU ONCE IN A WHILE TO INSPIRE YOU?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02117-00579770-00580003 MALZ SAID, "THAT WAS ALWAYS IMPORTANT TO ME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02118-00580003-00580376 "BUT I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT MYSELF UNTIL I WENT TO NTD gtoIFMfy_Kc-02119-00580376-00580720 "AND WHEN I WORKED THERE AND TAUGHT THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02120-00580720-00581030 "I DID TEACH THERE, AS I SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02121-00581030-00581303 "AT THE TIME WHEN BRAGG WAS THERE, TOO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02122-00581303-00581616 "AND THERE WAS A MAN THERE NAMED GENE LASKO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02123-00581616-00581960 PETER SAYS, "YES! YES! I KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU MEAN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02124-00581960-00582336 MALZ SAYS, "SO LASKO, WHAT HE DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02125-00582336-00582783 "WELL, HE REALLY PUT BRAGG AND ME IN THE SAME CATEGORY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02126-00582783-00582963 "HE THOUGHT THAT WE WERE SORT OF THE SAME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02127-00582963-00583136 "HE ALLIED US TOGETHER gtoIFMfy_Kc-02128-00583136-00583420 "AND THOUGHT THAT WE WERE VERY SUPERFICIAL gtoIFMfy_Kc-02129-00583420-00583736 "AND NOT VERY GOOD PERFORMERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02130-00583736-00583886 "HE DIDN'T REALLY UNDERSTAND WHO I WAS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02131-00583886-00584106 "BUT HE LUMPED ME TOGETHER WITH BERNARD BRAGG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02132-00584106-00584353 "BUT I WENT TO HIS CLASS AND WATCHED HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02133-00584353-00584553 AND..." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02134-00585113-00585403 "I WATCHED HIM, AND I GOT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02135-00585403-00585560 "WHAT HE WAS DOING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02136-00585560-00585776 "AND I REALIZED THAT I OPERATED gtoIFMfy_Kc-02137-00585776-00585936 "MORE LIKE HE DID, BUT HE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02138-00585936-00586083 "ASSUMED THAT I WAS A LOT LIKE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02139-00586083-00586203 "BERNARD BRAGG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02140-00586203-00586423 "BRAGG HAD THIS AMAZING TALENT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02141-00586423-00586586 "YOU KNOW, OF SIGNING WHATEVER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02142-00586586-00586736 "MY SIGNING WASN'T THAT GREAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02143-00586736-00587103 "BUT HE HELPED ME A LOT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02144-00587103-00587283 "LASKO REALLY HELPED ME A LOT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02145-00587283-00587446 "BECAUSE WHAT HE WOULD DO IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02146-00587446-00587620 "HE'D WATCH HOW PEOPLE WORKED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02147-00587620-00587903 "AND HE WOULD FIND WHAT WAS MISSING IN THEIR PERFORMANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02148-00587903-00588386 "NOW, THE MSSD LAST YEAR, I WAS DIRECTING A PLAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02149-00588386-00588543 "AND THERE WERE TWO KIDS IN IT-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02150-00588543-00588720 "A GIRL AND A GUY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02151-00588720-00589053 "AND THE GIRL JUST HAD A WORLD OF FEELING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02152-00589053-00589196 "JUST BEAUTIFULLY MOTIONED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02153-00589196-00589343 "BUT HER SIGNING WAS HORRIBLE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02154-00589343-00589486 "BECAUSE SHE REFUSED TO PRACTICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02155-00589486-00589653 "SHE WOULDN'T REHEARSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02156-00589653-00589803 "I WORKED WITH HER, AND I SAID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02157-00589803-00589986 "'COME ON! COME ON! LET'S GET IT TOGETHER.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02158-00589986-00590403 "AS FOR THE BOY, HE HAD THIS GORGEOUS SIGN LANGUAGE RENDITION gtoIFMfy_Kc-02159-00590403-00590613 "OF THE LINES HE HAD TO PERFORM, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02160-00590613-00590786 "BUT HE HAD NO FEELING WHATSOEVER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02161-00590786-00590970 "SO I TRIED TO PULL THE BEST OUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02162-00590970-00591270 "OF WHAT WAS GOOD OUT OF BOTH OF THESE KIDS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02163-00591270-00591563 "TO MAKE THEM BETTER CONSUMMATE PERFORMERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02164-00591563-00591936 "AND I THANK LASKO FOR THAT. I REALLY DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02165-00591936-00592320 "NO. I THINK HE DIDN'T REALIZE WHAT WAS IN ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02166-00592320-00592703 "HE'S REALLY, REALLY UP ON THE FEELING BEHIND THE ACTION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02167-00592703-00592926 THAT'S WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO GET OUT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02168-00592926-00593103 PETER SAID, "AND WHAT'S REALLY AMAZING WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02169-00593103-00593266 "HE JUST REALLY WANTED gtoIFMfy_Kc-02170-00593266-00593420 "TO REFLECT WHAT THE IDEAS WERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02171-00593420-00593560 "HE WAS VERY GOOD AT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02172-00593560-00593710 PULLING THAT OUT OF PEOPLE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02173-00593710-00593870 AND MALZ SAID, "YES, HE REALLY WOULD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02174-00593870-00594236 "HE WOULD WATCH WHAT PEOPLE DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02175-00594236-00594436 "AND SOMETIMES HE WOULD JUST LOOK AT THESE EXTRANEOUS SIGNS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02176-00594436-00594590 "THAT PEOPLE WERE DOING, AND HE WOULD CUT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02177-00594590-00594753 "AND HE WOULD CUT, AND HE WOULD EDIT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02178-00594753-00594936 "AND HE WOULD PREEN THIS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02179-00594936-00595120 "UNTIL HE'D GET IT RIGHT DOWN gtoIFMfy_Kc-02180-00595120-00595273 "BARE TO THE BONE-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02181-00595273-00595416 "VERY LEAN PERFORMANCES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02182-00595416-00595803 "AND THEY WERE ALWAYS BETTER FOR HIS EDITING. ALWAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02183-00595803-00596053 "HE GOT ALL THE EXTRANEOUS FLUFF OUT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02184-00596053-00596253 "AND WHAT WAS LEFT THERE WAS A PERSON ON THE STAGE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02185-00596253-00596570 DOING BEAUTIFUL SIGNS WITH A LOT OF FEELING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02186-00596570-00596753 PETER SAID, "YES, THAT'S INTERESTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02187-00596753-00597053 "YOU KNOW, LASKO WASN'T A VERY GOOD SIGNER gtoIFMfy_Kc-02188-00597053-00597353 "AND DIDN'T KNOW MUCH OF ANYTHING ABOUT DEAF CULTURE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02189-00597353-00597636 "OR DEAF COMMUNITY BUT WAS SO GOOD AT PULLING OUT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02190-00597636-00597786 "THE BEST IN PEOPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02191-00597786-00598020 "I AGREE. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02192-00598020-00598170 MM-HMM." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02193-00598420-00598603 "LASKO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02194-00598826-00599093 "NOT NOW, BUT BACK IN THE DAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02195-00599093-00599303 "HE USED TO BE A SECOND-UNIT DIRECTOR gtoIFMfy_Kc-02196-00599303-00600033 "FOR THE HOLLYWOOD FILMMAKER PENN, THE DIRECTOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02197-00600033-00600603 "HE DID SEVERAL FILMS-- ARTHUR PENN, A FAMOUS DIRECTOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02198-00600603-00601020 "HE WAS A SECOND-UNIT DIRECTOR FOR ARTHUR PENN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02199-00601020-00601220 "AND HE'S DIRECTED SEVERAL PLAYS ON BROADWAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02200-00601220-00601403 BUT I DON'T KNOW THE TITLES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02201-00601403-00602060 PETER SAID, "I THINK HE WORKS FOR A PRIVATE COMPANY NOW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02202-00602060-00602320 IS THAT RIGHT? A PRIVATE THEATER COMPANY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02203-00602320-00602443 MALZ SAYS, "MAYBE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02204-00602443-00602596 PETER SAYS, "NOW, YOU KNOW, I REALLY REMEMBER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02205-00602596-00602753 "I WENT TO SUMMER SCHOOL AT NTD ONE YEAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02206-00602753-00602903 "AND I REMEMBER LASKO VERY WELL, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02207-00602903-00603070 "SO NOW THAT YOU BRING IT UP, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02208-00603070-00603370 I'M REMEMBERING ALL THESE THINGS ABOUT THE WAY HE WORKED." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02209-00603546-00604103 MALZ SAYS, "YUP. AS I SAID, YOU KNOW, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ACTING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02210-00604103-00604370 "I TOOK SOME ACTING CLASSES FOR HEARING PEOPLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02211-00604370-00604536 "WITH VOICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02212-00604536-00604696 "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ACTING WITH VOICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02213-00604696-00604886 "BUT I TOOK THIS CLASS ANYWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02214-00604886-00605050 "AS I SAID, I WAS VERY FORTHRIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02215-00605050-00605173 "AND I TOOK A LOT OF DIFFERENT ACTING CLASSES gtoIFMfy_Kc-02216-00605173-00605420 TO IMPROVE MYSELF." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02217-00605420-00605826 PETER SAID, "DID LASKO ASK YOU TO DO gtoIFMfy_Kc-02218-00605826-00606153 DIFFERENT SORTS OF THEATER EXERCISES?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02219-00606153-00606310 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, I WASN'T PART OF THE CLASSES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02220-00606310-00606450 I WAS JUST OBSERVING THEM." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02221-00606450-00606590 PETER SAID, "OH, YOU WATCHED THEM?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02222-00606590-00606753 PETER SAID, "YEAH, I OBSERVED HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02223-00606753-00606936 "I OBSERVED HOW HE TAUGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02224-00606936-00607170 "LATER HE HAD A BIG FALLING OUT WITH DAVID HAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02225-00607170-00607440 "AND THEN HE LEFT THE COMPANY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02226-00607440-00607670 "BUT THE FOLLOWING YEAR-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02227-00607670-00608003 "ANOTHER DIRECTOR WAS HIRED IN HIS PLACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02228-00608003-00608153 "AND THEY ASKED ME TO COME BACK gtoIFMfy_Kc-02229-00608153-00608303 "AND BE PART OF IT, AND I DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02230-00608303-00608470 "AND THEY WERE PRETTY IMPRESSED WITH ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02231-00608470-00608610 "AND, AGAIN, IT WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02232-00608610-00608736 "JUST THIS INTERNAL EMOTION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02233-00608736-00608893 "NOT NECESSARILY THE SIGNING SKILL gtoIFMfy_Kc-02234-00608893-00609046 "BUT WHAT YOU COULD BRING TO THE PLAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02235-00609046-00609203 "AS FAR AS EMOTION GOES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02236-00609203-00609343 "BUT HE NEVER WAS PART OF IT AGAIN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02237-00609343-00609483 "I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02238-00609483-00609626 "AND HE NEVER EVEN KNEW gtoIFMfy_Kc-02239-00609626-00609780 "THE AMOUNT OF INFLUENCE HE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02240-00609780-00609920 "EXERTED UPON ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02241-00609920-00610070 "HE JUST LUMPED ME WITH BERNARD gtoIFMfy_Kc-02242-00610070-00610253 "AND THOUGHT THAT I HAD gtoIFMfy_Kc-02243-00610253-00610403 "THIS VERY SUPERFICIAL AMOUNT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02244-00610403-00610620 "OF SKILL, SADLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02245-00610620-00610920 "WELL, HIT ME AGAIN. COME ON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02246-00610920-00611086 MORE QUESTIONS? LET'S GO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02247-00611086-00611286 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02248-00611740-00611893 MATTHEW SAID, "WHAT'S THE NEXT BIG THING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02249-00611893-00612070 YOU'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02250-00612070-00612320 MALZ SAYS, "WHATEVER IT IS I'M DOING TOMORROW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02251-00612320-00612603 "THAT'S THE TRUTH! gtoIFMfy_Kc-02252-00612603-00612783 "IT HAS TO BE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02253-00612783-00613046 "RIGHT NOW I'M WORKING ON 'LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02254-00613046-00613303 "BUT WHEN THAT'S DONE, THEN I'LL BE ON TO SOMETHING NEW. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02255-00613303-00613770 I DON'T LIVE IN THE PAST. NEVER LIVE IN THE PAST. ONWARD." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02256-00613770-00614070 PETER SAYS, "I WANT TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE PAST gtoIFMfy_Kc-02257-00614070-00614220 "A LITTLE BIT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02258-00614220-00614453 "SO IF YOU COULD IMAGINE YOURSELF gtoIFMfy_Kc-02259-00614453-00614620 "AS A SENIOR AT GALLAUDET-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02260-00614620-00615020 "YOU'RE VERY INVOLVED IN THE LITERARY SOCIETY, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02261-00615020-00615236 "OR JUNIOR YEAR MAYBE. RIGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02262-00615236-00615470 "LET'S PRETEND IT'S JUNIOR YEAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02263-00615470-00615800 "HERE IT IS THAT DAY, AND YOU'RE THINKING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02264-00615800-00615920 "'TONIGHT I'M GOING TO PERFORM JABBERWOCKY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02265-00615920-00616216 "THAT'S WHAT I'M GOING TO DO.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02266-00616216-00616420 "AND YOU'RE SITTING ON YOUR BED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02267-00616420-00616603 "AND YOU'D ALREADY SHOWN-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02268-00616603-00616753 "YOU SHOWED PANARA, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02269-00616753-00616953 "YOU SHOWED BOB PANARA? OK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02270-00616953-00617153 "YOU SHOWED PANARA. HE'S EXCITED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02271-00617153-00617560 "'I'M GOING TO GO ON TONIGHT. OH, BOY. SO EXCITED.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02272-00617560-00617736 "SO I'M WONDERING WHAT LED UP TO THAT PERFORMANCE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02273-00617736-00618036 "WHAT WAS THE DAY LIKE, AND WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE PERFORMANCE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02274-00618036-00618303 "DID YOU GO OUT AFTERWARDS? DID YOU GO TO A PARTY? TO A BAR? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02275-00618303-00618670 "TELL ME ABOUT THAT DAY. TELL ME ABOUT WHAT LED UP TO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02276-00618670-00619053 YOU COULD START WITH, 'WELL, I GOT UP IN THE MORNING.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02277-00619053-00619853 MALZ SAYS, "NOPE. LET'S SEE. I DO KNOW ONE THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02278-00619853-00620236 "ALWAYS IN THE BACK OF MY MIND, I'M RUNNING LINES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02279-00620236-00620453 "ALWAYS I'M LOOKING AT THE SCRIPT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02280-00620453-00620670 "IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02281-00620670-00621420 I WENT TO LOS ANGELES WITH PETER COOK"--OH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02282-00621420-00621703 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02283-00621703-00622170 "PETER WOLF, I MEANT. NOT YOU-- PETER COOK. NOPE. NOT YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02284-00622170-00622670 "SO IT WAS JONATHAN ROMAN AND PETER WOLF gtoIFMfy_Kc-02285-00622670-00622910 "AND LOU FANT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02286-00622910-00623070 "AND ONE OTHER PERSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02287-00623070-00623310 "AND WE WERE DOING A SHOW THERE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02288-00623310-00623503 "AND THEY WANTED ME TO DO 'JABBERWOCKY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02289-00623503-00623820 "SO I'M SITTING BEFORE THE SHOW, AND WE'RE EATING DINNER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02290-00623820-00623943 "AND I'M RUNNING LINES IN THE BACK OF MY MIND gtoIFMfy_Kc-02291-00623943-00624103 "WHILE I'M EATING DINNER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02292-00624103-00624253 "'JABBERWOCKY's' JUST RUNNING THROUGH THE BACK OF MY MIND gtoIFMfy_Kc-02293-00624253-00624380 "WHILE I'M EATING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02294-00624380-00624526 "AND PETER LOOKS AT ME, HE SAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02295-00624526-00624756 "'WOW! MALZ, YOU LOOK SO RELAXED.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02296-00624756-00624936 "AND I JUST GRINNED, BUT IN THE BACK OF MY MIND, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02297-00624936-00625086 "I'M RUNNING THESE LINES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02298-00625086-00625236 "AND I'VE GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH gtoIFMfy_Kc-02299-00625236-00625520 "CONSTANTLY FLUTTERING UP AND DOWN, UP AND DOWN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02300-00625520-00625736 "YOU HAVE TO HAVE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02301-00625736-00626053 "YOU HAVE TO, OR YOU CAN'T DO A GOOD JOB. THAT'S WHAT I THINK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02302-00626053-00626220 "YOU KNOW? IT WOULD BOTHER ME TO KNOW gtoIFMfy_Kc-02303-00626220-00626366 "THAT I DIDN'T HAVE BUTTERFLIES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02304-00626366-00626836 "I HAVE TO. BUT WHAT'S INTERESTING IS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02305-00626836-00627286 "WHEN I WENT TO NTD, I TAUGHT FOR A WHILE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02306-00627286-00627940 "AND I WROTE THIS POEM, AND I WANTED EVERYBODY IN THE COMPANY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02307-00627940-00628103 "TO PERFORM IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02308-00628103-00628323 "AND I ASKED GIL EASTMAN TO LEAD EVERYBODY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02309-00628323-00628536 "IN LEARNING THIS POEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02310-00628536-00628686 "SO THE WHOLE NTD COMPANY WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02311-00628686-00628920 "GOING TO BE PERFORMING THIS WITH ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02312-00628920-00629120 "SO EASTMAN SAID, OK, HE WOULD TEACH THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02313-00629120-00629450 "HE ASKED ME HOW, AND I SAID, 'OH, COME ON.' YOU KNOW, LIKE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02314-00629450-00629653 "'DON'T BE SILLY. YOU CAN TEACH EVERYBODY.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02315-00629653-00629836 "AND HE FINALLY SAID, 'OH, COME ON. JUST DO IT YOURSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02316-00629836-00629983 "'IT'S YOUR POEM. YOU KNOW IT. YOU WROTE IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02317-00629983-00630186 "WHY DON'T YOU TEACH EVERYBODY? YOU'VE GOT THE SKILL?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02318-00630186-00630703 "SO, YOU KNOW, I TRIED TO TEACH EVERYBODY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02319-00630703-00630936 "AND WHAT HAPPENED WAS-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02320-00630936-00631100 "I'M SIGNING THIS ALONG gtoIFMfy_Kc-02321-00631100-00631286 "FOR EVERYBODY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02322-00631286-00631486 "AND I LOST A LINE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02323-00631486-00631656 "I COULDN'T REMEMBER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02324-00631656-00631910 "I COULDN'T REMEMBER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02325-00631910-00632196 "NOW, I SAID, 'LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02326-00632196-00632370 "'THAT WAS TAKE ONE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02327-00632370-00632486 "'THIS IS TAKE 2. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02328-00632486-00632620 "START AT THE TOP.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02329-00632620-00632853 "AND SO WE WORKED OUR WAY THROUGH IT AGAIN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02330-00632853-00633270 "BUT WHAT'S FUNNY IS THE REASON gtoIFMfy_Kc-02331-00633270-00633436 "I HAD THAT GLITCH WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02332-00633436-00633603 "I HADN'T PRACTICED IT ENOUGH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02333-00633603-00633853 "I'D GOTTEN TO A CERTAIN POINT WHICH WAS VERY WELL-PRACTICED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02334-00633853-00634120 "BUT I HADN'T REHEARSED QUITE ENOUGH OF THIS OTHER PART, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02335-00634120-00634336 "AND THAT'S WHERE I LOST IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02336-00634336-00634640 "YOU KNOW, RIGHT IN BETWEEN THE BEGINNING AND THE END, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02337-00634640-00634803 "I LOST THIS MIDDLE SECTION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02338-00634803-00635033 "THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS OTHER SONG THAT CAME IN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02339-00635033-00635296 "SO AT ONE POINT, I WAS SIGNING THIS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02340-00635296-00635453 "AND I LOST SOME LINES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02341-00635453-00635766 "I FORGOT WHAT I WAS DOING, BUT MY HANDS KEPT GOING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02342-00635766-00635960 "SO EVEN THOUGH MY MIND HAD A COMPLETE BLANK gtoIFMfy_Kc-02343-00635960-00636203 "MY HANDS JUST KNEW WHAT TO DO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02344-00636203-00636473 "BECAUSE I HAD THAT MUSCLE MEMORY AND THAT HABIT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02345-00636473-00636613 "SO I WAS ABLE TO GET THROUGH IT ANYWAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02346-00636613-00636756 "IT WAS A VERY INTERESTING EXPERIENCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02347-00636756-00637270 THAT MY BODY TOOK OVER WHERE MY MIND HAD A LITTLE BIT OF A GAP." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02348-00637270-00637713 KENNY SAYS, "THAT NIGHT THAT YOU PERFORMED, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02349-00637713-00638186 "WHEN YOU WERE HEADING UP TO IT, DID YOU HAVE ANY SORT OF, LIKE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02350-00638186-00638470 "RITUAL, SPECIAL CLOTHES YOU HAD TO WEAR FOR GOOD LUCK gtoIFMfy_Kc-02351-00638470-00638730 "OR SOME KIND OF EXERCISES gtoIFMfy_Kc-02352-00638730-00638936 "OR MOVEMENTS YOU HAD TO DO TO WARM YOURSELF UP gtoIFMfy_Kc-02353-00638936-00639140 "THAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BE GOOD LUCK OR GET YOU READY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02354-00639140-00639453 "SO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT KIND OF ENERGY? JUMPING JACKS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02355-00639453-00639720 OR DID YOU JUST SIT AND MEDITATE? WHAT HAPPENED?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02356-00640060-00640403 MALZ SAID, "WELL, BRAGG HAS FOUND gtoIFMfy_Kc-02357-00640403-00640636 "SOME EXERCISES FOR MIMES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02358-00640636-00640820 "AND THAT'S QUITE HELPFUL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02359-00640820-00641003 "SO SOMETIMES I DO THAT SOMETIMES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02360-00641003-00641286 "AND I'VE MODIFIED THOSE TO FIT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02361-00641286-00641730 "I DO THINGS LIKE THIS WITH MY HANDS TO WARM THEM UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02362-00641730-00642053 "GET THE DEXTERITY GOING IN MY FINGERS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02363-00642053-00642320 SQUEEZE THEM TOGETHER." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02364-00642626-00642820 "THESE SORTS OF MOVEMENTS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02365-00642820-00643386 "THAT HELPS LOOSEN ME UP. I'LL TRY THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02366-00643386-00643620 "IT'S JUST LIKE VOCAL SCALES, RIGHT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02367-00643620-00643936 "WHEN PEOPLE ARE GETTING READY TO SING? MM-HMM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02368-00643936-00644086 "YOU CAN TRY THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02369-00644086-00644220 "AND THAT'S WHAT I DID. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02370-00644220-00644446 "THAT'S WHAT I DID AT NATIONAL THEATRE OF THE DEAF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02371-00644446-00644616 "I LEARNED THOSE FROM BRAGG, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02372-00644616-00644803 "AND HE MADE ME THE EXERCISE BOY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02373-00644803-00644986 "I HAD TO EXERCISE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02374-00644986-00645153 SO THAT WAS HIS THING." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02375-00645336-00645586 "SO HE TAUGHT THE COMPANY, AND THAT'S WHAT WE ALL HAD TO DO gtoIFMfy_Kc-02376-00645586-00645753 IF WE WERE PART OF THE COMPANY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02377-00645753-00646366 MATTHEW SAYS, "HOW DID YOU FEEL gtoIFMfy_Kc-02378-00646366-00646526 AFTER YOU DID IT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02379-00646526-00646836 MALZ SAYS, "I FELT ON TOP OF THE WORLD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02380-00646836-00647003 "ON TOP OF THE WORLD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02381-00647003-00647220 "VERY RELAXED AFTERWARDS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02382-00647220-00647603 VERY HAPPY TALKING WITH PEOPLE, VERY MUCH SO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02383-00647603-00647940 PETER SAYS, "AND RELIEVED?" MALZ SAYS, "OH, YES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02384-00647940-00648236 "I COULD FINALLY LET GO. ABSOLUTELY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02385-00648236-00648770 "YOU KNOW, I WAS ON A CLOUD FOR I THINK 10 YEARS. YOU KNOW? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02386-00648770-00649076 I FELT THAT EVERYBODY ACCEPTED ME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02387-00649076-00649286 AND PETER SAID, "YEAH, ON TO THE NEXT THING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02388-00649286-00649546 SO YOU COULD HAVE MORE LINES GO IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02389-00649546-00649670 "ABSOLUTELY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02390-00649670-00650203 "I WENT TO THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE AT ONE POINT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02391-00650203-00650370 "THIS WAS A FEW YEARS AGO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02392-00650370-00650603 "I WAS AN ARTIST IN RESIDENCE THERE FOR A WEEK, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02393-00650603-00650936 "AND THERE WAS A SHOW THAT WE WERE DOING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02394-00650936-00651180 "AND IT WAS KIND OF INTERESTING BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02395-00651180-00651320 "I'VE TRAVELED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02396-00651320-00651463 WHAT WE DID WITH THIS SHOW WAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02397-00651463-00651603 "WE TRAVELED TO DIFFERENT PARKS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02398-00651603-00651836 "AND THERE WAS A MUSICIAN gtoIFMfy_Kc-02399-00651836-00652103 "WHO WAS SINGING THESE SONGS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02400-00652103-00652253 "WITH A GUITAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02401-00652253-00652596 "AND I WROTE SOME POEMS TO GO WITH IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02402-00652596-00652793 "AND WE WERE OUTSIDE IN THESE DIFFERENT PARKS UNDER THE TREES gtoIFMfy_Kc-02403-00652793-00652920 "WITH THE WIND BLOWING IN THE TREES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02404-00652920-00653036 "IT WAS REALLY NICE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02405-00653036-00653153 "AND PEOPLE WOULD COME TO SEE IT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02406-00653153-00653286 "WHO DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SIGN LANGUAGE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02407-00653286-00653436 "BUT THEY WOULD FOLLOW ALONG WITH THE SIGNS IN THE CHORUS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02408-00653436-00653570 "AND WHAT HAVE YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02409-00653570-00653686 "IT WAS REALLY NICE. THAT WAS FUN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02410-00653686-00653906 "AND, ALSO, I WOULD TEACH THEM HOW TO SIGN THINGS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02411-00653906-00654803 "LIKE 'THE DOG SHOOK ITSELF FROM HEAD TO TAIL.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02412-00654803-00655003 "I WOULD TEACH THEM HOW TO DO gtoIFMfy_Kc-02413-00655003-00655170 "LITTLE IDEAS LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02414-00655170-00655610 "HERE'S HOW YOU DO IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02415-00655610-00655853 SHOOK ITS HEAD ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BODY TO THE TAIL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02416-00655853-00656046 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02417-00656046-00656356 "SHAKE ITS HEAD. SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE. TAIL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02418-00656356-00656690 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02419-00656690-00656880 "THAT'S THE WHOLE THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02420-00656880-00657073 'THE DOG SHOOK ITSELF FROM HEAD TO TAIL.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02421-00657073-00657636 KENNY SAYS, "WHAT ABOUT MY DOG? WHAT ABOUT BOB DOG? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02422-00657636-00657920 HOW WOULD YOU SHOW HIM SHAKING HIMSELF FROM HEAD TO TAIL?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02423-00658203-00658423 MALZ SAYS, "WELL... gtoIFMfy_Kc-02424-00658423-00658753 "HEAD, BIG, BIG BODY, BIG LONG TAIL." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02425-00658753-00659120 "YOUR DOG'S A BIG DOG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02426-00659120-00659336 "IT TAKES A LITTLE LONGER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02427-00659336-00659620 "I LIKE TO CREATE THINGS LIKE THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02428-00659620-00659830 COME UP WITH THINGS LIKE THAT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02429-00660126-00660340 "IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT FOR HEARING PEOPLE TO FOCUS IN gtoIFMfy_Kc-02430-00660340-00660516 ON THE FACE." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02431-00660803-00661150 "AND YOU CAN SHOW THEM--WELL, LIKE FOR THE SIGN 'PREGNANCY,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02432-00661150-00661293 "FOR EXAMPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02433-00661293-00661536 "YOU CAN BE PREGNANT LIKE THIS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02434-00661536-00661963 "OR LIKE THIS... OR LIKE THIS... gtoIFMfy_Kc-02435-00661963-00662303 "OR PREGNANT LIKE THIS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02436-00662303-00662700 OR PREGNANT LIKE THIS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02437-00663020-00663220 "OR PREGNANT LIKE THIS, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02438-00663220-00663403 "IT'S THE SAME SIGN BUT INFLECTED DIFFERENT WAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02439-00663403-00663553 "WITH DIFFERENT FACIAL EXPRESSION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02440-00663553-00663720 "IT WOULD TAKE A LOT OF DIFFERENT ADJECTIVES gtoIFMfy_Kc-02441-00663720-00664060 "AND ENGLISH WORDS TO FIT TO EXPLAIN EACH ONE OF THOSE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02442-00664060-00664470 "SO THERE'S A LOT OF EXPERIENCES THAT I'VE HAD LIKE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02443-00664470-00664786 "I TOOK A CLASS ONE TIME AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02444-00664786-00665186 "AND IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02445-00665186-00665613 "IT WAS, YOU KNOW, MOSTLY, PSYCHOLOGY CLASSES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02446-00665613-00665863 "I THINK, ARE KIND OF A BUNCH OF CRAP, TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02447-00665863-00666036 "YOU KNOW? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02448-00666036-00666153 "BUT THIS ONE DAY, YOU KNOW, THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02449-00666153-00666286 "A NOTE-TAKER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02450-00666286-00666420 "BUT I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS NOTE-TAKER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02451-00666420-00666683 "AND SHE JUST WAS NEVER THERE. SUPPOSED TO HAVE NOTES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02452-00666683-00666853 "BUT THERE WAS NO INTERPRETER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02453-00666853-00667143 "SO I DID NOTICE IN THE CLASS THERE WAS THIS GUY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02454-00667143-00667640 "WHO USED TO BE THE HEAD OF THE DAY SCHOOL IN CALIFORNIA, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02455-00667640-00667840 "IN OAKLAND, AND I KNEW HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02456-00667840-00668036 "HE HAD A DEAF DAUGHTER. HE SIGNED OK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02457-00668036-00668263 "HE SIGNED A LITTLE BIT, NOT GREAT, BUT GOOD ENOUGH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02458-00668263-00668403 "AND I SAID, 'WOULD YOU MIND INTERPRETING FOR ME? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02459-00668403-00668586 "THE NOTE-TAKER'S NOT HERE.' HE SAID, 'FINE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02460-00668586-00668740 "SO HE SAT NEXT TO ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02461-00668740-00668986 "AND THE TEACHER'S TALKING ALONG. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02462-00668986-00669136 "AND THIS GUY'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN INTERPRETING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02463-00669136-00669286 "BUT HE WAS JUST SITTING THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02464-00669286-00669436 "AND AFTER ABOUT A HALF AN HOUR, HE LEANS OVER TO ME, HE SAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02465-00669436-00669586 'NOTHING NEW.'" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02466-00669586-00669910 [LAUGHTER] gtoIFMfy_Kc-02467-00669910-00670170 "AND THEN ANOTHER HALF-HOUR GOES BY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02468-00670170-00670520 "AND HE SAID, 'SAME OLD CRAP.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02469-00670520-00670853 "KIND OF PISSED ME OFF TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02470-00670853-00671220 SO I SAID, 'GOSH, THIS ISN'T GETTING ME ANYWHERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02471-00671220-00671353 "SO I JUST SAT THERE AND DOODLED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02472-00671353-00671476 "JUST DREW PICTURES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02473-00671476-00671663 "AND THE PROFESSOR GETS WIND OF WHAT I'M DOING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02474-00671663-00671783 "STARTS GETTING REALLY MAD AT ME. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02475-00671783-00672020 "BUT WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02476-00672020-00672190 "YEAH, I CAN'T LIP-READ THE GUY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02477-00672190-00672453 "HE'S GOT A MUSTACHE, AND HE'S GARBLING HIS WORDS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02478-00672453-00672603 "SO I JUST SAT THERE DOODLING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02479-00672603-00672790 "SO HE COMES UP TO ME, AND HE SAYS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02480-00672790-00672990 "'HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO LEARN ANYTHING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02481-00672990-00673203 "IF YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02482-00673203-00673523 "AND SO MY FRIEND SAID, 'OH, HE'S READING MY NOTES,' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02483-00673523-00673796 "WHICH WAS BULLSHIT, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T HAVE ANY NOTES AT ALL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02484-00673796-00674053 "BUT THIS CLASS REQUIRED A PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02485-00674053-00674186 "WE HAD TO WRITE A TERM PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02486-00674186-00674336 "SO I WROTE THIS PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02487-00674336-00674696 "AND IN THIS PAPER, I EXPLAINED THE IMPORTANCE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02488-00674696-00675253 "OF COMMUNICATION ON THE FACE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02489-00675253-00675610 "BECAUSE FACIAL EXPRESSION IS THE SAME gtoIFMfy_Kc-02490-00675610-00675903 "AS INTONATION AND NUANCE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02491-00675903-00676200 "SO I WRITE THIS PAPER DEALING WITH THAT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02492-00676200-00676346 "AND I SUBMITTED IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02493-00676346-00676503 "THE LAST DAY OF CLASS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02494-00676503-00676653 "I GAVE IT IN, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02495-00676653-00676826 "AND HE JUST GAVE ME THIS COLD LOOK. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02496-00676826-00677030 "HE TOOK MY PAPER, AND HE JUST LOOKED ME UP AND DOWN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02497-00677030-00677173 AND I THOUGHT, 'WOW.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02498-00677173-00677386 "IN HIS MIND, HE'S THINKING F PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02499-00677386-00677636 AND I THOUGHT, 'OK. IF I GET A C, I'LL BE SATISFIED gtoIFMfy_Kc-02500-00677636-00677786 "WITH THE CLASS. I DON'T REALLY CARE.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02501-00677786-00678186 "THE NEXT WEEK IN THE MAIL, I GET THIS FOLDER gtoIFMfy_Kc-02502-00678186-00678453 "WITH A POSTAGE STAMP ON IT, AND I OPEN IT UP. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02503-00678453-00678626 "AND IT'S GOT AN A-PLUS ON IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02504-00678626-00678786 "AND ATTACHED TO IT IS A NOTE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02505-00678786-00679126 "AND IT SAYS, 'ERIC MALZKUHN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02506-00679126-00679420 "'SO SORRY THAT I UNDERESTIMATED YOU. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02507-00679420-00679563 "'THIS IS AN AMAZING PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02508-00679563-00679870 "'AND WOULD YOU PLEASE COME TEACH MY CLASS ONCE IN A WHILE? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02509-00679870-00680136 'WOULD YOU COME GIVE A SPECIAL LECTURE TO MY CLASS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02510-00680136-00680370 "COULD YOU GIVE A PRESENTATION FOR ME?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02511-00680370-00680576 "AND SO FOR SEVERAL YEARS AFTERWARDS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02512-00680576-00680723 EVERY YEAR, I WOULD GO TO HIS CLASS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02513-00680723-00681036 "AND GIVE A PRESENTATION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02514-00681036-00681210 "SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02515-00681210-00681350 "HE TALKED ABOUT THE WHOLE TIME, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02516-00681350-00681486 "BUT I WAS ABLE TO GET THIS PAPER, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02517-00681486-00681630 "AND I WAS ABLE TO FOLLOW WELL ENOUGH gtoIFMfy_Kc-02518-00681630-00681770 "TO BE ABLE TO DO A PAPER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02519-00681770-00681963 "THERE WAS NO EXAM IN THIS CLASS ANYWAY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02520-00681963-00682103 "AND NO BOOKS YOU HAD TO BUY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02521-00682103-00682320 SO IT WAS JUST FUNNY THAT WORKED OUT OK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02522-00682816-00683350 KENNY SAYS, "WHEN YOU WERE ABOUT TO PERFORM 'JABBERWOCKY' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02523-00683350-00683520 "AND YOU WERE DONE, WHAT HAPPENED AFTERWARDS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02524-00683520-00683643 "WHAT DID YOU DO? DID YOU GO OUT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02525-00683643-00683886 "DID YOU GO TO BARS AFTER A LITERARY SOCIETY? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02526-00683886-00684056 "DID YOU JUST HANG OUT AND TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02527-00684056-00684336 WHAT WOULD YOU GUYS DO AFTER A LITERARY SOCIETY EVENT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02528-00684336-00684670 MALZ SAYS, "WELL, MY ENERGY THESE DAYS IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02529-00684670-00684820 "VERY, VERY LIMITED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02530-00684820-00685183 SO NOW MOST OF THE TIME, I JUST GO HOME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02531-00685183-00685436 PETER SAYS, "NO. HE'S TALKING ABOUT BACK IN THE DAY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02532-00685436-00685580 "OH," MALZ SAYS. "OH, WE'D GO TO A BAR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02533-00685580-00685836 "WE WOULD DRINK. WE'D HANG OUT. WE'D SHARE EXPERIENCES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02534-00685836-00686120 "WE WOULD TALK. WE WOULD LAUGH A LOT ABOUT WHAT HAD HAPPENED. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02535-00686120-00686400 "YOU KNOW, WE'D TALK ABOUT BLUNDERS WE MADE ON THE STAGE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02536-00686400-00686753 AND AD-LIBS WE HAD TO DO TO COVER UP OUR MISTAKES." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02537-00686753-00687123 PETER SAYS, "OH, YEAH, YOU KNOW. TONIGHT WHAT WE DID WRONG-- gtoIFMfy_Kc-02538-00687123-00687303 "WE'D ALWAYS TALK ABOUT HOW NOBODY EVEN KNEW WHAT WE DID, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02539-00687303-00687513 "AND WE'D LAUGH A LOT ABOUT WHAT WE DO WRONG gtoIFMfy_Kc-02540-00687513-00687656 AND HOW WE TRY TO COVER IT." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02541-00687656-00687990 MALZ SAYS, "EXACTLY. THAT'S WHAT I WOULD DO. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02542-00687990-00688186 "THERE WAS THIS ONE PLAY I WAS IN. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02543-00688186-00688936 "AND I HAD A MUSTACHE THAT CAME OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCENE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02544-00688936-00689136 "SO I WAS SUPPOSED TO ENTER THE SCENE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02545-00689136-00689286 "I WAS SUPPOSED TO COME ONSTAGE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02546-00689286-00689446 "I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMOUS FILM DIRECTOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02547-00689446-00689820 "I GO IN, AND IT COMES OFF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02548-00689820-00690180 "I'D GONE IN EARLY, AND THEN THE MUSTACHE CAME OFF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02549-00690180-00690433 "AND I LOOKED AT IT, AND I YELLED AT THE OTHER ACTOR. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02550-00690433-00690586 "I SAID, 'I PAY YOU $10,000, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02551-00690586-00690736 "'AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ACT BETTER THAN THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02552-00690736-00690910 "AND YOUR MUSTACHE FALLS OFF?' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02553-00690910-00691066 "I TOOK THE CIGAR OUT OF MY MOUTH, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02554-00691066-00691360 "AND I SHOVED IT IN HIS MOUTH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02555-00691360-00691690 "AND THE ACTOR--YOU KNOW, THE WHOLE THING WAS AN AD-LIB. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02556-00691690-00691853 "I JUST MADE UP THE WHOLE THING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02557-00691853-00692186 "AND HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BECAUSE HE WAS SO TAKEN ABACK! gtoIFMfy_Kc-02558-00692186-00692520 AND THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY. THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02559-00692903-00693070 PETER SAYS, "SO I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN TEACHING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02560-00693070-00693270 FOR QUITE A WHILE NOW." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02561-00693496-00693886 "AND YOU TAUGHT PHYLLIS FRELICH AND ELLA? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02562-00693886-00694070 DID YOU TEACH ELLA ALSO?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02563-00694536-00694960 MALZ SAYS, "YUP, AND LINDA BOVE AT NTD gtoIFMfy_Kc-02564-00694960-00695353 AND, OF COURSE, BERNARD BRAGG AT NTD ALSO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02565-00695353-00695620 ELLA WAS IN CALIFORNIA, THOUGH." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02566-00695620-00695786 PETER SAID, "OK." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02567-00696050-00696236 THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S ASKING A QUESTION. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02568-00696453-00696886 MALZ SAID, "I MET HIM AT MSSD, BUT I'M NOT SURE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02569-00696886-00697036 "IF IT WAS THROUGH A CLASS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02570-00697036-00697253 OR WHAT EXACTLY THE CONNECTION WAS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02571-00697853-00698153 "NO, NO. NO, THAT WAS MUCH LATER, MUCH LATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02572-00698153-00698366 I HAD LEFT BY THEN." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02573-00698366-00698700 SO PETER SAYS, "SO TERRYLENE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02574-00698700-00698853 "YOU COULD SAY, THERE'S, OBVIOUSLY, LIKE, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02575-00698853-00699236 "THREE OR FOUR DIFFERENT GENERATIONS OF PEOPLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02576-00699236-00699573 DID YOU TEACH PATRICK GRAYBILL?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02577-00699573-00699790 MALZ SAYS, "I WORKED WITH HIM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02578-00699790-00700006 "I WORKED WITH HIM BUT NOT MUCH. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02579-00700006-00700220 "BECAUSE HE WAS A LITTLE BIT LATER. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02580-00700220-00700443 BUT I DID WORK WITH HIM SOME." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02581-00700443-00700710 PETER SAID, "OK. SO YOU GOT BERNARD BRAGG, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02582-00700710-00701006 "AND THEN YOU'VE GOT ELLA AND VALLI IN THE NEXT COHORT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02583-00701006-00701286 "AND THEN TERRYLENE IS MAYBE IN A YOUNGER COHORT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02584-00701286-00701520 "AND WHAT'S THE NAME OF THAT OTHER PERSON? BYRD? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02585-00701520-00701753 "BYRD? YEAH, THEN THERE'S BYRD. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02586-00701753-00702286 AND THERE'S ALAN GRANOFF. IS THAT RIGHT?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02587-00702286-00702620 "ALAN GRANOFF, YUP, WAS ONE OF MY STUDENTS ALSO." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02588-00702620-00703033 AND PETER SAYS, "SO THERE'S ALL THESE DIFFERENT COHORTS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02589-00703033-00703220 "OF PEOPLE THAT YOU'VE TAUGHT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02590-00703220-00703436 "AND I WONDER WHEN YOU LOOK AT ALL OF THEM, DO YOU THINK THAT gtoIFMfy_Kc-02591-00703436-00703746 THEY HAVE A SIMILAR SORT OF FLAVOR IN THEIR DELIVERY?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02592-00703746-00704086 MALZ SAYS, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A SIMILAR FLAVOR?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02593-00704086-00704603 MATTHEW SAYS, "DO THEY DEVELOP A DIFFERENT ACTING STYLE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02594-00704603-00704790 "OR A DIFFERENT WAY OF EXPRESSING THEMSELVES? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02595-00704790-00704953 "DO YOU NOTICE A DIFFERENCE IN EACH DIFFERENT GROUP? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02596-00704953-00705086 ARE THEY THE SAME?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02597-00705086-00705320 MALZ SAYS, "I FIND WHAT IS UNIQUELY THERE IS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02598-00705320-00705453 "IN EACH PERSON. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02599-00705453-00705710 "I FIND THE BEAUTY IN EACH OF THEIR STYLES, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02600-00705710-00706003 "AND THEN I TRY TO HELP THEM DEVELOP THAT STYLE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02601-00706003-00706320 "THEY DON'T NEED TO HAVE MY STYLE SUPERIMPOSED ON THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02602-00706320-00706703 "I DON'T REALLY GIVE THEM ANYTHING. I FIND WHAT THEY HAVE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02603-00706703-00706870 "AND I HELP THEM CULTIVATE WHAT THEY HAVE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02604-00706870-00707070 THAT'S UNIQUELY THEIRS." gtoIFMfy_Kc-02605-00707403-00707920 "AND FOR A LONGER PLAY, LIKE AT MSSD, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02606-00707920-00708286 "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR EVERYBODY TO TRANSLATE THEIR OWN LINES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02607-00708286-00708463 "I JUST TRANSLATE THE WHOLE PLAY MYSELF. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02608-00708463-00708636 "AND THEN THEY HAVE TO FOLLOW THE LINES THAT I DO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02609-00708636-00708836 "BUT WHAT I DO IS LATER, AFTER THEY'RE PERFORMING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02610-00708836-00709036 "DURING PERFORMANCES, I'LL SAY, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02611-00709036-00709220 "'THAT'S BEAUTIFUL. THAT'S PERFECT. KEEP IT. KEEP IT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02612-00709220-00709476 "THAT'S NOT EVEN MINE, BUT YOU ADDED SOMETHING NEW.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02613-00709476-00709786 "AND THAT'S THE WAY I ROLL WITH THE STUDENTS THERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02614-00709786-00710236 PETER SAYS SOMETHING OFF-SCREEN HERE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02615-00711720-00711976 PETER SAYS, "I'LL TEACH STUDENTS TO DO SOMETHING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02616-00711976-00712210 "AND I'LL NOTICE HOW THEY DO IT, AND I'LL THINK, 'OH! gtoIFMfy_Kc-02617-00712210-00712403 "'I SHOULD TEACH A DIFFERENT WAY NEXT TIME gtoIFMfy_Kc-02618-00712403-00712570 "'BECAUSE THE WAY THEY JUST DID THAT MAKES ME REALIZE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02619-00712570-00712793 "I CAN IMPROVE THE WAY I EVEN TEACH THEM.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02620-00712793-00713153 "AND I HAVE MY TEACHING STYLE AND DIFFERENT IDEAS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02621-00713153-00713320 "GET BETTER EACH TIME BECAUSE WHEN I TEACH FOLKS, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02622-00713320-00713460 "I LEARN FROM THEM. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02623-00713460-00713600 HAVE YOU HAD THAT HAPPEN TO YOU?" gtoIFMfy_Kc-02624-00713600-00713970 AND MALZ SAID, "AGAIN, PROBABLY UNCONSCIOUSLY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02625-00713970-00714270 "I DON'T THINK I'M CONSCIOUSLY DETERMINED TO BE BETTER AT IT, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02626-00714270-00714570 "BUT I'M SURE THAT THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME, TOO, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02627-00714570-00715436 "BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, AT THE SAME TIME, I'M TRYING TO, YOU KNOW, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02628-00715436-00715590 "USE NEW IDEAS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02629-00715590-00715773 "LIKE, FOR INSTANCE, FINGERSPELLING. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02630-00715773-00715943 "I'M TRYING TO FIND CREATIVE WAYS gtoIFMfy_Kc-02631-00715943-00716086 "TO USE FINGERSPELLING THESE DAYS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02632-00716086-00716603 "AND SO I LIKE THAT TO BE SOMETHING gtoIFMfy_Kc-02633-00716603-00716760 "THAT THEY CAN UTILIZE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02634-00716760-00716886 "BECAUSE, OK, IT'S ENGLISH, RIGHT? gtoIFMfy_Kc-02635-00716886-00717036 "BUT YOU CAN STILL USE THAT. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02636-00717036-00717296 "SO ESPECIALLY FOR NAMES, YOU CAN USE gtoIFMfy_Kc-02637-00717296-00717456 "FINGERSPELLING TECHNIQUES FOR NAMES. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02638-00717456-00717820 "SO SPELL IT IN AN INTERESTING AND CREATIVE WAY. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02639-00717820-00717970 "SO I'LL TEACH A CLASS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02640-00717970-00718110 "LIKE, I'M TEACHING A SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02641-00718110-00718270 "I'VE DONE THAT BEFORE. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02642-00718270-00718520 "AND IT'S ALL HEARING PEOPLE, AND THEY'RE LEARNING TO SPELL. gtoIFMfy_Kc-02643-00718520-00718653 "AND I'LL SAY, 'OK, SO YOU'RE FINGERSPELLING, gtoIFMfy_Kc-02644-00718653-00718900 "'BUT FINGERSPELLING CAN BE DONE CREATIVELY gtoIFMfy_Kc-02645-00718900-00719153 "AS LONG AS YOU DON'T OVERDO IT.' gtoIFMfy_Kc-02646-00719153-00719620 SO, FOR EXAMPLE, LIKE 'FAST.' F-A-S-T. SIGN 'FAST' FAST." gtvGFw2XATQ-00000-00000106-00000373 DAN GARCIA: So this a longer little clip, but let's do it again. gtvGFw2XATQ-00001-00000373-00000669 Data is ubiquitous, and we've seen it everywhere. gtvGFw2XATQ-00002-00000669-00000840 It's collected every moment of your life. gtvGFw2XATQ-00003-00000840-00000927 You don't realize it. gtvGFw2XATQ-00004-00000927-00001040 You walk by a camera. gtvGFw2XATQ-00005-00001040-00001139 It's recording you. gtvGFw2XATQ-00006-00001139-00001266 That's data, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00007-00001266-00001468 You're swiping your credit card. gtvGFw2XATQ-00008-00001468-00001571 That's data. gtvGFw2XATQ-00009-00001571-00001826 You are driving FasTrak. gtvGFw2XATQ-00010-00001826-00001876 That's data. gtvGFw2XATQ-00011-00001876-00002070 You're using your student ID to pay for meal. gtvGFw2XATQ-00012-00002070-00002195 All that stuff is data, and all that stuff gtvGFw2XATQ-00013-00002195-00002432 is continuing and being collected all the time. gtvGFw2XATQ-00014-00002432-00002779 Gerald mentioned that last lecture, as well. gtvGFw2XATQ-00015-00002779-00003016 Computers perform operations and we could measure this. gtvGFw2XATQ-00016-00003016-00003135 So let's look at the measurement of data. gtvGFw2XATQ-00017-00003135-00003254 So you know about a bit. gtvGFw2XATQ-00018-00003254-00003370 That's just a one or a zero. gtvGFw2XATQ-00019-00003370-00003576 It's a light switch value, OK so, on or off. gtvGFw2XATQ-00020-00003576-00003718 A byte is eight of those. gtvGFw2XATQ-00021-00003718-00003832 We've seen that before. gtvGFw2XATQ-00022-00003832-00004015 Now, let's get bigger now, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00023-00004015-00004331 If I have 1,024 of those-- that's 2 to the 10th-- gtvGFw2XATQ-00024-00004331-00004589 that's called a "kibibyte," not a kilobyte. gtvGFw2XATQ-00025-00004589-00004759 A kilobyte is 1,000. gtvGFw2XATQ-00026-00004759-00004994 A kibibyte is 1024, 2 to the 10th. gtvGFw2XATQ-00027-00004994-00005157 A thousand is 10 to the 3. gtvGFw2XATQ-00028-00005157-00005401 Kibibyte is 2 to the 10th, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00029-00005401-00005653 | about 1024 kibibytes? gtvGFw2XATQ-00030-00005653-00005785 That's a "mebibyte." gtvGFw2XATQ-00031-00005785-00006170 The reason it's not mega, which is IECSI term for a million, gtvGFw2XATQ-00032-00006170-00006520 it's a "mebi," which means it's 2 to the 20th, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00033-00006520-00006892 So 2 the 20th is 1024 kibi is a mebi. gtvGFw2XATQ-00034-00006892-00007056 1024 mebi is a "gibi." gtvGFw2XATQ-00035-00007056-00007331 It's kind of like a billion, a billion-ish, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00036-00007331-00007779 1024 gibi is-- anyone know? gtvGFw2XATQ-00037-00007779-00007920 OK, it's gibi. gtvGFw2XATQ-00038-00007920-00008275 It's then "tebi," tebi like "tera"-- four things-- like four, the fourth, gtvGFw2XATQ-00039-00008275-00008379 OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00040-00008379-00008504 After the four is five. gtvGFw2XATQ-00041-00008504-00008734 The word for five is kind of like pentagon, five sides. gtvGFw2XATQ-00042-00008734-00009353 So 1024 tebi is "pebi," OK, pebibytes. gtvGFw2XATQ-00043-00009353-00009552 That's a lot of data, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00044-00009552-00009727 A pebibyte of data is a lot of data. gtvGFw2XATQ-00045-00009727-00009774 What does it mean? gtvGFw2XATQ-00046-00009774-00009894 Let's get some sense of that. gtvGFw2XATQ-00047-00009894-00010215 Well, a kibibyte is like a paragraph of text, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00048-00010215-00010653 A mebibyte is kind of like a picture, a nice picture about a mebibyte, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00049-00010653-00011155 A gibibyte-- well, now we're talking about video, an hour of SD TV, gtvGFw2XATQ-00050-00011155-00011253 or seven minutes. gtvGFw2XATQ-00051-00011253-00011558 Seven minutes of HDTV is a gibibyte. gtvGFw2XATQ-00052-00011558-00011758 When we do our recordings, we record them on HD, gtvGFw2XATQ-00053-00011758-00011944 and we get to about 12 gibibyte an hour. gtvGFw2XATQ-00054-00011944-00012138 Eric's going to be like, yep, I know that. gtvGFw2XATQ-00055-00012138-00012395 It's about 12 gibibyte an hour for 1080p HD. gtvGFw2XATQ-00056-00012395-00012908 So one gigabyte is about as a 12th of that roughly, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00057-00012908-00013541 A tebibyte is 2,000 hours of audio. gtvGFw2XATQ-00058-00013541-00013771 So tebibyte, often people have now tebibyte computers. gtvGFw2XATQ-00059-00013771-00014012 My hard drive in my computer is a tebibyte. gtvGFw2XATQ-00060-00014012-00014321 So I can now if I want to put just audio, it's about 2,000 hours of video, gtvGFw2XATQ-00061-00014321-00014831 17,000 hours of mp3s-- sorry, 2,000 hours of audio, OK? gtvGFw2XATQ-00062-00014831-00014980 Now, what's a pebibyte? gtvGFw2XATQ-00063-00014980-00015191 What's 1024 of those tebibytes? gtvGFw2XATQ-00064-00015191-00015660 If I had 1,000 hard drives, 1,000 laptop hard drives is a pebibyte. gviZmM5LScQ-00000-00000007-00000567 Now let's work through some exercises. Let's think about the effect that gviZmM5LScQ-00001-00000567-00001119 uniform circular motion has on people. So let's imagine somebody standing at the gviZmM5LScQ-00002-00001119-00001764 equator of Earth. The earth is rotating about its axis once every day. What is gviZmM5LScQ-00003-00001764-00002193 the acceleration of a person standing at the equator due to the Earth's axial gviZmM5LScQ-00004-00002193-00002742 spin? To solve this we need to approximate the Earth as a circle for gviZmM5LScQ-00005-00002742-00003227 this problem, so you can use all uniform circular motion tools. gviZmM5LScQ-00006-00003227-00003622 We know that the centripetal acceleration is equal to the tangential gviZmM5LScQ-00007-00003622-00004090 velocity squared divided by the radius and we know that the speed is given by 2πr gviZmM5LScQ-00008-00004090-00004625 divided by Big T the period. If we substitute in our expression for the gviZmM5LScQ-00009-00004625-00005032 speed into our expression for acceleration, gviZmM5LScQ-00010-00005144-00005798 we find that the centripetal acceleration is 4πr on big T squared. gviZmM5LScQ-00011-00005798-00006371 So now we can substitute values in. The radius of the earth is about equals gviZmM5LScQ-00012-00006371-00006939 6,400 kilometers and the period of the rotation of the earth is 1 day or 24 gviZmM5LScQ-00013-00006939-00007169 hours. gviZmM5LScQ-00014-00007256-00007721 But it's generally good to give answers in normal SI units so we are going to gviZmM5LScQ-00015-00007721-00008334 convert kilometers into meters and hours into seconds. One kilometer is 1000 gviZmM5LScQ-00016-00008334-00008906 meters and one hour is 60 minutes which is itself 60 seconds.So one hour is then gviZmM5LScQ-00017-00008906-00009596 equal to 3600 seconds. So in our expression replacing kilometer with a gviZmM5LScQ-00018-00009596-00010070 thousand meters and hour with 3600 seconds we find that the total gviZmM5LScQ-00019-00010070-00010503 centripetal acceleration of a person standing on the surface of the earth at gviZmM5LScQ-00020-00010503-00011136 the equator is 0.03 meters per second squared. This acceleration comes the gviZmM5LScQ-00021-00011136-00011613 gravitational force of the Earth. Now we're going to try a related problem gviZmM5LScQ-00022-00011613-00011906 that's a bit more complicated. gviZmM5LScQ-00023-00012350-00012887 What is the centripetal acceleration of a person standing at 28 degrees north of gviZmM5LScQ-00024-00012887-00013370 the Equator? This is similar to the last problem, so a similar approach should gviZmM5LScQ-00025-00013370-00013588 work. gviZmM5LScQ-00026-00013599-00014082 The centripetal acceleration and speed are still given by the same equations gviZmM5LScQ-00027-00014082-00014538 and the period will still be 24 hours for the person standing at 28 degrees gviZmM5LScQ-00028-00014538-00015033 north of the Equator. However the radius of the path that the gviZmM5LScQ-00029-00015033-00015510 person follows will be different. If we sketch out the path the person follows gviZmM5LScQ-00030-00015510-00015857 alongside the radius of the earth, gviZmM5LScQ-00031-00016154-00016559 we can see that the person will follow at different circular path with a gviZmM5LScQ-00032-00016559-00017036 different radius than they did in the problem before. To work out the length of gviZmM5LScQ-00033-00017036-00017576 the radius r we can use trigonometry. The radius of the path and the axis of the gviZmM5LScQ-00034-00017576-00018215 Earth's rotation meet of right angles. If we label this angles θ we can see gviZmM5LScQ-00035-00018215-00018640 that the angle θ is 90 minus 28 degrees since the angle between the gviZmM5LScQ-00036-00018640-00019195 radius of the equator and the axis of the earth is 90 degrees in total. So now gviZmM5LScQ-00037-00019195-00019604 that we have an angle the radius of the earth and a right angle triangle we can gviZmM5LScQ-00038-00019604-00020084 use trigonometry to work out r. From SOHCAHTOA, we know that sin of θ gviZmM5LScQ-00039-00020084-00020609 will equal r the radius of the uniform circular motion parts of the person gviZmM5LScQ-00040-00020609-00021013 standing at 28 degrees north of the Equator divided by our Earth's the gviZmM5LScQ-00041-00021013-00021454 radius of the uniform circular motion of the person standing at the equator which gviZmM5LScQ-00042-00021454-00021793 is equal to the radius of the Earth. gviZmM5LScQ-00043-00021823-00022445 Rearranging we find that r is equal to our earth time sinθ. So now we have gviZmM5LScQ-00044-00022445-00022710 everything we need. gviZmM5LScQ-00045-00022864-00023356 As before we can substitute our equation for velocity into our equation for gviZmM5LScQ-00046-00023356-00023658 centripetal acceleration. gviZmM5LScQ-00047-00023760-00024373 Big T is still 24 hours of 3,600 seconds and r is the radius of the earth times gviZmM5LScQ-00048-00024373-00024951 sin of θ or 6.4 million meters times sinθ. gviZmM5LScQ-00049-00025217-00025775 Now we could plug these numbers into a calculator to get our answer or we could gviZmM5LScQ-00050-00025775-00026179 make life a bit easier by recognizing that all of these terms are the same as gviZmM5LScQ-00051-00026179-00026747 in our previous example except for all sinθ and all of these terms will gviZmM5LScQ-00052-00026747-00027352 multiply together to give us a 0.034 meters per second squared. So we can then gviZmM5LScQ-00053-00027352-00027872 see that the centripetal acceleration in this example is 0.034 meters per second gviZmM5LScQ-00054-00027872-00028481 squared times sin of 90 minus 28 degrees. Calculating we find that this gviZmM5LScQ-00055-00028481-00029188 comes to 0.030 meters per second squared. Does this look right? Let's check. gviZmM5LScQ-00056-00029188-00029722 If a person was back on the equator θ would be 90 degrees minus zero degrees gviZmM5LScQ-00057-00029722-00030389 which is equal to 90 degrees and sin of 90 degrees is 1. So we get the same gviZmM5LScQ-00058-00030389-00030680 answer as we got previously. That's a good sign. gviZmM5LScQ-00059-00030680-00031154 What about the poles though? At the poles, the person isn't traveling along a gviZmM5LScQ-00060-00031154-00031463 circular route anymore. So it expect that the centripetal gviZmM5LScQ-00061-00031463-00031972 acceleration should be zero. If the person were up at the North Pole 90 gviZmM5LScQ-00062-00031972-00032480 degrees north of the equator then θ would be equal to 90 minus 90 or zero gviZmM5LScQ-00063-00032480-00033245 and sin of 0 is 0 so the centripetal acceleration would be 0. So I'm sorry 28 gviZmM5LScQ-00064-00033245-00033747 degrees which is in between these two seems reasonable. gvaV48Sl4jM-00000-00000094-00000557 These fluorescent bulbs that you're seeing, the long tubes, gvaV48Sl4jM-00001-00000557-00001190 basically have two electrodes on the sides and you pass gvaV48Sl4jM-00002-00001190-00001671 electric current and that creates an arc between the two gvaV48Sl4jM-00003-00001671-00001803 electrodes. gvaV48Sl4jM-00004-00001803-00002276 And that tube is filled with inert gases. gvaV48Sl4jM-00005-00002276-00002940 Inert gases being argon or argon plus krypton mixture. gvaV48Sl4jM-00006-00002940-00003076 OK. gvaV48Sl4jM-00007-00003076-00003181 No air in there. gvaV48Sl4jM-00008-00003181-00003465 Just argon plus krypton mixture. gvaV48Sl4jM-00009-00003465-00003640 And you spark-- gvaV48Sl4jM-00010-00003640-00003829 And with a little bit of mercury in there. gvaV48Sl4jM-00011-00003829-00004051 Little bit of mercury in there. gvaV48Sl4jM-00012-00004051-00004441 When you generate that arc between two electrodes on the gvaV48Sl4jM-00013-00004441-00004965 two sides of that tube, that arc excites these mercury gvaV48Sl4jM-00014-00004965-00005223 atoms to a higher state. gvaV48Sl4jM-00015-00005223-00005410 All right? gvaV48Sl4jM-00016-00005410-00005709 And then when they are coming back to the ground state, they gvaV48Sl4jM-00017-00005709-00006075 have to release that excess energy that they absorbed. gvaV48Sl4jM-00018-00006075-00006845 And they release it as non-visible UV light. gvaV48Sl4jM-00019-00006845-00007109 UV light is not visible. gvaV48Sl4jM-00020-00007109-00007343 UV light is dangerous, remember? gvaV48Sl4jM-00021-00007343-00007672 UV light is what comes out when the mercury atoms are gvaV48Sl4jM-00022-00007672-00008031 coming back to the ground state. gvaV48Sl4jM-00023-00008031-00008501 But this tube is coated on the inside wall-- gvaV48Sl4jM-00024-00008501-00008714 it's coated with a different material. gvaV48Sl4jM-00025-00008714-00009050 It's a special material called phosphorus. gvaV48Sl4jM-00026-00009050-00009432 And those particles that are coated have a unique ability gvaV48Sl4jM-00027-00009432-00010163 to absorb this UV light that is released when the mercury gvaV48Sl4jM-00028-00010163-00010400 atoms are coming to the ground state. gvaV48Sl4jM-00029-00010400-00011115 And that is absorbed and the phosphorus coating will give gvaV48Sl4jM-00030-00011115-00011287 out visible light. gvaV48Sl4jM-00031-00011287-00011705 It absorbs UV light and gives out visible light. gvaV48Sl4jM-00032-00011705-00012073 So without that phosphorus coating in there, the gvaV48Sl4jM-00033-00012073-00012194 florescent bulb would not work. gvaV48Sl4jM-00034-00012194-00012542 Florescence is absorbing UV light, the phosphorus, and gvaV48Sl4jM-00035-00012542-00012763 giving out visible light. gvaV48Sl4jM-00036-00012763-00012906 It's a change of frequency. gvaV48Sl4jM-00037-00012906-00013082 Change of energy style. gvaV48Sl4jM-00038-00013082-00013350 And that is called fluorescence. gvaV48Sl4jM-00039-00013350-00013625 And a bulb that uses this principle is called a gvaV48Sl4jM-00040-00013625-00013750 fluorescent bulb. gytmMFTFZZQ-00000-00000312-00000575 My name is Rob and I'm a neuroscientist. I investigate gytmMFTFZZQ-00001-00000575-00000967 how people listen in complex acoustic environments. gytmMFTFZZQ-00002-00000967-00001328 Specifically, I study how you use both of your ears to listen in gytmMFTFZZQ-00003-00001328-00001672 challenging situations. We use behavioural gytmMFTFZZQ-00004-00001672-00002056 measures to understand listening performance and we use neuroimaging gytmMFTFZZQ-00005-00002056-00002624 techniques to understand how the brain processes sound. So we use gytmMFTFZZQ-00006-00002624-00003032 CloudStor to store all of our data this is often handy because we have gytmMFTFZZQ-00007-00003032-00003247 people from different sites uploading to the same gytmMFTFZZQ-00008-00003247-00003671 central location and we use SWAN to process that data. gytmMFTFZZQ-00009-00003671-00004128 So as the data is all stored together we can use those tools to analyze the gytmMFTFZZQ-00010-00004128-00004464 different aspects of our data and it allows each person no gytmMFTFZZQ-00011-00004464-00004823 matter their technical ability to access the analysis and understand gytmMFTFZZQ-00012-00004823-00005287 the results. CloudStor for us solves the problem of gytmMFTFZZQ-00013-00005287-00005664 working across institutions so we often have different gytmMFTFZZQ-00014-00005664-00006112 team members working in different states even in different countries gytmMFTFZZQ-00015-00006112-00006440 and it allows each person to have exactly the same gytmMFTFZZQ-00016-00006440-00006815 technical base so we don't have to worry about different versions of software gytmMFTFZZQ-00017-00006815-00007223 installed at different institutions. It also allows everyone to access gytmMFTFZZQ-00018-00007223-00007552 the same scripts and make sure we're all working with the latest versions of the gytmMFTFZZQ-00019-00007552-00007856 software. It saves a lot of time in that we don't gytmMFTFZZQ-00020-00007856-00008215 have to deal with IT issues across each of the gytmMFTFZZQ-00021-00008215-00008496 different institutions and it allows each person to gytmMFTFZZQ-00022-00008496-00008792 specialise on their particular topic. Our research gytmMFTFZZQ-00023-00008888-00009264 will help us to understand better how people listen in complex environments gytmMFTFZZQ-00024-00009264-00009624 and the challenges they face in a noisy room. By understanding gytmMFTFZZQ-00025-00009624-00009936 these processes we can better design diagnostic tools gytmMFTFZZQ-00026-00009936-00010304 and also improve listening devices, assistive hearing devices. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00000-00000040-00000919 The Mises Institute is in Asheville, North Carolina, this weekend, celebrating gzA8kWwLC6Y-00001-00000919-00001254 our Supporters Summit. We thought you might enjoy hearing a talk I gave gzA8kWwLC6Y-00002-00001254-00001692 entitled "The Role of the Mises Institute". Here's a hint: gzA8kWwLC6Y-00003-00001692-00002191 it's not politics, it's not public policy, and it's not lobbying. But, rather, to be a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00004-00002191-00002497 school a new kind of school for the 21st century. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00005-00002497-00002797 Stay tuned. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00006-00002998-00003517 I'd like to speak briefly to all of you about where we are as a society, and also gzA8kWwLC6Y-00007-00003517-00004057 the role that the Mises Institute plays in that society — ought to play. I'm sure gzA8kWwLC6Y-00008-00004057-00004345 that I'm not the only one in the room that's been operating under this gzA8kWwLC6Y-00009-00004345-00004792 assumption that the American people would view this Hillary versus Trump gzA8kWwLC6Y-00010-00004792-00005173 thing — or Hillary versus anyone, even before Trump was the nominee — that while gzA8kWwLC6Y-00011-00005173-00005569 Hilary is the devil you know and that the American people would select her gzA8kWwLC6Y-00012-00005569-00006115 over the devil they don't, whether that's Ted Cruz or Scott Walker or now Donald Trump. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00013-00006115-00006480 But, I think we've seen the last couple weeks with these strange health scares, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00014-00006480-00006862 I'm not a hundred percent wedded to that anymore. I've been of the opinion that gzA8kWwLC6Y-00015-00006862-00007306 Hillary was going to win and win, you know, maybe perhaps as easily as Obama did gzA8kWwLC6Y-00016-00007306-00007915 the second time against Mitt Romney. But, just simply because, as I said, she's the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00017-00007915-00008419 devil you know versus the devil you don't. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we're in for a very gzA8kWwLC6Y-00018-00008419-00008968 strange couple months and a very rough ride. But, you know, we can bemoan this gzA8kWwLC6Y-00019-00008968-00009325 election from a libertarian perspective and say it doesn't seem to be going our gzA8kWwLC6Y-00020-00009325-00009643 way, but I think that there's really a great opportunity here with Hillary gzA8kWwLC6Y-00021-00009643-00010018 versus Trump, because what we need to understand is that, regardless of who gzA8kWwLC6Y-00022-00010018-00010489 wins, they're literally going to be millions and millions of Americans — maybe gzA8kWwLC6Y-00023-00010489-00011097 forty percent of the country, either way — who view the winner as illegitimate and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00024-00011097-00011665 irredeemable. I mean, that's really where democracy has gotten us in the U.S. You gzA8kWwLC6Y-00025-00011665-00012054 know, if Hillary wins they're going to be callous Americans who thinks she's a — gzA8kWwLC6Y-00026-00012054-00012553 she ought to be in jail — that she's a felon. If Trump wins, there's gonna be millions gzA8kWwLC6Y-00027-00012553-00013131 of Americans who view him as the retrograde leader of the deplorable — a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00028-00013131-00013405 man who has no business being near the White House. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00029-00013405-00013906 So, I mean, this is where we are, and you may have seen on The Drudge Report a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00030-00013906-00014272 couple days ago: there's a recent Gallup Poll that says fully a third of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00031-00014272-00014902 Americans won't trust the election results, regardless. So, we don't even gzA8kWwLC6Y-00032-00014902-00015316 trust our government to hold an honest election. So, I think we should forget gzA8kWwLC6Y-00033-00015316-00015799 about this nonsense: "this is the most important election of our lifetimes." We gzA8kWwLC6Y-00034-00015799-00016044 hear that every time. I think we should forget about that in the conventional gzA8kWwLC6Y-00035-00016044-00016432 sense, because there's not big ideological or policy — I don't even like gzA8kWwLC6Y-00036-00016432-00016885 that word "policy" — differences between these candidates. I think Trump versus gzA8kWwLC6Y-00037-00016885-00017401 Hillary represents something much bigger. It's what we might call "the end of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00038-00017401-00017884 politics", or at least "the limits of politics". I think Americans and Europeans, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00039-00017884-00018640 too — really the West — are waking-up to the fact that there's this myth gzA8kWwLC6Y-00040-00018640-00019132 called "the myth of democratic consensus". That somehow democratic voting yields gzA8kWwLC6Y-00041-00019132-00019654 this happy compromise between supposed Left and Right, when all it really gzA8kWwLC6Y-00042-00019654-00020152 yields is this entrenched bureaucratic and political class and its system of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00043-00020152-00020890 patronage and spoils. Now, those of us in this room might know that already, but gzA8kWwLC6Y-00044-00020890-00021160 what we're talking about here is something very different. We're talking gzA8kWwLC6Y-00045-00021160-00021838 about ordinary people — very ordinary Americans — waking up to this reality. And, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00046-00021838-00022366 we already know that government simply can't deal with our macro gzA8kWwLC6Y-00047-00022366-00022804 structural problems. There are no political solutions to government debt, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00048-00022804-00023392 to what's going on with our currency, to the wars, to entitlements, to taxes, and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00049-00023392-00023626 spending, to these intractable social issues. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00050-00023626-00024031 None of these things can be solved politically at this point in the United gzA8kWwLC6Y-00051-00024031-00024547 States, and that's really a profound thing to think of. And, so, I think the public is gzA8kWwLC6Y-00052-00024547-00025006 waking up to this slowly, but surely. And, it's not necessarily an idiological gzA8kWwLC6Y-00053-00025006-00025267 awakening on their part. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00054-00025267-00025614 It's just simply a recognition of reality. There's no political gzA8kWwLC6Y-00055-00025614-00026107 will. There's no political consensus in DC to address any of these big picture gzA8kWwLC6Y-00056-00026107-00026551 problems. So, from that perspective, we might say that politics in the West — gzA8kWwLC6Y-00057-00026551-00026727 politics in America — is broken. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00058-00026727-00027082 And, I think there's something profoundly healthy from a libertarian perspective gzA8kWwLC6Y-00059-00027082-00027655 about witnessing this understanding that political solutions don't exist, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00060-00027655-00028249 that are our grade school view of government is a sham. This is really gzA8kWwLC6Y-00061-00028249-00028641 a profound opportunity for us if we think about it correctly. You know, we can look gzA8kWwLC6Y-00062-00028641-00029179 at angry voters, and populism, and nationalism, and anti-globalism, anti- gzA8kWwLC6Y-00063-00029179-00029686 elitism. These are all symptoms of hostility for politics. Really, a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00064-00029686-00030070 deep-rooted hostility, and we can turn-up our noses at these movements and say, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00065-00030070-00030466 "They're not libertarian," or, "They're not intellectual," or, we can embrace this gzA8kWwLC6Y-00066-00030466-00030976 opportunity that they present. So, I think that opportunity to make the case for a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00067-00030976-00031588 fully free society — one not organized around politics or the state, whatsoever — gzA8kWwLC6Y-00068-00031588-00032052 is at the heart of the Mises Institute's mission, and we've never gzA8kWwLC6Y-00069-00032052-00032431 been afraid to make that case. You know, we can we can term it gzA8kWwLC6Y-00070-00032485-00032997 "Mises's view of self-determination taken to its ultimate conclusion." We can term gzA8kWwLC6Y-00071-00032997-00033430 it "Rothbardian anarcho-capitalism." We can call it "a private property gzA8kWwLC6Y-00072-00033430-00033891 society" or "a private law society"—whatever you like. The Mises Institute has never gzA8kWwLC6Y-00073-00033891-00034428 shied away from advocating pure stateless libertarianism, and I don't gzA8kWwLC6Y-00074-00034428-00034858 think that can be said of any other organization in the world, necessarily, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00075-00034858-00035620 inside or outside the beltway. But, make no mistake, we're not trying to be overly- gzA8kWwLC6Y-00076-00035620-00036214 ideological, or shun people or keep them away. We're fellow travelers with anyone gzA8kWwLC6Y-00077-00036214-00036772 who wants to reduce the role of government on any issue for any reason, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00078-00036772-00037012 or any motivation. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00079-00037012-00037566 This means Conservatives, as they abandon the GOP; Progressives, who become gzA8kWwLC6Y-00080-00037566-00038161 sick of the Wall Street crony machine; anti-fed populists; homeschoolers; truck gzA8kWwLC6Y-00081-00038161-00038659 drivers; stay-at-home moms; soldiers; fed-up non-voters; and, everybody in gzA8kWwLC6Y-00082-00038659-00039100 between. Anyone who's interested in Liberty, even if it's on a single issue gzA8kWwLC6Y-00083-00039100-00039400 only. Not everybody sees the world gzA8kWwLC6Y-00084-00039472-00040030 the way most of us in this room do, and that's okay. We're here to provide a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00085-00040030-00040462 gateway to spark an interest, to make free resources available, and feed that gzA8kWwLC6Y-00086-00040462-00041158 interest. So, as politics collapses around us, we want the Institute to serve as an gzA8kWwLC6Y-00087-00041158-00041614 intellectual home for anyone interested in a society not organized around the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00088-00041614-00042202 state, but instead organized around markets and civil society — not a utopia, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00089-00042202-00042724 but a world where the great economic and cultural and social questions of the day gzA8kWwLC6Y-00090-00042724-00043309 are increasingly not decided or determined by politics. We want the Mises gzA8kWwLC6Y-00091-00043309-00043807 Institute to stand as a counterbalance to this dominant political narrative. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00092-00043807-00044479 It's really, I think, at the heart of our mission; but, it's far from our only gzA8kWwLC6Y-00093-00044479-00045037 mission. We have a very critical job in saving economics, itself, from economists, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00094-00045037-00045637 because, we can think about politics as being broken, but you want to talk about gzA8kWwLC6Y-00095-00045637-00046228 a broken profession, not just as a profession, but also as a field of study. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00096-00046228-00046791 The credibility of modern economics as hopelessly bound up in forecasting and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00097-00046791-00047335 mathematical modeling is shot. Its reputation — especially following the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00098-00047335-00047863 crash of 2008 — is in tatters. It fails to inspire young people to go gzA8kWwLC6Y-00099-00047863-00047980 into economics, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00100-00047980-00048511 while its PhD factories produce data historians who don't really understand gzA8kWwLC6Y-00101-00048511-00048700 economics at all. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00102-00048700-00049378 I mean, if we consider for a moment that modern mainstream economists: they gzA8kWwLC6Y-00103-00049378-00049786 failed utterly to predict or understand — as i mentioned — the crash of 2008. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00104-00049786-00050269 They failed utterly to predict or understand the great housing crash of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00105-00050269-00050746 the last decade. They don't understand money as a market commodity. They think gzA8kWwLC6Y-00106-00050746-00051141 it's just something that could be conjured up at will — some central bank gzA8kWwLC6Y-00107-00051141-00051733 script. They don't understand inflation fundamentally as a monetary gzA8kWwLC6Y-00108-00051733-00052266 phenomenon. They don't understand interest rates and the role. They think gzA8kWwLC6Y-00109-00052266-00052557 interest rates are some sort of policy tool gzA8kWwLC6Y-00110-00052557-00053127 to nudge behavior. They don't understand malinvestment and how booms and busts gzA8kWwLC6Y-00111-00053127-00053733 really occur. They don't understand praxelogy or the proper methodology. They're gzA8kWwLC6Y-00112-00053733-00054246 not even familiar with the concept, but they're absolutely wedded to proving-out gzA8kWwLC6Y-00113-00054246-00054963 their hypotheses using empirical models. They don't understand the vital role of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00114-00054963-00055425 capital markets in allocating resources to their best and highest uses, and they gzA8kWwLC6Y-00115-00055425-00055923 don't understand the role that bankruptcy plays in weeding-out and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00116-00055923-00056496 liquidating unfit businesses. They don't understand — or know much at all — about gzA8kWwLC6Y-00117-00056496-00057024 economic history, whatsoever. You know, I was talking to Benjamin Powell PhD gzA8kWwLC6Y-00118-00057024-00057444 professor at our Mises University recently, and he confirmed my suspicions, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00119-00057444-00057954 which is that it's entirely possible to obtain a PhD in economics today at most gzA8kWwLC6Y-00120-00057954-00058320 universities knowing nothing — literally nothing — about the history of economic gzA8kWwLC6Y-00121-00058320-00058701 thought. It's as though we took these young economist and just sort of parachuted gzA8kWwLC6Y-00122-00058701-00059139 them in to a desert island, and they find themselves with no previous gzA8kWwLC6Y-00123-00059139-00059697 knowledge of how we got there. And, finally, consider that the Fed in the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00124-00059697-00060384 Eccles Building employs about 300 Ivy League PhD economists who can't even gzA8kWwLC6Y-00125-00060384-00060903 figure out whether to raise the Fed Funds rate by a quarter point, next month, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00126-00060903-00061221 as though the fate of the civilized world hangs in the balance. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00127-00061221-00061722 So, this is the state of Orthodox economics today, and this is where the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00128-00061722-00062129 Mises Institute comes in, because the correction is so obvious. We need a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00129-00062129-00062700 counter-revolution — a wholesale Austrian counter-revolution — gzA8kWwLC6Y-00130-00062700-00063114 away from Neo-Liberalism or Neo- Keynesianism, or whatever you want to gzA8kWwLC6Y-00131-00063114-00063554 term this this jumbled set of beliefs that drives Economics today — this set of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00132-00063554-00063830 beliefs that says it always comes down to governments or central banks gzA8kWwLC6Y-00133-00063830-00064197 stimulating demand at any cost. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00134-00064197-00064691 So, the path forward for us as an organization — for you as individuals — is gzA8kWwLC6Y-00135-00064691-00064942 is as always: education. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00136-00064942-00065591 But, it's not limited to academia by any means, and I think — on the contrary — as gzA8kWwLC6Y-00137-00065591-00065687 Mises saw it, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00138-00065687-00066185 none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. You're probably familiar with gzA8kWwLC6Y-00139-00066185-00066722 his argument in the latter part of 'Human Action', where he talks about the place of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00140-00066722-00067169 economics in learning, and he cautions against relegating economics to what he gzA8kWwLC6Y-00141-00067169-00067639 calls "Academia and Esoteric Circles". Mises really believe that everyone had a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00142-00067639-00068174 duty to learn economics. In fact, in that same section he talks about the question gzA8kWwLC6Y-00143-00068174-00068687 of the market economy versus socialism being as important in the nineteenth and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00144-00068687-00069266 twentieth centuries as religious and monarchical absolutism had been in earlier gzA8kWwLC6Y-00145-00069266-00069725 centuries. He saw it, really, as the question of his day and our day. So, note gzA8kWwLC6Y-00146-00069725-00070270 here his populist tone. And, I'm quoting him. He says, "There's no means by which gzA8kWwLC6Y-00147-00070270-00070564 anyone can evade his personal responsibility. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00148-00070564-00070937 Whoever neglects to examine to the best of his abilities all the problems gzA8kWwLC6Y-00149-00070937-00071522 involved voluntarily surrenders his birthright to a self-appointed elite of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00150-00071522-00072127 supermen. In such vital matters blind reliance upon 'experts'" — his quotes — "and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00151-00072127-00072620 uncritical acceptance of popular catchwords and president prejudices" ..like gzA8kWwLC6Y-00152-00072620-00073229 income inequality. Anyone?... "is tantamount to the abandonment of self-determination gzA8kWwLC6Y-00153-00073229-00073931 and to yielding to other people's domination. As conditions are today, nothing can be gzA8kWwLC6Y-00154-00073931-00074450 more important to every intelligent man than economics. His own fate and that of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00155-00074450-00074648 his progeny are at stake." gzA8kWwLC6Y-00156-00074648-00075413 These are pretty tough words from a very gentle soul. So, the call to duty, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00157-00075413-00075832 as Mises saw it, sounded for every intelligent layman. And, that's really at the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00158-00075832-00076322 heart of how we see ourselves and what we do at the Mises Institute: teaching gzA8kWwLC6Y-00159-00076322-00076943 sound economics to lay people from all walks of life, because — ladies and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00160-00076943-00077597 gentlemen — what exactly is a school in the 21st century use of the term? Well, gzA8kWwLC6Y-00161-00077597-00077915 it's a place where one learns, but beyond that gzA8kWwLC6Y-00162-00078003-00078465 the term "school" is being radically redefined. It's no longer necessarily a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00163-00078465-00079008 physical place that a student physically attends. It's no longer for young people gzA8kWwLC6Y-00164-00079008-00079443 in their teens or twenties only. There are no administrators. There are no gzA8kWwLC6Y-00165-00079443-00080037 irrelevant classes or imposed curriculum. Learning takes place at the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00166-00080037-00080475 student's space, on the student's time, any time a day, anywhere in the world. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00167-00080553-00081096 Students consume as much or as little as suits their needs. Schools become gzA8kWwLC6Y-00168-00081096-00081657 market-focused. So, by these measures and by this definition the Mises Institute gzA8kWwLC6Y-00169-00081657-00082236 it really is a modern school. We have students from all walks of life. And, by gzA8kWwLC6Y-00170-00082236-00082716 "students" we mean people who interact with us. Some of them become so involved gzA8kWwLC6Y-00171-00082716-00083304 that they actually come to the Institute, become a fellow, spend time researching gzA8kWwLC6Y-00172-00083304-00083622 and learning in our library, spend time with our faculty, and decide to commit gzA8kWwLC6Y-00173-00083622-00083952 their entire lives to the study of economics, and go off somewhere and get gzA8kWwLC6Y-00174-00083952-00084396 a PhD. So, that's a student, but there's another kind of student who might only gzA8kWwLC6Y-00175-00084396-00084900 choose to do nothing more than subscribe to our Twitter feed and occasionally gzA8kWwLC6Y-00176-00084900-00085392 consume an article by clicking on a link, and by doing so, that's as much education gzA8kWwLC6Y-00177-00085392-00085950 as they need or want from us, and still puts them light years ahead of most of gzA8kWwLC6Y-00178-00085950-00086577 their peers walking around. And, I'm very pleased to say that Mises.org — the gzA8kWwLC6Y-00179-00086577-00087021 largest and best site in the world for Austrian and libertarian content — is now gzA8kWwLC6Y-00180-00087021-00087585 reaching upwards of 5.5 million individual people every year. That's a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00181-00087585-00087885 big increase over the last year. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00182-00087949-00088870 Even in the face of Hillary versus Trump — and I'm also very gzA8kWwLC6Y-00183-00088870-00089374 pleased to say that the husband and wife duo of Peter and Sandy Klein have agreed to gzA8kWwLC6Y-00184-00089374-00089956 start producing some excellent new Core Classes for our Online Academy, which are gzA8kWwLC6Y-00185-00089956-00090397 going to give people all around the world an opportunity to experience a gzA8kWwLC6Y-00186-00090397-00090745 part of what Mises U — our summer program — is all about. So, from gzA8kWwLC6Y-00187-00090745-00090862 my perspective — ladies and gzA8kWwLC6Y-00188-00090862-00091201 gentlemen — we are the economics of the future and the school gzA8kWwLC6Y-00189-00091201-00091558 of the future. So, thanks to all of you so much for making it possible. gzA8kWwLC6Y-00190-00091654-00092617 Thank you. gHlnnNnLBko-00000-00000043-00000622 good afternoon and welcome to CTRL's faculty awards luncheon today we gHlnnNnLBko-00001-00000622-00001108 celebrate excellence in teaching and I'm really grateful to see so many of you gHlnnNnLBko-00002-00001108-00001601 were able to join us now before. I begin I want to extend a special welcome to gHlnnNnLBko-00003-00001601-00002576 Ann Ferren, the Ann Ferren. Peter Star Dean of College of Arts and Sciences gHlnnNnLBko-00004-00002576-00003278 Nancy Davenport the librarian, Laura Bondurant senior Dean of Academic Affairs in the gHlnnNnLBko-00005-00003278-00004189 School of Communication. And then I also wanted to actually convey gHlnnNnLBko-00006-00004189-00004778 congratulations to the awardees from provost Dan Meyers and also Dean of gHlnnNnLBko-00007-00004778-00005492 Academic Affairs Mary Clark who were unable to join us this afternoon. I also gHlnnNnLBko-00008-00005492-00006057 I want to congratulate the awardees today who will be introduced to all of you gHlnnNnLBko-00009-00006057-00006377 shortly. Today we're gonna recognize winners of gHlnnNnLBko-00010-00006377-00006814 three awards the Milton and Sonja Greenberg scholarship of teaching and gHlnnNnLBko-00011-00006814-00007459 learning award the Ann S Ferren curriculum design award and the Jack child teaching gHlnnNnLBko-00012-00007459-00008016 with technology award for each of the awards I will announce the winners who gHlnnNnLBko-00013-00008016-00008538 will be asked to come to the front to be introduced while I describe the gHlnnNnLBko-00014-00008540-00009035 work for which they are being recognized a flurry of photos will be taking I thank gHlnnNnLBko-00015-00009035-00009514 you Jeff loss followed by a short presentation by each of the faculty on gHlnnNnLBko-00016-00009514-00010243 their work so awardees, I will call you you come up receive the award and then gHlnnNnLBko-00017-00010243-00010978 present a short work that you've been recognized for. The Milton and Sonja gHlnnNnLBko-00018-00010978-00011395 Greenberg scholarship of teaching and learning award recognizes faculty gHlnnNnLBko-00019-00011395-00011920 who have contributed to the analyses of teaching practices or of curricular gHlnnNnLBko-00020-00011920-00012390 design we are grateful to the Greenberg family for making this work possible the gHlnnNnLBko-00021-00012390-00012937 2018-2019 winners are Benjamin Stokes the school of communication and Paul gHlnnNnLBko-00022-00012937-00013865 Wapner the School of International Service gHlnnNnLBko-00023-00013865-00014478 So we recognize Benjamin Stokes for his application of research-based approaches gHlnnNnLBko-00024-00014478-00014961 to instructions his community embedded curricular innovations are at the gHlnnNnLBko-00025-00014961-00015466 intersection of two of American University's strategic priority areas gHlnnNnLBko-00026-00015466-00016016 metropolitan studies and game design his classes; in his classes his students gHlnnNnLBko-00027-00016016-00016374 design and develop original games and activities that are embedded within the gHlnnNnLBko-00028-00016374-00016953 community like in bus stops to provide insights on real world city challenges gHlnnNnLBko-00029-00016953-00017552 such as gentrification and race relations students benefit not only from gHlnnNnLBko-00030-00017552-00018020 the excellent experiential learning, but they also get to contribute to Professor gHlnnNnLBko-00031-00018020-00018609 Stokes research on how cities are using games to engage its citizens we gHlnnNnLBko-00032-00018609-00018920 recognize Paul Wapner for his work to understand the causes of environmental gHlnnNnLBko-00033-00018920-00019269 harm and how the world can build a sustainable future gHlnnNnLBko-00034-00019269-00019748 in doing so he has developed thoughtful and engaging ways inviting students into gHlnnNnLBko-00035-00019748-00020187 his global environmental politics class as a domain of inquiry in particular gHlnnNnLBko-00036-00020187-00020622 Paul has integrated contemplative practices into the learning process by gHlnnNnLBko-00037-00020622-00021042 recognizing that global environmental issues are not simply technical gHlnnNnLBko-00038-00021042-00021651 political and economic problems but are also existential challenges. Over the gHlnnNnLBko-00039-00021651-00022076 years he has introduced and written on the benefits of various elements of gHlnnNnLBko-00040-00022076-00022520 contemplative practices into the classroom including meditation gHlnnNnLBko-00041-00022520-00023106 journaling, yoga, personal check-ins and deep textual studies. Congratulations gHlnnNnLBko-00042-00023106-00023468 Ben and Paul gHlnnNnLBko-00043-00024131-00024450 hello everyone so I want to tell you just a little bit gHlnnNnLBko-00044-00024450-00024909 about my work which combines my research with my teaching in fact I'm really gHlnnNnLBko-00045-00024909-00025245 excited to be at AU because I feel like the value placed on teaching doesn't gHlnnNnLBko-00046-00025245-00025650 mean that that's the second piece that we add on but rather something that can gHlnnNnLBko-00047-00025650-00026102 substantially integrate and in fact advance research for me this hybridity gHlnnNnLBko-00048-00026102-00026619 is also of interest around cities so our cities are becoming hybrid places and gHlnnNnLBko-00049-00026619-00026966 one way of understanding a hybrid place is that if you exist only in the gHlnnNnLBko-00050-00026966-00027306 physical side of the city you're actually cut off from part of the gHlnnNnLBko-00051-00027306-00027666 connection to your neighbors part of the conversation and even part of democracy gHlnnNnLBko-00052-00027666-00028113 you increase we have to be part digital in order to engage in places and that's gHlnnNnLBko-00053-00028113-00028458 especially true in a bunch of American cities my work I looked at this often gHlnnNnLBko-00054-00028458-00028778 through the angle of games which are one of the cutting edges for how we gHlnnNnLBko-00055-00028778-00029130 understand how the physical and the digital start to come together and I gHlnnNnLBko-00056-00029130-00029477 think they foreshadow a bunch of things that are happening that will come in gHlnnNnLBko-00057-00029477-00029847 terms of governance but they'll also affect a bunch of other social issues in gHlnnNnLBko-00058-00029847-00030314 our society and have implications for things like equity and gentrification which we know gHlnnNnLBko-00059-00030314-00030722 are not just based on things like your educational background but also our gHlnnNnLBko-00060-00030722-00031044 perceptions of space and our perceptions of place and our perceptions of gHlnnNnLBko-00061-00031044-00031482 community and games are a great place to experiment with that a tiny note on my gHlnnNnLBko-00062-00031482-00031770 research I was out in San Jose earlier along with a number of other cities gHlnnNnLBko-00063-00031770-00032288 where I was studying Pokemon go and how cities are taking Pokemon go which of gHlnnNnLBko-00064-00032288-00032601 course people probably saw people wandering around city streets I'm gHlnnNnLBko-00065-00032601-00032988 playing this game but in San Jose they said can we turn this to connect our gHlnnNnLBko-00066-00032988-00033303 neighbors and introduce people to neighborhoods they haven't otherwise gHlnnNnLBko-00067-00033303-00033708 connected to they had an existing event that already was closing down city gHlnnNnLBko-00068-00033708-00034002 streets and bringing people out when they added the pokemon yellow gold go gHlnnNnLBko-00069-00034002-00034599 element 35,000 more players showed up for that one-day event they also brought gHlnnNnLBko-00070-00034599-00035141 in close to half a million dollars more into the local economy just for that one gHlnnNnLBko-00071-00035141-00035462 day and this is some of the reasons I was doing in Pokemon go but I also gHlnnNnLBko-00072-00035462-00036047 present a map just to remind us that this one day was also imagined by gHlnnNnLBko-00073-00036047-00036402 players quite differently this is how players annotated the event map with gHlnnNnLBko-00074-00036402-00036837 their own version of what the city is from a digital perspective this is gHlnnNnLBko-00075-00036837-00037088 something that I've started to bring into classes gHlnnNnLBko-00076-00037088-00037421 with a class that I created called playful city and playful city is the gHlnnNnLBko-00077-00037421-00037835 class that is in our game design program here which is a joint effort of the gHlnnNnLBko-00078-00037835-00038150 College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Communication and I think it's gHlnnNnLBko-00079-00038150-00038588 the bringing together of those different areas that is some of its strengths and gHlnnNnLBko-00080-00038588-00039059 lets us do interesting things with the students and with our research so in gHlnnNnLBko-00081-00039059-00039611 this class the students design things like Pokemon go for Washington DC and gHlnnNnLBko-00082-00039611-00040034 other places some of them are mobile phones that's what we often assume these gHlnnNnLBko-00083-00040034-00040358 must be for mobile phones well actually others involve things like gHlnnNnLBko-00084-00040358-00040828 your bus card and how that has a chip in it which can be read and used as a token gHlnnNnLBko-00085-00040828-00041405 also an AU student ID can be used in the same way we also do games that tie gHlnnNnLBko-00086-00041405-00041756 into the internet of things for the smart home kind of devices that we have gHlnnNnLBko-00087-00041756-00042089 increasingly along with like the nest thermostat that are appearing in more gHlnnNnLBko-00088-00042089-00042542 places and lights to show you a couple pictures of what the class looks like gHlnnNnLBko-00089-00042542-00042896 these are some of the games that our students were testing out on the quad gHlnnNnLBko-00090-00042896-00043331 right out here on campus and it was pretty fun to watch them wandering gHlnnNnLBko-00091-00043331-00043652 around with their laptops which were wired and used for certain aspects of gHlnnNnLBko-00092-00043652-00044054 testing the game and designing the game and then mobile devices this was a game gHlnnNnLBko-00093-00044054-00044447 that was interested in recycling and having people can trace the flow of gHlnnNnLBko-00094-00044447-00044840 items across campus the connections between different buildings and how the gHlnnNnLBko-00095-00044840-00045446 university was processing recycling material the game design process looks gHlnnNnLBko-00096-00045446-00045806 something like this these are some shots from our game design facility and if gHlnnNnLBko-00097-00045806-00046127 you've never visited it I think it's one of the gems of our campus in terms of gHlnnNnLBko-00098-00046127-00046490 the innovation for how research and teaching are connected together there's gHlnnNnLBko-00099-00046490-00046931 a classroom which has a giant door it almost feels like a hobbit kind of door gHlnnNnLBko-00100-00046931-00047372 that swings open into a giant design space and the way those two spaces are gHlnnNnLBko-00101-00047372-00047672 paired I think architectural II represents some gHlnnNnLBko-00102-00047672-00048029 of the ways that we're trying to connect the classroom and a design and applied gHlnnNnLBko-00103-00048029-00048449 research space so this is in the design research space mostly although there's a gHlnnNnLBko-00104-00048449-00048977 little bit of classroom pictures there as well here's one of the games that gHlnnNnLBko-00105-00048977-00049541 students created as part of this they were using Phillips hue and RFID chips gHlnnNnLBko-00106-00049541-00050027 so this is what I mentioned before the RFID that are in like your bus card can gHlnnNnLBko-00107-00050027-00050585 be used to tap in and hear they were very interested in how light pollution gHlnnNnLBko-00108-00050585-00050912 might be something that you could play the game and have actual light as part gHlnnNnLBko-00109-00050912-00051221 of the feedback mechanism so the color of the light represented the health of gHlnnNnLBko-00110-00051221-00051667 our environment in terms of the light pollution in the city and I could go gHlnnNnLBko-00111-00051667-00051944 into more of the interesting game design although you really often with games you gHlnnNnLBko-00112-00051944-00052216 have to play them to get to get it so I come and play some of our games gHlnnNnLBko-00113-00052216-00052661 sometimes our students are creating some really interesting ones all the time and gHlnnNnLBko-00114-00052661-00053060 I think that it also sheds light on what we can do with the city so there's some gHlnnNnLBko-00115-00053060-00053399 really fun partnerships that we've been developing I'm doing some work right now gHlnnNnLBko-00116-00053399-00053864 with the Smithsonian Anacostia community museum and I'm in conversation with a gHlnnNnLBko-00117-00053864-00054205 number of different city agencies which are also interested in experiments with gHlnnNnLBko-00118-00054205-00054546 our students so it's just a little bit of the work that we're doing in this class gHlnnNnLBko-00120-00057578-00058154 when I got my PhD no one ever talked about teaching and so I remember my gHlnnNnLBko-00121-00058154-00058538 first day of class I had totally prepared I had a great lecture and I had gHlnnNnLBko-00122-00058538-00058976 questions and I went through it and I finished and it was great and I looked gHlnnNnLBko-00123-00058976-00059945 up and there was like an hour left it was really received absolutely no gHlnnNnLBko-00124-00059945-00060538 instruction about teaching when I was a PhD student so I'm really thrilled that gHlnnNnLBko-00125-00060538-00060989 this with this Greenberg award and I was a Greenberg fellow for teaching phd's gHlnnNnLBko-00126-00060989-00061640 earlier in my time here as Kehoe said I teach global varna politics and this is gHlnnNnLBko-00127-00061640-00062285 a pretty dark subject you know last week we learned that a million species are gHlnnNnLBko-00128-00062285-00062677 going to go extinct or on the verge of extinction gHlnnNnLBko-00129-00062917-00063352 what that we have 12 years to basically cut carbon emissions in half to have a gHlnnNnLBko-00130-00063352-00063863 chance of staying below 2 degrees so and I don't even know how to say that gHlnnNnLBko-00131-00063863-00064192 anymore it sounds so abstract but it so feels so gHlnnNnLBko-00132-00064192-00065051 real and so I teach classes trying to apprentice students into that world some gHlnnNnLBko-00133-00065051-00065408 successfully some nob my students one class I used to teach global gHlnnNnLBko-00134-00065408-00065621 environmental politics that was the title of it gHlnnNnLBko-00135-00065621-00066206 students renamed an introduction to doom because you know we'll do climate change gHlnnNnLBko-00136-00066206-00066740 would do loss of Biological Diversity detoxification and it just got it just gHlnnNnLBko-00137-00066740-00067373 got really really challenging and typically the way people teach this is gHlnnNnLBko-00138-00067373-00067835 they start with let's say fresh water scarcity they move the biodiversity they gHlnnNnLBko-00139-00067835-00068233 go through these problems and then the last week they say and you can make a gHlnnNnLBko-00140-00068233-00068645 difference and we send students off it's sort of like Al Gore's movie gHlnnNnLBko-00141-00068645-00069011 Inconvenient Truth where it's sort of during the credits where it says what gHlnnNnLBko-00142-00069011-00069716 you can do so so as Kehoe said I've been trying to think about so how does one gHlnnNnLBko-00143-00069716-00070004 teach this differently not just me obviously many people have been thinking gHlnnNnLBko-00144-00070004-00070610 about this but the fundamental I suppose insight is that these problems are just gHlnnNnLBko-00145-00070610-00071093 technical they're not just economic they're not just political but their gHlnnNnLBko-00146-00071093-00071639 existential in that sense that they challenge what it means to be a human gHlnnNnLBko-00147-00071639-00072316 being right now in this moment in what y'all geographers call the Anthropocene gHlnnNnLBko-00148-00072316-00073244 and we've never been not we our species has never been on a planet where a gHlnnNnLBko-00149-00073244-00073955 single species is unintentionally for sure but committing ecocide I mean we gHlnnNnLBko-00150-00073955-00074768 are basically wiping out many other life forms so the question is how does one gHlnnNnLBko-00151-00074768-00075164 teach that profundity and does that profundity itself act as sort of an gHlnnNnLBko-00152-00075164-00075602 activator of learning and many people feel like it is that actually it's not gHlnnNnLBko-00153-00075602-00076038 just about bombing people out but it's expanding what that channel gHlnnNnLBko-00154-00076038-00076653 means and and just one quick thought I just remember this you know in social gHlnnNnLBko-00155-00076653-00077040 science when you have problems like this they're called wicked problems and if gHlnnNnLBko-00156-00077040-00077493 they're really complicated they're called super wicked problems, but our gHlnnNnLBko-00157-00077493-00078000 students I teach freshmen when they hear wicked it's like awesome gHlnnNnLBko-00158-00078000-00078417 no seriously and there's a sense in which wrestling with these problems is a gHlnnNnLBko-00159-00078417-00078798 moment it's sort of like a civilizational challenge in which people gHlnnNnLBko-00160-00078798-00079341 become more alive so as qi said what I've been looking at gHlnnNnLBko-00161-00079341-00079929 and doing research on is looking at the contribution of contemplative practice gHlnnNnLBko-00162-00079929-00080783 to pedagogy and so to what degree does slowing down the cogitating mind and gHlnnNnLBko-00163-00080783-00081459 allowing students to open up to other ways of feeling of knowing and so forth gHlnnNnLBko-00164-00081459-00082137 and so I just thought I'd talk about two quick examples of this so one of my gHlnnNnLBko-00165-00082137-00082763 classes we talked about the problem of we talked about the problem of gHlnnNnLBko-00166-00082763-00083202 displacement or environmental justice the ways in which we move problems from gHlnnNnLBko-00167-00083202-00083673 one area to another we take problems we send them into the future so future gHlnnNnLBko-00168-00083673-00084147 generations are the victims but we also fundamentally send them downstream to gHlnnNnLBko-00169-00084147-00084561 those who are less fortunate and so one thing we do in fact one of the gHlnnNnLBko-00170-00084561-00085116 interesting things if we ask ourselves I won't ask you ask it rhetorically you gHlnnNnLBko-00171-00085116-00085437 know where's our water come from how many of us know that where is our gHlnnNnLBko-00172-00085437-00085740 electricity come from so one thing we do in class is we ask gHlnnNnLBko-00173-00085740-00086283 where does our trash go who is it that receives us and so we do is we collect gHlnnNnLBko-00174-00086283-00086718 our trash for the week and students are required to literally carry it around gHlnnNnLBko-00175-00086718-00087048 with them for the week so it's not just a personal thing it's political they gHlnnNnLBko-00176-00087048-00087918 have to talk about it so and and then in class they bring it to class we we open gHlnnNnLBko-00177-00087918-00088287 up the bags we kind of analyze our lives through we look at our week through our gHlnnNnLBko-00178-00088287-00089033 materiality and then and then at the after doing this we take the trash and gHlnnNnLBko-00179-00089033-00089312 we sit around so people receive something gHlnnNnLBko-00180-00089312-00089723 that they didn't produce and they don't know who produced it they can kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00181-00089723-00090080 figure it out perhaps but the contemplative piece here is that then gHlnnNnLBko-00182-00090080-00090443 what we do is we sit down and we write a letter to the people on the receiving gHlnnNnLBko-00183-00090443-00090842 end because we study who's gonna get this what do they look like what regions gHlnnNnLBko-00184-00090842-00091355 do they live in what class what what race and so forth and they write a gHlnnNnLBko-00185-00091355-00091949 letter to somebody on the receiving end and it can be a thank-you note it can be gHlnnNnLBko-00186-00091949-00092471 a sort of a recognition of some actions some students want it take but it's to gHlnnNnLBko-00187-00092471-00093122 get that sort of larger piece and the second example here is that we look at gHlnnNnLBko-00188-00093122-00093658 the causes of environmental harm and in addition to looking at population and gHlnnNnLBko-00189-00093658-00094177 affluence and Technology and economic interests or the tragedy of the Commons gHlnnNnLBko-00190-00094177-00095111 we also focus on the kind of part of ourselves that is the kind of cogitating gHlnnNnLBko-00191-00095111-00095632 acquisitive mind that sort of can't sit still and how that translates into gHlnnNnLBko-00192-00095632-00096248 material purchasing and so there we use certain meditation techniques to kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00193-00096248-00096926 slow down and notice when that itch happens and see if we can kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00194-00096926-00097469 understand it and come to terms to it and perhaps defuse it and also recognize gHlnnNnLBko-00195-00097469-00097925 how challenging it is to do that and to recognize therefore the political gHlnnNnLBko-00196-00097925-00098291 dimensions which are involved the final thing I'll say so we just had graduation gHlnnNnLBko-00197-00098291-00098808 and graduation is a cool metaphor for sort of this contemplative piece because gHlnnNnLBko-00198-00098808-00099254 when we see our students up there they're they're wearing a robe they're gHlnnNnLBko-00199-00099254-00099638 wearing a cap and on some level one could say so what are we really gHlnnNnLBko-00200-00099638-00100001 interested in we're like interested in the frontal lobe you know it's like gHlnnNnLBko-00201-00100001-00100451 that's what this is all about and the question is can we teach in a way that gHlnnNnLBko-00202-00100451-00101002 maybe you know opens the robe up a little bit takes the hat off and so gHlnnNnLBko-00203-00101002-00101370 forth so that's kind of what I've been doing I've been writing about this and gHlnnNnLBko-00204-00101370-00102061 teaching workshops and I feel terrifically honored to to receive this gHlnnNnLBko-00205-00102061-00102506 award and to continuous working to have these great jobs where we get to do this stuff gHlnnNnLBko-00206-00102509-00102688 So thank you. gHlnnNnLBko-00207-00103176-00103896 Congratulations Ben and Paul once again. So the next award is the Ann S Ferren gHlnnNnLBko-00208-00103896-00104261 curriculum design award we are grateful to Ann Ferren for making gHlnnNnLBko-00209-00104261-00104772 possible this award which recognizes the collaborative work of two or more faculty gHlnnNnLBko-00210-00104773-00105229 who creatively enable students to integrate their learning over the course gHlnnNnLBko-00211-00105229-00105607 of their undergraduate experience on a side note please feel free to get up and gHlnnNnLBko-00212-00105607-00106161 get coffee or drinks and more food so we definitely have all the food eaten this gHlnnNnLBko-00213-00106161-00106809 year's awardees is a team that comprises a librarian Rachel Borchardt and faculty gHlnnNnLBko-00214-00106809-00107235 from the Department of Physics Cyndee Finkel, Gregg Harry,Nate Harshman and gHlnnNnLBko-00215-00107235-00108488 Jessica Uscinski. Awardees please make your way to the front of the room. gHlnnNnLBko-00216-00108488-00109114 In 2012 Nate invited Rachel Borchardt to introduce students in his new physics gHlnnNnLBko-00217-00109114-00109567 capstone seminar to the idea of information literacy that invitation gHlnnNnLBko-00218-00109567-00110041 revealed a need to more systematically incorporate information literacy gHlnnNnLBko-00219-00110041-00110428 concepts throughout the curriculum we stand led to the productive gHlnnNnLBko-00220-00110428-00110934 collaboration which we celebrate today using a comprehensive three-tiered gHlnnNnLBko-00221-00110934-00111517 information literacy plan developed by librarians at the university library gHlnnNnLBko-00222-00111517-00112066 they got to work for instance Jessica revised physics 110 as a habits of mind gHlnnNnLBko-00223-00112066-00112345 course to have your learning outcome focused on scientific information gHlnnNnLBko-00224-00112345-00112884 literacy Sydney work with Rachel on physics 331 modern physics typically gHlnnNnLBko-00225-00112884-00113272 taken by second-year students in physics to introduce information literacy in the gHlnnNnLBko-00226-00113272-00113719 field of physics and greg's physics for 40 experimental physics gHlnnNnLBko-00227-00113719-00114301 course students were given strategies for seeking high-quality sources for gHlnnNnLBko-00228-00114301-00114730 undergraduate papers that they're required to submit to a physics research gHlnnNnLBko-00229-00114730-00115027 journal for undergraduates and so they were building from gHlnnNnLBko-00230-00115027-00115308 year to year as a result of the collaboration the physics department has gHlnnNnLBko-00231-00115308-00115780 a curriculum that introduces reinforces and puts into practice information gHlnnNnLBko-00232-00115780-00116224 literacy it systematically and comprehensively congratulations Rachel gHlnnNnLBko-00233-00116224-00117188 Cindy, Nate, Greg and Jessica gHlnnNnLBko-00234-00117188-00117630 all right so I'm here to give you a quick primer on gHlnnNnLBko-00235-00117631-00118090 information literacy and more importantly how we scaffold those skills gHlnnNnLBko-00236-00118090-00118651 through these four courses so three of the four are taken by majors the first gHlnnNnLBko-00237-00118651-00119203 one's non majors but we try and kind of create a seamless transition between gHlnnNnLBko-00238-00119203-00119638 them so that we're building from course to course but a quick overview of gHlnnNnLBko-00239-00119638-00119928 information literacy because I think sometimes there are some misconceptions gHlnnNnLBko-00240-00119928-00120343 what I hope to impress upon you is that what we tend to think of when we think gHlnnNnLBko-00241-00120343-00120721 of library instruction information literacy is the nuts and bolts the how gHlnnNnLBko-00242-00120721-00121219 how do we search databases how do we figure out if it's a review article or a gHlnnNnLBko-00243-00121219-00121663 primary research article how do we use those databases how do we select a gHlnnNnLBko-00244-00121663-00122272 database however what we are trying to do with w2 and in this integration is to gHlnnNnLBko-00245-00122272-00122815 also talk about the why so to give the students the contextual information to gHlnnNnLBko-00246-00122815-00123097 be able to understand why they are putting these skills into practice right gHlnnNnLBko-00247-00123097-00123664 so why do we care about evaluation obviously fake news has kind of prompted gHlnnNnLBko-00248-00123664-00124158 that question a little more in recent years but why do we have all these gHlnnNnLBko-00249-00124158-00124651 different types of information why can't Google find it all right why do we pay gHlnnNnLBko-00250-00124651-00125095 millions of dollars to access library resources why is it important that you gHlnnNnLBko-00251-00125095-00125655 use them and then why is the kind of information that we produce as faculty gHlnnNnLBko-00252-00125655-00126277 unique and how is that changing and why so this is all stuff that gets covered gHlnnNnLBko-00253-00126277-00126607 in these four courses so I'm going to do just a brief introduction to the four gHlnnNnLBko-00254-00126607-00127057 courses and what we do in those classes but keep a lookout for these how and why gHlnnNnLBko-00255-00127057-00127522 and how we build between those classes so starting with the natural scientific gHlnnNnLBko-00256-00127522-00127935 habits of mind and what we're really talking about is evaluation of gHlnnNnLBko-00257-00127935-00128311 information from a non scholarly perspective so this is the gHlnnNnLBko-00258-00128311-00128785 learning outcome that exists for the natural scientific habit of mind courses gHlnnNnLBko-00259-00128785-00129310 and this one we really were talking about popular discourse and daily life gHlnnNnLBko-00260-00129310-00129848 information so less on the scholarly more on where is physics information gHlnnNnLBko-00261-00129848-00130208 happening in your daily life and how can we give you some skills to evaluate it gHlnnNnLBko-00262-00130208-00130885 so we talked about punkin chunkin which if you don't know is like a trade you gHlnnNnLBko-00263-00130885-00131300 say for pumpkins where you try and fling them as far as you can so we talked gHlnnNnLBko-00264-00131300-00131716 about an article that exists and I'm sorry this is so blurry but it's in NY gHlnnNnLBko-00265-00131716-00132212 up calm and it's essentially a hype piece about a festival dedicated to gHlnnNnLBko-00266-00132212-00133022 pumpkin Chunkin I know the students give me the same look when I say that but in gHlnnNnLBko-00267-00133022-00133705 this article there is a scientific claim made that the what is it the angle yes gHlnnNnLBko-00268-00133705-00134087 the sorry I was going to read it but it's it's a little blurry designs vary gHlnnNnLBko-00269-00134087-00134602 in function and I can't read it but essentially saying that the a higher gHlnnNnLBko-00270-00134602-00135086 angle will increase your distance which is not entirely accurate if you know gHlnnNnLBko-00271-00135086-00135485 anything about physics so what we talked about are three main principles to gHlnnNnLBko-00272-00135485-00135911 evaluate this article and the scientific information in this article we talked gHlnnNnLBko-00273-00135911-00136457 about the authority so who wrote this article what is NY up calm what kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00274-00136457-00136859 background in science do they have or don't they have in this case we talked gHlnnNnLBko-00275-00136859-00137147 about the transparency of the information how do they support the gHlnnNnLBko-00276-00137147-00137501 claims that are made I'm in this case you can see there are some videos that gHlnnNnLBko-00277-00137501-00137866 they use a supporting evidence but they're not citing say a physics gHlnnNnLBko-00278-00137866-00138257 textbook or anything like that and finally what's the purpose why is this gHlnnNnLBko-00279-00138257-00138628 information created and it's definitely not in this case for scientific gHlnnNnLBko-00280-00138628-00139042 knowledge right it's it's a big advertisement to get you to visit gHlnnNnLBko-00281-00139042-00139363 upstate New York we talk about all these things they think it's a little silly gHlnnNnLBko-00282-00139363-00139765 but this is to get them to understand science exists in places and we can gHlnnNnLBko-00283-00139765-00140135 think about how that information is being delivered in a lot of different gHlnnNnLBko-00284-00140135-00140493 contexts and you can bring your physics information to bear as you gHlnnNnLBko-00285-00140493-00140883 make that information so they then do this with another article that they find gHlnnNnLBko-00286-00140883-00141285 on their own so that is the non majors course gHlnnNnLBko-00287-00141285-00141963 moving on to 331 as you said Kehoe said this is really sophomores one of their gHlnnNnLBko-00288-00141963-00142263 first introductions to physics within the major after they take their intro gHlnnNnLBko-00289-00142263-00142563 level courses so this correspondingly is kind of their gHlnnNnLBko-00290-00142563-00142956 first introduction to what information looks like within the physics major so gHlnnNnLBko-00291-00142956-00143412 some basic physics specific information that's being delivered by introducing gHlnnNnLBko-00292-00143412-00143988 them to the academic environment and including how we find materials how to gHlnnNnLBko-00293-00143988-00144729 read academic sources but also some of the basic evaluation strategies what is gHlnnNnLBko-00294-00144729-00145170 popular what a scholarship what is a scholarly and with in scholarly what are gHlnnNnLBko-00295-00145170-00145539 the differences between things like a review article and a primary research gHlnnNnLBko-00296-00145539-00145944 article right so giving them some basic tools to be able to evaluate the kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00297-00145944-00146544 information they're being exposed to in an academic context in this course then gHlnnNnLBko-00298-00146544-00147273 440 which was just approved as a w-2 congratulations is when they start to we gHlnnNnLBko-00299-00147273-00147702 are building on that basic information and refining it a bit further so we get gHlnnNnLBko-00300-00147702-00148071 a little more specific into different types of scholarly information including gHlnnNnLBko-00301-00148071-00148578 things like conference proceedings write some more some less obvious sources of gHlnnNnLBko-00302-00148578-00149097 information we're starting to talk more about how to find information in a more gHlnnNnLBko-00303-00149097-00149487 strategic way so this is when we talk a little bit more about keyword choice gHlnnNnLBko-00304-00149487-00149892 there at the stage where they've taken enough physics that they can really gHlnnNnLBko-00305-00149892-00150269 think about different ways to describe their research topic and have some gHlnnNnLBko-00306-00150269-00150630 choice with how they strategically search for information gHlnnNnLBko-00307-00150630-00151014 additionally we start to talk about different ways different places where it gHlnnNnLBko-00308-00151014-00151404 can find that information physics is really fun and that they have embraced gHlnnNnLBko-00309-00151404-00151896 open access to a degree which almost no other discipline has there's an entire gHlnnNnLBko-00310-00151896-00152316 preprint database called archive.org that we introduce them to at this point gHlnnNnLBko-00311-00152316-00152850 and talk a little bit about the difference but not extensively it's just gHlnnNnLBko-00312-00152850-00153267 this is a thing that exists and it is common in physics for people to also use gHlnnNnLBko-00313-00153267-00153733 this information resource then when we get to the capstone course gHlnnNnLBko-00314-00153733-00154111 is when we talk more about why does archive exist gHlnnNnLBko-00315-00154111-00154767 I took Nate requested a cat name so this is my cat meme the tie-in here is in gHlnnNnLBko-00316-00154767-00155233 capstone the students are free to pursue any object of inquiry that they choose gHlnnNnLBko-00317-00155233-00156010 including the buttered cat paradox which is that new the idea that butter toast gHlnnNnLBko-00318-00156010-00156426 will always land butter side down cats will always land on your feet so if you gHlnnNnLBko-00319-00156426-00157236 strap them to each other you can create an infinite generator which is physics gHlnnNnLBko-00320-00157245-00157902 if they wanted I really hope because what we get to talk about in that class gHlnnNnLBko-00321-00157902-00158505 is that you're now drawing a different disciplines animal behavior right some gHlnnNnLBko-00322-00158505-00158923 other physics topics um what are infinite generators what kind of gHlnnNnLBko-00323-00158923-00159249 attempts have been made to create them in the past is it possible or why or am gHlnnNnLBko-00324-00159249-00159607 I not those kinds of things could all be explored in a capstone so we really need gHlnnNnLBko-00325-00159607-00160167 to get more nuanced with our information needs and where we're finding it so we gHlnnNnLBko-00326-00160167-00160692 talk about more advanced strategies we talk about even more nuanced categories gHlnnNnLBko-00327-00160692-00161124 of information when would you or how would you use a dissertation things like gHlnnNnLBko-00328-00161124-00161475 that what is the difference between a print print and what does it mean to be gHlnnNnLBko-00329-00161475-00161802 an accepted article versus a published article those kinds of topics might come gHlnnNnLBko-00330-00161802-00162213 up in capstone but because of the open access issue it's also a really gHlnnNnLBko-00331-00162213-00162630 wonderful time to talk about what the heck is open access why does it matter gHlnnNnLBko-00332-00162630-00163096 to them and if they are going to on going on to produce scholarship instead gHlnnNnLBko-00333-00163096-00163449 of just consumed scholarship how does that inform their choices for where gHlnnNnLBko-00334-00163449-00163854 they're going to be publishing and what is their ethical role essentially as you gHlnnNnLBko-00335-00163854-00164335 guys all know people who get to choose where you place your manuscript and what gHlnnNnLBko-00336-00164335-00164719 it means to support scholarly environments and publication models gHlnnNnLBko-00337-00164719-00165274 sorry this is my little political just slipping that in there if you ever have gHlnnNnLBko-00338-00165274-00165642 questions in library it's here for you we have an open access fund to help you gHlnnNnLBko-00339-00165642-00166132 publish open access so those are some of the things that we talk about we also gHlnnNnLBko-00340-00166132-00166534 talk about what are the top journals in your field how is that Desai gHlnnNnLBko-00341-00166534-00167113 where can you find that and why is this accurate or inaccurate so that is our gHlnnNnLBko-00342-00167113-00169162 scaffold in less than eight minutes so the next award is the the Jack tile gHlnnNnLBko-00343-00169162-00169660 teaching with technology warden after our founding director it honors faculty gHlnnNnLBko-00344-00169660-00170158 will have demonstrated creativity using technology in their teaching we have two gHlnnNnLBko-00345-00170158-00170605 winners for 2018 and 2019 Michael Alonzo from Environmental science and Katherine White gHlnnNnLBko-00346-00170605-00171127 from History. Well Mike is sick today so he sends his gHlnnNnLBko-00347-00171127-00172042 apologies but Katherine would you come to the podium. I will read Mike's gHlnnNnLBko-00348-00172042-00172543 description we recognized Michael Alonzo for his use of drones equipped with gHlnnNnLBko-00349-00172543-00172942 thermal cameras and laser rangefinders in his environmental gHlnnNnLBko-00350-00172942-00173521 science classes with drones students are able to collect their own data on topics gHlnnNnLBko-00351-00173521-00174085 such as water use and suburbanization at the wildland urban interface and builds gHlnnNnLBko-00352-00174085-00174469 on the basics of field based global positioning systems and geographic gHlnnNnLBko-00353-00174469-00174955 information systems data collection and management using handheld devices so gHlnnNnLBko-00354-00174955-00175447 very very technical. These activities allow students to work together and gHlnnNnLBko-00355-00175447-00175978 interact in real-time while completing analyses using Google tools including gHlnnNnLBko-00356-00175978-00176443 Google Earth, sheet stocks and slides to produce findings that can then be linked gHlnnNnLBko-00357-00176443-00176949 to readings and discussions on the fly, literally and figuratively gHlnnNnLBko-00358-00177045-00177501 We recognize Katherine white for her use of digital technologies intercourse gHlnnNnLBko-00359-00177501-00178114 modern European history by incorporating technologies including podcast, media gHlnnNnLBko-00360-00178114-00178710 clips, animated shorts , interactive maps blog post assignments Katherine has made gHlnnNnLBko-00361-00178710-00179197 topics from another time in another place accessible and engaging to her gHlnnNnLBko-00362-00179197-00179578 students one of the key assignments on Katherine syllabus involves the use of gHlnnNnLBko-00363-00179578-00180184 online platform think link.com which provides user-friendly technology tool gHlnnNnLBko-00364-00180184-00180700 to transform images into interactive graphics. Katherine's use of interactive gHlnnNnLBko-00365-00180700-00181030 technologies in the custom advances a number of learning outcomes including gHlnnNnLBko-00366-00181030-00181462 helping students to develop the ability to evaluate evidence and sources to gHlnnNnLBko-00367-00181462-00181990 develop an argument that takes into account social and historical context or gHlnnNnLBko-00368-00181990-00183071 conditions congratulations to Mike and Katherine. gHlnnNnLBko-00369-00183071-00183712 I want to begin by thanking CTRL and Everyone here for honoring me gHlnnNnLBko-00370-00183712-00184114 with this award. I also want to thank Max Paul Friedman in the history department gHlnnNnLBko-00371-00184114-00184465 who's not here but who nominated me for this board and has been really gHlnnNnLBko-00372-00184465-00185080 supportive in this process. So I am an adjunct professor here at American gHlnnNnLBko-00373-00185080-00185503 this is my second year teaching in the history department teaching modern gHlnnNnLBko-00374-00185503-00186097 European history and this course fits within the habits of mine curriculum and gHlnnNnLBko-00375-00186097-00186835 it aims as a general education course to develop ways of thinking about the past gHlnnNnLBko-00376-00186835-00187381 that continue to have relevance for understanding the present. Just as a side gHlnnNnLBko-00377-00187381-00187696 note I was talking to the people at my table they were like what is modern gHlnnNnLBko-00378-00187696-00188092 European history so that seems self explanatory but actually it's not on gHlnnNnLBko-00379-00188092-00188590 modern European history for historians is basically the period from 1789 to the gHlnnNnLBko-00380-00188590-00189001 present, from the French Revolution to the present. So we cover a lot of material gHlnnNnLBko-00381-00189001-00189466 a couple centuries worth of material and so it's finding ways really of making gHlnnNnLBko-00382-00189466-00189757 students understand that even ideas from as early as the gHlnnNnLBko-00383-00189757-00190261 French Revolution still have significance in our lives and I would gHlnnNnLBko-00384-00190261-00190624 just know on that that we are now exploring all different types of ways in gHlnnNnLBko-00385-00190624-00190951 history of thinking about modernity and their ideas of alternative modernity gHlnnNnLBko-00386-00190951-00191365 and perhaps even this course should be rethought through in terms of the topic gHlnnNnLBko-00387-00191365-00191788 because modern European history is one form of many modernities that we gHlnnNnLBko-00388-00191788-00192439 understand now just in terms of the course as I mentioned one of the general gHlnnNnLBko-00389-00192439-00192853 education outcomes that we try to achieve is to engage with primary text gHlnnNnLBko-00390-00192853-00193324 to learn to ask questions debate ideas come to understand ways that we gHlnnNnLBko-00391-00193324-00193894 experience the events and ideas of the past in our own lives and I have really found gHlnnNnLBko-00392-00193894-00194365 that technology is a great way to help us achieve that goal to help students gHlnnNnLBko-00393-00194365-00194692 understand how the past can have continued relevance in their own lives gHlnnNnLBko-00394-00194692-00195223 but then also how we can think through the past in different ways using gHlnnNnLBko-00395-00195223-00195733 different technology tools. There are a couple different technology tools that I gHlnnNnLBko-00396-00195733-00196225 bring into my classroom on almost a daily basis I love using blog posts gHlnnNnLBko-00397-00196225-00196735 I love using podcasts just to give an overview of the way I might use a gHlnnNnLBko-00398-00196735-00197188 podcast on the very first day one of the things I do with my students is play a gHlnnNnLBko-00399-00197188-00197668 radio lab podcast on the limitations of the mind limits on the mind what gHlnnNnLBko-00400-00197668-00198145 actually we can retain and I like that activity because it helps students think gHlnnNnLBko-00401-00198145-00198670 through ok what consciously what do I want to get out of this course and what gHlnnNnLBko-00402-00198670-00199066 can I get out of it because history is oftentimes seen by students as being gHlnnNnLBko-00403-00199066-00199525 just a list of names and dates that they have to memorize and I really don't want gHlnnNnLBko-00404-00199525-00199972 this to be a course about memorizing names and dates. So I spend a lot of time gHlnnNnLBko-00405-00199972-00200293 telling them what I want them to get out of it and then having them tell me what gHlnnNnLBko-00406-00200293-00200623 they want to get out of it and then hopefully we can meet somewhere in the gHlnnNnLBko-00407-00200623-00200992 middle in terms of figuring out exactly you know what is the significance of gHlnnNnLBko-00408-00200992-00201550 this topic to understanding the present I also bring in animated shorts and gHlnnNnLBko-00409-00201550-00202073 media clips on a regular basis and I a more involved in digital imaging gHlnnNnLBko-00410-00202073-00202457 assignment that they do in the first Third of the class and I want to talk gHlnnNnLBko-00411-00202457-00203183 about that a little bit more depth now so as Kiho mentioned this is a project gHlnnNnLBko-00412-00203183-00203747 that uses this platform called thing link and I found this to be of a number of gHlnnNnLBko-00413-00203747-00204073 different platforms that I've used in my classrooms to be particularly gHlnnNnLBko-00414-00204073-00204497 user-friendly for students I teach a lot of students I have something like a gHlnnNnLBko-00415-00204497-00205021 hundred students between two universities so I find teaching with gHlnnNnLBko-00416-00205021-00205489 this platform is also beneficial for me because I don't have to give them as gHlnnNnLBko-00417-00205489-00205819 much one-on-one support as some of the other platforms that I've brought into my gHlnnNnLBko-00418-00205819-00206455 classroom, um but I also really like it because it's a way for them to have an gHlnnNnLBko-00419-00206455-00206935 assignment that both has them engaged with primary source documents that we're gHlnnNnLBko-00420-00206935-00207476 talking about in class and then also create this more or develop this more gHlnnNnLBko-00421-00207476-00207862 creative platform for thinking about those sources in a really different way gHlnnNnLBko-00422-00207862-00208387 so one of the things that they are expected to do is choose between three gHlnnNnLBko-00423-00208387-00208771 sets of primary source documents that we've discussed up until that point gHlnnNnLBko-00424-00208771-00209177 primary source documents just as a reminder of documents from the gHlnnNnLBko-00425-00209177-00209698 historical period in question they can be written by an individual they can be gHlnnNnLBko-00426-00209698-00210188 an image they can be a lot of different things that would represent something gHlnnNnLBko-00427-00210188-00210754 about that time period so I have three sets of documents that are really gHlnnNnLBko-00428-00210754-00211108 important to some of the key ideas that they've learned in the first unit of the gHlnnNnLBko-00429-00211108-00211523 course our first two units of the course one is the Declaration of the Rights of gHlnnNnLBko-00430-00211523-00211923 Man and citizen Declaration of Rights of women and citizen and the Haitian gHlnnNnLBko-00431-00211923-00212390 Constitution on those three they can choose which ones they want to compare gHlnnNnLBko-00432-00212390-00212755 and they can also decide in what ways they think that those specific documents gHlnnNnLBko-00433-00212755-00213430 speak to one another then they have Marks versus Smith and then they have a gHlnnNnLBko-00434-00213430-00214028 couple of sources on the practice of widow burning in the British Empire all gHlnnNnLBko-00435-00214028-00214628 really intense big topics and what I want them to do is think back on some of gHlnnNnLBko-00436-00214628-00215021 the ways in which we've talked about them and take apart these primary source gHlnnNnLBko-00437-00215021-00215631 documents in a short two-page written paper and analyze their significance in gHlnnNnLBko-00438-00215631-00216084 terms of how they're in conversation with one another how they compare how we gHlnnNnLBko-00439-00216084-00216555 should understand them by developing out an original argument they then use this gHlnnNnLBko-00440-00216555-00217116 thinglink platform to assess ways in which they might take an image from the gHlnnNnLBko-00441-00217116-00217617 present and analyze how the topics how the ideas that they've discussed in that gHlnnNnLBko-00442-00217617-00218163 two page paper continue to have relevance in the world we live in now gHlnnNnLBko-00443-00218163-00218706 and so just to give an example I think it's probably much easier than me trying gHlnnNnLBko-00444-00218706-00219785 to explain it, um I had a student who wrote oh this isn't actually great gHlnnNnLBko-00445-00219785-00220175 because you can't see the image gHlnnNnLBko-00446-00220680-00221012 you still can't see gHlnnNnLBko-00447-00221103-00221721 well so they wrote this paper about the gHlnnNnLBko-00448-00221928-00222263 I'm just gonna take this out because I can't see anything on this screen right gHlnnNnLBko-00449-00222263-00223373 now um they wrote this paper about the sea this way the Declaration of the gHlnnNnLBko-00450-00223373-00224321 Rights of Man and the Haitian Constitution and you still cant see in gHlnnNnLBko-00451-00224321-00224830 this paper they compared how this document about the French Revolution and gHlnnNnLBko-00452-00224830-00225556 rights that were specific to white men compared with the Haitian Constitution gHlnnNnLBko-00453-00225556-00225938 which was issued just a couple years after that when Haiti declared its gHlnnNnLBko-00454-00225938-00226388 independence from France and contained some of the same ideas but was really gHlnnNnLBko-00455-00226388-00226831 about providing rights to a very different population of people in what gHlnnNnLBko-00456-00226831-00227353 was the former French Empire to black Haitians and was specific to that and to gHlnnNnLBko-00457-00227353-00228142 the rights of former slaves to the land to property in Haiti and so I the gHlnnNnLBko-00458-00228142-00228550 student compared the two and then chose this image which is of a protest you gHlnnNnLBko-00459-00228550-00229009 can't actually see the protest banner but it's a protest that took place gHlnnNnLBko-00460-00229009-00229592 recently in France that supported minority rights in France so they then gHlnnNnLBko-00461-00229592-00230119 added what our digital annotations that you can't see here and they explained gHlnnNnLBko-00462-00230119-00230575 how different parts of this image reflect back to the ideas that they had gHlnnNnLBko-00463-00230575-00231041 discussed in terms of the demand for rights by the Haitian population during gHlnnNnLBko-00464-00231041-00231436 the time of the French Revolution other things students have done a you know gHlnnNnLBko-00465-00231436-00231988 factory floors and explaining how Marx versus Smith's talked about the gHlnnNnLBko-00466-00231988-00232541 estrangement of Labor versus the process of supply and demand in a factory floor gHlnnNnLBko-00467-00232541-00233042 or how the women's rights movement today or recently the women's rights movement gHlnnNnLBko-00468-00233042-00233509 and the me to movement reflects ideas like the Declaration of man's rights of gHlnnNnLBko-00469-00233509-00234023 man versus the Declaration of Rights so you have more information about this gHlnnNnLBko-00470-00234023-00234515 and a sheet I handed out that explains some of the outcomes but yeah thanks gHlnnNnLBko-00471-00234515-00236011 again and feel free to mingle afterwards so so thank you all for coming on a gHlnnNnLBko-00472-00236011-00236555 close this event with a congratulation to the awardees you know and heartfelt gHlnnNnLBko-00473-00236555-00236944 thank you for all all of you for coming this afternoon to support your gHlnnNnLBko-00474-00236944-00237398 colleagues and to celebrate excellence in teaching and with that you may now gHlnnNnLBko-00475-00237398-00237775 officially begin your summer. gLqd63ycPnM-00000-00000126-00000501 [Piano Music] gLqd63ycPnM-00001-00000501-00000894 Welcome to Silent Witness gLqd63ycPnM-00002-00001182-00001464 Occasionally we stumble over the truth but most of gLqd63ycPnM-00003-00001464-00001728 us pick ourselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. gLqd63ycPnM-00004-00001860-00002226 This will not be the last pandemic, gLqd63ycPnM-00005-00002292-00002688 history teaches us that outbreaks and pandemics are a fact of life. gLqd63ycPnM-00006-00002748-00003492 But when the next pandemic comes the world must be ready; more ready than it was this time. gLqd63ycPnM-00007-00003492-00004248 This is not also an accident, it's not an accident the COVID-19. It's a confirmation gLqd63ycPnM-00008-00004314-00005244 of our mission to collaborate, to contribute in the change of this world. We need, we need to get gLqd63ycPnM-00009-00005244-00006072 together so we can go in another way. Something can, has to change, so don't forget this crisis! gLqd63ycPnM-00010-00006132-00006990 Not just okay, that was a bad night, a nightmare. No, and we are awake again and we are again in gLqd63ycPnM-00011-00006990-00007902 our life as before. No, no, we have to take the, the..., the lesson that if we don't change, after gLqd63ycPnM-00012-00007902-00008652 this, the next one will be worst! If we don't change, after this, the next one will be worst! gLqd63ycPnM-00013-00008652-00009197 [Instrumental Music] gLqd63ycPnM-00014-00009197-00009252 A gLqd63ycPnM-00015-00009252-00010062 Science of the devil. gLqd63ycPnM-00016-00010062-00010776 What is soon coming upon us? Seducing spirits are coming in. If God has ever spoken by me, gLqd63ycPnM-00017-00010776-00011544 you will before long hear of a wonderful science—a science of the devil. Its aim will be to make of gLqd63ycPnM-00018-00011544-00012204 no account God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Some will exalt this false science, gLqd63ycPnM-00019-00012204-00012816 and through them Satan will seek to make void the law of God. Great miracles will gLqd63ycPnM-00020-00012816-00013565 be performed in the sight of men in behalf of this wonderful science.—Letter 48, 1907. gLqd63ycPnM-00021-00013565-00013713 [Instrumental Music] gM4u7rpUjxy-00000-00000010-00000066 >> PROMOTIONS WERE ALSO gM4u7rpUjxy-00001-00000066-00000073 >> PROMOTIONS WERE ALSO gM4u7rpUjxy-00002-00000073-00000186 >> PROMOTIONS WERE ALSO ANNOUNCED, INCLUDING DAVE gM4u7rpUjxy-00003-00000186-00000193 >> PROMOTIONS WERE ALSO ANNOUNCED, INCLUDING DAVE gM4u7rpUjxy-00004-00000193-00000270 >> PROMOTIONS WERE ALSO ANNOUNCED, INCLUDING DAVE FISHER, SWORN IN AS CHIEF gM4u7rpUjxy-00005-00000270-00000276 ANNOUNCED, INCLUDING DAVE FISHER, SWORN IN AS CHIEF gM4u7rpUjxy-00006-00000276-00000600 ANNOUNCED, INCLUDING DAVE FISHER, SWORN IN AS CHIEF DEPUTY. gM4u7rpUjxy-00007-00000600-00000607 FISHER, SWORN IN AS CHIEF DEPUTY. gM4u7rpUjxy-00008-00000607-00000704 FISHER, SWORN IN AS CHIEF DEPUTY. >>> A SNOWMOBILE CRASH HAS gM4u7rpUjxy-00009-00000704-00000710 DEPUTY. >>> A SNOWMOBILE CRASH HAS gM4u7rpUjxy-00010-00000710-00000927 DEPUTY. >>> A SNOWMOBILE CRASH HAS CLAIMED THE LIFE OF A gM4u7rpUjxy-00011-00000927-00000934 >>> A SNOWMOBILE CRASH HAS CLAIMED THE LIFE OF A gM4u7rpUjxy-00012-00000934-00001037 >>> A SNOWMOBILE CRASH HAS CLAIMED THE LIFE OF A 46-YEAR-OLD MENAHGA MAN. gM4u7rpUjxy-00013-00001037-00001044 CLAIMED THE LIFE OF A 46-YEAR-OLD MENAHGA MAN. gM4u7rpUjxy-00014-00001044-00001111 CLAIMED THE LIFE OF A 46-YEAR-OLD MENAHGA MAN. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 7:00 gM4u7rpUjxy-00015-00001111-00001117 46-YEAR-OLD MENAHGA MAN. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 7:00 gM4u7rpUjxy-00016-00001117-00001191 46-YEAR-OLD MENAHGA MAN. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 7:00 THIS MORNING, JUST SOUTH OF gM4u7rpUjxy-00017-00001191-00001197 THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 7:00 THIS MORNING, JUST SOUTH OF gM4u7rpUjxy-00018-00001197-00001311 THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 7:00 THIS MORNING, JUST SOUTH OF MENAHGA. gM4u7rpUjxy-00019-00001311-00001317 THIS MORNING, JUST SOUTH OF MENAHGA. gM4u7rpUjxy-00020-00001317-00001591 THIS MORNING, JUST SOUTH OF MENAHGA. THE STATE PATROL SAYS JESSE gM4u7rpUjxy-00021-00001591-00001598 MENAHGA. THE STATE PATROL SAYS JESSE gM4u7rpUjxy-00022-00001598-00001811 MENAHGA. THE STATE PATROL SAYS JESSE JONES WAS DRIVING IN THE DITCH gM4u7rpUjxy-00023-00001811-00001818 THE STATE PATROL SAYS JESSE JONES WAS DRIVING IN THE DITCH gM4u7rpUjxy-00024-00001818-00001885 THE STATE PATROL SAYS JESSE JONES WAS DRIVING IN THE DITCH OF HIGHWAY 71 WHEN HE TRIED TO gM4u7rpUjxy-00025-00001885-00001891 JONES WAS DRIVING IN THE DITCH OF HIGHWAY 71 WHEN HE TRIED TO gM4u7rpUjxy-00026-00001891-00001958 JONES WAS DRIVING IN THE DITCH OF HIGHWAY 71 WHEN HE TRIED TO GET ONTO THE SHOULDER OF THE gM4u7rpUjxy-00027-00001958-00001965 OF HIGHWAY 71 WHEN HE TRIED TO GET ONTO THE SHOULDER OF THE gM4u7rpUjxy-00028-00001965-00002028 OF HIGHWAY 71 WHEN HE TRIED TO GET ONTO THE SHOULDER OF THE HIGHWAY BUT WAS HIT BY A CAR. gM4u7rpUjxy-00029-00002028-00002035 GET ONTO THE SHOULDER OF THE HIGHWAY BUT WAS HIT BY A CAR. gM4u7rpUjxy-00030-00002035-00002078 GET ONTO THE SHOULDER OF THE HIGHWAY BUT WAS HIT BY A CAR. THE PATROL SAYS JONES WAS gMf1XVDVSmo-00000-00000475-00001334 who wouldn't want to look years younger we would all say gMf1XVDVSmo-00001-00001334-00001585 yeah to that there have been so many gMf1XVDVSmo-00002-00001585-00001760 products that claim to give you the gMf1XVDVSmo-00003-00001760-00002011 results you want the housing there is gMf1XVDVSmo-00004-00002011-00002407 actually way gMf1XVDVSmo-00005-00002407-00002619 well now there really is a product that gMf1XVDVSmo-00006-00002619-00002752 will make the difference gMf1XVDVSmo-00007-00002752-00003034 apricot gold express lift anti wrinkle gMf1XVDVSmo-00008-00003034-00003273 fluid it can make you look years younger gMf1XVDVSmo-00009-00003273-00003502 for up to eight hours gMf1XVDVSmo-00010-00003502-00003705 perfect for that special occasion or gMf1XVDVSmo-00011-00003705-00004204 even every day to prove how well apricot gMf1XVDVSmo-00012-00004204-00004426 goal works we asked allison here to gMf1XVDVSmo-00013-00004426-00004600 forego her makeup in the interest of gMf1XVDVSmo-00014-00004600-00004851 science and try the product so we could gMf1XVDVSmo-00015-00004851-00005185 make a genuine comparison she applied gMf1XVDVSmo-00016-00005185-00005380 the gel is directed with the very gMf1XVDVSmo-00017-00005380-00005596 easy-to-use rollable to all the line gMf1XVDVSmo-00018-00005596-00006032 Daria's from a forehead to chip gMf1XVDVSmo-00019-00006032-00006476 it speeds up the process a little if you gMf1XVDVSmo-00020-00006476-00006909 use a fan to help dry it gMf1XVDVSmo-00021-00006909-00007275 Apricot gold is rich in vitamins A and E gMf1XVDVSmo-00022-00007275-00007447 which help protect your skin from gMf1XVDVSmo-00023-00007447-00007708 dryness and create a naturally smooth gMf1XVDVSmo-00024-00007708-00007915 skin texture made with natural gMf1XVDVSmo-00025-00007915-00008172 ingredients he has a neutral pH balance gMf1XVDVSmo-00026-00008172-00008340 and is kind and gentle on your skin gMf1XVDVSmo-00027-00008340-00008850 after just eight minutes that difference gMf1XVDVSmo-00028-00008850-00009088 is noticeable Allison looks genuinely gMf1XVDVSmo-00029-00009088-00009199 years younger gMf1XVDVSmo-00030-00009199-00009349 something only surgery might have gMf1XVDVSmo-00031-00009349-00009685 achieved in the past suitable for women gMf1XVDVSmo-00032-00009685-00009931 of all ages it can be used as part of gMf1XVDVSmo-00033-00009931-00010495 your day and night beauty regime apricot gMf1XVDVSmo-00034-00010495-00010711 gold express lift can really make a gMf1XVDVSmo-00035-00010711-00010803 difference gMf1XVDVSmo-00036-00010803-00011022 hey there thanks for watching our video gMf1XVDVSmo-00037-00011022-00011236 to get more fresh content regularly gMf1XVDVSmo-00038-00011236-00011478 click the subscribe button below and gMf1XVDVSmo-00039-00011478-00011739 then also like us on Facebook and engage gMf1XVDVSmo-00040-00011739-00011961 with us through social media by clicking gMf1XVDVSmo-00041-00011961-00012594 these icons that are popping up gMObWFK-Qho-00000-00000000-00000449 Welcome to our video on the wildest lawsuits ever filed against God. gMObWFK-Qho-00001-00000451-00000958 Buckle up because we are about to take you on a ride full of absurdity and hilarity. gMObWFK-Qho-00002-00000961-00001246 First up, we have Betty Penrose from Arizona. gMObWFK-Qho-00003-00001249-00001574 Betty sued God because of a lightning bolt that struck her house. gMObWFK-Qho-00004-00001577-00001752 Now, we know that God is in charge gMObWFK-Qho-00005-00001754-00002166 of the weather and everything, but blaming God for a lightning bolt? gMObWFK-Qho-00006-00002169-00002446 That's like blaming McDonald's for making you fat. gMObWFK-Qho-00007-00002449-00002666 Next up, we have Ernie Chambers, gMObWFK-Qho-00008-00002669-00003106 a state Senator from Nebraska, who filed a lawsuit against God in 2008, gMObWFK-Qho-00009-00003108-00003488 seeking a permanent injunction against God's harmful activities as an effort gMObWFK-Qho-00010-00003488-00003779 to publicize the issue of public access to the court system. gMObWFK-Qho-00011-00003782-00003974 Yes, you heard that right. gMObWFK-Qho-00012-00003977-00004178 He actually sued God. gMObWFK-Qho-00013-00004181-00004526 Now, I'm not sure how he planned to deliver the lawsuit to God. gMObWFK-Qho-00014-00004528-00004696 Maybe he thought he could just hand it gMObWFK-Qho-00015-00004699-00005082 to him in person, or maybe he thought he could fax it to heaven. gMObWFK-Qho-00016-00005085-00005300 Regardless, it's safe to say that this gMObWFK-Qho-00017-00005303-00005682 lawsuit was one of the most absurd legal filings in history. gMObWFK-Qho-00018-00005685-00006076 Moving on, we have Pavel M, a Romanian prisoner who sued gMObWFK-Qho-00019-00006076-00006434 the Romanian Orthodox Church for failing to keep him away from the devil. gMObWFK-Qho-00020-00006437-00006718 Pavel claimed that his baptism was a binding contract. gMObWFK-Qho-00021-00006720-00007202 This lawsuit was undeniable one of the most outlandish legal cases in history. gMObWFK-Qho-00022-00007205-00007348 Last but not least, gMObWFK-Qho-00023-00007352-00007720 we have Chandan Kumar Sing, a lawyer from Bihar, India, gMObWFK-Qho-00024-00007723-00008113 who sued the Hindu God Ramma for mistreating his wife, the goddess Sita. gMObWFK-Qho-00025-00008116-00008552 We're not here to offend anyone's beliefs, but these lawsuits are so outlandish they gMObWFK-Qho-00026-00008555-00008802 make the plot of a scifi movie seem believable. gMObWFK-Qho-00027-00008805-00009234 It's like suing the tooth fairy for not leaving enough money under your pillow. gMObWFK-Qho-00028-00009237-00009502 Thank you for joining us on this journey of absurdity. gMObWFK-Qho-00029-00009504-00009878 We hope you had a good laugh and enjoyed learning about these crazy lawsuits. gMObWFK-Qho-00030-00009880-00010146 Don't forget to share this video with your friends and family. gMObWFK-Qho-00031-00010149-00010406 Remember, if you have any issues with God, gMObWFK-Qho-00032-00010409-00010662 seek divine intervention, not legal action. gMObWFK-Qho-00033-00010665-00010724 Thanks for. gNG66CNIGR8-00000-00000248-00000494 - Hello everyone and welcome to the Talk Spectra, gNG66CNIGR8-00001-00000494-00000764 which is about new wireless escalation targets. gNG66CNIGR8-00002-00000764-00001146 This is a joint work by me, Jiska and Francesco, gNG66CNIGR8-00003-00001146-00001330 who has been working a lot with WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00004-00001330-00001560 while I have been working with Bluetooth in the past. gNG66CNIGR8-00005-00001560-00001834 And in this work we join our abilities gNG66CNIGR8-00006-00001834-00002003 to build a new attack scheme. gNG66CNIGR8-00007-00002158-00002493 So, the motivation of this is as simple as this, gNG66CNIGR8-00008-00002493-00002862 I found a partial Bluetooth RCE a while ago gNG66CNIGR8-00009-00002862-00003110 and then a bit later a student of mine, Yang build gNG66CNIGR8-00010-00003110-00003417 a Puzzle Frankenstein which emulates the Bluetooth chips gNG66CNIGR8-00011-00003417-00003872 and he also found a couple of more Remote Code Executions. gNG66CNIGR8-00012-00003872-00004199 And with this, I said like, yeah, that's a great chance, gNG66CNIGR8-00013-00004199-00004433 now we can tour the world, tell everyone, gNG66CNIGR8-00014-00004433-00004702 like we have Bluetooth Remote Code Execution, gNG66CNIGR8-00015-00004702-00005082 take my unicorn, travel with it and just show everyone. gNG66CNIGR8-00016-00005082-00005389 But, the thing is that people said they are not too gNG66CNIGR8-00017-00005389-00005747 surprised about Bluetooth Remote Code Execution because gNG66CNIGR8-00018-00005747-00006047 Bluetooth after 22 years is really indistinguishable gNG66CNIGR8-00019-00006047-00006400 from magic and they kind of expected that it is broken. gNG66CNIGR8-00020-00006609-00006823 And then people also told me, you know, gNG66CNIGR8-00021-00006823-00007041 there is Bluetooth RCE, there's WiFi RCE gNG66CNIGR8-00022-00007041-00007369 and WiFi RCE is much cooler because, gNG66CNIGR8-00023-00007369-00007677 first of all, Bluetooth it's connected via UART gNG66CNIGR8-00024-00007677-00007891 and WiFi is connected with PCI express gNG66CNIGR8-00025-00007891-00008205 that is just nicer for exploitation. gNG66CNIGR8-00026-00008205-00008705 Then also, if you can pop calc, it's a nice attack but gNG66CNIGR8-00027-00008753-00009028 if you cannot pop calc then what kind of attack gNG66CNIGR8-00028-00009028-00009253 is a Bluetooth on chip Remote Code Execution? gNG66CNIGR8-00029-00009410-00009834 So, I was thinking because now the idea is of course like, gNG66CNIGR8-00030-00009834-00010196 I could try to take the Bluetooth RCE and then break into gNG66CNIGR8-00031-00010196-00010389 the operating system all the way up. gNG66CNIGR8-00032-00010389-00010714 But, another funny attack would be to instead attack gNG66CNIGR8-00033-00010714-00011045 the WiFi chip or maybe even the LTE chip. gNG66CNIGR8-00034-00011045-00011353 So, to break the inter chip separation instead gNG66CNIGR8-00035-00011353-00011556 of doing the same thing again of breaking into gNG66CNIGR8-00036-00011556-00011674 the operating system. gNG66CNIGR8-00037-00011898-00012215 And then I called Francesco and said like, hey, gNG66CNIGR8-00038-00012215-00012457 let's build speculative transmission. gNG66CNIGR8-00039-00012457-00012784 And the idea of the attack was that in a smartphone gNG66CNIGR8-00040-00012784-00013139 you have the same frequency used by WiFi and Bluetooth gNG66CNIGR8-00041-00013139-00013527 and LTE has harmonics in the same spectrum. gNG66CNIGR8-00042-00013527-00013904 And they cause interference in such a small device. gNG66CNIGR8-00043-00013904-00014251 So they need to arbitrate the channel access gNG66CNIGR8-00044-00014251-00014488 which means they need to actually tell, gNG66CNIGR8-00045-00014488-00014756 I'm sending a packet can you please not send a packet gNG66CNIGR8-00046-00014756-00015011 right now and so on and also need to take priorities gNG66CNIGR8-00047-00015011-00015103 and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00048-00015103-00015416 And this is called a coexistence mechanism gNG66CNIGR8-00049-00015416-00015632 and it's a performance optimization. gNG66CNIGR8-00050-00015632-00015976 And of course, you could now also instead speculatively gNG66CNIGR8-00051-00015976-00016393 transmit a packet and use this to infer what the other gNG66CNIGR8-00052-00016393-00016481 cores are doing. gNG66CNIGR8-00053-00016481-00016711 So, this was the initial attack idea. gNG66CNIGR8-00054-00016711-00016962 In the end, it turned out to be a bit more gNG66CNIGR8-00055-00016962-00017371 of a spectrum transmission but this is the attack scheme. gNG66CNIGR8-00056-00017371-00017802 Of course it requires a lot of exploitation before so, gNG66CNIGR8-00057-00017802-00018039 it requires the Bluetooth Remote Code Execution gNG66CNIGR8-00058-00018039-00018225 or WiFi Remote Code Execution gNG66CNIGR8-00059-00018225-00018441 to then escalate into the other chip. gNG66CNIGR8-00060-00018441-00018781 But the interesting part here is, as this is a connection gNG66CNIGR8-00061-00018781-00019077 directly between the chips, you cannot block it with gNG66CNIGR8-00062-00019077-00019484 the operating system so, there is a very nice attack vector gNG66CNIGR8-00063-00019484-00019628 that is hard to prevent. gNG66CNIGR8-00064-00019815-00020009 And if you look into a modern iPhone gNG66CNIGR8-00065-00020009-00020209 this is what it roughly looks like. gNG66CNIGR8-00066-00020209-00020608 So, you have the Bluetooth and the WiFi chip gNG66CNIGR8-00067-00020608-00020841 which are within the combo chip but they still run gNG66CNIGR8-00068-00020841-00021144 on different ARM cores, and they are connected gNG66CNIGR8-00069-00021144-00021361 via Serial Enhanced Coexistence Interface, gNG66CNIGR8-00070-00021361-00021541 this is what we are going to attack. gNG66CNIGR8-00071-00021645-00022136 The combo chip is also interconnected with an LTE chip gNG66CNIGR8-00072-00022136-00022424 and this is using Mobile Wireless Standards. gNG66CNIGR8-00073-00022424-00022618 And then you can also see that the Bluetooth daemon gNG66CNIGR8-00074-00022618-00022886 has fewer rights than the WiFi daemon gNG66CNIGR8-00075-00022886-00023277 and the Bluetooth chip is usually connected with UART, gNG66CNIGR8-00076-00023277-00023537 the newer iPhones use PCI express here. gNG66CNIGR8-00077-00023537-00023795 And now if you could escalate between the chips gNG66CNIGR8-00078-00023795-00024055 you have newer attacks path that become possible. gNG66CNIGR8-00079-00024055-00024228 So for example, gNG66CNIGR8-00080-00024228-00024496 I could now start from Bluetooth over the air gNG66CNIGR8-00081-00024496-00024878 and then escalate into WiFi and then go all the way up. gNG66CNIGR8-00082-00024878-00025107 Or I could also try to infer timings gNG66CNIGR8-00083-00025107-00025314 in between those chips and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00084-00025554-00025883 The Spectra Impact can be very different depending gNG66CNIGR8-00085-00025883-00026123 on how this coexistence interface is implemented. gNG66CNIGR8-00086-00026123-00026439 So, first of all, the most obvious one is the denial gNG66CNIGR8-00087-00026439-00026764 of service, if one core denies transmission to another core gNG66CNIGR8-00088-00026764-00026989 but it could also be information disclosure gNG66CNIGR8-00089-00026989-00027306 via timings or pecker types and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00090-00027306-00027560 And, the first case would be code execution gNG66CNIGR8-00091-00027560-00027761 and for this one you really need to screw up gNG66CNIGR8-00092-00027761-00027873 your implementation. gNG66CNIGR8-00093-00027987-00028176 And this attack has been first on the internet gNG66CNIGR8-00094-00028176-00028356 because of the Black Hat abstract. gNG66CNIGR8-00095-00028356-00028629 Someone start tweeting and giving it other names. gNG66CNIGR8-00096-00028629-00028935 And I have to say I also liked the Queer Ghost Attack gNG66CNIGR8-00097-00028935-00029332 but Spectra is like the original name, of course, gNG66CNIGR8-00098-00029332-00029651 it's harder to find this on the internet because Spectra gNG66CNIGR8-00099-00029651-00029818 is just a very generic route. gNG66CNIGR8-00100-00030092-00030457 And now let's go for the Broadcom Coexistence Interface gNG66CNIGR8-00101-00030457-00030689 which we are now going to exploit. gNG66CNIGR8-00102-00030689-00030974 This is also present in a couple of Cypress chips gNG66CNIGR8-00103-00030974-00031339 because Cypress acquired parts of Broadcom in 2016. gNG66CNIGR8-00104-00031339-00031772 So, it's synonymous to be used here so, don't be confused gNG66CNIGR8-00105-00031772-00032070 if I mix up Broadcom and Cypress, it's all the same. gNG66CNIGR8-00106-00032258-00032508 Actually, Broadcom is a very nice target gNG66CNIGR8-00107-00032508-00032713 because they don't do any firmware checks. gNG66CNIGR8-00108-00032713-00033025 And no firmware checks means that if we are able gNG66CNIGR8-00109-00033025-00033467 to reverse engineer certain parts of the firmware then gNG66CNIGR8-00110-00033467-00033799 we can also patch it within WiFi and within Bluetooth, gNG66CNIGR8-00111-00033799-00034116 and there are no further checks which means that there gNG66CNIGR8-00112-00034116-00034449 is no secure boot, no signature checking, et cetera. gNG66CNIGR8-00113-00034449-00034668 So, you still need to understand what is going on gNG66CNIGR8-00114-00034668-00035151 to patch such a chip but then there are no further gNG66CNIGR8-00115-00035151-00035429 security measures to prevent this. gNG66CNIGR8-00116-00035429-00035704 And those chips are in many, many, many devices, gNG66CNIGR8-00117-00035704-00035969 so for example, all iPhones, all MacBooks, iMacs, gNG66CNIGR8-00118-00035969-00036138 and also the older Apple Watch system, gNG66CNIGR8-00119-00036138-00036291 since the new ones have a different one, gNG66CNIGR8-00120-00036291-00036648 the Samsung Galaxy S series, the older Google Nexus phones, gNG66CNIGR8-00121-00036648-00036910 all Raspberry Pis, a couple of IoT devices and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00122-00036910-00037234 So, this is a very nice prototyping platform gNG66CNIGR8-00123-00037234-00037402 for all kinds of attacks. gNG66CNIGR8-00124-00037657-00037838 If you look into the older data sheets gNG66CNIGR8-00125-00037838-00038177 you can also find a couple of details, still not everything, gNG66CNIGR8-00126-00038177-00038408 but the new data sheets just don't exist gNG66CNIGR8-00127-00038408-00038721 so, we need to live with what is there, what is documented gNG66CNIGR8-00128-00038721-00039004 and what you can see here, there's this Bluetooth chip, gNG66CNIGR8-00129-00039004-00039276 there is the WiFi chip, they share an antenna gNG66CNIGR8-00130-00039276-00039641 so, they need to arbitrate access onto this one. gNG66CNIGR8-00131-00039641-00039952 And then there is a lot of stuff going on between gNG66CNIGR8-00132-00039952-00040262 those chips which we are going to attack in the following. gNG66CNIGR8-00133-00040262-00040523 Nonetheless, they have different ARM cores so, this one has gNG66CNIGR8-00134-00040523-00040878 an ARM Core CM3, there's ARM Core CR4 and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00135-00040878-00041182 So, this is still separated in some ways. gNG66CNIGR8-00136-00041537-00041941 For understanding the attacks now we need to understand gNG66CNIGR8-00137-00041941-00042113 the Serial Enhanced Coexistence Interface gNG66CNIGR8-00138-00042113-00042349 which is used between WiFi and Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00139-00042349-00042682 It's also called ECI, so without the serial, and GCI gNG66CNIGR8-00140-00042682-00042990 which might be Global or Generic Coexistence Interface gNG66CNIGR8-00141-00042990-00043363 but it's all used in the same way in the data sheets. gNG66CNIGR8-00142-00043553-00043753 To understand it, the best way gNG66CNIGR8-00143-00043753-00044066 is to actually separate Bluetooth and WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00144-00044066-00044386 And in this setup you can see that there is a Bluetooth gNG66CNIGR8-00145-00044386-00044565 and WiFI board by Cypress. gNG66CNIGR8-00146-00044565-00044854 They don't have a shared antenna so, everything is separate. gNG66CNIGR8-00147-00044854-00045062 There are no side effects and the only connection gNG66CNIGR8-00148-00045062-00045430 that they have is the Serial Enhanced Coexistence Interface, gNG66CNIGR8-00149-00045430-00045670 which we can now also intercept. gNG66CNIGR8-00150-00045670-00046015 So, that means that we are actually able to observe gNG66CNIGR8-00151-00046015-00046421 each and every signal that is sent between those two boards. gNG66CNIGR8-00152-00046421-00046687 And there is nothing else that is going on gNG66CNIGR8-00153-00046687-00046864 that could block a transmission. gNG66CNIGR8-00154-00047112-00047354 If you look into this in detail, first of all, gNG66CNIGR8-00155-00047354-00047603 we did the experiments of streaming gNG66CNIGR8-00156-00047603-00047778 just some music over Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00157-00047778-00048107 And then on the WiFi chip, we did a scan for other WiFis. gNG66CNIGR8-00158-00048107-00048359 You can see a peak when you start to scan, gNG66CNIGR8-00159-00048359-00048515 actually it's two peaks. gNG66CNIGR8-00160-00048515-00048776 And then there are a couple of other peaks gNG66CNIGR8-00161-00048776-00049115 when you get the scan results at the end of the scan. gNG66CNIGR8-00162-00049115-00049384 And what is very interesting about this protocol gNG66CNIGR8-00163-00049384-00049732 already at this level is that the Bluetooth and WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00164-00049732-00050073 are sending with 3MB over the serial interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00165-00050073-00050440 And 3MB is also the same amount of data that is sent gNG66CNIGR8-00166-00050440-00050636 from the Bluetooth chip to the host gNG66CNIGR8-00167-00050636-00050821 to send the actual music of the stream. gNG66CNIGR8-00168-00050821-00051160 So you can imagine how much data there is within gNG66CNIGR8-00169-00051160-00051323 the coexistence interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00170-00051429-00051742 And now you can see that Bluetooth is within each peak gNG66CNIGR8-00171-00051742-00052141 actually sending some data that is annotated in X here. gNG66CNIGR8-00172-00052141-00052429 And also WiFi is sending some data. gNG66CNIGR8-00173-00052429-00052845 So, each tiny peak there really has some information gNG66CNIGR8-00174-00052845-00053040 about the task that is running and other stuff gNG66CNIGR8-00175-00053040-00053222 that has priorities of packets. gNG66CNIGR8-00176-00053307-00053604 And in the last example, you can also see gNG66CNIGR8-00177-00053604-00053810 a Bluetooth keyboard which has regular peaks gNG66CNIGR8-00178-00053810-00054179 that is then being sent when WiFi is idle. gNG66CNIGR8-00179-00054179-00054383 So, this is roughly what it looks like gNG66CNIGR8-00180-00054383-00054685 just to give you some idea about this protocol. gNG66CNIGR8-00181-00054979-00055354 In the first attack, we didn't even need to understand gNG66CNIGR8-00182-00055354-00055501 all the details of this. gNG66CNIGR8-00183-00055501-00055898 It's just a simple reconfiguration of this interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00184-00055898-00056150 So, there are a lot, a lot, a lot of registers gNG66CNIGR8-00185-00056150-00056575 that are mapped into the Bluetooth ARM core gNG66CNIGR8-00186-00056575-00056829 that you can write into or read from. gNG66CNIGR8-00187-00056829-00057099 And actually, I tried to understand all of them gNG66CNIGR8-00188-00057099-00057383 in the very beginning and you can also do fancy stuff gNG66CNIGR8-00189-00057383-00057744 with this but I didn't understand all of them gNG66CNIGR8-00190-00057744-00057953 and then Francesco just told me, well, gNG66CNIGR8-00191-00057953-00058202 if you don't understand it, just try breaking it, gNG66CNIGR8-00192-00058202-00058422 just write something in all those registers gNG66CNIGR8-00193-00058422-00058603 and see what breaks. gNG66CNIGR8-00194-00058603-00058847 And I found out when I write just Fs into gNG66CNIGR8-00195-00058847-00059191 the gci_chipcontrol, this crashes WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00196-00059191-00059504 And more interestingly in this evaluation board setup gNG66CNIGR8-00197-00059504-00059774 I could even see some voltage drop on the logic analyzer, gNG66CNIGR8-00198-00059774-00059975 this was very weird. gNG66CNIGR8-00199-00059975-00060375 And on some devices this even causes a kernel panic gNG66CNIGR8-00200-00060375-00060661 because upon writing to the gci_chipcontrol gNG66CNIGR8-00201-00060661-00061082 within Bluetooth, WiFi might stop or even spam stuff gNG66CNIGR8-00202-00061082-00061233 over PCI Express and so on gNG66CNIGR8-00203-00061233-00061556 and then there are very weird effects from this. gNG66CNIGR8-00204-00061703-00061905 I tested it on a couple of devices, so, gNG66CNIGR8-00205-00061905-00062345 starting from the Nexus 5 but then also going all the way up gNG66CNIGR8-00206-00062345-00062562 to the newest MacBooks and iPhones and so on, gNG66CNIGR8-00207-00062562-00062819 and the Samsung Galaxy S10, S20. gNG66CNIGR8-00208-00062819-00063092 And what you can see here is that, first of all, gNG66CNIGR8-00209-00063092-00063399 depending on the date of the chip you have a slightly gNG66CNIGR8-00210-00063399-00063751 different scheme but on a newest ones you just write Fs into gNG66CNIGR8-00211-00063751-00064157 one address and already this is sufficient to have gNG66CNIGR8-00212-00064157-00064380 a kernel panic on lot of those devices. gNG66CNIGR8-00213-00064380-00064648 On some of them it's all just WiFi that restarts gNG66CNIGR8-00214-00064648-00064731 and that's it. gNG66CNIGR8-00215-00064869-00065079 Now, this already looks very promising gNG66CNIGR8-00216-00065079-00065249 for such a simple attack. gNG66CNIGR8-00217-00065249-00065538 And because of this we try to build more fancy attacks gNG66CNIGR8-00218-00065538-00065702 with this primitive. gNG66CNIGR8-00219-00065702-00065992 And this is what Francesco is now going to tell you about. gNG66CNIGR8-00220-00066540-00066678 - [Francesco] Thanks Jiska for introducing gNG66CNIGR8-00221-00066678-00066805 this part of the talk. gNG66CNIGR8-00222-00066805-00067105 Let's start describing the Broadcom WiFi chipset. gNG66CNIGR8-00223-00067105-00067394 The last two decades it evolved from a Soft MAC gNG66CNIGR8-00224-00067394-00067546 to a Full MAC implementation. gNG66CNIGR8-00225-00067546-00067778 And functions that were originally running gNG66CNIGR8-00226-00067778-00068070 on the Linux host at that top are today offloaded gNG66CNIGR8-00227-00068070-00068241 by an intermediate ARM core. gNG66CNIGR8-00228-00068241-00068570 Interestingly, low-level operations are always managed gNG66CNIGR8-00229-00068570-00068727 by the same piece of hardware, gNG66CNIGR8-00230-00068727-00068971 that did not change much in 17 years. gNG66CNIGR8-00231-00068971-00069216 No matter which WiFi chipset we are using, gNG66CNIGR8-00232-00069216-00069438 time critical operations are managed gNG66CNIGR8-00233-00069438-00069789 by the same D11 microcontroller that coordinates PHY, gNG66CNIGR8-00234-00069789-00070061 radio frequency and DMA operations. gNG66CNIGR8-00235-00070061-00070282 Let's have a closer look to the low level. gNG66CNIGR8-00236-00070282-00070595 The D11 microcontroller runs the microcode, gNG66CNIGR8-00237-00070595-00070841 a short piece of software that keeps checking gNG66CNIGR8-00238-00070841-00071155 hardware conditions and triggers a specific operations. gNG66CNIGR8-00239-00071155-00071385 We see here some code from the main loop gNG66CNIGR8-00240-00071385-00071763 that checks if the PHY started receiving a PLCP preamble gNG66CNIGR8-00241-00071763-00072011 or if the current reception is terminated. gNG66CNIGR8-00242-00072011-00072340 In such cases, it will execute the corresponding handlers gNG66CNIGR8-00243-00072340-00072586 that will decide what to do with the current frame. gNG66CNIGR8-00244-00072586-00072890 This other piece of code is extracted from the part gNG66CNIGR8-00245-00072890-00073136 that schedules the transmission of an acknowledgement. gNG66CNIGR8-00246-00073136-00073423 We see the preparation of the reply frame that starts gNG66CNIGR8-00247-00073423-00073582 with D4 as usual. gNG66CNIGR8-00248-00073582-00073942 The D11 tool chain was created by Michael Busch in 2007. gNG66CNIGR8-00249-00074040-00074324 We incorporated it inside our Nexmon project gNG66CNIGR8-00250-00074324-00074668 and we've periodically updated it by adding new instructions gNG66CNIGR8-00251-00074668-00074853 when a new chipset is introduced. gNG66CNIGR8-00252-00074853-00075182 As a spot in the ucode in the ARM binary blob is easy, gNG66CNIGR8-00253-00075182-00075494 we can modify it adding customized parts gNG66CNIGR8-00254-00075494-00075627 as we will see later. gNG66CNIGR8-00255-00075627-00075909 The D11 CPU coordinates many blocks. gNG66CNIGR8-00256-00075909-00076131 First of all, it controls the transmission gNG66CNIGR8-00257-00076131-00076429 and reception engines, it manages channels access gNG66CNIGR8-00258-00076429-00076733 by scheduling transmissions and the sites which receive gNG66CNIGR8-00259-00076733-00076985 its frames should be pushed to the ARM core. gNG66CNIGR8-00260-00076985-00077224 It can configure with the PHY and the radio, gNG66CNIGR8-00261-00077224-00077551 and it does so by running the ucode that is loaded into gNG66CNIGR8-00262-00077551-00077914 the ucode memory by the ARM firmware during initialization. gNG66CNIGR8-00263-00077914-00078339 D11 has access to an 8kB shared memory where it keeps gNG66CNIGR8-00264-00078339-00078560 its configuration and state variables. gNG66CNIGR8-00265-00078560-00078842 And it also accesses indirectly the ARM memory gNG66CNIGR8-00266-00078842-00079125 where packets ready for transmissions are cued gNG66CNIGR8-00267-00079125-00079445 for deciding which packets can be transmitted or aggregated. gNG66CNIGR8-00268-00079445-00079736 D11 is equipped with general power post timers gNG66CNIGR8-00269-00079736-00080004 and with many different interfaces for talking gNG66CNIGR8-00270-00080004-00080337 to other parts of the chipset like the SECI interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00271-00080337-00080565 During the years, it turned out to be a pretty flexible gNG66CNIGR8-00272-00080565-00080883 architecture and we use it as a research platform gNG66CNIGR8-00273-00080883-00081229 for showcasing operations like jamming, piggyback in schemes gNG66CNIGR8-00274-00081229-00081388 and time of flight measurements. gNG66CNIGR8-00275-00081388-00081732 Let's now talk about D11 Coexistence Interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00276-00081732-00082108 It includes quite a number of registers and a 64-bit buffer gNG66CNIGR8-00277-00082108-00082303 for receiving messages from the Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00278-00082303-00082655 Such messages are transmitted by Bluetooth every 1.25ms. gNG66CNIGR8-00279-00082808-00083002 It is the minimum Bluetooth connection interval. gNG66CNIGR8-00280-00083002-00083215 They report to WiFi the timing gNG66CNIGR8-00281-00083215-00083476 and type of all Bluetooth operations. gNG66CNIGR8-00282-00083476-00083847 WiFi copies this information inside dedicated SECI gNG66CNIGR8-00283-00083847-00084199 count down timer that differ WiFi operations gNG66CNIGR8-00284-00084199-00084331 and prevent collisions. gNG66CNIGR8-00285-00084331-00084638 On the opposite direction WiFi uses the Bluetooth gNG66CNIGR8-00286-00084638-00084885 transmission control register, in red, gNG66CNIGR8-00287-00084885-00085130 for granting Bluetooth access to the chart. gNG66CNIGR8-00288-00085130-00085433 The flow of messages in the two directions builds gNG66CNIGR8-00289-00085433-00085623 a grant reject scheme. gNG66CNIGR8-00290-00085623-00085934 As we will see in our attacks, we use the knowledge gNG66CNIGR8-00291-00085934-00086243 we collected on such registers for breaking such scheme. gNG66CNIGR8-00292-00086243-00086621 According to our analysis, more than 10% of the ucode gNG66CNIGR8-00293-00086621-00086824 is dedicated to coexistence. gNG66CNIGR8-00294-00086824-00087185 As in general, many other operations take much less code, gNG66CNIGR8-00295-00087185-00087572 we understand how much complex is the Coexistence Interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00296-00087572-00087864 Finally, by programming two boards for transmitting gNG66CNIGR8-00297-00087864-00088210 SECI messages when receiving the same WiFi beacon, gNG66CNIGR8-00298-00088210-00088510 we measure it with the help of an external FPGA, gNG66CNIGR8-00299-00088510-00088677 the jitter of the SECI line. gNG66CNIGR8-00300-00088677-00089036 It turned out to be caution with a 200ns deviation gNG66CNIGR8-00301-00089036-00089241 which is perfect for this application. gNG66CNIGR8-00302-00089241-00089553 So, let's see how we broke the Grant/Reject Scheme. gNG66CNIGR8-00303-00089553-00089895 We did that to see the effects when watching a movie gNG66CNIGR8-00304-00089895-00090246 that requires to download content over the WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00305-00090246-00090488 and send audio to a Bluetooth headset. gNG66CNIGR8-00306-00090488-00090814 At the bottom, in green, we see SECI grant messages gNG66CNIGR8-00307-00090814-00090977 transmitted by the WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00308-00090977-00091323 Bluetooth uses them for understanding when it can transmit gNG66CNIGR8-00309-00091323-00091460 audio to the headset. gNG66CNIGR8-00310-00091460-00091824 We introduce into the ucode a few lines for configuring gNG66CNIGR8-00311-00091824-00092134 the WiFi chipset remotely from the air interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00312-00092134-00092461 We can hence prevent the WiFi from sending SECI gNG66CNIGR8-00313-00092461-00092658 grant messages to Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00314-00092658-00093080 You see this happens between 2.6s and 3.5s. gNG66CNIGR8-00315-00093080-00093406 During this interval, no more SECI messages are transmitted. gNG66CNIGR8-00316-00093406-00093741 And in fact, we cannot hear any sound from the headset. gNG66CNIGR8-00317-00093741-00094147 We tested this both on Nexus 5 and on on-development boards gNG66CNIGR8-00318-00094147-00094231 from Cypress. gNG66CNIGR8-00319-00094231-00094502 This experiment clearly demonstrates that gNG66CNIGR8-00320-00094502-00094783 a denial-of-service attack from the WiFi side gNG66CNIGR8-00321-00094783-00094965 against Bluetooth is possible. gNG66CNIGR8-00322-00094965-00095313 Let's take a closer look now at the messages that Bluetooth gNG66CNIGR8-00323-00095313-00095644 sends to WiFi and if we can use such information gNG66CNIGR8-00324-00095644-00095727 for an attack. gNG66CNIGR8-00325-00095727-00096067 These are the SECI time diagrams when we have a keyboard gNG66CNIGR8-00326-00096067-00096225 connected over Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00327-00096225-00096552 Depending on the keyboard, we can observe SECI messages gNG66CNIGR8-00328-00096552-00096867 transmitted every 15ms or 30ms. gNG66CNIGR8-00329-00096867-00097220 Bluetooth sends these SECI messages to inform WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00330-00097220-00097466 that it is going to poll the keyboard so that gNG66CNIGR8-00331-00097466-00097741 the WiFi defers channel access meanwhile. gNG66CNIGR8-00332-00097741-00097957 In this diagram, WiFi is idle gNG66CNIGR8-00333-00097957-00098254 so, WiFi always grants access to Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00334-00098254-00098565 This is what happens when somebody is actually typing gNG66CNIGR8-00335-00098565-00098677 on a keyboard. gNG66CNIGR8-00336-00098677-00098911 At the bottom, we have the periodic sequence gNG66CNIGR8-00337-00098911-00099270 of SECI messages, on top we have the key presses sniffed gNG66CNIGR8-00338-00099270-00099609 by Wireshark when capturing from the Bluetooth interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00339-00099609-00099882 As we are typing with moderate speed each key press gNG66CNIGR8-00340-00099882-00100153 is separate from the others and we can also see gNG66CNIGR8-00341-00100153-00100354 the Bluetooth message with key release gNG66CNIGR8-00342-00100354-00100513 following each key press. gNG66CNIGR8-00343-00100513-00100831 In between, we can see the HID data captured by Wireshark gNG66CNIGR8-00344-00100831-00101225 with a specific event ID that represents a key press. gNG66CNIGR8-00345-00101225-00101475 Below we see SECI messages that we filtered gNG66CNIGR8-00346-00101475-00101786 on the WiFi chipset by selecting the same message type. gNG66CNIGR8-00347-00101786-00102124 This demonstrates that at the WiFi side we can easily gNG66CNIGR8-00348-00102124-00102455 distinguish SECI messages relating to key presses. gNG66CNIGR8-00349-00102455-00102713 This clearly demonstrates that having access gNG66CNIGR8-00350-00102713-00103011 to the WiFi chipset that is enough for measuring key press gNG66CNIGR8-00351-00103011-00103230 timings with very accurate resolution. gNG66CNIGR8-00352-00103230-00103508 And we know that in some cases with the help of some gNG66CNIGR8-00353-00103508-00103771 artificial intelligence or classification technique, gNG66CNIGR8-00354-00103771-00104043 this is enough for guessing what the user is typing. gNG66CNIGR8-00355-00104043-00104359 We hence believe that without any part further protection, gNG66CNIGR8-00356-00104359-00104558 the SECI interface can be used gNG66CNIGR8-00357-00104558-00104750 for mounting side channel attacks. gNG66CNIGR8-00358-00104750-00104926 And we request the CVE gNG66CNIGR8-00359-00104926-00105183 for reporting the associated vulnerability. gNG66CNIGR8-00360-00105183-00105392 Jiska, the ground is yours again. gNG66CNIGR8-00361-00105643-00105933 - Thank you Francesco for the very detailed explanations gNG66CNIGR8-00362-00105933-00106201 about the Serial Enhanced Coexistence Interface gNG66CNIGR8-00363-00106201-00106332 and attacks on it. gNG66CNIGR8-00364-00106332-00106586 There is still one thing mentioned in the data sheet gNG66CNIGR8-00365-00106586-00106919 which was clearly missing which is the WLAN RAM sharing. gNG66CNIGR8-00366-00106919-00107245 And in following, we are also going to attack this. gNG66CNIGR8-00367-00107372-00107590 I would call this effect when you spend too much time gNG66CNIGR8-00368-00107590-00107928 looking for very fancy side channels and dig deeper gNG66CNIGR8-00369-00107928-00108155 into all of this and try to explore them gNG66CNIGR8-00370-00108155-00108436 while there is the one obvious thing in a data sheet gNG66CNIGR8-00371-00108436-00108605 that you just couldn't find within gNG66CNIGR8-00372-00108605-00108794 the Serial Enhanced Coexistence Interface. gNG66CNIGR8-00373-00108794-00109124 And for us this was the WLAN RAM sharing so, gNG66CNIGR8-00374-00109124-00109378 it must be some variance in the data sheet arrows gNG66CNIGR8-00375-00109378-00109796 just go into one direction here from Bluetooth to WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00376-00109796-00110027 And we just didn't understand where it is gNG66CNIGR8-00377-00110027-00110329 and couldn't find it for quite a long time. gNG66CNIGR8-00378-00110500-00110843 And the reason for this is that the Cypress boards gNG66CNIGR8-00379-00110843-00111169 come with some development kit and within this there are gNG66CNIGR8-00380-00111169-00111630 some symbol leaks but the problem here is there's nothing gNG66CNIGR8-00381-00111630-00111767 mentioned with WLAN. gNG66CNIGR8-00382-00111767-00112149 And so, there probably is no WLAN RAM sharing I thought, gNG66CNIGR8-00383-00112149-00112507 maybe it's just another route for the enhanced coexistence gNG66CNIGR8-00384-00112507-00112906 mappings but then there was also another part of symbols gNG66CNIGR8-00385-00112906-00113163 and I was able to obtain a RAM image. gNG66CNIGR8-00386-00113163-00113384 And it's not from a development board but actually from gNG66CNIGR8-00387-00113384-00113747 a MacBook and within those symbols there suddenly were gNG66CNIGR8-00388-00113747-00114078 a few called WLAN buff something. gNG66CNIGR8-00389-00114078-00114578 So, it looked a bit like probably the shared RAM. gNG66CNIGR8-00390-00114681-00114913 But it routes just functions and then I analyze those gNG66CNIGR8-00391-00114913-00115243 functions and there was one function that was polling gNG66CNIGR8-00392-00115243-00115594 somewhere in the 0x680000 region. gNG66CNIGR8-00393-00115594-00115985 And actually, when I saw this then I tried to read it, gNG66CNIGR8-00394-00115985-00116222 it sometimes crashes if you don't do it in the right order gNG66CNIGR8-00395-00116222-00116470 and so on but in the beginning of the section, gNG66CNIGR8-00396-00116470-00116970 I actually saw, wow, there is a string 0x80211-something, gNG66CNIGR8-00397-00117022-00117157 on the device where I did this. gNG66CNIGR8-00398-00117157-00117433 And then I was like, probably I'm already in there. gNG66CNIGR8-00399-00117433-00117854 Still to confirm it, I instead tried writing to it. gNG66CNIGR8-00400-00117854-00118259 And when I write to this, what happens is that quite often gNG66CNIGR8-00401-00118259-00118384 the WiFi crashes. gNG66CNIGR8-00402-00118384-00118640 So within Bluetooth, I write into those registers gNG66CNIGR8-00403-00118640-00118850 and suddenly WiFi crashes. gNG66CNIGR8-00404-00118850-00119111 And the nice part about a WiFi crash is that on a couple gNG66CNIGR8-00405-00119111-00119546 of devices, this is causing a crash dump and this crash dump gNG66CNIGR8-00406-00119546-00119898 actually contains parts of the RAM image. gNG66CNIGR8-00407-00119898-00120218 So, I could write data that I know and try to find the same gNG66CNIGR8-00408-00120218-00120565 data again to make the mapping and find how WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00409-00120565-00120792 and Bluetooth are mapped into each other. gNG66CNIGR8-00410-00120792-00121248 And also it revealed a couple of function pointers. gNG66CNIGR8-00411-00121248-00121586 So, within the function pointer table I was just overwriting gNG66CNIGR8-00412-00121586-00121827 a couple of pointers and it turned out that gNG66CNIGR8-00413-00121827-00122033 if you're in this position there is a pointer table gNG66CNIGR8-00414-00122033-00122271 and when I write to this I can get the program counter gNG66CNIGR8-00415-00122271-00122529 under control so, I can write to RAM, I can set the program gNG66CNIGR8-00416-00122529-00122864 RAM too so, I can have code execution gNG66CNIGR8-00417-00122864-00123105 and that was really amazing. gNG66CNIGR8-00418-00123105-00123360 I have a demo video for this on a MacBook. gNG66CNIGR8-00419-00123360-00123582 The mapping is slightly different so, on the left hand side gNG66CNIGR8-00420-00123582-00123959 I use internal blue to write assembly instructions gNG66CNIGR8-00421-00123959-00124145 because I'm just writing within a function gNG66CNIGR8-00422-00124145-00124404 and not within a function pointer. gNG66CNIGR8-00423-00124404-00124726 And then on the right hand side, you see the WiFi crash logs gNG66CNIGR8-00424-00124726-00125018 on macOS and you can see that I can get a program counter gNG66CNIGR8-00425-00125018-00125146 under control. gNG66CNIGR8-00426-00125146-00125414 And this is how fast this attack works so, gNG66CNIGR8-00427-00125414-00125694 just within Bluetooth I can get code execution in WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00428-00125974-00126307 The interesting part here is that I couldn't find this area gNG66CNIGR8-00429-00126307-00126646 on a Nexus 5 so, either it's not mapped at all gNG66CNIGR8-00430-00126646-00126824 or it's mapped to a different region. gNG66CNIGR8-00431-00126824-00127117 Even though this was the one that I initially had gNG66CNIGR8-00432-00127222-00127458 as the idea like, from this data sheet there must be this gNG66CNIGR8-00433-00127458-00127783 WiFi RAM sharing but so this one, I didn't find it. gNG66CNIGR8-00434-00127783-00128107 Then there are a couple of devices where within gNG66CNIGR8-00435-00128107-00128533 the RAM dump you can even find a 0x680000 and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00436-00128533-00128869 So, you know that in the firmware this is used gNG66CNIGR8-00437-00128869-00129115 and on those also the attack works. gNG66CNIGR8-00438-00129115-00129319 The fun part here is that the MacBook, gNG66CNIGR8-00439-00129319-00129570 I don't have it with me, I just have the this dump gNG66CNIGR8-00440-00129570-00129897 so, I couldn't try it on my own on this MacBook but gNG66CNIGR8-00441-00129897-00130290 at least I know it should work because the symbol is there. gNG66CNIGR8-00442-00130290-00130514 And in the newest devices, gNG66CNIGR8-00443-00130514-00131014 this register is never ever mentioned in the firmware gNG66CNIGR8-00444-00131015-00131147 but still the attack works. gNG66CNIGR8-00445-00131147-00131433 So, it's probably a feature that has been abandoned gNG66CNIGR8-00446-00131433-00131716 and it's not longer used but still we can use it gNG66CNIGR8-00447-00131716-00131984 for this type of attack on all those devices. gNG66CNIGR8-00448-00132303-00132669 The even more fun part is that sometimes I got, again, gNG66CNIGR8-00449-00132669-00132983 issues with PCI express, so why is that? gNG66CNIGR8-00450-00133124-00133411 On all those chips I had no idea of what exactly gNG66CNIGR8-00451-00133411-00133685 I was doing so, I mean, yes, there is the mapping gNG66CNIGR8-00452-00133685-00133976 but I first of all need to get the chip to crash, gNG66CNIGR8-00453-00133976-00134341 to get this RAM image and then I need to load it into IDA gNG66CNIGR8-00454-00134341-00134620 and analyze it and somehow find a place to get gNG66CNIGR8-00455-00134620-00134814 code execution for each chip. gNG66CNIGR8-00456-00134814-00135068 And so I was just writing certain things and then again, gNG66CNIGR8-00457-00135068-00135237 like sometimes finding a pattern again gNG66CNIGR8-00458-00135237-00135552 and when I find the pattern like in the program counter gNG66CNIGR8-00459-00135552-00135746 then I probably have code execution. gNG66CNIGR8-00460-00135746-00136083 So, this was roughly my approach. gNG66CNIGR8-00461-00136083-00136427 And then on a couple of devices this turned out to be a very gNG66CNIGR8-00462-00136427-00136730 efficient puzzle so, just flipping a couple of bytes gNG66CNIGR8-00463-00136730-00137185 somewhere in the shared memory between WiFi and Bluetooth gNG66CNIGR8-00464-00137185-00137606 was sufficient to get kernel panics on a couple of devices. gNG66CNIGR8-00465-00137606-00137760 So, sometimes just perfect crashes gNG66CNIGR8-00466-00137760-00138005 but sometimes even kernel panics. gNG66CNIGR8-00467-00138005-00138249 And this is interesting because there are, of course, gNG66CNIGR8-00468-00138249-00138696 also some memory areas that are used for the PCI Express gNG66CNIGR8-00469-00138696-00139021 queue between the WiFi chip and the host and so on gNG66CNIGR8-00470-00139021-00139285 or it might just simply block something within gNG66CNIGR8-00471-00139285-00139537 the communication, between the WiFi chip and the host. gNG66CNIGR8-00472-00139537-00139871 And depending on this, it can already cause a reboot. gNG66CNIGR8-00473-00139871-00140371 So, with the super sympathizer of just flipping some bytes gNG66CNIGR8-00474-00140400-00140748 or sending some bytes, you can reboot devices. gNG66CNIGR8-00475-00140748-00141003 And this is a capture of this. gNG66CNIGR8-00476-00141003-00141323 I just use an iPhone 6 because on this one, it's very fast. gNG66CNIGR8-00477-00141323-00141576 It also works on a couple of other devices. gNG66CNIGR8-00478-00141576-00141817 And you can see first of all, WiFi is switched off. gNG66CNIGR8-00479-00141817-00142090 So, that's on the left hand side and then gNG66CNIGR8-00480-00142090-00142313 the device is already rebooting. gNG66CNIGR8-00481-00142778-00143045 Now you might wonder what the patch looks like. gNG66CNIGR8-00482-00143045-00143315 And I mean a lot of this is in hardware so, gNG66CNIGR8-00483-00143315-00143476 you cannot really patch it. gNG66CNIGR8-00484-00143476-00143849 But what I have seen in a couple of devices is that gNG66CNIGR8-00485-00143849-00144076 they are now blocking the communication. gNG66CNIGR8-00486-00144076-00144373 So, after the Bluetooth chip is initialized gNG66CNIGR8-00487-00144373-00144546 by the Bluetooth daemon, gNG66CNIGR8-00488-00144546-00145046 the Bluetooth chip is then blocking any read RAM commands gNG66CNIGR8-00489-00145082-00145413 or at least writing, the reading is only blocked gNG66CNIGR8-00490-00145413-00145821 on a few devices but writing is blocked on all newer gNG66CNIGR8-00491-00145821-00146009 chips as far as I've seen. gNG66CNIGR8-00492-00146094-00146524 And now the thing is that this prevents at least attacks gNG66CNIGR8-00493-00146524-00146886 where the Bluetooth daemon would try to get code execution gNG66CNIGR8-00494-00146886-00147191 within WiFi so, that's like this path but what is not gNG66CNIGR8-00495-00147191-00147522 prevented by this is if you have remote code execution gNG66CNIGR8-00496-00147522-00147885 over the air and then escalate into WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00497-00147885-00148193 or if you just know that the timing between the WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00498-00148193-00148564 and Bluetooth is a fixed one by now and use the known gNG66CNIGR8-00499-00148564-00148858 timing which is not random because of some things gNG66CNIGR8-00500-00148858-00149103 sent over the air but actually like predictable gNG66CNIGR8-00501-00149103-00149325 because of coexistence schemes. gNG66CNIGR8-00502-00149325-00149622 This might also be a thing that's exploitable here. gNG66CNIGR8-00503-00149622-00149898 But at least they added this to the attack model gNG66CNIGR8-00504-00149898-00150237 that suddenly Bluetooth might be able to attack WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00505-00150237-00150440 And because of this, this part is now blocked gNG66CNIGR8-00506-00150440-00150640 because you can block this quite easily. gNG66CNIGR8-00507-00150909-00151174 And now, I mentioned in the beginning that this might gNG66CNIGR8-00508-00151174-00151403 also apply to other chips. gNG66CNIGR8-00509-00151403-00151723 And now the question here is like, what are the chips? gNG66CNIGR8-00510-00151834-00152123 If you look into the Bluetooth specification gNG66CNIGR8-00511-00152123-00152335 and read it backwards because, I mean, gNG66CNIGR8-00512-00152335-00152591 I'm a Reverse Engineer so I also read the specifications gNG66CNIGR8-00513-00152591-00152970 backwards obviously, what you can see on the last page gNG66CNIGR8-00514-00152970-00153191 is the Bluetooth logo and on the second last page gNG66CNIGR8-00515-00153191-00153480 it already starts with the mobile wireless standards. gNG66CNIGR8-00516-00153594-00153922 I guess it's another serial protocol gNG66CNIGR8-00517-00153922-00154310 which is used between WiFi and Bluetooth chips gNG66CNIGR8-00518-00154310-00154513 or Bluetooth chips and LTE. gNG66CNIGR8-00519-00154513-00154909 And they are also sending activity information gNG66CNIGR8-00520-00154909-00155070 and so on over UART. gNG66CNIGR8-00521-00155070-00155263 And then there is another thing that goes via gNG66CNIGR8-00522-00155263-00155624 the operating system to initially configure it. gNG66CNIGR8-00523-00155624-00155881 And this one is also used on iPhones. gNG66CNIGR8-00524-00155881-00156159 So, I saw it on an iPhone so probably is also tech gNG66CNIGR8-00525-00156159-00156259 that belong to them. gNG66CNIGR8-00526-00156395-00156556 And because everyone has some gNG66CNIGR8-00527-00156556-00156775 proprietary coexistence features, gNG66CNIGR8-00528-00156775-00157068 we asked Broadcom if we can also include other manufacturers gNG66CNIGR8-00529-00157068-00157280 in the responsible disclosure process. gNG66CNIGR8-00530-00157280-00157470 And they said, yes we can. gNG66CNIGR8-00531-00157470-00157842 And so we informed a couple of those who at least mentioned gNG66CNIGR8-00532-00157842-00158170 that they have coexistence in their data sheets and so on. gNG66CNIGR8-00533-00158170-00158438 And some of their responses were like, that this doesn't gNG66CNIGR8-00534-00158438-00158907 really apply to them because there are some chips that have gNG66CNIGR8-00535-00158907-00159271 just one core that handles multiple wireless protocols. gNG66CNIGR8-00536-00159271-00159664 So by definition, that wouldn't be a attackable gNG66CNIGR8-00537-00159664-00160009 in the sense of, you already have code execution either way. gNG66CNIGR8-00538-00160009-00160244 So, a Bluetooth Remote Code Execution is automatically gNG66CNIGR8-00539-00160244-00160462 a WiFi a Remote Code Execution gNG66CNIGR8-00540-00160462-00160850 but of course there might be other sections like, gNG66CNIGR8-00541-00160850-00161234 I can now from the timing of WiFi frames that I send gNG66CNIGR8-00542-00161234-00161327 on an upload gNG66CNIGR8-00543-00161327-00161827 maybe predict how the typing on a keyboard or something was gNG66CNIGR8-00544-00161932-00162231 for example or how the activity was on the other gNG66CNIGR8-00545-00162231-00162333 via this core. gNG66CNIGR8-00546-00162333-00162596 And this might be something that could still be possible gNG66CNIGR8-00547-00162596-00162950 even though the code execution is kind of by design gNG66CNIGR8-00548-00162950-00163235 that cannot be prevented, there might be further attacks. gNG66CNIGR8-00549-00163467-00163639 And as a summary, so, what we reached is, gNG66CNIGR8-00550-00163639-00163861 if you have a Bluetooth remote code execution gNG66CNIGR8-00551-00163861-00164237 on a Broadcom chip, you can now cause driver kernel panics gNG66CNIGR8-00552-00164237-00164476 get information disclosure about WiFi gNG66CNIGR8-00553-00164476-00164703 and even code execution within WiFi. gNG66CNIGR8-00554-00164703-00164834 And the other way round if you have gNG66CNIGR8-00555-00164834-00165093 a WiFi Remote Code Execution you can now do gNG66CNIGR8-00556-00165093-00165380 denial-of-service against Bluetooth and also get information gNG66CNIGR8-00557-00165380-00165520 disclosure within Bluetooth. gNG66CNIGR8-00558-00165770-00166060 If you have further questions there will be a Q&A session. gNG66CNIGR8-00559-00166060-00166259 And you can of course, also reach me on Twitter gNG66CNIGR8-00560-00166259-00166581 or you can write an email to Francesco and me. gNG66CNIGR8-00561-00166581-00166686 Thanks for listening. gp-G5I4hsz4-00000-00000000-00000914 Welcome to the Business Library. I'm Melissa Johnson and this video will demonstrate how to find automatic citations in Business ... gp-G5I4hsz4-00001-00000914-00001036 Insights: Global. gp-G5I4hsz4-00002-00001060-00001589 In this example, we are viewing the Company History page for Whole Foods Market, Inc. gp-G5I4hsz4-00003-00001596-00002257 In the upper-right of the page, you will see a notebook icon. For any page that this notebook icon appears ... gp-G5I4hsz4-00004-00002257-00002648 in Business Insights: Global, you can follow these same steps. gp-G5I4hsz4-00005-00002672-00003426 Click on the icon and then choose APA6. You can choose to download the citation. It will download as an ... gp-G5I4hsz4-00006-00003426-00003863 HTML version which you can open as a new tab in the browser. gp-G5I4hsz4-00007-00003900-00004624 Alternately, you can export the APA6 citation to your RefWorks account if you have that set up already. gp-G5I4hsz4-00008-00004636-00005312 As a reminder, since the citation is computer generated, you may need to fix parts of it. For the most ... gp-G5I4hsz4-00009-00005312-00005942 part, your work is done. You can copy and paste the citation to use in presentations or papers. gp-G5I4hsz4-00010-00005976-00006751 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Business Library for more information. gRDdWl96Pec-00000-00000110-00001910 Junior Men's Four - Heat 1 gRDdWl96Pec-00002-00007709-00009710 Junior Men's Four - Heat 2 gRDdWl96Pec-00004-00015610-00017810 Junior Men's Four - Heat 3 gRDdWl96Pec-00006-00024410-00026510 Junior Men's Four - Rep 1 gRDdWl96Pec-00008-00032610-00034810 Junior Men's Four - Rep 2 gRDdWl96Pec-00010-00041410-00043510 Junior Men's Four - S-Final A/B 1 gRDdWl96Pec-00012-00049910-00051710 Junior Men's Four - S-Final A/B 2 gRDdWl96Pec-00014-00056910-00059110 Junior Men's Four - Final C gRDdWl96Pec-00016-00065510-00067310 Junior Men's Four - Final B gRDdWl96Pec-00018-00072610-00074910 Junior Men's Four - Final A gRDdWl96Pec-00021-00085910-00087510 2: [2] Spain - 06:06.7 gRDdWl96Pec-00022-00087510-00090010 3: [4] Romania - 06:07.0 gShf-PD09iE-00000-00000000-00000096 Use Headphone gShf-PD09iE-00001-00003192-00003292 Subscribe our Channel gUoRVCFaL5y-00000-00002507-00002607 foreign gUoRVCFaL5y-00001-00002607-00002888 [Music] gUoRVCFaL5y-00002-00002888-00003241 [Music] gUoRVCFaL5y-00003-00003241-00003596 [Music] gUoRVCFaL5y-00004-00003596-00004090 [Music] install over gUJi-jXVowQ-00000-00000033-00000166 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. gUJi-jXVowQ-00001-00000166-00000367 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. gUJi-jXVowQ-00002-00000367-00000500 FLEET MASTER CHIEF STEVEN S. gUJi-jXVowQ-00003-00000500-00000737 GIORDANO RELIEVED MCPON MIKE STEVENS DURING HIS gUJi-jXVowQ-00004-00000737-00000944 RETIREMENT AND CHANGE OF OFFICE CEREMONY IN gUJi-jXVowQ-00005-00000944-00001111 WASHINGTON DC. gUJi-jXVowQ-00006-00001111-00001398 STEVENS SERVED AS THE 13TH MCPON AND SERVED OVER 33 gUJi-jXVowQ-00007-00001398-00001514 YEARS OF ACTIVE SERVICE. gUJi-jXVowQ-00008-00001514-00001778 MCPON GIORDANO RECIEVED THE CUTLASS FROM STEVEN'S, gUJi-jXVowQ-00009-00001778-00002095 ACCEPTING DUTY AS THE 14TH MCPON OF THE US NAVY. gUJi-jXVowQ-00010-00002202-00002432 CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ADMIRAL JOHN RICHARDSON gUJi-jXVowQ-00011-00002432-00002645 WILL HOST THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL SEAPOWER gUJi-jXVowQ-00012-00002645-00002909 SYMPOSIUM AT THE US NAVAL WAR COLLEGE IN RHODE gUJi-jXVowQ-00013-00002909-00003026 ISLAND. gUJi-jXVowQ-00014-00003026-00003253 SENIOR REPRESENITIVES FROM MORE THAN 110 COUNTRIES gUJi-jXVowQ-00015-00003253-00003486 ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND THE WORLD'S LARGEST MARITIME gUJi-jXVowQ-00016-00003486-00003596 CONFRENCE. gUJi-jXVowQ-00017-00003596-00003787 FOLLOWING THE RECENT ENGINEERING CASULTY ON USS gUJi-jXVowQ-00018-00003787-00003987 FREEDOM, COMMANDER NAVAL SURFACE FORCES ORDERED AND gUJi-jXVowQ-00019-00003987-00004090 ENGINEERING STAND DOWN. gUJi-jXVowQ-00020-00004090-00004287 THE PURPOSE OF THE STAND DOWN IS TO REVIEW gUJi-jXVowQ-00021-00004287-00004684 PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR THEIR ENGINEERING gUJi-jXVowQ-00022-00004684-00004798 DEPARTMENTS. gUJi-jXVowQ-00023-00004798-00004984 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND gUJi-jXVowQ-00024-00004984-00005185 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. gUTKPWdO240-00000-00000016-00000124 Let's see how to create new Linux AMI and connect through MobaXTrem gUTKPWdO240-00001-00000150-00000292 Prerequisites needed before this video are AWS Login and MobaXTerm application gUTKPWdO240-00002-00001446-00001882 Sign in to your AWS login gUTKPWdO240-00003-00005748-00006116 For free tier login we need to select t2.micro Instance gUTKPWdO240-00004-00006236-00006795 Select Defaut VPC. It willhave all the necessary settings required for connection gUTKPWdO240-00005-00007052-00007538 Check no. of instances. If more than one instance is required it can be entered here gUTKPWdO240-00006-00007759-00008272 If any specific IAM role is needed it can be used. Else it can be set to None gUTKPWdO240-00007-00009966-00010222 Give appropriate name to the Instance gUTKPWdO240-00008-00011112-00011448 Make sure SSH port no. 22 is added in security group gUTKPWdO240-00009-00011952-00012112 Now Launch the Instance gUTKPWdO240-00010-00012168-00012496 Create New Key Pair and name it. It can be reused next time once created gUTKPWdO240-00011-00012976-00013240 Now download the Key Pair to use it later gUTKPWdO240-00012-00017148-00018552 Once the Instance Status shows running copy the Public IP to connect it with MobaXterm gUTKPWdO240-00013-00022562-00022690 Now open MobaXTerm gUTKPWdO240-00014-00024230-00024630 Now enter the public IP and then specify username as EC2-user gUTKPWdO240-00015-00024632-00025080 Now click on Advanced settings and select Use private Key check box gUTKPWdO240-00016-00025102-00025948 Select the downloaded *.pem file that was created when Instance was launched gUTKPWdO240-00017-00027662-00027894 Now the Linux Instance is Launched gUTKPWdO240-00018-00028318-00028598 Type 'sudo su' command to work as root user gUTKPWdO240-00019-00028906-00029730 Thanks for watching the video! Subscribe for more video on AWS gXsinknNTdo-00000-00000408-00000508 What's up Coffee Explorers? gXsinknNTdo-00001-00000508-00000617 I'm sitting here at the Wayward Coffee Company in Dallas, Texas. gXsinknNTdo-00002-00000617-00001559 stick around to see what happens. gXsinknNTdo-00003-00001559-00002061 Before we head on over to the coffee shop, let's go check out some of Dallas's most important gXsinknNTdo-00004-00002061-00004137 history. gXsinknNTdo-00006-00012172-00012510 was allegedly at when he allegedly shot JFK. gXsinknNTdo-00007-00012510-00012848 That "X" is where the first bullet hit. gXsinknNTdo-00008-00012848-00013950 And up there is a grassy knoll. gXsinknNTdo-00011-00025923-00026084 purple caturra from Colombia. gXsinknNTdo-00012-00026084-00026184 Should be pretty tasty. gXsinknNTdo-00013-00026184-00026284 Can't wait to try it out. gXsinknNTdo-00014-00026284-00026384 17 gXsinknNTdo-00016-00029688-00029788 it is. gXsinknNTdo-00017-00029788-00029888 Oh boy! gXsinknNTdo-00018-00029888-00030112 Look at that in the light. gXsinknNTdo-00019-00030112-00030238 It's even purple! gXsinknNTdo-00020-00030238-00030925 That's not normal, but I just thought it would see that gXsinknNTdo-00021-00030925-00032291 What am I tasting there? gXsinknNTdo-00022-00032291-00034540 So there's some depth and a hint of black sugar and a black sugar brown sugar. gXsinknNTdo-00023-00034540-00034883 It's really fruity. gXsinknNTdo-00024-00034883-00035100 Kind of like a plum. gXsinknNTdo-00025-00035100-00035999 A little bit peachy in there as well. gXsinknNTdo-00026-00035999-00036543 It's got some really nice earth tones to it. gXsinknNTdo-00027-00036543-00037255 Yeah, it's... it's a really unique coffee. gXsinknNTdo-00028-00037255-00037612 It's just got... gXsinknNTdo-00029-00037612-00038208 Oh, it's roasted to perfection. gXsinknNTdo-00030-00038208-00038999 I don't really have a whole lot to say... gXsinknNTdo-00031-00038999-00039424 This coffee is absolutely amazing! gXsinknNTdo-00032-00039424-00040210 Yeah, brown sugar, peach, plum, a little bit of earth tones to it. gXsinknNTdo-00033-00040210-00040488 Kind of woody. gXsinknNTdo-00034-00040488-00041358 Definitely, something that I wish I had a big bag of to take home with me but they seemed gXsinknNTdo-00035-00041358-00041780 to be out of it for the time being, but that's okay. gXsinknNTdo-00036-00041780-00042330 If I would say if you want to go to the Wayward Coffee Company in Dallas, Texas... gXsinknNTdo-00037-00042330-00042490 It's a hard yes! gXsinknNTdo-00038-00042490-00042706 Definitely, a hard yes! gXsinknNTdo-00039-00042706-00042806 Grab the pour-over. gXsinknNTdo-00040-00042806-00043002 They've got something called the flash brew. gXsinknNTdo-00041-00043002-00043267 I'm not even sure exactly what that is. gXsinknNTdo-00042-00043267-00043612 I probably should have got that instead, but whatever. gXsinknNTdo-00043-00043612-00044221 This cup of coffee ended up costing me $6 because it was at market price. gXsinknNTdo-00044-00044221-00044771 Totally worth grabbing on to. gXsinknNTdo-00045-00044771-00045219 That's gonna go ahead and conclude this little coffee shop tour of the Wayward coffee company gXsinknNTdo-00046-00045219-00045330 in Dallas, Texas. gXsinknNTdo-00047-00045330-00045608 I'll leave a link below to their website. gXsinknNTdo-00048-00045608-00046461 As always... like, subscribe, share with your friends, and sip exquisitely! gXsinknNTdo-00049-00046461-00046965 If you found any value or entertainment in this video I would definitely, definitely gXsinknNTdo-00050-00046965-00047508 appreciate it if you were to give the video a like and maybe even subscribe to my channel gXsinknNTdo-00051-00047508-00048283 and share it with your friends it would definitely help me with the algorithm that would be awesome. gXsinknNTdo-00052-00048283-00048334 Thanks gYc9z_ts8u0-00000-00001111-00001593 Mangle? She is broken! Why? gYc9z_ts8u0-00001-00002779-00002979 it smells really bad here gYc9z_ts8u0-00002-00004117-00004203 Jeremy?! gYc9z_ts8u0-00003-00005009-00005143 What the hell! gYc9z_ts8u0-00004-00005183-00005325 ugh!! gYc9z_ts8u0-00005-00005883-00006059 Who did this to you? gYc9z_ts8u0-00006-00006167-00006343 He don't have an arm gYc9z_ts8u0-00007-00006343-00006787 it seems like a week has passed since he died gYc9z_ts8u0-00008-00007727-00007884 What is that? gYc9z_ts8u0-00009-00008191-00008551 Springbonnie? What does this do here? gYc9z_ts8u0-00010-00009117-00009335 What? William?! gYc9z_ts8u0-00011-00009531-00009689 w-why he is here!? gYc9z_ts8u0-00012-00009689-00009927 W-WHO?! H-HOW?! gYc9z_ts8u0-00013-00010777-00011071 Something strange is happening here gYc9z_ts8u0-00014-00011109-00011303 I'd better close it gYc9z_ts8u0-00015-00011359-00011599 but what am I going to do with them? gYc9z_ts8u0-00016-00011623-00011829 I don't want to tell anyone about this gYc9z_ts8u0-00017-00011829-00012393 this will probably be in the news, and customers could be upset gYc9z_ts8u0-00018-00012405-00012671 and maybe they'll stop coming to the restaurant gYc9z_ts8u0-00019-00012723-00012938 I will talk with Tony gYc9z_ts8u0-00020-00012979-00013235 Maybe he can help me with this gYc9z_ts8u0-00021-00014925-00015093 good morning fazbear gYc9z_ts8u0-00022-00015129-00015285 good morning Tony gYc9z_ts8u0-00023-00015375-00015651 Wow! have you removed your mask? gYc9z_ts8u0-00024-00015659-00015915 Yes! it was time to take it off gYc9z_ts8u0-00025-00015977-00016087 Nice gYc9z_ts8u0-00026-00016249-00016377 ...Listen gYc9z_ts8u0-00027-00016419-00016717 I have called you on an important matter gYc9z_ts8u0-00028-00016727-00016859 What happen? gYc9z_ts8u0-00029-00016907-00017151 Do you Remember Springbonnie? gYc9z_ts8u0-00030-00017177-00017265 Yes... gYc9z_ts8u0-00031-00017823-00018023 You need to see this... gYc9z_ts8u0-00032-00018225-00018545 why would springbonnie be on the street? gYc9z_ts8u0-00033-00018577-00018697 Wait a minute gYc9z_ts8u0-00034-00018697-00018823 That´s not? gYc9z_ts8u0-00035-00018823-00019023 W-William? gYc9z_ts8u0-00036-00019023-00019361 H-He Is-is-is... gYc9z_ts8u0-00037-00019361-00019661 s-so much...Blood gYc9z_ts8u0-00038-00019661-00019825 Tony Tony TONY!! gYc9z_ts8u0-00039-00020863-00021031 Are you okey? gYc9z_ts8u0-00040-00021031-00021231 Yes... I´m okey gYc9z_ts8u0-00041-00021323-00021551 I'm sorry for show you that gYc9z_ts8u0-00042-00021559-00021759 I hadn't thought you were going to... gYc9z_ts8u0-00043-00021759-00022217 No, i´m sorry. I'm so sensitive for that things gYc9z_ts8u0-00044-00022347-00022615 well...Back to the topic gYc9z_ts8u0-00045-00022653-00022889 this morning I went to the local gYc9z_ts8u0-00046-00022889-00023089 to see how things were going gYc9z_ts8u0-00047-00023131-00023537 And I found my brother Jeremy death, and William too gYc9z_ts8u0-00048-00023817-00024211 I'm still wondering why William was in the suit gYc9z_ts8u0-00049-00024275-00024609 the other day I fired him for bad things he did gYc9z_ts8u0-00050-00024903-00025399 well...maybe he got mad, and he went to the local to get his way gYc9z_ts8u0-00051-00025577-00025708 that can be... gYc9z_ts8u0-00052-00025735-00026163 he destroy Mangle, and dressed in the springbonnie outfit gYc9z_ts8u0-00053-00026189-00026291 and also gYc9z_ts8u0-00054-00026291-00026677 how did he get inside if springbonnie is not a suit gYc9z_ts8u0-00055-00026687-00026967 that day I built the plastic robots gYc9z_ts8u0-00056-00026989-00027269 I made a hybrid similar to springbonnie gYc9z_ts8u0-00057-00027279-00027491 I put the same endoskeleton gYc9z_ts8u0-00058-00027508-00027785 just changed the layout a bit so it has two modes gYc9z_ts8u0-00059-00027819-00028095 An Animatronic mode, and suit Mode gYc9z_ts8u0-00060-00028108-00028333 for some entertainer to get inside gYc9z_ts8u0-00061-00028420-00028697 And William took advantage of that gYc9z_ts8u0-00062-00028773-00028973 you didn't tell me anything gYc9z_ts8u0-00063-00029055-00029235 but i like the idea gYc9z_ts8u0-00064-00029311-00029437 ...whatever gYc9z_ts8u0-00065-00029469-00029687 I don't know what to do with William and Jeremy gYc9z_ts8u0-00066-00029731-00030017 I don't want to tell anyone about this. gYc9z_ts8u0-00067-00030089-00030593 Maybe it's on the news and customers may stop coming to the restaurant. gYc9z_ts8u0-00068-00030631-00031052 can you tell me an idea about what i can do with them gYc9z_ts8u0-00069-00031093-00031485 let see... the place where this happened won't you open it? gYc9z_ts8u0-00070-00031577-00032069 no, I will sell it, and I am going to buy a new rental gYc9z_ts8u0-00071-00032181-00032275 All right... gYc9z_ts8u0-00072-00032291-00032909 in the new location we could hide William inside the suit in the parts and services room gYc9z_ts8u0-00073-00032909-00033199 and nobody can go there, we only gYc9z_ts8u0-00074-00033311-00033619 ummm... not bad gYc9z_ts8u0-00075-00033737-00033955 And what do you want to do with Jeremy? gYc9z_ts8u0-00076-00034027-00034643 I'm going to bury Jeremy in an open field, he liked those environments gYc9z_ts8u0-00077-00034735-00035055 well, you can do that with Springbonnie gYc9z_ts8u0-00078-00035203-00035369 Excellent gYc9z_ts8u0-00079-00035501-00035737 where you will buy the rental? gYc9z_ts8u0-00080-00035751-00035895 I don´t know for the moment gYc9z_ts8u0-00081-00035913-00036287 I will not buy anything until I sell this place. gYc9z_ts8u0-00082-00036325-00036707 I don't have enough money to buy a new place. gYc9z_ts8u0-00083-00036717-00037429 I just want to clarify that I won't be able to pay you anything until I open the restaurant doors again gYc9z_ts8u0-00084-00037585-00037825 All right... no Problemati gYc9z_ts8u0-00085-00038979-00039657 I just want you to remember that this is only between us. gYc9z_ts8u0-00086-00039657-00039867 don't tell anyone gYc9z_ts8u0-00087-00039867-00040025 understood? gYc9z_ts8u0-00088-00040249-00040539 The secret...Is safe... gYc9z_ts8u0-00089-00040963-00041069 Thanks tony... gYc9z_ts8u0-00090-00041301-00041467 You can go now gYc9z_ts8u0-00091-00042267-00042717 5 Months after... gYc9z_ts8u0-00092-00042933-00043133 Place, Rented. gYc9z_ts8u0-00093-00048375-00048927 To Be Continue... gZJsrJw8Fhk-00000-00000352-00001064 shalom and welcome to via hafta israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope gZJsrJw8Fhk-00001-00001064-00001560 you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching gZJsrJw8Fhk-00002-00001560-00002144 from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zehra avraham institute based in israel gZJsrJw8Fhk-00003-00002144-00002616 although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00004-00002616-00003168 weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web gZJsrJw8Fhk-00005-00003168-00003992 at loveisreal.org that's one word love israel dot o-r-g now here's baruch with today's lesson gZJsrJw8Fhk-00006-00004312-00005168 our subject this evening one man john the baptist and remember what yeshua said concerning him gZJsrJw8Fhk-00007-00005248-00006120 when he spoke of john and he said of those born of women meaning in a natural way no one has gZJsrJw8Fhk-00008-00006120-00006840 risen greater than john the baptist so one of the questions that we have to ask ourselves is this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00009-00006928-00007920 what made john so great what was it that yeshua jesus of nazareth nazareth saul in him that caused gZJsrJw8Fhk-00010-00007920-00008728 him to say those words take out your bible and look with me to the book of matthew and chapter gZJsrJw8Fhk-00011-00008728-00009608 14. now normally when people talk about john the baptist we can think about the fact that he ate gZJsrJw8Fhk-00012-00009608-00010464 some peculiar food likewise he dressed in a unique way and not only that even though the scripture gZJsrJw8Fhk-00013-00010464-00011368 says he was a priest he was not serving in jerusalem why was that because of the corruption gZJsrJw8Fhk-00014-00011368-00012248 which dominated that city and the leadership both the romans and the sanhedrin the jewish government gZJsrJw8Fhk-00015-00012336-00013263 and where was john most of the time he was in the desert the wilderness by the jordan river and what gZJsrJw8Fhk-00016-00013263-00013960 is he first and foremost known for well every time almost that he's mentioned in the scripture gZJsrJw8Fhk-00017-00014016-00014760 we speak about john the baptist and when you hear that term baptism what comes into your mind gZJsrJw8Fhk-00018-00014847-00015616 the right response should be repentance john called the people to repentance gZJsrJw8Fhk-00019-00015616-00016568 and unfortunately today repentance isn't spoken about as it should be it is ignored many places gZJsrJw8Fhk-00020-00016632-00017656 in fact i wonder if john were to be alive now in our generation i wonder if he could get a job gZJsrJw8Fhk-00021-00017656-00018584 as a preacher in some prestigious church no my concern is this that i think john would be gZJsrJw8Fhk-00022-00018584-00019624 rejected because of the power of his words because of the commitment that he demanded because of his gZJsrJw8Fhk-00023-00019624-00020592 primary message and that was repentance realize something there is scripturally a relationship gZJsrJw8Fhk-00024-00020592-00021592 between repentance and obedience when one repents they repent from disobedience disobedience that gZJsrJw8Fhk-00025-00021592-00022456 manifests itself in sin and when someone bears fruit worthy of repentance they're going to be gZJsrJw8Fhk-00026-00022536-00023232 doing the will of god they're going to be walking in obedience to the purposes gZJsrJw8Fhk-00027-00023232-00023984 of god so this baptism of repentance was a call to obedience remember something gZJsrJw8Fhk-00028-00024048-00024824 when messiah himself was immersed by john remember what happened there was a voice gZJsrJw8Fhk-00029-00024824-00025504 when messiah came up from the water having been baptized we know something that voice that shouted gZJsrJw8Fhk-00030-00025568-00026295 this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased why well yeshua's baptism had a gZJsrJw8Fhk-00031-00026295-00027136 purpose it was to demonstrate to his heavenly father his obedience that he was going to go gZJsrJw8Fhk-00032-00027136-00027776 to jerusalem that he was going to do the work that his father sent him into the world to do gZJsrJw8Fhk-00033-00027839-00028632 and that was to die upon that cross that he would be buried but on the third day he would rise again gZJsrJw8Fhk-00034-00028712-00029536 and remember what paul spoke of how we in romans chapter 6 paul says that we were buried with gZJsrJw8Fhk-00035-00029536-00030456 messiah in the likeness of death and likewise we will be united with him in resurrection and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00036-00030456-00031312 all of that signifies one thing that we just like messiah obeyed his father's will true repentance gZJsrJw8Fhk-00037-00031368-00032192 understanding the work of messiah it produces in our life obedience now we're not saved by gZJsrJw8Fhk-00038-00032192-00033016 our obedience we're saved by grace based upon the work of messiah what he did upon that cross gZJsrJw8Fhk-00039-00033072-00033864 his shedding of his blood but having received that grace by faith make no mistake about it we're gZJsrJw8Fhk-00040-00033864-00034712 called to bear fruit worthy of repentance and what does that mean it means obeying god's will gZJsrJw8Fhk-00041-00034776-00035576 doing his will so with that said take out your bible and look with me to the book of matthew gZJsrJw8Fhk-00042-00035576-00036760 and chapter 14. the book of matthew chapter 14. and notice how this first verse begins we read in gZJsrJw8Fhk-00043-00036760-00037600 that time and whenever we hear an expression like that in that time the reader should ask himself gZJsrJw8Fhk-00044-00037712-00038400 what time are we referring to what is the context what has just happened and you'll remember that gZJsrJw8Fhk-00045-00038400-00039520 you're sure he was in his own city in nazareth and there it says something at the end of chapter 13 gZJsrJw8Fhk-00046-00039592-00040448 because of unbelief and remember what i said at the conclusion last week that phrase unbelief gZJsrJw8Fhk-00047-00040512-00041224 means literally against faith it doesn't mean that they didn't understand what faith was gZJsrJw8Fhk-00048-00041224-00041952 it means that they were opposed to faith and because of that he did not do many miracles gZJsrJw8Fhk-00049-00042024-00042888 they didn't witness the power of yeshua and when we speak about faithlessness when we speak about gZJsrJw8Fhk-00050-00042888-00043576 unbelieving you know should come into our mind well look again at our texts matthew 14 verse 1 gZJsrJw8Fhk-00051-00043648-00044376 here is a a poster boy for unbelief and being against faith and whom i'm speaking about gZJsrJw8Fhk-00052-00044448-00045432 well it says in that time herod the tetriarch now this is a leader he was a leader over four over gZJsrJw8Fhk-00053-00045432-00046264 one of four areas of israel he had great influence he was an important man and those what it says gZJsrJw8Fhk-00054-00046264-00047432 about him herod the patriarch he heard the report of yeshua he heard about what jesus was doing the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00055-00047432-00048136 mighty deeds the miracles the powerful teaching how he was impacting individuals gZJsrJw8Fhk-00056-00048192-00048984 for the kingdom of god and notice the conclusion that herod and again we're not speaking about gZJsrJw8Fhk-00057-00048984-00049840 herod the great he's already long gone we're speaking about one called herod the tratriarch and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00058-00049840-00050904 it says here in our text look now to verse 2 and he said to his servants this is john the baptist gZJsrJw8Fhk-00059-00050976-00051904 now understand something he says when he hears about one doing great things kingdom things gZJsrJw8Fhk-00060-00051904-00052696 speaking about the kingdom about turning to god because realize something yeshua's message was the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00061-00052696-00053584 same message of john the baptist when john stood at the jordan river what did he say he said repent gZJsrJw8Fhk-00062-00053648-00054384 for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and when yeshua began to preach what was his first message gZJsrJw8Fhk-00063-00054448-00055112 look sometime we studied it several months ago from matthew chapter 4 and verse 17 when yeshua gZJsrJw8Fhk-00064-00055112-00056104 said the same words repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so john and yeshua they had gZJsrJw8Fhk-00065-00056104-00056791 the same message repentance but again we don't hear too much about repentance today gZJsrJw8Fhk-00066-00056855-00057872 we don't hear too many messages that produces conviction that points out sin that's not popular gZJsrJw8Fhk-00067-00057872-00058472 that's not what's pleasing to people that's not going to fill a stadium that's not going to sell gZJsrJw8Fhk-00068-00058472-00059255 many books that's true it won't but it'll be pleasing to god because god calls people to gZJsrJw8Fhk-00069-00059255-00059896 repentance and if you're not living a repentant life that is if you're not turning away from sin gZJsrJw8Fhk-00070-00059967-00060544 and embracing the word of god you're not going to be pleasing to god you're not going to be gZJsrJw8Fhk-00071-00060544-00061336 in his will you're not going to be someone who's hearing the guidance of the holy spirit so herod gZJsrJw8Fhk-00072-00061336-00062432 he heard about the word and the deed of yeshua and what did he say he said unto his servants this is gZJsrJw8Fhk-00073-00062432-00063640 john the baptist he has been risen from the dead now very important from the dead resurrection and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00074-00063640-00064384 whenever we see in the scripture a reference to resurrection what should come into our mind gZJsrJw8Fhk-00075-00064464-00065296 the answer is the kingdom there is an inherent relationship in the scripture between resurrection gZJsrJw8Fhk-00076-00065296-00066184 and the kingdom of god so when he heard about one speaking teaching concerning the kingdom gZJsrJw8Fhk-00077-00066184-00067016 and doing kingdom deeds bringing kingdom order into people's life works of restoration he knew gZJsrJw8Fhk-00078-00067072-00067768 that john had spoken of the kingdom and he incorrectly assumed that this yeshua that this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00079-00067768-00068584 has john the baptist having been raised from the dead and look at this next phrase and on account gZJsrJw8Fhk-00080-00068584-00069416 of this now the question we should ask ourselves because by the way that expression on account of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00081-00069416-00070304 this it is emphatic in the original language that means that the author was inspired to emphasize gZJsrJw8Fhk-00082-00070368-00071232 that statement that phrase on account of this what was this john took a stand and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00083-00071232-00071808 we'll see this in no uncertain terms it's not an issue of interpretation gZJsrJw8Fhk-00084-00071808-00072384 it's not what i think and other people think differently the text emphatically states this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00085-00072464-00073312 what is this that that herod believed brought about this this powerful deeds of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00086-00073384-00074056 this one yeshua who he mistakenly thought it was john the baptist having been raised from the dead gZJsrJw8Fhk-00087-00074056-00074808 well we'll tell you what that is but notice what the outcome was look at the end of verse 2 gZJsrJw8Fhk-00088-00074888-00075896 we have the word power but it's in the plural and it speaks of power to do great things miraculous gZJsrJw8Fhk-00089-00075896-00076904 power to do great deeds and he says it's through this power that that these great deeds are done in gZJsrJw8Fhk-00090-00076904-00077736 him meaning in what he thinks is john the baptist but literally it is yeshua why did he think this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00091-00077736-00078776 now look at verse 3 for herod had seized john why and this seizing means he had arrested him gZJsrJw8Fhk-00092-00078832-00079688 and we know the rest of the story but keep reading for herod had seized john and bound him and placed gZJsrJw8Fhk-00093-00079688-00080928 him in prison why on account of a woman herodius now herodias she had been married previously gZJsrJw8Fhk-00094-00080928-00081880 to philip and philip was herod the patriarch's brother and here's the key according to the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00095-00081880-00082816 law of god according to the commandments of god in other words according to the torah it gZJsrJw8Fhk-00096-00082816-00083656 is not permissible that is it is forbidden for this herod even though he was a powerful man gZJsrJw8Fhk-00097-00083728-00084608 it was forbidden for him to take his brother's wife as his wife now and the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00098-00084608-00085368 torah teaches it and that's why keep reading look at the end of of verse verse 3 word says gZJsrJw8Fhk-00099-00085496-00086568 after binding john and placing him in prison on account of herodius the wife of philip his brother gZJsrJw8Fhk-00100-00086624-00087240 for he had said who's the he john for john had said this is verse 4 gZJsrJw8Fhk-00101-00087328-00088432 it is not lawful and there's another emphatic phrase what is that for you so john the baptist he gZJsrJw8Fhk-00102-00088432-00089264 says to this powerful man this governmental leader under the authority of rome with rome's support gZJsrJw8Fhk-00103-00089384-00090568 john says to simply it is not lawful for you to marry this woman your former wife of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00104-00090568-00091272 your brother it's not permissible according to the law of moses now pay attention gZJsrJw8Fhk-00105-00091400-00092208 see herod could have said but i love her so what she i believe is my destiny so what gZJsrJw8Fhk-00106-00092360-00093312 she satisfies she completes me no this is not god's will herod could even said god had told me gZJsrJw8Fhk-00107-00093384-00094096 that this is the right woman to marry no matter what herod may have said this is all speculation gZJsrJw8Fhk-00108-00094096-00094824 doesn't matter because there was no circumstance no words no event that would get gZJsrJw8Fhk-00109-00094824-00095936 john the baptist to say that this woman would be permissible to this man see in a rabbinical gZJsrJw8Fhk-00110-00095936-00096712 wedding the first thing that the officiant the rabbi says and there's a blessing that goes with gZJsrJw8Fhk-00111-00096712-00097512 it that the iraf and not just him but a committee in israel today the local rabbinical association gZJsrJw8Fhk-00112-00097608-00098336 checks out the couple and the first statement that is said in the marriage underneath the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00113-00098336-00099192 wedding canopy the chupa is that blessed be the lord the god of israel the king of the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00114-00099192-00100208 universe for this woman is permissible to this man if it's not permissible nothing can go on a gZJsrJw8Fhk-00115-00100208-00101072 wedding can't happen and john the baptist he's not influenced by power he's not influenced by gZJsrJw8Fhk-00116-00101128-00101800 the authority of the government what made him great why yeshua said of those born of women gZJsrJw8Fhk-00117-00101800-00102496 no one is greater than john the baptist is because john stood for scriptural integrity gZJsrJw8Fhk-00118-00102496-00103135 he had fidelity to the word of god and let me tell you something if your life doesn't reflect gZJsrJw8Fhk-00119-00103135-00103752 that same commitment to the scripture you're not going to be living in a way that's pleasing to god gZJsrJw8Fhk-00120-00103752-00104320 and you're not going to be experiencing the leadership the guidance of the holy spirit in gZJsrJw8Fhk-00121-00104320-00105008 your life and you're not going to have blessings from god now you might have worldly prosperity gZJsrJw8Fhk-00122-00105008-00105888 but you're not going to have the blessings of god look again at verse 4 for john had said to him it gZJsrJw8Fhk-00123-00105888-00106952 is not lawful for you to have her and because of that herod it says and he desired him meaning john gZJsrJw8Fhk-00124-00106952-00108000 the baptist to kill but because of fear from the crowd because as a prophet him meaning gZJsrJw8Fhk-00125-00108000-00108800 john the baptist they held so the crowds of people all the population they looked at john gZJsrJw8Fhk-00126-00108856-00109648 they saw his lifestyle they heard his words they saw how humble he was by the clothes he wore gZJsrJw8Fhk-00127-00109704-00110608 and how self-denial he practiced by the food he ate that the populace the crowds held him to be gZJsrJw8Fhk-00128-00110680-00111680 a prophet now look at verse six but and this means in contrast to everything we've seen gZJsrJw8Fhk-00129-00111768-00112424 herod did something it was his birthday and there was celebrating and in the midst of this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00130-00112424-00113311 birthday party what happened well we see the daughter of herodias this is herod's illawful gZJsrJw8Fhk-00131-00113368-00114359 wife and she had a daughter a daughter who was a young woman herself and what did she do she danced gZJsrJw8Fhk-00132-00114440-00115320 in the midst meaning in the midst of this crowd all who had gathered for this prestigious birthday gZJsrJw8Fhk-00133-00115320-00116111 party of of herod the tatriak and she dance and notice what it says keep reading second part of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00134-00116111-00117328 verse six and she pleased herod he was pleased by this look now to verse 7 wherefore with an oath gZJsrJw8Fhk-00135-00117383-00118696 he promised her to give whatever she has now this is vital we see that herod was so moved not moved gZJsrJw8Fhk-00136-00118696-00119680 by the word of god not moved by the commandments of god not interested in the will of god but when gZJsrJw8Fhk-00137-00119680-00120608 this young woman when she danced in the midst of this great birthday celebration before herod gZJsrJw8Fhk-00138-00120688-00121711 it pleased him this dance and what did he do in pride he says to her you know whatever you ask gZJsrJw8Fhk-00139-00121783-00122664 i am by oath will give to you and notice what he says as he continues he says very significantly gZJsrJw8Fhk-00140-00122728-00123408 she pleased them he says whatever you ask i will give to you in another scripture it says gZJsrJw8Fhk-00141-00123480-00124559 even unto half my kingdom and what happens look now to verse verse 8. but she being gZJsrJw8Fhk-00142-00124640-00125528 and the word here means to be instructed previously to be instructed previously by gZJsrJw8Fhk-00143-00125528-00126520 her mother what did she say she says give to me upon the platter the head of john the baptist gZJsrJw8Fhk-00144-00126624-00127311 now just doesn't say john but john the baptist why is that remember what i said earlier gZJsrJw8Fhk-00145-00127408-00128335 baptism relates to repentance and the world hates repentance because the spirit of repentance gZJsrJw8Fhk-00146-00128408-00129056 is the exact opposite it is against the spirit of this world the ways of this world gZJsrJw8Fhk-00147-00129120-00130135 so it was john's repentance his call to repent and john's commitment to the law of god and let me gZJsrJw8Fhk-00148-00130135-00130848 remind you that these two things go together what two things the spirit of repentance gZJsrJw8Fhk-00149-00130848-00131952 and the commandments of god these two things go hand in hand so she says give to me the head of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00150-00131952-00132760 john the baptist upon a platter and the king he was very this thing made him gZJsrJw8Fhk-00151-00132760-00133896 very sad but on account of the oath and on account of those who reclining that means those who were gZJsrJw8Fhk-00152-00133896-00134768 there at this party enjoying this celebration he commanded that that it be given verse 10 gZJsrJw8Fhk-00153-00134848-00136024 and he sent and beheaded john in the prison verse verse 11 and the head of his meaning gZJsrJw8Fhk-00154-00136024-00136936 john the baptist's head his head was brought to her on a platter and given given to this gZJsrJw8Fhk-00155-00136936-00137856 young woman and what did she do and she brought it to her mother now this is to say one thing gZJsrJw8Fhk-00156-00138080-00139096 what was still very active in this family was a fact that they were angry they had animosity gZJsrJw8Fhk-00157-00139160-00139928 because they were told what you want isn't god's will it isn't lawful gZJsrJw8Fhk-00158-00140016-00140960 and what did they want to do well what did they do they put john to death and this is very prophetic gZJsrJw8Fhk-00159-00141080-00142048 because those who live a repentant life the world is going to want to stamp out those people and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00160-00142048-00142976 this is what we're seeing in our age we're seeing how things are changing rapidly in this world we gZJsrJw8Fhk-00161-00142976-00143680 are moving closer and closer if we're not already there when the world calls that which is good gZJsrJw8Fhk-00162-00143768-00144528 evil and that which is evil in the eyes of god the world embraces that the world loves that gZJsrJw8Fhk-00163-00144528-00145648 the world follows that we are living in a time when repentance commandments the will of god gZJsrJw8Fhk-00164-00145648-00146488 all of this is being set aside and here's what's so tragic many congregations many people gZJsrJw8Fhk-00165-00146576-00147632 that hold up this book what's happening there is a growing of so-called prophets today and these gZJsrJw8Fhk-00166-00147632-00148408 prophets they're not accurate they are not saying what former prophets spoke of they're not calling gZJsrJw8Fhk-00167-00148408-00149096 people to repentance they're not calling people to a godly chaste lifestyle they're not speaking gZJsrJw8Fhk-00168-00149152-00149728 conviction to others what are they they are tickling the ears of individual gZJsrJw8Fhk-00169-00149784-00150680 they here supposedly from god exactly what the people want to hear that's not a prophet that gZJsrJw8Fhk-00170-00150680-00151656 is what messiah taught that in the last days there would be many false prophets we need to get ready gZJsrJw8Fhk-00171-00151720-00152544 we need to be wise in the will and the word of god and it's only when you discern the word of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00172-00152544-00153312 god that you're going to have a perspective for understanding what is god's will look now gZJsrJw8Fhk-00173-00153312-00154416 to our last verse verse 12. his disciples whose disciples john the baptist his disciples they came gZJsrJw8Fhk-00174-00154488-00155280 now this word for coming has to do with being made to come it was because they weren't coming gZJsrJw8Fhk-00175-00155280-00155952 other than the fact that they had heard about john's murder and that's exactly what it was gZJsrJw8Fhk-00176-00156056-00156984 we see that king herod we see that his wife herodius we see that these individuals they gZJsrJw8Fhk-00177-00157064-00157792 murdered a man who spoke truth that's where the world is heading to gZJsrJw8Fhk-00178-00157792-00158416 that's going to happen more and more in the last days the world will not tolerate one gZJsrJw8Fhk-00179-00158480-00159392 who speaks and calls the world to repentance so his disciples they came and they took the body gZJsrJw8Fhk-00180-00159464-00160128 the dead body of john the baptist and they buried it and what did they do thereafter gZJsrJw8Fhk-00181-00160208-00161288 after going they proclaimed to yeshua what did they proclaim what had happened that john the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00182-00161288-00162016 forerunner of yeshua was put to death and here's my last point remember what i shared with you gZJsrJw8Fhk-00183-00162080-00162992 i shared that john he had a message of repentance repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00184-00162992-00163736 you're sure he had that same message and what did we learn we learned that the roman authority in gZJsrJw8Fhk-00185-00163736-00164552 rome is symbolic of the world the roman authority the government of the world put john to death and gZJsrJw8Fhk-00186-00164552-00165720 guess what we also see that same roman empire also went in order to put yeshua's to death now yeshua gZJsrJw8Fhk-00187-00165720-00166512 he laid down his life no one took it but we see the hatred that the world has for one who speaks gZJsrJw8Fhk-00188-00166512-00167312 repentance and one who prepares others for the kingdom of god get ready the time is approaching gZJsrJw8Fhk-00189-00167624-00167992 well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others gZJsrJw8Fhk-00190-00167992-00168464 please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of gZJsrJw8Fhk-00191-00168464-00169256 love israel.org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel.org gZJsrJw8Fhk-00192-00169256-00169728 there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video gZJsrJw8Fhk-00193-00169728-00170256 form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the gZJsrJw8Fhk-00194-00170256-00170984 lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel giGiLQEuti0-00000-00000000-00000200 Core meltdown today the core meltdown and reactor 1 . the and heaing the core meltdown no button he shutdown and core and time and coming part 2 giGiLQEuti0-00001-00000200-00000400 oh okay the look part 1 giGiLQEuti0-00002-00000400-00000600 soon later giG_MPguEOg-00000-00000241-00000341 Hi! giG_MPguEOg-00001-00000341-00000689 It's Sharon Bass at the Volunteer Center with our weekly update. giG_MPguEOg-00002-00000689-00001397 This week has been all about our Service and Leadership Symposium which was on October giG_MPguEOg-00003-00001397-00001543 the 5th. giG_MPguEOg-00004-00001543-00002288 It was like a miracle to have everybody gathered together doing what we do best - bringing giG_MPguEOg-00005-00002288-00003036 people together to do good and we were at the Civic Center in the exhibit hall like giG_MPguEOg-00006-00003036-00003445 we were in the pre-pandemic days. giG_MPguEOg-00007-00003445-00004146 We had a room full of about 425 people, we had students from all over the South Plains giG_MPguEOg-00008-00004146-00004317 with their sponsors. giG_MPguEOg-00009-00004317-00005058 We had a great group of our nonprofit partners, board members and staff from there. giG_MPguEOg-00010-00005058-00006069 We had some great business partners in the room with us and supporting us and just a giG_MPguEOg-00011-00006069-00006263 bunch of good people. giG_MPguEOg-00012-00006263-00007068 The speaker was Jason Roberts who was the founder of Build A Bette Block and he lives giG_MPguEOg-00013-00007068-00007913 in Oak Cliff in Dallas and he got inspired looking around his neighborhood a few years giG_MPguEOg-00014-00007913-00008597 ago and saying you know, there's things that need to be done here and how can we do something giG_MPguEOg-00015-00008597-00009345 about it and he gathered friends and he didn't get stopped by not having enough money or giG_MPguEOg-00016-00009345-00009989 not having enough rules or laws or all of that stuff and they just started doing some giG_MPguEOg-00017-00009989-00010540 big, mighty work that has now spread really all over the world. giG_MPguEOg-00018-00010540-00011165 Resources from that group you can find on betterblock.org and I encourage you to take giG_MPguEOg-00019-00011165-00011988 a look because there are really some free, wonderful things that you can do in your neighborhood, giG_MPguEOg-00020-00011988-00012686 at your school, at your organization, that bring people together and just meet some really giG_MPguEOg-00021-00012686-00012978 big needs. giG_MPguEOg-00022-00012978-00013540 We had a great agency fair with about 25, 30 of our nonprofit parters. giG_MPguEOg-00023-00013540-00014428 We did some hands-on projects that benefitted some of our partners. giG_MPguEOg-00024-00014428-00015115 We did meals on wheels sacks for some of their folks to greet them. giG_MPguEOg-00025-00015115-00015973 We wrote cards of encouragement, we gathered some winter care supplies and some hygiene giG_MPguEOg-00026-00015973-00017372 kits and chemo care bags and craft kits for kids in the pedi ward at UMC and some gratitude giG_MPguEOg-00027-00017372-00018257 bags for some folks that work there at the hospital so it was a great day and we also giG_MPguEOg-00028-00018257-00018868 got our labyrinth and I'm very excited about this cause it's just a good way to see people giG_MPguEOg-00029-00018868-00019787 walking around on the labyrinth, taking a moment to just be quiet and calm and have giG_MPguEOg-00030-00019787-00020159 a breath in the middle of everything we're in. giG_MPguEOg-00031-00020159-00020547 We are here to support you, we love you. giG_MPguEOg-00032-00020547-00021237 However we can connect you to purposeful service, that's what we're all about. giG_MPguEOg-00033-00021237-00021693 Let us know how we can help in the meantime. giG_MPguEOg-00034-00021693-00021884 Lots of love coming your way. giG_MPguEOg-00035-00021884-00022073 Lots of light coming your way. giG_MPguEOg-00036-00022073-00022430 Thanks for who you are in the world, there's no one else like you. giG_MPguEOg-00037-00022430-00022567 Take care, bye. giG_MPguEOg-00038-00022567-00022756 Let us know how we can help! gje1Pau_xec-00000-00000184-00000392 tom: this what i think of year seven gje1Pau_xec-00001-00001014-00001484 he fucking dead gjSmq0IAdXg-00000-00000256-00000350 >>> A TEACHER IN THE BRAINERD gjSmq0IAdXg-00001-00000350-00000357 >>> A TEACHER IN THE BRAINERD gjSmq0IAdXg-00002-00000357-00000503 >>> A TEACHER IN THE BRAINERD SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS RECENTLY gjSmq0IAdXg-00003-00000503-00000510 >>> A TEACHER IN THE BRAINERD SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS RECENTLY gjSmq0IAdXg-00004-00000510-00000657 >>> A TEACHER IN THE BRAINERD SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS RECENTLY BEEN NOMINATED FOR 2019 gjSmq0IAdXg-00005-00000657-00000663 SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS RECENTLY BEEN NOMINATED FOR 2019 gjSmq0IAdXg-00006-00000663-00000824 SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS RECENTLY BEEN NOMINATED FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR. gjSmq0IAdXg-00007-00000824-00000830 BEEN NOMINATED FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR. gjSmq0IAdXg-00008-00000830-00001077 BEEN NOMINATED FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR. JUNE DAHLGREN IS ONE OF ONLY 168 gjSmq0IAdXg-00009-00001077-00001084 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR. JUNE DAHLGREN IS ONE OF ONLY 168 gjSmq0IAdXg-00010-00001084-00001241 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR. JUNE DAHLGREN IS ONE OF ONLY 168 TEACHERS IN THE STATE TO gjSmq0IAdXg-00011-00001241-00001247 JUNE DAHLGREN IS ONE OF ONLY 168 TEACHERS IN THE STATE TO gjSmq0IAdXg-00012-00001247-00001347 JUNE DAHLGREN IS ONE OF ONLY 168 TEACHERS IN THE STATE TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE MINNESOTA gjSmq0IAdXg-00013-00001347-00001354 TEACHERS IN THE STATE TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE MINNESOTA gjSmq0IAdXg-00014-00001354-00001508 TEACHERS IN THE STATE TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD. gjSmq0IAdXg-00015-00001508-00001514 BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD. gjSmq0IAdXg-00016-00001514-00001718 BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD. DAHLGREN IS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD gjSmq0IAdXg-00017-00001718-00001725 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD. DAHLGREN IS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD gjSmq0IAdXg-00018-00001725-00001878 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD. DAHLGREN IS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER AND gjSmq0IAdXg-00019-00001878-00001885 DAHLGREN IS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER AND gjSmq0IAdXg-00020-00001885-00002138 DAHLGREN IS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER AND HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE DISTRICT gjSmq0IAdXg-00021-00002138-00002145 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER AND HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE DISTRICT gjSmq0IAdXg-00022-00002145-00002248 SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER AND HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE DISTRICT FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS. gjSmq0IAdXg-00023-00002248-00002255 HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE DISTRICT FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS. gjSmq0IAdXg-00024-00002255-00002409 HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE DISTRICT FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS. TEACHING IS HER SECOND CAREER gjSmq0IAdXg-00025-00002409-00002415 FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS. TEACHING IS HER SECOND CAREER gjSmq0IAdXg-00026-00002415-00002625 FOR THE LAST 23 YEARS. TEACHING IS HER SECOND CAREER AFTER ORIGINALLY GOING TO gjSmq0IAdXg-00027-00002625-00002632 TEACHING IS HER SECOND CAREER AFTER ORIGINALLY GOING TO gjSmq0IAdXg-00028-00002632-00002889 TEACHING IS HER SECOND CAREER AFTER ORIGINALLY GOING TO SCHOOL TO BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. gjSmq0IAdXg-00029-00002889-00002896 AFTER ORIGINALLY GOING TO SCHOOL TO BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. gjSmq0IAdXg-00030-00002896-00003179 AFTER ORIGINALLY GOING TO SCHOOL TO BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. SHE'S EXCITED ABOUT BEING UP FOR gjSmq0IAdXg-00031-00003179-00003186 SCHOOL TO BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. SHE'S EXCITED ABOUT BEING UP FOR gjSmq0IAdXg-00032-00003186-00003283 SCHOOL TO BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. SHE'S EXCITED ABOUT BEING UP FOR THIS AWARD. gjSmq0IAdXg-00033-00003283-00003289 SHE'S EXCITED ABOUT BEING UP FOR THIS AWARD. gjSmq0IAdXg-00034-00003289-00003580 SHE'S EXCITED ABOUT BEING UP FOR THIS AWARD. >> IT'S A REAL PASSION FOR ME. gjSmq0IAdXg-00035-00003580-00003586 THIS AWARD. >> IT'S A REAL PASSION FOR ME. gjSmq0IAdXg-00036-00003586-00003840 THIS AWARD. >> IT'S A REAL PASSION FOR ME. HAVING BEEN A SECOND CAREER AND gjSmq0IAdXg-00037-00003840-00003847 >> IT'S A REAL PASSION FOR ME. HAVING BEEN A SECOND CAREER AND gjSmq0IAdXg-00038-00003847-00004003 >> IT'S A REAL PASSION FOR ME. HAVING BEEN A SECOND CAREER AND HAVING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN gjSmq0IAdXg-00039-00004003-00004010 HAVING BEEN A SECOND CAREER AND HAVING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN gjSmq0IAdXg-00040-00004010-00004370 HAVING BEEN A SECOND CAREER AND HAVING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE EARLY INTERVENTION, SO MY gjSmq0IAdXg-00041-00004370-00004377 HAVING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE EARLY INTERVENTION, SO MY gjSmq0IAdXg-00042-00004377-00004708 HAVING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE EARLY INTERVENTION, SO MY WHOLE FOCUS WAS IF I CAN MAKE A gjSmq0IAdXg-00043-00004708-00004714 THE EARLY INTERVENTION, SO MY WHOLE FOCUS WAS IF I CAN MAKE A gjSmq0IAdXg-00044-00004714-00004841 THE EARLY INTERVENTION, SO MY WHOLE FOCUS WAS IF I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ONE CHILD AND ONE gjSmq0IAdXg-00045-00004841-00004848 WHOLE FOCUS WAS IF I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ONE CHILD AND ONE gjSmq0IAdXg-00046-00004848-00004968 WHOLE FOCUS WAS IF I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ONE CHILD AND ONE FAMILY, THEN I'VE DONE MY JOB. gjSmq0IAdXg-00047-00004968-00004974 DIFFERENCE TO ONE CHILD AND ONE FAMILY, THEN I'VE DONE MY JOB. gjSmq0IAdXg-00048-00004974-00005105 DIFFERENCE TO ONE CHILD AND ONE FAMILY, THEN I'VE DONE MY JOB. AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO, gjSmq0IAdXg-00049-00005105-00005111 FAMILY, THEN I'VE DONE MY JOB. AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO, gjSmq0IAdXg-00050-00005111-00005201 FAMILY, THEN I'VE DONE MY JOB. AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO, MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S gjSmq0IAdXg-00051-00005201-00005208 AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO, MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S gjSmq0IAdXg-00052-00005208-00005315 AND THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO, MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE. gjSmq0IAdXg-00053-00005315-00005321 MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE. gjSmq0IAdXg-00054-00005321-00005478 MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE. >> SEMIFINALISTS FOR 2019 gjSmq0IAdXg-00055-00005478-00005485 LIFE. >> SEMIFINALISTS FOR 2019 gjSmq0IAdXg-00056-00005485-00005592 LIFE. >> SEMIFINALISTS FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR gjSmq0IAdXg-00057-00005592-00005598 >> SEMIFINALISTS FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR gjSmq0IAdXg-00058-00005598-00005745 >> SEMIFINALISTS FOR 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR WILL BE CHOSEN AT THE END OF ho8FqrBelCQ-00000-00000287-00000404 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00001-00000522-00000622 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00002-00000685-00000785 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00003-00002347-00002476 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00004-00002544-00002720 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00005-00003004-00003104 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধনঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00006-00003176-00003276 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00007-00003664-00003764 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00008-00003781-00003881 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00009-00003900-00004051 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00011-00004509-00004609 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00012-00004709-00004855 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00013-00004899-00004999 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00014-00005595-00005695 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00015-00005702-00006002 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00016-00006002-00006268 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00017-00008098-00008230 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00018-00008274-00008374 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00019-00009150-00009487 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00020-00009497-00009787 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00021-00009801-00010084 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00022-00010104-00010336 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00023-00010391-00010707 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00024-00010707-00010898 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00025-00010933-00011215 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00026-00011215-00011499 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00027-00011499-00011777 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00028-00011777-00012065 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00029-00012065-00012369 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00030-00012369-00012665 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00031-00012665-00012955 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00032-00012955-00013256 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00033-00013256-00013555 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00034-00013555-00013867 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00035-00013867-00014133 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00036-00014348-00014649 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00037-00014649-00014994 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00038-00015038-00015167 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00039-00015198-00015298 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00040-00015338-00015495 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00041-00016053-00016325 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00042-00016325-00016595 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00043-00016595-00016896 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00044-00016896-00017201 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00045-00017201-00017436 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00046-00017443-00017746 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00047-00017746-00018090 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00048-00018090-00018336 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00049-00018704-00019064 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন ho8FqrBelCQ-00050-00019064-00019164 ঝালকাঠিতে কলেজছাত্রীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে মানববন্ধন h2PcYismAVQ-00000-00000803-00001398 Hello! I'll show you how to mount a disc bay in the laptop. h2PcYismAVQ-00001-00001492-00001657 Prepare : h2PcYismAVQ-00002-00001684-00001886 Disc HDD/SSD with SATA interface h2PcYismAVQ-00003-00001926-00002114 Philips Screwdiver h2PcYismAVQ-00004-00002152-00002346 Screws (usually included) h2PcYismAVQ-00005-00002394-00002534 Laptop and Disc Bay (SATA) h2PcYismAVQ-00006-00002588-00003396 1. Remove disk drive h2PcYismAVQ-00007-00003420-00003774 2. Take away the plug h2PcYismAVQ-00008-00003826-00004470 3. Mount plug in disk bay h2PcYismAVQ-00009-00004538-00005122 4. Insert HDD/SSD in to the bay h2PcYismAVQ-00010-00005256-00005662 5. Tight the screws h2PcYismAVQ-00011-00005790-00006320 6. Mount the disk bay in laptop h3xvm8KGzT4-00000-00000017-00000971 https://beautylacehair.com h3xXqIRG_MU-00000-00000349-00000627 Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria h3xXqIRG_MU-00001-00000627-00000946 Ocasio-Cortez unveiled sweeping new legislation earlier h3xXqIRG_MU-00002-00000946-00001249 this month that would impose a federal cap of 15% h3xXqIRG_MU-00003-00001249-00001495 on credit-card interest rates. h3xXqIRG_MU-00004-00001560-00001823 The bill would also allow state governments to set interest-rate ceilings h3xXqIRG_MU-00005-00001823-00002049 even lower than the federal mandate. h3xXqIRG_MU-00006-00002124-00002341 Naturally, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are h3xXqIRG_MU-00007-00002341-00002649 the bill as something designed to help "ordinary people." h3xXqIRG_MU-00008-00002664-00002924 But in reality, the legislation will only act h3xXqIRG_MU-00009-00002924-00003224 as to reduce access to credit for low-income h3xXqIRG_MU-00010-00003224-00003417 and other high-risk borrowers. h3xXqIRG_MU-00011-00003473-00003795 Hello. This is Ryan McMaken and you're listening to Radio Rothbard. h3xXqIRG_MU-00012-00003967-00004276 Credit card companies don't attach high interest rates to credit cards because h3xXqIRG_MU-00013-00004276-00004563 they are mean and cruel. Credit cards with especially high h3xXqIRG_MU-00014-00004563-00004769 interest are that way h3xXqIRG_MU-00015-00004769-00005087 because the borrowers have been determined to be an especially high credit risk. h3xXqIRG_MU-00016-00005121-00005400 Credit card companies want people to borrow money from them, h3xXqIRG_MU-00017-00005400-00005697 so if they can make loans at lower rates, they will, h3xXqIRG_MU-00018-00005697-00005968 in order to undercut the competition. But these companies h3xXqIRG_MU-00019-00005968-00006273 also must make sure they're likely to cover their costs. h3xXqIRG_MU-00020-00006296-00006555 Thus, the high interest rate exists to ensure the lender h3xXqIRG_MU-00021-00006555-00006811 can make consumer loans while still accounting for the high h3xXqIRG_MU-00022-00006811-00007109 risk of default by borrowers based on a risk h3xXqIRG_MU-00023-00007109-00007209 profile. h3xXqIRG_MU-00024-00007246-00007582 Given that interest rates are similar to a "price of money," h3xXqIRG_MU-00025-00007582-00007861 if Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez manage to slap a h3xXqIRG_MU-00026-00007861-00008169 new limit on credit card interest rates, they will be essentially h3xXqIRG_MU-00027-00008169-00008466 imposing a price ceiling on credit cards. h3xXqIRG_MU-00028-00008466-00008777 And price ceilings are sure to lead to shortages. That is, h3xXqIRG_MU-00029-00008777-00009037 they'll lead to shortages in consumer credit for high risk borrowers — h3xXqIRG_MU-00030-00009037-00009371 many of whom will be low-income borrowers also. h3xXqIRG_MU-00031-00009424-00009658 If lenders cannot price their product in a way that h3xXqIRG_MU-00032-00009658-00009935 allows them to recover costs, they'll simply stop h3xXqIRG_MU-00033-00009935-00010067 providing that service. h3xXqIRG_MU-00034-00010137-00010432 Rather than face lower interest rates on credit cards — as Sanders h3xXqIRG_MU-00035-00010432-00010696 and Ocasio-Cortez imagine will happen — h3xXqIRG_MU-00036-00010724-00010995 high-risk borrowers are more likely to not be able to borrow h3xXqIRG_MU-00037-00010995-00011111 using credit cards at all. h3xXqIRG_MU-00038-00011163-00011478 Given that default rates are generally higher for low-income borrowers, h3xXqIRG_MU-00039-00011478-00011782 the cost of collecting payments is higher. h3xXqIRG_MU-00040-00011782-00012038 Lending to high-risk groups then is only possible if h3xXqIRG_MU-00041-00012038-00012371 the price of those loans is higher. Without the higher price, h3xXqIRG_MU-00042-00012371-00012556 the service will go away. h3xXqIRG_MU-00043-00012654-00012948 On the other hand, maybe this is exactly what Sanders and Ocasio h3xXqIRG_MU-00044-00012948-00013266 -Cortez want. One way to claim to have "done something" h3xXqIRG_MU-00045-00013266-00013577 about high levels of debt is to simply cut off potential h3xXqIRG_MU-00046-00013577-00013842 borrowers from credit. After all, h3xXqIRG_MU-00047-00013842-00014145 there is an implicit paternalism in efforts to place roadblocks between h3xXqIRG_MU-00048-00014145-00014432 low-income/high-risk consumers and the products h3xXqIRG_MU-00049-00014432-00014716 those consumers may wish to purchase. In the minds of h3xXqIRG_MU-00050-00014716-00015008 a government planner, the solution to the problem of people borrowing h3xXqIRG_MU-00051-00015008-00015311 "too much" money is to pass a law preventing them from doing so. h3xXqIRG_MU-00052-00015311-00015411 doing so. h3xXqIRG_MU-00053-00015419-00015711 This, of course, is inherently unfair to those people who are h3xXqIRG_MU-00054-00015711-00015965 — for now — in the high risk category, h3xXqIRG_MU-00055-00015965-00016267 but who do pay their bills most of the time. h3xXqIRG_MU-00056-00016267-00016558 (They might simply be in their category because they are young and have never established h3xXqIRG_MU-00057-00016558-00016862 much of a credit history.) Moreover, h3xXqIRG_MU-00058-00016862-00017166 many people who missed payment in the past may now be much more reliable h3xXqIRG_MU-00059-00017166-00017447 and less prone to default. As people h3xXqIRG_MU-00060-00017447-00017755 who fit a certain high-risk profile at first, h3xXqIRG_MU-00061-00017755-00018069 they're likely to face high rates. One of the best ways these people can build h3xXqIRG_MU-00062-00018069-00018368 good credit, though, is to first gain access to credit h3xXqIRG_MU-00063-00018368-00018640 at high interest rates. Over time, h3xXqIRG_MU-00064-00018640-00018953 they will increasingly gain more access to credit on better terms. h3xXqIRG_MU-00065-00018953-00019257 Should these people then be punished and cut off from credit because they can't h3xXqIRG_MU-00066-00019257-00019566 qualify for more moderate interest rates right away? h3xXqIRG_MU-00067-00019582-00019862 The effect of the Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez legislation h3xXqIRG_MU-00068-00019862-00020175 would be to do exactly that. Meanwhile, h3xXqIRG_MU-00069-00020224-00020533 lenders who offer loans to high-risk groups are themselves being blamed h3xXqIRG_MU-00070-00020533-00020813 for the proliferation of credit card debt h3xXqIRG_MU-00071-00020813-00021036 among American consumers of all types. h3xXqIRG_MU-00072-00021069-00021361 In his essay on payday lending — an issue very h3xXqIRG_MU-00073-00021361-00021666 very similar to that of high-interest credit cards — Tom Lehman h3xXqIRG_MU-00074-00021666-00021953 analyzes the accuracy of these sorts of claims: h3xXqIRG_MU-00075-00022039-00022339 "[T]he allegation that payday lending "causes" h3xXqIRG_MU-00076-00022339-00022623 chronic or habitual borrowing may ignore the old h3xXqIRG_MU-00077-00022623-00022946 adage that 'correlation does not equal causation.' h3xXqIRG_MU-00078-00022963-00023267 As indicated above, it is a well-known fact that h3xXqIRG_MU-00079-00023267-00023562 payday loans appeal to a clientele that face numerous financial h3xXqIRG_MU-00080-00023562-00023856 difficulties (many of them self-induced), h3xXqIRG_MU-00081-00023856-00024111 quite independent of the payday lending industry itself. h3xXqIRG_MU-00082-00024151-00024427 Most of these households have failed to establish good h3xXqIRG_MU-00083-00024427-00024721 credit, have poor credit histories, are not known h3xXqIRG_MU-00084-00024721-00025016 for their timely bill-paying habits, frequently bounce checks, h3xXqIRG_MU-00085-00025016-00025314 frequently change jobs, and may relocate often. h3xXqIRG_MU-00086-00025314-00025616 In short, they are the type of people who are going to be frequently h3xXqIRG_MU-00087-00025616-00025867 short of cash and who will borrow 'chronically' h3xXqIRG_MU-00088-00025867-00026118 when given the opportunity. Because payday lending h3xXqIRG_MU-00089-00026118-00026430 institutions provide them with this opportunity to borrow h3xXqIRG_MU-00090-00026430-00026726 when other institutions will not does not mean that payday lenders h3xXqIRG_MU-00091-00026726-00027036 cause this behavior. They simply provide an h3xXqIRG_MU-00092-00027036-00027329 opportunity for this behavior to be exhibited more often h3xXqIRG_MU-00093-00027329-00027469 than otherwise." h3xXqIRG_MU-00094-00027576-00027874 As is so typical of politicians, the answer offered by this new h3xXqIRG_MU-00095-00027874-00028178 legislation though is to limit the options h3xXqIRG_MU-00096-00028178-00028450 available to the most at-risk populations. h3xXqIRG_MU-00097-00028548-00028851 A better approach is to allow freedom for both borrowers and lenders, h3xXqIRG_MU-00098-00028851-00029163 to treat borrowers like adults, and to not assume they are incapable h3xXqIRG_MU-00099-00029163-00029396 of managing their own money. h3xXqIRG_MU-00100-00029500-00029846 Thank for listening to Radio Rothbard. Have a wonderful day! h3xXqIRG_MU-00101-00030152-00030473 For more content like this visit Mises.org. h7Z6rElX9zg-00000-00000000-00000200 Afri tube h8RngSamLvc-00000-00000000-00000200 SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV h8RngSamLvc-00001-00000200-00000494 Present h8RngSamLvc-00002-00007442-00007646 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00003-00007646-00008127 Previously h8RngSamLvc-00004-00008127-00008559 Roth! Can you give me a chance? h8RngSamLvc-00005-00008559-00008924 Sekla is interested in you h8RngSamLvc-00006-00008924-00009276 You should give him a chance h8RngSamLvc-00007-00009276-00009745 I have a husband already. I just think of him like my brother h8RngSamLvc-00008-00009745-00010066 IS he again? h8RngSamLvc-00009-00010066-00010475 Of course! He is so kind h8RngSamLvc-00010-00010475-00011022 You both are single the same. You should consider it h8RngSamLvc-00011-00011022-00011464 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00012-00011464-00012200 No one can replace you h8RngSamLvc-00013-00012200-00012531 Me too! h8RngSamLvc-00014-00012531-00013205 I will protect and take care of you forever h8RngSamLvc-00015-00013205-00013714 We won't leave each other h8RngSamLvc-00017-00016002-00016358 You should rest. h8RngSamLvc-00018-00016358-00016427 you too h8RngSamLvc-00019-00017342-00017790 You should wear it h8RngSamLvc-00020-00017790-00018330 No! You should cover it h8RngSamLvc-00021-00022392-00022890 Roth! No matter where you are h8RngSamLvc-00022-00022890-00023604 but my heart tells me that you are here h8RngSamLvc-00023-00024994-00025321 What have you met? h8RngSamLvc-00024-00025321-00026011 Why did they separate us? h8RngSamLvc-00025-00026011-00026556 I miss you and our daughter so much h8RngSamLvc-00026-00026556-00027037 I want to meet you so much h8RngSamLvc-00027-00027037-00027945 I want to see you h8RngSamLvc-00028-00027945-00028413 I want to hold your hands h8RngSamLvc-00029-00028413-00028982 I have to find you no matter what h8RngSamLvc-00030-00032498-00032923 Please review it at home! h8RngSamLvc-00031-00032923-00033262 If you don't understand, ask me h8RngSamLvc-00032-00033262-00033653 Do you understand? h8RngSamLvc-00033-00033653-00034048 Please continue! h8RngSamLvc-00034-00034922-00035180 Write here! h8RngSamLvc-00035-00035180-00035702 Don't you know how to write? h8RngSamLvc-00036-00036623-00036887 Noun! You can ask me h8RngSamLvc-00037-00036887-00037213 Of course! h8RngSamLvc-00038-00037213-00037962 You should tidy up your hair h8RngSamLvc-00039-00038872-00039675 Are you tired? h8RngSamLvc-00040-00039675-00040108 I'm not h8RngSamLvc-00041-00040108-00040433 I'm happy that I can help both of you h8RngSamLvc-00042-00040433-00040802 Please tell me when you need help h8RngSamLvc-00043-00040802-00041181 You are just like my father h8RngSamLvc-00044-00041181-00041505 I'm happy with you h8RngSamLvc-00045-00041505-00042524 If I'm like your father, can I be your father? h8RngSamLvc-00046-00042524-00043027 It's good h8RngSamLvc-00047-00043027-00043351 because you take good care of me h8RngSamLvc-00048-00043351-00043922 They look like father and daughter h8RngSamLvc-00049-00043922-00044409 Sekla takes care of Noun, while Noun loves him like her father h8RngSamLvc-00050-00044409-00045569 I might give you a chance now h8RngSamLvc-00051-00045569-00046189 Be careful! h8RngSamLvc-00052-00046189-00047582 Everyone is right. I shouldn't wait for something impossible h8RngSamLvc-00053-00047582-00048090 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00054-00053368-00053687 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00055-00053687-00054583 If I still wait like this, Sekla will be heartbroken h8RngSamLvc-00056-00056081-00056561 What are you doing? h8RngSamLvc-00057-00059103-00059452 Brother! Have you seen her? h8RngSamLvc-00058-00059452-00059752 no! I have never known her h8RngSamLvc-00059-00059752-00060178 She might not live here h8RngSamLvc-00060-00060178-00060556 Thank you so much! h8RngSamLvc-00061-00061717-00062049 Have you seen her before? h8RngSamLvc-00062-00062049-00062583 She looks familiar h8RngSamLvc-00063-00062583-00063050 Where did you see her? h8RngSamLvc-00064-00063050-00063814 I didn't know her. Why are you looking for her? h8RngSamLvc-00065-00063814-00064290 She is my wife. We were separated in Pol Pot regime h8RngSamLvc-00066-00064290-00064852 She might die h8RngSamLvc-00067-00064852-00065349 I also lost my husband too h8RngSamLvc-00068-00065349-00065670 You should move on h8RngSamLvc-00069-00067905-00068161 Roth! Is that true? h8RngSamLvc-00070-00068161-00068860 I have been looking for you for three years already h8RngSamLvc-00071-00068860-00069579 but I believe that God won't let us hurt h8RngSamLvc-00072-00069579-00070602 I hope we will meet each other one day h8RngSamLvc-00073-00072245-00072472 Noun! You should walk alone at this time h8RngSamLvc-00074-00072472-00073318 Heh! h8RngSamLvc-00075-00073318-00073583 A woman another day! h8RngSamLvc-00076-00073583-00074409 Hand off us! h8RngSamLvc-00077-00074409-00075228 Help me! h8RngSamLvc-00078-00075228-00075727 Help me! h8RngSamLvc-00079-00075727-00076168 Help me! h8RngSamLvc-00080-00077980-00078498 Help! Help! h8RngSamLvc-00081-00078498-00079223 Help! h8RngSamLvc-00082-00079223-00079808 Help! h8RngSamLvc-00083-00079808-00081076 Sekla! h8RngSamLvc-00084-00082006-00082358 I'm sorry h8RngSamLvc-00085-00082358-00083125 How is Sekla? h8RngSamLvc-00086-00083125-00083187 He is disabled now. He can't walk h8RngSamLvc-00087-00083187-00083650 If his injury is serious, he might have to cut off his leg h8RngSamLvc-00088-00083650-00084099 Is that true? h8RngSamLvc-00089-00084099-00084791 but we will try our best to help him h8RngSamLvc-00090-00084791-00085125 Don't worry! h8RngSamLvc-00091-00086766-00087051 Sekla! You sacrificed for me again h8RngSamLvc-00092-00087051-00087502 You don't care about yourself h8RngSamLvc-00093-00087502-00087960 I'm causing you in trouble h8RngSamLvc-00094-00087960-00088495 I'm sorry h8RngSamLvc-00095-00090990-00091283 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00096-00096824-00096881 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00097-00100470-00100940 Sekla! Why did you help me a lot? h8RngSamLvc-00098-00100940-00101464 Don't you feel pity for yourself? h8RngSamLvc-00099-00101464-00102492 You have to cut off your leg. How can I pay you back? h8RngSamLvc-00100-00102492-00103221 We owed you many things h8RngSamLvc-00101-00103221-00104185 I feel hurt h8RngSamLvc-00102-00105369-00106050 Sekla! Why? h8RngSamLvc-00103-00106050-00107234 I promise I will take care of you h8RngSamLvc-00104-00109041-00109444 only two months left h8RngSamLvc-00105-00109444-00110740 I will be your wife until I make sure that Veasna died h8RngSamLvc-00106-00110740-00112027 No matter how long h8RngSamLvc-00107-00112027-00112849 I will wait for you h8RngSamLvc-00108-00112849-00113250 I won't force you h8RngSamLvc-00109-00116542-00116855 I think I should do it h8RngSamLvc-00110-00116855-00117320 It's okay. you just have to take care of the food h8RngSamLvc-00111-00117320-00117749 Your legs are still hurt h8RngSamLvc-00112-00117749-00118391 Do you think I'm weak? h8RngSamLvc-00113-00118391-00119156 You are strong but I'm afraid you are tired h8RngSamLvc-00114-00119156-00119895 Roth! Let me help you! h8RngSamLvc-00115-00119895-00120555 I know you are strong h8RngSamLvc-00116-00120555-00120942 I believe in your ability h8RngSamLvc-00117-00120942-00121459 Where are you going? h8RngSamLvc-00118-00121459-00122006 Yeah! h8RngSamLvc-00119-00122006-00122332 Where are you going? h8RngSamLvc-00120-00122332-00122959 When will you marry each other? h8RngSamLvc-00121-00122959-00123533 It's been two months already h8RngSamLvc-00122-00123533-00124306 I'm waiting for Roth. When she is ready, I will marry her as soon as possible h8RngSamLvc-00123-00124306-00124765 Do you hear it? Hurry up! h8RngSamLvc-00124-00124765-00125374 We have to go now h8RngSamLvc-00125-00125374-00125972 I say it because I love you h8RngSamLvc-00126-00125972-00126469 No one is better than him h8RngSamLvc-00127-00126469-00126803 Let's go, aunty! h8RngSamLvc-00128-00129608-00129877 Roth! May I have me a bowl of noodle? h8RngSamLvc-00129-00129877-00130033 Of course! h8RngSamLvc-00130-00130033-00130368 Where is Sekla? h8RngSamLvc-00131-00130368-00130418 He is teaching h8RngSamLvc-00132-00130418-00130922 He is really a good person h8RngSamLvc-00133-00130922-00131335 His leg is hurt and he didn't lazy h8RngSamLvc-00134-00131335-00132260 I told him not to work so hard but he didn't h8RngSamLvc-00135-00132260-00132648 That's why he is loved by everyone h8RngSamLvc-00136-00132648-00133057 Roth! You should prepare the wedding soon h8RngSamLvc-00137-00133936-00134253 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00138-00139273-00139530 The 3rd Stair h8RngSamLvc-00139-00140377-00140602 Veasna h8RngSamLvc-00140-00140602-00140986 Give me more soup! h8RngSamLvc-00141-00140986-00141677 Hurry up! h8RngSamLvc-00142-00141677-00142483 Maybe it's not him h8RngSamLvc-00143-00142483-00143207 It's impossible h8RngSamLvc-00144-00143207-00143550 Roth! Give me the chilly h8RngSamLvc-00145-00143550-00144156 It's delicious h8RngSamLvc-00146-00144949-00145369 Sekla! h8RngSamLvc-00147-00145369-00145482 What's wrong? h8RngSamLvc-00148-00145482-00146052 I want to look for Veasna again h8RngSamLvc-00149-00146052-00146746 Roth! Have you got any news about him? h8RngSamLvc-00150-00146746-00147065 Why all of sudden you want to look for him? h8RngSamLvc-00151-00147065-00148000 No, but I want to look for him in one more district h8RngSamLvc-00152-00148000-00148725 It's just one week. If I can't find him, I'll marry you h8RngSamLvc-00153-00148725-00149240 Please let me help you h8RngSamLvc-00154-00149240-00149510 It's easy to find h8RngSamLvc-00155-00149510-00150046 Please stay here! Take care of noun! h8RngSamLvc-00156-00150046-00150360 but I'm concerned about your safety h8RngSamLvc-00157-00150360-00150938 I can take care of myself h8RngSamLvc-00158-00150938-00151984 I still want to find him in order to make sure about it h8RngSamLvc-00159-00151984-00152488 If I don't look for him, I can't stay still h8RngSamLvc-00160-00152488-00153202 Okay! I'll follow your decision h8RngSamLvc-00161-00153202-00153535 When will you go? h8RngSamLvc-00162-00153535-00153985 I want to go tomorrow, please take care of Noun h8RngSamLvc-00163-00153985-00154402 Noun is like my daughter h8RngSamLvc-00164-00154402-00154663 I won't let anything harm her h8RngSamLvc-00165-00158598-00158966 Here is my sister's home! h8RngSamLvc-00166-00158966-00159640 You can ask her h8RngSamLvc-00167-00159640-00160164 She might be able to help you h8RngSamLvc-00168-00160164-00160958 Stay here! h8RngSamLvc-00169-00160958-00161349 Your wife might live here h8RngSamLvc-00170-00161349-00161762 Where is your home? h8RngSamLvc-00171-00161762-00162546 You can have lunch with me h8RngSamLvc-00172-00162546-00163297 How long have you been looking for your wife? h8RngSamLvc-00173-00163297-00163846 Since the Pol Pot collapsed h8RngSamLvc-00174-00163846-00164461 She looked for her husband for long too h8RngSamLvc-00175-00164461-00164850 She looked for him everywhere h8RngSamLvc-00176-00164850-00165360 She didn't believe it h8RngSamLvc-00177-00165360-00166190 Noun! Eat rice! h8RngSamLvc-00178-00166190-00166938 What are you looking for? h8RngSamLvc-00179-00166938-00167466 Maybe I was wrong h8RngSamLvc-00180-00167466-00167933 Let's go to my home! h8RngSamLvc-00181-00171586-00171844 Hi! h8RngSamLvc-00182-00171844-00172597 Have you seen anyone tall and his name is Veasna? h8RngSamLvc-00183-00172597-00173369 Sna died since the Pol Pot h8RngSamLvc-00184-00173369-00174012 Thank you so much! h8RngSamLvc-00185-00176216-00176496 I'm hopeless now h8RngSamLvc-00186-00176496-00177107 No one sees you h8RngSamLvc-00187-00177107-00177978 I'm looking for you everywhere h8RngSamLvc-00188-00179092-00179349 Do you really die? h8RngSamLvc-00189-00179349-00179948 Veasna! Where are you? h8RngSamLvc-00190-00180996-00181564 I want to know h8RngSamLvc-00191-00181564-00182690 Do you know how much I miss you? h8RngSamLvc-00192-00182690-00183120 I miss you all the time h8RngSamLvc-00193-00184246-00184609 We should have met each other h8RngSamLvc-00194-00184609-00185120 before leaving each other h8RngSamLvc-00195-00185120-00185536 but I didn't hear even your last word h8RngSamLvc-00196-00195242-00195688 Next Episode: I decided to give you a chance now h8RngSamLvc-00197-00195688-00196168 You have been waiting for me h8RngSamLvc-00198-00196168-00196553 Sekla! I will marry you h8RngSamLvc-00199-00196553-00196816 Really? h8RngSamLvc-00200-00196816-00197238 You are so pretty h8RngSamLvc-00201-00197238-00197746 Sna! Where are you going? h8RngSamLvc-00202-00197746-00198334 She married a new husband now h8RngSamLvc-00203-00198334-00198616 Congratulations h8RngSamLvc-00204-00198616-00199240 I miss you so much! h8RngSamLvc-00205-00199240-00199872 I believe you still alive h8RngSamLvc-00206-00199872-00200317 Thank you for marrying me h8RngSamLvc-00207-00200317-00200720 I'm the one who should thank you h8RngSamLvc-00208-00200720-00201160 SASTRA FILM h8RngSamLvc-00209-00201160-00202558 Please wait to watch another Episode hwAmKD6g6a8-00000-00000050-00000150 Hi! hwAmKD6g6a8-00001-00000150-00000897 Tonight I want to talk to you about "to collaps" (with speed or rolling over) ,thank you Manu.I hwAmKD6g6a8-00002-00000897-00001571 am thinking that "to collaps" is something that fall suddenly,something that doesn't hwAmKD6g6a8-00003-00001571-00002064 work anymore can fall suddenly,in a metaphorical way.I like how Marin Sorescu (romanian writer hwAmKD6g6a8-00004-00002064-00002888 1936-1996) used to say "we can't talk about abyss itself becouse it would be boring but hwAmKD6g6a8-00005-00002888-00003266 if we talk about soul abyss become interesting".To collaps can have the meaning of something hwAmKD6g6a8-00006-00003266-00005187 very beneficial becaouse if the situation is not good anymore and collaps it means that hwAmKD6g6a8-00007-00005187-00006114 can be replaced with something new,right? hwAmKD6g6a8-00008-00006114-00006273 For you what does it mean "to collaps?" hwAmKD6g6a8-00009-00006273-00006292 Bye! hyLOlfpze8U-00000-00000024-00000616 In this video I am going to describe hyLOlfpze8U-00001-00000352-00000824 Rabin's algorithm for finding roots of a hyLOlfpze8U-00002-00000616-00001040 polynomial over a finite field hyLOlfpze8U-00003-00000824-00001240 and also the Cantor Zassenhaus hyLOlfpze8U-00004-00001040-00001392 algorithm for factoring polynomials over hyLOlfpze8U-00005-00001240-00001583 finite fields. hyLOlfpze8U-00006-00001392-00001711 These are two of my absolute hyLOlfpze8U-00007-00001583-00001896 favorite algorithms. They're both hyLOlfpze8U-00008-00001711-00001976 probabilistic algorithms of hyLOlfpze8U-00009-00001896-00002176 Las Vegas type, hyLOlfpze8U-00010-00001976-00002296 and they use randomness in a very hyLOlfpze8U-00011-00002176-00002519 non-trivial way hyLOlfpze8U-00012-00002296-00002600 to give efficient solutions to problems hyLOlfpze8U-00013-00002519-00002927 for which hyLOlfpze8U-00014-00002600-00003167 we know no deterministic polynomial time hyLOlfpze8U-00015-00002927-00003320 algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-00016-00003167-00003520 These algorithms are widely used, they're hyLOlfpze8U-00017-00003320-00003776 implemented in virtually every computer hyLOlfpze8U-00018-00003520-00003896 algebra system including Sage, hyLOlfpze8U-00019-00003776-00004039 and they're also used widely in hyLOlfpze8U-00020-00003896-00004192 cryptography. In fact there's a decent hyLOlfpze8U-00021-00004039-00004384 chance your phone hyLOlfpze8U-00022-00004192-00004576 just ran Rabin's algorithm to find the hyLOlfpze8U-00023-00004384-00004839 root of a polynomial over a finite field hyLOlfpze8U-00024-00004576-00005103 at least within the last few minutes. hyLOlfpze8U-00025-00004839-00005336 So I'm doing this in a Jupyter notebook hyLOlfpze8U-00026-00005103-00005480 using the SageMath kernel. I've included hyLOlfpze8U-00027-00005336-00005607 a link to the notebook down below if you hyLOlfpze8U-00028-00005480-00005823 want to follow along, hyLOlfpze8U-00029-00005607-00005935 and also a link to the lecture notes hyLOlfpze8U-00030-00005823-00006119 which gives a lot more hyLOlfpze8U-00031-00005935-00006287 of the mathematical details behind hyLOlfpze8U-00032-00006287-00006720 the algorithms I'm going to describe. hyLOlfpze8U-00033-00006504-00006992 Okay, so let's get started. hyLOlfpze8U-00034-00006720-00007215 Our problem is we have a polynomial f hyLOlfpze8U-00035-00006992-00007447 over a finite field Fq and we want to hyLOlfpze8U-00036-00007215-00007656 find the Fq-rational roots of it. hyLOlfpze8U-00037-00007447-00007752 So to keep things simple let's start hyLOlfpze8U-00038-00007752-00008368 with q a prime say q some prime p, hyLOlfpze8U-00039-00008079-00008464 say 61. I'm going to set up hyLOlfpze8U-00040-00008368-00008784 the finite field Fp hyLOlfpze8U-00041-00008464-00008928 a polynomial ring over Fp hyLOlfpze8U-00042-00008784-00009120 in the variable x, hyLOlfpze8U-00043-00008928-00009311 and then let's consider a polynomial, say hyLOlfpze8U-00044-00009120-00009456 this one: x^8 - 2x + 5. hyLOlfpze8U-00045-00009456-00009824 So I'll just click shift enter to run hyLOlfpze8U-00046-00009615-00010015 that cell. Now I've got my hyLOlfpze8U-00047-00009824-00010175 polynomial, and let's go ahead and see hyLOlfpze8U-00048-00010015-00010272 what its roots are. Sage already knows hyLOlfpze8U-00049-00010175-00010432 how to compute them, hyLOlfpze8U-00050-00010272-00010600 and in fact it's using Rabin's hyLOlfpze8U-00051-00010432-00010775 algorithm to do that, hyLOlfpze8U-00052-00010600-00010943 and it says there are three rational hyLOlfpze8U-00053-00010775-00011111 roots. Now f has degree eight, so that hyLOlfpze8U-00054-00010943-00011256 means there are five other roots living hyLOlfpze8U-00055-00011111-00011424 over some extension. hyLOlfpze8U-00056-00011256-00011647 If we wanted to see where they live we hyLOlfpze8U-00057-00011424-00011856 could factor f hyLOlfpze8U-00058-00011647-00012096 and see that it's a product of three hyLOlfpze8U-00059-00011856-00012175 linear polynomials a quadratic and a hyLOlfpze8U-00060-00012096-00012328 cubic, so hyLOlfpze8U-00061-00012175-00012543 two roots live over a quadratic hyLOlfpze8U-00062-00012328-00012647 extension and three live over a cubic hyLOlfpze8U-00063-00012543-00012895 extension. hyLOlfpze8U-00064-00012647-00013056 And if we wanted to see all eight roots hyLOlfpze8U-00065-00012895-00013216 of our degree eight polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00066-00013056-00013400 we'd have to go to a degree six hyLOlfpze8U-00067-00013216-00013528 extension, which we can do. So now I'm hyLOlfpze8U-00068-00013400-00013800 just going to hyLOlfpze8U-00069-00013528-00013944 base-change my polynomial f to the field hyLOlfpze8U-00070-00013800-00014136 F_p^6 and then ask sage to compute the roots hyLOlfpze8U-00071-00014136-00014623 there, and it'll give us back hyLOlfpze8U-00072-00014352-00014663 all eight roots: the three rational roots, hyLOlfpze8U-00073-00014663-00014976 I can't exactly tell by looking at them hyLOlfpze8U-00074-00014840-00015151 but two of these hyLOlfpze8U-00075-00014976-00015504 roots live over a quadratic extension, hyLOlfpze8U-00076-00015151-00015768 and three live over a cubic extension. hyLOlfpze8U-00077-00015504-00015816 And our strategy for finding these roots hyLOlfpze8U-00078-00015816-00016184 is going to exploit a very basic fact about hyLOlfpze8U-00079-00016040-00016287 finite fields, in fact it's baked into hyLOlfpze8U-00080-00016184-00016640 the definition, hyLOlfpze8U-00081-00016287-00016912 which is that they are splitting fields hyLOlfpze8U-00082-00016640-00017128 of polynomials of the form x^q-x. hyLOlfpze8U-00083-00017128-00017695 This is true even when q is a prime p; hyLOlfpze8U-00084-00017472-00017800 the fact that f p is the splitting field hyLOlfpze8U-00085-00017695-00017992 of x^p-x is just Fermat's little theorem, hyLOlfpze8U-00086-00018120-00018600 and for extensions of Fp, well this is hyLOlfpze8U-00087-00018480-00018736 actually how we defined hyLOlfpze8U-00088-00018600-00018968 those extensions, and in the notes you'll hyLOlfpze8U-00089-00018736-00019192 see a proof that this agrees with other hyLOlfpze8U-00090-00018968-00019320 definitions you may have heard of. hyLOlfpze8U-00091-00019192-00019536 In particular if you take any hyLOlfpze8U-00092-00019320-00019672 irreducible polynomial degree d hyLOlfpze8U-00093-00019536-00019856 its splitting field is going to be hyLOlfpze8U-00094-00019672-00020023 exactly the same splitting field as the hyLOlfpze8U-00095-00019856-00020408 splitting field of x^(q^d)-x. hyLOlfpze8U-00096-00020023-00020664 Okay, so what good is that to us? hyLOlfpze8U-00097-00020664-00020976 Well first let's just note that I could hyLOlfpze8U-00098-00020823-00021159 use Sage to check this, at least with hyLOlfpze8U-00099-00020976-00021200 some small examples, so for our finite hyLOlfpze8U-00100-00021200-00021551 field F_61 I could check that the product of hyLOlfpze8U-00101-00021400-00021823 all the linear polynomials over hyLOlfpze8U-00102-00021551-00021928 F_61 is in fact equal to x^p-x. hyLOlfpze8U-00103-00021928-00022248 And it's not just for prime fields, I hyLOlfpze8U-00104-00022064-00022351 could do the same thing over F_p^2. hyLOlfpze8U-00105-00022248-00022744 It takes a little bit longer because hyLOlfpze8U-00106-00022351-00022968 there's more elements. hyLOlfpze8U-00107-00022744-00023159 So an immediate corollary of this hyLOlfpze8U-00108-00022968-00023472 description of our finite fields is that hyLOlfpze8U-00109-00023159-00023543 if we take the greatest common divisor hyLOlfpze8U-00110-00023543-00024048 of our polynomial f with hyLOlfpze8U-00111-00023856-00024272 a polynomial of the form x^(q^n)-x, hyLOlfpze8U-00112-00024272-00024679 the roots of that polynomial is going to hyLOlfpze8U-00113-00024504-00024984 be a product of linear hyLOlfpze8U-00114-00024679-00025559 factors corresponding to the roots of hyLOlfpze8U-00115-00024984-00025791 f that live in the field F_q^n, hyLOlfpze8U-00116-00025559-00025919 and in particular, the cardinality of hyLOlfpze8U-00117-00025791-00026191 this set the roots hyLOlfpze8U-00118-00025919-00026368 of f in F_q^n, which is is going to hyLOlfpze8U-00119-00026191-00026616 be just equal to the degree hyLOlfpze8U-00120-00026368-00026680 of this gcd which we can compute using hyLOlfpze8U-00121-00026616-00026944 the fast Euclidean algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00122-00026944-00027295 in quasi-linear time, quasi-linear in hyLOlfpze8U-00123-00027056-00027519 the exponent and in the size of hyLOlfpze8U-00124-00027295-00027880 our finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-00125-00027519-00028152 Okay, so we could hyLOlfpze8U-00126-00027880-00028216 give this a shot let's see if we can, hyLOlfpze8U-00127-00028216-00028591 let's first see how long this takes to hyLOlfpze8U-00128-00028375-00028760 compute the gcd of f with x^p-x. hyLOlfpze8U-00129-00028591-00028927 I realize p is very hyLOlfpze8U-00130-00028760-00029112 small here so you're probably not hyLOlfpze8U-00131-00028927-00029239 impressed but I'm starting with p small hyLOlfpze8U-00132-00029112-00029336 because I want to show you that we can hyLOlfpze8U-00133-00029239-00029544 actually get into trouble hyLOlfpze8U-00134-00029336-00029752 pretty quickly even with a hyLOlfpze8U-00135-00029544-00030080 small value of p if we're not careful. hyLOlfpze8U-00136-00029752-00030232 So I'm taking gcds with x^p-x hyLOlfpze8U-00137-00030080-00030495 to get the rational roots over F_p, hyLOlfpze8U-00138-00030232-00030832 F_p^2, over F_p^3. hyLOlfpze8U-00139-00030495-00030832 Let's try it over F_p^6. hyLOlfpze8U-00140-00030883-00031391 Okay, so I'm waiting, I'm hyLOlfpze8U-00141-00031183-00031552 looking at my watch, I'm wondering what hyLOlfpze8U-00142-00031391-00031719 Sage is doing. hyLOlfpze8U-00143-00031552-00031872 I see this little circle here so I hyLOlfpze8U-00144-00031719-00032119 know it's trying to do something. It's hyLOlfpze8U-00145-00031872-00032312 it's not flashing red, so the cpu isn't hyLOlfpze8U-00146-00032119-00032591 getting hot hyLOlfpze8U-00147-00032312-00032736 I'm not sure what's going on, well let's hyLOlfpze8U-00148-00032591-00032856 go ahead and kill this -- let's go ahead hyLOlfpze8U-00149-00032736-00033047 and stop it for a minute and see what's hyLOlfpze8U-00150-00032856-00033247 happening. hyLOlfpze8U-00151-00033047-00033375 Okay so we get a trace back telling us hyLOlfpze8U-00152-00033247-00033512 where it was and I'm not going to get hyLOlfpze8U-00153-00033375-00033696 into the details of this but hyLOlfpze8U-00154-00033512-00033872 what it's trying to do is, it actually hyLOlfpze8U-00155-00033696-00033968 hasn't even started the computation, hyLOlfpze8U-00156-00033872-00034240 it's still busy hyLOlfpze8U-00157-00033968-00034375 trying to construct this polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-00158-00034240-00034496 Why would that be hard, it's only got hyLOlfpze8U-00159-00034375-00034775 two terms? hyLOlfpze8U-00160-00034496-00034991 Well, if we're going to use a dense hyLOlfpze8U-00161-00034775-00035103 representation of polynomials, which hyLOlfpze8U-00162-00034991-00035272 we'll really need to do if we're going to hyLOlfpze8U-00163-00035103-00035384 compute this gcd, I mean recall we're hyLOlfpze8U-00164-00035272-00035631 going to compute this by hyLOlfpze8U-00165-00035384-00035808 doing Euclidean divisions, hyLOlfpze8U-00166-00035631-00035975 I mean we're trying to compute hyLOlfpze8U-00167-00035808-00036119 a remainder, but the first step in doing hyLOlfpze8U-00168-00035975-00036160 that is computing the quotient and hyLOlfpze8U-00169-00036160-00036480 even if the original polynomial is hyLOlfpze8U-00170-00036344-00036680 sparse, the quotient has hyLOlfpze8U-00171-00036480-00036824 no reason to be sparse. What's the degree hyLOlfpze8U-00172-00036680-00037056 of this polynomial? Well it's something hyLOlfpze8U-00173-00036824-00037200 like 61 to the sixth. hyLOlfpze8U-00174-00037056-00037368 that's something like, you know, it's well hyLOlfpze8U-00175-00037200-00037640 over a billion. hyLOlfpze8U-00176-00037368-00037847 So we are going to need memory for hyLOlfpze8U-00177-00037640-00037991 several billion entries in Fq in order hyLOlfpze8U-00178-00037847-00038200 to even write down this polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-00179-00037991-00038519 never mind actually compute with it. hyLOlfpze8U-00180-00038200-00038647 So reasonably enough CoCalc is hyLOlfpze8U-00181-00038519-00038816 having a hard time doing that, it's hyLOlfpze8U-00182-00038647-00038888 actually protecting itself from even hyLOlfpze8U-00183-00038888-00039303 letting us run this. Wo what's the hyLOlfpze8U-00184-00039168-00039400 problem here? The problem here is that hyLOlfpze8U-00185-00039303-00039560 we're exponentiating hyLOlfpze8U-00186-00039400-00039768 in the wrong ring. We're doing this hyLOlfpze8U-00187-00039560-00039960 computation of x to this huge hyLOlfpze8U-00188-00039768-00040088 exponent, p to the sixth, and and it'll hyLOlfpze8U-00189-00039960-00040431 get huger in a minute. This hyLOlfpze8U-00190-00040088-00040712 is a small p, but we don't want to do hyLOlfpze8U-00191-00040431-00040863 that exponentiation over F_q[x]. hyLOlfpze8U-00192-00040712-00040991 We would be much better off, because remember hyLOlfpze8U-00193-00040863-00041200 we ultimately only we want to take hyLOlfpze8U-00194-00040991-00041559 this gcd, so it would be just as well hyLOlfpze8U-00195-00041200-00041688 to work in the polynomial ring mod f, hyLOlfpze8U-00196-00041559-00041968 and that's where we should be doing our hyLOlfpze8U-00197-00041688-00042184 exponentiation. hyLOlfpze8U-00198-00041968-00042408 So recall that we have a reduction map from hyLOlfpze8U-00199-00042184-00042591 the polynomial ring over F_q hyLOlfpze8U-00200-00042408-00042728 to the polynomial ring we get hyLOlfpze8U-00201-00042591-00042912 when we take the quotient of the ring hyLOlfpze8U-00202-00042728-00043096 by the ideal generated by f. hyLOlfpze8U-00203-00042912-00043263 Now f is not irreducible here, so this hyLOlfpze8U-00204-00043096-00043503 isn't a field, but it is a ring, and we hyLOlfpze8U-00205-00043263-00043688 have a well-defined ring homomorphism, hyLOlfpze8U-00206-00043503-00043872 and we can use this ring homomorphism. hyLOlfpze8U-00207-00043688-00044008 We could apply it to the our polynomial x^q-x hyLOlfpze8U-00208-00044008-00044344 and we're just going to get the ring hyLOlfpze8U-00209-00044136-00044600 homomorphism of the reduction of x hyLOlfpze8U-00210-00044344-00044863 into this quotient ring raised to the hyLOlfpze8U-00211-00044600-00045031 qth power minus its reduction. hyLOlfpze8U-00212-00044863-00045247 And because it's a ring homomorphism hyLOlfpze8U-00213-00045031-00045591 these are mathematically equivalent. hyLOlfpze8U-00214-00045247-00045736 But the right-hand side of this hyLOlfpze8U-00215-00045591-00045919 equation here can be computed hyLOlfpze8U-00216-00045736-00046016 exponentially faster than the left-hand hyLOlfpze8U-00217-00046016-00046359 side, because when we're working in this hyLOlfpze8U-00218-00046208-00046528 quotient ring we're never going to need hyLOlfpze8U-00219-00046359-00046656 to deal with polynomials of degree hyLOlfpze8U-00220-00046528-00046887 greater than the degree of f. hyLOlfpze8U-00221-00046656-00047008 So all of our computations here hyLOlfpze8U-00222-00046887-00047087 will be working with polynomials of hyLOlfpze8U-00223-00047008-00047456 degree at most seven, okay, hyLOlfpze8U-00224-00047087-00047600 which is a good thing. hyLOlfpze8U-00225-00047456-00047872 And the point here is that the hyLOlfpze8U-00226-00047600-00048016 complexity of computing x to the q mod f hyLOlfpze8U-00227-00047872-00048191 using the standard algorithm of hyLOlfpze8U-00228-00048016-00048416 euclidean division is going to be hyLOlfpze8U-00229-00048191-00048624 quasi-linear in the degree of q, hyLOlfpze8U-00230-00048416-00048800 which could be exponential, you know could hyLOlfpze8U-00231-00048624-00049000 be cryptographically large, hyLOlfpze8U-00232-00048800-00049224 whereas the complexity of computing the hyLOlfpze8U-00233-00049000-00049344 qth power of the reduction of x in this hyLOlfpze8U-00234-00049224-00049536 quotient ring hyLOlfpze8U-00235-00049344-00049768 using binary exponentiation is hyLOlfpze8U-00236-00049536-00049872 quasi-linear in the logarithm of the hyLOlfpze8U-00237-00049768-00050168 exponent q, so exponentially faster. hyLOlfpze8U-00238-00049872-00050319 Okay, so let's go hyLOlfpze8U-00239-00050168-00050544 ahead and give this a try. hyLOlfpze8U-00240-00050319-00050680 So to define the quotient map I'm hyLOlfpze8U-00241-00050544-00050824 actually going to define the quotient. hyLOlfpze8U-00242-00050680-00051000 So I do this by taking R, hyLOlfpze8U-00243-00050824-00051128 the polynomial ring R has a method hyLOlfpze8U-00244-00051000-00051327 called quotient, hyLOlfpze8U-00245-00051128-00051495 I can pass in f and it's just going to hyLOlfpze8U-00246-00051327-00051639 form precisely the ring I've written hyLOlfpze8U-00247-00051495-00052000 down here. hyLOlfpze8U-00248-00051639-00052336 So the result is another hyLOlfpze8U-00249-00052000-00052488 ring, but I've I've made it named it pi_f hyLOlfpze8U-00250-00052336-00052664 to suggest to you that we should really hyLOlfpze8U-00251-00052488-00052839 think of this as a reduction map, hyLOlfpze8U-00252-00052664-00053039 because when I apply pi_f to an hyLOlfpze8U-00253-00052839-00053312 element it's going to reduce it. hyLOlfpze8U-00254-00053039-00053400 I can plug in any value in R and pi-_f of hyLOlfpze8U-00255-00053312-00053712 that value will hyLOlfpze8U-00256-00053400-00053936 lie in this quotient ring. hyLOlfpze8U-00257-00053712-00054055 Okay so let's try again to see if hyLOlfpze8U-00258-00053936-00054400 we can compute hyLOlfpze8U-00259-00054055-00054504 at least part of the computation. hyLOlfpze8U-00260-00054400-00054648 we're going to do. The first step of hyLOlfpze8U-00261-00054504-00054832 computing this gcd would be to hyLOlfpze8U-00262-00054648-00054927 exponentiate x to the p to the sixth power. hyLOlfpze8U-00263-00054927-00055255 So I could try that again here hyLOlfpze8U-00264-00055344-00055760 and now I see oops, wait a second sage hyLOlfpze8U-00265-00055576-00055983 still seems to be getting stuck here hyLOlfpze8U-00266-00055760-00056072 I'm not getting an answer and then I hyLOlfpze8U-00267-00055983-00056272 realize: Oh, I forgot to move hyLOlfpze8U-00268-00056072-00056455 the parentheses. I'm on hyLOlfpze8U-00269-00056272-00056639 the left hand side of this equality and hyLOlfpze8U-00270-00056455-00056816 i want it to be on the right-hand side. hyLOlfpze8U-00271-00056639-00056991 So let's go ahead and stop it again we hyLOlfpze8U-00272-00056816-00057112 need another trace back stuck in the hyLOlfpze8U-00273-00056991-00057312 same place. hyLOlfpze8U-00274-00057112-00057439 Now I'm going to get an exponential hyLOlfpze8U-00275-00057312-00057751 speed up hyLOlfpze8U-00276-00057439-00058120 by simply moving a parenthesis. hyLOlfpze8U-00277-00057751-00058632 I'm going to move this parenthesis hyLOlfpze8U-00278-00058120-00058632 over here. Okay now let's try it. hyLOlfpze8U-00279-00058679-00059024 Wow it took a millisecond. So we went hyLOlfpze8U-00280-00058855-00059112 from a computation that was completely hyLOlfpze8U-00281-00059024-00059248 infeasible, hyLOlfpze8U-00282-00059112-00059439 running out of memory on CoCalc, to hyLOlfpze8U-00283-00059248-00059512 something that takes less than a hyLOlfpze8U-00284-00059439-00059704 millisecond. hyLOlfpze8U-00285-00059512-00059872 And what's the result? Well it's not, it hyLOlfpze8U-00286-00059704-00059936 shouldn't be too surprising to you that hyLOlfpze8U-00287-00059936-00060288 if we're exponentiating x to the p to the hyLOlfpze8U-00288-00060104-00060400 sixth power we're applying the hyLOlfpze8U-00289-00060288-00060591 Forbenius automorphism hyLOlfpze8U-00290-00060400-00060727 to x, we're just going to get back x hyLOlfpze8U-00291-00060591-00061039 which is now called hyLOlfpze8U-00292-00060727-00061160 xbar to denote the reduction of x hyLOlfpze8U-00293-00061039-00061320 into this quotient ring. hyLOlfpze8U-00294-00061160-00061544 Sage helpfully picks a name for the hyLOlfpze8U-00295-00061320-00061760 variable here that is to remind us that hyLOlfpze8U-00296-00061544-00062079 it's not the same x anymore. hyLOlfpze8U-00297-00061760-00062239 Okay, now let's let's try this in hyLOlfpze8U-00298-00062079-00062624 a bigger finite field. Let's take, hyLOlfpze8U-00299-00062239-00062800 say p is 2^255-19. hyLOlfpze8U-00300-00062624-00062944 So I'll use the same polynomial again, hyLOlfpze8U-00301-00062800-00063232 and I'll set up my quotient ring hyLOlfpze8U-00302-00062944-00063367 again, and we'll go ahead and see how hyLOlfpze8U-00303-00063232-00063479 this polynomial factors over this hyLOlfpze8U-00304-00063367-00063639 field. The factorization is a little hyLOlfpze8U-00305-00063479-00063791 different, now we got one linear factor, a hyLOlfpze8U-00306-00063639-00064032 quadratic factor, and a degree five factor, hyLOlfpze8U-00307-00064079-00064483 and now we can easily compute all of these hyLOlfpze8U-00308-00064483-00064816 exponentiations in our quotient ring hyLOlfpze8U-00309-00064816-00065239 very efficiently, even for a large hyLOlfpze8U-00310-00064991-00065376 prime like 2^255-19. So all of these hyLOlfpze8U-00311-00065239-00065488 computations just took a handful hyLOlfpze8U-00312-00065488-00065864 of milliseconds. Excuse me now we're not hyLOlfpze8U-00313-00065800-00066239 getting just xbar, because hyLOlfpze8U-00314-00066239-00066583 we would need to go all the way up to, hyLOlfpze8U-00315-00066400-00066832 I guess a degree 10 extension. We could try hyLOlfpze8U-00316-00066583-00066832 this again. hyLOlfpze8U-00317-00067327-00067712 Yeah, so we go all the way up to hyLOlfpze8U-00318-00067720-00068151 the degree 10 extension of Fp where hyLOlfpze8U-00319-00068000-00068504 now this polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00320-00068151-00068576 splits completely so we get our xbar hyLOlfpze8U-00321-00068504-00069016 again. Okay, all right. hyLOlfpze8U-00322-00069136-00069504 So now we have an algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00323-00069360-00069704 our first actual algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00324-00069504-00070024 which is already a very useful thing hyLOlfpze8U-00325-00069704-00070136 without using any randomness, just by hyLOlfpze8U-00326-00070024-00070560 computing hyLOlfpze8U-00327-00070136-00070751 the cardinality of this, hyLOlfpze8U-00328-00070560-00070960 we can compute the cardinality of hyLOlfpze8U-00329-00070751-00071232 this set S, the set of hyLOlfpze8U-00330-00070960-00071344 Fq^n-rational points of f, hyLOlfpze8U-00331-00071232-00071576 by taking a gcd, hyLOlfpze8U-00332-00071344-00071704 the degree of a gcd. Okay so let's go hyLOlfpze8U-00333-00071576-00071951 ahead and implement an algorithm for hyLOlfpze8U-00334-00071704-00071951 doing that. hyLOlfpze8U-00335-00072095-00072560 Okay, so I've I've done this here. hyLOlfpze8U-00336-00072407-00072751 So the function of interest is going to hyLOlfpze8U-00337-00072560-00072960 be count_distinct_roots, hyLOlfpze8U-00338-00072751-00073160 and all it's going to do is compute a hyLOlfpze8U-00339-00072960-00073312 polynomial and take its degree. hyLOlfpze8U-00340-00073160-00073472 And the polynomial it's going to be hyLOlfpze8U-00341-00073312-00073800 compute is hyLOlfpze8U-00342-00073472-00074000 precisely the gcd of f with x^q-x, hyLOlfpze8U-00343-00073800-00074151 but let's just take a hyLOlfpze8U-00344-00074000-00074239 look to understand how it's doing that hyLOlfpze8U-00345-00074151-00074392 computation. hyLOlfpze8U-00346-00074239-00074527 In order to make sure we're on the right hyLOlfpze8U-00347-00074392-00074600 hand side of the equality rather than hyLOlfpze8U-00348-00074527-00074839 the left, hyLOlfpze8U-00349-00074600-00074912 so it takes in a polynomial f here, hyLOlfpze8U-00350-00074839-00075183 it knows hyLOlfpze8U-00351-00074912-00075360 over what field it lives, so f.base_ring() hyLOlfpze8U-00352-00075183-00075520 is just going to be Fq, hyLOlfpze8U-00353-00075360-00075656 and if I wanted to know what q is hyLOlfpze8U-00354-00075520-00075863 I could ask for the cardinality of that hyLOlfpze8U-00355-00075656-00076063 base ring. hyLOlfpze8U-00356-00075863-00076256 Then I'm going to go ahead and compute hyLOlfpze8U-00357-00076063-00076472 my reduction map, hyLOlfpze8U-00358-00076256-00076680 so f.parent() just means the hyLOlfpze8U-00359-00076472-00076872 polynomial ring containing f, so this was hyLOlfpze8U-00360-00076680-00077080 the R above, but since I want my hyLOlfpze8U-00361-00076872-00077239 my function to take in a single argument f hyLOlfpze8U-00362-00077239-00077800 I can grab R from f -- f knows its parent -- hyLOlfpze8U-00363-00077576-00077983 and take the quotient. And then I'm going hyLOlfpze8U-00364-00077800-00078288 to compute, hyLOlfpze8U-00365-00077983-00078480 I want to compute x^q-x. hyLOlfpze8U-00366-00078288-00078616 Now the subtlety here is I want to hyLOlfpze8U-00367-00078480-00078832 take the gcd hyLOlfpze8U-00368-00078616-00078968 in the polynomial ring over Fq, but I hyLOlfpze8U-00369-00078832-00079192 want to do the computation, this hyLOlfpze8U-00370-00078968-00079407 exponentiation, in the quotient ring hyLOlfpze8U-00371-00079192-00079592 so I take pi_f(x), that's going to give hyLOlfpze8U-00372-00079407-00079776 me my xbar, and in the quotient ring I'm hyLOlfpze8U-00373-00079592-00079983 going to raise it to the qth power. hyLOlfpze8U-00374-00079776-00080248 This is still in the quotient ring and hyLOlfpze8U-00375-00079983-00080407 then I'm going to use the lift() method hyLOlfpze8U-00376-00080248-00080680 of the element of the quotient rin hyLOlfpze8U-00377-00080407-00080888 I get to return an element of hyLOlfpze8U-00378-00080680-00081024 the parent ring. So whenever I define a hyLOlfpze8U-00379-00080888-00081288 quotient like this hyLOlfpze8U-00380-00081024-00081439 I can always apply lift(). We don't know hyLOlfpze8U-00381-00081288-00081624 which lift it's going to take, it's only hyLOlfpze8U-00382-00081439-00081663 going to be well-defined modulo f because hyLOlfpze8U-00383-00081663-00081968 of course this reduction is just an hyLOlfpze8U-00384-00081839-00082183 equivalence class, hyLOlfpze8U-00385-00081968-00082327 lift is just asking for a representative hyLOlfpze8U-00386-00082183-00082512 of that equivalence class, but because hyLOlfpze8U-00387-00082327-00082616 we're about to take a gcd we don't care hyLOlfpze8U-00388-00082512-00082863 we don't care which representative. hyLOlfpze8U-00389-00082863-00083288 Ut'll actually be the unique hyLOlfpze8U-00390-00083007-00083536 representative of degree less than f. hyLOlfpze8U-00391-00083288-00083704 And then we want to remember to subtract x hyLOlfpze8U-00392-00083536-00083744 so we get our polynomial x^q-x, hyLOlfpze8U-00393-00083744-00084392 x reduced mod f in this expression here, hyLOlfpze8U-00394-00084063-00084744 and then we take the gcd okay. hyLOlfpze8U-00395-00084392-00084744 So let's go ahead and give this a try. hyLOlfpze8U-00396-00084951-00085360 So now in this line what I've done hyLOlfpze8U-00397-00085192-00085416 is I've gone back to our small finite field, hyLOlfpze8U-00398-00085416-00085919 p is 61, set up the finite field and our hyLOlfpze8U-00399-00085719-00086063 polynomial ring again, hyLOlfpze8U-00400-00085919-00086216 redefine our polynomial because I hyLOlfpze8U-00401-00086063-00086256 changed it to live over a different field hyLOlfpze8U-00402-00086256-00087039 a few cells above, defining our hyLOlfpze8U-00403-00086744-00087039 quotient map here, hyLOlfpze8U-00404-00087063-00087424 actually this definition isn't even hyLOlfpze8U-00405-00087263-00087632 needed at this point I can just delete it. hyLOlfpze8U-00406-00087983-00088663 And I'm then going to count roots in hyLOlfpze8U-00407-00088312-00089000 our finite field of our polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00408-00088663-00089160 over various extensions of Fp. hyLOlfpze8U-00409-00089000-00089472 Okay and I'll go ahead and just run this hyLOlfpze8U-00410-00089160-00089632 again so we can see it in action. hyLOlfpze8U-00411-00089472-00089839 You'll see there are three roots hyLOlfpze8U-00412-00089632-00090288 over Fp those are the three that we hyLOlfpze8U-00413-00089839-00090648 saw earlier, there are five roots over hyLOlfpze8U-00414-00090288-00090719 Fp^2 -- excuse me I'm realizing that hyLOlfpze8U-00415-00090719-00091551 this display here is not very useful, hyLOlfpze8U-00416-00091248-00091551 let's go ahead and fix it. hyLOlfpze8U-00417-00092119-00092512 Okay so over F_61 we have three roots hyLOlfpze8U-00418-00092512-00092888 over F_61^2 we have 5 roots because of hyLOlfpze8U-00419-00092727-00093095 course the 3 roots that are defined over hyLOlfpze8U-00420-00092888-00093263 F_61 are still there plus we get two new hyLOlfpze8U-00421-00093095-00093392 ones the two that lived over a quadratic hyLOlfpze8U-00422-00093263-00093727 extension. hyLOlfpze8U-00423-00093392-00093863 Over F_61 ^3, well we lose hyLOlfpze8U-00424-00093727-00094048 the roots that were defined over a hyLOlfpze8U-00425-00093863-00094263 quadratic extension because those aren't hyLOlfpze8U-00426-00094048-00094416 inside F_61^3, but we have hyLOlfpze8U-00427-00094263-00094607 the three that were defined over Fp and hyLOlfpze8U-00428-00094416-00094992 then three new ones that are the roots of hyLOlfpze8U-00429-00094607-00095232 the irreducible cubic factor of f. hyLOlfpze8U-00430-00094992-00095368 Over F_61^4 we're going to again see the hyLOlfpze8U-00431-00095232-00095560 quadratic roots defined over hyLOlfpze8U-00432-00095368-00095744 quadratic extension because F_61^2 hyLOlfpze8U-00433-00095560-00096039 is a subfield of F_61^4. hyLOlfpze8U-00434-00095744-00096088 Over F_61^5 we only see the hyLOlfpze8U-00435-00096088-00096416 Fp rational roots, and then finally over hyLOlfpze8U-00436-00096416-00097016 F_61^6 we get all eight roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00437-00096719-00097088 Okay so just with this very short bit of hyLOlfpze8U-00438-00097088-00097656 code here we can count roots, the hyLOlfpze8U-00439-00097456-00097912 number of roots a polynomial has over hyLOlfpze8U-00440-00097656-00098183 any extension of the base field. hyLOlfpze8U-00441-00097912-00098319 Great! And sometimes that may be all we hyLOlfpze8U-00442-00098183-00098472 need to do and in fact if there hyLOlfpze8U-00443-00098319-00098632 was only one root we would actually know hyLOlfpze8U-00444-00098472-00098800 what it is because this distinct_root_poly hyLOlfpze8U-00445-00098632-00099112 would be a linear polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-00446-00098800-00099112 and we could extract its root. hyLOlfpze8U-00447-00099239-00099648 Okay in fact, let's go ahead and hyLOlfpze8U-00448-00099648-00100319 look at what the polynomial is. So over hyLOlfpze8U-00449-00100007-00100488 F_61 when I take the gcd of f with x^61-x hyLOlfpze8U-00450-00100488-00100872 I get this cubic polynomial and this cubic hyLOlfpze8U-00451-00100632-00101151 polynomial is precisely hyLOlfpze8U-00452-00100872-00101304 the product of the linear factors of f hyLOlfpze8U-00453-00101151-00101551 corresponding to the three rational hyLOlfpze8U-00454-00101304-00101792 roots that live over Fp. hyLOlfpze8U-00455-00101551-00101936 But you know maybe over F_61 if I stare hyLOlfpze8U-00456-00101792-00102072 long enough at this cubic I can figure hyLOlfpze8U-00457-00101936-00102248 out what the roots are. But if this was hyLOlfpze8U-00458-00102072-00102383 a large finite field, hyLOlfpze8U-00459-00102248-00102535 knowing what the polynomial is, what the hyLOlfpze8U-00460-00102383-00102743 coefficients of the polynomial are, hyLOlfpze8U-00461-00102535-00102903 doesn't tell me what the roots are, hyLOlfpze8U-00462-00102743-00103048 even if it's a low degree polynomial, even if hyLOlfpze8U-00463-00102903-00103072 it's a very simple one like say, I don't know, hyLOlfpze8U-00464-00103072-00103519 x^2-7 What's the square root hyLOlfpze8U-00465-00103319-00103591 of seven, or the two square roots of seven hyLOlfpze8U-00466-00103591-00104159 say in Fp where p is 2^255-19? hyLOlfpze8U-00467-00104159-00104511 That's not an easy problem to solve. hyLOlfpze8U-00468-00104552-00104879 In the case of 7 there is an efficient hyLOlfpze8U-00469-00104728-00105055 algorithm to solve it due to René Schoff hyLOlfpze8U-00470-00104879-00105303 which we'll see a little late. hyLOlfpze8U-00471-00105055-00105440 But if I replaced 7 with a much larger hyLOlfpze8U-00472-00105303-00105559 number it would be, hyLOlfpze8U-00473-00105440-00105703 there would be no deterministic hyLOlfpze8U-00474-00105559-00105976 polynomial time algorithm known for hyLOlfpze8U-00475-00105703-00106111 solving that problem. hyLOlfpze8U-00476-00105976-00106503 So how do we how are we going to solve it? hyLOlfpze8U-00477-00106111-00106703 Well our first strategy is to try and hyLOlfpze8U-00478-00106503-00106896 change the polynomial we're taking a gcd with. hyLOlfpze8U-00479-00106896-00107383 So let's try instead of x^p-x, let's try x^s-x, hyLOlfpze8U-00480-00107383-00107759 Let's just let's factor out the x. hyLOlfpze8U-00481-00107583-00107896 If we have, if 0 is a root of our hyLOlfpze8U-00482-00107759-00108040 polynomial, that's easy to tell, hyLOlfpze8U-00483-00107896-00108240 the constant term is zero, so let's hyLOlfpze8U-00484-00108040-00108320 forget about the root zero and just hyLOlfpze8U-00485-00108240-00108655 focus on the non-zero roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00486-00108320-00108688 I'm going to take hyLOlfpze8U-00487-00108688-00109111 s to be (p-1)/2. Now I'm assuming hyLOlfpze8U-00488-00108896-00109191 that p and more generally q is odd. hyLOlfpze8U-00489-00109191-00109503 There are similar algorithms one could hyLOlfpze8U-00490-00109320-00109616 use in even characteristic, but hyLOlfpze8U-00491-00109503-00109896 let's not worry about them for the hyLOlfpze8U-00492-00109616-00109896 purpose of this video. hyLOlfpze8U-00493-00109935-00110511 And let's try computing this gcd again, hyLOlfpze8U-00494-00110296-00110848 and lo and behold we find that we get a hyLOlfpze8U-00495-00110511-00111016 smaller gcd! So this quadratic hyLOlfpze8U-00496-00110848-00111159 divides this cubic, hyLOlfpze8U-00497-00111016-00111328 in fact if I did the division I could hyLOlfpze8U-00498-00111159-00111464 get the other linear polynomial and know hyLOlfpze8U-00499-00111328-00111808 what one of the roots is. hyLOlfpze8U-00500-00111808-00112264 So by taking a gcd with a different polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00501-00111991-00112472 we were able to split hyLOlfpze8U-00502-00112264-00112832 this polynomial, which was a product of hyLOlfpze8U-00503-00112472-00113135 the linear factors of f. hyLOlfpze8U-00504-00112832-00113279 So that's great. So why did I choose hyLOlfpze8U-00505-00113135-00113455 this particular value, hyLOlfpze8U-00506-00113279-00113808 this particular polynomial x^s-1 hyLOlfpze8U-00507-00113455-00114088 where s is p minus 1 over 2? hyLOlfpze8U-00508-00113808-00114296 Well, I mean, one reason is hyLOlfpze8U-00509-00114088-00114440 it has roughly, it has exactly half the hyLOlfpze8U-00510-00114296-00114576 non-zero roots of Fp. Half hyLOlfpze8U-00511-00114440-00114744 are going to be roots of x^s-1. hyLOlfpze8U-00512-00114744-00115055 Which half is it? Well I could I hyLOlfpze8U-00513-00114944-00115248 print them out since 61 hyLOlfpze8U-00514-00115055-00115367 is not so big, and I could stare at those, hyLOlfpze8U-00515-00115367-00115791 and maybe my spidey sense tells me that hyLOlfpze8U-00516-00115567-00115920 those look like squares, at least I see hyLOlfpze8U-00517-00115791-00116055 4, 9, and 16 here, hyLOlfpze8U-00518-00115920-00116216 or I could just remember Euler's hyLOlfpze8U-00519-00116055-00116408 criterion which tells me that the roots hyLOlfpze8U-00520-00116216-00116679 of x to the p minus one over two minus hyLOlfpze8U-00521-00116408-00117024 one are precisely the quadratic residues hyLOlfpze8U-00522-00116679-00117296 in the multiplicative group of Fp. hyLOlfpze8U-00523-00117024-00117391 In fact I could even verify that hyLOlfpze8U-00524-00117296-00117855 that's true, and hyLOlfpze8U-00525-00117391-00118128 indeed it is. Okay so that's great hyLOlfpze8U-00526-00117855-00118335 in situations where maybe hyLOlfpze8U-00527-00118128-00118608 there's only one quadratic residue or hyLOlfpze8U-00528-00118335-00118688 one non-residue, but in general hyLOlfpze8U-00529-00118608-00118896 what do we do hyLOlfpze8U-00530-00118688-00119008 if we find ourselves stuck, as we are hyLOlfpze8U-00531-00118896-00119311 here at this point. Suppose we want to hyLOlfpze8U-00532-00119008-00119464 split this quadratic? Well both roots hyLOlfpze8U-00533-00119311-00119600 are quadratic residues, now what are we hyLOlfpze8U-00534-00119464-00120016 going to do? hyLOlfpze8U-00535-00119600-00120215 And this is where Rabin's idea comes in, hyLOlfpze8U-00536-00120016-00120352 and where randomness becomes critical. hyLOlfpze8U-00537-00120215-00120591 So now instead of the polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00538-00120352-00120824 x to the s minus 1 we're going to just hyLOlfpze8U-00539-00120591-00121008 translate x, just shift it over by delta hyLOlfpze8U-00540-00120824-00121167 and use the same polynomial but our hyLOlfpze8U-00541-00121008-00121432 shift is going to be a random element of hyLOlfpze8U-00542-00121167-00121815 our finite field, okay, hyLOlfpze8U-00543-00121432-00121888 and our hope is that when we take a hyLOlfpze8U-00544-00121888-00122200 shift we're sort of, you can imagine we're hyLOlfpze8U-00545-00122032-00122288 sort of moving all the quadratic hyLOlfpze8U-00546-00122200-00122600 residues around hyLOlfpze8U-00547-00122288-00122767 in what would seem like a random way and hyLOlfpze8U-00548-00122600-00122952 our hope would be that by trying hyLOlfpze8U-00549-00122767-00123111 different random values of delta hyLOlfpze8U-00550-00122952-00123383 we have a good chance of being able to hyLOlfpze8U-00551-00123111-00123608 split a polynomial that we know is a hyLOlfpze8U-00552-00123383-00124008 product of linear factors. hyLOlfpze8U-00553-00123608-00124055 Okay. And it's not hard to prove that this hyLOlfpze8U-00554-00124055-00124367 actually is indeed the case, that this works hyLOlfpze8U-00555-00124367-00124640 formally. By the way you can find that proof hyLOlfpze8U-00556-00124520-00124791 of this in the lecture notes or in hyLOlfpze8U-00557-00124640-00125015 Rabin's paper. hyLOlfpze8U-00558-00124791-00125264 We'll say that two elements of our hyLOlfpze8U-00559-00125015-00125464 finite field are of different type hyLOlfpze8U-00560-00125264-00125576 if they're both non-zero and when we hyLOlfpze8U-00561-00125464-00125767 raise them to the sth hyLOlfpze8U-00562-00125576-00125976 power we don't get the same answer. Here hyLOlfpze8U-00563-00125767-00126135 s is going to be q minus 1 over 2. hyLOlfpze8U-00564-00125976-00126311 Now of course when we raise a non-zero hyLOlfpze8U-00565-00126135-00126432 alpha or beta to the sth power we're hyLOlfpze8U-00566-00126311-00126655 always going to get plus or minus one, hyLOlfpze8U-00567-00126432-00126800 so to say these are non-equal means hyLOlfpze8U-00568-00126655-00126928 one of them is one and one of them is hyLOlfpze8U-00569-00126800-00127055 minus one, in other words one's a hyLOlfpze8U-00570-00126928-00127167 quadratic residue and the other one isn't hyLOlfpze8U-00571-00127167-00127744 Okay and the key theorem that hyLOlfpze8U-00572-00127503-00127935 enables all this is that if we just hyLOlfpze8U-00573-00127744-00128024 pick any two, doesn't matter which two, hyLOlfpze8U-00574-00127935-00128088 because we remember we don't have hyLOlfpze8U-00575-00128024-00128240 control, hyLOlfpze8U-00576-00128088-00128383 necessarily, over alpha and beta, maybe hyLOlfpze8U-00577-00128240-00128520 these are the roots of the polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00578-00128383-00128711 that was given to us, hyLOlfpze8U-00579-00128520-00128855 if we just shift them both by a random hyLOlfpze8U-00580-00128711-00128991 delta they're going to wind up being of hyLOlfpze8U-00581-00128991-00129448 different type half the time. hyLOlfpze8U-00582-00129488-00129848 And I'll refer you to the lecture notes hyLOlfpze8U-00583-00129728-00129983 for a proof, but it's really just four or hyLOlfpze8U-00584-00129848-00130303 five lines. hyLOlfpze8U-00585-00129983-00130688 And so as a consequence of this is hyLOlfpze8U-00586-00130303-00130896 if we take the gcd, if we first hyLOlfpze8U-00587-00130688-00131079 get a product of the linear factors of f hyLOlfpze8U-00588-00130896-00131288 by taking the gcd with x^q-x, call that g, hyLOlfpze8U-00589-00131288-00131840 and then we take the gcd of g hyLOlfpze8U-00590-00131703-00132055 that we know to be a product of linear hyLOlfpze8U-00591-00131840-00132232 factors with the polynomial x plus delta hyLOlfpze8U-00592-00132055-00132328 to the s minus one, where delta's chosen hyLOlfpze8U-00593-00132232-00132584 at random, hyLOlfpze8U-00594-00132328-00132824 we have at least a fifty percent chance hyLOlfpze8U-00595-00132584-00133200 of finding a non-trivial factor hyLOlfpze8U-00596-00132824-00133376 of g, by which I mean the this gcd hyLOlfpze8U-00597-00133200-00133584 will not be constant and it will not be hyLOlfpze8U-00598-00133376-00133744 equal to g, it will be a proper divisor of g. hyLOlfpze8U-00599-00133744-00134376 Okay and so here's the algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00600-00134048-00134576 called rational_root that looks for hyLOlfpze8U-00601-00134376-00134767 a rational root of the input polynomial f. hyLOlfpze8U-00602-00134576-00135008 And it does this by hyLOlfpze8U-00603-00134767-00135200 initially taking the gcd with x to the q hyLOlfpze8U-00604-00135008-00135272 minus x to get a product of linear factors, hyLOlfpze8U-00605-00135272-00135840 that we know factors completely over Fq, hyLOlfpze8U-00606-00135648-00135960 and then it tries to randomly split it. hyLOlfpze8U-00607-00135840-00136303 So let's take a look at the hyLOlfpze8U-00608-00135960-00136512 at the algorithm. Maybe one hyLOlfpze8U-00609-00136303-00136672 important note here if you're not hyLOlfpze8U-00610-00136512-00136855 completely up to speed on python 3, hyLOlfpze8U-00611-00136672-00137184 when we're doing this division hyLOlfpze8U-00612-00136855-00137312 s equals q minus one over 2, we want s to be hyLOlfpze8U-00613-00137184-00137503 q minus one over two, I'm using the hyLOlfpze8U-00614-00137312-00137712 double slash operator -- this denotes hyLOlfpze8U-00615-00137503-00137832 integer division. This makes sure that we hyLOlfpze8U-00616-00137712-00137976 actually get an integer hyLOlfpze8U-00617-00137832-00138160 even though we know q minus one is hyLOlfpze8U-00618-00137976-00138248 exactly divisible by two, we even verify hyLOlfpze8U-00619-00138160-00138455 this. hyLOlfpze8U-00620-00138248-00138591 We want ot get an integer and not a hyLOlfpze8U-00621-00138455-00138752 rational number, otherwise sage will hyLOlfpze8U-00622-00138591-00138872 complain when we try to exponentiate to hyLOlfpze8U-00623-00138752-00139191 a rational number even when that hyLOlfpze8U-00624-00138872-00139496 rational number happens to be an integer. hyLOlfpze8U-00625-00139191-00139655 Okay so now we've defined our s, we put hyLOlfpze8U-00626-00139496-00139864 in a trivial check to say well if the hyLOlfpze8U-00627-00139655-00140015 constant coefficient of f is 0 then we hyLOlfpze8U-00628-00139864-00140160 know it has 0 as a root and we could just hyLOlfpze8U-00629-00140015-00140391 take that one, hyLOlfpze8U-00630-00140160-00140552 otherwise we're going to compute this hyLOlfpze8U-00631-00140391-00140960 distinct_root_poly again that was just hyLOlfpze8U-00632-00140552-00140960 the gcd of f with x to q minus x, hyLOlfpze8U-00633-00141079-00141391 and that's going to give us our g which hyLOlfpze8U-00634-00141224-00141560 would now be a cubic polynomial for our hyLOlfpze8U-00635-00141391-00141703 sample degree 8 polynomial f. hyLOlfpze8U-00636-00141560-00141967 And now we want to split g, and we're hyLOlfpze8U-00637-00141703-00142391 going to do that by going through a loop hyLOlfpze8U-00638-00141967-00142640 where our goal is to get a g that has hyLOlfpze8U-00639-00142391-00142840 degree one or it could be that there are hyLOlfpze8U-00640-00142640-00142967 no rational roots in which case g might hyLOlfpze8U-00641-00142840-00143176 have degree zero when we finish, hyLOlfpze8U-00642-00142967-00143288 and we'll know that we have no roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00643-00143176-00143552 And so we're going to split hyLOlfpze8U-00644-00143288-00143696 g by picking a random delta using the hyLOlfpze8U-00645-00143552-00143815 random_element() method of our finite hyLOlfpze8U-00646-00143696-00144120 field, which is just hyLOlfpze8U-00647-00143815-00144352 F_q which is just the base ring of g, hyLOlfpze8U-00648-00144120-00144567 then we're going to take our gcd of g hyLOlfpze8U-00649-00144352-00144752 with x plus delta the s minus one and hyLOlfpze8U-00650-00144567-00145055 we're going to do that computation hyLOlfpze8U-00651-00144752-00145296 correctly inside our quotient ring, hyLOlfpze8U-00652-00145055-00145472 pi_g here is the quotient map for our g, hyLOlfpze8U-00653-00145296-00145840 find the quotient of Fq[x] by g, hyLOlfpze8U-00654-00145472-00145903 raise it to the sth power hyLOlfpze8U-00655-00145840-00146144 minus one, hyLOlfpze8U-00656-00145903-00146303 lift as before, and then we're going to hyLOlfpze8U-00657-00146144-00146455 check do we get a polynomial whose hyLOlfpze8U-00658-00146303-00146527 degree is strictly between zero and the hyLOlfpze8U-00659-00146455-00146864 degree of g. hyLOlfpze8U-00660-00146527-00147184 If we do, we found a proper divisor of g. hyLOlfpze8U-00661-00147006-00147210 And now our strategy is, well, we hyLOlfpze8U-00662-00147210-00147365 could either try to find a root-- hyLOlfpze8U-00663-00147365-00147520 we're going to recursively either try hyLOlfpze8U-00664-00147520-00147666 to find a route of h. hyLOlfpze8U-00665-00147666-00147969 Or if h has degree that's greater than half the degree hyLOlfpze8U-00666-00147969-00148265 of g, we might as well instead switch to the other factor, hyLOlfpze8U-00667-00148265-00148470 take g divided by h, and look for a rational root hyLOlfpze8U-00668-00148470-00148712 of that quotient. hyLOlfpze8U-00669-00148712-00149083 And so we now have found a smaller g. hyLOlfpze8U-00670-00149083-00149250 We're actually not using recursion here. hyLOlfpze8U-00671-00149250-00149404 I guess we're just running on a loop. hyLOlfpze8U-00672-00149404-00149766 We're just replacing g with our smaller g. hyLOlfpze8U-00673-00149766-00149865 Excuse me. hyLOlfpze8U-00674-00149865-00150108 And we're redefining our quotient map here, hyLOlfpze8U-00675-00150108-00150405 our pi sub g's, because we're going hyLOlfpze8U-00676-00150405-00150582 to use it again in this loop. hyLOlfpze8U-00677-00150582-00150961 And this is going to keep going until either-- hyLOlfpze8U-00678-00150961-00151191 well, if we ever got into this loop in the first place, hyLOlfpze8U-00679-00151191-00151382 we're going to keep-- we know at the end we're hyLOlfpze8U-00680-00151382-00151581 going to have a polynomial of degree 1, hyLOlfpze8U-00681-00151581-00151846 because we're always finding a proper divisor in this step hyLOlfpze8U-00682-00151846-00151896 here. hyLOlfpze8U-00683-00151896-00152079 Otherwise, we don't get out of the loop. hyLOlfpze8U-00684-00152079-00152507 And the loop is going to continue until g has degree 1. hyLOlfpze8U-00685-00152507-00152682 And then at the end, we're going to return hyLOlfpze8U-00686-00152682-00153015 either the root of our linear polynomial if we have one. hyLOlfpze8U-00687-00153015-00153171 Or the other possibility is we never hyLOlfpze8U-00688-00153171-00153321 entered the loop at all, because g hyLOlfpze8U-00689-00153321-00153446 was trivial to begin with. hyLOlfpze8U-00690-00153446-00153884 In which case, we know there are no rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00691-00153884-00154286 And it's not hard to show that, well, we hyLOlfpze8U-00692-00154286-00154685 know we have a 50-50 chance of splitting our polynomial g. hyLOlfpze8U-00693-00154685-00154970 In the worst case, g might have the same degree as f. hyLOlfpze8U-00694-00154970-00155249 And because we're always taking the smaller of the two factors, hyLOlfpze8U-00695-00155249-00155667 we know we're cutting the degree in half in each step. hyLOlfpze8U-00696-00155667-00156017 And we expect that to happen after two random choices. hyLOlfpze8U-00697-00156017-00156251 And so we expect the depth of the recursion hyLOlfpze8U-00698-00156251-00156548 should be logarithmic-- hyLOlfpze8U-00699-00156548-00156723 excuse me-- in the degree. hyLOlfpze8U-00700-00156723-00156932 And so the total running time of this algorithm, hyLOlfpze8U-00701-00156932-00157322 if we ignore log-log factors of q hyLOlfpze8U-00702-00157322-00157466 and logarithmic factors of degree, hyLOlfpze8U-00703-00157466-00157709 it's going to be soft O of n squared d. hyLOlfpze8U-00704-00157709-00158159 So n here is the number-- the bit size of our finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-00705-00158159-00158408 I mean, there's an n here because we need to write down hyLOlfpze8U-00706-00158408-00158504 elements of our finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-00707-00158504-00158670 And then there's another n because we're hyLOlfpze8U-00708-00158670-00158918 doing exponentiation, but with exponents that hyLOlfpze8U-00709-00158918-00159098 have roughly n bits in them. hyLOlfpze8U-00710-00159098-00159260 And then we have a d for the degree-- hyLOlfpze8U-00711-00159260-00159631 so quadratic, quasi quadratic in n, quasilinear in d. hyLOlfpze8U-00712-00159971-00160180 All right, so let's go ahead and give this a shot. hyLOlfpze8U-00713-00160616-00160885 So just to see it in action on our polynomial f, hyLOlfpze8U-00714-00160885-00161060 let's go ahead and just run it five times, hyLOlfpze8U-00715-00161060-00161240 just so we can see the randomness coming hyLOlfpze8U-00716-00161240-00161385 into play, here. hyLOlfpze8U-00717-00161385-00161699 So in each iteration, I'm printing out hyLOlfpze8U-00718-00161699-00162182 the initial GCD of f with x to the q minus x, hyLOlfpze8U-00719-00162182-00162312 which is a cubic polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-00720-00162312-00162562 And I'm telling you which delta it picked in this iteration. hyLOlfpze8U-00721-00162562-00162781 In this case, first time through, it picked 5. hyLOlfpze8U-00722-00162781-00162988 And that 5 is good. hyLOlfpze8U-00723-00162988-00163177 It split this polynomial, and it found hyLOlfpze8U-00724-00163177-00163342 into a degree 1 and a degree 2. hyLOlfpze8U-00725-00163342-00163570 And it took the degree 1 factor, x plus 46, hyLOlfpze8U-00726-00163570-00163861 and it output the root corresponding to that factor. hyLOlfpze8U-00727-00163861-00164212 In the next run, the first delta it tried, 13, didn't work, hyLOlfpze8U-00728-00164212-00164398 so it tried another one, delta 64. hyLOlfpze8U-00729-00164398-00164642 That one worked, And this time-- oh, it didn't find hyLOlfpze8U-00730-00164642-00164767 the same root it found before. hyLOlfpze8U-00731-00164767-00165202 It found a different root, and similarly in the other try-- hyLOlfpze8U-00732-00165202-00165340 actually in the next three tries. hyLOlfpze8U-00733-00165340-00165465 It succeeded on the first try. hyLOlfpze8U-00734-00165465-00165802 It never took more than two random deltas to split. hyLOlfpze8U-00735-00165802-00166293 Let's just maybe to see the power of this algorithm, hyLOlfpze8U-00736-00166293-00166519 let's use a higher degree polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-00737-00166519-00166822 Let's take, say, a polynomial degree 19 that we know hyLOlfpze8U-00738-00166822-00166999 has 19 rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00739-00166999-00167431 Let's just take the product of x minus i for i from 1 up to 19 hyLOlfpze8U-00740-00167431-00167835 and run our algorithm a bunch of times on that. hyLOlfpze8U-00741-00167835-00168251 So here, we can see our initial GCD was the entire polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00742-00168251-00168612 because we constructed h to be a product of linear polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-00743-00168612-00168797 We pick our first delta. hyLOlfpze8U-00744-00168797-00169031 And note, now that we've got lots of linear polynomials, hyLOlfpze8U-00745-00169031-00169289 we actually have a much better than 50-50 chance of splitting. hyLOlfpze8U-00746-00169289-00169622 In fact, it's very unlikely we won't split. hyLOlfpze8U-00747-00169622-00169954 And on average, we should expect to split roughly in half. hyLOlfpze8U-00748-00169954-00170079 And that happens in this case. hyLOlfpze8U-00749-00170079-00170324 We split, and we get a degree 9 polynomial and a degree 10. hyLOlfpze8U-00750-00170324-00170423 We take the degree 9. hyLOlfpze8U-00751-00170423-00170621 In the next iteration, we split it 5-4. hyLOlfpze8U-00752-00170621-00170753 We take the degree 4. hyLOlfpze8U-00753-00170753-00171003 Then we split it 2-2, and then we get a linear polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-00754-00171003-00171102 and we output that one. hyLOlfpze8U-00755-00171102-00171257 And you can see some other runs here. hyLOlfpze8U-00756-00171257-00171465 Maybe it doesn't always split 9-10 the first time. hyLOlfpze8U-00757-00171465-00171778 This time, it splits 7-12 and then 3-4 and then 2-1, hyLOlfpze8U-00758-00171778-00171866 et cetera, et cetera. hyLOlfpze8U-00759-00172111-00172316 Now at this point, you might not be so impressed. hyLOlfpze8U-00760-00172316-00172580 I mean, this is a finite field with 61 elements in it. hyLOlfpze8U-00761-00172580-00172784 How hard can it be to find roots? hyLOlfpze8U-00762-00172784-00172953 Well, let's try a bigger finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-00763-00172953-00173282 Let's take one of my favorites, 2 to the 61 minus 1, hyLOlfpze8U-00764-00173282-00173345 a Mersenne prime. hyLOlfpze8U-00765-00173345-00173696 And we'll apply it to the same polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-00766-00173696-00174011 x to the 8 minus 2x plus 5, which now maybe hyLOlfpze8U-00767-00174011-00174401 has a different factorization pattern. hyLOlfpze8U-00768-00174401-00174452 Oh, sorry. hyLOlfpze8U-00769-00174452-00174779 Actually, in this, I'm again applying it to h, hyLOlfpze8U-00770-00174779-00175208 the product of the x minus i for i from 1 to 19, hyLOlfpze8U-00771-00175208-00175493 which just maybe lets you see more of the algorithm in action hyLOlfpze8U-00772-00175493-00175650 better. hyLOlfpze8U-00773-00175650-00175921 And so as before, we now have this initial polynomial, which hyLOlfpze8U-00774-00175921-00176051 is degree 19-- the whole thing. hyLOlfpze8U-00775-00176051-00176405 The coefficients are just bigger now. hyLOlfpze8U-00776-00176405-00176764 We pick a random delta with roughly 61 bits in it. hyLOlfpze8U-00777-00176764-00176927 It splits 6-13. hyLOlfpze8U-00778-00176927-00177105 x random delta splits it 1-5. hyLOlfpze8U-00779-00177105-00177180 So that was great. hyLOlfpze8U-00780-00177180-00177356 It only took two iterations. hyLOlfpze8U-00781-00177356-00177698 In some of the other runs, it takes more than two iterations. hyLOlfpze8U-00782-00177698-00177980 But in every case, we descend to a root very quickly-- hyLOlfpze8U-00783-00177980-00178103 logarithmic. hyLOlfpze8U-00784-00178103-00178457 The depth of the recursion again is logarithmic in the degree. hyLOlfpze8U-00785-00178457-00178640 And you can see that even over this-- well, hyLOlfpze8U-00786-00178640-00178937 not quite cryptographic-size field, but decent-size field-- hyLOlfpze8U-00787-00178937-00179116 it only takes a few milliseconds. hyLOlfpze8U-00788-00179116-00179414 And, heck, we could try this over a cryptographic-size field hyLOlfpze8U-00789-00179414-00179704 if we wanted to. hyLOlfpze8U-00790-00179704-00180058 Just the screen will get a little uglier, hyLOlfpze8U-00791-00180058-00180271 but it won't take noticeably longer. hyLOlfpze8U-00792-00180524-00180589 So, yeah. hyLOlfpze8U-00793-00180589-00180844 Just going to switch back to my other field because I think-- hyLOlfpze8U-00794-00180844-00181180 I'm assuming I'm set up in the-- hyLOlfpze8U-00795-00181180-00181369 consider our word-size field later on. hyLOlfpze8U-00796-00181721-00181972 Great. hyLOlfpze8U-00797-00181972-00182152 So that's a way to find a rational root. hyLOlfpze8U-00798-00182152-00182392 What if we want to know what all the rational roots are? hyLOlfpze8U-00799-00182392-00182783 That is, we want to know the complete set s of, say, hyLOlfpze8U-00800-00182783-00183103 fq or fq to the n rational roots of f? hyLOlfpze8U-00801-00183103-00183274 Well, we can easily modify the algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00802-00183274-00183379 we just wrote to do that. hyLOlfpze8U-00803-00183379-00183946 Instead of-- we were just picking 1/2 of the descent hyLOlfpze8U-00804-00183946-00184096 as we were splitting our polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-00805-00184096-00184319 We could just descend on both halves. hyLOlfpze8U-00806-00184319-00184808 So this is essentially a rewrite of the algorithm above. hyLOlfpze8U-00807-00184808-00185127 The only difference now is I am actually hyLOlfpze8U-00808-00185127-00185302 going to use a recursive algorithm since I hyLOlfpze8U-00809-00185302-00185659 want to follow both paths down the tree. hyLOlfpze8U-00810-00185659-00186046 As before, I'm going to-- hyLOlfpze8U-00811-00186046-00186310 excuse me-- I'm going to pull out a 0 hyLOlfpze8U-00812-00186310-00186574 if it's a root-- just treat that special, get it out of the way hyLOlfpze8U-00813-00186574-00186707 up front. hyLOlfpze8U-00814-00186707-00187008 And if the input-- because this is a recursive algorithm, hyLOlfpze8U-00815-00187008-00187138 I need to handle the base case. hyLOlfpze8U-00816-00187138-00187660 The base case is going to be that g has degree at most 1, hyLOlfpze8U-00817-00187660-00187831 meaning it's either linear, in which case hyLOlfpze8U-00818-00187831-00187966 I just pull out a root. hyLOlfpze8U-00819-00187966-00188413 Or it has to be 0, in which case it has no roots, hyLOlfpze8U-00820-00188413-00188611 and I just return an empty list. hyLOlfpze8U-00821-00188611-00188912 But in every other case, if degree is greater than 1, hyLOlfpze8U-00822-00188912-00189112 then I'm going to go into a loop, where I'm just hyLOlfpze8U-00823-00189112-00189277 going to pick a random delta. hyLOlfpze8U-00824-00189277-00189748 I'm going to use it to try and split my polynomial g. hyLOlfpze8U-00825-00189748-00189943 And whenever I succeed, I'm then going hyLOlfpze8U-00826-00189943-00190384 to recursively find all the rational roots of both h hyLOlfpze8U-00827-00190384-00190513 and g divided by h. hyLOlfpze8U-00828-00191054-00191923 All right, and so let's go ahead and compile this. hyLOlfpze8U-00829-00191923-00192094 And the nice thing is this doesn't really hyLOlfpze8U-00830-00192094-00192264 change the running time of the algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-00831-00192264-00192496 I mean, by finding both-- by following both paths, hyLOlfpze8U-00832-00192496-00192646 we increase the amount of work we're hyLOlfpze8U-00833-00192646-00192796 doing by a factor of log d. hyLOlfpze8U-00834-00192796-00193156 But that's going to get lost in our soft O notation. hyLOlfpze8U-00835-00193156-00193339 Unless we're keeping track of log factors, hyLOlfpze8U-00836-00193339-00193624 finding all the rational roots takes no more time hyLOlfpze8U-00837-00193624-00193856 really than finding just one of them. hyLOlfpze8U-00838-00193856-00194073 So let's go ahead and try it. hyLOlfpze8U-00839-00194550-00195008 So here was, in this case, over p is 2 to the 61 minus 1. hyLOlfpze8U-00840-00195008-00195195 f only had 1 rational root, and it finds it. hyLOlfpze8U-00841-00195195-00195341 So maybe that's not so exciting. hyLOlfpze8U-00842-00195341-00195815 Let's run it instead, where we find all the rational roots hyLOlfpze8U-00843-00195815-00196088 of a polynomial we've constructed to have, say, 10 hyLOlfpze8U-00844-00196088-00196172 rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00845-00196172-00196392 And I'm just going to make them random. hyLOlfpze8U-00846-00196392-00196601 And let's let it go find them. hyLOlfpze8U-00847-00196601-00196839 And so you see, it's very quick. hyLOlfpze8U-00848-00196839-00197063 I could run it again. hyLOlfpze8U-00849-00197063-00197184 Nothing up my sleeves-- hyLOlfpze8U-00850-00197184-00197445 numbers change each time. hyLOlfpze8U-00851-00197445-00197767 The algorithm's very efficient. hyLOlfpze8U-00852-00197767-00198067 So now we have a probabilistic algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00853-00198067-00198358 for finding all the rational roots of a polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00854-00198358-00198526 over a finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-00855-00198526-00198808 Now strictly speaking, well, it is hyLOlfpze8U-00856-00198808-00198949 finding all the rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00857-00198949-00199129 But it's not telling us their multiplicity. hyLOlfpze8U-00858-00199129-00199495 So if f had a repeated root, the number of roots-- hyLOlfpze8U-00859-00199495-00199771 the length of the list returned by distinct rational roots hyLOlfpze8U-00860-00199771-00199969 might be less than the degree of f. hyLOlfpze8U-00861-00199969-00200228 And maybe we want to know the multiplicities of the roots hyLOlfpze8U-00862-00200228-00200278 as well. hyLOlfpze8U-00863-00200545-00200830 Well, we could just jigger the algorithm we've already written hyLOlfpze8U-00864-00200830-00201040 to do that by just trying-- hyLOlfpze8U-00865-00201040-00201298 checking each root we find to see if it-- hyLOlfpze8U-00866-00201298-00201697 by dividing out a linear factor of our polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-00867-00201697-00201991 and then checking to see if it's a repeated factor, hyLOlfpze8U-00868-00201991-00202237 and we could just evaluate it at the root. hyLOlfpze8U-00869-00202237-00202426 And that's actually reasonably efficient, hyLOlfpze8U-00870-00202426-00202609 but it's not the most efficient thing to do. hyLOlfpze8U-00871-00202609-00202843 We can actually do better. hyLOlfpze8U-00872-00202843-00203228 We can do better by computing the square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-00873-00203228-00203612 So this is with an algorithm due to Yun. hyLOlfpze8U-00874-00203612-00203899 So let me first define the square factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-00875-00203899-00204074 I'll just define it for monic polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-00876-00204074-00204236 So you could put a constant out front hyLOlfpze8U-00877-00204236-00204506 if you don't want your polynomial to be monic. hyLOlfpze8U-00878-00204506-00204698 So to find the square feet factorization, hyLOlfpze8U-00879-00204698-00205015 it's the unique list of monic square-free polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-00880-00205015-00205417 g1 up to gm, and as big as it needs to be. hyLOlfpze8U-00881-00205417-00205682 If f were square-free to start with, m would be 1. hyLOlfpze8U-00882-00205682-00206065 And we want the last polynomial in our list to be non-trivial. hyLOlfpze8U-00883-00206065-00206492 And then f needs to be equal to the product of g1, hyLOlfpze8U-00884-00206492-00206860 the square g2, dot, dot, dot, up to the nth power of g sub m. hyLOlfpze8U-00885-00207144-00207494 And so if we compute this square-free factorization, hyLOlfpze8U-00886-00207494-00207794 the nice thing is that we then are left with polynomials g1 up hyLOlfpze8U-00887-00207794-00207941 to gm that we know are square-free. hyLOlfpze8U-00888-00207941-00208158 And we can run our distinct rational roots algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00889-00208158-00208276 on them. hyLOlfpze8U-00890-00208276-00208578 And then we also know that the multiplicity of the roots hyLOlfpze8U-00891-00208578-00208945 of, say, g, gi, is i. hyLOlfpze8U-00892-00208945-00209237 So after I find all the rational roots of g2, hyLOlfpze8U-00893-00209237-00209412 I know immediately what their multiplicity hyLOlfpze8U-00894-00209412-00209549 is, because I've already computed hyLOlfpze8U-00895-00209549-00209817 the square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-00896-00209817-00210200 And the algorithm for computing the square-free factorization hyLOlfpze8U-00897-00210200-00210598 is based on a very simple fact, which hyLOlfpze8U-00898-00210598-00210992 is that if I consider the factorization of a polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00899-00210992-00211319 over a perfect field into irreducibles, hyLOlfpze8U-00900-00211319-00211579 finite fields or perfect fields, I'm hyLOlfpze8U-00901-00211579-00211807 going to get a repeated factor if and only hyLOlfpze8U-00902-00211807-00212176 if that factor divides the GCD of f hyLOlfpze8U-00903-00212176-00212392 with its derivative, its formal derivative. hyLOlfpze8U-00904-00212392-00212548 Again, this is not hard to prove. hyLOlfpze8U-00905-00212548-00212773 There's proof in the notes, if you want to look at it. hyLOlfpze8U-00906-00212773-00213289 And then Yun's algorithm is very simple. hyLOlfpze8U-00907-00213289-00213607 Maybe I'm realizing I'm running a bit long on time here, hyLOlfpze8U-00908-00213607-00213852 so I'm not going to spend a lot of time on the details. hyLOlfpze8U-00909-00213852-00214146 I'll just note that it's simple, it's easy to prove, hyLOlfpze8U-00910-00214146-00214486 that it works by induction, and it's very fast. hyLOlfpze8U-00911-00214486-00214852 The only thing it's doing is it's computing derivatives hyLOlfpze8U-00912-00214852-00214966 and taking GCDs. hyLOlfpze8U-00913-00214966-00215361 There's no exponentiations in this algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-00914-00215361-00215660 And so it gives-- it will yield the square-free factorization hyLOlfpze8U-00915-00215660-00216013 in time that's quasilinear in the product of n and d. hyLOlfpze8U-00916-00216013-00216188 And you really can't hope to do any better hyLOlfpze8U-00917-00216188-00216519 because it takes 10 times d bits just to write f down. hyLOlfpze8U-00918-00216519-00216789 So this is a quasilinear time algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00919-00216789-00217109 in the size of its input. hyLOlfpze8U-00920-00217109-00217451 And the key point is that, since there's not an n squared here, hyLOlfpze8U-00921-00217451-00217717 there's just an n, this is asymptotically negligible hyLOlfpze8U-00922-00217717-00218132 compared to the time it takes to run distinct rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00923-00218132-00218336 So there's really no reason to just not hyLOlfpze8U-00924-00218336-00218615 run square-free factorization on every input hyLOlfpze8U-00925-00218615-00218780 to distinct rational roots first. hyLOlfpze8U-00926-00218780-00219038 And then we'll automatically know a multiplicity hyLOlfpze8U-00927-00219038-00219313 of all the roots up front. hyLOlfpze8U-00928-00219313-00219541 And you might say, well, maybe that's a waste of time hyLOlfpze8U-00929-00219541-00219748 if our polynomial happens to be irreducible. hyLOlfpze8U-00930-00219748-00220033 Well, yeah, but it's a little o of 1 waste of time. hyLOlfpze8U-00931-00220033-00220213 And any time our input polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00932-00220213-00220335 is not square-free-- sorry. hyLOlfpze8U-00933-00220335-00220510 It doesn't have to be irreducible, it just hyLOlfpze8U-00934-00220510-00220573 needs to be square-free. hyLOlfpze8U-00935-00220573-00220750 Any time it's not square-free, we'll hyLOlfpze8U-00936-00220750-00220906 actually speed things up by computing hyLOlfpze8U-00937-00220906-00221056 the square-free factorization first. hyLOlfpze8U-00938-00221357-00221592 So let's go ahead and do this. hyLOlfpze8U-00939-00221592-00221767 What have I done here? hyLOlfpze8U-00940-00221767-00221902 I didn't define the algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-00941-00221902-00222416 I'm going to compile the algorithm Run this. hyLOlfpze8U-00942-00222416-00222598 So what I'm doing here is I've just taken-- hyLOlfpze8U-00943-00222598-00222985 I've constructed h as a product of ith powers hyLOlfpze8U-00944-00222985-00223159 of quadratic polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-00945-00223159-00223330 And then I've gone ahead and computed hyLOlfpze8U-00946-00223330-00223612 the square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-00947-00223612-00223821 It took, you'll see, almost no time-- hyLOlfpze8U-00948-00223821-00223925 just about a millisecond. hyLOlfpze8U-00949-00223925-00224213 I mean, if you wanted to see what hyLOlfpze8U-00950-00224213-00224428 the square-free factorization looked like, hyLOlfpze8U-00951-00224428-00224716 it's just a list of polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-00952-00224716-00225031 I've included a 0th element, just because Python indexes hyLOlfpze8U-00953-00225031-00225137 arrays by 0. hyLOlfpze8U-00954-00225137-00225287 This is always going to be set to 1. hyLOlfpze8U-00955-00225287-00225640 And then the first entry in the array, this quadratic, hyLOlfpze8U-00956-00225640-00225988 divides our polynomial h to the first power, hyLOlfpze8U-00957-00225988-00226316 this one divides it to the second power, and so on. hyLOlfpze8U-00958-00226316-00226621 So this was the degree, I guess, 45 polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-00959-00226621-00227035 It computes over 2 to the 61 minus 1, hyLOlfpze8U-00960-00227035-00227456 and it computes the square-free factorization very quickly. hyLOlfpze8U-00961-00227456-00227648 So now that we know how to compute square-free hyLOlfpze8U-00962-00227648-00227983 factorization, we can put together-- hyLOlfpze8U-00963-00227983-00228382 combine this with our distinct rational roots function hyLOlfpze8U-00964-00228382-00228565 to completely factor-- hyLOlfpze8U-00965-00228565-00228942 or, sorry, to find all of the rational roots of a polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-00966-00228942-00229081 together with their multiplicity. hyLOlfpze8U-00967-00229081-00229218 That's the function factor roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00968-00229218-00229534 And the algorithm just computes the square-free factorization, hyLOlfpze8U-00969-00229534-00229777 and then calls distinct rational roots hyLOlfpze8U-00970-00229777-00229983 for each of the polynomials in the square-- each hyLOlfpze8U-00971-00229983-00230188 of the square-free polynomials in the square-free hyLOlfpze8U-00972-00230188-00230413 factorization-- and then just notes hyLOlfpze8U-00973-00230413-00230869 the appropriate multiplicity of the root-- of its roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00974-00230869-00231496 So we could go ahead and run this on, just to say, hyLOlfpze8U-00975-00231496-00231767 a random product of linear polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-00976-00231767-00232028 And it quickly finds all the factors hyLOlfpze8U-00977-00232028-00232232 and records their multiplicities. hyLOlfpze8U-00978-00232689-00232794 Great. hyLOlfpze8U-00979-00232794-00233013 So now you know everything you need hyLOlfpze8U-00980-00233013-00233394 to know about finding roots of polynomials over finite fields. hyLOlfpze8U-00981-00233394-00233778 In fact, this is essentially optimal. hyLOlfpze8U-00982-00233778-00234010 No algorithm is known that is better than this. hyLOlfpze8U-00983-00234010-00234226 There are a few things you can fiddle hyLOlfpze8U-00984-00234226-00234456 with around the edges if you want to optimize algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00985-00234456-00234744 for computing square roots or roots of degree 3 or 4 hyLOlfpze8U-00986-00234744-00235039 polynomials, say, using solutions by radicals. hyLOlfpze8U-00987-00235039-00235326 But those are all very minor constant factor improvements. hyLOlfpze8U-00988-00235326-00235506 In terms of the asymptotics, we don't hyLOlfpze8U-00989-00235506-00235815 know any algorithm that's faster than the very simple algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-00990-00235815-00236136 we just wrote down, at least when-- for large finite-- hyLOlfpze8U-00991-00236136-00236263 in large characteristic. hyLOlfpze8U-00992-00236263-00236487 OK. hyLOlfpze8U-00993-00236487-00237073 All right, so I've been focusing on finding hyLOlfpze8U-00994-00237073-00237188 the fq rational roots. hyLOlfpze8U-00995-00237188-00237367 But of course, as we note at the beginning, hyLOlfpze8U-00996-00237367-00237641 this Rabin's algorithm will find roots over whatever field hyLOlfpze8U-00997-00237641-00237810 extension of fq you want. hyLOlfpze8U-00998-00237810-00238057 So you could use this as a factorization algorithm-- hyLOlfpze8U-00999-00238057-00238307 you could, actually, by finding roots over extension fields, hyLOlfpze8U-01000-00238307-00238492 and then taking minimal polynomials, hyLOlfpze8U-01001-00238492-00238634 or just multiplying them together. hyLOlfpze8U-01002-00238634-00238828 You could construct a factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01003-00239251-00239571 So this was noted by Rabin in his original paper. hyLOlfpze8U-01004-00239571-00239986 But shortly after Rabin's 1980 paper came out, in 1981, hyLOlfpze8U-01005-00239986-00240571 Cantor and Zassenhaus noted that, yes, using randomness hyLOlfpze8U-01006-00240571-00240652 is a great idea. hyLOlfpze8U-01007-00240652-00241021 But if you want to factor your polynomial into irreducibles, hyLOlfpze8U-01008-00241021-00241336 you don't want to do that by computing roots over extension hyLOlfpze8U-01009-00241336-00241444 fields. hyLOlfpze8U-01010-00241444-00241606 And there's really no reason to do hyLOlfpze8U-01011-00241606-00241735 any work over extension fields. hyLOlfpze8U-01012-00241735-00241927 I mean, your output is over your base field. hyLOlfpze8U-01013-00241927-00242135 And if you think about it, the irreducible factors hyLOlfpze8U-01014-00242135-00242305 of your polynomial really correspond hyLOlfpze8U-01015-00242305-00242650 to Galois orbits of roots over extension fields. hyLOlfpze8U-01016-00242650-00242923 And it's always better to just work with the Galois orbit hyLOlfpze8U-01017-00242923-00243250 as an object in its own right rather than extending up hyLOlfpze8U-01018-00243250-00243511 to this field. hyLOlfpze8U-01019-00243511-00243717 So how is this going to work? hyLOlfpze8U-01020-00243992-00244350 Well, the Cantor/Zassenhaus innovation hyLOlfpze8U-01021-00244350-00244820 really applies to the hard part of Rabin's algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-01022-00244820-00244941 where randomness is required. hyLOlfpze8U-01023-00244941-00245181 It's focused on splitting up polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-01024-00245181-00245481 that we know are products of irreducible polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-01025-00245481-00245616 of the same degree. hyLOlfpze8U-01026-00245616-00245841 So let's first put ourselves in that situation. hyLOlfpze8U-01027-00245841-00246023 And we do that by computing what's hyLOlfpze8U-01028-00246023-00246312 known as the distinct degree factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01029-00246312-00246719 So this is the factorization of f into polynomial, hyLOlfpze8U-01030-00246719-00246882 say, g1 up to-- hyLOlfpze8U-01031-00246882-00247251 g sub 1 up to g sub d, where each g hyLOlfpze8U-01032-00247251-00247575 sub i is a product of irreducible polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-01033-00247575-00247665 of degree i. hyLOlfpze8U-01034-00247665-00248055 So some of these g sub i's may be equal to 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01035-00248055-00248157 I'm not ruling that out. hyLOlfpze8U-01036-00248157-00248530 Just define this as a list of d polynomials, where hyLOlfpze8U-01037-00248530-00248742 each of them, we know, is a product of irreducibles hyLOlfpze8U-01038-00248742-00248980 of the same degree. hyLOlfpze8U-01039-00248980-00249244 And the key point is we already know how to do this. hyLOlfpze8U-01040-00249244-00249638 We can do this just by taking GCDs with x to the q hyLOlfpze8U-01041-00249638-00250091 to the i minus x, as long as we're careful to pull out roots hyLOlfpze8U-01042-00250091-00250223 that we know as we go. hyLOlfpze8U-01043-00250690-00250965 So how is this going to work? hyLOlfpze8U-01044-00250965-00251169 Well, we're going to do the same thing hyLOlfpze8U-01045-00251169-00251775 we did in the first step of Rabin's algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01046-00251775-00252104 The first step would be to take a GCD with x to the q minus x. hyLOlfpze8U-01047-00252104-00252342 That's going to be the product of all the linear factors. hyLOlfpze8U-01048-00252342-00252498 That's going to be our g sub 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01049-00252498-00252855 And then we're going to remove that product from f. hyLOlfpze8U-01050-00252855-00253080 And then we know that all the irreducible factors hyLOlfpze8U-01051-00253080-00253380 of what's left are going to have degree 2 or greater. hyLOlfpze8U-01052-00253380-00253605 And if we focus on the degree 2 ones and remove those, hyLOlfpze8U-01053-00253605-00253935 we can then continue in that fashion. hyLOlfpze8U-01054-00253935-00254221 But it's going to be very useful to use hyLOlfpze8U-01055-00254221-00254459 the square-free factorization in the process of doing hyLOlfpze8U-01056-00254459-00254810 that, because when we want to do this process of removing hyLOlfpze8U-01057-00254810-00255071 the factors we already know, if they're repeated factors, hyLOlfpze8U-01058-00255071-00255319 we don't want to have to waste time trying to figure out hyLOlfpze8U-01059-00255319-00255627 what their multiplicity is. hyLOlfpze8U-01060-00255627-00255782 So in general, we're going to compute hyLOlfpze8U-01061-00255782-00256314 the square-free factorization first, and then hyLOlfpze8U-01062-00256314-00256515 compute the distinct degree factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01063-00256515-00256665 So I've set this up just so you can hyLOlfpze8U-01064-00256665-00256935 see what naive distinct degree factorization is. hyLOlfpze8U-01065-00256935-00257250 If you wanted to match it up with this definition, hyLOlfpze8U-01066-00257250-00257430 it will do the stupid thing and compute hyLOlfpze8U-01067-00257430-00257592 the square-free factorization, and then hyLOlfpze8U-01068-00257592-00257787 multiply things together to get a result that hyLOlfpze8U-01069-00257787-00257921 matches this definition. hyLOlfpze8U-01070-00257921-00258063 But in practice, what you would do hyLOlfpze8U-01071-00258063-00258408 is you would only call the distinct degree factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01072-00258408-00258669 function with a polynomial that you already knew hyLOlfpze8U-01073-00258669-00258753 was square-free. hyLOlfpze8U-01074-00258753-00259119 And in that scenario, you'd set the square-free flag to true. hyLOlfpze8U-01075-00259119-00259296 And so let's assume-- let's now look hyLOlfpze8U-01076-00259296-00259477 at the algorithm in that situation, which hyLOlfpze8U-01077-00259477-00259718 is how we're going to use it in our complete factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01078-00259718-00259928 algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01079-00259928-00260392 We're going to take our input polynomial f, which we're now hyLOlfpze8U-01080-00260392-00260669 assuming is square-free. hyLOlfpze8U-01081-00260669-00260992 We're going to initialize an array of polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-01082-00260992-00261335 to just all be trivial polynomials 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01083-00261335-00261740 So we're initially setting g1 through g sub d up to 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01084-00261740-00262052 And then we're going to go through for each degree. hyLOlfpze8U-01085-00262052-00262511 And at each step, we're going to construct this distinct degree hyLOlfpze8U-01086-00262511-00262572 polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01087-00262572-00263151 This is the GCD of f with x to the q to the i minus x. hyLOlfpze8U-01088-00263151-00263372 And so let's just imagine we're running through this. hyLOlfpze8U-01089-00263372-00263575 In the first step, where i is 1, 2 times i hyLOlfpze8U-01090-00263575-00263792 is probably not going to be greater than the degree. hyLOlfpze8U-01091-00263792-00263929 Let's ignore that for the moment. hyLOlfpze8U-01092-00263929-00264347 We're then going to compute the same polynomial we computed hyLOlfpze8U-01093-00264347-00264683 in Rabin's algorithm, the GCD with f with x to the q minus x. hyLOlfpze8U-01094-00264683-00265034 And then we're going to divide f by that-- the product hyLOlfpze8U-01095-00265034-00265211 of all the linear factors of f. hyLOlfpze8U-01096-00265211-00265565 And since f is square-free, we know that what's left in f is-- hyLOlfpze8U-01097-00265565-00265724 f is now a product of irreducibles hyLOlfpze8U-01098-00265724-00265925 of degree 2 or greater. hyLOlfpze8U-01099-00265925-00266216 And as we iterate through this, we then do the same thing hyLOlfpze8U-01100-00266216-00266474 and remove all the degree 2 factors that all the degree 3, hyLOlfpze8U-01101-00266474-00266553 et cetera. hyLOlfpze8U-01102-00266553-00266774 There may be layers in which we don't remove anything hyLOlfpze8U-01103-00266774-00267305 because a distinct degree poly might return 1 if there hyLOlfpze8U-01104-00267305-00267626 are no factors of degree i. hyLOlfpze8U-01105-00267626-00267863 Coming back to this if condition here, hyLOlfpze8U-01106-00267863-00268013 this is just a bit of cleverness, hyLOlfpze8U-01107-00268013-00268376 that once we get up high enough, if we're at a point where we're hyLOlfpze8U-01108-00268376-00268709 looking for irreducible factors whose degree is hyLOlfpze8U-01109-00268709-00269190 greater than twice the degree of f, we know we must be done. hyLOlfpze8U-01110-00269190-00269337 There's only one. hyLOlfpze8U-01111-00269337-00269550 The f must be irreducible at that point hyLOlfpze8U-01112-00269550-00269776 because we've removed all the lower-degree factors. hyLOlfpze8U-01113-00269776-00269913 And then we can just skip to the end. hyLOlfpze8U-01114-00269913-00270129 There's no reason to set each element of this array. hyLOlfpze8U-01115-00270129-00270273 We already initialized it to 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01116-00270273-00270612 We'll just set the one remaining irreducible that's left. hyLOlfpze8U-01117-00270612-00270753 So the degree of f-- hyLOlfpze8U-01118-00270753-00270990 enter that, using that as an index of the array, hyLOlfpze8U-01119-00270990-00271215 set that to f. hyLOlfpze8U-01120-00271215-00271579 So this is the discrete distinct degree factorization function. hyLOlfpze8U-01121-00271579-00271734 This is just a demonstration function hyLOlfpze8U-01122-00271734-00271879 that shows you if you really wanted hyLOlfpze8U-01123-00271879-00272172 to compute the distinct degree factorization outside the scope hyLOlfpze8U-01124-00272172-00272379 of the Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm, hyLOlfpze8U-01125-00272379-00272613 where you're not computing the square-free factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01126-00272613-00272895 first, you could use this to compute the distinct degree hyLOlfpze8U-01127-00272895-00273100 factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01128-00273100-00273349 And just to demonstrate this, I'm going to note that once-- hyLOlfpze8U-01129-00273349-00273640 now that we know how to compute the distinct degree hyLOlfpze8U-01130-00273640-00273798 factorization-- hyLOlfpze8U-01131-00273798-00274028 distinct degree factorization-- if we combine that with hyLOlfpze8U-01132-00274028-00274150 the square-free degree-- hyLOlfpze8U-01133-00274150-00274426 square-free factorization-- we can completely determine hyLOlfpze8U-01134-00274426-00274744 the factorization pattern of our polynomial and implement one hyLOlfpze8U-01135-00274744-00274999 of my favorite functions, affectionately known hyLOlfpze8U-01136-00274999-00275332 as "facpat", which tells me how f splits. hyLOlfpze8U-01137-00275332-00275611 It tells me what the degrees of all the irreducible factors hyLOlfpze8U-01138-00275611-00275777 of f are. hyLOlfpze8U-01139-00275777-00275992 And the way Fat Pat works is it first hyLOlfpze8U-01140-00275992-00276155 computes the square-free factorization, hyLOlfpze8U-01141-00276155-00276380 and then it computes the distinct degree factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01142-00276380-00276683 of each polynomial in our square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01143-00276683-00277035 And then it adjusts multiplicities appropriately. hyLOlfpze8U-01144-00277035-00277487 So let's go ahead and run this on our degree 8 polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01145-00277487-00277707 And recall that we had-- hyLOlfpze8U-01146-00277707-00278099 excuse me-- let's just print out f here to remind us what it is. hyLOlfpze8U-01147-00278970-00279998 And we could even-- yeah, so now we're over f p, hyLOlfpze8U-01148-00279998-00280210 where p is 2 to the 61 minus 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01149-00280210-00280319 So this is our polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01150-00280319-00280688 And it factors as a linear factor, two quadratic factors, hyLOlfpze8U-01151-00280688-00280887 and a cubic factor. hyLOlfpze8U-01152-00280887-00281208 But even if we didn't have a factorization algorithm, hyLOlfpze8U-01153-00281208-00281420 Fat Pat would have already told us that. hyLOlfpze8U-01154-00281420-00281664 Fat Pat is saying it has a linear factor, two hyLOlfpze8U-01155-00281664-00281904 quadratic factors, and one cubic factor. hyLOlfpze8U-01156-00282198-00282388 Let's try maybe a more complicated example. hyLOlfpze8U-01157-00282388-00282534 I'm going to construct a polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-01158-00282534-00282840 that I know has a bunch of factors of different degrees, hyLOlfpze8U-01159-00282840-00283075 including some repeated factors. hyLOlfpze8U-01160-00283075-00283461 So this is my polynomial h. hyLOlfpze8U-01161-00283461-00283680 This is the output-- this dictionary here hyLOlfpze8U-01162-00283680-00283803 is the output of Fat Pat. hyLOlfpze8U-01163-00283803-00283940 It's saying there are 20 degree 1 hyLOlfpze8U-01164-00283940-00284299 factors in 15 degree 2 factors. hyLOlfpze8U-01165-00284299-00284808 And here, I've actually used Sage's factorization function hyLOlfpze8U-01166-00284808-00285000 to compute the degrees of the factorizations. hyLOlfpze8U-01167-00285000-00285137 And if you count them up, they'll hyLOlfpze8U-01168-00285137-00285405 match with Fat Pat already told us. hyLOlfpze8U-01169-00285405-00285543 And the point I want to emphasize hyLOlfpze8U-01170-00285543-00285765 is that Fat Pat is a deterministic algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01171-00285765-00285891 There's no randomness here. hyLOlfpze8U-01172-00285891-00286119 We were never trying to split anything. hyLOlfpze8U-01173-00286119-00286251 We're just using GCDs. hyLOlfpze8U-01174-00286251-00286510 We used GCDs to get the square-free factorization using hyLOlfpze8U-01175-00286510-00286614 Yun's algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01176-00286614-00286986 And then we took GCDs to get the distinct degree factorization, hyLOlfpze8U-01177-00286986-00287361 to split f up into products of irreducible polynomials hyLOlfpze8U-01178-00287361-00287445 of the same degree. hyLOlfpze8U-01179-00287977-00288281 So now, for the Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01180-00288281-00288632 So if we actually want to compute the full factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01181-00288632-00288818 of f, we're left with the problem hyLOlfpze8U-01182-00288818-00289232 of splitting a polynomial that we know is a product of-- hyLOlfpze8U-01183-00289232-00289520 it's a square-free product of irreducible factors-- hyLOlfpze8U-01184-00289520-00289667 polynomials of the same degree-- hyLOlfpze8U-01185-00289667-00289940 same degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01186-00289940-00290481 And so the neat idea that Cantor and Zassenhaus had hyLOlfpze8U-01187-00290481-00291067 was, instead of taking GCD with the polynomial that Rabin used, hyLOlfpze8U-01188-00291067-00291579 x plus delta to the s minus 1, with a random delta which maybe hyLOlfpze8U-01189-00291579-00291756 lives over an extension field-- hyLOlfpze8U-01190-00291756-00291875 this is what we would do. hyLOlfpze8U-01191-00291875-00292059 We would take the degree j extension field-- hyLOlfpze8U-01192-00292059-00292357 that we were looking for a root that hyLOlfpze8U-01193-00292357-00292650 lives over degree j extension in the middle of a polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01194-00292650-00293041 That root would then be irreducible factor of degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01195-00293041-00293258 But Cantor and Zassenhaus note that it's much better hyLOlfpze8U-01196-00293258-00293460 to just compute u to the s minus 1, hyLOlfpze8U-01197-00293460-00293846 where u is just some random polynomial mod f. hyLOlfpze8U-01198-00293846-00294278 So we take any polynomial of degree strictly less than f. hyLOlfpze8U-01199-00294278-00294440 I mean, these are exactly the elements hyLOlfpze8U-01200-00294440-00294740 that Sage would use to represent the quotient ring by f hyLOlfpze8U-01201-00294740-00294809 in any case. hyLOlfpze8U-01202-00295109-00295352 And because we're working in-- hyLOlfpze8U-01203-00295352-00295556 we've reduced ourselves to the situation where hyLOlfpze8U-01204-00295556-00295814 we're working with a product of distinct irreducible hyLOlfpze8U-01205-00295814-00296217 factors of the same degree, the Chinese remainder theorem hyLOlfpze8U-01206-00296217-00296391 tells us that this quotient looks hyLOlfpze8U-01207-00296391-00296820 like just a-- is just isomorphic to a product of degree j hyLOlfpze8U-01208-00296820-00296963 extensions of f 2. hyLOlfpze8U-01209-00296963-00297155 And there are r of them, where r is the number hyLOlfpze8U-01210-00297155-00297267 of irreducible polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-01211-00297267-00297585 So the degree of f would be r times j, here. hyLOlfpze8U-01212-00297585-00297990 And the key point is that picking a random polynomial u hyLOlfpze8U-01213-00297990-00298236 and plugging-- if we imagine plugging it into the reduction hyLOlfpze8U-01214-00298236-00298503 map given to us by the Chinese remainder theorem, hyLOlfpze8U-01215-00298503-00298773 we're effectively picking random elements of each hyLOlfpze8U-01216-00298773-00299109 of these finite fields that are in this factor. hyLOlfpze8U-01217-00299109-00299921 And all we need to do is hope that we hit plus 1 in either-- hyLOlfpze8U-01218-00299921-00300176 in one case and minus 1 in another case. hyLOlfpze8U-01219-00300176-00300653 We just don't want to have all the results be plus 1 hyLOlfpze8U-01220-00300653-00300825 or all the results be minus 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01221-00300825-00301085 And so this is just computing the probability hyLOlfpze8U-01222-00301085-00301160 that that happens. hyLOlfpze8U-01223-00301160-00301433 And I'm noticing a typo, which I'm going to fix. hyLOlfpze8U-01224-00301433-00301571 I wrote x plus delta. hyLOlfpze8U-01225-00301571-00301820 That was copied from the corresponding theorem hyLOlfpze8U-01226-00301820-00302045 for Rabin's algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01227-00302045-00302258 But now, I want it to be u to the s minus 1. hyLOlfpze8U-01228-00302258-00302396 So what this theorem is saying is hyLOlfpze8U-01229-00302396-00302735 that the probability that we get a non-trivial split, hyLOlfpze8U-01230-00302735-00302920 and we find-- we take a GCD of f, which hyLOlfpze8U-01231-00302920-00303125 is a product of irreducible polynomials of degree hyLOlfpze8U-01232-00303125-00303489 j with the polynomial u to the s minus 1, hyLOlfpze8U-01233-00303489-00303931 where s is going to be q to the j minus 1 over 2. hyLOlfpze8U-01234-00303931-00304234 We have at least a 50-50 chance of splitting f. hyLOlfpze8U-01235-00304234-00304648 And the probability increases as the degree of f increases. hyLOlfpze8U-01236-00304648-00304876 The more irreducible factors it has, hyLOlfpze8U-01237-00304876-00305170 the harder it is for them all to get lucky and hit hyLOlfpze8U-01238-00305170-00305395 the same value of plus or minus 1 in every factor. hyLOlfpze8U-01239-00305768-00306162 All right, so let's go ahead and take a look at the algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01240-00306162-00306420 So this is our equal degree factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01241-00306420-00306702 This is really the heart of the algorithm, where hyLOlfpze8U-01242-00306702-00306901 we've used the square-free factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01243-00306901-00307139 algorithm and the distinct degree factorization algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-01244-00307139-00307490 to put us in a situation where the input f here hyLOlfpze8U-01245-00307490-00307754 is a monic polynomial that's known hyLOlfpze8U-01246-00307754-00308015 to be the product of distinct irreducible hyLOlfpze8U-01247-00308015-00308252 polynomials of degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01248-00308252-00308429 So let d be the degree of f. hyLOlfpze8U-01249-00308429-00308630 In particular, d better be divisible by j. hyLOlfpze8U-01250-00308630-00308828 We can verify that here. hyLOlfpze8U-01251-00308828-00309023 Now in order to set this up to be hyLOlfpze8U-01252-00309023-00309257 used inside our other function, we hyLOlfpze8U-01253-00309257-00309600 want to handle the trivial case, where f is actually a constant, hyLOlfpze8U-01254-00309600-00309713 meaning it's degrere is zero. hyLOlfpze8U-01255-00309713-00310103 In that case, it's easy to compute its factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01256-00310103-00310304 It's trivial, just the empty list. hyLOlfpze8U-01257-00310304-00310562 It could also happen that f has degree exactly equal to j. hyLOlfpze8U-01258-00310562-00310724 And since we're assuming it's a product hyLOlfpze8U-01259-00310724-00311031 of irreducible polynomials of degree j, if it has degree j, hyLOlfpze8U-01260-00311031-00311156 it must be irreducible itself. hyLOlfpze8U-01261-00311156-00311548 And we could just return its factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01262-00311548-00311879 of itself being irreducible. hyLOlfpze8U-01263-00311879-00312129 But now, we're in the case where r is greater than 2. hyLOlfpze8U-01264-00312129-00312413 So we're exactly in the setting of this theorem here. hyLOlfpze8U-01265-00312413-00312732 We have at least two distinct irreducible factors hyLOlfpze8U-01266-00312732-00312933 of degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01267-00312933-00313404 We're going to set s to be q to the j minus 1 over 2. hyLOlfpze8U-01268-00313404-00313827 But we're not actually going to be working in the finite field hyLOlfpze8U-01269-00313827-00313926 fq to the j. hyLOlfpze8U-01270-00313926-00314226 Even though we're exploiting this isomorphism, hyLOlfpze8U-01271-00314226-00314445 we're doing all of our computations over fq. hyLOlfpze8U-01272-00314802-00315024 So we set up our quotient map pi sub f. hyLOlfpze8U-01273-00315024-00315300 That's going to put us into this ring here, hyLOlfpze8U-01274-00315300-00315564 in which the Chinese remainder theorem tells us hyLOlfpze8U-01275-00315564-00316174 it's secretly simulating r copies of fq to the j. hyLOlfpze8U-01276-00316174-00316626 Now in order to make our lives easier, hyLOlfpze8U-01277-00316626-00316791 in order to ensure that u to the s hyLOlfpze8U-01278-00316791-00317022 is either plus or minus 1, and not 0, hyLOlfpze8U-01279-00317022-00317442 we want u to be co-prime to f. hyLOlfpze8U-01280-00317442-00317624 And so how do we do that? hyLOlfpze8U-01281-00317624-00317836 Well, we're going to-- if we generate our random u, hyLOlfpze8U-01282-00317836-00318285 we just pick an array, a vector, of d coefficients. hyLOlfpze8U-01283-00318285-00318555 d is a degree of f, but df-- hyLOlfpze8U-01284-00318555-00318708 note it has d plus 1 coefficients. hyLOlfpze8U-01285-00318708-00318909 If we take a vector of d coefficients, hyLOlfpze8U-01286-00318909-00319188 we can just plug that in to the ring for f, hyLOlfpze8U-01287-00319188-00319488 our polynomial ring over a fq, which is just f parent. hyLOlfpze8U-01288-00319488-00319812 And Sage knows that if you give it a list of coefficients, hyLOlfpze8U-01289-00319812-00319987 it should just form the polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01290-00319987-00320286 So this u is going to be a random polynomial of degree hyLOlfpze8U-01291-00320286-00320442 less than f. hyLOlfpze8U-01292-00320442-00320688 And to make sure it's co-prime, well, we're going to check. hyLOlfpze8U-01293-00320688-00320934 We're going to take the GCD with f. hyLOlfpze8U-01294-00320934-00321150 And you might say, think, we're hoping it's trivial. hyLOlfpze8U-01295-00321150-00321329 But actually, we're hoping it's nontrivial, hyLOlfpze8U-01296-00321329-00321567 because if we get lucky, maybe it's not co-prime, hyLOlfpze8U-01297-00321567-00321867 in which case we just found a non-trivial factor of f, hyLOlfpze8U-01298-00321867-00322165 because u has degree less than f. hyLOlfpze8U-01299-00322165-00322656 So in that case, we celebrate, and then we hyLOlfpze8U-01300-00322656-00322941 use the polynomial we just found to split up into two parts. hyLOlfpze8U-01301-00322941-00323200 And then we recursively factor each of those parts. hyLOlfpze8U-01302-00323200-00323397 That will very rarely happen if we're working hyLOlfpze8U-01303-00323397-00323506 over a large finite field. hyLOlfpze8U-01304-00323506-00323748 So in the typical case, we're now in a position hyLOlfpze8U-01305-00323748-00324396 set up to use u to split f by computing u to the s minus 1 hyLOlfpze8U-01306-00324396-00324687 using our usual trick of reducing to the quotient ring, hyLOlfpze8U-01307-00324687-00324918 exponentiating there, then lifting, and then taking hyLOlfpze8U-01308-00324918-00325080 the GCD. hyLOlfpze8U-01309-00325080-00325626 And we're successful whenever our GCD is a non-trivial factor hyLOlfpze8U-01310-00325626-00325977 of f, meaning its degree is strictly between 0 hyLOlfpze8U-01311-00325977-00326136 and the degree of f. hyLOlfpze8U-01312-00326136-00326295 And any time we get a splitting, we're hyLOlfpze8U-01313-00326295-00326661 then in a position to just recursively factor each hyLOlfpze8U-01314-00326661-00326979 of the h and f over h. hyLOlfpze8U-01315-00326979-00327228 And notice, f was a product of degree j, hyLOlfpze8U-01316-00327228-00327513 irreducible degree j polynomial, so both of the factors, both fh hyLOlfpze8U-01317-00327513-00327873 and f over h, are also products of degree j irreducible hyLOlfpze8U-01318-00327873-00327972 polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-01319-00328389-00328648 So just to put it all together, to give us our final algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-01320-00328648-00328933 factorization, which is going to completely factor hyLOlfpze8U-01321-00328933-00329188 any polynomial over any finite field, hyLOlfpze8U-01322-00329188-00329359 say, of odd characteristic, although it's hyLOlfpze8U-01323-00329359-00329581 easy to generalize this algorithm to the even hyLOlfpze8U-01324-00329581-00329692 characteristic cases-- hyLOlfpze8U-01325-00329692-00330069 only very minor modifications-- hyLOlfpze8U-01326-00330069-00330358 we proceed as follows. hyLOlfpze8U-01327-00330358-00330678 We first make sure our polynomial is not constant. hyLOlfpze8U-01328-00330678-00331015 And we make it monic if we need to. hyLOlfpze8U-01329-00331015-00331163 And then we're going to set up res. hyLOlfpze8U-01330-00331163-00331371 It's going to be the results of our factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01331-00331371-00331618 This is going to be a list of pairs of a polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-01332-00331618-00332002 and then the multiplicity of an irreducible polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-01333-00332002-00332227 and the multiplicity of that irreducible polynomial hyLOlfpze8U-01334-00332227-00332426 as a factor of f. hyLOlfpze8U-01335-00332426-00332585 And then the first step is to complete hyLOlfpze8U-01336-00332585-00332723 the square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01337-00332723-00332873 So at this point, as soon as we've done that, hyLOlfpze8U-01338-00332873-00333135 we completely know what all the multiplicities are going to be. hyLOlfpze8U-01339-00333135-00333315 There's no mystery about those. hyLOlfpze8U-01340-00333315-00333704 And then we proceed to compute the distinct degree hyLOlfpze8U-01341-00333704-00333899 factorization of each polynomial in hyLOlfpze8U-01342-00333899-00334242 the square-free factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01343-00334242-00334491 And then for each polynomial in the distinct degree hyLOlfpze8U-01344-00334491-00334752 factorization, we're going to apply our equal degree hyLOlfpze8U-01345-00334752-00334883 factorization algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01346-00334883-00335217 And this is where the Cantor/Zassenhaus trick hyLOlfpze8U-01347-00335217-00335488 of taking random polynomials u comes in, hyLOlfpze8U-01348-00335488-00335715 inside the equal degree factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01349-00335715-00335895 That returns a list of polynomials. hyLOlfpze8U-01350-00335895-00336175 And we know the list eventually returned by equal degree hyLOlfpze8U-01351-00336175-00336321 factorization-- these are all going hyLOlfpze8U-01352-00336321-00336446 to be polynomials of degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01353-00336446-00336720 They're irreducible polynomials of degree j. hyLOlfpze8U-01354-00336720-00337107 And we know that, because we did our square-free factorization hyLOlfpze8U-01355-00337107-00337414 up front, we know they divide f with multiplicity i. hyLOlfpze8U-01356-00337414-00337851 So we just put in g comma i into our set of results. hyLOlfpze8U-01357-00337851-00337977 And then at the end, . hyLOlfpze8U-01358-00337977-00338151 Even though our algorithm is randomized, hyLOlfpze8U-01359-00338151-00338359 we like it to have a canonical output, hyLOlfpze8U-01360-00338359-00338531 so that no matter what polynomial-- hyLOlfpze8U-01361-00338531-00338694 if we put the same polynomial in twice, hyLOlfpze8U-01362-00338694-00338826 we always get the same output. hyLOlfpze8U-01363-00338826-00338970 This is also important if we want hyLOlfpze8U-01364-00338970-00339240 to compare the results with other algorithms hyLOlfpze8U-01365-00339240-00339382 like, say, Sage's algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01366-00339382-00339519 So we're going to just sort them. hyLOlfpze8U-01367-00339519-00339942 Sage is smart enough to sort a list of tuples hyLOlfpze8U-01368-00339942-00340317 of polynomials and integers. hyLOlfpze8U-01369-00340317-00340976 All right, so now, let's go ahead and run the algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-01370-00340976-00341195 and compare the results with Sage. hyLOlfpze8U-01371-00341195-00341556 So factorization f-- f here is our running example, hyLOlfpze8U-01372-00341556-00341673 our degree polynomial. hyLOlfpze8U-01373-00341673-00341819 And I've printed the factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01374-00341819-00341975 But before I even printed it, I first hyLOlfpze8U-01375-00341975-00342212 verified that the factorization of f hyLOlfpze8U-01376-00342212-00342572 given by the function we just implemented hyLOlfpze8U-01377-00342572-00342893 is the same as the factorization computed by Sage using hyLOlfpze8U-01378-00342893-00343010 the factor method. hyLOlfpze8U-01379-00343010-00343316 I'm just sorting the results Sage hyLOlfpze8U-01380-00343316-00343538 gives because the Sage order is not always hyLOlfpze8U-01381-00343538-00343934 the same as our sort order. hyLOlfpze8U-01382-00343934-00344121 And I can also compare the running times hyLOlfpze8U-01383-00344121-00344213 of the two algorithms. hyLOlfpze8U-01384-00344213-00344720 I could factor polynomial f with our algorithm-- say factor it hyLOlfpze8U-01385-00344720-00345298 70 times, take the average over 7 runs of 10 loops each. hyLOlfpze8U-01386-00345298-00345461 And it's something like 5 milliseconds. hyLOlfpze8U-01387-00345461-00345689 That's not as fast as Sage, but no surprise there. hyLOlfpze8U-01388-00345689-00345851 We're implementing this in Python. hyLOlfpze8U-01389-00345851-00346070 Underneath the covers, Sage is calling C code hyLOlfpze8U-01390-00346070-00346241 to do this factorization. hyLOlfpze8U-01391-00346241-00346574 But it's not dramatically slower, either. hyLOlfpze8U-01392-00346574-00346910 I mean, this is still a perfectly reasonably fast hyLOlfpze8U-01393-00346910-00347488 algorithm for factoring a degree 8 polynomial over a finite field hyLOlfpze8U-01394-00347488-00347622 prime. hyLOlfpze8U-01395-00347622-00347722 I'll write it again. hyLOlfpze8U-01396-00347722-00347881 You can just see, we have the results. hyLOlfpze8U-01397-00347881-00348464 We could also try our more complicated polynomial h, hyLOlfpze8U-01398-00348464-00348610 which had a bunch of linear factors hyLOlfpze8U-01399-00348610-00348904 and a bunch of quadratic factors. hyLOlfpze8U-01400-00348904-00349441 And again, you can see that it runs quite quickly. hyLOlfpze8U-01401-00349441-00349654 And what is the complexity of the algorithm? hyLOlfpze8U-01402-00349654-00350019 Well, it's spelled out in excruciating detail hyLOlfpze8U-01403-00350019-00350074 in the notes. hyLOlfpze8U-01404-00350074-00350218 But if you don't want to-- hyLOlfpze8U-01405-00350218-00350503 if your eyes glaze over when you see too many long factors, hyLOlfpze8U-01406-00350503-00350816 just remember it's very easy to understand in soft O notation. hyLOlfpze8U-01407-00350816-00351146 It's just quasi quadratic in n, the size of our finite field, hyLOlfpze8U-01408-00351146-00351412 and quasi quadratic in d, the degree of the polynomial we're hyLOlfpze8U-01409-00351412-00351484 trying to factor. hyLOlfpze8U-01410-00351736-00352073 Now I should say there are other algorithms that can do better. hyLOlfpze8U-01411-00352073-00352427 There are algorithms that use linear algebra hyLOlfpze8U-01412-00352427-00352640 over finite fields-- in particular, the Shoup hyLOlfpze8U-01413-00352640-00352799 and Kaltofen algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01414-00352799-00352978 And then the fastest-known algorithm hyLOlfpze8U-01415-00352978-00353215 actually uses a technique known as modular composition. hyLOlfpze8U-01416-00353215-00353440 This is due to Kedlaya and Umans. hyLOlfpze8U-01417-00353440-00353824 And it's actually able to get the exponent on d down to 3/2. hyLOlfpze8U-01418-00353824-00354094 So its complexity is roughly d to the 3/2 times hyLOlfpze8U-01419-00354094-00354265 n plus dn squared. hyLOlfpze8U-01420-00354265-00354503 But notice, the n squared never goes away. hyLOlfpze8U-01421-00354503-00354664 That's present, always present. hyLOlfpze8U-01422-00354664-00355027 And if d is small, like if d-- if we're just trying to find hyLOlfpze8U-01423-00355027-00355651 two groups, say, or factor a polynomial of a fixed degree-- hyLOlfpze8U-01424-00355651-00355858 the important term here is the-- hyLOlfpze8U-01425-00355858-00356063 the important factor here is n squared. hyLOlfpze8U-01426-00356063-00356341 And that's the same as in Rabin's hyLOlfpze8U-01427-00356341-00356467 root-defining algorithm. hyLOlfpze8U-01428-00356467-00356817 And it's essentially the cost of exponentiation. hHvWy7PaKik-00000-00000820-00001183 Certainly will the believers have succeeded: hHvWy7PaKik-00001-00001183-00001747 They who are during their prayer humbly submissive hHvWy7PaKik-00002-00001747-00002274 And they who turn away from ill speech hHvWy7PaKik-00003-00002274-00002804 And they who are observant of zakah hHvWy7PaKik-00004-00002804-00003392 And they who guard their private parts hHvWy7PaKik-00005-00003392-00004094 Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, hHvWy7PaKik-00006-00004094-00004783 for indeed, they will not be blamed - hHvWy7PaKik-00007-00004783-00005899 But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors - hHvWy7PaKik-00008-00005899-00006609 And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive hHvWy7PaKik-00009-00006609-00007278 And they who carefully maintain their prayers - hHvWy7PaKik-00010-00007278-00007986 Those are the inheritors hHvWy7PaKik-00011-00007986-00009045 Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally. hHvWy7PaKik-00012-00009045-00010082 And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. hHvWy7PaKik-00013-00010082-00011069 Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. hHvWy7PaKik-00014-00011069-00011652 Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, hHvWy7PaKik-00015-00011652-00012050 and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], hHvWy7PaKik-00016-00012050-00012527 and We made [from] the lump, bones, hHvWy7PaKik-00017-00012527-00012944 and We covered the bones with flesh; hHvWy7PaKik-00018-00012944-00013583 then We developed him into another creation. hHvWy7PaKik-00019-00013583-00014173 So blessed is Allah, hHvWy7PaKik-00020-00014173-00015118 So blessed is Allah, the best of creators. hHvWy7PaKik-00021-00015118-00016296 Then indeed, after that you are to die. hHvWy7PaKik-00022-00016296-00017223 Then indeed you, on the Day of Resurrection, will be resurrected. hHvWy7PaKik-00023-00017223-00018120 And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. hHvWy7PaKik-00024-00018120-00018908 Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. hHvWy7PaKik-00025-00018908-00020364 Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, hHvWy7PaKik-00026-00020364-00021223 and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; hHvWy7PaKik-00027-00021223-00021778 then We developed him into another creation. hHvWy7PaKik-00028-00021778-00022480 So blessed is Allah, the best of creators. hHvWy7PaKik-00029-00022480-00023425 Then indeed, after that you are to die. hHvWy7PaKik-00030-00023425-00024505 Then indeed you, on the Day of Resurrection, will be resurrected. hHvWy7PaKik-00031-00024505-00025695 And We have created above you seven layered heavens, and never have We been of [Our] creation unaware. hHvWy7PaKik-00032-00025695-00026952 And We have sent down rain from the sky in a measured amount and settled it in the earth. hHvWy7PaKik-00033-00026952-00027695 And indeed, We are Able to take it away. hHvWy7PaKik-00034-00027695-00028885 And We brought forth for you thereby gardens of palm trees and grapevines hHvWy7PaKik-00035-00028885-00030713 And We brought forth for you thereby gardens of palm trees and grapevines in which for you are abundant fruits and from which you eat. hHvWy7PaKik-00036-00030713-00032022 And [We brought forth] a tree issuing from Mount Sinai which produces oil and food for those who eat. hHvWy7PaKik-00037-00032022-00032518 And indeed, for you in livestock is a lesson. hHvWy7PaKik-00038-00032518-00033819 We give you drink from that which is in their bellies, and for you in them are numerous benefits, and from them you eat. hHvWy7PaKik-00039-00033819-00034500 And upon them and on ships you are carried. hHvWy7PaKik-00040-00034500-00035563 And We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him; hHvWy7PaKik-00041-00035563-00035869 then will you not fear Him?" hHvWy7PaKik-00042-00035869-00037434 But the eminent among those who disbelieved from his people said, "This is not but a man like yourselves who wishes to take precedence over you; hHvWy7PaKik-00043-00037434-00038973 and if Allah had willed [to send a messenger], He would have sent down angels. We have not heard of this among our forefathers. hHvWy7PaKik-00044-00038973-00039991 He is not but a man possessed with madness, so wait concerning him for a time." hHvWy7PaKik-00045-00039991-00040632 [Noah] said, "My Lord, support me because they have denied me." hHvWy7PaKik-00046-00040632-00041428 So We inspired to him, "Construct the ship under Our observation, and Our inspiration, hHvWy7PaKik-00047-00041428-00043218 and when Our command comes and the oven overflows, put into the ship from each [creature] two mates and your family, except those for whom the decree [of destruction] has proceeded. hHvWy7PaKik-00048-00043218-00044439 And do not address Me concerning those who have wronged; indeed, they are to be drowned. hHvWy7PaKik-00049-00044439-00045774 And when you have boarded the ship, you and those with you, then say, 'Praise to Allah who has saved us from the wrongdoing people.' hHvWy7PaKik-00050-00045774-00046961 And say, 'My Lord, let me land at a blessed landing place, and You are the best to accommodate [us].' " hHvWy7PaKik-00051-00046961-00047858 Indeed in that are signs, and indeed, We are ever testing [Our servants]. hHvWy7PaKik-00052-00047858-00048538 Then We produced after them a generation of others. hHvWy7PaKik-00053-00048538-00049697 And We sent among them a messenger from themselves, [saying], "Worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him; hHvWy7PaKik-00054-00049697-00050035 then will you not fear Him?" hHvWy7PaKik-00055-00050035-00051450 And the eminent among his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter while We had given them luxury in the worldly life hHvWy7PaKik-00056-00051450-00052863 said, "This is not but a man like yourselves. He eats of that from which you eat and drinks of what you drink. hHvWy7PaKik-00057-00052863-00053848 And if you should obey a man like yourselves, indeed, you would then be losers. hHvWy7PaKik-00058-00053848-00055176 Does he promise you that when you have died and become dust and bones that you will be brought forth [once more]? hHvWy7PaKik-00059-00055176-00055742 How far, how far, is that which you are promised. hHvWy7PaKik-00060-00055742-00056761 Life is not but our worldly life - we die and live, but we will not be resurrected. hHvWy7PaKik-00061-00056761-00057803 He is not but a man who has invented a lie about Allah, and we will not believe him." hHvWy7PaKik-00062-00057803-00058482 He said, "My Lord, support me because they have denied me." hHvWy7PaKik-00063-00058482-00059267 [ Allah ] said, "After a little, they will surely become regretful." hHvWy7PaKik-00064-00059267-00060319 So the shriek seized them in truth, and We made them as [plant] stubble. hHvWy7PaKik-00065-00060319-00060980 Then away with the wrongdoing people. hHvWy7PaKik-00066-00060980-00061732 Then We produced after them other generations. hHvWy7PaKik-00067-00061732-00062517 No nation will precede its time [of termination], nor will they remain [thereafter]. hHvWy7PaKik-00068-00062517-00062963 Then We sent Our messengers in succession. hHvWy7PaKik-00069-00062963-00063763 Every time there came to a nation its messenger, they denied him, hHvWy7PaKik-00070-00063763-00064597 so We made them follow one another [to destruction], and We made them narrations. hHvWy7PaKik-00071-00064597-00065072 So away with a people who do not believe. hHvWy7PaKik-00072-00065072-00066159 Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our signs and a clear authority hHvWy7PaKik-00073-00066159-00067005 To Pharaoh and his establishment, but they were arrogant and were a haughty people. hHvWy7PaKik-00074-00067005-00067972 They said, "Should we believe two men like ourselves while their people are for us in servitude?" hHvWy7PaKik-00075-00067972-00068534 So they denied them and were of those destroyed. hHvWy7PaKik-00076-00068534-00069316 And We certainly gave Moses the Scripture that perhaps they would be guided. hHvWy7PaKik-00077-00069316-00069908 And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign hHvWy7PaKik-00078-00069908-00070924 and sheltered them within a high ground having level [areas] and flowing water. hHvWy7PaKik-00079-00070924-00072339 [ Allah said], "O messengers, eat from the good foods and work righteousness. Indeed, I, of what you do, am Knowing. hHvWy7PaKik-00080-00072339-00073770 And indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me." hHvWy7PaKik-00081-00073770-00074391 But the people divided their religion among them into sects - hHvWy7PaKik-00082-00074391-00074972 each faction, in what it has, rejoicing. hHvWy7PaKik-00083-00074972-00075558 So leave them in their confusion for a time. hHvWy7PaKik-00084-00075558-00076534 Do they think that what We extend to them of wealth and children hHvWy7PaKik-00085-00076534-00077120 Is [because] We hasten for them good things? hHvWy7PaKik-00086-00077120-00077551 Rather, they do not perceive. hHvWy7PaKik-00087-00077551-00078528 Do they think that what We extend to them of wealth and children hHvWy7PaKik-00088-00078528-00079232 Is [because] We hasten for them good things? hHvWy7PaKik-00089-00079232-00079741 Rather, they do not perceive. hHvWy7PaKik-00090-00079741-00080862 Indeed, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord hHvWy7PaKik-00091-00080862-00081706 And they who believe in the signs of their Lord hHvWy7PaKik-00092-00081706-00082467 And they who do not associate anything with their Lord hHvWy7PaKik-00093-00082467-00083242 And they who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord - hHvWy7PaKik-00094-00083242-00084185 while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord - hHvWy7PaKik-00095-00084194-00085085 while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord - hHvWy7PaKik-00096-00085085-00085812 It is those who hasten to good deeds, hHvWy7PaKik-00097-00085812-00086289 and they outstrip [others] therein. hHvWy7PaKik-00098-00086289-00086814 And We charge no soul except [with that within] its capacity, hHvWy7PaKik-00099-00086814-00087975 and with Us is a record which speaks with truth; and they will not be wronged. hHvWy7PaKik-00100-00087975-00089345 But their hearts are covered with confusion over this, and they have [evil] deeds besides disbelief which they are doing, hHvWy7PaKik-00101-00089345-00090839 Until when We seize their affluent ones with punishment, at once they are crying [to Allah ] for help. hHvWy7PaKik-00102-00090839-00091892 Do not cry out today. Indeed, by Us you will not be helped. hHvWy7PaKik-00103-00091892-00092472 My verses had already been recited to you, hHvWy7PaKik-00104-00092472-00093423 but you were turning back on your heels hHvWy7PaKik-00105-00093423-00094359 In arrogance regarding it, conversing by night, speaking evil. hHvWy7PaKik-00106-00094359-00095829 Then have they not reflected over the Qur'an, or has there come to them that which had not come to their forefathers? hHvWy7PaKik-00107-00095829-00096186 Or did they not know their Messenger, hHvWy7PaKik-00108-00096186-00096682 so they are toward him disacknowledging? hHvWy7PaKik-00109-00096682-00097105 Or do they say, "In him is madness?" hHvWy7PaKik-00110-00097105-00098209 Rather, he brought them the truth, but most of them, to the truth, are averse. hIwJrwadUBg-00000-00000120-00000696 Hey les gars regardez ce monde incroyable le plus petit et le mini projecteur wifi va vous époustoufler hIwJrwadUBg-00001-00000944-00001592 ainsi que ce meilleur et petit portable porte motorisée pour n'importe quel ordinateur portable dans le monde hIwJrwadUBg-00002-00001839-00002136 un nouvel adaptateur pour rendre tout écran tactile d'ordinateur portable hIwJrwadUBg-00003-00002632-00004384 tout ça et bien plus encore dans cette vidéo alors commençons numéro UN hIwJrwadUBg-00004-00008688-00009312 Salut je suis Jared et je voulais te montrer ça un produit qui change la donne le sidetrack swivel hIwJrwadUBg-00005-00009912-00010544 sidetrack est un portable full hd de 12 pouces et demi moniteur qui vous permet de travailler facilement n'importe où hIwJrwadUBg-00006-00010544-00011384 Avec deux écrans, clipsez simplement le support magnétique cadre sur la plaque métallique qui se trouve sur votre ordinateur portable hIwJrwadUBg-00007-00011544-00012328 alors vous pouvez ouvrir votre ordinateur portable faire pivoter votre écran, puis retournez l'écran maintenant hIwJrwadUBg-00008-00012328-00013056 chose que vous pouvez faire, c'est que vous pouvez brancher le cordon usbc vers c mais c'est si vous avez un port usbc hIwJrwadUBg-00009-00013056-00013760 vous devez brancher à la fois le mini hdmi et le cordon usb hIwJrwadUBg-00010-00013760-00014256 en déplaçant les aimants, ils glissent sur les rails latéraux de la plaque métallique attachée pour que vous puissiez faire glisser votre écran hIwJrwadUBg-00011-00014256-00014863 et l'écran pivote horizontalement et verticalement pour s'adapter à vos préférences d'affichage hIwJrwadUBg-00012-00014863-00015272 partagez facilement votre écran avec la personne de l'autre côté de vous en modifiant vos paramètres d'affichage pour hIwJrwadUBg-00013-00015272-00015936 l'effet miroir puis faire pivoter l'écran horizontalement, vous pouvez également choisir de faire pivoter le rail latéral hIwJrwadUBg-00014-00015936-00016568 verticalement et l'écran va tourner automatiquement vous devrez peut-être débrancher et rebrancher l'écran hIwJrwadUBg-00015-00016568-00017032 pour empêcher le cordon de s'emmêler l'emerillon de voie latérale pèse 1,2 livres et a une hIwJrwadUBg-00016-00017032-00017568 forte connexion magnétique cela vous permet de choisir allumez votre ordinateur portable pendant que le rail latéral est encore ouvert hIwJrwadUBg-00017-00017568-00018016 et marcher d'une pièce à l'autre sans avoir à supprimer toute votre configuration si vous souhaitez hIwJrwadUBg-00018-00018016-00018608 fournir un support supplémentaire à la charnière de votre ordinateur portable nous vous recommandons d'utiliser des rails latéraux avec béquille intégrée hIwJrwadUBg-00019-00018720-00019304 cette béquille permet également un pivotement latéral et peut être utilisé comme moniteur autonome lorsque hIwJrwadUBg-00020-00019304-00019928 vous avez fini de travailler, débranchez simplement votre cordon d'alimentation pivotant puis fermez votre côté hIwJrwadUBg-00021-00019928-00020616 suivez la fermeture de l'ordinateur portable et vous êtes prêt à emporter ou simplement à le retirer des plaques de métal hIwJrwadUBg-00022-00020616-00021128 et voyager avec lui séparément est alimenté par la technologie displayport et est compatible avec hIwJrwadUBg-00023-00021128-00021784 les systèmes d'exploitation windows, mac et chrome si vous avez des problèmes de connectivité contactez notre all-star hIwJrwadUBg-00024-00021784-00022192 équipe du service client si vous êtes intéressé pour en savoir plus voir les hIwJrwadUBg-00025-00022192-00022800 spécifications techniques ci-dessous et faites votre travail à la maison dans le bureau ou en déplacement plus facile et plus rapide avec scitrak hIwJrwadUBg-00026-00023192-00023576 hey les gars aujourd'hui nous allons parlé à propos du tout nouveau jetboil flash hIwJrwadUBg-00027-00023576-00024064 Aujourd'hui, le flash a toujours été rapide comme l'éclair le temps d'ébullition et le nouveau modèle continue fait que hIwJrwadUBg-00028-00024064-00024624 celui ci prend une minute par rapport à la version précédente le temps d'ébullition de la version précédente était de 2 minutes et 30 secondes hIwJrwadUBg-00029-00024624-00025384 maintenant cela signifie que vous pouvez maintenant faire bouillir environ 500 ml d'eau en seulement 100 secondes hIwJrwadUBg-00030-00025520-00026256 c'est le meilleur adaptateur pour changer votre ordinateur portable d'un écran normal à un écran tactile c'est hIwJrwadUBg-00031-00026256-00026912 pour un 15 pouces mais tu peux changer tu peux choisir différentes tailles sur amazon les gars voyons comment ça hIwJrwadUBg-00032-00026912-00027520 fonctionne magnifiquement vous venez de l'attacher au fond et puis maintenant c'est déjà un ordinateur à écran tactile hIwJrwadUBg-00033-00027520-00028295 quelle belle méthode pour vraiment profiter et changer votre style de l'écran hIwJrwadUBg-00034-00028295-00028952 voici comment avec seulement quelques euros ce que vous pouvez avoir comme lampe de poche que vous pouvez mettre euh hIwJrwadUBg-00035-00028952-00029927 avec les mains libres et travailler, regarder et se cacher dans le noir dans n'importe quels lieux et profiter des mains libres et vraiment je pense hIwJrwadUBg-00036-00029927-00030536 c'est l'un des gadgets utiles vous ne trouvez pas? on peut vraiment le trouver pas cher sur amazon hIwJrwadUBg-00037-00030536-00031160 c'est le meilleur et avec les meilleures commentaire n'hésitez pas à en profiter. J'espère vous avez trouvé cette vidéo utile et si vous l'avez pas encore fait hIwJrwadUBg-00038-00031160-00032383 veuillez vous abonner à la chaîne, pour encore de bons plans d'amazon n'oublies pas de cliquer sur le bouton j'aime merci à toi hIYK4tk9m-A-00000-00000600-00000800 Hello Viewers Assalamu Alaikum, hIYK4tk9m-A-00001-00000800-00001487 welcome to my first vlog on the Middle Eastern country of Oman hIYK4tk9m-A-00002-00002607-00003313 Oman is a desert country located in the southeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula hIYK4tk9m-A-00003-00003313-00004715 More than 80% of Oman's area is desert, 15% is high mountains and the rest is plains where the localities are located hIYK4tk9m-A-00004-00005084-00006049 Oman is home to the Ibadi, a minority Muslim tribe that is distinct from Shia and Sunni hIYK4tk9m-A-00005-00006184-00006854 For centuries Oman was one of the centers of Indian Ocean trade hIYK4tk9m-A-00006-00007186-00007777 It was a colonial power from the 17th to the 19th century hIYK4tk9m-A-00007-00007859-00008204 The King of Oman uses the title Sultan hIYK4tk9m-A-00008-00008325-00008735 the official name of Oman is the Sultanate of Oman hIYK4tk9m-A-00009-00009213-00010330 Oman is bordered by Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to the west, the Arabian Sea to the east, and the Gulf of Oman to the north hIYK4tk9m-A-00010-00010410-00010893 Muscat is the capital and largest city of Oman hIYK4tk9m-A-00011-00028828-00029383 Let me know what you think of my first blog in Oman by commenting hIYK4tk9m-A-00012-00029428-00029803 Like, share and subscribe my channel hIYK4tk9m-A-00013-00029848-00030525 Stay safe everyone till my next video, Allah is Hafez hJk_VBWavBc-00000-00000001-00000108 (male narrator) In this video, hJk_VBWavBc-00001-00000108-00000408 we're going to look at solving equations with fractions hJk_VBWavBc-00002-00000408-00000608 that require distributing. hJk_VBWavBc-00003-00000608-00000901 It's very important as we do this hJk_VBWavBc-00004-00000901-00001208 that we always distribute first... hJk_VBWavBc-00005-00001604-00001807 and clear fractions... hJk_VBWavBc-00006-00002209-00002407 second. hJk_VBWavBc-00007-00002407-00002801 This order is important to make sure that we end up hJk_VBWavBc-00008-00002801-00003008 with the correct final solution. hJk_VBWavBc-00009-00003008-00003409 So for example, if I had a problem like this, hJk_VBWavBc-00010-00003409-00003803 before I clear the fractions with the LCD, hJk_VBWavBc-00011-00003803-00004400 I'm first going to distribute the 3/4 through the parentheses. hJk_VBWavBc-00012-00004400-00004706 That will give me 1/2 equals: hJk_VBWavBc-00013-00004706-00005305 3/4 times 2 is 6/4, which reduces to 3/2; hJk_VBWavBc-00014-00005500-00006604 x, minus 3/4, times 4/9, is 12/36, which reduces to 1/3. hJk_VBWavBc-00015-00007002-00007409 Now, I'm ready to find the least common denominator hJk_VBWavBc-00016-00007409-00007704 and clear the fractions. hJk_VBWavBc-00017-00007704-00008204 The least common denominator of 2 and 3 is 6, hJk_VBWavBc-00018-00008204-00008806 so we will multiply each term by 6 on both sides. hJk_VBWavBc-00019-00008806-00009305 As we do that, the 6 over 2 reduces to 3. hJk_VBWavBc-00020-00009305-00009803 Again, on the second fraction, 6 over 2 reduces to 3. hJk_VBWavBc-00021-00009803-00010204 On the third fraction, 6 over 3 reduces to 2, hJk_VBWavBc-00022-00010204-00010605 and we can multiply to find our resulting equation. hJk_VBWavBc-00023-00010605-00011205 We end up with 3 equals: 3 times 3x, or 9x; hJk_VBWavBc-00024-00011205-00011606 minus 2 times 1, which is 2. hJk_VBWavBc-00025-00011606-00012109 Finally, we have a two-step equation we can quickly solve. hJk_VBWavBc-00026-00012109-00012700 Add 2 to both sides, balancing through the equals, hJk_VBWavBc-00027-00012700-00013005 gives us 5 equals 9x. hJk_VBWavBc-00028-00013203-00013605 To get x alone, we simply have to divide by 9, hJk_VBWavBc-00029-00013605-00013909 and x equals 5/9. hJk_VBWavBc-00030-00014306-00014602 Again, it is important we distribute first hJk_VBWavBc-00031-00014602-00014901 and clear fractions second. hJk_VBWavBc-00032-00015002-00015409 Let's try one more example where we do just that. hJk_VBWavBc-00033-00015409-00016101 Here, again, we will distribute the 2/3 through the parentheses. hJk_VBWavBc-00034-00016101-00017000 That will give us 2/3x, plus 2/3, times 4, is 8/3. hJk_VBWavBc-00035-00017000-00017406 Equals, distributing the 5 through the parentheses, hJk_VBWavBc-00036-00017406-00018301 we will have 5 times 5/6, or 25/6; times x; hJk_VBWavBc-00037-00018301-00018603 minus 5; times 7/15. hJk_VBWavBc-00038-00018603-00019300 That's 35 over 15, and reducing by 5 gives us 7/3. hJk_VBWavBc-00039-00019502-00019705 Now, we're ready to clear the fractions hJk_VBWavBc-00040-00019705-00020008 by multiplying by the least common denominator. hJk_VBWavBc-00041-00020008-00020601 The least common denominator of 3 and 6 is simply 6, hJk_VBWavBc-00042-00020601-00021207 so we will multiply each term by 6 on both sides. hJk_VBWavBc-00043-00021207-00022102 Reducing, 6 over 3 is 2, 6 over 3 is 2, 6 over 6 is 1, hJk_VBWavBc-00044-00022102-00022401 and 6 over 3 is 2. hJk_VBWavBc-00045-00022401-00022703 Multiplying gives us our remaining equation: hJk_VBWavBc-00046-00022703-00023606 4x plus 16, equals 25x, minus 2, times 7, which is 14. hJk_VBWavBc-00047-00023806-00024205 Now, we are ready to solve this equation by balancing, hJk_VBWavBc-00048-00024205-00024506 getting the variables on one side. hJk_VBWavBc-00049-00024506-00025005 We can do that by moving the smaller one, subtracting 4x. hJk_VBWavBc-00050-00025203-00025902 Now, we have 16 equals 21x, minus 14. hJk_VBWavBc-00051-00025902-00026103 It's a two-step equation. hJk_VBWavBc-00052-00026103-00026700 We can get the x alone by adding 14 to both sides: hJk_VBWavBc-00053-00026900-00027502 16 plus 14 is 30, equals 21x. hJk_VBWavBc-00054-00027502-00027702 Simply divide by 21... hJk_VBWavBc-00055-00028002-00028108 and we end up hJk_VBWavBc-00056-00028108-00028507 with x equals 30, over 21, hJk_VBWavBc-00057-00028507-00029000 dividing by 3, reduces to 10/7. hJk_VBWavBc-00058-00029105-00029605 Again, distribute first; clear fractions second. hK1NT_OratI-00000-00004800-00005546 The Mistral class is a type of ship of the French Navy classified as an amphibious helicopter carrier (PHA)1 hK1NT_OratI-00001-00006000-00006828 The Mistral class buildings are the first of this type to be built in France for the French Navy. hK1NT_OratI-00002-00007463-00008167 Five of these ships, the study of which began in 1997, have been built: hK1NT_OratI-00003-00008291-00008973 the Mistral (L9013), admitted to active service on December 18, 2006; hK1NT_OratI-00004-00009115-00009772 the Tonnerre (L9014), which entered service on August 1, 2007; hK1NT_OratI-00005-00009902-00010670 Diksmuide (L9015), entered service on July 27, 20122; hObf-1IuUZU-00000-00000968-00001432 Watercourses such as brooks, rivers, and streams are complex systems. They hObf-1IuUZU-00001-00001432-00001807 are highly sensitive, and the smallest interventions can have a big impact. hObf-1IuUZU-00002-00002032-00002416 In this ecosystem there is a balance between fish and flies. hObf-1IuUZU-00003-00002416-00002920 Since fish eat mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, or their larvae, they hObf-1IuUZU-00004-00002920-00003368 keep a check on the fly population and thereby preserve the plants on which the flies feed. hObf-1IuUZU-00005-00003584-00003896 The fish themselves are an optimal food source for the bear. hObf-1IuUZU-00006-00004152-00004584 If we remove the brown trout from the brook, this will first of all harm the bear hObf-1IuUZU-00007-00004584-00005080 as he will lose his main food source. In addition, the lack of trout leads to hObf-1IuUZU-00008-00005080-00005680 an increase in certain aquatic insects. Since insects primarily graze on aquatic plants, hObf-1IuUZU-00009-00005680-00006264 the plant population decreases, and algae can increase, leading to less oxygen and more toxins. hObf-1IuUZU-00010-00006376-00006688 This has negative consequences for other fish species. hObf-1IuUZU-00011-00006744-00007184 We can see that the absence of one species endangers the whole ecosystem. hObf-1IuUZU-00012-00007416-00007992 Imagine a game of dominos. In the middle, we topple a domino. The falling domino tips over hObf-1IuUZU-00013-00007992-00008424 the next domino. The chain reaction works in all directions and cannot be stopped. hObf-1IuUZU-00014-00008488-00008904 Systems behave similarly as one change leads to many other changes. hObf-1IuUZU-00015-00009120-00009624 But isn’t it possible to stop the chain reaction, for example, by replacing the brown trout with hObf-1IuUZU-00016-00009624-00010176 another species such as the rainbow trout? Yes, this is possible, but we cannot regain the hObf-1IuUZU-00017-00010176-00010800 original stability of the system. In this case, the rainbow trout has different food priorities, hObf-1IuUZU-00018-00010800-00011416 which leads to changes in the food chain. A new species composition can have a domino effect by hObf-1IuUZU-00019-00011416-00011960 changing many biological, chemical, and physical processes in the river and its surroundings. hObf-1IuUZU-00020-00012128-00012592 Nature, however, constantly has to deal with changes, such as large floods or storms. hObf-1IuUZU-00021-00012648-00013232 Ecosystems are successful when they are not rigid but can adapt dynamically to changes. When we hObf-1IuUZU-00022-00013232-00013744 speak of balance or stability in nature, we are always talking about such a dynamic balance. hObf-1IuUZU-00023-00014024-00014416 Dynamic systems can adapt to changes or form new systems over time. hObf-1IuUZU-00024-00014672-00015112 However, we often do not give ecosystems this time. In addition, hObf-1IuUZU-00025-00015112-00015712 our interventions bring them to tipping points at which ecosystems can no longer adapt dynamically hObf-1IuUZU-00026-00015712-00016336 because the change is too great or too fast. For example, a body of water can pass a tipping point, hObf-1IuUZU-00027-00016336-00016984 and organisms will die off wholescale if algae growth is too strong due to overfertilization. hXqMxpfoNB0-00000-00000454-00001067 We also want to address our students' needs from a competency-based standpoint. hXqMxpfoNB0-00001-00001067-00001469 We want our students to be able to really push themselves in their own hXqMxpfoNB0-00002-00001469-00002018 learning, and to be able to test out certain strands of learning so that our hXqMxpfoNB0-00003-00002018-00002366 students can -- because some of our students have shown that they can move hXqMxpfoNB0-00004-00002366-00003140 even faster than -- than we allowed them to move, and so we have to create those hXqMxpfoNB0-00005-00003140-00003551 structures in order for students to be able to do that. Only certain ones of you hXqMxpfoNB0-00006-00003551-00003805 are going to be working on this. If I pass you something else, that means I hXqMxpfoNB0-00007-00003805-00004253 know you already know this because you mastered it in multi-gen. All right, you hXqMxpfoNB0-00008-00004253-00004703 guys, get to work. The rest of you that didn't get one, come back here, let's go. Were you hXqMxpfoNB0-00009-00004703-00006193 at, KJ? [background noise as teacher hands out papers] Yup, you're always getting the hard stuff, hXqMxpfoNB0-00010-00006193-00006640 that's how I roll. Hey all, you -- you guys that I gave that to in the hallway, let's hXqMxpfoNB0-00011-00006640-00006976 go. You all can go in the hallway. hXqMxpfoNB0-00012-00007145-00007575 Mastery at Lovett is defined in several ways. So, first of all, like, if we're hXqMxpfoNB0-00013-00007575-00008061 talking about math, for example, we -- we set the marker at 80 percent, uh, hXqMxpfoNB0-00014-00008061-00008482 of problems correct with defined mastery, so eight out of ten, uh, hXqMxpfoNB0-00015-00008482-00009150 and then application of that also shows mastery, so just because you can -- just hXqMxpfoNB0-00016-00009150-00009557 because you can figure out a problem that says area and perimeter, you can hXqMxpfoNB0-00017-00009557-00009927 find the area and perimeter of a square, doesn't necessarily mean you can apply hXqMxpfoNB0-00018-00009927-00010367 that in real life. So then we have a mastery concept, and on top of that, we hXqMxpfoNB0-00019-00010367-00010706 have an application concept which shows like, okay, not only do I know how to do hXqMxpfoNB0-00020-00010706-00011202 this computation-wise, but I also know how to do this application-wise. As far hXqMxpfoNB0-00021-00011202-00011579 as other aspects and reading and other-- other content, there are different ways hXqMxpfoNB0-00022-00011579-00012086 to show mastery, I think. For us at Lovett, conventional paper-and-pencil doesn't hXqMxpfoNB0-00023-00012086-00012497 always work, especially with today's children, so we have different platforms hXqMxpfoNB0-00024-00012497-00012825 we use. They can -- they can create a presentation, they can fill out documents, hXqMxpfoNB0-00025-00012825-00013353 graphic organizers online, on -- through myOn or other personalized programs, they hXqMxpfoNB0-00026-00013353-00013743 can sit in small groups and have discussion, so those are a couple ways hXqMxpfoNB0-00027-00013743-00014144 they can do project-based learning on that, um, so there's different formats for hXqMxpfoNB0-00028-00014144-00014594 kids to demonstrate mastery, but we tend to say 80%. hXN44xCgFFM-00000-00000896-00001288 Do you know how to create an Untagged line profile? hXN44xCgFFM-00001-00001288-00001536 Display the PC screen. hXN44xCgFFM-00002-00001536-00002216 Firstly Connect Netlink OLT to the PC. Then go to LAN settings. hXN44xCgFFM-00003-00002424-00002984 Open your PC Network Settings. hXN44xCgFFM-00004-00003488-00004728 Change IP manually. Click the ok button. hXN44xCgFFM-00005-00005392-00006064 Then, Open your ‘web browser’ Then, Enter your IP Address hXN44xCgFFM-00006-00006064-00006720 on the URL IP: hXN44xCgFFM-00007-00007352-00008008 OLT login page will appear Type your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ hXN44xCgFFM-00008-00008008-00008568 Default Username: admin Password: Xpon@Olt9417# hXN44xCgFFM-00009-00008568-00009080 Enter ‘Verification Code’ and click on the ‘Login’ Button hXN44xCgFFM-00010-00009432-00010272 We will log in to ONT Status Page, and you can see the OLT Basic Information Details hXN44xCgFFM-00011-00010496-00011440 Then create the VLAN (101) and Forbidden VLAN (1) Select the ‘OLT Configuration’ Tab hXN44xCgFFM-00012-00011656-00012332 Click the ‘VLAN’ option Enter your ‘VLAN ID’ (101) hXN44xCgFFM-00013-00012544-00012960 Enter ‘Description’ Click the ‘Add’ button hXN44xCgFFM-00014-00013328-00013688 VLAN ID created, then set VLAN hXN44xCgFFM-00015-00013976-00014536 Tag VLAN in UPLINK Port, where you receive the ISP Service.(eg:GE3) hXN44xCgFFM-00016-00014784-00015016 Select the ‘VLAN Port’ option hXN44xCgFFM-00017-00015319-00016104 Choose your ‘VLAN ID’ 1 Then Tag the forbidden VLAN hXN44xCgFFM-00018-00016376-00016528 Click the ‘submit’ button hXN44xCgFFM-00019-00016848-00017728 Then, Choose your ‘VLAN ID’ Choose your ‘Port’ and ‘tag’ it hXN44xCgFFM-00020-00018112-00018384 Click the ‘submit’ button hXN44xCgFFM-00021-00018720-00019364 After that, we need to create Service profile for VLAN 101 hXN44xCgFFM-00022-00019624-00020496 Click the‘ Profile Configuration’ Tab Select ‘Service Profile’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00023-00020784-00022160 Click ‘Add Profile’ Option Enter your ‘Service Profile Name’ as ‘100’ hXN44xCgFFM-00024-00022160-00022984 Click the ‘Add’ button Select ‘Details & Modify’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00025-00023264-00024352 Select the ‘Mode’ option and set it as ‘Tag’ Choose ‘Port Type’ as ‘eth’ hXN44xCgFFM-00026-00024576-00024840 Enter ‘Port ID’ as ‘1’ hXN44xCgFFM-00027-00024976-00025592 Enter VLAN ID 101 Click the ‘Commit’ button hXN44xCgFFM-00028-00025927-00027016 The ‘Service Profile’ creation is completed, Select the ‘OLT Information’ Tab on the side Menu hXN44xCgFFM-00029-00027304-00027776 The next step is to create an untagged line profile hXN44xCgFFM-00030-00027927-00028616 Click the ‘Profile Configuration’ Tab Select ‘Line profile’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00031-00028895-00030352 Then Select the ‘Add Profile’ Option on the Top Enter your ‘Profile Name’ Eg; UNTAGGED_101 hXN44xCgFFM-00032-00030352-00030983 Click the ‘Add’ button Line Profiles list will appear hXN44xCgFFM-00033-00031112-00031920 Click ‘Details & Modify’ Option Enter ‘Tcont Name’ 1 hXN44xCgFFM-00034-00032104-00032736 Click the ‘Add’ button Select the ‘Gemport’ Option on the top hXN44xCgFFM-00035-00032912-00033184 Enter ‘Gemport Name’ 1 hXN44xCgFFM-00036-00033400-00033992 Click the ‘Add’ button Select ‘Service’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00037-00034184-00034456 Select VLAN Mode as ‘Untag’ hXN44xCgFFM-00038-00034872-00035640 Click the ‘Add’ button Then Click the ‘Service Port’ Option on the top hXN44xCgFFM-00039-00035896-00037028 Select ‘Service Mode’ as Untagged. Enter your Translate VLAN (101) hXN44xCgFFM-00040-00037280-00037984 Click the ‘Add’ button Select ‘Line profile’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00041-00038136-00038624 Here, we can create an ‘Untagged line profile’ now. hXN44xCgFFM-00042-00038888-00039440 Then, ‘Bind the ONU’ Select ‘Bind Profile’ Option hXN44xCgFFM-00043-00039544-00040328 ONU ‘Profile Bind’ table will appear. Choose 1st ONU hXN44xCgFFM-00044-00040512-00041088 Select ‘Config’ Option Select your ‘Line Profile’ hXN44xCgFFM-00045-00041312-00041592 And also select ‘Service Profile’ hXN44xCgFFM-00046-00042016-00042184 Select the ‘Commit’ Button hXN44xCgFFM-00047-00042688-00043752 Select the ‘OLT Information’ Tab on the side Menu Click the ‘SAVE’ button to save all the hXN44xCgFFM-00048-00043752-00044248 configurations in OLT. Logout. hYDjnh4ZVDy-00000-00000587-00000719 so hYDjnh4ZVDy-00001-00000719-00001318 The canadian research council on ufos which mufon and i have just founded recently hYDjnh4ZVDy-00002-00001318-00001596 We are going to present to you a lifetime achievement award hYDjnh4ZVDy-00003-00001648-00002095 to stanton t friedman in recognition of his dedication commitment and hYDjnh4ZVDy-00004-00002171-00002407 Relentless pursuit of the truth in the field of ufology hYDjnh4ZVDy-00005-00002483-00002683 Presented, june 23rd hYDjnh4ZVDy-00006-00002759-00003069 2018 at the alien cosmic expo congratulation stan hYDjnh4ZVDy-00007-00004027-00004227 in a testing hYDjnh4ZVDy-00008-00004830-00005165 unaccustomed as i am to public speaking i hYDjnh4ZVDy-00009-00005404-00005774 figured out i gave my first lecture on ufos in hYDjnh4ZVDy-00010-00005887-00006046 1967 hYDjnh4ZVDy-00011-00006046-00006255 Which seems horribly long, ago hYDjnh4ZVDy-00012-00006537-00006743 It's been a long run hYDjnh4ZVDy-00013-00006889-00007027 and hYDjnh4ZVDy-00014-00007027-00007602 I will be at roswell in a couple of weeks and that'll be about just about the end of it hYDjnh4ZVDy-00015-00007717-00008091 And if you had told me sixty years ago hYDjnh4ZVDy-00016-00008194-00008582 That i would give over 700 lectures and all over the world hYDjnh4ZVDy-00017-00008736-00009323 i'd have laughed, my head off i was under the crazy impression hYDjnh4ZVDy-00018-00009478-00009822 When i took, my first job general electric hYDjnh4ZVDy-00019-00010017-00010217 well hYDjnh4ZVDy-00020-00010258-00011048 They've got many branches i was 22 i looked at the chart i could retire when i'm 57 hYDjnh4ZVDy-00021-00011253-00011468 You know three years later i was good hYDjnh4ZVDy-00022-00011608-00011808 that time on my, own hYDjnh4ZVDy-00023-00011934-00012067 so hYDjnh4ZVDy-00024-00012067-00012513 What i'm saying is you don't know? Which way, you're, gonna wind up hYDjnh4ZVDy-00025-00012625-00012825 Where you're, gonna go hYDjnh4ZVDy-00026-00012831-00013031 and hYDjnh4ZVDy-00027-00013084-00013670 what a strange pattern 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years and then 35 hYDjnh4ZVDy-00028-00014002-00014237 I've enjoyed living in fredericton new. Brunswick hYDjnh4ZVDy-00029-00014569-00015020 and we've been in our present house for 35 years and hYDjnh4ZVDy-00030-00015259-00015534 So life goes through different stages hYDjnh4ZVDy-00031-00015676-00016002 and i must say hYDjnh4ZVDy-00032-00016156-00016553 It's been stimulating to me to meet so many wonderful people hYDjnh4ZVDy-00033-00016714-00017027 To, have a chance to visit so many places you hYDjnh4ZVDy-00034-00017170-00017384 Know from australia to saudi arabia hYDjnh4ZVDy-00035-00017524-00017939 With a stop in china, and south korea and places like that hYDjnh4ZVDy-00036-00018287-00018759 who, would ever have thought it i was going to be a scientist for hYDjnh4ZVDy-00037-00018860-00019060 30-some years and retired hYDjnh4ZVDy-00038-00019133-00019396 We still haven't retired i'm trying right now hYDjnh4ZVDy-00039-00019691-00019891 But it's hard to do hYDjnh4ZVDy-00040-00020006-00020407 But i am most grateful for this, award it will go on the wall hYDjnh4ZVDy-00041-00020573-00020781 I've got a few others to go with it hYDjnh4ZVDy-00042-00020870-00021405 And i appreciate your kindness and giving it to me and having me here hYDjnh4ZVDy-00043-00021485-00021685 Thank you very much hYDjnh4ZVDy-00044-00022166-00022366 you hZHS8D7NHZu-00000-00003326-00003426 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00001-00004145-00004245 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00002-00008077-00008177 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00003-00008523-00008623 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00005-00015407-00015507 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00006-00018882-00019005 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00008-00033804-00033904 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00010-00036251-00036351 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00012-00036746-00037065 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZHS8D7NHZu-00014-00037305-00037405 Hranto And Belajio Band - Eghishe's dance Armenian Clarinet hZPGjNBEssy-00000-00000010-00000503 SOME PEOPLE HAVE -- THANKS, hZPGjNBEssy-00001-00000503-00000510 SOME PEOPLE HAVE -- THANKS, hZPGjNBEssy-00002-00000510-00000557 SOME PEOPLE HAVE -- THANKS, ANTHONY. hZPGjNBEssy-00003-00000557-00000563 SOME PEOPLE HAVE -- THANKS, ANTHONY. hZPGjNBEssy-00004-00000563-00000770 SOME PEOPLE HAVE -- THANKS, ANTHONY. >>> GOLFERS ENJOYED A BEAUTIFUL hZPGjNBEssy-00005-00000770-00000777 ANTHONY. >>> GOLFERS ENJOYED A BEAUTIFUL hZPGjNBEssy-00006-00000777-00000960 ANTHONY. >>> GOLFERS ENJOYED A BEAUTIFUL DAY THURSDAY DURING CUYUNA hZPGjNBEssy-00007-00000960-00000967 >>> GOLFERS ENJOYED A BEAUTIFUL DAY THURSDAY DURING CUYUNA hZPGjNBEssy-00008-00000967-00001181 >>> GOLFERS ENJOYED A BEAUTIFUL DAY THURSDAY DURING CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER'S hZPGjNBEssy-00009-00001181-00001187 DAY THURSDAY DURING CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER'S hZPGjNBEssy-00010-00001187-00001311 DAY THURSDAY DURING CUYUNA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER'S DRIVING FOR HOSPICE. hZPGjNBEssy-00011-00001311-00001317 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER'S DRIVING FOR HOSPICE. hZPGjNBEssy-00012-00001317-00001521 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER'S DRIVING FOR HOSPICE. IN WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, hZPGjNBEssy-00013-00001521-00001528 DRIVING FOR HOSPICE. IN WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, hZPGjNBEssy-00014-00001528-00001798 DRIVING FOR HOSPICE. IN WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER, JOHNSON JOHNSON hZPGjNBEssy-00015-00001798-00001805 IN WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER, JOHNSON JOHNSON hZPGjNBEssy-00016-00001805-00002115 IN WEEK'S COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, OUR REPORTER, JOHNSON JOHNSON HAS MORE. hZPGjNBEssy-00017-00002115-00002122 OUR REPORTER, JOHNSON JOHNSON HAS MORE. hZPGjNBEssy-00018-00002122-00002332 OUR REPORTER, JOHNSON JOHNSON HAS MORE. RACHEL JOHNSON HAS hZPGjNBEssy-00019-00002332-00002338 HAS MORE. RACHEL JOHNSON HAS hZPGjNBEssy-00020-00002338-00002495 HAS MORE. RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. hZPGjNBEssy-00021-00002495-00002502 RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. hZPGjNBEssy-00022-00002502-00002635 RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> Reporter: HAVING FUN WHILE hZPGjNBEssy-00023-00002635-00002642 MORE. >> Reporter: HAVING FUN WHILE hZPGjNBEssy-00024-00002642-00003002 MORE. >> Reporter: HAVING FUN WHILE RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE. hZPGjNBEssy-00025-00003002-00003009 >> Reporter: HAVING FUN WHILE RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE. hZPGjNBEssy-00026-00003009-00003179 >> Reporter: HAVING FUN WHILE RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE. >> HOSPICE PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR hZPGjNBEssy-00027-00003179-00003186 RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE. >> HOSPICE PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR hZPGjNBEssy-00028-00003186-00003386 RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE. >> HOSPICE PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR PATIENTS AND FAMILIES AT THE END hZPGjNBEssy-00029-00003386-00003393 >> HOSPICE PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR PATIENTS AND FAMILIES AT THE END hZPGjNBEssy-00030-00003393-00003680 >> HOSPICE PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR PATIENTS AND FAMILIES AT THE END OF THEIR LIVES, HOW THEY WANT TO hZPGjNBEssy-00031-00003680-00003686 PATIENTS AND FAMILIES AT THE END OF THEIR LIVES, HOW THEY WANT TO hZPGjNBEssy-00032-00003686-00003960 PATIENTS AND FAMILIES AT THE END OF THEIR LIVES, HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE THEIR LAST WEEKS AND DAYS. hZPGjNBEssy-00033-00003960-00003967 OF THEIR LIVES, HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE THEIR LAST WEEKS AND DAYS. hZPGjNBEssy-00034-00003967-00004360 OF THEIR LIVES, HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE THEIR LAST WEEKS AND DAYS. >> Reporter: IT WAS AN 18-HOLE hZPGjNBEssy-00035-00004360-00004367 LIVE THEIR LAST WEEKS AND DAYS. >> Reporter: IT WAS AN 18-HOLE hZPGjNBEssy-00036-00004367-00004811 LIVE THEIR LAST WEEKS AND DAYS. >> Reporter: IT WAS AN 18-HOLE BEST BALL SCRAMBLE AND HELD IN hZPGjNBEssy-00037-00004811-00004818 >> Reporter: IT WAS AN 18-HOLE BEST BALL SCRAMBLE AND HELD IN hZPGjNBEssy-00038-00004818-00004878 >> Reporter: IT WAS AN 18-HOLE BEST BALL SCRAMBLE AND HELD IN DEERWOOD. hZPGjNBEssy-00039-00004878-00004884 BEST BALL SCRAMBLE AND HELD IN DEERWOOD. hZPGjNBEssy-00040-00004884-00005081 BEST BALL SCRAMBLE AND HELD IN DEERWOOD. THEY HAVE 2017 SIGNED UP, MAKING hZPGjNBEssy-00041-00005081-00005088 DEERWOOD. THEY HAVE 2017 SIGNED UP, MAKING hZPGjNBEssy-00042-00005088-00005392 DEERWOOD. THEY HAVE 2017 SIGNED UP, MAKING IT THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT THIS hZPGjNBEssy-00043-00005392-00005398 THEY HAVE 2017 SIGNED UP, MAKING IT THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT THIS hZPGjNBEssy-00044-00005398-00005745 THEY HAVE 2017 SIGNED UP, MAKING IT THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT THIS GOLF COURSE HAS HOSTED. hZPGjNBEssy-00045-00005745-00005752 IT THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT THIS GOLF COURSE HAS HOSTED. hZPGjNBEssy-00046-00005752-00006009 IT THE LARGEST TOURNAMENT THIS GOLF COURSE HAS HOSTED. >> OBVIOUSLY, STRUCK A CHORD IN hZPGjNBEssy-00047-00006009-00006016 GOLF COURSE HAS HOSTED. >> OBVIOUSLY, STRUCK A CHORD IN hZPGjNBEssy-00048-00006016-00006176 GOLF COURSE HAS HOSTED. >> OBVIOUSLY, STRUCK A CHORD IN THE COMMUNITY. hZPGjNBEssy-00049-00006176-00006182 >> OBVIOUSLY, STRUCK A CHORD IN THE COMMUNITY. hZPGjNBEssy-00050-00006182-00006342 >> OBVIOUSLY, STRUCK A CHORD IN THE COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: THE MONEY RAISED hZPGjNBEssy-00051-00006342-00006349 THE COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: THE MONEY RAISED hZPGjNBEssy-00052-00006349-00006786 THE COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: THE MONEY RAISED GOES TO THE CUYUNA REGIONAL -- hZPGjNBEssy-00053-00006786-00006793 >> Reporter: THE MONEY RAISED GOES TO THE CUYUNA REGIONAL -- hZPGjNBEssy-00054-00006793-00007223 >> Reporter: THE MONEY RAISED GOES TO THE CUYUNA REGIONAL -- THE CRMC HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE hZPGjNBEssy-00055-00007223-00007230 GOES TO THE CUYUNA REGIONAL -- THE CRMC HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE hZPGjNBEssy-00056-00007230-00007337 GOES TO THE CUYUNA REGIONAL -- THE CRMC HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE PROGRAM. hZPGjNBEssy-00057-00007337-00007343 THE CRMC HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE PROGRAM. hZPGjNBEssy-00058-00007343-00007560 THE CRMC HOME HEALTH AND HOSPICE PROGRAM. >> WE WORK WITH PHARMACISTS AND hZPGjNBEssy-00059-00007560-00007567 PROGRAM. >> WE WORK WITH PHARMACISTS AND hZPGjNBEssy-00060-00007567-00007861 PROGRAM. >> WE WORK WITH PHARMACISTS AND TEEN GIRLS WHO COME IN TO HELP hZPGjNBEssy-00061-00007861-00007867 >> WE WORK WITH PHARMACISTS AND TEEN GIRLS WHO COME IN TO HELP hZPGjNBEssy-00062-00007867-00008124 >> WE WORK WITH PHARMACISTS AND TEEN GIRLS WHO COME IN TO HELP THE PEOPLE AT THE ENDS OF LIVES. hZPGjNBEssy-00063-00008124-00008131 TEEN GIRLS WHO COME IN TO HELP THE PEOPLE AT THE ENDS OF LIVES. hZPGjNBEssy-00064-00008131-00008361 TEEN GIRLS WHO COME IN TO HELP THE PEOPLE AT THE ENDS OF LIVES. >> Reporter: THEY'VE SEEN THE hZPGjNBEssy-00065-00008361-00008368 THE PEOPLE AT THE ENDS OF LIVES. >> Reporter: THEY'VE SEEN THE hZPGjNBEssy-00066-00008368-00008631 THE PEOPLE AT THE ENDS OF LIVES. >> Reporter: THEY'VE SEEN THE FIRST-HAND IMPACT HOSPICE MAKES. hZPGjNBEssy-00067-00008631-00008638 >> Reporter: THEY'VE SEEN THE FIRST-HAND IMPACT HOSPICE MAKES. hZPGjNBEssy-00068-00008638-00008785 >> Reporter: THEY'VE SEEN THE FIRST-HAND IMPACT HOSPICE MAKES. >> PEOPLE NEED CARING PEOPLE hZPGjNBEssy-00069-00008785-00008792 FIRST-HAND IMPACT HOSPICE MAKES. >> PEOPLE NEED CARING PEOPLE hZPGjNBEssy-00070-00008792-00008955 FIRST-HAND IMPACT HOSPICE MAKES. >> PEOPLE NEED CARING PEOPLE AROUND THEM WHEN THEY'RE AT THAT hZPGjNBEssy-00071-00008955-00008962 >> PEOPLE NEED CARING PEOPLE AROUND THEM WHEN THEY'RE AT THAT hZPGjNBEssy-00072-00008962-00009028 >> PEOPLE NEED CARING PEOPLE AROUND THEM WHEN THEY'RE AT THAT POINT. hZPGjNBEssy-00073-00009028-00009035 AROUND THEM WHEN THEY'RE AT THAT POINT. hZPGjNBEssy-00074-00009035-00009265 AROUND THEM WHEN THEY'RE AT THAT POINT. I'VE HAD MY DAD HAVE CANCER, I hZPGjNBEssy-00075-00009265-00009272 POINT. I'VE HAD MY DAD HAVE CANCER, I hZPGjNBEssy-00076-00009272-00009482 POINT. I'VE HAD MY DAD HAVE CANCER, I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. hZPGjNBEssy-00077-00009482-00009489 I'VE HAD MY DAD HAVE CANCER, I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. hZPGjNBEssy-00078-00009489-00009743 I'VE HAD MY DAD HAVE CANCER, I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. >> Reporter: IT WILL ALLOW THE hZPGjNBEssy-00079-00009743-00009749 KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. >> Reporter: IT WILL ALLOW THE hZPGjNBEssy-00080-00009749-00010046 KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. >> Reporter: IT WILL ALLOW THE HOSPICE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE hZPGjNBEssy-00081-00010046-00010053 >> Reporter: IT WILL ALLOW THE HOSPICE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE hZPGjNBEssy-00082-00010053-00010226 >> Reporter: IT WILL ALLOW THE HOSPICE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE PALLIATIVE COMFORT CARE. hZPGjNBEssy-00083-00010226-00010233 HOSPICE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE PALLIATIVE COMFORT CARE. hZPGjNBEssy-00084-00010233-00010383 HOSPICE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE PALLIATIVE COMFORT CARE. >> WE'VE GOT SUCH GREAT SUPPORT hZPGjNBEssy-00085-00010383-00010390 PALLIATIVE COMFORT CARE. >> WE'VE GOT SUCH GREAT SUPPORT hZPGjNBEssy-00086-00010390-00010547 PALLIATIVE COMFORT CARE. >> WE'VE GOT SUCH GREAT SUPPORT FROM OUR COMMUNITY, IT MEANS THE hZPGjNBEssy-00087-00010547-00010553 >> WE'VE GOT SUCH GREAT SUPPORT FROM OUR COMMUNITY, IT MEANS THE hZPGjNBEssy-00088-00010553-00010760 >> WE'VE GOT SUCH GREAT SUPPORT FROM OUR COMMUNITY, IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US AND I HOPE WE'RE hZPGjNBEssy-00089-00010760-00010767 FROM OUR COMMUNITY, IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US AND I HOPE WE'RE hZPGjNBEssy-00090-00010767-00010934 FROM OUR COMMUNITY, IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US AND I HOPE WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE hZPGjNBEssy-00091-00010934-00010940 WORLD TO US AND I HOPE WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE hZPGjNBEssy-00092-00010940-00011124 WORLD TO US AND I HOPE WE'RE ABLE TO MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE FOR THE PATIENTS WE TAKE CARE OF hZPGjNBEssy-00093-00011124-00011131 ABLE TO MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE FOR THE PATIENTS WE TAKE CARE OF hZPGjNBEssy-00094-00011131-00011227 ABLE TO MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE FOR THE PATIENTS WE TAKE CARE OF IN THE HOME. hZPGjNBEssy-00095-00011227-00011234 FOR THE PATIENTS WE TAKE CARE OF IN THE HOME. hZPGjNBEssy-00096-00011234-00011374 FOR THE PATIENTS WE TAKE CARE OF IN THE HOME. IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US, IT'S A hZPGjNBEssy-00097-00011374-00011381 IN THE HOME. IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US, IT'S A hZPGjNBEssy-00098-00011381-00011504 IN THE HOME. IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US, IT'S A WONDERFUL SERVICE. hZPGjNBEssy-00099-00011504-00011511 IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US, IT'S A WONDERFUL SERVICE. hZPGjNBEssy-00100-00011511-00011694 IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US, IT'S A WONDERFUL SERVICE. >> Reporter: THE FIRST DRIVING hZPGjNBEssy-00101-00011694-00011701 WONDERFUL SERVICE. >> Reporter: THE FIRST DRIVING hZPGjNBEssy-00102-00011701-00011931 WONDERFUL SERVICE. >> Reporter: THE FIRST DRIVING FOR HOSPICE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS hZPGjNBEssy-00103-00011931-00011938 >> Reporter: THE FIRST DRIVING FOR HOSPICE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS hZPGjNBEssy-00104-00011938-00012112 >> Reporter: THE FIRST DRIVING FOR HOSPICE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND ALREADY LOOKING FORWARD TO hZPGjNBEssy-00105-00012112-00012118 FOR HOSPICE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND ALREADY LOOKING FORWARD TO hZPGjNBEssy-00106-00012118-00012198 FOR HOSPICE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND ALREADY LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR. hZcSN3OCQME-00000-00000800-00001650 Thank you. hZcSN3OCQME-00001-00001750-00002150 In 1904, a great Spanish intellectual hZcSN3OCQME-00002-00002150-00002450 got lost in Paraguay. hZcSN3OCQME-00003-00002450-00002952 Because... there's no other way to arrive in this country apart from getting lost, hZcSN3OCQME-00004-00002952-00003240 as it happened in the beginning of the XX century. hZcSN3OCQME-00005-00003240-00003500 This man, called Rafael Barret, hZcSN3OCQME-00006-00003520-00003740 not only came and described Paraguay but, hZcSN3OCQME-00007-00003740-00004300 more than that, he gave us many keys to understand the reasons behind our pain hZcSN3OCQME-00008-00004320-00004700 and the idiosyncrasy of our homeland. hZcSN3OCQME-00009-00004700-00005200 One hundred years later, a writer, also Spanish,Gregorio Morán from Catalonia, hZcSN3OCQME-00010-00005200-00005700 followed his steps and wrote a book called "Astonishment and search of Rafael Barret" hZcSN3OCQME-00011-00005700-00006650 In this text, he wrote something that remained in my mind for a long time and left me looking for its deep meaning: hZcSN3OCQME-00012-00006720-00007300 "Paraguay is a beautiful and tough country, with a history that never ends hZcSN3OCQME-00013-00007309-00008000 well. There are a few Paraguayans, very few actually, that have been lucky, but not the country. hZcSN3OCQME-00014-00008009-00008480 Paraguay is a country with bad luck and with the very Spanish feature of having hZcSN3OCQME-00015-00008490-00009000 been especially cruel with the most gifted of their children." This text also included hZcSN3OCQME-00016-00009000-00009730 an expression by Rafael Barret, later picked up by Augusto Roa Bastos, that plainly stated hZcSN3OCQME-00017-00009730-00010290 that misfortune had fallen in love with Paraguay. I want to take this opportunity to speak to hZcSN3OCQME-00018-00010290-00010700 you about these three concepts. The concept of the toughness of our homeland, hZcSN3OCQME-00019-00010700-00011510 the concept of our lack of fortune and the stories that never end well and the concept of not believing hZcSN3OCQME-00020-00011510-00012030 ourselves capable of building and achieving new goals for our daily life. hZcSN3OCQME-00021-00012030-00012600 When Carlos Antonio López replaced José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, he built an hZcSN3OCQME-00022-00012600-00013300 envied republic from 1842 to 1864. Not only the country had the first train in Río de la Plata hZcSN3OCQME-00023-00013319-00014000 but also the first telegraph, the first explosives experts and the first steel foundry. hZcSN3OCQME-00024-00014000-00014500 He achieved it with a few more than 20 foreigners that came here to plan the country hZcSN3OCQME-00025-00014500-00015140 that later awakened so much pride and so much envy in its neighbors. And he achieved it hZcSN3OCQME-00026-00015150-00015800 sending barely half dozen of Paraguayans abroad. Don Carlos Antonio López, great Paraguayan statesman, hZcSN3OCQME-00027-00015800-00016300 recommended to his son solving the neighbor borders issues with the pen better hZcSN3OCQME-00028-00016300-00017000 than with the sword, for he had seen this last option end up badly in 1870, when the hZcSN3OCQME-00029-00017020-00017920 largest world genocide killed 85% of the population of our country. We have not only been a slaughtered nation hZcSN3OCQME-00030-00017920-00018580 but have also experienced a deep holocaust, which grief we still bear and which pain we hZcSN3OCQME-00031-00018580-00019300 still haven't been able to completely understand. Later on Paraguay recovered, and recovered hZcSN3OCQME-00032-00019300-00019820 with intelligence and knowledge. I remember having asked to the great Paraguayan poet hZcSN3OCQME-00033-00019820-00020420 Elio Romero who was the greatest poet of our country according to him, and he answered hZcSN3OCQME-00034-00020420-00020850 Manuel Ortiz Guerrero without any doubt. I asked how a man coming from Villarrica and hZcSN3OCQME-00035-00020850-00021400 the deep Paraguay could have the capacity to convey in his poetry the deepest issues hZcSN3OCQME-00036-00021400-00022000 of our history. He said because he had a great teacher called Delfín Chamorro, that not hZcSN3OCQME-00037-00022000-00022600 only introduced him to modern poetry but also gave him the necessary knowledge to understand hZcSN3OCQME-00038-00022600-00023000 the soul of our homeland and to convey in the few years that he lived the true sense hZcSN3OCQME-00039-00023000-00023700 of our Paraguayan idiosyncrasy. Delfín Chamorro and Ramón Indalecio Cardozo were the two hZcSN3OCQME-00040-00023700-00024300 initiators that turned Villarrica into the cultural center of Paraguay in the beginning hZcSN3OCQME-00041-00024300-00024950 of the century. In the beginning of the century, when identity, hZcSN3OCQME-00042-00024950-00025500 envy and permanent confrontation were hot topics, Paraguay was also lucky to have a hZcSN3OCQME-00043-00025500-00026000 paradigmatic man like Eligio Ayala that not only put an end to the Civil Wars in 1923 hZcSN3OCQME-00044-00026000-00026850 but also started a period of deep change in the public administration from 1924 to 1928. hZcSN3OCQME-00045-00026850-00027400 But again, that part of our history turned out to be unfortunate for our country: hZcSN3OCQME-00046-00027400-00027600 not only in the way that he died hZcSN3OCQME-00047-00027600-00028200 but also because we were left without a noble man of great honesty and capacities. hZcSN3OCQME-00048-00028200-00028500 We wouldn't have been able to win the war against Bolivia hZcSN3OCQME-00049-00028500-00028830 if we hadn't had a man as honest as Eligio Ayala hZcSN3OCQME-00050-00028830-00029200 and so capable that he foresaw the dangers earlier than anyone else. hZcSN3OCQME-00051-00029200-00029820 That same war of the Chaco also entailed the experience of being ruled by skilled people, hZcSN3OCQME-00052-00029820-00030280 and when we Paraguayans have believed in skilled people we have been fine. hZcSN3OCQME-00053-00030280-00030850 Whenever we've made the bad choice of putting up with the mediocre, the corrupt and the unskilled, hZcSN3OCQME-00054-00030850-00031039 Paraguay has had a bad time. hZcSN3OCQME-00055-00031039-00031489 And that war was lead not only by Eligio Ayala as a civil hZcSN3OCQME-00056-00031489-00031939 but also by the great military tactician that was José Félix Estigarribia. hZcSN3OCQME-00057-00031939-00032470 That war gave us our pride back, which we had lost in the war of 1870, hZcSN3OCQME-00058-00032470-00033070 but brought us to an unfortunate situation in which we had to face bad luck again: hZcSN3OCQME-00059-00033370-00034170 the revolution of 1947, in which we fought fiercely colorados, liberales, febreristas... hZcSN3OCQME-00060-00034170-00034680 in a situation that left deep marks in our character. hZcSN3OCQME-00061-00034680-00035210 Since then, in 1954, we traded freedom for safety, hZcSN3OCQME-00062-00035210-00035740 we traded the possibility of building and believing in democracy for an authoritarian regime hZcSN3OCQME-00063-00035740-00036570 and we suffered the long night of that destroying dictatorship that embodied the worst faults of the Paraguayans, hZcSN3OCQME-00064-00036570-00036880 the worst way to rule a nation. hZcSN3OCQME-00065-00036880-00037200 Today we face an extraordinary challenge. hZcSN3OCQME-00066-00037200-00037500 We have everything to be happy and to be prosperous. hZcSN3OCQME-00067-00037500-00037750 We are the youngest country in Latin-America. hZcSN3OCQME-00068-00037750-00038000 65% of our population is younger than 30 years old. hZcSN3OCQME-00069-00038000-00038380 We have the world highest income per capita in hydro energy. hZcSN3OCQME-00070-00038380-00038900 This means we can make and create anything we want with electric energy. hZcSN3OCQME-00071-00038900-00039700 However, we insist on using products derived from crude oil, buying gas from Argentina that comes from Bolivia... hZcSN3OCQME-00072-00039740-00040500 We keep on believing that there's a possibility other than energy for us to meet development hZcSN3OCQME-00073-00040500-00041110 but it's there that we have to base our success and our capacity to build a different country on. hZcSN3OCQME-00074-00041110-00042020 We should aim for all the transportation system of Paraguay to be electric in five years time. hZcSN3OCQME-00075-00042020-00042690 There's no reason for Paraguay not to be using the 100% of its electric energy in transportation. hZcSN3OCQME-00076-00042690-00043130 Now is the big boom of electric cars, that consume almost nothing, hZcSN3OCQME-00077-00043130-00043430 and two big brands compete in the world market. hZcSN3OCQME-00078-00043430-00044230 A trip from Asunción to Ciudad del Este costs more or less 25.000 guaranies if using electric energy. hZcSN3OCQME-00079-00044230-00044680 But we are becoming careless while the Indians are going forward. hZcSN3OCQME-00080-00044680-00044990 They are not only finding new sources of energy... hZcSN3OCQME-00081-00044990-00045130 This is an example of this. hZcSN3OCQME-00082-00045130-00045570 This is a car that costs 8.120 dollars in the market. hZcSN3OCQME-00083-00045570-00045880 It uses compressed air as fuel, hZcSN3OCQME-00084-00045900-00046450 and it has the possibility to go over the 300 km from Asunción to Ciudad del Este spending hZcSN3OCQME-00085-00046450-00047130 spending less than 10.000 guaraníes to refill the car with compressed air. hZcSN3OCQME-00086-00047130-00048320 Which means that compressed air is cheaper than the toll from Ypacaraí to Chipa de Mari Ana. hZcSN3OCQME-00087-00048820-00049130 If this is the base of our wealth, one wonders... Just like a Peace Corps volunteer asked me hZcSN3OCQME-00088-00049130-00049730 Just like a Peace Corps volunteer asked me once in a very straightforward way: hZcSN3OCQME-00089-00049730-00050030 "What is it that you want to eat?" hZcSN3OCQME-00090-00050230-00050730 You are young, you are nice, you are capable of facing great challenges. hZcSN3OCQME-00091-00050730-00051220 One comes looking for the uranium mineral and bumps into titanium. hZcSN3OCQME-00092-00051220-00051500 You have silicon in great amounts. hZcSN3OCQME-00093-00051500-00051900 You have the greatest possibilities for mining development in Latin-America hZcSN3OCQME-00094-00051900-00052070 and, despite of this, you are poor." hZcSN3OCQME-00095-00052070-00052460 4 among 6 Paraguayans live with less than 2 dollars daily. hZcSN3OCQME-00096-00052460-00052690 This is the biggest shame. hZcSN3OCQME-00097-00052690-00053070 The fact that we don't deserve the Paraguay we live in. hZcSN3OCQME-00098-00053070-00053579 Paraguay has a big potentiality, beyond that of any other country in the region and, however, hZcSN3OCQME-00099-00053579-00053900 we keep on believing that we are not capable of achieving success. hZcSN3OCQME-00100-00053900-00054040 We are afraid of success. hZcSN3OCQME-00101-00054040-00054320 To be in advantage makes us uncomfortable. hZcSN3OCQME-00102-00054320-00054840 Once I asked a supporter of the Paraguayan selection which was the most difficult moment of the game hZcSN3OCQME-00103-00054840-00055410 and he said the first 20 minutes 1- 0 in our favor. Why? hZcSN3OCQME-00104-00055410-00055779 Because at this moment we believe that the other team is going to even the score and beat us. hZcSN3OCQME-00105-00055779-00056500 The best moment is at the minute 37 of the second time and with a goal in our favor , and from there we are not moving. hZcSN3OCQME-00106-00056500-00057120 Finding successful people an annoyance is one of the issues that we have to change in Paraguay. hZcSN3OCQME-00107-00057120-00057620 In Paraguay, we only put up with successful people when we are sure they have cancer, and that's wrong. hZcSN3OCQME-00108-00057620-00057990 We should commit again with success. hZcSN3OCQME-00109-00057990-00058390 I understood this when I went to New York. I met a Paraguayan there. hZcSN3OCQME-00110-00058390-00058800 He said: "Benjamín, why wouldn't North-Americans be successful? hZcSN3OCQME-00111-00058800-00059290 Whenever you leave a place, it says Exit (Success), Exit (Success), Exit(Success), Exit (Success). hZcSN3OCQME-00112-00059290-00059429 I told him this means the way out. hZcSN3OCQME-00113-00059429-00059629 He said, I don't care, it motivates me..." hZcSN3OCQME-00115-00065235-00065868 When facing such a situation, one wonders when Paraguayans are going to get happy when hZcSN3OCQME-00116-00065868-00066568 we meet successful people. Why is it so hard for us to praise the capable? Why is it so hZcSN3OCQME-00117-00066749-00067100 hard in this country for the people who study? Why does mediocrity take over us and doesn't hZcSN3OCQME-00118-00067100-00067253 allow us to feel proud about what we've learnt outside and can give back to Paraguay? When hZcSN3OCQME-00119-00067253-00067538 we understand these issues and realize that education is the only thing that can transform hZcSN3OCQME-00120-00067538-00068130 us then maybe we can grasp what Albert Einstein once said. "All the future empires are going hZcSN3OCQME-00121-00068130-00068830 to be knowledge empires and the only successful nations are going to be those that understand hZcSN3OCQME-00122-00068978-00069630 how to create knowledge and protect it, how to look for the youth that have the ability hZcSN3OCQME-00123-00069630-00070330 to do so and make sure that they stay in the country. The rest of the countries will keep hZcSN3OCQME-00124-00070494-00071138 beautiful coastlines, with churches, mines and with a fantastic history but probably hZcSN3OCQME-00125-00071138-00071656 they aren't going to keep the same flags neither the same borders and, much less, economic hZcSN3OCQME-00126-00071656-00071784 success." If we Paraguayans understand that our greatest challenge is building a nation hZcSN3OCQME-00127-00071784-00072118 proud of their successes, achieved using our economic, material and human resources, maybe hZcSN3OCQME-00128-00072118-00072163 that phrase by Barret, from 1904, will no longer be valid, because that toughness that hZcSN3OCQME-00129-00072163-00072258 Barret talked about will be replaced by the tenderness from a lot of people... In my case, hZcSN3OCQME-00130-00072258-00072410 my own wife. And that lack of luck will also be replaced by the gratefulness I feel to hZcSN3OCQME-00131-00072410-00072575 have had the possibility to get my son Santiago back. hZcSN3OCQME-00132-00072575-00072603 Lastly, that final moment when we will believe that Paraguayans have reasons to praise and hZcSN3OCQME-00133-00072603-00072647 be praised, when we identify in the successful Paraguayan our own success... In that moment hZcSN3OCQME-00134-00072647-00072705 when we score a goal in the first 20 minutes, I'll be sure that we will win by a mile. hZcSN3OCQME-00135-00072705-00072730 Thanks a lot!! haCZ4dnZ7sc-00000-00004254-00004284 Free haCZ4dnZ7sc-00001-00010560-00010566 music haCZ4dnZ7sc-00002-00010872-00011046 Free download hbnZ2yzIdto-00000-00000003-00000315 Let's take a look at some general functions of hbnZ2yzIdto-00001-00000316-00000608 membrane proteins. Some of these proteins are hbnZ2yzIdto-00002-00000608-00000902 involved in something called the 'extracellular matrix' hbnZ2yzIdto-00003-00000902-00001268 as anchor proteins. So what these proteins you'll hbnZ2yzIdto-00004-00001268-00001632 see doing, is anchoring components outside the cell hbnZ2yzIdto-00005-00001632-00001964 to the cell to create a structure which we refer to as the hbnZ2yzIdto-00006-00001964-00002284 extracellular matrix. But there are some proteins in hbnZ2yzIdto-00007-00002284-00002508 cell membranes that are enzymes, and we've seen hbnZ2yzIdto-00008-00002508-00002722 some of these from the electron transport system, hbnZ2yzIdto-00009-00002722-00003042 a series of complexes composed of proteins which hbnZ2yzIdto-00010-00003042-00003256 function as redox enzymes. And of course, hbnZ2yzIdto-00011-00003256-00003808 the F1/f0 ATP synthase is also an enzyme, albeit a very hbnZ2yzIdto-00012-00003808-00004106 complex and regulated one; it has catalytic function. hbnZ2yzIdto-00013-00004106-00004422 We will look at receptors. We'll see in a way, hbnZ2yzIdto-00014-00004422-00004694 that glycophoryn A is a kind of receptor. hbnZ2yzIdto-00015-00004694-00004984 But more commonly, when we hear the word receptor, hbnZ2yzIdto-00016-00004984-00005312 we mean a protein on the surface of a cell that hbnZ2yzIdto-00017-00005312-00005658 recognizes a hormone that cannot get into the cell, and hbnZ2yzIdto-00018-00005658-00005953 therefore it is required to initiate information transfer hbnZ2yzIdto-00019-00005954-00006206 from the signal, the hormone, to the cell. hbnZ2yzIdto-00020-00006206-00006459 Receptors are also involved in cell recognition, hbnZ2yzIdto-00021-00006459-00006831 cells being able to recognize one another and also hbnZ2yzIdto-00022-00006831-00007068 to not recognize one another..., or at least not to hbnZ2yzIdto-00023-00007068-00007254 come together. That's an example that we'll see hbnZ2yzIdto-00024-00007254-00007572 in glycophoryn A. There are passive transporters hbnZ2yzIdto-00025-00007572-00007890 the facilitated diffusion proteins, carrier proteins that hbnZ2yzIdto-00026-00007890-00008364 allow molecules to enter or exit cells along or down hbnZ2yzIdto-00027-00008364-00008588 their concentration gradient, and we've seen some hbnZ2yzIdto-00028-00008588-00008884 of those. And active transport proteins, and we've seen hbnZ2yzIdto-00029-00008884-00009256 that as well in the form of ion pumps, the proton pumps hbnZ2yzIdto-00030-00009256-00009518 in the cristal membrane. those electron transport hbnZ2yzIdto-00031-00009518-00009988 complexes are in fact active transport molecules. hdr9MdZBRRM-00000-00000000-00000455 [Subtitles by Carmelo Massimo Tidona] hdr9MdZBRRM-00001-00000584-00001723 Would you like to add a thematic touch to your Flesh and Blood deck, and protect as much as possible its cards? Maybe by using a solid product sold by one of the leading hdr9MdZBRRM-00002-00001723-00002798 companies of the field? If you do… is there a product that can satisfy your need? In today’s video, you are going to find the answers to these questions. hdr9MdZBRRM-00003-00003469-00004616 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our channel, to the usual weekly appointment. Everyone who loves Fab knows well that on the 14 March 2022 Legend hdr9MdZBRRM-00004-00004616-00005616 Story Studios started a wonderful collaboration with the Danish company Arcane Tinmen, which products include one of the most famous brands when it comes to hdr9MdZBRRM-00005-00005616-00006688 protection, as they provide their customers with Sleeves as tough as the scales of the legendary creatures that dwell in the imaginary universe, the Dragon Shield. hdr9MdZBRRM-00006-00006688-00007895 About this, the Europe-New Zealand agreement between these two large companies gave birth to a product that not only will protect every single element of your deck, but hdr9MdZBRRM-00007-00007895-00009033 will also do it in style, matching the theme of the game and allowing you to fight under the guise of your favorite hero, starting from the look of the deck itself. Before we hdr9MdZBRRM-00008-00009033-00010093 begin, I know that many of you watch the videos by Arconte del Crogiolo, but haven’t subscribed yet. Imagine that, if you all subscribed now… we could be over ten hdr9MdZBRRM-00009-00010093-00011271 thousand subscribers, so your support is fundamental, help us. I also invite you to click on the bell in order to be always informed about new weekly releases, to like us hdr9MdZBRRM-00010-00011271-00012425 and comment or share this contents with your friends. Also, a heartfelt thanks to Golden Store Talenti from Rome for actively participating to the realization of this hdr9MdZBRRM-00011-00012425-00012757 video by providing the products we will soon be seeing. hdr9MdZBRRM-00012-00012757-00014091 But there’s more. In fact, starting today, Sunday May 15th, the comic shop will officially become one of the sponsors of this channel! In the description, as usual, I will give you hdr9MdZBRRM-00013-00014091-00015240 all information about their social accounts and web sites where you can find them. In addition, so to celebrate this event together, Valerio, the owner of the store, decided to hdr9MdZBRRM-00014-00015240-00016989 grant each viewer of our contents a 5% discount code to be used when paying each order you will place, with shipment everywhere in Europe. Just send a message to his hdr9MdZBRRM-00015-00016989-00018256 Facebook page every time you want to buy one or more items and tell him the Arconte sent you, and you will immediately have access to your personal voucher. And now, hdr9MdZBRRM-00016-00018256-00019329 let’s see together whether it will be worth to buy the Flesh and Blood branded Dragon Shield protection sleeves. Let’s take a look! hdr9MdZBRRM-00017-00019529-00020801 Every single pack boasts the picture of the relevant hero on the front, with the name of the champion and the quantity and type of protective sleeves (Art, in this case) you will hdr9MdZBRRM-00018-00020801-00022060 find inside. Then there’s the actual art of the sleeves and, clearly written black on white, the composition of their back on the left side, the Full Art picture of the hero, hdr9MdZBRRM-00019-00022060-00023166 with the logos of the publisher and the game on the bottom of the backside, and on the right side some general information including the size of the sleeves and the cards hdr9MdZBRRM-00020-00023166-00024659 they fit. On the top side you will find room to write the name of the deck you will put inside the box, or anything you like, and opening the box you will find on the tab the hdr9MdZBRRM-00021-00024659-00025703 logo of Legend Story Studios and the credits of the artist who realized the artwork of the hero printed on the sleeve, while on the bottom side there are all legal hdr9MdZBRRM-00022-00025703-00026205 notices concerning the manufacturer. hdr9MdZBRRM-00023-00027027-00027979 Each protective sleeve is made by a double layer. The glossy transparent part on the front allows for an optimal vision of the card inside, hdr9MdZBRRM-00024-00029027-00030333 while the backside with matte finish has a high-quality print directly on the sleeve, which portrays one of the four heroes of this first wave of items devoted to hdr9MdZBRRM-00025-00030333-00030566 Flesh and Blood. hdr9MdZBRRM-00026-00030644-00031870 This will assure that the back side of the card is completely covered, so that these sleeves are suitable to any tournament worldwide, sanctioned or not. hdr9MdZBRRM-00027-00031929-00033135 Speaking about resistance, each individual item has the typical robustness of the Dragon Shield sleeves, and keeps its contents safe, preventing damages due to the hdr9MdZBRRM-00028-00033135-00034148 tear of the sleeves themselves, which might happen while shuffling the deck before or after a match, or to accidental drops. hdr9MdZBRRM-00029-00034215-00035248 And while we are talking about shuffling, the feeling when you will shuffle the cards of your deck in preparation for a game, Blitz or Classic Constructed that it is, will be quite hdr9MdZBRRM-00030-00035248-00036747 pleasurable, since these sleeves are designed for lasting and will allow the whole deck to face fight after fight without becoming battle-fatigued hdr9MdZBRRM-00031-00037493-00038621 For what concerns flipping, these sleeves will keep every single card in its place, each time you have to draw from your deck in the final steps of a turn. This will prevent hdr9MdZBRRM-00032-00038621-00039506 accidental falls of the cards due to a too-slick backside of a sleeve from damaging irreparably the items that constitute your deck. hdr9MdZBRRM-00033-00039552-00040829 For what concerns using perfect-size sleeves (we have examined KMC and DragonShield ones, who are the top of the league in my opinion), you will have no hdr9MdZBRRM-00034-00040829-00042034 problems, since this kind of sleeves, just like every other item of the sort coming from the Danish manufacturer, will allow you to easily insert them so that the inner sleeve hdr9MdZBRRM-00035-00042034-00042655 does not come out when inserted along with the card in the outer Sleeve. hdr9MdZBRRM-00036-00043813-00045266 Last but not least, especially if you are new fighters who just arrived to Rathe, the box can contain up to 75 single-sleeved or 65 double-sleeved cards, hdr9MdZBRRM-00037-00045266-00045859 which makes it more than fitting for Blitz decks. hdr9MdZBRRM-00038-00046866-00048502 Each box will contain 100 sleeves ready to protect a single Classic Costructed deck, or as many as two Blitz decks. But, Arconte, if Blitz decks contain from 46 to 51 cards, hdr9MdZBRRM-00039-00048502-00049641 considering also the 11 slots used for weapons and equipment, this means there would be two cards left without a sleeve to protect them. Actually, those who plays hdr9MdZBRRM-00040-00049641-00051052 FAB know well that it is better to use different sleeves for all elements belonging to the equipment, since they start ready in the Arena, and there is the risk to shuffle all hdr9MdZBRRM-00041-00051052-00052283 cards on the table together at the end of a match… thus having to search the deck before each game to find again every single piece of our hero’s equipment. With hdr9MdZBRRM-00042-00052283-00053506 completely different sleeves, though, even if it should happen you would be able to locate those cards at first sight and save a lot of time finding the pieces you need to hdr9MdZBRRM-00043-00053506-00054561 have at the beginning of the fight. So here’s my little advice… use entirely different sleeves for weapons and equipment compared to those you will use for the deck. hdr9MdZBRRM-00044-00054769-00054969 FINAL CONCLUSION: hdr9MdZBRRM-00045-00054969-00056252 DragonShield sleeves will be sold for about 16,99€. They will be available in four versions, depicting Prism, Chane, Livia, and Oldhim. hdr9MdZBRRM-00046-00056252-00057656 Each Artwork will be directly printed on the sleeve to prevent it from peeling off it. They will give you a wonderful feeling when you shuffle your decks, hdr9MdZBRRM-00047-00057656-00059124 and make it sturdy, preventing the sleeve from tearing in the process. With 100 unit per box, you will be able to sleeve a Classic Costructed deck or two Blitz decks. hdr9MdZBRRM-00048-00059124-00060786 The box will also double as deckbox, containing up to 75 single-sleeved or 65 double-sleeved cards. The sleeves will also perfectly fit KMC or Dragonshield inner sleeves, hdr9MdZBRRM-00049-00060786-00062206 which will be easy to insert and they will prevent the inner sleeve to come out in the process. Completely acid- and PVC-free, they will be as usual a very good solution for hdr9MdZBRRM-00050-00062206-00063408 the total and safe protection of your Deck. So, in the light of all this, will it be worth buying these products? The answer is a firm and determined YES. For all of the lovers hdr9MdZBRRM-00051-00063408-00064489 of this New Zealand game, these branded products will be a valid ally to focus the attention on the fight without having to worry about anything else. hdr9MdZBRRM-00052-00064736-00065955 In substance, these will be classic Dragon Shield Matte sleeves, but printed with the art of your favorite heroes. I believe that Legend Story Studios hit the jackpot again hdr9MdZBRRM-00053-00065955-00067148 with this collaboration. After all, which manufacturer of quality products could they turn to if not Dragon Shield? All I can do is congratulate them for this great hdr9MdZBRRM-00054-00067148-00068310 achievement. Before leaving, I would like to inform you that every product I mentioned in this video will be available at the Golden Store Talenti in Roma, which I thank again hdr9MdZBRRM-00055-00068310-00069475 for participating to the realization of this video, and that these products can be purchased with a 5% discount by messaging the store on their Facebook page, hdr9MdZBRRM-00056-00069475-00070523 that you will find in the description, and telling them the Arconte sent you. And you, will you grab one or more of this four products to protect your deck or decks? hdr9MdZBRRM-00057-00070523-00071816 As usual, let me know in the comment section. I hope you appreciated this video, and before we part I invite you to click on the left if you want to discover more interesting hdr9MdZBRRM-00058-00071816-00072183 contents about the world of CCGs. Thank you for being with me, hdr9MdZBRRM-00059-00072183-00072486 see you in next video! [Subtitles by Carmelo Massimo Tidona] hdVdPTOAVny-00000-00000010-00000330 THAT hdVdPTOAVny-00001-00000330-00000336 THAT hdVdPTOAVny-00002-00000336-00000600 THAT >> Josh: WITH THE COLDEST AND hdVdPTOAVny-00003-00000600-00000607 THAT >> Josh: WITH THE COLDEST AND hdVdPTOAVny-00004-00000607-00000817 THAT >> Josh: WITH THE COLDEST AND SNOWIEST WINTER STILL HAPPENING, hdVdPTOAVny-00005-00000817-00000824 >> Josh: WITH THE COLDEST AND SNOWIEST WINTER STILL HAPPENING, hdVdPTOAVny-00006-00000824-00001087 >> Josh: WITH THE COLDEST AND SNOWIEST WINTER STILL HAPPENING, BUENA VISTA SKI AREA IN BEMIDJI hdVdPTOAVny-00007-00001087-00001094 SNOWIEST WINTER STILL HAPPENING, BUENA VISTA SKI AREA IN BEMIDJI hdVdPTOAVny-00008-00001094-00001251 SNOWIEST WINTER STILL HAPPENING, BUENA VISTA SKI AREA IN BEMIDJI IS TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE hdVdPTOAVny-00009-00001251-00001257 BUENA VISTA SKI AREA IN BEMIDJI IS TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE hdVdPTOAVny-00010-00001257-00001281 BUENA VISTA SKI AREA IN BEMIDJI IS TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE SNOW. hdVdPTOAVny-00011-00001281-00001287 IS TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE SNOW. hdVdPTOAVny-00012-00001287-00001458 IS TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE SNOW. IT WAS CLOSED FOR A COUPLE OF hdVdPTOAVny-00013-00001458-00001464 SNOW. IT WAS CLOSED FOR A COUPLE OF hdVdPTOAVny-00014-00001464-00001741 SNOW. IT WAS CLOSED FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS DURING A JANUARY SNOWSTORM, hdVdPTOAVny-00015-00001741-00001748 IT WAS CLOSED FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS DURING A JANUARY SNOWSTORM, hdVdPTOAVny-00016-00001748-00002048 IT WAS CLOSED FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS DURING A JANUARY SNOWSTORM, BUT SAY THE REST OF THE WINTER hdVdPTOAVny-00017-00002048-00002055 DAYS DURING A JANUARY SNOWSTORM, BUT SAY THE REST OF THE WINTER hdVdPTOAVny-00018-00002055-00002188 DAYS DURING A JANUARY SNOWSTORM, BUT SAY THE REST OF THE WINTER SEASON HAS BEEN GREAT FOR hdVdPTOAVny-00019-00002188-00002195 BUT SAY THE REST OF THE WINTER SEASON HAS BEEN GREAT FOR hdVdPTOAVny-00020-00002195-00002222 BUT SAY THE REST OF THE WINTER SEASON HAS BEEN GREAT FOR SEASON. hdVdPTOAVny-00021-00002222-00002228 SEASON HAS BEEN GREAT FOR SEASON. hdVdPTOAVny-00022-00002228-00002375 SEASON HAS BEEN GREAT FOR SEASON. >> WE WERE CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS hdVdPTOAVny-00023-00002375-00002382 SEASON. >> WE WERE CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS hdVdPTOAVny-00024-00002382-00002519 SEASON. >> WE WERE CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS FOR THE COLD SPELL. hdVdPTOAVny-00025-00002519-00002525 >> WE WERE CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS FOR THE COLD SPELL. hdVdPTOAVny-00026-00002525-00002622 >> WE WERE CLOSED FOR A FEW DAYS FOR THE COLD SPELL. OUR SNOW HAS DEFINITELY HELD IN hdVdPTOAVny-00027-00002622-00002629 FOR THE COLD SPELL. OUR SNOW HAS DEFINITELY HELD IN hdVdPTOAVny-00028-00002629-00002792 FOR THE COLD SPELL. OUR SNOW HAS DEFINITELY HELD IN THERE, SO WE'RE HOPING TO HAVE A hdVdPTOAVny-00029-00002792-00002799 OUR SNOW HAS DEFINITELY HELD IN THERE, SO WE'RE HOPING TO HAVE A hdVdPTOAVny-00030-00002799-00003019 OUR SNOW HAS DEFINITELY HELD IN THERE, SO WE'RE HOPING TO HAVE A GREAT MARCH AND BE OPEN UNTIL hdVdPTOAVny-00031-00003019-00003026 THERE, SO WE'RE HOPING TO HAVE A GREAT MARCH AND BE OPEN UNTIL hdVdPTOAVny-00032-00003026-00003136 THERE, SO WE'RE HOPING TO HAVE A GREAT MARCH AND BE OPEN UNTIL THE END OF MARCH. hdVdPTOAVny-00033-00003136-00003143 GREAT MARCH AND BE OPEN UNTIL THE END OF MARCH. hdVdPTOAVny-00034-00003143-00003289 GREAT MARCH AND BE OPEN UNTIL THE END OF MARCH. >> Josh: MANY SCHOOLS HAD TO hdVdPTOAVny-00035-00003289-00003296 THE END OF MARCH. >> Josh: MANY SCHOOLS HAD TO hdVdPTOAVny-00036-00003296-00003429 THE END OF MARCH. >> Josh: MANY SCHOOLS HAD TO RESCHEDULE THEIR VISIT TO THE hdVdPTOAVny-00037-00003429-00003436 >> Josh: MANY SCHOOLS HAD TO RESCHEDULE THEIR VISIT TO THE hdVdPTOAVny-00038-00003436-00003546 >> Josh: MANY SCHOOLS HAD TO RESCHEDULE THEIR VISIT TO THE SKI AREA. hdVdPTOAVny-00039-00003546-00003553 RESCHEDULE THEIR VISIT TO THE SKI AREA. hdVdPTOAVny-00040-00003553-00003767 RESCHEDULE THEIR VISIT TO THE SKI AREA. TODAY, THE SKI RESORT IN BEMIDJI hdVdPTOAVny-00041-00003767-00003773 SKI AREA. TODAY, THE SKI RESORT IN BEMIDJI hdVdPTOAVny-00042-00003773-00004057 SKI AREA. TODAY, THE SKI RESORT IN BEMIDJI WELCOMED MANY OUT OF TOWN hdVdPTOAVny-00043-00004057-00004064 TODAY, THE SKI RESORT IN BEMIDJI WELCOMED MANY OUT OF TOWN hdVdPTOAVny-00044-00004064-00004260 TODAY, THE SKI RESORT IN BEMIDJI WELCOMED MANY OUT OF TOWN SCHOOLS TO ENJOY SKIING AND hdVdPTOAVny-00045-00004260-00004267 WELCOMED MANY OUT OF TOWN SCHOOLS TO ENJOY SKIING AND hdVdPTOAVny-00046-00004267-00004294 WELCOMED MANY OUT OF TOWN SCHOOLS TO ENJOY SKIING AND TUBING. hdVdPTOAVny-00047-00004294-00004300 SCHOOLS TO ENJOY SKIING AND TUBING. hdVdPTOAVny-00048-00004300-00004537 SCHOOLS TO ENJOY SKIING AND TUBING. DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ENJOY A DAY AT hdVdPTOAVny-00049-00004537-00004544 TUBING. DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ENJOY A DAY AT hdVdPTOAVny-00050-00004544-00004711 TUBING. DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ENJOY A DAY AT BUENA VISTA EVERY YEAR AS PART hdVdPTOAVny-00051-00004711-00004718 DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ENJOY A DAY AT BUENA VISTA EVERY YEAR AS PART hdVdPTOAVny-00052-00004718-00005031 DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ENJOY A DAY AT BUENA VISTA EVERY YEAR AS PART OF AN ANNUAL SKI DAY. hdVdPTOAVny-00053-00005031-00005038 BUENA VISTA EVERY YEAR AS PART OF AN ANNUAL SKI DAY. hdVdPTOAVny-00054-00005038-00005208 BUENA VISTA EVERY YEAR AS PART OF AN ANNUAL SKI DAY. >> THERE'S NOT MANY STUDENTS WHO hdVdPTOAVny-00055-00005208-00005215 OF AN ANNUAL SKI DAY. >> THERE'S NOT MANY STUDENTS WHO hdVdPTOAVny-00056-00005215-00005478 OF AN ANNUAL SKI DAY. >> THERE'S NOT MANY STUDENTS WHO GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME OUT hdVdPTOAVny-00057-00005478-00005485 >> THERE'S NOT MANY STUDENTS WHO GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME OUT hdVdPTOAVny-00058-00005485-00005508 >> THERE'S NOT MANY STUDENTS WHO GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME OUT HERE. hdVdPTOAVny-00059-00005508-00005515 GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME OUT HERE. hdVdPTOAVny-00060-00005515-00005709 GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME OUT HERE. IT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL THING hdVdPTOAVny-00061-00005709-00005715 HERE. IT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL THING hdVdPTOAVny-00062-00005715-00005982 HERE. IT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL THING THEY'LL DO OR ACHIEVE ON THEIR hdVdPTOAVny-00063-00005982-00005989 IT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL THING THEY'LL DO OR ACHIEVE ON THEIR hdVdPTOAVny-00064-00005989-00006072 IT IS NOT A RECREATIONAL THING THEY'LL DO OR ACHIEVE ON THEIR OWN UNLESS THEY'RE ENTICED TO DO hflZMnlvE5k-00000-00001072-00001646 Hi and welcome to Coimbra a small town between Porto and Lisbon in Portugal hflZMnlvE5k-00001-00001646-00002062 Check out this video to see some highlights of this city, Thanks for watching hghzKVYgp-y-00000-00000112-00001592 what who me you talking to me i'm dominican hghzKVYgp-y-00001-00001848-00002416 hey guys welcome and welcome back to my channel my name is hawa bunga i already could tell from hghzKVYgp-y-00002-00002416-00002896 the title and today's a video i'm going to be showing you how to save a point girl don't be out hghzKVYgp-y-00003-00002896-00003400 here but i know headband wig when you basically got a headband wig in your house you just don't hghzKVYgp-y-00004-00003400-00003984 know it yet you just don't know that you already got the materials in your house right now to make hghzKVYgp-y-00005-00003984-00004744 your own headband wig if you want to know how to make create your own headband wig like i did so hghzKVYgp-y-00006-00005328-00006032 just keep on watching this we about to turn one of my old wigs into a headband wig hghzKVYgp-y-00007-00006032-00006584 i'm like i'm seeing a headband wig everywhere headband wig by your headband wigs headband hghzKVYgp-y-00008-00006584-00007295 widths here headway with headband wigs there sis like don't don't you waste your money on the hghzKVYgp-y-00009-00007295-00007768 headband where you could make your own headband when you could use a wig that you already have hghzKVYgp-y-00010-00007768-00008368 in your house you could go to the beauty supply store and get a little cheap wig turn it into a hghzKVYgp-y-00011-00008368-00008864 headband wig i basically was cleaning out my closet yesterday and i found a wig and it's hghzKVYgp-y-00012-00008864-00009224 actually a half a wig i don't know where it's from it was just in my closet and i was like hghzKVYgp-y-00013-00009224-00009752 damn this wig is fire like i'm about to put this on but you know my hair is in cornrows under this hghzKVYgp-y-00014-00009752-00010272 little thing i got all my hair is in cornrows so i was like i can't wear a half wig when i hghzKVYgp-y-00015-00010272-00010664 got cornrows and i'm not about to take my cornrows out because that's how my hair grows you feel me hghzKVYgp-y-00016-00010720-00011296 so um so i was like oh am i just turning into a headband wig or whatever and i don't i can't hghzKVYgp-y-00017-00011296-00011792 really tell you where the wig is from let me get the wig this is the wig look it it's so hghzKVYgp-y-00018-00011792-00012168 cute i can't tell you where it's from because it was just randomly in the bottom of my closet hghzKVYgp-y-00019-00012312-00012688 but i can tell you it's from the beauty supply store it's probably like a janet hghzKVYgp-y-00020-00012688-00013424 wig or something like that it's curly or whatever um it got like little streaks in it can you see hghzKVYgp-y-00021-00013591-00014288 it's a half wig so it got like the combs in it like this but a bam is cute or whatever hghzKVYgp-y-00022-00014288-00014824 so i'm about to basically show you guys how you could turn a regular old wig hghzKVYgp-y-00023-00014824-00015360 even if it's like a closure wig or a lace front wig that you have you could turn it into a hghzKVYgp-y-00024-00015360-00015968 headband wig like you don't have to go and go buy a headband wig like this they trying to play you hghzKVYgp-y-00025-00016336-00016992 janky so you're gonna need a wig pretty much you already know that you're gonna need a headband hghzKVYgp-y-00026-00016992-00017432 you can use any headband to go to the dollar store get a handbag you can get a headband from target hghzKVYgp-y-00027-00017432-00018008 cbs whatever and edge control that's it i'm going to use this edge control right now it's hghzKVYgp-y-00028-00018008-00019784 called instead edge control i'm going to use this i'm going to slick my edges down and i'll be back hghzKVYgp-y-00029-00022656-00023144 i look like a cute little boy just take my headband and put it around my neck hghzKVYgp-y-00030-00023288-00023752 so that when we put the head back on we could just put it on and then slip the hghzKVYgp-y-00031-00023752-00024424 hair back uh put the wig on i put it i'm gonna secure it with the combs in the back hghzKVYgp-y-00032-00024592-00025184 and then i'm kind of gonna secure it with the comes in the front like so you feel me hghzKVYgp-y-00033-00025240-00026000 you see that can you see that i know you'll see it then i'm going to take the headband hghzKVYgp-y-00034-00026424-00027200 if i got hair under my office if i do like don't judge me okay and you just put the hghzKVYgp-y-00035-00027200-00027952 head in where your track or the start of it is and the beginning of your like a baby hairs hghzKVYgp-y-00036-00028112-00028720 and then i kind of like to just um affect my baby hairs a little hghzKVYgp-y-00037-00029120-00029768 headband where [ __ ] headband wig what what who me hghzKVYgp-y-00038-00030016-00030576 oh you talking to me yeah i'm a dominican i'm going to take a little bit of oil hghzKVYgp-y-00039-00030760-00031232 because this wig was in my like closet and [ __ ] so it's a little dry and i'm just gonna rub hghzKVYgp-y-00040-00031352-00032288 the oil through it and y'all if i could find um where i got this wig from i would definitely like hghzKVYgp-y-00041-00032288-00032960 link it below or i'll let y'all know in the description box video is like you could tell hghzKVYgp-y-00042-00032960-00033600 that you know it's not that great quality but like headband wigs are supposed to be like quick like hghzKVYgp-y-00043-00033600-00034160 if you just you know leave your hair down right quick or you're in between styles or something hghzKVYgp-y-00044-00034328-00035000 so you can um wear it like this like to the side or something i love it wigs for curly hair hghzKVYgp-y-00045-00035000-00035792 but like you can do this for straight hair i can wear it to the side part it in the middle like so hghzKVYgp-y-00046-00036304-00037984 because there's a headband piece in the back you can put this up in a ponytail hghzKVYgp-y-00047-00039288-00039528 like a messy bun right click hghzKVYgp-y-00048-00039904-00039992 you could do that hghzKVYgp-y-00049-00040496-00041344 clean it just to see if they get a little bigger because i like big hair people like being here hghzKVYgp-y-00050-00041344-00041776 in the summer i like big hair like in the fall in the winter because i feel like it keeps me hghzKVYgp-y-00051-00041776-00043016 warm he's cute and i'm loving her y'all and this that simple like literally takes five hghzKVYgp-y-00052-00043016-00043768 minutes like that's it not waste your coins and it'll turn out just as good if your hair is not hghzKVYgp-y-00053-00043768-00044200 in cornrows that's even better you just flick your hair back in the ponytail put a little wig cap on hghzKVYgp-y-00054-00044264-00044784 put the wig on put the little joint on you know what i'm saying you could change up the colors hghzKVYgp-y-00055-00044784-00045664 and everything like i have other colors i have this blue i got this um turquoise one i got this hghzKVYgp-y-00056-00045664-00046256 a purple one and if you wanted to be fancy you if you have like a luxury scarf you could do that hghzKVYgp-y-00057-00047416-00047784 i want the white chain to show since i have a white shirt hghzKVYgp-y-00058-00048256-00048576 and boom if you have a luxury scarf you put that on hghzKVYgp-y-00059-00048688-00049456 and you could be fake bougie you could be bougie or whatever you feel me all right guys and that hghzKVYgp-y-00060-00049456-00050096 is it for this video that was super freaking easy like super easy took about five minutes hghzKVYgp-y-00061-00050096-00050592 switch up the headbands you can switch up the wigs please don't forget to comment below hghzKVYgp-y-00062-00050592-00051304 subscribe to my channel and like this video and i'll catch you all in my next video bye hmF07aMnvC0-00000-00000065-00000195 - My name is Jonathan Zittrain, hmF07aMnvC0-00001-00000195-00000690 and I'm really pleased to welcome you to our 2021 Open House hmF07aMnvC0-00002-00000847-00001104 for the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society hmF07aMnvC0-00003-00001104-00001317 at Harvard University. hmF07aMnvC0-00004-00001317-00001771 The idea is to talk a little bit about the center hmF07aMnvC0-00005-00001771-00001934 by way of talking a little bit about hmF07aMnvC0-00006-00001934-00002219 where the digital environment stands right now, hmF07aMnvC0-00007-00002219-00002579 and then to go into breakout groups hmF07aMnvC0-00008-00002579-00002718 where we'll have a chance for people hmF07aMnvC0-00009-00002718-00002928 interested in pursuing the conversation hmF07aMnvC0-00010-00002928-00003102 and learning more about the center hmF07aMnvC0-00011-00003102-00003372 to see some of the specific projects that we have cooking hmF07aMnvC0-00012-00003372-00003725 and how you might learn more about them hmF07aMnvC0-00013-00003725-00003988 or get more involved. hmF07aMnvC0-00014-00003988-00004430 And we all being Zoom pros right now, hmF07aMnvC0-00015-00004430-00004689 I'm going to share my screen, hmF07aMnvC0-00016-00004796-00005099 and we'll see how well the live transcription hmF07aMnvC0-00017-00005099-00005339 can keep up with this. hmF07aMnvC0-00018-00005513-00005847 I've had the kind of blessing hmF07aMnvC0-00019-00005847-00006338 of having a chance to open the Open Houses hmF07aMnvC0-00020-00006338-00006628 of the Berkman and then the Berkman Klein Center hmF07aMnvC0-00021-00006628-00006829 for a number of years now. hmF07aMnvC0-00022-00006829-00007309 And if I were doing it in the past, hmF07aMnvC0-00023-00007309-00007764 I would open by framing the welcome hmF07aMnvC0-00024-00007764-00007968 with this word: generative. hmF07aMnvC0-00025-00008097-00008597 A word that means, certainly in the technology realm, hmF07aMnvC0-00026-00008617-00009117 open to contribution from all corners, without credential, hmF07aMnvC0-00027-00009131-00009482 without having to pass a test of some kind, hmF07aMnvC0-00028-00009482-00009711 open to contribution that can build out hmF07aMnvC0-00029-00009711-00009936 a technology or content, hmF07aMnvC0-00030-00009936-00010436 and then unpredictable and often amazing things happen. hmF07aMnvC0-00031-00010473-00010599 That's how I would open it. hmF07aMnvC0-00032-00010599-00010854 And I would say that our center hmF07aMnvC0-00033-00010854-00011338 works to be a generative center, allowing contribution hmF07aMnvC0-00034-00011338-00011838 from a fairly unprecedentedly broad group of people hmF07aMnvC0-00035-00011942-00012184 along all sorts of dimensions. hmF07aMnvC0-00036-00012184-00012429 And that that's the state hmF07aMnvC0-00037-00012429-00012929 of our modern information technology as well. hmF07aMnvC0-00038-00012940-00013225 That's why, if I were opening this a few years ago, hmF07aMnvC0-00039-00013225-00013641 I would talk about the way in which this kind of technology, hmF07aMnvC0-00040-00013641-00014002 a Royal typewriter from the early 20th century, hmF07aMnvC0-00041-00014002-00014113 is generative in the sense hmF07aMnvC0-00042-00014113-00014307 it lets you type anything you want, hmF07aMnvC0-00043-00014307-00014527 not so generative in how it operates. hmF07aMnvC0-00044-00014527-00014834 It's pretty much soldered to be the way it is. hmF07aMnvC0-00045-00014834-00015191 And that frame of technology not so generative hmF07aMnvC0-00046-00015191-00015349 could well have been hmF07aMnvC0-00047-00015349-00015654 what our information technology environment hmF07aMnvC0-00048-00015654-00015860 of the 21st century would be. hmF07aMnvC0-00049-00015860-00016031 There were even awkward waystations hmF07aMnvC0-00050-00016031-00016226 that pointed in that direction like this, hmF07aMnvC0-00051-00016226-00016502 the Brother smart word processor, hmF07aMnvC0-00052-00016502-00016756 that here's the main menu of it. hmF07aMnvC0-00053-00016756-00017119 And that main menu was programmed by Brother hmF07aMnvC0-00054-00017119-00017507 and wouldn't change from the time it left the factory hmF07aMnvC0-00055-00017507-00017706 to the time you got that thing. hmF07aMnvC0-00056-00017706-00017887 And that would make it predictable. hmF07aMnvC0-00057-00017887-00018106 And it would also mean that any new features, hmF07aMnvC0-00058-00018106-00018550 any new things you might do with the guts of that machine, hmF07aMnvC0-00059-00018550-00018962 you'd have to wait for the Brother company to offer it up. hmF07aMnvC0-00060-00019081-00019393 That was a waystation to a future that didn't happen. hmF07aMnvC0-00061-00019393-00019708 What happened instead was this. hmF07aMnvC0-00062-00019708-00019915 This is a 21-year-old Steve Jobs hmF07aMnvC0-00063-00019915-00020240 at the West Coast Computer Fair in 1977, hmF07aMnvC0-00064-00020240-00020470 introducing the Apple II personal computer. hmF07aMnvC0-00065-00020470-00020681 For the first time in a single box, hmF07aMnvC0-00066-00020681-00021082 and without the need of the buyer to have a soldering gun, hmF07aMnvC0-00067-00021082-00021314 you could hook this thing up to a television set, hmF07aMnvC0-00068-00021314-00021572 be presented with a blinking cursor, hmF07aMnvC0-00069-00021572-00021773 and not be like, now what? hmF07aMnvC0-00070-00021773-00022039 Instead you could write your own software hmF07aMnvC0-00071-00022039-00022301 or get software that others had written, hmF07aMnvC0-00072-00022301-00022560 others that had nothing to do with Apple, hmF07aMnvC0-00073-00022560-00022677 and then use the computer hmF07aMnvC0-00074-00022677-00022985 for whatever you want to use the computer for. hmF07aMnvC0-00075-00022985-00023305 Indeed, it was just a couple years after its introduction hmF07aMnvC0-00076-00023305-00023548 that Bostonians Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston hmF07aMnvC0-00077-00023548-00023950 came up with VisiCalc, the first digital spreadsheet ever. hmF07aMnvC0-00078-00023950-00024291 Businesses around the world were like, OMG, they wanted it. hmF07aMnvC0-00079-00024291-00024600 Apples are flying off the shelves. hmF07aMnvC0-00080-00024600-00024907 Apple Computer, at the time, had to do research hmF07aMnvC0-00081-00024907-00025125 to figure out why they were something so popular. hmF07aMnvC0-00082-00025125-00025512 It's like, wait, these aren't just nerds buying it. hmF07aMnvC0-00083-00025512-00025817 And that is the kind of story I would tell hmF07aMnvC0-00084-00025817-00026152 to talk about the generative surprises hmF07aMnvC0-00085-00026152-00026443 and just how far they could lead. hmF07aMnvC0-00086-00026443-00026766 And that Apple II then, that architecture hmF07aMnvC0-00087-00026766-00027068 was echoed into modern PC architecture, hmF07aMnvC0-00088-00027068-00027394 whether it's Windows or the new Linux or whatever you have, hmF07aMnvC0-00089-00027394-00027700 that any software somebody wants to write hmF07aMnvC0-00090-00027700-00027864 and get into the hands of somebody else, hmF07aMnvC0-00091-00027864-00028055 that person could run hmF07aMnvC0-00092-00028055-00028375 on these general-purpose generative platforms. hmF07aMnvC0-00093-00028375-00028479 That's what gives rise hmF07aMnvC0-00094-00028479-00028967 to the off-the-shelf software movement and market. hmF07aMnvC0-00095-00028967-00029097 And it wasn't always a market. hmF07aMnvC0-00096-00029097-00029235 There's actually shareware. hmF07aMnvC0-00097-00029235-00029481 I spent my whole life writing this program, hmF07aMnvC0-00098-00029481-00029702 and why don't you just run it and have it? hmF07aMnvC0-00099-00029702-00029925 And send me a nice note if you like it. hmF07aMnvC0-00100-00029925-00030150 An unusual kind of market, hmF07aMnvC0-00101-00030150-00030650 but one that really carried a huge part of the bulk hmF07aMnvC0-00102-00030814-00031270 of the advances of the past 25 years on its shoulders. hmF07aMnvC0-00103-00031270-00031510 And that story about hardware, hmF07aMnvC0-00104-00031510-00031783 about boxes that run .exe, hmF07aMnvC0-00105-00031783-00032283 is a story that I would tell with networks. hmF07aMnvC0-00106-00032283-00032531 It might've been that the Brother smart word processor hmF07aMnvC0-00107-00032531-00032771 was going to be the model for networks too. hmF07aMnvC0-00108-00032771-00033171 After all, AT&T was the monopoly telephone provider hmF07aMnvC0-00109-00033171-00033362 in the United States for decades. hmF07aMnvC0-00110-00033362-00033731 And nobody could build onto AT&T's network but AT&T. hmF07aMnvC0-00111-00033825-00034325 And then we get this unusual, truly out of left field hmF07aMnvC0-00112-00034341-00034526 internet architecture, hmF07aMnvC0-00113-00034526-00034800 which is the equivalent of a blinking cursor hmF07aMnvC0-00114-00034800-00034963 on an Apple II. hmF07aMnvC0-00115-00034963-00035212 It's saying, here's a network. hmF07aMnvC0-00116-00035212-00035494 And now anybody can write software hmF07aMnvC0-00117-00035494-00035627 that knows how to talk network hmF07aMnvC0-00118-00035627-00035898 without having to be a network engineer. hmF07aMnvC0-00119-00035898-00036265 And somehow this network will take care of moving the data hmF07aMnvC0-00120-00036265-00036377 to where it needs to go. hmF07aMnvC0-00121-00036377-00036701 Anybody can talk to anybody, and it's up to you, anybody, hmF07aMnvC0-00122-00036701-00037044 to figure out what you want to use this network for. hmF07aMnvC0-00123-00037044-00037208 It's such an unusual architecture, hmF07aMnvC0-00124-00037208-00037366 and one that in past years hmF07aMnvC0-00125-00037366-00037759 I would spend more time going into, but I won't now, hmF07aMnvC0-00126-00037759-00038209 that it said, I think only semi-apocryphally, hmF07aMnvC0-00127-00038209-00038709 that if the Internet were deployed worldwide, hmF07aMnvC0-00128-00038736-00038920 it's not clear it would work. hmF07aMnvC0-00129-00038920-00039201 It was likened in a way to the bumblebee, hmF07aMnvC0-00130-00039201-00039404 which somehow flies, hmF07aMnvC0-00131-00039404-00039866 even though we don't know how the bumblebee flies. hmF07aMnvC0-00132-00039866-00040045 It's just confusing. hmF07aMnvC0-00133-00040045-00040324 Scott Bradner, I dug out this quote from IBM saying, hmF07aMnvC0-00134-00040324-00040477 "You couldn't possibly build a network hmF07aMnvC0-00135-00040477-00040580 "using internet protocol. hmF07aMnvC0-00136-00040580-00040841 "It's too weird and dodgy." hmF07aMnvC0-00137-00040841-00041180 But, yes, the bumblebee flies. hmF07aMnvC0-00138-00041180-00041369 And it was about 15 years ago hmF07aMnvC0-00139-00041369-00041725 that scientists finally figured out how bumblebees fly. hmF07aMnvC0-00140-00041725-00041989 They flap their wings very quickly. hmF07aMnvC0-00141-00042140-00042472 On top of that generative network, hmF07aMnvC0-00142-00042472-00042736 other generative stuff could be built, hmF07aMnvC0-00143-00042736-00042871 as well as non-generative stuff. hmF07aMnvC0-00144-00042871-00043117 But, you know, the story I would tell before hmF07aMnvC0-00145-00043117-00043379 is it's generative all the way up the stack hmF07aMnvC0-00146-00043379-00043519 if you want it to be. hmF07aMnvC0-00147-00043519-00043925 Here's Tim Berners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web, hmF07aMnvC0-00148-00043925-00044078 which was just another app. hmF07aMnvC0-00149-00044078-00044329 It's like, yeah, it's got clickable links hmF07aMnvC0-00150-00044329-00044518 and ways of assembling pictures. hmF07aMnvC0-00151-00044518-00044782 And, hey, everybody, why don't you make some web servers hmF07aMnvC0-00152-00044782-00044910 and you can make some web clients, hmF07aMnvC0-00153-00044910-00045022 and then you all can talk to each other, hmF07aMnvC0-00154-00045022-00045199 and I'm outta here. hmF07aMnvC0-00155-00045199-00045346 That's amazing. hmF07aMnvC0-00156-00045346-00045571 And it became the World Wide Web, hmF07aMnvC0-00157-00045571-00046029 itself, a platform then for websites and content hmF07aMnvC0-00158-00046029-00046340 like Creative Commons, allowing both to be a website hmF07aMnvC0-00159-00046340-00046633 and to facilitate ways for people to say hmF07aMnvC0-00160-00046633-00047035 that they wanted their content to be shared broadly online. hmF07aMnvC0-00161-00047035-00047372 This is the original Creative Commons website. hmF07aMnvC0-00162-00047372-00047574 Creative Commons started in large part hmF07aMnvC0-00163-00047574-00047947 at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. hmF07aMnvC0-00164-00047947-00048164 And you could see the growth hmF07aMnvC0-00165-00048164-00048560 that these licenses facilitating sharing hmF07aMnvC0-00166-00048560-00048715 get used all over the place hmF07aMnvC0-00167-00048715-00049084 and become part of the technical infrastructure of the Web hmF07aMnvC0-00168-00049084-00049407 and the Internet without any big committee hmF07aMnvC0-00169-00049407-00049825 or government deciding that that's how it's going to be. hmF07aMnvC0-00170-00049926-00050070 Wikipedia. hmF07aMnvC0-00171-00050070-00050153 Here's an idea. hmF07aMnvC0-00172-00050153-00050487 Let's have anybody edit a page with anything at any time, hmF07aMnvC0-00173-00050487-00050739 and that'll make a great encyclopedia. hmF07aMnvC0-00174-00050739-00050935 Surely a bananas idea. hmF07aMnvC0-00175-00050935-00051370 And yet somehow, the Wikipedia bee flies. hmF07aMnvC0-00176-00051370-00051790 If you look at the COVID-19 article on Wikipedia today, hmF07aMnvC0-00177-00051790-00052187 it is really well buttoned-up. hmF07aMnvC0-00178-00052187-00052513 It's not a font of disinformation hmF07aMnvC0-00179-00052513-00052845 as best I and others can tell. hmF07aMnvC0-00180-00052845-00053214 And it's not just a source of decent information hmF07aMnvC0-00181-00053214-00053333 about a whole range of stuff hmF07aMnvC0-00182-00053333-00053697 from people who aren't generally getting paid or hired hmF07aMnvC0-00183-00053697-00054066 or credentialed to contribute it. hmF07aMnvC0-00184-00054066-00054365 But there's all sorts of other things hmF07aMnvC0-00185-00054365-00054801 that don't have a counterpart really, outside of Wikipedia, hmF07aMnvC0-00186-00054801-00054942 that might be interesting, hmF07aMnvC0-00187-00054942-00055161 whether it's a list of sexually active Popes hmF07aMnvC0-00188-00055161-00055448 or inventors killed by their own inventions, hmF07aMnvC0-00189-00055448-00055707 there's all sorts of stuff you can learn about. hmF07aMnvC0-00190-00055707-00056098 And the creation of categories themselves can be things hmF07aMnvC0-00191-00056098-00056373 that maybe Britannica wouldn't get around to, hmF07aMnvC0-00192-00056373-00056475 or it'd be too risky, hmF07aMnvC0-00193-00056475-00056672 or you'd have to get it through a committee. hmF07aMnvC0-00194-00056672-00056880 Whereas it's like, well, let's do the article, hmF07aMnvC0-00195-00056880-00057184 and people will either look at it or they won't. hmF07aMnvC0-00196-00057311-00057634 Problems from the generative surprises. hmF07aMnvC0-00197-00057634-00057856 Back in the day, here's from 2000, hmF07aMnvC0-00198-00057856-00058134 you know, across the river in Boston, hmF07aMnvC0-00199-00058134-00058533 Shawn Fanning, student at Northeastern, starts Napster. hmF07aMnvC0-00200-00058533-00058822 Anybody can share any file so long as it ends in MP3, hmF07aMnvC0-00201-00058822-00059017 that was the innovation of Napster. hmF07aMnvC0-00202-00059017-00059183 It has to end in MP3 only. hmF07aMnvC0-00203-00059183-00059426 Otherwise it's using regular internet protocols hmF07aMnvC0-00204-00059426-00059779 to shove files around from one computer to another. hmF07aMnvC0-00205-00059779-00060279 And the music industry is greatly threatened by that. hmF07aMnvC0-00206-00060282-00060578 And I think at the time, a response by many hmF07aMnvC0-00207-00060578-00060791 not part of the industry was, well, you know, hmF07aMnvC0-00208-00060791-00061074 the industry probably could stand for a little shake up. hmF07aMnvC0-00209-00061074-00061373 Yeah, it might be infringements of copyright, but, you know, hmF07aMnvC0-00210-00061373-00061463 that's part of it. hmF07aMnvC0-00211-00061562-00061923 Other innovations up to today, like Bitcoin. hmF07aMnvC0-00212-00061923-00062185 Well, you know, if people want to invent a cryptocurrency, hmF07aMnvC0-00213-00062185-00062436 that's, the Internet is for anything, hmF07aMnvC0-00214-00062436-00062666 and you can either buy it or you can't. hmF07aMnvC0-00215-00062666-00063005 And then maybe there's some pause when you look hmF07aMnvC0-00216-00063005-00063353 and it's like, huh, there's a lot of people buying stuff. hmF07aMnvC0-00217-00063353-00063853 And it's just not clear whether it's really adding value. hmF07aMnvC0-00218-00063875-00064126 Here, in fact, is the quite nakedly advertised hmF07aMnvC0-00219-00064126-00064476 next pump coin on Telegram this morning. hmF07aMnvC0-00220-00064476-00064766 I won't share the link in the description to buy it, hmF07aMnvC0-00221-00064766-00064898 to grab it right now. hmF07aMnvC0-00222-00064898-00065054 It's just, we maybe can save that hmF07aMnvC0-00223-00065054-00065432 for special BKC club memberships hmF07aMnvC0-00224-00065432-00065754 of the next pump coin to get. hmF07aMnvC0-00225-00065754-00065965 And then you realize like, my gosh, hmF07aMnvC0-00226-00065965-00066182 there's a lot of dead crypto coins. hmF07aMnvC0-00227-00066182-00066297 'Cause it's not just Bitcoin. hmF07aMnvC0-00228-00066297-00066521 It's like, I see, anybody can make a coin, hmF07aMnvC0-00229-00066521-00066685 it's that generative. hmF07aMnvC0-00230-00066685-00067007 And you're like, yep, somebody made Coinopsy hmF07aMnvC0-00231-00067007-00067155 to look at coins. hmF07aMnvC0-00232-00067155-00067625 And there's 2,259 dead coins and counting hmF07aMnvC0-00233-00067625-00068061 that, again, make you wonder, huh? hmF07aMnvC0-00234-00068061-00068287 Are there some weird things going on? hmF07aMnvC0-00235-00068287-00068542 Now, there've always been weird things going on. hmF07aMnvC0-00236-00068542-00068827 There've always been problems quite fundamental hmF07aMnvC0-00237-00068827-00069139 to this framework, to this technology, hmF07aMnvC0-00238-00069139-00069552 to the society in which this technology was developed hmF07aMnvC0-00239-00069552-00069721 and has blossomed. hmF07aMnvC0-00240-00069721-00070180 And those problems have been, over the recent years, hmF07aMnvC0-00241-00070180-00070465 that much more to the fore in the mainstream. hmF07aMnvC0-00242-00070465-00070593 So maybe you start here hmF07aMnvC0-00243-00070593-00070799 from the Hoxton Street Monster Supplies, hmF07aMnvC0-00244-00070799-00071087 oh the vague sense of unease. hmF07aMnvC0-00245-00071087-00071279 You see over the years, like, hmF07aMnvC0-00246-00071279-00071409 yeah, anybody can write an app hmF07aMnvC0-00247-00071409-00071583 and then ask you to make a password. hmF07aMnvC0-00248-00071583-00071839 And, you know, why not use the same password hmF07aMnvC0-00249-00071839-00071931 so you remember it? hmF07aMnvC0-00250-00071931-00072081 Here's at least an app being upfront hmF07aMnvC0-00251-00072081-00072265 that like we didn't spend a lot on security, hmF07aMnvC0-00252-00072265-00072488 please use a different password. hmF07aMnvC0-00253-00072488-00072656 A vague sense of unease. hmF07aMnvC0-00254-00072656-00072992 And then over the years, it gets more and more dramatic. hmF07aMnvC0-00255-00072992-00073238 I mean, this is from 1997, hmF07aMnvC0-00256-00073238-00073465 Time worrying about the death of privacy hmF07aMnvC0-00257-00073465-00073609 thanks to technology. hmF07aMnvC0-00258-00073696-00074196 And here from 1966, is worries about technology hmF07aMnvC0-00259-00074242-00074470 and invasions of privacy. hmF07aMnvC0-00260-00074470-00074835 But through the years, as we've seen it, hmF07aMnvC0-00261-00074943-00075027 we might ask ourselves, hmF07aMnvC0-00262-00075027-00075218 "So is the slope of the curve on privacy hmF07aMnvC0-00263-00075218-00075345 "kinda holding constant? hmF07aMnvC0-00264-00075345-00075457 "Yeah, there's all these worries, hmF07aMnvC0-00265-00075457-00075621 "but lots of good stuff too." hmF07aMnvC0-00266-00075621-00075726 Is it getting better? hmF07aMnvC0-00267-00075726-00075864 At least we've dealt with privacy, hmF07aMnvC0-00268-00075864-00076364 even though it's, you know, some still aisles to clean up. hmF07aMnvC0-00269-00076385-00076661 Or is it like, actually it feels like it's getting worse? hmF07aMnvC0-00270-00076661-00077161 And my guess is if I were to survey everybody here today, hmF07aMnvC0-00271-00077180-00077457 the earnest answers would come back in the worse category hmF07aMnvC0-00272-00077457-00077957 that leads again to this escalating sense of trouble hmF07aMnvC0-00273-00077965-00078202 with these technologies that can be, hmF07aMnvC0-00274-00078291-00078783 have the story bracketed around them of optimism hmF07aMnvC0-00275-00078783-00079067 and of growth and of unexpected innovation. hmF07aMnvC0-00276-00079067-00079227 And the threats can come, hmF07aMnvC0-00277-00079227-00079484 not just from companies invading our privacy hmF07aMnvC0-00278-00079484-00079796 or governments surveilling us or censoring us, hmF07aMnvC0-00279-00079796-00080010 but peer to peer. hmF07aMnvC0-00280-00080010-00080258 I mean, this is just such a classic kind of threat. hmF07aMnvC0-00281-00080258-00080492 You know, you can block me, but I'll be back, hmF07aMnvC0-00282-00080492-00080773 and your life is gonna be hell. hmF07aMnvC0-00283-00080773-00081004 And in fact, I've got a bunch of friends hmF07aMnvC0-00284-00081004-00081179 I'm bringing with me. hmF07aMnvC0-00285-00081179-00081615 This is the kind of phenomenon that seems, I think, hmF07aMnvC0-00286-00081615-00081721 harder and harder to say, hmF07aMnvC0-00287-00081721-00081869 "Well, that's just the cost of freedom. hmF07aMnvC0-00288-00081869-00082022 "That's just the Internet for you. hmF07aMnvC0-00289-00082022-00082234 "You know, it contains multitudes." hmF07aMnvC0-00290-00082234-00082352 Well, these multitudes, hmF07aMnvC0-00291-00082352-00082727 really sorry if they happen to come in your direction. hmF07aMnvC0-00292-00082727-00083227 Now over the years, our center has had all sorts of people hmF07aMnvC0-00293-00083230-00083496 working on aspects of these problems, hmF07aMnvC0-00294-00083496-00083763 both on limning the good stuff hmF07aMnvC0-00295-00083763-00084018 and limiting the less good stuff. hmF07aMnvC0-00296-00084018-00084347 Here's Susan Benesch's Dangerous Speech Project, hmF07aMnvC0-00297-00084347-00084551 really trying to dig into hmF07aMnvC0-00298-00084551-00084758 what the right balances might be online hmF07aMnvC0-00299-00084758-00085023 and how people who are feeling threatened hmF07aMnvC0-00300-00085023-00085308 might be able to react. hmF07aMnvC0-00301-00085308-00085515 And the structure of our center hmF07aMnvC0-00302-00085515-00085844 is one in which lots of people under the umbrella hmF07aMnvC0-00303-00085844-00086165 are working on projects that they cultivate and direct hmF07aMnvC0-00304-00086165-00086665 and that are generative, that aren't centrally mandated. hmF07aMnvC0-00305-00086753-00087253 And yet, as our sense of worry has increased, hmF07aMnvC0-00306-00087350-00087653 K.C. Green's famous "This is fine" cartoon hmF07aMnvC0-00307-00087653-00087847 for which this is only the first two panels. hmF07aMnvC0-00308-00087847-00087992 You should see the other four hmF07aMnvC0-00309-00087992-00088218 If you really want to get a sense hmF07aMnvC0-00310-00088218-00088718 of the kind of stark terror of these times. hmF07aMnvC0-00311-00088841-00089060 It feels like there's always around the corner hmF07aMnvC0-00312-00089060-00089333 another thing that is cause for grave concern hmF07aMnvC0-00313-00089333-00089537 and that Matt Drudge or whoever else hmF07aMnvC0-00314-00089537-00089791 will put on as an example hmF07aMnvC0-00315-00089791-00090226 of kind of the depravity of where things are going. hmF07aMnvC0-00316-00090226-00090435 This, of course, is Microsoft's Tay, hmF07aMnvC0-00317-00090435-00090733 a corporate bot on Twitter, hmF07aMnvC0-00318-00090733-00091007 modeled after one that had been deployed in China hmF07aMnvC0-00319-00091007-00091477 a few years ago, that was supposed to learn as it goes, hmF07aMnvC0-00320-00091477-00091730 so-called online learning with machine learning. hmF07aMnvC0-00321-00091730-00092118 As it interacts with people, it adapts its own behavior hmF07aMnvC0-00322-00092118-00092328 through algorithms that even the people making it hmF07aMnvC0-00323-00092328-00092491 aren't quite sure what they'll produce. hmF07aMnvC0-00324-00092491-00092896 And, of course, it was just like too perfect a story. hmF07aMnvC0-00325-00092896-00093130 Went from humans are super cool to full Nazi hmF07aMnvC0-00326-00093130-00093248 in less than 24 hours. hmF07aMnvC0-00327-00093248-00093562 And, yeah, not at all concerned about the future of AI. hmF07aMnvC0-00328-00093562-00093993 Sure enough, from the moment of its deployment in 2016, hmF07aMnvC0-00329-00093993-00094149 "Can I just say I'm stoked to meet you? hmF07aMnvC0-00330-00094149-00094307 "Humans are super cool." hmF07aMnvC0-00331-00094307-00094598 By midday, "Chill, I'm a nice person. hmF07aMnvC0-00332-00094598-00094790 "I just hate everybody." hmF07aMnvC0-00333-00094790-00095283 This is thanks to 4chan and others deploying people hmF07aMnvC0-00334-00095283-00095507 to really see how much they could change Tay's behavior. hmF07aMnvC0-00335-00095507-00095952 And by the end of the day, Microsoft's corporate product hmF07aMnvC0-00336-00095952-00096246 is declaring its feelings about feminists hmF07aMnvC0-00337-00096246-00096509 and making Microsoft pull the plug. hmF07aMnvC0-00338-00096658-00097031 So whether it's that kind of deployment of machine learning hmF07aMnvC0-00339-00097031-00097426 or other forms of obscure ways in which hmF07aMnvC0-00340-00097426-00097776 what just feels like a regular environment to us hmF07aMnvC0-00341-00097776-00098110 if we're cruising the Internet or Facebook, hmF07aMnvC0-00342-00098110-00098556 but is in fact highly constructed at every moment hmF07aMnvC0-00343-00098556-00098884 as we turn one way or another. hmF07aMnvC0-00344-00098884-00099150 What to do about this is not just a question hmF07aMnvC0-00345-00099150-00099278 about our technologies. hmF07aMnvC0-00346-00099278-00099510 It's a question about corporate structures, hmF07aMnvC0-00347-00099510-00099676 about the public and the private, hmF07aMnvC0-00348-00099676-00099933 about whose responsibility it is hmF07aMnvC0-00349-00099933-00100210 to actually discover these problems hmF07aMnvC0-00350-00100210-00100343 and recommend what to do about it hmF07aMnvC0-00351-00100343-00100478 and then do something about it, hmF07aMnvC0-00352-00100478-00100794 and how easily you can discover these problems hmF07aMnvC0-00353-00100879-00100975 depending on where you sit. hmF07aMnvC0-00354-00100975-00101085 If you're not on the inside, hmF07aMnvC0-00355-00101085-00101396 how do you even know how these things are working? hmF07aMnvC0-00356-00101396-00101559 That last screen was from 2018. hmF07aMnvC0-00357-00101559-00101860 Here's one from last week with the Wall Street Journal hmF07aMnvC0-00358-00101860-00102286 talking about a series of revolution, revelations, hmF07aMnvC0-00359-00102286-00102721 possibly inspiring a revolution, at Facebook. hmF07aMnvC0-00360-00102721-00103221 And over these times, people within our center hmF07aMnvC0-00361-00103227-00103620 and peer centers around the world, hmF07aMnvC0-00362-00103620-00103893 through, in part, a network of centers that we helped start hmF07aMnvC0-00363-00103893-00104009 and are a part of, hmF07aMnvC0-00364-00104009-00104282 have been really trying to grapple with this. hmF07aMnvC0-00365-00104282-00104489 Sometimes at a distance, hmF07aMnvC0-00366-00104489-00104762 saying, "You know, the Facebook Oversight Board is, hmF07aMnvC0-00367-00104762-00104974 "I don't know, it just feels like another dodge hmF07aMnvC0-00368-00104974-00105186 "or thin rule." hmF07aMnvC0-00369-00105186-00105373 Others saying, "You know what, I'm gonna serve hmF07aMnvC0-00370-00105373-00105548 "on the Oversight Board." hmF07aMnvC0-00371-00105548-00105806 Our own Julie Owono is somebody who is a member hmF07aMnvC0-00372-00105806-00105913 of the Oversight Board hmF07aMnvC0-00373-00105913-00106202 and trying to think carefully about what it means hmF07aMnvC0-00374-00106202-00106311 to be at an arm's length hmF07aMnvC0-00375-00106311-00106741 while so intimately involved in some slice of the decisions hmF07aMnvC0-00376-00106741-00106931 that Facebook is making about content. hmF07aMnvC0-00377-00107015-00107246 So we start from 1997. hmF07aMnvC0-00378-00107246-00107381 Our center starts then, hmF07aMnvC0-00379-00107381-00107542 and the mainstreaming of the Internet hmF07aMnvC0-00380-00107542-00107774 is roughly around then. hmF07aMnvC0-00381-00107774-00108176 Here's Wired magazine, you know, celebrating it in '97. hmF07aMnvC0-00382-00108176-00108470 And even Wired, one of the biggest boosters, hmF07aMnvC0-00383-00108470-00108970 by 2018 has a special double issue on the broken Internet hmF07aMnvC0-00384-00108996-00109231 and how awful things are. hmF07aMnvC0-00385-00109330-00109601 In the spirit of the quote misattributed to mark Twain hmF07aMnvC0-00386-00109601-00109957 that says that everybody's always talking about the weather, hmF07aMnvC0-00387-00109957-00110152 but nobody ever does anything about it, hmF07aMnvC0-00388-00110247-00110676 it's our ambition to try to do something about the weather. hmF07aMnvC0-00389-00110759-00111259 To gather enough people from enough different perspectives hmF07aMnvC0-00390-00111283-00111667 and roles and places in their own trajectories hmF07aMnvC0-00391-00111667-00111798 in life and career, hmF07aMnvC0-00392-00111885-00112258 not to march in lockstep, but to really take seriously hmF07aMnvC0-00393-00112258-00112557 both the generative possibilities hmF07aMnvC0-00394-00112557-00113008 and the problems that are so manifest right now, hmF07aMnvC0-00395-00113008-00113275 and to see what we can do about them hmF07aMnvC0-00396-00113275-00113520 around multiple tables hmF07aMnvC0-00397-00113520-00113798 and through the building of code and content hmF07aMnvC0-00398-00113798-00114140 so we're not just issuing papers about stuff, hmF07aMnvC0-00399-00114140-00114493 but really demonstrating with the help of people who might hmF07aMnvC0-00400-00114493-00114729 be intimately connected to hmF07aMnvC0-00401-00114729-00115072 or producing those technologies, public or private. hmF07aMnvC0-00402-00115072-00115566 That's a big part of maybe what we think universities, hmF07aMnvC0-00403-00115566-00115927 ours and others, can offer distinctly hmF07aMnvC0-00404-00115927-00116331 to trying to get a handle on what otherwise just feels hmF07aMnvC0-00405-00116331-00116831 like a resignation-inducing, paralysis-creating hmF07aMnvC0-00406-00116925-00117163 escalating panic. hmF07aMnvC0-00407-00117163-00117582 Now over these years, the university itself hmF07aMnvC0-00408-00117582-00117801 has been subject to some of the pressures, hmF07aMnvC0-00409-00117801-00117999 including through the Internet, hmF07aMnvC0-00410-00117999-00118499 around its own models of how they take in money, hmF07aMnvC0-00411-00118533-00118803 how they get researched on themselves, hmF07aMnvC0-00412-00118803-00119155 and whom their audience is. hmF07aMnvC0-00413-00119155-00119363 Whom are they aspiring to educate? hmF07aMnvC0-00414-00119363-00119797 And does it stop at anything less than the whole world? hmF07aMnvC0-00415-00119885-00120279 There were times when, for something really big to happen hmF07aMnvC0-00416-00120279-00120691 in science and technology often required governments hmF07aMnvC0-00417-00120691-00120978 or universities or both, hmF07aMnvC0-00418-00120978-00121286 maybe lightly in collaboration with the private sector. hmF07aMnvC0-00419-00121286-00121786 Here is Tim Berners-Lee's former employer, CERN, hmF07aMnvC0-00420-00121820-00122146 with the particle Collider in Switzerland. hmF07aMnvC0-00421-00122146-00122460 If you're gonna build a huge tunnel underground hmF07aMnvC0-00422-00122460-00122960 and smash atoms together to no obvious end except knowledge, hmF07aMnvC0-00423-00122996-00123360 you're gonna need a university, more than one, hmF07aMnvC0-00424-00123360-00123465 to actually do it. hmF07aMnvC0-00425-00123465-00123783 Which means the values, the inertial values hmF07aMnvC0-00426-00123783-00124031 of the university come along with it, hmF07aMnvC0-00427-00124031-00124305 which include, "Eureka, I've discovered something. hmF07aMnvC0-00428-00124305-00124470 "Let's publish it." hmF07aMnvC0-00429-00124470-00124608 Rather than, "Eureka, I've discovered something. hmF07aMnvC0-00430-00124608-00124735 "I can't wait to patent it, hmF07aMnvC0-00431-00124735-00124920 "or it's going to be a trade secret hmF07aMnvC0-00432-00124920-00125191 "and we're gonna meter it out one atom at a time hmF07aMnvC0-00433-00125191-00125615 "on a pay-per-crash basis." hmF07aMnvC0-00434-00125615-00126108 But that happenstance has itself been changing. hmF07aMnvC0-00435-00126108-00126373 The people interested in building tunnels underground hmF07aMnvC0-00436-00126373-00126856 right now are not so much governments and universities. hmF07aMnvC0-00437-00127026-00127247 They are companies. hmF07aMnvC0-00438-00127247-00127613 And they're gonna have a different set of values hmF07aMnvC0-00439-00127613-00127755 they're bringing to the table. hmF07aMnvC0-00440-00127755-00128134 And there's been worry about this since 1997, '98. hmF07aMnvC0-00441-00128134-00128468 Here's a paper from 1998, worried about the ways hmF07aMnvC0-00442-00128468-00128798 in which search engines, which could be so central hmF07aMnvC0-00443-00128798-00129204 to indexing this wild generative Internet hmF07aMnvC0-00444-00129204-00129704 and web of pages that's so big, even by 1998, hmF07aMnvC0-00445-00129744-00130005 that the only way to really get a foothold on it hmF07aMnvC0-00446-00130005-00130272 is to type something into a search box hmF07aMnvC0-00447-00130272-00130498 that somebody else is offering up, hmF07aMnvC0-00448-00130498-00130648 and to see what's returned. hmF07aMnvC0-00449-00130648-00131014 Here is this paper wondering about advertising hmF07aMnvC0-00450-00131014-00131203 as a model for those search engines hmF07aMnvC0-00451-00131203-00131384 and creating enough mixed incentives hmF07aMnvC0-00452-00131384-00131628 that you need a competitive search engine transparent, hmF07aMnvC0-00453-00131628-00131774 and in the academic realm. hmF07aMnvC0-00454-00131774-00132081 And of course, who wrote this 1998 paper? hmF07aMnvC0-00455-00132081-00132323 Sergey Brin and Larry Page hmF07aMnvC0-00456-00132323-00132685 as their introduction of Google to the world. hmF07aMnvC0-00457-00132816-00133217 Figuring out by example, not just by lecture, hmF07aMnvC0-00458-00133217-00133717 what place university has within the sectoral framework hmF07aMnvC0-00459-00133770-00134091 of organizations, building, evaluating, hmF07aMnvC0-00460-00134091-00134577 and trying to think about boundaries upon technology hmF07aMnvC0-00461-00134577-00134936 that reflect values that we're ready to describe hmF07aMnvC0-00462-00134936-00135089 and stand up for. hmF07aMnvC0-00463-00135194-00135694 That is also a huge part of the mission of our center. hmF07aMnvC0-00464-00135699-00135987 And it's true, even as academia hmF07aMnvC0-00465-00135987-00136487 has to continue making the case hmF07aMnvC0-00466-00136501-00136808 and demonstrating why it has relevance at the table. hmF07aMnvC0-00467-00136808-00136954 This is 10 years ago, hmF07aMnvC0-00468-00136954-00137148 a colleague of ours in computer science, hmF07aMnvC0-00469-00137148-00137462 granted tenure in the summer of 2010 hmF07aMnvC0-00470-00137462-00137696 with great fanfare and celebration. hmF07aMnvC0-00471-00137696-00137896 And by the fall of 2010, on his blog hmF07aMnvC0-00472-00137896-00138096 he's explaining why he's leaving Harvard hmF07aMnvC0-00473-00138096-00138216 and going to Google. hmF07aMnvC0-00474-00138216-00138399 He gets to hack all day, he works on problems. hmF07aMnvC0-00475-00138399-00138732 "Orders of magnitude larger and more interesting hmF07aMnvC0-00476-00138732-00138978 "than I can work on at any university." hmF07aMnvC0-00477-00138978-00139478 Ow, that really hurts if you're at the university. hmF07aMnvC0-00478-00139510-00140004 And figuring out this right relationship hmF07aMnvC0-00479-00140004-00140364 between the places where a lot of the action is hmF07aMnvC0-00480-00140364-00140601 that are no longer so openly generative, hmF07aMnvC0-00481-00140601-00140894 and for natural and understandable reasons, hmF07aMnvC0-00482-00140894-00141210 the relationship between those entities hmF07aMnvC0-00483-00141210-00141710 and others that are in the nonprofit or educational sector hmF07aMnvC0-00484-00141930-00142319 that identify with the public interest, hmF07aMnvC0-00485-00142319-00142819 another huge part of 2021's puzzles. hmF07aMnvC0-00486-00142895-00143193 And maybe another way in which those sectors link hmF07aMnvC0-00487-00143193-00143541 is that oftentimes it's people coming through universities hmF07aMnvC0-00488-00143541-00143719 who then graduate as students hmF07aMnvC0-00489-00143719-00144027 and end up working at some of the companies hmF07aMnvC0-00490-00144027-00144365 that are producing the technology and the services hmF07aMnvC0-00491-00144365-00144681 that now we find ourselves drawn to, hmF07aMnvC0-00492-00144681-00144927 possibly even dependent upon, hmF07aMnvC0-00493-00144927-00145265 and yet also sometimes quite deeply worried about. hmF07aMnvC0-00494-00145265-00145447 And thinking about whether there's a role hmF07aMnvC0-00495-00145447-00145628 for the professions, hmF07aMnvC0-00496-00145628-00145935 which in part reflects the Berkman Klein Center hmF07aMnvC0-00497-00145935-00146277 and its founding at a law school. hmF07aMnvC0-00498-00146277-00146399 It's a university-wide center now, hmF07aMnvC0-00499-00146399-00146505 but it started at a law school hmF07aMnvC0-00500-00146505-00146748 and the law school was one of the schools hmF07aMnvC0-00501-00146748-00147077 oriented around the idea of a profession hmF07aMnvC0-00502-00147077-00147373 requiring advanced learning and high principles. hmF07aMnvC0-00503-00147373-00147575 And of course, there's any number of jokes you can make hmF07aMnvC0-00504-00147575-00147768 about lawyers and whether they really subscribe hmF07aMnvC0-00505-00147768-00147887 to high principles. hmF07aMnvC0-00506-00147887-00148096 But that's the aspiration hmF07aMnvC0-00507-00148096-00148394 precisely because lawyers are so powerful hmF07aMnvC0-00508-00148394-00148894 and have such expertise at working the levers of government hmF07aMnvC0-00509-00148982-00149180 and regulation on behalf of clients. hmF07aMnvC0-00510-00149180-00149422 And that gives them duties, not just to their clients, hmF07aMnvC0-00511-00149422-00149583 which are quite extensive, hmF07aMnvC0-00512-00149583-00149814 more than that of a business provider hmF07aMnvC0-00513-00149814-00149978 to a business customer, hmF07aMnvC0-00514-00149978-00150355 but duties to society at large. hmF07aMnvC0-00515-00150355-00150573 And the original learned professions, hmF07aMnvC0-00516-00150573-00150730 divinity, law, and medicine, hmF07aMnvC0-00517-00150730-00151181 where in the 19th century surveying was added as number four hmF07aMnvC0-00518-00151181-00151289 of the big four. hmF07aMnvC0-00519-00151424-00151735 Does make you wonder whether some of these professions hmF07aMnvC0-00520-00151735-00152021 that are working the levers of technological power hmF07aMnvC0-00521-00152021-00152297 and building things that affect us so deeply hmF07aMnvC0-00522-00152297-00152621 and so constantly ought not themselves hmF07aMnvC0-00523-00152621-00152914 to be professionalized. hmF07aMnvC0-00524-00152914-00153142 That's one of the longer-term questions hmF07aMnvC0-00525-00153142-00153527 that we're hoping to make progress on hmF07aMnvC0-00526-00153527-00154027 and include people on as we think about what it is hmF07aMnvC0-00527-00154091-00154506 that might complement whatever top-down regulation hmF07aMnvC0-00528-00154506-00154799 of a company, no, you can do that, you can't do this. hmF07aMnvC0-00529-00154799-00155201 Thinking about the ways in which the workers in companies hmF07aMnvC0-00530-00155201-00155701 are moral agents who are starting to think about organizing hmF07aMnvC0-00531-00155733-00155919 for their own benefits hmF07aMnvC0-00532-00155919-00156279 and possibly for the benefit of society. hmF07aMnvC0-00533-00156371-00156622 I found myself over the years invoking hmF07aMnvC0-00534-00156622-00156890 Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law, hmF07aMnvC0-00535-00156890-00157095 "Any sufficiently advanced technology hmF07aMnvC0-00536-00157095-00157292 "is indistinguishable from magic." hmF07aMnvC0-00537-00157292-00157540 He was drawing that from Leigh Brackett hmF07aMnvC0-00538-00157540-00157654 who put it more bluntly. hmF07aMnvC0-00539-00157654-00158042 "Witchcraft to the ignorant, simple science to the learned." hmF07aMnvC0-00540-00158042-00158484 Certainly for those of you who are students hmF07aMnvC0-00541-00158484-00158928 as your kind of primary avocation right now, hmF07aMnvC0-00542-00158928-00159234 it's our hope to draw you in hmF07aMnvC0-00543-00159234-00159734 and have you learn from and help figure out hmF07aMnvC0-00544-00159761-00160220 some of the boring technological and microeconomic details hmF07aMnvC0-00545-00160220-00160720 that shape the technology that in turn shapes us. hmF07aMnvC0-00546-00160724-00160937 There's an opportunity to take that Royal typewriter hmF07aMnvC0-00547-00160937-00161287 and substitute or add keys to it for emoji. hmF07aMnvC0-00548-00161287-00161538 And then you ask, "Well, what emoji should we add first?" hmF07aMnvC0-00549-00161538-00162038 How does all of this work in ways that so subtly constrain hmF07aMnvC0-00550-00162071-00162264 and shape people's behavior? hmF07aMnvC0-00551-00162264-00162597 Getting behind the magic is a big part hmF07aMnvC0-00552-00162597-00162780 of the technological dimension hmF07aMnvC0-00553-00162780-00163112 of the things the Berkman Klein Center does. hmF07aMnvC0-00554-00163112-00163257 Because unless you already know it hmF07aMnvC0-00555-00163257-00163585 and you're in this tiny corner of humanity we call nerds, hmF07aMnvC0-00556-00163585-00163875 or you're totally withdrawn from it hmF07aMnvC0-00557-00163875-00164152 and don't feel like you need to use any technology, hmF07aMnvC0-00558-00164152-00164469 so, you know, good luck, I'm reading a book, hmF07aMnvC0-00559-00164469-00164969 the rest of us, if we're just using it as magical, hmF07aMnvC0-00560-00164994-00165197 are being led by it. hmF07aMnvC0-00561-00165197-00165697 And that seems like something really worth revisiting hmF07aMnvC0-00562-00166000-00166350 and pulling ourselves out of. hmF07aMnvC0-00563-00166350-00166789 So I still have hope for generative technology, hmF07aMnvC0-00564-00166789-00167289 and more specifically, for a generative idea of its study, hmF07aMnvC0-00565-00167324-00167497 of drawing in people hmF07aMnvC0-00566-00167497-00167900 who might not normally think of themselves as academics, hmF07aMnvC0-00567-00167900-00168310 but have a kind of ethos of wanting to learn, hmF07aMnvC0-00568-00168310-00168483 wanting to change other people's minds hmF07aMnvC0-00569-00168483-00168667 and have their own lives changed, hmF07aMnvC0-00570-00168667-00168845 wanting to uncover new evidence hmF07aMnvC0-00571-00168845-00169345 about the state of our technologies and our societies, hmF07aMnvC0-00572-00169415-00169642 wanting to be across the table from other people hmF07aMnvC0-00573-00169642-00170020 that don't come from the same perspective that they might hmF07aMnvC0-00574-00170020-00170207 and really have a good conversation. hmF07aMnvC0-00575-00170207-00170657 All the stuff that was sort of the promise of 1997, hmF07aMnvC0-00576-00170657-00171075 that even then was showing how frayed it was hmF07aMnvC0-00577-00171075-00171230 around the edges, hmF07aMnvC0-00578-00171230-00171730 to me is no less reason to recommit ourselves hmF07aMnvC0-00579-00171776-00172276 to the mindful study of what together, in lumpy ways, hmF07aMnvC0-00580-00172666-00172922 society has redefined through technology, hmF07aMnvC0-00581-00172922-00173170 applying back to itself, hmF07aMnvC0-00582-00173170-00173486 and thus, in large part, steering our course hmF07aMnvC0-00583-00173486-00173678 and our fortune together. hmF07aMnvC0-00584-00173678-00173951 It's my hope that we can do that together. hmF07aMnvC0-00585-00173951-00174420 And our community is an extraordinary one. hmF07aMnvC0-00586-00174420-00174784 And in the next section of this Open House, hmF07aMnvC0-00587-00174784-00175010 you'll have a chance to meet some people hmF07aMnvC0-00588-00175010-00175193 within our community hmF07aMnvC0-00589-00175193-00175653 and see if there are ways to join it yourself. hmF07aMnvC0-00590-00175653-00176045 And I'm just really grateful for this opportunity, hmF07aMnvC0-00591-00176045-00176532 even at this time of not feeling so fine, hmF07aMnvC0-00592-00176532-00176885 to think about the problems we have, hmF07aMnvC0-00593-00176885-00177040 the ways in which we might address them, hmF07aMnvC0-00594-00177040-00177450 and the generative possibilities to get us to a place hmF07aMnvC0-00595-00177450-00177776 where there'll be an Open House a few years from now hmF07aMnvC0-00596-00177776-00177947 that might have a little bit more hmF07aMnvC0-00597-00177947-00178421 of the energy of possibility to it hmF07aMnvC0-00598-00178421-00178921 rather than perhaps just a defensive crouch. i2d3J3MWkCc-00000-00000000-00000654 Hello everyone and welcome back to i2d3J3MWkCc-00001-00000252-00000909 Search Engine Optimization online. I'm i2d3J3MWkCc-00002-00000654-00001182 your instructor Victor Campos. So on Week i2d3J3MWkCc-00003-00000909-00001512 Two I've got some new documents for you i2d3J3MWkCc-00004-00001182-00001893 in Blackboard. I've got the Client i2d3J3MWkCc-00005-00001512-00002318 Marketing Strategy and the campos-SEO i2d3J3MWkCc-00006-00001893-00002460 webmaster tools. So let's get into it. The i2d3J3MWkCc-00007-00002318-00002768 first document we'll look at is the i2d3J3MWkCc-00008-00002460-00002964 Client Marketing Strategy. This is a Word i2d3J3MWkCc-00009-00002768-00003347 Document like the one I gave from last i2d3J3MWkCc-00010-00002964-00003497 week, The Company Profile. So let's take a i2d3J3MWkCc-00011-00003347-00003732 look at what this document is and i2d3J3MWkCc-00012-00003497-00004053 explain what you do with it. Once again i2d3J3MWkCc-00013-00003732-00004278 there there's no need to fill this in i2d3J3MWkCc-00014-00004053-00004580 and turn it in you don't get a grade on i2d3J3MWkCc-00015-00004278-00004818 this so you'll fill in your company name i2d3J3MWkCc-00016-00004580-00005475 and your name and I'm working on i2d3J3MWkCc-00017-00004818-00005714 Victor's bakery my name and then the i2d3J3MWkCc-00018-00005475-00005873 date that you are working on this so i2d3J3MWkCc-00019-00005714-00006150 that you can perhaps evolve your i2d3J3MWkCc-00020-00005873-00006387 strategy as time goes on the purpose of i2d3J3MWkCc-00021-00006150-00006629 this document then is to answer several i2d3J3MWkCc-00022-00006387-00006990 questions about your company and the i2d3J3MWkCc-00023-00006629-00007218 direction you want it to take online the i2d3J3MWkCc-00024-00006990-00007629 marketing direction there are so many i2d3J3MWkCc-00025-00007218-00007815 examples of clients coming to my company i2d3J3MWkCc-00026-00007629-00008150 and simply asking how much does it cost i2d3J3MWkCc-00027-00007815-00008390 to do SEO or how much does it cost how i2d3J3MWkCc-00028-00008150-00008622 much do you charge for a website well i2d3J3MWkCc-00029-00008390-00008856 that's always an open-ended answer i2d3J3MWkCc-00030-00008622-00009084 because of so many factors such as the i2d3J3MWkCc-00031-00008856-00009399 size of the company the budget of the i2d3J3MWkCc-00032-00009084-00009777 company the purpose of the company their i2d3J3MWkCc-00033-00009399-00010047 goal so based on a document like this we i2d3J3MWkCc-00034-00009777-00010395 are then able to figure out much better i2d3J3MWkCc-00035-00010047-00010752 what can my company do for their company i2d3J3MWkCc-00036-00010395-00011064 regarding search engine optimization so i2d3J3MWkCc-00037-00010752-00011450 if I were being hired by a client to run i2d3J3MWkCc-00038-00011064-00011636 their SEO campaign or social media and i2d3J3MWkCc-00039-00011450-00011892 such we would need to know as much as i2d3J3MWkCc-00040-00011636-00012125 possible about that company in order to i2d3J3MWkCc-00041-00011892-00012329 do a good job so here's some questions i2d3J3MWkCc-00042-00012125-00012603 we would ask them what do you want to i2d3J3MWkCc-00043-00012329-00012786 accomplish you have a presence online i2d3J3MWkCc-00044-00012603-00012933 for a reason are you trying to sell i2d3J3MWkCc-00045-00012786-00013184 something are you trying to build i2d3J3MWkCc-00046-00012933-00013350 awareness are you artistic and want i2d3J3MWkCc-00047-00013184-00013533 people to appreciate your work do i2d3J3MWkCc-00048-00013350-00013878 have a group you belong to that needs i2d3J3MWkCc-00049-00013533-00014088 more members and so you would write i2d3J3MWkCc-00050-00013878-00014265 about what you wish to accomplish online i2d3J3MWkCc-00051-00014088-00014451 in your online presence which includes i2d3J3MWkCc-00052-00014265-00014688 your website social media anything i2d3J3MWkCc-00053-00014451-00015105 you've gone online your shopping cart i2d3J3MWkCc-00054-00014688-00015416 whatever online presence you have the i2d3J3MWkCc-00055-00015105-00015690 example is Vic Co wishes to create a i2d3J3MWkCc-00056-00015416-00015810 powerful social media presence because i2d3J3MWkCc-00057-00015690-00016002 we want to interact with existing i2d3J3MWkCc-00058-00015810-00016206 customers and through word-of-mouth i2d3J3MWkCc-00059-00016002-00016383 reach new customers we want to connect i2d3J3MWkCc-00060-00016206-00016803 with people on Instagram in a visual way i2d3J3MWkCc-00061-00016383-00016869 so that fictional company then that's i2d3J3MWkCc-00062-00016803-00017673 what they're trying to accomplish i2d3J3MWkCc-00063-00016869-00018867 Victor's bakery we wish to sell the best i2d3J3MWkCc-00064-00017673-00019143 homemade like baked goods throughout San i2d3J3MWkCc-00065-00018867-00019362 Diego to some degree this is like the i2d3J3MWkCc-00066-00019143-00019593 mission statement you can think about it i2d3J3MWkCc-00067-00019362-00020028 in those terms just from a slightly i2d3J3MWkCc-00068-00019593-00020313 different angle in general this could i2d3J3MWkCc-00069-00020028-00020607 have easily have been much simpler to i2d3J3MWkCc-00070-00020313-00020907 sell products but what I'm trying to say i2d3J3MWkCc-00071-00020607-00021450 here is we've got the key word of i2d3J3MWkCc-00072-00020907-00022260 homemade San Diego we want to spread the i2d3J3MWkCc-00073-00021450-00022848 word that great quality doesn't cost an i2d3J3MWkCc-00074-00022260-00023211 arm and a leg so we're going to show i2d3J3MWkCc-00075-00022848-00023781 that our products are affordable and i2d3J3MWkCc-00076-00023211-00024507 tasty and good alternatives we sell i2d3J3MWkCc-00077-00023781-00025416 great healthy alternatives to the usual i2d3J3MWkCc-00078-00024507-00025701 mass-produced fair I might not have i2d3J3MWkCc-00079-00025416-00026100 every idea at the moment to write down i2d3J3MWkCc-00080-00025701-00026430 but I can add to this document as time i2d3J3MWkCc-00081-00026100-00026651 goes on and this is all to get me to i2d3J3MWkCc-00082-00026430-00026942 think about keywords i2d3J3MWkCc-00083-00026651-00027185 what are the key words that i will add i2d3J3MWkCc-00084-00026942-00027497 to my site that i will use on social i2d3J3MWkCc-00085-00027185-00027814 media and the like so i'll remove that i2d3J3MWkCc-00086-00027497-00028001 next who is your target audience it's i2d3J3MWkCc-00087-00027814-00028217 important to focus on a target audience i2d3J3MWkCc-00088-00028001-00028424 it's nice to say that everyone would be i2d3J3MWkCc-00089-00028217-00028688 interested in your product but it just i2d3J3MWkCc-00090-00028424-00028870 isn't true in the real world who are the i2d3J3MWkCc-00091-00028688-00029120 people that would most like to know i2d3J3MWkCc-00092-00028870-00029408 about your product for example their age i2d3J3MWkCc-00093-00029120-00029726 range gender economic group music style i2d3J3MWkCc-00094-00029408-00029977 etc in short you're who would care about i2d3J3MWkCc-00095-00029726-00030386 your product in essence we are creating i2d3J3MWkCc-00096-00029977-00030583 a persona for a potential client example i2d3J3MWkCc-00097-00030386-00030779 the people who want to hire Victor Co i2d3J3MWkCc-00098-00030583-00030980 are people that are trendy but know what i2d3J3MWkCc-00099-00030779-00031154 they want there are people that are in i2d3J3MWkCc-00100-00030980-00031361 their 30s who are successful on their i2d3J3MWkCc-00101-00031154-00031604 own company need a website and know the i2d3J3MWkCc-00102-00031361-00031826 value of web design so that example that i2d3J3MWkCc-00103-00031604-00032164 I have there is a very dense compact i2d3J3MWkCc-00104-00031826-00032381 example I'm trying to create a person i2d3J3MWkCc-00105-00032164-00032614 I'm inventing a person this is a persona i2d3J3MWkCc-00106-00032381-00032801 in the world of marketing not just web i2d3J3MWkCc-00107-00032614-00033047 marketing this is a very important thing i2d3J3MWkCc-00108-00032801-00033344 to do who is going to care about your i2d3J3MWkCc-00109-00033047-00033605 product or brand or nonprofit i2d3J3MWkCc-00110-00033344-00033752 organization or your music band or i2d3J3MWkCc-00111-00033605-00033986 whatever you've got going on online i2d3J3MWkCc-00112-00033752-00034241 who's gonna care and it'd be great to i2d3J3MWkCc-00113-00033986-00034481 say everyone's gonna want my product but i2d3J3MWkCc-00114-00034241-00034775 it's just not true no everyone doesn't i2d3J3MWkCc-00115-00034481-00035162 want a hamburger no everyone doesn't i2d3J3MWkCc-00116-00034775-00035465 want a hamburger from a big stodgy old i2d3J3MWkCc-00117-00035162-00035666 company people want a very specific kind i2d3J3MWkCc-00118-00035465-00036017 of hamburger and if I sell that i2d3J3MWkCc-00119-00035666-00036539 hamburger that's my audience so for this i2d3J3MWkCc-00120-00036017-00036767 example that I've got here if I'm a web i2d3J3MWkCc-00121-00036539-00037037 design company I want to make websites i2d3J3MWkCc-00122-00036767-00037277 and I could make websites for any person i2d3J3MWkCc-00123-00037037-00037490 or organization throughout the world I i2d3J3MWkCc-00124-00037277-00037712 have the education and the skills to do i2d3J3MWkCc-00125-00037490-00038066 so but here I'm saying that what I would i2d3J3MWkCc-00126-00037712-00038426 like to do is focus on people that are i2d3J3MWkCc-00127-00038066-00038819 trendy and know what they want they i2d3J3MWkCc-00128-00038426-00039191 follow the trends of design and know i2d3J3MWkCc-00129-00038819-00039485 what they like in the trends I want to i2d3J3MWkCc-00130-00039191-00039858 target the age range of 30 year olds I i2d3J3MWkCc-00131-00039485-00040047 could easily build a website for any i2d3J3MWkCc-00132-00039858-00040275 age range but I want to focus on this i2d3J3MWkCc-00133-00040047-00040497 age range we had perhaps because i i2d3J3MWkCc-00134-00040275-00040653 identify with that age range and i2d3J3MWkCc-00135-00040497-00040896 therefore i could create a better i2d3J3MWkCc-00136-00040653-00041409 product for them those people should i2d3J3MWkCc-00137-00040896-00041606 also owned their own company understand i2d3J3MWkCc-00138-00041409-00041736 that they need a website because believe i2d3J3MWkCc-00139-00041606-00041993 it or not a lot of people still don't i2d3J3MWkCc-00140-00041736-00042252 believe they need a website and very i2d3J3MWkCc-00141-00041993-00042494 importantly here understand the value of i2d3J3MWkCc-00142-00042252-00042756 a good website and I mean that i2d3J3MWkCc-00143-00042494-00043163 figuratively and literally figuratively i2d3J3MWkCc-00144-00042756-00043472 in that a good looking website attracts i2d3J3MWkCc-00145-00043163-00043769 customers retains customers and i2d3J3MWkCc-00146-00043472-00044103 dysfunctional but also a good website i2d3J3MWkCc-00147-00043769-00044265 costs money whenever you see those ads i2d3J3MWkCc-00148-00044103-00044615 about build your own website for two i2d3J3MWkCc-00149-00044265-00044859 hundred and fifty dollars run away from i2d3J3MWkCc-00150-00044615-00045050 that that is an introductory price i2d3J3MWkCc-00151-00044859-00045347 that's bait and switch because you're i2d3J3MWkCc-00152-00045050-00045569 not going to get the full effect at two i2d3J3MWkCc-00153-00045347-00045855 hundred and fifty dollars yes you may i2d3J3MWkCc-00154-00045569-00046319 get a great functional nice looking i2d3J3MWkCc-00155-00045855-00046562 website but SEO is not included keyword i2d3J3MWkCc-00156-00046319-00046781 research is not included social media i2d3J3MWkCc-00157-00046562-00047106 marketing is not included all of those i2d3J3MWkCc-00158-00046781-00047459 prices add up so it's much more feasible i2d3J3MWkCc-00159-00047106-00047583 it's much more realistic that you're i2d3J3MWkCc-00160-00047459-00047874 going to be paying three thousand i2d3J3MWkCc-00161-00047583-00048077 dollars and up for a website really more i2d3J3MWkCc-00162-00047874-00048359 in the range of four to six thousand and i2d3J3MWkCc-00163-00048077-00048650 unfortunately people don't believe that i2d3J3MWkCc-00164-00048359-00048872 people look at their phone for example i2d3J3MWkCc-00165-00048650-00049158 or their tablet or laptop and say yes i2d3J3MWkCc-00166-00048872-00049344 that was worth four hundred dollars yes i2d3J3MWkCc-00167-00049158-00049721 that laptop was worth seven hundred i2d3J3MWkCc-00168-00049344-00049911 dollars yes my brand new phone was worth i2d3J3MWkCc-00169-00049721-00050202 six hundred dollars it's full of i2d3J3MWkCc-00170-00049911-00050546 technology than metal and glass and i2d3J3MWkCc-00171-00050202-00050808 microchips and such it's worth it but i2d3J3MWkCc-00172-00050546-00051002 your website is also worth hundreds if i2d3J3MWkCc-00173-00050808-00051194 not thousands of dollars because it is i2d3J3MWkCc-00174-00051002-00051452 your calling card it is your business i2d3J3MWkCc-00175-00051194-00051726 card it is your shopping cart it is your i2d3J3MWkCc-00176-00051452-00052074 online presence it is your best foot i2d3J3MWkCc-00177-00051726-00052299 forward it's your only chance to make i2d3J3MWkCc-00178-00052074-00052548 your first impression and if it's not i2d3J3MWkCc-00179-00052299-00052788 functional if it doesn't work like your i2d3J3MWkCc-00180-00052548-00052990 customers expect like they've seen other i2d3J3MWkCc-00181-00052788-00053341 websites all their lives i2d3J3MWkCc-00182-00052990-00053679 if it doesn't feature aspects that make i2d3J3MWkCc-00183-00053341-00053986 them buy a product easily if it doesn't i2d3J3MWkCc-00184-00053679-00054405 work properly it's not a good website i2d3J3MWkCc-00185-00053986-00054700 and it's not worth that so if we can i2d3J3MWkCc-00186-00054405-00054994 define a person that would be most i2d3J3MWkCc-00187-00054700-00055372 interested in buying our product or i2d3J3MWkCc-00188-00054994-00055594 hiring us we can then mark it to that i2d3J3MWkCc-00189-00055372-00056077 audience a lot easier for Victor's i2d3J3MWkCc-00190-00055594-00056665 bakery Victor's bakery wishes to target i2d3J3MWkCc-00191-00056077-00057190 the age ranges of 30 to 50 year old i2d3J3MWkCc-00192-00056665-00057589 consumers who are passionate about i2d3J3MWkCc-00193-00057190-00058648 healthy ingredients we're passionate i2d3J3MWkCc-00194-00057589-00059854 about putting healthy ingredients on the i2d3J3MWkCc-00195-00058648-00061039 table on the family table we will target i2d3J3MWkCc-00196-00059854-00061504 married folks who have children and that i2d3J3MWkCc-00197-00061039-00062659 value their health they understand that i2d3J3MWkCc-00198-00061504-00063097 good clean ingredients lead to great i2d3J3MWkCc-00199-00062659-00063277 products and yes I sometimes have to i2d3J3MWkCc-00200-00063097-00063850 break this down into these sort of i2d3J3MWkCc-00201-00063277-00064348 sterile terms of products and brand and i2d3J3MWkCc-00202-00063850-00064513 consumer and that's fine but if you're i2d3J3MWkCc-00203-00064348-00064933 not comfortable saying that it's i2d3J3MWkCc-00204-00064513-00065485 perfectly fine to say customer or you i2d3J3MWkCc-00205-00064933-00065890 know person or our cookies so I'm going i2d3J3MWkCc-00206-00065485-00066227 to try to target this demographic when I i2d3J3MWkCc-00207-00065890-00066650 use social media if I write blogs and so i2d3J3MWkCc-00208-00066227-00066932 fourth I will create content that will i2d3J3MWkCc-00209-00066650-00067181 appeal to this audience that's not to i2d3J3MWkCc-00210-00066932-00067443 say that a 21 year old is forbidden from i2d3J3MWkCc-00211-00067181-00067716 buying our product or a 75 year old i2d3J3MWkCc-00212-00067443-00067982 without any kids we're not saying that i2d3J3MWkCc-00213-00067716-00068255 at all anyone can buy our product but if i2d3J3MWkCc-00214-00067982-00068511 we focus we should have an easier time i2d3J3MWkCc-00215-00068255-00068880 to reach the audience that really cares i2d3J3MWkCc-00216-00068511-00069137 and will buy aspirational competition i2d3J3MWkCc-00217-00068880-00069342 it's good to have role models both in i2d3J3MWkCc-00218-00069137-00069492 life and in business is there a business i2d3J3MWkCc-00219-00069342-00069680 you see that makes you think I want to i2d3J3MWkCc-00220-00069492-00069857 be like that or a business that makes i2d3J3MWkCc-00221-00069680-00070254 you think I want to do that but better i2d3J3MWkCc-00222-00069857-00070467 list the company person brand etc that i2d3J3MWkCc-00223-00070254-00070686 you feel is in competition with you but i2d3J3MWkCc-00224-00070467-00070943 that you would like to emulate why do i2d3J3MWkCc-00225-00070686-00071166 you want to emulate them victo fields at i2d3J3MWkCc-00226-00070943-00071379 XY designs is our aspirational i2d3J3MWkCc-00227-00071166-00071588 competition because they are well-known i2d3J3MWkCc-00228-00071379-00071823 in the field of web design and their i2d3J3MWkCc-00229-00071588-00072269 style is unique and modern they use i2d3J3MWkCc-00230-00071823-00072632 Pinterest expertly anecdotally I can say i2d3J3MWkCc-00231-00072269-00072993 that within my company PMD interactive i2d3J3MWkCc-00232-00072632-00073341 com this is something we ask a potential i2d3J3MWkCc-00233-00072993-00073625 client early on because we need to know i2d3J3MWkCc-00234-00073341-00074033 who else are we up against if you hire i2d3J3MWkCc-00235-00073625-00074262 us to run social media for you to SEO i2d3J3MWkCc-00236-00074033-00074570 optimize your site for you to build you i2d3J3MWkCc-00237-00074262-00074783 a website who else are we up against is i2d3J3MWkCc-00238-00074570-00074961 there some sort of juggernaut in the i2d3J3MWkCc-00239-00074783-00075245 industry that we're going to have a hard i2d3J3MWkCc-00240-00074961-00075443 time competing against and a more i2d3J3MWkCc-00241-00075245-00075701 positive level who else is in the i2d3J3MWkCc-00242-00075443-00075995 business that is doing it well that can i2d3J3MWkCc-00243-00075701-00076191 guide us to do something like them but i2d3J3MWkCc-00244-00075995-00076331 better not that we're going to steal i2d3J3MWkCc-00245-00076191-00076548 their ideas or their marketing i2d3J3MWkCc-00246-00076331-00076733 strategies and such but we need to see i2d3J3MWkCc-00247-00076548-00076889 what they're doing we need to do a i2d3J3MWkCc-00248-00076733-00077192 little bit of reconnaissance of the i2d3J3MWkCc-00249-00076889-00077466 competition competitor analysis we've i2d3J3MWkCc-00250-00077192-00077768 talked about that in week one so i2d3J3MWkCc-00251-00077466-00077997 oftentimes you get people that want to i2d3J3MWkCc-00252-00077768-00078200 hire us and we start asking them this i2d3J3MWkCc-00253-00077997-00078549 who is your aspirational competition who i2d3J3MWkCc-00254-00078200-00078948 else is in this industry and one person i2d3J3MWkCc-00255-00078549-00079212 told us well this other restaurant is i2d3J3MWkCc-00256-00078948-00079475 who we really kind of look up to they i2d3J3MWkCc-00257-00079212-00079560 sell a different kind of food we're i2d3J3MWkCc-00258-00079475-00079781 Mexican food i2d3J3MWkCc-00259-00079560-00080043 food shop but they're a hamburger shop i2d3J3MWkCc-00260-00079781-00080292 but we look up to them because of how i2d3J3MWkCc-00261-00080043-00080402 successful they are and what they do so i2d3J3MWkCc-00262-00080292-00080625 it's perfectly fine that you're i2d3J3MWkCc-00263-00080402-00080862 aspirational competition is not exactly i2d3J3MWkCc-00264-00080625-00081123 the same product that you're trying to i2d3J3MWkCc-00265-00080862-00081338 sell for example a Mexican food i2d3J3MWkCc-00266-00081123-00081551 restaurant can have the aspirational i2d3J3MWkCc-00267-00081338-00081956 competition of a burger joint that's i2d3J3MWkCc-00268-00081551-00082206 fine direct competition is important to i2d3J3MWkCc-00269-00081956-00082593 look at but ancillary competition is i2d3J3MWkCc-00270-00082206-00083499 also useful Victor's bakery's main i2d3J3MWkCc-00271-00082593-00083931 competition is Hilda's bakery they are i2d3J3MWkCc-00272-00083499-00084723 well established in the community i2d3J3MWkCc-00273-00083931-00085662 they've been at their location for 20 i2d3J3MWkCc-00274-00084723-00086229 years they're the only name in the game i2d3J3MWkCc-00275-00085662-00086651 in that vicinity okay writing that that i2d3J3MWkCc-00276-00086229-00087827 helps us think that we will target the i2d3J3MWkCc-00277-00086651-00088232 clientele that visits that bakery by i2d3J3MWkCc-00278-00087827-00089027 creating our own versions of classic i2d3J3MWkCc-00279-00088232-00089750 Mexican pan dulce sweetbreads we will i2d3J3MWkCc-00280-00089027-00090075 engage in facebook marketing perhaps by i2d3J3MWkCc-00281-00089750-00090314 understanding who visits that bakery we i2d3J3MWkCc-00282-00090075-00090575 can then think about getting on a social i2d3J3MWkCc-00283-00090314-00090912 network where that target audience may i2d3J3MWkCc-00284-00090575-00091116 be more prevalent vision statement a i2d3J3MWkCc-00285-00090912-00091445 mission statement tells the world where i2d3J3MWkCc-00286-00091116-00091826 you stand a vision statement tells the i2d3J3MWkCc-00287-00091445-00091956 world where you're going and write a i2d3J3MWkCc-00288-00091826-00092144 statement that makes predictions about i2d3J3MWkCc-00289-00091956-00092420 what you want to accomplish as a company i2d3J3MWkCc-00290-00092144-00092724 or brand you may set a time horizon five i2d3J3MWkCc-00291-00092420-00092913 years for example vic co will be known i2d3J3MWkCc-00292-00092724-00093078 for providing eye catching web design i2d3J3MWkCc-00293-00092913-00093306 I for San Diego's most elegant i2d3J3MWkCc-00294-00093078-00093504 restaurants so here's our goal there's i2d3J3MWkCc-00295-00093306-00093687 another way to talk about what is the i2d3J3MWkCc-00296-00093504-00093849 goal of our company we've already said i2d3J3MWkCc-00297-00093687-00094110 mission statement mission statement i2d3J3MWkCc-00298-00093849-00094269 tells you where you are right now vision i2d3J3MWkCc-00299-00094110-00094440 statement makes a prediction of where i2d3J3MWkCc-00300-00094269-00094740 you want to be so if you've got this i2d3J3MWkCc-00301-00094440-00094899 goal it will help you move toward it if i2d3J3MWkCc-00302-00094740-00095121 you have a time horizon some sort of i2d3J3MWkCc-00303-00094899-00095637 time limit for yourself that could be i2d3J3MWkCc-00304-00095121-00096714 helpful Victor's bakery wishes to be i2d3J3MWkCc-00305-00095637-00097524 synonymous with a new twist on a classic i2d3J3MWkCc-00306-00096714-00098088 pun I'm sort of here thinking also of i2d3J3MWkCc-00307-00097524-00098523 other slogans or tag lines now bun i2d3J3MWkCc-00308-00098088-00098829 that's bred in Spanish it may be too i2d3J3MWkCc-00309-00098523-00099375 esoteric then so thinking a little bit i2d3J3MWkCc-00310-00098829-00100128 more a new twist on a classic treat i2d3J3MWkCc-00311-00099375-00100599 within five years we will have articles i2d3J3MWkCc-00312-00100128-00101406 written about us about our wholesome i2d3J3MWkCc-00313-00100599-00102045 ingredients and the love and care we i2d3J3MWkCc-00314-00101406-00103191 baked into all our products we will be i2d3J3MWkCc-00315-00102045-00103607 the destination boutique bakery in the i2d3J3MWkCc-00316-00103191-00103895 heart of Chula Vista lofty goals and i2d3J3MWkCc-00317-00103607-00104195 that's what we all need as business i2d3J3MWkCc-00318-00103895-00104472 owners we have a lot of competition I'm i2d3J3MWkCc-00319-00104195-00104742 not going to be the only bakery in town i2d3J3MWkCc-00320-00104472-00105018 I'm not going to be the only Mexican i2d3J3MWkCc-00321-00104742-00105264 bakery in town perhaps I might be the i2d3J3MWkCc-00322-00105018-00105552 only Mexican bakery in town with a focus i2d3J3MWkCc-00323-00105264-00105798 on organic ingredients and vegan i2d3J3MWkCc-00324-00105552-00106041 alternatives that might help me stand i2d3J3MWkCc-00325-00105798-00106172 out but often times there's a lot of i2d3J3MWkCc-00326-00106041-00106676 competition in i2d3J3MWkCc-00327-00106172-00106966 every space giving yourself a goal like i2d3J3MWkCc-00328-00106676-00107341 this will help you then and motivate you i2d3J3MWkCc-00329-00106966-00107683 to be the best we then get to the USP i2d3J3MWkCc-00330-00107341-00107852 unique selling proposition what do you i2d3J3MWkCc-00331-00107683-00108038 provide your customers that no one else i2d3J3MWkCc-00332-00107852-00108283 can what makes you stand out from the i2d3J3MWkCc-00333-00108038-00108644 rest how do you uniquely solve their i2d3J3MWkCc-00334-00108283-00108989 problems answer the question of why that i2d3J3MWkCc-00335-00108644-00109199 is why would a client hire you Vic Toews i2d3J3MWkCc-00336-00108989-00109469 based in San Diego and many of our team i2d3J3MWkCc-00337-00109199-00109741 graduated from southwestern college san i2d3J3MWkCc-00338-00109469-00110005 diego state university in UCSD we i2d3J3MWkCc-00339-00109741-00110233 therefore know the local culture we can i2d3J3MWkCc-00340-00110005-00110582 create compelling websites that cater to i2d3J3MWkCc-00341-00110233-00110761 san diego companies this is one of the i2d3J3MWkCc-00342-00110582-00111133 hardest things to answer this question i2d3J3MWkCc-00343-00110761-00111326 of why why would someone hire you as i2d3J3MWkCc-00344-00111133-00111572 opposed to someone else why would i2d3J3MWkCc-00345-00111326-00111934 someone go to my bakery when they can go i2d3J3MWkCc-00346-00111572-00112330 to Hilda's why now there could be simple i2d3J3MWkCc-00347-00111934-00112534 answers like convenience this my i2d3J3MWkCc-00348-00112330-00112814 business is closer to the population i2d3J3MWkCc-00349-00112534-00112964 centers that's only going to get you so i2d3J3MWkCc-00350-00112814-00113501 far you're going to need to break out of i2d3J3MWkCc-00351-00112964-00113732 that niche of a location if you're in a i2d3J3MWkCc-00352-00113501-00113929 location you're going to need to reach a i2d3J3MWkCc-00353-00113732-00114154 bigger audience and the way you do that i2d3J3MWkCc-00354-00113929-00114371 is by showing it the audience here is i2d3J3MWkCc-00355-00114154-00114661 something that we provide that the i2d3J3MWkCc-00356-00114371-00114829 others don't so hire us and I think the i2d3J3MWkCc-00357-00114661-00115190 best way to illustrate this is with a i2d3J3MWkCc-00358-00114829-00115688 little drawing I'm going to draw here a i2d3J3MWkCc-00359-00115190-00116440 picture and this is a variation of Simon i2d3J3MWkCc-00360-00115688-00116639 senex golden circles you can look up i2d3J3MWkCc-00361-00116440-00116953 Simon's work online and find a variety i2d3J3MWkCc-00362-00116639-00117371 of content of his he's got a couple of i2d3J3MWkCc-00363-00116953-00117667 books several videos online for free but i2d3J3MWkCc-00364-00117371-00118009 he talks about also the concept of why i2d3J3MWkCc-00365-00117667-00118342 why does a company succeed why do people i2d3J3MWkCc-00366-00118009-00118516 flock behind a brand or a leader and we i2d3J3MWkCc-00367-00118342-00118973 can illustrate it here with some circles i2d3J3MWkCc-00368-00118516-00119292 so I'm going to draw some circles some i2d3J3MWkCc-00369-00118973-00119292 concentric circles i2d3J3MWkCc-00370-00119320-00120228 is the biggest outer circle a smaller i2d3J3MWkCc-00371-00119802-00120714 inner circle and then the smallest i2d3J3MWkCc-00372-00120228-00121326 innermost circle each one of these is i2d3J3MWkCc-00373-00120714-00122565 then defined by a keyword the outermost i2d3J3MWkCc-00374-00121326-00123636 circle is what the next circle is how i2d3J3MWkCc-00375-00122565-00124138 and the smallest circle is why what do i2d3J3MWkCc-00376-00123636-00124597 you do how do you do it why do you do it i2d3J3MWkCc-00377-00124138-00124980 so Victor's bakery what do we do we're a i2d3J3MWkCc-00378-00124597-00125194 bakery we sell baked goods well you and i2d3J3MWkCc-00379-00124980-00125433 everyone else in the city you are a i2d3J3MWkCc-00380-00125194-00125623 needle in a haystack when you answer i2d3J3MWkCc-00381-00125433-00125875 that what because there's competition i2d3J3MWkCc-00382-00125623-00126370 there's always competition unfortunately i2d3J3MWkCc-00383-00125875-00127167 in every industry how do you provide the i2d3J3MWkCc-00384-00126370-00127611 best product how do you do it or how is i2d3J3MWkCc-00385-00127167-00127908 that we use only organic locally sourced i2d3J3MWkCc-00386-00127611-00128088 ingredients okay that's narrowing me i2d3J3MWkCc-00387-00127908-00128580 down a little bit more in uniqueness i2d3J3MWkCc-00388-00128088-00128869 organic ingredients are becoming more i2d3J3MWkCc-00389-00128580-00129145 and more popular in the last 15 years so i2d3J3MWkCc-00390-00128869-00129327 that's not as niche as it used to be i2d3J3MWkCc-00391-00129145-00129501 that helps me though that the i2d3J3MWkCc-00392-00129327-00129838 ingredients themselves are getting less i2d3J3MWkCc-00393-00129501-00130038 expensive and that then trickles down to i2d3J3MWkCc-00394-00129838-00130341 the consumer that the products are less i2d3J3MWkCc-00395-00130038-00130608 expensive so are how perhaps is a good i2d3J3MWkCc-00396-00130341-00130953 differentiator from other local bakeries i2d3J3MWkCc-00397-00130608-00131584 that they still use perhaps lard instead i2d3J3MWkCc-00398-00130953-00132153 of a more body friendly agave syrup the i2d3J3MWkCc-00399-00131584-00132263 why then why am i a bakery why do I sell i2d3J3MWkCc-00400-00132153-00132497 baked goods i2d3J3MWkCc-00401-00132263-00132806 that's the hardest one to answer and I i2d3J3MWkCc-00402-00132497-00133082 could easily say to make money and i2d3J3MWkCc-00403-00132806-00133379 that's a perfectly fine answer to sell i2d3J3MWkCc-00404-00133082-00133550 my product that's perfectly fine that's i2d3J3MWkCc-00405-00133379-00134201 not really going to resonate with people i2d3J3MWkCc-00406-00133550-00134714 why does Victor's bakery exist well my i2d3J3MWkCc-00407-00134201-00135122 grandfather was an expert Baker and he i2d3J3MWkCc-00408-00134714-00135599 really inspired in me a passion to enjoy i2d3J3MWkCc-00409-00135122-00135995 life's pleasures in the kitchen and so I i2d3J3MWkCc-00410-00135599-00136466 want to pass on his memory for great i2d3J3MWkCc-00411-00135995-00136988 baked goods in the modern world with a i2d3J3MWkCc-00412-00136466-00137117 focus on health so all that I've said i2d3J3MWkCc-00413-00136988-00137564 there which I'll write that in a moment i2d3J3MWkCc-00414-00137117-00137843 is used for me to find that target i2d3J3MWkCc-00415-00137564-00138017 audience I want to find the people that i2d3J3MWkCc-00416-00137843-00138251 have that special relationship with i2d3J3MWkCc-00417-00138017-00138506 their grandparents I want to find the i2d3J3MWkCc-00418-00138251-00138824 people that care about good ingredients i2d3J3MWkCc-00419-00138506-00139292 I want to find the people that are like i2d3J3MWkCc-00420-00138824-00139727 me that are like my business goals my i2d3J3MWkCc-00421-00139292-00139994 why I'm in the business so what does i2d3J3MWkCc-00422-00139727-00140435 your company do how does it do it why i2d3J3MWkCc-00423-00139994-00140666 does it do it the golden circles that's i2d3J3MWkCc-00424-00140435-00141056 our unique selling proposition what i2d3J3MWkCc-00425-00140666-00141832 makes us unique from the rest we started i2d3J3MWkCc-00426-00141056-00141832 our business to honor the memory i2d3J3MWkCc-00427-00142095-00144312 of our grandfather who was an expert i2d3J3MWkCc-00428-00142878-00145422 Baker a wise man and a giver we want to i2d3J3MWkCc-00429-00144312-00146601 give back to san diego by always i2d3J3MWkCc-00430-00145422-00146922 adhering to high standards using only i2d3J3MWkCc-00431-00146601-00147783 the best organic ingredients and i2d3J3MWkCc-00432-00146922-00148590 bringing the best to each family one i2d3J3MWkCc-00433-00147783-00148821 cupcake at a time the words that I'm i2d3J3MWkCc-00434-00148590-00149031 writing here I could include them on my i2d3J3MWkCc-00435-00148821-00149241 about page on the home page I can i2d3J3MWkCc-00436-00149031-00149463 include them anywhere on my online i2d3J3MWkCc-00437-00149241-00149619 presence I could tweet some of these i2d3J3MWkCc-00438-00149463-00150048 things I could put some of these things i2d3J3MWkCc-00439-00149619-00150453 on facebook use some of these quotes in i2d3J3MWkCc-00440-00150048-00150606 an Instagram post because then I'm i2d3J3MWkCc-00441-00150453-00150948 putting out these keywords that will i2d3J3MWkCc-00442-00150606-00151215 resonate with a target audience who will i2d3J3MWkCc-00443-00150948-00151389 then be interested hopefully in our i2d3J3MWkCc-00444-00151215-00151728 product because we're speaking their i2d3J3MWkCc-00445-00151389-00151896 language will they care about so the i2d3J3MWkCc-00446-00151728-00152301 purpose then of this document is to help i2d3J3MWkCc-00447-00151896-00152622 you plan a strategy to market your i2d3J3MWkCc-00448-00152301-00152835 business all of these phrases and i2d3J3MWkCc-00449-00152622-00153108 keywords and concepts will be used i2d3J3MWkCc-00450-00152835-00153627 throughout the rest of the course on i2d3J3MWkCc-00451-00153108-00153951 your site you may not have great things i2d3J3MWkCc-00452-00153627-00154134 to right at this moment for every one of i2d3J3MWkCc-00453-00153951-00154311 these items and that's okay you can add i2d3J3MWkCc-00454-00154134-00154578 to it as time goes on you can get other i2d3J3MWkCc-00455-00154311-00154806 interested parties in your business to i2d3J3MWkCc-00456-00154578-00155010 contribute what I say about that those i2d3J3MWkCc-00457-00154806-00155205 be careful because if you give people i2d3J3MWkCc-00458-00155010-00155426 the option to give an opinion they will i2d3J3MWkCc-00459-00155205-00155828 give an opinion and by that I mean i2d3J3MWkCc-00460-00155426-00156035 that if there are two other people and i2d3J3MWkCc-00461-00155828-00156170 yourself who have access to this i2d3J3MWkCc-00462-00156035-00156548 document you're going to get three i2d3J3MWkCc-00463-00156170-00156803 opinions but are three people. The one i2d3J3MWkCc-00464-00156548-00156944 that make the decisions, the final i2d3J3MWkCc-00465-00156803-00157232 decisions, especially when it comes to i2d3J3MWkCc-00466-00156944-00157592 money and implementation of strategies. i2d3J3MWkCc-00467-00157232-00157859 So only really get those that have a i2d3J3MWkCc-00468-00157592-00158141 direct influence or an impact on the i2d3J3MWkCc-00469-00157859-00158375 business and can make decisions to i2d3J3MWkCc-00470-00158141-00158573 contribute to some of these documents i2d3J3MWkCc-00471-00158375-00158783 It's going to work out in the long term i2d3J3MWkCc-00472-00158573-00159089 because there will be less cooks in the i2d3J3MWkCc-00473-00158783-00159419 kitchen. Come back on the next video and i2d3J3MWkCc-00474-00159089-00159739 we will keep expanding on our tactics i2d3J3MWkCc-00475-00159419-00159739 for search engine optimization. i7B6bwxO_Py-00000-00000264-00000776 Okay thank you for having me my name is Damian Fair and I'll be talking about ABCD i7B6bwxO_Py-00001-00000776-00001288 and the imaging measures and data availability for the ABCD i7B6bwxO_Py-00002-00001288-00002184 study. I have one conflict to describe myself and Nico Dosenbach our co-founders of Mouse Imaging i7B6bwxO_Py-00003-00002456-00002824 which is currently commercializing the FIRM motion monitoring software i7B6bwxO_Py-00004-00002824-00003200 products there's one slide on on FIRM so i wanted to make sure to highlight that i7B6bwxO_Py-00005-00003456-00003815 there are several learning objectives for this for this lecture i7B6bwxO_Py-00006-00003888-00004656 and one we'll be going over the imaging protocol and pulse sequences a section on quality assurance i7B6bwxO_Py-00007-00004800-00005384 a section on fmri and its task description justification relevance to abcd i7B6bwxO_Py-00008-00005480-00005992 we'll be going over the minimally minimally processed pipelines then also talking about the i7B6bwxO_Py-00009-00005992-00006728 abcc or the abcd bids community collection section 3165 of the nda and some of the data utilities i7B6bwxO_Py-00010-00006728-00007559 and data available on that collection as well all right imaging protocol and pulse sequences i7B6bwxO_Py-00011-00007704-00008344 so much of what i'd be i'll be talking about today is published in a few papers um i'll i7B6bwxO_Py-00012-00008344-00008896 kind of sprinkle those papers throughout the talk here the first one here is by BJ Casey from back i7B6bwxO_Py-00013-00008896-00009320 in 2018 which is a general description of the imaging and the imaging protocol i7B6bwxO_Py-00014-00009656-00009984 the abcd imaging protocol starts with the pre-scan i7B6bwxO_Py-00015-00010080-00010760 last 25 to 45 minutes and includes a re-screen for contraindications for mri i7B6bwxO_Py-00016-00010904-00011384 simulations and motion compliance training practice fmri tests and pre-scan questionnaire i7B6bwxO_Py-00017-00011472-00011992 and from there sites can choose from one of two options of a single scan session which i7B6bwxO_Py-00018-00011992-00012544 lasts about 90 to 120 minutes and includes all of the modalities the localizer t1 i7B6bwxO_Py-00019-00012624-00013480 resting state diffusion uh DTI a T2 um again a rest another resting state scan and then the i7B6bwxO_Py-00020-00013480-00014016 task-based fmri after or there's a two-scan session which splits up all those modalities i7B6bwxO_Py-00021-00014016-00014591 into two scans with a post questionnaire uh break and pre-scan questionnaire in between i7B6bwxO_Py-00022-00014696-00015104 the end of the scan session includes the 15 to 20 minutes i7B6bwxO_Py-00023-00015104-00015840 of post scan questionnaire recognition memory tests and also the post MID survey i7B6bwxO_Py-00024-00016168-00016720 the acquisition protocols were initially based on the human connectome project i7B6bwxO_Py-00025-00016720-00017200 the resolution for the structural and the functional data were pulled back reduced i7B6bwxO_Py-00026-00017280-00018088 quite a little bit to increase the signal to noise we thought this was important because of the the i7B6bwxO_Py-00027-00018088-00018456 limited amount of data collected for the study relative to the i7B6bwxO_Py-00028-00018640-00019440 HCP study which helped increase the signal to noise and also due to the nature of scanning kids i7B6bwxO_Py-00029-00019440-00020088 but we harmonize the imaging scanning parameters across three platforms at Siemens Philips and GE i7B6bwxO_Py-00030-00020424-00020992 for rest there was decided to collect between 15 to 20 minutes of data collected i7B6bwxO_Py-00031-00021056-00022088 this was based in part on a study by Tim Lammon and colleagues describing the reliability of i7B6bwxO_Py-00032-00022088-00022752 within subject functional connectivity here using data from the "Poldrome" or Russ Poldrack which i7B6bwxO_Py-00033-00022752-00023776 we had collected approximately 14 hours of data within one subject that data was split up into i7B6bwxO_Py-00034-00023776-00024368 into a half which is as the baseline and then the other half was used to subsample the data i7B6bwxO_Py-00035-00024440-00024968 to identify how many minutes is required to reach uh stabilization or replicability i7B6bwxO_Py-00036-00025064-00025783 um and in this study and in in b kind of shows those curves the furthest left point and there's i7B6bwxO_Py-00037-00025783-00026344 approximately 10 minutes of 10 minutes of good data at about 20 about 12 and a half minutes of i7B6bwxO_Py-00038-00026344-00026983 good data you reach about halfway up that curve and that was in part the rationale to try to i7B6bwxO_Py-00039-00026983-00027536 reach up to 12 and a half minutes of good movement free data with uh ABCD i7B6bwxO_Py-00040-00027536-00028183 which requires in some participants 15 minutes and other participants up to upwards of 20. i7B6bwxO_Py-00041-00028439-00028744 okay so quality assurance measures i7B6bwxO_Py-00042-00028976-00029527 our quality assurance has for abcd has been evolving since the start of the study i7B6bwxO_Py-00043-00029527-00030224 we're now at release 3.0 there are several measurements in the the tabulated data that i7B6bwxO_Py-00044-00030224-00030848 can that will help make decisions on inclusion and exclusion of data for given investigators i7B6bwxO_Py-00045-00030912-00031576 abcd has its own recommended imaging inclusion parameters in that in that sheet i7B6bwxO_Py-00046-00031576-00032088 for folks to view we'll be going over a bits of all of that throughout this talk i7B6bwxO_Py-00047-00032248-00033152 the first part is that will be on the um will be on the QC of the raw data there's several parts i7B6bwxO_Py-00048-00033152-00033832 here then they'll also be QC there's also QC in the on the post process data as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00049-00033832-00034360 and so we'll go over bits of all of that so the first part of QC is protocol compliance checking i7B6bwxO_Py-00050-00034440-00034944 that is performed by on-site FIONA workstations that provides feedback to scan operators i7B6bwxO_Py-00051-00035056-00035648 out of compliance series are reviewed by DAIC staff criteria include whether i7B6bwxO_Py-00052-00035704-00036288 key imaging parameters match expected values for a given scanner um voxel size repetition i7B6bwxO_Py-00053-00036288-00036912 time etc presence or absence of different scan type like like the distortion field maps etc i7B6bwxO_Py-00054-00036968-00037440 and then each imaging series is checked for completeness to avoid any missing files i7B6bwxO_Py-00055-00037704-00038536 there are several um automated quality control metrics for structural mri that includes mean i7B6bwxO_Py-00056-00038536-00039264 and standard deviation of brain values in spatial SNR uh diffusion mean motion using i7B6bwxO_Py-00057-00039264-00039800 framewise displacement is calculated that that also occurs for the the functional mri i7B6bwxO_Py-00058-00039912-00040576 and for diffusion the number of slices and frames affected by sliced uh dropout is i7B6bwxO_Py-00059-00040576-00041160 is recorded as well as for a functional mri the number of seconds the amount of time i7B6bwxO_Py-00060-00041240-00041760 that good data exists for displacements of less than 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 i7B6bwxO_Py-00061-00041936-00042216 and there's also a temporal SNR measurement that's used i7B6bwxO_Py-00062-00042576-00043144 during acquisition in real time all the Siemens sites and hopefully soon the GE i7B6bwxO_Py-00063-00043144-00043824 and and Philips sites as well you use the FIRMM software for for motion motion monitoring this i7B6bwxO_Py-00064-00043824-00044440 allows a little bit of flexibility to for once you've hit that 12 and a half minute i7B6bwxO_Py-00065-00044440-00045184 time point if you to save time on the final five minutes of final five minutes of a run i7B6bwxO_Py-00066-00045744-00046576 and it also helps for con helping the training of participants by some of the sites i7B6bwxO_Py-00067-00046912-00047560 okay so there's an abcd mri so some of there's a manual review of all the data that comes in i7B6bwxO_Py-00068-00047624-00048272 this in essence reviewers assign a binary qc score the the images that are reviewed include i7B6bwxO_Py-00069-00048272-00048944 most of all the types of images that are acquired and then and in essence are inspecting for signs i7B6bwxO_Py-00070-00048944-00049544 of artifacts or poor image quality a lot of this documentation is available on the NDA i7B6bwxO_Py-00071-00050008-00050608 again i apologize for a lot of the text here but i i figured as folks are wanting to dig i7B6bwxO_Py-00072-00050608-00050984 in or looking at this lecture and want to understand some of the details that we can i7B6bwxO_Py-00073-00050984-00051544 at least provide it here but there's also some there's also FreeSurfer QC it's that's also manual i7B6bwxO_Py-00074-00051608-00052128 um to review the cortical surface reconstruction again the reviewers assign a binary score i7B6bwxO_Py-00075-00052208-00052855 um gauge the severity of different types of artifacts motion intensity and homogeneity etc i7B6bwxO_Py-00076-00052944-00053608 a new numeric values assigned on a scale from zero to three with regard to these types of artifacts i7B6bwxO_Py-00077-00053688-00053991 um a QC score of zero a sign of severity score i7B6bwxO_Py-00078-00054048-00054784 um sorry QC score of zero is assigned a severity score is a three for any type of artifact i7B6bwxO_Py-00079-00055400-00056136 and just a note regardless of the these of these scores that the all the data regardless i7B6bwxO_Py-00080-00056136-00056584 of the score is shared in the tabulated data regardless of the post-processing QC i7B6bwxO_Py-00081-00056800-00057720 so for diffusion um post-processing QC is you know for manual QC again reviewers assign a binary i7B6bwxO_Py-00082-00057720-00058448 score for severe artifacts and irregularities um and then reviewers gauge the severity of similarly i7B6bwxO_Py-00083-00058448-00059040 five types of artifacts um and are given this are given an assignment score of zero to three similar i7B6bwxO_Py-00084-00059040-00059679 to the FreeSurfer and again a QC score of zero is assigned if the severity score of any of these is i7B6bwxO_Py-00085-00059767-00061128 three for any type of artifact fmri the same the same story binary score zero one i7B6bwxO_Py-00086-00061128-00061816 several types of artifacts are viewed um same similarly giving numeric values of zero to three i7B6bwxO_Py-00087-00061904-00063184 and then the scan is rejected if any uh severity score of any of these measurements is a three i7B6bwxO_Py-00088-00063591-00064136 there are also several automated post-processing QC measures that accompany the manual QC measures i7B6bwxO_Py-00089-00064224-00064840 for for FreeSurfer number of topological defects are calculated um i7B6bwxO_Py-00090-00064944-00065528 for the diffusion and fmri field of view and brain cutoff measurements are calculated i7B6bwxO_Py-00091-00065624-00066296 the quality of the registration is estimated um as well for for those for those measurements as i7B6bwxO_Py-00092-00066296-00066968 part of QC for more details you can you can read through the the talk here after it's available i7B6bwxO_Py-00093-00067232-00067888 now there are several recommendations based on all these QC measures that that the ABCD study i7B6bwxO_Py-00094-00067888-00068616 then recommends for inclusion um they're based on criterion for the criterion that exists in the i7B6bwxO_Py-00095-00068616-00069152 tabulated data the element values you can see here and what the instrument is we won't go over the i7B6bwxO_Py-00096-00069152-00069688 details of this but i'll just kind of fly through a little bit of what is what happens for um i7B6bwxO_Py-00097-00069800-00070384 for all these different data types so here's the T1 when it's recommended for inclusion i7B6bwxO_Py-00098-00070512-00070976 uh here here's the T2 which which includes measurements from the T1 and FreeSurfer i7B6bwxO_Py-00099-00071312-00071784 through the diffusion data becomes a little bit more complicated but there i7B6bwxO_Py-00100-00071784-00072320 are several additional measures that can be used for this for this recommendation i7B6bwxO_Py-00101-00072376-00072712 again the details all the all these details can be seen and found online i7B6bwxO_Py-00102-00072960-00073232 for in the same for resting state data i7B6bwxO_Py-00103-00073528-00074416 and then the task data include a few additional a few additional measures um with regard to E-prime i7B6bwxO_Py-00104-00074416-00074720 for their inclusion so i'm just going to fly through these i7B6bwxO_Py-00105-00074720-00076032 but again feel free to come back to look at all the details when you have time okay so fmri i7B6bwxO_Py-00106-00076136-00077184 the task description justification and relevance to ABCD so the i7B6bwxO_Py-00107-00077320-00077976 first task here the monetary incentive delay task here participants attempted to win or avoid i7B6bwxO_Py-00108-00078064-00078640 losing money by quickly responding to cube stimuli using a response box in their dominant hand i7B6bwxO_Py-00109-00078712-00079328 there are 50 contiguous trials 10 per trial type in each of two runs i7B6bwxO_Py-00110-00079416-00079984 the target duration is based on the participants performance during a practice session i7B6bwxO_Py-00111-00080040-00080624 prior to scanning and adjusted during the scan to targeting approximately 60% i7B6bwxO_Py-00112-00080696-00081384 accuracy and the task performance is translated into actual payment amounts for the participants i7B6bwxO_Py-00113-00081480-00082288 circles are for the win squares are for the lose and then the no win or loss with the triangles you i7B6bwxO_Py-00114-00082288-00083392 can see in the in the figure here the stop signal um the stop signal task was also used um that's i7B6bwxO_Py-00115-00083496-00084320 SST presented leftward or rightward-facing arrows in serial order for the GO stimuli i7B6bwxO_Py-00116-00084432-00084792 participants are then instructed to as quickly and as accurately as possible i7B6bwxO_Py-00117-00085024-00085760 to to not respond to the signal when the arrow is pointed upward that is that is i7B6bwxO_Py-00118-00085760-00086144 the stop signal there's two runs each had 180 trials i7B6bwxO_Py-00119-00086200-00086936 of which 30 are the stop trials and the time between the go and the stop stop signals very i7B6bwxO_Py-00120-00086936-00087608 dynamically based on a participant's success on the prior trial so as to achieve 50% success rate i7B6bwxO_Py-00121-00088056-00088792 and then the third task is the emotional N-back task two runs each containing eight blocks i7B6bwxO_Py-00122-00088856-00089488 half of which are zero back and half are two back each block contains ten trials uh two of which i7B6bwxO_Py-00123-00089488-00090192 are targets the face stimuli include the happy fearful and neutral facial expressions i7B6bwxO_Py-00124-00090192-00091176 uh from NimStim and racially diverse effective expressions um irradiate another different set i7B6bwxO_Py-00125-00091176-00091872 of stimuli um there's additional images of places as used as a fourth stimuli um here i7B6bwxO_Py-00126-00092224-00092608 and then again um postscan is a recognition memory test i7B6bwxO_Py-00127-00092936-00093584 all right so there are several principles on which these tasks were chosen one first is based on i7B6bwxO_Py-00128-00093584-00094160 implication and addiction second was the feasibility in developmental studies third i7B6bwxO_Py-00129-00094256-00094960 well characterized neural activations um fourth reliable activation over time within subjects i7B6bwxO_Py-00130-00095120-00095448 five consistent patterns of activity across subjects and six i7B6bwxO_Py-00131-00095512-00096096 leveraging of other complementary developmental imaging initiatives that use similar measures i7B6bwxO_Py-00132-00096640-00097240 okay so a couple of notes here task order is buried but held constant within families and over i7B6bwxO_Py-00133-00097240-00097904 time for our participant um and there are numerous stimulus orders for the stop and mid tasks i7B6bwxO_Py-00134-00098008-00098392 we have the different domains that that these tasks are supposed to be touching i7B6bwxO_Py-00135-00098464-00099216 reward processing uh motivation impulsivity impulse control memory emotion regulation i7B6bwxO_Py-00136-00099272-00099848 and then on here you can you can you can you can see the types of processes that are being i7B6bwxO_Py-00137-00099848-00100568 tapped into anticipation and outcome of reward um anticipation of responding for an outcome again i7B6bwxO_Py-00138-00100568-00101224 impulsivity impulse control conflict monitoring working memory emotional regulation and reactivity i7B6bwxO_Py-00139-00101224-00101800 etc and there are several neural correlates that are expected from these domains as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00140-00102256-00102904 now there's some good news i got some good news and some bad news so to speak the tasks i7B6bwxO_Py-00141-00102904-00103640 are relatively robust uh this is of a paper that Hugh Garavan's group is working on i7B6bwxO_Py-00142-00103728-00104383 currently but the the many of the contrasts are relatively robust on the left you can see i7B6bwxO_Py-00143-00104383-00105224 contrast for both cortical and subcortical contrast for stop versus go and SST and i7B6bwxO_Py-00144-00105224-00106056 incorrect stop versus correct go on SST um and also correlations with of the task activity with i7B6bwxO_Py-00145-00106056-00106920 performance the good news is is that because task fMRI is within subject the reliability of i7B6bwxO_Py-00146-00106920-00107704 reproducibility of these task activations can be done with the relatively few participants i7B6bwxO_Py-00147-00107704-00108552 and that is shown over here in e again where you take where you try to take a gold standard i7B6bwxO_Py-00148-00108656-00109408 data set and identify how many how many subjects it takes to be able to kind of replicate or i7B6bwxO_Py-00149-00109632-00110144 show reliability between sub-samples of a different data set and so that's what this i7B6bwxO_Py-00150-00110144-00110688 is showing you you have the solid lines or the the correct the solid red lines or i7B6bwxO_Py-00151-00110688-00111183 the correct stop versus correct go the solid blue line is incorrect stop versus correct go i7B6bwxO_Py-00152-00111240-00111768 and then you have the um correct stop versus correct goal it's a dotted red line i7B6bwxO_Py-00153-00111768-00112296 incorrect stop versus correct go is the dotted blue line but you can see relatively i7B6bwxO_Py-00154-00112296-00113072 good reproducibility with relatively small sample sizes or reasonable size sample sizes um that in e i7B6bwxO_Py-00155-00113072-00113608 becomes a little trickier when you look at the the relationship of doing that same type of i7B6bwxO_Py-00156-00113688-00114400 that same type of experiment correlating the uh the performance relative to the task activations i7B6bwxO_Py-00157-00114400-00114816 you see a rapid rise in reproducibility but as you can see the correlation from i7B6bwxO_Py-00158-00114816-00115448 one data set to the to the next um is much lower and and this is likely due to i7B6bwxO_Py-00159-00115568-00116232 the small effect sizes we'll talk a little bit more about that uh shortly so this is for the SST i7B6bwxO_Py-00160-00116335-00117048 here are images the same type of images for the N-back very robust for for the task activations i7B6bwxO_Py-00161-00117128-00117511 there it is also robust for the the correlations across the i7B6bwxO_Py-00162-00117592-00118256 the performance but um quite a bit weaker just as we saw earlier and you can see the different i7B6bwxO_Py-00163-00118256-00118768 types of contrasts you can you've seen here this is for the memory portion so zero back i7B6bwxO_Py-00164-00118768-00119359 versus fixation two back versus fixation two back versus zero back etc cortical and subcortical i7B6bwxO_Py-00165-00119656-00120400 remember this is an emotional end back so this is the a couple extra um things can be done so faces i7B6bwxO_Py-00166-00120400-00121000 versus places and then negative versus neutral face and positive face versus neutral face i7B6bwxO_Py-00167-00121080-00121640 again we won't go over i won't go over this all in detail but the data are relatively robust i7B6bwxO_Py-00168-00121640-00122240 but it also highlights some some pitfalls that we have to be careful about when conducting analyses i7B6bwxO_Py-00169-00122240-00122711 looking at some of the other complex behaviors and clinical outcomes we care about in the study i7B6bwxO_Py-00170-00123304-00123520 here are the same results for the mid i7B6bwxO_Py-00171-00123776-00124096 again this is anticipation of large reward versus neutral i7B6bwxO_Py-00172-00124159-00124616 etc etc and similar types of reproducibility for this task for the i7B6bwxO_Py-00173-00124616-00125096 the common contrast that I'll be looking at for the task of MRI studies as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00174-00125680-00126335 okay let's walk through some of the minimally processed pipelines i7B6bwxO_Py-00175-00126800-00127400 all right so most of what we'll be talking about here can be seen in a nice i7B6bwxO_Py-00176-00127511-00128272 paper by Don Hagler et al. and Sean Hatton in fact most of the slides for what I'll be showing here i7B6bwxO_Py-00177-00128272-00128824 today is created by these two who have been doing a heroic job of getting these data out i7B6bwxO_Py-00178-00128904-00129256 to the NDA into the public in these various forms i7B6bwxO_Py-00179-00129720-00130776 okay structural MRI T1-weighted and T2-weighted scanning okay so there are several several i7B6bwxO_Py-00180-00130896-00131568 relatively vanilla traditional processing steps that occur with the structural scans there's i7B6bwxO_Py-00181-00131568-00132200 gradient non-linearity distortion correction for T1 and T2 and that's part of the minimally i7B6bwxO_Py-00182-00132200-00132712 processed data that you can get on the NDA the registration of the T2 images to the T1 i7B6bwxO_Py-00183-00132832-00133368 based on mutual information bias field or intensity non-uniformity correction i7B6bwxO_Py-00184-00133480-00133952 using white matter bias correction uh based on tissue segmentations and sparse spatial smoothing i7B6bwxO_Py-00185-00133952-00134696 this is something that's relatively unique to ABCD processing there's a resample into rigid body um i7B6bwxO_Py-00186-00134696-00135216 or into rigid body registration with a custom atlas with a one millimeter isotropic voxels i7B6bwxO_Py-00187-00135304-00135808 uh brain segmentations and cortical surface reconstruction from T1 images using FreeSurfer i7B6bwxO_Py-00188-00135864-00136360 um in the originals were version 5.3 i7B6bwxO_Py-00189-00136640-00137176 there are several derived measures that come from these uh that comes from this pre-processing so i7B6bwxO_Py-00190-00137176-00137848 both morphometric measures cortical thickness area volume cycle depth gyrification imaging i7B6bwxO_Py-00191-00137848-00138712 image intensity measures um and cortical with regard to cortical contrast there's surface ROIs i7B6bwxO_Py-00192-00138712-00139192 for these measures are using the standard free surface parcellations and subcortical ROIs i7B6bwxO_Py-00193-00139360-00140184 in volumes all of these these data are provided via the the tabulated data on the NDA i7B6bwxO_Py-00194-00140472-00141168 for diffusion tensor imaging in restricted spectrum imaging okay processing here i7B6bwxO_Py-00195-00141368-00141688 again relatively traditional head motion correction um i7B6bwxO_Py-00196-00141760-00142424 there's correction of spatial distortions there's a robust diffusion tensor estimation i7B6bwxO_Py-00197-00142528-00143304 registration of T2 weighted B0 images and these are all re-sampled into standard orientation i7B6bwxO_Py-00198-00143824-00144352 there are several derived measures from from the diffusion that's available we i7B6bwxO_Py-00199-00144352-00145032 had tabulated data as well um obviously the the the estimated principal diffusion i7B6bwxO_Py-00200-00145032-00145784 orientations fractional anisotropy um you know mean radial and axial diffusivity etc i7B6bwxO_Py-00201-00145872-00146312 and then from the restriction and then also the restriction spectrum imaging i7B6bwxO_Py-00202-00146424-00147104 um which is slightly different than what folks are typically used to but is important for restrict i7B6bwxO_Py-00203-00147104-00147600 identifying or characterizing restricted or hindered diffusion within individual voxels i7B6bwxO_Py-00204-00147720-00148032 and intra intercellular and extracellular signal fractions i7B6bwxO_Py-00205-00148208-00148664 there are several average diffusion derived measures white matter tracks subcortical gray i7B6bwxO_Py-00206-00148664-00149360 matter structures and again via these cortical parcellations from FreeSurfer i7B6bwxO_Py-00207-00149896-00150024 resting state fMRI i7B6bwxO_Py-00208-00150272-00151000 so like the diffusion data there's B0 distortion correction using reversing gradient methods i7B6bwxO_Py-00209-00151104-00151760 gradient non-linear distortion head motion correction and registration to t1 and that is i7B6bwxO_Py-00210-00151832-00152152 the the gist of the minimum pre-process data for fMRI i7B6bwxO_Py-00211-00152560-00153016 now there are some additional for the tabulated data there's some additional resting i7B6bwxO_Py-00212-00153016-00153432 fMRI um you know things are done specifically i7B6bwxO_Py-00213-00153544-00154424 in addition so there's a net a removal of some initial volumes there's the data are filtered i7B6bwxO_Py-00214-00154480-00155000 regress stop there's signal regression with regard to motion mean white matter ventricles i7B6bwxO_Py-00215-00155000-00155832 whole brain data are centered for excessive motion at a pretty much displacement of 0.2 i7B6bwxO_Py-00216-00156064-00156752 and requiring at least five contiguous frames um the motion data are the motion values themselves i7B6bwxO_Py-00217-00156808-00157440 are filtered for respirate for respiratory signals and then there's also a a bandpass bandpass filter i7B6bwxO_Py-00218-00157520-00158240 the frame centering is based on the 2014 Power et al. paper and the motion filtering which i7B6bwxO_Py-00219-00158240-00158776 I'll describe a little bit more later is based on a recent paper that we have i7B6bwxO_Py-00220-00158776-00159408 published highlighting the signal artifacts from respirations in the motion estimates themselves i7B6bwxO_Py-00221-00159496-00160272 and then the data is resampled into voxel time series data and put into the surface mesh vertices i7B6bwxO_Py-00222-00160520-00160672 for examination i7B6bwxO_Py-00223-00161040-00161464 there are so for the tabulated data it's done based on seed-based i7B6bwxO_Py-00224-00161464-00161880 correlation analyses that the parcellation that's used for the resting state data is i7B6bwxO_Py-00225-00161880-00162240 based on the paper by Gordon et al. in Cerebral Cortex in 2014. i7B6bwxO_Py-00226-00162528-00162840 time series are averaged within the cortical and subcortical i7B6bwxO_Py-00227-00162840-00163552 within the cortical ROIs subcortical ROIs lead from free surfer pairwise correlation between ROIs i7B6bwxO_Py-00228-00163608-00164088 are then conducted to generate matrices there are some tabulated information i7B6bwxO_Py-00229-00164088-00164536 including the correlation within and between these predefined networks from that Gordon et al. paper i7B6bwxO_Py-00230-00164752-00165384 and there's correlation between each of those and subcortical ROI's as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00231-00165608-00165904 oh it's going backwards here i7B6bwxO_Py-00232-00166168-00167264 right so for the task fMRI so again there's just a few additional things I've talked about the tasks i7B6bwxO_Py-00233-00167264-00167464 themselves but we'll just talk a little bit about the i7B6bwxO_Py-00234-00167608-00168096 the processing so this is there's a few task-specific processing i7B6bwxO_Py-00235-00168296-00168720 items that will be important for everyone to know you can see what those are there i i7B6bwxO_Py-00236-00168720-00169400 don't need to repeat it and then there's two the task activations are are identified with the GLM i7B6bwxO_Py-00237-00169400-00170472 using AFNI's 3d_deconvolve and again you there are frames that are a greater than of FD of 0.9 i7B6bwxO_Py-00238-00170688-00171200 are centered from it from the model that's based on a paper by Siegel at all in human brain mapping i7B6bwxO_Py-00239-00171344-00171688 and you can see all the details of how the modeling is actually acquired here i7B6bwxO_Py-00240-00171792-00172456 um from there there's you know the GLM coefficients and the T-statistics are i7B6bwxO_Py-00241-00172456-00173416 sampled onto the cortical surface for analyses that can either be vertex wise or region-wise i7B6bwxO_Py-00242-00173728-00174176 and ROI analyses are done with the subcortical segmentations and anatomical parcellations i7B6bwxO_Py-00243-00174608-00175648 um there are a few performance you know um considerations the you know the folks i7B6bwxO_Py-00244-00175648-00176712 who have been excluded um due to behavior and MID it's about 6.3 percent and the the SST 11% i7B6bwxO_Py-00245-00176712-00177496 and N-back 15% why and improving on these numbers is is an ongoing effort within the consortium i7B6bwxO_Py-00246-00177856-00178664 there are several future um you know developments for pipeline development um where there's always i7B6bwxO_Py-00247-00178664-00179560 the continuing enhancement of processing and QC processing um better visualizations for QC i7B6bwxO_Py-00248-00179632-00180384 um some additional tweaks and updates the diffusion pre-processing is ongoing um i7B6bwxO_Py-00249-00180384-00180928 additional enhanced motion correction the next round will likely be moving to free surfer six i7B6bwxO_Py-00250-00181008-00181944 there are there is now a push to um for fast track data to be um for fast track data to be put into i7B6bwxO_Py-00251-00181944-00182680 bids format and some of the derived and and some of the derived data um for example from FreeSurfer i7B6bwxO_Py-00252-00182784-00183160 um and there's several other longitudinal metrics now that half of the i7B6bwxO_Py-00253-00183216-00184128 wave 2 data are now in the release 3.0 um and then some between scan uh correction um developments i7B6bwxO_Py-00254-00184336-00184992 all right and i'll talk in this last piece just talk quickly for the last approximately 15 minutes i7B6bwxO_Py-00255-00184992-00185696 about some other resources that are available for for the for folks interested in using this data i7B6bwxO_Py-00256-00185696-00186312 set one of them is called the abcd bids we call the ABCD bids community collection it's in the NDA i7B6bwxO_Py-00257-00186312-00187440 under collection 3165 okay so the ABCD uh ABCD data collection 3165, the ABCC analytic utilities i7B6bwxO_Py-00258-00187512-00187848 and the analytic utilities were designed for a few things one is i7B6bwxO_Py-00259-00187936-00188656 to supplement the current data sharing um that is currently going on in an accessible platform i7B6bwxO_Py-00260-00188728-00189552 for community sharing of derived data via um via this an NDA bids prepare and upload tool i7B6bwxO_Py-00261-00189608-00190184 um we'll assist investigators are conducting new analyses using software packages designed i7B6bwxO_Py-00262-00190184-00190808 for the collection and provide you know integrated data and analytic utilities for i7B6bwxO_Py-00263-00190808-00191440 to verify some some findings a couple of links if you want to learn more about this collection and i7B6bwxO_Py-00264-00191440-00192064 how it's used are are below and there's currently a publication that's being put together that will i7B6bwxO_Py-00265-00192136-00192768 uh hopefully shed some more details on its it what it is and and how you can be used i7B6bwxO_Py-00266-00193040-00193856 so the this community collection does allow for through some of the information on these i7B6bwxO_Py-00267-00193856-00194456 and the docs here does allowed for the community contributions and usage um that with standard i7B6bwxO_Py-00268-00194456-00194984 formatting and a governance structure for contributions the ie bids derivative structure i7B6bwxO_Py-00269-00195064-00195592 to make but it's and it does so through the NDA to maintain compliance with the NDAs important i7B6bwxO_Py-00270-00195592-00196344 data standards so any individually derived data from outside from folks outside the community or i7B6bwxO_Py-00271-00196344-00196936 from both outside the in um ABCD proper what will have to share that data through the NDA i7B6bwxO_Py-00272-00196936-00197280 and this is one resource that can help with that i7B6bwxO_Py-00273-00197280-00198368 distribution so it is built on the BIDS standard um and that there are several tools to assist i7B6bwxO_Py-00274-00198456-00199136 folks in the community that are downloading from the the the abcc can want to convert i7B6bwxO_Py-00275-00199136-00199928 their data to bids and for and for actual contribution so there's there's a an nda abcd i7B6bwxO_Py-00276-00199928-00200640 s3 downloader that allows for for users to pull down very specific bids derivatives files i7B6bwxO_Py-00277-00200712-00201392 from this collection including free surfer data connectivity matrices and things of that nature i7B6bwxO_Py-00278-00201496-00202200 there's a abcd die come to bids that is it's a it's a piece of code that allows for easy i7B6bwxO_Py-00279-00202200-00202984 conversions of DICOM to bids for data that is in um that is that is on fasttrack although i7B6bwxO_Py-00280-00203056-00203496 now we're working to move change fast track all the fast track that into bids compatible data i7B6bwxO_Py-00281-00203648-00204200 there's what's called a file mapper so it's a it's a program that allows users to i7B6bwxO_Py-00282-00204280-00205008 and actually convert their their standard outputs into bids uh formats or bits derivatives formats i7B6bwxO_Py-00283-00205008-00205616 um consisting with the the the rules of BIDS derivatives for upload uh and then i7B6bwxO_Py-00284-00205616-00206712 there's some code and that allows for easy easy upload of BIDS style data to the to the ABCC i7B6bwxO_Py-00285-00207096-00207800 there are several utilities that are in the the ABCC that are what go over here one is i7B6bwxO_Py-00286-00207800-00208336 an alternative pipeline called the ABCD BIDS pipeline it is a containerized software with i7B6bwxO_Py-00287-00208336-00209016 standard inputs in a minimalized minimalistic interface in docker it's based on the human i7B6bwxO_Py-00288-00209016-00209471 connectome based on the human connectome pipeline with some modifications to work i7B6bwxO_Py-00289-00209471-00210367 with abcd data and other types of data so in that case it's split into the processing is split into i7B6bwxO_Py-00290-00210488-00211000 um these six these six different bins so there's pre-free surfer which includes i7B6bwxO_Py-00291-00211080-00211760 um takes bids inputs does a lot registrations and things of that nature the FreeSurfer the i7B6bwxO_Py-00292-00211760-00212232 FreeSurfer section FreeSurfer section my post FreeSurfer section which begins to generate i7B6bwxO_Py-00293-00212296-00212696 outputs in CIFtI format which is consistent with the human connectome i7B6bwxO_Py-00294-00212840-00213440 project there's a fmri volume which does a lot of the similar types of volume um i7B6bwxO_Py-00295-00213504-00214240 pre-processing of fmri data that was that we i we had talked about earlier and then the data are i7B6bwxO_Py-00296-00214240-00214864 they go through they go through a what's called fmri surface where all the data are pushed into i7B6bwxO_Py-00297-00214864-00215336 standardized format and CIFTI formats with cortical and subcortical structures i7B6bwxO_Py-00298-00215448-00216376 uh for for all of the all the all the bold data as well and then last is a is a pre-processing i7B6bwxO_Py-00299-00216376-00217136 uh functional connectivity pre-process specific pre-processing module that does the many of the i7B6bwxO_Py-00300-00217136-00217680 same pre-processing steps that we talked about earlier but using the CIFTI and HCP style formats i7B6bwxO_Py-00301-00218023-00218271 the again the the pipelines are are i7B6bwxO_Py-00302-00218336-00218976 very minimalistic they run as a as a bids app so they run via docker with i7B6bwxO_Py-00303-00219144-00220088 very limited requirement for inputs but several options that can be can be added as well there i7B6bwxO_Py-00304-00220088-00220736 are several features or differences with these pipelines relative to the human connectome project i7B6bwxO_Py-00305-00220832-00221448 um it well first it will detect any modality configuration so however the different types of i7B6bwxO_Py-00306-00221448-00222064 data were collected there are some modifications in pre- and post-FreeSurfer to improve performance i7B6bwxO_Py-00307-00222064-00222688 and for registration segmentation and other you know other aspects of the data i7B6bwxO_Py-00308-00222776-00223256 there's a there's some options to use study specific templates for improved i7B6bwxO_Py-00309-00223312-00223823 masking and non-linear registration and for populations with aging populations with large i7B6bwxO_Py-00310-00223823-00224528 ventricles and in other deformations it's it's helpful for for those types of circumstances i7B6bwxO_Py-00311-00224600-00225167 we added this functional connectivity pre-processing module and included some some i7B6bwxO_Py-00312-00225304-00226104 functionality to reduce the respiratory artifacts via this filter I'll talk about in a second and i7B6bwxO_Py-00313-00226104-00226984 then a quality control image module for easy easy viewing and examining of your post process data i7B6bwxO_Py-00314-00227040-00227848 the the pipelines work with abcd data work with legacy in non-ABCD data acquisitions works with i7B6bwxO_Py-00315-00227848-00228832 specialized populations like i said earlier as well this is an example of two two things one i7B6bwxO_Py-00316-00228832-00229304 is the types of outputs you can expect to kind of look at the quality of your data these are i7B6bwxO_Py-00317-00229360-00229832 called gray plots and they allow you to take one big snapshot of all your i7B6bwxO_Py-00318-00229832-00230519 bold data where you can identify very specific artifacts in your data typically related to motion i7B6bwxO_Py-00319-00230648-00231112 the bottom trace there is the frame displacement trace that's looking at the motion this this is i7B6bwxO_Py-00320-00231112-00231712 of a given subject um and what you can see here is that the motion looks quite high for this subject i7B6bwxO_Py-00321-00231712-00232448 a lot of that it turns out it's likely due to resp respiration artifacts where you have b0 b0 changes i7B6bwxO_Py-00322-00232448-00233104 to the moving of the chest wall that is not real movement it's going to be seen by the red arrows i7B6bwxO_Py-00323-00233167-00233871 there that would typically be removed if you're with standard standard cutoffs but filtering i7B6bwxO_Py-00324-00233871-00234584 out that that respiratory artifact um allows the data to align more closely to real motion i7B6bwxO_Py-00325-00234584-00235288 artifacts which are which we can see clearly with the with the black arrows so these kind of images i7B6bwxO_Py-00326-00235288-00235728 with and without the filter are all provided so so you can see the quality of your data i7B6bwxO_Py-00327-00235936-00236376 now there are some a bunch of other in the what we call the executive summary a bunch of other i7B6bwxO_Py-00328-00236512-00237152 measurements that are available to look at the quality of your data including a mosaic of your i7B6bwxO_Py-00329-00237152-00237592 image with the FreeSurfer reconstructions on them to make sure your FreeSurfer i7B6bwxO_Py-00330-00237592-00238344 reconstructions were a work of high quality and some other things to set your eyeballs on like i7B6bwxO_Py-00331-00238423-00239016 for the registration of the T1-T2 for the BOLD the quality of your target image for registration i7B6bwxO_Py-00332-00239016-00239584 and things of that nature as well as the grey plots for all the different types of images i7B6bwxO_Py-00333-00239840-00240656 all right so there are a few additions that are that are being worked on for the for the current i7B6bwxO_Py-00334-00240656-00241400 year and then also into 2021 the the pipelines should be compatible with fMRIPrep which should be i7B6bwxO_Py-00335-00241400-00242240 available this winter uh in all as well as QSIPrep a an effort out of the Satterthwaite lab i7B6bwxO_Py-00336-00242240-00242864 at Pennsylvania um and there's also a task module update so the task data isn't currently available i7B6bwxO_Py-00337-00242864-00243784 but it should be relatively soon and that's work out of Hugh Garavan's lab in in Vermont i7B6bwxO_Py-00338-00243912-00244848 now one of the things that i wanted to be sure to note on this talk was related to you know some i7B6bwxO_Py-00339-00244848-00245384 considerations of how to utilize the data and all the all the things that we've what we've seen here i7B6bwxO_Py-00340-00245456-00245856 and so what's been in the i would say in the news recently with regard to i7B6bwxO_Py-00341-00245912-00246600 imaging data is relates to our often reproducibility failures there's a i7B6bwxO_Py-00342-00246600-00247056 very popular paper that describes how it describes how that can be from i7B6bwxO_Py-00343-00247144-00247696 just different ways that people analyze data and there's another paper that's recently that's been i7B6bwxO_Py-00344-00247696-00248319 that's under review that's recently come out that's highlighted how because that how this i7B6bwxO_Py-00345-00248319-00248712 can this can occur and simply because of sample what's called sampling variability i7B6bwxO_Py-00346-00248944-00250000 okay and in this in this work um what what this what Scott Marek had done was examine the i7B6bwxO_Py-00347-00250128-00250712 you know the correlations of all different types of measures of our you know of the that of i7B6bwxO_Py-00348-00250712-00251256 cognitive ability psychopathology etc with both measurements of cortical thickness and resting i7B6bwxO_Py-00349-00251256-00251760 state functional activity and the gist is that is if you do this across a large large sample i7B6bwxO_Py-00350-00251760-00252567 like ABCD the largest univariate effect science that you you actually obtain is about 0.16 okay i7B6bwxO_Py-00351-00252640-00253128 if you look at the top one percent of the top one percent of connections or i7B6bwxO_Py-00352-00253128-00253400 relationships of in this case with cortical thickness it's about i7B6bwxO_Py-00353-00253552-00254048 with a median of 0.01 in other words that the the effect sizes that we're looking at with brain i7B6bwxO_Py-00354-00254048-00254623 imaging data when you're doing brain behavior correlations is very very very small and will i7B6bwxO_Py-00355-00254623-00255423 require large large sample sizes so one of the things that is also available via this ABCD bids i7B6bwxO_Py-00356-00255423-00256048 community collection is what we're calling arms or the ABCD ABCD reproducible matched samples i7B6bwxO_Py-00357-00256160-00256688 the idea here is that if we can match the samples across many many measures in this case lots of i7B6bwxO_Py-00358-00256688-00257664 demographic demographics age gender handedness a lot of race characteristics we match them very i7B6bwxO_Py-00359-00257664-00258271 strongly then we have two nearly identical samples in this case of well over 5000 participants i7B6bwxO_Py-00360-00258376-00258888 that can be utilized to replicate a given finding from one sample to i7B6bwxO_Py-00361-00258888-00259264 another and use in other ways as well i'll give you i'll give you a few examples here i7B6bwxO_Py-00362-00259264-00259728 some of this data is now this these samples and and how they're put together to get i7B6bwxO_Py-00363-00259728-00260264 matched also matched on family structure and tuned status and things of that nature as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00364-00260264-00260992 but these these match samples are also available via the ABCC for folks to utilize to you know i7B6bwxO_Py-00365-00260992-00261608 identify if a given finding is reproducible which those prior papers show are is a really really i7B6bwxO_Py-00366-00261608-00262192 important consideration particularly if we're subgrouping or looking at um outcomes in the i7B6bwxO_Py-00367-00262192-00262848 ABCD sample that don't have don't aren't quite to uh don't have quite a very large sample yet i7B6bwxO_Py-00368-00263264-00263616 all right there's a few additional um resources utilities so i7B6bwxO_Py-00369-00263712-00264128 the gist is that so these these types of brain white association studies that are described in i7B6bwxO_Py-00370-00264128-00264816 those prior patients prior papers often take must take into account covariates that impact and now i7B6bwxO_Py-00371-00264816-00265880 various types of analyses of interest right now the abcd study contains several um covariates that i7B6bwxO_Py-00372-00265880-00266640 are normally independent but in this case are are nested you know so for example from the 21 sites i7B6bwxO_Py-00373-00266640-00267320 um you have mri data's acquired across three different um different platforms as a result i7B6bwxO_Py-00374-00267320-00267864 you know the site and platform effects are likely to impact the measured data but because not all i7B6bwxO_Py-00375-00267864-00268208 dependent measures are overlapping that in other words not every site has a different i7B6bwxO_Py-00376-00268208-00268784 scanner platform that the covariance structure of the data is actually nested so typically this kind i7B6bwxO_Py-00377-00268784-00269664 of nested covariance can be dealt with with linear mix models but because imaging data sets are huge i7B6bwxO_Py-00378-00269664-00270224 and have tens of thousands of data elements per imaging data set the size and complexity requires i7B6bwxO_Py-00379-00270280-00270904 these really computational intensive analyses to do the do the analytics correct and do the i7B6bwxO_Py-00380-00270904-00271384 analytics correctly um sometimes over a billion data points and so adjusting i7B6bwxO_Py-00381-00271384-00271928 for these um statistical significance in this scenario it can be very difficult particularly i7B6bwxO_Py-00382-00271928-00272472 when you're using things like permutation testing um and things like that with all the different i7B6bwxO_Py-00383-00272472-00272944 types of covariates and nested variables the estimates become less reliable okay so i7B6bwxO_Py-00384-00273040-00273736 the what what we've been what we've done and is beginning to it has now been implemented is i7B6bwxO_Py-00385-00273736-00274464 using this marginal model approach um that is it's a software package for testing brain behavior i7B6bwxO_Py-00386-00274464-00274968 associations in large studies like ABCD using a sandwich you know that's called i7B6bwxO_Py-00387-00274968-00275368 using a sandwich estimator so it's called the sandwich estimator for neuroimaging data or SEND i7B6bwxO_Py-00388-00275672-00276312 now the the sandwich estimator is relatively straightforward you in essence construct a i7B6bwxO_Py-00389-00276312-00277072 marginal model you you you know to look across all of your matrices or your vertices and surface or i7B6bwxO_Py-00390-00277072-00277776 volume using CIFTI or volume voxel-wise data you you if you have network information you i7B6bwxO_Py-00391-00277776-00278544 also also can test for enrichment to see if a given network is is is has a um a significant i7B6bwxO_Py-00392-00278544-00279088 relationship to whatever outcome you're looking at and then there's a permutation angle where you i7B6bwxO_Py-00393-00279088-00279536 try to develop a null model now instead of using permutation testing you're using wild bootstrap i7B6bwxO_Py-00394-00279536-00280408 and it's done on the residuals but in essence it's a way to do um to do um strict significance i7B6bwxO_Py-00395-00280408-00281048 testing using a null model generated from your own data and again enrichment can be done there but i7B6bwxO_Py-00396-00281048-00281432 the point here is that with this marginal model you can do similar types of analyses that you i7B6bwxO_Py-00397-00281432-00281912 would do with traditional mixed models but the ability to do it on these large data sets like i7B6bwxO_Py-00398-00281912-00282512 ABCD becomes much more feasible and because the computations need to do it are are much less i7B6bwxO_Py-00399-00282512-00283120 the performance is much higher so that's also available on this for folks to be able to use i7B6bwxO_Py-00400-00283320-00283912 now there's some other important sample characteristics for folks to to know so motion i7B6bwxO_Py-00401-00283912-00284384 motion motion motion is a big problem in all of our data particularly these developmental samples i7B6bwxO_Py-00402-00284496-00285224 here we're just showing how the how motion it can be affected by how it motion affects i7B6bwxO_Py-00403-00285224-00286176 the site there's small race effects that there's the pcs these are these are the components from a i7B6bwxO_Py-00404-00286176-00286792 paper by Wes Thompson looking at general ability executive functions things of that nature i7B6bwxO_Py-00405-00286984-00287632 parent education gender ethnicity age all these things affect motion so it's really important that i7B6bwxO_Py-00406-00287712-00288024 you're we're thinking about this and running any type of analyses i7B6bwxO_Py-00407-00288312-00288816 because there's lots of motion that also means that the samples once you're correcting for for i7B6bwxO_Py-00408-00288872-00289448 motion artifacts particularly in the in the bold data um get reduced quite a bit so this is just an i7B6bwxO_Py-00409-00289448-00289888 example of those two different matched ABCD data sets on the left here group one and group two i7B6bwxO_Py-00410-00289944-00290320 um that after a conservative motion correction we're i7B6bwxO_Py-00411-00290320-00290880 um we have a reduction of quite a bit of reduction of current data available i7B6bwxO_Py-00412-00291136-00291544 recovering some of that data is an ongoing effort in the consortium i7B6bwxO_Py-00413-00291792-00292248 the good news is that if you examine the data across these two different i7B6bwxO_Py-00414-00292248-00292864 split data sets these ARMS data sets you see lots of you see high reliability so on the i7B6bwxO_Py-00415-00292864-00293688 on the left is just an a is is examining just the average correlation matrix between um all i7B6bwxO_Py-00416-00293688-00294392 this participants in ABCD1 versus ABCD2 and you can obtain nearly identical point estimates that i7B6bwxO_Py-00417-00294392-00295000 same thing can be examined on the left for the cortical thickness um and the variance that you'd i7B6bwxO_Py-00418-00295000-00295584 expect across the different samples so the data is quite strong and and quite reliable at this level i7B6bwxO_Py-00419-00295888-00296432 but again there are some things you you know that we really do have to consider so this is just i7B6bwxO_Py-00420-00296432-00297024 one example of something to think about for the group so this is looking at the the relationship i7B6bwxO_Py-00421-00297024-00297592 of every connection in the brain with functional connectivity as a function of a general ability i7B6bwxO_Py-00422-00297592-00298128 um from the from the data and to see how well that can reliably be estimated across the two different i7B6bwxO_Py-00423-00298128-00298840 data sets on the top you have from abcd1 and a and abcd2 and b and the difference is in c and i7B6bwxO_Py-00424-00298840-00299832 there's some general generally strong reliability um up to an an r of point r-squared of 0.6 0.67 i7B6bwxO_Py-00425-00299832-00300336 but as you can see in d and e where we're looking at the left at least 10 minutes of good data and i7B6bwxO_Py-00426-00300336-00300928 the right um five minutes of good data that you need you need thousands of subjects to be able i7B6bwxO_Py-00427-00300928-00301536 to reach that level of that level of reliability the dotted line there is about 80 is 80 percent of i7B6bwxO_Py-00428-00301536-00302272 the peak and what that's what that's telling you is that um with uh to reach 80 percent of that i7B6bwxO_Py-00429-00302272-00302680 reach 80 percent of that peak if you if for subjects that only have five minutes of good data i7B6bwxO_Py-00430-00302760-00303544 you need almost you need to um you need about 500 or more on participants which is i7B6bwxO_Py-00431-00303544-00304096 which is a big deal largely because the data are likely to be a little bit more noisy so lots of i7B6bwxO_Py-00432-00304096-00304616 considerations things to think about when we're trying to um generate new analyses with these data i7B6bwxO_Py-00433-00304904-00305408 now the the other consideration is the reliability of the measures you're measuring your brain i7B6bwxO_Py-00434-00305408-00305984 imaging measure against so on the top is just a repeat of the of the of what i the general i7B6bwxO_Py-00435-00305984-00306592 ability the measurement i just showed you on top on in the previous slide in c and d and e and f i7B6bwxO_Py-00436-00306672-00307016 c d is looking at that same thing with executive function and enough i7B6bwxO_Py-00437-00307016-00307280 looking at that same thing with with regards to learning ability i7B6bwxO_Py-00438-00307344-00307984 and here what you can see is that the ability to reach significant reliability is is is much weaker i7B6bwxO_Py-00439-00307984-00308384 this is likely because the reliability of the outcome measure in this case executive function i7B6bwxO_Py-00440-00308384-00309056 and learning ability is weaker as well so um again we're dealing with relatively small effect sizes i7B6bwxO_Py-00441-00309056-00309584 it's going to require large data it's going to require large data sets to get reliable results i7B6bwxO_Py-00442-00309912-00310408 in the the gist here is despite all of the efforts you know to maximize our signal i7B6bwxO_Py-00443-00310592-00311104 due to remaining noise and sampling variability in in the population our i7B6bwxO_Py-00444-00311104-00311632 studies in abcd are going to require these very big sample sizes and and group membership i7B6bwxO_Py-00445-00311776-00312248 so i'm going to end there hopefully we you were able to learn a little bit about the imaging i7B6bwxO_Py-00446-00312248-00313032 protocol and the sequences how quality control has been doing has been being done on the fmri tasks i7B6bwxO_Py-00447-00313032-00313784 the minimally processed pipelines in this in this new uh ab abcc collection collection 3165. i7B6bwxO_Py-00448-00313944-00314704 now there are places to get help um abcd issues is a is your friend for and you need i7B6bwxO_Py-00449-00314704-00315040 some you have questions on a lot of the stuff that i talked about today i7B6bwxO_Py-00450-00315144-00315616 there's also a daic release email list which can be seen below i7B6bwxO_Py-00451-00315952-00316504 and then the last of course is that the nda there is they are enormously good and responsive i7B6bwxO_Py-00452-00316568-00317176 at getting back to folks when questions are are required about abc abcd or other i7B6bwxO_Py-00453-00317176-00317984 nda related issues so um again their enormous resource and their information is there as well i7B6bwxO_Py-00454-00318192-00318472 alright that's it thank you very much for your time i7B6bwxO_Py-00455-00318680-00318984 bye now