d17JTJY8yGo-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscribe to my YouTube channel đŸŒ· d4m2J9-lYRE-00000-00004010-00004200 What’s that sound? d4m2J9-lYRE-00001-00006300-00006700 Humming sound? d4m2J9-lYRE-00002-00010814-00011000 Grandma(spirit) d4m2J9-lYRE-00003-00011200-00011400 Grandma(spirit) d4m2J9-lYRE-00004-00011500-00011800 Do you remember me? I was here a month ago.. d4m2J9-lYRE-00005-00012017-00012300 Anyone there? d4m2J9-lYRE-00006-00013200-00013400 Still remember micol? d4m2J9-lYRE-00007-00013910-00014100 What the hell.. d4m2J9-lYRE-00008-00014816-00015100 Where are you? d4m2J9-lYRE-00009-00015100-00015300 Grandma d4m2J9-lYRE-00010-00015900-00016100 Where are you? d4m2J9-lYRE-00011-00018325-00018700 It’s sure... still remember micol! d4m2J9-lYRE-00012-00021416-00021800 Spirit remember micol, so maybe today can talk with spirit! d4m2J9-lYRE-00013-00022517-00022700 Hello, who’s there? d4m2J9-lYRE-00014-00023021-00023500 Something was disappered! d4m2J9-lYRE-00015-00024300-00024600 Only stair... think already went to upper floor. d4m2J9-lYRE-00016-00026113-00026300 Grandma, are you here? d4m2J9-lYRE-00017-00028000-00028300 Does anyone heard that sound? d4m2J9-lYRE-00018-00028600-00028800 Is that from outside? d4m2J9-lYRE-00019-00029000-00029200 I heard something definitely.. d4m2J9-lYRE-00020-00031216-00031500 Something like red... is that blood? d4m2J9-lYRE-00021-00037721-00038000 there?.. was that ‘hanbok’ spirit? d4m2J9-lYRE-00022-00040621-00041212 Red fluid.. was flowed! d4m2J9-lYRE-00023-00041212-00041600 Micol’s behaviour, keep your eyes on here, guys. d4m2J9-lYRE-00024-00042120-00042300 Grandma, it’s been a while.. d4m2J9-lYRE-00025-00042424-00042700 I won’t come here again. d4m2J9-lYRE-00026-00042904-00043100 stop now. d4m2J9-lYRE-00027-00045400-00045600 Let’s go again. d4m2J9-lYRE-00028-00050018-00050400 Want me to bring micol?! d4m2J9-lYRE-00029-00053416-00053686 Grandma wait, i’ll give you cigarette. d4m2J9-lYRE-00030-00053700-00054000 I think it will gonna say something to me. d4m2J9-lYRE-00031-00057823-00058100 Do you have something to tell me? d4m2J9-lYRE-00032-00059800-00060000 What you just say? d4m2J9-lYRE-00033-00061700-00062300 It didn’t hear well, but most people heard ‘i won’t say nothing’. d4m2J9-lYRE-00034-00063100-00063313 Guys, did you guys heard it? d4m2J9-lYRE-00035-00063314-00063700 I won’t say. d4m2J9-lYRE-00036-00064100-00064500 Grandma, are you there? d4m2J9-lYRE-00037-00064800-00065200 Spirit left this place maybe. d4m2J9-lYRE-00038-00066613-00067122 Micol look around where he stayed... d4m2J9-lYRE-00039-00067800-00068200 But it’s clean? d4m2J9-lYRE-00040-00069220-00069600 I think this place is right.. d4m2J9-lYRE-00041-00072619-00072800 micol went to first place he visit, d4m2J9-lYRE-00042-00073523-00073800 Suddenly changed mood of haunted house! d4m2J9-lYRE-00043-00074010-00074400 But micol knew some fact after this situation, d4m2J9-lYRE-00044-00074500-00075000 He was touched blood stain, d4m2J9-lYRE-00045-00075212-00075600 But that stain was gone now, what was happened?! d5KxEOpllV0-00000-00000382-00000702 We are going to look for kangaroos, rented a bus d5KxEOpllV0-00001-00003592-00003854 -Peter, do u see kangaroos? d5KxEOpllV0-00002-00003854-00003988 -not yet d5KxEOpllV0-00003-00004052-00004252 I think they can be in the ocean... d5KxEOpllV0-00004-00004420-00004620 Will look for them in the ocean d5KxEOpllV0-00005-00005304-00005504 Suburbs of Sydney d5KxEOpllV0-00006-00005836-00006036 There are no kangaroos here... d5KxEOpllV0-00007-00007948-00008148 These trees look like fir-trees d5KxEOpllV0-00008-00008636-00008836 Kangaroos must be on that side d5KxEOpllV0-00009-00015119-00015319 -Why is it so small? d5KxEOpllV0-00010-00015547-00015747 -A small home kangaroo d5KxEOpllV0-00011-00015747-00015919 -It`s not home, it`s wild d5KxEOpllV0-00012-00018904-00019104 Why is it so huge??? d5KxEOpllV0-00013-00019444-00019644 I do not want to come to it... d5KxEOpllV0-00014-00020040-00020240 I am here to see kangaroos d5KxEOpllV0-00015-00020344-00020544 -Although goanna is cool as well d5KxEOpllV0-00016-00020544-00020684 -We can go home now d5KxEOpllV0-00017-00023716-00023916 First contact between Vlad and a Kangaroo d5KxEOpllV0-00018-00024828-00025028 It does not like u, HAHAHAHA d5KxEOpllV0-00019-00025336-00025536 We are going to aboriginal art d5KxEOpllV0-00020-00026280-00026480 Following the routes of ancient aborigins d5KxEOpllV0-00021-00026839-00027039 Looks like volcanic rock d5KxEOpllV0-00022-00031504-00032012 It`s written here that aboriginal culture in Australia is one of the oldest in the world d5KxEOpllV0-00023-00032152-00032748 And these ingravings could be more than 1000 years old... d5KxEOpllV0-00024-00035052-00035344 Everything is digged up d5KxEOpllV0-00025-00036944-00037324 This red hand is 2000 years old... d5KxEOpllV0-00026-00039436-00039636 Came to a lookout d5KxEOpllV0-00027-00040052-00040252 There is a lighthouse d5KxEOpllV0-00028-00040252-00040404 Palm beach d5KxEOpllV0-00029-00040408-00040608 We came from there in the morning d5KxEOpllV0-00030-00042720-00043200 Came out of the rainforest to such a beautiful beach d5KxEOpllV0-00031-00043312-00043748 Now I am going to swim durN10Z_TB4-00000-00000264-00000364 Hi. durN10Z_TB4-00001-00000364-00000464 I'm Chris Potts. durN10Z_TB4-00002-00000464-00000957 This video is part of our unit on building effective distributed word representations. durN10Z_TB4-00003-00000957-00001610 The focus of this lecture is on achieving unsupervised word sense disambiguation. durN10Z_TB4-00004-00001610-00001927 Let's start by identifying the challenge posed by word-sense ambiguities durN10Z_TB4-00005-00001927-00002329 for vector space models of meaning of the sort we've been developing. durN10Z_TB4-00006-00002329-00002688 Here's a small, slightly awkward corpus containing six documents, durN10Z_TB4-00007-00002688-00002978 each one with a slightly awkward sentence. durN10Z_TB4-00008-00002978-00003436 The conceit of this example is that documents 1, 2, and 3 involve the word 'crane' in the durN10Z_TB4-00009-00003436-00003652 sense of a large bird, durN10Z_TB4-00010-00003652-00004136 whereas documents 4, 5, and 6 involve the word 'crane' in the sense of a large piece durN10Z_TB4-00011-00004136-00004525 of industrial equipment. durN10Z_TB4-00012-00004525-00004923 The challenge comes when we apply our usual methods for converting corpora like this into durN10Z_TB4-00013-00004923-00005205 matrices of token counts. durN10Z_TB4-00014-00005205-00005355 Here's the resulting matrix. durN10Z_TB4-00015-00005355-00005840 And it looks like we've completely destroyed the word-sense ambiguity that we just identified durN10Z_TB4-00016-00005840-00005940 for 'crane' durN10Z_TB4-00017-00005940-00006680 by collapsing all of its tokens down into a single vector. durN10Z_TB4-00018-00006680-00006840 But all is not lost. durN10Z_TB4-00019-00006840-00007259 There's a simple method we can use for recovering the word-sense ambiguity using unsupervised durN10Z_TB4-00020-00007259-00007392 methods. durN10Z_TB4-00021-00007392-00007542 Let's begin with the word of interest. durN10Z_TB4-00022-00007542-00007662 It's 'crane'. durN10Z_TB4-00023-00007662-00007969 It occurs in six documents in our corpus. durN10Z_TB4-00024-00007969-00008492 We can cluster those documents by their column vectors using some clustering algorithm or durN10Z_TB4-00025-00008492-00008592 other. durN10Z_TB4-00026-00008592-00008922 And let's suppose that things are working well, durN10Z_TB4-00027-00008922-00009320 in the sense that having applied the clustering algorithm to those six documents, durN10Z_TB4-00028-00009320-00009440 we end up with two clusters, durN10Z_TB4-00029-00009440-00009722 the first containing documents 1, 2, and 3, durN10Z_TB4-00030-00009722-00010047 and the second containing documents 4, 5, and 6. durN10Z_TB4-00031-00010047-00010531 That corresponds directly to the ambiguity that we observed in the underlying corpus. durN10Z_TB4-00032-00010531-00010948 For convenience, let's give these clusters indices or names. durN10Z_TB4-00033-00010948-00011334 And then we can start to build the vocabulary for our new vector space by splitting 'crane' durN10Z_TB4-00034-00011334-00011525 into two types, durN10Z_TB4-00035-00011525-00011926 'crane0' and 'crane1', durN10Z_TB4-00036-00011926-00013107 and splitting its original vector into two based on the clustering that we just created. durN10Z_TB4-00037-00013107-00013351 This process continues for the entire vocabulary. durN10Z_TB4-00038-00013351-00013559 So let's move to the word 'bird'. durN10Z_TB4-00039-00013559-00013731 It occurs in three documents. durN10Z_TB4-00040-00013731-00014162 Again, we cluster those documents according to our clustering algorithm. durN10Z_TB4-00041-00014162-00014545 And let's suppose, for the sake of the example, durN10Z_TB4-00042-00014545-00014926 that the clustering algorithm puts document 1 alone in a cluster, durN10Z_TB4-00043-00014926-00015162 and documents 2 and 3 in a separate cluster. durN10Z_TB4-00044-00015162-00015547 Again, we give those clusters indices to keep track of them, durN10Z_TB4-00045-00015547-00016923 and then we expand the vocabulary according to the two senses that we just created. durN10Z_TB4-00046-00016923-00017506 And this process continues, for each word in the original matrix. durN10Z_TB4-00047-00017506-00018306 So we continue to expand our vector space. durN10Z_TB4-00048-00018306-00018501 The result is a larger vector space. durN10Z_TB4-00049-00018501-00018851 And if all is well, the new space will encode the word-sense ambiguities durN10Z_TB4-00050-00018851-00019546 that are attested in the original, underlying corpus. durN10Z_TB4-00051-00019546-00019945 The method I just described is implemented in the codelab associated with this unit. durN10Z_TB4-00052-00019945-00020398 The implementation uses a clustering algorithm called Affinity Propagation, durN10Z_TB4-00053-00020398-00020554 which is a nice algorithm to use here durN10Z_TB4-00054-00020554-00021184 because it doesn't presuppose that all words determine the same number of clusters. durN10Z_TB4-00055-00021184-00021396 Applying the method results in this larger matrix. durN10Z_TB4-00056-00021396-00021859 And, at least with respect to the target word 'crane', things look great. durN10Z_TB4-00057-00021859-00022084 The algorithm created two senses for it, durN10Z_TB4-00058-00022084-00022559 and those senses seem to correspond to the original division that we saw in the underlying durN10Z_TB4-00059-00022559-00022809 corpus texts. durN10Z_TB4-00060-00022809-00023129 The algorithm also created ambiguities for the rest of the vocabulary. durN10Z_TB4-00061-00023129-00023540 So, it said that 'bird', 'fly', 'equipment', and 'hoist' each have two senses, durN10Z_TB4-00062-00023540-00023759 and 'tall' has three senses. durN10Z_TB4-00063-00023759-00023901 This might be a cause for concern, durN10Z_TB4-00064-00023901-00024148 but let's set that aside for now. durN10Z_TB4-00065-00024148-00024795 Here, in this new table, I've focused on the first sense of 'crane', 'crane0', durN10Z_TB4-00066-00024795-00025344 and I've ordered the entire vocabulary based on its distance from 'crane0'. durN10Z_TB4-00067-00025344-00025726 So the closest item is one sense of the word 'bird', durN10Z_TB4-00068-00025726-00026081 The next closest cluster includes the other sense of 'bird', durN10Z_TB4-00069-00026081-00026249 both senses of 'fly', durN10Z_TB4-00070-00026249-00026533 and one of the senses of 'tall'. durN10Z_TB4-00071-00026533-00026974 And then, finally, equally and maximally far apart in the vector space, durN10Z_TB4-00072-00026974-00027269 are all these words that seem to be associated with equipment, durN10Z_TB4-00073-00027269-00027514 plus the other two senses of 'tall'. durN10Z_TB4-00074-00027514-00028033 So this seems clearly to be a 'bird' sense of the word 'crane'. durN10Z_TB4-00075-00028033-00028355 Here's the other sense we created, 'crane1'. durN10Z_TB4-00076-00028355-00028719 Its nearest neighbor is one sense of the word 'equipment'. durN10Z_TB4-00077-00028719-00029030 The next group contains the other sense of the word 'equipment', durN10Z_TB4-00078-00029030-00029241 both senses of the word 'hoist', durN10Z_TB4-00079-00029241-00029437 and two senses for the word 'tall'. durN10Z_TB4-00080-00029437-00029889 And then, again, equally and maximally far apart in the vector space durN10Z_TB4-00081-00029889-00030368 are all these words that seem to have something to do with birds. durN10Z_TB4-00082-00030368-00030643 So it looks like the method captured the target ambiguity durN10Z_TB4-00083-00030643-00031144 and also made, in some sense, a distinction between what it means to be tall for a bird durN10Z_TB4-00084-00031144-00031841 and what it means to be tall for a piece of industrial equipment. durN10Z_TB4-00085-00031841-00032073 By way of wrapping up, just a few remarks. durN10Z_TB4-00086-00032073-00032427 First, there are two obvious areas for improvement. durN10Z_TB4-00087-00032427-00032652 The most important is the clustering algorithm. durN10Z_TB4-00088-00032652-00033194 It is the primary mechanism by which we identify word-sense ambiguities on this method, durN10Z_TB4-00089-00033194-00033537 so improvements here could have a large impact on outcomes. durN10Z_TB4-00090-00033537-00034021 Second, the method seems to likely to create ambiguities where there are none. durN10Z_TB4-00091-00034021-00034390 However, we might hope that these words are sufficiently close together in the resulting durN10Z_TB4-00092-00034390-00034490 space durN10Z_TB4-00093-00034490-00034888 that we can collapse them back together via a simple threshold or the like. durN10Z_TB4-00094-00034888-00035249 This would take the pressure off of the clustering algorithm to find exactly the right number durN10Z_TB4-00095-00035249-00035461 of clusters. durN10Z_TB4-00096-00035461-00035871 I also want to mention some inspiring literature. durN10Z_TB4-00097-00035871-00036315 This paper by Schuetze is a classic for using unsupervised methods to identify and characterize durN10Z_TB4-00098-00036315-00036469 word sense ambiguities. durN10Z_TB4-00099-00036469-00036886 It provides the guiding intuitions for the method I described here. durN10Z_TB4-00100-00036886-00037091 Reisinger and Mooney developed the method. durN10Z_TB4-00101-00037091-00037406 Their paper is worth studying because their version of the method is more powerful durN10Z_TB4-00102-00037406-00037780 than the simplified one I presented. durN10Z_TB4-00103-00037780-00038182 And Huang, Socher, Manning, and Ng apply Reisinger and Mooney's method in the context of neural durN10Z_TB4-00104-00038182-00038333 word representations, durN10Z_TB4-00105-00038333-00038493 which we'll study later in this unit. dC8oSPL_skM-00000-00000614-00000840 DJ-R1 dC8oSPL_skM-00001-00000861-00001062 Come a little closer ‘cause you looking thirsty dC8oSPL_skM-00002-00001062-00001242 I’ma make it better, sip it like a Slurpee dC8oSPL_skM-00003-00001242-00001686 Snow cone chilly, get it free like Willy (Oh) In the jeans like Billie, you be poppin’ like a wheelie dC8oSPL_skM-00004-00001689-00002102 Even in the sun, you know I keep it icy You could take a lick, but it’s too cold to bite me (Haha) dC8oSPL_skM-00005-00002104-00002498 Brr, brr, frozen, you’re the one been chosen Play the part like Moses, keep it fresh like roses (Oh) dC8oSPL_skM-00006-00002498-00002936 Look so good, yeah, look so sweet (hey) Lookin’ good, enough to eat dC8oSPL_skM-00007-00002936-00003320 Coldest with this kiss, so he call me ice cream Catch me in the fridge, right where the ice be dC8oSPL_skM-00008-00003320-00003740 Look so good, yeah, look so sweet (hey) Baby, you deserve a treat dC8oSPL_skM-00009-00003740-00004190 Diamonds on my wrist, so he can call me ice cream You could double-dip ‘cause I know you like me dC8oSPL_skM-00010-00004190-00004602 Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream chillin’ Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream chillin’ dC8oSPL_skM-00011-00004622-00005014 I know that my heart can be so cold But I’m sweet for you, can put me on a cone dC8oSPL_skM-00012-00005032-00005424 You’re the only touch, yeah, they get me melting He’s my favorite flavor, always gonna pick him dC8oSPL_skM-00013-00005436-00005872 You’re the cherry piece, just stay on top of me, so I can’t see nobody else for me, no, get it, flip it, scoop it dC8oSPL_skM-00014-00005888-00006290 Do it like that, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, like it, live it, lick it Do it like la, la, la, oh, yeah dC8oSPL_skM-00015-00006306-00006681 Look so good, yeah, look so sweet Lookin’ good enough to eat dC8oSPL_skM-00016-00006700-00007094 Coldest with this kiss, so he call me ice cream Catch me in the fridge, right where the ice be dC8oSPL_skM-00017-00007106-00007509 Look so good, yeah, look so sweet Baby, you deserve a treat dC8oSPL_skM-00018-00007522-00007934 Diamonds on my wrist, so he can call me ice cream You could double-dip ‘cause I know you like me dC8oSPL_skM-00019-00007948-00008394 Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream chillin’ Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream chillin’ dC8oSPL_skM-00020-00008394-00008796 Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream chillin’ Ice cream chillin’, chillin’, ice cream dC8oSPL_skM-00021-00008800-00009186 Chillin’ like a villain, yeah, ra, ra, ra 믞ìčœ ëŻžìčœë“Żí•œ 속도 in my La Fera dC8oSPL_skM-00022-00009194-00009602 너묮 ëčšëŸŹ 너는 삐끗 원한닀멎 귞냄 지늄 Millis, billis 맀음 ëČŒìŒ í•œì—ŹëŠ„ 손ëȘ©ì— 얌음 dC8oSPL_skM-00023-00009612-00009812 Keep it movin’ like my lease up Think you fly, boy, where your visa? dC8oSPL_skM-00024-00009812-00010010 Mona Lisa kinda Lisa Needs an ice cream man that treats her dC8oSPL_skM-00025-00010022-00010222 Keep it movin’ like my lease up Think you fly, boy, where your visa? dC8oSPL_skM-00026-00010234-00010434 Mona Lisa kinda Lisa Needs an ice cream man that treats her dC8oSPL_skM-00027-00010454-00010812 Na-na-na, na-na-na Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Ice on my wrist, yeah, I like it like this dC8oSPL_skM-00028-00010830-00011302 Get the bag with the cream If you know what I mean Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream chillin’ dC8oSPL_skM-00029-00011320-00011712 Na-na-na, na-na-na Na-na-na, na-na-na-na Ice on my wrist, yeah, I like it like this dC8oSPL_skM-00030-00011724-00012224 And I’m nice with the cream If you know what I mean Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream dDmm58rcz98-00000-00000000-00000995 as in war the victor only seems to win dDmm58rcz98-00001-00001046-00001575 what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the dDmm58rcz98-00002-00001575-00002199 problem but focus on the solution and I am from my little vacation and over the dDmm58rcz98-00003-00002199-00002664 weekend a couple things took place VidCon and panic on so in this video I'm dDmm58rcz98-00004-00002664-00003198 gonna be talking about what really happened at Tanacon and I do want to dDmm58rcz98-00005-00003198-00003663 stress I want to stress this so much like my channel is not a gossip channel dDmm58rcz98-00006-00003663-00004037 my channel is not one of those YouTube commentary channels I'm a mental health dDmm58rcz98-00007-00004037-00004395 Channel okay I work with clients at a mental health treatment facility dDmm58rcz98-00008-00004395-00004893 I tell them stories all the time as cautionary tales I want them to look at dDmm58rcz98-00009-00004893-00005346 it and rather than criticizing the other person I want them to understand what do dDmm58rcz98-00010-00005346-00005850 they do in their life that is similar to this and maybe just not as extreme but dDmm58rcz98-00011-00005850-00006332 it's causing issues in their life that is destroying their mental health so dDmm58rcz98-00012-00006332-00006783 when I tell you these stories it is not to come down harshly on a person even dDmm58rcz98-00013-00006783-00007134 though I am someone who gives a lot of tough love I'm gonna be doing so with dDmm58rcz98-00014-00007134-00007556 Tana Mongeau but like I want you to learn from it I want you to look at the dDmm58rcz98-00015-00007556-00008022 situation and say oh wow maybe I do that and maybe this is affecting my mental dDmm58rcz98-00016-00008022-00008538 health in a very poor way alright so what I do want to talk about today when dDmm58rcz98-00017-00008538-00008895 it comes to Tanacon is something that I haven't seen anybody else touch on dDmm58rcz98-00018-00008895-00009456 which is the malicious intent as well as the revenge aspect of this so all my way dDmm58rcz98-00019-00009456-00009729 back from California today and me and my girlfriend we were sitting there in the dDmm58rcz98-00020-00009729-00010017 car and we were driving back and we were listening to a bunch of different videos dDmm58rcz98-00021-00010017-00010506 about what happened at Tanacon what happened how did this thing go to dDmm58rcz98-00022-00010506-00011129 hell what is a thing that happened and a lot of it if you don't know like it just dDmm58rcz98-00023-00011129-00011675 went downhill really fast basically what happened was the venue did not hold the dDmm58rcz98-00024-00011675-00012156 capacity of people who showed up and a lot of it had to do with like over dDmm58rcz98-00025-00012156-00012725 15,000 people showing up for the free entry and here's the thing so a lot of dDmm58rcz98-00026-00012725-00013103 people are talking about how nobody expected 15,000 people show up and dDmm58rcz98-00027-00013103-00013558 things like that and you know is it is it the management's fault whose fault dDmm58rcz98-00028-00013558-00013947 is it all right and one thing I will say is this when you put your name on dDmm58rcz98-00029-00013947-00014350 something when you run anything it's your fault all right I have talked about dDmm58rcz98-00030-00014350-00014755 this when I talk about internal locus of control and external locus of control if dDmm58rcz98-00031-00014755-00015151 you start taking the mindset of everything is my fault you're in much dDmm58rcz98-00032-00015151-00015511 more control and you you make smarter decisions all right so what people dDmm58rcz98-00033-00015511-00016036 aren't taking it into consideration is why Tanner had panic on in the first dDmm58rcz98-00034-00016036-00016629 place so Tina has this like long video how she was poorly treated at VidCon dDmm58rcz98-00035-00016629-00017059 very good like I'm glad she made that video like I don't think what VidCon dDmm58rcz98-00036-00017059-00017329 does is right even though I've never personally attended and watch the Toni dDmm58rcz98-00037-00017329-00017722 videos about it I think there's a balance but that's a whole nother video dDmm58rcz98-00038-00017722-00018229 all right Tanner felt mistreated by VidCon okay cool if any of you watched dDmm58rcz98-00039-00018229-00018604 my video about 13 reasons why and the psychology of revenge dDmm58rcz98-00040-00018604-00018991 this is what happened to Tana this is what happened to a bunch of the other dDmm58rcz98-00041-00018991-00019603 creators who are going to Tana Khan all right it was pretty much a big fu to dDmm58rcz98-00042-00019603-00020023 VidCon how do we know this how do we know this if you watch a lot of the dDmm58rcz98-00043-00020023-00020410 videos about people who are poorly treated at VidCon right you could tell dDmm58rcz98-00044-00020410-00020878 that they have this kind of revenge attitude this anger like when we get dDmm58rcz98-00045-00020878-00021259 angry we want to get a person back this is part of our evolutionary psychology dDmm58rcz98-00046-00021259-00021798 we feel like we need to get them we need to screw them over right so that quote I dDmm58rcz98-00047-00021798-00022156 said at the intro of this video is something that I've dealt with time and dDmm58rcz98-00048-00022156-00022548 time and time again pretty soon I'm gonna be focusing a week on anger alone dDmm58rcz98-00049-00022548-00022981 because I used to be the most angry person you would ever meet and one thing dDmm58rcz98-00050-00022981-00023464 that I loved doing was getting revenge if you got me I was gonna get you 15 dDmm58rcz98-00051-00023464-00023947 times worse but when I set back and I looked at it and I was improving my dDmm58rcz98-00052-00023947-00024331 mental health I realized that time and time and time and time and time again dDmm58rcz98-00053-00024331-00024925 this didn't work out for anybody especially myself so what people aren't dDmm58rcz98-00054-00024925-00025451 addressing is the fact that Tana scheduled Tanacon for the exact same dDmm58rcz98-00055-00025451-00026043 weekend as VidCon now does that sound like she had no malicious intent intent dDmm58rcz98-00056-00026043-00026425 surely she didn't have it for the fans okay I truly believe that she cares dDmm58rcz98-00057-00026425-00026761 about the fans but she was trying to screw over VidCon dDmm58rcz98-00058-00026761-00027280 she purposely planned it for the same weekend but get this the venue that dDmm58rcz98-00059-00027280-00027838 Tennant got the one that was too small was right next to VidCon okay dDmm58rcz98-00060-00027838-00028539 so it would be foolish of her or anybody else to say that she didn't plan and dDmm58rcz98-00061-00028539-00029008 arrange all of these things based on trying to screw VidCon over she was dDmm58rcz98-00062-00029008-00029362 hoping to get some of their audience she was hoping to get these people now when dDmm58rcz98-00063-00029362-00029745 you start putting the pieces together like this the fault makes a lot more dDmm58rcz98-00064-00029745-00030181 sense because the venue size is it possible that the vineyard size wasn't dDmm58rcz98-00065-00030181-00030594 big enough because she purposely wanted a venue next to VidCon to steal their dDmm58rcz98-00066-00030594-00031099 audience right now the audience size is it possible that the audience size was dDmm58rcz98-00067-00031099-00031468 way bigger than what she expected because she was pulling in people who dDmm58rcz98-00068-00031468-00031803 were originally going to go to VidCon it's been an insane amount of money dDmm58rcz98-00069-00031803-00032272 think about that for a second all this was based on revenge and the thing is dDmm58rcz98-00070-00032272-00032677 here's the thing a lot of people were hurt a lot of people were hurt in this dDmm58rcz98-00071-00032677-00033115 not necessarily physically but definitely emotionally right their pride dDmm58rcz98-00072-00033115-00033595 their ego let's talk about the creators like Shane Dawson what a good guy what a dDmm58rcz98-00073-00033595-00034165 good guy like he has been there you know talking on Twitter saying like you know dDmm58rcz98-00074-00034165-00034588 her Hall wasn't a good place and stuff like that now I love Shane Dawson but I dDmm58rcz98-00075-00034588-00034933 wouldn't say that her heart was in the good in a good place based on what I'm dDmm58rcz98-00076-00034933-00035380 discussing in this video because her whole plan for this thing was to get dDmm58rcz98-00077-00035380-00035866 back at VidCon so there is a point where the heart was not in a good place okay dDmm58rcz98-00078-00035866-00036286 maybe when it came to the fans but the planning of this event wasn't so right dDmm58rcz98-00079-00036286-00036678 there's a lot of apologies going around and stuff and you know maybe you can't dDmm58rcz98-00080-00036678-00037081 plan such a big event in a month or two well why was it so rushed why was it so dDmm58rcz98-00081-00037081-00037453 rushed because she picked the same date as VidCon imagine if she pushed her back dDmm58rcz98-00082-00037453-00037876 imagine if she changed the location think about that for a second how many dDmm58rcz98-00083-00037876-00038197 people would have showed up if she would have done in some world I live in Las dDmm58rcz98-00084-00038197-00038431 Vegas tannaz originally from Las Vegas much dDmm58rcz98-00085-00038431-00038922 bigger venues much more accessibility because you're not in a city where one dDmm58rcz98-00086-00038922-00039294 of the biggest YouTube conventions is happening that same weekend so just some dDmm58rcz98-00087-00039294-00039589 things to think about now I was originally planning on making a video dDmm58rcz98-00088-00039589-00040127 about her terrible response and I was gonna say or make a video dDmm58rcz98-00089-00040127-00040661 about how to properly apologize but thank goodness for Shane Dawson and I dDmm58rcz98-00090-00040661-00040991 forgot the other guy's name James something my girlfriend told me but dDmm58rcz98-00091-00040991-00041240 anyways tena came out and she did a series of dDmm58rcz98-00092-00041240-00041569 tweets and she did a good apology and she took fault she took the blame and dDmm58rcz98-00093-00041569-00041869 everything like that that's what you got to do when you apologize when you make dDmm58rcz98-00094-00041869-00042458 an amend you have to take 100% fault and the best way to apologize is to put dDmm58rcz98-00095-00042458-00042866 yourself in the other person's shoes like think about it would you want to dDmm58rcz98-00096-00042866-00043288 hear like put yourself in that situation would you want to hear excuses would you dDmm58rcz98-00097-00043288-00043676 want to hear passing the blame would you want to hear these things of course you dDmm58rcz98-00098-00043676-00044141 wouldn't so when it comes to apologizing it's all about you and nobody else you dDmm58rcz98-00099-00044141-00044546 know but her original palsy came with like oh you know all these people were dDmm58rcz98-00100-00044546-00044903 faking that they had VIP there was this and this that's like calm down but dDmm58rcz98-00101-00044903-00045209 anyways that's not the point of this video so anyways like I said this isn't dDmm58rcz98-00102-00045209-00045755 like to you know harass Tana or anything I want you I want you watching this to dDmm58rcz98-00103-00045755-00046181 think about that think about has revenge ever suited you or has it all gone to dDmm58rcz98-00104-00046181-00046568 crap like when we sit back and look like and we ask yourself one simple question dDmm58rcz98-00105-00046568-00047438 is this useful or is this not useful to me okay look a revenge or anger 99.9 dDmm58rcz98-00106-00047438-00047852 percent of the time it is not useful to us alright so I hope you take a lesson dDmm58rcz98-00107-00047852-00048191 from this and you can step back and reevaluate some of the situations in dDmm58rcz98-00108-00048191-00048611 your life like how can you do this and be the better person how can you do this dDmm58rcz98-00109-00048611-00049081 without setting yourself up for failure how can you do this without hurting dDmm58rcz98-00110-00049081-00049595 thousands literally thousands of other people in tannaz case alright so I hope dDmm58rcz98-00111-00049595-00050093 you took a little lesson from this video okay but anyways thank you so much for dDmm58rcz98-00112-00050093-00050378 watching and if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and if you dDmm58rcz98-00113-00050378-00050666 are new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental health dDmm58rcz98-00114-00050666-00051003 click that little round subscribe button and a big THANK YOU to everybody dDmm58rcz98-00115-00051003-00051346 supporting my mission to spread awareness about mental health and to dDmm58rcz98-00116-00051346-00051754 help people who like I appreciate you guys so much and if you would like to dDmm58rcz98-00117-00051754-00052042 sign up and support this channel on patreon you can click the top right dDmm58rcz98-00118-00052042-00052466 there thanks so much for watching don't get revenge today and I'll see you dDmm58rcz98-00119-00052466-00052726 next time dDO6HL3TbAE-00000-00000144-00000348 Noooo NOOOOOOOO dDO6HL3TbAE-00001-00000990-00001350 Why is this a game? They're all JARS!! dDO6HL3TbAE-00002-00001482-00001590 why is this a game dDO6HL3TbAE-00003-00001968-00001973 it's dDO6HL3TbAE-00004-00002214-00002508 like do you have to do this before the dude sits on the jar dDO6HL3TbAE-00005-00002874-00003329 hustle Castle FUCK you hustle Castle in your FUCKING family guy rip off art and dDO6HL3TbAE-00006-00003329-00003654 your FUCKING bloody jar SHIT what is this CRAP?? dDO6HL3TbAE-00007-00003768-00003840 I'm okay dL8E9aBbtnQ-00000-00009130-00009416 This video contains playing sample for Toypop, released in 1986 by Namco. dL8E9aBbtnQ-00001-00009416-00009706 This video is NOT for ALL clear, but for just playing sample. dL8E9aBbtnQ-00002-00009706-00009990 This video is taken the arcade center where the REAL arcade board exists. dL8E9aBbtnQ-00003-00009990-00010293 (NOTE: There is a game center in Korea for some classic arcade games and Shoot'em-up released by ATLUS/CAVE.) dpMvln6qhqk-00000-00000178-00000420 If everything reminds you the problem of hairloss dpMvln6qhqk-00001-00000522-00000834 it is time to reverse the situation dpMvln6qhqk-00002-00000948-00001148 Visit www.advancedhairclinics.gr dRvLFAyVwek-00000-00000154-00000312 Welcome every one. dRvLFAyVwek-00001-00000312-00001076 My name is DaylightJumpen and today i will show you, how you earn easy THC or THG for dRvLFAyVwek-00002-00001076-00001186 Thetan Arena! dRvLFAyVwek-00003-00001186-00001818 Step by Step I will hold it short because its very easy! dRvLFAyVwek-00004-00001818-00002152 Thetan Arena starts the Content Creator program. dRvLFAyVwek-00005-00002152-00002784 In this Program are Streamer and other Content Creator from the hole world. dRvLFAyVwek-00006-00002784-00003359 Our job is it to create thetan content like this video. dRvLFAyVwek-00007-00003359-00004093 With every new video, we get a new generated Link for You, the viewer. dRvLFAyVwek-00008-00004093-00004530 How can I now earn THC or THG? dRvLFAyVwek-00009-00004530-00005119 Just view the videos we are made and click after that on the Link in the discription dRvLFAyVwek-00010-00005119-00005219 below. dRvLFAyVwek-00011-00005219-00005405 Thats it! dRvLFAyVwek-00012-00005405-00005706 You can use every Link daily once. dRvLFAyVwek-00013-00005706-00006431 I Will paste every new Link in this video and every else i create in the future. dRvLFAyVwek-00014-00006431-00007059 Just checkout daily my thetan arena videos and with the next update you can watch how dRvLFAyVwek-00015-00007059-00007711 many clicks you create and how much you need to earn THC or THG dRvLFAyVwek-00016-00007711-00008128 Thanks for watching and see you soon on youtube or twitch dRvLFAyVwek-00017-00008128-00008375 best greets from Germany, Your DaylightJumpen dRGXTpn82hy-00000-00000696-00001152 the iphone 14 pro is set to be the phone that could shake up the iphone range by potentially dRGXTpn82hy-00001-00001152-00001680 bringing in a notably different design from the iphone 13 pro so far the rumors have hinted at dRGXTpn82hy-00002-00001680-00002184 everything from the death of the notch to the return of touch id this is probably well overdue dRGXTpn82hy-00003-00002184-00002696 as good as the iphone 13 pro is it's arguably not a definitive upgrade over its predecessor dRGXTpn82hy-00004-00002752-00003208 and overall the iphone hasn't taken a huge leap forward since the iphone 11 pro dRGXTpn82hy-00005-00003264-00004079 based on these rumors the iphone 14 pro would start at 1099 which is a 100 hike over the 999 dRGXTpn82hy-00006-00004079-00004856 iphone 13 pro and the iphone 14 pro max may see a similar 100 increase hitting 1199 dRGXTpn82hy-00007-00004960-00005336 this relatively significant leap in launch price would certainly sting the wallet of dRGXTpn82hy-00008-00005336-00005936 anyone hoping to score a high-end next-gen iphone 14. prosser's renders show a trio of cameras flush dRGXTpn82hy-00009-00005936-00006480 with the iphone 14 pros back but if that sounds nice you might be disappointed by some rival dRGXTpn82hy-00010-00006480-00007000 schematics that show the iphone 14 pro models looking a lot like their iphone 13 counterparts dRGXTpn82hy-00011-00007000-00007536 the raised camera array is back and even bigger on the iphone 14 pro the new phones are also dRGXTpn82hy-00012-00007536-00008080 rumored to be 0.2 millimeters thicker than the iphone 13 pro and iphone 13 pro max other dRGXTpn82hy-00013-00008080-00008568 reports also have the rear camera module tipped to get bigger the reason for this according to dRGXTpn82hy-00014-00008568-00009080 reliable apple analyst ming chi quo is that a larger module is needed to house a 48 mp camera dRGXTpn82hy-00015-00009136-00009720 as a result another leak claims the corners of the iphone 14 pro but not the pro max will be getting dRGXTpn82hy-00016-00009720-00010232 rounder to better match the curved corners of the new module perhaps the most notable rumored design dRGXTpn82hy-00017-00010232-00010808 change for the iphone 14 pro is the removal of the now infamous display notch display analyst ross dRGXTpn82hy-00018-00010808-00011288 young expects apple to offer a pill-shaped cutout for face id along with a punch hole so there would dRGXTpn82hy-00019-00011288-00011824 be two cutouts this design is now seemingly locked and according to rumors from everything apple pro dRGXTpn82hy-00020-00011888-00012320 there were some early rumors that touch id could make a return in the form of an under display dRGXTpn82hy-00021-00012320-00012912 fingerprint scanner however the jury is still out on how likely this is analyst ming chi kuo dRGXTpn82hy-00022-00012912-00013480 reckons that there won't be an iphone with touch id or under display face id for another few years dRGXTpn82hy-00023-00013536-00013904 this would have been pretty disappointing as during these mask wearing times dRGXTpn82hy-00024-00013904-00014416 having an alternative to face id is very handy we've only had one leak address the color dRGXTpn82hy-00025-00014416-00014968 options for the iphone 14 pro a chinese leaker claimed that alongside the familiar graphite dRGXTpn82hy-00026-00014968-00015496 silver and gold pro iphone colors the new option for this year would be a dark purple you can see dRGXTpn82hy-00027-00015496-00016024 that below in another set of renders these ones coming from artist soda opens a new tab as for dRGXTpn82hy-00028-00016024-00016688 screen sizes according to ross young the iphone 14 pro could increase in size from 6.06 inches dRGXTpn82hy-00029-00016688-00017200 to 6.12 inches this will apparently be because of rumored slimmer bezels and new notch design dRGXTpn82hy-00030-00017264-00017792 don't expect a big change in the number of cameras the iphone 14 pro will bring as the pro phones are dRGXTpn82hy-00031-00017792-00018312 tipped to stick with a standard combo of a main ultra wide and telephoto array given how apple dRGXTpn82hy-00032-00018312-00018856 phones regularly feature in our best camera phones lineup that's no bad thing but one leak has the dRGXTpn82hy-00033-00018856-00019464 iphone 14 pro tip to get a 48 mp main camera which could finally make a change from the 12 mp cameras dRGXTpn82hy-00034-00019464-00020112 apple has used for years following on from the a15 bionic we'd expect to see an a16 bionic chip in dRGXTpn82hy-00035-00020112-00020640 the iphone 14 pro series with improved performance across the board according to alleged benchmarks dRGXTpn82hy-00036-00020696-00021256 however a suite of rumors thus far have the iphone 14 tip to stick with the a15 bionic chip dRGXTpn82hy-00037-00021256-00021736 which would create a disparity between the model's core specs this would be a first for apple as dRGXTpn82hy-00038-00021736-00022288 it has always equipped new iphones with upgraded silicon storage is likely to go up to one terabyte dRGXTpn82hy-00039-00022288-00022784 but there have been no solid storage rumors for the iphone 14 pro yet a source from weibo claiming dRGXTpn82hy-00040-00022784-00023328 to know the battery capacities of the iphone 14 family shows that all models except the iphone 14 dRGXTpn82hy-00041-00023328-00023904 pro max will be getting a slight increase in size the 14 pro max is in fact shrinking a little but dRGXTpn82hy-00042-00023904-00024392 hopefully not enough to impact the phone's overall battery life we'd be confident that the iphone dRGXTpn82hy-00043-00024392-00025000 14 pro will match or exceed the 11 hours and 42 minutes the iphone 13 pro did in our battery test dRGXTpn82hy-00044-00025000-00025528 which forces the phone to endlessly reload web pages on a cellular connection until it dies as dRGXTpn82hy-00045-00025528-00026200 for 5g we're expecting the iphone 14 pro to use a new smaller 5g modem chip the smaller size should dRGXTpn82hy-00046-00026200-00026672 mean it takes less power to run and that there could be extra room for the battery to expand into dRGXTpn82hy-00047-00026727-00027168 that would mean the already impressive battery life of the iphone 13 can be improved upon dRGXTpn82hy-00048-00027168-00027760 even more in addition to its cellular and wi-fi connectivity the iphone 14 pro could also gain the dRGXTpn82hy-00049-00027760-00028232 ability to connect to satellite networks that's a feature that first emerged in the build-up to dRGXTpn82hy-00050-00028232-00028760 last year's iphone 13 launch while the capability didn't arrive in time for those phones reliable dRGXTpn82hy-00051-00028760-00029295 tipsters say emergency satellite communications are a possibility for the iphone 14 models dRGXTpn82hy-00052-00029295-00029776 the idea is that when you're in an area without good cellular or wi-fi connectivity you can send dRGXTpn82hy-00053-00029776-00030288 text messages to emergency services over satellite networks alerting them to your location thanks for dRGXTpn82hy-00054-00030288-00030983 watching this video if you like this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe dRGXTpn82hy-00055-00032080-00032088 you dWvVmkSDNpg-00000-00000000-00000240 â™Ș Oh, we are happy â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00001-00000276-00000520 â™Ș Here at the Hobbitstee â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00002-00000548-00001128 â™Ș Everybody joins, in building the house to be â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00003-00001204-00001440 We're back, from Finding A Better Way To Live dWvVmkSDNpg-00004-00001508-00001684 We are at Hobbitstee in Drente, NL. dWvVmkSDNpg-00005-00001696-00001964 We are here because behind us... dWvVmkSDNpg-00006-00001988-00002148 an eco-house is being built. dWvVmkSDNpg-00007-00002160-00002528 We are going to plaster cob on straw bale walls. dWvVmkSDNpg-00008-00002552-00002868 We shall see how Finding A Better Way To Live can help here! dWvVmkSDNpg-00009-00002884-00003180 The unique thing about straw bale walls with cob... dWvVmkSDNpg-00010-00003196-00003420 ... is that it's breathable. dWvVmkSDNpg-00011-00003476-00003744 It lets moist pass through. Contrary to the common way... dWvVmkSDNpg-00012-00003792-00004072 Which is putting plastic barriers. And sealing everything... dWvVmkSDNpg-00013-00004172-00004344 ...with mechanical ventilation. dWvVmkSDNpg-00014-00004360-00004460 We chose... dWvVmkSDNpg-00015-00004492-00004960 breathable walls so the internal climate is always good. dWvVmkSDNpg-00016-00004996-00005244 With mechanical cob-plastering... dWvVmkSDNpg-00017-00005268-00005608 ...here a sausages of cob comes out. dWvVmkSDNpg-00018-00005640-00005816 Then there's an air compressor. dWvVmkSDNpg-00019-00005864-00006272 That throws the cob against the wall, actually. dWvVmkSDNpg-00020-00006436-00006712 So it's basically cob and a compressor. dWvVmkSDNpg-00021-00007092-00007448 â™Ș We're plastering cob â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00022-00007484-00007692 We should be plastering cob. dWvVmkSDNpg-00023-00007728-00008012 But there's something wrong with the machine. dWvVmkSDNpg-00024-00008196-00008724 Because the cob is impure, the hose gets clogged. With small twigs, stones. dWvVmkSDNpg-00025-00008764-00008988 So they have to rinse it completely. dWvVmkSDNpg-00026-00009024-00009504 Niek and Esther and kids will live that side, and us on this side. dWvVmkSDNpg-00027-00009540-00009748 Why do you want to create this? dWvVmkSDNpg-00028-00009776-00010128 What a chance to build your own home! dWvVmkSDNpg-00029-00010172-00010584 I didn't built it all myself, but I've seen it grow. dWvVmkSDNpg-00030-00010648-00010892 It's here, within a year. Awesome! dWvVmkSDNpg-00031-00010932-00011152 â™Ș Oh we are so happy â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00032-00011156-00011360 â™Ș Building the walls â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00033-00011396-00011656 â™Ș The sun is joining in â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00034-00011696-00011868 â™Ș And the pigs are in the field â™Ș dWvVmkSDNpg-00035-00011896-00012224 Air first, then wait two seconds. Then mud. dWvVmkSDNpg-00036-00012236-00012460 I'm going to spray with mud on a wall. dWvVmkSDNpg-00037-00012644-00012768 I feel a bit inept. dWvVmkSDNpg-00038-00012792-00013108 You can go around the edges. And really force it into the corners. dWvVmkSDNpg-00039-00013156-00013256 Learning by doing. dWvVmkSDNpg-00040-00013756-00013956 That nozzle is pretty heavy actually. dWvVmkSDNpg-00041-00014019-00014436 But I did spray this piece of wall here behind me. dWvVmkSDNpg-00042-00014480-00014696 It has some little sustainable features... dWvVmkSDNpg-00043-00014728-00014876 It's one big feature! dWvVmkSDNpg-00044-00014891-00015228 We first made a so-called 'harvest map' dWvVmkSDNpg-00045-00015312-00015863 We drew a circle around our location and looked within that area for leftover and natural materials. dWvVmkSDNpg-00046-00015900-00016208 We found a certain type of wooden planks. dWvVmkSDNpg-00047-00016232-00016480 So that's what the architect used to draw. dWvVmkSDNpg-00048-00016508-00016772 This is a unique way of working. dWvVmkSDNpg-00049-00016852-00017052 On a site nearby... dWvVmkSDNpg-00050-00017064-00017276 ... beautiful cob was discovered in the ground. dWvVmkSDNpg-00051-00017320-00017500 It has been brought here. dWvVmkSDNpg-00052-00017520-00017712 This is still very coarse. dWvVmkSDNpg-00053-00017828-00018196 The cob is put under this thing to dry. dWvVmkSDNpg-00054-00018220-00018388 Then it's sieved. dWvVmkSDNpg-00055-00018392-00018804 Now it's beautifully soft and ideal for the plastering. dWvVmkSDNpg-00056-00019060-00019376 It's supposed to become a Dutch 'Earth Ship'. dWvVmkSDNpg-00057-00019408-00019568 That's self-sufficient. dWvVmkSDNpg-00058-00019596-00019956 The greenhouse will provide heating for the house. dWvVmkSDNpg-00059-00019992-00020344 There will be a 40 cm deep layer of cob on the floor. dWvVmkSDNpg-00060-00020464-00020736 That will store the heat from the greenhouse. dWvVmkSDNpg-00061-00020768-00021160 You can imagine how relaxing it will be here. dWvVmkSDNpg-00062-00021180-00021552 Look at the roof and all the passing clouds... dWvVmkSDNpg-00063-00021744-00021880 Mmm sunshine... dWvVmkSDNpg-00064-00022028-00022316 We are done, three days of cob-work! dWvVmkSDNpg-00065-00022360-00022516 We did the best we could. dWvVmkSDNpg-00066-00022528-00022732 We hope you enjoyed this video. dWvVmkSDNpg-00067-00022768-00023092 If you did, like us on Facebook and Youtube. dWvVmkSDNpg-00068-00023128-00023364 Subscribe to our newsletter on the website. dWvVmkSDNpg-00069-00023388-00023676 So now it's time to close your laptop... dWvVmkSDNpg-00070-00023692-00023844 ... and go outside! dWvVmkSDNpg-00071-00023856-00024080 See you next time, bye! dXmpNRsAq7c-00000-00000076-00000688 Welcome to the Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet dXmpNRsAq7c-00001-00000688-00001212 Shaving and welcome back if this is your first time here in and your interest to dXmpNRsAq7c-00002-00001212-00001648 learning how straight razor shave go ahead and hit that subscribe button then dXmpNRsAq7c-00003-00001648-00002076 click on the bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos that way dXmpNRsAq7c-00004-00002076-00002793 you won't miss a thing now in tonight's shave I'll be using my Magnetic Silver dXmpNRsAq7c-00005-00002793-00003779 Steel now this is just a beautiful razor out of the early 1930s a sweet shaver dXmpNRsAq7c-00006-00003779-00004578 that is full hollow - extra hollow excellent this is magnetic silver steel dXmpNRsAq7c-00007-00004578-00005500 as well which makes it cool really does now we'll be using Stubble Trubble and dXmpNRsAq7c-00008-00005500-00006219 this is Summer Passion this is just an excellent scent I really enjoyed this this dXmpNRsAq7c-00009-00006219-00006573 soap is 100% vegan if that matters to you dXmpNRsAq7c-00010-00006573-00007873 alright now I've had that puck blooming but first we're using my Omega 10098 dXmpNRsAq7c-00011-00007873-00008611 excellent brush so I we're going to pour off that bloom water and put that one dXmpNRsAq7c-00012-00008611-00010050 as a pre-shave alright so here we go mmm and what a wonderful summer time scent dXmpNRsAq7c-00013-00010050-00010551 with this just excellent dXmpNRsAq7c-00014-00011288-00012590 there we go nice okay now let's get this loaded up all right dXmpNRsAq7c-00015-00012590-00013226 so how you doing hopefully you're having a good weekend yeah and you're able to dXmpNRsAq7c-00016-00013226-00013766 have some downtime be with family and friends relax and enjoy yourself dXmpNRsAq7c-00017-00013766-00014184 yep hopefully the world is treating you good too by the way dXmpNRsAq7c-00018-00014184-00015179 yep and you're having good chase right maybe even great shapes yeah that would dXmpNRsAq7c-00019-00015179-00016344 even be better oh yeah nice yeah well you got going on dXmpNRsAq7c-00020-00016344-00017115 this weekend you think anything good all right I'm gonna put kind of clean that dXmpNRsAq7c-00021-00017115-00017901 soap off that bowl there we go yeah hopefully you you've had some good times dXmpNRsAq7c-00022-00017901-00018376 this weekend yeah that would be great all right dXmpNRsAq7c-00023-00018376-00018806 now let's get our lather on dXmpNRsAq7c-00024-00020831-00021337 being probably good idea not to get that in your eye dXmpNRsAq7c-00025-00024166-00024991 there we go nice sir right now I need your help okay dXmpNRsAq7c-00026-00024991-00025612 I do a straight razor edge Friday specials the first and third Friday of dXmpNRsAq7c-00027-00025612-00026239 every month and I need your ideas your comments your questions so leave them dXmpNRsAq7c-00028-00026239-00026758 down in the comments so I will have more subjects to cover on those Friday dXmpNRsAq7c-00029-00026758-00027675 specials all right and this is pass one with the gray but you can always dXmpNRsAq7c-00030-00027675-00029289 participate in this channel just by leaving comments which is great I really dXmpNRsAq7c-00031-00029289-00029647 enjoy dXmpNRsAq7c-00032-00037938-00038820 it's for a ride nice this is fantastic so good cushion nice dXmpNRsAq7c-00033-00038820-00039068 slickness dXmpNRsAq7c-00034-00043109-00043655 nice yeah gamma trading in these double trouble soaps dXmpNRsAq7c-00035-00043655-00045013 you ought to give it a shot really good stuff yeah now all right switch it hands dXmpNRsAq7c-00036-00045013-00045343 go to the other side dXmpNRsAq7c-00037-00052315-00053361 got a little close there I think that may have been from last night though I dXmpNRsAq7c-00038-00054167-00054913 just may have hit it again let me get that cleaned off and then we'll be able dXmpNRsAq7c-00039-00054913-00055224 to see what we're doing huh dXmpNRsAq7c-00040-00056541-00057916 nice alright pass one complete excellent now let's get that washed on oh yeah dXmpNRsAq7c-00041-00057916-00058568 nice yeah this is a really good shaver dXmpNRsAq7c-00042-00058736-00059710 yeah like I say it's a magnetic silver steel so it's carbon steel but it is and dXmpNRsAq7c-00043-00059710-00060606 that makes it magnetic but it's at least seven percent silver which is how they dXmpNRsAq7c-00044-00060606-00061563 were trying to make a stainless steel razor back in the day which i think is dXmpNRsAq7c-00045-00061563-00062124 cool I really do yeah dXmpNRsAq7c-00046-00063704-00064954 all right nice get in there okay now I do shape of the day videos one dXmpNRsAq7c-00047-00064954-00065781 Wednesdays and Sundays that's when they go live so check them out you can keep dXmpNRsAq7c-00048-00065781-00067311 up with what's going on what I'm shaving with all of that all right there we go dXmpNRsAq7c-00049-00067311-00067577 nice dXmpNRsAq7c-00050-00068776-00068982 you dXmpNRsAq7c-00051-00069799-00070005 you dXmpNRsAq7c-00052-00070067-00071153 okay now this is parents too let's get going huh now what we're doing dXmpNRsAq7c-00053-00071153-00071636 here is going to primarily be across the ground on my neck against the grain on dXmpNRsAq7c-00054-00071636-00071884 my cheeks dXmpNRsAq7c-00055-00080616-00081827 okay get in there now switch hands get this other side dXmpNRsAq7c-00056-00086075-00087057 okay looks like a man hit a little bump there - yeah you know this blade you dXmpNRsAq7c-00057-00087057-00089765 gotta be a little careful with there we go nice dXmpNRsAq7c-00058-00092410-00093325 all right get in there yeah hit a few little bumps but you know not dXmpNRsAq7c-00059-00093325-00094685 a big deal so it'll be okay yep just put a little soap on those and dXmpNRsAq7c-00060-00094685-00094944 it'll be fine dXmpNRsAq7c-00061-00103219-00103653 nice nice dXmpNRsAq7c-00062-00105149-00105690 yeah there we go looking good dXmpNRsAq7c-00063-00107716-00110106 nice all right path to complete yeah and what get in there oh yeah nice oh yeah dXmpNRsAq7c-00064-00110106-00110910 cheeps right where we need them setting up for the half pass all right now I dXmpNRsAq7c-00065-00110910-00111523 don't know if you got a chance to catch last Friday's straight razor edge dXmpNRsAq7c-00066-00111523-00112381 special ok Friday special but I did a half pass reveal so it's the half pass dXmpNRsAq7c-00067-00112381-00113440 with a lot of detail ok AJ wanted to see that so we hooked him dXmpNRsAq7c-00068-00113440-00114199 up yeah hopefully he enjoyed it as well so if you haven't seen that check that dXmpNRsAq7c-00069-00114199-00115032 out you can click right up here on that card and I'll wake that up for you dXmpNRsAq7c-00070-00116264-00117758 all right nice really good okay now here we go the half pass and now this is dXmpNRsAq7c-00071-00117758-00118734 primarily against the grain let me get that rig see it that would be helpful dXmpNRsAq7c-00072-00126621-00127251 yeah nice all right I got that side very good dXmpNRsAq7c-00073-00127251-00127754 okay switching hands we're going to do this other side dXmpNRsAq7c-00074-00134132-00134432 nice dXmpNRsAq7c-00075-00136026-00136494 here we go looking good dXmpNRsAq7c-00076-00137976-00138591 okay there you go and now shaving books yeah dXmpNRsAq7c-00077-00138591-00139887 nice all right let's get that washed off oh yeah Wow now that's brilliant that is dXmpNRsAq7c-00078-00139887-00140621 really good shit quite nice now we're going alo everywhere dXmpNRsAq7c-00079-00141977-00143114 go ahead dry that off nice and for apps shape denied they ears lemon witch hazel dXmpNRsAq7c-00080-00143114-00143702 now this is good stuff and again go along with the summertime theme that's dXmpNRsAq7c-00081-00143702-00144898 lemonade for the face yes it is mm-hmm and it just it smells just like dXmpNRsAq7c-00082-00144898-00145709 fresh-squeezed lemonade our limits really not lemonade but limits and it is dXmpNRsAq7c-00083-00145709-00146892 refreshing and just wonderful next for a Cloney thing we're doing Florida water dXmpNRsAq7c-00084-00146892-00147410 again summertime theme nice stuff this stuff dXmpNRsAq7c-00085-00147410-00149174 is excellent so we're gonna put that yeah mmm oh yeah and it smells so good dXmpNRsAq7c-00086-00149174-00150095 the scent on this pure summer yep really is very nice very nice and no shade dXmpNRsAq7c-00087-00150095-00150899 would be complete without Nivea posh a bomb at least for me I don't know I know dXmpNRsAq7c-00088-00150899-00151349 there are some people that can't tolerate bombs but for me it really is dXmpNRsAq7c-00089-00151349-00151779 nice and I enjoy it yeah dXmpNRsAq7c-00090-00152495-00153066 all right there you go hey thank you so much for stopping by for the shape dXmpNRsAq7c-00091-00153066-00153807 really appreciate seeing you it's always good you can click right up here to see dXmpNRsAq7c-00092-00153807-00154557 a full shape from pre shaped post shave all the routine click right over here to dXmpNRsAq7c-00093-00154557-00155145 see my latest video and click down here on the video specially picked out for dXmpNRsAq7c-00094-00155145-00155565 you click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your dXmpNRsAq7c-00095-00155565-00156048 friends have a great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on dXmpNRsAq7c-00096-00156048-00156437 adventures in wet shaving dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00000-00000020-00000231 Hi Emily! Unbuckle! dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00001-00000231-00000372 Unbuckle, where are we going? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00002-00000372-00000494 Park! Park! dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00003-00000494-00000671 I'm Aviva Williams. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00004-00000671-00000916 I live here in Los Angeles with my husband, Jeff. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00005-00001102-00001264 We have two little girls, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00006-00001264-00001478 Amy is four and Emily just turned two. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00007-00002149-00002370 One night I put her to bed and she woke up dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00008-00002370-00002596 a short while later screaming, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00009-00002712-00003018 "It hurts, it itches, it hurts, it itches, my tummy hurts!" dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00010-00003018-00003194 And that's when the pediatrician suggested, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00011-00003194-00003339 "Well maybe she has pinworms. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00012-00003339-00003586 "They're like white thread-like worms dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00013-00003586-00004048 "that can live in a person's gut for a really long time." dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00014-00004048-00004355 And I'm going to go so fast too. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00015-00004355-00004528 According to the Center for Disease Control dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00016-00004528-00004795 and Prevention, it's the most common worm infection dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00017-00004795-00005012 in humans in the United States. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00018-00005012-00005416 Pinworms is kind of like lice in that it's invisible dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00019-00005416-00005672 and it's easily transmissible among schoolchildren. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00020-00005672-00006137 A key difference is when there's a case of lice in school, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00021-00006137-00006404 the school notifies all the parents, they have lice checks. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00022-00006404-00006593 If someone has pinworms, like, that's, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00023-00006593-00006833 people just don't usually talk about that kind of stuff, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00024-00006833-00007068 you know, their bowel functions. (laughs) dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00025-00007068-00007153 Get some water! dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00026-00007359-00007676 So, our doctor had said, "I'll call in the prescription dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00027-00007676-00007941 "to your pharmacy and you can go pick it up!" dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00028-00007941-00008301 Get a phone call a couple of hours later and they say, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00029-00008301-00008560 "Uh, we'll have to special order this medicine, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00030-00008560-00008799 "and do you know it costs $250?" dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00031-00008799-00009054 And I had no idea what they were talking about. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00032-00009858-00009941 Yay! dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00033-00010103-00010450 Ow-el? Towel, okay, all done? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00034-00010450-00010719 This is an old drug, you cannot get generic albendazole dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00035-00010719-00011155 in this country, you can only get branded Albenza. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00036-00011155-00011426 It's from a company called Amedra Pharmaceuticals. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00037-00012444-00012678 Two tablets. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00038-00012824-00013141 Albenza costs $724 per dose, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00039-00013162-00013436 of which my cost out of pocket is $250. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00040-00013488-00013813 This is half a dose, cost me out of pocket $125. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00041-00013822-00014147 Cost my company another $200, and yeah, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00042-00014156-00014491 a full dose is two bottles of this with two pills each. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00043-00014662-00014954 Being that this is so easily transmissible and present dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00044-00014954-00015206 in the house, the pediatrician says, you know, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00045-00015206-00015312 "You should take the medication dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00046-00015312-00015526 "and all the family members should as well." dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00047-00015534-00015782 Well we're a small family, we're a family of four. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00048-00015812-00016113 But four times $250 is $1,000. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00049-00016246-00016670 The eggs can live outside on surfaces, like, on bed sheets, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00050-00016670-00016950 on stuffed animals, for three weeks. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00051-00016964-00017194 Your house is contaminated, your entire everything dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00052-00017194-00017554 is contaminated with these invisible eggs, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00053-00017554-00017682 how do you get rid of that? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00054-00017824-00018042 I felt very angry because I felt trapped. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00055-00018100-00018350 Like, there's nothing you can, you need this medication, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00056-00018350-00018524 it's the only medication that does the, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00057-00018524-00018686 you know, that treats this condition. dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00058-00018686-00018854 The only thing you can do is pay up, I mean, dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00059-00018854-00019124 what's the alternative, you know? (laughs) dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00060-00019124-00019318 Like, live with this? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00061-00019360-00019486 Who can afford this? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00062-00019486-00019584 And why, you know? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00063-00019584-00019898 Just to line the pockets of some pharmaceutical executive? dZ5Stt7Q8bM-00064-00019902-00020212 People are being greedy with other peoples' lives. dZDtZpmOO98-00000-00000000-00000447 Ancestry.com is one of the biggest genealogy websites. And dZDtZpmOO98-00001-00000447-00000753 There's a popular feature on Ancestry that can help you dZDtZpmOO98-00002-00000753-00001188 discover more ancestors, or it could completely ruin your dZDtZpmOO98-00003-00001188-00001641 family tree. I'm going to show you what that feature is, what dZDtZpmOO98-00004-00001641-00002039 to watch out for, and how you can use it effectively, to find dZDtZpmOO98-00005-00002039-00002427 more of your family history. When you pull up a specific dZDtZpmOO98-00006-00002427-00002883 record on Ancestry.com, there's a lot going on on that page, dZDtZpmOO98-00007-00002913-00003345 I've pulled up the 1910 federal census for William Skinner, the dZDtZpmOO98-00008-00003345-00003771 brother of my ancestor. Over on the left hand part of the page, dZDtZpmOO98-00009-00003783-00004040 you can see that there's actually a digital image. A dZDtZpmOO98-00010-00004056-00004371 little bit of a bonus tip: always make sure that you click dZDtZpmOO98-00011-00004371-00004695 through to look at the actual image. There's almost always dZDtZpmOO98-00012-00004695-00005082 more information on there than what Ancestry has here in the dZDtZpmOO98-00013-00005082-00005421 middle part of the page, which is just the information that dZDtZpmOO98-00014-00005421-00005868 Ancestry has indexed from that record. Over on the right hand dZDtZpmOO98-00015-00005868-00006261 side, you'll see this section called Suggested Records, dZDtZpmOO98-00016-00006309-00006698 Suggested Records is the feature I was talking about that can dZDtZpmOO98-00017-00006702-00007056 either lead to wonderful discoveries, or can make a mess dZDtZpmOO98-00018-00007056-00007452 of your tree. Well, what are Suggested Records? They're not dZDtZpmOO98-00019-00007452-00007947 quite the same as the Ancestry hints. How Ancestry generates dZDtZpmOO98-00020-00007947-00008301 what they call the Suggested Records, is by taking the dZDtZpmOO98-00021-00008301-00008604 information that they have indexed from this record that dZDtZpmOO98-00022-00008604-00008922 we're looking at and compare it to other records that they have dZDtZpmOO98-00023-00008922-00009318 on the site and find other records that have the same or dZDtZpmOO98-00024-00009318-00009726 similar information. But there's another way that Ancestry pulls dZDtZpmOO98-00025-00009726-00010182 records into the Suggested Records section. And that is by dZDtZpmOO98-00026-00010182-00010572 looking at people's family trees. So Ancestry looks at the dZDtZpmOO98-00027-00010572-00010992 family trees that have attached this 1910 federal census to a dZDtZpmOO98-00028-00010992-00011424 William Skinner. And then they take a look at well, what else dZDtZpmOO98-00029-00011424-00011760 have these trees attached to William Skinner. And let's put dZDtZpmOO98-00030-00011760-00012108 some of those in the Suggested Records section. Think of it dZDtZpmOO98-00031-00012108-00012567 this way. It's kind of like your favorite online retailer. You dZDtZpmOO98-00032-00012567-00012951 know how sometimes you'll go online and you'll buy a sweater? dZDtZpmOO98-00033-00012990-00013311 And it'll say, well, people who bought this sweater also bought dZDtZpmOO98-00034-00013311-00013779 this necklace. You think wow, those really do go together. But dZDtZpmOO98-00035-00013782-00014358 sometimes you'll go on an online retailer, and you'll buy a lamp. dZDtZpmOO98-00036-00014394-00014751 And it will say, well, people who bought this lamp also bought dZDtZpmOO98-00037-00014751-00015341 these snowshoes. Not nearly as helpful. Suggested Records are dZDtZpmOO98-00038-00015341-00015825 the same way. Sometimes they can be really good. And sometimes dZDtZpmOO98-00039-00015825-00016287 they can be completely out in left field. The problem is that dZDtZpmOO98-00040-00016290-00016563 if you just go through the Suggested Records, thinking dZDtZpmOO98-00041-00016563-00016944 that, Oh, all of these must pertain to this William Skinner dZDtZpmOO98-00042-00016968-00017373 and just start attaching them to your tree. Well, those records dZDtZpmOO98-00043-00017376-00017754 that really don't pertain to your William Skinner, everything dZDtZpmOO98-00044-00017754-00018042 is going to start becoming a mess. You could end up attaching dZDtZpmOO98-00045-00018042-00018297 the wrong parents, you could attach the wrong spouse, you dZDtZpmOO98-00046-00018297-00018717 could have him being born or dying in a completely different dZDtZpmOO98-00047-00018717-00019095 place in time. I was curious about those Suggested Records dZDtZpmOO98-00048-00019095-00019434 that show up on this record for William Skinner in the 1910 dZDtZpmOO98-00049-00019434-00019905 census. Let's see how often they really do pertain to the William dZDtZpmOO98-00050-00019905-00020274 Skinner that I'm researching. First is the Geneanet dZDtZpmOO98-00051-00020274-00020727 Community Trees. Well, I can click through and I can see that dZDtZpmOO98-00052-00020730-00021114 yes, the spouse is the same person and they have attached dZDtZpmOO98-00053-00021114-00021504 four children. And I can click through to see more of that dZDtZpmOO98-00054-00021504-00021897 family tree over on Geneanet. But for purposes of this video, dZDtZpmOO98-00055-00021897-00022221 I just want to see if the Suggested Records are pertaining dZDtZpmOO98-00056-00022221-00022521 to the William Skinner I'm researching and this one does dZDtZpmOO98-00057-00022521-00023007 seem to be. The 1900 federal census is the right person. This dZDtZpmOO98-00058-00023010-00023499 1880 federal census is the right person. The link to FindAGrave dZDtZpmOO98-00059-00023505-00024084 is the right person. However, this 1850 federal census is not dZDtZpmOO98-00060-00024084-00024612 the right person. It's a William Skinner born approximately the dZDtZpmOO98-00061-00024612-00025053 right time, and he is in the correct county. But I've already dZDtZpmOO98-00062-00025053-00025440 established which household my William Skinner was living in dZDtZpmOO98-00063-00025440-00025977 1850. And this is not it. The Ohio county marriages Yes, this dZDtZpmOO98-00064-00025977-00026505 actually is his marriage to Mary Carter. The Ohio U.S. Births and dZDtZpmOO98-00065-00026505-00026898 Christenings Index: technically it's pertaining to the correct dZDtZpmOO98-00066-00026898-00027314 William Skinner. But this isn't his birth record. It's actually dZDtZpmOO98-00067-00027314-00027663 pertaining to his daughter's birth record. So you do have to dZDtZpmOO98-00068-00027663-00028125 be careful on that. The 1860 federal census is correct. And dZDtZpmOO98-00069-00028125-00028433 I've already attached that one to my tree. Let's take a look at dZDtZpmOO98-00070-00028433-00028845 that North Dakota State census keeping in mind that my William dZDtZpmOO98-00071-00028845-00029270 Skinner was born in Ohio and died in Ohio. Now it's totally dZDtZpmOO98-00072-00029270-00029574 possible that he lived for a time out in North Dakota. So I dZDtZpmOO98-00073-00029574-00029916 don't want to just ignore this. But when I take a look at this dZDtZpmOO98-00074-00029916-00030308 William Skinner in this North Dakota territorial census, I can dZDtZpmOO98-00075-00030308-00030677 see that he has a completely different wife, and a completely dZDtZpmOO98-00076-00030677-00031161 different set of children. So unless William Skinner had one dZDtZpmOO98-00077-00031161-00031658 family in Ohio, and then at the same time had another family out dZDtZpmOO98-00078-00031658-00032108 in the Dakota Territory, this is not my guy. So what about this dZDtZpmOO98-00079-00032112-00032544 Civil War profile? Sometimes you don't have enough information dZDtZpmOO98-00080-00032544-00032853 just from this record to tell whether or not it's the person dZDtZpmOO98-00081-00032853-00033174 that you're really interested in. But on this one, I do have dZDtZpmOO98-00082-00033174-00033510 enough information, I can see that it's listed that he died of dZDtZpmOO98-00083-00033510-00033966 disease, and he did not survive the Civil War. Well, the Civil dZDtZpmOO98-00084-00033966-00034743 War ended in 1865. And my William Skinner died in 1919. So dZDtZpmOO98-00085-00034752-00035169 this is not the William Skinner that I'm researching. If you're dZDtZpmOO98-00086-00035169-00035544 enjoying this video, go ahead and hit that like button. And if dZDtZpmOO98-00087-00035544-00035877 you're not already subscribed, go ahead and subscribe so that dZDtZpmOO98-00088-00035877-00036237 you can stay up to date with all of my genealogy and family dZDtZpmOO98-00089-00036237-00036597 history videos. Alright, so as we've seen, it's kind of a mixed dZDtZpmOO98-00090-00036597-00036996 bag on those Suggested Records for this William Skinner that dZDtZpmOO98-00091-00036996-00037407 showing up on his 1910 federal census. But how did I know which dZDtZpmOO98-00092-00037407-00037782 of those Suggested Records were for my William Skinner and which dZDtZpmOO98-00093-00037782-00038268 ones weren't? It's a matter of going into each specific record, dZDtZpmOO98-00094-00038292-00038637 and comparing the information that's on that record to what dZDtZpmOO98-00095-00038637-00038940 you already know. It's why it's so important that as you're dZDtZpmOO98-00096-00038940-00039336 exploring your family tree, that you don't jump around a whole dZDtZpmOO98-00097-00039336-00039756 lot. You really try to learn as much as you can about a person I dZDtZpmOO98-00098-00039756-00040098 already knew when and where William was born, and when and dZDtZpmOO98-00099-00040098-00040476 where he died. I know his wife's name was Mary Carter. And I also dZDtZpmOO98-00100-00040476-00040848 know the names and birthdates of at least some of his children. dZDtZpmOO98-00101-00040878-00041196 So I can take that information, what I already know what I'm dZDtZpmOO98-00102-00041196-00041544 already confident in. And compare that with what I'm dZDtZpmOO98-00103-00041544-00041970 seeing in the Suggested Records. That census out of the Dakota dZDtZpmOO98-00104-00041970-00042474 territory in 1885, has a completely different wife, and a dZDtZpmOO98-00105-00042474-00042771 completely different set of children. That tells me that dZDtZpmOO98-00106-00042771-00043083 this is not the William Skinner that I'm looking for. It just dZDtZpmOO98-00107-00043083-00043437 happens to be someone who has the same name. Whenever you're dZDtZpmOO98-00108-00043437-00043848 looking at a record on Ancestry or really anywhere, you want to dZDtZpmOO98-00109-00043848-00044163 make sure that that record pertains to the person you're dZDtZpmOO98-00110-00044163-00044481 researching, and not just someone who happens to have the dZDtZpmOO98-00111-00044481-00044988 same name. In this video here, I have some more tips to help you dZDtZpmOO98-00112-00044988-00045378 keep everyone straight. So go check that out and go make some dZDtZpmOO98-00113-00045378-00045606 great discoveries in your family history. damnVHZqKM0-00000-00000000-00000200 How to dynamite obscene lap band costs quickly and easily daUxEOwHlog-00000-00000019-00000331 Hi everyone, Today I am going to share with you the procedure daUxEOwHlog-00001-00000331-00000535 of real estate purchase. daUxEOwHlog-00002-00000535-00001015 The First step is to find a real estate property you want to purchase, of course. daUxEOwHlog-00003-00001015-00001461 Second is to decide whether you want to pay with cash or rather source investment with daUxEOwHlog-00004-00001461-00001629 a loan. daUxEOwHlog-00005-00001629-00002110 For the tips of taking a loan when purchasing a real estate in Poland, we have talked about daUxEOwHlog-00006-00002110-00002668 in our previous video, you can watch it from the link down below. daUxEOwHlog-00007-00002668-00003181 The third step is to finish a due diligence of the property to secure the deal. daUxEOwHlog-00008-00003181-00003726 If there is a mortgage, loans, servitudes or some other debt instruments on the property, daUxEOwHlog-00009-00003726-00004046 it should be solved before the property is purchased. daUxEOwHlog-00010-00004046-00004653 For example, without a lending bank’s acceptance, mortgage cannot be paid or deleted from the daUxEOwHlog-00011-00004653-00004803 property’s record. daUxEOwHlog-00012-00004803-00005367 If you pay with cash then there are also two ways of closing a deal - one time payment daUxEOwHlog-00013-00005367-00005923 and signing a final purchase agreement or splitting it to two steps: signing a preliminary daUxEOwHlog-00014-00005923-00006484 agreement first and paying a deposit and after that signing final agreement daUxEOwHlog-00015-00006484-00006798 with payment of a full property price. daUxEOwHlog-00016-00006798-00007311 You should go for a preliminary agreement if you want to get a loan or for example in daUxEOwHlog-00017-00007311-00007689 certain cases when you need to transfer money from another country. daUxEOwHlog-00018-00007689-00008258 For bigger investment deals full property payment for the purchase is usually deposited daUxEOwHlog-00019-00008258-00008867 at the notary, so-called notary deposit or at the special bank account. daUxEOwHlog-00020-00008867-00009379 It is done this way because by polish law you cannot sell the property in condition, daUxEOwHlog-00021-00009379-00009869 as soon as the purchase contract is signed by both parties in a form of notary deed, daUxEOwHlog-00022-00009869-00010445 there is no way back and the buyer becomes a real estate owner even if he didn't pay. daUxEOwHlog-00023-00010445-00010831 Thus preliminary agreement can be signed in condition. daUxEOwHlog-00024-00010831-00011348 Also an obligatory form for a real estate purchase is a form of notary deed. daUxEOwHlog-00025-00011348-00011853 Preliminary contract though can be signed both in a written form or form aof a notary daUxEOwHlog-00026-00011853-00011953 deed. daUxEOwHlog-00027-00011953-00012375 After the real estate property is purchase changes to the property record called Księga daUxEOwHlog-00028-00012375-00012872 Wiweczysta should be sent of the property to have a record, because not all the preparies daUxEOwHlog-00029-00012872-00012972 have it. daUxEOwHlog-00030-00012972-00013316 In Poland, real estate purchase in general goes this way. daUxEOwHlog-00031-00013316-00013569 Hope you enjoyed the video. daUxEOwHlog-00032-00013569-00014097 Contact us to get even better advisory of real estate purchase in Poland from down below. daUxEOwHlog-00033-00014097-00014172 See you next time. dcE0e8iLiM4-00000-00000095-00000492 Well, we've been talking about flow problems. dcE0e8iLiM4-00001-00000492-00000553 Okay. dcE0e8iLiM4-00002-00000553-00001233 I got water here at 100 degrees So dcE0e8iLiM4-00003-00001233-00001941 let me call 737 the beginning dcE0e8iLiM4-00004-00001941-00002466 of this, unplug that. dcE0e8iLiM4-00005-00002466-00002591 because what I want to do. dcE0e8iLiM4-00006-00003106-00003180 [SOUND] dcE0e8iLiM4-00007-00005030-00005605 What I want to do is graph the temperature of that as a function of time. dcE0e8iLiM4-00008-00005605-00006108 So, I'm going to start at 737 and call it 100 times t equals 0. dcE0e8iLiM4-00009-00007190-00007781 And if I can remember record the time every five or ten minutes. dcE0e8iLiM4-00010-00009057-00009211 I don't think we're going to get past. dcE0e8iLiM4-00011-00009211-00009512 Well, I mean, 50 minutes takes us to to our quiz. dcE0e8iLiM4-00012-00009512-00009674 So we're not going to get past that. dcE0e8iLiM4-00013-00009674-00010474 [COUGH] So temperature's sitting at 100 degrees, dcE0e8iLiM4-00014-00010474-00011031 the water was boiling, I unplugged it. dcE0e8iLiM4-00015-00011031-00011397 What's the temperature in the room? dcE0e8iLiM4-00016-00011397-00011559 Colder? dcE0e8iLiM4-00017-00011559-00011842 Maybe it's kind of cold, maybe you need a jacket still. dcE0e8iLiM4-00018-00011842-00012089 [COUGH] I don't know the temperature in the room. dcE0e8iLiM4-00019-00012089-00012350 I, or we, I could pull that thermometer out there and we can measure it. dcE0e8iLiM4-00020-00012350-00012845 Let me, let me just guess that the temperature of dcE0e8iLiM4-00021-00012845-00013318 the room is in the mid 20 degrees somewhere. dcE0e8iLiM4-00022-00013318-00013522 Maybe too low at 20, who knows. dcE0e8iLiM4-00023-00013522-00013680 I don't know how cold it is. dcE0e8iLiM4-00024-00013680-00014125 So we're going to be aiming at something like 20 degrees c. dcE0e8iLiM4-00025-00014125-00014399 Eventually, you know that thing cools off. dcE0e8iLiM4-00026-00014399-00014740 Why does that cool off? dcE0e8iLiM4-00027-00014740-00015177 Well, the reason is there is something flowing and you, dcE0e8iLiM4-00028-00015177-00015486 you talked about this something in 7A. dcE0e8iLiM4-00029-00015486-00015721 This is heat flow. dcE0e8iLiM4-00030-00015721-00016265 If there's something hot in contact with something at a lower temperature, dcE0e8iLiM4-00031-00016265-00016793 then heat will flow from the higher temperature to the low, that's coming dcE0e8iLiM4-00032-00016793-00017331 to equilibrium, that's increasing the entropy of the, of the universe. dcE0e8iLiM4-00033-00017331-00017837 Increasing the entropy of, of, of the stuff right near here. dcE0e8iLiM4-00034-00017837-00018420 The water loses heat is entropy goes down. dcE0e8iLiM4-00035-00018420-00018701 The surrounding air gains heat, its entropy goes up. dcE0e8iLiM4-00036-00018701-00019331 Its entropy goes up more than the water's entropy goes down. dcE0e8iLiM4-00037-00019331-00019667 So, our, our picture of that is that, that happens, dcE0e8iLiM4-00038-00019667-00019996 because it's statistically likely to happen. dcE0e8iLiM4-00039-00019996-00020542 It's more likely that the water, all the energy in there, the thermal dcE0e8iLiM4-00040-00020542-00021125 energy will get spread out into the air than, that it'll stay right there. dcE0e8iLiM4-00041-00021125-00021614 The reason in, in 7B, the reason we're going to, or the description we're dcE0e8iLiM4-00042-00021614-00022090 going to give of this is that the te, it's cause be a temperature gradient. dcE0e8iLiM4-00043-00022090-00022612 The temperature outside is different than the temperature inside this water. dcE0e8iLiM4-00044-00022612-00022979 The temperature inside is 100 degrees, you can see it right there. dcE0e8iLiM4-00045-00022979-00023446 The temperature outside, well, out here, not more than, dcE0e8iLiM4-00046-00023446-00023758 I don't know, maybe a few inches away. dcE0e8iLiM4-00047-00023758-00024134 You can pretty much tell, it's back to room temperature. dcE0e8iLiM4-00048-00024134-00024794 So the, the temperature gradient is between the inside and the outside. dcE0e8iLiM4-00049-00024794-00024935 The temperature drops. dcE0e8iLiM4-00050-00024935-00025314 As the temperature changed between the inside and the outside, dcE0e8iLiM4-00051-00025314-00025637 L is the length over, which the temperature changes. dcE0e8iLiM4-00052-00025637-00026105 It's kind of a complicated problem with, in, in reality. dcE0e8iLiM4-00053-00026105-00026573 The biggest temperature drop is dcE0e8iLiM4-00054-00026573-00027025 probably across the plastic. dcE0e8iLiM4-00055-00027025-00027395 Temperature drops a lot from one side of the plastic to the other. dcE0e8iLiM4-00056-00027395-00027840 [COUGH] The inside of the plastic is, dcE0e8iLiM4-00057-00027840-00028227 is right around 96 degrees. dcE0e8iLiM4-00058-00028227-00028669 And, [COUGH] and the outside of the plastic is, is a lot cooler, but dcE0e8iLiM4-00059-00028669-00028958 I'm not sure how much the temperature drops. dcE0e8iLiM4-00060-00028958-00029313 I'd have to, we'd have to measure it and try to figure it out. dcE0e8iLiM4-00061-00029313-00029702 And then the rest of the temperature drop is through the air. dcE0e8iLiM4-00062-00029702-00029899 So, it's a weird kind of a gradient. dcE0e8iLiM4-00063-00029899-00030424 The temperature drops really quickly through a small piece of plastic and dcE0e8iLiM4-00064-00030424-00030907 then it drops more slowly as the, as you get outside the plastic in, dcE0e8iLiM4-00065-00030907-00031053 in through the air. dcE0e8iLiM4-00066-00031053-00031476 So there's really two different temperature gradients in this dcE0e8iLiM4-00067-00031476-00031634 complicated problem. dcE0e8iLiM4-00068-00031634-00032070 We will not deal in complicated problems like that. dcE0e8iLiM4-00069-00032070-00032411 By the way, the plastic in the air. dcE0e8iLiM4-00070-00032411-00032558 Series or parallel? dcE0e8iLiM4-00071-00032996-00033470 The plastic and the air right dcE0e8iLiM4-00072-00033470-00033965 around this thing, series. dcE0e8iLiM4-00073-00033965-00034403 Heat goes through the plastic and then it goes through the air. dcE0e8iLiM4-00074-00034403-00034757 Whatever heat went through the plastic had to go through the, dcE0e8iLiM4-00075-00034757-00035147 that little surrounding pocket of air, also to get to the outside. dcE0e8iLiM4-00076-00035147-00035565 They're in series, [COUGH] they have different temperature drops, dcE0e8iLiM4-00077-00035565-00035804 because they have different resistances. dcE0e8iLiM4-00078-00035804-00036034 The plastic is a pretty good resistor. dcE0e8iLiM4-00079-00036034-00036368 Air, well, air is not a bad resistor either. dcE0e8iLiM4-00080-00036368-00036846 So both, both of them have a, have a temperature gradient across them. dcE0e8iLiM4-00081-00036846-00037228 They have different temperature drops, different temperature gradients. dcE0e8iLiM4-00082-00037228-00037827 Because they have different resistances, dcE0e8iLiM4-00083-00037827-00038280 even though they're in series. dcE0e8iLiM4-00084-00038280-00038481 So we're at about seven minutes. dcE0e8iLiM4-00085-00038481-00038772 I'm going to write this in, just because I don't want to forget. dcE0e8iLiM4-00086-00038772-00039258 I'm at 94 in about 7 minutes. dcE0e8iLiM4-00087-00039647-00040102 [COUGH] Fluid flow, you already talked about, you know, dcE0e8iLiM4-00088-00040102-00040605 that the reason that fluid, our description of why fluid flows dcE0e8iLiM4-00089-00040605-00041062 through that horizontal copper pipe in discussion lab. dcE0e8iLiM4-00090-00041062-00041279 The reason why we say, fluid flows, dcE0e8iLiM4-00091-00041279-00041685 why there's a current in there is because there's a pressure drop. dcE0e8iLiM4-00092-00041685-00042067 There's a high pressure on one side, atmospheric pressure on the other. dcE0e8iLiM4-00093-00042067-00042340 That co, that pressure gradient. dcE0e8iLiM4-00094-00042340-00042975 That pressure change per unit length causes a current to flow. dcE0e8iLiM4-00095-00042975-00043138 Voltage gradient. dcE0e8iLiM4-00096-00043138-00043540 Voltage different at two points causes electrical charge to flow. dcE0e8iLiM4-00097-00043904-00044278 And last time we talked about a concentration gradient causes, dcE0e8iLiM4-00098-00044278-00044687 well, we barely talked about it, but you already know this anyways. dcE0e8iLiM4-00099-00044687-00045257 A concentration gradient causes particles to flow. dcE0e8iLiM4-00100-00045257-00046000 These last two heat flow and particle flow are both issues of maximizing the entropy. dcE0e8iLiM4-00101-00046000-00046408 So those happen just by random chance. dcE0e8iLiM4-00102-00046408-00046762 They always happen the same way, because there's so dcE0e8iLiM4-00103-00046762-00047289 many particles that random chance will always work in the same direction. dcE0e8iLiM4-00104-00047289-00047675 For us, un, unless we're signaling to sit here for many, dcE0e8iLiM4-00105-00047675-00048180 many lifetimes of the universe and wait for random chance to go the other way. dcE0e8iLiM4-00106-00048180-00048551 But random chance is what causes the heat flow and dcE0e8iLiM4-00107-00048551-00049055 the particle flow and it's because there's lots of lots of particles. dcE0e8iLiM4-00108-00049055-00049396 Avogadro's number kind of particles that dcE0e8iLiM4-00109-00049396-00049833 the statistical issues become the only thing that happens. dcE0e8iLiM4-00110-00049833-00050309 [SOUND] The other two, charge flow and dcE0e8iLiM4-00111-00050309-00050771 fluid flow are caused by actual forces. dcE0e8iLiM4-00112-00050771-00050993 Something's pushing the fluid. dcE0e8iLiM4-00113-00050993-00051231 Well, it's the fluid that's behind it. dcE0e8iLiM4-00114-00051231-00051391 Something's pushing the electrons. dcE0e8iLiM4-00115-00051391-00051606 Well, it's the electrons that are behind it. dcE0e8iLiM4-00116-00051606-00051863 So something's pushing these things. dcE0e8iLiM4-00117-00051863-00052126 There are actual forces involved. dcE0e8iLiM4-00118-00052126-00052450 And, and so there is a difference between these, dcE0e8iLiM4-00119-00052450-00052942 the top two kinds of flow problems and the bottom two kinds of flow problems, dcE0e8iLiM4-00120-00052942-00053259 but we can describe them in exactly the same way. dcE0e8iLiM4-00121-00053259-00053707 They each, the flow happens, because of a gradient. dcE0e8iLiM4-00122-00053707-00054297 And there's always something that's resisting the flow. dcE0e8iLiM4-00123-00054297-00054454 So there's always a resistance. dcE0e8iLiM4-00124-00054454-00054786 Heat conductance, diffusion constant, dcE0e8iLiM4-00125-00054786-00055191 something that gives you the current per unit area. dcE0e8iLiM4-00126-00055191-00055313 This is J. dcE0e8iLiM4-00127-00055313-00055678 Here I have actually written it down, J is a current, current per unit area. dcE0e8iLiM4-00128-00056439-00056826 So, I've got a question for you. dcE0e8iLiM4-00129-00056826-00057240 [COUGH] I'm bringing up this physical problem just because, dcE0e8iLiM4-00130-00057240-00057710 I don't know biology and you do and so, I'm not going to ask you biology dcE0e8iLiM4-00131-00057710-00058068 questions, because I'll just end up getting stumped. dcE0e8iLiM4-00132-00058068-00058886 But I know that biology deals in competing flow problems a lot. dcE0e8iLiM4-00133-00058886-00059279 And so, I'm going to ask you to think about this one. dcE0e8iLiM4-00134-00059279-00059835 An electric range usually has several burners, the burners are just a, dcE0e8iLiM4-00135-00059835-00060474 a resistor that's wound around in a circle and you plug the resistor into the wall. dcE0e8iLiM4-00136-00060474-00060950 So, around 120 volt outlet connected across this dcE0e8iLiM4-00137-00060950-00061311 resistor what happens when you do that? dcE0e8iLiM4-00138-00061311-00061630 Current flows, the resistors start getting hot. dcE0e8iLiM4-00139-00061630-00062087 [SOUND] It gets hotter and hotter and hotter, but, but dcE0e8iLiM4-00140-00062087-00062594 it doesn't just melt down, it doesn't get hot enough to, dcE0e8iLiM4-00141-00062594-00063121 to melt into slag on your, on the range, unfortunately. dcE0e8iLiM4-00142-00063121-00063569 [COUGH] it has a maximum temperature, even if you plug it right into the wall and dcE0e8iLiM4-00143-00063569-00063873 it's not trying to control the temperature at all, dcE0e8iLiM4-00144-00063873-00064186 there will be a maximum temperature for that burner. dcE0e8iLiM4-00145-00064186-00064718 It doesn't get hotter than whatever, red hot. dcE0e8iLiM4-00146-00064718-00065177 What two flow problems are happening here? dcE0e8iLiM4-00147-00065177-00065660 So think about the flow problems that are happening here that dcE0e8iLiM4-00148-00065660-00066001 are leading to this maximum temperature. dcE0e8iLiM4-00149-00066001-00066093 Talk about it all you want. deOAXbmVoOI-00000-00000022-00000250 Mars actually has a huge amount of water and water ice. deOAXbmVoOI-00001-00000250-00000600 So I don't think we'll really suffer a water shortage on Mars. deOAXbmVoOI-00002-00000600-00000830 The main thing about Mars is actually going to be energy. deOAXbmVoOI-00003-00000830-00001286 If you have energy there's plenty of water because there's massive amounts of ice. deOAXbmVoOI-00004-00001286-00001898 So it is really just about getting huge numbers of solar panels out there. deOAXbmVoOI-00005-00001898-00002293 And I think, assuming the public is receptive, I think there might be nuclear. deOAXbmVoOI-00006-00002294-00002508 I think certainly, if you build nuclear on Mars. deOAXbmVoOI-00007-00002508-00002962 As to whether you transport nuclear to Mars would be up to the public to decide. df72_QixQ5Q-00000-00000000-00000500 hello , welcome back to iqpaintingsparkkles df72_QixQ5Q-00001-00000500-00001153 today i am sharing abbotabad travling vlog i hope that you enjoy it, df72_QixQ5Q-00002-00001153-00002103 so in this vlog i am showing you 3 picnic spots of abbotabad so watch the until the end df72_QixQ5Q-00003-00002103-00002446 now we are going to harnoii df72_QixQ5Q-00004-00002446-00003243 trail of harnoii was so beautiful ,there were beautiful mountains df72_QixQ5Q-00005-00003243-00003633 ,scenes were so beautiful df72_QixQ5Q-00006-00003633-00004583 as you know when you go for travling or for picnic so your mind relaxes df72_QixQ5Q-00007-00004583-00004783 and you feel satisfaction in your self df72_QixQ5Q-00008-00004783-00005433 ,so all the time i was watching these beautiful mountains and i feel so much satisfaction df72_QixQ5Q-00009-00005750-00006090 now we reached at harnoii,this is top view of harnoii df72_QixQ5Q-00010-00006090-00006526 now let's show views from close df72_QixQ5Q-00011-00006726-00007283 so this place is good for summers because water was very cold df72_QixQ5Q-00012-00007526-00007800 and you doesn't feel hot in here df72_QixQ5Q-00013-00007800-00008000 and weather was also good here df72_QixQ5Q-00014-00008403-00008653 now enjoy some scenes dfoubGGmNsY-00000-00000478-00000846 Participant: Tomorrow is a day called Ekadashi here in the ashram dfoubGGmNsY-00001-00000846-00001320 and it's supposed to be beneficial to fast on that day. dfoubGGmNsY-00002-00001320-00002138 Sadhguru: If you watch the natural cycles of the body, based on this natural cycle, once in one mandala, dfoubGGmNsY-00003-00002138-00002868 that is one mandala is forty to forty-eight days. In this forty-eight days, three days will happen dfoubGGmNsY-00004-00002868-00003594 where your body does not need food. If that awareness is not there as to which day that is, dfoubGGmNsY-00005-00003594-00004332 for that, in India, they fixed what is called as Ekadashi. That means, four days before the full-moon, dfoubGGmNsY-00006-00004332-00005050 four days before the new-moon day, people don’t eat. They wake up in the morning, no breakfast, dfoubGGmNsY-00007-00005050-00005804 no lunch, only after the sun sets they eat one meal. This is just to allow the system to realign itself, dfoubGGmNsY-00008-00005804-00006348 if you give this break its very, very good for your health and your body the way it functions, dfoubGGmNsY-00009-00006348-00007018 because the system needs that time to adjust itself, everyday food, everyday food it's lot of hard work dfoubGGmNsY-00010-00007018-00007966 for the body, give it a little break. So, what is its spiritual significance? Because it’s a cleansing, dfoubGGmNsY-00011-00007966-00008792 if your system is not vibrant, you won’t feel like doing anything spiritual, you are feeling lethargic. dfoubGGmNsY-00012-00008792-00009984 For a meditator, the biggest enemy is sleep.To sit here with eyes closed and fully alert, takes something else. dfoubGGmNsY-00013-00009984-00010886 For most people if they close their eyes they would sleep. So, to sit here and to be very alert with eyes dfoubGGmNsY-00014-00010886-00011660 closed takes a certain level of vibrance in the body. So, to create this vibrance, we observe, how to eat, dfoubGGmNsY-00015-00011660-00012564 what to do, how much to eat, all these things. It is not spiritual, but it's providing the right kind of body, dfoubGGmNsY-00016-00012564-00013391 so in that context, fasting here and there, giving the body a break to recover itself, recover its vibrance, dfoubGGmNsY-00017-00013391-00014028 not become lethargic with food is important. The ideal break between one meal and the next meal is eight dfoubGGmNsY-00018-00014028-00014812 hours always. If eight hours is not possible for you, minimum five hours break is needed, you must feel dfoubGGmNsY-00019-00014812-00015530 a certain sense of hunger before you eat. Before you feel hungry, if you put food into the system, the system will dfoubGGmNsY-00020-00015530-00016308 become lethargic, it will not know vibrance. So, human vibrance can be in various levels, many different dfoubGGmNsY-00021-00016308-00016948 dimensions, it can carry you to completely different dimensions of experience and living. dfoubGGmNsY-00022-00016948-00017416 So, keeping the body well is a fundamental requirement. dfoubGGmNsY-00023-00017568-00018136 Participant: Somehow on this day, I feel that, need for food is not as much as it on other days. dfoubGGmNsY-00024-00018136-00018936 So, reducing the food intake, definitely helps to clean the system and it also gives rest to the digestive system. dfoubGGmNsY-00025-00019416-00019874 Participant: So, we fast for twenty-four hours and break the fast in the night with a particular kind of meal, dfoubGGmNsY-00026-00019878-00020504 which is more gentle on the system, enough of kanji, papaya, chutney and cooked vegetables. dfoubGGmNsY-00027-00020746-00021168 Participant: Every morning before I do our morning practices, we have neem and turmeric dfoubGGmNsY-00028-00021168-00021638 with a tepid light honey water. Sadhguru says this has a lot of medicinal benefits dfoubGGmNsY-00029-00021638-00022392 and its very supportive for yogic sadhana. dfoubGGmNsY-00030-00022392-00023130 Sadhguru: Anything that you borrow from the planet, it will cause a certain level of inertia in the system. dfoubGGmNsY-00031-00023130-00023992 Now, the important thing is, that you are conscious of this and to keep the inertia levels at the minimum. dfoubGGmNsY-00032-00023992-00024692 Why always, whether your sadhana is working or not is always gauged by how much you sleep and how alert dfoubGGmNsY-00033-00024692-00025316 you are, is because we are checking the inertia, how much inertia are you generating. dfoubGGmNsY-00034-00025316-00025962 If you are generating too much inertia, obviously you need to do something about it. dfoubGGmNsY-00035-00025962-00026856 So, the inertia levels will increase if the body does not allow a certain amount of energy dfoubGGmNsY-00036-00026856-00027810 to enter the cellular level. For it to enter the cellular level, neem and turmeric as a combination is a tremendous
 dfoubGGmNsY-00037-00027810-00028582 it’s like a dilator. You know what’s a dilator? Now if your ophthalmologist wants to look into your eye, dfoubGGmNsY-00038-00028582-00029254 he looks into your eye you don’t show much, he puts a dilator, your eye becomes like this (Gestures), dfoubGGmNsY-00039-00029254-00030033 now he looks into your eye. So, this is kind of a dilator for the energy, it dilates the body in such a way, dfoubGGmNsY-00040-00030033-00031012 that it allows the energy to enter and fill up every crevice in the body, this is important, otherwise if you do lot of dfoubGGmNsY-00041-00031012-00031564 sadhana, not just
neem and turmeric are not the only things, these are the physical supports, dfoubGGmNsY-00042-00031564-00032264 the sadhana itself is doing it. Neem and turmeric is a good support because it dilates the cellular structure dfoubGGmNsY-00043-00032264-00033006 in such a way that it is able to absorb. As you do your asanas, the body will simply crackle with a different kind dfoubGGmNsY-00044-00033006-00033832 of energy. So, consumption of neem and turmeric with a mildly laced honey water dfoubGGmNsY-00045-00033842-00034516 acts as a wonderful way of cleansing the system, dilating the system, that when you do sadhana, dfoubGGmNsY-00046-00034516-00035056 one thing it brings - flexibility to the muscles, another thing is because the dilation brings flexibility dfoubGGmNsY-00047-00035056-00035768 to the muscle and that flexibility as a consequence becomes a way that you slowly build the system into a dfoubGGmNsY-00048-00035768-00036794 more powerful possibility. So, taking care of the food and a few things is important, as important as Sadhana. dfoubGGmNsY-00049-00036794-00037518 Being disciplined with your food, what you take into the system is as important as doing the sadhana. dfoubGGmNsY-00050-00037848-00038466 The idea is, if you take this neem and turmeric combination early in the morning and drink something dfoubGGmNsY-00051-00038466-00039046 warm, it cleanses the stomach in a big way. If there are any minor infections in your stomach, dfoubGGmNsY-00052-00039046-00039800 it will go away and it also kills the cancerous cells in the body. When I say cancerous cells, it is not that dfoubGGmNsY-00053-00039800-00040586 you must
 you know, diagnosed as a having cancer, all our bodies have cancerous cells. dfoubGGmNsY-00054-00040586-00041046 Only when this percentage of cancerous cells goes beyond a certain percentage, dfoubGGmNsY-00055-00041046-00041558 only then it becomes a disease, otherwise every one of our body has cancerous cells, dfoubGGmNsY-00056-00041558-00042060 in how many of them are there, decides your health status in many ways. dfoubGGmNsY-00057-00042750-00043288 Participant: We just got done with our morning practice sessions and headed for the brunch. dfoubGGmNsY-00058-00043880-00044528 Participant: The way that we sit in the hall is we sit cross legged and we eat with our hands. dfoubGGmNsY-00059-00044528-00045038 By eating with the hands you really create that connection with your food, before it even goes into your dfoubGGmNsY-00060-00045038-00045808 mouth. Another aspect, that how we eatin the hall is, we eat in silence. It really helps you to be more dfoubGGmNsY-00061-00045808-00046462 conscious and aware. And why this is important is because, I have become more aware of how my body is dfoubGGmNsY-00062-00046462-00047158 while eating. In situations back at home, I’m watching T.V. while eating, you put your hand into the bag of chips dfoubGGmNsY-00063-00047158-00047814 and all of a sudden, there is no more chips left. But when you eat this way consciously, you can better feel the dfoubGGmNsY-00064-00047814-00048226 sensations in your body and to know when to stop. dfoubGGmNsY-00065-00048226-00048640 Participant: Here at the ashram, we have two meals a day, after introducing this diet, I have seen some dfoubGGmNsY-00066-00048640-00049440 changes, in the way I do my practices. My sleep quota has gone down quite significantly. Sadhguru says, there dfoubGGmNsY-00067-00049440-00050216 should be at least eight hours gap between the first and second meal, I can definitely see that it has worked. dfoubGGmNsY-00068-00050216-00050788 Sadhguru: So, if you space out the food, between one meal and the next meal, dfoubGGmNsY-00069-00050788-00051588 if there is six- to-eight hours gap, without eating anything else in between, most of your cancerous cells will die. dfoubGGmNsY-00070-00051588-00052305 Still, if some of them are tough and they don’t go, that is why twice a month there is a Ekadashi for you. dfoubGGmNsY-00071-00052305-00053379 Now, huge studies have been made and they are saying the same thing that if you just fast for a period of time, dfoubGGmNsY-00072-00053379-00054122 fasting does not mean, eight days, fifteen days and killing yourself. No! Just, you eat your evening meal dfoubGGmNsY-00073-00054122-00054808 today, the next meal is only tomorrow evening. If you give this much space, most of the cancerous cells get dfoubGGmNsY-00074-00054808-00055714 neutralized. Will all of them be gone? No! Some of them know how to lie low, but they will never be able to dfoubGGmNsY-00075-00055714-00056129 increase their numbers and gang up in one place to become an ailment. dfoubGGmNsY-00076-00056246-00056600 Participant: It's not just about the type of food and how many times you have food, dfoubGGmNsY-00077-00056600-00057402 but it's also about the healing and cooling properties of the food, it changes accordingly to the weather. dfoubGGmNsY-00078-00057402-00057782 Everything is put together to create the right kind of balance. dfoubGGmNsY-00079-00057782-00058296 Participant: During the training in the afternoon, we are also taking a soup. dfoubGGmNsY-00080-00058300-00059304 Sadhguru: In the afternoons, they will give you, what is here locally called as Kullu and the English came here dfoubGGmNsY-00081-00059304-00060217 and named it as the horse gram. So, horse gram soup they will give you in the afternoon. You drink horse gram dfoubGGmNsY-00082-00060217-00061348 soup and horse gram is one among the lintels, it is the most protein rich lintel found on the planet. dfoubGGmNsY-00083-00061348-00062429 It’s very high powered! So, that’s why race horses are fed with this gram, which is called as horse gram today, dfoubGGmNsY-00084-00062429-00062755 now this will increase heat in the body. dfoubGGmNsY-00085-00062755-00063820 Participant: My experience of taking this, during this training, I would say that I never get sick, like fever, cold. dfoubGGmNsY-00086-00063820-00064328 Participant: I can better tell what my body needs. Sometimes I feel like eating more raw food, dfoubGGmNsY-00087-00064328-00064982 depending on how much energy I've exerted. I am able to tell better because I am eating in this dfoubGGmNsY-00088-00064982-00065874 conscious manner. I have definitely, never enjoyed eating food this much, it’s definitely a different way of eating. dfQxj7Yadtu-00001-00000534-00000906 The main question we try to answer is how we can see; dfQxj7Yadtu-00002-00000974-00001290 for this we use the mouse visual system as a model. dfQxj7Yadtu-00003-00002060-00002464 In particular we are interested in understanding how the retina, dfQxj7Yadtu-00004-00002498-00002964 which is the first step of vision, processes visual signals. dfQxj7Yadtu-00005-00002976-00003815 This is a very important question because many diseases of the human visual system dfQxj7Yadtu-00006-00003822-00004046 are related to the dysfunction of the retina. dfQxj7Yadtu-00007-00004086-00004670 So by studying the retina we can gain insight into the etiology of retinal diseases. dfQxj7Yadtu-00008-00004778-00005040 We had a major breakthrough two years ago. dfQxj7Yadtu-00009-00005084-00005768 We located impaired neuronal circuits in the human disease: congenital nystagmus. dfQxj7Yadtu-00010-00005846-00006444 We found that the dysfunction of motion detection in the retina causes this disease in humans. dfQxj7Yadtu-00011-00006736-00007150 DANDRITE is a very special, unique institute in Denmark, dfQxj7Yadtu-00012-00007172-00007668 established by the Lundbeck Foundation and the European Molecular Biology Laboratories dfQxj7Yadtu-00013-00007754-00008528 and supported with very generous financial support that allows us to really focus on our scientific questions. dfQxj7Yadtu-00014-00008642-00009088 I think the most important thing is to have good people, good questions, dfQxj7Yadtu-00015-00009126-00009502 and enough resources to address those scientific questions. dfQxj7Yadtu-00016-00009534-00009872 Also, this institute is very international. dfQxj7Yadtu-00017-00009946-00010358 People from different backgrounds can be very creative, dfQxj7Yadtu-00018-00010370-00010932 so I think this environment really helps us to address really good questions. djodt-SW5S0-00000-00000000-00000066 This Record Is Available For Informational Purposes Only! dk5OWV43F4Q-00000-00000010-00000103 THEY ENDED UP WINNING. dk5OWV43F4Q-00001-00000103-00000110 THEY ENDED UP WINNING. dk5OWV43F4Q-00002-00000110-00000200 THEY ENDED UP WINNING. >>Dennis: HEADING BACK. dk5OWV43F4Q-00003-00000200-00000206 THEY ENDED UP WINNING. >>Dennis: HEADING BACK. dk5OWV43F4Q-00004-00000206-00000343 THEY ENDED UP WINNING. >>Dennis: HEADING BACK. GOOD FOR THEM. dk5OWV43F4Q-00005-00000343-00000350 >>Dennis: HEADING BACK. GOOD FOR THEM. dk5OWV43F4Q-00006-00000350-00000423 >>Dennis: HEADING BACK. GOOD FOR THEM. >>> THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00007-00000423-00000430 GOOD FOR THEM. >>> THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00008-00000430-00000590 GOOD FOR THEM. >>> THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD WANTED TO ADD A POP OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00009-00000590-00000597 >>> THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD WANTED TO ADD A POP OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00010-00000597-00000764 >>> THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE IN BRAINERD WANTED TO ADD A POP OF COLOR TO THIS DRAB WINTER, SO dk5OWV43F4Q-00011-00000764-00000770 BRAINERD WANTED TO ADD A POP OF COLOR TO THIS DRAB WINTER, SO dk5OWV43F4Q-00012-00000770-00000877 BRAINERD WANTED TO ADD A POP OF COLOR TO THIS DRAB WINTER, SO THEY CREATED A NEW EXHIBIT THAT dk5OWV43F4Q-00013-00000877-00000884 COLOR TO THIS DRAB WINTER, SO THEY CREATED A NEW EXHIBIT THAT dk5OWV43F4Q-00014-00000884-00000984 COLOR TO THIS DRAB WINTER, SO THEY CREATED A NEW EXHIBIT THAT DOES JUST THAT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00015-00000984-00000990 THEY CREATED A NEW EXHIBIT THAT DOES JUST THAT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00016-00000990-00001114 THEY CREATED A NEW EXHIBIT THAT DOES JUST THAT. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE dk5OWV43F4Q-00017-00001114-00001121 DOES JUST THAT. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE dk5OWV43F4Q-00018-00001121-00001224 DOES JUST THAT. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW FOR THIS dk5OWV43F4Q-00019-00001224-00001231 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW FOR THIS dk5OWV43F4Q-00020-00001231-00001414 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A PREVIEW FOR THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS." dk5OWV43F4Q-00021-00001414-00001421 MOORE HAS A PREVIEW FOR THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS." dk5OWV43F4Q-00022-00001421-00001528 MOORE HAS A PREVIEW FOR THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS." >> Reporter: WHEN THE THRILL OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00023-00001528-00001534 WEEK'S "IN FOCUS." >> Reporter: WHEN THE THRILL OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00024-00001534-00001658 WEEK'S "IN FOCUS." >> Reporter: WHEN THE THRILL OF THE HOLIDAYS IS OVER AND WE'RE dk5OWV43F4Q-00025-00001658-00001664 >> Reporter: WHEN THE THRILL OF THE HOLIDAYS IS OVER AND WE'RE dk5OWV43F4Q-00026-00001664-00001768 >> Reporter: WHEN THE THRILL OF THE HOLIDAYS IS OVER AND WE'RE WAITING FOR THE SNOW TO MELT ON dk5OWV43F4Q-00027-00001768-00001775 THE HOLIDAYS IS OVER AND WE'RE WAITING FOR THE SNOW TO MELT ON dk5OWV43F4Q-00028-00001775-00001898 THE HOLIDAYS IS OVER AND WE'RE WAITING FOR THE SNOW TO MELT ON THE GROUND, IT FEELS LIKE dk5OWV43F4Q-00029-00001898-00001905 WAITING FOR THE SNOW TO MELT ON THE GROUND, IT FEELS LIKE dk5OWV43F4Q-00030-00001905-00002001 WAITING FOR THE SNOW TO MELT ON THE GROUND, IT FEELS LIKE EVERYONE COULD USE A LITTLE BIT dk5OWV43F4Q-00031-00002001-00002008 THE GROUND, IT FEELS LIKE EVERYONE COULD USE A LITTLE BIT dk5OWV43F4Q-00032-00002008-00002128 THE GROUND, IT FEELS LIKE EVERYONE COULD USE A LITTLE BIT OF SUNSHINE TO GET THEM THROUGH dk5OWV43F4Q-00033-00002128-00002135 EVERYONE COULD USE A LITTLE BIT OF SUNSHINE TO GET THEM THROUGH dk5OWV43F4Q-00034-00002135-00002192 EVERYONE COULD USE A LITTLE BIT OF SUNSHINE TO GET THEM THROUGH THE DAY. dk5OWV43F4Q-00035-00002192-00002198 OF SUNSHINE TO GET THEM THROUGH THE DAY. dk5OWV43F4Q-00036-00002198-00002412 OF SUNSHINE TO GET THEM THROUGH THE DAY. THAT'S THE BRIGHT IDEA THAT LED dk5OWV43F4Q-00037-00002412-00002419 THE DAY. THAT'S THE BRIGHT IDEA THAT LED dk5OWV43F4Q-00038-00002419-00002742 THE DAY. THAT'S THE BRIGHT IDEA THAT LED THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE FOR dk5OWV43F4Q-00039-00002742-00002749 THAT'S THE BRIGHT IDEA THAT LED THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE FOR dk5OWV43F4Q-00040-00002749-00002949 THAT'S THE BRIGHT IDEA THAT LED THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE FOR THE NEW EXHIBIT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00041-00002949-00002956 THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE FOR THE NEW EXHIBIT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00042-00002956-00003123 THE CROSSING ART ALLIANCE FOR THE NEW EXHIBIT. >> WE ASKED ARTISTS TO PROVIDE dk5OWV43F4Q-00043-00003123-00003129 THE NEW EXHIBIT. >> WE ASKED ARTISTS TO PROVIDE dk5OWV43F4Q-00044-00003129-00003229 THE NEW EXHIBIT. >> WE ASKED ARTISTS TO PROVIDE WORK THAT WAS COLORFUL. dk5OWV43F4Q-00045-00003229-00003236 >> WE ASKED ARTISTS TO PROVIDE WORK THAT WAS COLORFUL. dk5OWV43F4Q-00046-00003236-00003460 >> WE ASKED ARTISTS TO PROVIDE WORK THAT WAS COLORFUL. WE WERE OPEN TO ANY MEDIUM AS dk5OWV43F4Q-00047-00003460-00003466 WORK THAT WAS COLORFUL. WE WERE OPEN TO ANY MEDIUM AS dk5OWV43F4Q-00048-00003466-00003610 WORK THAT WAS COLORFUL. WE WERE OPEN TO ANY MEDIUM AS LONG AS THEY GAVE US COLOR. dk5OWV43F4Q-00049-00003610-00003616 WE WERE OPEN TO ANY MEDIUM AS LONG AS THEY GAVE US COLOR. dk5OWV43F4Q-00050-00003616-00003720 WE WERE OPEN TO ANY MEDIUM AS LONG AS THEY GAVE US COLOR. >> Reporter: YOU CAN FIND THE dk5OWV43F4Q-00051-00003720-00003727 LONG AS THEY GAVE US COLOR. >> Reporter: YOU CAN FIND THE dk5OWV43F4Q-00052-00003727-00003900 LONG AS THEY GAVE US COLOR. >> Reporter: YOU CAN FIND THE BRIGHTEST OF REDS AND COOLEST OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00053-00003900-00003907 >> Reporter: YOU CAN FIND THE BRIGHTEST OF REDS AND COOLEST OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00054-00003907-00003973 >> Reporter: YOU CAN FIND THE BRIGHTEST OF REDS AND COOLEST OF BLUES. dk5OWV43F4Q-00055-00003973-00003980 BRIGHTEST OF REDS AND COOLEST OF BLUES. dk5OWV43F4Q-00056-00003980-00004124 BRIGHTEST OF REDS AND COOLEST OF BLUES. IT'S NOT LIMITED TO PAINT ON dk5OWV43F4Q-00057-00004124-00004130 BLUES. IT'S NOT LIMITED TO PAINT ON dk5OWV43F4Q-00058-00004130-00004297 BLUES. IT'S NOT LIMITED TO PAINT ON CANVAS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00059-00004297-00004304 IT'S NOT LIMITED TO PAINT ON CANVAS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00060-00004304-00004587 IT'S NOT LIMITED TO PAINT ON CANVAS. >> WE HAVE SCULPTURE PIECES, dk5OWV43F4Q-00061-00004587-00004594 CANVAS. >> WE HAVE SCULPTURE PIECES, dk5OWV43F4Q-00062-00004594-00004744 CANVAS. >> WE HAVE SCULPTURE PIECES, PASTELS, MIXED MEDIA. dk5OWV43F4Q-00063-00004744-00004751 >> WE HAVE SCULPTURE PIECES, PASTELS, MIXED MEDIA. dk5OWV43F4Q-00064-00004751-00004914 >> WE HAVE SCULPTURE PIECES, PASTELS, MIXED MEDIA. IT'S A WIDE VARIETY OF TYPES OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00065-00004914-00004921 PASTELS, MIXED MEDIA. IT'S A WIDE VARIETY OF TYPES OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00066-00004921-00005075 PASTELS, MIXED MEDIA. IT'S A WIDE VARIETY OF TYPES OF ART WITH THE CONNECTING THEM OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00067-00005075-00005081 IT'S A WIDE VARIETY OF TYPES OF ART WITH THE CONNECTING THEM OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00068-00005081-00005241 IT'S A WIDE VARIETY OF TYPES OF ART WITH THE CONNECTING THEM OF THE REALLY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. dk5OWV43F4Q-00069-00005241-00005248 ART WITH THE CONNECTING THEM OF THE REALLY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. dk5OWV43F4Q-00070-00005248-00005375 ART WITH THE CONNECTING THEM OF THE REALLY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. >> Reporter: DIANE IS ONE OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00071-00005375-00005382 THE REALLY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. >> Reporter: DIANE IS ONE OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00072-00005382-00005578 THE REALLY BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. >> Reporter: DIANE IS ONE OF THE FEATURED ARTISTS IN THE RIOT dk5OWV43F4Q-00073-00005578-00005585 >> Reporter: DIANE IS ONE OF THE FEATURED ARTISTS IN THE RIOT dk5OWV43F4Q-00074-00005585-00005742 >> Reporter: DIANE IS ONE OF THE FEATURED ARTISTS IN THE RIOT OF COLOR EXHIBITS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00075-00005742-00005749 THE FEATURED ARTISTS IN THE RIOT OF COLOR EXHIBITS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00076-00005749-00006096 THE FEATURED ARTISTS IN THE RIOT OF COLOR EXHIBITS. SHE USED COLOR ON ACRYLIC PAPER dk5OWV43F4Q-00077-00006096-00006102 OF COLOR EXHIBITS. SHE USED COLOR ON ACRYLIC PAPER dk5OWV43F4Q-00078-00006102-00006379 OF COLOR EXHIBITS. SHE USED COLOR ON ACRYLIC PAPER >> THIS WAS A VERY FUN PIECE TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00079-00006379-00006386 SHE USED COLOR ON ACRYLIC PAPER >> THIS WAS A VERY FUN PIECE TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00080-00006386-00006683 SHE USED COLOR ON ACRYLIC PAPER >> THIS WAS A VERY FUN PIECE TO MAKE BECAUSE IT'S A RATHER LARGE dk5OWV43F4Q-00081-00006683-00006690 >> THIS WAS A VERY FUN PIECE TO MAKE BECAUSE IT'S A RATHER LARGE dk5OWV43F4Q-00082-00006690-00006816 >> THIS WAS A VERY FUN PIECE TO MAKE BECAUSE IT'S A RATHER LARGE PIECE AND JUST FREEDOM. dk5OWV43F4Q-00083-00006816-00006823 MAKE BECAUSE IT'S A RATHER LARGE PIECE AND JUST FREEDOM. dk5OWV43F4Q-00084-00006823-00006970 MAKE BECAUSE IT'S A RATHER LARGE PIECE AND JUST FREEDOM. IT'S JUST THE FREEDOM OF WORKING dk5OWV43F4Q-00085-00006970-00006976 PIECE AND JUST FREEDOM. IT'S JUST THE FREEDOM OF WORKING dk5OWV43F4Q-00086-00006976-00007127 PIECE AND JUST FREEDOM. IT'S JUST THE FREEDOM OF WORKING WITH COLOR AND PAINT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00087-00007127-00007133 IT'S JUST THE FREEDOM OF WORKING WITH COLOR AND PAINT. dk5OWV43F4Q-00088-00007133-00007300 IT'S JUST THE FREEDOM OF WORKING WITH COLOR AND PAINT. TAKES A WHILE TO DRY BECAUSE dk5OWV43F4Q-00089-00007300-00007307 WITH COLOR AND PAINT. TAKES A WHILE TO DRY BECAUSE dk5OWV43F4Q-00090-00007307-00007477 WITH COLOR AND PAINT. TAKES A WHILE TO DRY BECAUSE IT'S PLASTIC SO THE PAINT IS dk5OWV43F4Q-00091-00007477-00007484 TAKES A WHILE TO DRY BECAUSE IT'S PLASTIC SO THE PAINT IS dk5OWV43F4Q-00092-00007484-00007560 TAKES A WHILE TO DRY BECAUSE IT'S PLASTIC SO THE PAINT IS SITTING THERE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00093-00007560-00007567 IT'S PLASTIC SO THE PAINT IS SITTING THERE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00094-00007567-00007717 IT'S PLASTIC SO THE PAINT IS SITTING THERE. BUT YOU CAN WIPE OUT AND YOU CAN dk5OWV43F4Q-00095-00007717-00007724 SITTING THERE. BUT YOU CAN WIPE OUT AND YOU CAN dk5OWV43F4Q-00096-00007724-00007924 SITTING THERE. BUT YOU CAN WIPE OUT AND YOU CAN ADD ON AND MAKE MARKS AS I'VE dk5OWV43F4Q-00097-00007924-00007931 BUT YOU CAN WIPE OUT AND YOU CAN ADD ON AND MAKE MARKS AS I'VE dk5OWV43F4Q-00098-00007931-00008001 BUT YOU CAN WIPE OUT AND YOU CAN ADD ON AND MAKE MARKS AS I'VE DONE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00099-00008001-00008007 ADD ON AND MAKE MARKS AS I'VE DONE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00100-00008007-00008171 ADD ON AND MAKE MARKS AS I'VE DONE. SO IT'S VERY FUN TO WORK WITH. dk5OWV43F4Q-00101-00008171-00008178 DONE. SO IT'S VERY FUN TO WORK WITH. dk5OWV43F4Q-00102-00008178-00008318 DONE. SO IT'S VERY FUN TO WORK WITH. >> Reporter: WE FINALLY HIT dk5OWV43F4Q-00103-00008318-00008324 SO IT'S VERY FUN TO WORK WITH. >> Reporter: WE FINALLY HIT dk5OWV43F4Q-00104-00008324-00008481 SO IT'S VERY FUN TO WORK WITH. >> Reporter: WE FINALLY HIT MARCH AND WE'VE BEEN IN WINTER dk5OWV43F4Q-00105-00008481-00008488 >> Reporter: WE FINALLY HIT MARCH AND WE'VE BEEN IN WINTER dk5OWV43F4Q-00106-00008488-00008628 >> Reporter: WE FINALLY HIT MARCH AND WE'VE BEEN IN WINTER FOR A LITTLE WHILE, IT STARTS TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00107-00008628-00008635 MARCH AND WE'VE BEEN IN WINTER FOR A LITTLE WHILE, IT STARTS TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00108-00008635-00008918 MARCH AND WE'VE BEEN IN WINTER FOR A LITTLE WHILE, IT STARTS TO FEEL A LITTLE GRAY OUTSIDE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00109-00008918-00008925 FOR A LITTLE WHILE, IT STARTS TO FEEL A LITTLE GRAY OUTSIDE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00110-00008925-00009285 FOR A LITTLE WHILE, IT STARTS TO FEEL A LITTLE GRAY OUTSIDE. THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA BEHIND THE dk5OWV43F4Q-00111-00009285-00009292 FEEL A LITTLE GRAY OUTSIDE. THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA BEHIND THE dk5OWV43F4Q-00112-00009292-00009446 FEEL A LITTLE GRAY OUTSIDE. THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA BEHIND THE RIOT OF COLOR, TO BRING A LITTLE dk5OWV43F4Q-00113-00009446-00009452 THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA BEHIND THE RIOT OF COLOR, TO BRING A LITTLE dk5OWV43F4Q-00114-00009452-00009576 THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA BEHIND THE RIOT OF COLOR, TO BRING A LITTLE LIGHT IN THE SEASON. dk5OWV43F4Q-00115-00009576-00009582 RIOT OF COLOR, TO BRING A LITTLE LIGHT IN THE SEASON. dk5OWV43F4Q-00116-00009582-00009933 RIOT OF COLOR, TO BRING A LITTLE LIGHT IN THE SEASON. >> WHEN PEOPLE COME IN FROM A dk5OWV43F4Q-00117-00009933-00009939 LIGHT IN THE SEASON. >> WHEN PEOPLE COME IN FROM A dk5OWV43F4Q-00118-00009939-00010193 LIGHT IN THE SEASON. >> WHEN PEOPLE COME IN FROM A SNOW-FILLED LANDSCAPE TO A PLACE dk5OWV43F4Q-00119-00010193-00010200 >> WHEN PEOPLE COME IN FROM A SNOW-FILLED LANDSCAPE TO A PLACE dk5OWV43F4Q-00120-00010200-00010450 >> WHEN PEOPLE COME IN FROM A SNOW-FILLED LANDSCAPE TO A PLACE THAT'S BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00121-00010450-00010457 SNOW-FILLED LANDSCAPE TO A PLACE THAT'S BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00122-00010457-00010603 SNOW-FILLED LANDSCAPE TO A PLACE THAT'S BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IN COLOR, THERE'S AN EFFECT ON YOUR dk5OWV43F4Q-00123-00010603-00010610 THAT'S BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IN COLOR, THERE'S AN EFFECT ON YOUR dk5OWV43F4Q-00124-00010610-00010650 THAT'S BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IN COLOR, THERE'S AN EFFECT ON YOUR MOOD. dk5OWV43F4Q-00125-00010650-00010657 COLOR, THERE'S AN EFFECT ON YOUR MOOD. dk5OWV43F4Q-00126-00010657-00010767 COLOR, THERE'S AN EFFECT ON YOUR MOOD. YOU HAVE TO SMILE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00127-00010767-00010774 MOOD. YOU HAVE TO SMILE. dk5OWV43F4Q-00128-00010774-00010930 MOOD. YOU HAVE TO SMILE. I THINK HAVING THE BRIGHT COLORS dk5OWV43F4Q-00129-00010930-00010937 YOU HAVE TO SMILE. I THINK HAVING THE BRIGHT COLORS dk5OWV43F4Q-00130-00010937-00011114 YOU HAVE TO SMILE. I THINK HAVING THE BRIGHT COLORS IN FRONT OF US BEFORE WE HEAD dk5OWV43F4Q-00131-00011114-00011121 I THINK HAVING THE BRIGHT COLORS IN FRONT OF US BEFORE WE HEAD dk5OWV43F4Q-00132-00011121-00011281 I THINK HAVING THE BRIGHT COLORS IN FRONT OF US BEFORE WE HEAD BACK INTO THE SNOW KIND OF HELPS dk5OWV43F4Q-00133-00011281-00011287 IN FRONT OF US BEFORE WE HEAD BACK INTO THE SNOW KIND OF HELPS dk5OWV43F4Q-00134-00011287-00011468 IN FRONT OF US BEFORE WE HEAD BACK INTO THE SNOW KIND OF HELPS US LEAVE WITH A BETTER SENSE OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00135-00011468-00011474 BACK INTO THE SNOW KIND OF HELPS US LEAVE WITH A BETTER SENSE OF dk5OWV43F4Q-00136-00011474-00011544 BACK INTO THE SNOW KIND OF HELPS US LEAVE WITH A BETTER SENSE OF HAPPINESS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00137-00011544-00011551 US LEAVE WITH A BETTER SENSE OF HAPPINESS. dk5OWV43F4Q-00138-00011551-00011681 US LEAVE WITH A BETTER SENSE OF HAPPINESS. >> Reporter: A RIOT OF COLOR dk5OWV43F4Q-00139-00011681-00011688 HAPPINESS. >> Reporter: A RIOT OF COLOR dk5OWV43F4Q-00140-00011688-00011841 HAPPINESS. >> Reporter: A RIOT OF COLOR WILL MAKE THE OFFICIAL DEBUT dk5OWV43F4Q-00141-00011841-00011848 >> Reporter: A RIOT OF COLOR WILL MAKE THE OFFICIAL DEBUT dk5OWV43F4Q-00142-00011848-00011908 >> Reporter: A RIOT OF COLOR WILL MAKE THE OFFICIAL DEBUT TOMORROW. dk5OWV43F4Q-00143-00011908-00011915 WILL MAKE THE OFFICIAL DEBUT TOMORROW. dk5OWV43F4Q-00144-00011915-00012065 WILL MAKE THE OFFICIAL DEBUT TOMORROW. TO GO WITH THE RAINBOW THEME, dk5OWV43F4Q-00145-00012065-00012072 TOMORROW. TO GO WITH THE RAINBOW THEME, dk5OWV43F4Q-00146-00012072-00012348 TOMORROW. TO GO WITH THE RAINBOW THEME, YOU CAN EXPECT A FEW VIBRANT dk5OWV43F4Q-00147-00012348-00012355 TO GO WITH THE RAINBOW THEME, YOU CAN EXPECT A FEW VIBRANT dk5OWV43F4Q-00148-00012355-00012419 TO GO WITH THE RAINBOW THEME, YOU CAN EXPECT A FEW VIBRANT GOODIES. dk5OWV43F4Q-00149-00012419-00012425 YOU CAN EXPECT A FEW VIBRANT GOODIES. dk5OWV43F4Q-00150-00012425-00012592 YOU CAN EXPECT A FEW VIBRANT GOODIES. >> WE HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION dk5OWV43F4Q-00151-00012592-00012599 GOODIES. >> WE HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION dk5OWV43F4Q-00152-00012599-00012772 GOODIES. >> WE HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION ON SATURDAY 12:00 TO 2:00. dk5OWV43F4Q-00153-00012772-00012779 >> WE HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION ON SATURDAY 12:00 TO 2:00. dk5OWV43F4Q-00154-00012779-00012929 >> WE HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION ON SATURDAY 12:00 TO 2:00. WE HAVE ASKED OUR VOLUNTEERS TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00155-00012929-00012936 ON SATURDAY 12:00 TO 2:00. WE HAVE ASKED OUR VOLUNTEERS TO dk5OWV43F4Q-00156-00012936-00013079 ON SATURDAY 12:00 TO 2:00. WE HAVE ASKED OUR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP US MAKE TREATS THAT WERE dk5OWV43F4Q-00157-00013079-00013086 WE HAVE ASKED OUR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP US MAKE TREATS THAT WERE dk5OWV43F4Q-00158-00013086-00013239 WE HAVE ASKED OUR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP US MAKE TREATS THAT WERE JUST AS COLORFUL AS THE ARTWORK dk5OWV43F4Q-00159-00013239-00013246 HELP US MAKE TREATS THAT WERE JUST AS COLORFUL AS THE ARTWORK dk5OWV43F4Q-00160-00013246-00013423 HELP US MAKE TREATS THAT WERE JUST AS COLORFUL AS THE ARTWORK WE'LL HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION, dk5OWV43F4Q-00161-00013423-00013430 JUST AS COLORFUL AS THE ARTWORK WE'LL HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION, dk5OWV43F4Q-00162-00013430-00013633 JUST AS COLORFUL AS THE ARTWORK WE'LL HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION, SOME OF THE ARTISTS WILL BE HERE dk5OWV43F4Q-00163-00013633-00013640 WE'LL HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION, SOME OF THE ARTISTS WILL BE HERE dk5OWV43F4Q-00164-00013640-00013867 WE'LL HAVE AN OPENING RECEPTION, SOME OF THE ARTISTS WILL BE HERE AND WE'LL ENJOY COLORFUL TREATS, dk5OWV43F4Q-00165-00013867-00013873 SOME OF THE ARTISTS WILL BE HERE AND WE'LL ENJOY COLORFUL TREATS, dk5OWV43F4Q-00166-00013873-00013943 SOME OF THE ARTISTS WILL BE HERE AND WE'LL ENJOY COLORFUL TREATS, TOO. dk5OWV43F4Q-00167-00013943-00013950 AND WE'LL ENJOY COLORFUL TREATS, TOO. dk5OWV43F4Q-00168-00013950-00014023 AND WE'LL ENJOY COLORFUL TREATS, TOO. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00169-00014023-00014030 TOO. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00170-00014030-00014180 TOO. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S "IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00171-00014180-00014187 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S "IN dk5OWV43F4Q-00172-00014187-00014364 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS," SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND dk5OWV43F4Q-00173-00014364-00014371 BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS," SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND dk5OWV43F4Q-00174-00014371-00014381 BRAINERD WITH THIS WEEK'S "IN FOCUS," SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. dkgHXI18zh8-00000-00000000-00000450 Insufficient funding for some of his ambitious projects, such as a dkgHXI18zh8-00001-00000450-00000990 worldwide wireless communication system. Difficulty in commercializing some of his dkgHXI18zh8-00002-00000990-00001500 inventions, such as the Tesla coil. Over-promising and under-delivering dkgHXI18zh8-00003-00001500-00001955 on some of his projects, such as his plans for a "Death Ray" weapon. dkgHXI18zh8-00004-00002028-00002616 Lack of business acumen, which led to him being swindled out of royalties for some of his patents. dkgHXI18zh8-00005-00002700-00003264 Difficulty in maintaining a stable personal and professional life, which led to him becoming dkgHXI18zh8-00006-00003264-00003852 increasingly reclusive later in his life. Failure to fully develop and market his dkgHXI18zh8-00007-00003852-00004446 concept of wireless energy transmission. Struggle to acquire funding for his Wardenclyffe dkgHXI18zh8-00008-00004446-00004860 Tower, a wireless communication and energy transmission tower. dkgHXI18zh8-00009-00004950-00005370 Failure to create a practical and marketable form of the bladeless turbine. dkgHXI18zh8-00010-00005448-00005892 Mismanagement of the Tesla Electric Company and the failure of the company. dkgHXI18zh8-00011-00005988-00006288 Tesla's obsession with certain ideas and projects, dkgHXI18zh8-00012-00006288-00006840 which often detracted from his ability to focus on more practical, profitable ventures. dke7D5VzpQY-00000-00000108-00000732 foreign dke7D5VzpQY-00001-00000732-00001344 Welcome to development Dynamics. I'm your host, MaqC. This is an absolutely fantastic dke7D5VzpQY-00002-00001344-00001932 season that you're starting we are in 2023. We've had a few episodes running, dke7D5VzpQY-00003-00001932-00002724 and we are glad and delighted to continue. At #DDwithMaqC (Development Dynamics), we provide dke7D5VzpQY-00004-00002724-00003576 a platform for conversation, reflection, and storytelling, where we invite and host leaders dke7D5VzpQY-00005-00003576-00004302 and practitioners who have had a great impact, especially in the social and development spheres. dke7D5VzpQY-00006-00004386-00004902 We often know that serialization has been done for politicians, businessmen, dke7D5VzpQY-00007-00004902-00005472 and artists. Still, people whose journey is primarily in development at times go unsung, dke7D5VzpQY-00008-00005472-00006558 and one of those whose story is remarkable, ladies and gentlemen, is Irungu Nyakera. that's who dke7D5VzpQY-00009-00006558-00007284 we have today. His biography is Rich, but what we will do is that we'll go through his entire dke7D5VzpQY-00010-00007284-00007968 life to where he is right now, and um we will be sassing out nuances about his own Journey, dke7D5VzpQY-00011-00007968-00008784 his moments and who he is, and how his source of found meaning in life Welcome to development dke7D5VzpQY-00012-00008784-00009366 Dynamics with maxi asantasana thank you for joining us for creating this time just to be dke7D5VzpQY-00013-00009366-00009840 here and for honoring our invitation we are we are super delighted we like to begin by dke7D5VzpQY-00014-00009948-00010710 um going before bath what where does nyakera what are your roots where where does nakira the man dke7D5VzpQY-00015-00010710-00011952 come from uh thank you so much Maxi uh they so I'm from muranga County my mom was a single mother and dke7D5VzpQY-00016-00011952-00012918 uh I was they were born in muranga and and raised particularly in media yeah in a place called dke7D5VzpQY-00017-00012918-00013854 Village yes so that's where we that's where the roots yeah are right and uh I would say dke7D5VzpQY-00018-00013854-00014663 uh from there we didn't stay there for too long because my mom was a very entrepreneur dke7D5VzpQY-00019-00014663-00015228 and she was looking for opportunities beyond that could not be offered in the village yes dke7D5VzpQY-00020-00015228-00016002 so we very quickly uh moved to Nairobi are you a single child are you from um no we are three we dke7D5VzpQY-00021-00016002-00016674 have three um the first one right so by the time uh that time I was the only one yeah so we moved dke7D5VzpQY-00022-00016674-00018144 to Nairobi around 1986 85 86 and then I have a place called kenyago The the slums of islands yes dke7D5VzpQY-00023-00018144-00019770 so that's why I spent majority of your of your childhood yes all the way to when I joined uh dke7D5VzpQY-00024-00019770-00020622 class one yeah then uh I which I joined the study boys right so which was not far from there you're dke7D5VzpQY-00025-00020622-00021066 very early childhood what what do you what do you recollect what are your fondest memory of dke7D5VzpQY-00026-00021066-00021888 that period even before you join school I a lot because you see the in that uh setting uh pretty dke7D5VzpQY-00027-00021888-00022740 much there is life yeah with all these other kids growing up this uh it's just free Spirits yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00028-00022740-00023586 yeah and of course we didn't even know that we were poor it just it just because everyone around dke7D5VzpQY-00029-00023586-00024138 you yeah the innocence of children yes yeah so so we just came we just enjoyed the childhood dke7D5VzpQY-00030-00024138-00025158 that was quite enjoyable then yeah of course they remember once at least to understand how the the dke7D5VzpQY-00031-00025158-00025698 area the issues of insecurity I remember because we were living in a one of these dke7D5VzpQY-00032-00025698-00026477 mad houses I wake up in the morning and we are sleeping on the floor there is no bed there is dke7D5VzpQY-00033-00026477-00027498 so there's a big hole on the wall so some guys came sprayed us and then carried everything in dke7D5VzpQY-00034-00027498-00028422 the house at night there wasn't a lot to be carried but empty house you have to go to dke7D5VzpQY-00035-00028422-00028986 the neighbor to borrows oh yeah and I try to make something you don't be sprayed yes yes dke7D5VzpQY-00036-00028986-00029670 so nobody had anything we just woke up it was me my mom and my sister yeah yeah so so that dke7D5VzpQY-00037-00029670-00030774 that was the the life all right okay so but you got an opportunity to join Mr head boys yes for dke7D5VzpQY-00038-00030774-00031602 your primary school for primary school yeah so uh and in particular for primary uh was for very dke7D5VzpQY-00039-00031602-00032220 poor people from very poor backgrounds and mostly orphans people from the children's home so my mom dke7D5VzpQY-00040-00032220-00033012 somehow managed being a street twice a person money to connect with someone from Mr uh they dke7D5VzpQY-00041-00033012-00033822 called us for an interview it was interviewed in the past but I think I still wrote an e like dke7D5VzpQY-00042-00033822-00034362 a three I've never forgotten the reverse the reverse did you have to yes you had to touch dke7D5VzpQY-00043-00034362-00035028 yeah yeah uh then from there now the next thing was now sterehe they were sending uh people to dke7D5VzpQY-00044-00035028-00035682 come and inspect okay you you to establish that you actually poor yeah that you are rightfully dke7D5VzpQY-00045-00035682-00036144 here here you should be there yeah because that time you've not been admitted but you've just dke7D5VzpQY-00046-00036144-00036786 done the test you fast so on the day that they were sending people I remember my mom waking us dke7D5VzpQY-00047-00036786-00037398 up at around uh four in the morning yeah to carry things and take them to the neighbor the little dke7D5VzpQY-00048-00037398-00038064 leaves just to establish just so that by the time these people come yeah the houses are 70 years dke7D5VzpQY-00049-00038064-00039192 so so yeah so they came and the alley again there's not too much that we are carrying but dke7D5VzpQY-00050-00039192-00039720 you see they you still have have to ensure that she did not want to take any chances right yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00051-00039720-00040512 so from there I was admitted unfortunately and it's about two years later she passed on about dke7D5VzpQY-00052-00040512-00041154 two years later from sickness yeah I know from an accident oh yeah he had an accident she passed on dke7D5VzpQY-00053-00041154-00041934 how did that impact on you and your siblings oh my sister was one month old one of you know the the dke7D5VzpQY-00054-00041934-00042744 youngest for me or seven yeah and the other sister was three years so so essentially what we had to dke7D5VzpQY-00055-00042744-00043518 do is just move back to muranga yeah so our city life had to end the company at that point what did dke7D5VzpQY-00056-00043518-00044340 that mean for school for me it didn't mean much because I was body so I still now it's just that dke7D5VzpQY-00057-00044340-00045516 I would commit to it between um and Nairobi doing midterms and holiday seasons yeah wow yeah oh dear dke7D5VzpQY-00058-00045588-00046158 um and this is happening when you are seven only yes I was uh I was eight eight so I was dke7D5VzpQY-00059-00046158-00047172 in extended two yeah yes wow how was school uh for for me we you know the beauty with this uh dke7D5VzpQY-00060-00047172-00047892 yesterday a lot all of us most of us 90 percent were from that poor background uh other than a few dke7D5VzpQY-00061-00047892-00048588 who are the kids from the teachers and other stuff but so everyone was we we had the same dke7D5VzpQY-00062-00048588-00049170 um yeah we're all from poor backgrounds so there's no annual there's no culture yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00063-00049170-00050100 about them owning so much applying to Dubai yeah some people actually had to stay in school during dke7D5VzpQY-00064-00050100-00050898 holidays because they had no place to go yeah wow so so it was school generally for me was dke7D5VzpQY-00065-00050898-00051696 was okay at that point and I always aspired to uh be a doctor so from a very early age dke7D5VzpQY-00066-00051696-00052536 I knew that I'd have to put in the efforts and and the level of discipline and academic pursuiting dke7D5VzpQY-00067-00052536-00053388 for study such boys were known to be super sharp and um I assume that you know there was a lot of dke7D5VzpQY-00068-00053388-00054276 instilling of uh hard work discipline absolutely you see for for primary we were living in the dke7D5VzpQY-00069-00054276-00055002 glory of the secondary yeah the primary was very indisciplined we did not have we are not doing dke7D5VzpQY-00070-00055002-00055884 well academically but is he now the secondary is where now yeah because this is now by the time you dke7D5VzpQY-00071-00055884-00056790 take the kids who are very young you cannot really be able to get the smartest from me yeah and again dke7D5VzpQY-00072-00056790-00057360 the criteria for picking for starter primary was different than yesterday secondary they dke7D5VzpQY-00073-00057360-00057912 are with that then there are a lot of people who were inside primary but didn't qualify to be in dke7D5VzpQY-00074-00057912-00058704 actually out of a class of we used to be about 36 only about three or four years to join Mr a second dke7D5VzpQY-00075-00058704-00059352 interesting the others used to go to other schools or not not go to school at all yeah because they dke7D5VzpQY-00076-00059352-00060174 see the criteria for study secondary was poor but sharp study secondary primary was just poor yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00077-00060174-00060732 it was a holy criteria and you say you wanted to be a doctor so you are interested a lot in dke7D5VzpQY-00078-00060732-00062046 the Sciences the math so all the way through uh primary did my kcp and I was admitted to uh dke7D5VzpQY-00079-00062046-00062616 secondary you're one of the three I was one of the is that our year we were four yeah yeah so one of dke7D5VzpQY-00080-00062616-00063588 the four yeah yeah then I went into secondary now there where we realized okay now yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00081-00063684-00064326 all these chef from across the country across the country yeah yeah I remember because we dke7D5VzpQY-00082-00064326-00065016 were never really uh integrated in when he is with a lot of people so we didn't understand dke7D5VzpQY-00083-00065016-00065652 uh how things what is an insult what is not I remember there's a guy who had come from dke7D5VzpQY-00084-00065652-00066576 a mass a bit yeah uh Abdul and when I was there I was one introduced I was told to dke7D5VzpQY-00085-00066576-00067170 take him around because I already knew the school and so when I I said hi to him I said dke7D5VzpQY-00086-00067170-00068112 and he started fighting he took offense he took serious offense for me I didn't dke7D5VzpQY-00087-00068112-00068970 even bring you to that yeah so so it was interesting just learning now how to work dke7D5VzpQY-00088-00068970-00069678 with other people the diversity appreciating the differences yeah yeah so it's quite interesting dke7D5VzpQY-00089-00069678-00070146 testing and your memories from high school other than that one in terms of like dke7D5VzpQY-00090-00070230-00070914 um other co-curricular are you at this stage interested in now you're an adolescent in dke7D5VzpQY-00091-00070914-00071304 that story here it's called what are your what are the things that you're doing other dke7D5VzpQY-00092-00071304-00072030 than sciences and math and and um yeah I was I was very outgoing actually I think dke7D5VzpQY-00093-00072030-00073050 I was I had the most extracurricular number of clubs the hiking the president's Awards dke7D5VzpQY-00094-00073050-00074058 the scouts movement yeah everything I was a leader in those young Farmers yeah they dke7D5VzpQY-00095-00074058-00074604 we had one called survival club which was now for camps and Hikes which are also the leader dke7D5VzpQY-00096-00074604-00075618 so a lot then I was also initially a prefect then a captain right in the school and the the dke7D5VzpQY-00097-00075618-00076092 prefectorial system is that it was very different and unique because what it did dke7D5VzpQY-00098-00076092-00076890 is it put all the powers in the prefects no powers in the teachers so they actually leave dke7D5VzpQY-00099-00076890-00077454 a teacher wanted to uh is still discipline or punish someone they'll submit their names dke7D5VzpQY-00100-00077454-00078420 for them to clean that person yeah so so they we had a cabinet which is the captains which dke7D5VzpQY-00101-00078420-00079080 used to meet uh on on a weekly basis uh what do you attribute that very deep system too dke7D5VzpQY-00102-00079152-00079848 is it that far is it great yeah yeah Griffin Griffin wanted to to Really empower the students dke7D5VzpQY-00103-00079848-00080544 and ensure that I'll give them the responsibility which is even in terms of the extracurricular and dke7D5VzpQY-00104-00080544-00081300 the club systems we had a lot of of those clubs Wildlife rotaract all of them and all of them the dke7D5VzpQY-00105-00081300-00081870 different leaders are the ones who are responsible for everything and they were given their space to dke7D5VzpQY-00106-00081870-00082836 actually perform that by having the student leaders there is a system that there was a dke7D5VzpQY-00107-00082836-00083664 very a good check for that because then you give the prefects a lot of power but then every Friday dke7D5VzpQY-00108-00083664-00084324 we used to have what we call the Baraza okay the Baraza is uh the prefect the captains and all the dke7D5VzpQY-00109-00084324-00085104 students coming together yeah during that period about an hour an hour and a half the students can dke7D5VzpQY-00110-00085104-00085902 now ask any questions yeah they can come and call on any prefect any Captain who punished them and dke7D5VzpQY-00111-00085902-00086544 if it was unfair they come and pose it there and the captain has to come and answer and explain dke7D5VzpQY-00112-00086544-00087132 to the whole school why he did exactly and then Griffin will be the one to pass the final judgment dke7D5VzpQY-00113-00087132-00087726 on whether it was fair or not if it was unfair the captain has to apologize a lot of leadership dke7D5VzpQY-00114-00087726-00088566 is is servant leadership yes democracy yes yes yes at that point yeah so so that that was one being dke7D5VzpQY-00115-00088566-00089412 that I really took from from high school and from uh from Griffin then we had uh something else that dke7D5VzpQY-00116-00089412-00090078 we used to be called Career talks right which was because you see as a young person for me I wanted dke7D5VzpQY-00117-00090078-00090768 to be a doctor but uh if you ask me why I want to be a doctor I really didn't it just I felt that dke7D5VzpQY-00118-00090768-00091590 I'll be able to serve better and serve the uh the people in the in a in that capacity of a doctor dke7D5VzpQY-00119-00091716-00092244 um so we had but a lot of people didn't know what they'd want and and it's the same case dke7D5VzpQY-00120-00092244-00092952 across across uh the country in the globally for people of that age right so what Griffin had is dke7D5VzpQY-00121-00092952-00093708 uh for all the form Falls every Thursday yeah between three and four o'clock hey you you come dke7D5VzpQY-00122-00093708-00094338 to the assembly hall and he speaks to you about all those things and career talk was about your dke7D5VzpQY-00123-00094338-00095106 career about life skills about life goals about life and living generally yeah and I found that dke7D5VzpQY-00124-00095106-00095970 to be a very powerful because then uh up to to date still remember a lot from that we learned dke7D5VzpQY-00125-00095970-00096888 from there about drug use about marriages about relationships about your employment how to ensure dke7D5VzpQY-00126-00096888-00097518 how to we had something called stickability you know to stick in your career and your job but dke7D5VzpQY-00127-00097518-00098412 so there was a lot of those uh yes very solid foundation and I think it's something that I do dke7D5VzpQY-00128-00098412-00099000 we've been doing even with my Foundation I don't need a Care Foundation we had started doing those dke7D5VzpQY-00129-00099000-00099948 kind of career talks in public schools public schools public high schools both for the teachers dke7D5VzpQY-00130-00099948-00100512 the parents as well as the students interesting how that you know connects with as you're saying dke7D5VzpQY-00131-00100512-00101190 what you've been able to do more recently and we'll we'll just keep with the story so did you dke7D5VzpQY-00132-00101280-00101838 that you complete your high school from there while you're doing form four from six we did uh dke7D5VzpQY-00133-00101838-00102498 so after form four we had another one year which was form five uh in the technical institute right dke7D5VzpQY-00134-00102498-00103194 where I was doing uh accounting and computers uh and and at the same time because you're still in dke7D5VzpQY-00135-00103194-00103752 the school are still a captain in in the school and the technical institute was still still dke7D5VzpQY-00136-00103752-00104358 understanding so study had gone up to form six so right such that you'd finish and join University dke7D5VzpQY-00137-00104358-00105006 because then campus used to stay about for a year and a half yeah outside so that's how the the dke7D5VzpQY-00138-00105006-00105666 technical instructors created for that Gap year yeah to to ensure that you don't have you're not dke7D5VzpQY-00139-00105666-00106248 just out there so literally all your education I was there for 13 years yeah you know an dke7D5VzpQY-00140-00106248-00107016 institution yeah for 13 years yeah you are totally you're the one with the most blood yes yes Vlad is dke7D5VzpQY-00141-00107016-00107796 the land yeah and and good because it's a former TVs it's actually the the years that you remember dke7D5VzpQY-00142-00107796-00108516 the most very funny and fondly because you are not also not adulting so you see now something dke7D5VzpQY-00143-00108516-00109404 is difficult so that did you get a um a culture shock when you left when you left the technical dke7D5VzpQY-00144-00109404-00110214 institute into a different place where you are you're it's free it's different yeah you know for dke7D5VzpQY-00145-00110214-00111311 me because after technical we I finished from that form five and then I went uh into uh went straight dke7D5VzpQY-00146-00111311-00112392 to nyahururu where I got a job as a teacher okay yeah and uh and there I was teaching physics and dke7D5VzpQY-00147-00112392-00113111 computers at high school and physics in high school and computers in primary and because dke7D5VzpQY-00148-00113111-00113856 I was not being paid much I was looking for ways to to supplement my income yeah so in the evening dke7D5VzpQY-00149-00113856-00114726 there's a place where I used to fix the phones they had learned how to fix phones on weekends on dke7D5VzpQY-00150-00114726-00115440 Friday evening I would come to Nairobi where my cousin uh cousins who are living in Nairobi and dke7D5VzpQY-00151-00115440-00116226 so on Saturday and Sunday I used to be a makanga wow so I make a bit more money yeah from that yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00152-00116226-00117798 so all the way back hospital right now [Laughter] dke7D5VzpQY-00153-00117798-00119118 true Hustler mentality true Hustler yeah through uh end of the week on Sunday do some uh get a few dke7D5VzpQY-00154-00119118-00120204 beings here Monday morning I'm in class yeah yeah but you called the schools okay yes all dke7D5VzpQY-00155-00120204-00120816 right yeah is it still on still there you had a chance to go back and I know I've never gone back dke7D5VzpQY-00156-00120816-00121464 to the school but I know the owner is the former Governor of aha yeah so I've interacted with him dke7D5VzpQY-00157-00121464-00122250 right and uh yeah so I think you remember finally the memories of the school of the dke7D5VzpQY-00158-00122250-00122814 school uh of course other than their mother paying me you should he should catch up now dke7D5VzpQY-00159-00122814-00123366 yeah he will at least send me some hopefully you can watch and send me some MPS right right dke7D5VzpQY-00160-00123540-00123930 um and so this is your first job as a teacher yes your first formal job yes dke7D5VzpQY-00161-00123990-00124776 um and and how long did you serve them I was there for about six months uh I now from there is when dke7D5VzpQY-00162-00124776-00125759 uh when I'm there I was called in by uh Griffin uh because I was admitted to Nairobi University dke7D5VzpQY-00163-00125759-00126690 to pursue medicine so just as I had always desire desired yeah yeah and these dreams that you have dke7D5VzpQY-00164-00126690-00127380 shared with him uh Griffin yes yes he knew he knew actually he had encouraged me to apply for me and dke7D5VzpQY-00165-00127380-00128130 before for us what he he insisted for anyone who's in there what they call the top 40. uh he insisted dke7D5VzpQY-00166-00128130-00128892 that you have to to go to either mid bed school or engineering or low yeah and if you're in top 20 he dke7D5VzpQY-00167-00128892-00129882 was insisting that it has to be made so he always encourages us to to do medicine actually our year dke7D5VzpQY-00168-00129882-00130872 I remember out of a class of uh 150 for both Nairobi University and Moi 32 uh wow yeah that's dke7D5VzpQY-00169-00130872-00131544 why you find a lot of doctors as doctors and doctors now yeah senior doctors now senior doctors dke7D5VzpQY-00170-00131544-00132534 now of course so for me I was joining uh chiromo but then Griffin called me and told me that there dke7D5VzpQY-00171-00132534-00133302 is an opportunity for Agape in the U.S and that the school was one of the round scores schools a dke7D5VzpQY-00172-00133302-00134196 group of schools which is a global grouping of schools that have a similar the the ethos and dke7D5VzpQY-00173-00134196-00135168 so he asked that I go represents that right more initially as uh training them on leadership and dke7D5VzpQY-00174-00135168-00135924 student leadership they love the study model and so that's how I was just starting my med dke7D5VzpQY-00175-00135924-00136818 school and then you are plugged I was plugged out yeah and so I defied my my mid med school with uh dke7D5VzpQY-00176-00136818-00137490 with job yeah the intermission board back then and went on to Deerfield Academy yeah in Massachusetts dke7D5VzpQY-00177-00137490-00138054 did you ever come back to Mexico no I didn't I didn't other things happened other things dke7D5VzpQY-00178-00138054-00138600 happened but I was very passionate about it I tried to explain to because when I started at dke7D5VzpQY-00179-00138600-00139278 Deerfield they told me that I need to start taking classes uh more of a postgraduate diploma okay dke7D5VzpQY-00180-00139374-00140346 um and uh and then at that point uh they I got a college counselor uh political by by the name dke7D5VzpQY-00181-00140346-00140952 is Lyman and she told me I told her I have to come back okay I have to pursue my medicine so dke7D5VzpQY-00182-00140952-00141780 she told me it won't hurt I just applied to the American universities and if I get in I'll now dke7D5VzpQY-00183-00141780-00142374 have options yeah I'll decide whether to come back and pursue my medicine or other sister to stay dke7D5VzpQY-00184-00142374-00143100 there so I decided to do that she got me waivers for all the fees because at Deerfield was full dke7D5VzpQY-00185-00143100-00143964 scholarship right paid for for me and everything and so I was I applied I remember I applied to 18 dke7D5VzpQY-00186-00143964-00144714 yeah at universities yeah and what you're applying specifically for medicine no no you know yes it's dke7D5VzpQY-00187-00144714-00145590 it's because medicine it's not a fast degree uh you apply for something different but I at the dke7D5VzpQY-00188-00145590-00146370 same time I realized that medicine not being a first degree if you take if you pursue that line dke7D5VzpQY-00189-00146370-00147258 and you don't get fans to to pursue it as now as a second degree they must then you'll never be a dke7D5VzpQY-00190-00147258-00147720 doctor right so I didn't want to take that risk so I didn't have I didn't know where I would get dke7D5VzpQY-00191-00147720-00148320 that kind of money and you can get a scholarship for undergraduate but I didn't know about the dke7D5VzpQY-00192-00148320-00148860 scholarship for graduates wow so you applied to 18 years so I applied to 18. remember I was accepted dke7D5VzpQY-00193-00148860-00149586 14. six of which gave me a full scholarship wow the options for advice so my options were very dke7D5VzpQY-00194-00149586-00150972 vast uh six or Ivy leaks oh wow the Stanford Harvard Brown Yale Williams and Whitman those dke7D5VzpQY-00195-00150972-00151560 are the six that get accepted into scholarship scholarships yes that's the you know that's the dke7D5VzpQY-00196-00151614-00152322 cream of the the top of the cream yes fully yeah so I I narrowed down to dke7D5VzpQY-00197-00152322-00153048 Harvard and Stamford so I called Griffin and I told him I have now I have three options dke7D5VzpQY-00198-00153156-00153876 um one is coming back to Europe University yeah and doing my medicine going to Harvard or going dke7D5VzpQY-00199-00153876-00154674 to Stanford yeah so he thought and then he laughed and then he said uh you have what I would call a dke7D5VzpQY-00200-00154674-00155352 golden problem I know you will find the solution oh that's it he did not even make any suggestions dke7D5VzpQY-00201-00155352-00156306 or anything he just he just left it at that and told me good luck yeah so that's when I went dke7D5VzpQY-00202-00156306-00157200 visited Harvard that visited Stamford and then I decided to pursue my degree stuff at Stanford dke7D5VzpQY-00203-00157200-00157968 all right what was your degree and my it was in nearing industrial engineering and the focus on dke7D5VzpQY-00204-00157968-00158730 finance and decision engineering yes and how long at Stanford did that take you four years oh wow so dke7D5VzpQY-00205-00158730-00159510 the full the yeah yeah life scholarship yes yes in California so you're a village boy from murang'a dke7D5VzpQY-00206-00159510-00160302 who's gotten lucky to go through uh started her boys for 13 years returned to nyahururu now you're dke7D5VzpQY-00207-00160302-00161076 in the US what how is how is all of that impacting you as a young man at the time the U.S living yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00208-00161178-00162042 hey yeah it was certainly uh you see now when you go to Sanford Samford uh the population of dke7D5VzpQY-00209-00162042-00162648 the black population the students population was about five percent yeah uh the others dke7D5VzpQY-00210-00162648-00163398 were uh then another big percentage from the Chinese the Latinos and the majority of course dke7D5VzpQY-00211-00163398-00164184 or the American white so of course living in that environment is also different you know dke7D5VzpQY-00212-00164184-00164718 in Kenya you are just used to everywhere you look everyone looks like everyone is nobody's dke7D5VzpQY-00213-00164718-00165366 judging you now nobody's doubting you even your teacher so so there's there's a lot that we take dke7D5VzpQY-00214-00165366-00165936 for granted living in an environment that is quite homogeneous now when you're there now dke7D5VzpQY-00215-00165936-00166626 now you have to start thinking about how do you deal with all those yeah because that's the it dke7D5VzpQY-00216-00166626-00167490 actually forms a very big part of your existence there but all also my my focus also Sunday on dke7D5VzpQY-00217-00167490-00168522 Post University what do I want what career do I build where do I I had to and so I really dke7D5VzpQY-00218-00168588-00169530 um I focused a lot on on on on my my schooling but also did a lot of extracurricular I was dke7D5VzpQY-00219-00169530-00170064 again I was the president of quite a number of clubs I was a freshman president when we dke7D5VzpQY-00220-00170064-00170820 started off then quite a number of clubs which was the the hiking and Club of the dke7D5VzpQY-00221-00170820-00171762 universities called it's called redwoods and all those things from there I said even these people dke7D5VzpQY-00222-00171762-00172452 need to know more about us I started a student magazine called sauti yeah yeah which is now dke7D5VzpQY-00223-00172452-00173166 the Stanford student magazine we I started the and ensured that it uses the name sauti dke7D5VzpQY-00224-00173166-00174594 as an organization a student organization in the school then from there we I also started dke7D5VzpQY-00225-00174594-00175530 uh Stanford Africa business Forum I attended the the Wharton and the Harvard Business forums and dke7D5VzpQY-00226-00175530-00176652 realized that on the west side of the uh the U.S they we didn't have anything such a meeting of dke7D5VzpQY-00227-00176652-00177408 business Minds from Africa yeah to come engage with people with potential investors students dke7D5VzpQY-00228-00177408-00178068 and all that so I also founded the Stanford Africa business Forum I think it's now in its 15th year dke7D5VzpQY-00229-00178068-00179046 wow yeah actually I put my own money yeah because anyone gets enough money from the University so dke7D5VzpQY-00230-00179046-00179760 actually I put my own money uh with the hopes that the tickets we sell will will be enough so that I dke7D5VzpQY-00231-00179760-00180660 can put my money back and you waste enough money broke even making profit no The Profit now I put dke7D5VzpQY-00232-00180660-00181326 it back back into now in preparation for the next six years that's really nice yeah you're just a dke7D5VzpQY-00233-00181326-00181998 young man in your early 20s early 20s yeah are you having any like are you having gigs yes yes yes dke7D5VzpQY-00234-00181998-00182664 I was working because my scholarship was a full scholarship but also because we were allowed work dke7D5VzpQY-00235-00182664-00183312 hours yeah uh who had a job where I got grew to be a manager in the what we used to call dke7D5VzpQY-00236-00183312-00183882 the Stanford center for professional development all these people who do online classes so it's a dke7D5VzpQY-00237-00183882-00184470 work study program yes yes within the institution yeah okay all right yeah and you would make you'd dke7D5VzpQY-00238-00184470-00184980 make enough extra bags to yes cater for whatever the life you want to do and send the money back dke7D5VzpQY-00239-00184980-00185856 oh yeah yeah to your sister to your sisters and your great grandmother yeah yeah very nice did dke7D5VzpQY-00240-00185856-00186588 either of them follow follow you uh no they they didn't my sisters are still here but I dke7D5VzpQY-00241-00186588-00187248 guess also I didn't stay there for long enough to start so because when I finished uh University I dke7D5VzpQY-00242-00187248-00188040 immediately got a job at Investment Banking in Manhattan where we started out then I moved to dke7D5VzpQY-00243-00188040-00188808 London uh Canal Walk So from there when I looked at I was given the option of going back to New dke7D5VzpQY-00244-00188808-00189588 York or staying in London I felt I felt more at home in London oh yeah so you moved I stuck there dke7D5VzpQY-00245-00189588-00190344 in Europe yeah if only more Cosmopolitan it was closer to home it's eight hours away I was coming dke7D5VzpQY-00246-00190344-00190980 here on a monthly basis I was in charge of Africa so I was crisscrossing the African countries and dke7D5VzpQY-00247-00190980-00191670 looking for opportunities for for the bank what did they what did the banks need to check from you dke7D5VzpQY-00248-00191670-00192258 to give you the job given that here you are largely studying engineering the investment dke7D5VzpQY-00249-00192258-00192918 banking actually they were taking you see it's not specific to a certain degree it's more about dke7D5VzpQY-00250-00192918-00193692 the passion and that someone is actually smart enough to actually carry out the the the the dke7D5VzpQY-00251-00193692-00195036 job the JD so so for them they I remember for the job that I got there were 13 there were 13 dke7D5VzpQY-00252-00195036-00195744 000 applications for five positions yeah what because Investment Banking was very high that time dke7D5VzpQY-00253-00195744-00196656 it was to be really highly limited uh especially with the top three investment Banks yeah so even dke7D5VzpQY-00254-00196656-00197394 for them they were getting students at the the student their employees analysts mostly from the dke7D5VzpQY-00255-00197394-00198246 ivy league yeah yeah you so how long did you spend in uh in in London London I was there for about a dke7D5VzpQY-00256-00198246-00198954 year and a half uh almost two years actually yeah but doing a lot of regular visits yes yeah I was dke7D5VzpQY-00257-00198954-00199614 here in Africa at least once a month actually establishing yes your roots back here yes in dke7D5VzpQY-00258-00199614-00200346 the country right yes I was always coming yeah for work yeah then when I go if it's in South Africa I dke7D5VzpQY-00259-00200346-00201126 make stop back here for two days then I head back to London yeah yeah and how did that what what dke7D5VzpQY-00260-00201126-00201798 happened next or what after the two-year period well what happened is actually um I had built dke7D5VzpQY-00261-00201798-00202530 very good relationships uh here uh because what I was doing is every time I was coming I was seeking dke7D5VzpQY-00262-00202530-00203418 out to oh if it's the CEO of Equity Bank James mangi CEO of britam Benson CEO of things like dke7D5VzpQY-00263-00203418-00204258 shelter Africa consita I name Bank all of them I used to come and meet them and take them through dke7D5VzpQY-00264-00204258-00205080 the report on banking I always used to come with a updated report on banking for Africa and so I dke7D5VzpQY-00265-00205080-00205662 show them this is where your company is this how he progressed this the Dynamics so the market dke7D5VzpQY-00266-00205662-00206364 looks like there are projections so they always looked forward uh to you coming back did any start dke7D5VzpQY-00267-00206364-00207456 actually when you know in 20 2008 we had the global economic uh crisis yeah so that's when dke7D5VzpQY-00268-00207456-00208386 we were made redundant actually the city group had about 500 000 employees wow it made about 300 dke7D5VzpQY-00269-00208386-00209448 000 redundant yeah it was huge uh they remember the first cut was 75 075 000 and 100 000 and so dke7D5VzpQY-00270-00209448-00210564 across the globe uh so when we were made redundant uh I just do a given about six months or more so dke7D5VzpQY-00271-00210564-00211319 I just came back home for about a week I got some offers in London I said I don't feel like dke7D5VzpQY-00272-00211319-00212004 because at that time I had already applied to do my masters and had been accepted to MIT to go to dke7D5VzpQY-00273-00212004-00212736 my masters at Salon until it was a I got him to Harvard MIT program which was a mpb MPP Masters in dke7D5VzpQY-00274-00212736-00213360 public policy at Kennedy School and MBA at Sloan you did both I was to do both you have to do but dke7D5VzpQY-00275-00213360-00214098 I had to be being admitted for both through the three-year program so I didn't want the job that dke7D5VzpQY-00276-00214098-00214650 I was being offered in London and then let me just come back home so when I came within the five days dke7D5VzpQY-00277-00214650-00215969 I was here I left with about five job offers wow I got from britam from I am from uh Nic Bank from dke7D5VzpQY-00278-00215969-00216780 Linda 5 in total but the most interesting one was Antiquity because when I called James and I told dke7D5VzpQY-00279-00216780-00217667 him Dr Wong that I'm coming he told me this is an opportunity that actually so I can't talk to him dke7D5VzpQY-00280-00217667-00218460 so I came to his office and then as I'm waiting he told me to wait uh there then as I'm waiting dke7D5VzpQY-00281-00218538-00219090 was called and I was told everyone is ready for you at the boardroom dke7D5VzpQY-00282-00219090-00219450 so I asked him who's everyone I was told no no for the interview it's dke7D5VzpQY-00283-00219450-00220332 no no we were told to interview you so you say look I went to the boardroom and I found all the dke7D5VzpQY-00284-00220332-00221106 directors over 10 of them so they see that they interviewed me for a position of uh managing dke7D5VzpQY-00285-00221106-00222048 director for the Investment Bank so uh I remember I told them I do not want to be managing director dke7D5VzpQY-00286-00222048-00222714 they told me no no no we've been told that you you'd be the best person I told them no I will dke7D5VzpQY-00287-00222714-00223367 actually not interview for this solution I told them I want a position of an associate which is dke7D5VzpQY-00288-00223367-00224046 March Junior to the managing director so they say but you have the skills for the managing director dke7D5VzpQY-00289-00224046-00224604 so I told them then who will I learn from if I'm the managing director who am I learning dke7D5VzpQY-00290-00224604-00225264 from because I'm still quite young I felt I I can I can perform it but then I will not grow dke7D5VzpQY-00291-00225264-00226050 because I'll be there at the at the top yeah so I declined that they said even the pay everything I dke7D5VzpQY-00292-00226050-00226926 said I don't want I said if you hire a managing director then I can work under them yeah and for dke7D5VzpQY-00293-00226926-00227634 whatever the position yeah once you create yeah so that's why how it ended up joining Nic Capital dke7D5VzpQY-00294-00227634-00228378 all right because of all the ones that had offered me as a Zone May to go to the airport I got a call dke7D5VzpQY-00295-00228450-00229044 from a guy called kairongure so he told me he's the MD of Nic Capital they've dke7D5VzpQY-00296-00229044-00229734 just started they've established as part of Nic bank group and he wanted to see me yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00297-00229800-00230369 and they told him I'm headed to the airport he said no no no on your way to the airport let's dke7D5VzpQY-00298-00230369-00231036 meet at pan Africa just before 20 minutes as a dog so he met he discussed he told me he wants dke7D5VzpQY-00299-00231036-00231876 to give me a job there now as a senior associate I thought about I had all these other offers but dke7D5VzpQY-00300-00231876-00232728 hey I liked him yeah and I liked him as he saw him as I will be a good person so that's how dke7D5VzpQY-00301-00232728-00233423 I ended up joining Nic what the offer for Equity was he found oh I mean what you wanted the equity dke7D5VzpQY-00302-00233423-00234036 of it to be you found it exactly Yes actually the others who are giving me more money yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00303-00234036-00234966 I remember the inm bank and all they all giving me more money but I thought I felt that this one dke7D5VzpQY-00304-00234966-00235656 would be a better fit for me for this group that that's that's a very interesting um lesson right dke7D5VzpQY-00305-00235656-00236417 there at that age what you're interested in the more is is growth yes yeah despite the fact that dke7D5VzpQY-00306-00236496-00236952 um how we often perceive is that if someone is coming from abroad then you have all the dke7D5VzpQY-00307-00236952-00237612 exposure yes you can come and Lead but you felt you still needed to yes it did not feel ready to dke7D5VzpQY-00308-00237612-00238566 lead I want I wanted to play uh somewhere below so you so what happens to your Masters at the time so dke7D5VzpQY-00309-00238566-00239394 what happened is actually I joined Nic but uh by around joined in January I was starting my dke7D5VzpQY-00310-00239394-00240384 masters in September so around July I resigned to go start my masters but uh within uh two weeks of dke7D5VzpQY-00311-00240384-00241362 my resigning my boss now Cairo passed on I had an accident on Mombasa road so I was called by dke7D5VzpQY-00312-00241362-00242100 our group managing director and he told me now if you leave this organization that you guys dke7D5VzpQY-00313-00242100-00242754 have set up and is doing very well will also die of course we had probably about 20 staff by then dke7D5VzpQY-00314-00242892-00243726 um so he told me why don't you justify you are masses by yeah at least to establish to help us dke7D5VzpQY-00315-00243726-00244571 recruit build it and whatever uh and then after that then we can release you so I thought about dke7D5VzpQY-00316-00244571-00245814 it uh and I decided to just uh honor that request and if I had my my masters and uh so they made me dke7D5VzpQY-00317-00245814-00246666 so they made me a deputy general manager then from where I really started putting in the efforts of dke7D5VzpQY-00318-00246666-00247182 now because I had been here for about seven eight months seven months so now I understood dke7D5VzpQY-00319-00247182-00247680 the market more than I did before during the first interview yeah because I had never been dke7D5VzpQY-00320-00247680-00248484 I never worked in Kenya um so I worked as that Deputy general manager for another six months dke7D5VzpQY-00321-00248544-00249132 by the time we're closing the year we had done so well so the board said that they want to make me dke7D5VzpQY-00322-00249132-00249912 a general manager rapid growth successful yeah even the salary they had more than doubled it dke7D5VzpQY-00323-00249912-00250842 uh then at that point I did fully Again by the end of the year uh they they had dke7D5VzpQY-00324-00250842-00251586 they really they now had started the process of recruitment for a managing director right so they dke7D5VzpQY-00325-00251586-00252240 deferred Masters they didn't go I just canceled they started recruiting a managing director dke7D5VzpQY-00326-00252330-00253098 but then I thought I was like this this guy who is coming uh you know he's coming to enjoy what I've dke7D5VzpQY-00327-00253098-00253842 built because now the team was about 40. yeah uh and we were doing very well I have the market to dke7D5VzpQY-00328-00253842-00254502 beat the name actually we were now the the papers had the new kid on the Block and so all the things dke7D5VzpQY-00329-00254502-00255036 about me and what we are doing so I told the group managing director and the board they took the dke7D5VzpQY-00330-00255036-00255888 method I think I can handle this job they said okay yeah but we we'd want there's some people dke7D5VzpQY-00331-00255888-00256800 from South Africa who are coming to interview so I said okay so in the interviews were closed I was dke7D5VzpQY-00332-00256800-00257496 brought the the voucher for me to sign for their plane tickets to come for the interviews I said no dke7D5VzpQY-00333-00257496-00258132 let them pay for their tickets so we will I will not sign for them to come so they didn't come from dke7D5VzpQY-00334-00258132-00258990 it's clever so I told them whatever I've done everything so and so that's how then they made dke7D5VzpQY-00335-00258990-00259721 me to be the one that was your interview yeah you see they're not paying for these tickets yeah who dke7D5VzpQY-00336-00259721-00260286 are those guys like the group no different people coming for interviews because you see now South dke7D5VzpQY-00337-00260286-00261510 Africa okay yeah that's yeah why why should they yes they're coming to take what you have yes yes dke7D5VzpQY-00338-00261510-00262362 for Rich to be processed they said they will say that's that's good that's good so you took dke7D5VzpQY-00339-00262362-00262866 now you become the general manager no you I was General Manager you know I was me the managing dke7D5VzpQY-00340-00262866-00263730 director I was young I was 27. I was 27 or 28 yeah as an MD yes for a huge investment yes yes dke7D5VzpQY-00341-00263730-00264576 yes yes what were the challenges for you at the time the challenges were of course I was young dke7D5VzpQY-00342-00264576-00265188 and the people I'm dealing with were all much older because as an investment banker what you dke7D5VzpQY-00343-00265188-00265914 do is you advice companies you in raising money and restructuring in marriages and Acquisitions dke7D5VzpQY-00344-00265914-00266934 in the stock exchange if it's IPOs if it's a bonds all those yeah so the people you meet dke7D5VzpQY-00345-00267024-00267984 yeah so so they're looking at what advice is this that you're giving yeah that I haven't I've been dke7D5VzpQY-00346-00267984-00268680 there anyway so I've been there so so that was a big challenge um yeah but then once you engage dke7D5VzpQY-00347-00268680-00269376 them you explain to them you take them through uh then they are they slightly that's why I did dke7D5VzpQY-00348-00269376-00270090 the first what we called the equity linked note which was the first one in Africa what was that dke7D5VzpQY-00349-00270090-00270834 about for the river mining I raised for them 1.6 billion through a structured Equity that because dke7D5VzpQY-00350-00270834-00271704 the way they had borrowed a lot of debt they could not raise another debt instrument so I managed to dke7D5VzpQY-00351-00271704-00272286 structure something that was new in this market through an icing through an IC I remember the dke7D5VzpQY-00352-00272286-00273048 capital markets Authority CEO Stella kilonzo took a took six months to approve eventually dke7D5VzpQY-00353-00273048-00273636 when I came I explained to her and she had called her entire team she said dke7D5VzpQY-00354-00273702-00274422 her conclusion remarks was nobody understands what you're talking about but will just allow you to do dke7D5VzpQY-00355-00274422-00274980 it so but you had done the calculation yes I had done you were expecting on something that dke7D5VzpQY-00356-00274980-00275916 you would work yes yes so she said you'll give you the approval don't don't fail us yeah so I brought dke7D5VzpQY-00357-00275916-00276570 it to the market it was very successful we were 156 percent of a subscribed yeah so the company dke7D5VzpQY-00358-00276570-00277464 I was very happy with us from there I did the IPO for Britain again we were wrestling with all these dke7D5VzpQY-00359-00277464-00278076 other people who are much older in the market then from there we did the biggest Bond and the market dke7D5VzpQY-00360-00278076-00278652 has ever done to date for Housing Finance for 10 billion back then so essentially we were doing dke7D5VzpQY-00361-00278652-00279252 all the transactions for the stock exchange and also we grew our Securities uh business dke7D5VzpQY-00362-00279252-00279960 for the uh the stock exchange now we were putting together a perfect equity for investment in smes dke7D5VzpQY-00363-00280014-00280794 so yeah so we built this business that was very small within that four years and it became a huge dke7D5VzpQY-00364-00280794-00281490 portfolio yeah now obviously you've interacted at this stage before you are interacting when dke7D5VzpQY-00365-00281490-00282066 you come from the US you'd interact like with heads of banks but now you are an authority yes dke7D5VzpQY-00366-00282066-00282708 yourself so people are beginning now to look for you more yes yeah how does your four year come dke7D5VzpQY-00367-00282708-00283374 to an end so at that point uh I was looking at essentially we had done everything uh if dke7D5VzpQY-00368-00283374-00283962 it's the right issue people want to do we're the first people that were coming to yeah so I went dke7D5VzpQY-00369-00283962-00284640 to the group managing director and I told him uh where and every every few months they used dke7D5VzpQY-00370-00284640-00285312 to give me an extra check they used to call it ex gratuity yeah okay a few months end of the dke7D5VzpQY-00371-00285312-00285900 year they give me bonus so my salary was very high yeah and I was not even married yeah so I dke7D5VzpQY-00372-00285900-00286470 had very little I had put the house are you in lavington because I was being paid quite a bit dke7D5VzpQY-00373-00286470-00287166 yeah for a young person so I went to the group managing director and I told him uh where do you dke7D5VzpQY-00374-00287166-00287850 see me in five years he told me no no I wanted to build this business and I told him but how dke7D5VzpQY-00375-00287850-00288486 do I build it it's already we already you are at the top yeah yeah all the rankings we are number dke7D5VzpQY-00376-00288486-00289434 one yeah so he said no I we wouldn't want you to live in this position because you're doing so well dke7D5VzpQY-00377-00289572-00290448 so ah I was like I thought to myself then I need to leave because I don't see growth they offered dke7D5VzpQY-00378-00290448-00291126 me more money I said they don't it's not the money yeah so I got another opportunity I moved back to dke7D5VzpQY-00379-00291126-00291888 London uh with the part of dfid okay called Frontier markets fund managers now they've dke7D5VzpQY-00380-00291888-00292926 changed the name to FC dealer yes yes yeah then also dfid and so in charge of uh eastern central dke7D5VzpQY-00381-00292926-00293766 and southern Africa on the uh and the frontier markets fund managers yeah created essentially we dke7D5VzpQY-00382-00293766-00294708 were doing mostly impact investing and providing guarantees for uh for infrastructure companies dke7D5VzpQY-00383-00294708-00295560 acrossa region yes across the it's Central and Southern Africa so the one who was in charge dke7D5VzpQY-00384-00295620-00296358 yeah so I I was there uh settling between here and London but mostly in all these other countries dke7D5VzpQY-00385-00296358-00297414 yeah in uh was covering 18 countries uh for about a year and a half then I met uh James Dr mwangi dke7D5VzpQY-00386-00297414-00298164 Who were in in Sheraton in Ethiopia he saw me and he told me you have to you have to come work for dke7D5VzpQY-00387-00298164-00298884 me yeah I told you know I'm happy where I am and all that too no no no no I probably cannot afford dke7D5VzpQY-00388-00298884-00299718 to pay you what you're being paid there but what I can give is culture yeah easy your company you're dke7D5VzpQY-00389-00299718-00300306 about 20 30 of you I'll bring you to a company where you're five thousand yeah and I'll give dke7D5VzpQY-00390-00300306-00300924 you a very senior position that you'll be able to interact with these five thousand and appreciate dke7D5VzpQY-00391-00300924-00302052 the culture of working in big groups so that's uh that was convincing actually was partly so I went dke7D5VzpQY-00392-00302052-00302802 on with my business then on one day I uh James calls me he tells me where are you I'm just told dke7D5VzpQY-00393-00302802-00303354 him I'm at home he tells me okay I talked to my driver and tell him why it is I come yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00394-00303354-00303900 I told him no no you don't need to come you know I was not used to have hosting billionaires in dke7D5VzpQY-00395-00303900-00304866 my house so he told me okay when can we meet he said let's have lunch tomorrow so I went we met dke7D5VzpQY-00396-00304866-00305772 at Crowne Plaza and when I arrived I find all the board members of equity goodness yeah so I told dke7D5VzpQY-00397-00305772-00306600 so I asked I'd Implement called Gym number it's like oh you're having a board meeting you told me dke7D5VzpQY-00398-00306600-00307548 no no we were just told to come and meet you yeah so that I James introduced the lunch and said uh dke7D5VzpQY-00399-00307548-00308334 Disney I've invited the boat Because by the end of this lunch he has to have joined Equity yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00400-00308334-00309276 it's not an interview it's an offer it's an offer a moment yeah yeah so I was remember I dke7D5VzpQY-00401-00309276-00310116 was doing my CPA exams at two o'clock so to buy 130 140 we finished the lunch I rushed to the dke7D5VzpQY-00402-00310200-00311040 to my exams and then he told the HR if you do not if does not sign by end of the day we'll fire you dke7D5VzpQY-00403-00311040-00311838 yeah so I'm finishing the exam the HR Director is calling me he's telling me your offer letter dke7D5VzpQY-00404-00311838-00312570 is ready so I asked him and I don't we have not agreed on anything we've not agreed on dke7D5VzpQY-00405-00312570-00313266 the title and the salary of the start dates on the bonus my sign on bonus he told me how much dke7D5VzpQY-00406-00313266-00314268 salary do you want I told him what I thought I would want uh then he said okay how much bonus dke7D5VzpQY-00407-00314268-00315372 I told him yeah he said okay where can we get you to sign so that's how I joined wow that that that dke7D5VzpQY-00408-00315372-00316326 by itself is uh it sounds like a movie yeah yeah and so what role did you take I took a managing dke7D5VzpQY-00409-00316326-00317064 director uh Equity Investment Bank within the Equity Group plus playing certain rules within the dke7D5VzpQY-00410-00317064-00318018 the group wow I I have you have you hit that thing at this time uh that time is I was 30 31 yes yes dke7D5VzpQY-00411-00318018-00319296 [Music] so even as you entered to be this MD every other dke7D5VzpQY-00412-00319362-00320268 all your other counterparts much older Yeah by at least uh years 15 20 years wow yeah so your time dke7D5VzpQY-00413-00320268-00321018 at Equity yes so you could you manage actually we really grew the business um uh and did the Lord dke7D5VzpQY-00414-00321018-00321690 because you see now I was coming from a lot of the background of having done so much so everybody in dke7D5VzpQY-00415-00321690-00322374 the market knew so and now I had even another bigger balance sheets because now I was riding dke7D5VzpQY-00416-00322374-00322962 on the balance sheet of the public yeah uh so what was the difference like percentage right so dke7D5VzpQY-00417-00322962-00323850 ratio is between equity and Nic at the time Equity was yeah way bigger way bigger leading across way dke7D5VzpQY-00418-00323850-00324720 bigger even in size in terms of capacity yeah the team I was able to build uh we very quickly became dke7D5VzpQY-00419-00324720-00325608 number one in everything built a wealth management team portfolio I believe remember we moved from dke7D5VzpQY-00420-00325608-00326310 about 2 billion to about 14 billion in a span of two months because I organized for us to go to all dke7D5VzpQY-00421-00326310-00327198 the branches uh created products for us I'm the one who did the acquisition of equity the Equity dke7D5VzpQY-00422-00327198-00328080 Bank in DRC a bank that was called for credit bank I did the acquisition so settling between dke7D5VzpQY-00423-00328080-00328902 DRC and Germany the shareholders were German so we did there's a lot that we did over that period dke7D5VzpQY-00424-00329022-00330000 um but then that's the the during that time is my friend the governor of Nairobi called me the dke7D5VzpQY-00425-00330000-00330678 event governor of Nairobi no the current the current yeah calls me tells me he's somewhere dke7D5VzpQY-00426-00330678-00331362 with the president Uhuru Kenyatta and he's asking if anybody there knows me yeah so dke7D5VzpQY-00427-00331362-00332388 I just had said yes I know and so sakaija told me the president wants your CV so I told him what he dke7D5VzpQY-00428-00332388-00333192 said he wants it for position of PS so I told him okay just tell him I don't want it you had never dke7D5VzpQY-00429-00333192-00333858 thought no it was never interested you're not serious what are you saying I said no I don't dke7D5VzpQY-00430-00333858-00334782 want it yeah so he called me daily for a week yeah asking for my CV until he told me okay I'll tell dke7D5VzpQY-00431-00334782-00335706 James money to send it so eventually I decided to send him your CV then he called me after a week dke7D5VzpQY-00432-00335706-00336348 told me president likes it he wants to make your PS so send your CV to Public Service Commission dke7D5VzpQY-00433-00336348-00337398 yeah so that's how I Was Made PS yeah and which Ministry were you taking I took I was taken to the dke7D5VzpQY-00434-00337398-00338202 Ministry of Transport so before you even go there that was what were the interviews yeah now I was dke7D5VzpQY-00435-00338202-00339018 called to go to the Public Service Commission yeah for interviews is it one or a series at this time dke7D5VzpQY-00436-00339018-00339744 how are you thinking about you've been excelling in the private sector it was made you anxious yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00437-00339744-00340410 I was very anxious because I was doing very well in the in the bank I felt there was a very good dke7D5VzpQY-00438-00340410-00341262 career and future my salary at the bank I was asking how much the PSP does still 800 000 I dke7D5VzpQY-00439-00341262-00342096 was being paid more than three times that at the bank so I was like why am I taking a pay cut I'm dke7D5VzpQY-00440-00342096-00342900 like I've not been paid that in so many years yeah so he convinced me I told me they'll find a way to dke7D5VzpQY-00441-00342900-00343878 compensate for that but I felt that the I was very anxious that time my wife was very much against dke7D5VzpQY-00442-00343878-00344844 it because we were like oh we just uh Neil Mary started a family we're doing well so yeah so it dke7D5VzpQY-00443-00344844-00345864 was not an easy easy yeah I made it well you made it still yeah what what made you make it service I dke7D5VzpQY-00444-00345864-00346572 felt um when from when we're here Griffin always used to tell us that the highest form of service dke7D5VzpQY-00445-00346572-00347040 is service to humanity and that's why he was encouraging a lot of us to go into medicine dke7D5VzpQY-00446-00347040-00347670 because he felt that you can serve people that way but he had said if you ever got an opportunity to dke7D5VzpQY-00447-00347670-00348366 also serve the nation so you should not I should take it so that was one thing that actually made dke7D5VzpQY-00448-00348366-00349092 me take it that is to be able to serve yeah yeah yeah that's that's deep how are your first few dke7D5VzpQY-00449-00349092-00349710 months in in public service no difficult difficult because again I was 33 years old dke7D5VzpQY-00450-00349812-00350400 um I remember one of the chairman of the Committees came to see me and he dke7D5VzpQY-00451-00350400-00351144 was telling me you know you're very young yeah so I told him unfortunately the peers dke7D5VzpQY-00452-00351144-00351930 were transferred is a young person but it will be old in in a number of years yeah it's what dke7D5VzpQY-00453-00351984-00352710 the the system has been dealt with yes yeah so if you want to work the PS of Transport right dke7D5VzpQY-00454-00352710-00353220 now you'll have to work with the young one yeah yeah because like okay okay I'm sorry I didn't dke7D5VzpQY-00455-00353220-00353892 mean anyhow yeah yeah so so you have to deal with a lot of that and you also have a system dke7D5VzpQY-00456-00353892-00354678 that probably does not prob young people so so people don't expect that you come there you know dke7D5VzpQY-00457-00354678-00355398 everything and you see you don't get any room of or here do this to this the orientation isn't as dke7D5VzpQY-00458-00355398-00356148 what it as what is it was in in the privacy in the private sector you were oriented you were given so dke7D5VzpQY-00459-00356148-00356856 here you just thrown in the deep end still stream yeah yeah so we did and we swam yeah we did a lot dke7D5VzpQY-00460-00356856-00357618 transport we achieved a lot what are your what do you look back at for those years that you're in dke7D5VzpQY-00461-00357618-00358134 the transport Ministry and think yeah this is I'm happy about this now I would say that the things dke7D5VzpQY-00462-00358134-00358806 that I'm really happy about was uh I did this year from Mombasa all the way to Nairobi University dke7D5VzpQY-00463-00358884-00359778 um it we did it in record time yeah uh was very difficult and challenging because it was there dke7D5VzpQY-00464-00359778-00360762 was there were a lot of moving Parts in getting the the the the timelines to work I did base your dke7D5VzpQY-00465-00360762-00361512 lawyer opportunity it had been stuck forever came I put a budget on it I said that we have dke7D5VzpQY-00466-00361512-00362028 to finish it and it was eventually launched by the president what does doing like those two dke7D5VzpQY-00467-00362124-00362784 look like in in practice what what are you looking at because I'm sure it's it's a it's a large dke7D5VzpQY-00468-00362784-00363390 project there's large budgets there's also large stakeholders there's many things what does it dke7D5VzpQY-00469-00363444-00364302 what did your everyday look like see uh is understanding who the stakeholders are and dke7D5VzpQY-00470-00364302-00364896 engaging them because the reason why those things were stuck is because nobody the stakeholders were dke7D5VzpQY-00471-00364896-00365478 all pulling in different directions like you look at this your lawyer there was a big crack dke7D5VzpQY-00472-00365478-00366108 on the airport yeah yeah uh on the yesterday yeah yeah and so everyone was blaming it's dke7D5VzpQY-00473-00366108-00366762 this one is this one it's a contractor it's the soil that's caught on soil it's whatever and so dke7D5VzpQY-00474-00366762-00367482 for me I said okay but we are we are there how do we get it operation yeah of course now we brought dke7D5VzpQY-00475-00367482-00368010 some technicians and we are able to do things whatever had been stuck for about four or five dke7D5VzpQY-00476-00368010-00368652 years yeah the back would stop on you and some of this yes big things yes it stops with you and of dke7D5VzpQY-00477-00368652-00369096 course with the minister yeah but with the other the advisor to the minister and the accounting dke7D5VzpQY-00478-00369096-00369762 office there's a lot that then is expected from you to deliver on the leadership and um dke7D5VzpQY-00479-00369762-00370422 if you look at the sgr for example by the time we feel we are reaching the completion I had brought dke7D5VzpQY-00480-00370422-00371100 together all the different stakeholders from the Seafair from the uh the the The Shipping Lines to dke7D5VzpQY-00481-00371100-00371646 the broadcast to the uh all these other people because we we had we had to come up with the dke7D5VzpQY-00482-00371646-00372366 tariffs that will allow them to ship everything to transfer everything through the sgr right we had dke7D5VzpQY-00483-00372366-00373122 a target of 48 percent where we are saying if we can have the capacity of sgr at 48 percent that is dke7D5VzpQY-00484-00373122-00374058 we we carry the car utilization then we'll break even so that's what informed that yes percentage dke7D5VzpQY-00485-00374160-00374820 um but when I left I think all that failed the realistic holders are not engaged currently we dke7D5VzpQY-00486-00374820-00375444 are doing around seven percent utilization that's why the treasury has to find and pay for the SDR dke7D5VzpQY-00487-00375444-00376110 loans yeah which was not the plan yeah at that time or the relationships that you have built dke7D5VzpQY-00488-00376110-00376752 across the private sector both here in Kenya and internationally where they come into play dke7D5VzpQY-00489-00376812-00377712 in one way or another because like for example the uh a lot of when I was PS for planning we dke7D5VzpQY-00490-00377712-00378450 had a project that had uh stalled The Lex Basin Development Authority uh the mall that is in dke7D5VzpQY-00491-00378450-00379296 kisumu and I had to engage uh cooperative bank which is the one that had alone and so so all dke7D5VzpQY-00492-00379296-00379890 those relationships that I had from before we were able to utilize them in one way or another dke7D5VzpQY-00493-00379890-00380556 you mentioned PS planning uh but then previously it was transported how did that transition happen dke7D5VzpQY-00494-00380556-00381342 so you see PS is usually it's over there uh the behest of the president uh uh so so every dke7D5VzpQY-00495-00381342-00381948 so often the president will do research things and so you move from one apartment to another so I was dke7D5VzpQY-00496-00381948-00382596 moved from transport and take into planning but at planning your I mean now you already dke7D5VzpQY-00497-00382596-00383250 understand the system so I I'm assuming it was a lot easier for you to find your way yeah yeah much dke7D5VzpQY-00498-00383250-00383790 easier much easier because I'd been there done that yeah I had the relationships understood a dke7D5VzpQY-00499-00383790-00384480 lot on the statecraft and how to to to be able to uh work and have the system so it was much easier dke7D5VzpQY-00500-00384480-00385404 yeah serving in both Ministries between around 2014 you say yeah 2015 to 2018. that's that's dke7D5VzpQY-00501-00385404-00386058 a sizable period and a lot was happening what what do you remember was happening in the in the dke7D5VzpQY-00502-00386124-00386754 in the macro space uh in within Kenya ah the you know 2017 we had the elections definitely dke7D5VzpQY-00503-00386754-00387360 in general election so so it was a re-election of the president uh and that's when I was thrown into dke7D5VzpQY-00504-00387360-00388182 the Mercury world of campaigns uh we started as PSS all of us were given different areas dke7D5VzpQY-00505-00388182-00389034 to to to operative uh for me was given muranga and also doing a part of the the the turkana dke7D5VzpQY-00506-00389034-00390276 Westport kawale kilifi so so that's across the country yeah yeah you had to exclude the country dke7D5VzpQY-00507-00390276-00390930 if it's food distributions if it is engaging the business Community if it is a voter registration dke7D5VzpQY-00508-00390930-00391776 all those things on top of your regular on top of your regular job yeah so we were never in you are dke7D5VzpQY-00509-00391776-00392436 in Nairobi Monday Tuesday Wednesday yeah that's the Friday to Sunday yeah it's it's different dke7D5VzpQY-00510-00392436-00392952 places that there's different places you if you're going to turkana you're here you've dke7D5VzpQY-00511-00392952-00393540 hired uh Chopper you're off to Canada you have to pocket on the same day yeah yeah but you're dke7D5VzpQY-00512-00393540-00394032 doing good so you call it the Marquee world of campaigning yes but the things that you are doing dke7D5VzpQY-00513-00394032-00394818 are good like you're Distributing food yes yes where is the machines for someone audience who dke7D5VzpQY-00514-00394896-00395580 they that's what this used to offered and it is related to just how what The Branding that dke7D5VzpQY-00515-00395580-00396144 politics is put like it's a dirty game yet what the things are mentioned in sound like very good dke7D5VzpQY-00516-00396144-00396828 things to do you see the as when there's politics anything good you do is still perceived to be dke7D5VzpQY-00517-00396828-00397542 political yeah so even if you call someone and you give them food they're like will you be here next dke7D5VzpQY-00518-00397542-00398226 year yeah give me food yeah yeah and of course you won't yeah and you know that as soon as you leave dke7D5VzpQY-00519-00398226-00398874 someone else will also come yeah yeah so you you it has to be very calculated on how you do it and dke7D5VzpQY-00520-00398874-00399672 all that have you ever imagined imagined yourself uh growing up wanting to be a doctor and then you dke7D5VzpQY-00521-00399672-00400218 know studying engineering and then getting into banking had you ever imagined yourself that you dke7D5VzpQY-00522-00400218-00400938 would be not just in the public sector in politics yes yes yes I had planned actually had planned I dke7D5VzpQY-00523-00400938-00401490 remember when we were talking with my wife we had said I had told that I'd want to run dke7D5VzpQY-00524-00401490-00402156 for office yeah when did the starting come to you for that however much earlier because you dke7D5VzpQY-00525-00402156-00402834 see I was in student leadership in University I was a student leadership coming now out of it I dke7D5VzpQY-00526-00402834-00403452 was always in those positions so I was always interested in in training for office what was dke7D5VzpQY-00527-00403452-00403944 hectic when you would mentioned that yeah she said as long as the kids then would be big yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00528-00403944-00404622 so so not when it wasn't a deal to the class no I told like something that I'd want to do dke7D5VzpQY-00529-00404622-00405306 so you can't you can't break someone's dreams and you've just met them yes sure true yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00530-00405510-00406242 um so she's been with you and seen you through through it all yeah how does we are we aren't dke7D5VzpQY-00531-00406242-00406836 even at the you getting into further but how like let the move when you started doing those kinds dke7D5VzpQY-00532-00406836-00407772 of things now getting into um 2017 how was she and the family responding to to all of that it's dke7D5VzpQY-00533-00407772-00408552 never uh it's never easy because you know what politics does it removes you from from the setting dke7D5VzpQY-00534-00408552-00409266 in a big way because if you're campaigning yeah you're there week after week day after days yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00535-00409266-00409908 weekends are gone Church you are in The Villages and whatever else so it's it's always it's always dke7D5VzpQY-00536-00409908-00410585 a very tough uh time for families especially for young families so it's just having to get used dke7D5VzpQY-00537-00410585-00411696 to it with time left not accepting it just saying okay [Music] to pay off in a different payoff in a dke7D5VzpQY-00538-00411696-00412464 different way but I think the the it's it's always challenging I know it's always challenging so we dke7D5VzpQY-00539-00412464-00413154 are in 2018 now or rather fast the politics the campaign season ends and you continue dke7D5VzpQY-00540-00413154-00413897 to steal as a PS at that period how does how does your life and career continue from there the dke7D5VzpQY-00541-00413897-00414780 continued uh until uh okay with these positions also there's always a lot of politics um and in dke7D5VzpQY-00542-00414780-00415554 particular by the time by the time you finish the campaigns the people who did the campaigns are not dke7D5VzpQY-00543-00415554-00416274 the ones who are who are calling the shots yeah so this is the politics of this for some people dke7D5VzpQY-00544-00416274-00417162 in muranga is saying oh we we want someone else to present us we have this other older person this dke7D5VzpQY-00545-00417162-00418434 one is Young we had all those so so that's why in my I did not get reappointed yeah but I was dke7D5VzpQY-00546-00418434-00419214 also not dropped we I just stayed there as a PS without portfolio for almost eight months yeah um dke7D5VzpQY-00547-00419214-00419946 just being told that no no you'll be it's coming just wait just wait a bit yeah I mean well at that dke7D5VzpQY-00548-00419946-00420504 time what are you using the eight months to do it's my own stuff business because you're still dke7D5VzpQY-00549-00420504-00421224 PS uh still have all the government facilities only that the officer I had were two yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00550-00421224-00422238 so you go and then you're like okay it's really nothing for me here come back to dke7D5VzpQY-00551-00422238-00422885 my private office yeah wait I'm called for meetings you go and everything but salary dke7D5VzpQY-00552-00422885-00423624 comes yeah but there's really no function yeah yeah your the fact that you had gone to back to dke7D5VzpQY-00553-00423624-00424164 like where you had been born in muranga during the 2017 period why you then also establishing dke7D5VzpQY-00554-00424164-00424835 yourself yes at the time yes 2017. and how was that that was good at least to understand the dke7D5VzpQY-00555-00424835-00425268 terrain I had never really been in Marana in that way going around the entire County dke7D5VzpQY-00556-00425268-00426324 appreciating and understanding understanding the politics of it and the how diverse it dke7D5VzpQY-00557-00426324-00427110 is and also just to appreciate the levels of uh poverty and suffering yeah that was there dke7D5VzpQY-00558-00427110-00427776 there's a large semi-aried area yes in what is typically supposed to be like a very fertile dke7D5VzpQY-00559-00427776-00428489 yeah account if you say muranga people don't believe that you have your anger yeah yeah um dke7D5VzpQY-00560-00428489-00430085 who actually even is classified by CRA and the the hardship Awards dke7D5VzpQY-00561-00430085-00430560 yeah so after these eight months what happens after the eight months now we dke7D5VzpQY-00562-00430560-00431196 initially left service and then from there I went on to my own personal business dke7D5VzpQY-00563-00431435-00432246 I'm interested to hear more about the nyakara foundation as well as now your return to dke7D5VzpQY-00564-00432300-00433374 buy for office yes yeah if you may yeah so because of the the understanding the ground dke7D5VzpQY-00565-00433374-00433974 and all the the challenges and all that that's when I started the nakira foundation Foundation dke7D5VzpQY-00566-00433974-00434616 actually I started it and registered it in 2018 after I finished the elections in dke7D5VzpQY-00567-00434616-00435522 February of 2018. so we started by fast doing the scholarships to the poor and deserving dke7D5VzpQY-00568-00435522-00436566 then for high school then we went on to do now the mentorships the the in the schools dke7D5VzpQY-00569-00436566-00437928 then we launched looked at the sports uh realized that muranga the sports was not being matched we dke7D5VzpQY-00570-00437928-00439092 County the fkf football league had five teams if you go to the kiambu side they had 33 teams so and dke7D5VzpQY-00571-00439092-00439835 there was just a a board yeah so I told them surely I think we need to find a way to up so dke7D5VzpQY-00572-00439835-00440970 I uh the foundation I got into a an mou with fkf football Kenya for Federation and we now equipped dke7D5VzpQY-00573-00440970-00441768 the teams we paid for their fees we got them uniforms footballs the kids and everything and we dke7D5VzpQY-00574-00441768-00442620 started off with some 20 teams 16 in the county uh league and four in the regional League by the next dke7D5VzpQY-00575-00442620-00443628 year when we finished we now are 2014 yeah very good growth currently we have almost 30 teams oh dke7D5VzpQY-00576-00443628-00444443 nice it's almost catching up with what there was in campus Andy the talent is there what lacked was dke7D5VzpQY-00577-00444443-00445230 just the someone or the an institution of remark that then uplifts and supports that have done dke7D5VzpQY-00578-00445230-00446022 it yeah besides fkf D why you like how are you interacting now with other stakeholders that would dke7D5VzpQY-00579-00446022-00446652 play a role not just also in in sports but in many other things that you would be doing with your dke7D5VzpQY-00580-00446652-00447408 foundation uh for for us we interacted you see like when we come to uh bursaries the scholarships dke7D5VzpQY-00581-00447408-00448002 we work to the churches with the Chiefs the administration actually other people who are dke7D5VzpQY-00582-00448002-00448926 collecting their their checks who are collecting them from the DCC the the district the the dcc's dke7D5VzpQY-00583-00448926-00449520 office or the chief um I don't I didn't even engage with them I didn't even know this parent dke7D5VzpQY-00584-00449520-00450293 or that or this because that's where we were using them to tell her to tell us who they need dke7D5VzpQY-00585-00450293-00451356 uh our people yeah we essentially we mapped out within the county things that we can do we looked dke7D5VzpQY-00586-00451356-00452147 at that's also where we looked at Agriculture and so that uh a majority of the muranga population dke7D5VzpQY-00587-00452147-00453222 is a farmers and muranga itself is an agrarian County and I listened to them and their wolves dke7D5VzpQY-00588-00453222-00453918 give me their words as farmers in particular on the tea and coffee and that's where we started dke7D5VzpQY-00589-00453918-00454860 fighting for change in the sector to empower the farmer to get the farmer to be paid more yeah when dke7D5VzpQY-00590-00454860-00455634 we started the fights for tea reforms everybody thought it is it can't be done I think the last dke7D5VzpQY-00591-00455634-00456264 time there was such a reforms was in 1984 yeah so everyone will say we've been trying we've tried dke7D5VzpQY-00592-00456335-00456834 people who are they have been there for 20 30 years we can never kick them out I told dke7D5VzpQY-00593-00456834-00457343 them I think the time has come yeah for us to have this conversation and for us to have this change dke7D5VzpQY-00594-00457464-00458196 um it was dangerous because everyone thought that I'll lose my life for it serious yeah cartels yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00595-00458196-00459060 in it but I went in and managed all to get all the way to the president uh who having worked dke7D5VzpQY-00596-00459060-00459834 with me supported me fully on this course yeah so I'd really want to I would have to say that the dke7D5VzpQY-00597-00459834-00460374 president former president who Kenyatta is the one who made it possible for those reforms to happen dke7D5VzpQY-00598-00460374-00461106 the impact of Which is far-reaching far Rich the farmers are getting paid more they are paid their dke7D5VzpQY-00599-00461106-00461664 bonuses yesterday something that used to be paid in April May now in January they've already been dke7D5VzpQY-00600-00461664-00462450 paid so the year that was for the year that was I managed through those reforms to take the bills dke7D5VzpQY-00601-00462450-00463380 to Parliament for them to change and they did we took on the coffee side as well as well yeah dke7D5VzpQY-00602-00463650-00463668 foreign dke7D5VzpQY-00603-00464472-00465084 National Assembly had a tag so we had two bills that were not harmonized on the two dke7D5VzpQY-00604-00465084-00465624 and the current Administration we've talked and uh requested that they try harmonize that's good dke7D5VzpQY-00605-00465624-00466122 those are two bills so that we can be able to pass that's one bill for the coffee farmers dke7D5VzpQY-00606-00466224-00467172 if we can Empower um the farmer yeah 67 percent of Kenyans are employed or get a living make dke7D5VzpQY-00607-00467172-00467706 a living through agriculture either directly or indirectly through the different leakages dke7D5VzpQY-00608-00467706-00468678 that bring back us back to agriculture um the 25 percent of our Forex is they have actually dke7D5VzpQY-00609-00468678-00470147 tea tea alone is 25 of the Forex our GDP yeah 24 of the GDP directly in agriculture if you dke7D5VzpQY-00610-00470147-00470802 look at our food basket it's three trillion a year yeah our Imports are crazy about we import dke7D5VzpQY-00611-00470802-00471816 above 65 billion in a about 90 billion last year I was in this edible oils yeah which can be done dke7D5VzpQY-00612-00471816-00472685 here yeah so we imported about 40 billion on on this rice we import so much on sugar dke7D5VzpQY-00613-00472685-00473382 so things that actually have the raw we have the capacity yeah so if we can find a way to dke7D5VzpQY-00614-00473454-00474210 to empower the farmer but also noting that farming is not an extracurricular activity no it is called dke7D5VzpQY-00615-00474210-00474816 it's a business yeah a farmer will utilize their Farm to do farming because it will make them money dke7D5VzpQY-00616-00474816-00475416 so when it does not make them money the farmer walks away yeah yeah so so I think that we just dke7D5VzpQY-00617-00475416-00476088 need to appreciate the role the farmers play and ensure that just like the other countries like dke7D5VzpQY-00618-00476088-00476832 the US and the other places we Empower them and we put money in their pockets and that is one of dke7D5VzpQY-00619-00476832-00477522 the critical things key things that we actually advocated and pushed through our foundation you dke7D5VzpQY-00620-00477522-00478193 will do this through the foundation you'd Lobby for reforms in in agree in the not just in tea dke7D5VzpQY-00621-00478193-00478680 and coffee but in agree and you've mentioned a couple of the challenges that you would face dke7D5VzpQY-00622-00478782-00479712 um was it also through that that then you became associated with Farmers party yes yes so from dke7D5VzpQY-00623-00479712-00480282 there we joined I joined Farmer's party where I'm currently the park leader and the chair and dke7D5VzpQY-00624-00480282-00481266 we as of course as the name suggested so we focus on farmers and the so we were able to dke7D5VzpQY-00625-00481266-00482166 uh to also advocate for these reforms and the famous party I was also also the chair for the dke7D5VzpQY-00626-00482166-00482946 Kenya T sector Lobby which again is a Lobby group that was pushing for the reforms on this agenda dke7D5VzpQY-00627-00483042-00483774 um so yeah so yeah we advocated it was across different platforms the media the media really dke7D5VzpQY-00628-00483774-00484535 helped get us through through to the end uh yeah just getting the difference they call dke7D5VzpQY-00629-00484535-00485220 it because everybody agreed that something needs to be done it's just that there was never anyone dke7D5VzpQY-00630-00485220-00486054 to attack on the responsibility and continue yeah um and thank you on behalf of Pharmacy we all are dke7D5VzpQY-00631-00486054-00486708 products of farmers and and farming so thank you for those reforms and continuing to push for them dke7D5VzpQY-00632-00486708-00487482 even now so at this stage then I would like us to enter the the part that you you choose now to dke7D5VzpQY-00633-00487542-00488232 not only are you party leader but also the flag bearer and and now you are beginning to campaign dke7D5VzpQY-00634-00488316-00489564 to do so I I see for for me I was looking at uh the the role that I've been able to play uh and I dke7D5VzpQY-00635-00489564-00490206 felt that if I'm at an executive position I'll be able to even impact more because then I'll have a dke7D5VzpQY-00636-00490206-00490739 platform and the authority yeah I have to be able to deliver that change uh agriculture is developed dke7D5VzpQY-00637-00490739-00491514 and I felt that the Council of governance I need a voice within for someone who can Champion for dke7D5VzpQY-00638-00491514-00492443 the uh changes in agriculture and that's why Irene for position of governor and the key dke7D5VzpQY-00639-00492443-00493230 agenda being looked of course broadly because it's not just the farming but I felt if we put money in dke7D5VzpQY-00640-00493230-00493860 Farmer's book then just Farmers from murang then we'll be able all these other issues whether we dke7D5VzpQY-00641-00493860-00494376 we sought them yeah if it's issues of health care if someone can earn money they'll be able to pay dke7D5VzpQY-00642-00494376-00494856 their 500 for any child yeah they won't come to us they'll be able to take their kids to school dke7D5VzpQY-00643-00494856-00495402 they'll be able to buy uniform for their kids and books yeah they'll be able to eat healthy dke7D5VzpQY-00644-00495402-00496200 yeah so we'll have sorted them in all these ways so that's why my key calling and the agenda was dke7D5VzpQY-00645-00496200-00496866 let's put money in Farmers Pockets yeah yeah and and um logically and also practically it does make dke7D5VzpQY-00646-00496866-00497430 sense yes the snowballing effect is there have you spoken it's empowerment on resources but also it's dke7D5VzpQY-00647-00497430-00498180 empowerment to to the person how was the Journey of running for office I I think uh for me I found dke7D5VzpQY-00648-00498180-00498984 uh it was it was fulfilling one is because the things I was the the platform that I used which dke7D5VzpQY-00649-00498984-00499782 was the pharmacy uh felt I delivered for him and I delivered because I was also pushing for my own dke7D5VzpQY-00650-00499782-00500862 agenda of being elected that they didn't elect me as Governor I think that does not change anything dke7D5VzpQY-00651-00500862-00501630 because there's always a next time there are a lot of things I learned I think our key thing was dke7D5VzpQY-00652-00501630-00502260 on the political alignments and the party because while Farmer's party was part of the Kenya Kwanzaa dke7D5VzpQY-00653-00502260-00503088 I think the the president and his troops were pushing for UDA yeah even if we're together and dke7D5VzpQY-00654-00503088-00504204 the masses had been there was a big wave of just going for the UDA candidates and they they elected dke7D5VzpQY-00655-00504204-00505020 the UDA candidates across the boat yeah all of all of murangas essentially only two MCAS were not dke7D5VzpQY-00656-00505116-00506064 UD so so it's it's unlikely then I would have been able to go against that wave and works accepting dke7D5VzpQY-00657-00506064-00506952 that come 2027. we'll make our decisions of on what we want politically but more so because of dke7D5VzpQY-00658-00506952-00507497 the farmers but he had want Farmer's party to grow and want us to have more candidates I don't want dke7D5VzpQY-00659-00507497-00508296 us to win more positions so that we can be able then I had to to steer the farmer's agenda even dke7D5VzpQY-00660-00508296-00508830 in the next Administration might not be able to do much in the current Administration and we've dke7D5VzpQY-00661-00508830-00509880 accepted that yeah but in the next one we'll plan it in in in I understand that we are strained on dke7D5VzpQY-00662-00509880-00510552 time but I have just two final questions one is um what's the biggest lesson that you've picked dke7D5VzpQY-00663-00510642-00511146 um you you've recently turned 40 yes yes if you look back at your life which you dke7D5VzpQY-00664-00511146-00511758 have mentioned to us uh you've walked us through what what's the one two big lessons that you pick dke7D5VzpQY-00665-00511818-00512460 uh from from just your life how it's flowed out and and where it is right now dke7D5VzpQY-00666-00512514-00512976 I think there are two things that are important in life one is luck we have a nice consistency dke7D5VzpQY-00667-00513150-00513780 you need to be lucky because some things just happen you don't even know how it happens I cannot dke7D5VzpQY-00668-00513780-00514470 say attribute my successes to myself a hundred percent these are a good 30 40 percent that is dke7D5VzpQY-00669-00514470-00515220 lucky of course luck meets the when black meets the prepared then an opportunity happens true one dke7D5VzpQY-00670-00515220-00516078 still has to be prepared for that to happen true is consistency um you see once you can be doing dke7D5VzpQY-00671-00516078-00516900 so many things but if you do not focus on one thing in particular then you not go far yeah and dke7D5VzpQY-00672-00516900-00517722 that's how we succeeded on the tea reforms these guys who are seeing me on TV on kameme on inoro dke7D5VzpQY-00673-00517722-00518352 on standard on the nation they're like what's wrong with this guy yeah even at some point uh dke7D5VzpQY-00674-00518352-00518904 the chairman asked me Connie how many tea bushes do you have that you're you're all over fighting dke7D5VzpQY-00675-00518904-00519456 for this thing I said all the team the country you know how much it is yeah see that's mine multiple dke7D5VzpQY-00676-00519456-00520350 times multiple channels yes multiple channels all over you don't time and in doing all that uh you dke7D5VzpQY-00677-00520350-00521100 should always go in knowing that you can win or lose yeah uh if you win then you deliver on what dke7D5VzpQY-00678-00521100-00521735 you planned if you lose there's always the next thing yeah and losing an election is not losing dke7D5VzpQY-00679-00522047-00522468 there's something you've said very important that you are happy that you delivered on the dke7D5VzpQY-00680-00522468-00523110 promise yes um to to to the constituents and the farmers so that's a win by itself dke7D5VzpQY-00681-00523110-00523656 yes so um as you explain loss the loss of an election how is processing that dke7D5VzpQY-00682-00523812-00524442 uh because of the mentality you go in with if you go in imagining that you have to win then dke7D5VzpQY-00683-00524442-00524934 it becomes very hard to process but if you go in knowing that there's still a possibility dke7D5VzpQY-00684-00524934-00525690 that you won't make it then you very quickly just move on with your life whichever election outcome dke7D5VzpQY-00685-00525690-00526428 comes you're able to adjust adjust yourself what are your next uh what nakara moving on dke7D5VzpQY-00686-00526428-00526944 from here what what are you thinking what you may disclose or not but I know you're you're handling dke7D5VzpQY-00687-00526944-00527706 quite a bit of your businesses are they in real estate are they in um like what what are you dke7D5VzpQY-00688-00527772-00528510 looking at ahead not just even in 2027 but just ahead for uh for the next 40 years for you dke7D5VzpQY-00689-00528588-00529338 I think for me I want to focus on my businesses for now for the next few years before we and dke7D5VzpQY-00690-00529338-00530334 also on a building for Mass party um the then I also want to focus on myself I think this stuff dke7D5VzpQY-00691-00530334-00531042 I didn't do during that period my the Masters I didn't go for the fired Masters the bad Masters dke7D5VzpQY-00692-00531042-00531834 pursue that this year and a few other beans that are I'm looking at the time didn't spend with dke7D5VzpQY-00693-00531834-00532356 family I want to spend that you have children are not grown they're grown yeah they're they're big dke7D5VzpQY-00694-00532356-00533694 my speaker now and also now looking at uh how what best way to serve because we started this journey dke7D5VzpQY-00695-00533694-00534750 come 2027 we'll decide on what political position to to how to position ourselves dke7D5VzpQY-00696-00534750-00535506 politically because we'd see a lot of stuff and so as we as we finish and we address our audience dke7D5VzpQY-00697-00535680-00536718 um there's someone who is probably much younger you have led young you have one young you have dke7D5VzpQY-00698-00536718-00537342 been in places where a lot of young people would not find themselves even today regardless of the dke7D5VzpQY-00699-00537342-00538032 fact that you know the age Gap is still closing out much significantly there is what you've said dke7D5VzpQY-00700-00538032-00538818 about consistency and lack but what is it that you would advise uh you tell back The Young nakara dke7D5VzpQY-00701-00538818-00539964 that is about to break from go back go back to before even returning before high school what did dke7D5VzpQY-00702-00539964-00541176 you tell him I think the the lesson that I would teach them is on patience yeah that you might want dke7D5VzpQY-00703-00541176-00542046 things but when they don't you don't give them all the time then you just be patient they'll come dke7D5VzpQY-00704-00542046-00542664 yeah don't come and it has manifested yes yes all right thank you very much we appreciate your time dke7D5VzpQY-00705-00542664-00543228 and I don't know if there's anything you'd like to close with I'll give you the the the the final dke7D5VzpQY-00706-00543228-00543750 opportunity to do so but on behalf of development Dynamics we are super grateful that you shared dke7D5VzpQY-00707-00543750-00544644 your life your moments your um and how it has how you have found meaning in all in in it all and dke7D5VzpQY-00708-00544644-00545124 um and connected quite a number of development dots for us uh giving out the opportunity to close dke7D5VzpQY-00709-00545124-00545760 no thank you thank you very much even for the time and the opportunity to engage uh on this and share dke7D5VzpQY-00710-00545760-00546786 my story uh I think for me the the one being that I think about is the young people uh and I think dke7D5VzpQY-00711-00546786-00547494 about them a lot because I put myself in the shoes of some people I meet young people I meet in The dke7D5VzpQY-00712-00547494-00548280 Villages and if I did not get the opportunity I got imagine I'd also be there with them so dke7D5VzpQY-00713-00548280-00548910 sometimes we criticize them too much yeah and expect too much from them we need to Mentor them dke7D5VzpQY-00714-00548910-00549588 yeah we need to Mentor the young people we need to create opportunity genuinely create opportunities dke7D5VzpQY-00715-00549588-00550674 for them both to learn but also to grow yeah and there is no better way of doing it than dke7D5VzpQY-00716-00550776-00551730 in building focusing on the tibits yeah and I do hope that the current Administration will actually dke7D5VzpQY-00717-00551730-00552540 really focus on the TV they now with our education system the mentorship that I was talking about dke7D5VzpQY-00718-00552540-00553266 will Griffin was doing the career talks we need to do it to them in their form three their form dke7D5VzpQY-00719-00553266-00553794 Force let them understand both the Academia side but then let them also learn about life dke7D5VzpQY-00720-00553794-00554370 yeah about the future and that everything would happen for them in the first two three years or dke7D5VzpQY-00721-00554370-00554994 five years or ten years after finishing school but if they do not create a foundation for what dke7D5VzpQY-00722-00554994-00555678 they want to happen in those 10 years then they will always remain there so sometimes when people dke7D5VzpQY-00723-00555678-00556362 become successful when they see someone who's not they blame that person they do not blame the dke7D5VzpQY-00724-00556362-00557088 environment I think we need to change that so that we never imagine that these guys are poor because dke7D5VzpQY-00725-00557088-00557580 they are lazy they are poor because they have no opportunities and they have not been given that dke7D5VzpQY-00726-00557580-00558252 opportunity to actually build themselves thank you thank you very much it's a huge call to action for dke7D5VzpQY-00727-00558252-00559122 for the ones who've been lucky to to get ahead and um to help build you know to help others stand on dke7D5VzpQY-00728-00559122-00559608 our shoulders yeah keep going and see further and do more yes thank you thank you thank you dke7D5VzpQY-00729-00560130-00560263 foreign [Music] dmS4MOEKq_E-00000-00000006-00000441 hi, everybody, I'm Antoinette and this is board game Inquisition and we're here to offer dmS4MOEKq_E-00001-00000441-00000834 you insight and indeed information about the board games you might want to have dmS4MOEKq_E-00002-00000834-00001158 in your collection so this is one of those rare games that dmS4MOEKq_E-00003-00001158-00001479 had me sold from its title so here's five things I think you need dmS4MOEKq_E-00004-00001479-00002206 to know about vast the mysterious manor. Mysteries manors what's not to love? dmS4MOEKq_E-00005-00002726-00003240 Vast: the mysterious manor has you and your friends playing a host of dmS4MOEKq_E-00006-00003240-00003894 characters in a pretty creepy house. Each role is unique has different abilities dmS4MOEKq_E-00007-00003894-00004430 and their own victory condition. On your turn you'll activate your abilities to dmS4MOEKq_E-00008-00004430-00004932 progress towards winning while trying to interfere with each other's plans at the dmS4MOEKq_E-00009-00004932-00005526 same time. The game ends when someone has completed their objective. Thing one dmS4MOEKq_E-00010-00005526-00006051 what's this game all about? Well Vast: the mysterious manor seems to have less of dmS4MOEKq_E-00011-00006051-00006542 a theme and more of a setting and it's definitely kind of this fun horror dmS4MOEKq_E-00012-00006542-00007100 you know mild peril Addams Family vibes and it's one that I particularly enjoyed dmS4MOEKq_E-00013-00007100-00007544 and was definitely drawn to. I couldn't help but also be reminded of kind of a dmS4MOEKq_E-00014-00007544-00007968 murder mystery genre as you wander around this Manor in the dark stumbling dmS4MOEKq_E-00015-00007968-00008442 upon God knows what or who and not really knowing what everyone else is up to. dmS4MOEKq_E-00016-00008442-00008972 It definitely taps into all those kind of feelings. Your characters that you dmS4MOEKq_E-00017-00008972-00009365 play yeah you don't know a lot about them but there's something about their dmS4MOEKq_E-00018-00009365-00009854 abilities that gives you a good feel for what kind of character they are or the dmS4MOEKq_E-00019-00009854-00010203 type of things they might do so it doesn't leave them feeling disjointed dmS4MOEKq_E-00020-00010203-00010650 from the game itself. If you're looking for a similar game to Vast well you have dmS4MOEKq_E-00021-00010650-00011079 to compare it to Root because it's from the same company but for me I actually dmS4MOEKq_E-00022-00011079-00011685 prefer this to Root and I think this is because that in Root everyone is trying dmS4MOEKq_E-00023-00011685-00012042 to get victory points to win the game here everyone has got their own dmS4MOEKq_E-00024-00012042-00012435 objectives and it just feels a little bit more focused to me. Thing two dmS4MOEKq_E-00025-00012435-00012809 mechanics well the main mechanic here is the fact dmS4MOEKq_E-00026-00012809-00013243 that everyone has their own unique mechanics so each character does dmS4MOEKq_E-00027-00013243-00013563 something different interacts differently moves around the board in a dmS4MOEKq_E-00028-00013563-00014034 different way etc and this is in all honesty pretty fun and exciting. I had dmS4MOEKq_E-00029-00014034-00014370 a lot of fun wanting to try out all the different characters learn how they worked and dmS4MOEKq_E-00030-00014370-00014763 if you don't really like a particular character well there's more to choose dmS4MOEKq_E-00031-00014763-00015115 from and I'm pretty sure you'll find one that will match your gameplay style. dmS4MOEKq_E-00032-00015115-00015585 However because everybody is so different you're left with this problem dmS4MOEKq_E-00033-00015585-00015945 that it feels like everybody's playing their own little game and it's one dmS4MOEKq_E-00034-00015945-00016335 that's actually quite difficult to explain. On a practical note it means dmS4MOEKq_E-00035-00016335-00016645 that somebody needs to know how all of the characters work to be able to dmS4MOEKq_E-00036-00016645-00017065 explain them to the other players. I did like that we all had our own thing to do dmS4MOEKq_E-00037-00017065-00017431 but hated that you couldn't choose which group of characters to play with out of dmS4MOEKq_E-00038-00017431-00017815 the box. Overall this game has so much merit but dmS4MOEKq_E-00039-00017815-00018181 I feel like the mechanics get in the way of this fun setting we've been given. dmS4MOEKq_E-00040-00018181-00018687 Thing Three: on the table. I'm not gonna lie when we first set up Vast: The Mysterious dmS4MOEKq_E-00041-00018687-00019129 Manor I wasn't particularly impressed by the board. However as you move around dmS4MOEKq_E-00042-00019129-00019543 it and you discover new things you get to add tiles and flip them over and that dmS4MOEKq_E-00043-00019543-00019954 does add a lot of dimension to the gameplay. Setup is really straightforward dmS4MOEKq_E-00044-00019954-00020376 I love that each character sheets or card has got your set of requirements dmS4MOEKq_E-00045-00020376-00020757 written on it so that helps speed up the process. The interesting thing here is dmS4MOEKq_E-00046-00020757-00021151 that the game ends whenever somebody hits their victory condition so it's dmS4MOEKq_E-00047-00021151-00021597 really up to you meaning this can definitely be a lengthier game I'd want dmS4MOEKq_E-00048-00021597-00022087 to be setting aside some time to play it. The rulebook is definitely good but not the dmS4MOEKq_E-00049-00022087-00022515 most helpful and I think this is just because each character is so unique. And you dmS4MOEKq_E-00050-00022515-00022881 have to go rooting to the rulebook to find you know the specific terms that dmS4MOEKq_E-00051-00022881-00023359 are relative to only your character. I don't think that's a necessarily easy dmS4MOEKq_E-00052-00023359-00023841 feat. Basically in summary this is the kind of game that you want to play a lot dmS4MOEKq_E-00053-00023841-00024397 of to get a lot out of. Thing Four: look and feel. Well it's pretty obvious to me dmS4MOEKq_E-00054-00024397-00024779 how much care and attention to detail has been put into Vast: The Mysterious Manor dmS4MOEKq_E-00055-00024779-00025315 everything in this box feels very deluxe and very high quality. I'm a huge fan of dmS4MOEKq_E-00056-00025315-00025698 the artwork I think it's so fun and whimsical and fits with this theme dmS4MOEKq_E-00057-00025698-00026109 incredibly well. My favourite component is probably the player boards they are these dmS4MOEKq_E-00058-00026109-00026582 huge chunky pieces of cardboard and they make playing the game so much easier. dmS4MOEKq_E-00059-00026582-00026900 And of course we can't not talk about the miniatures which are made in these dmS4MOEKq_E-00060-00026900-00027362 crazy psychedelic colors and are beautifully rendered. There's something dmS4MOEKq_E-00061-00027362-00027808 about this game that can't help but appeals to my inner child Think 5 is dmS4MOEKq_E-00062-00027808-00028270 this game any good? Well Vast: The Mysterious Manor really does have a lot dmS4MOEKq_E-00063-00028270-00028739 going for it. It's really fun to play your own unique character and have your dmS4MOEKq_E-00064-00028739-00029180 own goal and way to win that's different from everybody else's. It's also nice to dmS4MOEKq_E-00065-00029180-00029636 see your character progress as you make steps towards your endgame condition. But dmS4MOEKq_E-00066-00029636-00030047 not only that the character you play as are really interesting and fun so you dmS4MOEKq_E-00067-00030047-00030608 can be like a spider, a Paladin, a warlock, a set of skeletons each with their own dmS4MOEKq_E-00068-00030608-00031067 very cool names or even play as the manor itself. And all of these are kind dmS4MOEKq_E-00069-00031067-00031397 of exciting and you're going to want to try them all out and play with all of them. dmS4MOEKq_E-00070-00031397-00031814 But this is where the problem is. Teaching this game is extremely hard dmS4MOEKq_E-00071-00031814-00032216 because everyone's character is so different and this type of game play does dmS4MOEKq_E-00072-00032216-00032620 not lend itself well to introducing it to a new player. You kind of need to be dmS4MOEKq_E-00073-00032620-00032948 familiar with what you are doing or everyone needs to be on kind of the same dmS4MOEKq_E-00074-00032948-00033422 skill level. Of course when you get your character board it explains how you play dmS4MOEKq_E-00075-00033422-00033785 your character but not fully enough that you don't need to go and read the dmS4MOEKq_E-00076-00033785-00034181 rulebook, meaning everybody who plays this game at the table really needs to dmS4MOEKq_E-00077-00034181-00034547 read the rulebook to fully understand how to play and that for me is dmS4MOEKq_E-00078-00034547-00035078 incredibly problematic. And after all that the game kicks you in the teeth. See dmS4MOEKq_E-00079-00035078-00035424 when I open the box first and I looked at all the really cool characters I decided dmS4MOEKq_E-00080-00035424-00035774 I wanted to play the manor. Like how cool is that you could play as the dmS4MOEKq_E-00081-00035774-00036152 actual building move stuff on the board you know mess with your opponent's? dmS4MOEKq_E-00082-00036152-00036509 Sounded right up my alley! The problem is that you can only play dmS4MOEKq_E-00083-00036509-00036986 with particular characters if you have particular player counts. So two dmS4MOEKq_E-00084-00036986-00037370 players which is what I normally play you only have access to three characters dmS4MOEKq_E-00085-00037370-00037751 in the entire game. So that's the paladin and the spider and though and the dmS4MOEKq_E-00086-00037751-00038240 skeleton, and of course somebody always has to play the spider. Meaning that the dmS4MOEKq_E-00087-00038240-00038669 only way I could play with the manor was if I had more friends to play with. I dmS4MOEKq_E-00088-00038669-00039260 think that's such a kick in the teeth. I was so excited to play this game and dmS4MOEKq_E-00089-00039260-00039599 then you can't access the one you want. Like what's the point in saying that dmS4MOEKq_E-00090-00039599-00039977 this is good for two players when you can't play with everything in the box? dmS4MOEKq_E-00091-00039977-00040426 Vast: The Mysterious Manor is a really exciting and really really fun game. dmS4MOEKq_E-00092-00040426-00040862 However I'm never going to be able to play it the way I'd like to and I think dmS4MOEKq_E-00093-00040862-00040998 that's particularly unfair. dmS4MOEKq_E-00094-00040998-00041231 Do I think you should have Vast: The Mysterious dmS4MOEKq_E-00095-00041231-00041600 Manor in your collection? Well if you're already familiar with dmS4MOEKq_E-00096-00041600-00041981 Root and have a group that enjoys playing it well then this is definitely dmS4MOEKq_E-00097-00041981-00042467 a step up from Root in my estimation. Otherwise this is a really fun haunted dmS4MOEKq_E-00098-00042467-00042785 house game but you're gonna want to have a number of people available to play dmS4MOEKq_E-00099-00042785-00043022 with you to be able to actually get value out of the box. dmS4MOEKq_E-00100-00043022-00043517 You've been watching board game Inquisition. To hear about further videos and future reviews dmS4MOEKq_E-00101-00043517-00043868 why not click on the subscribe button below. Or if you have any comments or dmS4MOEKq_E-00102-00043868-00044255 queries you'd like to make about Vast: the mysterious manor why not ask I'll dmS4MOEKq_E-00103-00044255-00044627 actually answer you. And until next time I'll be here playing games, asking dmS4MOEKq_E-00104-00044627-00045106 questions and of course perusing my collection, take care everybody! e17Esv9oEGo-00000-00000060-00000339 Hello everyone and welcome to our channel. e17Esv9oEGo-00001-00000339-00000752 Today we're going to learn how to calculate percentages in Microsoft Office Excel. e17Esv9oEGo-00002-00000838-00001502 As an example we're going to use the stats from the last night's NBA game between Cleveland and Phoenix. e17Esv9oEGo-00003-00001596-00002069 As you can probably predict, it was an easy game for the Cavaliers, they won by 25 points. e17Esv9oEGo-00004-00002125-00002325 So, here in the left column, e17Esv9oEGo-00005-00002356-00002942 You can see the players names whilst the number of points scored is located in the right column. e17Esv9oEGo-00006-00003049-00003671 Before we calculate the percentage of team points scored per player, we have to calculate the total amount of team points. e17Esv9oEGo-00007-00003721-00004275 So mark the cell that you want to hold this value and type equals, sum, e17Esv9oEGo-00008-00004330-00004787 open the bracket and select all the cells that you want to sum together. e17Esv9oEGo-00009-00004839-00005007 Press the enter button e17Esv9oEGo-00010-00005007-00005207 And you’ll have the result. e17Esv9oEGo-00011-00005266-00005954 Ok, now we can calculate the percentages. Start by selecting the first cell that you want to hold the percentage value. e17Esv9oEGo-00012-00006019-00006463 In my case that is the first cell of the “Percentage” column. e17Esv9oEGo-00013-00006479-00007132 I can now press the equal sign and select the number of points scored by the player in this row, Jeff Green. e17Esv9oEGo-00014-00007227-00007820 I'm going to divide this number by the total amount of points scored by the Cavaliers team. e17Esv9oEGo-00015-00007906-00008305 I can now simply press enter and format the cell e17Esv9oEGo-00016-00008346-00008798 to display the percentages by clicking on the percentage sign in the “Number” submenu. e17Esv9oEGo-00017-00008937-00009343 Okay, we're almost there. We can repeat this process for all the entries e17Esv9oEGo-00018-00009369-00009625 But we're going to show you a much easier way to do it. e17Esv9oEGo-00019-00009717-00010313 Since the total amount of points scored doesn't change and all the formulas, we can fixate e17Esv9oEGo-00020-00010356-00010916 that cell by inserting the dollar sign before the column and the row value. e17Esv9oEGo-00021-00011007-00011507 Now select that cell and move your mouse to the lower right corner. e17Esv9oEGo-00022-00011634-00011861 Once your cursor turns into the plus sign, e17Esv9oEGo-00023-00011897-00012412 simply click and drag the mouse to highlight the cells in which you wish to replicate the formula. e17Esv9oEGo-00024-00012461-00013072 And, there you go. If you want to visualize the results better, you can apply conditional formatting. e17Esv9oEGo-00025-00013220-00013852 Simply select the whole table, click on the conditional formatting menu and choose one of the data bars. e17Esv9oEGo-00026-00014453-00014653 Okay that will be all in this video. e17Esv9oEGo-00027-00014690-00014977 Please let us know what you think in the comment section below. e17Esv9oEGo-00028-00015002-00015468 if you liked the video feel free to subscribe and check out our channel for more useful videos. e1wM6MeuQRo-00000-00000048-00000708 guys, I've recently added subtitles to six of my other recent videos, and I hope that e1wM6MeuQRo-00001-00000708-00001218 you have a great time enjoying my videos, because there's just some problems while e1wM6MeuQRo-00002-00001218-00001782 I'm trying to make good content, and I just can't make my content better. as a result, they e1wM6MeuQRo-00003-00001782-00002220 look like this, every single time, except for website videos and things like that. e1wM6MeuQRo-00004-00002292-00002754 and I'm trying to help, thank you, click on my links more often. e6H7wrY1pFI-00000-00000000-00000516 Hey there! Are you interested in starting the ketogenic diet but not sure where to begin? e6H7wrY1pFI-00001-00000594-00000888 Here are a few basic tips to help you get started: e6H7wrY1pFI-00002-00001014-00001662 Focus on whole, unprocessed foods: The keto diet is based on eating whole, unprocessed e6H7wrY1pFI-00003-00001662-00002262 foods such as meats, vegetables, and healthy fats, rather than processed and refined foods. e6H7wrY1pFI-00004-00002406-00003054 Keep track of your macros: The keto diet is based on a specific macronutrient ratio of high fat, e6H7wrY1pFI-00005-00003054-00003618 moderate protein, and low carbohydrate. Keeping track of your macros can help e6H7wrY1pFI-00006-00003618-00003965 you stay on track and ensure you're getting the right balance of nutrients. e6H7wrY1pFI-00007-00004092-00004536 Stay hydrated: It's important to drink plenty of water on the keto diet, e6H7wrY1pFI-00008-00004536-00004944 as it can help flush out excess electrolytes and prevent dehydration. e6H7wrY1pFI-00009-00005100-00005544 Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is important for overall health and can e6H7wrY1pFI-00010-00005544-00005868 help support weight loss and other health benefits of the keto diet. e6H7wrY1pFI-00011-00005940-00006473 If you want to learn more about the ketogenic diet and get started on your weight loss journey, click e6H7wrY1pFI-00012-00006473-00006936 the link in the comments to visit our website and learn more about the 28-Day Keto Challenge. e6H7wrY1pFI-00013-00007008-00007338 Don't wait – start your journey to a healthier you today! eqtKU-URawg-00000-00000000-00000200 Use of Modulus operator eqHxMNEFOR4-00000-00000824-00001280 This lesson continues our discussion on physical security by addressing walls, eqHxMNEFOR4-00001-00001280-00001520 doors, and locks used to manage gaps eqHxMNEFOR4-00002-00001584-00002128 in structural barriers. You can download the video script above or at the end of the video. eqHxMNEFOR4-00003-00002552-00003232 Let's start with walls. I've separated structural walls into three types; structural site perimeter eqHxMNEFOR4-00004-00003232-00004015 walls are walls that are both part of a structure and form part of a site barrier. Non-perimeter eqHxMNEFOR4-00005-00004015-00004728 external walls are the outside walls of a building entirely within and apart from the perimeter eqHxMNEFOR4-00006-00004728-00005784 barrier. Internal walls create offices wiring closets data centers and other security zones. eqHxMNEFOR4-00007-00005872-00006376 Sites are often designed with one or more structure exterior walls, eqHxMNEFOR4-00008-00006376-00006680 used as part of the site perimeter barrier. eqHxMNEFOR4-00009-00006680-00007272 In this example, the organization uses two building walls as part of a fence barrier. eqHxMNEFOR4-00010-00007695-00008088 One consideration when a structure forms part of a site perimeter eqHxMNEFOR4-00011-00008088-00008720 is the construction of the exterior walls. These considerations also apply when a completely eqHxMNEFOR4-00012-00008720-00009448 internal structure is a medium or high physical security zone. These are not the only options. eqHxMNEFOR4-00013-00009448-00009992 I provide this information only to demonstrate how wall construction determines penetration eqHxMNEFOR4-00014-00009992-00010680 times. Organizations must work with contractors to determine the best structural approach for walls. eqHxMNEFOR4-00015-00011136-00011632 Walls that make up part or all of a site perimeter that is only one story high eqHxMNEFOR4-00016-00011632-00012280 require a top guard of some type to deter roof access. Further, if windows are included eqHxMNEFOR4-00017-00012280-00012784 in the perimeter wall, they should either be barred or be too narrow for human access. eqHxMNEFOR4-00018-00012847-00013632 Again, openings no bigger than 96-inch square inches are considered secure. Finally, no roof eqHxMNEFOR4-00019-00013632-00014184 access stairs or ladders should be accessible to anyone approaching the site perimeter. eqHxMNEFOR4-00020-00014280-00014847 These considerations apply not only to perimeter segment walls; they also apply to eqHxMNEFOR4-00021-00014847-00015600 any structure's exterior walls. One difference is exterior roof access. Ladders and other means of eqHxMNEFOR4-00022-00015600-00016368 roof access should be locked to prevent access by unauthorized individuals. Finally, utility access eqHxMNEFOR4-00023-00016368-00017112 panels or other access portals should be locked with controlled access to keys or lock codes. eqHxMNEFOR4-00024-00017424-00018080 Again, roof access for any structure containing critical infrastructure or data with elevated eqHxMNEFOR4-00025-00018080-00018848 classifications must be controlled. All ladders or stairs internal or external should be locked eqHxMNEFOR4-00026-00018848-00019552 with close control over keys or lock codes. All access doors and portals should be locked, eqHxMNEFOR4-00027-00019552-00020056 and there should be no unsecured openings larger than 96 square inches. eqHxMNEFOR4-00028-00020472-00021096 This is a ground floor floor plan. The back employee-only door is always secured with a eqHxMNEFOR4-00029-00021096-00021784 cipher lock. We cover lock types later in this lesson. It enters into a medium security zone. eqHxMNEFOR4-00030-00021856-00022488 The front door is used for public access. Note that public access is restricted to a common eqHxMNEFOR4-00031-00022488-00022984 welcome area separated from the rest of the building by a locked door. The only eqHxMNEFOR4-00032-00022984-00023488 way a visitor gains access to other areas of the building is with an employee escort. eqHxMNEFOR4-00033-00023544-00024224 This is a common and recommended design to limit non-employee access to all areas of the business. eqHxMNEFOR4-00034-00024312-00024936 The data center is a high-security zone. Note that the data center wall is not shared with eqHxMNEFOR4-00035-00024936-00025384 the external structure wall. If a data center is located on the ground floor, eqHxMNEFOR4-00036-00025472-00026183 it should never share an external wall with a structure internal wall. Construction eqHxMNEFOR4-00037-00026183-00026688 is important when looking at deterrence and prevention. As I've already mentioned, eqHxMNEFOR4-00038-00026688-00027383 walls enclosing a high-security area should not also form part of a building's exterior wall. eqHxMNEFOR4-00039-00027488-00028239 As with exterior walls, wall material determines how easy it is to break through. This table is an eqHxMNEFOR4-00040-00028239-00028864 example of the differences. The table also depicts how the height of walls affects how and how well eqHxMNEFOR4-00041-00028864-00029600 the walls work. An important consideration is any top gap an intruder can pass over. For example, eqHxMNEFOR4-00042-00029600-00030232 if the building has suspended ceilings, interior walls often only extend as high as the ceiling. eqHxMNEFOR4-00043-00030288-00030816 This can leave a gap between the top of the wall and the structure's actual ceiling or eqHxMNEFOR4-00044-00030816-00031544 roof. Organizations must work with contractors to determine the appropriate materials based on risk. eqHxMNEFOR4-00045-00031680-00032288 Doors are our next topic. As with any barrier, the structure of the door is an important eqHxMNEFOR4-00046-00032288-00033024 consideration. In our example building, the back door is part of the exterior wall. Security should eqHxMNEFOR4-00047-00033024-00033752 be strong. A hollow wooden door, for example, is not a good barrier at this location. Instead, eqHxMNEFOR4-00048-00033752-00034352 a steel door is a better solution. Doors into offices require structure considerations eqHxMNEFOR4-00049-00034352-00034992 based on the associated risk. Piggybacking is a common challenge for door access. eqHxMNEFOR4-00050-00034992-00035504 It's caused by employees with access being polite and allowing someone else to enter eqHxMNEFOR4-00051-00035560-00036096 by following them through an external door or a door to a high-security zone eqHxMNEFOR4-00052-00036096-00036688 without providing a pin, key smart card, or other proof of authorized entry. eqHxMNEFOR4-00053-00036912-00037584 For high-security zones like the data center, solutions like man traps are sometimes necessary. eqHxMNEFOR4-00054-00037584-00038152 This is an example of a mantrap. A single person enters the first door into a controlled eqHxMNEFOR4-00055-00038152-00038808 area. Access through the first door might be controlled by a human guard or a lock. eqHxMNEFOR4-00056-00038864-00039424 The first door closes, and then the person proceeds to provide identification to a guard, eqHxMNEFOR4-00057-00039424-00040184 provides a code or a biometric scan, or both to enter the security zone. In our example, eqHxMNEFOR4-00058-00040184-00040736 cameras help ensure only one person at a time enters the mantrap. Other solutions include a eqHxMNEFOR4-00059-00040736-00041392 scale as the floor of the trap to detect weight greater than expected for a single person. eqHxMNEFOR4-00060-00041672-00042456 The final topic of this lesson is locks. Locks are not a silver bullet. Organizations should only use eqHxMNEFOR4-00061-00042456-00043168 them to deter and delay. The vast majority of locks are easily bypassed by a physical picking eqHxMNEFOR4-00062-00043168-00043824 or electronic bypass. The effort an intruder is willing to spend to bypass a lock depends eqHxMNEFOR4-00063-00043824-00044400 on the value of the target. Target value is a big consideration when selecting the right lock. eqHxMNEFOR4-00064-00044504-00045152 For the purposes of our video, we divide our locks into four types: key locks, combination locks, eqHxMNEFOR4-00065-00045152-00045576 mechanical push button locks, and electronic push button locks. eqHxMNEFOR4-00066-00045968-00046568 Key locks, padlocks, door handle locks, and deadbolt locks work with tumblers that are usually eqHxMNEFOR4-00067-00046568-00047224 easily manipulated. In this example, two common lock picking tools available in kits from Amazon eqHxMNEFOR4-00068-00047224-00047872 are used to pick the lock. I ordered a kit, a how-to book, and practice locks from Amazon. eqHxMNEFOR4-00069-00047872-00048344 I was able to train myself to pick locks like this in less than a minute. Further, eqHxMNEFOR4-00070-00048344-00048872 I was taught at military police school how to break a standard padlock in less than a minute eqHxMNEFOR4-00071-00048872-00049640 using common toolbox tools. Finally, large bolt cutters can cut many padlocks. Another problem eqHxMNEFOR4-00072-00049640-00050152 with key locks is key management. Keys are lost and then found by those who shouldn't have them. eqHxMNEFOR4-00073-00050208-00050776 Re-keying a lock requires making physical changes to the locks, if possible, and the eqHxMNEFOR4-00074-00050776-00051408 distribution of new keys. Finally, keys are often shared with employees who should not have them to eqHxMNEFOR4-00075-00051408-00052096 expedite a business process, and are often not returned when an employee leaves employment. eqHxMNEFOR4-00076-00052504-00053000 High-security padlocks do exist that are resistant to cutting or breaking or eqHxMNEFOR4-00077-00053000-00053632 picking. This is an example of a Discus lock that might be enough when padlock access is needed. eqHxMNEFOR4-00078-00053904-00054304 Mechanical push button and other types of mechanical combination locks help eqHxMNEFOR4-00079-00054304-00054560 reduce the risk associated with key management. eqHxMNEFOR4-00080-00054616-00055072 Mechanical push button locks are popular solutions for access to restricted areas. eqHxMNEFOR4-00081-00055136-00055784 The combination for these locks is changeable and not available for use like most lost keys found in eqHxMNEFOR4-00082-00055784-00056455 the parking lot. However, combinations are still shared allowing unauthorized access or access eqHxMNEFOR4-00083-00056455-00057048 without accountability. These locks can also be hacked by determined and skilled intruders. eqHxMNEFOR4-00084-00057472-00058040 Electronic push-button locks are very similar to mechanical push-button locks. The big difference eqHxMNEFOR4-00085-00058040-00058679 is the ability to purchase and install electronic locks that are centrally managed and monitored. eqHxMNEFOR4-00086-00058952-00059432 This is an example from Kintronics that shows a series of door locks and sensors eqHxMNEFOR4-00087-00059432-00059752 connected via power over ethernet connections. eqHxMNEFOR4-00088-00059832-00060367 All locks and sensors are monitored via a central portal. This portal could monitor eqHxMNEFOR4-00089-00060367-00060952 locks and sensors in a single building or across multiple structures across an organization's site. eqHxMNEFOR4-00090-00061024-00061784 In this example, locks are activated using smart cards placed in close proximity. eqHxMNEFOR4-00091-00062104-00062560 This is our previous floor plan. It shows connections between the locks and the central hub. eqHxMNEFOR4-00092-00062624-00063224 The security hub feeds a portal on the nearby desk. In connected systems, lock combinations eqHxMNEFOR4-00093-00063224-00063784 can be controlled by the portal. Further, a unique combination can be given to each person eqHxMNEFOR4-00094-00063784-00064400 authorized for access to a specific area. This enables accountability. Monitoring eqHxMNEFOR4-00095-00064400-00065072 allows detection of anomalous lock activity and logs of access. Most network locks also provide eqHxMNEFOR4-00096-00065072-00065664 for a panic code an employee can enter if being forced to unlock a secure area by an intruder. eqHxMNEFOR4-00097-00065728-00066240 The panic code alerts guards or an alarm service that forced entry is in progress. eqHxMNEFOR4-00098-00066608-00067000 Well, that's it for this lesson. If you have questions, please ask. eqHxMNEFOR4-00099-00067000-00067384 ...and until next time be careful once you click. eqcIfoTeDoI-00000-00000070-00000683 The NOAA Ship Hi’ialakai embarked on a research expedition in September within Papahānaumokuākea eqcIfoTeDoI-00001-00000683-00001248 Marine National Monument, exploring the deep coral reefs located there. During the trip, eqcIfoTeDoI-00002-00001248-00001752 scientists recorded numerous species of marine life never before seen, including a possible eqcIfoTeDoI-00003-00001752-00002413 new species of seahorse and a sea star not previously found in Hawaii. Using advanced eqcIfoTeDoI-00004-00002413-00002950 dive technology to survey reefs at depths up to 300 feet, scientists were able to observe eqcIfoTeDoI-00005-00002950-00003471 rarely seen ecosystems. Fish surveys at these depths revealed an extremely high abundance eqcIfoTeDoI-00006-00003471-00003989 of species found only in the Hawaiian Islands. On some of the deep reefs surveyed, 100 eqcIfoTeDoI-00007-00003989-00004426 percent of the fish recorded were endemic, meaning that they are all unique to the Hawaiian eqcIfoTeDoI-00008-00004426-00004939 archipelago. This is the highest level of endemism recorded from any marine ecosystem eqcIfoTeDoI-00009-00004939-00005444 on Earth. The team was the first to dive on several open-ocean seamounts in the monument, eqcIfoTeDoI-00010-00005444-00006092 which were first mapped using high-resolution multi-beam sonar in 2014 and 2015. Scientists eqcIfoTeDoI-00011-00006092-00006497 collected specimens and photographs of new records of marine life from the seamounts, eqcIfoTeDoI-00012-00006497-00007079 including potential new species of fish, algae and invertebrates. The specimens will be sent eqcIfoTeDoI-00013-00007079-00007614 to experts at various museums around the world to confirm the identity of the organisms. eqcIfoTeDoI-00014-00007614-00008086 Discoveries of rare and unique species of marine life remind us why Papahānaumokuākea eqcIfoTeDoI-00015-00008086-00008564 is so special and why we need to continue exploring, managing and protecting it. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00000-00001400-00001700 Birma... viena no vecākajām diktatĆ«rām pasaulē, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00001-00001700-00001992 ÄŁenerāČa Than Shwe vadÄ«bā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00002-00002000-00002300 NeĆĄaubÄ«gi, viƆơ ir viens no lielākajiem tirāniem pasaulē... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00003-00002304-00002600 Nu jā... viens no... jo ZiemeÄŒkorejā ... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00004-00002604-00002900 Kim Jong Il ir nopietns konkurents. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00005-00003000-00003400 AtĆĄÄ·irÄ«ba ir tāda, ka Birma nesen sākusi pie sevis aicināt tĆ«ristus. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00006-00003700-00003900 ÄȘpaĆĄi tĆ«ristu dolārus. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00007-00003904-00004300 Lai veicinātu tĆ«ristu ieplĆ«ĆĄanu valstÄ«, viƆi ir izveidojuĆĄi ĆĄo jauko video. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00008-00006400-00006600 Harmonija, laba dzÄ«ve, labsajĆ«ta. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00009-00006604-00007100 Ja ticat reĆŸÄ«ma sacÄ«tajam, Birma ir paradÄ«ze zemes virsĆ«. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00010-00007200-00007500 Raugoties absurdajā propagandā, jĆ«s uzdodat sev jautājumu. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00011-00007504-00007700 Kas aiz ĆĄÄ« visa slēpjas? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00012-00007704-00008000 Un tā, mēs nolēmām doties turp un paraudzÄ«ties no iekĆĄpuses ex2c7VwsyVQ-00013-00008004-00008300 uz Birmas iedzÄ«votāju ikdienas dzÄ«vi. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00014-00008304-00008700 Mēs gribam saprast dzÄ«vi diktatĆ«ras apstākÄŒos... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00015-00008704-00009000 kā tur ir mosties, strādāt, mācÄ«ties, iegĆ«t informāciju ... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00016-00009004-00009300 Tas viss noteikti ir ÄŒoti sareĆŸÄŁÄ«ti... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00017-00009400-00009800 Jā, starp citu, ĆŸurnālistus ĆĄeit neuzƆem ar sajĆ«smu. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00018-00010100-00010400 Mēs izliksimies par parastiem tĆ«ristiem... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00019-00010800-00011000 Franču ĆŸurnālistu Gael Bordier un Tristan MendĂšs filma ex2c7VwsyVQ-00020-00011004-00011400 LaimÄ«gā pasaule Birma: Absurda diktatĆ«ra ex2c7VwsyVQ-00021-00012600-00013000 Ć ajā valstÄ« neviens nedrÄ«kst izrunāt vārdu Birma. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00022-00013003-00013500 KopĆĄ 1989, hunta nolēma Nosaukt valsti par 'Mjanmu', ex2c7VwsyVQ-00023-00013600-00013900 tulkojumā "pirmie pasaules iedzÄ«votāji", ex2c7VwsyVQ-00024-00013903-00014200 kas, protams, ir tikai propaganda. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00025-00014203-00014400 ReĆŸÄ«ma pārstāvji attiecÄ«bā uz ` ĆĄo tēmu ir Ä«paĆĄi jĆ«tÄ«gi.. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00026-00014500-00015000 Birmas vēstnieks Apvienotajās Nācijās regulāri pārmet ex2c7VwsyVQ-00027-00015003-00015300 Mjanmas vārda nelietoĆĄanu ex2c7VwsyVQ-00028-00015303-00015600 tādās valstÄ«s kā Francija vai ASV, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00029-00015603-00015900 kas vai nu ignorē to vai atsakās to lietot. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00030-00016300-00016600 Satiksmes murgs ex2c7VwsyVQ-00031-00019300-00019500 Pirmais, ko jĆ«s pamanāt, iebraucot Jangonā, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00032-00019503-00020000 ir ka 99% maĆĄÄ«nu stĆ«re ir labajā pusē. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00033-00020100-00020400 Bet viƆi arÄ« brauc pa labo pusi, kas ir ārkārtÄ«gi bÄ«stami. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00034-00020403-00020800 TādÄ“ÄŒ arÄ« viƆiem visiem ir amuleti. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00035-00021000-00021300 - Tev vajag tādu kā mani, tev vajag stĆ«rmani. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00036-00021400-00021800 - Jā, ja man jāapdzen maĆĄÄ«na, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00037-00021803-00022300 man jāpalĆ«dz tev paskatÄ«ties, vai ceÄŒĆĄ ir brÄ«vs. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00038-00022303-00022500 Ja tu redzi, ka neviens netuvojas, es varu apdzÄ«t. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00039-00022503-00022700 - Tad bĆ«ĆĄu stĆ«rmanis, labi? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00040-00023100-00023300 - Tur laikam nebioja stĆ«rmaƆa... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00041-00023303-00023400 - Jā... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00042-00023500-00024000 Jums jāzina, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00043-00024200-00024400 ka satiksmes virziens mainÄ«jās 1974. gadā, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00044-00024403-00024900 Kad toreizējā huntas vadÄ«tāja Ne Win astrologi, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00045-00024903-00025200 viƆam iestāstÄ«ja, ka tas atnesÄ«s laimi. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00046-00025203-00025600 Tomēr birmieĆĄi nav laimÄ«gi. Lētas maĆĄÄ«nas ieved no Japānas, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00047-00025604-00026000 ar stĆ«ri neizbēgami nepareizajā pusē. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00048-00026004-00026100 ViƆi mēģina izlÄ«dzēties. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00049-00026104-00026500 Protams, ĆĄÄ« pati problēma skar arÄ« sabiedrisko transportu. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00050-00026504-00026900 Kā redzams, stĆ«re ir labajā pusē. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00051-00026904-00027400 Redziet, es iekāpju no kreisās puses un kad izkāpju, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00052-00027404-00027700 protams, es atrodos ielas vidĆ«! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00053-00027704-00027900 Tas ir ārkārtÄ«gi bÄ«stami... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00054-00027904-00028200 Neesmu pārliecināts, ka gribētu strādāt par autobusa ĆĄoferi Birmā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00055-00028400-00028600 - Gatavs? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00056-00028604-00028800 - Jā, gatavs? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00057-00028804-00029100 - BÄ«stami, vai ne! Mēģināƥu! Pirmo reizi! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00058-00029500-00029800 ÄȘpaĆĄi ierobeĆŸota informācija ex2c7VwsyVQ-00059-00031500-00031700 Esam valsts benzÄ«na uzpildes stacijā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00060-00031800-00032000 Te nav atÄŒauts filmēt, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00061-00032004-00032200 tādÄ“ÄŒ paliekam maĆĄÄ«nā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00062-00032204-00032700 Katrs birmietis maĆĄÄ«nā drÄ«kst iepildÄ«t 8 litrus. Ne vairāk. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00063-00032704-00033100 Lielisks veids kā ierobeĆŸot pārvietoĆĄanos pa valsti. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00064-00033500-00033800 Lai pārliecinātos, ka viƆi tieƥām neiepilda vairāk, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00065-00033804-00034100 viƆiem jālieto ĆĄis mazais blociƆơ. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00066-00034200-00034700 Tagad esam privātajā benzÄ«ntankā, kur benzÄ«na iegāde nav ierobeĆŸota. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00067-00034704-00035300 PatiesÄ«bā, ĆĄÄ« ir huntas iespēja pārdot neizlietoto benzÄ«nu. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00068-00035304-00035600 Kā redzams, darba droĆĄÄ«ba te stipri klibo. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00069-00037700-00038000 Nevainojams dolārs ex2c7VwsyVQ-00070-00038800-00039400 Katrs tĆ«rists Birmā ex2c7VwsyVQ-00071-00039404-00039800 drÄ«kst iebraukt ar ne vairāk kā 2000$ skaidrā naudā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00072-00039804-00040000 Un citādi te maksāt nevar. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00073-00040100-00040300 Nedarbojas ne kredÄ«tkartes, ne ceÄŒojumu čeki, nekas. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00074-00040304-00040500 Te valda skaidrās naudas dieviete. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00075-00040504-00040700 - Vai varu ĆĄo samainÄ«t? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00076-00040704-00040800 - SamainÄ«t? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00077-00040804-00041100 - Jā, ja varētu samainÄ«t kjatos? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00078-00041700-00041900 - Vai jums ir cita banknote? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00079-00041904-00042100 - KādÄ“ÄŒ? Kas vainas ĆĄai? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00080-00042104-00042400 - JĆ«su valstÄ« jau droĆĄi vien nē, bet... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00081-00042404-00042700 - Kas ir par lietu? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00082-00042704-00042800 - Tā lÄ«nija... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00083-00042804-00043000 - Ć Ä« te lÄ«nija? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00084-00043100-00043300 - Tātad, es to nevaru samainÄ«t? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00085-00043500-00043700 - Jums nav cita? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00086-00043704-00043900 - Nē. Vai arÄ« ar ĆĄo ir problēmas? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00087-00043904-00044100 - Kas vainas ĆĄai? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00088-00044104-00044300 - Jā, ĆĄai, ĆĄai un ĆĄai... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00089-00044304-00044500 - Vai ĆĄeit? Vai tā ir problēma? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00090-00044504-00044600 - Jā, tā ir problēma... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00091-00044604-00044800 Un tā ir tā vaina? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00092-00044900-00045300 - Tātad, neviena nav derÄ«ga? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00093-00045600-00045900 No maniem 2 tĆ«kstoĆĄiem dolāru gandrÄ«z puse banknoĆĄu, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00094-00046000-00046400 ir vai nu nedaudz nosmērētas, vai kā citādi nav perfektas. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00095-00046404-00046700 Un nevienam tās neder. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00096-00046704-00047000 Tikai tādÄ“ÄŒ, ka hunta tās neuzskata par derÄ«gām. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00097-00047200-00047500 Zelta simkarte ex2c7VwsyVQ-00098-00048900-00049200 Tikai 1% iedzÄ«votāju patiesÄ«bā ir rēķins bankā. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00099-00049204-00049500 Pirmkārt tādÄ“ÄŒ, ka to ir ÄŒoti grĆ«ti atvērt, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00100-00049504-00049800 un arÄ« tādÄ“ÄŒ, ka bankas var vienkārĆĄi pazust. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00101-00049804-00050200 TādÄ“ÄŒ birmieĆĄiem ir jāmeklē citas iespējas, kur ieguldÄ«t naudu, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00102-00050204-00050500 daĆŸkārt, ÄŒoti dÄ«vainas iespējas! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00103-00051400-00051600 - Izstāsti... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00104-00051603-00052100 Ja es vēlos nopirkt simkarti, vai vari man uzrakstÄ«t cenu? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00105-00052103-00052300 Cenu oficiālai, lielai simkartei? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00106-00052303-00052500 Cik tā maksās? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00107-00053200-00053700 Dolāros? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00108-00053703-00053900 - Nē, 1,000 dolāru! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00109-00053903-00054600 - 1,800 dolāru? Par vienu simkarti? Tas ir neticami. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00110-00054603-00055000 Jums jāzina, ka birmieĆĄi vidēji mēnesÄ« nopelna ap 30 dolāru. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00111-00055003-00055400 Varat iedomāties, ko viƆiem nozÄ«mē 1,800 dolāru. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00112-00055403-00055700 ViƆi iegulda naudu ĆĄajās kartēs un izÄ«rē tās. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00113-00055703-00056100 Birmā vairāk iegulda kartēs kā nekustamajā Ä«paĆĄumā! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00114-00056300-00056600 LaimÄ«gais skaitlis ex2c7VwsyVQ-00115-00058100-00058400 - Ć Ä« ir vecā nauda. Vecos laikos mums to vajadzēja lietot. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00116-00058500-00058700 - Vai tas ir Aung San? ex2c7VwsyVQ-00117-00058800-00059100 Re, ĆĄÄ« ir normāla 100 kjatu banknote. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00118-00059103-00059500 Ticiet vai nē, bet 80-to gadu beigās, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00119-00059503-00060000 hunta nolēma izlaist banknotes, kuru vērtÄ«ba dalās ar 9. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00120-00060003-00060200 - Labi, ĆĄis ir 100, tur ir sava loÄŁika. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00121-00060203-00060400 Bet 90 ir dÄ«vaini... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00122-00060403-00060600 - Tas ir arÄ« astroloÄŁisks cipars. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00123-00060603-00060900 DeviƆnieks tiek uzskatÄ«ts par ciparu, kas huntai nes laimi, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00124-00060903-00061300 tādÄ“ÄŒ arÄ« ir banknotes 90 un 45 kjatu vērtÄ«bā, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00125-00061303-00061600 kas ir pilnÄ«gs absurds... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00126-00061603-00061900 - Tieƥām neticami! 90 un 45 ir tieƥām smieklÄ«gi... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00127-00061903-00062100 Nav tik viegli izdot atlikumu! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00128-00062103-00062500 Ja es gribu maksāt, tas nav tik vienkārĆĄi! ex2c7VwsyVQ-00129-00062503-00062700 Ar 90 un 45. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00130-00062703-00063200 Tas ilga tikai pāris gadu un izraisÄ«ja ekonomisku krahu, ex2c7VwsyVQ-00131-00063203-00063600 un viƆi nolēma atgriezties uz saprāta ceÄŒa, pie normālām banknotēm. ex2c7VwsyVQ-00132-00063700-00063900 Laipni lĆ«gti Birmā... ex2c7VwsyVQ-00133-00064000-00064300 E-mācÄ«ĆĄanās ex9dEbeeLTE-00000-00000041-00000408 calculus is based on the idea of limits so here's a quick introduction to what ex9dEbeeLTE-00001-00000408-00000461 limits ex9dEbeeLTE-00002-00000461-00000886 are. So we might begin by considering the limit of a polynomial function ex9dEbeeLTE-00003-00000886-00001280 for example here we have the limit as X approaches ex9dEbeeLTE-00004-00001280-00001605 2 of X squared minus four X plus ex9dEbeeLTE-00005-00001605-00002088 5 now there's actually two parts to this problem. One is actually find this limit ex9dEbeeLTE-00006-00002088-00002394 but the other thing is we want to defend the answer numerically ex9dEbeeLTE-00007-00002394-00002722 come up with some evidence that our claim is actually ex9dEbeeLTE-00008-00002722-00003265 correct. So what's the idea behind a limit? In this particular case what we're ex9dEbeeLTE-00009-00003265-00003727 interested in finding out is what happens as x gets close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00010-00003727-00004126 2. If you want to read this expression it really asking us ex9dEbeeLTE-00011-00004126-00004589 what happens to this thing X squared minus 4X plus 5, as ex9dEbeeLTE-00012-00004589-00005007 X gets close to 2. So one way we might proceed with this is that ex9dEbeeLTE-00013-00005007-00005500 as X gets close to 2, x squared gets closer to 2 squared ex9dEbeeLTE-00014-00005500-00006001 4x gets close to four times 2 and five gets close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00015-00006001-00006375 well it actually gets close to five because it's always five so as x gets ex9dEbeeLTE-00016-00006375-00006470 close to two ex9dEbeeLTE-00017-00006470-00006942 this polynomial expression gets close to two squared minus four times 2 ex9dEbeeLTE-00018-00006942-00007284 plus 5 and ex9dEbeeLTE-00019-00007284-00007711 that simplifies down to one and so we can say that our ex9dEbeeLTE-00020-00007711-00008042 limit as X approaches 2 of x squared minus 4x plus 5 ex9dEbeeLTE-00021-00008042-00008461 is equal to 1. As x gets close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00022-00008461-00008783 2, it looks like this thing gets close to one ex9dEbeeLTE-00023-00008783-00009114 as an answer to the first part of the question we don't really have to do ex9dEbeeLTE-00024-00009114-00009215 anything else ex9dEbeeLTE-00025-00009215-00009646 however we also want to defend our answer numerically say let's see what happens ex9dEbeeLTE-00026-00009646-00010027 what actually happens as x gets close to 2 and so we might do that by ex9dEbeeLTE-00027-00010027-00010300 constructing a table of values for our ex9dEbeeLTE-00028-00010300-00010815 values of X close to 2, and the expression X squared minus 4 X plus five ex9dEbeeLTE-00029-00010815-00011331 So we'll pick some x values close to two. For example, x = 1.9. Then I'll substitute ex9dEbeeLTE-00030-00011331-00011479 that into the expression ex9dEbeeLTE-00031-00011479-00011990 get 1.01 as the result well let's get even closer to 2. I might take ex9dEbeeLTE-00032-00011990-00012571 a look at X equal to 1.99 and again if I substitute 1.99 into the expression ex9dEbeeLTE-00033-00012571-00012909 and bind end up with something that looks like this: 1.0001 ex9dEbeeLTE-00034-00012909-00013428 And close to two could be above it so maybe I'll take 2.1 ex9dEbeeLTE-00035-00013428-00013936 and find out what the expression is equal toor 2.01 and find out what the ex9dEbeeLTE-00036-00013936-00014087 expression is equal to ex9dEbeeLTE-00037-00014087-00014413 and looking at these values here ex9dEbeeLTE-00038-00014413-00014973 as x gets close to 2 it does look like the values of this expression are ex9dEbeeLTE-00039-00014973-00015094 getting close to 1. ex9dEbeeLTE-00040-00015094-00015575 So I might say that the values in a table support the claim that as X gets close ex9dEbeeLTE-00041-00015575-00015647 to two ex9dEbeeLTE-00042-00015647-00016053 this expression gets close to one and if I wanted to write a complete ex9dEbeeLTE-00043-00016053-00016536 answer to use this entire question find a limit defend the answer numerically ex9dEbeeLTE-00044-00016536-00017083 I need to include everything that's in green I can also take a look at a ex9dEbeeLTE-00045-00017083-00017295 rational function find the limit as ex9dEbeeLTE-00046-00017295-00017762 x approaches 3 of 3 X plus five over x squared plus 2x minus 2, ex9dEbeeLTE-00047-00017762-00018117 in other words what happens to this expression ex9dEbeeLTE-00048-00018117-00018609 as x gets close to 3. And as before will also take a look at defending our ex9dEbeeLTE-00049-00018609-00018731 answer numerically. ex9dEbeeLTE-00050-00018731-00019250 So what happens? Well as x gets close to three we might analyze the problem as ex9dEbeeLTE-00051-00019250-00019320 follows: ex9dEbeeLTE-00052-00019320-00019801 this numerator expression 3x plus five looks like it's gonna get close to three ex9dEbeeLTE-00053-00019801-00020154 times three plus five, that's 9 plus 5 is 14 ex9dEbeeLTE-00054-00020154-00020529 Our denominator, x squared plus 2x minus 2 ex9dEbeeLTE-00055-00020529-00021056 looks like it's going to get close to 3 squared plus two times 3 minus 2, ex9dEbeeLTE-00056-00021056-00021412 and I'll go ahead and simplify that, it that works out to be thirteen ex9dEbeeLTE-00057-00021412-00021817 and if I want to consider then the quotient ex9dEbeeLTE-00058-00021817-00022131 3x plus five over x squared plus 2x minus 2, ex9dEbeeLTE-00059-00022131-00022745 then it seems reasonable that that quotient is going to get close to the ex9dEbeeLTE-00060-00022745-00023072 value 14 over 13 and so ex9dEbeeLTE-00061-00023072-00023476 I may make the claim that my limit as X gets close to three ex9dEbeeLTE-00062-00023476-00023801 of this thing I'm guessing it's going to be about 14/13. ex9dEbeeLTE-00063-00023801-00024136 Well let's see if we can find that answer numerically. ex9dEbeeLTE-00064-00024136-00024497 So we'll check out the values of this expression ex9dEbeeLTE-00065-00024497-00024868 near x equal to 3. So again we'll construct a table ex9dEbeeLTE-00066-00024868-00025242 and so let's take an x value close to three: how about ex9dEbeeLTE-00067-00025242-00025545 2.9, then I'll substitute that into ex9dEbeeLTE-00068-00025545-00026013 my expression and after all the dust clears I get a numerical value of ex9dEbeeLTE-00069-00026013-00026519 1.1220 approximately. And I'll take a closer value, 2.99 ex9dEbeeLTE-00070-00026519-00027091 I'm close to three substitute that in and all the dust clears and I end up with 1.0813. ex9dEbeeLTE-00071-00027091-00027191 about ex9dEbeeLTE-00072-00027191-00027702 and again I don't have to only consider values less than three I should consider ex9dEbeeLTE-00073-00027702-00027872 values greater than three ex9dEbeeLTE-00074-00027872-00028241 so how about about 3.1 and ex9dEbeeLTE-00075-00028241-00028658 substitute that in, let all the dust clear and something even closer to ex9dEbeeLTE-00076-00028658-00028731 three ex9dEbeeLTE-00077-00028731-00029055 and I get something like that and so the question is ex9dEbeeLTE-00078-00029055-00029491 do that table values here support the claim ex9dEbeeLTE-00079-00029491-00029816 at my limit is going to be 14/13? ex9dEbeeLTE-00080-00029816-00030252 Well it helps if I knew what 14/13 was as a decimal, so I'll compute that ex9dEbeeLTE-00081-00030252-00030316 that's about ex9dEbeeLTE-00082-00030316-00030630 1.0769 and it does seem that ex9dEbeeLTE-00083-00030630-00031008 as I get close to three if I'm close to three ex9dEbeeLTE-00084-00031008-00031528 the values here are pretty close to this 1.0769 ex9dEbeeLTE-00085-00031528-00031881 so it seems reasonable to conclude that this ex9dEbeeLTE-00086-00031881-00032522 work here is correct and so my values support the claim the limit is 14/13. ex9dEbeeLTE-00087-00032522-00032993 and again as a complete answer to the question find this limit and defend the ex9dEbeeLTE-00088-00032993-00033140 answer numerically ex9dEbeeLTE-00089-00033140-00033669 I'm going to include everything that's in green ex9dEbeeLTE-00090-00033669-00034016 and for radical function I can do essentially the same sort of problems. ex9dEbeeLTE-00091-00034016-00034422 So, here: what happens to square root x plus five as x gets close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00092-00034422-00035038 -1 and the same analysis goes, so as x gets close to -1 this square root x plus five ex9dEbeeLTE-00093-00035038-00035122 gets close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00094-00035122-00035534 -1 plus five and after all the dust settles ex9dEbeeLTE-00095-00035534-00035969 looks like that's getting it close to 2 and my guess is that my limit is going ex9dEbeeLTE-00096-00035969-00036013 to be 2. ex9dEbeeLTE-00097-00036013-00036474 But again let's take a look at our answer numerically. We'll try and defend ex9dEbeeLTE-00098-00036474-00036628 this claim ex9dEbeeLTE-00099-00036628-00037172 by computing values, so we'll take a look at square root of X plus 5 thats close ex9dEbeeLTE-00100-00037172-00037436 for x values close to -1, ex9dEbeeLTE-00101-00037436-00037803 and again all set up a table. Here's something close to negative 1, ex9dEbeeLTE-00102-00037803-00038105 turns out to be square root of 2.9, ex9dEbeeLTE-00103-00038105-00038428 1.9748, and take something closer ex9dEbeeLTE-00104-00038428-00038806 and after all the dust settles 1.9975 ex9dEbeeLTE-00105-00038806-00039187 and again I don't have to be on one side ex9dEbeeLTE-00106-00039187-00039610 I can be on the other side and again I'll do the computation ex9dEbeeLTE-00107-00039610-00039916 and again take something even closer ex9dEbeeLTE-00108-00039916-00040353 and let's take a look at it. If I take a look at X values that are close to ex9dEbeeLTE-00109-00040353-00040447 negative ex9dEbeeLTE-00110-00040447-00040899 one it does look like square root of x plus five is close to 2. ex9dEbeeLTE-00111-00040899-00041337 And so again as a complete answer to the question ex9dEbeeLTE-00112-00041337-00041641 find limit and defend the answer numerically ex9dEbeeLTE-00113-00041641-00041915 You do want to include everything written in green e_BoWE5Y03E-00000-00000000-00000211 Good morning my name is sowjanya e_BoWE5Y03E-00001-00000235-00000539 I came from sgpr polytechnic college Kurnool e_BoWE5Y03E-00002-00000726-00000862 today my topic is ECG e_BoWE5Y03E-00003-00001011-00001172 ECG is also called as EKG e_BoWE5Y03E-00004-00001218-00001514 Its full definition is electrocardiograph e_BoWE5Y03E-00005-00001514-00001777 Electrocardiogram is a device used to record the electrical activity of heart.First of all we should know the electrical activity of heart e_BoWE5Y03E-00006-00002128-00002528 First of all we should know the electrical activity of heart e_BoWE5Y03E-00007-00002560-00002816 Our heart has SA node.It is a pacemaker e_BoWE5Y03E-00008-00002979-00003107 Natural pace maker e_BoWE5Y03E-00009-00003107-00003441 In hospitals we are using the artificial pacemaker e_BoWE5Y03E-00010-00003570-00003850 But in our heart we have natural pacemaker e_BoWE5Y03E-00011-00003850-00004075 pacemaker is a device which produces electrical signals. e_BoWE5Y03E-00012-00004075-00004398 so these electrical signals are used to contract the heart e_BoWE5Y03E-00013-00004693-00005157 The contraction is needed to pump the blood from atria to ventricles. e_BoWE5Y03E-00014-00005409-00005657 so the contraction is very necessary e_BoWE5Y03E-00015-00005727-00006015 The impulses travels from SA node to AV node e_BoWE5Y03E-00016-00006109-00006389 AV node is called Atrial ventricular node e_BoWE5Y03E-00017-00006410-00006762 Because it is located between atrium and ventricles e_BoWE5Y03E-00018-00006809-00007209 so the electrical impulse travels from SA node to the AV node e_BoWE5Y03E-00019-00007229-00007461 and from AV node to the bundle of HIS e_BoWE5Y03E-00020-00007461-00007629 from bundle of HIS to PURKINJ fibers e_BoWE5Y03E-00021-00007629-00007959 From purkinj fibers the ventricles will contract e_BoWE5Y03E-00022-00008085-00008445 The ECG wave form indicates the functioning of heart. e_BoWE5Y03E-00023-00008563-00008827 The ECG waveform contains mainly p wave e_BoWE5Y03E-00024-00008842-00008994 QRS complex and T wave. e_BoWE5Y03E-00025-00009043-00009339 p wave represents the contraction of atrium e_BoWE5Y03E-00026-00009379-00009771 and QRS complex represents the contraction of ventricles e_BoWE5Y03E-00028-00010260-00010394 and T wave represents the relaxation of ventricles e_BoWE5Y03E-00029-00010508-00010652 so any abnormalities of these waves indicates disorders of heart e_KEHzmf8Xu-00000-00000058-00000401 - Do you remember where smells are processed? e_KEHzmf8Xu-00001-00000404-00000797 Do you remember that smell is unique in that e_KEHzmf8Xu-00002-00000800-00001151 it is not processed in the thalamus first? e_KEHzmf8Xu-00003-00001154-00001485 So the information, once we get sensory information e_KEHzmf8Xu-00004-00001487-00001964 to the olfactory bulb and into the olfactory tract e_KEHzmf8Xu-00005-00001966-00002226 heading back to where? e_KEHzmf8Xu-00006-00002229-00002426 To the temporal lobe. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00007-00002429-00002764 So, smell is going to travel through cranial nerve number one e_KEHzmf8Xu-00008-00002766-00003268 to the temporal lobe of your brain. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00009-00003270-00003676 Once in the temporal lobe now, interestingly, e_KEHzmf8Xu-00010-00003679-00003956 there are pathways that will take that information e_KEHzmf8Xu-00011-00003958-00004143 back to the thalamus. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00012-00004145-00004397 There are pathways that will take that information e_KEHzmf8Xu-00013-00004399-00004664 to the frontal lobe so that you can think about it e_KEHzmf8Xu-00014-00004666-00004897 and decide how you feel about it. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00015-00004899-00005426 And then there are pathways, there are big old highways, e_KEHzmf8Xu-00016-00005429-00006093 set up between your temporal lobe and deeper structures e_KEHzmf8Xu-00017-00006095-00006456 in your brain that are involved in memory. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00018-00006458-00006876 Which is why you can walk into a room or like you go back e_KEHzmf8Xu-00019-00006879-00007010 to your high school. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00020-00007012-00007297 And you walk into the high school and you're like, "Whoa!" e_KEHzmf8Xu-00021-00007299-00007814 It's like almost a surreal experience to smell-- e_KEHzmf8Xu-00022-00007816-00008064 an old memory smell. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00023-00008066-00008439 You're not even aware that that smell is a memory in your brain, e_KEHzmf8Xu-00024-00008441-00008631 but as soon as you are exposed to that smell e_KEHzmf8Xu-00025-00008633-00008760 it brings everything back. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00026-00008762-00008897 It can bring back all those emotions. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00027-00008899-00009101 It can bring back all-- all those experiences e_KEHzmf8Xu-00028-00009104-00009397 become really raw and it's really strong. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00029-00009399-00009797 Because there are hard-wired pathways between e_KEHzmf8Xu-00030-00009799-00010068 the temporal lobe and deep structures in your brain e_KEHzmf8Xu-00031-00010070-00010422 that are involved with memory. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00032-00010425-00010772 Smell. Man, it's so cool. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00033-00010775-00011485 That's one fantastic human--who has that awesome smelly stuffy. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00034-00011487-00011705 Like, that's actually a great strategy. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00035-00011708-00012243 So you have something smelly that you study with e_KEHzmf8Xu-00036-00012245-00012597 and then you start to associate how smart and brilliant you are e_KEHzmf8Xu-00037-00012599-00012776 while you're studying. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00038-00012779-00013210 And then you open that smelly thing up during the exam e_KEHzmf8Xu-00039-00013212-00013581 and then you have all these like memories e_KEHzmf8Xu-00040-00013583-00013797 that rush to the surface about how smart you are e_KEHzmf8Xu-00041-00013799-00014097 when you're studying for anatomy. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00042-00014100-00014460 So smart. All right. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00043-00014462-00014739 Now, I'm going to move on to hearing. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00044-00014741-00015031 Let's do the anatomy of the ear next. e_KEHzmf8Xu-00045-00015033-00015104 What a great idea. e_SPPmQCI10-00000-00000231-00000668 Urban areas and college campuses are two locations that use district heating, e_SPPmQCI10-00001-00000668-00001120 or a centralized powerplant, that distributes steam around campus e_SPPmQCI10-00002-00001120-00001230 through pipes. e_SPPmQCI10-00003-00001230-00001713 We've got a district heating plant right here, the Dartmouth Powerplant. e_SPPmQCI10-00004-00001713-00002210 The Dartmouth district heating plant uses number six fuel oil to power it. e_SPPmQCI10-00005-00002210-00002832 And it's the heaviest, thickest material that gets distilled from raw petroleum. e_SPPmQCI10-00006-00002832-00003340 There are two 125,000-gallon tanks behind me that contain fuel, e_SPPmQCI10-00007-00003340-00003779 which is burned in the powerplant and then is converted to steam, e_SPPmQCI10-00008-00003779-00004000 which is distributed around campus. e_SPPmQCI10-00009-00004000-00004105 Let's go take a look. e_SPPmQCI10-00010-00004530-00004956 Fuel oil from those tanks we saw outside is piped underground e_SPPmQCI10-00011-00004956-00005317 and delivered to this oil boiler system right here, which e_SPPmQCI10-00012-00005317-00005530 isn't too different than an oil boiler system e_SPPmQCI10-00013-00005530-00006006 that you might have in your home, if you use oil as a heating source. e_SPPmQCI10-00014-00006006-00006258 The potential energy in the bonds of the oil e_SPPmQCI10-00015-00006258-00006620 is converted to thermal energy, kinetic energy, e_SPPmQCI10-00016-00006620-00007326 and is used to provide heat-- heating water, making steam. e_SPPmQCI10-00017-00007326-00007666 The steam is then piped into the next room where e_SPPmQCI10-00018-00007666-00008117 it turns a turbine, which turns a generator, which generates electricity. e_SPPmQCI10-00019-00008117-00008383 In our case, that electricity is used to power e_SPPmQCI10-00020-00008383-00008755 about 40% of the Dartmouth campus electrical needs. e_SPPmQCI10-00021-00008755-00009089 After passing through the turbine, the steam goes out to campus e_SPPmQCI10-00022-00009089-00009311 where it heats buildings, and it heats water. e_SPPmQCI10-00023-00009583-00009952 We can walk over here and take a look at some of that process. e_SPPmQCI10-00024-00010976-00011321 So this is where the steam is passing over the turbine, e_SPPmQCI10-00025-00011321-00011815 and the turbine is connected to a generator, which generates electricity. e_SPPmQCI10-00026-00011815-00012260 This noise is one of the examples of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. e_SPPmQCI10-00027-00012260-00012754 Not all of the energy in the oil is being converted to the turbine e_SPPmQCI10-00028-00012754-00012902 and to electricity. e_SPPmQCI10-00029-00012902-00013282 Some of it is ending up as a byproduct, sound, e_SPPmQCI10-00030-00013282-00013578 which is why it's so hard to talk in this room. e_SPPmQCI10-00031-00013578-00013825 We'll head over to the electricity room next. e_SPPmQCI10-00032-00015110-00015496 We can't see the steam, which is in pipes underground. e_SPPmQCI10-00033-00015496-00015819 And we can't see the electricity either, but after the electricity e_SPPmQCI10-00034-00015819-00016288 leaves the generators it moves its way into this room, which is essentially e_SPPmQCI10-00035-00016288-00016522 an electricity distribution center. e_SPPmQCI10-00036-00016522-00016907 And this identifies all the locations on campus where the electricity is going. e_SPPmQCI10-00037-00017389-00017655 So that concludes our visit to the Dartmouth Powerplant. e_SPPmQCI10-00038-00017655-00018076 We got to see how petroleum is converted to heat and electricity, which e_SPPmQCI10-00039-00018076-00018331 were distributed to the Dartmouth campus. e_SPPmQCI10-00040-00018331-00018633 These are example of the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, e_SPPmQCI10-00041-00018633-00018919 showing that energy is neither created nor destroyed. e_SPPmQCI10-00042-00018919-00019352 But in converting it from one form to another, you get waste products. e_SPPmQCI10-00043-00019352-00019655 We'll look into this in greater detail during the week. e_SPPmQCI10-00044-00019655-00019861 So let's get started. e_SPPmQCI10-00045-00019861-00020175 Oh, forgot my hard hat. eAUnnyyTzIM-00000-00000539-00001074 THE SHIP'S NAUTICAL OR OTHERWISE PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE EXAMINATION TEAM OR SNOOPIE TEAM eAUnnyyTzIM-00001-00001074-00001527 IS A REACTION TEAM THAT RECORDS AND PHOTOGRAPHS ANY UNKNOWN CONTACTS THAT APPROACH THE SHIP eAUnnyyTzIM-00002-00001527-00001889 WITHIN A VISUAL RANGE FOR BOTH INTELLIGENCE GATHERING AND DOCUMENTATION OF THE EVENT. eAUnnyyTzIM-00003-00001889-00002424 "WE HAVE A COUPLE DIFFERENT RATINGS THAT ARE PART OF THE SNOOPIE TEAM, WE HAVE IS'S AND eAUnnyyTzIM-00004-00002424-00003118 MC'S AND WHAT THEY DO IS THEY GO OUT AND THEY'RE OUR EYES FOR THE COMBAT DIRECTION CENTER. eAUnnyyTzIM-00005-00003118-00003639 SNOOPIE TEAM IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE SAFETY OF THE SHIP BECAUSE WE CAN'T SEE WHO THEY eAUnnyyTzIM-00006-00003639-00004241 ARE, WE CAN'T TELL IF THAT RADAR BLIP IS A FISHING VESSEL OR A POTENTIAL ENEMY COMBATANT. eAUnnyyTzIM-00007-00004241-00004826 SO ONCE THEY GET WITHIN VISUAL RANGE WE USE THE SNOOPIE TEAM TO IDENTIFY WHO THEY ARE." eAUnnyyTzIM-00008-00004826-00005181 FROM USS JOHN C. STENNIS, I AM PETTY OFFICER LAUREN HOWS. eEA6FoeGG8c-00000-00000120-00000764 15.2f Square Binomial Radical Expression. eEA6FoeGG8c-00001-00000764-00001400 Recall when we had a binomial that was squared this meant, eEA6FoeGG8c-00002-00001400-00002022 that you could rewrite it as the binomial times itself. eEA6FoeGG8c-00003-00002022-00003232 That when you multiplied this you use foil giving you a squared plus ab plus ab plus b squared, eEA6FoeGG8c-00004-00003232-00003942 which resulted in a squared plus two ab plus b squared. eEA6FoeGG8c-00005-00003942-00004558 Many of you had learned the short cut to get from here to here. eEA6FoeGG8c-00006-00004558-00005210 In that you square the first, you add two of each term multiplied together, eEA6FoeGG8c-00007-00005210-00005410 and then you square the last. eEA6FoeGG8c-00008-00005410-00005746 You can still use this shortcut. eEA6FoeGG8c-00009-00005746-00007116 Always be sure your final answer is simplified. Now let's look at example one. eEA6FoeGG8c-00010-00007116-00007356 Here is example one. eEA6FoeGG8c-00011-00007356-00008346 First let's write it out as the square root of six minus the square root of two squared. eEA6FoeGG8c-00012-00008346-00008672 Which remember, the square root of two just means there are two of them. eEA6FoeGG8c-00013-00008672-00009842 So you write it a second time. Now you use foil. eEA6FoeGG8c-00014-00009842-00010738 This gives you the square root of six squared minus the square root of twelve, eEA6FoeGG8c-00015-00010738-00011612 minus the square root of twelve plus the square root of two squared. eEA6FoeGG8c-00016-00011612-00012238 Now we simplify the radicals on the ends and we combine those in the middle. eEA6FoeGG8c-00017-00012238-00013032 The square root of six squared is six and the square root of two squared is two. eEA6FoeGG8c-00018-00013032-00013418 And then we have negative squared root twelve and negative squared root twelve, eEA6FoeGG8c-00019-00013418-00013941 which means we have two square root twelves. eEA6FoeGG8c-00020-00013941-00014922 We can now combine the six and the two to give us eight minus two square root twelve. eEA6FoeGG8c-00021-00014922-00015288 This is our final answer. eEA6FoeGG8c-00022-00015288-00016734 Remember you can use the shortcut where you square the first square, square the second, for your last term, eEA6FoeGG8c-00023-00016734-00017532 then you do each of them multiplied together, so that the square root of twelve twice. eEA6FoeGG8c-00024-00017532-00017790 That will give you your middle term. eEA6FoeGG8c-00025-00017790-00018246 As you can see, you're going to have to remember quite a few steps for this trick. eEA6FoeGG8c-00026-00018246-00019106 When using it with radicals; therefore, it is suggested to just write it out twice, and simply foil them together. eEA6FoeGG8c-00027-00019106-00019428 Let's look at example two. eEA6FoeGG8c-00028-00019428-00020708 Here is example two. Let's expand this out by writing it two times. eEA6FoeGG8c-00029-00020708-00021716 Now we will foil two times two is four, two times three square root seven is plus six square root seven. eEA6FoeGG8c-00030-00021716-00022240 Again, for the middle term is plus six square root seven and for the last term, eEA6FoeGG8c-00031-00022240-00022794 it is plus nine square root seven squared. eEA6FoeGG8c-00032-00022794-00023238 We bring down the four and we can combine the middle two terms. eEA6FoeGG8c-00033-00023238-00023862 To make twelve square root seven, remember we just add them. eEA6FoeGG8c-00034-00023862-00024562 And finally we get plus nine times seven, because the seven comes out. eEA6FoeGG8c-00035-00024562-00025246 This gives us four plus twelve square root seven plus sixty three, eEA6FoeGG8c-00036-00025246-00025800 which results in sixty seven plus twelve square root seven. eEA6FoeGG8c-00037-00025800-00026166 This is our final answer. eEA6FoeGG8c-00038-00026166-00026844 Remember when solving problems with a squared binomial, eEA6FoeGG8c-00039-00026844-00027383 you make sure to expand it out, and foil just as you would usually. eGUE12W9UbE-00000-00000062-00000185 Hello. eGUE12W9UbE-00001-00000185-00000369 How are you today? eGUE12W9UbE-00002-00000369-00000543 Happy Saturday. eGUE12W9UbE-00003-00000543-00001150 As we wind out of week two into week three, I want to take some time to reflect with you eGUE12W9UbE-00004-00001150-00001500 about the concept of belonging. eGUE12W9UbE-00005-00001500-00002059 Belonging is at the core of humanizing and this week we dug deeper into the concept of eGUE12W9UbE-00006-00002059-00002723 cultural mismatches when you reflected a bit on your cultural context inventories. eGUE12W9UbE-00007-00002723-00002889 And thank you for doing that. eGUE12W9UbE-00008-00002889-00003303 I hope that was a valuable experience for you. eGUE12W9UbE-00009-00003303-00003761 When we think about the concept of belonging, we want to keep in mind that belonging is eGUE12W9UbE-00010-00003761-00003946 different from fitting in. eGUE12W9UbE-00011-00003946-00004614 Belonging is when a person is accepted and valued for their true authentic self. eGUE12W9UbE-00012-00004614-00004844 Fitting in feels very differently. eGUE12W9UbE-00013-00004844-00005331 And it's that fitting in that we want to mitigate that we want to improve. eGUE12W9UbE-00014-00005331-00005707 And when you're teaching an online class, you have this high opportunity zone, which eGUE12W9UbE-00015-00005707-00006300 is weeks zero through two where there's a lot of threat and a lot of scanning that a eGUE12W9UbE-00016-00006300-00006715 person does to determine whether an environment is safe. eGUE12W9UbE-00017-00006715-00007519 So the elements that you develop in the Academy will help you to create that place where students eGUE12W9UbE-00018-00007519-00007797 feel identity safety. eGUE12W9UbE-00019-00007797-00008170 That's something that you've been digging into already. eGUE12W9UbE-00020-00008170-00008565 In module two, in addition to the reflections and the discussion that you had about the eGUE12W9UbE-00021-00008565-00009188 power of partnerships, you also got started with honing in on some based and critical eGUE12W9UbE-00022-00009188-00009422 video skills. eGUE12W9UbE-00023-00009422-00009755 And you are creating the first draft of your Liquid Syllabus. eGUE12W9UbE-00024-00009755-00010195 You're going to create three of those drafts so think of it as an ongoing, iterative process. eGUE12W9UbE-00025-00010195-00010482 Um and we hope you enjoy that. eGUE12W9UbE-00026-00010482-00011010 These elements, the Liquid Syllabus, the course card, the humanized homepage, these are all eGUE12W9UbE-00027-00011010-00011563 elements that will target that high opportunity zone so keep that in mind and think about eGUE12W9UbE-00028-00011563-00012327 how you can hone your goal of creating identity safety and building trust through these incremental. eGUE12W9UbE-00029-00012327-00013285 marbles in a jar by developing inclusive materials using words, images, and videos. eGUE12W9UbE-00030-00013285-00013784 I'm actually recording this video from the elementary school where my kids went to school. eGUE12W9UbE-00031-00013784-00014063 I walked out my front door and I thought, "Where should I record from today?" and I eGUE12W9UbE-00032-00014063-00014337 looked at this school and I thought, "That's it." eGUE12W9UbE-00033-00014337-00014973 Because that is really a formative symbol for when my kids really started to struggle eGUE12W9UbE-00034-00014973-00015387 and figure out where they fit in or if they belonged. eGUE12W9UbE-00035-00015387-00015859 Um and I know that I'm coming in to this and my kids are coming into this from a privileged eGUE12W9UbE-00036-00015859-00016504 place with many privileges including the color of our skin but many others as well. eGUE12W9UbE-00037-00016504-00017035 And so I want to acknowledge that but I think the more we can reflect on our own experiences eGUE12W9UbE-00038-00017035-00017703 it really does help us to make these intimate connections with the topic of belonging and eGUE12W9UbE-00039-00017703-00018378 help us really lean into our hard, hard work, our equity journey, which is not going to eGUE12W9UbE-00040-00018378-00018851 end at the end of six weeks, it's going to continue. eGUE12W9UbE-00041-00018851-00019602 So as we make this shift and start to wrap up module two and lean into module three, eGUE12W9UbE-00042-00019602-00020045 you are going to be looking forward and continuing to build on not only the tools that you'll eGUE12W9UbE-00043-00020045-00020692 be using but also really fostering those humanizing elements, developing them further. eGUE12W9UbE-00044-00020692-00021270 You'll work more on your Liquid Syllabus and and actually engage in a peer review of that eGUE12W9UbE-00045-00021270-00021790 Liquid Syllabus that'll happen next weekend at the end of module three. eGUE12W9UbE-00046-00021790-00022242 Well, the lawn mowers are getting louder so I think I'm going to wrap it up for now. eGUE12W9UbE-00047-00022242-00022851 You have a great weekend folks and I'll see ya online. eIhIgNFxRt0-00000-00000272-00000512 I wanna be the very best eIhIgNFxRt0-00001-00000562-00000764 Like no one ever was eIhIgNFxRt0-00002-00000969-00001226 To catch them is my real test eIhIgNFxRt0-00003-00001226-00001478 To train them is my cause eIhIgNFxRt0-00004-00001644-00001832 I will travel across the land eIhIgNFxRt0-00005-00001918-00002146 Searching far and wide eIhIgNFxRt0-00006-00002290-00002508 Teach Pokemon to understand eIhIgNFxRt0-00007-00002574-00002818 The power that's inside eIhIgNFxRt0-00008-00002860-00002910 Pokemon eIhIgNFxRt0-00009-00002956-00003052 Gotta catch em' all eIhIgNFxRt0-00010-00003108-00003232 It's you and me eIhIgNFxRt0-00011-00003314-00003522 I know it's my destiny eIhIgNFxRt0-00012-00003522-00003578 Pokemon eIhIgNFxRt0-00013-00003634-00003836 Oh, you're my best friend eIhIgNFxRt0-00014-00003842-00004026 In a world we must defend eIhIgNFxRt0-00015-00004968-00005168 Squirtle, use bubble beam! eIhIgNFxRt0-00016-00005626-00005834 Use rock bomb! eIhIgNFxRt0-00017-00006182-00006364 Use aqua jet! eIhIgNFxRt0-00018-00006880-00006936 Congratulations! eIhIgNFxRt0-00019-00006936-00007090 You have earned the Stone Badge eIhIgNFxRt0-00020-00007559-00007623 Pokemon! eIhIgNFxRt0-00021-00007648-00007730 Gotta catch em' all eIhIgNFxRt0-00022-00007759-00007931 A heart so true eIhIgNFxRt0-00023-00008016-00008248 Our courage will pull us though eIhIgNFxRt0-00024-00008292-00008364 You teach me eIhIgNFxRt0-00025-00008372-00008540 and I teach you eIhIgNFxRt0-00026-00008610-00008804 Pokemon! eIhIgNFxRt0-00027-00008818-00008942 Gotta catch em' all! eIhIgNFxRt0-00028-00009006-00009296 GOTTA CATCH EM' ALL! eKuunXXWjTQ-00000-00000048-00000684 Here are some funny friends quotes. Friends are like rainbows, they're always there to cheer you eKuunXXWjTQ-00001-00000684-00001422 up when you're having a bad day [Music]. Everyone has a friend who laughs at himself more often than eKuunXXWjTQ-00002-00001422-00002340 he tells jokes! Real good friends don't let their friends do stupid things... by themselves! Friends eKuunXXWjTQ-00003-00002340-00002910 are like walls. You lean on them at times, and other times it's just nice to know they're there. eKuunXXWjTQ-00004-00003078-00003840 To hang out with me you don't have to be insane, I'll teach you everything you need to know! Don't be afraid to eKuunXXWjTQ-00005-00003840-00004434 have a good time with your friends, it's one of the many roles that friends play in our lives. eKuunXXWjTQ-00006-00004548-00005154 You'll only realize how weird your best friend is when you start describing him to other people! eKuunXXWjTQ-00007-00005304-00006012 Friendship is like peeing in your underwear everyone can see it, but only you can feel the eKuunXXWjTQ-00008-00006012-00006695 warmth within! I think we'll be friends forever, because we're too lazy to find new friends. eKuunXXWjTQ-00009-00006888-00007242 Best friends are those you can get mad at only for a short eKuunXXWjTQ-00010-00007242-00007716 period of time, because very soon you have important stuff to tell them. eKuunXXWjTQ-00011-00007854-00008520 My friends and I are completely insane, that's the only thing that keeps us from losing our minds! eKuunXXWjTQ-00012-00008676-00009360 We'll be friends forever, because you already know too much! We'll be friends until we're old eKuunXXWjTQ-00013-00009360-00010140 and senile, then we'll be new friends. Best pals are those who know you're insane, but they still eKuunXXWjTQ-00014-00010140-00010974 want to be seen with you in public! To be my friend you don't have to be insane, but it certainly helps. eKuunXXWjTQ-00015-00011154-00011466 That's all for now. Thank you for watching! eKuunXXWjTQ-00016-00011532-00012252 Stay tuned for more funny stuff and funny quotes humor saying. BYE eLsUCgxIZDc-00000-00000000-00000050 Para pemain topeng kaca eLsUCgxIZDc-00001-00000050-00000100 Sinetron terbaru di SCTV saat ini menjadi sinetron unggulan di masyarakat eLsUCgxIZDc-00003-00000561-00000711 Terutama untuk para remaja eLsUCgxIZDc-00004-00000712-00000761 Menampilkan artis pendatang baru eLsUCgxIZDc-00005-00000762-00000811 Dan juga artis artis terkenal di Indonesia eLsUCgxIZDc-00007-00000861-00001011 Terbilang sinetron terbaru tetapi mempunyai banyak penggemar eLsUCgxIZDc-00008-00001011-00001062 Tak heran sinetron ini menjadi sinetron unggulan eLLSI8w95BA-00000-00000000-00000190 I am Liza Boubari eLLSI8w95BA-00001-00000200-00000459 and this is the 3E Event. eLLSI8w95BA-00002-00000549-00000836 Journey within and harness your inner power eLLSI8w95BA-00003-00000858-00001031 on September 30th eLLSI8w95BA-00004-00001065-00001165 and October 1st at eLLSI8w95BA-00005-00001175-00001356 at the Westin Rancho Mirage eLLSI8w95BA-00006-00001392-00001527 Resort and Spa eLLSI8w95BA-00007-00001566-00001677 in California. eLLSI8w95BA-00008-00001809-00001909 Evoke eLLSI8w95BA-00009-00001941-00002223 You will become aware of your patterns in health eLLSI8w95BA-00010-00002253-00002430 wealth and relationships eLLSI8w95BA-00011-00002454-00002730 through or inspiring top notch experts eLLSI8w95BA-00012-00002760-00002860 and soulful eLLSI8w95BA-00013-00002866-00002966 healing exercizes. eLLSI8w95BA-00014-00003024-00003124 Embrace eLLSI8w95BA-00015-00003177-00003420 Be open to embrace your womanhood eLLSI8w95BA-00016-00003461-00003611 and total self acceptance eLLSI8w95BA-00017-00003684-00003784 as you connect eLLSI8w95BA-00018-00003819-00003996 and make lifelong friendships. eLLSI8w95BA-00019-00004074-00004174 Evolve eLLSI8w95BA-00020-00004230-00004680 These two days will be the most transformational days of your life. eLLSI8w95BA-00021-00004968-00005232 Join us on September 30 and October 1 at eLLSI8w95BA-00022-00005259-00005439 at the Westin Rancho Mirage eLLSI8w95BA-00023-00005481-00005581 Resort and Spa. eLLSI8w95BA-00024-00005640-00005751 Get your tickets today. eLLSI8w95BA-00025-00005835-00006004 the3eEvent.com eLNfd7s5i2Y-00000-00000125-00000476 USS GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SOCCER TEAM TOOK TO THE FIELD FOR A FRIENDLY MATCH AGAINST THE eLNfd7s5i2Y-00001-00000476-00000971 ROACHDALE ROVERS, A SEMI-PRO AUSTRALIAN TEAM, DURING A FIVE-DAY PORT VISIT TO BRISBANE. eLNfd7s5i2Y-00002-00000971-00001742 "I WAS EXCITED AS SOON AS I HEARD THAT THE IDEA THAT SAILORS FROM THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON eLNfd7s5i2Y-00003-00001742-00002134 AIRCRAFT CARRIER WERE GOING TO COME DOWN AND PLAY ROCHEDALE ROVERS. eLNfd7s5i2Y-00004-00002134-00002352 AFTERALL, THIS IS A REALLY SPECIAL OCCASION." eLNfd7s5i2Y-00005-00002352-00002892 MORE THAN 2,000 U.S. NAVY AND AUSTRALIAN FANS WATCHED THE TWO TEAM BATTLE UNDER THE LIGHTS eLNfd7s5i2Y-00006-00002892-00003002 AT UNDERWOOD PARK. eLNfd7s5i2Y-00007-00003002-00003782 "GOOD GAME, THEY GAVE US SOME REAL GOOD COMPETITION, COMPARED TO WHAT WE PLAY AGAINST IN YOKOSUKA. eLNfd7s5i2Y-00008-00003782-00004045 THEY SHOWED US WHAT WE NEED TO WORK ON." eLNfd7s5i2Y-00009-00004045-00004492 EVENTS LIKE THIS HELP TO STRENGTHEN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE U.S., AND OUR PARTNERS AND ALLIES eLNfd7s5i2Y-00010-00004492-00004747 IN THE INDO-ASIA PACIFIC REGION. eLNfd7s5i2Y-00011-00004747-00005030 FOR USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, I'M PETTY OFFICER SEAN LA MARR. epvhsft-Xgk-00000-00001200-00001305 hey guys epvhsft-Xgk-00001-00001305-00001355 haha low key epvhsft-Xgk-00002-00001378-00001698 wearing my totoro footies epvhsft-Xgk-00003-00001728-00001816 COUGH epvhsft-Xgk-00004-00001848-00002202 anywho i guess i'm going to tell story epvhsft-Xgk-00005-00002203-00002437 about my old job so this guy comes in epvhsft-Xgk-00006-00002437-00002731 every tuesday right and he just walks to epvhsft-Xgk-00007-00002731-00003093 lottery machine and I'm just like epvhsft-Xgk-00008-00003915-00004172 I hate the lot of machine you know a lot epvhsft-Xgk-00009-00004173-00004341 of machine I don't need you i am a epvhsft-Xgk-00010-00004341-00004473 strong independent woman epvhsft-Xgk-00011-00004473-00004804 whoa is that a new mic epvhsft-Xgk-00012-00004804-00005366 yes guys this is XX zombie slayer XX is epvhsft-Xgk-00013-00005388-00005514 that right epvhsft-Xgk-00014-00005515-00005989 sup guys he's gonna be voicing on man epvhsft-Xgk-00015-00005989-00006224 sup guys epvhsft-Xgk-00016-00006244-00006312 hahhah :D epvhsft-Xgk-00017-00006312-00006466 here is his channle guys epvhsft-Xgk-00018-00006487-00006631 don't forget to subscribe epvhsft-Xgk-00019-00006631-00006909 it's way better than mine AHH??? epvhsft-Xgk-00020-00007062-00007286 THE MAN IS JUST STANDING THERE IN A IMPATIENT MANOR epvhsft-Xgk-00021-00007288-00007441 already nervous about the lottery epvhsft-Xgk-00022-00007441-00007795 machine so he just is sniffing my fear epvhsft-Xgk-00023-00007795-00008059 from the other side of the ..... epvhsft-Xgk-00024-00008410-00008712 im just going to try to be a good employee epvhsft-Xgk-00025-00008754-00008906 heeeeeeey how may i help you epvhsft-Xgk-00026-00008906-00009174 just give me 4 of those epvhsft-Xgk-00027-00009780-00009830 um... epvhsft-Xgk-00028-00009840-00010124 um they are like chicken dip in 15 of epvhsft-Xgk-00029-00010125-00010389 them and what you mean by for theirs epvhsft-Xgk-00030-00010389-00011078 either scratch offs or machine eOTZYxL1lRA-00000-00000101-00000443 Are you looking for the best transportation provider in Hawaii? eOTZYxL1lRA-00001-00000443-00000628 Choose Pono Express
 eOTZYxL1lRA-00002-00000628-00000841 Your transportation made easier! eOTZYxL1lRA-00003-00000841-00001386 With a range of shuttles and private cars available we can meet your every need! eOTZYxL1lRA-00004-00001386-00001945 We offer tours and airport transfers for visitors to our beautiful islands, as well as transport eOTZYxL1lRA-00005-00001945-00002117 for flight crews. eOTZYxL1lRA-00006-00002117-00002527 And we work directly with insurers to offer reliable medical transfers. eOTZYxL1lRA-00007-00002527-00003027 We’re recognized for the premium-quality service we offer... that’s why many of the eOTZYxL1lRA-00008-00003027-00003454 top hotels link directly to our website for streamlined booking! eOTZYxL1lRA-00009-00003454-00003686 Call us now on 800-258-6880. eOTZYxL1lRA-00010-00003686-00004063 In a hurry? eOTZYxL1lRA-00011-00004063-00004405 Visit PonoExpress.com to save time and book online! eQkZVXymmSc-00000-00000364-00002610 [music] eQkZVXymmSc-00001-00004848-00005130 >> K: My name is K and I’m a congenital amputee eQkZVXymmSc-00002-00005131-00005327 meaning that I was born with just one arm. eQkZVXymmSc-00003-00005327-00005548 >> K: So how was your weekend? eQkZVXymmSc-00004-00005548-00005734 >> Anita: My weekend was good. eQkZVXymmSc-00005-00005734-00005969 >> K: I first got involved with DO-IT when I was eQkZVXymmSc-00006-00005969-00006146 a junior in high school. eQkZVXymmSc-00007-00006146-00006779 DO-IT stands for Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology. eQkZVXymmSc-00008-00006779-00007143 DO-IT introduced me to mentors and other students with disabilities. eQkZVXymmSc-00009-00007143-00007259 >> Scott: Welcome. eQkZVXymmSc-00010-00007259-00007402 So we are talking about... eQkZVXymmSc-00011-00007402-00007643 >> K: I attended the summer study program eQkZVXymmSc-00012-00007643-00008011 run by DO-IT at the University of Washington. eQkZVXymmSc-00013-00008011-00008323 It was a great introduction to U-Dub eQkZVXymmSc-00014-00008323-00008477 and part of the reason I decided to attend. eQkZVXymmSc-00015-00008477-00008729 >> K using speech-to-text: I have met many new friends... eQkZVXymmSc-00016-00008729-00009088 >> K: DO-IT helped guide me through college eQkZVXymmSc-00017-00009088-00009407 and learn about technology to help me succeed in classes. eQkZVXymmSc-00018-00009407-00009640 It also helped me develop my leadership skills eQkZVXymmSc-00019-00009640-00010040 and prepare me for job hunting. eQkZVXymmSc-00020-00010040-00010309 I attended a job fair with one of my DO-IT mentors eQkZVXymmSc-00021-00010309-00010783 and was able to talk with recruiters and prospective employers. eQkZVXymmSc-00022-00010783-00011095 In June of 2018, I received my degree from U-Dub eQkZVXymmSc-00023-00011095-00011578 in Law, Societies & Justice and Disability Studies. eQkZVXymmSc-00024-00011578-00011940 I want to go to law school and become a disability rights attorney. eQkZVXymmSc-00025-00011940-00012221 DO-IT has helped me realize my full potential. eQkZVXymmSc-00026-00012221-00012456 >> Sheryl: My name is Sheryl Burgstahler eQkZVXymmSc-00027-00012456-00012672 and I direct the DO-IT Center. eQkZVXymmSc-00028-00012672-00013247 DO-IT stands for Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology. eQkZVXymmSc-00029-00013247-00013521 And in 1992 we started the DO-IT program eQkZVXymmSc-00030-00013521-00013815 with funding from the National Science Foundation. eQkZVXymmSc-00031-00013815-00014124 And now it’s grown to a collection of activities eQkZVXymmSc-00032-00014124-00014515 that are sponsored by many groups including the National Science Foundation, eQkZVXymmSc-00033-00014515-00014909 the U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Labor, eQkZVXymmSc-00034-00014909-00015415 the State of Washington, Microsoft, Boeing, many other funders. eQkZVXymmSc-00035-00015415-00015790 All of our projects are centered around increasing the success eQkZVXymmSc-00036-00015790-00016113 of people with disabilities in college and careers eQkZVXymmSc-00037-00016113-00016450 using technology as an empowering tool. eRxB6wSbdvE-00000-00000058-00000302 Thanks for your hard work this month! eRxB6wSbdvE-00001-00001098-00001230 [Pay Stub] 07/2016 Mitsuko Igarashi eRxB6wSbdvE-00002-00001677-00001801 Welcome! eRxB6wSbdvE-00003-00004766-00005010 Money is what made the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00004-00005026-00005258 All kind of things, made the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00005-00005274-00005455 Our money is what made the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00006-00005477-00005655 Investments, made the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00007-00005675-00005885 Coal, oil and nuclear power eRxB6wSbdvE-00008-00005892-00006174 Fossil fuels and precious metals eRxB6wSbdvE-00009-00006180-00006430 Digging digging and digging deeper eRxB6wSbdvE-00010-00006443-00006653 That’s how we, made the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00011-00007651-00007897 Polluting the air with CO2 eRxB6wSbdvE-00012-00007905-00008127 All the sudden the earth is warming eRxB6wSbdvE-00013-00008133-00008393 Rainstorms drought and sea levels rising eRxB6wSbdvE-00014-00008403-00008651 Look at our planet, it’s breaking apart! eRxB6wSbdvE-00015-00008665-00008891 The earth keeps warming, more and more eRxB6wSbdvE-00016-00008891-00009088 It’s hotter and hotter everyday! eRxB6wSbdvE-00017-00009096-00009338 Temperatures rising, the weather is crazy eRxB6wSbdvE-00018-00009347-00009599 Lashing storms and landslides everywhere eRxB6wSbdvE-00019-00010572-00010798 If all of us act as one eRxB6wSbdvE-00020-00010808-00011042 We can change the world together eRxB6wSbdvE-00021-00011049-00011267 Look at our earth, it’s an emergency eRxB6wSbdvE-00022-00011273-00011483 Think and act for the future eRxB6wSbdvE-00023-00011489-00011751 For generations to be born eRxB6wSbdvE-00024-00011761-00011968 Let’s leave them this starlit sky eRxB6wSbdvE-00025-00011978-00012210 For all the life on this blue dot eRxB6wSbdvE-00026-00012217-00012455 Let’s divest and protect the earth! eRxB6wSbdvE-00027-00012466-00012712 Follow the money and change the world eRxB6wSbdvE-00028-00012718-00012946 Let us all divest together eRxB6wSbdvE-00029-00012953-00013193 Burning passion to cool the earth eRxB6wSbdvE-00030-00013197-00013447 Let's divest and protect our lives! eRxB6wSbdvE-00031-00013457-00013575 Cool the earth eRxB6wSbdvE-00032-00013575-00013661 Divestment! eRxB6wSbdvE-00033-00013669-00013797 Protect the future eRxB6wSbdvE-00034-00013797-00013899 Divestment! eRxB6wSbdvE-00035-00013908-00014011 Think and act eRxB6wSbdvE-00036-00014011-00014101 Divestment! eRxB6wSbdvE-00037-00014109-00014251 You and me eRxB6wSbdvE-00038-00014251-00014357 Let's all divest! eTjgWwb0PjU-00000-00000000-00000180 101 vs 278 eTjgWwb0PjU-00001-00000180-00000254 What if one person scores? eTjgWwb0PjU-00002-00000254-00000532 The person who puts it in takes all the beads. eTjgWwb0PjU-00003-00000532-00000739 You're going to turn the table? eTjgWwb0PjU-00004-00000739-00000840 Are you scared? eTjgWwb0PjU-00005-00000840-00001040 Not at all? eTjgWwb0PjU-00006-00001040-00001259 Aren't you scared? eTjgWwb0PjU-00007-00001259-00001426 (A bit scared) eTjgWwb0PjU-00008-00001426-00001783 The game is ongoing eTjgWwb0PjU-00009-00001783-00002361 A difficult game eTjgWwb0PjU-00010-00002361-00002603 Do I have beads left? eTjgWwb0PjU-00011-00002603-00002737 The last bead of 101. eTjgWwb0PjU-00012-00002737-00002937 focus eTjgWwb0PjU-00013-00002937-00003252 throw it eTjgWwb0PjU-00014-00003252-00003440 What a waste eTjgWwb0PjU-00015-00003440-00003623 I thought you were going to start eTjgWwb0PjU-00016-00003623-00003696 Did you throw everything? eTjgWwb0PjU-00017-00003696-00003863 I still have one left. eTjgWwb0PjU-00018-00003863-00004083 101. You've been having fun. eTjgWwb0PjU-00019-00004083-00004516 throwing the beads... eTjgWwb0PjU-00020-00004516-00004730 The direction was right eTjgWwb0PjU-00021-00004730-00004935 The moment I'm nervous eTjgWwb0PjU-00022-00004935-00005085 Right before we arrive eTjgWwb0PjU-00023-00005190-00005284 hhhhhhhhhhhhhh eTjgWwb0PjU-00024-00005284-00005343 fxxk!!!! eTjgWwb0PjU-00025-00005343-00005483 Teasing eTjgWwb0PjU-00026-00005483-00005566 Totally angry eTjgWwb0PjU-00027-00005566-00005681 Bastard!!! eTRifNgczr8-00000-00000006-00000861 "Do we need to take a step back to go forward, letting the big banks store our cryptocurrency keys?" eTRifNgczr8-00001-00000861-00001540 "In previous videos, you [said] one of the most important next steps for the crypto world [is] to increase liquidity... eTRifNgczr8-00002-00001540-00002072 by increasing vendors of all kinds, thus making it easier to buy and sell crypto." eTRifNgczr8-00003-00002072-00002724 "How do you look at custodial banks in the future [having customers store] crypto... eTRifNgczr8-00004-00002724-00003090 next to their fiat money in their bank [account]?" eTRifNgczr8-00005-00003090-00003646 "Do you think taking this step back to the banks is necessary for increasing the liquidity?" eTRifNgczr8-00006-00003646-00004758 [I would say] no to any step that re-adds an intermediary, a counterparty, a custodial owner into the system -- eTRifNgczr8-00007-00004758-00005324 no matter what benefit it gives you in the liquidity or price of cryptocurrencies. eTRifNgczr8-00008-00005324-00005714 [Maybe] it creates a rally in the market and a few more people get lambos, eTRifNgczr8-00009-00005714-00006186 but that is not something I would be interested in. eTRifNgczr8-00010-00006186-00006800 It detracts from the most important principle of this technology, which is decentralization. eTRifNgczr8-00011-00006800-00007372 If you are interested in decentralization as the most important principle, you are looking to... eTRifNgczr8-00012-00007372-00008050 remove intermediaries, remove trusted third parties from the world of finance and commerce. eTRifNgczr8-00013-00008050-00008702 Then you are willing to do so while not having a lambo. That's okay. eTRifNgczr8-00014-00008702-00009396 When you [ask], "What do you think about custodial banks in the future [having customers store] crypto... eTRifNgczr8-00015-00009396-00009626 next to their fiat money in their bank [account]?" eTRifNgczr8-00016-00009626-00010358 I would argue that it is not their crypto and it is also not their fiat. It is the bank's crypto and the bank's fiat. eTRifNgczr8-00017-00010358-00011092 Part of the problem we have in our modern world is, when you use a custodial third party like a bank, eTRifNgczr8-00018-00011092-00011754 you have to trust that they [will] give you that money back; in many cases, they don't. eTRifNgczr8-00019-00011754-00012372 It is not your crypto anymore and it is not your fiat either. It is the bank's crypto and the bank's fiat now. eTRifNgczr8-00020-00012372-00013222 You have just re-introduced a giant security risk, a concentration of power, an opportunity for corruption. eTRifNgczr8-00021-00013222-00013654 If that is the way you increase the liquidity, I am not interested in more liquidity. eTRifNgczr8-00022-00013654-00014256 That is not a trade-off that's worth doing. I am much more interested in maintaining decentralization. eTRifNgczr8-00023-00014256-00014952 There are some trade-offs worth making and there are some trade-offs not worth making. eTRifNgczr8-00024-00014952-00015888 This is not a step back. This is complete capitulation. You don't step forward by increasing liquidity of banks. eTRifNgczr8-00025-00015888-00016406 You don't increase liquidity of the crypto [economy], because you no longer own any of it. eTRifNgczr8-00026-00016406-00017228 No. Be very careful of people who try to persuade you that, in order to achieve your dreams, eTRifNgczr8-00027-00017228-00017466 you [must] capitulate on your principles. eTRifNgczr8-00028-00017466-00018248 [AUDIENCE] You were talking about financial institutions having caused many problems Bitcoin is combating. eTRifNgczr8-00029-00018248-00018998 Curious [that], as the blockchain ecosystem matures, these same institutions are hopping on the bandwagon. eTRifNgczr8-00030-00018998-00019822 They are re-creating the same financial instruments, or have ambitions to if they haven't done it yet. eTRifNgczr8-00031-00019822-00020474 I'm curious what you think the implications are, when these guys hop on the bandwagon. eTRifNgczr8-00032-00020474-00020968 They will probably [get in] a lot faster than the rest of us, eTRifNgczr8-00033-00020968-00021650 even if we as individuals can create our own financial instruments on the blockchain. eTRifNgczr8-00034-00021650-00022138 [ANDREAS] That's a great question. I get that question a lot too. I am not particularly worried. eTRifNgczr8-00035-00022138-00022844 What most financial institutions are trying to do is... eTRifNgczr8-00036-00022844-00023562 take the idea and use it to do business- as-usual without changing their practices. eTRifNgczr8-00037-00023562-00024728 The main feature of this technology is the [systems architecture] we call decentralization, which says: eTRifNgczr8-00038-00024728-00025254 no one is in charge, no one is in control, and everyone participates. eTRifNgczr8-00039-00025254-00025554 It is a collaborative project. eTRifNgczr8-00040-00025554-00026350 [What becomes] recorded in the blockchain is the result of hundreds of thousands of computers. eTRifNgczr8-00041-00026350-00026788 It is not controlled by any single entity. eTRifNgczr8-00042-00026788-00027664 They could adopt that, they could adopt decentralization as a principle and make the economy far more robust. eTRifNgczr8-00043-00027664-00028356 They [will not] do that. They [will] try to pretend to do that, while creating something they control. eTRifNgczr8-00044-00028356-00029300 The nature of corporations is centralization. The nature of financial corporations is even more centralization. eTRifNgczr8-00045-00029300-00029745 As to the [question] of whether they will be able to move faster... eTRifNgczr8-00046-00029745-00030398 There is a pervasive idea that because financial services companies have all the money -- eTRifNgczr8-00047-00030398-00031339 quite literally, because they made it themselves -- that they can simply buy their way into the future. eTRifNgczr8-00048-00031339-00032268 Fortunately for us, unfortunately for them, there are a few things you can't buy: innovation and creativity. eTRifNgczr8-00049-00032268-00032516 You can't buy innovation and creativity. eTRifNgczr8-00050-00032516-00033346 Once these large organizations [grow] beyond a certain size, if innovation arises without their company, eTRifNgczr8-00051-00033346-00034554 they will strangle it within 72 hours, probably by creating an innovation committee to study it first. eTRifNgczr8-00052-00034554-00035460 When they see innovation outside their industry and it is not too disruptive, they [will] buy it, eTRifNgczr8-00053-00035460-00036078 embrace it, ask it to have a haircut wear suits, and get into a 401k plan. eTRifNgczr8-00054-00036078-00036706 At which point, all of the creative and innovative people will leave. They will be left with a husk of a product. eTRifNgczr8-00055-00036706-00037326 Unless it is a very disruptive innovation, in which case they won't even try to buy it. They will try to snuff it out. eTRifNgczr8-00056-00037326-00037640 This technique has worked for them really well in the past. eTRifNgczr8-00057-00037640-00038652 Financial services could either buy the disruptive competitor, sue the disruptive competitor, eTRifNgczr8-00058-00038652-00039418 or (their favorite technique) have governments turn their disruptive competitor off for them. eTRifNgczr8-00059-00039418-00040122 Make sure there are enough regulations in the way that the smaller competitor can't compete [anymore]. eTRifNgczr8-00060-00040122-00041060 Then Bitcoin happens. You can't buy it, it is not [a company]; can't sue it, there's no one to sue. eTRifNgczr8-00061-00041060-00041860 And the government can't regulate it out of existence because we forgot to ask their permission. [Laughter] eTRifNgczr8-00062-00041860-00042802 For the first time in 75 years of traditional financial services, they can't do any of those [techniques]. eTRifNgczr8-00063-00042802-00043328 They haven't started panicking yet because hubris is a pretty big mountain to overcome. eTRifNgczr8-00064-00043328-00043916 But at some point they will [panic]. Some of the smart bankers are already [understanding that]. eTRifNgczr8-00065-00043916-00044500 [Those smart bankers are] taking their Christmas bonus, jumping ship at the end of the year, eTRifNgczr8-00066-00044500-00045082 and using their Christmas bonus to fund a blockchain startup in January. eTRifNgczr8-00067-00045082-00045820 I have heard this story repeatedly from former Goldman Sachs bankers, JP Morgan Chase bankers... eTRifNgczr8-00068-00045820-00046604 The rats are already abandoning the ship, so I am not worried about that. eTRifNgczr8-00069-00046604-00047100 "Questions about blockchains for other industries." eTRifNgczr8-00070-00047100-00047756 "Why would a company use a permissioned, centralized blockchain to track supply chain procedures?" eTRifNgczr8-00071-00047756-00048452 What efficiencies are gained [compared to] using a traditional database or the cloud? eTRifNgczr8-00072-00048452-00049048 That is a very astute question; if you ever find the answer to that, I would love to know it... eTRifNgczr8-00073-00049048-00049742 Other than the fact that it allows you to stick every possible buzzword into your marketing brochure, eTRifNgczr8-00074-00049742-00050630 perhaps raise a whole ton of money in an underground ICO from a non-extradition, tax haven country, eTRifNgczr8-00075-00050630-00050892 and bamboozle a ton of investors... eTRifNgczr8-00076-00050892-00051590 I'm not quite sure what the point of permissioned, centralized supply chain blockchains is. eTRifNgczr8-00077-00051590-00052979 The very term "centralized blockchain" is an oxymoron. "Permissioned blockchain" almost equally an oxymoron. eTRifNgczr8-00078-00052979-00053794 Blockchains are [data] structures that are useful in [enabling] decentralization and open-access. eTRifNgczr8-00079-00053794-00054308 Making them centralized and permissioned completely removes the need for running a blockchain. eTRifNgczr8-00080-00054308-00054860 In that case, it [would] simply [be] a very inefficient database. eTRifNgczr8-00081-00054860-00055705 You can imagine certain scenarios where a blockchain system could be useful for supply chains, eTRifNgczr8-00082-00055705-00056358 primarily for organizing supply chain interactions between partners who do not trust each other... eTRifNgczr8-00083-00056358-00057388 who want a neutral, censorship-resistant, decentralized platform that serves needs in a predictable manner, eTRifNgczr8-00084-00057388-00057588 where no one [party] is in control. eTRifNgczr8-00085-00057588-00058248 That is what blockchains do. For that purpose, you can imagine a supply chain blockchain would be useful. eTRifNgczr8-00086-00058248-00058902 However, that implies that you're using the supply chain across multiple participants in an industry. eTRifNgczr8-00087-00058902-00059740 The problem is, they all have to agree to [a standard], rather than try to jockey for position and massage it... eTRifNgczr8-00088-00059740-00060346 until they get relative advantage, as always happens when these things are designed by committee. eTRifNgczr8-00089-00060346-00060766 [This is] exactly why successive efforts at... eTRifNgczr8-00090-00060766-00061578 standardizing IT infrastructure and systems [through] industry committees fail, again and again. eTRifNgczr8-00091-00061578-00062332 It is exactly why things like the internet and the web have [often] emerged from neutral, research-oriented, eTRifNgczr8-00092-00062332-00063010 scientific, open-source endeavors have succeeded again and again. eTRifNgczr8-00093-00063010-00063474 So let them try to create a supply chain [blockchain]. eTRifNgczr8-00094-00063474-00064064 What we [will] see: every company tries to make their own, none of them are interoperable, eTRifNgczr8-00095-00064064-00064410 and all of them give too much power to the company that [created it]. eTRifNgczr8-00096-00064410-00064978 Therefore, none of the competitors will want to use it, and it is just an inefficient database. eTRifNgczr8-00097-00064978-00065428 Millions of dollars will be wasted on this bullshit. eTRifNgczr8-00098-00065428-00065732 Phil has some more astute questions for us, eTRifNgczr8-00099-00065732-00066454 all of which [are about the pitfalls] of using blockchains for other industries. eTRifNgczr8-00100-00066454-00067406 "Would someone who uploads the hash of a music file on the blockchain prove that he / she is the creator?" eTRifNgczr8-00101-00067406-00068222 That is precisely the problem with trying to use blockchains in digital rights management, eTRifNgczr8-00102-00068222-00068850 provenance, and all other stuff [that boils down to]: garbage in, garbage out. eTRifNgczr8-00103-00068850-00069416 If you have a blockchain that guarantees information is recorded accurately forever, eTRifNgczr8-00104-00069416-00069694 that doesn't mean the information is true. eTRifNgczr8-00105-00069694-00070192 It is only true if you can validate it with consensus rules that remove centralized power. eTRifNgczr8-00106-00070192-00070736 If anybody can simply put a hash out, that [proves very few things]. You can't prove identity, eTRifNgczr8-00107-00070736-00071100 you can't prove provenance and you cannot prove ownership. eTRifNgczr8-00108-00071100-00071810 If you have a third party proving the identity, provenance, or ownership, then it is not a decentralized blockchain. eTRifNgczr8-00109-00071810-00072610 It is simply a database for registering the decisions of a committee or registry agency. eTRifNgczr8-00110-00072610-00073396 Again, an inefficient database. Furthermore, using hashes to identify unique pieces of content, eTRifNgczr8-00111-00073396-00074144 like music or video, has been proven again and again to be [pointless for the purposes they ascribe]. eTRifNgczr8-00112-00074144-00074596 [For example]. all you need to do is change one bit [of the content] and the hashes won't match anymore. eTRifNgczr8-00113-00074596-00075012 You can't verify that a piece of content is [nearly the same with hashes]. eTRifNgczr8-00114-00075012-00076066 In all of this, I think I just demolished the ICO pitches and whitepapers for at least twenty different start-ups... eTRifNgczr8-00115-00076066-00076312 [who] are playing around with these concepts. eTRifNgczr8-00116-00076312-00076962 But the truth is, there really isn't much of a use case for provenance of music... eTRifNgczr8-00117-00076962-00077376 or other things like that, by simply doing proof-of-existence [with a blockchain]. eTRifNgczr8-00118-00077376-00077626 Okay, let's destroy industry number three! eTRifNgczr8-00119-00077626-00078224 "How would a patient holding his private key [simplify] healthcare record management?" eTRifNgczr8-00120-00078224-00079022 "How could blockchain-based data be accessed if the patient holding the private keys is in a coma?" eTRifNgczr8-00121-00079022-00079510 Well, unfortunately, most of these things have been designed by start-up people... eTRifNgczr8-00122-00079510-00080200 who [were probably] in a coma when they were writing the white paper, because none of this makes sense. eTRifNgczr8-00123-00080200-00080860 The idea that you would put healthcare data -- [some of] of the most private data [people have] eTRifNgczr8-00124-00080860-00081350 -- on a public distributed ledger, is asinine at best. eTRifNgczr8-00125-00081350-00081818 Healthcare probably [has some] of the most narrow applications for blockchain technology, eTRifNgczr8-00126-00081818-00082432 despite the fact that millions [of dollars are] being raised by companies to do healthcare records management. eTRifNgczr8-00127-00082432-00083002 Ask yourself this: which problem in healthcare records management do you solve [with]... eTRifNgczr8-00128-00083002-00083840 a global, neutral, censorship-resistant, decentralized system? Because that is what a blockchain is. eTRifNgczr8-00129-00083840-00084724 Is someone trying to do censorship on records management? Trying to introduce non-neutral data? eTRifNgczr8-00130-00084724-00085250 Trying to artificially raise borders in healthcare records management? eTRifNgczr8-00131-00085250-00085764 Is it a problem in healthcare records management that participants don't trust each other, eTRifNgczr8-00132-00085764-00086026 and cannot vest power in anyone? eTRifNgczr8-00133-00086026-00086428 None of these things are solved by a blockchain. eTRifNgczr8-00134-00086428-00086952 The problems in healthcare records management are not problems that relate to blockchains. eTRifNgczr8-00135-00086952-00087564 Be very skeptical about industry applications of blockchains. eTRifNgczr8-00136-00087564-00088676 "Could a blockchain be implemented to distribute credits to the elderly to pay their rent or for social activities, eTRifNgczr8-00137-00088676-00089346 supposing the credits are validated by certain authorities (priests, social service clerks, etc.)?" eTRifNgczr8-00138-00089346-00089834 "Can you see a blockchain being created for that application, or could an existing one be used?" eTRifNgczr8-00139-00089834-00090544 "To timestamp and validate the credits, [prohibit] buying and selling of these credits [for other purposes]." eTRifNgczr8-00140-00090544-00091568 Steven, I'm sorry. While [this] is an admirable idea and I can see where you are coming from, eTRifNgczr8-00141-00091568-00091846 what you are describing is money. eTRifNgczr8-00142-00091846-00092244 Yes, you can create tokenized forms of money. eTRifNgczr8-00143-00092244-00092936 But when you create tokenized forms of money and try to restrict the circulation and liquidity, eTRifNgczr8-00144-00092936-00093586 restrict the places they can be spent, and restrict who owns them, that reduces the value of that money. eTRifNgczr8-00145-00093586-00094050 In the end, you cannot prohibit people from buying and selling these credits; eTRifNgczr8-00146-00094050-00094658 you cannot prevent secondary markets from existing in anything that is perceived as valuable. eTRifNgczr8-00147-00094658-00095560 If something is valuable, it is traded. That is the natural rules of economics. eTRifNgczr8-00148-00095560-00096094 You can't prohibit people from trading these tokens. They will trade them on secondary markets. eTRifNgczr8-00149-00096094-00096376 They will trade them even if it's illegal to trade them. eTRifNgczr8-00150-00096376-00096966 If you try to prevent people from trading, all you [will do] is discount the value of that token, eTRifNgczr8-00151-00096966-00097160 so people will trade it at a discount. eTRifNgczr8-00152-00097160-00097954 The less liquidity, circulation, and velocity it has, the more you erode the value of that token. eTRifNgczr8-00153-00097954-00098320 Effectively what you created is simply bad money; eTRifNgczr8-00154-00098320-00099082 [Gresham's Law says that] people will get rid of good money and replace it with good money. eTRifNgczr8-00155-00099082-00099600 If people have two forms of money and one of them is considered bad, it is sold at a discount. eTRifNgczr8-00156-00099600-00100132 They will use that bad money to do all of their spending until they run out of it, eTRifNgczr8-00157-00100132-00100696 while they hoard the [good money]. eTRifNgczr8-00158-00100696-00101502 These basic rules of economics [won't] be violated. We see these scenarios play out again and again. eTRifNgczr8-00159-00101502-00101964 We see them in places where you have hyperinflation, like Venezuela and Zimbabwe. eTRifNgczr8-00160-00101964-00102400 You see it in places where you have demonetisation, as we saw in India. eTRifNgczr8-00161-00102400-00103216 The demonetised notes flooded the market immediately at a heavy discount. Gresham's law played out in reality. eTRifNgczr8-00162-00103216-00103833 We see the negative implications of using this kind of restricted [credit]. eTRifNgczr8-00163-00103833-00104694 These were very popular in company towns of the Old West; they are still [used] in certain places where... eTRifNgczr8-00164-00104694-00105230 disadvantaged and disempowered workers live inside compounds. eTRifNgczr8-00165-00105230-00105952 For example, [resource extraction companies like] mining and oil. eTRifNgczr8-00166-00105952-00106700 The only credit they can spend is tokens that are issued by the company, spendable only at the company store, eTRifNgczr8-00167-00106700-00107024 to buy food and basic amenities. eTRifNgczr8-00168-00107024-00107926 These [credits] are used as a system of control. Not a good system, not a good outcome. eTRifNgczr8-00169-00107926-00108288 They are used to control people, for the most part. eTRifNgczr8-00170-00108288-00109238 So while I appreciate your approach to help people, the laws of economics will work against you in the end. eTRifNgczr8-00171-00109238-00109700 [These credits would] become a poor substitute for money. eTbcp-VCs2c-00000-00000014-00000148 â™Ș I'm kinda old, true. â™Ș eTbcp-VCs2c-00001-00000148-00000274 â™Ș My life's kind of boring, also true. â™Ș eTbcp-VCs2c-00002-00000274-00000544 â™Ș But I'll film it anyway, no one asked for this. â™Ș eTbcp-VCs2c-00003-00000544-00000758 â™Ș Hope you ready for it â™Ș eTbcp-VCs2c-00004-00000758-00001077 â™Ș Cause I'm vlogging til Christmas day. â™Ș eTbcp-VCs2c-00005-00001077-00001317 - Oh my God, please never let me do that again. eTbcp-VCs2c-00006-00001317-00001400 Hello everyone. eTbcp-VCs2c-00007-00001400-00001506 Good evening. eTbcp-VCs2c-00008-00001506-00001725 It's nighttime, we'll talk about that. eTbcp-VCs2c-00009-00001725-00001944 And welcome to Vlogmas number 12. eTbcp-VCs2c-00010-00001944-00002331 The final Vlogmas of 2022, I can't believe it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00011-00002331-00002592 We, first of all, it is so dark in here. eTbcp-VCs2c-00012-00002592-00002685 Okay, that's not much better. eTbcp-VCs2c-00013-00002685-00002802 It's literally 4:30, eTbcp-VCs2c-00014-00002802-00003111 you would think it was the middle of the night. eTbcp-VCs2c-00015-00003111-00003378 But we have had a little bit of a stressful, eTbcp-VCs2c-00016-00003378-00003675 like the vlog is late I meant to start it hours ago, eTbcp-VCs2c-00017-00003675-00003897 but we've been dealing with a situation eTbcp-VCs2c-00018-00003897-00004068 with our neighbors that aren't even in our building. eTbcp-VCs2c-00019-00004068-00004320 It's like another building and like an animal eTbcp-VCs2c-00020-00004320-00004518 and like I don't really wanna talk about it eTbcp-VCs2c-00021-00004518-00004899 but it was just like a really stressful last few hours. eTbcp-VCs2c-00022-00004899-00005244 But anyways, we are on the last day of Vlogmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00023-00005244-00005415 I almost didn't even make this vlog eTbcp-VCs2c-00024-00005415-00005664 and so I'm glad that we're doing it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00025-00005664-00005784 I just finished getting ready, eTbcp-VCs2c-00026-00005784-00005994 we're gonna look at some Christmas lights tonight. eTbcp-VCs2c-00027-00005994-00006145 We're gonna go like drive and look at some lights, eTbcp-VCs2c-00028-00006145-00006480 walk around a little bit, do some festive stuff. eTbcp-VCs2c-00029-00006480-00006612 It's actually been a few days eTbcp-VCs2c-00030-00006612-00006759 since I filmed the last Vlogmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00031-00006759-00007134 I have been so busy just trying to get things together eTbcp-VCs2c-00032-00007134-00007256 for going home for Christmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00033-00007256-00007554 I got my nails done, which was really nice. eTbcp-VCs2c-00034-00007554-00007745 I had a nice like self-care me day. eTbcp-VCs2c-00035-00007745-00007947 I had to take Layla back to the vet, eTbcp-VCs2c-00036-00007947-00008030 that was a whole thing. eTbcp-VCs2c-00037-00008030-00008247 We almost had to take her back again this morning eTbcp-VCs2c-00038-00008247-00008469 but she's doing fine right now. eTbcp-VCs2c-00039-00008469-00008646 We've been watching a lot of Christmas movies eTbcp-VCs2c-00040-00008646-00008736 trying to catch up. eTbcp-VCs2c-00041-00008736-00008994 We watched a really, really cute eTbcp-VCs2c-00042-00008994-00009183 Christmas movie on Amazon Prime eTbcp-VCs2c-00043-00009183-00009363 that actually my friend Margot eTbcp-VCs2c-00044-00009363-00009552 on Instagram recommended to me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00045-00009552-00009801 And it's a British movie that's called eTbcp-VCs2c-00046-00009801-00009951 Your Christmas or Mine eTbcp-VCs2c-00047-00009951-00010158 and it was really corny and really cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00048-00010158-00010413 It has the same actor Asa Butterfield eTbcp-VCs2c-00049-00010413-00010569 who is in Sex Education. eTbcp-VCs2c-00050-00010569-00010761 So if you like that show and you like him, eTbcp-VCs2c-00051-00010761-00010866 I think you would enjoy it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00052-00010866-00010959 I thought it was really cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00053-00010959-00011133 There was actually quite a few actors in that eTbcp-VCs2c-00054-00011133-00011295 that had been in other things that we had seen. eTbcp-VCs2c-00055-00011295-00011439 So definitely recommend that eTbcp-VCs2c-00056-00011439-00011601 if you wanna like add it to your list. eTbcp-VCs2c-00057-00011601-00011763 But yeah, here we are. eTbcp-VCs2c-00058-00011763-00012013 Got my hot red nails for Christmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00059-00012013-00012280 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00060-00014095-00014192 - We can go pick up our food. eTbcp-VCs2c-00061-00014192-00014322 - Oh, let's go. (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00062-00014322-00014516 And now it's time to do the very last eTbcp-VCs2c-00063-00014516-00014713 day of my advent calendar eTbcp-VCs2c-00064-00014713-00015156 that I absolutely flopped at during this Vlogmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00065-00015156-00015531 Like I feel like I did well in other ways during Vlogmas eTbcp-VCs2c-00066-00015531-00015813 but I did not keep up with this Advent calendar. eTbcp-VCs2c-00067-00015813-00016128 Drew ended up just like completely doing the rest of his eTbcp-VCs2c-00068-00016128-00016244 like he was over it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00069-00016244-00016419 So, okay, let me set you down eTbcp-VCs2c-00070-00016419-00016776 and we will open our last day of Advent eTbcp-VCs2c-00071-00016776-00016890 which actually is two of them eTbcp-VCs2c-00072-00016890-00017241 because it's number 12 and then it's also like a bonus gift. eTbcp-VCs2c-00073-00017241-00017367 I'm happy about that. eTbcp-VCs2c-00074-00017367-00017540 So, okay, number 12. eTbcp-VCs2c-00075-00017540-00017774 Oh it's like a perfume or something. eTbcp-VCs2c-00076-00017774-00017907 Oh my gosh, cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00077-00017907-00018033 Wait, but what is it? eTbcp-VCs2c-00078-00018033-00018171 It doesn't say. eTbcp-VCs2c-00079-00018258-00018444 What are you? Hello? eTbcp-VCs2c-00080-00018444-00018738 I don't know what it is but let's see what it smells like. eTbcp-VCs2c-00081-00018846-00018929 It smells really good. eTbcp-VCs2c-00082-00018929-00019191 It kind of smells like a Lush, like when you walk in Lush. eTbcp-VCs2c-00083-00019191-00019496 Okay, don't mind if I do, I'll do a little dabble. eTbcp-VCs2c-00084-00019496-00019602 Oh I just spilled it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00085-00019602-00019746 Okay, hold on I need to wash my hands. eTbcp-VCs2c-00086-00019746-00019857 It smells really, really good. eTbcp-VCs2c-00087-00019857-00020007 Do you know what it smells like? eTbcp-VCs2c-00088-00020007-00020244 It smells like either Chanel Chance eTbcp-VCs2c-00089-00020244-00020523 or Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, I can't tell the difference. eTbcp-VCs2c-00090-00020523-00020700 So it might actually be that eTbcp-VCs2c-00091-00020700-00020826 because I have wore Chanel Chance eTbcp-VCs2c-00092-00020826-00020982 like all through high school eTbcp-VCs2c-00093-00020982-00021246 and I'm pretty sure that's what this is. eTbcp-VCs2c-00094-00021246-00021375 It's very nostalgic. eTbcp-VCs2c-00095-00021375-00021804 But anyways, okay, now it's time for the bonus gift. eTbcp-VCs2c-00096-00021804-00021954 Here we go. eTbcp-VCs2c-00097-00022203-00022404 Oh. (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00098-00022404-00022903 It's $10 off your next $40 or more beauty purchase. eTbcp-VCs2c-00099-00022903-00022986 - [Drew] What a scam. eTbcp-VCs2c-00100-00022986-00023084 (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00101-00023084-00023167 - Okay, well. eTbcp-VCs2c-00102-00023167-00023332 - [Drew] Oh, it was a bonus gift, eTbcp-VCs2c-00103-00023332-00023421 not number 12. - Yeah that was the bonus. eTbcp-VCs2c-00104-00023421-00023669 Yeah, so anyways, okay there we have it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00105-00023669-00023838 Another year of advent. eTbcp-VCs2c-00106-00023838-00023934 Yeah, it's really cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00107-00023934-00024093 Another year of advent done. eTbcp-VCs2c-00108-00024093-00024414 Next year we will definitely do like a food one as well. eTbcp-VCs2c-00109-00024414-00024648 That one was like really fun to keep up with. eTbcp-VCs2c-00110-00024960-00025230 - I heated a doll. (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00111-00025230-00025398 - He's spilling my perfume everywhere. eTbcp-VCs2c-00112-00025398-00025610 We also did our like Christmas morning eTbcp-VCs2c-00113-00025610-00025802 together this morning. eTbcp-VCs2c-00114-00025802-00026124 We decided while we had some time just the two of us eTbcp-VCs2c-00115-00026124-00026277 we would just do it now instead of like eTbcp-VCs2c-00116-00026277-00026481 bringing all the presents with us back home, eTbcp-VCs2c-00117-00026481-00026604 you know in the car and stuff. eTbcp-VCs2c-00118-00026604-00026716 We were like, let's just open our presents eTbcp-VCs2c-00119-00026716-00026904 have our own little Christmas morning. eTbcp-VCs2c-00120-00026904-00027273 So the highlights of what Drew got me for Christmas eTbcp-VCs2c-00121-00027273-00027492 number one are these babies. eTbcp-VCs2c-00122-00027663-00027987 These are the cutest things I've ever seen. eTbcp-VCs2c-00123-00027987-00028378 He got me the pink Mini Uggs or the Ultra Mini eTbcp-VCs2c-00124-00028378-00028563 but they're so cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00125-00028563-00028761 I seriously can't wait to wear them, I'm so excited. eTbcp-VCs2c-00126-00028761-00029208 And then also both of us actually like hilariously eTbcp-VCs2c-00127-00029208-00029408 got each other Ugg slippers eTbcp-VCs2c-00128-00029408-00029619 and they were a flop on both of us. eTbcp-VCs2c-00129-00029619-00030066 So Drew got me the Tasman, I think they're called slippers eTbcp-VCs2c-00130-00030066-00030252 and they don't really fit my foot. eTbcp-VCs2c-00131-00030252-00030545 And like I also got him the same exact slippers eTbcp-VCs2c-00132-00030545-00030675 and they don't fit his foot either. eTbcp-VCs2c-00133-00030675-00030987 So you're literally like how cute are these? eTbcp-VCs2c-00134-00030987-00031254 But they are so tight at the top of my foot eTbcp-VCs2c-00135-00031254-00031530 like I literally can't wear them and then same for him. eTbcp-VCs2c-00136-00031530-00031932 I got him like the men's version, this one and they suck. eTbcp-VCs2c-00137-00031932-00032130 So those are both going back. eTbcp-VCs2c-00138-00032130-00032382 It was so funny like we were trying 'em on at the same time eTbcp-VCs2c-00139-00032382-00032667 and we were like, mm, I don't like 'em. eTbcp-VCs2c-00140-00032667-00032970 The tree is looking absolutely lovely and glorious tonight. eTbcp-VCs2c-00141-00032970-00033118 It actually smells so good eTbcp-VCs2c-00142-00033118-00033232 and I'm really proud of us eTbcp-VCs2c-00143-00033232-00033552 for actually keeping a tree alive for this long eTbcp-VCs2c-00144-00033552-00033783 because if you remember the last time we got a real tree eTbcp-VCs2c-00145-00033783-00033954 a few years ago it died. eTbcp-VCs2c-00146-00033954-00034173 So pretty proud of us for that. eTbcp-VCs2c-00147-00034173-00034293 So what we're gonna do now eTbcp-VCs2c-00148-00034293-00034533 is go drive to Beverly Hills eTbcp-VCs2c-00149-00034533-00034668 and then like take a walk around eTbcp-VCs2c-00150-00034668-00034836 cuz I think they have really cute lights eTbcp-VCs2c-00151-00034836-00034998 on Rodeo Drive and stuff. eTbcp-VCs2c-00152-00034998-00035148 So we're gonna like park, walk around eTbcp-VCs2c-00153-00035148-00035433 see some of the lights, maybe do a little bit of shopping. eTbcp-VCs2c-00154-00035433-00035589 I don't know, I mean depending eTbcp-VCs2c-00155-00035589-00035766 on what the lines situation is like.. eTbcp-VCs2c-00156-00035766-00035967 Not shopping on Rodeo Drive, oh my god. eTbcp-VCs2c-00157-00035967-00036257 Not to be confused but there's like Sephora over there eTbcp-VCs2c-00158-00036257-00036643 and like Starbucks and Lululemon and stuff like that. eTbcp-VCs2c-00159-00036643-00036765 But anyways, eTbcp-VCs2c-00160-00036765-00037131 and this one of Drew's Christmas presents that I got him. eTbcp-VCs2c-00161-00037131-00037269 Look at this cute sweatshirt. eTbcp-VCs2c-00162-00037269-00037459 He's a Penguins fan in case you were wondering. eTbcp-VCs2c-00163-00037459-00037917 Look at your cute outfit, you look adorable. eTbcp-VCs2c-00164-00038064-00038172 Work. eTbcp-VCs2c-00165-00038172-00038514 I think I'm actually going to wear these Converse eTbcp-VCs2c-00166-00038514-00038706 cuz they kind of like match my sweater. eTbcp-VCs2c-00167-00038706-00039051 Layla is back there, you know, doing her thing as per usual. eTbcp-VCs2c-00168-00039051-00039247 She was actually not feeling so good today. eTbcp-VCs2c-00169-00039247-00039561 Anyway, we'll talk another time maybe next year. eTbcp-VCs2c-00170-00039561-00039882 I'm so excited to have our last little festive day. eTbcp-VCs2c-00171-00039882-00040167 We actually did this when my dad was in town. eTbcp-VCs2c-00172-00040167-00040284 I didn't like film any of it eTbcp-VCs2c-00173-00040284-00040479 so I thought it would be fun to go back again eTbcp-VCs2c-00174-00040479-00040698 and just have a little festive evening. eTbcp-VCs2c-00175-00040698-00040878 And then we actually had to come home eTbcp-VCs2c-00176-00040878-00041210 and pack and wrap a couple more presents you said? eTbcp-VCs2c-00177-00041210-00041422 - [Drew] Yeah I just to get.. Is this Chanel perfume? eTbcp-VCs2c-00178-00041422-00041505 - Yeah. eTbcp-VCs2c-00179-00041505-00041679 - [Drew] My grandma used to wear Chanel. eTbcp-VCs2c-00180-00041826-00041982 - Let's go see some lights. eTbcp-VCs2c-00181-00041982-00042336 Don't mind Layla in my outfit of the day or night. eTbcp-VCs2c-00182-00042336-00042564 I got this sweater on Thread Up, eTbcp-VCs2c-00183-00042564-00042741 I don't actually think I've worn it yet. eTbcp-VCs2c-00184-00042741-00043099 And then I got these little like flare split leggings eTbcp-VCs2c-00185-00043099-00043497 from Abercrombie last year and I've never worn them either. eTbcp-VCs2c-00186-00043497-00043791 I have my cute little choker on from Missouri eTbcp-VCs2c-00187-00043791-00044048 and I think these earrings are from there as well. eTbcp-VCs2c-00188-00044048-00044215 My glasses actually are real eTbcp-VCs2c-00189-00044215-00044469 and they're gonna help me see the lights a lot better. eTbcp-VCs2c-00190-00044469-00044784 And then I'm wearing my mustard high top Converse. eTbcp-VCs2c-00191-00044784-00044943 Okay, now let's go. eTbcp-VCs2c-00192-00044943-00045260 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00193-00045260-00045343 - Santa! eTbcp-VCs2c-00194-00045465-00045608 Oh my god. eTbcp-VCs2c-00195-00045608-00045875 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00196-00046866-00047169 - Woo, it's a little heart. eTbcp-VCs2c-00197-00047289-00047425 Awe. eTbcp-VCs2c-00198-00047425-00047691 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00199-00048423-00048724 Oh, look what we just happened to stumble upon eTbcp-VCs2c-00200-00048813-00049104 time for me to shop for myself. eTbcp-VCs2c-00201-00049104-00049434 And how very fitting, look at the street name. eTbcp-VCs2c-00202-00049434-00049701 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00203-00051279-00051680 Okay, this is kind of niche, but who remembers Kitson? eTbcp-VCs2c-00204-00051680-00051819 Like from the early two thousands. eTbcp-VCs2c-00205-00051819-00051992 I think I've mentioned this in a vlog before eTbcp-VCs2c-00206-00051992-00052189 but like I feel like this was the spot eTbcp-VCs2c-00207-00052189-00052494 where you would always see like Paris Hilton shopping eTbcp-VCs2c-00208-00052494-00052742 or Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan or something. eTbcp-VCs2c-00209-00052742-00052892 So it's just really funny. eTbcp-VCs2c-00210-00052892-00053054 It's still alive and thriving. eTbcp-VCs2c-00211-00053054-00053279 Maybe I'll go in there someday but eTbcp-VCs2c-00212-00053279-00053495 my imposter syndrome will not let me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00213-00053495-00053761 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00214-00054791-00055125 Secured the bag, got two of my favorite decaf pods. eTbcp-VCs2c-00215-00055125-00055260 Oh yeah, let's cut across. eTbcp-VCs2c-00216-00055260-00055760 That was the fanciest coffee shop situation I have ever. eTbcp-VCs2c-00217-00055776-00056019 They literally have like a coffee bar in there eTbcp-VCs2c-00218-00056019-00056141 and it felt so fancy. eTbcp-VCs2c-00219-00056141-00056301 You have to like wait to be helped. eTbcp-VCs2c-00220-00056301-00056547 I thought I was just gonna go on in and grab like. eTbcp-VCs2c-00221-00056547-00056729 - [Drew] It's almost like how Apple is. eTbcp-VCs2c-00222-00056729-00056871 - Yeah, like it's like an Apple store eTbcp-VCs2c-00223-00056871-00057135 which I've never been in an espresso store before eTbcp-VCs2c-00224-00057135-00057305 except actually like one in England. eTbcp-VCs2c-00225-00057305-00057558 But I didn't go inside Jasmine and Alexa did. eTbcp-VCs2c-00226-00057558-00057753 So I just felt like so confused. eTbcp-VCs2c-00227-00057753-00057966 But yeah, got my decaf pods. eTbcp-VCs2c-00228-00057966-00058149 She was like "Should I recommend The Boost, eTbcp-VCs2c-00229-00058149-00058245 that has extra caffeine?" eTbcp-VCs2c-00230-00058245-00058398 And I was like, "Oh no sorry I'm looking for a decaf." eTbcp-VCs2c-00231-00058398-00058489 She was like, "Oh." eTbcp-VCs2c-00232-00058489-00058615 (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00233-00058615-00058882 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00234-00060974-00061209 The first time I walked past this I thought it said Panera eTbcp-VCs2c-00235-00061209-00061481 and I got really excited but it's not Panera. eTbcp-VCs2c-00236-00061481-00061748 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00237-00062274-00062661 Ah, it's so Christmas-y, I'm so happy. eTbcp-VCs2c-00238-00062772-00063039 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00239-00063316-00063558 (jazz music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00240-00063786-00064053 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00241-00064485-00064926 Imagine if all of these up here were actually apartments, eTbcp-VCs2c-00242-00064926-00065009 I would die. eTbcp-VCs2c-00243-00065105-00065229 I love it so much. eTbcp-VCs2c-00244-00065229-00065370 I wanna live here. eTbcp-VCs2c-00245-00065370-00065685 I feel like these steps by Tiffany's are very iconic. eTbcp-VCs2c-00246-00065685-00066009 We always see when we drive by, if we're in the area, eTbcp-VCs2c-00247-00066009-00066285 we see like film crews here a lot and stuff. eTbcp-VCs2c-00248-00066285-00066555 And right in front is this beautiful hotel eTbcp-VCs2c-00249-00066555-00066705 with a Christmas tree. eTbcp-VCs2c-00250-00066705-00066805 I love it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00251-00066805-00067071 ( upbeat music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00252-00067367-00067665 - [Drew] Look at him. - So cute, I love him. eTbcp-VCs2c-00253-00067665-00067959 Okay, we are home from our little festive adventure. eTbcp-VCs2c-00254-00067959-00068043 That was so fun. eTbcp-VCs2c-00255-00068043-00068226 It's actually only like 6:15 right now eTbcp-VCs2c-00256-00068226-00068490 so it's still very early, which is good eTbcp-VCs2c-00257-00068490-00068664 cuz we need to like fold our laundry, eTbcp-VCs2c-00258-00068664-00068748 put some laundry away eTbcp-VCs2c-00259-00068748-00068961 and then also pack, yeah. - [Drew] Pack, what. eTbcp-VCs2c-00260-00068961-00069189 - We have some more Christmas presents to wrap. eTbcp-VCs2c-00261-00069189-00069272 We have a lot to do. eTbcp-VCs2c-00262-00069272-00069426 But I thought in the meantime eTbcp-VCs2c-00263-00069426-00069573 while Drew is ordering us food, eTbcp-VCs2c-00264-00069573-00069802 because we are trash as usual, eTbcp-VCs2c-00265-00069802-00070107 we don't really have any groceries we have like frozen meat eTbcp-VCs2c-00266-00070107-00070383 and we don't wanna thaw anything so we're ordering food. eTbcp-VCs2c-00267-00070383-00070500 So quick Sephora hall, eTbcp-VCs2c-00268-00070500-00070713 I literally got two things, three things. eTbcp-VCs2c-00269-00070713-00070923 First thing, I'm gonna take this with me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00270-00070923-00071277 This is the Santro Pay one hour Advance Tan, eTbcp-VCs2c-00271-00071277-00071376 it's like the dark one eTbcp-VCs2c-00272-00071376-00071640 And I like the ones that you don't have to leave on as long eTbcp-VCs2c-00273-00071640-00071748 and I thought this would be like nice eTbcp-VCs2c-00274-00071748-00071925 travel friendly version. eTbcp-VCs2c-00275-00071925-00072054 And I also got a new mit eTbcp-VCs2c-00276-00072054-00072216 because the other mit that I have eTbcp-VCs2c-00277-00072216-00072354 is getting a little crusty. eTbcp-VCs2c-00278-00072354-00072537 So I got the St. Tropez mit. eTbcp-VCs2c-00279-00072537-00072681 And then I saw this at checkout, eTbcp-VCs2c-00280-00072681-00072846 because if you go to Sephora you know, eTbcp-VCs2c-00281-00072846-00072990 actually Drew pointed this out. eTbcp-VCs2c-00282-00072990-00073263 The checkout will get you with all the cute little things eTbcp-VCs2c-00283-00073263-00073653 and this five or I don't know how many dollars eTbcp-VCs2c-00284-00073653-00073892 hand sanitizer just really intrigued me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00285-00073892-00074206 It's like a really thin mist hand sanitizer. eTbcp-VCs2c-00286-00074206-00074328 - [Drew] Mist me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00287-00074328-00074411 - Okay, you wanna try it? - [Drew] No. eTbcp-VCs2c-00288-00074411-00074759 And this is the rainwater scent by Touchland eTbcp-VCs2c-00289-00074759-00074901 and like look how sleek it is. eTbcp-VCs2c-00290-00074901-00075081 It can just fit right in your purse. eTbcp-VCs2c-00291-00075168-00075306 - Oh. eTbcp-VCs2c-00292-00075306-00075417 - Oh, it smells really good. eTbcp-VCs2c-00293-00075417-00075599 - Yeah, it's like okay, more. eTbcp-VCs2c-00294-00075807-00075933 - Cute. eTbcp-VCs2c-00295-00075933-00076016 - Cool. eTbcp-VCs2c-00296-00076016-00076119 - But it'll fit great in my purse. eTbcp-VCs2c-00297-00076119-00076479 So there's my Sephora hall, our food is almost here eTbcp-VCs2c-00298-00076479-00076816 and it is about that time we have waited long enough eTbcp-VCs2c-00299-00076816-00077115 and it is time to watch the best Christmas movie, eTbcp-VCs2c-00300-00077115-00077475 well my top three Christmas movies of all time, eTbcp-VCs2c-00301-00077475-00077647 which is The Holiday. eTbcp-VCs2c-00302-00077647-00077793 Ah, I can't wait. eTbcp-VCs2c-00303-00077793-00077903 Well come on then. eTbcp-VCs2c-00304-00077903-00078198 You're not usually allowed to do this but it's Christmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00305-00078198-00078281 Come on. eTbcp-VCs2c-00306-00078405-00078496 This is very cheeky. eTbcp-VCs2c-00307-00078496-00078858 We do not recommend this, but she didn't feel good today. eTbcp-VCs2c-00308-00079104-00079229 Look, we were just there. eTbcp-VCs2c-00309-00079668-00079935 (festive music) eTbcp-VCs2c-00310-00081209-00081392 Awe, I love him. eTbcp-VCs2c-00311-00082041-00082422 Alright everybody, this lighting is ass, I'm so sorry. eTbcp-VCs2c-00312-00082422-00082698 I can't believe it, we're at the end of Vlogmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00313-00082698-00082854 This vlog isn't super long eTbcp-VCs2c-00314-00082854-00083259 but it's time to wrap it up. eTbcp-VCs2c-00315-00083259-00083424 We have so much packing to do. eTbcp-VCs2c-00316-00083424-00083586 We have to get ready to head out. eTbcp-VCs2c-00317-00083586-00083748 We're actually renting a minivan. eTbcp-VCs2c-00318-00083748-00083841 I think I mentioned this eTbcp-VCs2c-00319-00083841-00083961 but we're renting a minivan eTbcp-VCs2c-00320-00083961-00084129 to drive back to Arizona for Layla eTbcp-VCs2c-00321-00084129-00084252 cuz it's like lower to the ground eTbcp-VCs2c-00322-00084252-00084396 easier for her to get in and out of eTbcp-VCs2c-00323-00084396-00084552 and then she can like sprawl out. eTbcp-VCs2c-00324-00084552-00084690 We're gonna bring like her big bed eTbcp-VCs2c-00325-00084690-00084876 and she's just gonna like sprawl out the entire time. eTbcp-VCs2c-00326-00084876-00085050 So anyways, we have a lot to do tomorrow eTbcp-VCs2c-00327-00085050-00085314 and it's kind of like the last day of school vibes. eTbcp-VCs2c-00328-00085314-00085530 You know, I'm just, I'm cutin out early eTbcp-VCs2c-00329-00085530-00085812 but I appreciate you so much. eTbcp-VCs2c-00330-00085812-00086148 If you watched one Vlogmas, if you watched all of them, eTbcp-VCs2c-00331-00086148-00086442 if you've watched years past, it means so much to me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00332-00086442-00086670 I've had so, so much fun eTbcp-VCs2c-00333-00086670-00086838 spending the month of December with you eTbcp-VCs2c-00334-00086838-00087096 and we've done everything from like getting the tree eTbcp-VCs2c-00335-00087096-00087369 to showing my dad around LA to going to Disneyland, eTbcp-VCs2c-00336-00087369-00087729 to seeing Christmas lights, like so many fun things. eTbcp-VCs2c-00337-00087729-00087891 Christmas shopping, you know, eTbcp-VCs2c-00338-00087891-00088185 I've just enjoyed it so so much and it's been so much fun. eTbcp-VCs2c-00339-00088185-00088536 I'll be curious to see what my Vlogmas situation eTbcp-VCs2c-00340-00088536-00088707 will look like next year. eTbcp-VCs2c-00341-00088707-00089079 But yeah, I'm just sending a huge thank you to all of you eTbcp-VCs2c-00342-00089079-00089257 who have left really wonderful comments eTbcp-VCs2c-00343-00089257-00089610 and have been here every other day until Christmas. eTbcp-VCs2c-00344-00089610-00089778 I'm gonna take like the rest of the month eTbcp-VCs2c-00345-00089778-00089990 and just spend time with like my friends and my family eTbcp-VCs2c-00346-00089990-00090195 and enjoy my time back home. eTbcp-VCs2c-00347-00090195-00090300 Enjoy my birthday. eTbcp-VCs2c-00348-00090300-00090672 My birthday is on December 27th, so gonna enjoy that eTbcp-VCs2c-00349-00090672-00090930 and just take some, take some time. eTbcp-VCs2c-00350-00090930-00091073 I need a break, I need to reset. eTbcp-VCs2c-00351-00091073-00091287 I'm filled with so much gratitude for all of you eTbcp-VCs2c-00352-00091287-00091383 and you mean the world to me. eTbcp-VCs2c-00353-00091383-00091692 So that's gonna do it for Vlogmas 2022. eTbcp-VCs2c-00354-00091692-00091995 I literally can't believe that we've gotten here. eTbcp-VCs2c-00355-00091995-00092250 Like it just, it came and went in a flash. eTbcp-VCs2c-00356-00092250-00092400 I literally feel like it was like eTbcp-VCs2c-00357-00092400-00092565 Vlogmas day two the other day. eTbcp-VCs2c-00358-00092565-00092728 Do you have anything you'd like to add? eTbcp-VCs2c-00359-00092728-00093012 - [Drew] Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. eTbcp-VCs2c-00360-00093012-00093095 - Love it. eTbcp-VCs2c-00361-00093095-00093252 - [Drew] Happy New Year. eTbcp-VCs2c-00362-00093252-00093350 - You heard the man. eTbcp-VCs2c-00363-00093350-00093436 - [Drew] Safe out there. eTbcp-VCs2c-00364-00093436-00093897 - He goes stay safe out there, not the finger guns. eTbcp-VCs2c-00365-00093897-00093999 (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00366-00093999-00094248 Layla and Moo send you all of their love eTbcp-VCs2c-00367-00094248-00094464 and we'll see you in 2023. eTbcp-VCs2c-00368-00094464-00094698 Literally crazy. eTbcp-VCs2c-00369-00094698-00094803 See you then. eTbcp-VCs2c-00370-00094803-00095082 Bye, Merry Christmas, Happy holiday. eTbcp-VCs2c-00371-00095082-00095181 Give him one more bye. eTbcp-VCs2c-00372-00095181-00095264 - Bye. eTbcp-VCs2c-00373-00095376-00095459 - Do that. eTbcp-VCs2c-00374-00095459-00095667 (laughing) eTbcp-VCs2c-00375-00095667-00095767 - Bye eTbcp-VCs2c-00376-00095767-00096033 (festive music) eUGBLByiGZo-00000-00002792-00002984 guys ready to go outside eUGBLByiGZo-00001-00003279-00003752 hi guys this is ranger rob from ranger rob country living with sherry hello i put her eUGBLByiGZo-00002-00003752-00004216 in the back so you can see here so today we have people picking up some of the equipment i told you eUGBLByiGZo-00003-00004312-00005944 from the family so they've been loading their track while their trailer and there it all is eUGBLByiGZo-00004-00006720-00007376 so is it three lavs and uh a bunch of the supporting equipment so yeah eUGBLByiGZo-00005-00007456-00007752 but it makes our garage a little bit thinner eUGBLByiGZo-00006-00007992-00008400 but in the meantime it's time for what check your garage eUGBLByiGZo-00007-00008760-00009304 doesn't get to see the house siding so now when we look at it we see that green trim on eUGBLByiGZo-00008-00009304-00009792 the top which we want to paint white it's going to drive us crazy till we actually get that painted eUGBLByiGZo-00009-00009872-00010056 because it doesn't really match very well does it eUGBLByiGZo-00010-00010352-00010576 so we're not quite done with the sighting in the house yet eUGBLByiGZo-00011-00010696-00011080 but in the meantime there's the girls in the corner waiting for us eUGBLByiGZo-00012-00011360-00011848 you think they'll give us 12 eggs today no you never know eUGBLByiGZo-00013-00012144-00012912 there's a question for you guys can the chicken lay more than one eggs egg in a 24-hour eUGBLByiGZo-00014-00012912-00013584 period there's some trivia all right it's chicken egg time eUGBLByiGZo-00015-00013863-00014184 one there hope there's a chicken eUGBLByiGZo-00016-00014512-00015584 one she's probably sitting on a mess of them hey girlfriend give up your eggs give them up eUGBLByiGZo-00017-00015928-00016200 yes she was herding eggs aren't you eUGBLByiGZo-00018-00016656-00017416 there's a lot of eggs there yesterday that's it you can sit here she's gonna add to it eUGBLByiGZo-00019-00017696-00018104 so we're up to three eggs all right check the other side here eUGBLByiGZo-00020-00018320-00018408 there's the dorks eUGBLByiGZo-00021-00018792-00019256 nothing nothing what it's a little early yet that's warm eUGBLByiGZo-00022-00019464-00019784 only four eggs eUGBLByiGZo-00023-00020336-00021048 gonna refill them a little bit and give them water so once again we always bring hand water out here eUGBLByiGZo-00024-00021120-00021592 because it freezes well the chickens are all fed a little chintzy on the eggs today eUGBLByiGZo-00025-00021808-00022712 oh great day isn't it yeah and uh food and water and we got family here loading that trailer eUGBLByiGZo-00026-00022840-00023392 and uh sure your mom's coming i'm gonna go get mom for breakfast so we have sherry's eUGBLByiGZo-00027-00023392-00024136 mom come from the assisted living to have breakfast with sherry and her sister is here eUGBLByiGZo-00028-00024256-00024960 and there her kids are picking up some of this equipment that they're actually buying eUGBLByiGZo-00029-00024960-00025400 and then donating funds to their grandma but they're getting a eUGBLByiGZo-00030-00025400-00025888 good deal on it but same time it helps grandma and it helps us get some room eUGBLByiGZo-00031-00026152-00026783 so uh we got a busy morning i know this is the unusual place for me to do video but eUGBLByiGZo-00032-00026864-00027656 this mattress has take taken about four months for us to get exchanged we have a warranty on it eUGBLByiGZo-00033-00027656-00028256 it was damaged when we moved here the old one and there was a warranty to replace it by the eUGBLByiGZo-00034-00028256-00028888 time we went through all the red tape we just got it today but you know guys what i got to eUGBLByiGZo-00035-00028888-00029583 tell you what's driving me crazy lately is uh everything breaks so we go to open this door eUGBLByiGZo-00036-00029648-00030183 and probably because of our contractors this this screen door falls out eUGBLByiGZo-00037-00030304-00031168 so i've got everything falling apart my gate's broken again my pond pump has burned out my door eUGBLByiGZo-00038-00031168-00031927 now needs replaced everything's a mud hole because of the contractors in the snow and so it's been eUGBLByiGZo-00039-00031927-00032888 a very frustrating couple of days so guys with that note um our company's gone so at least uh eUGBLByiGZo-00040-00032976-00033600 it's a little calmer but anyway it's just been a heck of a week so anyway i want to thank you very eUGBLByiGZo-00041-00033600-00034176 much for watching stay tuned as we get everything fixed we got to go to the store and get some eUGBLByiGZo-00042-00034312-00035112 electrical fixtures for the house and a bunch of stuff so crazy crazy crazy but uh anyway guys eUGBLByiGZo-00043-00035112-00035552 please like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world we'd appreciate it eUGBLByiGZo-00044-00035616-00036256 and uh have a great day everyone bye our videos are made possible by ranger rob eUGBLByiGZo-00045-00036256-00036584 poopybags available at amazon right now eUGBLByiGZo-00046-00036800-00037176 thank you very much for watching our video please take the time to like eUGBLByiGZo-00047-00037176-00037640 subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world eUGBLByiGZo-00048-00037640-00037984 thanks eUGBLByiGZo-00049-00038792-00038800 you eXlhW_L1pLo-00000-00003885-00004366 We're going to fly from Salt Lake City to DFW -- eXlhW_L1pLo-00001-00004366-00004996 That's Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas. eXlhW_L1pLo-00002-00004996-00005439 That's for our vacation with his family. eXlhW_L1pLo-00003-00005439-00005842 Once we land in DFW, we will rent a car, eXlhW_L1pLo-00004-00005842-00006551 the family will join a road trip to Port Aransas, Texas. eXlhW_L1pLo-00005-00006551-00007036 It's in south Texas, right by Gulf of Mexico. eXlhW_L1pLo-00006-00007036-00007436 You know a big city, Corpus Christi... eXlhW_L1pLo-00007-00007436-00007701 it's right near there. eXlhW_L1pLo-00008-00007701-00008071 There's a beach where we could relax. eXlhW_L1pLo-00009-00008071-00008388 We're grabbing an avantage of our good vacation together. eXlhW_L1pLo-00010-00008388-00008648 I'm excited! eXlhW_L1pLo-00011-00008648-00008972 You gotta keep travelling! eXlhW_L1pLo-00012-00008972-00009099 All right! eXlhW_L1pLo-00013-00009099-00009314 And you stay safe as well. eXlhW_L1pLo-00014-00011820-00012056 We have finally arrived in Texas! eXlhW_L1pLo-00015-00012056-00012305 Dallas slash Fort Worth! eXlhW_L1pLo-00016-00012305-00012620 First, we're going to Fort Worth and chill, eXlhW_L1pLo-00017-00012620-00012868 then we go to the beach tomorrow! eXlhW_L1pLo-00018-00012868-00013042 I'm excited -- Oh you know what. eXlhW_L1pLo-00019-00013042-00013357 When we came from Salt Lake City, eXlhW_L1pLo-00020-00013357-00013648 the weather there was sunny and the temperature was comfortable. eXlhW_L1pLo-00021-00013648-00013896 Until we landed in Texas, eXlhW_L1pLo-00022-00013896-00014166 as soon as we got out of the building, eXlhW_L1pLo-00023-00014166-00014480 the heat slammed in our face. eXlhW_L1pLo-00024-00014480-00014685 We're sweating... It's fucking hot here. eXlhW_L1pLo-00025-00014685-00015307 September 1st is considerably summer here in the south. eXlhW_L1pLo-00026-00017275-00017646 [CAR'S ENGINE RUNNING] eXlhW_L1pLo-00027-00018065-00018434 We're riding all the way to the south of Texas eXlhW_L1pLo-00028-00018434-00018812 on the way to Port Aransas. eXlhW_L1pLo-00029-00023211-00023431 Now, we're on a ferry. eZXCXgKY0fI-00000-00000072-00000736 This is moderate relief, colorless, wollastonite that co-exists with high relief green eZXCXgKY0fI-00001-00000736-00001312 clinopyroxene. Wollastonite is a pyroxenoid. It has a structure similar to pyroxenes, eZXCXgKY0fI-00002-00001312-00001944 so it has the same kind of cleavages. Actually has rather similar interference colors as well. eZXCXgKY0fI-00003-00001944-00002984 It does have a little bit lower relief, though. eZXCXgKY0fI-00004-00003112-00003592 More wollastonite. There's a garnet around the outside. When I cross the polars, you'll see that eZXCXgKY0fI-00005-00003592-00004088 one of these crystals (high relief crystals) goes black. This is just a couple more eZXCXgKY0fI-00006-00004088-00005784 crystals of wollastonite showing different interference colors depending on the orientation eZXCXgKY0fI-00007-00006168-00006592 And this is an end section of wollastonite. Wollastonite is very fibrous. It's an eZXCXgKY0fI-00008-00006664-00007231 asbestiform mineral, and it does not polish well in end section. eZXCXgKY0fI-00009-00007320-00007768 So that's another way that you can tell wollastonite – is if you have these end eZXCXgKY0fI-00010-00007768-00008256 sections that look really awful. That's why there's so much epoxy in this image as eZXCXgKY0fI-00011-00008256-00009136 well – it's because a lot of the wollastonite got plucked out making the thin section eaqurtUKBSU-00000-00002338-00002949 what matters now is being open to new ways of working to collaborations with eaqurtUKBSU-00001-00002950-00003458 different people and opinions that might be different from yours eaqurtUKBSU-00002-00003700-00003897 what matters now is eaqurtUKBSU-00003-00003897-00004228 people and taking care of each other through all of this eaqurtUKBSU-00004-00004486-00004684 what matters now is listening eaqurtUKBSU-00005-00004684-00005034 listen to your communities learn about their needs fears and hopes eaqurtUKBSU-00006-00005034-00005496 don't assume you know all the solutions we need to remember this crisis in all eaqurtUKBSU-00007-00005496-00005908 its pain and moments of solidarity in order to grow in the future eaqurtUKBSU-00008-00006160-00006402 so what matters now eaqurtUKBSU-00009-00006528-00006986 that when we come out of all of this that we're better than when we went in eaqurtUKBSU-00010-00007218-00007668 what matters now to me is access to information eaqurtUKBSU-00011-00007668-00008246 and in this type of pandemic the cultural heritage institutions which are one of the largest stakeholders eaqurtUKBSU-00012-00008246-00008702 of information can take a step ahead and being inclusive to share their eaqurtUKBSU-00013-00008702-00009166 resources and empowering the underrepresented knowledge eaqurtUKBSU-00014-00009518-00009692 what matters now eaqurtUKBSU-00015-00009754-00010250 have a hammer and something to swing it against eefqLjTJ5xU-00000-00000488-00001336 My name is Pierre Risch and my role on the movie was pipeline technical director. eefqLjTJ5xU-00001-00001544-00002171 My job is to develop tools on software, on workflows eefqLjTJ5xU-00002-00002171-00002923 for the artists to work on the on the movie ; Makebetter images, optimize their work... eefqLjTJ5xU-00003-00002984-00003537 I've been in the industry for five years starting outas an artist. eefqLjTJ5xU-00004-00003537-00003975 And I've been at Mikros Animation for three years now. eefqLjTJ5xU-00005-00003975-00004434 And now I'm more into pipelinestuff. eefqLjTJ5xU-00006-00004434-00004824 My best memory on the project, eefqLjTJ5xU-00007-00004848-00005488 was basically at the end of the project, that went well and we had a good relationship eefqLjTJ5xU-00008-00005488-00005879 with Matte Painting supervisor, artist and comp supervisor. eefqLjTJ5xU-00009-00005879-00006161 The whole mood was super super cool! eefqLjTJ5xU-00010-00006257-00006616 SomethingI was proud of during the project, eefqLjTJ5xU-00011-00006616-00007168 was making aworkflow for references. We developed a referencesystem eefqLjTJ5xU-00012-00007168-00007850 that helps artists organizing things better in their work, so that was pretty fun. eefqLjTJ5xU-00013-00007880-00008584 If i were a character of Paw Patrol, I'd definitely be Rubble, because I break stuff. eefqLjTJ5xU-00014-00008584-00009147 I break stuff in the pipeline usually every month but that's partof the job and I have to repair it. eefqLjTJ5xU-00015-00009147-00009224 So that's fun! ejCKMz8tf24-00000-00000419-00000795 This is the Aft Wet Lab. ejCKMz8tf24-00001-00000977-00001485 Here we have our freezers and refrigerators. ejCKMz8tf24-00002-00001552-00001903 This is a fridge with a freezer. ejCKMz8tf24-00003-00001931-00002152 And this is a chest freezer. ejCKMz8tf24-00004-00002236-00002461 For sample storage. ejCKMz8tf24-00005-00002519-00002913 Here there's another freezer for sample storage. ejCKMz8tf24-00006-00002977-00003235 Some tables and workbenches. ejCKMz8tf24-00007-00003419-00003526 A sink. ejCKMz8tf24-00008-00003526-00003910 Two sinks actually. Also some equipment. ejCKMz8tf24-00009-00004185-00004353 A computer. ejCKMz8tf24-00010-00004443-00004654 More workbenches. ejCKMz8tf24-00011-00004676-00004851 Life jackets. ejCKMz8tf24-00012-00005001-00005585 And here's the Dry Lab. ejCKMz8tf24-00013-00005819-00006285 With several more workbenches. ejCKMz8tf24-00014-00006319-00006519 In the back, we have a few boxes. ejCKMz8tf24-00015-00006519-00007276 They are tied, so they don't get thrown around during the trip. ejCKMz8tf24-00016-00007276-00007545 Especially when the ship is sailing. ejCKMz8tf24-00017-00007552-00007818 The chairs are all tied down as well. ejCKMz8tf24-00018-00007819-00008535 All the furniture are tied down to avoid them getting tossed around when the ship is sailing. ejCKMz8tf24-00019-00008660-00008927 Another freezer over there. ejCKMz8tf24-00020-00008927-00009410 And another fridge with a freezer for sample storage. ejCKMz8tf24-00021-00010535-00010718 The drawers are very practical. ejCKMz8tf24-00022-00010718-00011618 As you can see, they have no knobs to avoid accidents. ejCKMz8tf24-00023-00011669-00011960 But if you press the button, the knob comes out. ejCKMz8tf24-00024-00012044-00012935 And heres there's a lock, so the drawer won't open inadvertently. ejCKMz8tf24-00025-00012943-00013360 Very practical and efficient to avoid accidents. ejCKMz8tf24-00026-00013378-00013468 So that's it. ejCKMz8tf24-00027-00013468-00014343 This was our lab to make research while we are in Antarctica. ejCKMz8tf24-00028-00014419-00014668 The one that's speaking right now is the Talk-Back System. ejCKMz8tf24-00029-00014918-00015918 It usually announces on the speakers what are the ship orders. ejCKMz8tf24-00030-00015918-00016618 We are called to meals and meetings through the speakers. ejCKMz8tf24-00031-00016618-00017035 Talk-Back System is a navy jargon. ekNteyiOPyU-00000-00000042-00000906 hello hello Queens this is Kenisha with currency Queen budgets and as you can see by the title we ekNteyiOPyU-00001-00000906-00001518 will be cash stuffing our savings challenges if that is something that you're interested in return ekNteyiOPyU-00002-00002480-00002580 [Music] ekNteyiOPyU-00003-00002580-00003180 all right we gonna get straight into it I hope you all are having a great week ekNteyiOPyU-00004-00003311-00004134 um I am it's been awesome around my parts here um let's see what we have ekNteyiOPyU-00005-00004554-00004644 under here ekNteyiOPyU-00006-00004878-00005502 I think I have like 112. I don't think I added anything extra in here so ekNteyiOPyU-00007-00005940-00006306 um so we will get started I just like the way they look look ekNteyiOPyU-00008-00006402-00007002 okay let me not get into that so I have 20 30 40 50 60. ekNteyiOPyU-00009-00007223-00007816 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 [Music] ekNteyiOPyU-00010-00007926-00008586 97.99 103 no 101 103. ekNteyiOPyU-00011-00009000-00009504 four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve ekNteyiOPyU-00012-00009870-00010362 yes that's 112. what is come from ekNteyiOPyU-00013-00010740-00010800 what is this ekNteyiOPyU-00014-00011172-00011526 oh I know what I did I changed out ekNteyiOPyU-00015-00011664-00012336 I think I changed out of 20. no this was the money that came out of my um ekNteyiOPyU-00016-00012570-00012714 my um ekNteyiOPyU-00017-00013019-00013734 my credit card when I went to pay my bill I took out all of this and I think I put a 20 in there ekNteyiOPyU-00018-00013806-00015162 however much this is so this is 5 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ekNteyiOPyU-00019-00015162-00015828 29 30 31 32. okay yeah that's what I did I took this out and put it in here since ekNteyiOPyU-00020-00015828-00016824 it was already small bills and I put 35 in there so how much did I say it was 32 ekNteyiOPyU-00021-00017088-00017400 I think I said 32. what'd I say y'all ekNteyiOPyU-00022-00017742-00017850 was it 32 ekNteyiOPyU-00023-00018278-00018834 . I think I said 32. oh but that gives us extra money ekNteyiOPyU-00024-00018990-00019770 the first thing I am going to start with is my December savings challenge ekNteyiOPyU-00025-00020106-00020292 oh on our way back there ekNteyiOPyU-00026-00020814-00020928 we are ekNteyiOPyU-00027-00021612-00022326 and you guys know these can be found on my Etsy store the link will definitely be in ekNteyiOPyU-00028-00022326-00023220 the description [Music] um so I have six six two four six here to color so I think I want to do ekNteyiOPyU-00029-00023400-00024462 let's do these so the stocking is 30 I'm going to do uh 10. 20 ekNteyiOPyU-00030-00024774-00024936 25 and 30. ekNteyiOPyU-00031-00025194-00025272 that was easy ekNteyiOPyU-00032-00025776-00025866 let's see ekNteyiOPyU-00033-00026112-00026316 let's go with um ekNteyiOPyU-00034-00026730-00026970 because I can do a purple and pink let's see ekNteyiOPyU-00035-00028172-00028272 [Music] ekNteyiOPyU-00036-00028272-00028938 okay so we got that colored in and then I'm going to do my gingerbread man and he is worth ekNteyiOPyU-00037-00028938-00030233 37 dollars 37 because I Got 5 10 15 20 25 35 36 and 37. I really don't want to color him brown but ekNteyiOPyU-00038-00030233-00031110 I guess I have to a dark bra anyway but let's get into let me see I don't have enough five one two ekNteyiOPyU-00039-00031110-00032436 three four five I probably do one two three four five I do I do I do I do [Music] and then a 10. ekNteyiOPyU-00040-00032664-00032814 and two ones ekNteyiOPyU-00041-00033996-00034056 oh yeah ekNteyiOPyU-00042-00035586-00035934 I'm just throwing this money around like I have all the money in the world ekNteyiOPyU-00043-00036174-00036198 foreign ekNteyiOPyU-00044-00036984-00037416 let me do this this brown ekNteyiOPyU-00045-00039068-00039168 [Music] ekNteyiOPyU-00046-00039168-00039822 okay so I got him filled in well I made him a boy because I put a blue blue ball on them but ekNteyiOPyU-00047-00039822-00040392 y'all guess what I just remembered um while I was coloring that extra money that I had remember in ekNteyiOPyU-00048-00040392-00041166 my last video I had forty dollars in my wallet before when I started cash stuffing so I didn't ekNteyiOPyU-00049-00041166-00041790 know what I why I had that 40 and that's why that's where I was able to exchange this money ekNteyiOPyU-00050-00041886-00042342 um the extra money out that's what it was yeah because that was like really worrying me ekNteyiOPyU-00051-00042342-00043368 I didn't know where or what I was doing with that extra money but yeah so we are done for this week ekNteyiOPyU-00052-00043548-00044424 and this will be 186 dollars and I already designated These funds to my month ahead ekNteyiOPyU-00053-00044484-00044910 um my month ahead envelope here ekNteyiOPyU-00054-00045120-00045552 so yeah I know I have to make it exciting for me ekNteyiOPyU-00055-00045702-00046290 so once I get this 186 I would be able to color in some more jars here because ekNteyiOPyU-00056-00046398-00046848 I think I literally I'm not gonna say I forgot about it but yeah I've been neglecting it ekNteyiOPyU-00057-00046956-00047838 really really neglecting it so I am going to punch this back in here right quick ekNteyiOPyU-00058-00048600-00049452 and it is cute I like it already the color of these I don't think I the Christmas tree I didn't ekNteyiOPyU-00059-00049572-00049896 number the balls but I think I can do extra ekNteyiOPyU-00060-00050220-00050526 so I did 67 dollars ekNteyiOPyU-00061-00051372-00051462 and ekNteyiOPyU-00062-00051917-00051966 oh ekNteyiOPyU-00063-00052314-00053484 and the next one I will move to is my 530 days I'm going to do that for this month to ekNteyiOPyU-00064-00054090-00054576 I really want to move up to a thousand in 30 days I think I'm Gonna Save that tonight for next year ekNteyiOPyU-00065-00054576-00055476 I want to do that one thousand dollars in seven days um so I'm gonna set this to the side here and ekNteyiOPyU-00066-00055782-00056514 I also designated this to my month ahead that way it'll give me those two weeks ahead when I get ekNteyiOPyU-00067-00056514-00057017 paid they're walking stuff everything for those first two weeks well it'll get me started I don't ekNteyiOPyU-00068-00057017-00057846 think it'll quite get me there but I think I have 220 already in my um month ahead so that would be ekNteyiOPyU-00069-00057924-00059238 let me add it up let me edit so I have 500 plus what I said 186 182. 186 Plus 220. ekNteyiOPyU-00070-00059304-00059976 oh that that's good that'll give me almost a thousand dollars every two weeks they're still ekNteyiOPyU-00071-00059976-00060714 not always the airplane it'll get me halfway there so that means I need to knuckle up and save some ekNteyiOPyU-00072-00060714-00061944 more to start this challenge out I am going to go with twenty dollars so we have 20 here and uh ekNteyiOPyU-00073-00062454-00062886 all right so the next one I am going to do is twelve dollars ekNteyiOPyU-00074-00062964-00063264 I'm going to take a 10 and a two dollar bill ekNteyiOPyU-00075-00063929-00064722 and then we will move into our three dollars one two and three ekNteyiOPyU-00076-00064854-00065382 y'all know I really want to go through these and pull out my k-books ekNteyiOPyU-00077-00065652-00065910 okay I'm not going to I'm gonna be nice ekNteyiOPyU-00078-00067068-00067452 all right so that complete for week one ekNteyiOPyU-00079-00067902-00068946 and I did 35 in my 530 days for week one and I'm going to put this back y'all I am ekNteyiOPyU-00080-00068946-00069504 um so I've been trying to figure out what savings challenges I want to do for ekNteyiOPyU-00081-00069582-00070188 2023 I'll start getting them together then I'll start over but I think I really want to ekNteyiOPyU-00082-00070254-00070896 not do my savings challenges and find somebody else to support I guess ekNteyiOPyU-00083-00071082-00071814 so to see um but yeah I wanna who got some fun statements challenges y'all drop ekNteyiOPyU-00084-00071814-00072390 them down in the comment so I can go check them out and if they have an Etsy store um ekNteyiOPyU-00085-00072606-00073032 I guess I can go to their Channel or if they don't have a channel leave the ekNteyiOPyU-00086-00073116-00073788 Etsy store if they have a good Etsy store just let me know what I can do to go and support somebody ekNteyiOPyU-00087-00073920-00074688 it's like I'm just all over the place and I'm just not wanting to do just my challenges for ekNteyiOPyU-00088-00074850-00075648 next year I won't like I'm not gonna say a real challenge but most of my challenges I've already ekNteyiOPyU-00089-00075648-00076266 done completed so yeah I want to venture out and do something different support others ekNteyiOPyU-00090-00076458-00077166 um but with this right here I'm just going to save this I guess it can go for next week ekNteyiOPyU-00091-00078606-00079152 oh that's 42 dollars 42 dollars and I'm just going to put this in ekNteyiOPyU-00092-00079404-00079740 here for next week ekNteyiOPyU-00093-00081714-00081738 foreign ekNteyiOPyU-00094-00082188-00082866 guys so that is it for my week one savings challenge for December I ekNteyiOPyU-00095-00082866-00083448 really appreciate each and every one of you that stopped to watch um ekNteyiOPyU-00096-00083670-00084606 but if you have not hit that like and subscribe button please go ahead and do so right now also ekNteyiOPyU-00097-00084606-00085290 while you're at it hit that notification Bell so you are notified every time, I upload content ekNteyiOPyU-00098-00085290-00086610 and leave me a comment but that is it that is all until next time Queens y'all be blessed bye emIBEO8NKLE-00000-00000000-00000200 How to draw a fox easy step by step emIBEO8NKLE-00001-00000200-00000400 #howtodraw, #YouTubeKids emQDb45sY6Y-00000-00000010-00000196 >> MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS emQDb45sY6Y-00001-00000196-00000203 >> MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS emQDb45sY6Y-00002-00000203-00000330 >> MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. emQDb45sY6Y-00003-00000330-00000336 >> MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. emQDb45sY6Y-00004-00000336-00000577 >> MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >>> WITH ST. PATRICK'S DAY emQDb45sY6Y-00005-00000577-00000583 WEIMANN. >>> WITH ST. PATRICK'S DAY emQDb45sY6Y-00006-00000583-00000787 WEIMANN. >>> WITH ST. PATRICK'S DAY AROUND THE CORNER, THE BEMIDJI emQDb45sY6Y-00007-00000787-00000794 >>> WITH ST. PATRICK'S DAY AROUND THE CORNER, THE BEMIDJI emQDb45sY6Y-00008-00000794-00000930 >>> WITH ST. PATRICK'S DAY AROUND THE CORNER, THE BEMIDJI PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT emQDb45sY6Y-00009-00000930-00000937 AROUND THE CORNER, THE BEMIDJI PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT emQDb45sY6Y-00010-00000937-00001167 AROUND THE CORNER, THE BEMIDJI PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN BUSY PREPARING FOR ITS emQDb45sY6Y-00011-00001167-00001174 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN BUSY PREPARING FOR ITS emQDb45sY6Y-00012-00001174-00001297 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN BUSY PREPARING FOR ITS SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. emQDb45sY6Y-00013-00001297-00001304 HAS BEEN BUSY PREPARING FOR ITS SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. emQDb45sY6Y-00014-00001304-00001514 HAS BEEN BUSY PREPARING FOR ITS SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. THE 5 AND 10K SHUFFLE HAS BEEN emQDb45sY6Y-00015-00001514-00001521 SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. THE 5 AND 10K SHUFFLE HAS BEEN emQDb45sY6Y-00016-00001521-00001688 SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. THE 5 AND 10K SHUFFLE HAS BEEN HELD IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI BUT emQDb45sY6Y-00017-00001688-00001695 THE 5 AND 10K SHUFFLE HAS BEEN HELD IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI BUT emQDb45sY6Y-00018-00001695-00001975 THE 5 AND 10K SHUFFLE HAS BEEN HELD IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI BUT WITH OVER 200 FESTIVE DECKED OUT emQDb45sY6Y-00019-00001975-00001981 HELD IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI BUT WITH OVER 200 FESTIVE DECKED OUT emQDb45sY6Y-00020-00001981-00002128 HELD IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI BUT WITH OVER 200 FESTIVE DECKED OUT PARTICIPANTS EACH YEAR, THE emQDb45sY6Y-00021-00002128-00002135 WITH OVER 200 FESTIVE DECKED OUT PARTICIPANTS EACH YEAR, THE emQDb45sY6Y-00022-00002135-00002412 WITH OVER 200 FESTIVE DECKED OUT PARTICIPANTS EACH YEAR, THE EVENT HAS OUTGROWN ITS SPACE. emQDb45sY6Y-00023-00002412-00002419 PARTICIPANTS EACH YEAR, THE EVENT HAS OUTGROWN ITS SPACE. emQDb45sY6Y-00024-00002419-00002595 PARTICIPANTS EACH YEAR, THE EVENT HAS OUTGROWN ITS SPACE. IT WILL MOVE TO THE SANFORD emQDb45sY6Y-00025-00002595-00002602 EVENT HAS OUTGROWN ITS SPACE. IT WILL MOVE TO THE SANFORD emQDb45sY6Y-00026-00002602-00002802 EVENT HAS OUTGROWN ITS SPACE. IT WILL MOVE TO THE SANFORD CENTER, FOLLOW A NEW ROUTE emQDb45sY6Y-00027-00002802-00002809 IT WILL MOVE TO THE SANFORD CENTER, FOLLOW A NEW ROUTE emQDb45sY6Y-00028-00002809-00002969 IT WILL MOVE TO THE SANFORD CENTER, FOLLOW A NEW ROUTE EXPECTED TO BE MORE USER emQDb45sY6Y-00029-00002969-00002976 CENTER, FOLLOW A NEW ROUTE EXPECTED TO BE MORE USER emQDb45sY6Y-00030-00002976-00003406 CENTER, FOLLOW A NEW ROUTE EXPECTED TO BE MORE USER FRIENDLY. emQDb45sY6Y-00031-00003406-00003413 EXPECTED TO BE MORE USER FRIENDLY. emQDb45sY6Y-00032-00003413-00003877 EXPECTED TO BE MORE USER FRIENDLY. >> AND. emQDb45sY6Y-00033-00003877-00003883 FRIENDLY. >> AND. emQDb45sY6Y-00034-00003883-00004007 FRIENDLY. >> AND. >> A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR emQDb45sY6Y-00035-00004007-00004014 >> AND. >> A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR emQDb45sY6Y-00036-00004014-00004364 >> AND. >> A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR RUNNERS TO FIGURE OUT THE emQDb45sY6Y-00037-00004364-00004371 >> A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR RUNNERS TO FIGURE OUT THE emQDb45sY6Y-00038-00004371-00004397 >> A LITTLE BIT EASIER FOR RUNNERS TO FIGURE OUT THE COURSE. emQDb45sY6Y-00039-00004397-00004404 RUNNERS TO FIGURE OUT THE COURSE. emQDb45sY6Y-00040-00004404-00004521 RUNNERS TO FIGURE OUT THE COURSE. OTHERWISE IT SHOULD BE FUN. emQDb45sY6Y-00041-00004521-00004527 COURSE. OTHERWISE IT SHOULD BE FUN. emQDb45sY6Y-00042-00004527-00004738 COURSE. OTHERWISE IT SHOULD BE FUN. >> EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO emQDb45sY6Y-00043-00004738-00004744 OTHERWISE IT SHOULD BE FUN. >> EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO emQDb45sY6Y-00044-00004744-00004864 OTHERWISE IT SHOULD BE FUN. >> EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO PREREGISTER ON THE CITY OF emQDb45sY6Y-00045-00004864-00004871 >> EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO PREREGISTER ON THE CITY OF emQDb45sY6Y-00046-00004871-00005305 >> EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO PREREGISTER ON THE CITY OF BEMIDJI'S WEBSITE. emQDb45sY6Y-00047-00005305-00005311 PREREGISTER ON THE CITY OF BEMIDJI'S WEBSITE. emQDb45sY6Y-00048-00005311-00005355 PREREGISTER ON THE CITY OF BEMIDJI'S WEBSITE. REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN AT f0qkp7OUaNY-00000-00000088-00000188 Did you know that there is f0qkp7OUaNY-00001-00000188-00000288 a new way to heal f0qkp7OUaNY-00002-00000288-00000799 Iron Golems? f0qkp7OUaNY-00003-00000799-00000933 Recently I found out that f0qkp7OUaNY-00004-00000933-00001100 Iron Golems are repairable f0qkp7OUaNY-00005-00001100-00001226 with Iron Ingots when f0qkp7OUaNY-00006-00001226-00001370 right-clicked! f0qkp7OUaNY-00007-00001370-00001517 That trick could save you thousands f0qkp7OUaNY-00008-00001517-00001967 of iron ingots! f3u4MsdiMwy-00000-00011006-00012149 Welcome to f3u4MsdiMwy-00002-00015194-00016453 TFT , Wish f3u4MsdiMwy-00003-00016453-00017459 You Happy Movies f3xls2x-2w4-00000-00000254-00000445 - I mentioned that there is a roadmap. f3xls2x-2w4-00001-00000598-00000811 A roadmap to create f3xls2x-2w4-00002-00000914-00001243 space ecosystems where there is none. f3xls2x-2w4-00003-00001243-00001703 And so, we're looking at doing this here, f3xls2x-2w4-00004-00001703-00001923 and potentially doing it in other countries f3xls2x-2w4-00005-00001923-00002424 so that collectively, it becomes a global space economy. f3xls2x-2w4-00006-00002583-00003021 And we start that with several elements. f3xls2x-2w4-00007-00003021-00003454 So for one, capacity building is sort of f3xls2x-2w4-00008-00003454-00003661 the first thing to think about. f3xls2x-2w4-00009-00003661-00004133 So education, training, being able to brief people f3xls2x-2w4-00010-00004133-00004271 of the opportunities. f3xls2x-2w4-00011-00004271-00004606 When you get to that point that people are interested, f3xls2x-2w4-00012-00004606-00004898 then you start to create f3xls2x-2w4-00013-00005012-00005319 individuals, and startups, and businesses f3xls2x-2w4-00014-00005319-00005548 that potentially could work on f3xls2x-2w4-00015-00005548-00005905 projects that would be related to that. f3xls2x-2w4-00016-00005905-00006335 And so therefore, our role also is to try to find tools, f3xls2x-2w4-00017-00006335-00006669 and training, and support, and mentorship f3xls2x-2w4-00018-00006669-00006978 for those entrepreneurs to go through that process. f3xls2x-2w4-00019-00006978-00007303 And then, essentially, sort of like the last bit is, f3xls2x-2w4-00020-00007303-00007770 of course, funding is always a thing that is needed f3xls2x-2w4-00021-00007770-00008058 to actually scale whatever project or f3xls2x-2w4-00022-00008173-00008275 startup that you're working on. f3xls2x-2w4-00023-00008275-00008441 And so we're also working on that f3xls2x-2w4-00024-00008553-00009005 by looking at innovative ways of crowdfunding, potentially. f3xls2x-2w4-00025-00009138-00009544 But we're doing this kind of like in a step by step process, f3xls2x-2w4-00026-00009544-00010000 and we're still kind of in our baby, infancy stage. f91rU9VkFTE-00000-00000730-00000784 CLICK ON OFF ROAD SAFETY RECALLS f91rU9VkFTE-00001-00000784-00000790 CLICK ON OFF ROAD SAFETY RECALLS f91rU9VkFTE-00002-00000790-00001037 CLICK ON OFF ROAD SAFETY RECALLS FOR MORE INFORMATION. f91rU9VkFTE-00003-00001037-00001044 CLICK ON OFF ROAD SAFETY RECALLS FOR MORE INFORMATION. f91rU9VkFTE-00004-00001044-00001157 CLICK ON OFF ROAD SAFETY RECALLS FOR MORE INFORMATION. >> DENNIS: IN 1917, WORLD WAR f91rU9VkFTE-00005-00001157-00001164 FOR MORE INFORMATION. >> DENNIS: IN 1917, WORLD WAR f91rU9VkFTE-00006-00001164-00001341 FOR MORE INFORMATION. >> DENNIS: IN 1917, WORLD WAR ONE WAS NEARING ITS END. f91rU9VkFTE-00007-00001341-00001348 >> DENNIS: IN 1917, WORLD WAR ONE WAS NEARING ITS END. f91rU9VkFTE-00008-00001348-00001508 >> DENNIS: IN 1917, WORLD WAR ONE WAS NEARING ITS END. WOODROW WILSON WAS INAUGURATED f91rU9VkFTE-00009-00001508-00001514 ONE WAS NEARING ITS END. WOODROW WILSON WAS INAUGURATED f91rU9VkFTE-00010-00001514-00001701 ONE WAS NEARING ITS END. WOODROW WILSON WAS INAUGURATED FOR A SECOND TERM AND THE FIRST f91rU9VkFTE-00011-00001701-00001708 WOODROW WILSON WAS INAUGURATED FOR A SECOND TERM AND THE FIRST f91rU9VkFTE-00012-00001708-00001931 WOODROW WILSON WAS INAUGURATED FOR A SECOND TERM AND THE FIRST PULITZER PRIZE WAS AWARDED. f91rU9VkFTE-00013-00001931-00001938 FOR A SECOND TERM AND THE FIRST PULITZER PRIZE WAS AWARDED. f91rU9VkFTE-00014-00001938-00002262 FOR A SECOND TERM AND THE FIRST PULITZER PRIZE WAS AWARDED. THAT'S ALSO THE YEAR ONE MENAHGA f91rU9VkFTE-00015-00002262-00002268 PULITZER PRIZE WAS AWARDED. THAT'S ALSO THE YEAR ONE MENAHGA f91rU9VkFTE-00016-00002268-00002422 PULITZER PRIZE WAS AWARDED. THAT'S ALSO THE YEAR ONE MENAHGA WORLD WAR II VETERAN WAS BORN. f91rU9VkFTE-00017-00002422-00002429 THAT'S ALSO THE YEAR ONE MENAHGA WORLD WAR II VETERAN WAS BORN. f91rU9VkFTE-00018-00002429-00002612 THAT'S ALSO THE YEAR ONE MENAHGA WORLD WAR II VETERAN WAS BORN. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW ONE f91rU9VkFTE-00019-00002612-00002619 WORLD WAR II VETERAN WAS BORN. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW ONE f91rU9VkFTE-00020-00002619-00002989 WORLD WAR II VETERAN WAS BORN. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW ONE MAN HAS 100 REASONS TO f91rU9VkFTE-00021-00002989-00002996 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW ONE MAN HAS 100 REASONS TO f91rU9VkFTE-00022-00002996-00003073 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW ONE MAN HAS 100 REASONS TO CELEBRATE. f91rU9VkFTE-00023-00003073-00003079 MAN HAS 100 REASONS TO CELEBRATE. f91rU9VkFTE-00024-00003079-00003199 MAN HAS 100 REASONS TO CELEBRATE. >> THEY SAY AGE IS NOTHING BUT A f91rU9VkFTE-00025-00003199-00003206 CELEBRATE. >> THEY SAY AGE IS NOTHING BUT A f91rU9VkFTE-00026-00003206-00003877 CELEBRATE. >> THEY SAY AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER, AND FOR REINO RAY f91rU9VkFTE-00027-00003877-00003883 >> THEY SAY AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER, AND FOR REINO RAY f91rU9VkFTE-00028-00003883-00004020 >> THEY SAY AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER, AND FOR REINO RAY PAANANEN, THAT NUMBER HAS TO BE f91rU9VkFTE-00029-00004020-00004027 NUMBER, AND FOR REINO RAY PAANANEN, THAT NUMBER HAS TO BE f91rU9VkFTE-00030-00004027-00004084 NUMBER, AND FOR REINO RAY PAANANEN, THAT NUMBER HAS TO BE 100. f91rU9VkFTE-00031-00004084-00004090 PAANANEN, THAT NUMBER HAS TO BE 100. f91rU9VkFTE-00032-00004090-00004257 PAANANEN, THAT NUMBER HAS TO BE 100. HE CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY AT HIS f91rU9VkFTE-00033-00004257-00004264 100. HE CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY AT HIS f91rU9VkFTE-00034-00004264-00004601 100. HE CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY AT HIS HOME, ROSE HAVEN ASSISTED f91rU9VkFTE-00035-00004601-00004607 HE CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY AT HIS HOME, ROSE HAVEN ASSISTED f91rU9VkFTE-00036-00004607-00004664 HE CELEBRATED ON SATURDAY AT HIS HOME, ROSE HAVEN ASSISTED LIVING. f91rU9VkFTE-00037-00004664-00004671 HOME, ROSE HAVEN ASSISTED LIVING. f91rU9VkFTE-00038-00004671-00005048 HOME, ROSE HAVEN ASSISTED LIVING. >> I DON'T NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE f91rU9VkFTE-00039-00005048-00005055 LIVING. >> I DON'T NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE f91rU9VkFTE-00040-00005055-00005258 LIVING. >> I DON'T NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE REALLY, 100 TO THE 9. f91rU9VkFTE-00041-00005258-00005265 >> I DON'T NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE REALLY, 100 TO THE 9. f91rU9VkFTE-00042-00005265-00005425 >> I DON'T NOTICE ANY DIFFERENCE REALLY, 100 TO THE 9. >> 180 PEOPLE MIXED AND MINGLED f91rU9VkFTE-00043-00005425-00005432 REALLY, 100 TO THE 9. >> 180 PEOPLE MIXED AND MINGLED f91rU9VkFTE-00044-00005432-00005652 REALLY, 100 TO THE 9. >> 180 PEOPLE MIXED AND MINGLED FOR THIS MILESTONE. f91rU9VkFTE-00045-00005652-00005658 >> 180 PEOPLE MIXED AND MINGLED FOR THIS MILESTONE. f91rU9VkFTE-00046-00005658-00005802 >> 180 PEOPLE MIXED AND MINGLED FOR THIS MILESTONE. PAANANEN SERVED FOUR YEARS IN f91rU9VkFTE-00047-00005802-00005809 FOR THIS MILESTONE. PAANANEN SERVED FOUR YEARS IN f91rU9VkFTE-00048-00005809-00005939 FOR THIS MILESTONE. PAANANEN SERVED FOUR YEARS IN WORLD WAR II AND REMEMBERS THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00049-00005939-00005945 PAANANEN SERVED FOUR YEARS IN WORLD WAR II AND REMEMBERS THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00050-00005945-00006406 PAANANEN SERVED FOUR YEARS IN WORLD WAR II AND REMEMBERS THAT EXPERIENCE LIKE IT WAS f91rU9VkFTE-00051-00006406-00006413 WORLD WAR II AND REMEMBERS THAT EXPERIENCE LIKE IT WAS f91rU9VkFTE-00052-00006413-00006573 WORLD WAR II AND REMEMBERS THAT EXPERIENCE LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. f91rU9VkFTE-00053-00006573-00006579 EXPERIENCE LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. f91rU9VkFTE-00054-00006579-00006980 EXPERIENCE LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. >> THE LAST COUNTRY I WALKED f91rU9VkFTE-00055-00006980-00006986 YESTERDAY. >> THE LAST COUNTRY I WALKED f91rU9VkFTE-00056-00006986-00007197 YESTERDAY. >> THE LAST COUNTRY I WALKED AROUND WITH A HELMET AND A f91rU9VkFTE-00057-00007197-00007203 >> THE LAST COUNTRY I WALKED AROUND WITH A HELMET AND A f91rU9VkFTE-00058-00007203-00007283 >> THE LAST COUNTRY I WALKED AROUND WITH A HELMET AND A RIFLE. f91rU9VkFTE-00059-00007283-00007290 AROUND WITH A HELMET AND A RIFLE. f91rU9VkFTE-00060-00007290-00007360 AROUND WITH A HELMET AND A RIFLE. >> HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, f91rU9VkFTE-00061-00007360-00007367 RIFLE. >> HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, f91rU9VkFTE-00062-00007367-00007473 RIFLE. >> HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, THE MAN OF THE HOUR RECEIVED f91rU9VkFTE-00063-00007473-00007480 >> HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, THE MAN OF THE HOUR RECEIVED f91rU9VkFTE-00064-00007480-00007674 >> HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, THE MAN OF THE HOUR RECEIVED RECOGNITION FROM THE VETERANS OF f91rU9VkFTE-00065-00007674-00007680 THE MAN OF THE HOUR RECEIVED RECOGNITION FROM THE VETERANS OF f91rU9VkFTE-00066-00007680-00007924 THE MAN OF THE HOUR RECEIVED RECOGNITION FROM THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST 6206 AS AN f91rU9VkFTE-00067-00007924-00007931 RECOGNITION FROM THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST 6206 AS AN f91rU9VkFTE-00068-00007931-00008304 RECOGNITION FROM THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST 6206 AS AN HORE RATHER MEMBER OF THE COLLAR f91rU9VkFTE-00069-00008304-00008311 FOREIGN WARS POST 6206 AS AN HORE RATHER MEMBER OF THE COLLAR f91rU9VkFTE-00070-00008311-00008415 FOREIGN WARS POST 6206 AS AN HORE RATHER MEMBER OF THE COLLAR COLLAR -- COLOR GUARD. f91rU9VkFTE-00071-00008415-00008421 HORE RATHER MEMBER OF THE COLLAR COLLAR -- COLOR GUARD. f91rU9VkFTE-00072-00008421-00008661 HORE RATHER MEMBER OF THE COLLAR COLLAR -- COLOR GUARD. >> I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES AND IT f91rU9VkFTE-00073-00008661-00008668 COLLAR -- COLOR GUARD. >> I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES AND IT f91rU9VkFTE-00074-00008668-00008825 COLLAR -- COLOR GUARD. >> I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES AND IT JUST REMINDED ME HOW LUCKY WE f91rU9VkFTE-00075-00008825-00008832 >> I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES AND IT JUST REMINDED ME HOW LUCKY WE f91rU9VkFTE-00076-00008832-00008955 >> I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES AND IT JUST REMINDED ME HOW LUCKY WE ARE THAT WE HAVE MEN LIKE HIM f91rU9VkFTE-00077-00008955-00008962 JUST REMINDED ME HOW LUCKY WE ARE THAT WE HAVE MEN LIKE HIM f91rU9VkFTE-00078-00008962-00009122 JUST REMINDED ME HOW LUCKY WE ARE THAT WE HAVE MEN LIKE HIM THAT FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00079-00009122-00009129 ARE THAT WE HAVE MEN LIKE HIM THAT FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00080-00009129-00009252 ARE THAT WE HAVE MEN LIKE HIM THAT FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM THAT WE STILL EMBRACE. f91rU9VkFTE-00081-00009252-00009259 THAT FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM THAT WE STILL EMBRACE. f91rU9VkFTE-00082-00009259-00009396 THAT FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM THAT WE STILL EMBRACE. >> SOME OF RAY'S FAVORITE THINGS f91rU9VkFTE-00083-00009396-00009402 WE STILL EMBRACE. >> SOME OF RAY'S FAVORITE THINGS f91rU9VkFTE-00084-00009402-00009539 WE STILL EMBRACE. >> SOME OF RAY'S FAVORITE THINGS TO DO INCLUDING SING, DANCING f91rU9VkFTE-00085-00009539-00009546 >> SOME OF RAY'S FAVORITE THINGS TO DO INCLUDING SING, DANCING f91rU9VkFTE-00086-00009546-00010043 >> SOME OF RAY'S FAVORITE THINGS TO DO INCLUDING SING, DANCING AND PLAYING GOLF. f91rU9VkFTE-00087-00010043-00010050 TO DO INCLUDING SING, DANCING AND PLAYING GOLF. f91rU9VkFTE-00088-00010050-00010413 TO DO INCLUDING SING, DANCING AND PLAYING GOLF. >> WE GOLF IN THE MORNING AND f91rU9VkFTE-00089-00010413-00010420 AND PLAYING GOLF. >> WE GOLF IN THE MORNING AND f91rU9VkFTE-00090-00010420-00010600 AND PLAYING GOLF. >> WE GOLF IN THE MORNING AND ANOTHER 9 HOLES IN THE f91rU9VkFTE-00091-00010600-00010607 >> WE GOLF IN THE MORNING AND ANOTHER 9 HOLES IN THE f91rU9VkFTE-00092-00010607-00010697 >> WE GOLF IN THE MORNING AND ANOTHER 9 HOLES IN THE AFTERNOON. f91rU9VkFTE-00093-00010697-00010704 ANOTHER 9 HOLES IN THE AFTERNOON. f91rU9VkFTE-00094-00010704-00010777 ANOTHER 9 HOLES IN THE AFTERNOON. >> PAANANEN SAYS GROWING UP THE f91rU9VkFTE-00095-00010777-00010784 AFTERNOON. >> PAANANEN SAYS GROWING UP THE f91rU9VkFTE-00096-00010784-00010930 AFTERNOON. >> PAANANEN SAYS GROWING UP THE LADIES DIDN'T HATE HIM BUT THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00097-00010930-00010937 >> PAANANEN SAYS GROWING UP THE LADIES DIDN'T HATE HIM BUT THAT f91rU9VkFTE-00098-00010937-00011091 >> PAANANEN SAYS GROWING UP THE LADIES DIDN'T HATE HIM BUT THAT ALL CHANGED WHEN HE MARRIED THE f91rU9VkFTE-00099-00011091-00011097 LADIES DIDN'T HATE HIM BUT THAT ALL CHANGED WHEN HE MARRIED THE f91rU9VkFTE-00100-00011097-00011277 LADIES DIDN'T HATE HIM BUT THAT ALL CHANGED WHEN HE MARRIED THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT 27 YEARS f91rU9VkFTE-00101-00011277-00011284 ALL CHANGED WHEN HE MARRIED THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT 27 YEARS f91rU9VkFTE-00102-00011284-00011321 ALL CHANGED WHEN HE MARRIED THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT 27 YEARS OLD. f91rU9VkFTE-00103-00011321-00011327 LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT 27 YEARS OLD. f91rU9VkFTE-00104-00011327-00011494 LOVE OF HIS LIFE AT 27 YEARS OLD. THE COUPLE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR f91rU9VkFTE-00105-00011494-00011501 OLD. THE COUPLE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR f91rU9VkFTE-00106-00011501-00011578 OLD. THE COUPLE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR 68 YEARS, AND ALTHOUGH THEY f91rU9VkFTE-00107-00011578-00011584 THE COUPLE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR 68 YEARS, AND ALTHOUGH THEY f91rU9VkFTE-00108-00011584-00011708 THE COUPLE HAS BEEN MARRIED FOR 68 YEARS, AND ALTHOUGH THEY NEVER HAD CHILDREN, THERE'S f91rU9VkFTE-00109-00011708-00011715 68 YEARS, AND ALTHOUGH THEY NEVER HAD CHILDREN, THERE'S f91rU9VkFTE-00110-00011715-00011985 68 YEARS, AND ALTHOUGH THEY NEVER HAD CHILDREN, THERE'S PLENTY OF FAMILY MEMBERS. f91rU9VkFTE-00111-00011985-00011991 NEVER HAD CHILDREN, THERE'S PLENTY OF FAMILY MEMBERS. f91rU9VkFTE-00112-00011991-00012138 NEVER HAD CHILDREN, THERE'S PLENTY OF FAMILY MEMBERS. GLORIA AND HAZEL ARE RAY'S f91rU9VkFTE-00113-00012138-00012145 PLENTY OF FAMILY MEMBERS. GLORIA AND HAZEL ARE RAY'S f91rU9VkFTE-00114-00012145-00012342 PLENTY OF FAMILY MEMBERS. GLORIA AND HAZEL ARE RAY'S NIECES AND ADMIRE HIS HUMOR. f91rU9VkFTE-00115-00012342-00012348 GLORIA AND HAZEL ARE RAY'S NIECES AND ADMIRE HIS HUMOR. f91rU9VkFTE-00116-00012348-00012499 GLORIA AND HAZEL ARE RAY'S NIECES AND ADMIRE HIS HUMOR. SOME OF THEIR FAVORITE MEMORIES f91rU9VkFTE-00117-00012499-00012505 NIECES AND ADMIRE HIS HUMOR. SOME OF THEIR FAVORITE MEMORIES f91rU9VkFTE-00118-00012505-00012719 NIECES AND ADMIRE HIS HUMOR. SOME OF THEIR FAVORITE MEMORIES INCLUDE WORKING AT THE DAIRY f91rU9VkFTE-00119-00012719-00012726 SOME OF THEIR FAVORITE MEMORIES INCLUDE WORKING AT THE DAIRY f91rU9VkFTE-00120-00012726-00012946 SOME OF THEIR FAVORITE MEMORIES INCLUDE WORKING AT THE DAIRY QUEEN HE OWNED AND GOING TO THE f91rU9VkFTE-00121-00012946-00012952 INCLUDE WORKING AT THE DAIRY QUEEN HE OWNED AND GOING TO THE f91rU9VkFTE-00122-00012952-00013056 INCLUDE WORKING AT THE DAIRY QUEEN HE OWNED AND GOING TO THE MINNESOTA STATE FAIR. f91rU9VkFTE-00123-00013056-00013063 QUEEN HE OWNED AND GOING TO THE MINNESOTA STATE FAIR. f91rU9VkFTE-00124-00013063-00013193 QUEEN HE OWNED AND GOING TO THE MINNESOTA STATE FAIR. >> STILL ENJOYS READING THE f91rU9VkFTE-00125-00013193-00013199 MINNESOTA STATE FAIR. >> STILL ENJOYS READING THE f91rU9VkFTE-00126-00013199-00013390 MINNESOTA STATE FAIR. >> STILL ENJOYS READING THE PAPER AND WATCHING THE TWINS. f91rU9VkFTE-00127-00013390-00013396 >> STILL ENJOYS READING THE PAPER AND WATCHING THE TWINS. f91rU9VkFTE-00128-00013396-00013640 >> STILL ENJOYS READING THE PAPER AND WATCHING THE TWINS. I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH f91rU9VkFTE-00129-00013640-00013646 PAPER AND WATCHING THE TWINS. I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH f91rU9VkFTE-00130-00013646-00013810 PAPER AND WATCHING THE TWINS. I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL MAN IN MY LIFE. f91rU9VkFTE-00131-00013810-00013817 I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL MAN IN MY LIFE. f91rU9VkFTE-00132-00013817-00013947 I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL MAN IN MY LIFE. >> PAANANEN SAYS HIS SECRET TO f91rU9VkFTE-00133-00013947-00013953 A WONDERFUL MAN IN MY LIFE. >> PAANANEN SAYS HIS SECRET TO f91rU9VkFTE-00134-00013953-00014137 A WONDERFUL MAN IN MY LIFE. >> PAANANEN SAYS HIS SECRET TO LIVING TO 100 YEARS OLD IS LUCK. f91rU9VkFTE-00135-00014137-00014144 >> PAANANEN SAYS HIS SECRET TO LIVING TO 100 YEARS OLD IS LUCK. f91rU9VkFTE-00136-00014144-00014310 >> PAANANEN SAYS HIS SECRET TO LIVING TO 100 YEARS OLD IS LUCK. IN MENAHGA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, f91rU9VkFTE-00137-00014310-00014317 LIVING TO 100 YEARS OLD IS LUCK. IN MENAHGA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, f91rU9VkFTE-00138-00014317-00014407 LIVING TO 100 YEARS OLD IS LUCK. IN MENAHGA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. f91rU9VkFTE-00139-00014407-00014414 IN MENAHGA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. f91rU9VkFTE-00140-00014414-00014524 IN MENAHGA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: ALTHOUGH HIS ACTUAL f91rU9VkFTE-00141-00014524-00014531 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: ALTHOUGH HIS ACTUAL f91rU9VkFTE-00142-00014531-00014634 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: ALTHOUGH HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY WAS LAST FRIDAY, f91rU9VkFTE-00143-00014634-00014641 >> DENNIS: ALTHOUGH HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY WAS LAST FRIDAY, f91rU9VkFTE-00144-00014641-00014851 >> DENNIS: ALTHOUGH HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY WAS LAST FRIDAY, PAANANEN SAYS WITH EVERYTHING HE f91rU9VkFTE-00145-00014851-00014858 BIRTHDAY WAS LAST FRIDAY, PAANANEN SAYS WITH EVERYTHING HE f91rU9VkFTE-00146-00014858-00014918 BIRTHDAY WAS LAST FRIDAY, PAANANEN SAYS WITH EVERYTHING HE EXPERIENCED DURING WORLD WAR II, frRpYRUDDV0-00000-00000000-00000537 Hello assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarakatuh Bismillahirrohmanirrohim frRpYRUDDV0-00001-00000537-00001230 Allahumma sholli ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad May we all frRpYRUDDV0-00002-00001230-00001777 get his intercession on the Day of Judgment amen ya robbal alamin [Music] frRpYRUDDV0-00003-00002228-00002699 Hello Bismillahirohmanirohim the right one comes from Allah the frRpYRUDDV0-00004-00002699-00003392 wrong one uploaded it from me who uploaded a summary of Arba'in's Arba'in Hadith an-nawawi frRpYRUDDV0-00005-00003392-00004103 hadith 20 have shyness from Abu Mas'ud uqbah bin Amr Al Anshori al-badri frRpYRUDDV0-00006-00004103-00004643 rodhiyallohu Anhu He said Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once said frRpYRUDDV0-00007-00004643-00005234 In fact some of the teachings that are still known to mankind from the words of frRpYRUDDV0-00008-00005234-00005918 the previous prophets are if you are not ashamed to do as you like Hadith History of Bukhari frRpYRUDDV0-00009-00005918-00006791 status of hadith and takhrijnya Sahih hadith narrated by al-bukhari number 3483 frRpYRUDDV0-00010-00006791-00008090 3484 6120 Ahmad 5/100 21 120 25 or 273 Abu Dawud number frRpYRUDDV0-00011-00008229-00009387 97 Ibnu Majah number 4183 and other than that the lessons contained in the hadith of shame are the themes that frRpYRUDDV0-00012-00009387-00010107 have been agreed upon by the scholars prophet and his teachings are not erased If someone who has left frRpYRUDDV0-00013-00010107-00010851 shame So don't expect any more kindness from him even a little bit of shame is the foundation frRpYRUDDV0-00014-00010851-00011553 of noble character and always leads to goodness Who is a lot shy is more good and frRpYRUDDV0-00015-00011553-00012255 who is a little shy the less good is shame is a behavior and frRpYRUDDV0-00016-00012255-00012872 can be shaped so everyone who has responsibility should pay attention to the guidance frRpYRUDDV0-00017-00012872-00013551 of those who are responsible there is no shame in teaching religious laws frRpYRUDDV0-00018-00013551-00014229 and seeking knowledge and truth Ya Allah ta'ala says And Allah is not ashamed frRpYRUDDV0-00019-00014229-00015141 of the truth surah 33 Verse 53 among the benefits of shame is Ifah keeps herself from disgraceful actions frRpYRUDDV0-00020-00015141-00015882 and Wafa fulfilling the promise of shame is a branch of faith that must be realized frRpYRUDDV0-00021-00016313-00016413 [Music] frRpYRUDDV0-00022-00016413-00016750 hi hi hi frRpYRUDDV0-00023-00016750-00016800 this frRpYRUDDV0-00024-00016982-00017612 Hi Ho [Music] fuB0vghopJQ-00000-00000660-00000848 Pennsylvania fuB0vghopJQ-00001-00001728-00001895 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00002-00002721-00002904 Rhode Island fuB0vghopJQ-00003-00003751-00003930 Wisconsin fuB0vghopJQ-00004-00004853-00005064 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00005-00005979-00006145 Kansas fuB0vghopJQ-00006-00006949-00007120 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00007-00007924-00008089 Utah fuB0vghopJQ-00008-00009001-00009183 California fuB0vghopJQ-00009-00010064-00010231 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00010-00011123-00011284 Texas fuB0vghopJQ-00011-00012151-00012341 South Dakota fuB0vghopJQ-00012-00013168-00013329 Michigan fuB0vghopJQ-00013-00014209-00014379 Alaska fuB0vghopJQ-00014-00015346-00015528 West Virgina fuB0vghopJQ-00015-00016387-00016540 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00016-00017421-00017590 Connecticut fuB0vghopJQ-00017-00018425-00018590 Utah fuB0vghopJQ-00018-00019438-00019617 Wisconsin fuB0vghopJQ-00019-00020474-00020641 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00020-00021563-00021775 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00021-00022754-00022937 West Virgina fuB0vghopJQ-00022-00023993-00024162 Kentucky fuB0vghopJQ-00023-00025109-00025275 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00024-00026143-00026322 Wisconsin fuB0vghopJQ-00025-00027245-00027456 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00026-00028337-00028501 Illinois fuB0vghopJQ-00027-00029326-00029509 Rhode Island fuB0vghopJQ-00028-00030356-00030546 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00029-00031438-00031604 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00030-00032570-00032730 Missouri fuB0vghopJQ-00031-00033590-00033772 Rhode Island fuB0vghopJQ-00032-00034619-00034810 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00033-00035701-00035860 Nevada fuB0vghopJQ-00034-00036728-00036907 Wisconsin fuB0vghopJQ-00035-00037732-00037897 Utah fuB0vghopJQ-00036-00038778-00038937 Georgia fuB0vghopJQ-00037-00039773-00039948 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00038-00040762-00040927 Utah fuB0vghopJQ-00039-00041743-00041904 Michigan fuB0vghopJQ-00040-00042687-00042858 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00041-00043729-00043895 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00042-00044763-00044958 New Mexico fuB0vghopJQ-00043-00045751-00045896 Maine fuB0vghopJQ-00044-00046797-00047009 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00045-00047825-00047996 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00046-00048832-00049023 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00047-00049914-00050081 Kansas fuB0vghopJQ-00048-00050983-00051141 Nevada fuB0vghopJQ-00049-00052009-00052189 New Hampshire fuB0vghopJQ-00050-00053145-00053328 West Virgina fuB0vghopJQ-00051-00054154-00054299 Maine fuB0vghopJQ-00052-00055136-00055302 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00053-00056226-00056408 California fuB0vghopJQ-00054-00057354-00057565 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00055-00058380-00058529 Iowa fuB0vghopJQ-00056-00059530-00059710 Wyoming fuB0vghopJQ-00057-00060787-00060955 Kentucky fuB0vghopJQ-00058-00061867-00062058 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00059-00063080-00063265 Colorado fuB0vghopJQ-00060-00064210-00064385 Washington fuB0vghopJQ-00061-00065222-00065375 Idaho fuB0vghopJQ-00062-00066321-00066486 New York fuB0vghopJQ-00063-00067410-00067585 Washington fuB0vghopJQ-00064-00068453-00068633 New Hampshire fuB0vghopJQ-00065-00069489-00069680 South Dakota fuB0vghopJQ-00066-00070506-00070681 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00067-00071527-00071718 South Dakota fuB0vghopJQ-00068-00072544-00072705 Michigan fuB0vghopJQ-00069-00073520-00073675 Idaho fuB0vghopJQ-00070-00074489-00074641 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00071-00075653-00075832 Wyoming fuB0vghopJQ-00072-00076778-00076940 Virginia fuB0vghopJQ-00073-00077973-00078157 Colorado fuB0vghopJQ-00074-00079169-00079330 Oregon fuB0vghopJQ-00075-00080321-00080493 Ohio fuB0vghopJQ-00076-00081418-00081597 Louisiana fuB0vghopJQ-00077-00082465-00082632 Arkansas fuB0vghopJQ-00078-00083425-00083596 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00079-00084366-00084526 Indiana fuB0vghopJQ-00080-00085362-00085519 Vermont fuB0vghopJQ-00081-00086344-00086519 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00082-00087400-00087569 Connecticut fuB0vghopJQ-00083-00088436-00088593 Vermont fuB0vghopJQ-00084-00089516-00089724 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00085-00090703-00090863 Missouri fuB0vghopJQ-00086-00091754-00091945 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00087-00092737-00092908 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00088-00093876-00094050 Oklahoma fuB0vghopJQ-00089-00095051-00095233 West Virgina fuB0vghopJQ-00090-00096092-00096244 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00091-00097026-00097192 Delaware fuB0vghopJQ-00092-00098128-00098287 Florida fuB0vghopJQ-00093-00099146-00099298 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00094-00100179-00100348 Connecticut fuB0vghopJQ-00095-00101315-00101487 Ohio fuB0vghopJQ-00096-00102413-00102574 Texas fuB0vghopJQ-00097-00103441-00103598 Vermont fuB0vghopJQ-00098-00104424-00104598 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00099-00105480-00105648 Connecticut fuB0vghopJQ-00100-00106550-00106709 Nevada fuB0vghopJQ-00101-00107741-00107921 Wyoming fuB0vghopJQ-00102-00108802-00108976 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00103-00109858-00110024 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00104-00110925-00111084 Nevada fuB0vghopJQ-00105-00112017-00112226 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00106-00113075-00113258 Rhode Island fuB0vghopJQ-00107-00114105-00114284 New Hampshire fuB0vghopJQ-00108-00115176-00115342 Kansas fuB0vghopJQ-00109-00116275-00116439 Arizona fuB0vghopJQ-00110-00117320-00117516 New Mexico fuB0vghopJQ-00111-00118407-00118576 Alabama fuB0vghopJQ-00112-00119544-00119702 Florida fuB0vghopJQ-00113-00120497-00120674 Nebraska fuB0vghopJQ-00114-00121500-00121664 Illinois fuB0vghopJQ-00115-00122522-00122712 Massachusetts fuB0vghopJQ-00116-00123602-00123777 Washington fuB0vghopJQ-00117-00124710-00124893 California fuB0vghopJQ-00118-00125872-00126032 Missouri fuB0vghopJQ-00119-00126988-00127197 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00120-00128045-00128197 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00121-00128978-00129127 Iowa fuB0vghopJQ-00122-00129931-00130083 Hawaii fuB0vghopJQ-00123-00130965-00131131 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00124-00131933-00132092 Indiana fuB0vghopJQ-00125-00132962-00133121 Georgia fuB0vghopJQ-00126-00134054-00134263 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00127-00135309-00135493 Colorado fuB0vghopJQ-00128-00136405-00136572 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00129-00137429-00137622 North Dakota fuB0vghopJQ-00130-00138383-00138560 Nebraska fuB0vghopJQ-00131-00139485-00139647 Oregon fuB0vghopJQ-00132-00140637-00140801 New York fuB0vghopJQ-00133-00141727-00141893 Maryland fuB0vghopJQ-00134-00142860-00143032 Ohio fuB0vghopJQ-00135-00143958-00144116 Georgia fuB0vghopJQ-00136-00144984-00145177 North Dakota fuB0vghopJQ-00137-00146003-00146156 Idaho fuB0vghopJQ-00138-00147003-00147167 Illinois fuB0vghopJQ-00139-00148024-00148191 Arkansas fuB0vghopJQ-00140-00149114-00149322 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00141-00150107-00150284 Nebraska fuB0vghopJQ-00142-00151176-00151363 Pennsylvania fuB0vghopJQ-00143-00152343-00152504 Oregon fuB0vghopJQ-00144-00153330-00153489 Indiana fuB0vghopJQ-00145-00154325-00154513 Mississippi fuB0vghopJQ-00146-00155371-00155550 New Hampshire fuB0vghopJQ-00147-00156507-00156678 Ohio fuB0vghopJQ-00148-00157668-00157828 Missouri fuB0vghopJQ-00149-00158785-00158967 California fuB0vghopJQ-00150-00159881-00160056 Washington fuB0vghopJQ-00151-00160957-00161127 Alabama fuB0vghopJQ-00152-00162029-00162190 Virginia fuB0vghopJQ-00153-00163123-00163287 Arizona fuB0vghopJQ-00154-00164233-00164442 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00155-00165323-00165479 Vermont fuB0vghopJQ-00156-00166370-00166540 Alabama fuB0vghopJQ-00157-00167472-00167684 South Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00158-00168534-00168708 Montana fuB0vghopJQ-00159-00169524-00169685 Michigan fuB0vghopJQ-00160-00170500-00170654 Idaho fuB0vghopJQ-00161-00171536-00171696 Texas fuB0vghopJQ-00162-00172630-00172812 California fuB0vghopJQ-00163-00173692-00173859 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00164-00174716-00174912 New Mexico fuB0vghopJQ-00165-00175934-00176113 Wyoming fuB0vghopJQ-00166-00177124-00177308 West Virgina fuB0vghopJQ-00167-00178133-00178300 Delaware fuB0vghopJQ-00168-00179202-00179389 Pennsylvania fuB0vghopJQ-00169-00180336-00180518 California fuB0vghopJQ-00170-00181334-00181505 Tennessee fuB0vghopJQ-00171-00182341-00182508 Arkansas fuB0vghopJQ-00172-00183365-00183530 Illinois fuB0vghopJQ-00173-00184321-00184481 Indiana fuB0vghopJQ-00174-00185316-00185505 Mississippi fuB0vghopJQ-00175-00186462-00186633 Ohio fuB0vghopJQ-00176-00187656-00187830 Oklahoma fuB0vghopJQ-00177-00188764-00188934 Alaska fuB0vghopJQ-00178-00189868-00190055 Pennsylvania fuB0vghopJQ-00179-00191034-00191194 Missouri fuB0vghopJQ-00180-00192119-00192278 Georgia fuB0vghopJQ-00181-00193211-00193420 North Carolina fuB0vghopJQ-00182-00194300-00194488 Mississippi fuB0vghopJQ-00183-00195346-00195525 New Hampshire fuB0vghopJQ-00184-00196482-00196641 Florida fuB0vghopJQ-00185-00197500-00197654 Idaho fuB0vghopJQ-00186-00198666-00198845 Wyoming fuB0vghopJQ-00187-00199792-00199953 Texas fuB0vghopJQ-00188-00200820-00200977 Vermont fuB0vghopJQ-00189-00201933-00202098 New York fuB0vghopJQ-00190-00202989-00203155 Arkansas fuB0vghopJQ-00191-00204112-00204273 Oregon fuB0vghopJQ-00192-00205230-00205394 Arizona fuB0vghopJQ-00193-00206275-00206442 Minnesota fuB0vghopJQ-00194-00207333-00207492 Nevada fuB0vghopJQ-00195-00208525-00208693 Kentucky fuB0vghopJQ-00196-00209671-00209853 California fuB0vghopJQ-00197-00210703-00210885 Rhode Island fuB0vghopJQ-00198-00211701-00211862 Michigan fuB0vghopJQ-00199-00212808-00212972 New Jersey fvag-oWyyHk-00000-00000000-00001542 all right hey guys cheddar cat here and today i'm starting a new with series fvag-oWyyHk-00001-00001542-00001701 called cooking with cheddar fvag-oWyyHk-00002-00001701-00002433 I lost my train of thought here ._. fvag-oWyyHk-00003-00002433-00002808 IMMA JUST TYPE RANDOM SHTUFF fvag-oWyyHk-00004-00002808-00003008 im bored now... bye fvag-oWyyHk-00005-00043331-00043481 cya and goodnight, i got bored f-pT6JKC6M0-00000-00000703-00001003 © Pixel Productions 2023 f-xLCiFmT_8-00000-00001985-00002634 Today, we are going to discuss the concept of intentionality. As I mentioned in the last f-xLCiFmT_8-00001-00002634-00003334 class that intentionality is an intrinsic property of consciousness. According to Searle, f-xLCiFmT_8-00002-00003411-00004112 intentionality and consciousness are identical, they are necessarily related, consciousness f-xLCiFmT_8-00003-00004365-00005065 been produced by brain processes, shows that intentionality, say is a kind of a causal f-xLCiFmT_8-00004-00005243-00005943 relationship with brain processes. I am trying to site this causal notion of intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00005-00006193-00006893 precisely, because there is already a theory of intentionality advocated by Edmund Husserl. f-xLCiFmT_8-00006-00007029-00007729 According to Husserl, intentionality is also the necessary property of consciousness, but f-xLCiFmT_8-00007-00007789-00008489 Husserl does not hold the causal theory of intentionality as it has been understood by f-xLCiFmT_8-00008-00008686-00009386 sir. Johnson’s biological naturalism remains sympathetic to the naturalistic tradition f-xLCiFmT_8-00009-00009786-00010486 that is there is a scientific understanding of consciousness possible. Meaning, there f-xLCiFmT_8-00010-00010735-00011435 by everything is based on the ontological status of the matter, intentionality has a f-xLCiFmT_8-00011-00012111-00012811 material grounding, whether it is biological or physical intentionality has this material f-xLCiFmT_8-00012-00013393-00014093 grounding. Because as you know Sealers biological naturalism f-xLCiFmT_8-00013-00014141-00014841 is based on two pre suppositions, that is the atomic theory of matter and the evolutionary f-xLCiFmT_8-00014-00014991-00015691 biology, so intentionality does not disjoin this presuppositions. In other words, Sealers f-xLCiFmT_8-00015-00015897-00016515 theory of intentionality is a causal theory of intentionality, because which does not f-xLCiFmT_8-00016-00016515-00017215 have it own causal route. Now, Husserl on the other hand tries to talk about a transcendental f-xLCiFmT_8-00017-00017254-00017954 theory of consciousness, where Husserl tries to figure out intentionality is a logical f-xLCiFmT_8-00018-00017968-00018544 feature of consciousness. Consciousness is intentionally related with f-xLCiFmT_8-00019-00018544-00019244 the world, so Husserl’s theorization of intentionality is, different from the Searle f-xLCiFmT_8-00020-00019664-00020364 an theorization of intentionality. For Husserl’s intentionality is a non physical phenomenon, f-xLCiFmT_8-00021-00020448-00021091 it is a non physical feature of consciousness, whereas for Searle it is a physical feature f-xLCiFmT_8-00022-00021091-00021791 of consciousness. We would discuss about Husserl’s intentionality a bit when we need a transcendental f-xLCiFmT_8-00023-00022073-00022743 notion of consciousness, how consciousness is a transcendental phenomenon may be in some f-xLCiFmT_8-00024-00022743-00022879 other class. f-xLCiFmT_8-00025-00022879-00023579 Today, we would try to analyze what is Searle notion of intentionality. Now, intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00026-00023923-00024623 as you know that it has this feature of directedness, aboutness. So, whenever we talk about a mental f-xLCiFmT_8-00027-00024861-00025561 stage or intentional states, they are necessarily about the world or about the object or a state f-xLCiFmT_8-00028-00025879-00026579 of affairs. Now, for Searle, desire, belief and intentions are the mental states as you f-xLCiFmT_8-00029-00026912-00027612 see, believe, desire and intentions are the mental states which are directed about the f-xLCiFmT_8-00030-00027655-00028355 world. Whenever I say that I have the desire then I try to say that I desire something, f-xLCiFmT_8-00031-00028569-00029233 now I give an example and try to illustrate this notion of intentionality. Think of a f-xLCiFmT_8-00032-00029233-00029933 case for intentionality is a part of the very experience of desire belief and intention. f-xLCiFmT_8-00033-00030170-00030870 Now, I said this case of Rohan, which could be anybody else, but if Rohan is a person f-xLCiFmT_8-00034-00030945-00031645 human being, Rohan desires to have a high profile job. Rohan believes that is high profile f-xLCiFmT_8-00035-00031839-00032349 job are available in the market, there is there are jobs available in the world and f-xLCiFmT_8-00036-00032349-00033049 intends to work hard to get the job. Rohan’s desire will be fulfilled if and only if he f-xLCiFmT_8-00037-00033240-00033761 works hard and secures good grade in the final exam. f-xLCiFmT_8-00038-00033761-00034461 So, think of the case x, x being the person, x has desire, belief and intention. Now, x f-xLCiFmT_8-00039-00034933-00035633 desire something, so this is very expression of desire, is to talk about how a particular f-xLCiFmT_8-00040-00036093-00036793 mental stage like desire is directed to the world, because jobs are available in the world. f-xLCiFmT_8-00041-00037449-00038149 So, this directedness are what Searle aboutnesss, is an intentional feature of the mind. Now, f-xLCiFmT_8-00042-00038512-00039212 Searle makes a distinction between intention and intentionality, intentionality is always f-xLCiFmT_8-00043-00039944-00040644 a feature whereas intention is a mental stage. All mental states will have this feature of f-xLCiFmT_8-00044-00040964-00041594 intentionality, what is important to understand here is this that how these mental states f-xLCiFmT_8-00045-00041594-00042294 explain our actions, because the mental states are about the mind. As I mentioned in the f-xLCiFmT_8-00046-00042719-00043419 last class that these are mental states constitutes the network, is mental states constitute the f-xLCiFmT_8-00047-00043622-00044322 network and the network represents the mind. So, there is something internal about the f-xLCiFmT_8-00048-00044455-00045155 mental states. But when Searle talks about the internality of mental states, Searle also f-xLCiFmT_8-00049-00045358-00046058 tries to show that these mental states are expressed in the form of language in the form f-xLCiFmT_8-00050-00046883-00047412 of language. So, the expression of mental states in the f-xLCiFmT_8-00051-00047412-00048112 form of language shows that they are directed about the world. They also show that they f-xLCiFmT_8-00052-00048371-00049071 represents the world, say for example, how Rohan perceives the notion of a job in the f-xLCiFmT_8-00053-00049283-00049983 market, speaks about Rohans experience of the social phenomenon. So, if that is the f-xLCiFmT_8-00054-00050322-00051022 case, how does an individual experiences things and how does he or she represents them. So, f-xLCiFmT_8-00055-00051222-00051922 that will bring the concept of intentionality in a more explicit manner. And it will also f-xLCiFmT_8-00056-00052376-00053076 show that this idea of a fulfillment or satisfaction will talk about how things are also associated f-xLCiFmT_8-00057-00053338-00054024 with mind, it is not intentionality, is not about the external conditions or external f-xLCiFmT_8-00058-00054024-00054700 relations, but also something internal to the mind. And that is what is now we are trying f-xLCiFmT_8-00059-00054700-00055400 to explain and Searle very well explains this that there is some kind of a direction of f-xLCiFmT_8-00060-00055532-00056232 fit between the individual, the subject, which a conscious being and the world. So, that f-xLCiFmT_8-00061-00056605-00056881 kind of relationship will talk about. f-xLCiFmT_8-00062-00056881-00057581 Now, what is directedness? Look at let us extend this example little further. If the f-xLCiFmT_8-00063-00057639-00058339 teacher says that Rohan is doing well in the class and Rohan hears this statement of teachers, f-xLCiFmT_8-00064-00058527-00059225 Rohan is happy about his performance in the class and in the examinations, then Rohan f-xLCiFmT_8-00065-00059225-00059730 of course feels happy. Now, the question is whether this happiness f-xLCiFmT_8-00066-00059730-00060430 or the feeling of happiness is intentional? Do they represent like the desires, belief f-xLCiFmT_8-00067-00060955-00061655 and intention. Now, I am intending to do certain action, intending to perform certain action, f-xLCiFmT_8-00068-00061973-00062673 I am intending to work Rohan, intended to work, Rohan is working for the examination f-xLCiFmT_8-00069-00063324-00064024 is an intentional action and Searle calls it intention in action. f-xLCiFmT_8-00070-00064770-00065470 When Rohan experiences this fact that he has been working hard, when Rohan experiences f-xLCiFmT_8-00071-00065689-00066389 this fact that there are good quality job available in the market, now this very experience f-xLCiFmT_8-00072-00066442-00067142 of certain things, Searle says that look at how intention works that is what is called f-xLCiFmT_8-00073-00067614-00068314 intention in action. A very fact that Rohan gets good grade and a high profiled job gives f-xLCiFmT_8-00074-00068454-00069154 them some kind of satisfaction. So, the experience of satisfaction, the experience f-xLCiFmT_8-00075-00069339-00070039 of this is something internal to Rohan or any person called Rohan that is something f-xLCiFmT_8-00076-00070768-00071468 internal to him. We need to understand little further that, further what kind of directedness f-xLCiFmT_8-00077-00071623-00072281 the notion of feeling will have? The Searle say that feeling is directed about f-xLCiFmT_8-00078-00072281-00072981 certain things, the Searle point out this fact that feeling is feeling represents something f-xLCiFmT_8-00079-00073150-00073850 and it is also true in the case of desire and intention that they represent things. f-xLCiFmT_8-00080-00074068-00074733 Whenever I say I desire a glass of water, where I would like to have a glass of water, f-xLCiFmT_8-00081-00074733-00075433 this desire represents something that I am thirsty or I am experiencing thirst, something f-xLCiFmT_8-00082-00075686-00076386 like that, now the question is whether feeling also expresses or represents this something. f-xLCiFmT_8-00083-00076801-00077497 According to Searle there are mental states which are unintentional, they do not represent f-xLCiFmT_8-00084-00077497-00078197 things. Say for example, my sudden feeling of happiness elatim and fear, fear and elatim f-xLCiFmT_8-00085-00078956-00079656 are some kind of mental experiences but they do not really represent things, certain cases f-xLCiFmT_8-00086-00079880-00080580 of say Rohan did not get a job. Think of a situation where Rohan did not get a job, then f-xLCiFmT_8-00087-00081257-00081957 there is a possibility that Rohan may get it depressed, because he was anxious of getting f-xLCiFmT_8-00088-00082306-00083006 a job. So, anxiety, depression are non representational f-xLCiFmT_8-00089-00083010-00083679 mental states, they do not represent anything, meaning thereby they are not directed towards f-xLCiFmT_8-00090-00083679-00084379 any object. I am anxious of certain things it is difficult to say that what I am anxious f-xLCiFmT_8-00091-00084522-00085222 of. So, in the depression the person is not really know what the cause of depression is, f-xLCiFmT_8-00092-00085511-00086211 so, therefore, for Searle the feeling of depression and anxious anxiety are not directed, they f-xLCiFmT_8-00093-00086420-00086749 are the evidence of undirected mental states. f-xLCiFmT_8-00094-00086749-00087449 So, there are mental states which are directed about the world and there are mental states f-xLCiFmT_8-00095-00087450-00088150 which are not directed about the world. Say for example, I am feeling very nervous, I f-xLCiFmT_8-00096-00088154-00088854 am or I am feeling kind of a fear being in this room, but I do not know what the cause f-xLCiFmT_8-00097-00089155-00089282 of my fear is. f-xLCiFmT_8-00098-00089282-00089982 So, in that situation things are non-intentional in character. There are feelings, but feelings f-xLCiFmT_8-00099-00090347-00091047 are non intentional, they do not represent things, then we need to understand what the f-xLCiFmT_8-00100-00091075-00091775 nature of representation in Searle’s theory of intentionality is. Intending and intention f-xLCiFmT_8-00101-00091892-00092107 are just one form of intentionality. f-xLCiFmT_8-00102-00092107-00092807 Now, we need to look at what is Searle’s notion of representation. As I said that mental f-xLCiFmT_8-00103-00092999-00093699 states are intentional states and all intentional states are presentational, because they represent f-xLCiFmT_8-00104-00093727-00094367 an object or state of a phase in the world. Intentional states are representational states; f-xLCiFmT_8-00105-00094367-00095067 when I say that I must also point out little bit on this that how thoughts or mental states f-xLCiFmT_8-00106-00095650-00096175 are representational. This network of mental states that Searle is talking about refers f-xLCiFmT_8-00107-00096175-00096875 to thoughts thoughts are mental. Now, if thoughts of mental phenomena, then how thoughts cause f-xLCiFmT_8-00108-00097067-00097612 action. According to Searle thought and actions are f-xLCiFmT_8-00109-00097612-00098268 intentionally related, there is some kind of a causal intentionality operating in this. f-xLCiFmT_8-00110-00098268-00098968 Searle says that intending to act or the intention is just one form of intentionality. As I mentioned f-xLCiFmT_8-00111-00099066-00099766 that there is a kind of an intention in action, now this intention in action tries to show f-xLCiFmT_8-00112-00099836-00100536 that there is some kind of a causal change. Intention which is causing action, now if f-xLCiFmT_8-00113-00101108-00101808 the intention causes action and this entire experience is linked by intentionality and f-xLCiFmT_8-00114-00102149-00102730 Searle calls as intention in actions. Now, they are just one form of intentionality, f-xLCiFmT_8-00115-00102730-00103430 they are not two different kinds of intentionality. Intentionality of thought and intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00116-00103435-00104101 of action are the performance of my action, are not two kinds of intentionality, they f-xLCiFmT_8-00117-00104101-00104648 are one kind of intentionality. Now, therefore, intending is an intentional f-xLCiFmT_8-00118-00104648-00105348 act, it is an intentional act. So, all voluntary reaction according to Searle is intentional f-xLCiFmT_8-00119-00105676-00106376 actions. Desiring is a mental act, intending is a mental act, thinking is a mental act, f-xLCiFmT_8-00120-00106872-00107572 because whenever I think I think of something, that would show what is mental and what is f-xLCiFmT_8-00121-00107948-00108320 non mental. So, intentionality is the marker of the mental, f-xLCiFmT_8-00122-00108320-00109020 there one can see the similarity between Searle and Brentano. Brentano also says that intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00123-00109314-00110014 is the specific feature of the non physical or the mental. So, mental and physical distinction f-xLCiFmT_8-00124-00110324-00111024 is created by intentionality and Searle also uses this as a marker of the mental phenomena. f-xLCiFmT_8-00125-00111279-00111979 When I say that an individual performs on a a conscious being, performs an action, then f-xLCiFmT_8-00126-00112233-00112689 this action is an intentional expression of certain things. f-xLCiFmT_8-00127-00112689-00113389 So, look at this expressions, intentional expressions in the case of a, sorry this is f-xLCiFmT_8-00128-00113604-00114304 wrongly typed, it should be baby daughter. If I say our baby daughter often cries for f-xLCiFmT_8-00129-00114340-00115040 food and ladoo, my friends pet keeps waiting till my friend arrives. Now, they are two f-xLCiFmT_8-00130-00115327-00116027 different conscious beings, one is the human and other is non human, for Searle the non f-xLCiFmT_8-00131-00116064-00116764 human expressions are also intentional, because the non human is also a living being. f-xLCiFmT_8-00132-00116871-00117571 So, being a biological source that they express intentionality, so animals, plants, etcetera f-xLCiFmT_8-00133-00117663-00118363 as I mentioned in the previous class that they are all have this capacity to express f-xLCiFmT_8-00134-00118811-00119511 intentional actions. But, when it comes to human beings, when it comes to human life, f-xLCiFmT_8-00135-00119780-00120480 that human life is expressed in a different way, because human being use language in a f-xLCiFmT_8-00136-00120545-00121245 typical way, probably it is to human’s beings language or a linguistic form of life we are f-xLCiFmT_8-00137-00121764-00122464 able to understand the other forms of life. But for Searle, human linguistic activities f-xLCiFmT_8-00138-00122658-00123358 are found, are structured and can be explained with the help of intentionality. So, meaning f-xLCiFmT_8-00139-00123792-00124451 according to Searle can be explained through intentionality, so meaning is very much part f-xLCiFmT_8-00140-00124451-00125114 of the social linguistic activities of human beings. f-xLCiFmT_8-00141-00125114-00125814 When I say that meaning can be explained through intentionality, one has to look at this point f-xLCiFmT_8-00142-00125817-00126517 of Searle that intentionality is a primary condition for language use. Language is secondary, f-xLCiFmT_8-00143-00126965-00127665 because meaning is derived from intentionality. Meaning is not derived from language use or f-xLCiFmT_8-00144-00128026-00128726 the form of life in the way puts it. So, Searle has a different concern here, we need need f-xLCiFmT_8-00145-00128958-00129658 to look at this in a more explicit manner, so this idea of meaning derived from intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00146-00130051-00130751 has to be seen explicitly and we will do that in one of the classes when I will be speaking f-xLCiFmT_8-00147-00130859-00131560 about language worldly relationship. But but today let us look at briefly how does Searle f-xLCiFmT_8-00148-00131850-00132486 explain the intentionality that is involved in language use. f-xLCiFmT_8-00149-00132486-00133186 As you all know Searle has this hypothesis in seventies, when he wrote speeches, of course f-xLCiFmT_8-00150-00133726-00134426 speeches are published in 1969. Now, in speech act Searle comes out which are these hypothesis, f-xLCiFmT_8-00151-00134489-00135189 that philosophy of action is a branch of philosophic language. When he says this he makes it a f-xLCiFmT_8-00152-00135577-00136277 point that is whenever I express something I perform a linguistic action. So, expressions, f-xLCiFmT_8-00153-00136636-00137330 linguistic expressions are nothing but actions, one kind of actions. f-xLCiFmT_8-00154-00137330-00138030 But, in later period when he wrote intentionality, in 1983, he comes out with another hypothesis. f-xLCiFmT_8-00155-00138489-00139189 That is philosophy of language is a part of or a branch of philosophy of mind, so all f-xLCiFmT_8-00156-00139574-00140274 the linguistic activities that human beings perform flows from human intentionality. So, f-xLCiFmT_8-00157-00140472-00141172 intentionality is therefore primary and intentionality has the defining power, defining power in f-xLCiFmT_8-00158-00141814-00142514 the sense that it explains human actions, human linguistic behaviors, particularly meaning. f-xLCiFmT_8-00159-00143111-00143811 So, in this sense Searle tries to give primacy to the intentional rather than the linguistic, f-xLCiFmT_8-00160-00144163-00144863 for Searle intentionality is not linguistic, five intentionality is not linguistic, I will f-xLCiFmT_8-00161-00145226-00145885 come back to these questions. One can critic Searle’s position, but what is important f-xLCiFmT_8-00162-00145885-00146585 here look at how Searle articulates, the notion of intentionality is a part of linguistic f-xLCiFmT_8-00163-00146701-00146775 expressions. f-xLCiFmT_8-00164-00146775-00147475 Now, when Searle says that speech is an expression, Searle says that we talk about P, P is a proposition f-xLCiFmT_8-00165-00147857-00148557 and P has a kind of a force embedded in it and Searle calls it illocutionary force. In f-xLCiFmT_8-00166-00148783-00149483 speech at often defines that there are three stages, one is the locutionary state, illocutionary f-xLCiFmT_8-00167-00149720-00150279 states and the perlocutionary states. So, for the linguistic expressions are concerned, f-xLCiFmT_8-00168-00150279-00150979 so the locutionary force is involved in the propositions or in the expression of the statement. f-xLCiFmT_8-00169-00151654-00152354 So, whenever I say something, say P, then P also carries some kind of a force. For example, f-xLCiFmT_8-00170-00153032-00153732 if I say close the door is an expression of a command close the door. f-xLCiFmT_8-00171-00153800-00154500 But, if I say please close the door, may be used in the sense of a request, so command, f-xLCiFmT_8-00172-00154714-00155414 request are carrying some kind of a force and Austin calls them performative, Searle f-xLCiFmT_8-00173-00155949-00156649 calls them speech acts. There is no difference between Searle and Austin here, because when f-xLCiFmT_8-00174-00156769-00157469 Austin says by saying that please close the door I am performing an action, I am trying f-xLCiFmT_8-00175-00157954-00158654 to say this with a particular force and Searle calls it a locutionary force, this illocutionary f-xLCiFmT_8-00176-00159238-00159938 force will act in such a way that it will force the hearer to act in a particular or f-xLCiFmT_8-00177-00160053-00160532 way. Meaning there by the hearer will follow what f-xLCiFmT_8-00178-00160532-00161232 is said and then he would perform what is desired. So, speech act is like performative f-xLCiFmT_8-00179-00161563-00162263 act, now all performative acts have a content because when I say please close the door this f-xLCiFmT_8-00180-00162503-00163203 statement has a content, it expresses the meaning and the hearer understands that meaning f-xLCiFmT_8-00181-00163371-00164071 and reacts to the statement made by the speaker. So, there is a representational content involved f-xLCiFmT_8-00182-00164476-00164970 in the representational state expressed by the speaker. f-xLCiFmT_8-00183-00164970-00165670 Searle says this representational state will have a direction of fit, now what is this f-xLCiFmT_8-00184-00165782-00166482 direction of fit? As I mentioned to you earlier, that if x expresses P, P is a statement to f-xLCiFmT_8-00185-00167147-00167847 the hearer, then the hearer listens to that statement and again reacts. If I say please f-xLCiFmT_8-00186-00168328-00169028 close the door, then the hearer listen to the statement made by me and closes the door. f-xLCiFmT_8-00187-00169327-00170027 So, when I say please close the door, I have this hope, of that is some kind of an expectation f-xLCiFmT_8-00188-00170382-00171082 that the hearer will follow. Now, when hearer does something meaning, thereby f-xLCiFmT_8-00189-00171345-00172045 when hearer closes the door then this intentionality is from intentionality towards the speaker, f-xLCiFmT_8-00190-00172313-00173013 so there are two kinds of intentionality operating here. One, the speaker, so when says something f-xLCiFmT_8-00191-00173125-00173825 intentionality is from mind to the world, when the hearer is saying something then it f-xLCiFmT_8-00192-00174359-00175059 is coming from world to the mind and that is what is called direction of fit. f-xLCiFmT_8-00193-00175495-00176195 So, in the case of speech act when the speaker performs an action and his desire is fulfilled f-xLCiFmT_8-00194-00176419-00177119 then the direction of speech is achieved. And Searle points out that every statement f-xLCiFmT_8-00195-00177169-00177745 is expressed with a psychological mode, it is not that just represented the content but f-xLCiFmT_8-00196-00177745-00178387 there is a psychological mode involved in it. So, P n stands for the psychological mode, f-xLCiFmT_8-00197-00178387-00179038 R c for representational content, so when the representational content and psychological f-xLCiFmT_8-00198-00179038-00179712 mode are involved in expression a speech act what is achieved is some kind of a condition f-xLCiFmT_8-00199-00179712-00180412 of satisfaction. Because I am satisfied, in the sense that f-xLCiFmT_8-00200-00180654-00181354 what I was expecting is also fulfilled, so I say something and I expect certain things, f-xLCiFmT_8-00201-00181850-00182550 I say that please close the door, but I also desire that the hearer would follow. But I f-xLCiFmT_8-00202-00182625-00183325 said, but if the hearer does not follow it does not obey then I will express dissatisfactions, f-xLCiFmT_8-00203-00183629-00184329 because expression of dissatisfaction is something which is essential for understanding meaning. f-xLCiFmT_8-00204-00184829-00185529 Because Searle says in the case of speech act the sincerity condition is violent, because f-xLCiFmT_8-00205-00185673-00186373 whenever I expressed is made, this is made with an authority and the hearer would follow f-xLCiFmT_8-00206-00186413-00187113 what the speaker says. If the hearer does not listen to what he said and expected whether, f-xLCiFmT_8-00207-00187202-00187902 then there is a of what kind of a linguistic activities. There is no direction of it, what f-xLCiFmT_8-00208-00188233-00188933 is there is a kind of a dissatisfaction, because it violates the principle of condition of f-xLCiFmT_8-00209-00189069-00189370 satisfaction according to Searle. f-xLCiFmT_8-00210-00189370-00190070 Now, as I mentioned earlier that the condition of satisfaction will talk about some kind f-xLCiFmT_8-00211-00190077-00190777 of an internality that every illocutionary action and the sincerity condition, we will f-xLCiFmT_8-00212-00190788-00191488 talk about some kind of an internality, that they it is me who is satisfied, it is my mind f-xLCiFmT_8-00213-00191571-00192271 which is getting satisfied or a particular desire which is getting satisfied. So, desire f-xLCiFmT_8-00214-00192380-00193080 is not available there, desire is very much part of my mental states, it is associated f-xLCiFmT_8-00215-00193257-00193957 with other mental states. It is part of my mind, so in in that sense f-xLCiFmT_8-00216-00193984-00194684 Searle would try to show how mind and meaning are related, they are not to separate things, f-xLCiFmT_8-00217-00195334-00196034 they are in fact relative to each other and this relationship can be explicated through f-xLCiFmT_8-00218-00196145-00196845 intentionality. So, intentionality not only explains the meaning embedded in our linguistic f-xLCiFmT_8-00219-00197074-00197774 activities but also explains our experiences, the structure of experiences, because it tries f-xLCiFmT_8-00220-00197867-00198499 to explicate the structure of representational states or intentional states. f-xLCiFmT_8-00221-00198499-00199199 How intentional states has content and how this content brings satisfaction, so all that. f-xLCiFmT_8-00222-00199367-00200067 So, whenever Searle will talk about intentionality, Searle talk about experience of the content f-xLCiFmT_8-00223-00200416-00201116 of mental states and Searle will also suggest that this intentionality, the human intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00224-00201423-00202123 is self referential, is self reflexive and that is what is shown when he talks about f-xLCiFmT_8-00225-00202396-00203096 direction of fit. When I am seeing a particular object he says in the case of perception this f-xLCiFmT_8-00226-00203210-00203910 self referentiality is explicit. When I say I am seeing the rose, the very fact that I f-xLCiFmT_8-00227-00204246-00204946 am seeing the rose, I am experiencing the beauty that the rose has. Now, this experience f-xLCiFmT_8-00228-00205361-00206061 is not only showing a kind of a intentionality connecting the subject to the object, but f-xLCiFmT_8-00229-00206125-00206825 also experiencing the object in me, but there by Searle does not say that the content is f-xLCiFmT_8-00230-00207375-00208075 an object, the content can be symbolized, can have a syntactic representation in my f-xLCiFmT_8-00231-00208238-00208776 thought. So, Searle differs very strongly from the f-xLCiFmT_8-00232-00208776-00209476 other representationalist who argue that, intentionality is causally produced by certain f-xLCiFmT_8-00233-00209544-00209760 mechanical function of the brain. f-xLCiFmT_8-00234-00209760-00210460 Now, according to them particularly the cognitive science and artificial intelligence theory f-xLCiFmT_8-00235-00210465-00211165 of mind would try to show that there is a syntactic representation, where content can f-xLCiFmT_8-00236-00211391-00212025 be computed. Now, look I would try to look at this quotation and please pay the attention f-xLCiFmT_8-00237-00212025-00212671 to this, that I am mostly emphatically not saying that believe is a kind of a picture, f-xLCiFmT_8-00238-00212671-00213371 not I am endorsing tractatus account of meaning, nor I am saying that believe represents something, f-xLCiFmT_8-00239-00213491-00214186 something very important we look at. The tractatorian account of meaning suggest a representational f-xLCiFmT_8-00240-00214186-00214886 theory of a meaning, Searle says that language represents the world; propositions are the f-xLCiFmT_8-00241-00215204-00215904 pictures of the world. So, propositions have pictorial element in f-xLCiFmT_8-00242-00215942-00216596 it, thoughts are expressed in propositions, so thoughts would also have the pictoriality f-xLCiFmT_8-00243-00216596-00217296 in that. So, Searle is not accepting the tractatorian notion of representation, Searle is also not f-xLCiFmT_8-00244-00217642-00218342 endorsing the notion of representation which is been argued by the coagnitive scientist f-xLCiFmT_8-00245-00218613-00219313 and people who are trying to study human mind from through artificial intelligence. f-xLCiFmT_8-00246-00219323-00220023 Because look at the notion of representations, belief is a representational state and belief f-xLCiFmT_8-00247-00220108-00220808 when we syntactically computed will have a symbolic representation, but Searle does not f-xLCiFmT_8-00248-00221053-00221753 believe that. According to Searle the content that is experienced by the subject is not f-xLCiFmT_8-00249-00222180-00222880 to be characterize as an object, content is not an object of thought, whether content f-xLCiFmT_8-00250-00222906-00223606 is just experienced, whenever I am perceiving certain things or seeing certain things or f-xLCiFmT_8-00251-00223815-00224515 acting on certain things or saying certain things in the case of meaning, action, perception, f-xLCiFmT_8-00252-00224867-00225567 intentionality is acting in the mode of intention in action. So, therefore, the content is being f-xLCiFmT_8-00253-00225654-00226354 experienced by the subject, but content is not an object of our observation or experience. f-xLCiFmT_8-00254-00226473-00227173 So, there is no syntactic representation of content possible according to Searle. f-xLCiFmT_8-00255-00227265-00227965 So, therefore, he strongly differs from there other representationalist, particularly the f-xLCiFmT_8-00256-00228346-00229046 coagnitive scientist and to some extent it differs from instanian notion of representation. f-xLCiFmT_8-00257-00229205-00229905 So, in that sense, so the kind of theory of meaning advocating will be something very f-xLCiFmT_8-00258-00230026-00230726 unique, we will study them in some other class, but let us look at what is sealer on notion f-xLCiFmT_8-00259-00230773-00231433 of representation. Searle on notion of representation is not syntactical; syntax in the computational f-xLCiFmT_8-00260-00231433-00232133 process is observalative. I am sure those are not will explain when he would talk about f-xLCiFmT_8-00261-00232437-00233030 Searles distinction between stronger I and weaker, I Searle puts it very emphatically f-xLCiFmT_8-00262-00233030-00233719 that computers cannot think; now this sounds very typical of Searle. f-xLCiFmT_8-00263-00233719-00234387 When Searle says the computers cannot think what he means by this that computers do not f-xLCiFmT_8-00264-00234387-00234981 have first order intentionality. The kind of intentionality which has been produced f-xLCiFmT_8-00265-00234981-00235634 by the machines or the computers, the kind of intelligence which is shown by cognitive f-xLCiFmT_8-00266-00235634-00236334 machines, which has this cognitive power or second order intentionality, biological intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00267-00236939-00237635 is the first order intentionality. All biological beings, living beings will have first order f-xLCiFmT_8-00268-00237635-00238163 intentionality and it was there is intentionality is something intringic to their consciousness. f-xLCiFmT_8-00269-00238163-00238863 It is something intringic to their life, whereas machine intentionality is a derived notion f-xLCiFmT_8-00270-00239189-00239878 of intentionality, because whatever be is been there, whatever is being programmed are f-xLCiFmT_8-00271-00239878-00240578 the representational states ascribe to certain machines. So, therefore, they are all desired f-xLCiFmT_8-00272-00240967-00241419 intentionality, they will have second order intentionality and Searle also points out f-xLCiFmT_8-00273-00241419-00242119 that an artificial system will not have life, the kind of consciousness, we have computer f-xLCiFmT_8-00274-00242561-00243076 will not have. So, to understand what consciousness is we f-xLCiFmT_8-00275-00243076-00243776 need to understand what the concept of consciousness is and what kind of form of life human beings f-xLCiFmT_8-00276-00243800-00244500 live. The computer does not fall in love, human beings fall in love, so falling in love f-xLCiFmT_8-00277-00244965-00245665 is a kind of an experience which Searle will associates it strongly with human life, a f-xLCiFmT_8-00278-00245971-00246444 human form of life. Whereas, in the case of computer that is absent. f-xLCiFmT_8-00279-00246444-00247144 So, that could be several other examples, other forms of life which human beings have, f-xLCiFmT_8-00280-00247303-00247971 computer does not smile like human beings smile. Human beings smile is a meaningful, f-xLCiFmT_8-00281-00247971-00248671 one they represent a meaning and they send a message to us. So, in that sense there are f-xLCiFmT_8-00282-00249317-00250017 enormous attributes of human consciousness. Now, we will be too look at them and try to f-xLCiFmT_8-00283-00250326-00251026 show how computers cannot have intentionality. Now, Searles mental representation m r are f-xLCiFmT_8-00284-00251316-00252016 related to feelings experience and understanding. So, when I say something, I understand this f-xLCiFmT_8-00285-00252194-00252894 fact that what is being said or in other words, when I say something I mean whatever is said. f-xLCiFmT_8-00286-00253158-00253858 So, meaning presupposes understanding, in that sense the content is revealed in different f-xLCiFmT_8-00287-00254226-00254926 modes of intentionality. As I mentioned earlier that the perception: seeing, experiencing, f-xLCiFmT_8-00288-00255030-00255730 believing, hoping, etcetera are different kinds of experiences for different kind of f-xLCiFmT_8-00289-00255862-00256562 expression of human intentionality in which the content of representational state is experienced. f-xLCiFmT_8-00290-00256842-00257542 Understanding imagination are higher order conscious features or feature of human intentionality, f-xLCiFmT_8-00291-00258277-00258977 because in animals do not understand a way human beings understand, animals lets is power f-xLCiFmT_8-00292-00259267-00259967 of imagination. As I mentioned that intentionality has self referentiality, intentionality with f-xLCiFmT_8-00293-00260103-00260803 the help of its self referential feature tries to show that it is me who is acting. f-xLCiFmT_8-00294-00261162-00261862 The sense of identity is produced by the self referential feature of intentionality, because f-xLCiFmT_8-00295-00262005-00262624 the subject understands this fact that he is acting or she is acting, she is doing this, f-xLCiFmT_8-00296-00262624-00263324 she is experiencing the object. So, the action is associated with the subject, which is very f-xLCiFmT_8-00297-00263649-00264349 necessary when you one talks about the concept like moral responsibility. Animals do not f-xLCiFmT_8-00298-00264423-00265123 have the sense of moral responsibility and what Searle calls the deontic power of intentionality. f-xLCiFmT_8-00299-00265172-00265781 So, human intentionality is deontic, has a sense of right or wrong. f-xLCiFmT_8-00300-00265781-00266481 Human beings have drastatic imaginations, they are engaged with creating new things, f-xLCiFmT_8-00301-00267074-00267774 art, poetry are the manifestation of human imagination, aesthetic imagination. So, in f-xLCiFmT_8-00302-00267986-00268686 that sense human intentionality is a very propound notion of intentionality and is different f-xLCiFmT_8-00303-00268845-00269545 from the machine intentionality. The intentionality of an artificial system which is human intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00304-00269754-00270454 shows how interacting with the world, how we are intentionally involved in the world. f-xLCiFmT_8-00305-00270544-00271244 So, the performance of action, perception, meaning etcetera will project the significance f-xLCiFmT_8-00306-00271323-00271857 of human intentionality. So, with this I would like to conclude the f-xLCiFmT_8-00307-00271857-00272557 lecture stating that Searles theory of intentionality, would explain how intentionality is an intrinsic f-xLCiFmT_8-00308-00272928-00273628 feature of consciousness. Searles theory of intentionality will also suggest that it is f-xLCiFmT_8-00309-00273633-00274333 different from the Husserl’s theory of intentionality, because Searle gives a causal account of intentionality f-xLCiFmT_8-00310-00274730-00275137 and Husserl’s gives a transcendental notion of intentionality, economological account f-xLCiFmT_8-00311-00275137-00275837 of intentionality. When Searle says intentionality is intringic to human mind, it is intringic f-xLCiFmT_8-00312-00276144-00276844 because it is irreducible, it is not causally explained by certain function of the brain f-xLCiFmT_8-00313-00277273-00277973 processes or it cannot be causally produced by certain mechanical function of a machine. f-xLCiFmT_8-00314-00278204-00278826 So, human intentionality is different. When we talk about human intentionality we look f-xLCiFmT_8-00315-00278826-00279526 at the entire form of human life, the of human life, then only we will understand what is f-xLCiFmT_8-00316-00280056-00280478 consciousness and how consciousness is intensive; thank you. fCFZFZ0b8NY-00000-00009920-00009984 so fCFZFZ0b8NY-00001-00016624-00016632 so fCFZFZ0b8NY-00002-00016632-00016712 enormous speeches fCFZFZ0b8NY-00003-00016712-00016984 you fDeD3--_R7c-00000-00000110-00000200 Look Up fDeD3--_R7c-00001-00000200-00000400 Look Up fGLvgzXWWVU-00000-00000159-00000209 SOOP fGLvgzXWWVU-00001-00000248-00000298 sĆ«p fGLvgzXWWVU-00002-00000298-00000370 stick it RIGHT HERE fGLvgzXWWVU-00003-00000370-00000420 ant sloop fGLvgzXWWVU-00004-00000437-00000614 [failing sounds] fGLvgzXWWVU-00005-00000631-00000713 My hands are not stronk fGLvgzXWWVU-00006-00000713-00000981 [sounds of weakness] fGLvgzXWWVU-00007-00000990-00001045 [AGGRESSIVE STABBING] fGLvgzXWWVU-00008-00001045-00001216 [non-sexual grinding] fGLvgzXWWVU-00009-00001216-00001266 Panda: AHEM fGLvgzXWWVU-00010-00001266-00001418 Panda: [insane giggling] fGLvgzXWWVU-00011-00001418-00001489 see screen fGLvgzXWWVU-00012-00001513-00001586 ==( D8 ) fGLvgzXWWVU-00013-00001600-00001650 SØÜP fGLvgzXWWVU-00014-00001691-00001853 As Ignis once said fGLvgzXWWVU-00015-00001853-00002121 [Imagine a British accent] The secret to soup fGLvgzXWWVU-00016-00002121-00002220 [Imagine a British accent] The secret to soup is fGLvgzXWWVU-00017-00002239-00002289 the fGLvgzXWWVU-00018-00002289-00002353 STIRRING fGLvgzXWWVU-00019-00002411-00002468 Panda: Sshhh fGLvgzXWWVU-00020-00002468-00002534 I'm filming fGLvgzXWWVU-00021-00002534-00002598 the sewp fGLvgzXWWVU-00022-00002639-00002728 I like that this is just fGLvgzXWWVU-00023-00002728-00002792 narration fGLvgzXWWVU-00024-00002792-00002952 of a SINGLE SHOT fGLvgzXWWVU-00025-00002952-00003090 of a SUUP CAN fGLvgzXWWVU-00026-00003131-00003181 like fGLvgzXWWVU-00027-00003181-00003268 [amusement] fGLvgzXWWVU-00028-00003268-00003438 You're shooting some kind of fGLvgzXWWVU-00029-00003438-00003598 CRAZY STUDENT FILM fGLvgzXWWVU-00030-00003629-00003774 There are people in the room fGLvgzXWWVU-00031-00003795-00003917 Panda: zoom in on the sĂșp fGLvgzXWWVU-00032-00003917-00004157 [laughter of the damned] fGLvgzXWWVU-00033-00004200-00004250 Panda: Move your hand fGLvgzXWWVU-00034-00004250-00004300 I can't see the fGLvgzXWWVU-00035-00004300-00004350 SOP fGLvgzXWWVU-00036-00004350-00004441 ConSUME fGLvgzXWWVU-00037-00004441-00004491 ConSUME our fGLvgzXWWVU-00038-00004491-00004541 ConSUME our suwup fGLvgzXWWVU-00039-00004541-00004748 [fwuf fwuf fwuf fwuf] fGLvgzXWWVU-00040-00004919-00005196 [sun goes supernova outside] fGLvgzXWWVU-00041-00005404-00005533 Panda: zÞÞm in on da soap fGLvgzXWWVU-00042-00005580-00005630 soup fKFqr6UCtqY-00000-00000000-00000153 Hi! In this video we're going to talk fKFqr6UCtqY-00001-00000153-00000384 about integration by parts. As you know fKFqr6UCtqY-00002-00000384-00000537 when you're taking derivatives there are fKFqr6UCtqY-00003-00000537-00000783 rules: linearity, the chain rule, the fKFqr6UCtqY-00004-00000783-00001050 product rule, and slowly we're building fKFqr6UCtqY-00005-00001050-00001236 these rules up backwards for fKFqr6UCtqY-00006-00001236-00001421 anti-derivatives. Today we're going to do fKFqr6UCtqY-00007-00001421-00001596 integration by parts which is fKFqr6UCtqY-00008-00001596-00001835 essentially the product rule translated fKFqr6UCtqY-00009-00001835-00002109 into anti derivative notation. As we work fKFqr6UCtqY-00010-00002109-00002303 through some examples what you'll see is fKFqr6UCtqY-00011-00002303-00002514 that integration by parts can allow us fKFqr6UCtqY-00012-00002514-00002790 to not only take the antiderivative of fKFqr6UCtqY-00013-00002790-00002982 two things that are multiplied together fKFqr6UCtqY-00014-00002982-00003261 but it can also help us do other things fKFqr6UCtqY-00015-00003261-00003570 like take the antiderivative of arctan(x) fKFqr6UCtqY-00016-00003570-00003801 or take the antiderivative of the ln(x) fKFqr6UCtqY-00017-00003801-00004017 function... which by the way we haven't fKFqr6UCtqY-00018-00004017-00004203 done so far, you may not have noticed at fKFqr6UCtqY-00019-00004203-00004439 this point! If the derivative of f(x) times fKFqr6UCtqY-00020-00004439-00004698 g(x) is equal to this formula then the fKFqr6UCtqY-00021-00004698-00004973 antiderivative of this formula is equal fKFqr6UCtqY-00022-00004973-00005223 to f(x) times g(x). Don't forget the plus C. Now fKFqr6UCtqY-00023-00005223-00005460 this is not the most helpful anti- fKFqr6UCtqY-00024-00005460-00005621 derivative formula because the fKFqr6UCtqY-00025-00005621-00005778 antiderivative would have to look fKFqr6UCtqY-00026-00005778-00006126 exactly like f'(x)g(x) +f(x)g'(x) in fKFqr6UCtqY-00027-00006126-00006332 order for us to use this formula. So fKFqr6UCtqY-00028-00006332-00006468 we're going to try to move things around fKFqr6UCtqY-00029-00006468-00006668 and make life a bit easier. Ising fKFqr6UCtqY-00030-00006668-00006876 properties of integrals we can separate fKFqr6UCtqY-00031-00006876-00007109 the left side into two anti-derivatives. fKFqr6UCtqY-00032-00007109-00007278 Now what I'm going to do is take one of fKFqr6UCtqY-00033-00007278-00007511 these integrals and subtract it over to fKFqr6UCtqY-00034-00007511-00007697 the other side of the equation. This is fKFqr6UCtqY-00035-00007697-00007878 essentially the integration by parts fKFqr6UCtqY-00036-00007878-00008103 formula. Now it's not that easy to fKFqr6UCtqY-00037-00008103-00008354 remember in the current format so we're fKFqr6UCtqY-00038-00008354-00008532 going to introduce some extra letters, fKFqr6UCtqY-00039-00008532-00008739 some extra notation, in order to make fKFqr6UCtqY-00040-00008739-00008949 this formula easier to remember. Our fKFqr6UCtqY-00041-00008949-00009384 notation is to set u = f(x) and fKFqr6UCtqY-00042-00009384-00009615 dv = g'(x)dx. fKFqr6UCtqY-00043-00009615-00009890 A little note about the u fKFqr6UCtqY-00044-00009890-00010079 and the v. Depending on your handwriting fKFqr6UCtqY-00045-00010079-00010263 u and v may kind of look similar to fKFqr6UCtqY-00046-00010263-00010332 each other. fKFqr6UCtqY-00047-00010332-00010599 Please notice that everytime a u, the u fKFqr6UCtqY-00048-00010599-00010821 has a little tail on the bottom of the fKFqr6UCtqY-00049-00010821-00011079 u. But the v's have little tails on the fKFqr6UCtqY-00050-00011079-00011217 top. That's how you can tell the fKFqr6UCtqY-00051-00011217-00011450 difference between my u and my v. I fKFqr6UCtqY-00052-00011450-00011639 suggest you do the same in your notebook, fKFqr6UCtqY-00053-00011639-00011820 as you're taking notes for this video. fKFqr6UCtqY-00054-00011820-00012032 Okay so according to this notation if u fKFqr6UCtqY-00055-00012032-00012243 is equal to f(x), what is the fKFqr6UCtqY-00056-00012243-00012432 derivative on both sides of that fKFqr6UCtqY-00057-00012432-00012743 equation? That means that du is equal to fKFqr6UCtqY-00058-00012743-00013094 f'(x)dx, and if dv is fKFqr6UCtqY-00059-00013094-00013252 equal to g'(x)dx fKFqr6UCtqY-00060-00013252-00013465 taking the antiderivative of that fKFqr6UCtqY-00061-00013465-00013777 relationship gives v is equal to g(x). fKFqr6UCtqY-00062-00013777-00014044 So now our integration by parts formula, fKFqr6UCtqY-00063-00014044-00014257 here's the format that we usually use. fKFqr6UCtqY-00064-00014257-00014608 The left side is the antiderivative ... fKFqr6UCtqY-00065-00014608-00015007 f(x) is the u, times g'(x)dx. This is equal to dv in fKFqr6UCtqY-00066-00015007-00015256 our new notation. This is the easy term. fKFqr6UCtqY-00067-00015256-00015508 f(x) is equal to u, and g(x) is equal to v so fKFqr6UCtqY-00068-00015508-00015838 the f(x)*g(x) term turns into u times v. fKFqr6UCtqY-00069-00015838-00016057 And finally don't forget we can multiply fKFqr6UCtqY-00070-00016057-00016366 in any order, so if I do g(x) first g(x) is fKFqr6UCtqY-00071-00016366-00016828 equal to v, and f'(x)dx is equal to du. fKFqr6UCtqY-00072-00016828-00017038 Don't worry about the plus C. Notice fKFqr6UCtqY-00073-00017038-00017269 there's an antiderivative symbol on both fKFqr6UCtqY-00074-00017269-00017506 sides of this equation so think about fKFqr6UCtqY-00075-00017506-00017713 this... you're given an integral, that's fKFqr6UCtqY-00076-00017713-00017881 this one on the left... then you do fKFqr6UCtqY-00077-00017881-00018082 integration by parts and your new fKFqr6UCtqY-00078-00018082-00018295 formula looks something like this on the fKFqr6UCtqY-00079-00018295-00018517 right-hand side now you still have to do fKFqr6UCtqY-00080-00018517-00018817 this integral of v*du. Hopefully fKFqr6UCtqY-00081-00018817-00019042 this integral will be easier than the fKFqr6UCtqY-00082-00019042-00019216 original integral, that's the whole point fKFqr6UCtqY-00083-00019216-00019420 of the integration by parts formula, but fKFqr6UCtqY-00084-00019420-00019645 after you do that integral you will of fKFqr6UCtqY-00085-00019645-00019930 course add plus C. So the extra plus C is fKFqr6UCtqY-00086-00019930-00020107 extraneous. We don't need it. This is our fKFqr6UCtqY-00087-00020107-00020329 integration by parts formula. It is the fKFqr6UCtqY-00088-00020329-00020578 chain rule backwards. So let's talk about fKFqr6UCtqY-00089-00020578-00020812 how can we make sure things will get fKFqr6UCtqY-00090-00020812-00021049 easier when we use the integration by fKFqr6UCtqY-00091-00021049-00021151 parts formula. fKFqr6UCtqY-00092-00021151-00021334 Here's what I want to notice is that fKFqr6UCtqY-00093-00021334-00021550 polynomials, when you take their fKFqr6UCtqY-00094-00021550-00021805 derivatives, they get simpler and simpler. fKFqr6UCtqY-00095-00021805-00022006 Polynomials have this really nice fKFqr6UCtqY-00096-00022006-00022276 property where a fifth power decreases fKFqr6UCtqY-00097-00022276-00022558 to a fourth power after I take the fKFqr6UCtqY-00098-00022558-00022747 derivative. Take the derivative of that and I fKFqr6UCtqY-00099-00022747-00022951 get a cube... I take enough derivatives of fKFqr6UCtqY-00100-00022951-00023188 polynomials eventually I'll get zero. fKFqr6UCtqY-00101-00023188-00023413 Polynomials is get simpler when you take fKFqr6UCtqY-00102-00023413-00023635 their derivatives. Sines, cosines, and fKFqr6UCtqY-00103-00023635-00023920 exponentials do not get simpler upon fKFqr6UCtqY-00104-00023920-00024148 differentiation. Try a couple of examples fKFqr6UCtqY-00105-00024148-00024337 here. If I start with sine, its derivative fKFqr6UCtqY-00106-00024337-00024520 is cosine. And the derivative of that is fKFqr6UCtqY-00107-00024520-00024667 negative sine. We're just going in fKFqr6UCtqY-00108-00024667-00024895 circles here. How about exponentials? I fKFqr6UCtqY-00109-00024895-00025095 start with an exponential and take the fKFqr6UCtqY-00110-00025095-00025312 derivative get another exponential take fKFqr6UCtqY-00111-00025312-00025477 the derivative of that and it's another fKFqr6UCtqY-00112-00025477-00025654 exponential. Again we're just going in fKFqr6UCtqY-00113-00025654-00025804 circles here: exponentials give fKFqr6UCtqY-00114-00025804-00026023 exponentials, sines and cosines give sines fKFqr6UCtqY-00115-00026023-00026082 and cosines. fKFqr6UCtqY-00116-00026082-00026364 These functions do not get simpler fKFqr6UCtqY-00117-00026364-00026544 when you differentiate them. fKFqr6UCtqY-00118-00026544-00026686 Here's our first example. We're gonna fKFqr6UCtqY-00119-00026686-00026841 need that integration by parts formula. fKFqr6UCtqY-00120-00026841-00027055 We've got two functions multiplied fKFqr6UCtqY-00121-00027055-00027396 together: x^2 and cosine. It's my job fKFqr6UCtqY-00122-00027396-00027678 to decide which one is the u and which fKFqr6UCtqY-00123-00027678-00027963 one is the dv. Now after I make that fKFqr6UCtqY-00124-00027963-00028249 decision I'm gonna still have to do this fKFqr6UCtqY-00125-00028249-00028587 other integral of v times du, so u fKFqr6UCtqY-00126-00028587-00028884 and dv are my initial choices. But I'm gonna fKFqr6UCtqY-00127-00028884-00029115 have to take the derivative of the u fKFqr6UCtqY-00128-00029115-00029368 in order to get du. I sure hope that fKFqr6UCtqY-00129-00029368-00029544 function gets simpler and I'm going to fKFqr6UCtqY-00130-00029544-00029781 have to take the antiderivative of the fKFqr6UCtqY-00131-00029781-00030066 dv in order to get the v. Okay so here's fKFqr6UCtqY-00132-00030066-00030286 where the previous slide comes into play. fKFqr6UCtqY-00133-00030286-00030516 I'm gonna make a choice to have x^2 fKFqr6UCtqY-00134-00030516-00030781 be in the u position, fKFqr6UCtqY-00135-00030781-00031105 polynomials should almost always be in fKFqr6UCtqY-00136-00031105-00031356 the u position. Well why is that? It's fKFqr6UCtqY-00137-00031356-00031602 because after I take the derivative of fKFqr6UCtqY-00138-00031602-00031845 polynomials I get something that's fKFqr6UCtqY-00139-00031845-00032152 simpler of a lower power. fKFqr6UCtqY-00140-00032152-00032415 What's left over for the cosine must be fKFqr6UCtqY-00141-00032415-00032688 my dv since it's the only choice left. And I fKFqr6UCtqY-00142-00032688-00033021 take the antiderivative of dv in order fKFqr6UCtqY-00143-00033021-00033268 to get v. Now that didn't get simpler but fKFqr6UCtqY-00144-00033268-00033544 that's ok, I just need the original fKFqr6UCtqY-00145-00033544-00033765 problem which is these two things fKFqr6UCtqY-00146-00033765-00034128 multiplied together (the v and du) as a fKFqr6UCtqY-00147-00034128-00034356 quantity multiplied together I need that fKFqr6UCtqY-00148-00034356-00034615 to get simpler. That's the whole strategy fKFqr6UCtqY-00149-00034615-00034846 .behind integration by parts fKFqr6UCtqY-00150-00034846-00035071 Ok let's actually do this. This integral fKFqr6UCtqY-00151-00035071-00035521 it's equal to u times v... u is x squared, fKFqr6UCtqY-00152-00035521-00035899 v is sin(x)... minus the integral of v*du. fKFqr6UCtqY-00153-00035899-00036375 v is sin(x) and du = 2xdx. fKFqr6UCtqY-00154-00036375-00036678 We'll pull out that 2 and write the x in fKFqr6UCtqY-00155-00036678-00036790 front of the sine. fKFqr6UCtqY-00156-00036790-00037050 Ok so this is improvement. We started fKFqr6UCtqY-00157-00037050-00037330 with x squared times cosine and after we fKFqr6UCtqY-00158-00037330-00037575 implemented the integration by parts fKFqr6UCtqY-00159-00037575-00037977 formula now we have x times sine as the fKFqr6UCtqY-00160-00037977-00038133 integral that needs to be done. That's fKFqr6UCtqY-00161-00038133-00038350 actually an improvement, that's good the fKFqr6UCtqY-00162-00038350-00038599 integration by parts formula is making fKFqr6UCtqY-00163-00038599-00038802 the problem simpler. But now we have a fKFqr6UCtqY-00164-00038802-00039000 new problem. Let's focus on our new fKFqr6UCtqY-00165-00039000-00039178 problem. Our problem has fKFqr6UCtqY-00166-00039178-00039481 reduced down to the antiderivative of x fKFqr6UCtqY-00167-00039481-00039703 times sine, can anybody guess what we're fKFqr6UCtqY-00168-00039703-00039799 gonna do next? fKFqr6UCtqY-00169-00039799-00039937 I hope that you guessed it we're gonna fKFqr6UCtqY-00170-00039937-00040102 do integration by parts again. fKFqr6UCtqY-00171-00040102-00040351 Integration by parts a second time will fKFqr6UCtqY-00172-00040351-00040597 be very similar to the first one except fKFqr6UCtqY-00173-00040597-00040870 here u will be equal to just x. Taking fKFqr6UCtqY-00174-00040870-00041230 the derivative of u we get 1dx. The dv fKFqr6UCtqY-00175-00041230-00041458 is the sin(x)dx. Taking the fKFqr6UCtqY-00176-00041458-00041668 antiderivative of sine we get negative fKFqr6UCtqY-00177-00041668-00042058 cosine. Now inside these red parentheses fKFqr6UCtqY-00178-00042058-00042262 we're going to execute our second fKFqr6UCtqY-00179-00042262-00042478 integration by parts formula. fKFqr6UCtqY-00180-00042478-00042886 According to our formula its u times v fKFqr6UCtqY-00181-00042886-00043249 which is negative cosine minus integral fKFqr6UCtqY-00182-00043249-00043654 of vdu which is equal to -cos(x)dx. fKFqr6UCtqY-00183-00043654-00043894 Here's where we finally see it working. fKFqr6UCtqY-00184-00043894-00044086 This is the antiderivative of negative fKFqr6UCtqY-00185-00044086-00044239 cosine, that's the most reasonable fKFqr6UCtqY-00186-00044239-00044407 problem you could ever hope for! fKFqr6UCtqY-00187-00044407-00044616 So let's do it and finish this thing. fKFqr6UCtqY-00188-00044616-00044766 Of course as I go along fKFqr6UCtqY-00189-00044766-00044941 I'm just going to simplify things and fKFqr6UCtqY-00190-00044941-00045136 make it look nicer for myself. fKFqr6UCtqY-00191-00045136-00045328 Let's just put those minuses together fKFqr6UCtqY-00192-00045328-00045522 for now and on the final line I will fKFqr6UCtqY-00193-00045522-00045664 finish the problem. Taking the fKFqr6UCtqY-00194-00045664-00045897 antiderivative of cosine we get sine fKFqr6UCtqY-00195-00045897-00046084 and finally don't forget to add plus C. fKFqr6UCtqY-00196-00046084-00046252 There we go that's our answer down fKFqr6UCtqY-00197-00046252-00046450 at the bottom of the slide. Here that is fKFqr6UCtqY-00198-00046450-00046663 a really long formula but remember that fKFqr6UCtqY-00199-00046663-00046852 in calculus to you can always take the fKFqr6UCtqY-00200-00046852-00047113 derivative of your answer here, and you fKFqr6UCtqY-00201-00047113-00047386 should get the original problem. What fKFqr6UCtqY-00202-00047386-00047533 happens is that if you take the fKFqr6UCtqY-00203-00047533-00047722 derivative of your answer like in order fKFqr6UCtqY-00204-00047722-00047857 to check and make sure things are fKFqr6UCtqY-00205-00047857-00048061 working the derivative of this term fKFqr6UCtqY-00206-00048061-00048271 requires the product rule, the derivative fKFqr6UCtqY-00207-00048271-00048528 of this term also requires the product fKFqr6UCtqY-00208-00048528-00048694 rule, if you actually write all that fKFqr6UCtqY-00209-00048694-00048903 stuff out a bunch of stuff will cancel fKFqr6UCtqY-00210-00048903-00049144 out and the only thing left over will be fKFqr6UCtqY-00211-00049144-00049360 x squared times cosine. So it turns out fKFqr6UCtqY-00212-00049360-00049594 that the derivative of this big long fKFqr6UCtqY-00213-00049594-00049852 quantity is x squared times cosine. fKFqr6UCtqY-00214-00049852-00050041 Alright here's our next example. We're fKFqr6UCtqY-00215-00050041-00050212 going to apply the integration by parts fKFqr6UCtqY-00216-00050212-00050391 formula, and similar to the previous fKFqr6UCtqY-00217-00050391-00050611 problem the way we do it is by figuring fKFqr6UCtqY-00218-00050611-00050800 out which one of these functions x^2 fKFqr6UCtqY-00219-00050800-00051037 and ln(x) is equal to u and fKFqr6UCtqY-00220-00051037-00051277 which one is equal to dv. That's how you start every fKFqr6UCtqY-00221-00051277-00051492 integration by parts formula. u is equal fKFqr6UCtqY-00222-00051492-00051733 to something and dv is equal to fKFqr6UCtqY-00223-00051733-00051942 something. And you stare at the original fKFqr6UCtqY-00224-00051942-00052150 problem and decide which is which. fKFqr6UCtqY-00225-00052150-00052566 Suppose that I put the ln(x) function in fKFqr6UCtqY-00226-00052566-00052798 for the dv. Unfortunately there's a fKFqr6UCtqY-00227-00052798-00052897 problem here. fKFqr6UCtqY-00228-00052897-00053182 What's the antiderivative of the ln(x) fKFqr6UCtqY-00229-00053182-00053389 function? I hope that you're stumped by fKFqr6UCtqY-00230-00053389-00053563 that because we don't know the answer to fKFqr6UCtqY-00231-00053563-00053752 that problem. Unfortunately we haven't fKFqr6UCtqY-00232-00053752-00053857 learned that yet. fKFqr6UCtqY-00233-00053857-00054058 Of course you know the derivative of the fKFqr6UCtqY-00234-00054058-00054279 ln(x) function but you don't know the fKFqr6UCtqY-00235-00054279-00054520 antiderivative. Oh man so this is not fKFqr6UCtqY-00236-00054520-00054729 gonna work. Unfortunately we have to fKFqr6UCtqY-00237-00054729-00054937 choose our u and dv somehow fKFqr6UCtqY-00238-00054937-00055138 differently. So I don't know... let's just fKFqr6UCtqY-00239-00055138-00055300 switch them and see what happens. fKFqr6UCtqY-00240-00055300-00055573 Let's have the dv be the x squared because fKFqr6UCtqY-00241-00055573-00055765 we don't have any other choice, and the fKFqr6UCtqY-00242-00055765-00056044 u be the ln(x) function. At least this way fKFqr6UCtqY-00243-00056044-00056295 it's possible to continue with the fKFqr6UCtqY-00244-00056295-00056575 problem taking the derivative of u in fKFqr6UCtqY-00245-00056575-00056883 order to get du. We get 1 over x times dx. fKFqr6UCtqY-00246-00056883-00057238 Taking the antiderivative of dv in order fKFqr6UCtqY-00247-00057238-00057508 to get v I get (1/3)x^3. From the fKFqr6UCtqY-00248-00057508-00057811 original problem on the top line it fKFqr6UCtqY-00249-00057811-00058057 should be the case that when we multiply fKFqr6UCtqY-00250-00058057-00058285 these two things on the bottom it should fKFqr6UCtqY-00251-00058285-00058540 be simpler than the original problem. Is fKFqr6UCtqY-00252-00058540-00058795 it? Does it work? And here the secret is... fKFqr6UCtqY-00253-00058795-00059152 multiplication! Look if I multiply the du fKFqr6UCtqY-00254-00059152-00059505 times the v the du is 1 over x and fKFqr6UCtqY-00255-00059505-00059761 the v is one-third x-cubed. When I fKFqr6UCtqY-00256-00059761-00060022 multiply those guys together I get fKFqr6UCtqY-00257-00060022-00060190 one-third x-squared. fKFqr6UCtqY-00258-00060190-00060472 Oh that is simpler than the original fKFqr6UCtqY-00259-00060472-00060547 problem! fKFqr6UCtqY-00260-00060547-00060787 Ok so let's see this really written out. fKFqr6UCtqY-00261-00060787-00061054 Doing the integration by parts formula I fKFqr6UCtqY-00262-00061054-00061525 get u times v... so ln(x) times (1/3)x-cubed ... minus fKFqr6UCtqY-00263-00061525-00061924 the integral of v=(1/3)x^3 times fKFqr6UCtqY-00264-00061924-00062245 du. Du is one over x times dx. Move fKFqr6UCtqY-00265-00062245-00062389 things around because I like things to fKFqr6UCtqY-00266-00062389-00062470 look nice, fKFqr6UCtqY-00267-00062470-00062638 take out a constant because I like fKFqr6UCtqY-00268-00062638-00062883 things to be simple, and here's the trick. fKFqr6UCtqY-00269-00062883-00063267 Here x-cubed times 1/x is actually fKFqr6UCtqY-00270-00063267-00063591 just x squared, so if you compare the fKFqr6UCtqY-00271-00063591-00063867 original problem with the integral that fKFqr6UCtqY-00272-00063867-00064036 we have to do after the integration by fKFqr6UCtqY-00273-00064036-00064138 parts formula, fKFqr6UCtqY-00274-00064138-00064320 yeah that is simpler. The original fKFqr6UCtqY-00275-00064320-00064585 problem was x squared ln(x) and what we're fKFqr6UCtqY-00276-00064585-00064830 going to do is just x squared so it fKFqr6UCtqY-00277-00064830-00065004 looks like we're making progress. fKFqr6UCtqY-00278-00065004-00065142 Finishing the problem here is really not fKFqr6UCtqY-00279-00065142-00065386 too bad. Take the antiderivative of x fKFqr6UCtqY-00280-00065386-00065579 squared and don't forget the plus C. fKFqr6UCtqY-00281-00065579-00065753 And here we learned an important lesson fKFqr6UCtqY-00282-00065753-00066047 about the correct choices to make for fKFqr6UCtqY-00283-00066047-00066317 integration by parts. On example number fKFqr6UCtqY-00284-00066317-00066671 one we saw that u is often equal to fKFqr6UCtqY-00285-00066671-00066896 the polynomial, because polynomials get fKFqr6UCtqY-00286-00066896-00067085 simpler when you differentiate them. fKFqr6UCtqY-00287-00067085-00067277 However if I put u equal to the fKFqr6UCtqY-00288-00067277-00067538 polynomial in this problem then the dv fKFqr6UCtqY-00289-00067538-00067724 will be equal to the ln(x) and then I won't fKFqr6UCtqY-00290-00067724-00067895 be able to take the antiderivative of fKFqr6UCtqY-00291-00067895-00068087 the ln(x) because we don't know what the fKFqr6UCtqY-00292-00068087-00068300 anti derivative of ln(x) is. So here I'm fKFqr6UCtqY-00293-00068300-00068495 just stuck. There's just nothing else I fKFqr6UCtqY-00294-00068495-00068726 can do other than putting the u as the fKFqr6UCtqY-00295-00068726-00069044 ln(x) and the polynomial as the dv. I carry fKFqr6UCtqY-00296-00069044-00069227 out the problem and I find that that fKFqr6UCtqY-00297-00069227-00069452 actually works. Everyone we're taking a fKFqr6UCtqY-00298-00069452-00069647 brief intermission so that I can let you fKFqr6UCtqY-00299-00069647-00069860 know what's up with integration by parts. fKFqr6UCtqY-00300-00069860-00070079 The two problems that we just covered fKFqr6UCtqY-00301-00070079-00070322 are the main bulk of integration by fKFqr6UCtqY-00302-00070322-00070532 parts and that's what you really really fKFqr6UCtqY-00303-00070532-00070793 need to know solid solid before you come fKFqr6UCtqY-00304-00070793-00070880 to class. fKFqr6UCtqY-00305-00070880-00071039 I just want you to know that the next fKFqr6UCtqY-00306-00071039-00071264 example is a little bit exotic, it might fKFqr6UCtqY-00307-00071264-00071489 seem like an intimidating problem but if fKFqr6UCtqY-00308-00071489-00071609 you have a lot of questions about fKFqr6UCtqY-00309-00071609-00071825 problem number three don't worry about fKFqr6UCtqY-00310-00071825-00072032 it we will talk about in class. And we'll fKFqr6UCtqY-00311-00072032-00072257 do another example in class. So here is fKFqr6UCtqY-00312-00072257-00072428 problem number three. The antiderivative fKFqr6UCtqY-00313-00072428-00072656 of e^x times cos(x). Now the fKFqr6UCtqY-00314-00072656-00072884 reason why this problem is hard is fKFqr6UCtqY-00315-00072884-00073118 because e^x doesn't get simpler fKFqr6UCtqY-00316-00073118-00073301 when you differentiate it and neither fKFqr6UCtqY-00317-00073301-00073517 does cosine... that just turns into a sine. fKFqr6UCtqY-00318-00073517-00073661 So this problem it's gonna feel like fKFqr6UCtqY-00319-00073661-00073829 we're just going in circles. fKFqr6UCtqY-00320-00073829-00073979 Alright so let's get started. We're going fKFqr6UCtqY-00321-00073979-00074258 to choose our u and our dv. Now the initial fKFqr6UCtqY-00322-00074258-00074459 choice that you make, because neither of fKFqr6UCtqY-00323-00074459-00074624 them gets simpler when you differentiate fKFqr6UCtqY-00324-00074624-00074819 it, actually doesn't matter which one we fKFqr6UCtqY-00325-00074819-00075083 choose. Let's just say e^x is the u and fKFqr6UCtqY-00326-00075083-00075353 cos(x)dx is the dv. We take the fKFqr6UCtqY-00327-00075353-00075605 derivative here in order to obtain the du. fKFqr6UCtqY-00328-00075605-00075860 We take the antiderivative here in fKFqr6UCtqY-00329-00075860-00076049 order to obtain the v. And there's our fKFqr6UCtqY-00330-00076049-00076145 dictionary. fKFqr6UCtqY-00331-00076145-00076331 This will be integration by parts number fKFqr6UCtqY-00332-00076331-00076520 one that we're doing for this problem. fKFqr6UCtqY-00333-00076520-00076745 Doing the integration by parts formula I fKFqr6UCtqY-00334-00076745-00077108 get u=e^x times v=sin(x) fKFqr6UCtqY-00335-00077108-00077400 minus the integral of vdu. fKFqr6UCtqY-00336-00077400-00077664 For what's left over here we're going to fKFqr6UCtqY-00337-00077664-00077955 do integration by parts on this integral. fKFqr6UCtqY-00338-00077955-00078186 We will choose similar to the first fKFqr6UCtqY-00339-00078186-00078441 integration by parts u=e^x fKFqr6UCtqY-00340-00078441-00078729 except now the dv=sin(x)dx. fKFqr6UCtqY-00341-00078729-00078849 Taking the derivative and the fKFqr6UCtqY-00342-00078849-00079059 antiderivative in order to get du fKFqr6UCtqY-00343-00079059-00079413 and v. Now inside these red big square fKFqr6UCtqY-00344-00079413-00079596 parentheses we're going to do our second fKFqr6UCtqY-00345-00079596-00079863 integration by parts... uv minus the integral fKFqr6UCtqY-00346-00079863-00080256 of v times du. We started with e^x*cos(x), fKFqr6UCtqY-00347-00080256-00080526 we did integration by parts once, fKFqr6UCtqY-00348-00080526-00080751 we got e^x*sin(x), then we did fKFqr6UCtqY-00349-00080751-00080985 integration by parts again and we're fKFqr6UCtqY-00350-00080985-00081159 left with the integral of e^x*cos(x). fKFqr6UCtqY-00351-00081159-00081375 This really seems circular. fKFqr6UCtqY-00352-00081375-00081546 We're just going from the original fKFqr6UCtqY-00353-00081546-00081792 problem, we got the original problem back. fKFqr6UCtqY-00354-00081792-00082038 Even though this feels circular it's fKFqr6UCtqY-00355-00082038-00082290 actually right on track, and the key here fKFqr6UCtqY-00356-00082290-00082587 is to make a summarizing statement. This fKFqr6UCtqY-00357-00082587-00082812 is the whole trick to the problem. The fKFqr6UCtqY-00358-00082812-00083208 original problem is equal to our circled fKFqr6UCtqY-00359-00083208-00083388 statement right here. Now I've got a fKFqr6UCtqY-00360-00083388-00083631 couple of minus signs hanging around. Let fKFqr6UCtqY-00361-00083631-00083850 me just clean things up here in terms of fKFqr6UCtqY-00362-00083850-00083970 the minus signs. fKFqr6UCtqY-00363-00083970-00084183 Ok so here's what we've got from our fKFqr6UCtqY-00364-00084183-00084447 summary equation. Now what I'm doing here is fKFqr6UCtqY-00365-00084447-00084687 I'm just cleaning up my summary equation. fKFqr6UCtqY-00366-00084687-00084870 I'm going to distribute the minus sign fKFqr6UCtqY-00367-00084870-00085146 inside the red parentheses and here's fKFqr6UCtqY-00368-00085146-00085299 where we're almost finished with the fKFqr6UCtqY-00369-00085299-00085512 problem. Now the fact that the integral fKFqr6UCtqY-00370-00085512-00085722 that I'm looking for appears in two fKFqr6UCtqY-00371-00085722-00085965 different places means that I want to fKFqr6UCtqY-00372-00085965-00086235 consolidate these two integrals into fKFqr6UCtqY-00373-00086235-00086544 just one on one side of the equation. So fKFqr6UCtqY-00374-00086544-00086700 it'll be different for every single fKFqr6UCtqY-00375-00086700-00086967 problem but for this one I'm gonna move fKFqr6UCtqY-00376-00086967-00087219 this over to the other side of the fKFqr6UCtqY-00377-00087219-00087501 equation, so here I'm going to be adding fKFqr6UCtqY-00378-00087501-00087833 the integral of e^x*cos(x)dx fKFqr6UCtqY-00379-00087833-00088137 to both sides of the equation. What fKFqr6UCtqY-00380-00088137-00088356 happens when I do that... on the left side fKFqr6UCtqY-00381-00088356-00088578 that means I get two of them and I got fKFqr6UCtqY-00382-00088578-00088767 this stuff which is part of my formula... fKFqr6UCtqY-00383-00088767-00089067 and finally the last term on the end fKFqr6UCtqY-00384-00089067-00089340 here cancels out. That's the whole trick. fKFqr6UCtqY-00385-00089340-00089577 The last thing we got to do is divide by fKFqr6UCtqY-00386-00089577-00089829 2 on both sides so our final answer is fKFqr6UCtqY-00387-00089829-00090102 one-half times the quantity fKFqr6UCtqY-00388-00090102-00090327 e^x*sin(x) plus e^x*cos(x). Don't forget fKFqr6UCtqY-00389-00090327-00090522 the plus C. The whole trick to this fKFqr6UCtqY-00390-00090522-00090674 type of a problem fKFqr6UCtqY-00391-00090674-00090820 where nothing gets simple,r you're just fKFqr6UCtqY-00392-00090820-00091114 going in circles, is to make a summary fKFqr6UCtqY-00393-00091114-00091370 equation. That's the whole key to this fKFqr6UCtqY-00394-00091370-00091655 problem. And then add something to both fKFqr6UCtqY-00395-00091655-00091922 sides in order to consolidate the fKFqr6UCtqY-00396-00091922-00092129 integrals on one side of the equation fKFqr6UCtqY-00397-00092129-00092366 that's the whole trick. This is not fKFqr6UCtqY-00398-00092366-00092504 something that we're going to do every fKFqr6UCtqY-00399-00092504-00092695 day in class for every integration by fKFqr6UCtqY-00400-00092695-00092798 parts problem. fKFqr6UCtqY-00401-00092798-00093052 This is an exotic sort of extra problem fKFqr6UCtqY-00402-00093052-00093218 that's a little bit challenging that I fKFqr6UCtqY-00403-00093218-00093377 hope you'll challenge yourself to really fKFqr6UCtqY-00404-00093377-00093638 master but remember that problems number fKFqr6UCtqY-00405-00093638-00093877 one and problems number two are the main fKFqr6UCtqY-00406-00093877-00094091 focus for integration by parts. I hope fKFqr6UCtqY-00407-00094091-00094268 you enjoyed this video on integration by fKFqr6UCtqY-00408-00094268-00094487 parts. Remember integration by parts is fKFqr6UCtqY-00409-00094487-00094742 essentially the product rule backwards. I fKFqr6UCtqY-00410-00094742-00094862 know you'll be starting the homework fKFqr6UCtqY-00411-00094862-00095012 super early this week because you're fKFqr6UCtqY-00412-00095012-00095213 excited about integration by parts. fKFqr6UCtqY-00413-00095213-00095752 We'll see you soon! fLHIv8TrSJy-00000-00000000-00000700 In this video I discuss some of the changes that I had to overcome, when changing over from Windows 7 to LInux Lubuntu. I also discuss some of the mistakes I made during installation and the experiences I had with Mint, and Lubuntu. I have had to learn even more when it comes to Audio on Linux and I tell what my thoughts are concerning video editors on Linux. OBS wasn't an option when I changed over to LInux with our first computer, so I had to use alternatives instead. I talk about Simple Screen Recorder, Flowblade, and OpenShot Video Editor. https://youtu.be/FXeiB8bpWfE fLHIv8TrSJy-00001-00000700-00001400 #Video #video #Changes #changes #Windows7 #windows7 #LinuxLubuntu #linuxlubuntu #Installation #installation #Experiences #experience #Mint #mint #Lubuntu #lubuntu #Audio #audio #Linux #linux #Thoughts #thoughts #VideoEditorsOnLinux #videoeditorsonlinux #VideoEditors #videoeditors #OBS #obs #Computer #computer #Alternatives #alternatives #SimpleScreenRecorder #simplescreenrecorder #Flowblade #flowblade #OpenShot #openshot fSfcu4YDceg-00000-00000010-00000040 WE'RE RIGHT HERE. fSfcu4YDceg-00001-00000040-00000046 WE'RE RIGHT HERE. fSfcu4YDceg-00002-00000046-00000276 WE'RE RIGHT HERE. >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS fSfcu4YDceg-00003-00000276-00000283 WE'RE RIGHT HERE. >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS fSfcu4YDceg-00004-00000283-00000517 WE'RE RIGHT HERE. >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. fSfcu4YDceg-00005-00000517-00000523 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. fSfcu4YDceg-00006-00000523-00000790 >>> AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. >> OFF TO A 10, 2 AND 1 START, fSfcu4YDceg-00007-00000790-00000797 WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. >> OFF TO A 10, 2 AND 1 START, fSfcu4YDceg-00008-00000797-00000897 WITH JUSTIN PRINCE. >> OFF TO A 10, 2 AND 1 START, THE GRAND RAPIDS BOYS HOCKEY fSfcu4YDceg-00009-00000897-00000904 >> OFF TO A 10, 2 AND 1 START, THE GRAND RAPIDS BOYS HOCKEY fSfcu4YDceg-00010-00000904-00001030 >> OFF TO A 10, 2 AND 1 START, THE GRAND RAPIDS BOYS HOCKEY TEAM IS PICKING UP RIGHT WHERE fSfcu4YDceg-00011-00001030-00001037 THE GRAND RAPIDS BOYS HOCKEY TEAM IS PICKING UP RIGHT WHERE fSfcu4YDceg-00012-00001037-00001227 THE GRAND RAPIDS BOYS HOCKEY TEAM IS PICKING UP RIGHT WHERE THEY LEFT OFF AFTER THEIR THIRD fSfcu4YDceg-00013-00001227-00001234 TEAM IS PICKING UP RIGHT WHERE THEY LEFT OFF AFTER THEIR THIRD fSfcu4YDceg-00014-00001234-00001444 TEAM IS PICKING UP RIGHT WHERE THEY LEFT OFF AFTER THEIR THIRD PLACE FINISH AT STATE LAST YEAR. fSfcu4YDceg-00015-00001444-00001451 THEY LEFT OFF AFTER THEIR THIRD PLACE FINISH AT STATE LAST YEAR. fSfcu4YDceg-00016-00001451-00001705 THEY LEFT OFF AFTER THEIR THIRD PLACE FINISH AT STATE LAST YEAR. TONIGHT CLASS AA'S THIRD RANKED fSfcu4YDceg-00017-00001705-00001711 PLACE FINISH AT STATE LAST YEAR. TONIGHT CLASS AA'S THIRD RANKED fSfcu4YDceg-00018-00001711-00001875 PLACE FINISH AT STATE LAST YEAR. TONIGHT CLASS AA'S THIRD RANKED THUNDERHAWKS TOOK ON THE CLASS fSfcu4YDceg-00019-00001875-00001881 TONIGHT CLASS AA'S THIRD RANKED THUNDERHAWKS TOOK ON THE CLASS fSfcu4YDceg-00020-00001881-00002155 TONIGHT CLASS AA'S THIRD RANKED THUNDERHAWKS TOOK ON THE CLASS A'S TOP RANKED DEFENDING STATE fSfcu4YDceg-00021-00002155-00002162 THUNDERHAWKS TOOK ON THE CLASS A'S TOP RANKED DEFENDING STATE fSfcu4YDceg-00022-00002162-00002368 THUNDERHAWKS TOOK ON THE CLASS A'S TOP RANKED DEFENDING STATE CHAMP HERMAN TOWN. fSfcu4YDceg-00023-00002368-00002375 A'S TOP RANKED DEFENDING STATE CHAMP HERMAN TOWN. fSfcu4YDceg-00024-00002375-00002782 A'S TOP RANKED DEFENDING STATE CHAMP HERMAN TOWN. STILL IN THE FIRST, THUNDERHAWKS fSfcu4YDceg-00025-00002782-00002789 CHAMP HERMAN TOWN. STILL IN THE FIRST, THUNDERHAWKS fSfcu4YDceg-00026-00002789-00002936 CHAMP HERMAN TOWN. STILL IN THE FIRST, THUNDERHAWKS WITH A SHOT OFF THE POST. fSfcu4YDceg-00027-00002936-00002942 STILL IN THE FIRST, THUNDERHAWKS WITH A SHOT OFF THE POST. fSfcu4YDceg-00028-00002942-00003086 STILL IN THE FIRST, THUNDERHAWKS WITH A SHOT OFF THE POST. WE ARE TIED AT ONE. fSfcu4YDceg-00029-00003086-00003093 WITH A SHOT OFF THE POST. WE ARE TIED AT ONE. fSfcu4YDceg-00030-00003093-00003219 WITH A SHOT OFF THE POST. WE ARE TIED AT ONE. SECOND PERIOD NOW. fSfcu4YDceg-00031-00003219-00003226 WE ARE TIED AT ONE. SECOND PERIOD NOW. fSfcu4YDceg-00032-00003226-00003480 WE ARE TIED AT ONE. SECOND PERIOD NOW. HERMANTOWN LEADING 3-1. fSfcu4YDceg-00033-00003480-00003486 SECOND PERIOD NOW. HERMANTOWN LEADING 3-1. fSfcu4YDceg-00034-00003486-00003653 SECOND PERIOD NOW. HERMANTOWN LEADING 3-1. MIKE MILLER TOP RIGHT GOAL ON fSfcu4YDceg-00035-00003653-00003660 HERMANTOWN LEADING 3-1. MIKE MILLER TOP RIGHT GOAL ON fSfcu4YDceg-00036-00003660-00003793 HERMANTOWN LEADING 3-1. MIKE MILLER TOP RIGHT GOAL ON THE POWER PLAY TO PULL THE fSfcu4YDceg-00037-00003793-00003800 MIKE MILLER TOP RIGHT GOAL ON THE POWER PLAY TO PULL THE fSfcu4YDceg-00038-00003800-00003853 MIKE MILLER TOP RIGHT GOAL ON THE POWER PLAY TO PULL THE THUNDERHAWKS WITHIN ONE. fTycmefrBNo-00000-00066730-00067250 world without having an effect on the rest of it. I could not fTycmefrBNo-00001-00072786-00073250 individual, you have an obligation to be one. You fTycmefrBNo-00002-00073250-00073618 cannot make any useful contribution in life unless you fTycmefrBNo-00003-00066154-00066730 courageously. Hate and force cannot be in just a part of the fTycmefrBNo-00004-00071828-00072116 something else. fTycmefrBNo-00005-00065700-00066154 People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and fTycmefrBNo-00006-00063156-00063484 without knowing why. fTycmefrBNo-00007-00056304-00056726 A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone fTycmefrBNo-00008-00064924-00065468 carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect. fTycmefrBNo-00009-00067250-00067622 at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fTycmefrBNo-00010-00068238-00068684 I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live fTycmefrBNo-00011-00053204-00053610 It seems to me of great importance to teach children fTycmefrBNo-00012-00054796-00055236 with those you love, my dear, for noone can take joy that is fTycmefrBNo-00013-00063538-00063920 Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human fTycmefrBNo-00014-00055236-00055680 passed away from you. It will be there in your heart to live fTycmefrBNo-00015-00055680-00056052 on when the dark days come. fTycmefrBNo-00016-00059946-00060702 It is not more vacation we need. It is more vocation. What fTycmefrBNo-00017-00057194-00057602 expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one fTycmefrBNo-00018-00049496-00049934 Courage is exhilarating. fTycmefrBNo-00019-00054246-00054796 youngest you'll ever be again. Enjoy every minute you have fTycmefrBNo-00020-00048062-00048442 time it is an impossibility and you go through the tortures of fTycmefrBNo-00021-00032684-00033250 Since everybody is an individual, nobody can be you. fTycmefrBNo-00022-00051698-00051974 competence. fTycmefrBNo-00023-00059070-00059682 work is almost the best way to pull oneself out of the depths. fTycmefrBNo-00024-00040084-00040650 of some kind to one's world. I am who I am today because of fTycmefrBNo-00025-00044364-00044908 much experience, as much understanding. Not simply be fTycmefrBNo-00026-00051278-00051698 imaginatively, unless you can choose a challenge instead of fTycmefrBNo-00027-00072376-00072786 Remember always that you have not only the right to be an fTycmefrBNo-00028-00067622-00068054 fireside and simply look on. fTycmefrBNo-00029-00058518-00059070 be life and be without flavor. My experience has been that fTycmefrBNo-00030-00064540-00064924 who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to fTycmefrBNo-00031-00069846-00070468 cannot be for one side alone but must be for both. One thing fTycmefrBNo-00032-00043434-00043860 Your ambition should be to get as much life out of living as fTycmefrBNo-00033-00071416-00071828 genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to fTycmefrBNo-00034-00040650-00041046 the choices I made yesterday. fTycmefrBNo-00035-00069188-00069846 fault. If they betray you twice, it's your fault. Justice fTycmefrBNo-00036-00033886-00034830 yours. Your life is your own. You mold it. You make it. fTycmefrBNo-00037-00068684-00069188 with that decision. If someone betrays you once, it's their fTycmefrBNo-00038-00070872-00071416 look for new interests. They come to you. When you are fTycmefrBNo-00039-00063920-00064540 being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person fTycmefrBNo-00040-00056726-00057194 to the optimist. One's philosophy is not best fTycmefrBNo-00041-00062670-00063156 The only things one can admire at length are those one admires fTycmefrBNo-00042-00061374-00061856 Understanding is a two-way street. fTycmefrBNo-00043-00032098-00032402 called the present. fTycmefrBNo-00044-00030620-00031108 you. The chances are are that they aren't paying attention to fTycmefrBNo-00045-00061924-00062510 It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. fTycmefrBNo-00046-00053610-00054246 respect for life. Today is the oldest you've ever been and the fTycmefrBNo-00047-00060702-00061150 you don't do can be a destructive force. fTycmefrBNo-00048-00035950-00036360 It is a brave thing to have courage to be an individual. It fTycmefrBNo-00049-00050292-00050886 Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no fTycmefrBNo-00050-00052532-00053050 All of life is a constant education. fTycmefrBNo-00051-00039640-00040084 individual to his utmost potentiality and a contribution fTycmefrBNo-00052-00048826-00049378 find that forever after you are freer than you were before. fTycmefrBNo-00053-00023988-00024406 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their fTycmefrBNo-00054-00025274-00025864 as possible about other people. What could we accomplish if we fTycmefrBNo-00055-00029788-00030240 that interest you and do them with all your heart. Don't be fTycmefrBNo-00056-00030240-00030620 concerned about whether people are watching you or criticizing fTycmefrBNo-00057-00028100-00028612 you have to realize what you value most. Not to arrive at a fTycmefrBNo-00058-00028612-00029164 clear understanding of one's own values is a tragic waste. fTycmefrBNo-00059-00070468-00070872 life has taught me, if you are interested, you never have to fTycmefrBNo-00060-00027000-00027580 The process never ends until we die and the choices we make are fTycmefrBNo-00061-00057602-00057974 makes and the choices we make are ultimately our fTycmefrBNo-00062-00046096-00046672 done, have the courage to stand alone and be counted. fTycmefrBNo-00063-00048442-00048826 the damned. Once you have met it and live through it, you fTycmefrBNo-00064-00057974-00058518 responsibility. If life were predictable, it would cease to fTycmefrBNo-00065-00037750-00038140 We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to fTycmefrBNo-00066-00036360-00036984 is also perhaps a lonely thing. But it is better than not being fTycmefrBNo-00067-00045650-00046096 When you have decided what you believe, what you feel must be fTycmefrBNo-00068-00038540-00039008 we are to live together, we have to talk. fTycmefrBNo-00069-00046962-00047408 Life is like a parachute jump. You've gotta get it right the fTycmefrBNo-00070-00035660-00035896 death. fTycmefrBNo-00071-00047408-00048062 first time. Every time you meet a situation you think at the fTycmefrBNo-00072-00044908-00045320 what is generally called a success. fTycmefrBNo-00073-00042832-00043336 are the sum total of the choices we have made. fTycmefrBNo-00074-00050886-00051278 security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, fTycmefrBNo-00075-00036984-00037488 an individual which is to be nobody at all. fTycmefrBNo-00076-00031108-00031328 you. fTycmefrBNo-00077-00043860-00044364 you possibly can. As much enjoyment, as much interest, as fTycmefrBNo-00078-00039158-00039640 Success must include two things. The development of an fTycmefrBNo-00079-00041830-00042268 We all create the person we become by our choices as we go fTycmefrBNo-00080-00029164-00029788 You missed the whole point of what life is for. Do the things fTycmefrBNo-00081-00038140-00038540 die together or we are going to learn to live together and if fTycmefrBNo-00082-00041150-00041604 I never waste time looking back. fTycmefrBNo-00083-00033250-00033886 You are unique. No one can tell you how to use your time. It is fTycmefrBNo-00084-00019520-00019924 Imaginatively, unless you can choose a challenge instead of fTycmefrBNo-00085-00027580-00028100 ultimately our own responsibility. To be mature, fTycmefrBNo-00086-00031400-00032098 Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is fTycmefrBNo-00087-00017034-00017546 by changing your attitude. With the new day comes new strength fTycmefrBNo-00088-00026262-00027000 In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. fTycmefrBNo-00089-00025864-00026188 knew we could not fail? fTycmefrBNo-00090-00021996-00022426 It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do fTycmefrBNo-00091-00024406-00024666 dreams. fTycmefrBNo-00092-00016382-00017034 does not care at all. You can often change your circumstances fTycmefrBNo-00093-00024716-00025274 Think as little as possible about yourself. Think as much fTycmefrBNo-00094-00013278-00013852 The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the fTycmefrBNo-00095-00023544-00023796 to give. fTycmefrBNo-00096-00017546-00017826 and new thoughts. fTycmefrBNo-00097-00042268-00042832 through life. In a real sense, by the time we are adults, we fTycmefrBNo-00098-00020496-00021186 Life was meant to be lived and curiosity must be kept alive. 1 fTycmefrBNo-00099-00011976-00012626 You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience fTycmefrBNo-00100-00011490-00011894 for you'll be criticized anyway. fTycmefrBNo-00101-00035178-00035660 Character building begins in our infancy and continues until fTycmefrBNo-00102-00023208-00023544 important thing is that you meet it with the best you have fTycmefrBNo-00103-00006642-00007058 fears to do. Provided he keeps doing them until he gets a fTycmefrBNo-00104-00009766-00010332 The giving of love is an education in itself. fTycmefrBNo-00105-00008174-00008490 should put a good deal of thought into the happiness you fTycmefrBNo-00106-00010832-00011490 power to say yes. Do what you feel in your heart to be right fTycmefrBNo-00107-00008490-00009092 are able to give. You wouldn't worry so much about what others fTycmefrBNo-00108-00021186-00021790 must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life. fTycmefrBNo-00109-00002364-00003094 Small minds discuss people. Friendship with oneself is all fTycmefrBNo-00110-00018442-00019032 Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no fTycmefrBNo-00111-00013852-00014368 utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and fTycmefrBNo-00112-00015032-00015744 life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. fTycmefrBNo-00113-00004750-00005424 It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it fTycmefrBNo-00114-00015796-00016382 We are afraid to care too much. For fear that the other person fTycmefrBNo-00115-00022426-00023208 yourself. You have to accept whatever comes and the only fTycmefrBNo-00116-00019032-00019520 security unless you can live bravely, excitingly. fTycmefrBNo-00117-00019924-00020204 competence. fTycmefrBNo-00118-00004076-00004598 You must do the thing you think you cannot do. fTycmefrBNo-00119-00012626-00013110 in which you really stop to look fear in the face. fTycmefrBNo-00120-00001630-00002364 Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. fTycmefrBNo-00121-00000870-00001476 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. fTycmefrBNo-00122-00006220-00006642 I believe anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fTycmefrBNo-00123-00009092-00009588 think of you if you realized how seldom they do. fTycmefrBNo-00124-00014368-00015032 richer experience. Many people will walk in and out of your fTycmefrBNo-00125-00003094-00003626 important because without it, one cannot be friends with fTycmefrBNo-00126-00007058-00007570 record of successful experience behind him. fTycmefrBNo-00127-00010438-00010832 Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn't have the fTycmefrBNo-00128-00007672-00008174 Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others. You fTycmefrBNo-00129-00005424-00006088 and it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. fTycmefrBNo-00130-00003626-00003970 anyone else in the world. fTycmefrBNo-00131-00073618-00073870 do this. fVoFBfplu9g-00000-00008109-00008785 My name is Maria and my name is Nicolaj, and this is the Great Danish Bake Off. fVoFBfplu9g-00001-00008785-00009220 Today we are going to make HindbĂŠrsnitter, a traditional Danish cake, fVoFBfplu9g-00002-00009220-00009692 directly translated into raspberry bars or slices. fVoFBfplu9g-00003-00009692-00010663 We are going to show you how to make the shortcrust dough and then some of us are using a bought fVoFBfplu9g-00004-00010663-00011281 raspberry jam and some of us are going to try to make the jam ourselfs. fVoFBfplu9g-00005-00011281-00011831 In my defense this is the first time I'm baking so I think I'm allowed some help. fVoFBfplu9g-00006-00011831-00011939 Definitely, definitely. fVoFBfplu9g-00007-00011939-00012550 Then we are going to decorate the cakes in the end, and we will see who wins! fVoFBfplu9g-00008-00013450-00014063 So 250 grams of flour, 70 grams of icing sugar fVoFBfplu9g-00009-00014063-00014593 And. Like this. One teaspoon of baking soda. fVoFBfplu9g-00010-00015190-00015940 Butter cut into small pieces to make it easier to get all the things together afterwards. fVoFBfplu9g-00011-00015940-00016703 And it is salted butter and it is from Lurpak. fVoFBfplu9g-00012-00016703-00017367 And then I'm just going to, with my hands, mix it all together, and perhaps I need fVoFBfplu9g-00013-00017367-00018079 a little bit of water just to get everything together, but I will try without first. fVoFBfplu9g-00014-00019180-00019680 Do you feel the pressure? Uhm yeah I'm not used to this so... fVoFBfplu9g-00015-00019681-00019901 I don't know. fVoFBfplu9g-00016-00019901-00020090 Am I doing it right? fVoFBfplu9g-00017-00021380-00021830 Should I just... With my hands? fVoFBfplu9g-00018-00021838-00022028 Here we go. fVoFBfplu9g-00019-00022554-00023000 Maybe I should take it off the scale. fVoFBfplu9g-00020-00023630-00023796 Can you describe the feeling? fVoFBfplu9g-00021-00023796-00024295 It is a very strange consistency. fVoFBfplu9g-00022-00024295-00024398 I must admit. fVoFBfplu9g-00023-00024526-00024730 Okay, we are getting somewhere. fVoFBfplu9g-00024-00024730-00024960 I think we need some water. fVoFBfplu9g-00025-00024972-00025235 Should I just pour it all in at once or... fVoFBfplu9g-00026-00025235-00025531 No, just a tiny bit at a time. fVoFBfplu9g-00027-00025531-00025858 Perhaps it is not necessary. A tiny bit? fVoFBfplu9g-00028-00025858-00026174 Not more than that. Okay. fVoFBfplu9g-00029-00026702-00027166 So I guess at some point this is gonna become a dough. fVoFBfplu9g-00030-00027167-00027267 I don't know. fVoFBfplu9g-00031-00027268-00027983 Maybe in a few hours it will start to look right. fVoFBfplu9g-00032-00028312-00028783 Okay. fVoFBfplu9g-00033-00028783-00029432 It is actually not that hard. It is pretty good! fVoFBfplu9g-00034-00030388-00031232 I'm not completely satisfied because we are using hot butter and I wanted to use cold butter fVoFBfplu9g-00035-00031232-00031948 The trick with shortcrust dough is to touch it as little as possible. fVoFBfplu9g-00036-00031948-00032664 So now it is like a dough and I want to put it in the fridge for 20 minutes or so fVoFBfplu9g-00037-00032672-00033444 just to make sure it is cold and will be easier to roll out in the right shape later. fVoFBfplu9g-00038-00035932-00036620 So right now I just want to boil it for 7-10 minutes at low heat fVoFBfplu9g-00039-00036620-00037380 just to make it a bit thicker so that it can stay on the cake later. fVoFBfplu9g-00040-00037892-00038328 Okay so Maria decided to make her own raspberry jam. fVoFBfplu9g-00041-00038328-00039022 I decided to go with a local jam from the local store. fVoFBfplu9g-00042-00039024-00039396 Lets see if she can top it. fVoFBfplu9g-00043-00039724-00040340 Now the dough has been in the fridge for about half an hour fVoFBfplu9g-00044-00040352-00041052 and it is time to roll it out and shape it in whatever shape you like. fVoFBfplu9g-00045-00041052-00041824 I want to score some point on the aesthetic side so I chose to do the Aarhus University logo fVoFBfplu9g-00046-00041824-00042268 Let us see how it goes. fVoFBfplu9g-00047-00042700-00042828 Okay. fVoFBfplu9g-00048-00043124-00044092 Maybe I should try to squeeze it first or..? fVoFBfplu9g-00049-00044148-00044984 Should I do smaller chuncks? fVoFBfplu9g-00050-00044984-00045308 Not more than two. fVoFBfplu9g-00051-00045416-00046216 I'm not quite sure about the thickness but I'm told that it has to be close to 3 millimeters. fVoFBfplu9g-00052-00046216-00046292 So.. fVoFBfplu9g-00053-00046644-00046824 I don't know... fVoFBfplu9g-00054-00046824-00047160 Perhaps this is close? fVoFBfplu9g-00055-00047176-00047520 Maybe? Yeah. fVoFBfplu9g-00056-00048248-00048480 So maybe I should just... fVoFBfplu9g-00057-00050792-00050920 Uuh.. fVoFBfplu9g-00058-00051024-00051188 Let go. fVoFBfplu9g-00059-00051496-00051700 Noooo! fVoFBfplu9g-00060-00054288-00054936 So usually I would use something with a sharper edge but we don't have that fVoFBfplu9g-00061-00054936-00055428 so this is a very good alternative. fVoFBfplu9g-00062-00055428-00056204 So know I will just remove these pieces of the dough fVoFBfplu9g-00063-00056224-00057428 and then I have a kind of perfectly round shape. fVoFBfplu9g-00064-00057428-00058104 Remember that you need two pieces because we are going to lay them on top (of each other). fVoFBfplu9g-00065-00058104-00058484 So two piece (of pastry) for one cake. fVoFBfplu9g-00066-00060652-00060924 How do you open the oven? fVoFBfplu9g-00067-00061112-00061196 Arhg! fVoFBfplu9g-00068-00061284-00061396 Arhg! fVoFBfplu9g-00069-00062952-00063132 It smells good. fVoFBfplu9g-00070-00065692-00066280 I just tried to keep the marmelade approximately one millimeter from the edges fVoFBfplu9g-00071-00066280-00066928 so when I press down all the jam won't squeeze out. fVoFBfplu9g-00072-00072164-00073080 My raspberry bars resemble the Aarhus University logo and I have chosen to use a local jam. fVoFBfplu9g-00073-00073080-00073452 Something I bought at the grocery store. fVoFBfplu9g-00074-00073452-00074032 I made a traditional, well kind of traditional, Danish birthday cake. fVoFBfplu9g-00075-00074032-00074512 Usually we get either a birthday guy or a birthday girl. fVoFBfplu9g-00076-00074520-00074764 I chose the girl. fVoFBfplu9g-00077-00074764-00075472 Even though she is missing hair it is kind of typical to do the cake in raspberry bars fVoFBfplu9g-00078-00075472-00075596 like this one. fVoFBfplu9g-00079-00075596-00076492 Usually it would be a lot bigger so you could feed your entire familiy or the entire class with cake. fVoFBfplu9g-00080-00076496-00077164 In Denmark, when we celebrate birthday, we use our Danish flag as, I believe, fVoFBfplu9g-00081-00077164-00077824 one of the only countries in the world so it is very speciale for Danes the flag. fVoFBfplu9g-00082-00077972-00078488 In Denmark we also have the tradition that when we cut the cake we usually cut it at the head fVoFBfplu9g-00083-00078488-00078664 and then we scream. fVoFBfplu9g-00084-00078672-00078772 So get ready! fVoFBfplu9g-00085-00078956-00079256 Aaaaaaaaaarh! fVoFBfplu9g-00086-00079620-00080288 So besides holding the camera all day I've had the tremendous honor fVoFBfplu9g-00087-00080292-00080756 of being the judge of our small bake off so I'm really looking forward to see fVoFBfplu9g-00088-00080756-00081144 who did the best. The beginner Nicolaj or the pro Maria. fVoFBfplu9g-00089-00081300-00081400 Lets see. fVoFBfplu9g-00090-00081452-00081800 I'm going to cut into them and see. fVoFBfplu9g-00091-00081848-00082140 Should I take the raspberry Nicolaj? fVoFBfplu9g-00092-00082408-00082532 Nice crunch! fVoFBfplu9g-00093-00084456-00084856 The shortcrust dough is really good. fVoFBfplu9g-00094-00084856-00085096 Really crispy so that is really nice. fVoFBfplu9g-00095-00085100-00085428 I dislike the blue fingers I must say. fVoFBfplu9g-00096-00085464-00085860 I think it is a great addition with the fresh raspberry on top. fVoFBfplu9g-00097-00085888-00086292 I think that for a first try it is really done well. fVoFBfplu9g-00098-00086292-00086912 The only minus is perhaps the not homemade jam which is kind of sweet fVoFBfplu9g-00099-00086912-00087431 and perhaps the dough is just a tat thick. fVoFBfplu9g-00100-00087432-00087672 But, yeah, solid! fVoFBfplu9g-00101-00087672-00087791 Awesome! fVoFBfplu9g-00102-00087791-00088374 Let us try the birthday girl here. fVoFBfplu9g-00103-00088374-00088640 I'm just going to cut off an arm. fVoFBfplu9g-00104-00088640-00089024 We like the darkness of the birthday ritual in Denmark. fVoFBfplu9g-00105-00090048-00090628 Again just at tat thick crust but the crunch is awesome. fVoFBfplu9g-00106-00090628-00091160 I think this recipe we are working with today has baking powder in it fVoFBfplu9g-00107-00091160-00091728 so it is going to rise. So it is a common issue even if you roll it out quite thin. fVoFBfplu9g-00108-00091780-00092236 I like the tartness of the homemade jam. fVoFBfplu9g-00109-00092236-00092864 But otherwise they are quite similar actually. Again really a solid cake. fVoFBfplu9g-00110-00092864-00093036 Who can hate raspberry bars? fVoFBfplu9g-00111-00093120-00093300 We are pretty happy with the result. fVoFBfplu9g-00112-00093300-00093728 Nicolaj is eating cake in the background. fVoFBfplu9g-00113-00093728-00093985 I have considered thoroughly. fVoFBfplu9g-00114-00093985-00094789 Nicolaj did a really great crust, so crunchy, had a great snap. fVoFBfplu9g-00115-00094789-00094950 That is awesome! fVoFBfplu9g-00116-00094950-00095313 Maria did a perfect homemade jam. fVoFBfplu9g-00117-00095313-00095616 So they both have advantages. fVoFBfplu9g-00118-00095628-00096620 All in all, I must announce Nicolaj the winner because the cake to jam ratio is more on point with him fVoFBfplu9g-00119-00096636-00097000 and the AU logo. That is a great idea. fVoFBfplu9g-00120-00097120-00097324 So congratulations Nicolaj. How do you feel? fVoFBfplu9g-00121-00097328-00097620 I feel awesome. fVoFBfplu9g-00122-00097622-00098022 I think it is pretty good for a first time. fVoFBfplu9g-00123-00098022-00098664 It is actually the first time I bake anything on my own so I'm pretty satisfied with the result. fVoFBfplu9g-00124-00098672-00098772 Thanks! fVoFBfplu9g-00125-00098773-00098873 I'm so proud! fVoFBfplu9g-00126-00098873-00099319 Now we are looking really forward to seeing you trying the recipe at home. fVoFBfplu9g-00127-00099320-00099940 We will link to it everywhere and post pictures of it because it is really easy to make fVoFBfplu9g-00128-00099940-00100200 and only ingredients you can find in your local store. fVoFBfplu9g-00129-00100312-00100491 Nice baking with you. fVoFBfplu9g-00130-00100492-00100600 Bye! fXt-ZHl-RVg-00000-00000128-00000498 I am Charles Mok, candidate for the Information Technology Functional Constituency of the pan democratic camp fXt-ZHl-RVg-00001-00000498-00000843 In the past 4 years, the role played by the IT industry in Hong Kong has been diminished. fXt-ZHl-RVg-00002-00000843-00001130 We have been caught in an impasse with no hope of changes fXt-ZHl-RVg-00003-00001130-00001383 Only attending to the vested interest fXt-ZHl-RVg-00004-00001383-00001623 We need changes in the IT industry fXt-ZHl-RVg-00005-00001623-00002017 If I am elected, I will insist on democracy and universal suffrage fXt-ZHl-RVg-00006-00002017-00002236 Monitor the government with rigor fXt-ZHl-RVg-00007-00002236-00002385 Safeguard the free flow of information fXt-ZHl-RVg-00008-00002385-00002690 Create more jobs of high caliber fXt-ZHl-RVg-00009-00002690-00002968 Together, we can break through the 4 years of stalemate fXt-ZHl-RVg-00010-00002968-00003102 Please cast your vote on me, Charles Mok fZlK7mPYbF8-00000-00001283-00001695 What was the nature of your arrangement with SCP-1903-EX fZlK7mPYbF8-00001-00001695-00002667 I encountered her at a Serpent's Hand stronghold. fZlK7mPYbF8-00002-00002667-00003261 She talked me telepathically and offered to help me if I was willing to help her. fZlK7mPYbF8-00003-00003261-00003467 In what way? fZlK7mPYbF8-00004-00003467-00003915 She could see the future. fZlK7mPYbF8-00005-00003915-00004626 She offered to help the Foundation by warning me of danger dangers that I fZlK7mPYbF8-00006-00004626-00005122 or other Agents I encountered might face. fZlK7mPYbF8-00007-00005122-00005580 She sometimes saw information about containment breaches and fZlK7mPYbF8-00008-00005580-00005997 I passed that information along as well. fZlK7mPYbF8-00009-00005997-00006298 She kept me safe. fZlK7mPYbF8-00010-00006298-00006733 For four years, she kept a little piece of the Foundation safe. fZlK7mPYbF8-00011-00006733-00006986 And in return? fZlK7mPYbF8-00012-00006986-00007606 I promised that when my assignemt was over, I would say she was a normal dog fZlK7mPYbF8-00013-00007606-00007995 and she'd be free. fZlK7mPYbF8-00014-00007995-00008326 I know that's against protocols. fZlK7mPYbF8-00015-00008326-00008802 But...But the welfare of the Foundation was worth it. fZlK7mPYbF8-00016-00008802-00008979 And... fZlK7mPYbF8-00017-00008979-00009156 And? fZlK7mPYbF8-00018-00009156-00009614 And she saved me. fZlK7mPYbF8-00019-00009614-00009896 More than once. fZlK7mPYbF8-00020-00009896-00010467 I owed it to her. fZFAtQ6zPbA-00000-00000000-00000545 Oceanus By HP Lovecraft. fZFAtQ6zPbA-00001-00000588-00000827 Sometimes I stand upon the shore fZFAtQ6zPbA-00002-00000827-00001140 where troubles vault their effluence pour, fZFAtQ6zPbA-00003-00001140-00001428 and troubled waters sigh and shrieck fZFAtQ6zPbA-00004-00001428-00001604 of secrets that they dare not speak. fZFAtQ6zPbA-00005-00001623-00002013 From nameless valleys far bellow, fZFAtQ6zPbA-00006-00002013-00002466 and hills and plains no man may know, fZFAtQ6zPbA-00007-00002466-00002841 the mystic swells and sullen surges fZFAtQ6zPbA-00008-00002841-00003126 hint like accursed thaumaturges fZFAtQ6zPbA-00009-00003126-00003492 a thousand horrors, big with awe, fZFAtQ6zPbA-00010-00003492-00003882 that long-forgotten ages saw. fZFAtQ6zPbA-00011-00003964-00004609 O salt, salt winds that bleakly sweep across the barren heaving deep; fZFAtQ6zPbA-00012-00004609-00004993 O wild wan waves, that call to mind fZFAtQ6zPbA-00013-00004993-00005414 the chaos Earth hath left behind: fZFAtQ6zPbA-00014-00005414-00005602 Of you I ask one thing alone; fZFAtQ6zPbA-00015-00005602-00006040 Leave, leave your ancient lore unknown! fcAhog1MnA8-00000-00000855-00001114 My name is Aminata Ka, fcAhog1MnA8-00001-00001137-00001316 32 years old, fcAhog1MnA8-00002-00001316-00001518 mother of a 2 year old daughter, fcAhog1MnA8-00003-00001558-00001613 married, fcAhog1MnA8-00004-00001613-00001916 I am in the ready-made clothes for 3 years now. fcAhog1MnA8-00005-00001916-00002146 A ready made clothes shop that I inherited from my mother fcAhog1MnA8-00006-00002146-00002522 who unfortunately died three years ago. fcAhog1MnA8-00007-00002604-00002916 This shop is existing since 1981. fcAhog1MnA8-00008-00002932-00003352 This is the first ready-made clothes shop in Senegal. fcAhog1MnA8-00009-00003360-00003753 And then in the 90's she changed the style. fcAhog1MnA8-00010-00003753-00004082 She was not any longer in the European style but the African, traditional style. fcAhog1MnA8-00011-00004082-00004478 She started tailoring there, in the 90s. fcAhog1MnA8-00012-00004534-00004990 Something that I continued since her decease. fcAhog1MnA8-00013-00004990-00005320 She still has her name there, Fa boutique. fcAhog1MnA8-00014-00005320-00005762 I keep on doing the same things and modernize them. fcAhog1MnA8-00015-00005762-00005916 There were already existing fcAhog1MnA8-00016-00005930-00006271 but I add my personal touch fcAhog1MnA8-00017-00006282-00006606 mostly in designing clothes, fcAhog1MnA8-00018-00006612-00007008 but for instance all from linen was already existing. fcAhog1MnA8-00019-00007009-00007317 And now, in simple embroidery, fcAhog1MnA8-00020-00007319-00007599 in simple sewing, fcAhog1MnA8-00021-00007600-00007772 that is where I try to modernize, fcAhog1MnA8-00022-00007781-00007952 to put myself in line. fcAhog1MnA8-00023-00007952-00008228 This is something that came to me, without wanting it, fcAhog1MnA8-00024-00008246-00008632 but it was necessary to keep this shop which dates from the 80s. fcAhog1MnA8-00025-00008680-00008995 But, I, I did international business studies. fcAhog1MnA8-00026-00008995-00009221 I have a bachelor in international business fcAhog1MnA8-00027-00009221-00009470 from an American school in Paris. fcAhog1MnA8-00028-00009470-00009777 So I was there for about 8 years. fcAhog1MnA8-00029-00009778-00009894 I used to work in France, fcAhog1MnA8-00030-00009914-00010032 and then I decided to come back in 2011. fcAhog1MnA8-00031-00010044-00010354 Unfortunately, two years later, she was gone. fcAhog1MnA8-00032-00010368-00010484 So I left my job, fcAhog1MnA8-00033-00010484-00010690 I was working in a bank here, fcAhog1MnA8-00034-00010748-00011053 as upmarket customer agent, fcAhog1MnA8-00035-00011053-00011301 and in the same time in charge of the diaspora customers. fcAhog1MnA8-00036-00011302-00012116 But it would have been a pity to let this shop drown because the owner was gone. fcAhog1MnA8-00037-00012116-00012322 Than I decided to take over the shop, fcAhog1MnA8-00038-00012334-00012540 to continue what she had done, fcAhog1MnA8-00039-00012552-00012758 and to add my personal touch. fcAhog1MnA8-00040-00012831-00013168 So this is what I am doing for at least three years now. fcAhog1MnA8-00041-00013168-00013411 I did not need plenty of things fcAhog1MnA8-00042-00013411-00013625 because it was well equipped. fcAhog1MnA8-00043-00013626-00014150 There were at least about fifty machines, fcAhog1MnA8-00044-00014168-00014416 and since she was making working clothes. fcAhog1MnA8-00045-00014416-00014728 Beside, she had contracts working clothes tailoring. fcAhog1MnA8-00046-00014740-00015382 In the 90s, she even won a bid for the army. fcAhog1MnA8-00047-00015382-00015728 She also made some 4 April parade costumes, fcAhog1MnA8-00048-00015747-00015969 she stitched military costumes, fcAhog1MnA8-00049-00015986-00016326 so she had all the equipment to make it sustainable. fcAhog1MnA8-00050-00016326-00016796 I only added a few machines that were missing, fcAhog1MnA8-00051-00016810-00017170 or machines that were not functioning that I had to buy. fcAhog1MnA8-00052-00017180-00017604 But honestly regarding the equipment, all was already there. fcAhog1MnA8-00053-00018238-00018570 I applied to ACEP for the raw materials. fcAhog1MnA8-00054-00018570-00018883 I simply had to buy fabrics, fcAhog1MnA8-00055-00018884-00019060 make the tailors work, fcAhog1MnA8-00056-00019072-00019430 and for those fabrics also it requires some funds. fcAhog1MnA8-00057-00019456-00019802 And to have wholesale prices, you have to buy in bulk. fcAhog1MnA8-00058-00019832-00020348 For three years now, I take a loan of 2 million each year, fcAhog1MnA8-00059-00020381-00020600 I pay back monthly fcAhog1MnA8-00060-00020600-00020790 and it is going fine fcAhog1MnA8-00061-00020790-00021030 because we have enough attracting prices. fcAhog1MnA8-00062-00021046-00021479 With the decease, there were no documents in my name at the beginning, fcAhog1MnA8-00063-00021480-00021918 shop accounts, every thing, ... fcAhog1MnA8-00064-00021918-00022194 We don't have immediately access to all these documents, fcAhog1MnA8-00065-00022197-00022483 to be able to continue using a decease person account, fcAhog1MnA8-00066-00022484-00022592 you need all the documents, fcAhog1MnA8-00067-00022606-00022782 which is quite slow. fcAhog1MnA8-00068-00022800-00023074 Then, I had to borrow in my own name fcAhog1MnA8-00069-00023086-00023400 knowing that they do not ask you too many documents. fcAhog1MnA8-00070-00023412-00023854 Through a friend, a sponsorship, I met M.Lo fcAhog1MnA8-00071-00023864-00024129 who is working at ACEP and fcAhog1MnA8-00072-00024129-00024378 who could set up my application file quite quickly. fcAhog1MnA8-00073-00024378-00024926 After 2 weeks, I think, it was done. fcAhog1MnA8-00074-00024968-00025268 He came to visit us, fcAhog1MnA8-00075-00025268-00025602 he went to check if I was managing well the shop. fcAhog1MnA8-00076-00025624-00025980 I gave hime some invoices, which is rather easy, fcAhog1MnA8-00077-00025980-00026297 and also mortgage a land from my father. fcAhog1MnA8-00078-00026298-00026598 These are the elements I communicated. fcAhog1MnA8-00079-00026612-00026926 It was quite quick, honestly after two weeks it was ready. fcAhog1MnA8-00080-00026945-00027300 In comparison with a regular bank, fcAhog1MnA8-00081-00027314-00027789 and myself as a former bank employee, it is not as easy. fcAhog1MnA8-00082-00027789-00027972 We must have an active account, fcAhog1MnA8-00083-00027972-00028322 concrete things, ... fcAhog1MnA8-00084-00028383-00028687 That is why, I addressed ACEP. fcAhog1MnA8-00085-00028688-00028874 And indeed, it was fast. fcAhog1MnA8-00086-00028970-00029430 I am living with my husband and my daughter. fcAhog1MnA8-00087-00029430-00029854 So, the shop allows us to largely cover our family expenses. fcAhog1MnA8-00088-00029872-00030174 I pay the wages, my rent... fcAhog1MnA8-00089-00030174-00030377 So far I manage quite well. fcAhog1MnA8-00090-00030476-00030682 I manage quite well. fcAhog1MnA8-00091-00030698-00031233 Then to earn more, we need of course to increase the turnover fcAhog1MnA8-00092-00031233-00031410 and increase the productivity. fcAhog1MnA8-00093-00031410-00031536 It is coming, fcAhog1MnA8-00094-00031556-00031887 I did want to do it in big steps fcAhog1MnA8-00095-00031887-00032056 making big and a lot, fcAhog1MnA8-00096-00032056-00032310 taking into account that it was a job that I did not know. fcAhog1MnA8-00097-00032310-00032494 So, I go slowly. fcAhog1MnA8-00098-00032494-00032910 And every year I add one suit here and there, fcAhog1MnA8-00099-00032910-00033074 without exaggerating. fcAhog1MnA8-00100-00033084-00033382 Now I have more control now. fmB-8Oq27Dg-00000-00000032-00000391 So for the past number of nights we've been taking up fmB-8Oq27Dg-00001-00000391-00000911 words found in the gospel message words found in your new testament and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00002-00000911-00001224 sometimes found in the old testament of the bible fmB-8Oq27Dg-00003-00001224-00001600 and we've spoken on those words and a lot of times they've been opposites and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00004-00001600-00002000 we've shown how in jesus christ these words are united fmB-8Oq27Dg-00005-00002000-00002327 tonight our two words are the words mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00006-00002327-00002759 and grace and these words don't need a lot of help to be fmB-8Oq27Dg-00007-00002759-00003135 united they're really just the opposite sides of a coin fmB-8Oq27Dg-00008-00003135-00003536 but mercy uh which is not getting what we deserve fmB-8Oq27Dg-00009-00003536-00003936 not getting what we deserve often referred to just fmB-8Oq27Dg-00010-00003936-00004287 this holding back of punishment and grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00011-00004287-00004703 getting what we don't deserve just the opposite fmB-8Oq27Dg-00012-00004703-00005119 something that we don't get something that we do get and this whole idea of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00013-00005119-00005512 what we deserve and what we don't will be spoken on tonight in these two fmB-8Oq27Dg-00014-00005512-00005887 words it's my uh responsibility to speak on this word fmB-8Oq27Dg-00015-00005887-00006176 mercy and i want to do that and i we have a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00016-00006176-00006600 great verse to share with you tonight if you have a bible it's found in the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00017-00006600-00007088 book of titus titus chapter 3 and verse 5. fmB-8Oq27Dg-00018-00007088-00007431 really sometimes we've been going through these words and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00019-00007431-00007879 you search for a verse that could just encapsulate what you want to speak on fmB-8Oq27Dg-00020-00007879-00008128 and sometimes it's just crystal clear and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00021-00008128-00008408 other times you think it's going to take a lot of explaining but here fmB-8Oq27Dg-00022-00008408-00008743 is a great verse found in titus 3 and verse 5 fmB-8Oq27Dg-00023-00008743-00009136 that is so crystal clear um when it comes to this term fmB-8Oq27Dg-00024-00009136-00009560 mercy and who provides it so we're going to read this verse fmB-8Oq27Dg-00025-00009560-00010000 if you want to read along with me titus 3 and verse 5 fmB-8Oq27Dg-00026-00010000-00010639 says this not by works of righteousness which we have fmB-8Oq27Dg-00027-00010639-00010992 done not by works of righteousness which we fmB-8Oq27Dg-00028-00010992-00011400 have done but according to his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00029-00011400-00011792 he saved us just going to read the first part of that verse fmB-8Oq27Dg-00030-00011792-00012464 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according fmB-8Oq27Dg-00031-00012464-00013240 to his mercy that's god he saved us not by works of righteousness fmB-8Oq27Dg-00032-00013240-00013591 which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00033-00013591-00013968 when i hear that term mercy i think sometimes you you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00034-00013968-00014319 you like to have a maybe a personal experience that you can fmB-8Oq27Dg-00035-00014319-00014736 you can maybe illustrate a word with well i think of mercy and my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00036-00014736-00015280 mind goes first and foremost way back to the sixth grade and i was on fmB-8Oq27Dg-00037-00015280-00015719 a little league baseball team and it would have been uh this this past uh fmB-8Oq27Dg-00038-00015719-00015968 springtime that we would have been playing games and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00039-00015968-00016336 i was in the sixth grade and i remember i belonged to this baseball team and it fmB-8Oq27Dg-00040-00016336-00016656 was sponsored by the local pest control company but they were too fmB-8Oq27Dg-00041-00016656-00016959 cheap to buy the full title on the jersey so fmB-8Oq27Dg-00042-00016959-00017392 we were just called horizon pest they left off the word control fmB-8Oq27Dg-00043-00017392-00017704 and it was embarrassing enough to be part of that team but fmB-8Oq27Dg-00044-00017704-00018008 even worse than that was that our team wasn't too good fmB-8Oq27Dg-00045-00018008-00018400 and uh you could tell right away when you're in little league baseball just by fmB-8Oq27Dg-00046-00018400-00018736 the color you got and who sponsored you how good you were going to be fmB-8Oq27Dg-00047-00018736-00019168 and we were awful and i can remember one game especially i used to play in left fmB-8Oq27Dg-00048-00019168-00019544 field and that was by my own choice but i remember at a certain point we fmB-8Oq27Dg-00049-00019544-00019944 were down 16 to nothing and it was against the team that that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00050-00019944-00020272 had cool jerseys i think the color of it was black and they were sponsored by a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00051-00020272-00020592 local diner in town but at 16 to nothing i remember the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00052-00020592-00020992 referee stopping the game and he employed what he called the mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00053-00020992-00021431 rule the mercy rule and at that point we were glad just because at the end of the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00054-00021431-00021856 game you got to get ice cream but mercy was extended why because we were fmB-8Oq27Dg-00055-00021856-00022248 getting a lashing just a beating and someone had to stop fmB-8Oq27Dg-00056-00022248-00022559 it for the sake of parents who were embarrassed and kids who just wanted to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00057-00022559-00022928 go home but mercy was shown by an umpire and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00058-00022928-00023192 said enough is enough just stop punishing fmB-8Oq27Dg-00059-00023192-00023487 these kids call it quit it's over and i always fmB-8Oq27Dg-00060-00023487-00023823 remember that as my great example of mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00061-00023823-00024304 this mercy is so much different it's so much different and you'll recognize that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00062-00024304-00024736 as we go through this verse why is it different well just for this fmB-8Oq27Dg-00063-00024736-00024992 reason when you read this verse take note of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00064-00024992-00025479 this it says it's his mercy his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00065-00025479-00025895 this past week i had to go through some things that were fmB-8Oq27Dg-00066-00025895-00026312 in a vehicle of my grandfather's and he doesn't drive the vehicle anymore and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00067-00026312-00026688 and some of the things in this folder were just things you would automatically fmB-8Oq27Dg-00068-00026688-00027056 throw in the garbage but i kept everything why because they fmB-8Oq27Dg-00069-00027056-00027360 were his they were someone i knew it was my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00070-00027360-00027783 grandfather's if it was a a key chain or if it was a piece of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00071-00027783-00028080 paper i kept it because of who it belonged to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00072-00028080-00028536 had significance mercy might just be a term that you would just fmB-8Oq27Dg-00073-00028536-00029200 quickly forget and quickly lose sight of but don't forget tonight it's his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00074-00029200-00029600 it's the god of heaven's mercy it's the mercy extended through fmB-8Oq27Dg-00075-00029600-00029975 jesus christ and each night we've tried to show that we've talked about fmB-8Oq27Dg-00076-00029975-00030408 his grace through second corinthians 8 9 you know the grace of our lord jesus fmB-8Oq27Dg-00077-00030408-00030688 christ grace that comes from anybody else may fmB-8Oq27Dg-00078-00030688-00031072 could you could just brush to the side but the grace of jesus fmB-8Oq27Dg-00079-00031072-00031383 christ take notice of it something you could have tonight that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00080-00031383-00031744 you don't deserve we talked about the love of god in romans 5 fmB-8Oq27Dg-00081-00031744-00032263 and verse 8 god commended his love it's not just the love of anybody on earth fmB-8Oq27Dg-00082-00032263-00032568 it's god's love romans 5 tells us it's the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00083-00032568-00032991 death of his son not just anybody's son but god's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00084-00032991-00033352 son and tonight it's his mercy if ever you were going to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00085-00033352-00033672 value something you would value it by who it is from fmB-8Oq27Dg-00086-00033672-00034240 tonight it's his mercy god's mercy it's extended to us and our scripture says fmB-8Oq27Dg-00087-00034240-00034656 his mercy it's two sides of a coin mercy and grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00088-00034656-00035008 and to talk about mercy tonight so significant fmB-8Oq27Dg-00089-00035008-00035319 because we can learn so much about just seeing fmB-8Oq27Dg-00090-00035319-00035760 god's mercy because god is a merciful god we know that if you had read through fmB-8Oq27Dg-00091-00035760-00036152 your bible from genesis until the end of the old testament you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00092-00036152-00036575 had read through those 39 books and you would have said god is merciful fmB-8Oq27Dg-00093-00036575-00036960 you could have almost guaranteed it from the old testament but it's not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00094-00036960-00037463 until the new testament that you realize how is he able to show mercy it's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00095-00037463-00037944 because of his son jesus christ we're going to discuss that first of all fmB-8Oq27Dg-00096-00037944-00038303 we hear these words not by works of righteousness which we fmB-8Oq27Dg-00097-00038303-00038760 have done it's not what we do it's not you saying a certain prayer fmB-8Oq27Dg-00098-00038760-00039024 it's not you giving a certain amount of money it's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00099-00039024-00039400 not how much of the bible you've read and it's it's not how fmB-8Oq27Dg-00100-00039400-00040000 well you sing it's not what you do and a lot of people oh they get angry fmB-8Oq27Dg-00101-00040000-00040352 with that they just get frustrated it's not about what i do fmB-8Oq27Dg-00102-00040352-00040703 because i want to do something i want to earn my heaven fmB-8Oq27Dg-00103-00040703-00041136 but not according to the bible it's not by works of righteousness which we have fmB-8Oq27Dg-00104-00041136-00041559 done why is that well because one day fmB-8Oq27Dg-00105-00041559-00042096 in eternity god wants all the focus to be on his son he doesn't want you to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00106-00042096-00042584 bring your trophies and awards to heaven he doesn't want you to bring things that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00107-00042584-00042968 you've done to heaven he wants everyone's focus to be on one fmB-8Oq27Dg-00108-00042968-00043375 person his son besides that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00109-00043375-00043752 it's not what i've done because what i've done fmB-8Oq27Dg-00110-00043752-00044303 has just made it possible for me to deserve anything but god's mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00111-00044303-00044736 i ask my audience tonight maybe just not a lot of people listening but those who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00112-00044736-00045119 are who would stand before god and say give fmB-8Oq27Dg-00113-00045119-00045544 me what i deserve give me what i deserve who would ever do fmB-8Oq27Dg-00114-00045544-00045808 that i would never do that in the court of law fmB-8Oq27Dg-00115-00045808-00046112 i would never even go before a judge and i'd say fmB-8Oq27Dg-00116-00046112-00046624 give me what i deserve no if ever you can be shown mercy you ask for it and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00117-00046624-00047063 why not from the god of heaven not because of what i've done not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00118-00047063-00047503 because of what i deserve god shows mercy here it's it's a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00119-00047503-00048000 tremendous truth every soul has to fear judgment one day fmB-8Oq27Dg-00120-00048000-00048328 to be judged by what i'm going to do some people fear it now some people fmB-8Oq27Dg-00121-00048328-00048608 think lightning is going to strike them an fmB-8Oq27Dg-00122-00048608-00048959 accident is going to happen they think god's going to judge them but fmB-8Oq27Dg-00123-00048959-00049312 not so god says judgment will come one day but you know what's great fmB-8Oq27Dg-00124-00049312-00049672 the book of james you go through your bible and you go to the book of james fmB-8Oq27Dg-00125-00049672-00050144 chapter 2 and verse 13 and it tells me this it says mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00126-00050144-00050847 triumphs over judgment mercy it it crushes judgment if you ever fear fmB-8Oq27Dg-00127-00050847-00051320 judgment one day mercy is one of the greatest and sweetest truths that you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00128-00051320-00051664 could hear from scripture from the lips of the from fmB-8Oq27Dg-00129-00051664-00052088 the lips of god that god would have mercy and not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00130-00052088-00052408 judgment that he would have mercy on those who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00131-00052408-00052767 are sinners those who deserve his judgment those who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00132-00052767-00053151 deserve his punishment but instead he he doesn't give us what fmB-8Oq27Dg-00133-00053151-00053600 he deserved you know not only that but the bible says who does receive fmB-8Oq27Dg-00134-00053600-00053967 mercy who does get it because our scripture here says not by works of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00135-00053967-00054512 righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00136-00054512-00054936 who gets his mercy when i turn to the bible fmB-8Oq27Dg-00137-00054936-00055351 it's often really pathetic people who get his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00138-00055351-00055736 in fact if you were to go to the book of luke there's these three chapters right fmB-8Oq27Dg-00139-00055736-00056208 in a row you can go from luke 16 to 17 to 18 and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00140-00056208-00056648 in luke 16 you get these men there's all these men who have leprosy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00141-00056648-00057032 and they're asking for mercy in the next chapter it's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00142-00057032-00057616 it's a blind man who's asking for mercy and then there's also a man who who has fmB-8Oq27Dg-00143-00057616-00057991 nothing he he's he's found in a church building and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00144-00057991-00058288 he's just asking for mercy because he knows he has fmB-8Oq27Dg-00145-00058288-00058679 nothing to offer you say such pathetic people such pathetic fmB-8Oq27Dg-00146-00058679-00058976 people they have they have nothing better to ask for fmB-8Oq27Dg-00147-00058976-00059304 that's the problem with a lot of us is we have too much pride fmB-8Oq27Dg-00148-00059304-00059695 too much pride you look at individuals sometimes and you say they've got fmB-8Oq27Dg-00149-00059695-00059951 nothing nothing to lose of course they would ask fmB-8Oq27Dg-00150-00059951-00060272 god for mercy they they're they're horrendous so they're fmB-8Oq27Dg-00151-00060272-00060760 they're ailments they're they're eyesores to society every single human fmB-8Oq27Dg-00152-00060760-00061207 beings who ever lived say each one of us each one of us is a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00153-00061207-00061504 pathetic case when it comes to god's standard fmB-8Oq27Dg-00154-00061504-00061888 we don't judge ourselves by our neighbor we judge ourselves by jesus christ and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00155-00061888-00062351 we've all fallen short we've all fallen so terribly short and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00156-00062351-00062783 would to god you would ask for his mercy his mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00157-00062783-00063144 that is extended to us that we are sinners fmB-8Oq27Dg-00158-00063144-00063576 we are the ones who need this we are the ones who desire to have mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00159-00063576-00063879 why is it well simply because of this because at fmB-8Oq27Dg-00160-00063879-00064327 calvary at calvary it was jesus christ who bore fmB-8Oq27Dg-00161-00064327-00064672 our punishment it was him who didn't get mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00162-00064672-00065088 in order that god could extend his mercy towards us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00163-00065088-00065576 we are looking for this if you've ever thought that this was just something of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00164-00065576-00066095 dreams well the scriptures tell us here there was even a man who said god be fmB-8Oq27Dg-00165-00066095-00066551 merciful he said to me a sinner to me a sinner fmB-8Oq27Dg-00166-00066551-00067048 he he he emphasized the individuals who receive this mercy because fmB-8Oq27Dg-00167-00067048-00067456 in the bible there's also another man he's one of the only man fmB-8Oq27Dg-00168-00067456-00067783 or one of the only stories that we have in scripture of a man fmB-8Oq27Dg-00169-00067783-00068120 who ends up in destruction ends up in the place called hell fmB-8Oq27Dg-00170-00068120-00068672 and he asks for mercy and there's no mercy shown you say why is that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00171-00068672-00069095 why is it oh because the bible tells me the bible tells me fmB-8Oq27Dg-00172-00069095-00069520 in the gospels that the lord jesus christ has power on earth fmB-8Oq27Dg-00173-00069520-00069880 to forgive sins he has power on earth to show mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00174-00069880-00070327 but mercy something for now you don't pray for people's mercy after they're fmB-8Oq27Dg-00175-00070327-00070768 gone now and so god be merciful to me a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00176-00070768-00070992 sinner one of the great pleas of the scripture fmB-8Oq27Dg-00177-00070992-00071360 but not only that not only why we need it fmB-8Oq27Dg-00178-00071360-00071680 because we can't do anything not only who is fmB-8Oq27Dg-00179-00071680-00071992 shown towards people who are sinners people who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00180-00071992-00072312 have nothing to offer god the hymn writer fmB-8Oq27Dg-00181-00072312-00072783 says we come with empty hands empty hands nothing to offer fmB-8Oq27Dg-00182-00072783-00073312 and god has everything to give us we get exactly what we don't deserve and matt's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00183-00073312-00073768 going to tell us about that in grace but thank god he holds back what we do fmB-8Oq27Dg-00184-00073768-00074151 deserve he doesn't give it to us no judgment no fmB-8Oq27Dg-00185-00074151-00074495 condemnation no punishment you say where does it all fmB-8Oq27Dg-00186-00074495-00074856 go where does all that judgment condemnation and punishment does god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00187-00074856-00075176 just does god just cook the books does he fmB-8Oq27Dg-00188-00075176-00075488 just does he just somehow take away does he does he lock fmB-8Oq27Dg-00189-00075488-00076048 it up somewhere no the reason god's able to extend mercy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00190-00076048-00076488 the bible tells us is because of his son jesus christ fmB-8Oq27Dg-00191-00076488-00076800 who endured all the punishment that i deserved fmB-8Oq27Dg-00192-00076800-00077272 he took it it was all placed on him in fact when you read in the psalms fmB-8Oq27Dg-00193-00077272-00077712 if you go to psalm 51 the bible tells us that god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00194-00077712-00078344 extends mercy according to his unfailing love that mercy is shown fmB-8Oq27Dg-00195-00078344-00078760 because of the love of god that is something that you almost could fmB-8Oq27Dg-00196-00078760-00079160 have guaranteed because god does everything because of his love fmB-8Oq27Dg-00197-00079160-00079751 god is love god is merciful and these two thoughts come together at calvary fmB-8Oq27Dg-00198-00079751-00080048 and all the punishment every time you think of what christ fmB-8Oq27Dg-00199-00080048-00080480 endured for six hours at calvary you realize right away that was what i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00200-00080480-00080912 deserved it was withheld from me and it was placed on his son because god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00201-00080912-00081544 loved me and so when i look at calvary i realize here there was a place fmB-8Oq27Dg-00202-00081544-00082080 where mercy mercy comes from that place but when i look at jesus christ he got fmB-8Oq27Dg-00203-00082080-00082495 no mercy and grace comes from calvary but when i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00204-00082495-00082895 look at calvary i see a man the bible told me he died fmB-8Oq27Dg-00205-00082895-00083248 because of the grace of god but never was grace shown to him at fmB-8Oq27Dg-00206-00083248-00083744 calvary and yet tonight you could know the mercy of god not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00207-00083744-00084288 getting what you deserve and instead getting what you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00208-00084288-00084712 don't deserve that's grace not getting the punishment fmB-8Oq27Dg-00209-00084712-00085176 and getting god's goodness that's a tremendous offer tonight fmB-8Oq27Dg-00210-00085176-00085919 it's his mercy offered to you because of his son you could have that tonight fmB-8Oq27Dg-00211-00085919-00086295 think of what our verse has said so simple that it was fmB-8Oq27Dg-00212-00086295-00086856 according to his mercy it was his mercy not because of works of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00213-00086856-00087224 righteousness which we have done but according to his fmB-8Oq27Dg-00214-00087224-00087736 mercy don't forget these words he fmB-8Oq27Dg-00215-00087736-00088424 saved us nobody saves themselves you don't use fmB-8Oq27Dg-00216-00088424-00088912 the word saved you say i help myself i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00217-00088912-00089656 i gave myself a pat on the back but the bible says he saved us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00218-00089656-00090288 tonight you could know salvation because you could believe what the bible says fmB-8Oq27Dg-00219-00090288-00090616 it's not what you've done it's what christ has done you could fmB-8Oq27Dg-00220-00090616-00091016 believe that there's a guarantee right in that verse fmB-8Oq27Dg-00221-00091016-00091480 he saves god saves your parents don't save fmB-8Oq27Dg-00222-00091480-00091856 pastors don't say priest don't say i i can't save you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00223-00091856-00092551 but god can why because it's his mercy it's his son and for christ it was his fmB-8Oq27Dg-00224-00092551-00092895 cross it was his death it could be your fmB-8Oq27Dg-00225-00092895-00093256 salvation because it's not what you've done it's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00226-00093256-00093712 what christ has done it's his mercy and he will save you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00227-00093712-00094127 tonight if you would believe that he died fmB-8Oq27Dg-00228-00094127-00094727 for you he took your punishment he bore it he suffered the just for the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00229-00094727-00095056 unjust that he might bring us to god next time fmB-8Oq27Dg-00230-00095056-00095488 you hear the word mercy you might hear it you might say sounds fmB-8Oq27Dg-00231-00095488-00095960 close to the definition but remember this there's no mercy like fmB-8Oq27Dg-00232-00095960-00096216 god's mercy and tonight we've read about it in the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00233-00096216-00096824 bible it's according to his mercy he saved us remember that tonight fmB-8Oq27Dg-00234-00096824-00097160 believe that tonight and you could be saved continue to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00235-00097160-00097575 listen to matt as he tells us about just the opposite side of that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00236-00097575-00097856 coin not only not getting what we deserve fmB-8Oq27Dg-00237-00097856-00098456 but getting what we don't deserve in the grace of god and seeing how fmB-8Oq27Dg-00238-00098456-00098816 tremendous that is continue to listen as he tells us about fmB-8Oq27Dg-00239-00098816-00099239 this tremendous grace thanks dave we're going to read just one fmB-8Oq27Dg-00240-00099239-00099527 verse tonight and i'm going to try to be as simple as fmB-8Oq27Dg-00241-00099527-00099912 i can on the word grace it's found in the book of romans fmB-8Oq27Dg-00242-00099912-00100416 in chapter 5 and verse 20. and it says these words fmB-8Oq27Dg-00243-00100416-00100856 romans 5 and verse 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound fmB-8Oq27Dg-00244-00100856-00101504 and the focus tonight these words but where sin abounded grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00245-00101504-00102144 did much more abound where sin was grace did much more abound fmB-8Oq27Dg-00246-00102144-00102535 grace was always greater we have said those words as we spoke in the gospel fmB-8Oq27Dg-00247-00102535-00102935 that we are saved by grace that we are saved fmB-8Oq27Dg-00248-00102935-00103359 through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works fmB-8Oq27Dg-00249-00103359-00103752 unless anyone should boast when we see this word grace it's very difficult to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00250-00103752-00104111 speak about in the bible it's mentioned 159 times fmB-8Oq27Dg-00251-00104111-00104416 in the bible the word would be cherish or favor fmB-8Oq27Dg-00252-00104416-00104776 or blessing or kindness or undeserved divine fmB-8Oq27Dg-00253-00104776-00105303 influence on the heart grace of god is giving you and i the greatest fmB-8Oq27Dg-00254-00105303-00105640 treasure to those like you and i who are least fmB-8Oq27Dg-00255-00105640-00105935 deserving sometimes we say oh i was so gracious with him fmB-8Oq27Dg-00256-00105935-00106255 and i gave him a gift when he didn't deserve it well that's different fmB-8Oq27Dg-00257-00106255-00106711 than when grace is used in connection with a thrice holy godhead fmB-8Oq27Dg-00258-00106711-00107040 it takes on a more powerful meaning when we connect grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00259-00107040-00107383 with god grace is god choosing to bless us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00260-00107383-00107800 rather than curse us as our sin deserves do you understand we've fallen fmB-8Oq27Dg-00261-00107800-00108216 short of god's glory and god through his grace is trying to bless us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00262-00108216-00108528 when we didn't deserve it it is his benevolence to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00263-00108528-00108879 the undeserving an average man speaks about sixteen fmB-8Oq27Dg-00264-00108879-00109216 thousand for the fun fact of the day just to make it fun that sixteen fmB-8Oq27Dg-00265-00109216-00109624 thousand words a day 112 000 words a week and nearly 6 million fmB-8Oq27Dg-00266-00109624-00109920 words a year so if you think about that it's really a lot of words and if you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00267-00109920-00110376 were to scan the entire human vocabulary for the most beautiful word in the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00268-00110376-00110767 universe some might say perhaps it's love i'd agree with you that's a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00269-00110767-00111055 beautiful word of the universe but i'm today going to choose fmB-8Oq27Dg-00270-00111055-00111496 grace i would say grace and love are are right there hand in hand because in a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00271-00111496-00111824 fallen world that is populated if you look across the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00272-00111824-00112024 neighborhoods and people you interact with fmB-8Oq27Dg-00273-00112024-00112455 populated by selfishness populated by people who are lost fmB-8Oq27Dg-00274-00112455-00112824 populated by people who are fearful fear of the unknown fmB-8Oq27Dg-00275-00112824-00113232 populated by rebellious people grace is the one thing fmB-8Oq27Dg-00276-00113232-00113535 that every single human being on this planet fmB-8Oq27Dg-00277-00113535-00113952 needs to have in their life god's grace is more powerful fmB-8Oq27Dg-00278-00113952-00114296 is the most powerful force in the universe and i say that because it'll fmB-8Oq27Dg-00279-00114296-00114720 transform you it'll supernaturally radically transform the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00280-00114720-00115103 causal core of who you are as a human being and god will transform fmB-8Oq27Dg-00281-00115103-00115576 your heart and he does that with grace it is an overused word today fmB-8Oq27Dg-00282-00115576-00115840 in our church and also an underdefined word in our fmB-8Oq27Dg-00283-00115840-00116111 church today so just with just a scratching the surface fmB-8Oq27Dg-00284-00116111-00116488 just barely barely scratching we're going to just touch on it dave opened fmB-8Oq27Dg-00285-00116488-00116808 with mercy different than grace mercy withholding fmB-8Oq27Dg-00286-00116808-00117232 punishment we don't deserve grace gives us blessing we don't deserve fmB-8Oq27Dg-00287-00117232-00117703 you understand that in mercy god chooses to cancel our sin debt by fmB-8Oq27Dg-00288-00117703-00118048 sacrificing his son in our place that is to the person fmB-8Oq27Dg-00289-00118048-00118528 that has come to trust in god has come to trust in christ titus says fmB-8Oq27Dg-00290-00118528-00118935 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his fmB-8Oq27Dg-00291-00118935-00119272 mercy that word is used he saved us christ's savior through the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00292-00119272-00119728 washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy spirit corinthians remind us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00293-00119728-00120008 that he made him who knew no sin this is fmB-8Oq27Dg-00294-00120008-00120344 christ to be sinned for us that we might become fmB-8Oq27Dg-00295-00120344-00120703 the righteousness in him but god goes even further when fmB-8Oq27Dg-00296-00120703-00121096 you're talking about grace god goes further than mercy and he applies these fmB-8Oq27Dg-00297-00121096-00121464 thoughts grace to his enemies romans 5 tells us for fmB-8Oq27Dg-00298-00121464-00121767 when we were enemies we're reconciled to god through fmB-8Oq27Dg-00299-00121767-00122079 the death of his son now never forget that the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00300-00122079-00122367 death of his son there's god there's the mediator between fmB-8Oq27Dg-00301-00122367-00122791 god and man the man christ jesus and when christ hung on a cross he could fmB-8Oq27Dg-00302-00122791-00123096 reconcile god to man through the death of his fmB-8Oq27Dg-00303-00123096-00123408 person and the writer continues paul continues in fmB-8Oq27Dg-00304-00123408-00123808 in romans 5 and says much more having been reconciled we fmB-8Oq27Dg-00305-00123808-00124128 shall be saved by his life i tell you all these because fmB-8Oq27Dg-00306-00124128-00124448 you tonight could be the recipient of the grace of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00307-00124448-00124879 god and knowing your sins forgiven he offers you and i forgiveness hebrews fmB-8Oq27Dg-00308-00124879-00125079 tells us that i will be merciful to their fmB-8Oq27Dg-00309-00125079-00125352 unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities fmB-8Oq27Dg-00310-00125352-00125672 i will remember no more god offers that to you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00311-00125672-00126000 and to i through grace and that is displayed fmB-8Oq27Dg-00312-00126000-00126335 and conquered and demonstrated and commended to you and i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00313-00126335-00126815 on an old rugged cross to the person of christ he provides reconciliation fmB-8Oq27Dg-00314-00126815-00127224 think of the generosities of grace they're fueled by god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00315-00127224-00127567 it pleased the father colossians says that in him fmB-8Oq27Dg-00316-00127567-00128072 all the fullness would dwell and by him to reconcile all things to himself fmB-8Oq27Dg-00317-00128072-00128432 by him whether things on earth or things in heaven having made me fmB-8Oq27Dg-00318-00128432-00128944 peace through the blood of his cross he gives you and i abundant life dave fmB-8Oq27Dg-00319-00128944-00129248 spoke on it just the other night i am come jesus says fmB-8Oq27Dg-00320-00129248-00129679 that they might have life and life more abundantly grace shows us that you and i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00321-00129679-00130072 don't deserve that it's enough i i hard to even say it this fmB-8Oq27Dg-00322-00130072-00130359 way but we are saved but god says i want to not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00323-00130359-00130744 only save your life i want to not only promise you a home in heaven but i want fmB-8Oq27Dg-00324-00130744-00131167 to on this earth in time prepare you for eternity and change your fmB-8Oq27Dg-00325-00131167-00131496 life and that is the grace of god he gives us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00326-00131496-00131920 eternal treasures luke tells us about treasures being stored in heaven a place fmB-8Oq27Dg-00327-00131920-00132208 that never fails a place where no thief can approach it fmB-8Oq27Dg-00328-00132208-00132584 or no moth can corrupt it eternal treasures god's grace being fmB-8Oq27Dg-00329-00132584-00132912 bestowed upon men he fills man when men come to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00330-00132912-00133360 trust in christ he fills them with the holy spirit fmB-8Oq27Dg-00331-00133360-00133712 luke 11 says how much more will your heavenly father give fmB-8Oq27Dg-00332-00133712-00134128 the holy spirit to those who ask him he also gives you if you came to trust fmB-8Oq27Dg-00333-00134128-00134440 christ today you came to understand that he paid for fmB-8Oq27Dg-00334-00134440-00134976 your sins he took the burden the regret the penalty of your sins in the past all fmB-8Oq27Dg-00335-00134976-00135303 your sins in the future all your sins in the present today and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00336-00135303-00135720 he bore them on his body on a cross you can understand a home in heaven fmB-8Oq27Dg-00337-00135720-00136079 jesus says in my father's house are many mansions if we're not so i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00338-00136079-00136391 never would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00339-00136391-00136672 go and prepare a place for you i will come again fmB-8Oq27Dg-00340-00136672-00136976 and receive you to myself that where i am fmB-8Oq27Dg-00341-00136976-00137391 there you may be also it's a promise from the very christ from the very fmB-8Oq27Dg-00342-00137391-00137664 godhead god the father god the son listen to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00343-00137664-00138008 john chapter 1 and verse 17 for the law was given through moses fmB-8Oq27Dg-00344-00138008-00138455 but grace and truth came through jesus christ in the old testament we see grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00345-00138455-00138791 as well think about noah's day wickedness evil fmB-8Oq27Dg-00346-00138791-00139136 same as today i'd say today is worse but god chooses fmB-8Oq27Dg-00347-00139136-00139384 to provide an ark for noah's family to be safe fmB-8Oq27Dg-00348-00139384-00139808 that my friend is grace never deserving it god gives them an ark for them to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00349-00139808-00140112 have safety god could have judged the world and raised fire on the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00350-00140112-00140496 world but he gives noah a way out that is grace abraham and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00351-00140496-00140824 sarah when abraham lies about sarah being his sister fmB-8Oq27Dg-00352-00140824-00141144 think about sarah laughing at god when god says i will give you a child fmB-8Oq27Dg-00353-00141144-00141576 and she says god i'm too old and she laughs both marked by disbelief fmB-8Oq27Dg-00354-00141576-00141944 both marked by disobedience but god fulfills the promise in isaac fmB-8Oq27Dg-00355-00141944-00142360 grace think about joseph a a boy that would have been fmB-8Oq27Dg-00356-00142360-00142688 brought up not the way that boys are brought up to them i'm shocked when i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00357-00142688-00143079 talk to my my son my oldest especially and the friends that he has with all the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00358-00143079-00143448 fancy sneakers and the cars and the toys and the big homes fmB-8Oq27Dg-00359-00143448-00143879 joseph's actually sold into slavery he's despised by his brothers fmB-8Oq27Dg-00360-00143879-00144279 he's wrongfully accused he's left to rot in prison fmB-8Oq27Dg-00361-00144279-00144591 and yet joseph's perspective through the grace of god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00362-00144591-00144991 giving that to joseph is this in genesis 45 but god sent me ahead of you to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00363-00144991-00145255 preserve you for you a remnant on earth and to save fmB-8Oq27Dg-00364-00145255-00145672 your lives by being a great deliverance think about the grace of god he gave fmB-8Oq27Dg-00365-00145672-00146015 that to joseph david a man who lied a man who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00366-00146015-00146255 stole maybe there's someone on the call today fmB-8Oq27Dg-00367-00146255-00146591 and you're saying well that's just like me i lie fmB-8Oq27Dg-00368-00146591-00146927 i have stolen perhaps not physically but in your heart you've fmB-8Oq27Dg-00369-00146927-00147255 coveted you have taken things that are not yours you fornicated you've fmB-8Oq27Dg-00370-00147255-00147608 lusted and killed this is david it's yet and god says fmB-8Oq27Dg-00371-00147608-00148032 that in his heart he loves david god's continually forgiving david notice fmB-8Oq27Dg-00372-00148032-00148320 psalms the grace of god think of grace as you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00373-00148320-00148703 even back up and you go into the old testament you look right at creation fmB-8Oq27Dg-00374-00148703-00149152 just contemplate it just for a moment god creates the heavens he creates the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00375-00149152-00149408 earth that's for you and for me and there's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00376-00149408-00149903 darkness and god says in his grace let there be light he divides the life fmB-8Oq27Dg-00377-00149903-00150248 from guard darkness grace for you and i to enjoy the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00378-00150248-00150600 pleasures of this world to enjoy his creation there's land fmB-8Oq27Dg-00379-00150600-00150936 between waters there's dry land that appears there's grass fmB-8Oq27Dg-00380-00150936-00151176 there's herb yielding seed there's fruit trees fmB-8Oq27Dg-00381-00151176-00151479 he puts lights in the firmament of the skies stars fmB-8Oq27Dg-00382-00151479-00152144 planets grace he provides waters that have creatures winged birds cattle fmB-8Oq27Dg-00383-00152144-00152744 everything creeping on the earth grace then god says as if that wasn't fmB-8Oq27Dg-00384-00152744-00153015 enough interesting it wasn't for adam and eve fmB-8Oq27Dg-00385-00153015-00153288 because adam and eve needed a little bit more fmB-8Oq27Dg-00386-00153288-00153976 but god says this let us the godhead make man in our own image fmB-8Oq27Dg-00387-00153976-00154584 in the image of god he created them male and female he created them and it fmB-8Oq27Dg-00388-00154584-00154944 doesn't stop there notice what god says to the humans he fmB-8Oq27Dg-00389-00154944-00155255 gives instructions you be fruitful and you multiply you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00390-00155255-00155608 fill the earth and you subdue it dominion over the fish of the sea over fmB-8Oq27Dg-00391-00155608-00155976 the birds of the air over every living thing that moves on fmB-8Oq27Dg-00392-00155976-00156264 the earth you say matt why do you tell me this because that my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00393-00156264-00156664 friend is god's grace he gives us things we did not deserve he fmB-8Oq27Dg-00394-00156664-00156967 has given us families that we did not deserve he gives us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00395-00156967-00157296 beautiful children that are healthy that he did we didn't deserve he gives fmB-8Oq27Dg-00396-00157296-00157615 us jobs that we don't deserve he gives us homes that we don't deserve fmB-8Oq27Dg-00397-00157615-00157984 he gives us grace upon grace he saves us from disasters that we've fmB-8Oq27Dg-00398-00157984-00158191 never seen coming and we'll never know this fmB-8Oq27Dg-00399-00158191-00158567 this side of eternity he allows us even to get into challenging times fmB-8Oq27Dg-00400-00158567-00159120 just to get closer to him grace you know we're in this gospel series fmB-8Oq27Dg-00401-00159120-00159648 this is grace i don't deserve to be here we never deserve as human beings to see fmB-8Oq27Dg-00402-00159648-00159967 people reached and saved and added to the kingdom of god and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00403-00159967-00160272 people that have come to trust christ left darkness and entered light fmB-8Oq27Dg-00404-00160272-00160608 we don't deserve to do that or be part of that but it's grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00405-00160608-00160960 we don't deserve a second of that so one might say okay man listen i get grace is fmB-8Oq27Dg-00406-00160960-00161224 freely given love i get its forgiveness i get its fmB-8Oq27Dg-00407-00161224-00161512 acceptance i get its help from god i know that i can't fmB-8Oq27Dg-00408-00161512-00161815 earn it i just want to understand what greece kind of looks like well let me fmB-8Oq27Dg-00409-00161815-00162144 just tell you about six ways that god shows us grace i'll do fmB-8Oq27Dg-00410-00162144-00162424 that in probably two and a half minutes i'm going to be very short very fmB-8Oq27Dg-00411-00162424-00162840 macro level god shows you and i grace in this dispensation fmB-8Oq27Dg-00412-00162840-00163176 through forgiveness if a person comes to the god of heaven fmB-8Oq27Dg-00413-00163176-00163544 the way you are knowing that their sin has kept us guilty fmB-8Oq27Dg-00414-00163544-00163896 god says forgiven through the person of christ fmB-8Oq27Dg-00415-00163896-00164344 guilty people need to be judged for their sin god says i have sent him fmB-8Oq27Dg-00416-00164344-00164672 not to condemn the world but that the world through him fmB-8Oq27Dg-00417-00164672-00165296 might be saved god shows us grace in forgiveness christ went to a cross so fmB-8Oq27Dg-00418-00165296-00165696 you and i could experience radical comprehensive and complete fmB-8Oq27Dg-00419-00165696-00165976 forgiveness of sins past sins yes i've mentioned it almost fmB-8Oq27Dg-00420-00165976-00166279 every night of the week present sins yes the sin you just committed five ten fmB-8Oq27Dg-00421-00166279-00166503 minutes ago future sins yes the sins you'll commit fmB-8Oq27Dg-00422-00166503-00166808 later on this evening and tomorrow they're forgiven fmB-8Oq27Dg-00423-00166808-00167320 that is grace you know hannah my uh daughter turns 10 tomorrow in just today fmB-8Oq27Dg-00424-00167320-00167703 we were driving through the city of phoenix and uh i fmB-8Oq27Dg-00425-00167703-00167936 said hey hannah it's a very special day your fmB-8Oq27Dg-00426-00167936-00168479 last day being nine is today tomorrow you're gonna go from single fmB-8Oq27Dg-00427-00168479-00168703 digits that you enjoyed for nine years of your life fmB-8Oq27Dg-00428-00168703-00169088 to double digits being ten never to be in single digits fmB-8Oq27Dg-00429-00169088-00169496 again and i'll tell you she was so excited she's not gonna sleep all night fmB-8Oq27Dg-00430-00169496-00169720 she can't wait for tomorrow can i tell you something that's fmB-8Oq27Dg-00431-00169720-00170039 more exciting than that it's this experiencing fmB-8Oq27Dg-00432-00170039-00170415 god's grace similar to the new birth think about when someone fmB-8Oq27Dg-00433-00170415-00170760 is born again one is condemned by since penalty fmB-8Oq27Dg-00434-00170760-00171167 they're under the burden of sin they come to trust in the living christ who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00435-00171167-00171503 died on an old rugged cross and they become born again fmB-8Oq27Dg-00436-00171503-00171944 never to be under since penalty never to be under the burden of sin fmB-8Oq27Dg-00437-00171944-00172352 but there now they are in god's family christ is lord fmB-8Oq27Dg-00438-00172352-00172679 since forgiven a home in heaven all because of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00439-00172679-00172991 god's grace going from the single digits if i can use that analogy fmB-8Oq27Dg-00440-00172991-00173360 to double digits never to touch single digits again they are now part of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00441-00173360-00173808 god's family god accepts people if you came to him the grace of god fmB-8Oq27Dg-00442-00173808-00174176 would accept you just the way you are regardless of your sins fmB-8Oq27Dg-00443-00174176-00174520 regardless of the weight of your sin regardless of how many sins fmB-8Oq27Dg-00444-00174520-00174839 you have done or how many sins you think you haven't done the fact that we have fmB-8Oq27Dg-00445-00174839-00175127 fallen short of the glory of god god says him fmB-8Oq27Dg-00446-00175127-00175472 that comes to me i will never cast out you and i don't fmB-8Oq27Dg-00447-00175472-00175872 deserve to be accepted by god but god promises to accept everyone from fmB-8Oq27Dg-00448-00175872-00176184 every part of the world the presence of god abides with the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00449-00176184-00176479 believer similar to acceptance but god's presence means fmB-8Oq27Dg-00450-00176479-00176791 the father is not distant he is present with you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00451-00176791-00177176 everywhere you are when you come to trust christ the bible says that god in fmB-8Oq27Dg-00452-00177176-00177527 his grace has made us in the place that he dwells fmB-8Oq27Dg-00453-00177527-00178000 we are one with christ that is grace he enables fmB-8Oq27Dg-00454-00178000-00178336 believers you know there are sins that you perhaps struggled with but when fmB-8Oq27Dg-00455-00178336-00178736 someone comes to a cross god relieves that bondage he frees the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00456-00178736-00179215 sinner and he starts to enable he starts to help the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00457-00179215-00179567 grace of god intervenes it gives the human being power and fmB-8Oq27Dg-00458-00179567-00179888 strength it gives us the ability to do what we're called to do fmB-8Oq27Dg-00459-00179888-00180255 but what we could never do on our own that is grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00460-00180255-00180624 freedom god delivering us from the addictions and slavery of sin the bible fmB-8Oq27Dg-00461-00180624-00181079 teaches this that he who sins is a slave to sin you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00462-00181079-00181391 might not realize sin like that you might not understand sin like that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00463-00181391-00181936 but god says we are in bondage in our sin and the only way a sinner can fmB-8Oq27Dg-00464-00181936-00182336 be relieved of that bondage is when they come to christ the one who fmB-8Oq27Dg-00465-00182336-00182639 is victor over sin death hell and the grave and he fmB-8Oq27Dg-00466-00182639-00183152 did that all on a cross completed in christ amazing fmB-8Oq27Dg-00467-00183152-00183464 to know that when we get to heaven we are fully complete fmB-8Oq27Dg-00468-00183464-00183800 not to be bound by sin to be sinless not to be but never to fmB-8Oq27Dg-00469-00183800-00184144 and to endure the bondage of sin or the misery of sin fmB-8Oq27Dg-00470-00184144-00184560 complete in christ that's grace grace that much more bound we're sin abounded fmB-8Oq27Dg-00471-00184560-00184967 grace and much more abound at calvary friend when people mocked christ fmB-8Oq27Dg-00472-00184967-00185336 grace abound it when spittle left a vile sinner's lips fmB-8Oq27Dg-00473-00185336-00185808 and it crossed that chasm where angels dwelt and it landed on the savior fmB-8Oq27Dg-00474-00185808-00186215 grace was there when he was reviled christ he reviled not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00475-00186215-00186639 grace was there when he suffered the bible teaches he threatened not fmB-8Oq27Dg-00476-00186639-00186976 jesus christ grace was there when he was blindfolded fmB-8Oq27Dg-00477-00186976-00187320 and they ran around him and they said you prophesy you tell us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00478-00187320-00187639 who it is that smote you and they began to hit the savior fmB-8Oq27Dg-00479-00187639-00187967 grace was there you say matt why do you tell me that because christ was fmB-8Oq27Dg-00480-00187967-00188255 fulfilling the father's will and he would go to a fmB-8Oq27Dg-00481-00188255-00188600 cross and you would give man something they never deserved fmB-8Oq27Dg-00482-00188600-00188944 salvation eternal life since forgiven when they fmB-8Oq27Dg-00483-00188944-00189248 created a crown that should have been a royal crown but thorns fmB-8Oq27Dg-00484-00189248-00189560 grace was there when they smote him over the head with the reed fmB-8Oq27Dg-00485-00189560-00189888 grace was there when they opened his back the bible teaches and it looked fmB-8Oq27Dg-00486-00189888-00190120 like a plowed field they had beaten him so bad fmB-8Oq27Dg-00487-00190120-00190496 grace was there when they nailed his hands and they nailed his feet fmB-8Oq27Dg-00488-00190496-00190912 to a cross grace was there one might ask isn't this all mercy god holding back fmB-8Oq27Dg-00489-00190912-00191232 judgment yes but it's also grace and that jesus is fmB-8Oq27Dg-00490-00191232-00191576 providing salvation for man who never deserved it what did fmB-8Oq27Dg-00491-00191576-00191967 we read for when sin abounded when your sin abounded in fmB-8Oq27Dg-00492-00191967-00192448 all its wickedness grace abounded much more now think about these fmB-8Oq27Dg-00493-00192448-00192776 words i'm gonna close with this quick little story fmB-8Oq27Dg-00494-00192776-00193055 driving through phoenix today i was frustrated i was actually on an fmB-8Oq27Dg-00495-00193055-00193472 errand and uh i got the uh the noted to-do list it was fmB-8Oq27Dg-00496-00193472-00193703 unexpected i got a little text saying can you fmB-8Oq27Dg-00497-00193703-00194055 please stop here and i was a little frustrated it's hard to actually fmB-8Oq27Dg-00498-00194055-00194464 uh get me frustrated but i was today just there's a lot going on and so fmB-8Oq27Dg-00499-00194464-00194800 the pedal perhaps in the truck was maybe a little closer to the floor than normal fmB-8Oq27Dg-00500-00194800-00194960 although i was following the speed limit i was just fmB-8Oq27Dg-00501-00194960-00195312 taking turns and going really quick but on the radio this song came on fmB-8Oq27Dg-00502-00195312-00195744 and it really struck my heart about the grace of god and the song is called my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00503-00195744-00196032 story you know you could sing this song today fmB-8Oq27Dg-00504-00196032-00196400 understand who christ is get a glimpse of his grace it's the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00505-00196400-00196696 grace of god that even allowed that song to play on the radio today fmB-8Oq27Dg-00506-00196696-00197055 i'm going to show you the words now listen to the words if i told you my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00507-00197055-00197320 story the writer says you would hear hope that fmB-8Oq27Dg-00508-00197320-00197832 wouldn't let go can i tell you this god won't let go if i told you my story fmB-8Oq27Dg-00509-00197832-00198167 the writer continues you would hear love that would never get fmB-8Oq27Dg-00510-00198167-00198488 give give up god's love will never give up on you if fmB-8Oq27Dg-00511-00198488-00198951 i told you my story the writer says you would hear life but it wasn't mine fmB-8Oq27Dg-00512-00198951-00199200 eternal life the light of the world beckoning fmB-8Oq27Dg-00513-00199200-00199544 the sinner to come the writer continues if i should speak fmB-8Oq27Dg-00514-00199544-00199976 that let it be of the grace that is greater than all my sin of the fmB-8Oq27Dg-00515-00199976-00200336 justice that was served and where mercy wins of the kindness of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00516-00200336-00200751 jesus that draws me in to tell you my story fmB-8Oq27Dg-00517-00200751-00201120 is to tell you of him you meet someone he said what's your story fmB-8Oq27Dg-00518-00201120-00201439 if they're saved they usually take you right to a cross they tell you listen my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00519-00201439-00201791 story is pretty boring but let me tell you when jesus christ paid for my sins fmB-8Oq27Dg-00520-00201791-00202000 and let me tell you the testimony of god's grace fmB-8Oq27Dg-00521-00202000-00202448 in my life that was the day i was lost and there was a day i was found fmB-8Oq27Dg-00522-00202448-00202800 there was a day that i was blinded and there's a day that i could see fmB-8Oq27Dg-00523-00202800-00203184 and my home is heaven for all eternity the writer continues if i told you my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00524-00203184-00203415 story you would hear victory over the enemy if fmB-8Oq27Dg-00525-00203415-00203744 i told you my story you would hear freedom that was one for fmB-8Oq27Dg-00526-00203744-00204048 me that's through christ if i told you my story you would hear fmB-8Oq27Dg-00527-00204048-00204488 life that overcame the grave if i should then speak let it be this fmB-8Oq27Dg-00528-00204488-00204856 this is my story this is my song he continues praising my fmB-8Oq27Dg-00529-00204856-00205176 savior all the day long you know what c.h fmB-8Oq27Dg-00530-00205176-00205471 spurgeon said when god forgives our sins listen fmB-8Oq27Dg-00531-00205471-00205991 carefully mr spurgeon when god forgives our sins there's more fmB-8Oq27Dg-00532-00205991-00206352 forgiveness to follow he justifies us in the righteousness of fmB-8Oq27Dg-00533-00206352-00206671 christ but there's more to follow he adopts us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00534-00206671-00207048 into his family but there's more to follow he prepares fmB-8Oq27Dg-00535-00207048-00207415 us for heaven but there's more to follow he gives us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00536-00207415-00207735 grace but there's more to follow he helps us fmB-8Oq27Dg-00537-00207735-00208152 to old age but there's still more to follow and even when we arrive fmB-8Oq27Dg-00538-00208152-00208648 in the world to come in heaven there will be still more fmB-8Oq27Dg-00539-00208648-00209104 to follow let those words grace upon your lips tonight come to trust christ fmB-8Oq27Dg-00540-00209104-00209432 think of the writer this is my story you can walk away tonight fmB-8Oq27Dg-00541-00209432-00209759 saying this this is my story and this is my song fmB-8Oq27Dg-00542-00209759-00210832 praising my savior all the day long why because jesus died for me fmap69ROBW0-00000-00000006-00000222 - Good morning everybody, welcome to another vlog fmap69ROBW0-00001-00000222-00000563 from my bathroom where I am frantically trying to get ready fmap69ROBW0-00002-00000563-00000840 for something that I probably should have fmap69ROBW0-00003-00000840-00001008 gotten ready for a while ago. fmap69ROBW0-00004-00001008-00001266 It's actually just shy of 8:00 AM. fmap69ROBW0-00005-00001266-00001501 I literally woke up at like 7:20. fmap69ROBW0-00006-00001501-00001626 Who am I? fmap69ROBW0-00007-00001626-00002061 Usually I have Layla outside by like 6:45 in the morning. fmap69ROBW0-00008-00002061-00002292 I just stayed up late reading last night. fmap69ROBW0-00009-00002292-00002593 But today I am actually doing a bunch of prep stuff fmap69ROBW0-00010-00002593-00002838 to be going out of town in a bit. fmap69ROBW0-00011-00002838-00003099 So I'm going to get a last minute fmap69ROBW0-00012-00003099-00003296 dermatology appointment in this morning. fmap69ROBW0-00013-00003296-00003659 We'll chat and then I'm also gonna be getting my brows done fmap69ROBW0-00014-00003659-00003936 and then after that I'm getting my nails done. fmap69ROBW0-00015-00003936-00004128 And yes, in case you didn't notice when I have fmap69ROBW0-00016-00004128-00004368 a trip planned it's all I talk about for months fmap69ROBW0-00017-00004368-00004491 leading up to it. fmap69ROBW0-00018-00004491-00004767 I'm just doing some quick like beach waves in my hair. fmap69ROBW0-00019-00004767-00005079 I was gonna walk to this appointment but I think I'm just fmap69ROBW0-00020-00005079-00005162 gonna end up driving. fmap69ROBW0-00021-00005162-00005304 I don't know, it's a really nice morning. fmap69ROBW0-00022-00005304-00005490 The weather has been so on and off in LA. fmap69ROBW0-00023-00005490-00005697 It's been raining and then beautiful and then raining fmap69ROBW0-00024-00005697-00005883 and then beautiful and like we've gotten fmap69ROBW0-00025-00005883-00006057 proper rain this winter. fmap69ROBW0-00026-00006057-00006360 Feels like it's rained nonstop since like late December. fmap69ROBW0-00027-00006360-00006443 Kind of crazy. fmap69ROBW0-00028-00006443-00006757 But yeah, if you didn't know, I am flying to Arizona fmap69ROBW0-00029-00006757-00007092 to go see Taylor Swift and (inaudible) oh my god. fmap69ROBW0-00030-00007186-00007377 And then heading back to LA, packing everything up fmap69ROBW0-00031-00007377-00007625 and going to freaking Japan. fmap69ROBW0-00032-00007625-00007886 We talked a little bit about it in December fmap69ROBW0-00033-00007886-00008217 when we booked it and it's been kind of touch and go fmap69ROBW0-00034-00008217-00008307 with Layla's Health. fmap69ROBW0-00035-00008307-00008472 Like we've kind of been like, are we going? fmap69ROBW0-00036-00008472-00008559 Are we not going? fmap69ROBW0-00037-00008559-00008793 One of the things on my to-do list is to book Layla fmap69ROBW0-00038-00008793-00008976 another vet appointment this morning, fmap69ROBW0-00039-00008976-00009105 but she's gonna be fine. fmap69ROBW0-00040-00009105-00009414 It's just life of a senior pet and yeah I can't believe fmap69ROBW0-00041-00009414-00009578 we're really doing it. fmap69ROBW0-00042-00009578-00009810 I'm so excited, we're going for 10 days and we're going fmap69ROBW0-00043-00009810-00010050 with some of our friends, one of my friends from high school fmap69ROBW0-00044-00010050-00010311 and her husband who we have grown really close with fmap69ROBW0-00045-00010311-00010536 over the years of living in LA and not living in LA. fmap69ROBW0-00046-00010536-00010797 Anyway, just wanted to start this vlog and say hi fmap69ROBW0-00047-00010797-00010977 and say good morning. fmap69ROBW0-00048-00010977-00011193 Oh, my god, I've been talking for almost five minutes. fmap69ROBW0-00049-00011193-00011409 No, I must lose my access to a camera for a little bit. fmap69ROBW0-00050-00011409-00011544 All right, hair is done. fmap69ROBW0-00051-00011544-00011784 Just did a quick little beach wave moment. fmap69ROBW0-00052-00011784-00012000 I'm not wearing makeup 'cause I'm going to the dermatologist fmap69ROBW0-00053-00012000-00012203 and then I'm also, like I said going to the brows after that fmap69ROBW0-00054-00012203-00012351 so there's no point. fmap69ROBW0-00055-00012351-00012612 But I am running late so let's run over to our appointment fmap69ROBW0-00056-00012612-00012765 and then we'll catch up after. fmap69ROBW0-00057-00012963-00013356 I'm breaking in a new pair of Converse today for my trip fmap69ROBW0-00058-00013356-00013518 so pray for my feet. fmap69ROBW0-00059-00013771-00014021 (light music) fmap69ROBW0-00060-00014904-00015129 All right, just finished at the derm, that was great. fmap69ROBW0-00061-00015129-00015361 I actually ended up getting a Botox touch up while fmap69ROBW0-00062-00015361-00015525 I was there, so I was like why not? fmap69ROBW0-00063-00015525-00015858 And then I the reason I went was to get some moles checked fmap69ROBW0-00064-00015858-00016097 just for like regular checkups 'cause that's important. fmap69ROBW0-00065-00016097-00016319 Do that, make sure, especially if you have skin cancer fmap69ROBW0-00066-00016319-00016403 in your family. fmap69ROBW0-00067-00016403-00016704 And then I also went because I have been I think I've talked fmap69ROBW0-00068-00016704-00016935 about this periodically on my channel but I have fmap69ROBW0-00069-00016935-00017370 a really dry scalp and it itches. fmap69ROBW0-00070-00017370-00017577 I don't really have a lot of dandruff, a little bit, fmap69ROBW0-00071-00017577-00017970 occasionally, but it just itches so much and I've talked fmap69ROBW0-00072-00017970-00018186 about it before and a lot of you recommended fmap69ROBW0-00073-00018186-00018423 the Nizoral shampoo. fmap69ROBW0-00074-00018423-00018654 I've used that off and on for like a year fmap69ROBW0-00075-00018654-00018778 and it's done nothing. fmap69ROBW0-00076-00018778-00018972 So I was like, I need to see a dermatologist about this. fmap69ROBW0-00077-00018972-00019227 She looked at my scalp, she said some of it is irritated fmap69ROBW0-00078-00019227-00019446 but there actually isn't like dandruff, fmap69ROBW0-00079-00019446-00019588 like a lot of like flakiness. fmap69ROBW0-00080-00019588-00019956 So she prescribed me like a solution to put on my hair fmap69ROBW0-00081-00019956-00020118 at night, to put on my scalp at night. fmap69ROBW0-00082-00020118-00020313 I think it's got like some steroid or something in it fmap69ROBW0-00083-00020313-00020625 so maybe that will help with some of like the irritation fmap69ROBW0-00084-00020625-00020918 because basically just my scalp is really dry so I just need fmap69ROBW0-00085-00020918-00021108 to like hydrate it a bit more. fmap69ROBW0-00086-00021108-00021345 So that is the plan, that is what I'm gonna do. fmap69ROBW0-00087-00021345-00021603 And then I'll go back when I get back from my trip fmap69ROBW0-00088-00021603-00021795 and then we can check up on those things. fmap69ROBW0-00089-00021795-00022011 But yeah, so that's done. fmap69ROBW0-00090-00022011-00022260 Now I'm headed to my brow appointment. fmap69ROBW0-00091-00022260-00022611 I haven't had my brows done in about four weeks maybe, fmap69ROBW0-00092-00022611-00022794 maybe five, no I think it's been like four. fmap69ROBW0-00093-00022794-00022991 I'm not getting them laminated today I don't think. fmap69ROBW0-00094-00022991-00023296 I think it's been too soon in between but I am gonna get fmap69ROBW0-00095-00023296-00023586 them tinted and like shaped and stuff today. fmap69ROBW0-00096-00023586-00023799 So I'll be there in about nine minutes and then fmap69ROBW0-00097-00023799-00024114 I'm gonna get some like food or Starbucks or something fmap69ROBW0-00098-00024114-00024303 on the way, we'll see, so I might stop in there. fmap69ROBW0-00099-00024303-00024525 And then we're gonna get our brows done. fmap69ROBW0-00100-00024525-00024775 (light music) fmap69ROBW0-00101-00026243-00026382 All right, the brows are now done, fmap69ROBW0-00102-00026382-00026574 got my Starbucks on the way fmap69ROBW0-00103-00026574-00026986 and this brown sugar, ice shaken milk, espresso, fmap69ROBW0-00104-00026986-00027207 whatever it's called, a million different names, fmap69ROBW0-00105-00027207-00027561 it's so good, it's like crack, mm, I can't stop. fmap69ROBW0-00106-00027561-00027825 Okay, I haven't put a damn thought into what I wanna do fmap69ROBW0-00107-00027825-00028086 for my nails yet but these will be the nails that I have fmap69ROBW0-00108-00028086-00028245 for Taylor Swift and for Japan. fmap69ROBW0-00109-00028245-00028539 So we have a lot to think about, I don't know, let's do it. fmap69ROBW0-00110-00028647-00028897 (light music) fmap69ROBW0-00111-00029475-00029754 All right, we did it, finished my nail appointment, fmap69ROBW0-00112-00029754-00029895 went for like a little white chrome. fmap69ROBW0-00113-00029895-00030168 Oh, I was at a red light but it's moving now so I'm not fmap69ROBW0-00114-00030168-00030364 gonna look at the camera. fmap69ROBW0-00115-00030364-00030545 But now I am headed back to my house. fmap69ROBW0-00116-00030545-00030669 I'm gonna relax for a little bit. fmap69ROBW0-00117-00030669-00030981 Some cramps are setting in and they're pretty bad, honestly. fmap69ROBW0-00118-00030981-00031167 I'm just gonna rest for a little bit and then we're taking fmap69ROBW0-00119-00031167-00031329 Layla to the vet at five o'clock. fmap69ROBW0-00120-00031329-00031601 So busy day, a lot busier than I would like. fmap69ROBW0-00121-00031601-00031903 I don't know how people do this and how they balance it all fmap69ROBW0-00122-00031903-00032184 but I am trying to get everything done before the trip fmap69ROBW0-00123-00032184-00032408 and I am starving so we're gonna go home fmap69ROBW0-00124-00032408-00032558 and make some lunch, I can't wait. fmap69ROBW0-00125-00032558-00032814 We're back home, I got a couple of packages. fmap69ROBW0-00126-00032814-00033227 It is not a complete week for me if I don't open a package fmap69ROBW0-00127-00033227-00033511 from Poshmark, I'm so addicted to like searching fmap69ROBW0-00128-00033511-00033754 for everything on Poshmark or even ThredUP. fmap69ROBW0-00129-00033754-00033933 I love it so much. fmap69ROBW0-00130-00033933-00034130 So this is one of my Poshmark packages. fmap69ROBW0-00131-00034130-00034560 (siren blares) Hold on, got the door open fmap69ROBW0-00132-00034560-00034665 'cause it's nice out. fmap69ROBW0-00133-00034766-00035127 So here is one of the things that I wanted to get for Tokyo. fmap69ROBW0-00134-00035127-00035361 It might be a little too warm to wear to Tokyo fmap69ROBW0-00135-00035361-00035835 but it's really cute anyways, look at it. fmap69ROBW0-00136-00035835-00036127 Ah, it's really thick. fmap69ROBW0-00137-00036127-00036386 - [Drew] It's supposed to be raining. fmap69ROBW0-00138-00036386-00036502 - Oh okay. fmap69ROBW0-00139-00036502-00036651 - [Drew] Quite a bit, so... fmap69ROBW0-00140-00036651-00036740 - Maybe it will be kind of chilly. fmap69ROBW0-00141-00036828-00037038 This is so cute, it's by the brand Just Polly fmap69ROBW0-00142-00037038-00037443 but I got it secondhand and look at it, it's so cute. fmap69ROBW0-00143-00037443-00037713 I love the teddy bears, not just my tattoo. fmap69ROBW0-00144-00037713-00037908 It's a lot thicker than I thought. fmap69ROBW0-00145-00037908-00038172 If I don't end up finding somewhere to wear it fmap69ROBW0-00146-00038172-00038294 I'll just resell it all. fmap69ROBW0-00147-00038294-00038508 - [Drew] Just wear it when we're in Osaka and Kyoto fmap69ROBW0-00148-00038508-00038901 because it's colder down there, it's cloudy and rainy. fmap69ROBW0-00149-00038901-00039300 - Oh there we go, this next one, is this from Poshmark too? fmap69ROBW0-00150-00039300-00039800 Yes, oh my god, this is false advertising. fmap69ROBW0-00151-00039873-00040107 They said this sweater was blue, it's gray, fmap69ROBW0-00152-00040107-00040353 it's cute though, I was gonna wear this with, fmap69ROBW0-00153-00040353-00040476 it smells like smoke. fmap69ROBW0-00154-00040692-00041064 Okay, well anyway, I wanted to get like a cute Tommy sweater fmap69ROBW0-00155-00041064-00041151 and I didn't wanna buy a new one. fmap69ROBW0-00156-00041151-00041343 I wanted to like, I always try to look secondhand fmap69ROBW0-00157-00041343-00041553 and this one is cute but it said it was navy blue fmap69ROBW0-00158-00041553-00041661 and it's gray. fmap69ROBW0-00159-00041661-00041997 Maybe I misread it so we'll see about that one. fmap69ROBW0-00160-00041997-00042120 That one also needs to be washed. fmap69ROBW0-00161-00042120-00042405 And then I don't remember who I first saw talking fmap69ROBW0-00162-00042405-00042672 about this, but this is a brand called Ceremonia. fmap69ROBW0-00163-00042672-00042851 It's fitting 'cause you know I went to the dermatologist fmap69ROBW0-00164-00042851-00043130 today and was talking about like my scalp and stuff fmap69ROBW0-00165-00043130-00043410 and this is like a scalp oil and I ran out fmap69ROBW0-00166-00043410-00043591 so I got a new one and you basically like put it on fmap69ROBW0-00167-00043591-00043995 your scalp to hydrate it and you leave it on either like for fmap69ROBW0-00168-00043995-00044301 10 to 15 minutes or you can even leave it on fmap69ROBW0-00169-00044301-00044436 for like overnight. fmap69ROBW0-00170-00044436-00044814 And then you shampoo your hair afterwards and it's called, fmap69ROBW0-00171-00044814-00045108 Aceite de Moska, I'm not sure if I said that right fmap69ROBW0-00172-00045108-00045291 but like look at this packaging, so cute. fmap69ROBW0-00173-00045291-00045585 I saw people recommending it on Instagram and like fmap69ROBW0-00174-00045585-00045699 look at that, adorable. fmap69ROBW0-00175-00045699-00045915 And then it just comes in this little plastic bottle. fmap69ROBW0-00176-00045915-00046083 It smells divine. fmap69ROBW0-00177-00046083-00046303 Drew is obsessed with the smell of this too. fmap69ROBW0-00178-00046407-00046610 Oh it smells so good. fmap69ROBW0-00179-00046610-00046803 So I'm gonna start being a lot better about oiling fmap69ROBW0-00180-00046803-00046965 with my scalp because it's really dry fmap69ROBW0-00181-00046965-00047160 and I think that's what's causing the irritation. fmap69ROBW0-00182-00047160-00047445 At least that's what the dermatologist said. fmap69ROBW0-00183-00047445-00047607 She basically said like to do a couple of topical things fmap69ROBW0-00184-00047607-00047769 first just to like get those out of the way fmap69ROBW0-00185-00047769-00047925 and then maybe she'll order some blood work fmap69ROBW0-00186-00047925-00048171 so we can see if something else is going on fmap69ROBW0-00187-00048171-00048254 like a deficiency or whatever. fmap69ROBW0-00188-00048254-00048450 But yeah, that's my little mini haul. fmap69ROBW0-00189-00048450-00048779 Okay I need to make some lunch, do a couple work things fmap69ROBW0-00190-00048779-00049029 and then get ready to take Layla to the vet here fmap69ROBW0-00191-00049029-00049112 in a few hours. fmap69ROBW0-00192-00049112-00049382 But yeah, here's what my nails look like. fmap69ROBW0-00193-00049382-00049746 Super cute, chrome, shiny, just simple for Japan, fmap69ROBW0-00194-00049746-00049917 and Taylor Swift, I can't believe it, fmap69ROBW0-00195-00049917-00050223 but we got a lot to do so we'll reconvene later. fmap69ROBW0-00196-00050223-00050641 It's a couple days later and it is a very exciting day fmap69ROBW0-00197-00050641-00050955 in another installment of vacation prep. fmap69ROBW0-00198-00050955-00051358 And I am changing my hair color today and I'm very excited. fmap69ROBW0-00199-00051358-00051846 I'm actually going to, oh god, dog hair, cute. fmap69ROBW0-00200-00051846-00052153 I'm actually going to do a scalp oil treatment fmap69ROBW0-00201-00052153-00052434 'cause I am getting my hair done today. fmap69ROBW0-00202-00052434-00052725 and also, I don't know one time a hair stylist fmap69ROBW0-00203-00052725-00052987 that I used to have said that she really preferred fmap69ROBW0-00204-00052987-00053322 when her clients would come in with like clean hair. fmap69ROBW0-00205-00053322-00053492 I'm just gonna go ahead and wash it even though fmap69ROBW0-00206-00053492-00053616 it's getting washed later. fmap69ROBW0-00207-00053616-00053841 I don't know, I just want to I just wanna do fmap69ROBW0-00208-00053841-00054132 the right thing so I'm using some of this oil that I opened fmap69ROBW0-00209-00054132-00054288 actually earlier in this vlog. fmap69ROBW0-00210-00054288-00054706 And like literally what I do is I just do that pretty much fmap69ROBW0-00211-00054706-00054979 and then I rub it into my scalp. fmap69ROBW0-00212-00054979-00055233 I'm almost out of this bottle so I'm not sure fmap69ROBW0-00213-00055233-00055510 if I need to use the new one or not but I kind of just go fmap69ROBW0-00214-00055510-00055817 wherever my heart takes me. fmap69ROBW0-00215-00055817-00056229 I'm gonna try to be more diligent about this and try to use fmap69ROBW0-00216-00056229-00056366 it a lot more frequently. fmap69ROBW0-00217-00056366-00056550 I need to take my hair down for this. fmap69ROBW0-00218-00056550-00056831 I'm not gonna start that prescription that the dermatologist fmap69ROBW0-00219-00056831-00057099 gave me until after we get back from our trip fmap69ROBW0-00220-00057099-00057285 'cause I don't know, I don't wanna have a reaction fmap69ROBW0-00221-00057285-00057455 or like have something go wrong. fmap69ROBW0-00222-00057455-00057690 So it's mostly like the top part of my head fmap69ROBW0-00223-00057690-00057945 that's irritated so that's just what I'm gonna focus on. fmap69ROBW0-00224-00057945-00058134 And then I'm gonna leave this on for like, I don't know, fmap69ROBW0-00225-00058134-00058410 while I make my breakfast, to do a couple things fmap69ROBW0-00226-00058410-00058659 and then I'm gonna jump in the shower and wash it out. fmap69ROBW0-00227-00058659-00058971 I'm just gonna make sure I shampoo my scalp really good. fmap69ROBW0-00228-00058971-00059187 Sometimes I leave this overnight or I'll leave it like fmap69ROBW0-00229-00059187-00059385 all day long, well there's a look. fmap69ROBW0-00230-00059385-00059649 That is all I do so just brushed it through. fmap69ROBW0-00231-00059649-00059968 Usually I would do like some Olaplex on my ends or something fmap69ROBW0-00232-00059968-00060282 but I will be getting like protein treatments from fmap69ROBW0-00233-00060282-00060633 I almost said the vet, from the hair stylists today. fmap69ROBW0-00234-00060633-00060876 So there we go, I'm going to get nice and oiled up. fmap69ROBW0-00235-00060876-00061099 Just try to hydrate my scalp the best I can. fmap69ROBW0-00236-00061099-00061407 Speaking of the vet though Layla's vet appointment fmap69ROBW0-00237-00061407-00061524 went great. fmap69ROBW0-00238-00061524-00061764 Long story short, she we were giving her fmap69ROBW0-00239-00061764-00061896 a bath this weekend. fmap69ROBW0-00240-00061896-00062070 I'm gonna make my breakfast while we chat fmap69ROBW0-00241-00062070-00062255 but we were giving her a bath this weekend fmap69ROBW0-00242-00062255-00062417 and she shook her head really hard fmap69ROBW0-00243-00062417-00062676 and the poor thing just can't catch a break. fmap69ROBW0-00244-00062676-00062994 She gave herself what's called a hematoma on her ear fmap69ROBW0-00245-00062994-00063146 which is essentially like cauliflower ear. fmap69ROBW0-00246-00063146-00063495 We took her to the vet and the vet said that she could fmap69ROBW0-00247-00063495-00063695 drain it but that it would just come back. fmap69ROBW0-00248-00063695-00063945 So to really just kind of keep an eye on it fmap69ROBW0-00249-00063945-00064257 she has some like anti-inflammatory meds, some pain meds fmap69ROBW0-00250-00064257-00064494 in case and it'll like be eventually go away. fmap69ROBW0-00251-00064494-00064745 But her little ear is gonna be like collapsed now fmap69ROBW0-00252-00064745-00064953 which is kind of sad. fmap69ROBW0-00253-00064953-00065115 But anyways, she's all good. fmap69ROBW0-00254-00065115-00065279 Just another day in the life of Layla. fmap69ROBW0-00255-00065279-00065700 I love that dog but my god, Drew and I were talking about fmap69ROBW0-00256-00065700-00065935 this other day like how many like health things fmap69ROBW0-00257-00065935-00066130 have come up in the last five years. fmap69ROBW0-00258-00066130-00066447 She's torn her ACL and her meniscus and needed surgery fmap69ROBW0-00259-00066447-00066669 for it, she's needed teeth pulled. fmap69ROBW0-00260-00066669-00066966 She's had a surgery to remove a tumor on her eye. fmap69ROBW0-00261-00066966-00067234 She's had a hematoma, she's had skin allergies, fmap69ROBW0-00262-00067234-00067577 she's had UTIs, she has weight problems. fmap69ROBW0-00263-00067577-00067906 She's been tested so many different times fmap69ROBW0-00264-00067906-00068076 for so many different things. fmap69ROBW0-00265-00068076-00068409 Diabetes, kidney issues, Cushing's Disease, fmap69ROBW0-00266-00068409-00068574 she's had ultrasounds. fmap69ROBW0-00267-00068574-00068811 I mean that's like eight or nine things that I could think fmap69ROBW0-00268-00068811-00068969 of just off the top of my head and that's literally fmap69ROBW0-00269-00068969-00069237 in the last like four years, five years. fmap69ROBW0-00270-00069237-00069410 I love her, there's nothing I won't do for her. fmap69ROBW0-00271-00069410-00069640 We're so lucky that we're able to afford that fmap69ROBW0-00272-00069640-00069963 and also that our vet is literally like 10 minutes away, fmap69ROBW0-00273-00069963-00070194 that's incredible so I'm not complaining at all. fmap69ROBW0-00274-00070194-00070339 I want to keep her around forever. fmap69ROBW0-00275-00070339-00070554 The vet even said they were like, you know, fmap69ROBW0-00276-00070554-00070767 despite her health issues and like not being able fmap69ROBW0-00277-00070767-00071049 to figure out her weight issue, she's a really like decently fmap69ROBW0-00278-00071049-00071310 healthy dog for a 12-year old. fmap69ROBW0-00279-00071310-00071566 And the fact that you know she has lived this long fmap69ROBW0-00280-00071566-00071821 with the health issues that she has is amazing. fmap69ROBW0-00281-00071821-00072123 I was like, thank you so much. fmap69ROBW0-00282-00072123-00072330 So anyway, I'm gonna do my typical breakfast this morning fmap69ROBW0-00283-00072330-00072501 which is just a parfait. fmap69ROBW0-00284-00072501-00072918 I am trying to like keep an open mind with food lately fmap69ROBW0-00285-00072918-00073275 because I had like, okay so the last vlog I had that weird fmap69ROBW0-00286-00073275-00073475 like stomach thing. fmap69ROBW0-00287-00073475-00073665 This video is filmed before that vlog even comes out. fmap69ROBW0-00288-00073665-00073887 So I don't know like what the responses fmap69ROBW0-00289-00073887-00074112 or what your suggestions were but that happened like, fmap69ROBW0-00290-00074112-00074358 I don't know, some random weekday. fmap69ROBW0-00291-00074358-00074775 And then the other day I'm like mortified to admit this fmap69ROBW0-00292-00074775-00074907 because I don't know how this happened fmap69ROBW0-00293-00074907-00075105 and I am so particular about food. fmap69ROBW0-00294-00075105-00075363 I have emetophobia which is the fear of vomiting and like it fmap69ROBW0-00295-00075363-00075528 controls most of my life. fmap69ROBW0-00296-00075528-00075846 And I was eating a sandwich which I always do and I was like fmap69ROBW0-00297-00075846-00076032 that bread has been in the pantry for a while fmap69ROBW0-00298-00076032-00076258 so let me just like have a hamburger bun instead fmap69ROBW0-00299-00076258-00076523 when I was making my peanut butter sandwich for lunch fmap69ROBW0-00300-00076618-00076866 and the hamburger bun, I made sure to like inspect fmap69ROBW0-00301-00076866-00077037 and look at to make sure it was fine, fmap69ROBW0-00302-00077037-00077181 like no mold or anything like that. fmap69ROBW0-00303-00077181-00077376 Pulled it outta the bag, looked at it and then like fmap69ROBW0-00304-00077376-00077670 the top of it, like I don't know I am so hyper paranoid fmap69ROBW0-00305-00077670-00077790 about everything. fmap69ROBW0-00306-00077790-00077967 Do you need to turn on the light again? fmap69ROBW0-00307-00077967-00078102 - [Drew] No, I'm just making coffee. fmap69ROBW0-00308-00078102-00078270 - Drew's making coffee in the background fmap69ROBW0-00309-00078270-00078591 but I was like, let me just, you know, switch this bun out fmap69ROBW0-00310-00078591-00078788 for a different one 'cause the top looks a little weird fmap69ROBW0-00311-00078788-00079081 and it's probably just in my head, but like it's fine fmap69ROBW0-00312-00079081-00079394 because when I tell you I am so paranoid and switched out fmap69ROBW0-00313-00079394-00079672 the bun whatever, ate my sandwich, I was sitting there fmap69ROBW0-00314-00079672-00080091 watching a YouTube video, eating my lunch, and then all of fmap69ROBW0-00315-00080091-00080397 a sudden I was like three quarters of the way done fmap69ROBW0-00316-00080397-00080480 with my sandwich. fmap69ROBW0-00317-00080480-00080716 I don't know what made me do this cos I didn't taste fmap69ROBW0-00318-00080716-00080919 anything but I turned over the bun. fmap69ROBW0-00319-00080919-00081096 I wish I had taken a picture of it. fmap69ROBW0-00320-00081096-00081423 I turned over the bun and the entire bottom of it fmap69ROBW0-00321-00081423-00081923 was spotted with mold spots, it was so disgusting. fmap69ROBW0-00322-00082082-00082479 I literally like started yelling I was like, no, no, no, no. fmap69ROBW0-00323-00082479-00082731 And Drew like came running in and he was like, what? fmap69ROBW0-00324-00082731-00082908 And I was like, it's moldy. fmap69ROBW0-00325-00082908-00083322 I genuinely was freaking out. fmap69ROBW0-00326-00083322-00083593 Like when I talk about my worst nightmare activated, fmap69ROBW0-00327-00083593-00083964 I'm laughing now, but it was my worst nightmare come true. fmap69ROBW0-00328-00083964-00084241 And I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna be so sick. fmap69ROBW0-00329-00084241-00084459 I called my mom, my mom was like I think fmap69ROBW0-00330-00084459-00084636 you're gonna be fine but like, I don't know girl. fmap69ROBW0-00331-00084636-00085136 And then I took to Instagram, I asked you all on Instagram fmap69ROBW0-00332-00085155-00085482 which by the way I don't read Instagram DMS anymore really. fmap69ROBW0-00333-00085482-00085697 It's just not like, it doesn't bring out fmap69ROBW0-00334-00085697-00085928 the best side of the internet. fmap69ROBW0-00335-00085928-00086185 So I don't really like read my DMs at all. fmap69ROBW0-00336-00086185-00086520 And I decided to, I was like please DM me if this fmap69ROBW0-00337-00086520-00086607 has happened to you. fmap69ROBW0-00338-00086607-00086943 And I was chatting with so many of you in DMs. fmap69ROBW0-00339-00086943-00087180 There were people who were like I'm a food scientist fmap69ROBW0-00340-00087180-00087438 and you should be totally fine or this happened to me fmap69ROBW0-00341-00087438-00087669 and I was completely fine or this happened to me fmap69ROBW0-00342-00087669-00087939 and I got really sick but like wishing for the best for you, fmap69ROBW0-00343-00087939-00088252 whatever and yeah, I was totally fine besides the fact fmap69ROBW0-00344-00088252-00088617 that it was mortifying and disgusting that there was fmap69ROBW0-00345-00088617-00088944 moldy bread inside of my body and that made me wanna vom. fmap69ROBW0-00346-00088944-00089097 It was not my proudest moment. fmap69ROBW0-00347-00089097-00089382 So yeah, I ate moldy bread and ever since then fmap69ROBW0-00348-00089382-00089805 I have been so like apprehensive about everything I eat. fmap69ROBW0-00349-00089805-00090144 So hopefully that will go away soon because I've made it fmap69ROBW0-00350-00090144-00090483 my entire life as far as I know without eating moldy bread. fmap69ROBW0-00351-00090483-00090597 But yeah, I was completely fine. fmap69ROBW0-00352-00090597-00090805 Didn't even have a stomach egg so I survived that, fmap69ROBW0-00353-00090805-00091202 thank god, mold gate was what I was calling it on Instagram. fmap69ROBW0-00354-00091202-00091511 I was just making a joke out of it to try and like not have fmap69ROBW0-00355-00091511-00091712 a panic attack and I survived, I did it. fmap69ROBW0-00356-00091712-00091971 So anyway, okay, I'm gonna make my coffee fmap69ROBW0-00357-00091971-00092220 I'm gonna eat my breakfast, gonna wash my hair fmap69ROBW0-00358-00092220-00092559 and we're gonna get ready to do this fun little hair change. fmap69ROBW0-00359-00092559-00092748 I'm so excited. fmap69ROBW0-00360-00092748-00092998 (light music) fmap69ROBW0-00361-00094002-00094262 Well, doing my hair was a complete waste of time because fmap69ROBW0-00362-00094262-00094587 I just took Layla outside and it completely fell out. fmap69ROBW0-00363-00094587-00094905 So here's one final last look at the hair. fmap69ROBW0-00364-00094905-00095261 I have had a really fun what four five month run with this fmap69ROBW0-00365-00095261-00095664 sort of like brondie-brownish hair but it's time fmap69ROBW0-00366-00095664-00095851 for a change so let's do it. fmap69ROBW0-00367-00095851-00096101 (light music) fmap69ROBW0-00368-00097557-00097903 Um, so, I'm blonde again, fmap69ROBW0-00369-00097903-00098220 I seriously feel like myself again. fmap69ROBW0-00370-00098220-00098451 The dark was really fun, I think I mentioned that earlier, fmap69ROBW0-00371-00098451-00098733 like it was a good time, I enjoyed it while it lasted fmap69ROBW0-00372-00098733-00099039 but I am just so happy to be a blondie again fmap69ROBW0-00373-00099039-00099241 and I actually went for like a little bit of a haircut fmap69ROBW0-00374-00099241-00099504 just for something fun and spicy. fmap69ROBW0-00375-00099504-00099777 I needed to cut my dead ends off anyways. fmap69ROBW0-00376-00099777-00099975 But yeah, I figured while I was at a red light fmap69ROBW0-00377-00099975-00100151 on the way home, I would show you. fmap69ROBW0-00378-00100151-00100308 Ah, I love it so much. fmap69ROBW0-00379-00100308-00100584 There's been a lot of car chats in this vlog, fmap69ROBW0-00380-00100584-00100815 sorry about that but that's just my life lately. fmap69ROBW0-00381-00100815-00101016 So anyways, I'm gonna end the vlog here. fmap69ROBW0-00382-00101016-00101112 I am on my way home. fmap69ROBW0-00383-00101112-00101328 I was at the salon for six hours. fmap69ROBW0-00384-00101328-00101775 Six hours, but it was worth it, it's so freaking gorgeous, fmap69ROBW0-00385-00101775-00102075 I love it, It feels so good and so healthy too, fmap69ROBW0-00386-00102075-00102261 which is crazy and it looks so much thicker fmap69ROBW0-00387-00102261-00102372 now that it's cut. fmap69ROBW0-00388-00102372-00102639 So anyway, Drew's making us dinner right now. fmap69ROBW0-00389-00102639-00102933 I'm gonna head home, eat dinner with him and the next vlog fmap69ROBW0-00390-00102933-00103211 you see will be me going to Taylor Swift. fmap69ROBW0-00391-00103211-00103476 I am so excited and then the vlog after that will be Japan. fmap69ROBW0-00392-00103476-00103674 I can't believe it. fmap69ROBW0-00393-00103674-00103871 Thank you so much for being here, thank you for watching fmap69ROBW0-00394-00103871-00104127 and I will see you very soon in the next vlog, bye. fmap69ROBW0-00395-00104127-00104385 (light music) fn1x8a_DK8I-00000-00000000-00000200 Tally Prime me Interest Calculation fns46NaqRu4-00000-00000019-00000825 All right, here we go. Good morning, Harper faculty and friends and welcome to our fns46NaqRu4-00001-00000825-00001317 final webinar in our five-part series about transitioning to online fns46NaqRu4-00002-00001317-00001734 instruction. this is Stephanie Whalen chair of the Academy for teaching fns46NaqRu4-00003-00001734-00002022 excellence and I am here with you a chat on YouTube fns46NaqRu4-00004-00002022-00002592 Chris Dobson will be facilitating today melissa basing her live captioning with fns46NaqRu4-00005-00002592-00003180 janet woods moderating the chat jenny Henrickson Sharon Harrell Phil Mortensen fns46NaqRu4-00006-00003180-00003578 and my face from the Academy are standing by to answer questions fns46NaqRu4-00007-00003578-00003986 Amanda Milton has been captioning and posting the recordings of the webinars fns46NaqRu4-00008-00003986-00004551 in Katy MacLeod has set up a creative way for faculty to earn CEUs for their fns46NaqRu4-00009-00004551-00005123 reflection i'ma live or recorded webinars we will show you how that works fns46NaqRu4-00010-00005123-00005601 in just a minute oh I know that most of you have been in fns46NaqRu4-00011-00005601-00006093 here and we just have people adding as we go along here but we do want to let fns46NaqRu4-00012-00006093-00006426 you know that live captioning is happening but you should get an fns46NaqRu4-00013-00006426-00006915 invitation at the top of your screen if you want to have the captions you should fns46NaqRu4-00014-00006915-00007356 accept that and then you will have captions at the bottom of your screen we fns46NaqRu4-00015-00007356-00007970 also usually like to tell people that if they want to they can change their fns46NaqRu4-00016-00007970-00008457 settings so that every time something is posted in the chat they don't have to fns46NaqRu4-00017-00008457-00008946 have an alert so Chris if you want to go to the next slide there um it just has fns46NaqRu4-00018-00008946-00009459 the instructions of how you go to the my settings and then locate the fns46NaqRu4-00019-00009459-00010036 notification settings and then you can deselect the ones that you don't want fns46NaqRu4-00020-00010036-00010581 okay so there will be a lot of activity in the chat so if you don't want to hear fns46NaqRu4-00021-00010581-00011217 a little ding every time you may want to do that okay so moving on to the next fns46NaqRu4-00022-00011217-00011634 slide we just want to make sure that everybody is aware of the same fns46NaqRu4-00023-00011634-00012117 information we are of course in fully online mode right now for the remainder fns46NaqRu4-00024-00012117-00012684 of this semester and for summer 2020 as well for the safety and health of all fns46NaqRu4-00025-00012684-00013184 Harper students faculty and staff no decisions have been made for fall we fns46NaqRu4-00026-00013184-00013553 also have the oh hi I'm grading in place so that's fns46NaqRu4-00027-00013553-00013931 something that we want to make sure you all know we're really glad you joined us fns46NaqRu4-00028-00013931-00014369 for part five of our webinar series supporting every student in your online fns46NaqRu4-00029-00014369-00014744 course through Universal Design Chris will talk to us today about what fns46NaqRu4-00030-00014744-00015251 Universal Design is and show us a lot of ways that we can make our course content fns46NaqRu4-00031-00015251-00015731 more accessible if you want to move on to the next slide Chris we can talk fns46NaqRu4-00032-00015731-00016409 about how you can get CEUs so all of the webinars are posted online recordings fns46NaqRu4-00033-00016409-00016934 with full captions so even if you miss some if you want to go back and listen fns46NaqRu4-00034-00016934-00017456 to those webinars or I guess watch and listen to those webinars you can then fns46NaqRu4-00035-00017456-00018040 fill out a form ask you some questions and then submit that for CEUs so with fns46NaqRu4-00036-00018040-00018425 you can find all those in our transitioning to online and structured fns46NaqRu4-00037-00018425-00018917 instruction webinar series page when you click on the part 5 of 1 you'll see this fns46NaqRu4-00038-00018917-00019376 open up and then you can click on the form for completing that action plan and fns46NaqRu4-00039-00019376-00019868 those need to be submitted by May 1st for any of the five webinars going to go fns46NaqRu4-00040-00019868-00020160 to the next slide Chris fns46NaqRu4-00041-00020277-00020700 so if you missed any of the webinars again the other four are already up fns46NaqRu4-00042-00020700-00021167 there you can earn point two CEUs per session so for full-time faculty fns46NaqRu4-00043-00021167-00021564 obviously those are credits that go towards promotion for adjunct faculty fns46NaqRu4-00044-00021564-00022095 the purpose to fill that out would be and you have that on your transcript as fns46NaqRu4-00045-00022095-00022575 a record of the professional development that you've participated in so those fns46NaqRu4-00046-00022575-00022980 will be available the one from today will be available by the end of the day fns46NaqRu4-00047-00022980-00023538 tomorrow and then you can fill out those forms anytime but you should submit them fns46NaqRu4-00048-00023538-00024138 by May first if you want CEUs and you want those and your transcript all right fns46NaqRu4-00049-00024138-00024717 that slide Chris so as we mentioned we have to prepare fns46NaqRu4-00050-00024717-00025203 for going fully online not only for the rest of the semester but for the summer fns46NaqRu4-00051-00025203-00025616 if you haven't read the details about the no harm grading policy yet please fns46NaqRu4-00052-00025616-00026076 look for an email from the Provost's office from Maria Kunz going fully fns46NaqRu4-00053-00026076-00026489 online means we do need to ramp up our efforts to make courses and learning fns46NaqRu4-00054-00026489-00026945 experiences more accessible which you're doing today by being in this webinar and fns46NaqRu4-00055-00026945-00027369 we have to make sure we're engaging all our students and providing even more fns46NaqRu4-00056-00027369-00027791 support than usual for those who are struggling a lot of students are in a fns46NaqRu4-00057-00027791-00028277 crisis situation so we can't think of it as learning as normal we have to really fns46NaqRu4-00058-00028277-00028722 understand that students are struggling a lot of things right now and if we do fns46NaqRu4-00059-00028722-00029153 offer synchronous sessions you know real-time where students have to log in fns46NaqRu4-00060-00029153-00029568 we can do that as long as they are optional so students aren't penalized fns46NaqRu4-00061-00029568-00030075 penalized if they can't log in at that time we need to record them for later fns46NaqRu4-00062-00030075-00030647 access going fully online doesn't mean that you have to expertly design your fns46NaqRu4-00063-00030647-00031058 course materials and use all the latest technologies we're not asking you to do fns46NaqRu4-00064-00031058-00031364 that we're just asking you to do what works fns46NaqRu4-00065-00031364-00031745 best for you and your students and what's within your level of comfort and fns46NaqRu4-00066-00031745-00032322 we're here to help if you want to go to the next slide Chris all right so when fns46NaqRu4-00067-00032322-00032682 we were preparing this webinar we reached out to access and disability fns46NaqRu4-00068-00032682-00033128 services to find out what are the main barriers that students are concerned fns46NaqRu4-00069-00033128-00033540 about when they take online courses particularly students working with fns46NaqRu4-00070-00033540-00033987 access and disabilities services because obviously they're among our most fns46NaqRu4-00071-00033987-00034509 vulnerable students so one of the things that students are concerned about is the fns46NaqRu4-00072-00034509-00034875 lack of accessibility affecting their bandwidth because they have to exert fns46NaqRu4-00073-00034875-00035346 extra effort to advocate for their accessibility needs and I often have to fns46NaqRu4-00074-00035346-00035730 remind the faculty to communicate with ADF's which is difficult and stressful fns46NaqRu4-00075-00035730-00036096 for them number two students worry whether fns46NaqRu4-00076-00036096-00036558 faculty will respond to email communications from them or from ATS to fns46NaqRu4-00077-00036558-00036932 work with AD s and how to best figure out how to implement accessibility fns46NaqRu4-00078-00036932-00037353 remediation work sometimes that's hard because faculty are very busy or miss fns46NaqRu4-00079-00037353-00037764 emails and students worry about a timeliness of all of that fns46NaqRu4-00080-00037764-00038254 number three the readability of the content that's prevented to students can fns46NaqRu4-00081-00038254-00038655 be problematic you have to consider are the documents formatted appropriately fns46NaqRu4-00082-00038655-00039157 where the screen reader software can effectively read the document so that's fns46NaqRu4-00083-00039157-00039661 something that Chris will definitely be talking about today in more detail also fns46NaqRu4-00084-00039661-00040258 the coherent sequence of course content organization supports students who may fns46NaqRu4-00085-00040258-00040810 not use English as a native language so deaf students for example who use ASL fns46NaqRu4-00086-00040810-00041368 that next students students with disabilities for example as well as fns46NaqRu4-00087-00041368-00041695 students who are blind or visually impaired so we want to think about fns46NaqRu4-00088-00041695-00042244 really organizing our course in a way that really makes sense to navigate fns46NaqRu4-00089-00042244-00042757 through for all of these students number five closed captioning of the video fns46NaqRu4-00090-00042757-00043453 content is imperative Auto captions like for example in YouTube videos often have fns46NaqRu4-00091-00043453-00043951 many errors that interfere with comprehension at minimum we want to fns46NaqRu4-00092-00043951-00044574 provide a transcript of audio when we have a video that does not have captions fns46NaqRu4-00093-00044574-00045211 ideally we would caption them and then number six many students do not have fns46NaqRu4-00094-00045211-00045619 well-developed executive functioning skills and will often struggle with fns46NaqRu4-00095-00045619-00046153 things like time management and managing deadlines and edging large projects so fns46NaqRu4-00096-00046153-00046657 consistent use of blackboard calendars and reminders can really go a long way fns46NaqRu4-00097-00046657-00047098 to help support these students so those are just some considerations of the fns46NaqRu4-00098-00047098-00047589 barriers now we're going to move to the next slide and we're going to talk about fns46NaqRu4-00099-00047589-00048235 some examples of how you can support learning using concepts of Universal fns46NaqRu4-00100-00048235-00048442 Design so here are some things to think about fns46NaqRu4-00101-00048442-00048964 to increase accessibility in your course first of all including resources to help fns46NaqRu4-00102-00048964-00049522 students review or even learn for the first time foundational material that fns46NaqRu4-00103-00049522-00050074 students are expected to know where understand when beginning a course so fns46NaqRu4-00104-00050074-00050653 rather than assuming what students know you want to provide that foundational fns46NaqRu4-00105-00050653-00051062 material for a review or for learning for students who may not have fns46NaqRu4-00106-00051062-00051614 of all of that concept that you expect next you want to provide explicit fns46NaqRu4-00107-00051614-00052171 instructions that include detailed step-by-step narration of how to fns46NaqRu4-00108-00052171-00052652 complete a task such as finding an assignment link in blackboard and fns46NaqRu4-00109-00052652-00053207 selecting a file to submit it rather than just saying something like submit fns46NaqRu4-00110-00053207-00053672 your assignment here and assuming that the student knows or can remember how to fns46NaqRu4-00111-00053672-00054433 do that we also want to make sure we're sharing synonyms or additional wording fns46NaqRu4-00112-00054433-00054998 to help students read things like blackboard jargon or terminology from fns46NaqRu4-00113-00054998-00055619 the discipline or common expressions rather than not using an idiom for fns46NaqRu4-00114-00055619-00056158 example go ahead and use the idiom but also include the meaning of the idiom to fns46NaqRu4-00115-00056158-00056702 make sure all students understand the reference that can go a long way to help fns46NaqRu4-00116-00056702-00057349 make sure students are understanding of the course content you also want to fns46NaqRu4-00117-00057349-00057950 differentiate instruction by including things like help sheets with additional fns46NaqRu4-00118-00057950-00058391 guidance for those who may need it as well as extended problems or challenges fns46NaqRu4-00119-00058391-00059069 for those who are ready for that so a help she could be just a list of fns46NaqRu4-00120-00059069-00059657 additional instructions or coaching that you can include with an assignment as if fns46NaqRu4-00121-00059657-00060199 you're meeting with the student before after class and giving them additional fns46NaqRu4-00122-00060199-00060730 instructions or help by including that it's available to the student in the fns46NaqRu4-00123-00060730-00061088 online course right when they need it and then also of course you want to fns46NaqRu4-00124-00061088-00061492 encourage them to meet with you if they need additional help but having those fns46NaqRu4-00125-00061492-00061810 help sheets can really go a long way as well and fns46NaqRu4-00126-00061810-00062479 then lastly we want you to consider the accessibility is essential to equity fns46NaqRu4-00127-00062479-00063047 pedagogy so it is a social justice issue which we know is important to us at fns46NaqRu4-00128-00063047-00063508 Harper College we want to make sure that we're giving accessibility the attention fns46NaqRu4-00129-00063508-00064105 that it deserves alright so now we're gonna move into Chris's overview of what fns46NaqRu4-00130-00064105-00064522 he's gonna cover in this session fns46NaqRu4-00131-00064620-00065664 all right good morning is my audio okay at the moment listen can you hear me hey fns46NaqRu4-00132-00065664-00066483 Chris there's a little humming in the background it's still happening maybe if fns46NaqRu4-00133-00066483-00067191 I just my mic a little better is that is that any better yeah that's a little fns46NaqRu4-00134-00067191-00067743 better okay everyone's saying it's much better thank you all right very good so fns46NaqRu4-00135-00067743-00068400 our objectives for this session is to explore principles of Universal Design fns46NaqRu4-00136-00068400-00069042 for Learning and consider how they can be applied to online courses discuss how fns46NaqRu4-00137-00069042-00069759 a universal design approach to online courses supports all learners I'm going fns46NaqRu4-00138-00069759-00070407 to demonstrate and so that hopefully you can learn how to evaluate your own fns46NaqRu4-00139-00070407-00071024 course materials for accessibility as well as possibly any publish for content fns46NaqRu4-00140-00071024-00071739 things like that so I will be demonstrating some quick tech ways that fns46NaqRu4-00141-00071739-00072438 you can check some of your course materials and then also another last fns46NaqRu4-00142-00072438-00073083 objective would be to identify resources to further address your understanding of fns46NaqRu4-00143-00073083-00073722 Universal Design for Learning digital and online accessibility and to enhance fns46NaqRu4-00144-00073722-00074541 the online course experience for your students so with that said I might give fns46NaqRu4-00145-00074541-00075126 up just a brief introduction to Universal Design for Learning Universal fns46NaqRu4-00146-00075126-00075660 Design for Learning is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and fns46NaqRu4-00147-00075660-00076146 learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans fns46NaqRu4-00148-00076146-00076901 learn cast which I believe is the Center for fns46NaqRu4-00149-00076903-00077487 Center for specialized technology they've done a lot of research on fns46NaqRu4-00150-00077487-00078166 Universal Design for Learning and what they found was that our brains are made fns46NaqRu4-00151-00078166-00078850 up of three different brain networks related to learning one of them the if fns46NaqRu4-00152-00078850-00079461 the affective networks they consider that the why of learning and that fns46NaqRu4-00153-00079461-00080245 particular network revolves around the multiple means of engagement so how fns46NaqRu4-00154-00080245-00080944 learners are engaged or and stay motivated this second network would be fns46NaqRu4-00155-00080944-00081667 the recognition network the what of learning and that is basically providing fns46NaqRu4-00156-00081667-00082491 multiple means of recognitions so that would that means that we're providing fns46NaqRu4-00157-00082491-00083218 different ways for our students to understand and recognize the content fns46NaqRu4-00158-00083218-00084033 that we're delivering so that might mean providing different means for them to fns46NaqRu4-00159-00084033-00084655 digest content so not just reading in the book maybe also providing maybe a fns46NaqRu4-00160-00084655-00085284 video or some other visual for them to fns46NaqRu4-00161-00085323-00086020 understand the content then the third network strategic networks the how of fns46NaqRu4-00162-00086020-00086778 learning multiple means of action and expression so the the strategic networks fns46NaqRu4-00163-00086778-00087403 allow it has to do with planning and performing tasks are we giving our fns46NaqRu4-00164-00087403-00088264 students other ways to express their knowledge about our content so is there fns46NaqRu4-00165-00088264-00088854 are there way ways to provide them with different ways of doing that fns46NaqRu4-00166-00088854-00089794 differentiating the ways they are providing that knowledge sharing that fns46NaqRu4-00167-00089794-00090306 could be look many different ways that could be peer review fns46NaqRu4-00168-00090306-00090963 where students are working together explaining what they know and testing fns46NaqRu4-00169-00090963-00091473 each other's knowledge it may also be allowing them to record themselves fns46NaqRu4-00170-00091473-00092304 either audio or video in a presentation or something like that other than just fns46NaqRu4-00171-00092304-00093029 writing papers so on each of these slides the slides will be available fns46NaqRu4-00172-00093029-00093881 after the webinar on all of the slides I've added some I've added links and fns46NaqRu4-00173-00093881-00094866 related resources to anything I'm a covering today so well the idea is with fns46NaqRu4-00174-00094866-00095294 behind Universal Design for Learning is that we're trying to provide an fns46NaqRu4-00175-00095294-00095880 experience for all learners because their ability varies they all come from fns46NaqRu4-00176-00095880-00096480 different experiences some may have already identified with excess and fns46NaqRu4-00177-00096480-00097299 disability services some may not a lot of times some students after coming out fns46NaqRu4-00178-00097299-00098032 of their K through 12 experience they may not necessarily want to identify fns46NaqRu4-00179-00098032-00098870 initially coming into Community College so and there's always the possibility of fns46NaqRu4-00180-00098870-00099631 what's considered invisible disabilities in the sense that they could be on the fns46NaqRu4-00181-00099631-00100191 autism spectrum or have a learning disability so one of the things will you fns46NaqRu4-00182-00100191-00100875 will want to do for your courses especially your online courses fns46NaqRu4-00183-00100875-00101685 first of all include a welcoming access statement plan know that you're your fns46NaqRu4-00184-00101685-00102434 welcoming the feedback from them that they're also that you also have some fns46NaqRu4-00185-00102434-00103010 information in there about accessibility so that you can adjust if absolutely fns46NaqRu4-00186-00103010-00103755 need be I know faculty sometimes our anxious when they first get a student fns46NaqRu4-00187-00103755-00104323 with a disability thinking that they're gonna have to change a lot of what they fns46NaqRu4-00188-00104323-00105183 do or and how they teach but hopefully with some of this information you can fns46NaqRu4-00189-00105183-00105724 address some of those issues ahead of time before you have a student with a fns46NaqRu4-00190-00105724-00106474 disability it's actually a lot easier - especially now and I'll get some not all fns46NaqRu4-00191-00106474-00107145 of us but a lot of us are adjusting for fully online if you're redesigning your fns46NaqRu4-00192-00107145-00107683 course it's the best time to start addressing some of these accessibility fns46NaqRu4-00193-00107683-00108373 issues other things you can do is establish shared expectations you know fns46NaqRu4-00194-00108373-00109024 making sure that students understand what you're expecting of them whether it fns46NaqRu4-00195-00109024-00109905 be on a weekly basis a daily or weekly basis establish opportunities for them fns46NaqRu4-00196-00109905-00110586 to interact with their peers establish routines within the course to allow for fns46NaqRu4-00197-00110586-00111546 student planning and organization this is important in to have consistent a fns46NaqRu4-00198-00111546-00112150 consistent navigation and a consistent course experience right so like if fns46NaqRu4-00199-00112150-00112828 you're going to be teaching different concepts from week week it's organized fns46NaqRu4-00200-00112828-00113614 in a clear and understandable method so that they're not trying to figure out fns46NaqRu4-00201-00113614-00114240 what they're supposed to do differently each week it's very easy to follow the fns46NaqRu4-00202-00114240-00114946 continuity of the information and the continuity of the class so there's fns46NaqRu4-00203-00114946-00115621 things you can do to also with this possibly using the calendar and fns46NaqRu4-00204-00115621-00116291 blackboard which is also when you plug something into the blackboard calendar fns46NaqRu4-00205-00116291-00117019 it will show up on the student homepage or students my blackboard page fns46NaqRu4-00206-00117019-00117477 right when they log into blackboard they have prompts to complete an assignment fns46NaqRu4-00207-00117477-00118350 or to do different things like that like they may have a test coming up and for fns46NaqRu4-00208-00118350-00119061 giving them those prompts ahead of time definitely helps them stay on task the fns46NaqRu4-00209-00119061-00119746 image here is also just an example is being flexible right as with your fns46NaqRu4-00210-00119746-00120207 assignments providing multiple attempts for them to complete an assignment fns46NaqRu4-00211-00120207-00121026 different things like that and giving them some options of having it the most fns46NaqRu4-00212-00121026-00121488 recent the last grade attempt highest grade lowest grade this is just an one fns46NaqRu4-00213-00121488-00122004 example of Universal Design for Learning I'm sure several of you are already fns46NaqRu4-00214-00122004-00122508 making use of several concepts of Universal Design for Learning already fns46NaqRu4-00215-00122508-00123073 again there will be links for more information there's a bunch of fns46NaqRu4-00216-00123073-00123697 guidelines and research behind this there's a whole website for related to fns46NaqRu4-00217-00123697-00124428 Universal Design for Learning for higher ed and that's called UDL on campus and fns46NaqRu4-00218-00124428-00125208 some of that some of these informations are related to executive function fns46NaqRu4-00219-00125245-00126327 so Universal Design for Learning is a one way to ensure the inclusiveness and fns46NaqRu4-00220-00126327-00126916 addressing learner variability by considering some of the following types fns46NaqRu4-00221-00126916-00127501 of students again your adult and non-traditional students English fns46NaqRu4-00222-00127501-00128057 language learners and again those with invisible disabilities or learning fns46NaqRu4-00223-00128057-00128851 disabilities these are all things that may or may not come up right away at the fns46NaqRu4-00224-00128851-00129257 beginning of the class you may or may not know that your student has one of fns46NaqRu4-00225-00129257-00130019 these conditions until they are you know until they let you know right they may fns46NaqRu4-00226-00130019-00130697 not have are identified with access and disabilities so some types to address fns46NaqRu4-00227-00130697-00131809 that may be providing a like less survey early on in the course addressing like fns46NaqRu4-00228-00131809-00132313 questions to see whether they're having trouble understanding the content or fns46NaqRu4-00229-00132313-00133045 following the content and try to kind of pull some of that information from them fns46NaqRu4-00230-00133045-00133586 so that you're establishing a communication with them so that they fns46NaqRu4-00231-00133586-00134084 feel comfortable addressing that with you so how are some other ways that we fns46NaqRu4-00232-00134084-00134752 can implement counts of UDL in our online courses first of all one of the fns46NaqRu4-00233-00134752-00135323 most important parts of UDL is providing flexible attainable goals for your fns46NaqRu4-00234-00135323-00136082 students giving them the opportunity to reach those goals even if they struggle fns46NaqRu4-00235-00136082-00136709 a little bit building some scaffolding into your content so that they have the fns46NaqRu4-00236-00136709-00137413 proper background knowledge and information to reach those goals also fns46NaqRu4-00237-00137413-00138091 making sure materials and assessments are addressing say the objectives of the fns46NaqRu4-00238-00138091-00138640 course you know maybe look at your course outline again fns46NaqRu4-00239-00138640-00139169 look at those objectives try to make sure that those materials and fns46NaqRu4-00240-00139169-00139619 assessments are addressing those objectives as opposed to having them do fns46NaqRu4-00241-00139619-00140336 busy work or something that may not even relate back to the objectives of sudden fns46NaqRu4-00242-00140336-00140821 goal other things you can do weekly written communication with your students fns46NaqRu4-00243-00140821-00141577 providing daily or weekly announcements things like that so that they feel that fns46NaqRu4-00244-00141577-00142305 sense of connectedness and providing note takers like you know possibly fns46NaqRu4-00245-00142305-00142792 either working with access and disability services to get a note-taker fns46NaqRu4-00246-00142792-00143720 for your course or you know maybe provide the opportunity for students to fns46NaqRu4-00247-00143720-00144238 do the note-taking for other students in the class and posting them after the fns46NaqRu4-00248-00144238-00144628 fact I know sometimes faculty do have some fns46NaqRu4-00249-00144628-00145405 anxiety about posting recordings and notes thinking that maybe students won't fns46NaqRu4-00250-00145405-00146000 attend class I'll just wait till afterwards but I can I can tell you from fns46NaqRu4-00251-00146000-00146578 years of experience working with X doesn't disability services more times fns46NaqRu4-00252-00146578-00147038 than not it's not just this dude the student with the disability that's fns46NaqRu4-00253-00147038-00147713 benefiting from these type of things like notes and things like that are very fns46NaqRu4-00254-00147713-00148516 helpful for all your students posting flexible presentations that means that fns46NaqRu4-00255-00148516-00149278 you're maybe not again not always presenting content in the same way you fns46NaqRu4-00256-00149278-00149801 know not just relying on doing a PowerPoint presentation maybe the next fns46NaqRu4-00257-00149801-00150979 week it might be pulling up a website and taking them on a an actual like tour fns46NaqRu4-00258-00150979-00151597 of a resource or going and finding primary resources in the library fns46NaqRu4-00259-00151597-00152291 Congress or something like that also providing making sure the fns46NaqRu4-00260-00152291-00152963 acceptability of digital materials that you're providing them making sure PDF fns46NaqRu4-00261-00152963-00153560 files aren't just a scanned file making sure some of these files are easily fns46NaqRu4-00262-00153560-00154232 navigable by other students with disabilities and then of course adding fns46NaqRu4-00263-00154232-00154757 giving choices for them in demonstration of their knowledge right giving them fns46NaqRu4-00264-00154757-00155467 chances to maybe complete an assignment in different ways maybe for the same fns46NaqRu4-00265-00155467-00156335 assignment you can choose to record a video do an audio recording possibly do fns46NaqRu4-00266-00156335-00157109 a you know like a poster or virtual poster so giving them different options fns46NaqRu4-00267-00157109-00157682 that multiple means of representation and then again another important one is fns46NaqRu4-00268-00157682-00158153 those interactive online it's discussions so that they have the fns46NaqRu4-00269-00158153-00159020 opportunity to even discuss with their colleagues about the concepts each week fns46NaqRu4-00270-00159020-00159647 or things like that so again some resources here that you could follow and fns46NaqRu4-00271-00159647-00160298 learn more but at this time I think I'd like to maybe just take a minute for fns46NaqRu4-00272-00160298-00160771 some Q&A if possible fns46NaqRu4-00273-00161201-00161684 hey Chris this is Janet I'm so sorry we've been able to answer the questions fns46NaqRu4-00274-00161684-00162813 in the chat so if I know him all right will do I'm not I'm not going too fast I fns46NaqRu4-00275-00162813-00163500 hope I have not heard from anybody saying to fns46NaqRu4-00276-00163500-00164105 slow down so perfect like you're perfect yep okay thank you is now said to pieces fns46NaqRu4-00277-00164105-00164583 done okay thank you so what I'm going to do next or I am fns46NaqRu4-00278-00164583-00165228 going to cover some of this information related to accessibility moving away fns46NaqRu4-00279-00165228-00165747 from Universal Design for Learning it's all of this is connected to Universal fns46NaqRu4-00280-00165747-00166386 Design for Learning so one of the important things related to Universal fns46NaqRu4-00281-00166386-00167061 Design for Learning and is making sure that your students can address or can fns46NaqRu4-00282-00167061-00167483 work with these documents can work with fns46NaqRu4-00283-00167522-00168242 actually pull them down or can make sure that assist analogy can work with them fns46NaqRu4-00284-00168242-00168891 so in this example and you don't have to worry about the text or the size I am fns46NaqRu4-00285-00168891-00169437 gonna demonstrate these slightly after I go through a few slides but in this fns46NaqRu4-00286-00169437-00170013 particular case over here in Microsoft Word it's the example is that it's a fns46NaqRu4-00287-00170013-00170598 structured document the idea is that you're using proper headings headings fns46NaqRu4-00288-00170598-00171615 and styles so that assistive technology can toggle or to a document using those fns46NaqRu4-00289-00171615-00172365 headings and styles just like you would scan visually scan a newspaper for fns46NaqRu4-00290-00172365-00173058 headings of what you might want to read in the newspaper accessibility allows fns46NaqRu4-00291-00173058-00173780 you to the by using headings and styles you're allowing them to have very visual fns46NaqRu4-00292-00173780-00174924 and navigable ways of navigating a very long document so in this case one of the fns46NaqRu4-00293-00174924-00175377 ways you can do that is by going to the View menu and turning on the navigation fns46NaqRu4-00294-00175377-00175884 pane and that will give an idea if you're using headings and if your fns46NaqRu4-00295-00175884-00176295 documents structured right if you're properly nesting your fns46NaqRu4-00296-00176295-00177127 headings you will be able to see an outline view next to your document in fns46NaqRu4-00297-00177127-00177601 the navigation pane so that will give you some kind of idea of the structure fns46NaqRu4-00298-00177601-00178278 of your document other things that you can do to ensure accessibility is using fns46NaqRu4-00299-00178278-00178953 instead just by typing in one before a paragraph two before paragraph actually fns46NaqRu4-00300-00178953-00179647 using the lists features in the home ribbon of Europe if you're using fns46NaqRu4-00301-00179647-00180291 Microsoft Word also not just dropping in a URL or typing in some words fns46NaqRu4-00302-00180291-00181138 highlighting across that and adding the hyperlink text to a meaningful link or fns46NaqRu4-00303-00181138-00181639 meaningful text a lot of the problems with assistive technology is they don't fns46NaqRu4-00304-00181639-00182077 know what where they're going to if they're just clicking on at URL its it fns46NaqRu4-00305-00182077-00182653 will prompt them with screen readers asked - if you have a meaningful text fns46NaqRu4-00306-00182653-00183103 they know kind of where they're going before they go there also making sure fns46NaqRu4-00307-00183103-00183930 your tables are used for not for layout but for data and that they're properly fns46NaqRu4-00308-00183930-00184639 they have had headings for columns and rows this also helps them able to fns46NaqRu4-00309-00184639-00185557 navigate content much easier and then making sure your images have alternative fns46NaqRu4-00310-00185557-00186163 tax or descriptions if it's decorative in nature you can you can leave it blank fns46NaqRu4-00311-00186163-00187027 or put the word null and you ll in there for alt text or you know if it's fns46NaqRu4-00312-00187027-00187447 decorative just leave it blank also making sure fns46NaqRu4-00313-00187447-00188200 that your color has enough contrast so that the primary in making sure that the fns46NaqRu4-00314-00188200-00188853 the primary method of conveying information or meaning or emphasis is fns46NaqRu4-00315-00188853-00189534 not only color just making sure that things are dark enough fns46NaqRu4-00316-00189534-00190324 so that students can switch they need to to a high contrast mode or something fns46NaqRu4-00317-00190324-00191437 like also with math math is can be particularly challenging sometimes for fns46NaqRu4-00318-00191437-00192061 students with disabilities I know so ways of working around that fns46NaqRu4-00319-00192061-00193030 there are some add-ons to Microsoft Word that you can add but there's also like fns46NaqRu4-00320-00193030-00193756 if you're dealing with content externally to what you've created you fns46NaqRu4-00321-00193756-00194368 know making sure it's using something like math ml math type or latex I know fns46NaqRu4-00322-00194368-00195141 so Neil I believed uses latex and he's I know I've worked a few times with Sunil fns46NaqRu4-00323-00195141-00195682 learning some of this myself so but again I've provided some resources learn fns46NaqRu4-00324-00195682-00196243 more about some of this information presentation accessibility making sure fns46NaqRu4-00325-00196243-00196882 your powerpoints are accessible some of this same information will carry over to fns46NaqRu4-00326-00196882-00197514 some of the other concepts but one of the quickest way you can check a fns46NaqRu4-00327-00197514-00197983 PowerPoint say like a publisher PowerPoint is to check to see if they're fns46NaqRu4-00328-00197983-00198685 using in slide designs layouts or a template what happens one of the fns46NaqRu4-00329-00198685-00199189 quickest ways you can check that is you cannot do it necessarily in office 365 fns46NaqRu4-00330-00199189-00199714 but if you on the desktop version of PowerPoint you can switch out to outline fns46NaqRu4-00331-00199714-00200398 mode and your your slap them nails will turn into text if that if you're seeing fns46NaqRu4-00332-00200398-00200977 content on your slide that is not showing up in the outline oh excuse me fns46NaqRu4-00333-00200977-00201630 sorry back up so if you're if you're seeing if you're fns46NaqRu4-00334-00201630-00201958 not seeing text showing up in the outline mode that means that it's fns46NaqRu4-00335-00201958-00202875 probably been added as a a text box or something like that I know some of the fns46NaqRu4-00336-00202875-00203599 publisher content that most publishers will say they're finally compatible but fns46NaqRu4-00337-00203599-00204046 when you actually start testing their materials for accessibility more times fns46NaqRu4-00338-00204046-00204589 than not it is they don't have alt text for images and other things and I will fns46NaqRu4-00339-00204589-00205173 demonstrate a couple of those things also making sure that each slide has a fns46NaqRu4-00340-00205173-00205961 unique title that's important so that if a student is using assistive technology fns46NaqRu4-00341-00205961-00206827 and it's a long PowerPoint they can more easily return to where they were when fns46NaqRu4-00342-00206827-00207665 they left off before making sure the correct reading orbiters and in fns46NaqRu4-00343-00207665-00208587 PowerPoint both deaths and in the online you can go into the arrange menu and fns46NaqRu4-00344-00208587-00209352 pull up the selection pane and you can see the order that it would be read so fns46NaqRu4-00345-00209352-00209854 it a lot of times the first thing that gets usually gets added to a slide as a fns46NaqRu4-00346-00209854-00210610 title and then maybe some content and an image in this case so what you may need fns46NaqRu4-00347-00210610-00210996 to do is just rearrange that reading order so it reads in the order that you fns46NaqRu4-00348-00210996-00211759 want them to but it always it basically reads from the last thing added to the fns46NaqRu4-00349-00211759-00212377 slide to the first thing so in that reader you would want to make sure that fns46NaqRu4-00350-00212377-00212857 your title is at the very bottom and that it would read back through the fns46NaqRu4-00351-00212857-00213444 slide and you can test that by just toggling from up to down and you can fns46NaqRu4-00352-00213444-00214006 usually move content around in that selection pane as well to repair the fns46NaqRu4-00353-00214006-00214498 reading order if need be again making sure you have meaningful fns46NaqRu4-00354-00214498-00215279 links tables columns and header rows for data tables images for alt text again I fns46NaqRu4-00355-00215279-00215971 will demonstrate that this is picture is from office 365 if you go to the format fns46NaqRu4-00356-00215971-00216512 tab if you have an image selected you just sucked on format and you can check fns46NaqRu4-00357-00216512-00217267 alt text and add alt text there and then again making sure color has enough fns46NaqRu4-00358-00217267-00218317 contrast so that if they were to switch to a a high contrast mode things you fns46NaqRu4-00359-00218317-00218882 know backgrounds that are way will turn black dark content on the screen will fns46NaqRu4-00360-00218882-00219800 turn light so making sure that you can even test that by in like going to your fns46NaqRu4-00361-00219800-00220519 Microsoft operating system has a setting where you can go back and and switch to fns46NaqRu4-00362-00220519-00220976 cat high-caste mode just to test some of your content again some of this fns46NaqRu4-00363-00220976-00221714 information is offered in some of these resources that will be provided PDF fns46NaqRu4-00364-00221714-00222584 accessibility making sure that your content again it's not just a scanned fns46NaqRu4-00365-00222584-00223337 image if you can something that the College on one of our copiers there is a fns46NaqRu4-00366-00223337-00224108 setting for PDF for OCR which is optical character recognition so if it is a scan fns46NaqRu4-00367-00224108-00224906 only image or just an image maybe you got 10 pages of an image not going to be fns46NaqRu4-00368-00224906-00225590 very accessible for your students that are using any kind of zoom tax like fns46NaqRu4-00369-00225590-00226412 where they can zoom in on the screen you know if the text is not one way to check fns46NaqRu4-00370-00226412-00227041 that is to see if the text is selectable or if you can search through an image fns46NaqRu4-00371-00227041-00227715 making sure that the PDF has the appropriate document fns46NaqRu4-00372-00227715-00228419 properties such a title author keywords making sure the language is identified fns46NaqRu4-00373-00228419-00229230 as English these are things that can be added I know not everyone has Adobe fns46NaqRu4-00374-00229230-00230013 Acrobat professional you can always reach out to the Academy if you're fns46NaqRu4-00375-00230013-00230760 needing help with some some of your PDF things like that but usually it's you fns46NaqRu4-00376-00230760-00231252 you know if you have the original Word document or something like that that fns46NaqRu4-00377-00231252-00231846 it's usually best to go back and fix that PDFs are very troublesome for fns46NaqRu4-00378-00231846-00232506 different kinds of disabilities but another quick test you can do is open up fns46NaqRu4-00379-00232506-00233096 you could do this even in Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader is to go to the View fns46NaqRu4-00380-00233096-00234036 menu and the read outloud and have the reader read it out loud back to you and fns46NaqRu4-00381-00234036-00235080 is that content is it understandable is is if taken photocopy of a text and fns46NaqRu4-00382-00235080-00235667 still an image obviously it wouldn't be read out loud if it if you did run an fns46NaqRu4-00383-00235667-00236121 optical character recognition it should be able to be read out loud and then you fns46NaqRu4-00384-00236121-00236567 can see does it still make sense of working in the proper con fns46NaqRu4-00385-00236567-00237381 proper context and then again do the tables have calm roads and headings and fns46NaqRu4-00386-00237381-00238260 not used for layout of a page so some of that is not easily fixed right if you if fns46NaqRu4-00387-00238260-00238700 this is content that you've pulled from somewhere else and that created yourself fns46NaqRu4-00388-00238700-00239502 it can take a little bit to fix PDF accessibility one thing that I can tell fns46NaqRu4-00389-00239502-00240294 you is that you can in some cases open PDFs with Microsoft Word we knew it or fns46NaqRu4-00390-00240294-00240853 not you can go to the file menu and open a PDF with Microsoft Word it'll fns46NaqRu4-00391-00240853-00241225 take a little bit you have there's a little prompt you got to say fns46NaqRu4-00392-00241225-00242223 allow it to allow it to display the content or it basically will do its best fns46NaqRu4-00393-00242223-00242782 to run an optical character recognition on that and it may or may not work and fns46NaqRu4-00394-00242782-00243669 there were possible ways in Microsoft OneNote you can you can do web snipping fns46NaqRu4-00395-00243669-00244206 in the desktop version it's kind of like a print to file you can take that image fns46NaqRu4-00396-00244206-00244936 put it into a OneNote and you can actually copy text from the picture so fns46NaqRu4-00397-00244936-00245575 it'll run an optical character recognition on that image and try to fns46NaqRu4-00398-00245575-00246283 pull the content from that or the text that's in that image so also if you fns46NaqRu4-00399-00246283-00247009 reduce something like office lens which is a install on your phone you can use fns46NaqRu4-00400-00247009-00247888 that to take picture of say a poster at a at a conference you want they had a fns46NaqRu4-00401-00247888-00248260 couple posters you can actually take a picture of that and extract some of that fns46NaqRu4-00402-00248260-00249241 content in what 100 office lens will forward that image in some cases over to fns46NaqRu4-00403-00249241-00249816 a OneNote and then you can extract the text from there so this article fns46NaqRu4-00404-00249816-00250398 Microsoft article does show explain a little bit of that and then also just fns46NaqRu4-00405-00250398-00250825 you know working through some of the issues there's an article there from fns46NaqRu4-00406-00250825-00251578 webaim which is a group that helps they have a whole bunch of articles they even fns46NaqRu4-00407-00251578-00252160 have training there that helps you walk right through like how do I write good fns46NaqRu4-00408-00252160-00252757 alt text which is not always easy to do has to be succinct and making sure that fns46NaqRu4-00409-00252757-00253552 the alt text is is succinct and that way so at this point I think I'm going to fns46NaqRu4-00410-00253552-00253844 switch over to fns46NaqRu4-00411-00254113-00254846 hopefully everyone can see my screen has changed to Microsoft Word online and I fns46NaqRu4-00412-00254846-00255467 was just going to demonstrate for a few things in Microsoft Word online so if fns46NaqRu4-00413-00255467-00256267 you're an employee a faculty adjunct you all have access to office 365 fns46NaqRu4-00414-00256267-00256994 you can put your content up to your onedrive and do some of the same kind of fns46NaqRu4-00415-00256994-00257519 testing but in this case what I just wanted to demonstrate maybe quickly was fns46NaqRu4-00416-00257519-00258281 the navigation pane I'm going to go over to the View menu turn on navigation and fns46NaqRu4-00417-00258281-00258936 right now you cannot really see anything here but when I go back to my home menu fns46NaqRu4-00418-00258936-00259582 if I highlight across text and just used the quick Styles up here at the top fns46NaqRu4-00419-00259582-00260635 you'll see over here at the side it will start to build out that outline go fns46NaqRu4-00420-00260635-00261256 across each of these I'm just going to start to build out some of these the fns46NaqRu4-00421-00261256-00262042 structure of this Dement in this case here's we did a monkey a dog and then I fns46NaqRu4-00422-00262042-00263027 you properly nesting means that you're making sure so since spaniel is beneath fns46NaqRu4-00423-00263027-00263792 dog and here's another one a field spaniel building out that properly fns46NaqRu4-00424-00263792-00264389 nested outline is important another thing you can do is go over to the fns46NaqRu4-00425-00264389-00265079 review menu and there is an option for check accessibility fns46NaqRu4-00426-00265079-00265727 when I run an X ability check it'll tell me okay you have your are missing fns46NaqRu4-00427-00265727-00266260 alternative text on an image so you can click on that and it'll take you to the fns46NaqRu4-00428-00266260-00266909 image that's missing alt text I have and then fns46NaqRu4-00429-00266909-00267460 let me fix this first back at home I'm just going to continue building out that fns46NaqRu4-00430-00267460-00268400 structure and then again if I I can recheck after I fix things and it'll fns46NaqRu4-00431-00268400-00268949 take me to the picture and then with that image selected what you'll want to fns46NaqRu4-00432-00268949-00270149 do is go over to let's try that again go over to picture right you can fns46NaqRu4-00433-00270149-00271966 right-click on it second me close this I close my navigation click over here and fns46NaqRu4-00434-00271966-00272605 then get to the alt text let me check this one here fns46NaqRu4-00435-00272605-00273376 so under picture you can go over to alt text so in this case I've already added fns46NaqRu4-00436-00273376-00274127 alt text this one if I go back to the other one so this one it since I brought fns46NaqRu4-00437-00274127-00274757 the image over it actually tried to put the description of the file right in fns46NaqRu4-00438-00274757-00275315 there I hope you would want to change that so that's even this is a good fns46NaqRu4-00439-00275315-00275825 example that even running something like an accessibility check sometimes it does fns46NaqRu4-00440-00275825-00276437 take a manual check to go through and make sure that things are properly done fns46NaqRu4-00441-00276437-00276856 so in this case it would be a photograph fns46NaqRu4-00442-00276949-00277249 manual fns46NaqRu4-00443-00277472-00278621 so if I so if I close that and then run the accessibility check again fns46NaqRu4-00444-00278795-00279482 now I've the accessibility check is complete there are no issues all right fns46NaqRu4-00445-00279482-00280628 so then a another thing that you can do that's helpful is to you can also there fns46NaqRu4-00446-00280628-00281250 are there are some other tools in here under the View menu you can view it in fns46NaqRu4-00447-00281250-00282011 Radian mode and that gives you kind of like basically it jumps over to a PDF fns46NaqRu4-00448-00282011-00282852 version of your document you can see over here on the side there's a little fns46NaqRu4-00449-00282852-00283355 bookmark type of thing and if you're using structure properly though that fns46NaqRu4-00450-00283355-00284139 structure will show up in the bookmarked also you can use those to navigate so if fns46NaqRu4-00451-00284139-00284538 I want to jump right to Spaniel or to Cocker Spaniel fns46NaqRu4-00452-00284538-00285152 it just jumping through the document it's also used for again you're building fns46NaqRu4-00453-00285152-00286173 functionality into your documents next let me go back to the other thing you fns46NaqRu4-00454-00286173-00286689 can do is again if you've structured your document right hopefully it will fns46NaqRu4-00455-00286689-00287274 work with things like the immersive reader you can access this and this mode fns46NaqRu4-00456-00287274-00287964 or back in the one before but in that case what you can do is it will you can fns46NaqRu4-00457-00287964-00288519 use it to read through your text you can change things there the immersive reader fns46NaqRu4-00458-00288519-00289473 is now built into OneNote word online I believe it works even in Microsoft edge fns46NaqRu4-00459-00289473-00289991 but what you can do is you can play fns46NaqRu4-00460-00290154-00290844 typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system you can also fns46NaqRu4-00461-00290844-00291561 change your tax preferences you can increase the size you can decrease it fns46NaqRu4-00462-00291561-00292303 you can have it right now I've got now and turned on I can try and add verbs fns46NaqRu4-00463-00292303-00293223 and verbs and I can change the colors so that they show up you can use line focus fns46NaqRu4-00464-00293223-00293992 there's things like this that you can do and move through content that way and fns46NaqRu4-00465-00293992-00295029 have it read this was also a good test to see whether your documents are are fns46NaqRu4-00466-00295029-00295705 properly structured all right I probably shouldn't have done what I did there but fns46NaqRu4-00467-00295705-00296407 anyways I think you get the idea so next I'd like to also show like in fns46NaqRu4-00468-00296407-00297388 Microsoft PowerPoint you can also do the same kind of accessibility check you go fns46NaqRu4-00469-00297388-00298030 to the review menu check accessibility and don't worry about seeing information fns46NaqRu4-00470-00298030-00298575 on the slide right now but I'm want to demonstrate is the accessibility checker fns46NaqRu4-00471-00298575-00298999 it'll give you some errors let you know that you may have to check the reading fns46NaqRu4-00472-00298999-00299488 order of some of those slides but if you click on the picture or whatever fns46NaqRu4-00473-00299488-00300220 pictures missing alternative text again um you I the item should get selected fns46NaqRu4-00474-00300220-00300847 and then you go to the format menu in Microsoft PowerPoint and the alt text is fns46NaqRu4-00475-00300847-00301626 right there to fix so I can click that and close my checker at the moment fns46NaqRu4-00476-00301626-00303078 I'm just gonna put group or you top of top view of group well something like fns46NaqRu4-00477-00303078-00303593 that and then I'll close that and then I'll fns46NaqRu4-00478-00303593-00304320 run that accessibility check again and then now that it's just the warning fns46NaqRu4-00479-00304320-00304854 about manually you have to go in and check the slide order but that alt text fns46NaqRu4-00480-00304854-00305550 is missing another thing in Microsoft again and Microsoft PowerPoint it's fns46NaqRu4-00481-00305550-00306456 easier to see on on the desktop version but you can go and you can also see up fns46NaqRu4-00482-00306456-00307200 at the top there's under layout you can see your layout slide designs and if fns46NaqRu4-00483-00307200-00307797 you're not using a site design you should or you can create a new master fns46NaqRu4-00484-00307797-00308568 slide that has placeholders in there so that that text does show up in outline fns46NaqRu4-00485-00308568-00309276 mode so there's there little things like that that you can do to improve the fns46NaqRu4-00486-00309276-00310379 accessibility of your PowerPoint presentations as well see let me refresh fns46NaqRu4-00487-00310699-00312275 so see the other again over in over in uh note we talked about that you can fns46NaqRu4-00488-00312275-00313325 take text you can do not believe you can necessarily do it in word online but if fns46NaqRu4-00489-00313325-00314000 you're wanting to do optical character recognition in OneNote on our OneNote fns46NaqRu4-00490-00314000-00314872 desktop you can pull your you can go to your quick notes or if you've been done fns46NaqRu4-00491-00314872-00315302 some things with office lines or something you can take a picture or fns46NaqRu4-00492-00315302-00316001 something go pull down your OneNote to the desktop and then you can run optical fns46NaqRu4-00493-00316001-00316679 character recognition on those as well you can also you can also check fns46NaqRu4-00494-00316679-00317378 accessibility of your OneNote documents you can also do the immersive reader fns46NaqRu4-00495-00317378-00318227 with one notes we've been finding with the tutoring center that if you're fns46NaqRu4-00496-00318227-00318923 wanting to take like a word document or a PDF document you can copy it into a fns46NaqRu4-00497-00318923-00319529 one note and then annotate over the top of it with like some of the drawing fns46NaqRu4-00498-00319529-00320447 tools or highlighters or things like that and you can actually annotate over fns46NaqRu4-00499-00320447-00321690 a document and then those Doc you can save that you can save that same you fns46NaqRu4-00500-00321690-00322144 could save that same all these annotations will say if you can save on fns46NaqRu4-00501-00322144-00322922 one note as a PDF or as a as another OneNote that you could share back with fns46NaqRu4-00502-00322922-00323466 students that kind of thing but you would have to give right now you'd have fns46NaqRu4-00503-00323466-00323850 to give them to the through either like an email or post the fns46NaqRu4-00504-00323850-00324648 OneNote inside of blackboard right now the faculty and not care back fns46NaqRu4-00505-00324648-00325260 with the students at this time or Harper is working on some the security issues fns46NaqRu4-00506-00325260-00325815 hopefully that will happen soon but with something like this where you want to fns46NaqRu4-00507-00325815-00326544 save your annotations you can you up to the file menu you can print a file on fns46NaqRu4-00508-00326544-00327057 the desktop version you can save it out as a PDF and share that back with the fns46NaqRu4-00509-00327057-00327756 annotations with your students that type of thing okay so let's I'm going to fns46NaqRu4-00510-00327756-00328209 toggle back to the presentation for a minute fns46NaqRu4-00511-00328209-00329174 so also audio if you're going to provide audio to your students fns46NaqRu4-00512-00329532-00330497 you'll want to make sure that it's accessible we try to make sure that fns46NaqRu4-00513-00330497-00330992 you're creating high quality video if you can record video in a quiet space fns46NaqRu4-00514-00330992-00331525 I've heard of people going into their closet and recording video or I'm sorry fns46NaqRu4-00515-00331525-00332189 audio because the clothes dampen the sound you know people I've heard of fns46NaqRu4-00516-00332189-00332699 people doing some of their podcasts right out of their closet also low fns46NaqRu4-00517-00332699-00333256 background audio making sure that the fans not running in the background fns46NaqRu4-00518-00333256-00333920 making sure you have minimal background noise your dog is not bargaining while fns46NaqRu4-00519-00333920-00334501 you're recording speak clearly and slowly give people time to process the fns46NaqRu4-00520-00334501-00335270 content doing an occasional pause provide transcripts ahead of time if fns46NaqRu4-00521-00335270-00335974 possible so again there's links out for more information how to create a fns46NaqRu4-00522-00335974-00336770 transcript maybe I can I will also show that with Microsoft stream maybe if I fns46NaqRu4-00523-00336770-00337538 can if I have time and let's see video accessibility again to ensure the fns46NaqRu4-00524-00337538-00338243 accessibility of using videos you'll want to make sure if you're going to be fns46NaqRu4-00525-00338243-00338714 recording your own video that you consider using a script or a storyboard fns46NaqRu4-00526-00338714-00339460 maybe to think it through try to make sure there's captions of relevant audio fns46NaqRu4-00527-00339460-00340639 information it is important too if you can provide descriptive text of any fns46NaqRu4-00528-00340639-00341339 information similar to subtitles when you're watching something like Netflix fns46NaqRu4-00529-00341339-00341880 or TV you'll often see cart or slams fns46NaqRu4-00530-00341882-00343025 muffled talking things like that that so if you are recording using a technology fns46NaqRu4-00531-00343025-00343850 like Camtasia or things like that you can have it capture system audio or you fns46NaqRu4-00532-00343850-00344363 can address you know if you're wanting to do that but in some cases it may not fns46NaqRu4-00533-00344363-00345017 necessarily be clear as to what you're saying instead of click here and and fns46NaqRu4-00534-00345017-00345568 things like that want to try to avoid some of these things when you're fns46NaqRu4-00535-00345568-00346289 recording video so audio descriptions basically for any content that's fns46NaqRu4-00536-00346289-00346862 displayed visually on-screen can that but it are not spoken you're fns46NaqRu4-00537-00346862-00347549 gonna want to instead of mixed up I've mixed up this bowl you know you mixed up fns46NaqRu4-00538-00347549-00348422 this bowl of oatmeal to a thick consistency just being thinking ahead of fns46NaqRu4-00539-00348422-00349111 time of what what is what you're trying to convey in your content again there is fns46NaqRu4-00540-00349111-00349676 link tiers for more information on how to do captioning again everybody has fns46NaqRu4-00541-00349676-00350290 office 365 so you have access to Microsoft stream you can upload a video fns46NaqRu4-00542-00350290-00351419 and then actually it'll run an auto and auto caption and you can you can pull fns46NaqRu4-00543-00351419-00352136 down on the transcript after it's run it's Auto captions or you can go to your fns46NaqRu4-00544-00352136-00352826 my content edit the video and you can actually repair the captions right next fns46NaqRu4-00545-00352826-00353336 to the video as it's playing it has a really nice feature where you can just fns46NaqRu4-00546-00353336-00353911 kind of loop back a couple seconds as you listening to it and and repair it fns46NaqRu4-00547-00353911-00354476 this can also be done in YouTube if you put your videos up to YouTube YouTube fns46NaqRu4-00548-00354476-00354878 will also auto caption we have found that fns46NaqRu4-00549-00354878-00355301 sauce stream does a better job the only problem again right now is that you fns46NaqRu4-00550-00355301-00355973 can't share your videos from Microsoft stream so you would have to download the fns46NaqRu4-00551-00355973-00357116 video from Microsoft stream or pull it back down down to transcripts as a VTT fns46NaqRu4-00552-00357116-00357806 file and then you can convert the VTT file to the YouTube format and put that fns46NaqRu4-00553-00357806-00358394 up to backup to YouTube if you'd like to do that does sound like a lot of work fns46NaqRu4-00554-00358394-00358816 but in all honesty if you're doing something like Blackboard Collaborate fns46NaqRu4-00555-00358816-00359510 you can put up your collaborative videos to stream pull down the VTT file and the fns46NaqRu4-00556-00359510-00360362 VT file can be uploaded right back to your collaborate recordings you have to fns46NaqRu4-00557-00360362-00360968 go to collaborate back to your collaborate recordings and you can fns46NaqRu4-00558-00360968-00361508 upload a VTT file directly back up to Blackboard Collaborate so again there fns46NaqRu4-00559-00361508-00362432 are some links here for that I'm going to go to the next slide LMS fns46NaqRu4-00560-00362432-00363380 accessibility so one of the important things in blackboard is to ensure or fns46NaqRu4-00561-00363380-00363971 make again similar to what I displayed and soft word document you're wanting to fns46NaqRu4-00562-00363971-00364478 make sure you have some good page structure so that when you're using fns46NaqRu4-00563-00364478-00365126 something like a course menu or of course the Quick Links it's going to fns46NaqRu4-00564-00365126-00365639 help those students that are making use of assistive technology or or keyboard fns46NaqRu4-00565-00365639-00366358 shortcuts things like that that it allows them to easily navigate your fns46NaqRu4-00566-00366358-00367283 content making sure things are three content folders deep you know trying to fns46NaqRu4-00567-00367283-00367658 make you know the best recommendation would be to keep it simple and fns46NaqRu4-00568-00367658-00368396 consistent also can the style the cat fns46NaqRu4-00569-00368396-00369033 think about styling of your text and things like that so one of the most fns46NaqRu4-00570-00369033-00369743 common accessibility issues in blackboard so the the blackboard fns46NaqRu4-00571-00369743-00370332 learning management system is very accessible or for the most part path has fns46NaqRu4-00572-00370332-00370833 been fairly accessible but it's only as accessible as the content that would in fns46NaqRu4-00573-00370833-00371628 it so if it's not recommended to copy content from word directly into fns46NaqRu4-00574-00371628-00372363 blackboard I you know I would recommend if you if you are if you have a lot of fns46NaqRu4-00575-00372363-00372789 content from word that you would like to put in there you would take that content fns46NaqRu4-00576-00372789-00373299 out put it into like a simple text editor like notepad and then copy it fns46NaqRu4-00577-00373299-00374073 back into blackboard and fix some of the fonts and the formatting because it can fns46NaqRu4-00578-00374073-00374619 be troublesome when students some students that are like in our low vision fns46NaqRu4-00579-00374619-00375561 or have certain disabilities will use their own style sheets and what happens fns46NaqRu4-00580-00375561-00376071 is when you paste that content in from word it will pick up some styles the fns46NaqRu4-00581-00376071-00376824 styling and the styles from word and it drops it right in to say you know item fns46NaqRu4-00582-00376824-00377658 window and in some cases that's considered in inline styling in it if fns46NaqRu4-00583-00377658-00378231 someone was to join their own style sheet it would override that it would fns46NaqRu4-00584-00378231-00378741 not change it would not enlarge it me it would stay whatever the styles that were fns46NaqRu4-00585-00378741-00379242 brought over with it so just thinking about that I mean me just be considerate fns46NaqRu4-00586-00379242-00379796 about your font selection you're not using like a cursive font in blackboard fns46NaqRu4-00587-00379796-00380295 your color just minimize you know minimize your use of color making sure fns46NaqRu4-00588-00380295-00381312 you're not using color for any you know specific meaning that is assumed if you fns46NaqRu4-00589-00381312-00381602 know like red green yeah red yellow and green fns46NaqRu4-00590-00381602-00382640 for go slow stop just make sure that you're not using color only as for fns46NaqRu4-00591-00382640-00383551 meaning again making sure your hyperlinks are not just a long URL or fns46NaqRu4-00592-00383551-00384221 consider typing out some text left and highlight that text and then at the fns46NaqRu4-00593-00384221-00384809 hyperlink to it that way again alternative text in blackboard it's fns46NaqRu4-00594-00384809-00385784 there when you add an image to blackboard you you know add them add a fns46NaqRu4-00595-00385784-00386504 description for that image if necessary or if it had if it if it conveys some fns46NaqRu4-00596-00386504-00387085 meaning like a chart or something like that that you want to display in a fns46NaqRu4-00597-00387085-00387680 blackboard page making sure that you're adding alternative text that definitely fns46NaqRu4-00598-00387680-00388550 helps out keyboard shortcuts again for people that have mobility issues they fns46NaqRu4-00599-00388550-00389198 will rely on things like keyboard shortcuts to navigate information there fns46NaqRu4-00600-00389198-00389888 are other mobility disability at make use of eye tracking and mouth sticks for fns46NaqRu4-00601-00389888-00390878 navigation again if you build structured content and have good navigation they fns46NaqRu4-00602-00390878-00391486 should be able to make use of these same kind of keyboard shortcuts but it would fns46NaqRu4-00603-00391486-00391936 they'd also use it with their assistive technology can work with those same fns46NaqRu4-00604-00391936-00392591 keyboard shortcuts to navigate content in this case the image the Quick Links fns46NaqRu4-00605-00392591-00393384 in blackboard is activated it shows almost like a table of content and some fns46NaqRu4-00606-00393384-00394183 landmarks that students can navigate or quickly fns46NaqRu4-00607-00394183-00394974 or by using things like the keyboard shortcuts ctrl alt M shift alt elbow fns46NaqRu4-00608-00394974-00395902 opens Quick Links and control M opens the global navigation menu so things fns46NaqRu4-00609-00395902-00396614 that go a long way to help people that have disabilities navigate within fns46NaqRu4-00610-00396614-00397258 blackboard and then also there is a content editor for math formulas in fns46NaqRu4-00611-00397258-00397708 there as well again these are resources will take you fns46NaqRu4-00612-00397708-00398254 to more information about accessibility in Blackboard Learn blackboard white fns46NaqRu4-00613-00398254-00398890 papers that have more information about blackboard are our learning management fns46NaqRu4-00614-00398890-00399709 and the accessibility of it another important thing is to evaluate linked fns46NaqRu4-00615-00399709-00400418 again try to avoid using uninformative link phrases like click here read more fns46NaqRu4-00616-00400418-00401128 more info it's not very good practice it's done all the time on the web but fns46NaqRu4-00617-00401128-00401789 it's if you can use meaningful text for hyperlinks that's it's much more fns46NaqRu4-00618-00401789-00402547 encouraged to make sure your web pages your content in blackboard is more fns46NaqRu4-00619-00402547-00403145 useful to students with disabilities check the hyperlink length shouldn't be fns46NaqRu4-00620-00403145-00403915 too long shouldn't be too short maybe you make make make fns46NaqRu4-00621-00404018-00404750 take a say you know take things URL put it into something like bitly Google used fns46NaqRu4-00622-00404750-00405341 to have a URL shortener I don't believe it's available anymore but things like fns46NaqRu4-00623-00405341-00406276 Billy kenshin that link down but then put that shorter link on meaningful text fns46NaqRu4-00624-00406276-00406904 again if you want to learn more about links and hypertext what a beim has a fns46NaqRu4-00625-00406904-00407414 great article or it has an article that explains in more depth about links and fns46NaqRu4-00626-00407414-00408107 hypertext and then websites if you're linking out to external websites it's fns46NaqRu4-00627-00408107-00408953 important to make sure those websites are accessible if so basically web fns46NaqRu4-00628-00408953-00409484 accessibility means is that websites tools and technologies are designed and fns46NaqRu4-00629-00409484-00410047 developed so that people with disabilities can use them more fns46NaqRu4-00630-00410047-00410460 specifically people can perceive fns46NaqRu4-00631-00410500-00411485 understand navigate and interact with the web one of the standards is one of fns46NaqRu4-00632-00411485-00412183 the standards is wit CAG 2.0 which is the web content accessibility guidelines fns46NaqRu4-00633-00412183-00413093 that this this summation comes from the w3c it allows you want to make sure that fns46NaqRu4-00634-00413093-00413764 your these websites can are also be easily navigated easily interacted with fns46NaqRu4-00635-00413764-00414749 if you can also run an accessibility check using a tool like the web fns46NaqRu4-00636-00414749-00415339 accessibility evaluation tool from webaim called wave I could possibly fns46NaqRu4-00637-00415339-00415931 demonstrate that to give you an idea what that looks like and then markup the fns46NaqRu4-00638-00415931-00416491 w3c also has on the markup validation tool and just drop that URL in there and fns46NaqRu4-00639-00416491-00417085 it'll tell you how many errors or problems that page has fns46NaqRu4-00640-00417085-00417700 if do that you know and your pity of the website that your point comes back fns46NaqRu4-00641-00417700-00418285 riddled with accessibility issues you may consider you may may want to find fns46NaqRu4-00642-00418285-00419141 another resource or another alternative website for that same content and you fns46NaqRu4-00643-00419141-00419689 know there is information on these pages for a more in-depth introduction to web fns46NaqRu4-00644-00419689-00420838 accessibility this resource right here has a lot of great videos that show fns46NaqRu4-00645-00420838-00421655 people using assistive technology and if you can you can go back through some of fns46NaqRu4-00646-00421655-00422272 those videos and it'll show just give you an idea of what someone with a fns46NaqRu4-00647-00422272-00422978 disability will run into so there that's definitely something that you might want fns46NaqRu4-00648-00422978-00423916 to consider looking at the other thing to consider with web accessibility is fns46NaqRu4-00649-00423916-00424510 you know you you want to make sure that if you're giving a student an assignment fns46NaqRu4-00650-00424510-00425270 related to a resource or an external web resource that you're making sure that fns46NaqRu4-00651-00425270-00425797 you know will they be able to get through that resource in order to fns46NaqRu4-00652-00425797-00426578 complete the assignment so you have to be somewhat consider it to their you fns46NaqRu4-00653-00426578-00427222 know their their condition if they're unable to navigate or adding you know fns46NaqRu4-00654-00427222-00427976 giving at them an extra time to complete that assignment possibly and working fns46NaqRu4-00655-00427976-00428962 through whether you do have to switch to another resource or not in that case so fns46NaqRu4-00656-00429013-00429643 another thing and I'm sure many of you are already familiar our library fns46NaqRu4-00657-00429643-00430309 resources at Harper College are into none I mean they're we we have as good fns46NaqRu4-00658-00430309-00431010 of a library as many four-year institutions our College provides fns46NaqRu4-00659-00431010-00431643 several subscriptions to e-tax journals and video streaming repositories these fns46NaqRu4-00660-00431643-00432730 repositories are especially filled with very good content digital text so you fns46NaqRu4-00661-00432730-00433096 know if you're having trouble if you find you have a lot of FS that are fns46NaqRu4-00662-00433096-00434067 scanned or are dated consider going over to one of these eat texts and download a fns46NaqRu4-00663-00434067-00434518 few pages you can do up to a few pages you can do a whole chapter you can do a fns46NaqRu4-00664-00434518-00435039 whole book I wouldn't recommend maybe necessarily downloading the whole book fns46NaqRu4-00665-00435039-00435730 to PDF again that could be troublesome but giving links you can link directly fns46NaqRu4-00666-00435730-00436285 into a chapter you can directly you can link directly into a page using both fns46NaqRu4-00667-00436285-00436912 like eBook central and ebook the ebooks done at web host and I believe there's fns46NaqRu4-00668-00436912-00437818 another book repository related to community college information and fns46NaqRu4-00669-00437818-00438797 possibly tax books also there's just a plethora of journals and jstor MEDLINE fns46NaqRu4-00670-00438797-00439642 psycinfo encyclopedias Eric which company is a big one for research and fns46NaqRu4-00671-00439642-00440434 then the stream and video repositories most of the videos have captions in the fns46NaqRu4-00672-00440434-00441030 the just three of them I know they're I believe there is more streaming video fns46NaqRu4-00673-00441030-00441658 repositories but these are the three big ones Alexander Street in telecom films fns46NaqRu4-00674-00441658-00442397 on demand most of the videos on these have captions Alexander Street I fns46NaqRu4-00675-00442397-00443213 know does and maybe even films on demand have a very nice I what's called an fns46NaqRu4-00676-00443213-00443735 interactive transcript so while you're watching the video you can actually see fns46NaqRu4-00677-00443735-00444335 the text highlighted as the vid Wayne again Universal Design for Learning made fns46NaqRu4-00678-00444335-00445067 the visual of watching the video the auditory for hearing the video and then fns46NaqRu4-00679-00445067-00445675 visual as the text is going across the text you can also click on the fns46NaqRu4-00680-00445675-00446575 transcript to quickly navigate through a video so your multiple means again of fns46NaqRu4-00681-00446575-00447308 representation seduce it's you're hitting it on multiple levels hitting fns46NaqRu4-00682-00447308-00448091 that those learning styles on multiple levels so if you are need some fns46NaqRu4-00683-00448091-00448667 information more on how to do some of these searchings and things reach out to fns46NaqRu4-00684-00448667-00449335 one of our librarians there are librarians for each discipline our fns46NaqRu4-00685-00449335-00450022 library faculty liaisons for those disciplines and those links are to jump fns46NaqRu4-00686-00450022-00450491 out to Harper College library and the services are right here on this slide as fns46NaqRu4-00687-00450491-00451391 well trying to leave some time for questions any questions that have come fns46NaqRu4-00688-00451391-00452174 up yet janitor stuff we we have a number of questions you ready for that some fns46NaqRu4-00689-00452174-00452537 great questions the chat sure I'll do my best fns46NaqRu4-00690-00452537-00453158 yeah definitely so I'm gonna go back here to the PowerPoint so this was asked fns46NaqRu4-00691-00453158-00453578 by a number of people if they already have their powerpoints recorded with fns46NaqRu4-00692-00453578-00454106 audio you know where you could record each slide do you have to rerecord that fns46NaqRu4-00693-00454106-00454583 to get the captions yes you probably would fns46NaqRu4-00694-00454583-00455082 so one thing it's not the maybe a quickest easiest fns46NaqRu4-00695-00455082-00455901 solution but what I would recommend if you can to possibly pull the the audio fns46NaqRu4-00696-00455901-00456464 back out I believe you can do that on a per side basis fns46NaqRu4-00697-00456464-00457677 pull it down as a file and and you know either run a a an auto caption on that fns46NaqRu4-00698-00457677-00458307 at what I guess it depends on how you're doing it you could record that video fns46NaqRu4-00699-00458307-00458991 with a plane the audio and try to have it do an auto caption it may or may not fns46NaqRu4-00700-00458991-00459759 work depending on the quality of your audio but usually I would recommend is fns46NaqRu4-00701-00459759-00460635 just recording the audio separate and put it in on a per slide basis if you if fns46NaqRu4-00702-00460635-00461202 you can't do that I don't know if that answers the question fns46NaqRu4-00703-00461202-00461787 okay thanks Chris and I say to if a faculty member does have a question fns46NaqRu4-00704-00461787-00462195 about that to fill out our online resource forms so that we can help them fns46NaqRu4-00705-00462195-00463371 help them through that okay when you do powerpoints Captur so that's where it fns46NaqRu4-00706-00463371-00464262 does the subtitles does that create transcripts no it does not it's I can fns46NaqRu4-00707-00464262-00464945 demonstrate that briefly right here so if I click on use subtitles in often fns46NaqRu4-00708-00464945-00465540 this is office 365 again the PowerPoint online you have to turn off the fns46NaqRu4-00709-00465540-00466173 simplified ribbon in order to see these options so if you're not seeing it fns46NaqRu4-00710-00466173-00466733 initially make sure simplified ribbon is turned off and then you can go over fns46NaqRu4-00711-00466733-00467250 select use subtitles and then you can choose whether you want it to show at fns46NaqRu4-00712-00467250-00467982 the bottom top below above you can also even change and translate from one fns46NaqRu4-00713-00467982-00468666 language from one like if I can be speaking English and have my subtitle fns46NaqRu4-00714-00468666-00469701 show up as Hindi or French or Estonian things like that but so then when I I fns46NaqRu4-00715-00469701-00470360 will demonstrate this allow if I go into full screen mode fns46NaqRu4-00716-00470586-00471105 and now you should be able to see subtitles show up hopefully fns46NaqRu4-00717-00471105-00471755 in underneath may take a minute for it to get started but what I'm fns46NaqRu4-00718-00471755-00472332 demonstrating here is on this slide this was a storyboard that we used for our fns46NaqRu4-00719-00472332-00473037 video orientation week these were just some initial ideas what you're seeing on fns46NaqRu4-00720-00473037-00473847 the slide here is an illustration representing the idea of a green fns46NaqRu4-00721-00473847-00474462 environment right or a green sustainability effort we have some notes fns46NaqRu4-00722-00474462-00475386 on the right-hand side showing the author project the version so as you can fns46NaqRu4-00723-00475386-00476178 see it does a pretty good job with Auto your live captioning but you would have fns46NaqRu4-00724-00476178-00477063 probably record using this but then it's what's considered open captions not fns46NaqRu4-00725-00477063-00477564 closed captioning closed captioning you loves you to turn on and off the fns46NaqRu4-00726-00477564-00478068 captioning where in this case if you were to record this these captions would fns46NaqRu4-00727-00478068-00478610 be burned into the video if that makes sense fns46NaqRu4-00728-00478610-00479430 okay are the subtitles video visible as I'm talking fns46NaqRu4-00729-00479489-00480443 yes we can see them okay so I'm gonna exit out did that answer the question or fns46NaqRu4-00730-00480443-00481191 did that help I think yeah I think that's good I'm here's it here this fns46NaqRu4-00731-00481191-00481643 should be a quick question there's a header audio to the PowerPoint fns46NaqRu4-00732-00481643-00482409 dramatically increase the size of the PowerPoint file it does I got to be fns46NaqRu4-00733-00482409-00483318 honest with you your the number of slides the number of images it does fns46NaqRu4-00734-00483318-00483843 increase the size of the file audio files it's kind of a funny thing I mean fns46NaqRu4-00735-00483843-00484596 it's a balancing act right if you go out to a browser and you pull an image from fns46NaqRu4-00736-00484596-00485318 like one of these streaming or one of the like free stock photo companies fns46NaqRu4-00737-00485318-00485853 though that image is some of those images are incredibly huge if you drop fns46NaqRu4-00738-00485853-00486330 them into a PowerPoint and you're scaling you know they're scaled down to fns46NaqRu4-00739-00486330-00486972 match the PowerPoint but those file sizes can be an extremely large as for fns46NaqRu4-00740-00486972-00487602 audio again there are things you can do if you're using something like audacity fns46NaqRu4-00741-00487602-00488442 or other tools you can you know convert from a WAV file to an mp3 phone which fns46NaqRu4-00742-00488442-00489032 drastically reduces the size of your audio files so you may want to consider fns46NaqRu4-00743-00489032-00489739 doing some of that before you know kind of putting those audios files up on a fns46NaqRu4-00744-00489739-00490476 per slide but if you got 60 slides you got 60 audio and images yeah your file fns46NaqRu4-00745-00490476-00491046 sides are going to get pretty large does that answer the question yes thanks fns46NaqRu4-00746-00491046-00491634 Chris you had mentioned you mentioned a simple text editor and there was just a fns46NaqRu4-00747-00491634-00492350 question basically what is a text editor and what would you deform so there are fns46NaqRu4-00748-00492350-00493314 frequent out there that you can download the idea is that to minimize the styling fns46NaqRu4-00749-00493314-00493994 of that tax when you're putting it into blackboard or something like that you fns46NaqRu4-00750-00493994-00494843 know what happens again text editor even like notepad is not the best cuz no pad fns46NaqRu4-00751-00494843-00495738 you can't really control much of the formatting and pad word pad I used to fns46NaqRu4-00752-00495738-00496413 always come with microsoft operating system it's similar to word but it's fns46NaqRu4-00753-00496413-00497252 like a lighter word version of word so the idea is that you don't have too much fns46NaqRu4-00754-00497252-00497768 styled content like in a Word document just copying it over I would usually fns46NaqRu4-00755-00497768-00498614 copy that content into something like an editor and text editor so in this case I fns46NaqRu4-00756-00498614-00499223 have one it's called notepad plus plus after you can see my fns46NaqRu4-00757-00499223-00500184 screen hopefully but basically there's one called notepad plus plus and that is fns46NaqRu4-00758-00500184-00501417 free for use it does allow you to change from HTML or text from you know you can fns46NaqRu4-00759-00501417-00502022 copy P paste content in there and then kind of clean up the formatting before fns46NaqRu4-00760-00502022-00502556 maybe bringing it over to Microsoft Word it fns46NaqRu4-00761-00502779-00503328 I don't know if that answers the question let me see if I'd if you just fns46NaqRu4-00762-00503328-00503828 type in tax editors and say like Google fns46NaqRu4-00763-00503891-00504714 you should be able to find several that are freely available for use I don't fns46NaqRu4-00764-00504714-00505257 know about sublime tax but um nope an plus plus will be one of the first ones fns46NaqRu4-00765-00505257-00505818 you'll find and it's a lot of times I even when you're copying things from fns46NaqRu4-00766-00505818-00506313 like your clipboard like if you highlight across something on a website fns46NaqRu4-00767-00506313-00507039 or from another document you can hyper you know highlight across PDF and then fns46NaqRu4-00768-00507039-00507606 copy the text paste it into notepad kind of reformat and things like that it's fns46NaqRu4-00769-00507606-00508091 it's helpful for those kind of things fns46NaqRu4-00770-00508196-00508827 anything else okay thank you Chris we have a few more questions so I'll ask fns46NaqRu4-00771-00508827-00509484 this one before because people may have to get out pretty soon so with all of fns46NaqRu4-00772-00509484-00510215 this information with accessibility can you give one or two suggestions on where fns46NaqRu4-00773-00510215-00510813 faculty and starts or improving the accessibility in their course and their fns46NaqRu4-00774-00510813-00511881 content suggestions probably making sure their syllabus is accessible run an fns46NaqRu4-00775-00511881-00512342 accessibility check on your syllabus would be maybe one of the first things I fns46NaqRu4-00776-00512342-00512928 would recommend if you're not using our Harper College syllabus it may have some fns46NaqRu4-00777-00512928-00513622 issues with accessibility if you are you've seen our Harper College syllabus fns46NaqRu4-00778-00513622-00514283 it it has been built in some of the accessibility is built in are already fns46NaqRu4-00779-00514283-00514884 but maybe just going other things would I would recommend is maybe just checking fns46NaqRu4-00780-00514884-00515979 some of the any kinds of powerpoints or PDF document that you're have set as fns46NaqRu4-00781-00515979-00516630 required content for your class like possibly running an accessibility check fns46NaqRu4-00782-00516630-00517223 on them there has been an accessibility checker in both Word and Microsoft fns46NaqRu4-00783-00517223-00518346 PowerPoint since 2010 I believe and so usually in 2010 and 2013 fns46NaqRu4-00784-00518346-00518976 you have to usually go to the file menu and it's what's called the backstage and fns46NaqRu4-00785-00518976-00519588 then check for issues check accessibility and you can it'll run the fns46NaqRu4-00786-00519588-00520179 same kind of accessibility check that I showed in the online app and then you fns46NaqRu4-00787-00520179-00520833 can repair your alt text and you know any other kinds of accessibility issues fns46NaqRu4-00788-00520833-00521325 you may have so that's that I would recommend you know if at all possible fns46NaqRu4-00789-00521325-00521669 maybe check it of those if you need help by all means fns46NaqRu4-00790-00521669-00522551 contact us and the Academy I you know we'll do our best to help with that you fns46NaqRu4-00791-00522551-00523113 know the a lot of times that's the same kind of issues that access and fns46NaqRu4-00792-00523113-00523613 Disability Services will have to address if you have an accommodation in your fns46NaqRu4-00793-00523613-00524340 class unfortunately in most cases like with textbooks sometimes access and fns46NaqRu4-00794-00524340-00524757 disability services will have to take apart a whole book and scan them and fns46NaqRu4-00795-00524757-00525429 make them accessible so just choosing the right publisher and the right cunt fns46NaqRu4-00796-00525429-00526023 you know is important you know if you're finding that several of your classes in fns46NaqRu4-00797-00526023-00526560 your curriculum are not accessible it might be time to consider a different fns46NaqRu4-00798-00526560-00527244 publisher that's providing accessible you know content because again I'll tell fns46NaqRu4-00799-00527244-00527685 you most all vendors habla sure's will tell you they're accessible all of our fns46NaqRu4-00800-00527685-00528192 contents 508 accessible when you start testing some of it you you find out fns46NaqRu4-00801-00528192-00528828 pretty quickly that that's not necessarily the case so just a thought fns46NaqRu4-00802-00528828-00529383 that mean thanks Chris you know what we're just about up with time there was fns46NaqRu4-00803-00529383-00529935 another with discussion boards but why don't you wrap up the presentation for fns46NaqRu4-00804-00529935-00530529 people who have to leave and then we can yeah we can address the discussion board fns46NaqRu4-00805-00530529-00530888 question and if anybody else has any further questions we'll stick around for fns46NaqRu4-00806-00530888-00531488 a few minutes afterwards to answer them so go ahead and we'll do Stephanie did fns46NaqRu4-00807-00531488-00531879 you want to take these last couple slides yeah you know we've had some fns46NaqRu4-00808-00531879-00532284 inquiries about events that are canceled where people are not able to get CEUs fns46NaqRu4-00809-00532284-00532632 that they were counting on so we just want to remind everyone that you can get fns46NaqRu4-00810-00532632-00533040 CEUs for these we're converting some other events that were meant to be on fns46NaqRu4-00811-00533040-00533610 campus to virtual events we will see use we have some new things in development fns46NaqRu4-00812-00533610-00534129 right now some online book discussions some more potential things potentially fns46NaqRu4-00813-00534129-00534585 related to supporting online instruction so just stay tuned some things will be fns46NaqRu4-00814-00534585-00534844 coming out but definitely make sure you fill out fns46NaqRu4-00815-00534844-00535582 form here to get your CEUs and stay tuned to the academy news and email fns46NaqRu4-00816-00535582-00535923 announcements to come out because we will be having more opportunities fns46NaqRu4-00817-00535923-00536378 posting stones so thanks so much for being here if you still have a question fns46NaqRu4-00818-00536378-00536899 if you want to go the next slide Chris we wanted to remind everybody that um fns46NaqRu4-00819-00536899-00537365 you can fill out that form see the green box at the bottom right hand corner the fns46NaqRu4-00820-00537365-00537794 online instruction support forum that way we can match your requests with fns46NaqRu4-00821-00537794-00538345 someone from our team that can best help you and then also as these webinars have fns46NaqRu4-00822-00538345-00538844 rolled out we've been adding additional videos and white papers and other fns46NaqRu4-00823-00538844-00539359 resources so see where that red box is circled the resources and supports fns46NaqRu4-00824-00539359-00539726 there's a lot of things there already existing that'll probably answer a lot fns46NaqRu4-00825-00539726-00540115 of your questions but anyway if you don't see what you need please reach out fns46NaqRu4-00826-00540115-00540488 to us and if you have ideas for things you think would support faculty please fns46NaqRu4-00827-00540488-00540955 let us know thanks everybody for being here like Janet and Chris said we will fns46NaqRu4-00828-00540955-00541292 stick around if you want to ask a few more questions but otherwise we'd like fns46NaqRu4-00829-00541292-00541711 to wrap up for people so that they can get going to their next part of their fns46NaqRu4-00830-00541711-00542165 day so again if you have more questions you can still keep typing them in the fns46NaqRu4-00831-00542165-00542713 chat area if you want to go back and review something from this webinar today fns46NaqRu4-00832-00542713-00543190 by the end of the day tomorrow it will be up along with the other webinar so fns46NaqRu4-00833-00543190-00543646 thanks everybody for being here we really appreciate it and for those of fns46NaqRu4-00834-00543646-00543946 you who had a couple more questions and want us to stick around and we're fns46NaqRu4-00835-00543946-00544234 welcome you to do that g78HTmeHeAA-00000-00000729-00001182 We are playing.. The Quest to Kill the Ender Dragon! g9gFcsTELjQ-00000-00000686-00001047 To access Collaborate log in to Moodle. g9gFcsTELjQ-00001-00001124-00001524 Go to the area of your course in which you would like the session to be accessed. g9gFcsTELjQ-00002-00001622-00002015 To create a session you will need to turn on the editing. g9gFcsTELjQ-00003-00002098-00002590 Go to “Add an activity or resource”. g9gFcsTELjQ-00004-00003060-00003574 Select Collaborate and then click on “Add”. g9gFcsTELjQ-00005-00003574-00003920 Go to “Expand all”. g9gFcsTELjQ-00006-00003920-00004317 Fill in the session information. The Title is what will be displayed to the users in Moodle. g9gFcsTELjQ-00007-00004317-00004621 Fill in the session information. The Title is what will be displayed to the users in Moodle. g9gFcsTELjQ-00008-00004622-00005126 No need to fill in the session name as this will be copied from the title. g9gFcsTELjQ-00009-00005232-00006202 Choose the start time and end time for your session. g9gFcsTELjQ-00010-00006509-00007006 It is useful to give early session entry as this allows you and others g9gFcsTELjQ-00011-00007006-00007481 to go into the meeting early and begin setting up. g9gFcsTELjQ-00012-00007481-00007859 You will see further options but unless you have a preference g9gFcsTELjQ-00013-00007860-00008090 you can leave the rest of the defaults. g9gFcsTELjQ-00014-00008262-00008774 When the session form is complete you can choose to 'Save and return to course' g9gFcsTELjQ-00015-00008774-00009268 which will save your session and bring you to where the session has been saved in your course. g9gFcsTELjQ-00016-00009310-00009906 The 'Save and display' button will take you directly to your Collaborate session screen. g9gFcsTELjQ-00017-00010354-00010800 Once the session is created your course participants will be able to access it. g9gFcsTELjQ-00018-00010932-00011364 Also, you will be able to edit the session if needed. g9gFcsTELjQ-00019-00011622-00012022 You can access the newly created session by clicking on the name. g9gFcsTELjQ-00020-00012128-00012452 Be careful here, as there are two types of links: g9gFcsTELjQ-00021-00012452-00012880 1. The guest link - email the guest link out to people you’d like to join g9gFcsTELjQ-00022-00012880-00013154 as participants who aren't in Moodle; g9gFcsTELjQ-00023-00013154-00013474 you can promote them to moderators once they are in the session. g9gFcsTELjQ-00024-00013554-00014296 2. The 'Join Session' link - this is the link all those accessing the session through Moodle should click. gqlCN9xRC74-00000-00000096-00000792 i think youtube just had a huge overhaul in design, and i don't like this the reply section is broken gqlCN9xRC74-00001-00000792-00001288 a little bit, because of the rounded corners. these little things where it's a rectangle there, and gqlCN9xRC74-00002-00001288-00001864 then assembly circle on the edges, and i don't like this design. it just has to be shaped back and, it gqlCN9xRC74-00003-00001864-00002568 only makes youtube even worse. and i am not really sure if it's on everybody, gqlCN9xRC74-00004-00002568-00003352 i think it was for youtube to look like modern standards, but no, i don't like this at all because gqlCN9xRC74-00005-00003352-00003840 there'd be less white. the game section could be moved further down, the publish date, and gqlCN9xRC74-00006-00003840-00004240 the description, they're moved in a bubble, and they have to be at the top of the video. gqlCN9xRC74-00007-00004336-00005032 and not only that, the comments well the comment box, they have to be in the bottom, gqlCN9xRC74-00008-00005224-00005904 or change the design before this because i don't like this, but anyways, we have one good thing for gqlCN9xRC74-00009-00005904-00006752 you, and that is because i could now finally add subtitles from my channel subtitles page after gqlCN9xRC74-00010-00006752-00007528 more than three weeks. since july 29th, it has finally come, although youtube app didn't change gqlCN9xRC74-00011-00007528-00008376 that much. oh, and the like or dislike buttons are a bit smaller, so they need to be moved again. gqlCN9xRC74-00012-00008464-00008832 oh, and not only that, if you're on a channel like jumbo, it can't show you the full name because of gqlCN9xRC74-00013-00008832-00009608 the joy, but you have to be in the left instead of at the right, and this will make things a lot more gqlCN9xRC74-00014-00009608-00010112 challenging to deal with. i don't like this design, but i'll still use youtube. and this gqlCN9xRC74-00015-00010112-00010744 puts me three steps closer, not one, although there have been other redesigns in the past. gqlCN9xRC74-00016-00010928-00011712 but why this. like, seriously, youtube, why would you change it to a design that i don't like. gqlCN9xRC74-00017-00011968-00012696 so i think this will be changed back, but i'm not sure when that will happen. grrIQtLQ4j4-00000-00000000-00000200 There's no audio. Enjoy! gxe9DuFMOuk-00000-00000012-00000636 as the cinema begins we meet Sam a young woman she was at home with her older sister while Sam gxe9DuFMOuk-00001-00000636-00001236 is at work her older sister pays her a visit she says I couldn't sleep and I don't feel drowsy gxe9DuFMOuk-00002-00001236-00001764 my bed is filled with odd Whispers Sam goes to her room to peek beneath her bed when she hears gxe9DuFMOuk-00003-00001764-00002160 it but there is nothing there Sam assures her that nothing is hidden beneath her bed gxe9DuFMOuk-00004-00002226-00002826 as a result go to bed peacefully she falls asleep after putting her to sleep while Sam was sleeping gxe9DuFMOuk-00005-00002826-00003318 someone knocked on their door Sam wakes up a lady was Outdoors when she opened the door gxe9DuFMOuk-00006-00003318-00003900 she was pleading with her to assist her my car is wrecked and my phone is dead according to the lady gxe9DuFMOuk-00007-00003965-00004536 is it possible for me to call you on your phone Sam requests that you leave right away she gxe9DuFMOuk-00008-00004536-00005052 wasn't feeling well and was experiencing some difficulties Sam's older sister also makes an gxe9DuFMOuk-00009-00005052-00005514 appearance she claims that she has now heard someone's voice a man sits in their residence gxe9DuFMOuk-00010-00005514-00006168 which Sam notices she is terrified when she sees it and hides with her sister in a room in truth gxe9DuFMOuk-00011-00006168-00006738 the lady and the man were a couple a homicidal couple people are kidnapped and murdered by them gxe9DuFMOuk-00012-00006738-00007230 they've arrived to take those sisters Denise was the lady's name and Denise's husband is gxe9DuFMOuk-00013-00007230-00007836 looking for them in their room those sisters were tucked away under the bed Denise's husband on the gxe9DuFMOuk-00014-00007836-00008406 other hand comes discovers them and kidnaps them Sam wakes up in the trunk of her car they were gxe9DuFMOuk-00015-00008406-00008904 kidnapped and taken somewhere by that murderous duel Sam discovers a rod and frees herself from gxe9DuFMOuk-00016-00008904-00009474 it she slams into the rod on that car's Tire which causes the tire to burst in the car to gxe9DuFMOuk-00017-00009474-00010080 come to a halt Sam strikes Denise's husband when he unlocks the car Boot and flees Denise is asked gxe9DuFMOuk-00018-00010080-00010662 to accompany her by the man Denise begins pursuing her when Denise arrives Sam hides behind a tree gxe9DuFMOuk-00019-00010728-00011256 Sam smacks her in the head with a rod Denise stabs her with a knife after she injures her head gxe9DuFMOuk-00020-00011256-00011838 her stomach is stabbed by the knife sand flees the scene her wound bleeding profusely in the gxe9DuFMOuk-00021-00011838-00012354 meantime she finds Denise's husband standing in front of her she is afraid of him and flees when gxe9DuFMOuk-00022-00012354-00013013 she sees him Denise's husband tries to apprehend her but is unsuccessful while sprinting Sam falls gxe9DuFMOuk-00023-00013013-00013536 into a ditch she becomes more and more hurt she manages to get out of the rut and move forward gxe9DuFMOuk-00024-00013536-00014106 meanwhile she observes that she's heading back to the spot where she hit Denise she had no idea what gxe9DuFMOuk-00025-00014106-00014741 was going on even so she keeps moving forward she comes to a road with a board and continues gxe9DuFMOuk-00026-00014741-00015341 walking she discovers that she can get assistance from people in the area as Sam advances he finds gxe9DuFMOuk-00027-00015341-00015912 a house she knocked on the door but received no response when Sam notices it he enters the house gxe9DuFMOuk-00028-00015912-00016554 and begins searching for the medications a house door on the other hand closes automatically Sam gxe9DuFMOuk-00029-00016554-00017046 ignores it believing that the wind may have caused it to close the residents of the House appear out gxe9DuFMOuk-00030-00017046-00017640 of nowhere when Sam sees who that family is she realizes who they are Denise and her husband are gxe9DuFMOuk-00031-00017640-00018048 the ones in question it meant she was fleeing from the person with whom she was currently gxe9DuFMOuk-00032-00018048-00018630 staying in their home as he watches all of this Sam becomes afraid she hurries into the bathroom gxe9DuFMOuk-00033-00018630-00019302 the duo begins to converse and Denise's husband grows enraged after warning Denise he departs gxe9DuFMOuk-00034-00019302-00019758 Denise's hubby was standing somewhere while Sam makes his way to the storeroom and hides gxe9DuFMOuk-00035-00019818-00020412 the wall had a hole in it because of it Sam could see everything meanwhile a man who was once their gxe9DuFMOuk-00036-00020412-00020970 buddy arrives Sam was going through the inventory in the storeroom she discovers a plethora of IDs gxe9DuFMOuk-00037-00020970-00021564 and personal items belonging to a variety of females when Sam sees it he knows the pair has gxe9DuFMOuk-00038-00021564-00022068 a history of murdering young women Sam finds a needle and sews her wound with it at night gxe9DuFMOuk-00039-00022068-00022662 they drink a lot of alcohol when it's done their companion goes to get some beer then he sees Sam's gxe9DuFMOuk-00040-00022662-00023178 eyes through the hole Sam becomes concerned and alerts them about something he has seen in the gxe9DuFMOuk-00041-00023178-00023706 storeroom Denise's spouse isn't convinced he believes he is inebriated which is why he is gxe9DuFMOuk-00042-00023706-00024324 saying this in a joking manner their pal remarks I know your secret Denise's husband believes he gxe9DuFMOuk-00043-00024324-00024834 was aware that we killed girls after apprehending them their belongings are kept in the storage room gxe9DuFMOuk-00044-00024834-00025482 what secret do you have about me ask to Denise's husband his pal tells him leave it I was only gxe9DuFMOuk-00045-00025482-00026142 joking this time Denise's spouse does not believe in him he kills himself by striking his skull with gxe9DuFMOuk-00046-00026142-00026772 a rod Denise is enraged by this Behavior Samus also terrified as she watches everything unfold gxe9DuFMOuk-00047-00026772-00027264 in front of her meanwhile Denise's husband begins chainsaw chopping his friend's body gxe9DuFMOuk-00048-00027264-00027852 when Sam hears chainsaw's voice she closes her eyes after slicing his body into several gxe9DuFMOuk-00049-00027852-00028422 pieces Denise's husband loads it into his car and drives away Sam tries to open the storeroom's door gxe9DuFMOuk-00050-00028482-00029052 however the foam was locked and Sam could hear the ringing she calls the cops but she doesn't gxe9DuFMOuk-00051-00029052-00029472 know where to send them because she doesn't know the address the most concerning aspect gxe9DuFMOuk-00052-00029472-00030006 is that the phone dies the connection is lost Denise's husband had left her alone at home while gxe9DuFMOuk-00053-00030006-00030486 he went to dispose of the body Sam notices her older sister attempting to flee Denise gxe9DuFMOuk-00054-00030545-00031139 when Sam's sister notices her she tells her to yell and open the door the door was locked as gxe9DuFMOuk-00055-00031139-00031716 I previously stated Denise seizes her sister and stabs her to death Sam witnesses her older gxe9DuFMOuk-00056-00031716-00032195 sister's death and is powerless to intervene because the door was locked I had to come up gxe9DuFMOuk-00057-00032195-00032790 with a way to save her Sam loses her bravery and passes out that house is suddenly invaded by a gxe9DuFMOuk-00058-00032790-00033312 demonic force it makes an attempt to frighten Denise Denise is uncomfortable and tries to gxe9DuFMOuk-00059-00033312-00033888 leave meanwhile she is possessed by the Demonic power Denise's husband returns home to find his gxe9DuFMOuk-00060-00033888-00034476 wife standing somewhere what are you doing he asked Denise when he sees it are you all right gxe9DuFMOuk-00061-00034476-00035130 when Denise turns around he notices her eyes are bloodshot she also flashed a creepy grit meanwhile gxe9DuFMOuk-00062-00035130-00035694 she uses a knife to sever her neck she passes away Denise's husband is taken aback when he sees this gxe9DuFMOuk-00063-00035754-00036264 in the meantime he hears a demonic voice from the storeroom he goes there to see what's going gxe9DuFMOuk-00064-00036264-00036840 on the Demonic power screams as he opens the door he is terrified as a result of it after gxe9DuFMOuk-00065-00036840-00037404 that he considers smashing the door open with an ax when he makes an attempt to do so the Demonic gxe9DuFMOuk-00066-00037404-00037950 power knocks him out he sustains an injury there were many souls in front of him when he stood up gxe9DuFMOuk-00067-00037950-00038430 these were the souls of the young women he had murdered those Souls will now seek Vengeance on gxe9DuFMOuk-00068-00038430-00038952 him for what he has done to them Sam wakes up and notices a soul Sam emerges after that Soul gxe9DuFMOuk-00069-00038952-00039492 opens the door she notices her older sister's body on the ground she was brutally murdered gxe9DuFMOuk-00070-00039558-00040122 Sam begins to cry when she sees this and a soul appears in front of her Sam is touched by the soul gxe9DuFMOuk-00071-00040122-00040662 who tells her that she died in the storeroom your soul has now been revealed don't worry about your gxe9DuFMOuk-00072-00040662-00041238 sister she's in good hands with her mother they were in a different world the police arrived the gxe9DuFMOuk-00073-00041238-00041790 next morning and removed the bodies Samus startled awake her eyes were the color of blood her soul gxe9DuFMOuk-00074-00041790-00042348 has actually entered her body she's now going to murder everyone those who kidnap or kidnap girls gxe9DuFMOuk-00075-00042348-00042948 and then murder them the film ends here thank you for watching at the beginning of the cinema gxe9DuFMOuk-00076-00042948-00043476 a young Michael is seen visiting an old house with his parents Michael's mother was expecting gxe9DuFMOuk-00077-00043476-00043956 a kid and Michael's parents were pleased with the prospect of their child's coming as a result g-gqhVvyZUo-00000-00000114-00000265 Hello everybody! g-gqhVvyZUo-00001-00000265-00001215 In today’s video, I’ll show you what to do if sound disappears after updating or installing g-gqhVvyZUo-00003-00004923-00005358 If you encounter such a problem as absence of sound after updating your operating system g-gqhVvyZUo-00004-00005358-00005914 to Windows 10, there are several solutions to deal with the problem. g-gqhVvyZUo-00005-00005914-00006333 Before you use these methods, try starting automatic sound troubleshooting. g-gqhVvyZUo-00006-00006333-00006755 To do it, right-click on the speaker symbol in the system tray and select “Troubleshoot g-gqhVvyZUo-00007-00006755-00006892 sound problems.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00008-00006892-00007144 The system will start searching for problems. g-gqhVvyZUo-00009-00007144-00007578 Choose the device that stopped working and after the diagnostics you will see the description g-gqhVvyZUo-00010-00007578-00008128 of the problem and if it was possible to fix it. g-gqhVvyZUo-00011-00008128-00008707 If this method didn’t help you, try another one. g-gqhVvyZUo-00012-00008707-00009209 If you have just updated the operating system and the sound was gone at once, open “Device g-gqhVvyZUo-00013-00009209-00010074 Manager” by right-clicking on the “Start” button and selecting it from the list. g-gqhVvyZUo-00014-00010074-00010667 In the window that opens, find “Audio inputs and outputs” and open it. g-gqhVvyZUo-00015-00010667-00011175 If there are no warning signs like an exclamatory mark, select your sound device, right-click g-gqhVvyZUo-00016-00011175-00011352 on it and open Properties. g-gqhVvyZUo-00017-00011352-00011836 In the Driver tab, click on “Roll Back Driver.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00018-00011836-00012246 This will set the drivers back to the previous condition, and if the sound was gone after g-gqhVvyZUo-00019-00012246-00012627 a driver update, now it should be back again. g-gqhVvyZUo-00020-00012627-00013051 The most widespread sound issue is when the speaker icon in the system tray is shown as g-gqhVvyZUo-00021-00013051-00013545 normal, the Device Manager for the sound card says “This device is working properly,” g-gqhVvyZUo-00022-00013545-00014804 and the driver needs no updates. g-gqhVvyZUo-00023-00014804-00016467 In most cases the sound card is shown as a “High Definition Audio device” and this g-gqhVvyZUo-00024-00016467-00016768 is a true sign that it’s missing proper drivers. g-gqhVvyZUo-00025-00016768-00017412 Often, this problem affects such sound chips as Conexant SmartAudio HD, Realtek Audio, g-gqhVvyZUo-00026-00017412-00017527 VIA HD Audio. g-gqhVvyZUo-00027-00017527-00017968 In this case, to fix the problem you should get to know the version of the operating system g-gqhVvyZUo-00028-00017968-00018385 and the model of your computer or motherboard. g-gqhVvyZUo-00029-00018385-00018880 You can watch one of our videos to see how to learn all the information about your computer; g-gqhVvyZUo-00030-00018880-00019062 find the link in the description. g-gqhVvyZUo-00031-00019062-00019873 To do it, open the “Run” window with the key shortcut Win+R and enter “msinfo32”; g-gqhVvyZUo-00032-00019873-00020380 in this window, you will see the operating system version and bitness, as well as your g-gqhVvyZUo-00033-00020380-00021234 computer model. g-gqhVvyZUo-00034-00021234-00021635 After that, search the Internet for your computer model name or motherboard name. g-gqhVvyZUo-00035-00021635-00022103 In the support section of the manufacturer’s website find drivers for this model, select g-gqhVvyZUo-00036-00022103-00022831 the audio drivers and download them. g-gqhVvyZUo-00037-00022831-00023618 If you are using Windows 10, and there are drivers for Windows 8 and 7 only, don’t g-gqhVvyZUo-00038-00023618-00024068 worry: the most important thing is to download drivers with the same bitness as your system g-gqhVvyZUo-00039-00024068-00024685 has. g-gqhVvyZUo-00040-00024685-00025224 Download the required driver, open the downloaded file and start the installation; when it’s g-gqhVvyZUo-00041-00025224-00025537 over, restart the computer. g-gqhVvyZUo-00042-00025537-00026422 Then open the Device Manager again and check it for changes in the corresponding sections. g-gqhVvyZUo-00043-00026422-00026929 This method will also work if you see an exclamatory mark next to one of the devices - it means g-gqhVvyZUo-00044-00026929-00027333 the device has not been recognized and doesn’t work properly. g-gqhVvyZUo-00045-00027333-00028506 Try uninstalling it by right-clicking on it and then scan the system for hardware changes; g-gqhVvyZUo-00046-00028506-00028980 if the warning symbol is still present, you will have to download the driver and install g-gqhVvyZUo-00047-00028980-00029214 it on your own. g-gqhVvyZUo-00048-00029214-00029658 You can also try updating the device drivers from the menu by right-clicking on the device g-gqhVvyZUo-00049-00029658-00029891 and selecting “Update Driver Software.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00050-00029891-00030408 If there is still no sound, right-click on the speaker icon, select “Sounds” and g-gqhVvyZUo-00051-00030408-00030581 make sure the device is enabled. g-gqhVvyZUo-00052-00030581-00031006 If you don’t see your sound device in the “Playback” tab, check the boxes next to g-gqhVvyZUo-00053-00031006-00032111 “Show disabled devices” and “Show disconnected devices” and check the list again. g-gqhVvyZUo-00054-00032111-00032588 In the tab “Communications” make sure that all sounds are not muted, and go to the g-gqhVvyZUo-00055-00032588-00033003 tab “Sounds” to check the sound theme and make sure you haven’t selected the one g-gqhVvyZUo-00056-00033003-00033300 called “No sounds.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00057-00033300-00033556 After all these steps, the sound should reappear. g-gqhVvyZUo-00058-00033556-00034009 If sound becomes quieter, for example, when you make a Skype call, it’s because of the g-gqhVvyZUo-00059-00034009-00034472 settings; to fix this issue, select “Do nothing” in the “Communications” tab. g-gqhVvyZUo-00060-00034472-00034922 In our channel, there is a video about fixing problems with the microphone, and it may also g-gqhVvyZUo-00061-00034922-00035022 be useful. g-gqhVvyZUo-00062-00035022-00035205 Windows Audio service g-gqhVvyZUo-00063-00035205-00035721 Another cause to make sound disappear is audio service issues, or this service can be just g-gqhVvyZUo-00064-00035721-00035821 disabled. g-gqhVvyZUo-00065-00035821-00036384 It often happens in official builds optimized for maximum performance, and if you downloaded g-gqhVvyZUo-00066-00036384-00036744 and installed such a build, it’s the first thing to check. g-gqhVvyZUo-00067-00036744-00037224 In Windows, there is a special service “Windows Audio.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00068-00037224-00037481 To see its status, open this list of services. g-gqhVvyZUo-00069-00037481-00038121 To do it, use the search function or perform the command “services.msc.” g-gqhVvyZUo-00070-00038121-00038586 On the list, find “Windows Audio” and check its status and startup type. g-gqhVvyZUo-00071-00038586-00039038 By default, its status should be “Running”, and startup type - “Automatic”. g-gqhVvyZUo-00072-00039038-00039403 If they are different, open them and set the default values. g-gqhVvyZUo-00073-00039403-00039695 You should restart the computer after that. g-gqhVvyZUo-00074-00039695-00039906 Changes in the BIOS settings. g-gqhVvyZUo-00075-00039906-00040403 To start installation of Windows from a bootable USB drive, you should change the BIOS settings, g-gqhVvyZUo-00076-00040403-00040747 and many users may also change other settings accidentally. g-gqhVvyZUo-00077-00040747-00041299 So if you did change the BIOS settings, make sure you haven’t disabled sound devices g-gqhVvyZUo-00078-00041299-00041465 by mistake. g-gqhVvyZUo-00079-00041465-00041888 You need to find “Advanced” section and look for an item with the name like “HD g-gqhVvyZUo-00080-00041888-00042396 Audio” and then change its setting to “Enabled” if it’s different. g-gqhVvyZUo-00081-00042396-00042741 If you haven’t found anything like that, you can try resetting BIOS. g-gqhVvyZUo-00082-00042741-00043185 To do it, take out the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes, and then place it back. g-gqhVvyZUo-00083-00043185-00043486 That is all for now. g-gqhVvyZUo-00084-00043486-00043903 Leave a comment to let us know which method helped you solve the problem and what difficulties g-gqhVvyZUo-00085-00043903-00044065 you encountered in the process. g-gqhVvyZUo-00086-00044065-00044344 Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. g-gqhVvyZUo-00087-00044344-00044475 Leave comments to ask questions. g-gqhVvyZUo-00088-00044475-00044602 Thank you for watching. g-gqhVvyZUo-00089-00044602-00044665 Good luck. g_BqMDOiyRA-00000-00000192-00000842 Welcome the purpose of [this] tutorial is to walk you through how to do a search in antpac g_BqMDOiyRA-00001-00000876-00001190 or the anteater public access catalog g_BqMDOiyRA-00002-00001288-00001583 So I am on the UCI library's homepage g_BqMDOiyRA-00003-00001602-00002213 and I'm going to scroll over here to this box in the middle that says books articles and more and g_BqMDOiyRA-00004-00002257-00002380 click on antpac g_BqMDOiyRA-00005-00002380-00003075 And this is everything [that] UCI owns these are books videos government documents g_BqMDOiyRA-00006-00003246-00003509 listings for bound periodicals g_BqMDOiyRA-00007-00003700-00003923 just a wealth of information here and g_BqMDOiyRA-00008-00004021-00004284 similar to the Academic Search complete g_BqMDOiyRA-00009-00004357-00004482 interface g_BqMDOiyRA-00010-00004482-00005093 And looking for articles you can use a lot of these same search techniques here, so first, we're going to go over g_BqMDOiyRA-00011-00005194-00005634 Using our topic from before of school to Prison Pipeline. I'm g_BqMDOiyRA-00012-00005716-00006434 Going to first search for a phrase. I want an exact phrase school to prison pipeline, so I go over to g_BqMDOiyRA-00013-00006553-00006753 just this Keyword Tab g_BqMDOiyRA-00014-00006775-00007136 And I could type in school to prison g_BqMDOiyRA-00015-00007417-00007594 Pipeline and g_BqMDOiyRA-00016-00007594-00008244 As you can see I've put that in quotes. So what the catalog is going to do is it's going to look for that phrase g_BqMDOiyRA-00017-00008323-00008708 [altogether] just [as] I've typed it and then I go over here and click search g_BqMDOiyRA-00018-00008986-00009261 My search results come up. We have 14 results g_BqMDOiyRA-00019-00009319-00009780 Right now everything is Sorted by date if you wanted to g_BqMDOiyRA-00020-00009835-00010058 You could Sort by a g_BqMDOiyRA-00021-00010171-00010371 Relevancy or another option g_BqMDOiyRA-00022-00010420-00010594 and g_BqMDOiyRA-00023-00010594-00011147 You're seeing all of the books that have this exact phrase school to prison pipeline g_BqMDOiyRA-00024-00011296-00011496 somewhere in the g_BqMDOiyRA-00025-00011584-00011719 item record g_BqMDOiyRA-00026-00011719-00012131 So I'm going to show you a couple of things. We're just going to take a look at this g_BqMDOiyRA-00027-00012280-00013002 First item record this is transforming the school to prison pipeline lessons from the classroom. So I've opened this record and g_BqMDOiyRA-00028-00013060-00013619 you can see that my search term school-to-Prison pipeline has appeared in the title and g_BqMDOiyRA-00029-00013713-00014039 They have we have a print version of this down here, so before g_BqMDOiyRA-00030-00014113-00014382 We go take a look at the print version I g_BqMDOiyRA-00031-00014454-00015065 Want to talk a little bit about the item record you're seeing here so all the item records are going to look pretty similar g_BqMDOiyRA-00032-00015138-00015338 information on the Book and g_BqMDOiyRA-00033-00015394-00015657 then you'll see this box underneath and g_BqMDOiyRA-00034-00015801-00016001 There's a call number g_BqMDOiyRA-00035-00016006-00016197 for this book g_BqMDOiyRA-00036-00016197-00016494 Call number is the books address in the library g_BqMDOiyRA-00037-00016551-00016994 so the first part of a library of congress call number is g_BqMDOiyRA-00038-00017056-00017570 related to the subject area so LC is related to education and g_BqMDOiyRA-00039-00017635-00017945 Then you read this first number as a whole number so LC g_BqMDOiyRA-00040-00018061-00018674 4802 if you were going to go look for this book on the shelf. That's the first bit of information, you would need um g_BqMDOiyRA-00041-00018823-00019023 But this book g_BqMDOiyRA-00042-00019056-00019302 Isn't on the shelf its location says internet g_BqMDOiyRA-00043-00019354-00019516 Which is wonderful? g_BqMDOiyRA-00044-00019516-00020024 So this is an e-book so you don't even have to come into the library to look at this book g_BqMDOiyRA-00045-00020070-00020333 We do however still put a call number on it g_BqMDOiyRA-00046-00020413-00021020 Because the way call numbers work in the library is all of the books that are like our shelf together g_BqMDOiyRA-00047-00021118-00021726 Right, so if I wanted more books like this book I could go up to the shelf and go to the LC g_BqMDOiyRA-00048-00021801-00022352 4800 and twos and find other very similar books right next to where this book would be on the shelf g_BqMDOiyRA-00049-00022438-00022570 so g_BqMDOiyRA-00050-00022570-00022826 first things first we're going [to] g_BqMDOiyRA-00051-00022954-00023448 Take a look at this book. I want access to this online book so I'm going to click on this g_BqMDOiyRA-00052-00023542-00023825 link in the Blue Connect two blocks and g_BqMDOiyRA-00053-00023926-00024245 this is going to open up a new tab for me and g_BqMDOiyRA-00054-00024328-00024514 we get g_BqMDOiyRA-00055-00024514-00025067 ebooks from Several different vendors and each vendors page is going to look a little bit different and g_BqMDOiyRA-00056-00025090-00025460 This one happens to be from Springer a nice thing about Springer is g_BqMDOiyRA-00057-00025545-00025722 You can download g_BqMDOiyRA-00058-00025722-00025922 sections of the book right so g_BqMDOiyRA-00059-00026125-00026603 Please always feel free to read the entire book if you want to you do not have to g_BqMDOiyRA-00060-00026683-00027282 Okay, so this is how you read a book for research. Take a look at the g_BqMDOiyRA-00061-00027385-00027535 introduction g_BqMDOiyRA-00062-00027535-00027953 Take a look at Chapters that are specific to your topic g_BqMDOiyRA-00063-00028024-00028472 you know sort of skim through things you don't have to read the entire thing, so if I wanted to just g_BqMDOiyRA-00064-00028600-00029092 Have the chapter School-to-Prison Pipeline I can go here g_BqMDOiyRA-00065-00029200-00029321 and download g_BqMDOiyRA-00066-00029321-00030094 just that chapter, and then I'll be [able] to save this read it offline if I don't particularly like ebooks and g_BqMDOiyRA-00067-00030249-00030508 Use this information in my paper g_BqMDOiyRA-00068-00030578-00030787 So that's how you get part of a book g_BqMDOiyRA-00069-00030875-00031028 for a g_BqMDOiyRA-00070-00031028-00031228 Class I'm going to go back right here g_BqMDOiyRA-00071-00031289-00031816 Okay, great. So that is how you get an e-book at UCI libraries you find? g_BqMDOiyRA-00072-00031905-00032533 What you're interested in in the catalog because it's still a book you still have access to it g_BqMDOiyRA-00073-00032574-00032774 So we're going to go back [to] the catalog g_BqMDOiyRA-00074-00033030-00033535 Okay, so I have found my book and I downloaded that, but I want to look at the other things in my list g_BqMDOiyRA-00075-00033575-00034129 So to get back to my results. I'm going to go up to this return to list button up here and g_BqMDOiyRA-00076-00034221-00034421 It's going to take me back to my search g_BqMDOiyRA-00077-00034538-00034909 So I want to show you a book that is g_BqMDOiyRA-00078-00034980-00035180 available in the libraries g_BqMDOiyRA-00079-00035189-00035389 so let's go over to g_BqMDOiyRA-00080-00035540-00035944 let's start with number three from education to incarceration and g_BqMDOiyRA-00081-00036119-00036649 again this phrase school to prison pipeline showed up in the title and g_BqMDOiyRA-00082-00036995-00037246 This is a slightly more complete record g_BqMDOiyRA-00083-00037246-00037675 It has a summary of the book shows up in the summary a couple of times g_BqMDOiyRA-00084-00037721-00038101 we also also have access to all of the g_BqMDOiyRA-00085-00038174-00038374 Chapter titles, which is wonderful g_BqMDOiyRA-00086-00038456-00038656 So okay g_BqMDOiyRA-00087-00038669-00039223 Now if [I] want to find this book in the library's I'm going to need three things the first is the call number g_BqMDOiyRA-00088-00039236-00039715 So here's the call number again books address in the library the first section g_BqMDOiyRA-00089-00039800-00040266 refers to the subject area and you read this as a whole number, so LB g_BqMDOiyRA-00090-00040502-00040702 3012 Point two g_BqMDOiyRA-00091-00040721-00041410 the second part of the call number refers to the Editor or the author and g_BqMDOiyRA-00092-00041459-00041659 You read this one as a decimal g_BqMDOiyRA-00093-00041705-00041905 Okay, so f g_BqMDOiyRA-00094-00041947-00042101 76 g_BqMDOiyRA-00095-00042101-00042591 Might be after f 75 it might also be after F7 g_BqMDOiyRA-00096-00042659-00042960 right because f 7 is really f 70 and g_BqMDOiyRA-00097-00043040-00043240 so you may see g_BqMDOiyRA-00098-00043346-00043546 F7F g_BqMDOiyRA-00099-00043666-00044316 759 F 76 so just know that when you go up and the last part is the publication year g_BqMDOiyRA-00100-00044351-00044562 The next thing you will need to know is g_BqMDOiyRA-00101-00044657-00044857 the status g_BqMDOiyRA-00102-00044879-00045216 will this book be on the [shelf] when I go to could go to get it and g_BqMDOiyRA-00103-00045284-00045792 In this case no the book will not be on the shelf because it's checked out g_BqMDOiyRA-00104-00045847-00046065 You can go look for the book it will not be there g_BqMDOiyRA-00105-00046172-00046516 What you can do if a book says? g_BqMDOiyRA-00106-00046580-00046653 checked out g_BqMDOiyRA-00107-00046653-00047298 And do on a different date is you can place something called a recall and to do that you go up to this button here? g_BqMDOiyRA-00108-00047450-00047939 Click on this button you'll log in with your UCI net Id g_BqMDOiyRA-00109-00048093-00048293 Just show you how that looks? g_BqMDOiyRA-00110-00048886-00049109 you log in with your UCI net Id and g_BqMDOiyRA-00111-00049423-00049925 It selects the item record and if you click request selected item it will g_BqMDOiyRA-00112-00050164-00050577 Send an automated email to the person who has the book saying hey g_BqMDOiyRA-00113-00050650-00051174 Somebody else wants [to] use it please bring this back. They'll get about two weeks, or g_BqMDOiyRA-00114-00051297-00051551 Have a set due date. Whatever's earlier and g_BqMDOiyRA-00115-00051637-00052298 The book will be brought back and you can put it on and it will be held for you at the checkout desk g_BqMDOiyRA-00116-00052303-00052572 So that's how that would work. That's how a recall works g_BqMDOiyRA-00117-00052651-00052851 the next thing we're going to look at g_BqMDOiyRA-00118-00053434-00053634 Go back to my search g_BqMDOiyRA-00119-00054163-00054434 How you would find a book that is actually in the library g_BqMDOiyRA-00120-00054529-00055202 So we have looked at an e-book. We have looked at a book that has been checked out now g_BqMDOiyRA-00121-00055203-00055419 Let's take a look at a book that g_BqMDOiyRA-00122-00055491-00055782 Should be available in the library so let's click on number four g_BqMDOiyRA-00123-00056147-00056347 and g_BqMDOiyRA-00124-00056411-00056582 This book is g_BqMDOiyRA-00125-00056582-00057010 Available in the library, how do I know that it says not checked out I? g_BqMDOiyRA-00126-00057092-00057292 have my call number and g_BqMDOiyRA-00127-00057386-00057985 So now I need to go and look at this last box. Which is location this book is located in Langson library g_BqMDOiyRA-00128-00058040-00058354 Very important that you know which library your book is in g_BqMDOiyRA-00129-00058463-00058870 UCI has four major libraries on Campus and g_BqMDOiyRA-00130-00058937-00059200 You don't want to have to run between different libraries g_BqMDOiyRA-00131-00059252-00059743 Because you've forgotten. What book your library's in. I've done that. I don't recommend it g_BqMDOiyRA-00132-00059816-00060610 so if I want to locate this book in our libraries I go and I click on the location and g_BqMDOiyRA-00133-00060704-00060925 a new window will open with g_BqMDOiyRA-00134-00061031-00061285 a list of our call number locations g_BqMDOiyRA-00135-00061463-00061888 So guide to call numbers and subject locations. I'm going to scroll down I g_BqMDOiyRA-00136-00062022-00062332 Can see that all [of] the L's are on the third floor? g_BqMDOiyRA-00137-00062447-00062647 click on this and g_BqMDOiyRA-00138-00062651-00062851 a floor map will open g_BqMDOiyRA-00139-00063042-00063242 and g_BqMDOiyRA-00140-00063320-00063520 these elevators on the g_BqMDOiyRA-00141-00063863-00064317 left are the ones near the checkout desk as you come in to the g_BqMDOiyRA-00142-00064397-00064755 Library so you come into the Langson Library on the second floor g_BqMDOiyRA-00143-00064814-00065454 These elevators are the ones by the checkout desk and then the LC's are just right in this area right here g_BqMDOiyRA-00144-00065525-00066226 so that's how you'd find a book in the library you so I've returned to my results list and g_BqMDOiyRA-00145-00066347-00066649 These books are all great, but there are only 14 of them g_BqMDOiyRA-00146-00066649-00067126 And I want to make sure that I'm getting all the information out there, so I have some options g_BqMDOiyRA-00147-00067195-00067533 so what I'm going to do is instead of doing a g_BqMDOiyRA-00148-00067595-00068166 Search for a phrase. I'm going to construct a search using different key terms g_BqMDOiyRA-00149-00068167-00068833 And I'm going to string those together and see if I can get a few more results, so to do that g_BqMDOiyRA-00150-00068833-00069546 I'm going to start over and I'm going to do a different type of search so I'm going to go to the advanced search you g_BqMDOiyRA-00151-00069581-00069719 can g_BqMDOiyRA-00152-00069719-00070092 Do this all in the one keyword box if you want I? g_BqMDOiyRA-00153-00070160-00070582 Just think for demonstration purposes the advanced search is a lot easier g_BqMDOiyRA-00154-00070751-00071247 So what I'm going to look for is I'm going to look for anything that mentions school g_BqMDOiyRA-00155-00071444-00071644 Anything that mentions? g_BqMDOiyRA-00156-00071704-00071904 prison and g_BqMDOiyRA-00157-00071952-00072158 Anything that has that mentions? g_BqMDOiyRA-00158-00072387-00072555 Racist Behavior g_BqMDOiyRA-00159-00072555-00072803 Racism Racial inequality on g_BqMDOiyRA-00160-00072868-00073130 This truncation method we used in academic search complete g_BqMDOiyRA-00161-00073155-00073880 it's the same basic idea so I'm going to type in Raci and then this asterisk here and g_BqMDOiyRA-00162-00073972-00074750 It's going to search for all of those and then include the different endings anything else can be wild card g_BqMDOiyRA-00163-00074820-00075065 So I want to look for all of those right now g_BqMDOiyRA-00164-00075201-00075977 Another cool thing about the advanced keyword if you're using the search as you can limit things to different types of information g_BqMDOiyRA-00165-00076186-00076302 so g_BqMDOiyRA-00166-00076302-00076679 There's a language limiter if you're finding a lot of things that aren't in English g_BqMDOiyRA-00167-00076735-00077231 Or if you're looking for books in a different language you can set it to that language g_BqMDOiyRA-00168-00077362-00077514 if g_BqMDOiyRA-00169-00077514-00077858 You want to look for just electronic books? g_BqMDOiyRA-00170-00077935-00078112 you can g_BqMDOiyRA-00171-00078112-00078779 Use this select collection and just use the online or internet resources if you're off campus, and you don't want to g_BqMDOiyRA-00172-00078847-00079038 Come into the libraries g_BqMDOiyRA-00173-00079038-00079673 so there are lots of options available for you, so we're now going to do our search here, and g_BqMDOiyRA-00174-00079966-00080505 Let's see what comes up and again. This is a keyword search. It's going to look anywhere in the item record g_BqMDOiyRA-00175-00080568-00080768 for this information and g_BqMDOiyRA-00176-00080797-00080997 It found 21 results g_BqMDOiyRA-00177-00081051-00081187 so g_BqMDOiyRA-00178-00081187-00081545 that's seven more than what I was finding before and g_BqMDOiyRA-00179-00081610-00082031 While some of the books are the same this is Obama administration book g_BqMDOiyRA-00180-00082119-00082394 showed up in my last search results some of them are new g_BqMDOiyRA-00181-00082494-00082778 so let's go ahead and take a look at the first one and g_BqMDOiyRA-00182-00083080-00083424 this is another ebook so wonderful and g_BqMDOiyRA-00183-00083538-00083948 I'm looking for the book for the keywords to show up in g_BqMDOiyRA-00184-00084073-00084377 Red so it found racial g_BqMDOiyRA-00185-00084477-00084669 school and g_BqMDOiyRA-00186-00084669-00085115 Prison and this is nice. It has a good summary of the book I g_BqMDOiyRA-00187-00085198-00085398 Can go take a look at it right away? g_BqMDOiyRA-00188-00085449-00085979 So that's one [way] that you can expand your search is you can look at different ways g_BqMDOiyRA-00189-00086076-00086318 Of constructing what you're searching for g_BqMDOiyRA-00190-00086406-00087143 The other thing you can do is you can mine these records for other key terms, maybe education g_BqMDOiyRA-00191-00087304-00088068 Which is being used a [lot] would be a better choice for a search rather than school right or we can g_BqMDOiyRA-00192-00088170-00088574 Do education or school and it would catch everything that mentions g_BqMDOiyRA-00193-00088648-00089288 Education for school we can also see I'm going to go back to my list and see if there's anything else interesting g_BqMDOiyRA-00194-00090213-00090413 re-segregation of schools g_BqMDOiyRA-00195-00090492-00090684 this is nice because g_BqMDOiyRA-00196-00090684-00091103 It gives us this nice subject heading here for racism in education g_BqMDOiyRA-00197-00091155-00091390 So maybe that's something I want to pursue g_BqMDOiyRA-00198-00091449-00091912 What's nice about an online catalog is the subject heading is? g_BqMDOiyRA-00199-00091968-00092168 Hyperlinked, so if I click on it g_BqMDOiyRA-00200-00092457-00092657 Racism and education g_BqMDOiyRA-00201-00092667-00092938 Should have 12 books with that subject heading g_BqMDOiyRA-00202-00093033-00093266 if you're looking for racism in g_BqMDOiyRA-00203-00093315-00093856 Education in a specific state and the book has [been] marked that way it will be g_BqMDOiyRA-00204-00093942-00094137 It will appear after g_BqMDOiyRA-00205-00094137-00094552 the subject inning so if you were interested in Racism and education in Georgia in g_BqMDOiyRA-00206-00094608-00095156 New York in South Africa, these are all subheadings of this one g_BqMDOiyRA-00207-00095157-00095465 So these will show up if we click this one g_BqMDOiyRA-00208-00095553-00095742 note g_BqMDOiyRA-00209-00095742-00096250 That racism and higher education is a different subject heading g_BqMDOiyRA-00210-00096312-00096423 so g_BqMDOiyRA-00211-00096423-00096895 Even though we click the link and we looked at racism in education as a subject heading g_BqMDOiyRA-00212-00096966-00097621 This is part of why I prefer to search for Keywords even if I know the subject heading g_BqMDOiyRA-00213-00097668-00097897 because racism and education as g_BqMDOiyRA-00214-00097968-00098100 keywords g_BqMDOiyRA-00215-00098100-00098666 Will catch Racism and higher education it will not catch g_BqMDOiyRA-00216-00098904-00099349 If we did it as a phrase or the subject heading it wouldn't catch it. So just g_BqMDOiyRA-00217-00099429-00099629 [something] to keep in mind g_BqMDOiyRA-00218-00099639-00099868 Okay, wonderful. So now you know how to g_BqMDOiyRA-00219-00099966-00100199 look for a book using the g_BqMDOiyRA-00220-00100251-00100865 UCI libraries antpac catalog if you need any help please ask for help from a librarian g_BqMDOiyRA-00221-00100905-00101105 in the ask a librarian discussion g_BqMDOiyRA-00222-00101171-00101662 or at the ask us desk or Via chat however you want to get a hold [of] us and g_BqMDOiyRA-00223-00101799-00102306 Go ahead and use this to help you complete your find a book activity gBzUPFNVR6o-00000-00000003-00000306 Ever wonder what people add on to their searches? gBzUPFNVR6o-00001-00000306-00000750 Well, semantic search is a great way to find out. And I'm going to show you that gBzUPFNVR6o-00002-00000750-00002133 today. So today, we're going to talk about semantics, right? That sounds really gBzUPFNVR6o-00003-00002133-00002369 interesting. Let's make this just a little more gBzUPFNVR6o-00004-00002369-00002775 interesting. It's also the searches related to. When you go in and search for gBzUPFNVR6o-00005-00002775-00003272 a word, use those dropdowns. Let's talk about what you're seeing there. So, let's gBzUPFNVR6o-00006-00003272-00003825 say that I'm a taco truck owner. And I want to start blogging. I don't know what gBzUPFNVR6o-00007-00003825-00004152 concepts I'm going to talk about but I'm gonna guess at my first one which is gBzUPFNVR6o-00008-00004152-00004650 going to be taco recipe. Okay, now what do I write? I could make up a bunch of stuff gBzUPFNVR6o-00009-00004650-00005028 about tacos and almond the authenticity of those tacos and that's gBzUPFNVR6o-00010-00005028-00005526 all good. But that's not necessarily findable. So, we're thinking about what gBzUPFNVR6o-00011-00005526-00006105 are the things that are in a taco recipe. And we're just gonna guess right now? So, gBzUPFNVR6o-00012-00006105-00006818 I'm going to say meat sour cream, salsa and tortilla. Now, I would be probably pretty gBzUPFNVR6o-00013-00006818-00007317 right. If I'm going to write a blog post on taco recipe and yeah, probably be a good gBzUPFNVR6o-00014-00007317-00007689 idea for me to talk about those things. But I don't really know if anyone cares gBzUPFNVR6o-00015-00007689-00008147 about them. Like what way do they care about these? And so as business owners gBzUPFNVR6o-00016-00008147-00008595 oftentimes, we live inside our little bubble. And we're like, "Okay, I'm going to gBzUPFNVR6o-00017-00008595-00009027 talk about these things. And I'm going to buy a taco tastic dot cam and I'm going to gBzUPFNVR6o-00018-00009027-00009561 have my taco tastic book and I'll have my taco tastic key note, okay? Now, I made up gBzUPFNVR6o-00019-00009561-00009984 taco tastic and then I have to go out there and work it. I got to get it on gBzUPFNVR6o-00020-00009984-00010356 Billboard's. I got to get it out there. And unfortunately that's expensive and gBzUPFNVR6o-00021-00010356-00010779 time-consuming. As a business owner, we don't have either of those things. So, we gBzUPFNVR6o-00022-00010779-00011138 have to be more strategic than guessing. So, I want you to write this down. gBzUPFNVR6o-00023-00011138-00011781 "Guessing is expensive." And the less we have to guess, the quicker our marketing gBzUPFNVR6o-00024-00011781-00012174 is going to take traction. Let me show you. Okay, so I'm going to sit down in Google gBzUPFNVR6o-00025-00012174-00012635 and I'm ready to write my taco recipe. Now, I want to check in with who cares. gBzUPFNVR6o-00026-00012635-00013053 Who cares? What and how do they care? So, I'm going to come in here I'm going to gBzUPFNVR6o-00027-00013053-00013604 type in taco recipe. Oh, look! And as I write, you'll see that gBzUPFNVR6o-00028-00013604-00014184 we've got these recommendations. We see taco recipe beef, steak, chicken easy, gBzUPFNVR6o-00029-00014184-00014618 turkey, ground beef, tasty pork ideas and fish. gBzUPFNVR6o-00030-00014618-00015009 Those are good guesses. But if I'm going to do it right, I'm not gonna guess. All gBzUPFNVR6o-00031-00015009-00015545 right, let's try this again. What am I going to talk about that is connected? gBzUPFNVR6o-00032-00015545-00015962 Remember, we want to connect. We want to put our ear to the ground and we want to gBzUPFNVR6o-00033-00015962-00016376 listen. We want to listen. You may need to be a chief listening officer. I've got to gBzUPFNVR6o-00034-00016376-00016835 put your ear to the ground and listen to what people are telling us based on what gBzUPFNVR6o-00035-00016835-00017145 you see in Google here. Okay, now I'm going to scroll all the way to the gBzUPFNVR6o-00036-00017145-00017570 bottom. Oh! Look at these. Even better. These are the questions that people are gBzUPFNVR6o-00037-00017570-00018234 asking of Google around taco recipes. So, if I'm going to stop guessing, then I'm gBzUPFNVR6o-00038-00018234-00018806 also going to answer some of these questions. And the questions are "How do gBzUPFNVR6o-00039-00018806-00019460 you make perfect tacos? What makes a taco a taco? What ground beef is best for gBzUPFNVR6o-00040-00019460-00019994 tacos? And how do you make brown taco meat?" Interesting. Anyway, sometimes you gBzUPFNVR6o-00041-00019994-00020357 see some pretty random stuff in here too. So, pick a couple of these and answer gBzUPFNVR6o-00042-00020357-00020909 them in your content. When you're writing a blog or a page on a website or a post, gBzUPFNVR6o-00043-00020909-00021756 think about all the things that you as a taco recipe expert. Experts know experts. gBzUPFNVR6o-00044-00021756-00022157 Experts keep their ear to the ground and they know what people are saying. So, as gBzUPFNVR6o-00045-00022157-00022584 opposed to guessing about all this, now I'm going to create a blog post that's gBzUPFNVR6o-00046-00022584-00022991 going to talk about pork variants. Less than in 5 minutes, here's 3 or gBzUPFNVR6o-00047-00022991-00023351 4 ways to repurpose that pork meat. And I'm also going to answer your most gBzUPFNVR6o-00048-00023351-00023715 frequently asked questions. That's what how I'm going to write my gBzUPFNVR6o-00049-00023715-00024218 blog post. Not based on what I'm guessing. Not based on phrases that are inside my gBzUPFNVR6o-00050-00024218-00024659 bubble but phrases that I call street language, right? Street language. What gBzUPFNVR6o-00051-00024659-00025001 people are currently searching for? And the great thing about looking at Google gBzUPFNVR6o-00052-00025001-00025541 search results is that they give you a treasure trove of ideas. If we don't tap gBzUPFNVR6o-00053-00025541-00025872 into that, then that's on us. So, you want to make sure that when you're writing, gBzUPFNVR6o-00054-00025872-00026240 you're grabbing those questions, keep going all the way down... Ooh! Look at this gBzUPFNVR6o-00055-00026240-00027066 one. I have a authentic. I'm good. That's a good one. Authentic. Okay, now gBzUPFNVR6o-00056-00027066-00027954 we're going to go for soft crispy. Ooh! I like that. Crispy. What else? gBzUPFNVR6o-00057-00027954-00028562 Of course, Mexican. And of course Cervesa and margaritas. Might be over gBzUPFNVR6o-00058-00028562-00029430 right here. My nice little margarita with the salt on the rim. Okay? So, now I am gBzUPFNVR6o-00059-00029430-00030000 prepared to sit down and write a piece of content that is connected. I know all gBzUPFNVR6o-00060-00030000-00030525 the topics based on semantic search or searches related to at the bottom of the gBzUPFNVR6o-00061-00030525-00030927 page. I'm going to grab those questions. I'm going to answer those questions I said gBzUPFNVR6o-00062-00030927-00031533 earlier. Now, when I go to write any piece of copy, I have done my homework. Because gBzUPFNVR6o-00063-00031533-00031952 remember I'm not going to guess anymore. I'm going to put it into Google. I'm going to gBzUPFNVR6o-00064-00031952-00032286 look for the questions and I'm going to look for the recommendations. I am gBzUPFNVR6o-00065-00032286-00032880 connected with what is the current language around that keyword. The more I gBzUPFNVR6o-00066-00032880-00033351 connect with this language, that faster this is going to rank under the word gBzUPFNVR6o-00067-00033351-00033834 taco recipe. That's the good stuff. If you love this YouTube video, don't forget. i'm gBzUPFNVR6o-00068-00033834-00034197 on other social media sites. You can follow me on instagram at findability_ gBzUPFNVR6o-00069-00034197-00034662 university, at Heather Lutze on Twitter and we're also on gBzUPFNVR6o-00070-00034662-00035157 Facebook. So, wherever you're hanging out, we want you to join us. Hopefully you've gBzUPFNVR6o-00071-00035157-00035487 been enjoying all these tips about how to be the most findable business online. gBzUPFNVR6o-00072-00035487-00037286 You can do it and I'm going to show you all along the way. gCc0By27ta4-00000-00000616-00001616 every coach is a sales person but not every sales person is a coach i'll say that one more time gCc0By27ta4-00001-00001616-00002384 every coach is a salesperson but not every sales person is a coach i think that's the gCc0By27ta4-00002-00002384-00003208 perfect quote to really kick off this video because in business everybody has to make money gCc0By27ta4-00003-00003264-00004088 but not everybody has to make money in nefarious ways and as my experience as a coach gCc0By27ta4-00004-00004088-00004808 and also someone who's hired coaches before this world is full of a lot of deceivers gCc0By27ta4-00005-00004872-00005704 liars and wolves and sheep's clothing and i just wanted to put out this video just to offer gCc0By27ta4-00006-00005704-00006431 some tips and tricks on how to identify sales people how to save a lot of time money and energy gCc0By27ta4-00007-00006512-00007023 so you don't work with the wrong person and also to better help you identify gCc0By27ta4-00008-00007023-00007600 people that are going to help you to really uh achieve whatever goals that you have set forth gCc0By27ta4-00009-00007600-00008256 instead of just working with somebody who's just in it for themselves because at the end of the day gCc0By27ta4-00010-00008256-00008976 like coaching is really for three main things just number one is just to position people for success gCc0By27ta4-00011-00009088-00009808 two is that like coaching also helps to foster opportunities for growth and to it also i mean gCc0By27ta4-00012-00009808-00010512 three also really helps to expedite your personal and professional development and a basic analogy gCc0By27ta4-00013-00010512-00011176 that i can give you is uh between like the athlete and the coach i was a division one football player gCc0By27ta4-00014-00011232-00011848 and i just think about all the really good coaches that i work with now they were the ones that came gCc0By27ta4-00015-00011848-00012496 up with the strategy as the as the player or the client i was the one on the field executing gCc0By27ta4-00016-00012552-00013040 and the best coaches were the ones who had really sound strategies to position gCc0By27ta4-00017-00013096-00013832 myself and the other athletes for success on the field but for me as the athlete or the client gCc0By27ta4-00018-00013832-00014632 it was really up to me to execute to achieve whatever goals i had set forth and so the same gCc0By27ta4-00019-00014632-00015408 thing is with your relationship as a client and the coach that you work with but in this world gCc0By27ta4-00020-00015408-00016056 like you you're going to run into three different types of coaches coaches that are going to gCc0By27ta4-00021-00016056-00016752 cultivate you coaches that are going to constrain you and coaches that are going to [ __ ] you gCc0By27ta4-00022-00016880-00017512 now let's look at those three types of outcomes more in depth based upon their definitions so gCc0By27ta4-00023-00017512-00018088 the first outcome that you will get by working with the coach is uh you'll be cultivated and so gCc0By27ta4-00024-00018088-00018680 the basic definition of the cultivate is to develop or improve by education or training gCc0By27ta4-00025-00018816-00019336 that simple and so this is the type of coach you want to work with somebody who's going to help gCc0By27ta4-00026-00019336-00019896 to cultivate you and make you a better person help to expedite your personal and professional gCc0By27ta4-00027-00019896-00020688 development and also help you to uh achieve your goals a lot quicker the second type of coach gCc0By27ta4-00028-00020688-00021352 you'll run into is somebody who constrains you and so the basic definition of constrainment gCc0By27ta4-00029-00021352-00021880 is basically to limit someone's freedom or to limit the way they develop or grow gCc0By27ta4-00030-00021944-00022624 and so when you work with somebody who constrains you essentially you just remain the same nothing gCc0By27ta4-00031-00022624-00023248 ever changes and then the third outcome that you will run into when working with the coach is that gCc0By27ta4-00032-00023248-00023872 they can potentially [ __ ] you and the definition for [ __ ] in this context is just to cause gCc0By27ta4-00033-00023928-00024704 serious damage to someone or something making them weaker or less effective and this outcome gCc0By27ta4-00034-00024704-00025328 is the most toxic because you're actually going to wind up in a lesser position gCc0By27ta4-00035-00025328-00025872 than when you started and so going back to that first quote that i mentioned gCc0By27ta4-00036-00025872-00026336 that every coach is a sales person but not every sales person is a coach gCc0By27ta4-00037-00026439-00026864 when you apply those to these three basic outcomes that you'll get when working with a coach gCc0By27ta4-00038-00026920-00027552 in all actuality the only type of coach that you will actually work with is a coach that cultivates gCc0By27ta4-00039-00027552-00028376 you a coach that constrains you or a coach that cripples you is not a coach they're salespersons gCc0By27ta4-00040-00028448-00029136 and so you have a lot of people in this industry who claim that they can cultivate you and help gCc0By27ta4-00041-00029136-00029824 you to achieve whatever goals you have set forth but in all actuality they're kind of selling you a gCc0By27ta4-00042-00029824-00030624 false dream or a false hope so now that i've given you some context and some basic definitions behind gCc0By27ta4-00043-00030680-00031360 the three types of outcomes that you'll encounter with coaches let me give you just a couple of gCc0By27ta4-00044-00031360-00032160 hidden truths about coaches and salespersons who pose as coaches number one is that gCc0By27ta4-00045-00032160-00032768 many of the coaches that you're working with haven't really achieved what they're selling gCc0By27ta4-00046-00032872-00033576 prime example so i'm a published author and there are tons of coaches who gCc0By27ta4-00047-00033576-00034376 can supposedly help authors to become a six-figure author well a lot of these coaches who claim to gCc0By27ta4-00048-00034376-00034936 help ah authors become a six-figure author say that they themselves are six-figure authors gCc0By27ta4-00049-00035016-00035448 well when you start to do your due diligence and look at many of these gCc0By27ta4-00050-00035448-00036168 six-figure authors uh they've sold nowhere close to six figure worth of books but what they've done gCc0By27ta4-00051-00036168-00036784 is that they've built up a brand or they've created a course that has generated six figures in gCc0By27ta4-00052-00036784-00037368 income talking about how they have become a six figure author when they're never there gCc0By27ta4-00053-00037440-00038176 so oftentimes you will find these coaches or sales people selling you something that they haven't gCc0By27ta4-00054-00038176-00038992 achieved to basically say oh actuality i've made six figures from selling courses on how to be a gCc0By27ta4-00055-00038992-00039648 six figure author and now i'm a six figure author so that's just an example of coaches or people gCc0By27ta4-00056-00039648-00040272 uh selling you on stuff that they haven't even achieved themselves so make sure you do your due gCc0By27ta4-00057-00040272-00040856 diligence to verify that the coach you're working with has actually achieved what they're selling gCc0By27ta4-00058-00041000-00041776 a second uh unfortunate truth about working with coaches is that a lot of coaches hide behind gCc0By27ta4-00059-00041832-00042680 legal liability so obviously this is a common business rule is that no coach is legally liable gCc0By27ta4-00060-00042736-00043376 for the outcome of their clients like me as a coach i can't say that i'm responsible or that gCc0By27ta4-00061-00043376-00043984 i can guarantee you a certain outcome like that's just common business knowledge but gCc0By27ta4-00062-00043984-00044784 a lot of salespersons aka coaches will basically leverage uh those legal disclaimers and liability gCc0By27ta4-00063-00044784-00045296 to sell you a product or service that they really know won't help you to achieve the goal you have gCc0By27ta4-00064-00045296-00046080 in mind but because of the litigious society that we live in we all know that like you can't they gCc0By27ta4-00065-00046080-00046680 can't really be sued or held liable for your poor outcome or whatever poor outcome you you get from gCc0By27ta4-00066-00046680-00047368 working with them so make sure that you really check those disclaimers that that you're reviewing gCc0By27ta4-00067-00047368-00047856 when you're working with these coaches and sales people because they they oftentimes hide behind gCc0By27ta4-00068-00047856-00048856 those now a third hidden truth when working with coaches or salespersons is that oftentimes they gCc0By27ta4-00069-00048856-00049632 will keep you trapped within an endless array or endless buffet of countless products and services gCc0By27ta4-00070-00049688-00050216 and so when you're dealing with this type of coach or salesperson instead of actually solving gCc0By27ta4-00071-00050216-00050768 your problem or helping to progress you forward or helping to cultivate you that really constrain you gCc0By27ta4-00072-00050832-00051591 by providing you with nothing but another product or service another course another mastermind gCc0By27ta4-00073-00051591-00052304 or something that's just going to keep you dependent upon them uh to expedite your growth gCc0By27ta4-00074-00052304-00052824 and so for me i just find that to not really work out too well because like as a coach i should be gCc0By27ta4-00075-00052824-00053544 helping my clients to get a tangible outcome and moving on to the to the next person i need to help gCc0By27ta4-00076-00053544-00054032 i mean there's no point in really keeping people trapped and dependent upon myself like that's gCc0By27ta4-00077-00054032-00054600 just constraining or crippling people so that's another hidden truth or red flag that you'll see gCc0By27ta4-00078-00054600-00055479 within this coaching world and next uh one another hidden truth that kind of uh parlays with the the gCc0By27ta4-00079-00055479-00056167 aforementioned truth about the endless products and services is that many coaches or salespersons gCc0By27ta4-00080-00056167-00057079 will just feed you crumbs and what i mean by this is that they won't give you 100 of the truth gCc0By27ta4-00081-00057079-00057688 they'll kind of give you partial truths or half truths which will keep you dependent upon them gCc0By27ta4-00082-00057752-00058296 um a perfect example is that if you're working with somebody who's not practicing what they're gCc0By27ta4-00083-00058296-00058888 preaching you know if they're if they're telling you to go left and they're going right that's a gCc0By27ta4-00084-00058888-00059504 problem if they're telling you to go up and they're going down that's a problem gCc0By27ta4-00085-00059584-00060279 if they're telling you all you have to do is to do this little thing but you're doing that and you're gCc0By27ta4-00086-00060279-00060879 not getting the same results as them that's a that's a major red flag and so you just want gCc0By27ta4-00087-00060879-00061504 to make sure that like whenever you're working with a coach that they're fully uh implementing gCc0By27ta4-00088-00061504-00062120 everything that they're telling you to do because if they're not then they might just be keeping you gCc0By27ta4-00089-00062120-00063128 dependent upon them for a monetary reason and so to counter many of those hidden truths or problems gCc0By27ta4-00090-00063128-00063784 that i've encountered with sales people who pose as coaches number one is that i've achieved gCc0By27ta4-00091-00063784-00064472 everything that i've that i'm putting out there like i really truly embody my philosophy about gCc0By27ta4-00092-00064472-00065120 becoming the entrepreneur of your life because i am the entrepreneur of my life and i really gCc0By27ta4-00093-00065120-00065976 am trying to help my clients to achieve that same goal number two is that when it comes to liability gCc0By27ta4-00094-00065976-00066624 i know that i'm not legally liable for the outcomes of my clients but if my clients are not gCc0By27ta4-00095-00066624-00067208 getting positive results then that's reflection on on my coaching like i would truly feel gCc0By27ta4-00096-00067264-00067976 bad or feel some type of way if my clients were not getting positive results fortunately they are gCc0By27ta4-00097-00067976-00068584 and i've gotten nothing but positive feedbacks from my clients whether they're non-governmental gCc0By27ta4-00098-00068584-00069304 organizations non-profits small business owners small businesses or just the single solopreneurs gCc0By27ta4-00099-00069304-00069896 they've all gotten positive results and i'm so happy that that's true but if they weren't then gCc0By27ta4-00100-00069896-00070608 i would have to change my coaching because it's not reflective upon me to produce poor results gCc0By27ta4-00101-00070608-00071240 for other people i am accountable for my clients results even though i'm not legally accountable gCc0By27ta4-00102-00071240-00071664 and i really want to make sure that they get the highest results when they're working gCc0By27ta4-00103-00071664-00072344 with me and the the next kind of point that i kind of counter when it comes to keeping people gCc0By27ta4-00104-00072344-00072848 trapped in a hamster wheel of products like i never have believed that that's a great way gCc0By27ta4-00105-00072848-00073488 to coach like when i work with people they get three tangible outcomes number one i help them gCc0By27ta4-00106-00073488-00074120 to develop a purposeful business mindset number two is that i help clients to also gCc0By27ta4-00107-00074120-00074984 develop a profitable and proven business concept and then three i help my clients also to develop a gCc0By27ta4-00108-00074984-00075608 proactive business model those are three tangible outcomes that really help my clients to develop a gCc0By27ta4-00109-00075608-00076192 sound entrepreneurial foundation aside from that i don't do anything else because i'm gCc0By27ta4-00110-00076192-00076832 really focused on getting those concrete results and once my clients have achieved those results gCc0By27ta4-00111-00076832-00077480 they could go and work with somebody else or they might not even need anybody so i just like gCc0By27ta4-00112-00077480-00078032 having just those few outcomes that i really uh work on because that helps me to become better gCc0By27ta4-00113-00078032-00078552 at what i do but it also shows to my clients that they get something tangible and they're gCc0By27ta4-00114-00078552-00079240 not trapped in this endless uh wheel of useless products and services and then to counter that gCc0By27ta4-00115-00079240-00079824 that last point of people just giving uh or coaches or salespeople just giving their gCc0By27ta4-00116-00079824-00080408 clients crumbs for me like i'm a lifelong learner like i don't know everything i'm never gonna know gCc0By27ta4-00117-00080408-00081096 everything but even though i'm still growing and improving myself like when i work with my clients gCc0By27ta4-00118-00081096-00081696 i tell them everything that i've learned the good bad and the ugly because my whole goal is to help gCc0By27ta4-00119-00081696-00082304 to get my clients up to the same level or better level than i'm at like that's what it's all about gCc0By27ta4-00120-00082304-00082784 uh being a true coach is really cultivating people and helping them to get to your level gCc0By27ta4-00121-00082848-00083432 not keeping them crippled and below where they should be or keeping them constrained in a place gCc0By27ta4-00122-00083432-00084008 where they shouldn't so that's just kind of some of my thoughts on some of the hidden truths gCc0By27ta4-00123-00084008-00084600 about coaching and how like i counter those with my specific coaching methodology gCc0By27ta4-00124-00084664-00085632 and uh belief systems in sum every coach is a salesperson but not every sales person is a coach gCc0By27ta4-00125-00085632-00086096 and hopefully by watching this video i hope you have a better understanding gCc0By27ta4-00126-00086096-00086728 of how you can identify a true coach that will actually help to cultivate you and help you to gCc0By27ta4-00127-00086728-00087376 achieve your goals help to expedite your personal and professional development versus identifying gCc0By27ta4-00128-00087376-00088032 a sales person that will [ __ ] you and hold you back or a sales person that will only constrain gCc0By27ta4-00129-00088032-00088888 you and keep you stagnant uh where you are so my question for you today is have you ever mistakenly gCc0By27ta4-00130-00088888-00089712 hired a salesperson instead of a coach and if so how was your experience drop your comments below gCc0By27ta4-00131-00089712-00090312 i'd love to hear your thoughts on this by the way thanks for watching this video if you want to gCc0By27ta4-00132-00090312-00090800 become the entrepreneur of your life you can begin this process today by subscribing to this channel gCc0By27ta4-00133-00090856-00091528 also be sure to click the notification bell to be alerted for whenever new content drops until next gCc0By27ta4-00134-00091528-00092144 time gGJTggrgPhy-00000-00000535-00000911 [Music] gGJTggrgPhy-00001-00000959-00001536 L: welcome to Lingthusiasm, a podcast that's gGJTggrgPhy-00002-00001248-00001727 enthusiastic about linguistics. I'm Lauren gGJTggrgPhy-00003-00001536-00001923 Gawne G: and I'm Gretchen McCulloch and gGJTggrgPhy-00004-00001727-00002082 today we're talking about how small gGJTggrgPhy-00005-00001923-00002166 pieces of language combine into larger gGJTggrgPhy-00006-00002082-00002526 pieces, gGJTggrgPhy-00007-00002166-00002610 aka constituency. But first Lauren, what gGJTggrgPhy-00008-00002526-00002880 have you been up to lately? gGJTggrgPhy-00009-00002610-00003132 L: I have been moving jobs which also gGJTggrgPhy-00010-00002880-00003323 involves moving countries, so it's been a gGJTggrgPhy-00011-00003132-00003507 pretty busy month G: it literally involves gGJTggrgPhy-00012-00003323-00003783 moving around the world L: yes, so I gGJTggrgPhy-00013-00003507-00004101 have been migrating slowly westward for gGJTggrgPhy-00014-00003783-00004350 the last few years, working in Singapore gGJTggrgPhy-00015-00004101-00004554 and more recently in London and after gGJTggrgPhy-00016-00004350-00004800 two fabulous years of living in London gGJTggrgPhy-00017-00004554-00005091 we are now on the move back to Melbourne, gGJTggrgPhy-00018-00004800-00005250 Australia and I will be a David Myers gGJTggrgPhy-00019-00005091-00005496 research fellow at Latrobe University gGJTggrgPhy-00020-00005250-00005703 for the next three years, which I'm gGJTggrgPhy-00021-00005496-00005951 really excited about. It’s an opportunity gGJTggrgPhy-00022-00005703-00006291 to bring together all of the different gGJTggrgPhy-00023-00005951-00006509 languages of Nepal and the gGJTggrgPhy-00024-00006291-00006780 Tibetan work that I've been doing across gGJTggrgPhy-00025-00006509-00007089 phonetics and across grammar and across gGJTggrgPhy-00026-00006780-00007295 gesture, all into one big project G: that's gGJTggrgPhy-00027-00007089-00007527 really cool L: I’m really excited about that, gGJTggrgPhy-00028-00007295-00007811 really excited to be back in Melbourne gGJTggrgPhy-00029-00007527-00008048 and lots of exciting research gGJTggrgPhy-00030-00007811-00008234 planned. What about you, what have you been gGJTggrgPhy-00031-00008048-00008430 up to? G: I've been doing a lot of writing gGJTggrgPhy-00032-00008234-00008778 on the book, what else is new, and gGJTggrgPhy-00033-00008430-00008942 I'm headed to the LSA Summer Institute, gGJTggrgPhy-00034-00008778-00009099 aka “Lingstitute”, where I'm going to be gGJTggrgPhy-00035-00008942-00009372 teaching a class on linguistics outreach, gGJTggrgPhy-00036-00009099-00009603 so that's exciting, and I was gGJTggrgPhy-00037-00009372-00009845 recently, in less momentous but still gGJTggrgPhy-00038-00009603-00010106 very important news, I was recently in an gGJTggrgPhy-00039-00009845-00010377 NPR article about the linguistics of ‘doggo’ gGJTggrgPhy-00040-00010106-00010592 L: I just love it when internet gGJTggrgPhy-00041-00010377-00010872 language memes make it into the new gGJTggrgPhy-00042-00010592-00011072 cycle and a whole new audience who've gGJTggrgPhy-00043-00010872-00011277 never experienced the meme get gGJTggrgPhy-00044-00011072-00011547 it translated for them G: yeah and they're gGJTggrgPhy-00045-00011277-00011709 like ‘wow this is so cool but also what gGJTggrgPhy-00046-00011547-00011916 is this?’. So if you haven't encountered gGJTggrgPhy-00047-00011709-00012108 the doggo meme it's based around a gGJTggrgPhy-00048-00011916-00012245 couple of Facebook groups and a Twitter gGJTggrgPhy-00049-00012108-00012431 account and it's just a general gGJTggrgPhy-00050-00012245-00012714 zeitgeist about a slightly different gGJTggrgPhy-00051-00012431-00012959 cute way of talking to your dogs, and gGJTggrgPhy-00052-00012714-00013119 about your dogs. And I had a lot of fun gGJTggrgPhy-00053-00012959-00013322 with the reporter and we actually talked gGJTggrgPhy-00054-00013119-00013547 for like an hour and a half and so not gGJTggrgPhy-00055-00013322-00013725 all of that and made it into the article, gGJTggrgPhy-00056-00013547-00013902 there's more so we'll link to the gGJTggrgPhy-00057-00013725-00014085 article in the show notes. But there's even gGJTggrgPhy-00058-00013902-00014269 more of that story that didn't make it gGJTggrgPhy-00059-00014085-00014479 in and so we've actually gGJTggrgPhy-00060-00014269-00014769 made a Patreon bonus this month which is gGJTggrgPhy-00061-00014479-00015031 a further deep-dive into the linguistics gGJTggrgPhy-00062-00014769-00015253 of doggo, even more historical origins, gGJTggrgPhy-00063-00015031-00015499 even more context, gGJTggrgPhy-00064-00015253-00015811 Lauren is contributing Australia L: even gGJTggrgPhy-00065-00015499-00015982 more Australian intuitions about where gGJTggrgPhy-00066-00015811-00016222 doggo might come from, so that's on our gGJTggrgPhy-00067-00015982-00016393 Patreon G: it is thanks to Lauren that I gGJTggrgPhy-00068-00016222-00016591 was able to identify a doggo as gGJTggrgPhy-00069-00016393-00016633 probably coming from Australia, so thanks gGJTggrgPhy-00070-00016591-00016768 Lauren gGJTggrgPhy-00071-00016633-00016999 L: everyone should have an Australian on gGJTggrgPhy-00072-00016768-00017224 their consultant list G: I think so L: we also gGJTggrgPhy-00073-00016999-00017410 have previous Patreon bonus episodes gGJTggrgPhy-00074-00017224-00017680 which include how to teach yourself even gGJTggrgPhy-00075-00017410-00017872 more linguistics, which includes also our gGJTggrgPhy-00076-00017680-00018073 top recommendations for books videos and gGJTggrgPhy-00077-00017872-00018271 further resources for self-study, gGJTggrgPhy-00078-00018073-00018544 and also how to sell your awesome gGJTggrgPhy-00079-00018271-00018715 linguistic skills to employers so if you gGJTggrgPhy-00080-00018544-00018949 are thinking of doing a linguistics gGJTggrgPhy-00081-00018715-00019126 degree, you're currently doing one and gGJTggrgPhy-00082-00018949-00019345 thinking about your next job or you're gGJTggrgPhy-00083-00019126-00019396 looking for a career change, that has got gGJTggrgPhy-00084-00019345-00019624 you covered, gGJTggrgPhy-00085-00019396-00019786 and there's also more G: so all sides of gGJTggrgPhy-00086-00019624-00019969 the linguistic spectrum, and if you have gGJTggrgPhy-00087-00019786-00020173 ideas of things you'd like to hear from gGJTggrgPhy-00088-00019969-00020416 us on the podcast or on the bonus gGJTggrgPhy-00089-00020173-00020650 episodes you can also do that at Patreon. gGJTggrgPhy-00090-00020416-00020842 And speaking of this we reached our gGJTggrgPhy-00091-00020650-00021175 sustainability goal on Patreon last gGJTggrgPhy-00092-00020842-00021325 month, which means that we officially gGJTggrgPhy-00093-00021175-00021514 have the funds to keep paying our gGJTggrgPhy-00094-00021325-00021670 producer and our transcriber, who are gGJTggrgPhy-00095-00021514-00021795 often the same person, and our audio gGJTggrgPhy-00096-00021670-00022012 hosting fees, which is not the same gGJTggrgPhy-00097-00021795-00022261 person and I think by the time we gGJTggrgPhy-00098-00022012-00022495 record the next month's episode we may gGJTggrgPhy-00099-00022261-00022675 have reached our next goal, based on gGJTggrgPhy-00100-00022495-00022825 current trends, which is operation get gGJTggrgPhy-00101-00022675-00022900 Gretchen of good microphone, better gGJTggrgPhy-00102-00022825-00023128 microphone gGJTggrgPhy-00103-00022900-00023332 L: I am so excited about this goal, this is gGJTggrgPhy-00104-00023128-00023662 definitely one of those ones where our gGJTggrgPhy-00105-00023332-00023872 Patreon supporters help everybody win gGJTggrgPhy-00106-00023662-00024022 G: yeah everybody wins, you all get to hear gGJTggrgPhy-00107-00023872-00024175 me on a better microphone, I win, I'm gGJTggrgPhy-00108-00024022-00024316 tired of this too, so this might be the gGJTggrgPhy-00109-00024175-00024817 last episode where I sound kind of scratchy, gGJTggrgPhy-00110-00024316-00025081 hopefully! L: so that is gGJTggrgPhy-00111-00024817-00025315 www.patreon.com/lingthusiasm, or you can find the gGJTggrgPhy-00112-00025081-00025629 link at lingthusiasm.com, oh gosh gGJTggrgPhy-00113-00025315-00025977 please yes please, help Gretchen get a better gGJTggrgPhy-00114-00025629-00026139 mic G: stay tuned to the next episode where gGJTggrgPhy-00115-00025977-00026281 you find out if this was successful L: it's gGJTggrgPhy-00116-00026139-00026569 going to be a great reveal as soon as gGJTggrgPhy-00117-00026281-00026727 you say a single line G: yeah I think gGJTggrgPhy-00118-00026569-00027073 I do the intro next time too gGJTggrgPhy-00119-00026727-00027073 [Music] gGJTggrgPhy-00120-00027349-00027812 [Music] gGJTggrgPhy-00121-00027505-00028087 L: constituency is the fancy way of saying gGJTggrgPhy-00122-00027812-00028297 that stuff is made up of other stuff, and gGJTggrgPhy-00123-00028087-00028556 so that's how fancy word for this very gGJTggrgPhy-00124-00028297-00028828 basic fact that is the main gGJTggrgPhy-00125-00028556-00029002 force of today's episode G: and so far on gGJTggrgPhy-00126-00028828-00029278 the podcast we've been approaching gGJTggrgPhy-00127-00029002-00029503 language from two ends, we've had gGJTggrgPhy-00128-00029278-00029675 this tiny granular end - we've talked gGJTggrgPhy-00129-00029503-00029831 about sounds like the IPA episode, and gGJTggrgPhy-00130-00029675-00029950 we've definitely not stopped talking gGJTggrgPhy-00131-00029831-00030137 about sounds, and we've talked about gGJTggrgPhy-00132-00029950-00030287 words a lot, we’ve definitely not stop gGJTggrgPhy-00133-00030137-00030427 talking about words either, and we've gGJTggrgPhy-00134-00030287-00030680 also been approaching language from the gGJTggrgPhy-00135-00030427-00030911 big macro society end and talking about gGJTggrgPhy-00136-00030680-00031106 language and world peace, or kids role in gGJTggrgPhy-00137-00030911-00031396 language change, but haven't talked about gGJTggrgPhy-00138-00031106-00031694 the part in between, about how the little gGJTggrgPhy-00139-00031396-00031856 bits become a capital L ‘Language’. How gGJTggrgPhy-00140-00031694-00032030 does that transition happen? And this is gGJTggrgPhy-00141-00031856-00032206 a bigger question for one episode, but we're gGJTggrgPhy-00142-00032030-00032387 going to start with that L: and so I think gGJTggrgPhy-00143-00032206-00032612 it's important, even though we talk about gGJTggrgPhy-00144-00032387-00032909 sound a lot and we talk about words a gGJTggrgPhy-00145-00032612-00033169 lot, but languages aren't just lists of gGJTggrgPhy-00146-00032909-00033397 words, so you need something more than gGJTggrgPhy-00147-00033169-00033524 words here G: okay I think languages can be gGJTggrgPhy-00148-00033397-00033850 a list of words because have you ever gGJTggrgPhy-00149-00033524-00034084 seen those movie cuts where they put all gGJTggrgPhy-00150-00033850-00034319 of the words in alphabetical order? L: for gGJTggrgPhy-00151-00034084-00034600 the organisers among you this is gGJTggrgPhy-00152-00034319-00034802 the most excellent use of somebody's gGJTggrgPhy-00153-00034600-00034958 time, it’s so good G: this is like those gGJTggrgPhy-00154-00034802-00035165 deconstructed salads where they line up gGJTggrgPhy-00155-00034958-00035450 all the tomatoes and the pieces gGJTggrgPhy-00156-00035165-00035675 of radish in pretty patterns rather than gGJTggrgPhy-00157-00035450-00035855 in a tossed salad L: but in this in this case gGJTggrgPhy-00158-00035675-00036083 it's alphabetical patterns G: it's gGJTggrgPhy-00159-00035855-00036350 alphabetical patterns. So there's ‘Of Oz gGJTggrgPhy-00160-00036083-00036496 the Wizard’, which was some guy who put gGJTggrgPhy-00161-00036350-00036740 all of the words in The Wizard of Oz in order, gGJTggrgPhy-00162-00036496-00036856 so it starts out with ‘a’ and then gGJTggrgPhy-00163-00036740-00037118 gradually works its way down to gGJTggrgPhy-00164-00036856-00037366 ‘wizard, wizard, wizard L: and there's also a gGJTggrgPhy-00165-00037118-00037621 Star Wars recut which I find is very gGJTggrgPhy-00166-00037366-00037846 meditative, when you've gGJTggrgPhy-00167-00037621-00038108 listened to the word Alderaan 20 times gGJTggrgPhy-00168-00037846-00038318 and you’re just in the zone G: we will gGJTggrgPhy-00169-00038108-00038465 link to those if you have somehow missed gGJTggrgPhy-00170-00038318-00038719 them or if you just want to experience gGJTggrgPhy-00171-00038465-00038918 them again. But I yeah I don't gGJTggrgPhy-00172-00038719-00039058 that's really, if all of your gGJTggrgPhy-00173-00038918-00039184 movies just had all their words in gGJTggrgPhy-00174-00039058-00039305 alphabetical order I don't think that gGJTggrgPhy-00175-00039184-00039515 would be a very good movie watching gGJTggrgPhy-00176-00039305-00039733 experience. It'd be an interesting gGJTggrgPhy-00177-00039515-00039883 avant guard movie experience once to gGJTggrgPhy-00178-00039733-00040055 watch a movie that was like deliberately gGJTggrgPhy-00179-00039883-00040199 in alphabetical order L: yeah you’d gGJTggrgPhy-00180-00040055-00040430 hope it's a short story for the sake of gGJTggrgPhy-00181-00040199-00040661 someone's linguistic ingenuity G: yeah I'd gGJTggrgPhy-00182-00040430-00040802 watch a short film, maximum 20 minutes, gGJTggrgPhy-00183-00040661-00040984 someone please make that L: so gGJTggrgPhy-00184-00040802-00041147 it's not just about the words next door, gGJTggrgPhy-00185-00040984-00041350 so you can't just look at one word and gGJTggrgPhy-00186-00041147-00041575 what is immediately next to it, this gGJTggrgPhy-00187-00041350-00041812 structure and the constituency is gGJTggrgPhy-00188-00041575-00041956 happening across bigger relationships gGJTggrgPhy-00189-00041812-00042149 and groups of words gGJTggrgPhy-00190-00041956-00042337 yeah there's units of words that aren't gGJTggrgPhy-00191-00042149-00042647 always obvious from what's next door, and gGJTggrgPhy-00192-00042337-00042977 my favourite example of this, best example, gGJTggrgPhy-00193-00042647-00043271 is the phrase ‘time flies like an arrow’, gGJTggrgPhy-00194-00042977-00043700 which with the corollary ‘fruit flies gGJTggrgPhy-00195-00043271-00043955 like a banana’ L: it still just, it's just so gGJTggrgPhy-00196-00043700-00044115 perfect G: it's so beautiful L: I know we gGJTggrgPhy-00197-00043955-00044321 have this problem sometimes with gGJTggrgPhy-00198-00044115-00044488 linguistics where if you've done one gGJTggrgPhy-00199-00044321-00044647 intro to linguistics course you've done gGJTggrgPhy-00200-00044488-00044813 a few because everyone uses the same gGJTggrgPhy-00201-00044647-00045047 anecdote, but there’s just something so gGJTggrgPhy-00202-00044813-00045296 perfectly constructed about this gGJTggrgPhy-00203-00045047-00045391 structural ambiguity G: yeah so somehow I gGJTggrgPhy-00204-00045296-00045569 don't know if you've missed the gGJTggrgPhy-00205-00045391-00045734 ambiguity or if you just want to hear it gGJTggrgPhy-00206-00045569-00046066 explained to you, ‘time flies like an arrow’ gGJTggrgPhy-00207-00045734-00046406 refers to time which is a thing that gGJTggrgPhy-00208-00046066-00046571 flies like an arrow flies, whereas ‘fruit gGJTggrgPhy-00209-00046406-00046891 flies like a banana’ does not mean that gGJTggrgPhy-00210-00046571-00047056 apples and oranges and pears all soar gGJTggrgPhy-00211-00046891-00047231 across the room in the same way that gGJTggrgPhy-00212-00047056-00047503 banana soars across the room, which maybe gGJTggrgPhy-00213-00047231-00047869 they do, but it refers to fruit flies gGJTggrgPhy-00214-00047503-00048158 which are kind of flies who are fond of gGJTggrgPhy-00215-00047869-00048437 bananas L: so in the first sentence ‘time’ is gGJTggrgPhy-00216-00048158-00048703 the thing that is doing something and in gGJTggrgPhy-00217-00048437-00048902 the second sentence ‘fruit flies’ are the gGJTggrgPhy-00218-00048703-00049106 thing that is doing something, so the gGJTggrgPhy-00219-00048902-00049294 sentences are being cut up in gGJTggrgPhy-00220-00049106-00049513 different ways and that gives them their gGJTggrgPhy-00221-00049294-00049652 different readings G: or to use the gGJTggrgPhy-00222-00049513-00049909 terminology that we're introducing in gGJTggrgPhy-00223-00049652-00050105 this episode, ‘time’ is constituent by gGJTggrgPhy-00224-00049909-00050197 itself, well all words are constituents by gGJTggrgPhy-00225-00050105-00050465 themselves which is not terribly gGJTggrgPhy-00226-00050197-00050690 interesting, but ‘time flies’ is not a gGJTggrgPhy-00227-00050465-00050878 constituent by itself, the ‘flies’ part gGJTggrgPhy-00228-00050690-00051068 goes with the ‘like an arrow part’. Where as gGJTggrgPhy-00229-00050878-00051265 in the second sentence ‘fruit flies’ is gGJTggrgPhy-00230-00051068-00051457 constituent by itself and then the ‘like a gGJTggrgPhy-00231-00051265-00051642 banana’ part is also another type of gGJTggrgPhy-00232-00051457-00052045 constituent. So how you group the words gGJTggrgPhy-00233-00051642-00052220 even when ‘flies’ and ‘like’ gGJTggrgPhy-00234-00052045-00052376 are the same in both sentences, how gGJTggrgPhy-00235-00052220-00052567 you group them is what's changing the gGJTggrgPhy-00236-00052376-00052858 meaning there. So there's another example gGJTggrgPhy-00237-00052567-00053104 of structural ambiguity which is from gGJTggrgPhy-00238-00052858-00053308 the BBC radio drama ‘Cabin Pressure’, gGJTggrgPhy-00239-00053104-00053474 which is hilarious and you should all listen gGJTggrgPhy-00240-00053308-00053719 to it, but in one case one of the gGJTggrgPhy-00241-00053474-00053963 characters says ‘oh I know what's going gGJTggrgPhy-00242-00053719-00054137 on, I went on a course on understanding gGJTggrgPhy-00243-00053963-00054320 people in Ipswich’ and the other gGJTggrgPhy-00244-00054137-00054536 character says ‘well if I ever want the gGJTggrgPhy-00245-00054320-00054587 people of Ipswich understood, I'll let gGJTggrgPhy-00246-00054536-00054989 you know’ gGJTggrgPhy-00247-00054587-00055283 L: so I had the ‘understanding people in gGJTggrgPhy-00248-00054989-00055499 Ipswich’ as one constituent in my head gGJTggrgPhy-00249-00055283-00055769 when I first read that, I wasn't reading it gGJTggrgPhy-00250-00055499-00055991 very carefully, on your you had a blog gGJTggrgPhy-00251-00055769-00056153 post about it which we’ll link to,3 and I gGJTggrgPhy-00252-00055991-00056345 was like ‘why would you need to? Is it a gGJTggrgPhy-00253-00056153-00056648 dialect thing that people in Ipswich have?’ gGJTggrgPhy-00254-00056345-00056822 so I completely fell for that G: yeah you completely got gGJTggrgPhy-00255-00056648-00056969 the wrong interpretation, so obviously gGJTggrgPhy-00256-00056822-00057110 there are generic courses of gGJTggrgPhy-00257-00056969-00057365 understanding people and some of them, gGJTggrgPhy-00258-00057110-00057515 one assumes, happen in Ipswich, but in gGJTggrgPhy-00259-00057365-00057710 this case the character is deliberately gGJTggrgPhy-00260-00057515-00057917 misinterpreting the other one saying gGJTggrgPhy-00261-00057710-00058136 ‘well yeah that's fine to the people of gGJTggrgPhy-00262-00057917-00058289 Ipswich, but what about the person in gGJTggrgPhy-00263-00058136-00058499 front of us right now who's not gGJTggrgPhy-00264-00058289-00058826 from Ipswich?’ L: a couple of years ago gGJTggrgPhy-00265-00058499-00059069 you had the Lingvids video series and gGJTggrgPhy-00266-00058826-00059414 you did a little bit of demonstrating gGJTggrgPhy-00267-00059069-00059660 how these constituents can move around gGJTggrgPhy-00268-00059414-00059879 and be analysed in relation to each other G: yeah gGJTggrgPhy-00269-00059660-00060041 so we did a series of a videos before I gGJTggrgPhy-00270-00059879-00060263 decided to become an audio person rather gGJTggrgPhy-00271-00060041-00060440 than a video person, and one of the gGJTggrgPhy-00272-00060263-00060698 questions that we asked for the gGJTggrgPhy-00273-00060440-00060965 purpose of the video is ‘is a sentence gGJTggrgPhy-00274-00060698-00061133 more like a bracelet or like a mobile?’. So gGJTggrgPhy-00275-00060965-00061422 you can think of a couple analogies for gGJTggrgPhy-00276-00061133-00061661 how a sentence works and in a bracelet gGJTggrgPhy-00277-00061422-00061785 analogy you think of okay if the words gGJTggrgPhy-00278-00061661-00061976 in the sentence are kind of like beads gGJTggrgPhy-00279-00061785-00062108 on a string the way we see a sentence gGJTggrgPhy-00280-00061976-00062405 written on a page and it's just flat gGJTggrgPhy-00281-00062108-00062636 and there the one word and the beads can only gGJTggrgPhy-00282-00062405-00062772 really notice or are influenced by the gGJTggrgPhy-00283-00062636-00062915 beads directly next to them because gGJTggrgPhy-00284-00062772-00063050 that's all that's there that's touching them, gGJTggrgPhy-00285-00062915-00063203 there's just one string that runs gGJTggrgPhy-00286-00063050-00063377 through the whole thing. Whereas if you gGJTggrgPhy-00287-00063203-00063563 make a mobile, like a hanging mobile from gGJTggrgPhy-00288-00063377-00063794 a ceiling - some people say mobile - then gGJTggrgPhy-00289-00063563-00064001 you have stuff hanging off of stuff and gGJTggrgPhy-00290-00063794-00064178 then some of the bits that hang off has gGJTggrgPhy-00291-00064001-00064292 other things hanging on from them and so gGJTggrgPhy-00292-00064178-00064538 there's dependencies and there's gGJTggrgPhy-00293-00064292-00064694 relationships between some of the parts gGJTggrgPhy-00294-00064538-00064961 of the tree or some of the parts of the gGJTggrgPhy-00295-00064694-00065156 structure that are groups that can have, gGJTggrgPhy-00296-00064961-00065264 you know you could say something, like gGJTggrgPhy-00297-00065156-00065480 if you have something like a course on gGJTggrgPhy-00298-00065264-00065657 understanding people in Ipswich, is it a gGJTggrgPhy-00299-00065480-00065864 course on understanding people and the gGJTggrgPhy-00300-00065657-00066041 whole course is in Ipswich, so ‘in Ipswich’ gGJTggrgPhy-00301-00065864-00066251 and ‘course on understanding gGJTggrgPhy-00302-00066041-00066473 people’ both hang off the two parts at gGJTggrgPhy-00303-00066251-00066740 the top of a mobile, or is it ‘a course on gGJTggrgPhy-00304-00066473-00067004 understanding people in Ipswich’ in which gGJTggrgPhy-00305-00066740-00067185 case ‘people’ and ‘in Ipswich’ are hanging gGJTggrgPhy-00306-00067004-00067322 off the same bit and ‘the course on gGJTggrgPhy-00307-00067185-00067493 understanding people’ is all the way at gGJTggrgPhy-00308-00067322-00067649 the top, so there's ways of gGJTggrgPhy-00309-00067493-00067763 thinking of how to group things. So gGJTggrgPhy-00310-00067649-00067933 that's the video that you can watch, it's a gGJTggrgPhy-00311-00067763-00068180 little bit easier. You can't see me but gGJTggrgPhy-00312-00067933-00068387 I'm gesturing! L: there's ways of thinking gGJTggrgPhy-00313-00068180-00068657 about things but conveniently in videos gGJTggrgPhy-00314-00068387-00068810 there are also ways of seeing things to go gGJTggrgPhy-00315-00068657-00069044 with that explanation, so that's on the gGJTggrgPhy-00316-00068810-00069245 Lingvid videos G: and we'll link to that gGJTggrgPhy-00317-00069044-00069350 too. And the fancy words that linguists gGJTggrgPhy-00318-00069245-00069502 give this particular type of gGJTggrgPhy-00319-00069350-00069635 constituents where there's two different gGJTggrgPhy-00320-00069502-00069776 meanings or more than one different gGJTggrgPhy-00321-00069635-00069893 meaning is structural ambiguity, but gGJTggrgPhy-00322-00069776-00070085 we're going to we're going to stick with gGJTggrgPhy-00323-00069893-00070189 introducing one new term at a time so gGJTggrgPhy-00324-00070085-00070406 you don't have to remember structural gGJTggrgPhy-00325-00070189-00070688 ambiguity if you want to L: and you’ve gGJTggrgPhy-00326-00070406-00070973 talked about some metaphors gGJTggrgPhy-00327-00070688-00071170 like bracelets or mobiles for how gGJTggrgPhy-00328-00070973-00071360 constituents can relate to each other gGJTggrgPhy-00329-00071170-00071573 G: some people also use the idea of gGJTggrgPhy-00330-00071360-00071792 nesting dolls inside each other for gGJTggrgPhy-00331-00071573-00071924 constituents, or bowls that get bigger and gGJTggrgPhy-00332-00071792-00072101 bigger and nest in each other. A problem gGJTggrgPhy-00333-00071924-00072350 that I have with that, and I get gGJTggrgPhy-00334-00072101-00072557 that stuff nests, is that it's hard to gGJTggrgPhy-00335-00072350-00072716 account for several things happening at once, gGJTggrgPhy-00336-00072557-00072899 it's very linear, there's only gGJTggrgPhy-00337-00072716-00073082 one set of layers as you go gGJTggrgPhy-00338-00072899-00073195 out and that's not what generally gGJTggrgPhy-00339-00073082-00073373 happens with sentences, there's generally gGJTggrgPhy-00340-00073195-00073631 more than one kind of set so I thought gGJTggrgPhy-00341-00073373-00073832 of a new-age metaphor which I am very gGJTggrgPhy-00342-00073631-00074114 proud to share with you guys. So this is gGJTggrgPhy-00343-00073832-00074336 a cooking metaphor L: yes! I'm on board gGJTggrgPhy-00344-00074114-00074579 already G: so if you're making a cake you have gGJTggrgPhy-00345-00074336-00074699 a set of steps to follow, so gGJTggrgPhy-00346-00074579-00074845 you cream the butter and the sugar and gGJTggrgPhy-00347-00074699-00075029 then you add the eggs and you add the gGJTggrgPhy-00348-00074845-00075295 vanilla, and then you go over to another gGJTggrgPhy-00349-00075029-00075455 bowl and you have the flour and you have gGJTggrgPhy-00350-00075295-00075608 the baking powder and you have the salt gGJTggrgPhy-00351-00075455-00075758 and the cinnamon or something gGJTggrgPhy-00352-00075608-00075958 if you want it and you mix those gGJTggrgPhy-00353-00075758-00076193 together and then you add the one bowl gGJTggrgPhy-00354-00075958-00076400 to the other bowl and then sometimes you gGJTggrgPhy-00355-00076193-00076598 also add pre-prepared ingredients like gGJTggrgPhy-00356-00076400-00076844 chocolate chips which also have stuff in them, gGJTggrgPhy-00357-00076598-00077045 they have cocoa butter L: what are gGJTggrgPhy-00358-00076844-00077302 constituted of, hmmm
 G: and so there's gGJTggrgPhy-00359-00077045-00077555 several different kind of subroutines or gGJTggrgPhy-00360-00077302-00077758 sub bowls or sub containers that you gGJTggrgPhy-00361-00077555-00077902 need to take care of separately, and each gGJTggrgPhy-00362-00077758-00078017 of those has a particular order that gGJTggrgPhy-00363-00077902-00078137 you're adding stuff in and then also gGJTggrgPhy-00364-00078017-00078419 sometimes you have to go to this other gGJTggrgPhy-00365-00078137-00078548 bowl and do stuff. Or when I make cream gGJTggrgPhy-00366-00078419-00078614 cheese brownies, which is a recipe gGJTggrgPhy-00367-00078548-00078794 that I like a lot, gGJTggrgPhy-00368-00078614-00078877 you make the brownie stuff and then you gGJTggrgPhy-00369-00078794-00079016 have to make the cream cheese mixture gGJTggrgPhy-00370-00078877-00079199 and you add the sugar to the cream gGJTggrgPhy-00371-00079016-00079352 cheese and stuff and then you swirl gGJTggrgPhy-00372-00079199-00079661 the cream cheese mixture on top, so you gGJTggrgPhy-00373-00079352-00079841 have several bowls going on so it's gGJTggrgPhy-00374-00079661-00080135 not just one set of nesting bowls, gGJTggrgPhy-00375-00079841-00080393 it's like when you do stuff L: and exactly gGJTggrgPhy-00376-00080135-00080606 the same ingredients you use for your gGJTggrgPhy-00377-00080393-00080790 cream cheese brownies, I might use to gGJTggrgPhy-00378-00080606-00081057 make chocolate gGJTggrgPhy-00379-00080790-00081300 chip cookies G: with cream cheese icing L: with gGJTggrgPhy-00380-00081057-00081489 cream cheese icing, I don't do that but G: I gGJTggrgPhy-00381-00081300-00081678 don't know if anyone has but it's all good gGJTggrgPhy-00382-00081489-00082023 L: some kind of weird biscuit/ gGJTggrgPhy-00383-00081678-00082245 sandwich
 I mean it wouldn't be as tasty gGJTggrgPhy-00384-00082023-00082446 but it would be still a valid use of the gGJTggrgPhy-00385-00082245-00082575 same set of material G: I think we need to gGJTggrgPhy-00386-00082446-00082830 determine this empirically and have a gGJTggrgPhy-00387-00082575-00082995 bake-off L: okay, I have not made that recipe gGJTggrgPhy-00388-00082830-00083079 before so I feel that I’m at something gGJTggrgPhy-00389-00082995-00083391 of a disadvantage. gGJTggrgPhy-00390-00083079-00083622 All novel baked goods, all novel gGJTggrgPhy-00391-00083391-00083799 utterances. So in the same way that I can gGJTggrgPhy-00392-00083622-00084144 use exactly the same ingredients to make gGJTggrgPhy-00393-00083799-00084393 banana pancakes or banana muffins, but gGJTggrgPhy-00394-00084144-00084618 the order in which you pull gGJTggrgPhy-00395-00084393-00084786 them together creates something different gGJTggrgPhy-00396-00084618-00085050 G: and what you put in first and what you gGJTggrgPhy-00397-00084786-00085248 mix separately, or gGJTggrgPhy-00398-00085050-00085461 something like a sauce or something gGJTggrgPhy-00399-00085248-00085599 you make the salad and then you gGJTggrgPhy-00400-00085461-00085767 make the salad dressing and you mix the gGJTggrgPhy-00401-00085599-00085908 salad dressing in its own bowl and then gGJTggrgPhy-00402-00085767-00086103 you can pour it over the salad as one gGJTggrgPhy-00403-00085908-00086268 thing, that's different from gGJTggrgPhy-00404-00086103-00086373 making a salad where you throw the salad gGJTggrgPhy-00405-00086268-00086577 dressing in with all the other gGJTggrgPhy-00406-00086373-00086718 ingredients all separately. And so gGJTggrgPhy-00407-00086577-00086952 what that's getting at is gGJTggrgPhy-00408-00086718-00087192 if you have ‘time flies like an arrow’ you gGJTggrgPhy-00409-00086952-00087444 can just kind of add each one - ‘time’ gGJTggrgPhy-00410-00087192-00087699 gets added to ‘flies like an arrow’, ‘flies’ gGJTggrgPhy-00411-00087444-00087897 gets added to ‘flies
 like an arrow’, ‘like’ gGJTggrgPhy-00412-00087699-00088053 gets added to ‘an arrow’. But if you have gGJTggrgPhy-00413-00087897-00088254 something like ‘fruit flies like a banana’ gGJTggrgPhy-00414-00088053-00088551 you've got to combine ‘fruit’ and ‘flies’ gGJTggrgPhy-00415-00088254-00088806 together first L: I have a bowl of fruit gGJTggrgPhy-00416-00088551-00089259 flies here Gretchen! G: this is my gGJTggrgPhy-00417-00088806-00089454 baking, I'm really good at baking! L: mmm protein gGJTggrgPhy-00418-00089259-00089661 G: so if you have fruit flies or raisins or gGJTggrgPhy-00419-00089454-00089811 something that you want to put in your gGJTggrgPhy-00420-00089661-00090045 bananas, you have to combine fruit and gGJTggrgPhy-00421-00089811-00090305 flies together as words before you can gGJTggrgPhy-00422-00090045-00090681 add that whole thing to ‘like a banana’ gGJTggrgPhy-00423-00090305-00090945 L: yeah I just want to suggest for a moment gGJTggrgPhy-00424-00090681-00091182 that maybe some of the more attentive gGJTggrgPhy-00425-00090945-00091365 listeners are wondering if we're not gGJTggrgPhy-00426-00091182-00091584 just talking about something that they gGJTggrgPhy-00427-00091365-00091785 think of as grammar G: I think grammar is gGJTggrgPhy-00428-00091584-00091974 often used imprecisely, and so gGJTggrgPhy-00429-00091785-00092262 constituency is a specific thing gGJTggrgPhy-00430-00091974-00092475 within the idea of grammar, so yeah this gGJTggrgPhy-00431-00092262-00092673 is this is partially grammar but it’s gGJTggrgPhy-00432-00092475-00092939 useful to divide that up into specific gGJTggrgPhy-00433-00092673-00093285 ideas L: yep, so this is one particular gGJTggrgPhy-00434-00092939-00093438 part of putting together words to create gGJTggrgPhy-00435-00093285-00093636 meanings G: I thought you were going to say gGJTggrgPhy-00436-00093438-00093750 ‘I think some of our more astute gGJTggrgPhy-00437-00093636-00093879 listeners are you wondering if we're not gGJTggrgPhy-00438-00093750-00094098 talking about politics’, because gGJTggrgPhy-00439-00093879-00094416 constituency is also a thing in politics gGJTggrgPhy-00440-00094098-00094508 L: sorry for anyone who found this thinking gGJTggrgPhy-00441-00094416-00094800 it was a politics podcast gGJTggrgPhy-00442-00094508-00095031 G: not a politics podcast. So electoral gGJTggrgPhy-00443-00094800-00095177 districts are also constituencies, and a gGJTggrgPhy-00444-00095031-00095385 constituent is a person who lives in an gGJTggrgPhy-00445-00095177-00095580 electoral district. And they come from gGJTggrgPhy-00446-00095385-00095777 the same metaphor, they're related to the gGJTggrgPhy-00447-00095580-00096020 word ‘constitute’, so a person who is a gGJTggrgPhy-00448-00095777-00096227 constituent decides who constitutes gGJTggrgPhy-00449-00096020-00096438 their Parliament or their Congress or gGJTggrgPhy-00450-00096227-00096663 their set of representatives in politics. gGJTggrgPhy-00451-00096438-00096891 So they're related but they're not the gGJTggrgPhy-00452-00096663-00097119 same thing L: so we've been talking about gGJTggrgPhy-00453-00096891-00097497 this as though it just objectively gGJTggrgPhy-00454-00097119-00097680 exists, but how do we know constituency gGJTggrgPhy-00455-00097497-00097935 exists other than you talking about gGJTggrgPhy-00456-00097680-00098187 bowls and other metaphors? G: also I gGJTggrgPhy-00457-00097935-00098402 think how if you can’t create one of gGJTggrgPhy-00458-00098187-00098552 these ambiguities that prove very nicely gGJTggrgPhy-00459-00098402-00098667 that something is going on, but gGJTggrgPhy-00460-00098552-00098868 obviously not all sentences are gGJTggrgPhy-00461-00098667-00099081 ambiguous, and so how do you gGJTggrgPhy-00462-00098868-00099354 do this? The cool thing is that there gGJTggrgPhy-00463-00099081-00099681 are totally ways to do this, there is gGJTggrgPhy-00464-00099354-00099966 totes science guys! L: this is us getting gGJTggrgPhy-00465-00099681-00100283 our linguist lab coats on G: so you know how gGJTggrgPhy-00466-00099966-00100479 in chemistry you can add drops of a gGJTggrgPhy-00467-00100283-00100617 known chemical to a mystery liquid gGJTggrgPhy-00468-00100479-00100962 and see if it turns green or something - I gGJTggrgPhy-00469-00100617-00101076 don't know very much about chemistry, this gGJTggrgPhy-00470-00100962-00101298 is what all the scientists do in the gGJTggrgPhy-00471-00101076-00101451 movies L: these are definitely not chemistry gGJTggrgPhy-00472-00101298-00101568 lab coats people G: and it'll tell you like gGJTggrgPhy-00473-00101451-00101712 if it turns purple it'll tell you gGJTggrgPhy-00474-00101568-00101922 whether it's an acid or a base or gGJTggrgPhy-00475-00101712-00102216 something like this. So there is stuff gGJTggrgPhy-00476-00101922-00102419 you can add to sentences that's known gGJTggrgPhy-00477-00102216-00102639 quantities that behaves in certain gGJTggrgPhy-00478-00102419-00102840 ways around constituents and then see what gGJTggrgPhy-00479-00102639-00103070 happens, and see whether a particular gGJTggrgPhy-00480-00102840-00103422 piece of a new sentence is a constituent gGJTggrgPhy-00481-00103070-00103634 or not L: so we don't have something like a gGJTggrgPhy-00482-00103422-00104044 Large Hadron Collider to show gGJTggrgPhy-00483-00103634-00104322 you around G: Large Hadron constituencer! gGJTggrgPhy-00484-00104044-00104636 L: yep, unfortunately we haven't built one gGJTggrgPhy-00485-00104322-00104895 of those to smash words and phrases gGJTggrgPhy-00486-00104636-00105045 into each other, but that's why gGJTggrgPhy-00487-00104895-00105249 linguistics is really cool, because gGJTggrgPhy-00488-00105045-00105444 you don't even need the imaginary lab gGJTggrgPhy-00489-00105249-00105836 coats that we're wearing right now, you gGJTggrgPhy-00490-00105444-00106008 just need some linguistic intuitions and gGJTggrgPhy-00491-00105836-00106245 you can do the science G: you can do gGJTggrgPhy-00492-00106008-00106494 science right there in your ears, in your gGJTggrgPhy-00493-00106245-00106709 mouth, in your talking L: in the privacy of gGJTggrgPhy-00494-00106494-00106958 your own mouth G: in the privacy of your gGJTggrgPhy-00495-00106709-00107154 own home, you too can do the science, you gGJTggrgPhy-00496-00106958-00107448 don't need test tubes or safety gGJTggrgPhy-00497-00107154-00107486 goggles L: try this as home gGJTggrgPhy-00498-00107448-00107652 G: try this at home, do gGJTggrgPhy-00499-00107486-00107949 try this at home it's okay it won't gGJTggrgPhy-00500-00107652-00108114 break anything L: other than some rules of gGJTggrgPhy-00501-00107949-00108333 constituency G: no constituents were harmed gGJTggrgPhy-00502-00108114-00108635 in the making of this experiment L: so gGJTggrgPhy-00503-00108333-00108942 there are a whole range of constituency gGJTggrgPhy-00504-00108635-00109083 tests that linguists use to figure out gGJTggrgPhy-00505-00108942-00109299 whether something as a constituent or gGJTggrgPhy-00506-00109083-00109521 not and these are often language gGJTggrgPhy-00507-00109299-00109716 dependent, some of them you can use in a gGJTggrgPhy-00508-00109521-00109985 lot of languages, others are really gGJTggrgPhy-00509-00109716-00110217 specific to a particular language, and gGJTggrgPhy-00510-00109985-00110379 there are some good videos and gGJTggrgPhy-00511-00110217-00110558 actually the Wikipedia gGJTggrgPhy-00512-00110379-00110730 summary for this is pretty good as a gGJTggrgPhy-00513-00110558-00110922 starting point, so we're not going to go gGJTggrgPhy-00514-00110730-00111180 through all of the main tests for gGJTggrgPhy-00515-00110922-00111335 English constituency testing, but we are gGJTggrgPhy-00516-00111180-00111509 going to share a couple to give you an gGJTggrgPhy-00517-00111335-00111675 idea of how it works G: yeah and we will gGJTggrgPhy-00518-00111509-00111935 link to more lists so if you think ‘I gGJTggrgPhy-00519-00111675-00112158 want to test this’. The core idea of a gGJTggrgPhy-00520-00111935-00112503 constituency test is you want to say gGJTggrgPhy-00521-00112158-00112733 ‘I’ve got a sentence and I've got a gGJTggrgPhy-00522-00112503-00112863 couple words in this sentence’ - so any gGJTggrgPhy-00523-00112733-00113036 individual word is going to be a gGJTggrgPhy-00524-00112863-00113169 constituent because you could say it by gGJTggrgPhy-00525-00113036-00113355 itself if you want so that's not very gGJTggrgPhy-00526-00113169-00113541 interesting, but you've got two gGJTggrgPhy-00527-00113355-00113717 words or three words or five words, a gGJTggrgPhy-00528-00113541-00113958 string of words in the sentence and you gGJTggrgPhy-00529-00113717-00114258 want to say ‘are these words functioning gGJTggrgPhy-00530-00113958-00114432 together as a unit or is there gGJTggrgPhy-00531-00114258-00114549 some break between them?’. And the gGJTggrgPhy-00532-00114432-00114732 whole sentence is also going to be a gGJTggrgPhy-00533-00114549-00114897 constituent but within a sentence you're gGJTggrgPhy-00534-00114732-00115014 going to have some groups of words that gGJTggrgPhy-00535-00114897-00115164 are more influenced by each other gGJTggrgPhy-00536-00115014-00115377 and some that aren’t, and so what we're gGJTggrgPhy-00537-00115164-00115539 doing is saying ‘okay there's various gGJTggrgPhy-00538-00115377-00115776 ways of saying here's a group of words gGJTggrgPhy-00539-00115539-00116052 that we're wondering about let's put it gGJTggrgPhy-00540-00115776-00116400 through a bunch of other contexts where gGJTggrgPhy-00541-00116052-00116717 we know that things that our units do gGJTggrgPhy-00542-00116400-00116967 act together and if this one does that gGJTggrgPhy-00543-00116717-00117276 too then it is a constituent, and if it gGJTggrgPhy-00544-00116967-00117573 doesn't do that too then it's not’ L: so we gGJTggrgPhy-00545-00117276-00117755 need a test subject G: I think we should gGJTggrgPhy-00546-00117573-00117999 use ‘time flies like an arrow, fruit flies gGJTggrgPhy-00547-00117755-00118347 like a banana’ L: okay that is a very gGJTggrgPhy-00548-00117999-00118592 excellent set of guinea pigs to bring gGJTggrgPhy-00549-00118347-00118773 into the lab space G: because this will give us gGJTggrgPhy-00550-00118592-00118910 some contrast. We’ve kind of spoiled it for gGJTggrgPhy-00551-00118773-00119175 you already, but we want to find out if gGJTggrgPhy-00552-00118910-00119333 ‘time flies’ is a constituent, and we will gGJTggrgPhy-00553-00119175-00119565 also want to see if ‘fruit flies’ is a gGJTggrgPhy-00554-00119333-00119727 constituent L: so the first test that we gGJTggrgPhy-00555-00119565-00119883 are going to subject them to is the gGJTggrgPhy-00556-00119727-00120201 questions test, which is more or less gGJTggrgPhy-00557-00119883-00120408 using questions to see if they can stand gGJTggrgPhy-00558-00120201-00120699 alone, because often if you ask someone a gGJTggrgPhy-00559-00120408-00120797 question they just answer with a stand gGJTggrgPhy-00560-00120699-00120995 alone response, gGJTggrgPhy-00561-00120797-00121253 so if you say to someone ‘what did you do gGJTggrgPhy-00562-00120995-00121454 last night?’ they don't say ‘last night I gGJTggrgPhy-00563-00121253-00121604 went to the cinema’ they just say ‘I went gGJTggrgPhy-00564-00121454-00121810 to the cinema’ G: you can answer with a gGJTggrgPhy-00565-00121604-00122086 fragment and those fragments are all gGJTggrgPhy-00566-00121810-00122378 constituents. So if we say ‘what likes a gGJTggrgPhy-00567-00122086-00122696 banana?’ we can answer that with ‘fruit gGJTggrgPhy-00568-00122378-00122927 flies’, but if we say ‘what likes an gGJTggrgPhy-00569-00122696-00123164 arrow?’, we don't want to answer that ‘time gGJTggrgPhy-00570-00122927-00123341 flies’, or like we could but it would be gGJTggrgPhy-00571-00123164-00123563 something very very different and so gGJTggrgPhy-00572-00123341-00123704 this is telling us that ‘fruit flies’ is a gGJTggrgPhy-00573-00123563-00123917 constituent, you can use it as an answer gGJTggrgPhy-00574-00123704-00124232 to a question and ‘time flies’ is not a gGJTggrgPhy-00575-00123917-00124391 constituent. But if we say ‘what flies like gGJTggrgPhy-00576-00124232-00124664 an arrow?’ we can just answer that ‘time’ gGJTggrgPhy-00577-00124391-00124816 and that's totally fine. So sometime you need to gGJTggrgPhy-00578-00124664-00125066 think creative about what that question needs to be gGJTggrgPhy-00579-00124816-00125297 L: yeah where as what ‘what flies like a gGJTggrgPhy-00580-00125066-00125516 banana?’ is literally only a banana. gGJTggrgPhy-00581-00125297-00125809 Another test that we could subject them gGJTggrgPhy-00582-00125516-00126060 to is the test of substitution G: so gGJTggrgPhy-00583-00125809-00126334 this means because we know that any gGJTggrgPhy-00584-00126060-00126559 individual word is a constituent, if you gGJTggrgPhy-00585-00126334-00126824 can find an individual word that you can gGJTggrgPhy-00586-00126559-00126980 substitute for a longer string of words gGJTggrgPhy-00587-00126824-00127118 that you're wondering about, then that gGJTggrgPhy-00588-00126980-00127301 means that this longer string of words gGJTggrgPhy-00589-00127118-00127466 has to also be constituent, as long as gGJTggrgPhy-00590-00127301-00127684 the sentence keeps doing the gGJTggrgPhy-00591-00127466-00128078 same thing L: so for example you could say gGJTggrgPhy-00592-00127684-00128410 ‘I like cake’ or you could say ‘the very gGJTggrgPhy-00593-00128078-00128630 beautiful, intelligent woman who has just gGJTggrgPhy-00594-00128410-00128951 finished her job in London and is moving gGJTggrgPhy-00595-00128630-00129211 back to Melbourne to do a new job likes gGJTggrgPhy-00596-00128951-00129479 cake’. Although the second one is very, gGJTggrgPhy-00597-00129211-00129716 very long it fills basically exactly the gGJTggrgPhy-00598-00129479-00130070 same role in the sentence as the one gGJTggrgPhy-00599-00129716-00130253 letter pronoun ‘I’ and in this case just gGJTggrgPhy-00600-00130070-00130420 semantically happens to be the gGJTggrgPhy-00601-00130253-00130684 same person! G: happens to be true! gGJTggrgPhy-00602-00130420-00130841 yeah so often people use pronouns gGJTggrgPhy-00603-00130684-00131027 for this, you can substitute the entire gGJTggrgPhy-00604-00130841-00131276 thing with a pronoun. So if we take our gGJTggrgPhy-00605-00131027-00131576 ‘time flies’ example if we say ‘time flies gGJTggrgPhy-00606-00131276-00131804 like an arrow’ you could also say ‘it flies like gGJTggrgPhy-00607-00131576-00132017 an arrow’ but if we want to say ‘is ‘time gGJTggrgPhy-00608-00131804-00132242 flies’ a constituent?’ then you have to say ‘it gGJTggrgPhy-00609-00132017-00132524 likes a banana’ or ‘they like a banana’ gGJTggrgPhy-00610-00132242-00132746 L: ‘they like an arrow?’. We've got gGJTggrgPhy-00611-00132524-00133028 cross contamination on the sentences gGJTggrgPhy-00612-00132746-00133166 G: so hard to do orally! yeah the arrow, and if gGJTggrgPhy-00613-00133028-00133331 that’s supposed to mean the same thing a gGJTggrgPhy-00614-00133166-00133514 ‘time flies like a’ we're dealing with gGJTggrgPhy-00615-00133331-00133787 little flapping Timelords, we're not gGJTggrgPhy-00616-00133514-00133976 dealing with time flying. Where as gGJTggrgPhy-00617-00133787-00134174 for ‘fruit flies like a banana’ if you gGJTggrgPhy-00618-00133976-00134317 have ‘it flies like a banana’, gGJTggrgPhy-00619-00134174-00134426 again you've created a very different gGJTggrgPhy-00620-00134317-00134579 sentence where you're talking about gGJTggrgPhy-00621-00134426-00134810 something that is thrown across the room, gGJTggrgPhy-00622-00134579-00135055 whereas ‘they like a banana’ is a gGJTggrgPhy-00623-00134810-00135200 reasonable and cogent substitute for gGJTggrgPhy-00624-00135055-00135494 ‘fruit flies like bananas’ gGJTggrgPhy-00625-00135200-00135742 L: there is also another thing that is not gGJTggrgPhy-00626-00135494-00136076 part of the standard canon of gGJTggrgPhy-00627-00135742-00136379 constituency tests, but I like it as a gGJTggrgPhy-00628-00136076-00136630 way of showing that anyone who gGJTggrgPhy-00629-00136379-00136901 uses the internet know instinctively gGJTggrgPhy-00630-00136630-00137195 what a constituent is, and that's because gGJTggrgPhy-00631-00136901-00137333 when we use hyperlinks and clickable gGJTggrgPhy-00632-00137195-00137633 links on the internet gGJTggrgPhy-00633-00137333-00137888 we rarely break constituent boundaries gGJTggrgPhy-00634-00137633-00138215 with those, we usually have a single gGJTggrgPhy-00635-00137888-00138386 constituent or a phrase within a single hyperlink gGJTggrgPhy-00636-00138215-00138491 G: so this is like the anchor text for a gGJTggrgPhy-00637-00138386-00138695 hyperlink, so when you you gGJTggrgPhy-00638-00138491-00138880 highlight a couple words and then you gGJTggrgPhy-00639-00138695-00139061 like make them into a link, and the words gGJTggrgPhy-00640-00138880-00139217 that you highlighted are probably gGJTggrgPhy-00641-00139061-00139555 constituent, you're probably already doing gGJTggrgPhy-00642-00139217-00139802 this subconsciously L: so you would say, if gGJTggrgPhy-00643-00139555-00139979 you were writing about ‘time flies like gGJTggrgPhy-00644-00139802-00140177 an arrow’ you might have a hyperlink for gGJTggrgPhy-00645-00139979-00140384 ‘time’ and that would take you to a gGJTggrgPhy-00646-00140177-00140639 dictionary definition of time and you gGJTggrgPhy-00647-00140384-00140828 might have ‘flies like an arrow’ might be gGJTggrgPhy-00648-00140639-00141095 a hyperlink to a video that shows an gGJTggrgPhy-00649-00140828-00141227 arrows flying. Whereas if you have the gGJTggrgPhy-00650-00141095-00141410 other sentence you might have seen like gGJTggrgPhy-00651-00141227-00141650 ‘fruit flies’ and that takes you to the gGJTggrgPhy-00652-00141410-00141884 Wikipedia page for fruit flies and you gGJTggrgPhy-00653-00141650-00142094 might have ‘like a banana’ and then you gGJTggrgPhy-00654-00141884-00142328 have a list of animals that eat fruit gGJTggrgPhy-00655-00142094-00142562 G: but you'd be unlikely probably to make gGJTggrgPhy-00656-00142328-00142724 ‘time flies’ the anchor text of your of gGJTggrgPhy-00657-00142562-00142877 your hyperlink, unless you're talking gGJTggrgPhy-00658-00142724-00143057 about Timelords flies, which in which gGJTggrgPhy-00659-00142877-00143225 case it would be a constituent L: yeah and it gGJTggrgPhy-00660-00143057-00143467 would be very, very unlikely to get gGJTggrgPhy-00661-00143225-00143633 something like ‘time flies like’ G: oh yeah that'd be gGJTggrgPhy-00662-00143467-00143738 really weird. But it's surprisingly common, gGJTggrgPhy-00663-00143633-00143978 next time you're reading an article gGJTggrgPhy-00664-00143738-00144107 that has links in it check them out to gGJTggrgPhy-00665-00143978-00144338 see if their constituents, there’s a gGJTggrgPhy-00666-00144107-00144533 fun thing to do. My favourite example of gGJTggrgPhy-00667-00144338-00145034 people doing subconscious constituents gGJTggrgPhy-00668-00144533-00145255 takes us back to doggo L: yes! G: so this is gGJTggrgPhy-00669-00145034-00145648 the best thing L: I’m already there G: one of gGJTggrgPhy-00670-00145255-00145928 the people behind the doggo thing is a gGJTggrgPhy-00671-00145648-00146147 Twitter account called at dog rates, gGJTggrgPhy-00672-00145928-00146345 dog underscore rates, by a guy named gGJTggrgPhy-00673-00146147-00146453 Matt Nelson, a lot of people have seen it gGJTggrgPhy-00674-00146345-00146648 has like two million followers you've gGJTggrgPhy-00675-00146453-00146915 probably seen this account. It’ll be like gGJTggrgPhy-00676-00146648-00147182 ‘what a cute pupper 10/10 would would pet’ gGJTggrgPhy-00677-00146915-00147504 and it's great, but he also started a gGJTggrgPhy-00678-00147182-00147765 second, more experimental Twitter account, gGJTggrgPhy-00679-00147504-00148041 and it's called at dog underscore gGJTggrgPhy-00680-00147765-00148320 feelings, and this is an account where gGJTggrgPhy-00681-00148041-00148509 the dog just says stuff in gGJTggrgPhy-00682-00148320-00148734 a spaced out doggy sort of voice, gGJTggrgPhy-00683-00148509-00148923 and it's more interesting linguistically, gGJTggrgPhy-00684-00148734-00149163 to my mind at the moment when we're gGJTggrgPhy-00685-00148923-00149379 talking about constituency, because what gGJTggrgPhy-00686-00149163-00149511 this dog characters does on this Twitter gGJTggrgPhy-00687-00149379-00149616 account, which we're definitely going to link to gGJTggrgPhy-00688-00149511-00149937 you should definitely go check out gGJTggrgPhy-00689-00149616-00150138 because it's really funny, is the seed of gGJTggrgPhy-00690-00149937-00150486 the account is words in all gGJTggrgPhy-00691-00150138-00150675 lowercase and he'll put periods between gGJTggrgPhy-00692-00150486-00150855 every couple words - sometimes after a gGJTggrgPhy-00693-00150675-00151059 single word, sometimes after two or three gGJTggrgPhy-00694-00150855-00151248 words, sometimes he’ll even go up to like four gGJTggrgPhy-00695-00151059-00151401 and so he'll put periods between them gGJTggrgPhy-00696-00151248-00151608 periodically, kind of in the gGJTggrgPhy-00697-00151401-00151868 rhythm of a wagging tail or like you gGJTggrgPhy-00698-00151608-00152067 know dogs aren't super smart gGJTggrgPhy-00699-00151868-00152307 linguistically, so they'll kind of pause gGJTggrgPhy-00700-00152067-00152601 a lot and what's really interesting to gGJTggrgPhy-00701-00152307-00152757 me is that the pauses often obey gGJTggrgPhy-00702-00152601-00152922 constituency boundaries. I'm sure this gGJTggrgPhy-00703-00152757-00153093 guy knows no linguistics, I don't think gGJTggrgPhy-00704-00152922-00153330 he's doing it consciously L: but even gGJTggrgPhy-00705-00153093-00153525 intuitively it's falling into constituency. I gGJTggrgPhy-00706-00153330-00153663 mean I can read a couple of examples but gGJTggrgPhy-00707-00153525-00153855 it does take us into the always gGJTggrgPhy-00708-00153663-00154101 difficult territory of how written memes gGJTggrgPhy-00709-00153855-00154293 sound out loud G: I think we should read an gGJTggrgPhy-00710-00154101-00154638 example or two L: okay I'll do my best gGJTggrgPhy-00711-00154293-00155022 thoughts of dogs voice ‘my human. is sad gGJTggrgPhy-00712-00154638-00155505 again. I can tell. because. he only gave me. gGJTggrgPhy-00713-00155022-00155769 one pat. when I. put my head. in his lap.’ gGJTggrgPhy-00714-00155505-00155940 G: so what's cool about this is all of gGJTggrgPhy-00715-00155769-00155985 these pauses are constituents, so ‘my gGJTggrgPhy-00716-00155940-00156216 human’, that's a constituent, gGJTggrgPhy-00717-00155985-00156414 ‘is sad again’ is a constituent, where as gGJTggrgPhy-00718-00156216-00156684 if instead it had been gGJTggrgPhy-00719-00156414-00156780 ‘my human is. sad again’ then that wouldn't gGJTggrgPhy-00720-00156684-00156999 have been a constituent. gGJTggrgPhy-00721-00156780-00157203 So speaking of pauses, Lauren you do gGJTggrgPhy-00722-00156999-00157452 prosody L: I don't do prosody but I gGJTggrgPhy-00723-00157203-00157758 really like it. I mean I do prosody as in gGJTggrgPhy-00724-00157452-00157971 I modulate the way that I speak using gGJTggrgPhy-00725-00157758-00158208 intonation G: I don’t, I talk like a robot gGJTggrgPhy-00726-00157971-00158447 L: yeah I have to put this in post hoc in gGJTggrgPhy-00727-00158208-00158847 the editing phase. So intonation gGJTggrgPhy-00728-00158447-00159048 contours, we don't often think about gGJTggrgPhy-00729-00158847-00159294 what they contribute but when it comes gGJTggrgPhy-00730-00159048-00159557 to spoken language they are often the gGJTggrgPhy-00731-00159294-00159888 thing that is doing the heavy lifting in gGJTggrgPhy-00732-00159557-00160152 disambiguating sentences so things like gGJTggrgPhy-00733-00159888-00160476 ‘time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies gGJTggrgPhy-00734-00160152-00160812 like a banana’, the intonation there helps gGJTggrgPhy-00735-00160476-00160880 people. It’s not as useful as some other gGJTggrgPhy-00736-00160812-00161157 examples gGJTggrgPhy-00737-00160880-00161583 G: whereas if you just say ‘time.. flies.. like.. gGJTggrgPhy-00738-00161157-00161639 an.. arrow..’ it's harder to tell what gGJTggrgPhy-00739-00161583-00161888 you mean by it gGJTggrgPhy-00740-00161639-00162137 L: yep and so prosody can often give us gGJTggrgPhy-00741-00161888-00162275 some clues as to what's happening in gGJTggrgPhy-00742-00162137-00162512 terms of how the constituents are gGJTggrgPhy-00743-00162275-00163011 grouped, and that helps disambiguate gGJTggrgPhy-00744-00162512-00163505 things. So my favourite meme example is a gGJTggrgPhy-00745-00163011-00163841 picture of some arctic ice and some glow gGJTggrgPhy-00746-00163505-00164102 sticks and small fluffy things, with the gGJTggrgPhy-00747-00163841-00164324 line down the bottom ‘stop clubbing baby gGJTggrgPhy-00748-00164102-00164603 seals’, which when you say it that way gGJTggrgPhy-00749-00164324-00164808 entirely deserves dancing G: baby seals gGJTggrgPhy-00750-00164603-00164936 what are you doing partying so late, gGJTggrgPhy-00751-00164808-00165317 you've got to get up tomorrow! gGJTggrgPhy-00752-00164936-00165590 L: awwww you’re only babies! G: you’re only babies, gGJTggrgPhy-00753-00165317-00165882 are you even allowed to drink yet?! L: which has an obviously gGJTggrgPhy-00754-00165590-00166122 very different reading to ‘stop clubbing gGJTggrgPhy-00755-00165882-00166250 baby seals’ G: yeah as in stop gGJTggrgPhy-00756-00166122-00166514 hitting them with clubs L: and so it's gGJTggrgPhy-00757-00166250-00166710 prosody, and it's the absence of gGJTggrgPhy-00758-00166514-00166916 prosody in the photo meme that is gGJTggrgPhy-00759-00166710-00167082 creating the joke G: and these memes often gGJTggrgPhy-00760-00166916-00167346 come around with oh this is the gGJTggrgPhy-00761-00167082-00167489 importance of commas, but commas are gGJTggrgPhy-00762-00167346-00167598 just an imperfect representation of gGJTggrgPhy-00763-00167489-00167780 prosody. gGJTggrgPhy-00764-00167598-00167946 But I think a lot of these ambiguity gGJTggrgPhy-00765-00167780-00168140 examples work better in writing, precisely gGJTggrgPhy-00766-00167946-00168333 because we're so good at prosody, like gGJTggrgPhy-00767-00168140-00168495 how you didn't get the people in Ipswich gGJTggrgPhy-00768-00168333-00168713 example even though it was totally clear gGJTggrgPhy-00769-00168495-00168851 to me listening to the audio of it L: you gGJTggrgPhy-00770-00168713-00169047 would have to be deliberately trying gGJTggrgPhy-00771-00168851-00169245 very hard to mishear ‘I did a course on gGJTggrgPhy-00772-00169047-00169667 understanding people
 gGJTggrgPhy-00773-00169245-00169797 in Ipswich’. So prosody is doing all the gGJTggrgPhy-00774-00169667-00170078 heavy lifting there and it's completely gGJTggrgPhy-00775-00169797-00170351 underrated, so just giving a gGJTggrgPhy-00776-00170078-00170499 shout-out to my mate prosody G: yeah well gGJTggrgPhy-00777-00170351-00170624 and this is another thing, it's not gGJTggrgPhy-00778-00170499-00170876 necessarily terribly good as a gGJTggrgPhy-00779-00170624-00171048 constituency test because commas are gGJTggrgPhy-00780-00170876-00171242 weird and generally linguist don't like gGJTggrgPhy-00781-00171048-00171372 to use written stuff as a test, but if gGJTggrgPhy-00782-00171242-00171597 you can think of ‘where could you gGJTggrgPhy-00783-00171372-00171812 put commas in this sentence and have the gGJTggrgPhy-00784-00171597-00171941 meanings still be preserved?’ those are gGJTggrgPhy-00785-00171812-00172047 going to be constituency boundaries. It's gGJTggrgPhy-00786-00171941-00172194 not necessary going to be all of them gGJTggrgPhy-00787-00172047-00172391 but it's going to be some of them, gGJTggrgPhy-00788-00172194-00172628 because that's one of the things gGJTggrgPhy-00789-00172391-00172802 that pauses indicators is where there gGJTggrgPhy-00790-00172628-00173099 are some breaks between stuff L: we've been gGJTggrgPhy-00791-00172802-00173417 talking about things like intonation and gGJTggrgPhy-00792-00173099-00173687 what words are entirely with English gGJTggrgPhy-00793-00173417-00173886 example sentences, that is because that gGJTggrgPhy-00794-00173687-00174174 is the language that is the medium of gGJTggrgPhy-00795-00173886-00174255 this podcast, but we really as always, gGJTggrgPhy-00796-00174174-00174453 because we gGJTggrgPhy-00797-00174255-00174621 like talking about all of the world's gGJTggrgPhy-00798-00174453-00174876 languages, we want to stress that these gGJTggrgPhy-00799-00174621-00175182 certain types of tests can be done, all gGJTggrgPhy-00800-00174876-00175431 languages breakdown structures to some gGJTggrgPhy-00801-00175182-00175611 degree in this way G: yeah all languages gGJTggrgPhy-00802-00175431-00175797 have constituents, they have stuff that gGJTggrgPhy-00803-00175611-00175953 is more closely associated than other gGJTggrgPhy-00804-00175797-00176094 stuff, which tests you can use to show gGJTggrgPhy-00805-00175953-00176373 that differs depending on the gGJTggrgPhy-00806-00176094-00176664 language and what exactly they use to gGJTggrgPhy-00807-00176373-00176973 create those relationships. So in some gGJTggrgPhy-00808-00176664-00177255 cases you can do constituency with parts gGJTggrgPhy-00809-00176973-00177372 of a single word not just with groups of gGJTggrgPhy-00810-00177255-00177543 words as a whole so there's some gGJTggrgPhy-00811-00177372-00177882 examples of that in English, one example gGJTggrgPhy-00812-00177543-00178143 that is very clear is ‘undoable’. gGJTggrgPhy-00813-00177882-00178473 So ‘undoable’ can mean two things, one gGJTggrgPhy-00814-00178143-00178809 thing it can mean is it’s ‘un’ ‘doable’, gGJTggrgPhy-00815-00178473-00179022 it's not able to be done, and then the gGJTggrgPhy-00816-00178809-00179379 other thing it can mean is it's ‘undo’ gGJTggrgPhy-00817-00179022-00179622 ‘able’ which is it's able to be undone gGJTggrgPhy-00818-00179379-00179829 L: as in, you can control z this G: you gGJTggrgPhy-00819-00179622-00180060 can control z this, there's an eraser gGJTggrgPhy-00820-00179829-00180282 here, whereas this is just impossible gGJTggrgPhy-00821-00180060-00180771 it's ‘un
doable’. And you can get more gGJTggrgPhy-00822-00180282-00180990 elaborate types of constituency with gGJTggrgPhy-00823-00180771-00181185 with things on a word gGJTggrgPhy-00824-00180990-00181368 as well as between words. So one example gGJTggrgPhy-00825-00181185-00181578 that I have for this comes from my gGJTggrgPhy-00826-00181368-00181908 misspent Latin education, which was not gGJTggrgPhy-00827-00181578-00182139 misspent at all I loved it, and this is gGJTggrgPhy-00828-00181908-00182343 a thing that Latin poems would do gGJTggrgPhy-00829-00182139-00182505 which is they would really mess around gGJTggrgPhy-00830-00182343-00182703 with a word order. In English the gGJTggrgPhy-00831-00182505-00183027 word order is very important, Latin poems gGJTggrgPhy-00832-00182703-00183258 especially would often just gGJTggrgPhy-00833-00183027-00183465 you'd have the phrase gGJTggrgPhy-00834-00183258-00183672 ‘from a long river’ or something, gGJTggrgPhy-00835-00183465-00183849 you'd have ‘the river’ in one line of gGJTggrgPhy-00836-00183672-00183987 the poem and ‘ the long’ in another line of gGJTggrgPhy-00837-00183849-00184179 the poem and you had to realise that gGJTggrgPhy-00838-00183987-00184329 they were actually being associated with gGJTggrgPhy-00839-00184179-00184467 each other, and it wasn't just like gGJTggrgPhy-00840-00184329-00184866 there's ‘from a river’ and there's ‘from a gGJTggrgPhy-00841-00184467-00185043 long something’, you had to realise that gGJTggrgPhy-00842-00184866-00185175 they were constituent together, they were gGJTggrgPhy-00843-00185043-00185370 actually trying to talk to each other gGJTggrgPhy-00844-00185175-00185568 and the poet I just moved them around to gGJTggrgPhy-00845-00185370-00185739 get a better rhythm. And so gGJTggrgPhy-00846-00185568-00185985 the way that you do this in Latin is the gGJTggrgPhy-00847-00185739-00186144 endings would have to match, so if you gGJTggrgPhy-00848-00185985-00186351 have the word for river in Latin gGJTggrgPhy-00849-00186144-00186546 ‘fluvias’, so if you have ‘fluvias’ that's gGJTggrgPhy-00850-00186351-00186816 the form of it when it's a subject, gGJTggrgPhy-00851-00186546-00186984 and then you have ‘longus’ which gGJTggrgPhy-00852-00186816-00187254 would be the form of the adjective when gGJTggrgPhy-00853-00186984-00187467 it's a subject matching it's masculine gGJTggrgPhy-00854-00187254-00187576 ‘us’ ending, so those would be the same gGJTggrgPhy-00855-00187467-00187792 thing, but if you have ‘from a gGJTggrgPhy-00856-00187576-00188059 long river’ that's an ablative so now you gGJTggrgPhy-00857-00187792-00188272 have ‘fluvio longo’, and even ‘longo’ is gGJTggrgPhy-00858-00188059-00188497 in line one and ‘fulvio’ is in line three gGJTggrgPhy-00859-00188272-00188695 you can still be like ‘oh they're both in gGJTggrgPhy-00860-00188497-00188830 the masculine ablative singular maybe gGJTggrgPhy-00861-00188695-00188992 they're actually supposed to be together, gGJTggrgPhy-00862-00188830-00189187 maybe they're actually constituent’. So gGJTggrgPhy-00863-00188992-00189319 in English constituents tend to be gGJTggrgPhy-00864-00189187-00189490 right next to each other but in other gGJTggrgPhy-00865-00189319-00189610 languages you can really move gGJTggrgPhy-00866-00189490-00189874 them around you have something else that gGJTggrgPhy-00867-00189610-00189967 tells you ‘oh these are things that gGJTggrgPhy-00868-00189874-00190108 you're supposed to be interpreting gGJTggrgPhy-00869-00189967-00190258 together’ L: so it's not how you kind of gGJTggrgPhy-00870-00190108-00190561 first encountered the idea of gGJTggrgPhy-00871-00190258-00190702 constituency? G: yeah I was decoding poems gGJTggrgPhy-00872-00190561-00190867 in high school thinking ‘oh these two gGJTggrgPhy-00873-00190702-00191056 things associate’ and then when I got to gGJTggrgPhy-00874-00190867-00191233 constituency later I was like ‘oh this is the gGJTggrgPhy-00875-00191056-00191458 same thing’. How did you first gGJTggrgPhy-00876-00191233-00191581 encounter constituency? L: before gGJTggrgPhy-00877-00191458-00191830 thinking about it in terms of gGJTggrgPhy-00878-00191581-00192148 linguistics, I think my first realisation gGJTggrgPhy-00879-00191830-00192403 that different words and sets of words gGJTggrgPhy-00880-00192148-00192703 could all feel the same kind of gGJTggrgPhy-00881-00192403-00192922 grammatical spot and be one constituent gGJTggrgPhy-00882-00192703-00192982 was essentially playing a version of gGJTggrgPhy-00883-00192922-00193267 mad libs gGJTggrgPhy-00884-00192982-00193450 G: oh yeah okay L: so if they wanted gGJTggrgPhy-00885-00193267-00193735 something that was a noun you could gGJTggrgPhy-00886-00193450-00193957 just write ‘butt’ or you could write ‘my gGJTggrgPhy-00887-00193735-00194296 brother’s big fat smelly butt’ and either gGJTggrgPhy-00888-00193957-00194563 way it would work, and be hilarious G: yeah gGJTggrgPhy-00889-00194296-00194998 very hilarious when you're like seven L: so gGJTggrgPhy-00890-00194563-00195388 that is where, it was gGJTggrgPhy-00891-00194998-00195577 trying to be funny in mad libs that taught gGJTggrgPhy-00892-00195388-00195837 me to think about just how much you gGJTggrgPhy-00893-00195577-00196243 could cram in while still actually gGJTggrgPhy-00894-00195837-00196453 being the same type of constituent G: yeah gGJTggrgPhy-00895-00196243-00196672 and I mean this gets us back to the gGJTggrgPhy-00896-00196453-00196816 grammatical gender point which we gGJTggrgPhy-00897-00196672-00196870 talked about in spisode two about gGJTggrgPhy-00898-00196816-00197065 pronouns, gGJTggrgPhy-00899-00196870-00197230 why do languages even gGJTggrgPhy-00900-00197065-00197449 bother with having gender, well sometimes gGJTggrgPhy-00901-00197230-00197724 it can help you figure out what's a gGJTggrgPhy-00902-00197449-00197944 constituent because if you have gGJTggrgPhy-00903-00197724-00198154 adjectives that have to agree with gGJTggrgPhy-00904-00197944-00198310 gender, particularly when you have a gGJTggrgPhy-00905-00198154-00198469 language like Latin or Old English would gGJTggrgPhy-00906-00198310-00198676 do this to where you could move around gGJTggrgPhy-00907-00198469-00198895 like this, it could help you find it, it gGJTggrgPhy-00908-00198676-00199048 was like a little like one of gGJTggrgPhy-00909-00198895-00199375 those like GPS microchips you put in gGJTggrgPhy-00910-00199048-00199549 your dog, it would be like gGJTggrgPhy-00911-00199375-00200026 ‘we've tagged you, you belong with gGJTggrgPhy-00912-00199549-00200260 here’ L: I think that there is also a larger gGJTggrgPhy-00913-00200026-00200467 theoretical importance to why we should gGJTggrgPhy-00914-00200260-00200716 care about constituents and that goes back gGJTggrgPhy-00915-00200467-00200857 to the thing we we're talking about earlier, gGJTggrgPhy-00916-00200716-00200962 language isn't just made up of gGJTggrgPhy-00917-00200857-00201130 individual words, gGJTggrgPhy-00918-00200962-00201439 you can't just take all the words from a gGJTggrgPhy-00919-00201130-00201646 film and remix them G: yeah I think humans gGJTggrgPhy-00920-00201439-00201808 don't just learn how to make sentences gGJTggrgPhy-00921-00201646-00202051 by memorising all of the possible gGJTggrgPhy-00922-00201808-00202078 sentences. Like ;time flies like an gGJTggrgPhy-00923-00202051-00202225 arrow, gGJTggrgPhy-00924-00202078-00202471 fruit flies like banana, someone came up gGJTggrgPhy-00925-00202225-00202597 with that and you understood it even the gGJTggrgPhy-00926-00202471-00202729 first time you heard it, because you knew gGJTggrgPhy-00927-00202597-00202936 what the words meant and you knew how to gGJTggrgPhy-00928-00202729-00203065 interpret the constituent relationships gGJTggrgPhy-00929-00202936-00203263 between those words. It's a thing that gGJTggrgPhy-00930-00203065-00203473 languages have where you can make up, gGJTggrgPhy-00931-00203263-00203695 right now, a sentence that no one's ever gGJTggrgPhy-00932-00203473-00203872 heard before because you know about the gGJTggrgPhy-00933-00203695-00204025 relationships between them L: it fills in gGJTggrgPhy-00934-00203872-00204259 as we said that kind of middle spot gGJTggrgPhy-00935-00204025-00204547 between just individual words or sounds gGJTggrgPhy-00936-00204259-00204730 and this larger, full discourse gGJTggrgPhy-00937-00204547-00204856 conversation G: there's other things that gGJTggrgPhy-00938-00204730-00205030 fill it in, we can talk about semantics gGJTggrgPhy-00939-00204856-00205228 at some point, gGJTggrgPhy-00940-00205030-00205419 but yes figuring out what language is in gGJTggrgPhy-00941-00205228-00205609 the human mind since we don't just say gGJTggrgPhy-00942-00205419-00205777 individual words it's partly figuring gGJTggrgPhy-00943-00205609-00205978 out what kinds of constituency gGJTggrgPhy-00944-00205777-00206121 relationships do we have. and I gGJTggrgPhy-00945-00205978-00206302 think there's a practical importance to gGJTggrgPhy-00946-00206121-00206473 it, so one of the exercises that intro gGJTggrgPhy-00947-00206302-00206616 linguistics students typically get set gGJTggrgPhy-00948-00206473-00206827 is you need to do a bunch of gGJTggrgPhy-00949-00206616-00207039 constituency tests and then you need to draw gGJTggrgPhy-00950-00206827-00207189 tree. But the trees themselves are are gGJTggrgPhy-00951-00207039-00207312 are only a means to an end are not an gGJTggrgPhy-00952-00207189-00207559 end in themselves, they're just a gGJTggrgPhy-00953-00207312-00207703 representation of all the constituency gGJTggrgPhy-00954-00207559-00208014 information you can extract from this gGJTggrgPhy-00955-00207703-00208300 sentence in a very convenient and visual gGJTggrgPhy-00956-00208014-00208498 form. Then when you start gGJTggrgPhy-00957-00208300-00208705 looking at them then you can say ‘oh okay gGJTggrgPhy-00958-00208498-00208954 well here's how these two sentences gGJTggrgPhy-00959-00208705-00209134 actually have the same structure because gGJTggrgPhy-00960-00208954-00209404 their trees look identical’ L: and when you gGJTggrgPhy-00961-00209134-00209644 draw syntactic trees it's one way to gGJTggrgPhy-00962-00209404-00209842 very quickly see that sentences that gGJTggrgPhy-00963-00209644-00210139 look the same on the surface have gGJTggrgPhy-00964-00209842-00210379 different structures. So ‘fruit flies gGJTggrgPhy-00965-00210139-00210610 like a banana’ the ‘fruit’ and the ‘flies’ gGJTggrgPhy-00966-00210379-00210751 are together as a constituent, and gGJTggrgPhy-00967-00210610-00211063 they're in a separate node in the tree, gGJTggrgPhy-00968-00210751-00211348 whereas ‘time flies like an arrow’, ‘time’ is gGJTggrgPhy-00969-00211063-00211569 all alone, lonely time in it's lonely node, gGJTggrgPhy-00970-00211348-00211756 and so you very quickly see that even gGJTggrgPhy-00971-00211569-00211975 though they appear the same their gGJTggrgPhy-00972-00211756-00212080 structures are different G: yeah so it's a gGJTggrgPhy-00973-00211975-00212296 convenient way of visualising that gGJTggrgPhy-00974-00212080-00212533 information and conveying that, but a lot gGJTggrgPhy-00975-00212296-00212689 of people got very buried in the ‘oh I need to figure gGJTggrgPhy-00976-00212533-00212956 out what are these constituents and gGJTggrgPhy-00977-00212689-00213169 what's going on here’ and it can be hard gGJTggrgPhy-00978-00212956-00213352 to first ten or twenty or gGJTggrgPhy-00979-00213169-00213471 thirty trees that you draw and every gGJTggrgPhy-00980-00213352-00213604 single set of words you have to run gGJTggrgPhy-00981-00213471-00213754 through this set of constituency test gGJTggrgPhy-00982-00213604-00213925 but it's kind of like learning how to gGJTggrgPhy-00983-00213754-00214159 navigate or learning how to make a map gGJTggrgPhy-00984-00213925-00214327 of the terrain, thinking about what kinds gGJTggrgPhy-00985-00214159-00214519 of things have relationships and gGJTggrgPhy-00986-00214327-00214671 getting good at just spotting them. gGJTggrgPhy-00987-00214519-00214825 I don't have to run constituency tests gGJTggrgPhy-00988-00214671-00214944 on every sentence I see now to see gGJTggrgPhy-00989-00214825-00215155 whether something's the constituents gGJTggrgPhy-00990-00214944-00215442 because most of the common types of ones gGJTggrgPhy-00991-00215155-00215590 I can just spot them, and gGJTggrgPhy-00992-00215442-00215767 occasionally I get something confusing gGJTggrgPhy-00993-00215590-00215917 like ‘oh is that a constituent?’ I have the gGJTggrgPhy-00994-00215767-00216088 tests available but most of the time I gGJTggrgPhy-00995-00215917-00216232 don't need them, just because it's a gGJTggrgPhy-00996-00216088-00216367 practice type thing you do when you're gGJTggrgPhy-00997-00216232-00216553 beginning to flex your linguistic gGJTggrgPhy-00998-00216367-00216748 muscles L: and I think sometimes people gGJTggrgPhy-00999-00216553-00217000 just think that syntactic tree gGJTggrgPhy-01000-00216748-00217237 drawing is some academic exercise that gGJTggrgPhy-01001-00217000-00217510 we just make our students do so that gGJTggrgPhy-01002-00217237-00217717 they suffer, or if gGJTggrgPhy-01003-00217510-00217900 they are the subset of people who gGJTggrgPhy-01004-00217717-00218065 go on and study syntax, who gGJTggrgPhy-01005-00217900-00218281 immediately fall in love with it and gGJTggrgPhy-01006-00218065-00218401 draw a tree for everything G: or it's kind gGJTggrgPhy-01007-00218281-00218563 of like a meaningless intellectual gGJTggrgPhy-01008-00218401-00218707 exercise like ‘oh I can do sudoku I gGJTggrgPhy-01009-00218563-00218887 can draw a syntax tree it's great gGJTggrgPhy-01010-00218707-00219117 it's fun but where do you go from there?’ gGJTggrgPhy-01011-00218887-00219417 L: but they do have really important gGJTggrgPhy-01012-00219117-00219634 implications, especially in the field of gGJTggrgPhy-01013-00219417-00219942 computer language and how computers gGJTggrgPhy-01014-00219634-00220225 interact with language. So for example gGJTggrgPhy-01015-00219942-00220486 Google Translate, just like in your films gGJTggrgPhy-01016-00220225-00220692 Google doesn't just go word by word and gGJTggrgPhy-01017-00220486-00220921 translate each individual word when you gGJTggrgPhy-01018-00220692-00221161 put a sentence into their translation gGJTggrgPhy-01019-00220921-00221494 portal, instead what happens is it starts gGJTggrgPhy-01020-00221161-00221769 thinking in terms of constituents and in gGJTggrgPhy-01021-00221494-00221992 terms of larger phrases and it tries to gGJTggrgPhy-01022-00221769-00222241 match those up within its corpus, and gGJTggrgPhy-01023-00221992-00222406 similarly with their search engines you gGJTggrgPhy-01024-00222241-00222619 may type in a whole sentence but it gGJTggrgPhy-01025-00222406-00222805 knows how to extract the constituents gGJTggrgPhy-01026-00222619-00222928 that are relevant for searching G: yeah gGJTggrgPhy-01027-00222805-00223108 anything that's trying to do it like a gGJTggrgPhy-01028-00222928-00223267 natural language interface is trying to gGJTggrgPhy-01029-00223108-00223462 figure out okay how do you understand gGJTggrgPhy-01030-00223267-00223564 the parts of a natural language thing. So gGJTggrgPhy-01031-00223462-00223831 there’s practical reasons why gGJTggrgPhy-01032-00223564-00223984 constituency is important so once you gGJTggrgPhy-01033-00223831-00224092 get used to constituency you can make lots gGJTggrgPhy-01034-00223984-00224392 of fun jokes with structural ambiguity gGJTggrgPhy-01035-00224092-00224736 and lots of fun jokes with time flies gGJTggrgPhy-01036-00224392-00224736 [Music] gGJTggrgPhy-01037-00224763-00225121 G: for more Lingthusiasm and gGJTggrgPhy-01038-00224989-00225400 links to all the things mentioned in gGJTggrgPhy-01039-00225121-00225553 this episode go to lingthusiasm.com gGJTggrgPhy-01040-00225400-00225754 You can listen to us on iTunes, Google Play gGJTggrgPhy-01041-00225553-00225934 music, Soundcloud or wherever else you get gGJTggrgPhy-01042-00225754-00226126 your podcasts and you can follow gGJTggrgPhy-01043-00225934-00226387 at Lingthusiasm on Twitter, Facebook and gGJTggrgPhy-01044-00226126-00226588 Tumblr. I can be found as at Gretchen A Mc C gGJTggrgPhy-01045-00226387-00226819 on Twitter, my blog is All Things Linguistic.com gGJTggrgPhy-01046-00226588-00227104 L: I blog and tweet as gGJTggrgPhy-01047-00226819-00227302 Superlinguo. To listen to bonus episodes, gGJTggrgPhy-01048-00227104-00227511 ask us your linguistics questions and gGJTggrgPhy-01049-00227302-00227800 help keep the show ad free, go to gGJTggrgPhy-01050-00227511-00228016 patreon.com/lingthusiasm, or follow the gGJTggrgPhy-01051-00227800-00228244 links from our website. current bonus gGJTggrgPhy-01052-00228016-00228442 topics include behind-the-scenes story gGJTggrgPhy-01053-00228244-00228625 of doggo speak, and how to explain gGJTggrgPhy-01054-00228442-00228832 linguistics to employers, how to teach gGJTggrgPhy-01055-00228625-00229069 yourself linguistics, and an episode on gGJTggrgPhy-01056-00228832-00229312 swearing. And you can help us pick the gGJTggrgPhy-01057-00229069-00229498 next topic by becoming a patron. 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Stay Lingthusiastic! gGJTggrgPhy-01079-00233629-00235820 [Music]