DNly6zwL5_u-00000-00000228-00000324 Hey guys. DNly6zwL5_u-00001-00000690-00000940 It's been a while. Let's DNly6zwL5_u-00002-00002538-00002742 see, do I have any announcements? DNly6zwL5_u-00003-00003024-00003738 This first part of the read I'll just do a quick rundown for anyone who is new. DNly6zwL5_u-00004-00003738-00004296 We're going to shuffle through and pull the majority of your cards here, DNly6zwL5_u-00005-00004296-00004662 and then we're going to change the camera angle and get some clarifiers, DNly6zwL5_u-00006-00004662-00004878 and then talk about the cards a bit more. DNly6zwL5_u-00007-00005202-00005790 I always say, that these readings are timeless. They really are meant for DNly6zwL5_u-00008-00005898-00006048 whenever you come across them. DNly6zwL5_u-00009-00006204-00007002 My intention- I just wanna be really clear about that first, is that, we are asking for DNly6zwL5_u-00010-00007236-00007578 information that you need to know. DNly6zwL5_u-00011-00007734-00008123 What wants to come out. What's going to be useful. What's going to be helpful, DNly6zwL5_u-00012-00008123-00008382 to come out so that we can talk about it. DNly6zwL5_u-00013-00008382-00009366 And we can figure out how to, how to work with this energy, how to get it to work in our favor. DNly6zwL5_u-00014-00009474-00009822 That's my intention, and I say that understanding that, DNly6zwL5_u-00015-00009936-00010362 you or anyone else may have their own intentions for seeking out a reading. DNly6zwL5_u-00016-00010362-00011184 But I just want to be really clear, that that is the way that I'm approaching it. Okay. DNly6zwL5_u-00017-00012404-00012504 So. DNly6zwL5_u-00018-00012504-00014082 It's not my will but, thine be done. We will talk about what needs to come through. DNly6zwL5_u-00019-00014190-00014544 So, The High Priestess makes an appearance first. DNly6zwL5_u-00020-00014544-00015263 I think that there is... you know, that the time has arrived for something. DNly6zwL5_u-00021-00015336-00015419 Uh DNly6zwL5_u-00022-00015810-00015954 You can feel it in your bones. DNly6zwL5_u-00023-00015954-00016068 Some of you. DNly6zwL5_u-00024-00016428-00016860 It could be. It doesn't have to be something sad, it doesn't have to be something bad. DNly6zwL5_u-00025-00016860-00017526 But I'm just going to use that as an example, to say that if it is something that is going to be DNly6zwL5_u-00026-00017526-00018066 displeasing in some way, it may bring you to the point of tears because you feel it that strongly. DNly6zwL5_u-00027-00018066-00019086 So I'm just trying to articulate how, strong this sense of knowing that you have is. DNly6zwL5_u-00028-00019086-00019320 You're very tapped in, you're very tuned in. DNly6zwL5_u-00029-00019320-00019644 And the other side of that is true as well. DNly6zwL5_u-00030-00019644-00020028 Something really good that could be coming, I think that you are, DNly6zwL5_u-00031-00020118-00020712 you can also pick up and feel that really well around this time. DNly6zwL5_u-00032-00020856-00021606 The veil is being lifted, the things that were once hidden are no longer being hidden. DNly6zwL5_u-00033-00021606-00021798 Everything is coming out to light. DNly6zwL5_u-00034-00022446-00022896 For some of you it could be some lies that you were told. DNly6zwL5_u-00035-00023394-00023892 Some stories that people spoon-fed you, they wanted you to believe it. DNly6zwL5_u-00036-00024252-00024468 And some of you did, bless your heart. DNly6zwL5_u-00037-00024768-00024846 But. DNly6zwL5_u-00038-00025464-00025770 Try not to take that out on yourself. And- if I'm looking down, DNly6zwL5_u-00039-00025770-00025968 it's because I'm looking at these cards over here. DNly6zwL5_u-00040-00026033-00026310 Try not to take that out on yourself, and try not to DNly6zwL5_u-00041-00026664-00027162 punish yourself for not knowing, or for allowing yourself to be fooled. DNly6zwL5_u-00042-00027162-00027527 Because... I know how much that bothers you. DNly6zwL5_u-00043-00028314-00028445 Chalk it up to the game. DNly6zwL5_u-00044-00029094-00029730 There is... I don't want you to turn cold and feel like there's anything wrong with trusting. DNly6zwL5_u-00045-00029730-00029945 That there's anything wrong with trying. DNly6zwL5_u-00046-00029945-00030432 I don't want you to get so cold and irritated to the point that, DNly6zwL5_u-00047-00030432-00030768 you feel like you'll never be able to love again. DNly6zwL5_u-00048-00030768-00031470 Or you feel like you'll never want to invest again. That you'll never want to try again. DNly6zwL5_u-00049-00031686-00032022 Whenever you find this thing out. If it's something that's bad. DNly6zwL5_u-00050-00032220-00032502 You know, bad is subjective as well. DNly6zwL5_u-00051-00034032-00034572 There's something about the distance that is... That speaks volumes. DNly6zwL5_u-00052-00034896-00035514 It could be the distance between you and a person. The distance between you and an opportunity. But, DNly6zwL5_u-00053-00035622-00036360 the amount of time, which is what this could be as well, before something comes to a head. Is what- DNly6zwL5_u-00054-00036672-00036840 that's where the tension is coming from. DNly6zwL5_u-00055-00037458-00038184 It's like not yet, and perhaps what you could be feeling is the fear of the unknown. DNly6zwL5_u-00056-00038184-00038898 But, and it's interesting that it's translating so much as fear. DNly6zwL5_u-00057-00038898-00039138 But that's just the thing about veils right? DNly6zwL5_u-00058-00039138-00039396 You don't know what's behind this veil. DNly6zwL5_u-00059-00039396-00040284 The High Priestess in and of itself is not, it's not a figure of fear. DNly6zwL5_u-00060-00040284-00040524 It's a figure of faith. DNly6zwL5_u-00061-00040524-00040842 And of optimism. DNly6zwL5_u-00062-00045420-00045702 You are going to have to put up with the dreams a bit longer. DNly6zwL5_u-00063-00045702-00046296 If you've been DNly6zwL5_u-00064-00046296-00046788 having difficulties sleeping, or been having nightmares. DNly6zwL5_u-00065-00047148-00047646 Those things that you want. Those things that you are anxious to get. DNly6zwL5_u-00066-00047646-00047802 Anxious to achieve. DNly6zwL5_u-00067-00048288-00048438 It's like they're almost ready. DNly6zwL5_u-00068-00048678-00048978 It's almost here. DNly6zwL5_u-00069-00049374-00049434 Now. DNly6zwL5_u-00070-00049668-00050058 That's not to say that haven't achieved. And that's not to say that there aren't- DNly6zwL5_u-00071-00050160-00050682 that you haven't reached certain milestones already, because you have. DNly6zwL5_u-00072-00050682-00051329 You're looking at some things that are- you do have some abundance in your life already. DNly6zwL5_u-00073-00051612-00051924 But there is just something about a ripeness. Right? DNly6zwL5_u-00074-00051924-00052541 There is something about, something coming to fruition. DNly6zwL5_u-00075-00052950-00053046 Patience. DNly6zwL5_u-00076-00053579-00053688 You're good at that. DNly6zwL5_u-00077-00053688-00054438 I think that's something that's within your capacity, to exhibit. DNly6zwL5_u-00078-00056267-00057084 Okay, here are your DNly6zwL5_u-00079-00057084-00057366 cards. DNly6zwL5_u-00080-00057534-00057791 And I'm going to pull the rest really quick. DNly6zwL5_u-00081-00057888-00058314 Starting with two cards from the Angel Tarot. DNly6zwL5_u-00082-00058314-00058578 And what I want from this one is just, DNly6zwL5_u-00083-00058704-00059028 we're looking for any final messages with these two cards. DNly6zwL5_u-00084-00059408-00059700 And we're going to kind of talk about them at the end. DNly6zwL5_u-00085-00059820-00059855 Seven DNly6zwL5_u-00086-00061296-00061434 of Swords. DNly6zwL5_u-00087-00061746-00062136 Knight of Pentacles comes out once again. DNly6zwL5_u-00088-00062400-00062700 Next, the Oracle of the Radiant Sun. DNly6zwL5_u-00089-00063498-00063905 This one, however many want to come out. DNly6zwL5_u-00090-00064358-00064458 Okay, DNly6zwL5_u-00091-00064458-00064548 that was pretty fast. DNly6zwL5_u-00092-00064548-00064632 Okay. DNly6zwL5_u-00093-00068982-00069174 So we are going to go through these first. DNly6zwL5_u-00094-00069174-00069984 And, I wanna go through these first because they have numbers, signs, phrases, words, DNly6zwL5_u-00095-00069984-00070908 and if any of them resonate with you, then it may just kind of tip you off that this is... DNly6zwL5_u-00096-00070968-00071460 That this reading does apply to you, and that you are seeing it at the right time I should say. DNly6zwL5_u-00097-00071460-00071712 That there is a message here that you're meant to hear. DNly6zwL5_u-00098-00071790-00072648 Now what you do with that message and how you interpret it, you know I do leave that to you, DNly6zwL5_u-00099-00072648-00073020 because your perception of it all is not really something that I can control. DNly6zwL5_u-00100-00073020-00074280 But i'm doing my best here just to let you know what I see and offer some insight/advice if that's DNly6zwL5_u-00101-00074532-00074652 what's called for here. DNly6zwL5_u-00102-00074814-00075432 I don't typically explain myself so much, it's just, you know I've been away from the videos DNly6zwL5_u-00103-00075432-00076086 for a while so, anyone who this may be, who may be finding my channel for the first time- I just, DNly6zwL5_u-00104-00076344-00076728 I'm explaining because I want you to get a sense of who I am, right? DNly6zwL5_u-00105-00076728-00076842 So. DNly6zwL5_u-00106-00076842-00077046 The month of November. DNly6zwL5_u-00107-00077304-00077676 Fear- it's interesting, cause we certainly said that. DNly6zwL5_u-00108-00077676-00077802 Aquarius. DNly6zwL5_u-00109-00078030-00078126 Gaslighting. DNly6zwL5_u-00110-00078378-00078438 East. DNly6zwL5_u-00111-00078648-00078744 The number nine. DNly6zwL5_u-00112-00078936-00079158 "How do you do the things that you do?" DNly6zwL5_u-00113-00079158-00079476 Courage. DNly6zwL5_u-00114-00079716-00079806 So. DNly6zwL5_u-00115-00079806-00080154 Quite a bit there to take in. DNly6zwL5_u-00116-00080460-00080802 Now let's talk about your tarot. DNly6zwL5_u-00117-00081120-00081570 So The High Priestess coming out first, I do think that this is about your intuition, DNly6zwL5_u-00118-00081570-00081852 but this could also be, it could be deeper than that. DNly6zwL5_u-00119-00081852-00081990 It could be about your faith. DNly6zwL5_u-00120-00082224-00082560 And if that's what you're walking by right now, DNly6zwL5_u-00121-00082560-00082980 I don't think that that is a bad thing for you to be doing. DNly6zwL5_u-00122-00082980-00083304 I think that that is a very wise thing for you to be doing. DNly6zwL5_u-00123-00083304-00083742 We should walk by faith, and not by sight. DNly6zwL5_u-00124-00084000-00084414 Especially if we're dealing with and coming up against forces that- DNly6zwL5_u-00125-00084414-00085074 If there is some kind of resistance that we're coming into contact with, DNly6zwL5_u-00126-00085074-00085728 and we're having difficulties really understanding where that resistance is coming from, really DNly6zwL5_u-00127-00085728-00086544 understanding who those enemies are, who the people are that are standing in opposition to us. DNly6zwL5_u-00128-00086718-00087138 Some of you there may be some people who are telling you what you want to hear. Or DNly6zwL5_u-00129-00087138-00087672 it's like when you talk to them, they only repeat back what you say to them, DNly6zwL5_u-00130-00087672-00088026 and it's like you feel like you can get nowhere with these people. DNly6zwL5_u-00131-00088380-00088548 I'm thinking of a parrot. DNly6zwL5_u-00132-00088944-00089208 And it's like parrots their vocabulary- DNly6zwL5_u-00133-00089340-00090096 the words that these birds can say are the words that they are most often exposed to. DNly6zwL5_u-00134-00090096-00090600 So, that could be how a lot of the conversations go. DNly6zwL5_u-00135-00090600-00091236 It's like you're dealing with some who are mirroring you. They're parroting you. They're DNly6zwL5_u-00136-00091392-00091752 saying what you've taught them to say. DNly6zwL5_u-00137-00092334-00092862 Now in a more nefarious sense, and I feel the need now to talk about it DNly6zwL5_u-00138-00092964-00093414 through that lens because of the card that have come through since the reading has started, DNly6zwL5_u-00139-00093414-00093906 and they've more or less confirmed- you know that there is something displeasing here. DNly6zwL5_u-00140-00093906-00094236 I'm not going to sugarcoat it. We got the Seven of DNly6zwL5_u-00141-00094236-00094722 Swords on the table. We got a Tower down here, and we have the Nine of Swords. DNly6zwL5_u-00142-00094722-00095196 We do have you standing firm, and you making it through, and DNly6zwL5_u-00143-00095304-00095598 I just wanna talk about that, and acknowledge that early on... DNly6zwL5_u-00144-00095598-00095664 That... DNly6zwL5_u-00145-00095892-00096474 You are very strong, and you are very courageous, and whatever it is that you're dealing with... DNly6zwL5_u-00146-00096684-00097224 There is some kind of attainment that you'll see in terms of emotional satisfaction. DNly6zwL5_u-00147-00097566-00098136 So, you know gaslighting was a card that came out here as well so, DNly6zwL5_u-00148-00098136-00098340 as I was saying there a moment ago... DNly6zwL5_u-00149-00098340-00099546 In a more, a more sinister form of parroting, one of the side effects of gaslighting I would DNly6zwL5_u-00150-00099546-00100404 say is that you buy into the narrative that other people have created for you. DNly6zwL5_u-00151-00100404-00100842 It's the one that they subscribe to. It's the one that they see as truth, DNly6zwL5_u-00152-00100842-00101142 and they are denying your version of the story. DNly6zwL5_u-00153-00101142-00101688 And denying your narrative, in an effort to get you to subscribe to theirs. DNly6zwL5_u-00154-00102174-00103026 So, let's talk about- I'm bringing that to your attention, and it takes, it takes many forms. DNly6zwL5_u-00155-00103080-00103680 And, there's kind of a trick to figuring out when this is being done to you. DNly6zwL5_u-00156-00103866-00104094 And also when you're doing it to others. DNly6zwL5_u-00157-00104244-00105288 Not saying that it's always intentional- But you're not above believing in something DNly6zwL5_u-00158-00105288-00105750 so badly and wanting other people to believe it, or see it the same way. DNly6zwL5_u-00159-00105840-00106818 I think that that is something that all humans are capable of. DNly6zwL5_u-00160-00107633-00108264 Wanting to be supported, is not a bad or dirty thing. DNly6zwL5_u-00161-00108450-00108959 It's only when you don't allow someone to make their own decisions... It's DNly6zwL5_u-00162-00108959-00109488 only when you rob of them of their agency, that it becomes a problem. DNly6zwL5_u-00163-00109620-00110298 It's only when we are robbed of our freedom of expression... We're robbed of DNly6zwL5_u-00164-00110483-00110838 that right of doing things by our own volition, DNly6zwL5_u-00165-00111396-00112164 that boundaries are crossed and what was once a beautiful relationship, DNly6zwL5_u-00166-00112733-00112848 turns very toxic. DNly6zwL5_u-00167-00113159-00113400 It's what leads to arguments. DNly6zwL5_u-00168-00113700-00113850 A lot of back and forth. DNly6zwL5_u-00169-00114120-00114335 A feeling of betrayal, DNly6zwL5_u-00170-00114738-00115572 by the ones closest to you. The ones who you maybe feel as though should support you. DNly6zwL5_u-00171-00115572-00115980 That shouldn't be a stumbling block... That shouldn't be DNly6zwL5_u-00172-00116124-00116370 that element of resistance in your life. DNly6zwL5_u-00173-00116676-00117402 But I think it's in realizing that we are all individuals. And I think it's in realizing that... DNly6zwL5_u-00174-00118350-00118698 You don't need to be validated, DNly6zwL5_u-00175-00119082-00119142 all the time. DNly6zwL5_u-00176-00119808-00120306 It's like that this effect where it opens up a few windows and it gives everyone room DNly6zwL5_u-00177-00120396-00121092 to breathe. It gives everyone room to support and to love how they want DNly6zwL5_u-00178-00121092-00121883 to love- we don't get to choose or dictate how someone loves us. DNly6zwL5_u-00179-00121980-00122124 And chooses to support us. DNly6zwL5_u-00180-00122694-00123498 Love and support take may forms and I think in becoming skilled at understanding some DNly6zwL5_u-00181-00123498-00124152 of those forms that are different that what you're used to seeing, DNly6zwL5_u-00182-00124266-00124674 it'll bring you some kind of solace, it'll bring you some kind of peace. DNly6zwL5_u-00183-00125448-00125724 There's something that's in the works here, DNly6zwL5_u-00184-00126042-00126570 but i'll be honest with you I don't see a lot of people standing in your way. DNly6zwL5_u-00185-00126648-00127038 Yeah there may be one or two but I think you know who they are, DNly6zwL5_u-00186-00127038-00127464 and I think that those are kind of a non-issue. DNly6zwL5_u-00187-00127464-00128333 This is more so about a crisis of faith that you may be having that comes about because of the DNly6zwL5_u-00188-00128400-00128766 prolonging of something- Because of how long something takes. DNly6zwL5_u-00189-00129180-00129540 I don't think it's at the point where you're having doubts about DNly6zwL5_u-00190-00129618-00130038 how successful you will be. It's not quite there yet. DNly6zwL5_u-00191-00130170-00130806 But as we said in the first part of the read, its a sense of irritation. DNly6zwL5_u-00192-00131009-00131478 And, I think the way to combat this is to double down on that DNly6zwL5_u-00193-00131478-00131748 faith that you have, do not give up on this dream. DNly6zwL5_u-00194-00131748-00132678 Do not allow any time frames or the pace that something is going to discourage you. DNly6zwL5_u-00195-00133020-00133380 To everything there is a season and your time will come. DNly6zwL5_u-00196-00133656-00134004 I don't know about you, but I don't want anything I am meant to get it. DNly6zwL5_u-00197-00134202-00134868 Because it might come into my life and I may not... I may not know how to handle it. DNly6zwL5_u-00198-00134928-00135486 I may not know how to appreciate it. I may not know how to exhibit gratitude for it. DNly6zwL5_u-00199-00135798-00136404 In a way that's going to amplify the positive effect that it has on my life. DNly6zwL5_u-00200-00136638-00137172 Getting something good and not being ready for it is just as bad as not getting it at all. DNly6zwL5_u-00201-00137460-00138120 So I think that any period of where you maybe have to sit on your hands, and wait- DNly6zwL5_u-00202-00138354-00138804 Find some other ways to occupy your time or to... DNly6zwL5_u-00203-00139176-00139296 To not lose faith. DNly6zwL5_u-00204-00139494-00139902 You know if that's, if that's prayer, I'm a huge supporter of that. DNly6zwL5_u-00205-00140046-00140448 If that's just finding another avenue, to get the thing that you want... DNly6zwL5_u-00206-00140538-00141216 The right way of course... The way that's not stepping on anyone's toes or... DNly6zwL5_u-00207-00141336-00141450 Cajoling them. DNly6zwL5_u-00208-00141684-00141918 Then that works, and that's good too. DNly6zwL5_u-00209-00142554-00142908 Keep the faith. This is something that I do see you getting through. DNly6zwL5_u-00210-00143394-00143730 There's some incredible things that you have the ability to create here. DNly6zwL5_u-00211-00144084-00144186 And you will. DNly6zwL5_u-00212-00144276-00144552 If you, if you, if you know that. DNly6zwL5_u-00213-00144792-00144864 Alright? DNly6zwL5_u-00214-00144864-00145590 This was your read. If this helped in any way, shape, or form, I would encourage you to DNly6zwL5_u-00215-00145698-00146034 go ahead and hit that subscribe button and also like the video. DNly6zwL5_u-00216-00146148-00146352 It would really help with the algorithm. DNly6zwL5_u-00217-00146352-00146934 I- you know am... I'm going to rant here a little bit, DNly6zwL5_u-00218-00146934-00147324 I'm getting kind of tired of seeing the comments... DNly6zwL5_u-00219-00147324-00147942 Some of the most beautiful, and kind comments, of those who watch the videos telling me that DNly6zwL5_u-00220-00148008-00148224 they feel that it should have more views. DNly6zwL5_u-00221-00148224-00148758 And that means, what that tells me, the way that I'm interpreting that, DNly6zwL5_u-00222-00148758-00149004 is they feel that it could help someone else. DNly6zwL5_u-00223-00149004-00150090 Or that there is something valuable contained in the reading. That they feel that is worth a watch. DNly6zwL5_u-00224-00150090-00150816 And something so small as a like, that doesn't really cost you anything will do great things to- DNly6zwL5_u-00225-00151068-00151344 It's a very valuable and useful signal boost. DNly6zwL5_u-00226-00151482-00152040 You don't have to comment if you don't want to. I won't hold you to that, DNly6zwL5_u-00227-00152040-00152898 especially with a reading like this that was on the heavier side at points. DNly6zwL5_u-00228-00152952-00153372 I can entirely uunderstand if there are some things that you'd rather not disclose. DNly6zwL5_u-00229-00153486-00153630 But, end rant. DNly6zwL5_u-00230-00153630-00153798 Just wanted to DNly6zwL5_u-00231-00153978-00154758 let you know about a way that you can support this channel, and support the movement for free. DNly6zwL5_u-00232-00154848-00155376 I appreciate you. God bless you. And i'll see you around. Dpr0JgRcrz0-00000-00000000-00000504 it's free by the way there's no cost to using aWeber for up to a certain number of subscribers Dpr0JgRcrz0-00001-00001480-00002112 Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here and today we're going to talk about email list building Dpr0JgRcrz0-00002-00002112-00002640 building your audience with an email list what do you need to do to you when you're using an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00003-00002640-00003152 email list on aWeber we're going to talk about aWeber specifically and we're going to talk about Dpr0JgRcrz0-00004-00003152-00004008 how to grow an audience with email lists so we're going to get into that but first this So the real Dpr0JgRcrz0-00005-00004008-00004664 question is this: What are the strategies, techniques and tools that you need to learn Dpr0JgRcrz0-00006-00004664-00005376 to generate residual income from the e-learning boom that's happening right now? My name is Dpr0JgRcrz0-00007-00005376-00006232 Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... that's right so you need to build an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00008-00006232-00006704 audience right you need an audience on Facebook on Twitter and Instagram on LinkedIn on TikTok on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00009-00006704-00007656 YouTube wherever right but you also need an email list in an audience in your email as well and you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00010-00007656-00008104 might be thinking well why do I need emails you know isn't the emails gone isn't it like chatting Dpr0JgRcrz0-00011-00008104-00008864 isn't it like texting is not the new thing now and maybe it is and it's certainly taking on and Dpr0JgRcrz0-00012-00008864-00009648 growing but emails are still considered one of the best places to build a list to grow an audience Dpr0JgRcrz0-00013-00009648-00010128 and we're going to talk about how you do that what are the basic things that you need to grow that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00014-00010128-00010576 and we're going to get into that and before I want to remind you if you're listening to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00015-00010576-00010968 the audio of this you're going to want to go check out the video and the blog post at Dpr0JgRcrz0-00016-00011320-00011384 dot cis398.jsgagnon.com Dpr0JgRcrz0-00017-00011648-00012216 because you know I share my screen and I'm gonna be showing more in the blog post all Dpr0JgRcrz0-00018-00012216-00012704 right let's get right to it then so let's go ahead and share my screen and show you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00019-00012704-00013296 what we're talking about okay so first how do you grow your audience right so growing an audience Dpr0JgRcrz0-00020-00013296-00013976 just means getting more people in following you uh liking your Facebook you know subscribing to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00021-00013976-00014568 YouTube those kinds of things but an audience is somebody who actually likes you I mean Dpr0JgRcrz0-00022-00014568-00014976 yeah you can have an audience that doesn't really want to be following you and they're just Dpr0JgRcrz0-00023-00014976-00015368 there because they're trying to promote stuff and you're certainly going to get some of those Dpr0JgRcrz0-00024-00015368-00015888 but you got to remember that those people they're just there for their own benefits right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00025-00015888-00016400 what you want is people that actually like you that know what you're about that want to be in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00026-00016400-00017048 your stuff that want to be you know seeing your things so how do you grow that using an aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00027-00017048-00017744 email list what are the things that you're going to need to do to get your email list in aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00028-00017744-00018424 we're going to talk about you know how to how to get people in your list I got 996 subscribers Dpr0JgRcrz0-00029-00018424-00019168 now but I keep uh deleting all people that aren't aren't good or aren't aren't active in my list Dpr0JgRcrz0-00030-00019168-00019744 or maybe fake names because I do get some fake names too and we're going to show you how to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00031-00019744-00020240 create the messages how to create the list those kinds of things but the main most important thing Dpr0JgRcrz0-00032-00020240-00020656 is you know what are the things that you need to even grow an audience sure yeah you need an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00033-00020656-00021264 aWeber account or other email provider you need to create messages you need this you need that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00034-00021264-00021736 you need a capture page all those things but what are the basics what are the things Dpr0JgRcrz0-00035-00021736-00022232 I'm actually going through that right now because every time I start something new or I Dpr0JgRcrz0-00036-00022400-00022936 it's always about course income secret style about generating income from online which means you know Dpr0JgRcrz0-00037-00022936-00023344 you got to have an audience if you don't have an audience you can't you're not going to get Dpr0JgRcrz0-00038-00023344-00023760 any sales I mean the only people that know you are the ones that are even going to be interested in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00039-00023760-00024264 even looking at your things so if you only have 10 friends you know or even 100 friends that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00040-00024264-00025080 not gonna get you online sales it's just not you you can have 100 fans like super hardcore fans Dpr0JgRcrz0-00041-00025144-00025544 but how do you get those fans and you know that's a topic for another day but right now Dpr0JgRcrz0-00042-00025544-00026056 I just want to kind of talk to you about what are the things you need to grow an audience so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00043-00026056-00026808 let's just get that up here so number one you know what do you need to grow an audience with emails Dpr0JgRcrz0-00044-00026888-00027344 because you can grow an audience on Facebook by getting people to like your page by people Dpr0JgRcrz0-00045-00027344-00027752 getting people to comment on your stuff there's all these strategies about engagement and about Dpr0JgRcrz0-00046-00027752-00028248 creating content posting on YouTube you know getting people to subscribe to your lit to your Dpr0JgRcrz0-00047-00028248-00028664 YouTube channel on Twitter getting them to follow you Instagram getting the follow you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00048-00028664-00029120 all those things those are all audiences as well and they're it's a different kind of strategy Dpr0JgRcrz0-00049-00029120-00029688 than with emails because with emails well you have to have something to give them I mean on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00050-00029688-00030327 social media right on social media you're going to have content that they like right they're going to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00051-00030480-00031024 they're going to like like say on Instagram for example right if you have content that they like Dpr0JgRcrz0-00052-00031024-00031320 and that's a whole other topic right but I mean you've got to get Dpr0JgRcrz0-00053-00031416-00031920 the content that your audience that your target market is interested in there's a whole thing Dpr0JgRcrz0-00054-00031920-00032504 about avatars which I guess kind of falls into the email thing too because who is it Dpr0JgRcrz0-00055-00032504-00032928 that you're trying to attract that's your avatar right who is it that you're trying to attract Dpr0JgRcrz0-00056-00032992-00033344 what do you what would they want right so I mean obviously Dpr0JgRcrz0-00057-00033408-00034472 has to be it has to be something your avatar have tar wants right so something your avatar wants Dpr0JgRcrz0-00058-00034568-00035008 what does that mean right so say for example you're in the weight class well it should be Dpr0JgRcrz0-00059-00035008-00035568 something that somebody's trying to lose weight will give you their email for so it could be you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00060-00035568-00036360 know a weight loss guide it could be a foods to avoid it could be um a course on on you know I Dpr0JgRcrz0-00061-00036360-00036992 don't know getting your morning routine to to be more successful in your weight loss it could Dpr0JgRcrz0-00062-00036992-00037568 be an ebook it could be a checklist there's all sorts of different things that you can give away Dpr0JgRcrz0-00063-00037648-00038248 to people that they'll be willing to give you their email for right so that's the first thing Dpr0JgRcrz0-00064-00038248-00038760 you gotta have something so where do you find where do you find things right so so you could so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00065-00038824-00039856 let's just say where where do you do whoops do you find something oops something to give them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00066-00039856-00040640 right so I mean whoops something to give them so I mean there's it depends right obviously depends Dpr0JgRcrz0-00067-00040640-00041104 on who your avatar is like me it's all about generating course income it's about building an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00068-00041104-00041648 audience online it's about attraction marketing personal branding all those things so for me Dpr0JgRcrz0-00069-00041776-00042792 uh there's lots of places are for me I can I can use use mlsp um free uh trainings right so uh for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00070-00042792-00043264 example on my lisa's pro which is something I'm part of let's just kind of show you right here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00071-00043264-00043696 I should have probably loaded that page up before let me just log into here and kind Dpr0JgRcrz0-00072-00043696-00044232 of show you what I'm talking about so if you're trying to build a business online my lead system Dpr0JgRcrz0-00073-00044232-00044792 pro is definitely a place where you could use to give away free stuff so if I go to for example Dpr0JgRcrz0-00074-00044904-00045808 promotions under here product uh custom lead let's go to generic where's the lead gen lead gen so if Dpr0JgRcrz0-00075-00045808-00046272 I go into here you can see right here there's a whole bunch of different uh things right here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00076-00046272-00046800 that are useful to generate leads so I could give people for example messenger marketing guide right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00077-00046800-00047240 or get through social leads I could give them instant authority training Instagram training Dpr0JgRcrz0-00078-00047240-00047896 right so if I want to I can give them these things so just an example if I look at this what this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00079-00047896-00048616 looks like so I could give you or you could give people this which basically is a free training on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00080-00048616-00049232 how to get customers in cash you know with with Instagram it's uh instant authority met oh this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00081-00049232-00049712 is the authority method sorry not Instagram but specific to building authority online Dpr0JgRcrz0-00082-00049712-00050136 basically you give them this link which we see right here right this link here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00083-00050136-00050496 which would be with your id instead obviously but you give them this link Dpr0JgRcrz0-00084-00050496-00050976 and then they just see this page and they put their click this button to give you their email Dpr0JgRcrz0-00085-00050976-00051391 because they want this they want this they want these videos right they want these videos Dpr0JgRcrz0-00086-00051488-00051879 so they're willing to give you their email right so there's a whole bunch of different ones that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00087-00051879-00052696 one way to get leads right so what's the other other few ways you can you can create your own Dpr0JgRcrz0-00088-00052696-00053344 pdf ebook right you can create your own book you can go out there you can learn how to do a certain Dpr0JgRcrz0-00089-00053344-00053800 thing that your audience is interested in and you can create an e-book I mean I'm creating an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00090-00053800-00054536 e-book right now if I show you I should probably go in the other browser hold on um what's going on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00091-00054655-00055144 right there on here this guy so if I go for example to where I'm actually creating an ebook I Dpr0JgRcrz0-00092-00055144-00055864 created a few ebooks so canva and using canva you can also do it with word you know whatever you can Dpr0JgRcrz0-00093-00055864-00056448 create a whole bunch of things but right now I'm actually creating an ebook on nfps right so like Dpr0JgRcrz0-00094-00056448-00056864 this thing here is I'm still putting it together it's going to be your first you know this is what Dpr0JgRcrz0-00095-00056864-00057432 the ebook is going to be that's going to be for my NFT stuff that I'm building and you can create Dpr0JgRcrz0-00096-00057432-00058008 an ebook using canva like this right you can do that that's one way to do it you can actually use Dpr0JgRcrz0-00097-00058008-00058584 canva it's like got a whole bunch of examples it's like insane what you can do with canva to actually Dpr0JgRcrz0-00098-00058584-00059304 build a freebie that you can give to people for for them to give you their email that's another Dpr0JgRcrz0-00099-00059304-00060088 thing you can do right what else can you do we can do um you can also give them you can give them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00100-00060152-00060991 so oh actually you can create you can create your own online course to give them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00101-00061048-00061584 right you can actually give them a free course like if I go for example to my my website that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00102-00061584-00062144 I built to to host courses if I go to Click eCourse I can actually go to the courses here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00103-00062272-00062800 and I there's courses here that I whoops I didn't go to courses if I go to courses I can actually Dpr0JgRcrz0-00104-00062800-00063272 give them for free some of these courses that are free so if I just uh actually I have the price on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00105-00063272-00063840 here so this one's free I can give this away I can give this LinkedIn profile secrets one here I can Dpr0JgRcrz0-00106-00063840-00064376 just give people this course all I do is I give them this this link that's here well actually if Dpr0JgRcrz0-00107-00064376-00064816 I click on share and say you can give this this link and then they're automatically going to be Dpr0JgRcrz0-00108-00064872-00065600 um on my list because they uh they have to enter the email to actually access the course right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00109-00065600-00066128 that's another thing you can do the other thing the other thing you can do too is you can actually Dpr0JgRcrz0-00110-00066304-00067496 use use a plr so private label rights um item right because for plr there's a bunch of Dpr0JgRcrz0-00111-00067496-00067976 different ways there's uh courses there's e-books there's all these things they're all free well Dpr0JgRcrz0-00112-00067976-00068784 they're free you like in this case there's like a crazy ridiculous membership so uh let's do plr Dpr0JgRcrz0-00113-00068856-00069448 uh this one here so I got this this one that I use that you can actually get for like 70 Dpr0JgRcrz0-00114-00069448-00069920 bucks or something lifetime deal and then you can use these things you can give these courses away Dpr0JgRcrz0-00115-00069920-00070432 you can give this wired for success you can get this secrets you can vision board made easy eight Dpr0JgRcrz0-00116-00070432-00070968 secrets with mental resilience right all these things you can actually give those away and put Dpr0JgRcrz0-00117-00070968-00071560 them in in your own in your own course platform or send them by email or whatever you want to do and Dpr0JgRcrz0-00118-00071560-00072192 then that allows you to build your list by because they'll give you their email to have this because Dpr0JgRcrz0-00119-00072192-00072584 you know there's some value to it right there's ebooks there's all sorts of things on this like if Dpr0JgRcrz0-00120-00072584-00073112 I go here under here there's ebooks private label videos there's even graphics manipulating software Dpr0JgRcrz0-00121-00073192-00073896 so that's another way you can build your email list so you gotta give them something that they Dpr0JgRcrz0-00122-00073896-00074680 want okay so that's the first thing number one is give them something that they want um for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00123-00074680-00075184 their email because their email is valuable to you right so you gotta give them something otherwise Dpr0JgRcrz0-00124-00075184-00075808 they're not gonna give you their email so number two number two is you gotta have a website to ask Dpr0JgRcrz0-00125-00075864-00076712 for their email right so um in the blog post by the way I will be uh posting links to access all Dpr0JgRcrz0-00126-00076712-00077200 these things so you can you can find them easily I'm an affiliate so you know full disclosure Dpr0JgRcrz0-00127-00077200-00077784 there's some I get some commission if you join me with my link and but that's that's uh I'm also Dpr0JgRcrz0-00128-00077784-00078360 available to help you and everything right okay so a website task for their email so that can be Dpr0JgRcrz0-00129-00078360-00079640 uh that can be as simple as a a a weber form so an aWeber form whoops simple as an aWeber form so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00130-00079640-00080344 that is in aWeber you can actually create a web form if I go here right I can say sign up forms Dpr0JgRcrz0-00131-00080512-00081016 and you can create I have one here for this particular thing I've got you know shows me Dpr0JgRcrz0-00132-00081016-00081512 how many people actually submitted and how many displays or whatever so this you can create this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00133-00081512-00081952 and then add that to your blog or you can even have a direct page and just send a link to it Dpr0JgRcrz0-00134-00081952-00082480 right I can actually can I do that publish I think over here it'll give me the url for it Dpr0JgRcrz0-00135-00082672-00083280 use my form I will install anyways we're not gonna necessarily talk about that but um yeah Dpr0JgRcrz0-00136-00083280-00084184 so you can have a form the other way you can do it too is you can create uh create opt-in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00137-00084240-00084832 page in funnel builder right so there's diff there's lots of different platforms out there Dpr0JgRcrz0-00138-00084832-00085496 I mean I obviously I i use click funnels I use a mlsp funnelizer like in mlsp there's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00139-00085496-00086176 actually a funnel building uh piece to it and then there's click funnels um so like you know mlsp Dpr0JgRcrz0-00140-00086424-00087600 mlsp funnel funnelizer um or click funnels right so those are those are two different Dpr0JgRcrz0-00141-00087600-00088168 platforms that allow you to create like these really complex funnels where basically you would Dpr0JgRcrz0-00142-00088168-00088568 have a page where you ask them for their email and you tell them that what you're going to give Dpr0JgRcrz0-00143-00088568-00089048 them in return right so it'd be a page that says give me your email and I'm going to send you this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00144-00089144-00089640 and then there's another page afterwards that's that maybe thanks them or maybe even offers them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00145-00089640-00090168 something they can maybe buy right so there's you can do lots of things with a funnel that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00146-00090168-00090816 a little bit more advanced than just a simple capture page right uh what else you can also use Dpr0JgRcrz0-00147-00090960-00092240 WordPress WordPress with plugins to ask to build email list so to well I guess to ask to ask for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00148-00092240-00092824 email right to ask for email so that's basically you're just you would just create a page and on Dpr0JgRcrz0-00149-00092824-00093416 that page you can ask for their email as a as a embedded form there's different ways to do that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00150-00093528-00094096 but there's lots of options okay so that's you need that's number two right so number Dpr0JgRcrz0-00151-00094096-00094488 one you need something to give them for their email because they're not gonna give you their Dpr0JgRcrz0-00152-00094488-00094952 email if they don't they don't get any value from it they're you can't just ask people for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00153-00094952-00095728 their emails right and then number three whoops number three you need initial emails initial Dpr0JgRcrz0-00154-00095728-00096248 emails to send to them so they get to know you so that's when they first give you their email Dpr0JgRcrz0-00155-00096440-00096968 this is your chance to because they're actually open to it they actually just gave you their email Dpr0JgRcrz0-00156-00096968-00097464 they're actually going to maybe going to open your emails and they're going to look at what Dpr0JgRcrz0-00157-00097464-00098336 you have to say and you have to build it so basically there's a Russell branson talks about Dpr0JgRcrz0-00158-00098392-00099208 uh soap opera sequence soap opera sequence style whoops sequins style Dpr0JgRcrz0-00159-00099208-00099768 is really one of the best ways to do it so you basically have five emails or four emails that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00160-00099768-00100352 you send them over the next five days after they first get on your list you send them five emails Dpr0JgRcrz0-00161-00100456-00101112 that explain what they asked for right so the first email is you're going to send them the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00162-00101112-00101640 a link to whatever you're giving them or maybe even it's an attachment really up to you how do Dpr0JgRcrz0-00163-00101640-00102192 you do that but you send it to their email by the way don't make the mistake of putting the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00164-00102192-00102800 free thing you're giving them on the funnel page on page two right don't make that mistake because Dpr0JgRcrz0-00165-00102880-00103368 if you do that nobody needs to give you a real email they can give you a fake email or not Dpr0JgRcrz0-00166-00103368-00104008 even put a an email that's valid or not theirs and they still get your free thing right so you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00167-00104008-00104359 you don't want to do that you don't want to give them the free thing unless they give you a valid Dpr0JgRcrz0-00168-00104359-00104824 email because you want to be able to contact them afterwards so that's what you do you make Dpr0JgRcrz0-00169-00104824-00105432 sure that you send it to them in the first email then the other four emails that you send after Dpr0JgRcrz0-00170-00105432-00106135 that are a what's called what Russell talks about he talks about a soap opera sequence so basically Dpr0JgRcrz0-00171-00106135-00106656 use you start that first email where you give them the thing and then you have this like at Dpr0JgRcrz0-00172-00106656-00107056 the end of it you tell them tomorrow I'm going to give you that I'm going to tell you a story of how Dpr0JgRcrz0-00173-00107056-00107568 blah blah blah happened just so make sure you open your email the subject will be x right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00174-00107568-00108296 you do that in the first email it's called opening a loop making them curious about the next email so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00175-00108296-00108832 they're looking forward to opening up that second email you do the same thing with each each of them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00176-00108832-00109272 you kind of tell a little bit about the story and then you finish off with oh I'm gonna add Dpr0JgRcrz0-00177-00109272-00109896 oh my god tomorrow you're going to learn about x y z and then you do that in the third email Dpr0JgRcrz0-00178-00109896-00110440 et cetera it's called soap opera so that gets them to kind of know who you are what you're Dpr0JgRcrz0-00179-00110440-00110952 about you got to tell stories about you or or about the product or things like that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00180-00111032-00111432 so that they actually get to kind of know who you are right and then Dpr0JgRcrz0-00181-00111488-00112104 um and then that makes them you know want to to continue opening their emails because they Dpr0JgRcrz0-00182-00112104-00112488 they're starting to like you right they're starting to think oh this this guy or this girl Dpr0JgRcrz0-00183-00112488-00113096 she's doing great stuff uh I think I should I want to keep looking at their stuff right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00184-00113216-00114224 so each email should have an open loop open loop to s to next one right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00185-00114280-00114711 and then even on the last the last one the number five email right where you send them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00186-00114816-00115400 um so by the way the if you want to make income from these emails then you would have to have an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00187-00115400-00115808 offer in them right so that's separate from what we're talking about here we're just talking about Dpr0JgRcrz0-00188-00115808-00116256 building your audience or so one of the things that you might want to do with these emails Dpr0JgRcrz0-00189-00116256-00116792 is you might want to say well don't forget to follow me on Instagram right or don't forget to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00190-00116888-00117296 like my page on Facebook here's the link to my page I really appreciate if you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00191-00117296-00117824 like that so then people that go through your email actually read it they're going to be like Dpr0JgRcrz0-00192-00117824-00118256 yeah okay I'll go like their page or I'll go subscribe to their channel or those kinds of Dpr0JgRcrz0-00193-00118256-00118688 things right so you gotta that could be something and actually that's what you should be doing if Dpr0JgRcrz0-00194-00118688-00119344 you're trying to build your audience grow your audience right okay so uh the next thing is um Dpr0JgRcrz0-00195-00119408-00120432 so include include whoops include if I can write I might be able to rate I'm not sure we'll see Dpr0JgRcrz0-00196-00120488-00121488 include a call to action cta well to action right we call these ctas to follow or subscribe right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00197-00121664-00122159 so that's to make sure that they go to your social media channels and stuff like that right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00198-00122159-00122496 so then the fourth thing so again let's repeat that number one Dpr0JgRcrz0-00199-00122496-00122952 you gotta have something to give them for their email if you don't have anything to give them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00200-00123032-00123535 why would they give you their email right number two you gotta have a website to ask for them Dpr0JgRcrz0-00201-00123535-00124088 so you know a funnel page or an opt-in page or some way for them to actually put their email in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00202-00124088-00124696 and for them to see what they're gonna get for that email number three you gotta have initial Dpr0JgRcrz0-00203-00124696-00125168 emails to send them once they give you their email that's called an initial it's called in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00204-00125168-00125856 it well some call it an intra in indoctrination series or some of them call them an introduction Dpr0JgRcrz0-00205-00125920-00126592 or Russell Brunson calls them a soap opera sequence right all right so number four number Dpr0JgRcrz0-00206-00126592-00127264 four we have here is regular emails to build relationships so once they've gone through your Dpr0JgRcrz0-00207-00127264-00127711 first five emails if you don't send them other emails afterwards they're just going to forget Dpr0JgRcrz0-00208-00127711-00128248 who you are most likely or most of them will right because they've got to take that life they've got Dpr0JgRcrz0-00209-00128248-00128768 other things going on they they see other people's emails they see other people on their social media Dpr0JgRcrz0-00210-00128768-00129304 they see others that are building things that are doing more than what you're doing so if you're not Dpr0JgRcrz0-00211-00129304-00129808 sending daily emails which by the way I'm not doing that great at and it's definitely something Dpr0JgRcrz0-00212-00129808-00130448 I need to work on but I certainly know that that's what you need to do and uh and so yeah so that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00213-00130448-00131056 basically number four is you gotta build regular emails to them so Russell Brunson again calls that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00214-00131112-00132328 um seinfeld signed failed emails so emails about nothing right so basically just random things like Dpr0JgRcrz0-00215-00132328-00132736 you're going through each day and that's something I like I said I have to do that I have to build Dpr0JgRcrz0-00216-00132736-00133352 that and if you can you make some sort of offer or either a call to action maybe just to subscribe Dpr0JgRcrz0-00217-00133352-00134040 to your channel oh my god by the way yesterday I created this new video on my YouTube channel Dpr0JgRcrz0-00218-00134040-00134752 that I'm really proud of I think it's so cool it's all about how to blah blah blah I would really Dpr0JgRcrz0-00219-00134752-00135104 you know if you want to go check it out here's the link and I really appreciate Dpr0JgRcrz0-00220-00135104-00135584 a subscription and we'll see you tomorrow so you you can do something simple like that right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00221-00135688-00136240 but you know um Russell talks about really building the relationship by just telling Dpr0JgRcrz0-00222-00136240-00136808 them about your random things your during your day like like I have I do these videos every Dpr0JgRcrz0-00223-00136808-00137464 day right every week I do a video like this for my course income secrets series right and Dpr0JgRcrz0-00224-00137464-00137856 I can I can talk about all sorts of different things because you know that's kind of what Dpr0JgRcrz0-00225-00137856-00138400 this is all about it's about building online presence about building personal a personal brand Dpr0JgRcrz0-00226-00138400-00138800 all these different things but it's all about generating income if you want to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00227-00138800-00139280 generate income you need to have an audience you need to build a personal brand you need to have Dpr0JgRcrz0-00228-00139280-00139904 probably a blog and a Facebook page and an Instagram account and all those things you need Dpr0JgRcrz0-00229-00139904-00140536 all those things right otherwise you're just not gonna grow an audience if you don't have eyeballs Dpr0JgRcrz0-00230-00140536-00141320 on your stuff right okay so uh if you were here to listen to learn how to do these things Dpr0JgRcrz0-00231-00141320-00141744 unfortunately we're not gonna have a lot of time but I can kind of show you the basics right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00232-00141744-00142984 first if you go to aWeber actually if you go to js if you go to jsjs I know aWeber aWeber.jsggn1.com Dpr0JgRcrz0-00233-00143072-00143592 um if you go to that I don't know is that going to take me to I've never really tried using the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00234-00143592-00143904 the search bar there for that but let's see what happens is it's going to take me Dpr0JgRcrz0-00235-00143904-00144456 there yeah it is okay so if you go to aWeber.js again it'll actually take you to well right now Dpr0JgRcrz0-00236-00144456-00145280 I'm logged in so let's log out let's log out log out let's do it again let's go to aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00237-00145456-00145704 again to the same thing dot j s Dpr0JgRcrz0-00238-00145864-00146624 right so that will take you to mayweather create an account and if I go home here I guess that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00239-00146624-00147416 what it is it's accept me login maybe I need to go to an incognito window for that so aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00240-00147736-00148008 a weber.js Dpr0JgRcrz0-00241-00148112-00148440 so the reason I'm giving you this link is obviously it's an affiliate link Dpr0JgRcrz0-00242-00148440-00148880 you can just look it up if you want but basically when you go there you get this page with space Dpr0JgRcrz0-00243-00148880-00149464 which tells you which um you know asks you to get an aWeber account right it's free Dpr0JgRcrz0-00244-00149464-00149968 by the way there's no cost to using aWeber for up to a certain number of subscribers Dpr0JgRcrz0-00245-00149968-00150456 and there's certain features that you get for free then other features you have to pay for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00246-00150456-00150840 but it's really not that expensive and if you're building a business online you're Dpr0JgRcrz0-00247-00150840-00151344 going to want to have the advanced features anyways but aWeber is really great because it's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00248-00151344-00151712 you can start off for free and you'll learn all the basics right so first you do that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00249-00151712-00152224 you go there and you go to that link do I have the aWeber link I don't think so let me add it here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00250-00152544-00152784 so aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00251-00152904-00153440 it's going to be aWeber dot js Dpr0JgRcrz0-00252-00153664-00153872 that's the link for it I gotta make this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00253-00154016-00154648 I'm putting that on the screen here let's make the color uh some sort of blue Dpr0JgRcrz0-00254-00154872-00155688 and then let's make the background a little bit more okay so now by the way I'm using Dpr0JgRcrz0-00255-00155688-00156072 something called obs to do this so I'm just gonna gonna show you here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00256-00156152-00156896 how this works this is the link to it aWeber actually I don't like this black do you like Dpr0JgRcrz0-00257-00156896-00157560 it this is where you would go aWeber.jsgow.com let's actually edit that and make the background Dpr0JgRcrz0-00258-00157688-00158352 the color of white uh no let's make the color blue blue is fine actually the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00259-00158352-00158872 background I should change right let's change the background to uh two two two two white instead Dpr0JgRcrz0-00260-00159072-00159616 how's that oh what happened here I want to change this to blue though why did that change the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00261-00159616-00160280 world there we go okay that's good that's better right it looks kind of cleaner if I edit Dpr0JgRcrz0-00262-00160280-00160968 this again I want to just change that to eight without a base looks nicer oh and it should be Dpr0JgRcrz0-00263-00161104-00162008 http oh no it actually can be https so that's fine that doesn't okay so that's uh aWeber.js anyways Dpr0JgRcrz0-00264-00162008-00162496 whatever so you go there and you set up your free account and we'll just take that out of there and Dpr0JgRcrz0-00265-00162496-00162936 we'll show you what happens after that so once you've got your account you're going to log in Dpr0JgRcrz0-00266-00163048-00163536 right and the first time you go there you're not going to have what you're seeing here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00267-00163536-00163792 right we're not going to have all this dashboard all these different things Dpr0JgRcrz0-00268-00163848-00164248 but what you're going to need to do is you need you're you're going to need to create Dpr0JgRcrz0-00269-00164248-00164696 a list so if I go here well when you first go there it's probably going to give you the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00270-00164696-00165056 option to just create a list but for me I just go down here and I say create new list Dpr0JgRcrz0-00271-00165216-00166016 and then you create your list you give it a name so let's say uh learning about let's just do Dpr0JgRcrz0-00272-00166016-00166584 that because I need to create one of these uh oh company name it's gonna be cheap let's say Dpr0JgRcrz0-00273-00166584-00167200 this is gonna be unique on the apps or actually it's going to be then the x because this is my Dpr0JgRcrz0-00274-00167200-00167832 video x and I'm not going to worry about this I'm going to give it the same address here the list Dpr0JgRcrz0-00275-00167832-00168864 name is going to be mfd basics that's what it's going to be so learn oops so I'm basically that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00276-00168864-00169856 kind of what I'm working on right now right so learn the basics of NFTs and how to buy your first Dpr0JgRcrz0-00277-00170240-00170608 so that's good for that that's good for now uh from name Dpr0JgRcrz0-00278-00170608-00171008 okay so it's gonna be info or from name so then x Dpr0JgRcrz0-00279-00171216-00171848 x x whoops neat x that's actually a new domain that I'm creating so it's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00280-00171848-00172608 going to be I should probably add a new sender email so info at the new app store Dpr0JgRcrz0-00281-00172888-00172920 um Dpr0JgRcrz0-00282-00173224-00173256 why Dpr0JgRcrz0-00283-00173480-00173816 why did that happen oh okay Dpr0JgRcrz0-00284-00174040-00174344 so I'm supposed to have received an email let's go take a look Dpr0JgRcrz0-00285-00174768-00175184 and this is you know when you're setting it up you're gonna have to do all this right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00286-00175272-00175984 so this is the to info at the x.com right I'm just gonna click on verify and it's all good he's happy Dpr0JgRcrz0-00287-00176048-00176984 let's go back to the other tab and let's go back next well pinix it is not pending it's verified Dpr0JgRcrz0-00288-00177056-00177512 okay I guess I'll just let's change it let's put it for this one for now and then we'll go Dpr0JgRcrz0-00289-00177512-00178128 back and edit that because uh locale english subject line please confirm your request Dpr0JgRcrz0-00290-00178272-00178696 there you go just create list okay so now I have a list Dpr0JgRcrz0-00291-00178768-00179216 that's the first step you got to create your list otherwise you you how are you going to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00292-00179216-00179680 get people on a list if you don't have a list right so I'm going to go back here to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00293-00179896-00180088 list options manage lists Dpr0JgRcrz0-00294-00180344-00180784 because I got to go back to this list Dpr0JgRcrz0-00295-00180984-00182024 NFT where did I call it all the mft basics there we go this one I want to manage this list I want Dpr0JgRcrz0-00296-00182024-00182808 to change the from info at the next there you go save that and I also want to send myself some Dpr0JgRcrz0-00297-00183336-00183704 neat acts and I also want to send myself a notification info ad Dpr0JgRcrz0-00298-00184032-00184704 there we go okay so save okay um so whenever somebody subscribed to my list I just want to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00299-00184704-00185152 get a notification that's kind of how you do it so let's go now to the messages so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00300-00185152-00185600 now the first thing you're going to do is you now once you have your list you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00301-00185656-00185928 well you don't need I guess you don't need to create your messages other than Dpr0JgRcrz0-00302-00185984-00186480 yeah let's create the let's do a campaign set it up as a campaign because when you first get people Dpr0JgRcrz0-00303-00186480-00187152 on the list I said you need to send five emails right so let's go here under campaigns and let's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00304-00187152-00187536 uh we're already 30 minutes so we won't have a lot of time to go through this whole thing Dpr0JgRcrz0-00305-00187536-00188128 but if you want help definitely reach out I can like we can have a one-on-one or we can do a Dpr0JgRcrz0-00306-00188128-00188688 like I do other online trainings and I can help you with what you're trying to do right okay so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00307-00188744-00189216 um so create campaign I just want to create a campaign I'm just going to create a blank one Dpr0JgRcrz0-00308-00189216-00189568 and that's going to I just like to call them welcome it doesn't really matter because there's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00309-00189568-00189968 just something that shows up in your list and I want the campaign to be triggered whenever Dpr0JgRcrz0-00310-00189968-00190608 somebody subscribes and what I want to do is send a message whoops send the message or I can just Dpr0JgRcrz0-00311-00190608-00191192 drag it here and I create a message and I'm just going to go here I'm going to create a welcome Dpr0JgRcrz0-00312-00191192-00192088 here's your free gift because that's really what this is going to be and let's just um uh welcome Dpr0JgRcrz0-00313-00192296-00193640 here's your free NFT guide thanks for asking about right so this will be asking about the so in my Dpr0JgRcrz0-00314-00193640-00194560 case obviously it's an ft guide um you can find it you can find it at okay so like I said this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00315-00194560-00195088 will be the link linked to guide right so I'm not gonna I'm not ready for it right but that's kind Dpr0JgRcrz0-00316-00195088-00195608 of where it's gonna be I'm gonna have wherever I whenever once I've created it I'm gonna put the Dpr0JgRcrz0-00317-00195608-00196016 upload it somewhere and then this will be the link to get it and that's how they're gonna be able to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00318-00196016-00197024 get that link now like I said before the rest of this is um open loop to next email right so now Dpr0JgRcrz0-00319-00197024-00197448 there has to be an open loop at the end to say hey by the way tomorrow I'm going to tell you about x Dpr0JgRcrz0-00320-00197504-00197968 and do it make sure you look for the subject x or whatever right so that's what we talked Dpr0JgRcrz0-00321-00197968-00198464 about I'm just going to say that just like this right now so you're going to so you can get an Dpr0JgRcrz0-00322-00198464-00199008 idea of how to start this so now the next thing is you're going to want to wait the default is Dpr0JgRcrz0-00323-00199008-00199608 a day whoops so wait one day you can make it wait longer if you want then you send another message Dpr0JgRcrz0-00324-00199664-00200056 and this message here would be something else so just remove it for now I'm just going to save it Dpr0JgRcrz0-00325-00200056-00200776 like this for with nothing else and then I'm going to activate it so once you've got the messages Dpr0JgRcrz0-00326-00200776-00201240 done you're you would activate the campaign what that means is that once somebody new gets added Dpr0JgRcrz0-00327-00201240-00201824 to their list they're going to get this email and you can always edit it add it right you can Dpr0JgRcrz0-00328-00201824-00202200 you can just click on it to edit it again add more messages and whatever Dpr0JgRcrz0-00329-00202280-00202808 edit the messages are in there that's kind of how you do it but that's part two right you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00330-00202808-00203272 need to have a list you need to have a emails to send to them and you need to have a page Dpr0JgRcrz0-00331-00203272-00203808 so then when you can do is a landing page or a sign up form right so if you can do with aWeber Dpr0JgRcrz0-00332-00203808-00204400 you don't even need click funnels or clicky or or funnelize or whatever or any other thing you can Dpr0JgRcrz0-00333-00204400-00204848 just use aWeber right so if you hear landing pages I'm just going to create a new landing page here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00334-00204976-00205496 a basic one and I'm just going to go read a landing page now there's a whole bunch of Dpr0JgRcrz0-00335-00205496-00205952 different options that they have right here so I can actually use one that's like this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00336-00205952-00206696 let's say this one a simple product let's look at this let's just see if that's what I want um Dpr0JgRcrz0-00337-00206760-00207448 a product name buy now okay well that's that could be easy enough obviously the whole bunch Dpr0JgRcrz0-00338-00207448-00207871 of different ones but you want something pretty simple because you don't want you don't want Dpr0JgRcrz0-00339-00207871-00208471 people to have this crazy thing to read and whatever right so I'm just gonna look at this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00340-00208471-00209167 one choose this one book promotion okay so my mine is an ebook that I created right so this will be Dpr0JgRcrz0-00341-00209312-00209808 so maybe I'll you know if I go back to my my thing here I can actually Dpr0JgRcrz0-00342-00209808-00210528 take this page here as my ebook I can just download this save it just uh just page one Dpr0JgRcrz0-00343-00210760-00211080 and page one there you go that's page one then Dpr0JgRcrz0-00344-00211144-00211464 download so I just want the page one because I'm gonna use that in my Dpr0JgRcrz0-00345-00211536-00212312 cover so I'm going to save that into my NFTs this will be cover oh you saved it as a pdf I Dpr0JgRcrz0-00346-00212312-00213304 don't want pdf sorry I want a jpeg in this case download as a jpeg a png page one just page one Dpr0JgRcrz0-00347-00213536-00213976 there we go download page one okay sorry I messed that up I should have done Dpr0JgRcrz0-00348-00213976-00214776 a png for page one obviously because that's what I want and simple steps here then ft there you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00349-00214776-00215240 go okay so now I have the download I go back to here and I'm gonna upload an image right here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00350-00215367-00215967 and we're just gonna delete what is this upload an image okay and we're Dpr0JgRcrz0-00351-00215967-00216416 just going to go back to here it's in my five steps and this could be this one Dpr0JgRcrz0-00352-00216832-00217184 and there you go so now that replaces this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00353-00217408-00217904 get your free get your first NFT Dpr0JgRcrz0-00354-00218240-00218584 and show it off Dpr0JgRcrz0-00355-00218871-00219240 so this is going to be and obviously you know it's going to be whatever I'm just Dpr0JgRcrz0-00356-00219240-00219800 going to save this for now and that's going to be a landing page that people can go to Dpr0JgRcrz0-00357-00219864-00220616 and I can actually publish this and then I get a link right here copy this link and I can just go Dpr0JgRcrz0-00358-00220616-00221008 and show you kind of what it looks like if I go to new incognito this will be the link Dpr0JgRcrz0-00359-00221008-00221671 to this and it's got my you know my thing that I'm doing right obviously and this is you can use this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00360-00221671-00222296 as a page to send people to right and it'll say it should say get it now whatever right but uh yeah Dpr0JgRcrz0-00361-00222296-00222776 so you can do all this in aWeber so that's the next thing so what is it that we said we needed Dpr0JgRcrz0-00362-00222776-00223432 so number so we have the website to ask for their email uh we need the list we got their email or Dpr0JgRcrz0-00363-00223432-00223919 the thing that we have to give them and then initial emails to send them we're building that Dpr0JgRcrz0-00364-00223919-00224432 and then regular emails to build the relationship that's basically like I said you would go in here Dpr0JgRcrz0-00365-00224432-00224992 under messages and you would go and say create broadcast you just create a message Dpr0JgRcrz0-00366-00225064-00225536 and let's just do that for now just kind of show you the same process of creating the message for Dpr0JgRcrz0-00367-00225536-00226223 your initial emails but this one here is just going to be your so you go like this and you say Dpr0JgRcrz0-00368-00226392-00227767 I got my video done and then I can say hey it was a great day and whatever right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00369-00227767-00228464 you just say whatever for that day and don't forget don't forget to subscribe Dpr0JgRcrz0-00370-00228671-00229376 i'd appreciate it blah blah blah whatever you want to use then just save it and Dpr0JgRcrz0-00371-00229376-00229912 then you send it as a broadcast now you can do that anytime you can schedule that you can Dpr0JgRcrz0-00372-00229912-00230400 create a whole bunch of them and schedule them and I can go here schedule a broadcast and I can say I Dpr0JgRcrz0-00373-00230400-00230984 don't I don't need to yeah sure I don't share on Facebook I don't need that or maybe you do what Dpr0JgRcrz0-00374-00230984-00231584 list right active subscribers when to send it this is where you would say I want to send it like this Dpr0JgRcrz0-00375-00231584-00232023 one I'm going to go tomorrow morning at little 7 a.m right or whatever your schedule that you Dpr0JgRcrz0-00376-00232023-00232680 want to use and then you can there's other things automations whatever things say schedule you click Dpr0JgRcrz0-00377-00232680-00233200 that button to schedule it and that's that's it then it becomes scheduled for tomorrow right so Dpr0JgRcrz0-00378-00233200-00233648 I'm just going to delete it for now because I don't want it but I can click on unschedule Dpr0JgRcrz0-00379-00233648-00234319 right here to remove the schedule and now it becomes just a draft again right did that work Dpr0JgRcrz0-00380-00234688-00235328 uh scheduled on schedule it doesn't look like it's but anyways whatever so that's kind of how Dpr0JgRcrz0-00381-00235328-00236023 you do the email broadcasts oh there you go it got returned to my drafts so it's under my drafts yes Dpr0JgRcrz0-00382-00236023-00236688 there we go graphs you can see right here drafts right and that's where it is now okay so that's Dpr0JgRcrz0-00383-00236688-00237112 how you create and you can create a whole bunch of messages ahead of time and schedule them each day Dpr0JgRcrz0-00384-00237112-00237512 and do things like that but you know there's the daily emails that you send out Dpr0JgRcrz0-00385-00237567-00238112 should be you know things that have to do with your life that people would that you think Dpr0JgRcrz0-00386-00238112-00238584 people would be interested in that you're in your avatar like for me if I'm doing an NFT stuff well Dpr0JgRcrz0-00387-00238584-00239128 I should probably be talking about the stuff I'm doing with my NFTs how I set up my my my discord Dpr0JgRcrz0-00388-00239128-00239856 server and how it's I've bought a bunch of new NFTs about mansions and things and whatever right Dpr0JgRcrz0-00389-00239856-00240456 so things like that so you've got to remember to do that too and so hopefully this is uh Dpr0JgRcrz0-00390-00240608-00241032 hopefully this helps it gives you a start as to how to build your audience Dpr0JgRcrz0-00391-00241032-00241656 on using aWeber using emails and uh hopefully that you're gonna get and if you have any Dpr0JgRcrz0-00392-00241656-00242008 questions obviously you can always reach out and we'll talk have yourself great Dpr0JgRcrz0-00393-00242248-00242752 This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's blueprint to generating Dpr0JgRcrz0-00394-00242752-00243167 income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this message, Dpr0JgRcrz0-00395-00243167-00243696 so don't forget to share. For more content like this, go to CourseIncomeSecrets.com Dpr0JgRcrz0-00396-00243696-00244432 and make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... DVz_xieeJKI-00000-00000033-00000312 Hi, I'm Congressman Ami Bera, DVz_xieeJKI-00001-00000312-00000508 from California's 7th congressional district, DVz_xieeJKI-00002-00000508-00000909 or for purposes of this video, Dr. Ami Bera. DVz_xieeJKI-00003-00000909-00001551 It's my great honor to accept GHTC's congressional award. DVz_xieeJKI-00004-00001551-00001847 It's been my privilege to work DVz_xieeJKI-00005-00001847-00002085 with the Global Health Technologies Coalition, DVz_xieeJKI-00006-00002085-00002439 as well as others across the global health community, DVz_xieeJKI-00007-00002439-00002756 as we've dealt with the challenge DVz_xieeJKI-00008-00002756-00003215 of the global pandemic of COVID-19, even pre-pandemic, DVz_xieeJKI-00009-00003215-00003532 my interest as a physician in global health, DVz_xieeJKI-00010-00003532-00003883 and how we take the advances that we've made, DVz_xieeJKI-00011-00003883-00004116 going from eradication of smallpox DVz_xieeJKI-00012-00004116-00004329 to the near eradication of polio, DVz_xieeJKI-00013-00004329-00004813 to my leadership as the new co-chair of the TB Caucus, DVz_xieeJKI-00014-00004813-00005017 there's so much that we can do. DVz_xieeJKI-00015-00005017-00005251 As we come out of this pandemic, DVz_xieeJKI-00016-00005251-00005593 I look forward to working with GHTC DVz_xieeJKI-00017-00005593-00005939 to address these challenges. As we make investments DVz_xieeJKI-00018-00005939-00006227 to vaccinate the world against COVID-19, DVz_xieeJKI-00019-00006227-00006564 let's also make sure we build a global health corps DVz_xieeJKI-00020-00006564-00006923 that can help us address other global health challenges. DVz_xieeJKI-00021-00006923-00007323 In addition, as we create early warning systems DVz_xieeJKI-00022-00007323-00007649 to help detect and prevent the next pandemic, DVz_xieeJKI-00023-00007649-00007828 but also other biothreats, DVz_xieeJKI-00024-00007828-00008083 let's do it in a way that allows us DVz_xieeJKI-00025-00008083-00008512 to bring the entire world into the 21st century DVz_xieeJKI-00026-00008512-00008804 and deal with the global health challenges DVz_xieeJKI-00027-00008804-00009100 that we see all across this planet. DVz_xieeJKI-00028-00009100-00009388 It's also my honor to accept this award DVz_xieeJKI-00029-00009388-00009826 with my Senate colleague, Senator Roger Wicker. DVz_xieeJKI-00030-00009826-00010010 He's been a champion on these issues, DVz_xieeJKI-00031-00010010-00010256 and I look forward to working with Senator Wicker DVz_xieeJKI-00032-00010256-00010573 on these issues. And lastly, I want to recognize DVz_xieeJKI-00033-00010573-00010873 the partnership award winner NEST360 DVz_xieeJKI-00034-00010873-00011123 for their tremendous work that they've done DVz_xieeJKI-00035-00011123-00011382 in terms of preventing DVz_xieeJKI-00036-00011382-00011724 preventable childhood death in Africa. DVz_xieeJKI-00037-00011724-00012045 Thank you for that work, and thank you for everything. DVz_xieeJKI-00038-00012045-00012337 Again, it's my honor to accept this award. DVz_xieeJKI-00039-00012337-00012591 I look forward to continuing to work DVz_xieeJKI-00040-00012591-00013063 to make the world a healthier, kinder place DVz_xieeJKI-00041-00013063-00013204 in the 21st century. DVz_xieeJKI-00042-00013204-00013334 Thank you and be well. DWfSvvQyTa8-00000-00000000-00000200 Loop in C Language DYPRFk118Z8-00000-00001438-00002047 Welcome back to the lecture series on bioelectricity. So, today we were on the thirty eight lecture. DYPRFk118Z8-00001-00002047-00002652 So, we are finished with the animal bioelectricity we have talked about the plant bioelectricity, DYPRFk118Z8-00002-00002652-00003335 and in the plant bioelectricity, we have talked about the venous fly trap, and touch me not DYPRFk118Z8-00003-00003335-00003936 plant we have talked about in depth about photosynthesis, and electron transport, and DYPRFk118Z8-00004-00003936-00004780 how light harvesting pigments are used by nature to transmit signals, and thereby you DYPRFk118Z8-00005-00004780-00005662 know synthesizing molecules for their survival, then we talked about the dye sensitized solar DYPRFk118Z8-00006-00005662-00006928 cells, and pretty much now we have a clear over view about several life forms which are DYPRFk118Z8-00007-00006928-00007705 involved in transforming energies, and in that process generating electricity. DYPRFk118Z8-00008-00007705-00008238 So, now this last three lectures thirty eight thirty nine, and fortieth one, we will be DYPRFk118Z8-00009-00008238-00008761 talking about some unconventional systems which are not really well explored in terms DYPRFk118Z8-00010-00008761-00009804 from the biological perspective. So, as of now we have all talked about some living systems DYPRFk118Z8-00011-00009804-00010292 where we see whether it is a plant whether it is an animal whether it is an insect. So, DYPRFk118Z8-00012-00010292-00011093 now will be talking about a specific kind of ancient molecules which has evolved over DYPRFk118Z8-00013-00011093-00012165 the period of time, and has some very interesting role in information transfer or in terms of DYPRFk118Z8-00014-00012165-00012764 you know energy transduction as well as they have a significant role in the whole evolutionary DYPRFk118Z8-00015-00012764-00013466 process to start off with. So, those who have just even a very minimalistic DYPRFk118Z8-00016-00013466-00014066 idea about biology knows that we it is being believed that you know the life has evolved DYPRFk118Z8-00017-00014066-00014744 from the genetic materials or from the proteins. So, this is where it all started some form DYPRFk118Z8-00018-00014744-00015322 of genetic material either they translate those genetic material into proteins or vice DYPRFk118Z8-00019-00015322-00016181 versa, there are proteins something some unknown chemical reaction took place which led to DYPRFk118Z8-00020-00016181-00016751 the genesis of what we call about life, if there are this is not the only theory about DYPRFk118Z8-00021-00016751-00017501 life evolution of life there are other theories. So, if you have to broadly classify these theories. DYPRFk118Z8-00022-00017501-00017784 So, there is one theory which is called the DYPRFk118Z8-00023-00017784-00018547 inorganic evolution of life which essentially believes that the present day life forms what DYPRFk118Z8-00024-00018547-00019231 we see has evolved over billions of years from very, very simple elemental or you know DYPRFk118Z8-00025-00019231-00019929 very simple compounds somewhere or other these simple compounds may have self assembled by DYPRFk118Z8-00026-00019929-00020628 some unknown reaction which we are at least have not deciphered yet, and they form what DYPRFk118Z8-00027-00020628-00021293 we call the modernly membrane, and in that whole process those self assembled molecule DYPRFk118Z8-00028-00021293-00021965 acted as a template for series of chemical reactions, which led to the evolution of organic DYPRFk118Z8-00029-00021965-00022987 molecules, and one such theory which exist whenever you listed evolution is called iron sulfur theory. DYPRFk118Z8-00030-00023040-00023970 So, if I had to broadly classify the evolutionary theories which are currently kind of debated DYPRFk118Z8-00031-00023970-00026114 upon, then you will see one is the nucleic acid followed by, and proteins of course, DYPRFk118Z8-00032-00026114-00026897 we do not know this evolution that who can from what, and within the nucleic acid we DYPRFk118Z8-00033-00026897-00027890 talk about ribonucleic acid, and deoxidiose nucleic acid this is one theory the other DYPRFk118Z8-00035-00031897-00032961 molecules, and as a net fact. The whole idea is very simple what it claims DYPRFk118Z8-00036-00032961-00033727 is a some very specific inorganic molecules very early in the evolution which can sits DYPRFk118Z8-00037-00033727-00035458 of iron, and sulfur which acted as a with self assembled these iron sulfur compounds DYPRFk118Z8-00038-00035458-00037688 compounds self assembled, and form something what we call as membrane like structure or DYPRFk118Z8-00039-00037688-00038643 you can call it an inorganic membrane where as if you look at the other side you will DYPRFk118Z8-00040-00038643-00039238 see here we talked about the membranes which are in very initial classes I have taught DYPRFk118Z8-00041-00039238-00040532 you about lipid bilayer. So, these inorganic membranes acted as it is belief it is again DYPRFk118Z8-00042-00040532-00043145 these are all believed acted as template for synthesis of nucleic acid proteins and all these kind of DYPRFk118Z8-00043-00043145-00043739 different molecules. So, this is what essentially these two different DYPRFk118Z8-00044-00043739-00044324 theories kind of proposed. So, there are lot of varying fractions between these theories, DYPRFk118Z8-00045-00044324-00045383 and no one can say with hundred percent certainty that which one is right or which one is wrong, DYPRFk118Z8-00046-00045383-00046155 because we cannot really go back four billion years back in time to figure out what is true? DYPRFk118Z8-00047-00046155-00046776 What is right? what the reason why I picked it up this topic its totally different perspective. DYPRFk118Z8-00048-00046776-00047370 So, if you look at it when I started this course I told you that we are talking about DYPRFk118Z8-00049-00047370-00048064 the moment of current across the lipid membrane. So, there are lipid bilayers on those lipid DYPRFk118Z8-00050-00048064-00048708 bilayers you have these proteins which are embedded which are called the ion channels. DYPRFk118Z8-00051-00048708-00049318 And there are several other proteins which are involved in it, and it is a potential DYPRFk118Z8-00052-00049318-00050253 difference across this lipid membrane in a cell which ensures that there is a flow of DYPRFk118Z8-00053-00050253-00050883 current in, and out depending on what kind of ions we are talking about this is the cell, DYPRFk118Z8-00054-00050883-00052296 and and this is the lipid membrane, and there is a potential drop across the membrane, and DYPRFk118Z8-00055-00052296-00053245 what we called as r m p resting membrane potential which is approximately minus eighty milli DYPRFk118Z8-00056-00053245-00053689 volt depending on the cell type of course, now by this time you guys are well worse with DYPRFk118Z8-00057-00053689-00054498 it. So, now if this is the case, then we will be interested to know about if assumptions. DYPRFk118Z8-00058-00054498-00055045 So, there is an assumption. So, if we assume that these inorganic molecules leads to the DYPRFk118Z8-00059-00055045-00056026 formation of you know nucleic acid proteins, and other macro molecules which includes lipids, DYPRFk118Z8-00060-00056026-00056886 and carbohydrates, then it may be a good idea to understand what are the electrical properties DYPRFk118Z8-00061-00056886-00057353 of these kind of inorganic molecules if they are the once which are involved information DYPRFk118Z8-00062-00057353-00058279 of these kind of lipid bilayer, and what we call as modern day cell. So, one of the molecule DYPRFk118Z8-00063-00058279-00059676 which has kind of a remain in the center stage of the iron sulfur theory is f e s two which DYPRFk118Z8-00064-00059676-00060908 is also commonly called as iron disulfide, because there are two sulfur or iron pyrite. DYPRFk118Z8-00065-00060908-00061682 So, today’s class you see the slide to start off with the slide. DYPRFk118Z8-00066-00061682-00062015 So, today’s class will be on iron pyrite, DYPRFk118Z8-00067-00062015-00062646 and ancient molecule with rich heritage. So, what I will essentially do I will expose you DYPRFk118Z8-00068-00062646-00063370 to the iron pyrite, and I will end a class with what are the possibilities where we are adding. DYPRFk118Z8-00069-00063370-00063741 So, again I am not going to get into the device development or anything in this DYPRFk118Z8-00070-00063741-00064358 section, because this is not really meant for it, but I will just give you a glimpse DYPRFk118Z8-00071-00064358-00064633 of what really we know about it. DYPRFk118Z8-00072-00064633-00065314 So, historical perspective of iron pyrite, if you look at it, it is a ubiquitous molecule DYPRFk118Z8-00073-00065314-00066045 iron pyrite is available all over the place specially, if you are walking by the road, DYPRFk118Z8-00074-00066045-00066478 and there is a drain you know. So, if you just you know go little like you DYPRFk118Z8-00075-00066478-00067031 know if you spoke likely underneath while there is backup oxygen you will see there DYPRFk118Z8-00076-00067031-00067599 is iron pyrite present there. So, it is a ubiquitous molecule it is a versatile material DYPRFk118Z8-00077-00067599-00068457 which is probably evolved very, very early in the evolution very early. So, what we assume DYPRFk118Z8-00078-00068457-00069531 is when probably these molecules are evolved this was at least four to six billions of DYPRFk118Z8-00079-00069531-00070661 years a condition when earth was in a very very hostile, and buoyant in the early days DYPRFk118Z8-00080-00070661-00071178 of modern chemistry it was used as the source of vitriol, and sulfuric acid this was used DYPRFk118Z8-00081-00071178-00072031 to manufacture sulfuric acid, and vitriol. So, this is overall the about the material. DYPRFk118Z8-00082-00072031-00072692 What is very interesting to know that it has a very amazing semiconductor property, and DYPRFk118Z8-00083-00072692-00073760 it is one of the very potential material for photovoltaic as many fact, if you look at DYPRFk118Z8-00084-00073760-00074446 the development of semiconductors in last hundred fifty years the most land mark is DYPRFk118Z8-00085-00074446-00075000 nineteen forties, and fifties when barden britain, and shaklee discovered the crystalline DYPRFk118Z8-00086-00075000-00075893 silica, but story of semiconductor is way before that it was during the time of michele DYPRFk118Z8-00087-00075893-00076340 faraday there are lot of sulfites which were being suspected, and there were showing, because DYPRFk118Z8-00088-00076340-00076884 it is faraday who observe that there is a non-linear property current, and voltage he DYPRFk118Z8-00089-00076884-00077443 observed, and he really could not explain it that why there is a nonlinearity, because DYPRFk118Z8-00090-00077443-00077996 there is no word call semiconductor. It was about insulator or resistors that is DYPRFk118Z8-00091-00077996-00078882 it either sorry insulators or conductors there was nothing called semiconductor in between DYPRFk118Z8-00092-00078882-00079421 there after it was bose who worked on galena crystals likewise and. So, forth, but it was DYPRFk118Z8-00093-00079421-00079994 known as early as eighteen seventy six if you could see braun it has semiconductor properties, DYPRFk118Z8-00094-00079994-00080587 and documented as early as nineteen seventy six earlier very early in the development DYPRFk118Z8-00095-00080587-00081177 of semiconductor, and this is I am talking about much before crystalline silicon was DYPRFk118Z8-00096-00081177-00081888 even on the scene it was used in the rectifier circuits in the radials, but the problem there DYPRFk118Z8-00097-00081888-00082407 is a problem with this. So, when it was realized that was inherent stoichiometric problem what DYPRFk118Z8-00098-00082407-00082889 does that mean? It means that whenever we write something DYPRFk118Z8-00099-00082889-00083690 like this f e s two our assumption is that there is one molecule of iron, and two molecules DYPRFk118Z8-00100-00083690-00084972 of sulfur, but in real life that does not happen its always two minus x, and this x DYPRFk118Z8-00101-00084972-00085542 could be anything of course, it cannot be greater than a tube, but it could be anything DYPRFk118Z8-00102-00085542-00086401 it could be point five it could be point one it could be point two likewise, and this is DYPRFk118Z8-00103-00086401-00086947 the problem of these kind of molecules there is always a defect it is never stoichiometrically DYPRFk118Z8-00104-00086947-00087617 a balanced one, but that leads to a problem since very soon it was realized that there DYPRFk118Z8-00105-00087617-00088202 is a stoichiometric problems. So, it was extremely challenging material to develop solid state DYPRFk118Z8-00106-00088202-00089065 electronic devicesm, yet this is the most important part yet due to its excellent light DYPRFk118Z8-00107-00089065-00089657 absorbing and opto-electronic properties it has gained enormous research attention in DYPRFk118Z8-00108-00089657-00090430 the field of photovoltaic materials though this material is defective yet, and we will DYPRFk118Z8-00109-00090430-00091452 come later in the lecture that it has some absolutely amazing opto-electronic property. DYPRFk118Z8-00110-00091452-00092142 So, a ancient molecule which probably as evolved some four to six billion years ago as the DYPRFk118Z8-00111-00092142-00092972 ability to absorb sun light, and transform it into some kind of electrical currents. DYPRFk118Z8-00112-00092972-00094069 So, in the history of the molecules these will be very, very first molecule which we DYPRFk118Z8-00113-00094069-00095352 should considered as evolution of photovoltaic or p v molecules which has the ability to DYPRFk118Z8-00114-00095352-00096075 you know translate light to electricity and very interesting part if you see this spectrum DYPRFk118Z8-00115-00096075-00097665 where it absorbs this molecules can absorb the spectrum very far led lights. So, it means on your DYPRFk118Z8-00116-00097665-00098224 left hand side if you have u v which is starting from two hundred nano meter, and it is going all the way to seven DYPRFk118Z8-00117-00098225-00098869 hundred nano meter or. So, you will see the maximum absorption is on towards the right DYPRFk118Z8-00118-00098869-00099625 which is red far red likewise. So, if we could develop solar cell out of such materials which DYPRFk118Z8-00119-00099625-00100454 are biologically evolved over period of billions of years chemically evolved this could harness DYPRFk118Z8-00120-00100454-00101036 low light situations it is not dependent on two hundred or three hundred or four hundred DYPRFk118Z8-00121-00101036-00102194 nano meter more on the left side of the spectrum. So, this interesting property is the reason DYPRFk118Z8-00122-00102194-00103143 why there always remain an interest to develop devices out of it, and specially in the modern DYPRFk118Z8-00123-00103143-00103920 day when you realize that crystalline silicon is reaching its limit we are unable to minimize the cost. DYPRFk118Z8-00124-00103920-00104676 So, we need it a cost effective system which could harness maximum amount DYPRFk118Z8-00125-00104676-00105164 of solar energy, because there is a solar energy which has when involved in the evolution DYPRFk118Z8-00126-00105164-00105864 of life form, and most likely where the way solar energy must have worked is what you DYPRFk118Z8-00127-00105864-00106483 have understood in photosynthesis. So, the sun light is falling on a light trapping molecule, DYPRFk118Z8-00128-00106483-00107030 and from the light trapping molecule its leads to some form of you know electron hopping, DYPRFk118Z8-00129-00107030-00107797 and leading to es eventually leading to the evolution of energy rich molecules, and in DYPRFk118Z8-00130-00107797-00108664 that process evolving oxygen, and transforming carbon dioxide into biomass. DYPRFk118Z8-00131-00108664-00109470 So, one common feature or one common thing what you can see about our evolution is some DYPRFk118Z8-00132-00109936-00110796 of the molecules have played a critical role. So, one of them if one of them is chlorophyll, DYPRFk118Z8-00133-00110796-00112016 then definitely in the same comes f e s two they all have one commonality if you look DYPRFk118Z8-00134-00112016-00112780 at the evolution they all should have ability to cross talk with the solar energy, because DYPRFk118Z8-00135-00112780-00113748 it is the solar system which is responsible for evolving life they all our life dependent DYPRFk118Z8-00136-00113748-00114671 systems, and this is very, very important for us to understand that, because sun light DYPRFk118Z8-00137-00114671-00115355 is ample in nature. So, if you could harvest sunlight that the same way plants have evolved. DYPRFk118Z8-00138-00115355-00115822 So, successfully they could harvest the sunlight, and you know they could make lot of energy DYPRFk118Z8-00139-00115822-00116424 rich molecules same way, if you could harvest the sunlight using these kinsd of molecules DYPRFk118Z8-00140-00116424-00117278 you can generate sufficient amount of power which could you know sustain our energy requirements DYPRFk118Z8-00141-00117278-00117386 across the global. DYPRFk118Z8-00142-00117386-00118114 So, coming to the next slide moving on evolutionary theory. So, as I was telling you f e s two DYPRFk118Z8-00143-00118114-00118795 holds the center stage in one of the two existing evolutionary theories on the origin of life DYPRFk118Z8-00144-00118795-00119316 on earth the two set of theories trying to explain origin of life on earth is the pre-biotic DYPRFk118Z8-00145-00119316-00120291 broth theory which is essentially your nucleic acid, and protein r n a, and d n a starting DYPRFk118Z8-00146-00120291-00120708 point of life. This is one the second one is the hydrothermal DYPRFk118Z8-00147-00120708-00121384 iron sulfur world theory, and those of you who are keen to understand more about this DYPRFk118Z8-00148-00121384-00121960 you can refer to of course, I will be giving you in your hand out seminal work which is DYPRFk118Z8-00149-00121960-00123688 done by scientist called DYPRFk118Z8-00150-00123688-00124517 has done significant work on iron sulfur hypothesis as a man fat is one of the pioneer who proposed DYPRFk118Z8-00151-00124517-00125504 the origin of life in the iron sulfur rich environment. So, having said this let us look DYPRFk118Z8-00152-00125504-00126205 at it what are the arguments in favor of iron sulfur evolution of life. So, if you look DYPRFk118Z8-00153-00126205-00126745 at evolution. So, so according to the hydrothermal origin. So, I will come to why it is called DYPRFk118Z8-00154-00126745-00127466 the hydrothermal origin of life f e s two might have evolved in the pre-achaean era DYPRFk118Z8-00155-00127466-00128142 in an extremely harsh anoxic sulfur rich environment by spontaneous reaction of f e s, and h two DYPRFk118Z8-00156-00128142-00128798 s having said this, let me tell this is the condition where possibly this whole iron sulfur DYPRFk118Z8-00157-00128798-00129858 world was evolving out here. This is the world where there was no oxygen there was absolutely DYPRFk118Z8-00158-00129858-00130745 no oxygen there was no way that there could be any u v protection. So, that mass fair DYPRFk118Z8-00159-00130745-00131385 is getting form, and temperature was very high there is all over the place there where DYPRFk118Z8-00160-00131385-00132299 sufficient amount of hydrogen sulfide in a very harsh, and in a very, very you can say DYPRFk118Z8-00161-00132299-00132953 where for us even to stimulate or even to imagine how the life would have been is really tough. DYPRFk118Z8-00162-00133042-00133929 So, under those conditions possibly in the harsh anoxic sulfur rich environment by the DYPRFk118Z8-00163-00133929-00134623 spontaneous reaction of f e s, and h two s possibly it leads to reaction where we are DYPRFk118Z8-00164-00134623-00135267 having f e s two, and h two got evolved, and of course this reaction is thermodynamically feasible. DYPRFk118Z8-00165-00135267-00135491 Because it has minus forty one kilo joule DYPRFk118Z8-00166-00135491-00136230 per mole, but the hydrogen evolved during the formation of f e s two is used to derive DYPRFk118Z8-00167-00136230-00136997 the carbon dioxide fixation reaction by coupled reaction taking place across a proposed semi-permeable DYPRFk118Z8-00168-00136997-00137876 iron sulfur colloidal membrane. So, coming back I highlighted this part to you the self DYPRFk118Z8-00169-00137876-00139150 assembled inorganic membrane, now what this inorganic membrane is doing out here or at DYPRFk118Z8-00170-00139150-00139504 least what is being proposed it is doing out there. DYPRFk118Z8-00171-00139504-00140254 So, imagine somewhere or other it is self assemble, and forming something called a you DYPRFk118Z8-00172-00140958-00141688 knows a f e s two membrane on these membrane, when the f e s two is getting formed. So, DYPRFk118Z8-00173-00141689-00142433 it has in a site, I am just putting in a site somewhere or other just imagining this kind DYPRFk118Z8-00174-00142433-00142969 of thing has found and. In that process there is evolution of h two DYPRFk118Z8-00175-00142969-00143740 is h two the existing c o two, and this is environment which is filled with you know DYPRFk118Z8-00176-00143740-00145158 sulfur dioxide h two s c o two of course, there was water iron likewise. So, very harsh DYPRFk118Z8-00177-00145158-00147539 environment a very high temperature, and no u v protection. So, there is enormous amount DYPRFk118Z8-00178-00147539-00148257 of u v which was reaching the substrate, then this what is really known how it has happened DYPRFk118Z8-00179-00148257-00148894 if at all it has happened c o two, and h two this is how c o two started getting fixed DYPRFk118Z8-00180-00148894-00149522 where exactly what you have seen in photosynthesis where c o two is getting fixed same thing DYPRFk118Z8-00181-00149522-00150824 was possibly happening in where c o two fixation reaction was taking place on top of the iron DYPRFk118Z8-00182-00150824-00151173 pyrite membrane. coming back to the slide if you look at it DYPRFk118Z8-00183-00151173-00151685 the hydrogen evolved during the formation of f e s two is used to derive c o two fixation DYPRFk118Z8-00184-00151685-00152185 reaction by a coupled reaction taking place across a proposed semi-permeable iron sulfur DYPRFk118Z8-00185-00152185-00153441 colloidal membrane. So, this is that proposed iron sulfur colloidal membrane, and it is DYPRFk118Z8-00186-00153441-00154166 mainly that these membrane has lot of nickel these kind of ions which are present there DYPRFk118Z8-00187-00154166-00154961 which where catalyzing this reaction containing nickel as a catalyst if you see the slide DYPRFk118Z8-00188-00154961-00155688 you will see this. So, it was the series of nickel ions or may be few other ions which DYPRFk118Z8-00189-00155688-00156233 are you really do not know which one which all were present there. So, those ions which DYPRFk118Z8-00190-00156233-00156696 are present there if you look at the slide now containing nickel as a catalyst. DYPRFk118Z8-00191-00156696-00157417 So, what essentially happen is the at c o two plus h two you are getting first carbon DYPRFk118Z8-00192-00157417-00158334 fixed molecule h c o o h, but for that reaction delta g was thirty kilo joule per mole. So, DYPRFk118Z8-00193-00158334-00159044 now, if you add these reaction one, and two f e s plus h two s plus c o two you’re getting. DYPRFk118Z8-00194-00159044-00160262 So, now, you have f e s plus h two s plus c o two this is what is happening you’re DYPRFk118Z8-00195-00160262-00163047 getting f e s two plus h c o o h. So, this is your carbon fixation. So, this is how possibly DYPRFk118Z8-00196-00163047-00164139 again this is all possibly this is how possibly this evolution of the first membrane has happened DYPRFk118Z8-00197-00164139-00164529 as a matter of fact if you try to correlate this with the lipid bilayer membrane which DYPRFk118Z8-00198-00164529-00165442 is on this side the board if you look at them, then you realize all the lipid bilayer membranes DYPRFk118Z8-00199-00165442-00165909 have lot of iron sulfur clusters, and there are lot of iron sulfur proteins. DYPRFk118Z8-00200-00165909-00166647 So, it has been argued by the proponent of these queries that possibly those iron sulfur DYPRFk118Z8-00201-00166647-00167664 clusters in the in those proteins has evolved from that proposed f e s two colloidal membrane DYPRFk118Z8-00202-00167664-00168263 what is true what has happened nobody can tell with certainty, but this is one of the DYPRFk118Z8-00203-00168263-00168897 possibilities, and next at the as we are looking, and mind it as I am repeatedly telling you DYPRFk118Z8-00204-00168897-00169737 this is the situation where there was no oxygen absolutely divide of oxygen, then arrow of DYPRFk118Z8-00205-00169737-00170341 evolution was moving in a totally different in one direction such a process is a sulfide DYPRFk118Z8-00206-00170341-00171559 as the major source of electrons. So, it was your h two s which was the major source of DYPRFk118Z8-00207-00171559-00172050 electron now earth was cooling down. DYPRFk118Z8-00208-00172050-00172801 So, this is the situation when this temperatures where now falling as time was passing by temperatures DYPRFk118Z8-00209-00172801-00173328 where falling down what exactly is the nature of catalyst catalyzing the formation of f DYPRFk118Z8-00210-00173328-00173949 e s two from f e s iron sulfur world is not precisely clear it is believed that during DYPRFk118Z8-00211-00173949-00174770 achaean era several primitive microbial life forms evolved using f e s two as a direct DYPRFk118Z8-00212-00174770-00175387 source of energy, and even this day some of these microbes survived the test of changing time. DYPRFk118Z8-00213-00175387-00176246 So, what is important here to highlight is f e s two has been used as a source of DYPRFk118Z8-00214-00176246-00177061 energy by a series of microbes, and probably they have evolved in the pre-achaean era or DYPRFk118Z8-00215-00177061-00177874 soon during that time, but as the earth was cooling down things where started changing DYPRFk118Z8-00216-00177874-00178308 the raw material like h two s was getting depleted. DYPRFk118Z8-00217-00178308-00179127 So, now we there is a depletion of this h two s as we are evolving out there, and nature DYPRFk118Z8-00218-00179127-00179932 needed another molecule as a donor of electron, because it is our whole evolution if you look DYPRFk118Z8-00219-00179932-00180899 at it the evolution of molecules will be accepting, and donating electrons. So, who will be the DYPRFk118Z8-00220-00180899-00182008 next electron donor. So, the only other molecule which was present there in abundance was water, DYPRFk118Z8-00221-00182008-00182702 and now carbon dioxide fixation. So, forces the nature to search for newer abundant material DYPRFk118Z8-00222-00182702-00183348 to fix carbon dioxide nature slowly evolved to use more efficient work station, where DYPRFk118Z8-00223-00183348-00184028 h two o can be used as a prime source of electron to provide necessary energy to drive the fixation DYPRFk118Z8-00224-00184028-00184762 of carbon dioxide thereby replacing h two s now if you replace, and this way reaction DYPRFk118Z8-00225-00184762-00185477 h two o. So, what will be evolving is here you are DYPRFk118Z8-00226-00185477-00185974 sulfur was evolving, now what will be evolving will be oxygen. DYPRFk118Z8-00227-00185974-00187020 So, move on to the next slide f e s two, and the evolution of oxygen consequence of such DYPRFk118Z8-00228-00187020-00187776 transformation from hydrogen sulfide to water is paramount it was the time when anaerobic DYPRFk118Z8-00229-00187776-00188362 environment. So, this was all anaerobic environment of nature started to experience the evolution DYPRFk118Z8-00230-00188362-00189403 of free oxygen from water. So, now the situation from anaerobic is moving towards aerobic environment DYPRFk118Z8-00231-00189403-00189840 it was the time when anaerobic environment of the nature started to experience the evolution DYPRFk118Z8-00232-00189840-00190655 of free oxygen from water while on one hand water evolved as a new source of electron DYPRFk118Z8-00233-00190655-00191312 it simultaneously leads to the evolution of oxygen in the environment nature wanted to DYPRFk118Z8-00234-00191312-00191973 combat the surge of oxygen where most of the reduced form of metal ions started to oxidize DYPRFk118Z8-00235-00191973-00192742 most relevant. In this context is most of the f e two plus, DYPRFk118Z8-00236-00192742-00194212 which were present which is present in iron disulfide they can f e three plus. So, they DYPRFk118Z8-00237-00194212-00195099 all gone oxidized, and that process giving away the electron, and the second thing happen DYPRFk118Z8-00238-00195099-00196325 is sulfur started forming sulfates. So, all the inorganic sulfurs going towards. So, this DYPRFk118Z8-00239-00196325-00196915 was the major transformation which was taking place, and slowly, and slowly as this reaction DYPRFk118Z8-00240-00196915-00197847 was progressing environment was there was a stip or there was a slow rise of oxygen DYPRFk118Z8-00241-00197847-00198604 in the environment. So, oxygen pressure was now increasing as this reaction was prolonging DYPRFk118Z8-00242-00198604-00199463 on the floor of earth most of the primitive anaerobic microbes could not with stand the DYPRFk118Z8-00243-00199463-00199803 oxygen pressure, and finally, perished DYPRFk118Z8-00244-00199803-00200525 So, all those microbes which evolved in this pre-achaean era or the achaean era started DYPRFk118Z8-00245-00200525-00201190 perishing, because they were no no position to with stand the oxygen partial pressure, DYPRFk118Z8-00246-00201190-00201671 because they are not used to with appear they were all develop under this kind of situation DYPRFk118Z8-00247-00201671-00202357 oxygen pressure was totally allegiant to them, but the evolution of now oxygen taking the DYPRFk118Z8-00248-00202357-00203047 center stage into this, and all the iron are now getting oxidize, and sulfurs are getting DYPRFk118Z8-00249-00203047-00203841 oxidized it was a totally new world which was about to evolve, and what essentially DYPRFk118Z8-00250-00203841-00204344 happen most of the primitive anaerobic microbes could not with stand oxy[gen]- oxygen pressure, DYPRFk118Z8-00251-00204344-00205096 and finally, perished, but some of these survived even this day, and remain hidden the beneath DYPRFk118Z8-00252-00205096-00205692 the earth crust, where the partial pressure of oxygen is low these surviving group of DYPRFk118Z8-00253-00205692-00206427 microbes include a group of acidophilic chemoautotrophic bacteria thiobacillus ferrooxidans DYPRFk118Z8-00254-00206427-00207015 thiobacillus thiooxidans ferrobacillus ferrooxidans, and other related species. DYPRFk118Z8-00255-00207015-00207599 These microbes found refuge in the oxygen deficient environment of coal mines hydrothermal DYPRFk118Z8-00256-00207599-00208131 vents, and that is the word what I was trying to tell you why it is called the hydrothermal DYPRFk118Z8-00257-00208131-00208778 hydrothermal origin of life, I was kind of try to mention you the iron sulfur ah theory DYPRFk118Z8-00258-00208778-00209289 is called as the hydrothermal origin of life, because these life forms now survive in the DYPRFk118Z8-00259-00209289-00209799 hydrothermal vents underneath the muddy sewerage ecosystem that is why I told you if you walk DYPRFk118Z8-00260-00209799-00210364 by the street on there is a drain on the other side if you just go will under the depth tightly DYPRFk118Z8-00261-00210364-00211028 under the mud where this is lack of oxygen you will see iron sulfur or iron pyrite present DYPRFk118Z8-00262-00211028-00211679 out there, and there will be bacteria which will eat up on those iron pyrite bacteria DYPRFk118Z8-00263-00211679-00212369 coming to in these anaerobic, and micro aerobic conditions they sustain their critical biomass. DYPRFk118Z8-00264-00212369-00213242 So, this is what we really know about the story of iron pyrite the molecule which is DYPRFk118Z8-00265-00213242-00213719 evolved as I was telling you a molecule which is evolved, and which is a very rich heritage DYPRFk118Z8-00266-00213719-00214241 at some I mean it is one of the most amazing molecules, and as I will closing in inching DYPRFk118Z8-00267-00214241-00214742 towards the end of this lecture you will realize what are the applications of it which has DYPRFk118Z8-00268-00214742-00215516 intimately involved in the evolution. Of course, if you are a supporter or if you are convinced DYPRFk118Z8-00269-00215516-00216041 with the iron sulfur theory of evolution, but the irrespective of that whether you like DYPRFk118Z8-00270-00216041-00216548 iron sulfur theory whether you are a proponent of nucleic like you know pre-biotic broke DYPRFk118Z8-00271-00216548-00217304 theory whatever whatever one thing cannot be taken away from the chemistry of it is DYPRFk118Z8-00272-00217304-00217750 iron sulfur iron pyrite is an very ancient molecule. DYPRFk118Z8-00273-00217750-00218640 And it has absolutely amazing properties iron sulfur clusters are pretty much lubricators DYPRFk118Z8-00274-00218640-00219365 in the life forms all over the life forms iron sulfur cluster are very integral part DYPRFk118Z8-00275-00219365-00220096 of the lipid bilayer these pieces of information’s cannot be taken away from it one more thing, DYPRFk118Z8-00276-00220096-00220575 which cannot be taken away from iron sulfur is its amazing potential what I was trying DYPRFk118Z8-00277-00220575-00222042 to tell you out here out here it has absolutely amazing potential to absorb sunlight just DYPRFk118Z8-00278-00222042-00222736 like the chlorophyll have of course, not good as chlorophyll, but definitely is closed to DYPRFk118Z8-00279-00222736-00223448 that now coming back to the slides. So, the there is a changing landscape of evolution DYPRFk118Z8-00280-00223448-00223894 the class of microbes uses f e s two, and other metal sulfides has a sole source of DYPRFk118Z8-00281-00223894-00224330 energy for their survival and maintaining their critical biomass they derived energy DYPRFk118Z8-00282-00224330-00224866 from metal sulfides by an exothermic reaction, where by metal sulfides are oxidized to metal DYPRFk118Z8-00283-00224866-00225498 oxy sulfates yielding approximately two hundred kilo calorie per mole of energy which is utilized DYPRFk118Z8-00284-00225498-00225728 by microbes to increase their critical biomass. DYPRFk118Z8-00285-00225728-00226741 So, as the landscape was changing these microbes got lost into oblivion, but that where they DYPRFk118Z8-00286-00226741-00227446 are currently where f e s two is more prominent f e s two formation in hydrothermal vent. DYPRFk118Z8-00287-00227446-00228025 So, if you look on the floor of earth if this is the earth. So, if you looking at the floor DYPRFk118Z8-00288-00228025-00228908 of earth if you go down the sea pretty much at the base of it where this you know molten DYPRFk118Z8-00289-00228908-00229425 magma, and all those gases are coming out from the core of the earth it is out there DYPRFk118Z8-00290-00229425-00229751 you are having this hydrothermal vents if you look at this slide, and I will show the DYPRFk118Z8-00291-00229751-00230306 real picture of hydrothermal vents where there is kinetically stable source of iron sulfide DYPRFk118Z8-00292-00230306-00230474 bearing nano particles in the ocean. . DYPRFk118Z8-00293-00230474-00231446 So, this is where a series of iron pyrite nano particle are getting de form continuously DYPRFk118Z8-00294-00231446-00231890 from, because earth’s core is iron core. So, there is no depth of iron or the floor DYPRFk118Z8-00295-00231890-00232742 of earth, and this is the real picture of hydrothermal vent, and iron pyrite is also DYPRFk118Z8-00296-00232742-00233346 called fool’s gold, and this is fertilizer this is considered as a fertilizer in the DYPRFk118Z8-00297-00233346-00234199 ocean which helps in you know helping the life form to survive deep inside the sea, DYPRFk118Z8-00298-00234199-00234844 where there is no light there is no oxygen. So, situation even more worst. So, now, there DYPRFk118Z8-00299-00234844-00235336 is no oxygen in the situation in these hydrothermal vents. So, it is pretty much similar situation DYPRFk118Z8-00300-00235336-00236091 like this, what you see here iron water c o two h two s s o two, and there is no sunlight DYPRFk118Z8-00301-00236091-00236828 like you know sunlight cannot penetrates out there, and these are called black smokers DYPRFk118Z8-00302-00236828-00237074 from the merinal vent site or the pacific oceans. DYPRFk118Z8-00303-00237074-00237713 This is picture from the pacific ocean, and then set what you see is f e s two nano particle DYPRFk118Z8-00304-00237713-00238425 which is present there, and life without light imagine a world or perpetual night where life DYPRFk118Z8-00305-00238425-00239642 flourishes without sunlight, and these are the life pumps what you see no rectia accu DYPRFk118Z8-00306-00239642-00240208 are some of the life forms which has evolved deep inside the sea which utilizes all these DYPRFk118Z8-00307-00240208-00240919 inorganic molecules you know to derive energy for its survival. So, what essentially means DYPRFk118Z8-00308-00240919-00241692 at these molecules are there, because of the oxygen iomin they cannot survive I mean you DYPRFk118Z8-00309-00241692-00242466 they cannot remaining they gets oxidized, but once they found neat they need survive, DYPRFk118Z8-00310-00242466-00243092 and if you see this particle they look like this this is a typical f e s two particles DYPRFk118Z8-00311-00243092-00243785 this also called fool’s gold, because it it act as a shiny you know gold like lustier. DYPRFk118Z8-00312-00243785-00244503 So, it is used for the photovoltaic material in solar cell application bacterial biomass, DYPRFk118Z8-00313-00244503-00245169 and it is used as a chemical fertilizer in the ocean life forms. Now if you look at the DYPRFk118Z8-00314-00245169-00245867 solar energy conversion ability of f e s two, this is a comparison of saying if we assume DYPRFk118Z8-00315-00245867-00246534 in this graph equal amount of say for example, you want to produce say x unit of energy x DYPRFk118Z8-00316-00246534-00247100 unit of conversion you wanted to see how much relative material you will be needing. DYPRFk118Z8-00317-00247100-00247884 So, if you look at f e s two compare it with copper indium s e, then if you compare it DYPRFk118Z8-00318-00247884-00248407 with c s i, which is crystalline silicon a s I is amorphous silicon gallium arsenide DYPRFk118Z8-00319-00248407-00249536 is g a a s cadmium telluride is c d t e, if you compare all of them you will see comparatively DYPRFk118Z8-00320-00249536-00250161 for producing same amount of output using these kind of photovoltaic material. DYPRFk118Z8-00321-00250161-00251136 You need minimum amount with iron pyrite this is its phenomenal ability to transform sunlight DYPRFk118Z8-00322-00251136-00251865 into electrical energy into photovoltaic energy, and this is the inspiration point for generation DYPRFk118Z8-00323-00251865-00253202 of scientist that in a era when we are really running out of the the petiole, and all other DYPRFk118Z8-00324-00253202-00253808 sources what will be other other alternative when sun is there your option is. So, there DYPRFk118Z8-00325-00253808-00254539 is lot of research is going on the on these iron sulfide, because it is lubricators it DYPRFk118Z8-00326-00254539-00255461 is it is not going to really you know it is non-toxic, and by this time must have one DYPRFk118Z8-00327-00255461-00256130 during that it has remaining integral part of our whole evolution. So, so coming back DYPRFk118Z8-00328-00256130-00256698 how they look like these are some of the crystals of iron pyrite a, if you look at them. DYPRFk118Z8-00329-00256698-00257453 So, now here I will pause an actually, but before I close in I will leave a something DYPRFk118Z8-00330-00257453-00257910 for you guys to think over it why I kind of you know started this an ancient molecule DYPRFk118Z8-00331-00257910-00258469 with rich heritage it is indeed a very ancient molecule, and if you believe the iron sulfur DYPRFk118Z8-00332-00258469-00259466 theory of evolution, then possibly this has remain integral part of the evolution itself, DYPRFk118Z8-00333-00259466-00260409 and just like chlorophyll f e s two owls has ability to transform solar energy. So, could DYPRFk118Z8-00334-00260409-00261182 these molecule which are biologically benign, and they are not going to you know create DYPRFk118Z8-00335-00261182-00261840 pollution could these kind of molecules be the answer for tomorrows energy requirement, DYPRFk118Z8-00336-00261840-00262266 and that is why I took up a totally different molecule, and I am not getting to this solar DYPRFk118Z8-00337-00262266-00262620 energy conversion, and all those things in you know m, and p type all those things. DYPRFk118Z8-00338-00262620-00263118 I will leave it I will give you certain references you can go through it, but to give you an DYPRFk118Z8-00339-00263118-00263642 idea why people have interest on molecule, and what is its genesis from the biological DYPRFk118Z8-00340-00263642-00264070 perspective, because we are talking about bioelectricity. So, this is the whole biological DYPRFk118Z8-00341-00264070-00264567 perspective biochemical or you know chemical perspective which ever call its whichever DYPRFk118Z8-00342-00264567-00265507 you left to call it is how f e s two a molecule, which is ancient molecule has such a rich DYPRFk118Z8-00343-00265507-00266231 heritage that you know this could be one of the s answer to our ever increasing demand for energy. DYPRFk118Z8-00344-00266236-00266296 Thank you. DZXNKOqU1FA-00000-00000064-00000760 my view rate has gone up to about 60 views per hour, and you really love all the people that DZXNKOqU1FA-00001-00000760-00001544 are watching. there are about 30 views per hour going from the latest one, followed by another 20 DZXNKOqU1FA-00002-00001544-00002376 and so on. and the others are only making 10. this is combined, so we end up with about 60. DZXNKOqU1FA-00003-00002464-00002848 that's the end. and i hope you've watched all the way to the end. DZXNKOqU1FA-00004-00002848-00003272 and if you are going to watch it to the end, thank you. Dhf87C9_kbo-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone Dhf87C9_kbo-00001-00000200-00001214 this bank nifty chart 9.15 am market opened Dhf87C9_kbo-00002-00001214-00003198 Currently in buy call so next sell call will come Dhf87C9_kbo-00004-00006751-00009555 1 minute market movement Dhf87C9_kbo-00005-00009555-00012000 Target strongly breakout Dhf87C9_kbo-00007-00017910-00020281 Second target reached in 3rd candle Dhf87C9_kbo-00010-00029563-00032269 target reached after sometime DhtVSz_QrHc-00000-00000097-00000429 First, I'd like to begin by thanking DhtVSz_QrHc-00001-00000433-00000736 the Erie, Shawnee, and Wyandot Indians DhtVSz_QrHc-00002-00000736-00001036 whose ancestral lands we are conferring on this week. DhtVSz_QrHc-00003-00001056-00001111 Next, DhtVSz_QrHc-00004-00001133-00001378 my deepest gratitude goes to DhtVSz_QrHc-00005-00001378-00001710 Janine, Joe, Joy, Victor, and Laura DhtVSz_QrHc-00006-00001710-00001847 for sharing their stories and DhtVSz_QrHc-00007-00001847-00002068 embodied knowledges with us today. DhtVSz_QrHc-00008-00002068-00002181 Each of these brilliant DhtVSz_QrHc-00009-00002197-00002383 scholar-teacher-activists DhtVSz_QrHc-00010-00002402-00002598 practice the very values that DhtVSz_QrHc-00011-00002598-00002869 this award honors Gail and Cindy for. DhtVSz_QrHc-00012-00002869-00003156 Although each received the award as a mentee, DhtVSz_QrHc-00013-00003156-00003293 they are mentoring our DhtVSz_QrHc-00014-00003293-00003552 scholarly community by generously sharing DhtVSz_QrHc-00015-00003552-00003721 their work and humanity DhtVSz_QrHc-00016-00003721-00003855 and like Cindy & Gail, DhtVSz_QrHc-00017-00003855-00004099 altogether they remind us: DhtVSz_QrHc-00018-00004109-00004351 to work from our most ethical selves, DhtVSz_QrHc-00019-00004351-00004582 about the ongoing inequities in DhtVSz_QrHc-00020-00004582-00004966 technological, institutional, and pedagogical access, DhtVSz_QrHc-00021-00004966-00005136 and that we do not only learn DhtVSz_QrHc-00022-00005136-00005379 from one another and disciplinary work, DhtVSz_QrHc-00023-00005379-00005509 but from our students, DhtVSz_QrHc-00024-00005509-00005784 families (both chosen and by birth), DhtVSz_QrHc-00025-00005798-00006107 communities, and other workplaces and spaces. DhtVSz_QrHc-00026-00006133-00006365 Let us honor this co-mentoring work DhtVSz_QrHc-00027-00006365-00006548 this evening by considering how DhtVSz_QrHc-00028-00006548-00006866 Janine, Joe, Joy, Victor, and Laura DhtVSz_QrHc-00029-00006866-00007266 extend Gail & Cindy's foundational work in important ways. DhtVSz_QrHc-00030-00007294-00007512 I will begin by sharing what I learned by DhtVSz_QrHc-00031-00007512-00007779 bearing witness to these testimonies. DhtVSz_QrHc-00032-00007779-00008179 Y'all have collaboratively created DhtVSz_QrHc-00033-00008192-00008592 a space of wonder for the Computers & Writing community. DhtVSz_QrHc-00034-00008676-00008831 To explain: DhtVSz_QrHc-00035-00008831-00009132 I wonder to what extent our community employs DhtVSz_QrHc-00036-00009132-00009712 naming to otherize, fetishize, honor, and/or empower? DhtVSz_QrHc-00037-00009757-00010295 Who, what, and how do we name, and toward what ends? DhtVSz_QrHc-00038-00010353-00010661 I wonder how we might tease out DhtVSz_QrHc-00039-00010661-00010884 the tensions related to the optics of DhtVSz_QrHc-00040-00010884-00011422 diversity between visibility, hypervisibility, and overexposure. DhtVSz_QrHc-00041-00011435-00011958 Toward what ends are we diversifying our community and why? DhtVSz_QrHc-00042-00012022-00012331 I wonder how our community might DhtVSz_QrHc-00043-00012340-00012547 continue diversifying without DhtVSz_QrHc-00044-00012547-00012835 tokenizing and minoritizing. DhtVSz_QrHc-00045-00012864-00013137 I wonder how our community might DhtVSz_QrHc-00046-00013137-00013424 extend our conversations about the rhetorics of DhtVSz_QrHc-00047-00013424-00013791 diversity, underrepresentation, no representation, DhtVSz_QrHc-00048-00013818-00014218 underserved, marginalized, unenfranchised, and disenfranchised DhtVSz_QrHc-00049-00014326-00014487 and to think about these DhtVSz_QrHc-00050-00014487-00014718 not only in relationship to our community DhtVSz_QrHc-00051-00014722-00015122 but our scholarship and citation practices. DhtVSz_QrHc-00052-00015122-00015425 Now that we have at least five generations of DhtVSz_QrHc-00053-00015425-00015623 Computers & Writing scholars, DhtVSz_QrHc-00054-00015654-00015841 I wonder to what extent our DhtVSz_QrHc-00055-00015842-00016064 family tree has evenly supported DhtVSz_QrHc-00056-00016064-00016274 diversity and equity initiatives. DhtVSz_QrHc-00057-00016313-00016515 And I wonder to what extent DhtVSz_QrHc-00058-00016515-00016687 we might recognize those who DhtVSz_QrHc-00059-00016687-00016862 have cleared a path for and DhtVSz_QrHc-00060-00016862-00017122 have helped to sustain social justice work. DhtVSz_QrHc-00061-00017122-00017277 I know, for example, DhtVSz_QrHc-00062-00017277-00017426 that I would likely not be DhtVSz_QrHc-00063-00017426-00017566 a part of the C&W community, DhtVSz_QrHc-00064-00017566-00017811 nor would I have pursued a PhD, DhtVSz_QrHc-00065-00017811-00017966 had it not been for the DhtVSz_QrHc-00066-00017966-00018145 mentoring and encouragement of DhtVSz_QrHc-00067-00018145-00018312 Kris Blair, DhtVSz_QrHc-00068-00018312-00018518 I wonder who has welcomed you DhtVSz_QrHc-00069-00018535-00018730 into this community, DhtVSz_QrHc-00070-00018730-00019060 and who have you welcomed into this community? DhtVSz_QrHc-00071-00019060-00019229 Have you invited scholars of DhtVSz_QrHc-00072-00019229-00019505 color, international, multilingual, DhtVSz_QrHc-00073-00019529-00019814 queer, trans, and disabled scholars DhtVSz_QrHc-00074-00019816-00020048 into your intellectual family? DhtVSz_QrHc-00075-00020048-00020410 Related, whose sessions do you attend, DhtVSz_QrHc-00076-00020414-00020623 when are the presentations of DhtVSz_QrHc-00077-00020623-00020842 minority scholars scheduled and DhtVSz_QrHc-00078-00020842-00021088 against which other sessions? DhtVSz_QrHc-00079-00021238-00021397 Finally, for the sake of time, DhtVSz_QrHc-00080-00021462-00021616 I wonder how the DhtVSz_QrHc-00081-00021616-00021744 CCCC Committee on DhtVSz_QrHc-00082-00021748-00022022 Computers in Composition and Communication, DhtVSz_QrHc-00083-00022022-00022422 or what we call the 7Cs, might help conference organizers DhtVSz_QrHc-00084-00022488-00022691 consider how to address issues of DhtVSz_QrHc-00085-00022696-00023092 diversity, equity, inclusion, and engagement. DhtVSz_QrHc-00086-00023092-00023301 For example, how might organizers think about DhtVSz_QrHc-00087-00023301-00023492 scheduling the presentations of DhtVSz_QrHc-00088-00023492-00023767 our award winners and other minority scholars DhtVSz_QrHc-00089-00023771-00024116 in ways that encourage attendance from the wider community DhtVSz_QrHc-00090-00024138-00024382 as Elkie [Burnside] has done for us today. DhtVSz_QrHc-00091-00024382-00024649 These stories underscore the importance DhtVSz_QrHc-00092-00024649-00024847 of witnessing and testifying the DhtVSz_QrHc-00093-00024861-00025061 real embodied experiences of DhtVSz_QrHc-00094-00025061-00025284 marginalized and oppressed people DhtVSz_QrHc-00095-00025284-00025608 surviving societal and structural inequities. DhtVSz_QrHc-00096-00025626-00025901 Not to mention the extraordinary obstacles DhtVSz_QrHc-00097-00025901-00026301 encountered and labor invested in order to survive. DhtVSz_QrHc-00098-00026301-00026546 Not just in institutions like academia that, DhtVSz_QrHc-00099-00026556-00026616 at best, DhtVSz_QrHc-00100-00026617-00026908 were not designed with us in mind or, DhtVSz_QrHc-00101-00026916-00027003 at worst, DhtVSz_QrHc-00102-00027003-00027309 were built purposely to keep us out. DhtVSz_QrHc-00103-00027309-00027531 But also situated in a nation that DhtVSz_QrHc-00104-00027531-00027766 values, expects, and rewards DhtVSz_QrHc-00105-00027766-00028068 compliance, assimilation, and deference DhtVSz_QrHc-00106-00028080-00028315 to colonialism and capitalism. DhtVSz_QrHc-00107-00028315-00028554 Thus, I invite you tonight, DhtVSz_QrHc-00108-00028580-00028790 dear Computers & Writing family, DhtVSz_QrHc-00109-00028790-00029019 to share your learning moments this evening. DhtVSz_QrHc-00110-00029019-00029203 How have you witnessed these DhtVSz_QrHc-00111-00029203-00029365 testimonies in ways that DhtVSz_QrHc-00112-00029365-00029527 respect and support DhtVSz_QrHc-00113-00029527-00029696 multiplicity and difference? DhtVSz_QrHc-00114-00029696-00029913 What have you learned from these stories, DhtVSz_QrHc-00115-00029914-00030121 and how might you be an agent for DhtVSz_QrHc-00116-00030121-00030408 positive change in our community and discipline? DhtVSz_QrHc-00117-00030409-00030642 Wado. DirP9r2lqBg-00000-00000518-00001348 I start thinking about my marketing for Christmas in October. DirP9r2lqBg-00001-00001348-00002265 Right now, I'm already visualizing what I'm going to be doing to my shop for Christmas. DirP9r2lqBg-00002-00002265-00002916 You can't think about it, December 1st, I mean, the 25th is there. DirP9r2lqBg-00003-00002916-00003307 You have to start to give the best out of your marketing. DirP9r2lqBg-00004-00003307-00003856 You got to start in September, October, get it going. DirP9r2lqBg-00005-00003856-00004225 November you create it. DirP9r2lqBg-00006-00004225-00004405 The 1st of December is display it. DirP9r2lqBg-00007-00004405-00004505 Why? DirP9r2lqBg-00008-00004505-00005028 Because now you've got 25 days of advertising that you're able to do. DirP9r2lqBg-00009-00005028-00005225 What are the biggest months of the year? DirP9r2lqBg-00010-00005225-00005325 It's around the holidays. DirP9r2lqBg-00011-00005325-00005426 What are the holidays? DirP9r2lqBg-00012-00005426-00005707 They are Thanksgiving and the Christmas. DirP9r2lqBg-00013-00005707-00005807 Those are your biggest holidays. DirP9r2lqBg-00014-00005807-00006121 This is where you get all of the different people. DirP9r2lqBg-00015-00006121-00006775 Myself, I have during the Christmas holidays, I have over 10,000 people that come by my DirP9r2lqBg-00016-00006775-00006875 shop. DirP9r2lqBg-00017-00006875-00006975 That's guaranteed. DirP9r2lqBg-00018-00006975-00007075 Why? DirP9r2lqBg-00019-00007075-00007669 Because I'm on the trolley cart and there's 8,000 people that take the trolley cart ride. DirP9r2lqBg-00020-00007669-00007963 And then there's about 2,000 people that follow the trolley cart. DirP9r2lqBg-00021-00007963-00008089 What do I do? DirP9r2lqBg-00022-00008089-00008395 I do a big Christmas display. DirP9r2lqBg-00023-00008395-00008508 I'm known for that. DirP9r2lqBg-00024-00008508-00008633 Why am I known for that? DirP9r2lqBg-00025-00008633-00008767 That's my advertising. DirP9r2lqBg-00026-00008767-00009022 That's my advertising budget for the year. DirP9r2lqBg-00027-00009022-00009199 How many clients do I get off of that? DirP9r2lqBg-00028-00009199-00009451 God knows how many clients I get off of that. DirP9r2lqBg-00029-00009451-00010065 Because I get the time to create and this Christmas, everybody should start thinking DirP9r2lqBg-00030-00010065-00010171 about creating. DirP9r2lqBg-00031-00010171-00010533 Put a Christmas tree up in your shop. DirP9r2lqBg-00032-00010533-00010709 When you put that Christmas tree up? DirP9r2lqBg-00033-00010709-00011221 The day after Thanksgiving, right after Thanksgiving you put it up. DirP9r2lqBg-00034-00011221-00011478 You start with your Christmas decorations. DirP9r2lqBg-00035-00011478-00011578 Get them up. DirP9r2lqBg-00036-00011578-00011968 So what is it put people in that mood of Christmas? DirP9r2lqBg-00037-00011968-00012324 People start seeing these things, so that's where they get the feeling of it. DirP9r2lqBg-00038-00012324-00012474 "Hey, you're into the Christmas spirit." DirP9r2lqBg-00039-00012474-00013006 It creates new ideas in your clients. DirP9r2lqBg-00040-00013006-00013534 That's how you get noticed and that's what I use as my advertising budget. DirP9r2lqBg-00041-00013534-00013700 It works. DirP9r2lqBg-00042-00013700-00014357 A hairdresser up in Oregon, well, she came down here and she called me up. DirP9r2lqBg-00043-00014357-00015131 She goes, "I would like to get a consultation from you on how to decorate my shop." DirP9r2lqBg-00044-00015131-00015331 It was already December 2nd. DirP9r2lqBg-00045-00015331-00015491 "Well, you're a little late." DirP9r2lqBg-00046-00015491-00016151 I gave her the idea and she spent the money for my consultation. DirP9r2lqBg-00047-00016151-00016479 She and her mother went back up. DirP9r2lqBg-00048-00016479-00017078 They weren't able to do everything in which I suggested that they are able to do but now, DirP9r2lqBg-00049-00017078-00017698 she has it because it's in her brain that she'll start on this in November. DirP9r2lqBg-00050-00017698-00018037 And by December 1st, it's up. DirP9r2lqBg-00051-00018037-00018654 Now she's got those 25 days of having this Christmas decorations up. DirP9r2lqBg-00052-00018654-00019279 But then you keep the Christmas decorations up until the 1st of the year. DirP9r2lqBg-00053-00019279-00019737 Now you've got a full month of Christmas decorations and people are noticing your shop. DirP9r2lqBg-00054-00019737-00019837 Why? DirP9r2lqBg-00055-00019837-00020024 It's because "Hey that's different!" DirP9r2lqBg-00056-00020024-00020175 And so, "Wow! DirP9r2lqBg-00057-00020175-00020323 It's a Barber shop." DirP9r2lqBg-00058-00020323-00020932 These are the little things that you create and do to get you on the map. DirP9r2lqBg-00059-00020932-00021197 You know what I'm saying? DirP9r2lqBg-00060-00021197-00021485 People say why you're so small, I didn't even know, like that guy, "I've known you've been DirP9r2lqBg-00061-00021485-00021585 here for a while." DirP9r2lqBg-00062-00021585-00021966 I've had guys come by, "I didn't know you were here." DirP9r2lqBg-00063-00021966-00022066 Why? DirP9r2lqBg-00064-00022066-00022670 Because I'm a little shop, and not even 8 feet wide. DirP9r2lqBg-00065-00022670-00023112 You drive by in your car, you're not going to see me. DirP9r2lqBg-00066-00023112-00023212 You're not looking for me. DirP9r2lqBg-00067-00023212-00023312 You're not going to see me. DirP9r2lqBg-00068-00023312-00023471 I'm only 8 feet wide. DirP9r2lqBg-00069-00023471-00023876 If I have big Christmas decorations and I have all my things up, you're going to go, DirP9r2lqBg-00070-00023876-00023976 "Wow! DirP9r2lqBg-00071-00023976-00024076 What is that?" DirP9r2lqBg-00072-00024076-00024222 Then you'll come back, you're curious and you're going to come back. DiPtjL7yUS8-00000-00003290-00003370 I don't know your name DiPtjL7yUS8-00001-00003176-00003279 say my name DiPtjL7yUS8-00002-00003072-00003175 All you gotta do is DiPtjL7yUS8-00003-00004140-00004290 One more person DiPtjL7yUS8-00004-00002555-00002665 stayed in here forever DiPtjL7yUS8-00005-00003375-00003500 Well I can't say it DiPtjL7yUS8-00006-00002900-00002980 We're gonna DIE DiPtjL7yUS8-00007-00002345-00002465 I was faking the whole thing DiPtjL7yUS8-00008-00002788-00002850 gonna be a couple hours DiPtjL7yUS8-00009-00003688-00003788 One more DiPtjL7yUS8-00010-00003576-00003688 He would've given me one DiPtjL7yUS8-00011-00002465-00002555 to break 'em. I could've DiPtjL7yUS8-00012-00002675-00002788 Good. 'Cause facility's DiPtjL7yUS8-00013-00002213-00002344 And that's how it's done DiPtjL7yUS8-00014-00002980-00003066 in here! DiPtjL7yUS8-00015-00002137-00002203 Boom! Dj8tg7715JE-00000-00000681-00000982 Hello from the Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR. Dj8tg7715JE-00001-00000982-00001542 I’m here on the campus and I’m sorry I can’t be with you in Johannesburg for the Dj8tg7715JE-00002-00001542-00001741 session on Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00003-00001741-00002046 But I do welcome the opportunity to be able to share with you the results of some of our Dj8tg7715JE-00004-00002046-00002298 research on the species. Dj8tg7715JE-00005-00002298-00002869 Some of you, if not all of you, have seen our Powerpoints over the last year or so, Dj8tg7715JE-00006-00002869-00003329 looking at condensing, distilling the research results that we’ve been generating over Dj8tg7715JE-00007-00003329-00003442 the last few years. Dj8tg7715JE-00008-00003442-00003935 And we have a fairly strong message that we’d like to convey about the sustainability of Dj8tg7715JE-00009-00003935-00004323 Prunus africana to you this afternoon. Dj8tg7715JE-00010-00004323-00004621 Prunus africana is a very interesting species. Dj8tg7715JE-00011-00004621-00005097 It occurs on a genus of over 200 species, but is the only representative found on the Dj8tg7715JE-00012-00005097-00005332 African continent. Dj8tg7715JE-00013-00005332-00005930 It occurs primarily in isolated, montane populations across tropical Africa and Madagascar. Dj8tg7715JE-00014-00005930-00006403 And these populations are isolated to the extent where the populations themselves are Dj8tg7715JE-00015-00006403-00006847 both genetically and chemically distinct, making each individual population incredibly Dj8tg7715JE-00016-00006847-00007200 important for conservation and for genetic conservation as well. Dj8tg7715JE-00017-00007200-00007703 The species is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN and is also listed on CITES appendix Dj8tg7715JE-00018-00007703-00007819 two. Dj8tg7715JE-00019-00007819-00008183 So it has a level of protection across the continent. Dj8tg7715JE-00020-00008183-00008742 However, the species is threatened due to habitat loss due to clearing for farmland, Dj8tg7715JE-00021-00008742-00009206 particularly in some of the more populated areas of montane forest. Dj8tg7715JE-00022-00009206-00009654 And future impacts predicted due to climate change have been recorded by a number of authors, Dj8tg7715JE-00023-00009654-00010168 with these montane forest fragments being particularly susceptible to climate change. Dj8tg7715JE-00024-00010168-00010877 The commercial trade in Prunus africana originated from its herbal local and traditional use Dj8tg7715JE-00025-00010877-00011057 for various ailments. Dj8tg7715JE-00026-00011057-00011521 But it’s used primarily as a remedy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Dj8tg7715JE-00027-00011521-00012026 And this affects more than 60 per cent of men over 60 with a slight swelling of the Dj8tg7715JE-00028-00012026-00012132 prostate. Dj8tg7715JE-00029-00012132-00012589 And the herbal remedies provided by Prunus are one of the few on the market that is relatively Dj8tg7715JE-00030-00012589-00012695 efficient. Dj8tg7715JE-00031-00012695-00013419 However, since 1970, Prunus africana bark harvest has shifted from subsistence use to Dj8tg7715JE-00032-00013419-00013755 much more large scale, to feed a growing international trade. Dj8tg7715JE-00033-00013755-00014132 And a trade that’s worth roughly $200 million a year. Dj8tg7715JE-00034-00014132-00014507 There are very few alternative products to Prunus africana, although there are some, Dj8tg7715JE-00035-00014507-00014894 including Saw palmetto from the United States. Dj8tg7715JE-00036-00014894-00015500 And in many emerging markets, particularly in Asia, China and India in particular, demand Dj8tg7715JE-00037-00015500-00015751 for Prunus africana products has been reported to be increasing. Dj8tg7715JE-00038-00015751-00016247 So in terms of the history of the trade in Cameroon, this slide shows how the quotas Dj8tg7715JE-00039-00016247-00016428 have changed over time. Dj8tg7715JE-00040-00016428-00017022 You can see the results of the EU export ban in 2007, leading to a zero quota. Dj8tg7715JE-00041-00017022-00017690 All the way up to last year, where roughly a thousand tonnes of bark were exported from Dj8tg7715JE-00042-00017690-00017815 Cameroon. Dj8tg7715JE-00043-00017815-00018347 In terms of sustainability, there have been considerable efforts to try and manage Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00044-00018347-00018535 sustainably in the wild. Dj8tg7715JE-00045-00018535-00018929 Mount Cameroon in particular has been a model, and there’s been major investment in management Dj8tg7715JE-00046-00018929-00019086 and monitoring plans since 1990. Dj8tg7715JE-00047-00019086-00019644 And, stimulated by the 2007 trade ban and subsequent national management plan, there’s Dj8tg7715JE-00048-00019644-00020410 been major efforts in ensuring there’s been considerable inventories undertaken, but also Dj8tg7715JE-00049-00020410-00020814 management regimes developed, based on these particular initiatives. Dj8tg7715JE-00050-00020814-00021238 However, there still remains a major disconnect between policy and practice. Dj8tg7715JE-00051-00021238-00021744 An example of this is the annual sustainable bark yields have varied enormously. Dj8tg7715JE-00052-00021744-00021963 And the quotas have varied enormously. Dj8tg7715JE-00053-00021963-00022616 And recommendations have been orders of magnitude different in terms of what constitutes sustainable. Dj8tg7715JE-00054-00022616-00023254 And you can actually see from this slide that the Mount Cameroon community harvest of Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00055-00023254-00023773 africana bark was only 57 tonnes in 2002, because that’s all they could actually find. Dj8tg7715JE-00056-00023773-00024379 In terms of the national management plan, this was commissioned by FAO to CIFOR. Dj8tg7715JE-00057-00024379-00024748 We led the development of this measurement plan with a number of partners. Dj8tg7715JE-00058-00024748-00025288 But this really, as the lead author of the report acknowledges, supports actors to work Dj8tg7715JE-00059-00025288-00025519 together to bricolage new governance arrangements. Dj8tg7715JE-00060-00025519-00026164 Which basically meant that people not working on the Prunus africana issue and management Dj8tg7715JE-00061-00026164-00026552 were working together, and previously hadn’t had much experience at doing so. Dj8tg7715JE-00062-00026552-00027013 One of the major problems that we had internally was some of the methodologies related to inventory Dj8tg7715JE-00063-00027013-00027538 techniques and quota setting were not as robust as they perhaps should have been. Dj8tg7715JE-00064-00027538-00028063 And we agreed internally that, from an institutional perspective, this bricolage was not good enough Dj8tg7715JE-00065-00028063-00028543 in terms of developing a much more cohesive and cogent management plan, and harvesting Dj8tg7715JE-00066-00028543-00028835 system for Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00067-00028835-00029195 Because of that, there are many reservations about the poor quality of the report, and Dj8tg7715JE-00068-00029195-00029620 we internally recommended that it should not be released. Dj8tg7715JE-00069-00029620-00030147 But it was – it was released onto the FAO website, and became a tool for advocacy and Dj8tg7715JE-00070-00030147-00030670 lobbying for those who had vested interest in maintaining the wild harvest of Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00071-00030670-00030770 africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00072-00030770-00031312 So, in terms of who benefits, there’s been a lot of polemic written about the livelihood Dj8tg7715JE-00073-00031312-00031682 value of Prunus africana to harvesters. Dj8tg7715JE-00074-00031682-00032213 And you can see from this slide that there are very few active harvesters on Mount Cameroon, Dj8tg7715JE-00075-00032213-00032762 and the benefit per person represents less than one dollar a day. Dj8tg7715JE-00076-00032762-00033459 Alternatively, the price per kilo, the free on board price, is $6, and this accrues primarily Dj8tg7715JE-00077-00033459-00034031 to one company who have a relatively tight monopoly on the export of Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00078-00034031-00034766 And in 2012 this represented a profit of almost $6 million. Dj8tg7715JE-00079-00034766-00035178 So the cost of sustainable management versus the actual benefits are interesting to look Dj8tg7715JE-00080-00035178-00035278 at. Dj8tg7715JE-00081-00035278-00035731 We have estimated that the cost of the inventory that was undertaken on Mount Cameroon alone Dj8tg7715JE-00082-00035731-00036022 is actually twice the income of the bark harvest itself. Dj8tg7715JE-00083-00036022-00036541 So, essentially, donor aid is being used to subsidize the private sector. Dj8tg7715JE-00084-00036541-00037025 And this inventory was only possible because of external donor funding, which I’ve identified Dj8tg7715JE-00085-00037025-00037253 – the German Development Bank, primarily. Dj8tg7715JE-00086-00037253-00037693 So why would we subsidize an activity that is both potentially unsustainable and has Dj8tg7715JE-00087-00037693-00038174 poor livelihood benefits, when there are amny more livelihood activities that could be supported Dj8tg7715JE-00088-00038174-00038392 in the region? Dj8tg7715JE-00089-00038392-00038949 We go to the issue which I think is fundamental to the entire argument of wild harvest versus Dj8tg7715JE-00090-00038949-00039073 cultivation. Dj8tg7715JE-00091-00039073-00039368 Is wild bark harvesting unsustainable? Dj8tg7715JE-00092-00039368-00039823 Bark harvest is a shock from which many Prunus trees do not recover, particular because of Dj8tg7715JE-00093-00039823-00040329 the scraping of the cambial layer, which doesn’t allow the new bark to grow back. Dj8tg7715JE-00094-00040329-00040746 The demographic structure of natural stands shows very low representation of mature trees, Dj8tg7715JE-00095-00040746-00041290 and this is primarily because many trees were felled during the 1990s, in the gold rush Dj8tg7715JE-00096-00041290-00041932 as it was referred to at the time, to export and exploit as much Prunus africana bark as Dj8tg7715JE-00097-00041932-00042062 possible. Dj8tg7715JE-00098-00042062-00042434 And the over-exploitation rate is actually more than 90 per cent in many of the studied Dj8tg7715JE-00099-00042434-00042566 villages in Western Cameroon. Dj8tg7715JE-00100-00042566-00042929 And all of these figures are supported by scientific studies. Dj8tg7715JE-00101-00042929-00043519 Work of my own, and Charles Tako in the late ‘90s showed that significant crown death Dj8tg7715JE-00102-00043519-00043931 happened in 80 per cent of trees five years post-harvest. Dj8tg7715JE-00103-00043931-00044404 So we actually assert there is no scientific evidence to support that supposed sustainable Dj8tg7715JE-00104-00044404-00044831 two quarters harvesting method that it’s being propagated is sustainable. Dj8tg7715JE-00105-00044831-00045341 And here on this slide you can see three images of examples of where wild harvesting is impacting Dj8tg7715JE-00106-00045341-00045548 the residual stands of Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00107-00045548-00045852 These are taken in Bioko, in Equitorial Guinea. Dj8tg7715JE-00108-00045852-00046280 The picture on the left shows an individual that has been harvested three years previously Dj8tg7715JE-00109-00046280-00046478 and shows significant crown death. Dj8tg7715JE-00110-00046478-00047035 This also affects reproductive activity as well, which accounts for the low regeneration Dj8tg7715JE-00111-00047035-00047231 on Bioko in particular. Dj8tg7715JE-00112-00047231-00047668 The center slide image shows a cut stump. Dj8tg7715JE-00113-00047668-00048033 The removal of entire individuals is a common practice in some harvesting areas, particularly Dj8tg7715JE-00114-00048033-00048207 at the forest frontier. Dj8tg7715JE-00115-00048207-00048695 And the third slide shows that once bark is removed the remaining stem is susceptible Dj8tg7715JE-00116-00048695-00048869 to a stem borer. Dj8tg7715JE-00117-00048869-00049271 And it actually infiltrates and penetrates the main body of the stem, and may or may Dj8tg7715JE-00118-00049271-00049807 not contribute to the crown death that you can see in the left hand side image as well. Dj8tg7715JE-00119-00049807-00050262 And this stem borer often leads to long term senescence and death of the individual. Dj8tg7715JE-00120-00050262-00050446 So, is cultivation the answer? Dj8tg7715JE-00121-00050446-00050930 Now, Prunus africana can be very successfully propagated by leafy cuttings, and my colleagues Dj8tg7715JE-00122-00050930-00051130 at ICRAF have done a lot of work on this. Dj8tg7715JE-00123-00051130-00051688 And, even at the current low price of the actual bark, cultivation is a better economic Dj8tg7715JE-00124-00051688-00051902 option in terms of income. Dj8tg7715JE-00125-00051902-00052404 But also for the labor expended by local people. Dj8tg7715JE-00126-00052404-00052898 The planting of Prunus africana in agroforestry systems is currently compatible with many Dj8tg7715JE-00127-00052898-00053176 existing agricultural systems in much of its range. Dj8tg7715JE-00128-00053176-00053707 And, because of that, there has been extensive planting of Prunus africana in Western Cameroon. Dj8tg7715JE-00129-00053707-00054404 And there’s been a recent inventory of Prunus on farmland in and around Mount Cameroon. Dj8tg7715JE-00130-00054404-00054867 And it’s shown that there are large quantities of Prunus africana stocks still available Dj8tg7715JE-00131-00054867-00055177 at the on-farm site, basically. Dj8tg7715JE-00132-00055177-00055750 And, as you can see from the figure on the right, in terms of value to the farmer compared Dj8tg7715JE-00133-00055750-00056271 to the harvester, cultivation is actually much more profitable to local people than Dj8tg7715JE-00134-00056271-00056551 going out into the forest and harvesting directly. Dj8tg7715JE-00135-00056551-00057141 In terms of cultivation and trade, what we want to present to this particular meeting Dj8tg7715JE-00136-00057141-00057489 is that we want to basically identify that local farmers have been cultivating Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00137-00057489-00057966 africana since basically the 1970s through various incentive schemes. Dj8tg7715JE-00138-00057966-00058400 But are basically discouraged in doing so by lack of access to markets. Dj8tg7715JE-00139-00058400-00058737 And we’ve met many farmers in the field who say that if they can’t sell their product Dj8tg7715JE-00140-00058737-00059119 they’ll actually just fell the species and use the timber for other purposes. Dj8tg7715JE-00141-00059119-00059625 So scientists need to recognize that conservation through cultivation can and should happen Dj8tg7715JE-00142-00059625-00060066 with Prunus africana, as is the case with other products such as orchids and crocodiles. Dj8tg7715JE-00143-00060066-00060541 So home farming of these particular commodities can actually increase profits, but also reduce Dj8tg7715JE-00144-00060541-00060801 significant pressure on the wild resource. Dj8tg7715JE-00145-00060801-00061239 As I mentioned, cultivation can bring higher income to more people with considerably less Dj8tg7715JE-00146-00061239-00061674 effort, particularly when compared to sustaining the wild harvest. Dj8tg7715JE-00147-00061674-00062038 And we believe that efforts should focus on phasing out wild harvest in the long term, Dj8tg7715JE-00148-00062038-00062416 and focusing more on cultivation – particularly of on farm material. Dj8tg7715JE-00149-00062416-00062964 So, in terms of recommendations from others, GIZ and the Government of Cameroon put together Dj8tg7715JE-00150-00062964-00063677 a very neat framework describing how farmers could exploit and sell Prunus bark from their Dj8tg7715JE-00151-00063677-00063777 farms. Dj8tg7715JE-00152-00063777-00063916 And I think this should be followed up. Dj8tg7715JE-00153-00063916-00064391 And a new quota for the exploitation and commercialization of Prunus from Mount Cameroon in particular Dj8tg7715JE-00154-00064391-00064547 should be proposed to societies for approval. Dj8tg7715JE-00155-00064547-00064889 And this should be scaled up to other areas of production. Dj8tg7715JE-00156-00064889-00065441 And I think that we should be focusing more on domestication and cultivation of Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00157-00065441-00065842 on farms, plantations, and community forests which are managed by local people. Dj8tg7715JE-00158-00065842-00066481 Instead of focusing on purported sustainable wild harvest in protected areas and other Dj8tg7715JE-00159-00066481-00066918 areas that should be basically not harvested in. Dj8tg7715JE-00160-00066918-00067362 Prunus should only be planted at high altitudes as it occurs in montane forests, and some Dj8tg7715JE-00161-00067362-00067912 mistakes have been made with cultivation experiments by planting at lower altitudes. Dj8tg7715JE-00162-00067912-00068225 Most of these initiatives have failed. Dj8tg7715JE-00163-00068225-00068623 But also, we believe that exploitation inventories should be carried out prior to harvesting. Dj8tg7715JE-00164-00068623-00068972 Regular monitoring should be carried out and farmers should be trained on good harvesting Dj8tg7715JE-00165-00068972-00069072 practices. Dj8tg7715JE-00166-00069072-00069510 There’s considerable evidence to suggest that a felling rotational system would be Dj8tg7715JE-00167-00069510-00069916 much more sustainable farmers than actually harvesting standing bark. Dj8tg7715JE-00168-00069916-00070133 Some final thoughts on Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00169-00070133-00070847 A 2013 patent by a series of Indian researchers showed that the active ingredient for Prunus Dj8tg7715JE-00170-00070847-00071335 africana could be extracted from not only the bark, but the leaves and the small twigs. Dj8tg7715JE-00171-00071335-00071623 Now this has a huge impact for farmer income. Dj8tg7715JE-00172-00071623-00072049 If farmers were to manage cultivated Prunus on a rotational basis by felling individual Dj8tg7715JE-00173-00072049-00072516 trees and replanting, they could actually accrue significant income from single individuals Dj8tg7715JE-00174-00072516-00072616 of the species. Dj8tg7715JE-00175-00072616-00072842 And this is incredibly important. Dj8tg7715JE-00176-00072842-00073017 But these farmers need more support. Dj8tg7715JE-00177-00073017-00073541 The Government of Cameroon regeneration fund don’t currently – for example, they should Dj8tg7715JE-00178-00073541-00073819 be paying farmers to plant material on farms. Dj8tg7715JE-00179-00073819-00074100 Prunus africana doesn’t fall into that category. Dj8tg7715JE-00180-00074100-00074618 And ICRAF, CIFOR and other research organizations are very interested in resurrecting our research Dj8tg7715JE-00181-00074618-00075215 on Prunus for farmers, as long as the market is available for farmers to sell their product. Dj8tg7715JE-00182-00075215-00075417 And this is incredibly important. Dj8tg7715JE-00183-00075417-00075924 We also believe that investigating the potential of the Asian market, the emerging Asian market Dj8tg7715JE-00184-00075924-00076245 in particular China and India, should be further investigated. Dj8tg7715JE-00185-00076245-00076712 But my final plea if you like is to offer ourselves. Dj8tg7715JE-00186-00076712-00077195 The research that has been presented here in this presentation is based on many, many Dj8tg7715JE-00187-00077195-00077687 years of empirical studies and it provides a very robust evidence base. Dj8tg7715JE-00188-00077687-00078120 And we have no particular advocacy stance on Prunus africana. Dj8tg7715JE-00189-00078120-00078621 We just believe that the science is showing us that currently harvesting in the wild is Dj8tg7715JE-00190-00078621-00078730 unsustainable. Dj8tg7715JE-00191-00078730-00079352 And the future of the market if you like, for the income of the species, is in cultivation Dj8tg7715JE-00192-00079352-00079502 and farmer support. Dj8tg7715JE-00193-00079502-00080007 And I would just like to make that plea to you at the COP to think about the evidence Dj8tg7715JE-00194-00080007-00080137 that’s presented here. Dj8tg7715JE-00195-00080137-00080627 Think about wild harvesting versus cultivation and the trade-offs within. Dj8tg7715JE-00196-00080627-00080973 And I’d just like to thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to present from Dj8tg7715JE-00197-00080973-00081073 afar. Dj8tg7715JE-00198-00081073-00081509 And I welcome very much hearing about your deliberations this afternoon. Dj8tg7715JE-00199-00081509-00081525 Thank you very much. DmA-4rXQOS0-00000-00000003-00001155 do you want to know how to make $100 a day doing BPOs stick with me what's up DmA-4rXQOS0-00001-00001155-00001550 helping real estate agents real estate brokers grow DmA-4rXQOS0-00002-00001550-00002036 their businesses and ultimately achieve financial freedom so what is a BPO a BPO DmA-4rXQOS0-00003-00002036-00002556 stands for brokers price opinion it's exactly how it sounds it's an opinion of DmA-4rXQOS0-00004-00002556-00003035 a real estate professional real estate agent or real estate broker on their DmA-4rXQOS0-00005-00003035-00003660 opinion a value of a property so who needs BPOs and how to get paid so banks DmA-4rXQOS0-00006-00003660-00004112 usually hire real estate agents real estate brokers to do two different types DmA-4rXQOS0-00007-00004112-00004671 of BPOs one is for a pre foreclosure meaning when a borrower stops paying or DmA-4rXQOS0-00008-00004671-00005094 defaults on a mortgage a lot of times they'll try to get an idea of value so a DmA-4rXQOS0-00009-00005094-00005478 quick way and a cheaper way for banks to do this is through hiring a real estate DmA-4rXQOS0-00010-00005478-00006000 agent or a real estate broker to do an evaluation of the property the second is DmA-4rXQOS0-00011-00006000-00006414 short sales now when a listing agent lists the property for a short sale DmA-4rXQOS0-00012-00006414-00006843 they'll submit a short sale package to the package including an offer to DmA-4rXQOS0-00013-00006843-00007256 purchase that property when the bank receives it they're going to order a BPO DmA-4rXQOS0-00014-00007256-00007673 and times will even order an appraisal now do not get confused with a BPO and DmA-4rXQOS0-00015-00007673-00008307 an appraisal an appraisal is performed by a licensed appraiser now we cannot DmA-4rXQOS0-00016-00008307-00008889 call a BPO or even a CMA a comparative market analysis an appraisal it's two DmA-4rXQOS0-00017-00008889-00009329 different things you're gonna sign up with BPO companies as well as asset DmA-4rXQOS0-00018-00009329-00009665 management companies there's going to be a link below when you get the BPO DmA-4rXQOS0-00019-00009665-00010011 assignment a couple things are going to happen you're gonna either accept it or DmA-4rXQOS0-00020-00010011-00010446 reject it if you accept it that's yours and you're gonna move forward with the DmA-4rXQOS0-00021-00010446-00010868 process if you reject it no big deal it moves on to another agent also in that DmA-4rXQOS0-00022-00010868-00011154 email they're going to state the actual price that they're gonna pay for that DmA-4rXQOS0-00023-00011154-00011682 BPO brokerage price opinion now when you accept that assignment it's going to be DmA-4rXQOS0-00024-00011682-00012111 a process you're gonna have to go out to the property and they're gonna have DmA-4rXQOS0-00025-00012111-00012609 their specific requirements for pictures of the property interior and exterior DmA-4rXQOS0-00026-00012609-00013070 they're also going to want a picture of the street going both ways they're going DmA-4rXQOS0-00027-00013070-00013346 to want a picture the address whether it's on a mailbox or DmA-4rXQOS0-00028-00013346-00013706 on the side of the house and they're gonna want a specific amount of pictures DmA-4rXQOS0-00029-00013706-00014009 so that they can actually see the condition of the property I don't want DmA-4rXQOS0-00030-00014009-00014376 to follow their instructions very carefully and the reason is if you miss DmA-4rXQOS0-00031-00014376-00014726 anything where you don't have enough pictures they're gonna tell you to go DmA-4rXQOS0-00032-00014726-00015116 back to that property so you want to use your time wisely go to the property one DmA-4rXQOS0-00033-00015116-00015540 time take the appropriate amount of pictures follow their instructions to a DmA-4rXQOS0-00034-00015540-00015896 tee now that you left the property you have everything that you need you're DmA-4rXQOS0-00035-00015896-00016226 going to go back to your office and you're gonna fill out the report usually DmA-4rXQOS0-00036-00016226-00016506 online you're gonna have to upload all those pictures that you took the DmA-4rXQOS0-00037-00016506-00016951 interior exterior pictures you're usually gonna have to write about the DmA-4rXQOS0-00038-00016951-00017334 condition of the property you're gonna have to provide three active in most DmA-4rXQOS0-00039-00017334-00017703 cases and three sold comparables now this is where it gets a little tricky DmA-4rXQOS0-00040-00017703-00018078 because these guys that work for these companies the asset management companies DmA-4rXQOS0-00041-00018078-00018450 or BPO companies they're seasoned so they really do know what to look for DmA-4rXQOS0-00042-00018450-00018785 they're going to do their own desktop analysis see if there's any other better DmA-4rXQOS0-00043-00018785-00019220 comparables that you're not thinking of now some of these companies will DmA-4rXQOS0-00044-00019220-00019607 actually rate you as well so you want to make sure that you have high rating you DmA-4rXQOS0-00045-00019607-00020106 don't have them telling you to go back to a property or kicking the BPO back to DmA-4rXQOS0-00046-00020106-00020553 you and saying find another active comp or finding another sold comp because at DmA-4rXQOS0-00047-00020553-00020862 the end of the day you're rated in this system and you want to keep your ratings DmA-4rXQOS0-00048-00020862-00021422 high so you get more BPO's out of it on average of BPO can take anywhere from a DmA-4rXQOS0-00049-00021422-00021984 half hour to 45 minutes depending on the property type and where a lot of times DmA-4rXQOS0-00050-00021984-00022515 if the property type is you know maybe larger acreage or even commercial real DmA-4rXQOS0-00051-00022515-00022895 estate they will actually gonna pay more for more difficult properties to give DmA-4rXQOS0-00052-00022895-00023403 valuations on as well quick tip do not take a BPO assignment the area is too DmA-4rXQOS0-00053-00023403-00023784 far or the property type is just something you really don't deal in like DmA-4rXQOS0-00054-00023784-00024129 for example commercial real estate a lot of times you're going to need access to DmA-4rXQOS0-00055-00024129-00024659 loopnet on the premium access to get the sold comps for commercial real DmA-4rXQOS0-00056-00024659-00024932 estate now once you put all this information together you're gonna have DmA-4rXQOS0-00057-00024932-00025334 to come up with your own valuation or even a price range of valuation for the DmA-4rXQOS0-00058-00025334-00025685 bank so they can make a determination whether they're going to move forward DmA-4rXQOS0-00059-00025685-00026001 with a short sale on the offer price that they have DmA-4rXQOS0-00060-00026001-00026355 or they're gonna negotiate with that buyer on that short sale there's a lot DmA-4rXQOS0-00061-00026355-00026718 of BPO's are still coming our way I'm still signed up with a handful of them DmA-4rXQOS0-00062-00026718-00027162 and still get these emails that come in on a regular basis another tip is DmA-4rXQOS0-00063-00027162-00027660 there's opportunity to actually get foreclosure listings if these asset DmA-4rXQOS0-00064-00027660-00028236 management companies or BPO companies actually assign foreclosure listings and DmA-4rXQOS0-00065-00028236-00028581 you're gonna want to find out and read through their websites and so forth DmA-4rXQOS0-00066-00028581-00028986 again links below so you can check out some of them but you're gonna want to DmA-4rXQOS0-00067-00028986-00029436 find out if they do assign foreclosure listings now if they do and you've been DmA-4rXQOS0-00068-00029436-00029751 working your butt off and doing a really good job of BPOs you're gonna want to DmA-4rXQOS0-00069-00029751-00030231 get on the phone and call these people also we have another video on how to DmA-4rXQOS0-00070-00030231-00030545 list foreclosure property you're gonna want to check that out too and that's it DmA-4rXQOS0-00071-00030545-00031056 guys as simple as that go to the link below you can even Google BPO companies DmA-4rXQOS0-00072-00031056-00031494 asset management companies you're gonna be able to find many more links to a lot DmA-4rXQOS0-00073-00031494-00031920 of other companies where you can sign up I would suggest if you're gonna take DmA-4rXQOS0-00074-00031920-00032370 this on full rain to go ahead and sign up with as many as possible get into the DmA-4rXQOS0-00075-00032370-00032913 system if you're not getting the assignments to you in a timely manner DmA-4rXQOS0-00076-00032913-00033303 pick up the phone and start making calls tell these people that you're hungry for DmA-4rXQOS0-00077-00033303-00033744 it that you can on a dime go out and do these BPO assignments for them right DmA-4rXQOS0-00078-00033744-00034119 away the links are below so check out the article on this as well so my DmA-4rXQOS0-00079-00034119-00034590 question to you guys is what's your experience with dealing with BPO is DmA-4rXQOS0-00080-00034590-00035172 whether you were listing a property for a short sale and maybe a BPO agent came DmA-4rXQOS0-00081-00035172-00035586 in and gave you a shit valuation or have you done BPO's yourself and how did that EoUEE4O6Mgu-00000-00000154-00000529 This is Experiment One, Basic Techniques, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00001-00000529-00000857 Calculate the Average and Standard Deviation. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00002-00000975-00001378 Well, we've got, from our calculations of the density, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00003-00001378-00001744 three density values here. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00004-00001744-00001907 We wanna take the average of them. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00005-00001907-00002214 Of course, the average is add them all up and divide EoUEE4O6Mgu-00006-00002214-00002427 by how many numbers there are. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00007-00002427-00002762 We will do, since we're doing addition, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00008-00003128-00003422 and to at least think about sig figs, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00009-00003422-00003886 we will stack them all up here and add them. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00010-00004565-00004898 (calculator clattering) EoUEE4O6Mgu-00011-00005153-00005236 We got 2.92. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00012-00005810-00006087 Which, to the smallest number of decimal places, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00013-00006087-00006324 since that's what you do for addition, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00014-00006324-00006804 is two decimal places, so our number is now 2.92, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00015-00006906-00007301 so all three digits are significant. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00016-00007301-00007801 Then, we're gonna take 2.92 divided by three, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00017-00007808-00008045 the number of numbers that we have, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00018-00008045-00008545 and we get 0.973 grams per milliliter as our average. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00019-00008970-00009241 And what our calculations are telling us is that all three EoUEE4O6Mgu-00020-00009241-00009664 of those digits are significant, but typically EoUEE4O6Mgu-00021-00009664-00009968 what you'll find is if there are only two significant EoUEE4O6Mgu-00022-00009968-00010341 figures in your data points that there should EoUEE4O6Mgu-00023-00010341-00010788 be only two significant figures in your average, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00024-00010788-00011270 and so that's to be looked at because we're gonna do EoUEE4O6Mgu-00025-00011270-00011501 the standard deviation next, and when we do EoUEE4O6Mgu-00026-00011501-00011878 the standard deviation, you should have agreement between EoUEE4O6Mgu-00027-00012051-00012551 how precise your average is and how precise EoUEE4O6Mgu-00028-00012674-00013082 your standard deviation is. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00029-00013082-00013480 And we'll see, but for now, I think we're gonna just say, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00030-00013480-00013644 so there should be three sig figs, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00031-00013644-00014058 but based on the fact that there are only two sig figs EoUEE4O6Mgu-00032-00014058-00014258 in each of our density values. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00033-00014693-00014997 So there's wiggle room here, and we're trying to figure EoUEE4O6Mgu-00034-00014997-00015274 this out because significant figures, remember, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00035-00015274-00015774 are always trying to say how can we express the number in EoUEE4O6Mgu-00036-00015910-00016410 a way that expresses all of the certain digits plus one EoUEE4O6Mgu-00037-00016441-00016642 digit that is uncertain and that's where EoUEE4O6Mgu-00038-00016642-00016808 we're going with this. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00039-00016808-00017291 All right, so we're gonna say 0.97 grams per milliliter, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00040-00017291-00017470 that's our average. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00041-00017470-00017761 Now let's do our standard deviation. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00042-00017761-00018141 Our standard deviation calculation, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00043-00018141-00018496 which is you can find in many places, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00044-00018496-00018801 is going to be so that the standard deviation, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00045-00018801-00019258 which is a lowercase Greek letter sigma, is going to be, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00046-00019258-00019758 here's the formula, the summation from I equals one to N, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00047-00019913-00020316 where this just means for each of the trials, one, two, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00048-00020316-00020627 and three, four, up to N, where N is the total EoUEE4O6Mgu-00049-00020627-00020815 number of trials. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00050-00020815-00021315 Take the square root of XI, which is each individual value, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00051-00021776-00022230 minus X-bar, where X-bar is the average. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00052-00022230-00022506 And even though we only have two sig figs here, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00053-00022506-00022831 we are gonna carry all of our digits through EoUEE4O6Mgu-00054-00022831-00023104 our calculations and use the underscore technique. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00055-00023283-00023783 Square that and then divide by N minus one. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00056-00023872-00024315 N for this lab is three, so three trials, N minus one, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00057-00024315-00024561 this number will turn out to be a two. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00058-00024561-00024759 So let me set this up for you. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00059-00024759-00024969 It's gonna take a little bit of space here. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00060-00024969-00025467 So for standard deviation, which is sigma, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00061-00025467-00025695 it's gonna take my first data point, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00062-00026363-00026863 subtract off the average and square it, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00063-00027088-00027547 plus the same thing, and I will drop my units for this. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00064-00028809-00028914 Oops, that's a seven. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00065-00029162-00029492 The whole thing divided by N minus one, three minus one, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00066-00029492-00029891 which is two, and then square root the whole thing. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00067-00030055-00030342 So that's what the calculation looks like. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00068-00030342-00030595 We'll do a couple more steps since this is our first one, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00069-00030595-00030920 and again, always good to write out your first one long EoUEE4O6Mgu-00070-00030920-00031404 and in your lab so that you can make sure you know all EoUEE4O6Mgu-00071-00031404-00031608 of the mechanics and the parts of it, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00072-00031608-00031782 and your instructor may require it, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00073-00031782-00031994 so please check with your instructor. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00074-00031994-00032494 All right, so 0.965 minus 0.973, I get that, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00075-00032808-00033009 and I have my squared button here, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00076-00033009-00033160 so I'm just gonna square it. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00077-00033160-00033371 0.000064. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00078-00033646-00033895 And even though it was negative, when you square it, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00079-00033895-00034022 it will become positive. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00080-00034173-00034673 0.985 minus 0.973 equals, important to equals EoUEE4O6Mgu-00081-00034872-00035055 and then square it. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00082-00035602-00036102 0.97 minus 0.973, equals it, square it. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00083-00037166-00037284 So far, so good. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00084-00037284-00037588 Now I'm gonna add these three numbers up, divide by two, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00085-00037588-00037730 and then square root it. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00086-00037730-00037932 I've already got this last one in here. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00087-00038146-00038634 So plus 0.000144 plus 0.000064, equals, divided by two, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00088-00039292-00039579 and then my square root is right above my squared, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00089-00039579-00039867 so I hit shift, and I get that EoUEE4O6Mgu-00090-00039867-00040208 my standard deviation is 0.0104. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00091-00040719-00041183 And as you might've guessed, we're going to go EoUEE4O6Mgu-00092-00041183-00041561 to the hundredths place and that's going to miss EoUEE4O6Mgu-00093-00041561-00042061 our first digit here, our first non-zero digit is agreeing, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00094-00042237-00042654 it's saying there is some uncertainty in this digit, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00095-00042654-00043040 that's why there is a number here, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00096-00043040-00043328 and a couple other things. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00097-00043454-00043774 We put a plus and minus in front of this because EoUEE4O6Mgu-00098-00043774-00043973 it is positive or negative. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00099-00043973-00044473 This is a measure of how widely spaced our points are. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00100-00044546-00045046 Our points, if you remember, were at 0.96, 0.97, and 0.98. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00101-00045103-00045240 more or less. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00102-00045240-00045540 There is a difference of 0.01 between those, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00103-00045540-00045933 that's roughly what we see in our calculation. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00104-00045933-00046251 The calculation is easy to make mistakes and so always check EoUEE4O6Mgu-00105-00046251-00046699 in that the approximate gaps between your data are EoUEE4O6Mgu-00106-00046699-00046849 what you're seeing down here. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00107-00046944-00047292 And finally, our average with our standard deviation EoUEE4O6Mgu-00108-00047292-00047513 was typically how we will report it, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00109-00047513-00048013 so 0.97 plus or minus 0.01 grams per milliliter with units. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00110-00048631-00048868 This seven being our last digit that we're EoUEE4O6Mgu-00111-00048868-00049230 a little uncertain of is reflected in the fact EoUEE4O6Mgu-00112-00049230-00049679 that it's plus or minus 0.01 in that digit place. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00113-00049784-00050052 So we're certain about the nine. EoUEE4O6Mgu-00114-00050052-00050341 We know some information, actually quite a bit, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00115-00050341-00050735 but not perfectly about the hundredths place with the seven, EoUEE4O6Mgu-00116-00050735-00050830 plus or minus 0.01. E0HWTTEziso-00000-00001764-00002052 [Music] foreign [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00001-00002052-00002340 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] E0HWTTEziso-00002-00002340-00002532 [Music] [Applause] E0HWTTEziso-00003-00002532-00002632 foreign E0HWTTEziso-00004-00002632-00002732 [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00005-00002732-00002926 [Music] without names E0HWTTEziso-00006-00002926-00003158 [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00007-00003158-00003389 [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00008-00003389-00005136 I knew her voice E0HWTTEziso-00010-00009753-00011663 [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00011-00011663-00013573 [Music] E0HWTTEziso-00012-00013573-00015484 [Music] Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00000-00000376-00000576 Our riding instructor shows... Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00001-00000716-00000916 photos... Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00002-00001164-00001438 ... and videos from the riding holidays. Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00003-00002042-00002242 Finally free! Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00004-00002636-00002836 At the Haflingerhof Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00005-00003527-00003727 In the Wildschönau valley in Tyrol Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00006-00003918-00004118 Good memories to remember! Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00007-00004482-00004682 Having a good time Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00008-00004878-00005078 Relax Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00009-00005392-00005592 Riding holidays in Wildschönau Eq0ZFs3S9zQ-00010-00006522-00007080 More information at www.haflingerhof.at Eu5Dz-L-4Vc-00000-00001083-00003682 foreign [Music] Eu5Dz-L-4Vc-00001-00003682-00005076 [Music] thank you Ew0WeHFz2Qo-00000-00000000-00000200 dense clouds, beautiful weather EwAuKUm5_bo-00000-00000248-00000701 While red blood cells are carried away at high velocity by a strong bloodflow EwAuKUm5_bo-00001-00000729-00001016 leukocytes roll slowly on endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00002-00001067-00001291 P-Selectins on endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00003-00001293-00001500 interact with PSGL1 EwAuKUm5_bo-00004-00001530-00001818 a glycoprotein on leukocytes microvilli EwAuKUm5_bo-00005-00001895-00002105 leukocytes pushed by the bloodflow EwAuKUm5_bo-00006-00002113-00002369 adhere and roll on endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00007-00002388-00002573 because existing interactions are broken EwAuKUm5_bo-00008-00002612-00002730 while new ones are formed EwAuKUm5_bo-00009-00003001-00003150 these interactions are possible EwAuKUm5_bo-00010-00003152-00003528 because the extended extracellular domains of both proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00011-00003551-00003745 converge from the extracellular matrix EwAuKUm5_bo-00012-00003789-00004040 which covers the surface of both cell types EwAuKUm5_bo-00013-00004663-00004844 The outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer EwAuKUm5_bo-00014-00004846-00005011 is enriched in sphingolipids EwAuKUm5_bo-00015-00005013-00005191 and phosphatidylcholine EwAuKUm5_bo-00016-00005251-00005389 sphingolipids rich rafts EwAuKUm5_bo-00017-00005393-00005573 raised above the rest of the leaflet EwAuKUm5_bo-00018-00005578-00005772 recruit specific membrane proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00019-00005880-00006112 rafts rigidity is caused by the tight packing EwAuKUm5_bo-00020-00006115-00006293 of cholesterol molecules EwAuKUm5_bo-00021-00006302-00006612 against the straight sphingolipids hydrocarbon chains EwAuKUm5_bo-00022-00006691-00006810 outside the rafts EwAuKUm5_bo-00023-00006812-00007089 kinks and unsaturated hydrocarbon chains EwAuKUm5_bo-00024-00007099-00007295 and lower cholesterol concentration EwAuKUm5_bo-00025-00007312-00007489 result in increased fluidity EwAuKUm5_bo-00026-00007581-00007716 at sites of inflammation EwAuKUm5_bo-00027-00007727-00007886 secreted chemokines EwAuKUm5_bo-00028-00007897-00008296 bound to Heparan-sulfate proteoglycan on endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00029-00008322-00008670 are presented to leukocyte 7 trans-membrane receptors EwAuKUm5_bo-00030-00008733-00008951 the binding stimulates leukocytes EwAuKUm5_bo-00031-00008957-00009308 and triggers an intracellular cascade of signaling reactions EwAuKUm5_bo-00032-00009543-00009723 the inner leaflet of the bilayer EwAuKUm5_bo-00033-00009726-00010013 has a very different composition than that of the outer leaflet EwAuKUm5_bo-00034-00010110-00010339 while some proteins traverse the membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00035-00010366-00010494 others are either anchored EwAuKUm5_bo-00036-00010497-00010625 into the inner leaflet EwAuKUm5_bo-00037-00010628-00010900 by covalently attached fatty acid chains EwAuKUm5_bo-00038-00010935-00011033 or, are recruited EwAuKUm5_bo-00039-00011036-00011236 through non covalent interactions EwAuKUm5_bo-00040-00011239-00011402 with membrane proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00041-00011404-00011508 the membrane bound EwAuKUm5_bo-00042-00011511-00011635 proteic complexes EwAuKUm5_bo-00043-00011646-00011866 are critical for the transmission of signals EwAuKUm5_bo-00044-00011870-00012020 across the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00045-00012092-00012263 beneath the lipid bilayer EwAuKUm5_bo-00046-00012266-00012408 spectirn tetramers EwAuKUm5_bo-00047-00012411-00012617 arranged into a hexagonal network EwAuKUm5_bo-00048-00012633-00012786 are anchored by membrane proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00049-00012900-00013111 this network forms the membrane skeleton EwAuKUm5_bo-00050-00013114-00013303 that contributes to membrane stability EwAuKUm5_bo-00051-00013341-00013538 and membrane protein distribution EwAuKUm5_bo-00052-00013595-00013852 the cytoskeleton is comprised of networks EwAuKUm5_bo-00053-00013854-00014001 of filamenteous proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00054-00014021-00014273 that are responsible for the spatial organization EwAuKUm5_bo-00055-00014290-00014459 of cytosolic components EwAuKUm5_bo-00056-00014556-00014697 inside microvili EwAuKUm5_bo-00057-00014700-00014979 actin filaments form tight parallel bundles EwAuKUm5_bo-00058-00014983-00015227 which are stabilized by cross linking proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00059-00015324-00015486 while deeper in the cytosol EwAuKUm5_bo-00060-00015497-00015751 the actin network adopts a gel like structure EwAuKUm5_bo-00061-00015775-00016104 stabilized by a variety of actin binding proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00062-00016211-00016582 filaments kept at their minus ends by a protein complex EwAuKUm5_bo-00063-00016593-00016797 grow away from the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00064-00016808-00017000 by the addition of actin monomers EwAuKUm5_bo-00065-00017004-00017122 to their plus end EwAuKUm5_bo-00066-00017229-00017507 the actin network is a very dynamic structure EwAuKUm5_bo-00067-00017526-00017796 with continuous directional polymerization EwAuKUm5_bo-00068-00017808-00017911 and disassembly EwAuKUm5_bo-00069-00018210-00018513 severing proteins induce kinks in the filament EwAuKUm5_bo-00070-00018515-00018947 and lead to the formation of short fragments that rapidly depolymerize EwAuKUm5_bo-00071-00018969-00019190 or give rise to new filaments EwAuKUm5_bo-00072-00019397-00019726 the cytoskeleton includes a network of microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00073-00019728-00020030 created by the lateral association of protofilaments EwAuKUm5_bo-00074-00020032-00020348 formed by the polymerization of tubulin dimers EwAuKUm5_bo-00075-00020444-00020680 while the plus ends of some microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00076-00020682-00020859 extend toward the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00077-00020905-00021257 proteins stabilize the curved conformation of protofilaments EwAuKUm5_bo-00078-00021259-00021402 from other microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00079-00021434-00021753 causing their rapid plus end depolymerization EwAuKUm5_bo-00080-00021848-00022035 microtubules provide tracks EwAuKUm5_bo-00081-00022038-00022246 along which membrane bound vesicles EwAuKUm5_bo-00082-00022248-00022503 travel to and from the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00083-00022737-00023000 the directional movement of these cargo vesicles EwAuKUm5_bo-00084-00023002-00023233 is due to a family of motor proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00085-00023235-00023502 linking vesicles and microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00086-00023763-00023928 membrane bound organelles EwAuKUm5_bo-00087-00023930-00024066 like mitochondria EwAuKUm5_bo-00088-00024068-00024320 are loosely trapped by the cytoskeleton EwAuKUm5_bo-00089-00024387-00024637 mitochondria change shape continuosly EwAuKUm5_bo-00090-00024647-00024878 and their orientation is partly dictated EwAuKUm5_bo-00091-00024880-00025100 by their interaction with microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00092-00025328-00025644 all the microtubules originate from the centrosome EwAuKUm5_bo-00093-00025658-00025821 a discreet fibrous structure EwAuKUm5_bo-00094-00025823-00026060 containing two orthogonal centrioles EwAuKUm5_bo-00095-00026088-00026293 and located near the cell nucleus EwAuKUm5_bo-00096-00026795-00026949 pores in the nuclear envelope EwAuKUm5_bo-00097-00026979-00027137 allow the import of particles EwAuKUm5_bo-00098-00027139-00027520 containing mRNA and proteins, into the cytosol EwAuKUm5_bo-00099-00028380-00028520 here, free ribosomes EwAuKUm5_bo-00100-00028523-00028834 translate the mRNA moelcules into proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00101-00028994-00029292 some of these proteins will reside in the cytosol EwAuKUm5_bo-00102-00029463-00029780 others will associate with specialized cytolosic proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00103-00029801-00030004 and be imported into mitochondria EwAuKUm5_bo-00104-00030007-00030127 or other organelles EwAuKUm5_bo-00105-00030352-00030540 the synthesis of cell secreted EwAuKUm5_bo-00106-00030543-00030723 and integral membrane proteins EwAuKUm5_bo-00107-00030752-00030960 is initiated by free ribosomes EwAuKUm5_bo-00108-00030989-00031231 which then dock to protein translocators EwAuKUm5_bo-00109-00031233-00031456 at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum EwAuKUm5_bo-00110-00031492-00031743 nascent proteins pass through an aqueous pore EwAuKUm5_bo-00111-00031745-00031874 in the translocator EwAuKUm5_bo-00112-00031904-00032123 cell secreted proteins accumulate EwAuKUm5_bo-00113-00032126-00032351 in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum EwAuKUm5_bo-00114-00032412-00032677 while integral membrane proteins become embedded EwAuKUm5_bo-00115-00032682-00032935 in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00116-00033704-00033833 proteins are transported EwAuKUm5_bo-00117-00033836-00033979 from the endoplasmic reticulum EwAuKUm5_bo-00118-00034018-00034160 to the golgi apparatus EwAuKUm5_bo-00119-00034179-00034461 by vessicles travelling along the microtubules EwAuKUm5_bo-00120-00035749-00035887 protein glycosylation EwAuKUm5_bo-00121-00035897-00036161 initiated in the endoplasmic reticulum EwAuKUm5_bo-00122-00036179-00036332 is completed inside the lumen EwAuKUm5_bo-00123-00036335-00036510 of the golgi apparatus EwAuKUm5_bo-00124-00037146-00037406 fully glycosylated proteins are transported EwAuKUm5_bo-00125-00037409-00037693 from the golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00126-00038114-00038393 when a vessicle fuses with the plasma membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00127-00038421-00038719 proteins contained in the vessicle's lumen are secreted EwAuKUm5_bo-00128-00038736-00038983 and proteins embedded in the vessicle's membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00129-00038985-00039185 diffuse in the cell membrane EwAuKUm5_bo-00130-00039320-00039457 at sites of inflammation EwAuKUm5_bo-00131-00039494-00039788 Chemokines secreted by endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00132-00039805-00040018 bind to the extracellular domains EwAuKUm5_bo-00133-00040024-00040266 of G-protein coupled membrane receptors EwAuKUm5_bo-00134-00040366-00040615 this binding causes a conformational change EwAuKUm5_bo-00135-00040617-00040856 in the cytosolic portion of the receptor EwAuKUm5_bo-00136-00040873-00041018 and the consequent activation EwAuKUm5_bo-00137-00041020-00041230 of a sub-unit of the G-protein EwAuKUm5_bo-00138-00041346-00041570 the activation of the G-protein sub-unit EwAuKUm5_bo-00139-00041599-00041834 triggers a cascade of protein activation EwAuKUm5_bo-00140-00041890-00042078 which in turn leads to the activation EwAuKUm5_bo-00141-00042088-00042251 and clustering of Integrins EwAuKUm5_bo-00142-00042256-00042383 inside lipid rafts EwAuKUm5_bo-00143-00042472-00042647 a dramatic conformational change EwAuKUm5_bo-00144-00042650-00042869 occurs at the extra cellular domain EwAuKUm5_bo-00145-00042882-00043038 of the activated integrins EwAuKUm5_bo-00146-00043108-00043293 this now allows for their interaction EwAuKUm5_bo-00147-00043312-00043493 with I-Cam proteins displayed EwAuKUm5_bo-00148-00043495-00043708 at the surface of the endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00149-00043817-00043955 these strong interactions EwAuKUm5_bo-00150-00043975-00044165 immobilize the rolling leukocyte EwAuKUm5_bo-00151-00044186-00044306 at the site of inflammation EwAuKUm5_bo-00152-00044353-00044498 additional signaling events EwAuKUm5_bo-00153-00044500-00044677 cause a profound reorganization EwAuKUm5_bo-00154-00044679-00044804 of the cytoskeleton EwAuKUm5_bo-00155-00044840-00045134 resulting in the spreading of one edge of the leukocyte EwAuKUm5_bo-00156-00045196-00045337 the leading edge of the leukocyte EwAuKUm5_bo-00157-00045342-00045607 inserts itself between endothelial cells EwAuKUm5_bo-00158-00045646-00045783 and the leukocyte migrates EwAuKUm5_bo-00159-00045786-00045921 through the blood vessel wall EwAuKUm5_bo-00160-00045933-00046087 into the inflamed tissue EwAuKUm5_bo-00161-00046213-00046301 rolling EwAuKUm5_bo-00162-00046308-00046412 activation EwAuKUm5_bo-00163-00046421-00046540 adhesion EwAuKUm5_bo-00164-00046560-00046763 and trans-endothelial migration EwAuKUm5_bo-00165-00046792-00047012 are the four steps of a process called EwAuKUm5_bo-00166-00047048-00047233 leukocyte extravasation EwAuKUm5_bo-00167-00047252-00047347 tain, enfin! ça fait plus d'1 an que je voulais la faire celle là, depuis que je l'ai découverte en fait, j'ai dû la regarder des centaines de fois, tout est beau, les animations qui font réver, la musique, tout, et elle va tellement au delà du thème de départ, rendant la cytologie et la biochimie intéressantes. Plus qu'à traduire demain, là je vais réviser une fois, et ça sera le premier fansub serieux que je publierai. En fait demain c'est février 2019 lol demain=13/04/18 17/11/17+13/04/2018+11/10/2018+27/02/19 EwAuKUm5_bo-00168-00047363-00047720 NazmiFR, 2018, CC-BY, https://nazmi.fr/sub EwKt6EM3_Hk-00000-00001079-00001604 Head of D.C. National Guard to be removed from post in middle of inauguration. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00001-00001604-00001925 By Peter Hermann and Aaron C. Davis. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00002-00001925-00002425 The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing EwKt6EM3_Hk-00003-00002425-00002928 the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 EwKt6EM3_Hk-00004-00002928-00003440 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00005-00003440-00003886 Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz�s departure will come in the middle of the presidential EwKt6EM3_Hk-00006-00003886-00004398 ceremony � classified as a national special security event � and while thousands of EwKt6EM3_Hk-00007-00004398-00004850 his troops are deployed to help protect the nation�s capital during an inauguration EwKt6EM3_Hk-00008-00004850-00005100 he has spent months helping to plan. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00009-00005100-00005673 �The timing is extremely unusual,� Schwartz said in an interview Friday morning, confirming EwKt6EM3_Hk-00010-00005673-00006287 a memo announcing his ouster that was obtained by The Washington Post. During the inauguration, EwKt6EM3_Hk-00011-00006287-00006809 Schwartz will command not only members of the D.C. Guard but also 5,000 unarmed troops EwKt6EM3_Hk-00012-00006809-00007350 dispatched from across the country to help. He also will oversee military air support EwKt6EM3_Hk-00013-00007350-00007617 protecting Washington during the inauguration. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00014-00007617-00008250 �My troops will be on the street,� said Schwartz, who turned 65 in October. �I�ll EwKt6EM3_Hk-00015-00008250-00008744 see them off, but I won�t be able to welcome them back to the armory.� He said he would EwKt6EM3_Hk-00016-00008744-00009077 �never plan to leave a mission in the middle of a battle.� EwKt6EM3_Hk-00017-00009077-00009595 Unlike in the states, where the governor appoints the National Guard commander, in the District EwKt6EM3_Hk-00018-00009595-00009901 that duty falls to the president. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00019-00009901-00010403 Military officials and Trump transition officials provided contradictory versions of the decision EwKt6EM3_Hk-00020-00010403-00011020 to replace Schwartz. As is customary for presidential appointees, the general submitted a letter EwKt6EM3_Hk-00021-00011020-00011441 of resignation to give the new administration a clean start. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00022-00011441-00011944 Two military officials with knowledge of the situation said the Trump team decided to accept EwKt6EM3_Hk-00023-00011944-00012502 the resignation. A person close to the transition said transition officials wanted to keep Schwartz EwKt6EM3_Hk-00024-00012502-00012944 in the job for continuity, but the Army pushed to replace him. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00025-00012944-00013578 Schwartz, who was appointed to head the Guard by President George W. Bush in 2008, maintained EwKt6EM3_Hk-00026-00013578-00014147 the position through President Obama�s two terms. He said his orders came from the Pentagon EwKt6EM3_Hk-00027-00014147-00014685 in the form of an email that names his interim successor, a brigadier general, who takes EwKt6EM3_Hk-00028-00014685-00015037 over at 12:01 p.m. next Friday. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00029-00015037-00015569 Army Maj. Jamie Davis, a spokesman at the Defense Department, said Schwartz is classified EwKt6EM3_Hk-00030-00015569-00016066 as a �non-career status employee.� He noted that the interim commander �is ready EwKt6EM3_Hk-00031-00016066-00016461 to assume complete mission� and handle the inauguration. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00032-00016461-00016906 One of the military officials said the Trump transition team receives lists of political EwKt6EM3_Hk-00033-00016906-00017427 appointees and can decide which resignations to accept. All resignations are effective EwKt6EM3_Hk-00034-00017427-00017745 at 12:01 p.m. on Inauguration Day. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00035-00017745-00018409 D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) blasted the decision to remove Schwartz, particularly EwKt6EM3_Hk-00036-00018409-00018545 during the inauguration. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00037-00018545-00019043 �It doesn�t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment,� EwKt6EM3_Hk-00038-00019043-00019515 Mendelson said. He added that Schwartz�s sudden departure will be a long-term loss EwKt6EM3_Hk-00039-00019515-00019970 for the District. �He�s been really very good at working with the community, and my EwKt6EM3_Hk-00040-00019970-00020281 impression was that he was good for the Guard.� EwKt6EM3_Hk-00041-00020281-00020843 Schwartz said he will work up until that moment, and then plans to retire from the Army. �I�m EwKt6EM3_Hk-00042-00020843-00021404 a soldier,� he said. �I�m a presidential appointee. Therefore, the president has the EwKt6EM3_Hk-00043-00021404-00021609 power to remove me.� EwKt6EM3_Hk-00044-00021609-00022140 Like other deployments, Inauguration Day will be a complicated one for the D.C. National EwKt6EM3_Hk-00045-00022140-00022747 Guard � at least on paper. Since the District is not a state, its mayor cannot call up Guard EwKt6EM3_Hk-00046-00022747-00023114 members to active duty as a state governor can. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00047-00023114-00023666 The District must send a letter to the secretary of the Army requesting the support. The District EwKt6EM3_Hk-00048-00023666-00024182 and the Army must then go through a seven-step process to initiate the deployment, during EwKt6EM3_Hk-00049-00024182-00024684 which Guard members carry out duties at the request of the mayor and city homeland security EwKt6EM3_Hk-00050-00024684-00024829 officials. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00051-00024829-00025273 The two entities have been able to work together to make that happen quickly in response to EwKt6EM3_Hk-00052-00025273-00025895 unfolding natural disasters, such as last year�s record January snowfall. During that EwKt6EM3_Hk-00053-00025895-00026449 storm, which dumped 22 inches of snow, the Guard was activated in anticipation of the EwKt6EM3_Hk-00054-00026449-00026972 storm�s arrival, and troops helped shuttle officials, plow drivers and supplies back EwKt6EM3_Hk-00055-00026972-00027194 and forth across the city. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00056-00027194-00027755 Schwartz began his military career in 1976 by enlisting in the Guard, formally called EwKt6EM3_Hk-00057-00027755-00028383 the Militia of the District of Columbia National Guard. He also oversees the Air National Guard, EwKt6EM3_Hk-00058-00028383-00028995 which combined with the Army Guard has an authorized strength of 2,700. He has served EwKt6EM3_Hk-00059-00028995-00029731 in several leadership positions, notably commanding the 372nd Military Police Battalion. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00060-00029731-00030233 He graduated in 1980 from the University of the District of Columbia with a degree in EwKt6EM3_Hk-00061-00030233-00030724 electrical engineering and received a master�s degree in business management from Central EwKt6EM3_Hk-00062-00030724-00031262 Michigan University and in national security strategy from the National Defense University EwKt6EM3_Hk-00063-00031262-00031502 at Fort McNair in the District. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00064-00031502-00031956 Schwartz said that he is most proud of the Youth Challenge Academy, a school for teenage EwKt6EM3_Hk-00065-00031956-00032519 dropouts run by the Guard with an infusion of federal money. The school, separate from EwKt6EM3_Hk-00066-00032519-00033028 D.C. public and charter schools, is located at the former Oak Hill facility, the District�s EwKt6EM3_Hk-00067-00033028-00033615 old juvenile jail. Schwartz said that about 60 percent of the student body have obtained EwKt6EM3_Hk-00068-00033615-00033972 high school diplomas, and some have gone on to college. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00069-00033972-00034460 �These are kids with high potential,� Schwartz said. �They just need to be steered EwKt6EM3_Hk-00070-00034460-00034984 a little bit. That�s what guardsmen can do.� He said he has told his wife that he EwKt6EM3_Hk-00071-00034984-00035171 might stay active in the school. EwKt6EM3_Hk-00072-00035171-00036693 �I don�t mind walking the halls and knocking on doors wearing a suit and tie,� he said. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00000-00000088-00000601 Lest some of you think I don't make videos, this is welldontdothat, and I have a story E-Y4IDY2DgY-00001-00000601-00000701 to tell. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00002-00000701-00001314 Uxwbill, a while ago, came across one of these SyncMaster monitors from Samsung. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00003-00001314-00001735 His was a 203B that he picked up on "curbside discount." E-Y4IDY2DgY-00004-00001735-00002322 I was not so lucky with this particular monitor because I paid good money for this new, and E-Y4IDY2DgY-00005-00002322-00003022 over time, the backlight had started to fail in it and that became a reliability issue, E-Y4IDY2DgY-00006-00003022-00003518 and I didn't want to have to power up my monitor fifteen minutes before I wanted to use it, E-Y4IDY2DgY-00007-00003518-00004297 and I knew that it was probably bad capacitors in the unit and I decided, "You know, I just E-Y4IDY2DgY-00008-00004297-00004539 need to go ahead and fix this." E-Y4IDY2DgY-00009-00004539-00004859 So, I ordered some new capacitors. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00010-00004859-00005418 Never mind the fact that it was about three years after the problem had started. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00011-00005418-00006089 And I had this Gateway monitor that had been painted black by a friend of mine, and I bought E-Y4IDY2DgY-00012-00006089-00006314 it off of him for $40 back in the day. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00013-00006314-00006870 (He needed to get some extra cash, so I helped him out, and I wanted a monitor, so there E-Y4IDY2DgY-00014-00006870-00007029 it was.) E-Y4IDY2DgY-00015-00007029-00007582 That monitor had nothing wrong with it, whatsoever, but I thought, "You know, it can't throw the E-Y4IDY2DgY-00016-00007582-00008031 number of pixels that I want at the problem," so I decided, "What the hey. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00017-00008031-00008429 I'll try to buy some new capacitors and install them in this monitor." E-Y4IDY2DgY-00018-00008429-00009107 I did that this afternoon and the old capacitors are right here in this little mini-fridge E-Y4IDY2DgY-00019-00009107-00009243 ice cube tray. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00020-00009243-00010045 They were, let's see...these are CapXon capacitors, and they're rated at...the two big ones were E-Y4IDY2DgY-00021-00010045-00010868 820 microfarads at 25 volts, and the small ones, if I can pull 'em out of here…eh, E-Y4IDY2DgY-00022-00010868-00011371 let's just dump the whole thing…the small ones were 330 volts…sorry! E-Y4IDY2DgY-00023-00011371-00011575 330 microfarads! E-Y4IDY2DgY-00024-00011575-00011677 Wow...volts! E-Y4IDY2DgY-00025-00011677-00012570 at 25 volts, and there were three of those on the particular board inside the monitor E-Y4IDY2DgY-00026-00012570-00012811 that were present. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00027-00012811-00013191 Only one of them was bulged, but I decided, "You know what? E-Y4IDY2DgY-00028-00013191-00013476 I might as well just replace the whole set." E-Y4IDY2DgY-00029-00013476-00014068 So, I have to make this video to brag. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00030-00014068-00014641 Something uxwbill said online actually made a monitor work…even though I did the work E-Y4IDY2DgY-00031-00014641-00015097 and, by golly, it cost me not a lot of money. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00032-00015097-00015975 I think I paid about $7.78 shipped for all those parts, and I didn't need a whole lot E-Y4IDY2DgY-00033-00015975-00016113 of them. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00034-00016113-00016516 One of the other reasons I wanted to get this monitor running is because of the stand that E-Y4IDY2DgY-00035-00016516-00016616 it's on. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00036-00016616-00017367 The 204B has a swivel stand that allows you to go effortlessly (as long as you remember E-Y4IDY2DgY-00037-00017367-00018115 which direction it goes!) from portrait to landscape and back. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00038-00018115-00019065 And I'm running an extended desktop here because I just can't be bothered to do anything a E-Y4IDY2DgY-00039-00019065-00019574 run-of-the-mill type of way, so I'm going to hit "keep the changes," and this is especially E-Y4IDY2DgY-00040-00019574-00020391 nice for if I wanted to browse on the Internet something landscape-y here, I can make something E-Y4IDY2DgY-00041-00020391-00020903 portrait-y here and get more of the page up at one time. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00042-00020903-00021765 And since this is 1200 across and 1600 deep, there's really a lot that can be done on something E-Y4IDY2DgY-00043-00021765-00021976 that's still 1200 pixels wide. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00044-00021976-00022292 A lot of blog sites run on that. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00045-00022292-00022812 There's a shameless plug for Issues, Etc. and KFUO out of St. Louis. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00046-00022812-00023387 And that's one of the things that I like to do with this, especially if I'm running Microsoft E-Y4IDY2DgY-00047-00023387-00023952 Word and I'm writing a paper or some kind of long diatribe, I want to have a lot of E-Y4IDY2DgY-00048-00023952-00024435 length available to me, and not necessarily a lot of width. E-Y4IDY2DgY-00049-00024435-00025188 Anyway, that's my little brag video, and not really to steal a line from uxwbill, but, E-Y4IDY2DgY-00050-00025188-00025355 what the hey? E-Y4IDY2DgY-00051-00025355-00025810 Thank you very much, and feel free to leave a comment if you have one. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00000-00000000-00000228 WELCOME TO A NEW WEEK OF THE RUNDOWN. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00001-00000228-00000531 ON THIS EPISODE, 2017 MAP QUOTAS HAVE BEEN E_fKN0yU6fQ-00002-00000531-00000842 RELEASED; THE MPT&E ORGANIZATION CHARTS THE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00003-00000842-00001142 COURSE FOR THE FUTURE, AND SAILOR 2025 WAS E_fKN0yU6fQ-00004-00001142-00001360 DISCUSSED AT THE SEA- AIR-SPACE EXPOSITION. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00005-00001757-00001868 THE NAVY ANNOUNCED SEVERAL E_fKN0yU6fQ-00006-00001869-00002111 CHANGES TO MAP THIS WEEK, INCLUDING E_fKN0yU6fQ-00007-00002111-00002294 INCREASING THE NUMBER OF MAP QUOTAS BY E_fKN0yU6fQ-00008-00002294-00002580 1,000 SO THAT CO’S CAN RECOGNIZE AND ADVANCE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00009-00002580-00002898 THEIR TOP SAILORS. THIS YEAR, MAP WILL BE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00010-00002898-00003147 ABOUT 10 PERCENT OF ALL E-4 THROUGH E-6 E_fKN0yU6fQ-00011-00003147-00003414 ADVANCEMENTS. OTHER KEY CHANGES FOR THIS E_fKN0yU6fQ-00012-00003414-00003621 YEAR INCLUDE, ELIMINATING THE TIME IN E_fKN0yU6fQ-00013-00003621-00003821 RATE REQUIREMENT FOR E4 AND E5 SAILORS, E_fKN0yU6fQ-00014-00003821-00004044 AND OPENING MAP TO SELECTIVE RESERVE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00015-00004044-00004314 SAILORS. READ MORE ON THE UPDATES IN OUR E_fKN0yU6fQ-00016-00004314-00004725 STORY ON NAVY.MIL OR IN NAVADMIN 079/17. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00017-00004725-00005123 C-N-P ANNOUNCED THE M-P-T&E ORGANIZATION E_fKN0yU6fQ-00018-00005123-00005282 WILL BEGIN TO MODERNIZE ITS I-T E_fKN0yU6fQ-00019-00005282-00005544 INFRASTRUCTURE TO BETTER RECRUIT, TRAIN, E_fKN0yU6fQ-00020-00005544-00005844 AND RETAIN SAILORS. THE CHANGE WILL E_fKN0yU6fQ-00021-00005844-00006023 TRANSFORM THE CURRENT I-T SYSTEM AND E_fKN0yU6fQ-00022-00006023-00006225 DEVELOP A SYSTEM WITH MODERN, CLOUD BASED E_fKN0yU6fQ-00023-00006225-00006584 ASPECTS. THE NAVY ALSO PLANS TO DEVELOP A E_fKN0yU6fQ-00024-00006584-00006783 NEW INTEGRATED PAY AND PERSONNEL SYSTEM E_fKN0yU6fQ-00025-00006783-00006959 TO BETTER MATCH THE NEEDS FOR SAILORS E_fKN0yU6fQ-00026-00006959-00007331 TODAY. C-N-P SAID THAT TRANSFORMING THE WAY E_fKN0yU6fQ-00027-00007331-00007593 M-P-T&E OPERATES WILL HELP IMPROVE FLEET E_fKN0yU6fQ-00028-00007593-00007809 READINESS, CUSTOMER SERVICE TO SAILORS, E_fKN0yU6fQ-00029-00007809-00008097 REDUCE OPERATING COST, AND BETTER MANAGE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00030-00008097-00008390 ORGANIZATIONAL DATA AND PROGRAMS. MORE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00031-00008390-00008559 INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND IN OUR STORY. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00032-00008559-00008918 LAST WEEK C-N-P SPOKE TO SAILORS AND E_fKN0yU6fQ-00033-00008918-00009093 CIVILIANS DURING THE SEA-AIR-SPACE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00034-00009093-00009270 SYMPOSIUM IN NATIONAL HARBOR, MARYLAND. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00035-00009270-00009557 SEA-AIR-SPACE BRINGS TOGETHER KEY E_fKN0yU6fQ-00036-00009557-00009743 MILITARY PERSONNEL AND CIVILIAN E_fKN0yU6fQ-00037-00009743-00009960 DECISION MAKERS TO DISCUSS INNOVATION, E_fKN0yU6fQ-00038-00009960-00010275 EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND MORE DURING A E_fKN0yU6fQ-00039-00010275-00010542 WEEK-LONG EVENT. C-N-P, AND OTHER PANEL E_fKN0yU6fQ-00040-00010542-00010775 MEMBERS, DISCUSSED SAILOR 2025, AND THE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00041-00010775-00010947 NAVY’S PLAN TO MODERNIZE ITS PERSONNEL E_fKN0yU6fQ-00042-00010947-00011186 SYSTEM. HERE’S A CLIP FROM THE EVENT. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00043-00011186-00011427 WE'RE LOOKING TO IMPROVE AND MODERNIZE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00044-00011427-00011682 EVERY ASPECT OF OUR PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00045-00011682-00011952 AND OUR TRAINING SYSTEMS BECAUSE WE WANT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00046-00011952-00012125 TO BE ABLE TO MORE EFFECTIVELY RECRUIT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00047-00012125-00012429 FOLKS. WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO DEVELOP THEM E_fKN0yU6fQ-00048-00012429-00012585 MORE EFFECTIVELY AND MANAGE THEM E_fKN0yU6fQ-00049-00012585-00012797 THROUGHOUT THEIR CAREERS. WE WANT TO MORE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00050-00012797-00012956 EFFECTIVELY E_fKN0yU6fQ-00051-00012956-00013223 BOARD THEM SO THAT WE CAN RETAIN A E_fKN0yU6fQ-00052-00013223-00013520 LEANER MORE EFFECTIVE FORCE GOING E_fKN0yU6fQ-00053-00013520-00013913 FORWARD. SO THE BASIC TENETS OF WHAT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00054-00013913-00014129 WE'RE TRYING TO DO IS EMPOWER OUR E_fKN0yU6fQ-00055-00014129-00014381 SAILORS AND WE'RE UPDATING OUR POLICIES E_fKN0yU6fQ-00056-00014381-00014568 AND OUR PROCEDURES AND OUR OPERATING E_fKN0yU6fQ-00057-00014568-00014787 SYSTEMS TO DO THAT. READ MORE ON HIS E_fKN0yU6fQ-00058-00014787-00014976 REMARKS IN OUR STORY, AND WATCH MORE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00059-00014976-00015185 VIDEOS FROM SEA-AIR-SPACE ON THE NAVY’S E_fKN0yU6fQ-00060-00015185-00015540 YOUTUBE PAGE. FINALLY, FOLLOWING THE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00061-00015540-00015782 SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF MY NAVY PORTAL, NKO E_fKN0yU6fQ-00062-00015782-00016115 WILL BE DISESTABLISHED APRIL 14. GOING E_fKN0yU6fQ-00063-00016115-00016350 FORWARD, ALL NKO USERS WILL BE REDIRECTED E_fKN0yU6fQ-00064-00016350-00016688 TO USE MY NAVY PORTAL AT HTTPS://MY.NAVY.MIL. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00065-00016688-00016982 SAILORS WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS TOOLS E_fKN0yU6fQ-00066-00016982-00017226 SUCH AS NAVY E-LEARNING, NAVY ADVANCEMENT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00067-00017226-00017444 CENTER INFORMATION, PERSONNEL E_fKN0yU6fQ-00068-00017444-00017643 QUALIFICATION STANDARDS AND OTHER CAREER E_fKN0yU6fQ-00069-00017643-00017831 MANAGEMENT TOOLS FROM THE PORTAL’S FRONT E_fKN0yU6fQ-00070-00017831-00018159 PAGE. THAT’S ALL FOR THIS WEEK; E_fKN0yU6fQ-00071-00018159-00018281 FOR ANY QUESTIONS, SEND US A MESSAGE E_fKN0yU6fQ-00072-00018281-00018554 AT USNPEOPLE.FCT@NAVY.MIL. E_fKN0yU6fQ-00073-00018554-00018831 FOR THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL, E_fKN0yU6fQ-00074-00018831-00019195 I’M MC2 LJ BURLESON. THANKS FOR WATCHING. E_tJUB8SEhY-00000-00000600-00002360 Reese Witherspoon loves to pose with her mini-me daughter Ava on . And this Christmas was no exception as the 41-year-old Oscar winner sat next to the pretty 18-year-old for a photo. E_tJUB8SEhY-00001-00002510-00003840 The Wild actress captioned the post: 'From our family to yours... Merry Christmas everybody! ❤️ #ChristmasEve.' E_tJUB8SEhY-00002-00003990-00005424 The star also shared a Snapchat video where she added four hearts. And she was also seen kissing her husband Jim Toth of CAA. E_tJUB8SEhY-00003-00005574-00007264 The star had on a red lace dress with long gold earring and deep ruby red lipstick. Ava, whose father is actor Ryan Phillippe, was seen in a red dress with gold flowers. E_tJUB8SEhY-00004-00007414-00008783 Last week she brought up Wreath Witherspoon again. It's a Christmas tradition where photos of the star are placed on a Christmas wreath. E_tJUB8SEhY-00005-00008933-00010693 The actress took to to thank her followers with a sweet note. 'Y'all are hysterical keeping #WreathWitherspoon going,' the Oscar winner told her 11.4 million followers on Monday. E_tJUB8SEhY-00006-00010843-00011948 Her friend Mindy Kaling started the trend three years ago on an episode of The Mindy Project. E_tJUB8SEhY-00007-00012098-00013299 Witherspoon selected some of her favorite wreaths from 2017 and shared them on her official account on Tuesday. E_tJUB8SEhY-00008-00013449-00015300 'Which one is your favorite?!' she asked. Mindy, who co-stars alongside Reese in 2018's A Wrinkle in Time, encouraged her followers to make their own wreaths on December 1. E_tJUB8SEhY-00009-00015450-00017277 Witherspoon's fashion brand Draper James also joined in on the fun. Brand editor Elizabeth Mayhew created a beautiful wreath with delicate, handmade frames decorating the images of her boss. E_tJUB8SEhY-00010-00017427-00018604 Reese made a guest appearance on the final season of The Mindy Project in the episode titled Girl Gone Wild. E_tJUB8SEhY-00011-00018754-00020022 The wreath trend was so popular that others tried to create it for their favorite star including Keanu Reeves and Aretha Franklin. E_tJUB8SEhY-00012-00020172-00021217 It sadly did not become a social media sensation like it did for Witherspoon. EBkeKqfIGno-00000-00000030-00000190 foreign [Music] EBkeKqfIGno-00001-00001722-00002478 was the great exponent of yogic treatment patanjali shastra is there EBkeKqfIGno-00002-00002664-00003246 which treats you through yoga and yogic treatment is based on EBkeKqfIGno-00003-00003486-00003936 the meaning of yoga given under patanjali shastras EBkeKqfIGno-00004-00004284-00004644 calculation yoga means to add up EBkeKqfIGno-00005-00004896-00005556 your human energy with your mental energy with your spiritual energy EBkeKqfIGno-00006-00005658-00005946 all three energies when added up EBkeKqfIGno-00007-00006252-00006773 that is yog the actual true meaning of yoga is calculation adding up EBkeKqfIGno-00008-00006948-00008292 so your physical mental and spiritual energies are added up to keep you fit that is yoga for you so EBkeKqfIGno-00009-00008292-00008988 these are the varieties of medical Sciences which I wanted to Enlighten you about and allopathy is EBkeKqfIGno-00010-00008988-00009672 not the only one which you are going to deal as a lawyer of Tomorrow these all streams of EBkeKqfIGno-00011-00009846-00010404 medical sciences and practitioners are available and they may come to your office any day EBkeKqfIGno-00012-00010644-00011658 a patient may come or the doctor may come because there are in Bombay there are Hardware also EBkeKqfIGno-00013-00012198-00012828 are working on Bones they are not Mbps but they fix up your bones so easily EBkeKqfIGno-00014-00012828-00013476 because they've understood that system and not everybody requires mbbs to do the treatment EBkeKqfIGno-00015-00013740-00014358 and it's not that they are Quacks there are a lot huge section of society who believes EBkeKqfIGno-00016-00014358-00015180 in these Hardware dear because they really give relief to you they understand your bone structure EBkeKqfIGno-00017-00015246-00016097 they've been trained into that there's another music therapy people put headphones to your EBkeKqfIGno-00018-00016194-00016788 ears and through music you are treated so there are various streams I can go on EBkeKqfIGno-00019-00017028-00017136 but let's come back EBkeKqfIGno-00020-00017484-00017598 as a lawyer EBkeKqfIGno-00021-00018204-00018762 there are various statutes which you know related to Medical Science EBkeKqfIGno-00022-00018930-00019278 and that's a huge field called medical legal EBkeKqfIGno-00023-00019524-00019722 or medical jurisprudence EBkeKqfIGno-00024-00019980-00020478 having handled several medical legal cases representing several EBkeKqfIGno-00025-00020478-00021042 doctors in the courts of law I know that what are the areas of trouble EBkeKqfIGno-00026-00021642-00021732 so let's see EBkeKqfIGno-00027-00021960-00022404 what are the statutory Provisions in respect EBkeKqfIGno-00028-00022404-00022770 of medical Sciences beginning from the constitution of India EBkeKqfIGno-00029-00023106-00023418 the constitution of India under article 21 EBkeKqfIGno-00030-00023952-00024222 guarantees you rights to life EBkeKqfIGno-00031-00024342-00024948 and what does the life means life means a healthy life not an animal survival EBkeKqfIGno-00032-00025158-00025626 and if somebody breaches your right to life the remedy is under article EBkeKqfIGno-00033-00025626-00026327 226 and 32 of the Constitution of India you can move high court and Supreme Court EBkeKqfIGno-00034-00026442-00026670 seeking relief of your fundamental right EBkeKqfIGno-00035-00027150-00027804 apart from it if you have ever bothered to see directive principles of the state EBkeKqfIGno-00036-00027804-00028632 policy article 47 mandates for the successive and respective governments EBkeKqfIGno-00037-00028872-00029052 to develop Public Health EBkeKqfIGno-00038-00029280-00029898 article 51a a fundamental duty is to protect and promote environment EBkeKqfIGno-00039-00030239-00030774 you might have heard about the Landmark judgments of MC Mehta versus Union of India EBkeKqfIGno-00040-00030995-00031158 MC Mata has been a EBkeKqfIGno-00041-00031422-00032364 activist who in the year 1987 MC Mehta versus Union of India 1987 Supreme Court EBkeKqfIGno-00042-00032610-00033306 ganga water pollution case then MC vetta versus Union of India 1996 air pollution case that a EBkeKqfIGno-00043-00033306-00033816 right to breathe clean air is a right to life under article 21 of the Constitution of India EBkeKqfIGno-00044-00034068-00034638 you might have heard about a very very ugly incident happened EBkeKqfIGno-00045-00035028-00035316 in the year 1984. EBkeKqfIGno-00046-00035694-00036330 which went up to the Supreme Court and became a landmark noted Judgment of Union Carbide versus EBkeKqfIGno-00047-00036480-00037014 Union of India 1992 Supreme Court 1984 EBkeKqfIGno-00048-00037230-00038304 methyl isocyanide one of the chemical gas extremely poisonous leaked from EBkeKqfIGno-00049-00038418-00039552 its Factory in Bhopal which is also known as Bhopal gas tragedy it was such a poisonous gas EBkeKqfIGno-00050-00039882-00040758 that according to official figures three thousand people died instantly in that very night EBkeKqfIGno-00051-00041142-00041496 of third and fourth December 1984. EBkeKqfIGno-00052-00041646-00042462 in the night during sleep more than three lakh people got affected EBkeKqfIGno-00053-00042756-00043806 in that very night but the statistics does not stop there because that methyl isocyanide gas EBkeKqfIGno-00054-00043806-00044598 was so poisonous so dangerous that those who survived also developed EBkeKqfIGno-00055-00044754-00045540 bodily deformities and not only them their successive Generations are born with deformity EBkeKqfIGno-00056-00046296-00047076 the compensation case went up to Supreme Court and it became Union Carbide versus Union of India 1992 EBkeKqfIGno-00057-00047076-00047664 Superior Landmark Judgment of right to life under article 21 of the Constitution of India EBkeKqfIGno-00058-00048444-00048612 with the Advent of time EBkeKqfIGno-00059-00049062-00049290 consumer protection act EBkeKqfIGno-00060-00049506-00049842 was promulgated by the Parliament and gradually EBkeKqfIGno-00061-00050058-00050448 the provisions of consumer protection act if you read EBkeKqfIGno-00062-00050670-00051102 include not only the product but also services EBkeKqfIGno-00063-00051708-00051828 and therefore EBkeKqfIGno-00064-00052332-00053064 if you read section 2D subclass 2 of the consumer protection act the consumer is defined EBkeKqfIGno-00065-00053358-00053910 who is the consumer a consumer is the one who either purchases a product EBkeKqfIGno-00066-00054041-00054510 or receives a service by paying a consideration EBkeKqfIGno-00067-00055067-00055446 and therefore section 21o defines service also EBkeKqfIGno-00068-00055932-00056724 they wear a service is something which is being obtained by a consumer EBkeKqfIGno-00069-00056814-00057570 from a person who has a skill to provide service against payment of consideration for once you EBkeKqfIGno-00070-00057570-00058416 know consumer once you know service you have to know deficiency if there is a deficiency in the EBkeKqfIGno-00071-00058416-00059010 service so deficiency is also defined under Section 2 1 G of the consumer protection act EBkeKqfIGno-00072-00059124-00059676 if there is deficiency in the service you are entitled for compensation EBkeKqfIGno-00073-00060090-00060234 and with this definition EBkeKqfIGno-00074-00060594-00060786 a landmark Judgment of EBkeKqfIGno-00075-00060996-00061367 p v Shanta 1996 Supreme Court came EBkeKqfIGno-00076-00061704-00062148 where deficiency of service by the doctor is alleged EBkeKqfIGno-00077-00062454-00062652 so the doctors have been brought into EBkeKqfIGno-00078-00062652-00063000 the Ambit of consumer protection act initially there was a debate whether EBkeKqfIGno-00079-00063234-00063888 a patient and Doctor are having a relationship of consumer and service provider there was a debate EBkeKqfIGno-00080-00064110-00064470 but then the Supreme Court and PV shanta's judgment held that no EBkeKqfIGno-00081-00064740-00065291 in PV shanta's judgment it's a very Landmark important judgment 1996 Supreme Court where EBkeKqfIGno-00082-00065291-00065838 Supreme Court carved out distinction of the service provided by doctors EBkeKqfIGno-00083-00066252-00066894 the Supreme Court said that there are if the doctor or the hospital is EBkeKqfIGno-00084-00066894-00067320 providing free of charge treatment like in the government hospitals it happened EBkeKqfIGno-00085-00067446-00068076 if you go to Municipal Hospital the government Hospital you don't have to pay for the treatment EBkeKqfIGno-00086-00068370-00068922 if it's a free of charge treatment then you cannot seek compensation because you EBkeKqfIGno-00087-00068922-00069408 do not have the relationship of consumer and service provider it's free of cost EBkeKqfIGno-00088-00069666-00070398 because if you have ever read contract act a contract is only when there is element of EBkeKqfIGno-00089-00070398-00070962 consideration into it if the consideration is element is missing then it's not a contract EBkeKqfIGno-00090-00071118-00071556 and therefore by that analogy and Logic the Supreme Court came to EBkeKqfIGno-00091-00071556-00071892 the conclusion that if the free of cost treatment is happening EBkeKqfIGno-00092-00072378-00072912 then the patient is not the consumer and the doctor is not service provider and if the EBkeKqfIGno-00093-00072912-00073614 treatment is free of cost you cannot claim compensation under consumer protection act EBkeKqfIGno-00094-00073956-00074514 then the second category is carved out that for some portion there is a charges there is EBkeKqfIGno-00095-00074514-00075012 some portions free of cost so whatever portion you are charged your consumer EBkeKqfIGno-00096-00075078-00075396 whatever portion of treatment is free of cost you are not a consumer EBkeKqfIGno-00097-00075534-00076140 so it boils down to the third category that you where you are paying for your services EBkeKqfIGno-00098-00076140-00076890 for treatment which is in private hospitals with a private doctor then you have a relationship of EBkeKqfIGno-00099-00076890-00077586 consumer and service provider so as a lawyer you must know that distinction EBkeKqfIGno-00100-00077940-00078168 if a patient from a government Hospital EBkeKqfIGno-00101-00078294-00078708 getting treatment and suffering comes to your office you can safely say sorry EBkeKqfIGno-00102-00078822-00079530 you cannot approach consumer protection forum because you're not a consumer at all EBkeKqfIGno-00103-00079752-00080292 so unless he produces the bills and receipt being paid to the doctor or to the hospital EBkeKqfIGno-00104-00080448-00081144 you cannot invoke the consumer protection proceedings to your client so be aware of EBkeKqfIGno-00105-00081144-00081660 these minutes being laid down the parameters have been laid down by the Supreme Court EBkeKqfIGno-00106-00082164-00083070 then another important area is motor accident claims as a lawyer EBkeKqfIGno-00107-00083412-00083670 you may end up cross-examining doctors EBkeKqfIGno-00108-00083760-00084240 in the witness box because if somebody has suffered a motor accident EBkeKqfIGno-00109-00084492-00085248 and has been a victim of accident either he died or he suffered fatal injuries to his body EBkeKqfIGno-00110-00085344-00085848 and he must have been treated by the doctor before the case lands into the court EBkeKqfIGno-00111-00085902-00086436 first the treatment happens or if he died then autopsy must have happened EBkeKqfIGno-00112-00086748-00086892 postmortem must have happened EBkeKqfIGno-00113-00087168-00087540 and if you read Motor Vehicles Act EBkeKqfIGno-00114-00087804-00088326 under the provisions of the motor vehicle act the compensation depends on the fatal accident EBkeKqfIGno-00115-00088440-00088872 on the basis of your permanent disability temporary disability EBkeKqfIGno-00116-00088956-00089460 death on the basis of which there is a calculation of compensation EFqW2Tm2AWc-00000-00000130-00000730 Hey There guys welcome to this video of happy wheels and in this video we are going to search EFqW2Tm2AWc-00001-00002098-00002314 lets say mother ok so mothers day EFqW2Tm2AWc-00002-00002410-00002546 we are going to be dad EFqW2Tm2AWc-00003-00002546-00002738 i don`t know what can happen in this EFqW2Tm2AWc-00004-00003140-00003476 This is just for fun because its mother`s day enjoy EK2_v_PqUZ8-00000-00000000-00000200 omg amogus 3am happy meal scary granny 69420 found in woods staying in creepy mcdonalds ronald mcdonald playplace NUGGS ENqujG_PjGQ-00000-00001085-00001810 98weeks is a project space ENqujG_PjGQ-00001-00002059-00002307 We started as a research project ENqujG_PjGQ-00002-00002348-00003323 The name came about because we change our research topic every 98 weeks ENqujG_PjGQ-00003-00003340-00003720 But 98weeks is also an open space ENqujG_PjGQ-00004-00003869-00004450 where we have many activities such as... ENqujG_PjGQ-00005-00004581-00005376 such as screenings, talks, artist talks and workshops ENqujG_PjGQ-00006-00005411-00006607 We now have a community that is interested in the space and its work ENqujG_PjGQ-00007-00007471-00008167 We started by doing research about urban space in Beirut ENqujG_PjGQ-00008-00008169-00008977 This, for example, is a publication that we published with Bik Van der Pol ENqujG_PjGQ-00009-00009025-00009618 They're a collective from Rotterdam which came to Beirut ENqujG_PjGQ-00010-00009663-00010819 They wanted to do research about the 'Service' in Beirut ENqujG_PjGQ-00011-00010856-00011470 It shares characteristics with the taxi and the microbus ENqujG_PjGQ-00012-00011499-00012216 They wanted to examine how language changes into something semi-private ENqujG_PjGQ-00013-00012263-00013351 The idea was to look at the city through this mode of transport ENqujG_PjGQ-00014-00013783-00014303 Then we did research about publications ENqujG_PjGQ-00015-00014342-00014665 We focused our research on two magazines ENqujG_PjGQ-00016-00014701-00015011 The first was Al-Hilal magazine ENqujG_PjGQ-00017-00015086-00015550 which is still published in Cairo ENqujG_PjGQ-00018-00015619-00016054 The second is She'er magazine which has gone out of print ENqujG_PjGQ-00019-00016057-00016869 It used to be published in Lebanon ENqujG_PjGQ-00020-00016875-00017542 A group of poets had started it here ENqujG_PjGQ-00021-00017603-00018069 So we organized seminars around the magazines ENqujG_PjGQ-00022-00018096-00018724 And we invited people who were affiliated with these magazines ENqujG_PjGQ-00023-00018755-00019318 such as contributers, but also readers ENqujG_PjGQ-00024-00019351-00020031 We then asked them to select editions from the magazines, and read into them ENqujG_PjGQ-00025-00020453-00021478 In parallel to this, we also looked at more contemporary publications ENqujG_PjGQ-00026-00021511-00021740 such as Pages ENqujG_PjGQ-00027-00021758-00022404 We invited many individuals and collectives. And we focused more on artist publications ENqujG_PjGQ-00028-00023255-00023760 This is a publication by Setareh Shahbazi ENqujG_PjGQ-00029-00024000-00024199 She donated a copy to the space ENqujG_PjGQ-00030-00025452-00026039 We also organized a small art book fair ENqujG_PjGQ-00031-00026058-00026630 for independent publishers interested in art publications ENqujG_PjGQ-00032-00026702-00027889 And we held a bazar - an event for people to meet and exchange books ENqujG_PjGQ-00033-00027986-00028729 This is a publication by Jana Traboulsi, titled 'Ayloul' ENqujG_PjGQ-00034-00028801-00029276 She gave it to us through the bazar project ENqujG_PjGQ-00035-00029981-00030739 We're now starting a new research project titled 'Feminisms' ENqujG_PjGQ-00036-00030790-00031402 It's a series of group discussions and closed meetings at 98weeks ENqujG_PjGQ-00037-00031435-00031826 We invite different people to each meeting ENqujG_PjGQ-00038-00031864-00033663 to reflect and brainstorm ideas about feminist discourse over the past 20 years ENqujG_PjGQ-00039-00033689-00034213 About how it could be relevant today, particularly in the field of the arts ENqujG_PjGQ-00040-00034954-00035629 We started our radio project in collaboration with Nora Razian and Lawrence Abu Hamdan ENqujG_PjGQ-00041-00035750-00036291 We started it in May in the framework of Home Works 6 ENqujG_PjGQ-00042-00036319-00036505 It's a web radio ENqujG_PjGQ-00043-00036510-00037664 And you can listen to the previous series on the 98weeks website ENqujG_PjGQ-00044-00037671-00038313 The radio is meant to help us rethink the process of literary reading ENqujG_PjGQ-00045-00038354-00038770 which we often perform alone and silently ENqujG_PjGQ-00046-00038828-00039333 To think about how it could become a collective activity ENqujG_PjGQ-00047-00039388-00040136 The recurring question is: What happens to a story when it is read aloud? ENqujG_PjGQ-00048-00040244-00041032 This is the main idea of the radio and all the projects related to it ENqujG_PjGQ-00049-00041108-00041792 We also edit 15 minutes from every session and broadcast it through Radio Liban ERa6hRrN3T8-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone ERa6hRrN3T8-00001-00000200-00000881 this is a crude oil 1 minute chart today Aug 04 ERa6hRrN3T8-00002-00000881-00001820 market recovering after huge fall ERa6hRrN3T8-00003-00001820-00003412 buy call generated so green color candle ERa6hRrN3T8-00004-00003534-00006000 like this you will receive calls in live market ERa6hRrN3T8-00005-00006109-00007120 target reached ERa6hRrN3T8-00006-00007237-00009000 calls will not repeat, manual trading ERa6hRrN3T8-00007-00009006-00010029 If you want this chart whatsapp - 9488462166 ERa6hRrN3T8-00008-00010029-00012000 Previous call is sell call ERa6hRrN3T8-00009-00012000-00013872 market breakout all targets ERa6hRrN3T8-00010-00013872-00015021 If you want this chart whatsapp - 9488462166 ES3cIpL4CdM-00000-00000048-00000456 One evening last week, I found myself standing in front of an open refrigerator, ES3cIpL4CdM-00001-00000520-00001152 looking, searching, anything to eat. Now, I was not physically hungry. I had finished dinner ES3cIpL4CdM-00002-00001152-00001632 not long before, a very satisfying meal. I was emotionally hungry and I needed to ES3cIpL4CdM-00003-00001632-00002216 be comforted. Has that ever happened to you? Looking back over the day, it was a tough day ES3cIpL4CdM-00004-00002216-00002864 for me. I had gotten a new Great Dane foster Fred, which is usually a very joyful day, but it also ES3cIpL4CdM-00005-00002864-00003520 got me thinking about the 18 years that I have been fostering Great Danes. And my last foster, ES3cIpL4CdM-00006-00003520-00004160 my 49th foster George had some medical issues and he passed away earlier this summer. So yeah, I was ES3cIpL4CdM-00007-00004160-00004744 sad. I was a bit emotional and I chose to indulge. Now I'm a health and wellness coach, ES3cIpL4CdM-00008-00004744-00005376 a dietitian. But you know, I just wanted you to know that yeah, I'm not perfect. I'm ES3cIpL4CdM-00009-00005376-00006088 human. Fortunately though, I do have other coping skills to help me through situations like that. ES3cIpL4CdM-00010-00006088-00006680 Essentially, there are two types of hunger. There is the emotional hunger that I just referenced ES3cIpL4CdM-00011-00006680-00007040 which I'll get to in a moment. And then there is the physical hunger, ES3cIpL4CdM-00012-00007040-00007688 and it usually manifests itself in the belly, this uncomfortable sensation or this gnawing that you ES3cIpL4CdM-00013-00007688-00008384 might feel indicating a lack of food. And that is ideally the time to eat when you're truly hungry. ES3cIpL4CdM-00014-00008472-00009152 It's usually not instigated by any thoughts or emotions cravings or compulsions. It's just ES3cIpL4CdM-00015-00009152-00009784 the body saying, yoo-hoo, it's time to eat. I want you to think of physical hunger as ES3cIpL4CdM-00016-00009784-00010480 belly hunger, as opposed to head hunger or above the neck hunger. That is the emotional ES3cIpL4CdM-00017-00010480-00011000 hunger that you might experience. Often it comes on very suddenly despite any sense of ES3cIpL4CdM-00018-00011000-00011576 satisfaction or satiety that you might be feeling totally unrelated to the last time you ate. ES3cIpL4CdM-00019-00011696-00012128 Emotional hunger manifests in many ways - when you're glad, when you're sad, when you're mad, ES3cIpL4CdM-00020-00012128-00012728 when you're scared. And for some people though that emotional hunger can result in seeking food ES3cIpL4CdM-00021-00012728-00013160 for the comfort that it provides resulting in emotional eating. ES3cIpL4CdM-00022-00013216-00013816 Now, keep in mind, everybody emotionally eats on occasion. That is normal. You just ate a meal, ES3cIpL4CdM-00023-00013816-00014088 celebrating somebody's birthday, and somebody brings out a birthday ES3cIpL4CdM-00024-00014088-00014647 cake. And you have a piece. No big deal. Emotional hunger doesn't have to result in ES3cIpL4CdM-00025-00014647-00015352 emotional overeating. Eating is just one way to cope. But is it your only strategy? ES3cIpL4CdM-00026-00015512-00016191 For me I have other strategies now to cope. But when I was a kid, eating was my only ES3cIpL4CdM-00027-00016191-00016816 coping strategy. It was my first addiction, really food until I got old enough to drink ES3cIpL4CdM-00028-00016816-00017272 and do drugs, but that's a whole 'nother story. Celebrating 34 years of sobriety. Thank you. ES3cIpL4CdM-00029-00017368-00017856 As an adult though, not having the coping strategies other than eating and overeating ES3cIpL4CdM-00030-00017856-00018384 can result in shame and guilt and and maybe even some unwanted weight gain. ES3cIpL4CdM-00031-00018488-00019064 I'm going to be diving deeper into some skills regarding emotional hunger in an upcoming video ES3cIpL4CdM-00032-00019064-00019512 so make sure that you’re a subscriber, so you get notification of that video. ES3cIpL4CdM-00033-00019576-00020080 I want to help you. So do me a favor when you have the desire to eat I want you to think, ES3cIpL4CdM-00034-00020144-00020912 is it belly hunger, real physical hunger, or is it head hunger that emotional hunger. ES3cIpL4CdM-00035-00020912-00021280 Change begins with awareness. And when you recognize what's going on, ES3cIpL4CdM-00036-00021280-00021736 you'll be in a better position to change your behavior. So start to pay attention ES3cIpL4CdM-00037-00021736-00022232 to that. If you need some help, let me know. Information is in the description. ES3cIpL4CdM-00038-00022296-00022848 In my next video, I want to introduce you to my hunger and fullness scale. It's a a tool that ES3cIpL4CdM-00039-00022848-00023224 I use with myself and with my clients. It's a very useful tool to helping you ES3cIpL4CdM-00040-00023224-00023792 navigate hunger and fullness. So yeah, make sure that you that you watch that. ES3cIpL4CdM-00041-00023792-00024560 And thanks for watching Neily on Nutrition. We'll see you in the next video. Take care. EUz81lJ4dK4-00000-00000179-00000279 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00001-00000299-00000499 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00002-00000499-00000549 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00003-00000598-00000648 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00004-00000648-00000698 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00005-00000707-00000757 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00006-00000757-00000807 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00007-00001763-00001813 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00008-00001813-00001863 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections 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EUz81lJ4dK4-00036-00004764-00004814 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00037-00004814-00004864 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00038-00005026-00005076 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00039-00005076-00005126 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00040-00005315-00005365 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00041-00005365-00005415 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00042-00005445-00005495 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00043-00005495-00005545 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00044-00005613-00005663 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00045-00005663-00005713 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00046-00005713-00005763 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00047-00005763-00005813 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00048-00005840-00006040 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00049-00006040-00006090 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00050-00006116-00006316 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00051-00006316-00006366 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00052-00006485-00006685 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00053-00006685-00006735 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00054-00006797-00006997 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00055-00006997-00007047 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00056-00007097-00007147 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00057-00007147-00007197 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00058-00007321-00007521 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00059-00007521-00007571 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00060-00007620-00007820 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00061-00007820-00007870 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00062-00007870-00007920 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00063-00008106-00008306 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00064-00008306-00008356 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00065-00008356-00008406 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00066-00008407-00008457 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00067-00008506-00008706 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EUz81lJ4dK4-00068-00008706-00008756 क्या ताई की पोती चुनाव लड़ेगी | Will Tai's GrandDaughter Contest Elections EV5LPvm5qM0-00000-00000375-00000899 One of the best side effects of the Trump presidency has been the hostility of the so-called "deep state" or EV5LPvm5qM0-00001-00000913-00001121 "intelligence community" directed at the president. EV5LPvm5qM0-00002-00001165-00001880 This, in turn, has led many Americans to realize that America's powerful, un-elected secret police agencies serve an agenda all their own, and EV5LPvm5qM0-00003-00001900-00002151 that they choose sides in political controversies. EV5LPvm5qM0-00004-00002224-00002744 Consequently, polls show one's views of the CIA and the FBI depend largely on one's ideological bent. EV5LPvm5qM0-00005-00002793-00003533 Polls from Fox News and NBC news in recent years show that as various government bureaucracies have ratcheted up their hostility to Trump, EV5LPvm5qM0-00006-00003559-00003977 more Democrats and Hillary Clinton voters have said they trust the CIA and the FBI. EV5LPvm5qM0-00007-00004105-00004430 Hello, this is Ryan McMaken and you're listening to Radio Rothbard. EV5LPvm5qM0-00008-00004651-00005286 Why the president and this deep state should be at odds has never been obvious to casual observers. Last month, EV5LPvm5qM0-00009-00005286-00005930 however, in an article titled "Trump’s War on the ‘Deep State’ Turns Against Him," the New York Times at last explained that there is EV5LPvm5qM0-00010-00005930-00005960 indeed EV5LPvm5qM0-00011-00005960-00006332 very real enmity between Trump and agencies such as the CIA and the FBI. EV5LPvm5qM0-00012-00006382-00007158 The Times contends that Trump "went to war with the professional staff" of the intelligence agencies and the State Department. EV5LPvm5qM0-00013-00007267-00008015 The Times notes Trump has condemned "deep state bureaucrats," and claims Trump's "hostility toward government was strong from the start. EV5LPvm5qM0-00014-00008031-00008300 He blamed the leak of the so-called Steele dossier of EV5LPvm5qM0-00015-00008325-00009104 unverified allegations against him on intelligence agencies and never trusted their conclusion that Russia intervened in the 2016 election on his behalf." EV5LPvm5qM0-00016-00009295-00009486 Trump was right to be defensive, of course. EV5LPvm5qM0-00017-00009486-00009887 But that controversy over Russia was never really about what the Russians were up to. EV5LPvm5qM0-00018-00009889-00010430 The focus was always largely about how much Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. EV5LPvm5qM0-00019-00010570-00010968 Ultimately, the evidence was so non-existent, that after a nearly-three-year investigation, EV5LPvm5qM0-00020-00011022-00011534 Robert Mueller was unable to establish evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians. As Glenn EV5LPvm5qM0-00021-00011535-00011987 Greenwald has noted: "not a single American — whether with the Trump campaign or otherwise — EV5LPvm5qM0-00022-00012013-00012761 was charged or indicted on the core question of whether there was any conspiracy or coordination with Russia over the election." EV5LPvm5qM0-00023-00012864-00013298 But this lack of evidence did not stop John Brennan, for example, from claiming for months that EV5LPvm5qM0-00024-00013318-00013977 he had special secret knowledge of the matter, and that Trump — or at least many around him — were going to be indicted for colluding with the EV5LPvm5qM0-00025-00013977-00014083 Russians. EV5LPvm5qM0-00026-00014083-00014688 Although Brennan is a "former" CIA director, he nonetheless clearly remains well ensconced within the world of his fellow spooks. EV5LPvm5qM0-00027-00014716-00015305 He is, as ABC News correspondent Terry Moran put it, "cloaked with CIA authority." EV5LPvm5qM0-00028-00015363-00015992 Brennan even insisted that he ought to retain his security clearance, presumably forever, even though he is accountable to no one. EV5LPvm5qM0-00029-00016044-00016683 Such is the mindset of the deep state bureaucrat. They live in a world where they deserve special privileges just for being government EV5LPvm5qM0-00030-00016702-00017144 employees or even having been government employees at some point in the past. EV5LPvm5qM0-00031-00017260-00017894 Moreover, Brennan has been joined in his attacks on the president by other former high-ranking members of the deep state, including former FBI EV5LPvm5qM0-00032-00017895-00018270 chief James Comey and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. EV5LPvm5qM0-00033-00018420-00018797 Those currently employed by the deep state have joined the anti-Trump campaign as well. EV5LPvm5qM0-00034-00018832-00019508 Much of the current campaign against Trump is likely being fed by by CIA agents, and according to Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday, EV5LPvm5qM0-00035-00019537-00019947 CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella is supplying much of the prosecution's EV5LPvm5qM0-00036-00020004-00020125 information. EV5LPvm5qM0-00037-00020125-00020501 Alexander Vindman, an Army officer and bureaucrat with the National Security Council, EV5LPvm5qM0-00038-00020520-00020963 has testified to Congress in order to fuel impeachment efforts against the president as well. EV5LPvm5qM0-00039-00021061-00021422 None of this is to say the Trump administration lacks any taint of corruption. EV5LPvm5qM0-00040-00021423-00021836 Like all presidents, it is likely the Trump administration expects favors for favors. EV5LPvm5qM0-00041-00021856-00022361 The only thing different about Trump is he is not skilled at keeping the everyday corruption of the White House a secret. EV5LPvm5qM0-00042-00022411-00023024 But what is especially problematic for him is the fact that so many of his critics coming out of the bureaucratic woodwork are from EV5LPvm5qM0-00043-00023032-00023270 intelligence agencies and from the military. EV5LPvm5qM0-00044-00023368-00023982 Unfortunately, in the United States there is a well-established bias in favor of employees from national security agencies. EV5LPvm5qM0-00045-00024010-00024485 Even the very language used by the media speaks to this favoritism. In the Times piece, EV5LPvm5qM0-00046-00024486-00024983 for example, the authors speak of one of Trump's critics, one "William B. Taylor Jr., EV5LPvm5qM0-00047-00024984-00025460 a military officer and diplomat who has served his country for 50 years." EV5LPvm5qM0-00048-00025501-00025764 Note the implied selflessness of Taylor's work. EV5LPvm5qM0-00049-00025785-00026363 An equally accurate description of Taylor would be "he was employed by government agencies for fifty years" EV5LPvm5qM0-00050-00026370-00026609 or "the taxpayers paid his bills for fifty years." EV5LPvm5qM0-00051-00026666-00027324 Instead, we're told he "served his country." As if there was no chance that anything he did during his time EV5LPvm5qM0-00052-00027325-00027561 there was not selfless service to the United States. EV5LPvm5qM0-00053-00027617-00028137 The propaganda value of the media's pro-military bias is not lost on the officers themselves, EV5LPvm5qM0-00054-00028163-00028630 and it's no surprise Vindman, a Lt. Colonel, testified to Congress in his military uniform. EV5LPvm5qM0-00055-00028787-00029517 Other examples can be found every time Trump fires a lifelong bureaucrat from the upper echelons of the various "national security" agencies. EV5LPvm5qM0-00056-00029585-00030030 For example, last summer, when Trump fired director of national intelligence Dan Coats, EV5LPvm5qM0-00057-00030044-00030463 the Atlantic portrayed Coats as a principled idealist who "spoke truth to power." EV5LPvm5qM0-00058-00030512-00030877 Coats was fired, the author tells us, because of his devotion to the truth, EV5LPvm5qM0-00059-00030881-00031294 even if it undermined Trump's agenda. The best proof of Coats's EV5LPvm5qM0-00060-00031319-00031971 honest determination, we're told, was the fact he "won praise from former intelligence officials." EV5LPvm5qM0-00061-00032105-00032202 In real life, EV5LPvm5qM0-00062-00032202-00032830 of course, Coats is a lifelong politician and bureaucrat who prior to his dismissal had collected a government paycheck for four decades. EV5LPvm5qM0-00063-00032876-00033648 As a politician he lobbied for gun control and supported the disastrous 2003 Iraq War. He trashed the constitutional right of habeas corpus. EV5LPvm5qM0-00064-00033713-00034129 Like James Comey, Coats defended and sought to hide the government's use of torture. EV5LPvm5qM0-00065-00034166-00034840 The idea that his post-Congressional career was marked by dogged devotion to the truth ought to strike one as rather fanciful. EV5LPvm5qM0-00066-00034967-00035598 But even the New York Times is no longer pretending that the deep state doesn't exist, and that it doesn't have its own political agenda. EV5LPvm5qM0-00067-00035621-00035708 agenda. In EV5LPvm5qM0-00068-00035708-00035983 fact, as noted by Robert Merry at the American EV5LPvm5qM0-00069-00035996-00036213 Conservative, the Times article even EV5LPvm5qM0-00070-00036221-00036825 "portray[s] the current impeachment drama as the likely denouement of a struggle between the outsider Trump and the insider EV5LPvm5qM0-00071-00036845-00037050 administrative forces of government." EV5LPvm5qM0-00072-00037082-00037648 This is especially significant since it is also increasingly clear that, "American foreign policy has become EV5LPvm5qM0-00073-00037670-00038136 the almost exclusive domain of unelected bureaucrats impervious to the views of elected officials — EV5LPvm5qM0-00074-00038171-00038592 even presidents — who may harbor outlooks different from their own." EV5LPvm5qM0-00075-00038768-00039289 Merry concludes the past three years of investigations of the president, conducted by government bureaucrats, is EV5LPvm5qM0-00076-00039302-00039774 "the story of entrenched government bureaucrats and a president who sought to curb their power. Or, EV5LPvm5qM0-00077-00039812-00040320 put another way, the story of a president who sought to rein in the deep state ... that sought to destroy his presidency." EV5LPvm5qM0-00078-00040525-00041013 Some of these deep-state agents even admit their willingness to subvert the official chain of command to suit their own purposes. EV5LPvm5qM0-00079-00041093-00041703 Vindman, for example, told the impeachment committee he actively sought to subvert Trump administration relations with the Ukrainian government EV5LPvm5qM0-00080-00041759-00042351 largely to preserve Vindman's own vision for American policy. In the mind of this mid-level bureaucrat, EV5LPvm5qM0-00081-00042383-00042883 American foreign policy is set not by elected officials in Washington DC, but by the bureaucrats EV5LPvm5qM0-00082-00042940-00043069 themselves. EV5LPvm5qM0-00083-00043069-00043569 Back in 2017, the battle lines between Trump and the deep state were already being drawn, at the time EV5LPvm5qM0-00084-00043569-00043640 I wrote: EV5LPvm5qM0-00085-00043640-00044128 "This isn't to say that Trump is the 'good guy' here. As with the US military establishment overall, EV5LPvm5qM0-00086-00044128-00044616 the deep state is by no means monolithic. Like any group of self-serving institutions, EV5LPvm5qM0-00087-00044616-00044783 there are competing factions. EV5LPvm5qM0-00088-00044783-00045510 Trump clearly has allies within some areas of the deep state, as can be reflected in Trump's attempts to massively expand military spending at the EV5LPvm5qM0-00089-00045511-00045718 expense of the taxpayer." EV5LPvm5qM0-00090-00045787-00046464 But the fact he's considered an outsider in Washington by so many should suggest there are reasons to support him over the entrenched bureaucracy. EV5LPvm5qM0-00091-00046546-00046890 Indeed, as Greenwald pointed out in a 2017 interview, EV5LPvm5qM0-00092-00046897-00047526 it's not a coincidence that former and current members of the deep state clearly preferred Clinton to Trump during the campaign. The EV5LPvm5qM0-00093-00047546-00048240 deep state bureaucrats prefer an insider like Clinton who who can be trusted to not upset the national security status quo in any way. EV5LPvm5qM0-00094-00048346-00048609 Although Trump is no true friend of peace or human rights, EV5LPvm5qM0-00095-00048609-00049122 he commits his sins largely out in the open. As such, his presidency is relatively transparent, and EV5LPvm5qM0-00096-00049150-00049524 Greenwald prefers that to the hidden (and extensive) crimes of the deep state. EV5LPvm5qM0-00097-00049546-00050181 After all, deep-state agencies face virtually no scrutiny of — and even less real opposition to — their many misdeeds. EV5LPvm5qM0-00098-00050206-00050499 These, of course, are so numerous as to be impossible to list. EV5LPvm5qM0-00099-00050519-00051177 But just for starters we might refer to a 2017 article by Sharyl Attkisson in The Hill titled "10 times the intel community EV5LPvm5qM0-00100-00051208-00051477 violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies." EV5LPvm5qM0-00101-00051517-00051876 It's a laundry list of illegal, immoral, and blatantly unconstitutional EV5LPvm5qM0-00102-00051922-00052374 acts which well illustrate the near total impunity with which these agencies operate. EV5LPvm5qM0-00103-00052420-00052701 Abuse of spying powers is so rampant within the FBI, EV5LPvm5qM0-00104-00052701-00053191 for example, that even the lopsidedly pro-spying FISA court was forced to conclude EV5LPvm5qM0-00105-00053216-00053549 the FBI routinely overstepped the bounds of legal surveillance. EV5LPvm5qM0-00106-00053565-00054067 And, of course, without the heroic whistleblowing of Edward Snowden, the NSA would still be falsely EV5LPvm5qM0-00107-00054078-00054353 insisting that it doesn't routinely spy on virtually all Americans, EV5LPvm5qM0-00108-00054411-00054611 whenever and however it likes. EV5LPvm5qM0-00109-00054636-00055121 In response to these facts, one might still insist "but presidents lie a lot and break laws too!" EV5LPvm5qM0-00110-00055149-00055787 That's true, but the difference between presidents and deep-state bureaucrats is well illustrated by the current impeachment controversy. EV5LPvm5qM0-00111-00055800-00055974 It's the president who's facing EV5LPvm5qM0-00112-00055974-00056639 indictments, public attacks, and the prospect of removal. On the other hand, the deep-state bureaucrats who oversee many counts of corruption, EV5LPvm5qM0-00113-00056670-00056992 illegal spying and leaking, remain safely hidden from public view. EV5LPvm5qM0-00114-00057039-00057472 Those who routinely lie, deceive, and abuse their power often go on doing so for decades. EV5LPvm5qM0-00115-00057522-00057892 As the years pass, they become ever more entrenched in the federal bureaucracy, EV5LPvm5qM0-00116-00057966-00058336 invisible to the public, and — as we are now seeing — often answerable to no one. EV5LPvm5qM0-00117-00058407-00058964 Presidents come and go, and they often face fierce opposition from the other party or from the media. The deep state, EV5LPvm5qM0-00118-00058964-00059441 meanwhile, is said to be full of national heroes who "serve their country" and "speak truth to power." EV5LPvm5qM0-00119-00059520-00060014 It should be easy to see, in the battle between the president and the deep state, which side is the most dangerous. EV5LPvm5qM0-00120-00060155-00060466 Thank you for listening to Radio Rothbard. Have a wonderful day! EV5LPvm5qM0-00121-00060664-00060962 For more content like this visit Mises.org EVT104lH3DQ-00000-00000028-00000436 As you’re watching this video, thousands of kilometers beneath your feet, edging on EVT104lH3DQ-00001-00000436-00000984 the brink of alien and terrestrial, lies two vast structures with unknown origins, and EVT104lH3DQ-00002-00000984-00001125 scientists call them... EVT104lH3DQ-00003-00001125-00001225 Earth blobs? EVT104lH3DQ-00004-00001225-00001325 Uhh wait what? EVT104lH3DQ-00005-00001325-00001425 Did I read that correctly? EVT104lH3DQ-00006-00001425-00001574 Yes, yes I did read that correctly. EVT104lH3DQ-00007-00001574-00001939 These ‘blobs’ have been a big geologic mystery that researchers believe are having EVT104lH3DQ-00008-00001939-00002418 an untold effect on our planet and it’s baffled scientists for over 40 years. EVT104lH3DQ-00009-00002418-00002606 So what do we know about them? EVT104lH3DQ-00010-00002606-00003007 Well, Earth blobs have picked up this rather un-sciency name because they look sort of EVT104lH3DQ-00011-00003007-00003189 blobby with round, soft edges. EVT104lH3DQ-00012-00003189-00003296 No, not that type of blob. EVT104lH3DQ-00013-00003296-00003707 Scientists call them Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces, because waves of energy slow down EVT104lH3DQ-00014-00003707-00004155 through these zones, but boy, that’s a mouthful so let’s just stick to Earth blobs for now. EVT104lH3DQ-00015-00004155-00004667 They’re hidden underneath Earth’s crust, like really, really deep - about 2,000 kilometers EVT104lH3DQ-00016-00004667-00004767 deep. EVT104lH3DQ-00017-00004767-00005071 These blobs are so massive that if we moved them to Earth’s surface, the International EVT104lH3DQ-00018-00005071-00005374 Space Station would need to navigate around them. EVT104lH3DQ-00019-00005374-00005782 So to better understand these gigantic structures, we need to journey into the center of the EVT104lH3DQ-00020-00005782-00005882 earth. EVT104lH3DQ-00021-00005882-00006176 They begin where Earth’s mantle meets the outer molten core. EVT104lH3DQ-00022-00006176-00006673 In the 1970’s, scientists discovered that one of the blobs sits under the Pacific ocean, EVT104lH3DQ-00023-00006673-00007028 while the other one sits under Africa and part of the Atlantic ocean. EVT104lH3DQ-00024-00007028-00007370 So we know their general location and we know that these regions are different from the EVT104lH3DQ-00025-00007370-00007875 surrounding mantle material because seismic waves move through these massive regions slower EVT104lH3DQ-00026-00007875-00008023 than their surroundings. EVT104lH3DQ-00027-00008023-00008278 But there are still many unanswered questions. EVT104lH3DQ-00028-00008278-00008678 No one knows for sure where they came from, how long they’ve been around, or even what EVT104lH3DQ-00029-00008678-00008849 their role is on the planet. EVT104lH3DQ-00030-00008849-00009190 But yah know, scientists love a good mystery hidden deep within the Earth's crust. EVT104lH3DQ-00031-00009190-00009656 So it's been an ongoing debate ever since they were discovered 40 years ago with a whole EVT104lH3DQ-00032-00009656-00009935 range of ideas trying to explain them. EVT104lH3DQ-00033-00009935-00010307 One hypothesis has described them as plumes of hot upwelling rock that connect to surface EVT104lH3DQ-00034-00010307-00010671 volcanoes to form island chains like Hawaii and Iceland. EVT104lH3DQ-00035-00010671-00011046 Another has speculated that the blobs are disrupting Earth’s magnetic field. EVT104lH3DQ-00036-00011046-00011432 And others have suggested that the blobs are connected to super volcanoes that at one time EVT104lH3DQ-00037-00011432-00011607 caused extinction events. EVT104lH3DQ-00038-00011607-00011910 So yeah... the ideas run from the generally benign to the apocalyptic. EVT104lH3DQ-00039-00011910-00012072 But these are just hypotheses. EVT104lH3DQ-00040-00012072-00012704 Because it’s impossible to reach these depths in one piece—temperature and pressure would EVT104lH3DQ-00041-00012704-00013153 kill you —scientists have to rely on a multitude of techniques to tell us what the interior EVT104lH3DQ-00042-00013153-00013627 looks like, and maybe even explain how these mysterious regions affect our planet. EVT104lH3DQ-00043-00013627-00014098 One way is with seismic tomography, a technique that helps us look below the crust by tracking EVT104lH3DQ-00044-00014098-00014290 and calculating seismic waves. EVT104lH3DQ-00045-00014290-00014569 This was how scientists actually discovered the blobs in the first place. EVT104lH3DQ-00046-00014569-00015005 But while the method revealed where the blobs are and how large they are, it can’t really EVT104lH3DQ-00047-00015005-00015187 tell us much about their density. EVT104lH3DQ-00048-00015187-00015637 So one researcher turned to a new technique called tidal tomography to peer under Earth’s EVT104lH3DQ-00049-00015637-00015737 crust. EVT104lH3DQ-00050-00015737-00016119 It uses sensitive GPS measurements to track Earth’s body tides and can give us a better EVT104lH3DQ-00051-00016119-00016319 gauge of the blobs’ density. EVT104lH3DQ-00052-00016319-00016654 Preliminary results showed that the blobs were pretty dense and could be composed of EVT104lH3DQ-00053-00016654-00016954 iron and have similarities to primordial material. EVT104lH3DQ-00054-00016954-00017350 While geochemists are analyzing the chemical composition of lava samples to help determine EVT104lH3DQ-00055-00017350-00017479 what role blobs could play on volcanoes. EVT104lH3DQ-00056-00017479-00017579 One study, looking at underwater lava flows along Costa Rica, suggested that at least EVT104lH3DQ-00057-00017579-00017679 one of the blobs may have been a source for an extinction level event millions of years EVT104lH3DQ-00058-00017679-00017779 ago. EVT104lH3DQ-00059-00017779-00018036 So evidently more research is needed to demystify the blobs before we make any conclusions. EVT104lH3DQ-00060-00018036-00018428 What’s important to keep in mind is that each of the earlier ideas may present a different EVT104lH3DQ-00061-00018428-00018829 picture of Earth’s inner workings and the role the blobs could play on our planet, which EVT104lH3DQ-00062-00018829-00019067 is why these regions are so scientifically interesting. EVT104lH3DQ-00063-00019067-00019498 They could tell us very different things about the planet, from its earliest beginnings to EVT104lH3DQ-00064-00019498-00019745 the magnetic field to even super volcanoes. EVT104lH3DQ-00065-00019745-00020134 But until Brendan Fraser figures out a way to journey back to the center of the Earth, EVT104lH3DQ-00066-00020134-00020522 we’ll use the techniques at our disposal to reveal the mysterious blobs wrapped around EVT104lH3DQ-00067-00020522-00020666 the heart of our planet. EVT104lH3DQ-00068-00020666-00020868 Come on Brendan, we’re counting on you. EVT104lH3DQ-00069-00020882-00021264 If you liked this episode, let us know if there are any other mysterious science phenomenons you’d like us to EVT104lH3DQ-00070-00021270-00021576 cover down in the comments. Make sure to subscribe and thanks for watching. EYiWMq77FVM-00000-00001508-00001900 Sometimes I look to the errant expression of hope EYiWMq77FVM-00001-00001900-00002207 and ask it to bring its flames deeper into my heart EYiWMq77FVM-00002-00002250-00002500 To burn a clear sense of purpose EYiWMq77FVM-00003-00002590-00002780 To burn away the fool’s crevice EYiWMq77FVM-00004-00002784-00003261 and enshroud me in its skin of smoke EYiWMq77FVM-00005-00003261-00003600 Sometimes I offer myself to these flames and know they listen EYiWMq77FVM-00006-00003740-00003940 Devising my world EYiWMq77FVM-00007-00004040-00004280 Reality coalesces around their finery EYiWMq77FVM-00008-00004280-00004600 like a tower of glass enclothes a shell of steel EYiWMq77FVM-00009-00005003-00005200 Sometimes I feel the flames send me EYiWMq77FVM-00010-00005200-00005600 words, notes, tones EYiWMq77FVM-00011-00005660-00005860 Enchantment EYiWMq77FVM-00012-00005860-00006060 Products of another kind EYiWMq77FVM-00013-00006096-00006490 Tiny crucibles of earth that burn so brightly EYiWMq77FVM-00014-00006490-00006800 they can blind the sun’s creatures of whimsy EYiWMq77FVM-00015-00006940-00007418 And sometimes, without even thinking, I peek into these flames EYiWMq77FVM-00016-00007418-00007680 when the smoke peels away for an instant EYiWMq77FVM-00017-00007680-00007880 There, behind the mask EYiWMq77FVM-00018-00007981-00008093 is my future EYiWMq77FVM-00019-00008093-00008275 Our future EYiWMq77FVM-00020-00008275-00008457 The future EYiWMq77FVM-00021-00008457-00008630 The present in another world EYiWMq77FVM-00022-00008690-00008900 Calling out for another mouth EYiWMq77FVM-00023-00008900-00009100 another hand EYiWMq77FVM-00024-00009100-00009300 another mind open. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00000-00000008-00000593 15 Super Talented Wrestlers Whose Careers Were Destroyed By Vince McMahon. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00001-00000593-00001159 Originally starting off as a show where up-and-coming talent could showcase their abilities in an EaYwDYVdZZ4-00002-00001159-00001811 attempt to get a contract with the WWE, NXT eventually became a promotion on its own for EaYwDYVdZZ4-00003-00001811-00002275 rising talent, and it’s quickly become a force in the wrestling industry. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00004-00002275-00002859 A huge number of today’s current superstars made their way through the NXT ranks, and EaYwDYVdZZ4-00005-00002859-00003433 the NXT roster, in its current state, remains stacked full of budding talent. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00006-00003433-00004052 We’ve seen so many wrestlers come up into the WWE from NXT and make a huge impression EaYwDYVdZZ4-00007-00004052-00004575 on fans from the get-go, but unfortunately, some wrestlers have struggled to find any EaYwDYVdZZ4-00008-00004575-00004953 sort of footing after being called to the main roster. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00009-00004953-00005446 The names on this list are comprised of those wrestlers who had all the promise in the world EaYwDYVdZZ4-00010-00005446-00005819 but have yet to do anything with their immense amount of talent. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00011-00005819-00006280 Whether they’re dealing with injuries or a lack of a major push from the powers-that-be, EaYwDYVdZZ4-00012-00006280-00006810 these superstars have yet to achieve what many fans felt they were destined for. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00013-00006810-00007261 These performers were once red-hot prospects but have since become an afterthought in the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00014-00007261-00007477 minds of fans. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00015-00007477-00007988 Of course, there’s always time in a person’s career for him or her to make a comeback, EaYwDYVdZZ4-00016-00007988-00008589 so we remain hopeful that, one day, these 15 performers will eventually find the success EaYwDYVdZZ4-00017-00008589-00008863 that we all expected them to gain. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00018-00008863-00009452 Until then, though, they’ll remain on this list as some of the biggest NXT call-ups who EaYwDYVdZZ4-00019-00009452-00009689 were squashed by Vince McMahon. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00020-00009689-00009821 1. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00021-00009821-00010006 Brodus Clay. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00022-00010006-00010577 Back before it was considered a developmental promotion for the WWE, NXT was actually a EaYwDYVdZZ4-00023-00010577-00011179 reality series, and it was used to much success to develop the next generation of talent to EaYwDYVdZZ4-00024-00011179-00011493 make their way into the WWE. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00025-00011493-00012093 On the 4th season of NXT, Brodus Clay was one of the competitors, and he was talented EaYwDYVdZZ4-00026-00012093-00012474 enough to reach the runner-up position on the series. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00027-00012474-00013038 Unfortunately for Clay, his run in the WWE wasn’t indicative of the potential that EaYwDYVdZZ4-00028-00013038-00013694 he possessed, and he accomplished next to nothing inside the confines of the WWE. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00029-00013694-00014231 His biggest achievement in the company was back in 2012, when he won the Slammy Award EaYwDYVdZZ4-00030-00014231-00014829 for Best Dancer of the Year; an award that has nothing to do with his wrestling abilities. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00031-00014829-00015476 Currently, Brodus Clay is a free agent after having spent time in TNA, which is now known EaYwDYVdZZ4-00032-00015476-00016057 as Global Force wrestling, and recently, he made an appearance in the series GLOW as the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00033-00016057-00016315 character Mighty Tom Jackson. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00034-00016315-00016448 2. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00035-00016448-00016578 Summer Rae. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00036-00016578-00017045 Summer Rae currently finds herself in the peculiar position of being a very minor player EaYwDYVdZZ4-00037-00017045-00017395 in what has become a very deep women’s division. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00038-00017395-00017848 Much like Dana Brooke, most people seem to think of Summer Rae as an afterthought of EaYwDYVdZZ4-00039-00017848-00018390 a performer, and her career on the main roster has easily been one of the more disappointing EaYwDYVdZZ4-00040-00018390-00018550 ones in recent memory. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00041-00018550-00019228 Let’s just put it this way: in 2015, she was voted having the Worst Storyline of the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00042-00019228-00019868 Year, and in 2013, Wrestling Observer Newsletter gave her, along with many other competitors EaYwDYVdZZ4-00043-00019868-00020315 who were in the match, the award for Worst Worked Match of the Year. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00044-00020315-00020863 She’s perhaps best known for her time on the reality series Total Divas, and that says EaYwDYVdZZ4-00045-00020863-00021212 a whole lot about her as a performer. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00046-00021212-00021751 Injuries have long kept her out of the WWE, and we can’t imagine her ever receiving EaYwDYVdZZ4-00047-00021751-00022237 a huge push, especially when the division is stacked with the talent that it currently EaYwDYVdZZ4-00048-00022237-00022337 has. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00049-00022337-00022437 3. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00050-00022437-00022620 Ty Dillinger. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00051-00022620-00023215 The Perfect 10 hasn’t been in the WWE all that long, but at this point, you already EaYwDYVdZZ4-00052-00023215-00023706 kind of have to wonder what the company has in store for Tye Dillinger. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00053-00023706-00024268 In NXT, Dillinger was an incredibly popular performer who’s shown on numerous occasions EaYwDYVdZZ4-00054-00024268-00024631 that he’s capable of putting on outstanding matches. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00055-00024631-00025121 The 36-year-old has been in the wrestling business for quite a long time now, and we’re EaYwDYVdZZ4-00056-00025121-00025576 hoping to see him do big things on the WWE main roster. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00057-00025576-00026072 Dillinger spent over three years in NXT harnessing his skills before making his way up to the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00058-00026072-00026647 WWE main roster in January of 2017 during the Royal Rumble. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00059-00026647-00027083 Because he’s been in the company less than a year, it may seem a bit controversial to EaYwDYVdZZ4-00060-00027083-00027662 put him on this list, but given the immense amount of talent that he truly has, we’re EaYwDYVdZZ4-00061-00027662-00028206 hoping that he doesn’t see the same fate as wrestlers like Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00062-00028206-00028308 4. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00063-00028308-00028469 Dana Brooke. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00064-00028469-00029018 Thanks to developing their skills in NXT for several years, the WWE Women’s Division EaYwDYVdZZ4-00065-00029018-00029566 is at its red-hot peak right now, and the divisions on Raw and SmackDown are both full EaYwDYVdZZ4-00066-00029566-00030075 of incredible talent thanks to the hard work of performers like Charlotte Flair, Sasha EaYwDYVdZZ4-00067-00030075-00030344 Banks, and Bayley. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00068-00030344-00030781 Female performers are now taken seriously, and they’ve been responsible for putting EaYwDYVdZZ4-00069-00030781-00031197 on some of the most entertaining matches over the last 2 years. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00070-00031197-00031819 It seems, however, that lost in the shuffle of immense female talent is performer Dana EaYwDYVdZZ4-00071-00031819-00031919 Brooke. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00072-00031919-00032537 Brooke was in NXT for 3 years, and she proved herself to be a very talented performer. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00073-00032537-00033150 On the main roster, however, the former bodybuilder has achieved very little, and with the current EaYwDYVdZZ4-00074-00033150-00033678 slate of women on the roster improving by leaps and bounds virtually week-to-week, you EaYwDYVdZZ4-00075-00033678-00034244 have to think that, at some point, Dana Brooke will be little more than a footnote in women’s EaYwDYVdZZ4-00076-00034244-00034369 division history. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00077-00034369-00034487 5. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00078-00034487-00034670 Apollo Crews. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00079-00034670-00035455 From October 2014 to April 2016, Apollo Crews wreaked havoc down in NXT, and at one point, EaYwDYVdZZ4-00080-00035455-00035863 he nearly became champion while taking on Finn Balor. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00081-00035863-00036700 Apollo Crews possesses incredibly rare athleticism found in few WWE Superstars, and the year-and-a-half EaYwDYVdZZ4-00082-00036700-00037241 that he’s spent in the WWE is definitely considered disappointing by most fans. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00083-00037241-00037766 It’s not that Crews doesn’t possess the talent to take himself to the next level. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00084-00037766-00038359 It’s just that the WWE is chock-full of incredible performers that seem to be hindering EaYwDYVdZZ4-00085-00038359-00038594 his growth as a performer. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00086-00038594-00039161 His pairing with Titus O’Neil as his manager was successful at first, but it appears that EaYwDYVdZZ4-00087-00039161-00039506 it’ll eventually run its course and wear thin on fans. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00088-00039506-00040109 As it stands now, it doesn’t appear that Crews is in line for a decent push, and it EaYwDYVdZZ4-00089-00040109-00040514 seems he’ll be relegated to the mid card for quite some time. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00090-00040514-00040959 The most notable thing that he’s done in recent memory is take one of the most vicious EaYwDYVdZZ4-00091-00040959-00041515 bumps so far this year in a match with gargantuan strong man Braun Strowman. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00092-00041515-00041624 6. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00093-00041624-00041769 Chad Gable. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00094-00041769-00042357 As one-half of the tag team American Alpha, wrestler Chad Gable, who despite only being EaYwDYVdZZ4-00095-00042357-00042849 5 ft 8, has shown a true athletic ability inside the ring. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00096-00042849-00043513 Down in NXT, American Alpha was a one-time NXT Tag Team Champion, and once they finally EaYwDYVdZZ4-00097-00043513-00044166 made their way to the main roster, they would eventually win the WWE Smackdown Tag Team EaYwDYVdZZ4-00098-00044166-00044266 Championship. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00099-00044266-00044568 So, why do we have Gable on this list? EaYwDYVdZZ4-00100-00044568-00045159 Well, based off of what we’ve seen since their split, it appears that American Alpha EaYwDYVdZZ4-00101-00045159-00045590 was mainly used to get Jason Jordan on the main roster. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00102-00045590-00046109 Comparatively speaking, Jordan is a much larger and more physically imposing wrestler than EaYwDYVdZZ4-00103-00046109-00046725 Chad Gable is, and smaller performers have a very hard time making an impact in the company. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00104-00046725-00047324 Hopefully, Gable gets the push that he truly deserves, but right now, it would seem that EaYwDYVdZZ4-00105-00047324-00047915 the WWE simply used him to help aid in the development of former partner Jason Jordan. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00106-00047915-00048015 7. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00107-00048015-00048227 The Ascension. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00108-00048227-00048734 Sporting a look that calls back to the wrestling days of old, The Ascension are some of the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00109-00048734-00049419 most physically imposing men in the WWE tag team scene, and expectations were high when EaYwDYVdZZ4-00110-00049419-00049727 they finally made their way up to the main roster. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00111-00049727-00050168 Unfortunately for them, their main-roster run wouldn’t come close to reaching the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00112-00050168-00050615 level attained by legendary tag team The Road Warriors. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00113-00050615-00051128 Down in NXT, they had reached the pinnacle of the promotion after winning the NXT Tag EaYwDYVdZZ4-00114-00051128-00051825 Team Championship, but since making their way into the WWE in 2014, The Ascension is EaYwDYVdZZ4-00115-00051825-00052333 little more than an afterthought in a tag team seen that boasts The New Day and the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00116-00052333-00052813 incredibly talented pairing of Cesaro and Sheamus. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00117-00052813-00053472 At this point, you truly have to wonder what the WWE’s long-term plans are for The Ascension. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00118-00053472-00054083 They’re not an overly popular group, so perhaps, splitting them up into singles action EaYwDYVdZZ4-00119-00054083-00054357 would be the best choice in the meantime. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00120-00054357-00054466 8. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00121-00054466-00054633 Adam Rose. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00122-00054633-00055292 At 38 years of age, Adam Rose has been in the professional wrestling scene since 1995 EaYwDYVdZZ4-00123-00055292-00055638 when he made his debut in his native South Africa. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00124-00055638-00056273 In 2010, Rose would make his way into the United States, performing in Florida Championship EaYwDYVdZZ4-00125-00056273-00056748 Wrestling before it was eventually rebranded into NXT wrestling. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00126-00056748-00057312 Rose was a very talented and popular performer during his time in NXT, though he failed to EaYwDYVdZZ4-00127-00057312-00057800 actually take home any major titles during his extended run with the company. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00128-00057800-00058535 Finally, in 2014, Rose made his way to the WWE main roster, and the several years that EaYwDYVdZZ4-00129-00058535-00058954 he spent with the company were underwhelming, to say the least. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00130-00058954-00059465 He would’ve eventually seen his release in 2016, and he’s subsequently spent the EaYwDYVdZZ4-00131-00059465-00059871 entirety of 2017 performing on the independence scene. EaYwDYVdZZ4-00132-00059871-00060566 Given his age, we can’t imagine a scenario in which Rose comes back to the WWE to receive EaYwDYVdZZ4-00133-00060566-00060716 a massive push despite all the years he spent with their developmental brand. EbHsmeuDJgo-00000-00004288-00004384 um EbHsmeuDJgo-00001-00006831-00006840 you EcdBgJxJ9B0-00000-00000109-00000262 Greetings, Harper students! EcdBgJxJ9B0-00001-00000262-00000885 My name is Stephanie Whalen, and I'm a faculty member at Harper College who also works in our faculty development center EcdBgJxJ9B0-00002-00000886-00001129 we call the Academy for Teaching Excellence. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00003-00001199-00001593 Currently, I am part of a Covid 19 Student Communications Team, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00004-00001594-00002110 and we wanted to reach out to make sure you were all aware that even though campus is closed, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00005-00002110-00002677 we are still moving on with the semester. So, for now, we have keep classes running online and EcdBgJxJ9B0-00006-00002728-00002928 conduct teaching and learning from home. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00007-00002963-00003627 That means that faculty like me have had to adjust course syllabi and likely assignments and activities. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00008-00003715-00004191 Please read those changes carefully and let your instructors know what questions you have. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00009-00004240-00004959 Typically, you can find the revised syllabi on the course menu in Blackboard. If you don't have a revised schedule from your instructor, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00010-00004967-00005167 please ask how to get that information. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00011-00005332-00005664 Most of you didn't plan to take all of your courses online, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00012-00005698-00006342 but we want you to know that Harper faculty are here for you. Many instructors didn't intend on teaching their classes EcdBgJxJ9B0-00013-00006365-00006883 online either, but we are all working hard to make your experience as positive as possible. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00014-00006950-00007305 This is a photo of faculty on the last day campus was open EcdBgJxJ9B0-00015-00007358-00008119 attending a session for how to transition to off-campus learning, and faculty continue to work on improving your online experience every day. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00016-00008210-00008676 We want to thank you for your patience as we transition our courses online, and EcdBgJxJ9B0-00017-00008738-00009253 we want you to know that we will be understanding and flexible with you during this period of adjustment. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00018-00009317-00009819 We are in this thing together, and we want to know how we can support you. If EcdBgJxJ9B0-00019-00009839-00010116 you need help getting started on an email to your instructor, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00020-00010190-00010440 here is a basic template that can get you going. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00021-00010540-00010842 We may not be on campus for our office hours, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00022-00010844-00011427 but we can be reached by email, and most faculty are able to set up online meetings or calls with you. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00023-00011453-00011605 Please reach out right away EcdBgJxJ9B0-00024-00011605-00012108 if anything is preventing you from getting started on or completing an assignment. In EcdBgJxJ9B0-00025-00012155-00012531 addition, the library and tutoring center are still here to help EcdBgJxJ9B0-00026-00012581-00013368 remotely. To set up a virtual tutoring session, go online to see what courses we currently have tutoring for and schedule an appointment. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00027-00013556-00013962 Transitioning to online learning isn't ideal when you learn better in person, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00028-00013976-00014307 but we have what it takes to adjust and be successful. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00029-00014347-00014994 It may take a little scheduling of "do-not-disturb" time to work on our classes, and a lot of EcdBgJxJ9B0-00030-00015019-00015348 discipline to stay focused from home during those study periods. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00031-00015412-00015810 Sometimes you may have to let your household know what your study times are. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00032-00015872-00016260 Then you have to make sure you follow through by limiting distractions. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00033-00016270-00016668 You may need to put yourself and your phone in "do not disturb" mode. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00034-00016687-00016938 Each time you switch your attention to something else, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00035-00016938-00017634 it takes several minutes to get back into a deep level of concentration, and that can be pretty unproductive and EcdBgJxJ9B0-00036-00017687-00018435 frustrating. If you are having trouble getting help or aren't sure how to proceed with a course, remember that Advisors, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00037-00018481-00019203 Access Advocates, and Counselors are still available to help. Your advisor can provide expert advice and can point you to resources EcdBgJxJ9B0-00038-00019231-00019418 to support your success. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00039-00019418-00020151 Find your advisor's contact info in your My Harper Portal. Advisor info can be found in the bottom right hand corner. Again, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00040-00020212-00020475 be sure to reach out to your faculty with any EcdBgJxJ9B0-00041-00020528-00020841 questions right away and to contact your advisor EcdBgJxJ9B0-00042-00020841-00021378 if you are having a hard time or wondering about the impact of possibly withdrawing from a course. Changes EcdBgJxJ9B0-00043-00021419-00021729 in your schedule can impact financial aid, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00044-00021784-00022365 transfer credits, and more. Please talk through your plan with an advisor before you make any decisions. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00045-00022493-00022693 Starting to feel isolated at home? EcdBgJxJ9B0-00046-00022741-00023478 What better time to get connected with the Harper community through virtual activities provided by Harper Wellness, Student Involvement, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00047-00023557-00023757 Student Government, and Campus Recreation. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00048-00023825-00024381 This page shows how you can join in some virtual workouts. If you need help, EcdBgJxJ9B0-00049-00024381-00024909 but you don't know who to ask, you can go to the advisory page for more information, or just call EcdBgJxJ9B0-00050-00024968-00025651 847-925-6484, and we'll connect you with the right people. You EcdBgJxJ9B0-00051-00025660-00026064 can also submit questions online via a form on this page. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00052-00026266-00026894 We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well, and we look forward to helping you finish the semester strong. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00053-00026983-00027464 Remember, we are just a click away during this unprecedented learning from home time. EcdBgJxJ9B0-00054-00027487-00028127 We look forward to returning to campus when we can, too - but, for now, we are in this with you! EdzhpjZQadI-00000-00000043-00000309 (upbeat music) EdzhpjZQadI-00001-00001702-00001922 ♪ How long has it been ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00002-00001922-00002422 ♪ Feels like forever noticing everything ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00003-00002446-00002796 ♪ Like the hair on the wall ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00004-00002796-00003296 ♪ Food on the office table from last week ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00005-00003514-00003704 ♪ Parties are gone ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00006-00003704-00003903 ♪ Weekends are open ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00007-00003903-00004213 ♪ Can't even handle myself ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00008-00004213-00004501 - [Carrie] Come on, let's go for a walk. EdzhpjZQadI-00009-00004501-00004651 ♪ It's been going too long ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00010-00004651-00004812 ♪ More than a nuisance ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00011-00004812-00004945 ♪ What has it done to me ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00012-00004945-00005166 - Good morning everybody from me and Layla, EdzhpjZQadI-00013-00005166-00005304 we're on our walk today. EdzhpjZQadI-00014-00005304-00005476 She started doing walks again yesterday, EdzhpjZQadI-00015-00005476-00005698 and she's feeling so much better, EdzhpjZQadI-00016-00005698-00005917 and I am feeling so much better as a result. EdzhpjZQadI-00017-00005917-00006070 It's getting a little toasty. EdzhpjZQadI-00018-00006070-00006337 I was considering going on a walk myself after this, EdzhpjZQadI-00019-00006337-00006570 but I don't really know because it's kind of warm. EdzhpjZQadI-00020-00006570-00006841 The sun is blaring right now as you can tell, EdzhpjZQadI-00021-00006841-00007009 but today I have a busy day. EdzhpjZQadI-00022-00007009-00007148 I think I'm gonna try to film EdzhpjZQadI-00023-00007148-00007387 but I haven't even said something yet EdzhpjZQadI-00024-00007387-00007569 but my face is still swollen. EdzhpjZQadI-00025-00007569-00007727 So I don't know, I might put that off, EdzhpjZQadI-00026-00007727-00007984 but I'm really, I don't wanna get behind schedule. EdzhpjZQadI-00027-00007984-00008067 So we'll see, EdzhpjZQadI-00028-00008067-00008174 but good morning. EdzhpjZQadI-00029-00008174-00008464 (upbeat music) EdzhpjZQadI-00030-00008464-00008793 ♪ Is everything a dream ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00031-00008793-00009238 ♪ I don't know what this means ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00032-00009238-00009680 ♪ Time has been slow, it seems ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00033-00009680-00010168 ♪Cover your face while we ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00034-00010168-00010562 ♪ Blame the 19 ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00035-00010562-00010987 ♪ So may different scenes ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00036-00010987-00011435 ♪ Growing from what I've seen ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00037-00011435-00011575 ♪ Everything's one routine ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00038-00012381-00012848 ♪ Staying in quarantine ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00039-00012848-00012932 ♪ Blame the 19 ♪ EdzhpjZQadI-00040-00012932-00013016 - It is much later now. EdzhpjZQadI-00041-00013016-00013184 It is currently 10:26. EdzhpjZQadI-00042-00013184-00013372 I just spent the last hour and a half EdzhpjZQadI-00043-00013372-00013549 on FaceTime with Alexa, EdzhpjZQadI-00044-00013549-00013819 because we are planning out a really fun EdzhpjZQadI-00045-00013819-00014097 trip together for a really fun video EdzhpjZQadI-00046-00014097-00014279 with a really awesome brand. EdzhpjZQadI-00047-00014279-00014444 You'll know more about it in like a month, EdzhpjZQadI-00048-00014444-00014590 but we are so so excited, EdzhpjZQadI-00049-00014590-00014727 so we have been planning that. EdzhpjZQadI-00050-00014727-00014954 I've been sitting here, literally, EdzhpjZQadI-00051-00014954-00015326 for the last like hour ice rolling my face EdzhpjZQadI-00052-00015326-00015636 and to most people it probably doesn't EdzhpjZQadI-00053-00015636-00016003 look that bad, but to me I don't think I can film today. EdzhpjZQadI-00054-00016103-00016253 I had my smoothie, my typical smoothie for breakfast, EdzhpjZQadI-00055-00016253-00016386 which was delicious. EdzhpjZQadI-00056-00016386-00016745 I think I'm going to go take like a nice spa shower. EdzhpjZQadI-00057-00016745-00016957 Maybe put on some fake tan. EdzhpjZQadI-00058-00016957-00017054 Probably not. EdzhpjZQadI-00059-00017054-00017154 I'll probably do that tomorrow. EdzhpjZQadI-00060-00017154-00017413 I could honestly take today EdzhpjZQadI-00061-00017413-00017687 and do some more Poshmark stuff, EdzhpjZQadI-00062-00017687-00017924 but that sounds daunting. EdzhpjZQadI-00063-00017924-00018076 I also have a bunch of stuff EdzhpjZQadI-00064-00018076-00018334 that I need to take to various places. EdzhpjZQadI-00065-00018334-00018561 I have clothes that I want to donate to women's shelters. EdzhpjZQadI-00066-00018561-00018819 I have household items and things that I want to EdzhpjZQadI-00067-00018819-00019098 take to the thrift store and donate. EdzhpjZQadI-00068-00019098-00019354 So like I could do some of that today. EdzhpjZQadI-00069-00019354-00019567 Honestly, that might be the move EdzhpjZQadI-00070-00019567-00019678 like to get ahead. EdzhpjZQadI-00071-00019678-00019865 Because one thing I've noticed EdzhpjZQadI-00072-00019865-00020036 that I'm sure a lot of you can relate to is EdzhpjZQadI-00073-00020036-00020326 like the older you get right or if when you EdzhpjZQadI-00074-00020326-00020559 get older or just when you move through life EdzhpjZQadI-00075-00020559-00020763 you move into like bigger spaces. EdzhpjZQadI-00076-00020763-00020893 You know when we first moved into this house, EdzhpjZQadI-00077-00020893-00021101 I was like, "how in the hell are we gonna EdzhpjZQadI-00078-00021101-00021187 fill up this this house?" EdzhpjZQadI-00079-00021187-00021367 And now I have so much stuff EdzhpjZQadI-00080-00021367-00021565 because I filled in like every little corner of this house. EdzhpjZQadI-00081-00021565-00021979 I ended up with like way more stuff than I need. EdzhpjZQadI-00082-00021979-00022399 So it may be time to just do a little spring cleaning. EdzhpjZQadI-00083-00022399-00022817 I mean that doesn't sound fun but like I'll do it. EdzhpjZQadI-00084-00022817-00023078 I started a little bit yesterday and I cleaned out EdzhpjZQadI-00085-00023078-00023262 like our little Harry Potter closet EdzhpjZQadI-00086-00023262-00023451 under the stairs and that felt really good. EdzhpjZQadI-00087-00023451-00023615 So now I just feel like I'm on a roll EdzhpjZQadI-00088-00023615-00023813 and I want to keep going. So I don't know. EdzhpjZQadI-00089-00023813-00023941 Before I leave the backyard though EdzhpjZQadI-00090-00023941-00024164 I will show you an alien cactus update. EdzhpjZQadI-00091-00024164-00024306 I just thought about this. EdzhpjZQadI-00092-00024306-00024515 In all the times that I have showed it before, EdzhpjZQadI-00093-00024515-00024831 I've never thought to like go behind it and show EdzhpjZQadI-00094-00024831-00025083 which like, duh, makes so much more sense. EdzhpjZQadI-00095-00025083-00025424 Because wow you can see it so much better EdzhpjZQadI-00096-00025424-00025539 from right here. EdzhpjZQadI-00097-00025539-00025814 The lighting is not ideal, but one of these flowers EdzhpjZQadI-00098-00025986-00026089 are blooming and it's looking crazy. EdzhpjZQadI-00099-00026089-00026400 So it's like I guess gonna go all the way down. EdzhpjZQadI-00100-00026400-00026613 This is called a century plant. EdzhpjZQadI-00101-00026613-00026770 Every time I call it an alien cactus, EdzhpjZQadI-00102-00026770-00026870 I always get someone that's like, EdzhpjZQadI-00103-00026870-00026983 "that's actually called a century plant!" EdzhpjZQadI-00104-00026983-00027269 and I'm like... oh I know, I just call it an alien cactus. EdzhpjZQadI-00105-00027269-00027452 Because that thing is a freak. EdzhpjZQadI-00106-00027452-00027683 Okay, let's continue on with our day. EdzhpjZQadI-00107-00027683-00027767 I feel great. EdzhpjZQadI-00108-00027767-00027864 I'm so happy. EdzhpjZQadI-00109-00027864-00028019 I walked like four miles. EdzhpjZQadI-00110-00028019-00028186 Hot girl walks, man... are the move. EdzhpjZQadI-00111-00028186-00028383 I'm going to do them as long as I can EdzhpjZQadI-00112-00028383-00028518 because it's getting hot. EdzhpjZQadI-00113-00028518-00028657 I'm going to say that in every vlog. EdzhpjZQadI-00114-00028657-00028822 I might even like create a playlist EdzhpjZQadI-00115-00028822-00029014 on Spotify if I'm feeling spicy EdzhpjZQadI-00116-00029014-00029141 and link it down below EdzhpjZQadI-00117-00029141-00029261 for you to listen to on your EdzhpjZQadI-00118-00029261-00029442 hot girl walks because it's like a EdzhpjZQadI-00119-00029442-00029642 mental health boost man. I tell ya. EdzhpjZQadI-00120-00029642-00029725 It's good. EdzhpjZQadI-00121-00029725-00029971 (upbeat music) EdzhpjZQadI-00122-00030202-00030441 Hello, it is actually like two days later. EdzhpjZQadI-00123-00030441-00030626 I just got out of the shower. EdzhpjZQadI-00124-00030626-00030900 Forgive the state of me, but here's the EdzhpjZQadI-00125-00030900-00030986 progress. EdzhpjZQadI-00126-00030986-00031209 So less swelling for sure, EdzhpjZQadI-00127-00031209-00031541 but I ended like getting caught up with work EdzhpjZQadI-00128-00031541-00031624 the last couple days. EdzhpjZQadI-00129-00031624-00031835 And we've been out all day with EdzhpjZQadI-00130-00031835-00032005 Drew's mom and niece. EdzhpjZQadI-00131-00032005-00032366 I just took a shower because it's day 2 EdzhpjZQadI-00132-00032366-00032662 of my period and if you know you know. EdzhpjZQadI-00133-00032662-00032837 It's just the day from hell. EdzhpjZQadI-00134-00032837-00032963 Anyways, I got out the shower and EdzhpjZQadI-00135-00032963-00033104 I immediately started laying in bed. EdzhpjZQadI-00136-00033104-00033265 Then my sweet friend Noelle texted me EdzhpjZQadI-00137-00033265-00033640 and she just posted, or is about to post EdzhpjZQadI-00138-00033640-00033825 her very first vlog. EdzhpjZQadI-00139-00033825-00033978 So if you watched our LA vlog EdzhpjZQadI-00140-00033978-00034399 or if you've seen LA vlogs like over the years. EdzhpjZQadI-00141-00034399-00034560 One of my good friends from high school EdzhpjZQadI-00142-00034560-00034665 in Nashville. EdzhpjZQadI-00143-00034665-00034928 In case I haven't mentioned this in a while for people EdzhpjZQadI-00144-00034928-00035037 who watch... EdzhpjZQadI-00145-00035037-00035537 Basically four of my close friends from growing up EdzhpjZQadI-00146-00035564-00035841 live in LA and have for like a really long time. EdzhpjZQadI-00147-00035841-00036194 So Noelle and I were on the cheerleading squad together EdzhpjZQadI-00148-00036194-00036277 in high school. EdzhpjZQadI-00149-00036277-00036360 - [Drew] D squad. EdzhpjZQadI-00150-00036360-00036573 Yeah we were on like the low key like the EdzhpjZQadI-00151-00036573-00036816 cheerleaders that weren't that good. EdzhpjZQadI-00152-00036816-00037180 But we have known each other since we we're like 15 EdzhpjZQadI-00153-00037180-00037405 and she's just such a sweet awesome friend EdzhpjZQadI-00154-00037405-00037590 and her husband, Josh, is amazing. EdzhpjZQadI-00155-00037590-00037921 We're obsessed with them. Like... not to be biased, but EdzhpjZQadI-00156-00037921-00038122 they are like our favorite people, right? EdzhpjZQadI-00157-00038122-00038216 Moo! EdzhpjZQadI-00158-00038216-00038436 Drew doesn't like many people. EdzhpjZQadI-00159-00038436-00038548 - No, I don't. EdzhpjZQadI-00160-00038548-00038729 - But he loves them. EdzhpjZQadI-00161-00038729-00038885 - Yes I do love them. EdzhpjZQadI-00162-00038885-00038989 - Yeah they are the best. EdzhpjZQadI-00163-00038989-00039268 So, we're gonna watch their very first vlog. EdzhpjZQadI-00164-00039268-00039380 And that's what I wanted to say. EdzhpjZQadI-00165-00039380-00039661 So they've started creating a vlog channel EdzhpjZQadI-00166-00039661-00039896 and they're gonna be taking a trip to Paris here EdzhpjZQadI-00167-00039896-00039989 in like the next few days. EdzhpjZQadI-00168-00039989-00040199 So, they are going to be vlogging their trip EdzhpjZQadI-00169-00040199-00040374 to Paris I would also assume. EdzhpjZQadI-00170-00040374-00040527 So we're going to watch their first vlog EdzhpjZQadI-00171-00040527-00040865 and if you are interested in following a couple EdzhpjZQadI-00172-00040865-00041079 and their explorations. EdzhpjZQadI-00173-00041079-00041413 They go all over LA. They are both bartenders in LA. EdzhpjZQadI-00174-00041413-00041679 Noelle is also a real estate agent in LA. EdzhpjZQadI-00175-00041679-00041922 Josh also does some acting in LA. EdzhpjZQadI-00176-00041922-00042115 And then they also love to travel. EdzhpjZQadI-00177-00042115-00042371 They're like probably the most well-traveled EdzhpjZQadI-00178-00042371-00042476 friends of ours. EdzhpjZQadI-00179-00042476-00042750 So, if you want to follow along on their adventures, EdzhpjZQadI-00180-00042750-00042846 I would highly recommend it. EdzhpjZQadI-00181-00042846-00042959 I'll link their channel down below. EdzhpjZQadI-00182-00042959-00043137 I just realized that our fan is going EdzhpjZQadI-00183-00043137-00043254 so you probably heard it throughout EdzhpjZQadI-00184-00043254-00043340 this entire clip. EdzhpjZQadI-00185-00043340-00043425 My apologies. EdzhpjZQadI-00186-00043425-00043543 And you had to stare at me like this. EdzhpjZQadI-00187-00043543-00043627 - Professionals at work here. EdzhpjZQadI-00188-00043627-00043775 - We're really just pros. EdzhpjZQadI-00189-00043775-00043993 But yeah we're gonna watch our friends. EdzhpjZQadI-00190-00043993-00044080 I'm so excited. EdzhpjZQadI-00191-00044428-00044706 They're videos are already better than mine. EdzhpjZQadI-00192-00044706-00044917 - [Noelle] Um , we just got this camera EdzhpjZQadI-00193-00044917-00045000 (button clicks) EdzhpjZQadI-00194-00045000-00045448 - Okay, um, this lighting in this bathroom. EdzhpjZQadI-00195-00045573-00045656 I swear to God. EdzhpjZQadI-00196-00045656-00045739 What do I do? EdzhpjZQadI-00197-00045739-00045822 Hold on. EdzhpjZQadI-00198-00045822-00045995 Sometimes I absolutely love this bathroom, EdzhpjZQadI-00199-00045995-00046100 and sometimes I hate it. EdzhpjZQadI-00200-00046100-00046188 But hi, good morning. EdzhpjZQadI-00201-00046188-00046326 It's actually a few more days later. EdzhpjZQadI-00202-00046326-00046523 That's just kinda how things are going these days. EdzhpjZQadI-00203-00046523-00046637 I took the weekend off from vlogging. EdzhpjZQadI-00204-00046637-00046835 It was lovely, but now we're back EdzhpjZQadI-00205-00046835-00047065 so I'm getting ready for a full day of filming. EdzhpjZQadI-00206-00047065-00047151 You know the drill. EdzhpjZQadI-00207-00047151-00047338 It's Monday AM. EdzhpjZQadI-00208-00047338-00047495 I just got off the phone with my dad. EdzhpjZQadI-00209-00047495-00047727 I don't know like something I've been really EdzhpjZQadI-00210-00047727-00047932 thinking about and actually talking about in therapy EdzhpjZQadI-00211-00047932-00048036 and stuff recently. EdzhpjZQadI-00212-00048036-00048270 I'm trying to think of like how to best word this. EdzhpjZQadI-00213-00048270-00048616 It makes sense in my head, but basically like to give EdzhpjZQadI-00214-00048616-00048746 a little bit of back story. EdzhpjZQadI-00215-00048746-00048934 I've moved a lot in my life. EdzhpjZQadI-00216-00048934-00049150 In my adult life and also in just growing up. EdzhpjZQadI-00217-00049150-00049344 And I come by it honestly because my mom EdzhpjZQadI-00218-00049344-00049578 moved around a ton growing up and so did my dad. EdzhpjZQadI-00219-00049578-00049801 So, it's just like a normal thing for me. EdzhpjZQadI-00220-00049801-00049999 But for some like Drew, who has lived in EdzhpjZQadI-00221-00049999-00050202 two houses, you know, before adulthood. EdzhpjZQadI-00222-00050202-00050395 Like growing up, he lived in two houses EdzhpjZQadI-00223-00050395-00050494 his entire life. EdzhpjZQadI-00224-00050494-00050613 I seriously can't relate to that. EdzhpjZQadI-00225-00050613-00050724 Like I don't know what that's like. EdzhpjZQadI-00226-00050724-00050951 I've moved so many times. EdzhpjZQadI-00227-00050951-00051199 I mean I think I counted it one time and EdzhpjZQadI-00228-00051199-00051323 I think it when to like eight or nine EdzhpjZQadI-00229-00051323-00051500 different schools from kindergarten EdzhpjZQadI-00230-00051500-00051628 to my senior year in high school. EdzhpjZQadI-00231-00051628-00051824 So, like I've just always moved. EdzhpjZQadI-00232-00051824-00051932 I've always been used to being EdzhpjZQadI-00233-00051932-00052021 the new kid. EdzhpjZQadI-00234-00052021-00052158 I've talk about it in main channel EdzhpjZQadI-00235-00052158-00052276 videos before to where it's just EdzhpjZQadI-00236-00052276-00052489 sort of like a thing. EdzhpjZQadI-00237-00052489-00052649 I've always moved around EdzhpjZQadI-00238-00052649-00052880 and it wasn't like for any reason. EdzhpjZQadI-00239-00052880-00053030 My parents would relocate or EdzhpjZQadI-00240-00053030-00053176 like my parents got divorced EdzhpjZQadI-00241-00053176-00053321 or like my mom would find a new place EdzhpjZQadI-00242-00053321-00053404 or whatever. EdzhpjZQadI-00243-00053404-00053516 I would just like move around EdzhpjZQadI-00244-00053516-00053654 or we would move to stay EdzhpjZQadI-00245-00053654-00053769 or that I would move back. EdzhpjZQadI-00246-00053769-00053882 Lately, I have just been kind of thinking EdzhpjZQadI-00247-00053882-00054007 about how that's affected me EdzhpjZQadI-00248-00054007-00054155 as an adult and like how I EdzhpjZQadI-00249-00054155-00054415 as a result like ended up moving EdzhpjZQadI-00250-00054415-00054569 to a lot in my adult life. EdzhpjZQadI-00251-00054569-00054704 I don't know if what I'm saying EdzhpjZQadI-00252-00054704-00054812 is going to make any sense. EdzhpjZQadI-00253-00054812-00054991 Sometimes I envy people EdzhpjZQadI-00254-00054991-00055278 who are like born in the same hometown, EdzhpjZQadI-00255-00055278-00055401 live in the some hometown, EdzhpjZQadI-00256-00055401-00055546 and live there for the rest EdzhpjZQadI-00257-00055546-00055694 of their lives and like they are EdzhpjZQadI-00258-00055694-00055820 perfectly content with that. EdzhpjZQadI-00259-00055820-00056030 Sometimes I do feel like I don't EdzhpjZQadI-00260-00056030-00056161 have roots places. EdzhpjZQadI-00261-00056161-00056269 Even though when I go back home EdzhpjZQadI-00262-00056269-00056414 to Tennessee like I definitely feel EdzhpjZQadI-00263-00056414-00056625 like a tie to that place EdzhpjZQadI-00264-00056625-00056969 and I feel like a lot of deep appreciation EdzhpjZQadI-00265-00056969-00057219 and like gratitude I guess you could say. EdzhpjZQadI-00266-00057219-00057398 Like same with here, like going places where EdzhpjZQadI-00267-00057398-00057571 I grew up. EdzhpjZQadI-00268-00057571-00057744 I don't know how to explain it EdzhpjZQadI-00269-00057744-00057936 other than like I just have this EdzhpjZQadI-00270-00057936-00058072 never ending restless feeling EdzhpjZQadI-00271-00058072-00058448 of like I gotta keep going some where else. EdzhpjZQadI-00272-00058448-00058698 I need to like have a change of scenery. EdzhpjZQadI-00273-00058698-00058941 I need to move out of the house EdzhpjZQadI-00274-00058941-00059024 that I am in and move EdzhpjZQadI-00275-00059024-00059108 into a different space EdzhpjZQadI-00276-00059108-00059278 because I'm just craving something new. EdzhpjZQadI-00277-00059278-00059538 I have sort of talked about this before EdzhpjZQadI-00278-00059538-00059984 but I will literally, and I mean literally EdzhpjZQadI-00279-00059984-00060129 be on a walk with Drew in the morning. EdzhpjZQadI-00280-00060129-00060298 I need to keep getting ready EdzhpjZQadI-00281-00060298-00060403 as I am talking about this. EdzhpjZQadI-00282-00060403-00060487 I'll be on a walk with Drew EdzhpjZQadI-00283-00060487-00060706 in the morning and we will be EdzhpjZQadI-00284-00060706-00060790 talking about moving back to California, right. EdzhpjZQadI-00285-00060790-00061024 By the way, Drew is equally as guilty, um so EdzhpjZQadI-00286-00061024-00061233 like this is me speaking for EdzhpjZQadI-00287-00061233-00061396 both of us. But I will be like, EdzhpjZQadI-00288-00061396-00061479 "let's move back to LA." EdzhpjZQadI-00289-00061479-00061623 Drew's like, "Let's do it. EdzhpjZQadI-00290-00061623-00061767 It's so exciting like we gotta EdzhpjZQadI-00291-00061767-00061942 get there now. Like can we get there EdzhpjZQadI-00292-00061942-00062213 in the next couple of months?" EdzhpjZQadI-00293-00062213-00062398 ...and then literally that evening EdzhpjZQadI-00294-00062398-00062608 we are fully talking about EdzhpjZQadI-00295-00062608-00062789 buying a house here in Arizona EdzhpjZQadI-00296-00062789-00063100 without missing a beat. EdzhpjZQadI-00297-00063100-00063410 It literally changes by the day, EdzhpjZQadI-00298-00063410-00063573 and sometimes it changes EdzhpjZQadI-00299-00063573-00063695 within the day. EdzhpjZQadI-00300-00063695-00063983 It just been this way like probably EdzhpjZQadI-00301-00063983-00064153 since we moved to LA. EdzhpjZQadI-00302-00064153-00064386 We moved to LA in late 2019 EdzhpjZQadI-00303-00064386-00064721 like August of 2019 and then by EdzhpjZQadI-00304-00064721-00064996 I guess what like July of 2020, EdzhpjZQadI-00305-00064996-00065230 11 months later, almost a year later EdzhpjZQadI-00306-00065230-00065314 we were gone. EdzhpjZQadI-00307-00065314-00065476 That was for a lot of different EdzhpjZQadI-00308-00065476-00065662 reasons: the pandemic, our neighbors, etc. EdzhpjZQadI-00309-00065662-00065897 Now that we've been back in Arizona EdzhpjZQadI-00310-00065897-00066048 for the last almost two years, EdzhpjZQadI-00311-00066048-00066196 we have just been again EdzhpjZQadI-00312-00066196-00066309 going back and forth about it. EdzhpjZQadI-00313-00066309-00066506 Like what the hell do we do? EdzhpjZQadI-00314-00066506-00066606 Where do we go? EdzhpjZQadI-00315-00066606-00066723 There are some days where truly EdzhpjZQadI-00316-00066723-00066834 I will wake up in the morning EdzhpjZQadI-00317-00066834-00067005 and say we are going to move to the UK EdzhpjZQadI-00318-00067005-00067300 like some day and we'll fully plan on it EdzhpjZQadI-00319-00067300-00067547 and then a week later it's like EdzhpjZQadI-00320-00067547-00067701 "or we could try living in Japan EdzhpjZQadI-00321-00067701-00067812 for a year!" EdzhpjZQadI-00322-00067812-00067948 Then there will be times where we're EdzhpjZQadI-00323-00067948-00068056 like, "let's pack up everything EdzhpjZQadI-00324-00068056-00068174 and move back to LA." EdzhpjZQadI-00325-00068174-00068344 "Actually, let's move to Orange County EdzhpjZQadI-00326-00068344-00068443 because that would be really cool." EdzhpjZQadI-00327-00068443-00068599 "San Diego would be really nice!" EdzhpjZQadI-00328-00068599-00069099 We quite literally change the plan so often. EdzhpjZQadI-00329-00069161-00069414 Of course it always comes back to...eventually EdzhpjZQadI-00330-00069414-00069497 in the rotation, EdzhpjZQadI-00331-00069497-00069667 it's always like, "or we can buy a house here." EdzhpjZQadI-00332-00069667-00069767 You know it's a good time because EdzhpjZQadI-00333-00069767-00069975 gotta get in on this market. EdzhpjZQadI-00334-00069975-00070061 Blah, blah, blah. EdzhpjZQadI-00335-00070061-00070217 Yeah I don't know. EdzhpjZQadI-00336-00070217-00070510 I guess I just kinda wanted to hopefully EdzhpjZQadI-00337-00070510-00070718 speak to other people who are feeling this EdzhpjZQadI-00338-00070718-00071041 same way because if there is one thing I will EdzhpjZQadI-00339-00071041-00071176 never be is settled. EdzhpjZQadI-00340-00071176-00071274 Ever. EdzhpjZQadI-00341-00071274-00071449 I know a lot of this has to do with EdzhpjZQadI-00342-00071563-00071675 like the impulsivity part of my ADHD. EdzhpjZQadI-00343-00071675-00071935 My parents both deal with that. EdzhpjZQadI-00344-00071935-00072109 Both my parents have ADHD. EdzhpjZQadI-00345-00072109-00072192 Go figure. EdzhpjZQadI-00346-00072192-00072353 So I think a lot of that comes EdzhpjZQadI-00347-00072353-00072547 from just feeling impulsive EdzhpjZQadI-00348-00072547-00072685 and then if I just like chill EdzhpjZQadI-00349-00072685-00072785 for a couple of days, EdzhpjZQadI-00350-00072785-00072988 the desire will usually go away. EdzhpjZQadI-00351-00072988-00073115 If there is anyone out there EdzhpjZQadI-00352-00073115-00073287 who is going through the same thing EdzhpjZQadI-00353-00073287-00073536 who is walking through life like damn EdzhpjZQadI-00354-00073536-00073786 I have no idea what I want to do EdzhpjZQadI-00355-00073786-00073911 because one day it's one thing. EdzhpjZQadI-00356-00073911-00074017 The next day it's another. EdzhpjZQadI-00357-00074017-00074137 I don't know where I want to live. EdzhpjZQadI-00358-00074137-00074276 I don't know what I want to do EdzhpjZQadI-00359-00074276-00074560 with my life and Drew is the same way. EdzhpjZQadI-00360-00074560-00074737 He's the exact same way and I don't know EdzhpjZQadI-00361-00074737-00075045 if it's because he stayed put his whole life EdzhpjZQadI-00362-00075045-00075271 and now he wants to go out EdzhpjZQadI-00363-00075271-00075430 and explore different things. EdzhpjZQadI-00364-00075430-00075623 It's just funny like we're a hot mess. EdzhpjZQadI-00365-00075623-00075928 One of the most kind of asked questions EdzhpjZQadI-00366-00075928-00076118 I get is like, "where are you guys going next? EdzhpjZQadI-00367-00076118-00076232 What's your next plan? EdzhpjZQadI-00368-00076232-00076334 When are you moving? EdzhpjZQadI-00369-00076334-00076523 What are you doing?" And um... no idea. EdzhpjZQadI-00370-00076523-00076634 No idea. EdzhpjZQadI-00371-00076634-00077019 We say that every time because it changes all the time EdzhpjZQadI-00372-00077019-00077200 and we're just going to eventually EdzhpjZQadI-00373-00077200-00077338 have to get to a place where EdzhpjZQadI-00374-00077338-00077571 we just like make a decision EdzhpjZQadI-00375-00077571-00077674 and stick with it. EdzhpjZQadI-00376-00077674-00077881 It just changes all the time, EdzhpjZQadI-00377-00077881-00078051 so I just thought I would EdzhpjZQadI-00378-00078051-00078216 hopefully give a shout-out to EdzhpjZQadI-00379-00078216-00078409 those of you who are also going EdzhpjZQadI-00380-00078409-00078492 through the same thing and are EdzhpjZQadI-00381-00078492-00078751 also like what am I actually doing. EdzhpjZQadI-00382-00078751-00079050 There is just so much life out there. EdzhpjZQadI-00383-00079050-00079221 There is just so much to experience EdzhpjZQadI-00384-00079221-00079421 and see and so many people to connect with. EdzhpjZQadI-00385-00079421-00079661 I knew Drew feels the same way so like EdzhpjZQadI-00386-00079661-00079990 I don't know it's just fascinating being EdzhpjZQadI-00387-00079990-00080163 in my scary brain. EdzhpjZQadI-00388-00080163-00080482 Then I saw something on Twitter recently EdzhpjZQadI-00389-00080482-00080714 where I'll like put it on the screen here. EdzhpjZQadI-00390-00080714-00080886 Somebody was taking about how EdzhpjZQadI-00391-00080886-00081069 like in your twenties and thirties, EdzhpjZQadI-00392-00081069-00081270 if you are ever feeling like you EdzhpjZQadI-00393-00081270-00081386 need to work harder to EdzhpjZQadI-00394-00081386-00081513 catch up to your peers EdzhpjZQadI-00395-00081513-00081676 or you're not on the right path EdzhpjZQadI-00396-00081676-00081854 or that you're behind or whatever. EdzhpjZQadI-00397-00081854-00082018 You're absolutely not. EdzhpjZQadI-00398-00082018-00082152 You're absolutely not. EdzhpjZQadI-00399-00082152-00082346 You are right on track EdzhpjZQadI-00400-00082346-00082504 with where you are supposed to be. EdzhpjZQadI-00401-00082504-00082715 Quickly I also forgot to add the part EdzhpjZQadI-00402-00082715-00082854 where like when she talked EdzhpjZQadI-00403-00082854-00083018 about how she feels like she's 35 EdzhpjZQadI-00404-00083018-00083193 and her life is just beginning. EdzhpjZQadI-00405-00083193-00083422 I 100 percent feel that way. EdzhpjZQadI-00406-00083422-00083642 I never related to something more. EdzhpjZQadI-00407-00083642-00083916 I truly feel like my life is just EdzhpjZQadI-00408-00083916-00084273 now getting good and like going EdzhpjZQadI-00409-00084273-00084427 in the way that I want it to EdzhpjZQadI-00410-00084427-00084710 and like this whole new chapter of my life EdzhpjZQadI-00411-00084710-00084827 is the best one yet. EdzhpjZQadI-00412-00084827-00084993 I'll talk more about it in a second. EdzhpjZQadI-00413-00084993-00085167 That resinated with me so much EdzhpjZQadI-00414-00085167-00085317 and for the first time I actually EdzhpjZQadI-00415-00085317-00085526 read that and really felt that. EdzhpjZQadI-00416-00085526-00085813 I really felt that I am on EdzhpjZQadI-00417-00085813-00085897 such an awesome path right now EdzhpjZQadI-00418-00085897-00086106 and I just know it deep down in my soul. EdzhpjZQadI-00419-00086106-00086241 I've said this to like a few EdzhpjZQadI-00420-00086241-00086432 friends and family over the last EdzhpjZQadI-00421-00086432-00086664 few months but this year in particular EdzhpjZQadI-00422-00086664-00086866 just feels like a whole new chapter. EdzhpjZQadI-00423-00086866-00087039 It feels like a fresh page and EdzhpjZQadI-00424-00087039-00087345 it's like a really exciting new chapter in life EdzhpjZQadI-00425-00087345-00087607 where I feel so many other people in my life EdzhpjZQadI-00426-00087607-00088027 are healing and experiencing so much love EdzhpjZQadI-00427-00088027-00088281 and friendship and abundance and like EdzhpjZQadI-00428-00088281-00088448 awesome job opportunities EdzhpjZQadI-00429-00088448-00088582 and I believe that all of that is EdzhpjZQadI-00430-00088582-00088722 coming for like every single one of you EdzhpjZQadI-00431-00088722-00088838 that are watching this as well. EdzhpjZQadI-00432-00088838-00089021 I just think that this year EdzhpjZQadI-00433-00089021-00089137 is just gonna hold a lot EdzhpjZQadI-00434-00089137-00089252 of really amazing things. EdzhpjZQadI-00435-00089252-00089463 Even though, I just said all of those things EdzhpjZQadI-00436-00089463-00089634 about how my brain is kind of scattered EdzhpjZQadI-00437-00089634-00089826 and I don't really know what I want EdzhpjZQadI-00438-00089826-00089909 to do with my life. EdzhpjZQadI-00439-00089909-00090083 I read things like that and I'm EdzhpjZQadI-00440-00090083-00090264 like okay you are right on track. EdzhpjZQadI-00441-00090264-00090394 You are exactly where you're supposed EdzhpjZQadI-00442-00090394-00090477 to be. EdzhpjZQadI-00443-00090577-00090691 Just enjoy this period of life. EdzhpjZQadI-00444-00090691-00090805 That's some thing I really struggle with EdzhpjZQadI-00445-00090805-00090985 is just kind of enjoying the chapter EdzhpjZQadI-00446-00090985-00091110 that I'm currently in EdzhpjZQadI-00447-00091110-00091209 instead of looking forward EdzhpjZQadI-00448-00091209-00091304 to the next one. EdzhpjZQadI-00449-00091304-00091574 This is so hard to do while talking. EdzhpjZQadI-00450-00091574-00091790 Anyway, if you let me, I will keep blabbing EdzhpjZQadI-00451-00091790-00092071 and just talking in circles EdzhpjZQadI-00452-00092071-00092172 about the same thing over and over again EdzhpjZQadI-00453-00092172-00092270 for no reason. EdzhpjZQadI-00454-00092270-00092397 So, I'll cut it here. EdzhpjZQadI-00455-00092397-00092568 I'm going to go finish getting ready EdzhpjZQadI-00456-00092568-00092651 and start a new vlog. EdzhpjZQadI-00457-00092651-00092735 Excuse me. EdzhpjZQadI-00458-00092735-00092850 But I hope you all enjoyed. EdzhpjZQadI-00459-00092850-00092989 Thank you so much for being here EdzhpjZQadI-00460-00092989-00093138 and we'll see you in the next vlog, EdzhpjZQadI-00461-00093138-00093221 Bye. EdzhpjZQadI-00462-00093221-00093479 (upbeat music) EdQrinnGegY-00000-00000100-00000303 Ḣ̩͉̥̪̊ͯ̚È̥͇̙͎̘͓͚̝̜̥̖̬̥̖̎ͥ̾̏̿̔ͫͯ͆͐̇ͣ͊HE̟͓̘̗͔͉̗̠̙͍͕͙̫͂̄ͪ̓̆ͬ̅ͭ̊͆̏ͮ̽H̀̀̃͒ͩ̊̓ͫEH̯̞̘̘̮̯̞̞̩̘̝̪E͎̣̦̗͇͇ͬͤ̅ͦͮ̉ͦͅHE̼̠̬̭̞̲̻̬̪͔HEH͈͓̺̲̖̟͙͔̦̞̟̘͎̳̮ͫ͗̉̀̈̆ͧ͊͒̉ͥ́ͫ̓̏E͖̖͉̯̭̗̻̭̜͇̹ͥ̆͌̇ͤ̃́̔̈́ͣ̾HE͈̪͍̖̻̼̩̪̬̠̺̪H̉̾̈́͛̊̾͗͆̑̑̅̀̿Ẻ̦̜̗̦̘̦̼̘͎̖̦̙̌̇͑͌̿̾́ͬͯͤͣHE̲̯̻ͯ̋̐H̯̳̮̱ͣ̄̂̑E̩̺̺͉̹̣͚̦̮͈͔͙̬͉ͅH͂ͭ̾͒͛E͈̲̫̞̹͔̹̟̜̠͙̥͌ͮ͋́̽ͩͥ͐͆̄̈͋ͩͅHͣͭͧ̓ͧ̈E EdQrinnGegY-00001-00000303-00000362 HEY EdQrinnGegY-00002-00000362-00000579 WHAT THE 👺 ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE EdQrinnGegY-00003-00000581-00000683 that none of ur 🅱Ụ̰͓̖͖͉͍̹S͖̯ͤͭI̫͇̪̣͚̼̯͙̒̓̋ͮ̆͗ͬͧN̻͙̝̤̠̳̑̈́͒͌ͭ͐ES͇̦͙̿ͪ͛S͈̟̰̞͍ͤ̃̾̆ͨ EdQrinnGegY-00004-00000683-00000803 H͒̊͆̀̈́̄͑̽̈́̄Ẽ̠̙̖̦͉͔͙͈̲̱̎͊́ͤ͆ͦ̾̆̈́H́̃ͬ̄̓͌AͤH͈̫̥ͮ̈́̐ͯͅA͎̜̙͇̘͌ͬ̍ͫ̍̏ͅH̥̪̺̞̗̙̬͚̠͓̯̲̪̞̬̊͊̉̋̒͑̃̾͋͗́͆̌̒̔A͓̯̩̱͚̻̼̯̻̪ͮ͗ͨ͌͋ͮ̒͂̎̏ͬͅHAHͫͪͯ͛͗́ͬ̀̋̍̊̓̅̏̈A̼͎͖̟HA͍̖̓̔Ḥ̰̭͖̝͎̫̥̼͈͙͉̥̱Å͇̙̻̼̥̗̬̝͖̌̓̒ͤͧ̂̔̈́HA̟̮̐ͩH̬̲̠̯̳͙̳͂̄̉̋ͫ͊̓A̐̆̚H̜̬̠͈̙̗̹Ḁ̻̰̩̗̯̝̙̺̗͇̯͈HAͅH̗̼̣̼͎͈̠̭͈̺͎̱̦͓̟Aͯ͆̎̉̄̄ͯ̆̄̚̚H͕̻̮̰Ǎ͒̾ͪͥ̎̄̔H͉͈̼͉͈̘̜̝̲̳̞̰͔͍̫̀ͮͯͫ̆̉̔́̊̓ͮ̂͆͋ͨAͧ EdQrinnGegY-00005-00000803-00001200 SUPER TABLE SMASH BROS EdQrinnGegY-00006-00001300-00001505 i am so tired.. EdQrinnGegY-00007-00001550-00001718 i cannot GO outisde.. EdQrinnGegY-00008-00001805-00002009 and STAY here.. EdQrinnGegY-00009-00002079-00002212 on KRISMAS?!?!?! EdQrinnGegY-00010-00002300-00002420 💨 i can't do it anymore... EdQrinnGegY-00011-00002462-00002517 💨💨💨💨💨💨💨 EdQrinnGegY-00012-00002566-00002700 i can't EdQrinnGegY-00013-00002700-00002816 D̈́̈́̄O̪͇͔̩ ̵IT̿́̽ ̵͚͖͓̻͇̪̋̀͂̇ͪͨA̧͓͇͉̮͓͔̓̂͊͐͗̄Ñ͙̠͈̜ͣ̽̓Ÿ͈̦͙̞́ͭ͋͒M̹̞͍̳ͅO̢͔̙̞ͣ͌͒RḘ̻ EdQrinnGegY-00014-00002862-00003005 https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+tie+a+noose&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=how+to+tie+a+noos&sc=0-17&sk=&cvid=B613688EE6154C4FBBB43EA9D20A8E5E EdQrinnGegY-00015-00003025-00003104 that thi EdQrinnGegY-00016-00003104-00003206 I CAN'T EdQrinnGegY-00017-00003206-00003302 i can' EdQrinnGegY-00018-00003302-00003400 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 EdQrinnGegY-00019-00003400-00003519 car brake EdQrinnGegY-00020-00003575-00003675 goodbye.. EdQrinnGegY-00021-00003737-00003801 fore EdQrinnGegY-00022-00003801-00003925 V̘͍ͫ͗A͕͙̞̬̿͊ͧ̉ͦͅA̞͚̠A̸̞͙͇̫̬̳̠ͮͨ̍ͦ͐̌̓A̫̖̪ͦ̄̂ͧͅA̷̳̝̲͔A͉͋A͇̩̯̣͖̼̐̓ͭ̑ͦ̓AÁ̞̘̰̻̜͛̍ͪ̊A̠̰͈̲̩͖͕ͦ̆͐ͮ̏̋̋͟Aͥ͏ͅAȀ͑̊͆͡Ä͖̪̩̓̓A͐͗̑̏ͫ̄A̤̙̠̪͙̙͙̽͊̓̉̒̉̚Á͎̼͌À͒̽͆ͬͨAA̩̤̋̅Aͧ͌Ä̶͇AA͡A̸͇̼̫͕A͞Á͈Ḁ̘͓͉͉͕̄͒̅ͩͧ̄́ͅA͔ͭA͋҉̼A̷̯̥̬̝ͩͤ̐̋A̬̦A͖͚̺ͪ͗͌ EdQrinnGegY-00023-00003925-00003983 SUPER GLASS SMASH BROS EdQrinnGegY-00024-00003983-00004160 A̳ͦA͎͎͈̱ͮ̆ͦͦA̵̔̈̃A̘̳̐̋͐ͅĄ̫̥̪͈̪̳̬͌ͨͥͮ̽͑̇A͙̙͌͋A̓̾̇̄͠A͇̯̟̳̱̫̤̾̏̓͐̿ͬ̒A͙͌͟A̲̝AA̤͔̥̺͚͚̮A̓A̗͖̥͍͍̫͘A̲̩͙͓͎̟̫A̜͕͋̆ÁA̰̝̤͈ͧ̀ͦ̚A̛̱̠̗͔̖̘̦͊ͩ̍̂̂̑̓A̙͉̤̝̮ͪ̐̔̉̎AA͖̖͔͓͈͆̔̏̊̍Ä́̿̉̂҉Å̘̳͍̥̯͚ͥ̀ͯͨ͌ͦ͠ͅÁ̞̝͓̺̙ͧ̉͋͐AẠ͈͇͎͇̔̒͌ͯ͗A̙̘͆ͮͥͅǍ̯̻ͬA̱͋A̮͙ͯͪ͘A̿̓͒̃͑̚A̳̹͚̞̰AA͈̹̹͎̻A̼̭͕̙͖̼̼A̪͉̠͜A͑͛͏AẮA̰̻Ḁ̪̩͖̮͍A̘̞͝ͅA̲̺͓ͫ̔ͮ͝A͈̥ͭ̾A̬̘̓̀Ä̖̫̹͙́̾̂ͪA̦͕̮͍̻̥̻͑ͫ̓̆̿̾̄͢A̩͚̪͋ͭͥA͖̙͓̗̼̱A͓̰̦̦A̼͈̯̮̪̙̺̎ͪ̀͗̄̋̄Ä̬͚͔̜͉ͬ̾̋̌̚ͅĀ̳͙͔͙̙̳͌̑ͤ͗͆A̜̫͔̙̭̰A̮͕̹̭̼̐̈͆͗̆A̡̜̹̱̖͙̭̍͆ͥ͗͐̂A͖͖ͬ́̑ͅĀ͕̩̞̖ͯ̆ͮAA̿̐̐̎Ä̹͍́̑͝A EdQrinnGegY-00025-00004160-00004272 shut up, MOMMY EdQrinnGegY-00026-00004272-00004404 blood floats on blood step 1: cover yourself in blood step 2: wait for it to blood step 3: a͊̄͑ͦṣͨc̯̞̲̬e͖̜͍ͮ̃ͦ͝n͖̜̈͌̍ͅd̝̜͔͖͙ͮ̊ͦ̐ͧ ̓ EdQrinnGegY-00027-00004404-00004608 i have WORK tommorow EdQrinnGegY-00028-00004808-00004923 work tommorow? EdQrinnGegY-00029-00005100-00005163 POGGERS EdQrinnGegY-00030-00005477-00005622 i THOT it was EdQrinnGegY-00031-00005622-00005950 POV: you made sound while breaking in EdQrinnGegY-00032-00005950-00006001 but they're gone EdQrinnGegY-00033-00006001-00006080 A̳ͦA͎͎͈̱ͮ̆ͦͦA̵̔̈̃A̘̳̐̋͐ͅĄ̫̥̪͈̪̳̬͌ͨͥͮ̽͑̇A͙̙͌͋A̓̾̇̄͠A͇̯̟̳̱̫̤̾̏̓͐̿ͬ̒A͙͌͟A̲̝AA̤͔̥̺͚͚̮A̓A̗͖̥͍͍̫͘A̲̩͙͓͎̟̫A̜͕͋̆ÁA̰̝̤͈ͧ̀ͦ̚A̛̱̠̗͔̖̘̦͊ͩ̍̂̂̑̓A̙͉̤̝̮ͪ̐̔̉̎AA͖̖͔͓͈͆̔̏̊̍Ä́̿̉̂҉Å̘̳͍̥̯͚ͥ̀ͯͨ͌ͦ͠ͅÁ̞̝͓̺̙ͧ̉͋͐AẠ͈͇͎͇̔̒͌ͯ͗A̙̘͆ͮͥͅǍ̯̻ͬA̱͋A̮͙ͯͪ͘A̿̓͒̃͑̚A̳̹͚̞̰AA͈̹̹͎̻A̼̭͕̙͖̼̼A̪͉̠͜A͑͛͏AẮA̰̻Ḁ̪̩͖̮͍A̘̞͝ͅA̲̺͓ͫ̔ͮ͝A͈̥ͭ̾A̬̘̓̀Ä̖̫̹͙́̾̂ͪA̦͕̮͍̻̥̻͑ͫ̓̆̿̾̄͢A̩͚̪͋ͭͥA͖̙͓̗̼̱A͓̰̦̦A̼͈̯̮̪̙̺̎ͪ̀͗̄̋̄Ä̬͚͔̜͉ͬ̾̋̌̚ͅĀ̳͙͔͙̙̳͌̑ͤ͗͆A̜̫͔̙̭̰A̮͕̹̭̼̐̈͆͗̆A̡̜̹̱̖͙̭̍͆ͥ͗͐̂A͖͖ͬ́̑ͅĀ͕̩̞̖ͯ̆ͮAA̿̐̐̎Ä̹͍́̑͝A EdQrinnGegY-00034-00006080-00006155 POGGERS 2 EdQrinnGegY-00035-00006155-00006236 wheeze EdQrinnGegY-00036-00006236-00006286 crocodilo EdQrinnGegY-00037-00006300-00006350 sleep paralysis demon EdQrinnGegY-00038-00006358-00006408 happy lil fella EdQrinnGegY-00039-00006408-00006508 happier lil fella EdQrinnGegY-00040-00006508-00006641 FUCK GO BACK EdQrinnGegY-00041-00006641-00006817 i THOT something silly would ha EdQrinnGegY-00042-00006817-00006960 but they are back home EdQrinnGegY-00043-00006974-00007117 KRIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EdQrinnGegY-00044-00007172-00007332 A̢A͖͇̠̱̦̖Ȧ͕̠̣̝ͧ́ͤA̘̠̟͇̖̲̋̍͑̔̌̾Ầ͖͇͈̼̭̣̅́͗͌ ̫̯͉̜͊͛̅ͩM̊͋̏̐͑̏͏̩̻̯̖͖̟Y ̟̪͍E̞Y̫̙̱̤̲̎̎̐̽ͫ̚ͅE͕̠͕̺͕͎ EdQrinnGegY-00045-00007332-00007538 IT IS KRIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EdQrinnGegY-00046-00007538-00007588 fart EdQrinnGegY-00047-00007588-00007701 fart 2 EdQrinnGegY-00048-00007701-00007911 GI͆B̐͌͂̓̀̄Bͧ͒̂̇͂E̙̺͍̭̲ͪ̓̉̓ͣR͇̥̱͇̩I҉͙̞̥S̠̱ͧͪ͠H͖͉̥̖͚ͥͫ͛̽ͤ ̒͘ͅB̮̥̲̟͔̲̎̽̓̎̿ͤ͜Ȗ̶̒̃̉̌T̶ ̪̹̩̱̍̑̅̽̾ͅI̙̱̪̤̲̞͕̔̏̽̇͂͑̇͜N̖̤̲͖ͩ̈́ͦͨͯͅ ̺́z̤̹͉̤̳͚̝̅ͤ̍̂͊ͥͫ͜Ả̰͎͑͟LG̭͐O͎̝̬̤̺̲͢ EdQrinnGegY-00049-00007944-00008001 aaaaaaaAAAA͟AĄ̞͚̪̱̱͈̹̦̦̻A̡͟A͏̶͟A̯̯̣͕͈̤͓͖̬ͧ̃ͭͬ͌ͯͧ̾ͯ͘AǍͫ͌ͮ̀͒́ͬͮ҉͏͙̹̥̬̼̰͍̟̫͘Ḁ̰͎̮̙̝͍̟͕̹͙̅̋ͨ̈́ͧ̿͂͌̄͌̂A̯̭̰̗̪͎͈̼̬͎͖͐̾́͌ͥͦͤ͊͑̑̚͟A̓ͬͬͦͣͦ́ͣͮ͌̀͠A̦̺͔̳̺̫͕̟̤̠̟̬ͅAͫ̅̑̊̈̄̊ͨ̃́À̵҉͚̣͇̤̘̙̗̫̰̼ EdQrinnGegY-00050-00008069-00008235 KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00051-00008235-00008346 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EdQrinnGegY-00052-00008346-00008406 mommy the snowman EdQrinnGegY-00053-00008637-00008706 POLICE EdQrinnGegY-00054-00008729-00008817 POLICE!! EdQrinnGegY-00055-00008951-00009042 O MA GAWD CAPTIN EdQrinnGegY-00056-00009090-00009207 IT'Z a HOMELESS EdQrinnGegY-00057-00009207-00009303 homeless.. EdQrinnGegY-00058-00009303-00009514 and WHAT THE 👺 ARE U DOING OUTSIDE UR HAUS EdQrinnGegY-00059-00009616-00009700 NO WAIT- EdQrinnGegY-00060-00010006-00010107 KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00061-00010145-00010247 it's KRISTMAS??? EdQrinnGegY-00062-00010247-00010870 you have disrespected the gods EdQrinnGegY-00063-00010870-00010920 CAPTIN EdQrinnGegY-00064-00010948-00010998 GETHIMAWAYFROMMECAPTIN EdQrinnGegY-00065-00011048-00011125 GETHIMAWAYFROMME EdQrinnGegY-00066-00011308-00011404 A EdQrinnGegY-00067-00011404-00011539 MY EYE EdQrinnGegY-00068-00011572-00011700 HEADSHOT DOUBLE KILL EdQrinnGegY-00069-00011700-00011818 EEEEEEEETIS EdQrinnGegY-00070-00011818-00011915 KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00071-00012465-00012716 you encountered a wild FAT MOKEY EdQrinnGegY-00072-00012790-00012840 OH EdQrinnGegY-00073-00012889-00012939 NO EdQrinnGegY-00074-00012939-00013013 KISS ME EdQrinnGegY-00075-00013013-00013150 G̴̗̮̹̖̜͡ͅͅR̴͊̐҉̕O̥̙̰̼̩̣̰̬͍͉͚̳̦̯̻̅͋ͥ̀͆̋̑̉̅ͫ̒͆̃̉͆Ő̖͚͈̹̝̅̿̐̎Bͮ̆̇̐͝Y̕ EdQrinnGegY-00076-00013200-00013250 NO EdQrinnGegY-00077-00013250-00013300 mokey EdQrinnGegY-00078-00013330-00013444 You need to stay out EdQrinnGegY-00079-00013458-00013524 MOKEY EdQrinnGegY-00080-00013555-00013802 MWAH MWAH MWAH EdQrinnGegY-00081-00013862-00014021 NO MOKEY N O EdQrinnGegY-00082-00014303-00014411 MARRY KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00083-00014910-00015029 KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00084-00015041-00015091 gasp EdQrinnGegY-00085-00015274-00015408 virus sounds EdQrinnGegY-00086-00015470-00015803 DON'T MOKEY DON'T EdQrinnGegY-00087-00015803-00015911 A EdQrinnGegY-00088-00015911-00016405 this is the part where we run EdQrinnGegY-00089-00016405-00016503 OH NO EdQrinnGegY-00090-00016503-00016553 NOAAAA EdQrinnGegY-00091-00016553-00016713 Ho! Ho ho! EdQrinnGegY-00092-00016713-00016916 Next kid! EdQrinnGegY-00093-00016966-00017271 NO- Stay there! Stay there- O HO HO EdQrinnGegY-00094-00017567-00017653 MMMMOVE YOU FUCKING EdQrinnGegY-00095-00017653-00017708 C̗̼̈́̌H͚͇͓̮̥̦͉̬̖̝̰͍̒͗ͩ͑̆̃ͯ͌ͣ̊͐ͥI̭͕͚ͫ̃͑́͢L̘̟D̥̈ EdQrinnGegY-00096-00017785-00017919 WHAT DO YOU WANT? YOU FUCK EdQrinnGegY-00097-00017994-00018218 baby sounds EdQrinnGegY-00098-00018283-00018429 BOOM EdQrinnGegY-00099-00018469-00018594 SANTA IT'S COMING EdQrinnGegY-00100-00018594-00018702 Ş̲͕̩̤̖͉̼̮͉͇̰͎̜̗ͯ̆ͧ̉͋̾ͮ̑̾̍̈́̄̆̚̕Ǎ̷̛N̝̊T̠̲̗̼̞̦̮̪̘͚̯͘Aͩ̾̋̍̐̓́ EdQrinnGegY-00101-00018702-00018854 NO NO MOKEY GET AWAY MOKY EdQrinnGegY-00102-00018876-00019039 IT's COMIGN DA DA EdQrinnGegY-00103-00019137-00019207 wut's coming- EdQrinnGegY-00104-00019208-00019610 OH NOOOO IT'S THE VIRUS MOKEY EdQrinnGegY-00105-00019610-00019835 PUT THE MASK MOKEY EdQrinnGegY-00106-00019835-00020060 PUT THE Fͥ͗ͬͫͯ͛ͥ̈́͑̀ͭ̒͏̪̤͉̬̲̭͍͙̱͓̣̘Ų̵͎̑͞C̙̭̝̪̠̘̱͓̖̏̆̾̑ͦ̃͊͗͌K̪̭̘̲̯̲̘͎ͅI̵̋͢҉̲N̻͙͚͓͎̤̮̩̻̍ͭ̆̉͗͑͑̉͆̓́ͅG̭̯̜͉̻ͦͤ̊̂̆ ̨̣̳̙̫̳̼͈̟̖͉̞̜ͯͯ̔͐̔͗ͣ̔̉͛̊ͬ̕M̵̦̹͙̼̟͖͙͉͚̤̱͔̫̏͛̑ͦ͆̽̀̌͌ͦ̄̍̌͡͞A͙̥͈̬̣̞̗͎̪̱̝͂ͦ͐̾̀̐̂͒ͦ͌ͯ͞S̸̸͕̄K MOKEY EdQrinnGegY-00107-00020103-00020203 no mokey.. EdQrinnGegY-00108-00020203-00020313 don't listen to him. EdQrinnGegY-00109-00020360-00020615 Trust me. I'm Jesus Christ. EdQrinnGegY-00110-00020700-00020906 What do I do? Whatadoo? EdQrinnGegY-00111-00020906-00021329 just believe in me. don't put the mask mokey believe in me. EdQrinnGegY-00112-00021329-00021510 AND WISH ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY GODDAMMIT EdQrinnGegY-00113-00021510-00021609 JESUS ASCEND NOW EdQrinnGegY-00114-00021609-00021744 OH NO IT'S TOO LATE EdQrinnGegY-00115-00022470-00022520 Ho.. EdQrinnGegY-00116-00022563-00022613 GIVE ME THE MASK EdQrinnGegY-00117-00022660-00022721 GIMME THE- EdQrinnGegY-00118-00023583-00023794 YOU DID IT MOKEY! EdQrinnGegY-00119-00023794-00024042 YOU PUT THE MASK AFTER A EdQrinnGegY-00120-00024042-00024180 Fͥ͗ͬͫͯ͛ͥ̈́͑̀ͭ̒͏̪̤͉̬̲̭͍͙̱͓̣̘Ų̵͎̑͞C̙̭̝̪̠̘̱͓̖̏̆̾̑ͦ̃͊͗͌K̪̭̘̲̯̲̘͎ͅI̵̋͢҉̲N̻͙͚͓͎̤̮̩̻̍ͭ̆̉͗͑͑̉͆̓́ͅG̭̯̜͉̻ͦͤ̊̂̆ YEAR MOKEY! EdQrinnGegY-00121-00024304-00024354 you did it, mokey EdQrinnGegY-00122-00024407-00024457 you did it. EdQrinnGegY-00123-00024501-00024669 congratulations, mokey! EdQrinnGegY-00124-00024669-00024783 yeah, you did it. EdQrinnGegY-00125-00024854-00024915 Y̵̛̤͈̼͕͔̹̖̹͔̪̬͔͑̄̓̓̐͐ͥ̎͆̏͂̔̒ͨ̅͞ͅḘͥŚ͘͞ EdQrinnGegY-00126-00025105-00025206 merry krima! EdQrinnGegY-00127-00025208-00025302 HE PUNCH THE SANTA EdQrinnGegY-00128-00025302-00025396 OOOOOOOOOHHHH EdQrinnGegY-00129-00025396-00025512 MY OTHER EYE EdQrinnGegY-00130-00025645-00025766 HA hA H a EdQrinnGegY-00131-00025766-00025841 now, EdQrinnGegY-00132-00025878-00026010 NO ONE CAN STOP ME EdQrinnGegY-00133-00026022-00026115 he HA EdQrinnGegY-00134-00026136-00026302 KRRRRRRRRRIMA! EdQrinnGegY-00135-00026302-00026530 DON'T MOVE MOKEY HE HA EdQrinnGegY-00136-00026564-00026706 I CAN FINALLY KILL Y EdQrinnGegY-00137-00026706-00026756 KRIMA EdQrinnGegY-00138-00026756-00026895 BOOM EdQrinnGegY-00139-00027229-00027358 IIIIIIT IIIIIIIIS EdQrinnGegY-00140-00027369-00027569 No... please don't... EdQrinnGegY-00141-00027584-00027642 kima EdQrinnGegY-00142-00027657-00028018 how to make a chair (by HowToBasic) EdQrinnGegY-00143-00028045-00028156 WUT IS THIS?!?!?! EdQrinnGegY-00144-00028156-00028206 GASP EdQrinnGegY-00145-00028446-00028502 NO EdQrinnGegY-00146-00028502-00028552 N0- EdQrinnGegY-00147-00028808-00028910 CERTIFIED HAHA MOMENT EdQrinnGegY-00148-00028910-00029014 MERRY KRI EdQrinnGegY-00149-00029385-00029490 oh no.. EdQrinnGegY-00150-00029990-00030052 N̤͔͉͇̰͈̜̙̤͔͔̳͗͆ͦͦͫͨ̎̉ͨ̇̈̐O̩̮̬̠͎̰͔̺̺̩͚̻̓̔͐ͮͮ͛ͨ̐͒̈́̆ͩO̞Ȯ̮̙̮̼̰̲͕̠͙͕̯͎͎͑̂͐ͦͬ͐̅̇ͮͬͫ͐O̰̱̯ͧͮ͂O̞̬̞̦̹͚̲̩͂̒̽ͣ͂̂̏ͦ͢Õ̴̊͝҉̮̗O̘͍̩̝̘̞̺̲̫̪̪͉̬O̗̲̞͙̹̺̜O̺̫̘̝̥̟͔̪̠̳̠͊̌͗ͨ̊̂͒͆̿͊͊Oͧͧ̐̃͋ͭ̐̓̈́̿̊O̵̴̊ͮ͋͐ͯ̀ͥ̉ͨͤͦ̉͊̀O̦͇̹͈͉̜̣͇̦̻͖̘̩̲̺̓͌̂̋̑͋̈́͑̀ͥͥͣ͑͗̉O͔͚̫̟̘̜͔̦O͏̶̧̺̣̼̭̹̪͇͉-̦̠ EdQrinnGegY-00151-00030062-00031645 captions made by andifaimos EdQrinnGegY-00152-00031645-00031941 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO EeE4KZQ3_qg-00000-00000048-00000178 Hello everybody! EeE4KZQ3_qg-00001-00000178-00000616 Watch this video to find out how to replace a dead controller without losing data. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00002-00000616-00001059 How to import an external configuration, replace the controller with a different model, and EeE4KZQ3_qg-00004-00004102-00006079 In a modern IT environment, there could be several reasons why system administrators EeE4KZQ3_qg-00005-00006079-00006422 would like to change from one RAID controller to another. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00006-00006422-00006897 With the growing amounts of data to process, sooner or later its becomes necessary to expand EeE4KZQ3_qg-00007-00006897-00007382 the disk array, but often you cannot do it because of the old controller, and sometimes EeE4KZQ3_qg-00008-00007382-00007588 controllers may just fail. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00009-00007588-00008074 Whatever happens, there is one question to answer: can you migrate to a new device without EeE4KZQ3_qg-00010-00008074-00008174 losing data? EeE4KZQ3_qg-00011-00008174-00008724 Yes, you can, and there are at least two methods of migration: the difficult one, which requires EeE4KZQ3_qg-00012-00008724-00009159 you to make a backup copy of data, bring the disks to the new controller, reconfigure the EeE4KZQ3_qg-00013-00009159-00009631 array and recover data from the backup; and the simple one, where you just connect EeE4KZQ3_qg-00014-00009631-00010053 the drives to the new controller and import the external configuration. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00015-00010053-00010553 The second option involves a certain risk of data loss but lets you save a lot of time EeE4KZQ3_qg-00016-00010553-00010653 instead. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00017-00010653-00011100 Unfortunately, the varying methods used to store RAID configuration data make it impossible EeE4KZQ3_qg-00018-00011100-00011620 to transfer data between storage system of different manufacturers without data loss. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00019-00011620-00012058 The RAID configuration data is stored on the drives that make up the array. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00020-00012058-00012589 Usually, this information is located in the first or last sectors of each drive and is EeE4KZQ3_qg-00021-00012589-00012811 known as metadata. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00022-00012811-00013203 This metadata is written to the drives by the RAID controller’s firmware when the EeE4KZQ3_qg-00023-00013203-00013391 array is created. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00024-00013391-00013907 This configuration is duplicated on each of the drives, and all the service data is absolutely EeE4KZQ3_qg-00025-00013907-00014235 identical, except the drive number. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00026-00014235-00014702 That is why, when the drives are connected to a different controller, it should identify EeE4KZQ3_qg-00027-00014702-00015191 the old configuration and import it without losing data or reconfiguring partitions or EeE4KZQ3_qg-00028-00015191-00015307 arrays. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00029-00015307-00015750 RAID controller manufacturers use different approaches to storing this information. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00030-00015750-00016230 Let’s move on and find out how to select a proper replacement for your old controller. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00031-00016230-00016363 How to replace a RAID controller without losing data EeE4KZQ3_qg-00032-00016363-00016848 The first thing to remember is this: if you make changes to a RAID configuration or replace EeE4KZQ3_qg-00033-00016848-00017339 the adapter (or expansion) card, there is always a risk of data loss. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00034-00017339-00017854 To secure yourself against losing data from the RAID system, perform full backup and check EeE4KZQ3_qg-00035-00017854-00018089 it before you start the migration process. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00036-00018089-00018570 To replace a dead controller, it’s better to choose a device of the same model; if that EeE4KZQ3_qg-00037-00018570-00019070 is not possible or your model is outdated, you can choose a controller of the same brand EeE4KZQ3_qg-00038-00019070-00019223 but with a newer configuration. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00039-00019223-00019639 There should be no difficulties in replacing an expansion card with a device of the same EeE4KZQ3_qg-00040-00019639-00020079 model: the only thing you may have to do is to update its firmware. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00041-00020079-00020558 When replacing an older model with a new generation device from the same manufacturer, visit its EeE4KZQ3_qg-00042-00020558-00020992 official website to make sure if the new card supports the configuration used with the old EeE4KZQ3_qg-00043-00020992-00021093 one. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00044-00021093-00021893 The manufacturer’s website should contain a list of interchangeable and supported devices. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00045-00021893-00022871 https://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/04/campaigns/dell-raid-controllers?c=us&l=en&s=bsd I have a RAID 5 system consisting of three EeE4KZQ3_qg-00046-00022871-00023740 drives and based on a Dell controller, model PERC H310. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00047-00023740-00024969 For illustration, I’ll show you how to replace it with another device of the same manufacturer, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00048-00024969-00025214 model H710. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00049-00025214-00025694 There are several possible scenarios of how the storage system may behave after installation EeE4KZQ3_qg-00050-00025694-00025857 of the new controller. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00051-00025857-00026302 The first case is that the device imports the disk array automatically. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00052-00026302-00026732 When booting, the system will display the notification that a foreign configuration EeE4KZQ3_qg-00053-00026732-00027277 is found, and that you need to press a certain key to import it; in my case, that key is EeE4KZQ3_qg-00054-00027277-00028334 F. After that, the controller will automatically identify and load the previous configuration, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00055-00028334-00028750 and when the operating system has booted, you will find all the data just where it used EeE4KZQ3_qg-00056-00028750-00029161 to be. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00057-00029161-00029546 In the second scenario, you’re going to see a notification saying that the system EeE4KZQ3_qg-00058-00029546-00030083 found a foreign configuration, but it failed to load it automatically, and you can configure EeE4KZQ3_qg-00059-00030083-00030277 it by opening the controller BIOS. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00060-00030277-00031116 Do it by pressing the key shortcut displayed on the screen (С key or Ctrl+R). EeE4KZQ3_qg-00061-00031116-00031655 In the window that opens, select the upper line and press F2 for configuration, select EeE4KZQ3_qg-00062-00031655-00032236 “Foreign Config” and press “Enter,” and in the submenu that opens select “Import” EeE4KZQ3_qg-00063-00032236-00032630 to import an external configuration, or “Clear” to remove it. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00064-00032630-00032834 Of course, we select “Import.” EeE4KZQ3_qg-00065-00032834-00033397 It may take a few minutes before the configuration is processed, and after that the utility should EeE4KZQ3_qg-00066-00033397-00034240 display a list of virtual drives that used to be configured for this system. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00067-00034240-00034615 This is the end of the controller replacement procedure, and after you boot the operating EeE4KZQ3_qg-00068-00034615-00035127 system you can make sure that no information is lost, and all files are still where they EeE4KZQ3_qg-00069-00035127-00035352 should be. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00070-00035352-00035733 Here’s an important piece of advice. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00071-00035733-00036222 When connecting the drives to the new controller, make sure you connect them in the proper order. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00072-00036222-00036699 Yes, some controllers can import the configuration regardless of the order in which the disks EeE4KZQ3_qg-00073-00036699-00037215 are connected, but many don’t, so it is recommended to connect them in the same way EeE4KZQ3_qg-00074-00037215-00037399 they were connected to the old controller. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00075-00037399-00037865 If they were connected to the zero port of the old controller, with the new controller EeE4KZQ3_qg-00076-00037865-00038397 they should be connected to the same port, otherwise an attempt to import will end in EeE4KZQ3_qg-00077-00038397-00038649 failure and data will be lost. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00078-00038649-00039231 Also, you may have to change the controller firmware to the version used with the old EeE4KZQ3_qg-00079-00039231-00039343 controller, or update the firmware. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00080-00039343-00039499 How to replace your RAID controller with a similar model from a different manufacturer EeE4KZQ3_qg-00081-00039499-00039922 As I said earlier in this video, RAID controller manufacturers use different approaches to EeE4KZQ3_qg-00082-00039922-00040206 storing service information on the drives. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00083-00040206-00040680 So if you plan to replace the dead controller with a different model from another manufacturer, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00084-00040680-00040905 there are a few things to keep in mind. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00085-00040905-00041499 You need to know if new controller supports the general format of drive data (DDF), which EeE4KZQ3_qg-00086-00041499-00042006 DDF version it supports, and what order is used to write bytes and store information EeE4KZQ3_qg-00087-00042006-00042158 in the disk array. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00088-00042158-00042788 DDF (Disk Data Format) is the structure of formatting data in drive groups within a RAID EeE4KZQ3_qg-00089-00042788-00042888 system. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00090-00042888-00043290 It provides a basic level of interaction between various RAID vendors. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00091-00043290-00043769 The general DDF structure in RAID is very important because it ensures data migration EeE4KZQ3_qg-00092-00043769-00044177 between storage systems from different manufacturers without losing data. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00093-00044177-00044730 At the moment, it is available in two versions - 1.2 and 2.0. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00094-00044730-00045206 Various controller models and brands may support the first version, the second version, or EeE4KZQ3_qg-00095-00045206-00045716 both, so this is an important thing to find out when looking for a replacement. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00096-00045716-00046224 Another feature to pay attention to is the order or sequence of writing bytes. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00097-00046224-00046602 In computing, all information is represented in sequences of bytes. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00098-00046602-00047100 If a certain figure cannot be represented as one byte, it really matters in which order EeE4KZQ3_qg-00099-00047100-00047380 bytes will be written to the computer’s memory. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00100-00047380-00047906 With the exception of mixed and inverted orders, there are two main ways to write bytes, Big EeE4KZQ3_qg-00101-00047906-00048046 Endian and Little Endian. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00102-00048046-00048616 The first one (Big Endian) will write bytes left to right (it looks like this: the figure EeE4KZQ3_qg-00103-00048616-00049168 123 is written as 1,2,3). EeE4KZQ3_qg-00104-00049168-00049656 The second order (Little Endian) will write bytes in an inverse order, and the same figure EeE4KZQ3_qg-00105-00049656-00050161 123 will be written as 3,2,1. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00106-00050161-00050613 You can see it in detail with the help of a Hex editor. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00107-00050613-00051340 If the controller used to build a RAID system and write its data works with the first order EeE4KZQ3_qg-00108-00051340-00051776 of writing bytes, and then you replace it with a controller using the second order, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00109-00051776-00052109 you may have difficulties with importing the configuration. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00110-00052109-00052558 The import operation will either fail or the controller will be unable to identify the EeE4KZQ3_qg-00111-00052558-00052714 foreign configuration. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00112-00052714-00053214 In the course of testing, we managed to import an external configuration with the following EeE4KZQ3_qg-00113-00053214-00054404 Dell PERC controller models: H310, H330, H710, H830, so these devices can be replaced without EeE4KZQ3_qg-00114-00054404-00054594 risking loss of data. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00115-00054594-00055261 With RAID 5 based on Dell PERC H310, we managed to import the external configuration without EeE4KZQ3_qg-00116-00055261-00055648 loss of data to various models of the same manufacturer. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00117-00055648-00056372 As to third-party vendors, a controller Fujitsu D311 with LSI firmware detected the external EeE4KZQ3_qg-00118-00056372-00057026 configuration on the drives and suggested to import it during the first boot. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00119-00057026-00057432 After that, we opened the controller’s BIOS and saw that the previous configuration has EeE4KZQ3_qg-00120-00057432-00058588 not changed, and after the operating system booted, all the files in the disk array remained EeE4KZQ3_qg-00121-00058588-00058972 intact. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00122-00058972-00060004 However, in the case with a similar controller on LSI firmware, IBM ServeRAID M5016, we failed EeE4KZQ3_qg-00123-00060004-00060877 to import the external configuration, because the controller could not identify the configuration EeE4KZQ3_qg-00124-00060877-00061319 properly. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00125-00061319-00061942 When we tried to import a configuration from the controller Dell PERC H310 to the controller EeE4KZQ3_qg-00126-00061942-00062640 Adaptec ASR 6805T, the second controller encountered an error, and importing the configuration EeE4KZQ3_qg-00127-00062640-00062913 without losing data is impossible. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00128-00062913-00063627 If we compare their features, we can see that the Adaptec device supports DF version 2.0 EeE4KZQ3_qg-00129-00063627-00064136 and has a different write order for bytes, which is most likely the main reason of failure EeE4KZQ3_qg-00130-00064136-00064354 to import the configuration. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00131-00064354-00064838 Controllers produced by HP have their own structure of building RAID systems and writing EeE4KZQ3_qg-00132-00064838-00065075 data to the drives in the array. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00133-00065075-00065523 That is why there are little chances of success if you try to replace an HP controller with EeE4KZQ3_qg-00134-00065523-00065807 a controller of a different brand. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00135-00065807-00066274 If the disk array is a bootable one, and you replaced its controller with a different model, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00136-00066274-00066731 you may have to install an operating system driver for the new device, otherwise the whole EeE4KZQ3_qg-00137-00066731-00066945 system may refuse to boot. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00138-00066945-00067481 Also, you should take into account that not all RAID levels can be migrated to a different EeE4KZQ3_qg-00139-00067481-00068055 controller model; this applies to multilevel arrays like RAID 10, 50, 60 which include EeE4KZQ3_qg-00140-00068055-00068214 several groups of disks. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00141-00068214-00068685 If you are trying to import an external configuration and encounter an error, this could be caused EeE4KZQ3_qg-00142-00068685-00068926 by your RAID being a multilevel one. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00143-00068926-00069205 How to recover data if the controller is dead If you failed to find a replacement for a EeE4KZQ3_qg-00144-00069205-00069683 dead controller, but you still want to extract some important data from the drives, use a EeE4KZQ3_qg-00145-00069683-00070011 specialized tool to recover data from RAID systems. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00146-00070011-00070507 Hetman RAID Recovery can restore data from disks of a RAID system even if the controller EeE4KZQ3_qg-00147-00070507-00070643 is missing. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00148-00070643-00071024 The utility reads from the storage system all the information about the controller, EeE4KZQ3_qg-00149-00071024-00071497 the motherboard, or the software used to create a disk array, and then rebuilds the damaged EeE4KZQ3_qg-00150-00071497-00071597 RAID. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00151-00071597-00072193 After that, you’ll be able to scan it and recover the critically needed information. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00152-00072193-00072652 Conclusion The Drive Roaming feature or options to import EeE4KZQ3_qg-00153-00072652-00073108 an external configuration can be found in almost all modern controllers. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00154-00073108-00073463 That is why we may suppose that replacing one controller model with the other model EeE4KZQ3_qg-00155-00073463-00073811 by the same manufacturer should not cause any problems. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00156-00073811-00074238 If the device in question is pretty old, you should first check its compatibility by visiting EeE4KZQ3_qg-00157-00074238-00074456 the manufacturer’s official webpage. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00158-00074456-00074981 However, the best method be to transfer the information with the help of a backup copy EeE4KZQ3_qg-00159-00074981-00075380 - in that case, the successful result is guaranteed. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00160-00075380-00075514 That is all for now! EeE4KZQ3_qg-00161-00075514-00075679 Hopefully, this video was useful. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00162-00075679-00075947 Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00163-00075947-00076262 Push the bell button to receive notifications and never miss new videos. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00164-00076262-00076452 Leave comments to ask questions. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00165-00076452-00076552 Thank you for watching. EeE4KZQ3_qg-00166-00076552-00076604 Good luck. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00000-00000320-00000595 [music] EfJ9YaDiqvY-00001-00001118-00001403 The most visible providers of adult education EfJ9YaDiqvY-00002-00001404-00001781 are typically colleges, universities, and boards of education. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00003-00001782-00001946 As mentioned last week, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00004-00001947-00002243 while much of adult learning goes on in informal settings EfJ9YaDiqvY-00005-00002244-00002411 and by individuals on their own, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00006-00002413-00002854 formal adult education offered through traditional educational institutions EfJ9YaDiqvY-00007-00002856-00003075 tends to be the most recognizable. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00008-00003077-00003400 This video will provide an overview of adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00009-00003401-00003670 in Colleges, Universities, and Boards of Education. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00010-00003761-00004175 Based on the classifications systems that were presented in video clip 8.1, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00011-00004177-00004502 they could be considered Type II Agencies by Schroeder EfJ9YaDiqvY-00012-00004503-00004830 Educational Institutions by Darkenwald and Merriam, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00013-00004832-00005108 Type B Institutions by Kowlaski EfJ9YaDiqvY-00014-00005109-00005377 and tax-supported sponsors by Apps. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00015-00005378-00005781 During this video, please reflect on the following Analysis Questions. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00016-00005782-00006025 How would you classify adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00017-00006026-00006301 in colleges, universities and boards of education EfJ9YaDiqvY-00018-00006302-00006762 based on the classifications that were introduced on the video clip 8.1? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00019-00006763-00007134 What experience, if any, do you have learning as an adult EfJ9YaDiqvY-00020-00007136-00007426 in colleges, universities and boards of education? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00021-00007427-00007703 What is the scope and nature of adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00022-00007705-00008048 in colleges, universities and boards of education in Canada? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00023-00008050-00008332 And what are some of the similarities and differences EfJ9YaDiqvY-00024-00008334-00008688 of adult learning in colleges, universities and boards of education? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00025-00008690-00009099 Post-secondary education includes formal educational activities EfJ9YaDiqvY-00026-00009100-00009461 for which high school completion is the normal entrance requirement. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00027-00009462-00009728 Post-secondary education providers EfJ9YaDiqvY-00028-00009729-00010017 develop and deliver formal educational activities EfJ9YaDiqvY-00029-00010019-00010233 and award academic credentials. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00030-00010235-00010666 Despite considerable rhetoric around the importance of lifelong learning, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00031-00010667-00011009 the average age of Canadian college and university students EfJ9YaDiqvY-00032-00011010-00011316 has remained remarkably constant over the last 40 years EfJ9YaDiqvY-00033-00011317-00011599 and the age of a “typical” post-secondary student EfJ9YaDiqvY-00034-00011600-00011858 remains between 17 and 24. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00035-00011860-00012162 A recognized post-secondary institution in Canada EfJ9YaDiqvY-00036-00012164-00012401 is a private or public institution EfJ9YaDiqvY-00037-00012402-00012683 that has been given full authority to grant degrees, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00038-00012684-00012893 diplomas, and other credentials EfJ9YaDiqvY-00039-00012894-00013347 by a public or private act of the provincial or territory legislature EfJ9YaDiqvY-00040-00013348-00013731 or through a government-mandated quality assurance mechanism. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00041-00013733-00014093 Post-secondary education includes apprenticeship EfJ9YaDiqvY-00042-00014094-00014280 or trades certificates or diplomas, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00043-00014282-00014791 college, CEGEP or other non-university certificates or diplomas, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00044-00014793-00015234 university certificate or diplomas below the bachelor level, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00045-00015236-00015432 or a university degree. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00046-00015433-00015762 Post-secondary providers must be recognized as such, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00047-00015763-00015913 based on these factors – EfJ9YaDiqvY-00048-00015915-00016289 The first one is that education must be part of the provider's mission. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00049-00016291-00016675 The provider must offer programs that are available to – EfJ9YaDiqvY-00050-00016676-00017000 or they must be advertised to – the general public. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00051-00017002-00017361 So this would exclude, for example, businesses or hospitals EfJ9YaDiqvY-00052-00017362-00017648 that offer training exclusively to their own staff. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00053-00017649-00017936 The second requirement is recognition. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00054-00017937-00018158 And the provider must offer programs EfJ9YaDiqvY-00055-00018159-00018461 leading to degrees, diplomas, or certificates EfJ9YaDiqvY-00056-00018462-00018721 that are recognized by the academic community in Canada, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00057-00018723-00019158 by similar providers, by provincial or territorial governments EfJ9YaDiqvY-00058-00019159-00019520 or by appropriate professional or business organizations. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00059-00019522-00019719 The third requirement is membership. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00060-00019721-00020115 And this requires that the provider be a member of, or recognized by, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00061-00020116-00020460 a national accreditation or professional organization EfJ9YaDiqvY-00062-00020462-00020767 that is recognized by provincial or territory governments EfJ9YaDiqvY-00063-00020768-00020955 or by foreign governments. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00064-00020957-00021265 The fourth requirement is affiliation. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00065-00021266-00021693 The provider must be affiliated, associated or federated with, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00066-00021694-00021945 or owned by a recognized provider. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00067-00021946-00022197 And finally, the recognition by government. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00068-00022198-00022705 You need to be recognized by a province or by the Canadian Student Loans Program EfJ9YaDiqvY-00069-00022707-00023120 or other federally funded programs for supporting post-secondary programs. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00070-00023121-00023485 With very limited exceptions, post-secondary providers EfJ9YaDiqvY-00071-00023486-00023807 derive their authority to function and grant degrees from the province EfJ9YaDiqvY-00072-00023808-00023962 in which they are located. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00073-00023964-00024228 Early higher education institutions in Canada EfJ9YaDiqvY-00074-00024230-00024651 began as denominational schools organized by various religious groups EfJ9YaDiqvY-00075-00024652-00024815 in the 17th century. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00076-00024816-00025073 Among the universities that still exist today, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00077-00025075-00025508 McGill was founded in 1821, Queen's in 1840, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00078-00025510-00026025 the University of Toronto in 1849, and Laval University in 1852. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00079-00026027-00026247 The period after the Second World War EfJ9YaDiqvY-00080-00026248-00026485 is generally known as a time of huge expansion EfJ9YaDiqvY-00081-00026486-00026742 of the entire post-secondary education sector, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00082-00026744-00026953 which saw increasing government involvement EfJ9YaDiqvY-00083-00026954-00027233 in both the regulation and funding of higher education, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00084-00027234-00027560 with the secularization of many denominational schools. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00085-00027561-00028018 Today, almost all Canadian universities are secular institutions EfJ9YaDiqvY-00086-00028019-00028227 established under provincial legislation. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00087-00028228-00028487 They were created primarily for the purpose EfJ9YaDiqvY-00088-00028489-00028800 of offering degree programs and to conduct research. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00089-00028801-00029066 They are autonomous corporations, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00090-00029067-00029257 but are "public" in the sense that they receive EfJ9YaDiqvY-00091-00029259-00029607 the lion's share of their revenues from provincial operating grants. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00092-00029608-00030000 Despite the fact that education is a provincial responsibility, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00093-00030001-00030219 the federal government has played a major role EfJ9YaDiqvY-00094-00030220-00030519 in the development of higher education in Canada. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00095-00030521-00030699 For the most part, the federal government EfJ9YaDiqvY-00096-00030700-00031057 has responsibility for research, training, and economic development. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00097-00031182-00031491 There was a general expectation that the trend towards lifelong learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00098-00031493-00031782 would drive higher university enrolment demand EfJ9YaDiqvY-00099-00031783-00031978 from adults over 35, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00100-00031979-00032266 however current trends do not support this hypothesis. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00101-00032267-00032512 Although the number of students in this age group EfJ9YaDiqvY-00102-00032514-00032708 has tripled in the last 30 years EfJ9YaDiqvY-00103-00032709-00033153 from 6,000 in 1980 to more than 18,000 in 2010, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00104-00033154-00033487 their share of all full-time undergraduate students EfJ9YaDiqvY-00105-00033488-00033640 has remained at two percent. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00106-00033641-00034107 In 2010, six out of seven, or 86 percent of students EfJ9YaDiqvY-00107-00034108-00034331 studying full-time at the undergraduate level EfJ9YaDiqvY-00108-00034332-00034516 were under the age of 25. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00109-00034517-00034997 In 2010, approximately 24 percent of undergraduate students EfJ9YaDiqvY-00110-00034998-00035151 were studying part-time, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00111-00035153-00035476 and 60 percent of part-time students were over the age of 25, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00112-00035477-00035788 compared to 13 percent of full-time students. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00113-00035789-00036238 Continuing education is also established at most Canadian universities, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00114-00036240-00036520 and it includes all forms of continuing education EfJ9YaDiqvY-00115-00036521-00036677 offered by a university, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00116-00036678-00036976 including not only single courses or entire programs EfJ9YaDiqvY-00117-00036978-00037246 but also single events such as presentations, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00118-00037247-00037412 conferences, and workshops. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00119-00037413-00037604 In most instances, however, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00120-00037606-00037899 university continuing education is used more narrowly EfJ9YaDiqvY-00121-00037901-00038158 to mean courses, programs, and other offerings EfJ9YaDiqvY-00122-00038159-00038433 delivered by special units within the university, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00123-00038435-00038732 called University Extension, Continuing Education, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00124-00038734-00038974 Continuing Studies, or something similar. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00125-00038975-00039236 According to the Association of Universities EfJ9YaDiqvY-00126-00039238-00039467 and Colleges of Canada in 2009, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00127-00039469-00039726 there were more than 400,000 adults enrolled EfJ9YaDiqvY-00128-00039727-00040029 in credit and non-credit continuing education courses EfJ9YaDiqvY-00129-00040030-00040246 offered at Canadian universities. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00130-00040247-00040654 Many of the continuing education courses lead to a degree or certificate EfJ9YaDiqvY-00131-00040655-00040956 and are aimed at adults looking to upgrade their education EfJ9YaDiqvY-00132-00040958-00041147 or learn new skills. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00133-00041149-00041541 Some universities, such as Simon Fraser University in Vancouver EfJ9YaDiqvY-00134-00041542-00041820 and the University of Western Ontario in London, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00135-00041821-00042104 have campuses dedicated almost exclusively EfJ9YaDiqvY-00136-00042106-00042256 to continuing education. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00137-00042334-00042614 Canada’s colleges are geographically dispersed EfJ9YaDiqvY-00138-00042615-00042938 and are present in over 900 communities across Canada. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00139-00042940-00043194 Canadian Colleges are created under the authority EfJ9YaDiqvY-00140-00043195-00043369 of a province's college’s act, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00141-00043370-00043682 and primarily offer certificate, diploma, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00142-00043683-00044135 and transfer or continuing education and professional development programs EfJ9YaDiqvY-00143-00044136-00044370 requiring less than three years of full-time study. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00144-00044371-00044804 Canadian Colleges also provide literacy and academic upgrading programs, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00145-00044806-00045094 pre-employment and pre-apprenticeship programs, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00146-00045096-00045451 and then the in-class portions of registered apprenticeship programs. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00147-00045452-00045954 In addition, a wide variety of workshops, short programs, and upgrades EfJ9YaDiqvY-00148-00045956-00046122 for skilled workers and professionals EfJ9YaDiqvY-00149-00046124-00046299 are also made available through Colleges. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00150-00046363-00046639 Colleges are mandated to be closely tied to their communities EfJ9YaDiqvY-00151-00046640-00046939 and to act quickly to foresee and meet the changing knowledge and skills EfJ9YaDiqvY-00152-00046940-00047108 of their regions. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00153-00047109-00047394 Diplomas are generally awarded for successful completion EfJ9YaDiqvY-00154-00047395-00047598 of two and three year college programs, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00155-00047600-00047904 while certificate programs usually take up to one year. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00156-00047905-00048173 University degrees and applied degrees EfJ9YaDiqvY-00157-00048174-00048332 are also offered in some colleges, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00158-00048334-00048681 and others provide university transfer programs. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00159-00048682-00049113 In Quebec, Cégeps offer a choice of two-year academic programs EfJ9YaDiqvY-00160-00049114-00049336 that are a prerequisite for university study EfJ9YaDiqvY-00161-00049337-00049637 or three-year technical programs that prepare students EfJ9YaDiqvY-00162-00049638-00049976 for the labour market or for further post-secondary study. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00163-00049978-00050252 Canada also has private colleges, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00164-00050253-00050504 often referred to as career or business colleges EfJ9YaDiqvY-00165-00050506-00050715 or private training institutions, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00166-00050716-00051145 which may be licensed or unlicensed by provincial or territory governments. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00167-00051146-00051518 These colleges provide professional and vocational training for profit. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00168-00051519-00051704 In some jurisdictions, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00169-00051706-00051964 these private colleges may receive some public funding, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00170-00051965-00052325 but they are funded mainly through tuition fees charged to students. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00171-00052327-00052698 In addition, many public, Catholic and francophone EfJ9YaDiqvY-00172-00052699-00052874 district school boards in Canada EfJ9YaDiqvY-00173-00052875-00053222 whose primary mandate is elementary and secondary education EfJ9YaDiqvY-00174-00053224-00053615 also offer a broad range of programs directed at adults. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00175-00053617-00053957 School board adult education programs are typically offered EfJ9YaDiqvY-00176-00053958-00054203 as evening or weekend activities in high schools. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00177-00054205-00054603 Sometimes they are also offered at facilities specifically designated EfJ9YaDiqvY-00178-00054604-00054986 as adult high schools or, in a few cases, at community colleges. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00179-00054988-00055357 These programs offered may be credit-free or non-credit, EfJ9YaDiqvY-00180-00055358-00055602 academic upgrading, or vocational training. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00181-00055604-00055897 Please reflect on the following Synthesis Questions. EfJ9YaDiqvY-00182-00055898-00056272 What classification system from video clip 8.1 EfJ9YaDiqvY-00183-00056274-00056590 do you find most useful for classifying adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00184-00056591-00056851 in colleges, universities and boards of education? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00185-00056852-00057223 What experience, if any, do you have learning as an adult EfJ9YaDiqvY-00186-00057224-00057522 in colleges, universities and boards of education? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00187-00057524-00057865 How does this compare to other adult learning experiences you've had? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00188-00057866-00058167 What is the scope and nature of adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00189-00058169-00058488 in colleges, universities and boards of education in Canada? EfJ9YaDiqvY-00190-00058490-00058834 And what are some of the similarities and differences of adult learning EfJ9YaDiqvY-00191-00058836-00059149 in colleges, universities and boards of education? ElZHDKtt4bg-00000-00000231-00000720 Here we are zooming into the Southern Ring planetary nebula 2 000 light years away. ElZHDKtt4bg-00001-00000880-00001232 A planetary nebula is the remains of a star like our sun ElZHDKtt4bg-00002-00001304-00001592 after it has run out of hydrogen fuel for fusion. ElZHDKtt4bg-00003-00001920-00002416 This side-by-side comparison shows Webb's observations in near-infrared light on the left, ElZHDKtt4bg-00004-00002496-00003208 and mid-infrared light on the right. The Southern Ring has a binary star system at its center. ElZHDKtt4bg-00005-00003311-00004000 One is a white dwarf. The brighter star in both images has not yet run out of fuel. It closely ElZHDKtt4bg-00006-00004000-00004464 orbits the dimmer white dwarf impacting the distribution of the injected material. ElZHDKtt4bg-00007-00004616-00005208 Over thousands of years on its path to becoming a white dwarf, the dim star periodically ejected ElZHDKtt4bg-00008-00005208-00005960 mass that now forms the visible shells of material. In cyclic fashion it contracted, ElZHDKtt4bg-00009-00005960-00006616 heated up and pulsed spewing stellar material in all directions creating this beautiful landscape. ElZHDKtt4bg-00010-00006856-00007512 This is not only a crisp image of a planetary nebula, it also shows us objects in the vast ElZHDKtt4bg-00011-00007512-00008072 distance of space behind it. The transparent red sections of the planetary nebula, ElZHDKtt4bg-00012-00008144-00008784 and all the areas outside, are filled with distant galaxies. Distant spirals with many shapes and ElZHDKtt4bg-00013-00008784-00009440 colors also dot the scene. Those that are furthest away or those that are dusty are small and red. ElZHDKtt4bg-00014-00009576-00011200 Note the bright angled line at the upper left. It's a far away galaxy seen edge on. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00000-00000050-00002055 [ Music ] EmKVpTn6Fxo-00001-00002105-00002299 >> Now, it happened on a Sunday afternoon. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00002-00002393-00002931 Mr. Utterson, who is an attorney, and his cousin, Richard Enfield, EmKVpTn6Fxo-00003-00003067-00003674 they were out for their weekly stroll through the busy streets of London. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00004-00003923-00004718 And they noticed that the store, a shabby door, and he remembered a situation, EmKVpTn6Fxo-00005-00004756-00005119 a strange story that happened some time ago, and he wanted to tell Utterson. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00006-00005119-00005377 And he said it was a cold winter morning. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00007-00005432-00006083 And he noticed a man running out that door and ran into a young girl. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00008-00006083-00006328 He trampled over the top, and kept running. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00009-00006456-00007109 Richard had seen this, and ran up to the man to get the man, and found his name to be Mr. Hyde. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00010-00007168-00007848 The girl's family was so upset with this man, and they were disgusted by his appearance. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00011-00007852-00008200 They demanded that he pay a $100 fine. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00012-00008260-00008356 Hyde accepted. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00013-00008469-00008842 He went back through that same door, to get the money. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00014-00008842-00009470 Now, he got a check, and that check was signed by a well-known citizen. EmKVpTn6Fxo-00015-00009553-00009970 Utterson asked him, "Are you remembering this story correctly? EmKVpTn6Fxo-00016-00009970-00010131 Because I've heard of Mr. Hyde." EmKVpTn6Fxo-00017-00010289-00011110 Utterson said that that door is connected to the house of his friend, Dr. Jekyll. EmbwK54NM4c-00000-00000000-00000076 Hi Friends! EmbwK54NM4c-00001-00000110-00000314 This is WAHFYS EmbwK54NM4c-00002-00000526-00001128 today we will teach you how to monetize your youtube videos using Google Adsense EnIFKieVt6Q-00000-00000000-00000689 This Is My First Salute! And This Salute Will Be On Annoying Orange! But Anyways, Enjoy! EnIFKieVt6Q-00001-00000689-00001638 Annoying Orange, Wow! This Show Rocks! This Show Involves An Orange Name Called "Orange" And He Likes To Go On Awesome Adventures Together! EnIFKieVt6Q-00002-00001638-00001937 I'll Tell The Reasons Why I Likes This Show! EnIFKieVt6Q-00003-00001937-00002194 1. Orange Is Nice! EnIFKieVt6Q-00004-00002194-00002420 2. Pear Is Awesome! EnIFKieVt6Q-00005-00002420-00002688 3. Midget Apple Is Cool! EnIFKieVt6Q-00006-00002688-00002995 4. Marshmallow Is Amazing! EnIFKieVt6Q-00007-00002995-00003257 5. Grapefruit Is Funny! EnIFKieVt6Q-00008-00003257-00003555 6. Passion Perfect! EnIFKieVt6Q-00009-00003555-00003858 7. Grandpa Lemon Is Good! EnIFKieVt6Q-00010-00003858-00004187 And 8. This Show Is The Best Show Ever! EnIFKieVt6Q-00011-00004187-00004640 Sadly That Show Got Cancelled On Jan 12, 2010! EnIFKieVt6Q-00012-00004640-00005283 Do You Know Who Likes This Show? My Fans! They Want To Enjoy This Show But Yes! They Do! EnIFKieVt6Q-00013-00005283-00005678 So Annoying Orange Rocks! And So Does Sunny Day! EnIFKieVt6Q-00014-00005678-00006123 Beat Bugs Is 100 Billion Times Worser! End Of Salute! F0QKX3rb4NU-00000-00000000-00000440 Hi guys it's Amy here and today we're going to be looking at blackboard tests and how we can take F0QKX3rb4NU-00001-00000440-00001048 these as a student. So, in my course here I'm just going to go and open up my folder where I know F0QKX3rb4NU-00002-00001048-00001655 the test is and I'll be able to take the test, and I can see already on this test the due date F0QKX3rb4NU-00003-00001655-00002072 and a time limit so if there's any information like that before you take the test you can F0QKX3rb4NU-00004-00002072-00002728 actually read this from the outside. So, if I just click onto the title this will take me F0QKX3rb4NU-00005-00002728-00003128 into the test so again, I get the repeat here I can even see now F0QKX3rb4NU-00006-00003128-00003624 attempt so I have two attempts on this test so if I don't pass the first time, I know I've got a F0QKX3rb4NU-00007-00003624-00004104 second attempt so just go down to the bottom and choose where it says start attempt one. F0QKX3rb4NU-00008-00004320-00004824 And I also have to start the timer because this one does have 10 minutes to complete my submission F0QKX3rb4NU-00009-00004824-00005336 so hit start timer from this point now I just have to take the test F0QKX3rb4NU-00010-00005336-00005872 um so this one is an essay style question so if I click into the editor here I've got all these F0QKX3rb4NU-00011-00005872-00006464 different editing options I can add things like tables I can even attach files add my own images F0QKX3rb4NU-00012-00006544-00007240 and media from the web if I need to but in many cases you're probably just going to type in an F0QKX3rb4NU-00013-00007240-00007920 essay question so you can just add your text here. This is a matching question so it's just F0QKX3rb4NU-00014-00007920-00008616 a case of reading the question and getting the correct answers for the matches that it requires, F0QKX3rb4NU-00015-00008616-00009168 so you would just go through the test as though you are taking it. Down at the bottom you'll be F0QKX3rb4NU-00016-00009168-00009680 able to see your time remaining so at the moment I have nine minutes remaining once I'm happy with F0QKX3rb4NU-00017-00009680-00010408 my test I will hit submit this will then submit that test and that is my first attempt done. So, F0QKX3rb4NU-00018-00010408-00011000 I'll have to then wait for this to be marked and because it has essay questions so if your test F0QKX3rb4NU-00019-00011000-00011648 just has multiple choice and there are no essay questions it will usually be automatically marked F0QKX3rb4NU-00020-00011648-00012064 if it does have essay questions, you'll have to wait for your lecturer to mark it. F0QKX3rb4NU-00021-00012168-00012480 Once my lecturer has let me know that they've finished all their marking and F0QKX3rb4NU-00022-00012480-00012944 they've posted the grades I can actually just go straight up to the grade centre button here, F0QKX3rb4NU-00023-00013072-00013768 and I'll be able to see under that assessment the score I received um so this might say achieved, F0QKX3rb4NU-00024-00013768-00014360 passed, complete, it could be a score depending on how your lecturer is doing their grading F0QKX3rb4NU-00025-00014360-00014752 you'll see different things in this area but from this I can tell with this nice green colour and F0QKX3rb4NU-00026-00014752-00015376 full marks I have passed so that's how we can do a test submit a test and check our grades. F97cD9GbfLy-00000-00000056-00000585 one of my favorite songs of all time and this is gonna tell you my age by the F97cD9GbfLy-00001-00000585-00001163 way it's Lawrence of Arabia now there's an amazing thing in Lawrence F97cD9GbfLy-00002-00001163-00001928 where Gasim one of his men gets lost in the in the food desert now Lawrence F97cD9GbfLy-00003-00001928-00002475 being Lawrence wants to go and pick him up bring him back and Sheriff Ali his F97cD9GbfLy-00004-00002475-00003105 lieutenant tells him listen you never gonna find him alive he's dead and he's F97cD9GbfLy-00005-00003105-00003911 dead if Maktoob is fate is written Lawrence of course disregards and in the F97cD9GbfLy-00006-00003911-00004380 next scene he appears carrying the poor Gasim alive F97cD9GbfLy-00007-00004380-00005225 battered but alive and Sheriff Ali says for some people nothing is written F97cD9GbfLy-00008-00005225-00006032 unless they write it and I love that quote because even though is a quote fed F97cD9GbfLy-00009-00006032-00006818 by a Muslim to a Christian is a very Jewish quote because Jews we don't F97cD9GbfLy-00010-00006818-00007272 believe in faith we don't think that there's something that's going to happen F97cD9GbfLy-00011-00007272-00007884 to you regardless of how you act we think that faith is what happens to you F97cD9GbfLy-00012-00007884-00008536 unless you act and this week I'm learning to love that quote even more F97cD9GbfLy-00013-00008536-00009482 because Israel at 70 is a story of people defying faith of people being F97cD9GbfLy-00014-00009482-00009954 told is impossible and doing it nevertheless of people writing their own F97cD9GbfLy-00015-00009954-00010410 story at this very stage a few years ago Shimon Peres F97cD9GbfLy-00016-00010410-00011135 said that the biggest gift that the Jewish people gave to humanity was F97cD9GbfLy-00017-00011135-00011925 dissatisfaction Jews are the people that not accept the status quo from Abraham F97cD9GbfLy-00018-00011925-00012903 to Moses from Einstein to ben-gurion we are here to change the world and this F97cD9GbfLy-00019-00012903-00013344 rejection of faith is at the core of philanthropy F97cD9GbfLy-00020-00013344-00013897 because we don't just say well you know the poor are just fated to be poor or F97cD9GbfLy-00021-00013897-00014868 we're fated to suffer anti-semitism we we reject it we do philanthropy because F97cD9GbfLy-00022-00014868-00015300 we think we can change things we can change people's lives and we can change F97cD9GbfLy-00023-00015300-00015783 the world this country is full of examples of how philanthropy can change F97cD9GbfLy-00024-00015783-00016254 reality now if through both philanthropic F97cD9GbfLy-00025-00016254-00017049 visions countries can change their faith the same is true for individuals people F97cD9GbfLy-00026-00017049-00017643 can alter what appears to be an inescapable destiny through the F97cD9GbfLy-00027-00017643-00018327 philanthropy of others you know I wasn't fated my fate wasn't to be here with you F97cD9GbfLy-00028-00018327-00018819 today my fate probably was to live in squalor in some F97cD9GbfLy-00029-00018819-00019569 poor Buenos Aires shanty town if I am here today and I didn't die like my F97cD9GbfLy-00030-00019569-00020124 grandfather at 39 or my father at 47 because of the conditions in which they F97cD9GbfLy-00031-00020124-00020880 live is because of mainly two things an eshet chayil of a mother who refused to F97cD9GbfLy-00032-00020880-00021585 surrender to our fate and a community that had a bold vision and an in F97cD9GbfLy-00033-00021585-00022398 imaginable dream that no Jewish kid in Argentina was going to be left to his or F97cD9GbfLy-00034-00022398-00023345 her fate I am here today because of people that did not accept fate as a F97cD9GbfLy-00035-00023345-00023892 given and because of who I am and because of knowing what philanthropy can F97cD9GbfLy-00036-00023892-00024456 achieve for people for individuals and for country it drives me Meshuga F97cD9GbfLy-00037-00024456-00025263 when philanthropy does not maximize its potential and I'm not alone lately there F97cD9GbfLy-00038-00025263-00025713 seems to be a sort of malaise around philanthropy a lot of folks have great F97cD9GbfLy-00039-00025713-00026376 ideas and bold visions but at the same time they doubt whether philanthropy can F97cD9GbfLy-00040-00026376-00026693 really produce change they believe that the problems F97cD9GbfLy-00041-00026693-00027178 the world have become too difficult too intractable for philanthropy to have an F97cD9GbfLy-00042-00027178-00027841 impact and that's understandable after billions of dollars that we pour into F97cD9GbfLy-00043-00027841-00028541 philanthropy many of the world problems remain unchanged in a recent survey the F97cD9GbfLy-00044-00028541-00029336 Center for effective philanthropy discovered that only 13% of CEOs of F97cD9GbfLy-00045-00029336-00029906 major foundations in the United States think that philanthropy collectively is F97cD9GbfLy-00046-00029906-00030625 changing society think about it 87% of funders think that philanthropy F97cD9GbfLy-00047-00030625-00031219 is falling short of its potential and you know to a certain extent one can F97cD9GbfLy-00048-00031219-00031706 understand them because if we were so good in our philanthropy the world would F97cD9GbfLy-00049-00031706-00032202 look very different than it is today we wouldn't have war we wouldn't have F97cD9GbfLy-00050-00032202-00032807 hunger we would have cure cancer Alzheimer hemorrhoids whatever it would F97cD9GbfLy-00051-00032807-00033588 be a very different world but being an optimist against my better judgment I F97cD9GbfLy-00052-00033588-00034238 would rather approach this reality not by focusing on those that don't change F97cD9GbfLy-00053-00034238-00034574 the world but focusing on the philanthropies that do change reality F97cD9GbfLy-00054-00034574-00035609 that do change the world and many of you are here those funders managed to change F97cD9GbfLy-00055-00035609-00036236 reality and they don't have to be big funders investing millions they can also F97cD9GbfLy-00056-00036236-00036725 be small funders that have a creative idea that then if pilot and get F97cD9GbfLy-00057-00036725-00037309 replicated and scaled higher now what do these funders have in common what do the F97cD9GbfLy-00058-00037309-00037703 funders that really move the needle have in common F97cD9GbfLy-00059-00037703-00038399 what's their secret sauce what what differentiates a bold vision that F97cD9GbfLy-00060-00038399-00039172 remains just a dream from a bold vision that becomes a reality many things but F97cD9GbfLy-00061-00039172-00039961 one stands out above all of them all these funders reject simple answers and F97cD9GbfLy-00062-00039961-00040586 embrace complexity it's becoming a truism already that the world has become F97cD9GbfLy-00063-00040586-00041033 terribly complex you know think about thinking about the complexity of the F97cD9GbfLy-00064-00041033-00041659 world I feel like that guy in the deck of the Titanic was drinking a whiskey F97cD9GbfLy-00065-00041659-00042181 and said I know I asked for ice but this is ridiculous F97cD9GbfLy-00066-00042181-00042965 how how nice it would be if the world was all neat and simple if every problem F97cD9GbfLy-00067-00042965-00043508 had a clear solution if all the chips fell into place all the time well in F97cD9GbfLy-00068-00043508-00044258 case you haven't noticed it is not so when facing complexity we have two F97cD9GbfLy-00069-00044258-00045013 options we can ignore it we can run away or we can understand that there is no F97cD9GbfLy-00070-00045013-00045602 other way than wrestling with the complexity of the world the field of F97cD9GbfLy-00071-00045602-00046127 complexity always leads us to magical thinking what happening in politics is F97cD9GbfLy-00072-00046127-00046751 that because people cannot cope with the complexity of the world they go to F97cD9GbfLy-00073-00046751-00047315 simple answer to populist answers that promise them an easy answer to issues F97cD9GbfLy-00074-00047315-00048002 that can never have an easy answer as a global network celebrating 70 years F97cD9GbfLy-00075-00048002-00048590 of the State of Israel no issue illustrates better that complexity that F97cD9GbfLy-00076-00048590-00049234 the relation between Israel and the Jewish world now there can never be an F97cD9GbfLy-00077-00049234-00049909 easy solution for that because there is no precedent in the world for a people F97cD9GbfLy-00078-00049909-00050446 dispersed and exiled for 2,000 years coming together to create a F97cD9GbfLy-00079-00050446-00051058 state that is not only a state of all its citizens but also a state of a F97cD9GbfLy-00080-00051058-00051682 dispersed people how can it be an easy solution for something that is a new F97cD9GbfLy-00081-00051682-00052361 experiment in the history of humanity now embracing complexity promises a hard F97cD9GbfLy-00082-00052361-00052976 life t of permanent wrestling and adjusting and forcing you to be F97cD9GbfLy-00083-00052976-00053783 flexible but ignoring complexity will end either in irrelevance or in F97cD9GbfLy-00084-00053783-00054355 catastrophe our tradition the Jewish tradition teaches us to live in that F97cD9GbfLy-00085-00054355-00055019 tension to embrace that complexity to wrestle with that complexity day in and F97cD9GbfLy-00086-00055019-00055682 day out and that's maybe why we're called Israel the one who wrestles so F97cD9GbfLy-00087-00055682-00056095 all of us have different missions and different interests F97cD9GbfLy-00088-00056095-00056807 so we face different complexities but there are things that we can do to live F97cD9GbfLy-00089-00056807-00057316 with that complexity and I want to suggest five things that we can do to F97cD9GbfLy-00090-00057316-00058201 embrace complexity better first in the Jewish and Israeli context embracing F97cD9GbfLy-00091-00058201-00058930 complexity means accepting the basic diversity of the Jewish people many of F97cD9GbfLy-00092-00058930-00059522 us - too many of us would prefer a Jewish world that only have people that are F97cD9GbfLy-00093-00059522-00060422 like me that think like me that looked like me you know the Orthodox some in F97cD9GbfLy-00094-00060422-00060757 the Orthodox world some in the right say well the liberal Jews don't count F97cD9GbfLy-00095-00060757-00061175 because they're all affiliated and they're disengaged anyway some in the F97cD9GbfLy-00096-00061175-00061499 liberal camp say well the Orthodox don't count they are a relic from ancient F97cD9GbfLy-00097-00061499-00061930 times sooner or later they're gonna disappear well you know what I have news F97cD9GbfLy-00098-00061930-00062605 for them nobody is disappearing we are stuck with one another and it's good F97cD9GbfLy-00099-00062605-00063129 that were stuck with one another because those that don't understand the F97cD9GbfLy-00100-00063129-00063860 essential complexity and diversity of the Jewish people don't realize that we F97cD9GbfLy-00101-00063860-00064414 are like a mosaic that it's only beautiful when it has different pieces F97cD9GbfLy-00102-00064414-00065002 of different colors or like a diamond there is more valuable than more facets F97cD9GbfLy-00103-00065002-00065519 we have I'm sure you know the joke of the jewish robinson crusoe you know F97cD9GbfLy-00104-00065519-00065944 right he they come to rescue him a Jewish Robinson Crusoe stranded in an F97cD9GbfLy-00105-00065944-00066370 island they come to rescue him and he shows very proud all the things that he F97cD9GbfLy-00106-00066370-00066656 built alone in the island he says this is my house F97cD9GbfLy-00107-00066656-00067262 this is my workshop that building there that's my synagogue and the rescuer F97cD9GbfLy-00108-00067262-00067691 asked and that building over there oh that's another synagogue but I would F97cD9GbfLy-00109-00067691-00068261 never set foot on that one now traditionally this joke is interpreted F97cD9GbfLy-00110-00068261-00068816 as as a demonstration of how fractious and how divided the Jewish people is but F97cD9GbfLy-00111-00068816-00069380 for me it's the opposite think about it even though he would never go to that F97cD9GbfLy-00112-00069380-00070223 synagogue it was important for him that it was there my friends we Jewish F97cD9GbfLy-00113-00070223-00070757 funders work with these Jewish people with this Israeli society with the real F97cD9GbfLy-00114-00070757-00071489 one not with the one that the prophets of exclusion keep imagining so we need F97cD9GbfLy-00115-00071489-00072080 to embrace that diversity and that complexity because diversity is a F97cD9GbfLy-00116-00072080-00072880 guarantee of creativity and the best antidote we have against entropy second F97cD9GbfLy-00117-00072880-00073553 being effective in complex times demands that we become relentless question F97cD9GbfLy-00118-00073553-00074204 askers and that's not easy because our society values those that have the F97cD9GbfLy-00119-00074204-00074660 strong answers those that they seem always to be infallible and know what F97cD9GbfLy-00120-00074660-00074999 there is to do even though they are consistently wrong but that doesn't F97cD9GbfLy-00121-00074999-00075389 matter because we live in what neurologist Thomas Burton called a F97cD9GbfLy-00122-00075389-00075791 certainty epidemic everybody is certain of what they know F97cD9GbfLy-00123-00075791-00076505 you know children ask questions adults don't they are conditioned to know that F97cD9GbfLy-00124-00076505-00076952 it is not good to ask questions it's good to have all the answers we value F97cD9GbfLy-00125-00076952-00077383 the strong leader who has all the answers and let me tell you something a F97cD9GbfLy-00126-00077383-00077942 leader who has all the answers is a strong leader in the same way that F97cD9GbfLy-00127-00077942-00078698 cyanide is a strong drink to be to be truly strong leader in these complex F97cD9GbfLy-00128-00078698-00079466 times the most important skill a funder can have is to ask questions to ask F97cD9GbfLy-00129-00079466-00080269 questions and challenge the status quo and that forced us to look at things in F97cD9GbfLy-00130-00080269-00080719 a different way you all know what deja vu is right you look you go to a F97cD9GbfLy-00131-00080719-00081076 place that you've never seen before and it sounds oh it looks to you oddly F97cD9GbfLy-00132-00081076-00081466 familiar well I want to propose that we do something different we do the inverse F97cD9GbfLy-00133-00081466-00082051 the vuja de in other words take something that is very familiar and look F97cD9GbfLy-00134-00082051-00082711 at it anew that's a way of questioning your reality when was the last time that F97cD9GbfLy-00135-00082711-00083368 you put a question mark after your most strongly held belief believe me is a F97cD9GbfLy-00136-00083368-00084001 terrifying exercise but it's so necessary in times like this what ruins F97cD9GbfLy-00137-00084001-00084624 the world is not too much criticism but the absence of self-criticism F97cD9GbfLy-00138-00084624-00085320 those who never change their mind never change anything the third point I want F97cD9GbfLy-00139-00085320-00085981 to make and you know me I repeat this over and over and over in complex F97cD9GbfLy-00140-00085981-00086676 situations to be effective we have to collaborate collaborate collaboration F97cD9GbfLy-00141-00086676-00087562 partnership networking is not anymore and nice to have is a basic necessity F97cD9GbfLy-00142-00087562-00087882 you know the joke of the factory owner whose production line line breaks and F97cD9GbfLy-00143-00087882-00088243 he's losing millions of dollars every day so he goes and looks for the world F97cD9GbfLy-00144-00088243-00088792 expert in that type of machine the guy comes and in a nonchalant way takes a F97cD9GbfLy-00145-00088792-00089133 screwdriver turns the screw and tells him F97cD9GbfLy-00146-00089133-00089598 voila it works you owe me a hundred thousand dollars and the guy tells F97cD9GbfLy-00147-00089598-00090166 $100,000 for turning a screw no no turning that screw is $1.00 knowing F97cD9GbfLy-00148-00090166-00090763 which screw to turn is 99 thousand so we are a little bit like this F97cD9GbfLy-00149-00090763-00091312 industrialists sometimes we keep turning the wrong screw and in very complex F97cD9GbfLy-00150-00091312-00091849 times we need to make sure that different members of the ecosystem F97cD9GbfLy-00151-00091849-00092413 different parts of the system are turning different screws which are the F97cD9GbfLy-00152-00092413-00092905 problems which are the ways in which we can affect reality the more screws we F97cD9GbfLy-00153-00092905-00093866 turn the more impact we are going to have and collaboration F97cD9GbfLy-00154-00093866-00094414 is not only funding together although that's fine it's not you fund my project F97cD9GbfLy-00155-00094414-00094882 I found you we can do a lot of that but the type of collaboration I'm referring F97cD9GbfLy-00156-00094882-00095482 I'm referring to you now is when we sit together with a very F97cD9GbfLy-00157-00095482-00096005 difficult problem and we put our brains together towards solving this F97cD9GbfLy-00158-00096005-00096508 problem at this very time as we speak there's a group of funders that have F97cD9GbfLy-00159-00096508-00097057 gone together to tackle a very complex problem the issue of #metoo and the F97cD9GbfLy-00160-00097057-00097414 status of women in the Jewish community and they deserve a lot of credit because F97cD9GbfLy-00161-00097414-00097751 they're facing this issue without answers F97cD9GbfLy-00162-00097751-00098077 they don't know what works and what doesn't they just sit together and F97cD9GbfLy-00163-00098077-00098654 wrestle with a very difficult issue the fourth key to being effective in very F97cD9GbfLy-00164-00098654-00099332 complex time is to be in it for the long haul in the Jewish world sometimes we F97cD9GbfLy-00165-00099332-00100148 are infanticide we fund the projects and when it's taking off we shut it down we F97cD9GbfLy-00166-00100148-00100916 lose interest too fast any program that made a difference was funded and F97cD9GbfLy-00167-00100916-00101476 supported for a long long time avi was speaking this morning about his program F97cD9GbfLy-00168-00101476-00102098 for road safety what 22 years Avi 22 years Birthright 18 years JTFN you F97cD9GbfLy-00169-00102098-00102780 just saw 11 years there is there are no shortcuts but a long sustained F97cD9GbfLy-00170-00102780-00103467 commitment to investing in a problem and investing in the level that the program F97cD9GbfLy-00171-00103467-00104218 requires philanthropy is like climbing a mountain you don't see that the F97cD9GbfLy-00172-00104218-00104794 landscape is beautiful unless you reach the top and it will- and it's gonna take F97cD9GbfLy-00173-00104794-00105304 you a long time to reach the top it is rewarding but it's gonna take your time F97cD9GbfLy-00174-00105304-00106052 fifth and final those who are successful at navigating complexity are those who F97cD9GbfLy-00175-00106052-00106475 have a clear and inspiring vision now you think that's obvious of F97cD9GbfLy-00176-00106475-00107041 we have to have a vision but sometimes I feel that all the things we're trying to F97cD9GbfLy-00177-00107041-00107600 do in Jewish philanthropy is to stop things we want to stop a simulation we F97cD9GbfLy-00178-00107600-00108050 want to stop anti-semitism I don't think that being a red traffic light is F97cD9GbfLy-00179-00108050-00108773 anybody's idea of an inspiring dream do we as funders have enough bold visions F97cD9GbfLy-00180-00108773-00109461 are we willing to make bold bets do we have enough dreams do we have enough F97cD9GbfLy-00181-00109461-00110024 philanthropic moonshots you know what let me correct myself the moonshot is F97cD9GbfLy-00182-00110024-00110383 not a good analogy because President Kennedy made this moonshot that the F97cD9GbfLy-00183-00110383-00110933 drive to get to the moon out of fear that the Soviets were going to overtake F97cD9GbfLy-00184-00110933-00111596 America in the space race I would like to see moon shots bold dreams bold bets F97cD9GbfLy-00185-00111596-00112196 out of optimism and out of knowledge of the amazing things that we can do when F97cD9GbfLy-00186-00112196-00112670 we work together sadly in today's world only the most F97cD9GbfLy-00187-00112670-00113290 extreme seem to have passion and the willingness to carry out their dreams it F97cD9GbfLy-00188-00113290-00114154 is our duty to show them that one can be passionate in moderation F97cD9GbfLy-00189-00114154-00114857 the world passion in English come from pathos to suffer but in Hebrew F97cD9GbfLy-00190-00114857-00115636 itlehavot comes from lehava flame and fire and passion have something in common you F97cD9GbfLy-00191-00115636-00116353 can give it to somebody else without you losing it so never let the extremists F97cD9GbfLy-00192-00116353-00117101 the monopoly over passion never think that bold vision and embracing F97cD9GbfLy-00193-00117101-00117861 complexity are contradictory they are not clear visions and executions are F97cD9GbfLy-00194-00117861-00118349 actually two sides of the same coin because execution without a vision is a F97cD9GbfLy-00195-00118349-00119338 nightmare and a vision without execution is hallucination so diversity curiosity F97cD9GbfLy-00196-00119338-00119880 collaboration patience and vision that how Jewish founders F97cD9GbfLy-00197-00119880-00120651 can rewrite fate and change the world and for JFN the core of our mission is F97cD9GbfLy-00198-00120651-00121305 to help you do precisely that we are not just a trade union of funders we're just F97cD9GbfLy-00199-00121305-00121940 we're not just a place where funders come to schmooze we are here to help you F97cD9GbfLy-00200-00121940-00122538 realize your philanthropic dreams that's why over the last year we've been F97cD9GbfLy-00201-00122538-00123369 working in a new in a new strategic framework that we call jfn 3.0 it's not F97cD9GbfLy-00202-00123369-00123947 particularly original the name but the thinking behind it is if the notion that F97cD9GbfLy-00203-00123947-00124698 we are going to be here helping you form coalition's and movements to address F97cD9GbfLy-00204-00124698-00125300 major issues in the Jewish world in other words we want to transform F97cD9GbfLy-00205-00125300-00125858 networked philanthropy into a force for good in the world F97cD9GbfLy-00206-00125858-00126305 we ask three basic questions that are question that every organization needs F97cD9GbfLy-00207-00126305-00127259 to ask itself why what if and how why is philanthropy not maximizing its F97cD9GbfLy-00208-00127259-00127917 potential what if we could help funders work together and collaborate more and F97cD9GbfLy-00209-00127917-00128447 how we do it how do we make this vision a reality F97cD9GbfLy-00210-00128447-00129072 you see in the Bible when God approaches Moses to lead the Jewish people Moses F97cD9GbfLy-00211-00129072-00129827 panics he has a very human reaction he says mi anochi Who am I Who am I to lead F97cD9GbfLy-00212-00129827-00130610 in our world we are called to lead there is a dearth of leadership in the world F97cD9GbfLy-00213-00130610-00131259 and when we are called to lead many of us may panic - and may say Mi anochi Who F97cD9GbfLy-00214-00131259-00131735 am I but ultimately we all need to step up F97cD9GbfLy-00215-00131735-00132291 because the Jewish world is hungry for positive transformative leadership and F97cD9GbfLy-00216-00132291-00132840 they are looking to us it falls on each and every one of us to F97cD9GbfLy-00217-00132840-00133237 do whatever we can to lead the Jewish people and the world F97cD9GbfLy-00218-00133237-00133846 to a much better place it reminds me of that story of the man who sits in front F97cD9GbfLy-00219-00133846-00134389 of God and you know complains to him look at God look at all the suffering F97cD9GbfLy-00220-00134389-00135076 the anguish the distress in the world why don't you send help and he says I F97cD9GbfLy-00221-00135076-00135958 did some help I sent you earlier I said that we're called Israel the one who F97cD9GbfLy-00222-00135958-00136594 wrestles but we're also called yehudah which means the one who gives thanks F97cD9GbfLy-00223-00136594-00137566 in fact in philanthropy Israel and Judah courage and gratitude are inseparable we F97cD9GbfLy-00224-00137566-00137983 do philanthropy because we want to change the world and we have the courage F97cD9GbfLy-00225-00137983-00138553 to wrestle with complex issues but we also do philanthropy out of profound F97cD9GbfLy-00226-00138553-00139069 gratitude gratitude for what we have gratitude for all the blessings that F97cD9GbfLy-00227-00139069-00139501 were bestowed upon us without necessarily us deserving it gratitude F97cD9GbfLy-00228-00139501-00139963 for the amazing miracle that is this country all around us gratitude to the F97cD9GbfLy-00229-00139963-00140491 men and women that fertilized this ancient soil with their sweat their F97cD9GbfLy-00230-00140491-00141178 tears and their blood gratitude to every generation of the Jewish people that F97cD9GbfLy-00231-00141178-00141775 wrote their chapter in the collective Jewish adventure and kept the Jewish F97cD9GbfLy-00232-00141775-00142609 people alive through insurmountable odds gratitude to each and every one of the F97cD9GbfLy-00233-00142609-00143266 miracles that we are blessed with my friends I've been saying how complex and F97cD9GbfLy-00234-00143266-00143860 difficult our times are but let's never forget that as hard and difficult our F97cD9GbfLy-00235-00143860-00144574 challenges appear they are not even close to being as hard and as the ones F97cD9GbfLy-00236-00144574-00145213 that our ancestors had to face yes the world is bedeviled by complexity these F97cD9GbfLy-00237-00145213-00145884 are the time said Thomas Payne that try men's souls and many of us F97cD9GbfLy-00238-00145884-00146413 may use the complexity as an excuse for inaction and despair but we don't have F97cD9GbfLy-00239-00146413-00146894 that luxury we are guided by what Hillel said 2,000 F97cD9GbfLy-00240-00146894-00147263 years ago when there isn't- where there are not good people F97cD9GbfLy-00241-00147263-00148085 you be a good person in this room today I see almost 600 truly good people F97cD9GbfLy-00242-00148085-00148724 looking at you a quote comes to mind says ashre a'am shekach ha lo happy is F97cD9GbfLy-00243-00148724-00149258 the people that have folks like you you could be anywhere today and I'm sure F97cD9GbfLy-00244-00149258-00149684 you have a million things to do there are more fun to listen to some hyper F97cD9GbfLy-00245-00149684-00150239 verbose dude with a funny accent but you're here and the fact that you're F97cD9GbfLy-00246-00150239-00151013 here gives me enormous hope I pledge to you and I ask you to pledge to each F97cD9GbfLy-00247-00151013-00151703 other that we will never be afraid of complexity and will never shrink from F97cD9GbfLy-00248-00151703-00152317 tackling it for for taking it on and with courage and gratitude together F97cD9GbfLy-00249-00152317-00152900 we will keep writing the fate of our people and of the world and I want to F97cD9GbfLy-00250-00152900-00153180 leave you with a short story as I always do F97cD9GbfLy-00251-00153180-00153938 it's a midrashic fable of the creation- you know God creates F97cD9GbfLy-00252-00153938-00154441 the birds but the birds are very clumsy they move slow so everybody eats those F97cD9GbfLy-00253-00154441-00154901 poor birds so the birds complain to God they say you have to do something we F97cD9GbfLy-00254-00154901-00155290 we're very weak we're very slow we're very heavy we're clumsy so God gives F97cD9GbfLy-00255-00155290-00155936 them wings but the problem is that now they're heavier and bulkier and clumsier F97cD9GbfLy-00256-00155936-00156425 so they are being eaten even more so they complain to God and God tells them F97cD9GbfLy-00257-00156425-00156998 well I gave you wings but now you have to learn how to fly we've been given F97cD9GbfLy-00258-00156998-00157561 amazing blessings we've been given wings let's learn to fly together F97cD9GbfLy-00259-00157561-00158071 thank you Fsn90GYO3OA-00000-00000026-00001196 Hi! Today's problem is about toilet paper. Using toilet paper we can draw a square Fsn90GYO3OA-00001-00001196-00002226 Draw one side, then another side of equal length, then the third side and we complete Fsn90GYO3OA-00002-00002226-00003264 the square with the fourth side and we can stand in the square. Now, using more Fsn90GYO3OA-00003-00003264-00004246 paper, we can draw a bigger square, a much bigger square. We can imagine that we draw Fsn90GYO3OA-00004-00004246-00005241 such a big square so that the whole world population fits in. Imagine such a Fsn90GYO3OA-00005-00005241-00006218 square! The question is: How big should it be? Bye! FsuTD9C_4wc-00000-00000073-00000519 how does this mean that the israelis including tuition and fees as greg and i FsuTD9C_4wc-00001-00000519-00000935 i had back it caused a cute happy he is happy kids FsuTD9C_4wc-00002-00000935-00001366 it from rooms wonderful half of that kids are not an issue one think it's a FsuTD9C_4wc-00003-00001366-00001905 safety and health be it in column in the eighteen ryan and he said if i have seen FsuTD9C_4wc-00004-00001905-00002510 seagate kids i've been meaning wimping out on sunday fox and anthony seem a FsuTD9C_4wc-00005-00002510-00002842 fair every morning and begged me to put this on FsuTD9C_4wc-00006-00002842-00003021 and we do things together FsuTD9C_4wc-00007-00003021-00003332 have favorite song is monkey john FsuTD9C_4wc-00008-00003332-00003910 it's not ok encinitas beheaded gap in the morning and jump around a admits the FsuTD9C_4wc-00009-00003910-00004119 condition of the kids FsuTD9C_4wc-00010-00004119-00004382 mori exercise in the mail young FsuTD9C_4wc-00011-00004382-00004664 coincidentally the how does that make it FsuTD9C_4wc-00012-00004664-00005194 i was so i recommend using any mother who was a kid and i don't care FsuTD9C_4wc-00013-00005194-00005290 eighty seven months FvCQnETqTac-00000-00001672-00002404 I'm here with seven of my team and we'rehere to work up the crew of Remeliik II FvCQnETqTac-00001-00002404-00002962 the Palauan patrol boat which has replacedtheir Pacific patrol boat. FvCQnETqTac-00002-00002986-00003589 This representsa huge increase in capability for thePalauan Police Force FvCQnETqTac-00003-00003610-00003889 and it's our job tomake sure that this crew FvCQnETqTac-00004-00003889-00004315 are able to fullyuse this vessel to the best of its ability. FvCQnETqTac-00005-00006488-00006687 The training was very good for us. FvCQnETqTac-00006-00006687-00007088 In our countrywe don't get that much that type of training a lot FvCQnETqTac-00007-00007159-00007536 so it is very good for the crewespecially the new members who FvCQnETqTac-00008-00007536-00007900 this was their first time togo through training like that. FvZgFGgpMnk-00000-00004120-00004260 This is strange. FvZgFGgpMnk-00001-00004358-00004460 What is going on? FvZgFGgpMnk-00002-00004582-00005074 Netior does not answer his phone, he will miss the number of his subscribers his have now. FvZgFGgpMnk-00003-00005212-00005604 C'mon doll, we will tell him after we saw the amount of his channel. FvZgFGgpMnk-00004-00006206-00006528 Mario's right, we need to check it right now. FvZgFGgpMnk-00005-00006552-00006854 Fine then, but don't tell him that was my idea. FvZgFGgpMnk-00006-00007048-00007104 NANI!?(What in japanses) FvZgFGgpMnk-00007-00007194-00007244 ???(Third time) FvZgFGgpMnk-00008-00008202-00008424 This is part when everything explodes. FAr6YtyA96k-00000-00000000-00000200 a trap type beat FBo8J9gEbxu-00000-00000017-00000624 hello YouTube Alex the doge gamer here and today we're going to be playing in the FBo8J9gEbxu-00001-00000624-00001287 wall by Eric the piano guy on roblox so I have the power-ups game pass so don't FBo8J9gEbxu-00002-00001287-00001832 assume that I'm hacking I try to you to record this is my second time recording FBo8J9gEbxu-00003-00001832-00002700 this video cuz first time the volume was way too loud.. sounded like I was yelling so so I FBo8J9gEbxu-00004-00002700-00003501 sounded like an ear blaster version of a song now i don't know if this one doesn't either so this is FBo8J9gEbxu-00005-00003501-00004155 video I'm going to show you all three power-ups and they only work on solo FBo8J9gEbxu-00006-00004155-00005316 walls so... I can't do it on the team wall FBo8J9gEbxu-00007-00005762-00006392 walls I mean I can't do them on the walls I can do it other single walls FBo8J9gEbxu-00008-00006392-00008274 wait can you I wonder if you can do them on the team walls if everyone does(if everyone has the powerups) I play hole in the wall a lot so if one of you guys joins feel free to want to join feel FBo8J9gEbxu-00009-00008274-00009361 free to you know I'm not really a big youtuber yet well we have 16 subscribers FBo8J9gEbxu-00010-00009361-00010286 now I'm working on it I've been looking up on how to do editing... and um I've been FBo8J9gEbxu-00011-00010286-00010932 getting tips and tricks from other youtubers I'm trying to do so I don't know if FBo8J9gEbxu-00012-00010932-00011628 it makes me lazy because it's kind of hard to. I have access to the practice room but i'm going to FBo8J9gEbxu-00013-00011628-00012345 not gonna go If I reset it once on the game it will stop recording so FBo8J9gEbxu-00014-00012345-00012930 well this is the order of the power-ups let's we power up the ghost FBo8J9gEbxu-00015-00012930-00013383 which always garauntes a win the lce which doesn't always garantee a win FBo8J9gEbxu-00016-00013383-00013844 and the shrink which doesn't guarantee a win either so first I'm going FBo8J9gEbxu-00017-00013844-00015130 to do the freeze and then go from shrink and then the ghost oh i'm on blue FBo8J9gEbxu-00018-00015130-00016244 this time cool cuz if I reset it will stop recording for some reason so I'm FBo8J9gEbxu-00019-00016244-00017823 going to resume the video when it's my turn okay now it's my turn... okay so this is FBo8J9gEbxu-00020-00017823-00018984 the freeze... see I can step on here, and still clear t so good hopefully it doesn't glitch okay FBo8J9gEbxu-00021-00018984-00019941 cuz if I didn't use the freeze I would't have um. i wouldn't have won so see FBo8J9gEbxu-00022-00019941-00021329 you in the next powerup someone wants to want to say hi thank you FBo8J9gEbxu-00023-00023548-00023966 please don't get so close to me FBo8J9gEbxu-00024-00024866-00025520 Oh going back so now I think I have 17 subscribers(maybe) check it out guys this girl FBo8J9gEbxu-00025-00025520-00027000 thinks I'm a fake.. FBo8J9gEbxu-00026-00027000-00028500 search again FBo8J9gEbxu-00027-00028500-00028700 search on youtube FBo8J9gEbxu-00028-00029905-00030475 hey it's my turn i'm back now time for the shrink FBo8J9gEbxu-00029-00032188-00033425 okay It's time for my favorite one the ghost guarantee the win if you can FBo8J9gEbxu-00030-00033425-00034393 do it in time FBo8J9gEbxu-00031-00034846-00037291 okay so I'm going to record a little more at least someone believes i'm a youtuber why does FBo8J9gEbxu-00032-00037291-00037750 Jayda say I am? FBo8J9gEbxu-00033-00050335-00050899 may have to go soon bye YouTube FCvbxnpuzz8-00000-00000036-00000162 crow: hey rom, you got any ideas, man? FCvbxnpuzz8-00001-00000194-00000564 rom: i'm busy organizing receipts right now, don't talk to me. FCLfrx4KmT4-00000-00000000-00000708 Paz: Start recording now. We also have Otter.ai working, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00001-00000708-00001158 think you can see on the top of the Zoom screen, if you would FCLfrx4KmT4-00002-00001158-00001830 like to have live captions of all of us talking, you click FCLfrx4KmT4-00003-00001830-00002271 there, and you can check the transcript. Sometimes with the FCLfrx4KmT4-00004-00002271-00002718 accents and stuff, sometimes that helps. And that also makes FCLfrx4KmT4-00005-00002718-00003240 it easier for us to transcribe our corrected captions in the FCLfrx4KmT4-00006-00003240-00003911 YouTube videos afterwards. All right. Laurah, you okay? FCLfrx4KmT4-00007-00004209-00004464 Laurah Ondari: Yes, yes, happy to co-host the call with you FCLfrx4KmT4-00008-00004464-00004518 Paz. FCLfrx4KmT4-00009-00004629-00004809 Paz: Fantastic. Okay. FCLfrx4KmT4-00010-00004884-00005352 So, people we have, I'm gonna post a link to the pad there. FCLfrx4KmT4-00011-00005445-00005832 Use it, if you can, post questions, or when we are in the FCLfrx4KmT4-00012-00005832-00006303 breakout rooms, you can make write comments or the bullet FCLfrx4KmT4-00013-00006303-00006681 points of your discussion there if you want. But, more on that FCLfrx4KmT4-00014-00006681-00007256 later on. So, thank you everyone for coming. And Yo is not here FCLfrx4KmT4-00015-00007256-00007698 today. She's very busy. But I'm going to try to replace her. As FCLfrx4KmT4-00016-00007812-00008166 you know, I think it's difficult because she's so charismatic, FCLfrx4KmT4-00017-00008178-00008826 but I'll do my best. So let's start with the the usual things. FCLfrx4KmT4-00018-00008856-00009279 And the first one is a reminder of the Code of Conduct and the FCLfrx4KmT4-00019-00009279-00009600 Community Participation Guidelines, you can see that in FCLfrx4KmT4-00020-00009600-00010275 line 45 in the pad. And so that includes being respectful and FCLfrx4KmT4-00021-00010275-00010689 being nice to each other, you know, if you're if you FCLfrx4KmT4-00022-00010689-00010935 experience any, any sort of problem, or if you want to FCLfrx4KmT4-00023-00010935-00011322 discuss the situation with us, send us an email to FCLfrx4KmT4-00024-00011412-00011970 team@openlifescience.org, or to any of us directly. Also, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00025-00011970-00012687 can let us know, let us know, via Slack. I already told you FCLfrx4KmT4-00026-00012687-00013088 about about Otter.ai, so it's a transcript service. And you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00027-00013088-00013746 click live live on Otter.ai and you can access the captions, the FCLfrx4KmT4-00028-00013746-00014157 live captions and follow along the call if you cannot hear FCLfrx4KmT4-00029-00014157-00014727 well. Or if your mic is broken, or you know anything happens. Or FCLfrx4KmT4-00030-00014727-00015116 if you just need it because of our accents and stuff. Very FCLfrx4KmT4-00031-00015116-00015654 important for now, I'm gonna check who, like yeah, so please FCLfrx4KmT4-00032-00015669-00016341 write an S or a W in front of your name in Zoom so we know FCLfrx4KmT4-00033-00016368-00016719 which breakout room you want. If you want to be in written FCLfrx4KmT4-00034-00016722-00017139 breakout room just to write with people and not to talk not to FCLfrx4KmT4-00035-00017139-00017712 speak, then write a W. If you want to be in a spoken breakout FCLfrx4KmT4-00036-00017715-00018252 room, write an S in front of your name. So in the case of FCLfrx4KmT4-00037-00018261-00018738 Kedmalya, okay, Kedmayla, I don't know if I'm pronouncing FCLfrx4KmT4-00038-00018738-00019245 that well. Please do so. Agien, or sorry about the pronunciation FCLfrx4KmT4-00039-00019245-00019665 please correct me. And I There are a few others that do not FCLfrx4KmT4-00040-00019665-00020334 have any, any any letter in front, including myself. But I'm FCLfrx4KmT4-00041-00020334-00020580 not going to go to the breakout rooms. So I'm not going to put FCLfrx4KmT4-00042-00020580-00021747 that up. And so, yes. Okay, so what else? Hmm, that's it. All FCLfrx4KmT4-00043-00021747-00022107 right, we're going to have a first presenter, I think is the FCLfrx4KmT4-00044-00022107-00022611 first time he joined us. Am I wrong? Well, I don't at least FCLfrx4KmT4-00045-00022611-00022944 the first time in my Yeah, it is the first time. So welcome to FCLfrx4KmT4-00046-00022944-00023385 the OLS community and to this cohort and to this call, we're FCLfrx4KmT4-00047-00023385-00023745 really looking forward to hearing about your presentation. FCLfrx4KmT4-00048-00023775-00024093 I know very little about the subject, close to nothing, so FCLfrx4KmT4-00049-00024258-00024711 but I'm gonna do my best to you know, learn as much as possible. FCLfrx4KmT4-00050-00024711-00025071 So hopefully I'm not the only one in this situation here. And, FCLfrx4KmT4-00051-00025122-00025383 and then we're gonna go with Olaitan first. And then with FCLfrx4KmT4-00052-00025383-00025905 Leah Wasser. Olaitan, your last name is..? So how do I pronounce FCLfrx4KmT4-00053-00025905-00025992 it? Awe? FCLfrx4KmT4-00054-00026000-00026533 Paz: Right! And then we're gonna have Leah and then Yanina. FCLfrx4KmT4-00055-00026070-00026079 Olaitan Awe: Awe FCLfrx4KmT4-00056-00026537-00026867 Yanina is from Argentina, from the same country I'm in. But FCLfrx4KmT4-00057-00026867-00027488 we're not close by. Anyways, um, right. Okay. I think you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00058-00027488-00027812 share your screen. You already did it Olaitan. You have 10 FCLfrx4KmT4-00059-00027812-00028388 minutes. If you want, we can let you know, two minutes before 10 FCLfrx4KmT4-00060-00028388-00028877 minutes, if you want, if not needed. I mean, you can tell us, FCLfrx4KmT4-00061-00028901-00029138 we can do that for you. That was helpful for me, at least when I FCLfrx4KmT4-00062-00029138-00029723 present. And then we have five minutes for questions. And yeah, FCLfrx4KmT4-00063-00029723-00030143 and please, any questions or comments? Use the pad, the chat, FCLfrx4KmT4-00064-00030176-00030589 or during the five minutes, you can speak as well and let us FCLfrx4KmT4-00065-00030589-00030833 know here. So, let's go! FCLfrx4KmT4-00066-00031027-00031564 Olaitan Awe: All right, thank you very much for the starting FCLfrx4KmT4-00067-00031694-00032087 period for these sessions. So my name is Olaitan Awe. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00068-00032087-00032345 currently, I'm the Training Officer for the African Society FCLfrx4KmT4-00069-00032345-00032627 for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. That's FCLfrx4KmT4-00070-00032630-00033404 ASBCB, for short. And basically, in that role, I do have the FCLfrx4KmT4-00071-00033404-00034019 capacity of leading workshops and webinars on organising FCLfrx4KmT4-00072-00034022-00034493 codeathons, where we bring together live scientists, mostly FCLfrx4KmT4-00073-00034547-00035099 from Africa, who work on interesting projects, biomedical FCLfrx4KmT4-00074-00035099-00035384 science related projects. And I'm gonna get into some of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00075-00035384-00036008 specifics later on in my talk here. The other thing I would FCLfrx4KmT4-00076-00036008-00036539 like to highlight about myself is that I do have research FCLfrx4KmT4-00077-00036560-00037214 interests that primarily focuses on the use of computational FCLfrx4KmT4-00078-00037214-00038135 biology techniques to make sense of omics sequences. So we, most FCLfrx4KmT4-00079-00038135-00038678 of the time, just leverage on public datasets, and then FCLfrx4KmT4-00080-00038681-00039107 develop tools, pipelines, workflows, and just write code FCLfrx4KmT4-00081-00039143-00039530 to analyse those data sets. And the goal is just to understand FCLfrx4KmT4-00082-00039530-00040289 the molecular mechanisms driving these and health. And I do that FCLfrx4KmT4-00083-00040295-00040643 as part of me being the training officer for the ASBCB. And I'll FCLfrx4KmT4-00084-00040643-00041084 get more into that too, when I talk more about some things FCLfrx4KmT4-00085-00041084-00041585 around reproducible code. And I might be a little bit biassed FCLfrx4KmT4-00086-00041585-00041822 because I do more of bioinformatics than any other FCLfrx4KmT4-00087-00041822-00042275 type of programming. So what I will try my best to also say FCLfrx4KmT4-00088-00042275-00042569 things that other people that are not necessarily core FCLfrx4KmT4-00089-00042608-00043145 bioinformatics people can relate to. So I do have my email right FCLfrx4KmT4-00090-00043145-00043520 there, in case anyone wants to reach out to me, and then even FCLfrx4KmT4-00091-00043520-00043775 though I'm not that active on Twitter, but that's my Twitter FCLfrx4KmT4-00092-00043778-00044267 handle, also. And I've shared this slide with Camille Gonzalez FCLfrx4KmT4-00093-00044267-00044774 in case anyone needs it. So I'm gonna get straight into it, so FCLfrx4KmT4-00094-00044774-00045395 what is reproducible code? So code is reproducible if the FCLfrx4KmT4-00095-00045395-00045977 results of an analysis does not depend on the computational FCLfrx4KmT4-00096-00045980-00046658 environment in which data processing and analysis FCLfrx4KmT4-00097-00046661-00047306 originally took place. Another way to look at it is that the FCLfrx4KmT4-00098-00047306-00047663 workflow that that code is written for will produce the FCLfrx4KmT4-00099-00047663-00048077 same results when you re-run that workflow in the same FCLfrx4KmT4-00100-00048077-00048527 environment or on a different computing platform. So computing FCLfrx4KmT4-00101-00048548-00049103 platforms here might mean in the cloud, maybe GCP, or Google FCLfrx4KmT4-00102-00049502-00050159 Cloud or AWS, or maybe in your cluster, maybe your cluster uses FCLfrx4KmT4-00103-00050159-00050663 SLURM, SGE, and the likes are even on your laptop, it produces FCLfrx4KmT4-00104-00050663-00050975 the same result. That's the meaning of reproducible. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00105-00050975-00051449 somebody can get the same results you got on their own end FCLfrx4KmT4-00106-00051466-00052037 by running your code. So I'm going to go to the next slide. FCLfrx4KmT4-00107-00052229-00052619 Now, the general framework for reproducible code is you collect FCLfrx4KmT4-00108-00052619-00052970 data that's more like the first step of it, then you develop the FCLfrx4KmT4-00109-00052970-00053438 pipeline, or write the codes or scripts. And then you generate FCLfrx4KmT4-00110-00053438-00053894 some output from the pipeline, and then you interpret the FCLfrx4KmT4-00111-00053894-00054266 output. So this is just more of a framework for reproducible FCLfrx4KmT4-00112-00054266-00054805 code. There's the my own definition of it. In the context FCLfrx4KmT4-00113-00054805-00055166 of Genomics, which is something I relate more to, like I said FCLfrx4KmT4-00114-00055166-00055565 earlier, you collect data, Biomedical data or Omics FCLfrx4KmT4-00115-00055565-00055832 sequences, now you can collect those from any of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00116-00055832-00056219 repositories that are public, for instance. And then you FCLfrx4KmT4-00117-00056219-00056624 develop the pipeline or codes that you can use to analyse the FCLfrx4KmT4-00118-00056624-00057026 sequences. The sequences could be RNA transcripts, could be FCLfrx4KmT4-00119-00057053-00057476 whole genome sequences, could be whole exomes or any kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00120-00057485-00057977 sequences. Your pipeline will generate some outputs which some FCLfrx4KmT4-00121-00057977-00058342 people will call results. And then, the next thing is just to FCLfrx4KmT4-00122-00058342-00058709 interpret that output or results in order to advance our FCLfrx4KmT4-00123-00058709-00059084 understanding of the biology and health, basically. FCLfrx4KmT4-00124-00059305-00059987 So I have come up with a few list of steps that somebody that FCLfrx4KmT4-00125-00059987-00060434 wants to write code that is reproducible, can actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00126-00060434-00060779 follow, especially in the context of the life sciences. FCLfrx4KmT4-00127-00060800-00061105 And I'm assuming that you're using a repository, which is FCLfrx4KmT4-00128-00061105-00061504 findable like GitHub, which is why I have that here on this FCLfrx4KmT4-00129-00061504-00062123 slide. My recommendation is to break down the directories that FCLfrx4KmT4-00130-00062123-00062741 you're going to be starting with into the first eight items on FCLfrx4KmT4-00131-00062741-00063089 this list. So you're going to have a directory for data, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00132-00063089-00063449 have one directory for accessions. So accession is just FCLfrx4KmT4-00133-00063470-00063950 the identifier for your, your sequences, it could be something FCLfrx4KmT4-00134-00063950-00064330 that identifies a human, you know, sample that you're working FCLfrx4KmT4-00135-00064330-00064721 with, for instance, or you could be working on maybe 100 human FCLfrx4KmT4-00136-00064721-00065114 samples in your analysis, right. So you have a directory for FCLfrx4KmT4-00137-00065114-00065324 data, a directory for accessions, a directory for FCLfrx4KmT4-00138-00065324-00065621 figures, that your pipeline potentially will produce. You FCLfrx4KmT4-00139-00065621-00065930 have a directory for scripts, that's what brings us here, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00140-00065930-00066209 write in maybe bash scripts, or Python or whatever kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00141-00066209-00066509 language or Nextflow, right, just have a directory where FCLfrx4KmT4-00142-00066509-00066683 you're putting those scripts, you have a directory for FCLfrx4KmT4-00143-00066683-00067130 documents, maybe documents relating to maybe papers that FCLfrx4KmT4-00144-00067130-00067376 somebody that wants to understand the work might read, FCLfrx4KmT4-00145-00067403-00067754 or any kind of documents with regard to the project, you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00146-00067754-00068051 a directory for outputs, which is going to be the output of FCLfrx4KmT4-00147-00068051-00068378 your pipeline, intermediate results and things like that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00148-00068381-00068804 Maybe quality control results from your way of trying to do FCLfrx4KmT4-00149-00068804-00069125 quality control on the sequences, you have a directory FCLfrx4KmT4-00150-00069125-00069200 for workflow. FCLfrx4KmT4-00151-00069248-00069824 The workflow in this step means step by step sequence of tasks FCLfrx4KmT4-00152-00069824-00070118 that you perform in your analysis. Maybe step one is: FCLfrx4KmT4-00153-00070127-00070493 Download the sequences. So you have a text file, where you just FCLfrx4KmT4-00154-00070493-00070841 put all your steps. Step one: Download the sequences, Step FCLfrx4KmT4-00155-00070841-00071315 two: Perform quality control, maybe Step three: Download the FCLfrx4KmT4-00156-00071315-00071726 reference genome or something like that. Step four: Align your FCLfrx4KmT4-00157-00071726-00071987 sequences to the reference you just have. I recommend that FCLfrx4KmT4-00158-00071987-00072302 people follow this because it helps to know what you're doing FCLfrx4KmT4-00159-00072338-00072629 first, and then next, and then next, and then next. Just FCLfrx4KmT4-00160-00072629-00072863 something that enables reproducibility generally. FCLfrx4KmT4-00161-00072950-00073247 And then you have a directory for notebooks for demonstration. FCLfrx4KmT4-00162-00073247-00073544 So if you're doing a Jupyter Notebook, or R Markdown or FCLfrx4KmT4-00163-00073544-00073754 something like yeah, a directory where you just put those things. FCLfrx4KmT4-00164-00073769-00074231 Somebody can test your pipeline, you know, because they have some FCLfrx4KmT4-00165-00074231-00074540 markdown document they could follow. Then you have at least a FCLfrx4KmT4-00166-00074540-00074918 file for the License and I recommend Open License. Most FCLfrx4KmT4-00167-00074918-00075302 times when I organise codeathons, we just use MIT FCLfrx4KmT4-00168-00075383-00075752 License for the GitHub repositories. And then you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00169-00075773-00076112 a markdown document for Readme that tells somebody who comes to FCLfrx4KmT4-00170-00076112-00076463 the repository, 'What's the motivation for this work?'. You FCLfrx4KmT4-00171-00076463-00076778 know, just the background? 'Why are you trying to solve the FCLfrx4KmT4-00172-00076778-00077129 problem that you identified?', 'How to install the tools that FCLfrx4KmT4-00173-00077129-00077381 you've built?', and some other things, and if people worked on FCLfrx4KmT4-00174-00077381-00077705 it, they deserve credit, so it needs the team members at the FCLfrx4KmT4-00175-00077705-00078062 bottom of the Readme, that MD document. FCLfrx4KmT4-00176-00078225-00078672 There are workflow management systems that help people to FCLfrx4KmT4-00177-00078675-00079029 build reproducible code in especially in bioinformatics, FCLfrx4KmT4-00178-00079029-00079497 right. So one that I advocate for is called Nextflow. And it FCLfrx4KmT4-00179-00079497-00079809 has benefits like interoperability, component FCLfrx4KmT4-00180-00079809-00080325 reuse, reentrancy. You can parallelize the operations, it FCLfrx4KmT4-00181-00080325-00080820 allows the use of containers like Docker or Singularity. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00182-00080820-00081039 then of course, it's reproducible. So somebody will FCLfrx4KmT4-00183-00081039-00081282 get the same result if they run their workflow on a different FCLfrx4KmT4-00184-00081282-00081660 environment. The other workflow management systems people use in FCLfrx4KmT4-00185-00081660-00081963 writing reproducible code like Snakemake, which is more of a FCLfrx4KmT4-00186-00081990-00082284 Python type of workflow management system. There is FCLfrx4KmT4-00187-00082284-00082521 Cromwell, there is Galaxy. FCLfrx4KmT4-00188-00082710-00083115 And then if you are writing, building pipelines, where you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00189-00083115-00083427 not using workflow management systems like Nextflow, you could FCLfrx4KmT4-00190-00083427-00083766 use any language that you're comfortable with, depending on FCLfrx4KmT4-00191-00083766-00084111 your application and what you're comfortable with. So it would be FCLfrx4KmT4-00192-00084153-00084663 a language like Bash or Python or Perl or Java, C and C++. The FCLfrx4KmT4-00193-00084663-00085014 main thing is: Automate the pipeline. Avoid typing things in FCLfrx4KmT4-00194-00085014-00085512 the terminal. Just put most of the commands in the scripts that FCLfrx4KmT4-00195-00085512-00085833 you use in running that pipeline, that's the automation FCLfrx4KmT4-00196-00085833-00086151 part of it. And then the research standard that I do FCLfrx4KmT4-00197-00086151-00086607 recommend is Open Science, because it enables improves FCLfrx4KmT4-00198-00086607-00087063 accessibility to you know, scientific work, and it's more FCLfrx4KmT4-00199-00087063-00087414 quality and improves the efficiency of science. So the FCLfrx4KmT4-00200-00087414-00087777 data, the pipeline, the code should be open as much as FCLfrx4KmT4-00201-00087777-00088179 possible. And then the articles that come from the project FCLfrx4KmT4-00202-00088179-00088437 should also be Open Access articles. I know that it could FCLfrx4KmT4-00203-00088437-00088896 be expensive, but then it lets people access that article and FCLfrx4KmT4-00204-00088896-00089307 they could read it when it's open access. And then, the FCLfrx4KmT4-00205-00089307-00089703 research data too, and code and pipeline should be FAIR, meaning FCLfrx4KmT4-00206-00089703-00090075 that it's Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable and FCLfrx4KmT4-00207-00090075-00090414 document as much as possible. Add comments to your code, so FCLfrx4KmT4-00208-00090414-00090687 that someone looking at the code could read it and understand, FCLfrx4KmT4-00209-00090699-00090999 even the future you will understand the code better FCLfrx4KmT4-00210-00090999-00091419 because of the comments. There are some life science project FCLfrx4KmT4-00211-00091419-00091692 categories that people might be interested in. So I just listed FCLfrx4KmT4-00212-00091692-00091962 some of them here while I can't go through them because of time. FCLfrx4KmT4-00213-00091986-00092283 So you could range from Transcriptomics, Metagenomics, FCLfrx4KmT4-00214-00092325-00092817 Genomic Variation, Pipeline Building, you know, Oncology and FCLfrx4KmT4-00215-00092800-00093475 So do you want to start to write reproducible code? You can start FCLfrx4KmT4-00216-00092817-00092892 stuff like that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00217-00093511-00093826 practising by using public datasets from the Sequence Read FCLfrx4KmT4-00218-00093826-00094261 Archive (SRA) or Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) or ENA, RefSeq, FCLfrx4KmT4-00219-00094261-00094501 Genbank. All these are public repositories where you could get FCLfrx4KmT4-00220-00094579-00094864 sequences to play with. And then you could check out FCLfrx4KmT4-00221-00094864-00095332 announcements that we do have 'asbscb.org/events' for FCLfrx4KmT4-00222-00095335-00095776 codeathon announcements. So I would like to acknowledge some FCLfrx4KmT4-00223-00095776-00096028 of the people that are supporting ASBCB like Marion FCLfrx4KmT4-00224-00096037-00096718 Nyamari, Nouhaila En najih and also from the ODSS, and the NIH, FCLfrx4KmT4-00225-00096718-00097135 NCBI. And that's it. Thank you very much! And here's my email, FCLfrx4KmT4-00226-00097171-00097354 if anyone wants to reach out to me. FCLfrx4KmT4-00227-00097570-00098125 Paz: Thank you! Let's use the emojis for a round of applause, FCLfrx4KmT4-00228-00098125-00098677 people, please. And, we have time for questions. So please FCLfrx4KmT4-00229-00098677-00099088 don't be shy. You can also write them in the chat or just speak FCLfrx4KmT4-00230-00099088-00099658 without showing your face, if you prefer. And you can also FCLfrx4KmT4-00231-00099658-00099991 save them for, for later, but I would advise if you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00232-00099991-00100540 specific questions. Olaitan, where, what city are you based? FCLfrx4KmT4-00233-00100796-00101027 Olaitan Awe: I'm currently based in New Britain, Connecticut. FCLfrx4KmT4-00234-00101165-00101465 Paz: Okay. Yeah. Do we have someone based there? I don't FCLfrx4KmT4-00235-00101465-00101876 think so. I just wanted to see if there was someone living FCLfrx4KmT4-00236-00101939-00102731 close to you. Right, Laurah? Do you want to keep pushing people FCLfrx4KmT4-00237-00102731-00103166 for questions or move to the next presentation? FCLfrx4KmT4-00238-00103274-00103664 Laurah Ondari: Sure. If anyone has a question, please pop them FCLfrx4KmT4-00239-00103667-00104165 on the chat. I am closely looking at the Etherpad and no FCLfrx4KmT4-00240-00104165-00104765 questions yet for Olaitan. So I'm encouraging anyone has any FCLfrx4KmT4-00241-00104765-00105230 questions. Please put them on the Etherpad or on the chat. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00242-00105230-00105689 we'll redirect them to Olaitan to answer them. FCLfrx4KmT4-00243-00105600-00106428 Paz: I will also ask people to write their names in the pad, if FCLfrx4KmT4-00244-00106428-00107118 you want, like in the in line, let me see, 25? Let us know who FCLfrx4KmT4-00245-00107118-00107778 is there, and yeah. Okay, if you think of any, any other FCLfrx4KmT4-00246-00107778-00108120 questions you can, we can do that later as well. Because FCLfrx4KmT4-00247-00108120-00108393 we're good on time. And, Laurah! FCLfrx4KmT4-00248-00108300-00108843 Laurah Ondari: I can see someone is typing a question on the FCLfrx4KmT4-00249-00108843-00109235 Etherpad. So let's just give them a second to finish that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00250-00109235-00109770 But Richard on the chat asks, 'Would you help us talk about FCLfrx4KmT4-00251-00109770-00110301 advantages of using reproducible code?' Olaitan? FCLfrx4KmT4-00252-00110300-00110549 Olaitan Awe: All right. Good. I could talk about that. Thanks FCLfrx4KmT4-00253-00110549-00110969 for that question. So one of the main advantages of using FCLfrx4KmT4-00254-00110969-00111508 reproducible code, especially if it's in science, is that it FCLfrx4KmT4-00255-00111508-00112028 strengthens the potential article or publication that FCLfrx4KmT4-00256-00112028-00112388 comes from that work or the manuscript that you're actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00257-00112388-00112874 trying to draft from that project. A lot of times when you FCLfrx4KmT4-00258-00112874-00113426 make your submission to a peer reviewed journal, reviewers vary FCLfrx4KmT4-00259-00113429-00113708 for sure in terms of the rigour they apply to when they review FCLfrx4KmT4-00260-00113708-00114085 an article. But a lot of times some reviewers are concerned FCLfrx4KmT4-00261-00114085-00114497 about how reproducible the work is, because it's science. So if FCLfrx4KmT4-00262-00114497-00115084 the work is not reproducible, what is the proof that the FCLfrx4KmT4-00263-00115088-00115508 authors are not just making up things? You know, well because FCLfrx4KmT4-00264-00115508-00115865 it's science, they want to sometimes check that what you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00265-00115868-00116222 claiming is true. But if your code is reproducible, you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00266-00116222-00116528 nothing to fear because as part of your submission, maybe you FCLfrx4KmT4-00267-00116528-00117113 also give the URL where you have where you've deposited your code FCLfrx4KmT4-00268-00117113-00117476 and things like that. When you when the reviewer runs the code, FCLfrx4KmT4-00269-00117497-00117749 they get the same results that you have in the results section. FCLfrx4KmT4-00270-00117824-00118169 So there is no further argument about it. So that's at least one FCLfrx4KmT4-00271-00118169-00118613 benefit of it. Another reason why it's important or a benefit FCLfrx4KmT4-00272-00118613-00118967 of writing reproducible code, is that you might be actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00273-00118967-00119420 collaborating with people, okay? They might be part of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00274-00119423-00119798 project where your collaborators need to implement, but they FCLfrx4KmT4-00275-00119798-00120053 might need to take off from somewhere where you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00276-00120053-00120419 stopped. If your code is reproducible, then it's easy to FCLfrx4KmT4-00277-00120419-00120728 actually get that work done. Why? Because the collaborator FCLfrx4KmT4-00278-00120728-00121133 can run the code on their own, and even in different FCLfrx4KmT4-00279-00121133-00121523 environment, if possible, get the results that they need to FCLfrx4KmT4-00280-00121523-00121889 then continue with their own part of the project. So, FCLfrx4KmT4-00281-00121909-00122171 collaboration is also made possible because of FCLfrx4KmT4-00282-00122252-00122686 reproducibility. And there's a bunch of benefits for it. The FCLfrx4KmT4-00283-00122686-00123203 overall is the strength, and the validity of any work is in its FCLfrx4KmT4-00284-00123203-00123557 reproducible, reproducibility. So it's good to write FCLfrx4KmT4-00285-00123557-00123629 reproducible code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00286-00123848-00124217 Laurah Ondari: Thank you, Olaitan! On line 65 on the FCLfrx4KmT4-00287-00124220-00124697 Etherpad, someone asks, 'Omics is maybe ahead of many fields in FCLfrx4KmT4-00288-00124697-00125141 reproducibility. How can we encourage co-authors to work eg FCLfrx4KmT4-00289-00125141-00125516 on GitHub for collaborative articles, when many prefer to FCLfrx4KmT4-00290-00125516-00125753 share Word documents by email?' FCLfrx4KmT4-00291-00125700-00126249 Olaitan Awe: So that's a very good point that you have made. FCLfrx4KmT4-00292-00126363-00126954 People do prefer to share documents by email. But I think FCLfrx4KmT4-00293-00126983-00127752 an easier way to, get started with collaboration, even from FCLfrx4KmT4-00294-00127752-00128145 the document perspective, is you actually use Google Docs, for FCLfrx4KmT4-00295-00128145-00128490 instance, or Google Sheets. So instead of just having a single FCLfrx4KmT4-00296-00128490-00128754 file on your laptop, where you're editing stuff, and then FCLfrx4KmT4-00297-00128754-00129021 you're done, then you email it to somebody, it's actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00298-00129021-00129533 better to do the, the version where you actually get the thing FCLfrx4KmT4-00299-00129536-00129813 on Google Docs. So you're collaborating with your FCLfrx4KmT4-00300-00129813-00130230 collaborators on Google Docs for the documents if, you will FCLfrx4KmT4-00301-00130230-00130539 actually writing up the manuscript and things like that, FCLfrx4KmT4-00302-00130548-00130905 which is something that I encourage a lot. So you give FCLfrx4KmT4-00303-00130905-00131286 people who are co-authors access to the Google Doc. And then FCLfrx4KmT4-00304-00131286-00131484 maybe somebody's writing the introduction part of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00305-00131484-00131865 manuscript, somebody's writing the methods or the results, or FCLfrx4KmT4-00306-00131877-00132255 discussion or any other part of it, everybody has access to a FCLfrx4KmT4-00307-00132255-00132861 central document. In fact, I try to tell people that if you ever FCLfrx4KmT4-00308-00132864-00133389 have a reason to do on your own laptop, some of the the work as FCLfrx4KmT4-00309-00133389-00133710 much as possible, make sure that you update the Google Doc so FCLfrx4KmT4-00310-00133710-00134112 that other people can take on from there or can know where we FCLfrx4KmT4-00311-00134112-00134508 are generally. So that's one method of it. And that doesn't FCLfrx4KmT4-00312-00134508-00134886 really even have to do with omics or not. For the GitHub FCLfrx4KmT4-00313-00134931-00135387 point, I think one thing that we need to get into is to probably FCLfrx4KmT4-00314-00135489-00136179 emphasise more on people being GitHub savvy, right, so that FCLfrx4KmT4-00315-00136185-00136593 people can actually do their work, mostly build pipelines and FCLfrx4KmT4-00316-00136593-00136977 things like that, and just push stuff to GitHub. Just a few of FCLfrx4KmT4-00317-00136977-00137346 the GitHub commands that people need generally, to actually get FCLfrx4KmT4-00318-00137346-00137748 started. Of course, when you now start getting more experienced FCLfrx4KmT4-00319-00137748-00137991 with collaboration there can be much more things you are doing, FCLfrx4KmT4-00320-00137991-00138240 you know, Pull Requests and Merging and things like that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00321-00138255-00138636 But just for starting, you can actually just learn few basics FCLfrx4KmT4-00322-00138636-00139002 of Git and GitHub, and then just start collaboration. But it's FCLfrx4KmT4-00323-00139002-00139434 something that you do, you know, by practising, so it's, I would FCLfrx4KmT4-00324-00139434-00139800 recommend people just start doing it. Don't wait till 'I FCLfrx4KmT4-00325-00139800-00140103 want to go for this webinar', or this one or whatever. Just FCLfrx4KmT4-00326-00140103-00140502 start! You know, look for some video on YouTube about 'How to FCLfrx4KmT4-00327-00140502-00140796 use Git and GitHub?'. And then that should get you started, and FCLfrx4KmT4-00328-00140796-00141006 you'll start doing it immediately with your current FCLfrx4KmT4-00329-00141006-00141255 project. Instead of procrastinating that, 'Yeah, FCLfrx4KmT4-00330-00141255-00141696 we'll get into all this GitHub thing, sometime next year, or FCLfrx4KmT4-00331-00141696-00142056 next month' or whatever, just immediately get started. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00332-00142056-00142128 that's how to do it. FCLfrx4KmT4-00333-00142298-00142850 Paz: Yep. Thank you Olaitan and I have a question. Do you do you FCLfrx4KmT4-00334-00142850-00143318 make a difference? Or do you use the word 'reproducible' and FCLfrx4KmT4-00335-00143324-00143852 'replicable'? Are they same for you? Do you use both? Or do you FCLfrx4KmT4-00336-00143855-00144116 make a difference between the two, 'replicable' and FCLfrx4KmT4-00337-00144119-00144503 'reproducible'? I'm asking because someone asked a friend. FCLfrx4KmT4-00338-00144509-00144809 I mean, not just someone, someone who was reviewing his FCLfrx4KmT4-00339-00144809-00145139 paper said, 'Oh, you shouldn't use the word replicable and FCLfrx4KmT4-00340-00145139-00145469 reproducible in the same ways.' So I just, I'm just curious to FCLfrx4KmT4-00341-00145469-00145814 see if you actually use both words, or just only FCLfrx4KmT4-00342-00145823-00145871 'reproducible'? FCLfrx4KmT4-00343-00146004-00146598 Olaitan Awe: I think 'reproducible' is broader than FCLfrx4KmT4-00344-00146613-00147195 just 'replicable', because I could replicate the results by FCLfrx4KmT4-00345-00147195-00147657 just running the analysis, again, on your own laptop. The FCLfrx4KmT4-00346-00147657-00148005 one you used, for instance, if you used that laptop, or on your FCLfrx4KmT4-00347-00148056-00148440 cluster, if that's what you use, your own specific cluster, but FCLfrx4KmT4-00348-00148440-00148872 then if it's reproducible, it actually is broader because that FCLfrx4KmT4-00349-00148872-00149316 means I don't have to re-run that analysis on your own FCLfrx4KmT4-00350-00149316-00149736 environment. I could re-run it on my own environment, which FCLfrx4KmT4-00351-00149736-00150084 doesn't have to be even the type of environment you used, right? FCLfrx4KmT4-00352-00150105-00150615 If you use a cluster that uses SLURM as the Job Scheduler, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00353-00150615-00151089 could use a different job scheduler on the cluster that I FCLfrx4KmT4-00354-00151089-00151527 have. Maybe historical, PBS and things like that. And I still FCLfrx4KmT4-00355-00151527-00151851 get the result, I could actually even run the analysis. For FCLfrx4KmT4-00356-00151851-00152223 instance, on Google Cloud, get the result, run it on Amazon Web FCLfrx4KmT4-00357-00152223-00152541 Services, get the result. So reproducible is broader because FCLfrx4KmT4-00358-00152541-00153024 it covers, it's agnostic of the computing environment. So I FCLfrx4KmT4-00359-00153024-00153417 would say reproducibility is bigger than just replicability, FCLfrx4KmT4-00360-00153417-00153795 which, you know, is easy, just redo whatever you did in your FCLfrx4KmT4-00361-00153795-00153945 own same situation. FCLfrx4KmT4-00362-00154191-00154656 Paz: That's very helpful. Thank you. Over to you Laurah. FCLfrx4KmT4-00363-00154600-00154996 Laurah Ondari: Thank you Olaitan for the wonderful presentation FCLfrx4KmT4-00364-00154996-00155428 on writing reproducible code. In case anyone has any further FCLfrx4KmT4-00365-00155428-00156010 questions, please pop them on the Etherpad from line 65, or FCLfrx4KmT4-00366-00156013-00156328 line 64, where it says questions, you can add a bullet FCLfrx4KmT4-00367-00156328-00156859 point from there. We'll just move on to our next speaker now. FCLfrx4KmT4-00368-00156940-00157531 And our next speaker will be Leah. Her information is on the FCLfrx4KmT4-00369-00157531-00158212 Etherpad from line 71. And I will just let Leah her introduce FCLfrx4KmT4-00370-00158200-00158878 Leah Wasser: Sounds great, thank you! Give me a moment here to FCLfrx4KmT4-00371-00158212-00158257 herself. FCLfrx4KmT4-00372-00158878-00159943 share my screen. Okay, can someone give me a thumbs up that FCLfrx4KmT4-00373-00159943-00160405 you actually see the pyOpenSci slide. Thank you! Okay, awesome. FCLfrx4KmT4-00374-00160408-00160834 Um, hi, everyone. My name is Leah Wasser. I am the Executive FCLfrx4KmT4-00375-00160834-00161209 Director and Founder of pyOpenSci. A little bit about FCLfrx4KmT4-00376-00161209-00161623 me. I am a Remote Sensing Ecologist by training. So I've FCLfrx4KmT4-00377-00161623-00161986 done a lot of stuff with like spatial data and looking at FCLfrx4KmT4-00378-00161986-00162565 forest health through my degree, and then I decided that I FCLfrx4KmT4-00379-00162565-00162847 actually really like helping scientists do their science a FCLfrx4KmT4-00380-00162847-00163141 lot more than doing my own science. And so I spent the FCLfrx4KmT4-00381-00163141-00163579 past, say, 20 years teaching what I now call Earth and FCLfrx4KmT4-00382-00163579-00164077 Environmental Data Science, so really focused on using data to FCLfrx4KmT4-00383-00164080-00164476 do science. And as a side note, when I was getting my PhD, which FCLfrx4KmT4-00384-00164476-00164878 wasn't all that long ago, I had to constantly defend why using FCLfrx4KmT4-00385-00164878-00165172 someone else's data. So data from like satellites, and such FCLfrx4KmT4-00386-00165172-00165538 was actually science because I wasn't out just doing fieldwork, FCLfrx4KmT4-00387-00165538-00165892 I was using this like, other types of data. And I was coding FCLfrx4KmT4-00388-00165892-00166192 and coming from a traditional ecology programme that was like FCLfrx4KmT4-00389-00166192-00166489 really different. So it's pretty cool to be here now with all of FCLfrx4KmT4-00390-00166489-00166792 this tech, and everyone embracing data as being kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00391-00166792-00167092 a next wave of what's driving science. FCLfrx4KmT4-00392-00167176-00167587 So a little bit about pyOpenSci, we are building diverse FCLfrx4KmT4-00393-00167587-00167926 community around the Scientific Open-source Software that's FCLfrx4KmT4-00394-00167926-00168220 driving Open Science. And so these are tools that we're all FCLfrx4KmT4-00395-00168220-00168715 using in our code to do Open Science. And so that is the FCLfrx4KmT4-00396-00168715-00168964 software that we're supporting. And we do that through peer FCLfrx4KmT4-00397-00168964-00169213 review, training and mentorship. FCLfrx4KmT4-00398-00169200-00169647 A little bit about our community. So we have a FCLfrx4KmT4-00399-00169647-00170013 community driven organisation. And our board chair is Tracy FCLfrx4KmT4-00400-00170013-00170421 Teal, who is or who used to lead The Carpentries for many years, FCLfrx4KmT4-00401-00170421-00170697 so many of you might be familiar with all of the amazing work The FCLfrx4KmT4-00402-00170697-00171267 Carpentries has and is still doing. And if anyone has FCLfrx4KmT4-00403-00171267-00171573 questions, I'm not going to talk about peer review a lot today. FCLfrx4KmT4-00404-00171573-00171999 But we do have a software peer review process for scientific FCLfrx4KmT4-00405-00172002-00172365 tools. So if you're developing tools that you think have a FCLfrx4KmT4-00406-00172395-00172704 application that is beyond just the work that you yourself are FCLfrx4KmT4-00407-00172704-00173103 doing, and you plan to maintain them for a couple of years. We FCLfrx4KmT4-00408-00173103-00173415 are a sister organisation to rOpenSci that also has a peer FCLfrx4KmT4-00409-00173415-00173745 review process. And so I'd love to answer any questions if you FCLfrx4KmT4-00410-00173745-00174117 have questions about peer review and what that means for FCLfrx4KmT4-00411-00174117-00174180 software. FCLfrx4KmT4-00412-00174349-00174613 Now, what I'm going to talk about today, in the next few FCLfrx4KmT4-00413-00174613-00174982 minutes is just a little bit about 'What is Open Source and FCLfrx4KmT4-00414-00175021-00175276 how it's really driving Open Science?'. And then I'm going to FCLfrx4KmT4-00415-00175276-00175534 spend the last couple of minutes talking about how there's this FCLfrx4KmT4-00416-00175534-00175858 spectrum, where sometimes it seems like software is this FCLfrx4KmT4-00417-00175858-00176368 thing out to the right that, you know, no one it's not me. I'm FCLfrx4KmT4-00418-00176368-00176749 not a software developer. I'm not creating software. And so I FCLfrx4KmT4-00419-00176749-00177016 should I don't have to think about software. But I'm going to FCLfrx4KmT4-00420-00177016-00177514 show you how what I think is a spectrum of scripts to software FCLfrx4KmT4-00421-00177514-00177817 and how you're probably somewhere along those spectrum FCLfrx4KmT4-00422-00177817-00178138 lines. And in fact, that's how I got into software myself. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00423-00178201-00178429 wrap up with that quick discussion. FCLfrx4KmT4-00424-00178675-00179071 So open source software is super valuable. We're talking about FCLfrx4KmT4-00425-00179071-00179431 billions to trillions of dollars a year. And this is just in FCLfrx4KmT4-00426-00179431-00180226 companies in tech that is driving open source. And it's FCLfrx4KmT4-00427-00180226-00180613 said that 80 to 90% of companies are using open source as the FCLfrx4KmT4-00428-00180613-00180925 foundation for their business. And I would say that's probably FCLfrx4KmT4-00429-00180928-00181291 a lot higher than that number. And it's probably even higher in FCLfrx4KmT4-00430-00181291-00181492 the science industry specifically. FCLfrx4KmT4-00431-00181694-00182075 Open source software is actually not just about software, it's FCLfrx4KmT4-00432-00182075-00182666 really about people that value free, open tools. And so that FCLfrx4KmT4-00433-00182666-00183050 community piece of open source is really important for anyone FCLfrx4KmT4-00434-00183050-00183380 to think about when you're talking about open source. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00435-00183380-00183785 those people are putting a huge amount of effort into every FCLfrx4KmT4-00436-00183785-00184235 tool. So if you are using R, if you are using Python, if you are FCLfrx4KmT4-00437-00184235-00184622 using 'matplotlib', to plot things or 'ggplot', in the R FCLfrx4KmT4-00438-00184622-00184973 side of things, each one of those tools has a group of FCLfrx4KmT4-00439-00184973-00185267 people behind it. Sometimes it's just one, sometimes it's a whole FCLfrx4KmT4-00440-00185267-00185591 group of people, especially for things like Python, and R, that FCLfrx4KmT4-00441-00185591-00185930 are working on those tools for all of us to use. Every time you FCLfrx4KmT4-00442-00185930-00186152 install one of those tools, I want you to think about that FCLfrx4KmT4-00443-00186152-00186488 because it's a huge lift. And I think all of us in this kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00444-00186488-00186797 Open Science space know that coding is also kind of hard and FCLfrx4KmT4-00445-00186797-00187055 tricky to do. So there's a lot of effort that goes into these FCLfrx4KmT4-00446-00187055-00187562 tools that we're all using every day. And open source software is FCLfrx4KmT4-00447-00187562-00187796 so valuable, especially when you're talking about FCLfrx4KmT4-00448-00187796-00188300 reproducibility and Open Science because it allows anyone to FCLfrx4KmT4-00449-00188300-00188594 install these tools and start learning them and start using FCLfrx4KmT4-00450-00188594-00188855 them. And you can use them anywhere without having to worry FCLfrx4KmT4-00451-00188855-00189446 about licenses and fees. And so, that is really why we can do FCLfrx4KmT4-00452-00189446-00189863 Open Science that is enabling and empowering us to be able to FCLfrx4KmT4-00453-00189863-00190403 do Open Science. Now that spectrum that I referred to FCLfrx4KmT4-00454-00190403-00190844 before, of scripts to software, it's really an interesting thing FCLfrx4KmT4-00455-00190844-00191180 to think about, because I think most of us, when we're learning FCLfrx4KmT4-00456-00191180-00191501 how to code, we're learning how to work with data, we start kind FCLfrx4KmT4-00457-00191501-00191912 of over here on the left of my screen where it says 'Scripts'. FCLfrx4KmT4-00458-00191948-00192623 And so that's where you're starting to create a workflow, FCLfrx4KmT4-00459-00192623-00192848 and you're just doing the things that you need to do in a FCLfrx4KmT4-00460-00192848-00193139 workflow and getting them done. And I'll show you an example of FCLfrx4KmT4-00461-00193139-00193409 that in just a moment. And then on the right side of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00462-00193409-00193679 spectrum, we have 'Software', and those are the things that FCLfrx4KmT4-00463-00193679-00194057 like anyone can install and use. They're normally generalised. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00464-00194057-00194372 they're not just for a specific workflow. They're something that FCLfrx4KmT4-00465-00194372-00194747 lots of people can use, maybe that lots of people is just the FCLfrx4KmT4-00466-00194747-00195140 people in your lab, not just you. Maybe that is you and your FCLfrx4KmT4-00467-00195140-00195569 future self. And so there's lots of different kinds of iterations FCLfrx4KmT4-00468-00195569-00196094 around going from scripts to software. And let's, let's look FCLfrx4KmT4-00469-00196094-00196349 at that. But I want to say one more thing before I look at, we FCLfrx4KmT4-00470-00196349-00196655 look at that, and that is that, I want to acknowledge that FCLfrx4KmT4-00471-00196667-00197009 programming is hard, right? And I'm not saying it's hard as in, FCLfrx4KmT4-00472-00197045-00197330 you all can't do it, we can't do it. Like I'm a self taught FCLfrx4KmT4-00473-00197330-00197621 programmer. I'm just saying that there's a steep learning curve. FCLfrx4KmT4-00474-00197621-00197978 And it takes a lot of time. So what can be really hard when FCLfrx4KmT4-00475-00197978-00198239 you're thinking about your science, and you want to create FCLfrx4KmT4-00476-00198239-00198629 this workflow, and you just want to get it done, is that, can you FCLfrx4KmT4-00477-00198629-00198914 think about your future self, and can your future self update FCLfrx4KmT4-00478-00198914-00199265 that code when that paper review comes back in? Or maybe you need FCLfrx4KmT4-00479-00199265-00199571 to extend your analysis? It's hard to do that when you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00480-00199571-00199886 actually also fighting with, 'Gosh, I just need to open this FCLfrx4KmT4-00481-00199886-00200147 file and like plot and look at the data. And I've got 10 FCLfrx4KmT4-00482-00200147-00200438 cleaning steps to figure out along the way.' So I just want FCLfrx4KmT4-00483-00200438-00200867 to acknowledge that this is this is a hard process. But let's FCLfrx4KmT4-00484-00200867-00201083 think about that process and kind of break it down. FCLfrx4KmT4-00485-00201000-00201886 So here's some pseudocode. We're not going to worry about any FCLfrx4KmT4-00486-00201900-00202787 actual code here, but rather just some steps. So imagine, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00487-00202801-00203673 have some data files to open. It's precipitation or rainfall FCLfrx4KmT4-00488-00203688-00204603 data. And you have 12 files, one month of data in each file. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00489-00204618-00205547 you have 12 files total. And if you're scripting, you might like FCLfrx4KmT4-00490-00205562-00206477 figure out how to open the file and clean the data, and convert FCLfrx4KmT4-00491-00206492-00207364 whatever you need to convert, and then plot the data. And so FCLfrx4KmT4-00492-00207378-00208308 once you figure that out for one file, you're like, great, I can FCLfrx4KmT4-00493-00208323-00209151 just copy and paste that code for the second file and the FCLfrx4KmT4-00494-00209165-00210023 third file and just change the path to the file name and 12 FCLfrx4KmT4-00495-00210037-00210938 files are processed, and it's quick, and it's done. But that's FCLfrx4KmT4-00496-00210953-00211766 what I like to call 'Copy Pasta'. So when you're copying FCLfrx4KmT4-00497-00211781-00212638 and pasting, and you're changing one thing, and that can be FCLfrx4KmT4-00498-00212653-00213554 really difficult, it can be fast to get started. But it can be FCLfrx4KmT4-00499-00213116-00213483 Now, again, the next step of this kind of what I call the FCLfrx4KmT4-00500-00213489-00213907 gateway drug is what if you want to share that workflow with your FCLfrx4KmT4-00501-00213568-00214454 difficult when your future self goes back and needs to update FCLfrx4KmT4-00502-00213914-00214300 colleagues? Now you might want something that's installable, FCLfrx4KmT4-00503-00214307-00214693 into an environment. And it's not really that huge of a leap FCLfrx4KmT4-00504-00214469-00215370 that processing step. So your paper review comes back. Now you FCLfrx4KmT4-00505-00214699-00215092 to go from, I'm going to create some functions and classes or FCLfrx4KmT4-00506-00215099-00215472 whatever my code structure is to, boy, I'm going to create FCLfrx4KmT4-00507-00215384-00216184 have to update update every single section of the code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00508-00215479-00215858 something that I can install into environment, and also, my FCLfrx4KmT4-00509-00215865-00216258 colleague can install into an environment. And we can all use FCLfrx4KmT4-00510-00216198-00216983 That's a lot of maintenance work. And then what if you FCLfrx4KmT4-00511-00216264-00216650 and reuse those same shared functions, methods, whatever the FCLfrx4KmT4-00512-00216657-00217043 case may be. So now your code that started as a script turns FCLfrx4KmT4-00513-00216997-00217898 needed to expand your workflow? Now you've got multiple sites, FCLfrx4KmT4-00514-00217050-00217436 into something that you can import at the top of the script, FCLfrx4KmT4-00515-00217442-00217777 that anyone else could import that exact same set of FCLfrx4KmT4-00516-00217784-00218183 functions. And then they could begin processing their data. Of FCLfrx4KmT4-00517-00217913-00218828 multiple years, you're going to be copying and pasting for days FCLfrx4KmT4-00518-00218189-00218556 course, there's probably some for-loops or iteration that FCLfrx4KmT4-00519-00218563-00218930 would be happening in this example. But this is just this FCLfrx4KmT4-00520-00218842-00219685 to get all of that code correct. And you're likely to make FCLfrx4KmT4-00521-00218936-00219303 idea of individual use, and starting to think about code, FCLfrx4KmT4-00522-00219310-00219683 all the way up to open source software, which is the thing FCLfrx4KmT4-00523-00219690-00220031 that lots of people can use. Hundreds to thousands to FCLfrx4KmT4-00524-00219700-00220601 mistakes because as humans, we make mistakes. So now you could FCLfrx4KmT4-00525-00220037-00220391 millions if you're a package like NumPy, or a tool like FCLfrx4KmT4-00526-00220398-00220791 Python. And so I just wanted to think about, get you to think FCLfrx4KmT4-00527-00220615-00221473 start to think about or you could start to think about this FCLfrx4KmT4-00528-00220797-00221209 about the fact that your code is along that spectrum that you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00529-00221216-00221563 writing. And open source software is this thing that's FCLfrx4KmT4-00530-00221487-00222417 from the very beginning of your workflow, the kind of pseudocode FCLfrx4KmT4-00531-00221570-00221975 driving everything that we do. So it's really important to kind FCLfrx4KmT4-00532-00221982-00222355 of think about this, but also think hard when you start to FCLfrx4KmT4-00533-00222362-00222722 write your code, in terms of, 'Gosh, could I make this a FCLfrx4KmT4-00534-00222432-00223231 of like, what are the main things that I need to do and FCLfrx4KmT4-00535-00222729-00223141 little bit easier for my future self?'. And software might be in FCLfrx4KmT4-00536-00223147-00223559 your future. That's how I ended up here, actually, believe it or FCLfrx4KmT4-00537-00223245-00224044 could I start to modularize that code. And that idea of FCLfrx4KmT4-00538-00223557-00223931 So takeaways from today, your code is within the spectrum of FCLfrx4KmT4-00539-00223566-00223592 not. FCLfrx4KmT4-00540-00223937-00224336 script to software. If you can, think before you start to script FCLfrx4KmT4-00541-00224059-00224916 modularizing code is kind of your first step. It's like the FCLfrx4KmT4-00542-00224343-00224680 and write things out in plain old English, think about FCLfrx4KmT4-00543-00224686-00225023 pseudocode and think about modularization because your FCLfrx4KmT4-00544-00224931-00225817 gateway drug towards software right, towards making something FCLfrx4KmT4-00545-00225029-00225347 future self will really appreciate it. But your lab FCLfrx4KmT4-00546-00225353-00225721 mates and others in your field, might also appreciate it as FCLfrx4KmT4-00547-00225728-00226102 well. And then just know that open source software is really FCLfrx4KmT4-00548-00225832-00226718 that other people can use and reuse. And so here's an example FCLfrx4KmT4-00549-00226108-00226483 about community and people that really deeply care about the FCLfrx4KmT4-00550-00226489-00226870 fact that we can all use their tools and we don't have to pay FCLfrx4KmT4-00551-00226732-00227590 like we could start to create functions to do some of those FCLfrx4KmT4-00552-00226876-00227232 for them. And we can make our science open and accessible FCLfrx4KmT4-00553-00227238-00227631 because of that. So with that, I'm going to wrap up, my contact FCLfrx4KmT4-00554-00227604-00228418 steps. And now our script becomes a lot smaller in terms FCLfrx4KmT4-00555-00227637-00228018 information is in the lower, or my email is in the lower left FCLfrx4KmT4-00556-00228024-00228348 hand side of the screen, pyOpenSci Twitter, we're on FCLfrx4KmT4-00557-00228355-00228723 Twitter, we're on Mastodon, we have a Discourse if you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00558-00228433-00229217 of lines of code, easier to maintain. And if I need to FCLfrx4KmT4-00559-00228729-00229128 questions about kind of working on your code and turning it into FCLfrx4KmT4-00560-00229135-00229478 a package, we can answer questions. We also have a peer FCLfrx4KmT4-00561-00229232-00230118 update processing steps, I'm updating one function instead of FCLfrx4KmT4-00562-00229484-00229852 review process. If anyone's interested in getting involved, FCLfrx4KmT4-00563-00229858-00230189 you can sign up to be a reviewer, or you can submit a FCLfrx4KmT4-00564-00230133-00231063 the same thing copied 12, 24, 36 however many times it's copied. FCLfrx4KmT4-00565-00230195-00230582 package to review. So I'm open to answering any questions that FCLfrx4KmT4-00566-00230588-00230975 you have. And thank you so much for inviting me to share today FCLfrx4KmT4-00567-00230981-00231063 on this call! FCLfrx4KmT4-00568-00231315-00232077 Paz: Thank you, Leah, Applauses! Applause, applause, first, or FCLfrx4KmT4-00569-00232083-00232383 other emojis like a heart or whatever. Thank you so much, FCLfrx4KmT4-00570-00232404-00232929 Leah, that was very, very clear as well, and yeah. And I have FCLfrx4KmT4-00571-00232929-00233205 one first question before, I'm sure some people are thinking, FCLfrx4KmT4-00572-00233208-00233829 are thinking of a few. But I have the first. What would you FCLfrx4KmT4-00573-00233829-00234171 say are some of the tips or things that as a self taught FCLfrx4KmT4-00574-00234171-00234552 programmer like you? What ideas do you have for people who work FCLfrx4KmT4-00575-00234552-00234971 alone, mostly alone or remotely with other people, but who do FCLfrx4KmT4-00576-00234971-00235458 not have like coding buddies or friends? Or just people that FCLfrx4KmT4-00577-00235458-00235871 have a lot of trouble kind of doing things? Or motivating FCLfrx4KmT4-00578-00235871-00236307 themselves to get into this? What would you advise? What FCLfrx4KmT4-00579-00236307-00236637 would you, what advice do you have for that? That type of FCLfrx4KmT4-00580-00236637-00236696 people? FCLfrx4KmT4-00581-00236729-00237094 Leah Wasser: Yeah, that's such a good question. And I, I really FCLfrx4KmT4-00582-00237094-00237461 think that the biggest thing in that space that will really FCLfrx4KmT4-00583-00237461-00237959 jumpstart is to find a community or find some group so that FCLfrx4KmT4-00584-00237959-00238267 you're not so alone. And I'll give you an example of this. FCLfrx4KmT4-00585-00238267-00238676 Like I started out completely on my own. I was just learning like FCLfrx4KmT4-00586-00238679-00238952 the hard way how to code and I had this huge amount of data. FCLfrx4KmT4-00587-00238994-00239537 And I had some friends that were using, were coding and they kind FCLfrx4KmT4-00588-00239537-00239792 of got me started and I was like wow, they just did something FCLfrx4KmT4-00589-00239792-00240131 that it would take me like three weeks to figure out and they FCLfrx4KmT4-00590-00240131-00240404 just coded this thing up and did it in like an hour, and it FCLfrx4KmT4-00591-00240404-00240665 processed all of my data. And I was like mind blown by that FCLfrx4KmT4-00592-00240665-00241037 power. So those colleagues were kind of, that was my gateway FCLfrx4KmT4-00593-00241037-00241583 drug into data science. But the thing that really pushed me into FCLfrx4KmT4-00594-00241583-00241934 the community and took me to where I am here today was FCLfrx4KmT4-00595-00241937-00242288 finding out about The Carpentries. And the reason why FCLfrx4KmT4-00596-00242288-00242537 was because it wasn't actually the training. I've actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00597-00242537-00242792 never done, taught Carpentries training, I've never actually FCLfrx4KmT4-00598-00242792-00243182 done one, done a class. But the thing for me there was having FCLfrx4KmT4-00599-00243182-00243557 people that were doing the same type of work, and they were FCLfrx4KmT4-00600-00243557-00243788 doing data science that I could ask questions, I could ask FCLfrx4KmT4-00601-00243788-00244064 questions about Git, I could ask questions about GitHub, and like FCLfrx4KmT4-00602-00244064-00244444 making those friends and colleagues. And in fact, that's FCLfrx4KmT4-00603-00244444-00244748 how I wrote my first R package. When someone was like, 'Wow, FCLfrx4KmT4-00604-00244751-00244979 this is like really useful, you should just turn this into a FCLfrx4KmT4-00605-00244979-00245255 package.' And I'm like, 'I'm not a software engineer. Like I FCLfrx4KmT4-00606-00245255-00245516 can't do that.' And they were like, 'Nope, you totally could!' FCLfrx4KmT4-00607-00245567-00246002 And this is how and so I know, it's really difficult. But I do FCLfrx4KmT4-00608-00246005-00246373 truly believe that having community is important. And even FCLfrx4KmT4-00609-00246373-00246725 today, I have colleagues that are developers that know way FCLfrx4KmT4-00610-00246725-00247301 more than I do. And when I get stuck with a crazy Git issue, or FCLfrx4KmT4-00611-00247301-00247679 something that's just like, I'm so frustrated, even if I could FCLfrx4KmT4-00612-00247679-00247948 spend hours figuring it out, knowing that I have people, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00613-00247948-00248282 can just ask a question. And at least they can say, 'Hey, I've FCLfrx4KmT4-00614-00248282-00248582 been there, too. I've had that same challenge.' I feel like FCLfrx4KmT4-00615-00248582-00248987 that's a game changer for people. So if there's one thing FCLfrx4KmT4-00616-00248987-00249389 that you can do, I would say, like, try to find a community, FCLfrx4KmT4-00617-00249389-00249626 whether it's a local meetup, whether it's an online FCLfrx4KmT4-00618-00249626-00249946 community, that you can become a part of, so you feel like you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00619-00249946-00250154 not alone when you get stuck. FCLfrx4KmT4-00620-00250490-00250898 Paz: Yeah, that's it. Thank you! Any other questions, people? FCLfrx4KmT4-00621-00251054-00251558 Here's one. Laurah, do you want to? FCLfrx4KmT4-00622-00251830-00252182 Laurah Ondari: Yeah, I can probably ask it on, using voice. FCLfrx4KmT4-00623-00252190-00252671 But honestly, I don't know if this is within your expertise. FCLfrx4KmT4-00624-00252679-00253184 But, I'm going to ask it anyway, in case you have any thoughts. FCLfrx4KmT4-00625-00253192-00253689 I'm honestly curious about how code is transformed into actual FCLfrx4KmT4-00626-00253697-00254146 product. For example, if I've written code that probably FCLfrx4KmT4-00627-00254154-00254562 transforms, like how a thermometer works, so how is FCLfrx4KmT4-00628-00254570-00255019 that code put into an actual product? Not in the form of FCLfrx4KmT4-00629-00255027-00255492 packages, but like, something that actually works? I don't FCLfrx4KmT4-00630-00255500-00255757 know if my question makes sense. FCLfrx4KmT4-00631-00255700-00256279 Leah Wasser: Are you? I'm not sure, so not a package, not FCLfrx4KmT4-00632-00256279-00256528 something that's installed, but I guess I'm not sure what the FCLfrx4KmT4-00633-00256528-00257059 product. Do you mean, like, like, added to a sensor kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00634-00257059-00257479 thing like that kind of? Okay, and I'm probably I'm definitely FCLfrx4KmT4-00635-00257479-00257919 not the right, I'm not an engineer. But I would just FCLfrx4KmT4-00636-00257923-00258187 imagine maybe someone else is, that there's, that those FCLfrx4KmT4-00637-00258187-00258628 products have some kind of chips that get that are able to FCLfrx4KmT4-00638-00258628-00258913 install things like I know, there's MicroPython now for FCLfrx4KmT4-00639-00258913-00259309 small, like, chip kind of instances of tools, and you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00640-00259309-00259738 install things into MicroPython. And so I would imagine that it's FCLfrx4KmT4-00641-00259741-00260104 like very similar to that where there's some kind of, chip FCLfrx4KmT4-00642-00260104-00260446 processor that's much smaller than our computers that things FCLfrx4KmT4-00643-00260446-00260836 get installed into. But I am, I am guessing, based on my FCLfrx4KmT4-00644-00260836-00261133 knowledge, my limited knowledge of MicroPython, maybe someone FCLfrx4KmT4-00645-00261133-00261334 else can answer that better than me. FCLfrx4KmT4-00646-00261465-00262290 Laurah Ondari: Okay, that's, that makes sense. If anyone has FCLfrx4KmT4-00647-00262293-00262779 any questions, you can pop them on the chat or on the Etherpad FCLfrx4KmT4-00648-00262779-00263472 Line 91. There's one that's coming on the chat here. FCLfrx4KmT4-00649-00263547-00264048 Paz: Yeah. Do you want to say, read the question that Nicky FCLfrx4KmT4-00650-00264048-00264342 posted in the chat?That is better for the transcription FCLfrx4KmT4-00651-00264342-00264597 later on, for the recording. FCLfrx4KmT4-00652-00264591-00264904 Leah Wasser: Yeah. Let's see. So the question is, 'Being part of FCLfrx4KmT4-00653-00264910-00265309 a community also helps us in how to frame questions. Do you think FCLfrx4KmT4-00654-00265315-00265677 that might change as people start to rely on LLMs for their FCLfrx4KmT4-00655-00265683-00266027 initial questions?' I think that's a really, really good FCLfrx4KmT4-00656-00266033-00266383 question. Especially, I just came from PyCon. It was like FCLfrx4KmT4-00657-00266389-00266757 LLMs for days, like the whole vendor hall was companies were FCLfrx4KmT4-00658-00266763-00267119 using LLMs. So LLMs being 'Large Language Models' so we're FCLfrx4KmT4-00659-00267125-00267475 talking about like ChatGPT, OpenAI stuff, Bard, the Bing, FCLfrx4KmT4-00660-00267481-00267868 there's all these different LLMs now. So yeah, I think, I think FCLfrx4KmT4-00661-00267874-00268261 that there's definitely going to be some things that change and FCLfrx4KmT4-00662-00268267-00268623 just know that like we're in opinion territory that you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00663-00268629-00268998 hearing my opinion on this. I think that there's a couple of FCLfrx4KmT4-00664-00269004-00269390 really interesting things with LLMs. One is kind of in the same FCLfrx4KmT4-00665-00269396-00269777 way, like learning how to ask the right questions. Like if you FCLfrx4KmT4-00666-00269783-00270121 ask a question on Stack Overflow, terrible example. But FCLfrx4KmT4-00667-00270127-00270489 like people will get kind of dinged if their question isn't FCLfrx4KmT4-00668-00270495-00270814 specific enough, you're not going to get dinged from FCLfrx4KmT4-00669-00270820-00271201 ChatGPT. But if you don't ask specific enough, specific enough FCLfrx4KmT4-00670-00271207-00271582 questions, that's definitely going to be something where, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00671-00271588-00271950 know, there's going to be a learning curve there, where you FCLfrx4KmT4-00672-00271956-00272324 might not get the answer, the right answer at the beginning. FCLfrx4KmT4-00673-00272330-00272693 And so you might still need community. The other thing that FCLfrx4KmT4-00674-00272699-00273061 I think in terms of LLMs, is that, frankly, if you've tried FCLfrx4KmT4-00675-00273067-00273447 using them for code, like half the time, it's not, doesn't run FCLfrx4KmT4-00676-00273454-00273761 or it's not right. And so there's still a level of FCLfrx4KmT4-00677-00273767-00274110 technical knowledge that I think. This might change, but FCLfrx4KmT4-00678-00274117-00274497 like right now, you still have to have some level of technical FCLfrx4KmT4-00679-00274503-00274878 knowledge to see like, oh, this returned, but it didn't quite FCLfrx4KmT4-00680-00274884-00275277 like do things the right way, or the code doesn't quite run. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00681-00275283-00275676 so you're going to still end up with a situation where if you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00682-00275682-00276074 especially newer, I think having people around might help. But I FCLfrx4KmT4-00683-00276081-00276437 don't know, you know, I don't know where this landscape is FCLfrx4KmT4-00684-00276443-00276823 going to go. With LLMs, there's YouTube videos for days now on FCLfrx4KmT4-00685-00276829-00277198 how to ask questions, and how to start learning Python using FCLfrx4KmT4-00686-00277204-00277584 ChatGPT. So I just, you know, Nicky, I'm just kind of guessing FCLfrx4KmT4-00687-00277591-00277990 as to where we might be going in that space. And I think at least FCLfrx4KmT4-00688-00277996-00278382 for the near term, we're still going to need each other to kind FCLfrx4KmT4-00689-00278388-00278769 of figure things out, because they're not going to always give FCLfrx4KmT4-00690-00278775-00279168 you the right answer. And how do you know, if you're, especially FCLfrx4KmT4-00691-00279174-00279567 if you're a beginner, how do you know that it's feeding you, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00692-00279573-00279948 know, not the right information? So that's just my two cents. FCLfrx4KmT4-00693-00280293-00280764 Olaitan Awe: Thank you! Okay, thank you everyone. FCLfrx4KmT4-00694-00280839-00280983 I did have a question. FCLfrx4KmT4-00695-00281214-00281259 Paz: Go ahead. FCLfrx4KmT4-00696-00281308-00281554 Olaitan Awe: Okay, thanks. So when we are talking about peer FCLfrx4KmT4-00697-00281554-00282262 review, I'm curious if that means code review or peer review FCLfrx4KmT4-00698-00282265-00282550 of manuscripts? FCLfrx4KmT4-00699-00282683-00283040 Leah Wasser: Ah, yes, software, definitely code. So we review, FCLfrx4KmT4-00700-00283046-00283499 yeah, we review and, and Yanina will talk about rOpenSci, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00701-00283499-00283694 don't want to speak for what you're gonna say Yanina. But FCLfrx4KmT4-00702-00283715-00284174 we're sister organisations. So we both review rOpenSci - R FCLfrx4KmT4-00703-00284174-00284612 packages, so software, and pyOpenSci is py packages, Python FCLfrx4KmT4-00704-00284612-00284927 packages. And you know, there's some texts because there's FCLfrx4KmT4-00705-00284927-00285308 documentation and, and thinking about usability and that kind of FCLfrx4KmT4-00706-00285308-00285830 thing, but we're also reviewing the actual code, and usability FCLfrx4KmT4-00707-00285833-00286121 of the software. Great question. FCLfrx4KmT4-00708-00286130-00286145 Olaitan Awe: Thanks! FCLfrx4KmT4-00709-00286679-00287225 Paz: Well, let's see if there is another one in, in the pad, no, FCLfrx4KmT4-00710-00287240-00287699 so we can go and I will thank you again, both the speakers so FCLfrx4KmT4-00711-00287699-00288140 far, and Leah and Olaitan. And, and all of you for being here, FCLfrx4KmT4-00712-00288149-00288566 and asking questions and being present. Even if you're not FCLfrx4KmT4-00713-00288566-00288989 showing your faces. We'll have to do a call one day not FCLfrx4KmT4-00714-00288989-00289364 recorded because I want to see people's faces at some point. I FCLfrx4KmT4-00715-00289364-00289817 know some of you but haven't seen some. Anyway, okay, so FCLfrx4KmT4-00716-00289817-00290348 we're gonna go with Yanina Bellini. And she can introduce FCLfrx4KmT4-00717-00290348-00290531 herself. Go ahead! FCLfrx4KmT4-00718-00290797-00291226 Yanina Bellini Saibene: Okay, thank you. Let me try to share FCLfrx4KmT4-00719-00291226-00292525 my screen. Let me know if you're seeing my slides. Yes, okay, FCLfrx4KmT4-00720-00292528-00292939 thank you. I saw some heads doing like this. So thank you FCLfrx4KmT4-00721-00292939-00293593 for that. Okay, we will open the chat. So, thank you for the FCLfrx4KmT4-00722-00293593-00293968 invitation for being here today and trying to share something FCLfrx4KmT4-00723-00293968-00294616 about programming or coding for, for science. My name is Yani, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00724-00294616-00295051 live in Argentina in South America. And since June last FCLfrx4KmT4-00725-00295051-00295633 year, I'm the community manager of rOpenSci. And, I was a FCLfrx4KmT4-00726-00295633-00296062 researcher in the agricultural sector for 24 years before to FCLfrx4KmT4-00727-00296062-00296524 have this role. And I'm part of several community of practice. FCLfrx4KmT4-00728-00296548-00297139 Some already mentioned like Carpentries, like R-Ladies, like FCLfrx4KmT4-00729-00297142-00297634 a seer, like MiR, and a lot of Rs in my life because it's the FCLfrx4KmT4-00730-00297661-00298198 language that I really enjoy to go. So a lot of my examples FCLfrx4KmT4-00731-00298198-00298936 today is going to have R examples. So the idea that I FCLfrx4KmT4-00732-00298936-00299440 want to share with you today is to talk about, 'What is good FCLfrx4KmT4-00733-00299440-00299866 code?', when you code for anything, not only for doing FCLfrx4KmT4-00734-00299866-00300460 science, but for, for, for anything that you try to program FCLfrx4KmT4-00735-00300460-00300916 in. I like this phrase from Hadley Wickham that says, "The FCLfrx4KmT4-00736-00300916-00301327 only way to write good code is to write tons of shitty code FCLfrx4KmT4-00737-00301327-00301777 first. And you don't, should feel shame about your bad code FCLfrx4KmT4-00738-00301801-00302194 because that will stop you from getting to good code.' And this FCLfrx4KmT4-00739-00302194-00302626 has to do with, ask questions, as Leah to say, and to share FCLfrx4KmT4-00740-00302626-00303007 what you are doing to get feedback. I know that that can FCLfrx4KmT4-00741-00303007-00303505 be more hard for some people than from another. But as Leah FCLfrx4KmT4-00742-00303505-00303949 to say, you found a good community, you will be able to FCLfrx4KmT4-00743-00303949-00304462 do questions and to share without any concern about what FCLfrx4KmT4-00744-00304462-00304786 people will say to you. But knowing that these people in FCLfrx4KmT4-00745-00304786-00305143 this community will help you to improve and to learn. FCLfrx4KmT4-00746-00305100-00305661 There are several practices and guidelines to write good code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00747-00305733-00306243 And I will talk about two today, styling and testing as Paz asked FCLfrx4KmT4-00748-00306243-00306945 me to do. So at rOpenSci, we also do a Stats Software Review. FCLfrx4KmT4-00749-00307083-00307692 And this Software Review has as a goal to improve your software FCLfrx4KmT4-00750-00307707-00308310 to desires. So this, this review is not adversarial, is FCLfrx4KmT4-00751-00308310-00308679 constructive, is transparent. Everything is in GitHub, you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00752-00308679-00309060 see all the discussion of the reviewers and the editor with FCLfrx4KmT4-00753-00309060-00309486 the authors. And we don't have rejections. So if you send your FCLfrx4KmT4-00754-00309486-00309933 package to us and we say yes, we can review, we are going to go FCLfrx4KmT4-00755-00309933-00310335 through with you all the path until you can fix the things FCLfrx4KmT4-00756-00310335-00310752 that need to be fixed, and the package is ready to become part FCLfrx4KmT4-00757-00310752-00311199 of our suite. With this process, we help to disseminate best FCLfrx4KmT4-00758-00311199-00311688 practices to develop software, and we build community. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00759-00311688-00312090 everything that I will mention today and with a lot of more FCLfrx4KmT4-00760-00312090-00312543 details are in our rOpenSci packages development, FCLfrx4KmT4-00761-00312543-00313017 maintenance and peer review book that you have the link on these, FCLfrx4KmT4-00762-00313020-00313554 in these slides. So let's start with styling, code styling. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00763-00313554-00314169 what is that? How many of you know what is Code Smells? Do you FCLfrx4KmT4-00764-00314169-00314589 know about these, these terms? Write on the chat! Just tell me FCLfrx4KmT4-00765-00314589-00314802 yes, no, maybe, I don't know? FCLfrx4KmT4-00766-00314992-00315958 I got a yes, no, not me, yes. Okay, good. Code Smell is a term FCLfrx4KmT4-00767-00315958-00316468 that was coined in the 90s by Fowler, and this says there is a FCLfrx4KmT4-00768-00316468-00316987 structure in the code that just suggests refactoring. And you FCLfrx4KmT4-00769-00316987-00317329 can say, come on Yani, that is not clear what refactoring is. FCLfrx4KmT4-00770-00317404-00317971 Okay refactoring is, is to modify the code to make it easy FCLfrx4KmT4-00771-00317971-00318487 to understand and modify without changing the behaviour. And Leah FCLfrx4KmT4-00772-00318487-00318859 give some examples, she say okay, I have this script. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00773-00318859-00319354 then I, I transform this script in some functions, and then I FCLfrx4KmT4-00774-00319354-00319810 take these functions and made a package, that is refractoring. FCLfrx4KmT4-00775-00319834-00320326 You know, I gave a talk a couple of weeks ago in csv,conf and I FCLfrx4KmT4-00776-00320326-00320755 did an article and I have 13 pieces of code that the only FCLfrx4KmT4-00777-00320755-00321214 thing that changed is the path to access some files and some FCLfrx4KmT4-00778-00321265-00321640 and some text that I need to read. That code is screaming, FCLfrx4KmT4-00779-00321667-00322102 'Yani, please become in a function with this'. So that is FCLfrx4KmT4-00780-00322102-00322531 refactoring, to take our code and make it better to understand FCLfrx4KmT4-00781-00322534-00323416 and to modify. And code smells are not good for our code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00782-00323524-00323959 Because it creates cognitive load, it is usually code that is FCLfrx4KmT4-00783-00323965-00324421 hard to read, hard to follow. And it is more likely to contain FCLfrx4KmT4-00784-00324424-00324961 errors. So we're going to try to avoid code smells. Fowler has a FCLfrx4KmT4-00785-00324961-00325492 lot of, a list what kind of code smells can have our code. I'm FCLfrx4KmT4-00786-00325495-00325891 only going to talk about a code smell that is related with the FCLfrx4KmT4-00787-00325891-00326452 styling of the code. Why the code make great cognitive load FCLfrx4KmT4-00788-00326455-00327049 because it is more hard to read. So we as human beings has a FCLfrx4KmT4-00789-00327061-00328036 short memory at work, a capacity to process in our memory. And FCLfrx4KmT4-00790-00328036-00328453 that is going to restrict how much we can read and understand FCLfrx4KmT4-00791-00328474-00328774 of a code or any other material. FCLfrx4KmT4-00792-00328994-00329594 So we're going to focus on how to naming things. But, names to FCLfrx4KmT4-00793-00329594-00330035 things is a really hard task. This code smell is called FCLfrx4KmT4-00794-00330041-00330563 'linguistic antipattern'. And for example, it is when the code FCLfrx4KmT4-00795-00330566-00331115 do something different than the names involved suggest. What? FCLfrx4KmT4-00796-00331214-00331667 For example, if I have a variable by the name 'is_valid' FCLfrx4KmT4-00797-00331760-00332222 and contains an integer, that is a linguistic antipattern, FCLfrx4KmT4-00798-00332225-00332810 because with that name, I will expect that the variable is a FCLfrx4KmT4-00799-00332810-00333290 Boolean, for example. I will expect a true or false, I will FCLfrx4KmT4-00800-00333290-00334061 not expect a number. So, this is the kinds of things that are FCLfrx4KmT4-00801-00334076-00334457 called we have this linguistic antipattern smell. FCLfrx4KmT4-00802-00334484-00335030 So, we have several tools to try to avoid this. And in the FCLfrx4KmT4-00803-00335033-00335549 tidyverse style guide, one of the things that say is the FCLfrx4KmT4-00804-00335657-00336071 variable and functions name should use only lowercase FCLfrx4KmT4-00805-00336128-00336662 letters, numbers and underscores. And the Python one FCLfrx4KmT4-00806-00336662-00337088 says that you use camel case, for example, not a snake case, FCLfrx4KmT4-00807-00337088-00337634 like the tidyverse says, How do you choose? Well, studies say FCLfrx4KmT4-00808-00337634-00338096 that camel case is more easy to read. But a snake case you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00809-00338096-00338615 read faster, for example. The thing is that you need to choose FCLfrx4KmT4-00810-00338615-00339074 one and stick to that choice that you do. Va riable names FCLfrx4KmT4-00811-00339074-00339590 should be nouns, function names should be verbs. You should FCLfrx4KmT4-00812-00339590-00340007 avoid reusing name of common functions or variables. So you FCLfrx4KmT4-00813-00340031-00340526 know that in a package, you have a function that is called FCLfrx4KmT4-00814-00340529-00340880 average, you should try to avoid to name your function in the FCLfrx4KmT4-00815-00340880-00341432 same way. You need to strive for names that are concise and FCLfrx4KmT4-00816-00341432-00341858 meaningful and know that it's not easy. And it is related with FCLfrx4KmT4-00817-00341858-00342245 this other point that says, 'Agree on one mold to name FCLfrx4KmT4-00818-00342245-00342626 variable and be consistent on your code base.' What does this FCLfrx4KmT4-00819-00342626-00343121 mean? Let's, let me ask you and please write on the chat, 'How FCLfrx4KmT4-00820-00343124-00343754 you will name a variable that will contain the average yield FCLfrx4KmT4-00821-00343757-00344471 of a crop? Average yield of a crop? How will you name a FCLfrx4KmT4-00822-00344471-00344816 variable that will contain that, that data?' FCLfrx4KmT4-00823-00346294-00346852 Nice, Nicky, Danny! Who else? I want more options, I want more FCLfrx4KmT4-00824-00346852-00348061 options. I guess yeah, thumbs up for Danny's option. Who else? FCLfrx4KmT4-00825-00348259-00349150 'meanCropYield', 'crop_aver'. Okay, 'avg_yield_of_crop'. As we FCLfrx4KmT4-00826-00349150-00349627 can see, Leah, oh my god Leah, you're going to give me a heart FCLfrx4KmT4-00827-00349627-00350218 attack. As we can see, it's really hard to be in an FCLfrx4KmT4-00828-00350218-00350569 agreement on how to name a variable. So, one of the things FCLfrx4KmT4-00829-00350569-00351019 that you and your team need to do is to agree on one mold. For FCLfrx4KmT4-00830-00351019-00351637 example, we can say we are going to use the function or the FCLfrx4KmT4-00831-00351637-00352048 calculations first, then underscore, and then the name of FCLfrx4KmT4-00832-00352048-00352366 the variable we are doing the calculation. So in that case FCLfrx4KmT4-00833-00352366-00353209 would be, could be like this 'avg_yield' or 'avg_crop_yield'. FCLfrx4KmT4-00834-00353263-00353512 The other thing is to say okay, now we are going to use the FCLfrx4KmT4-00835-00353512-00354094 variable name first and then the calculation, and that will be, FCLfrx4KmT4-00836-00354328-00355177 I'm writing 'yield_avg'. Which is correct? Both of them. The FCLfrx4KmT4-00837-00355180-00355588 important thing is you are consistent through your code. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00838-00355588-00355990 you always know that you are going to find 'max', 'avg', FCLfrx4KmT4-00839-00355996-00356461 'mean', 'sum' first and then the variable, or that you are always FCLfrx4KmT4-00840-00356461-00356845 going to find 'yield' first and then the name of the FCLfrx4KmT4-00841-00356845-00357667 calculation, if that makes sense. That will help you to FCLfrx4KmT4-00842-00357667-00358057 read your code and the people who will use your code in a more FCLfrx4KmT4-00843-00358057-00358132 easy way. FCLfrx4KmT4-00844-00358405-00359266 Okay, what else? These kind of conventions on how to write code FCLfrx4KmT4-00845-00359269-00359803 are usually in style guides. Each language has one and there FCLfrx4KmT4-00846-00359803-00360184 is some conventions that are, that are kind of similar across FCLfrx4KmT4-00847-00360184-00360649 languages. In this really tiny picture that I put here and FCLfrx4KmT4-00848-00360649-00361057 sorry, because it's so small, I have two chunks of code that are FCLfrx4KmT4-00849-00361057-00361276 exactly the same. It is in R. FCLfrx4KmT4-00850-00361344-00361806 And I would like to know which one is more easy for you to read FCLfrx4KmT4-00851-00361818-00362184 in case that you can see it. I'm sorry, that is so so small. FCLfrx4KmT4-00852-00362340-00362607 Paz: No I, can use zoom it, zoom or maybe? FCLfrx4KmT4-00853-00362721-00362964 Yanina Bellini Saibene: I don't know how to do that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00854-00362976-00363342 Paz: Copy, or copy the photo and then put it on the chat maybe. FCLfrx4KmT4-00855-00363345-00363612 Yanina Bellini Saibene: Okay, okay. Yes, the link is on the.. FCLfrx4KmT4-00856-00363678-00364431 the link. Yes, the link is on the Etherpad. Here is. Okay, I FCLfrx4KmT4-00857-00364431-00364977 will advance on this idea, for a minute of time. But the first FCLfrx4KmT4-00858-00364977-00365412 code I call that is a novel. And the second piece of code, I say FCLfrx4KmT4-00859-00365412-00365892 that is a poem. And for coding, it is more easy to read a poem FCLfrx4KmT4-00860-00365898-00366324 than to read a novel. Why? Because this enter and this FCLfrx4KmT4-00861-00366333-00366906 indentation that we have helped us to read the code in a more FCLfrx4KmT4-00862-00366906-00367299 easy way. It's helped to the flow of the code. And these FCLfrx4KmT4-00863-00367299-00367827 kinds of things are in the, in these style guides. So for FCLfrx4KmT4-00864-00367827-00368178 example, you're going to find things like, 'Always put in a FCLfrx4KmT4-00865-00368178-00368640 space after a comma, never before', 'Don't put a space FCLfrx4KmT4-00866-00368643-00369060 inside or outside parentheses for regular function calls', FCLfrx4KmT4-00867-00369108-00369666 'Place a space before and after an ='. In the case of R, you FCLfrx4KmT4-00868-00369666-00370194 have the package 'styler' and 'lintr' to help you to reinforce FCLfrx4KmT4-00869-00370197-00370902 these rules. And the tidyverse style guide that give you a how FCLfrx4KmT4-00870-00370902-00371373 you should write on everything aspect of the code. And for FCLfrx4KmT4-00871-00371373-00371751 Python, it is the standard Python style guide that you can FCLfrx4KmT4-00872-00371751-00372426 use. So this is going to help you to write a more clean code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00873-00372471-00372762 And to write like the other people who are writing in the FCLfrx4KmT4-00874-00372762-00373365 language is doing. So your code is going to see, to look like FCLfrx4KmT4-00875-00373395-00373647 most of the other code that people are used to. FCLfrx4KmT4-00876-00373867-00374200 Now let's, let's go in to talk a little bit about testing. That, FCLfrx4KmT4-00877-00374236-00374797 that is the other topic that asked me to talk about today. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00878-00374797-00375349 why we should test our, our software? How we can be sure our FCLfrx4KmT4-00879-00375349-00375820 code produces reliable results? We are doing science after all. FCLfrx4KmT4-00880-00375859-00376279 So the author of the 'Research Software Engineering with FCLfrx4KmT4-00881-00376279-00376750 Python' says, well, 'We can't - not completely - but we can test FCLfrx4KmT4-00882-00376780-00377368 software behaviour against our expectation to decide, if we are FCLfrx4KmT4-00883-00377368-00378007 sure enough that our software is doing what we want it to do.' So FCLfrx4KmT4-00884-00378007-00378499 we should assume that mistakes will happen. And we're against FCLfrx4KmT4-00885-00378499-00378760 them, that is called this 'defensive programming', we FCLfrx4KmT4-00886-00378760-00379342 should start to think, 'Okay, how this code could fail?' And FCLfrx4KmT4-00887-00379342-00379705 for that we have different kinds of tools. FCLfrx4KmT4-00888-00379700-00380105 One of the first is an assertion. Assertion is used to FCLfrx4KmT4-00889-00380105-00380675 catch in errors. We introduce assertion to our code so it FCLfrx4KmT4-00890-00380675-00381152 checks itself when the code is running. So for example, for FCLfrx4KmT4-00891-00381155-00381509 Python, you have the 'assert' statement and for R, you have FCLfrx4KmT4-00892-00381509-00381941 the 'stopifnot' function. Assertion will check for FCLfrx4KmT4-00893-00381941-00382364 precondition. For example, I need that this to be true in FCLfrx4KmT4-00894-00382364-00383090 order to these functions can run correctly. A post condition, is FCLfrx4KmT4-00895-00383090-00383399 something that they for sure guarantee that is true when it's FCLfrx4KmT4-00896-00383399-00383849 finished. So after I run this piece of code, I need to have FCLfrx4KmT4-00897-00383861-00384437 this outcome or I need to have this result, or I need to have FCLfrx4KmT4-00898-00384437-00384905 this flag that have this value. And an invariant, it is FCLfrx4KmT4-00899-00384905-00385259 something that is true for every iteration in a loop. So for FCLfrx4KmT4-00900-00385259-00385709 example, you are going to run a loop and check that this value FCLfrx4KmT4-00901-00385709-00386138 is always minimum, or it is between these thresholds for FCLfrx4KmT4-00902-00386138-00386201 example. FCLfrx4KmT4-00903-00386449-00386998 Then you have unit testing. That this the idea of the unit test FCLfrx4KmT4-00904-00387004-00387376 is to prevent an error. With assertion we catch the error FCLfrx4KmT4-00905-00387388-00387826 when it's happening, with unit testing we try to prevent. So, FCLfrx4KmT4-00906-00387826-00388303 unit tests check the correctness of a single unit of software, FCLfrx4KmT4-00907-00388321-00388843 for example, a function. And a unit test typically will have a FCLfrx4KmT4-00908-00388843-00389263 fixture which is the thing that we are going to test. For FCLfrx4KmT4-00909-00389263-00389671 example, the data that we are going to send to our function. FCLfrx4KmT4-00910-00389671-00389797 Our results, that our function or our code produce, when we FCLfrx4KmT4-00911-00389797-00389923 give that fixture. And then, expected result that we are FCLfrx4KmT4-00912-00389923-00390709 going to compare with the result we get. And within that FCLfrx4KmT4-00913-00390748-00391618 comparison, we are going to decide if our code is working FCLfrx4KmT4-00914-00391618-00392416 right or is our code is working wrong. At rOpenSci we review FCLfrx4KmT4-00915-00392416-00392866 code, we request packages that have a test suite. So several FCLfrx4KmT4-00916-00392866-00393442 unit testing, preferably unit tests for all function. We are FCLfrx4KmT4-00917-00393442-00394132 going to request that these tests are testing the key FCLfrx4KmT4-00918-00394132-00394900 functionality of the package. We usually try to get a 75% of test FCLfrx4KmT4-00919-00394900-00395395 coverage of the code. If you don't have that we are going to FCLfrx4KmT4-00920-00395398-00395728 try to see if that is okay anyway. FCLfrx4KmT4-00921-00396006-00396543 Then we need to, the integration testing. So with unit testing, FCLfrx4KmT4-00922-00396546-00397095 you're testing that one function works fine in isolation by FCLfrx4KmT4-00923-00397095-00397524 themself. Integration testing, check that several function or FCLfrx4KmT4-00924-00397524-00398373 several aspects of our code work correctly together. And usually FCLfrx4KmT4-00925-00398373-00398754 they are stuctured in the same way as a unit test, we use a FCLfrx4KmT4-00926-00398754-00399231 fixture that is used to produce a result, that is compared with FCLfrx4KmT4-00927-00399258-00399723 this expected result. But most of the time, creating a fixture FCLfrx4KmT4-00928-00399750-00400125 for integration testing is more complicated, because we need to FCLfrx4KmT4-00929-00400128-00400467 take into account this flow on the on the code. FCLfrx4KmT4-00930-00400652-00401144 And for everything we'll see testing framework are a very FCLfrx4KmT4-00931-00401144-00401645 useful tool to that help us to run and manage several unit FCLfrx4KmT4-00932-00401645-00402011 tests. For R we have 'testthat' and for Python, one of the most FCLfrx4KmT4-00933-00402014-00402689 used, used testing framework is 'pytest'. And in the testing FCLfrx4KmT4-00934-00402689-00403163 chapter of the rOpenSci guide, there are several other packages FCLfrx4KmT4-00935-00403163-00403670 recommendation in the case that you code in R for testing things FCLfrx4KmT4-00936-00403670-00404051 like access to database, creating plots, integration with FCLfrx4KmT4-00937-00404054-00404345 web resources, among other tasks. FCLfrx4KmT4-00938-00404645-00404933 And the final concept that I want to share with you related FCLfrx4KmT4-00939-00404933-00405269 with testing is called 'Continuous Integration'. We are FCLfrx4KmT4-00940-00405269-00405743 going to be coding, we are going to be testing and we are going FCLfrx4KmT4-00941-00405743-00406145 to use these frameworks that will run this testing locally. FCLfrx4KmT4-00942-00406229-00406631 And when we share this code with the world and we become an open FCLfrx4KmT4-00943-00406688-00407222 source software, as Leah said to us, we are going to need to need FCLfrx4KmT4-00944-00407222-00407684 to run this test in an automatically way. So whenever FCLfrx4KmT4-00945-00407684-00408068 someone asks me or other people who are contributing to my FCLfrx4KmT4-00946-00408068-00408575 software made a change, we need to run this test. Why? Because FCLfrx4KmT4-00947-00408629-00409106 this way, we are going to know immediately if that change can FCLfrx4KmT4-00948-00409166-00409607 cause some problem or break something. We can set up to run FCLfrx4KmT4-00949-00409607-00409949 tests with different configurations of the software. FCLfrx4KmT4-00950-00409949-00410297 For example, for different operating systems or for FCLfrx4KmT4-00951-00410297-00410818 different options in our in our software. So this will help us FCLfrx4KmT4-00952-00410818-00411224 to maintain the quality and the functionality of our software. FCLfrx4KmT4-00953-00411239-00411647 An example of a tool for do Continuous Integration is GitHub FCLfrx4KmT4-00954-00411650-00412052 Actions for example. And in the rOpenSci Guide there is a FCLfrx4KmT4-00955-00412052-00412487 chapter on best practices for doing continuous integration if FCLfrx4KmT4-00956-00412487-00412955 you want to learn more. So where, where to learn more? Here FCLfrx4KmT4-00957-00412955-00413357 is the list of all the materials that I already mentioned on the FCLfrx4KmT4-00958-00413357-00413747 slides. And, thanks for listening and enjoy coding! FCLfrx4KmT4-00959-00414270-00414603 Paz: Thank you Yanina, thank you so much! That was very FCLfrx4KmT4-00960-00414603-00414939 entertaining, even for someone who doesn't code like me. So FCLfrx4KmT4-00961-00415053-00415152 thank you for that. FCLfrx4KmT4-00962-00415360-00416291 Okay so, questions people? Any? I'm sure you will have during I FCLfrx4KmT4-00963-00416291-00416585 mean while you code and you want to think, 'Oh, I should have FCLfrx4KmT4-00964-00416585-00417137 Yanina next to me so I can ask her that.' If you have any now FCLfrx4KmT4-00965-00417506-00417922 before we go to the breakout rooms, or something in the pad? FCLfrx4KmT4-00966-00419042-00419987 No? Just one here - Richard is asking, 'How can we join your FCLfrx4KmT4-00967-00419987-00420056 community?' FCLfrx4KmT4-00968-00420197-00420839 Yanina Bellini Saibene: Richard, I'm going to share a link to the FCLfrx4KmT4-00969-00420846-00421593 rOpenSci web page. There is several ways to contribute to FCLfrx4KmT4-00970-00421593-00422247 the community. But if you first want to kind of take a look like FCLfrx4KmT4-00971-00422256-00422628 open the door, see what is going on, what people do, we have a FCLfrx4KmT4-00972-00422628-00423060 discussion forum where you can ask questions and help people to FCLfrx4KmT4-00973-00423063-00423564 answering some other questions that you know about it. You can FCLfrx4KmT4-00974-00423593-00423968 register to our newsletter. You can volunteer for being our FCLfrx4KmT4-00975-00423968-00424343 reviewer, you can send your package so we can review. Now FCLfrx4KmT4-00976-00424343-00424664 the developer guide is in English, but we did the FCLfrx4KmT4-00977-00424664-00425052 translation to Spanish. So very soon, we are going to launch FCLfrx4KmT4-00978-00425055-00425418 that book. So if any one of you are interested in helping to FCLfrx4KmT4-00979-00425418-00425693 translate this to other languages, we are going to have FCLfrx4KmT4-00980-00425693-00426204 a process for that. And it will be awesome to do that if you FCLfrx4KmT4-00981-00426204-00427056 want to join. And, we also like people who make questions and FCLfrx4KmT4-00982-00427056-00427497 answer questions or write blog posts. So if there is, you're FCLfrx4KmT4-00983-00427497-00427863 using an rOpenSci package, or you want to use one, and you FCLfrx4KmT4-00984-00427863-00428229 want to share your use case with us, or you want to write a blog FCLfrx4KmT4-00985-00428229-00428700 post for us on how you use it, or what you learn, please write FCLfrx4KmT4-00986-00428700-00429068 to me and we are going to be very happy to help you to do FCLfrx4KmT4-00987-00429068-00429837 that too. And I will share other ways to contribute. There is FCLfrx4KmT4-00988-00429837-00430314 kind of path for being part of rOpenSci that has to do with FCLfrx4KmT4-00989-00430322-00430704 what you want to do. So I will share, I will put the link on FCLfrx4KmT4-00990-00430704-00431178 the, on the Etherpad. And I will share it on the, on the chat. FCLfrx4KmT4-00991-00431210-00431664 But we have an entire book on how you can be part of our FCLfrx4KmT4-00992-00431676-00432249 community. Thank you for the question. FCLfrx4KmT4-00993-00432605-00433660 Paz: Any other one? No? Okay. Well, I'm sure that doesn't have FCLfrx4KmT4-00994-00433660-00434078 to do with the talk. I seriously found it very entertaining, even FCLfrx4KmT4-00995-00434078-00434858 for me. So, so thank you Yani. Fantastic talk! And okay, so we FCLfrx4KmT4-00996-00434858-00435224 have some breakout rooms, we have time for them. So, here's FCLfrx4KmT4-00997-00435224-00435685 how the breakout rooms work, they are not recorded. And they FCLfrx4KmT4-00998-00435685-00436031 are going to, we're gonna have to like two or three people per FCLfrx4KmT4-00999-00436031-00436529 room. So the ones that want a written, will go to the written FCLfrx4KmT4-01000-00436529-00437012 room, and the other ones to spoken room. So there is a FCLfrx4KmT4-01001-00437012-00437591 prompt, so the breakout rooms will last 10 minutes. And, and FCLfrx4KmT4-01002-00437593-00437858 there's one, I'm going to there are two questions for the FCLfrx4KmT4-01003-00437858-00438118 breakout rooms. But I'm going to only leave you for one. So FCLfrx4KmT4-01004-00438118-00438418 discuss one question with the other person or the other two FCLfrx4KmT4-01005-00438418-00438830 people. 'What are the benefits of becoming an open scientist?' FCLfrx4KmT4-01006-00438863-00439127 This is an idea, you can discuss about this, or you can discuss FCLfrx4KmT4-01007-00439127-00439499 about the presentations as well. It's up to you. But one idea is FCLfrx4KmT4-01008-00439499-00439835 to talk about the benefits of becoming an open scientist. FCLfrx4KmT4-01009-00439946-00440285 That's it. So, the breakout rooms are ready. Thank you FCLfrx4KmT4-01010-00440366-00440741 Laurah for that. And I'll see you, we'll see you in 10 FCLfrx4KmT4-01011-00440741-00440792 minutes. FCLfrx4KmT4-01012-00440954-00441281 Laurah Ondari: Sure, I will just open the rooms for people to FCLfrx4KmT4-01013-00441281-00441310 join. FCLfrx4KmT4-01014-00442529-00442670 Leah Wasser: What do we do? FCLfrx4KmT4-01015-00442781-00443314 Paz: If you want, you can, you can be sent to one. No, it's not FCLfrx4KmT4-01016-00443314-00443675 obligation. But if you want, Laurah can send you to one. Oh, FCLfrx4KmT4-01017-00443675-00444284 you can actually join one yourself. I think so. Let me FCLfrx4KmT4-01018-00444284-00444329 see. FCLfrx4KmT4-01019-00444397-00444662 Yeah, you could, you can open the breakout rooms and the three FCLfrx4KmT4-01020-00444662-00445400 dots. In the Zoom screen, you can open breakout rooms and join FCLfrx4KmT4-01021-00445412-00445814 whichever one you want. Do you see them for? FCLfrx4KmT4-01022-00445829-00446003 Leah Wasser: Is there a difference? Right. Yani? I don't FCLfrx4KmT4-01023-00446003-00446150 want to, if you had a question. FCLfrx4KmT4-01024-00446450-00446780 Laurah Ondari: The difference is room one mostly has people who FCLfrx4KmT4-01025-00446780-00447206 have an S before their names. So there they prefer spoken, a FCLfrx4KmT4-01026-00447206-00447635 spoken breakout room. And then room two has people that have Ws FCLfrx4KmT4-01027-00447635-00447992 before their name. So they prefer written breakout rooms. FCLfrx4KmT4-01028-00448067-00448379 Paz: So in one you can speak and the other one is just written. FCLfrx4KmT4-01029-00448406-00448451 Laurah Ondari: Yes. FCLfrx4KmT4-01030-00449143-00449243 Paz: I'll stay here. FCLfrx4KmT4-01031-00450221-00450356 Yanina Bellini Saibene: I'm looking for the links that I FCLfrx4KmT4-01032-00450356-00450428 promised. FCLfrx4KmT4-01033-00450581-00450779 Leah Wasser: And I'm looking for how do I get into a room? FCLfrx4KmT4-01034-00450868-00450992 Paz: Laurah, can you send Leah to one? FCLfrx4KmT4-01035-00450995-00451360 Yanina Bellini Saibene: I think that we don't see the option to FCLfrx4KmT4-01036-00451360-00451775 join the room for being on this. I, atleast I don't have it. FCLfrx4KmT4-01037-00451871-00452129 Paz: Oh okay, you both want to join one? FCLfrx4KmT4-01038-00452297-00452642 Yanina Bellini Saibene: I will look for the links before so I FCLfrx4KmT4-01039-00452642-00453092 can play with my work. And then I can I can join one. FCLfrx4KmT4-01040-00453200-00453584 Paz: I'll send you to the spoken one, Leah. FCLfrx4KmT4-01041-00453614-00453797 Leah Wasser: Sounds good, thank you! FCLfrx4KmT4-01042-00454616-00455218 Paz: Yeah, good. It worked. Laurah you have such a good. Oh, FCLfrx4KmT4-01043-00455218-00455360 I should just stop recording sorry. FCLfrx4KmT4-01044-00456095-00456572 Okay people, you're coming back, some of you in five seconds. FCLfrx4KmT4-01045-00456851-00457316 Someone note, put a note in the Etherpad. A nice Breakout Room. FCLfrx4KmT4-01046-00457318-00457768 A nice way, the way to have a break. A nice way to have a FCLfrx4KmT4-01047-00457768-00458072 backup of your files in a place where colleagues can find your FCLfrx4KmT4-01048-00458072-00458366 work without having to manage personal migration of your FCLfrx4KmT4-01049-00458366-00458639 working files. Okay, we need more context for that note, I FCLfrx4KmT4-01050-00458639-00458678 guess. FCLfrx4KmT4-01051-00458870-00459554 But, okay, we have everyone now. Only 10 people. Why aren't some FCLfrx4KmT4-01052-00459554-00460372 other people back? Weird. Anyways, we'll continue people. FCLfrx4KmT4-01053-00460418-00460652 I have the feeling that some people haven't been back from FCLfrx4KmT4-01054-00460652-00461060 the breakout rooms. But in view of the time, we need to quickly FCLfrx4KmT4-01055-00461060-00461539 continue. Let me know how did the breakout room session went? FCLfrx4KmT4-01056-00461759-00462203 Yes, please go, Leah, thank you so much! It's already 11:30. So FCLfrx4KmT4-01057-00462203-00462641 we're going to finish right now, check the Etherpad for, for FCLfrx4KmT4-01058-00462641-00463106 anything people. Leah, thank you so much again. Hope to see you FCLfrx4KmT4-01059-00463109-00463664 very soon in Slack, in other places as well. And, yeah, FCLfrx4KmT4-01060-00463679-00464084 people get in touch with the presenters if you need to. I'm FCLfrx4KmT4-01061-00464084-00464429 going to be talking to you on the Slack about the assignments FCLfrx4KmT4-01062-00464435-00464795 for this week. Okay, because we need to leave now. But yeah, FCLfrx4KmT4-01063-00464797-00465118 reach out to everyone if you have the questions. Yani FCLfrx4KmT4-01064-00465118-00465533 completed the Etherpad with further links. Thank you Laurah, FCLfrx4KmT4-01065-00465622-00466106 amazing voice. I won't be saying anything about a podcast, but FCLfrx4KmT4-01066-00466139-00466622 okay. Okay. Take care. Thank you again. Yanina, thank you so FCLfrx4KmT4-01067-00466622-00466874 much. Olaitan, and. FCLfrx4KmT4-01068-00466904-00466997 Jafsia Elisee: Thank you so much. FCLfrx4KmT4-01069-00467103-00467247 Olaitan Awe: All right. Thank you. Bye. FCLfrx4KmT4-01070-00467200-00468181 Laurah Ondari: Thank you, everyone. Chao chao, Bye. Chao FCLfrx4KmT4-01071-00468181-00468243 Richard! FCLfrx4KmT4-01072-00468243-00468493 Richard: Okay bye, yes, alright. FCLfrx4KmT4-01073-00468639-00468868 Paz: Chao chao, talk later! FInMqA7YAvY-00000-00000700-00001100 I'm here to show you the Bronte manuscript today. And we're just going to page through. FInMqA7YAvY-00001-00001100-00002000 So you get a sense of what it looks like and what the actual material object is like, something that you really can't get from scans. FInMqA7YAvY-00002-00002000-00002800 So there's another video that talks a little bit about why the manuscript is enclosed in plastic the way it is. FInMqA7YAvY-00003-00002800-00003300 But for right now, I just want you to look at how the pages are presented. FInMqA7YAvY-00004-00003300-00004400 Zoom in on some detail. You can see that Charlotte Bronte was actually editing in this tiny, tiny manuscript. FInMqA7YAvY-00005-00004400-00005700 And. We're paging through here's the break where the secret, the first story stops and Lilly Hart picks up. FInMqA7YAvY-00006-00005700-00008500 A little bit of poetry on this page, which you can see. Zoom in a little bit. FInMqA7YAvY-00007-00008500-00009600 And again, even though she has identified the author as a fictional character, she's also signed it and dated it at the end of the manuscript. FInMqA7YAvY-00008-00009600-00011600 So there's her signature, Charlotte Bronte. And that's it. FInMqA7YAvY-00009-00011600-00012400 The covers appear to be craft paper, sort of like paper bag paper. FInMqA7YAvY-00010-00012400-00013400 Here's a demonstration of what you see when you go to the digital library to page through so you can compare. FInMqA7YAvY-00011-00013400-00014100 The experiences of accessing the manuscript digitally and then also looking at it also digitally. FInMqA7YAvY-00012-00014100-00015500 But, you know, in a different medium. The thing about the digital here is that you can really zoom in up close, FInMqA7YAvY-00013-00015500-00016000 actually much closer than you could get, even in real life with a magnifying glass. FInMqA7YAvY-00014-00016000-00016600 I've found it's much easier to read this manuscript on a screen. FInMqA7YAvY-00015-00016600-00017478 I hope you enjoyed this tiny tour of this tiny manuscript. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us in Special Collections. FMuzFwDZNBA-00000-00000300-00000420 remove the glass FMuzFwDZNBA-00001-00000420-00000754 clean the glass dry the glass thoroughly FMuzFwDZNBA-00002-00000754-00001189 then reinstall it using all the clips the next thing you need to do is FMuzFwDZNBA-00003-00001189-00001664 preheat the hot-end to 190 and the bed to 60 degrees FMuzFwDZNBA-00004-00001664-00002011 while the hot-end is warming up remove any excess filament FMuzFwDZNBA-00005-00002011-00002388 grab yourself a scrap piece a paper and go to the LCD screen FMuzFwDZNBA-00006-00002388-00002743 drop down to advance settings, calibrate Z-height FMuzFwDZNBA-00007-00002743-00003029 Home the towers first then click Z position FMuzFwDZNBA-00008-00003094-00003511 keep winding down until the nozzle is close the bed FMuzFwDZNBA-00009-00003511-00003818 then slow right down keep lowering the nozzle FMuzFwDZNBA-00010-00003818-00004310 bit by bit until it starts to grip the paper you want the nozzle to resist the FMuzFwDZNBA-00011-00004310-00004407 movement of the paper FMuzFwDZNBA-00012-00004407-00004813 but not be so tight the cannot get the piece of paper back under the nozzle FMuzFwDZNBA-00013-00004813-00005191 when you pull it out. Once you're happy click the button FMuzFwDZNBA-00014-00005191-00005529 thing go down and select Set New Z position FMuzFwDZNBA-00015-00005529-00006019 back into Repetier Host select the config menu then drop down to Firmware FMuzFwDZNBA-00016-00006019-00006529 EEPROM configuration you need to copy the new Z height from Z max length and FMuzFwDZNBA-00017-00006529-00006733 pasted into both X&Y FMuzFwDZNBA-00018-00006733-00007045 max length when that's done disconnect the printer FMuzFwDZNBA-00019-00007045-00007394 select the config menu again and then down to printer settings FMuzFwDZNBA-00020-00007394-00007888 choose the printer shape tab paste the Z Max Length into the printable height FMuzFwDZNBA-00021-00007888-00008236 and with that the basic calibration is now done FMuzFwDZNBA-00022-00008236-00008750 use this method for changing nozzles hot-ends or if you think the Z height is not correct FMuzFwDZNBA-00023-00008750-00009235 now for perfectly parallel bed let's check the XYZ endstops FMuzFwDZNBA-00024-00009235-00009659 this is just a quick refresher up the calibration got from Appendix C the FMuzFwDZNBA-00025-00009659-00009790 rostock assembly manual FMuzFwDZNBA-00026-00009790-00010191 if you haven't ever read that, then go do it! FMuzFwDZNBA-00027-00010191-00010515 Alrighty, grab some paper send Script number one FMuzFwDZNBA-00028-00010515-00010849 and check the nozzle height using the same technique from earlier FMuzFwDZNBA-00029-00010849-00011221 if the nozzles too low raise it by turning the screw clockwise FMuzFwDZNBA-00030-00011221-00011530 is too high lower with counter-clockwise FMuzFwDZNBA-00031-00011530-00011913 now send Script 2 check the nozzle height FMuzFwDZNBA-00032-00011913-00012307 and then adjust if needed then send Script 3 FMuzFwDZNBA-00033-00012307-00012637 check the nozzle height again and again adjust if needed FMuzFwDZNBA-00034-00012637-00013009 if all goes well then sending Script 4 will cause the nozzle FMuzFwDZNBA-00035-00013009-00013371 to land perfectly in the center the bed with the same paper resistance as the FMuzFwDZNBA-00036-00013371-00013444 other scripts FMuzFwDZNBA-00037-00013444-00013832 and you will be all done. If not it could mean the printer radius is FMuzFwDZNBA-00038-00013832-00013900 incorrect FMuzFwDZNBA-00039-00013900-00014262 click the config menu go down to the EEPROM thing again FMuzFwDZNBA-00040-00014262-00014654 you need to increase the horizontal radius if you want to lower the nozzle FMuzFwDZNBA-00041-00014654-00015053 decrease it if you want to raise the nozzle. Remember every time you do this FMuzFwDZNBA-00042-00015053-00015344 you need to go back and send Script 1, 2 and 3 FMuzFwDZNBA-00043-00015344-00015597 adjusting the nozzle height for each one again. FMuzFwDZNBA-00044-00015632-00015908 Thanks for watching, I hope you found it useful FMuzFwDZNBA-00045-00015909-00016263 if it's something you want me to cover particular just leave a comment below. FMuzFwDZNBA-00046-00016263-00016642 If you want to contact us at all we're over at doodaddoes.com. FMuzFwDZNBA-00047-00016642-00016685 Seeya! FN8ocRDwVt8-00001-00018263-00020640 🌐 Visit our website and receive 20% off Coupon Code 🌐 www.slavicboys.com FXBpMXLngPy-00000-00000000-00000200 Cristiano Ronaldo FXBpMXLngPy-00001-00000200-00000400 Real Madrid FXBpMXLngPy-00002-00000400-00000600 Kariyeri FXBpMXLngPy-00003-00000600-00000800 ve FXBpMXLngPy-00004-00000800-00001000 yaptıkları FXBpMXLngPy-00005-00001000-00001200 iyi seyirler FZLD9-fsIgu-00000-00000000-00000486 what's up Gamers welcome to the channel in this video I'm going to be showing you the best shiny FZLD9-fsIgu-00001-00000486-00000953 hunting locations for Ghost Pokemon in scarlet and violet so you can get your hands on a bunch FZLD9-fsIgu-00002-00000953-00001512 of nice Ghost Pokemon to add to your collection now this video was not easy to make because we FZLD9-fsIgu-00003-00001512-00001926 had to wait for day and night because some of the Pokemon kept spawning at different times of the FZLD9-fsIgu-00004-00001926-00002382 day so here is a chart on the screen that you can snap a picture of just so you know which ones are FZLD9-fsIgu-00005-00002382-00002790 going to be constantly during the day and night and which ones are specifically going to spawn FZLD9-fsIgu-00006-00002790-00003240 during the night so just keep this as your little cheat sheet on the side or for yourself so you can FZLD9-fsIgu-00007-00003240-00003714 watch along with the video and use that so there are four Pokemon that we did not cover in this FZLD9-fsIgu-00008-00003714-00004242 video one is going to be the Ori choreo ghost you can find out how to get oricorio in the fire video FZLD9-fsIgu-00009-00004242-00004770 and then you're just gonna add a purple nectar to it to make it a ghost oricorio that simple annihil FZLD9-fsIgu-00010-00004770-00005226 ape is also not covered because it's not really gonna be in the wild so you're going to have to FZLD9-fsIgu-00011-00005226-00005820 use the fighting video in order to get a manky or primate and evolve it to get into annihilate gimme FZLD9-fsIgu-00012-00005820-00006240 ghoul or golden ghoul is not going to be in the this video because they are shiny locked in the FZLD9-fsIgu-00013-00006240-00006720 base game of scarlet and violet and Sarah ledge is going to be evolved from charcutet which is FZLD9-fsIgu-00014-00006720-00007134 also going to be in our fire video so you can go ahead and check out those videos If you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00015-00007134-00007578 looking to get those specific Pokemon let's keep going so for this sandwich I'm gonna be FZLD9-fsIgu-00016-00007578-00008196 grabbing a red onion and a salty Urban mysticon of course those people in the comments below who want FZLD9-fsIgu-00017-00008196-00008670 to label out the better sandwich that doesn't require salties please comment down that below FZLD9-fsIgu-00018-00008670-00009012 because I love that you guys keep running that on the videos it'll help out some other people FZLD9-fsIgu-00019-00009012-00009384 so if you guys want different recipes you can check that as well because there's there's just FZLD9-fsIgu-00020-00009384-00009918 tons of recipes in this game and with that we'll get sparkling power ghost title power ghost and FZLD9-fsIgu-00021-00009918-00010560 in counter power goes all at level three alright this is going to be for brambling and it's going FZLD9-fsIgu-00022-00010560-00011082 to be in the asado desert now asado desert usually we talk about going to the town to FZLD9-fsIgu-00023-00011082-00011562 do a reset method but in this case they do not spawn close to the town so we cannot pull this FZLD9-fsIgu-00024-00011562-00012048 off so the area that I'm going to be running from for these ramblins are going to be from this here FZLD9-fsIgu-00025-00012048-00012606 the Watchtower here and this entire little middle circle area now the cool thing about bramblins is FZLD9-fsIgu-00026-00012606-00013146 in the desert at least you can get very lucky and you want a desert Sandstorm and I'll tell FZLD9-fsIgu-00027-00013146-00013656 you why you want the sandstorm to happen while people may be freaking out that oh it's going to FZLD9-fsIgu-00028-00013656-00014154 be harder to see don't worry because there's a trick in this game when there is a desert FZLD9-fsIgu-00029-00014154-00014700 and all these bramblins start to fly around the shiny ones actually don't get thrown up in the FZLD9-fsIgu-00030-00014700-00015216 wind so a very efficient way to shiny hunt these will be in the desert and when you don't see it FZLD9-fsIgu-00031-00015216-00015822 flying away in the wind you'll actually start to know that that is your shiny shiny Pokemon don't FZLD9-fsIgu-00032-00015822-00016416 really despawn so that is the biggest clue and it's going to be your biggest assistance when it FZLD9-fsIgu-00033-00016416-00016956 comes to shiny hunting in this game otherwise when it's not Sandy you could just walk around in the FZLD9-fsIgu-00034-00016956-00017454 area see what spawns around wait for the shiny and do your double home trick to zoom in but I FZLD9-fsIgu-00035-00017454-00017916 really suggest if you're doing this hunt in asado desert to please please wait for sandstorm you'll FZLD9-fsIgu-00036-00017916-00018378 probably catch it a lot Faster by approaching the brambling that does not disappear in the wind but FZLD9-fsIgu-00037-00018378-00018912 we also have one more spot the other spot for brahmins can be done with a town reset in Zappa FZLD9-fsIgu-00038-00018912-00019416 Pico ESO if you missed the town resetting from the Asado desert well you can pull this off over here FZLD9-fsIgu-00039-00019416-00020082 okay so doing the town reset method we just got a shiny right there it just spotted you can see the FZLD9-fsIgu-00040-00020082-00020670 difference between the non-shiny and shiny very obvious so you will get these in this town reset FZLD9-fsIgu-00041-00020670-00021228 method I really do like this reset area it is a nice quick and easy spot before we move on make FZLD9-fsIgu-00042-00021228-00021624 sure to hit that like button and subscribe and if you want shiny luck for the next five years FZLD9-fsIgu-00043-00021624-00022182 you should really subscribe really it works I'll wait okay let's move on now we're gonna be also FZLD9-fsIgu-00044-00022182-00022656 hunting sinisties and this is also going to be Zappa Pico East and you can actually do a town FZLD9-fsIgu-00045-00022656-00023046 reset for these syntheses because they're going to be amongst the brambling so in a FZLD9-fsIgu-00046-00023046-00023538 way this is a dual hunt location but synasties will be a very important one because a lot of FZLD9-fsIgu-00047-00023538-00023976 players are going to be looking for something known as authentic sinisty which is a very very FZLD9-fsIgu-00048-00023976-00024540 very very rare Pokemon to get so you want to be paying attention to the citizens that do spawn you FZLD9-fsIgu-00049-00024540-00025020 want to be able to zoom in and tell the difference between the non-shiny and the shiny the shiny is FZLD9-fsIgu-00050-00025020-00025494 going to be a lot more Pinker than this Pokemon over here than the purple one so they also come FZLD9-fsIgu-00051-00025494-00025998 towards you but I like to just do the simple reset method so when you get to the towns up a Pico and FZLD9-fsIgu-00052-00025998-00026430 pop back out and you should get your sinuses to spawn around the area so just pay attention FZLD9-fsIgu-00053-00026430-00026886 look around for where they do spawn there's some of them right over there and what you need to be FZLD9-fsIgu-00054-00026886-00027450 aware of is that their location is going to be by the town areas so around the town is where you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00055-00027450-00027924 going to get a good amount of them to spawn so just pay attention to the towns I know it's not FZLD9-fsIgu-00056-00027924-00028380 like the best synasty spot well but I'll give you another one where you can just primarily focus on FZLD9-fsIgu-00057-00028380-00028739 these synasties and when you get your shinies it's going to be a lot more fun to hunt these FZLD9-fsIgu-00058-00028739-00029177 so let's go to the next spot where we're going to be finding these Pokemon now if you come over to FZLD9-fsIgu-00059-00029177-00029712 alfornado You're Gonna notice that this is the hottest spot for sentences there are literally FZLD9-fsIgu-00060-00029712-00030204 everywhere over here but you're gonna have to be zooming in and paying attention because if you are FZLD9-fsIgu-00061-00030204-00030588 walking away further from the screen you're gonna have a hard time noticing them so you got to make FZLD9-fsIgu-00062-00030588-00031044 sure to have your double home button set on your settings so you can really zoom in and see these FZLD9-fsIgu-00063-00031044-00031577 guys and when it comes to syntheses the cool part about it is you can do Town reset methods over FZLD9-fsIgu-00064-00031577-00032052 here and you really won't bump into much other Pokemon especially during the day because these FZLD9-fsIgu-00065-00032052-00032574 guys do spawn during the day and you really want to keep eyes on them so if you want to do a town FZLD9-fsIgu-00066-00032574-00033060 reset you can find any border around this area you know you just want to tap the town like this FZLD9-fsIgu-00067-00033060-00033582 Al for NADA pop back out and you will see your sinuses spawning and if you just want to have a FZLD9-fsIgu-00068-00033582-00034182 completely focused Dynasty I do suggest doing some dates skipping reset methods in order to pull off FZLD9-fsIgu-00069-00034182-00034722 getting a sinisty a lot easier because you can just reset reset reset reset until you get the FZLD9-fsIgu-00070-00034722-00035094 right one so have the sandwich do a date skip until you get that to show up on your map and FZLD9-fsIgu-00071-00035094-00035502 that'll be the best way but otherwise if you're not hunting them in that particular method you FZLD9-fsIgu-00072-00035502-00035880 can simply just tap the town after you see a bunch of these and they're not the shiny ones and see FZLD9-fsIgu-00073-00035880-00036276 what happens the cool part is is about alfernata they are literally surrounding the entire area FZLD9-fsIgu-00074-00036276-00036798 you might not even have to just do a date skip you could just probably walk around the town see which FZLD9-fsIgu-00075-00036798-00037308 ones are spawning take a look at them make sure that they are shiny or not but yeah that's that's FZLD9-fsIgu-00076-00037308-00037812 the best method you would be able to do when it comes to hunting these synasties so good luck FZLD9-fsIgu-00077-00037812-00038304 hunting your sinisty and getting your authentic rare sinisty using the sandwich method okay so FZLD9-fsIgu-00078-00038304-00038796 some fun facts for you sinisty Hunters this is probably going to be one of the rarest ones to FZLD9-fsIgu-00079-00038796-00039198 get in the game because to get an authentic Mark you're gonna have to see the underside of cynicity FZLD9-fsIgu-00080-00039198-00039540 and see if there's a mark underneath it under the teacup handle that's what's going to tell FZLD9-fsIgu-00081-00039540-00039996 you a legit one from a fake one so you have to peek underneath and if you see a Mark that means FZLD9-fsIgu-00082-00039996-00040566 you got an authentic Sinister if not you got the fake one and that is going to already be a one out FZLD9-fsIgu-00083-00040566-00041118 of a hundred chance of that happening pair that with getting a Shiny Pokemon those odds start to FZLD9-fsIgu-00084-00041118-00041586 increase and start to get even higher and when you want to get even a mark on your Pokemon let's just FZLD9-fsIgu-00085-00041586-00042126 say the rare Mark you're talking like one in some couple of millions of chances of that happening so FZLD9-fsIgu-00086-00042126-00042606 this in fact becomes one of the rarest Pokemon to hunt and a lot of shiny Hunters love this Pokemon FZLD9-fsIgu-00087-00042606-00043086 so if you're able to do this hunt make sure you're checking Underside and get your shinies FZLD9-fsIgu-00088-00043086-00043566 first actually go for the shinies first and then check underneath and if it's authentic you're set FZLD9-fsIgu-00089-00043566-00044046 and then if it has a mark oh you are one of the lucky people in the game so it just gets very FZLD9-fsIgu-00090-00044046-00044370 complicated with math and I'm sure someone in the comments will write down a really good math FZLD9-fsIgu-00091-00044370-00044784 numbers for us here just know that it's extremely rare and that's the easiest way to explain that FZLD9-fsIgu-00092-00044784-00045258 here's a fun fan favorite Pokemon that people want to get and it's gonna be mimikyu one of FZLD9-fsIgu-00093-00045258-00045696 the most favorite Ghost Pokemon it's actually one of the most popular ones in Japan yeah as you can FZLD9-fsIgu-00094-00045696-00046128 see there are a lot of mimikyu's by me and here's exactly the spot where you're gonna do it when you FZLD9-fsIgu-00095-00046128-00046542 have your ghost sandwich it's going to be in the tag tree Thicket but it's gonna be in the location FZLD9-fsIgu-00096-00046542-00046974 a little more North in this area so once you're over here you're gonna be looking for mimiky now FZLD9-fsIgu-00097-00046974-00047298 the only issue with mimikyu is it's going to be very hard sometimes to tell the difference FZLD9-fsIgu-00098-00047298-00047754 between the shiny and these non-shiny because when the mimic you go into the shade it looks a FZLD9-fsIgu-00099-00047754-00048210 little bit off so probably the best thing that you could do over here is make sure you're using the FZLD9-fsIgu-00100-00048210-00048642 double home zoom in so you can see the pixel see if it's a little more gray my favorite thing to do FZLD9-fsIgu-00101-00048642-00049152 is just you know follow a specific path now they spawn solo by solo so you want to make sure that FZLD9-fsIgu-00102-00049152-00049512 you're not rushing in the area you want to see those spawns that are happening make sure you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00103-00049512-00050058 also zoomed out so you can see them I like to just rotate around this Lake area until I get to see a FZLD9-fsIgu-00104-00050058-00050598 shiny now I haven't gotten a shiny mimikyu yet but this location if I do spend enough time circling FZLD9-fsIgu-00105-00050598-00051054 around with a ghost sandwich will probably give me the best results to do it what you don't want FZLD9-fsIgu-00106-00051054-00051612 to use here is the fairy sandwich because it'll be mixed up with impotence so that's the only problem FZLD9-fsIgu-00107-00051612-00051966 when you're using a fairy sandwich so ghost is going to be the most effective and you see like FZLD9-fsIgu-00108-00051966-00052344 this mimikyu looks like it's a shiny but I don't know if it is because it's in the shade so if I FZLD9-fsIgu-00109-00052344-00052764 click on it it's probably not going to be a shiny right yeah see you see it looks black and white in FZLD9-fsIgu-00110-00052764-00053262 the shade so just be careful and aware of that uh rotate around this Lake and don't get tripped up FZLD9-fsIgu-00111-00053262-00053634 if you really need to check and make sure if it's a shiny or not just go ahead and just use the Auto FZLD9-fsIgu-00112-00053634-00054174 Battle feature your Pokemon will not attack it if it is a shiny so keep that in mind that's the best FZLD9-fsIgu-00113-00054174-00054708 thing that you can do when you're in this area so good luck shiny hunting your mimikyu so for FZLD9-fsIgu-00114-00054708-00055086 stable why I'm going to be giving you about two to three locations to hunt this thing the first one FZLD9-fsIgu-00115-00055086-00055590 is going to be in the alfanata caverns right over here you're gonna see a sable eyes they're gonna FZLD9-fsIgu-00116-00055590-00056184 be the very strong primary spawn inside of here when you do use your sandwich and the best thing FZLD9-fsIgu-00117-00056184-00056616 that you could probably do is just walk in and out of this cave or you can find a nice spot to just FZLD9-fsIgu-00118-00056616-00057005 go back and forth and despawn the whole entire group out because they are everywhere pretty FZLD9-fsIgu-00119-00057005-00057564 much here another location that we can do is over here in this area so what you want to do is you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00120-00057564-00058050 going to head over to the Porto marinado teleport and just run the straight pathway until you reach FZLD9-fsIgu-00121-00058050-00058529 this nice big looking Cave thing here and all you're gonna spot here are a bunch of sable eyes FZLD9-fsIgu-00122-00058529-00059010 as well so you can walk and explore and that's pretty much the only Pokemon that you're going FZLD9-fsIgu-00123-00059010-00059502 to see inside of here you just can do your loops and Laps and despawn them and respawn them you can FZLD9-fsIgu-00124-00059502-00059946 do exactly whatever you really want to do while hunting these Pokemon so this is another spot for FZLD9-fsIgu-00125-00059946-00060504 Sable eye now this is a fun one that it's going to be in the East Province area three you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00126-00060504-00060954 gonna head over to this teleport right here at the Watch Tower and you're gonna be facing north FZLD9-fsIgu-00127-00060954-00061332 when she Reach This Watchtower and you're just gonna walk straight North until you see this FZLD9-fsIgu-00128-00061332-00061782 little cave right over here of course if it is nighttime pay attention to the ghastlys and the FZLD9-fsIgu-00129-00061782-00062178 bramblins walking around here as this is our hot spot for bramblins and then you're gonna go down FZLD9-fsIgu-00130-00062178-00062802 into this cave you're going to turn right and over here is going to be a very broken spot when FZLD9-fsIgu-00131-00062802-00063305 you do turn around it's going to be the wall that is completely glitched out and have tons of sable FZLD9-fsIgu-00132-00063305-00063720 eyes just coming out of it and because you have the sandwich on there's gonna be some stabilize FZLD9-fsIgu-00133-00063720-00064284 around you but you're gonna see that wall in front of me non-stop just just producing stable eyes at FZLD9-fsIgu-00134-00064284-00064800 rapid range this is one of the most broken shiny hunting spots in the game you can just send your FZLD9-fsIgu-00135-00064800-00065298 Pokemon to Auto Battle them and you could just relax if you do it this way it's more of an AFK FZLD9-fsIgu-00136-00065298-00065610 kind of farm because they're just gonna keep coming out the wall while you're hanging out FZLD9-fsIgu-00137-00065610-00066048 over there so I'm just standing here as you can see my Pokemon just Auto battling and I could FZLD9-fsIgu-00138-00066048-00066462 chill and relax but if you want to make things faster you can do what we like to call the picnic FZLD9-fsIgu-00139-00066462-00066864 reset in this exact spot you're going to set up a picnic clear out all those spawns send out your FZLD9-fsIgu-00140-00066864-00067338 Pokemon and uh then just pack up your picnic and then stand right there and you can double home FZLD9-fsIgu-00141-00067338-00067812 future and just watch what spawns out of the wall and the Sable eyes will continue to spawn while FZLD9-fsIgu-00142-00067812-00068346 you are just chilling over there and you can keep doing this until a Shawnee eventually jumps right FZLD9-fsIgu-00143-00068346-00068958 out the wall you and you can grab yourself a nice shiny yellow Sable eye if you want to hunt down FZLD9-fsIgu-00144-00068958-00069498 palosan Sandy gas pretty much this is going to be your spot yeah obviously it's just Sandy gas but FZLD9-fsIgu-00145-00069498-00069912 it'll evolve into a nice Palo stand and what you're going to be looking for is pretty much FZLD9-fsIgu-00146-00069912-00070686 a black piece of sand on the beach that's it they the origin for that is pretty much from alola but FZLD9-fsIgu-00147-00070686-00071214 the volcanic ash and everything so I think that's where they get the origin but yeah anyway so you FZLD9-fsIgu-00148-00071214-00071736 want to come to the South Province area five and why I like this area specifically is because it's FZLD9-fsIgu-00149-00071736-00072198 one straight line I just have to zoom out out in fact I could just walk across the beach and I FZLD9-fsIgu-00150-00072198-00072780 could have them all spawn in front of me and just like that I already have one shiny already see how FZLD9-fsIgu-00151-00072780-00073308 simple that is that's why I write these hundred percent guarantee Chinese in the title and that is FZLD9-fsIgu-00152-00073308-00073758 a reason we make that the title this looks super cool all right let's see what you got oh baby that FZLD9-fsIgu-00153-00073758-00074328 looks good that is awesome I pretty much like to walk this beach all the way to the end by that FZLD9-fsIgu-00154-00074328-00074880 palm tree look around see what's gonna spawn and as you can tell it's very obvious to see the shiny FZLD9-fsIgu-00155-00074880-00075348 Pokemon and once I reach the end of the beach pretty much or this this land I'm going to just FZLD9-fsIgu-00156-00075348-00075888 simply turn around and rinse and repeat this all over again make sure to check every single spawn FZLD9-fsIgu-00157-00075888-00076368 around you so you don't miss it and then just loop back again and one straight line means you don't FZLD9-fsIgu-00158-00076368-00076812 have to do that much camera turning only at the edge once you get there now there's an alternative FZLD9-fsIgu-00159-00076812-00077376 option that you can pull off if you don't want to rock it at this beach you can go over to the FZLD9-fsIgu-00160-00077376-00077808 lavencia beach which is a lot bigger over here but you just have to rotate your camera more when FZLD9-fsIgu-00161-00077808-00078270 you're in this area and then once once you evolve it you'll get a nice hallow sand if you want to FZLD9-fsIgu-00162-00078270-00078768 be the type of player that hunts for the Pokemon spirit tomb here's pretty much what you have to do FZLD9-fsIgu-00163-00078768-00079302 now this is a static spawn so that means you don't need a sandwich for this it's just going to be a FZLD9-fsIgu-00164-00079302-00079896 natural spawn that shows up beard 2 is going to be a complete full odds hunt we're talking one out of FZLD9-fsIgu-00165-00079896-00080430 4096 chance for this thing to be shoddy so you probably have better odds masooda breeding this FZLD9-fsIgu-00166-00080430-00080826 thing but again I'm just gonna show for the people who want to know how to do this so what you want FZLD9-fsIgu-00167-00080826-00081204 to do is you're going to see your spirit team here right it's spawns it's two other locations of the FZLD9-fsIgu-00168-00081204-00081522 map marked over here and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set up my Pokemon and what we want FZLD9-fsIgu-00169-00081522-00081990 to do is send your Pokemon out to just to take it out right it's gone all right that's not as shoddy FZLD9-fsIgu-00170-00081990-00082494 so what you do is then walk all the way out of the spawn range of that Pokemon so that way it's FZLD9-fsIgu-00171-00082494-00082974 not going to be able to spot in you're gonna drop a hard save just like this and once you drop your FZLD9-fsIgu-00172-00082974-00083556 hard save you're gonna close out your game you're going to then go ahead and do a date skip go to FZLD9-fsIgu-00173-00083556-00084000 another date and if you don't like the date skip method well you could just wait for 11 15 nine at FZLD9-fsIgu-00174-00084000-00084486 night and just uh do this when necessary that's it so for those who don't like date skipping that's FZLD9-fsIgu-00175-00084486-00084876 what you're gonna do if you want to shiny hunt it so every night before you go to bed you can just FZLD9-fsIgu-00176-00084876-00085284 take an attempt and see hey is this spiritual gonna be shiny knock all the three ones out on FZLD9-fsIgu-00177-00085284-00085608 the mountain and go check the spots that's a fun nighttime activity if you want to play Pokemon FZLD9-fsIgu-00178-00085608-00086064 every night actually that's pretty cool you can do that and then once you boot up back into your game FZLD9-fsIgu-00179-00086064-00086526 at the new safe spot you're just going to head over to that spot where you took out the spirit FZLD9-fsIgu-00180-00086526-00087042 tomb and you should be getting a new one so there that is a new one that has spawned and it does not FZLD9-fsIgu-00181-00087042-00087522 respawn by the way so you just take them out you rinse and repeat that over and over again and just FZLD9-fsIgu-00182-00087522-00087930 to clarify and show those people that it doesn't respawn I'm gonna move out of the render distance FZLD9-fsIgu-00183-00087930-00088386 for you guys and then I'm gonna come back just so you can see that hey once you take it out it does FZLD9-fsIgu-00184-00088386-00088848 not respawn and yep it has not come back so now you know how to static hunt and you can do this FZLD9-fsIgu-00185-00088848-00089346 for actually every static Pokemon in the game if you want a very good hunting spot in Pokemon FZLD9-fsIgu-00186-00089346-00090174 Violet four your drippies and your drag looks this is the spot on the map so it's right by the fury FZLD9-fsIgu-00187-00090174-00090768 Falls it's this little area right here and uh this is gonna be really good because when you FZLD9-fsIgu-00188-00090768-00091128 don't have dragon you don't have any dratinis you have nothing else interfering with you and FZLD9-fsIgu-00189-00091128-00091584 you're only going to have draculakes and drippies which means you can just hop down here and get to FZLD9-fsIgu-00190-00091584-00092034 work on shiny hunting and the shiny is going to be a lot more obvious when you're being able to FZLD9-fsIgu-00191-00092034-00092472 hunt all of these so you can just set out your Pokemon pretty much be sent out and start doing FZLD9-fsIgu-00192-00092472-00092916 some work and just taking out whatever needs to be taken out Auto Battle everything until FZLD9-fsIgu-00193-00092916-00093408 you get a shiny or you could just jump to the top despot on them and then use the double home trick FZLD9-fsIgu-00194-00093408-00093948 to pay attention and zoom in if there is a shoddy Pokemon as sometimes GPS are a little bit hard to FZLD9-fsIgu-00195-00093948-00094398 miss but if you're hanging out down here just Auto battling and checking out Chinese if they're here FZLD9-fsIgu-00196-00094398-00094920 this is a very good spot for Violet players to get drippies and drag looks and I don't doubt that you FZLD9-fsIgu-00197-00094920-00095544 would have one very fast down here it is a great spot the pit is one of my favorite shiny hunting FZLD9-fsIgu-00198-00095544-00095982 spots in the game they're just gonna spawn these dragons left and right these Dragon ghosts type FZLD9-fsIgu-00199-00095982-00096450 so great spot if you're a violet player and you should be able to get a shoddy with no problem FZLD9-fsIgu-00200-00096450-00096840 here if you spend your time hunting drippies and drag looks because I know how annoying they are FZLD9-fsIgu-00201-00096840-00097218 because they spawn everywhere in the game but now they're all compressed in one spot if you FZLD9-fsIgu-00202-00097218-00097752 are hunting rhodum the best time to do it is going to be during the daytime and you want to FZLD9-fsIgu-00203-00097752-00098310 head over to Porto marinada and go towards the lighthouse now the reason why I tell you this is FZLD9-fsIgu-00204-00098310-00098850 because Roto is going to be very easy to despawn and respawn because we have a simple trick called FZLD9-fsIgu-00205-00098850-00099378 the town reset right there we come back boom all the rooms start to spawn back in again and all FZLD9-fsIgu-00206-00099378-00099882 you're gonna be looking for is the shiny one in the game so it's not that bad at all you could FZLD9-fsIgu-00207-00099882-00100248 you could see that they're all spawning here the shiny One's Gonna be very obvious it's going to be FZLD9-fsIgu-00208-00100248-00100716 a red Rotom surrounded by a little bit of yellow lightning around it instead of the orange and blue FZLD9-fsIgu-00209-00100716-00101244 one so you could just keep doing this over and over again in this spot specifically until you FZLD9-fsIgu-00210-00101244-00101700 get a red Rotom now you don't want to do this at night time because the Rotom spawns are going to FZLD9-fsIgu-00211-00101700-00102120 be a lot more less because depending on if your Pokemon Scarlet or Violet you're gonna be getting FZLD9-fsIgu-00212-00102120-00102654 drift blooms or misdreavus mixing up into the mix of the rotoms causing the spawns to be less FZLD9-fsIgu-00213-00102654-00103109 so Rotom Hunters you want to pull this trick off during the daytime if you don't really care what FZLD9-fsIgu-00214-00103109-00103524 Pokemon you spot well then you can come here at night time and have fun with trying to hunt all FZLD9-fsIgu-00215-00103524-00104028 of them but to not be chaotic I just wanted to let you know do this during the day and look around FZLD9-fsIgu-00216-00104028-00104478 and make sure you use your double home button and eventually you will get your Rotom we also talked FZLD9-fsIgu-00217-00104478-00104844 about this in the electric video so if you don't want ghosts interfering with your hunt just uh FZLD9-fsIgu-00218-00104844-00105426 check out the electric video and it'll be a lot easier if you just want if you head over to the FZLD9-fsIgu-00219-00105426-00105983 Watchtower by this Lake North Province area one Watchtower and by this area as well in the North FZLD9-fsIgu-00220-00105983-00106470 Providence area one this entire green area is going to be really nice obviously get away from FZLD9-fsIgu-00221-00106470-00107088 the water this is going to be really really nice to hunt families of Haunter and you'll be also FZLD9-fsIgu-00222-00107088-00107538 getting families of graveyard and houndstorm so it's only families which means you can run around FZLD9-fsIgu-00223-00107538-00108102 as fast as you want and that's the only things that will spawn so for haunters and ghastly's FZLD9-fsIgu-00224-00108102-00108635 these are the shinies on the screen and for the graveyards and houndstones these are going to be FZLD9-fsIgu-00225-00108635-00109056 the shinies and it'll be very obvious to see the gassies are gonna have a nice blue color and the FZLD9-fsIgu-00226-00109056-00109566 graveyards and houndstones are going to be having a gold looking color and that's pretty much how FZLD9-fsIgu-00227-00109566-00109950 you're gonna be hunting the shinies in this area you really just want to run around as fast as you FZLD9-fsIgu-00228-00109950-00110382 can because nothing is going to be bothering you here it's it's just straight up only those Pokemon FZLD9-fsIgu-00229-00110382-00110832 the moment you see the shiny it's going to be very apparent so what I like doing is just full FZLD9-fsIgu-00230-00110832-00111318 speed from one Pokemon Center to the other Pokemon Center and then once I reach the spot wow there's FZLD9-fsIgu-00231-00111318-00111756 a lot by this Pokemon look at all look at it look at look at that three families right over here so FZLD9-fsIgu-00232-00111756-00112302 if you want a good spot to hunt down stones and uh graveyards this is really good along with the FZLD9-fsIgu-00233-00112302-00112698 haunters and ghastly especially at night time if you come here during the day you won't be getting FZLD9-fsIgu-00234-00112698-00113226 the Haunter family with the ghastlys during the daytime you'll just be getting these guys right FZLD9-fsIgu-00235-00113226-00113628 over here during the day so if you want to solo hunt these guys and run around come here during FZLD9-fsIgu-00236-00113628-00114126 the day you want to double hunt or just focus on the gas station hunt come here at night and FZLD9-fsIgu-00237-00114126-00114720 you should be able to get some nice shiny Ghost Pokemon over here here's what this area looks like FZLD9-fsIgu-00238-00114720-00115188 during the day pretty much the North Providence area one you're just gonna see families of the FZLD9-fsIgu-00239-00115188-00115590 graveyard show up there we go and as you move further away from this Mass outbreak Sorry by FZLD9-fsIgu-00240-00115590-00116159 a ruffled uh Mass outbreak there we go it's just gonna be all the the houndstones and graveyards FZLD9-fsIgu-00241-00116159-00116592 that are spawning here because no more hunters or ghastly during the day this is also a very FZLD9-fsIgu-00242-00116592-00116976 nice and effective way to do some shiny hunting during the day and you can see all the families FZLD9-fsIgu-00243-00116976-00117318 just spawning up and uh it's really nice because you don't have to deal with anything else here so FZLD9-fsIgu-00244-00117318-00117828 this is what it looks like during the day in this area and eventually you will get your shiny now FZLD9-fsIgu-00245-00117828-00118524 if you want a place where you can only just hunt these ghastlys in the game that way you can just FZLD9-fsIgu-00246-00118524-00118890 not worry about other Pokemon being around you this is a great spot and it's gonna be located FZLD9-fsIgu-00247-00118890-00119411 right over here gonna be right in this location by the ruins because ruins like to spawn specific FZLD9-fsIgu-00248-00119411-00119868 Pokemon now we'll be going for some ghastlys here so all you gotta do is approach the ruins right FZLD9-fsIgu-00249-00119868-00120438 here like this and around here should be spawning our ghastlys there they are they spawned it all FZLD9-fsIgu-00250-00120438-00120858 right a little bit late but they they did show up so these are where all the gaskets will spawn and FZLD9-fsIgu-00251-00120858-00121361 to really respawn them out you could just climb up this hill over here just like that despawn out the FZLD9-fsIgu-00252-00121361-00121914 entire group like this and then you can kind of fly right back in to the ruins again and you'll be FZLD9-fsIgu-00253-00121914-00122459 getting another Squad of ghastlys so that's pretty much all you have to do for gastly's and shout out FZLD9-fsIgu-00254-00122459-00122916 to the ruins for being an accessible place for us to solo hunt these things and it's gonna be at FZLD9-fsIgu-00255-00122916-00123444 night of course because Cassis don't always spawn graveyards to start showing up in this area with FZLD9-fsIgu-00256-00123444-00123990 with the occasional Frost last I've noticed Frost last is not that prevalent with the sandwich it FZLD9-fsIgu-00257-00123990-00124602 barely spawns so it's probably better to do a date skip or wait for 11 59 with the ghost sandwich and FZLD9-fsIgu-00258-00124602-00125118 see if a frost last outbreak starts or you can try it with the ice sandwich but pretty much if you FZLD9-fsIgu-00259-00125118-00125706 go to glaciado Mountain almost everywhere there's going to be little graveyard showing up sometimes FZLD9-fsIgu-00260-00125706-00126216 you'll get the occasional process but majority on the floor is always always these dogs are hiding FZLD9-fsIgu-00261-00126216-00126744 and it's a very hard I really don't notice when they show up so I would suggest the better spot is FZLD9-fsIgu-00262-00126744-00127133 where it's a grassy area and you get the families because it could be annoying to have these guys FZLD9-fsIgu-00263-00127133-00127458 just keep popping up without you realizing it and keep going into battle but that's just an FZLD9-fsIgu-00264-00127458-00127985 alternative but I do prefer the family spawns Okay so so right by artisone there's a good spot FZLD9-fsIgu-00265-00127985-00128418 where there's going to be a bunch of shuppets so you just have to step out of art Zone into South FZLD9-fsIgu-00266-00128418-00128970 Province area three I marked it up by the map over here and look at the amount that just spawned by FZLD9-fsIgu-00267-00128970-00129456 these trees there's a good amount you can double home Zoom to look at this he's shiny for Shuppet FZLD9-fsIgu-00268-00129456-00129876 is going to be green so it's going to be kind of obvious where the shop it is now there's two FZLD9-fsIgu-00269-00129876-00130266 sides to the Shoppette there's the left side and the right side so you could be paying attention FZLD9-fsIgu-00270-00130266-00130740 to all those areas and you don't want to miss this Pokemon pretty much so you go back to town you can FZLD9-fsIgu-00271-00130740-00131232 do these completely over and over again luckily it's pretty easy just quickly step out into South FZLD9-fsIgu-00272-00131232-00131706 promise area three and you're gonna get a bunch to spawn now I'm in Scarlet so I also have a bunch of FZLD9-fsIgu-00273-00131706-00132240 drift balloons here so I gotta be on the lookout for yellow but for my shuppets I have to be on the FZLD9-fsIgu-00274-00132240-00132738 lookout for the green one so you can repeat this over and over again until you happen to get your FZLD9-fsIgu-00275-00132738-00133302 shiny Shuppet but this is definitely a very very nice spot to go hunting for this Pokemon so for FZLD9-fsIgu-00276-00133302-00133782 Violet players that go to Art to Zone West it's gonna be a lot easier to hunt because you don't FZLD9-fsIgu-00277-00133782-00134208 have to deal with the drift blooms that spawn in over here you're just going to spine these FZLD9-fsIgu-00278-00134208-00134694 shuppets so Violet players are going to have a lot easier time focusing on catching these Shepherds FZLD9-fsIgu-00279-00134694-00135276 by just doing a respawn in and out over here as compared to the Scarlet players who have the the FZLD9-fsIgu-00280-00135276-00135894 drift plumes and the shuppets mixed now if you're a Pokemon Scarlet player and come over to Al for FZLD9-fsIgu-00281-00135894-00136470 NADA we did talk about this being a nice sinisty spot but at night time it turns into this place FZLD9-fsIgu-00282-00136470-00137034 called Bennett city and uh drift blooms and drift blooms pretty much the the technique to get these FZLD9-fsIgu-00283-00137034-00137454 guys to soft reset is simply doing the town reset method you could just head over to town they're FZLD9-fsIgu-00284-00137454-00137874 coming at me oh don't gotta worry about that and then pop right back out and they should start FZLD9-fsIgu-00285-00137874-00138300 spawning around me again now for the Banette this is what the shiny is going to look like FZLD9-fsIgu-00286-00138300-00138774 so it's going to be a little bit more on the Bluer side and for drift blimps and drift blooms you're FZLD9-fsIgu-00287-00138774-00139146 just gonna be looking for yellow balloons that's how you're gonna be able to identify The Shining FZLD9-fsIgu-00288-00139146-00139656 now when it's nighttime you can make a little bit of rotations around the town if you want to see a FZLD9-fsIgu-00289-00139656-00140172 bunch of them and not just be stuck to one thing that's an option you have there's all the banettes FZLD9-fsIgu-00290-00140172-00140622 really cool to see add the drift Bloom so you could possibly do the town respawns find a good FZLD9-fsIgu-00291-00140622-00141024 corner where you see a good amount to spawn in and then you can spawn them out be aware there's also FZLD9-fsIgu-00292-00141024-00141540 some sinisties here and there in the area so keep in mind you might bump into them so it becomes a FZLD9-fsIgu-00293-00141540-00141960 little bit chaotic but this is where it's gonna be very obvious to see the Bennetts and the drift FZLD9-fsIgu-00294-00141960-00142410 blooms also as you're rotating around you might bump into the graveyard family so yeah pretty FZLD9-fsIgu-00295-00142410-00142932 much that's what you have to do when you're in alfernata if you are a Pokemon Scarlet player and FZLD9-fsIgu-00296-00142932-00143580 that is the hot spot to get yourself a Banette in Pokemon Violet at night you get a lot of banettes FZLD9-fsIgu-00297-00143580-00144054 just showing up you don't have to worry about any drift blooms you notice there's no mismages around FZLD9-fsIgu-00298-00144054-00144618 or misdreavus so it's gonna be a lot easier to hunt these banettes by doing the town reset so FZLD9-fsIgu-00299-00144618-00145062 yeah you just have to touch the town like this to get Alfred Auto reset and then come back out and FZLD9-fsIgu-00300-00145062-00145602 you should get all your banettes to start spawning so it shouldn't be too hard over here to pull this FZLD9-fsIgu-00301-00145602-00146070 off so Violet's gonna have a lot better time being able to hunt the banettes than having to deal with FZLD9-fsIgu-00302-00146070-00146544 a bunch of drift blooms and driftland families so for Pokemon Violet players if you want a bunch of FZLD9-fsIgu-00303-00146544-00147090 misdreavus to be spawning around the area this is probably the best spot it's gonna be right over FZLD9-fsIgu-00304-00147090-00147588 here by this little water body you have to come down to cortado West and just come right down FZLD9-fsIgu-00305-00147588-00148068 across it will get interference of no drippies there'll be no other Pokemon bothering you just FZLD9-fsIgu-00306-00148068-00148656 a bunch of these misdreavus everywhere around here and all you gotta do is simply just despawn FZLD9-fsIgu-00307-00148656-00149106 that entire group out kind of like that move away from the water and then once you move away from FZLD9-fsIgu-00308-00149106-00149598 the water you just head right back to that spot again stand over there or you can do picnic resets FZLD9-fsIgu-00309-00149598-00150018 totally up to you by throwing out a picnic closing out a picnic and you just have to wait here until FZLD9-fsIgu-00310-00150018-00150564 you get your shiny mischievous to appear so this is a very very nice hunt and I feel like violent FZLD9-fsIgu-00311-00150564-00151020 players have better time with Ghost Pokemon not mixing up with other spawns so violent players FZLD9-fsIgu-00312-00151020-00151524 you're pretty lucky when it comes to these spawns this is a great spot and hopefully you can grab a FZLD9-fsIgu-00313-00151524-00152100 nice misdreavus here and then eventually evolve it into Miss Aegis now if you come over to the lake FZLD9-fsIgu-00314-00152100-00152706 Casa Roya area in Pokemon Violet you're gonna be getting a lot of family spawns of dreepy and FZLD9-fsIgu-00315-00152706-00153162 drag looks which is pretty nice which means you can run as fast as you can but you gotta have to FZLD9-fsIgu-00316-00153162-00153678 pay attention if you do bump into shoddy so Violet players you can literally just run enjoy yourself FZLD9-fsIgu-00317-00153678-00154116 and go full speed while these families spawn on the left just make sure you're paying attention FZLD9-fsIgu-00318-00154116-00154662 to the shinies because this is a very fast run as opposed to the pit that we've talked about FZLD9-fsIgu-00319-00154662-00155100 so there we go gummies Are Gonna Keep spotting around this area and pretty much you can just FZLD9-fsIgu-00320-00155100-00155526 despawn the minute out by rushing and seeing what spawns and what doesn't spawn and get to FZLD9-fsIgu-00321-00155526-00155982 the edge and come back I'll just keep spawning in the families check if they're shiny and rinse and FZLD9-fsIgu-00322-00155982-00156558 repeat for this Pokemon now if you go and do this little route in Castle Royale lake at night time FZLD9-fsIgu-00323-00156558-00157134 in Violet you'll be getting the Miss Mages and the misdreavus so you'll be seeing these along with FZLD9-fsIgu-00324-00157134-00157758 the drag looks and the dripies but you need to be aware that they don't spawn as often but they are FZLD9-fsIgu-00325-00157758-00158238 a family group which is kind of nice because you could just zoom by really fast and just hope and FZLD9-fsIgu-00326-00158238-00158754 and pray that they do spawn as you are traveling this route but that is pretty much the way to do FZLD9-fsIgu-00327-00158754-00159282 it at night time so you pop the sandwich you make sure it's night time around this area and you will FZLD9-fsIgu-00328-00159282-00159834 get entire families of misdreavus and Miss Magus make sure you are looking at these shinies and FZLD9-fsIgu-00329-00159834-00160362 paying attention they are a much more greenish misdreavus yes Miss drevis is a lot more green FZLD9-fsIgu-00330-00160362-00160764 pretty much it's like the same thing as firemen now you can hop over here as well these little FZLD9-fsIgu-00331-00160764-00161166 Islands over here on the side might have them so you can do a little rotate see if they despawn FZLD9-fsIgu-00332-00161166-00161574 respawn and keep going around here at night time to possibly see the families but their FZLD9-fsIgu-00333-00161574-00162150 GPS and track loads do love to take over the area unfortunately though for Pokemon Violet players FZLD9-fsIgu-00334-00162150-00162708 now if you're playing Pokemon Scarlet there are two ways to hunt down flutter Maine one is FZLD9-fsIgu-00335-00162708-00163200 going to be the glitch method which is coming to this exact spot in research station number FZLD9-fsIgu-00336-00163200-00163902 four during the day with a ghost sandwich and you can see that there is actually nothing absolutely FZLD9-fsIgu-00337-00163902-00164520 nothing spawning in this cave right now and the reason why is because the only Pokemon that will FZLD9-fsIgu-00338-00164520-00165114 show up during this cave in Scarlet is a shiny flutter Mane it is a glitch in this game it's FZLD9-fsIgu-00339-00165114-00165528 not really anything complicated to do it's not like we have to go and break the game to do this FZLD9-fsIgu-00340-00165528-00165990 you just literally have to have a ghost sandwich during the day and when that Thunderman does show FZLD9-fsIgu-00341-00165990-00166422 up in the game it has to show up of course you have to still run around until it spawns then FZLD9-fsIgu-00342-00166422-00166920 it'll spawn another flutter Main and it kind of causes a chain of unlimited flutter Mane that are FZLD9-fsIgu-00343-00166920-00167490 shiny but if you're not comfortable with this you can come back here at night time and at night when FZLD9-fsIgu-00344-00167490-00167904 you have the sandwich you're gonna see a bunch of funner Mane everywhere and what you can do during FZLD9-fsIgu-00345-00167904-00168498 the night time is fly over to this area and go to this rock and you'll be getting a bunch of regular FZLD9-fsIgu-00346-00168498-00169020 flutter main spawning and you could despawn and respawn them at this big rock until you get your FZLD9-fsIgu-00347-00169020-00169500 shiny one to show up but if we're doing the glitch method we are going to stick with running around FZLD9-fsIgu-00348-00169500-00170004 till we find a flutter Main and I'm gonna to show you exactly how to do it okay and as you can see FZLD9-fsIgu-00349-00170004-00170574 on the map there is nothing else that has spawned except the shiny one so I'm just gonna hop in to FZLD9-fsIgu-00350-00170574-00171060 battle with it a side note when you do see this Pokemon or if you just try hitting down the ZL FZLD9-fsIgu-00351-00171060-00171510 button on your remote look at this you can see the other ones in the background like where they're FZLD9-fsIgu-00352-00171510-00171948 supposed I don't know what's about this glitch but look at look at that there's other ones in FZLD9-fsIgu-00353-00171948-00172374 there momentarily and they go away there's another one right there it's spawned hey we got a second FZLD9-fsIgu-00354-00172374-00172818 one in the background there you go the glitch work it spawned in another flutter main okay FZLD9-fsIgu-00355-00172818-00173202 it's working I'm just gonna run away from this one you can still see the other one in the background FZLD9-fsIgu-00356-00173202-00173682 by the way let me interact with this one there we go there's one the glitch worked so for those who FZLD9-fsIgu-00357-00173682-00174078 want to see these flutter Mains that I caught are completely different different stats and FZLD9-fsIgu-00358-00174078-00174534 everything and yeah that that they are they're right there two different completely Chinese FZLD9-fsIgu-00359-00174534-00175122 that are able to work via the day ghost sandwich glitch if you don't like doing this glitch you FZLD9-fsIgu-00360-00175122-00175656 can simply just do this at night time that's it if you enjoyed this video make sure to also check out FZLD9-fsIgu-00361-00175656-00176196 this one over here because there's more shiny locations that you need to know click on this FaM5FpKp9BY-00000-00000120-00000592 your portable electronic devices must be set to airplane mode until an announcement FaM5FpKp9BY-00001-00000592-00001072 is made upon arrival. if your electronic device falls on your feet, do not move FaM5FpKp9BY-00002-00001072-00001432 your seat or try and retrieve it yourself, as it poses a fire hazard. FaM5FpKp9BY-00003-00001488-00002216 notify your cabin crew immediately to ensure the safe retrieval of the devices. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00000-00001796-00002046 Bill Edgett from New Brunswick Canada, Fc-xpgWSIHg-00001-00002046-00002447 tell us a little bit about you and what you're doing for the work. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00002-00002532-00002776 Well my, Fc-xpgWSIHg-00003-00002860-00003136 My story began back in 2015 when me and my ex Fc-xpgWSIHg-00004-00003136-00003364 separated. We had agreed to be Fc-xpgWSIHg-00005-00003364-00003711 amicable and work things out. We would keep it from the Fc-xpgWSIHg-00006-00003711-00004074 courts and try to not discuss everything and work it out. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00007-00004074-00004453 amongst ourselves and then I was served with court papers ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00008-00004453-00004871 and I was not seeing my children and it has escalated from there. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00009-00004928-00005256 In the from between then and now 2015 from now we still ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00010-00005256-00005592 have not had a trial date we are divorced our divorce is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00011-00005592-00005944 finalized by passed since the divorce where we've had to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00012-00005944-00006115 have joint shared custody. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00013-00006168-00006545 She has continued to make false allegations to police ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00014-00006545-00006763 Child Protection did end up to. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00015-00006820-00007247 Eventually after the third investigation on it lead to me ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00016-00007247-00007799 losing custody on a interim basis until the investigation was conducted. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00017-00007892-00008264 I did get my children back but that it was in my eyes that I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00018-00008264-00008662 can't just let this go I have to I have to move forward and try ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00019-00008662-00009027 to get the truth out of the situation because I started ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00020-00009027-00009367 collecting all the documentation and look at it it ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00021-00009367-00009683 look like I was a horrible father in a monster.. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00022-00009768-00010160 Former spouse if it looked terrible all this paperwork was ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00023-00010160-00010569 created so I've been trying to collect as much information as ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00024-00010569-00010897 I can to show how this process begins because I was ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00025-00010897-00011274 fortunate to find two people that were experienced with ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00026-00011274-00011530 alienation. David Schubert and Keith ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00027-00011530-00011891 marsala like and one of the things that Keith said to me ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00028-00011891-00012083 that really stuck with me is. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00029-00012156-00012406 He said you and I are on the same road we're just a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00030-00012406-00012779 different points in time not the time I have no comprehension of ever. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00031-00012836-00012976 Getting to where he was. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00032-00013047-00013347 Because he was there he was calm he was lucid you was ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00033-00013347-00013747 talking to me he was out. This is a stranger from across the country. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00034-00013800-00014076 Different country across the continent and. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00035-00014144-00014403 Is there taking the time to help me and try to make me feel ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00036-00014403-00014651 better and I work through what I was going through so. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00037-00014704-00015108 I started the New Brunswick page for my own province. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00038-00015188-00015516 Since then Keith and I have work continue to work ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00039-00015516-00015944 together and is now part of the parental alienation will let's ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00040-00015944-00016306 work through pages and I work for two provinces I have ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00041-00016306-00016652 New Brunswick in Nova Scotia page for my local area ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00042-00016652-00017005 your phone thank you so much for all that you do like I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00043-00017005-00017351 swear this is not just a phenomenon in a particular ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00044-00017351-00017762 country it is I think we've all discovered that it's a global ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00045-00017762-00018140 global concern and you know anyting I would say all of us ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00046-00018140-00018477 all of you all are you do you know these Grassroots ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00047-00018477-00018823 Advocates and you really have to have this undying ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00048-00018823-00019143 optimism in the face of no agreement to to make a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00049-00019143-00019538 difference to really say I'm sticking with it I don't care ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00050-00019538-00019925 about what they tell me and what's happening I'm going to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00051-00019925-00020295 take care of make make a difference one family at a time ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00052-00020295-00020632 so I thank you for that you know we're here today to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00053-00020632-00020994 celebrate Father's Day and to support and oppose our ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00054-00020994-00021339 fathers and their fam. Perhaps suggest some ideas ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00055-00021339-00021759 and and strategies that award for us that may work for others. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00056-00021820-00022309 Why I'm here and I think we're out here you know it is the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00057-00022309-00022743 resigned and discouraged and distant powering ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00058-00022743-00023233 conversations or we can focus on and celebrate the the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00059-00023233-00023700 winds and the win for you Todd is that you got to spend ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00060-00023700-00024189 time with your son and you're not giving up Hope on your ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00061-00024189-00024667 daughter corrupt now yeah how about you YouTube Mark ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00062-00024667-00025135 and Bill what's the how has are you able to celebrate ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00063-00025135-00025591 Father's day with your family with your children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00064-00026136-00026504 Thank you I'm I feel like I'm very fortunate through this process I am. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00065-00026608-00026867 I found mr. marsala and Dave Schubert ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00066-00026867-00027278 relatively early in my journey of this and like I said I was I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00067-00027278-00027680 was traumatized and I was having difficulty dealing with ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00068-00027680-00028066 court system the divorce losing the home taking out all ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00069-00028066-00028384 my savings to try and keep the home and keep the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00070-00028384-00028753 lawyers keep the children of my life so it was totally ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00071-00028753-00029147 draining on me but throughout I've managed to keep the my ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00072-00029147-00029524 children in my life and I've done a lot of research Ryan ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00073-00029524-00029876 Thomas speeks Amy Baker Linda Gottlieb some of the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00074-00029876-00030278 some of the experts have a lot of good information on how to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00075-00030278-00030672 reunite with children and my children were at that stage ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00076-00030672-00031058 where they were afraid of my grandparents are afraid of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00077-00031058-00031452 their grandparents my parents and when my parents would ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00078-00031452-00031804 come around my son would hide behind my leg and hold ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00079-00031804-00032198 my legs so I did a lot of study and research very quickly to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00080-00032198-00032592 try and overcome that and I've been fortunate enough to. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00081-00032592-00033011 Reach them they have my children have a great relationship. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00082-00033072-00033480 The grandparents right now I'm currently I did get my ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00083-00033480-00033934 children for Father's Day they spent the night with me last ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00084-00033934-00034398 night and right now they are with their grandparents just at ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00085-00034398-00034815 their camper just about 5-10 minutes from my home here ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00086-00034815-00035242 so they're just I just I just jumped out of the boat my dad ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00087-00035242-00035659 dropped us off the dock and my daughter was driving the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00088-00035659-00036068 boat she brought us over let me get out so I can come and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00089-00036068-00036494 attend this meeting so I'm very fortunate to have found ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00090-00036494-00036912 the information early enough to help intervene in the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00091-00036912-00037329 process to so that it didn't get too bad and I was able to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00092-00037329-00037719 counteract a lot of the negative effects that they ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00093-00037719-00038173 were going I you know I agree with you it's so very important ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00094-00038173-00038628 to to early intervention for early intervention cause not ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00095-00038628-00039082 only if you you've got to heal yourself and get yourself out ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00096-00039082-00039537 of survival because think about it survival is fear-based ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00097-00039537-00040019 fear-based is basically the the non thinking side of the brain ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00098-00040019-00040408 it's the it's the Primitive side of the brain this. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00099-00040408-00040863 Not making great decisions but yeah I like hitting it early ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00100-00040863-00041327 because it's not the normal reaction like when the children ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00101-00041327-00041725 suddenly come over to you and there because you know ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00102-00041725-00042189 for your timeshare with them and they're being belligerent ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00103-00042189-00042570 to you like in any normal situation that warrants ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00104-00042570-00042941 consequences from the. However we know because ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00105-00042941-00043376 we researched early that that is falling into prey to the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00106-00043376-00043831 hands of the targeting parent parent wants you to look like ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00107-00043831-00044239 the bad guy they want to provoke the children to to get ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00108-00044239-00044694 you triggered and punishing them and in ruin the visit just ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00109-00044694-00045120 sabotage the the visit from from afar but that requires ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00110-00045120-00045575 early intervention Early Education and getting yourself ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00111-00045575-00045974 into a support system and. Not something that we've ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00112-00045974-00046363 been working on so Todd Schulte is one of them on our ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00113-00046363-00046808 Advisory board with kids need both and we've created this ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00114-00046808-00047226 whole Community this collaborative Community to for ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00115-00047226-00047662 all of your agencies and up to come together so that we can ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00116-00047662-00048125 be of service to these families with resources and coaching ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00117-00048125-00048543 coach life groups and curriculum and things like that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00118-00048543-00048979 and programs because we get it that this is grass the only ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00119-00048979-00049415 way to shift everything is to get into the grass roots and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00120-00049415-00049934 bring us all together sadly in the courts lot of times we would go to. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00121-00050000-00050368 The courthouse is to try to make a difference but that's ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00122-00050368-00050760 like playing whack-a-mole with every new judge that comes ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00123-00050760-00051112 you have to educate every new judge that gets voted on ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00124-00051112-00051497 a bench and lot of times we did our legislative Lee which is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00125-00051497-00051873 really great cuz there's a lot of good stuff happening in ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00126-00051873-00052297 America legislatively for equal share parents however judges ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00127-00052297-00052729 if they don't agree that that's legislative order is correct for ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00128-00052729-00053090 this family because of their own personal views on how ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00129-00053090-00053410 family Dynamics should be a judge can override a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00130-00053410-00053786 legislative order so yeah Grassroots don't give it give ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00131-00053786-00054155 us some ideas on what do you think makes a difference and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00132-00054155-00054547 you might even bring up what furthers the resignation so we ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00133-00054547-00054763 know what to do and what not to do. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00134-00055308-00055662 I'll jump in here and I was very fortunate that I found some ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00135-00055662-00055979 people that had a lot of experience in this field and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00136-00055979-00056296 they were built there they were able to give you some ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00137-00056296-00056621 good advice into what to expect from how the children ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00138-00056621-00056953 would react and how to navigate the situation without ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00139-00056953-00057292 making it worse than trying to like said it said once the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00140-00057292-00057565 process begins you really have to build that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00141-00057565-00057883 reconnection because if they've already tried the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00142-00057883-00058237 connections aren't even broken whether it's a little or a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00143-00058237-00058628 lot and it on your situation that there's a there's something at ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00144-00058628-00058989 work there that is interfering with that connection and is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00145-00058989-00059321 very easy to make it worse and if you do the wrong things ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00146-00059321-00059690 and you treat the children the wrong way it will be perceived ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00147-00059690-00060015 as you attacking them and that will further the story ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00148-00060015-00060361 they've been told about you that you are not a good parent ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00149-00060361-00060679 so what's up learning to navigate that and be able to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00150-00060679-00061040 deal with what you're going through and still handle it and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00151-00061040-00061409 deal with properly so that you can rebuild our relationship ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00152-00061409-00061785 isn't it kind of like you. Really that's it's it's outwitting ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00153-00061785-00062103 you know a lot of things that are going on because you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00154-00062103-00062295 know it is it's it's a mind game. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00155-00062844-00063237 It is the biggest thing I had trouble understanding was like ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00156-00063237-00063567 the narcissistic personality disorder in like a. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00157-00063644-00063940 My ex is a narcissist why would she ever want to have children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00158-00064012-00064240 And when you finally realized. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00159-00064300-00064379 Eversource. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00160-00064440-00064512 Feeding her. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00161-00064608-00064997 It's all about her still it makes sense but the guy that was ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00162-00064997-00065183 one of the things that I had. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00163-00065236-00065646 Difficulty trying to figure out cuz didn't make sense to me ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00164-00065646-00066031 and that's what people need to realize and by the courts ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00165-00066031-00066458 and the judges get it wrong is this is these people don't think ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00166-00066458-00066894 logically and don't act logically and trying to figure out the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00167-00066894-00067288 situation in a logical manner doesn't work that just you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00168-00067288-00067707 don't understand if you don't understand what drives these ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00169-00067707-00068083 people and what they are after than you can understand ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00170-00068083-00068519 their actions that's the big thing right there it's a learning ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00171-00068519-00068904 to understand what you're dealing with how to cope with ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00172-00068904-00069332 us and therefore if they're an extension of that and I'll tell ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00173-00069332-00069700 you even in dealing with working with parents with my ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00174-00069700-00069851 co parenting course. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00175-00069944-00070556 We're not high conflict there's always a little bit of conflict or ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00176-00070556-00070711 a many times but. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00177-00070852-00071152 I was going to say is oh you know. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00178-00071244-00071629 Friends I know who are single parents a lot of times they get ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00179-00071629-00072023 so frustrated maybe they don't have a social life other than ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00180-00072023-00072338 them in the kids so in the home is kind of that safe ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00181-00072338-00072645 space to vent and say what you want to say but the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00182-00072645-00072755 parents forget. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00183-00072812-00073223 Parent and then there's a not enough money and the child ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00184-00073223-00073599 support didn't come in and you don't know how to pay ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00185-00073599-00074020 your electric bill what are you do you vent it to this safe ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00186-00074020-00074279 space and you forget wait a minute. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00187-00074336-00074816 What damage am I doing by saying venting about my ex. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00188-00074884-00075104 You know to my children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00189-00075168-00075540 I know that I'm I follow several groups on social media. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00190-00075600-00076103 And you know there's just so much I would say to people ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00191-00076103-00076251 out there that. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00192-00076360-00076938 If you be careful of the groups that you go into that are not ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00193-00076938-00077347 moderated that are all about chewing on. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00194-00077436-00077875 Evilness of a of of anything anything else a person or ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00195-00077875-00078374 organization because that that's resignation in Disguise ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00196-00078374-00078503 that is saying. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00197-00078568-00078968 I'm just going to vent about it and then sit in this sewage ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00198-00078968-00079231 because I can't do anything about it. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00199-00079312-00079665 But like you know that's why I'm all I'm all about getting in ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00200-00079665-00079968 get yourself a coach get yourself a conflict coach ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00201-00079968-00080286 divorce coached you know custody coach whatever you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00202-00080286-00080639 want to call them but they are just like a sports coach coach ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00203-00080639-00080979 they're not going to tell you they're not going to soothe ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00204-00080979-00081282 you and validate you your your unhealthy thinking ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00205-00081282-00081578 they're going to make you stronger and sometimes ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00206-00081578-00081895 they're going to tell you what you don't want to hear. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00207-00081992-00082471 So if you're in these plugged in these groups that are just ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00208-00082471-00083019 sitting in the sewage get out Sunday I want to point out is you know. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00209-00083076-00083538 Is all of us but I'll focus on you guys today is your day or the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00210-00083538-00083707 this is Father's Day. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00211-00083764-00084194 All of you are people that were touched by this and and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00212-00084194-00084663 were it was like you couldn't not Advocate you didn't have ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00213-00084663-00085083 a PhD in your background I assume you didn't have you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00214-00085083-00085543 you didn't come into this as a profession you came to into ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00215-00085543-00085963 this because it touched you personally and you and I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00216-00085963-00086364 would say that to everybody out there is become an ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00217-00086364-00086735 advocate of some sort be part of the solution. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00218-00086800-00087143 You know if you have the education behind you, Fc-xpgWSIHg-00219-00087143-00087531 family mediator you know become a guardian ad litem ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00220-00087531-00087947 do whatever you can to make a difference in this work and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00221-00087947-00088389 be part of the good guy Team all right so is he here it's a bill ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00222-00088389-00088787 what's going on I know you said you got a couple of your ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00223-00088787-00089175 you're leading a couple of groups into provinces in ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00224-00089175-00089509 Canada how has Howard things change from the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00225-00089509-00089735 beginning of your work to now. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00226-00090372-00090740 Well in the March 1st of this year. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00227-00090792-00091158 Canada has just created a new legislation Bill c78 and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00228-00091158-00091508 they updated the divorce act to recognize course of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00229-00091508-00091671 controlling Behavior. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00230-00091844-00092253 Has Mark had said the false allegations once they begin ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00231-00092253-00092645 that's when the divorce process deteriorates and it ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00232-00092645-00093143 draws it out and it makes it longer and it turns it into a war and a bat. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00233-00093200-00093527 We're at the police both sides of resources my knee is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00234-00093527-00093810 emotional time of the damages the children is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00235-00093810-00094011 damaged and everyone involved. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00236-00094076-00094437 And I had the opportunity to meet with the attorney general ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00237-00094437-00094769 Providence New Brunswick and one of the friends I help ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00238-00094769-00095057 run her page one of her suggestions to me was the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00239-00095057-00095403 one false allegations began in the Family Court venue to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00240-00095403-00095699 stop the family court proceedings don't let the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00241-00095699-00096053 allegations influence cussing access this now becomes a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00242-00096053-00096163 criminal matter. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00243-00096216-00096565 The criminal courts aren't is burdened as the family course ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00244-00096565-00096711 they're not overworked. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00245-00096764-00097020 And there's there's two reasons why I should move to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00246-00097020-00097329 that Criminal Court instead of staying in Family Court you've ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00247-00097329-00097615 gotten allegations of abuse which is a criminal offense. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00248-00097684-00098009 Do either one that's true know that's one possibility could be ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00249-00098009-00098278 true real allegations of you to come with us to to me. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00250-00098278-00098534 A criminal offense and someone could be trying to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00251-00098534-00098809 use that manipulate the system to their advantage to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00252-00098809-00099109 get casting a house which is going to make the situation so ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00253-00099109-00099359 much worse than long run for the everyone in the. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00254-00099516-00100007 It's very good it's a good point and I also get that sometimes ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00255-00100007-00100508 courts are hesitant if there's child abuse allegations or or ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00256-00100508-00100999 something that could could shifted into the juvenile court ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00257-00100999-00101559 or the four or the criminal court lot of times judges are hesitant to. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00258-00101728-00101960 Send it to a different a different. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00259-00102068-00102415 Southwest because of my case I've been the subject of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00260-00102415-00102842 three investigations by Child Protection I've investigated by ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00261-00102842-00103206 Municipal Police Department in a vest get it by the RCMP ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00262-00103206-00103435 which is kind of a federal or state. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00263-00103516-00103804 United States government agency. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00264-00103876-00104214 Leasing agency so out of all these investigations and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00265-00104214-00104493 everyone who has Vesta gated me for all these ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00266-00104493-00104854 allegations there's been no one to corroborate any of the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00267-00104854-00105185 statements made against me except my ex's boyfriend ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00268-00105185-00105531 which they provided they I've got a DVD of the statement ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00269-00105531-00105862 he made the police and that's the only corroborative ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00270-00105862-00106201 evidence that they had and I was arrested for criminal ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00271-00106201-00106525 harassment I for harassing both him and her own when ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00272-00106525-00106923 he testified a court he testified during that period for which I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00273-00106923-00107247 was arrested for harassing him that him and I had no. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00274-00107511-00107959 No standard given not into other decisions Against Me by ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00275-00107959-00108463 judges one judge when he granted a peace Bond against me he said. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00276-00108516-00108768 There are no requirements that need to be met the only ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00277-00108768-00109061 thing that need to be satisfied is for me to believe that she is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00278-00109061-00109359 fearful of this man I believe she's fearful he spawned grants. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00279-00109440-00109793 I never said I was a criminal peace Bond was brought ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00280-00109793-00109919 against me in bed. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00281-00109983-00110263 That was one of the tools used to have me arrested and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00282-00110263-00110602 I had a criminal trial for breach of undertaking for breaching ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00283-00110602-00110751 that peace bond for having. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00284-00110808-00111096 3rd party called to pick up my children from me when I was ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00285-00111096-00111365 my custody and access. I was arrested for that had to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00286-00111365-00111660 go to a criminal trial I was found not guilty but again the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00287-00111660-00111904 criminal harassment harassment charges were ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00288-00111904-00112205 dropped against me because of insufficient evidence but ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00289-00112205-00112474 they did move forward with the criminal charges for ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00290-00112474-00112756 breach of undertaking were placed on me because of the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00291-00112756-00113038 alleged criminal harassment that they couldn't move ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00292-00113038-00113295 forward with because of insufficient evidence. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00293-00113388-00113580 And again when it came to. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00294-00113644-00113981 Third time I was investigated by Child Protection in the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00295-00113981-00114319 false allegations of the judge said he was going to err on ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00296-00114319-00114649 the side of caution and Grant my ex full custom children ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00297-00114649-00114972 until the completion of the investigation by the RCMP ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00298-00114972-00115295 and Child Protection we made it back to court provided ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00299-00115295-00115611 evidence that both the RCMP and Child Protection had ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00300-00115611-00115920 exonerated me of any wrongdoing yet he still did not ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00301-00115920-00116279 return custody of the children to me he said we will continue ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00302-00116279-00116624 on an interim basis you will have access for this schedule ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00303-00116624-00116968 will to return another month or two and proceed from there ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00304-00116968-00117270 so I lost custody of my children has someone picked ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00305-00117270-00117543 up the phone and made a false report to the RCMP ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00306-00117543-00117866 which your Superior officer came to meet with me I have ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00307-00117866-00118067 that whole interaction on video. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00308-00118144-00118506 And instead of taking a report from me the RCMP officer left ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00309-00118506-00118883 and call child protection and passed on all the information. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00310-00118956-00119208 My ex had given to him because I also did get the files ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00311-00119208-00119419 from Child Protection that intake before. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00312-00119532-00119720 Again these are criminal matters. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00313-00119780-00119964 There have been no penalties for her for. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00314-00120204-00120620 Here's the thing and I've seen this icy judges do this before is. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00315-00120676-00121067 In an abundance of caution and they sink that okay so a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00316-00121067-00121431 restraining order a protective order the keeps. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00317-00121492-00121951 Everybody on their side of the fence no communication is the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00318-00121951-00122391 right thing and that might be fine if they're not children ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00319-00122391-00122805 involved but they but judges and I know that they have a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00320-00122805-00123218 lot of these conferences and you know like continuing ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00321-00123218-00123613 education just like any profession with the judges ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00322-00123613-00124044 really need to get the impact of their choices because if ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00323-00124044-00124411 they continue to hold up a restraining order it. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00324-00124492-00125086 Easily be used as a tactical weapon it can also be used as ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00325-00125086-00125551 a tool to prevent access to the children so. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00326-00125632-00126026 Judges really have to pay attention to the impact of their ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00327-00126026-00126503 orders and and how it can be a slippery slope because they just if they. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00328-00126580-00126895 They have so many cases that they're like okay yeah ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00329-00126895-00127262 continue that restraining order continue that continue. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00330-00127262-00127487 Continue that and they have no idea. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00331-00127548-00127776 The destruction they're doing to the family. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00332-00128392-00128674 That was another one of my suggestions when I got to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00333-00128674-00128990 meet with the attorney general was in any cases like this ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00334-00128990-00129319 where the children are involved and allegations of abuse. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00335-00129383-00129508 They should have someone. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00336-00129583-00129891 Oversee the court case to observe the Parents try to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00337-00129891-00130199 determine which parents because you got two people ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00338-00130199-00130399 there telling opposing stories. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00339-00130456-00130817 Until you know which one is telling the truth you're going to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00340-00130817-00131106 continue to make wrong decisions in the case and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00341-00131106-00131439 make things worse they need someone that can look at the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00342-00131439-00131801 people understand people with the pathology narcissistic ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00343-00131801-00132184 personality disorder borderline personality disorder which ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00344-00132184-00132567 ever thing that may be driving their behaviors field recognize ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00345-00132567-00132878 the indicators and how they express themselves and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00346-00132878-00133226 express their information to the court once you see it you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00347-00133226-00133558 can't unsee it but you need qualified professionals to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00348-00133558-00133913 recognize that that's what they're missing in the court to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00349-00133913-00134274 split and they're trying to do it amicably you know there's a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00350-00134274-00134658 lot of distrust in in the midst of like divorce is specially when ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00351-00134658-00134983 there's children in assets involved there is oh my God ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00352-00134983-00135099 you know am I going. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00353-00135288-00135496 They're going to there's just so much. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00354-00135552-00135989 Fear around it however in the State of Florida and attorney ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00355-00135989-00136373 a couple can't go in and say hey attorney I want you to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00356-00136373-00136730 figure out our divorce and we want you to be be one ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00357-00136730-00137185 attorney the attorney the rule in the State of Florida is I've ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00358-00137185-00137479 got to represent one against the other. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00359-00137580-00138133 Advise you outside beside exactly yeah I have to choose ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00360-00138133-00138686 a side against decide so there you can your your further ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00361-00138686-00139323 further perpetuating that that that battle that's that's that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00362-00139323-00139840 that war mentality no I do know that the end of theirs ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00363-00139840-00140430 mediation centered on divorce and you know and separation ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00364-00140430-00140995 which is the closest to in especially since if it had been ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00365-00140995-00141259 a mediator is an attorney. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00366-00141320-00141908 That at least gives you a little bit of like legal distinctions but still. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00367-00141976-00142328 They just definitely set it up where. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00368-00142392-00142770 You know unless you want to end up on the losing end you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00369-00142770-00143208 better hire yourself a big bad ass attorney that you know it's ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00370-00143208-00143672 terrible it's absolutely terrible and it doesn't have to be that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00371-00143672-00144042 way absolute the choice between bankruptcy and our ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00372-00144042-00144411 children is a horrible Shores Georgia absolutely. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00373-00144468-00144696 So we need to stop taking the bait. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00374-00144784-00145169 You know and I get that there's emotions involved I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00375-00145169-00145591 guess that there's betrayal involved there is there so ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00376-00145591-00145921 many you know feeling swirling around that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00377-00145921-00146334 relationship and you know unfortunately parent well ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00378-00146334-00146499 parent will take the. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00379-00146584-00146924 The weapon that they have at their disposal.. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00380-00147020-00147516 That stabs the knife deeper and that sadly the children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00381-00147708-00148152 And it should tell you if you take it if you set aside. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00382-00148216-00148320 This person is evil. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00383-00148376-00148836 This person's narcissist this let's let's let's take away the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00384-00148836-00149225 labels and take away the resignation and we and there ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00385-00149225-00149597 was a time when you didn't see the person is evil and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00386-00149597-00149995 stuff and I get that some people are just really good at ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00387-00149995-00150207 Battle you know battle mode. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00388-00150448-00150644 That doesn't serve anybody. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00389-00150708-00151004 So when we set that aside what can we do. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00390-00151080-00151508 We can we can fight for the rights of the children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00391-00151560-00151984 Truly where you know that's the goal is being an advocate ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00392-00151984-00152119 for the children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00393-00152188-00152600 And the children having a being whole and complete so ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00394-00152600-00153088 that they're not going to pass along this generational trauma ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00395-00153088-00153566 and you're right Angelina Jolie she had there's a history she ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00396-00153566-00153941 did not have a good relationship with her mother ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00397-00153941-00154401 that validated her and it is it's not we're not going to call ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00398-00154401-00154851 Angelina evil she may be doing evil things in our opinion. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00399-00155000-00155325 That being said she's a product of her environment a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00400-00155325-00155491 product of her childhood. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00401-00155836-00156109 What are the thing about Yuna fall satellite the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00402-00156109-00156451 popularity of false allegation restraining orders which. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00403-00156508-00156897 Some people call it the Silver Bullet technique because it is ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00404-00156897-00157248 so popular and there are judges in the states that Pride ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00405-00157248-00157630 themselves on the number of restraining orders new talking ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00406-00157630-00157989 tens of thousands during a a Judicial career and you know ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00407-00157989-00158325 you know in the end they've served in family court and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00408-00158325-00158715 there's something you know called Unit judicial immunity so ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00409-00158715-00158867 you know on the one hand. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00410-00158952-00159172 You're doing right by your profession. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00411-00159224-00159644 I buy you know using false allegation restraining orders ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00412-00159644-00159871 you're avoiding a PR disaster. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00413-00159928-00160300 If you do you know if they're in this the outside case where ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00414-00160300-00160687 the there is danger and there's a problem and it isn't false. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00415-00160748-00161043 You know there's really nothing even if even if you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00416-00161043-00161381 make a mistake with a false allegation restraining order ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00417-00161381-00161712 there's no consequence you can never be stupid the judge ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00418-00161712-00162078 is fully is completely immune from any any liability for those ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00419-00162078-00162211 decisions and that's. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00420-00162272-00162632 Kind of a subtle part of the you know the issue to within the court. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00421-00162748-00163087 We have a comment from someone and they said and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00422-00163087-00163487 they brought up the case of John Mast I think we all heard ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00423-00163487-00163792 about John Mast getting gunned down by his ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00424-00163792-00164148 father-in-law I mean it's an extreme case of an an ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00425-00164148-00164531 animosity level becoming so intent on destruction. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00426-00164584-00164915 And sadly today is the children's first Father's day ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00427-00164915-00165035 without him alive. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00428-00165088-00165510 And and that's where it can lead to because I fully believe ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00429-00165510-00165704 that that father-in-law. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00430-00165764-00166272 Thought he was implementing Justice. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00431-00166400-00166817 And in all of us know oh my God how could a father and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00432-00166817-00167111 I'll do this to his grandchildren. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00433-00167200-00167376 Shared persecutory delusion. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00434-00168080-00168407 In the early stages get yourself some help get ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00435-00168407-00168778 yourself plugged into a support group not a a soup of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00436-00168778-00169166 sewage that just validates all the resignation super ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00437-00169166-00169562 important to I always tell people like before you hire a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00438-00169562-00169933 an attorney hiring a coach because not only are they ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00439-00169933-00170277 going to be cheaper they're going to show you the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00440-00170277-00170657 cheapest route and they're going to tell you when you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00441-00170657-00170803 need that attorney. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00442-00171096-00171560 But in which is one of the reasons that we along with ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00443-00171560-00172057 Todd on the team with kids need both we've created this ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00444-00172057-00172599 platform and I and I definitely want a landmark for you guys ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00445-00172599-00173052 to be plugged into this community called hope for ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00446-00173052-00173383 families and we're creating a move. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00447-00173468-00173821 We are creating a movement to shift the conversation and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00448-00173821-00174031 bring healing to hurting family. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00449-00174108-00174420 Under Center anything's help our children. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00450-00174512-00174580 I am they. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00451-00174892-00175260 If you want to say something about the the. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00452-00175344-00175806 I say it's a platform but it's really a community it's really a ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00453-00175806-00176188 movement we've been working with programmers for ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00454-00176188-00176569 a year now to develop a learning management system ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00455-00176569-00176995 for those of you professionals who created courses also ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00456-00176995-00177368 these those of you professionals are not just the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00457-00177368-00177821 professional The Advocates that are leading live programs ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00458-00177821-00178175 and live life groups to make a difference send. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00459-00178236-00178683 We're trying to also be the one that promotes all of your ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00460-00178683-00179091 events out into the other social media platforms. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00461-00179144-00179240 Send it. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00462-00179304-00179384 We all can win. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00463-00179684-00180117 Something that's kind of bird I think unique about I think we ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00464-00180117-00180550 are thinking about the platform he has evolved over the past ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00465-00180550-00180931 year is the idea that well you know many of us like Mark ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00466-00180931-00181321 you'd mentioned I totally agree with you that you know ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00467-00181321-00181720 the solutions have to be outside the the current system ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00468-00181720-00182092 we know that the adversarial system you know change ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00469-00182092-00182465 trying to change that is a yeoman's job you know what ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00470-00182465-00182846 can we do outside the system the confessionals on the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00471-00182846-00183262 platform and that were that were interacting with our boy ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00472-00183262-00183660 you know are playing in the summer or the like-minded in ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00473-00183660-00184059 that sense others are you know trying to improve things ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00474-00184059-00184466 within the court system I mean it's not exclusive in that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00475-00184466-00184839 sense but by seeing what works and what doesn't work ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00476-00184839-00185246 and by getting case studies of you know positive results ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00477-00185246-00185644 coming from you know the use of Cooperative techniques ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00478-00185644-00185930 instead of the. Add a message like false ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00479-00185930-00186320 allegation restraining orders as one of them in child ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00480-00186320-00186727 support and unequal parenting I mean those are the three ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00481-00186727-00187074 you know some of the techniques that are used and ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00482-00187074-00187343 have a stroke or a River Family Court. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00483-00187404-00187724 Ed's is Danica says it's a movement you know in this ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00484-00187724-00188082 part of not everybody's going to be on the same page I like ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00485-00188082-00188417 you were saying do you know even with parent parental ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00486-00188417-00188821 alienation different stages of adult children that are some of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00487-00188821-00189194 us have a three-year-old for your holds within and it's the ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00488-00189194-00189583 same thing but we're different stages and I think that a lot of ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00489-00189583-00189819 the Professionals in this industry. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00490-00189872-00190295 In around its industry you know some of our leading are ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00491-00190295-00190662 at the Forefront of the movement and others you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00492-00190662-00191075 know still need proof you know or whatever you know.. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00493-00191136-00191596 Better not completely in a bought off on it and starts. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00494-00191696-00192147 The goal is we all we all can do something we all can do ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00495-00192147-00192536 something to make a difference and I get that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00496-00192536-00193050 there's a lot of Advocates who were you know really putting ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00497-00193050-00193575 everything their money their time they're everything into ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00498-00193575-00193743 this movement and. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00499-00193804-00194200 And our goal is you shouldn't be poor you shouldn't grow get. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00500-00194284-00194508 I broke doing the right thing. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00501-00194620-00195004 Try to make a difference for families and stuff like that not ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00502-00195004-00195350 that it's not a platform obviously is not a platform to ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00503-00195350-00195735 make all these professionals wealthy that's not the agenda ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00504-00195735-00195927 agenda is let's work smarter. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00505-00195980-00196140 By uniting together. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00506-00196236-00196604 What is his business like you mentioned with regards to Ely. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00507-00196656-00197077 That's why I'm also doing Retreats I do believe that ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00508-00197077-00197548 healing is a massive process and part of what we're trying ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00509-00197548-00198039 to achieve it's not just about dealing with having the right ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00510-00198039-00198431 support and finding the right healing process. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00511-00198488-00198784 Around what we're trying to achieve as well that's right. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00512-00198868-00199285 Well it is 3 minutes after the hour I know that I'm sure I ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00513-00199285-00199591 don't know what time it is over in the UK. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00514-00199680-00200188 But I know it's not this time and I thank you for whatever it ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00515-00200188-00200643 took for you to get here on Father's Day and same with ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00516-00200643-00201151 you Bill thank you so much and talk or what it took to drink. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00517-00201324-00201811 All right and that's all we have is if you have any questions ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00518-00201811-00202239 makes make some comments and wherever it is that you ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00519-00202239-00202487 were watching our our street. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00520-00202540-00203008 And of course we're always available through an instant message or so. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00521-00203068-00203372 I'm sure you can find us somewhere on the omni's methadone. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00522-00203440-00203862 All right have a wonderful day rest of your day and happy ... Fc-xpgWSIHg-00523-00203862-00204063 Father's Day to everyone. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00524-00204124-00204184 Thank you. Fc-xpgWSIHg-00525-00204396-00204760 Father's Day guys thank you. FdEr_BwCGok-00000-00002127-00002801 Gospel of Christ spreading the soul-saving message of Jesus and now Ben Bailey FdEr_BwCGok-00001-00003177-00003965 In the Gospel of John Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no FdEr_BwCGok-00002-00003996-00004196 man comes to the Father FdEr_BwCGok-00003-00004221-00004991 Except by me John chapter 14 verse number 6. We welcome you to our study of the Gospel of John FdEr_BwCGok-00004-00005044-00005255 John presents Jesus as FdEr_BwCGok-00005-00005332-00005496 God as divine FdEr_BwCGok-00006-00005496-00006084 And he backs that claim up with multiple proofs found throughout the life FdEr_BwCGok-00007-00006084-00006626 And the writing of the Gospel of John as we think today about John's message FdEr_BwCGok-00008-00006627-00007172 We want to put the gospel account in its proper place in the New Testament the New Testament FdEr_BwCGok-00009-00007213-00007497 breaks down uniquely into four categories FdEr_BwCGok-00010-00007554-00008024 We have what we referred to as the gospel account the life of FdEr_BwCGok-00011-00008077-00008754 Jesus Christ, and that's recorded in Matthew Mark Luke and John these tell us who Jesus was FdEr_BwCGok-00012-00008818-00009476 The life that he lived the great statements that he made and ultimately his death and his resurrection FdEr_BwCGok-00013-00009529-00010304 are depicted in these accounts and then once we enter into that second stanza in the New Testament we refer to it as FdEr_BwCGok-00014-00010414-00010670 The book of Acts, or is referred to as the book of Acts FdEr_BwCGok-00015-00010671-00011375 And it tells us how to become a Christian now that I know who Christ is found in Matthew Mark Luke and John FdEr_BwCGok-00016-00011407-00011966 Acts tells us how to become a member of Christ's body a FdEr_BwCGok-00017-00012018-00012812 Christian then in Romans through Jude that third category tells us now that you are a Christian. Here's how to live FdEr_BwCGok-00018-00012883-00013116 Every day as a child of God FdEr_BwCGok-00019-00013116-00013826 It's about faithful Christian living and that fourth category would be the book of Revelation, which tells us how to die? FdEr_BwCGok-00020-00013915-00014046 faithfully and FdEr_BwCGok-00021-00014046-00014582 Victoriously as a child of God even in the midst of suffering and persecution FdEr_BwCGok-00022-00014613-00014897 Now in that first category the Gospel accounts FdEr_BwCGok-00023-00015048-00015806 Matthew Mark Luke and John are all unique in their scope and in their audience Matthew is a Jew FdEr_BwCGok-00024-00015865-00016193 writing to Jews about the greatest Judah Everly of FdEr_BwCGok-00025-00016251-00016697 Jesus the Son of God the Son of David he'll refer to him as the son of Abraham FdEr_BwCGok-00026-00016710-00017468 and of course the key ideas that he is king of the kingdom mark is a little more unique in that Mark is a FdEr_BwCGok-00027-00017529-00017993 Greek or a Roman riding to Roman's he's a Roman riding to Roman's FdEr_BwCGok-00028-00018018-00018554 About Jesus and his power and his majesty mark 7 verse 37 FdEr_BwCGok-00029-00018615-00019154 Jesus has done all things well Luke Cohn is writing to all people FdEr_BwCGok-00030-00019154-00019739 He's given that ideal perspective of Jesus Christ and in Luke 2 verse 49 FdEr_BwCGok-00031-00019819-00019972 Luke says FdEr_BwCGok-00032-00019972-00020166 Jesus increased in wisdom FdEr_BwCGok-00033-00020166-00020765 stature favor with God and with man Luke 2 verses 49 through 52 FdEr_BwCGok-00034-00020803-00021497 But John is unique in that he's writing to all men and women of all races all nationalities FdEr_BwCGok-00035-00021612-00022004 With a very unique and specific purpose in mind FdEr_BwCGok-00036-00022087-00022391 Here's the theme verse to the book of John FdEr_BwCGok-00037-00022401-00023090 It's at the very end of the book close to the end of the book in John 20 verses 30 and 31 FdEr_BwCGok-00038-00023125-00023325 the book of John records this FdEr_BwCGok-00039-00023382-00023582 many other signs FdEr_BwCGok-00040-00023590-00024081 Jesus did in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book FdEr_BwCGok-00041-00024084-00024881 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and that believing FdEr_BwCGok-00042-00024957-00025373 You might have life in his name. Why did John write this? FdEr_BwCGok-00043-00025425-00026126 Gospel account he wrote it to prove that Jesus is God and friend FdEr_BwCGok-00044-00026188-00026651 If the evidence supports that claim, and it does that Jesus is God FdEr_BwCGok-00045-00026677-00027333 Then Jesus as God is able to give eternal life is able to give hope and joy FdEr_BwCGok-00046-00027349-00027549 to every child of his and so FdEr_BwCGok-00047-00027652-00027881 John takes a specific premise FdEr_BwCGok-00048-00027939-00028054 Jesus is divine FdEr_BwCGok-00049-00028054-00028770 And he doesn't follow a chronological account he doesn't begin with the birth and work his way FdEr_BwCGok-00050-00028827-00029480 Chronologically through the life of Jesus John based on that premise that Jesus is God FdEr_BwCGok-00051-00029508-00029804 we'll pick out specific teachings or FdEr_BwCGok-00052-00029875-00030225 specific miracles or specific statements of Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00053-00030301-00031077 To prove to show beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus is the Son of God and so in this introductory lesson FdEr_BwCGok-00054-00031207-00031634 We want to show as well that Jesus is God's Son FdEr_BwCGok-00055-00031645-00032306 I want you to notice in the book of John how that Jesus is pictured as FdEr_BwCGok-00056-00032392-00032548 divine as FdEr_BwCGok-00057-00032548-00032990 Deity by some of the titles are some of the ways that that John FdEr_BwCGok-00058-00033052-00033678 Addresses Jesus Christ for example here are some of the claims that John makes to the deity of Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00059-00033754-00034337 John 1 verse 14 John addresses Jesus as the eternal Word of God FdEr_BwCGok-00060-00034405-00035006 Beginning in John 1 verse 1 the scripture says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God FdEr_BwCGok-00061-00035023-00035561 Melissa this and the Word was God all right whoever this word is FdEr_BwCGok-00062-00035623-00036167 John has already done identified. He's eternal. He was with God and He is God FdEr_BwCGok-00063-00036168-00036600 Well, who is this word John 1:14 says and the word FdEr_BwCGok-00064-00036679-00037034 became flesh and dwelt among us and we FdEr_BwCGok-00065-00037075-00037749 Beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father who's John talking about Jesus Christ FdEr_BwCGok-00066-00037795-00038078 The word with God was God FdEr_BwCGok-00067-00038194-00038616 Eternal in his nature God himself the very creator he became flesh FdEr_BwCGok-00068-00038616-00039141 That's Jesus and so John claims that Jesus is that eternal Word of God? FdEr_BwCGok-00069-00039196-00039557 John also identifies Jesus by this title FdEr_BwCGok-00070-00039673-00040257 John 1 verse 29 as John sees Jesus approach he says behold FdEr_BwCGok-00071-00040297-00040613 the lamb of God who takes away the FdEr_BwCGok-00072-00040678-00040809 sins of the world FdEr_BwCGok-00073-00040809-00041492 He's also identified in the book of John as the Messiah for example in John 1 verse 41 FdEr_BwCGok-00074-00041512-00041816 Here's what John says about Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00075-00041926-00042590 Nathaniel Andrew and Simon Peters brother they found him and here's what he said he first found his own brother, Simon and Andrew FdEr_BwCGok-00076-00042598-00042869 Said to him we have found the Messiah FdEr_BwCGok-00077-00042949-00043105 Which is translated? FdEr_BwCGok-00078-00043105-00043878 The Christ and so John identifies Jesus as that Messiah as that one sent from God the word Christ means FdEr_BwCGok-00079-00043918-00044298 anointed of God as both prophet priest and King FdEr_BwCGok-00080-00044359-00044694 and friend when you read Hebrews 1 verses 1 through 4 FdEr_BwCGok-00081-00044785-00045545 Jesus is all of those he's the Prophet God spoke through he is that priest he is God in the flesh FdEr_BwCGok-00082-00045568-00046163 Hebrews 1 verses 9 and 10 John identifies him it with another term that helps us to FdEr_BwCGok-00083-00046186-00046833 understand Glee Jesus claim to deity and that is son of God John 1 verse 49 FdEr_BwCGok-00084-00046876-00047367 John clearly says Nathanael answered and said to him rabbi you are the FdEr_BwCGok-00085-00047419-00047651 son of God whatever God's FdEr_BwCGok-00086-00047710-00048020 Sunniest means he's also gone the Son of God FdEr_BwCGok-00087-00048073-00048710 Would be God and so throughout the book of John you will hear this John 1 verse 49 FdEr_BwCGok-00088-00048727-00048972 He's referred to as the king of Israel FdEr_BwCGok-00089-00049047-00049811 John 40 verse 42 or John 4 verse 42 he's the savior of the world and don't you remember the words of Thomas FdEr_BwCGok-00090-00049966-00050252 Toward the end of the Gospel of John FdEr_BwCGok-00091-00050335-00050945 Thomas who's also known as that known as the twin he wasn't there when the Savior was resurrected and FdEr_BwCGok-00092-00050965-00051297 So the others had told him about it, and he said no FdEr_BwCGok-00093-00051297-00051397 I'm not gonna believe it FdEr_BwCGok-00094-00051397-00052061 Unless I see for myself the nail prints in his hand and the sword print and his side and Jesus held out his hands as FdEr_BwCGok-00095-00052062-00052338 It were here's the nail prints. Here's the sword print FdEr_BwCGok-00096-00052357-00053091 What did Thomas say my lord and my god and so throughout the book of John? FdEr_BwCGok-00097-00053116-00053316 The claim is made FdEr_BwCGok-00098-00053329-00053987 Multiple times and in multiple places that Jesus is God and friend here's the practical FdEr_BwCGok-00099-00054019-00054708 Aspect of that if John can prove from the evidence in this gospel account that Jesus is God FdEr_BwCGok-00100-00054763-00055349 There are serious ramifications to that if he's God he's our creator if he's God FdEr_BwCGok-00101-00055377-00056057 He's going to be our judge if he's God. He's worthy of our worship, and if he is God FdEr_BwCGok-00102-00056110-00056308 Then God came down FdEr_BwCGok-00103-00056308-00056600 To save man and his plan FdEr_BwCGok-00104-00056626-00057395 John 14:6 is the only plan that will save I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father FdEr_BwCGok-00105-00057454-00057902 Except by me, and so let's think today for just a few moments as we introduce FdEr_BwCGok-00106-00058024-00058338 the Gospel of John about some of the evidence FdEr_BwCGok-00107-00058402-00058522 the FdEr_BwCGok-00108-00058522-00058776 undeniable evidence that proves that FdEr_BwCGok-00109-00058813-00059324 Jesus is God we begin by the seven signs there are seven FdEr_BwCGok-00110-00059347-00060095 Unique signs in the Gospel of John that will prove miracles that prove only God FdEr_BwCGok-00111-00060141-00060821 Could do these things let's introduce those for just a moment the first miracle is found in John chapter 2 FdEr_BwCGok-00112-00060954-00061713 About in verses 1 through 11 and in this miracle Jesus and his mother and his disciples have been invited FdEr_BwCGok-00113-00061732-00062408 To a wedding at Cana and while they're at the wedding they run out of drink to serve the guests and so FdEr_BwCGok-00114-00062437-00063035 Jesus mother will ultimately appeal to Jesus to turn the water into wine and FdEr_BwCGok-00115-00063082-00063521 Jesus does that she tells the servants whatever he says do you do it? FdEr_BwCGok-00116-00063522-00064044 They're told to fill the pots with water when they take that liquid out of the pots to serve to the guests FdEr_BwCGok-00117-00064089-00064397 It's the best best wine best grape juice FdEr_BwCGok-00118-00064402-00064940 They've ever had the privilege of drinking and won't you think about that water was put in? FdEr_BwCGok-00119-00065047-00065682 Jesus to change one liquid form to another liquid form he changed it from water FdEr_BwCGok-00120-00065739-00065872 to wine FdEr_BwCGok-00121-00065872-00066039 How could that happen? FdEr_BwCGok-00122-00066039-00066210 How's this miracle possible? FdEr_BwCGok-00123-00066210-00066792 This is what even the guest said usually you save the inferior to the last when people of drunk what? FdEr_BwCGok-00124-00066806-00067321 You gave us the best at the last not only did he change water to wine it was the best FdEr_BwCGok-00125-00067322-00067865 They'd ever made well friend. How could you change one substance to another more importantly? FdEr_BwCGok-00126-00068010-00068609 Who has the power to put water in a glass or water in a pitcher and? FdEr_BwCGok-00127-00068643-00069056 Change that into the best wine or grape juice that ever drank FdEr_BwCGok-00128-00069147-00069347 Nobody here's the point FdEr_BwCGok-00129-00069354-00069755 Nobody today could do that men and women can't do that FdEr_BwCGok-00130-00069768-00070481 There's only one answer to the question who could do that God and friend. That's the point the only way FdEr_BwCGok-00131-00070569-00070774 Jesus could take that water FdEr_BwCGok-00132-00070812-00071428 120 to 160 gallons of water and turn it into best tasting wine or drink that ever had FdEr_BwCGok-00133-00071490-00071690 Was because Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00134-00071694-00072247 Has that power because He is God these are the proofs John will give FdEr_BwCGok-00135-00072300-00072500 that Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00136-00072501-00073006 Absolutely is divine. Let me mention some of the other miracles to you for example John 4 FdEr_BwCGok-00137-00073179-00073478 Verses 46 through 54. There is a FdEr_BwCGok-00138-00073557-00074114 Nobleman son who is sick and this nobleman, and they can't cure him they can't heal him FdEr_BwCGok-00139-00074114-00074575 He's going to die if they don't do something and so the nobleman and if you have a service FdEr_BwCGok-00140-00074576-00075271 They come to Jesus, and they make the request you don't even have to come just say the word and you'll be healed in Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00141-00075351-00076048 Didn't even go there. He just said the word that same hour the boy was healed didn't have to be present FdEr_BwCGok-00142-00076113-00076308 Wasn't a doctor didn't do anything FdEr_BwCGok-00143-00076308-00076750 Medically - what did Jesus do he just said the word and a man who was on his death bed FdEr_BwCGok-00144-00076863-00077007 Automatically got well FdEr_BwCGok-00145-00077007-00077323 How could that happen wasn't there a? FdEr_BwCGok-00146-00077382-00077777 The boy looked like he was going to die. He was sick unto death FdEr_BwCGok-00147-00077856-00078056 the only way FdEr_BwCGok-00148-00078108-00078349 Jesus from many miles away FdEr_BwCGok-00149-00078405-00078695 Could heal that man by saying the word is FdEr_BwCGok-00150-00078735-00079319 Because he's the master of life and death he has power over life and death FdEr_BwCGok-00151-00079398-00079916 Which makes him God and friend? That's the point John will prove over and over again? FdEr_BwCGok-00152-00079923-00080442 You've got the example of the pair linic in John chapter 5 verses 1 through 18 FdEr_BwCGok-00153-00080581-00081225 Man's paralyzed can't do anything and yet Jesus in John chapter 5 verses 1 through 18 FdEr_BwCGok-00154-00081247-00081510 He this man had been paralyzed from birth FdEr_BwCGok-00155-00081510-00082179 He been that way for a long time and yet jesus said the word and cured that man friend FdEr_BwCGok-00156-00082179-00082562 I want you to think about this again. You think somebody who's paralyzed and FdEr_BwCGok-00157-00082636-00083114 Medical science. We've made a lot of advances. There's things they can do to help those people FdEr_BwCGok-00158-00083191-00083368 Not making them walk again FdEr_BwCGok-00159-00083368-00083468 They're paralyzed FdEr_BwCGok-00160-00083468-00083978 They can't walk their spinal cord sometimes has even been severed in places FdEr_BwCGok-00161-00084022-00084375 How did Jesus take somebody who's paralyzed a? FdEr_BwCGok-00162-00084418-00084848 Paralytic and make him walk the only way he could do that is FdEr_BwCGok-00163-00084874-00085514 He's the master and the creator of the human body and he has power and control over it FdEr_BwCGok-00164-00085514-00086138 Well who else could that be, but God you take the example of the here's the great one the feeding of the? FdEr_BwCGok-00165-00086212-00086816 5,000 you've got a multitude of 5,000 you've got a few loaves of bread and a few fish the little boy who's got a FdEr_BwCGok-00166-00086848-00087344 Few fish and they've got some loaves of bread just just a few loaves of bread and fish FdEr_BwCGok-00167-00087344-00087995 And there's a multitude of 5,000 the disciples say Lord. They're getting hungry shall we go into the city and FdEr_BwCGok-00168-00088072-00088538 Buy food for him jesus said you give them something and then of course they don't know how to feed them FdEr_BwCGok-00169-00088579-00089217 Jesus takes those few fish and loaves of bread and with just a little bit he feeds FdEr_BwCGok-00170-00089260-00089615 5,000 people so much so that they took up more FdEr_BwCGok-00171-00089658-00090068 fragments 12 baskets of fragments than food they began with FdEr_BwCGok-00172-00090102-00090797 How could Jesus take just a few fish a handful of fish and a handful of bread and feed 5,000 people? FdEr_BwCGok-00173-00090843-00091241 My friend Jesus is the master over natural laws FdEr_BwCGok-00174-00091242-00091895 He has the ability to take that and make more because He is God think of this example FdEr_BwCGok-00175-00091895-00092111 What a great example it is John 6 FdEr_BwCGok-00176-00092280-00092810 Verses 16 through 21 do you remember the example of Jesus walking on the water? FdEr_BwCGok-00177-00092862-00093503 Jesus comes to them they think it's a ghost, but he's actually walking on the water and the disciples are afraid FdEr_BwCGok-00178-00093555-00093930 And friend you think about who can walk on water. I can't walk on water gravity FdEr_BwCGok-00179-00093982-00094182 the laws of gravity FdEr_BwCGok-00180-00094243-00094598 Are in place and if I try to stand on water? FdEr_BwCGok-00181-00094600-00095111 I'm gonna sink like a rock and so would you and yet Jesus was able to? FdEr_BwCGok-00182-00095164-00095664 Suspend or control those natural laws it defied gravity FdEr_BwCGok-00183-00095755-00096074 For Jesus to walk on water who can defy gravity FdEr_BwCGok-00184-00096154-00096371 But the maker of those natural laws FdEr_BwCGok-00185-00096457-00096657 Jesus walking on water FdEr_BwCGok-00186-00096697-00096897 Proved he was God FdEr_BwCGok-00187-00096961-00097706 Jesus gave sight to a blind man in John chapter 9 verses 1 through 7 this man had faced a horrible FdEr_BwCGok-00188-00097723-00097923 misfortune in his life I FdEr_BwCGok-00189-00097966-00098186 Couldn't see and yet Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00190-00098245-00098867 Took that man and made him where he's able to see again. How could Jesus do that make somebody who's blind see again? FdEr_BwCGok-00191-00098974-00099420 only God can do that and then of course the most powerful of the FdEr_BwCGok-00192-00099478-00100070 Seven signs is seen in Lazarus John 11 verses 1 through 45 FdEr_BwCGok-00193-00100117-00100682 Lazarus dies and of course Jesus was close to the family of of Mary and Martha and FdEr_BwCGok-00194-00100696-00101055 It broke Jesus heart when Jean when Lazarus died? FdEr_BwCGok-00195-00101086-00101676 But jesus said these words at the tomb of Lazarus Jesus stood and said FdEr_BwCGok-00196-00101749-00102422 Lazarus come forth and a man. Who'd been dead for several days came out of that tomb FdEr_BwCGok-00197-00102486-00103263 bound with tomb clothes how did Jesus do that how could Jesus take somebody who was dead and FdEr_BwCGok-00198-00103339-00103716 Dead for many days several days and bring them back to life again FdEr_BwCGok-00199-00103789-00103989 friend that teaches us FdEr_BwCGok-00200-00103993-00104228 Jesus is the master of death and FdEr_BwCGok-00201-00104272-00104389 because Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00202-00104389-00104829 the only way somebody could take somebody the only way Jesus could take Lazarus and FdEr_BwCGok-00203-00104866-00105596 Bringing back to life is if he has power over a life and death and friend that miracle proves that Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00204-00105730-00106262 Absolutely is the son of God, but you know not only do the miracles prove it not only do FdEr_BwCGok-00205-00106393-00107081 The titles that Jesus was given by John proved that he was God, but Jesus himself FdEr_BwCGok-00206-00107173-00107732 Claimed to be deity claimed to be God by the I am statements FdEr_BwCGok-00207-00107766-00108131 That he makes in the Gospel of John. What did Jesus say about himself? FdEr_BwCGok-00208-00108192-00108893 John 6 verse 35 when Jesus had taken the the few loaves of bread in the fish and fed the FdEr_BwCGok-00209-00108930-00109496 5,000 the miracle wasn't the point in and of itself there was always a teaching lesson to go along with that and FdEr_BwCGok-00210-00109533-00110126 Jesus said this in John 6:35, I am the bread of life. They said our FdEr_BwCGok-00211-00110257-00110741 Fathers gave us manna in the wilderness to feed us jesus said wait a minute you remember that word I am FdEr_BwCGok-00212-00110799-00110944 the bread of life FdEr_BwCGok-00213-00110944-00111377 He who comes to me never hunger never thirst again, Jesus will later say FdEr_BwCGok-00214-00111429-00111764 Jesus gives pleats complete sustenance and FdEr_BwCGok-00215-00111855-00112157 Satisfaction he's the the source that we turn to for FdEr_BwCGok-00216-00112200-00112751 Spiritual sustenance in this life who could give manna who could feed these God FdEr_BwCGok-00217-00112783-00113042 That's the point when Jesus said I am the bread of life FdEr_BwCGok-00218-00113060-00113603 He's equate himself and his power with God Jesus made this AIIMS statement as well FdEr_BwCGok-00219-00113632-00113963 John 8 verse 12 jesus said I am the FdEr_BwCGok-00220-00114030-00114437 light of the world you know when you think about light where did light come from FdEr_BwCGok-00221-00114508-00115064 God said let there be light in Genesis 1 and light came into existence FdEr_BwCGok-00222-00115116-00115901 God is the source of love he's the source of happiness. He's the source of joy. He's the source of all light and good FdEr_BwCGok-00223-00115965-00116330 When Jesus claimed I am the light of the world? FdEr_BwCGok-00224-00116388-00117086 He was claiming to be divine. He was claiming to be from God and God Himself Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00225-00117138-00117467 Also made this claim after bringing Lazarus FdEr_BwCGok-00226-00117472-00118124 Who'd been dead for several days back to life Jesus will make this statement about himself I am FdEr_BwCGok-00227-00118183-00118821 The resurrection and the life he who believes in Me will never really die friend FdEr_BwCGok-00228-00118821-00119141 do we really understand the importance of what Jesus is saying there if FdEr_BwCGok-00229-00119194-00119750 Jesus had the power to raise Lazarus, and he did and he claimed to be the resurrection and the life FdEr_BwCGok-00230-00119808-00120594 The friend he gives life. He revives life. He is the source of all life his power and his statement FdEr_BwCGok-00231-00120652-00121037 Demands that he absolutely is God FdEr_BwCGok-00232-00121063-00121479 and then that statement we began with John 14 verse 6 FdEr_BwCGok-00233-00121546-00122199 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father FdEr_BwCGok-00234-00122251-00122936 Except by me the way to God the truth of all truth and the life FdEr_BwCGok-00235-00122965-00123701 Who's the source of all those well Hoover whoever it is must be divine friend that is our Lord and Savior Jesus? FdEr_BwCGok-00236-00123733-00123950 Christ and then of course in John 15:1 FdEr_BwCGok-00237-00124011-00124515 Jesus will make the claim, I'm the vine I'm the source from which all good all fruit all FdEr_BwCGok-00238-00124570-00125036 righteousness comes from and therefore again righteousness being a quality of God FdEr_BwCGok-00239-00125109-00125233 himself FdEr_BwCGok-00240-00125233-00125537 Jesus is God now not only FdEr_BwCGok-00241-00125661-00126063 Does John claim this not only do the miracles of? FdEr_BwCGok-00242-00126220-00126749 Jesus confirm it his statements prove that as well, but there are also several FdEr_BwCGok-00243-00126814-00127356 Witnesses you remember in the Old Testament at the mouth of two or three witnesses that every word be confirmed FdEr_BwCGok-00244-00127366-00127833 There's seven witnesses in the Gospel of John that John will draw up FdEr_BwCGok-00245-00127858-00128001 Not only as proof FdEr_BwCGok-00246-00128001-00128757 but as people who stand to show this is true here are those seven witnesses John 5 verse number 31 the FdEr_BwCGok-00247-00128782-00129554 Scripture claims Jesus will say he is a witness one could stand in witness for himself and Jesus claims to be FdEr_BwCGok-00248-00129598-00129891 Witness on his behalf and the miracles that he did FdEr_BwCGok-00249-00129949-00130425 The things that he said the good that he did shows that he is a trustworthy FdEr_BwCGok-00250-00130504-00131009 Witness, then there's another witness. He says if you don't believe my witness. Here's another John 5 verse FdEr_BwCGok-00251-00131167-00131648 32 through 35 John the Baptizer is also a witness FdEr_BwCGok-00252-00131650-00132120 And you remember how people view John right everyone viewed John as a prophet FdEr_BwCGok-00253-00132124-00132560 They said in Matthew chapter 21 when when asked about the baptism of John? FdEr_BwCGok-00254-00132565-00132993 They wouldn't answer because they everybody revered John as a prophet FdEr_BwCGok-00255-00133018-00133806 And so Jesus stands as a trustworthy witness John who everybody knew was a from God. He would claim FdEr_BwCGok-00256-00133870-00134528 Jesus is divine, and he's the son of Goddess, so there's two witnesses. Here's the third one that Jesus is divine FdEr_BwCGok-00257-00134608-00135050 Jesus said in John 5 verse 36 and the signs are the miracles that I do FdEr_BwCGok-00258-00135130-00135497 They also are a witness they claim they prove FdEr_BwCGok-00259-00135498-00135861 I'm the son of God who can what when you saw Jesus walk on water? FdEr_BwCGok-00260-00135876-00136199 When they saw him feed the 5,000 when they saw him bring Lazarus FdEr_BwCGok-00261-00136225-00136282 bound FdEr_BwCGok-00262-00136282-00137042 Hand and foot and grave clothes and everybody knew he was dead when he healed the lame man or the paralytic what dude those miracles FdEr_BwCGok-00263-00137047-00137247 say they are a FdEr_BwCGok-00264-00137287-00138021 Deafening witness to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, but then we also have the witness of FdEr_BwCGok-00265-00138124-00138654 God the Father John 5 verse 37 and 38 God Himself is a witness that FdEr_BwCGok-00266-00138703-00139172 Jesus is God's Son remember at the baptism of Jesus or excuse me on the Mount of Transfiguration FdEr_BwCGok-00267-00139285-00139646 Jesus takes Peter and James and John up on that high mountain he's there FdEr_BwCGok-00268-00139666-00140177 Transfigured before them and Peter because he's scared he didn't know what to say he says up Lord FdEr_BwCGok-00269-00140178-00140573 It's good for us to be here. Let's make three Tabernacles one for you one for Moses one for Elijah FdEr_BwCGok-00270-00140626-00141084 How'd the father feel about that voice of God boom down from heaven saying? FdEr_BwCGok-00271-00141118-00141732 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him God's witness FdEr_BwCGok-00272-00141787-00142185 To the fact that Jesus is divine God's son is FdEr_BwCGok-00273-00142240-00142369 also God FdEr_BwCGok-00274-00142369-00142685 When Jesus when God said this is my son? FdEr_BwCGok-00275-00142717-00143118 He was identifying Jesus Christ as God FdEr_BwCGok-00276-00143118-00143544 Also, you have the witness of the Scriptures John 5 verse 39 FdEr_BwCGok-00277-00143614-00144009 You look to the scripture jesus said because you think in them you'll find life FdEr_BwCGok-00278-00144009-00144356 And these are they that testify of me you look at the prophecies FdEr_BwCGok-00279-00144421-00145163 Over and over again those prophecies point to and are fulfilled by Jesus and the scriptures Herald the fact that FdEr_BwCGok-00280-00145201-00145339 Jesus is God FdEr_BwCGok-00281-00145339-00145881 Moses affirmed it. He said there's a profit coming greater than me John chapter 5 verse 39 FdEr_BwCGok-00282-00145933-00146294 Abraham affirms at John chapter 8 verse 56 before Abraham was FdEr_BwCGok-00283-00146407-00146768 Jesus said I am and so these seven FdEr_BwCGok-00284-00146851-00146960 witnesses FdEr_BwCGok-00285-00146960-00147691 Stand as a test for all ages to prove that Jesus is God's Son and so when you think about FdEr_BwCGok-00286-00147821-00148606 The Gospel of John being more unique in some ways or being different and unique in some ways then Matthew Mark and Luke John FdEr_BwCGok-00287-00148667-00149044 Confirms and affirms testifies gives witness that Jesus FdEr_BwCGok-00288-00149117-00149610 Is God and friend if Jesus is God? Here's the application? FdEr_BwCGok-00289-00149669-00150138 Whatever he says I need to do it. I will one day be judged FdEr_BwCGok-00290-00150227-00150904 By the words of Jesus John 12 verse 48 if I obey him I can have eternal life FdEr_BwCGok-00291-00150905-00151122 And I can live with God forever FdEr_BwCGok-00292-00151214-00151869 but if I disobey him, and I live in rebellion to that they're going to be consequences to FdEr_BwCGok-00293-00151958-00152167 disobedience to the creator and the FdEr_BwCGok-00294-00152174-00152740 Savior of this universe and and God doesn't want men to be lost nor do we a friend. Those are the FdEr_BwCGok-00295-00152771-00153232 Applications that we find does God want everybody to be saved you bet he does FdEr_BwCGok-00296-00153275-00153582 listen to the words of John 3:16 God, so FdEr_BwCGok-00297-00153686-00154411 Loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but FdEr_BwCGok-00298-00154442-00155230 Have everlasting life and friends Jesus told us what we must do to be saved and John 8 verse 24 jesus said FdEr_BwCGok-00299-00155276-00155907 Unless you believe that I am he you'll surely die in your sins. You've got to believe in Jesus Christ FdEr_BwCGok-00300-00155972-00156340 Jesus told us that one must repent and turn from FdEr_BwCGok-00301-00156371-00156781 Sin Luke 13:3 unless you repent you will all FdEr_BwCGok-00302-00156830-00157515 Likewise perish we must make the good confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son believe in God Matthew 10 verse FdEr_BwCGok-00303-00157565-00157828 32 and 33 and friend it was God FdEr_BwCGok-00304-00157895-00158095 Jesus in the flesh who said FdEr_BwCGok-00305-00158147-00158902 unless a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God John 3 verse 5 FdEr_BwCGok-00306-00158933-00159460 Peter said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ FdEr_BwCGok-00307-00159479-00160247 For the remission of sins acts 2 verse 38 and the Lord himself so plainly said he that believes and is FdEr_BwCGok-00308-00160305-00160710 I will be saved mark chapter 16 verse number 16 FdEr_BwCGok-00309-00160711-00161169 If you've never submitted to God to Jesus Christ in obedience to the gospel FdEr_BwCGok-00310-00161242-00161463 Friend we're begging you to do that today FdEr_BwCGok-00311-00161570-00162327 Jesus being God means that if I obey Him I'll submit to him I'll live my life for him each and every day FdEr_BwCGok-00312-00162376-00162720 On that grand day when the final curtain falls FdEr_BwCGok-00313-00162721-00163155 And it all comes down to the end I can have a place with God forever FdEr_BwCGok-00314-00163192-00163908 friend God wants you to have that we want you to do that won't you obey the gospel of Christ before it's too late and FdEr_BwCGok-00315-00163930-00164205 Become a child of Jesus Christ you FdEr_BwCGok-00316-00164266-00164487 May have just joined our program and are wondering FdEr_BwCGok-00317-00164500-00165096 What is the gospel of Christ the gospel of Christ is an evangelistic work of the Churches of Christ? FdEr_BwCGok-00318-00165119-00165375 That reaches the whole world with the gospel FdEr_BwCGok-00319-00165415-00165969 Through TV radio and Internet our motto is to take the whole gospel FdEr_BwCGok-00320-00166010-00166629 to the whole world we believe in having a book chapter and verse for everything we say and do and FdEr_BwCGok-00321-00166646-00167221 Unlike many religious groups today, we're concerned about all souls not your wife FdEr_BwCGok-00322-00167641-00167973 Gospel of Christ calm or host or Bible study material FdEr_BwCGok-00323-00167974-00168537 Well at audio and video copies of our lessons if you would like to have a copy of today's lesson FdEr_BwCGok-00324-00168537-00169236 please visit our website and fill out a media request form or you can email us at mail at the gospel of Christ comm FdEr_BwCGok-00325-00169261-00169461 Call us toll free at FdEr_BwCGok-00326-00169486-00170202 185 five four five eight three nine. Oh five all right to us a Pheo box emanating FdEr_BwCGok-00327-00170287-00170580 McMinnville, Tennessee three seven one one one FfKdnYr8eYk-00000-00001794-00002290 so you went on holiday. I went on a beach holiday and I went jogging every single FfKdnYr8eYk-00001-00002290-00002623 morning and this poor fisherman I just saw him sitting there catching his one FfKdnYr8eYk-00002-00002623-00003112 little fish and then he goes home to feed his family day after day. I thought to myself I FfKdnYr8eYk-00003-00003112-00003522 can enrich this guy's life, he's leading this simple simple life and I'm obviously FfKdnYr8eYk-00004-00003522-00004003 used to all the luxuries and I suggested why don't you catch a few fish every single FfKdnYr8eYk-00005-00004003-00004819 day, why only one? So the fisherman I think replied, but why should FfKdnYr8eYk-00006-00004819-00005257 I catch more than two fish? Well then you can eat as much as your family FfKdnYr8eYk-00007-00005257-00005655 desires or until their tummies are full and then you can sell the other fish to make FfKdnYr8eYk-00008-00005655-00006322 money. But why? Well if you buy twice as many fish, or FfKdnYr8eYk-00009-00006322-00006703 catch twice as many fish you will have money and you will enrich your family' FfKdnYr8eYk-00010-00006703-00007684 lives! Okay but why would I want to do that? Oh then you can make more money to FfKdnYr8eYk-00011-00007684-00008418 buy an extra fishing rod. Okay so if I have an one extra fishing rod but why do I FfKdnYr8eYk-00012-00008418-00008847 want the one extra fishing rods you can catch more fish than God feed your FfKdnYr8eYk-00013-00008847-00009327 family what if I sleep over you can sell it make some money FfKdnYr8eYk-00014-00009327-00009895 and what do I want to do with money well if you have more money and FfKdnYr8eYk-00015-00009895-00010318 eventually then you can buy a boat I mean you thought about empty fishing FfKdnYr8eYk-00016-00010318-00010800 rods and you can get people to work for you and you can start a big business and FfKdnYr8eYk-00017-00010800-00011346 you start any easily create and then the rest yourself to make more money and FfKdnYr8eYk-00018-00011346-00012075 then why then you can employ lots more people you can borrow fleet of ships and FfKdnYr8eYk-00019-00012075-00012517 you some guy up every day and catch fans and fans in times of fish and make loads FfKdnYr8eYk-00020-00012517-00013135 of money tons of money that sounds ok but why would I want to do that well FfKdnYr8eYk-00021-00013135-00013582 then you can retire like me and you can relax on your beach and spend quality FfKdnYr8eYk-00022-00013582-00013857 time with your family FfKdnYr8eYk-00023-00013860-00014491 interesting what do you think I'm doing now so this is peer through tell us FfKdnYr8eYk-00024-00014491-00014925 about yourselves I'm esteem mother and dress this woman's son so FfKdnYr8eYk-00025-00014925-00015480 they prefer I'll be a very challenging lifestyle bursting hold up in a red FfKdnYr8eYk-00026-00015480-00016008 Tyson waking up every morning like a little entrances were running back again FfKdnYr8eYk-00027-00016008-00016392 and I just thought there was no satisfaction or self satisfaction at the FfKdnYr8eYk-00028-00016392-00017409 end of the day you lock up the topic industry I am involved in is a short FfKdnYr8eYk-00029-00017409-00017847 term insurance broker and it's very little self satisfaction of a as well FfKdnYr8eYk-00030-00017847-00018366 you basically you have complaints department we sorta people progress FfKdnYr8eYk-00031-00018366-00018948 unless what you do daily and daily at least into news site of what what is FfKdnYr8eYk-00032-00018948-00019284 really important we love what brings you to happiness FfKdnYr8eYk-00033-00019284-00019893 and going to bed at night you think Ohio predated Ives you lose complete track of FfKdnYr8eYk-00034-00019893-00020282 that so Southworth self satisfaction all that FfKdnYr8eYk-00035-00020282-00020706 has just gone down the drain you're just looking like a little and they eat and FfKdnYr8eYk-00036-00020706-00021551 day out no satisfaction whatsoever I have lost track of focusing on stuff FfKdnYr8eYk-00037-00021551-00021935 that makes you truly happy lovely laughing or just reading a book and was FfKdnYr8eYk-00038-00021935-00022503 spending good quality time with my children and I'd really love to be they FfKdnYr8eYk-00039-00022503-00023019 again so I can totally relate to the fisherman story you know just sit and FfKdnYr8eYk-00040-00023019-00023568 relax and spend good quality time and as sailing has been a lifelong passion it's FfKdnYr8eYk-00041-00023568-00023885 really a no brainer this is gonna be the next episode of my FfKdnYr8eYk-00042-00023885-00024390 life absolutely okay and introducing Brooke tell the FfKdnYr8eYk-00043-00024390-00025088 people all about you so we are definitely thinking of changing our life FfKdnYr8eYk-00044-00025088-00025733 completely so my consultancy took me to the United FfKdnYr8eYk-00045-00025733-00026451 Nations where I was doing I was basically ICT information and FfKdnYr8eYk-00046-00026451-00026995 communication technologies consultant for very large voter registration FfKdnYr8eYk-00047-00026995-00027797 systems several registration systems even pension fund registration election FfKdnYr8eYk-00048-00027797-00028219 result management systems very big population registers and also very FfKdnYr8eYk-00049-00028219-00029063 important election results in about twenty four post-conflict countries so FfKdnYr8eYk-00050-00029063-00029531 it was not easy living in those countries it was also not easy working FfKdnYr8eYk-00051-00029531-00030026 in those countries and the afterthought from absolutely scratch both the data FfKdnYr8eYk-00052-00030026-00030611 center developed a software implementers of we're trying people our to use a FfKdnYr8eYk-00053-00030611-00031088 software and in these elections and elections normally don't shift election FfKdnYr8eYk-00054-00031088-00031649 day so the elections was very fast or price with all deadlines that you just FfKdnYr8eYk-00055-00031649-00032308 have to meet being a consultant that needs to find a job every four months FfKdnYr8eYk-00056-00032308-00032801 between four and six months I need to find a new job every four and six months FfKdnYr8eYk-00057-00032801-00033392 I had to be the best in my field I had to be the most hard-working I need to be FfKdnYr8eYk-00058-00033392-00033917 the most productive the most efficient I was I need to be willing to work 24 FfKdnYr8eYk-00059-00033917-00034445 hours for a couple of days in a row especially when elections is like three FfKdnYr8eYk-00060-00034445-00034856 days from now and things are still not working and it's expected to be working FfKdnYr8eYk-00061-00034856-00035498 so it was it was a very tough one to stay ahead of my competitors there's a FfKdnYr8eYk-00062-00035498-00035960 lot of great software engineers out there is also trying to get work for FfKdnYr8eYk-00063-00035960-00036482 United Nations so for me I had to be on top of my game ad to know the best FfKdnYr8eYk-00064-00036482-00036956 technologies I had to be in front I need to upgrade my status and that's why I FfKdnYr8eYk-00065-00036956-00037588 went all the way to PhD so and I've been doing this for the last 15 years that FfKdnYr8eYk-00066-00037588-00038330 this is a very tough one on you that makes me compete with the Jones and that FfKdnYr8eYk-00067-00038330-00038843 the MER at Rice was just skating to me that that rice is always the base to FfKdnYr8eYk-00068-00038843-00039271 always be there in front of the front line FfKdnYr8eYk-00069-00039271-00040153 so it is it is fun times to just try and keep my sanity but it is it's just like FfKdnYr8eYk-00070-00040153-00040650 you got one step one step higher then your fan must meet must be so much more FfKdnYr8eYk-00071-00040650-00041050 and the renlund then your work must be so much more effective than your fans FfKdnYr8eYk-00072-00041050-00041488 must be more entertaining so it became to a point when me and even me bow said FfKdnYr8eYk-00073-00041488-00041980 this has to stop and and the story the fisherman story was coming all the time FfKdnYr8eYk-00074-00041980-00042934 to my mind that what are we doing we are rushing into this rat race and to do FfKdnYr8eYk-00075-00042934-00043305 what to spend quality time at the end of your life when you when you can actually FfKdnYr8eYk-00076-00043305-00043771 try to spend quality time now if you look at that Adela's now if you look at FfKdnYr8eYk-00077-00043771-00044305 there once if you look at alibi gabon if you look at them I have already quality FfKdnYr8eYk-00078-00044305-00044947 time so me and my brother again at one time we decided we will taste this FfKdnYr8eYk-00079-00044947-00045594 theory about and that was in 2006 long before the wins and vagabonds and Dallas FfKdnYr8eYk-00080-00045594-00046284 oh maybe Dallas was already since 2006 so 2006 me my brother yebin decided to FfKdnYr8eYk-00081-00046284-00047022 go we will hold up a delivery cruisers for people no forty foot catamaran and FfKdnYr8eYk-00082-00047022-00047463 so I'm a little bit biased because it was also leopard catamarans I'm I like FfKdnYr8eYk-00083-00047463-00048147 those boats and we took the boat from Kuip down just for people of us we took FfKdnYr8eYk-00084-00048147-00048646 the boat to Miami Fort Lauderdale across the Atlantic and just to see whether we FfKdnYr8eYk-00085-00048646-00049144 can market that was our first core one is those just around the cabbage patch FfKdnYr8eYk-00086-00049144-00049636 in the Oberoi surround the Anchorage point it was actually crossing the FfKdnYr8eYk-00087-00049636-00050221 Atlantic Ocean and we actually loved it we really really enjoyed it it was it FfKdnYr8eYk-00088-00050221-00051136 was it was fun and we could totally do this very recently in 2016 it started to FfKdnYr8eYk-00089-00051136-00051601 surface again said yes we need to start doing the catamaran thing again or the FfKdnYr8eYk-00090-00051601-00052039 boat sink with addendums the immediately start off about we actually thought FfKdnYr8eYk-00091-00052039-00052486 about the little wines Vania a little song that sm's FfKdnYr8eYk-00092-00052486-00052879 vernier Sonic like making a little bit of wine or FfKdnYr8eYk-00093-00052879-00053503 having to milk cows and maybe a few goats or pigs and now it's nothing on a FfKdnYr8eYk-00094-00053503-00054232 farm but we must think of Caillou to live off the grid you need to have solar FfKdnYr8eYk-00095-00054232-00054976 panels and you know it kind of like migrated like a moth to those flames FfKdnYr8eYk-00096-00054976-00055636 that we wanted to go back onto a catamaran or at least a bus we didn't FfKdnYr8eYk-00097-00055636-00055936 know exactly the catamaran we were talking about catamaran all the time but FfKdnYr8eYk-00098-00055936-00056404 we knew we need to actually do a quite a big research before we actually venture FfKdnYr8eYk-00099-00056404-00056880 into that lines the HD Travel Air's being with me I think for as long as I FfKdnYr8eYk-00100-00056880-00057325 can remember when I had a mind to remember and our country I don't even FfKdnYr8eYk-00101-00057325-00057703 was the last to wonder or wondering what the last detail will bring me but I FfKdnYr8eYk-00102-00057703-00058219 always permanently needed to explore and just to meet different cultures and FfKdnYr8eYk-00103-00058219-00058629 different people say you you were just always there just do to be on the moon FfKdnYr8eYk-00104-00058629-00059062 Salter this introduction video is more it FfKdnYr8eYk-00105-00059062-00059629 obviously will change over time but it's the next couple of episodes that we're FfKdnYr8eYk-00106-00059629-00060192 going to do this is the earth thought process how that we gate the way we are FfKdnYr8eYk-00107-00060192-00060652 today and in the future is now November ready FfKdnYr8eYk-00108-00060652-00061333 we started our process last year November when we decided what to do and FfKdnYr8eYk-00109-00061333-00061912 we already mean my brother and Peter we already started selling out all our FfKdnYr8eYk-00110-00061912-00062277 properties in South Africa has been sold FfKdnYr8eYk-00111-00062295-00062757 the course has been so the airplanes been sold even our paragliders been sold FfKdnYr8eYk-00112-00062757-00063445 so almost everything that we own basically everything that we own except FfKdnYr8eYk-00113-00063445-00064005 the shoes and a clothes that we are wearing i've been sold already and so FfKdnYr8eYk-00114-00064005-00064501 all the money we've put together but we had to decide and it's not although we FfKdnYr8eYk-00115-00064501-00064891 were biased to the customer and we still needed to make sure because like even FfKdnYr8eYk-00116-00064891-00065379 for bringing our family on about so the safety we thinks is going to be not on FfKdnYr8eYk-00117-00065379-00065729 our but i going to have known that but we artists select FfKdnYr8eYk-00118-00065729-00066175 what is a safety feature so we went through lots of websites lots of YouTube FfKdnYr8eYk-00119-00066175-00066775 thing a lot of research and we will follow we will make episodes of all of FfKdnYr8eYk-00120-00066775-00067250 those processes for you guys with links the way we found all of these these FfKdnYr8eYk-00121-00067250-00067831 these research materials and and and videos so what kind of boat the first FfKdnYr8eYk-00122-00067831-00068176 one of course log which is on everyone's mind was like do you want a single or FfKdnYr8eYk-00123-00068176-00068782 multi l and all the advantages and disadvantages of that and new but do we FfKdnYr8eYk-00124-00068782-00069161 on the new boat or a old boat and for a very long time we were we were actually FfKdnYr8eYk-00125-00069161-00069775 excited on a second end but the whole bag and then then through the research FfKdnYr8eYk-00126-00069775-00070264 we it became clear now we actually want maybe a different route to go FfKdnYr8eYk-00127-00070264-00070763 but how did we select that and when we did select about what size of boat did FfKdnYr8eYk-00128-00070763-00071200 you want so this this is going to be about that our journey tol next year FfKdnYr8eYk-00129-00071200-00071960 June June July so we'd like you to be part of our process learn through our FfKdnYr8eYk-00130-00071960-00072433 mistakes possibly or maybe advisers or whatever but just all this preparation FfKdnYr8eYk-00131-00072433-00073022 until the day we sit so we'd like to make you part of it and join us it was FfKdnYr8eYk-00132-00073022-00073550 actually great if you guys advice so any comments that you can find on any of our FfKdnYr8eYk-00133-00073550-00074014 episodes please comment here below that's not a new thing for us comment FfKdnYr8eYk-00134-00074014-00074806 below how did they say we are the link like us there and link I don't know we FfKdnYr8eYk-00135-00074806-00075076 will sort this out FfKdnYr8eYk-00136-00075647-00076201 to become part of our social active experience FgD7kb347aU-00000-00000000-00000184 KHAN PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS FgD7kb347aU-00001-00003804-00004004 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL FkHfIEz6TeQ-00000-00000122-00000374 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم FkHfIEz6TeQ-00001-00000394-00000827 نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أما بعد FkHfIEz6TeQ-00002-00001014-00001300 The night is an opportunity to get a connection FkHfIEz6TeQ-00003-00001300-00001552 and Ta'luq with Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00004-00001556-00001639 so that one FkHfIEz6TeQ-00005-00001685-00002082 breaches the gap between him and His Khaliq, his creator. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00006-00002291-00002520 although it's an opportunity to rest FkHfIEz6TeQ-00007-00002520-00002720 but is also an opportunity, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00008-00002862-00003204 to get that Noor from Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00009-00003204-00003445 Moulana Umar Palanpuri (رحمة الله عليه) used to say: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00010-00003561-00003822 that our work in the day is to speak, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00011-00003822-00003900 to the people. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00012-00003900-00004154 إن لك في النهار سبحا طويلا FkHfIEz6TeQ-00013-00004154-00004457 Inviting mankind to Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00014-00004580-00004788 So in the day you are with the creation FkHfIEz6TeQ-00015-00004845-00004940 and FkHfIEz6TeQ-00016-00004960-00005077 in the night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00017-00005077-00005294 قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلا قَلِيلا FkHfIEz6TeQ-00018-00005334-00005494 with the creator. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00019-00005525-00005614 He used to say: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00020-00005651-00005995 The night is an opportunity to draw Hidayat FkHfIEz6TeQ-00021-00005995-00006285 for yourself and for mankind FkHfIEz6TeQ-00022-00006374-00006811 and the day is an opportunity to distribute this FkHfIEz6TeQ-00023-00006811-00007080 Hidayat which you've got from Allah (ﷻ). FkHfIEz6TeQ-00024-00007125-00007456 So taking it at night and distributing in the day. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00025-00007525-00007773 Miajee Mihraab (رحمة الله عليه) used to say: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00026-00007911-00008080 That the era of, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00027-00008188-00008545 the people who cry in the darkness of the night has ended. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00028-00008597-00008885 Arabic FkHfIEz6TeQ-00029-00008885-00009174 and the time, the era where people just speak FkHfIEz6TeQ-00030-00009277-00009485 and gives bayaans and lectures, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00031-00009588-00009851 that era has started and the era FkHfIEz6TeQ-00032-00009851-00010114 of getting up in the darkness of the night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00033-00010174-00010571 and crying in front of Allah (ﷻ) that era has ended. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00034-00010602-00011028 Those people are gone, now people only concentrate on bayaans FkHfIEz6TeQ-00035-00011071-00011188 and lectures FkHfIEz6TeQ-00036-00011245-00011465 and that's what Deen has come about, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00037-00011465-00011740 but we don't see the people in the darkness of the night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00038-00011931-00012297 The Khadim, the assistant of Ml. Inaamul Hasan (رحمة الله عليه) said: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00039-00012297-00012475 I can remember him when he used to FkHfIEz6TeQ-00040-00012475-00012635 get up in the darkness of the night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00041-00012731-00012782 Then, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00042-00012880-00013213 he used to cry like a baby he used to wail, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00043-00013241-00013380 he used to knock his hands FkHfIEz6TeQ-00044-00013380-00013527 on the ground and he used to stay: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00045-00013722-00014185 One and half to two and half hours in Dua. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00046-00014211-00014385 That's not the Tahajjud and Ibadah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00047-00014451-00014788 Just in Dua crying to Allah begging FkHfIEz6TeQ-00048-00014847-00015082 and beseeching Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00049-00015180-00015282 for Hidayat FkHfIEz6TeQ-00050-00015377-00015774 and these were رجال the men of Allah (ﷻ) who FkHfIEz6TeQ-00051-00015862-00015974 were renowned, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00052-00016065-00016391 for their Taqwa and piety and sacrifices, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00053-00016434-00016508 yet FkHfIEz6TeQ-00054-00016594-00016734 they never rested. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00055-00016845-00017157 We should think how renowned and how much sacrifice FkHfIEz6TeQ-00056-00017157-00017405 we have made, for the Deen of Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00057-00017460-00017545 and how FkHfIEz6TeQ-00058-00017605-00017880 relaxed and comfortable we are. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00059-00018037-00018220 Hasan Basri (رحمة الله عليه) used to say: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00060-00018297-00018625 When he was asked: ما بال المجتهدين في العباد FkHfIEz6TeQ-00061-00018630-00018817 That those people who strive in Ibadah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00062-00018985-00019211 what is their condition because FkHfIEz6TeQ-00063-00019260-00019497 their faces are glowing. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00064-00019668-00019871 So He replied: إنهم FkHfIEz6TeQ-00065-00019991-00020448 خلوا بالرحمن تعالي فاَلْبَسَهُمْ نورا من نوره FkHfIEz6TeQ-00066-00020557-00020888 That they have secluded themselves from Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00067-00020957-00021180 It's only them and their Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00068-00021242-00021565 So Allah (ﷻ) had clothed them FkHfIEz6TeQ-00069-00021588-00021800 from His Noor. Allah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00070-00021834-00022122 had taken out Noor from His Noor FkHfIEz6TeQ-00071-00022191-00022408 and that's why you see أهل الله, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00072-00022482-00022728 that people want to see you get a FkHfIEz6TeQ-00073-00022728-00023060 an ecstasy a pleasure when you sitting in the company of the pious FkHfIEz6TeQ-00074-00023060-00023248 and the friends of Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00075-00023314-00023680 because they are an epitome of the Noor of Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00076-00023900-00024102 So according to the Fuqaha, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00077-00024102-00024508 Imaam Maalik, Shaafi, Ahmed, Abu Yusuf, Muhammed FkHfIEz6TeQ-00078-00024537-00024674 and Jamhoor (majority) Ulama, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00079-00024714-00024857 amongst them as well, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00080-00024911-00025020 Hasan Basri FkHfIEz6TeQ-00081-00025057-00025251 Saeed ibn Jubair, Ikramah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00082-00025322-00025540 Muhammed ibn Sireen, Ibrahim Nakha'ee. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00083-00025591-00025717 They are of the opinion, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00084-00025751-00025917 that it is more virtuous, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00085-00025917-00026117 in the Nawaafil of the night, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00086-00026177-00026460 to make salaam on every two rakaats. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00087-00026637-00026877 Imaam Abu Hanifa (رحمة الله عليه) is of the opinion that, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00088-00026889-00027056 you should read 4 FkHfIEz6TeQ-00089-00027270-00027462 rakaats at night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00090-00027622-00027854 and he was of the opinion that you could read 2 FkHfIEz6TeQ-00091-00027854-00028112 4, 6 or 8 rakaats of Tahajjud. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00092-00028164-00028291 After Tahajjud, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00093-00028325-00028464 if a person has FkHfIEz6TeQ-00094-00028464-00028664 Yaqeen he will get up FkHfIEz6TeQ-00095-00028694-00029064 and he will read his 3 and 2 after those 8 rakaats. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00096-00029142-00029405 Otherwise a person can read it after Esha FkHfIEz6TeQ-00097-00029522-00029605 and then FkHfIEz6TeQ-00098-00029617-00029797 do the 8 rakaats FkHfIEz6TeQ-00099-00029814-00029962 of Tahajjud FkHfIEz6TeQ-00100-00030148-00030488 and the Nawaafil in the day, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00101-00030612-00030842 is four rakaats, so Imaam Abu Hanifa FkHfIEz6TeQ-00102-00030842-00031375 and his two students Imaam Abu Yusuf and Muhammed (رحمة الله عليه) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00103-00031402-00031533 were of the opinion FkHfIEz6TeQ-00104-00031570-00031654 that FkHfIEz6TeQ-00105-00031725-00032027 the rakaats in the day are FkHfIEz6TeQ-00106-00032039-00032264 four, four, so if a person reads FkHfIEz6TeQ-00107-00032305-00032394 his Ishraaq FkHfIEz6TeQ-00108-00032448-00032622 preferable he should make, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00109-00032739-00033088 one Salaam in the four rakaats and if he reads his Chaast, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00110-00033088-00033197 after that FkHfIEz6TeQ-00111-00033222-00033397 then in four, four rakaats, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00112-00033480-00033588 rather than two. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00113-00033588-00034045 whereas Imaam Maalik, Imaam Shafi'ee, Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal (رحمة الله عليه), FkHfIEz6TeQ-00114-00034074-00034405 were of the opinion that the Nawaafil in the day, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00115-00034448-00034725 also should be two, two rakaats. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00116-00034891-00035185 If a person is not reading Tahajjud Salaah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00117-00035294-00035494 and they don't get Taufeeq to wake up, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00118-00035611-00035694 then FkHfIEz6TeQ-00119-00035800-00036182 Hazrat Hasan Basri used to say: إن الرجل FkHfIEz6TeQ-00120-00036217-00036445 That a person commits a sin FkHfIEz6TeQ-00121-00036505-00036928 (فيحرم به قيام الليل) then this person FkHfIEz6TeQ-00122-00036957-00037265 will be deprived of getting up at night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00123-00037331-00037465 So the cause FkHfIEz6TeQ-00124-00037500-00037665 of not doing FkHfIEz6TeQ-00125-00037808-00038040 good deeds, the , FkHfIEz6TeQ-00126-00038054-00038494 the repercussions is a person becomes Mahroom FkHfIEz6TeQ-00127-00038580-00038750 Fudhail Bin Ayaz (R.A.) used to say: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00128-00038888-00039288 إذا لم تقدر على قيام الليل وصيام النهار FkHfIEz6TeQ-00129-00039322-00039548 فاعلم أنك محروم FkHfIEz6TeQ-00130-00039665-00040128 That if you don't have the opportunity to fast in the day FkHfIEz6TeQ-00131-00040160-00040328 and get up at night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00132-00040385-00040857 Then remember that you are amongst those who have been deprived FkHfIEz6TeQ-00133-00040914-00041108 of all goodness. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00134-00041182-00041482 وقد كثرت خطيئتك FkHfIEz6TeQ-00135-00041540-00041760 and the cause of that is, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00136-00041800-00042131 that your sins have increased, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00137-00042182-00042291 the errors FkHfIEz6TeQ-00138-00042345-00042491 and your Ma'siyat FkHfIEz6TeQ-00139-00042517-00042711 and your disobedience FkHfIEz6TeQ-00140-00042737-00042882 was a cause FkHfIEz6TeQ-00141-00042934-00043171 for you being deprived FkHfIEz6TeQ-00142-00043222-00043371 of good actions. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00143-00043537-00043691 So FkHfIEz6TeQ-00144-00043702-00043948 a person should check all the time, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00145-00043991-00044165 that it should not be, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00146-00044220-00044405 that through my actions, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00147-00044480-00044700 I am deprived of, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00148-00044722-00044922 goodness and good deeds. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00149-00045054-00045165 Relates FkHfIEz6TeQ-00150-00045268-00045651 We were traveling once out in the path of Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00151-00045811-00046288 and in the Jamaat in the contingent was Silah bin Ashyam FkHfIEz6TeQ-00152-00046471-00046814 and it was night time and we laid camp FkHfIEz6TeQ-00153-00046874-00047185 and I said I'm going to see how his Ibadah is. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00154-00047342-00047531 So when everybody went to sleep. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00155-00047571-00047674 He got up, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00156-00047865-00048174 and he went to make Wudhu and he started reading Salaah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00157-00048231-00048385 As he was in Salaah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00158-00048502-00048945 وجاء أسد حتي دنا منه FkHfIEz6TeQ-00159-00049014-00049274 A lion came close to him, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00160-00049405-00049588 as I seen the lion FkHfIEz6TeQ-00161-00049648-00050017 I looked for a tree and climbed up a tree FkHfIEz6TeQ-00162-00050162-00050385 but he never moved and FkHfIEz6TeQ-00163-00050385-00050677 he continued his Salaah as normal. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00164-00050728-00051054 حتي سجد until he went into Sajdah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00165-00051160-00051345 so I sat and I thought, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00166-00051451-00051914 that now it will be an opportunity for the lion FkHfIEz6TeQ-00167-00051957-00052114 to devour him FkHfIEz6TeQ-00168-00052200-00052591 but he continued as normal and the lion did not do anything. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00169-00052608-00052741 ثم سلم FkHfIEz6TeQ-00170-00052782-00052941 He completed his Salaah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00171-00053085-00053302 then he addressed the lion: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00172-00053465-00053857 أيها السبع أطلب الرزق من مكان آخر FkHfIEz6TeQ-00173-00054002-00054111 Oh animal, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00174-00054251-00054582 seek your sustenance from another place. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00175-00054730-00054951 So the lion left FkHfIEz6TeQ-00176-00054994-00055282 and he said as he was leaving, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00177-00055416-00055897 the lion roared so much it could shake and tremble a mountain FkHfIEz6TeQ-00178-00056157-00056497 and he continued his Salaah like normal till FkHfIEz6TeQ-00179-00056591-00056720 the time of Fajr, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00180-00056879-00056974 then he started FkHfIEz6TeQ-00181-00057008-00057240 praising Allah (ﷻ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00182-00057360-00057488 and invoking FkHfIEz6TeQ-00183-00057771-00058367 and he made this Dua: اللهم إِنِّي أسئلك أن تجيرني من النار FkHfIEz6TeQ-00184-00058437-00058511 Ya Allah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00185-00058645-00059004 I don't have any guts to ask you for Jannah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00186-00059004-00059254 because I am not worthy of Jannah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00187-00059304-00059685 but at least save me from the fire of Jahannam, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00188-00059722-00059885 at least save me, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00189-00059941-00060167 from the fire of Jahannam FkHfIEz6TeQ-00190-00060340-00060425 and he said that, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00191-00060522-00060760 I was so tired that entire night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00192-00060760-00061097 He got up in the morning, he continued after that his Wazaaif, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00193-00061165-00061341 like nothing had happen. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00194-00061467-00061634 So these were the friends of Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00195-00061682-00061928 When you make peace with Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00196-00061988-00062316 The entire creation on earth will make peace with you FkHfIEz6TeQ-00197-00062385-00062651 and when yo declare war with Allah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00198-00062716-00062851 then nothing on earth FkHfIEz6TeQ-00199-00062902-00063011 will save you. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00200-00063128-00063302 So we need to check our A'maal. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00201-00063354-00063754 (إِنِّيْ لَاَضْعَفُ عَنْ قِيَامِ اللَّيْل) somebody complained to one Sheikh. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00202-00063782-00064091 That it is hard for me to get up for Tahajjud. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00203-00064157-00064534 So he said: (يا أخي لا تعصي الله بالنهار) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00204-00064611-00064814 If you disobey Allah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00205-00064911-00065282 in the day, Allah will deprive you of Tahajjud at night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00206-00065351-00065477 Hasan bin Saalih, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00207-00065494-00065720 had a slave girl which he sold. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00208-00065777-00066160 when it was the darkness of the night she got up to read Salaah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00209-00066248-00066474 and she addressed the people of the house. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00210-00066508-00066805 يا أهل الدار الصلاة الصلاة FkHfIEz6TeQ-00211-00066828-00067031 Oh people get up for Tahajjud. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00212-00067128-00067537 So the people replied we waiting for Fajr, is this Fajr time. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00213-00067631-00067822 She said: "No no no" FkHfIEz6TeQ-00214-00067905-00068202 وما تصلون إلّا المكتوبة FkHfIEz6TeQ-00215-00068245-00068522 Do you people only read the Fardh Salaah? FkHfIEz6TeQ-00216-00068591-00068694 They said: "Yes" FkHfIEz6TeQ-00217-00068905-00069042 So when she got an opportunity, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00218-00069042-00069242 she returned to Hasan and she told him FkHfIEz6TeQ-00219-00069251-00069368 يا مولاي FkHfIEz6TeQ-00220-00069557-00069974 بعتني من قوم لا يصلون بالليل FkHfIEz6TeQ-00221-00069988-00070185 You send me to such a people, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00222-00070228-00070440 you've made me their slave, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00223-00070480-00070794 of people who don't get up for Tahajjud. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00224-00070857-00071097 Please take me back, please, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00225-00071125-00071205 take me back. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00226-00071242-00071568 I don't want the Nohoosat and repercussions of these people, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00227-00071597-00071797 their company is bad. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00228-00071940-00072034 So FkHfIEz6TeQ-00229-00072048-00072431 He accepted her intercession and took her back. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00230-00072614-00072854 Rabi Ibn Sulaimaan says that FkHfIEz6TeQ-00231-00072940-00073162 I spent one night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00232-00073162-00073331 by Imaam Shafee, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00233-00073525-00073717 and his habit was, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00234-00073751-00074205 فلم يكن ينام من الليل إلّا يسيرا FkHfIEz6TeQ-00235-00074505-00074882 It was as if he would not sleep the night at all. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00236-00074905-00075042 If he had to rest, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00237-00075111-00075462 It was a very small portion of the night, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00238-00075488-00075762 which he would get up and read Salaah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00239-00075831-00076100 Otherwise he wouldn't even sleep. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00240-00076197-00076412 Somebody else said I spent time in the company, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00241-00076422-00076828 of Imaam Abu Hanifa (رحمة الله عليه), for 6 months FkHfIEz6TeQ-00242-00076985-00077348 فما فيها ليلة وضع جنبه FkHfIEz6TeQ-00243-00077348-00077468 No night passed, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00244-00077508-00077748 that I seen him sleeping at all. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00245-00077857-00078142 They said it was a habit of Imaam Abu Hanifa (رحمة الله عليه), FkHfIEz6TeQ-00246-00078277-00078402 that FkHfIEz6TeQ-00247-00078520-00078842 he should spend most of the night in Ibadah, but one day, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00248-00078960-00079088 somebody said: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00249-00079117-00079477 This is a person who keeps the night alive the entire night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00250-00079560-00079794 So he said that after that, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00251-00079934-00080102 his entire life, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00252-00080128-00080448 he spent the entire night awake and he used to read, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00253-00080448-00080648 some narrations, 40 years. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00254-00080680-00081034 He read Esha and Fajr with the same Wudhu. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00255-00081057-00081148 He read Esha FkHfIEz6TeQ-00256-00081200-00081462 and Fajr with the same Wudhu. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00257-00081637-00081714 So, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00258-00081768-00081965 it was not just about FkHfIEz6TeQ-00259-00082065-00082377 the night but if we look at how they spent the night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00260-00082422-00082680 and how they looked after their time, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00261-00082717-00082880 one can realize, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00262-00082905-00083182 that they capitalized on their Aakhirah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00263-00083260-00083417 Ali Ibn Abi Hasan FkHfIEz6TeQ-00264-00083628-00084011 explains that Yahya Ibn Zakariyya (عليه السلام), FkHfIEz6TeQ-00265-00084068-00084174 one night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00266-00084365-00084688 over slept because he ate a full stomach, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00267-00084848-00084997 so Wahi came down: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00268-00084997-00085154 يا يحيى FkHfIEz6TeQ-00269-00085154-00085582 وَجَدْتَّ دارا لك خيرا من داري FkHfIEz6TeQ-00270-00085622-00085928 Have you found a house better than my house. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00271-00085965-00086351 هل وَجَدْتَّ جواراً خيرا من جواري FkHfIEz6TeQ-00272-00086382-00086714 Have you found a neighbour better than being my neighbour. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00273-00086788-00086988 وعزتي وجلالي FkHfIEz6TeQ-00274-00087005-00087294 لو اطَّلَعْتَ إلى الفردوس FkHfIEz6TeQ-00275-00087417-00087905 If you just had a glimpse of Jannatul - Firdaus. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00276-00087954-00088160 لذاب جسمك FkHfIEz6TeQ-00277-00088231-00088445 Your body would have melted. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00278-00088480-00088791 وذهبت نفسك إشتياقا FkHfIEz6TeQ-00279-00088811-00089322 Your Ruh would have left you out of (شوق) desire for Jannatul Firdaus. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00280-00089394-00089700 So Jannah should be a sufficient motivation. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00281-00089722-00090048 ولو إطلعت على جهنم FkHfIEz6TeQ-00282-00090074-00090208 and if you are FkHfIEz6TeQ-00283-00090208-00090408 privy of Jahannam FkHfIEz6TeQ-00284-00090442-00090780 Your body would have melted out of fear FkHfIEz6TeQ-00285-00090837-00091095 and you would have cried so much, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00286-00091095-00091295 your tears would have terminated FkHfIEz6TeQ-00287-00091351-00091682 and then you would have cried pus and blood. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00288-00091894-00092282 Azhar bin Mugheeth says: I seen in a dream a beautiful woman, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00289-00092322-00092597 who did not resemble any of the women. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00290-00092597-00092945 Her beauty and countenance were not close to the women of the world. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00291-00093005-00093145 So I said: (من أنتِ) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00292-00093217-00093291 She said: FkHfIEz6TeQ-00293-00093305-00093531 I am amongst the Hoors of Jannah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00294-00093531-00093705 So I said: "Marry me" FkHfIEz6TeQ-00295-00093740-00094011 She said: أخطبني إلى سيدي FkHfIEz6TeQ-00296-00094080-00094291 Propose to my master, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00297-00094291-00094491 Propose to Allah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00298-00094522-00094820 and pay the Mahr (dowry), what was the Mahr? FkHfIEz6TeQ-00299-00094842-00095088 She said: طول التهجد FkHfIEz6TeQ-00300-00095154-00095365 If you want a lot of Hoors in Jannah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00301-00095391-00095682 read long long raktaats of Tahajjud. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00302-00095745-00095942 It is said about A'laa bin Ziyaad, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00303-00096000-00096291 every night he used to make a Khatam. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00304-00096405-00096708 One night he was very exhausted, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00305-00096765-00096908 so he told his wife, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00306-00096962-00097088 wake me up, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00307-00097245-00097471 so that night, when he went to sleep. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00308-00097602-00097825 He seen some body in his dream FkHfIEz6TeQ-00309-00097985-00098485 and that person grabbed him by his head, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00310-00098514-00098600 on his hair, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00311-00098674-00098905 and he said: (قم يا ابن الزياد) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00312-00098931-00099120 Oh ibn Ziyaad, get up FkHfIEz6TeQ-00313-00099174-00099422 فاذْكُرْ رَبَّك يَذْكُركَ FkHfIEz6TeQ-00314-00099517-00099662 Remember Allah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00315-00099685-00099880 Allah will remember you. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00316-00100017-00100108 So he got up, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00317-00100171-00100337 shocked and bewildered FkHfIEz6TeQ-00318-00100457-00100562 and it is said, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00319-00100651-00100985 that those strands of hair, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00320-00101025-00101225 that this person grabbed, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00321-00101494-00101791 (قياما إلى أن مات وإنَّ هُنَّ لَقِيَام) FkHfIEz6TeQ-00322-00102094-00102474 from that day he woke up until he departed from this world. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00323-00102491-00102774 That hair stood on end. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00324-00103065-00103482 It is said about the daughter of Rab'i bin Khuthaim. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00325-00103542-00103780 She used to tell her father: يا أبتي FkHfIEz6TeQ-00326-00103845-00104297 مالي أرى الناس ينامون وأراك لا تنام FkHfIEz6TeQ-00327-00104336-00104555 I see people sleep at night, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00328-00104555-00104755 you the only one that is awake at night FkHfIEz6TeQ-00329-00104891-00105425 So He replied يا بنتاه إن أَبَاكِ يخاف النار FkHfIEz6TeQ-00330-00105505-00105748 Your father fears Jahannam. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00331-00105865-00106242 If people had the reality, the Haqeeqat FkHfIEz6TeQ-00332-00106265-00106348 and FkHfIEz6TeQ-00333-00106514-00106830 it had entered their hearts and they knew what FkHfIEz6TeQ-00334-00106830-00107030 was going to happen in Aakhirah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00335-00107048-00107222 they would not sleep at night, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00336-00107261-00107351 they would not, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00337-00107397-00107525 sleep at night. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00338-00107561-00107780 Rabi said: "I went to observe Uwais" FkHfIEz6TeQ-00339-00107857-00108094 and I seen him after Fajr sitting FkHfIEz6TeQ-00340-00108120-00108294 and I said: "Let me see" FkHfIEz6TeQ-00341-00108380-00108561 So he was involved in Tasbeeh FkHfIEz6TeQ-00342-00108625-00108794 and he carried on in Thikr FkHfIEz6TeQ-00343-00108794-00108922 and Ibadah FkHfIEz6TeQ-00344-00108936-00109154 and Tilawat until Thuhr. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00345-00109220-00109465 Then he went for Thuhr Salaah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00346-00109502-00109765 Then he continued in his Ibadah until Asr. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00347-00109822-00110045 Then he went and he continued until FkHfIEz6TeQ-00348-00110045-00110290 Maghrib Salaah in Tilawat and Thikr FkHfIEz6TeQ-00349-00110380-00110633 and he carried on like that until Esha. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00350-00110765-00111000 Then he carried on after Esha, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00351-00111000-00111308 with his Tilawat and Ibadah in Salaah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00352-00111374-00111545 until Fajr. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00353-00111636-00112148 After he read his Fajr salaah, I seen some slumber overcome him FkHfIEz6TeQ-00354-00112259-00112817 and He said: اللهم إن أعوذبك من عين النوامة FkHfIEz6TeQ-00355-00112845-00112945 Oh Allah, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00356-00112959-00113388 I seek refuge from those eyes that fall asleep. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00357-00113440-00113745 Ya Allah, protect me from eyes, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00358-00113817-00114071 that fall into slumber. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00359-00114074-00114351 ومن بطن لا تشبع FkHfIEz6TeQ-00360-00114351-00114551 and from a stomach, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00361-00114571-00114900 that doesn't get satisfied and satiated. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00362-00114925-00115065 It wants more FkHfIEz6TeQ-00363-00115097-00115314 and more and more. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00364-00115340-00115580 When I seen this of Uwais Qarni, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00365-00115677-00115961 I said: حسبي هذا منه FkHfIEz6TeQ-00366-00115961-00116094 This is sufficient for me, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00367-00116145-00116294 to take lesson, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00368-00116331-00116494 from the friends of Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00369-00116657-00117010 So the darkness of the night is an opportunity, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00370-00117036-00117280 to draw from the Khazanahs of Allah. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00371-00117297-00117517 Let us not be, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00372-00117540-00117754 from those who are Mahroom. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00373-00117800-00117968 If a person can not get up, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00374-00118033-00118254 at least before one sleep, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00375-00118297-00118420 we should read. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00376-00118459-00118677 If a person can not manage that also, FkHfIEz6TeQ-00377-00118691-00118822 then after Esha. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00378-00118854-00119088 May Allah give us Taufeeq of making A'mal. FkHfIEz6TeQ-00379-00119100-00119517 و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين FmAu-VnXy_Y-00000-00001087-00001637 Hello, my name is Roberto García and I'm an Associate Professor at FmAu-VnXy_Y-00001-00001637-00002186 the Universitat de Lleida, Spain, and I'm going to present a Django tutorial that we are FmAu-VnXy_Y-00002-00002186-00002744 using in the Web Project subject in the computer science degree at the FmAu-VnXy_Y-00003-00002744-00003403 Universitat de Lleida. In this tutorial we are going to see how to develop FmAu-VnXy_Y-00004-00003403-00004154 Django web application using Behavior Driven Development approach. You have all FmAu-VnXy_Y-00005-00004154-00004930 the materials on the code for this project available online from GitHub at FmAu-VnXy_Y-00006-00004930-00005812 the URL that I'm highlighting right now in your screen. At this repository you FmAu-VnXy_Y-00007-00005812-00006587 have all the code and once also the main with me that details all the steps in FmAu-VnXy_Y-00008-00006587-00007175 order to fulfill this development what we are going to develop in this case is FmAu-VnXy_Y-00009-00007175-00007793 a Django web application called my recommendations that is a web to FmAu-VnXy_Y-00010-00007793-00008518 application that tries to get input from its users about recommendations FmAu-VnXy_Y-00011-00008518-00009074 regarding different topics in our case in the context of this project we have FmAu-VnXy_Y-00012-00009074-00009347 developed for the moment just one application that is called my FmAu-VnXy_Y-00013-00009347-00010142 restaurants that is about recommending restaurants this is the basic structure FmAu-VnXy_Y-00014-00010142-00010739 of django application this is a web application so we will have users FmAu-VnXy_Y-00015-00010739-00011500 accessing it through a browser whenever they type a URL in the browser if it's FmAu-VnXy_Y-00016-00011500-00012199 URL corresponding to our web application this will go through urls file that has FmAu-VnXy_Y-00017-00012199-00012749 like all the roots in our application and drives them to the corresponding FmAu-VnXy_Y-00018-00012749-00013397 bill in the bill we will have the domain logic of our application that will be FmAu-VnXy_Y-00019-00013397-00014006 responsible for contacting the different models connected with a particular FmAu-VnXy_Y-00020-00014006-00014612 feature that that view is implementing for instance restaurant or dessert FmAu-VnXy_Y-00021-00014612-00015349 in this restaurant these entities in the domain are implementing usage using FmAu-VnXy_Y-00022-00015349-00015956 jungle models and jungle models are the responsible for connecting to the FmAu-VnXy_Y-00023-00015956-00016496 database in order to provide persistence to these entities so if they are not FmAu-VnXy_Y-00024-00016496-00017012 already loaded they will go to the database to retrieve the import objects FmAu-VnXy_Y-00025-00017012-00017945 in the current request these objects one model as part of this model layer will FmAu-VnXy_Y-00026-00017945-00018463 be passed back to the BIOS that will execute the different processes FmAu-VnXy_Y-00027-00018463-00019094 regarding the particular feature that we are requesting and finally this will go FmAu-VnXy_Y-00028-00019094-00019715 back to the templates that will build the HTML pages that are at last shown FmAu-VnXy_Y-00029-00019715-00020333 back to the user so this is the whole flow of one of these requests through FmAu-VnXy_Y-00030-00020333-00020722 our web application FnaiYjsJZJY-00000-00000000-00000200 [Music] GopKeXOU_RY-00000-00000000-00000226 Hey, everybody. Matt Bennett here. GopKeXOU_RY-00001-00000240-00000383 Heck, yeah. I played Robbie on Victorious. GopKeXOU_RY-00002-00000396-00000500 Will you guys be cool? GopKeXOU_RY-00003-00000513-00000907 Him? Be cool? [laughing] GopKeXOU_RY-00004-00000920-00001071 You're a demon! GopKeXOU_RY-00005-00001084-00001254 And today I'm going to see if I can remember the lyrics GopKeXOU_RY-00006-00001267-00001568 to some of your favorite Victorious songs. Let's go. GopKeXOU_RY-00007-00005462-00005702 Usually, performances took a lot longer to film GopKeXOU_RY-00008-00005715-00005852 than just, you know, regular scenes GopKeXOU_RY-00009-00005865-00006039 because they would use different cameras. GopKeXOU_RY-00010-00006052-00006479 They'd get unique camera angles. Um, it was more of a production. GopKeXOU_RY-00011-00006493-00006780 And then, of course, we would do a lot of behind the scenes. GopKeXOU_RY-00012-00006796-00007103 Uh, to promote that episode, cause the music numbers were, GopKeXOU_RY-00013-00007117-00007270 you know, some of the best. GopKeXOU_RY-00014-00007283-00007434 ♪ One day ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00015-00007447-00007737 ♪ And one day ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00016-00007751-00008151 ♪ I'll have you begging On your knees for me ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00017-00010230-00010353 Is that not it? GopKeXOU_RY-00018-00011167-00011331 So there is a full version of the song GopKeXOU_RY-00019-00011344-00011501 with way more verses. GopKeXOU_RY-00020-00011514-00011755 So this was the truncated addition. GopKeXOU_RY-00021-00011788-00012021 I know the whole song. I swear I do. GopKeXOU_RY-00022-00012045-00012195 I wrote it. It ends with a GopKeXOU_RY-00023-00012208-00012352 "You're my mother, I'm your father" GopKeXOU_RY-00024-00012365-00012562 which I thought at the time was hilarious. GopKeXOU_RY-00025-00012575-00012786 Cause years later, I'd get comments like GopKeXOU_RY-00026-00012799-00012936 "That line's weird." GopKeXOU_RY-00027-00012949-00013092 People like growing up being like, "Wait a second. GopKeXOU_RY-00028-00013106-00013276 I just listened to the song. What does that mean?" GopKeXOU_RY-00029-00013289-00013660 ♪ And every day I'm only thinking about you ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00030-00013753-00013930 ♪ And a bunch Of other important things ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00031-00013943-00014351 ♪ But primarily you And that's true ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00032-00014477-00014764 Okay, Chicago. Trina Vega. GopKeXOU_RY-00033-00016149-00016272 Yes, I remembered it. GopKeXOU_RY-00034-00016286-00016433 You know, the song maybe isn't as cringey GopKeXOU_RY-00035-00016446-00016579 as people think it is. GopKeXOU_RY-00036-00016593-00016713 First off, it has one of my favorite lyrics GopKeXOU_RY-00037-00016726-00016853 of all time. GopKeXOU_RY-00038-00016866-00017107 Um, "There's a lake they call Lake Michigan. GopKeXOU_RY-00039-00017120-00017280 I think I'm really fitting in." GopKeXOU_RY-00040-00017293-00017574 I- I love that rhyme. I think it's brilliant. GopKeXOU_RY-00041-00017587-00017751 And you know, Daniella, GopKeXOU_RY-00042-00017764-00018034 while maybe not a professional singer is not GopKeXOU_RY-00043-00018047-00018198 as bad as Trina. GopKeXOU_RY-00044-00018211-00018368 ♪ All I wanna know (know) ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00045-00018381-00018561 ♪ Is when we're letting go ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00046-00018575-00018945 ♪ So we can get this record To break (break) ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00047-00019669-00019776 What? GopKeXOU_RY-00048-00020904-00021074 [drumming] GopKeXOU_RY-00049-00022705-00023022 I had to hear that song so much cause we did the music video, GopKeXOU_RY-00050-00023052-00023289 and we did a flash mob. GopKeXOU_RY-00051-00023303-00023496 That song is drilled into my head. GopKeXOU_RY-00052-00023510-00023656 I had to hear it so many times. GopKeXOU_RY-00053-00023670-00023960 ♪ And I will pose if I wanna ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00054-00023973-00024284 I worked so hard to learn how to dance, GopKeXOU_RY-00055-00024297-00024517 and they cut me out of almost every single shot. GopKeXOU_RY-00056-00024531-00024758 Like, I'm sure if I, if, you know, I spent enough time, GopKeXOU_RY-00057-00024771-00025031 I could be passable, but I have no professional GopKeXOU_RY-00058-00025044-00025331 dance training, so, uh, this one was tough. GopKeXOU_RY-00059-00025345-00025528 [laughing] That was a tough one. GopKeXOU_RY-00060-00025652-00025845 Two, three, four. GopKeXOU_RY-00061-00025859-00026249 ♪ Trina Oh, Trina ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00062-00026262-00026443 ♪ Yeah Trina ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00063-00026456-00026549 ♪ You're staying home- ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00064-00026563-00026679 Do you want me to grab my guitar GopKeXOU_RY-00065-00026693-00026789 and do some of the songs for you guys? GopKeXOU_RY-00066-00026803-00026953 Two, three, four. GopKeXOU_RY-00067-00029292-00029502 ♪ That going out with you ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00068-00029596-00029823 ♪ That's just A little bit insane now ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00069-00029849-00030183 ♪ Trina Oh, Trina ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00070-00030220-00030587 ♪ Yeah,Trina You're staying home tonight ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00071-00030640-00031144 ♪ You're staying home tonight Staying home tonight ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00072-00031157-00031618 ♪ You've been dumped ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00073-00031714-00031888 A lot of, especially songs that I did, GopKeXOU_RY-00074-00031901-00032182 have evolved, but I-I accept the L. GopKeXOU_RY-00075-00032649-00033203 [screaming, banging] GopKeXOU_RY-00076-00036242-00036449 I like that one. I prefer to sing. GopKeXOU_RY-00077-00036463-00036669 I like rapping but when I rap in character GopKeXOU_RY-00078-00036683-00036926 as Robbie, I notice that he kind of talks like this. GopKeXOU_RY-00079-00036940-00037133 ♪ I'm six foot one And I'm tons of fun ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00080-00037147-00037407 I would put that on, it was, you know, it's an affectation. GopKeXOU_RY-00081-00037424-00037587 I don't actually have that, you know, GopKeXOU_RY-00082-00037600-00037874 that kind of crispiness. It's a little gravelly, raspy. GopKeXOU_RY-00083-00037887-00038094 ♪ I'm six foot one And I'm tons of fun ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00084-00038108-00038244 I don't know where that came from. GopKeXOU_RY-00085-00038258-00038461 It's just a... that was Robbieness. GopKeXOU_RY-00086-00038475-00038625 My Robbieness coming out. GopKeXOU_RY-00087-00038638-00038802 ♪ I'm six foot one And I'm tons of fun ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00088-00038815-00038952 ♪ And I'm about To put the club in gear ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00089-00038965-00039035 What do you guys think about this? GopKeXOU_RY-00090-00039048-00039159 Who's this guy? GopKeXOU_RY-00091-00039175-00039299 [clearing throat] GopKeXOU_RY-00092-00040570-00040860 Of course. But yes, of course, that's broken glass. GopKeXOU_RY-00093-00040874-00041050 Who could forget? It's still one of the things GopKeXOU_RY-00094-00041064-00041391 I'm most asked to play when I'm deejaying live. GopKeXOU_RY-00095-00041404-00041564 And I'm like, I think it'd be funny GopKeXOU_RY-00096-00041578-00041831 for maybe like a minute, but then it keeps going. GopKeXOU_RY-00097-00041845-00041981 It's a long song. GopKeXOU_RY-00098-00041995-00042138 ♪ - Hate this. - A thousand bucks ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00099-00042152-00042278 ♪ Not enough ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00100-00043613-00043910 Dressing up as a giant pizza, it was like a dream come true. GopKeXOU_RY-00101-00043927-00044190 It doesn't get better than that. I remember Liz and I. GopKeXOU_RY-00102-00044204-00044407 Liz was a gigantic hamburger and I was the pizza. GopKeXOU_RY-00103-00044421-00044597 Uh, having to maneuver ourselves, GopKeXOU_RY-00104-00044611-00044968 especially through doorways. It was very, uh, hard. GopKeXOU_RY-00105-00044988-00045105 You know, I was a big triangle, GopKeXOU_RY-00106-00045118-00045278 so I kind of had to walk in sideways. GopKeXOU_RY-00107-00045291-00045505 And Liz was, you know, all over the place. GopKeXOU_RY-00108-00045518-00045645 But, you know, I think GopKeXOU_RY-00109-00045658-00045785 that Leon probably had the easiest time. GopKeXOU_RY-00110-00045799-00045965 He was just a big piece of pasta. GopKeXOU_RY-00111-00045979-00046136 ♪ Yummy, yummy ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00112-00046182-00046409 ♪ Food! ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00113-00048611-00048868 So depending on how the schedules would work, GopKeXOU_RY-00114-00048882-00048998 sometimes I would be there GopKeXOU_RY-00115-00049012-00049149 when they were doing a performance. GopKeXOU_RY-00116-00049162-00049305 If I had a scene later in the day. GopKeXOU_RY-00117-00049319-00049469 You know, they usually would have you come in early GopKeXOU_RY-00118-00049482-00049622 as you go through hair and makeup, GopKeXOU_RY-00119-00049636-00049853 and it's always good to have your actors on set. GopKeXOU_RY-00120-00049866-00049989 So that you're not scrambling GopKeXOU_RY-00121-00050003-00050150 at the last minute to try and get them. GopKeXOU_RY-00122-00050163-00050303 Sometimes scenes would take a long time, GopKeXOU_RY-00123-00050316-00050497 but other times they would go surprisingly fast. GopKeXOU_RY-00124-00050510-00050880 So having the next, you know, group of actors ready to film, GopKeXOU_RY-00125-00050894-00051167 sometimes, uh, was a- was a necessity. GopKeXOU_RY-00126-00051181-00051364 ♪ What about no don't you get?♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00127-00051377-00051564 ♪ So go and tell your friends ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00128-00051578-00051911 ♪ I'm not really interested ♪ GopKeXOU_RY-00129-00053987-00054187 The last blast of the past. GopKeXOU_RY-00130-00055505-00055608 What? GopKeXOU_RY-00131-00056806-00056960 [drumming] GopKeXOU_RY-00132-00057914-00058088 It's the extended version, alright. GopKeXOU_RY-00133-00059018-00059459 I don't remember. Oh, no. I don't remember. GopKeXOU_RY-00134-00059486-00059746 No-o-o-o-o. GopKeXOU_RY-00135-00059772-00059993 I'm kidding. How could I forget? GopKeXOU_RY-00136-00063072-00063186 Heck, yeah. GopKeXOU_RY-00137-00063223-00063540 The first person that I met was actually Victoria. GopKeXOU_RY-00138-00063553-00064090 My first scene filming was um, Tori and Robbie meeting GopKeXOU_RY-00139-00064103-00064347 in the hallway, where, uh, she asked directions GopKeXOU_RY-00140-00064360-00064627 and he goes, "Yes. Hello. Hi, female. Yes. " GopKeXOU_RY-00141-00064641-00064778 Something like that. GopKeXOU_RY-00142-00064891-00065064 - Hey. Um. - Um, hi. GopKeXOU_RY-00143-00065084-00065388 Hey. Hello, female. Yes. GopKeXOU_RY-00144-00065578-00065819 I don't know, you know, I had grown up watching Nickelodeon. GopKeXOU_RY-00145-00065832-00066092 So, when the time came for this audition, I... GopKeXOU_RY-00146-00066125-00066346 felt like I knew exactly what they were looking for. GopKeXOU_RY-00147-00066359-00066506 [unintelligible] GopKeXOU_RY-00148-00066519-00066709 No, your cholesterol is already through the roof. GopKeXOU_RY-00149-00066723-00066913 - Who are you, my mother? - Somebody's gotta be. GopKeXOU_RY-00150-00066926-00067070 Alright, that was me finishing the lyrics. GopKeXOU_RY-00151-00067083-00067293 [laughing] It's nearly perfect. GopKeXOU_RY-00152-00067343-00067580 My favorite oxymoron. "Nearly perfect". GopKeXOU_RY-00153-00067594-00067720 Uh, thanks for watching. GopKeXOU_RY-00154-00067734-00067887 Make sure to like and subscribe. GopKeXOU_RY-00155-00067901-00068138 and see you later. Thanks, Nick Rewind. Bye. GoHQ1eXQXB0-00000-00000338-00000779 Hi guys it's Molly here from CollegeXpress back to you with another vlog GoHQ1eXQXB0-00001-00000779-00001182 welcome back to our YouTube channel today we are going to do a quick little GoHQ1eXQXB0-00002-00001182-00001628 introduction to our giveaway that we're doing with Simon & Schuster we've teamed GoHQ1eXQXB0-00003-00001628-00002022 up with them to bring you eight different books for eight different GoHQ1eXQXB0-00004-00002022-00002552 winners and these books are 101 crash courses in eight different subjects and GoHQ1eXQXB0-00005-00002552-00003026 you can see all the subjects down below in our description so the way that you GoHQ1eXQXB0-00006-00003026-00003548 can win this giveaway is by answering the question in the comments on our GoHQ1eXQXB0-00007-00003548-00003905 YouTube channel under this video what time would you want to be alive in GoHQ1eXQXB0-00008-00003905-00004478 history and why then you can tweet us you can Facebook us or you can comment GoHQ1eXQXB0-00009-00004478-00004937 on our giveaway Instagram answering the question what is your favorite history GoHQ1eXQXB0-00010-00004937-00005664 fact and just use the hashtag #CXCrashCourse and tag the social media handle GoHQ1eXQXB0-00011-00005664-00006164 @AdamsMedia and by doing that you will be entered to win the giveaway and GoHQ1eXQXB0-00012-00006164-00006690 we will randomly select a winner so the reason that I like these books so much GoHQ1eXQXB0-00013-00006690-00007404 is because it's so much less boring than a 700 page textbook about the same GoHQ1eXQXB0-00014-00007404-00007829 information that you can get in here and they're not that long and they're pretty GoHQ1eXQXB0-00015-00007829-00008354 small but I've been reading the philosophy one because I love philosophy GoHQ1eXQXB0-00016-00008354-00008868 and that is also included in the giveaway a great thing about these books GoHQ1eXQXB0-00017-00008868-00009425 is they really use a storytelling narrative which makes it much easier to GoHQ1eXQXB0-00018-00009425-00009903 remember the information that you're reading so it's super cool so as always GoHQ1eXQXB0-00019-00009903-00010475 you should follow us on all of our social media @CollegeXpress and GoHQ1eXQXB0-00020-00010475-00010865 definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel we hope that you enter our GoHQ1eXQXB0-00021-00010865-00011345 giveaway and good luck if you do we hope you win and we'll see you GoHQ1eXQXB0-00022-00011345-00011677 in our next video. Bye guys! G34PomzIONM-00000-00000071-00000193 AUGUST 30 G34PomzIONM-00001-00000193-00000810 "Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous." G34PomzIONM-00002-00000810-00001191 Hebrews 12:11 G34PomzIONM-00003-00001191-00001780 There is often a severity, a grievousness in the chastisements of our covenant God, G34PomzIONM-00004-00001780-00002397 which it is important and essential for the end for which they were sent, not to overlook. G34PomzIONM-00005-00002397-00002972 He who sent the chastisement appointed its character– He intended that it should be G34PomzIONM-00006-00002972-00003142 felt. G34PomzIONM-00007-00003142-00003771 There is as much danger in underrating as in overrating the chastisements of God. G34PomzIONM-00008-00003771-00004355 It is not uncommon to hear some of God's saints remark, in the very midst of His dealings G34PomzIONM-00009-00004355-00005203 with them, "I feel it to be no cross at all; I do not feel it an affliction; I am not conscious G34PomzIONM-00010-00005203-00005619 of any peculiar burden." G34PomzIONM-00011-00005619-00006216 Is it not painful to hear such expressions from the lips of a dear child of God? G34PomzIONM-00012-00006216-00006897 It betrays a lack, so to speak, of spiritual sensitiveness; a deficiency of that tender, G34PomzIONM-00013-00006897-00007498 acute feeling which ought ever to belong to him who professes to have reposed on Jesus' G34PomzIONM-00014-00007498-00007598 bosom. G34PomzIONM-00015-00007598-00008218 Now we solemnly believe that it is the Lord's holy will that His child should feel the chastisement G34PomzIONM-00016-00008218-00008720 to be grievous; that the smartings of the rod should be felt. G34PomzIONM-00017-00008720-00009593 Moses, Jacob, Job, David, Paul, all were made to exclaim, "The Lord has sorely chastened G34PomzIONM-00018-00009593-00009781 me." G34PomzIONM-00019-00009781-00010349 When it is remembered that our chastisements often grow out of our sin; that to subdue G34PomzIONM-00020-00010349-00011118 some strong indwelling corruption, or to correct for some outward departure, the rod is sent; G34PomzIONM-00021-00011118-00011822 this should ever humble the soul; this should ever cause the rebuke to be rightly viewed; G34PomzIONM-00022-00011822-00012442 that were it not for some strong indwelling corruption, or some step taken in departure G34PomzIONM-00023-00012442-00013088 from God, the affliction would have been withheld; oh how should every stroke of the rod lay G34PomzIONM-00024-00013088-00013366 the soul in the dust before God! G34PomzIONM-00025-00013366-00014133 "If God had not seen sin in my heart, and sin in my outward conduct, He would not have G34PomzIONM-00026-00014133-00014490 dealt thus heavily with me." G34PomzIONM-00027-00014490-00015093 And where the grievousness of the chastisement is not felt, is there not reason to suspect G34PomzIONM-00028-00015093-00015728 that the cause of the chastisement has not been discovered and mourned over? G34PomzIONM-00029-00015728-00016212 There is the consideration, too, that the stroke comes from the Father who loves us; G34PomzIONM-00030-00016212-00016753 loves us so well, that if the chastisement were not needed, there would not be a feather's G34PomzIONM-00031-00016753-00017098 weight laid on the heart of his child. G34PomzIONM-00032-00017098-00017612 Dear to Him as the apple of His eye, would He inflict those strokes, if there were not G34PomzIONM-00033-00017612-00017847 an absolute necessity for them? G34PomzIONM-00034-00017847-00017947 "What! G34PomzIONM-00035-00017947-00018049 Is it the Father who loves me that now afflicts me? G34PomzIONM-00036-00018049-00018354 Does this stroke come from His heart? G34PomzIONM-00037-00018354-00018481 What! G34PomzIONM-00038-00018481-00018920 Does my Father see all this necessity for this grievous chastening? G34PomzIONM-00039-00018920-00019790 Does He discover in me so much evil, so much perverseness, so much that He hates and that G34PomzIONM-00040-00019790-00020270 grieves Him, that this severe discipline is sent?" G34PomzIONM-00041-00020270-00020893 Oh how does this thought, that the chastisement proceeds from the Father who loves him, impart G34PomzIONM-00042-00020893-00021255 a keenness to the stroke! G34PomzIONM-00043-00021255-00021794 And then there is often something in the very nature of the chastisement itself that causes G34PomzIONM-00044-00021794-00022037 its grievousness to be felt. G34PomzIONM-00045-00022037-00022715 The wound may be in the tenderest part; the rebuke may come through some idol of the heart; G34PomzIONM-00046-00022715-00023463 God may convert some of our choicest blessings into sources of the keenest sorrow. G34PomzIONM-00047-00023463-00024065 How often does He, in the wisdom and sovereignty of His dealings, adopt this method! G34PomzIONM-00048-00024065-00024642 Abraham's most valued blessing became the cause of his acutest sorrow. G34PomzIONM-00049-00024642-00024977 The chastisement may come through the beloved Isaac. G34PomzIONM-00050-00024977-00025620 The very mercy we clasp to our warm hearts so fondly may be God's voice to us, speaking G34PomzIONM-00051-00025620-00026006 in the tone of severe yet tender rebuke. G34PomzIONM-00052-00026006-00026970 Samuel, dear to the heart of Eli, was God's solemn voice to His erring yet beloved servant. G34PomzIONM-00053-00026970-00027638 Let no afflicted believer, then, think lightly of his chastisements– it is the Lord's will G34PomzIONM-00054-00027638-00027961 that he should feel them. G34PomzIONM-00055-00027961-00028153 They were sent for this purpose. G34PomzIONM-00056-00028153-00028862 If I did not feel the cross, if I was not conscious of the burden, if the wound were G34PomzIONM-00057-00028862-00029650 not painful, I should never take it to the mercy-seat, there to seek all needed grace, G34PomzIONM-00058-00029650-00029988 support, and strength. G34PomzIONM-00059-00029988-00030588 The burden must first be felt, before it is cast upon the Lord; the chastisement must G34PomzIONM-00060-00030588-00031611 be felt to be grievous, before the tenderness and sympathy of Jesus will be sought. G34PomzIONM-00061-00031611-00031906 There is equal danger of overrating our afflictions. G34PomzIONM-00062-00031906-00032609 When they are allowed too deeply to absorb us in grief; when they unfit us for duty; G34PomzIONM-00063-00032609-00033171 keep us from walking in the path God has marked out for us; hold us back from prayer and from G34PomzIONM-00064-00033171-00033887 the means of grace; when they lead us to think harshly and speak severely of God; then we G34PomzIONM-00065-00033887-00034684 overrate God's chastisements, and prevent the good they were so kindly sent to convey. G7mDWawCA_8-00000-00001006-00001352 - I think from our inception, G7mDWawCA_8-00001-00001489-00001718 there's been a mantra, a motto. G7mDWawCA_8-00002-00001718-00001863 I don't think we've keyed it, G7mDWawCA_8-00003-00001863-00002254 but we really, really try to stay true to it G7mDWawCA_8-00004-00002254-00002414 since the beginning. G7mDWawCA_8-00005-00002414-00002624 It's one student at a time. G7mDWawCA_8-00006-00002624-00002836 So, when I think about equity, G7mDWawCA_8-00007-00002836-00003075 it's "How do we recognize, G7mDWawCA_8-00008-00003075-00003335 "truly recognize, every single student?" G7mDWawCA_8-00009-00003439-00003534 And we start there. G7mDWawCA_8-00010-00003622-00003932 How do we see every single student? G7mDWawCA_8-00011-00003932-00004212 How do we know every single student? G7mDWawCA_8-00012-00004212-00004480 But not on a superficial level, you know what I mean? G7mDWawCA_8-00013-00004480-00004753 But truly know our student, their background, G7mDWawCA_8-00014-00004753-00005097 their family, their interests, their aspirations, G7mDWawCA_8-00015-00005097-00005310 their heartache, their trauma, G7mDWawCA_8-00016-00005310-00005452 all those things. G7mDWawCA_8-00017-00005581-00005738 A lot of us talk about data points. G7mDWawCA_8-00018-00005738-00005920 I mean, there's a lot of jargon, G7mDWawCA_8-00019-00005920-00006238 like data-driven this, data-driven that. G7mDWawCA_8-00020-00006238-00006564 To us, those are the heart and soul of our work, G7mDWawCA_8-00021-00006564-00006725 and those are the data points G7mDWawCA_8-00022-00006725-00006822 that are really important to us. G7mDWawCA_8-00023-00006822-00007014 So, what we think about equity G7mDWawCA_8-00024-00007014-00007434 is a direct alignment to those data points, G7mDWawCA_8-00025-00007434-00007743 because those data points let us know who our students are, G7mDWawCA_8-00026-00007743-00007975 and we can build curriculum around that. G7mDWawCA_8-00027-00007975-00008442 That's how we develop a framework in supporting students G7mDWawCA_8-00028-00008442-00008706 to have equitable learning experiences G7mDWawCA_8-00029-00008706-00008855 based on the student. G7mDWawCA_8-00030-00008855-00009180 So, having this design, this curriculum, G7mDWawCA_8-00031-00009180-00009384 this pattern color, just based on the student. G7mDWawCA_8-00032-00009384-00009618 And it just falls hand in hand with equity, G7mDWawCA_8-00033-00009727-00010084 because it's about every single student. G7mDWawCA_8-00034-00010084-00010358 But I wanna be clear, in addition to that, G7mDWawCA_8-00035-00010358-00010538 that's like holistically, G7mDWawCA_8-00036-00010538-00010861 but it's also, as an organization, G7mDWawCA_8-00037-00010861-00011110 being fully conscious and aware G7mDWawCA_8-00038-00011110-00011528 of the integrated racial oppression G7mDWawCA_8-00039-00011646-00012062 that is alive and thriving in our system. G7mDWawCA_8-00040-00012062-00012562 And seeing how that manifests in our students' lives G7mDWawCA_8-00041-00012633-00012816 and how that impacts them, G7mDWawCA_8-00042-00012816-00013022 and really, really making sure G7mDWawCA_8-00043-00013022-00013262 that we have those courageous conversations G7mDWawCA_8-00044-00013262-00013408 with our young people. G7mDWawCA_8-00045-00013408-00013713 And first, it's having those conversations, G7mDWawCA_8-00046-00013713-00014009 acknowledging that reality with our young people, G7mDWawCA_8-00047-00014009-00014308 and then equipping them with the skills and know-how, G7mDWawCA_8-00048-00014308-00014433 and how to navigate that. G7mDWawCA_8-00049-00014737-00014924 There's a lot of traditional talk about equity G7mDWawCA_8-00050-00014924-00015100 but I want to talk about something that, G7mDWawCA_8-00051-00015100-00015376 when it comes to equity, that we don't get a lot of time G7mDWawCA_8-00052-00015376-00015672 to talk about, but what I think is a keystone, a pillar, G7mDWawCA_8-00053-00015672-00015985 to big picture learning is social capital. G7mDWawCA_8-00054-00016185-00016444 That is an equity issue for our young people. G7mDWawCA_8-00055-00016444-00016535 Why? G7mDWawCA_8-00056-00016535-00016918 Because we honor and acknowledge our current families G7mDWawCA_8-00057-00016918-00017197 in our communities and their network, G7mDWawCA_8-00058-00017197-00017483 which is beautiful because there is a lot of beauty G7mDWawCA_8-00059-00017483-00017852 in our community, as far as we help raise our young people, G7mDWawCA_8-00060-00017961-00018166 but depending in our neighborhood, G7mDWawCA_8-00061-00018166-00018470 the social capital for opening up other doors G7mDWawCA_8-00062-00018470-00018788 connected to its said future, are very limited. G7mDWawCA_8-00063-00018788-00018988 And our internship program does exactly that. G7mDWawCA_8-00064-00018988-00019266 Why? Because they are now exposed G7mDWawCA_8-00065-00019266-00019589 to other professionals in certain industries G7mDWawCA_8-00066-00019589-00019875 that really link them up with other folks G7mDWawCA_8-00067-00019875-00019974 that open up more doors. G7mDWawCA_8-00068-00019974-00020294 I can't even tell you how many mentors G7mDWawCA_8-00069-00020294-00020559 have hired our young people G7mDWawCA_8-00070-00020559-00020741 and have been the first job G7mDWawCA_8-00071-00020741-00020959 for so many of our younger people, G7mDWawCA_8-00072-00020959-00021282 how many of our mentors write recommendation letters G7mDWawCA_8-00073-00021282-00021524 for our students to get into colleges, G7mDWawCA_8-00074-00021728-00021947 directly align and guide our students G7mDWawCA_8-00075-00021947-00022117 into CTE pathways. G7mDWawCA_8-00076-00022117-00022258 When we think about equity, G7mDWawCA_8-00077-00022360-00022691 the social capital of young people is an equitable G7mDWawCA_8-00078-00022691-00022890 issue of our time for our young people, G7mDWawCA_8-00079-00022890-00023340 and then giving them a direct line into knowing more people G7mDWawCA_8-00080-00023340-00023485 who can open up more doors, G7mDWawCA_8-00081-00023485-00023696 that's directly aligned to their future, G7mDWawCA_8-00082-00023786-00023948 is an equity issue as well. G7mDWawCA_8-00083-00023948-00024163 And that's what we're doing day in and day out G7mDWawCA_8-00084-00024163-00024360 with our internship program. G7mDWawCA_8-00085-00024566-00024806 - The only way to keep equity at the center of the work G7mDWawCA_8-00086-00024806-00025017 is constantly to be talking about it, G7mDWawCA_8-00087-00025017-00025396 is to not be scared to always be engaging G7mDWawCA_8-00088-00025396-00025546 in that conversation. G7mDWawCA_8-00089-00025546-00025745 To build the kind of relationship through teachers, G7mDWawCA_8-00090-00025745-00025991 where you can call out things that you see, right? G7mDWawCA_8-00091-00025991-00026186 Being able to say to a teacher, G7mDWawCA_8-00092-00026186-00026360 "You know, I notice a pattern in the students G7mDWawCA_8-00093-00026360-00026496 "you seem to be butting heads with. G7mDWawCA_8-00094-00026496-00026694 "Can we talk a little bit about that?" G7mDWawCA_8-00095-00026694-00026969 And to feel a sense of safety with the adults G7mDWawCA_8-00096-00026969-00027135 that they know that it's not an attack. G7mDWawCA_8-00097-00027135-00027480 It's really about learning and growing, and being better. G7mDWawCA_8-00098-00027480-00027568 Talking about it in that way, G7mDWawCA_8-00099-00027568-00027807 talking about it in staff meetings, G7mDWawCA_8-00100-00027807-00028038 overtly naming it as a goal G7mDWawCA_8-00101-00028038-00028208 and as something that's important, G7mDWawCA_8-00102-00028295-00028608 that can be a minefield in and of itself, G7mDWawCA_8-00103-00028608-00028739 looking to hire this year G7mDWawCA_8-00104-00028739-00028975 and trying to make sure that we are truly representative G7mDWawCA_8-00105-00028975-00029258 for all students, trying to deliver that. G7mDWawCA_8-00106-00029258-00029467 So, I'd say number one, you can't be scared G7mDWawCA_8-00107-00029467-00029597 to talk about it, to bring it up, G7mDWawCA_8-00108-00029597-00029781 to drive your car right at it, G7mDWawCA_8-00109-00029877-00029988 and that's hard. G7mDWawCA_8-00110-00029988-00030376 I think the second way is true authorization G7mDWawCA_8-00111-00030376-00030814 of student voice, because the students get it, G7mDWawCA_8-00112-00030814-00030993 they have a whole different perspective G7mDWawCA_8-00113-00030993-00031115 and a way that they attack that G7mDWawCA_8-00114-00031115-00031277 that's so different than we do G7mDWawCA_8-00115-00031277-00031505 because of generational shift, time that's gone on, G7mDWawCA_8-00116-00031505-00031717 the reality of their experience. G7mDWawCA_8-00117-00031717-00032052 So, I also think one huge way that equity has to exist G7mDWawCA_8-00118-00032052-00032335 is through true authorization of student voice, G7mDWawCA_8-00119-00032335-00032591 like, true authorization. G7mDWawCA_8-00120-00032591-00032702 I go to lots of high schools, G7mDWawCA_8-00121-00032702-00032821 or I've been to lots of high schools G7mDWawCA_8-00122-00032821-00033067 where they're like, "Oh yeah, we have an ASB." G7mDWawCA_8-00123-00033067-00033298 Eh, that's not what I mean, right? G7mDWawCA_8-00124-00033298-00033564 I'm glad that the kids put up those posters, G7mDWawCA_8-00125-00033564-00033840 and that they're in charge of the pep rally. G7mDWawCA_8-00126-00033840-00034222 That's all great, but did they choose to do this pep rally, G7mDWawCA_8-00127-00034222-00034410 and what is this event for, G7mDWawCA_8-00128-00034410-00034607 and how did they design it, G7mDWawCA_8-00129-00034607-00034815 and do they see value in it? G7mDWawCA_8-00130-00034815-00035051 And it's okay if the value's purely cultural and fun. G7mDWawCA_8-00131-00035051-00035177 That's important too, G7mDWawCA_8-00132-00035177-00035410 but student voice has to be true and real, G7mDWawCA_8-00133-00035410-00035503 and to be true and real, G7mDWawCA_8-00134-00035503-00035662 they have to be designing, be thinking, G7mDWawCA_8-00135-00035662-00035860 be implementing, be redesigning. G7mDWawCA_8-00136-00035860-00036136 And that's hard, sometimes, in the world of education G7mDWawCA_8-00137-00036136-00036343 where, "No, no, no, that's not how we've done it," right? G7mDWawCA_8-00138-00036343-00036427 "We've been doing it this way G7mDWawCA_8-00139-00036427-00036589 "since I was in school and it works." G7mDWawCA_8-00140-00036589-00036896 Well, it worked for you and that's good, G7mDWawCA_8-00141-00036896-00037094 but maybe it won't work for everybody. G7mDWawCA_8-00142-00037094-00037472 So, true student-driven, true student voice. G7IA5CvSNmA-00000-00001400-00001800 Vignale, September 2011 G7IA5CvSNmA-00001-00003404-00003800 Uff, this orange layer is never-ending G7IA5CvSNmA-00002-00003908-00004403 Video note, 23th September, end of the first week of excavation in Area 2 G7IA5CvSNmA-00003-00004500-00005200 Finally, we can say we have finished to dig the orange layer G7IA5CvSNmA-00004-00005800-00006208 No, orange again!! What a stress! G7IA5CvSNmA-00005-00006403-00006800 We can try to put all the hints together and to see what we can understand G7IA5CvSNmA-00006-00006800-00007250 If a were a man who lives here in the 5th century AD G7IA5CvSNmA-00007-00007250-00007750 and I had a floor in bad conditions inside a ruined building G7IA5CvSNmA-00008-00007800-00008100 what could I do? I would take some good clay, I don't know where G7IA5CvSNmA-00009-00008200-00009100 I put it here and I would make a new good floor G7IA5CvSNmA-00010-00009200-00009900 With the same clay I used for the floor, G7IA5CvSNmA-00011-00009950-00010905 I could build the walls and have a small house G7IA5CvSNmA-00012-00011400-00011908 In these last days we're thinking about the clay-building identified by Professor: G7IA5CvSNmA-00013-00011909-00012600 it could be a stable. The dark layers we have dug can suggest this purpose G7IA5CvSNmA-00014-00012604-00013008 The basin could be a water reservoir G7IA5CvSNmA-00015-00013100-00013605 and the roof as shelter for the animals that would be feed in the stable G7IA5CvSNmA-00016-00014500-00015003 Around 480 AD, the mansio of Vignale was in bad conditions G7IA5CvSNmA-00017-00015109-00015505 It was subject to several calamities, barbarians and earthquakes G7IA5CvSNmA-00018-00015508-00016200 and if it wanted to continue being a popular mansio, it had to be renewed G7IA5CvSNmA-00019-00016607-00017102 For this reason, important decisions had to be taken quickly G7IA5CvSNmA-00020-00017200-00017703 or the name of Vignale would be soon erased from the few safe routes of the period G7IA5CvSNmA-00021-00018003-00018503 It's always the same story, they want to go the whole hog G7IA5CvSNmA-00022-00018503-00018709 They don't understand we don't have time G7IA5CvSNmA-00023-00018800-00019300 We have to rebuilt what we have! We can't still wait! G7IA5CvSNmA-00024-00019400-00019705 You know how are our husbands: they are never satisfied G7IA5CvSNmA-00025-00019705-00019909 but we can't daydream in this age G7IA5CvSNmA-00026-00020003-00020200 I agree with you, it's all destroyed G7IA5CvSNmA-00027-00020201-00020600 we have only some walls, the ones that were built better G7IA5CvSNmA-00028-00020700-00021109 We have to use that, and we can take just used bricks for new walls G7IA5CvSNmA-00029-00021200-00021600 We don't have time to build another mansio. We can't manage to do it! G7IA5CvSNmA-00030-00021600-00022108 I agree with you Zenobia. The important thing now is to survive G7IA5CvSNmA-00031-00022108-00022305 even if in a different way than before G7IA5CvSNmA-00032-00022305-00022803 Then, we need only a dry place where to host the travellers G7IA5CvSNmA-00033-00022803-00023100 a stable for the horses and some accomodations G7IA5CvSNmA-00034-00023200-00023501 If these are our goals, we can take advantage of what is left G7IA5CvSNmA-00035-00023600-00023905 The yard is in good condition. It's dry. G7IA5CvSNmA-00036-00023907-00024300 About the stable, we can rebuild it there, close to the old basin G7IA5CvSNmA-00037-00024400-00024900 The water won't be so clean, but it's good for the animals. G7IA5CvSNmA-00038-00024900-00025002 For the accomodation... G7IA5CvSNmA-00039-00025101-00025600 For the accomodation we will see. At worst the travellers will stay with the animals G7IA5CvSNmA-00040-00025600-00026005 or we can host the travellers in our homes. Usually the travellers are intriguing men G7IA5CvSNmA-00041-00026100-00026501 Eheh, but now we have to go into action G7IA5CvSNmA-00042-00026502-00027000 It is said that Isidorus' orange soil is the best one for building a wall G7IA5CvSNmA-00043-00027108-00027500 and if we order that soil for rebuild the stable? G7IA5CvSNmA-00044-00027502-00028006 His wife told me they did a large business because G7IA5CvSNmA-00045-00028006-00028500 his soil is very good. I think Isidorus is the right person to get in touch with G7IA5CvSNmA-00046-00028603-00029000 Of course, dear Domitilla, but remember, we have to persuade our men before G7IA5CvSNmA-00047-00029100-00029205 most of all, your man, the praepositus G7IA5CvSNmA-00048-00029302-00029502 but I don't think this is a problem G7IA5CvSNmA-00049-00029502-00029902 Domitilla surely will find the right way for making herself heard G7IA5CvSNmA-00050-00029908-00030507 You're right Zenobia! But go now, there is a mansio to rebuild G7IA5CvSNmA-00051-00032708-00032907 In excavation area 14 we found some graves G7IA5CvSNmA-00052-00032959-00033107 and we excavated one in its entirety G7IA5CvSNmA-00053-00033200-00033487 What is it? What it looks like? How is it related to other things? G7IA5CvSNmA-00054-00033600-00033887 The mandible still brings four teeth G7IA5CvSNmA-00055-00033900-00034387 and from the molar, which is the best preserved G7IA5CvSNmA-00056-00034400-00034987 we can infer the age at death: G7IA5CvSNmA-00057-00035000-00035787 it's in good shape, so she should have been between 25 and 34 years old. G7IA5CvSNmA-00058-00035800-00036387 A few questions: what is it made from? Debris is made of rooftiles, stones, mortar ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00059-00036400-00037087 Looking at the pelvis bone, and particularly at these two spots here, called "obturator foramen" G7IA5CvSNmA-00060-00037100-00037987 we can see these are the remains of a female body G7IA5CvSNmA-00061-00038500-00039087 Furthermore, the tibia bone has a small fracture G7IA5CvSNmA-00062-00039100-00039487 possibly caused by a serious injury G7IA5CvSNmA-00063-00039500-00039987 This is without any doubt a Late Antique, Christian grave. G7IA5CvSNmA-00064-00040000-00040317 And it may be she was not of poor condition. G7IA5CvSNmA-00065-00040350-00040687 Even though they insist on not finding anything other than bones ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00066-00040700-00040987 We are trying to get a picture of what exactly? G7IA5CvSNmA-00067-00041050-00041687 The mansio in 480 AD, that is, after the great collapse of the Empire ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00068-00041700-00041987 ... what was left? G7IA5CvSNmA-00069-00042000-00042687 We are trying to see where people lived, among the ruins that were still standing, G7IA5CvSNmA-00070-00042700-00043050 and the spaces where people lived. G7IA5CvSNmA-00071-00046800-00047087 Hail to you. Isidorus thanks you for your products, but ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00072-00047100-00047217 .. how can I say? G7IA5CvSNmA-00073-00047300-00047487 We two are way much too exploited. We need more in exchange from you.. G7IA5CvSNmA-00074-00047500-00047687 .. like gold, or coins. G7IA5CvSNmA-00075-00047800-00047987 I'm sorry, but this is not what we agreed, G7IA5CvSNmA-00076-00048000-00048237 and we are not so wealthy ourselves. G7IA5CvSNmA-00077-00048500-00049037 Sure, you're not wealthy .. but you must have some saving for us! G7IA5CvSNmA-00078-00049100-00049437 Hey! Stop it now! Let my wife go, if you don't want to get in trouble.. G7IA5CvSNmA-00079-00049500-00049637 Ah ah ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00080-00049650-00049797 It's your wife who's in trouble now. G7IA5CvSNmA-00081-00049840-00049902 This is what YOU think! G7IA5CvSNmA-00082-00051800-00052137 When the sadness for the loss of Domitilla was over, G7IA5CvSNmA-00083-00052200-00052566 the men and women convened, to take a decision. G7IA5CvSNmA-00084-00052700-00053287 My dear praepositus, don't get me wrong, but we need to bury our beloved Domitilla. G7IA5CvSNmA-00085-00053350-00053737 I think we should bury her among the ruins of the old portico. G7IA5CvSNmA-00086-00053800-00053997 I think it will make a great place to rest, for a great woman like her. G7IA5CvSNmA-00087-00054110-00054237 You are always so kind, my dear Zenobia, G7IA5CvSNmA-00088-00054350-00054837 and you are right: now we just need to bury my beloved wife. G7IA5CvSNmA-00089-00054950-00055337 The old portico looks like the best place for a burial like this: G7IA5CvSNmA-00090-00055450-00055737 We will take slabstones and build a new tomb, G7IA5CvSNmA-00091-00055770-00055937 one that will be outstanding among the others. G7IA5CvSNmA-00092-00056350-00056637 The only good news is that the two rascals left here the soil, G7IA5CvSNmA-00093-00056700-00056887 so we can go on with our building plans for a new stable. G7IA5CvSNmA-00094-00056950-00057137 Cold comfort, my dear Sulpicius.. G7IA5CvSNmA-00095-00057200-00057537 but you are right, we need to build that stable. G7IA5CvSNmA-00096-00057610-00058037 Don't despair. We will go on, somehow. G7IA5CvSNmA-00097-00058250-00058437 And somehow, they survived. G7IA5CvSNmA-00098-00060250-00060337 Stefano ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00099-00060400-00060797 ... in the end these graves were not positioned randomly. G7IA5CvSNmA-00100-00060550-00061357 Well, not at all. I think they have a very precise pattern, G7IA5CvSNmA-00101-00061350-00061537 and Mirko worked on this for a while, isn't it? G7IA5CvSNmA-00102-00061600-00062037 Yes, and it's also a bit strange that they removed the slabs to build them... G7IA5CvSNmA-00103-00062050-00063037 And they even dismantled this wall to build a pavement for the entrance. G7IA5CvSNmA-00104-00063200-00063537 And the graves are all built in the same direction, that is East-looking G7IA5CvSNmA-00105-00063600-00063737 like if they follow some other building. G7IA5CvSNmA-00106-00063800-00063937 Yes, indeed. G7IA5CvSNmA-00107-00063950-00064737 We can say that they reuse the space of what once was the portico, G7IA5CvSNmA-00108-00064750-00064887 But ... G7IA5CvSNmA-00109-00064900-00065337 There must be something G7IA5CvSNmA-00110-00065350-00065787 that attracts all these burials in that direction. G7IA5CvSNmA-00111-00065800-00066137 And it also shows some continuity in life here. G7IA5CvSNmA-00112-00066150-00067037 Yes, in front of us is the area of the dead, but people lived there behind. G7IA5CvSNmA-00113-00067250-00067397 But, to me G7IA5CvSNmA-00114-00067400-00067547 it looks like in front of us G7IA5CvSNmA-00115-00067570-00067737 there is something different: G7IA5CvSNmA-00116-00067800-00067947 lots of burials make me think G7IA5CvSNmA-00117-00067990-00068137 of a cemetery area, or G7IA5CvSNmA-00118-00068200-00068437 a church, why not? G7IA5CvSNmA-00119-00068570-00068887 Go figure! We eventually found the plebs of San Vito in Cornino! G7IA5CvSNmA-00120-00073408-00073800 Hey Marta, you can smile, today is the last day G7IA5CvSNmA-00121-00073904-00074400 Yes, it's the last day but all these days of excavaction have been so amazing G7IA5CvSNmA-00122-00074500-00074900 in particular the first days, when the orange it seemed to be never-ending G7IA5CvSNmA-00123-00074900-00075600 Finally, I think we can be sure that the Area 2 was a stable G7IA5CvSNmA-00124-00075700-00076002 Uhm... all those coins found in a stable it's quite weird G7IA5CvSNmA-00125-00076007-00076307 Yes, why all those coins in a stable? G7IA5CvSNmA-00126-00076308-00076700 And we found also a pawn. Games, coins, it doesn't seem to be a stable G7IA5CvSNmA-00127-00076750-00077050 It seems to be a brothel. G7IA5CvSNmA-00128-00077100-00077900 A brothel?! Ok, I have to admit that the coins and a pawn are weird in a stable G7IA5CvSNmA-00129-00077900-00078100 but they could be finds out of their context G7IA5CvSNmA-00130-00078105-00078905 or probably stables in late antiquity were places of passage G7IA5CvSNmA-00131-00078906-00079409 People could also sleep there, mansiones weren't in good conditions G7IA5CvSNmA-00132-00079501-00079702 It could be that anyone lose coins inside a stable G7IA5CvSNmA-00133-00079709-00079809 Look! A sherd-link! G7IA5CvSNmA-00134-00080100-00080908 Ok, maybe the next year excavation season will give us more info about this Area GrIKBchEREg-00000-00000091-00000721 Meditation is widely practiced today by people from all walks of life and from various backgrounds. GrIKBchEREg-00001-00000721-00001279 The fact is, while meditative practices have gone into mainstream, what many don't discuss GrIKBchEREg-00002-00001279-00001907 are the origins of meditation, what it's purpose is and principles to ensure meditative practices GrIKBchEREg-00003-00001907-00002257 are done correctly with the greatest benefits. GrIKBchEREg-00004-00002257-00002821 Therefore, in this video, I aim to help you understand what meditation is and the principles GrIKBchEREg-00005-00002821-00003342 of meditation that help explain it's origins in the Hindu religion and the reason it's GrIKBchEREg-00006-00003342-00003555 so highly valued in today's world... GrIKBchEREg-00007-00003555-00003849 1. GrIKBchEREg-00008-00003849-00004296 First Known Evidence - The first known practices of Meditation GrIKBchEREg-00009-00004296-00005055 were documented in India approximately 5,000 to 3,500 BCE, showing people seated in meditative GrIKBchEREg-00010-00005055-00005572 postures with half-closed eyes, with the first written evidence of any form of meditation GrIKBchEREg-00011-00005572-00006404 was first seen in the Vedas around 1500 BCE - In India, the tradition of the teacher and GrIKBchEREg-00012-00006404-00006973 disciple has been around for millenia, where students would be sent to Gurukuls, or schools, GrIKBchEREg-00013-00006973-00007296 mostly in the forests to live and learn under a learned teacher GrIKBchEREg-00014-00007296-00008003 - In this time and for centuries, possibly even millenia before, all learning and knowledge GrIKBchEREg-00015-00008003-00008590 was passed on by word of mouth, rather than through written text, so the practice of meditation GrIKBchEREg-00016-00008590-00009179 is likely to be significantly older than docuemented - Almost all the Hindu religious books talk GrIKBchEREg-00017-00009179-00009740 of meditation in some form or the other and meditation was an integral part of the knowledge GrIKBchEREg-00018-00009740-00009977 that the Gurus were teaching their students GrIKBchEREg-00019-00009977-00010267 2. GrIKBchEREg-00020-00010267-00010882 Why People Meditated - Often referred to as Dhyana in Hinduism, GrIKBchEREg-00021-00010882-00011346 meditation has often been taken up in Yoga exercises, with the aim to attain self knowledge GrIKBchEREg-00022-00011346-00011734 and samadhi - Samadhi is described as the perfect union GrIKBchEREg-00023-00011734-00012424 of the individualised soul with infinite spirit, being a state of oneness and complete absorption GrIKBchEREg-00024-00012424-00013078 achieved through practicing meditation - In Hinduism, meditation is a part of a self-directed GrIKBchEREg-00025-00013078-00013772 awareness and unifying Yoga process by which the yogi realizes Self, or their Atman or GrIKBchEREg-00026-00013772-00014356 Soul, and it's relationship with other living beings, and Ultimate Reality, often understood GrIKBchEREg-00027-00014356-00014990 as energy or the divine in modern contexts - The ultimate goal through this practice GrIKBchEREg-00028-00014990-00015533 is to reach a state of enlightenment in life, or a full comprehension of a situation, in GrIKBchEREg-00029-00015533-00015893 the same way the Buddha taught to seek enlightenment through meditation GrIKBchEREg-00030-00015893-00016122 3. GrIKBchEREg-00031-00016122-00016559 Moksha - By understanding the principle and traditional GrIKBchEREg-00032-00016559-00017199 purpose of meditative practices, we move what this ultimately means in the context of traditional GrIKBchEREg-00033-00017199-00017565 practices, which in Hinduism is to seek Moksha, or liberation GrIKBchEREg-00034-00017565-00018251 - In the case of Hinduism, Moksha refers to freedom from samsara, which is the cycle of GrIKBchEREg-00035-00018251-00018966 death and rebirth, which the Atman, or our soul, follows as time passes, taking various GrIKBchEREg-00036-00018966-00019442 forms in different lives - While there's various schools of thought GrIKBchEREg-00037-00019442-00019979 on precisely how Moksha is attained, in effect the principle idea is to seek liberation from GrIKBchEREg-00038-00019979-00020782 samsara and become one with Brahman, or God - With this goal in mind, meditative practices GrIKBchEREg-00039-00020782-00021320 in Hinduism are synonymous with the spiritual teachings of the religion and form a fundamental GrIKBchEREg-00040-00021320-00021498 part of life for Hindus GrIKBchEREg-00041-00021498-00021662 4. GrIKBchEREg-00042-00021662-00022353 Other Forms Of Meditation - Today Meditation is used in many practices, GrIKBchEREg-00043-00022353-00022876 both religious and practical, with famous examples such as Zen Meditation in Buddhism GrIKBchEREg-00044-00022876-00023340 and Mindfulness Meditation - While initially this might appear confusing GrIKBchEREg-00045-00023340-00023881 to someone beginning out, in essence the practice and the various forms it take always have GrIKBchEREg-00046-00023881-00024340 related central tenets - This is that meditative practices are about GrIKBchEREg-00047-00024340-00024905 focusing within and on the self, achieving a state of calm and fundamentally seeking GrIKBchEREg-00048-00024905-00025501 self knowledge and realisation - Therefore, if you practice one form of meditation GrIKBchEREg-00049-00025501-00026026 as opposed to another, that's perfectly fine, as we're all unique and therefore one form GrIKBchEREg-00050-00026026-00026220 might work better for us than another GrIKBchEREg-00051-00026220-00026455 5. GrIKBchEREg-00052-00026455-00026929 Should You Meditate - The fact is whether you meditate or not GrIKBchEREg-00053-00026929-00027426 is totally up to you, as what works for one may not work for another and therefore they GrIKBchEREg-00054-00027426-00027670 may find greater benefits from doing something else GrIKBchEREg-00055-00027670-00028176 - For example, we've discussed many of the core principles as to why Hindus meditate GrIKBchEREg-00056-00028176-00028792 in this video, but at the same time Hinduism doesn't limit achieving Moksha to having to GrIKBchEREg-00057-00028792-00029298 practice meditation - That said, meditation has many known benefits GrIKBchEREg-00058-00029298-00029860 for mental health and its impact on the biology of the brain, meaning even if you only practice GrIKBchEREg-00059-00029860-00030286 meditation at a basic level, it can still have benefits to you GrIKBchEREg-00060-00030286-00030864 - If you think this is of interest and would be interested in more topics around meditation, GrIKBchEREg-00061-00030864-00031336 Hinduism or other concepts like this, then let me know with a thumbs up for this video GrIKBchEREg-00062-00031336-00031627 and in the comments GrIKBchEREg-00063-00031627-00031856 Did you know of the origins of meditation? GrIKBchEREg-00064-00031856-00032086 Let me know in the comments section below. GrIKBchEREg-00065-00032086-00032544 I've also done other videos on meditation before and if it's of interest, then I suggest GrIKBchEREg-00066-00032544-00032649 checking them out. GrIKBchEREg-00067-00032649-00032975 I will link them down in the description below. GrIKBchEREg-00068-00032975-00033320 Please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your terms. GrIKBchEREg-00069-00033320-00033775 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. GrIKBchEREg-00070-00033775-00033863 Thanks for watching GsnsLGGyqOQ-00000-00000112-00000708 And in the 7.8 layer, we represent the score that this portfolio has GsnsLGGyqOQ-00001-00000754-00001480 That is, your goal, your assets, GsnsLGGyqOQ-00002-00001528-00001828 will be represented in this layer GsnsLGGyqOQ-00003-00001934-00002476 Your status in relation to this equity, how much you’ve got until there GsnsLGGyqOQ-00004-00002476-00002676 what's your goal and how much you got, GsnsLGGyqOQ-00005-00002798-00003592 and also numbers other types of applications that may not be monetary, GsnsLGGyqOQ-00006-00003592-00004426 but have some kind of ability to turn sales, to become money GsnsLGGyqOQ-00007-00004504-00005214 That is, an internet channel where you have a very large number of views, GsnsLGGyqOQ-00008-00005214-00006086 it can be a sales funnel from which you can convert some of these views into real results. GsnsLGGyqOQ-00009-00006202-00006970 Then all those projects in which the numbers exceed 1 million, 7 digits, GsnsLGGyqOQ-00010-00007072-00007486 can be represented, can be computed and counted in this house GsnsLGGyqOQ-00011-00007514-00007750 the house 7.8. GueEMnNS_BI-00000-00000800-00001288 In this lesson, we take a brief look at network access control GueEMnNS_BI-00001-00001288-00001839 or knack you can download the script for this video from above or at the end of the video. GueEMnNS_BI-00002-00002176-00002880 Network access control is a combination of protocols and safeguards that ensure that only GueEMnNS_BI-00003-00002880-00003472 policy-compliant devices connect to an organization's network and to what those GueEMnNS_BI-00004-00003472-00004128 devices can connect. Some NAC solutions also frequently check to ensure a connected device GueEMnNS_BI-00005-00004128-00004792 continues to comply. Many NAC solutions exist, and some organizations might use a GueEMnNS_BI-00006-00004792-00005408 collection of solutions to enforce device policy. Because there are various ways to approach NAC, GueEMnNS_BI-00007-00005464-00006120 I address policy enforcement at a high level, providing guidance for achieving knack objectives. GueEMnNS_BI-00008-00006488-00007112 NAC usually attempts to address a basic set of objectives. Zero-day attacks are a continuous GueEMnNS_BI-00009-00007112-00007640 challenge for organizations NAC can help by enforcing zero-trust access. GueEMnNS_BI-00010-00007744-00008064 Access control goes beyond authentication of the user. GueEMnNS_BI-00011-00008144-00008744 User identity management is paired with device scanning. Device scanning ensures that all GueEMnNS_BI-00012-00008744-00009616 devices connecting to sensitive resources meet a required policy baseline. Zero-trust networking, GueEMnNS_BI-00013-00009616-00010200 as described in detail at the link above, is supported with multi-factor authentication GueEMnNS_BI-00014-00010256-00010992 and device evaluation to strongly control what each connected device can see or access. GueEMnNS_BI-00015-00011320-00011800 Let's take a high-level look at how NAC works. When a device attempts to connect, GueEMnNS_BI-00016-00011856-00012624 it is assessed by a NAC service to ensure it meets policies in the network access control database. GueEMnNS_BI-00017-00012704-00013328 This assessment is done in one of two ways: pre-admission and post-admission GueEMnNS_BI-00018-00013544-00014160 In pre-admission, an endpoint is assessed to ensure it meets policy compliance before GueEMnNS_BI-00019-00014160-00014752 it is allowed to connect. If the endpoint fails to comply with one or more policies, GueEMnNS_BI-00020-00014752-00015391 it is either denied access or is sent to a quarantine network segment. This is known GueEMnNS_BI-00021-00015391-00016016 as pre-admission assessment. The quarantine segment might contain servers that allow a GueEMnNS_BI-00022-00016016-00016616 user to install an approved anti-malware application firewall or current patches. GueEMnNS_BI-00023-00016728-00017208 This is an example of what is called a capture portal. A capture portal sends GueEMnNS_BI-00024-00017208-00017848 a user to a quarantined service that allows the user to bring her device into policy compliance. GueEMnNS_BI-00025-00017944-00018720 Once an endpoint completes remediation steps, it must once again attempt to pass NAC assignment. GueEMnNS_BI-00026-00019080-00019800 Endpoint scanning is done in two ways. In the first approach, a NAC software agent is installed GueEMnNS_BI-00027-00019800-00020448 on each endpoint. This agent continuously collects information that relates to policy enforcement, GueEMnNS_BI-00028-00020512-00020872 including patch levels installed, applications GueEMnNS_BI-00029-00020928-00021512 approved, firewall presence and operation, and approved anti-malware presence and operation. GueEMnNS_BI-00030-00021640-00022240 Agents make it easy to check device status periodically, especially when attempting to gain GueEMnNS_BI-00031-00022240-00022960 access to classified data and highly categorized resources. This policy compliance review for GueEMnNS_BI-00032-00022960-00023600 already connected endpoints is known as post-admission analysis. We've already GueEMnNS_BI-00033-00023600-00024336 looked at pre-admission analysis in the previous slide. A second way to scan endpoints is via a GueEMnNS_BI-00034-00024336-00025384 browser application browser applications do not require installation and management of agents. GueEMnNS_BI-00035-00025440-00026224 NAC appliances can be placed inline or out of band. Out-of-band devices separate analysis and GueEMnNS_BI-00036-00026224-00026968 enforcement across multiple appliances managed by a centralized console. This approach allows GueEMnNS_BI-00037-00026968-00027583 an organization to use already installed network devices like switches and firewalls to enforce GueEMnNS_BI-00038-00027583-00028280 policies. Inline devices force all traffic to flow through them instead of simply augmenting GueEMnNS_BI-00039-00028280-00029112 existing infrastructure. They usually sit above the access switch level. According to the CISSP GueEMnNS_BI-00040-00029112-00029920 CBK, some contend that out-of-band approaches can be disruptive. On the other hand, inline GueEMnNS_BI-00041-00029920-00030552 devices must be matched to anticipated business bandwidth, or they can slow business operation. GueEMnNS_BI-00042-00030800-00031136 That's it for this lesson. If you have questions, please ask. GueEMnNS_BI-00043-00031192-00032160 ...and until next time be careful what you click. GyqOYjGk8KE-00000-00000052-00000440 Dysfunctional family! GyqOYjGk8KE-00001-00000440-00000606 Lionel,Vanessa and me. GyqOYjGk8KE-00002-00000865-00001065 Dysfunctional family GyqOYjGk8KE-00003-00001180-00001380 Having a lodger helps our economy! GyqOYjGk8KE-00004-00001474-00001628 Can't you just phone in sick just today? GyqOYjGk8KE-00005-00001628-00001935 I can't call in sick, I'm not sick! GyqOYjGk8KE-00006-00001935-00002224 I just don't know if I can take a day of homeschooling. GyqOYjGk8KE-00007-00002224-00002402 You'll be fine. GyqOYjGk8KE-00008-00002402-00002531 I'm not a teacher! I'm a seafront officer. GyqOYjGk8KE-00009-00002532-00002736 Just use the carrot and stick technique,I taught you. GyqOYjGk8KE-00010-00002736-00003008 Those carrot and stick techniques don't work! GyqOYjGk8KE-00011-00003008-00003128 Just ask them nicely. GyqOYjGk8KE-00012-00003175-00003375 Let me educate you. GyqOYjGk8KE-00013-00003403-00003603 Let me educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00014-00005269-00005438 Mum has gone and Dad is here. GyqOYjGk8KE-00015-00005438-00005628 Is nine too early to have a beer? GyqOYjGk8KE-00016-00005628-00005880 Homeschooling gives me the fear ,I'll scream! GyqOYjGk8KE-00017-00005983-00006276 When it comes to kids, we have three. GyqOYjGk8KE-00018-00006276-00006430 Two pee standing up a bit like me. GyqOYjGk8KE-00019-00006430-00006700 Some possible signs of OCD,oh dear! GyqOYjGk8KE-00020-00006800-00007000 Let me... GyqOYjGk8KE-00021-00007000-00007400 educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00022-00007400-00007800 Let me... GyqOYjGk8KE-00023-00007913-00008113 educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00024-00008324-00008500 Life's too short for Biff and Chip. GyqOYjGk8KE-00025-00008500-00008692 Don't do that! You'll make it rip! GyqOYjGk8KE-00026-00008692-00008943 "Mum and Dad went to the tip," who cares! GyqOYjGk8KE-00027-00009089-00009268 Don't forget your finger space! GyqOYjGk8KE-00028-00009268-00009457 One letter a page is such a waste! GyqOYjGk8KE-00029-00009457-00009662 "Grapes don't belong in a pencil case!" GyqOYjGk8KE-00030-00009662-00009714 "Don't care!!!" GyqOYjGk8KE-00031-00009775-00009975 So, come on, let me GyqOYjGk8KE-00032-00010133-00010333 educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00033-00010553-00010753 So come on let me.... GyqOYjGk8KE-00034-00010982-00011182 educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00035-00011393-00011600 Break the word in stages. GyqOYjGk8KE-00036-00011600-00011796 We wrote your name. It took us ages! GyqOYjGk8KE-00037-00011796-00012019 Jolly Phonics and verbal phrase. I'm done! GyqOYjGk8KE-00038-00012150-00012350 I'm so tired. I could weep! GyqOYjGk8KE-00039-00012350-00012536 Lets draw pictures of dad asleep? GyqOYjGk8KE-00040-00012536-00012787 There is no P in the word "CRETE" my dear! GyqOYjGk8KE-00041-00012917-00013246 My mind is burned with high frequency words! GyqOYjGk8KE-00042-00013338-00013632 Thanks to Covid parent's roles are blurred! GyqOYjGk8KE-00043-00013632-00013861 You're tired of "Duck-Duck-Goose!" GyqOYjGk8KE-00044-00013861-00013942 and schools your Dad? GyqOYjGk8KE-00045-00013942-00014400 Laughing isn't kind when I say it makes me sad! GyqOYjGk8KE-00046-00014400-00014800 So come on let me, GyqOYjGk8KE-00047-00014890-00015100 educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00048-00015300-00016563 Let me educate you! GyqOYjGk8KE-00049-00016744-00017106 I Know Mum is better! She's spying from work GyqOYjGk8KE-00050-00017106-00017327 and if we don't read this book, GyqOYjGk8KE-00051-00017327-00017535 you know, she'll go berserk! GyqOYjGk8KE-00052-00017587-00017872 A 7th bowl of Shreddies will make you sick! GyqOYjGk8KE-00053-00017872-00018074 You get "Biff,Chip and Kipper" GyqOYjGk8KE-00054-00018074-00018237 we got "Fanny and Dick!" GyqOYjGk8KE-00055-00018600-00019000 Thanks for watching, GyqOYjGk8KE-00056-00019000-00019400 and hopefully putting up with the out of tuneness! GyqOYjGk8KE-00057-00019623-00019842 Thank you so much for watching my video GyqOYjGk8KE-00058-00019842-00019912 all the way through to the end GyqOYjGk8KE-00059-00019912-00020030 I really appreciate it. GyqOYjGk8KE-00060-00020030-00020245 If you want to watch another one, please click here. GyqOYjGk8KE-00061-00020245-00020398 And if you want to help me raise the conversation GyqOYjGk8KE-00062-00020398-00020758 around mental health and subscribe to my channel, GyqOYjGk8KE-00063-00020758-00020982 please click here. GyqOYjGk8KE-00064-00020982-00021043 Take care of yourself. GyqOYjGk8KE-00065-00021137-00021264 Dysfunctional GyqOYjGk8KE-00066-00021264-00021464 family! GzwkqemkDdc-00000-00000010-00000096 WEIMANN. GzwkqemkDdc-00001-00000096-00000103 WEIMANN. GzwkqemkDdc-00002-00000103-00000253 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. GzwkqemkDdc-00003-00000253-00000260 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. GzwkqemkDdc-00004-00000260-00000366 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. A HOUSE FIRE EARLY SUNDAY GzwkqemkDdc-00005-00000366-00000373 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. A HOUSE FIRE EARLY SUNDAY GzwkqemkDdc-00006-00000373-00000537 THANKS FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. A HOUSE FIRE EARLY SUNDAY MORNING IN BRAINERD HAS LEFT TWO GzwkqemkDdc-00007-00000537-00000543 A HOUSE FIRE EARLY SUNDAY MORNING IN BRAINERD HAS LEFT TWO GzwkqemkDdc-00008-00000543-00000667 A HOUSE FIRE EARLY SUNDAY MORNING IN BRAINERD HAS LEFT TWO INJURED AS FAMILY MEMBERS HAD TO GzwkqemkDdc-00009-00000667-00000673 MORNING IN BRAINERD HAS LEFT TWO INJURED AS FAMILY MEMBERS HAD TO GzwkqemkDdc-00010-00000673-00000804 MORNING IN BRAINERD HAS LEFT TWO INJURED AS FAMILY MEMBERS HAD TO JUMP OUT OF A SECOND STORY GzwkqemkDdc-00011-00000804-00000810 INJURED AS FAMILY MEMBERS HAD TO JUMP OUT OF A SECOND STORY GzwkqemkDdc-00012-00000810-00000970 INJURED AS FAMILY MEMBERS HAD TO JUMP OUT OF A SECOND STORY WINDOW TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. GzwkqemkDdc-00013-00000970-00000977 JUMP OUT OF A SECOND STORY WINDOW TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. GzwkqemkDdc-00014-00000977-00001084 JUMP OUT OF A SECOND STORY WINDOW TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE GzwkqemkDdc-00015-00001084-00001091 WINDOW TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE GzwkqemkDdc-00016-00001091-00001297 WINDOW TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. GzwkqemkDdc-00017-00001297-00001304 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. GzwkqemkDdc-00018-00001304-00001481 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. >> JUST SO INTENSE, SO HOT, I GzwkqemkDdc-00019-00001481-00001488 DETAILS. >> JUST SO INTENSE, SO HOT, I GzwkqemkDdc-00020-00001488-00001578 DETAILS. >> JUST SO INTENSE, SO HOT, I (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00021-00001578-00001584 >> JUST SO INTENSE, SO HOT, I (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00022-00001584-00001668 >> JUST SO INTENSE, SO HOT, I (AccuCapNT Trial Version) COULD FEEL IT INSIDE MY HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00023-00001668-00001674 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) COULD FEEL IT INSIDE MY HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00024-00001674-00001808 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) COULD FEEL IT INSIDE MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: NEIGHBORS ON NORTH GzwkqemkDdc-00025-00001808-00001815 COULD FEEL IT INSIDE MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: NEIGHBORS ON NORTH GzwkqemkDdc-00026-00001815-00001978 COULD FEEL IT INSIDE MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: NEIGHBORS ON NORTH 9th STREET IN BRAINERD WOKE UP GzwkqemkDdc-00027-00001978-00001985 >> Reporter: NEIGHBORS ON NORTH 9th STREET IN BRAINERD WOKE UP GzwkqemkDdc-00028-00001985-00002172 >> Reporter: NEIGHBORS ON NORTH 9th STREET IN BRAINERD WOKE UP TO A TERRIFYING SIGHT EARLY GzwkqemkDdc-00029-00002172-00002178 9th STREET IN BRAINERD WOKE UP TO A TERRIFYING SIGHT EARLY GzwkqemkDdc-00030-00002178-00002228 9th STREET IN BRAINERD WOKE UP TO A TERRIFYING SIGHT EARLY SUNDAY MORNING. GzwkqemkDdc-00031-00002228-00002235 TO A TERRIFYING SIGHT EARLY SUNDAY MORNING. GzwkqemkDdc-00032-00002235-00002389 TO A TERRIFYING SIGHT EARLY SUNDAY MORNING. >> FIGURED THE SUN WAS COMING GzwkqemkDdc-00033-00002389-00002395 SUNDAY MORNING. >> FIGURED THE SUN WAS COMING GzwkqemkDdc-00034-00002395-00002439 SUNDAY MORNING. >> FIGURED THE SUN WAS COMING UP. GzwkqemkDdc-00035-00002439-00002445 >> FIGURED THE SUN WAS COMING UP. GzwkqemkDdc-00036-00002445-00002615 >> FIGURED THE SUN WAS COMING UP. THEN I HEARD A COUPLE OF POPPING GzwkqemkDdc-00037-00002615-00002622 UP. THEN I HEARD A COUPLE OF POPPING GzwkqemkDdc-00038-00002622-00002779 UP. THEN I HEARD A COUPLE OF POPPING SOUNDS AND IT WAS LIKE WELL, GzwkqemkDdc-00039-00002779-00002786 THEN I HEARD A COUPLE OF POPPING SOUNDS AND IT WAS LIKE WELL, GzwkqemkDdc-00040-00002786-00002882 THEN I HEARD A COUPLE OF POPPING SOUNDS AND IT WAS LIKE WELL, THAT'S NOT RIGHT. GzwkqemkDdc-00041-00002882-00002889 SOUNDS AND IT WAS LIKE WELL, THAT'S NOT RIGHT. GzwkqemkDdc-00042-00002889-00003039 SOUNDS AND IT WAS LIKE WELL, THAT'S NOT RIGHT. SO I OPENED UP THE WINDOW AND GzwkqemkDdc-00043-00003039-00003046 THAT'S NOT RIGHT. SO I OPENED UP THE WINDOW AND GzwkqemkDdc-00044-00003046-00003209 THAT'S NOT RIGHT. SO I OPENED UP THE WINDOW AND THERE WAS THIS BLAST OF HEAT. GzwkqemkDdc-00045-00003209-00003216 SO I OPENED UP THE WINDOW AND THERE WAS THIS BLAST OF HEAT. GzwkqemkDdc-00046-00003216-00003433 SO I OPENED UP THE WINDOW AND THERE WAS THIS BLAST OF HEAT. >> Reporter: THE HOUSE ON FIRE GzwkqemkDdc-00047-00003433-00003440 THERE WAS THIS BLAST OF HEAT. >> Reporter: THE HOUSE ON FIRE GzwkqemkDdc-00048-00003440-00003546 THERE WAS THIS BLAST OF HEAT. >> Reporter: THE HOUSE ON FIRE JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE GzwkqemkDdc-00049-00003546-00003553 >> Reporter: THE HOUSE ON FIRE JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE GzwkqemkDdc-00050-00003553-00003803 >> Reporter: THE HOUSE ON FIRE JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE NEIGHBORING HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00051-00003803-00003810 JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE NEIGHBORING HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00052-00003810-00003930 JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE NEIGHBORING HOUSE. >> TREES BETWEEN OUR HOUSE WERE GzwkqemkDdc-00053-00003930-00003937 NEIGHBORING HOUSE. >> TREES BETWEEN OUR HOUSE WERE GzwkqemkDdc-00054-00003937-00003997 NEIGHBORING HOUSE. >> TREES BETWEEN OUR HOUSE WERE ON FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00055-00003997-00004003 >> TREES BETWEEN OUR HOUSE WERE ON FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00056-00004003-00004187 >> TREES BETWEEN OUR HOUSE WERE ON FIRE. SO WE GOT THE KIDS AND THE DOGS GzwkqemkDdc-00057-00004187-00004194 ON FIRE. SO WE GOT THE KIDS AND THE DOGS GzwkqemkDdc-00058-00004194-00004347 ON FIRE. SO WE GOT THE KIDS AND THE DOGS AND JUST BOOKED. GzwkqemkDdc-00059-00004347-00004354 SO WE GOT THE KIDS AND THE DOGS AND JUST BOOKED. GzwkqemkDdc-00060-00004354-00004467 SO WE GOT THE KIDS AND THE DOGS AND JUST BOOKED. >> Reporter: WHEN CREWS A GzwkqemkDdc-00061-00004467-00004474 AND JUST BOOKED. >> Reporter: WHEN CREWS A GzwkqemkDdc-00062-00004474-00004537 AND JUST BOOKED. >> Reporter: WHEN CREWS A (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00063-00004537-00004544 >> Reporter: WHEN CREWS A (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00064-00004544-00004617 >> Reporter: WHEN CREWS A (AccuCapNT Trial Version) ARRIVED AT THE SCENE, THE HOUSE GzwkqemkDdc-00065-00004617-00004624 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) ARRIVED AT THE SCENE, THE HOUSE GzwkqemkDdc-00066-00004624-00004868 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) ARRIVED AT THE SCENE, THE HOUSE WAS FULLY INVOLVED IN FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00067-00004868-00004874 ARRIVED AT THE SCENE, THE HOUSE WAS FULLY INVOLVED IN FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00068-00004874-00005045 ARRIVED AT THE SCENE, THE HOUSE WAS FULLY INVOLVED IN FIRE. >> ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WHEN GzwkqemkDdc-00069-00005045-00005051 WAS FULLY INVOLVED IN FIRE. >> ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WHEN GzwkqemkDdc-00070-00005051-00005268 WAS FULLY INVOLVED IN FIRE. >> ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WHEN THEY GOT HERE, THEY STARTED GzwkqemkDdc-00071-00005268-00005275 >> ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WHEN THEY GOT HERE, THEY STARTED GzwkqemkDdc-00072-00005275-00005415 >> ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WHEN THEY GOT HERE, THEY STARTED HOSING OUR ROOF AND STARTED GzwkqemkDdc-00073-00005415-00005422 THEY GOT HERE, THEY STARTED HOSING OUR ROOF AND STARTED GzwkqemkDdc-00074-00005422-00005528 THEY GOT HERE, THEY STARTED HOSING OUR ROOF AND STARTED FIGHTING THE FLAMES AT THE SAME GzwkqemkDdc-00075-00005528-00005535 HOSING OUR ROOF AND STARTED FIGHTING THE FLAMES AT THE SAME GzwkqemkDdc-00076-00005535-00005602 HOSING OUR ROOF AND STARTED FIGHTING THE FLAMES AT THE SAME TIME BASICALLY. GzwkqemkDdc-00077-00005602-00005608 FIGHTING THE FLAMES AT THE SAME TIME BASICALLY. GzwkqemkDdc-00078-00005608-00005762 FIGHTING THE FLAMES AT THE SAME TIME BASICALLY. THEY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB, GzwkqemkDdc-00079-00005762-00005769 TIME BASICALLY. THEY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB, GzwkqemkDdc-00080-00005769-00005912 TIME BASICALLY. THEY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB, THEY SAVED MY HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00081-00005912-00005919 THEY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB, THEY SAVED MY HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00082-00005919-00006032 THEY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB, THEY SAVED MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: SURROUNDING HOUSES GzwkqemkDdc-00083-00006032-00006039 THEY SAVED MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: SURROUNDING HOUSES GzwkqemkDdc-00084-00006039-00006206 THEY SAVED MY HOUSE. >> Reporter: SURROUNDING HOUSES WERE SPARED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE GzwkqemkDdc-00085-00006206-00006212 >> Reporter: SURROUNDING HOUSES WERE SPARED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE GzwkqemkDdc-00086-00006212-00006349 >> Reporter: SURROUNDING HOUSES WERE SPARED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE FOR THE HOUSE ON FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00087-00006349-00006356 WERE SPARED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE FOR THE HOUSE ON FIRE. GzwkqemkDdc-00088-00006356-00006596 WERE SPARED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE FOR THE HOUSE ON FIRE. THE TWO HOMEOWNERS AND THEIR SON GzwkqemkDdc-00089-00006596-00006603 FOR THE HOUSE ON FIRE. THE TWO HOMEOWNERS AND THEIR SON GzwkqemkDdc-00090-00006603-00006773 FOR THE HOUSE ON FIRE. THE TWO HOMEOWNERS AND THEIR SON WERE ALL INSIDE OF THE HOUSE AT GzwkqemkDdc-00091-00006773-00006780 THE TWO HOMEOWNERS AND THEIR SON WERE ALL INSIDE OF THE HOUSE AT GzwkqemkDdc-00092-00006780-00006890 THE TWO HOMEOWNERS AND THEIR SON WERE ALL INSIDE OF THE HOUSE AT THE TIME OF THE FIRE AND IN GzwkqemkDdc-00093-00006890-00006896 WERE ALL INSIDE OF THE HOUSE AT THE TIME OF THE FIRE AND IN GzwkqemkDdc-00094-00006896-00007033 WERE ALL INSIDE OF THE HOUSE AT THE TIME OF THE FIRE AND IN ORDER TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES, THEY GzwkqemkDdc-00095-00007033-00007040 THE TIME OF THE FIRE AND IN ORDER TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES, THEY GzwkqemkDdc-00096-00007040-00007287 THE TIME OF THE FIRE AND IN ORDER TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES, THEY JUMPED OUT OF THIS SECOND STORY GzwkqemkDdc-00097-00007287-00007293 ORDER TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES, THEY JUMPED OUT OF THIS SECOND STORY GzwkqemkDdc-00098-00007293-00007360 ORDER TO ESCAPE THE FLAMES, THEY JUMPED OUT OF THIS SECOND STORY WINDOW. GzwkqemkDdc-00099-00007360-00007367 JUMPED OUT OF THIS SECOND STORY WINDOW. GzwkqemkDdc-00100-00007367-00007597 JUMPED OUT OF THIS SECOND STORY WINDOW. >> THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOWN IN THE GzwkqemkDdc-00101-00007597-00007604 WINDOW. >> THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOWN IN THE GzwkqemkDdc-00102-00007604-00007767 WINDOW. >> THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOWN IN THE CITIES IN THE HOSPITAL. GzwkqemkDdc-00103-00007767-00007774 >> THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOWN IN THE CITIES IN THE HOSPITAL. GzwkqemkDdc-00104-00007774-00007831 >> THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOWN IN THE CITIES IN THE HOSPITAL. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00105-00007831-00007837 CITIES IN THE HOSPITAL. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00106-00007837-00007907 CITIES IN THE HOSPITAL. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) I TALKED TO TANYA BRIEFLY GzwkqemkDdc-00107-00007907-00007914 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) I TALKED TO TANYA BRIEFLY GzwkqemkDdc-00108-00007914-00008088 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) I TALKED TO TANYA BRIEFLY YESTERDAY AND SHE'S STILL PRETTY GzwkqemkDdc-00109-00008088-00008094 I TALKED TO TANYA BRIEFLY YESTERDAY AND SHE'S STILL PRETTY GzwkqemkDdc-00110-00008094-00008368 I TALKED TO TANYA BRIEFLY YESTERDAY AND SHE'S STILL PRETTY SHOOK UP AND HER HUSBAND HAD GzwkqemkDdc-00111-00008368-00008375 YESTERDAY AND SHE'S STILL PRETTY SHOOK UP AND HER HUSBAND HAD GzwkqemkDdc-00112-00008375-00008908 YESTERDAY AND SHE'S STILL PRETTY SHOOK UP AND HER HUSBAND HAD SURGERY AND CAME THROUGH SURGERY GzwkqemkDdc-00113-00008908-00008915 SHOOK UP AND HER HUSBAND HAD SURGERY AND CAME THROUGH SURGERY GzwkqemkDdc-00114-00008915-00009069 SHOOK UP AND HER HUSBAND HAD SURGERY AND CAME THROUGH SURGERY AND THE OTHER IS STILL IN THE GzwkqemkDdc-00115-00009069-00009075 SURGERY AND CAME THROUGH SURGERY AND THE OTHER IS STILL IN THE GzwkqemkDdc-00116-00009075-00009205 SURGERY AND CAME THROUGH SURGERY AND THE OTHER IS STILL IN THE TRAUMA UNIT WITH A BREATHING GzwkqemkDdc-00117-00009205-00009212 AND THE OTHER IS STILL IN THE TRAUMA UNIT WITH A BREATHING GzwkqemkDdc-00118-00009212-00009259 AND THE OTHER IS STILL IN THE TRAUMA UNIT WITH A BREATHING TUBE. GzwkqemkDdc-00119-00009259-00009265 TRAUMA UNIT WITH A BREATHING TUBE. GzwkqemkDdc-00120-00009265-00009439 TRAUMA UNIT WITH A BREATHING TUBE. THAT'S ALL WE KNOW RIGHT NOW. GzwkqemkDdc-00121-00009439-00009446 TUBE. THAT'S ALL WE KNOW RIGHT NOW. GzwkqemkDdc-00122-00009446-00009679 TUBE. THAT'S ALL WE KNOW RIGHT NOW. >> Reporter: AS THE FAMILY GzwkqemkDdc-00123-00009679-00009686 THAT'S ALL WE KNOW RIGHT NOW. >> Reporter: AS THE FAMILY GzwkqemkDdc-00124-00009686-00009996 THAT'S ALL WE KNOW RIGHT NOW. >> Reporter: AS THE FAMILY CONTINUES TO HEAL, THOUGHTS AND GzwkqemkDdc-00125-00009996-00010003 >> Reporter: AS THE FAMILY CONTINUES TO HEAL, THOUGHTS AND GzwkqemkDdc-00126-00010003-00010246 >> Reporter: AS THE FAMILY CONTINUES TO HEAL, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE THROUGHOUT BRAINERD GzwkqemkDdc-00127-00010246-00010253 CONTINUES TO HEAL, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE THROUGHOUT BRAINERD GzwkqemkDdc-00128-00010253-00010617 CONTINUES TO HEAL, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE THROUGHOUT BRAINERD >> OUR NEIGHBORS ARE FANTASTIC GzwkqemkDdc-00129-00010617-00010623 PRAYERS ARE THROUGHOUT BRAINERD >> OUR NEIGHBORS ARE FANTASTIC GzwkqemkDdc-00130-00010623-00010797 PRAYERS ARE THROUGHOUT BRAINERD >> OUR NEIGHBORS ARE FANTASTIC PEOPLE, HELPED US OUT A LOT AND GzwkqemkDdc-00131-00010797-00010804 >> OUR NEIGHBORS ARE FANTASTIC PEOPLE, HELPED US OUT A LOT AND GzwkqemkDdc-00132-00010804-00010974 >> OUR NEIGHBORS ARE FANTASTIC PEOPLE, HELPED US OUT A LOT AND I PRAY THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. GzwkqemkDdc-00133-00010974-00010980 PEOPLE, HELPED US OUT A LOT AND I PRAY THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. GzwkqemkDdc-00134-00010980-00011107 PEOPLE, HELPED US OUT A LOT AND I PRAY THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. >> Reporter: THE BRAINERD FIRE GzwkqemkDdc-00135-00011107-00011114 I PRAY THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. >> Reporter: THE BRAINERD FIRE GzwkqemkDdc-00136-00011114-00011231 I PRAY THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. >> Reporter: THE BRAINERD FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THE FIRE APPEARS GzwkqemkDdc-00137-00011231-00011237 >> Reporter: THE BRAINERD FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THE FIRE APPEARS GzwkqemkDdc-00138-00011237-00011398 >> Reporter: THE BRAINERD FIRE DEPARTMENT SAYS THE FIRE APPEARS TO HAVE STARTED ON THE FRONT GzwkqemkDdc-00139-00011398-00011404 DEPARTMENT SAYS THE FIRE APPEARS TO HAVE STARTED ON THE FRONT GzwkqemkDdc-00140-00011404-00011544 DEPARTMENT SAYS THE FIRE APPEARS TO HAVE STARTED ON THE FRONT PORCH AND QUICKLY SPREAD THROUGH GzwkqemkDdc-00141-00011544-00011551 TO HAVE STARTED ON THE FRONT PORCH AND QUICKLY SPREAD THROUGH GzwkqemkDdc-00142-00011551-00011805 TO HAVE STARTED ON THE FRONT PORCH AND QUICKLY SPREAD THROUGH THE REST OF THE HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00143-00011805-00011811 PORCH AND QUICKLY SPREAD THROUGH THE REST OF THE HOUSE. GzwkqemkDdc-00144-00011811-00011988 PORCH AND QUICKLY SPREAD THROUGH THE REST OF THE HOUSE. >> YEAH, I WAS KIND OF LIKE GzwkqemkDdc-00145-00011988-00011995 THE REST OF THE HOUSE. >> YEAH, I WAS KIND OF LIKE GzwkqemkDdc-00146-00011995-00012052 THE REST OF THE HOUSE. >> YEAH, I WAS KIND OF LIKE (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00147-00012052-00012058 >> YEAH, I WAS KIND OF LIKE (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00148-00012058-00012102 >> YEAH, I WAS KIND OF LIKE (AccuCapNT Trial Version) SCARED AT FIRST. GzwkqemkDdc-00149-00012102-00012108 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) SCARED AT FIRST. GzwkqemkDdc-00150-00012108-00012178 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) SCARED AT FIRST. WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND GzwkqemkDdc-00151-00012178-00012185 SCARED AT FIRST. WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND GzwkqemkDdc-00152-00012185-00012308 SCARED AT FIRST. WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND SAW THE FLAMES, IT WAS LIKE GzwkqemkDdc-00153-00012308-00012315 WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND SAW THE FLAMES, IT WAS LIKE GzwkqemkDdc-00154-00012315-00012472 WHEN I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND SAW THE FLAMES, IT WAS LIKE YEAH, YOU DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF GzwkqemkDdc-00155-00012472-00012479 SAW THE FLAMES, IT WAS LIKE YEAH, YOU DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF GzwkqemkDdc-00156-00012479-00012549 SAW THE FLAMES, IT WAS LIKE YEAH, YOU DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF FOR IT. GzwkqemkDdc-00157-00012549-00012555 YEAH, YOU DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF FOR IT. GzwkqemkDdc-00158-00012555-00012806 YEAH, YOU DON'T PREPARE YOURSELF FOR IT. YOU JUST, LET'S GO, WE GOT TO GzwkqemkDdc-00159-00012806-00012812 FOR IT. YOU JUST, LET'S GO, WE GOT TO GzwkqemkDdc-00160-00012812-00012852 FOR IT. YOU JUST, LET'S GO, WE GOT TO GO. GzwkqemkDdc-00161-00012852-00012859 YOU JUST, LET'S GO, WE GOT TO GO. GzwkqemkDdc-00162-00012859-00012949 YOU JUST, LET'S GO, WE GOT TO GO. >> Reporter: A SIGHT THAT GzwkqemkDdc-00163-00012949-00012956 GO. >> Reporter: A SIGHT THAT GzwkqemkDdc-00164-00012956-00013139 GO. >> Reporter: A SIGHT THAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER GzwkqemkDdc-00165-00013139-00013146 >> Reporter: A SIGHT THAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER GzwkqemkDdc-00166-00013146-00013249 >> Reporter: A SIGHT THAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER FORGET. GzwkqemkDdc-00167-00013249-00013256 FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER FORGET. GzwkqemkDdc-00168-00013256-00013396 FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER FORGET. >> IT WASN'T EASY AT ALL. GzwkqemkDdc-00169-00013396-00013403 FORGET. >> IT WASN'T EASY AT ALL. GzwkqemkDdc-00170-00013403-00013850 FORGET. >> IT WASN'T EASY AT ALL. YOU KNOW, BEING HERE AND THEN IN GzwkqemkDdc-00171-00013850-00013857 >> IT WASN'T EASY AT ALL. YOU KNOW, BEING HERE AND THEN IN GzwkqemkDdc-00172-00013857-00014010 >> IT WASN'T EASY AT ALL. YOU KNOW, BEING HERE AND THEN IN IT SO MANY TIMES AND WALK UP AND GzwkqemkDdc-00173-00014010-00014017 YOU KNOW, BEING HERE AND THEN IN IT SO MANY TIMES AND WALK UP AND GzwkqemkDdc-00174-00014017-00014187 YOU KNOW, BEING HERE AND THEN IN IT SO MANY TIMES AND WALK UP AND SEE IT, YEAH, IT'S CRAZY. GzwkqemkDdc-00175-00014187-00014194 IT SO MANY TIMES AND WALK UP AND SEE IT, YEAH, IT'S CRAZY. GzwkqemkDdc-00176-00014194-00014327 IT SO MANY TIMES AND WALK UP AND SEE IT, YEAH, IT'S CRAZY. >> LAST NIGHT WALKING THROUGH GzwkqemkDdc-00177-00014327-00014334 SEE IT, YEAH, IT'S CRAZY. >> LAST NIGHT WALKING THROUGH GzwkqemkDdc-00178-00014334-00014501 SEE IT, YEAH, IT'S CRAZY. >> LAST NIGHT WALKING THROUGH THE HOUSE AND NOT SEEING THEIR GzwkqemkDdc-00179-00014501-00014507 >> LAST NIGHT WALKING THROUGH THE HOUSE AND NOT SEEING THEIR GzwkqemkDdc-00180-00014507-00014641 >> LAST NIGHT WALKING THROUGH THE HOUSE AND NOT SEEING THEIR LIGHTS ON OR GOING INTO THE GzwkqemkDdc-00181-00014641-00014647 THE HOUSE AND NOT SEEING THEIR LIGHTS ON OR GOING INTO THE GzwkqemkDdc-00182-00014647-00014898 THE HOUSE AND NOT SEEING THEIR LIGHTS ON OR GOING INTO THE BACKYARD AND, YOU KNOW, SMELLING GzwkqemkDdc-00183-00014898-00014904 LIGHTS ON OR GOING INTO THE BACKYARD AND, YOU KNOW, SMELLING GzwkqemkDdc-00184-00014904-00014954 LIGHTS ON OR GOING INTO THE BACKYARD AND, YOU KNOW, SMELLING IT. GzwkqemkDdc-00185-00014954-00014961 BACKYARD AND, YOU KNOW, SMELLING IT. GzwkqemkDdc-00186-00014961-00015038 BACKYARD AND, YOU KNOW, SMELLING IT. IT'S TRAUMATIC. GzwkqemkDdc-00187-00015038-00015044 IT. IT'S TRAUMATIC. GzwkqemkDdc-00188-00015044-00015101 IT. IT'S TRAUMATIC. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00189-00015101-00015108 IT'S TRAUMATIC. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) GzwkqemkDdc-00190-00015108-00015135 IT'S TRAUMATIC. (AccuCapNT Trial Version) IT IS. GzwkqemkDdc-00191-00015135-00015141 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) IT IS. GzwkqemkDdc-00192-00015141-00015318 (AccuCapNT Trial Version) IT IS. >> Reporter: IN A COMMUNITY GzwkqemkDdc-00193-00015318-00015325 IT IS. >> Reporter: IN A COMMUNITY GzwkqemkDdc-00194-00015325-00015458 IT IS. >> Reporter: IN A COMMUNITY THAT COMES TOGETHER IN TIMES OF GzwkqemkDdc-00195-00015458-00015465 >> Reporter: IN A COMMUNITY THAT COMES TOGETHER IN TIMES OF GzwkqemkDdc-00196-00015465-00015498 >> Reporter: IN A COMMUNITY THAT COMES TOGETHER IN TIMES OF CRISIS. GzwkqemkDdc-00197-00015498-00015505 THAT COMES TOGETHER IN TIMES OF CRISIS. GzwkqemkDdc-00198-00015505-00015632 THAT COMES TOGETHER IN TIMES OF CRISIS. >> EVERYBODY IN BRAINERD, THE GzwkqemkDdc-00199-00015632-00015638 CRISIS. >> EVERYBODY IN BRAINERD, THE GzwkqemkDdc-00200-00015638-00015765 CRISIS. >> EVERYBODY IN BRAINERD, THE NEIGHBORS HAVE JUST BEEN GzwkqemkDdc-00201-00015765-00015772 >> EVERYBODY IN BRAINERD, THE NEIGHBORS HAVE JUST BEEN GzwkqemkDdc-00202-00015772-00015809 >> EVERYBODY IN BRAINERD, THE NEIGHBORS HAVE JUST BEEN AMAZING. GzwkqemkDdc-00203-00015809-00015815 NEIGHBORS HAVE JUST BEEN AMAZING. GzwkqemkDdc-00204-00015815-00015952 NEIGHBORS HAVE JUST BEEN AMAZING. I MEAN AMAZING. GzwkqemkDdc-00205-00015952-00015959 AMAZING. I MEAN AMAZING. GzwkqemkDdc-00206-00015959-00016039 AMAZING. I MEAN AMAZING. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN GzwkqemkDdc-00207-00016039-00016046 I MEAN AMAZING. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN GzwkqemkDdc-00208-00016046-00016149 I MEAN AMAZING. >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, GzwkqemkDdc-00209-00016149-00016156 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, GzwkqemkDdc-00210-00016156-00016222 >> Reporter: REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. GzwkqemkDdc-00211-00016222-00016229 BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. GzwkqemkDdc-00212-00016229-00016349 BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Josh: AT THIS TIME THE CAUSE GzwkqemkDdc-00213-00016349-00016356 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Josh: AT THIS TIME THE CAUSE GzwkqemkDdc-00214-00016356-00016473 LAKELAND NEWS. >>Josh: AT THIS TIME THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE IS UNDETERMINED, BUT GzwkqemkDdc-00215-00016473-00016479 >>Josh: AT THIS TIME THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE IS UNDETERMINED, BUT GzwkqemkDdc-00216-00016479-00016543 >>Josh: AT THIS TIME THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE IS UNDETERMINED, BUT THE BRAINERD FIRE DEPARTMENT G-xo5W2EceY-00000-00000358-00002360 ♪♪ G-xo5W2EceY-00001-00002373-00003319 Darling, I know you feel something when you see me Uncontrollable G-xo5W2EceY-00002-00003357-00003945 Burning inside And that flame of yours will cause a fire G-xo5W2EceY-00003-00004233-00004696 And I want to see it burn Baby, show me what you know G-xo5W2EceY-00004-00004708-00005130 Your body will dance For your Hokage G-xo5W2EceY-00005-00005159-00006035 Only tonight you're mine Calm down, kunoichi, to not wake up the village G-xo5W2EceY-00006-00006139-00006577 Your body, my body We're so close G-xo5W2EceY-00007-00006631-00007065 it's fire with fire It's a Secret Jutsu G-xo5W2EceY-00008-00007115-00007553 And like a ninja It's all in secret, nobody have to know G-xo5W2EceY-00009-00007590-00008108 I'm a Bijuu And you're a jinchuiki, 'cause I'm inside you G-xo5W2EceY-00010-00008158-00008546 Katon Our room is burning G-xo5W2EceY-00011-00008633-00009109 Katon You explode like supernova G-xo5W2EceY-00012-00009121-00009467 Katon Can't turn off G-xo5W2EceY-00013-00009597-00009930 Katon Baby... G-xo5W2EceY-00014-00009997-00010944 You have something to give me And I don't know if I can take it G-xo5W2EceY-00015-00010981-00011774 It's not fair, fair, fair, yeah Your jutsu, jutsu, are... G-xo5W2EceY-00016-00011782-00011857 Fire style G-xo5W2EceY-00017-00011882-00012308 When we have sex I want more is that the world burns G-xo5W2EceY-00018-00012337-00012762 You are Spider-Girl Climbing up the walls G-xo5W2EceY-00019-00012783-00013530 Let me taste your flavor In this heat G-xo5W2EceY-00020-00013555-00014722 Let me feel you're high, baby And here we go again, again G-xo5W2EceY-00021-00014772-00015211 Your body, my body We're so close G-xo5W2EceY-00022-00015265-00015699 it's fire with fire It's a Secret Jutsu G-xo5W2EceY-00023-00015749-00016187 And like a ninja It's all in secret, nobody have to know G-xo5W2EceY-00024-00016224-00016741 I'm a Bijuu And you're a jinchuiki, 'cause I'm inside you G-xo5W2EceY-00025-00016791-00017179 Katon Our room is burning G-xo5W2EceY-00026-00017267-00017742 Katon You explode like supernova G-xo5W2EceY-00027-00017755-00018101 Katon Can't turn off G-xo5W2EceY-00028-00018230-00018564 Katon Baby... G-xo5W2EceY-00029-00018601-00019456 Sweating my bed screaming My name (My name) G-xo5W2EceY-00030-00019477-00019936 And at combustion time Your chakra dripping on the floor G-xo5W2EceY-00031-00019974-00020499 Oh yeah Oh yeah G-xo5W2EceY-00032-00020524-00021271 Let me taste your flavor In this heat G-xo5W2EceY-00033-00021296-00022464 Let me feel you're high, baby And here we go again, again G_PP9cCvTYM-00000-00000016-00000736 The more you seek, the more you find. Well, this is perhaps the truest statement when it comes to G_PP9cCvTYM-00001-00000792-00001496 biology. In 1665, Robert Hooke discovered, using a microscope, that corks had tiny G_PP9cCvTYM-00002-00001496-00002200 pore-like structures within them. He named these pores ‘cells’. The word “Cell” derives G_PP9cCvTYM-00003-00002200-00002880 from the latin word Cella, which means a simple room. Even though Hooke discovered the cell, G_PP9cCvTYM-00004-00002880-00003456 he was not able to get a complete understanding of what cells were or what their function was. G_PP9cCvTYM-00005-00003552-00004232 Fast forward to 1838, when the cell theory was first proposed by Matthias Schleiden G_PP9cCvTYM-00006-00004232-00004824 and Theodor Schwann. The theory stated that both plants and animals are made up G_PP9cCvTYM-00007-00004824-00005528 or are a product of cells, and that these cells also contain a nucleus within them. G_PP9cCvTYM-00008-00005600-00006464 Unfortunately, the star of our video, the Endoplasmic Reticulum remained unknown until 1897, G_PP9cCvTYM-00009-00006464-00007008 when a french cytologist, Charles Garnier first gave it some much-needed attention. G_PP9cCvTYM-00010-00007080-00007888 Garnier termed this new found structure as ‘ergastoplasm’. Yeah. Not a cute name. Sounds G_PP9cCvTYM-00011-00007888-00008600 like a nasty infection, doesn’t it? Fortunately, the ER only had to live with this name G_PP9cCvTYM-00012-00008600-00009760 for five whole decades. But in 1953, Keith Porter renamed the organelle Endoplasmic Reticulum. The G_PP9cCvTYM-00013-00009760-00010456 term reticulum was added to describe the tubular network visualized under an electron microscope. G_PP9cCvTYM-00014-00010456-00011032 After decades of study on the ER, which is short for Endoplasmic Reticulum, G_PP9cCvTYM-00015-00011032-00011648 we now have a deeper understanding of what it is, and what its functions are within the cell. G_PP9cCvTYM-00016-00011712-00012416 It took more than 350 years for humans to discover and understand some of this organelle’s basic G_PP9cCvTYM-00017-00012416-00013063 functions, but the process of fully realizing the potential of the ER is still underway. G_PP9cCvTYM-00018-00013152-00013632 Perhaps, it could be you who discovers that the ER has some unknown function G_PP9cCvTYM-00019-00013632-00014191 that could hold the secret gateway to eternal life. But before all of that, G_PP9cCvTYM-00020-00014191-00014824 first, let me introduce you to the structure and function of the Endoplasmic Reticulum. G_PP9cCvTYM-00021-00014824-00015488 The Endoplasmic Reticulum is the cell organelle that produces, processes, and secretes proteins. G_PP9cCvTYM-00022-00015568-00016063 This organelle is found in almost every cell in humans, and other animals, G_PP9cCvTYM-00023-00016063-00016464 and plants. The function of the endoplasmic reticulum G_PP9cCvTYM-00024-00016464-00017168 is not limited just to protein synthesis. The Endoplasmic Reticulum also acts as a storage G_PP9cCvTYM-00025-00017168-00017800 site for calcium and is an essential component in the production of lipids and steroids. G_PP9cCvTYM-00026-00017880-00018240 But what does the Endoplasmic Reticulum look like? G_PP9cCvTYM-00027-00018336-00018864 As the popular saying goes: form follows function. G_PP9cCvTYM-00028-00018936-00019472 The endoplasmic reticulum has a structure designed to enable it to efficiently carry G_PP9cCvTYM-00029-00019472-00020088 out its functions. And of all the eukaryotic organelles, the Endoplasmic Reticulum has the G_PP9cCvTYM-00030-00020088-00020664 most architecturally striking structure, let me tell you. Once you know what the Endoplasmic G_PP9cCvTYM-00031-00020664-00021264 Reticulum looks like, you will never be able to miss it under a microscope or on a textbook. G_PP9cCvTYM-00032-00021344-00021856 If we look at the structure of the Endoplasmic Reticulum it basically looks like a bunch of G_PP9cCvTYM-00033-00021856-00022656 ‘rough sheets and smooth tubules’. It kinda sounds like a racy movie name, right? But I digress. G_PP9cCvTYM-00034-00022712-00023240 The ER is a network of interconnected flattened sheets, known as cisternae, G_PP9cCvTYM-00035-00023240-00023984 and branching tubules that extend from the nucleus to the rest of the cell. These sheets and tubules G_PP9cCvTYM-00036-00023984-00024648 are made of a phospholipid membrane, continuous with the membrane that surrounds the nucleus, G_PP9cCvTYM-00037-00024648-00025136 and yeah, similar to the membrane that you find surrounding the entire G_PP9cCvTYM-00038-00025136-00025744 cell. This network of tubules is held in place with the help of the cytoskeleton. G_PP9cCvTYM-00039-00025832-00026648 In terms of morphology, the Endoplasmic Reticulum can be classified as rough endoplasmic reticulum, G_PP9cCvTYM-00040-00026648-00027304 and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. We call it rough endoplasmic reticulum because if we look G_PP9cCvTYM-00041-00027304-00027983 at the surface of the rough ER we notice the presence of membrane-bound ribosomes; G_PP9cCvTYM-00042-00027983-00028583 whereas in smooth ER we do not find any membrane-bound ribosomes. G_PP9cCvTYM-00043-00028583-00028960 The rough endoplasmic reticulum accounts for 60% G_PP9cCvTYM-00044-00028960-00029624 of the endoplasmic reticulum, while the remaining 40% is smooth ER. G_PP9cCvTYM-00045-00029624-00030200 Before we talk separately more about rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic G_PP9cCvTYM-00046-00030200-00030720 reticulum, I believe we should turn the spotlight to ribosomes for just a moment. G_PP9cCvTYM-00047-00030783-00031448 So ribosomes are complex molecules where protein synthesis or translation occurs. They are G_PP9cCvTYM-00048-00031504-00032383 little factories, let’s say. Every ribosome has two subunits, a larger and a smaller subunit. G_PP9cCvTYM-00049-00032383-00033200 These subunits contain ribosomal RNA molecules and proteins which are essential for mRNA translation. G_PP9cCvTYM-00050-00033200-00033672 Remember mRNA translation is one of the final steps in the conversion G_PP9cCvTYM-00051-00033672-00034064 of the information that you have in your DNA to an actual protein. G_PP9cCvTYM-00052-00034152-00034760 Now we’re going to focus on the rough endoplasmic reticulum for a moment. G_PP9cCvTYM-00053-00034760-00035408 The lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is slightly smaller in width than the lumen of G_PP9cCvTYM-00054-00035408-00035952 the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The lumen is the space we find between the membrane G_PP9cCvTYM-00055-00035952-00036544 walls of the endoplasmic reticulum sheets and tubules. So the lumen of the rough ER G_PP9cCvTYM-00056-00036544-00037360 is 20 to 30 nm wide, whereas the lumen of the smooth ER is about 30 to 60 nm in width. G_PP9cCvTYM-00057-00037416-00038136 The rough endoplasmic reticulum plays a central role in protein synthesis. It is where proteins G_PP9cCvTYM-00058-00038136-00038888 are synthesized, modified, transformed, and finally released. Protein synthesis begins with G_PP9cCvTYM-00059-00038888-00039648 the translation of mRNA by ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes. G_PP9cCvTYM-00060-00039704-00040232 These proteins go on to be a part of the cell membrane or are transported out of the G_PP9cCvTYM-00061-00040232-00040800 cell to other destinations. Proteins are essential for many physiological G_PP9cCvTYM-00062-00040800-00041560 processes within the cell such as cell signaling, DNA synthesis and repair, transport of molecules, G_PP9cCvTYM-00063-00041560-00042256 forming cellular structure, and I could go on and on. Without the rough endoplasmic reticulum, G_PP9cCvTYM-00064-00042256-00042856 there would be no proteins, and without proteins, the cell would not be able to survive. G_PP9cCvTYM-00065-00042920-00043336 Hell, we would not be able to survive. So you now know why G_PP9cCvTYM-00066-00043336-00043776 we need to devote some attention to the endoplasmic reticulum, right? G_PP9cCvTYM-00067-00043856-00044352 Unlike the rough endoplasmic reticulum, which is located close to the nucleus, G_PP9cCvTYM-00068-00044352-00044896 the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is mainly located near the cell periphery. G_PP9cCvTYM-00069-00044896-00045360 Although the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosomes attached to it, G_PP9cCvTYM-00070-00045360-00045896 its structure is more complex than that of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. G_PP9cCvTYM-00071-00045952-00046712 Membranes lining the smooth ER follow a tortuous course, and are irregular in size. G_PP9cCvTYM-00072-00046712-00047280 The smooth endoplasmic reticulum has many functions including synthesis of lipids, G_PP9cCvTYM-00073-00047280-00048144 steroids, carbohydrates as well as the metabolism of exogenous substances, such as drugs or toxins. G_PP9cCvTYM-00074-00048200-00048808 The functions of the smooth ER vary depending on the type of cell. The smooth endoplasmic G_PP9cCvTYM-00075-00048808-00049528 reticulum found in muscle cells has a special name. It is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum, G_PP9cCvTYM-00076-00049528-00050088 which regulates calcium ion concentrations during muscle contraction and relaxation. G_PP9cCvTYM-00077-00050168-00050576 In the adrenal glands, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum secretes G_PP9cCvTYM-00078-00050576-00051088 cholesterol which is a precursor of steroid hormones. In the liver, G_PP9cCvTYM-00079-00051088-00051864 the smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes and stores enzymes essential for detoxification, G_PP9cCvTYM-00080-00051864-00052512 essentially it helps you get rid of things that are bad for your body, like alcohol and drugs. G_PP9cCvTYM-00081-00052591-00053312 Now we’ve reached the end of the tutorial. Click on the next video to continue learning. And don’t G_PP9cCvTYM-00082-00053312-00053824 forget to like this video if you want to tell me and youtube you want to see more of these. G_PP9cCvTYM-00083-00053824-00054216 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out on the next upload. G_PP9cCvTYM-00084-00054216-00054528 Until then, I will see you next time! GEAZQ9L3B2A-00000-00001196-00001767 you need to film the shortest clips possible, this means keeping your clips GEAZQ9L3B2A-00001-00001767-00002289 anywhere between four and six seconds this is by far one of the most important GEAZQ9L3B2A-00002-00002289-00002730 lessons in this entire course not only will it save you time while you filming GEAZQ9L3B2A-00003-00002730-00003161 but it will also dramatically decrease the amount of time you spend on editing GEAZQ9L3B2A-00004-00003161-00003660 it only takes the mind about three to five frames to identify something that GEAZQ9L3B2A-00005-00003660-00004167 is an incredibly short amount of time then it only takes your brain 10 to 15 GEAZQ9L3B2A-00006-00004167-00004628 frames look like half a second to not only identify what it's seeing but also to GEAZQ9L3B2A-00007-00004628-00005409 add an emotional opinion here is a test to show what I mean I'm going to show GEAZQ9L3B2A-00008-00005409-00005794 you an image very briefly GEAZQ9L3B2A-00009-00006863-00007364 you could tell that that was a sunset with the boat passing by on the seat but GEAZQ9L3B2A-00010-00007364-00007859 you also could tell that it was a beautiful calm evening this opinion was GEAZQ9L3B2A-00011-00007859-00008502 made in 10 frames and that is a third of a second now if you only have one minute GEAZQ9L3B2A-00012-00008502-00009060 to tell an entire story of an experience or your adventures then make sure you GEAZQ9L3B2A-00013-00009060-00009534 don't bore people with six seconds of the same clip if you want to get this GEAZQ9L3B2A-00014-00009534-00010061 right you have to film to the rhythm of the edit check out the video on how to GEAZQ9L3B2A-00015-00010061-00010509 film to the rhythm of the Edit in this link here or watch plenty more helpful GEAZQ9L3B2A-00016-00010509-00010940 content on how to create a travel video right here on YouTube and don't forget GEAZQ9L3B2A-00017-00010940-00011336 to subscribe for more content every week GFHl5KcFTu0-00000-00000010-00000290 THEY GO 21 HOLES BEFORE HOG STAD GFHl5KcFTu0-00001-00000290-00000296 THEY GO 21 HOLES BEFORE HOG STAD GFHl5KcFTu0-00002-00000296-00000433 THEY GO 21 HOLES BEFORE HOG STAD PULLS IT OUT TO ADVANCE TO GFHl5KcFTu0-00003-00000433-00000440 THEY GO 21 HOLES BEFORE HOG STAD PULLS IT OUT TO ADVANCE TO GFHl5KcFTu0-00004-00000440-00000523 THEY GO 21 HOLES BEFORE HOG STAD PULLS IT OUT TO ADVANCE TO TOMORROW. GFHl5KcFTu0-00005-00000523-00000530 PULLS IT OUT TO ADVANCE TO TOMORROW. GFHl5KcFTu0-00006-00000530-00000590 PULLS IT OUT TO ADVANCE TO TOMORROW. >>> WELL, WITH ALL THIS GFHl5KcFTu0-00007-00000590-00000597 TOMORROW. >>> WELL, WITH ALL THIS GFHl5KcFTu0-00008-00000597-00000660 TOMORROW. >>> WELL, WITH ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER LATELY, GFHl5KcFTu0-00009-00000660-00000667 >>> WELL, WITH ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER LATELY, GFHl5KcFTu0-00010-00000667-00000767 >>> WELL, WITH ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL WEATHER LATELY, PERFECT TIME TO GET OUT ON THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00011-00000767-00000774 BEAUTIFUL WEATHER LATELY, PERFECT TIME TO GET OUT ON THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00012-00000774-00000997 BEAUTIFUL WEATHER LATELY, PERFECT TIME TO GET OUT ON THE LAKE AND ENJOY A DAY OF FISHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00013-00000997-00001004 PERFECT TIME TO GET OUT ON THE LAKE AND ENJOY A DAY OF FISHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00014-00001004-00001137 PERFECT TIME TO GET OUT ON THE LAKE AND ENJOY A DAY OF FISHING. ON THIS WEEK'S SEGMENT OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00015-00001137-00001144 LAKE AND ENJOY A DAY OF FISHING. ON THIS WEEK'S SEGMENT OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00016-00001144-00001404 LAKE AND ENJOY A DAY OF FISHING. ON THIS WEEK'S SEGMENT OF FISHING TIPS, RAY AND MANDY TALK GFHl5KcFTu0-00017-00001404-00001411 ON THIS WEEK'S SEGMENT OF FISHING TIPS, RAY AND MANDY TALK GFHl5KcFTu0-00018-00001411-00001544 ON THIS WEEK'S SEGMENT OF FISHING TIPS, RAY AND MANDY TALK ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00019-00001544-00001551 FISHING TIPS, RAY AND MANDY TALK ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00020-00001551-00001768 FISHING TIPS, RAY AND MANDY TALK ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS. >> WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK A GFHl5KcFTu0-00021-00001768-00001775 ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS. >> WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK A GFHl5KcFTu0-00022-00001775-00001918 ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS. >> WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT USING GFHl5KcFTu0-00023-00001918-00001925 >> WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT USING GFHl5KcFTu0-00024-00001925-00002001 >> WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS FOR FISHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00025-00002001-00002008 LITTLE BIT ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS FOR FISHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00026-00002008-00002125 LITTLE BIT ABOUT USING CRANKBAITS FOR FISHING. THEY'RE A VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00027-00002125-00002132 CRANKBAITS FOR FISHING. THEY'RE A VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00028-00002132-00002278 CRANKBAITS FOR FISHING. THEY'RE A VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR CATCHING EVERYTHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00029-00002278-00002285 THEY'RE A VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR CATCHING EVERYTHING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00030-00002285-00002502 THEY'RE A VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR CATCHING EVERYTHING. AS WE HAD MENTIONED IN THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00031-00002502-00002509 TOOL FOR CATCHING EVERYTHING. AS WE HAD MENTIONED IN THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00032-00002509-00002652 TOOL FOR CATCHING EVERYTHING. AS WE HAD MENTIONED IN THE EARLIER SHOW, WE CAN USE THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00033-00002652-00002659 AS WE HAD MENTIONED IN THE EARLIER SHOW, WE CAN USE THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00034-00002659-00002846 AS WE HAD MENTIONED IN THE EARLIER SHOW, WE CAN USE THE TINY ONES FOR PANFISH, YOU CAN GFHl5KcFTu0-00035-00002846-00002852 EARLIER SHOW, WE CAN USE THE TINY ONES FOR PANFISH, YOU CAN GFHl5KcFTu0-00036-00002852-00003016 EARLIER SHOW, WE CAN USE THE TINY ONES FOR PANFISH, YOU CAN USE THE BIGGER ONES FOR BIGGER GFHl5KcFTu0-00037-00003016-00003023 TINY ONES FOR PANFISH, YOU CAN USE THE BIGGER ONES FOR BIGGER GFHl5KcFTu0-00038-00003023-00003123 TINY ONES FOR PANFISH, YOU CAN USE THE BIGGER ONES FOR BIGGER FISH. GFHl5KcFTu0-00039-00003123-00003129 USE THE BIGGER ONES FOR BIGGER FISH. GFHl5KcFTu0-00040-00003129-00003229 USE THE BIGGER ONES FOR BIGGER FISH. YOU CAN USE CRANKBAITS FOR GFHl5KcFTu0-00041-00003229-00003236 FISH. YOU CAN USE CRANKBAITS FOR GFHl5KcFTu0-00042-00003236-00003343 FISH. YOU CAN USE CRANKBAITS FOR EVERYTHING IN MINNESOTA FROM A GFHl5KcFTu0-00043-00003343-00003350 YOU CAN USE CRANKBAITS FOR EVERYTHING IN MINNESOTA FROM A GFHl5KcFTu0-00044-00003350-00003503 YOU CAN USE CRANKBAITS FOR EVERYTHING IN MINNESOTA FROM A PANFISH TO A MUSKIE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00045-00003503-00003510 EVERYTHING IN MINNESOTA FROM A PANFISH TO A MUSKIE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00046-00003510-00003633 EVERYTHING IN MINNESOTA FROM A PANFISH TO A MUSKIE. THEY'RE NOT CHEAP ANYMORE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00047-00003633-00003640 PANFISH TO A MUSKIE. THEY'RE NOT CHEAP ANYMORE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00048-00003640-00003783 PANFISH TO A MUSKIE. THEY'RE NOT CHEAP ANYMORE. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN THEY WERE A GFHl5KcFTu0-00049-00003783-00003790 THEY'RE NOT CHEAP ANYMORE. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN THEY WERE A GFHl5KcFTu0-00050-00003790-00003863 THEY'RE NOT CHEAP ANYMORE. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN THEY WERE A BUCK AND A HALF. GFHl5KcFTu0-00051-00003863-00003870 I CAN REMEMBER WHEN THEY WERE A BUCK AND A HALF. GFHl5KcFTu0-00052-00003870-00004077 I CAN REMEMBER WHEN THEY WERE A BUCK AND A HALF. BUT THEY'RE GETTING A LOT MORE GFHl5KcFTu0-00053-00004077-00004084 BUCK AND A HALF. BUT THEY'RE GETTING A LOT MORE GFHl5KcFTu0-00054-00004084-00004177 BUCK AND A HALF. BUT THEY'RE GETTING A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE, BUT THEY'RE STILL GFHl5KcFTu0-00055-00004177-00004184 BUT THEY'RE GETTING A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE, BUT THEY'RE STILL GFHl5KcFTu0-00056-00004184-00004280 BUT THEY'RE GETTING A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE, BUT THEY'RE STILL VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00057-00004280-00004287 EXPENSIVE, BUT THEY'RE STILL VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00058-00004287-00004501 EXPENSIVE, BUT THEY'RE STILL VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE. AND IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON WHAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00059-00004501-00004507 VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE. AND IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON WHAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00060-00004507-00004664 VERY, VERY EFFECTIVE. AND IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON WHAT KIND OF A CRANKBAITS TO SELECT, GFHl5KcFTu0-00061-00004664-00004671 AND IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON WHAT KIND OF A CRANKBAITS TO SELECT, GFHl5KcFTu0-00062-00004671-00004784 AND IF YOU'RE NOT SURE ON WHAT KIND OF A CRANKBAITS TO SELECT, WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A FEW GFHl5KcFTu0-00063-00004784-00004791 KIND OF A CRANKBAITS TO SELECT, WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A FEW GFHl5KcFTu0-00064-00004791-00004958 KIND OF A CRANKBAITS TO SELECT, WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO SELECT THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00065-00004958-00004964 WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO SELECT THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00066-00004964-00005045 WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO SELECT THE CRANKBAITS FOR THE KIND OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00067-00005045-00005051 TIPS ON HOW TO SELECT THE CRANKBAITS FOR THE KIND OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00068-00005051-00005178 TIPS ON HOW TO SELECT THE CRANKBAITS FOR THE KIND OF FISHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO. GFHl5KcFTu0-00069-00005178-00005185 CRANKBAITS FOR THE KIND OF FISHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO. GFHl5KcFTu0-00070-00005185-00005298 CRANKBAITS FOR THE KIND OF FISHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO. >> LET'S TALK ABOUT CASTING GFHl5KcFTu0-00071-00005298-00005305 FISHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO. >> LET'S TALK ABOUT CASTING GFHl5KcFTu0-00072-00005305-00005351 FISHING YOU'RE GOING TO DO. >> LET'S TALK ABOUT CASTING THEM. GFHl5KcFTu0-00073-00005351-00005358 >> LET'S TALK ABOUT CASTING THEM. GFHl5KcFTu0-00074-00005358-00005505 >> LET'S TALK ABOUT CASTING THEM. WHEN YOU'RE CASTING CRANKS, YOU GFHl5KcFTu0-00075-00005505-00005512 THEM. WHEN YOU'RE CASTING CRANKS, YOU GFHl5KcFTu0-00076-00005512-00005598 THEM. WHEN YOU'RE CASTING CRANKS, YOU HAVE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT GFHl5KcFTu0-00077-00005598-00005605 WHEN YOU'RE CASTING CRANKS, YOU HAVE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT GFHl5KcFTu0-00078-00005605-00005712 WHEN YOU'RE CASTING CRANKS, YOU HAVE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT OPTIONS AND THINGS YOU SHOULD GFHl5KcFTu0-00079-00005712-00005719 HAVE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT OPTIONS AND THINGS YOU SHOULD GFHl5KcFTu0-00080-00005719-00005775 HAVE A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT OPTIONS AND THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00081-00005775-00005782 OPTIONS AND THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00082-00005782-00006089 OPTIONS AND THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. YOU CAN HAVE A SQUARE BILL BAIT GFHl5KcFTu0-00083-00006089-00006096 KNOW ABOUT. YOU CAN HAVE A SQUARE BILL BAIT GFHl5KcFTu0-00084-00006096-00006162 KNOW ABOUT. YOU CAN HAVE A SQUARE BILL BAIT AND THIS IS REALLY GOOD IF GFHl5KcFTu0-00085-00006162-00006169 YOU CAN HAVE A SQUARE BILL BAIT AND THIS IS REALLY GOOD IF GFHl5KcFTu0-00086-00006169-00006523 YOU CAN HAVE A SQUARE BILL BAIT AND THIS IS REALLY GOOD IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE AROUND WOOD GFHl5KcFTu0-00087-00006523-00006529 AND THIS IS REALLY GOOD IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE AROUND WOOD GFHl5KcFTu0-00088-00006529-00006750 AND THIS IS REALLY GOOD IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE AROUND WOOD OR ROCKS OR THINGS LIKE THAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00089-00006750-00006756 YOU'RE GOING TO BE AROUND WOOD OR ROCKS OR THINGS LIKE THAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00090-00006756-00006920 YOU'RE GOING TO BE AROUND WOOD OR ROCKS OR THINGS LIKE THAT BECAUSE THIS CRANK BAIT WILL GFHl5KcFTu0-00091-00006920-00006926 OR ROCKS OR THINGS LIKE THAT BECAUSE THIS CRANK BAIT WILL GFHl5KcFTu0-00092-00006926-00007100 OR ROCKS OR THINGS LIKE THAT BECAUSE THIS CRANK BAIT WILL SMASH INTO IT AND IT WILL BOUNCE GFHl5KcFTu0-00093-00007100-00007106 BECAUSE THIS CRANK BAIT WILL SMASH INTO IT AND IT WILL BOUNCE GFHl5KcFTu0-00094-00007106-00007263 BECAUSE THIS CRANK BAIT WILL SMASH INTO IT AND IT WILL BOUNCE OFF THE CORNER SO IT WON'T GET GFHl5KcFTu0-00095-00007263-00007270 SMASH INTO IT AND IT WILL BOUNCE OFF THE CORNER SO IT WON'T GET GFHl5KcFTu0-00096-00007270-00007494 SMASH INTO IT AND IT WILL BOUNCE OFF THE CORNER SO IT WON'T GET HUNG UP IN IT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00097-00007494-00007500 OFF THE CORNER SO IT WON'T GET HUNG UP IN IT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00098-00007500-00007694 OFF THE CORNER SO IT WON'T GET HUNG UP IN IT. SEE THE OPPOSITE END IS WHERE IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00099-00007694-00007701 HUNG UP IN IT. SEE THE OPPOSITE END IS WHERE IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00100-00007701-00007831 HUNG UP IN IT. SEE THE OPPOSITE END IS WHERE IT HAS A ROUNDED TIP HERE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00101-00007831-00007837 SEE THE OPPOSITE END IS WHERE IT HAS A ROUNDED TIP HERE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00102-00007837-00008034 SEE THE OPPOSITE END IS WHERE IT HAS A ROUNDED TIP HERE. SO WHEN THIS HITS SOMETHING, IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00103-00008034-00008041 HAS A ROUNDED TIP HERE. SO WHEN THIS HITS SOMETHING, IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00104-00008041-00008331 HAS A ROUNDED TIP HERE. SO WHEN THIS HITS SOMETHING, IT SLIDES OFF THE SIDE OF ANY KIND GFHl5KcFTu0-00105-00008331-00008338 SO WHEN THIS HITS SOMETHING, IT SLIDES OFF THE SIDE OF ANY KIND GFHl5KcFTu0-00106-00008338-00008561 SO WHEN THIS HITS SOMETHING, IT SLIDES OFF THE SIDE OF ANY KIND OF OBSTRUCTION. GFHl5KcFTu0-00107-00008561-00008568 SLIDES OFF THE SIDE OF ANY KIND OF OBSTRUCTION. GFHl5KcFTu0-00108-00008568-00008722 SLIDES OFF THE SIDE OF ANY KIND OF OBSTRUCTION. THESE AROUND WOOD, ROCKS, THINGS GFHl5KcFTu0-00109-00008722-00008728 OF OBSTRUCTION. THESE AROUND WOOD, ROCKS, THINGS GFHl5KcFTu0-00110-00008728-00008885 OF OBSTRUCTION. THESE AROUND WOOD, ROCKS, THINGS LIKE THAT ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET GFHl5KcFTu0-00111-00008885-00008892 THESE AROUND WOOD, ROCKS, THINGS LIKE THAT ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET GFHl5KcFTu0-00112-00008892-00009059 THESE AROUND WOOD, ROCKS, THINGS LIKE THAT ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET HUNG UP THAN YOU DO WITH THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00113-00009059-00009065 LIKE THAT ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET HUNG UP THAN YOU DO WITH THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00114-00009065-00009205 LIKE THAT ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET HUNG UP THAN YOU DO WITH THE SQUARE BILL. GFHl5KcFTu0-00115-00009205-00009212 HUNG UP THAN YOU DO WITH THE SQUARE BILL. GFHl5KcFTu0-00116-00009212-00009352 HUNG UP THAN YOU DO WITH THE SQUARE BILL. >> THE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS GFHl5KcFTu0-00117-00009352-00009359 SQUARE BILL. >> THE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS GFHl5KcFTu0-00118-00009359-00009512 SQUARE BILL. >> THE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS CALLED A WALLY DRIVER, THIS IS GFHl5KcFTu0-00119-00009512-00009519 >> THE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS CALLED A WALLY DRIVER, THIS IS GFHl5KcFTu0-00120-00009519-00009669 >> THE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS CALLED A WALLY DRIVER, THIS IS SOMETHING I LOVE TO USE IN THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00121-00009669-00009676 CALLED A WALLY DRIVER, THIS IS SOMETHING I LOVE TO USE IN THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00122-00009676-00009803 CALLED A WALLY DRIVER, THIS IS SOMETHING I LOVE TO USE IN THE RIVER SYSTEMS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00123-00009803-00009809 SOMETHING I LOVE TO USE IN THE RIVER SYSTEMS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00124-00009809-00009993 SOMETHING I LOVE TO USE IN THE RIVER SYSTEMS. I'VE USED THIS UP IN CANADA, GFHl5KcFTu0-00125-00009993-00009999 RIVER SYSTEMS. I'VE USED THIS UP IN CANADA, GFHl5KcFTu0-00126-00009999-00010136 RIVER SYSTEMS. I'VE USED THIS UP IN CANADA, CAUGHT MANY BIG WALLEYES WITH GFHl5KcFTu0-00127-00010136-00010143 I'VE USED THIS UP IN CANADA, CAUGHT MANY BIG WALLEYES WITH GFHl5KcFTu0-00128-00010143-00010173 I'VE USED THIS UP IN CANADA, CAUGHT MANY BIG WALLEYES WITH THIS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00129-00010173-00010180 CAUGHT MANY BIG WALLEYES WITH THIS. GFHl5KcFTu0-00130-00010180-00010316 CAUGHT MANY BIG WALLEYES WITH THIS. YOU CAN GET THIS IN A VARIETY OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00131-00010316-00010323 THIS. YOU CAN GET THIS IN A VARIETY OF GFHl5KcFTu0-00132-00010323-00010493 THIS. YOU CAN GET THIS IN A VARIETY OF SIZES, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO ABOUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00133-00010493-00010500 YOU CAN GET THIS IN A VARIETY OF SIZES, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO ABOUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00134-00010500-00010657 YOU CAN GET THIS IN A VARIETY OF SIZES, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO ABOUT LIKE THAT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00135-00010657-00010663 SIZES, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO ABOUT LIKE THAT. GFHl5KcFTu0-00136-00010663-00010787 SIZES, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO ABOUT LIKE THAT. EVEN THE LITTLE CRANKBAITS HAVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00137-00010787-00010794 LIKE THAT. EVEN THE LITTLE CRANKBAITS HAVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00138-00010794-00010930 LIKE THAT. EVEN THE LITTLE CRANKBAITS HAVE CAUGHT BIG WALLEYES FOR ME. GFHl5KcFTu0-00139-00010930-00010937 EVEN THE LITTLE CRANKBAITS HAVE CAUGHT BIG WALLEYES FOR ME. GFHl5KcFTu0-00140-00010937-00011071 EVEN THE LITTLE CRANKBAITS HAVE CAUGHT BIG WALLEYES FOR ME. WHEN YOU'RE TROLLING WITH THESE, GFHl5KcFTu0-00141-00011071-00011077 CAUGHT BIG WALLEYES FOR ME. WHEN YOU'RE TROLLING WITH THESE, GFHl5KcFTu0-00142-00011077-00011204 CAUGHT BIG WALLEYES FOR ME. WHEN YOU'RE TROLLING WITH THESE, IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE AND A GFHl5KcFTu0-00143-00011204-00011211 WHEN YOU'RE TROLLING WITH THESE, IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE AND A GFHl5KcFTu0-00144-00011211-00011357 WHEN YOU'RE TROLLING WITH THESE, IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE AND A LITTLE PRACTICE TO FIGURE OUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00145-00011357-00011364 IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE AND A LITTLE PRACTICE TO FIGURE OUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00146-00011364-00011454 IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE AND A LITTLE PRACTICE TO FIGURE OUT HOW DEEP THEY'RE GOING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00147-00011454-00011461 LITTLE PRACTICE TO FIGURE OUT HOW DEEP THEY'RE GOING. GFHl5KcFTu0-00148-00011461-00011611 LITTLE PRACTICE TO FIGURE OUT HOW DEEP THEY'RE GOING. WHEN YOU BUY A PRODUCT, IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00149-00011611-00011618 HOW DEEP THEY'RE GOING. WHEN YOU BUY A PRODUCT, IT GFHl5KcFTu0-00150-00011618-00011971 HOW DEEP THEY'RE GOING. WHEN YOU BUY A PRODUCT, IT SHOULD HAVE ON THE BOX HOW MUCH GFHl5KcFTu0-00151-00011971-00011978 WHEN YOU BUY A PRODUCT, IT SHOULD HAVE ON THE BOX HOW MUCH GFHl5KcFTu0-00152-00011978-00012068 WHEN YOU BUY A PRODUCT, IT SHOULD HAVE ON THE BOX HOW MUCH DEPTH IT'S WEIGHTED FOR. GFHl5KcFTu0-00153-00012068-00012075 SHOULD HAVE ON THE BOX HOW MUCH DEPTH IT'S WEIGHTED FOR. GFHl5KcFTu0-00154-00012075-00012242 SHOULD HAVE ON THE BOX HOW MUCH DEPTH IT'S WEIGHTED FOR. NOT ONLY TO LOOK AT THE BILL BUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00155-00012242-00012248 DEPTH IT'S WEIGHTED FOR. NOT ONLY TO LOOK AT THE BILL BUT GFHl5KcFTu0-00156-00012248-00012472 DEPTH IT'S WEIGHTED FOR. NOT ONLY TO LOOK AT THE BILL BUT YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DEPTH BY GFHl5KcFTu0-00157-00012472-00012479 NOT ONLY TO LOOK AT THE BILL BUT YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DEPTH BY GFHl5KcFTu0-00158-00012479-00012622 NOT ONLY TO LOOK AT THE BILL BUT YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DEPTH BY WHAT THIS SAYS ON HERE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00159-00012622-00012629 YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DEPTH BY WHAT THIS SAYS ON HERE. GFHl5KcFTu0-00160-00012629-00012766 YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DEPTH BY WHAT THIS SAYS ON HERE. SO IF YOU'RE FISHING IN 12 FEET GFHl5KcFTu0-00161-00012766-00012772 WHAT THIS SAYS ON HERE. SO IF YOU'RE FISHING IN 12 FEET GFHl5KcFTu0-00162-00012772-00012936 WHAT THIS SAYS ON HERE. SO IF YOU'RE FISHING IN 12 FEET OF WATER, YOU DON'T WANT A CRANK GFHl5KcFTu0-00163-00012936-00012942 SO IF YOU'RE FISHING IN 12 FEET OF WATER, YOU DON'T WANT A CRANK GFHl5KcFTu0-00164-00012942-00013133 SO IF YOU'RE FISHING IN 12 FEET OF WATER, YOU DON'T WANT A CRANK BAIT THAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN GFHl5KcFTu0-00165-00013133-00013139 OF WATER, YOU DON'T WANT A CRANK BAIT THAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN GFHl5KcFTu0-00166-00013139-00013236 OF WATER, YOU DON'T WANT A CRANK BAIT THAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN 25 FEET BECAUSE YOU'LL STRICTLY GFHl5KcFTu0-00167-00013236-00013243 BAIT THAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN 25 FEET BECAUSE YOU'LL STRICTLY GFHl5KcFTu0-00168-00013243-00013496 BAIT THAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN 25 FEET BECAUSE YOU'LL STRICTLY BE IN THE WEEDS THE WHOLE TIME. GFHl5KcFTu0-00169-00013496-00013503 25 FEET BECAUSE YOU'LL STRICTLY BE IN THE WEEDS THE WHOLE TIME. GFHl5KcFTu0-00170-00013503-00013703 25 FEET BECAUSE YOU'LL STRICTLY BE IN THE WEEDS THE WHOLE TIME. YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITS YOU CAN GFHl5KcFTu0-00171-00013703-00013710 BE IN THE WEEDS THE WHOLE TIME. YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITS YOU CAN GFHl5KcFTu0-00172-00013710-00013977 BE IN THE WEEDS THE WHOLE TIME. YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITS YOU CAN TROLL RIGHT ON TOP OF THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00173-00013977-00013983 YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITS YOU CAN TROLL RIGHT ON TOP OF THE GFHl5KcFTu0-00174-00013983-00014124 YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITS YOU CAN TROLL RIGHT ON TOP OF THE WEEDLINES AND THEY WON'T DIVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00175-00014124-00014130 TROLL RIGHT ON TOP OF THE WEEDLINES AND THEY WON'T DIVE GFHl5KcFTu0-00176-00014130-00014250 TROLL RIGHT ON TOP OF THE WEEDLINES AND THEY WON'T DIVE DOWN DEEP. GFHl5KcFTu0-00177-00014250-00014257 WEEDLINES AND THEY WON'T DIVE DOWN DEEP. GFHl5KcFTu0-00178-00014257-00014411 WEEDLINES AND THEY WON'T DIVE DOWN DEEP. OR YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITSES THAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00179-00014411-00014417 DOWN DEEP. OR YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITSES THAT GFHl5KcFTu0-00180-00014417-00014577 DOWN DEEP. OR YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITSES THAT GO ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 25 FEET GFHl5KcFTu0-00181-00014577-00014584 OR YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITSES THAT GO ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 25 FEET GFHl5KcFTu0-00182-00014584-00014641 OR YOU CAN GET CRANKBAITSES THAT GO ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 25 FEET DEEP OF WATER. GFHl5KcFTu0-00183-00014641-00014647 GO ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 25 FEET DEEP OF WATER. GFHl5KcFTu0-00184-00014647-00014894 GO ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 25 FEET DEEP OF WATER. IT'S A GREAT WAY TO CATCH BASS, GFHl5KcFTu0-00185-00014894-00014901 DEEP OF WATER. IT'S A GREAT WAY TO CATCH BASS, GFHl5KcFTu0-00186-00014901-00014998 DEEP OF WATER. IT'S A GREAT WAY TO CATCH BASS, WALLEYES AND NORTHERN PIKE. GGFpLQmiXnk-00000-00000056-00000696 for the very first time, i have just made a link that i left got replied to GGFpLQmiXnk-00001-00000752-00001648 from a guy with more than 100 000 subs. this is something i have never seen before, GGFpLQmiXnk-00002-00001712-00002328 the user wasn't uploaded in two months, but it's fine. any user with more than one hundred thousand GGFpLQmiXnk-00003-00002328-00002872 subs would count, i also found new signs on a video with more than 16 million views. GGFpLQmiXnk-00004-00002872-00003536 which recently got an update for the weird subtitles. 2v and 3d had the capital d, GGFpLQmiXnk-00005-00003592-00004280 along with many other signs of having capital letters in unnecessary places. GM_4C90zS_M-00000-00000171-00000356 This video shows you how to write a data GM_4C90zS_M-00001-00000356-00000668 management plan for a research project. GM_4C90zS_M-00002-00000668-00001100 Writing a data management plan is simply good practice GM_4C90zS_M-00003-00001100-00001455 for any kind of research, as it means that in the early stages, GM_4C90zS_M-00004-00001455-00001827 when you're designing and planning your research GM_4C90zS_M-00005-00001827-00002221 you think about how your data will be managed throughout your project GM_4C90zS_M-00006-00002221-00002661 and shared afterwards with the wider research community. GM_4C90zS_M-00007-00002661-00003020 Increasingly, also research funders require GM_4C90zS_M-00008-00003026-00003347 a data management plan to be included GM_4C90zS_M-00009-00003347-00003811 as part of a grant application. A good overview of funder requirements GM_4C90zS_M-00010-00003811-00004437 in the UK is given by the Digital Curation Centre on their website. GM_4C90zS_M-00011-00004626-00005092 The data requirements of the Economic and Social Research Council in the UK GM_4C90zS_M-00012-00005105-00005687 are as follows. Grant applicants who plan to create data during their research, GM_4C90zS_M-00013-00005687-00006014 include a data management plan with their applications, GM_4C90zS_M-00014-00006014-00006352 and once a grant finishes, the grant holder GM_4C90zS_M-00015-00006352-00006684 submits the research data to our GM_4C90zS_M-00016-00006684-00007163 ReShare repository within three months of the end of the grant. GM_4C90zS_M-00017-00007214-00007592 Also the ESRC framework for research ethics GM_4C90zS_M-00018-00007606-00007895 makes reference to considering the sharing GM_4C90zS_M-00019-00007898-00008542 and wider use of research data in the long-term as part of ethical considerations. GM_4C90zS_M-00020-00008862-00009450 These are the topics the ESRC expects to see described in a data management plan. GM_4C90zS_M-00021-00009450-00009936 On our website we provide you with easy guidance GM_4C90zS_M-00022-00009936-00010622 on how to address each of those topics, GM_4C90zS_M-00023-00010622-00011328 referring to relevant guidance on our website or elsewhere. GM_4C90zS_M-00024-00011738-00012030 If you're applying for research funding GM_4C90zS_M-00025-00012048-00012332 from another council they may equally have GM_4C90zS_M-00026-00012334-00012787 a template and guidance available on their website. GM_4C90zS_M-00027-00012787-00013210 Else, the Digital Curation Centre developed the DMP online tool GM_4C90zS_M-00028-00013210-00013643 that can be used for writing a data management plan GM_4C90zS_M-00029-00013643-00013975 for any kind of research project. GM_4C90zS_M-00030-00013997-00014354 This can help you in planning how to manage your data GM_4C90zS_M-00031-00014390-00014758 throughout your research. GM_4C90zS_M-00032-00014788-00015276 Sketch the date cycle of your research project GM_4C90zS_M-00033-00015277-00015595 and decide at which stage which GM_4C90zS_M-00034-00015596-00015994 data management aspects need to be considered. GM_4C90zS_M-00035-00016024-00016576 Key issues to know before you write the plan is: what are the legal, ethical GM_4C90zS_M-00036-00016577-00016944 in other obligations you may have towards participants, GM_4C90zS_M-00037-00016944-00017454 funders, your institution? What are your institution's policies GM_4C90zS_M-00038-00017454-00017829 and services that may be available, such as a backup strategy, GM_4C90zS_M-00039-00017829-00018240 an IP policy, an institutional data repository? GM_4C90zS_M-00040-00018240-00018764 Assign roles and responsibilities to specific people within your team GM_4C90zS_M-00041-00018764-00019086 or across institutions for collaborative research. GM_4C90zS_M-00042-00019086-00019410 And make sure to implement and review GM_4C90zS_M-00043-00019410-00019716 the data management practices that you had planned GM_4C90zS_M-00044-00019716-00019960 at the start of your project. GM_4C90zS_M-00045-00019984-00020298 Funders equally expected you to cost data management GM_4C90zS_M-00046-00020300-00020657 into a grant application. For this purpose GM_4C90zS_M-00047-00020657-00021078 we have a simple tool that starts with a checklist GM_4C90zS_M-00048-00021078-00021562 that can help you to consider which activities you may need to cost in GM_4C90zS_M-00049-00021562-00022262 to your data management plan. The tool is available online GM_4C90zS_M-00050-00022346-00022784 and lists different activities GM_4C90zS_M-00051-00022785-00023197 you may need to consider, where these are relevant. GM_4C90zS_M-00052-00023197-00023590 Specific tips make reference to GM_4C90zS_M-00053-00023590-00024016 suggestions on how to cost this into a grant, GM_4C90zS_M-00054-00024016-00024450 in terms of extra time or resources needed. GM_4C90zS_M-00055-00024534-00024768 If you want us to review a data GM_4C90zS_M-00056-00024769-00025139 management plan you plan to submit with a grant application, GM_4C90zS_M-00057-00025139-00025457 please get in touch. We're happy to do this GM_4C90zS_M-00058-00025458-00025770 at any one time. GMYxElHqYKu-00000-00000008-00000280 hey let's play a game of uno if you beat me i'll give you three dollars GMYxElHqYKu-00001-00000496-00000872 yes three dollars don't break your fingers again this would be fun okay i shuffled the GMYxElHqYKu-00002-00000872-00001496 deck myself so draw your cards okay now i'm gonna draw mine and i'll even let you go first GNjp3ACf5Nc-00000-00000018-00000726 have another video your videotaping inside my shop why he hit you yeah sure cool and you missed me GNjp3ACf5Nc-00001-00000803-00001362 yeah good luck dude you're going to jail now you're going to jail now dude that's cool why GNjp3ACf5Nc-00002-00001362-00001818 don't you come back and stuff and stop being a coward you guys are videotaping inside my shop GNjp3ACf5Nc-00003-00001818-00002340 so what's wrong with that what law is that what law says I can't videotape one law says I can't GNjp3ACf5Nc-00004-00002340-00002808 videotape private property so and you're still doing it I could anything I could see I could GNjp3ACf5Nc-00005-00002808-00003408 film buddy remember that everything I could see I can film yeah exactly you create your GNjp3ACf5Nc-00006-00003408-00003852 own privacy that's exactly what you should do and you know what the cops are coming Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00000-00001069-00001661 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00001-00001661-00002270 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00002-00002270-00002838 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00003-00002838-00002961 restoration repair company. Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00004-00002961-00003173 You've come to the right place. Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00005-00003173-00003623 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00006-00003623-00003943 satisfaction is our #1 priority. Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00007-00003943-00004285 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00008-00004285-00004867 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. Gp4Uav7Kvtk-00009-00004867-00006664 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. GPklm6mmxKc-00000-00000040-00000752 i have turned on all notifications for all of my channels i want to see it first, GPklm6mmxKc-00001-00000752-00001424 and here are my channels. you'll find that all of them have all notifications turned on, GPklm6mmxKc-00002-00001552-00001768 because the subscription though is ringing. GTX0_ImD2Fu-00000-00000000-00000050 Hari Moekti - The Last Will GTX0_ImD2Fu-00004-00000394-00000508 Assallamu'alaykum Ustads, get well soon... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00009-00000998-00001236 How old are you ustadz ? You looks much younger... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00012-00001376-00001607 Alhamdulillah...I'm on fire now ! GTX0_ImD2Fu-00014-00001657-00001764 Sixty one years old... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00016-00001900-00002184 Only for the next two years, I will be as old as Rasulullah... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00018-00002234-00002413 He died at 63 years old... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00022-00002768-00003118 If i got two years more, that will be enough to go dakwah,,, GTX0_ImD2Fu-00024-00003168-00003420 Eventhough I am sick now, I am still on fire...Masya Allah ! GTX0_ImD2Fu-00026-00003522-00003702 What could I left for ? GTX0_ImD2Fu-00027-00003702-00004014 I was an entertainer, too much bad things I made for ummah... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00030-00004178-00004441 If you were my admirer, please forgive me... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00033-00004686-00004950 This world can be wealthy and safe... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00036-00005188-00005470 With the existing of the most Noble man ever created by Allah... GTX0_ImD2Fu-00038-00005520-00005880 Muhammad PUBH (Peace Be Upon Him) GVHmQT9Pvgu-00000-00000098-00000509 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00001-00000509-00000860 I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00002-00000860-00001218 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00003-00001218-00001964 Somewhere faraway, I wish that they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00004-00002292-00003290 (English Translation by rabilince0912) GVHmQT9Pvgu-00005-00005224-00005664 Your cell buzzes when you were dozing in your bed GVHmQT9Pvgu-00006-00005664-00005976 It was a text spam. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00007-00005976-00006654 A bug flies into your mouth as if it has been aiming the moment for you to yawn. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00008-00006654-00007323 The midnight show you never missed to record got spoiled cuz of the extended baseball game. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00009-00007323-00008022 You spend forever to get out the last grain of corn stuck in the corn potage can. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00010-00008022-00008734 Somewhere faraway, where I'm unfamiliar of.. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00011-00008734-00009432 While I'm completely unaware and oblivious... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00012-00009502-00009904 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00013-00009904-00010264 I wish that they'd all just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00014-00010264-00010592 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00015-00010592-00010942 Somewhere faraway... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00016-00010942-00011294 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00017-00011294-00011628 I wish that they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00018-00011628-00011980 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00019-00011980-00012746 Somewhere over the rainbow, I wish that they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00020-00015674-00016080 You hit the chair with your inside elbow when you turned around... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00021-00016080-00016394 it hurts like hell... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00022-00016394-00017022 That guy who used the attached eraser on the mechanical pencil when you lend it to him. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00023-00017022-00017778 The noise of construction from the next door, when you were enjoying your sleep on your paid holiday. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00024-00017778-00018472 When I thought the deadline was tomorrow, when it actually was today. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00025-00018472-00019180 Somewhere faraway, at a world where I'm unfamiliar of... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00026-00019180-00019878 At an era I've never heard about, while I'm completely unaware of... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00027-00019932-00020340 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00028-00020340-00020684 I wish that they'd all just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00029-00020684-00021038 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00030-00021038-00021384 Somewhere faraway... GVHmQT9Pvgu-00031-00021384-00021730 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00032-00021730-00022066 I wish that they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00033-00022066-00022422 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00034-00022422-00023200 Somewhere over the blue sky, I wish that they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00035-00026180-00026600 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00036-00026600-00026942 I wish that they'd all just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00037-00026942-00027292 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00038-00027292-00027660 Somewhere faraway. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00039-00027660-00027983 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00040-00027983-00028318 I wish that they'd just die GVHmQT9Pvgu-00041-00028318-00028694 I wish they'd just die. I wish they'd just die. GVHmQT9Pvgu-00042-00028694-00029477 Somewhere over the rainbow, I wish they'd just die. GX3sPklj84u-00000-00000083-00000247 hi guys GX3sPklj84u-00004-00001191-00001407 hello guys please subscribe my channel GX3sPklj84u-00006-00001787-00002128 subscribe now GX3sPklj84u-00043-00011738-00011916 subscribe for more updates GfjcayrY-0I-00002-00008574-00011175 si+a ^<%|m2 7c}f<B n;>D umzI (xTl #k9A z'tF 8I0nl (f,_St J1 m :9C0 ox*6y _~La y8qUpK W,*"[f GfjcayrY-0I-00003-00011175-00013179 pT,6Y Y\Ay \.mh5 xcY\ D.yh 9\.w word/settings.xml Y3$[1 Zu1$9^ eYqq &5`- ]b'x I)1h [ (C B){dXt GfjcayrY-0I-00004-00013179-00014200 Rs{O !1Sq uW7Z p")dx 5*\GV@vpM zxAk} X$i3 f8gz) 7{FD "-pf word/theme/PK word/theme/theme1.xml GfjcayrY-0I-00005-00014200-00015871 jEJT H\b)N bp{c4"C 6s#*W q1}Vw KM1b \Uk1 KCjFO Wn l 3IA= m6nE(N] 8x_T w&Dq P\W.O MBGF Zt25 GfjcayrY-0I-00006-00015871-00017376 5Ds+ \Xr t/Jnc EM1^ @/&8= word/document.xml MtT; &l*#_ T(m= ?>8< wqb<e- "<k` Qu4,qTN jvSM GfjcayrY-0I-00008-00020815-00022575 g wW{4iD QvGhJ Jd1l Fd5RJ @r&7 vO$. _x*I w_>lk cqr!z 8;C jE Acn6o pW{T UfZd OD`P Z.'L :I60 GfjcayrY-0I-00009-00022575-00024243 jo6u k6Hh WoL+ MXfo 4v#1t (Ld1WY d9k)%YM (}CJ ]?,6 .WND' K*^{ -UAw .^Sn .jC% uiPD sE;e ?4!\a\ GfjcayrY-0I-00010-00024243-00025787 .3}Nb r@7]3 l'5Y rB(%6 IxKF .2/d_ PKyQ 9ynA K^1g KE%i% -7e| n#V<< Fjb| RCep customXml/PK GfjcayrY-0I-00011-00025787-00026722 customXml/item1.xml Jrn' L0b>!Vp @cC{E customXml/itemProps1.xmle !@-L' 28;7n ? uE word/fontTable.xml k7uZ +I3tO GfjcayrY-0I-00012-00026722-00028679 gham9 BiA, r%Jb fncM asxP h7D- ajfL v34:~~ jFu7 j6@b {w?4 _rels/PK _rels/.rels (.>+ 7Pay, GfjcayrY-0I-00013-00028679-00029185 T<td customXml/_rels/PK @t?9z customXml/_rels/item1.xml.rels u]ot word/_rels/PK word/_rels/document.xml.rels GfjcayrY-0I-00014-00029185-00030158 [Content_Types].xml :TUE` F]"% &B0Z d9)k gb}Yj ,!%:b v5GI'b.> W'?PK [Content_Types].xmlPK GfjcayrY-0I-00015-00030158-00030869 _rels/PK _rels/.relsPK customXml/PK customXml/_rels/PK @t?9z customXml/_rels/item1.xml.relsPK customXml/item1.xmlPK GfjcayrY-0I-00016-00030869-00031383 @cC{E customXml/itemProps1.xmlPK docProps/PK docProps/app.xmlPK @rD< docProps/core.xmlPK GfjcayrY-0I-00017-00031383-00031762 docProps/custom.xmlPK word/PK word/_rels/PK word/_rels/document.xml.relsPK @/&8= word/document.xmlPK GkUz3_JFnNk-00000-00000000-00000244 Hi travellers I'm Anne's daughter, Lileko. GkUz3_JFnNk-00001-00000244-00000553 Now I'm just figuring out my train tickets. GkUz3_JFnNk-00002-00000553-00000709 All right that light is really bright. GkUz3_JFnNk-00003-00000709-00001247 Okay I'm here in Sibiu and tomorrow I am leaving. GkUz3_JFnNk-00004-00001247-00001952 It's been so nice here so please check out my video of just walking around the town and also the Airbnb where I'm staying. GkUz3_JFnNk-00005-00001952-00002544 I am going to leave to go to Bulgaria woohoo somewhere new yes! GkUz3_JFnNk-00006-00002544-00003369 I've been buying all my train tickets domestically in Romania online I'll put the link in the description box below and there's also one for international travel. GkUz3_JFnNk-00007-00003369-00004015 However you have to book them 48 hours in advance, which today when I woke up and was like I want to leave tomorrow. GkUz3_JFnNk-00008-00004096-00004720 I'm like damn it. So I am well glad that I happen to be in this town where GkUz3_JFnNk-00009-00004720-00004916 everything's within walking distance. GkUz3_JFnNk-00010-00004916-00005340 There is also an international airport here it was still cheaper today the train. GkUz3_JFnNk-00011-00005340-00005861 It is gonna take all day um I've got my e-reader all ready to go. GkUz3_JFnNk-00012-00005944-00006354 I've actually been I've actually been reading a book shock horror. GkUz3_JFnNk-00013-00006354-00007184 All right so I've got three tickets because I've got two changes to make tomorrow so in total it cost it's from Bucharest to Sofia. GkUz3_JFnNk-00014-00007320-00008112 It's 126 Lei. This is the first time I've had real hands-on tickets I've never I've always just GkUz3_JFnNk-00015-00008112-00008427 shown them online or showing them on my phone as a pdf. GkUz3_JFnNk-00016-00008427-00008637 I've got my train ticket tomorrow GkUz3_JFnNk-00017-00008768-00009664 which was 72 from here to Bucharest and I am going at stupid o'clock because GkUz3_JFnNk-00018-00009768-00010200 because it means that then I don't have to pay another night's accommodation. GkUz3_JFnNk-00019-00010200-00010880 I get to Bucharest at 10:20 and then I have to get on another train GkUz3_JFnNk-00020-00011080-00011624 at 11 o'clock, so I've got 40 minutes in Bucharest train station now I've been there GkUz3_JFnNk-00021-00011624-00012216 a couple of times now and there's plenty of foodoptions there there's Mcdonald's, there's Subway, GkUz3_JFnNk-00022-00012336-00012863 there's the Polene, bakery which I do like and there's a little Carrefour express. GkUz3_JFnNk-00023-00012928-00013791 So if you need to get water or beer if you're so inclined and then I arrive in Russe GkUz3_JFnNk-00024-00013912-00014143 at 1:45 in the afternoon. GkUz3_JFnNk-00025-00014143-00015047 Now I don't know where the border crossing is. I've got to be honest right at this moment I have no idea but again it very clearly says my car and my seat number. GkUz3_JFnNk-00026-00015119-00015437 I hope I really do have a window seat that'd be cool. GkUz3_JFnNk-00027-00015481-00016237 These are all second class. This was the only one from here to Bucharest that had the option of being first class and he didn't even ask me. GkUz3_JFnNk-00028-00016237-00016681 I've only ever been second class so please check out that video. GkUz3_JFnNk-00029-00016681-00017354 And I'm there for half an hour because then I go at 2:15 to Sofia and arrive at eight. GkUz3_JFnNk-00030-00017354-00017976 So that's a bit of a long stretch and I assume that's in Bulgaria I actually don't know. GkUz3_JFnNk-00031-00017976-00018210 I do you have a few snacks that I'm taking with me. GkUz3_JFnNk-00032-00018210-00018768 I just have here because then I can just have them on the floor so I've got one of those roundy things GkUz3_JFnNk-00033-00018888-00019576 that I can't pronounce, e-reader there, I've decanted water from a big bottle into a smaller bottle because GkUz3_JFnNk-00034-00019576-00019796 it's got a sippy top which I much prefer. GkUz3_JFnNk-00035-00019796-00020128 And of course I've got some little milka snacks. GkUz3_JFnNk-00036-00020224-00020824 So this bag I will have like at my feet um with second class here there's not a lot of leg room. GkUz3_JFnNk-00037-00020824-00021445 I just strap this to the top of my carry-on so that then when I get on the train I can quickly unstrap it. GkUz3_JFnNk-00038-00021445-00022237 But anyway I am going to put my phone charger and getting into Sofia I don't know where I am. GkUz3_JFnNk-00039-00022237-00022981 And it's dark which is not my usual go-to. I prefer to arrive in the daytime but there just isn't a train that arrives in the day. GkUz3_JFnNk-00040-00022981-00023363 I could fly and do it and it would arrive during the day. GkUz3_JFnNk-00041-00023363-00024072 I'm not sure, so the bits I'm not sure about right now is where to change money that I have to do and GkUz3_JFnNk-00042-00024224-00024648 I'm just hoping it's like Romania here where there's kind of exchange places. GkUz3_JFnNk-00043-00024704-00025152 I know the rates at the train station are not going to be great but basically GkUz3_JFnNk-00044-00025208-00026000 there is no Uber and Sofia so and I don't know if my Vodafone Romanian sim card will work there yet. GkUz3_JFnNk-00045-00026000-00026294 I've googled a bit but I really can't find it out. GkUz3_JFnNk-00046-00026294-00027188 So I'm gonna have to take the subway, which is fine but I need money so I'm gonna have to do a crappy exchange somewhere. GkUz3_JFnNk-00047-00027188-00027714 Obviously my passport on on my person too, let's get boarded onto that train. GkUz3_JFnNk-00048-00027714-00028480 Hi ho this is editing me just interrupting this to say for those of you that are like wait I thought this was a two day trip? GkUz3_JFnNk-00049-00028480-00029160 There are more videos to come because we got an email from work to say don't come in because of GkUz3_JFnNk-00050-00029160-00029471 the outbreak and I went wahoo! GkUz3_JFnNk-00051-00029471-00030032 And so I cancelled my return flight and just left it open because GkUz3_JFnNk-00052-00030144-00030736 as we have all lived through things were really starting to kick off then and as part of my GkUz3_JFnNk-00053-00030888-00031664 continued trip every day I was googling uh cases in Romania. GkUz3_JFnNk-00054-00031776-00032239 And that dictated when I left because I was like as soon as they have one I'm out. GkUz3_JFnNk-00055-00032239-00033200 Obviously I'm fine and got back and got back to Kuwait and at that time it was so new that of course yeah GkUz3_JFnNk-00056-00033200-00033784 masks and people social distancing it wasn't a thing I didn't experience anything until GkUz3_JFnNk-00057-00033784-00034336 I returned back to Kuwait which are also some upcoming videos so please consider subscribing. H08RS7taT3y-00000-00000673-00002076 No more one more times H7f1HgQF_vy-00000-00000012-00000114 Hi H7f1HgQF_vy-00001-00000114-00000276 my name is Nikita Lukianets H7f1HgQF_vy-00002-00000312-00000534 I am a founder of the Open Ethics initiative H7f1HgQF_vy-00003-00000534-00000638 and I want to talk about H7f1HgQF_vy-00004-00000638-00000800 Open Ethics Maturity Model H7f1HgQF_vy-00005-00000814-00000903 more and more H7f1HgQF_vy-00006-00000903-00000964 governments H7f1HgQF_vy-00007-00001018-00001096 scientists H7f1HgQF_vy-00008-00001136-00001238 and even celebrities H7f1HgQF_vy-00009-00001238-00001376 are highlighting the need H7f1HgQF_vy-00010-00001412-00001614 for a thoughtful and cautious approach H7f1HgQF_vy-00011-00001630-00001716 to what some of us call H7f1HgQF_vy-00012-00001723-00001876 "exponential tech" H7f1HgQF_vy-00013-00001892-00002005 that's where engineers H7f1HgQF_vy-00014-00002005-00002092 and ethicists H7f1HgQF_vy-00015-00002092-00002292 should contribute to each other’s efforts H7f1HgQF_vy-00016-00002304-00002392 for example H7f1HgQF_vy-00017-00002392-00002574 in hunting and eliminating bias H7f1HgQF_vy-00018-00002616-00002828 in defining AI decision spaces H7f1HgQF_vy-00019-00002850-00003058 in building data audit processes H7f1HgQF_vy-00020-00003072-00003426 and in working with data privacy regulations H7f1HgQF_vy-00021-00003482-00003660 companies and governments H7f1HgQF_vy-00022-00003660-00003811 have to become transparent H7f1HgQF_vy-00023-00003840-00004144 and to respect choices of every human H7f1HgQF_vy-00024-00004170-00004390 a code of ethics is a good start H7f1HgQF_vy-00025-00004390-00004556 but how do we make sure H7f1HgQF_vy-00026-00004556-00004670 that organizations H7f1HgQF_vy-00027-00004670-00004890 have processes in place H7f1HgQF_vy-00028-00004890-00005030 that guide their decision-making H7f1HgQF_vy-00029-00005052-00005164 in the ethical space? H7f1HgQF_vy-00030-00005214-00005456 the Open Ethics Maturity Model is a framework H7f1HgQF_vy-00031-00005456-00005814 for helping your organization to become more transparent H7f1HgQF_vy-00032-00005844-00006136 and ethically consistent in its choices H7f1HgQF_vy-00033-00006158-00006294 it outlines steps H7f1HgQF_vy-00034-00006294-00006542 that individuals, teams, and organizations H7f1HgQF_vy-00035-00006542-00006776 can take to critically examine H7f1HgQF_vy-00036-00006806-00006973 their organizational practices H7f1HgQF_vy-00037-00006973-00007142 and map their progress H7f1HgQF_vy-00038-00007170-00007273 towards becoming H7f1HgQF_vy-00039-00007292-00007488 more open organizations H7f1HgQF_vy-00040-00007526-00007672 we know H7f1HgQF_vy-00041-00007688-00007870 all organizations are different H7f1HgQF_vy-00042-00007942-00008112 so they adopt open principles H7f1HgQF_vy-00043-00008144-00008318 to different degrees H7f1HgQF_vy-00044-00008398-00008630 the model has three levels H7f1HgQF_vy-00045-00008630-00008774 and aims to help organizations H7f1HgQF_vy-00046-00008774-00008984 determining the relative degree H7f1HgQF_vy-00047-00008984-00009236 to which they align decision-making H7f1HgQF_vy-00048-00009236-00009312 with ethics H7f1HgQF_vy-00049-00009404-00009588 join Open Ethics initiative now H7f1HgQF_vy-00050-00009596-00009756 and power up the movement H7f1HgQF_vy-00051-00009756-00009826 for openness H7f1HgQF_vy-00052-00009828-00010018 at www.openethics.ai H7b8dZYq8Ig-00000-00000000-00000534 what is the greatest SB of all time honestly there's a lot but my personal H7b8dZYq8Ig-00001-00000534-00001194 favorite is the yellow Lobster by far I respect I respect what is the greatest SB of all time H7b8dZYq8Ig-00002-00001266-00001548 it's really controversial opinion I just made a video on this actually H7b8dZYq8Ig-00003-00001548-00002220 the other day new castles I love that shoe really what is the greatest SB of all time H7b8dZYq8Ig-00004-00002526-00002976 I'm gonna have to go with I know the hype's there but I think like the Paris has to be it's H7b8dZYq8Ig-00005-00002976-00003378 a beautiful shoe yeah hype set aside everything set aside it's a beautiful shoe I respect H9_YhoueA64-00000-00000710-00001153 A critical facility will have many different pieces of equipment that require electricity H9_YhoueA64-00001-00001153-00001421 and getting power to all of them is no easy feat. H9_YhoueA64-00002-00001421-00001689 That’s why there are power distribution units. H9_YhoueA64-00003-00001689-00002210 A power distribution unit, or PDU, is a device with multiple outlets designed to distribute H9_YhoueA64-00004-00002210-00002310 electricity. H9_YhoueA64-00005-00002310-00002724 This kind of thing is especially important to critical facilities like data centers that H9_YhoueA64-00006-00002724-00003252 require reliable, clean power to be spread out among a large number of server racks and H9_YhoueA64-00007-00003252-00003453 HVAC equipment. H9_YhoueA64-00008-00003453-00003997 Monitoring your PDU for power management can improve a facilities efficiency, uptime, and H9_YhoueA64-00009-00003997-00004098 growth. H9_YhoueA64-00010-00004098-00004518 There are two, primary types of PDUs that you might see in a critical facility. H9_YhoueA64-00011-00004518-00004867 Rack mount PDUs and cabinet PDUs. H9_YhoueA64-00012-00004867-00005375 Types of rack mounted PDUs can vary wildly from very simple and cheap rack-mounted power H9_YhoueA64-00013-00005375-00005782 strips to much larger solutions, feature rich solutions. H9_YhoueA64-00014-00005782-00006326 More advanced, rack mounted solutions offer features such as power filtering, load balancing, H9_YhoueA64-00015-00006326-00006568 and remote monitoring via LAN. H9_YhoueA64-00016-00006568-00007106 Advantages to using rack mounted PDUs include being able to monitor power at the inlet and H9_YhoueA64-00017-00007106-00007709 outlet, as well as on the PDU branch circuit level and it allows for support for environment H9_YhoueA64-00018-00007709-00007809 sensors. H9_YhoueA64-00019-00007809-00008340 Sometimes, for more power hungry applications like multiple server cabinets, a larger PDU H9_YhoueA64-00020-00008340-00008664 solution is necessary like a cabinet PDU. H9_YhoueA64-00021-00008664-00009196 Stand-alone, cabinet PDUs are self-contained units that include main breakers, individual H9_YhoueA64-00022-00009196-00009503 circuit breakers, and power monitoring panels. H9_YhoueA64-00023-00009503-00010006 The cabinet also provides for grounding via internal bus bars. H9_YhoueA64-00024-00010006-00010447 As you can now tell, power distribution units are vital in mission critical environments. H9_YhoueA64-00025-00010447-00010915 Feel free to leave a message with how your facility utilizes PDUs in the comments below. H9CGwVwqo6y-00000-00000000-00000466 This video is a review on everything up to now. Behold as Ileheart slowly loses her peppiness. H9CGwVwqo6y-00001-00000528-00001035 I've been designed to become Compile Heart's official Virtual Youtuber! H9CGwVwqo6y-00002-00001061-00001236 Compile Heart's final weapon! H9CGwVwqo6y-00003-00001304-00001404 I'm Ileheart! H9CGwVwqo6y-00004-00001562-00002322 The North Wales Coast Line railway has a station called Llanfairpwllgwyngyll-Gogerychwyrndrobwll-Llantysilio-Gogogoch H9CGwVwqo6y-00005-00002592-00003276 The North Wales Coast Line railway has a station called Llanfairpwllgwyngyll-Gogerychwyrndrobwll-Llantysilio-Gogogoch H9CGwVwqo6y-00007-00003515-00003738 "I am very entertained whenever I watch your videos. H9CGwVwqo6y-00008-00003744-00004270 Work hard and don't lose to those in charge. I'm rooting for you from the shadows." H9CGwVwqo6y-00009-00004346-00004596 Don't root for me from the shadows! Root for me in broad daylight! H9CGwVwqo6y-00010-00004634-00004940 What need is there to be secretive about rooting for Ileheart?! (Angry) H9CGwVwqo6y-00011-00004974-00005250 And in the end, everyone finds out I'm just pretending to know what I'm talking about H9CGwVwqo6y-00012-00005504-00005796 I would love to find a way to live without having to lie H9CGwVwqo6y-00013-00005984-00006084 However... H9CGwVwqo6y-00014-00006172-00006402 I don't even know what I'm referencing right now H9CGwVwqo6y-00015-00006476-00006704 So I'm still just pretending. H9CGwVwqo6y-00016-00007036-00007226 "What yakiniku does Ileheart like?" H9CGwVwqo6y-00017-00007267-00007412 Are you planning to take me out? H9CGwVwqo6y-00018-00007507-00007806 Hmm, what could it be, what could it be... H9CGwVwqo6y-00019-00007806-00008016 What I like the most is Salted Tongue H9CGwVwqo6y-00020-00008116-00008372 And Horumon too H9CGwVwqo6y-00021-00008390-00008594 But also... what else...? H9CGwVwqo6y-00022-00008676-00008832 I like that one thing H9CGwVwqo6y-00023-00008870-00009158 I don't know what type of meat it is H9CGwVwqo6y-00024-00009240-00009414 That one meat you put on eggs H9CGwVwqo6y-00025-00009414-00009534 There's one, isn't there? H9CGwVwqo6y-00026-00009590-00009886 That's a little big, and sort of like sukiyaki H9CGwVwqo6y-00027-00009970-00010070 I think such a thing exists. H9CGwVwqo6y-00028-00010130-00010226 I like it H9CGwVwqo6y-00029-00010226-00010423 And, uh, what else...? H9CGwVwqo6y-00030-00010474-00010588 Also... H9CGwVwqo6y-00031-00010646-00010778 Yakiniku... H9CGwVwqo6y-00032-00010858-00011018 It's not actually meat, but... H9CGwVwqo6y-00033-00011084-00011160 Bibimbap H9CGwVwqo6y-00034-00011236-00011444 I like Bibimbap as well. H9CGwVwqo6y-00035-00011473-00011636 *As usual, Ileheart starts talking about something unrelated to the topic* H9CGwVwqo6y-00036-00011636-00011986 There was a time I was a regular at Yakiniku stores... H9CGwVwqo6y-00037-00012082-00012624 Because of that, I got really good at mixing Stone Pot Bibimbap H9CGwVwqo6y-00038-00012846-00013216 Sort of like this, I'm pretty much on craftsman level H9CGwVwqo6y-00039-00013216-00013524 [Elephant Noises] H9CGwVwqo6y-00040-00013584-00013710 Recently, there's been... H9CGwVwqo6y-00041-00013784-00014077 How to put it? High calorie? H9CGwVwqo6y-00042-00014090-00014469 There's been a lot of episodes that... H9CGwVwqo6y-00043-00014547-00015112 Put immeasurable amounts of stress on the viewers, so I'd like to put a peaceful episode in between H9CGwVwqo6y-00044-00015132-00015702 Guys, can you tell why I am angry right now? H9CGwVwqo6y-00045-00015868-00016034 There's something that's been RE~~AL~~ H9CGwVwqo6y-00046-00016196-00016347 ~~LY on my mind all the time H9CGwVwqo6y-00047-00016484-00017015 I think you people treat me too crudely! H9CGwVwqo6y-00048-00017078-00017388 I'm talking to you! You, watching this video! H9CGwVwqo6y-00049-00017470-00017580 To you!!! H9CGwVwqo6y-00050-00017586-00017728 I'm directing this to you! H9CGwVwqo6y-00051-00017799-00018119 The higher-ups in Development came and said H9CGwVwqo6y-00052-00018119-00018382 "What this? We didn't hear anything about it" H9CGwVwqo6y-00053-00018496-00018803 And then the people in charge were like H9CGwVwqo6y-00054-00018804-00018946 "Compile Heart has nothing to do with it, we don't know as well" H9CGwVwqo6y-00055-00019272-00019912 Ileheart figured they'd do something about it if I said that H9CGwVwqo6y-00056-00019944-00020680 But apparently you have to settle something with publishers? and developers first H9CGwVwqo6y-00057-00020710-00021292 But to be honest, Ileheart still hasn't given up on making a game H9CGwVwqo6y-00058-00021390-00021456 A few moments ago... H9CGwVwqo6y-00059-00021528-00021924 I got too lost and had them tell me the way H9CGwVwqo6y-00060-00022612-00022724 Hey, Dumbass! H9CGwVwqo6y-00061-00022740-00022904 Tell me the way! H9CGwVwqo6y-00062-00022984-00023090 Dumbass! H9CGwVwqo6y-00063-00023272-00023398 Give me directions! H9CGwVwqo6y-00064-00023474-00023664 We don't even have the backstage this time H9CGwVwqo6y-00065-00023778-00024100 Almost as if saying "Better than no video, don't ya think?" H9CGwVwqo6y-00066-00024160-00024518 The script really is blank H9CGwVwqo6y-00067-00024518-00024658 "Talk about love" is pretty much all of it H9CGwVwqo6y-00068-00024791-00025058 It's pretty much all this episode was about H9CGwVwqo6y-00069-00025058-00025536 But just as Ileheart said, in order to make you like her more H9CGwVwqo6y-00070-00025536-00025866 There are plenty of projects underway and livestreams planned H9CGwVwqo6y-00071-00025876-00026116 So please, do look forward to it! H9CGwVwqo6y-00072-00026310-00026724 And even after all these ups and downs H9CGwVwqo6y-00073-00026724-00026930 Not only the Ilehearters... H9CGwVwqo6y-00074-00026952-00027222 but also other Vtubers, as well as H9CGwVwqo6y-00075-00027222-00027668 Falcom, Kedouin and Dengeki PS H9CGwVwqo6y-00076-00027668-00028054 All of those Ileheart supporters appeared H9CGwVwqo6y-00077-00028054-00028233 And thanks to their support H9CGwVwqo6y-00078-00028233-00028866 Ileheart has remained alive as an Idol-type Vtuber H9CGwVwqo6y-00079-00028866-00029038 Thank you very much!!! H9CGwVwqo6y-00080-00029114-00029436 I'm in your Ileheart ♥! H9CGwVwqo6y-00081-00029504-00029960 I'm Dengeki Playstation's official Vtuber, Denheart! H9CGwVwqo6y-00082-00030049-00030149 [Rejected] Hqon7fqQQFy-00000-00000008-00000454 In Singapore, hkgalbert had mentioned that Mr. Chan Wai Son (陳維新) operated an amusement park, called as Wai Son Garden (維新花園) at 65 Clementi Road (金文泰律), Hqon7fqQQFy-00001-00000454-00001100 Mr. Chan Wai Son (陳維新) operated another hotel at 204 Pasir Panjang Road (巴西班讓律) too, Hqon7fqQQFy-00002-00001100-00001500 just near Lorong Sari (六條三蘇古), Hqon7fqQQFy-00003-00001500-00001800 such hotel is called as Wai Son Hotel (維新酒店), Hqon7fqQQFy-00004-00001800-00002382 In 1920s, this place was just beside the seashore, its guests could directly access to the sea, Hqon7fqQQFy-00005-00002382-00003061 such Wai Son Hotel (維新酒店) offered swimming shed, restaurant and hotel services, Hqon7fqQQFy-00006-00003061-00003600 it built up a gazebo and waterfront pavilions, Hqon7fqQQFy-00007-00003600-00004100 let its guests enjoyed boat rowing, waterskiing with motor boat, fishing and electric game facilities (carousel). Hqon7fqQQFy-00008-00004100-00004657 In Singapore downtown, spent 18 Singapore cents for taking a blue bus from Tanjong Pagar (丹戎巴葛), Hqon7fqQQFy-00009-00004657-00005071 such blue bus could directly access to Wai Son Hotel (維新酒店)'s main gate. Hqon7fqQQFy-00010-00005071-00005846 Wai Son Hotel (維新酒店) was opened on 6th March, 1927, Sunday, it is lunar 3rd February of rabbit year. 維新酒店(Wai Son Hotel)在中華民國十六年(1927年),農曆丁卯兔年二月初三日(星期日)開幕。 HqVBG_3B9X4-00000-00000008-00000350 Hello friends, today we will look at HqVBG_3B9X4-00001-00000350-00000643 Deficit Clean with a slow pull HqVBG_3B9X4-00002-00000644-00001226 Please subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already in order not to miss any new videos. HqVBG_3B9X4-00003-00002740-00003074 Deficit Clean with a slow pull HqVBG_3B9X4-00004-00003130-00003590 This exercise is a more advanced version of a regular Deficit Clean HqVBG_3B9X4-00005-00003604-00003860 which you can find with a provided link above. HqVBG_3B9X4-00006-00003865-00004406 Just like a regular Deficit Clean, this exercise focuses on strengthening and stabilizing the legs HqVBG_3B9X4-00007-00004410-00004676 due to the Deficit part in it in order to do the "Lift-Off" correctly. HqVBG_3B9X4-00008-00004700-00005354 However, due to a much slower pull speed, it helps the body learn all the proper angles instead of just flying through them. HqVBG_3B9X4-00009-00005354-00005730 This exercise is used with a small weight to learn automatic execution by means of muscle memory, HqVBG_3B9X4-00010-00005730-00006212 and to generate a potential power surplus due to a harder pull, for a regular Clean. HqVBG_3B9X4-00011-00006252-00007218 For beginners: up to 65% of max Clean, 3 reps per set, 4-5 working sets. HqVBG_3B9X4-00012-00007314-00007612 Thank you for watching my video I hope it was helpful HqVBG_3B9X4-00013-00007612-00007894 Also, make sure to check out other videos on this screen for a deeper understanding of the lifts HqVBG_3B9X4-00014-00007894-00008186 Like, share, subscribe, and comment if you have any questions HqVBG_3B9X4-00015-00008186-00008670 In good health, Alexey Semiletov HqXuw4XnL78-00000-00000965-00001738 my parents said computer games were for kids I showed them it was a business HqXuw4XnL78-00001-00001798-00002184 teachers lectured me for drawing in class HqXuw4XnL78-00002-00002184-00003039 I made it a career a corner office wasn't high enough for me so I learned HqXuw4XnL78-00003-00003039-00003623 to fly follow your own path to get to your best with our best Accord yet from HqXuw4XnL78-00004-00003623-00004673 Honda what was my turning point when I decided to stand up for those who can't HqXuw4XnL78-00005-00004673-00005376 stand up for themselves my turning point when I understood I could pursue HqXuw4XnL78-00006-00005376-00006062 anything because of everything they've done for me follow your own path to get HqXuw4XnL78-00007-00006062-00006764 to your best with our best Accord yet from Honda HqXuw4XnL78-00008-00006764-00007227 Honda safety and Driver assistive technologies collision mitigation HqXuw4XnL78-00009-00007227-00007848 braking system in the event of a possible frontal collision it activates HqXuw4XnL78-00010-00007848-00008214 a warning if the collision is unavoidable it can help your Honda apply HqXuw4XnL78-00011-00008214-00009258 brake pressure Lane Keeping Assist system it uses a camera to help detect HqXuw4XnL78-00012-00009258-00010326 lane lines and adjusts your steering to help keep you centered road departure HqXuw4XnL78-00013-00010326-00010944 mitigation system if you cross detected lanes without signaling it activates a HqXuw4XnL78-00014-00010944-00012084 warning and can then adjust your steering and braking if needed adaptive HqXuw4XnL78-00015-00012084-00012591 cruise control with low speed follow when adaptive cruise control is active HqXuw4XnL78-00016-00012591-00013056 it can detect a vehicle ahead and help maintain a set following interval by HqXuw4XnL78-00017-00013056-00014013 adjusting your speed traffic sign recognition when your vehicle passes a HqXuw4XnL78-00018-00014013-00014451 speed limit sign a camera can detect the limit HqXuw4XnL78-00019-00014451-00015272 and display it on your dash and head-up display blind spot information system if HqXuw4XnL78-00020-00015272-00015695 it detects a vehicle in an adjacent Lane it activates a warning light if you HqXuw4XnL78-00021-00015695-00016716 activate your turn signal the light will flash and an alert will sound cross HqXuw4XnL78-00022-00016716-00017136 traffic monitor when you're backing up it can detect vehicles from either side HqXuw4XnL78-00023-00017136-00017634 it will activate an audible warning and display on-screen graphics so you know HqXuw4XnL78-00024-00017634-00017993 when the vehicle has cleared your path HqXuw4XnL78-00025-00017995-00018780 it's all part of the suite of Honda safety and Driver assistive technologies Hr_BrGqzpKu-00000-00000010-00000136 WEATHER, AND AJ FELDMAN WITH Hr_BrGqzpKu-00001-00000136-00000143 WEATHER, AND AJ FELDMAN WITH Hr_BrGqzpKu-00002-00000143-00000270 WEATHER, AND AJ FELDMAN WITH YOUR SPORTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00003-00000270-00000276 WEATHER, AND AJ FELDMAN WITH YOUR SPORTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00004-00000276-00000353 WEATHER, AND AJ FELDMAN WITH YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00005-00000353-00000360 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00006-00000360-00000440 YOUR SPORTS. >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00007-00000440-00000447 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00008-00000447-00000640 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00009-00000640-00000647 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00010-00000647-00000777 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF LOBBYING AND TWO YEARS OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00011-00000777-00000784 AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF LOBBYING AND TWO YEARS OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00012-00000784-00000950 AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF LOBBYING AND TWO YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION, THE NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00013-00000950-00000957 LOBBYING AND TWO YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION, THE NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00014-00000957-00001117 LOBBYING AND TWO YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION, THE NEW BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL HAS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00015-00001117-00001124 CONSTRUCTION, THE NEW BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL HAS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00016-00001124-00001254 CONSTRUCTION, THE NEW BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY DEDICATED. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00017-00001254-00001261 BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY DEDICATED. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00018-00001261-00001351 BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY DEDICATED. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00019-00001351-00001358 BEEN OFFICIALLY DEDICATED. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00020-00001358-00001464 BEEN OFFICIALLY DEDICATED. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE TONIGHT TO TELL US MORE ABOUT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00021-00001464-00001471 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE TONIGHT TO TELL US MORE ABOUT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00022-00001471-00001624 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE IS LIVE TONIGHT TO TELL US MORE ABOUT THE BUILDING. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00023-00001624-00001631 TONIGHT TO TELL US MORE ABOUT THE BUILDING. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00024-00001631-00001691 TONIGHT TO TELL US MORE ABOUT THE BUILDING. SHIRELLE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00025-00001691-00001698 THE BUILDING. SHIRELLE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00026-00001698-00001805 THE BUILDING. SHIRELLE. >> SHIRELLE: THANK YOU, DENNIS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00027-00001805-00001811 SHIRELLE. >> SHIRELLE: THANK YOU, DENNIS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00028-00001811-00001981 SHIRELLE. >> SHIRELLE: THANK YOU, DENNIS. THERE WILL COUNTLESS PEOPLE WHO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00029-00001981-00001988 >> SHIRELLE: THANK YOU, DENNIS. THERE WILL COUNTLESS PEOPLE WHO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00030-00001988-00002065 >> SHIRELLE: THANK YOU, DENNIS. THERE WILL COUNTLESS PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00031-00002065-00002072 THERE WILL COUNTLESS PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00032-00002072-00002182 THERE WILL COUNTLESS PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS DREAM A REALITY, AND MOST OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00033-00002182-00002188 ARE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS DREAM A REALITY, AND MOST OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00034-00002188-00002305 ARE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS DREAM A REALITY, AND MOST OF THEM WERE ACTUALLY PRESENT AT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00035-00002305-00002312 DREAM A REALITY, AND MOST OF THEM WERE ACTUALLY PRESENT AT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00036-00002312-00002422 DREAM A REALITY, AND MOST OF THEM WERE ACTUALLY PRESENT AT THE DEDICATION CEREMONY. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00037-00002422-00002429 THEM WERE ACTUALLY PRESENT AT THE DEDICATION CEREMONY. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00038-00002429-00002792 THEM WERE ACTUALLY PRESENT AT THE DEDICATION CEREMONY. MANY SAY IT WAS A LONG TIME Hr_BrGqzpKu-00039-00002792-00002799 THE DEDICATION CEREMONY. MANY SAY IT WAS A LONG TIME Hr_BrGqzpKu-00040-00002799-00002852 THE DEDICATION CEREMONY. MANY SAY IT WAS A LONG TIME COMING. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00041-00002852-00002859 MANY SAY IT WAS A LONG TIME COMING. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00042-00002859-00003089 MANY SAY IT WAS A LONG TIME COMING. AFTER YEARS OF LOBBYING, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00043-00003089-00003096 COMING. AFTER YEARS OF LOBBYING, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00044-00003096-00003263 COMING. AFTER YEARS OF LOBBYING, FUNDRAISING AND PLAIN OLD HARD Hr_BrGqzpKu-00045-00003263-00003269 AFTER YEARS OF LOBBYING, FUNDRAISING AND PLAIN OLD HARD Hr_BrGqzpKu-00046-00003269-00003400 AFTER YEARS OF LOBBYING, FUNDRAISING AND PLAIN OLD HARD WORK, THE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG Hr_BrGqzpKu-00047-00003400-00003406 FUNDRAISING AND PLAIN OLD HARD WORK, THE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG Hr_BrGqzpKu-00048-00003406-00003526 FUNDRAISING AND PLAIN OLD HARD WORK, THE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IS FINALLY READY FOR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00049-00003526-00003533 WORK, THE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IS FINALLY READY FOR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00050-00003533-00003693 WORK, THE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IS FINALLY READY FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00051-00003693-00003700 SCHOOL IS FINALLY READY FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00052-00003700-00003933 SCHOOL IS FINALLY READY FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. >> IN SOME WAYS, IT IS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00053-00003933-00003940 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. >> IN SOME WAYS, IT IS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00054-00003940-00004057 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. >> IN SOME WAYS, IT IS ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING AND IN Hr_BrGqzpKu-00055-00004057-00004064 >> IN SOME WAYS, IT IS ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING AND IN Hr_BrGqzpKu-00056-00004064-00004274 >> IN SOME WAYS, IT IS ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING AND IN OTHER WAYS IT HAS BEEN SUCH A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00057-00004274-00004280 ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING AND IN OTHER WAYS IT HAS BEEN SUCH A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00058-00004280-00004414 ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING AND IN OTHER WAYS IT HAS BEEN SUCH A REWARDING WALK TO GET HERE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00059-00004414-00004421 OTHER WAYS IT HAS BEEN SUCH A REWARDING WALK TO GET HERE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00060-00004421-00004661 OTHER WAYS IT HAS BEEN SUCH A REWARDING WALK TO GET HERE. >> THE ENTIRE PROJECT COST Hr_BrGqzpKu-00061-00004661-00004667 REWARDING WALK TO GET HERE. >> THE ENTIRE PROJECT COST Hr_BrGqzpKu-00062-00004667-00004728 REWARDING WALK TO GET HERE. >> THE ENTIRE PROJECT COST $11.6 MILLION. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00063-00004728-00004734 >> THE ENTIRE PROJECT COST $11.6 MILLION. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00064-00004734-00004861 >> THE ENTIRE PROJECT COST $11.6 MILLION. THERE'S A NEW SCIENCE ROOM, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00065-00004861-00004868 $11.6 MILLION. THERE'S A NEW SCIENCE ROOM, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00066-00004868-00005125 $11.6 MILLION. THERE'S A NEW SCIENCE ROOM, SMART BOARDS, A NEW TECH LAB, A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00067-00005125-00005131 THERE'S A NEW SCIENCE ROOM, SMART BOARDS, A NEW TECH LAB, A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00068-00005131-00005281 THERE'S A NEW SCIENCE ROOM, SMART BOARDS, A NEW TECH LAB, A SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM AND NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00069-00005281-00005288 SMART BOARDS, A NEW TECH LAB, A SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM AND NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00070-00005288-00005345 SMART BOARDS, A NEW TECH LAB, A SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM AND NEW CLASSROOMS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00071-00005345-00005352 SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM AND NEW CLASSROOMS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00072-00005352-00005462 SPECIAL EDUCATION ROOM AND NEW CLASSROOMS. THE SCHOOL STAFF WAS A BIG PART Hr_BrGqzpKu-00073-00005462-00005468 CLASSROOMS. THE SCHOOL STAFF WAS A BIG PART Hr_BrGqzpKu-00074-00005468-00005655 CLASSROOMS. THE SCHOOL STAFF WAS A BIG PART OF THE BUILDING PROCESS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00075-00005655-00005662 THE SCHOOL STAFF WAS A BIG PART OF THE BUILDING PROCESS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00076-00005662-00005939 THE SCHOOL STAFF WAS A BIG PART OF THE BUILDING PROCESS. >> WE HAVE OUTSTANDING TEACHERS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00077-00005939-00005945 OF THE BUILDING PROCESS. >> WE HAVE OUTSTANDING TEACHERS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00078-00005945-00005985 OF THE BUILDING PROCESS. >> WE HAVE OUTSTANDING TEACHERS HERE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00079-00005985-00005992 >> WE HAVE OUTSTANDING TEACHERS HERE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00080-00005992-00006152 >> WE HAVE OUTSTANDING TEACHERS HERE. THEY ALL HAD INPUT IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00081-00006152-00006159 HERE. THEY ALL HAD INPUT IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00082-00006159-00006342 HERE. THEY ALL HAD INPUT IN THE DESIGN, SO IF THEY HAD A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00083-00006342-00006349 THEY ALL HAD INPUT IN THE DESIGN, SO IF THEY HAD A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00084-00006349-00006509 THEY ALL HAD INPUT IN THE DESIGN, SO IF THEY HAD A PARTICULAR AREA LIKE THE SCIENCE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00085-00006509-00006516 DESIGN, SO IF THEY HAD A PARTICULAR AREA LIKE THE SCIENCE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00086-00006516-00006646 DESIGN, SO IF THEY HAD A PARTICULAR AREA LIKE THE SCIENCE LAB WAS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00087-00006646-00006653 PARTICULAR AREA LIKE THE SCIENCE LAB WAS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00088-00006653-00006776 PARTICULAR AREA LIKE THE SCIENCE LAB WAS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO THE WAY THE TEACHER WANTED IT. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00089-00006776-00006783 LAB WAS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO THE WAY THE TEACHER WANTED IT. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00090-00006783-00006926 LAB WAS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO THE WAY THE TEACHER WANTED IT. >> THE SCHOOL WAS ORIGINALLY Hr_BrGqzpKu-00091-00006926-00006933 THE WAY THE TEACHER WANTED IT. >> THE SCHOOL WAS ORIGINALLY Hr_BrGqzpKu-00092-00006933-00007170 THE WAY THE TEACHER WANTED IT. >> THE SCHOOL WAS ORIGINALLY BUILT IN THE 1970'S AS A PLACE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00093-00007170-00007177 >> THE SCHOOL WAS ORIGINALLY BUILT IN THE 1970'S AS A PLACE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00094-00007177-00007327 >> THE SCHOOL WAS ORIGINALLY BUILT IN THE 1970'S AS A PLACE FOR OJIBWE CULTURE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00095-00007327-00007333 BUILT IN THE 1970'S AS A PLACE FOR OJIBWE CULTURE. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00096-00007333-00007524 BUILT IN THE 1970'S AS A PLACE FOR OJIBWE CULTURE. >> THE GROUNDSWELL OF ALL OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00097-00007524-00007530 FOR OJIBWE CULTURE. >> THE GROUNDSWELL OF ALL OF Hr_BrGqzpKu-00098-00007530-00007680 FOR OJIBWE CULTURE. >> THE GROUNDSWELL OF ALL OF THIS WAS A COMMUNITY COMING Hr_BrGqzpKu-00099-00007680-00007687 >> THE GROUNDSWELL OF ALL OF THIS WAS A COMMUNITY COMING Hr_BrGqzpKu-00100-00007687-00008061 >> THE GROUNDSWELL OF ALL OF THIS WAS A COMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER AND ORGANIZING AND Hr_BrGqzpKu-00101-00008061-00008068 THIS WAS A COMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER AND ORGANIZING AND Hr_BrGqzpKu-00102-00008068-00008538 THIS WAS A COMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER AND ORGANIZING AND CREATING A PLACE FOR OUR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00103-00008538-00008545 TOGETHER AND ORGANIZING AND CREATING A PLACE FOR OUR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00104-00008545-00008665 TOGETHER AND ORGANIZING AND CREATING A PLACE FOR OUR STUDENTS, AND THE THOUGHT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00105-00008665-00008671 CREATING A PLACE FOR OUR STUDENTS, AND THE THOUGHT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00106-00008671-00009099 CREATING A PLACE FOR OUR STUDENTS, AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS BEHIND IT WAS EDUCATION Hr_BrGqzpKu-00107-00009099-00009105 STUDENTS, AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS BEHIND IT WAS EDUCATION Hr_BrGqzpKu-00108-00009105-00009212 STUDENTS, AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS BEHIND IT WAS EDUCATION THROUGH OUR LAND. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00109-00009212-00009219 PROCESS BEHIND IT WAS EDUCATION THROUGH OUR LAND. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00110-00009219-00009345 PROCESS BEHIND IT WAS EDUCATION THROUGH OUR LAND. >> THAT ORIGINAL IDEA WILL NOT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00111-00009345-00009352 THROUGH OUR LAND. >> THAT ORIGINAL IDEA WILL NOT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00112-00009352-00009426 THROUGH OUR LAND. >> THAT ORIGINAL IDEA WILL NOT BE LOST. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00113-00009426-00009432 >> THAT ORIGINAL IDEA WILL NOT BE LOST. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00114-00009432-00009546 >> THAT ORIGINAL IDEA WILL NOT BE LOST. MANY OF THE CLASSES WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00115-00009546-00009552 BE LOST. MANY OF THE CLASSES WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00116-00009552-00009642 BE LOST. MANY OF THE CLASSES WILL INTEGRATE THE TEACHINGS INTO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00117-00009642-00009649 MANY OF THE CLASSES WILL INTEGRATE THE TEACHINGS INTO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00118-00009649-00009733 MANY OF THE CLASSES WILL INTEGRATE THE TEACHINGS INTO THEIR LESSONS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00119-00009733-00009739 INTEGRATE THE TEACHINGS INTO THEIR LESSONS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00120-00009739-00009913 INTEGRATE THE TEACHINGS INTO THEIR LESSONS. >> WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WING OF THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00121-00009913-00009919 THEIR LESSONS. >> WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WING OF THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00122-00009919-00010103 THEIR LESSONS. >> WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WING OF THE SCHOOL THAT'S DEDICATED TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00123-00010103-00010110 >> WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WING OF THE SCHOOL THAT'S DEDICATED TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00124-00010110-00010540 >> WE HAVE AN ENTIRE WING OF THE SCHOOL THAT'S DEDICATED TO OJIBWE STUDIES AND OJIBWE DANCE, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00125-00010540-00010547 SCHOOL THAT'S DEDICATED TO OJIBWE STUDIES AND OJIBWE DANCE, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00126-00010547-00010643 SCHOOL THAT'S DEDICATED TO OJIBWE STUDIES AND OJIBWE DANCE, OJIBWE ART. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00127-00010643-00010650 OJIBWE STUDIES AND OJIBWE DANCE, OJIBWE ART. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00128-00010650-00010767 OJIBWE STUDIES AND OJIBWE DANCE, OJIBWE ART. >> SHIRELLE: REGISTRATION WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00129-00010767-00010774 OJIBWE ART. >> SHIRELLE: REGISTRATION WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00130-00010774-00010850 OJIBWE ART. >> SHIRELLE: REGISTRATION WILL OPEN TOMORROW. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00131-00010850-00010857 >> SHIRELLE: REGISTRATION WILL OPEN TOMORROW. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00132-00010857-00011327 >> SHIRELLE: REGISTRATION WILL OPEN TOMORROW. A FEW GOALS OF THE STAFF IS TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00133-00011327-00011334 OPEN TOMORROW. A FEW GOALS OF THE STAFF IS TO Hr_BrGqzpKu-00134-00011334-00011464 OPEN TOMORROW. A FEW GOALS OF THE STAFF IS TO INCREASE ENROLLMENT AND INSPIRE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00135-00011464-00011471 A FEW GOALS OF THE STAFF IS TO INCREASE ENROLLMENT AND INSPIRE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00136-00011471-00011554 A FEW GOALS OF THE STAFF IS TO INCREASE ENROLLMENT AND INSPIRE OTHER STUDENTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00137-00011554-00011561 INCREASE ENROLLMENT AND INSPIRE OTHER STUDENTS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00138-00011561-00011694 INCREASE ENROLLMENT AND INSPIRE OTHER STUDENTS. >> WE WANT THE SCHOOL TO BECOME Hr_BrGqzpKu-00139-00011694-00011701 OTHER STUDENTS. >> WE WANT THE SCHOOL TO BECOME Hr_BrGqzpKu-00140-00011701-00011815 OTHER STUDENTS. >> WE WANT THE SCHOOL TO BECOME A HUB FOR THE COMMUNITY WHERE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00141-00011815-00011821 >> WE WANT THE SCHOOL TO BECOME A HUB FOR THE COMMUNITY WHERE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00142-00011821-00012011 >> WE WANT THE SCHOOL TO BECOME A HUB FOR THE COMMUNITY WHERE PARENTS CAN COME IN, COMMUNITY Hr_BrGqzpKu-00143-00012011-00012018 A HUB FOR THE COMMUNITY WHERE PARENTS CAN COME IN, COMMUNITY Hr_BrGqzpKu-00144-00012018-00012148 A HUB FOR THE COMMUNITY WHERE PARENTS CAN COME IN, COMMUNITY GROUPS, ACTIVITIES. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00145-00012148-00012155 PARENTS CAN COME IN, COMMUNITY GROUPS, ACTIVITIES. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00146-00012155-00012362 PARENTS CAN COME IN, COMMUNITY GROUPS, ACTIVITIES. WE ALSO WANT IT TO BECOME A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00147-00012362-00012369 GROUPS, ACTIVITIES. WE ALSO WANT IT TO BECOME A Hr_BrGqzpKu-00148-00012369-00012555 GROUPS, ACTIVITIES. WE ALSO WANT IT TO BECOME A TEACHING FACILITY FOR AREA Hr_BrGqzpKu-00149-00012555-00012562 WE ALSO WANT IT TO BECOME A TEACHING FACILITY FOR AREA Hr_BrGqzpKu-00150-00012562-00012769 WE ALSO WANT IT TO BECOME A TEACHING FACILITY FOR AREA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00151-00012769-00012776 TEACHING FACILITY FOR AREA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00152-00012776-00012819 TEACHING FACILITY FOR AREA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AS WELL. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00153-00012819-00012826 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AS WELL. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00154-00012826-00012922 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AS WELL. >> AS I STATED EARLIER, IF WE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00155-00012922-00012929 WELL. >> AS I STATED EARLIER, IF WE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00156-00012929-00013053 WELL. >> AS I STATED EARLIER, IF WE CAN SEE OURSELVES IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00157-00013053-00013059 >> AS I STATED EARLIER, IF WE CAN SEE OURSELVES IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00158-00013059-00013329 >> AS I STATED EARLIER, IF WE CAN SEE OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOMS AND IF WE SEE THAT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00159-00013329-00013336 CAN SEE OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOMS AND IF WE SEE THAT Hr_BrGqzpKu-00160-00013336-00013490 CAN SEE OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOMS AND IF WE SEE THAT REFLECTION OF OURSELVES IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00161-00013490-00013496 CLASSROOMS AND IF WE SEE THAT REFLECTION OF OURSELVES IN THE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00162-00013496-00013633 CLASSROOMS AND IF WE SEE THAT REFLECTION OF OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOM, THEN OUR CHILDREN SEE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00163-00013633-00013640 REFLECTION OF OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOM, THEN OUR CHILDREN SEE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00164-00013640-00013797 REFLECTION OF OURSELVES IN THE CLASSROOM, THEN OUR CHILDREN SEE IT TOO, AND THEY SEE THAT VISION Hr_BrGqzpKu-00165-00013797-00013803 CLASSROOM, THEN OUR CHILDREN SEE IT TOO, AND THEY SEE THAT VISION Hr_BrGqzpKu-00166-00013803-00013883 CLASSROOM, THEN OUR CHILDREN SEE IT TOO, AND THEY SEE THAT VISION OF SUCCESS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00167-00013883-00013890 IT TOO, AND THEY SEE THAT VISION OF SUCCESS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00168-00013890-00014204 IT TOO, AND THEY SEE THAT VISION OF SUCCESS. SO THAT'S OUR INTERMEDIATE GOAL, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00169-00014204-00014210 OF SUCCESS. SO THAT'S OUR INTERMEDIATE GOAL, Hr_BrGqzpKu-00170-00014210-00014367 OF SUCCESS. SO THAT'S OUR INTERMEDIATE GOAL, I GUESS, IF YOU WILL, FOR OUR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00171-00014367-00014374 SO THAT'S OUR INTERMEDIATE GOAL, I GUESS, IF YOU WILL, FOR OUR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00172-00014374-00014554 SO THAT'S OUR INTERMEDIATE GOAL, I GUESS, IF YOU WILL, FOR OUR FUTURE WITH THE SCHOOL. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00173-00014554-00014561 I GUESS, IF YOU WILL, FOR OUR FUTURE WITH THE SCHOOL. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00174-00014561-00014667 I GUESS, IF YOU WILL, FOR OUR FUTURE WITH THE SCHOOL. >> SHIRELLE: AND TEACHERS WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00175-00014667-00014674 FUTURE WITH THE SCHOOL. >> SHIRELLE: AND TEACHERS WILL Hr_BrGqzpKu-00176-00014674-00014797 FUTURE WITH THE SCHOOL. >> SHIRELLE: AND TEACHERS WILL BEGIN MOVING INTO THE NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00177-00014797-00014804 >> SHIRELLE: AND TEACHERS WILL BEGIN MOVING INTO THE NEW Hr_BrGqzpKu-00178-00014804-00014921 >> SHIRELLE: AND TEACHERS WILL BEGIN MOVING INTO THE NEW BUILDING IN TWO WEEKS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00179-00014921-00014928 BEGIN MOVING INTO THE NEW BUILDING IN TWO WEEKS. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00180-00014928-00015068 BEGIN MOVING INTO THE NEW BUILDING IN TWO WEEKS. SCHOOL WILL THEN START FOR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00181-00015068-00015075 BUILDING IN TWO WEEKS. SCHOOL WILL THEN START FOR Hr_BrGqzpKu-00182-00015075-00015221 BUILDING IN TWO WEEKS. SCHOOL WILL THEN START FOR STUDENTS ON SEPTEMBER 4th. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00183-00015221-00015228 SCHOOL WILL THEN START FOR STUDENTS ON SEPTEMBER 4th. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00184-00015228-00015408 SCHOOL WILL THEN START FOR STUDENTS ON SEPTEMBER 4th. DENNIS, BACK TO YOU. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00185-00015408-00015415 STUDENTS ON SEPTEMBER 4th. DENNIS, BACK TO YOU. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00186-00015415-00015705 STUDENTS ON SEPTEMBER 4th. DENNIS, BACK TO YOU. >> DENNIS: THANKS, FOR THAT LIVE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00187-00015705-00015712 DENNIS, BACK TO YOU. >> DENNIS: THANKS, FOR THAT LIVE Hr_BrGqzpKu-00188-00015712-00015822 DENNIS, BACK TO YOU. >> DENNIS: THANKS, FOR THAT LIVE REPORT TONIGHT. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00189-00015822-00015829 >> DENNIS: THANKS, FOR THAT LIVE REPORT TONIGHT. Hr_BrGqzpKu-00190-00015829-00015945 >> DENNIS: THANKS, FOR THAT LIVE REPORT TONIGHT. RIGHT NOW THERE ARE 75 STUDENTS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00191-00015945-00015952 REPORT TONIGHT. RIGHT NOW THERE ARE 75 STUDENTS Hr_BrGqzpKu-00192-00015952-00015999 REPORT TONIGHT. RIGHT NOW THERE ARE 75 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE HIGH SCHOOL. HuroQTcheK0-00000-00001793-00002582 five four three two one liftoff but we aren't leaving Earth in this exercise HuroQTcheK0-00001-00002582-00003238 In fact we're learning to come back home to our own body touching down into present awareness HuroQTcheK0-00002-00003238-00003765 via our five senses so sitting calmly with a straight back in a HuroQTcheK0-00003-00003765-00004155 position that embodies a sense of dignity and openness we can take a HuroQTcheK0-00004-00004155-00004694 moment to relax then when you're ready to begin start with the sense of sight HuroQTcheK0-00005-00004694-00005235 what is there to see can you notice five things which are already present to you HuroQTcheK0-00006-00005235-00005802 in your visual field no need to go around searching let whatever comes to HuroQTcheK0-00007-00005802-00006344 you form what you can already see when you've noted these five things then HuroQTcheK0-00008-00006344-00006881 transfer your attention to your hearing let all the sounds speak for themselves HuroQTcheK0-00009-00006881-00007458 see if you can identify four things that you can hear without any rush letting HuroQTcheK0-00010-00007458-00008050 them come to you obvious sounds the smaller more subtle sounds within sounds HuroQTcheK0-00011-00008050-00008564 even finer sounds from within moments of stillness from inside and outside your HuroQTcheK0-00012-00008564-00009131 body after these four sounds let your hearing go and now turn your attention HuroQTcheK0-00013-00009131-00009713 to the sense of touch see if you can identify three things which you can feel HuroQTcheK0-00014-00009713-00010373 these might be contact with clothing or seat or floor sensations of lightness or HuroQTcheK0-00015-00010373-00010898 heaviness breeze on your skin or hair coolness or walnuts HuroQTcheK0-00016-00010898-00011484 perhaps tiny movements within the body the pulse of your heartbeat any physical HuroQTcheK0-00017-00011484-00012092 sensation which enters your awareness to is for the sense of smell what is HuroQTcheK0-00018-00012092-00012506 available to this sense whether Pleasant or unpleasant or HuroQTcheK0-00019-00012506-00013997 neither-pleasant-nor-painful oak a story that HuroQTcheK0-00020-00013997-00014637 fine just notice the tendency give it space to speak then let it go when HuroQTcheK0-00021-00014637-00015101 you've noticed two smells move on to what you can taste what is HuroQTcheK0-00022-00015101-00015651 the one dominant flavor in your mouth at the moment you can use the sequence to HuroQTcheK0-00023-00015651-00016176 check in at any time to bring yourself back into moment-to-moment awareness we HuroQTcheK0-00024-00016176-00016679 counted down through five sites four sounds three sensations two smells and HuroQTcheK0-00025-00016679-00017364 one taste now back in the circle can you say something about how you feel now in HuroQTcheK0-00026-00017364-00018875 contrast with when you started the exercise HuroQTcheK0-00027-00018875-00019081 you HuroQTcheK0-00028-00019230-00019436 you Hync06_WLTc-00000-00000008-00000431 what if a slightly funny looking guy way back from 1908 told you that you're Hync06_WLTc-00001-00000431-00000888 trying too hard with business and life reading way too many books on strategy Hync06_WLTc-00002-00000888-00001376 marketing etc and that you could actually use more subtle principles that Hync06_WLTc-00003-00001376-00001788 leverage your connection to the universe the science of getting rich points out Hync06_WLTc-00004-00001788-00002265 this way and yet sounds whoo-whoo but I'll leave you some links at the end to Hync06_WLTc-00005-00002265-00002744 some well-known people who do believe in the unseen portion of our reality that Hync06_WLTc-00006-00002744-00003314 goes to work for us in response to our consistent thoughts wallace wattles was Hync06_WLTc-00007-00003314-00003738 this successful guy who made use of these principles in this book to make a Hync06_WLTc-00008-00003738-00004236 lot of money and wanted as many people as possible to know that they can create Hync06_WLTc-00009-00004236-00004646 abundance in an easy way that doesn't involve a lot of struggle and effort in Hync06_WLTc-00010-00004646-00005123 the outside world so he decided to write about it if there's one important point Hync06_WLTc-00011-00005123-00005637 that wallace makes in his book it's this there is a thinking substance that Hync06_WLTc-00012-00005637-00006128 everything you see in the universe is made up of including you and this Hync06_WLTc-00013-00006128-00006501 substance moves according to your thoughts but the habits need to be Hync06_WLTc-00014-00006501-00007077 intentional and habitual you see wallace was a fan of writers such as emerson and Hync06_WLTc-00015-00007077-00007638 Schopenhauer who explored topics of man's powerful mental influences on the Hync06_WLTc-00016-00007638-00008111 universe and pulling from the unseen to the scene by way of meditation and Hync06_WLTc-00017-00008111-00008622 visualization so how to make this practical come up with one written Hync06_WLTc-00018-00008622-00009029 summary of how you want your life to look like take a small piece of paper Hync06_WLTc-00019-00009029-00009465 and get it down an ink if necessary then he says in your spare time whether Hync06_WLTc-00020-00009465-00009747 you're taking it bath washing dishes at a red light Hync06_WLTc-00021-00009747-00010227 simply dwell on how you feel already being there in that new life and he says Hync06_WLTc-00022-00010227-00010668 also that it's important to actually feel gratitude for this new reality as Hync06_WLTc-00023-00010668-00011100 if it's already your actual life now in other words you know how like when you Hync06_WLTc-00024-00011100-00011670 score a free hotel upgrade or you meet a new romantic partner you shout thank you Hync06_WLTc-00025-00011670-00012120 to the universe well if you do this for things that are not yet present those Hync06_WLTc-00026-00012120-00012507 things are going to objectify themselves wallace is saying that there is Hync06_WLTc-00027-00012507-00012944 essentially a vacuum that is created when you hold the feelings of having Hync06_WLTc-00028-00012944-00013336 this any gratitude for something that's not yet materialized and Hync06_WLTc-00029-00013336-00013744 he likes to be resolved by filling in with that thing Hync06_WLTc-00030-00013744-00014194 so the manifestation has to happen another thing whatever you're doing Hync06_WLTc-00031-00014194-00014691 currently to earn money whether it's a job or a business you must act in a Hync06_WLTc-00032-00014691-00015304 certain way Waddell says that if you fuel each individual action as if you're Hync06_WLTc-00033-00015304-00015706 taking that action as someone who already has all the things you want it Hync06_WLTc-00034-00015706-00016183 makes the work that you do quality work full of focus and good energy and you're Hync06_WLTc-00035-00016183-00016480 actually able to stay in a good mood while you're at a job that you may Hync06_WLTc-00036-00016480-00016969 dislike example if we had a job that maybe involves writing emails to Hync06_WLTc-00037-00016969-00017350 customers pretend that you're actually writing thank-you letters to your own Hync06_WLTc-00038-00017350-00017764 customers of your own business in response to them emailing you that your Hync06_WLTc-00039-00017764-00018289 product is helping them so much and make sure you're feeling the awesome reality Hync06_WLTc-00040-00018289-00018748 of your spectacular life that's manifest right now even though you're sitting in Hync06_WLTc-00041-00018748-00019195 a cubicle working for someone else instead of using willpower to force you Hync06_WLTc-00042-00019195-00019591 to study some skill that you think it might make a lot of money but you would Hync06_WLTc-00043-00019591-00020008 not enjoy instead spend that willpower and keeping your image of your perfect Hync06_WLTc-00044-00020008-00020494 life in your mind and live in the now in the beginning of the video I made that Hync06_WLTc-00045-00020494-00020968 point about not having to overdo trying to cram unnecessary knowledge and you're Hync06_WLTc-00046-00020968-00021475 ahead through too many business books and the garag guy might disagree and Hync06_WLTc-00047-00021475-00022042 this is what waddles is saying also by simply holding your vision in your mind Hync06_WLTc-00048-00022042-00022545 and acting as if you're already in that cloud nine dream existence then the Hync06_WLTc-00049-00022545-00023047 people around you and the events that occur will just naturally lead you to Hync06_WLTc-00050-00023047-00023443 the different components of your total life vision that you wrote down for Hync06_WLTc-00051-00023443-00023800 instance you go to a cocktail meet up.com group and you meet someone Hync06_WLTc-00052-00023800-00024262 perfect for your business and two weeks later you go to your workout and that Hync06_WLTc-00053-00024262-00024573 grateful feeling that you've been practicing that you're already with the Hync06_WLTc-00054-00024573-00025066 lover it pays off and bam you meet someone a month later you catch the Hync06_WLTc-00055-00025066-00025545 perfect thing on TV or YouTube that reinforces your new high quality Hync06_WLTc-00056-00025545-00025957 thinking such as an interview with Will Smith on how he applies this these Hync06_WLTc-00057-00025957-00026401 spiritual principles we seriously just be thankful in advance before the thing Hync06_WLTc-00058-00026401-00026795 appears it really works and have some faith that we don't live Hync06_WLTc-00059-00026795-00027269 in some Newtonian existence where everything is just a thing unconnected Hync06_WLTc-00060-00027269-00027602 and that we're all just walking clumps of flesh trying to get where others have Hync06_WLTc-00061-00027602-00028097 that we see I hope you at least Google for this book there's plenty of free Hync06_WLTc-00062-00028097-00028574 PDFs of it on the Internet and and this is one of those classics though so I Hync06_WLTc-00063-00028574-00028976 personally have to have it not got a regular book format I can read on my Hync06_WLTc-00064-00028976-00029291 recliner if you want to stay tuned it for more book summaries and other types Hync06_WLTc-00065-00029291-00029467 of videos click Subscribe Hync06_WLTc-00066-00029467-00029517 Listen to the Full Audio Book The Science of Getting Rich Playlist in the description