2kV1tRua5JU-00000-00000000-00000459 Congratulations to Bizchut from Israel. 2kV1tRua5JU-00001-00000459-00001194 Bizchut supports people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities as well as autism ... 2kV1tRua5JU-00002-00001194-00002010 ... to retain control over important life decisions, with the assistance of trained professionals and volunteers. 2kV1tRua5JU-00003-00002010-00003082 From 2014 to 2018, approximately 2,300 individuals have received training ... 2kV1tRua5JU-00004-00003082-00003476 ... and 50 have received supported decision-making services. 2kV1tRua5JU-00005-00003484-00004032 (applause) 2kV1tRua5JU-00006-00004032-00004736 So, I want to dedicate this award to the 70,000 people in Israel and the millions around the world ... 2kV1tRua5JU-00007-00004738-00005332 ... who are under guardianship and who cannot make decisions over their lives and for the hope ... 2kV1tRua5JU-00008-00005332-00005866 ... that all of these people will find their autonomy and their freedom as soon as possible ... 2kV1tRua5JU-00009-00005866-00006528 ... and to say thank you to the wonderful staff and volunteers of Bizchut that made this project possible. 320pvblpHR8-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, 320pvblpHR8-00001-00000105-00000303 we will look at finding a formula 320pvblpHR8-00002-00000303-00000505 that can help us complete the square 320pvblpHR8-00003-00000505-00000704 on more involved problems. 320pvblpHR8-00004-00000704-00001005 This equation is the general form of an equation 320pvblpHR8-00005-00001005-00001307 we would normally solve by completing the square: 320pvblpHR8-00006-00001307-00001607 ax squared, plus bx, plus c, equals 0; 320pvblpHR8-00007-00001607-00002004 where a, b, and c, we will assume are numbers. 320pvblpHR8-00008-00002004-00002304 x is the variable we are solving for. 320pvblpHR8-00009-00002304-00002504 To solve by completing the square, 320pvblpHR8-00010-00002504-00002701 the first thing we do 320pvblpHR8-00011-00002701-00002904 is separate the variables from the numbers. 320pvblpHR8-00012-00002904-00003108 Because c doesn't have any x's on it, 320pvblpHR8-00013-00003108-00003404 we need to move it to the other side 320pvblpHR8-00014-00003404-00003607 by subtracting c from both. 320pvblpHR8-00015-00003607-00004303 This gives us ax squared, plus bx, equals -c. 320pvblpHR8-00016-00004303-00004703 Our next step is we like the x squared to be alone. 320pvblpHR8-00017-00004703-00005108 We need to divide by the a to clear it out of the way. 320pvblpHR8-00018-00005108-00005503 As we do, we divide each and every term by a, 320pvblpHR8-00019-00005503-00006400 giving us x squared, plus b, over ax, equals -c, over a. 320pvblpHR8-00020-00006400-00006707 Next, we need to find the number that completes the square. 320pvblpHR8-00021-00006707-00007100 We do this by taking half of the middle term-- 320pvblpHR8-00022-00007100-00007502 or the middle coefficient, b over a--and square it. 320pvblpHR8-00023-00007502-00008000 This would be b over 2a squared. 320pvblpHR8-00024-00008000-00008207 Squaring the numerator gives us b squared, 320pvblpHR8-00025-00008207-00008508 and the denominator gives us 4a squared. 320pvblpHR8-00026-00008508-00009001 This is what we have to add on both sides of the equation: 320pvblpHR8-00027-00009001-00009500 b squared over 4a squared on both sides. 320pvblpHR8-00028-00009800-00009907 When we've done this, 320pvblpHR8-00029-00009907-00010405 the left side of the equation will be a perfect square. 320pvblpHR8-00030-00010405-00010807 We take the square root of the first term, which is x; 320pvblpHR8-00031-00010807-00011100 the sign from the middle, plus; 320pvblpHR8-00032-00011100-00011306 and the square root of the last term. 320pvblpHR8-00033-00011306-00011603 The square root of b squared is b, 320pvblpHR8-00034-00011603-00012006 over 4a squared, the square root is 2a. 320pvblpHR8-00035-00012006-00012402 On the other side, we need to get a common denominator 320pvblpHR8-00036-00012402-00012602 in order to add these together. 320pvblpHR8-00037-00012602-00012806 The common denominator will be 4a squared, 320pvblpHR8-00038-00012806-00013401 so we need to multiply by 4a on top and bottom. 320pvblpHR8-00039-00013401-00014101 That first fraction then becomes -4ac, over 4a squared. 320pvblpHR8-00040-00014207-00014607 With the b squared on there, all over the common denominator, 320pvblpHR8-00041-00014607-00015001 we have a b squared and a -4ac, 320pvblpHR8-00042-00015001-00015506 all over the common denominator 4a squared. 320pvblpHR8-00043-00015506-00015902 We are now ready to get rid of the exponent 320pvblpHR8-00044-00015902-00016307 by taking the square root of both sides. 320pvblpHR8-00045-00016307-00016601 Square root and square are inverses, 320pvblpHR8-00046-00016601-00017009 and we're left with x plus b, over 2a, 320pvblpHR8-00047-00017009-00017306 equals the square root of the fraction. 320pvblpHR8-00048-00017306-00017601 To take a square root of the fraction, 320pvblpHR8-00049-00017601-00017904 we take the square root of the numerator and denominator. 320pvblpHR8-00050-00017904-00018108 Don't forget we need a plus or minus: 320pvblpHR8-00051-00018108-00018308 the square root of b squared; 320pvblpHR8-00052-00018308-00018602 minus 4ac; 320pvblpHR8-00053-00018602-00018809 which can't simplify, because we can't take 320pvblpHR8-00054-00018809-00019305 the square root of a difference, just a product; 320pvblpHR8-00055-00019305-00019805 over, the square root of 4a squared is 2a. 320pvblpHR8-00056-00020005-00020203 To get the x alone, 320pvblpHR8-00057-00020203-00020600 we simply subtract b over 2a from both sides. 320pvblpHR8-00058-00020908-00021208 When we do, because there's already a common denominator, 320pvblpHR8-00059-00021208-00021508 we can write them all over the single denominator. 320pvblpHR8-00060-00021508-00021800 We get the opposite of b, 320pvblpHR8-00061-00021800-00022100 plus or minus the square root of b squared, 320pvblpHR8-00062-00022100-00022505 minus 4ac, all over 2a. 320pvblpHR8-00063-00022901-00023200 This result that we get for x 320pvblpHR8-00064-00023200-00023407 is going to be very important to us 320pvblpHR8-00065-00023407-00023703 as we solve equations. 320pvblpHR8-00066-00023703-00023904 Anytime we have the equation 320pvblpHR8-00067-00023904-00024502 ax squared, plus bx, plus c, equals 0, 320pvblpHR8-00068-00024502-00024903 where we know what the number a, b, and c are, 320pvblpHR8-00069-00024903-00025009 we can solve them 320pvblpHR8-00070-00025009-00025706 using this thing called the quadratic...formula, 320pvblpHR8-00071-00026108-00026809 which says that x is equal to the opposite of b, 320pvblpHR8-00072-00026809-00027304 plus or minus, the square root of b squared, 320pvblpHR8-00073-00027304-00027804 minus 4ac, all over 2a. 320pvblpHR8-00074-00028102-00028401 This formula we will use a lot 320pvblpHR8-00075-00028401-00028705 and is very useful to commit to memory. 320pvblpHR8-00076-00028705-00029109 A formula that we found simply by completing the square 320pvblpHR8-00077-00029109-00029704 on ax squared, plus bx, plus c, equals 0. 38lVTx149Sg-00000-00000714-00000857 [APPLAUSE] 38lVTx149Sg-00001-00000857-00000928 Thank you. 38lVTx149Sg-00002-00000928-00001013 Yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00003-00001013-00001139 All right. 38lVTx149Sg-00004-00001139-00001745 Thank you guys for coming and attending this fireside chat. 38lVTx149Sg-00005-00001745-00001997 So it's good to be back at MIT. 38lVTx149Sg-00006-00001997-00002072 Likewise. 38lVTx149Sg-00007-00002072-00002237 [LAUGHTER] 38lVTx149Sg-00008-00002237-00002663 I remember coming to this room for Tom Leighton from Akamai's 38lVTx149Sg-00009-00002663-00003024 class, 6042 Mathematics of Computer Science 38lVTx149Sg-00010-00003024-00003158 my freshman year, I believe. 38lVTx149Sg-00011-00003158-00003415 So it's good to be here. 38lVTx149Sg-00012-00003415-00003827 Definitely more awake than I was back then for that. 38lVTx149Sg-00013-00003827-00004262 So Silvio, first question I have for you 38lVTx149Sg-00014-00004262-00004643 is, when did you first discover Bitcoin? 38lVTx149Sg-00015-00004643-00004949 And what did you think about it when you first 38lVTx149Sg-00016-00004949-00005189 heard about the technology? 38lVTx149Sg-00017-00005189-00005240 Oh, wow. 38lVTx149Sg-00018-00005240-00005574 So first of all, I discovered Bitcoin very late. 38lVTx149Sg-00019-00005574-00005624 Why? 38lVTx149Sg-00020-00005624-00006077 Because I'm obsessed about one thing for a few years. 38lVTx149Sg-00021-00006077-00006399 When I change, being obsessed about that too and move on. 38lVTx149Sg-00022-00006399-00006641 So I was otherwise obsessed. 38lVTx149Sg-00023-00006641-00007155 So finally, when I woke up after a transition of a few years, 38lVTx149Sg-00024-00007155-00007280 I asked one of my students-- 38lVTx149Sg-00025-00007280-00007459 I said, what is this Bitcoin? 38lVTx149Sg-00026-00007459-00007718 And so they gave me a public lecture. 38lVTx149Sg-00027-00007718-00007853 And I said, wow. 38lVTx149Sg-00028-00007853-00008048 What a beautiful idea. 38lVTx149Sg-00029-00008048-00008277 But what an inelegant solution. 38lVTx149Sg-00030-00008277-00008844 So I immediately loved the way-- 38lVTx149Sg-00031-00008844-00008933 the plan. 38lVTx149Sg-00032-00008933-00009146 I really loved the philosophy. 38lVTx149Sg-00033-00009146-00009464 But somehow, the technology, I felt could be better. 38lVTx149Sg-00034-00009464-00009638 In some sense, there is a great alignment 38lVTx149Sg-00035-00009638-00009962 in philosophy between Bitcoiners and Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00036-00009962-00010355 But the technology, in my opinion-- 38lVTx149Sg-00037-00010355-00010538 I want it to be different. 38lVTx149Sg-00038-00010538-00010778 So criticizing is always easy, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00039-00010778-00010959 So doing things is a bit different. 38lVTx149Sg-00040-00010959-00011039 So I say, well, OK. 38lVTx149Sg-00041-00011039-00011217 If I don't like it, what I do? 38lVTx149Sg-00042-00011217-00011399 So I locked myself in a room. 38lVTx149Sg-00043-00011399-00011555 And three months later, I come up 38lVTx149Sg-00044-00011555-00011975 with the design of what is now the backbone of Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00045-00011975-00012068 And-- 38lVTx149Sg-00046-00012068-00012220 What year was that? 38lVTx149Sg-00047-00012220-00012665 That was 2017. 38lVTx149Sg-00048-00012665-00012863 2017, yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00049-00012863-00012922 Very cool. 38lVTx149Sg-00050-00012922-00013313 So bringing me to the next question, which is, please 38lVTx149Sg-00051-00013313-00013730 describe for the audience here what Algorand is. 38lVTx149Sg-00052-00013730-00014093 How is it different than BTC and some of the other layer 1s, 38lVTx149Sg-00053-00014093-00014516 and how did you come up with the underlying ideas? 38lVTx149Sg-00054-00014516-00014588 OK. 38lVTx149Sg-00055-00014588-00015188 So all blockchains are equal in keeping the chain secure 38lVTx149Sg-00056-00015188-00015440 so that you cannot alter the content of the blocks 38lVTx149Sg-00057-00015440-00015616 or the order of the blocks. 38lVTx149Sg-00058-00015616-00015847 Everybody uses the same technology there-- 38lVTx149Sg-00059-00015847-00016181 50 years old, prehistoric cryptographic technology-- 38lVTx149Sg-00060-00016181-00016331 [? the hash ?] function, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00061-00016331-00016802 And what the difference is, is that who has the damn right 38lVTx149Sg-00062-00016802-00017045 to choose the next block of transaction 38lVTx149Sg-00063-00017045-00017231 and append it to the chain? 38lVTx149Sg-00064-00017231-00017450 It almost seems a political problem, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00065-00017450-00017721 So that is what the tech does. 38lVTx149Sg-00066-00017721-00018089 And so proof of work doesn't say, you know what? 38lVTx149Sg-00067-00018089-00018182 It shouldn't be me. 38lVTx149Sg-00068-00018182-00018392 Shouldn't be you. 38lVTx149Sg-00069-00018392-00018734 We live in a contest. 38lVTx149Sg-00070-00018734-00019127 The first one who solves a very complex cryptographic riddle 38lVTx149Sg-00071-00019127-00019398 has the right to append the block to the chain. 38lVTx149Sg-00072-00019398-00019703 So the expectation was, sometimes, I will win. 38lVTx149Sg-00073-00019703-00019823 Sometimes you'll win. 38lVTx149Sg-00074-00019823-00019910 We'd pass it around. 38lVTx149Sg-00075-00019910-00020072 It's going to be distributed. 38lVTx149Sg-00076-00020072-00020471 [INAUDIBLE] around later became an arm race. 38lVTx149Sg-00077-00020471-00020726 So everybody wants to solve [INAUDIBLE] 38lVTx149Sg-00078-00020726-00020921 to have the power of appending the block. 38lVTx149Sg-00079-00020921-00021329 So you need a few supercomputers to even have a chance. 38lVTx149Sg-00080-00021329-00021588 You need many, many more than a few supercomputers 38lVTx149Sg-00081-00021588-00021722 to latch on to append the block. 38lVTx149Sg-00082-00021722-00021941 So it became very expensive. 38lVTx149Sg-00083-00021941-00022137 And when things become expensive, guess what? 38lVTx149Sg-00084-00022137-00022280 It becomes centralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00085-00022280-00022463 Fewer and fewer people can solve it. 38lVTx149Sg-00086-00022463-00022907 So that it was not decentralized at the end. 38lVTx149Sg-00087-00022907-00023295 Proof of stake is a variety of solutions. 38lVTx149Sg-00088-00023295-00023741 And most popular is delegated proof of stake. 38lVTx149Sg-00089-00023741-00023846 What does this mean? 38lVTx149Sg-00090-00023846-00023927 Simple. 38lVTx149Sg-00091-00023927-00024134 We choose those 10 people. 38lVTx149Sg-00092-00024134-00024362 Don't they look honest? 38lVTx149Sg-00093-00024362-00024446 Sure. 38lVTx149Sg-00094-00024446-00024644 And let's hope they remain honest 38lVTx149Sg-00095-00024644-00024810 for the foreseeable future. 38lVTx149Sg-00096-00024810-00025046 Let's give them the power to choose the block 38lVTx149Sg-00097-00025046-00025214 on behalf of all of us. 38lVTx149Sg-00098-00025214-00025424 Is this decentralized? 38lVTx149Sg-00099-00025424-00025523 Hell no. 38lVTx149Sg-00100-00025523-00025633 All right? 38lVTx149Sg-00101-00025633-00025967 So the idea in Algorand is that we 38lVTx149Sg-00102-00025967-00026207 want it to be scalable, and want to be decentralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00103-00026207-00026294 So we have a-- 38lVTx149Sg-00104-00026294-00026516 think of a cryptographic lottery. 38lVTx149Sg-00105-00026516-00026827 [INAUDIBLE] takes a microsecond to execute 38lVTx149Sg-00106-00026827-00027318 and picks up who has any ALGO, which is our native currency. 38lVTx149Sg-00107-00027318-00027583 So if you have one ALGO, you have a chance to be selected. 38lVTx149Sg-00108-00027583-00027968 And everybody is selected eventually. 38lVTx149Sg-00109-00027968-00028152 And that's where we work. 38lVTx149Sg-00110-00028152-00028445 So we scale because the process-- 38lVTx149Sg-00111-00028445-00028589 there is no complicated riddles. 38lVTx149Sg-00112-00028589-00028904 It's you run your own cryptographic lottery. 38lVTx149Sg-00113-00028904-00029183 Think about lowering the slot machine 38lVTx149Sg-00114-00029183-00029360 with the lower-hit-only ones. 38lVTx149Sg-00115-00029360-00029595 And either you win, or you don't win. 38lVTx149Sg-00116-00029595-00029786 But if you win, you get a winning ticket. 38lVTx149Sg-00117-00029786-00030137 And you show, it is my time to act, and to vote the block up 38lVTx149Sg-00118-00030137-00030608 or down, and you propagate your winning ticket and your vote 38lVTx149Sg-00119-00030608-00030785 virally. 38lVTx149Sg-00120-00030785-00031133 This scales, because it takes one microsecond of computation. 38lVTx149Sg-00121-00031133-00031327 Even I can afford the electricity 38lVTx149Sg-00122-00031327-00031574 of one second of computation, or even an hour. 38lVTx149Sg-00123-00031574-00031927 But a microsecond is very, very cheap. 38lVTx149Sg-00124-00031927-00032167 So it scales because of that, because everybody 38lVTx149Sg-00125-00032167-00032233 can afford it. 38lVTx149Sg-00126-00032233-00032358 We lowered the amount. 38lVTx149Sg-00127-00032358-00032664 There is no sacred tokens which is more 38lVTx149Sg-00128-00032664-00032791 valuable than somebody else. 38lVTx149Sg-00129-00032791-00032953 Nobody's more valuable than something-- 38lVTx149Sg-00130-00032953-00033154 if you want to participate to our consensus, 38lVTx149Sg-00131-00033154-00033529 not only you are allowed, but you can technologically with 38lVTx149Sg-00132-00033529-00033673 your laptop participate. . 38lVTx149Sg-00133-00033673-00033818 That's very important to us. 38lVTx149Sg-00134-00033818-00034000 We are really scalable and decentralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00135-00034000-00034411 By the way, we are secure because if I were somehow 38lVTx149Sg-00136-00034411-00034759 a very bad guy, and I am at the snap of a finger, 38lVTx149Sg-00137-00034759-00035025 I can corrupt anybody I want on planet Earth, whom 38lVTx149Sg-00138-00035025-00035113 do I want to corrupt? 38lVTx149Sg-00139-00035113-00035305 Who is going to win this lottery? 38lVTx149Sg-00140-00035305-00035575 The problem is, I don't know who is going to win this lottery. 38lVTx149Sg-00141-00035575-00035729 And once I know, because they come up 38lVTx149Sg-00142-00035729-00035945 with the winning ticket, then they'll be [INAUDIBLE] 38lVTx149Sg-00143-00035945-00036013 the block. 38lVTx149Sg-00144-00036013-00036221 I can corrupt them right away. 38lVTx149Sg-00145-00036221-00036382 But it's too late. 38lVTx149Sg-00146-00036382-00036553 Whatever I had to say, they already said. 38lVTx149Sg-00147-00036553-00036779 It's virally propagating over a network. 38lVTx149Sg-00148-00036779-00036883 And so damn. 38lVTx149Sg-00149-00036883-00037058 I cannot corrupt them beforehand. 38lVTx149Sg-00150-00037058-00037261 And it's useless to corrupt afterwards. 38lVTx149Sg-00151-00037261-00037397 That's why it's secure, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00152-00037397-00037837 So we want to have a truly decentralized system 38lVTx149Sg-00153-00037837-00038194 scalable, because many, many of us who want to transact 38lVTx149Sg-00154-00038194-00038320 should be able to transact. 38lVTx149Sg-00155-00038320-00038665 And we want to really be a very democratic system, where 38lVTx149Sg-00156-00038665-00038943 the participation bar is very, very low. 38lVTx149Sg-00157-00038943-00038993 Yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00158-00038993-00039437 And as one of the earliest validators for Algorand, 38lVTx149Sg-00159-00039437-00039533 I'm very impressed. 38lVTx149Sg-00160-00039533-00039812 Because not only are you guys super decentralized, 38lVTx149Sg-00161-00039812-00040481 but haven't dropped many blocks since 2017 or '18. 38lVTx149Sg-00162-00040481-00041186 I must say that we all should be proud of whatever we are doing. 38lVTx149Sg-00163-00041186-00041507 We are very proud to have produced 20 million blocks 38lVTx149Sg-00164-00041507-00042142 and change every 4.4 seconds without interruption. 38lVTx149Sg-00165-00042142-00042346 So no down time. 38lVTx149Sg-00166-00042346-00042517 And I believe that that is important, 38lVTx149Sg-00167-00042517-00042947 because in my opinion, blockchain 38lVTx149Sg-00168-00042947-00043168 is not only about speculation. 38lVTx149Sg-00169-00043168-00043381 Because a speculative blockchain, 38lVTx149Sg-00170-00043381-00043699 if it's down for a couple of hours every month, eh. 38lVTx149Sg-00171-00043699-00043846 I'll speculate tomorrow, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00172-00043846-00044359 But if you're using a blockchain for some important financial, 38lVTx149Sg-00173-00044359-00044701 or health care services, or whatever you want to do, 38lVTx149Sg-00174-00044701-00044986 if the blockchain is down and you cannot transact, 38lVTx149Sg-00175-00044986-00045119 that's not good, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00176-00045119-00045193 Yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00177-00045193-00045517 Yeah, that's very impressive relative to other protocols 38lVTx149Sg-00178-00045517-00045620 out there. 38lVTx149Sg-00179-00045620-00045808 So let's talk about privacy for a little bit. 38lVTx149Sg-00180-00045808-00046324 So Algorand is very focused on having transparency 38lVTx149Sg-00181-00046324-00046576 for its developers, its communities, its users, 38lVTx149Sg-00182-00046576-00046849 and has a big focus on transparency. 38lVTx149Sg-00183-00046849-00047191 In today's world, as the asset class gets bigger, 38lVTx149Sg-00184-00047191-00047815 and there's more people trying to hack the general space, 38lVTx149Sg-00185-00047815-00048064 and people are talking more and more about privacy, 38lVTx149Sg-00186-00048064-00048271 and privacy-focused applications, 38lVTx149Sg-00187-00048271-00048643 how does Algorand think about privacy in their eyes? 38lVTx149Sg-00188-00048643-00048953 So in terms of hacking, the premise is different, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00189-00048953-00049153 So I don't believe-- 38lVTx149Sg-00190-00049153-00049387 by being truly decentralized, there 38lVTx149Sg-00191-00049387-00049531 is not one point of attack. 38lVTx149Sg-00192-00049531-00049687 There is not ten points of attack. 38lVTx149Sg-00193-00049687-00049843 There is not 100 points of attack. 38lVTx149Sg-00194-00049843-00050089 There is not 1,000 points of attack, et cetera, et cetera. 38lVTx149Sg-00195-00050089-00050228 Hacking is very hard. 38lVTx149Sg-00196-00050228-00050452 Privacy, however-- people value privacy. 38lVTx149Sg-00197-00050452-00050669 And they should have it, too. 38lVTx149Sg-00198-00050669-00050866 And we made a strategic decision. 38lVTx149Sg-00199-00050866-00051340 By the way, I've been a cryptographer for 40 years, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00200-00051340-00051653 So we have participated here at MIT 38lVTx149Sg-00201-00051653-00051986 to forge-- and all the tools of public key cryptography 38lVTx149Sg-00202-00051986-00052076 as we know it. 38lVTx149Sg-00203-00052076-00052425 But we felt that it would be too much 38lVTx149Sg-00204-00052425-00052866 confusion with a regulator, or something, 38lVTx149Sg-00205-00052866-00053100 to say, first of all, there is already a big revolution 38lVTx149Sg-00206-00053100-00053241 to have things decentralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00207-00053241-00053512 Now, you want to see nobody can see what's going on? 38lVTx149Sg-00208-00053512-00053625 It's a little bit too much. 38lVTx149Sg-00209-00053625-00054039 So I felt that we wanted to say a message of, 38lVTx149Sg-00210-00054039-00054346 a blockchain is really for doing social change. 38lVTx149Sg-00211-00054346-00054501 And we do that first. 38lVTx149Sg-00212-00054501-00054612 We shall decentralize. 38lVTx149Sg-00213-00054612-00054933 We are a transactional platform. 38lVTx149Sg-00214-00054933-00055146 And we'll add the privacy later. 38lVTx149Sg-00215-00055146-00055404 So everybody begins a bit more comfortable, 38lVTx149Sg-00216-00055404-00055578 rather than having everything at once, 38lVTx149Sg-00217-00055578-00056034 and possibly generate a lot of undue hostility 38lVTx149Sg-00218-00056034-00056179 for a lack of knowledge. 38lVTx149Sg-00219-00056179-00056391 I think you have to do it gradually. 38lVTx149Sg-00220-00056391-00056715 But we are going to have privacy on the Algorand blockchain. 38lVTx149Sg-00221-00056715-00057015 And if I may say, we've got to be pretty good privacy 38lVTx149Sg-00222-00057015-00057159 on the Algorand blockchain. 38lVTx149Sg-00223-00057159-00057507 So far, we have the pseudo-privacy, but no better-- 38lVTx149Sg-00224-00057507-00057774 not knowing who is behind the one key. 38lVTx149Sg-00225-00057774-00058113 And that is good enough in most applications. 38lVTx149Sg-00226-00058113-00058476 But if you want to do rigorous privacy, zero knowledge 38lVTx149Sg-00227-00058476-00058817 proofs, and things like this, it takes it to another level. 38lVTx149Sg-00228-00058817-00059104 This is going to be next. 38lVTx149Sg-00229-00059104-00059199 Next. 38lVTx149Sg-00230-00059199-00059520 And can you give the audience some timelines here, 38lVTx149Sg-00231-00059520-00059979 or some alpha on how you guys are thinking about that? 38lVTx149Sg-00232-00059979-00060048 So yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00233-00060048-00060396 First of all, believe it or not, we have a great-- 38lVTx149Sg-00234-00060396-00060834 our technology-- let me tell you one thing 38lVTx149Sg-00235-00060834-00061049 that is about Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00236-00061049-00061317 Something we got right from the beginning. 38lVTx149Sg-00237-00061317-00061548 And so it is our DNA that we want 38lVTx149Sg-00238-00061548-00062046 to have our chain to be upgradable by consensus, 38lVTx149Sg-00239-00062046-00062244 consensual improvement. 38lVTx149Sg-00240-00062244-00062547 Because I do not know anything that is fixed in life 38lVTx149Sg-00241-00062547-00062874 and remains living for very long, 38lVTx149Sg-00242-00062874-00063046 or relevant for very long. 38lVTx149Sg-00243-00063046-00063462 So any time we have is a better technology to absorb. 38lVTx149Sg-00244-00063462-00063755 Next, is going to be, we have great performance. 38lVTx149Sg-00245-00063755-00064144 But we think we need an even greater performance. 38lVTx149Sg-00246-00064144-00064620 So we are going to have a 10x improvement by quarter 3. 38lVTx149Sg-00247-00064620-00065267 We are going to have some decentralized token bridges 38lVTx149Sg-00248-00065267-00065417 with these next. 38lVTx149Sg-00249-00065417-00065639 And why decentralized token bridges? 38lVTx149Sg-00250-00065639-00066204 Remember, it's possible to be good at many things. 38lVTx149Sg-00251-00066204-00066454 But to be great at all things-- 38lVTx149Sg-00252-00066454-00066619 that's a totally different story. 38lVTx149Sg-00253-00066619-00066942 And so there is no reason for which we should not 38lVTx149Sg-00254-00066942-00067125 be great at something, and somebody else 38lVTx149Sg-00255-00067125-00067291 would be great at something else. 38lVTx149Sg-00256-00067291-00067677 So I believe it is natural that in the blockchain space, 38lVTx149Sg-00257-00067677-00067914 there is going to be not one winner takes it all, 38lVTx149Sg-00258-00067914-00068322 but the world, perhaps, doesn't mean the 6,000 blockchains, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00259-00068322-00068511 But 12, 24. 38lVTx149Sg-00260-00068511-00068706 So it is a very nice. 38lVTx149Sg-00261-00068706-00069124 But everybody does better something than anybody else. 38lVTx149Sg-00262-00069124-00069378 And so therefore, you want to bring your asset 38lVTx149Sg-00263-00069378-00069633 to another chain when it's going to be serviced 38lVTx149Sg-00264-00069633-00069753 better than in your chain. 38lVTx149Sg-00265-00069753-00070011 And then, bring it back after it's been serviced. 38lVTx149Sg-00266-00070011-00070407 But the chain is decentralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00267-00070407-00070716 The other chain, hopefully for you, is decentralized, too. 38lVTx149Sg-00268-00070716-00071148 But the bridges right now are centralized. 38lVTx149Sg-00269-00071148-00071557 So there are some one-trustee, three-trustee rolled-up, 38lVTx149Sg-00270-00071557-00071748 pop up with a shaky thing. 38lVTx149Sg-00271-00071748-00071940 You send your asset over. 38lVTx149Sg-00272-00071940-00072186 And you don't know if the bridge is going to be standing up 38lVTx149Sg-00273-00072186-00072331 when you want it back. 38lVTx149Sg-00274-00072331-00072636 So what is it going to be next for us is to have 38lVTx149Sg-00275-00072636-00072810 really a decentralized bridge. 38lVTx149Sg-00276-00072810-00072930 Who owns the bridge? 38lVTx149Sg-00277-00072930-00073305 Blockchain A Blockchain B. You trust Blockchain A 38lVTx149Sg-00278-00073305-00073563 because your asset is there right now. 38lVTx149Sg-00279-00073563-00073734 You trust the Blockchain B because you 38lVTx149Sg-00280-00073734-00073902 want to bring your asset there. 38lVTx149Sg-00281-00073902-00074082 You don't need to trust anybody else. 38lVTx149Sg-00282-00074082-00074199 Thank you very much. 38lVTx149Sg-00283-00074199-00074506 Because all these five people-- 38lVTx149Sg-00284-00074506-00074748 if three of which are owners, then the bridge 38lVTx149Sg-00285-00074748-00075027 will continue to exist, blah, blah, blah, blah. 38lVTx149Sg-00286-00075027-00075315 In reality, a blockchain that works 38lVTx149Sg-00287-00075315-00075664 is going to secure trillions of dollars in value. 38lVTx149Sg-00288-00075664-00075993 And these people here say, I make you whole 38lVTx149Sg-00289-00075993-00076242 if you really have a problem. 38lVTx149Sg-00290-00076242-00076371 Make you whole? 38lVTx149Sg-00291-00076371-00076686 Where is the trillion dollars that you set aside, though? 38lVTx149Sg-00292-00076686-00076912 They boast a very small amount of money. 38lVTx149Sg-00293-00076912-00077256 So we really believe that it's not even their idea 38lVTx149Sg-00294-00077256-00077468 to go after their assets, which is 38lVTx149Sg-00295-00077468-00077706 going to be minuscule relative to the value of the chain, 38lVTx149Sg-00296-00077706-00077784 anyway. 38lVTx149Sg-00297-00077784-00077973 And what do you do? 38lVTx149Sg-00298-00077973-00078081 You sue them? 38lVTx149Sg-00299-00078081-00078408 [? He's ?] in a smart contract in which chain? 38lVTx149Sg-00300-00078408-00078516 Things makes no sense. 38lVTx149Sg-00301-00078516-00078684 Decentralized bridges is what allows 38lVTx149Sg-00302-00078684-00078969 us to interoperate properly, as we should 38lVTx149Sg-00303-00078969-00079237 be in a multiple ecosystem. 38lVTx149Sg-00304-00079237-00079287 Yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00305-00079287-00079692 From an investor's perspective, the whole concept of bridging 38lVTx149Sg-00306-00079692-00079849 is very, very hot today, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00307-00079849-00079899 Yes. 38lVTx149Sg-00308-00079899-00080082 You have Layer 0, XLR. 38lVTx149Sg-00309-00080082-00080217 You have Wormhole. 38lVTx149Sg-00310-00080217-00080412 A lot of large-- 38lVTx149Sg-00311-00080412-00080742 from an investor's perspective, large investors 38lVTx149Sg-00312-00080742-00081108 are putting a stake and picking their horse. 38lVTx149Sg-00313-00081108-00081393 So it's good to know that Algorand is focused 38lVTx149Sg-00314-00081393-00081687 on cross-chain bridges as well. 38lVTx149Sg-00315-00081687-00081867 And what's very interesting-- because we're 38lVTx149Sg-00316-00081867-00082062 at the Bitcoin Expo. 38lVTx149Sg-00317-00082062-00082419 What you said about upgradability of a Layer 1 38lVTx149Sg-00318-00082419-00082839 protocol makes a lot of sense, although people 38lVTx149Sg-00319-00082839-00083238 who are Bitcoin maxis, or folks who are Bitcoin Core 38lVTx149Sg-00320-00083238-00083466 devs-- you'll know if you talk to them, 38lVTx149Sg-00321-00083466-00083694 they're thinking about ways-- how 38lVTx149Sg-00322-00083694-00083991 do we ossify Bitcoin even more? 38lVTx149Sg-00323-00083991-00084541 And think about ways to not accept changes. 38lVTx149Sg-00324-00084541-00084768 It's just a different type of mentality, 38lVTx149Sg-00325-00084768-00085203 where Bitcoin is probably going to have many fewer 38lVTx149Sg-00326-00085203-00085521 changes than Algorand and other protocols. 38lVTx149Sg-00327-00085521-00085659 So very-- 38lVTx149Sg-00328-00085659-00085791 So it's a different philosophy. 38lVTx149Sg-00329-00085791-00085882 It is right. 38lVTx149Sg-00330-00085882-00086372 And so we all have experience in all the changing of the Boston 38lVTx149Sg-00331-00086372-00086481 in the middle of the game. 38lVTx149Sg-00332-00086481-00086654 And nobody likes that, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00333-00086654-00086850 So the last thing you want to do-- you come in, 38lVTx149Sg-00334-00086850-00087029 because there is one philosophy, and things 38lVTx149Sg-00335-00087029-00087222 change completely on the other side. 38lVTx149Sg-00336-00087222-00087881 But while [INAUDIBLE],, if you have something about 80% 38lVTx149Sg-00337-00087881-00088291 of the people have to agree to make a change, 38lVTx149Sg-00338-00088291-00088411 is this so dangerous? 38lVTx149Sg-00339-00088411-00088795 And by the way, if we can give you a decentralized bridge 38lVTx149Sg-00340-00088795-00089245 to say, before this change happens, which I disagree, 38lVTx149Sg-00341-00089245-00089602 then you can ship your assets somewhere else. 38lVTx149Sg-00342-00089602-00090085 I think we must have the ability to guide ourselves. 38lVTx149Sg-00343-00090085-00090602 Look, you have improved in your life how many times? 38lVTx149Sg-00344-00090602-00090750 I hope I've done the same. 38lVTx149Sg-00345-00090750-00091052 So life is about an continual adaptation 38lVTx149Sg-00346-00091052-00091224 to changing circumstances. 38lVTx149Sg-00347-00091224-00091505 And if we are not capable of doing this, 38lVTx149Sg-00348-00091505-00091847 or not willing to do this-- 38lVTx149Sg-00349-00091847-00092238 the dinosaurs didn't want, or could not adapt fast enough. 38lVTx149Sg-00350-00092238-00092525 So I think we should preserve the visibility, 38lVTx149Sg-00351-00092525-00092774 but with decentralized bridge, and setting 38lVTx149Sg-00352-00092774-00092984 the threshold of consensus, in our case 38lVTx149Sg-00353-00092984-00093317 is 80%, before we do an upgrade. 38lVTx149Sg-00354-00093317-00093453 I think it is a good thing. 38lVTx149Sg-00355-00093453-00093947 You don't want to be set a course with an ocean liner. 38lVTx149Sg-00356-00093947-00094097 Storm, no storm. 38lVTx149Sg-00357-00094097-00094220 Icebergs, no icebergs. 38lVTx149Sg-00358-00094220-00094403 And say, well now, I set a course, 38lVTx149Sg-00359-00094403-00094559 I should keep it no matter what. 38lVTx149Sg-00360-00094559-00095107 It doesn't strike me to be such an alluring possibility. 38lVTx149Sg-00361-00095107-00095157 All right. 38lVTx149Sg-00362-00095157-00095390 So let's talk a little bit about another category, which 38lVTx149Sg-00363-00095390-00095817 is DeFi and democratizing finance for everyone 38lVTx149Sg-00364-00095817-00095911 around the world. 38lVTx149Sg-00365-00095911-00096165 What does that mean to the Algorand foundation? 38lVTx149Sg-00366-00096165-00096490 And how do you think about DeFi in the grand scheme of things? 38lVTx149Sg-00367-00096490-00097206 I think DeFi is really a great opportunity for humanity, 38lVTx149Sg-00368-00097206-00097305 done right, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00369-00097305-00097455 And we want to do it right. 38lVTx149Sg-00370-00097455-00097800 And it has to be really decentralized, 38lVTx149Sg-00371-00097800-00098124 and it has to be very little cost. 38lVTx149Sg-00372-00098124-00098460 Because otherwise, there if are DeFi [? tokens ?] which 38lVTx149Sg-00373-00098460-00098901 are expensive, we are back where nobody can really transact. 38lVTx149Sg-00374-00098901-00099279 And there is no democratization of the economy, which is one 38lVTx149Sg-00375-00099279-00099498 of the main goals of Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00376-00099498-00099750 So the reason our various platforms 38lVTx149Sg-00377-00099750-00100405 and all my Algofy, Folks Finance, and remittances, 38lVTx149Sg-00378-00100405-00100455 [INAUDIBLE]. 38lVTx149Sg-00379-00100455-00101028 Also it is a way to make liquid assets for artists, 38lVTx149Sg-00380-00101028-00101230 market places for artists. 38lVTx149Sg-00381-00101230-00101672 And so we really need to all this decentralization is great. 38lVTx149Sg-00382-00101672-00101913 There are various projects, also, 38lVTx149Sg-00383-00101913-00102816 that I believe that they need liquidity and [? of a ?] sort. 38lVTx149Sg-00384-00102816-00103020 Two [INAUDIBLE] that I'm particularly fond of-- 38lVTx149Sg-00385-00103020-00103341 they actually come to us from the way of Argentina. 38lVTx149Sg-00386-00103341-00103470 One is, ARGO token. 38lVTx149Sg-00387-00103470-00103971 That is a way to essentially represent as a token grains. 38lVTx149Sg-00388-00103971-00104033 Think about it. 38lVTx149Sg-00389-00104033-00104253 You have a ton of wheat. 38lVTx149Sg-00390-00104253-00104592 And you geolocated. 38lVTx149Sg-00391-00104592-00104964 You record the temperature of a [INAUDIBLE] and things. 38lVTx149Sg-00392-00104964-00105075 And now, you have a token. 38lVTx149Sg-00393-00105075-00105552 That is immediate liquidity for the farmers, which by the way, 38lVTx149Sg-00394-00105552-00105932 their liquidity depend on wholesalers whether they say, 38lVTx149Sg-00395-00105932-00106136 I'll buy everything you have at this price, which 38lVTx149Sg-00396-00106136-00106269 is not the price you want. 38lVTx149Sg-00397-00106269-00106815 So to be able to do this immediately and giving-- 38lVTx149Sg-00398-00106815-00106999 that is very important. 38lVTx149Sg-00399-00106999-00107451 Another project, which is Travelex. 38lVTx149Sg-00400-00107451-00107772 And believe it or not, it's a great project, 38lVTx149Sg-00401-00107772-00108078 because there is one financial instrument that does not 38lVTx149Sg-00402-00108078-00108204 have a secondary market. 38lVTx149Sg-00403-00108204-00108357 And what it is-- 38lVTx149Sg-00404-00108357-00108458 travel tickets. 38lVTx149Sg-00405-00108458-00108525 Congratulations. 38lVTx149Sg-00406-00108525-00108651 You bought a travel ticket. 38lVTx149Sg-00407-00108651-00108732 You cannot pay? 38lVTx149Sg-00408-00108732-00108836 Too bad for you. 38lVTx149Sg-00409-00108836-00108917 I'll see you later. 38lVTx149Sg-00410-00108917-00108996 Bye. 38lVTx149Sg-00411-00108996-00109120 Thank you for your money. 38lVTx149Sg-00412-00109120-00109479 So that is not the way the world should work, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00413-00109479-00110025 And so to enable, or to resell it, 38lVTx149Sg-00414-00110025-00110241 knowing on the blockchain that actually, 38lVTx149Sg-00415-00110241-00110367 you are really the owner. 38lVTx149Sg-00416-00110367-00110499 That ticket really exists. 38lVTx149Sg-00417-00110499-00110883 It's not a piece of paper with some kind of a stamp, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00418-00110883-00111416 I think all of these things are really pointing the direction 38lVTx149Sg-00419-00111416-00111821 that you are to be the owner of your own information 38lVTx149Sg-00420-00111821-00112258 and your own data, by the way, and also 38lVTx149Sg-00421-00112258-00112483 of your financial instruments. 38lVTx149Sg-00422-00112483-00112980 And tickets is one particular one of them. 38lVTx149Sg-00423-00112980-00113239 And so somehow, we live in a world in which we 38lVTx149Sg-00424-00113239-00113369 are sucked off of our own data. 38lVTx149Sg-00425-00113369-00113507 It now belongs to me. 38lVTx149Sg-00426-00113507-00113584 Really? 38lVTx149Sg-00427-00113584-00113674 I don't think so. 38lVTx149Sg-00428-00113674-00113724 No. 38lVTx149Sg-00429-00113724-00114002 I think it's about, we take this business plan 38lVTx149Sg-00430-00114002-00114136 and turn it on their heads. 38lVTx149Sg-00431-00114136-00114511 And we want to be at the helm of our own data information 38lVTx149Sg-00432-00114511-00114593 and finance. 38lVTx149Sg-00433-00114593-00114875 So talking about some more real-world applications 38lVTx149Sg-00434-00114875-00115490 and partnerships, Algorand is the official partner of FIFA. 38lVTx149Sg-00435-00115490-00115925 It's pretty impressive having partnered with the governing 38lVTx149Sg-00436-00115925-00116427 body that has a sport that has 4 billion followers or more. 38lVTx149Sg-00437-00116427-00116741 What does that mean to Algorand, and that partnership, 38lVTx149Sg-00438-00116741-00116999 for bringing decentralization to the world? 38lVTx149Sg-00439-00116999-00117143 I'll tell you. 38lVTx149Sg-00440-00117143-00117559 I was very-- when FIFA approached us, 38lVTx149Sg-00441-00117559-00117919 because these guys have scales, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00442-00117919-00118186 So [INAUDIBLE] $5 billion plan. 38lVTx149Sg-00443-00118186-00118672 So it is more when you take in two most popular religions, 38lVTx149Sg-00444-00118672-00118902 you combine even more. 38lVTx149Sg-00445-00118902-00119233 And they really want to bring away-- 38lVTx149Sg-00446-00119233-00119567 sports bring us together very often in ways that other 38lVTx149Sg-00447-00119567-00119774 things-- and music, and art-- 38lVTx149Sg-00448-00119774-00119933 are really good. 38lVTx149Sg-00449-00119933-00120248 And so they really want the people to transact. 38lVTx149Sg-00450-00120248-00120569 And so they needed a blockchain, that, it's scale, 38lVTx149Sg-00451-00120569-00120808 and really, the blockchain that really 38lVTx149Sg-00452-00120808-00121070 believed in the democratization and access. 38lVTx149Sg-00453-00121070-00121457 And you don't want somehow, the fans to be users. 38lVTx149Sg-00454-00121457-00121650 You want to be members of a community. 38lVTx149Sg-00455-00121650-00121805 And to the members of your community, 38lVTx149Sg-00456-00121805-00122260 you need smart protocol that allows you to interact, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00457-00122260-00122492 So you can imagine the things you 38lVTx149Sg-00458-00122492-00122734 could do if you want to bring together a community. 38lVTx149Sg-00459-00122734-00123074 Say it's-- I'm making it up, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00460-00123074-00123404 But to say, assume we want to buy a ticket. 38lVTx149Sg-00461-00123404-00123683 And if you really want to make a [INAUDIBLE],, 38lVTx149Sg-00462-00123683-00123835 the cost of a ticket is x. 38lVTx149Sg-00463-00123835-00124261 But if five people, one per continent, 38lVTx149Sg-00464-00124261-00124654 buy the tickets and sitting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 38lVTx149Sg-00465-00124654-00124833 everybody pays half, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00466-00124833-00124932 Or something like this. 38lVTx149Sg-00467-00124932-00125095 It's already something with to say, OK. 38lVTx149Sg-00468-00125095-00125326 It obliges you to say, to whom wants 38lVTx149Sg-00469-00125326-00125508 to team up with me to do this? 38lVTx149Sg-00470-00125508-00125634 You can generate a community. 38lVTx149Sg-00471-00125634-00125791 You can do all kinds of things. 38lVTx149Sg-00472-00125791-00126234 But it's very, very important that the cost is very low. 38lVTx149Sg-00473-00126234-00126571 Because unfortunately, as you know, 38lVTx149Sg-00474-00126571-00126752 wealth is not very well spread. 38lVTx149Sg-00475-00126752-00127000 And so if you go 5 billion people, 38lVTx149Sg-00476-00127000-00127314 the income of 5 billion people, the average 38lVTx149Sg-00477-00127314-00127414 is going to be very low. 38lVTx149Sg-00478-00127414-00127630 So it's very, very important to offer 38lVTx149Sg-00479-00127630-00127982 these services, and the transaction be a very low cost. 38lVTx149Sg-00480-00127982-00128508 So one transaction, or a payment is a one fraction 38lVTx149Sg-00481-00128508-00128683 of $0.01 in Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00482-00128683-00128953 And that is, in my opinion, is about right. 38lVTx149Sg-00483-00128953-00129280 Because when you talk about the $0.50 per transaction, 38lVTx149Sg-00484-00129280-00129718 it's very cavalier for us, which are a privilege, to say, oh, 38lVTx149Sg-00485-00129718-00129829 $0.50, who cares? 38lVTx149Sg-00486-00129829-00130335 Well, $0.50 is a lot of money if your salary is $50 a month, OK? 38lVTx149Sg-00487-00130335-00130708 So a fraction of a cent is of much better. 38lVTx149Sg-00488-00130708-00131023 And by the way, it's not only transaction 38lVTx149Sg-00489-00131023-00131269 like a unilateral transaction like payments, 38lVTx149Sg-00490-00131269-00131614 but a bilateral transaction that brings people together. 38lVTx149Sg-00491-00131614-00131833 So you and I-- you can be in Thailand. 38lVTx149Sg-00492-00131833-00131977 I can be in Sicily. 38lVTx149Sg-00493-00131977-00132415 And we can exchange an asset for money, 38lVTx149Sg-00494-00132415-00132889 or an asset for another asset, or an NFT for another NFT. 38lVTx149Sg-00495-00132889-00133037 We want to swap them. 38lVTx149Sg-00496-00133037-00133459 And so this happens also in 4.4 seconds in a secure way. 38lVTx149Sg-00497-00133459-00133759 Because in Algorand, that is the same transaction. 38lVTx149Sg-00498-00133759-00133984 It's not an escrow I put-- 38lVTx149Sg-00499-00133984-00134068 nothing of all this. 38lVTx149Sg-00500-00134068-00134218 It's a native transaction. 38lVTx149Sg-00501-00134218-00134554 And of course, the one fraction of a cent-- all these things 38lVTx149Sg-00502-00134554-00134734 really make it possible, in my opinion, 38lVTx149Sg-00503-00134734-00134960 to serve such a large community. 38lVTx149Sg-00504-00134960-00135010 Yeah. 38lVTx149Sg-00505-00135010-00135508 I think there's definitely a lot of applications 38lVTx149Sg-00506-00135508-00135787 that are getting built on top of Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00507-00135787-00136006 When you think of-- for the audience, 38lVTx149Sg-00508-00136006-00136360 there's developers out there, investors out there. 38lVTx149Sg-00509-00136360-00136785 And for the developers, I think blockchains are sometimes 38lVTx149Sg-00510-00136785-00136948 very difficult to develop on, depending 38lVTx149Sg-00511-00136948-00137275 on which Layer 1 or Layer 2 you are working with. 38lVTx149Sg-00512-00137275-00137771 Algorand has a steadfast focus on making development very, 38lVTx149Sg-00513-00137771-00138142 very user friendly for software engineers and others, 38lVTx149Sg-00514-00138142-00138409 with your AVM Algorand virtual machine 38lVTx149Sg-00515-00138409-00138547 to other developer tools. 38lVTx149Sg-00516-00138547-00138998 And even last year, you guys won the Devies Award for-- 38lVTx149Sg-00517-00138998-00139096 [INAUDIBLE] [CLAPS] 38lVTx149Sg-00518-00139096-00139294 [LAUGHTER] 38lVTx149Sg-00519-00139294-00139393 [CLAPPING] 38lVTx149Sg-00520-00139393-00139715 --Algorand Developer Portal. 38lVTx149Sg-00521-00139715-00140074 So how do you think about, if you 38lVTx149Sg-00522-00140074-00140320 had to pitch to all the students and devs out there-- 38lVTx149Sg-00523-00140320-00140572 because that's the crux of this. 38lVTx149Sg-00524-00140572-00140731 You need to have applications getting 38lVTx149Sg-00525-00140731-00140869 built on top of Algorand. 38lVTx149Sg-00526-00140869-00141154 So can you explain a bit more about your focus 38lVTx149Sg-00527-00141154-00141551 on making development as easy as possible? 38lVTx149Sg-00528-00141551-00141601 Yes. 38lVTx149Sg-00529-00141601-00142195 So first of all, so as you noticed, 38lVTx149Sg-00530-00142195-00142741 we've been awarded with so much-- easy to develop. 38lVTx149Sg-00531-00142741-00143089 We make sure to decouple some of our knowledge of the protocol 38lVTx149Sg-00532-00143089-00143156 from-- 38lVTx149Sg-00533-00143156-00143452 so you want to focus on building your app without knowing much 38lVTx149Sg-00534-00143452-00143663 about how the protocol works? 38lVTx149Sg-00535-00143663-00143962 And I think we've done a very good job about that. 38lVTx149Sg-00536-00143962-00144466 And then also we created a bunch of native building blocks, 38lVTx149Sg-00537-00144466-00144806 native available in Algorand, without coding anything. 38lVTx149Sg-00538-00144806-00145102 So things like this atomic swap, which I think 38lVTx149Sg-00539-00145102-00145732 is an important aspect, or issuing your own token. 38lVTx149Sg-00540-00145732-00145954 No better way. 38lVTx149Sg-00541-00145954-00146227 Or even an issue of fungible, or nonfungible. 38lVTx149Sg-00542-00146227-00146578 You say, you want to tokenize an entire building? 38lVTx149Sg-00543-00146578-00146941 You decide how many shares of a building 38lVTx149Sg-00544-00146941-00147388 you want to issue ever, how many shares you issue now, 38lVTx149Sg-00545-00147388-00147718 who is very sure, who has a clawing back rights 38lVTx149Sg-00546-00147718-00147940 if necessary, freezing right, and things? 38lVTx149Sg-00547-00147940-00148039 You push a button. 38lVTx149Sg-00548-00148039-00148373 4.4 saying-- you don't write any line of software. 38lVTx149Sg-00549-00148373-00148777 So what is important is that at that point, what you will do 38lVTx149Sg-00550-00148777-00149104 is that you can actually see 80% whatever 38lVTx149Sg-00551-00149104-00149308 you want to do already premade. 38lVTx149Sg-00552-00149308-00149515 And when you want to do your application, 38lVTx149Sg-00553-00149515-00149815 you can write your code in Python. 38lVTx149Sg-00554-00149815-00149929 You can write it in Go. 38lVTx149Sg-00555-00149929-00150178 You can have it in Java, et cetera. 38lVTx149Sg-00556-00150178-00150448 And then, presto. 38lVTx149Sg-00557-00150448-00150640 And then, what you want to do is, 38lVTx149Sg-00558-00150640-00150826 when you compile it automatically 38lVTx149Sg-00559-00150826-00151069 into our [? spatial ?] language. 38lVTx149Sg-00560-00151069-00151531 And by the way, it's important to keep 38lVTx149Sg-00561-00151531-00151762 the language when the [INAUDIBLE] these compilers. 38lVTx149Sg-00562-00151762-00152131 We didn't want to be compatible EVM, IVM. 38lVTx149Sg-00563-00152131-00152425 We are very proud to have our own brand. 38lVTx149Sg-00564-00152425-00152848 Because I believe that premature standardization is 38lVTx149Sg-00565-00152848-00153242 ossifies the market before we really know what we need. 38lVTx149Sg-00566-00153242-00153544 And so it's a bit-- right now, things are improving. 38lVTx149Sg-00567-00153544-00153850 It's not that-- we now want to standardize things. 38lVTx149Sg-00568-00153850-00154069 People want to preserve the status quo. 38lVTx149Sg-00569-00154069-00154306 I really think there is so much innovation going on 38lVTx149Sg-00570-00154306-00154582 that we should go and innovate as much as we can. 38lVTx149Sg-00571-00154582-00155239 And rather than making things sclerotic and unchangeable, 38lVTx149Sg-00572-00155239-00155545 and everybody has to be compatible with something, 38lVTx149Sg-00573-00155545-00155977 which is not exactly perfect for us, right? 38lVTx149Sg-00574-00155977-00156567 So that has been our philosophy that we made. 38lVTx149Sg-00575-00156567-00156855 And I'm very glad that I know so many people 38lVTx149Sg-00576-00156855-00157158 in defying payments and remittances, 38lVTx149Sg-00577-00157158-00157281 and things are using us. 38lVTx149Sg-00578-00157281-00157521 Because we made it easier. 38lVTx149Sg-00579-00157521-00157766 We really tried to make it easy for them. 38lVTx149Sg-00580-00157766-00157816 Perfect. 38lVTx149Sg-00581-00157816-00158016 I think that was a perfect finish. 38lVTx149Sg-00582-00158016-00158199 I think I'm getting called for time now. 38lVTx149Sg-00583-00158199-00158421 So thank you, Silvio, for your time. 38lVTx149Sg-00584-00158421-00158485 Thank you. 38lVTx149Sg-00585-00158485-00158790 [APPLAUSE] 396rEc8tYpk-00000-00000950-00001200 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata 396rEc8tYpk-00001-00001216-00001502 Today's video is how to paint on T-shirt, 396rEc8tYpk-00002-00001516-00001752 I'll paint on this blank black T-shirt 396rEc8tYpk-00003-00001752-00002000 with white acrylic paint 396rEc8tYpk-00004-00002022-00002310 and white fabric pen. 396rEc8tYpk-00005-00002334-00002862 This fabric pen is for painting on T-shirts or clothes. 396rEc8tYpk-00006-00002890-00003168 You can buy at art supply stores. 396rEc8tYpk-00007-00003174-00003388 There is ink in it, 396rEc8tYpk-00008-00003502-00003878 paint come out from here. 396rEc8tYpk-00009-00003878-00004186 like this! 396rEc8tYpk-00010-00004186-00004404 very convenient pen! 396rEc8tYpk-00011-00004422-00004816 This is just regular white acrylic paint. 396rEc8tYpk-00012-00004816-00005030 You can paint with anything, 396rEc8tYpk-00013-00005048-00005312 but I'm painting with brushes. 396rEc8tYpk-00014-00005350-00005550 When I paint T-shirt, 396rEc8tYpk-00015-00005568-00005926 it's easier to paint if a shirt stretched, 396rEc8tYpk-00016-00005944-00006316 and shirt has two sides 396rEc8tYpk-00017-00006344-00006788 you should put some board in a shirt. 396rEc8tYpk-00018-00006812-00007104 I use board like these. 396rEc8tYpk-00019-00007128-00007586 I cut form core the sizes and shapes of T-shirts. 396rEc8tYpk-00020-00007604-00007844 I have several of these. 396rEc8tYpk-00021-00007856-00008156 It's nice to have these if you paint shirts often. 396rEc8tYpk-00022-00008173-00008448 If you just paint a few, 396rEc8tYpk-00023-00008448-00008664 you can just use hard board 396rEc8tYpk-00024-00008676-00008984 like some board, magazine or something. 396rEc8tYpk-00025-00008986-00009186 if size was not right, 396rEc8tYpk-00026-00009186-00009358 I got cutting board. 396rEc8tYpk-00027-00009414-00009658 it's a hard board 396rEc8tYpk-00028-00009664-00009992 put this in T-shirt, 396rEc8tYpk-00029-00010138-00010318 the side you paint, 396rEc8tYpk-00030-00010318-00010470 just do like this 396rEc8tYpk-00031-00010486-00010662 and clip like this, 396rEc8tYpk-00032-00010772-00011018 here, here here and here 396rEc8tYpk-00033-00011046-00011262 and stretch it. 396rEc8tYpk-00034-00011414-00011736 It's hard to paint if it's loose. 396rEc8tYpk-00035-00011782-00012134 So, make it tight to paint! 396rEc8tYpk-00036-00012224-00012424 Card board is also good, 396rEc8tYpk-00037-00012428-00012628 but card board is bumpy. 396rEc8tYpk-00038-00012652-00013404 So when you paint, what you paint become also bumpy. 396rEc8tYpk-00039-00013426-00013728 That's good if you want bumpy looking art 396rEc8tYpk-00040-00013756-00014019 I recommend smooth surface board 396rEc8tYpk-00041-00014028-00014296 if you want paint smoothly. 396rEc8tYpk-00042-00014313-00014641 Once I have this, I use it! 396rEc8tYpk-00043-00014654-00014854 Is it right size? 396rEc8tYpk-00044-00014876-00015182 It's easier to paint if I use bigger one. 396rEc8tYpk-00045-00015204-00015508 But shirt get too stretched if it's too big, 396rEc8tYpk-00046-00015536-00015794 so I put right sized one. 396rEc8tYpk-00047-00015794-00015956 Of course. 396rEc8tYpk-00048-00016104-00016406 Just like this! 396rEc8tYpk-00049-00016626-00016948 I'm gonna use this fabric pen! 396rEc8tYpk-00050-00017086-00017494 This shirt is stretchable and hard to paint. 396rEc8tYpk-00051-00017642-00017880 Tip if pen is plastic, 396rEc8tYpk-00052-00017934-00018178 it's hard and sick to cloth 396rEc8tYpk-00053-00018196-00018446 very difficult to draw. 396rEc8tYpk-00054-00018518-00018896 So I recommend you to use the pen lightly, 396rEc8tYpk-00055-00018910-00019188 not push a pen hard into shirt. 396rEc8tYpk-00056-00019220-00019954 What I recommend you more is using cotton shirt. 396rEc8tYpk-00057-00020210-00020522 Fabric pen part is mostly done. 396rEc8tYpk-00058-00020544-00020906 Now I use acrylic paint! 396rEc8tYpk-00059-00021292-00021520 Adding some water is 396rEc8tYpk-00060-00021540-00021732 one of the way to 396rEc8tYpk-00061-00021780-00022036 adjust darkness of color. 396rEc8tYpk-00062-00022086-00022472 First I use light color. 396rEc8tYpk-00063-00022480-00022680 Painting clothes feels like 396rEc8tYpk-00064-00022698-00022990 doing watercolor painting, 396rEc8tYpk-00065-00023020-00023518 But shirt takes more water than papers. 396rEc8tYpk-00066-00023546-00023862 So, how you add water to paints can be different 396rEc8tYpk-00067-00023862-00024110 that can be fun part too. 396rEc8tYpk-00068-00024130-00024368 If paint was too thin, 396rEc8tYpk-00069-00024392-00024776 some times color just diapered when it dry. 396rEc8tYpk-00070-00024800-00025174 Now I use thick paint. 396rEc8tYpk-00071-00025196-00025500 One of the thing you should be careful, 396rEc8tYpk-00072-00025522-00025836 try not make paint too tick. 396rEc8tYpk-00073-00025856-00026112 T-shirt get very hard! 396rEc8tYpk-00074-00026136-00026322 when you ware it, 396rEc8tYpk-00075-00026339-00026692 you will be very uncomfortable! 396rEc8tYpk-00076-00027045-00027300 I use a fabric pen again 396rEc8tYpk-00077-00027300-00027538 and finishing it up! 396rEc8tYpk-00078-00027558-00027962 Painting T-shirt makes me feel summer! 396rEc8tYpk-00079-00027977-00028222 I love summer! 396rEc8tYpk-00080-00028266-00028472 I finished! 396rEc8tYpk-00081-00028542-00028820 I thought I paint mountains here, 396rEc8tYpk-00082-00028836-00029076 but I paint stars too low, 396rEc8tYpk-00083-00029110-00029310 so, oh well, 396rEc8tYpk-00084-00029338-00029592 Just make them Christmas trees! 396rEc8tYpk-00085-00029592-00029832 I don't mean anything! 396rEc8tYpk-00086-00029852-00030114 Summer but Christmas! 396rEc8tYpk-00087-00030138-00030383 That's okay! It's fun! 396rEc8tYpk-00088-00030427-00030718 So it was how to paint! 396rEc8tYpk-00089-00030748-00031066 I have announcement to make! 396rEc8tYpk-00090-00031088-00031348 I'll be participating 396rEc8tYpk-00091-00031374-00031766 Animal Art & goods Festa 396rEc8tYpk-00092-00031783-00032112 Sep. 9 - 14, 2020 396rEc8tYpk-00093-00032130-00032476 at Matsuzakaya Ueno, Honkan 6th floor 396rEc8tYpk-00094-00032495-00032672 My handprinted clothes, 396rEc8tYpk-00095-00032680-00032940 paintings and so on are available. 396rEc8tYpk-00096-00032952-00033222 Please come if you are interested! 396rEc8tYpk-00097-00033242-00033560 I post the information blow! 396rEc8tYpk-00098-00033560-00033720 Please check it! 396rEc8tYpk-00099-00033736-00033988 Thank you for watching! 396rEc8tYpk-00100-00033996-00034196 See you next time! 396rEc8tYpk-00101-00034202-00034328 Bye bye!! 39qMTID_W4Y-00000-00001160-00001592 that is my name king miranda 39qMTID_W4Y-00001-00002464-00002984 for me 39qMTID_W4Y-00002-00003656-00004384 hard to breathe 39qMTID_W4Y-00003-00005088-00005192 bye 39T3pjx75Tg-00000-00000043-00002401 do you want to come down, come on, good boy, very good 39T3pjx75Tg-00001-00002401-00003590 very good boy, now we are turning horizontally usually monkeys are 39T3pjx75Tg-00002-00003590-00005078 happy either way and now we go downstairs for the scanner 39T3pjx75Tg-00003-00006238-00006938 all right so here is the boy, now he is in this chair because we need to transport 39T3pjx75Tg-00004-00006938-00007577 in downstairs and then we want him to come out with his head because we're 39T3pjx75Tg-00005-00007577-00008108 going to scan him very soon, he is happy to come because he knows he will get his peanuts 39T3pjx75Tg-00006-00008108-00008717 good boy, very good. I need to remove 39T3pjx75Tg-00007-00008717-00009347 this cap with the head posts in order to keep him still during the scan because 39T3pjx75Tg-00008-00009347-00009943 the image quality obviously would be much better if the monkey doesn't move 39T3pjx75Tg-00009-00009943-00010339 and now we are ready to go in 39T3pjx75Tg-00010-00013450-00014056 all right so here we have the monkey we have a CCTV camera that can see how 39T3pjx75Tg-00011-00014056-00014499 it's going inside the scanner so in face of him there is a computer screen and 39T3pjx75Tg-00012-00014499-00015066 below him there are two hand sensors that can detect hand movement so he will 39T3pjx75Tg-00013-00015066-00015610 sort of respond with his hands left to right his head is fixed because we 39T3pjx75Tg-00014-00015610-00016231 cannot acquire images if he's moving and he has these coils on the 39T3pjx75Tg-00015-00016231-00016770 left and right that basically allow to receive this signal that is produced by 39T3pjx75Tg-00016-00016770-00017323 brain activity every 2 seconds we get an image complete image of the brain what 39T3pjx75Tg-00017-00017323-00017704 we can measure there are slight differences slight changes we can 39T3pjx75Tg-00018-00017704-00018211 determine which brain areas are more active in certain time points 39T3pjx75Tg-00019-00018211-00018583 when the monkeys make certain decisions so you see you see changes every 2 39T3pjx75Tg-00020-00018583-00018952 seconds roughly but they're very very subtle changes the signal that we pick 39T3pjx75Tg-00021-00018952-00019395 up is very very small and so therefore you have to scan them for say half an 39T3pjx75Tg-00022-00019395-00019845 hour say for example this is an image that we acquired or while the animal was 39T3pjx75Tg-00023-00019845-00020379 asleep and so anesthetized and they're looking zoom through the brain and 39T3pjx75Tg-00024-00020379-00021067 completely. Here below you can see his hand when they move so usually keeps them 39T3pjx75Tg-00025-00021067-00021613 next to the body like he sit as a cat would sit and he receives quite a bit of 39T3pjx75Tg-00026-00021613-00022148 juice so you don't actually see that through this tube that goes to its mouth 39T3pjx75Tg-00027-00022148-00022693 cranberry I think or blackcurrant that monkeys like a lot so they learn that 39T3pjx75Tg-00028-00022693-00023220 for example when the square is blue this is more valuable they will drink more 39T3pjx75Tg-00029-00023220-00023764 and when it's green they will drink less and at the same time there are dots so 39T3pjx75Tg-00030-00023764-00024154 these dots represent the probability so they do not always drink juice but only 39T3pjx75Tg-00031-00024154-00024895 a certain percentage of the time and so we trained them for four months to learn 39T3pjx75Tg-00032-00024895-00025363 independently about the color and probably that is the magnitude and 39T3pjx75Tg-00033-00025363-00025870 number of dots that is the probability and now in the scanner we want to see 39T3pjx75Tg-00034-00025870-00026402 when they see this new stimuli if they are able to sort of anticipate 39T3pjx75Tg-00035-00026402-00027036 what is going to happen so this task is relatively easy because they just need 39T3pjx75Tg-00036-00027036-00027470 to press when they see a stimulus they don't really need to make a choice but 39T3pjx75Tg-00037-00027470-00027975 we want to see what happens in the brain when they make this movement because 39T3pjx75Tg-00038-00027975-00028538 they are can anticipate the likely outcome even if it this is not certain that 39T3pjx75Tg-00039-00028538-00029141 is probabilistic so what we actually want to see is not his behavior by 39T3pjx75Tg-00040-00029141-00029678 itself but what happens in the brain so what expectation he has and this is 39T3pjx75Tg-00041-00029678-00030162 something you don't do in humans because usually humans can participate in an 39T3pjx75Tg-00042-00030162-00030671 experiment but they just come once and they do one hour but these animals can 39T3pjx75Tg-00043-00030671-00031058 be trained and so follow through times so we can see their learning pattern and 39T3pjx75Tg-00044-00031058-00031874 see how they brain activity changes through this learning 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00000-00000390-00000590 Hi Paramachitta, Hi. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00001-00000590-00001034 Hello Parami, good morning, or good afternoon 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00002-00001034-00001123 Good afternoon, yes. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00003-00001123-00001241 How are you? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00004-00001241-00001441 Good. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00005-00001441-00001602 Look, we're going to talk about meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00006-00001602-00001968 and now I am doing a retreat at home, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00007-00001968-00002077 on meditation, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00008-00002077-00002170 with Kamalashila. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00009-00002258-00002458 Good. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00010-00002570-00002808 Well, we've all had to learn 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00011-00002849-00003156 to practise either through the screen 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00012-00003261-00003600 or by doing retreats at home 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00013-00003640-00003989 so, it's a good moment to talk 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00014-00003989-00004383 about how to adapt our practice to what happens in life, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00015-00004383-00004479 That's true. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00016-00004544-00004944 I'm actually practising online, more or less every morning 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00017-00004984-00005285 online, with The Buddhist Centre Online. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00018-00005285-00005485 and the truth is, that I quite enjoy it. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00019-00005537-00005888 But, well, we are already in the present moment, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00020-00005888-00006267 and we need to talk a little bit more about the past, no? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00021-00006267-00006467 Introduce ourselves.. who are you? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00022-00006795-00006995 Good, I am Paramachitta 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00023-00006995-00007255 I'm a member of the College of Public Preceptors 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00024-00007255-00007395 And, Iearned to meditate 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00025-00007430-00007800 at the London Buddhist Centre, the LBC 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00026-00007913-00008088 in 1982. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00027-00008213-00008413 I was there, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00028-00008413-00008550 I became a mitra there, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00029-00008550-00008730 I met you there, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00030-00008730-00008930 and we became friends, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00031-00008930-00009198 and have been friends ever since, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00032-00009242-00009697 and we even shared a lot of our life 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00033-00009697-00009897 here in Spain 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00034-00009897-00010277 where we came in 1992. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00035-00010277-00010699 So, this year I will have lived 30 years here in Valencia. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00036-00010699-00011045 So we've known each other for 40 years. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00037-00011045-00011245 Yes, exactly. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00038-00011262-00011557 And we lived together before Valencia, too. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00039-00011575-00011967 In communities there in London, in Samayatara,| 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00040-00011967-00012366 and here in Valencia, yes. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00041-00012385-00012721 So, a multifaceted relationship. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00042-00012721-00012771 Yes, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00043-00012771-00012943 very long, and 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00044-00012943-00013212 very.... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00045-00013212-00013590 how do you say it? very.... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00046-00013590-00013904 my friendship with you has given me a lot. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00047-00013904-00014104 Oh yeah, me too. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00048-00014104-00014442 And now, being in the College together too, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00049-00014442-00014642 is another aspect, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00051-00014694-00015014 of our life in the Order 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00052-00015014-00015168 in the Dharma. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00053-00015168-00015368 And well, what about you? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00054-00015368-00015625 Tell me a little, tell us. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00055-00015625-00015825 Okay, I am Parami 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00056-00015825-00016068 And, I live now in Glasgow, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00057-00016068-00016157 in Scotland 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00058-00016157-00016226 I'm back 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00059-00016226-00016426 This is where I learned to meditate 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00060-00016559-00016928 in 1977. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00061-00017053-00017287 You've circled and come back. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00062-00017287-00017400 Exactly. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00063-00017400-00017687 I've lived 40 years away from Glasgow 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00064-00017687-00017909 and a couple of years ago I came back. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00065-00017909-00018308 And well, I'm really enjoying being here, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00066-00018308-00018807 although I've loved all the places I've lived, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00067-00018807-00019038 and the people I've lived with. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00068-00019038-00019348 So, I learned to meditate here in Glasgow, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00069-00019348-00019683 but the truth is, that I wasn't that interested in meditation. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00070-00019821-00020177 When I learned to meditate 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00071-00020177-00020502 it was because I had gone to the centre to learn more about Buddhism 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00072-00020502-00020741 like Philosophy and such. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00073-00020741-00021195 But, I also knew that I wanted to change my mind 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00074-00021195-00021395 to change my life 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00075-00021395-00021595 I had seen a poster 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00076-00021595-00021896 that said "change your mind, change your life" 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00077-00021896-00022017 or something like that 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00078-00022017-00022438 and I went to listen to some lectures. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00080-00022719-00023130 And the truth is that meditation seemed very boring to me 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00081-00023204-00023593 until I was convinced, by my friend Dhammarati, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00082-00023653-00023936 that it would be a good idea to learn to meditate. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00083-00023936-00024223 That if I really took my practice of Buddhism seriously, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00084-00024223-00024569 "you have to meditate", he told me. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00085-00024648-00025015 Well, Dhammarati has a lot to do with both of us, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00086-00025015-00025408 because I think, for me too, he made a difference. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00087-00025451-00025778 He did a lot of the publicity for the LBC 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00088-00025778-00026314 and I also was attracted by an advertisement for a meditation course 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00089-00026314-00026490 it was an egg, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00090-00026490-00026724 about to hatch, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00091-00026724-00027065 with the chick coming out, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00092-00027065-00027263 and it said "Break Out!" 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00093-00027263-00027537 break out and escape. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00094-00027537-00027757 As a message 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00095-00027757-00028087 it was very strong for me, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00096-00028087-00028364 because I wasn't especially looking for meditation either, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00097-00028364-00028564 I was looking for the Buddha, I realised. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00098-00028783-00029094 But my first step was meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00099-00029094-00029495 and I also got that message quickly 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00100-00029495-00029828 that I had to meditate to somehow discover the Buddha. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00101-00029828-00030158 And, before you got ordained, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00102-00030158-00030442 I suppose, you had to have an meditation practice, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00103-00030442-00030760 that was effective, so to speak. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00104-00030760-00031112 What did that mean to you? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00105-00031112-00031377 and even now, what does it mean? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00106-00031377-00031866 Yes, well, I guess it still has the effect 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00107-00032039-00032264 well, in a way, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00108-00032264-00032633 meditation was always difficult 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00109-00032633-00033064 I can't say that I had many experiences 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00110-00033064-00033396 that were blissful, ecstatic, or anything like that 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00111-00033396-00033911 it was very difficult for me to connect with, for example, the teachings on dhyana 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00112-00033911-00034246 at least at first - now it is different. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00113-00034246-00035192 But I felt the effects of meditation, actually outside of the meditation. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00114-00035192-00035480 For example, practising the metta bhavana, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00115-00035480-00035837 it was always like, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00116-00035837-00036309 what do I have to feel? what do I have to do? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00117-00036309-00036432 whilst inside the practice, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00118-00036432-00036949 but outside I could feel the effects of true meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00119-00036949-00037543 simply by having somehow connected with metta. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00120-00037543-00038032 It absolutely changed by entire perspective, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00121-00038032-00038459 on others, the world, and myself. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00122-00038459-00039264 So, this means that you notice effective practice in life, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00123-00039264-00039712 rather than sitting on the cushion for yourself? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00124-00039712-00039980 In my case, most of the time, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00125-00039980-00040352 although of course I have to say 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00126-00040352-00040714 that there have been times when, for example, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00127-00040714-00041369 my basic practice at the moment is just sitting, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00128-00041369-00041919 and there, well, I am experiencing 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00129-00041919-00042455 impermanence, insubstantiality, and some dukkha, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00130-00042455-00042962 and then I am learning something truly transformative, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00131-00042962-00043234 through direct experience in my body, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00132-00043234-00043640 in my direct experience. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00133-00043640-00043898 And, do you enjoy it? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00134-00043898-00044478 It's hard to say. I don't know if I enjoy it, really. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00135-00044478-00045011 But yes, it has an effect, this is what I can say... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00136-00045011-00045681 that it's not possible to have a perspective on the world without what I do in meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00137-00045681-00045790 but, enjoy?... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00138-00045790-00046092 well, as you have told me many times, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00139-00046092-00046711 the point to meditation is not to enjoy the meditation, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00140-00046711-00046949 it's for another reason, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00141-00046949-00047423 I don't remember where, but 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00142-00047423-00047866 Sangharakshita, Bhante, said in one of his books, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00143-00047866-00048221 that you don't meditate to feel good within meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00144-00048221-00048445 but to transform yourself. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00145-00048445-00048789 I remember thinking, "Oh that's great, right? I'm glad!" 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00146-00048789-00049148 Because, I also, at first, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00147-00049148-00049614 I didn't enter into states of great joy, either. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00148-00049614-00049783 At first. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00149-00049783-00050076 This has changed over the years, but 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00150-00050076-00050652 partly because, in my past, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00151-00050652-00050895 in my history, I had experienced trauma, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00152-00050895-00051133 so, when I started to meditate, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00153-00051133-00051384 the trauma would come up too. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00154-00051384-00051959 I think sometimes this can be something which, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00155-00051959-00052298 hinders the joy of meditation a little bit. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00156-00052298-00052881 But I knew that even while I wasn't truly enjoying it, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00157-00052881-00053328 I also knew that it was something that I needed to live through. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00158-00053328-00053535 Yes. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00159-00053535-00054231 I suppose that, well, enjoying or not enjoying meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00160-00054231-00054734 had to do with what I thought were distractions 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00161-00054734-00055076 and I thought I couldn't meditate 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00162-00055076-00055241 because I was always distracted 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00163-00055241-00055776 and there was a change, especially when I was preparing for ordination, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00164-00055776-00056544 when I realised that the distractions weren't really distractions, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00165-00056544-00056790 they were the raw material of my mind 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00166-00056790-00057327 and that somehow changed my response to them. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00167-00057327-00057786 What I do enjoy now, is looking at my mind, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00168-00057786-00057986 and seeing what is happening. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00169-00057986-00058315 And sometimes it fascinates me, sometimes it bores me, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00170-00058315-00058515 sometimes it make me angry, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00171-00058515-00058715 but it's always interesting, isn't it? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00172-00058715-00058915 and I enjoy that. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00173-00058915-00059115 I enjoy meditation in this way 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00174-00059115-00059448 just taking an interest in my mind. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00175-00059448-00059808 Yes, the guideline that we are talking about 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00176-00059808-00060119 is not just meditation, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00177-00060119-00060330 it is also training the mind. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00178-00060330-00060676 So, I think that what you are saying is very important, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00179-00060676-00061017 that there are ways of, for example, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00180-00061017-00061381 of being curious about what is going on in the mind, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00181-00061381-00061877 it is like a first step in changing what is going on in the mind, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00182-00061877-00062219 or sometimes, not even change 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00183-00062219-00062831 but enjoy... or learn from what is happening. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00184-00062831-00063003 Yes, exactly. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00185-00063003-00063124 Exactly. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00186-00063124-00063823 And, for you, retreats have been very important, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00187-00063823-00064031 Especially solitary retreats. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00188-00064031-00064474 You have had a lot of experience with this. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00189-00064518-00064674 Yes, although, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00190-00064674-00064807 as I think you know, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00191-00064807-00065341 solitary retreats weren't easy for me at first, either. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00192-00065341-00065663 The first two or three I did 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00193-00065663-00065852 it was horrible 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00194-00065852-00066267 because I had a lot of memories, recollections, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00195-00066267-00066662 very unpleasant physical experiences, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00196-00066662-00066797 and such, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00197-00066797-00067125 but it changed at some point. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00198-00067125-00067439 I remember that for a few years my retreats 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00199-00067439-00067910 weren't solitary, they were dual.. I don't know how you would say it.. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00200-00067910-00068134 with my friend Dhammadinna. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00201-00068134-00068436 And we hung out together... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00202-00068436-00068731 we did our things separately 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00203-00068731-00068936 but meditated together in the morning 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00204-00068936-00069128 had dinner together, and such. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00205-00069128-00069445 And I think this helped me as a step. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00206-00069445-00069679 Because I know that, for example, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00207-00069679-00070052 you and I work a lot with people in Mexico, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00208-00070052-00070247 or Venezuela, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00209-00070247-00070490 and it's much harder 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00210-00070490-00070894 in this type of culture to do a solitary retreat 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00211-00070894-00071121 because there aren't as many places 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00212-00071121-00071427 where, particularly women 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00213-00071427-00071838 can go and feel safe. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00214-00071838-00072171 Yes. Yes, it's true. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00215-00072171-00072356 But, I think it's important 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00216-00072356-00072853 that we at least look for ways to support, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00217-00072853-00073107 even if [retreats] are short 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00218-00073107-00073446 but to have, at least, this experience 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00219-00073446-00073785 of what it's like to be completely alone, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00220-00073785-00073996 Yes. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00221-00073996-00074380 And retreats in general 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00222-00074380-00074656 also give me this experience. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00223-00074656-00074875 Even if I'm with other people, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00224-00074875-00075194 I experience myself in a different way, that's clear. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00225-00075194-00075577 The value of retreats is simply 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00226-00075577-00075942 to withdraw from all those normal stimuli, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00227-00075942-00076449 and with meditation, the experience is completely different, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00228-00076449-00076671 Yes, this is interesting, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00229-00076671-00076952 doing now a retreat at home, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00230-00076952-00077324 because here at home I have my books, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00231-00077324-00077749 I have all my distractions, so to speak, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00232-00077749-00078025 I have them all here. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00233-00078025-00078378 So here, I am... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00234-00078378-00078926 I am trying, for example, not to go looking on social media, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00235-00078926-00079072 twitter, or whatever. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00236-00079072-00079493 And to read a little bit more 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00237-00079493-00079829 poetry and things 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00238-00079829-00080108 instead of reading detective novels, which is what I love, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00239-00080108-00080602 or to watch a horror movie or something. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00240-00080602-00081046 because of course, meditation affects your life, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00241-00081046-00081265 but what you do in your life also affects your meditation, a lot. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00242-00081265-00081600 Exactly, yes, yes. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00243-00081600-00081998 Yes, sometimes when I'm in the middle of it all 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00244-00081998-00082240 and I can't be anywhere else, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00245-00082240-00082566 sometimes I just sit and reflect, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00246-00082566-00082852 sit back and reflect 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00247-00082852-00083080 on how much time I have spent on my cell phone 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00248-00083080-00083467 or looking at this.. or distracting myself in some way, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00249-00083467-00083625 as you say 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00250-00083625-00083912 and simply be aware of that 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00251-00083912-00084110 and in a way, with this, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00252-00084110-00084475 I can put it aside, and meditation is different. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00253-00084475-00084872 It is not always... [gestures]. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00254-00084872-00085255 Yes, because you live in a fairly noisy city, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00255-00085255-00085457 I remember very well! 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00256-00085457-00085981 Yes, a lot of noise. You have to learn 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00257-00085981-00086344 to be able to be calm 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00258-00086344-00086627 in the middle of the city. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00259-00086627-00087090 I believe that this is the value of the practice that we have in Triratna... 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00260-00087090-00087489 really, that it includes meditation as well as other aspects, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00261-00087489-00087760 it is extremely valuable. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00262-00087760-00088069 Good. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00263-00088069-00088377 Well, you've said that your practice now 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00264-00088377-00088717 is mostly just sitting, and reflection and such, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00265-00088717-00089253 but you like to... you go on retreat a lot, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00266-00089253-00089574 I try to do as many as I can. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00267-00089574-00089986 Those for the Order; Order Weekends.. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00268-00089986-00090427 or even leading retreats for women who have asked for Ordination 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00269-00090427-00090898 it's always an experience and a real opportunity 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00270-00090898-00091341 and, how does this affect your meditation? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00271-00091341-00091541 ah, well, always 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00272-00091541-00092082 ...well, this is what we discussed about enjoyment. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00273-00092082-00092477 because on retreat, it is another experience 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00274-00092477-00092869 and it helps me to remember those experiences 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00275-00092869-00093412 when I'm here listening to the neighbours or church bells 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00276-00093412-00093799 which want to take me out of meditation 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00277-00093799-00094054 but then I remember that I am capable 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00278-00094054-00094443 that I have had very pleasant experiences 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00279-00094443-00094619 and that helps me a lot 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00280-00094619-00095012 well, I think we've passed our ten minutes, right? 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00281-00095012-00095205 i think so 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00282-00095205-00095595 though I'm having a great time talking to you about this 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00283-00095595-00096079 actually it's not my favourite topic 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00284-00096079-00096405 from the whole of my mandala of practice 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00285-00096405-00096978 but I have enjoyed very much putting my eye on meditation. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00286-00096978-00097170 I hope it helps. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00287-00097170-00097506 Yes, because the truth is that it is very important. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00288-00097506-00097917 Transforming the mind in any way we can 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00289-00097917-00098144 is central 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00290-00098144-00098314 crucial, in our practice. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00291-00098314-00098478 Good. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00292-00098478-00098811 Yes - it reminds me of, talking about advertisements, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00293-00098811-00099107 one that we use a lot here in Valencia, 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00294-00099107-00099367 Change your Mind 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00295-00099367-00099617 Change yourself 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00296-00099617-00099786 Change the world 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00297-00099786-00100022 Yes - that's what is needed. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00298-00100022-00100363 Well, thank you. 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00299-00100363-00100529 Thank you! 3sgjlnzCYMQ-00300-00100529-00100751 Bye! Good Afternoon! 3yJuLIVFfwA-00000-00000022-00000184 how money works 3zPduzTlGpQ-00000-00000056-00000488 a second problem occurred today on a normal youtube studio page, just after 3zPduzTlGpQ-00001-00000488-00001144 i scrolled like last time, but this time, it's a bit different. maybe i have visited it 50 3zPduzTlGpQ-00002-00001144-00001864 times, and i'm focusing on adding a 30 visit limit instead of having to visit 100 times 3zPduzTlGpQ-00003-00001928-00002688 because that's too much, and that increases the chance, because about 0.2 percent of time, 3zPduzTlGpQ-00004-00002688-00003679 it makes a problem either on a youtube studio page, or just after you finish, so the ipad will get a 10 3zPduzTlGpQ-00005-00003744-00004248 chance of a hit for each time it happens, because i've already done it twice today. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00000-00000110-00000517 So I meant the answer to be false, because it is the area underneath the 3DEFJcN_5rA-00001-00000517-00000630 curve. And so 3DEFJcN_5rA-00002-00000630-00001114 the area underneath this curve. say. is one, two, three, four blocks, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00003-00001114-00001480 the area underneath this one is one, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00004-00001480-00001905 two, and if you look carefully you can put those two together and make one, so 3DEFJcN_5rA-00005-00001905-00002002 three blocks. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00006-00002002-00002425 Three blocks is not equal to four blocks, so the work 3DEFJcN_5rA-00007-00002425-00002746 energy transfer is certainly different from those two. How about the energy 3DEFJcN_5rA-00008-00002746-00002866 underneath this one? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00009-00002866-00003396 It's almost zero, almost no work was done. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00010-00003396-00004096 If you want to know how that can be, all you have to do is think about what you 3DEFJcN_5rA-00011-00004130-00004217 have done, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00012-00004217-00004703 and what you're doing with a bunch of equipment. For instance, let's say we 3DEFJcN_5rA-00013-00004703-00004850 started at A, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00014-00004850-00005060 and we want at constant volume 3DEFJcN_5rA-00015-00005060-00005626 to raise the pressure, what do you do to that? You want to raise the pressure the gas 3DEFJcN_5rA-00016-00005626-00005956 without changing the volume, how do you do that? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00017-00005956-00006364 We talked about this. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00018-00006364-00006781 Someone actually answered it really quickly before. Heat it up. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00019-00006781-00007104 Heat it up, add heat. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00020-00007104-00007581 This is adding heat. I know I've done something to interact with it because 3DEFJcN_5rA-00021-00007581-00007731 the state it's changing. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00022-00007731-00008239 How much work energy am i doing along a vertical curve where the volume isn't 3DEFJcN_5rA-00023-00008239-00008307 changing? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00024-00008307-00008883 Remember work is the area underneath the curve, how much 3DEFJcN_5rA-00025-00008883-00009461 area is there underneath a vertical line? Zero. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00026-00009461-00010090 No work is being done, you're adding heat right there, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00027-00010090-00010609 to make that do that. How about when I go to the left? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00028-00010609-00011200 Well I have to make the volume get smaller. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00029-00011200-00011820 Here, I'm making a volume get smaller at a really high pressure, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00030-00011820-00012150 if a gas is at a high pressure and I want to 3DEFJcN_5rA-00031-00012150-00012614 drop the volume by a third ... I mean by 3DEFJcN_5rA-00032-00012614-00012935 by two-thirds, drop it down to from 3 to 1, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00033-00012935-00013354 drop it down to a third of its value, at a high pressure, I have to 3DEFJcN_5rA-00034-00013354-00013849 transfer a lot of energy. That's going to be hard for me to do. Compare this one, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00035-00013849-00014359 what did I do to get from there down to there? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00036-00014359-00014759 Took heat out. I take heat out 3DEFJcN_5rA-00037-00014759-00015166 cools down, pressure drops, now I'm down here. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00038-00015166-00015537 Now I go from three to one, almost no pressure, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00039-00015537-00015876 how hard is it? How much energy do I have to have with almost no pressure in 3DEFJcN_5rA-00040-00015876-00015937 the gas 3DEFJcN_5rA-00041-00015937-00016348 to go from volume 3 to volume 1? Really easy. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00042-00016348-00017000 Almost no work. Here it took a lot of work because the pressure was gigantic 3DEFJcN_5rA-00043-00017000-00017067 when I did it, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00044-00017067-00017409 here in going from 3 to 1 it took almost no work, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00045-00017409-00017770 because the pressure is really small, and it's easy to 3DEFJcN_5rA-00046-00017770-00018301 compress something that almost no pressure, and then I add heat to bring it 3DEFJcN_5rA-00047-00018301-00018426 back up to there. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00048-00018426-00018868 So those are just different ways of getting from A to B. The work 3DEFJcN_5rA-00049-00018868-00019212 energy is different, I think, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00050-00019212-00019526 in each of them, although I'm not too sure about process 4, I can't really 3DEFJcN_5rA-00051-00019526-00019665 remember how that one works. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00052-00019665-00019987 Process 4 is a weird one because 3DEFJcN_5rA-00053-00019987-00020329 first the volume goes down, so you added work energy, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00054-00020329-00020634 then the volume goes up 3DEFJcN_5rA-00055-00020634-00021118 so work energy came out, and then it goes down again, so you added more work energy, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00056-00021118-00021487 and you have to figure out each of those three and add them all together and 3DEFJcN_5rA-00057-00021487-00021740 there's two plus signs and a minus sign so the ... 3DEFJcN_5rA-00058-00021740-00022248 it's a little more complicated, probably not something I'll ever ask you to do, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00059-00022248-00022901 but I'm happy to ask you to think about it. Change in the 3DEFJcN_5rA-00060-00022901-00023262 internal energy is the same for each process. 3DEFJcN_5rA-00061-00023262-00023953 True or false? 3DEFJcN_5rA-00062-00023953-00024259 Start in state A, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00063-00024259-00024623 three variables are fixed, end in state B, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00064-00024623-00025126 three variables are fixed in state B. The variables are P, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00065-00025126-00025506 and V, and the number of particles, those are the ones that are fixed 3DEFJcN_5rA-00066-00025506-00026054 in this picture at state A, they're a different set of variables at state B, 3DEFJcN_5rA-00067-00026054-00026250 except the number of particles is the same. 3EgOKURnezI-00000-00000600-00002425 One of the motorists who risked their lives to pull Home and Away actress Jessica Falkholt - who plays Hope Morrison on the soap - and her sister Annabelle free from the burning wreckage has spoken about the horrific incident. 3EgOKURnezI-00001-00002575-00003778 Darrin Collier managed to rescue the two women from the car just moments before it became engulfed in flames 3EgOKURnezI-00002-00003928-00005378 The two sisters are now fighting for their lives following the horrific Boxing Day car crash in New South Wales - which claimed the lives of their parents. 3EgOKURnezI-00003-00005528-00006861 Posting about the rescue on Facebook, Darrin wrote: 'I just wanted to say thanks for all the comments on FB today and messenger. 3EgOKURnezI-00004-00007011-00008785 'I'm fine a little shaken up but all is good. 'I was one of the first on the scene to this car accident, and to say it was horrific is a massive understatement. Three deceased and two critical.' 3EgOKURnezI-00005-00008935-00011005 He added: 'The injuries on the two girls will be something I won't forget in a long time. 'I was thankful that I was able to help out in some way, with other motorists by getting the two girls out of the car before the car blew up in flames.' 3EgOKURnezI-00006-00011155-00013143 Jessica, 28, and her sister Annabelle, 21, are fighting for their lives after being airlifted to hospital following the crash. Jessica's co-stars have shared messages of support online. 3EgOKURnezI-00007-00013293-00014496 They are in critical conditions in Sydney hospitals, as theirfamily hold bedside vigil for the sisters. 3EgOKURnezI-00008-00014646-00016984 Their parents died after the crash on Tuesday at around 10.45am. After the accident, Highway Patrol Chief Inspector Phil Brooks told reporters at the scene that Jessica's extended family had been immediately informed and went to be by the sisters' bedsides. 3Fu2moz0J8I-00000-00000361-00000642 Here is your alternating bound with the ZIVA Weight Vest. 3Fu2moz0J8I-00001-00000642-00000991 All we are going to be doing is similar to forward and backward lunge is 3Fu2moz0J8I-00002-00000991-00001441 change those into a bound. So we come forward 3Fu2moz0J8I-00003-00001441-00001794 decelerate that load, and then come back. 3Fu2moz0J8I-00004-00001794-00002305 You are going to have a good running motion with the arms 3Fu2moz0J8I-00005-00002305-00002755 similar to any other type of forward and backward motion 3Fu2moz0J8I-00006-00002755-00003184 if the bound itself is too difficult for you, you can go through a lunge in an 3Fu2moz0J8I-00007-00003184-00003304 alternating lunge patter. 3Fu2moz0J8I-00008-00003304-00003775 Similar to what you have done before. If the lunge itself is too difficult, you can go 3Fu2moz0J8I-00009-00003775-00004160 to a forward step and then returning back. This is going help train the glute 3Fu2moz0J8I-00010-00004160-00004730 to be able to turn on and off appropriately. That is your alternating bound with the ZIVA Weight Vest. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00000-00000225-00000733 Welcome to this brief tutorial on finding the full-text of an electronic journal article. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00001-00000733-00001307 Let's imagine that you've done a search in Scopus for articles on the phrase "awake craniotomy", 3GjZNqn8eZU-00002-00001307-00002058 and you'd like to access the full text of one of the articles that looks interesting. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00003-00002058-00002480 If you see the "Full Text @ Himmelfarb" link, this is a good indication that the full text 3GjZNqn8eZU-00004-00002480-00002632 is available. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00005-00002632-00003453 Click on the button and then look for the full text availability links. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00006-00003453-00003847 It looks like the full text of this article is available through two different resources. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00007-00003847-00004284 I'll click on the first one. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00008-00004284-00005743 So I can see the full text here, or I can choose to download the PDF. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00009-00005743-00006346 If you see an article that has the "Find it @ Himmelfarb" link instead, like this one, 3GjZNqn8eZU-00010-00006346-00006790 this is a good indication that Himmelfarb does not provide online access to this article, 3GjZNqn8eZU-00011-00006790-00007139 but go ahead and click on the "Find It" link anyway. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00012-00007139-00007565 The system will search all of our available resources to see if it can find the article. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00013-00007565-00007878 In this case, the article is not available. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00014-00007878-00008425 However, you have the option to use our Documents2Go service to place a request for the article, 3GjZNqn8eZU-00015-00008425-00008729 and we'll try to get it for you from another institution. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00016-00008729-00009094 The service is available to students, staff, and faculty of the School of Medicine and 3GjZNqn8eZU-00017-00009094-00009636 Health Sciences, the School of Nursing, and the Milken Institute School of Public Health. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00018-00009636-00010099 For more information on the service, please go to the library homepage and use the services 3GjZNqn8eZU-00019-00010099-00010590 drop down box to select "Borrow from other libraries". 3GjZNqn8eZU-00020-00010590-00011010 You'll see these same "Full-text @ Himmelfarb" or "Find it @ Himmelfarb" links in all of 3GjZNqn8eZU-00021-00011010-00011159 our other databases. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00022-00011159-00011491 The only database that works a little differently is PubMed. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00023-00011491-00011924 You'll only see the "Find it @ Himmelfarb" links in PubMed, possibly next to a vendor 3GjZNqn8eZU-00024-00011924-00012074 or publisher link. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00025-00012074-00012234 So here I am in PubMed. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00026-00012234-00012764 I've done a search, and I'm going to click on an article, and you'll see to the top right, 3GjZNqn8eZU-00027-00012764-00013391 this is what I just mentioned -- the "Find It @ Himmelfarb" link here. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00028-00013391-00013877 When you click on the "Find It" link in PubMed, it will display the full text of the article 3GjZNqn8eZU-00029-00013877-00014018 if it is available. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00030-00014018-00014522 If it is not available, you'll be directed to the page where you can select the Documents2Go 3GjZNqn8eZU-00031-00014522-00014703 service if you choose. 3GjZNqn8eZU-00032-00014703-00015105 If you have questions about finding the full text of an an e-journal, please contact the library 3GjZNqn8eZU-00033-00015105-00015782 reference desk by telephone or chat, or email the library at himmelfarb@gwu.edu. 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00000-00002006-00002293 hey guys, welcome back to my channel, this is Bhavika Bassi 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00001-00002303-00002658 today I have brought you to Pink Falcon Karting and Coffee 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00002-00002670-00002955 this is Jaipur's one and only karting track 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00003-00002978-00003613 if you are fond of karting and racing cars then please visit this place 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00004-00003630-00004282 feel the racing cars. You can't become a Michael Schumacher but still can get a similar feel 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00005-00004324-00004537 now let me tell you about the procedure here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00006-00004560-00005012 after entering you need to go there and get yourself registered 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00007-00005041-00005241 there you will get to know 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00008-00005259-00005500 all the kind of packages available here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00009-00005542-00005839 so let me now get myself registered 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00010-00005862-00006015 I love Go Karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00011-00006085-00006364 it's the most breathtaking sport in the world 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00012-00006394-00007143 and the Pink Falcon Karting and Coffee has given the Jaipurites, such an exciting, first ever electric Go karting gift 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00013-00007207-00007656 Now let us find out how we have to get ourselves registered 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00014-00007670-00007814 I will tell you all 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00015-00007837-00008000 [greetings] 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00016-00008012-00008317 what type of packages do you have? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00017-00008317-00008474 here the packages are as per minutes 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00018-00008474-00008687 Namely 4,7 and 10 minutes 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00019-00008687-00008926 4 minutes package costs Rs. 499/- 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00020-00008926-00009199 7 minutes costs Rs. 699/- and 10 minutes is for Rs. 899/- 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00021-00009199-00009369 OKAY fine 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00022-00009392-00009650 you have to sign up here first 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00023-00009669-00009892 and then your profile will be created 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00024-00009892-00010446 OK! So, firstly I have to sign up here and then my profile will be created 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00025-00010500-00010603 but why is this done? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00026-00010629-00010947 your profile gets generated in our system 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00027-00010963-00011347 So that you get to know at what position you are like first second or third 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00028-00011361-00011588 even now you can see on that TV 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00029-00011611-00011843 your name will get displayed in a similar fashion 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00030-00011863-00012288 OKAY it's like we are getting the scores here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00031-00012308-00013125 so all you are going for karting, their score will be displayed on this TV 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00032-00013125-00013625 You not only enjoy your coffee but also get to know who is winning the race 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00033-00013672-00014063 like you're seeing right now, Medhansh is first 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00034-00014149-00014396 At the second position is Navya Rajoria 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00035-00014413-00014620 And Yash is third 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00036-00014633-00014824 this is very interesting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00037-00014824-00015198 Their laps, their timings, everything is on display 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00038-00015213-00015599 there is one more screen, that displays, next who will be going for the race 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00039-00015599-00016018 like Divyanshu Gupta and Vini will be racing in the next session 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00040-00016030-00016332 so these three are right now on the karting track 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00041-00016351-00016928 so Bittu, Khush and Chunky have done 10, 6 and 4 laps respectively 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00042-00016980-00017795 amazing kart riding and thrilling experience. I must say this is the best fun place in Jaipur for all the speed lovers 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00043-00017840-00018175 now I will show you all the karting options available here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00044-00018175-00018568 and what old sessions you have to take, it's all mentioned in this menu card 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00045-00018603-00018921 now I will show you their food menu 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00046-00018962-00019439 So please come and enjoy karting and also enjoy your favorite snacks 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00047-00019460-00019975 this is the menu for the beverages. Please order your favorite beverage and enjoy 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00048-00020143-00020551 Timings at Pink Falcon: 2 PM to 9 PM 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00049-00020579-00021171 so you can come anytime between between 2 PM to 9 PM. I have told you about the different packages too 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00050-00021216-00021654 so buy any package that you find convenient and enjoy the karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00051-00021704-00022325 this 300 meter long karting track is a definitely go to place for the adventure enthusiasts 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00052-00022348-00022647 and in the description of this video I have mentioned a link giving the exact address 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00053-00022698-00023423 This is a waiting zone. If it's my next turn, I can wait here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00054-00023453-00024078 or if a person has accompanied you, he/she can see you karting and enjoy 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00055-00024099-00024203 you can wait here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00056-00024223-00024637 or you can go there, at the cafe and enjoy your coffee 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00057-00024657-00024906 and also enjoy the karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00058-00024943-00025188 behind me now you can see a garage 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00059-00025205-00025888 If there is ever an issue with the kart, the repairs are done here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00060-00025903-00026015 I'll just show it to you 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00061-00026170-00026406 so they are getting repaired here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00062-00026517-00027137 there are chargers to charge the battery of the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00063-00027159-00027554 The kart is brought here and its battery is put on charging 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00064-00027590-00027790 This is a briefing area 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00065-00027805-00028290 if you want to go karting, all the safety and security rules that you have to follow 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00066-00028310-00028544 That Mr. Deepak explains here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00067-00028561-00029118 so now let us ask Mr. Deepak what safety one has to take before karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00068-00029160-00029582 When a person comes for karting, the first thing we do is make him/her read the rules 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00069-00029596-00029899 All the rules are written here, they have to read them 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00070-00029942-00030480 Then we tell them about the flags. A certain system has to be followed with the flags on the track 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00071-00030522-00030835 There are different rules for every flag, they have to follow them 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00072-00030850-00031189 Next we provide them a helmet for their safety 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00073-00031201-00031335 These are all helmets? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00074-00031354-00031500 yes these are all the helmets 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00075-00031523-00031723 This band is to be worn around the neck 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00076-00031901-00032174 for safety in case of a jerk 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00077-00032187-00032299 a shower cap is also given to them 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00078-00032357-00032489 what is this shower cap for? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00079-00032531-00033033 like this helmet, you have used, now the other person will also be using it 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00080-00033058-00033624 Hygiene has also been taken care of. Like I have used this helmet, so the next person uses a clean helmet 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00081-00033674-00034096 hygiene is also maintained. I shower cap is given to them 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00082-00034151-00034321 so these are the safety gears 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00083-00034343-00034606 then these rules are to be followed 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00084-00034631-00034745 and then we explain about the flags 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00085-00034783-00035176 So you teach them about the flags and then you send them for karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00086-00035204-00035317 Thank you 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00087-00035333-00035940 all the speed lovers, it is very important that you read all the safety rules 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00088-00035982-00036169 It is actually for your own good 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00089-00036223-00036537 what each flag signifies is shown here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00090-00036559-00037097 green flag, red flag. Each flag that you will be shown carries a different meaning 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00091-00037147-00037347 Please read all of this 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00092-00037380-00037747 otherwise all the rules are also explained during the briefing session 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00093-00037770-00038015 The entire track is also shown 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00094-00038039-00038239 So these two are next 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00095-00038239-00038439 they are getting briefed 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00096-00038449-00038623 they are being told the rules 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00097-00038623-00038896 After that the safety gears will be given to them 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00098-00038969-00039240 they have put on a shower cap 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00099-00039240-00040063 And one more important thing, your mobile, your wallet, your keys, All have to be submitted here before you go for karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00100-00040088-00041073 so for all the speed lovers, come together to race with your friends, family and other racers and be a part of an incredible race arena 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00101-00041117-00041386 I found the karts here very stylish 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00102-00041412-00042191 As I have always been very fond of racing cars, so for me it was very exciting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00103-00042266-00042651 There is also a different style of sitting in the kart. Mr Deepak will now explain 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00104-00042651-00043215 A different style has to be followed while sitting in the kart. First place your right foot in the cart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00105-00043273-00043634 Now hold the steering, No place your left foot and sit down 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00106-00043788-00043967 This is the proper method of sitting in the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00107-00044119-00044407 now you have to wear the belt 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00108-00044939-00045180 where this belt, connect it here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00109-00045373-00045533 this is the proper method 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00110-00045569-00045965 after the carting is over, there a method to be followed while getting off the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00111-00045977-00046177 you cannot place your foot here 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00112-00046208-00046408 So there too is a way of getting off the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00113-00046488-00046692 Now tell me how to get off the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00114-00046711-00046806 Firstly unlock yourself 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00115-00046867-00047033 I have unlocked 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00116-00047071-00047297 now hold the steering with both hands 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00117-00047350-00047548 move both of your feet backwards 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00118-00047591-00047763 Use power on the steering and try to get up 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00119-00047776-00047991 Now push and try to get up 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00120-00047991-00048159 Otherwise it's very difficult to stand up 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00121-00048159-00048359 OK now I am able to get up from the seat 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00122-00048448-00048909 now try to get off like we get off the bike 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00123-00048909-00049109 so do I do like this? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00124-00049192-00049480 I cannot place my foot over here? why? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00125-00049586-00050030 as there are batteries under the body, and it is weak here, it will break 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00126-00050078-00050634 So there are batteries underneath this, and don't have to place your foot here. This is how you get down 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00127-00050663-00051084 the Pink Falcon, it's a perfect combination of karting and coffee 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00128-00051119-00052000 you have to come here to experience world class time and technology 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00129-00052072-00052407 the left pedal is brake and the right pedal is accelerator 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00130-00052469-00052679 never push these two together 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00131-00052755-00053013 the pressing of the two together results in power failure of the kart 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00132-00053090-00053406 so when you are pressing the accelerator pedal your foot should be away from the brake pedal 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00133-00053472-00053672 and vice versa 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00134-00053713-00053876 never to be pressed together 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00135-00053922-00054223 and the most important thing, its steering is very hard 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00136-00054285-00054599 So you have to use lot of force to take a turn with very less acceleration 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00137-00054695-00055069 you will get your kart banged, with higher speed at the turnings 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00138-00055116-00055389 for the first lap, go a bit slow, and you will also get to know the track 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00139-00055425-00055635 later on you can increase the speed 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00140-00055699-00055914 you must have understood everything regarding the flags 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00141-00055978-00056375 we will help you while overtaking, don't have to do it on your own 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00142-00056414-00057042 So you have to go slowly. I think everything is very clear. Are you all ready? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00143-00057222-00057429 and now begins the fun 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00144-00057953-00058474 race marshalls will be at the track, keeping a check on all the karts 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00145-00065137-00065360 one set of racers are karting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00146-00065369-00065653 the second set is getting briefed 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00147-00065760-00066211 Vinayak and Divyanshu have just returned from karting. Let's ask how was their experience 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00148-00066241-00066647 It was fun This is a nice track. I have done karting in different cities also 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00149-00066647-00066924 this is something new. These are electric karts 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00150-00066924-00067060 So you are doing it for the first time in Jaipur 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00151-00067060-00067348 this is my second time in Jaipur 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00152-00067371-00067665 I have done at other cities. This is a good place to have fun 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00153-00067665-00067771 this is a good fun place 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00154-00067793-00068072 Was this your first time? What was it like? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00155-00068082-00068235 It was bit tough 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00156-00068249-00068535 you were also karting very slowly 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00157-00068570-00068912 steering was bit hard, but it was fun 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00158-00068912-00069000 good experience 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00159-00069000-00069120 Will you be coming here again? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00160-00069120-00069320 we are doing one more session 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00161-00069320-00069546 nice, they are about to do one more session 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00162-00069566-00069775 so how was your experience? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00163-00069790-00069960 it was very enjoyable, had great fun 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00164-00069973-00070263 is this your first or second visit here? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00165-00070291-00070407 For the first time 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00166-00070443-00070557 So please tell me how was your experience? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00167-00070558-00070856 It was great fun. I will become an expert very soon 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00168-00070878-00071194 He will be our next Michael Schumacher 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00169-00071274-00071474 are you doing this for the first time? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00170-00071535-00071782 I'm doing it for the second time and I like it so much 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00171-00071791-00072055 nice that you liked it. How many laps did you do? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00172-00072073-00072196 maybe 5 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00173-00072262-00072359 did you enjoy? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00174-00072359-00072432 yes I did 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00175-00072444-00072560 Will you come again? 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00176-00072576-00072789 yes I will come back, thank you 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00177-00072855-00073205 staff here is very supportive and they help you out throughout the go kart race 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00178-00073289-00073753 so I brought you today to Pink Falcon, karting and coffee 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00179-00073775-00074157 It was very enjoyable. I wish you plan to come here soon 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00180-00074192-00074536 No I'll see you next Tuesday when I'll be coming up with something new and exciting 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00181-00074555-00074888 I'll explore Jaipur a little more and share with you 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00182-00074921-00075185 till then stay safe and keep asking your life 3Hk6Rfhd-i0-00183-00075209-00075343 " OKAY! NOW WHAT? " 3I0h0Ds68Jy-00000-00000000-00000200 Conditional formatting in Google sheet 3J14BZTXYfu-00000-00000028-00000681 The beauty of all this DeFi farming thing is you can print the reward out of thin air. 3J14BZTXYfu-00001-00000681-00001433 All this DEXs are actually right now serving the purpose of a permissionless slot machine. 3J14BZTXYfu-00002-00001433-00002126 It is not about privacy, it is about, it is actually about the viability of you as an 3J14BZTXYfu-00003-00002126-00002652 individual like in a specific economy. 3J14BZTXYfu-00004-00002652-00003049 Changelly is a suite of products and services that enables customers to have a one-stop-shop 3J14BZTXYfu-00005-00003049-00003264 experience when engaging with crypto. 3J14BZTXYfu-00006-00003264-00003661 Changelly acts as an intermediary between exchanges and retail users, offering over 3J14BZTXYfu-00007-00003661-00004214 160 cryptocurrencies that can be effortlessly swapped within 10 minutes on mobile or desktop. 3J14BZTXYfu-00008-00004214-00004667 In 2020, Changelly branched out to accommodate the needs of traders with Changelly PRO. 3J14BZTXYfu-00009-00004667-00005099 PRO is an easy to use platform that enables retail buying and selling of digital tokens 3J14BZTXYfu-00010-00005099-00005212 and coins. 3J14BZTXYfu-00011-00005212-00005628 Piggy-backing the great support system found within Changelly, Changelly PRO will provide 3J14BZTXYfu-00012-00005628-00006257 simplicity, effective pricing, fast execution, and 24/7 live support. 3J14BZTXYfu-00013-00006257-00006592 What's up, everyone? 3J14BZTXYfu-00014-00006592-00006765 Welcome back to another Cointelegraph interview. 3J14BZTXYfu-00015-00006765-00006870 My name is Jackson. 3J14BZTXYfu-00016-00006870-00007084 I'll be your host and journalist for today. 3J14BZTXYfu-00017-00007084-00007798 I am pleased to welcome Dovey Wan who is a founding partner of Primitive Ventures, which 3J14BZTXYfu-00018-00007798-00008022 is a blockchain investment firm. 3J14BZTXYfu-00019-00008022-00008247 How are you doing today, Dovey? 3J14BZTXYfu-00020-00008247-00008434 Hey, Jackson, I'm doing great. 3J14BZTXYfu-00021-00008434-00008613 How are you? 3J14BZTXYfu-00022-00008613-00008713 I'm doing excellent. 3J14BZTXYfu-00023-00008713-00008818 Thank you for asking. 3J14BZTXYfu-00024-00008818-00009392 So I'm really excited to get a read on what's going on in crypto in China through talking 3J14BZTXYfu-00025-00009392-00009492 to you. 3J14BZTXYfu-00026-00009492-00009868 And I have a few questions about farming, which is something new to me. 3J14BZTXYfu-00027-00009868-00010085 And I'm curious to hear how you explain that. 3J14BZTXYfu-00028-00010085-00010384 I understand that you're not talking about actual agricultural farming. 3J14BZTXYfu-00029-00010384-00010725 This is something specific to the crypto space farming or DeFi farming. 3J14BZTXYfu-00030-00010725-00011203 So could you please just explain a bit what you're talking about there? 3J14BZTXYfu-00031-00011203-00011802 Farming in Chinese is Lu Yang Mao, it means shearing the sheep. 3J14BZTXYfu-00032-00011802-00012149 Basically you just, yeah, so just like think about, right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00033-00012149-00012772 And so it's a very similar, so it's a very similar, if you think from a conceptual perspective, 3J14BZTXYfu-00034-00012772-00013384 basically, like the whole idea is like the whole idea is and I can spend close to zero 3J14BZTXYfu-00035-00013384-00013956 capital just like so I can spend, so I can spend close to zero down payment. 3J14BZTXYfu-00036-00013956-00014647 And then I can also get something in return as a reward for free. 3J14BZTXYfu-00037-00014647-00015444 So farming in the crypto means liquidity mining or just like. 3J14BZTXYfu-00038-00015444-00016216 So when it comes to liquidity mining and this is also like very familiar to many Chinese 3J14BZTXYfu-00039-00016216-00017214 crypto players because back in 2018, liquidity farming was a pretty big thing for all of 3J14BZTXYfu-00040-00017214-00017628 these centralized exchanges, especially all these Chinese exchanges. 3J14BZTXYfu-00041-00017628-00018351 Like Fcoin is the one that first started this liquidity or just like trans-fee mining program. 3J14BZTXYfu-00042-00018351-00018451 Yeah. 3J14BZTXYfu-00043-00018451-00018972 So if you think about the mining behavior, like mining means like you want to invest 3J14BZTXYfu-00044-00018972-00019656 something - like it can be your effort, it can be energy like Bitcoin, it can be your 3J14BZTXYfu-00045-00019656-00020035 so it can be your capital, so like any proof of stake. 3J14BZTXYfu-00046-00020035-00020526 So any proof of stake is kind of like so it's kind of like mining or farming. 3J14BZTXYfu-00047-00020526-00021079 And so the farming in DeFi is very interesting. 3J14BZTXYfu-00048-00021079-00021756 When it comes to DeFi I usually stake or just locking the liquidity of something that has 3J14BZTXYfu-00049-00021756-00021957 a consensus value. 3J14BZTXYfu-00050-00021957-00022526 It can be DAI, it can be a stablecoin, it can be ETH or it can be WBTC. 3J14BZTXYfu-00051-00022526-00023079 So something that has a consensus value that can be used as a collateral. 3J14BZTXYfu-00052-00023079-00023807 And then with that I can yield in another currency usually it's the platform token offered 3J14BZTXYfu-00053-00023807-00023968 by all these farms. 3J14BZTXYfu-00054-00023968-00024656 So that this farm can be a passive management platform like Compound, like AAVE. 3J14BZTXYfu-00055-00024656-00025283 So I think at the end of day like the fundamental of all this mining, farming, whatever incentive 3J14BZTXYfu-00056-00025283-00025383 program, are the same. 3J14BZTXYfu-00057-00025383-00025699 It's just growth-hacking techniques, right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00058-00025699-00026286 Like the beauty of all this DeFi farming thing is you can, you can print the reward out of 3J14BZTXYfu-00059-00026286-00026457 thin air. 3J14BZTXYfu-00060-00026457-00027000 And you've mentioned like the upsides of engaging in the strategy so far. 3J14BZTXYfu-00061-00027000-00027750 Are there any risks that I should be aware of if I was to involve myself in this? 3J14BZTXYfu-00062-00027750-00027955 There's a lot of risk. 3J14BZTXYfu-00063-00027955-00028766 So if you're not familiar of how all this DeFi like especially how this like especially 3J14BZTXYfu-00064-00028766-00029308 for how this liquidity pool is actually designed and there's a very high chance that you might 3J14BZTXYfu-00065-00029308-00029652 get wrecked. 3J14BZTXYfu-00066-00029652-00030113 And it also, a very simple example because I try to use it. 3J14BZTXYfu-00067-00030113-00030847 So I try to use the analogy that many of these taxes like Uniswap and Airswap etc, and they 3J14BZTXYfu-00068-00030847-00031289 are, in a good way, they're like a permissionless vending machine. 3J14BZTXYfu-00069-00031289-00032099 Right, because the inventory is transparent and the price is also relatively, it's also 3J14BZTXYfu-00070-00032099-00032320 virtually known as well. 3J14BZTXYfu-00071-00032320-00033115 So it is not like the traditional exchanges, which is like a black box. 3J14BZTXYfu-00072-00033115-00033797 But the flip side of it is all these DEXs are actually right now serving the purpose 3J14BZTXYfu-00073-00033797-00034263 of a permissionless slot machine. 3J14BZTXYfu-00074-00034263-00035080 So you have no idea whether the coin listed there, so is the team behind it is legit or 3J14BZTXYfu-00075-00035080-00035742 not, and because like any so is that anybody can list a coin there and like how the Uniswap, 3J14BZTXYfu-00076-00035742-00036680 this automated market making engine is designed as like anybody can inject like whatever coin 3J14BZTXYfu-00077-00036680-00036831 supply there. 3J14BZTXYfu-00078-00036831-00037305 And so if you on the other side of the market and you can easily be just like eaten up. 3J14BZTXYfu-00079-00037305-00037938 Cointelegraph recently published an article reporting on a chain news report which says 3J14BZTXYfu-00080-00037938-00038362 that hundreds of companies in China are now hiring blockchain specialists and the average 3J14BZTXYfu-00081-00038362-00038919 monthly salary of blockchain related jobs has more than doubled since last year. 3J14BZTXYfu-00082-00038919-00039269 And I'm curious to hear your thoughts as to why you think that Chinese companies are now 3J14BZTXYfu-00083-00039269-00039852 putting so much more value in blockchain related positions. 3J14BZTXYfu-00084-00039852-00040309 So when it comes to blockchain, not Bitcoin or like blockchain not native crypto, like 3J14BZTXYfu-00085-00040309-00040822 I said, is just so like blockchain is a data base management technology. 3J14BZTXYfu-00086-00040822-00040922 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00087-00040922-00041482 And so if you think about consortium chain or other things like Hyperledger offered by 3J14BZTXYfu-00088-00041482-00042344 IBM, so it is nothing different than an entry and encrypted, a PEN only database. 3J14BZTXYfu-00089-00042344-00043097 So most of the companies are hiring like blockchain experts for that purpose, but definitely not 3J14BZTXYfu-00090-00043097-00043443 for native crypto developement. 3J14BZTXYfu-00091-00043443-00043921 Any native crypto thing here in China, I would say, is in a gray area if you want to issue 3J14BZTXYfu-00092-00043921-00044568 your own token that's illegal because no one can issue personal private currency here. 3J14BZTXYfu-00093-00044568-00045094 It might be a good bandwagon for many of these companies to just jump onto it. 3J14BZTXYfu-00094-00045094-00045684 And I know many public companies here in China, so they just want to hype up blockchain just 3J14BZTXYfu-00095-00045684-00045993 to pump the stock price and that's very common. 3J14BZTXYfu-00096-00045993-00046535 Cointelegraph reported very recently that state run banks in China have now begun testing 3J14BZTXYfu-00097-00046535-00046896 the digital wallet for China's digital yuan. 3J14BZTXYfu-00098-00046896-00047409 And I'm curious to hear your overall opinion on the digital yuan, obviously. 3J14BZTXYfu-00099-00047409-00048033 And the crypto space is very hyped up, maybe overhyped, as you were alluding to previously, 3J14BZTXYfu-00100-00048033-00048583 that maybe Blockchain and crypto in China is a little bit over emphasized by the crypto 3J14BZTXYfu-00101-00048583-00048688 space. 3J14BZTXYfu-00102-00048688-00049208 But what are your thoughts on the digital yuan now that it's nearing a further stage 3J14BZTXYfu-00103-00049208-00049368 of completion? 3J14BZTXYfu-00104-00049368-00049513 Yep. 3J14BZTXYfu-00105-00049513-00049950 So I wrote an article, I think last year or 2018. 3J14BZTXYfu-00106-00049950-00050547 So on the whole, the digital yuan like before it has, so before it has its official name 3J14BZTXYfu-00107-00050547-00050662 as DCEP. 3J14BZTXYfu-00108-00050662-00051369 But there's a clear distinction between digital fiat currency and the digitization of fiat 3J14BZTXYfu-00109-00051369-00051520 currency. 3J14BZTXYfu-00110-00051520-00052198 So here in China, like fiat currency or yuan or whatsoever has been highly digitized. 3J14BZTXYfu-00111-00052198-00052434 And the whole society is cashless, right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00112-00052434-00052976 And you don't have to use cash and you just bring your phone and not even any credit card. 3J14BZTXYfu-00113-00052976-00053421 And so all the transactions are done on WeChat or Alipay. 3J14BZTXYfu-00114-00053421-00053887 So that is the digitization of currency. 3J14BZTXYfu-00115-00053887-00054472 And so digital yuan and the digital fiat is actually M0. 3J14BZTXYfu-00116-00054472-00055199 So we have M0 that's issued by the central bank or by the Fed, right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00117-00055199-00055497 And so on top of what M0. 3J14BZTXYfu-00118-00055497-00055819 So that is the base currency. 3J14BZTXYfu-00119-00055819-00056872 So on top of M0 we have like M1 and M2, and that's usually issued by the commercial bank 3J14BZTXYfu-00120-00056872-00057133 or probably shadow-banking. 3J14BZTXYfu-00121-00057133-00057350 So the digital yuan. 3J14BZTXYfu-00122-00057350-00058004 So what makes it very unique is because it is M0 directly, which means that it can make 3J14BZTXYfu-00123-00058004-00058469 the central banks much more powerful and then they can have better control. 3J14BZTXYfu-00124-00058469-00058963 And direct impact when it comes to monetary supply and also monetary policy. 3J14BZTXYfu-00125-00058963-00059821 So for instance right now, so if we think about the current, so under the current economic 3J14BZTXYfu-00126-00059821-00060284 situation, the Federal Reserve have to quote unquote print money, but they don't actually 3J14BZTXYfu-00127-00060284-00060410 airdrop money. 3J14BZTXYfu-00128-00060410-00061207 So they have to do all this like QE and buyback and just all this overnight operation and 3J14BZTXYfu-00129-00061207-00061350 so. 3J14BZTXYfu-00130-00061350-00061494 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00131-00061494-00062091 So it is not directly inject the monetary supply to the market, but like when it comes 3J14BZTXYfu-00132-00062091-00062646 to digital yuan and it's actually digital M0 and which is - like if we think about the 3J14BZTXYfu-00133-00062646-00062948 potential, that can be insane. 3J14BZTXYfu-00134-00062948-00063355 Which means it will actually, first of all, the central bank right now can bypass all 3J14BZTXYfu-00135-00063355-00063544 the commercial banks. 3J14BZTXYfu-00136-00063544-00064297 And they have the full transparency when it comes to how the money is actually moving 3J14BZTXYfu-00137-00064297-00064978 within this economy and then they can also make the monetary policy programmable. 3J14BZTXYfu-00138-00064978-00065480 I can give you a very simplified example. 3J14BZTXYfu-00139-00065480-00066067 Here in China, we always face in this situation that housing market is overheated, stock market 3J14BZTXYfu-00140-00066067-00066528 is overheated, and this industry is overheated. 3J14BZTXYfu-00141-00066528-00066628 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00142-00066628-00067284 So previously, what a central bank has been doing is, OK, I tried to talk with that, so 3J14BZTXYfu-00143-00067284-00067917 I tried to talk with a specific financial agent or like or specific financial proxy 3J14BZTXYfu-00144-00067917-00068637 in that specific sector and then make some new regulation and then try to suppress the 3J14BZTXYfu-00145-00068637-00068869 overheating situation over there. 3J14BZTXYfu-00146-00068869-00069579 But given this digital yuan and I can simply write one line of code saying, OK, 10 billion 3J14BZTXYfu-00147-00069579-00069946 RMB is not going to flow into the housing market that easy. 3J14BZTXYfu-00148-00069946-00070046 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00149-00070046-00070146 Think about that. 3J14BZTXYfu-00150-00070146-00071306 So I think the biggest potential of digital yuan is from this highly flexible and then 3J14BZTXYfu-00151-00071306-00071699 highly digitized monetary policy design. 3J14BZTXYfu-00152-00071699-00072756 And which can make the central bank in the center of, so in the center of this whole 3J14BZTXYfu-00153-00072756-00073462 economic planning, because right now the central banker is just indirectly influence the whole 3J14BZTXYfu-00154-00073462-00073566 economic planning. 3J14BZTXYfu-00155-00073566-00073879 But in the future, they can just rule all. 3J14BZTXYfu-00156-00073879-00073979 Awesome. 3J14BZTXYfu-00157-00073979-00074079 Thanks for that. 3J14BZTXYfu-00158-00074079-00074825 And you were talking a bit how it would let the bank monitor the money supply and really 3J14BZTXYfu-00159-00074825-00074925 trace it. 3J14BZTXYfu-00160-00074925-00075702 And a lot of people are, I think, concerned about this ability of the bank to track the 3J14BZTXYfu-00161-00075702-00075802 money. 3J14BZTXYfu-00162-00075802-00076046 Do you think this is a valid concern? 3J14BZTXYfu-00163-00076046-00076331 Are people's privacy at risk? 3J14BZTXYfu-00164-00076331-00076903 Can the bank really see where exactly that money is moving? 3J14BZTXYfu-00165-00076903-00077529 Yeah, so I think it's definitely a valid concern, but the thing is it is a valid concern, but 3J14BZTXYfu-00166-00077529-00077807 it's not a new concern. 3J14BZTXYfu-00167-00077807-00078374 When we are using our credit card, so I have my Sapphire here. 3J14BZTXYfu-00168-00078374-00079060 So when we're using this credit card and let all the issuer and network processor and they 3J14BZTXYfu-00169-00079060-00079698 all have our financial footprint, so it's nothing different than that. 3J14BZTXYfu-00170-00079698-00080504 And it's just I think comparing with the credit card transaction as just your financial data 3J14BZTXYfu-00171-00080504-00081099 is actually holding by multiple parties and versus here is holding by PBOC. 3J14BZTXYfu-00172-00081099-00081199 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00173-00081199-00081307 So it's holding by the central bank. 3J14BZTXYfu-00174-00081307-00082012 To be honest, and I have higher confidence for my data to be helped by the central banker 3J14BZTXYfu-00175-00082012-00082728 than any financial conglomerates, because central banker, they do have to serve the 3J14BZTXYfu-00176-00082728-00082842 public. 3J14BZTXYfu-00177-00082842-00082955 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00178-00082955-00083427 They don't have a specific financial mandate because they are the ultimate last lender 3J14BZTXYfu-00179-00083427-00083585 or last resort. 3J14BZTXYfu-00180-00083585-00083891 Buyer of the last resort. 3J14BZTXYfu-00181-00083891-00083991 Yeah. 3J14BZTXYfu-00182-00083991-00084392 Buyer of the last resort. 3J14BZTXYfu-00183-00084392-00084996 So they don't have a strong economic incentive to stay out of your data like this. 3J14BZTXYfu-00184-00084996-00085571 Just so is there nothing to them. 3J14BZTXYfu-00185-00085571-00086611 So I think, so like, so the actual concern I have is when one party have all my financial 3J14BZTXYfu-00186-00086611-00087557 data and especially the party, so if one party, so if only one party had all my financial 3J14BZTXYfu-00187-00087557-00087986 data and then that is so that becomes the single point of truth. 3J14BZTXYfu-00188-00087986-00088562 A single point of truth can also lead to a single point of failure. 3J14BZTXYfu-00189-00088562-00089471 For instances, if I, so like, they can easily just erase you from economic assistance. 3J14BZTXYfu-00190-00089471-00089697 So that is my ultimate concern. 3J14BZTXYfu-00191-00089697-00089841 It is not about privacy. 3J14BZTXYfu-00192-00089841-00090805 It is about, it is actually about the viability of you as an individual in a specific economy, 3J14BZTXYfu-00193-00090805-00090905 right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00194-00090905-00092042 So if we think about a very 1984 scenario, so PBOC or any central banker can easily get, 3J14BZTXYfu-00195-00092042-00093030 so can easily get rid of you, like just removing you from that economy by just shutting off 3J14BZTXYfu-00196-00093030-00093415 all your financial like inbound. 3J14BZTXYfu-00197-00093415-00093527 Right. 3J14BZTXYfu-00198-00093527-00093735 So that's possible. 3J14BZTXYfu-00199-00093735-00094352 So like when they have all your data, when they become the single point of truth and 3J14BZTXYfu-00200-00094352-00095028 then they can easily alter to make you just say non-existent. 3J14BZTXYfu-00201-00095028-00095238 So that is my ultimate concern. 3J14BZTXYfu-00202-00095238-00096075 And so I think that's why I'm very into the actual vision of Satoshi, not the one from 3J14BZTXYfu-00203-00096075-00096312 the Australian, but the actual Satoshi data. 3J14BZTXYfu-00204-00096312-00097117 We need to have something that is it has good enough redundancy that can be good enough. 3J14BZTXYfu-00205-00097117-00097753 So that can be robust enough that we will never fall into this single point of failures. 3J14BZTXYfu-00206-00097753-00098180 So they will never fall into this single point of failure situation. 3J14BZTXYfu-00207-00098180-00098387 Thank you for all of that, Dovey. 3J14BZTXYfu-00208-00098387-00098740 You're just so ingrained in crypto. 3J14BZTXYfu-00209-00098740-00098971 Like you breathe crypto. 3J14BZTXYfu-00210-00098971-00099523 It's just, it's so amazing to hear all of these, all these concepts explained, all of 3J14BZTXYfu-00211-00099523-00099713 these dynamics delved into. 3J14BZTXYfu-00212-00099713-00100209 So I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me today. 3J14BZTXYfu-00213-00100209-00100454 Yeah, sure, Jackson, any time. 3J14BZTXYfu-00214-00100454-00100566 Thank you, everyone, for watching. 3J14BZTXYfu-00215-00100566-00100970 That was Dovey Wan who is a founding partner of blockchain investment firm Primitive Ventures. 3J14BZTXYfu-00216-00100970-00101070 My name is Jackson. 3J14BZTXYfu-00217-00101070-00101428 And if you enjoyed the show, please hit that like button and subscribe to our channel so 3J14BZTXYfu-00218-00101428-00103717 you can get more awesome crypto content. 3NV0bz3Vzr8-00000-00000030-00000400 Welcome to >>Fast Forward Science<<, the science video competition 3NV0bz3Vzr8-00001-00000400-00000900 We counted until 2:30 a.m.: all likes and positive comments 3NV0bz3Vzr8-00002-00000900-00001110 - and I mean all of them! 3NV0bz3Vzr8-00003-00001110-00001700 First the good news: You're out! 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Top! 3NV0bz3Vzr8-00024-00009170-00009522 Bye! 3QuSwWAUNU8-00000-00000574-00000903 Greetings and welcome to the Introduction to Astronomy. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00001-00000903-00001307 In this video, we are going to talk about compact stars. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00002-00001307-00001639 And what happens to them in binary systems 3QuSwWAUNU8-00003-00001639-00001948 and compact stars that we have looked at so far 3QuSwWAUNU8-00004-00001948-00002164 are the white dwarf stars. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00005-00002164-00002518 That is the state of something like our Sun 3QuSwWAUNU8-00006-00002518-00002911 and is compacted down down to about the size of the Earth. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00007-00002911-00003261 And we had neutron stars, which occur after a supernova 3QuSwWAUNU8-00008-00003261-00003625 explosion and are compacted down to closer 3QuSwWAUNU8-00009-00003625-00003917 to the size of a city. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00010-00003917-00004175 So let's go ahead and get started here. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00011-00004175-00004816 And what we see is that in terms of compact stars 3QuSwWAUNU8-00012-00004816-00005017 we have looked at the individual ones. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00013-00005017-00005290 As I've said, we've looked at the white dwarfs 3QuSwWAUNU8-00014-00005290-00005569 and the neutron stars and but what 3QuSwWAUNU8-00015-00005569-00005936 happens when one of these stars is in a binary system. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00016-00005936-00006289 We know that half the stars in the universe 3QuSwWAUNU8-00017-00006289-00006589 are in binary systems. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00018-00006589-00007056 So that implies that there are a lot of these times when 3QuSwWAUNU8-00019-00007056-00007450 a compact star is going to be present in a binary system. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00020-00007450-00007789 And what we have is we can get a number of different things 3QuSwWAUNU8-00021-00007789-00008122 we can get novae, we can get supernovae 3QuSwWAUNU8-00022-00008122-00008359 we can get X-ray and gamma ray burst 3QuSwWAUNU8-00023-00008359-00008615 and we want to kind of look at all of these. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00024-00008615-00008791 Now the supernovae that we get here 3QuSwWAUNU8-00025-00008791-00009202 are different than the type two that we look at the type two 3QuSwWAUNU8-00026-00009202-00009469 that we looked at previously was a massive star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00027-00009469-00009634 at the end of its life. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00028-00009634-00010048 In this case, we're going to see a different type of supernova. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00029-00010048-00010333 So let's look at each of these in turn. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00030-00010333-00010451 So what we have. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00031-00010451-00010517 First of all. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00032-00010517-00010813 Let's look at what is a nova? 3QuSwWAUNU8-00033-00010813-00011234 Well, if we have a white dwarf star in a binary system. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00034-00011234-00011596 They may be close enough that material can transfer. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00035-00011596-00012007 So you have the regular star on this side, the white dwarf 3QuSwWAUNU8-00036-00012007-00012289 star at the center here and material 3QuSwWAUNU8-00037-00012289-00012625 is being transferred from one to the other. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00038-00012625-00012838 So if they are close enough together material 3QuSwWAUNU8-00039-00012838-00013129 can be pulled off of the ordinary star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00040-00013129-00013378 and into what we call an accretion 3QuSwWAUNU8-00041-00013378-00013660 disk around the white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00042-00013660-00013981 And as that material spirals around and in 3QuSwWAUNU8-00043-00013981-00014501 towards the white dwarf it then builds up on the surface. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00044-00014501-00014638 Now what is building up there? 3QuSwWAUNU8-00045-00014638-00014916 Well, we know that the outer layers of a star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00046-00014916-00015235 are mostly hydrogen. So hydrogen is now 3QuSwWAUNU8-00047-00015235-00015538 building up on the surface of this white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00048-00015538-00015747 And eventually the temperature can 3QuSwWAUNU8-00049-00015747-00016113 become high enough that nuclear fusion will actually 3QuSwWAUNU8-00050-00016113-00016477 start on the surface of the white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00051-00016477-00016856 And this star will see when we look at this, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00052-00016856-00017224 we will see it become hundreds or even thousands of times 3QuSwWAUNU8-00053-00017224-00017325 brighter. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00054-00017325-00017467 And this is the kind of thing that 3QuSwWAUNU8-00055-00017467-00017663 can happen over and over again. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00056-00017663-00017974 It does not damage the white dwarf star. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00057-00017974-00018283 So the material can build up to the point 3QuSwWAUNU8-00058-00018283-00018655 where it explodes as a nova and then 50 or 100 3QuSwWAUNU8-00059-00018655-00019039 or 200 years later, we can do the same thing. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00060-00019039-00019378 We can actually produce a nova recurring 3QuSwWAUNU8-00061-00019378-00019741 that it will recur again in the same system. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00062-00019741-00020051 So some of these can occur over and over again, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00063-00020051-00020503 as long as this star is still transferring material. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00064-00020503-00020833 Now generally, this would happen when this star evolves 3QuSwWAUNU8-00065-00020833-00021310 and becomes a red giant star. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00066-00021310-00021539 Remember that when it becomes a red giant. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00067-00021539-00021769 It becomes many times larger. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00068-00021769-00022108 And that allows the outer layers to actually get closer 3QuSwWAUNU8-00069-00022108-00022486 to the white dwarf star and allow the mass transfer 3QuSwWAUNU8-00070-00022486-00022786 to begin to take place. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00071-00022786-00023017 So a nova is one thing that can happen. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00072-00023017-00023421 Another thing that can happen is a white dwarf supernova. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00073-00023421-00023743 It is exactly the same process as for a nova 3QuSwWAUNU8-00074-00023743-00023989 that we looked at on the previous slide. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00075-00023989-00024250 But the question here is what happens 3QuSwWAUNU8-00076-00024250-00024718 if the mass transfer pushes the white dwarf over the 1.4 3QuSwWAUNU8-00077-00024718-00024991 solar mass limit. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00078-00024991-00025207 In that case, the star can no longer 3QuSwWAUNU8-00079-00025207-00025481 support itself against gravity. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00080-00025481-00025932 So it will begin to collapse and essentially the entire star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00081-00025932-00026107 will explode. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00082-00026107-00026308 So our image shows that a little bit 3QuSwWAUNU8-00083-00026308-00026569 of that here what would eventually happen 3QuSwWAUNU8-00084-00026569-00026839 is you would have the main sequence star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00085-00026839-00027055 and you would start have two stars. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00086-00027055-00027361 First one would evolve and become a red giant 3QuSwWAUNU8-00087-00027361-00027627 and eventually end up as a white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00088-00027627-00028018 When this main sequence star becomes a red giant 3QuSwWAUNU8-00089-00028018-00028336 then we would have mass transfer occurring 3QuSwWAUNU8-00090-00028336-00028495 and material is being transferred 3QuSwWAUNU8-00091-00028495-00028683 onto the white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00092-00028683-00029295 If this white dwarf is at 1.4 solar masses then 3QuSwWAUNU8-00093-00029295-00029683 a little extra material can push it over that limit. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00094-00029683-00029855 And it will collapse. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00095-00029855-00030277 And essentially a carbon fusion begins throughout the star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00096-00030277-00030520 all at once throughout that white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00097-00030520-00030757 And that will rip the star apart causing 3QuSwWAUNU8-00098-00030757-00031214 a massive explosion which we call a type I supernova. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00099-00031214-00031564 Now that differentiates it from the type II supernova which 3QuSwWAUNU8-00100-00031564-00031972 is one of very massive star reaches the ends of its life 3QuSwWAUNU8-00101-00031972-00032302 and ends up forming iron in its core. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00102-00032302-00032548 This is actually a white dwarf star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00103-00032548-00033040 that is right at the limit of for solar masses. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00104-00033040-00033551 If it gets pushed over that limit it cannot survive. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00105-00033551-00033982 So that means that we do have these two types of supernovae. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00106-00033982-00034261 So what we can look at and just to give some of the ideas 3QuSwWAUNU8-00107-00034261-00034597 here we have the type II that is a massive star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00108-00034597-00034918 at the end of its life and leaves behind a neutron 3QuSwWAUNU8-00109-00034918-00035186 star or a black hole. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00110-00035186-00035365 The different one way to differentiate 3QuSwWAUNU8-00111-00035365-00035693 them is that they're light curves are slightly different. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00112-00035693-00036055 And that a type II will show hydrogen lines in the spectrum 3QuSwWAUNU8-00113-00036055-00036295 because the outer layers of that star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00114-00036295-00036679 were a lot of hydrogen a type I supernova. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00115-00036679-00037012 On the other hand, occurs when a white dwarf star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00116-00037012-00037447 exceeds the 1.4 solar mass limit and explodes. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00117-00037447-00037759 In this case, nothing is left behind. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00118-00037759-00038119 We do not see hydrogen lines because the white dwarf was 3QuSwWAUNU8-00119-00038119-00038473 made primarily of carbon and a little tiny bit 3QuSwWAUNU8-00120-00038473-00038698 of hydrogen that was transferred does not 3QuSwWAUNU8-00121-00038698-00039028 give very strong hydrogen lines as it would in a much 3QuSwWAUNU8-00122-00039028-00039307 more massive star exploding. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00123-00039307-00039715 These are extremely important for determining distances 3QuSwWAUNU8-00124-00039715-00039877 to distant galaxies. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00125-00039877-00040303 They are what we call standard candles or standard bulbs. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00126-00040303-00040753 And that is because each of them every single time it occurs, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00127-00040753-00041056 it is the same type of object exploding 3QuSwWAUNU8-00128-00041056-00041407 because we know their mass every single one of these 3QuSwWAUNU8-00129-00041407-00041824 is a 1.4 solar mass white dwarf star. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00130-00041824-00042070 So there should be little difference between them 3QuSwWAUNU8-00131-00042070-00042187 when they explode. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00132-00042187-00042436 We should see the same brightness occur 3QuSwWAUNU8-00133-00042436-00042715 and the same patterns in their light curves. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00134-00042715-00043012 And that means that we can use them to then determine 3QuSwWAUNU8-00135-00043012-00043204 distances because they should all reach 3QuSwWAUNU8-00136-00043204-00043432 the same maximum brightness. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00137-00043816-00044085 So some of what can happen for other objects. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00138-00044085-00044223 So those are some things that can 3QuSwWAUNU8-00139-00044223-00044664 happen with white dwarfs what if we have a more massive object 3QuSwWAUNU8-00140-00044664-00044919 instead of a white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00141-00044919-00045258 What if we have a neutron star present. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00142-00045258-00045556 Well, we can take a look at that as well. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00143-00045556-00045790 The same kind of process can occur, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00144-00045790-00046095 you can have a neutron star in a binary system 3QuSwWAUNU8-00145-00046095-00046302 and the mass transfer can occur just 3QuSwWAUNU8-00146-00046302-00046509 like it did to a white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00147-00046509-00047124 You can have the ordinary star here and the neutron star here. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00148-00047124-00047271 And you can have material transfer 3QuSwWAUNU8-00149-00047271-00047657 to into an accretion disk that then 3QuSwWAUNU8-00150-00047657-00048086 spirals around down to the neutron star material 3QuSwWAUNU8-00151-00048086-00048353 would also build up on the surface. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00152-00048353-00048743 But the difference is that you have much stronger gravity 3QuSwWAUNU8-00153-00048743-00049064 and much higher temperatures that occur than it 3QuSwWAUNU8-00154-00049064-00049268 would with a white dwarf star. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00155-00049268-00049667 That gives us instead a burst of x-rays from the surface. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00156-00049667-00049865 So instead of a burst of visible light 3QuSwWAUNU8-00157-00049865-00050234 as we get in a nova an X-ray bursts is essentially 3QuSwWAUNU8-00158-00050234-00050543 a nova but instead a neutron star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00159-00050543-00050930 is the compact object instead of a white dwarf. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00160-00050930-00051425 These are many of these have been detected and interestingly 3QuSwWAUNU8-00161-00051425-00051737 enough, it depending on the positioning these can actually 3QuSwWAUNU8-00162-00051737-00052025 speed up the neutron star rotation. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00163-00052025-00052579 So if you are sending material from a star into a neutron star 3QuSwWAUNU8-00164-00052579-00053028 if you kick it up and push it the way it is spinning. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00165-00053028-00053349 If it is spinning this direction in the first place, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00166-00053349-00053582 then if you give it a little kick this side, kind of 3QuSwWAUNU8-00167-00053582-00053841 like pushing a child on a swing. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00168-00053841-00054086 You can give it a little bit of boost of a boost 3QuSwWAUNU8-00169-00054086-00054395 and that will allow it to speed up its rotation 3QuSwWAUNU8-00170-00054395-00054599 and in fact, we find what we call 3QuSwWAUNU8-00171-00054599-00055127 millisecond pulsars pulsing in thousandths of a second. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00172-00055127-00055366 And at the absolute limit of what 3QuSwWAUNU8-00173-00055366-00055862 a neutron star can actually do without ripping itself apart. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00174-00055862-00056120 And these are believed to be spun up 3QuSwWAUNU8-00175-00056120-00056465 by mass transfer from other objects 3QuSwWAUNU8-00176-00056465-00056714 essentially, each time you transfer a little bit of mass 3QuSwWAUNU8-00177-00056714-00056975 to the neutron star you kick it up give it 3QuSwWAUNU8-00178-00056975-00057338 a little bit of a push again, it's pushing a child on a swing 3QuSwWAUNU8-00179-00057338-00057686 and that would cause it to spin a little bit faster until it 3QuSwWAUNU8-00180-00057686-00058041 reaches this limit. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00181-00058041-00058183 Now we see X-ray bursts. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00182-00058183-00058445 But we can also find gamma ray bursts. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00183-00058445-00058845 So let's take a look at those and gamma ray bursts 3QuSwWAUNU8-00184-00058845-00059148 were first detected back in the 1960s. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00185-00059148-00059630 In looking for gamma rays from nuclear detonation. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00186-00059630-00059937 So military satellites were detecting these first 3QuSwWAUNU8-00187-00059937-00060305 because a nuclear blast would give off a lot of gamma rays 3QuSwWAUNU8-00188-00060305-00060615 and they were looking for these detections. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00189-00060615-00061011 Now And now we have detected thousands of these from space. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00190-00061011-00061260 One of the problems is it is very difficult 3QuSwWAUNU8-00191-00061260-00061479 to pinpoint the location. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00192-00061479-00061788 And this is because gamma ray telescopes 3QuSwWAUNU8-00193-00061788-00062046 have very poor resolution. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00194-00062046-00062366 It is very hard to focus gamma rays as compared 3QuSwWAUNU8-00195-00062366-00062733 to focusing say radio waves or visible light. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00196-00062733-00063045 And that makes it hard to find the optical or radio 3QuSwWAUNU8-00197-00063045-00063165 counterpart. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00198-00063165-00063354 So where is the burst occurring. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00199-00063354-00063585 We need to say that if we can only 3QuSwWAUNU8-00200-00063585-00063822 judge that it's in this region there 3QuSwWAUNU8-00201-00063822-00064038 could be multiple objects that could 3QuSwWAUNU8-00202-00064038-00064597 be the source of this burst and we don't know which of them. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00203-00064597-00064854 It is after some work we have been 3QuSwWAUNU8-00204-00064854-00065142 able to detect optical sources for some of them. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00205-00065142-00065610 And many of them are found to be billions of light years away. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00206-00065610-00066012 So what are these gamma ray bursts then? 3QuSwWAUNU8-00207-00066012-00066291 Well, there are two types. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00208-00066291-00066660 There are the long duration bursts and the short duration 3QuSwWAUNU8-00209-00066660-00066750 bursts. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00210-00066750-00067026 These are defined and given the limit of two seconds. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00211-00067026-00067203 So a long duration burst is something 3QuSwWAUNU8-00212-00067203-00067566 that lasts longer than two seconds a short duration burst 3QuSwWAUNU8-00213-00067566-00067827 lasts less than two seconds. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00214-00067827-00068043 We believe that the long duration bursts 3QuSwWAUNU8-00215-00068043-00068308 are caused by the collapse of a star, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00216-00068308-00068656 which has lost its outer layers of hydrogen. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00217-00068656-00069021 So as the star collapses down and gives off 3QuSwWAUNU8-00218-00069021-00069169 all of this energy. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00219-00069169-00069585 The energy is then beamed and gives us a gamma ray burst. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00220-00069585-00069852 These are the longer ones. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00221-00069852-00070134 Now we believe that this short duration 3QuSwWAUNU8-00222-00070134-00070494 bursts are caused by colliding neutron stars 3QuSwWAUNU8-00223-00070494-00070876 - two neutron stars orbiting each other. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00224-00070876-00071320 And then spiraling in closer and closer together over time. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00225-00071320-00071721 And eventually coalescing into one single object. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00226-00071721-00071874 Some of the evidence for this, we 3QuSwWAUNU8-00227-00071874-00072278 have things like the kilonova and gravitational waves 3QuSwWAUNU8-00228-00072278-00072750 - gravitational waves have now been detected from black holes. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00229-00072750-00072921 And our prediction that would occur 3QuSwWAUNU8-00230-00072921-00073236 for any massive objects that are moving 3QuSwWAUNU8-00231-00073236-00073605 and massive objects moving fast like two neutron 3QuSwWAUNU8-00232-00073605-00073905 stars collapsing would be believed to give off 3QuSwWAUNU8-00233-00073905-00074076 gravitational waves. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00234-00074076-00074508 And that is getting to the point where we can now detect these. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00235-00074508-00074742 So the difference is, again, what 3QuSwWAUNU8-00236-00074742-00074940 happens if some of the outer layers 3QuSwWAUNU8-00237-00074940-00075126 have been pushed out of a star. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00238-00075126-00075419 We may get in that supernova explosion 3QuSwWAUNU8-00239-00075419-00075765 - instead of a supernova, we may actually 3QuSwWAUNU8-00240-00075765-00076038 get the gamma ray burst because the outer layers are 3QuSwWAUNU8-00241-00076038-00076161 no longer present. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00242-00076161-00076587 We only have the inner layers of the star in a short duration 3QuSwWAUNU8-00243-00076587-00076844 burst again, we're looking at a different process 3QuSwWAUNU8-00244-00076844-00077328 where two neutron stars are actually colliding together. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00245-00077328-00077491 So we can look at an image - I kind of 3QuSwWAUNU8-00246-00077491-00077679 drew that on there where we can actually look 3QuSwWAUNU8-00247-00077679-00077907 at that as an image as well. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00248-00077907-00078022 And when we see them. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00249-00078022-00078369 Here they are actually giving off those gravitational waves 3QuSwWAUNU8-00250-00078369-00078850 that will travel out into space, the closer they get together, 3QuSwWAUNU8-00251-00078850-00079003 the more rapidly. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00252-00079003-00079356 They move and the greater the gravitational waves 3QuSwWAUNU8-00253-00079356-00079785 therefore making them easier to detect any object moving 3QuSwWAUNU8-00254-00079785-00080073 gives off gravitational waves any the object with mass 3QuSwWAUNU8-00255-00080073-00080160 at least. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00256-00080160-00080376 But they are so weak that they are 3QuSwWAUNU8-00257-00080376-00080715 difficult to detect unless you have high mass objects, things 3QuSwWAUNU8-00258-00080715-00080967 like neutron stars or black holes that 3QuSwWAUNU8-00259-00080967-00081357 are moving very, very quickly. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00260-00081357-00081845 So let's finish up here as we do with our summary 3QuSwWAUNU8-00261-00081845-00082433 and what we find is that compact stars in binary systems 3QuSwWAUNU8-00262-00082433-00082715 give rise to different types of phenomena. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00263-00082715-00083144 The white dwarf stars can give us novae or supernovae things 3QuSwWAUNU8-00264-00083144-00083507 that we can see invisible light neutron stars can give us 3QuSwWAUNU8-00265-00083507-00084056 X-ray or gamma ray bursts is, again, more compact object 3QuSwWAUNU8-00266-00084056-00084476 then can give us higher energy events. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00267-00084476-00084806 So we associate the X-ray bursts or the gamma ray 3QuSwWAUNU8-00268-00084806-00085088 bursts with neutron stars and bursts 3QuSwWAUNU8-00269-00085088-00085505 of visible light for novae or even supernovae 3QuSwWAUNU8-00270-00085505-00086009 are believed to be caused by white dwarfs 3QuSwWAUNU8-00271-00086009-00086189 in a binary system. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00272-00086189-00086411 And remember that most stars in the universe 3QuSwWAUNU8-00273-00086411-00086760 - half the stars are part of binary systems. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00274-00086760-00086906 And that means that there are a lot 3QuSwWAUNU8-00275-00086906-00087197 of cases where this can occur. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00276-00087197-00087593 So that concludes our lecture on compact stars 3QuSwWAUNU8-00277-00087593-00087821 in binary systems. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00278-00087821-00088124 We'll be back again tomorrow for again next time 3QuSwWAUNU8-00279-00088124-00088370 for another topic in astronomy. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00280-00088370-00088661 So until then, have a great day, everyone. 3QuSwWAUNU8-00281-00088661-00088954 And I will see you in class. 3QGLDYw2vhI-00000-00029418-00029715 relaxing music 3QPdTXAeSf0-00000-00000000-00000375 *happily singing* 3QPdTXAeSf0-00001-00000487-00000612 Aww, no way! 3QPdTXAeSf0-00002-00000650-00000729 A keyboard?! 3QPdTXAeSf0-00003-00000975-00001095 I have an idea 3QPdTXAeSf0-00004-00001241-00001487 You know those copy and paste shortcuts? 3QPdTXAeSf0-00005-00001566-00001766 Wonder if I... do this... 3QPdTXAeSf0-00006-00001945-00002025 and... 3QPdTXAeSf0-00007-00002100-00002216 Ctrl C 3QPdTXAeSf0-00008-00002350-00002433 Ctrl V 3QPdTXAeSf0-00009-00002687-00002737 *spits* 3QPdTXAeSf0-00010-00002941-00003141 Well look at that! It worked! 3QPdTXAeSf0-00011-00003216-00003329 Unfortunately... 3QPdTXAeSf0-00012-00003350-00003525 There can only be one Vanilla 3QPdTXAeSf0-00013-00003525-00003725 So you're going to have to uhh... 3QPdTXAeSf0-00014-00003800-00003900 Hey come back! 3QPdTXAeSf0-00015-00003900-00004100 I just want to talk to you! 3RPLeTLxIoY-00000-00001232-00001944 Hello everyone and welcome to Red United TV. It's your boy Ivorian Spice back at it again 3RPLeTLxIoY-00001-00001944-00002536 with another match reaction. And remember guys if you are new to this channel remember to subscribe, 3RPLeTLxIoY-00002-00002536-00003048 smash that like button and also remember to share. Because why? Sharing Ivorian Spice is 3RPLeTLxIoY-00003-00003048-00003928 caring boom! Today guys Southampton one Manchester United one. Manchester United dropping two points 3RPLeTLxIoY-00004-00003928-00004496 against Southampton. Those saints, when the saints go marching in you, know i don't really want to 3RPLeTLxIoY-00005-00004496-00005032 be in that number when the saints go marching in. Because boy oh boy they literally just did 3RPLeTLxIoY-00006-00005032-00005648 march in a little bit just a little bit! Just enough to piss us off to make us drop two points 3RPLeTLxIoY-00007-00005648-00006192 but Manchester United dropping two points. Uh of course Manchester United equaling the longest 3RPLeTLxIoY-00008-00006192-00006872 premier league record playing away in the premier league equaling the great invincible team arsenal. 3RPLeTLxIoY-00009-00006872-00007368 Which i've to say, i'm okay with that i'm okay with that, but still imagine we should have won. A 3RPLeTLxIoY-00010-00007368-00007816 game that we should have won, to just show that if we're ready to actually challenge in the premier 3RPLeTLxIoY-00011-00007816-00008440 league and of course with a game at Southampton you think yes we should win but we didn't, 3RPLeTLxIoY-00012-00008440-00009096 unfortunately. Overall my thoughts was 'ah' why did we drop two points guys but it is what it is. 3RPLeTLxIoY-00013-00009096-00009672 The greatest thing about today guys even though we didn't really win the match at least our kit 3RPLeTLxIoY-00014-00009672-00010128 looked fire though, our kit was one of the best things in the game. I have to be honest with you, 3RPLeTLxIoY-00015-00010128-00010608 because boy that was fire the kit looks smashing absolutely love it! I definitely would like to 3RPLeTLxIoY-00016-00010608-00010944 get it, get the replica guys, don't get the real things you know. You don't want to feed 3RPLeTLxIoY-00017-00010944-00011464 into those Glazers pockets. With that game, one nil came to Southampton very early in the game 3RPLeTLxIoY-00018-00011520-00012088 shay adams with a deflection coming off of fred which basically was an own goal and oh 3RPLeTLxIoY-00019-00012088-00012808 boy oh boy pastor fred could not pass the ball today. He was atrocious today honestly speaking, 3RPLeTLxIoY-00020-00012808-00013408 it was a own goal by pastor fred and it was a poor performance by pastor fred in that 3RPLeTLxIoY-00021-00013408-00013960 first half guys. We did have chances, we look exceptionally well in set pieces which look, 3RPLeTLxIoY-00022-00014024-00014447 which is brilliant thing to take guys because last season we wasn't the best at set pieces 3RPLeTLxIoY-00023-00014447-00014872 this season with somebody coming in it looks like Manchester United would do some business when 3RPLeTLxIoY-00024-00014872-00015424 it comes to set pieces so i was actually pleased with that. Mason gunman greenwood equalising that 3RPLeTLxIoY-00025-00015424-00016096 goal for us. Paul Pogba hats up to him ,because he was shimmering, he was dancing with that ball and 3RPLeTLxIoY-00026-00016096-00016624 then finally with that pass to bruno fernandes. Bruno Fernandes passing it back to him and with 3RPLeTLxIoY-00027-00016624-00017088 Pogba Pogba with that deft touch to greenwood to lay up in to squeeze it into the back of it to 3RPLeTLxIoY-00028-00017088-00017504 make it one one for Manchester United and with the game finishing 1-1. With Manchester United getting 3RPLeTLxIoY-00029-00017504-00018008 that point hats up to paul pogba again fifth assist of the season. Mason Greenwood with 31st 3RPLeTLxIoY-00030-00018008-00018568 goal for Manchester United absolutely talent, what a talent mason greenwood will be. Gunman 3RPLeTLxIoY-00031-00018568-00019208 greenwood all day every day you do know! Man of the Match today guys gots to go to paul labile 3RPLeTLxIoY-00032-00019208-00019808 pogba. With the effort of trying to ensure that manchester united get a point you know that goal 3RPLeTLxIoY-00033-00019808-00020328 that we scored with greenwood, what paul pogba did there was absolutely amazing. That just shows 3RPLeTLxIoY-00034-00020328-00020832 what we need from him, how vital and how important he is to manchester united. Guys you let me know 3RPLeTLxIoY-00035-00020832-00021328 what you think of that. Donkey of the match gots to go to Martial. Absolutely irrelevant we played 3RPLeTLxIoY-00036-00021328-00021856 with 10 men we didn't have a striker in that first half. Martial is not fit he's not ready and it's 3RPLeTLxIoY-00037-00021856-00022328 just, again it just makes you think "this is the reason why i told you martial is trash" 3RPLeTLxIoY-00038-00022328-00022824 but i don't think martial trash. That's what many people would think, he gave them the ball for to 3RPLeTLxIoY-00039-00022824-00023320 their court straight away. So these manchester united fan that do not like martial are gonna be 3RPLeTLxIoY-00040-00023320-00023880 saying "look at this you've added more ammo to my gun like, more ammunition to my gun". 3RPLeTLxIoY-00041-00023880-00024328 Manchester United fans, it is what it is we dropped two points it's not the end of the day 3RPLeTLxIoY-00042-00024328-00024792 still pretty much early in the season, other teams will drop points. You guys, let me know who your 3RPLeTLxIoY-00043-00024792-00025120 man of the match was and also who your donkey of the match and you let me know what you thought of 3RPLeTLxIoY-00044-00025120-00025624 the match today as well guys. As always remember to follow the official instagram account of Red 3RPLeTLxIoY-00045-00025624-00026176 United TV which is @redunitedtv1 baby, and also the official Tik Tok account of Red United TV 3RPLeTLxIoY-00046-00026176-00026704 which is @redunitedtv. And remember to follow my personal instagram account which is @ivorian_spice 3RPLeTLxIoY-00047-00026768-00027320 and also the same for that twitter remember to watch the catch up tomorrow straightaway 8 p.m 3RPLeTLxIoY-00048-00027320-00027936 live. You know as always remember to subscribe smash that like button and remember to share also 3RPLeTLxIoY-00049-00027936-00029583 remember to keep it united and remember also going to keep it Red United, peace out boom! 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00000-00000010-00000170 THIRD PLACE. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00001-00000170-00000176 THIRD PLACE. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00002-00000176-00000323 THIRD PLACE. >> WELL, IF YOU STAYED UP LATE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00003-00000323-00000330 THIRD PLACE. >> WELL, IF YOU STAYED UP LATE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00004-00000330-00000490 THIRD PLACE. >> WELL, IF YOU STAYED UP LATE LAST NIGHT FOR THE CLASS 2-A 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00005-00000490-00000497 >> WELL, IF YOU STAYED UP LATE LAST NIGHT FOR THE CLASS 2-A 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00006-00000497-00000660 >> WELL, IF YOU STAYED UP LATE LAST NIGHT FOR THE CLASS 2-A QUARTERFINALS, ROSEAU RALLIED 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00007-00000660-00000667 LAST NIGHT FOR THE CLASS 2-A QUARTERFINALS, ROSEAU RALLIED 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00008-00000667-00000864 LAST NIGHT FOR THE CLASS 2-A QUARTERFINALS, ROSEAU RALLIED FROM 14 DOWN IN THE SECOND HALF 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00009-00000864-00000870 QUARTERFINALS, ROSEAU RALLIED FROM 14 DOWN IN THE SECOND HALF 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00010-00000870-00000974 QUARTERFINALS, ROSEAU RALLIED FROM 14 DOWN IN THE SECOND HALF TO BEAT TRACY-MILROY-BALATON. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00011-00000974-00000980 FROM 14 DOWN IN THE SECOND HALF TO BEAT TRACY-MILROY-BALATON. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00012-00000980-00001291 FROM 14 DOWN IN THE SECOND HALF TO BEAT TRACY-MILROY-BALATON. BUT NOW THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00013-00001291-00001297 TO BEAT TRACY-MILROY-BALATON. BUT NOW THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00014-00001297-00001551 TO BEAT TRACY-MILROY-BALATON. BUT NOW THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE SEMIFINALS TOMORROW NIGHT, AND 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00015-00001551-00001558 BUT NOW THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE SEMIFINALS TOMORROW NIGHT, AND 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00016-00001558-00001771 BUT NOW THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO THE SEMIFINALS TOMORROW NIGHT, AND SECOND SEEDED MARANATHA, WHO 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00017-00001771-00001778 SEMIFINALS TOMORROW NIGHT, AND SECOND SEEDED MARANATHA, WHO 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00018-00001778-00001845 SEMIFINALS TOMORROW NIGHT, AND SECOND SEEDED MARANATHA, WHO LOOKED IMPRESSIVE ON BOTH ENDS 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00019-00001845-00001851 SECOND SEEDED MARANATHA, WHO LOOKED IMPRESSIVE ON BOTH ENDS 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00020-00001851-00002042 SECOND SEEDED MARANATHA, WHO LOOKED IMPRESSIVE ON BOTH ENDS IN THEIR VICTORY. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00021-00002042-00002048 LOOKED IMPRESSIVE ON BOTH ENDS IN THEIR VICTORY. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00022-00002048-00002218 LOOKED IMPRESSIVE ON BOTH ENDS IN THEIR VICTORY. >> IN THE SUMMER I KNOW A COUPLE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00023-00002218-00002225 IN THEIR VICTORY. >> IN THE SUMMER I KNOW A COUPLE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00024-00002225-00002442 IN THEIR VICTORY. >> IN THE SUMMER I KNOW A COUPLE OF THEM WE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00025-00002442-00002449 >> IN THE SUMMER I KNOW A COUPLE OF THEM WE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00026-00002449-00002706 >> IN THE SUMMER I KNOW A COUPLE OF THEM WE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE GOT THAT BIGGER TALL GIRL, SHE'S 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00027-00002706-00002712 OF THEM WE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE GOT THAT BIGGER TALL GIRL, SHE'S 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00028-00002712-00002759 OF THEM WE KNOW THAT THEY HAVE GOT THAT BIGGER TALL GIRL, SHE'S A GUARD. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00029-00002759-00002766 GOT THAT BIGGER TALL GIRL, SHE'S A GUARD. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00030-00002766-00003073 GOT THAT BIGGER TALL GIRL, SHE'S A GUARD. AND THE GUARDS ARE PRETTY QUICK. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00031-00003073-00003079 A GUARD. AND THE GUARDS ARE PRETTY QUICK. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00032-00003079-00003183 A GUARD. AND THE GUARDS ARE PRETTY QUICK. THEY'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00033-00003183-00003189 AND THE GUARDS ARE PRETTY QUICK. THEY'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00034-00003189-00003510 AND THE GUARDS ARE PRETTY QUICK. THEY'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD DEFENSE. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00035-00003510-00003516 THEY'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD DEFENSE. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00036-00003516-00003720 THEY'VE GOT A PRETTY GOOD DEFENSE. BUT, YOU KNOW, WE ARE PRETTY 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00037-00003720-00003727 DEFENSE. BUT, YOU KNOW, WE ARE PRETTY 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00038-00003727-00003750 DEFENSE. BUT, YOU KNOW, WE ARE PRETTY SOLID. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00039-00003750-00003757 BUT, YOU KNOW, WE ARE PRETTY SOLID. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00040-00003757-00003907 BUT, YOU KNOW, WE ARE PRETTY SOLID. >> GOOD TEAM, PLAYS GOOD DEFENSE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00041-00003907-00003913 SOLID. >> GOOD TEAM, PLAYS GOOD DEFENSE 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00042-00003913-00004100 SOLID. >> GOOD TEAM, PLAYS GOOD DEFENSE AND I THINK HAVE A LOT OF 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00043-00004100-00004107 >> GOOD TEAM, PLAYS GOOD DEFENSE AND I THINK HAVE A LOT OF 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00044-00004107-00004274 >> GOOD TEAM, PLAYS GOOD DEFENSE AND I THINK HAVE A LOT OF DIFFERENT WEAPONS AND OBVIOUSLY 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00045-00004274-00004280 AND I THINK HAVE A LOT OF DIFFERENT WEAPONS AND OBVIOUSLY 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00046-00004280-00004514 AND I THINK HAVE A LOT OF DIFFERENT WEAPONS AND OBVIOUSLY THIS TIME OF YEAR DEPTH IS -- 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00047-00004514-00004521 DIFFERENT WEAPONS AND OBVIOUSLY THIS TIME OF YEAR DEPTH IS -- 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00048-00004521-00004824 DIFFERENT WEAPONS AND OBVIOUSLY THIS TIME OF YEAR DEPTH IS -- CAN BE A DEAL BREAKER. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00049-00004824-00004831 THIS TIME OF YEAR DEPTH IS -- CAN BE A DEAL BREAKER. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00050-00004831-00004948 THIS TIME OF YEAR DEPTH IS -- CAN BE A DEAL BREAKER. SO WE NEED TO BE READY TO GO 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00051-00004948-00004954 CAN BE A DEAL BREAKER. SO WE NEED TO BE READY TO GO 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00052-00004954-00005045 CAN BE A DEAL BREAKER. SO WE NEED TO BE READY TO GO FRIDAY NIGHT. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00053-00005045-00005051 SO WE NEED TO BE READY TO GO FRIDAY NIGHT. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00054-00005051-00005118 SO WE NEED TO BE READY TO GO FRIDAY NIGHT. >> AND IT'S ANOTHER LATE ONE FOR 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00055-00005118-00005125 FRIDAY NIGHT. >> AND IT'S ANOTHER LATE ONE FOR 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00056-00005125-00005155 FRIDAY NIGHT. >> AND IT'S ANOTHER LATE ONE FOR THE RAMS. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00057-00005155-00005161 >> AND IT'S ANOTHER LATE ONE FOR THE RAMS. 3Tqq-YHgNcI-00058-00005161-00005218 >> AND IT'S ANOTHER LATE ONE FOR THE RAMS. TIP-OFF SCHEDULED FOR AROUND 3U0EekoApTg-00000-00001202-00001946 The only thing I can own from start to finish 3U0EekoApTg-00001-00002698-00003036 It's about myself and my own body and mind 3U0EekoApTg-00002-00003054-00003624 It's a motion of lying in bed in the morning 3U0EekoApTg-00003-00003840-00005292 Do not overdo it slowly so that my body, which was hardened during sleep, does not overdo it slowly, but concentrates on my body by moving as much as I can 3U0EekoApTg-00004-00005588-00005810 After the weekend with the family 3U0EekoApTg-00005-00005810-00006112 I'm trying to get a good week 3U0EekoApTg-00006-00006112-00006506 It is important to look at and maintain my body and mind well 3U0EekoApTg-00007-00006554-00007294 I feel sorry for the empty containers at the top of the sink, as I do not think there is a pile of ingredients in the refrigerator 3U0EekoApTg-00008-00007488-00007954 a shopping fabric bag and a plastic bag in a net bag 3U0EekoApTg-00009-00008018-00008504 I'm going to go for a walk and stop at the mart and come back 3U0EekoApTg-00010-00008830-00009596 It's the season that comes back every time, but it's a summer that feels different 3U0EekoApTg-00011-00009708-00010272 Even when you get older, seasonal changes are always amazing 3U0EekoApTg-00012-00010382-00010860 Heading to the multipurpose room to clear up the collection 3U0EekoApTg-00013-00011354-00011606 It's my potato box 3U0EekoApTg-00014-00011790-00012242 The shoes box is a really good one 3U0EekoApTg-00015-00012324-00013058 It is drawer type. It can store and it piles up 3U0EekoApTg-00016-00013104-00013424 i like the ventilation holes 3U0EekoApTg-00017-00013456-00013832 The arrangement is a boring iteration 3U0EekoApTg-00018-00013832-00014269 It's also exhausting to see the mess 3U0EekoApTg-00019-00014328-00014691 The plastic oil bottle lid is breaking 3U0EekoApTg-00020-00014691-00015124 I'm going to replace you with a glass bottle 3U0EekoApTg-00021-00015208-00016210 You have a space in your head that will focus on something really important if you do not put off simple things 3U0EekoApTg-00022-00016546-00017298 I've heard so much from my mom you had to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables 3U0EekoApTg-00023-00017906-00018444 I'm just eating hard now 3U0EekoApTg-00024-00018782-00019338 If you're worried or anxious right now Use lemon 3U0EekoApTg-00025-00019638-00020376 If you concentrate on cutting with a tough and cumbersome cleaning process and lemon scent 3U0EekoApTg-00026-00020376-00021152 you'll be able to forget the other things for a while in the reality of the eyes 3U0EekoApTg-00027-00021272-00021796 The truth is you create worry and anxiety 3U0EekoApTg-00028-00021868-00022822 Now, we have to face reality and solve realistic concerns 3U0EekoApTg-00029-00022942-00023502 The bottle is lemon for lemon disinfectant water 3U0EekoApTg-00030-00023542-00024274 Choose a thick lemon seed dog and prepare it for germination 3U0EekoApTg-00031-00024466-00025318 Lemon disinfectant water is poured soju (korean alcohol ) and aged for 3 days 3U0EekoApTg-00032-00025382-00026126 It is not as sterilizing as ethanol, but it is good for cleaning the table and refrigerator in summer 3U0EekoApTg-00033-00026204-00026704 Store in empty plastic container to prevent glass bottles from slipping 3U0EekoApTg-00034-00026833-00027154 The temperature is high, so it ages refrigeration 3U0EekoApTg-00035-00027324-00028014 In summer, put coffee in a thermos bottle and drink hot or cold 3U0EekoApTg-00036-00028544-00029066 I'm gonna have a cup of tea and calm down 3U0EekoApTg-00037-00029066-00029656 I have a rest that I did not think about for a while 3U0EekoApTg-00038-00030280-00030845 I bought something that I was worried about 3U0EekoApTg-00039-00030942-00031592 I'm not a favorite fruit for my family, but I wanted to experience it because it's a summer pleasure 3U0EekoApTg-00040-00032182-00033182 as much as the weight of a heavy watermelon It makes you feel the taste of a certain summer 3U0EekoApTg-00041-00033460-00034202 mother's nagging ,there's nothing wrong with old words It's all for me 3U0EekoApTg-00042-00034400-00035126 In the summer, branches and pumpkins are habitually bought 3U0EekoApTg-00043-00035294-00035934 No special flavor, but never a stomach-wrenching ingredient 3U0EekoApTg-00044-00035934-00036754 It's comfortable while you eat and it's not even bloated after you eat 3U0EekoApTg-00045-00036812-00037244 I will continue to eat it 3U0EekoApTg-00046-00037364-00038160 mushrooms without washing them and keep them in zipper bags 3U0EekoApTg-00047-00038594-00039488 Place a sheet of kitchen towels and make them slightly sealed 3U0EekoApTg-00048-00039860-00040824 Sometimes I feel uncomfortable because I feel lazy when I have a small number of side dishes 3U0EekoApTg-00049-00040924-00041596 In fact, my family says you prefer being comfortable 3U0EekoApTg-00050-00041596-00041916 Do not bother yourself 3U0EekoApTg-00051-00042096-00042638 A leek package makes the kitchen look forest-friendly 3U0EekoApTg-00052-00042800-00043418 It was morning when I fell asleep, leaving the washed leek drained 3U0EekoApTg-00053-00043468-00044170 If you drain well and cut it off You can eat fresh for more than a week 3U0EekoApTg-00054-00044674-00045358 the thick top and lower part are classified and it cuts 3U0EekoApTg-00055-00045358-00045908 It can be used for many purposes in cooking 3U0EekoApTg-00056-00046412-00047050 Carrots that look hard but are easily damaged by moisture and difficult to refrigerate 3U0EekoApTg-00057-00047096-00047782 the thick top is cut separately Cut only the bottom for carrot sticks to eat 3U0EekoApTg-00058-00048646-00049220 The thick tops of the carrots i cut apart are kept water-blocked for cooking 3U0EekoApTg-00059-00049284-00049758 Carrot sticks are served in the best visible places and eaten when fresh 3U0EekoApTg-00060-00049842-00050726 I hope you will always be a good day to care your body and mind 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00000-00000004-00000327 Hi, Minnesota! I'm Daniel Greene, and I'm going to 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00001-00000329-00000673 be in Minneapolis - St. Paul the weekend of 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00002-00000675-00001040 Friday, November 9th and Saturday, November 10th 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00003-00001042-00001378 presenting two workshops. The first one, on Friday 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00004-00001380-00001905 night from 6pm to 9pm, is about fingerspelling and 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00005-00001907-00002190 pronouncing foreign names and words. It's 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00006-00002192-00002470 fascinating all the different spellings and sounds 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00007-00002472-00002777 there are in different languages, and in America, 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00008-00002779-00003055 in the English language, we have so many sounds 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00009-00003057-00003329 from all over the world. And we'll be talking 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00010-00003332-00003697 about spelling rules and sound systems. 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00011-00003699-00004164 And then, on Saturday from 9 to 4 on November 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00012-00004166-00004558 10th, we'll be talking about vague language. You 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00013-00004560-00004852 know, vague language is part of everyday speech and 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00014-00004854-00005143 really part of the fabric of our society. It's not 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00015-00005145-00005427 a bad thing; it's actually a good thing. And there 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00016-00005429-00005729 are some interesting reasons why people use it. 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00017-00005731-00006041 And-- we always have to decide-- what are we going 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00018-00006043-00006352 to do with this vague language? Make it explicit? 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00019-00006354-00006634 Keep it vague? And if we keep it vague, how do we 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00020-00006636-00006962 do that? How do Deaf people sign vaguely in 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00021-00006964-00007228 American Sign Language? How do, how do Hearing 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00022-00007230-00007503 people speak vaguely in English? 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00023-00007505-00007718 These are the kinds of questions we'll be tackling 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00024-00007720-00007955 in the workshop, and I look forward to working on 3VDUO7lS6Eg-00025-00007956-00008264 it with you! Hope to see you there, thanks. 3VFhibtDzCg-00000-00000092-00000240 Hi, Antonio! 3VFhibtDzCg-00001-00000660-00000794 Hi, Andrew K. 3Vac6OHMP5y-00000-00000497-00000601 Niya Rolls Over 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00000-00000080-00000520 i want to start with the question what is god's purpose for you and i and even a bigger question 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00001-00000520-00001024 what is god's purpose for this church i mean what is the supreme object of the church what are we 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00002-00001024-00001592 doing here on earth bring my sons from afar my daughters from the end of the earth everyone who 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00003-00001592-00002264 is called by my name whom i created for my glory whom i formed and made if you have a close walk 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00004-00002264-00002760 with jesus you'll lay your head upon his breast you'll feel the heartbeat of god and you'll know 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00005-00002760-00003320 that god is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance now i ask 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00006-00003320-00003952 you what is the philosophy of mission what is the philosophy of evangelism what is the philosophy 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00007-00003952-00004624 of a christian show me a person in his leisure hour and i'll show you the type of person he 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00008-00004624-00005496 is christianity says the end of all beings is the glory of god the body of christ is not a pleasure 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00009-00005496-00005928 cruiser on its way to heaven but a battleship stationed in the very gates of hell and if you 3X1mUTF8Mh8-00010-00005928-00007623 love the glory of god and if you love people you have three possibilities go send or disobey. 3X5fidlislg-00000-00000009-00001077 ♪Music♪ 3X5fidlislg-00001-00001077-00001287 STRATEGIC BROADENING OPPORTUNITIES HAVE BEEN 3X5fidlislg-00002-00001287-00001661 OFFERED TO OFFICERS FOR YEARS. NOW SENIOR NCO'S WILL HAVE 3X5fidlislg-00003-00001661-00001964 A CHANCE TO COMPETE TO ATTEND SPECIAL SEMINARS AT 3X5fidlislg-00004-00001964-00002251 MAJOR EDUCATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 3X5fidlislg-00005-00002251-00002452 THESE OPPORTUNITIES WILL HELP ENHANCE YOUR 3X5fidlislg-00006-00002452-00002699 CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS, PUTTING 3X5fidlislg-00007-00002699-00002919 YOU IN THE RIGHT MINDFRAME TO OFFER COMMANDERS 3X5fidlislg-00008-00002919-00003139 SUPERIOR STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS. 3X5fidlislg-00009-00003139-00003399 THESE OPPORTUNITIES ARE OPEN TO SERGEANTS FIRST CLASS 3X5fidlislg-00010-00003399-00003613 THROUGH COMMAND SERGEANTS MAJOR. 3X5fidlislg-00011-00003613-00003850 IF YOU'RE READY FOR THE CHALLENGE, APPLICATIONS 3X5fidlislg-00012-00003850-00004107 FOR 2015 STRATEGIC BROADENING SEMINARS 3X5fidlislg-00013-00004107-00004404 IN PLACES LIKE ENGLAND, ISRAEL AND THROUGHOUT THE 3X5fidlislg-00014-00004404-00004674 U-S ARE DUE BY APRIL 3RD. 3X5fidlislg-00015-00004674-00004987 CHECK OUT MILPER MESSAGE ONE-FIVE-ZERO-FOUR-TWO 3X5fidlislg-00016-00004987-00005221 FOR CRITERIA AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS. 3X5fidlislg-00017-00005221-00005875 ♪MUSIC♪ 3X_kOBCpDvM-00000-00000119-00000360 hey friends this video will give you 3X_kOBCpDvM-00001-00000360-00000630 three ways three key ways for you to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00002-00000630-00000861 help yourself significantly increase 3X_kOBCpDvM-00003-00000861-00001209 motivation focus productivity positivity 3X_kOBCpDvM-00004-00001209-00001550 and success and where motivation focus 3X_kOBCpDvM-00005-00001550-00001850 productivity positivity and success go 3X_kOBCpDvM-00006-00001850-00002126 well happiness and fulfillment are 3X_kOBCpDvM-00007-00002126-00002318 probably not far behind 3X_kOBCpDvM-00008-00002318-00002633 it's a lot of good things a motivation 3X_kOBCpDvM-00009-00002633-00002951 focus productivity positivity success 3X_kOBCpDvM-00010-00002951-00003128 happiness and fulfillment all great 3X_kOBCpDvM-00011-00003128-00003486 things all right here are my suggestions 3X_kOBCpDvM-00012-00003486-00003804 and these aren't just my suggestions by 3X_kOBCpDvM-00013-00003804-00004053 the way because they're based on studies 3X_kOBCpDvM-00014-00004053-00004377 and interviews of highly successful 3X_kOBCpDvM-00015-00004377-00004638 people they aren't ranked at any 3X_kOBCpDvM-00016-00004638-00004824 particular order of importance and I'm 3X_kOBCpDvM-00017-00004824-00004947 only giving you three of them because 3X_kOBCpDvM-00018-00004947-00005163 these are three really important ones 3X_kOBCpDvM-00019-00005163-00005328 and each of them is highly advisable 3X_kOBCpDvM-00020-00005328-00005493 they are constructive and resourceful 3X_kOBCpDvM-00021-00005493-00005966 okay number one have a non-negotiable 3X_kOBCpDvM-00022-00005966-00006255 meditation and mindfulness morning 3X_kOBCpDvM-00023-00006255-00006668 ritual notice I said non-negotiable 3X_kOBCpDvM-00024-00006668-00007028 and ritual by this I mean you do it 3X_kOBCpDvM-00025-00007028-00007499 every day no ifs ands or buts see my 3X_kOBCpDvM-00026-00007499-00007715 other videos on creating new rituals 3X_kOBCpDvM-00027-00007715-00007967 habits and systems for scientifically 3X_kOBCpDvM-00028-00007967-00008225 proven best method of creating a new 3X_kOBCpDvM-00029-00008225-00008588 habit when you create a mindfulness and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00030-00008588-00008825 meditation ritual you have established a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00031-00008825-00009267 proven way to optimize your energy focus 3X_kOBCpDvM-00032-00009267-00009695 and productivity each day meditation and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00033-00009695-00009946 mindfulness get you calmed centered 3X_kOBCpDvM-00034-00009946-00010268 energized present and focused on your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00035-00010268-00010493 personal power your priorities and on 3X_kOBCpDvM-00036-00010493-00010856 your day's activities meditation and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00037-00010856-00011165 mindfulness increase your health 3X_kOBCpDvM-00038-00011165-00011449 both psychologically and physiologically 3X_kOBCpDvM-00039-00011449-00011792 they also put you in that optimal 3X_kOBCpDvM-00040-00011792-00012053 personal power state for peak 3X_kOBCpDvM-00041-00012053-00012290 performance and peak experiences 3X_kOBCpDvM-00042-00012290-00012557 although also throughout your entire day 3X_kOBCpDvM-00043-00012557-00012872 I can see my other videos for more 3X_kOBCpDvM-00044-00012872-00013119 information on both meditation and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00045-00013119-00013331 mindfulness and also visualization 3X_kOBCpDvM-00046-00013331-00013590 without this practice we often begin and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00047-00013590-00013800 continue our day with scattered focus 3X_kOBCpDvM-00048-00013800-00014147 energy and poor productivity 3X_kOBCpDvM-00049-00014147-00014372 you know Tim Ferriss the famed author of 3X_kOBCpDvM-00050-00014372-00014513 such books as the 4-hour workweek 3X_kOBCpDvM-00051-00014513-00014865 interviewed over 200 highly successful 3X_kOBCpDvM-00052-00014865-00015170 people find out what their secrets were 3X_kOBCpDvM-00053-00015170-00015434 and Ferriss found that 80% of these 3X_kOBCpDvM-00054-00015434-00015659 people have a morning mindfulness 3X_kOBCpDvM-00055-00015659-00015920 practice well they do it it might be a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00056-00015920-00016172 good advice for us they get centered and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00057-00016172-00016365 focused on their energy and the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00058-00016365-00016685 priorities first thing each morning they 3X_kOBCpDvM-00059-00016685-00017006 don't leave their focus motivation 3X_kOBCpDvM-00060-00017006-00017237 energy and productivity levels up to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00061-00017237-00017547 fake chants or the motivation guides 3X_kOBCpDvM-00062-00017547-00017775 okay the second new habit for you to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00063-00017775-00018023 establish is and first actually before I 3X_kOBCpDvM-00064-00018023-00018165 go into a please like share and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00065-00018165-00018450 subscribe here on my youtube channel and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00066-00018450-00018884 also at Christopher badson calm okay 3X_kOBCpDvM-00067-00018884-00019238 number two each night pick one mindset 3X_kOBCpDvM-00068-00019238-00019548 or self-improvement thing to focus on 3X_kOBCpDvM-00069-00019548-00019784 the next day have you ever read a book 3X_kOBCpDvM-00070-00019784-00020025 gone to a seminar had a conversation or 3X_kOBCpDvM-00071-00020025-00020237 simply immerse yourself in thought and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00072-00020237-00020556 had a great aha moment you know where a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00073-00020556-00020795 light bulb flashed on and you told 3X_kOBCpDvM-00074-00020795-00021038 yourself hell yeah I'm going to do that 3X_kOBCpDvM-00075-00021038-00021447 or I'm going to use that and did you do 3X_kOBCpDvM-00076-00021447-00021809 that or use that more importantly did 3X_kOBCpDvM-00077-00021809-00022115 you habitually do or use it and at a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00078-00022115-00022472 mastery level I don't know you but I 3X_kOBCpDvM-00079-00022472-00022712 know that you're a human being and the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00080-00022712-00022931 chances are then if you're like 99% of 3X_kOBCpDvM-00081-00022931-00023004 the rest of us 3X_kOBCpDvM-00082-00023004-00023276 chances are you either didn't do it or 3X_kOBCpDvM-00083-00023276-00023576 use it or you maybe kind of sorted did 3X_kOBCpDvM-00084-00023576-00023901 it once or twice then because you hadn't 3X_kOBCpDvM-00085-00023901-00024266 yet retrained your subconscious to adopt 3X_kOBCpDvM-00086-00024266-00024465 it as a new habit or mindset or skill 3X_kOBCpDvM-00087-00024465-00024918 you never really used it again keep an 3X_kOBCpDvM-00088-00024918-00025179 active list of the things you want to do 3X_kOBCpDvM-00089-00025179-00025397 such as the things we're talking about 3X_kOBCpDvM-00090-00025397-00025578 here in this video in my other videos 3X_kOBCpDvM-00091-00025578-00025772 because the simple truth is it takes 3X_kOBCpDvM-00092-00025772-00026078 awareness intention great emotion in 3X_kOBCpDvM-00093-00026078-00026387 ritual to create new beliefs and habits 3X_kOBCpDvM-00094-00026387-00026613 sometimes if we have an intense 3X_kOBCpDvM-00095-00026613-00026708 experience 3X_kOBCpDvM-00096-00026708-00026927 our subconscious beliefs and habits do 3X_kOBCpDvM-00097-00026927-00027164 change in just a quick moment that's not 3X_kOBCpDvM-00098-00027164-00027452 that common most often it requires 3X_kOBCpDvM-00099-00027452-00027722 purposeful repetitive practice and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00100-00027722-00028027 emotion on our part so keep a simple 3X_kOBCpDvM-00101-00028027-00028272 abbreviated list of changes you want to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00102-00028272-00028533 make keep this list on your smartphone 3X_kOBCpDvM-00103-00028533-00028791 and your computer have alarms go off 3X_kOBCpDvM-00104-00028791-00028974 review it throughout the day every day 3X_kOBCpDvM-00105-00028974-00029189 pick one thing each day to focus on the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00106-00029189-00029513 next day write out reminders and alarms 3X_kOBCpDvM-00107-00029513-00029708 in your phone and computer for the next 3X_kOBCpDvM-00108-00029708-00030020 day and put paper stick it's post-its up 3X_kOBCpDvM-00109-00030020-00030300 around your office or home and then 3X_kOBCpDvM-00110-00030300-00030491 focus on that one thing that one change 3X_kOBCpDvM-00111-00030491-00030702 of one new habit for at least one day 3X_kOBCpDvM-00112-00030702-00030912 but probably for week to three weeks 3X_kOBCpDvM-00113-00030912-00031049 maybe even more if it's something 3X_kOBCpDvM-00114-00031049-00031260 significant and more difficult takes 3X_kOBCpDvM-00115-00031260-00031616 more repetition it most often takes a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00116-00031616-00031875 great compelling emotion and repetition 3X_kOBCpDvM-00117-00031875-00032231 among a few other things to affect deep 3X_kOBCpDvM-00118-00032231-00032631 significant lasting change so create 3X_kOBCpDvM-00119-00032631-00032841 those mechanisms to remind yourself each 3X_kOBCpDvM-00120-00032841-00033153 day repost the word each day delete the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00121-00033153-00033396 language you use the day before create a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00122-00033396-00033635 new way to say what your intention is 3X_kOBCpDvM-00123-00033635-00033900 each day that you're working on the same 3X_kOBCpDvM-00124-00033900-00034107 thing because we leave the same notes or 3X_kOBCpDvM-00125-00034107-00034305 post-its on our phone or computer and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00126-00034305-00034557 the mirrors on the wall it's easy for 3X_kOBCpDvM-00127-00034557-00034752 them to just become sort of part of our 3X_kOBCpDvM-00128-00034752-00035031 environment their power to help affect 3X_kOBCpDvM-00129-00035031-00035400 change in us diminishes or evaporates by 3X_kOBCpDvM-00130-00035400-00035628 writing remember remain reminders out 3X_kOBCpDvM-00131-00035628-00035844 each and every day and by forcing 3X_kOBCpDvM-00132-00035844-00036018 yourself to use different wording 3X_kOBCpDvM-00133-00036018-00036294 different phrasing and different aspects 3X_kOBCpDvM-00134-00036294-00036463 of the change you want to make each day 3X_kOBCpDvM-00135-00036463-00037440 you force your sin creases the neural 3X_kOBCpDvM-00136-00037440-00037674 connections in your brain that are 3X_kOBCpDvM-00137-00037674-00037932 associated with new knowledge new habit 3X_kOBCpDvM-00138-00037932-00038232 new mindset new behaviors and new 3X_kOBCpDvM-00139-00038232-00038568 results it also creates new engaging and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00140-00038568-00038841 inspiring ways of perceiving the change 3X_kOBCpDvM-00141-00038841-00039150 or after as a constant reminder each and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00142-00039150-00039671 every day don't ignore cliches the aha 3X_kOBCpDvM-00143-00039671-00039921 moment you've had or the other things 3X_kOBCpDvM-00144-00039921-00040040 you see in the world 3X_kOBCpDvM-00145-00040040-00040301 and become cliches to you and perhaps 3X_kOBCpDvM-00146-00040301-00040608 and probably to other people also often 3X_kOBCpDvM-00147-00040608-00040877 we start to ignore these or minimize 3X_kOBCpDvM-00148-00040877-00041120 them because like the post-its and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00149-00041120-00041276 electronic reminders I've just suggested 3X_kOBCpDvM-00150-00041276-00041486 that you change every day to keep 3X_kOBCpDvM-00151-00041486-00041762 novelty in it these cliches begin to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00152-00041762-00042047 seem obvious simplistic and old news old 3X_kOBCpDvM-00153-00042047-00042344 stories because we've seen them so many 3X_kOBCpDvM-00154-00042344-00042527 times for so many years there's no 3X_kOBCpDvM-00155-00042527-00042812 novelty no newness or no significant 3X_kOBCpDvM-00156-00042812-00043262 impact in them to us but cliches become 3X_kOBCpDvM-00157-00043262-00043511 cliches because of the simple often 3X_kOBCpDvM-00158-00043511-00043769 profound truths in them so don't dismiss 3X_kOBCpDvM-00159-00043769-00044249 them consciously or unconsciously okay 3X_kOBCpDvM-00160-00044249-00044408 my third ritual I'm going to suggest 3X_kOBCpDvM-00161-00044408-00044645 that will have a great positive impact 3X_kOBCpDvM-00162-00044645-00044870 on your attitude your mindset your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00163-00044870-00045140 motivation your focus personal power 3X_kOBCpDvM-00164-00045140-00045359 your performance and productivity each 3X_kOBCpDvM-00165-00045359-00045791 day that is what do you think every 3X_kOBCpDvM-00166-00045791-00046019 evening or night prepare for the next 3X_kOBCpDvM-00167-00046019-00046334 day every evening or night then let it 3X_kOBCpDvM-00168-00046334-00046691 go for that night anyway prepare the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00169-00046691-00046895 single word for personal development in 3X_kOBCpDvM-00170-00046895-00047061 your mind set your attitude in your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00171-00047061-00047258 action that you're going to focus on the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00172-00047258-00047474 next day and prepare every night your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00173-00047474-00047693 daily activity so you spend most all of 3X_kOBCpDvM-00174-00047693-00047990 your time the next day on activities 3X_kOBCpDvM-00175-00047990-00048203 directly associated with your life main 3X_kOBCpDvM-00176-00048203-00048503 thing your life passion purpose or main 3X_kOBCpDvM-00177-00048503-00048821 goal this way you're less likely to be 3X_kOBCpDvM-00178-00048821-00049086 distracted the next day by fire drills 3X_kOBCpDvM-00179-00049086-00049305 and other people it also sets your mind 3X_kOBCpDvM-00180-00049305-00049580 to begin consciously exploring creative 3X_kOBCpDvM-00181-00049580-00049798 solutions while you sleep that night 3X_kOBCpDvM-00182-00049798-00050159 that's it once you've done that you 3X_kOBCpDvM-00183-00050159-00050411 prepared the evening it's also important 3X_kOBCpDvM-00184-00050411-00050570 that once you've made your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00185-00050570-00050765 determinations for the next day your 3X_kOBCpDvM-00186-00050765-00051022 choices your goals your word your focus 3X_kOBCpDvM-00187-00051022-00051392 and just let it all go because we don't 3X_kOBCpDvM-00188-00051392-00051671 want you going to sleep stressed with a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00189-00051671-00052086 racing mind or worried quality sleep is 3X_kOBCpDvM-00190-00052086-00052374 incredibly important or physiological 3X_kOBCpDvM-00191-00052374-00052650 and psychological health into our focus 3X_kOBCpDvM-00192-00052650-00052824 energy and productivity throughout the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00193-00052824-00053100 day by the way consciously let the thing 3X_kOBCpDvM-00194-00053100-00053272 go before you go to sleep 3X_kOBCpDvM-00195-00053272-00053580 don't go to sleep in a worried state an 3X_kOBCpDvM-00196-00053580-00053821 agitated state or an overactive mental 3X_kOBCpDvM-00197-00053821-00054058 state just let it go it'll be there and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00198-00054058-00054204 your subconscious working for you 3X_kOBCpDvM-00199-00054204-00054403 because otherwise you're likely to 3X_kOBCpDvM-00200-00054403-00054553 disrupt your sleep but we don't want 3X_kOBCpDvM-00201-00054553-00054907 that okay it's three top tips for peace 3X_kOBCpDvM-00202-00054907-00055099 personal power peak performance 3X_kOBCpDvM-00203-00055099-00055360 productivity positive attitude positive 3X_kOBCpDvM-00204-00055360-00055600 mindset and success a lot of stuff I 3X_kOBCpDvM-00205-00055600-00055842 know but it's true remember to see the 3X_kOBCpDvM-00206-00055842-00056008 other videos that I mentioned that will 3X_kOBCpDvM-00207-00056008-00056239 show you the proven best way to create a 3X_kOBCpDvM-00208-00056239-00056491 new habit and also watch the videos on 3X_kOBCpDvM-00209-00056491-00056715 meditation mindfulness and visualization 3X_kOBCpDvM-00210-00056715-00056983 three most powerful tools for presence 3X_kOBCpDvM-00211-00056983-00057262 positivity peace personal power and 3X_kOBCpDvM-00212-00057262-00057562 success please like share and subscribe 3X_kOBCpDvM-00213-00057562-00057855 here and and my website Christopher 3X_kOBCpDvM-00214-00057855-00058338 Babson calm until the next video peace 3X_kOBCpDvM-00215-00058338-00058759 great great personal power and deep 3X_kOBCpDvM-00216-00058759-00059016 intrinsic prosperity in your passions 3X_kOBCpDvM-00217-00059016-00059415 purpose and your goals 3bRmZb5EGPc-00000-00000000-00000498 what's up gamers in this video I'm going to be showing you some awesome shiny hunting locations 3bRmZb5EGPc-00001-00000498-00001002 for Steel type Pokemon you guys have asked for it and the steel fans you can be happy that we've 3bRmZb5EGPc-00002-00001002-00001398 finally done this video because there's a lot of cool Pokemon that are steel two Pokemon I want 3bRmZb5EGPc-00003-00001398-00001823 to mention that you won't be able to find in the wild are going to be scissor and Berserker these 3bRmZb5EGPc-00004-00001823-00002226 are still type Pokemon that people love having so if you want to find scissor and find out how 3bRmZb5EGPc-00005-00002226-00002658 to do that you can watch our bug video on how to do this and for Berserker You're simply just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00006-00002658-00003150 going to have to breed it after getting it as a reward in the language class in the game that's 3bRmZb5EGPc-00007-00003150-00003570 pretty much the only way you're going to be able to get those to a Shiny Pokemon let's move on so 3bRmZb5EGPc-00008-00003570-00004104 the sandwich that we're gonna be making for the steel one is going to be a hamburger a salty and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00009-00004104-00004518 a sweet of course there are other recipes that everyone loves to put down in the comments below 3bRmZb5EGPc-00010-00004518-00004974 so go ahead and share that with everyone in the comments so they know the alternate ones that 3bRmZb5EGPc-00011-00004974-00005484 don't require me to use a salty herb this one's so simple you just slap a hamburger on the buns 3bRmZb5EGPc-00012-00005484-00005994 and that'll give you sparkling power steel title power steel and encounter power Steel 3bRmZb5EGPc-00013-00005994-00006648 if you want to do a solo isolated hunt for the earthworm you can come to Asado desert and be 3bRmZb5EGPc-00014-00006648-00007109 right by cascarapa this is going to be really simple because you're looking for a blue shiny 3bRmZb5EGPc-00015-00007109-00007650 now while many people may panic because earthworms are going to disappear when you see them you don't 3bRmZb5EGPc-00016-00007650-00008045 have to worry about the shiny one going away from you this game is preventing Shiny Pokemon 3bRmZb5EGPc-00017-00008045-00008424 from running away from you so when you come out a little bit further you'll start to see all the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00018-00008424-00008796 earthworms unfortunately if it's a desert you just you know do a little zoom in you're just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00019-00008796-00009120 looking for that blue dot right that's all you're looking around for don't get confused with those 3bRmZb5EGPc-00020-00009120-00009594 marrels buy the water and you just come back to town reset go back for it again back to the asado 3bRmZb5EGPc-00021-00009594-00010110 desert and you'll get all your earthworm spawns in front of you and the cool part is like I said it's 3bRmZb5EGPc-00022-00010110-00010584 it's really fast and simple and you'll be able to get a shiny pretty quick but if you don't want to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00023-00010584-00011118 be the person that does those town resets There's of course the option of just exploring and moving 3bRmZb5EGPc-00024-00011118-00011652 around the desert and if you continue just to walk around you'll get these constant Pokemon showing 3bRmZb5EGPc-00025-00011652-00012024 up just make sure the only the only problem I get worried about when I travel on flight but 3bRmZb5EGPc-00026-00012024-00012558 if I don't use a town spawn is the fact that these Pokemon can I can walk by one by accident that is 3bRmZb5EGPc-00027-00012558-00012947 my biggest fear when I'm just doing a regular exploration like what if it just spawned and I 3bRmZb5EGPc-00028-00012947-00013302 walked right by it it's a terrible thing so if you're if you're that person who wants more of 3bRmZb5EGPc-00029-00013302-00013691 a challenge make sure you're zoomed out as much as you can go make sure you're completely surrounding 3bRmZb5EGPc-00030-00013691-00014208 yourself on camera at all times spinning around that way you can see if a shiny does show up and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00031-00014208-00014586 you can plan your own pathway just remember if you're running around in the desert when it's 3bRmZb5EGPc-00032-00014586-00015078 like Sandy storms and everything like that sand Stars it's gonna be a little bit lower on the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00033-00015078-00015552 frame rate and that might hurt you a bit so good luck getting your earthworm it's definitely a cool 3bRmZb5EGPc-00034-00015552-00016050 shiny and uh one of the top tier ones I think it's because nice and blue wait before we continue the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00035-00016050-00016506 Steel video I'm going to need you to hit that subscribe button it helps out a lot and you'll 3bRmZb5EGPc-00036-00016506-00016902 also get a lot of shiny luck seriously hundreds of people have messaged me already telling me 3bRmZb5EGPc-00037-00016902-00017322 they're getting Shiny Pokemon just because they hit subscribe so please hit subscribe alright 3bRmZb5EGPc-00038-00017322-00017814 great let's move on with the video if you want a nice little solo Magnemite spawn I suggest coming 3bRmZb5EGPc-00039-00017814-00018264 over to lavencia South they're the only ones that really spawn in this area and it's also a little 3bRmZb5EGPc-00040-00018264-00018798 bit of a town reset so not too bad you do have to pay attention to the magnemites because they 3bRmZb5EGPc-00041-00018798-00019230 are a little bit hard to notice at first it's going to be a slightly bronze color so if you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00042-00019230-00019668 have the double home tap features set on your switch make sure to enable that here's how to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00043-00019668-00020130 enable it real quick for those who are wondering go to settings go to system and then go down to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00044-00020130-00020514 the zoom button hit the zoom button on go back go back in here and then when you're looking at 3bRmZb5EGPc-00045-00020514-00020940 these Magna bites from a distance boom I use my home button and I can have X to zoom in and the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00046-00020940-00021396 moment I see that different color I know I'm going to get my magnamite so you can basically just stay 3bRmZb5EGPc-00047-00021396-00021852 in this area reset by jumping back into town and then once you reset I'm back out again and now 3bRmZb5EGPc-00048-00021852-00022320 you have your your home button so those people who wanted to know now you know how to do it uh with 3bRmZb5EGPc-00049-00022320-00022710 with visual instructions instead of my audio ones then yeah you can just hunt for your Magnemite in 3bRmZb5EGPc-00050-00022710-00023190 this area if you want to see a better spawn for these magnemites you should probably go check 3bRmZb5EGPc-00051-00023190-00023826 out the actual electric video way better spawn for this Pokemon alright if you teleport over to the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00052-00023826-00024288 glaciado mountain spot it's gonna to be a little bit different as there's bronzongs and magnemites 3bRmZb5EGPc-00053-00024288-00024906 that is a shot yep that's a shoddy okay that's it all right well we got a shiny um so like I 3bRmZb5EGPc-00054-00024906-00025446 was saying there are going to be bronze songs on this mountain as well as Magnemite they'll also 3bRmZb5EGPc-00055-00025446-00025974 show up but you'll get more bronzong solo if okay let's catch this Pokemon we're gonna we're just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00056-00025974-00026495 gonna let's go yeah so the shade of bronzong is a lot more Greener I wouldn't have noticed that 3bRmZb5EGPc-00057-00026495-00027066 if I did not see it compared to the blue one so there you go bronzong is much more green so if 3bRmZb5EGPc-00058-00027066-00027594 you go to Glass Seattle mountain you'll be having a bunch of bronzong spawning around you when you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00059-00027594-00028133 come over here you'll also get a little bit of a mix of magnemites they will show up it's a little 3bRmZb5EGPc-00060-00028133-00028602 bit of a mixed up a spawn area because you're choosing to use the steel sandwich but we do 3bRmZb5EGPc-00061-00028602-00029010 have a better isolation when you do a psychic sandwich it'll be the only thing to spawn and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00062-00029010-00029466 when you use the electric sandwich you will get uh magnetons up here but check out the electric video 3bRmZb5EGPc-00063-00029466-00029970 separately for that details and check out the psychic video for the bronzong details separately 3bRmZb5EGPc-00064-00029970-00030318 yeah that's pretty much all you have to do if you want to dual hunt them though this is uh the steel 3bRmZb5EGPc-00065-00030318-00030744 sandwich is going to be great for helping you do that just don't miss the shinies if you come 3bRmZb5EGPc-00066-00030744-00031302 to alfornata and look for uh clef key which is a steel fairy type pokemon fairy Steel type Pokemon 3bRmZb5EGPc-00067-00031302-00031800 you're gonna be looking for I got so lucky by the way when I just started this hey gold key 3bRmZb5EGPc-00068-00031800-00032238 chain and it's gonna be right there okay now that I caught the Pokemon here's what I was gonna tell 3bRmZb5EGPc-00069-00032238-00032664 you guys what to do so pretty much what you want to do is when you're in alfernado see exactly 3bRmZb5EGPc-00070-00032664-00033048 the corner I'm in you just go ahead and back yourselves up right against this town so you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00071-00033048-00033516 can despawn all the Pokemon in front of yourself there you go I'm in alfernata I step out I'm out 3bRmZb5EGPc-00072-00033516-00034050 of alfornata that way you can do a fast Town reset really quick and get all these cleft keys to spawn 3bRmZb5EGPc-00073-00034050-00034494 because it is a Steel type a sandwich boosted so they will spawn all around you and there's a 3bRmZb5EGPc-00074-00034494-00034968 good amount and you can see that all you have to do is look for that gold key which isn't too bad 3bRmZb5EGPc-00075-00034968-00035430 and I suggest if you're having a little bit of a harder time seeing them uh do the double tap 3bRmZb5EGPc-00076-00035430-00035934 home button to zoom in if you need to do this go to your settings on your switch and turn them on 3bRmZb5EGPc-00077-00035934-00036330 they're not the in-game settings on the Pokemon game there in your switch settings and then once 3bRmZb5EGPc-00078-00036330-00036714 you do that double tap home and you can zoom in on every single Pokemon just to see if it is a 3bRmZb5EGPc-00079-00036714-00037188 shiny or not but as you saw that shiny is actually really Apparent from the other ones surrounding it 3bRmZb5EGPc-00080-00037188-00037644 so good luck getting your cleft key a very nice steel Pokemon that we're gonna be hunting up in 3bRmZb5EGPc-00081-00037644-00038112 the so karat Trail is going to be Fortress now when you eat the bug sandwich you'll be getting a 3bRmZb5EGPc-00082-00038112-00038622 lot more bugs up here but when you have the steel sandwich it's gonna isolate out this Pokemon very 3bRmZb5EGPc-00083-00038622-00039048 nicely and as you can see they're all just spawning in front of me there are quite a 3bRmZb5EGPc-00084-00039048-00039420 lot of them and when you're looking for the shiny over here you're going to want to make sure that 3bRmZb5EGPc-00085-00039420-00039984 it is uh the Bland color and be aware that this Pokemon will explode these will explode so you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00086-00039984-00040536 need to save beforehand and uh something I noticed too if it does explode and you save and you reload 3bRmZb5EGPc-00087-00040536-00040980 your game and you don't see them uh make sure that you're looking up in the trees a lot of times they 3bRmZb5EGPc-00088-00040980-00041430 will just be waiting for you in the trees they do that for some reason when you reload your game so 3bRmZb5EGPc-00089-00041430-00041958 keep in mind that's the strategy when you do see Ashanti so prevent the explosion use a quick ball 3bRmZb5EGPc-00090-00041958-00042354 possibly if you want to catch it right away and not waste any time and make sure you're looking up 3bRmZb5EGPc-00091-00042354-00042882 in the trees because they do spawn up there upon reload but this is pretty much the spot to get it 3bRmZb5EGPc-00092-00042882-00043374 you have to worry about nothing else when you're in the socrat trail it's literally everywhere just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00093-00043374-00043944 Fortress Fortress Fortress so this should probably be a very fast hunt for a lot of you guys and and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00094-00043944-00044430 you can catch some of these and use them as trade bait to get some other shinies so great spot to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00095-00044430-00045006 do some hunting and as I was exploring a little bit I bumped into one there it is shiny Fortress 3bRmZb5EGPc-00096-00045006-00045408 and it's going to probably explode so we're gonna make this quick and efficient alright 3bRmZb5EGPc-00097-00045408-00045996 so if you head over to the north Province area 2 the bamboo forest this is where you're going to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00098-00045996-00046662 be hunting for bisharps Pawn yards and I know the New Evolution is going to be King's Gambit uh once 3bRmZb5EGPc-00099-00046662-00047118 you're able to get your Bisharp which is gonna be pretty simple now Bisharp has a special place in 3bRmZb5EGPc-00100-00047118-00047652 my heart or Pawnee art exactly because it was one of the first shiny Pokemon I ever bumped into and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00101-00047652-00048186 I took a big break from Ruby and Sapphire fire then just started to play X and Y so when I saw 3bRmZb5EGPc-00102-00048186-00048720 this Shawnee it was a nice blue color and because I thought oh it's a Steel type it's maybe they're 3bRmZb5EGPc-00103-00048720-00049188 making sparkles on the Pokemon I saw that panyard blue I just ran away from it without realizing it 3bRmZb5EGPc-00104-00049188-00049650 then I realized every pony art I bumped into after was red and then I realized oh that's a Shiny 3bRmZb5EGPc-00105-00049650-00050130 Pokemon so yeah that's my story so you're gonna be looking for a blue shiny in this area you're 3bRmZb5EGPc-00106-00050130-00050604 gonna notice single one spawning around you're also going to be noticing the family spawns so 3bRmZb5EGPc-00107-00050604-00051210 you can just go from one end to the other end until you happen to get your Pokemon now I got 3bRmZb5EGPc-00108-00051210-00051702 lucky and happened to get this on a live stream and it ended up being a female so I called mine 3bRmZb5EGPc-00109-00051702-00052200 uh Queen's Gambit once I was officially able to evolve it and it had a mark the cloud Watcher 3bRmZb5EGPc-00110-00052200-00052728 so it was really really cool now if you need to evolve all you simply have to do is just catch 3bRmZb5EGPc-00111-00052728-00053298 a Bisharp and then Target the ones that are just by families just knock out three that's it there's 3bRmZb5EGPc-00112-00053298-00053724 nothing more complicated to that than that you don't have to be holding the item in order to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00113-00053724-00054090 pull this off so you can catch any Bisharp and you just do that and you'll be able to finally 3bRmZb5EGPc-00114-00054090-00054570 evolve uh your Pokemon that's simply it and you'll be able to get yourselves a nice King Gambit here 3bRmZb5EGPc-00115-00054570-00055086 that is shiny all right if you want to go for a little bit of a dual family hunt for varum and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00116-00055086-00055529 copper rajas this is gonna be the spot here so it's coming up from this hill so pretty much you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00117-00055529-00055890 go from North Province area one you climb up to this little mountain point and you're gonna run 3bRmZb5EGPc-00118-00055890-00056400 this entire Mountain Point all the way to about there and run it back and you're gonna be getting 3bRmZb5EGPc-00119-00056400-00056934 some really cool spawns here so you'll be fighting Varun families kaparaja and I have their shinies 3bRmZb5EGPc-00120-00056934-00057491 up on screen so you can see them and it's gonna be obvious the rooms are gonna be a nice gold color 3bRmZb5EGPc-00121-00057491-00057876 so that's that's cool how to get a nice gold car and you don't have to worry about really 3bRmZb5EGPc-00122-00057876-00058314 slowing down in this area at all because they're family spawns which means you could run as fast 3bRmZb5EGPc-00123-00058314-00058782 as possible get as many family spawns as you want and when you see the shiny just stop and go ahead 3bRmZb5EGPc-00124-00058782-00059232 and catch them so I'm just basically running this entire pathway down all the way making sure you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00125-00059232-00059640 don't make sure you check make sure you check if you got a shiny run this pathway all the way down 3bRmZb5EGPc-00126-00059640-00060084 there you go there's another family spawn here there's another family on another family spawn 3bRmZb5EGPc-00127-00060084-00060486 like there these guys are everywhere here and just pretty much run it up to this point and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00128-00060486-00060941 then once you're done with your with your little pathway you can just completely reset and turn 3bRmZb5EGPc-00129-00060941-00061355 around to despawn out that crew right there and whenever you decide you want to turn around you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00130-00061355-00061824 can you can just start to turn or continue down that entire pathway reset and just keep going on 3bRmZb5EGPc-00131-00061824-00062328 this mountain and that's pretty much how you gonna be hunting for the room family and the Cooper Raja 3bRmZb5EGPc-00132-00062328-00062784 family uh it's a nice dual hunt family hunt and you could go as fast as you want the faster way to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00133-00062784-00063240 get here though would be via the glaciado mountain Watchtower that would be the fast point of getting 3bRmZb5EGPc-00134-00063240-00063924 there okay if you head over to the Watch Tower in North Province area one and kind of keep it in the 3bRmZb5EGPc-00135-00063924-00064350 area of North Providence area when basically this whole entire area this is going to be a very hot 3bRmZb5EGPc-00136-00064350-00064770 Tinka tough spot they're going to be spawning on their own over here and for this shot you could 3bRmZb5EGPc-00137-00064770-00065322 be looking for a brown Hammer but the benefit of this area is not just for this Pokemon but 3bRmZb5EGPc-00138-00065322-00065844 for the occasional families of Lucario and ryolos that will spawn over here so you'll get these guys 3bRmZb5EGPc-00139-00065844-00066360 spawning in families which is nice because you could just zoom around and get those to spawn if 3bRmZb5EGPc-00140-00066360-00066714 you're not if you don't care about Tinker tough which you don't really need to and I know a lot 3bRmZb5EGPc-00141-00066714-00067116 of people care about Lucario you can come over here the reason why I'm mentioning not caring 3bRmZb5EGPc-00142-00067116-00067602 about Tinker tough is because it's an easier spot in another video that we filmed uh where you can 3bRmZb5EGPc-00143-00067602-00068094 go ahead and get it like it's a lot better in a fairy sandwich to just do them this is great for 3bRmZb5EGPc-00144-00068094-00068634 just finding Lucario families roaming around this area so lucarios and riolus will be the family 3bRmZb5EGPc-00145-00068634-00069000 spawns in this area where you can start zooming pretty fast and getting them to spawn there you go 3bRmZb5EGPc-00146-00069000-00069378 there's another one so we got like two families over here that's not too bad and all you're 3bRmZb5EGPc-00147-00069378-00069978 looking for for the lucarios are going to be the yellow ones that's it if you're not satisfied with 3bRmZb5EGPc-00148-00069978-00070578 the random families of Lucario you can always try to do the date skip method by being in this area 3bRmZb5EGPc-00149-00070578-00071094 and getting a mass outbreak we've done that before to get a Lucario because if some people just might 3bRmZb5EGPc-00150-00071094-00071460 not want to deal with running around you can do that method too oh yeah pretty much all you have 3bRmZb5EGPc-00151-00071460-00071850 to do in this area is just roam around if you if you want to hunt Tinker tough at the same time 3bRmZb5EGPc-00152-00071850-00072312 as Lucario this is a method which means you have to slow down a bit so the Tinker Tufts can spawn 3bRmZb5EGPc-00153-00072312-00072828 but luckily for you guys the Lucario's would just non-stop just keep spotting when you're zooming 3bRmZb5EGPc-00154-00072828-00073296 and going fast so you don't have to worry about really anything else spawning besides that Pokemon 3bRmZb5EGPc-00155-00073296-00073974 so yeah enjoy if you go over to East Province area three you're gonna get a lot of kufen spawning 3bRmZb5EGPc-00156-00073974-00074418 over here as well as a lot of other things like magnemites are gonna spawn you're gonna get varum 3bRmZb5EGPc-00157-00074418-00074886 so it's a little bit of a chaotic area earthworm also spawns here now if you just want to do a 3bRmZb5EGPc-00158-00074886-00075408 quick Town reset you could be right over here at this spot like I mentioned in Zappa Pico East and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00159-00075408-00075864 you just have to simply just walk into town and walk back out and you can simply get a shiny with 3bRmZb5EGPc-00160-00075864-00076314 probably no effort if you just hang out here doing it it's basically shiny roulette when it comes to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00161-00076314-00076818 all these Pokemon that do spawn there's so much so if you're just wanting to do any any steel Pokemon 3bRmZb5EGPc-00162-00076818-00077256 just get a bunch of shinies at one try this is the chaotic hunt area and I definitely suggest 3bRmZb5EGPc-00163-00077256-00077694 try this out if you really don't care too much and if you want to walk around this area it's a lot 3bRmZb5EGPc-00164-00077694-00078228 of fun to see what Pokemon do spawn around when you are walking you'll get a bunch of earthworms 3bRmZb5EGPc-00165-00078228-00078726 you'll get the cool fans it's just it's just very fun so if you're into that kind of shiny roulette 3bRmZb5EGPc-00166-00078726-00079170 when it comes to a certain type and you don't care this is a great spot but if you want to do more of 3bRmZb5EGPc-00167-00079170-00079854 the solo and isolated encounters then I do suggest you start to use the other methods mentioned in 3bRmZb5EGPc-00168-00079854-00080376 this video but Yep this is a great spot to do a bunch of different Chinese all at once so good 3bRmZb5EGPc-00169-00080376-00080886 luck with that I just also wanted to add this other weird multi-shiny hunting spot I found 3bRmZb5EGPc-00170-00080886-00081402 this is a very weird location okay I'm gonna open up my map and it's going to be located all the way 3bRmZb5EGPc-00171-00081402-00081978 to the west of lavincia on this little Peak here and the reason why I'm calling this a new spot is 3bRmZb5EGPc-00172-00081978-00082338 because you have Pawn yards you have cool fins and once in a while you see a earthworm here or there 3bRmZb5EGPc-00173-00082338-00082782 so the trick to this is basically jumping off here you'll get lavincia showing up and then you just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00174-00082782-00083346 come right back and that's your reset you just redo all the spawns you'll get earthworms your 3bRmZb5EGPc-00175-00083346-00083802 cool fence will spawn and you'll get a whole group of Pawn yards here so this is just a little little 3bRmZb5EGPc-00176-00083802-00084306 nice area I found to kind of cheat the system when it comes to adding a pawn yard to the little 3bRmZb5EGPc-00177-00084306-00084762 collection so go ahead have fun with this spot uh let me know if you guys are trying this down 3bRmZb5EGPc-00178-00084762-00085200 if you're getting any results here it's kind of cool just to see it work and be a little secret 3bRmZb5EGPc-00179-00085200-00085596 townspawn you're gonna play around with these These are located around towns and it might help 3bRmZb5EGPc-00180-00085596-00086172 a lot with your shiny hunting okay so if you go to area zero in research station number two this 3bRmZb5EGPc-00181-00086172-00086646 is going to be your corvinite hot spot there's gonna be so many corporate nights everywhere you 3bRmZb5EGPc-00182-00086646-00087144 go so if you're hunting corvinite this is a great spot you can do this in both Pokemon scarlet and 3bRmZb5EGPc-00183-00087144-00087540 Pokemon it's just the steel Pokemon are just everywhere so like what I like to do is just 3bRmZb5EGPc-00184-00087540-00088032 run down this path here you go just jump up like that and just slowly just Glide and you'll you'll 3bRmZb5EGPc-00185-00088032-00088506 see just how many Corvettes are just everywhere behind you and it's gonna be a lot easier to get 3bRmZb5EGPc-00186-00088506-00088920 corbination just on this entire pathway so what I like to do is just go up and down this path 3bRmZb5EGPc-00187-00088920-00089424 now they do spawn in other areas in area zero you gotta make the easiest path possible just to keep 3bRmZb5EGPc-00188-00089424-00089838 going back and forth and this is the best way I'm getting Corvette so why not just share that with 3bRmZb5EGPc-00189-00089838-00090318 you guys and once they a D Spot out you could just turn around go back again and just keep spawning 3bRmZb5EGPc-00190-00090318-00090798 in these corbinites left and right and when you see the shiny corbinite it's going to be a very 3bRmZb5EGPc-00191-00090798-00091440 very obvious shiny very obvious it's going to be a very gray silvery color and you'll be able to 3bRmZb5EGPc-00192-00091440-00091890 identify it pretty fast so just run this path up and down outside Reacher station area two 3bRmZb5EGPc-00193-00091890-00092304 despawn the minute out by walking away from them because you can't do picnic resets here and then 3bRmZb5EGPc-00194-00092304-00092802 eventually you will get your Corvette Knights so good luck with that this Paradox Pokemon is 3bRmZb5EGPc-00195-00092802-00093330 going to be a violet exclusive it's going to be for iron Treads now for iron Treads simply come 3bRmZb5EGPc-00196-00093330-00093732 out from research station lab number four right there just like that and we're gonna hop to our 3bRmZb5EGPc-00197-00093732-00094188 special spot right there by the crystals I'll fly over to that you'll see that rock it's gonna be 3bRmZb5EGPc-00198-00094188-00094608 on even level with it and you're just gonna do the shiny reset method you're gonna keep doing 3bRmZb5EGPc-00199-00094608-00095166 this until you happen to get your Shiny Pokemon showing up on this hill here and the shoddy is 3bRmZb5EGPc-00200-00095166-00095616 gonna be a little bit difficult to notice as you can tell it's almost like it's missing the black 3bRmZb5EGPc-00201-00095616-00095988 color on it it's gonna be a lot more obvious When You See It spawn with a group of Pokemon 3bRmZb5EGPc-00202-00095988-00096408 so right now everything can almost look like a shiny so when you do spot it though it will 3bRmZb5EGPc-00203-00096408-00096978 be obvious so I believe you guys got this good luck with this shoddy hunt and may you get your 3bRmZb5EGPc-00204-00096978-00097470 shiny iron treads in Violet and if you're nice give give it to a Scarlet player you know they 3bRmZb5EGPc-00205-00097470-00097884 were Scarlet players are missing out on some of these cool future Pokemon if you enjoyed this 3bRmZb5EGPc-00206-00097884-00098376 video you'll also enjoy finding these shiny Pokemon in this video over here you need 3bRmZb5EGPc-00207-00098376-00098754 to check it out you gotta finish your shiny deck so just just click it get your shinies 3cjG8FE4L4g-00000-00000072-00000824 i add in five more new users, bringing up the total to eight pending users. also, look at that. we have 3cjG8FE4L4g-00001-00000903-00001528 mined a ton of dislikes on the promoted video, anywhere down below the one-third ratio, but 3cjG8FE4L4g-00002-00001528-00001936 i'm still going to promote it even further rj might be entertainment's video. there is 3cjG8FE4L4g-00003-00001936-00002656 an average of 0.01 percent, and we want this to be higher, 0.02 so that we can get more views. 3efssPO9WGu-00000-00000127-00000461 Welcome to the GVSU calculus screencasts. 3efssPO9WGu-00001-00000461-00000534 In this edition, 3efssPO9WGu-00002-00000534-00001092 we'll talk about equilibrium solutions to autonomous differential equations. 3efssPO9WGu-00003-00001092-00001540 Recall that a differential equation is autonomous if it's of the form dy dt is 3efssPO9WGu-00004-00001540-00002143 f of y where y is the function of y alone, not t at all. 3efssPO9WGu-00005-00002143-00002569 In this screen cast, we'll discuss what's meant by equilibrium solutions, 3efssPO9WGu-00006-00002569-00002918 autonomous differential equations. 3efssPO9WGu-00007-00002918-00003096 Let's consider an example. 3efssPO9WGu-00008-00003096-00003711 Let's take the differential equation dy dt is y times y minus three. 3efssPO9WGu-00009-00003711-00004069 Now an important solution to this differential equation 3efssPO9WGu-00010-00004069-00004515 is one in which the solution's constant when things don't change, or 3efssPO9WGu-00011-00004515-00004931 when we think of things as being in equilibrium. 3efssPO9WGu-00012-00004931-00005238 Now a function is constant when its derivative is zero, so 3efssPO9WGu-00013-00005238-00005824 the constant solutions to our differential equation will occur when dy dt is zero. 3efssPO9WGu-00014-00005824-00005984 Pause the video for a moment and 3efssPO9WGu-00015-00005984-00006345 determine those constant solutions to this differential equation. 3efssPO9WGu-00016-00006345-00006426 Resume when you're ready. 3efssPO9WGu-00017-00006426-00006974 In our example, we will have constant solutions when dy dt is 0 zero, 3efssPO9WGu-00018-00006974-00007264 that's when y times y minus 3 is 0. 3efssPO9WGu-00019-00007264-00007722 And this occurs when Y equals 0 or when Y equals 3. 3efssPO9WGu-00020-00007722-00008184 So Y equals 0 is a constant solution to this differential equation and 3efssPO9WGu-00021-00008184-00008583 Y equals 3 is a constant solution to this differential equation. 3efssPO9WGu-00022-00008583-00008767 And we can see these solutions pretty clearly, 3efssPO9WGu-00023-00008767-00009054 these constant solutions when we look at our slope field. 3efssPO9WGu-00024-00009054-00009514 It looks pretty clear that there's a constant solution, Y equals 3 and 3efssPO9WGu-00025-00009514-00010154 a constant soliton Y equals 0 to this differential equation. 3efssPO9WGu-00026-00010154-00010426 Now if we example that slope field a little bit more closely, 3efssPO9WGu-00027-00010426-00010702 we can see that there are really two different kinds of behaviors for 3efssPO9WGu-00028-00010702-00011209 solutions to this differential equation that depend on the initial condition. 3efssPO9WGu-00029-00011209-00011577 Notice that we have an initial condition where y is bigger than 3, 3efssPO9WGu-00030-00011577-00011857 say right here maybe. 3efssPO9WGu-00031-00011857-00012287 Then when y is bigger than 3 dy dt is positive and 3efssPO9WGu-00032-00012287-00012800 that forces the solution to our differential equation to drift away 3efssPO9WGu-00033-00012800-00013169 from that equilibrium solution of y equals 3. 3efssPO9WGu-00034-00013169-00013747 Equilibrium solutions that are like this are said to be unstable or repellent. 3efssPO9WGu-00035-00013747-00014182 The solutions are repelled away from that equilibrium solution. 3efssPO9WGu-00036-00014182-00014617 On the other hand, if we have an initial condition where y is less than 0, 3efssPO9WGu-00037-00014617-00014751 say right here maybe. 3efssPO9WGu-00038-00014751-00014945 Then dy dt is positive and 3efssPO9WGu-00039-00014945-00015777 that forces our solution to move toward the equilibrium solution. 3efssPO9WGu-00040-00015777-00016281 Similarly, if we start with a point where y is between zero and three, 3efssPO9WGu-00041-00016281-00016803 say maybe right here, then dy dt is negative and that forces our solution 3efssPO9WGu-00042-00016803-00017276 to be attracted toward that equilibrium solution, y equals 0. 3efssPO9WGu-00043-00017276-00017745 And equilibrium solutions like this are said to be stable or 3efssPO9WGu-00044-00017745-00018249 attracting because they attract nearby solutions. 3efssPO9WGu-00045-00018249-00018697 To summarize, an equilibrium solution to an autonomous differential equation 3efssPO9WGu-00046-00018697-00019232 is a solution where the derivative is zero. 3efssPO9WGu-00047-00019232-00019466 So equilibrium solutions are constant solutions. 3efssPO9WGu-00048-00019466-00019710 They have zero derivative, and 3efssPO9WGu-00049-00019710-00019958 if we have a system that's modeled by our differential equation, 3efssPO9WGu-00050-00019958-00020506 that system is said to be in equilibrium because nothing changes. 3efssPO9WGu-00051-00020506-00021000 An equilibrium solution is stable if nearby solutions are attracted to it, and 3efssPO9WGu-00052-00021000-00021293 an equilibrium solution is unstable if nearby solutions 3efssPO9WGu-00053-00021293-00021385 are repelled away from it. 3efssPO9WGu-00054-00021385-00021838 And that concludes our screen cast on equilibrium 3efssPO9WGu-00055-00021838-00022153 solutions to autonomous differential equations. 3efssPO9WGu-00056-00022153-00022351 Please come back soon. 3hvmXv5mad4-00000-00000486-00000876 Right now from create a queue, we have Bojana Andjelkovic 3hvmXv5mad4-00001-00000876-00001566 Cirkovic as a data scientist. Take it away. Hello everyone. My name is Banjul creature KOVITCH 3hvmXv5mad4-00002-00001566-00002454 and I'm working as a data scientist in a creative it's very nice to be here during these two days 3hvmXv5mad4-00003-00002454-00003156 and to have the opportunity to present thoughts and what we and how we work in creative. So, first 3hvmXv5mad4-00004-00003156-00004056 of all, I would like to introduce our company, in a few words, we started to be created in 3hvmXv5mad4-00005-00004056-00004938 September, of this year, and since then, enjoying Yun culture and NSM engineering, and starting 3hvmXv5mad4-00006-00004938-00005886 to operate under a unique brand name created key Swiss company with almost 20 years experience in 3hvmXv5mad4-00007-00005886-00006816 distributing distributed software engineering. We are implementing operating and maintaining 3hvmXv5mad4-00008-00006816-00007662 custom-build solutions but also we are providing commercial, commercial and cost and open source 3hvmXv5mad4-00009-00007662-00008244 products and frameworks. Our crew account was more than 300 people and we are working in 3hvmXv5mad4-00010-00008244-00008952 seven offices in five countries to trans Serbia, Romania, Moldova and Morocco, we have more than 3hvmXv5mad4-00011-00008952-00009804 30 teams and the same number of projects. And we have over 200 technologies in everyday use. Our 3hvmXv5mad4-00012-00009804-00010422 clients come from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the United Kingdom and our projects are most 3hvmXv5mad4-00013-00010422-00011058 related to industries such as aviation financial sector e-learning energy telecommunications, 3hvmXv5mad4-00014-00011214-00012030 but, the focus of today Toki is an intelligent document management system, it is one use case 3hvmXv5mad4-00015-00012030-00012846 that I would like to present to you it's a live thing we are implementing it and still we are 3hvmXv5mad4-00016-00012846-00013710 developing it. So, in short, I would like to describe what data we are working on. When I 3hvmXv5mad4-00017-00013763-00014478 say the condition in aviation, I primarily think about maintain aircraft maintenance documentation, 3hvmXv5mad4-00018-00014478-00015378 it is something that follows aircraft since its birth and it consisted of various certificates, 3hvmXv5mad4-00019-00015378-00016530 various manuals, various instructions, what to do when to do and during the time while I aircraft is 3hvmXv5mad4-00020-00016530-00017184 operating, the number of documents becomes bigger and bigger and it is increasing in an exponential 3hvmXv5mad4-00021-00017184-00018174 way. So, when some things need to be done, the recorder stars cards and many many approvals are 3hvmXv5mad4-00022-00018174-00018984 generated our user Colita's dirty fingerprints documentation, but also many modifications many 3hvmXv5mad4-00023-00018984-00019620 repairs that need to be done need to be well documented and well managed, managed in order 3hvmXv5mad4-00024-00019620-00020616 to have well-structured documentation when we want to enable aircraft to be sold or when 3hvmXv5mad4-00025-00020616-00021456 aircraft need when some airline operator needs to lease aircraft. So, while aircraft is moving from 3hvmXv5mad4-00026-00021456-00022362 one position to another, these recommendations are growing and we can pre really say that it 3hvmXv5mad4-00027-00022464-00023142 can go into some paper crisis because besides digitalization most of these documents are 3hvmXv5mad4-00028-00023142-00024282 physical and this how some transitions look like. So, we need also to care very much about 3hvmXv5mad4-00029-00024282-00025224 some historical documentation and digitalization is Maslow thing in the scenario. So the ultimate 3hvmXv5mad4-00030-00025224-00026250 goal of a modern document management system is to enable digitalization but also to be capable to 3hvmXv5mad4-00031-00026250-00027120 operate with these documents in the most efficient pain in also in a timely manner. So it needs to 3hvmXv5mad4-00032-00027120-00028002 be capable to provide detailed technical review back to birth tracing, but also to 3hvmXv5mad4-00033-00028002-00028938 provide records of interesting current statistics about transitions is that during one transition 3hvmXv5mad4-00034-00028938-00029550 aircraft is landing for six to eight weeks and every day where while the aircraft is landed, 3hvmXv5mad4-00035-00029550-00030870 it goes last and there Approximately up to five to up to 5.5 million of dollars on plan cash out is 3hvmXv5mad4-00036-00030936-00031752 a preposition and average number of documents per physician is 300,000. So, it is just an average 3hvmXv5mad4-00037-00031752-00032682 statistic, but there are transitions which much more documentation. So, there this causes some 3hvmXv5mad4-00038-00032682-00033150 situations where how to process these limitations, how to enable digitalization of that number of 3hvmXv5mad4-00039-00033150-00034272 commendations and I can proudly say that my team down these things are very well. So, taking this 3hvmXv5mad4-00040-00034272-00035166 into consideration, we can say that, we defined the problem in such a way, we don't want to have 3hvmXv5mad4-00041-00035166-00035892 unstructured commutation in our system, because digitalization will provide the extracting textual 3hvmXv5mad4-00042-00035892-00036618 content context, but it's not enough because OCR can cause some errors and the searching to the 3hvmXv5mad4-00043-00036618-00037380 commutation still can be very, very tricky. So, we wanted to structure documentation in 3hvmXv5mad4-00044-00037380-00038358 order to provide it to be efficient to overcome the issue of generating delay and revenue loss. 3hvmXv5mad4-00045-00038358-00039096 The key success factor to the market is automation with machine learning. So, three main steps are 3hvmXv5mad4-00046-00039096-00039726 defined as goals. The first one is structuring the documentation according to type, there are 3hvmXv5mad4-00047-00039726-00040716 some predefined types of documentation. And it's important to know what documents are of what 3hvmXv5mad4-00048-00040716-00041598 types. And the other thing was to process status reports versus documentation. I forgot to mention 3hvmXv5mad4-00049-00041598-00042252 that while collecting this documentation, the status reports are the top of the top documents, 3hvmXv5mad4-00050-00042252-00042972 which actually means that every works that is all-important work are summarized in 3hvmXv5mad4-00051-00042972-00043746 numerous types of status reports. And when our users prepare aircraft for transition, 3hvmXv5mad4-00052-00043746-00044628 they actually start from that documents. This is some kind of table with a listing of the 3hvmXv5mad4-00053-00044628-00045402 letter consisting of a list of all these works. And only one document is important to document 3hvmXv5mad4-00054-00045402-00046062 disease here. But this document actually implies a lot of other recommendations that need to be 3hvmXv5mad4-00055-00046062-00047094 correctly identified and linked. So we wanted to also implement automated auto document linking, 3hvmXv5mad4-00056-00047094-00047952 which means that we need to properly identify and detect the commutation in order to have a more 3hvmXv5mad4-00057-00047952-00048738 comprehensive review of that documents. And if some documents are missing, we will rise queries 3hvmXv5mad4-00058-00048738-00049518 and say, Hey, this document is missing. Search for that document. And it's important to have this 3hvmXv5mad4-00059-00049518-00050124 completed because if it's not completed, it will cause a decrease meant of the price of aircraft. 3hvmXv5mad4-00060-00050460-00051102 summarizing all the things there are four most important requirements. The first requirement is 3hvmXv5mad4-00061-00051102-00052008 to make data searchable and externalize. So the most famous technique for that is OCR. But still 3hvmXv5mad4-00062-00052008-00052679 here machine learning could help a lot because for the older digitalized documents, we can extract 3hvmXv5mad4-00063-00052752-00053622 text very, very easily. But for documents which are not digitalized, which can, we can 3hvmXv5mad4-00064-00053808-00054414 see if the documents contain if documents page contains images that can test if those images 3hvmXv5mad4-00065-00054414-00055638 contain text or not if it contains text, okay, go to OCR. If it's not, then it's just some image and 3hvmXv5mad4-00066-00055638-00056496 it's not important to send to it it was here. So it will increase the processing time. The second 3hvmXv5mad4-00067-00056496-00057222 important thing was variability. Variability means that in aircraft recommendations, 3hvmXv5mad4-00068-00057222-00058098 we have documentation from different language domains, but also with different form layouts. 3hvmXv5mad4-00069-00058098-00059129 This actually means that about different form layouts, some similar documents are differently 3hvmXv5mad4-00070-00059129-00059778 organized in some operator, for example, somewhere in Europe and somewhere in China 3hvmXv5mad4-00071-00059778-00060648 or something like that, but mainly it consists of some sim information that are important for us. 3hvmXv5mad4-00072-00060767-00061776 The third requirement is to provide this to enable data structuring it will extract important 3hvmXv5mad4-00073-00061776-00062628 metadata this data is important areas of strings that represent some important information for 3hvmXv5mad4-00074-00062628-00063329 their documents. And with this structuring, first of all, we will make all the documents unified 3hvmXv5mad4-00075-00063329-00064278 but also structure the data these documents will enable later procedures with document linking and 3hvmXv5mad4-00076-00064278-00064962 manipulation with documents. And as I already mentioned, document linking, it's an important 3hvmXv5mad4-00077-00064962-00065682 step just to increase the process of finding documentation or organization of the commendations 3hvmXv5mad4-00078-00065682-00066390 and if some document is missing, the system will rise raises queries about missing documentation. 3hvmXv5mad4-00079-00066612-00067626 So, what is the solution from the machine learning perspective was to apply two different machine 3hvmXv5mad4-00080-00067626-00068328 learning technologies in order to embed artificial intelligence into this document management system. 3hvmXv5mad4-00081-00068328-00068850 The one is a classification that will classify documents into documentation into important 3hvmXv5mad4-00082-00068850-00069696 categories. And the other is a named entity recognition that will perform extracting of 3hvmXv5mad4-00083-00069696-00070230 important information from that document. For example, some important information or 3hvmXv5mad4-00084-00070230-00070998 document IDs, but also dates, references, etc. One interesting thing with these documents is 3hvmXv5mad4-00085-00070998-00071982 that it's not a common case that every document is a unique type. But in most cases, documents are of 3hvmXv5mad4-00086-00071982-00072852 mixed types which means that one document type A B is the first then for example, some documents 3hvmXv5mad4-00087-00072852-00073698 eipix Why is the second and third CD etc is and this aggregation of different document types 3hvmXv5mad4-00088-00073800-00074508 is a little bit tricky situation, but we decided to perform classification page level and identify 3hvmXv5mad4-00089-00074508-00075462 some number of important categories we want to do. We want to classify and this enables us to 3hvmXv5mad4-00090-00075462-00076338 the next step also, the classification of document types is nice for users, because when they are 3hvmXv5mad4-00091-00076446-00077040 when they work, when they preview documentation the system they see what is consistent the what 3hvmXv5mad4-00092-00077040-00077808 the document types are in that files and they can help me it can help them to organize some 3hvmXv5mad4-00093-00077808-00078408 further activities important for them, and this classification into categories. This is 3hvmXv5mad4-00094-00078408-00079134 as an already mentioned input for the metadata extraction because every document type have some 3hvmXv5mad4-00095-00079134-00080280 specific metadata that needs to be extracted. So, after classification, there is another step named 3hvmXv5mad4-00096-00080280-00081114 entity recognition this will have to identify and detect documentation but also to identify parent 3hvmXv5mad4-00097-00081114-00081708 and child documents to perform data structuring and at the end to enable automation for document 3hvmXv5mad4-00098-00081708-00082680 linking. Before I more thoroughly describe these, these techniques, I would like to share 3hvmXv5mad4-00099-00082680-00083466 with you an image it is one of the images from a scientific paper, head of technical depth in 3hvmXv5mad4-00100-00083466-00084378 machine learning systems written by authors that in that time worked in Google and on this image 3hvmXv5mad4-00101-00084378-00085068 is represented what portion of work is actually represented machine learning coding, it means 3hvmXv5mad4-00102-00085068-00085962 coding of machine learning models and all other things that need to be included. They need to be 3hvmXv5mad4-00103-00085962-00086826 cared about in order to prevent that and meet in terms that if we want to do some model refinements 3hvmXv5mad4-00104-00086826-00087684 or some to it to include some improved model, what we need to care about just to prevent some 3hvmXv5mad4-00105-00087684-00088494 undesirable scenario. So I highly recommend for everyone who thinks who are thinking 3hvmXv5mad4-00106-00088494-00089220 about using some machine learning models into production just think in this way. 3hvmXv5mad4-00107-00089484-00090552 So from a classification perspective, an idea for this slide is just to pay attention with some 3hvmXv5mad4-00108-00090552-00091494 important steps that are that you perform that need to be done in order to perform classification 3hvmXv5mad4-00109-00091494-00092202 in a proper way, but also some additional things that we have also done and that are beneficial 3hvmXv5mad4-00110-00092202-00092676 for us the first of all classification as well as named entity recognition, 3hvmXv5mad4-00111-00092676-00093576 our supervised machine learning, machine learning models, machine learning techniques, 3hvmXv5mad4-00112-00093576-00094308 which means that both techniques require to have well-prepared data. In order to proceed further. 3hvmXv5mad4-00113-00094416-00095376 The next step is data pre-processing, which relies on data, and exploratory analysis. This means 3hvmXv5mad4-00114-00095376-00096654 actually clean cleaning data and excluding some data which actually make noises. And this and the 3hvmXv5mad4-00115-00096654-00097224 next step is feature extraction. This feature extraction means transforming textual words, 3hvmXv5mad4-00116-00097224-00097896 we call it tokens into numbers because machine learning algorithms work only with numbers. 3hvmXv5mad4-00117-00097974-00098502 So, there is a list of some techniques we implemented and that were successful for us. 3hvmXv5mad4-00118-00098598-00099246 The second the next thing, which is important is working with imbalanced datasets. So, 3hvmXv5mad4-00119-00099246-00100194 if you have this situation, you need to employ techniques for dealing with that problem. In 3hvmXv5mad4-00120-00100194-00100860 terms that if you have for example, a binary classification problem and 90% distributed 3hvmXv5mad4-00121-00100860-00101526 one class and you have a system with 90% of accuracy, it doesn't mean that it is actually 3hvmXv5mad4-00122-00101664-00102300 the desirable scenario because if you omit all these important things, it is you have a problem. 3hvmXv5mad4-00123-00102564-00103133 For machine learning models, there are these are at least this list of models that we have 3hvmXv5mad4-00124-00103133-00103661 used. Some of them are classical machine learning models, and some of them are deep learning models 3hvmXv5mad4-00125-00103764-00104574 with incorporated knowledge. So this practice, transfer learning is very popular nowadays, 3hvmXv5mad4-00126-00104574-00105768 in terms that you can customize the models and into your data and have desirable results. Okay, 3hvmXv5mad4-00127-00105768-00106716 the standard story about evaluation, we perform cross-validation procedures and 3hvmXv5mad4-00128-00106716-00107208 development testing, hyperparameter tuning and validation, and additional validation 3hvmXv5mad4-00129-00107208-00108132 on external data. It's important because when you collect the data for training, you randomly split 3hvmXv5mad4-00130-00108132-00108702 on training and testing. And this data follows the same distribution. But when you have some 3hvmXv5mad4-00131-00108702-00109422 independent data set, it may contain data from some from a whole different distribution. And 3hvmXv5mad4-00132-00109422-00109956 it's important that you have a robust model that is capable for dealing with that data. 3hvmXv5mad4-00133-00110016-00110568 But I would like to say here something that we have additionally done it is post-processing, 3hvmXv5mad4-00134-00110568-00111276 of course, classifiers in terms of reliability estimation, you will we will have a situation 3hvmXv5mad4-00135-00111276-00111816 that your model that generates wrong predictions. So, with reliability estimation, 3hvmXv5mad4-00136-00111816-00112482 we actually estimate what extent we can trust some predictions and it generated some other 3hvmXv5mad4-00137-00112482-00113183 activities that we implemented. So for some wrong predictions, we can find the solution 3hvmXv5mad4-00138-00113183-00113946 how to overcome it. But for some if, if we are certain about some prediction, we will say hey, 3hvmXv5mad4-00139-00113946-00114558 look at this page, it's wrongly predicted, because it is a very important step for the next 3hvmXv5mad4-00140-00114924-00115554 feature extraction, no feature but information extraction from the documents. 3hvmXv5mad4-00141-00115740-00116435 And for the named entity recognition, this is the final step that makes documents structured. 3hvmXv5mad4-00142-00116435-00117420 So by predicting types, we know what information we want to extract and currently very efficient 3hvmXv5mad4-00143-00117420-00118038 model is named entity recognition from spicy library, but also be a word model 3hvmXv5mad4-00144-00118038-00118794 from Google is capable for these things. And most likely we will continue this work 3hvmXv5mad4-00145-00118794-00119658 with computer vision techniques that will deal with documents, images, documents and try to 3hvmXv5mad4-00146-00119766-00120282 find regions of interest With our identifiers that we need 3hvmXv5mad4-00147-00120594-00121409 and at the end, I like to summarize that with these machine learning techniques, 3hvmXv5mad4-00148-00121409-00122280 we actually have the scenario we starting about restarting from analyzing context from documents 3hvmXv5mad4-00149-00122280-00123288 and with some predefined actions we defined with this processing in classifications, we are capable 3hvmXv5mad4-00150-00123288-00124128 to say that we developed a system that is able to reduce manual input and errors, it is able to, 3hvmXv5mad4-00151-00124380-00125183 to provide automated data structuring and the most important to reduce time to reduce to facilitate 3hvmXv5mad4-00152-00125183-00125928 decision making to reduce costs, and to increase the preparation of aircraft for transitions. 3hvmXv5mad4-00153-00126233-00127170 So, now I'm open for questions, and thank you for your attention. I'm here to hear 3hvmXv5mad4-00154-00127230-00127752 I'm glad to hear your questions and to discuss a little bit more about this topic. Okay, thanks. 3hvmXv5mad4-00155-00129390-00129828 Thank you. Yeah, thank you very much. That was a very interesting presentation. Quick question. 3hvmXv5mad4-00156-00129828-00130620 You mentioned you listed a few different models from birds, random forests and stuff. Are you 3hvmXv5mad4-00157-00130620-00131142 in a position to share with us your feelings in which ones work better with your dataset, like, 3hvmXv5mad4-00158-00131142-00131952 you know, all the school ones or the birth and everything? Yeah, the LSDM model broker works the 3hvmXv5mad4-00159-00131952-00132882 best Bert was good, but not not not the better one, the best one. Also, what is interesting 3hvmXv5mad4-00160-00132882-00133674 for me is that for example, random forest with these actions that we additionally performed, 3hvmXv5mad4-00161-00133812-00134556 actually improved a lot of results. So it's, it's very capable for providing a satisfying 3hvmXv5mad4-00162-00134556-00135114 solution. So that was very surprising. Very, very surprising for me. But on the other side, 3hvmXv5mad4-00163-00135114-00135756 the documents are interesting because we have highly, let's say contextualized 3hvmXv5mad4-00164-00135756-00136596 documents and documents that contain a lot of abbreviations, a lot of our let's say, 3hvmXv5mad4-00165-00136596-00137592 Revert, revert. So maybe because of that, in combination with some background detections 3hvmXv5mad4-00166-00137592-00138048 around the forest achieved with results. Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00000-00000112-00000218 STanimations: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00001-00000240-00000296 It's a 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00002-00000310-00000440 STORYTIME!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00003-00000516-00000600 SomeWhereElse: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00004-00000602-00000818 Have I told you about something you heard somewhere else? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00005-00000819-00000910 Mhm! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00006-00000911-00000968 Hoh! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00007-00000968-00001024 HOOH! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00008-00001024-00001094 HOOOOOOOOOOOOO- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00009-00001116-00001208 AnxiousTV: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00010-00001222-00001382 Have I told you about how I'm an 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00011-00001382-00001482 i n t r o v e r t ? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00012-00001538-00001739 *Grooby mating call* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00013-00001739-00001789 (fright) 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00014-00001789-00001864 Markex Clarkex: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00015-00001872-00002039 This video is called: 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00016-00002039-00002240 Something that happened to me 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00017-00002240-00002382 not exaggerated 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00018-00002382-00002506 (GONE WRONG) 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00019-00002506-00002634 (Not clickbait) 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00020-00002634-00002740 *small face laughing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00021-00002772-00002970 DimDom: Oh my god, me too! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00022-00002992-00003150 *loud face laughing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00023-00003150-00003315 *void* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00024-00003315-00003454 Katchup: Hi guys... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00025-00003464-00003514 *s n e e f* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00026-00003608-00003714 Have I told you about 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00027-00003714-00003902 The School® ? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00028-00003902-00004014 *cri* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00029-00004014-00004246 One day, I was at The School® ... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00030-00004342-00004472 *hamster pain* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00031-00004582-00004892 Mr. Relatable: O-ho, wow! That is relatable! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00032-00004916-00004976 Decipher: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00033-00004976-00005026 Hey! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00034-00005110-00005244 ...I don't have no stories... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00035-00005244-00005404 *extreme hyperventilation* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00036-00005404-00005512 *a n x s i e t y attack* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00037-00005512-00005636 *angery breathing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00038-00005636-00006170 *bootleg Daria theme* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00039-00006204-00006302 Taboo: Hi guys. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00040-00006350-00006400 *smak* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00041-00006400-00006450 Yep. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00042-00006488-00006581 I'm gonna tell a story. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00043-00006644-00006694 *smek* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00044-00006722-00006830 That's it. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00045-00006834-00007076 *bootleg Darcia theme ×2* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00046-00007208-00007492 Mr. Relatable: O-ho, wow! That is relatable! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00047-00007545-00007684 NGaidenAnimations: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00048-00007706-00007842 Have I told you about 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00049-00007842-00007995 THIS SPACE?! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00050-00008072-00008154 Ah yes... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00051-00008220-00008270 Hey! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00052-00008270-00008348 HEY WHAT YOU ARE DOING?! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00053-00008348-00008398 H E Y ! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00054-00008434-00008666 DON'T PUT COLOR ON MY SPACE! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00055-00008698-00008778 NO! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00056-00008796-00008936 COME BACK HERE!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00057-00008954-00009020 NOOO- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00058-00009046-00009110 TheBabyIsOut: Hi... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00059-00009110-00009162 ...guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00060-00009194-00009292 Have I told you when- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00061-00009292-00009592 Translation: I will rip apart everything you hold dear to you until you have nothing left to hold. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00062-00009618-00009668 NGadienAnimations: NOOO- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00063-00009668-00009882 Psycho: Heyeyeyeyeeeeey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00064-00009958-00010266 When I was an child, I was at The School®. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00065-00010418-00010564 *hamster suffering* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00066-00010574-00010676 Pistache: Hi guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00067-00010676-00010918 Welcome to my storytime animation! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00068-00010970-00011064 Mhm. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00069-00011106-00011270 SquirtyJuice: Hey guys. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00070-00011270-00011440 It's a storytime... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00071-00011440-00011682 WITH MEEEEEEEEEMES!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00072-00011708-00011850 Decipher: Ah, that's a good idea! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00073-00011850-00011900 *grab* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00074-00011924-00011974 SquirtyJuice: No! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00075-00011974-00012042 NOO- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00076-00012042-00012130 *slurp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00077-00012130-00012202 Decipher: Ahhh. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00078-00012234-00012320 *pelo gasp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00079-00012320-00012494 SquirtyJuice: Hey, leave her alone! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00080-00012554-00012754 CursedJuice: Let's suck her blood. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00081-00012778-00012932 *juicy laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00082-00012932-00013013 *juicy stab* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00083-00013072-00013122 *juicy pain* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00084-00013356-00013406 PaleGnome: H o o h . 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00085-00013488-00013597 BillyMation: Hi guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00086-00013597-00013797 I-I made a new video and- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00087-00013808-00013897 "Ay ay ay! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00088-00013897-00014044 What about that one?" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00089-00014080-00014188 N-No, no, no. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00090-00014188-00014274 Don't watch that o- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00091-00014280-00014410 "But it's EVERYWHERE! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00092-00014410-00014518 I wanna watch it!" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00093-00014518-00014586 "Yeah! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00094-00014586-00014718 I wanna watch it too!" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00095-00014718-00014806 N-NO! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00096-00014806-00014922 Don't watch it. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00097-00014922-00014986 No! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00098-00014986-00015163 "I already watched it! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00099-00015163-00015282 We can do anything!" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00100-00015282-00015332 *pout* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00101-00015332-00015480 "Ugh, why are you getting mad? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00102-00015480-00015680 Stop putting things on the internet!!" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00103-00015736-00016086 *angery lads being angery* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00104-00016169-00016814 *various quirky and lovable characters using variations of "Hey guys!"* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00105-00016876-00016988 TheAWeesome: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00106-00016988-00017176 Have I told you about the time I went to a 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00107-00017176-00017332 haunted mansion? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00108-00017332-00017438 *thumbnail* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00109-00017438-00017580 I was there... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00110-00017640-00017778 ...and all of the sudden 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00111-00017778-00017902 I saw a GHOST! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00112-00017952-00018082 Scary Studios: *hell* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00113-00018140-00018340 "...and what happened next?" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00114-00018400-00018516 I dunno. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00115-00018540-00018740 My Dad: Eeeeeh shuddup! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00116-00018740-00018836 *clapped cheeks* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00117-00018858-00018940 TheAWeesome: Oh no! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00118-00018940-00019004 I can't see! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00119-00019004-00019084 My glasses! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00120-00019084-00019214 Oh no! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00121-00019214-00019388 Without it I have 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00122-00019388-00019474 A N X I E T Y ! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00123-00019474-00019692 *insert canned studio laughter* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00124-00019774-00019882 Pelo, The Comidec Geinus: A-HAHA! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00125-00019902-00020272 Hey guys, I made an anxiety joke! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00126-00020372-00020494 Mr. Relatable: Woooow... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00127-00020494-00020678 THAT IS RELATABLE! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00128-00020754-00020900 Pelo Jr.: Let's dance! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00129-00020914-00021006 DIrected, Produced, and Animated by: Sr Pelo 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00130-00021006-00021110 Co-Animated by SecretNarcissist 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00131-00021110-00021192 Featuring Music by: Master Sword 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00132-00021192-00021338 Dedicated t-OHFUCKITSHIMOHMYGOD 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00133-00021348-00021500 *nut pains* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00134-00021524-00021624 STanimations: What happened? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00135-00021624-00021812 AnxiousTV: Oh my God! What happend? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00136-00021892-00022012 *nut cough* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00137-00022060-00022252 Pistache: They criticized me... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00138-00022314-00022596 ...and now I need to imppprove... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00139-00022660-00022792 *wrinkly nut* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00140-00022820-00022938 AnxiousTV: WHO DID THIS?! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00141-00022948-00023032 It was you... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00142-00023032-00023138 IT WAS YOU! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00143-00023138-00023188 *harder daddy* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00144-00023224-00023348 STanimation: I didn"t do anythi- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00145-00023348-00023476 *groans* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00146-00023512-00023588 "LOOK!" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00147-00023952-00024032 *gasp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00148-00024084-00024208 AnxiousTV: It's... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00149-00024208-00024296 THEM!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00150-00024334-00024686 *team critical critism charges in* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00151-00024738-00024814 PunkPina: ...hi... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00152-00024958-00025032 ...guys... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00153-00025086-00025142 *sloorp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00154-00025152-00025202 JustanOpinion: Ah. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00155-00025214-00025298 Hey guys. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00156-00025298-00025466 It"s tea time. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00157-00025514-00025754 Tom: *classic Tom screams* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00158-00025882-00025970 AnxiousTV: RUN! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00159-00025983-00026142 *table slaps indicating the sound of running* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00160-00026220-00026280 emechublessyou: Hm? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00161-00026280-00026352 HM? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00162-00026352-00026456 *false safety cheers* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00163-00026498-00026548 Tom: *yell* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00164-00026586-00026654 Danga: Uuuugh! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00165-00026654-00026786 Can you speak faster?! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00166-00026866-00026944 PunkPina: ...maybe... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00167-00026968-00027122 *emotional pain* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00168-00027144-00027230 ...maybe you're right. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00169-00027332-00027452 I LIED! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00170-00027452-00027589 *evil criticisim* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00171-00027589-00027650 *physical pain* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00172-00027688-00027738 *bruh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00173-00027858-00028094 *The Great Side-Animator Escape* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00174-00028262-00028326 *fuck* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00175-00028382-00028545 Tom: *loud exlamation* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00176-00028545-00028666 emechublessyou: *screams in unision* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00177-00028666-00028750 C⁶H¹²O⁶: Shut up! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00178-00028750-00028816 Shut up!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00179-00028816-00028914 SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00180-00028983-00029033 *abuse* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00181-00029056-00029106 *squash* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00182-00029144-00029336 Tom: *loud vocal noise* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00183-00029356-00029406 *boot* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00184-00029500-00029566 C⁶H¹²O⁶: SHUT UP!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00185-00029626-00029682 AnimatedKnight: Ay, 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00186-00029682-00029904 this criticism thing ain't that bad! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00187-00029904-00029988 *sloop* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00188-00029988-00030188 *chokes* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00189-00030245-00030358 What was that... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00190-00030472-00030658 THAT WASN'T CRITISM YOU FUC- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00191-00030658-00030730 *more choke* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00192-00030730-00031030 *laughs in british* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00193-00031030-00031148 *laughs evily in british* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00194-00031148-00031326 JustanOpinion: What a frail papper twitty moppet. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00195-00031480-00031533 *sippy sip* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00196-00031533-00031602 *spitty spit* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00197-00031602-00031882 Holy Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, that was piss! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00198-00031914-00031988 BluBread: *gasp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00199-00031988-00032110 *proceeds to draw a 17 page porn parody* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00200-00032210-00032286 The Captian: POLICE! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00201-00032286-00032400 BITCH! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00202-00032424-00032570 Shotgun Man: *fires the patent pending Sr Pelo Scream Cannon™️* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00203-00032570-00032682 *adrenaline filled screams* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00204-00032682-00032732 The Captian: Shh... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00205-00032788-00032924 You know they can hear us, right? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00206-00032984-00033112 WE NEED TO BE QUIET! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00207-00033112-00033214 SomeWhereElse: *gesp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00208-00033214-00033350 THE POPO! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00209-00033350-00033536 THE POOOOOPOOOOO! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00210-00033536-00033698 THE POOOOPOOOO! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00211-00033698-00033816 THE POOPOO 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00212-00033816-00033922 *faint popo's" 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00213-00033922-00034032 PunkPina:...oh... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00214-00034032-00034166 ...we gotta leave... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00215-00034264-00034314 *expand brit* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00216-00034314-00034532 *fwooosh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00217-00034660-00034870 The Captian: We're gonna need reinforcements... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00218-00034886-00035008 Shotgun Man: Look what you did! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00219-00035040-00035230 WHY ARE YOU SCREAMIIII- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00220-00035230-00035434 The Captian: Just go and get em'! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00221-00035436-00035658 *faint screams* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00222-00035658-00036164 *vietnam flashbacks* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00223-00036198-00036248 *beep* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00224-00036256-00036468 The Captian: I Just wanted to say thanks for the information 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00225-00036490-00036540 *flip* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00226-00036742-00036792 *clack* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00227-00036900-00036988 Tankman: THEY GOT EM'! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00228-00036988-00037214 *celebration* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00229-00037272-00037322 *bang* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00230-00037396-00037596 DimDom: Oooh nooo. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00231-00037752-00037802 Martex Clartex: A- *pop* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00232-00038038-00038226 Tom: *what do you fucking think* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00233-00038226-00038276 *oof* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00234-00038300-00038350 C⁶H¹²O⁶: Shut 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00235-00038350-00038414 UUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00236-00038414-00038480 *double oof* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00237-00038768-00038968 El es Mark: *births* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00238-00039088-00039138 Jerald: Oh no! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00239-00039138-00039188 What do I do? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00240-00039188-00039238 What do I d- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00241-00039238-00039288 Uh..uh.. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00242-00039288-00039338 Okay! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00243-00039434-00039504 C⁶H¹²O⁶: What? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00244-00039504-00039620 Are you gonna scream? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00245-00039746-00039952 *everybody gangsta till the animation critic crosses his arms* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00246-00039952-00040036 Jerald: What are you doing? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00247-00040036-00040086 You just crossed you- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00248-00040086-00040256 *screams of horror* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00249-00040256-00040426 *heavy breathing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00250-00040426-00040500 What? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00251-00040500-00040804 *shots from the Sr Pelo Scream Cannon™️* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00252-00040804-00040960 Shotgun Man: OH, IS THIS PISS? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00253-00040960-00041076 *slurmph* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00254-00041076-00041138 Ahhh- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00255-00041138-00041206 *piss choke* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00256-00041206-00041310 NOOOOOO!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00257-00041310-00041476 IT'S PISS!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00258-00041504-00041704 The Captian: Alright, baby that's it. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00259-00041738-00041862 You're under arrest. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00260-00041876-00042044 Turn around and put your hands up. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00261-00042092-00042298 TheBabyIsOut: Well, you see, Captian, 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00262-00042298-00042702 I can't do it because my ma doesn't want me. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00263-00042884-00043066 The Captian: Oh my god! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00264-00043178-00043348 *gurgles* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00265-00043378-00043428 The Author: Soos. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00266-00043550-00043726 TheBabyIsOut: GIVE US ANOTHER CHILD! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00267-00043782-00043832 GIVE US THE CHILD! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00268-00043832-00044030 The Author: SOOOOOOOO!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00269-00044030-00044112 *blurp* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00270-00044332-00044442 The Child: Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00271-00044442-00044658 Have you heard about everyone that I know is bad? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00272-00044658-00044932 I told it on the internet, it's not a lie! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00273-00044932-00045018 The Captian: Oh no... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00274-00045018-00045084 Gah! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00275-00045114-00045270 Exterminator: Captian, renforcement's on its way! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00276-00045270-00045320 Wait- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00277-00045320-00045370 AAa- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00278-00045426-00045564 *fear* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00279-00045564-00045700 TheBabyIsOut: See captain? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00280-00045700-00045896 You can't do anything about- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00281-00045896-00045946 *lmao gottem* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00282-00046184-00046316 *dead mom* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00283-00046344-00046466 The Captian: Alright, baby. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00284-00046466-00046604 Stop wasting my time. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00285-00046634-00046690 *smug bab laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00286-00046718-00046816 TheBabyIsOut: Alright captain. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00287-00046816-00047074 Let's see if you have much time to- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00288-00047074-00047232 *enemystand.mp4* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00289-00047232-00047352 TheBabyIsOut+FoxBabyman: Catch me! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00290-00047422-00047510 *hard concertation* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00291-00047510-00047658 *twin baby laughs* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00292-00047690-00047740 Demolisher: I'll do it boss. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00293-00047830-00048152 *confused grunts* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00294-00048152-00048618 *arguing about baby killing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00295-00048618-00048688 *bang* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00296-00048774-00048906 TheBabyIsOut: *fucking dies* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00297-00048966-00049016 *no* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00298-00049108-00049176 Demolisher: I DID IT!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00299-00049176-00049262 I DID IT!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00300-00049262-00049384 The Captian: What you have done?! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00301-00049396-00049528 Demolisher: Well, I shoot the- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00302-00049528-00049660 FoxBabyman: *fucking dies* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00303-00049724-00049844 Demolisher: But I- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00304-00049996-00050180 But I shoot the- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00305-00050504-00050614 But I thought I... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00306-00050730-00050780 *f* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00307-00051000-00051142 NGadienAnimations: HERE'S THE EXIT! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00308-00051166-00051258 The Captian: ...here's the exit? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00309-00051272-00051450 Hey, don't let them get away! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00310-00051452-00051626 *desk slap time* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00311-00051626-00051712 Jerald: Captin, I got one! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00312-00051712-00051800 The Captian: JERALD, WATCH OUT! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00313-00051822-00051972 Jerald: Woah, stop screaming, seriou- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00314-00051972-00052022 PaleGnome: H O O H . 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00315-00052022-00052072 Jerald: AAa- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00316-00052217-00052267 PaleGnome: H O O H . 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00317-00052267-00052329 A H A . 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00318-00052486-00052572 Shotgun Man: Captain! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00319-00052572-00052722 They're getting away! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00320-00052752-00052879 *run of nothingness* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00321-00053341-00053476 *sky bab laughs* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00322-00053624-00053682 The Captian: What now...? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00323-00053855-00053990 Hi guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00324-00053990-00054229 *shidding and farding* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00325-00054417-00054588 Pelo: ¿QUE? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00326-00054617-00054808 That's it? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00327-00054808-00054900 Where is animation? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00328-00054900-00055016 It's called story time animation. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00329-00055016-00055138 Where is it? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00330-00055138-00055188 *tsk* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00331-00055212-00055412 This was a waste of time 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00332-00055674-00055741 O-Oh! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00333-00055786-00055955 I know who I'm going to watch. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00334-00055991-00056322 *laughs in spnish* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00335-00056322-00056616 *laughs evily in spanish* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00336-00056746-00056936 Hey Guuuuuuuys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00337-00056974-00057072 Have I talked about 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00338-00057072-00057196 The Schooooool®? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00339-00057260-00057344 OOOOOOOOOOOOOH 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00340-00057344-00057405 boy! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00341-00057424-00057588 I love The School®! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00342-00057616-00057754 One time I was there 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00343-00057754-00057902 with Grooby 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00344-00057902-00058017 and Grooby was like 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00345-00058017-00058078 oooOOOOOOOOOOOOO- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00346-00058079-00058198 *big laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00347-00058222-00058384 That's hilarious! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00348-00058384-00058496 ...and the bully came out! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00349-00058496-00058610 *hamster death* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00350-00058610-00058705 And I was like 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00351-00058732-00058844 *pain* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00352-00058862-00059167 *hardy laughs as mokey video keeps playing* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00353-00059167-00059629 *coughs of death* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00354-00059629-00059978 Mr. Relatable: O-ho, wow! That is relatable! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00355-00060194-00060366 Hey guys! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00356-00060366-00060560 *laughs at own joke* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00357-00060560-00061017 Uh, finally I finished! It took so long to make, Jesus Christ. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00358-00061017-00061522 Checking how every single story time animator animates, oh my God. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00359-00061522-00062002 It took so long, but you know what it's done, and I'm so happy with it. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00360-00062002-00062362 And I really hope you liked it. I really hope you liked it. Seriously. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00361-00062422-00063032 Uh, I personally don't like storytime animators. Like, they're boring for me. If you like them, it's okay though. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00362-00063032-00063232 It-It's 100% okay! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00363-00063270-00063732 But I like three storytime animators, one is called The Amaazing. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00364-00063755-00064208 He actually gave me his voice for a British critic. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00365-00064208-00064729 Yeah, he-he has, like, edgy jokes and I like edgy jokes sometimes, I dunno. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00366-00064729-00064822 *laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00367-00064838-00065166 The other storytime animator that I like is ScribbleJuice 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00368-00065166-00065250 because she adds 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00369-00065250-00065340 MEEEEMES!!! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00370-00065340-00065416 *laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00371-00065484-00065690 She-she's such a really fun to watch. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00372-00065736-00066184 The last one I want to give shoutout to because he's so talented but he also he has a small channel. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00373-00066184-00066446 I don't know why. It's called LIEVICUS. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00374-00066446-00066564 Live-icus? 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00375-00066564-00066700 I dunno, it's there. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00376-00066700-00066834 It's right there.There we go. It's right there. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00377-00066848-00067320 His videos are reeeeally good, damn. Go check him out. Go check him out. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00378-00067320-00067698 I also wanna give shoutouts to Master Sword. He made the critics thing, 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00379-00067698-00068074 and I actually wanted more music but I didn't have time. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00380-00068122-00068184 Damn. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00381-00068242-00068556 But yeah, go-go check out those four people that I shout(ed) out 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00382-00068574-00068946 They're really talented. Like, really, really, really talented. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00383-00068946-00069506 And thank you! Thank you so much for every single person that gave me fan art for the credits. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00384-00069588-00070176 I am so happy with how much I got. It was, like, a really big ammount, like 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00385-00070176-00070258 Holy shit! 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00386-00070258-00070336 *laugh* 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00387-00070354-00070906 B-but oh my god, thank you so much. I love every single fan art of that I got it's so amazing. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00388-00070944-00071334 Well, that's it. I hope you have a nice day, or a nice night. I don't know. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00389-00071374-00071514 I don't know. 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00390-00071554-00071704 Whatever, and... 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00391-00071800-00072068 W-W-Wa-Watch the video again! WATCH THE VIDE- 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00392-00072530-00072646 (I stood up till 4:30 a.m. to subtitle this. I hope your proud, father.) 3jLEcg3Cjxu-00393-00073194-00073458 Mr. Relatable: O-ho, wow! That is relatable! 3k8TJaFT9oA-00000-00047540-00049810 See you guys in my Super Mario World "96 Exit" Walkthrough! :D 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00000-00000003-00000411 the amount of hours that you put into your business when you're first getting started 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00001-00000411-00001257 will largely play a factor in how much money you're going to make in today's video I want 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00002-00001257-00002118 to break down all of the necessary time that you've got to put into your business if you want 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00003-00002118-00002712 it to be successful now you know everybody's got a different definition of success and everybody's 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00004-00002712-00003300 got different business objectives some people just want to have a side hustle they really 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00005-00003300-00003888 don't want to transition out of their nine-to-five job so they just kind of try to make a few extra 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00006-00003888-00004578 thousand dollars a year some people they want to be able to make money from their business whether 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00007-00004578-00005025 like you know I don't have to be the next Bill Gates as long as I've got enough to be able to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00008-00005025-00005865 put food on the table I'm good life is great and then you got some people that are transferring out 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00009-00005865-00006741 of the working world and becoming their own boss because they want freedom to be able to buy what 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00010-00006741-00007523 they want when they want work when they want when they want travel you know where they want when 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00011-00007523-00008193 they want and give them a life that allows them to live it all on their own terms it's a very 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00012-00008193-00008958 important video because regardless of where you are down that path that I just Illustrated to you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00013-00008958-00009924 you've got to know how much work accurately goes into giving you the life that you desire now let 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00014-00009924-00010836 me put this out here real quick as a disclaimer no two people's lives are the same I'm going to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00015-00010836-00011610 be giving you a standard I'm going to be giving you in this video the averages don't troll me 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00016-00011610-00012198 and be like oh well you know I was able to make X amount of money and I could just sit at the beach 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00017-00012198-00012918 all day and never do nothing okay that doesn't represent the average person that has achieved 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00018-00012918-00013949 success in America okay that be an anomaly by you know this the world standards at large it's pretty 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00019-00013949-00014471 obvious that if you're going to get something in life you're going to have to work for it so 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00020-00014471-00015071 without no further ado let's go ahead and happen okay I've put together this basic charm and I've 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00021-00015071-00015668 oversimplified here so let me explain what I'm trying to say some of you guys want to be able 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00022-00015668-00016397 to have a side hustle that allows you to make four figure incomes additionally on top of the money 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00023-00016397-00017111 that you're already making and you have questions about how many hours should I put into my business 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00024-00017111-00017903 in order to be successful so if you want to make about four figures a year additionally in 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00025-00017903-00018818 your income from a side business you can easily do that by putting in anywhere between 0 to 20 hours 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00026-00018818-00019820 a week ok this is a weekly work breakdown of how many hours to put into your business if you just 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00027-00019820-00020384 want to side house so sometimes it's gonna make a few extra bucks here and there you're not gonna be 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00028-00020384-00020999 able to live off of it but maybe it might help you you know buy that sneaker that you want buy that 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00029-00020999-00021731 phone that you want you know give you certain liberties of things that's just kind of on top 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00030-00021731-00022280 of money play money to go along with whatever you're making from your nine-to-five job you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00031-00022280-00023228 could accomplish that anywhere between 0 to 20 hours worth of work within a week for a 4 figure 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00032-00023228-00023849 income now like I said what would 4 figure income include anywhere between a thousand extra dollars 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00033-00023849-00024860 a year to nine thousand extra dollars a year okay you choose anywhere within that range would be 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00034-00024860-00025874 kind of about the average now let's say that you want to make five figures in your business if you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00035-00025874-00026468 want to be able to make five figures in your business you can probably accomplish that by 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00036-00026468-00027330 working anywhere between twenty to sixty hours a week now of course the reason why there are ranges 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00037-00027330-00028272 is because it's so much easier to get to ten thousand in a year than it is to get to ninety 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00038-00028272-00029027 thousand in a year or ninety nine thousand see if you're trying to get to ten thousand in a year 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00039-00029027-00029727 you can get to ten thousand a year by doing less than a thousand dollars a month and once you kind 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00040-00029727-00030438 of get the hang of things online you know you've created repeatable processes you've got a product 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00041-00030438-00031445 or something that will sell it's pretty easy to make at least a thousand dollars a month okay and 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00042-00031445-00032079 that's the reason why I'm saying in order to be able to get anywhere between ten thousand dollars 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00043-00032079-00032652 in a year up until nineteen thousand you want to put in anywhere between twenty to sixty hours 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00044-00032652-00033177 alright so a lot of you guys might be saying okay but you're uzziah I'm working at a nine-to-five 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00045-00033177-00033918 job right now and I've got entrepreneur intentions full-time but there's no way 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00046-00033918-00034677 that I could put in twenty hours sixty hours and beyond what do I do in that case well just stay 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00047-00034677-00035403 onboard with me for a second in this video your success is an exponential process see if you're 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00048-00035403-00035946 gonna become successful in a business it's gonna go something like this this is something that 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00049-00035946-00036777 people never really tell you most people think that success is just gonna kind of be like this 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00050-00036777-00038211 honestly that rarely ever happens most people that setup successful businesses would wish that their 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00051-00038211-00038871 business was constantly on a steady upswing until life got wherever they wanted it to get 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00052-00038871-00039810 honestly you know you get a lot more of that up and down but really and truly the honest fact of 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00053-00039810-00040441 business is that most people that have successful businesses that really have something that takes 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00054-00040441-00041206 off their business looks a lot more like this stagnant bottom not going anywhere then out of 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00055-00041206-00041782 nowhere they find something that works and things shoot up simple as that and you don't know when 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00056-00041782-00042265 that moment is going to come you don't necessarily know how it's going to happen you don't know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00057-00042265-00042745 what's gonna be the catalyst that's going to allow it to take off but something is going to happen 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00058-00042745-00043393 that's gonna allow your business to take off you know I remember um one of my favorite mentors that 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00059-00043393-00044080 really started to inspire me as a black man to have my own business brother's name is Eric Thomas 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00060-00044080-00044644 you might have seen one of his videos before he came out with this viral video that said if you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00061-00044644-00045415 want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful now the true reality of the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00062-00045415-00046291 matter is et have been speaking for years et have been speaking for decades just constantly putting 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00063-00046291-00047173 himself out there coming out with new material but it wasn't until that one video took off and 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00064-00047173-00048043 went viral then it changed the game entirely for his business and for his career you know prior to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00065-00048043-00048646 that point he was still working at a nine-to-five job trying to do certain things on the side to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00066-00048646-00049438 be able to make his way out and so you never know when that lucky break is going to come I say lucky 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00067-00049438-00049996 break because there's no real luck right you have to work very hard to get very lucky but the point 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00068-00049996-00050821 that I'm trying to make to you is business and success takes work it takes hours and if you're 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00069-00050821-00051913 going to try to build a business where you want to really walk away with financial freedom money in 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00070-00051913-00052501 the bank account to not only cover your family's expenses but also be able to do some other cool 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00071-00052501-00053119 things on top of that you want to be able to make a business that generates over a hundred thousand 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00072-00053119-00054111 dollars and more and annual revenue you should probably be putting in 60 to 80 hours worth of 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00073-00054111-00054888 work per week on average now I know that a lot of y'all you hear that and you're like damn he 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00074-00054888-00055452 doesn't sound like every other entrepreneur that's trying to sell me the dream no I'm not trying to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00075-00055452-00056238 sell you to dream I'm trying to give you the real talk I did not get to being able to have my own 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00076-00056238-00056811 business that allows me to be able to work from home by just you know every other week I'm on 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00077-00056811-00057483 vacation every other week I'm at the beach every other Saturday I'm at the party no I didn't get to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00078-00057483-00058173 success like that I got to success just like every other entrepreneur that you see that successful 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00079-00058173-00058671 today got to success whether they're trying to sell you the dream or not they put in the hours 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00080-00058671-00059559 they learn a process on what to do every single day to get them the accomplishments that they now 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00081-00059559-00060558 have okay or giving them the benefits of having the freedom and the luxury to live a lifestyle 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00082-00060558-00061170 that may seem a little bit more appealing you're gonna have to figure out what type of entrepreneur 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00083-00061170-00062004 you want to be do you want to be a side hustler do you want to be a get buyer cuz right here if 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00084-00062004-00062736 you're like in get buy stage right you're gonna be able to maybe have enough to just be able to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00085-00062736-00063303 keep the basic necessities on in terms of your bills but you're not gonna have enough money 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00086-00063303-00064004 to really enjoy your life you're not gonna have enough money to be able to you know take vacations 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00087-00064004-00064521 whenever you want to take vacations you're not gonna have the money to be able to hire a team 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00088-00064521-00065028 you know to do all of the great things that you want to do in life you're not going to be able to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00089-00065028-00065730 you know live in this great community and do all these great things you'll be able to get by but my 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00090-00065730-00066390 personal stance my personal model is if I want to bust my ass and building a business why do I just 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00091-00066390-00067221 want to get by why would I not want all of the benefits that could come from the fruits of my 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00092-00067221-00067959 labor so if I'm trying to build a business for me personally stepping out of a nine-to-five job I'm 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00093-00067959-00068718 always going to shoot for this level okay I'm always gonna shoot for this level because after 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00094-00068718-00069357 you take away money from you know overhead costs in your business taxes having to reinvest into 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00095-00069357-00070164 the company and so on you still need to have some money for yourself to be able to get by in your 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00096-00070164-00070884 own life okay so I'm gonna tell you about three quick things okay we talked about this schedule 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00097-00070884-00071418 and you can just take this however it comes to you pick one and leave a comment and let me know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00098-00071418-00072000 which one of these avenues you're gonna go down like I always tell you guys if you're working at 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00099-00072000-00072558 a nine-to-five job right now and you don't have the ability to put in 20 hours a week 40 hours a 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00100-00072558-00073464 week 60 hours a week 80 hours a week right if you don't have that time at your disposal the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00101-00073464-00074151 best thing that I recommend that you do is you just take one or two hours a day to work on your 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00102-00074151-00074706 business during a nine-to-five just planning a lot of things but understand if you want to be with 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00103-00074706-00075393 the Elon Musk's of the world that's the type of hours that they're putting in you know you think 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00104-00075393-00076008 about your bill gauge your Warren Buffett's the people that have actually built corporations and 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00105-00076008-00076587 companies that have lasted the test of time right they've put in those hours and even if you're not 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00106-00076587-00077235 trying to be tycoon status don't get it twisted the people that are still running your everyday 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00107-00077235-00078108 mom and pops restaurants cleaners gas stations etc trust me they're getting it in - they're putting 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00108-00078108-00078900 in these level of hours - because you got to put in that effort what I would tell you is you need 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00109-00078900-00080109 to develop consistency okay it can be easy for any one person to put in a 14 hour day or 16 our 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00110-00080109-00080865 day or any one day of the week but was so much more important than just going hard one day of 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00111-00080865-00081717 the week is you actually building the work ethic and building the stamina and the muscles to work 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00112-00081717-00082533 consistently weekend and week out you know one of the things that I talk about inside of my company 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00113-00082533-00083571 is wherever you are be there what I mean when I say wherever you are be there is if you're at work 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00114-00083571-00084570 work if you're not at work don't work but there's so many people in you know today's society in its 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00115-00084570-00085251 modern world that they go to work but they're not really working but then they take a vacation 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00116-00085251-00085848 and they're not really vacationing you know what it's time to come to work they're on social media 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00117-00085848-00086301 they're on their phone and doing all these other things that are distracting them from getting the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00118-00086301-00087180 job done the task at hand but then when it comes to them actually taking time off of work because 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00119-00087180-00087801 of the fact they are so digitally connected to their jobs they're taking phone calls on 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00120-00087801-00088491 vacation they're responding to emails on vacation they're still having to knock out some work even 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00121-00088491-00089061 though they're supposed to be taking time off and disconnecting okay so what I would advise 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00122-00089061-00089862 is this create a system in your life where you can put in whatever level you're trying to get 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00123-00089862-00090669 to in terms of hours on a consistent basis not just a one-time thing not just a one-week thing 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00124-00090669-00091491 not just a one-month thing not even a one-year thing if you're going to be successful in a 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00125-00091491-00092277 business you have to know how to be able to put in effort year after year after year after year 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00126-00092277-00093147 you think LeBron got to an NBA championship off of one year of consistency using that Jordan got 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00127-00093147-00093919 to a championship off of one year of consistency no these guys train for years on in before they 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00128-00093919-00094615 even step foot on an NBA court and they didn't win their championships their rookie years they still 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00129-00094615-00095218 have to put in a lot of effort and adjustments even once they got on that big stage in order 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00130-00095218-00095866 to get the championship you have to do the same thing for your business okay let me talk really 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00131-00095866-00096367 quick about vacations you might be looking at this schedule and getting intimidated feeling 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00132-00096367-00096964 like it's a lot of work and honestly what are things I would tell you is if this feels like a 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00133-00096964-00097687 lot of work like even 60 to 80 hours worth of work if that feels so overwhelming where you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00134-00097687-00098416 just couldn't possibly imagine putting in that many hours either one you're probably not really 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00135-00098416-00099109 an entrepreneur and I would advise how deeply you go down an entrepreneurial path or two you really 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00136-00099109-00099979 haven't found that thing in your life that drives you and motivates you enough to put in those type 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00137-00099979-00100618 of hours and not really notice how much time has gone by in a day you know when I'm doing 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00138-00100618-00101251 these videos a lot of times I gotta be mindful of how much time I spend on camera because I'm 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00139-00101251-00101881 just so comfortable talking about this because I'm passionate about it I'm motivated to be able 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00140-00101881-00102601 to help you succeed that I could spend a lot more time on here than I can really afford because I 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00141-00102601-00103276 enjoy doing it it's not something where it's like you know a real pain in my ass where I'm noticing 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00142-00103276-00103975 every second you got to do the thing that feels like time passing by is easy you know how they 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00143-00103975-00104707 have that saying time flies when you're having fun what is that thing that you get that you can turn 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00144-00104707-00105208 into a business because when you can do that and find that then it won't be any problem putting in 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00145-00105208-00105799 the right amount of hours okay but let's talk about vacation you know I want you to start 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00146-00105799-00106648 thinking about your vacations as an investment rather than a luxury this could honestly be one 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00147-00106648-00107065 of the most of important things that you get out of this video you know one of the most 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00148-00107065-00107914 game-changing books that I ever read was a book called the power of full engagement and society 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00149-00107914-00108679 is so busy just kind of glorifying this hustle culture every single day you gotta be hustling 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00150-00108679-00109525 every second you gotta hustle that nobody ever emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00151-00109525-00110563 going into your work efforts I'm known around my family and friends for going on regular vacations 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00152-00110563-00111333 and the reason why I go on regular vacations is because of exactly what I told you earlier when 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00153-00111333-00112144 I'm at work I'm at work I'm not trying to chat with everybody on Facebook I'm not trying to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00154-00112144-00112807 be always on the phone with people and oh hold in a conversation hey how's it going but I'm at 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00155-00112807-00113377 work pretending like I'm actually working know when I actually get in my zone and I get in a 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00156-00113377-00114186 space to work work is getting done I'm focused on execution and results so by the time that I 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00157-00114186-00115003 get off for work my recovery is important to me when I'm not putting in that 80 hour work shift 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00158-00115003-00115753 I'm focusing on making sure that I'm protecting my energy by going on vacations that will renew me me 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00159-00115753-00116479 personally I love going on cruises I love being in spaces where I can just have quiet time you know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00160-00116479-00117319 and enjoy seeing the world you got to find out what works best for you so treat your vacations 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00161-00117319-00118192 as an investment in your success not as a luxury you know a lot of my mentors that I've seen really 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00162-00118192-00119056 forged great lives typically go on vacations once every six weeks now the problem with that is if 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00163-00119056-00119824 you're at a nine of five most companies in America will only give you two weeks worth of vacation 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00164-00119824-00120711 right and so you do what works for you you know that vacation every other month that's obviously 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00165-00120711-00121311 a target it's not something that's gonna happen tomorrow but if you're not going to even measure 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00166-00121311-00121906 it as a target is it never going to get done right because if it did the things that get measured are 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00167-00121906-00122605 the things that get done okay so start to make a goal and a habit of getting invested in your 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00168-00122605-00123346 recovery last but not least before we close this video out I want you to think about when it's 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00169-00123346-00124129 important to work on your business versus when you need to work in your business you know for 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00170-00124129-00124696 a lot of guys that are watching this video right now you can look at this left side of the screen 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00171-00124696-00125308 and say okay yours aya told me that I need to be working this amount of hours to make this amount 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00172-00125308-00125929 of income so I'm just gonna hustle it and I'm just gonna pound it every single day until it 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00173-00125929-00126510 comes I've got a word of advice for you I've got a warning for you I want you to listen to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00174-00126510-00127483 me on it's real good if all you do every single day is just hustle and pound it for all of the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00175-00127483-00128539 hours that you work you're never going to have time to learn how to get better and be better 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00176-00128539-00129448 with what you're doing with your business every year that I've been in business I've had to put 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00177-00129448-00130308 out a product and see how far that product could take me only to get to the point where I realize 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00178-00130308-00131101 that I now need to create a better product to top the one that I just created because if I just take 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00179-00131101-00131869 this one product this one way of doing things and maybe I didn't know as much then as I know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00180-00131869-00132541 now and I just constantly pounding it constantly hustling it constantly just trying to go out there 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00181-00132541-00133048 go out there go out there go out there breaking my back to make ends meet then what's going to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00182-00133048-00134008 happen is no matter how hard I work I eventually going to hit a ceiling okay I may reach an income 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00183-00134008-00134707 ceiling there's only so much money I'm going to make off of what it is that I'm offering I can 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00184-00134707-00135481 reach an energy ceiling there's only so hard I can really grind away right I'm going to hit 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00185-00135481-00136162 certain plateaus so it's not enough that I just work hard I gotta know how to work some art as 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00186-00136162-00136963 well so that way for every one hour of work that I do the return on that investment of my time is 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00187-00136963-00137812 that much more beneficial see if you only know how to work for $10 an hour where your work only 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00188-00137812-00138487 yields 10 dollars in return I would much rather that you spent time learning how to become worth 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00189-00138487-00139093 a hundred dollars an hour but you're never gonna do it just by brute force alone you have to know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00190-00139093-00139639 the difference sometimes between working on your business working in your business here's another 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00191-00139639-00140485 thing when you're just starting off a business right don't be so obsessed with the working on 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00192-00140485-00141145 part don't think that you've got to be the next Bill Gates it's gotta be like this big board 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00193-00141145-00141721 meeting and you gotta to spend 50 billion hours discussing strategy when you're first building a 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00194-00141721-00142414 business you've got to sell you've got to keep the lights on you've got to make money you've got to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00195-00142414-00143146 be in the thick of things and then once you start making that money once you start figuring out what 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00196-00143146-00143695 works and what doesn't work then that's when you kind of pull back just a little bit and you focus 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00197-00143695-00144400 on getting a little bit more strategic you start focusing on your systems you start focusing on 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00198-00144400-00145060 optimizing your processes okay you start thing a little bit more about your business strategy it's 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00199-00145060-00146041 not just about you grinding it out it's about you thinking your way to success okay so just to recap 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00200-00146041-00146635 all of what we discussed in today's video about how much you should work in order to be successful 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00201-00146635-00147551 none one for starters go off of this formula for figures zero to twenty five figures twenty 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00202-00147551-00148511 to sixty six figures and beyond sixty to eighty hours worth of work per week to put you in the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00203-00148511-00149252 rare air of what you need where you need to be in order to get the success that you desire in terms 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00204-00149252-00149879 of your vacations take time off when you need it don't allow yourself to get burnt down understand 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00205-00149879-00150779 rest and recovery your resting periods are just as important as your work and wherever you are make 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00206-00150779-00151397 sure you're there all in a hundred percent and then understand that for every work shift that 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00207-00151397-00151976 you have you need to know whether you're gonna be focused on working on your business versus working 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00208-00151976-00152834 in your business and only you can control how you invest your time in a day all right so if you want 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00209-00152834-00153641 to know more about how to successfully transition out of your nine-to-five job into becoming a full 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00210-00153641-00154226 time entrepreneur let's say that you've got dreams and visions of taking this thing all 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00211-00154226-00154682 the way you don't want to be at a job you don't want to have a boss that you got to answer to you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00212-00154682-00155186 want to be able to live life on your own terms if that applies to you I want you to click the 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00213-00155186-00155927 link below or tap the card above because I want to be able to show you all for free how to be able to 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00214-00155927-00156812 transition step by step out of your nine-to-five job successfully into your own business you know 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00215-00156812-00157349 there's more than one way to skin a cat yeah you could turn in your two weeks notice right now and 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00216-00157349-00157880 say that you're about to be a business owner but I wouldn't advise that you do that because you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00217-00157880-00158315 got to have some way to be able to put food on the table and if you don't know how to make money on 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00218-00158315-00158933 your own and you just try to crash dive your way into success oh boy it could be a rough road for 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00219-00158933-00159482 you I wouldn't suggest that you do that and that's the reason why I put together this video for you 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00220-00159482-00160142 to show you how to be able to make it as smooth of a transition as possible I want to show you how I 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00221-00160142-00160868 went from being a manager in corporate America that enjoyed the benefits of having the salary 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00222-00160868-00161666 to being a full-time entrepreneur and joined the benefits of working from home traveling the world 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00223-00161666-00162374 and so much more if you want to do the same go to the link below tap the card above and I'll show 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00224-00162374-00162992 you how step by step all for free all right please make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel I'm 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00225-00162992-00163631 doing it for you I'm doing it so that way brothers like yourself can succeed and please share this 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00226-00163631-00164237 video be your brother's keeper don't leave this a secret a nation is only as strong as its weakest 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00227-00164237-00164951 link and man if so many talented creative brothers knew the things that were going over today their 3lyMs-Ig_n0-00228-00164951-00165410 lives could be completely different alright I love y'all I'll talk to you soon take care 3nOKdcu_PaE-00000-00000042-00000304 Welcome to a brief introduction on Gale eBooks, 3nOKdcu_PaE-00001-00000309-00000504 one of the databases available through the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00002-00000504-00000843 Cerro Coso Community College Library. Gale eBooks 3nOKdcu_PaE-00003-00000843-00001095 is, as you might expect, a database that contains 3nOKdcu_PaE-00004-00001095-00001380 eBooks. In this case, it contains over 100 3nOKdcu_PaE-00005-00001380-00001671 reference books and encyclopedias on a variety of 3nOKdcu_PaE-00006-00001671-00002026 subjects. To access the Gale eBooks database, 3nOKdcu_PaE-00007-00002026-00002320 head to the library homepage at cerrocoso.edu/library, 3nOKdcu_PaE-00008-00002323-00002611 click on Databases, then scroll down 3nOKdcu_PaE-00009-00002611-00002841 to see Gale eBooks in the Online Reference Shelf. 3nOKdcu_PaE-00010-00002905-00003130 We won't cover it here, but you can also access 3nOKdcu_PaE-00011-00003130-00003328 Gale eBook titles individually through the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00012-00003328-00003427 library catalog. 3nOKdcu_PaE-00013-00003697-00003956 To access library resources off campus, you'll 3nOKdcu_PaE-00014-00003956-00004136 need to be a current student or employee at 3nOKdcu_PaE-00015-00004136-00004412 Cerro Coso. Then just log in with your college 3nOKdcu_PaE-00016-00004412-00004731 email and password. Once you're in the database, 3nOKdcu_PaE-00017-00004731-00004986 you can see the search box at the top and all the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00018-00004986-00005259 individual eBooks down below. They're grouped by 3nOKdcu_PaE-00019-00005259-00005469 subject, so you can jump straight to one if you 3nOKdcu_PaE-00020-00005469-00005517 need to. 3nOKdcu_PaE-00021-00005751-00005946 For now, let's search for something in the search 3nOKdcu_PaE-00022-00005946-00006356 box. Start with one or two keywords. And as you 3nOKdcu_PaE-00023-00006356-00006584 can see, the database recommends topics as you 3nOKdcu_PaE-00024-00006584-00006872 type. When you're ready, click the magnifying glass 3nOKdcu_PaE-00025-00006872-00007301 to run the search. This pulls up all the articles 3nOKdcu_PaE-00026-00007301-00007472 that mention your keywords across all the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00027-00007472-00007748 different encyclopedias in this database. Look 3nOKdcu_PaE-00028-00007748-00007909 below each title to see the name of the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00029-00007909-00008118 encyclopedia where the article is coming from. 3nOKdcu_PaE-00030-00008165-00008384 This will give you an idea about what that article 3nOKdcu_PaE-00031-00008384-00008767 might focus on. You can also see the publication 3nOKdcu_PaE-00032-00008767-00009001 year, the number of pages and the beginning of the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00033-00009001-00009331 article's first paragraph. Note that you can use 3nOKdcu_PaE-00034-00009331-00009637 the sidebar options to filter your results by 3nOKdcu_PaE-00035-00009637-00010102 subject, document type, and a variety of other 3nOKdcu_PaE-00036-00010102-00010339 options. This can come in handy when you have a 3nOKdcu_PaE-00037-00010339-00010543 lot of results to sort through and you need to 3nOKdcu_PaE-00038-00010543-00010957 narrow it down. Click on a title to see the full 3nOKdcu_PaE-00039-00010957-00011239 text of the article. You can scroll down to read 3nOKdcu_PaE-00040-00011239-00011614 it or you can listen to it. Check out the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00041-00011614-00011845 sidebar to see similar articles and related 3nOKdcu_PaE-00042-00011845-00012160 subjects. The bar at the top features other things 3nOKdcu_PaE-00043-00012160-00012430 that you can do with the article. For example, you 3nOKdcu_PaE-00044-00012430-00012688 can send the article to yourself by email or save 3nOKdcu_PaE-00045-00012688-00013032 it to your Google Drive or OneDrive. You can also 3nOKdcu_PaE-00046-00013032-00013493 download this article. PDFs often preserve 3nOKdcu_PaE-00047-00013493-00013724 the original formatting, which can include page 3nOKdcu_PaE-00048-00013724-00014069 numbers and photographs. The Cite tool is another 3nOKdcu_PaE-00049-00014069-00014399 handy feature. It automatically generates a 3nOKdcu_PaE-00050-00014399-00014777 citation in MLA or APA. These aren't always 3nOKdcu_PaE-00051-00014777-00014957 accurate, though, so you'll want to check the 3nOKdcu_PaE-00052-00014957-00015176 citation before you paste it into your research 3nOKdcu_PaE-00053-00015176-00015561 paper. If you need any help finding articles or 3nOKdcu_PaE-00054-00015561-00015831 using the database, head back to the library page 3nOKdcu_PaE-00055-00015861-00016071 where you can find links to librarian assistance 3nOKdcu_PaE-00056-00016071-00016356 through email, Zoom, chat and more. We look 3nOKdcu_PaE-00057-00016356-00016479 forward to seeing you soon! 4oLzZJfFXeM-00000-00000030-00000244 Follow me on instagram 4oLzZJfFXeM-00001-00000244-00000449 @mr_vishal.27 40SSuTHslBk-00000-00000011-00000673 (beep) 40SSuTHslBk-00001-00003842-00005153 LSF2021 Television Network starts broadcasting 40SSuTHslBk-00003-00010226-00010833 Second program plays 40SSuTHslBk-00004-00010833-00012190 ♪♪♪ 40SSuTHslBk-00005-00012190-00012382 JEA Ad plays (short) 40SSuTHslBk-00006-00012382-00012882 I just want to thank Tim for his Tornado Warning forecast we live in Camden County near 40SSuTHslBk-00007-00012882-00013463 Tarboro he predicted the storm would be here at a certain time and it was we were able to take cover 40SSuTHslBk-00008-00013463-00014040 just in time as a crazy wind rain and Hail came through at the same time we heard the infamous 40SSuTHslBk-00009-00014040-00014586 freight train it was scary thankfully no one was injured although we did have some hail damage 40SSuTHslBk-00010-00014586-00015180 to our home and vehicles and trees uprooted and snapped off with tons of limps to clean up again 40SSuTHslBk-00011-00015180-00015393 we want to say thank you to First Coast. 40SSuTHslBk-00012-00015393-00015713 It's nota jungle but in fact a backyard in Ponte Vedra. 40SSuTHslBk-00013-00015713-00016212 It also happens to be where a bobcat has made it's home plus Mother Nature has her fireworks 40SSuTHslBk-00014-00016212-00016648 going off right now we'll take a look and see what it means through Independence Day next at 5. 40SSuTHslBk-00015-00016872-00017382 First Coast News - La Primera Costa, now inSpanish. Download the First Coast News app today. 40SSuTHslBk-00016-00017439-00018594 ♪♪♪ 40SSuTHslBk-00017-00018779-00019192 Portion of "Be Light" plays 43l1xTt-h94-00000-00000010-00000093 TRANSPORTED TO RED LAKE 43l1xTt-h94-00001-00000093-00000100 TRANSPORTED TO RED LAKE 43l1xTt-h94-00002-00000100-00000236 TRANSPORTED TO RED LAKE DETENTION. 43l1xTt-h94-00003-00000236-00000243 TRANSPORTED TO RED LAKE DETENTION. 43l1xTt-h94-00004-00000243-00000377 TRANSPORTED TO RED LAKE DETENTION. >>> A MAN DRIVING A MOTORCYCLE 43l1xTt-h94-00005-00000377-00000383 DETENTION. >>> A MAN DRIVING A MOTORCYCLE 43l1xTt-h94-00006-00000383-00000527 DETENTION. >>> A MAN DRIVING A MOTORCYCLE WHO WAS FLEEING A MINNESOTA 43l1xTt-h94-00007-00000527-00000533 >>> A MAN DRIVING A MOTORCYCLE WHO WAS FLEEING A MINNESOTA 43l1xTt-h94-00008-00000533-00000693 >>> A MAN DRIVING A MOTORCYCLE WHO WAS FLEEING A MINNESOTA STATE TROOPER WENT OFF ROAD AND 43l1xTt-h94-00009-00000693-00000700 WHO WAS FLEEING A MINNESOTA STATE TROOPER WENT OFF ROAD AND 43l1xTt-h94-00010-00000700-00000877 WHO WAS FLEEING A MINNESOTA STATE TROOPER WENT OFF ROAD AND CRASHED JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI 43l1xTt-h94-00011-00000877-00000884 STATE TROOPER WENT OFF ROAD AND CRASHED JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI 43l1xTt-h94-00012-00000884-00001027 STATE TROOPER WENT OFF ROAD AND CRASHED JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI LAST NIGHT, KILLING A PASSENGER 43l1xTt-h94-00013-00001027-00001034 CRASHED JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI LAST NIGHT, KILLING A PASSENGER 43l1xTt-h94-00014-00001034-00001194 CRASHED JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI LAST NIGHT, KILLING A PASSENGER ON THE MOTORCYCLE. 43l1xTt-h94-00015-00001194-00001201 LAST NIGHT, KILLING A PASSENGER ON THE MOTORCYCLE. 43l1xTt-h94-00016-00001201-00001411 LAST NIGHT, KILLING A PASSENGER ON THE MOTORCYCLE. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL SAYS 43l1xTt-h94-00017-00001411-00001418 ON THE MOTORCYCLE. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL SAYS 43l1xTt-h94-00018-00001418-00001564 ON THE MOTORCYCLE. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL SAYS 34-YEAR-OLD MICHAEL JOSEPH BAHL 43l1xTt-h94-00019-00001564-00001571 THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL SAYS 34-YEAR-OLD MICHAEL JOSEPH BAHL 43l1xTt-h94-00020-00001571-00001714 THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL SAYS 34-YEAR-OLD MICHAEL JOSEPH BAHL OF MAPLEWOOD WAS DRIVING THE 43l1xTt-h94-00021-00001714-00001721 34-YEAR-OLD MICHAEL JOSEPH BAHL OF MAPLEWOOD WAS DRIVING THE 43l1xTt-h94-00022-00001721-00001885 34-YEAR-OLD MICHAEL JOSEPH BAHL OF MAPLEWOOD WAS DRIVING THE SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE. 43l1xTt-h94-00023-00001885-00001891 OF MAPLEWOOD WAS DRIVING THE SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE. 43l1xTt-h94-00024-00001891-00002058 OF MAPLEWOOD WAS DRIVING THE SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE. HIS PASSENGER, 32-YEAR-OLD 43l1xTt-h94-00025-00002058-00002065 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE. HIS PASSENGER, 32-YEAR-OLD 43l1xTt-h94-00026-00002065-00002245 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE. HIS PASSENGER, 32-YEAR-OLD NICOLE ANNETTE HAHN, OF HOWARD 43l1xTt-h94-00027-00002245-00002252 HIS PASSENGER, 32-YEAR-OLD NICOLE ANNETTE HAHN, OF HOWARD 43l1xTt-h94-00028-00002252-00002385 HIS PASSENGER, 32-YEAR-OLD NICOLE ANNETTE HAHN, OF HOWARD LAKE WAS KILLED IN THE CRASH 43l1xTt-h94-00029-00002385-00002392 NICOLE ANNETTE HAHN, OF HOWARD LAKE WAS KILLED IN THE CRASH 43l1xTt-h94-00030-00002392-00002615 NICOLE ANNETTE HAHN, OF HOWARD LAKE WAS KILLED IN THE CRASH THAT HAPPENED ON U.S. 43l1xTt-h94-00031-00002615-00002622 LAKE WAS KILLED IN THE CRASH THAT HAPPENED ON U.S. 43l1xTt-h94-00032-00002622-00002759 LAKE WAS KILLED IN THE CRASH THAT HAPPENED ON U.S. HIGHWAY 89 NEAR MILEPOST 7 IN 43l1xTt-h94-00033-00002759-00002766 THAT HAPPENED ON U.S. HIGHWAY 89 NEAR MILEPOST 7 IN 43l1xTt-h94-00034-00002766-00002906 THAT HAPPENED ON U.S. HIGHWAY 89 NEAR MILEPOST 7 IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. 43l1xTt-h94-00035-00002906-00002912 HIGHWAY 89 NEAR MILEPOST 7 IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. 43l1xTt-h94-00036-00002912-00003069 HIGHWAY 89 NEAR MILEPOST 7 IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. BAHL WAS TRANSPORTED TO SANFORD 43l1xTt-h94-00037-00003069-00003076 BELTRAMI COUNTY. BAHL WAS TRANSPORTED TO SANFORD 43l1xTt-h94-00038-00003076-00003223 BELTRAMI COUNTY. BAHL WAS TRANSPORTED TO SANFORD WEST FARGO IN FARGO, 43l1xTt-h94-00039-00003223-00003229 BAHL WAS TRANSPORTED TO SANFORD WEST FARGO IN FARGO, 43l1xTt-h94-00040-00003229-00003379 BAHL WAS TRANSPORTED TO SANFORD WEST FARGO IN FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA WITH 43l1xTt-h94-00041-00003379-00003386 WEST FARGO IN FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA WITH 43l1xTt-h94-00042-00003386-00003563 WEST FARGO IN FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA WITH LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES. 43l1xTt-h94-00043-00003563-00003570 NORTH DAKOTA WITH LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES. 43l1xTt-h94-00044-00003570-00003740 NORTH DAKOTA WITH LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES. SERGEANT JESSE GRABOW SAID A 43l1xTt-h94-00045-00003740-00003747 LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES. SERGEANT JESSE GRABOW SAID A 43l1xTt-h94-00046-00003747-00003903 LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES. SERGEANT JESSE GRABOW SAID A TROOPER SAW BAHL SPEEDING AND 43l1xTt-h94-00047-00003903-00003910 SERGEANT JESSE GRABOW SAID A TROOPER SAW BAHL SPEEDING AND 43l1xTt-h94-00048-00003910-00004097 SERGEANT JESSE GRABOW SAID A TROOPER SAW BAHL SPEEDING AND CHASED HIM AT HIGH SPEEDS FOR 43l1xTt-h94-00049-00004097-00004104 TROOPER SAW BAHL SPEEDING AND CHASED HIM AT HIGH SPEEDS FOR 43l1xTt-h94-00050-00004104-00004340 TROOPER SAW BAHL SPEEDING AND CHASED HIM AT HIGH SPEEDS FOR TWO MILES BEFORE BAHL CRASHED. 43l1xTt-h94-00051-00004340-00004347 CHASED HIM AT HIGH SPEEDS FOR TWO MILES BEFORE BAHL CRASHED. 43l1xTt-h94-00052-00004347-00004457 CHASED HIM AT HIGH SPEEDS FOR TWO MILES BEFORE BAHL CRASHED. GRABOW SAYS CHARGES ARE PENDING 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00000-00000079-00000293 Thank you for watching candlestick trading video 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00001-00000293-00001011 Late and missed entries candlestick trading It is a common occurrence among Forex traders 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00002-00001011-00001661 to have late entries and even in other cases completely missed entries. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00003-00001661-00002380 Therefore, it is not something new even for traders who use the candlestick trading strategy. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00004-00002380-00002946 A late entry refers to a buy or a sell entry that is made late; 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00005-00002946-00003742 after a certain duration of time has passed since the signal to place an order was generated. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00006-00003742-00004371 On the other hand, a missed entry is a situation where the trader misses to notice the signal 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00007-00004371-00004892 to place an order and comes to realize about it later. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00008-00004892-00005914 In any of the two cases (late and missed entries) when using the candlestick trading, the trader 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00009-00005914-00006162 should avoid opening positions. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00010-00006162-00006770 This mostly applies to the late entries where most traders may be driven 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00011-00006770-00007042 by greed to place an order. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00012-00007042-00007786 If the trader is late to open a position (buy or sell) he or she should shun from placing 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00013-00007786-00008233 any order and wait for another signal to be generated. 4s1Qo5DyQ68-00014-00008233-00008266 Thank you 4s-i7Pxcb20-00000-00000100-00000500 Welcome to the spoken-tutorial on Strings in C and C++ 4s-i7Pxcb20-00001-00000600-00000700 In this tutorial we will learn, 4s-i7Pxcb20-00002-00000800-00000900 What is a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00003-00001000-00001200 Declaration of a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00004-00001300-00001400 Initialization of a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00005-00001500-00001600 Few examples on string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00006-00001700-00002100 We will also see some common errors and their solutions. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00007-00002200-00002400 To record this tutorial, I am using, 4s-i7Pxcb20-00008-00002500-00002800 Ubuntu Operating System version 11.04 4s-i7Pxcb20-00009-00002900-00003400 gcc and g++ Compiler version 4.6.1 . 4s-i7Pxcb20-00010-00003500-00003700 Let us start with the introduction to strings. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00011-00003800-00004300 String is a sequence of characters, that is treated as a single data item. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00012-00004400-00004800 Size of string = length of string + 1 4s-i7Pxcb20-00013-00004900-00005100 Let me tell you how to declare a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00014-00005200-00005400 The syntax for this is 4s-i7Pxcb20-00015-00005500-00005800 char, name of string and size 4s-i7Pxcb20-00016-00005900-00006500 char is the data type, name of the string is the string name, and we can give the size here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00017-00006600-00007200 Eg: here we have declared a character string names with size 10 4s-i7Pxcb20-00018-00007300-00007400 Now we will see an example. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00019-00007500-00007800 I have already typed the program, I will open it. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00020-00007900-00008200 Note that our file name is string.c 4s-i7Pxcb20-00021-00008300-00008800 In this program, we will take a string as an input from the user and print it. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00022-00008900-00009100 Let me explain the code now. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00023-00009200-00009300 These are our header files. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00024-00009400-00010200 Here string.h includes the declarations, functions, constants of string handling utilities. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00025-00010300-00010600 Whenever we work on string functions, we should include this header file. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00026-00010700-00010800 This is our main function. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00027-00010900-00011400 Here we are declaring the string strname with size '30'. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00028-00011500-00011700 Here we are accepting a string from the user. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00029-00011800-00012400 To read a string, we can use scanf() function with format specifier %s 4s-i7Pxcb20-00030-00012500-00013000 We are using the caret sign and \n to include the spaces with the string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00031-00013100-00013200 Then we print the string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00032-00013300-00013500 And this is our return statement. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00033-00013600-00013700 Now click on Save 4s-i7Pxcb20-00034-00013800-00013900 Let us execute the program. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00035-00014000-00014900 Please open the terminal window by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously on your keyboard. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00036-00015000-00015600 To compile, type gcc space string.c space -o space str 4s-i7Pxcb20-00037-00015700-00015900 And press Enter 4s-i7Pxcb20-00038-00016000-00016200 To execute, type ./str 4s-i7Pxcb20-00039-00016300-00016500 now press Enter 4s-i7Pxcb20-00040-00016600-00016800 Here it is displayed as Enter the string . 4s-i7Pxcb20-00041-00016900-00017500 I will type Talk To A Teacher. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00042-00017600-00017700 now press Enter. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00043-00017800-00018200 The output is displayed as The string is Talk To A Teacher 4s-i7Pxcb20-00044-00018300-00018500 Now let us switch back to our slides 4s-i7Pxcb20-00045-00018600-00018900 Until now we discussed about the declaration of a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00046-00019000-00019200 Now we are going to discuss how to initialize the string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00047-00019300-00019500 The syntax for this is 4s-i7Pxcb20-00048-00019600-00019900 char var_name[size] = “string”; 4s-i7Pxcb20-00049-00020000-00020700 Eg: Here we have declared a character string “names”"' with size 10 and the string is “Priya”"' 4s-i7Pxcb20-00050-00020800-00021000 Another syntax is 4s-i7Pxcb20-00051-00021100-00021500 char var_name[ ] = {'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'} within single quotes 4s-i7Pxcb20-00052-00021600-00022100 eg: char names[10] = {'P', 'r', 'i', 'y', 'a'} in single quotes 4s-i7Pxcb20-00053-00022200-00022700 Let me show you how to use the first syntax with an example. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00054-00022800-00023100 Switch back to our Editor. We will use the same example. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00055-00023200-00023700 First, press shift, ctrl and s keys simultaneously on your keyboard 4s-i7Pxcb20-00056-00023800-00024200 Now save the file with the name stringinitialize 4s-i7Pxcb20-00057-00024300-00024500 Now click on Save 4s-i7Pxcb20-00058-00024600-00024700 We are going to initialize the string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00059-00024800-00025000 Hence, at the 5th line, type 4s-i7Pxcb20-00060-00025100-00025900 = and within the double quotes “Spoken- Tutorial”; 4s-i7Pxcb20-00061-00026000-00026100 Now, click on Save 4s-i7Pxcb20-00062-00026200-00026600 Now remove these two lines, as we are only going to print the string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00063-00026700-00026900 Click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00064-00027000-00027100 Let us execute. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00065-00027100-00027200 Come back to our terminal. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00066-00027300-00027400 To compile, type 4s-i7Pxcb20-00067-00027500-00028300 gcc space stringinitialize.c space -o space str2 4s-i7Pxcb20-00068-00028400-00029300 Here we have str2 because we don't want to overwrite the output parameter str for the file string.c 4s-i7Pxcb20-00069-00029400-00029500 Now press Enter. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00070-00029600-00029900 To execute, type ./str2 4s-i7Pxcb20-00071-00030000-00030500 The output is displayed as "The string is Spoken-Tutorial". 4s-i7Pxcb20-00072-00030600-00030800 Now we will see some common errors which we can come across . 4s-i7Pxcb20-00073-00030900-00031000 Come back to our program 4s-i7Pxcb20-00074-00031100-00031500 Suppose here we type the spelling of string as sting 4s-i7Pxcb20-00075-00031600-00031700 Now click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00076-00031800-00031900 Let us execute 4s-i7Pxcb20-00077-00031900-00032000 Come back to our terminal 4s-i7Pxcb20-00078-00032100-00032200 Now compile as before 4s-i7Pxcb20-00079-00032300-00032400 We see an fatal error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00080-00032500-00032700 sting.h: no such file or directory 4s-i7Pxcb20-00081-00032800-00032900 compilation terminated 4s-i7Pxcb20-00082-00033000-00033100 Come back to our program. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00083-00033200-00033800 This is because the compiler is not able to find the header file with the name sting.h 4s-i7Pxcb20-00084-00033900-00034000 Hence it is giving an error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00085-00034100-00034200 Let us fix the error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00086-00034300-00034400 Type r here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00087-00034500-00034520 Now click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00088-00034600-00034640 Let us execute again. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00089-00034700-00034900 Come back to our terminal. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00090-00035000-00035300 Compile as before, execute as before. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00091-00035400-00035500 Yes, it is working! 4s-i7Pxcb20-00092-00035600-00035800 Now, let us see another common error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00093-00035900-00036100 Come back to our program. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00094-00036200-00036500 Suppose, here, I will type int in place of char. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00095-00036600-00036633 Now, click on Save . 4s-i7Pxcb20-00096-00036700-00036800 Let us see what happens. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00097-00036900-00037000 Come back to our terminal. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00098-00037100-00037400 Let me clear the prompt. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00099-00037500-00037600 Compile as before. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00100-00037700-00037800 We see an error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00101-00037900-00038300 Wide character array initialized from non-wide string 4s-i7Pxcb20-00102-00038400-00039100 format&#160;%s expects argument of type 'char, ' but argument 2 has type 'int' 4s-i7Pxcb20-00103-00039200-00039500 Come back to our program. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00104-00039600-00040100 This is because we used %s as the format specifier for string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00105-00040200-00040600 And we are initializing it with an integer data type 4s-i7Pxcb20-00106-00040700-00040800 Let us fix the error. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00107-00040900-00041000 Type char here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00108-00041100-00041200 Click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00109-00041300-00041500 Let us execute. Come back to our terminal. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00110-00041600-00041900 Compile as before, execute as before. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00111-00042000-00042200 Yes it is working! 4s-i7Pxcb20-00112-00042300-00042700 Now we will see how to execute the same program in C++ 4s-i7Pxcb20-00113-00042800-00043000 Come back to our program. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00114-00043100-00043400 Let me open our file string.c 4s-i7Pxcb20-00115-00043500-00043700 We will edit the code here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00116-00043800-00044400 First, press shift, ctrl and S key simultaneously on your keyboard. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00117-00044500-00044800 Now save the file with an extension .cpp 4s-i7Pxcb20-00118-00044900-00045200 and click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00119-00045300-00045700 Now we will change the header file as iostream. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00120-00045800-00046200 Include the using statement. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00121-00046300-00046600 Now click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00122-00046700-00046900 Now we will delete this declaration. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00123-00047000-00047200 And will declare a string variable. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00124-00047300-00047800 Type string space strname and a semicolon 4s-i7Pxcb20-00125-00047900-00048100 Click on Save. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00126-00048200-00048600 Replace the printf statement with the cout statement. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00127-00048700-00049000 Delete the closing bracket here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00128-00049100-00050300 Delete the scanf statement and type getline opening bracket closing bracket within the brackets type(cin, strname) 4s-i7Pxcb20-00129-00050400-00050700 At the end, type a semicolon. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00130-00050800-00051500 Now again, replace the printf statement with the cout statement. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00131-00051600-00051900 Delete the format specifier and \n 4s-i7Pxcb20-00132-00052000-00052100 Now delete the comma 4s-i7Pxcb20-00133-00052200-00052800 Type two opening angle brackets, delete the bracket here. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00134-00052900-00053300 Type two opening angle brackets and within the double quotes type \n 4s-i7Pxcb20-00135-00053400-00053700 And click on Save 4s-i7Pxcb20-00136-00053800-00054200 Here we have declared a string variable 'strname' 4s-i7Pxcb20-00137-00054300-00055200 Since we do not use the format specifier in C++, the compiler should know that strname is a string variable. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00138-00055300-00055700 Here we use getline to extract the characters from the input sequence. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00139-00055800-00056100 It stores them as a string. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00140-00056200-00056600 Now let us execute the program. Come back to our terminal. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00141-00056700-00056900 Let me clear the prompt. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00142-00057000-00057100 To compile, type 4s-i7Pxcb20-00143-00057200-00057800 g++ space string.cpp space -o space str3 4s-i7Pxcb20-00144-00057900-00058000 and press Enter. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00145-00058100-00058500 To execute, type ./str3 4s-i7Pxcb20-00146-00058600-00058700 Press Enter. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00147-00058700-00058900 It is displayed as Enter the string 4s-i7Pxcb20-00148-00059000-00059400 I will enter as Talk To A Teacher 4s-i7Pxcb20-00149-00059500-00059600 Now press Enter 4s-i7Pxcb20-00150-00059700-00059800 The output is displayed as 4s-i7Pxcb20-00151-00059900-00060200 ' "The string is Talk To A Teacher "' 4s-i7Pxcb20-00152-00060300-00060600 We can see that the output is similar to our C code. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00153-00060700-00060900 Now come back to our slides. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00154-00061000-00061006 Let us summarize 4s-i7Pxcb20-00155-00061100-00061200 In this tutorial we learnt 4s-i7Pxcb20-00156-00061300-00061400 Strings 4s-i7Pxcb20-00157-00061400-00061500 Declaration of a string 4s-i7Pxcb20-00158-00061600-00061900 eg: char strname[30] 4s-i7Pxcb20-00159-00062000-00062073 Initialization of a string 4s-i7Pxcb20-00160-00062100-00062500 eg: char strname[30] = “Talk To A Teacher” 4s-i7Pxcb20-00161-00062600-00062700 As an assignment 4s-i7Pxcb20-00162-00062800-00063300 Write a program to print a string using the 2nd syntax 4s-i7Pxcb20-00163-00063400-00063600 Watch the video available at the link shown below 4s-i7Pxcb20-00164-00063700-00063900 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project 4s-i7Pxcb20-00165-00064000-00064300 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it 4s-i7Pxcb20-00166-00064400-00064500 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team 4s-i7Pxcb20-00167-00064600-00064800 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials 4s-i7Pxcb20-00168-00064900-00065300 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test 4s-i7Pxcb20-00169-00065400-00066000 For more details, please write to, contact@spoken-tutorial.org 4s-i7Pxcb20-00170-00066100-00066300 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of Talk to a Teacher project 4s-i7Pxcb20-00171-00066400-00067100 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India 4s-i7Pxcb20-00172-00067200-00067500 More information on this Mission is available at the link shown below 4s-i7Pxcb20-00173-00067600-00067900 This is Ashwini Patil from IIT Bombay signing off. 4s-i7Pxcb20-00174-00068000-00068500 Thank You for watching. 4sXPOivLzAo-00000-00000006-00000552 hello David Diga Hernandez here I want to encourage you to watch this edition 4sXPOivLzAo-00001-00000552-00000984 of spirit church all the way through don't skip anything I want you to watch 4sXPOivLzAo-00002-00000984-00001365 until the very end there's a very special ministry update that I want you 4sXPOivLzAo-00003-00001365-00001800 to see maybe you've watched these videos all the time and you've never watched 4sXPOivLzAo-00004-00001800-00002088 until the end I want you to watch until the end there's an update at the end I 4sXPOivLzAo-00005-00002088-00002527 want to give to you god bless you enjoy the program 4sXPOivLzAo-00006-00003507-00003846 I'm continuing my series seven trials of the called 4sXPOivLzAo-00007-00003846-00004039 and on this edition of spirit 4sXPOivLzAo-00008-00004039-00004489 church here on encounter TV I'm going to be talking to you about the tests that 4sXPOivLzAo-00009-00004489-00004921 is probably the most difficult to pass because most people who are in this 4sXPOivLzAo-00010-00004921-00005476 season don't even realize that it's a test when it comes to the other tests 4sXPOivLzAo-00011-00005476-00005946 like discouragement or faithfulness it's easy to see that we're in a trial it's 4sXPOivLzAo-00012-00005946-00006436 easy to see that our faith is being tested because we sense the resistance 4sXPOivLzAo-00013-00006436-00006883 but in this area and I want to talk to you ministers I want to talk to every 4sXPOivLzAo-00014-00006883-00007350 single one of you who feels called this is so important that you get this this 4sXPOivLzAo-00015-00007350-00007900 test you may not even realize you're taking this is the test of blessings 4sXPOivLzAo-00016-00007900-00008242 that's what I'm talking about here on this edition of spirit church here on 4sXPOivLzAo-00017-00008242-00008644 encounter TV first Stephen Moctezuma is here he's going to lead you in some 4sXPOivLzAo-00018-00008644-00009019 worship and then we're gonna get right back into this lesson here is Steven 4sXPOivLzAo-00019-00009019-00010207 Moctezuma in Jesus is here 4sXPOivLzAo-00020-00010250-00011618 Everything I need is here 4sXPOivLzAo-00021-00013000-00014006 oh Jesus is here 4sXPOivLzAo-00022-00016530-00016580 I worship You 4sXPOivLzAo-00023-00018356-00018648 and 4sXPOivLzAo-00024-00019640-00020899 oh wow 4sXPOivLzAo-00025-00020945-00021580 you oh gee 4sXPOivLzAo-00026-00021580-00022320 Jesus's 4sXPOivLzAo-00027-00022320-00022598 god 4sXPOivLzAo-00028-00022601-00023643 is he 4sXPOivLzAo-00029-00023658-00024469 Jesus issue 4sXPOivLzAo-00030-00024469-00025706 guide me 4sXPOivLzAo-00031-00026062-00026651 so in my series I've been paralleling this message to the story of Joseph well 4sXPOivLzAo-00032-00026651-00027058 at the same time telling you my story in the ministry I know many of you have 4sXPOivLzAo-00033-00027058-00027338 been writing to me saying you're encouraged by what you're hearing 4sXPOivLzAo-00034-00027338-00027785 because it's really lifting your spirits to know that this didn't happen 4sXPOivLzAo-00035-00027785-00028076 overnight this ministry didn't just pop up out of nowhere that there was a 4sXPOivLzAo-00036-00028076-00028414 process to this and while we're still growing and we don't think that we've 4sXPOivLzAo-00037-00028414-00028922 achieved any plateau yet we still got lots to do I do believe that there are 4sXPOivLzAo-00038-00028922-00029354 some truths that I could help offer and so I also found some truths in the life 4sXPOivLzAo-00039-00029354-00029741 of Joseph and you're gonna find this lesson to be a little bit different than 4sXPOivLzAo-00040-00029741-00030062 the others because as I said this test most people don't even realize they're 4sXPOivLzAo-00041-00030062-00030508 taking so go to Genesis chapter 39 I'm gonna read to you just a few verses 4sXPOivLzAo-00042-00030508-00030905 about about a dozen or so verses here and we're gonna begin reading at verse 4sXPOivLzAo-00043-00030905-00031355 number five and we're gonna pick up the story with Joseph this is after he's 4sXPOivLzAo-00044-00031355-00031742 been sold into slavery by his brothers after he's been faithful in the house of 4sXPOivLzAo-00045-00031742-00032075 Potiphar remember we talked about faithfulness being consistency with 4sXPOivLzAo-00046-00032075-00032681 excellence and not just consistency with apathy so Genesis chapter 39 and you're 4sXPOivLzAo-00047-00032681-00032894 gonna love this one it's gonna challenge you it's gonna get 4sXPOivLzAo-00048-00032894-00033560 right to the core I promise so Genesis 39 verse 5 from the day Joseph was put 4sXPOivLzAo-00049-00033560-00033962 in charge of his master's household and property the Lord began to bless 4sXPOivLzAo-00050-00033962-00034436 Potiphar's household for Joseph's sake so just the very fact that Joseph is 4sXPOivLzAo-00051-00034436-00035036 there is enough for the Lord to bless Potiphar so now Potiphar is reaping the 4sXPOivLzAo-00052-00035036-00035507 benefits of having Joseph's favour the favor of God that's on Joseph in his 4sXPOivLzAo-00053-00035507-00035972 household and so Joseph is being faithful to the call he's being faithful 4sXPOivLzAo-00054-00035972-00036443 to what he knows is right he's continuing it with excellence and so the 4sXPOivLzAo-00055-00036443-00036890 scripture says all his household affairs round smoothly and his crops and 4sXPOivLzAo-00056-00036890-00037220 livestock flourish that's just supernatural that's outside of man's 4sXPOivLzAo-00057-00037220-00037892 control verse 6 so Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility 4sXPOivLzAo-00058-00037892-00038486 over everything he owned with Joseph there he didn't worry about a thing 4sXPOivLzAo-00059-00038486-00038951 except what kind of food to eat so basically Joseph comes in he 4sXPOivLzAo-00060-00038951-00039200 administrates everything he takes care of the 4sXPOivLzAo-00061-00039200-00039602 with such excellence with such quality with such accuracy that Potiphar doesn't 4sXPOivLzAo-00062-00039602-00039989 have to worry about a thing everything runs smoothly so the scripture tells us 4sXPOivLzAo-00063-00039989-00040522 that Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man and Potiphar's wife 4sXPOivLzAo-00064-00040522-00041090 soon began to look at him lustfully come and sleep with me she demanded she's 4sXPOivLzAo-00065-00041090-00041651 being very direct as you can see but Joseph refused look he told her my 4sXPOivLzAo-00066-00041651-00042239 master trusts me with everything in this entire household no one here has more 4sXPOivLzAo-00067-00042239-00042740 authority than I do he has held back nothing from me except you because you 4sXPOivLzAo-00068-00042740-00043319 are his wife how could I do such a wicked thing it would be a great sin 4sXPOivLzAo-00069-00043319-00043961 against God now what's interesting here is that Joseph is in a place of 4sXPOivLzAo-00070-00043961-00044635 blessings now this is where many people begin to settle in their walk with God 4sXPOivLzAo-00071-00044635-00045221 Trials produce the desire to do better but comfort and blessings at times can 4sXPOivLzAo-00072-00045221-00045707 be more dangerous because they can produce in us apathy and they can take 4sXPOivLzAo-00073-00045707-00046214 away the hunger they can take away the drive they can take away that desire to 4sXPOivLzAo-00074-00046214-00046730 push for more and do more and be more for the glory of God so Joseph finds 4sXPOivLzAo-00075-00046730-00047081 himself in the house of Potiphar now here's what I would be thinking if I was 4sXPOivLzAo-00076-00047081-00047429 Joseph not in the situation with Potiphar's wife just in the situation of 4sXPOivLzAo-00077-00047429-00047924 being a ruler over Potiphar's house just in the situation of being in charge of 4sXPOivLzAo-00078-00047924-00048458 so many things I would have thought if I was Joseph that the dream that I dreamt 4sXPOivLzAo-00079-00048458-00049046 in my father's house had come to pass now many people do mistake the blessings 4sXPOivLzAo-00080-00049046-00049556 of God for the destination that he asked for them now you who are called by God 4sXPOivLzAo-00081-00049556-00050174 please remember this there is no more dangerous season for you spiritually 4sXPOivLzAo-00082-00050174-00050645 than in the season of blessings then where everything runs smoothly where 4sXPOivLzAo-00083-00050645-00051170 everything is in order where you have enough because it's in that season that 4sXPOivLzAo-00084-00051170-00051620 you become tempted to stop seeking God that your prayers aren't as fervent 4sXPOivLzAo-00085-00051620-00052117 because you're not as desperate and yes God wants to bless you yes God wants to 4sXPOivLzAo-00086-00052117-00052508 allow you to experience seasons of rest and abundance because even 4sXPOivLzAo-00087-00052508-00052904 Paul the Apostle said I've learned how to live a base and abound he talked 4sXPOivLzAo-00088-00052904-00053399 about living in little living in lack and living with much an abundance and 4sXPOivLzAo-00089-00053399-00053834 prosperity so well prosperity is at the central message of the gospel I don't 4sXPOivLzAo-00090-00053834-00054278 believe in the prosperity gospel as it's been defined to mean that everything is 4sXPOivLzAo-00091-00054278-00054730 replaced by the pursuit of riches but I do believe God wants to bless you now 4sXPOivLzAo-00092-00054730-00055226 here as it goes with Joseph we see that he's here in Potiphar's house he's 4sXPOivLzAo-00093-00055226-00055603 blessed he has authority remember his dream was that people would bow to him 4sXPOivLzAo-00094-00055603-00056116 maybe he could have thought here I've arrived there's no more to obtain 4sXPOivLzAo-00095-00056116-00056561 everything I've dreamt of has finally come to pass and here's the problem many 4sXPOivLzAo-00096-00056561-00057053 believers get stuck in this season because they want to settle for what is 4sXPOivLzAo-00097-00057053-00057671 comfortable they refuse to receive from God what is better because they want to 4sXPOivLzAo-00098-00057671-00058328 settle for what is immediate they never end up receiving from God what is the 4sXPOivLzAo-00099-00058328-00058891 fullness that he has for them the scripture goes on to say in verse 10 she 4sXPOivLzAo-00100-00058891-00059357 kept putting pressure on Joseph day after day but he refused to sleep with 4sXPOivLzAo-00101-00059357-00059837 her and he kept out of her way as much as possible so he didn't go looking for 4sXPOivLzAo-00102-00059837-00060140 a temptation here's the problem with most Christians they say lord help me 4sXPOivLzAo-00103-00060140-00060689 when I'm tempted but Jesus said to pray lead me not into temptation don't put 4sXPOivLzAo-00104-00060689-00060989 yourself in tempting places and then say lord help me 4sXPOivLzAo-00105-00060989-00061429 flee from temptation lead us not into temptation not help me when I place 4sXPOivLzAo-00106-00061429-00061985 myself in tempting situations verse number 11 one day however no one else 4sXPOivLzAo-00107-00061985-00062491 was around when he went in to do his work she came and grabbed him by his 4sXPOivLzAo-00108-00062491-00063074 cloak demanding come on sleep with me Joseph tore himself away but he left his 4sXPOivLzAo-00109-00063074-00063632 cloak in her hand as he ran from the house when she saw that she was holding 4sXPOivLzAo-00110-00063632-00064151 his cloak and he had fled she called out to her servants soon all the men came 4sXPOivLzAo-00111-00064151-00064661 running look she said my husband has brought this Hebrew slave here to make 4sXPOivLzAo-00112-00064661-00065341 fools of us he came into my room to rape me but I screamed when he heard me 4sXPOivLzAo-00113-00065341-00065897 scream he ran outside and got away but he left his cloak behind with me 4sXPOivLzAo-00114-00065897-00066380 now preachers pastors ministers this is one reason why you should never one of 4sXPOivLzAo-00115-00066380-00066758 the many reasons why you should never be alone with someone from the opposite sex 4sXPOivLzAo-00116-00066758-00067355 who is not your spouse because of the possibility of accusation it doesn't 4sXPOivLzAo-00117-00067355-00067751 even take a real sin to lose your reputation it can just take an 4sXPOivLzAo-00118-00067751-00068162 accusation to cost you your reputation and so long as you have witnesses around 4sXPOivLzAo-00119-00068162-00068597 they can never really say anything about you but staying on the point now we see 4sXPOivLzAo-00120-00068597-00068987 that Joseph was tempted in the place of blessings and this is the place where 4sXPOivLzAo-00121-00068987-00069398 temptation will come when you are walking in the blessing of God when you 4sXPOivLzAo-00122-00069398-00069827 are walking in the abundance that he has ordained for you to walk in that is the 4sXPOivLzAo-00123-00069827-00070282 place where temptation comes that is the place where we get spiritually lazy 4sXPOivLzAo-00124-00070282-00070745 spiritually relax our guard begins to go down we don't need faith in this season 4sXPOivLzAo-00125-00070745-00071087 why because everything we've prayed for has already come to pass and now you're 4sXPOivLzAo-00126-00071087-00071423 not relying on God you're relying on the systems you're not relying on God you're 4sXPOivLzAo-00127-00071423-00071705 relying on everything that you have you're not relying on God you're relying 4sXPOivLzAo-00128-00071705-00072113 on the blessings in the material game that you have the season of blessings is 4sXPOivLzAo-00129-00072113-00072658 very dangerous because many Christians stop there but Joseph refused to settle 4sXPOivLzAo-00130-00072658-00073232 Joseph refused to settle in the temptations of blessings and he moved 4sXPOivLzAo-00131-00073232-00073838 forward he continued to do right and he resist the temptation from Potiphar's 4sXPOivLzAo-00132-00073838-00074231 wife and here's what happens he gets accused of doing something that he 4sXPOivLzAo-00133-00074231-00074774 didn't do and so what happens in the scripture the scripture goes on to say 4sXPOivLzAo-00134-00074774-00075328 in verse number 16 she kept the cloak with her until her husband came home 4sXPOivLzAo-00135-00075328-00075860 then she told him her story that Hebrew slave you brought into our house tried 4sXPOivLzAo-00136-00075860-00076268 to come in and fool around with me she said when I screamed he ran outside 4sXPOivLzAo-00137-00076268-00076772 leaving his cloak with me Potiphar was furious when he heard his wife's story 4sXPOivLzAo-00138-00076772-00077174 about how Joseph had treated her so he took Joseph and threw him into the 4sXPOivLzAo-00139-00077174-00077833 prison where the Kings prisoners were held and there he remained now I know 4sXPOivLzAo-00140-00077833-00078317 the scripture says that Potiphar was angry he may have been angry upon first 4sXPOivLzAo-00141-00078317-00078812 hearing this story but I think that have part of her really thought that Joseph 4sXPOivLzAo-00142-00078812-00079055 had tried to rape his wife that he would have had him killed 4sXPOivLzAo-00143-00079055-00079574 I am inclined to think that part part of Potiphar 4sXPOivLzAo-00144-00079574-00080320 believed Joseph's story nevertheless Joseph is thrown into prison what do you 4sXPOivLzAo-00145-00080320-00081179 do when the right decision seems to put you in the wrong place what do you do in 4sXPOivLzAo-00146-00081179-00081623 the decision that you make strips away from you the blessings that God has 4sXPOivLzAo-00147-00081623-00082145 given to you I think of Abraham and Isaac Abraham was willing to give what 4sXPOivLzAo-00148-00082145-00082580 he knew God had promised to him in obedience to God and God tested his 4sXPOivLzAo-00149-00082580-00083102 faith in that way I think of the parable of the talents where people were given 4sXPOivLzAo-00150-00083102-00083732 by the master who represents God they were given certain things to invest one 4sXPOivLzAo-00151-00083732-00084176 servant who was wicked lazy was afraid of losing it was afraid of being judged 4sXPOivLzAo-00152-00084176-00084533 for how he used the talent to the point that he didn't do anything with it so he 4sXPOivLzAo-00153-00084533-00084929 got lazy and many people do that in the season of blessings they don't want to 4sXPOivLzAo-00154-00084929-00085258 mess up all of the things that they have going they don't want to mess up their 4sXPOivLzAo-00155-00085258-00085607 system they don't want to mess up how everything is running so smoothly and 4sXPOivLzAo-00156-00085607-00086186 because of that they stay stagnant and if you are not growing than you are 4sXPOivLzAo-00157-00086186-00086744 stagnating so ministries lose momentum ministries lose influence ministries 4sXPOivLzAo-00158-00086744-00087188 start to shrink the moment they settle for the blessings that God has given to 4sXPOivLzAo-00159-00087188-00087557 them I've talked to ministries ministry leaders who were in charge of mega 4sXPOivLzAo-00160-00087557-00087989 ministries many of them say it was when the blessings started to come that waste 4sXPOivLzAo-00161-00087989-00088357 started to come in that laziness argument that's when things first 4sXPOivLzAo-00162-00088357-00088769 started to fall apart we cannot be this way we have to be 4sXPOivLzAo-00163-00088769-00089126 people who will say Lord even in the season of blessings I'm gonna obey you 4sXPOivLzAo-00164-00089126-00089447 even in the season of blessings I'm gonna take steps of face so this is what 4sXPOivLzAo-00165-00089447-00089774 happened with me remember I told you that after faithfulness years of 4sXPOivLzAo-00166-00089774-00090113 faithfulness that suddenly and this was last week I talked about suddenly there 4sXPOivLzAo-00167-00090113-00090650 was this move of God and I talked about the many times that God moved just in 4sXPOivLzAo-00168-00090650-00091004 response to our faithfulness we didn't do anything different we just stood 4sXPOivLzAo-00169-00091004-00091472 faithful and God took our faithfulness met it with opportunity and blessed it 4sXPOivLzAo-00170-00091472-00091927 and there was sudden growth so over time and ministry you will experience a 4sXPOivLzAo-00171-00091927-00092405 gradual growth and that gradual growth will ever so often spike to become 4sXPOivLzAo-00172-00092405-00092951 multiplied growth a sign of God's is multiplication so you will go through 4sXPOivLzAo-00173-00092951-00093404 growth that is addition until you hit certain seasons in your life where God 4sXPOivLzAo-00174-00093404-00093860 will suddenly multiply you and only he can decide when those times are so at 4sXPOivLzAo-00175-00093860-00094199 one of the earlier growth spurts that our ministry had experienced the Lord 4sXPOivLzAo-00176-00094199-00094934 challenged me to give away all my TV equipment now I could have been stubborn 4sXPOivLzAo-00177-00094934-00095282 and said well I I think that's foolish I don't think that's the Lord I have to 4sXPOivLzAo-00178-00095282-00095591 keep this because and then when we get the next set of equipment then I'll go 4sXPOivLzAo-00179-00095591-00095942 ahead and do it I could have said that and it would have been foolish to do 4sXPOivLzAo-00180-00095942-00096461 that had God not spoken it but here's the difference you want to know the 4sXPOivLzAo-00181-00096461-00096872 differences in faith and foolishness the only difference between faith and 4sXPOivLzAo-00182-00096872-00097328 foolishness is whether or not God has spoken if God truly has spoken and you 4sXPOivLzAo-00183-00097328-00097721 know his voice you have to step out and do it and so this is what happened with 4sXPOivLzAo-00184-00097721-00098075 the camera equipment we remember we were on cable we were doing okay on the 4sXPOivLzAo-00185-00098075-00098435 internet we just started to see some momentum there was some growth there was 4sXPOivLzAo-00186-00098435-00099071 some finances coming and then the Lord says give it all away I said Lord this 4sXPOivLzAo-00187-00099071-00099650 is difficult and if I'm being honest with you my faith was challenged my face 4sXPOivLzAo-00188-00099650-00100343 was being stretched it did not come easy for me and it rarely ever does but had I 4sXPOivLzAo-00189-00100343-00101063 held on to that equipment and I had had I had kept my grip strong over the 4sXPOivLzAo-00190-00101063-00101426 things that I felt was giving blessing to the ministry I would have shown God 4sXPOivLzAo-00191-00101426-00102014 that my trust was in what he gave to me and not in him the season of blessings 4sXPOivLzAo-00192-00102014-00102602 the test of blessings you see nobody is above the challenge of 4sXPOivLzAo-00193-00102602-00103142 the call I don't care how big you get how blessed you get you're not above the 4sXPOivLzAo-00194-00103142-00103691 challenge of the call I'll say this again I've said this in the series if 4sXPOivLzAo-00195-00103691-00104240 where you are doesn't require faith you're not in the will of God God will 4sXPOivLzAo-00196-00104240-00104794 always challenge your faith now you may make that decision I made that decision 4sXPOivLzAo-00197-00104794-00105281 tonight I gave up that camera equipment Joseph made the decision and resisted 4sXPOivLzAo-00198-00105281-00105742 the temptation he ended up in prison for doing the right thing I ended up very 4sXPOivLzAo-00199-00105742-00105980 stressed out for doing the right thing sometimes 4sXPOivLzAo-00200-00105980-00106620 you do the right thing the blessings for don't come right away God's testing you 4sXPOivLzAo-00201-00106620-00106991 he wants to know did you do this because you love me and because you want to obey 4sXPOivLzAo-00202-00106991-00107399 me or did you do this because you thought you'd get more out of it I told 4sXPOivLzAo-00203-00107399-00107792 you this would go right to the core this is gonna challenge your motives it's 4sXPOivLzAo-00204-00107792-00108214 gonna challenge why you do what you do 4sXPOivLzAo-00205-00108257-00108959 God will challenge you in this way what if the dreams as you imagine them don't 4sXPOivLzAo-00206-00108959-00109458 come to pass will you still love God what if he has something planned for you 4sXPOivLzAo-00207-00109458-00109859 to do that isn't according to your plans will you still love him what if he 4sXPOivLzAo-00208-00109859-00110452 requires to give up things that he has given to you to get to the next place 4sXPOivLzAo-00209-00110452-00110939 will you still obey this is the question I had to answer this is the question 4sXPOivLzAo-00210-00110939-00111251 Joseph had to answer this question you'll have to answer what do you do 4sXPOivLzAo-00211-00111251-00111749 with the blessings that God tells you to surrender what do you do with the 4sXPOivLzAo-00212-00111749-00112388 abundance that God tells you to place on the altar until you've placed on the 4sXPOivLzAo-00213-00112388-00112947 altar the blessings God cannot promote you to the next place of ministry now 4sXPOivLzAo-00214-00112947-00113445 here's the interesting thing is that Joseph ends up in prison his promotion 4sXPOivLzAo-00215-00113445-00114057 was prison you see what looks like a demotion in the natural is actually a 4sXPOivLzAo-00216-00114057-00114570 promotion in the spiritual when you've obeyed God in the natural they could 4sXPOivLzAo-00217-00114570-00114983 have looked at Joseph's life and they could have said that's a step backwards 4sXPOivLzAo-00218-00114983-00115664 not forward but in the spirit God knew that it was going to the prison that set 4sXPOivLzAo-00219-00115664-00116315 him up to move to the palace so where are you are you so blessed that you can 4sXPOivLzAo-00220-00116315-00117099 no longer sacrifice have you paid your dues and become above stepping out in 4sXPOivLzAo-00221-00117099-00118028 faith or are you ready to go to the next level of ministry pass this test be 4sXPOivLzAo-00222-00118028-00118555 ready to give what God tells you to give even if it means giving what he gave you 4sXPOivLzAo-00223-00118555-00119120 he's testing your heart after I gave that equipment that was the seed 4sXPOivLzAo-00224-00119120-00119853 remember this the seed is never the harvest it's the 4sXPOivLzAo-00225-00119853-00120438 beginning of the harvest if what you have is not enough that's not your 4sXPOivLzAo-00226-00120438-00121089 harvest that's your seed that camera equipment I had was enough to do local 4sXPOivLzAo-00227-00121089-00121491 cable and some internet broadcasts but it wasn't enough to take us national and 4sXPOivLzAo-00228-00121491-00122316 international it was a seed of what was to come it was a smaller portion of what 4sXPOivLzAo-00229-00122316-00122940 was to come what do you have you have a seed a form of what is to come 4sXPOivLzAo-00230-00122940-00123536 God wants to know will you give that to him and I'm not talking about just 4sXPOivLzAo-00231-00123536-00123981 giving away material things I'm talking about living in the posture of surrender 4sXPOivLzAo-00232-00123981-00124767 and willingness to leave anything at any time when he tells you and that will do 4sXPOivLzAo-00233-00124767-00125210 it for this lesson I want to pray for you now I want to pray that God would so 4sXPOivLzAo-00234-00125210-00125889 stir your heart that you wouldn't be trapped by the blessings that you would 4sXPOivLzAo-00235-00125889-00126596 surrender them remember blessings are not a reward they are a responsibility 4sXPOivLzAo-00236-00126596-00127109 God has given you resource God has given you influence God has given you ministry 4sXPOivLzAo-00237-00127109-00127575 and leadership platform not so that you can make your own name great not so that 4sXPOivLzAo-00238-00127575-00128057 you can make yourself important so that you can do something for the kingdom the 4sXPOivLzAo-00239-00128057-00128604 question is what's next and are you willing to leave the comfort of what is 4sXPOivLzAo-00240-00128604-00129072 now for what is the destiny of God father I 4sXPOivLzAo-00241-00129072-00129558 thank you for that one watching and I pray for everyone who receives this 4sXPOivLzAo-00242-00129558-00130176 prayer now and I ask Lord that you would help us to identify the things in our 4sXPOivLzAo-00243-00130176-00130845 lives that we cling to more tightly than we do to you Lord father we want to live 4sXPOivLzAo-00244-00130845-00131426 with open hands saying to you whatever it is that you require we will give it 4sXPOivLzAo-00245-00131426-00131997 help us father to pass the test of blessings forgive us if we haven't been 4sXPOivLzAo-00246-00131997-00132611 doing so and I thank you father for the anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing now 4sXPOivLzAo-00247-00132611-00133532 and I thank you Lord our pastors watching your repenting right now I 4sXPOivLzAo-00248-00133532-00134037 thank you Lord for that humility thank you Father 4sXPOivLzAo-00249-00134037-00134607 in Jesus name we pray I want you to say it if you agree you know I feel led I'm 4sXPOivLzAo-00250-00134607-00134883 gonna go a little over the time because I feel led to do this I want to pray for 4sXPOivLzAo-00251-00134883-00135270 healing those are you're watching believing for your miracle I want to 4sXPOivLzAo-00252-00135270-00135507 pray for your healing right now come on stretch your hands toward mine let's 4sXPOivLzAo-00253-00135507-00136175 believe father in Jesus name I pray for that one agreeing for their healing and 4sXPOivLzAo-00254-00136175-00136845 I pray in the name of Jesus that you would remove every sickness and make 4sXPOivLzAo-00255-00136845-00137559 your people whole Lourdes because of the promises that you've you've spoken that 4sXPOivLzAo-00256-00137559-00137976 we can claim our healing and I pray now Lord there's a heart 4sXPOivLzAo-00257-00137976-00138461 condition someone with heart palpitations like a heart murmur I 4sXPOivLzAo-00258-00138461-00138772 sensed the Lord's healing someone with the heart murmur and go back to your 4sXPOivLzAo-00259-00138772-00139140 doctor have him check you I believe God's healing you father I thank you 4sXPOivLzAo-00260-00139140-00139648 Lord in Jesus name in fact even as you were watching me you 4sXPOivLzAo-00261-00139648-00140197 you your heart started to skip but now you feel the power of God on you and 4sXPOivLzAo-00262-00140197-00140592 God's healing you I want you to go to your doctor happen check you and I 4sXPOivLzAo-00263-00140592-00141117 believe God's making you whole father in Jesus name we pray for healing in in the 4sXPOivLzAo-00264-00141117-00141516 bones in the skeletal system Lord a nervous system 4sXPOivLzAo-00265-00141516-00142128 I command brains and eyes and ears and mouths and arms and legs to be made 4sXPOivLzAo-00266-00142128-00142605 whole in the name of Jesus I thank you for this healing anointing that's 4sXPOivLzAo-00267-00142605-00143112 flowing now and we give the glory to God and I want you to say it if you agree I 4sXPOivLzAo-00268-00143112-00143502 want you to say Amen that'll do it for this lesson I want to 4sXPOivLzAo-00269-00143502-00143964 welcome the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love 4sXPOivLzAo-00270-00143964-00144429 you we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it and if you 4sXPOivLzAo-00271-00144429-00144772 would like to join the Spirit family then go ahead and use the information at 4sXPOivLzAo-00272-00144772-00145219 the bottom of the screen to sign up to become a member of Spirit Church today 4sXPOivLzAo-00273-00145219-00145710 it's absolutely free you get a teaching email to you every single Sunday it's 4sXPOivLzAo-00274-00145710-00146178 brand new it's fresh from heaven and it will bless your life on top of that you 4sXPOivLzAo-00275-00146178-00146625 can reply to that email that I send to you for prayer support from our ministry 4sXPOivLzAo-00276-00146625-00147270 staff and when you join Spirit Church you will be joining membership from over 4sXPOivLzAo-00277-00147270-00147762 2,500 people from all around the world and that number is quickly rising I 4sXPOivLzAo-00278-00147762-00148219 believe we're gonna hit 3,000 members before the end of the year 3,000 members 4sXPOivLzAo-00279-00148219-00148819 think about that of Spirit Church online now I I really do encourage you to do 4sXPOivLzAo-00280-00148819-00149214 that now those of you who are members of Spirit Church remember some of some of 4sXPOivLzAo-00281-00149214-00149625 you have been asking where to sell your tithes and offerings membership is free 4sXPOivLzAo-00282-00149625-00150039 you do not have to give to be a member of Spirit Church but those of you who 4sXPOivLzAo-00283-00150039-00150591 consider Spirit Church your main source of sustenance spiritually in your main 4sXPOivLzAo-00284-00150591-00151135 source of discipleship it's important that you support this word so spirit 4sXPOivLzAo-00285-00151135-00151455 members you can wait to the end at the link I'm gonna talk a little more at the 4sXPOivLzAo-00286-00151455-00151765 end about this but stay tuned don't turn this video if I want to talk to you guys 4sXPOivLzAo-00287-00151765-00152101 about something important I'm gonna update you on where we are with the 4sXPOivLzAo-00288-00152101-00152500 building by the way some news on that but those who are spirit church members 4sXPOivLzAo-00289-00152500-00152890 that little red button at the end you can actually sign up to not only they're 4sXPOivLzAo-00290-00152890-00153342 not fixed amounts you can actually sign it to give your tithes one-time or you 4sXPOivLzAo-00291-00153342-00153619 can set that up for monthly so I encourage the spirit church members to 4sXPOivLzAo-00292-00153619-00154029 do that if every single member of spiritual were to start giving I'm 4sXPOivLzAo-00293-00154029-00154479 telling you there there's there's quite a bit we could do with that and we'd be 4sXPOivLzAo-00294-00154479-00154726 able to reach a lot of souls so I'm gonna be mailed your comments this is 4sXPOivLzAo-00295-00154726-00155194 from last week seven trials of the called the test of faithfulness here we 4sXPOivLzAo-00296-00155194-00155737 have agape rights I felt cold and dead for weeks and I suddenly saw this video 4sXPOivLzAo-00297-00155737-00156163 in my notifications I love how God puts hope in my heart and 4sXPOivLzAo-00298-00156163-00156610 that I could always come back to his arms anytime thank you encounter TV and 4sXPOivLzAo-00299-00156610-00157057 Minister David for being faithful to God more blessings to you all hope to see 4sXPOivLzAo-00300-00157057-00157636 you someday agape from Philippines Florence writes God has really used you 4sXPOivLzAo-00301-00157636-00158059 to speak to my heart you really encouraged me when you said the power is 4sXPOivLzAo-00302-00158059-00158596 not found in struggle it's found in surrendering it's true another commenter 4sXPOivLzAo-00303-00158596-00159003 writes for the first time ever I feel like I'm going to the next level before 4sXPOivLzAo-00304-00159003-00159478 watching this video the Holy Spirit already told me I was going to and now I 4sXPOivLzAo-00305-00159478-00160000 am even more sure another commenter writes first of all I would like to 4sXPOivLzAo-00306-00160000-00160617 praise God for this incredibly wonderful encouraging message i extremely feel 4sXPOivLzAo-00307-00160617-00161035 that i am an edge of breakthrough and it is God who brought and used you to 4sXPOivLzAo-00308-00161035-00161539 inspire me before quitting my gospel outreach ministry Wow I want to 4sXPOivLzAo-00309-00161539-00162139 specially say thank you brother David god bless you and use you mightily to 4sXPOivLzAo-00310-00162139-00162694 encourage many people for the Lord's glory well that made my week someone who 4sXPOivLzAo-00311-00162694-00162976 felt like quitting is not going to quit because of the encouragement they 4sXPOivLzAo-00312-00162976-00163435 received from the Lord's ministry this is his ministry and the final 4sXPOivLzAo-00313-00163435-00164023 commenter whenever you give a lesson and I listen I just can't resist crying you 4sXPOivLzAo-00314-00164023-00164371 have that passion for souls and it touches my heart every single time I 4sXPOivLzAo-00315-00164371-00164620 keep you in my prayer well thank you for your prayers I 4sXPOivLzAo-00316-00164620-00164980 certainly do appreciate them and there's a passion for souls in this ministry I 4sXPOivLzAo-00317-00164980-00165315 know you can feel it when I talk because it's the real deal 4sXPOivLzAo-00318-00165315-00165859 help me win souls look I'm not asking for your support so that I can go live a 4sXPOivLzAo-00319-00165859-00166336 lavish lifestyle I'm not asking you for your support so that I can go and fund 4sXPOivLzAo-00320-00166336-00167058 useless things I'm talking about Souls everyday over 150 thousand people died 4sXPOivLzAo-00321-00167058-00167857 many of them without knowledge of the saving power of Jesus we must preach the 4sXPOivLzAo-00322-00167857-00168220 gospel I want you to think of all that's going on in this world today all of the 4sXPOivLzAo-00323-00168220-00168646 the trials all the troubles many are saying we're living in the last days and 4sXPOivLzAo-00324-00168646-00169105 in my heart I believe it to be so now we don't know when the hour is coming only 4sXPOivLzAo-00325-00169105-00169645 the Father Knows but whether or not these are the last days whether or not 4sXPOivLzAo-00326-00169645-00170248 today is somebody's last day I know for a fact that somebody today is going to 4sXPOivLzAo-00327-00170248-00171097 slip into eternity somebody today is going to slip into eternity I want you 4sXPOivLzAo-00328-00171097-00171514 to think about that that's enough to cause me to preach the gospel with 4sXPOivLzAo-00329-00171514-00171847 urgency so here's what I wanted to update you on we looked at more 4sXPOivLzAo-00330-00171847-00172204 buildings today I know many of you know we've been looking at properties so we 4sXPOivLzAo-00331-00172204-00172921 need that monthly support here's what we want to do we want to win souls we want 4sXPOivLzAo-00332-00172921-00173365 to reach more through media and events so here's how we're gonna do that we are 4sXPOivLzAo-00333-00173365-00173713 expanding the ministry outreach and the way we're expanding the ministry 4sXPOivLzAo-00334-00173713-00174331 outreach is 2 monthly partnership this is where you sign on to become a $30 $10 4sXPOivLzAo-00335-00174331-00174823 $100 month partner you know many times I get messages saying brother David I want 4sXPOivLzAo-00336-00174823-00175153 to be a part of what you're doing well here's how you can help sign up to 4sXPOivLzAo-00337-00175153-00175696 become a partner look if you say aha I can't do $30 we accept partnership from 4sXPOivLzAo-00338-00175696-00176197 all different countries that the link works for everyone you say I can't give 4sXPOivLzAo-00339-00176197-00176767 $30 but I can give 10 I can't give $10 but I can give 5 sign up to become a 4sXPOivLzAo-00340-00176767-00177058 monthly supporter some amount that you say I'll do this every month and I'm 4sXPOivLzAo-00341-00177058-00177451 with you in the long term some people sign up and then they quit two months 4sXPOivLzAo-00342-00177451-00177841 later don't do that join with me let's win souls and stay 4sXPOivLzAo-00343-00177841-00178126 me for the long haul I'm gonna preach the gospel for the rest of my life I 4sXPOivLzAo-00344-00178126-00178381 need partners who will stand with me for the rest of theirs 4sXPOivLzAo-00345-00178381-00179020 and so this is what we need we're raising funds to get a new ministry 4sXPOivLzAo-00346-00179020-00179500 television production facility this facility is going to enable us to reach 4sXPOivLzAo-00347-00179500-00179950 more people than ever before we're going to do weekly meetings right there in the 4sXPOivLzAo-00348-00179950-00180316 studio where you can come in sit it'll be like a church service almost every 4sXPOivLzAo-00349-00180316-00180679 single wink on top of that we're gonna live broadcasting there so everybody 4sXPOivLzAo-00350-00180679-00180958 watching around the world could join we're gonna be able to put out more 4sXPOivLzAo-00351-00180958-00181318 content than ever before in higher quality than ever before and on top of 4sXPOivLzAo-00352-00181318-00181675 that that monthly support is gonna also help us to do more of our miracle 4sXPOivLzAo-00353-00181675-00182062 services that's basically what we do as a ministry we do those miracle services 4sXPOivLzAo-00354-00182062-00182449 and we reach people through media so help us do that become a $30 month 4sXPOivLzAo-00355-00182449-00182917 supporter today we needed a new thousand we needed a thousand new $30 a month 4sXPOivLzAo-00356-00182917-00183424 partners to reach our goal that was a thousand noon $30 a month givers these 4sXPOivLzAo-00357-00183424-00183757 aren't one-time givers these are people who said I'm gonna sign up and I'm gonna 4sXPOivLzAo-00358-00183757-00184165 give $30 a month we needed a thousand more of those in order to get into the 4sXPOivLzAo-00359-00184165-00184498 next phase which is the property phase which is getting to this new facility 4sXPOivLzAo-00360-00184498-00185194 and here's where we are in that campaign look at how close we are I know I say 4sXPOivLzAo-00361-00185194-00185764 this every program but please hear me when I tell you you are important you 4sXPOivLzAo-00362-00185764-00186178 are important not not somebody else watching this not somebody else who 4sXPOivLzAo-00363-00186178-00186547 still look you're not watching by accident you don't feel connected to me 4sXPOivLzAo-00364-00186547-00186844 for no reason you're not receiving constantly from this ministry just 4sXPOivLzAo-00365-00186844-00187393 because it's the Lord that connected us and so I'm asking you by faith to step 4sXPOivLzAo-00366-00187393-00188005 out and partner with me if everyone who watches this right now everyone and you 4sXPOivLzAo-00367-00188005-00188368 don't say someone else will do it if every person who receives from this 4sXPOivLzAo-00368-00188368-00188758 ministry who's watching this now signs up today to become a $30 a month support 4sXPOivLzAo-00369-00188758-00189217 'nor we will be done with the campaign and we can do it by next week now will 4sXPOivLzAo-00370-00189217-00189508 may take us up practically speaking it'll take us a couple of months to 4sXPOivLzAo-00371-00189508-00189964 finish this up but supernaturally speaking you sign up right now this 4sXPOivLzAo-00372-00189964-00190357 could be it and we'll be ready to go so the way you sign up is if you're 4sXPOivLzAo-00373-00190357-00190660 watching this on YouTube wait until the end of the video you're gonna see a red 4sXPOivLzAo-00374-00190660-00191191 button appear click that button and then after you click that button you Center 4sXPOivLzAo-00375-00191191-00191383 going a lot my supporter now if you are 4sXPOivLzAo-00376-00191383-00191773 watching this on the app the video will disappear and then you'll see the 4sXPOivLzAo-00377-00191773-00192126 buttons appear after the video is done if you're watching this outside of the 4sXPOivLzAo-00378-00192126-00192453 app or outside of YouTube then go ahead and use the information at the bottom of 4sXPOivLzAo-00379-00192453-00192886 the screen become a partner today when you do sign up I'll send you a copy of 4sXPOivLzAo-00380-00192886-00193254 either carriers of the glory or 25 truths about demons and spiritual 4sXPOivLzAo-00381-00193254-00193669 warfare I'll sign it I'll send it to you and I know it will bless you so do that 4sXPOivLzAo-00382-00193669-00194202 today sign up now let's win souls let's do this big I promise you big things are 4sXPOivLzAo-00383-00194202-00194640 coming we're just scratching the surface and you get to be a part of it we're 4sXPOivLzAo-00384-00194640-00195030 gonna make history together watch we're going to change the world well that is 4sXPOivLzAo-00385-00195030-00195436 it for this edition of spirit church until next time remember nothing is 4sXPOivLzAo-00386-00195436-00195744 impossible with God 4sXPOivLzAo-00387-00195876-00196422 thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me 4sXPOivLzAo-00388-00196422-00196896 win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time 4sXPOivLzAo-00389-00196896-00197504 donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now 4taWY4A4dmM-00000-00000032-00000501 In this tutorial we're going to learn to create screencast videos in Articulate Storyline. We're going 4taWY4A4dmM-00001-00000501-00001142 to start with a blank slide. Let’s come up to Record Screen. What that does is it 4taWY4A4dmM-00002-00001142-00001680 sends the Storyline application to the back and it opens up this recording window. So 4taWY4A4dmM-00003-00001680-00002061 you can see I can move that around. Now what I'll point out is if you look down at the 4taWY4A4dmM-00004-00002061-00002605 bar, you'll notice that the aspect ratio, or dimensions of the recording window are 4taWY4A4dmM-00005-00002605-00003033 going to match the dimensions or settings that you have for your course. In this case, 4taWY4A4dmM-00006-00003033-00003642 it's 720 by 540. Now that's pretty small so that may not work for every application you're 4taWY4A4dmM-00007-00003642-00004148 recording. So a couple things you can do. One is you can come in here and change your 4taWY4A4dmM-00008-00004148-00004709 settings. So you can see I can select a window. I can keep it at the 4:3 aspect ratio. Or 4taWY4A4dmM-00009-00004709-00005318 I can move it to 16:9. Or I can record full screen. And the other thing is, you can come 4taWY4A4dmM-00010-00005318-00005889 over here and just click and drag from one of the corners and that'll scale the window. 4taWY4A4dmM-00011-00005889-00006514 So it'll keep it at the same aspect ratio as your course and yet make the window larger. 4taWY4A4dmM-00012-00006514-00006872 And then you can take the recording application, in this case, we're going to record PowerPoint 4taWY4A4dmM-00013-00006872-00007497 and then you can size that to fit into your window. And so this looks fine for what 4taWY4A4dmM-00014-00007497-00007995 we're going to do. Now before you record, let's look at some of the options we have. 4taWY4A4dmM-00015-00007995-00008595 Down here you've got your red Record button. Here you can select your microphone. And then 4taWY4A4dmM-00016-00008595-00009006 over here you can set some settings for your recording. We’ll just keep everything set 4taWY4A4dmM-00017-00009006-00009639 at default. Hit Cancel. Let’s go ahead and record a video. Now we're inside of PowerPoint. 4taWY4A4dmM-00018-00009639-00010339 What we'll record is the process of inserting a shape into a PowerPoint slide and then animating 4taWY4A4dmM-00019-00010354-00010900 it. And that will allow us also to see some the editing properties we have later in Storyline. 4taWY4A4dmM-00020-00010900-00011725 So let's go ahead and hit Record. You’ll get a countdown. Now at this point we're ready to 4taWY4A4dmM-00021-00011725-00012146 record. So I can see the audio track moving. I'm going to click on the screen and let's 4taWY4A4dmM-00022-00012146-00012607 go ahead and insert a shape. So I click Insert. So we’re going to insert a shape. So I'm 4taWY4A4dmM-00023-00012607-00013183 going to click on Shapes. I'll just insert a rectangle. I'll put it up here on top of 4taWY4A4dmM-00024-00013183-00013644 the screen. Now what I want to do to animate the rectangle. So I'm going to go to the Animations 4taWY4A4dmM-00025-00013644-00014263 tab. And then I'm going to come over here to Add Animations. And then I want it to fly 4taWY4A4dmM-00026-00014263-00014787 in. And I can see it flying in. Now I may want to fly in a little slower. So now here's 4taWY4A4dmM-00027-00014787-00015427 some text entry. So we're going to set it to 3 seconds and hit Enter. And then let's 4taWY4A4dmM-00028-00015427-00016127 go ahead and open up the Animations pane. And then let's play this and we can see that 4taWY4A4dmM-00029-00016236-00016764 it's playing for three seconds. So that looks pretty good. So when you're done recording 4taWY4A4dmM-00030-00016764-00017459 all you have to do is hit Done. That’s going to process the video. And that opens up this 4taWY4A4dmM-00031-00017459-00018015 window where we can see our video. I can preview the video. (Recorded audio: Now at this point 4taWY4A4dmM-00032-00018015-00018500 I'm ready to record. So I can see the audio track move.) So I can see that the video is 4taWY4A4dmM-00033-00018500-00019002 there. I can title the video. In this case, we may call it PowerPoint Animation. It is 4taWY4A4dmM-00034-00019002-00019473 good the title those and you'll see why later. And then you have a couple of options. You 4taWY4A4dmM-00035-00019473-00020079 can insert this as a video on a single slide. And so it'll just be like any other video 4taWY4A4dmM-00036-00020079-00020671 that you insert on a slide in Storyline. Or you can insert it as a step-by-step slide. 4taWY4A4dmM-00037-00020671-00021154 So you can create the simulation effect. And then you have three modes. You can insert 4taWY4A4dmM-00038-00021154-00021631 it as a View mode so somebody could kind of follow along with you. Or you can do a Try mode where 4taWY4A4dmM-00039-00021631-00022112 they can actually do the things that you're doing. So if I click on the Insert tab, they 4taWY4A4dmM-00040-00022112-00022596 need to click on the Insert tab. And then you can also do a Test mode where they have 4taWY4A4dmM-00041-00022596-00023193 to demonstrate that they're able to do those things that you're trying to teach. And then 4taWY4A4dmM-00042-00023193-00023760 you have the option of inserting that into a new scene or to an existing scene. And then 4taWY4A4dmM-00043-00023760-00024248 you can also title the scene. Let’s go ahead and do this. The first one we’ll just insert 4taWY4A4dmM-00044-00024248-00024771 as a video. And then we'll see what our options are once the video is on the slide. So I'm 4taWY4A4dmM-00045-00024771-00025288 going to go ahead and hit Insert. And once it's done processing you can see that it created 4taWY4A4dmM-00046-00025288-00025851 a slide. Let’s go and double-click on that. And as you can see, it's just like any other 4taWY4A4dmM-00047-00025851-00026358 slide in Storyline. I have a timeline down here. The video is just sitting on the timeline. 4taWY4A4dmM-00048-00026358-00027112 I've got my player triggers and my slide layers. So I can do on this slide, anything that I 4taWY4A4dmM-00049-00027112-00027683 would do on any other slide. So this is really just like an object on the screen. Now if 4taWY4A4dmM-00050-00027683-00028168 I want to edit the video I can double-click on it and that opens up my video tools. And 4taWY4A4dmM-00051-00028168-00028741 you can see you've got a few options. I can preview the video. I can adjust the video 4taWY4A4dmM-00052-00028741-00029282 volume. There’s an edit video button which we'll look at in a future tutorial. And here 4taWY4A4dmM-00053-00029282-00029748 I can choose how I want to display my video. Do I want it in the slide or do I want it 4taWY4A4dmM-00054-00029748-00030352 to open in a new window. Do I want it to play automatically or do I want the user to have 4taWY4A4dmM-00055-00030352-00031110 to click it. Here I can add controls below the video. The other option is I can add controls 4taWY4A4dmM-00056-00031110-00031732 to the player. So if I go over to my Player Properties here on my base layer, that opens 4taWY4A4dmM-00057-00031732-00032301 up my Slide Properties and you'll notice you've got your Custom Selection. You can choose 4taWY4A4dmM-00058-00032301-00032949 seekbar. Hit OK. Now if I preview this. And as you can see you have a slide on the screen 4taWY4A4dmM-00059-00032949-00033300 and there's a seekbar down here on the player. I can play. (Recorded audio: At this point 4taWY4A4dmM-00060-00033300-00033848 we’re ready to record) I can pause. I can scrub through the seekbar to get to specific 4taWY4A4dmM-00061-00033848-00034241 parts in the video or I can replay. (Recorded audio: Now at this point we're ready to...) 4taWY4A4dmM-00062-00034241-00034913 Let's go ahead and close this. So once you've recorded the video and it is on the screen, 4taWY4A4dmM-00063-00034913-00035329 then you can do whatever you want to with it. So for example, let's say you wanted to 4taWY4A4dmM-00064-00035329-00035927 have a help layer in here. You can insert a help layer. Let’s insert a button, so 4taWY4A4dmM-00065-00035927-00036627 we'll just do a test here. Let's insert a button and let's say this is our help. And 4taWY4A4dmM-00066-00036669-00037491 I want you to click on that if you have a question. So we'll create a help layer. And 4taWY4A4dmM-00067-00037491-00037968 then maybe I want to have some information about PowerPoint. So I'm just going to insert 4taWY4A4dmM-00068-00037968-00038668 a little shape here. We'll just do a shape on top of the Help button. And then we can 4taWY4A4dmM-00069-00038844-00039344 format that. Let’s make it look...we'll just do a sleek format here and this could 4taWY4A4dmM-00070-00039344-00039956 have some information. We'll just put our place holder stuff in here. We've got some 4taWY4A4dmM-00071-00039956-00040444 placeholder text in here. And so what I want to do is at any point in the video I may want 4taWY4A4dmM-00072-00040444-00040976 to expose some help information. So I'm going to put a trigger on the button here. So what 4taWY4A4dmM-00073-00040976-00041500 do I want to do? When do I want to do it? I want to show layer. Let's use my help layer 4taWY4A4dmM-00074-00041500-00041945 when the user clicks the button. And then on the help button, I'm just going to put 4taWY4A4dmM-00075-00041945-00042645 a trigger on the actual layer to close that. So we'll do hide layer, this layer when the 4taWY4A4dmM-00076-00042681-00043381 user clicks. So if I'm playing my course (Recorded audio: Now at this point...) And I've got 4taWY4A4dmM-00077-00043383-00043731 the videos playing and let's say I have a question. I can have a help button come up. 4taWY4A4dmM-00078-00043731-00044063 (Recorded audio: …on the screen let's go ahead and...) I get some information. I can 4taWY4A4dmM-00079-00044063-00044572 close it. Help. Close it. Now let's say I want to pause the video. I'll show you how 4taWY4A4dmM-00080-00044572-00045175 we would do that. If I want to pause it when I get to the help layer, because I don't want 4taWY4A4dmM-00081-00045175-00045784 that audio to keep playing. Just come up to my layer properties and you can see that there's 4taWY4A4dmM-00082-00045784-00046333 an option to pause the timeline of the base layer. Well the video is on the timeline of 4taWY4A4dmM-00083-00046333-00047033 the base layer, so if I hit OK, watch what happens. Preview the slide. (Recorded audio: 4taWY4A4dmM-00084-00047038-00047738 Now at this point we're ready to record) So you can hear the video. Now the video paused. 4taWY4A4dmM-00085-00047931-00048631 I'm going to go ahead and read my help information. Close it and the video takes off again. (Recorded 4taWY4A4dmM-00086-00048755-00049452 audio: insert a shape) Pause. Close. (Recorded audio: I'll point a few things out while I'm 4taWY4A4dmM-00087-00049452-00049991 recording) so that's what you would do when you're working with video. So you record the 4taWY4A4dmM-00088-00049991-00050516 screen. You insert it as a video. At that point it's just like any other slide and you 4taWY4A4dmM-00089-00050516-00050928 can just do whatever you want to. In this case, I show you how to use a simple button 4taWY4A4dmM-00090-00050928-00051455 and layers and create a simple interaction. But you really have the full range of everything 4taWY4A4dmM-00091-00051455-00051852 you can do in Storyline. Now it is just a matter of going out there practicing this 4taWY4A4dmM-00092-00051852-00052296 so that you become a really good at recording your videos and inserting those into your 4taWY4A4dmM-00093-00052296-00052321 slides. 4vN1mrB4n5M-00000-00000088-00000696 do you want to know how to let go and move on from a toxic relationship let's face it we all want to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00001-00000696-00001272 know how to leave that toxic person it could be a parent a partner a sibling or a work colleague 4vN1mrB4n5M-00002-00001272-00001912 and i get so many messages asking how to deal with that narcissistic mother-in-law but sometimes the 4vN1mrB4n5M-00003-00001912-00002480 toxic person can be much harder to spot maybe it's their best friend or your son or daughter as your 4vN1mrB4n5M-00004-00002480-00003112 mind works overtime to deny the negative feelings that they cause but regardless of who it is and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00005-00003112-00003647 the relationship that you have with them there comes a time when we feel we've just had enough 4vN1mrB4n5M-00006-00003647-00004184 and you realize that you just cannot take any more and you need to get them out of your life 4vN1mrB4n5M-00007-00004184-00004904 or at least limit or manage the contact that you have with them so today let's talk about how to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00008-00004904-00006104 let go and move on from a toxic relationship if you are new to my channel i'm sue blackhurst and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00009-00006104-00006600 i've been the world of social psychology into everyday language i post videos every monday 4vN1mrB4n5M-00010-00006600-00007112 and thursday so if you want to understand why people behave the way that they do subscribe 4vN1mrB4n5M-00011-00007112-00007648 to my channel now and get weekly insights into this fascinating world of human behavior 4vN1mrB4n5M-00012-00007752-00008264 and if you're feeling alone now and believing that whatever you do seems to backfire leaving you 4vN1mrB4n5M-00013-00008264-00008864 lying awake at night wondering how much more could you self-sabotage your life well first of all 4vN1mrB4n5M-00014-00008864-00009496 you're not alone so if you want to find out how you can overcome the challenges in your life then 4vN1mrB4n5M-00015-00009496-00010056 do stay watching as i'll be sharing how you can find emotional happiness at the end of this video 4vN1mrB4n5M-00016-00010208-00010648 it sounds an easy decision especially if they aren't family and there's no children involved 4vN1mrB4n5M-00017-00010704-00011232 but moving on from a toxic relationship can be a difficult very long and drawn-up process 4vN1mrB4n5M-00018-00011232-00011776 as toxic people are narcissists who depend on the people they emotionally financially 4vN1mrB4n5M-00019-00011776-00012304 or psychologically drain they need to constantly prove to themselves that they are better 4vN1mrB4n5M-00020-00012304-00012808 stronger and smarter than everyone else so they always need someone to put down and manipulate 4vN1mrB4n5M-00021-00012808-00013352 and if you're there to target it makes it really hard to find the mental strength that is needed 4vN1mrB4n5M-00022-00013352-00013991 to get them out of your life you see when faced with the possibility of rejection narcissists up 4vN1mrB4n5M-00023-00013991-00014608 their game somehow managing to worm their way back into your life they're a bit like a yo-yo because 4vN1mrB4n5M-00024-00014608-00015128 no sooner have you got them as far away from you as possible somehow they always manage 4vN1mrB4n5M-00025-00015128-00015744 to reel themselves back into your life whatever distance you're able to put between yourself and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00026-00015744-00016263 the narcissist they have this unique ability to remain in your life emotionally if not physically 4vN1mrB4n5M-00027-00016319-00016744 because without even seeing them they're going to leave you wondering what they're thinking and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00028-00016744-00017208 what they're doing and in extreme cases have you questioning whether you've made the right 4vN1mrB4n5M-00029-00017208-00017776 decision to move on and if you will ever be able to get through the day without them dominating 4vN1mrB4n5M-00030-00017776-00018416 your thoughts but the simple fact that they are still on your mind means that the narcissist 4vN1mrB4n5M-00031-00018416-00018928 is still holding control and as long as they have control your defenses are down 4vN1mrB4n5M-00032-00018928-00019312 and it's when you're in this weakened and i say more vulnerable state 4vN1mrB4n5M-00033-00019312-00019880 that you are open to their toxic attack and they're going to use every trick to get back 4vN1mrB4n5M-00034-00019880-00020384 into your life and back in control which is exactly where they want and need to be 4vN1mrB4n5M-00035-00020552-00021072 well everybody deserves healthy relationships where you aren't being manipulated so here are 4vN1mrB4n5M-00036-00021072-00021664 three rules to abide by if you want to move on from or leave a toxic relationship for good 4vN1mrB4n5M-00037-00021832-00022520 go no contact once you let go and move on be prepared for the narcissist to make every attempt 4vN1mrB4n5M-00038-00022520-00023112 to reach out for you in any way possible so the first thing is it's essential to remember that 4vN1mrB4n5M-00039-00023112-00023632 if the nature of the relationship allows you to walk away once you've made the decision to cut 4vN1mrB4n5M-00040-00023632-00024224 all ties then that is exactly what you need to do block their mobile or cell number and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00041-00024224-00024768 find somebody who's good at IT so that all their emails go into junk and then you can have a sense 4vN1mrB4n5M-00042-00024768-00025520 of pleasure as you empty the trash of all of their unread emails and if you have any mutual friends 4vN1mrB4n5M-00043-00025520-00026016 be aware that they probably won't see or know the narcissist like you do because they're not 4vN1mrB4n5M-00044-00026016-00026624 the narcissist victim so you now have two options you can either accept that you have mutual friends 4vN1mrB4n5M-00045-00026624-00027160 that you don't want to lose so just tell them that you've moved on and need to cut all ties 4vN1mrB4n5M-00046-00027160-00027576 and no longer want to talk about the narcissist or the relationship that you've had with them 4vN1mrB4n5M-00047-00027680-00028224 make it very clear that you do not want to be part of any event or conversation where the narcissist 4vN1mrB4n5M-00048-00028224-00028864 is included and also make it clear that you don't want any aspect of your life to be fed back to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00049-00028864-00029568 the person that you have just made every effort to leave or your second option is to walk away 4vN1mrB4n5M-00050-00029568-00030152 from all known associates completely and spend time with people who have no connection or ties 4vN1mrB4n5M-00051-00030152-00030816 whilst building up a new and unrelated network of friends or colleagues but whatever decision 4vN1mrB4n5M-00052-00030816-00031304 is right for you it doesn't mean ignoring the narcissist for a day or playing it cool for a week 4vN1mrB4n5M-00053-00031360-00031968 you need to make a lifelong commitment to not engage and be strong enough to stick with it 4vN1mrB4n5M-00054-00032152-00032848 go low contact it's not always feasible or realistic to walk away from a toxic relationship 4vN1mrB4n5M-00055-00032848-00033448 especially if you have children or joint assets but it's also not easy if it's a family member 4vN1mrB4n5M-00056-00033448-00033952 that you need to see every sunday for that weekly family gathering or maybe it's a work colleague 4vN1mrB4n5M-00057-00033952-00034560 and you're unable to change departments let alone change jobs so when no contact isn't possible 4vN1mrB4n5M-00058-00034560-00035040 going low contact means that they have a role within your life but they aren't a part of your 4vN1mrB4n5M-00059-00035040-00035520 life meaning that you are not responsible for their thoughts and feelings and therefore you're 4vN1mrB4n5M-00060-00035520-00036136 not under their power or their control i say it's like think of them like the person you'd call to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00061-00036136-00036656 fix the plumbing you know you have no option but to call on them to resolve a certain issue but 4vN1mrB4n5M-00062-00036656-00037280 they don't have the ability to emotionally impact your life in any way you may see them and you may 4vN1mrB4n5M-00063-00037280-00037824 converse with them as they are there in person but the moment they are no longer in the room or 4vN1mrB4n5M-00064-00037824-00038368 out of sight they are no longer on your mind and have an ability to have a control on your life 4vN1mrB4n5M-00065-00038504-00038880 now we all know that there's boundaries when calling the plumber because your conversations 4vN1mrB4n5M-00066-00038880-00039344 are going to be kept very superficial in order to get what needs to be done completed with the 4vN1mrB4n5M-00067-00039344-00039896 least amount of fuss and time and connection so when going low contact with a narcissist you 4vN1mrB4n5M-00068-00039896-00040400 need to have this same level of boundaries to protect your mental strength and your feelings 4vN1mrB4n5M-00069-00040472-00041080 so be courteous be polite and most of all stand up tall and hold your head up high and ensure 4vN1mrB4n5M-00070-00041080-00041736 that you don't get dragged into their emotional topics or drawn in by their comments or looks if 4vN1mrB4n5M-00071-00041736-00042312 you need to visualize the mother-in-law fixing the leaking shower then why not you have them in your 4vN1mrB4n5M-00072-00042312-00042888 life but that doesn't mean they have the ability to hijack your emotions or to sabotage your day 4vN1mrB4n5M-00073-00043112-00043272 keep emotion out of it 4vN1mrB4n5M-00074-00043480-00043928 our emotions play havoc with all our actions so it's essential that you remain 4vN1mrB4n5M-00075-00043928-00044368 indifferent to whatever situations and conversations have gone on in the past 4vN1mrB4n5M-00076-00044368-00044888 because the longer you turn over what has been the more you're going to forget the real 4vN1mrB4n5M-00077-00044888-00045456 reasons that have led you to make the decisions that you are now making to let go and move on 4vN1mrB4n5M-00078-00045576-00046016 watch any movie with a baddie and at some stage there's going to be a moment where we actually 4vN1mrB4n5M-00079-00046016-00046616 feel sorry for them it's that time when the scriptwriter depicts the villain as the victim 4vN1mrB4n5M-00080-00046616-00047200 and i don't think i'm alone seeing this likable side to hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs 4vN1mrB4n5M-00081-00047288-00047840 so what is my point here well i remember a past relationship of my own and someone referring to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00082-00047840-00048464 him as the iron hand in the velvet glove and it took me six months to see something that everybody 4vN1mrB4n5M-00083-00048464-00049096 else could see but were just too afraid to tell me just in case they were wrong and it wasn't until 4vN1mrB4n5M-00084-00049096-00049664 i stopped ignoring all the little things that he said and did that hurt both myself and my family 4vN1mrB4n5M-00085-00049664-00050224 that i realized that i was only remembering what i wanted to be true and not what was the reality 4vN1mrB4n5M-00086-00050360-00050888 once i literally woke up and saw the iron hand and not the velvet glove he no longer had any 4vN1mrB4n5M-00087-00050888-00051432 control over me as i stopped feeling guilty and responsible for all his moods and actions 4vN1mrB4n5M-00088-00051520-00052096 so here's the thing we did have some good times and unless it's an unavoidable relationship that's 4vN1mrB4n5M-00089-00052096-00052696 forced upon you like the mother of father-in-law no matter how toxic there will always be good 4vN1mrB4n5M-00090-00052696-00053191 times and happy memories because let's face it that's how you got involved with them 4vN1mrB4n5M-00091-00053191-00053848 in the first place but if the good times filled the majority of your relationship you wouldn't be 4vN1mrB4n5M-00092-00053848-00054536 feeling the way you do so it's essential that you recall all the painful times to remind yourself 4vN1mrB4n5M-00093-00054536-00055079 how that person made you feel and make the decision to leave based upon those feelings 4vN1mrB4n5M-00094-00055200-00055760 if you need to it can also really help to write down all the events situations comments and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00095-00055760-00056440 even the looks that have made you crumble inside as a visual reminder that you need to let go and 4vN1mrB4n5M-00096-00056440-00057096 move on try to see your toxic relationship like you know an electrical extension cable and you are 4vN1mrB4n5M-00097-00057096-00057672 simply plugged into their energy source because as long as you you're connected to them they have the 4vN1mrB4n5M-00098-00057672-00058272 power over you so the only way that you can find your own energy source is to disconnect completely 4vN1mrB4n5M-00099-00058344-00058688 there are millions of other power sources out there that you can connect to 4vN1mrB4n5M-00100-00058688-00059176 but it's only when you are free that you are able to find the ones that give you the power 4vN1mrB4n5M-00101-00059176-00059728 and help you to light up rather than stay with the ones that drain you of all your own energy 4vN1mrB4n5M-00102-00059967-00060416 if you've been affected by a toxic relationship and feel that you are ready to rebuild your mental 4vN1mrB4n5M-00103-00060416-00060944 strength well there's no better time to start my 20-day overcome obstacles training programme 4vN1mrB4n5M-00104-00061008-00061640 because this has everything that you need to let go of the toxic past and move on each day i'm 4vN1mrB4n5M-00105-00061640-00062128 going to give you the tools to help you find out what is stopping you from finding that happiness 4vN1mrB4n5M-00106-00062128-00062712 and freedom and the motivation to make the subtle changes that you need to get back on track 4vN1mrB4n5M-00107-00062800-00063232 it costs less than a new haircut and it's even more uplifting 4vN1mrB4n5M-00108-00063232-00063848 you can access the program by downloading my free book on how to reframe self-critical thoughts the 4vN1mrB4n5M-00109-00063848-00064512 link is in the description box below thank you so much for watching now don't forget to like 4vN1mrB4n5M-00110-00064512-00064991 and share the video and do leave me a comment with your thoughts and if you've not already 4vN1mrB4n5M-00111-00064991-00066096 subscribed well this is the time to do it do take care and i will see you next time you 4wavtA4NV0k-00000-00001467-00001959 The Journey Neighborhood Centre located in the Ardglen affordable housing 4wavtA4NV0k-00001-00001959-00002395 community of Brampton, Ontario, welcomes children to their after-school program 4wavtA4NV0k-00002-00002395-00003109 'Kidzone'. The children are offered a nutritious after-school snack and a fun 4wavtA4NV0k-00003-00003109-00003512 time of games, arts, and crafts. 4wavtA4NV0k-00004-00003927-00004441 The Journey is a community centre, and the KidZone is one of the programs we 4wavtA4NV0k-00005-00004441-00004924 have here. We have a lot of programs here which are based on kids, from babies 4wavtA4NV0k-00006-00004924-00005487 right up to the adults, and we also have a seniors group here. It provides a 4wavtA4NV0k-00007-00005487-00006174 talking place for people, it provides a support place for people, it provides a 4wavtA4NV0k-00008-00006174-00006891 really nice atmosphere when people come in, and we welcome anybody who comes in. 4wavtA4NV0k-00009-00007053-00007642 I've been here for ten plus years, I've lived in the community myself, and now 4wavtA4NV0k-00010-00007642-00008008 I'm working with the community which is amazing, helping me give back. We do 4wavtA4NV0k-00011-00008008-00008329 street parties, we do 'Refresh' in the summertime which is painting the 4wavtA4NV0k-00012-00008329-00008740 apartments for the community. We have 'Love Brampton' events, which is backyard 4wavtA4NV0k-00013-00008740-00009193 cleanups. I'm a parent, we've been involved since preconception, 4wavtA4NV0k-00014-00009193-00009727 and in the next month I will be a board member, who will be making decisions as 4wavtA4NV0k-00015-00009727-00010324 to financing, who to approach, decisions on what programs are going to be 4wavtA4NV0k-00016-00010324-00010672 available, and how to run them and who's going to run them. I helped with Kid 4wavtA4NV0k-00017-00010672-00011185 Zone, I do a lot of the work with the food prep, and try to have healthy snacks 4wavtA4NV0k-00018-00011185-00011678 and introduce some new foods every once in a while. 4wavtA4NV0k-00019-00011918-00012848 I've been volunteering here for a couple months, and what we do here is we play 4wavtA4NV0k-00020-00012848-00013547 with the kids, we eat lunch, then we do crafts and stuff with them. We play soccer, we go 4wavtA4NV0k-00021-00013547-00014336 to the park, sometimes we even play dodgeball! It's just we had some rules. 4wavtA4NV0k-00022-00014336-00014819 I've been helping the kids with their homework, and after they finished 4wavtA4NV0k-00023-00014819-00015434 their homework we play games out there. I like when we sit on the mats because I like to sit beside 4wavtA4NV0k-00024-00015434-00016145 all my friends. I help plan events and whatnot, I help with the programs... 4wavtA4NV0k-00025-00016145-00016542 I've been through a lot in life and I kind of want to just like give back to 4wavtA4NV0k-00026-00016542-00016908 the community and help others the way I was helped. 4wavtA4NV0k-00027-00016908-00017487 It's a wonderful place, it helps out a lot of people. I realized that as I read 4wavtA4NV0k-00028-00017487-00017928 the Bible and I try to follow Christ, that that means that I don't just think 4wavtA4NV0k-00029-00017928-00018537 about me. I think about people and their needs, and this is to me an important 4wavtA4NV0k-00030-00018537-00019095 place, because a lot of people that come here are really in need of sometimes 4wavtA4NV0k-00031-00019095-00019548 financial help, sometimes some good food, and certainly some emotional and 4wavtA4NV0k-00032-00019548-00020034 spiritual support. 4wavtA4NV0k-00033-00020034-00020519 Your gifts to the Mission and Service of the United Church of Canada help support 4wavtA4NV0k-00034-00020519-00021159 programs like these. Thank you, and please continue to give. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00000-00000170-00001151 Introduction to Walks So, walks are an important, um, exercise and 4-tGm0gRYDY-00001-00001151-00001891 uh character animation. Basically a walk features all the basic elements of mechanics, but you 4-tGm0gRYDY-00002-00001891-00002669 can also have a lot of variety and personality and acting involved once you master the- the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00003-00002669-00003746 basic walk. Now, we�ll be, uh, breaking down the various poses in uh walks, and the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00004-00003746-00004469 two most important ones are shown here. The uh contact pose, when both feet are on the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00005-00004469-00005201 ground the legs are farthest apart. And the passing position, which is one foot on the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00006-00005201-00006060 ground, the other foot is in the air as the leg swings under the torso. Now, there�s 4-tGm0gRYDY-00007-00006060-00006859 intermediate uh poses uh between these and those have a variety of names for the uh pose 4-tGm0gRYDY-00008-00006859-00007545 that transitions from contact into passing position and the one that transitions out 4-tGm0gRYDY-00009-00007545-00008059 of passing position, but for now we�ll just focus on these two. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00010-00008059-00009056 Now, a few things to understand about the uh vocabulary of walks: first we have the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00011-00009056-00010050 step and stride. A stride is simply uh two steps. So, one full cycle of a walk would 4-tGm0gRYDY-00012-00010050-00010853 be a stride. And we talk about the step length uh and the stride length, so basically the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00013-00010853-00011929 stride length is the distance that, uh, the character travels when walking one full cycle. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00014-00011929-00012892 Now, uh, probably more interesting is the gait. So, the gait indicates the timing of 4-tGm0gRYDY-00015-00012892-00013913 the motion for each foot or each leg, so it indicates, uh, what that leg is doing in time. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00016-00013913-00014840 So, we might start in the contact pose with both feet on the ground then transition and 4-tGm0gRYDY-00017-00014840-00015304 enter into the passing position and then leave the passing position, then both feet are on 4-tGm0gRYDY-00018-00015304-00016399 the ground for a certain time and so forth. So, uh, the typical timing uh for a walk is 4-tGm0gRYDY-00019-00016399-00017312 about, uh, half a second per step or about twelve frames per step, which makes um 24 4-tGm0gRYDY-00020-00017312-00017904 frames for a stride or full cycle. Uh, there�s variations of course, so uh 4-tGm0gRYDY-00021-00017904-00018729 we can uh have fewer frames or more frames during the cycle, but this is uh the typical 4-tGm0gRYDY-00022-00018729-00019754 uh walking uh timing. And uh you can think of that in terms of the uh parade march time, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00023-00019754-00020846 which most uh parade music is set to, so uh music like �Tah tah tah tah tah tah tah 4-tGm0gRYDY-00024-00020846-00021524 tah tah tah��, you uh just hum that to yourself and walk and you�ll see that you 4-tGm0gRYDY-00025-00021524-00022354 follow the typical timing. Now, let�s look at the um gait pattern here 4-tGm0gRYDY-00026-00022354-00023402 in a little more detail. So, uh, for uh typical walking the first contact pose is about 10% 4-tGm0gRYDY-00027-00023402-00024319 of the cycle. Then, uh, we have one foot in the air for 40%, uh, that completes one step. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00028-00024319-00025032 Then we have a contact pose again for 10%, and then the other leg is in the air for the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00029-00025032-00026387 remaining 40%. So, this is a very typical gait pattern for a normal walk. And, uh, you 4-tGm0gRYDY-00030-00026387-00027590 see here that, um, the contact uh time when the walk is faster, this uh percentage for 4-tGm0gRYDY-00031-00027590-00028436 the contact time tends to go down a little bit, but also the total amount of time, uh, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00032-00028436-00029397 for a uh stride uh goes down. Here�s, uh, another example of a different 4-tGm0gRYDY-00033-00029397-00030449 gait pattern. This is for a character walking with a painful uh leg. So, uh, with the um 4-tGm0gRYDY-00034-00030449-00031195 painful leg you might think that the natural tendency would be to the- to have that leg 4-tGm0gRYDY-00035-00031195-00031854 on the ground the minimum amount of time, but actually, uh, what happens is the uh passing 4-tGm0gRYDY-00036-00031854-00032868 position with that leg, uh, being the one on the ground that tends to decrease and the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00037-00032868-00033902 contact pose with both legs on the ground of tends to increase, um, and then the total 4-tGm0gRYDY-00038-00033902-00034950 amount of time for a stride increases significantly. In other words, the person walks rather slowly. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00039-00034950-00035765 So, uh, one of the ways of understanding uh this pattern is that, uh, the pressure on 4-tGm0gRYDY-00040-00035765-00036845 the leg has a spike during the contact pose and so in order to minimize that, uh, increase 4-tGm0gRYDY-00041-00036845-00037709 in- in pressure uh you walk slowly and extend the time of the contact pose as long as is 4-tGm0gRYDY-00042-00037709-00038593 practical in order to uh minimize those uh pressure variations. Anyway, the point here 4-tGm0gRYDY-00043-00038593-00039365 is that, uh, with different conditions uh all of that�s indicated in the uh- this 4-tGm0gRYDY-00044-00039365-00040378 gait pattern and timing. Now, when you walk faster, you tend to increase 4-tGm0gRYDY-00045-00040378-00041086 both the length of your steps, or your length of your stride, and then also the cadence 4-tGm0gRYDY-00046-00041086-00041747 or the rate at which you�re taking steps. So, uh, for example if your- if your slow 4-tGm0gRYDY-00047-00041747-00042805 walk has a stride length of 3 feet and stride rate of 2/3 of a stride per second- in other 4-tGm0gRYDY-00048-00042805-00043706 words, 2 strides every 3 seconds- uh, this works out to be a speed of about 2 feet per 4-tGm0gRYDY-00049-00043706-00044605 second, so this would be a slow walk. A fast walk might be you increase your stride length, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00050-00044605-00045528 uh, to 4 feet and then you increase your stride rate to uh 1 stride per second and the combination 4-tGm0gRYDY-00051-00045528-00046596 of those two doubles your speed to 4 feet per second. And, and at around a faster speed 4-tGm0gRYDY-00052-00046596-00047309 of about 6 to 7 feet per second, you don�t tend to walk, you- your pattern transitions 4-tGm0gRYDY-00053-00047309-00048133 into something very different which would be a run. So, the point here is that you don�t, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00054-00048133-00049108 um, walk faster simply by taking bigger steps or simply by changing your um cadence, but 4-tGm0gRYDY-00055-00049108-00049711 you actually do both. Let�s take a quick look at a few reference 4-tGm0gRYDY-00056-00049711-00052077 videos here. First, a normal walk. Now, a slow walk. Now, a fast walk. And finally, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00057-00052077-00052722 let�s look at that slow walk but we�ll play it at uh double-speed, uh, so it�s 4-tGm0gRYDY-00058-00052722-00054184 as if it was fast. So, uh, the uh slow walk uh played fast uh doesn�t look natural, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00059-00054184-00054591 it just looks like it�s being played at high speed. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00060-00054591-00055501 Now, the question would be, well, uh, when we�re walking, uh, why do we take the step-length 4-tGm0gRYDY-00061-00055501-00056204 uh that�s- that we choose. Uh, certainly it�s possible to take, uh, longer steps 4-tGm0gRYDY-00062-00056204-00056915 or shorter steps so, um, when we walk at a certain speed why do we uh take the step-length 4-tGm0gRYDY-00063-00056915-00057753 we uh that- that we do? Um, well, it turns out that the body naturally adjusts the step 4-tGm0gRYDY-00064-00057753-00058494 length to minimize the uh energy required to maintain a certain walking speed; so, that�s 4-tGm0gRYDY-00065-00058494-00059505 why it�s unnatural to walk fast by taking many many quick, short steps and it�s unnatural 4-tGm0gRYDY-00066-00059505-00060328 to walk slow by taking long steps, um, but with a very slow cadence. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00067-00060328-00061083 Now, this um energy requirement you can understand that, uh, there�s two competing factors 4-tGm0gRYDY-00068-00061083-00061888 here. Uh, when you move the leg forward out of the contact pose, uh, it takes some energy 4-tGm0gRYDY-00069-00061888-00062854 to um give that leg um speed. So, just to get the leg moving, the body has to um exert 4-tGm0gRYDY-00070-00062854-00063514 a force and so you- some energy is- is required. Now, once the leg is moving, it just continues 4-tGm0gRYDY-00071-00063514-00064539 moving so, uh, it actually takes less energy uh to take fewer long steps uh than it takes 4-tGm0gRYDY-00072-00064539-00065338 to take, uh, many short steps. So, in this regard, long steps are favorable 4-tGm0gRYDY-00073-00065338-00065867 in terms of the energy required to move the leg. On the other hand, uh, when you take 4-tGm0gRYDY-00074-00065867-00066714 long steps, uh, the body uh drops a large distance, um, in the contact pose and then 4-tGm0gRYDY-00075-00066714-00067581 has to rise a large distance into the passing position. And that requires energy. So, uh, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00076-00067581-00068235 raising and lowering the body, uh, going uh out of the contact into passing position to 4-tGm0gRYDY-00077-00068235-00069182 raise it, and then dropping back into contact uh pose. So, that�s it takes energy and 4-tGm0gRYDY-00078-00069182-00069865 uh long steps require more energy into in terms of raising and lowering the body. 4-tGm0gRYDY-00079-00069865-00070542 So, uh, we have these two competing factors and uh your body has to find uh the best balance 4-tGm0gRYDY-00080-00070542-00071376 between those two depending on the walking speed that you want to, uh, be going. And, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00081-00071376-00072054 uh, you can take measurements on take- put people on a treadmill; fix the speed of the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00082-00072054-00072809 treadmill. If you asked them to take short steps and walk quickly and measure their, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00083-00072809-00073726 um uh, energy consumption it turns out that takes more energy. If you take- have them 4-tGm0gRYDY-00084-00073726-00074677 take long steps with a slow cadence that takes more energy. This minimum in energy consumption 4-tGm0gRYDY-00085-00074677-00075485 happens to occur at the step-length that the body naturally, uh, finds when uh walking 4-tGm0gRYDY-00086-00075485-00076158 at that speed. So, in summary walking has, uh, two basic 4-tGm0gRYDY-00087-00076158-00076745 poses: the contact pose with both feet on the ground, and the passing position with 4-tGm0gRYDY-00088-00076745-00077590 one leg moving under the torso. Uh, both feet are on the ground about 20% of the time, uh, 4-tGm0gRYDY-00089-00077590-00078691 for a cycle. So, that�s about 10% for the first step, then 40% uh of the time one leg 4-tGm0gRYDY-00090-00078691-00079392 is in the air in first step, and then the pattern repeats another 10% both feet on the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00091-00079392-00080051 ground and then 40% percent, uh, one leg in the air. That�s the uh gait pattern we were 4-tGm0gRYDY-00092-00080051-00080959 looking at. Uh, when you walk faster, you tend to increase both the step-length and 4-tGm0gRYDY-00093-00080959-00081782 the rate at which you are taking steps or the cadence. It�s not natural to uh only 4-tGm0gRYDY-00094-00081782-00082709 change the step-length or only change the cadence. And then, uh, for uh different walking 4-tGm0gRYDY-00095-00082709-00083587 speeds, the body finds the step-length that happens to minimize the required energy consumption 4-tGm0gRYDY-00096-00083587-00084511 for that step length. That�s why um walking at a certain speed, there�s a certain step-length 4-tGm0gRYDY-00097-00084511-00085612 that feels natural, um, to the walk, uh so. Now, uh, it�s amazing but uh just over years 4-tGm0gRYDY-00098-00085612-00086663 of walking, uh, your body has naturally discovered this uh- these step lengths. Well, that�s 4-tGm0gRYDY-00099-00086663-00087399 a basic introduction to walks. We�ll be getting into a lot more details uh of the 4-tGm0gRYDY-00100-00087399-00087802 different elements in the next tutorial, so I�ll see you then. 4BPREHKlq7y-00000-00000488-00000903 This is Hon Mun Island in Nha Trang 4BPREHKlq7y-00001-00000932-00001478 where I teach mermaid swimming for children 4BPREHKlq7y-00002-00001646-00001988 I am the legend of merman 4BPREHKlq7y-00003-00001988-00002590 who rescued animals from the illegal wildlife trade 4BPREHKlq7y-00004-00002590-00002980 released them into the national parks 4BPREHKlq7y-00005-00002980-00003374 and created Mermaning 4BPREHKlq7y-00006-00003374-00003904 the world's first merman swimming method 4BPREHKlq7y-00007-00006238-00006568 All mermaid fans know my name 4BPREHKlq7y-00008-00010106-00010494 Haven't we met before? 4BPREHKlq7y-00009-00012064-00012310 Just call me 4BPREHKlq7y-00010-00012310-00012660 Merman Tiun 4BPREHKlq7y-00011-00012910-00013282 Because I am best friends with 4BPREHKlq7y-00012-00013282-00013594 sea turtles 4BPREHKlq7y-00013-00013791-00014063 and dolphins 4BPREHKlq7y-00014-00014632-00015352 I am on my way to find a true love kiss 4BPREHKlq7y-00015-00020768-00021498 I am also a merman stuck on land 4BPREHKlq7y-00016-00021498-00022308 who is the certified mermaid instructor from PADI 4BPREHKlq7y-00017-00031036-00031894 My another mission is to stop the illegal wildlife trade 4BPREHKlq7y-00018-00031894-00032144 and to build a future 4BPREHKlq7y-00019-00032144-00033112 in which humans live in harmony with nature 4BPREHKlq7y-00020-00041228-00041760 Last week two endangered elongated tortoises 4BPREHKlq7y-00021-00041760-00042054 (Indotestudo elongata) 4BPREHKlq7y-00022-00042054-00042474 were brought into the TIUN Wildlife Rescue 4BPREHKlq7y-00023-00042474-00043030 by a concerned local who had ‘found’ them close 4BPREHKlq7y-00024-00043030-00043498 to his home in area populated by many people, 4BPREHKlq7y-00025-00043498-00043908 he feared that someone would 4BPREHKlq7y-00026-00043908-00044188 catch them and eat them 4BPREHKlq7y-00027-00044188-00044688 All two little tortoises seem in good health 4BPREHKlq7y-00028-00057834-00058200 For now these little guys are safe 4BPREHKlq7y-00029-00058200-00058646 and are currently settling into life at 4BPREHKlq7y-00030-00058646-00059000 Nam Cat Tien National Park 4BPREHKlq7y-00031-00059000-00059482 meeting other rescued and displaced 4BPREHKlq7y-00032-00059482-00059948 elongated tortoises in a large open field enclosure 4BPREHKlq7y-00033-00059948-00060398 In the future we hope to release these guys 4BPREHKlq7y-00034-00060398-00060817 back to the wild in a protected area 4BPREHKlq7y-00035-00060817-00061217 far away from the pressures of man 4BPREHKlq7y-00036-00061391-00061744 The elongated Tortoise is listed as Endangered 4BPREHKlq7y-00037-00061744-00062052 by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 4BPREHKlq7y-00038-00062052-00062391 it is under extreme pressure across most of its range, 4BPREHKlq7y-00039-00062391-00062688 largely due to it being widely harvested 4BPREHKlq7y-00040-00062688-00062940 and sold on the Asian food markets 4BPREHKlq7y-00041-00062940-00063270 Disregard for international conservation laws 4BPREHKlq7y-00042-00063270-00063560 are apparent, with the trade in tortoises brisk, 4BPREHKlq7y-00043-00063562-00063886 highly developed, and probably ignored 4BPREHKlq7y-00044-00063886-00064174 by many border guards, customs officials, 4BPREHKlq7y-00045-00064174-00064416 and airline personnel. 4BPREHKlq7y-00046-00064416-00064632 Like many other tortoise species, 4BPREHKlq7y-00047-00064632-00064872 the elongated tortoise 4BPREHKlq7y-00048-00064876-00065202 is also sold as part of the pet trade. 4BPREHKlq7y-00049-00065202-00065491 It is also threatened by the habitat destruction, 4BPREHKlq7y-00050-00065491-00065766 fragmentation and loss, 4BPREHKlq7y-00051-00065766-00066086 that accompanies human commercial 4BPREHKlq7y-00052-00066086-00066384 and residential expansion 4BPREHKlq7y-00053-00066384-00066774 This species has undergone severe population declines 4BPREHKlq7y-00054-00066774-00067044 throughout its range 4GnIRtou01E-00000-00000000-00000648 Hey beautiful people last night Brian and I ventured out to my p.o box which I rented out about a month ago and 4GnIRtou01E-00001-00000708-00000926 I wanted to check it because I just hadn't been there 4GnIRtou01E-00002-00000926-00001292 I figured there, you know probably wouldn't be anything there, but I need to mail some things anyways 4GnIRtou01E-00003-00001292-00001865 And so we checked it and oh my god guys. You're so nice. I wanted to open everything 4GnIRtou01E-00004-00001866-00002153 on camera with you guys and just like thank each one of you individually 4GnIRtou01E-00005-00002218-00002576 Cuz this is so frickin. Nice. Like seriously. Thank you so much 4GnIRtou01E-00006-00002576-00002927 This made my day and night and I really wanted to open them last night 4GnIRtou01E-00007-00002959-00003459 But I didn't. like I wanted to have you guys with me while I opened things. So here we go 4GnIRtou01E-00008-00003465-00004068 Let's start with a card from Elizabeth super cute sticker by the way. Oh, this is so cute. Oh my gosh 4GnIRtou01E-00009-00004068-00004277 I know who this is from. Thank you so much Elizabeth 4GnIRtou01E-00010-00004278-00004836 I truly appreciate your card and taking the time to write me next a beautiful card from Richard 4GnIRtou01E-00011-00004885-00005160 got a whole letter here too - oh my gosh 4GnIRtou01E-00012-00005180-00005636 So, um Richard or dick as he prefers to go by I also know your your username 4GnIRtou01E-00013-00005637-00005732 I've talked to you as well 4GnIRtou01E-00014-00005732-00006392 I believe thank you so much. He shared his story of his journey losing his leg - when he was 14, that's crazy 4GnIRtou01E-00015-00006454-00006869 Thank you. This is so so so encouraging. Oh my gosh Wow guys, seriously, this is amazing 4GnIRtou01E-00016-00006923-00007123 Next we have a package from Matt 4GnIRtou01E-00017-00007236-00007436 If I'm strong enough to open it. Oh 4GnIRtou01E-00018-00007593-00008048 Oh my gosh, like stop it you guys this is so nice 4GnIRtou01E-00019-00008059-00008618 Okay, so in his letter, he talks about the ossur company, which is actually the brand that ended up doing my leg so Matt 4GnIRtou01E-00020-00008686-00008909 Awesome recommendation. That's exactly 4GnIRtou01E-00021-00008974-00009147 Exactly who I ended up using. Okay? 4GnIRtou01E-00022-00009147-00009599 So he's also talking about a couple other companies that make shorter legs cuz you know my limbs a little bit longer than usual 4GnIRtou01E-00023-00009636-00010166 This is so cool. He's been through all kinds of surgeries like I have and is a below knee amputee as well 4GnIRtou01E-00024-00010167-00010439 Oh my gosh, and he started playing hockey again 4GnIRtou01E-00025-00010518-00011153 That's insane some info of him running on a treadmill with his leg and moves on the ice rink 4GnIRtou01E-00026-00011154-00011585 I will definitely be checking this out as soon as I possibly can. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much 4GnIRtou01E-00027-00011602-00012161 Last we have, actually I'm not sure this is from, the postage is real cute. I can tell you that much 4GnIRtou01E-00028-00012204-00012905 Gonna use scissors for this one, you know conserve my energy. They're actually wrapped. What the heck people are so nice 4GnIRtou01E-00029-00013123-00013692 And a card oh I know exactly who this is from. Lisa thank you it is so great to hear from Oh my god 4GnIRtou01E-00030-00013693-00014062 I feel like my voice is like so high right now. I'm exposing my super girly side 4GnIRtou01E-00031-00014062-00014475 So I know your username too- obviously we've talked back and forth a number of times 4GnIRtou01E-00032-00014576-00015112 This is amazing. What a sweet card and again super duper cute. Merry Christmas to you right back 4GnIRtou01E-00033-00015112-00015472 It's a little late to say Merry Christmas, but you know still. So, let's see what we have here. Oh 4GnIRtou01E-00034-00015823-00016182 My gosh, okay. So this book I have never read it 4GnIRtou01E-00035-00016182-00016677 but literally everyone who I respect the opinion of in my life has told me that this is like 4GnIRtou01E-00036-00016748-00017382 Vital to read I am really really looking forward to this. I love reading I do it as often as I can 4GnIRtou01E-00037-00017382-00017582 I'll like listen to books on audible or 4GnIRtou01E-00038-00017597-00017876 Actually read books when I can sit down and do it and I have time to do that now 4GnIRtou01E-00039-00017876-00018354 this for years like years people have told me to read this and I've never picked it up 4GnIRtou01E-00040-00018354-00018912 I don't know why and now I have it. Thank you. This is so cool. Beautiful wrapping paper and wrapping job, I might say 4GnIRtou01E-00041-00019084-00019204 Hmm, oh! 4GnIRtou01E-00042-00019204-00019629 Another book, I don't actually know this one. Let's see what it is about together 4GnIRtou01E-00043-00019638-00020043 It is a chanting novel that has inspired a devoted following around the world 4GnIRtou01E-00044-00020044-00020274 It's about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago 4GnIRtou01E-00045-00020297-00020856 Who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried near the pyramids 4GnIRtou01E-00046-00020866-00021291 Along the way he meets a gypsy woman a man who calls himself King and the alchemist 4GnIRtou01E-00047-00021304-00021756 All of whom point santiago in the direction of his quest this will be so cool! Awesome! 4GnIRtou01E-00048-00021756-00021957 That sounds like my kind of book and last but not least 4GnIRtou01E-00049-00022123-00022848 Okay, I don't know if I've actually said on this channel or not, but I am crazy about dark chocolate it's specifically dark chocolate like I 4GnIRtou01E-00050-00022901-00023544 Don't discriminate against chocolate but the darker the chocolate the better. This is 70% which is fantastic 4GnIRtou01E-00051-00023551-00024111 I've not seen this brand before and I love trying new ones. It's dark chocolate sea salt and orange 4GnIRtou01E-00052-00024112-00024717 How cool is that and also two bookmarks to go with the two books with super awesome quotes if I may say so 4GnIRtou01E-00053-00024718-00025212 Let me make sure you can see these and really cute designs. You guys are crazy and awesome 4GnIRtou01E-00054-00025212-00025793 And so so so sweet and your words, especially we're so encouraging and your little gifts and cards 4GnIRtou01E-00055-00025793-00026027 So Lisa and Matt and Richard and Elizabeth. Thank you 4GnIRtou01E-00056-00026027-00026696 So so so much for reaching out to me for sending me things. God, this is so sweet. You guys are amazing 4GnIRtou01E-00057-00026696-00027014 Thank you, and if you made to be in the video, thank you so much 4GnIRtou01E-00058-00027014-00027626 I think this is a very self-serving kind of video, but I wanted to share this with you because I was really excited to 4GnIRtou01E-00059-00027684-00028037 See things in the mail from you guys and I will definitely be writing back 4GnIRtou01E-00060-00028037-00028244 So I look forward to seeing you guys in the next video 4GnIRtou01E-00061-00028244-00028595 I hope you're having a lovely weekend, and I will talk to you soon. Bye guys 4Iy4u212ZT0-00000-00000000-00000200 I just got reported 4L7GWl5V1ig-00000-00000115-00000542 [music] 4L7GWl5V1ig-00001-00000695-00001207 Kuznez, shot May 7, 1938. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00002-00001507-00002107 Talimon Timofeyevich Gospin, shot Jan 8, 1938. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00003-00002768-00003019 Not enough tears in the world to honor all victims. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00004-00003019-00003519 We're reading off names of casualties from Stalin's repressions. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00005-00003519-00004025 Names that would seem to be irrelevant to us, of people we don't know. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00006-00004025-00004437 Yemelian Ivanovich Volokh. Born in 1886 in a Kuban' stanitsa [village]. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00007-00004437-00004767 Lived in Har'kov city. Chairman of the Ukranian Chauffeurs' Union. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00008-00004767-00005071 Served his sentence in Solovetsky prison. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00009-00005071-00005671 Reading of casualties of the Great Purge, who are buried in Sandarmokh. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00010-00005671-00005871 Shot Nov 1, 1937. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00011-00005871-00006278 Andrei Klimovich Grigorchyuk-Yakovchyuk, shot Nov 26, 1937. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00012-00006578-00007200 But the day will come when someone reads your ancestor's name, though you probably won't know it. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00013-00007200-00007800 But your world will falter, like a desert mirage in a film, and it will change. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00014-00007800-00008540 It's the butterfly effect. You'll never know why your life changed. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00015-00008540-00009010 Can we get personal? I come from a family of those repressed. I'm from Tambov. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00016-00009010-00009529 I'm the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the Antonov uprising. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00017-00009529-00009929 I'm of the Kulaks. They were all killed. For many years, I was married 4L7GWl5V1ig-00018-00009929-00010504 to a man whose grandfather had been a repressor. He shot and imprisoned many. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00019-00010504-00011135 But then his grandson, that is my husband, was imprisoned in the same prison as my grandfather. A shared fate. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00020-00011135-00011784 The repressors now will be sentenced themselves, and their children, 4L7GWl5V1ig-00021-00011784-00012386 and their children's children. This is quite within the realm of possibilities. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00022-00012386-00012936 Those who are in power now have to remember this. Remember it well. Or we can change it all, right now. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00023-00012936-00013649 Let's stop this system in its tracks. Let me tell about the Novoe Velichie case [New Greatness]. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00024-00013649-00014313 A terrorist organization that doesn't exist. This is a case of provocation. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00025-00014313-00014769 It isn't real, and yet it exists. The sentences are real. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00026-00014769-00015293 Seven years, deprived of freedom, thanks to someone's whim. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00027-00015293-00015897 A special agent dreamed up this terror cell, and then served it up on a platter. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00028-00015897-00016491 He probably got a bonus for it, too. He made a Telegram group, invited people to it, 4L7GWl5V1ig-00029-00016491-00017010 and now they are being sentenced because of this. But him? No. Throughout 4L7GWl5V1ig-00030-00017010-00017490 the whole trial, lasting 2.5 years now, the defense hasn't left one stone unturned. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00031-00017490-00018117 Witnesses have shared their stories, defendants have sat in jail or under house arrest, 4L7GWl5V1ig-00032-00018117-00018665 testifying when needed. Expert examinations were carried out, again and again. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00033-00018665-00019326 The truth is obvious to all, including the judge it seems. New Greatness 4L7GWl5V1ig-00034-00019326-00020073 is not an organization, let alone a terror cell. The accused did not 4L7GWl5V1ig-00035-00020073-00020538 participate in the activities they're so boldly accused of. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00036-00020538-00020988 There's a letter from the Mothers' March, who had walked with plush toys 4L7GWl5V1ig-00037-00020988-00021687 across Moscow two years ago. Many more have joined their ranks since, including men. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00038-00021687-00022668 After all, fathers are mothers, too. "What's happening to us is a catastrophe," 4L7GWl5V1ig-00039-00022668-00023015 writes one of the accused under the New Greatness case, on the eve of his sentence. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00040-00023015-00023673 "But we have become accustomed to catastrophes. God endured and told us to do the same." 4L7GWl5V1ig-00041-00023673-00024126 I don't know another language with such an idiom. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00042-00024126-00024676 I have heard it from my great-grandma, my grandma, and my mom too. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00043-00024676-00025386 Repression with political motive, repression of disagreement is shameful. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00044-00025386-00026087 The New Greatness case is a political case. The New Greatness case is a case 4L7GWl5V1ig-00045-00026087-00026820 that's been totally fabricated, spun up at Lyubyanka [FSB HQ]. And yet, there are real people 4L7GWl5V1ig-00046-00026820-00027653 doing time for it. Just regular guys. They were tortured, beat and even 4L7GWl5V1ig-00047-00027653-00028295 raped with the handle of a hammer. What's New here? Absolutely nothing. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00048-00028295-00028976 Nothing terribly Great either. It's mother Russia's same old tricks. This is 4L7GWl5V1ig-00049-00028976-00029429 why we don't have a final count of victims from Stalin's repression on Berlin's memorial stones. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00050-00029429-00030043 We all understand that it's not over. Not yet. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00051-00030089-00030989 100m away from the memorial for Stalin's victims: the memorial for victims under Nazism, engraved with 1933-1945. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00052-00031089-00031689 Some day, in Berlin, Paris, New York or Moscow, there will be a new memorial, for casualties of today's repressions. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00053-00031689-00032114 And strangers will be reading your names, or maybe 4L7GWl5V1ig-00054-00032189-00032714 they'll be reading the names of your children. This will be poor consolation. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00055-00032714-00033396 The emblem for the New Greatness case was a stylized phoenix. But in court, the judge pronounced it as 4L7GWl5V1ig-00056-00033396-00033762 'sterilized phoenix', unaware of the difference. To him it doesn't matter. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00057-00033762-00034579 But there IS a difference, and he will come to know it. When his children and 4L7GWl5V1ig-00058-00034579-00034812 grandchildren are standing on the tribunal. 4L7GWl5V1ig-00059-00034812-00035508 And this WILL come to pass, when the system spits us out and needs new fuel. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00000-00000600-00000700 Hello everybody! 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00001-00000700-00001178 In today’s video, I’ll show you how to create a Wi-Fi hotspot on a desktop computer 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00002-00001178-00001682 or laptop with Windows 10 without having to use any third-party apps, and how to share 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00003-00001682-00001914 a VPN connection by Wi-Fi. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00004-00001914-00002494 Sometimes, you may need to share an Internet connection with a VPN by Wi-Fi from your laptop 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00005-00002494-00002625 or computer. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00006-00002625-00003109 And most software tools that can be used for this purpose are commercial products. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00007-00003109-00003659 But why would we download all that extra stuff if we can create a Wi-Fi hotspot using the 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00008-00003659-00003944 integrated features of the operating system? 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00009-00003944-00004346 All you have to do is to find a free VPN client to change the region. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00010-00004346-00004521 Why would you need it? 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00011-00004521-00004953 For example, to change the region when establishing an Internet connection. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00012-00004953-00005407 One of the recent cases is when we changed the region trying to reconfigure blocked TVs 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00013-00005407-00005557 by Samsung. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00014-00005557-00005774 Or for other similar purposes. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00015-00005774-00006305 So get ready for a detailed tutorial on creating a Wi-Fi hotspot with the means of the operating 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00016-00006305-00008354 system and sharing a VPN connection. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00017-00008354-00010372 So, let’s begin. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00018-00010372-00010953 There are a few ways to share a VPN connection, and we showed one of them in a recent video, 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00019-00010953-00011144 so find the link in the description below. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00020-00011144-00011244 VPN connection. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00021-00011244-00011473 Start with creating a VPN connection. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00022-00011473-00012018 You will have to download and install a special app for your computer - a VPN client. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00023-00012018-00012444 At the moment, there are lots of them, but for our purpose, a basic free version will 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00024-00012444-00012544 be enough. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00025-00012544-00012988 I will illustrate the process with the example of Hotspot Shield VPN. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00026-00012988-00013754 You can use any other VPN client just as well, because Hotspot Shield is only used as a convenient 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00027-00013754-00013854 example. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00028-00013854-00014141 Start the program. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00029-00014141-00015045 Choose the free version. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00030-00015045-00016084 Select available localization. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00031-00016084-00016263 Get connected. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00032-00016263-00016771 Of course, you can configure VPN on the router instead, but this process is quite complicated 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00033-00016771-00017048 and requires certain knowledge on this topic. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00034-00017048-00017482 In case you’re interested, visit our YouTube channel for a good video about configuring 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00035-00017482-00017834 a router, and I will leave the link below. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00036-00017834-00018263 As soon as you see the following notification, you can go on with the settings. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00037-00018263-00018387 How to Share a VPN connection by Wi-Fi in Windows 10 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00038-00018387-00018812 Open Settings / Network & Internet. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00039-00018812-00019484 Here’s an important thing to remember! 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00040-00019484-00019916 Your computer or laptop should be connected to the network with an Ethernet cable, and 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00041-00019916-00020074 have a Wi-Fi module. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00042-00020074-00020470 Otherwise, nothing will work out. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00043-00020470-00020716 Now open “Mobile hotspot.” 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00044-00020716-00022140 Specify the network name and password and drag the slider to enable the connection. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00045-00022140-00023537 Below, find the link “Change adapter options.” 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00046-00023537-00023962 In the “Network connections” menu, you should find a VPN network. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00047-00023962-00024405 Have a closer look at the names: the virtual connection will not have a real adapter name, 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00048-00024405-00024594 such as TP-Link, Realtek, or Intel. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00049-00024594-00025409 For the virtual connection, the name should be something like this: Adapter V9 V3 etc. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00050-00025409-00025792 Select it and right-click on it. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00051-00025792-00026127 Properties - Sharing. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00052-00026127-00026597 Check the box for “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00053-00026597-00026731 connection.” 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00054-00026731-00027294 Below, in the line “Home networking connection,” select the wireless network you have just 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00055-00027294-00027394 created. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00056-00027394-00027494 Ok. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00057-00027494-00028355 That’s all, a hotspot with a VPN connection is ready. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00058-00028355-00029031 Now use your phone to connect to this network and check if it works properly. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00059-00029031-00029538 The hotspot works just as it should, and the Internet connection is available. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00060-00029538-00029857 Go to the website 2ip and check the region. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00061-00029857-00030042 It says it’s the United States. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00062-00030042-00030197 Everything works fine. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00063-00030197-00031391 Now, to disable the Wi-Fi hotspot, Open Settings / Network & Internet / Mobile hotspot. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00064-00031391-00032717 Uncheck the box to allow connection and disable VPN. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00065-00032717-00033242 If all you need is to create a Wi-Fi hotspot, configure and enable the mobile hotspot, that’s 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00066-00033242-00033342 all. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00067-00033342-00033894 A VPN client is only required when you need to change the region (that is, your location). 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00068-00033894-00033994 That is all for now! 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00069-00033994-00034210 Hopefully, this video was useful. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00070-00034210-00034522 Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00071-00034522-00034939 Hit the bell button to receive notifications and never miss new videos. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00072-00034939-00035075 Leave comments to ask questions. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00073-00035075-00035183 Thank you for watching. 4LeYpY6k6rQ-00074-00035183-00035244 Good luck. 4NnFkGhgFTI-00000-00000008-00000664 i'm so happy you're watching this video because today we're talking about a really cool subject 4NnFkGhgFTI-00001-00000664-00001304 that everybody wants to know nobody talks about is who schedules the closing date on the sale 4NnFkGhgFTI-00002-00001304-00001848 of the house you've been through the process you prepared your house for sale you marketed 4NnFkGhgFTI-00003-00001848-00002584 it you had showings you had offers you accepted an offer you went through the home inspection 4NnFkGhgFTI-00004-00002656-00003096 and now you're wondering who's scheduling the closing date 4NnFkGhgFTI-00005-00003096-00003696 on a sale of the house right well it's not you and that's what we're talking about right after this 4NnFkGhgFTI-00006-00004272-00004720 welcome back to my channel i'm Esphir Popilevsky with Supreme Home Sales 4NnFkGhgFTI-00007-00004720-00005400 as a staten island resident and a staten realtor i love helping you navigate the home selling process 4NnFkGhgFTI-00008-00005472-00005960 really it starts from the time that the contract is fully executed so let's get 4NnFkGhgFTI-00009-00005960-00006623 through the process to understand what happens and how the closing is being scheduled and then i will 4NnFkGhgFTI-00010-00006623-00007520 tell you who schedules it so the contract signed and the buyer has 45 days to provide you with the 4NnFkGhgFTI-00011-00007520-00008080 mortgage commitment once the bank issues the mortgage commitment to the buyer 4NnFkGhgFTI-00012-00008080-00008704 the buyer's attorney will then order a title search within the title search they're looking for 4NnFkGhgFTI-00013-00008776-00009456 clear title if there's any issues that come up on the title you will have to correct and clear those 4NnFkGhgFTI-00014-00009456-00010216 items before the closing can even be scheduled once the title is cleared we also have to get 4NnFkGhgFTI-00015-00010216-00010976 the bank to clear all additional conditions on when they issued the mortgage commitment so once 4NnFkGhgFTI-00016-00010976-00011984 all that is cleared done issued the magic word that everybody is waiting for is clear to close 4NnFkGhgFTI-00017-00011984-00012656 and clear to close comes from the bank at that point we have several people that are involved 4NnFkGhgFTI-00018-00012656-00013456 in scheduling the closing that would be the title closer the bank attorney the buyer's attorney 4NnFkGhgFTI-00019-00013456-00014256 your attorney the seller's attorney um i haven't heard that anybody asked you when is the closing 4NnFkGhgFTI-00020-00014256-00014863 right because that's how it works they don't ask you all four parties will collaborate 4NnFkGhgFTI-00021-00014863-00015568 between themselves and they will come down to a closing day where everybody is available to 4NnFkGhgFTI-00022-00015568-00016160 show up and then they will just let you know that you need to show up to your closing 4NnFkGhgFTI-00023-00016160-00017008 on such such date and time usually you get about three days to a week's notice for you to do that 4NnFkGhgFTI-00024-00017008-00017512 it's important to know that although you don't schedule the closing day there are 4NnFkGhgFTI-00025-00017512-00018136 some things within the contract that gives you an on or about day about the closing date 4NnFkGhgFTI-00026-00018136-00018704 it's not going to be specifically on that date but they will try to come up with a date that's 4NnFkGhgFTI-00027-00018704-00019512 kind of close or round about that day if you're interested in knowing the house selling process 4NnFkGhgFTI-00028-00019512-00020248 i did a video about house closing process for sellers you can watch that next i'm talking about 4NnFkGhgFTI-00029-00020248-00020912 the process at the closing table and who gets paid and how the money is being distributed so watch 4NnFkGhgFTI-00030-00020912-00021600 that next right there and i will see you in my next video thank you for watching see you Monday 4NDVlDUvw8M-00000-00000433-00000601 >> Some of you may know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00001-00000601-00000705 if you're from Texas, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00002-00000705-00000831 I know we have a few Texans 4NDVlDUvw8M-00003-00000831-00000959 here, that the state 4NDVlDUvw8M-00004-00000959-00001090 of Texas is running its 4NDVlDUvw8M-00005-00001095-00001225 primaries right now. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00006-00001225-00001360 Primary elections, you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00007-00001360-00001477 to choose the candidates 4NDVlDUvw8M-00008-00001477-00001538 for governor 4NDVlDUvw8M-00009-00001538-00001729 and other state officials. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00010-00001780-00001956 And I read in the paper 4NDVlDUvw8M-00011-00001956-00002009 the other day, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00012-00002009-00002155 that in the primary for -- 4NDVlDUvw8M-00013-00002155-00002271 a lot of people in Texas 4NDVlDUvw8M-00014-00002271-00002394 like to run for office. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00015-00002394-00002444 There's like 10 4NDVlDUvw8M-00016-00002444-00002542 or 12 people running 4NDVlDUvw8M-00017-00002542-00002777 in the primary for governor. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00018-00002777-00002834 That's alright. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00019-00002917-00003223 One of them had his name legally 4NDVlDUvw8M-00020-00003223-00003531 changed, yes, to "Secede." 4NDVlDUvw8M-00021-00003593-00003763 His name is now Secede, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00022-00003834-00003911 on the theory 4NDVlDUvw8M-00023-00003911-00004067 that this will get more votes 4NDVlDUvw8M-00024-00004067-00004242 in Texas on the ballot. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00025-00004328-00004598 So, secession is 4NDVlDUvw8M-00026-00004598-00004788 in the air nowadays, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00027-00004788-00004958 or maybe always has been 4NDVlDUvw8M-00028-00004958-00005050 in one form or another. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00029-00005086-00005142 I have a little 4NDVlDUvw8M-00030-00005142-00005309 secession collection. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00031-00005309-00005355 Here's something 4NDVlDUvw8M-00032-00005355-00005481 from the Wall Street Journal a 4NDVlDUvw8M-00033-00005481-00005578 few years ago. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00034-00005679-00005811 A range of groups, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00035-00005811-00005897 not just Texas, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00036-00005897-00006040 are advocating secession. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00037-00006162-00006373 Hawaii, which was independent 4NDVlDUvw8M-00038-00006373-00006591 once, there's a group trying 4NDVlDUvw8M-00039-00006591-00006752 to become the Nation of Hawaii. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00040-00006786-00006872 There's a website 4NDVlDUvw8M-00041-00006872-00006990 for a group called the North 4NDVlDUvw8M-00042-00006990-00007201 Star Republic, with a mission 4NDVlDUvw8M-00043-00007201-00007339 to establish Minnesota, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00044-00007339-00007469 Wisconsin and Michigan 4NDVlDUvw8M-00045-00007469-00007660 as an independent state. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00046-00007720-00007913 Vermont wants to become a sort 4NDVlDUvw8M-00047-00007913-00008072 of independent People's Republic 4NDVlDUvw8M-00048-00008115-00008172 up there. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00049-00008172-00008476 A group called Christian Exodus 4NDVlDUvw8M-00050-00008518-00008617 has the purpose 4NDVlDUvw8M-00051-00008617-00008826 of transforming South Carolina 4NDVlDUvw8M-00052-00008826-00009049 into a Christian-run nation. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00053-00009112-00009287 And they even had 4NDVlDUvw8M-00054-00009308-00009453 a conference a few years ago 4NDVlDUvw8M-00055-00009453-00009720 of secessionists, up in Vermont, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00056-00009723-00009858 from all over the place: 4NDVlDUvw8M-00057-00009858-00010021 Alaska, Hawaii, the Southern--, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00058-00010021-00010114 the Christians, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00059-00010154-00010264 Puerto Rican independence. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00060-00010264-00010338 So, in other words, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00061-00010457-00010698 this is still an issue around 4NDVlDUvw8M-00062-00010698-00010873 in our life today. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00063-00010955-00011180 Then there's, here's a, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00064-00011180-00011364 see how history connects? 4NDVlDUvw8M-00065-00011364-00011523 This is a magazine called 4NDVlDUvw8M-00066-00011530-00011668 MBA Jungle. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00067-00011734-00011829 That's what it's like out there, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00068-00011829-00011940 folks, if you get a business 4NDVlDUvw8M-00069-00011940-00012028 degree: the jungle. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00070-00012096-00012238 But they had this article a few 4NDVlDUvw8M-00071-00012238-00012320 years ago, a friend 4NDVlDUvw8M-00072-00012320-00012407 of mine passed it along. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00073-00012437-00012570 The 100, no, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00074-00012570-00012868 "The 25 dumbest business 4NDVlDUvw8M-00075-00012868-00013042 decisions of all time." 4NDVlDUvw8M-00076-00013126-00013408 So one of them was the Ford 4NDVlDUvw8M-00077-00013408-00013495 Edsel, some 4NDVlDUvw8M-00078-00013495-00013602 of you may remember that, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00079-00013602-00013747 the worst car ever produced. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00080-00013790-00014077 The Red Sox selling Babe Ruth 4NDVlDUvw8M-00081-00014077-00014266 to the Yankees, bad move. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00082-00014439-00014633 New Coke, they introduced New 4NDVlDUvw8M-00083-00014633-00014732 Coke, it was horrible, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00084-00014732-00014842 they had to go back to old Coke. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00085-00014842-00015002 But the worst business decision 4NDVlDUvw8M-00086-00015002-00015412 in history was the secession 4NDVlDUvw8M-00087-00015412-00015467 of the South. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00088-00015571-00015742 The South's secession is the 4NDVlDUvw8M-00089-00015742-00015878 single stupidest, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00090-00015883-00016085 costliest business decision 4NDVlDUvw8M-00091-00016110-00016235 in American history. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00092-00016286-00016420 And here's how they describe it: 4NDVlDUvw8M-00093-00016420-00016570 "a dreamy-eyed attempt 4NDVlDUvw8M-00094-00016570-00016712 to preserve a feudal, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00095-00016739-00016967 agricultural, morally bankrupt, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00096-00016967-00017136 slave-based economy 4NDVlDUvw8M-00097-00017136-00017256 against the juggernaut 4NDVlDUvw8M-00098-00017256-00017408 of industrial capitalism." 4NDVlDUvw8M-00099-00017498-00017824 So this is the Beardian view now 4NDVlDUvw8M-00100-00017839-00017967 penetrating American 4NDVlDUvw8M-00101-00017967-00018153 business schools. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00102-00018206-00018313 You wonder why we're 4NDVlDUvw8M-00103-00018313-00018403 in a recession, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00104-00018449-00018523 that's what they're 4NDVlDUvw8M-00105-00018523-00018717 teaching them up there. [laughter] 4NDVlDUvw8M-00106-00018899-00019027 It's interesting to note though 4NDVlDUvw8M-00107-00019027-00019249 that the current view 4NDVlDUvw8M-00108-00019249-00019380 of the old South 4NDVlDUvw8M-00109-00019380-00019492 among historians, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00110-00019492-00019604 which may not be 100 percent 4NDVlDUvw8M-00111-00019604-00019700 accurate but it's the current 4NDVlDUvw8M-00112-00019700-00019925 view, of the old South not 4NDVlDUvw8M-00113-00019925-00020170 as a backward, agrarian, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00114-00020170-00020300 decrepit society, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00115-00020300-00020496 but as a dynamic, expanding, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00116-00020496-00020564 capitalist, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00117-00020570-00020727 profit-making society, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00118-00020824-00021132 doesn't fit this image of, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00119-00021165-00021226 you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00120-00021226-00021449 of an old agrarian, you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00121-00021449-00021589 romantic society 4NDVlDUvw8M-00122-00021589-00021697 fighting the juggernaut... 4NDVlDUvw8M-00123-00021697-00021750 And by the way, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00124-00021750-00021889 the North was not a juggernaut 4NDVlDUvw8M-00125-00021889-00022017 of industrialism either, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00126-00022017-00022117 as we have said. Alright, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00127-00022117-00022211 but that's, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00128-00022245-00022326 that's a different point. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00129-00022326-00022435 So, in other words, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00130-00022555-00022737 the idea of -- now the idea 4NDVlDUvw8M-00131-00022737-00023062 of secession, or linked- 4NDVlDUvw8M-00132-00023062-00023221 but-not-the-same-thing ideas 4NDVlDUvw8M-00133-00023221-00023421 such as state's rights 4NDVlDUvw8M-00134-00023421-00023548 and nullification, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00135-00023597-00023740 have been around since the 4NDVlDUvw8M-00136-00023740-00023900 beginning of the United States, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00137-00023900-00023924 right? 4NDVlDUvw8M-00138-00023983-00024076 Go back to the beginning: 4NDVlDUvw8M-00139-00024076-00024143 the Virginia 4NDVlDUvw8M-00140-00024143-00024328 and Kentucky Resolutions 4NDVlDUvw8M-00141-00024365-00024512 of Jefferson and Madison 4NDVlDUvw8M-00142-00024512-00024771 in 1798 -- they didn't talk 4NDVlDUvw8M-00143-00024771-00024844 about secession, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00144-00024844-00024953 but they talked about the right 4NDVlDUvw8M-00145-00024953-00025067 of a state basically 4NDVlDUvw8M-00146-00025067-00025347 to nullify national laws 4NDVlDUvw8M-00147-00025347-00025533 which they didn't approve of. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00148-00025533-00025636 Same thing happened, of course, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00149-00025636-00025785 in the Nullification Crisis 4NDVlDUvw8M-00150-00025827-00026134 over the tariff in the 1830s. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00151-00026209-00026352 In the 1850s, North, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00152-00026352-00026564 a few Northern states tried 4NDVlDUvw8M-00153-00026564-00026752 to nullify the Fugitive Slave 4NDVlDUvw8M-00154-00026752-00026933 Law. So in other words, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00155-00026933-00027087 the balance of authority 4NDVlDUvw8M-00156-00027087-00027229 between the federal government 4NDVlDUvw8M-00157-00027229-00027341 and the state governments 4NDVlDUvw8M-00158-00027341-00027417 has always been, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00159-00027417-00027547 and still is today, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00160-00027547-00027663 a point of dispute 4NDVlDUvw8M-00161-00027708-00027893 in our constitutional system. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00162-00027893-00028003 But the point is 4NDVlDUvw8M-00163-00028003-00028278 that nullification is not the 4NDVlDUvw8M-00164-00028278-00028386 same as secession, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00165-00028386-00028481 and in some ways, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00166-00028481-00028645 is the opposite of secession. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00167-00028689-00028840 Nullification is an attempt 4NDVlDUvw8M-00168-00028840-00029144 to preserve the Union while 4NDVlDUvw8M-00169-00029144-00029381 protecting what a local area 4NDVlDUvw8M-00170-00029381-00029627 or a state feels are its 4NDVlDUvw8M-00171-00029652-00029817 vital interests. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00172-00029861-00029965 It's a way of staying 4NDVlDUvw8M-00173-00029965-00030166 in the nation 4NDVlDUvw8M-00174-00030182-00030339 without losing your, you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00175-00030339-00030535 without having your 4NDVlDUvw8M-00176-00030535-00030598 interests suffer. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00177-00030649-00030781 Secession is the opposite, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00178-00030801-00030966 it is leaving the nation. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00179-00030966-00031095 Now, is 4NDVlDUvw8M-00180-00031095-00031264 secession constitutional? 4NDVlDUvw8M-00181-00031277-00031357 Who knows? 4NDVlDUvw8M-00182-00031432-00031544 The people who wrote the 4NDVlDUvw8M-00183-00031544-00031744 Constitution did not anticipate 4NDVlDUvw8M-00184-00031791-00031941 states leaving the Union. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00185-00031941-00032008 There is nothing 4NDVlDUvw8M-00186-00032008-00032229 in the Constitution allowing 4NDVlDUvw8M-00187-00032229-00032377 for -- any mechanism 4NDVlDUvw8M-00188-00032377-00032532 by which a state may leave 4NDVlDUvw8M-00189-00032538-00032600 the Union. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00190-00032645-00032895 But, on the other hand, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00191-00032903-00032984 there's nothing in it 4NDVlDUvw8M-00192-00032984-00033113 that says they may not leave 4NDVlDUvw8M-00193-00033113-00033162 the Union. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00194-00033162-00033360 It is just unanticipated. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00195-00033360-00033425 Trying 4NDVlDUvw8M-00196-00033425-00033528 to argue whether it's 4NDVlDUvw8M-00197-00033528-00033687 constitutional or not is absurd, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00198-00033742-00033964 because the Founders simply did 4NDVlDUvw8M-00199-00033964-00034187 not think about the possibility 4NDVlDUvw8M-00200-00034187-00034471 of states seceding once 4NDVlDUvw8M-00201-00034471-00034568 the Constitution had 4NDVlDUvw8M-00202-00034568-00034654 been adopted. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00203-00034709-00034876 The Southern argument, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00204-00034876-00035001 which has existed, you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00205-00035001-00035122 existed for a long, long time, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00206-00035122-00035230 was basically this: 4NDVlDUvw8M-00207-00035285-00035506 the Constitution is a compact, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00208-00035506-00035668 an agreement, a contract, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00209-00035700-00035890 among sovereign states. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00210-00035890-00036123 In order to create a federal 4NDVlDUvw8M-00211-00036123-00036288 government, states ceded some 4NDVlDUvw8M-00212-00036288-00036397 of their sovereignty 4NDVlDUvw8M-00213-00036427-00036539 to the federal government. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00214-00036539-00036598 For example, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00215-00036598-00036757 they can't coin money 4NDVlDUvw8M-00216-00036816-00036956 or enact treaties 4NDVlDUvw8M-00217-00036956-00037068 with foreign countries. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00218-00037131-00037278 But they retain a great deal 4NDVlDUvw8M-00219-00037278-00037406 of sovereignty. And moreover, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00220-00037406-00037501 they can opt out. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00221-00037501-00037572 if they don't like it, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00222-00037572-00037635 they can leave. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00223-00037635-00037741 Okay, it's a contract, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00224-00037741-00037792 we're leaving, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00225-00037792-00037890 we don't like this compact, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00226-00037890-00038029 we're resuming our 4NDVlDUvw8M-00227-00038029-00038124 full sovereignty. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00228-00038124-00038265 That's, in a nutshell, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00229-00038265-00038479 the argument for secession. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00230-00038479-00038593 The argument against it, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00231-00038593-00038700 which Lincoln puts 4NDVlDUvw8M-00232-00038700-00038848 out in the First Inaugural 4NDVlDUvw8M-00233-00038848-00038986 Address, and later 4NDVlDUvw8M-00234-00038986-00039094 in the Gettysburg Address, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00235-00039094-00039317 is simply, the Constitution did 4NDVlDUvw8M-00236-00039317-00039516 not -- the nation predates 4NDVlDUvw8M-00237-00039516-00039611 the Constitution. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00238-00039669-00039772 The nation was created 4NDVlDUvw8M-00239-00039772-00039869 by the Declaration 4NDVlDUvw8M-00240-00039869-00039978 of Independence. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00241-00040017-00040175 It was created by the people, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00242-00040175-00040292 not by the states. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00243-00040292-00040417 The states are not sovereign, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00244-00040417-00040529 the people are sovereign. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00245-00040569-00040725 And in their sovereign capacity, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00246-00040725-00040799 they created a 4NDVlDUvw8M-00247-00040799-00040878 federal government. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00248-00040878-00041010 We've had two constitutions. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00249-00041010-00041094 We had the Articles 4NDVlDUvw8M-00250-00041094-00041275 of Confederation before 4NDVlDUvw8M-00251-00041275-00041349 the Constitution. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00252-00041349-00041585 We might have another one. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00253-00041585-00041788 But the nation is separate 4NDVlDUvw8M-00254-00041788-00041912 from the constitutional 4NDVlDUvw8M-00255-00041912-00042169 structure, says Lincoln. And 4NDVlDUvw8M-00256-00042169-00042313 therefore, it cannot be 4NDVlDUvw8M-00257-00042313-00042494 dissolved by a single unit, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00258-00042494-00042701 in the constitutional argument. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00259-00042713-00042812 That's Lincoln's argument. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00260-00042854-00042968 You can take it or leave it 4NDVlDUvw8M-00261-00043002-00043130 as you see fit. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00262-00043164-00043461 What was unusual -- 4NDVlDUvw8M-00263-00043461-00043603 the threat of secession was 4NDVlDUvw8M-00264-00043603-00043723 hardly unusual. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00265-00043733-00043877 All through the period, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00266-00043906-00044071 the 15 years before the Civil 4NDVlDUvw8M-00267-00044071-00044302 War as the slavery issue 4NDVlDUvw8M-00268-00044302-00044453 becomes more and more central, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00269-00044497-00044622 some Southerners are talking 4NDVlDUvw8M-00270-00044622-00044799 about secession as a threat. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00271-00044855-00045022 And, you know, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00272-00045022-00045243 if the Republicans win in 1856, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00273-00045243-00045359 we're going to secede, etc. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00274-00045359-00045547 In fact, part of this was just 4NDVlDUvw8M-00275-00045547-00045672 to frighten the opposition. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00276-00045672-00045757 Thaddeus Stevens, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00277-00045757-00045879 the Radical Republican, said, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00278-00045908-00046050 we have saved the nation 4NDVlDUvw8M-00279-00046050-00046205 so often, I'm afraid we're going 4NDVlDUvw8M-00280-00046205-00046305 to save it to death. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00281-00046382-00046606 Southerners threatened 4NDVlDUvw8M-00282-00046606-00046764 secession, there's fear 4NDVlDUvw8M-00283-00046764-00046808 in the North, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00284-00046808-00046918 there's a compromise, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00285-00046918-00047077 and then things move along. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00286-00047077-00047117 That's what 4NDVlDUvw8M-00287-00047156-00047271 he said. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00288-00047327-00047460 The other thing to bear in mind 4NDVlDUvw8M-00289-00047460-00047656 as we head toward this is, it was 4NDVlDUvw8M-00290-00047656-00047891 by no means clear in 1860 4NDVlDUvw8M-00291-00047891-00048198 or early '61 4NDVlDUvw8M-00292-00048198-00048244 that there, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00293-00048244-00048382 that the alternative, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00294-00048442-00048535 that the rejection 4NDVlDUvw8M-00295-00048535-00048754 of compromise was war. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00296-00048818-00048940 It's not as if people knew 4NDVlDUvw8M-00297-00048940-00049014 that war 4NDVlDUvw8M-00298-00049021-00049175 was the only alternative. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00299-00049175-00049260 Some people said, no, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00300-00049260-00049400 let us not do anything 4NDVlDUvw8M-00301-00049400-00049539 and secession will collapse 4NDVlDUvw8M-00302-00049539-00049611 from within. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00303-00049693-00049865 So, some people said, no, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00304-00049865-00049996 we must create a compromise 4NDVlDUvw8M-00305-00049996-00050149 to resolve this crisis. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00306-00050149-00050222 Some people said, no, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00307-00050222-00050326 what's the big deal? 4NDVlDUvw8M-00308-00050326-00050396 They've talked 4NDVlDUvw8M-00309-00050396-00050485 about it a long time, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00310-00050485-00050589 let's see what happens. 4NDVlDUvw8M-00311-00050628-00050830 Rather few people were 4NDVlDUvw8M-00312-00050830-00050956 planning war, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00313-00051020-00051187 but many people were willing 4NDVlDUvw8M-00314-00051187-00051509 to accept war, rather than give 4NDVlDUvw8M-00315-00051509-00051650 up their basic beliefs, 4NDVlDUvw8M-00316-00051650-00051836 North or South. 4psVoHOLwc0-00000-00000000-00000200 Thank you very much for the introduction. 4psVoHOLwc0-00001-00000274-00000977 I'm delighted to be part of Mahara Open Forum for the fifth time. 4psVoHOLwc0-00002-00001086-00002660 It is a fantastic opportunity for Mahara users in Japan to get together and learn from each other, ask questions, and demonstrate what you have achieved over the last year. 4psVoHOLwc0-00003-00002686-00004950 I'd like to thank the organizers for their hard work in bringing you all together for the next two days and providing the opportunity for an idea exchange. 4psVoHOLwc0-00004-00004972-00006086 I wish you a fantastic event with lots of stimulating discussions. 4psVoHOLwc0-00005-00006086-00008616 I would like to introduce you to some of the new features that are available in Mahara 18.04 and will become available in Mahara 18.10 as you are probably eagerly awaiting this next release. Let's take a look. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00000-00000008-00000487 Hi my name is Georg from Berlincheap.com, and today I'll show you how to sign up with 4pzCD4OVuiy-00001-00000487-00000587 Eprimo. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00002-00000587-00000813 Eprimo is an electricity provider. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00003-00000813-00001390 Before we go on, I need to click away this cookie message of course, so we can just leave 4pzCD4OVuiy-00004-00001390-00002474 that set, only the necessary cookies are checked and, then we just go on "Einstellungen übernehmen" 4pzCD4OVuiy-00005-00002474-00002666 and we can see the actual web page. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00006-00002666-00003265 So, Eprimo is an electricity provider, they are in Germany pretty popular. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00007-00003265-00003553 I think many people know them and are their customers. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00008-00003553-00003653 Why is that? 4pzCD4OVuiy-00009-00003653-00004107 Because first they have green electricity, they are also pretty cheap, they have a fine 4pzCD4OVuiy-00010-00004107-00004228 customer service. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00011-00004228-00004843 And also I myself was their customer for three years and I have never had any big problems. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00012-00004843-00005105 So I think I can fairly well recommend them. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00013-00005105-00005360 So, let's see what they offer us. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00014-00005360-00006154 They have, here a calculator, the thing is that, electricity plans and rates always depend 4pzCD4OVuiy-00015-00006154-00006844 very much on location, so this is why they always need your zip code or your postal code. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00016-00006844-00007247 And, so I will just type in something in the middle of Berlin. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00017-00007247-00007672 By the way, if you don't know your postal code, simply go on Google maps, enter your 4pzCD4OVuiy-00018-00007672-00008204 address, and then Google maps will show you five-digit postal code. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00019-00008204-00008821 Yeah, the other thing we need to enter is the consumption, the estimated consumption. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00020-00008821-00009363 You can click on the article and see like how it's calculated based on the people that 4pzCD4OVuiy-00021-00009363-00010162 live in your place, and also, whether you use, you heat your water with electricity, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00022-00010162-00010361 so that can also differ a lot. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00023-00010361-00010528 Just look at the table. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00024-00010528-00011256 I just estimate that we are living in a single person household, and don't use too much electricity 4pzCD4OVuiy-00025-00011256-00012133 because our water is heated by central heating, so I just enter it a 1000 kilowatt hours per 4pzCD4OVuiy-00026-00012133-00012233 year. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00027-00012233-00012733 So, that's for a single household, that is not consuming too much, that's a pretty fine 4pzCD4OVuiy-00028-00012733-00012863 number. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00029-00012863-00013199 And let's see how much that would cost. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00030-00013199-00013691 And it pretty much shows us there are three plans that they offer to us. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00031-00013691-00014044 Now some basics on how these electricity plans work. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00032-00014044-00014730 Let's click on these details here: Tarifinformationen . So, there's three things to consider always 4pzCD4OVuiy-00033-00014730-00015241 at every electricity provider price plan. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00034-00015241-00015505 First there's the consumption price, "Arbeitspreis" in German. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00035-00015505-00016465 So, this is how much a kilowatt per hour costs, and in this plan it's 27.67 cents, so more 4pzCD4OVuiy-00036-00016465-00017193 or less 28 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 12 months, and then it goes up to 30 4pzCD4OVuiy-00037-00017193-00017406 cents per kilowatt hour. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00038-00017406-00017988 The second thing to consider is the basic fee, this is how much you just pay without 4pzCD4OVuiy-00039-00017988-00018305 even consuming any kilowatt hour. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00040-00018305-00018615 And this is, in this case, 9.39 EUR. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00041-00018615-00019208 And the third thing, it's very often part of a plan is a bonus. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00042-00019208-00019756 So, this is usually paid out only one time to new customers, and the idea is to lure 4pzCD4OVuiy-00043-00019756-00020281 your customers to a new provider, because then the first year, the full price of the 4pzCD4OVuiy-00044-00020281-00021040 first year in this case here is 298 EUR looks much cheaper than it would cost without your 4pzCD4OVuiy-00045-00021040-00021140 bonus. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00046-00021140-00021624 If you just calculate how much this will cost after a year, then you just take this number, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00047-00021624-00022461 30 cents times 1000 kilowatt hours and 12 times the basic fee and don't use the bonus. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00048-00022461-00022998 Then you have a number of 414 EUR So, this is only cheap in the first year, after the 4pzCD4OVuiy-00049-00022998-00023313 first year it will be 414 euros. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00050-00023313-00024253 The other plan they offer is this one here, Mehr Grün, let's click on the details. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00051-00024253-00024870 So, this a, here we go, this is a consumption price of 28 cents, somewhere in between the 4pzCD4OVuiy-00052-00024870-00025419 27 and 30, but the much lower basic fee with 5 Euro. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00053-00025419-00025876 And actually, we can see like how it's calculated, so click here on the "Beispielrechnung", example 4pzCD4OVuiy-00054-00025876-00026569 calculation, and we’ll see like thousand kilowatt hours and times 28 cents, plus the 4pzCD4OVuiy-00055-00026569-00026963 basic fee 12 times for every month. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00056-00026963-00027599 So, we see this will cost us 349 EUR in the first year. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00057-00027599-00027964 Oh, and this is the price you would pay per month. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00058-00027964-00028609 So, simply the estimated cost per year is the price, then per month that you will pay 4pzCD4OVuiy-00059-00028609-00029062 them in advance every month, this so called Abschlag. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00060-00029062-00029614 And then after the year, for the first year, they will check your electricity meter, will 4pzCD4OVuiy-00061-00029614-00029961 check how much you actually used, and then if you use less than you estimated you'll 4pzCD4OVuiy-00062-00029961-00030393 get some money back, if you use more then you need to pay the difference. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00063-00030393-00030846 The third plan is this one here, I forgot. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00064-00030846-00031280 So, this one in the middle, the bonus here, or the good thing here is that it doesn't 4pzCD4OVuiy-00065-00031280-00031388 have minimum term. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00066-00031388-00031861 So, "Keine Vertragslaufzeit" means you can just cancel it anytime in between. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00067-00031861-00032559 You don't need to wait like here 12 months, or also like here, it's 12 months minimum 4pzCD4OVuiy-00068-00032559-00032659 term. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00069-00032659-00033313 But still the last plan, I think it's pretty interesting because it has a consumption fee 4pzCD4OVuiy-00070-00033313-00033853 of only 27 cents, so it's cheapest of all of them, and also, it has the cheapest basic 4pzCD4OVuiy-00071-00033853-00034321 fee and there's nothing about going up after the first year. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00072-00034321-00034847 So, if you don't want to change providers every year, then I think this third one is 4pzCD4OVuiy-00073-00034847-00035096 a pretty fine solution. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00074-00035096-00035643 So, this is I also would pick it, but you can pick of course also the other ones here. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00075-00035643-00036216 You would click on "Tarif auswählen", pick this plan. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00076-00036216-00036393 And then we are at a signup form. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00077-00036393-00037258 So, the signup forum asked us to fill out, our name, this a salutation, don't have any 4pzCD4OVuiy-00078-00037258-00038415 doctoral profits or titles, so let's then just continue with first name, last name, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00079-00038415-00040402 that's birthdate, need to enter some phone number, and your email address, two times, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00080-00040402-00040821 and continue. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00081-00040821-00041240 Here they are asking for your address and it has to exist. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00082-00041240-00041808 So, let's go with this one. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00083-00041808-00042138 And then the next question is for how long you are living there already. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00084-00042138-00042761 This is basically the question, if you're either changing your provider, or if you're 4pzCD4OVuiy-00085-00042761-00043088 moving into a new place. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00086-00043088-00043849 And the first option, if you're already living there for more than five weeks, then Eprimo 4pzCD4OVuiy-00087-00043849-00044156 even offers to cancel your old provider. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00088-00044156-00044661 So, if we check here, shorter than five weeks, you see the option goes away, right? 4pzCD4OVuiy-00089-00044661-00045522 So, I think most of you guys move in, so I think this will be your option, but let's 4pzCD4OVuiy-00090-00045522-00045669 just look at more detail into this one. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00091-00045669-00046302 So if it's more than 5 weeks, if you want to change providers, then you have to pick 4pzCD4OVuiy-00092-00046302-00046965 here, if you want Eprimo to cancel your old provider, or if you already have cancelled 4pzCD4OVuiy-00093-00046965-00047380 at your old provider, right, this is then the next pick. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00094-00047380-00047774 But let's say you just want to move into a new place, then pick this one. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00095-00047774-00048308 I will move there, and then you enter when you will move in. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00096-00048308-00048769 Let's say April 1st. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00097-00048769-00049190 And then here you need to enter the number of your electricity meter. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00098-00049190-00049777 So, this is usually written on your electricity meter, if you can't see it, don't have access 4pzCD4OVuiy-00099-00049777-00050294 to it, then you could also look into your rental contract, it should also be in there. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00100-00050294-00050780 And if it's not in there, then simply ask your landlord. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00101-00050780-00050980 So, just some number in here. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00102-00050980-00051627 Don't worry, I won't submit this application later, just to show you how and what to do. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00103-00051627-00051938 And this is now the payment method. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00104-00051938-00052063 So, there's two options. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00105-00052063-00052707 The one is direct debit and it means that Eprimo will pull in the money from your bank 4pzCD4OVuiy-00106-00052707-00053005 account. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00107-00053005-00053682 If you want this, this is kind of the easy way, you just give your account number and 4pzCD4OVuiy-00108-00053682-00054480 then every month they will take the sum that they need, that's the so called Abschlagszahlung, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00109-00054480-00054769 the yearly price divided by 12. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00110-00054769-00055463 And you will need to enter your IBAN number, and you also would need to check that you're 4pzCD4OVuiy-00111-00055463-00055920 okay with this direct debit. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00112-00055920-00056315 Or if you don't trust them, if you want to be in control of how much you paid, then you 4pzCD4OVuiy-00113-00056315-00057209 can pick this here: This is transfers, meaning manual transfers, and in this case, yeah, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00114-00057209-00057770 you would just get later their account number and you need to think about every month to 4pzCD4OVuiy-00115-00057770-00057952 send them the money. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00116-00057952-00058604 The next question is shall the bill go to the same address as the electricity is delivered 4pzCD4OVuiy-00117-00058604-00058704 to? 4pzCD4OVuiy-00118-00058704-00059140 I think this true for the very most cases, if it's just some exception, like maybe your 4pzCD4OVuiy-00119-00059140-00059796 parents pay your electricity, then you can enter another address, not the same like your 4pzCD4OVuiy-00120-00059796-00060109 place where the electricity is delivered to. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00121-00060109-00060528 But I think this one, this is the option that most of you will need. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00122-00060528-00060846 And let's click continue. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00123-00060846-00061045 Now here they want to upsell you. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00124-00061045-00061545 This means that: "Hey, maybe you want another plan, because look there's so much better, 4pzCD4OVuiy-00125-00061545-00062010 and you have a guaranteed price, and it's... there are these advantages." 4pzCD4OVuiy-00126-00062010-00062579 Yeah, I don't, I don't like that, and I just think, "No! just, just... 4pzCD4OVuiy-00127-00062579-00062765 I want to stay with the one I already picked. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00128-00062765-00062869 I already made my decision." 4pzCD4OVuiy-00129-00062869-00063682 And, in this case, we just click here, continue with my original plan. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00130-00063682-00064500 And last time, this way to check all the things, sort of to see what your personal data, this 4pzCD4OVuiy-00131-00064500-00065439 the place where it shall go, the electricity with the address of your place, your electricity 4pzCD4OVuiy-00132-00065439-00065819 meter number, and so on. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00133-00065819-00066502 Then you also need to click that you are agreeing with their terms of service and, and this 4pzCD4OVuiy-00134-00066502-00066804 click will order the electricity plan. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00135-00066804-00067378 I won't do it because I already have electricity, but this is where you should click to confirm 4pzCD4OVuiy-00136-00067378-00067606 your order. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00137-00067606-00067720 Okay. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00138-00067720-00068004 I think this was clear enough. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00139-00068004-00068475 If you still have some questions, just ask in the comments. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00140-00068475-00069045 And, then also don't forget to subscribe to the Berlincheap YouTube channel. 4pzCD4OVuiy-00141-00069045-00069162 Thanks a lot. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00000-00000434-00000599 I am Smirniotopoulos 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00001-00000599-00001019 and this is MedPix® case number 10834 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00002-00001019-00001436 We have no significant financial nor 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00003-00001436-00001914 other disclosures to make. This case was contributed by 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00004-00001914-00002563 Eva Rubio. The patient is a 9-year-old girl who presents with abdominal pain 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00005-00002563-00002930 and feeding intolerance. A plain radiograph of 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00006-00002930-00003510 the abdomen demonstrates a mass in the left upper quadrant. If we look at a 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00007-00003510-00003674 slightly enlarged view, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00008-00003674-00004124 we can see the contours of lung on both sides the central silhouette of the 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00009-00004124-00004173 heart. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00010-00004173-00004485 We can see a soft tissue mass below the diaphragm that 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00011-00004485-00004819 is displacing partially air-filled bowel loops. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00012-00004819-00005232 This is in the expected location and has the approximate shape of 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00013-00005232-00005564 the patient's stomach. If we look next at the CT scan, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00014-00005564-00005954 we can see the liver and spleen in a heterogeneous 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00015-00005954-00006269 mottled mixed air and soft tissue opacity 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00016-00006269-00006744 in the location of the fundus of the stomach. Additional CT scans 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00017-00006744-00007117 demonstrate this lesion involving the body 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00018-00007117-00007439 the stomach and extending towards the location of the duodenum bulb. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00019-00007439-00007856 Here a 3rd CT section outlines this 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00020-00007856-00008237 heterogeneous mass in the expected location of the stomach. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00021-00008237-00008606 so the findings in this case are a plain radiograph 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00022-00008606-00008948 showing a left upper quadrant mass displacing bowel loops 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00023-00008948-00009426 downward and toward the right; and a CT scan shows a heterogeneous mass with 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00024-00009426-00009558 concentric rings of 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00025-00009558-00009981 mixed air and soft tissue attenuation in the expected location 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00026-00009981-00010326 of the patients stomach. We have several things to consider in the 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00027-00010326-00010469 differential diagnosis, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00028-00010469-00010989 including an abscess, or a phlegmon, and emphsematous gastritis. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00029-00010989-00011349 But, because the air is not within the wall of the stomach but within the 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00030-00011349-00011727 lumen of the stomach we know that this patient must have some other condition. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00031-00011727-00012103 Here is an operative photograph. We can see the patient's navel. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00032-00012103-00012403 We can see the retractors opening into the stomach; 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00033-00012403-00012790 and, we can see that this is exactly where the lesion should be. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00034-00012790-00013303 Here is the resected specimen in this patient; and, it looks like a perfect cast 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00035-00013303-00013684 of the patient's stomach. If we look at this very carefully you can see the 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00036-00013684-00013754 fundus, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00037-00013754-00014131 the body, and the antrum of the stomach and duodenal bulb. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00038-00014131-00014548 We can also see what appears to be blonde hair and the location 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00039-00014548-00015009 of the second and third portions of the duodenum. This is a patient that has a 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00040-00015009-00015109 trichobezoar or hairball. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00041-00015109-00015522 Because they hair is extending out stomach into the 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00042-00015522-00015615 small bowel 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00043-00015615-00015937 it is sometimes called Rapunzel syndrome. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00044-00015937-00016399 This was proven by surgical resection. So this is a case pf 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00045-00016399-00016787 Rapunzel syndrome. Well what is Rapunzel syndrome? 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00046-00016787-00017192 It is a trichobezoar which is composed of hair. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00047-00017192-00017559 It may be human, animal, doll hair, or wig hair. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00048-00017559-00018093 It becomes matted into a cast of the stomach by the gastric churning. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00049-00018093-00018435 The extension of the bezoar into the small bowel 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00050-00018435-00018771 transforms it into what is called Rapunzel syndrome - 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00051-00018771-00019104 after the Grimm's fairy tale of Rapunzel, who let her hair down 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00052-00019104-00019637 out the window to escape from the tower prison. Gastric acid denatures the protein 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00053-00019637-00019837 turn the hair in the stomach dark. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00054-00019837-00020241 But, the hair in the duodenum continues to be a lighter color and looks blonde. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00055-00020241-00020640 These patients may have halitosis, appetite loss, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00056-00020640-00021159 abdominal pain, or even a palpable mass. Rapunzel syndrome is often associated 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00057-00021159-00021516 with psychiatric conditions including trichotillomania (compulsive hair-eating) 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00058-00021516-00021848 or hair-pulling, trichopagia or hair- 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00059-00021848-00022293 eating. Only about one percent of patients who have trichophagia actually 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00060-00022293-00022484 will develop a trichobezoar. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00061-00022484-00022923 the condition is much more common in female patients - presumably because they 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00062-00022923-00023059 have longer hair. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00063-00023059-00023487 It a typically presents between 13 and 20 years of age. 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00064-00023487-00023865 So this young girl had a long history of chewing on her doll's hair 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00065-00023865-00024313 and the trichobezoar extending into the small bowel qualifies this 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00066-00024313-00024644 as a Rapunzel syndrome. Just as a reminder, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00067-00024644-00024999 National Hair Ball Awareness Day takes place annually 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00068-00024999-00025484 on April 27 and this poster is courtesy of the National Museum 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00069-00025484-00025831 of Health and Medicine. I'm Jim Smirniotopoulos, 4Ovl9VQEpnQ-00070-00025831-00026150 and I approve this message. Thank you very much for your kind attention. 4UBFrp-a9XA-00000-00000000-00000200 Duplex House Design Ideas 4UBFrp-a9XA-00001-00000200-00000250 Modern Duplex House Design Ideas 4UBFrp-a9XA-00002-00000250-00000450 Duplex Modern Elevation Design 4W9VAt5Anbc-00000-00000188-00000617 "In this section we learn about two key terms and their definition. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00001-00000617-00001240 The two terms are technological determinism and social construction of technology : 4W9VAt5Anbc-00002-00001240-00001836 Technological determinism: technology determines the outcome . 4W9VAt5Anbc-00003-00001836-00003821 ex) The internet implies 4W9VAt5Anbc-00004-00003821-00004229 freedom and democracy. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00006-00007893-00010545 and the second example says 4W9VAt5Anbc-00007-00010545-00012014 the internet is bad. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00008-00012014-00013226 Technology equals good or bad it's a direct relationship. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00009-00013226-00014269 Social construction of technology: Technology has different outcome. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00010-00014269-00017122 Just a tool that can be 4W9VAt5Anbc-00011-00017122-00018223 determined through the social construction. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00012-00018223-00018558 ex) Hammer. 4W9VAt5Anbc-00014-00021814-00023221 used for 4W9VAt5Anbc-00016-00028664-00031456 depending on what 4W9VAt5Anbc-00017-00031456-00033705 the purpose for 4W9VAt5Anbc-00018-00033705-00033784 it is." 4bqqu_YDoqk-00000-00000000-00000200 I was about to throw a ball there. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00000-00000984-00001248 Dear ladies and gentlemen. Welcome again to ChemConnection that 4bqv7o3Qns8-00001-00001248-00001662 provides you with regulatory news in between ChemCon conferences. In this ChemConnection 4bqv7o3Qns8-00002-00001662-00002112 we are making a round-the-world-tour and talk to several people to discuss the regulatory updates 4bqv7o3Qns8-00003-00002112-00002712 in their region. Touching on the developments in 2022, as well as expectations for 2023. We will 4bqv7o3Qns8-00004-00002712-00003186 focus on regulatory developments in Latin America, USA, the Asia-Pacific and Europe. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00005-00003300-00003726 We will start with Europe where in 2022 the European Commission has been working at full steam 4bqv7o3Qns8-00006-00003726-00004212 on the implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It seems that the regulatory 4bqv7o3Qns8-00007-00004212-00004734 changes will bring more obligations on industry and authorities. But the strategy also refers to 4bqv7o3Qns8-00008-00004734-00005250 simplifying and consolidating of legislation. So I asked Cristina de Avila, head of the 4bqv7o3Qns8-00009-00005250-00005670 sustainable chemicals unit at DG environment, what initiatives are taken in this area. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00010-00005670-00005874 Moving towards a one substance, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00011-00005874-00006168 one assessment approach is the most important initiative in thisregard. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00012-00006168-00006576 As you know, the EU regulatory framework on chemicals is comprehensive and complex 4bqv7o3Qns8-00013-00006576-00007181 and consist of over 40 pieces of legislation. There are differences among the legislative pieces 4bqv7o3Qns8-00014-00007181-00007668 in the assessment of chemicals. Assessments are triggered at different times by different actors, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00015-00007668-00008154 and they are based on different data sets, they are performed by various scientific committees 4bqv7o3Qns8-00016-00008154-00008526 and they use different methodologies and they have different transparency regimes. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00017-00008742-00009150 The initiative on one substance, one assessment aims to improve the effectiveness, the efficiency 4bqv7o3Qns8-00018-00009150-00009552 and the coherence of safety assessments of chemicals across legislation. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00019-00009648-00010146 The chemicals strategy announced a number of actions to achieve this objective and we are preparing 4bqv7o3Qns8-00020-00010146-00010722 three legislative initiatives for the next year, all planned for the second quarter of 2023. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00021-00010842-00011388 First, the legislative proposal on streamlining the assessment of chemicals to EU agencies. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00022-00011442-00011970 Second, the legislative proposal for basic regulation of the European Chemicals Agency. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00023-00011970-00012588 And third, a legislative proposal on better access to chemicals data for safety assessments. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00024-00012588-00012996 In my conversation with Cristina, we cover a wide range of other topics related to the 4bqv7o3Qns8-00025-00012996-00013422 EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. From the main deliverables the Commission currently 4bqv7o3Qns8-00026-00013422-00013919 is focusing on, like the REACH and CLP revision, the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation 4bqv7o3Qns8-00027-00013919-00014376 and other parts of the ambitious European regulatory agenda for chemicals in 2023. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00028-00014376-00014886 Including what kind of important initiatives, we can expect for the competitiveness of the 4bqv7o3Qns8-00029-00014886-00015390 chemicals sector in the EU. So, if you want to know what you can expect in 2023 in Europe, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00030-00015390-00015804 it is highly recommended to watch my complete conversation with Cristina on YouTube. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00031-00015804-00016200 And if you want first hand information from the authorities themselves, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00032-00016200-00016374 please join us in SanFrancisco, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00033-00016374-00016806 where especially the Wednesday is fully packed with European and sustainability topics. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00034-00016920-00017424 The Thursday at ChemCon The Americas is focussing on global approaches to data sharing, new 4bqv7o3Qns8-00035-00017424-00017868 chemicals and polymer notifications. And of course the developments in the Asia Pacificregion. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00036-00017868-00018282 To already get an appetite for the most important regulatory developments in the 4bqv7o3Qns8-00037-00018282-00018780 Asia Pacific region, I talked with Sue May Teoh from ExxonMobil. Among others, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00038-00018780-00019164 Sue May discusses Thailand and Vietnam, who are both developing their respective chemical 4bqv7o3Qns8-00039-00019164-00019632 inventories. And we discussed the expectations around the Indian Chemical Management and Safety 4bqv7o3Qns8-00040-00019632-00020106 Rules. Something industry is trying to keep track of. I also asked Sue May if she could 4bqv7o3Qns8-00041-00020106-00020574 provide an update on the implementation of MEE Order 12 and other developments in China. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00042-00020574-00021198 By now MEE Order 12, the revised regulation to manage new substances, have been in place 4bqv7o3Qns8-00043-00021198-00021738 for almost two years. The simplification made for lower risk chemicals, like polymers and 4bqv7o3Qns8-00044-00021738-00022530 low volumes of <1 tpa, has been appreciated. However, the industry experience is that data 4bqv7o3Qns8-00045-00022530-00023106 requirements are generally higher and tougher with full notifications, and approval rates of 4bqv7o3Qns8-00046-00023106-00023616 the full notifications are lower as well. It was also interesting to note that the authorities 4bqv7o3Qns8-00047-00023616-00024108 stepped up enforcement this year and several non-compliant companies were then penalized. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00048-00024180-00024600 Industry is very keenly following MEE's plans on existing chemicals. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00049-00024660-00025158 Over the last few years, we have seen MEE developing and shaping theirchemicals 4bqv7o3Qns8-00050-00025158-00025458 plans for a broad chemical management framework. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00051-00025512-00026016 While new chemicals are already well managed, now through Order 12 that I have just mentioned, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00052-00026016-00026639 the framework to manage existing chemicals is now starting to fall into place. The draft Regulation 4bqv7o3Qns8-00053-00026639-00027156 on Environmental Risk Assessment & Control of Toxic & Hazardous Chemical Substances was 4bqv7o3Qns8-00054-00027156-00027870 published in 2020 and it provides the overarching framework for managing new and existing chemicals. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00055-00027870-00028338 There's also the Guidelines for Screening of Priority Assessment Chemicals finalized about a 4bqv7o3Qns8-00056-00028338-00029027 year ago, publication of the Priority Control List over the last 5 years, consulting on Key Control 4bqv7o3Qns8-00057-00029027-00029724 New Pollutant List just this September, and more. It's like pieces of a puzzle to form a full 4bqv7o3Qns8-00058-00029724-00030324 picture of how MEE will manage all chemicals. And that full picture is presented in the publication 4bqv7o3Qns8-00059-00030324-00030930 of the Emerging Pollutants management action plan, just this May, where there is clear emphasis 4bqv7o3Qns8-00060-00030930-00031433 on persistent organic pollutants,endocrine disrupting chemicals, as well as antibiotics. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00061-00031602-00032064 On the other hand, the Ministry of Emergency Management, MEM, is also 4bqv7o3Qns8-00062-00032064-00032742 upgrading the Decree 591 into a higher-level Hazardous Chemicals Safety Law. This will be 4bqv7o3Qns8-00063-00032742-00033192 a very important law to manage the handling of hazardous chemicals through the supply chain, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00064-00033192-00033804 so industry is also following closely. MEM has been piloting trials to use QR 4bqv7o3Qns8-00065-00033804-00034290 Codes in conjunction with safety labelling with the intent to more efficiently transfer 4bqv7o3Qns8-00066-00034290-00034716 chemical hazards information through the whole life cycle and supply chain. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00067-00034716-00035124 I like the QR code principle. It is something we also use in our ChemCon calendars, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00068-00035124-00035454 so that people can watch the ChemCon TV interviews that are linked with the unique 4bqv7o3Qns8-00069-00035454-00035874 ChemCon cartoons. Send us an e-mail if you are interested in one of these calendars. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00070-00035928-00036342 This cartoon was used in an interview on State initiatives and ingredientcommunication. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00071-00036342-00036708 With ChemCon The Americas2023 in California, we have chosen 4bqv7o3Qns8-00072-00036708-00037080 the Monday morning for an in-depth seminar on California and other State perspectives 4bqv7o3Qns8-00073-00037080-00037500 on chemical control legislation. So do not miss out on this unique opportunity. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00074-00037572-00038124 The Tuesday is reserved for Canada and of course US TSCA. In November we have learned that EPA 4bqv7o3Qns8-00075-00038124-00038520 proposed to significantly increase the fees chemical manufacturers would have to pay to 4bqv7o3Qns8-00076-00038520-00038988 evaluate chemical risks and that EPA would expand the fees paid by companies that mix, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00077-00038988-00039474 but don’t make chemicals. I discussed TSCA developments with Michael Goedekerof BYK. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00078-00039474-00039828 Michael, can you tell us more about this fee increase proposal? 4bqv7o3Qns8-00079-00039828-00040308 Yeah, a proposal came out from EPA, that I’m sure everyone is going to be watching 4bqv7o3Qns8-00080-00040308-00041040 very closely and that is the proposed fee rule, which modifies the 2021 proposal. Under TSCA, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00081-00041040-00041514 EPA is allowed to collect fees from the regulated community to offset 25% of the 4bqv7o3Qns8-00082-00041514-00042294 program costs for implementing sections 4, 5, and 6 of TSCA. What this essentially means, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00083-00042294-00042750 is that the cost to notify chemicals to the EPA, it's going to increase significantly. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00084-00042750-00043029 A PMN we are seeing an increase from $19,020 all the way to $45,000. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00085-00043029-00043818 A Low Volume Exemption isgonna go from $5,590 all the way to $13,200. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00086-00044064-00044616 And a big one is going to be EPA-initiated risk evaluations. Those are increasing 4bqv7o3Qns8-00087-00044616-00045024 from $2.56 million all the way to over $5 million. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00088-00045204-00045678 It is also worth mentioning that EPA is considering adding a fee to companies that submit 4bqv7o3Qns8-00089-00045678-00046278 a bona fide notice or notice of commencement, but after considering comments fromindustry, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00090-00046278-00046842 different organisations, EPA is not moving forward with that. So that is good for the chemical 4bqv7o3Qns8-00091-00046842-00047628 industry. Furthermore, EPA is also looking at issuing partial refunds for withdrawn PMN's, based 4bqv7o3Qns8-00092-00047628-00048192 on where they stand in the process. It can range anywhere from 75%, if withdrawn within10 days 4bqv7o3Qns8-00093-00048192-00048758 of EPA beginning their review, and it can go all the way to 20% if it 4bqv7o3Qns8-00094-00048758-00049230 is withdrawn within five days after receivinga notice that EPA completed the review process. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00095-00049230-00049842 As you can see Tjeerd, there has been a lot going on at EPA. Not only looking at existing chemicals, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00096-00049842-00050292 but new chemicals, and also their plan for helping fund the future of TSCA. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00097-00050292-00050802 Besides his predictions for 2023, Michael also talks about EPA’s progress with existing 4bqv7o3Qns8-00098-00050802-00051300 chemicals. Especially the Workplan 10 and High Priority 20 in relation to risk evaluations 4bqv7o3Qns8-00099-00051300-00051779 and directions towards risk management. And he mentions the developments in relation to the New 4bqv7o3Qns8-00100-00051779-00052355 Chemical Substances program, as well an update in relation to the CBI requirements under TSCA. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00101-00052355-00052728 Michael also mentions that companies that have PFAS are required to 4bqv7o3Qns8-00102-00052728-00053154 report information to EPA. Something relevant for many industry sectors. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00103-00053154-00053705 I asked NidiaCalvo Mendez from HP Inc., what the most important regulatory challenges 4bqv7o3Qns8-00104-00053705-00054144 for the electronics industry around the globe are, to focus on now and in 2023. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00105-00054222-00054750 In general for the electronics industry I can forsee definitely a more stringent scenario 4bqv7o3Qns8-00106-00054750-00055470 related to specific chemicals, such as PFAS, flame retardants, microplastics, PFOS, POPs,etc. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00107-00055470-00056172 You know, PFAS right now is a burning topic in the US with state and federal regulations. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00108-00056172-00056712 I really believe it will rapidly ramp up to other countries and regions and 4bqv7o3Qns8-00109-00056712-00057216 we will face reporting, maybe banning, maybe, I don't know, some restrictions 4bqv7o3Qns8-00110-00057216-00057534 of the productscontaining this substances in the future. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00111-00057534-00058002 Nidia and I also extensively discussed the most notable regulatory developments in 4bqv7o3Qns8-00112-00058002-00058344 Latin America in 2022. Like in Chile and Colombia. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00113-00058344-00058740 While Chile and Colombia are the only countries in Latin America that 4bqv7o3Qns8-00114-00058740-00059220 have established a chemicalpolicy management or inventory, other countries in Latin America, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00115-00059220-00059724 including Brazil and Argentina, are in the process of drafting chemicals frameworks.  4bqv7o3Qns8-00116-00059808-00060252 Chile and Colombia published their chemical management regulations in 2021, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00117-00060252-00060767 but it has been during 2022 that they both have defineddifferent and 4bqv7o3Qns8-00118-00060767-00061248 important paths for the manufacturers or importers that they need to follow in order 4bqv7o3Qns8-00119-00061248-00061824 to comply with the legal requirements from their GHS implementation and the creation of 4bqv7o3Qns8-00120-00061824-00062232 a chemical inventory of chemicals entering the different markets in these countries. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00121-00062232-00062658 In the extended version on our YouTube channel, Nidia tells us more about important paths through 4bqv7o3Qns8-00122-00062658-00063060 the Latin American legislation jungle. And she provides some examples of what needs to 4bqv7o3Qns8-00123-00063060-00063612 be done and the expected benefits. Furthermore, we discussed developments in Argentina, Brazil 4bqv7o3Qns8-00124-00063612-00064176 and Mexico, as well as the updated roadmap of the Latin American Regulatory Cooperation Forum. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00125-00064176-00064529 All topics that will be extensively discussed in our Latin America and 4bqv7o3Qns8-00126-00064529-00064926 GHS in The Americas seminar on Monday afternoon March 13th in San Francisco. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00127-00065028-00065484 On Monday morning, we kick-start the conference with a hands-on workshop - what you need to know 4bqv7o3Qns8-00128-00065484-00065970 when reversing the global supply chain. Where we discuss a case study for the semiconductor 4bqv7o3Qns8-00129-00065970-00066462 industry. This workshop is inspired by the Chips for America bill. The Biden 4bqv7o3Qns8-00130-00066462-00066906 administration indicated that by making more semiconductors in the United States, it will 4bqv7o3Qns8-00131-00066906-00067488 increase domestic manufacturing and lower costs for families. And president Biden said; it will 4bqv7o3Qns8-00132-00067488-00068016 strengthen our national security by making us less dependent on foreign sources of semiconductors. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00133-00068082-00068436 In our workshop we will discuss chemical compliance in such a 4bqv7o3Qns8-00134-00068436-00068964 very complex supply chain with among others, topics like RoHS legislation and nanomaterials. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00135-00069030-00069324 We will finish ChemCon The Americas with an entireFriday 4bqv7o3Qns8-00136-00069324-00069804 morning on supply chain communication and product stewardship strategies. This seminar will help 4bqv7o3Qns8-00137-00069804-00070272 you organising and setting your priorities for handling global regulatory challenges. Of course, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00138-00070272-00070674 in a good networking ambiance with your peers within industry and authorities. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00139-00070752-00071250 Now, at the end of the year, it is always a great period for reflection and an excellent time to 4bqv7o3Qns8-00140-00071250-00071670 form New Year’s resolutions. For inspiration on the regulatory developments around the world, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00141-00071670-00072066 do not forget to watch the extended videos of my conversations with Cristina, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00142-00072066-00072348 Sue May, Nidia and Michael on our YouTube channel. 4bqv7o3Qns8-00143-00072408-00072732 For now, thank you for watching. And on behalf of the ChemCon team, 4bqv7o3Qns8-00144-00072732-00072978 I wish you a happy and healthy holidayseason 4bqv7o3Qns8-00145-00072978-00073446 and wish you all the best in achieving your personal as well as your regulatory resolutions. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00000-00001516-00001828 To give an idea of context 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00001-00001828-00002071 concerning the theme we want to develop 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00002-00002071-00002376 the fact that in Europe, particularly 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00003-00002860-00003003 Since the 60s 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00004-00003003-00003571 a sort of resistance to narrative was established 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00005-00003664-00003939 as if structured narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00006-00003939-00004335 was considered inferior. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00007-00004335-00004496 And this coming 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00008-00004496-00004796 from a world highly confident 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00009-00004796-00005024 in its viewpoints, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00010-00005024-00005147 in how the world was going to open up. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00011-00005147-00005460 The key issue for us is 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00012-00005460-00005756 the context has changed. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00013-00005835-00006235 We're far from that period of absolute trust 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00014-00006235-00006512 in the world's perspectives at that time. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00015-00006595-00006871 The creation of meaning 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00016-00006871-00007092 has become problematical 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00017-00007092-00007304 in Europe and elsewhere. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00018-00007304-00007576 Hence the need to review 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00019-00007576-00007848 the characteristics of storytelling 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00020-00007848-00008204 and how does it benefit mankind ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00021-00008204-00008504 It's our fundamental question. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00022-00008504-00008804 It should also be a priority 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00023-00008804-00009104 for the scriptwriters, the storytellers. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00024-00009104-00009404 Before beginning the work. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00025-00009404-00009623 Where do they stand in the world 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00026-00009623-00009823 and how do they interract with the world ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00027-00009823-00010064 Perhaps I'll start as Antoine suggests 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00028-00010064-00010231 with a historical analysis. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00029-00010231-00010440 hopefully avoiding a simplistic analysis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00030-00010440-00010551 as Pierre mentionned. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00031-00010651-00011179 Indeed a storytelling crises in the 60s and 70s 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00032-00011179-00011520 appeared in the Fench intelligentsia. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00033-00011520-00011756 It occured in several cultural fields, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00034-00011848-00012004 notably in cinema. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00035-00012004-00012156 Also in literature 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00036-00012156-00012264 with the "nouveau roman". 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00037-00012264-00012623 The non-narrative novel was a prototype. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00038-00012623-00012831 And as Pierre said, it's certainly not 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00039-00012831-00013108 a worldwide phenomenon. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00040-00013108-00013447 It was specific to southern Europe. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00041-00013447-00013624 The French believed it to be worldwide movement 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00042-00013624-00013803 because whatever we think is universel. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00043-00013803-00013868 Concerning influences, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00044-00013868-00014028 I'm familiar with Spanish culture. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00045-00014028-00014168 There was an influence in Spain 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00046-00014168-00014243 but it remains marginal 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00047-00014243-00014480 because the Spanish cinema avantgarde 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00048-00014480-00014691 was completely marginalized during the Franco regime. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00049-00014691-00014924 One of my colleagues studied 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00050-00014924-00015068 what we call the "Ecole de Barcelone" 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00051-00015068-00015259 which was orientated towards the 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00052-00015259-00015459 the new French cinema 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00053-00015459-00015715 which purposefully made films 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00054-00015715-00015959 to destroy cinematographic narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00055-00015959-00016315 It's interesting to note that the trends weren't... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00056-00016315-00016575 In one respect the trends were similar 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00057-00016575-00016787 in both literature and cinema. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00058-00016787-00016968 Rejecting narratvie 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00059-00016968-00017180 paved the way for ideology developement. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00060-00017180-00017303 There was a lot of it. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00061-00017303-00017515 We can develop this 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00062-00017515-00017691 specifically as a social function. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00063-00017691-00017843 But from an aestheic point of view 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00064-00017843-00018143 what happens is that the creators 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00065-00018143-00018424 reexamine their particular media. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00066-00018424-00018724 For example those from the "nouveau roman" said 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00067-00018743-00019043 we don't tell stories, we write literature. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00068-00019043-00019315 Roland Barthe's famous speech was on that, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00069-00019315-00019515 on the future of literature. Could it disappear ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00070-00019515-00019703 People say we write literature 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00071-00019703-00019903 we give priority to the writing 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00072-00019903-00020171 essentially the style, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00073-00020171-00020552 with an outdated literary analysis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00074-00020568-00020780 and we don't necessarily tell a story. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00075-00020780-00020947 So in the cinema world 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00076-00020947-00021112 they say we create images. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00077-00021112-00021375 The image predominates. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00078-00021375-00021608 ????? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00079-00021608-00021847 The editing, the framing, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00080-00021847-00021980 the depth of field, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00081-00022019-00022159 the sound, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00082-00022159-00022528 to deconstuct, aiming for a different point of view 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00083-00022531-00022803 and to reflect on this. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00084-00022803-00023024 The story becomes a sort of parasite 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00085-00023024-00023200 to be done away with. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00086-00023200-00023371 Perhaps that's what people see first, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00087-00023371-00023671 forgetting that the arts also use artifices. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00088-00023671-00023868 There is that 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00089-00023868-00024103 in the refusal of storytelling. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00090-00024103-00024408 Then there's the idealogical aspect. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00091-00024408-00024656 Which possibly resulted from 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00092-00024656-00024924 World War 2 propoganda 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00093-00024924-00025352 when people rallied to great narratives. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00094-00025352-00025704 Although some lead to defeat. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00095-00025748-00026007 A book describing this well 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00096-00026007-00026227 is Jean-Francois Lyotard's 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00097-00026227-00026400 works on post-modernism. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00098-00026400-00026672 He talks of the collapse of grand narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00099-00026672-00026839 When he wrote this in the 70s 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00100-00026851-00027163 he didn't know what this would be replaced by. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00101-00027216-00027372 And the United States 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00102-00027372-00027551 took over the famous French theory 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00103-00027656-00027868 to recycle in political communication. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00104-00027868-00027972 And they told stories. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00105-00027972-00028219 Christian Salmon writes about this 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00106-00028219-00028460 in his book on storytelling in 2006. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00107-00028460-00028631 He says they latched onto 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00108-00028631-00028875 Barthe's structuralism theory 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00109-00028875-00029060 adapting it for ideological purposes. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00110-00029060-00029295 With Reagan arose 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00111-00029295-00029587 the whole concept of a political narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00112-00029587-00029848 Salmon is disillusioned because 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00113-00029848-00030087 in his most recent book in 2018, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00114-00030095-00030248 "L'Ere du clash"... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00115-00030275-00030575 He remains focussed on the American example. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00116-00030675-00030883 He says storytelling is over, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00117-00030883-00030980 everything has gone 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00118-00030980-00031139 it's the era of the clash, it's twitter. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00119-00031139-00031292 It's like the stock market. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00120-00031292-00031436 A single tweet at the start of the day 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00121-00031436-00031575 from Trump, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00122-00031575-00031807 he's the epitome, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00123-00031807-00032007 There's a quote ????? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00124-00032007-00032212 that he retweets. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00125-00032212-00032448 That's a tweet, there's no story. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00126-00032448-00032624 It's a comment, it's re-tweeted, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00127-00032624-00032951 and the next day it's forgotten. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00128-00032951-00033100 And you move on to something else. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00129-00033100-00033307 He identified that in storytelling 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00130-00033307-00033495 saying it replaced the grand narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00131-00033495-00033724 because we need the world to be formatted 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00132-00033724-00033880 otherwise there's no meaning. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00133-00033880-00034263 Perhaps also in abandoning narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00134-00034263-00034404 for certain artists in the 70s, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00135-00034404-00034843 narrative of the future was adopted by science. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00136-00034843-00035007 It seemed inevitable. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00137-00035007-00035172 It was euphorical. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00138-00035172-00035436 Let's develop this etcetera. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00139-00035436-00035675 After the oil crisis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00140-00035675-00036004 we started hearing of Dumont's candidature 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00141-00036004-00036248 and that things weren't right. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00142-00036248-00036480 So narrative of the future was left for science. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00143-00036480-00036643 The arts left narrative of the future to sciences. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00144-00036643-00037019 We musn't forget that the arts 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00145-00037019-00037295 took over the narrative of the future in the 1920-30s 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00146-00037295-00037616 the whole futurist side, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00147-00037619-00037919 how to represent speed 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00148-00037919-00038219 Poincarés works which inspired the cubists. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00149-00038219-00038480 At that point it was scrapped, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00150-00038480-00038651 the future was left to sciences 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00151-00038651-00038912 which claim they don't tell stories 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00152-00038912-00039048 they put figures into context, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00153-00039107-00039375 it was a data based world, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00154-00039375-00039527 story had disappeared. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00155-00039612-00039895 So the arts were doing the same thing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00156-00039895-00040007 Roughly. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00157-00040007-00040275 And historically, the follow-up ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00158-00040275-00040592 The historical follow-up was as you said. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00159-00040592-00040987 There was a sort of conscience crisis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00160-00040987-00041327 with the production model 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00161-00041327-00041627 about 20 years ago. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00162-00041675-00041975 The question of origins arises. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00163-00041975-00042275 We try to define that story. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00164-00042275-00042463 And above all where we're heading. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00165-00042463-00042827 At this time there are alternative narratives. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00166-00042827-00043243 We keep thinking we can compose with this data 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00167-00043243-00043575 but then realise the data is no longer relevant. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00168-00043575-00043827 What's interesting with the IPPC 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00169-00043827-00043972 which is relevant to us, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00170-00043972-00044283 is what we call the scenarios. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00171-00044400-00044663 Which provides.... depending the year, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00172-00044663-00044831 and who's directing the report. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00173-00044831-00045187 Some years the scenarios are catastrophic. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00174-00045187-00045492 It depends on how the report is conducted. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00175-00045492-00045875 What's possible and at what percentage 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00176-00045875-00046251 with the intention of controlling the future. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00177-00046287-00046543 To avoid being stressed by time. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00178-00046543-00046712 Time in the future. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00179-00046712-00046983 Storytelling has nothing to do with the present. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00180-00046983-00047283 Storytelling is either future or past-oriented. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00181-00047283-00047460 It's used in the present 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00182-00047460-00047716 but it relates the past. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00183-00047716-00047880 Obviously there's anteriority. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00184-00047880-00048027 Maybe you could tell us about it 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00185-00048027-00048156 from a linguistic point of view. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00186-00048156-00048372 It varies according to the language. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00187-00048372-00048539 Or it's future-oriented. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00188-00048539-00048783 We relate what could likely happen. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00189-00048783-00049104 We try to situate the present within that. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00190-00049104-00049456 A war starts, some phenomenon starts 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00191-00049456-00049712 we put this in story form 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00192-00049712-00049824 to keep the control, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00193-00049824-00049995 from an imagination point of view 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00194-00049995-00050204 to prepare for what may happen. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00195-00050204-00050439 When using the term storytelling 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00196-00050439-00050719 ad minima, the events ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00197-00050719-00051087 The principle of putting into narrative form 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00198-00051087-00051244 comes from a structuralist theory. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00199-00051244-00051527 Narrative occurs with the upset of balance. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00200-00051527-00051767 It started with Propp. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00201-00051784-00052012 It was developed in different ways. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00202-00052012-00052384 Why do we tell stories ? Jerome Bruner says 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00203-00052384-00052644 what humans like the least 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00204-00052644-00052803 is the unexpected. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00205-00052867-00053160 And adds we deal with the unexpected 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00206-00053160-00053279 with fiction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00207-00053279-00053612 When we're caught out in day to day life 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00208-00053612-00053755 we need to know immediately 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00209-00053755-00053836 what will happen 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00210-00053836-00054087 afterwards. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00211-00054191-00054367 We need the scenario. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00212-00054367-00054632 What is particularly distressing 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00213-00054632-00054832 in the case of an industrial accident. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00214-00054832-00055136 is to say nothing happened. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00215-00055227-00055436 Because people are aware of an incident 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00216-00055436-00055567 that was unexpected. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00217-00055567-00055996 They'll immediately need an afterwards scénario 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00218-00055996-00056336 before reassuring them it won't happen again. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00219-00056336-00056484 You can't say nothing happened. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00220-00056484-00056696 Because something really happened. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00221-00056696-00057015 They engage in an explanatory narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00222-00057015-00057167 They need to find meaning 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00223-00057167-00057379 so they can deal with what may follow 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00224-00057379-00057527 the unexpected incident. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00225-00057527-00057763 It's the essence of narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00226-00057763-00057932 To have control over the unpredictable. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00227-00057932-00058120 In the time line. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00228-00058120-00058967 Language avoids establishing our position in reality. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00229-00059055-00059248 By that I mean... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00230-00059248-00059620 To use a concrete example, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00231-00059620-00059820 the imperfect tense in French 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00232-00059820-00059967 it's a past tense. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00233-00059967-00060232 Logically it should relate events of the past. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00234-00060232-00060367 Not at all. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00235-00060367-00060575 The imperfect is used in many ways. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00236-00060575-00060879 Notably to tell fiction stories. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00237-00060879-00061103 It's even used to tell futuristic stories. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00238-00061103-00061475 A science fiction is written in the imperfect. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00239-00061475-00061812 I was on the planet such and such 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00240-00061812-00062075 when such and such happened. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00241-00062120-00062344 We have language... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00242-00062420-00062848 The way in which language enables 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00243-00062848-00063115 the construction of our reality 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00244-00063115-00063524 is to extract it from reality, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00245-00063524-00063679 from real life 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00246-00063679-00064055 to place it in a context 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00247-00064055-00064460 relating it to the relevant individuals, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00248-00064460-00064732 which will place it exactly 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00249-00064732-00065124 how we want it to be. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00250-00065124-00065520 And not dependent on the pressure 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00251-00065520-00065879 imposed by reality. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00252-00065879-00066067 It's difficult to say 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00253-00066067-00066232 what I'm telling you is the truth. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00254-00066232-00066379 I have to add it's the real truth. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00255-00066379-00066651 I have to really insist 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00256-00066651-00066951 to make it clear my story 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00257-00066951-00067227 doesn't just concern us. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00258-00067227-00067508 It is part of reality. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00259-00067508-00067800 Even actual reality is complicated. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00260-00067800-00068151 Language has trouble identifying with reality. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00261-00068151-00068403 When I use a metaphor, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00262-00068403-00068600 I want to say it's true, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00263-00068600-00068872 that guy is a total cow. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00264-00068872-00069075 He can't be a cow. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00265-00069079-00069291 So you see the connexion ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00266-00069291-00069587 We're permanently trying to construct something 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00267-00069587-00070096 with the sole purpose of sharing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00268-00070232-00070532 When with others 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00269-00070532-00070996 language gives common ground for sharing 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00270-00070996-00071396 an experience that is essentially personal. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00271-00071396-00071648 Suddenly it becomes inter-subjective. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00272-00071648-00071955 The act of sharing it 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00273-00071955-00072355 helps us understand we're both human beings 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00274-00072355-00072651 that we both experience sensations 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00275-00072651-00073112 of colour, pain, sadness, joy, pleasure... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00276-00073112-00073436 which we can't communicate in other ways. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00277-00073560-00073796 We think we're the only ones 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00278-00073796-00073951 to suffer in a certain way 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00279-00073967-00074084 Language allows this. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00280-00074148-00074524 It's even considered its primary function. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00281-00074524-00074824 If this notion of sharing is essential 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00282-00074824-00075124 and if the aim of narrative is 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00283-00075124-00075327 to put the past into perspective 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00284-00075327-00075684 and also allow us to anticipate the future, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00285-00075684-00076084 does this sharing refer simply to a past event 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00286-00076084-00076500 or a society's or community's common future ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00287-00076500-00076832 Do you think this is the aim of sharing ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00288-00076920-00077187 This would need to be expanded on. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00289-00077267-00077536 Firstly, what we can say 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00290-00077536-00077896 the narrative as such, storytelling, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00291-00077896-00078287 roughly the unfolding of time 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00292-00078475-00078591 ahead of us, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00293-00078672-00078920 that is what language does brilliantly. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00294-00078920-00079087 It's very difficult to accomplish this 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00295-00079087-00079215 without language. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00296-00079215-00079363 Long before cinema, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00297-00079363-00079687 which is recent in the history of mankind. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00298-00079687-00079939 The only way of communicating time passing 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00299-00079939-00080227 was through language. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00300-00080227-00080320 There was no other way. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00301-00080320-00080715 Time is frozen in paintings. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00302-00080827-00081136 Comic strips have tried, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00303-00081136-00081587 starting with the Bayeux tapestry which tried 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00304-00081672-00081836 to depict time 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00305-00081836-00082051 using a series of still frames. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00306-00082051-00082208 It's not great. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00307-00082208-00082612 Whereas language is immediate. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00308-00082612-00082796 As soon as we start to narrate, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00309-00082796-00082955 we evoke time passing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00310-00083172-00083363 The essence of a storytelling 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00311-00083363-00083672 lies in the passing of time, the actors etc. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00312-00083672-00083900 What we could be asking is, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00313-00083900-00084320 I think Marc is best qualified to answer this, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00314-00084320-00084539 why do we always need... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00315-00084539-00084800 I agree that historically there were periods, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00316-00084800-00085100 be it the movies or the novel 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00317-00085100-00085300 or different forms of art 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00318-00085300-00085544 which tried to detatch themselves from that, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00319-00085544-00085815 but fundamentally I'm not sure 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00320-00085815-00086148 it's changed anything for the populations. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00321-00086148-00086351 We always need to tell stories. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00322-00086351-00086600 We need to tell our own story... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00323-00086600-00087015 One of my colleagues, Jean-Louis Dessalles, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00324-00087015-00087287 who like me has worked on the origins of language 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00325-00087287-00087639 was researching the utility of language, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00326-00087639-00087887 what actually goes on in a conversation. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00327-00087887-00088360 He found that the most important feature 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00328-00088360-00088484 in a conversation 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00329-00088484-00089036 was to reveal something unexpected. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00330-00089208-00089427 He took a microphone 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00331-00089427-00089687 and went to restaurants, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00332-00089687-00089920 where a group of six were having a meal 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00333-00089920-00090084 and conversing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00334-00090084-00090375 He took note of the time they took 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00335-00090375-00090512 to say what they had to say 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00336-00090512-00090679 and what they said. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00337-00090679-00090875 He was astonished by what he heard, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00338-00090875-00091087 each time someone spoke 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00339-00091087-00091220 it was to say something he considered 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00340-00091220-00091320 to be of interest. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00341-00091320-00091512 And what he believes is interesting 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00342-00091512-00091679 is the element of surprise. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00343-00091679-00091936 If he says, that's funny 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00344-00091936-00092272 the table is covered with white paper, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00345-00092272-00092572 the group will look at him bizarrely 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00346-00092572-00092872 wondering what on earth he's on about. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00347-00092948-00093248 We don't share such banalities. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00348-00093275-00093448 But if you say 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00349-00093520-00093872 when I went out this morning 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00350-00093872-00094024 there was a dreadful car accident, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00351-00094024-00094391 three cars had crashed. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00352-00094391-00094679 And I actually saw it. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00353-00094679-00094844 It's interesting information. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00354-00094844-00095003 It's unexpected, a rare event, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00355-00095015-00095360 the probability of it happening is very low. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00356-00095360-00095660 He developed his theory on the origin of language 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00357-00095660-00095763 from those observations. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00358-00095763-00096091 We began talking to relate unexpected events, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00359-00096160-00096315 to share real information with others 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00360-00096315-00096524 and in sharing this information 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00361-00096524-00096839 we gain in social status 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00362-00096839-00097127 because we were able to provide 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00363-00097127-00097515 information that others didn't have. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00364-00097620-00097812 I thought hard about this. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00365-00097812-00097948 I didn't agree with him 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00366-00097948-00098212 for a reason of linguistics. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00367-00098396-00098600 I reflected on this and concluded, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00368-00098600-00098667 of course, it's logical, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00369-00098667-00098955 he goes to restaurants and sees groups of people. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00370-00098955-00099203 But do we always talk in groups ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00371-00099203-00099508 Generally it's with two or three people. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00372-00099508-00099672 What do two or three people discuss ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00373-00099672-00099939 What happens when friends meet ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00374-00099939-00100067 They don't relate surprising events. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00375-00100067-00100287 They talk about their lives. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00376-00100287-00100815 A woman might tell her friend yet again 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00377-00100815-00100960 what her partner did again 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00378-00100960-00101124 and she's sick of it 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00379-00101124-00101224 and why does he do it ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00380-00101224-00101448 And she did this and that... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00381-00101448-00101660 We talk about what happens in our lives 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00382-00101660-00101872 which aren't at all new for the listener, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00383-00101872-00102100 but they're fascinating because 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00384-00102100-00102583 during these accounts what's playing out 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00385-00102583-00102855 is the way we interract with the world, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00386-00102855-00103007 our social behaviour, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00387-00103007-00103207 as an individual 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00388-00103207-00103507 because we are alone otherwise. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00389-00103507-00103775 Alone to make all the decisions. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00390-00103855-00103996 Who do I vote for ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00391-00104168-00104320 Do I stay with this guy ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00392-00104320-00104720 We have to deal with these questions on our own. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00393-00104720-00105268 By telling our story or that of a mutual friend 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00394-00105275-00105603 or a book we've just read. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00395-00105603-00105827 It's very frequent. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00396-00105827-00106079 People talk about the films they've seen, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00397-00106079-00106320 the books they've read. Why ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00398-00106411-00106775 To share our opinions 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00399-00106775-00106968 we might have on the conduct 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00400-00106968-00107175 of the heros in the story. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00401-00107175-00107427 I think it's absolutely fundamental 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00402-00107427-00107551 in human society 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00403-00107551-00108051 for building coherent social behaviour. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00404-00108051-00108440 Not necessarily good or bad but coherent. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00405-00108440-00108555 So that a given time 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00406-00108555-00108859 we're all functionning together. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00407-00109079-00109451 Marc, going back to our main question. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00408-00109451-00109683 We haven't actually moved away. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00409-00109800-00110283 Do we need fictional narrative ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00410-00110496-00110796 And why do we need it ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00411-00110972-00111168 A vast question. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00412-00111168-00111468 Yes, it's a vast question. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00413-00111524-00111824 We won't go back on the notes 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00414-00111824-00112051 you gave us. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00415-00112051-00112220 Fictional narrative, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00416-00112220-00112548 as in fiction and not personal experiences, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00417-00112548-00112824 are a comfortable means 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00418-00112824-00113196 of experiencing an event 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00419-00113196-00113679 which we wouldn't generally live in real life. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00420-00113688-00114040 It means experiencing something without risk. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00421-00114040-00114440 At the same time within this system of pretence 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00422-00114440-00114648 a way of acting "as if..." 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00423-00114772-00115220 Accepting... obviously when we go to the movies 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00424-00115220-00115351 we're going to watch a fiction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00425-00115351-00115575 We have to listen to... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00426-00115575-00115827 whatever the right word is, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00427-00115827-00116059 for a spectator of a fiction film. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00428-00116059-00116300 We accept it's fiction when we go in. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00429-00116303-00116664 The movie theatre is part of that. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00430-00116664-00116868 It's culturally established. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00431-00116868-00117272 This cultural set up prepares you for fiction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00432-00117320-00117588 I'm going to have an experience. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00433-00117624-00117824 I will experience emotions 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00434-00117824-00118188 which I can't, which I won't 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00435-00118188-00118355 experience for real. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00436-00118355-00118688 It's a case of I can't so I don't want to... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00437-00118688-00118820 It depends on the kind of film. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00438-00118820-00119207 For a horror film it could be I don't want to. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00439-00119311-00119411 Rather than I can't. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00440-00119411-00119551 Or a vampire film. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00441-00119551-00119768 Which could be both. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00442-00119768-00119911 Even if it's confusing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00443-00119911-00120248 We aim to have those experiences, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00444-00120259-00120400 not vicariously, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00445-00120424-00120755 but genuinely experience the emotions 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00446-00120755-00121111 without putting oneself in physical danger. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00447-00121164-00121264 That's the idea. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00448-00121264-00121603 which is in line with what Bernard was saying. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00449-00121603-00121840 Fictional narrative's purpose 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00450-00121840-00122224 is to strenghten the notion of community 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00451-00122340-00122564 by highlighting the forbidden. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00452-00122564-00122675 For example. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00453-00122835-00123148 So we can experience the off-limits 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00454-00123200-00123559 without breaking the rules. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00455-00123640-00123816 Which is the main purpose of 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00456-00123816-00124072 of scenarios with bad guys. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00457-00124168-00124488 Also in video games, we can do whatever we like. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00458-00124488-00124803 So there's the fictional experience 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00459-00124803-00125059 with a return to normal life afterwards. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00460-00125116-00125296 Even if the bad guy wasn't 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00461-00125296-00125448 appropriately punished at the end. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00462-00125448-00125592 The fiction comes to an end. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00463-00125592-00125772 We differentiate between 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00464-00125772-00126051 the fiction and the social norm. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00465-00126196-00126364 It's roughly the idea. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00466-00126364-00126651 There's that story about Johan Braekman 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00467-00126651-00126868 a Flemsih philosopher 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00468-00126868-00127148 who hopefully will soon be among us, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00469-00127211-00127540 qui defines a fiction narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00470-00127540-00127748 as a flight simulator. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00471-00127779-00127988 The equivalent of a flight simulator 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00472-00127988-00128179 to prepare for real life. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00473-00128179-00128300 Essential, by definition. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00474-00128300-00128444 Stories for kids. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00475-00128444-00128816 Psychiatry emphasises the importance of 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00476-00128816-00129320 storytelling as a preparation for life experiences. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00477-00129411-00129711 But he believes it's 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00478-00129711-00129920 globally more for adults. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00479-00129920-00130235 The fact we need to prepare for life experiences 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00480-00130324-00130740 in order to determine our position 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00481-00130768-00131088 when the situation has been prepared 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00482-00131088-00131275 we can therefore anticipate. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00483-00131275-00131575 Narrative is never in a crisis. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00484-00131575-00131875 We're forever creating narrative from events 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00485-00131875-00132175 particularly in cinema. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00486-00132175-00132475 Cinema relies on the "out of shot". 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00487-00132475-00132688 When watching a film we accept 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00488-00132688-00132948 to be shown scenes, the frames 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00489-00132948-00133175 with all that's going on out of shot, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00490-00133175-00133400 moments that happened before or after 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00491-00133400-00133559 which aren't shown on screen. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00492-00133559-00133720 What we do in the movies, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00493-00133720-00133883 especially if the film is good, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00494-00133883-00134059 and we're not spoon-fed, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00495-00134059-00134359 is to put together the chain of events, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00496-00134359-00134659 and build a story from fragments. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00497-00134659-00135000 Whether narrative is in a crisis or not there's no... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00498-00135000-00135216 The way we interpret images 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00499-00135216-00135368 is through making connections. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00500-00135379-00135679 We create stories by associating images. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00501-00135679-00135959 How they're told is not important. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00502-00135959-00136216 You mean there's always a story ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00503-00136216-00136535 Permanently reshuffling events we build narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00504-00136535-00136779 The way we create continuity... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00505-00136779-00136875 Interpret ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00506-00136920-00137064 Do you mean interpret ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00507-00137064-00137148 Yes. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00508-00137148-00137351 The way we approach things 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00509-00137351-00137551 is by putting them into narrative form 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00510-00137551-00137851 enabling us to go from point A to point B 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00511-00137851-00138079 It's how we explain the world. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00512-00138079-00138379 For me it's all about storytelling, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00513-00138379-00138679 about the storytelling function. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00514-00138679-00138979 Story helps us work out how to go from A to B. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00515-00138979-00139279 It's not so much... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00516-00139279-00139516 Propp's idea was... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00517-00139516-00139724 In fact Propp was used 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00518-00139724-00139992 both he and the structuralists ended up 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00519-00139992-00140283 became a writing manual. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00520-00140283-00140572 Propp didn't write a set of rules 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00521-00140572-00140788 it was his observation of a corpus 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00522-00140788-00140940 from which identified repetitions 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00523-00140940-00141240 which are typical of Russian fairy tales. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00524-00141351-00141579 Let's not be mistaken 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00525-00141579-00141864 about the underlying principle of structuralism. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00526-00141864-00142140 Structuralism reflected on what it stood for. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00527-00142140-00142440 Structuralism, for Levy Strauss, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00528-00142559-00142759 began with a humanistic approach 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00529-00142759-00142888 intending to prove 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00530-00142888-00143131 there was no hierarchal difference between 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00531-00143131-00143383 among different cultures. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00532-00143383-00143824 In fact the non-variables were a means of proving 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00533-00143824-00144051 that all cultures were equivalent. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00534-00144051-00144303 All rhe main problems ranked the same, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00535-00144303-00144531 therefore it was a structural problem. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00536-00144531-00144892 But it was in the originality of the treatment. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00537-00144892-00145144 When we tell stories to small children 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00538-00145192-00145307 when they're very small 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00539-00145307-00145455 the first questions that pop up 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00540-00145455-00145548 are about time. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00541-00145548-00145668 When we begin a story 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00542-00145668-00145892 they ask "and then what ?" 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00543-00145892-00146031 And then what, and then what, and then what... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00544-00146031-00146372 Many children's stories rely on consecutive events 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00545-00146372-00146540 There's not much intrigue 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00546-00146540-00146888 It's what we call the "promenade story" 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00547-00146888-00147107 A little pig went out 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00548-00147107-00147351 he meets a rabbit on the way 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00549-00147351-00147472 then a deer and goes home. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00550-00147472-00147583 There's no drama 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00551-00147583-00147711 he hasn't lost his parents. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00552-00147920-00148159 The second question which in theory 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00553-00148159-00148424 for developmental psychologists 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00554-00148424-00148548 is ranked second, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00555-00148548-00148679 is why. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00556-00148744-00148983 We identify these two story elements. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00557-00148983-00149220 What Paul Ricoeur says on storytelling, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00558-00149220-00149311 is to set.... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00559-00149311-00149492 Paul Ricoeur explores the inner narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00560-00149492-00149731 He places an experience 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00561-00149731-00150024 on a time scale 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00562-00150024-00150220 and also on a scale of logics. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00563-00150224-00150388 Chronological. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00564-00150388-00150707 When they're both present, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00565-00150711-00150968 the events follow one after the other 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00566-00150968-00151179 because one happens before the other. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00567-00151179-00151388 But our tendency 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00568-00151388-00151683 is to make them interact 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00569-00151683-00151892 with some form of causality. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00570-00151892-00152064 This happens because that happened. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00571-00152064-00152351 When you mentioned reconstructing a story... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00572-00152351-00152600 Obviously we can't tell the viewer everything. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00573-00152600-00152772 The precept of cinema 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00574-00152772-00152996 lies in its relationship with time. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00575-00153135-00153516 I have 90 minutes to tell 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00576-00153516-00153611 a life story. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00577-00153611-00153888 Fifty years, thirty years, ten years. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00578-00153888-00154083 Bearing in mind the idea... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00579-00154083-00154231 This is what series do. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00580-00154244-00154416 They're on a time scale of 1. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00581-00154416-00154548 What happens in one and a half hours 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00582-00154548-00154779 is told in one and a half hours. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00583-00154779-00155127 It's difficult in terms of the sequence-shot. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00584-00155127-00155448 In a story there are inevitably these ellipses. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00585-00155448-00155764 They rely on the ability to piece together. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00586-00155764-00156027 to produce causality where there is none, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00587-00156027-00156288 to get rid of unnecessary scenes 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00588-00156288-00156516 because nothing's happening. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00589-00156600-00156759 The character opens a door, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00590-00156759-00157192 in the next scene he's already inside. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00591-00157200-00157479 We leave out the bit when he walks. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00592-00157479-00157644 It was a problem for literature. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00593-00157644-00157955 In English literature the novel Tristram Shandy 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00594-00157955-00158144 the character ponders the fact 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00595-00158144-00158444 that if he tells his life story 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00596-00158444-00158603 he won't be able to to give all the details 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00597-00158603-00158727 because if he writes every detail 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00598-00158727-00158864 he'll spend his life writing 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00599-00158864-00159020 so he can't tell everything 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00600-00159020-00159244 or he'll end up writing that he's writing. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00601-00159451-00159655 So there's the use of time 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00602-00159655-00159803 amongst the stylistic devices. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00603-00159803-00159972 They're in all the manuals 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00604-00159972-00160303 in the works of ????? in literature. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00605-00160303-00160440 The ellipse, the résumé, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00606-00160664-00160840 the expansion of time, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00607-00160840-00161120 stretching the real time duration. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00608-00161172-00161372 All those stylistic devices. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00609-00161411-00161672 Ricoeur's main concept 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00610-00161672-00161855 the reorganization of the past, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00611-00161855-00162075 in a continuity of time 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00612-00162075-00162388 and a causality continuity. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00613-00162388-00162592 Psychoanalysis used this alot. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00614-00162592-00162951 Even Lacan who was anti-narrative, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00615-00162951-00163203 stated in his seminary 17, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00616-00163203-00163496 that Freud's theory was narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00617-00163496-00163768 For him it's a case of words. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00618-00163768-00164048 He says essentially what we study is 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00619-00164048-00164355 the way people give meaning to experiences 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00620-00164355-00164475 by creating narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00621-00164555-00164711 There was a period in psychoanalysis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00622-00164711-00164875 where the trauma theory was, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00623-00164875-00165183 what didn't make sense 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00624-00165183-00165403 was what was unidentifiable 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00625-00165403-00165555 and people were unable to relate. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00626-00165555-00165820 They couldn't put it into story form 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00627-00165820-00166031 to give it meaning. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00628-00166031-00166264 It's what Lacan called an "unfortunate encounter" 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00629-00166264-00166648 a perfect example of an unexpected event. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00630-00166648-00166979 We've sadly had recent examples of this. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00631-00166979-00167159 The terrorist attacks 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00632-00167159-00167279 is a perfect example of this. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00633-00167396-00167559 France 2 showed 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00634-00167559-00167964 a documentary made just after the attacks 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00635-00167964-00168088 in November, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00636-00168088-00168411 a documentary made 10 days afterwards 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00637-00168411-00168555 with eyewitnesses. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00638-00168555-00169048 They needed to relate their experience to try... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00639-00169092-00169300 It's the first account 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00640-00169300-00169548 after a traumatic experience... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00641-00169548-00169883 They cope by trying to describe the event. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00642-00169883-00170116 But at some point they block. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00643-00170116-00170275 There's part of it they can't describe. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00644-00170275-00170400 They say they don't remember... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00645-00170400-00170672 Certain details have been repressed. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00646-00170672-00170900 It's a close brush with death. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00647-00170972-00171251 That's a primary function of narrative., 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00648-00171251-00171400 In response to the question, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00649-00171400-00171596 what is the purpose of narrative ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00650-00171659-00172048 It helps us come to terms. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00651-00172088-00172220 In a way, yes. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00652-00172272-00172507 It's interesting to look into different cultures 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00653-00172507-00172772 to see how they deal with their pasts. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00654-00172775-00172968 The national memory, national fiction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00655-00173027-00173203 It's absolutely fascinating. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00656-00173203-00173640 I've studied in depth the way Spanish culture 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00657-00173640-00174016 dealt with the Spanish Civil War 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00658-00174016-00174340 won by a faction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00659-00174340-00174548 We've never abandoned 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00660-00174548-00174968 Franco's fascist legacy. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00661-00174968-00175175 And all that entails 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00662-00175175-00175340 when it re-emerges. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00663-00175340-00175568 The way it's treated 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00664-00175568-00175955 but without really treating it... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00665-00175983-00176375 achieving a consensus-based national fiction. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00666-00176407-00176640 That's what counts. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00667-00176640-00176807 Consensus is possible 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00668-00176807-00177068 by sweeping everything under the carpet. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00669-00177068-00177327 The French are pretty good at that. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00670-00177500-00177764 Or a misrepresentation of the past. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00671-00177903-00178072 The skeleton in the closet. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00672-00178072-00178259 In Fench national fiction 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00673-00178259-00178364 it was collaboration. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00674-00178364-00178679 It wasn't until the 80s, the Vichy régime.... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00675-00178679-00178824 Then there was the Algerian war. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00676-00178824-00179159 Which is still very much in the closet. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00677-00179231-00179531 Often the narrative arts 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00678-00179531-00179831 deal also with these topics. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00679-00179955-00180192 So its prime function is to process. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00680-00180192-00180440 Deal with trauma. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00681-00180440-00180716 Yes, that's for the psychoanalysists. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00682-00180716-00181031 For both individuals and groups. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00683-00181031-00181259 And another use ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00684-00181259-00181444 Going back to what you said, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00685-00181444-00181744 there's quite a big difference 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00686-00181744-00181992 between narrative as used by individuals 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00687-00181992-00182107 and narrative arts. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00688-00182107-00182272 Quite a big difference. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00689-00182272-00183011 It's easy to mistake collective narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00690-00183011-00183711 for those part of the narrative arts' repertoire. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00691-00183711-00183975 Whereas there are differences. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00692-00183975-00184211 The real question is 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00693-00184211-00184575 to what extent do narrative arts 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00694-00184575-00184900 serve the community's need for storytelling 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00695-00184900-00185175 or is their role to question the need for narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00696-00185175-00185324 to bring about change, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00697-00185324-00185455 to provoke. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00698-00185507-00185579 Yes. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00699-00185724-00185892 When the artists... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00700-00185892-00186124 Cinema appeared in this era, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00701-00186124-00186351 when artists were free, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00702-00186351-00186455 no longer commissioned. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00703-00186455-00186568 The 19th century. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00704-00186568-00186844 Certain questionned the idea 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00705-00186844-00186972 that conventional narrative 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00706-00186972-00187107 suited everybody. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00707-00187279-00187592 We talk about national fiction, national legends 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00708-00187592-00187816 yet it's a narrative that doesn't actually exist. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00709-00187816-00187972 As opposed to ancient mythology 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00710-00187972-00188335 with their set narrative form. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00711-00188335-00188492 Ovid's Metamorphosis 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00712-00188492-00188759 is considered paramount in Greek mythology. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00713-00188759-00188911 He wrote a text. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00714-00188911-00189224 Concerning a national legend 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00715-00189224-00189459 they're not really written 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00716-00189459-00189640 and historians and anthropologists 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00717-00189640-00189796 try to reconstruct them. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00718-00189796-00190116 They belong to different domains. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00719-00190120-00190300 There are the war memorials, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00720-00190300-00190735 and official speeches at memorial services, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00721-00190735-00191035 and roughly what's in the history books. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00722-00191044-00191379 That's what national fiction entails. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00723-00191379-00191679 What's easier to grasp is what's included in that. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00724-00191751-00191955 It's that thing of 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00725-00191959-00192092 the skeleton in the closet. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00726-00192092-00192364 Why isn't that included in national fiction ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00727-00192451-00192744 There have been films 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00728-00192744-00192996 on subjects which deal with skeletons in the closet. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00729-00192996-00193355 The liberation of France by indigenous troops 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00730-00193355-00193559 in the film "Indigène". 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00731-00193827-00194203 We decide to film what wasn't filmed. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00732-00194203-00194379 Why wasn't it filmed, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00733-00194379-00194592 why wasn't it made into a movie ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00734-00194692-00194979 Because it's actually on the military records. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00735-00195024-00195316 Those who went to see the rushes, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00736-00195316-00195507 saw the indigenous soldiers 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00737-00195507-00195816 but in the final cut they're no longer there. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00738-00195816-00196192 Someone made a striking remark on the bible 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00739-00196300-00196811 An Israeli and an American archeologist 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00740-00196811-00197207 were doing research on the bible. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00741-00197207-00197351 Does that ring any bells ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00742-00197351-00197727 At the time the bible was written 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00743-00197727-00197992 about the 4th century before Christ, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00744-00198135-00198507 in all neighbouring societies 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00745-00198507-00198744 there were the same kind of novels. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00746-00198820-00199131 There was a patriarch, a god, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00747-00199131-00199700 the tribe lived under that God's influence, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00748-00199700-00199900 because he was the only one... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00749-00199955-00200131 The patriarch... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00750-00200131-00200392 There were tales of their exploits 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00751-00200392-00200507 just like in the bible. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00752-00200507-00200855 Except the bible differentiated hugely 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00753-00200855-00201059 compared to all the other stories, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00754-00201059-00201275 All the other stories were unilateral. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00755-00201275-00201548 The patriarch was always the best 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00756-00201548-00201824 his behaviour was flawless. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00757-00201824-00202083 God was always kind to his people 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00758-00202172-00202540 and the people won every battle. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00759-00202596-00202820 The bible was the exact opposite. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00760-00202868-00203272 The patriarchs always made huge misjudgments, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00761-00203272-00203603 broke all the rules... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00762-00203603-00203975 From time to time God was mean to his people. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00763-00203975-00204220 There are victories and failures. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00764-00204348-00204531 They explained that 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00765-00204531-00204928 historically the bible was written 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00766-00204928-00205188 to bring the tribes together 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00767-00205188-00205480 which were fundamentally opposed 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00768-00205480-00205648 who were forever at war. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00769-00205648-00205980 They took a bit of one's story then a bit of the other's. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00770-00205980-00206384 Anything negative came from the other side, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00771-00206384-00206667 if referring to King David or to Soloman, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00772-00206723-00207119 They had two opposing approaches 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00773-00207148-00207448 They managed to bring them together 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00774-00207448-00207640 in the same story 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00775-00207640-00208000 and the result provided diversity. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00776-00208000-00208336 Which story survived over time ? 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00777-00208336-00208444 The bible. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00778-00208444-00209023 Because this story provided levels of complexity 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00779-00209023-00209292 to our actions in life, 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00780-00209292-00209440 to storytelling. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00781-00209440-00209580 That's very interesting. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00782-00209580-00209784 It's narratively way more interesting. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00783-00209784-00210036 It's an art form which doesn't compare 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00784-00210036-00210444 to other narratives such as 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00785-00210471-00210751 Soviet narratives... 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00786-00210819-00211103 We find the same elements. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00787-00211103-00211400 The content is so similar 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00788-00211400-00211700 we see it straight away. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00789-00211700-00212000 Whereas in the bible, it's a complex narrative. 4dNIFzwQ3rk-00790-00212000-00212463 Which is why the story became a huge success. 4em4mxNvFOy-00000-00000003-00000273 You might already be familiar with binary for example. This is 4em4mxNvFOy-00001-00000312-00000953 1 0 1 is equivalent to 5 in decimal that's because this is the ones place. This is the twos place 4em4mxNvFOy-00002-00001011-00001212 fours place eights place 4em4mxNvFOy-00003-00001294-00001408 16s 4em4mxNvFOy-00004-00001408-00001607 32s 4em4mxNvFOy-00005-00001684-00001884 64s and 128s 4em4mxNvFOy-00006-00001944-00002468 and we have a 1 in the fourth place and a 1 in the ones place 4 plus 1 is is 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00007-00002559-00003140 So this is fine, but how might we represent a negative number, so let's say we wanted to [represent] negative 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00008-00003229-00003663 Well, there's a couple ways we can do that one way is to take this 4em4mxNvFOy-00009-00003751-00004455 128s place and instead of using that as the 128s place use that as a sign so change this to a 1 here? 4em4mxNvFOy-00010-00004480-00004827 To indicate [that] this is negative, and then the rest of it is the same 4em4mxNvFOy-00011-00004969-00005480 1 0 1 and so this would be 5 here and then instead of this representing 4em4mxNvFOy-00012-00005553-00006167 128 it represents that the number is negative, so [negative] 5 now of course. It's important to know how many bits 4em4mxNvFOy-00013-00006168-00006929 You're working with right because if we're only using 4 bits then a 5 would be 0 1 0 1 that's equal to 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00014-00007003-00007337 [but] then we're going to use this this top bit here in this case 4em4mxNvFOy-00015-00007342-00007973 We're only using 4 bits to the top that is this fourth bit and so negative 5 might be a 1 1 0 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00016-00008022-00008267 And now instead [of] this being the eights place 4em4mxNvFOy-00017-00008347-00008517 This is actually representing a sign 4em4mxNvFOy-00018-00008517-00008783 So this would be negative 5 and this would be 4em4mxNvFOy-00019-00008790-00009260 5 so it's important to know how [many] bits you're working with so [that] you know which bit is the first bit and therefore which 4em4mxNvFOy-00020-00009261-00009861 Bit indicates what the sign of the number is so to keep going with this example. We can look at just 4em4mxNvFOy-00021-00009961-00010550 regular counting and binary here of course if we have all 0 0 0 0 0 that's equal to 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00022-00010624-00011103 And then if we have a 1 in the ones place that's equal to 1 we have a 1 in the twos place 4em4mxNvFOy-00023-00011107-00011654 That's equal to a 2 and a 1 that's equal to 3 and then of course a for is for 4em4mxNvFOy-00024-00011710-00012057 a 4 and a 1 is 5 a 4 and a 2 is 6 4em4mxNvFOy-00025-00012090-00012611 For a 2 plus a 1 is is 7 so that's simple enough, and then if this this first 4em4mxNvFOy-00026-00012611-00012842 Bit here is is indicating our negative sign? 4em4mxNvFOy-00027-00012842-00013390 then we can go backwards to so if we have a negative 1 that's negative [one] a negative to a 4em4mxNvFOy-00028-00013437-00013873 Negative you know [2] and a 1 is 3 and then a negative negative 3 negative 4em4mxNvFOy-00029-00013973-00014173 4 negative 4em4mxNvFOy-00030-00014198-00014533 You know 4 and a 1 is 5 with a negative is negative 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00031-00014604-00015109 4 2 2 is 6 so this is negative 6 and then a 4 plus 2 plus 1 is 7 and? 4em4mxNvFOy-00032-00015141-00015379 That's a negative 7 and so this is our sign bit 4em4mxNvFOy-00033-00015563-00016100 And so this first bit is our sign bit and then these other bits are just our 1 2 & 4 place 4em4mxNvFOy-00034-00016151-00016251 simple enough 4em4mxNvFOy-00035-00016251-00016898 Couple weird things about this though one is that you'll notice there's a negative 0 right because you can have 0 0 0 and then 4em4mxNvFOy-00036-00016898-00017314 It can either be 0 in the sign bit place or a 1 in the sign bit place 4em4mxNvFOy-00037-00017315-00017747 So you can have you know there's a difference between 0 and negative 0 so that's that's kind of weird 4em4mxNvFOy-00038-00017834-00018181 [the] other thing that is maybe a little bit inconvenient 4em4mxNvFOy-00039-00018181-00018601 We'll look at some some other approaches that that don't have this problem is 4em4mxNvFOy-00040-00018651-00018976 If you try to add these things together things get kind of weird 4em4mxNvFOy-00041-00019014-00019795 so let's say we want to add a 5 and a negative 5 so normally 5 plus negative 5 you would expect to get 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00042-00019838-00020275 simple enough, but here if we look at 5 0 1 0 1 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00043-00020360-00020593 negative 5 is 1 1 0 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00044-00020766-00021103 If we add these together [1] plus 1 is 2 which 4em4mxNvFOy-00045-00021182-00021601 be a 0 and then carry the 1 1 plus 0 plus 0 is 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00046-00021713-00022000 1 plus 1 again is to the but will 4em4mxNvFOy-00047-00022026-00022567 that is a 0 and carry the 1 and then here 1 plus 1 again is 2 so 0 and carry the 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00048-00022647-00023350 So in this case what we're seeing is 5 plus a negative 5 is not 0 it's 0 0 1 0 which 4em4mxNvFOy-00049-00023409-00023894 Well, and we have a carry so we have a carry coming out of this this this one 4em4mxNvFOy-00050-00023894-00024157 Bit that we don't you know if we're working with 4 bits? 4em4mxNvFOy-00051-00024157-00024538 we're going to ignore this this carry bit and so we have 0 0 1 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00052-00024597-00024791 which is 4em4mxNvFOy-00053-00024791-00024932 which is 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00054-00024932-00025040 Well, that's kind of weird 4em4mxNvFOy-00055-00025040-00025544 We're adding 5 and negative 5 we wouldn't expect to get [2] and you can try adding some other things here 4em4mxNvFOy-00056-00025544-00025744 It doesn't it doesn't work 4em4mxNvFOy-00057-00025770-00026345 So let's take a look at another scenario here. This is called one's complement. What this is 4em4mxNvFOy-00058-00026397-00027152 Is again everything from zero to seven is the same same same as we saw before and this first bit here is all zeros 4em4mxNvFOy-00059-00027152-00027352 So we know that these are all positive 4em4mxNvFOy-00060-00027373-00027815 But what we do for the negative numbers is we actually just flip all of the bits 4em4mxNvFOy-00061-00027816-00028308 We take the compliment of all of the bits, so you know [2] here is 0 1 0? 4em4mxNvFOy-00062-00028393-00028941 Well 0 0 1 0 negative 2 is 1 1 [0] 1 so we're just flipping each of those bits 4em4mxNvFOy-00063-00029052-00029218 so we flipped the 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00064-00029218-00029676 401 We Flipped the 1 4 0 with the 0 [4] a 1 and, so on if you look at each of these numbers 4em4mxNvFOy-00065-00029676-00030149 So 5 is 0 1 0 1 negative 5 is 1 0 1 0? 4em4mxNvFOy-00066-00030252-00030822 So what happens with with this so we still have this kind of strange thing where we have negative 0 and we'll come back to 4em4mxNvFOy-00067-00030822-00030922 That in a minute 4em4mxNvFOy-00068-00030922-00031545 [but] what we can do is we can try to you know add some numbers, so if we add 5 So 0 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00069-00031612-00031812 0 1 that's 5 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00070-00031885-00032123 negative 5 1 0 [1] 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00071-00032227-00032427 We add those 4em4mxNvFOy-00072-00032467-00032667 adding negative 5 here 4em4mxNvFOy-00073-00032701-00032970 [what] we end up getting is 1 plus 0 is 1? 4em4mxNvFOy-00074-00033022-00033747 0 plus 1 is 1 1 plus 0 is 1 0 plus 1 is 1 we get 1 1 1 1 which is negative zero 4em4mxNvFOy-00075-00033859-00034064 So that's closer, right? 4em4mxNvFOy-00076-00034129-00034760 You know 5 minus 5 you expect to get 0 negative 0 is I guess the same thing. [so] that's pretty good 4em4mxNvFOy-00077-00034825-00035394 And and that actually works for any of these you know we can do 3 minus 3 or 3 so 3 is? 4em4mxNvFOy-00078-00035455-00035826 0 0 1 [1] negative 3 is 1 1 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00079-00035905-00036576 0 so this is 3 plus negative 3 if we add these together [so] [1] plus 0 is [1] 4em4mxNvFOy-00080-00036601-00037101 1 plus 0 is 1 0 plus 1 is 1 0 plus 1 is 1 we get 1 1 1 1 again [and] 4em4mxNvFOy-00081-00037129-00037790 [so] again 3 minus 3 is negative 0 so this is definitely doing doing a lot better than 4em4mxNvFOy-00082-00037873-00038373 then here where we were saying a 5 minus 5 was was 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00083-00038443-00038643 That's definitely not right 4em4mxNvFOy-00084-00038712-00039333 So negative 0 definitely a lot closer. Let's try some other some other things kind of see if we can see a pattern here 4em4mxNvFOy-00085-00039403-00039603 so if we did let's Say 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00086-00039694-00040151 Plus negative three so five minus three let's see what we get there 4em4mxNvFOy-00087-00040216-00040416 five is 0 1 0 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00088-00040687-00041010 and negative 3 is 1 1 0 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00089-00041244-00041576 so 1 plus 0 is 1 0 plus 0 is 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00090-00041629-00041969 1 plus 1 is [2] so we'll put a 0 and carry a 1 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00091-00041991-00042350 then 1 Plus 1 again is 2 so we'll put a 0 and carry a 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00092-00042466-00043085 And so if we ignore this this first bit here because we're working with 4 bits we get 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00093-00043213-00043847 So 5 minus 3 is [1] that's close. It should be 2 but you know let's let's see. What happens if we do 4em4mxNvFOy-00094-00043918-00044247 Say 6 minus 2 or 6 plus negative 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00095-00044353-00044553 So 6 is 4em4mxNvFOy-00096-00044599-00044797 0 1 1 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00097-00044797-00045245 negative 2 is 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00098-00045363-00046049 [0] plus 1 is 1 1 [plus] 0 is 1 1 plus 1 is 2 0 and carry the 1 1 plus 1 is 2? 4em4mxNvFOy-00099-00046075-00046275 put a 0 and carry the 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00100-00046318-00046845 again ignore that first [bix] [we're] working with four bits so 0 0 1 1 is 3 so 4em4mxNvFOy-00101-00046909-00047109 [we're] saying [sex] minus 2 is 3 4em4mxNvFOy-00102-00047182-00047284 close 4em4mxNvFOy-00103-00047284-00047636 But but we're definitely we're definitely seeing an interesting Pattern here in fact if we look 4em4mxNvFOy-00104-00047691-00048248 You know these places where we're getting this negative 0 if we just go down 1 we see zero 4em4mxNvFOy-00105-00048309-00048866 Which is what we want here 5 minus 3 we'd expect to see two, but we're seeing one 4em4mxNvFOy-00106-00048866-00049154 so if we just go down 1 we'd actually see a 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00107-00049231-00049829 6 minus 2 we'd expect to see 4 but we're actually getting 3 but if we go down 1 we get the right answer 4em4mxNvFOy-00108-00049834-00050084 So we could just always add [1] 4em4mxNvFOy-00109-00050191-00050738 To each [of] these of course it's kind of weird to say add 1 2 to negative 0 to get to 0 but 4em4mxNvFOy-00110-00050782-00050943 If you kind of bear with me a minute 4em4mxNvFOy-00111-00050943-00051284 You'll see that if we add 1 to the binary value in it and it flips over 4em4mxNvFOy-00112-00051342-00051641 You do get to the right thing and here you get to the right thing 4em4mxNvFOy-00113-00051775-00052130 So the ones compliment. You know just flipping all of these bits is 4em4mxNvFOy-00114-00052213-00052620 Close it's very close. It's off by 1 on all on all of our arithmetic 4em4mxNvFOy-00115-00052704-00053213 And it also still has that nice property that we saw with the you know with [the] sign bit 4em4mxNvFOy-00116-00053214-00053630 Which is you know you can look at this first bit and you can tell these are all negative numbers 4em4mxNvFOy-00117-00053630-00053922 And if the first bit is [zero], then they're positive numbers 4em4mxNvFOy-00118-00054076-00054339 so it seems like the ones complement has a lot of the 4em4mxNvFOy-00119-00054436-00054939 You know a lot of nice properties. [you] know that you'd have in the sign, bit the one thing. That's you know well 4em4mxNvFOy-00120-00054939-00055054 I guess it's not too bad is 4em4mxNvFOy-00121-00055054-00055334 It to get from to inverter to negate a number 4em4mxNvFOy-00122-00055335-00055779 You know if you're going from five to negative five with a sign bit all you'd have to do is flip one bit 4em4mxNvFOy-00123-00055813-00056105 You just flip that first bit to a one and you get to negative five 4em4mxNvFOy-00124-00056137-00056538 Well with the ones complement you have to invert each bit so it's a little bit more work 4em4mxNvFOy-00125-00056580-00057167 But of course inverting bits is is pretty easy to do in hardware if we're building hardware to do this for building a computer 4em4mxNvFOy-00126-00057167-00057367 I'm going to be doing some math, so 4em4mxNvFOy-00127-00057405-00057783 [once] [compliment] seems pretty good, but it is off by by one 4em4mxNvFOy-00128-00057838-00058148 So what we can do is look at another scenario 4em4mxNvFOy-00129-00058149-00058620 Which is two's complement and if we compare ones complement to two's complement? 4em4mxNvFOy-00130-00058633-00059024 It's basically the same except what it does is it gets rid of this negative zero? 4em4mxNvFOy-00131-00059086-00059478 [so] instead of having negative zero we just go [right] to negative one 4em4mxNvFOy-00132-00059497-00059997 Negative two three four five six seven and the the kind of weird thing here is we have a negative eight 4em4mxNvFOy-00133-00060013-00060611 And we don't have an eight, but the nice the nice property about this is that all [of] our math works out very nicely 4em4mxNvFOy-00134-00060705-00061004 so if we have [five] minus five 4em4mxNvFOy-00135-00061108-00061448 5 here is zero one zero one and 4em4mxNvFOy-00136-00061549-00062091 So that's 5 and negative 5 is 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00137-00062119-00062463 and if we add these things if we add negative 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00138-00062527-00063021 1 plus 1 is 2 so we'll put a 0 and carry the 1 1 plus 1 is to 4em4mxNvFOy-00139-00063040-00063332 put a 0 and carry the 1 1 plus 1 is 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00140-00063354-00063547 so we'll put a 0 and carry the 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00141-00063547-00064106 And 1 plus 1 is to put a 0 and we have [a] one that we're carrying and so you'll notice that each 4em4mxNvFOy-00142-00064273-00064473 when we're when we're looking at the the 4em4mxNvFOy-00143-00064489-00064746 Negated version of something when we add each of these 4em4mxNvFOy-00144-00064798-00065187 Place values we get a 2 each time, [and] that's why it's called two's complement 4em4mxNvFOy-00145-00065239-00065798 But in any event you see that we end up with 0 which is just what we would want when we add a number 4em4mxNvFOy-00146-00065816-00066196 Or to its its inverse and in fact you can try it with any of these numbers 4em4mxNvFOy-00147-00066281-00066598 and you'll find out [that] you you get all [zeroes], so 4em4mxNvFOy-00148-00066672-00067154 [Let's] try you know 6 minus 2 so 6 is 0 1 1 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00149-00067224-00067394 that's 6 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00150-00067394-00067834 Minus 2 is 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 and? 4em4mxNvFOy-00151-00067887-00068356 if we add these together we add our negative 2 oops Negative 2 4em4mxNvFOy-00152-00068525-00068797 adding negative 2 there 0 plus 0 is 0 4em4mxNvFOy-00153-00068868-00069068 1 plus 1 is 4em4mxNvFOy-00154-00069137-00069337 2 so we'll 4em4mxNvFOy-00155-00069338-00069859 Put a 0 and carry the 1 1 plus 1 plus 1 is 3 so [that's] a 1 and a carry a 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00156-00069887-00070087 And the 1 plus 1 is 4em4mxNvFOy-00157-00070088-00070777 2 so 0 and carry a 1 and again we ignore that fifth bit there and so 0 1 0 0 is 4em4mxNvFOy-00158-00070812-00071437 4 and sure enough 6 minus 2 should be equal 4 so this two's complement works works pretty well 4em4mxNvFOy-00159-00071499-00072079 [and] it also has this nice property again that that first bit is a sign bit right because all of these negative numbers 4em4mxNvFOy-00160-00072089-00072289 Have a 1 there 4em4mxNvFOy-00161-00072297-00072877 And what's even more interesting about two's complement is if you look at the place values. It actually makes sense 4em4mxNvFOy-00162-00072877-00073456 This is our ones place. This is our twos place. This is our forest place and this place here 4em4mxNvFOy-00163-00073456-00073855 It's you know. It looks like a sign bit, but really it's a negative 8 place 4em4mxNvFOy-00164-00073976-00074081 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00165-00074081-00074332 You can see when [we] have a negative 8 and all zeros 4em4mxNvFOy-00166-00074332-00074755 We have a negative 8 but if you have a negative 8 and a 1 you get negative 7 right? 4em4mxNvFOy-00167-00074777-00075220 if you have negative 8 and a 4 you get negative 4 if you get negative 8 4em4mxNvFOy-00168-00075251-00075610 Plus 4 Plus 2 plus 1 you end up at Negative 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00169-00075663-00076388 So this this this bit value actually has has a mathematical meaning. Which is why our math works out, so it's pretty cool 4em4mxNvFOy-00170-00076473-00076708 The one thing that's a little bit harder with two's complement 4em4mxNvFOy-00171-00076708-00077188 Is is negating a number? So if we want to go from a 5 to a negative 5? 4em4mxNvFOy-00172-00077276-00077689 it's kind of a two-step process right so 5 is 0 1 0 [1] 4em4mxNvFOy-00173-00077726-00078208 The first thing you have to do is take the ones compliment 1 0 1 0 so flip all the bits 4em4mxNvFOy-00174-00078227-00078676 So you're just inverting everything that's that's easy enough, but then you have to add 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00175-00078782-00078982 So you invert? 4em4mxNvFOy-00176-00079049-00079177 and 4em4mxNvFOy-00177-00079177-00079959 Then add [1] so 2 add 1 2 0 [1] 0 1 is just 1 0 1 1 and then this 4em4mxNvFOy-00178-00079988-00080574 Invert so this is 5 then we invert it and then we add 1 and that gets us [to] Negative 5 4em4mxNvFOy-00179-00080618-00080823 you see negative 5 1 0 1 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00180-00080908-00081405 [1] 0 1 1 so it's a little bit more work to go from a positive number to [2] its inverse 4em4mxNvFOy-00181-00081506-00081706 Because you have to invert it and then add 1 4em4mxNvFOy-00182-00081761-00082302 But what you'll see you know in the next video when we when we build a circuit that can add and subtract 4em4mxNvFOy-00183-00082339-00082827 You'll see that it's it's actually not too [hard] to build to build this ain't hardware 4eJHoygekXE-00000-00003382-00003708 Competition is all about finding out who’s the best. 4eJHoygekXE-00001-00003708-00004095 If you’re on this channel, you probably know that the best regions in Smash are North 4eJHoygekXE-00002-00004095-00004280 America and Japan. 4eJHoygekXE-00003-00004280-00004714 And you know that both NA and the world’s best player is MKLeo. 4eJHoygekXE-00004-00004714-00005091 You might know the best players in other regions too, like Glutonny in Europe. 4eJHoygekXE-00005-00005091-00005580 However, even if you’re a dedicated smash fan, you probably don’t know as much about 4eJHoygekXE-00006-00005580-00005680 Japan. 4eJHoygekXE-00007-00005680-00006083 Japanese tournaments are sick, but they’re pretty hard to watch given the time zones. 4eJHoygekXE-00008-00006083-00006547 Japan is full of awesome pros with different personalities and styles, but it can be pretty 4eJHoygekXE-00009-00006547-00006800 hard to keep up with them given the language barrier. 4eJHoygekXE-00010-00006800-00007200 But Japan is actually one of the most interesting regions in Smash right now because it’s 4eJHoygekXE-00011-00007200-00007522 a lot harder to tell who the best player is. 4eJHoygekXE-00012-00007522-00007953 The lack of a clear best is a function of the incredible depth and the constant repeat 4eJHoygekXE-00013-00007953-00008247 competition that only Japan has. 4eJHoygekXE-00014-00008247-00008725 Since the country is super small and densely populated, it’s a lot easier for Smash players, 4eJHoygekXE-00015-00008725-00009125 and fighting game players in general, to consistently meet and compete with each other. 4eJHoygekXE-00016-00009125-00009511 In Japan, the big tournament for the weekend will have a lot of the same dedicated players 4eJHoygekXE-00017-00009511-00009611 attending. 4eJHoygekXE-00018-00009611-00010070 In the US and Europe, travel is more of an issue so we don’t see the same level of 4eJHoygekXE-00019-00010070-00010234 consistent, repeat competition. 4eJHoygekXE-00020-00010234-00010608 With Japanese players regularly facing off against each other, it’s tough to see who’s 4eJHoygekXE-00021-00010608-00010708 the best. 4eJHoygekXE-00022-00010708-00010889 But that won’t stop us from trying. 4eJHoygekXE-00023-00010889-00011327 With the new PGR soon to come out, we’re marking out who we think the best Japanese 4eJHoygekXE-00024-00011327-00011475 player is ahead of time. 4eJHoygekXE-00025-00011475-00011836 To figure out who the best player is, we’re taking a look at results. 4eJHoygekXE-00026-00011836-00012236 Obviously we’re looking at who has the best placings but we’re also looking at the story 4eJHoygekXE-00027-00012236-00012686 behind those placings - so who they lost to, who they beat, how close the games were, and 4eJHoygekXE-00028-00012686-00013082 if they were taking it seriously or going all secondaries or something like that. 4eJHoygekXE-00029-00013082-00013490 Based off of the last few months of results there are 4 clear frontrunners for the number 4eJHoygekXE-00030-00013490-00013881 1 spot: Kameme, Zackray, Shuton, and Tea. 4eJHoygekXE-00031-00013881-00014265 Each of these players have gotten at least one big tournament win, have beaten players 4eJHoygekXE-00032-00014265-00014795 ranked in the top 10 of the PGR, and have pretty consistently made Top 8 in tough tournaments. 4eJHoygekXE-00033-00014795-00015207 Let’s break each competitor down, one by one, going in order of their position on the 4eJHoygekXE-00034-00015207-00015488 early 2019 Japanese player rankings. 4eJHoygekXE-00035-00015488-00015665 First, there’s Shuton. 4eJHoygekXE-00036-00015665-00016085 This guy is Japan’s die hard Olimar main, even playing him in Smash 4 where the character 4eJHoygekXE-00037-00016085-00016263 was considerably worse. 4eJHoygekXE-00038-00016263-00016673 You might also know Shuton for his legendary play at Frostbite where he used Richter’s 4eJHoygekXE-00039-00016673-00017189 down air on a Pikmin to recover to stage. 4eJHoygekXE-00040-00017189-00017635 He got the #1 spot for the first half of the year based on great results in and out of 4eJHoygekXE-00041-00017635-00017735 Japan. 4eJHoygekXE-00042-00017735-00018163 However, that was before patch 3.1 nerfed Olimar pretty significantly. 4eJHoygekXE-00043-00018163-00018566 The nerfs combined with other players getting matchup experience made brackets harder for 4eJHoygekXE-00044-00018566-00018757 pretty much every Olimar main. 4eJHoygekXE-00045-00018757-00019179 But Shuton preserved and also picked up a Shulk secondary? 4eJHoygekXE-00046-00019179-00019451 If that sounds like an odd choice, it’s because it is. 4eJHoygekXE-00047-00019451-00019970 It was also a smart one that helped him win Umebura SP 5, his most recent big win. 4eJHoygekXE-00048-00019970-00020460 Beyond Umebura 5, Shuton hasn’t won that many gold medals but he has gotten solid placings 4eJHoygekXE-00049-00020460-00020560 and wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00050-00020560-00020833 At Seoul Smash X he got 1st and beat Tea. 4eJHoygekXE-00051-00020833-00021232 At Thunder Smash 3 he got 5th and beat Lea, Larry Lurr, and Raito. 4eJHoygekXE-00052-00021232-00021520 At Switchfest he got 4th and beat Light and Glutonny. 4eJHoygekXE-00053-00021520-00022003 And at The Big House he got 7th after beating Cosmos and Plup but narrowly losing to Tweek, 4eJHoygekXE-00054-00022003-00022103 3-2. 4eJHoygekXE-00055-00022103-00022448 Shuton’s most disappointing placement was 33rd at Umebura 6. 4eJHoygekXE-00056-00022448-00022820 Other than that, he hasn’t missed Top 16 at any event he’s gone to. 4eJHoygekXE-00057-00022820-00023326 He also has some pretty big wins against names like Light, Glutonny, Tea, Cosmos, Protobanham, 4eJHoygekXE-00058-00023326-00023455 and Zackray. 4eJHoygekXE-00059-00023455-00023862 Shuton’s looking pretty good, but not as good as he was at the start of the year, when 4eJHoygekXE-00060-00023862-00024076 he was winning tournaments left and right. 4eJHoygekXE-00061-00024076-00024690 Zackray, the former #2 on the early 2019 Japanese power rankings, hasn’t had the same struggles. 4eJHoygekXE-00062-00024690-00024976 Zackray is the leader of the new guard in Japan. 4eJHoygekXE-00063-00024976-00025460 At just 17 years old, he’s often busy completing classes and homework for high school before 4eJHoygekXE-00064-00025460-00025679 going to huge international events. 4eJHoygekXE-00065-00025679-00026189 Zackray basically treats Smash like a MOBA and rotates between Wolf, Joker, R.O.B., and 4eJHoygekXE-00066-00026189-00026372 Game & Watch depending on match up. 4eJHoygekXE-00067-00026372-00026683 He might just bust out a left field pick like Ridley too. 4eJHoygekXE-00068-00026683-00027095 Zackray’s results have less consistency than Shuton’s but better heights. 4eJHoygekXE-00069-00027095-00027602 Zackray had two disappointing showings at Mainstage, where he got 33rd and Umebura 4 4eJHoygekXE-00070-00027602-00027750 where he got 25th. 4eJHoygekXE-00071-00027750-00028237 At Mainstage he lost to Myran and Big D as well, two players most would consider below 4eJHoygekXE-00072-00028237-00028350 his caliber. 4eJHoygekXE-00073-00028350-00028808 However Zackray got a huge win at Big House 9 where he ran through some of the best players 4eJHoygekXE-00074-00028808-00028908 in the world. 4eJHoygekXE-00075-00028908-00029423 At the tournament, he beat Nairo, Dabuz, Maister, Cosmos, and double eliminated Tweek. 4eJHoygekXE-00076-00029423-00029743 That’s basically an MKLeo caliber run right there. 4eJHoygekXE-00077-00029743-00030329 He also won Sumaboto 8 and EGS Cup 2, got 2nd to Shuton at Umebura 5, 7th at Ultimate 4eJHoygekXE-00078-00030329-00030627 Summit 2, and 9th at Super Smash Con. 4eJHoygekXE-00079-00030627-00031099 Of the top 4, Zackray has some of the worst losses but also the best wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00080-00031099-00031506 In a lot of his losses against top competitors, he also keeps it super close. 4eJHoygekXE-00081-00031506-00031951 So, while he does have a losing record versus Shuton, he’s gotten very close to beating 4eJHoygekXE-00082-00031951-00032051 him. 4eJHoygekXE-00083-00032051-00032497 He’s also gotten really close to beating competitors like ESAM and MKLeo. 4eJHoygekXE-00084-00032497-00032829 If you want a picture of consistency then look to Kameme. 4eJHoygekXE-00085-00032829-00033159 Kameme is the Mega Man sage sitting atop the mountain. 4eJHoygekXE-00086-00033159-00033554 He won’t come down for just any tournament, but when he does you can expect him to do 4eJHoygekXE-00087-00033554-00033654 well. 4eJHoygekXE-00088-00033654-00033900 Since mid-April, he hasn’t placed below 9th. 4eJHoygekXE-00089-00033900-00034328 Kameme is also one of the few players to have beaten Joker era MKLeo. 4eJHoygekXE-00090-00034328-00034798 That’s pretty huge, but it comes with the caveat that he beat Winners Bracket MKLeo, 4eJHoygekXE-00091-00034798-00035171 which just isn’t the same challenge as beating Losers Bracket MKLeo. 4eJHoygekXE-00092-00035171-00035716 But MKLeo isn’t the only great win Kameme has, as he’s also bested Umeki, Ken, Kome, 4eJHoygekXE-00093-00035716-00035979 Lea, ESAM, Tea, and MVD. 4eJHoygekXE-00094-00035979-00036475 Kameme’s biggest recent win was at Switchfest, which admittedly isn’t as big a win as Shuton’s 4eJHoygekXE-00095-00036475-00036777 Umebura 5 or Zackray’s Big House 9 wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00096-00036777-00037078 Although it was smaller, he had to double eliminate Tea. 4eJHoygekXE-00097-00037078-00037456 That gives him a pretty good head to head against the final contender for first place. 4eJHoygekXE-00098-00037456-00037956 Then, out of nowhere comes Tea, the man that almost single handedly makes Pac Man look 4eJHoygekXE-00099-00037956-00038056 busted. 4eJHoygekXE-00100-00038056-00038407 Tea might just be one of the most underrated and overlooked players in Ultimate. 4eJHoygekXE-00101-00038407-00038864 He’s almost as consistent as Kameme, has a win that’s almost as big as Zackray’s, 4eJHoygekXE-00102-00038864-00039163 and results that might be better than anyone in the top 4. 4eJHoygekXE-00103-00039163-00039692 Tea’s worst placing in Ultimate’s entire life span is 17th, and even then he lost in 4eJHoygekXE-00104-00039692-00040090 two tight sets to the 6th and 18th highest ranked players in Japan. 4eJHoygekXE-00105-00040090-00040543 His only recent 1st placing was at Thunder Smash 3, but it was a big win. 4eJHoygekXE-00106-00040543-00041064 He beat Salem, Cosmos, MuteAce, ESAM, and Marss in that tournament alone. 4eJHoygekXE-00107-00041064-00041581 Outside of it, he got 2nd at Switchfest, 2nd at Run it Back, 5th at Summit 2, and 5th at 4eJHoygekXE-00108-00041581-00041712 Mainstage. 4eJHoygekXE-00109-00041712-00042186 Those placings have got Tea some really good wins too - Light, Shuton, Glutonny, Samsora, 4eJHoygekXE-00110-00042186-00042493 Maister, Lea, Abadango, and more. 4eJHoygekXE-00111-00042493-00042958 In the 2nd half of the year, Tea did a better job of picking up big wins against big international 4eJHoygekXE-00112-00042958-00043393 players and it’s what puts him in contention for Japan’s top spot. 4eJHoygekXE-00113-00043393-00043671 That’s the basic rundown of the top 4. 4eJHoygekXE-00114-00043671-00043808 Managing to keep up so far? 4eJHoygekXE-00115-00043808-00044150 If you’re having trouble, don’t worry, here’s the basic breakdown. 4eJHoygekXE-00116-00044150-00044409 Every player has similarly good tournament results. 4eJHoygekXE-00117-00044409-00044887 Kameme is the most consistent competitor but he also has the weakest wins and hasn’t 4eJHoygekXE-00118-00044887-00044987 topped a recent s-tier. 4eJHoygekXE-00119-00044987-00045537 Tea and Zackray have the most impressive international resumes, with Zackray having higher highs 4eJHoygekXE-00120-00045537-00045666 and lower lows. 4eJHoygekXE-00121-00045666-00046042 Shuton has had the biggest recent domestic win with Umebura 5. 4eJHoygekXE-00122-00046042-00046451 That’s a tight race, and recent head-to-heads don’t really help. 4eJHoygekXE-00123-00046451-00046937 Since August, Kameme hasn’t faced Shuton in bracket and Zackray hasn’t faced Tea. 4eJHoygekXE-00124-00046937-00047183 All the other head to heads are super close. 4eJHoygekXE-00125-00047183-00047680 Tea and Shuton have gone 1-1 in sets, Zackray and Shuton have gone 3-2 in sets, Zackray 4eJHoygekXE-00126-00047680-00048090 is up 1-0 over Kameme, and Kameme is up 2-0 over Tea. 4eJHoygekXE-00127-00048090-00048341 Both Kameme’s wins were 3-2 sets. 4eJHoygekXE-00128-00048341-00048834 3 of Zackray and Shuton’s sets were 3-2 as well (3-3 if you count the set at Little 4eJHoygekXE-00129-00048834-00049134 Big House where Zackray was going all Game and Watch). 4eJHoygekXE-00130-00049134-00049534 We could look at historical head to heads, but the early Japanese rankings already did 4eJHoygekXE-00131-00049534-00049677 that and we wanna look ahead. 4eJHoygekXE-00132-00049677-00050151 When it’s this tight of a race, it’s pretty hard to objectively say who’s the best. 4eJHoygekXE-00133-00050151-00050513 At a point, you have to pick certain factors to value over others. 4eJHoygekXE-00134-00050513-00050993 In this case, we’re going to value big international wins over big domestic wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00135-00050993-00051386 As we said in an earlier video, right now NA is the best region. 4eJHoygekXE-00136-00051386-00051889 Though Japan has caught up more and more recently, NA still looks pretty strong and its big tournaments 4eJHoygekXE-00137-00051889-00052149 attract global talent more than Japan’s do. 4eJHoygekXE-00138-00052149-00052529 We’re also going to value consistency over head to head wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00139-00052529-00052948 Since the head to head numbers are so small and often such close calls, they don’t really 4eJHoygekXE-00140-00052948-00053107 feel like smoking guns. 4eJHoygekXE-00141-00053107-00053549 Plus, a big part of getting a good rank and showing full talent as a competitor comes 4eJHoygekXE-00142-00053549-00053662 with consistency. 4eJHoygekXE-00143-00053662-00054001 It’s that underrated thing you need to be one of the GOATs. 4eJHoygekXE-00144-00054001-00054602 All that said the number 1 Japanese player is… drum roll please… oh hold on, just 4eJHoygekXE-00145-00054602-00054957 opening the envelope… there… we… go! 4eJHoygekXE-00146-00054957-00055087 Ahem, Tea! 4eJHoygekXE-00147-00055087-00055701 We’re ranking Tea first, followed by Zackray second, Shuton third, and Kameme fourth. 4eJHoygekXE-00148-00055701-00056113 Tea and Zackray got the top two spots for doing better internationally, winning at the 4eJHoygekXE-00149-00056113-00056586 most stacked events of the four, and playing a lot of their losing sets very close. 4eJHoygekXE-00150-00056586-00057019 Tea just barely beats Zackray because he’s more consistent and hasn’t dipped below 4eJHoygekXE-00151-00057019-00057119 17th. 4eJHoygekXE-00152-00057119-00057535 Shuton earns the third spot in no small part because he plays more. 4eJHoygekXE-00153-00057535-00057944 Kameme’s breaks may make him more consistent, but Shuton’s activity means he has more 4eJHoygekXE-00154-00057944-00058060 impressive wins. 4eJHoygekXE-00155-00058060-00058504 Besides, Shuton isn’t that inconsistent either, he just had one disappointing showing 4eJHoygekXE-00156-00058504-00058654 at Umebura 6. 4eJHoygekXE-00157-00058654-00058910 So Shuton just barely beats Kameme. 4eJHoygekXE-00158-00058910-00059326 Of course, our word isn’t law and you could make good arguments to change these top 4 4eJHoygekXE-00159-00059326-00059476 up in a lot of ways. 4eJHoygekXE-00160-00059476-00059821 Every player has good wins against some of the best in the game and good placings to 4eJHoygekXE-00161-00059821-00059921 boot. 4eJHoygekXE-00162-00059921-00060125 Who do you think is the best player in Japan right now? 4eJHoygekXE-00163-00060125-00060508 Did you ever think a Pac-Man main would be one of the best players in the world? 4eJHoygekXE-00164-00060508-00060613 Let us know in the comments. 4eLV9ISmUUu-00000-00000033-00000437 Hello everyone welcome to my channel in this video tutorial 4eLV9ISmUUu-00001-00000445-00001205 I'm about to show you then how you can hide your files and folder without using any software 4eLV9ISmUUu-00002-00001357-00001557 Ok so let's get started 4eLV9ISmUUu-00003-00001684-00002111 All you need to do is to just simply 4eLV9ISmUUu-00004-00002296-00002496 Copy these codes (mentioned in Description) 4eLV9ISmUUu-00005-00002826-00003470 Copy it and the next thing that you want to do is 4eLV9ISmUUu-00006-00003784-00004034 Text create a text document or a notepad 4eLV9ISmUUu-00007-00004195-00004395 Open it up now 4eLV9ISmUUu-00008-00004464-00004664 Paste it 4eLV9ISmUUu-00009-00004746-00005273 Alright the next step is to set a password for that 4eLV9ISmUUu-00010-00005401-00005566 secret folder 4eLV9ISmUUu-00011-00005566-00005766 Which you want to create? 4eLV9ISmUUu-00012-00005778-00006131 so all you need to do is to just press the 4eLV9ISmUUu-00013-00006232-00006361 ctrl button 4eLV9ISmUUu-00014-00006361-00006508 + 4eLV9ISmUUu-00015-00006508-00006708 F 4eLV9ISmUUu-00016-00006811-00007277 This will open the find tab now here you can 4eLV9ISmUUu-00017-00007417-00008090 Type and search for any word, but we need to find the word passcode ok 4eLV9ISmUUu-00018-00008218-00008945 We can manually find it but it will be convenient if you use the find tab okay 4eLV9ISmUUu-00019-00009067-00009267 So sorry for that 4eLV9ISmUUu-00020-00009447-00010247 Ok so here, it is the passcode now. This is what your password will be like 4eLV9ISmUUu-00021-00010393-00010593 So you need to replace it with 4eLV9ISmUUu-00022-00010792-00011393 Anything that you want to set as password for that folder, so 4eLV9ISmUUu-00023-00011521-00011951 For an example I would like to write qwerty 4eLV9ISmUUu-00024-00012328-00012708 So that would be the password for that secret folder 4eLV9ISmUUu-00025-00012888-00013488 All right the next thing that you will have to do is to click on the file 4eLV9ISmUUu-00026-00013644-00013899 Then click on save as and 4eLV9ISmUUu-00027-00014086-00014613 Select the destination for that folder which will be your secret folder 4eLV9ISmUUu-00028-00014680-00015299 Okay, so I'm gonna choose the desktop alright, and the next thing that you will have to do is 4eLV9ISmUUu-00029-00015424-00015624 Change this save as type 4eLV9ISmUUu-00030-00015720-00015904 from text 4eLV9ISmUUu-00031-00015904-00016104 documents to all files 4eLV9ISmUUu-00032-00016153-00016327 okay, and 4eLV9ISmUUu-00033-00016327-00016507 Give it a name 4eLV9ISmUUu-00034-00016507-00016672 like 4eLV9ISmUUu-00035-00016672-00016872 Would like to give it name 4eLV9ISmUUu-00036-00017104-00017272 locker 4eLV9ISmUUu-00037-00017272-00017570 next thing that you will have to do here is 4eLV9ISmUUu-00038-00017644-00017803 to 4eLV9ISmUUu-00039-00017803-00018003 type this dot 4eLV9ISmUUu-00040-00018082-00018515 bat (.bat) so it will convert these codes into 4eLV9ISmUUu-00041-00018739-00019182 Ms-dos or command prompt or whatever so 4eLV9ISmUUu-00042-00019320-00019787 after typing the name and this .bat 4eLV9ISmUUu-00043-00019923-00020123 You will have to save it 4eLV9ISmUUu-00044-00020239-00020798 Okay you see it's here. It has appeared here 4eLV9ISmUUu-00045-00021051-00021401 Open it up. It will create a folder like this 4eLV9ISmUUu-00046-00021472-00021607 secured 4eLV9ISmUUu-00047-00021607-00022265 Ok so this is your secret folder.Now you can copy your secret files 4eLV9ISmUUu-00048-00022351-00022646 pictures documents, videos, whatever 4eLV9ISmUUu-00049-00022729-00022955 They will remain encrypted in this folder 4eLV9ISmUUu-00050-00022956-00023561 And it will not open until you type the password so the next thing you want to do is 4eLV9ISmUUu-00051-00023647-00024014 to reopen the locker and 4eLV9ISmUUu-00052-00024169-00024617 Here you can see Are you sure you want to lock the secured. Press Y 4eLV9ISmUUu-00053-00024804-00025046 Y is for yes ok so 4eLV9ISmUUu-00054-00025195-00025952 Now it's hidden and the next time when you want to open that folder all you need to do is to open 4eLV9ISmUUu-00055-00026114-00026314 The locker and 4eLV9ISmUUu-00056-00026489-00027026 Type the password okay, so I will type the password 4eLV9ISmUUu-00057-00027222-00027422 qwerty 4eLV9ISmUUu-00058-00027672-00028373 You Can see this folder has reappeared now you can open up your files and folders, whatever 4eLV9ISmUUu-00059-00028650-00029377 Thank you for watching if you like this video, please click on the like button and subscribe for my channel for more such videos 4eLV9ISmUUu-00060-00029477-00029677 Thank you 4fSc4pa41cA-00000-00000000-00000158 Hello everyone! 4fSc4pa41cA-00001-00000158-00000558 I'm going to be talkingabout the complicated career of Sneako! 4fSc4pa41cA-00002-00000992-00002100 Sneako, whose real name is Nicolas "Nico" Kenn De Balinthazy or Hubert is a former 4fSc4pa41cA-00003-00002100-00002784 YouTuber turned Rumbler. He started his careerback in 2013 on YouTube and has created lots 4fSc4pa41cA-00004-00002784-00003328 of controversy mainly over his political viewsand the way he sees the world. 4fSc4pa41cA-00005-00003328-00003703 Sneako: "I saw Cuties last night and it was, it was pretty good." 4fSc4pa41cA-00006-00003703-00004020 Sneako was aYouTuber first and foremost. 4fSc4pa41cA-00007-00004445-00005158 His videos were, *SIGH, I can't really describe it. These videos were his own. 4fSc4pa41cA-00008-00005158-00005542 However, in 2022, something changed. 4fSc4pa41cA-00009-00007118-00007973 SHNEAKO, S-H-N-E-A-K-O, is the second channelthat he had on YouTube. It was ultimately the 4fSc4pa41cA-00010-00007973-00008736 channel That would lead to him being extremelyactive but also to be canceled. After he 4fSc4pa41cA-00011-00008736-00009540 discovered Andrew Tate, that was it. Sneako became fascinated with the opinions and actions of Tate 4fSc4pa41cA-00012-00009540-00009975 so much that he literally became the Walmartversion of him. 4fSc4pa41cA-00013-00010188-00010914 By the end, he gained nearly 2 million subscriberson both of his YouTube channels and millions and 4fSc4pa41cA-00014-00010914-00011426 millions of views. Almost hundreds of millions of views on this, on YouTube. 4fSc4pa41cA-00015-00011902-00012594 Sneako has a motto of "seeking truth throughfunny." There was a brief moment in time where 4fSc4pa41cA-00016-00012594-00013254 he did stand-up comedy. The most he ever got outof it was a signed 100 bill by Dave Chappelle. 4fSc4pa41cA-00017-00013254-00014166 I literally see comments of people saying thatthe 16-year-old self that you were was smarter 4fSc4pa41cA-00018-00014166-00014772 than how you are now. You have criticizedCharlie, D'Angelo, Brandon, all of these 4fSc4pa41cA-00019-00014772-00015474 people multiple times, Ethan Klein, like you havegone after people so much to the point where now, 4fSc4pa41cA-00020-00015474-00016285 now I just expect you to say something. If someone criticizes you, I'm like well, Sneako in the gym: 4fSc4pa41cA-00021-00016285-00016740 "OH! Someone, someone called me out for being a [__]? For me... 4fSc4pa41cA-00022-00016740-00017703 Oh, oh my GOD! I have to Tweet about, oh my GOD! HOW DARE YOU! YOU SOY BOY! BOT! NPC! YOU'RE AN NPC! 4fSc4pa41cA-00023-00017703-00018210 Sneako: "Nobody wants to see what I have to say. I've becomea caricature on YouTube rather than somebody 4fSc4pa41cA-00024-00018210-00018714 who has something to say. It's, I've become a memebecause I am banned. That's not victimizing, that's 4fSc4pa41cA-00025-00018714-00019230 actively pointing out how strong censorship isand how people on mainstream platforms can run with 4fSc4pa41cA-00026-00019230-00019400 the narrative when you're not there." 4fSc4pa41cA-00027-00019400-00019721 Perhaps if, if it wasn't for him streaming on YouTube and 4fSc4pa41cA-00028-00019722-00020298 being consistent and, and saying all the thingshe did for people to post videos about him on 4fSc4pa41cA-00029-00020298-00020886 TikTok and YouTube... perhaps if that didn'thappen, he wouldn't be in the position he's atnow. 4fSc4pa41cA-00030-00020886-00021618 Like he thinks he's doing the world a lot ofgood by exposing the Matrix and following the 4fSc4pa41cA-00031-00021618-00022092 Andrew Tate's message but at the end of the daypeople are gonna do whatever they're gonna do. 4fSc4pa41cA-00032-00022506-00022998 You know? Like you, you have made me think. Youmade me think more about society, I will give 4fSc4pa41cA-00033-00022998-00023628 you credit there but it's just your approach. It'sjust the way you're going about it. Like, you know, I 4fSc4pa41cA-00034-00023628-00024036 understand people are going to take things outof context, you know, and maybe people don't want 4fSc4pa41cA-00035-00024036-00024584 to hear the truth but it's just too much. It's just too much. 4hl__KrF2pg-00000-00000000-00000395 Hi guys! Ace of Hearts Fox here, and welcome to my first Fursuit Friday vlog! 4hl__KrF2pg-00001-00000395-00000768 So today's vlog is going to be 10 Tips For Interacting With Fursuiters, because at 4hl__KrF2pg-00002-00000768-00001184 almost every furry event, we do interact with fursuiters to degree, whether we 4hl__KrF2pg-00003-00001184-00001545 just want to take a picture with one or if we just want to say hi to someone we 4hl__KrF2pg-00004-00001545-00001964 really like on the Internet, so sometimes we go to a furry meetup or a convention 4hl__KrF2pg-00005-00001964-00002415 and we see a fursuiter, and we get all excited and then we kind of forget a few 4hl__KrF2pg-00006-00002415-00002799 things along the way. So the purpose of this vlog is to make the experience as 4hl__KrF2pg-00007-00002799-00003230 enjoyable as possible for both you and the fursuiters you interact with. 4hl__KrF2pg-00008-00003230-00003627 Tip number one: it is really hard to get a fursuiter's attention! So if you haven't 4hl__KrF2pg-00009-00003627-00004032 noticed, most fursuits are made of foam and when you have foam pressed against 4hl__KrF2pg-00010-00004032-00004416 your ears and you got mesh in front of your eyes it's really hard to see and 4hl__KrF2pg-00011-00004416-00004794 here people so you really got to make sure that it's easy to for a fursuiter to 4hl__KrF2pg-00012-00004794-00005142 notice you especially if you want to go up and say hi to them or take a picture 4hl__KrF2pg-00013-00005142-00005544 or something. Tip number two don't scratch their fur! 4hl__KrF2pg-00014-00005544-00006089 I mean I enjoy getting pets as much as the next guy but you gotta remember that 4hl__KrF2pg-00015-00006089-00006512 this fur doesn't grow back so if you're giving them a scratch on the muzzle or 4hl__KrF2pg-00016-00006512-00006867 if you're you know bapping their ears there's going to be hair falling out of 4hl__KrF2pg-00017-00006867-00007247 there and it's kind of a bummer if the fursuit starts to go bald it's not 4hl__KrF2pg-00018-00007247-00007539 nearly as cute unless it was intentionally bald I don't know. There 4hl__KrF2pg-00019-00007539-00007983 are hairless cat fursuits out there too. Tip number three be careful of food and 4hl__KrF2pg-00020-00007983-00008358 drinks! This is actually something I didn't think about until making this 4hl__KrF2pg-00021-00008358-00008747 vlog but my girlfriend brought up a story about when someone went to go pet 4hl__KrF2pg-00022-00008747-00009177 her fursuit and they ended up getting mustard on the muzzle so it was kind of 4hl__KrF2pg-00023-00009177-00009492 a bummer; she's a raccoon so there's white on there and she had 4hl__KrF2pg-00024-00009492-00009834 the clean yellow mustard out of it. It was gross! So if you're going to go pet a 4hl__KrF2pg-00025-00009834-00010193 fursuiter and you have food or drinks just go set them down somewhere and then 4hl__KrF2pg-00026-00010193-00010521 go interact with them and then pick up your food after I'm pretty sure any sane 4hl__KrF2pg-00027-00010521-00010863 person wouldn't try to seal half-eaten food so take a bite out of it set it 4hl__KrF2pg-00028-00010863-00011238 down and then go interact with somebody. Tip number four keep your hands clean! 4hl__KrF2pg-00029-00011238-00011618 When you're walking around a convention center all day, you touch a lot of stuff 4hl__KrF2pg-00030-00011618-00011996 and fursuits are no exception! So it's a nice courtesy to fursuiters 4hl__KrF2pg-00031-00011996-00012314 if you're going to interact with them to just wash up your hands or maybe keep 4hl__KrF2pg-00032-00012314-00012735 some hand sanitizer on you. A little bit goes a long way! Tip number five ask 4hl__KrF2pg-00033-00012735-00013116 before you touch a fursuiter! It's really easy to get caught up in all the 4hl__KrF2pg-00034-00013116-00013431 excitement of interacting with a cute, fuzzy animal standing right in front of 4hl__KrF2pg-00035-00013431-00013763 your face but you got to remember everybody has a different level of 4hl__KrF2pg-00036-00013763-00014283 comfort of where and how they're being touched especially by strangers! One of 4hl__KrF2pg-00037-00014283-00014643 the easiest ways to avoid this is just ask! If you want to rub a fursuiter's 4hl__KrF2pg-00038-00014643-00015144 belly ask, "Hey can I rub your belly?" and if they say yes great if they say no 4hl__KrF2pg-00039-00015144-00015513 respect that boundary! Tip number six remember that fursuiters are 4hl__KrF2pg-00040-00015513-00015872 just normal people! It's okay to be excited or nervous if you see a popular 4hl__KrF2pg-00041-00015872-00016152 fursuiter at a convention or just someone you really like from the 4hl__KrF2pg-00042-00016152-00016548 internet, but the easiest way to approach them is just do it casually! 4hl__KrF2pg-00043-00016548-00016830 Just approach it like you're talking to a friend and most of the time it works out 4hl__KrF2pg-00044-00016830-00017178 great and that brings me to tip number seven if a person here doesn't feel like 4hl__KrF2pg-00045-00017178-00017508 chatting or doesn't feel like doing pictures right now, that's okay! 4hl__KrF2pg-00046-00017508-00017826 Most of the time they're not trying to be rude; they just might be exhausted 4hl__KrF2pg-00047-00017826-00018183 from fursuiting all day. I mean this thing is literally like wearing a couch! 4hl__KrF2pg-00048-00018183-00018504 So they might just be physically tired and not feel like interacting with 4hl__KrF2pg-00049-00018504-00018855 anybody, so try not to take it personally. Most of the time, they might just need 4hl__KrF2pg-00050-00018855-00019281 some rest, so come back later! Tip number eight watch out for tails! 4hl__KrF2pg-00051-00019281-00019629 I'm talking about fursuiters that have tails that are so long but they actually drag on 4hl__KrF2pg-00052-00019629-00019899 the floor while they're walking! If you see a fursuiter that might have a 4hl__KrF2pg-00053-00019899-00020247 tail on the ground, just be careful where you step because be step on that tail 4hl__KrF2pg-00054-00020247-00020604 on accident, it can actually tug on the fabric or elastic that attaches it to 4hl__KrF2pg-00055-00020604-00020970 their booty! Doing this on accident could actually cause a lot of permanent damage 4hl__KrF2pg-00056-00020970-00021333 to a really expensive part of the costume, so just watch where you're stepping! 4hl__KrF2pg-00057-00021333-00021966 Number! nine! I I only have eight fingers... Number nine: watch where you're putting your hands! 4hl__KrF2pg-00058-00021966-00022370 Some female looking fursuits might have a male fursuiter under there, and 4hl__KrF2pg-00059-00022370-00022710 vice versa; some male looking fursuits might have a female fursuiter 4hl__KrF2pg-00060-00022710-00023031 underneath there so even if they say it's okay to pet them just make sure you 4hl__KrF2pg-00061-00023031-00023420 ask before you touch them in certain places. Communication is key! 4hl__KrF2pg-00062-00023420-00023870 So this brings me to tip number ten if a fursuiter says it's not okay to touch them 4hl__KrF2pg-00063-00023870-00024204 don't touch them. I know it can be kind of a bummer 4hl__KrF2pg-00064-00024204-00024525 especially if it's one of your favorite fursuiteres, or maybe it's just this 4hl__KrF2pg-00065-00024525-00024834 really cute character that you've seen on the Internet. Everyone has their own 4hl__KrF2pg-00066-00024834-00025194 set of boundaries and comfort levels, so make sure you respect those so everybody 4hl__KrF2pg-00067-00025194-00025476 can have a good time. My favorite rule of thumb for interacting with fursuiters 4hl__KrF2pg-00068-00025476-00025893 is to stop and think to myself "Hmmm...would this be okay to do to a person 4hl__KrF2pg-00069-00025893-00026210 who isn't wearing an animal costume?" If the answer is "No" 4hl__KrF2pg-00070-00026210-00026636 don't do it. So that's 10 Tips For Interacting With Fursuiters! I hope you 4hl__KrF2pg-00071-00026636-00026954 guys enjoyed it. If you liked the video, go ahead and hit LIKE or SUBSCRIBE down 4hl__KrF2pg-00072-00026954-00027191 below. You can also leave me some comments and tell me some of your 4hl__KrF2pg-00073-00027191-00027488 favorite tips for interacting with fursuiters! I'm pretty sure you guys can 4hl__KrF2pg-00074-00027488-00027812 think of stuff that I didn't cover in this list, and that'll be super helpful 4hl__KrF2pg-00075-00027812-00028100 for anybody watching this that's still pretty new to interacting with 4hl__KrF2pg-00076-00028100-00028460 fursuiters. Well that's all I got for you guys today! Thanks again for watching! 4hl__KrF2pg-00077-00028460-00029195 My name is Ace of Hearts Fox and I will see you all in the next video! 4hrSskTE8QM-00000-00000100-00000800 This short video is about BIM Fields, one of three models within the Tri-axial Framework. 4hrSskTE8QM-00001-00000900-00001900 BIM Fields is one of the most important models within the overall BIM Framework, and we will be encountering it in many videos. 4hrSskTE8QM-00002-00001900-00002500 So, BIM Fields, as a term, refers to all topics, activities and actors across the BIM domain. 4hrSskTE8QM-00003-00002500-00004100 So, everyone - whether we’re discussing architects, engineers, owners, insurance companies, software providers or software developers, resellers, all of these - all these industry stakeholders. 4hrSskTE8QM-00004-00004100-00005000 So we’re covering all topics, activities and actors, we’re covering all stakeholders theirs deliverables and requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00005-00005000-00005400 So BIM Fields represent all these stakeholders. 4hrSskTE8QM-00006-00005500-00006300 And the way it’s represented is through a specific Venn diagram which includes 'types' and 'components', so first what are this types. 4hrSskTE8QM-00007-00006300-00006700 So, we've got a Technology Field, so we've got three field types: 4hrSskTE8QM-00008-00006700-00007400 the Technology Field which overlaps with the Process Field, together they overlap with the Policy Field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00009-00007400-00007500 I’m gonna explain this in a second. 4hrSskTE8QM-00010-00007600-00008800 And if we look at these fields overlapping, we notice, we've got in this representation three tabs, we've got Players, we've got Deliverables and we've got Requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00011-00008800-00009600 So first Players: we've got policy players, technology players, processes players. They can be represented on their own, 4hrSskTE8QM-00012-00009600-00010500 We can look for example on the interaction between a policy player for example, an insurance company or a policy maker, a government; 4hrSskTE8QM-00013-00010500-00011000 and a process player example an architect, an engineer, an owner; 4hrSskTE8QM-00014-00011000-00011700 and a technology player, example a software company like Autodesk or Nemetschek or Trimble. 4hrSskTE8QM-00015-00011800-00012300 So we can look at BIM Fields by only looking at the players and how they are interacting. 4hrSskTE8QM-00016-00012400-00013400 We can look at the players’ deliverables. So deliverables of processes fields, for example, are buildings, bridges, etc. 4hrSskTE8QM-00017-00013500-00014000 While the policy deliverables would be something like a mandate or an insurance policy. 4hrSskTE8QM-00018-00014000-00014800 And technology deliverables, from technology players would be something like a software like Revit, or ARCHICAD, etc. 4hrSskTE8QM-00019-00014800-00015700 So these are deliverables. And we also, we’ve got requirements. So, each of these player types would have their own requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00020-00015800-00016700 So, just, as an example, the process field with all the engineers, and architects, and owners, all the players that generate actual buildings, 4hrSskTE8QM-00021-00016700-00017700 they’ve got BIM requirements like training, change management, information modeling, information management, etc. 4hrSskTE8QM-00022-00017700-00018100 And we will be discussing these requirements, also in a separate video. 4hrSskTE8QM-00023-00018200-00019300 So this is a first look at BIM Fields, and we see all this types, we’ve got these three types. Each one of these types has got three components: players, deliverables and requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00024-00019400-00020300 Another way of understanding BIM Fields is to understand their overlaps, so in this Venn diagram the three circles are overlapping generating these four areas. 4hrSskTE8QM-00025-00020400-00020800 So we’ve got the policy field here, the process field there and technology field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00026-00020800-00021300 So I’ll give an example of what happens in the overlap between the policy field and the process field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00027-00021300-00022100 So within this overlap, you’re either overlapping the players or overlapping the deliverables, or overlapping the requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00028-00022200-00023700 And to give an example, a mixed example, if we say an architect sitting here is an architect who is not generating architecture, but providing a deliverable in policy. How would that happen? 4hrSskTE8QM-00029-00023700-00024600 If we look at the Australian Institute of Architects, or American Institute of Architects, or any kind of association of professionals working within the field, 4hrSskTE8QM-00030-00024600-00025500 these typically are made of process field players, so you've got architects joined together in an association, 4hrSskTE8QM-00031-00025600-00026600 but these people do not generate buildings or any kind of typical deliverables an architect would deliver. They would deliver policies for architects to follow. 4hrSskTE8QM-00032-00026600-00027700 So, the overlap between the policy and process field, generates associations which are populated by players from one field, generating deliverables in another. 4hrSskTE8QM-00033-00027700-00028200 Another example, let’s say, between the Policy Field and the Technology Field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00034-00028200-00029200 Let’s say we’ve got policy makers or universities joining forces with software developers under something similar to have, let’s say, 'buildingSMART'. 4hrSskTE8QM-00035-00029200-00030600 So buildingSMART fits neatly within an overlap between a policy player and a technology deliverable, you know, just thinks of IFCs, and the schemata used. 4hrSskTE8QM-00036-00030700-00031200 A final example, let’s say, between process field and technology field, would be a ‘community of practice’. 4hrSskTE8QM-00037-00031200-00032300 A community of practice is a group of [practitioners] joining together in order to discuss, to focus, on specific technology. 4hrSskTE8QM-00038-00032300-00032800 They’re not really focusing on architecture, they’re not focusing on policy, they are mostly focusing on technology. 4hrSskTE8QM-00039-00032800-00033700 A good example of these would be if a Revit user group, would be an ARCHICAD user group, would be a drone society, 4hrSskTE8QM-00040-00033700-00034600 where they all these enthusiasts about drones or about robots, they join together, and they don’t really focus on policies or on their own work 4hrSskTE8QM-00041-00034600-00034900 but they focus mostly on how to use this technology efficiently. 4hrSskTE8QM-00042-00034900-00035600 And we’re gonna cover these overlaps in the future in a separate video. 4hrSskTE8QM-00043-00035700-00036800 Another way of looking at these fields and benefiting from them when analysing the BIM domain is - if we look not only at the field itself or their overlaps - but if we look at the interactions. 4hrSskTE8QM-00044-00036800-00037400 So, we look for example here on the left you can see the Policy Field, then the Process Field then the Technology Field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00045-00037400-00038000 And the model here depicts a push and pull interaction between these fields 4hrSskTE8QM-00046-00038200-00039300 so one player within a process field, let’s say for example an engineer would request that the university teaches certain topics, let’s call it a ‘pull request’. 4hrSskTE8QM-00047-00039400-00040300 Also, let’s say the university is generating all these student engineers who will then become, you know, full engineers, 4hrSskTE8QM-00048-00040300-00040900 and then they push them to the process field to be hired. Same thing with regards to the technology field, 4hrSskTE8QM-00049-00040900-00041600 we’ve got, you know, software requirements and software availability and how the availability, let’s say, you know, 4hrSskTE8QM-00050-00041700-00042400 a hardware company generates a new computer, you know, a laptop, a very powerful laptop, which can be used in BIM. 4hrSskTE8QM-00051-00042500-00043200 And that deliverable is then pushed into the industry where the industry will use it, 4hrSskTE8QM-00052-00043200-00043800 or the opposite could happen: the industry is using all these hardware and they feel that the computers are not up to the task, 4hrSskTE8QM-00053-00043800-00044300 and they start demanding, you know, better, cheaper technology, 4hrSskTE8QM-00054-00044300-00045400 and you'll find that technology field players - a software company, or a hardware company, or a network-providing company - 4hrSskTE8QM-00055-00045400-00046200 would start generating these solutions based on the pull from the process field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00056-00046300-00047300 So these interactions are very important for us to isolate deliverables, and isolate requirements and see why they are happening and who’s calling for them and who is providing them. 4hrSskTE8QM-00057-00047400-00048200 Now if you look at this model on the right, so the interactions are it’s not only between the fields, but also between a subset of that field. 4hrSskTE8QM-00058-00048200-00048800 So we’re looking at something called a sub field, so here for example, within the process field we’ve got the sub-fields A, B and C. 4hrSskTE8QM-00059-00048800-00049700 If we put names to theses sub fields, for example, let’s say, this is the architect, this is the engineer, this is the owner or project manager, or facility manager. 4hrSskTE8QM-00060-00049700-00050500 So by using this interaction view, we can understand, or try to understand or try to isolate, what the architect wants from the engineer, 4hrSskTE8QM-00061-00050500-00051600 what the owner wants from the architect, what are they pushing, what they’re pulling, what are the deliverables, what are the RFIs. You know, where are the Expressions of Interest, etc. 4hrSskTE8QM-00062-00051600-00052500 So we use these fields, their overlaps and their interactions, in order to understand the relationship between the players, or the stakeholders, 4hrSskTE8QM-00063-00052500-00053100 and also to understand their deliverables, their unique deliverables, and their unique requirements. 4hrSskTE8QM-00064-00053100-00053700 Also, we understand how the relationship between these different stakeholders is taking shape. 4hrSskTE8QM-00065-00053700-00054500 And it helps us to analyse this relationship using specific tools which will be introduced in videos in the future. 4hrSskTE8QM-00066-00054600-00055300 Thank you for watching this video and remember to subscribe to the BIM Framework channel and see you in the next video. 4hrSskTE8QM-00067-00055300-00055600 Closed Captions by: Alexia Motter 4hb1mlqV4cY-00000-00000114-00000357 Drew Linsalata: Hello, everybody, this is episode 4hb1mlqV4cY-00001-00000357-00000795 number 215 of the anxious truth. And I am joined today by my 4hb1mlqV4cY-00002-00000795-00001089 friend Kimberly Quinlan. Next you can see, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00003-00001146-00001302 Kimberley Quinlan: I did a little jazz hand there, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00004-00001310-00001583 Drew Linsalata: it was, it was a jazz hand. So this episode is a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00005-00001583-00001769 little bit different. I'm not going to there's no intro, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00006-00001769-00002063 there's no music, I'm gonna try and be as respectful to this 4hb1mlqV4cY-00007-00002063-00002447 topic as I think we need to be. Because I know this is a really 4hb1mlqV4cY-00008-00002447-00002657 crippling fear for so many people. Today we're going to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00009-00002657-00003281 talk about the fear of suicidal thoughts, or fear that you might 4hb1mlqV4cY-00010-00003284-00003647 become suicidal against your will. Right? So incredibly 4hb1mlqV4cY-00011-00003647-00004004 common fear in our community. Yeah. So before we do that, and 4hb1mlqV4cY-00012-00004004-00004178 before we came in, again, to the conversation, just gonna have an 4hb1mlqV4cY-00013-00004178-00004388 informal chat about and hopefully it will help you guys, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00014-00004391-00004742 just a quick reminder that while I am not a therapist working on 4hb1mlqV4cY-00015-00004742-00005120 it, and Kim is, this is not therapy, it can't be a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00016-00005126-00005492 replacement for therapy. So always consult your mental 4hb1mlqV4cY-00017-00005492-00005813 health provider. And of course, of course, always please, for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00018-00005813-00006113 our sake, we beg you if you ever feel that you are truly a danger 4hb1mlqV4cY-00019-00006113-00006404 to yourself, or anybody else, please immediate in person help. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00020-00006410-00006746 Okay, that's don't rely on a podcast for that sort of thing. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00021-00006755-00006914 So if anything you want to add to that, Kimberly, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00022-00006956-00007194 Kimberley Quinlan: no, go straight to your emergency room 4hb1mlqV4cY-00023-00007194-00007488 or call 911 They're the best people to call. You can always 4hb1mlqV4cY-00024-00007488-00007725 call the suicide hotline as well. But we can talk about that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00025-00007725-00007767 later. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00026-00007779-00007905 Drew Linsalata: That's true. If you go to the anxious 4hb1mlqV4cY-00027-00007905-00008172 truth.com/ 215. That will be the show notes for this episode. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00028-00008172-00008352 I'll make sure to have all those numbers and stuff and the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00029-00008352-00008592 countries that I can find them for I will put them in. So 4hb1mlqV4cY-00030-00008670-00009042 anyway, for those of you do not know Kim Kim, introduce 4hb1mlqV4cY-00031-00009042-00009240 yourself. I know you all know it. Go ahead. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00032-00009330-00009627 Kimberley Quinlan: Hi, my name is Kimberly Quinlan. I am a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00033-00009627-00010221 marriage and family therapist. I live in California, USA. I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00034-00010224-00010695 specialize in anxiety disorders and eating disorders. And I have 4hb1mlqV4cY-00035-00010695-00010896 a podcast called your anxiety toolkit. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00036-00010953-00011091 Drew Linsalata: It's a good one, if you're not following that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00037-00011091-00011475 podcast, you should. So I asked him on to talk about this today, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00038-00011475-00011796 because it seemed like a topic that I want a seasoned clinician 4hb1mlqV4cY-00039-00011799-00012024 to weigh in on and you've been at this for over 10 years now. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00040-00012024-00012363 So you know, well respected in the field, one of the most kind 4hb1mlqV4cY-00041-00012363-00012588 of compassionate people I know. So you're a perfect addition for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00042-00012588-00012918 this conversation. One of the questions that comes up in my 4hb1mlqV4cY-00043-00012918-00013230 community we share so much of our community, which is great is 4hb1mlqV4cY-00044-00013230-00013686 this fear, I'm terrified that I might I don't want to hurt 4hb1mlqV4cY-00045-00013686-00013938 myself, I have no intentions of doing that. And I think I'm 4hb1mlqV4cY-00046-00013938-00014169 describing that accurately for most people because I was that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00047-00014169-00014475 person at one point. I don't want to kill myself, I do not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00048-00014475-00014721 want to die. I don't want to hurt myself. But I'm afraid that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00049-00014721-00015084 one day I will make a decision that I have no intention to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00050-00015084-00015330 make, it will be completely out of my control, I won't be able 4hb1mlqV4cY-00051-00015330-00015572 to control my thoughts or my actions, and I will do and I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00052-00015572-00015951 will harm myself. I can tell you from my own experience, when I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00053-00015951-00016308 was at my worst, my doctor would prescribe Xanax for me, he would 4hb1mlqV4cY-00054-00016308-00016674 give me a pill 90 pills, right. And I would I would throw away 4hb1mlqV4cY-00055-00016677-00017037 89 of them a year later, I was too stubborn to take them. But I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00056-00017037-00017388 was so afraid of this, that I would ask people to hide them. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00057-00017448-00017721 And check them. I didn't want to take them I had no business say 4hb1mlqV4cY-00058-00017721-00018105 I wasn't interested in them. But I was so afraid that I might do 4hb1mlqV4cY-00059-00018105-00018411 something that I really had no intentions of doing that I would 4hb1mlqV4cY-00060-00018411-00018750 ask to have those hidden. And I know other people get to the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00061-00018750-00018933 point where they're afraid of having sharp objects in the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00062-00018933-00019149 house and things of that nature, even though they have absolutely 4hb1mlqV4cY-00063-00019149-00019443 no intention of using them. I'm guessing you've seen this 4hb1mlqV4cY-00064-00019473-00020016 Kimberley Quinlan: all the time. Yeah. Yeah. So just sort of, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00065-00020022-00020538 let's just break it down into categories. Right? So we know 4hb1mlqV4cY-00066-00020538-00021003 there are people who have suicidal ideation, like thoughts 4hb1mlqV4cY-00067-00021003-00021351 of suicide that line up with where they are in their mind, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00068-00021351-00021702 right? So we call it ego syntonic. Meaning like, Yes, I'm 4hb1mlqV4cY-00069-00021702-00022236 having thoughts of suicide. And I do want to die. Right? So we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00070-00022236-00022749 call that active suicidal ideation. We also then have 4hb1mlqV4cY-00071-00022749-00023049 another category, which is called passive suicidal 4hb1mlqV4cY-00072-00023049-00023535 ideation. Lots of people have this, which is where it's not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00073-00023535-00023907 that you want to die, it's that you just don't want to get up 4hb1mlqV4cY-00074-00023907-00024267 today and do the day. It you just kind of want to crawl under 4hb1mlqV4cY-00075-00024267-00024765 a rock and disappear into a dark place. Right. And so it's not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00076-00024774-00025206 that you in the plan and making a plan to to die by suicide, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00077-00025206-00025539 it's that you're just you're done. Life is too hard kind of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00078-00025539-00025947 thing. And that's really common. And then the final category, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00079-00025947-00026244 which is what we're here to talk about, and the reason I want to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00080-00026244-00026598 be really clear with these classifications, is the people 4hb1mlqV4cY-00081-00026598-00026832 who have the fear of one of those two 4hb1mlqV4cY-00082-00026832-00027069 Drew Linsalata: things. Yeah, they don't have either, but 4hb1mlqV4cY-00083-00027069-00027158 they're afraid that they might. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00084-00027264-00027669 Kimberley Quinlan: What can happen is you may have there are 4hb1mlqV4cY-00085-00027669-00028052 times when some people have some suicidal ideation, ideation, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00086-00028052-00028545 whether it be passive or active, and the fear, right, and so they 4hb1mlqV4cY-00087-00028545-00029004 can exist together. But the important thing to remember here 4hb1mlqV4cY-00088-00029007-00029544 is how we approach all of them in terms of how do we respond, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00089-00029544-00029889 and the cool thing is we respond in a very similar way, right? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00090-00029907-00030297 The first thing to do recognize is, if someone is in that final 4hb1mlqV4cY-00091-00030297-00030762 category of having thoughts about dying by suicide, meaning 4hb1mlqV4cY-00092-00030762-00031383 like they're having a fear about it. Right? They're having fear 4hb1mlqV4cY-00093-00031386-00031893 of wanting to do this or fear that one day you will, your job 4hb1mlqV4cY-00094-00031893-00032280 is to remember to that we don't treat that thought different 4hb1mlqV4cY-00095-00032280-00032697 than any other obsession. It's just that the content is 4hb1mlqV4cY-00096-00032697-00033189 different. Right? Even what I'll say, and let's, let's sort of go 4hb1mlqV4cY-00097-00033192-00033555 slow down here. Even at the beginning of the session, we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00098-00033555-00033882 talked about slowing down and being really respectful. And 4hb1mlqV4cY-00099-00033882-00034383 yes, we want to do that around suicide. We also don't want to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00100-00034383-00034773 treat these thoughts, like they're important and special 4hb1mlqV4cY-00101-00034773-00035304 and to be something to be particularly concerned about. If 4hb1mlqV4cY-00102-00035304-00035544 they're just the fear of death that happening. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00103-00035630-00035876 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, I would agree with that. 100%. Right. I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00104-00035876-00036248 think my my desire to be respectful to this is the title 4hb1mlqV4cY-00105-00036248-00036629 alone is going to attract people to this show. Yeah, but you're 4hb1mlqV4cY-00106-00036629-00036977 100%. But it is the most important thought you can a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00107-00036977-00037295 human can have. It seems like it is like it's a special thought. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00108-00037295-00037523 It's so important. I get that. Yeah, so 4hb1mlqV4cY-00109-00037524-00037764 Kimberley Quinlan: your intro was perfect, right? We need to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00110-00037764-00038109 treat these topics like they're, they're, you know, they're 4hb1mlqV4cY-00111-00038109-00038496 important, because they are. But if you're having a fear, we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00112-00038496-00038790 don't treat fears like they're important. And that's the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00113-00038790-00039276 classification difference, right? So, yes, a lot of my 4hb1mlqV4cY-00114-00039279-00039834 patients report this, right. And it's usually a fear that comes 4hb1mlqV4cY-00115-00039834-00040248 on very intensely, there's a lot of urgency around it, there's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00116-00040248-00040686 the need to get certainty on it right away. And you we know that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00117-00040686-00041013 when there is urgency and the need for certainty, that's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00118-00041013-00041325 usually a red flag for like, this is an obsession, and I'm 4hb1mlqV4cY-00119-00041325-00041727 getting caught up in it right. And that can be a helpful way to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00120-00041727-00041976 identify how to respond. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00121-00042071-00042260 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, which I think makes good sense. Because 4hb1mlqV4cY-00122-00042260-00042482 in general, and I'm gonna defer to you on this, you're the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00123-00042482-00042818 experienced one. But there seems to be a difference. Somebody who 4hb1mlqV4cY-00124-00042818-00043088 winds up in one of those first two categories, passive, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00125-00043091-00043358 suicidal ideation, active suicide, that's a that's a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00126-00043361-00043709 progression. Like they don't wake up one morning and decide. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00127-00043718-00044024 And I think that's one of the one of the sort of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00128-00044024-00044318 miscalculations that goes into this, that third category that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00129-00044318-00044561 we're addressing today. Yeah, it's somehow rather, the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00130-00044561-00044957 decision to do something so extreme happens instantly, for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00131-00044957-00045320 no reason, which doesn't appear to be the case, in most 4hb1mlqV4cY-00132-00045323-00045374 situations. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00133-00045401-00045689 Kimberley Quinlan: Well, usually, when someone reports 4hb1mlqV4cY-00134-00045689-00046046 this kind of fear or obsession, we'll call it an obsession just 4hb1mlqV4cY-00135-00046046-00046337 for the sake of knowing that it's repetitive, and it's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00136-00046337-00046778 unwanted and so forth. But it's, it's basically a fear, it's a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00137-00046778-00047627 thought is, when when people have this thought, it is often 4hb1mlqV4cY-00138-00047627-00048047 triggered by reading something in the news, seeing something on 4hb1mlqV4cY-00139-00048047-00048446 social media, you know, watching something on YouTube or 4hb1mlqV4cY-00140-00048446-00048779 something, and you've seen someone who has died by suicide, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00141-00048779-00049178 and your brain then sends a very direct message to your body. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00142-00049178-00049655 Like, what if I lose control, and so much underlying of most 4hb1mlqV4cY-00143-00049655-00050096 fears, or many fears, is the fear that we'll lose control. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00144-00050117-00050423 And just like snap, right how many times I've heard a client 4hb1mlqV4cY-00145-00050423-00050459 say, what 4hb1mlqV4cY-00146-00050459-00050705 Drew Linsalata: if I snap too much, it's always 4hb1mlqV4cY-00147-00050814-00051159 Kimberley Quinlan: Yeah, and our job again, is to zoom in and go, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00148-00051162-00051537 that's interesting. That sounds a lot like your fear of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00149-00051537-00051861 panicking, right? And that feeling sounds a lot like your 4hb1mlqV4cY-00150-00051861-00052287 fear of snapping and doing, you know, making a big mistake or 4hb1mlqV4cY-00151-00052302-00052626 doing a behavior that doesn't line up with your values. And so 4hb1mlqV4cY-00152-00052629-00053010 our job here is to catch the trigger, because there usually 4hb1mlqV4cY-00153-00053010-00053403 will be one, and then to catch our response to need to get 4hb1mlqV4cY-00154-00053403-00053586 control over our bodies. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00155-00053666-00053925 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, last time that I excuse me that I heard a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00156-00053925-00054354 big wave of this fear was after Naomi Judd, I think the country 4hb1mlqV4cY-00157-00054354-00054621 singer job was only a few weeks ago, unfortunately, she she was 4hb1mlqV4cY-00158-00054621-00054888 in the news because she wound up taking her own life. And it 4hb1mlqV4cY-00159-00054888-00055176 triggered a big wave of discussion about this, people 4hb1mlqV4cY-00160-00055176-00055395 came up with oh my god, this triggered me that triggered me 4hb1mlqV4cY-00161-00055395-00055578 or or maybe it's somebody that unfortunately, you know, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00162-00055578-00055836 personally, he did that. And that that will be the triggering 4hb1mlqV4cY-00163-00055836-00056385 event there for this moment. So what I'm hearing is that, as I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00164-00056385-00056625 know, as hard as it is to believe, and trust me when I was 4hb1mlqV4cY-00165-00056625-00056925 in that situation where I was asking to have the Xanax hid, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00166-00056928-00057264 because I was so afraid that I would lose control and do this 4hb1mlqV4cY-00167-00057264-00057576 completely out of character thing. It seems like such an 4hb1mlqV4cY-00168-00057576-00057987 important thought the content does so important, but it's just 4hb1mlqV4cY-00169-00057990-00058227 now I will tell you, in retrospect, I can tell you it 4hb1mlqV4cY-00170-00058227-00058584 was not important at all. I was also afraid that the orange 4hb1mlqV4cY-00171-00058584-00058965 juice was poisoned and that I had all kinds of stuff. So aim 4hb1mlqV4cY-00172-00058965-00059124 is all of that. Yeah. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00173-00059127-00059361 Kimberley Quinlan: So I think that this is really important. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00174-00059361-00059652 The progression if you're struggling with this is if 4hb1mlqV4cY-00175-00059652-00059997 possible, go and get professional help. Right that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00176-00060000-00060336 Sometimes we just need to sort of understand the assessment to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00177-00060339-00060690 figure out which category we belong in, right and get help in 4hb1mlqV4cY-00178-00060690-00061107 that area, then we want to learn. And this is where I will 4hb1mlqV4cY-00179-00061107-00061437 say to you, as somebody who's had clients in all three 4hb1mlqV4cY-00180-00061437-00061938 categories, the tools are very similar for each one, right? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00181-00061967-00062325 Because even if you're having active suicidal ideation, we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00182-00062325-00062778 still practice a lot of metacognitive therapy, like I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00183-00062784-00063102 observing that it's still just a thought. And just because you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00184-00063102-00063329 have the thought doesn't mean you have to act on your 4hb1mlqV4cY-00185-00063329-00063617 thoughts, right? In the same way, if you have the fear, okay, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00186-00063617-00063825 I'm having the thought just because I'm having the thought 4hb1mlqV4cY-00187-00063825-00064161 doesn't mean I have to act on that thought and fear. So we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00188-00064161-00064554 there will be some variations in how we treat it in terms of, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00189-00064575-00065079 yes, if, if you're active in your ideation, yes, we would 4hb1mlqV4cY-00190-00065085-00065403 take away the means, right? That the means in which that could 4hb1mlqV4cY-00191-00065403-00065901 happen. However, let me sort of give you a case study here. And 4hb1mlqV4cY-00192-00065901-00066447 hopefully this is helpful is I once treated a client who had 4hb1mlqV4cY-00193-00066465-00066831 came to me with fear of suicidal, you know, the fear 4hb1mlqV4cY-00194-00066831-00067386 that she would die by suicide. And she 1015 years before that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00195-00067386-00067794 had attempted suicide, she was depressed, she'd gone through a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00196-00067794-00068166 very difficult time, she then had gone through full therapy, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00197-00068193-00068592 fully recovered from her major depressive episode. And now 4hb1mlqV4cY-00198-00068592-00068943 she's having this fear, right? So whether you've had that event 4hb1mlqV4cY-00199-00068943-00069255 or not, doesn't change the way I treated and we treated it, which 4hb1mlqV4cY-00200-00069255-00069741 was, we do an inventory on okay, you're having this thought? How 4hb1mlqV4cY-00201-00069741-00070119 are you responding to it? Let's write every single response 4hb1mlqV4cY-00202-00070119-00070665 down, I hide the pills. I keep the knives locked in the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00203-00070668-00071067 blabbity blah, right? Like, I ruminate on it for many hours a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00204-00071067-00071511 day, I avoid staying up late at night or whatever they've been 4hb1mlqV4cY-00205-00071511-00071577 triggered by 4hb1mlqV4cY-00206-00071613-00071769 Drew Linsalata: being alone. That was one of the reasons I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00207-00071769-00071937 was afraid to be alone. Yeah, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00208-00071991-00072279 Kimberley Quinlan: yeah, I won't take a bath. Because next to the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00209-00072279-00073041 boss is the right or so. So we that we do an inventory of all 4hb1mlqV4cY-00210-00073041-00073377 the behaviors, even the little nuance behaviors, like avoiding 4hb1mlqV4cY-00211-00073377-00073755 the word suicide, right, you know, unfollowing people who 4hb1mlqV4cY-00212-00073755-00074052 talk about it on social media and so forth. So we do an 4hb1mlqV4cY-00213-00074052-00074568 inventory, and then we slowly return back to undoing those 4hb1mlqV4cY-00214-00074568-00075036 behaviors, right. So we will. And so an example would be I had 4hb1mlqV4cY-00215-00075036-00075537 a client similar to you is my clients homework was to have the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00216-00075540-00075993 pills next to her in bed. Yeah. And she had to keep observing 4hb1mlqV4cY-00217-00075993-00076362 those that thought ping ping popping up in her head, so that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00218-00076362-00076665 she could practice changing her response. Because if you don't 4hb1mlqV4cY-00219-00076665-00077043 change your response, the fear keeps being fueled. That's, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00220-00077109-00077490 yeah. Now there, there have been times when I've had clients who 4hb1mlqV4cY-00221-00077490-00077859 would say I'm doing, I'm trying to undo these responses, I'm 4hb1mlqV4cY-00222-00077859-00078228 trying to just let the thought be there. And sometimes I do 4hb1mlqV4cY-00223-00078228-00078663 have passive or active suicidal ideation. And we just do little 4hb1mlqV4cY-00224-00078663-00079047 shifts in the treatment, but we still have them showing up and 4hb1mlqV4cY-00225-00079062-00079446 living their life according to their values. And not responding 4hb1mlqV4cY-00226-00079446-00079776 to that fear as if that fear or that thought is important. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00227-00079809-00080040 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, yeah, that makes perfect sense. And I can 4hb1mlqV4cY-00228-00080040-00080376 100% verify that that was my experience, exactly what you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00229-00080376-00080754 said. I remember the first time that I did that knowing like, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00230-00080793-00081054 although I'm cheating a little bit here, because what I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00231-00081054-00081237 discovered, a lot of people will ask me, and we can talk about 4hb1mlqV4cY-00232-00081237-00081600 this. Well, what would be my exposure for this? They asked me 4hb1mlqV4cY-00233-00081600-00081819 all the time, when did you do exposure? What was your exposure 4hb1mlqV4cY-00234-00081819-00082137 for that? Well, really, as my relationship with my thoughts 4hb1mlqV4cY-00235-00082137-00082530 and fears changed as I was doing all of the other work, because 4hb1mlqV4cY-00236-00082533-00082842 I'm guessing that this fear, although maybe, maybe I don't 4hb1mlqV4cY-00237-00082842-00083133 know what this is a specific OCD subtype, maybe part of harm OCD, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00238-00083133-00083466 I don't know. But most of the people in my community do not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00239-00083466-00083733 have this fear that we're talking about. By itself. This 4hb1mlqV4cY-00240-00083733-00084036 isn't a standalone thing. It's part of the whole panic, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00241-00084039-00084375 anxiety. Agoraphobia calm. So as I get better at the rest of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00242-00084375-00084753 that, I was able to relate to that thought in a much more 4hb1mlqV4cY-00243-00084753-00085035 reasoned way. And I remember the day that I said, Give me the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00244-00085035-00085281 pills. And it was a little bit of a weird moment. Like, what do 4hb1mlqV4cY-00245-00085281-00085596 you mean, give me the pills? I'm like, no, no, no, not that. I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00246-00085596-00085815 may put them in the medicine cabinet up on the top shelf. My 4hb1mlqV4cY-00247-00085815-00086079 kids can never get to them. And they had the crazy childproof 4hb1mlqV4cY-00248-00086079-00086487 lock on them. But okay, I'm gonna have healthy sit here at 4hb1mlqV4cY-00249-00086487-00086673 the end of the year when they would expire, but nonetheless, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00250-00086673-00086973 that was a big step for me that and Okay, yeah, fine. Go to the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00251-00086973-00087123 supermarket. I'll stay humble on for the hour. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00252-00087153-00087423 Kimberley Quinlan: Yeah. The thing to remember with this fear 4hb1mlqV4cY-00253-00087435-00087738 is we can take a couple of approaches, but the way that I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00254-00087738-00088239 often train my staff and my treat my clients is you being 4hb1mlqV4cY-00255-00088239-00088668 alive, and is the exposure just going about your day is the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00256-00088746-00089115 really what we're focusing on here, which is more important 4hb1mlqV4cY-00257-00089115-00089598 than anything is the response prevention. Right? It's like 70% 4hb1mlqV4cY-00258-00089598-00089919 of the work, which is when you have the thought, How do you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00259-00089919-00090300 respond? Do you respond in a way with urgency and with 4hb1mlqV4cY-00260-00090300-00090675 importance? And do you respond as if that, you know, is is? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00261-00090684-00091026 Absolutely you cannot tolerate that? Or are you responding in a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00262-00091026-00091590 really mindful, you know, open way? Now, again, I want to keep 4hb1mlqV4cY-00263-00091593-00091989 coming back to like the intro, which is, if you are having 4hb1mlqV4cY-00264-00091989-00092553 suicidal ideation don't just, you know, don't just ignore it, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00265-00092559-00092889 absolutely. Go and see your medical professional, go and see 4hb1mlqV4cY-00266-00092889-00093306 a mental health professional. I'm not in any way saying that, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00267-00093309-00093594 you know, let's just blow it off. It's no big deal. But what 4hb1mlqV4cY-00268-00093594-00093756 we're talking about, I want to just be clear here, we're 4hb1mlqV4cY-00269-00093756-00094095 talking about specifically the fear of suicidal ideation. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00270-00094113-00094305 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, which is 100%. True. And I think it's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00271-00094305-00094635 never a bit again, understanding that not everybody has access to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00272-00094635-00094884 this, which is terrible. It is hard for people to go see a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00273-00094884-00095151 mental health professional sometimes, but even to just be 4hb1mlqV4cY-00274-00095151-00095379 evaluated. Is there something I need to be worried about? And if 4hb1mlqV4cY-00275-00095379-00095574 you have somebody like Kimberly, or you know, a qualified 4hb1mlqV4cY-00276-00095574-00095787 professional, who says, no, no, no, no, you fall into this 4hb1mlqV4cY-00277-00095787-00096030 category that we're talking about? At least you know, how to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00278-00096030-00096282 deal with that. Yeah. The other thing that I want to talk about 4hb1mlqV4cY-00279-00096282-00096642 a little bit is, I want to talk about the difference. How do I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00280-00096642-00096969 know? What how do I know which thoughts are the ones that I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00281-00096969-00097341 should? What puts me in the passive and that active category 4hb1mlqV4cY-00282-00097344-00097524 is I guarantee that people watching and listening, you're 4hb1mlqV4cY-00283-00097524-00097788 going, that's gonna be next question. Yeah. Well, how will I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00284-00097788-00098028 know when I'm when I'm having passive ideation? How will I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00285-00098028-00098301 know when I'm having active ideation? Yeah. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00286-00098370-00098670 Kimberley Quinlan: Well, again, I think that that's true for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00287-00098670-00099138 health anxiety. That's true for you know, so many obsessions, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00288-00099138-00099480 right? Like they have a fear, how do I know it won't happen. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00289-00099498-00099867 And if you get too caught up in trying to identify like, I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00290-00099867-00100203 talked about those three categories, if you find that 4hb1mlqV4cY-00291-00100203-00100452 you're listening to this on repeat, trying to define which 4hb1mlqV4cY-00292-00100452-00100764 category it is, you might find that you want to step back a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00293-00100764-00101016 little bit, because really, all you're doing is you're just 4hb1mlqV4cY-00294-00101022-00101457 again, trying to get certainty. And I think that the thing we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00295-00101460-00101874 again, we treat health anxiety in this exact way, is we're 4hb1mlqV4cY-00296-00101874-00102270 actually going to use your tools and sit back and just wait a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00297-00102270-00102705 little bit. And not know. And then practice not knowing. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00298-00102801-00103173 Again, because again, you'll you'll you'll, this is annoying 4hb1mlqV4cY-00299-00103173-00103680 to say but you'll know. You'll know, you'll know. But if your 4hb1mlqV4cY-00300-00103680-00103977 thought is how do I know? Well, then you probably should defer 4hb1mlqV4cY-00301-00103977-00104229 to using some of your mindfulness and Response 4hb1mlqV4cY-00302-00104229-00104355 Prevention skills. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00303-00104372-00104534 Drew Linsalata: Right? You'll know and same thing with health 4hb1mlqV4cY-00304-00104534-00104816 anxiety, people who are who are ill know that they're ill. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00305-00104891-00105221 They're not worried that they might be ill. Exactly. Yeah. And 4hb1mlqV4cY-00306-00105221-00105473 I would think and correct me if I'm wrong in any of this. But if 4hb1mlqV4cY-00307-00105473-00105734 you're if you're fixated now on Oh, my God, which of those three 4hb1mlqV4cY-00308-00105734-00106013 categories in my end, is really good chance during the third one 4hb1mlqV4cY-00309-00106013-00106109 that we're talking about now? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00310-00106112-00106481 Kimberley Quinlan: Yeah, yeah. And at the end of the day, like 4hb1mlqV4cY-00311-00106481-00106790 I said, we I may have some people who, you know, there's no 4hb1mlqV4cY-00312-00106790-00107084 shame in being in the first two categories, right? Like, there's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00313-00107084-00107558 nothing to be ashamed of. But even then, we're still going to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00314-00107558-00108122 be responding this really why skillful way. Right? And that, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00315-00108125-00108593 when you have this is true for any thought, any thought, even 4hb1mlqV4cY-00316-00108593-00108941 if it's about your lovely little baby, right? That you're having 4hb1mlqV4cY-00317-00108941-00109304 terrible thoughts about, or your grandma or whatever is any 4hb1mlqV4cY-00318-00109304-00109622 thought we're going to always slow down and just be like, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00319-00109622-00110027 Okay, how can I be really skillful in my response to this, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00320-00110048-00110519 right? That's so important. And yes, if you may find that you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00321-00110522-00110867 are, you know, particularly in these times when the world is so 4hb1mlqV4cY-00322-00110867-00111299 divided, and there's a lot of passive, it suicidal ideation 4hb1mlqV4cY-00323-00111299-00111686 right now, that's very common. Again, no reason that we need to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00324-00111686-00112082 like run to the ER, if you are struggling, and you really think 4hb1mlqV4cY-00325-00112082-00112580 you're in danger, go to but I had a follower a few months ago, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00326-00112649-00113135 talk about what I thought was really cool. She said, she had 4hb1mlqV4cY-00327-00113135-00113780 such strong fear of, of harming herself that she drove to it was 4hb1mlqV4cY-00328-00113780-00114071 like two in the morning, she drove down to the ER, she 4hb1mlqV4cY-00329-00114071-00114452 started her car, she was in treatment. And she said, I just 4hb1mlqV4cY-00330-00114452-00114863 sat there. And I thought, What is the most skilled way to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00331-00114863-00115340 respond to this, right? Like, if am I responding from fear? Or am 4hb1mlqV4cY-00332-00115340-00115652 I responding from a place of really feeling like this is true 4hb1mlqV4cY-00333-00115652-00115952 for me, and she turned around, and she drove home. And because 4hb1mlqV4cY-00334-00115952-00116318 she knew she was able to identify, I'm only here to make 4hb1mlqV4cY-00335-00116318-00116639 my fear go away. Not to keep me safe. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00336-00116678-00116882 Drew Linsalata: That story actually makes me a little 4hb1mlqV4cY-00337-00116882-00117278 emotional. I did that. I did that twice, at like three and 4hb1mlqV4cY-00338-00117278-00117482 four o'clock in the morning. And I remember sitting there and it 4hb1mlqV4cY-00339-00117482-00117767 was interesting to me, because my experience there was once I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00340-00117767-00118130 was there, in the parking lot, I did not go in the building. I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00341-00118130-00118319 just wanted to be close enough. So I could run in in case I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00342-00118319-00118691 really did snap. It started to dawn on me that like wait a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00343-00118691-00119021 minute, I clearly don't need to run into this building. So it 4hb1mlqV4cY-00344-00119021-00119321 was a desperate act in a way but in the way that desperation made 4hb1mlqV4cY-00345-00119321-00119687 a little bit of space for me, you know, to be able to respond 4hb1mlqV4cY-00346-00119687-00119909 a little bit differently. So that was a remember those two 4hb1mlqV4cY-00347-00119909-00120392 nights very, very They're just gearing Nice. Yeah. But in the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00348-00120392-00120788 end inconsequential. So the last version of this before we sort 4hb1mlqV4cY-00349-00120788-00121082 of wrap it up because we don't go too long. And I so appreciate 4hb1mlqV4cY-00350-00121082-00121265 I learned something every time I talk to you, which is so great. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00351-00121277-00121613 But there's the the other category of people that are 4hb1mlqV4cY-00352-00121613-00121841 listening right now I know we're gonna say Yeah, but I'm not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00353-00121841-00122186 worried that I'm going to snap today. And like, instantly, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00354-00122189-00122576 somehow go into the suicidal mode and kill myself. The fear 4hb1mlqV4cY-00355-00122576-00122897 for other people is really tied to that the fear of depression, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00356-00122960-00123257 ice now I'm worried that I might become depressed, and then the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00357-00123257-00123530 depression will progress all the way down the road, and it will 4hb1mlqV4cY-00358-00123530-00123860 end with this act. So it's not so much to fear of a suicidal 4hb1mlqV4cY-00359-00123860-00124097 thought, or a fear that they might have one today. It's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00360-00124097-00124328 really the fear of well, what if I become depressed? Or what if I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00361-00124328-00124508 am depressed? And they don't know? And that's a different 4hb1mlqV4cY-00362-00124508-00124853 topic, but it ties together. Yes, you have depression? Yeah, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00363-00124856-00125159 I know what you're gonna say. Because I gotta say, yeah, it's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00364-00125159-00125390 the same. It's the same thought thinking that you might become 4hb1mlqV4cY-00365-00125390-00125720 depressed is just a thought, like any other thought. Just 4hb1mlqV4cY-00366-00125720-00125861 because you think it doesn't mean it's gonna happen. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00367-00125864-00126230 Kimberley Quinlan: Yeah. Yeah. See? Exactly. You know, me. So 4hb1mlqV4cY-00368-00126230-00126815 Well, obviously, I'm bored you to tears with my theories. But 4hb1mlqV4cY-00369-00126845-00127433 the other thing I would add to that is really in treatment for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00370-00127433-00127739 anxiety. Do I spend a lot of time correcting distorted 4hb1mlqV4cY-00371-00127739-00128012 thoughts, right, because often that can become compulsive in 4hb1mlqV4cY-00372-00128012-00128486 and of itself, when I will do correct distorted thoughts is 4hb1mlqV4cY-00373-00128486-00128927 when people say, statements about their coping, right, I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00374-00128927-00129278 won't be able to cope. And then I love to get in there. And like 4hb1mlqV4cY-00375-00129281-00129761 really working on them having against skillful thoughts about 4hb1mlqV4cY-00376-00129779-00130307 how they cope with life. Right. So in this case, what I would 4hb1mlqV4cY-00377-00130307-00130748 also encourage them to do is they're really saying, there's 4hb1mlqV4cY-00378-00130748-00131024 another feeling and there's another sensation that I can't 4hb1mlqV4cY-00379-00131024-00131474 tolerate, just like panic. Well, I can't handle panic. So I don't 4hb1mlqV4cY-00380-00131474-00131786 want panic, and I can't now I can't handle depression. And a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00381-00131786-00132194 lot of recovery requires a really flexible mindset where 4hb1mlqV4cY-00382-00132194-00132821 you remind people, okay, if and when that happens, we'll find a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00383-00132821-00133223 solution, then, but until then, there's three words, I always 4hb1mlqV4cY-00384-00133223-00133571 hold up my three fingers to my clients not happening now. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00385-00133595-00134048 Right? Not happening now. And so we we don't need to solve 4hb1mlqV4cY-00386-00134048-00134387 whether that will happen or not. But we can there's one thing we 4hb1mlqV4cY-00387-00134387-00134729 can do we just remind ourselves of our ability to cope with 4hb1mlqV4cY-00388-00134729-00134993 emotions. So you're saying, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00389-00135024-00135309 Drew Linsalata: we always do, I mean, in the end, I people are 4hb1mlqV4cY-00390-00135309-00135498 tired. Hear me saying that you've always coped with all of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00391-00135498-00135798 your emotions. It didn't feel good? No, not feeling good. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00392-00135798-00136083 Doesn't mean you didn't cope. Yeah. And those three words not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00393-00136083-00136407 happening today for me, and I was so I mean, there was a lot 4hb1mlqV4cY-00394-00136407-00136737 of death themes for me, for sure. 100%. And I was this fear 4hb1mlqV4cY-00395-00136737-00136971 of death, and this fixation on death, dying of existence. And 4hb1mlqV4cY-00396-00136971-00137412 it was one day we'll die. Today is not that day. So today is not 4hb1mlqV4cY-00397-00137412-00137637 that that was five words. For me. That was incredibly 4hb1mlqV4cY-00398-00137637-00137949 powerful. That is not the day. And if it turns out to be I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00399-00137949-00138219 guess I'll have to deal with it. You have same rules apply. And 4hb1mlqV4cY-00400-00138219-00138540 you will, I will one day I will like everybody well, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00401-00138564-00138864 Kimberley Quinlan: yeah, yeah. So I mean, it's a hard thing. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00402-00138864-00139248 It's a hard thing. Again, often people are having this fear when 4hb1mlqV4cY-00403-00139248-00139629 they're already in so much pain. So of course, they don't want 4hb1mlqV4cY-00404-00139629-00140133 more pain, right? That that's human right. But again, this is 4hb1mlqV4cY-00405-00140133-00140613 about stopping for a second and and really asking yourself, you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00406-00140613-00140976 know how it how I respond to this thought is the beginning of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00407-00140976-00141471 me training my brain and molding my brain into the way that I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00408-00141471-00141858 want to be. So I'm going to change how I respond, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00409-00141918-00142122 Drew Linsalata: which is an exercise in resiliency and 4hb1mlqV4cY-00410-00142122-00142392 flight and psychological flexibility. And the bad news is 4hb1mlqV4cY-00411-00142395-00142605 not bad news. It's just we should acknowledge that the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00412-00142605-00142824 struggle partially comes from when you are in that suffering 4hb1mlqV4cY-00413-00142824-00143121 or pain state, our ability to be resilient and flexible tends to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00414-00143121-00143391 drop a little bit naturally. When you're tired. You're not so 4hb1mlqV4cY-00415-00143391-00143649 good at doing crossword puzzles, the same sort of thing you know, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00416-00143652-00143895 exactly. But it doesn't mean that you can't just because 4hb1mlqV4cY-00417-00143895-00144087 you're struggling doesn't mean you're not capable, or that this 4hb1mlqV4cY-00418-00144087-00144162 is gonna overwhelm. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00419-00144189-00144492 Kimberley Quinlan: Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, just one thought at a 4hb1mlqV4cY-00420-00144492-00144681 time is all you have to focus on. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00421-00144704-00144914 Drew Linsalata: Are you good? Thank you so much. This has been 4hb1mlqV4cY-00422-00144914-00145229 incredibly helpful for those of you who want to work can you 4hb1mlqV4cY-00423-00145229-00145574 comment on this YouTube, my Facebook group wherever I don't 4hb1mlqV4cY-00424-00145574-00145856 post these on Instagram, but if you have questions, ask them 4hb1mlqV4cY-00425-00145856-00146099 where you can I will do my best to answer them. I can try to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00426-00146099-00146300 relay them to Kimberly, I'm sure she will do her best with the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00427-00146300-00146567 time limitations to answer them. But I hope that this has at 4hb1mlqV4cY-00428-00146567-00146987 least put this not a short you, which is wasn't the job to argue 4hb1mlqV4cY-00429-00146987-00147224 with that thought but to at least make you understand the 4hb1mlqV4cY-00430-00147224-00147737 context they exist in and why it's not as big an emergency as 4hb1mlqV4cY-00431-00147737-00148085 you are sure that it is right now, even though you're so 4hb1mlqV4cY-00432-00148085-00148373 scared of the thought. Right? Anything else you want to add to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00433-00148373-00148433 that to wrap it up? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00434-00148434-00148806 Kimberley Quinlan: You know, just a nice dose of compassion. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00435-00148809-00149295 This isn't easy stuff. This is hard. It's it's heavy weight to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00436-00149295-00149718 carry. So if you can just give yourself a little dose of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00437-00149718-00150012 compassion as you handle it. I think that will sometimes To 4hb1mlqV4cY-00438-00150027-00150255 loosen the load a little Yeah, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00439-00150257-00150485 Drew Linsalata: I would agree. All right guys. Well, thanks for 4hb1mlqV4cY-00440-00150485-00150776 taking the time to hang out with us Kimberly Thank you Kimberly, 4hb1mlqV4cY-00441-00150779-00151022 thank you so much for coming on as always, I love when we get to 4hb1mlqV4cY-00442-00151025-00151385 work together. And again if you have or if you're watching on 4hb1mlqV4cY-00443-00151385-00151580 YouTube, it's on the screen right now the anxious treats are 4hb1mlqV4cY-00444-00151580-00151883 calm slash 215 I'll have all Kim's links to her website and 4hb1mlqV4cY-00445-00151922-00152216 you know her courses in her podcasts which is excellent. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00446-00152222-00152540 Your your thoughts series? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00447-00152651-00152861 Kimberley Quinlan: So good. The mental compulsions? 4hb1mlqV4cY-00448-00152924-00153167 Drew Linsalata: Yeah, I listen to everyone I'm like I'm taking 4hb1mlqV4cY-00449-00153167-00153290 I literally take notes that I 4hb1mlqV4cY-00450-00153291-00153579 Kimberley Quinlan: know was so good it's like one of the one of 4hb1mlqV4cY-00451-00153579-00153801 my career highlights it was so fun 4hb1mlqV4cY-00452-00153804-00153996 Drew Linsalata: and you had some real heavyweights way in there. 4hb1mlqV4cY-00453-00153996-00154371 So, yes, that's something about who you are, which. Alright 4hb1mlqV4cY-00454-00154371-00154698 guys, if you're watching on YouTube, by all means, subscribe 4hb1mlqV4cY-00455-00154698-00154962 and comment and all that stuff. If you're listening on iTunes or 4hb1mlqV4cY-00456-00154962-00155250 Spotify, leave a five star rating. Write a little review 4hb1mlqV4cY-00457-00155250-00155475 the podcasts if you think this is helping you and then I will 4hb1mlqV4cY-00458-00155475-00155676 be back next week with another topic even though I don't know 4hb1mlqV4cY-00459-00155676-00155949 what that's going to be. We'll see now. Thanks, Kim. 4iagT907zvE-00000-00000168-00000927 In this video we'll learn to take the derivative of a power function 4iagT907zvE-00001-00001376-00002568 Unlike the derivative of a constant function or the derivative of a linear function 4iagT907zvE-00002-00002688-00003504 I think it would be very hard to come up with this rule by thinking about it 4iagT907zvE-00003-00003576-00004656 so I'll just tell you what the rule is: when you have the derivative of x raised to a power 4iagT907zvE-00004-00004928-00007184 that brings the power down in front of the x and then in the exponent we subtract one 4iagT907zvE-00005-00007240-00008184 For example, the derivative of x to the fifth 4iagT907zvE-00006-00008536-00008960 The five comes down in front of the x 4iagT907zvE-00007-00009264-00010576 and in the power we subtract one, it's (5 * x) to the fourth 4iagT907zvE-00008-00011120-00012800 The derivative of x to the negative 3.7? 4iagT907zvE-00009-00012800-00013944 Obviously an uglier power than five but the rule works exactly the same, 4iagT907zvE-00010-00014024-00014744 that negative 3.7 comes down in front of the x 4iagT907zvE-00011-00015032-00015656 and in the power we subtract one 4iagT907zvE-00012-00016119-00016984 giving us a power of negative 4.7 4iagT907zvE-00013-00017432-00018384 Let's look at another kind of special example, 4iagT907zvE-00014-00018592-00019784 let's differentiate the square root of x 4iagT907zvE-00015-00019936-00021184 You might object that the square root of x is not a power function 4iagT907zvE-00016-00021328-00022336 It actually is though it's x to the one-half power; 4iagT907zvE-00017-00022528-00023728 in the general the nth root of x is x to the (1 over n) 4iagT907zvE-00018-00023728-00024912 and so we can differentiate this using the power rule, the one half comes down 4iagT907zvE-00019-00025296-00026883 in the power we subtract one, so (one half) times x to the negative one half 4iagT907zvE-00020-00026983-00027688 And that's the derivative; we could rewrite this a little if we wanted to 4iagT907zvE-00021-00028048-00029088 having a negative power is the same as having a positive power 4iagT907zvE-00022-00029216-00030256 in the denominator of a fraction, and then x to the one half 4iagT907zvE-00023-00030744-00031127 is the square root of x 4iagT907zvE-00024-00031448-00032712 Speaking of going from here to here and back again, let's do one more example 4iagT907zvE-00025-00033056-00034288 let's differentiate one over (x to the seventh power) 4iagT907zvE-00026-00034704-00035960 We can do this if we remember the rule we use to go from here to here 4iagT907zvE-00027-00035960-00036584 except in reverse having a positive power in the denominator 4iagT907zvE-00028-00036896-00037448 is the same as having a negative power 4iagT907zvE-00029-00037728-00038624 And now this is a straightforward application, the negative seven comes down 4iagT907zvE-00030-00038920-00039384 in the power we subtract one 4iagT907zvE-00031-00039760-00040264 so negative seven times (x to the negative eighth) 4iagT907zvE-00032-00040472-00040896 And if we wanted to rewrite this a little we could, 4iagT907zvE-00033-00040952-00041680 using the same rule we used to go from here to here and for that matter 4iagT907zvE-00034-00041680-00042184 the same rule we used to go from here to here, 4iagT907zvE-00035-00042368-00043864 a negative power is the same as a positive power in the denominator 4iagT907zvE-00036-00044112-00044496 And we could then do this multiplication, 4iagT907zvE-00037-00044624-00045272 negative seven over x to the eighth. 4iagT907zvE-00038-00045752-00046600 And that's the power rule; we're going to use this probably every single week 4iagT907zvE-00039-00046600-00047584 In Calculus 1 and then we're going to keep right on using it in Calculus 2 and Calculus 3; 4iagT907zvE-00040-00047584-00048184 do not waste any time mastering, um, I should say, 4iagT907zvE-00041-00048184-00049184 do not lose any time mastering this material. 4lZjLvL69ay-00000-00005680-00006160 you were a child crawling on your knees toward him 4lZjLvL69ay-00001-00006440-00007184 making mama so proud but your voice is too loud 4lZjLvL69ay-00002-00007464-00008672 we like to watch you laughing you pick the insects off plants no time to think of consequences 4lZjLvL69ay-00003-00008864-00010144 control yourself take only what you need from it a family of streets wanting to be haunted 4lZjLvL69ay-00004-00010464-00010952 control yourself take only what you need from it 4lZjLvL69ay-00005-00011264-00012408 the family of trees wanting to be haunted the war is warm but it's sending me 4lZjLvL69ay-00006-00012480-00013440 shivers a baby is born crying out for attention 4lZjLvL69ay-00007-00013656-00014184 the memories fade like looking through a fogged mirror 4lZjLvL69ay-00008-00014352-00015112 decisions to decisions are made and not bought but i thought this wouldn't hurt a lot i guess not 4lZjLvL69ay-00009-00015256-00016552 control yourself take only what you need from it a family of trees wanted to be haunted 4lZjLvL69ay-00010-00016864-00017360 control yourself take only what you need from it 4lZjLvL69ay-00011-00017656-00018384 a family of trees wanted to be haunted 4lZjLvL69ay-00012-00020856-00022144 control yourself take only what you need from it a family of streets wanted to be haunted 4lZjLvL69ay-00013-00022456-00022960 control yourself take only what you need from it 4lZjLvL69ay-00014-00023256-00024560 a family of trees wanting to be haunted control yourself take only what you need from it 4lZjLvL69ay-00015-00024856-00025384 a family of trees wanting to be hunted 4lZjLvL69ay-00016-00025656-00026783 control yourself take only what you need from it a family of trees 52bJkkrJvak-00000-00000059-00000100 Subscribe! 52bJkkrJvak-00001-00000103-00000130 Subscribe! Like! 52bJkkrJvak-00002-00000133-00000209 Subscribe! Like! And Hit the notification bell! 52bJkkrJvak-00003-00000212-00000390 GOSH I LOVE YOU!!!!! 52bJkkrJvak-00004-00000392-00000610 Subscribe! Like! And Hit the notification bell! 52bJkkrJvak-00005-00000613-00000865 [Gomak Mate] EP.17 I was trash and my ex-girlfriend found someone better 52bJkkrJvak-00006-00000867-00001236 Hello all, I broke up with my ex-girlfriend around 6 months ago [Young K of Day6] & [Wonpil of Day 6] 52bJkkrJvak-00007-00001239-00001563 The ex-boyfriend is often called as 'trash' 52bJkkrJvak-00008-00001565-00001736 And yes, 52bJkkrJvak-00009-00001739-00001857 And yes, I am that 'trash' 52bJkkrJvak-00010-00001860-00002194 We often argued with ways of expressing our feelings 52bJkkrJvak-00011-00002221-00002428 Makdoong's ex-girl ♥ "Hey sweetie, do you love me?" ♥ 52bJkkrJvak-00012-00002541-00002736 Makdoong "If I don't, why would I keep dating you?" 52bJkkrJvak-00013-00002739-00002895 Makdoong's ex-girl ♥ "Don't I look different at all?" ♥ 52bJkkrJvak-00014-00002897-00002986 Makdoong (indifferently talking) "You gained weight?" 52bJkkrJvak-00015-00002989-00003071 Makdoong (indifferently talking) "Look swollen" 52bJkkrJvak-00016-00003074-00003191 *wut da...* 52bJkkrJvak-00017-00003194-00003393 Makdoong's ex-girl ♥ "Good night sweetie, dream of me tonight <3" ♥ 52bJkkrJvak-00018-00003428-00003593 Makdoong "People say dreaming is not a deep sleep" 52bJkkrJvak-00019-00003595-00003715 *d*mn you* 52bJkkrJvak-00020-00003718-00003986 MY ex-girl was sweet and loved to express affection, 52bJkkrJvak-00021-00003989-00004480 whereas I was shy and blunt, was not upfront about my emotion 52bJkkrJvak-00022-00004483-00004746 She became frustrated with me 52bJkkrJvak-00023-00004749-00004888 She became frustrated with me eventually told me that she is moving on 52bJkkrJvak-00024-00004891-00005175 Maybe the term "You will find a better man after you dump trash" is right 52bJkkrJvak-00025-00005178-00005610 I heard the news that she is dating a romantic man 52bJkkrJvak-00026-00005613-00005905 I miss my ex-girl, who was eternally sweet forever 52bJkkrJvak-00027-00005907-00006096 Can someone comfort me? 52bJkkrJvak-00028-00006301-00006499 He was deadly blunt 52bJkkrJvak-00029-00006501-00006665 "You will find a better person after you dump trash"? 52bJkkrJvak-00030-00006667-00006786 "You will find a better person after you dump trash"? I heard a lot 52bJkkrJvak-00031-00006837-00007199 If we think over the background where the term came from, 52bJkkrJvak-00032-00007202-00007324 dating is the process of 52bJkkrJvak-00033-00007327-00007511 dating is the process of getting to know each other 52bJkkrJvak-00034-00007514-00007830 discovering which set of personal values the partner has 52bJkkrJvak-00035-00007832-00007962 /right/ 52bJkkrJvak-00036-00007965-00008137 You learn a lesson that helps to find 52bJkkrJvak-00037-00008140-00008471 You learn a lesson that helps to find a suitable person as a future partner 52bJkkrJvak-00038-00008487-00008762 I suppose that's the flow in which the term came from 52bJkkrJvak-00039-00008765-00009132 That's so true I believe dating experience gives you insights on finding the right person 52bJkkrJvak-00040-00009134-00009493 Yet, come to think of my friends, 52bJkkrJvak-00041-00009496-00009886 I found cases who met a terrible ex, 52bJkkrJvak-00042-00009889-00010324 I found cases who met a terrible ex, likely to date with another awful one 52bJkkrJvak-00043-00010449-00010591 They seemed to not aware of 52bJkkrJvak-00044-00010594-00010949 They seemed to not aware of drawing an unsuitable person towards them 52bJkkrJvak-00045-00010952-00011194 "Finally dumped a loser, time to enter into a new relationship!" 52bJkkrJvak-00046-00011197-00011450 If you rush into a relationship too soon, you may run into another loser 52bJkkrJvak-00047-00011453-00012093 For instance, when deciding to buy a new vehicle, you must consider putting enough time and money 52bJkkrJvak-00048-00012142-00012324 If you immediately jump into a random car, 52bJkkrJvak-00049-00012327-00012632 you may be stuck in a crappy, junk car 52bJkkrJvak-00050-00012635-00012888 Or you could be bumped by an unidentified vehicle 52bJkkrJvak-00051-00012891-00013147 I don't buy the term either "You will find a better person after you dump trash" 52bJkkrJvak-00052-00013149-00013370 Everyone has their advantages, 52bJkkrJvak-00053-00013372-00013651 Everyone has their advantages, and those could be turned into downside to someone 52bJkkrJvak-00054-00013654-00014092 We usually have a great first impression of someone new, 52bJkkrJvak-00055-00014094-00014286 We usually have a great first impression of someone new, due to fresh stimulation 52bJkkrJvak-00056-00014288-00014333 /right/ 52bJkkrJvak-00057-00014335-00014470 Especially if you have a favorable impression 52bJkkrJvak-00058-00014473-00014715 Apparently you will find cons 52bJkkrJvak-00059-00014717-00014863 Apparently you will find cons about the new person later on, 52bJkkrJvak-00060-00014865-00015160 which may lead you to determine the person as another 'garbage' 52bJkkrJvak-00061-00015162-00015451 On that account, I don't buy the term - "You will find a better person after you dump trash" 52bJkkrJvak-00062-00015453-00015582 Young K, where are you from? /conducts a census/ 52bJkkrJvak-00063-00015596-00015677 I... uh... 52bJkkrJvak-00064-00015680-00015818 I...uh... Ilsan... (* A district located upper northwest of Seoul) 52bJkkrJvak-00065-00015820-00015919 *This Busan guy figured out* 52bJkkrJvak-00066-00015922-00016040 /what's up?/ 52bJkkrJvak-00067-00016080-00016236 /he might come from Busan?/ (* Located on the Southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula) 52bJkkrJvak-00068-00016238-00016311 You have a distinctive accent 52bJkkrJvak-00069-00016314-00016473 - You have a distinctive accent - Sungjin and Dowoon are from Busan 52bJkkrJvak-00070-00016476-00016670 I don't like this term either by the same token 52bJkkrJvak-00071-00016682-00016788 It's all relative 52bJkkrJvak-00072-00016880-00017046 Always keep in mind that your role is a driver 52bJkkrJvak-00073-00017049-00017278 Always keep in mind that your role is a driver as well as a garage 52bJkkrJvak-00074-00017281-00017420 Let's say I drove three different cars 52bJkkrJvak-00075-00017422-00017599 Let's say I drove three different cars and they were all garbage 52bJkkrJvak-00076-00017613-00017850 Simply put, I am the shitty garage 52bJkkrJvak-00077-00017853-00018223 Sounds odd, but I am drawing into myself towards losers 52bJkkrJvak-00078-00018225-00018511 'What type of partner I was, could've embraced someone in a relationship' 52bJkkrJvak-00079-00018513-00018624 Someone who is not compatible with you, 52bJkkrJvak-00080-00018626-00018926 Someone who is not compatible with you, or hurting you emotionally 52bJkkrJvak-00081-00018929-00019104 Dating those kinds of people, 52bJkkrJvak-00082-00019107-00019322 Dating those kinds of people, turned out to be it wasn't bad 52bJkkrJvak-00083-00019325-00019540 Sometimes you learn lessons from going through failure 52bJkkrJvak-00084-00019542-00019676 Sometimes you learn lessons from going through failure /true/ 52bJkkrJvak-00085-00019678-00020174 You can create your own criteria of tolerance 52bJkkrJvak-00086-00020328-00020507 Then it will lead you to drive a customized vehicle, 52bJkkrJvak-00087-00020510-00020690 Then it will lead you to drive a customized vehicle, that flawlessly fits you 52bJkkrJvak-00088-00020692-00020766 /aha!/ 52bJkkrJvak-00089-00020768-00020975 Mercedes could not be an ultimate answer as the best car for everyone 52bJkkrJvak-00090-00020977-00021112 For customized cars, 52bJkkrJvak-00091-00021114-00021446 For customized cars, you can just walk into the factory, and make an order 52bJkkrJvak-00092-00021449-00021656 But people, it doesn't work that way 52bJkkrJvak-00093-00021671-00021884 You can find the customized one from nowhere! 52bJkkrJvak-00094-00022005-00022249 I mean you learn how to validate each other 52bJkkrJvak-00095-00022408-00022722 How do you express love to your loved one? 52bJkkrJvak-00096-00022724-00022904 Apparently, he is not good at expressing As you can see from this Makdoong 52bJkkrJvak-00097-00022906-00023086 I guess Makdoong attempted a joke 52bJkkrJvak-00098-00023088-00023308 Southern people like Simon Dominic 52bJkkrJvak-00099-00023311-00023469 "All y'all say dreamin' ain't a deep sleep" *trying his best with southern accent* 52bJkkrJvak-00100-00023471-00023595 You know the vibe, right? 52bJkkrJvak-00101-00023598-00023898 I dunno maybe that's what he intended 52bJkkrJvak-00102-00023900-00024087 but dude, that wasn't right though... 52bJkkrJvak-00103-00024090-00024375 I have a narrow spectrum of expression 52bJkkrJvak-00104-00024377-00024533 I have a narrow spectrum of expression to all relationships 52bJkkrJvak-00105-00024535-00024715 I did the best I could've done with expressing and yet 52bJkkrJvak-00106-00024718-00024822 Eana and Dindin grok Sewoon's word 52bJkkrJvak-00107-00024824-00024931 But what others think: 52bJkkrJvak-00108-00024934-00025274 But what others think: "Was that an expression...?" 52bJkkrJvak-00109-00025276-00025539 My first impression on Sewoon was "Why he is so distant with me?" 52bJkkrJvak-00110-00025550-00025614 /I understand/ 52bJkkrJvak-00111-00025616-00025835 But those cases including Sewoon, 52bJkkrJvak-00112-00025838-00026273 But those cases including Sewoon, their actions speak far louder than expressions or words 52bJkkrJvak-00113-00026275-00026761 Eana watched [Gomak Mate] press conference one day 52bJkkrJvak-00114-00026764-00026948 Whenever I stood up, 52bJkkrJvak-00115-00026951-00027317 Whenever I stood up, he quickly grabbed a blanket on my chair and passed it over 52bJkkrJvak-00116-00027330-00027434 /I did? :0/ 52bJkkrJvak-00117-00027436-00027542 /you didn't reckon, did you?/ 52bJkkrJvak-00118-00027574-00027670 /that's in your blood/ 52bJkkrJvak-00119-00027674-00027772 /born to be sweet/ 52bJkkrJvak-00120-00027774-00027882 (blushed) 52bJkkrJvak-00121-00027884-00028104 I am pretty 52bJkkrJvak-00122-00028106-00028345 I am pretty upfront about the feelings 52bJkkrJvak-00123-00028348-00028472 the same way with members 52bJkkrJvak-00124-00028474-00028542 the same way with members /right/ 52bJkkrJvak-00125-00028545-00028742 Especially while we perform on stage, 52bJkkrJvak-00126-00028745-00028884 Especially while we perform on stage, I should've not done this 52bJkkrJvak-00127-00028886-00029160 Towards the end of the performance, I found myself hard to handle my emotions 52bJkkrJvak-00128-00029162-00029226 Well, your voice catching a little now 52bJkkrJvak-00129-00029228-00029313 - Well, your voice catching a little now - Sounds like it 52bJkkrJvak-00130-00029315-00029434 Not now! 52bJkkrJvak-00131-00029437-00029670 So you like to be more affectionate to your partner? 52bJkkrJvak-00132-00029672-00029941 Can't miss out playing a bit role segment...☆ *crying* 52bJkkrJvak-00133-00029943-00030008 While you and your partner walking 52bJkkrJvak-00134-00030031-00030123 "I aM ON cLoUd nINe!" *sobbing* 52bJkkrJvak-00135-00030125-00030324 LMAO LOL 52bJkkrJvak-00136-00030342-00030405 All of a sudden? 52bJkkrJvak-00137-00030407-00030578 "How was I supposed to meet such a great person!" 52bJkkrJvak-00138-00030580-00030749 Feels like the sunshine on us is all unreal! 52bJkkrJvak-00139-00030751-00030846 ~Fin~ 52bJkkrJvak-00140-00030849-00030985 I am the only child of my parents, 52bJkkrJvak-00141-00030987-00031260 I am the only child of my parents, my parents express their love a lot to me 52bJkkrJvak-00142-00031295-00031418 They are always like "I love you son" 52bJkkrJvak-00143-00031436-00031629 And I reply back them back on phone like 52bJkkrJvak-00144-00031631-00031720 And I reply back them back on phone like "Love you, mom! Muah <3!" 52bJkkrJvak-00145-00031722-00031848 Repeat it, because you know it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 52bJkkrJvak-00146-00031980-00032183 Young K grew up in the environment of a supportive family, loves to express their love 52bJkkrJvak-00147-00032186-00032443 So there are people who like expressing their love 52bJkkrJvak-00148-00032445-00032701 whereas some people feel uncomfortable and reluctant to do 52bJkkrJvak-00149-00032704-00032940 I believe expressing a lot is not always good 52bJkkrJvak-00150-00032942-00033210 showing less expression can't be said it's not always bad, either 52bJkkrJvak-00151-00033213-00033565 What I see is that Makdoong and his ex-girlfriend 52bJkkrJvak-00152-00033568-00033805 What I see is that Makdoong and his ex-girlfriend had different views on expressing love 52bJkkrJvak-00153-00033807-00033925 His answer to "Do you love me?" was 52bJkkrJvak-00154-00033928-00034082 It wasn't "no" but 52bJkkrJvak-00155-00034085-00034283 It wasn't "no" but "If I don't, why would I keep dating you?" 52bJkkrJvak-00156-00034286-00034547 This blunt Makdoong expressed his love in his own way 52bJkkrJvak-00157-00034550-00034687 And he did the best he could've done 52bJkkrJvak-00158-00034690-00035096 Makdoong's ex-girlfriend felt frustrated in expressing love and affection 52bJkkrJvak-00159-00035099-00035341 But not only expressing verbally 52bJkkrJvak-00160-00035344-00035976 what if Makdoong covered up with his action, would they become this way so far? 52bJkkrJvak-00161-00036001-00036236 Some people prefer to express verbally rather than action, 52bJkkrJvak-00162-00036239-00036533 while others love to show expressing by action than words 52bJkkrJvak-00163-00036535-00036677 What if he said, "People say dreaming is not a deep sleep" 52bJkkrJvak-00164-00036680-00036839 and stroked her hair? 52bJkkrJvak-00165-00036841-00036940 That would've made a difference 52bJkkrJvak-00166-00036942-00037041 That becomes a different story then 52bJkkrJvak-00167-00037043-00037136 /precisely/ 52bJkkrJvak-00168-00037139-00037305 Anyhow, it's always case by case 52bJkkrJvak-00169-00037307-00037455 I am a blunt person as well 52bJkkrJvak-00170-00037457-00037780 I met a really sweet girl, who loved to express her love before 52bJkkrJvak-00171-00037782-00037964 I felt really uncomfortable in the first place 52bJkkrJvak-00172-00037966-00038084 Hey babe, 52bJkkrJvak-00173-00038087-00038168 Hey babe, wure at hoMe? 52bJkkrJvak-00174-00038279-00038393 I felt a bit awkward at first, 52bJkkrJvak-00175-00038395-00038519 I felt a bit awkward at first, but her behavior started to feel sweet and cute! 52bJkkrJvak-00176-00038522-00038734 And later on, I found myself I started to imitate her behaviors 52bJkkrJvak-00177-00038736-00038853 "waNNa hAv IcEcrEam" 52bJkkrJvak-00178-00038855-00038935 - "waNNa hAv IcEcrEam" - /da hell it's wrong with you/ 52bJkkrJvak-00179-00038937-00039044 "cHeeSeCAkes, hUnny?" 52bJkkrJvak-00180-00039047-00039143 (my god...) 52bJkkrJvak-00181-00039146-00039374 sHuuting sTur? (* Baskin Robin's exclusive flavor in S.Korea - Shooting Star) 52bJkkrJvak-00182-00039377-00039529 /sHuuting sTur?/ That sweet moment of you two 52bJkkrJvak-00183-00039538-00039730 THAT'S WHAT LOVE IS ALL ABOUT, JERK!!! 52bJkkrJvak-00184-00039733-00039915 What do you think about Makdoong reaching ex-girlfriend out again? 52bJkkrJvak-00185-00039917-00040157 Nah, I can tell ya, that's a bad idea 52bJkkrJvak-00186-00040159-00040330 Don't mess up other's relationships 52bJkkrJvak-00187-00040333-00040559 Don't mess up other's relationships by letting yourself weaken by your emotions 52bJkkrJvak-00188-00040561-00041113 The way how you express affection is an issue that couples should consider 52bJkkrJvak-00189-00041115-00041411 Like Dindin turned into a sweet guy as his ex-girlfriend did 52bJkkrJvak-00190-00041413-00041976 You and your partner can commune by tuning your 'love language' 52bJkkrJvak-00191-00041978-00042352 Since you jumped into a relationship, if you leave your language as it is, 52bJkkrJvak-00192-00042354-00042881 that will eventually lead your relationship comes to an end 52bJkkrJvak-00193-00042884-00043242 I would like to suggest Makdoong to look himself back, 52bJkkrJvak-00194-00043244-00043411 I would like to suggest Makdoong to look himself back, he was neglecting his relationship 52bJkkrJvak-00195-00043414-00043719 "What it would be like expressing my affection?" 52bJkkrJvak-00196-00043721-00043915 I advise thinking of "What it would be like expressing my affection?" 52bJkkrJvak-00197-00043918-00044183 We have a song, "You Were Beautiful" *Lyrics by YoungK* 52bJkkrJvak-00198-00044186-00044259 /ahh beautiful song, yes/ 52bJkkrJvak-00199-00044262-00044392 The song begins, 52bJkkrJvak-00200-00044395-00044700 "What I'm telling you now, doesn't mean that I'd like to start off fresh with you" 52bJkkrJvak-00201-00044717-00044799 /That's so cold!/ 52bJkkrJvak-00202-00044802-00045054 The song starts with claiming 'not a fresh start' but at the chorus 52bJkkrJvak-00203-00045057-00045586 "You were beautiful, the eyes you used to look at me" "The voice you used to call me" 52bJkkrJvak-00204-00045588-00045804 Not about trying to get back together, after all 52bJkkrJvak-00205-00045807-00046058 Not about trying to get back together, after all /Yup, done/ 52bJkkrJvak-00206-00046060-00046272 No one knows the future, 52bJkkrJvak-00207-00046275-00046421 No one knows the future, but the relationship is over already at the moment 52bJkkrJvak-00208-00046423-00046718 I hope Makdoong don't blame himself too much 52bJkkrJvak-00209-00046720-00047093 keep your memories in your heart 52bJkkrJvak-00210-00047096-00047385 keep your memories in your heart and move on 52bJkkrJvak-00211-00047387-00047694 You Were Beautiful by DAY6 52bJkkrJvak-00212-00047788-00048045 ♬ What I'm telling you now, 52bJkkrJvak-00213-00048048-00048335 ♬ What I'm telling you now, doesn't mean that 52bJkkrJvak-00214-00048338-00048752 ♬ What I'm telling you now, doesn't mean that I'd like to start off fresh with you 52bJkkrJvak-00215-00048908-00049171 ♬ Just remaining 52bJkkrJvak-00216-00049174-00049609 ♬ Just remaining memories of you 52bJkkrJvak-00217-00049611-00049823 ♬ Just remaining memories of you came into my head 52bJkkrJvak-00218-00049987-00050585 ♬ Every single day 52bJkkrJvak-00219-00050587-00051161 ♬ Every single day, you told me that you love me 52bJkkrJvak-00220-00051164-00051559 ♬ Before I go off to bed and as soon as I wake up 52bJkkrJvak-00221-00051562-00051807 ♬ Before I go off to bed and as soon as I wake up You talked to me 52bJkkrJvak-00222-00051809-00052155 ♬ You came into my head so I think out loud 52bJkkrJvak-00223-00052167-00052445 ♬ You were beautiful 52bJkkrJvak-00224-00052448-00052973 ♬ You were beautiful The eyes you used to look at me 52bJkkrJvak-00225-00052994-00053397 ♬ The voice you used to call me 52bJkkrJvak-00226-00053400-00053921 ♬ The voice you used to call me All of them 52bJkkrJvak-00227-00053939-00054441 ♬ Everything about you, to me 52bJkkrJvak-00228-00054444-00054726 ♬ You were beautiful 52bJkkrJvak-00229-00054728-00055254 ♬ The feeling of not much more I can wish 52bJkkrJvak-00230-00055256-00055688 ♬ The moments that only you presented 52bJkkrJvak-00231-00055691-00056217 ♬ The moments that only you presented All of them 52bJkkrJvak-00232-00056223-00056467 ♬ All behind us now 52bJkkrJvak-00233-00056471-00056859 ♬ All behind us now but you were so beautiful 52bJkkrJvak-00234-00058012-00058405 Check out "Gomak Live" for DAY6's live performance 52bJkkrJvak-00235-00058408-00059114 "Let Your Story Becomes What We Sing Out" [Gomak Mate] x SEEZN Fridays, 6pm 52bJkkrJvak-00236-00059116-00059523 Please click the first comment down below, and watch the prior episode on SEEZN app! 52bJkkrJvak-00237-00059564-00059663 *This one* 52bJkkrJvak-00238-00059727-00059819 *And that one!* Don't miss out! 54Oq0P8DQbY-00000-00001016-00001376 Here are seven circumstances where break up sex work like 54Oq0P8DQbY-00001-00001376-00001823 charm and if you find yourself in any of these seven circumstances, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00002-00001823-00003008 it may not be such a bad idea to end it all with one final passionate goodbye. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00003-00003008-00003488 Hello, welcome to my channel, Redefine Your Relationship, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00004-00003488-00004024 where we give you all the valuable information you need to take your relationship to the next level. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00005-00004128-00004560 Subscribe and press the notification bell to never miss any of my video. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00006-00005352-00005752 If you're contemplating about having break up sex with your lover or an 54Oq0P8DQbY-00007-00005752-00006048 ex that you've broken up with a few days or weeks ago, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00008-00006104-00007184 take a look at these seven circumstances where break up sex work like charm. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00009-00008384-00009192 Number One. The breakup is mutual. You and your partner don't see the relationship going anywhere 54Oq0P8DQbY-00010-00009192-00009536 and have decided to call it quits on mutual understanding. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00011-00009640-00010104 You may feel sad about breaking up but you know there's no other way to go. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00012-00010608-00011376 Number Two. You don't want to stay friends. If one of you still has feelings for the other person, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00013-00011376-00012016 you can have break up sex as long as both of you delete each other from your lives. After all, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00014-00012072-00012784 staying in touch with each other would just lead to an awkward friends with benefits relationship. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00015-00013352-00013696 Number Three. The love has just faded away. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00016-00013791-00014456 You may love each other deeply but there's just no spark in the romance anymore. And one or 54Oq0P8DQbY-00017-00014456-00015080 both of you want more out of love especially the passion and sexual excitement of a real romance. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00018-00015560-00016392 Number Four. Long-distance relationship breakup. If a few weeks turn into several months or years 54Oq0P8DQbY-00019-00016392-00016776 and there's no surety that both of you would ever meet up again, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00020-00016776-00018384 it's better to meet one final time, have break up sex and end the relationship for good. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00021-00019432-00019832 Number Five. There's no heartbreak. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00022-00019832-00020216 If your relationship has reached the point where you and your partner don't 54Oq0P8DQbY-00023-00020216-00020752 feel bad about separating and instead are actually looking forward to a separation, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00024-00020808-00021360 breakup sex may at least bring forth a few tender of moments of love before calling it quits. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00025-00021952-00022672 Number Six. You're not emotionally manipulated into it. If you want to have break up sex, 54Oq0P8DQbY-00026-00022736-00023344 do it because you want to do it. Don't let your lover manipulate you into it with their seductive 54Oq0P8DQbY-00027-00023344-00024088 charm. Break ups hurt and it's easy for those last hugs to turn into something a lot more sexual. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00028-00024704-00025416 Number Seven. The circumstances are forcing both of you into a breakup. You're in a happy 54Oq0P8DQbY-00029-00025416-00026120 relationship but external circumstances push both of you apart and both of you understand 54Oq0P8DQbY-00030-00026120-00026783 that it's easier to part ways than try to make the relationship work through the tough odds. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00031-00027144-00027672 Conclusion. Break up sex is a great way to say goodbye if you're emotionally 54Oq0P8DQbY-00032-00027672-00028224 mature and see it for what it is without any expectations from it. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00033-00028224-00028783 However you see it, these are seven circumstances where break up sex work like charm. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00034-00029327-00029783 My team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00035-00029895-00030495 If you are new here don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos like this. 54Oq0P8DQbY-00036-00030608-00031583 Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next. 57f0JIz7wbc-00000-00000061-00000284 Thank you for watching candlestick trading video 57f0JIz7wbc-00001-00000284-00000637 Price Action Trading- Trend Lines and Channels 57f0JIz7wbc-00002-00000637-00001096 Price action trading is one of the common trading methods in different markets. 57f0JIz7wbc-00003-00001096-00001750 It means trading off a price chart without indicators that are mathematically derived 57f0JIz7wbc-00004-00001750-00001941 from price. 57f0JIz7wbc-00005-00001941-00002538 Trendlines are visual representation of support and resistance in any given time frame. 57f0JIz7wbc-00006-00002538-00003120 Static drawing tools, such as trendlines or support and resistance lines that obviously 57f0JIz7wbc-00007-00003120-00003597 do not change dynamically with price, do not exclude 57f0JIz7wbc-00008-00003597-00004088 traders from being considered a price action trader. 57f0JIz7wbc-00009-00004088-00004669 Change dynamically with price means depending on how traders have their indicators set, 57f0JIz7wbc-00010-00004669-00005151 generally the default setting is for indicators to update 57f0JIz7wbc-00011-00005151-00005538 n real-time, along with the last price bars closing price. 57f0JIz7wbc-00012-00005538-00006519 A line that is drawn over swing highs in downtrend or under swing lows in uptrend to show the 57f0JIz7wbc-00013-00006519-00006781 prevailing direction of price. 57f0JIz7wbc-00014-00006781-00007174 Trend line must have at least 2 touches to become valid. 57f0JIz7wbc-00015-00007174-00008243 The more touches the trend line has the more powerful the move after a trendline break. 57f0JIz7wbc-00016-00008243-00009066 Long trend lines are more important than short trendlines whereas shallow trendlines are 57f0JIz7wbc-00017-00009066-00009527 more reliable than steep ones. 57f0JIz7wbc-00018-00009527-00010006 Trendlines are very important for making the right choice for any price action trader. 57f0JIz7wbc-00019-00010006-00010707 Instead of using indicators to base trading decisions on, traders become the indicator. 57f0JIz7wbc-00020-00010707-00011443 With price action trading, all traders need is a single chart, a simple moving average 57f0JIz7wbc-00021-00011443-00011649 and a few trend lines. 57f0JIz7wbc-00022-00011649-00012102 Anything more than this and you will only make trading more difficult. 57f0JIz7wbc-00023-00012102-00012735 Using this type of trading method as your main trading tool will clean up traders’ 57f0JIz7wbc-00024-00012735-00013297 charts and remove the clutter that normally creates confusion and 57f0JIz7wbc-00025-00013297-00013450 indecision for traders. 57f0JIz7wbc-00026-00013450-00014412 Basing on trades on price action aids traders in finding reliable reasons to enter a trade, 57f0JIz7wbc-00027-00014412-00014934 while also giving them clear and precise trading information. 57f0JIz7wbc-00028-00014934-00015584 But to be truthful, there is no such thing as Holy Grail in the market. 57f0JIz7wbc-00029-00015584-00015587 Thank you 57UYaxboEa0-00000-00000066-00000276 Attention Five Points residents. 57UYaxboEa0-00001-00000276-00000784 This is a community notification of a new sexually violent predator in your area. 57UYaxboEa0-00002-00000784-00001281 Please stay tuned to the following short program for more information. 57UYaxboEa0-00003-00001281-00001604 Hi, I'm Technician Ron Hackett with the Denver Police Department. 57UYaxboEa0-00004-00001604-00001955 The Sex Offender Registration and Compliance Unit at DPD 57UYaxboEa0-00005-00001955-00002509 is responsible for the registration, monitoring, and tracking of all registered sex offenders 57UYaxboEa0-00006-00002509-00002866 and sexually violent predators who live in the City and County of Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00007-00002866-00003213 Here's a brief history of sex offender legislation in Colorado. 57UYaxboEa0-00008-00003213-00003516 Our state laws trickle down from federal government mandates. 57UYaxboEa0-00009-00003516-00003837 In 1994 we had the Jacob Wetterling Act 57UYaxboEa0-00010-00003837-00004190 which mandated that states would establish a sex offender list. 57UYaxboEa0-00011-00004190-00004848 Megan's Law of 1996 said that the public would have access to those sex offender registration lists. 57UYaxboEa0-00012-00004848-00005415 The Pam Lychner Act of 1996 stated that some offenders might have to have lifetime registrations. 57UYaxboEa0-00013-00005415-00005982 And the Adam Walsh Act of 2006 unified sex offender laws across the country. 57UYaxboEa0-00014-00005982-00006476 In Colorado, the legislature has determined that sexually violent predators, by definition, 57UYaxboEa0-00015-00006476-00006826 pose a higher risk to the community at large, and therefore 57UYaxboEa0-00016-00006826-00007177 mandated that upon their release from the Department of Corrections 57UYaxboEa0-00017-00007177-00007373 the community must be notified. 57UYaxboEa0-00018-00007373-00007694 Sex offender notification in Colorado happens in two ways. 57UYaxboEa0-00019-00007694-00008124 The first is passive and ongoing through the sex offender registration process 57UYaxboEa0-00020-00008124-00008398 which is the list maintained by local police departments. 57UYaxboEa0-00021-00008398-00008738 The second way is active, via community notification 57UYaxboEa0-00022-00008738-00009065 for those offenders determined to be sexually violent predators 57UYaxboEa0-00023-00009065-00009275 by the courts or by the Parole Board. 57UYaxboEa0-00024-00009275-00009562 Most sex offenders in Colorado are supervised 57UYaxboEa0-00025-00009562-00009816 by the criminal justice system in our communities. 57UYaxboEa0-00026-00009816-00010080 Most sex offenders engage in crossover behavior 57UYaxboEa0-00027-00010080-00010317 which means they may have been arrested for 57UYaxboEa0-00028-00010317-00010610 one type of crime, but be apt to commit another. 57UYaxboEa0-00029-00010610-00010981 Many sex offenders have no criminal history at all prior to their arrest. 57UYaxboEa0-00030-00010981-00011598 There is no typical sex offender, but all tend to be deceptive, manipulative, and secretive. 57UYaxboEa0-00031-00011598-00012065 80-93% of sex offenses are committed by someone known to the victim. 57UYaxboEa0-00032-00012065-00012442 Sexual deviancy begins in mid to late adolescence. 57UYaxboEa0-00033-00012442-00012816 Sex offenses are not impulsive--they are usually carefully planned. 57UYaxboEa0-00034-00012816-00013029 And most sex offenders are male. 57UYaxboEa0-00035-00013029-00013313 The community has a vested interest in helping offenders 57UYaxboEa0-00036-00013313-00013523 to be successfully managed in the community. 57UYaxboEa0-00037-00013523-00013980 Sex offenders have the same need for housing and employment as any other citizen. 57UYaxboEa0-00038-00013980-00014487 Any citizen who uses sex offender information to harass, threaten, or intimidate 57UYaxboEa0-00039-00014487-00014824 an offender will be subject to criminal prosecution. 57UYaxboEa0-00040-00014824-00015328 There are approximately 16,500 registered sex offenders in the state of Colorado. 57UYaxboEa0-00041-00015328-00015829 About 65% of convicted sex offenders are placed in the community on probation. 57UYaxboEa0-00042-00015829-00016209 The remainder are in the Department of Corrections or Community Corrections. 57UYaxboEa0-00043-00016209-00016693 Offenders may be caught for one type of offense, but be at a high risk to commit another type. 57UYaxboEa0-00044-00016693-00017030 Crime of conviction is only one indicator of risk. 57UYaxboEa0-00045-00017030-00017397 A sexually violent predator must register with the Denver Police Department 57UYaxboEa0-00046-00017397-00017767 Sex Offender Registration Unit every three months for the rest of their life. 57UYaxboEa0-00047-00017767-00018211 The offender's residence must be verified quarterly by the Denver Police Department. 57UYaxboEa0-00048-00018211-00018628 The full sex offender registration list is available by calling the Denver Police Department 57UYaxboEa0-00049-00018628-00019229 Identification Bureau at 720-913-6756. 57UYaxboEa0-00050-00019229-00019679 Convicted felons and those with multiple convictions are posted online 57UYaxboEa0-00051-00019679-00020100 at denvergov.org/police. 57UYaxboEa0-00052-00020100-00020577 Remember, sexually violent predators do not represent all dangerous sex offenders. 57UYaxboEa0-00053-00020577-00020994 The community notification process and sex offender registration 57UYaxboEa0-00054-00020994-00021324 are not a complete deterrent to sexual assault. 57UYaxboEa0-00055-00021324-00021935 Now, here's a look at the newest sexually violent predator living in Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00056-00021935-00022288 Here's an overview of the registered sex offenders currently living in Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00057-00022288-00022689 There are 2,616 total living within city limits. 57UYaxboEa0-00058-00022689-00023033 In Denver Police District 6 there are 473. 57UYaxboEa0-00059-00023033-00023436 Precinct 612 has 148 registered sex offenders. 57UYaxboEa0-00060-00023436-00023970 Of those, 102 have felony convictions and 46 have misdemeanor convictions. 57UYaxboEa0-00061-00023970-00024394 Michael Patrick Salas is a sexually violent predator currently living in Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00062-00024394-00024758 He's 38 years old and was born on November 10, 1982. 57UYaxboEa0-00063-00024758-00025432 He's a Hispanic male, 5-feet, 9-inches tall, 175 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. 57UYaxboEa0-00064-00025432-00025819 He's currently a transient living in the 1900 Block of 29th St. 57UYaxboEa0-00065-00025819-00026119 in the Five Points neighborhood of Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00066-00026119-00026463 Schools located within one mile of this offender include: 57UYaxboEa0-00067-00026463-00026803 University Prep School at 2409 Arapahoe St. 57UYaxboEa0-00068-00026803-00027173 Cole Arts and Science Academy at 3240 Humbolt St. 57UYaxboEa0-00069-00027173-00027487 Gilliam School at 2844 Downing St. 57UYaxboEa0-00070-00027487-00027857 Cole Middle School at 1350 E. 33rd Ave. 57UYaxboEa0-00071-00027857-00028221 Garden Place Academy at 4425 Lincoln St. 57UYaxboEa0-00072-00028221-00028591 Gilpin Montessori at 2949 California St. 57UYaxboEa0-00073-00028591-00029012 Annunciation Catholic School at 3536 Lafayette St. 57UYaxboEa0-00074-00029012-00029466 Montessori Academy of Colorado at 2500 Curtis St. 57UYaxboEa0-00075-00029466-00029799 Parks located within one mile of this offender include: 57UYaxboEa0-00076-00029799-00030453 Globeville Landing Park, Mestizo-Curtis Park, Morrison Park, Williams Park, Ciancio Park, 57UYaxboEa0-00077-00030453-00030914 Columbus Park, Franco Park, Community Plaza Park, Highland Gateway Park, 57UYaxboEa0-00078-00030914-00031504 Sonny Lawson Park, Denver Skate Park, City of Cuernavaca Park, Stout St. Children's Park, 57UYaxboEa0-00079-00031504-00032038 Maestas Park, Commons Park, St. Patrick's Neighborhood Park, St. Charles Place Park, 57UYaxboEa0-00080-00032038-00032686 Quick Park, 34th and Arkins Park, Broadway Triangles, Railyard Dog Park. 57UYaxboEa0-00081-00032686-00033096 Recreation centers located within one mile of this offender include: 57UYaxboEa0-00082-00033096-00033436 Globeville Rec Center at 4496 Grant St. 57UYaxboEa0-00083-00033436-00033840 St. Charles Rec Center at 3777 Lafayette St. 57UYaxboEa0-00084-00033840-00034150 Glenarm Rec Center at 2800 Glenarm Pl. 57UYaxboEa0-00085-00034150-00034527 20th St. Rec Center at 1011 20th St. 57UYaxboEa0-00086-00034527-00034888 Bus routes located within one mile of this offender include: 57UYaxboEa0-00087-00034888-00035141 Route 48: Broadway and Lawrence. 57UYaxboEa0-00088-00035141-00035522 Route 48: 29th St. and Brighton Blvd. 57UYaxboEa0-00089-00035522-00035792 A brief history of charges against this offender: 57UYaxboEa0-00090-00035792-00036282 Attempted Sexual Assualt on a Child, Unlawful Sexual Contact, and Contributing to the 57UYaxboEa0-00091-00036282-00036426 Delinquency of a Minor. 57UYaxboEa0-00092-00036426-00036783 He's not currently on Parole, and registered with the Denver Police Department on 57UYaxboEa0-00093-00036783-00037283 November 6, 2020, as a transient living in the 1900 Block of 29th St. 57UYaxboEa0-00094-00037283-00037540 in the Five Points neighborhood of Denver. 57UYaxboEa0-00095-00037540-00037811 Past charges against this offender include: 57UYaxboEa0-00096-00037811-00038388 Attempted Sexual Assault on a Child, Unlawful Sexual Contact, Assault, Protection Order 57UYaxboEa0-00097-00038388-00039035 Violations, Property Crimes, Failure to Appear, Traffic Offenses, DUI, Trespassing, 57UYaxboEa0-00098-00039035-00039519 Probation Violations, Contempt of Court, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, 57UYaxboEa0-00099-00039519-00040063 Carrying a Concealed Weapon - Knife, Petty Theft, Disturbing the Peace, Sexual Exploitation 57UYaxboEa0-00100-00040063-00040663 of a Minor Via Telecomm, Harassment, Parole Violation, Enticement of a Child. 57UYaxboEa0-00101-00040663-00041021 Michael Patrick Salas has been determined a sexually violent predator after meeting 57UYaxboEa0-00102-00041021-00041174 the following criteria: 57UYaxboEa0-00103-00041174-00041785 Criteria 1: Age 18 or older on the date of the offense, or under 18 and tried as an adult. 57UYaxboEa0-00104-00041785-00042125 The offender was age 30 at the time of the offense. 57UYaxboEa0-00105-00042125-00042655 Criteria 2: The crime must have been committed on or after July 1, 1997 and convicted on or 57UYaxboEa0-00106-00042655-00043329 after July 1, 1999. Crimes include sexual assault, felony unlawful sexual contact, sexual assault 57UYaxboEa0-00107-00043329-00043797 on a child, sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust. 57UYaxboEa0-00108-00043797-00044447 The offender was convicted on October 31, 2013, for Attempted Sexual Assault on a Child. 57UYaxboEa0-00109-00044447-00044824 Criteria 3: The relationship to the victim was one of the following: 57UYaxboEa0-00110-00044824-00045251 Victim was a stranger to the offender; or the offender established or promoted a 57UYaxboEa0-00111-00045251-00045739 relationship with the victim primarily for the purpose of sexual victimization. 57UYaxboEa0-00112-00045739-00046256 The victim was a 14-year-old female. The offender was known to the victim. 57UYaxboEa0-00113-00046256-00046756 Criteria 4: Positive results or the "passing of a risk assessment instrument," administered by 57UYaxboEa0-00114-00046756-00047217 probation/parole staff and a qualified treatment evaluator. Positive results include 57UYaxboEa0-00115-00047217-00047707 an assessment for the presence of a mental abnormality, a level of denial regarding the offense, 57UYaxboEa0-00116-00047707-00048221 treatment appropriateness and motivation, presence of sexual deviant interests. 57UYaxboEa0-00117-00048221-00048648 The offender was evaluated by the Adams County District Courts with "positive results," 57UYaxboEa0-00118-00048648-00049129 determining him to be a sexually violent predator. 584AHiZRkSY-00000-00000057-00000371 What's going on everyone Brett Williams here, hope you're having a fantastic 584AHiZRkSY-00001-00000371-00000526 day, night, afternoon or evening. 584AHiZRkSY-00002-00000528-00000708 Whatever it is, wherever you are. 584AHiZRkSY-00003-00000759-00001144 I'm finishing off 14 days quarantine here in the beautiful Hyatt Regency 584AHiZRkSY-00004-00001144-00001739 Perth, this amazing hotel room right here, this very cozy hotel room has 584AHiZRkSY-00005-00001739-00001941 been my home for the last 14 days. 584AHiZRkSY-00006-00001959-00002151 I've not been allowed to leave the front door. 584AHiZRkSY-00007-00002175-00002626 I've been solely in here, haven't been outside to get any fresh air and 584AHiZRkSY-00008-00002626-00002794 you're probably asking why is that? 584AHiZRkSY-00009-00002794-00003133 And that is because the Australian government had decided that anybody flying 584AHiZRkSY-00010-00003133-00003619 in from overseas during this time with everything that's going on, needs to spend 584AHiZRkSY-00011-00003619-00003934 14 days within quarantine in a hotel. 584AHiZRkSY-00012-00003934-00004315 Because the focus there is to be able to really contain any overseas 584AHiZRkSY-00013-00004315-00004558 transmission of the virus into Australia. 584AHiZRkSY-00014-00004558-00004879 So from that perspective, I think it's a really smart thing to do. 584AHiZRkSY-00015-00004919-00005258 But I can only imagine that there are people in here who've been struggling 584AHiZRkSY-00016-00005258-00005738 over the last 14 days probably really just emotionally in a hole. 584AHiZRkSY-00017-00005743-00005981 Maybe they've been binge watching Netflix constantly. 584AHiZRkSY-00018-00006000-00006489 Maybe they've been drunk 24/7 you know, who knows what what's been going on. 584AHiZRkSY-00019-00006489-00006822 But all I know is what's been going on for me and how I've been able to 584AHiZRkSY-00020-00006822-00007302 thrive through this time to be able to really just, you know, be okay with it 584AHiZRkSY-00021-00007302-00007709 and be happy with what's going on and being able to accept what is going on. 584AHiZRkSY-00022-00007745-00007884 That is a key point right there. 584AHiZRkSY-00023-00007908-00008319 Now for me, coming back 15 days ago when I was in Bali, over the last year 584AHiZRkSY-00024-00008319-00008769 and a half, I've been in Bali, probably most of that timeframe, I decided 584AHiZRkSY-00025-00008769-00009078 to fly back to Australia because of everything that was going on right now. 584AHiZRkSY-00026-00009078-00009444 And in that moment I knew exactly what would I was flying into. 584AHiZRkSY-00027-00009474-00009828 I knew that I was going to need to be doing these 14 days quarantine. 584AHiZRkSY-00028-00009828-00010136 So in that moment, I was able to start mentally preparing. 584AHiZRkSY-00029-00010174-00010570 I was able to really start thinking about how do I want to feel about this? 584AHiZRkSY-00030-00010570-00010780 How do I want to experience this timeframe? 584AHiZRkSY-00031-00010801-00010972 What do I want to be able to get out of it? 584AHiZRkSY-00032-00010972-00011353 And with that, I've created all of the lists on my whiteboard right 584AHiZRkSY-00033-00011353-00011833 here, which just reminders for me on a daily basis whilst I'm in here as 584AHiZRkSY-00034-00011833-00012019 to what it was that my intention is. 584AHiZRkSY-00035-00012057-00012516 And these are things such as gratitude, movement, happiness to thrive, growth, 584AHiZRkSY-00036-00012547-00013079 productivity, contact ah content creation, fun, financial, rewarding, focused, 584AHiZRkSY-00037-00013079-00013604 relaxing, meditation, transformation, transformation, and movement. 584AHiZRkSY-00038-00013638-00014115 And all of these things is what I had the intention of coming into this and being 584AHiZRkSY-00039-00014115-00014481 able to set that intention has allowed me to be able to thrive through this. 584AHiZRkSY-00040-00014501-00014634 It's allowed me to have fun. 584AHiZRkSY-00041-00014663-00014709 Yes. 584AHiZRkSY-00042-00014743-00015052 I've had days where I've wanted to kick down that door and run out of here 584AHiZRkSY-00043-00015094-00015510 and if I hadn't assigned a government agreement, maybe I would have. 584AHiZRkSY-00044-00015534-00015935 But at the same time I knew why I was in here and I understood the whole process. 584AHiZRkSY-00045-00015935-00016254 So of course I wasn't going to do that, but it didn't mean that I 584AHiZRkSY-00046-00016254-00016539 didn't want to be in here and I had some mentally challenging days. 584AHiZRkSY-00047-00016575-00016970 And when I say mentally challenging, what I'm really saying is I had some 584AHiZRkSY-00048-00016970-00017130 feedback that was going on for myself. 584AHiZRkSY-00049-00017182-00017594 I was able to see more about what was going underneath my mind in different 584AHiZRkSY-00050-00017594-00017984 situations so that I could bring more awareness to it, more self compassion 584AHiZRkSY-00051-00017984-00018137 and learn and grow through it. 584AHiZRkSY-00052-00018143-00018314 So maybe right now you're struggling. 584AHiZRkSY-00053-00018317-00018734 Maybe you're right now you're finding, I just don't know how to be by myself. 584AHiZRkSY-00054-00018734-00018982 I just don't know how to get through this timeframe. 584AHiZRkSY-00055-00019019-00019319 The things that I want to say to you is set an intention. 584AHiZRkSY-00056-00019325-00019625 What is it that you actually want to achieve through this process? 584AHiZRkSY-00057-00019625-00019994 Because when you can set that intention you're able to focus on something and 584AHiZRkSY-00058-00019994-00020357 it will bring your focus back to that, every time that you find yourself in 584AHiZRkSY-00059-00020357-00020783 those dark holes of self-questioning and just frustration and everything 584AHiZRkSY-00060-00020783-00020999 like that, you can remind yourself. 584AHiZRkSY-00061-00021008-00021290 The other thing that I want to say is having gratitude or gratitude 584AHiZRkSY-00062-00021290-00021527 process will help you to ground. 584AHiZRkSY-00063-00021540-00021650 It'll help you to center. 584AHiZRkSY-00064-00021675-00022014 It'll help you to refocus yourself in those moments when the whole 584AHiZRkSY-00065-00022014-00022137 world feels like it's spinning. 584AHiZRkSY-00066-00022155-00022539 And when you can find gratitude in the smallest of things, be it just having a 584AHiZRkSY-00067-00022539-00023013 clean running water or whatever it might be, whatever there is for you, food, 584AHiZRkSY-00068-00023034-00023247 maybe it's fresh air, whatever it is. 584AHiZRkSY-00069-00023256-00023622 Having that gratitude will allow you to become complete within 584AHiZRkSY-00070-00023622-00023946 yourself in that moment because it will bring you back to your center. 584AHiZRkSY-00071-00023967-00024102 It will bring you back to yourself. 584AHiZRkSY-00072-00024120-00024387 And the other thing, you know, look at things like journaling, being able to 584AHiZRkSY-00073-00024387-00024552 just get those thoughts out on paper. 584AHiZRkSY-00074-00024567-00024912 One of the biggest things that I find for myself is that when I journal, it 584AHiZRkSY-00075-00024912-00025278 allows me to see what's going on in my head because it can be so easy to 584AHiZRkSY-00076-00025278-00025713 get caught up in this and just find that it's just swimming in a whole 584AHiZRkSY-00077-00025743-00025941 turmoil of everything that's going on. 584AHiZRkSY-00078-00025941-00026258 So being able to really see what's going on by getting it down on a piece 584AHiZRkSY-00079-00026258-00026645 of paper and at the same time, like, how can you make some fun out of this? 584AHiZRkSY-00080-00026645-00026913 Like I've been in here for the last 14 days. 584AHiZRkSY-00081-00026952-00027132 And I've created a game out of it. 584AHiZRkSY-00082-00027132-00027837 I've been keeping a social media post, great fun photos and just allowing myself 584AHiZRkSY-00083-00027837-00028295 to share the journey with others and at the same time, be able to take some 584AHiZRkSY-00084-00028302-00028722 seriousness out of the situation because let's be real right now what's going on. 584AHiZRkSY-00085-00028725-00029097 It is extremely serious because it is just at a point where, you 584AHiZRkSY-00086-00029097-00029250 know, there's a lot of people dying. 584AHiZRkSY-00087-00029250-00029539 There's a lot of cases, a lot of Struggles and challenges that 584AHiZRkSY-00088-00029539-00029680 are going on in this, in this world. 584AHiZRkSY-00089-00029680-00030052 But if there is a way to be able to bring a little bit of fun to it so that you 584AHiZRkSY-00090-00030052-00030408 can take back some of that seriousness and you can just be more in the moment. 584AHiZRkSY-00091-00030408-00030742 Because when all of this plays out, the whole focus of what I want to 584AHiZRkSY-00092-00030742-00031108 say right now is that when you can be in that space for yourself, you're 584AHiZRkSY-00093-00031108-00031447 able to show up for others who may be really struggling right now. 584AHiZRkSY-00094-00031450-00031867 But if you're in a place where the whole world is just turmoil and you're reacting 584AHiZRkSY-00095-00031867-00032188 to it, and you're reactive, and it's just all of this chaos that's going on. 584AHiZRkSY-00096-00032277-00032632 The truth is, is you're going to be no help to anybody if they are 584AHiZRkSY-00097-00032632-00033010 needing somebody to lean on because you're at a breaking point yourself. 584AHiZRkSY-00098-00033013-00033541 So all of these things, gratitude, journals, meditation intentions, all of 584AHiZRkSY-00099-00033541-00033973 these things will allow you to fill your cup up so that you can give to others. 584AHiZRkSY-00100-00033976-00034288 So that being said, if you've got value out of this video, like it, share 584AHiZRkSY-00101-00034288-00034630 it, comment it, show it some love, and I'll see you on the next video. 584AHiZRkSY-00102-00034696-00034735 So yeah. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00000-00000213-00000760 Goldilocks and the Three Space Bears 5vQA70Sv-3o-00001-00000800-00001440 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away lived three bears - Huge Bear, Middle-sized Bear and Little Bear. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00002-00001440-00001750 They lived together in a house in the woods... 5vQA70Sv-3o-00003-00001750-00001900 Not really! 5vQA70Sv-3o-00004-00001900-00002270 They lived in a big spaceship in the middle of the bare stone desert. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00005-00002270-00002740 The day seemed quite ordinary, but the bears didn't know the incoming surprise ... 5vQA70Sv-3o-00006-00003968-00004290 Little Bear and Middle-sized Bear play the space checkers. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00007-00004364-00004614 Huge Bear plays a computer game. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00008-00004656-00004890 Until the phone rings. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00009-00005083-00005433 Grandma asks them to do the shopping for her. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00010-00005556-00005774 And they promise to go. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00011-00006559-00006904 As the bears are away, Goldilocks arrives. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00012-00007031-00007600 "I wonder who lives here, maybe I'll take a peek in" 5vQA70Sv-3o-00013-00007864-00008366 Goldilocks decides to try out a paused computer game. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00014-00008414-00008660 Goldilocks is not a very good player. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00015-00008716-00009136 Goldilocks explores more and sees the space checkers. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00016-00009292-00009602 Unfortunately Goldilocks is clumsy. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00017-00009638-00010016 Goldilocks decides to rest for a while in the bed. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00018-00010066-00010308 The bed is soft and Goldilocks falls asleep. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00019-00010416-00010714 "Who has taken our parking lot?", Bears wonder. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00020-00010866-00011270 "Who has messed up my computer game?", wonders Huge Bear. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00021-00011332-00011744 "Who has knocked down our space checkers?", wonders Middle-sized Bear. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00022-00011784-00012214 "But who is sleeping in my bed?", Little Bear wonders. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00023-00012250-00012718 Goldilocks wakes up, frightens and rushes out. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00024-00013102-00013462 Goldilocks speeds away as quickly as possible. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00025-00013874-00014088 That's the end of the story. 5vQA70Sv-3o-00026-00015016-00015740 Roles: Little Bear as Little Bear Chief Chirba as Middle-sized Bear Chewbacca as Huge Bear C-3PO as Goldilocks 5-yRD90gRyu-00000-00000000-00001320 beautylacehair.com 5BcW17vE_Yo-00000-00000050-00000367 GERALD FRIEDLAND: And the next thing goes directly into this. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00001-00000367-00000814 The online world is inseparable from the real world, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00002-00000814-00001436 So the online world is not a world. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00003-00001436-00001636 It's part of your physical world. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00004-00001636-00001877 We are online every day, every moment. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00005-00001877-00002197 And whatever you do online can get you in jail easily, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00006-00002197-00002455 It can get you killed probably, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00007-00002455-00003005 So there's no reason to think, oh, I'm this online anonymous somebody; 5BcW17vE_Yo-00008-00003005-00003146 I have a different persona. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00009-00003146-00003243 You're not. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00010-00003243-00003401 Right. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00011-00003401-00003624 And so here's the real story. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00012-00003624-00004104 The real story is there's a couple, I think, Ireland or Great Britain, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00013-00004104-00004215 to make this easy. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00014-00004215-00004510 They own a bar; happy, happy small business owners. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00015-00004510-00004981 And they serve drinks probably much, every night of the week. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00016-00004981-00005324 But they decided, at some point, they have to just close their bar 5BcW17vE_Yo-00017-00005324-00005466 and have a vacation. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00018-00005466-00005578 Good idea, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00019-00005578-00005628 So 5BcW17vE_Yo-00020-00005628-00005995 They post on Twitter, "free this week for a quick gossip/prep 5BcW17vE_Yo-00021-00005995-00006291 before I go and destroy America. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00022-00006291-00006397 Kiss." 5BcW17vE_Yo-00023-00006397-00007013 So the point here is what does that say? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00024-00007013-00007063 Right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00025-00007063-00007758 So that says, to their bodies, that means let's chat a little bit before we 5BcW17vE_Yo-00026-00007758-00008048 close our bar, because then we go and have party. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00027-00008048-00008516 And they actually want to go to New York, basically party 5BcW17vE_Yo-00028-00008516-00008886 through the nights, because that's what their word "destroy" means; 5BcW17vE_Yo-00029-00008886-00009071 partying through the night. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00030-00009071-00009377 Well, when they arrived at the airport, TSA 5BcW17vE_Yo-00031-00009377-00009907 caught them and said, yeah, so you're coming here to destroy America? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00032-00009907-00010184 And they were hold at the airport, and they were sent back. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00033-00010184-00010351 And that is just because they were nice. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00034-00010351-00010582 Because if you go and say you will destroy America, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00035-00010582-00010793 that could be way other consequences. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00036-00010793-00010912 So here's the other problem. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00037-00010912-00011313 Whatever you do online could be misinterpreted by other entities. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00038-00011313-00011663 And to be frank, if I'm a TSA agent and it's 5BcW17vE_Yo-00039-00011663-00012062 my goal to actually keep America from destruction, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00040-00012062-00012226 well, wouldn't you detain them? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00041-00012226-00012276 Right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00042-00012276-00012388 This is the problem, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00043-00012388-00012764 So the problem here is that whatever you post completely 5BcW17vE_Yo-00044-00012764-00013126 publicly will be read by the people in their way. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00045-00013126-00013894 And again, also, yes, TSA and these people scan through tweets and scan 5BcW17vE_Yo-00046-00013894-00014000 through Facebook. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00047-00014000-00014434 So just because it's on the internet, doesn't mean you didn't say it, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00048-00014434-00014956 In fact, because you said it on the internet, it's way more public. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00049-00014956-00015188 So online actions have real world consequences. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00050-00015188-00015428 Real world actions have online consequences. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00051-00015428-00015618 And there's basically no difference. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00052-00015618-00015919 Just really, there is none, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00053-00015919-00016141 So two more before we close. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00054-00016141-00016386 So the identity is not guaranteed on the internet. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00055-00016386-00016602 So this is the one that's so funny, because I said 5BcW17vE_Yo-00056-00016602-00016876 before, there's no anonymity, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00057-00016876-00017052 But then there's no identity either. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00058-00017052-00017410 And if you want to stay with Tinder, how hard is it to create a Facebook profile 5BcW17vE_Yo-00059-00017410-00017712 and appear on Tinder as somebody who is completely different? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00060-00017712-00017829 Not hard. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00061-00017829-00018107 Put out a photo, fake a name and age. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00062-00018107-00018300 Well, that's hard, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00063-00018300-00018424 That's not hard at all. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00064-00018424-00018630 So basically, people will trust you though, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00065-00018630-00018843 and I don't even have to do that experiment. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00066-00018843-00019058 So consider the consequences, if the person 5BcW17vE_Yo-00067-00019058-00019504 you are giving the information to is not who he or she claims. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00068-00019504-00019984 So basically, when you're doing online transactions on Craigslist, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00069-00019984-00020255 there's so much fraud out there, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00070-00020255-00020531 When you do anything on the internet, you just 5BcW17vE_Yo-00071-00020531-00020933 have to assume it's not the person who claims to be. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00072-00020933-00020991 So right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00073-00020991-00021159 So don't send anything. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00074-00021159-00021325 Don't send money. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00075-00021325-00021766 Go meet people in person on a public place when you do transactions 5BcW17vE_Yo-00076-00021766-00021889 like this, and so on. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00077-00021889-00022359 Don't give them their address or be trustworthy. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00078-00022359-00022573 It's so easy to fake an identity. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00079-00022573-00022647 Yes. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00080-00022647-00022986 In the end, if something happened, the FBI 5BcW17vE_Yo-00081-00022986-00023489 will probably find out who it was, because anonymity is not there. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00082-00023489-00023804 But it's better to prevent stuff than to be sorry, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00083-00023804-00024212 So basically, then, use secondary sources of verification. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00084-00024212-00024492 Sometimes, just call them. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00085-00024492-00024574 Oh, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00086-00024574-00025132 So a call is so much safer than just a random email. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00087-00025132-00025527 And if in doubt, again, don't share money information, or whatever, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00088-00025527-00025951 with people that you don't know who they are. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00089-00025951-00026460 So now, the next thing is, oh my god, maybe I should be anti-progressive. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00090-00026460-00026779 I'm doing CS 10, but maybe this was all a mistake. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00091-00026779-00026981 I will not be online at all anymore. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00092-00026981-00027332 I would just basically do it all old school, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00093-00027332-00027536 So here's your problem. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00094-00027536-00028149 You can't avoid having an information footprint by not going online, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00095-00028149-00028270 Why? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00096-00028270-00028558 Well, think about the kitten. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00097-00028558-00028779 If you're a kitten, you're not actively going online. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00098-00028779-00029168 But the point is people share stuff about you. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00099-00029168-00029452 The government shares stuff about you. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00100-00029452-00029845 The employers share stuff about you. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00101-00029845-00030186 And most importantly, who are your biggest privacy intruders? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00102-00030695-00031288 Your friends and family, because you go to a party or you visit them. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00103-00031288-00031556 And they're like, oh, it was so nice to have visited them. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00104-00031556-00031836 Boom, you're online. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00105-00031836-00032221 So the best thing you can do about it is you 5BcW17vE_Yo-00106-00032221-00032542 can share what you've learned today with your colleagues, friends and family, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00107-00032542-00033133 because then, they can be more respectful of your privacy. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00108-00033133-00033492 But then, also, don't post about others, by the way. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00109-00033492-00033713 That's one thing that I usually tell people. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00110-00033713-00033966 Why do you post about others, right? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00111-00033966-00034136 Because that's the point. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00112-00034136-00034650 So the next problem is-- and that's the final one-- who has an interest 5BcW17vE_Yo-00113-00034650-00035030 in maintaining your privacy? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00114-00035030-00035436 Only you yourself have an interest in maintaining your privacy. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00115-00035436-00035834 So the government, as we know, will not be really-- 5BcW17vE_Yo-00116-00035834-00036190 I mean, they will do something, but only if you say something. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00117-00036190-00036373 But in general, first of all, they're not 5BcW17vE_Yo-00118-00036373-00036581 interested in your personal privacy. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00119-00036581-00037038 The industry absolutely isn't, because we've seen all these examples. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00120-00037038-00037401 And so your friends and family don't think about it, most likely. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00121-00037401-00037704 So who's really interested in your privacy? 5BcW17vE_Yo-00122-00037704-00038018 Well, you yourself. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00123-00038018-00038323 I was going to say you, yourself, and I, but this doesn't make any sense. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00124-00038323-00038442 But it's really just you. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00125-00038442-00038704 And now, here's the problem. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00126-00038704-00038965 Privacy requires work. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00127-00038965-00039487 If you don't do anything, if you ignore this, if you do the ostrich approach, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00128-00039487-00039644 you're not private. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00129-00039644-00039774 So privacy requires work. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00130-00039774-00039933 You have to actively search for stuff. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00131-00039933-00040140 You have to actively use encryption. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00132-00040140-00040499 You have to actively try to not be found. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00133-00040499-00040906 That's the only way you can actually be private. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00134-00040906-00041270 So you have to opt out. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00135-00041270-00041500 So if you want to now have more information about this, 5BcW17vE_Yo-00136-00041500-00041849 go to www.teachingprivacy.org. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00137-00041849-00042180 And with that, I leave you. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00138-00042180-00042510 And there's a lot of entertaining videos on this site. 5BcW17vE_Yo-00139-00042510-00042866 So have a good day. 5C9laQPAYaM-00000-00000112-00000344 jesus's gospel was not 5C9laQPAYaM-00001-00000344-00001592 jesus centric it was pointing to the holy ghost who would come after him 5C9laQPAYaM-00002-00001968-00002624 the holy ghost is god in the earth today and you walk with him by saying words my name is 5C9laQPAYaM-00003-00002624-00003144 Andrew Hemstrought thank you for joining us is your first time here make sure you subscribe 5C9laQPAYaM-00004-00003215-00003736 if this isn't your first time here and these messages are blessing you then consider becoming a 5C9laQPAYaM-00005-00003736-00004448 partner with us i speak with authority on certain things you can understand that right i preach 5C9laQPAYaM-00006-00004448-00005272 that the holy ghost is god in the earth today and that we walk with him say with him by saying words 5C9laQPAYaM-00007-00005368-00005944 we didn't just magically show up here at this message we were brought here say brought here 5C9laQPAYaM-00008-00006096-00006680 specifically by jesus himself we're not making this up he made it up if anybody 5C9laQPAYaM-00009-00006680-00007304 made it up he made it up and frankly if jesus made it up i'm good with it but i preach holy 5C9laQPAYaM-00010-00007304-00007759 ghost and i preach holy ghost and i preach holy ghost and i preach i'm going to show you why 5C9laQPAYaM-00011-00007856-00008544 tonight but someone criticized me for preaching holy ghost and not preaching enough about jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00012-00008544-00008816 well the fact is you don't know what you're talking about 5C9laQPAYaM-00013-00008888-00009496 because the only way we got here was by the words of jesus we know that here because 5C9laQPAYaM-00014-00009496-00010080 we've been through this but a lot of people are walking around in a religious conception of jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00015-00010208-00010728 which keeps them from knowing the real jesus and receiving the holy ghost as god in the earth today 5C9laQPAYaM-00016-00010832-00011600 so i'm not enamored with your religious conception of jesus and that's true but if we're talking 5C9laQPAYaM-00017-00011600-00012272 about the real jesus the one who's at the right hand of the father and shall returns they shall 5C9laQPAYaM-00018-00012272-00013056 return the real jesus actual jesus then i love the actual jesus and i preach about him all the time 5C9laQPAYaM-00019-00013256-00013376 say i love this jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00020-00013680-00013919 well we could not be where we are 5C9laQPAYaM-00021-00014047-00014696 today say today you know today is right the time you're living we couldn't be where we are 5C9laQPAYaM-00022-00014696-00015312 today without the real jesus and without what real jesus did for us that's right 5C9laQPAYaM-00023-00015552-00016464 that's me preaching jesus get over it so without jesus the real jesus what he did and what he 5C9laQPAYaM-00024-00016464-00017232 accomplished we wouldn't be where we are today i couldn't say the words the holy ghost is god in 5C9laQPAYaM-00025-00017232-00017832 the earth today and you walk with him by saying words we wouldn't be here that's where we are 5C9laQPAYaM-00026-00018064-00019440 well jesus himself said that he would send another say he would send himself is that what he said 5C9laQPAYaM-00027-00019440-00020248 no he would send another so after everything that jesus account we're going to talk about that today 5C9laQPAYaM-00028-00020248-00021000 but ever after everything that jesus accomplished he said he was going to finish it and send another 5C9laQPAYaM-00029-00021128-00021544 yes he does some intercession but he's doing that from the right hand of the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00030-00021544-00022448 do you understand he said i will send another a big part of jesus's ministry was preparing 5C9laQPAYaM-00031-00022448-00023192 the way for the another to come in fact he said if i don't depart if i don't do what i have to do 5C9laQPAYaM-00032-00023192-00024024 and leave he won't even come that's right first peter 2 24 who his own self bear 5C9laQPAYaM-00033-00024080-00024712 our sins in his own body on the tree that means on the cross you understand 5C9laQPAYaM-00034-00024808-00025608 who did this jesus jesus did it he bore our sins in his own body on the cross whose sins did he 5C9laQPAYaM-00035-00025608-00026568 bear his own no he bore your sins he bore my sins thank god which means i can stand without sin 5C9laQPAYaM-00036-00026568-00027368 before god specifically god the holy ghost that we being dead to sins should live unto 5C9laQPAYaM-00037-00027432-00028392 righteousness by whose stripes you were healed so he paid the price for your sins he paid the 5C9laQPAYaM-00038-00028392-00029192 price for your sicknesses and diseases and we all we understand this is substitutionary sacrifice 5C9laQPAYaM-00039-00029248-00029639 right i'm not going to go through all the scriptures there's plenty of other scriptures 5C9laQPAYaM-00040-00029720-00030576 that talk about this jesus bore our sins jesus took away by substitutionary sacrifice 5C9laQPAYaM-00041-00030576-00031416 our sicknesses and diseases where does that leave us it leaves us without sin and without sickness 5C9laQPAYaM-00042-00031488-00032232 now is this okay yeah i'm talking about where we are today because of what he did there's 5C9laQPAYaM-00043-00032232-00032928 a lesser known part of this substitutionary sacrifice second corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 5C9laQPAYaM-00044-00033080-00033400 for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was 5C9laQPAYaM-00045-00033472-00034504 rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be rich you through his 5C9laQPAYaM-00046-00034504-00035248 bearing poverty might be rich he bore your sins so you could be the righteousness of god he bore 5C9laQPAYaM-00047-00035248-00035896 away your sicknesses so that you could be healed he bore away your poverty so that you could be 5C9laQPAYaM-00048-00036048-00037184 rich and don't stutter when you say it so through the death burial and resurrection he overcame it 5C9laQPAYaM-00049-00037184-00037992 all the bible says he overcame death and the grave as great and necessary as all that is being raised 5C9laQPAYaM-00050-00037992-00038816 from the dead and overcoming all of that stuff that wasn't the whole point of jesus's ministry 5C9laQPAYaM-00051-00038936-00039920 and purpose in life you say what what it wasn't so that you could die and go to heaven he was 5C9laQPAYaM-00052-00039920-00040728 pointing to the one that was gonna come after him and over and over and over and over and i'm 5C9laQPAYaM-00053-00040728-00041200 going to read many of these verses tonight he's talking about the another that's going to come 5C9laQPAYaM-00054-00041376-00041744 i'm going to go away and then another one is going to come 5C9laQPAYaM-00055-00042104-00042792 so just like john the baptist his life his purpose his ministry 5C9laQPAYaM-00056-00042904-00043584 was to point to jesus and his message was that one coming after me 5C9laQPAYaM-00057-00043720-00044448 remember that yes was john the baptist a prophet did jesus come after him did it come to pass yes 5C9laQPAYaM-00058-00044640-00045440 matthew chapter 3 verse 1 in those days came john the baptist preaching in the wilderness of judea 5C9laQPAYaM-00059-00045504-00046424 verse 11 and i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that comes after me 5C9laQPAYaM-00060-00046624-00047656 is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear and he shall baptize you with the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00061-00047768-00048624 and with fire now john the baptist the prophet he came and he said somebody's coming after me 5C9laQPAYaM-00062-00048768-00049496 did that happen yes then he said what this person coming after him would do 5C9laQPAYaM-00063-00049624-00050968 he said and prophesied what the ministry of jesus would be and do he shall baptize you into fully 5C9laQPAYaM-00064-00050968-00051872 immerse you into the holy ghost john the baptist ministry was to point to and get you into jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00065-00051960-00052696 right yes but jesus came and if he was going to fulfill what what john the baptist said 5C9laQPAYaM-00066-00052864-00053736 would be to get you into the holy ghost if you followed and obeyed the ministry of jesus in the 5C9laQPAYaM-00067-00053736-00054400 words of jesus you would be fully immersed into the holy ghost and we know that he's god in the 5C9laQPAYaM-00068-00054400-00055167 earth today are you getting this so just like john the baptist his purpose in life and his ministry 5C9laQPAYaM-00069-00055167-00056216 was to bring you into lead you and point to say 0.2 point to jesus remember he said there he is 5C9laQPAYaM-00070-00056216-00057032 same way that john the baptist pointed to jesus jesus pointed to the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00071-00057255-00057952 amen yes now people don't like this because they seem like i'm being sacrilegious or i'm 5C9laQPAYaM-00072-00057952-00058384 being somewhat holy ghost-centric instead of jesus-centric but jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00073-00058488-00059255 himself in his ministry wasn't jesus-centric he was holy ghost-centric john chapter 14 5C9laQPAYaM-00074-00059336-00060184 and verse 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you 5C9laQPAYaM-00075-00060376-00061279 another comforter that he may abide with you forever he's going to give you another 5C9laQPAYaM-00076-00061424-00062072 say another does that mean the same one another comforter that he say he 5C9laQPAYaM-00077-00062167-00062896 he will abide with you forever so obviously he is a person that jesus is going to pray to the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00078-00063008-00063904 to send say another person another person that he may abide where with you 5C9laQPAYaM-00079-00064096-00064960 jesus went to the father prayed the father to send another that he he would abide with 5C9laQPAYaM-00080-00064960-00065688 you if this happened then we were introduced by jesus to the holy who's saying this by the way 5C9laQPAYaM-00081-00065768-00066488 looks like jesus is saying it who's he pointing to but he's pointing to the holy ghost that he's 5C9laQPAYaM-00082-00066488-00066896 gonna abide with you forever he didn't say he's gonna abide with you forever 5C9laQPAYaM-00083-00067280-00068128 jesus gospel was not jesus centric it was pointing to the holy ghost who would come after him 5C9laQPAYaM-00084-00068496-00069192 john chapter 14 verse 25 these things have i spoken unto you being yet present with you 5C9laQPAYaM-00085-00069256-00069880 what do you think that means when he was there so he's talking about when he's not going to 5C9laQPAYaM-00086-00069880-00070488 be there right these things have i spoken to you being yet present with you verse 26 5C9laQPAYaM-00087-00070488-00071376 but the comforter which is the holy ghost now we know who exactly the comforter is he's revealed 5C9laQPAYaM-00088-00071376-00072296 him isn't that amazing jesus is revealing the holy ghost to people when he was here 5C9laQPAYaM-00089-00072592-00072800 but the comforter which is the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00090-00072984-00073568 whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things 5C9laQPAYaM-00091-00073768-00074112 jesus said he's going to pray the father are you still here i'm trying to walk you through 5C9laQPAYaM-00092-00074112-00074616 it he's going to pray to the father and then he said the father will send 5C9laQPAYaM-00093-00074784-00075192 the comforter who is the holy ghost whom the father will send 5C9laQPAYaM-00094-00075280-00076152 are you getting this who is jesus talking about the holy ghost was jesus talking about himself 5C9laQPAYaM-00095-00076256-00077224 no he's talking about him and the father sending the holy ghost and he will be with you 5C9laQPAYaM-00096-00077224-00078176 he's a person the father will send a person the father will send another are you getting this 5C9laQPAYaM-00097-00078376-00078976 jesus said he sent another the father said he'll send another so it's not the father it's not 5C9laQPAYaM-00098-00078976-00079864 jesus they're going to send another and he said who he is the holy ghost am i bothering you yet 5C9laQPAYaM-00099-00079960-00081072 john chapter 15 verse 26 but when the comforter is come whom i will send unto you from the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00100-00081296-00081432 even the spirit of truth 5C9laQPAYaM-00101-00081736-00082784 john chapter 13 and verse 20. verily verily i say unto you he that receives whomsoever i send 5C9laQPAYaM-00102-00082864-00083496 receives me now i just read several verses on jesus is going to 5C9laQPAYaM-00103-00083576-00084504 send another he's going to send to whom he's going to send the holy ghost verily verily i say unto 5C9laQPAYaM-00104-00084504-00085128 you he that receives whomsoever i send receives me and he that receives me receives him that sent me 5C9laQPAYaM-00105-00085232-00085936 is that in your bible yes so we're supposed to receive the one that jesus sent 5C9laQPAYaM-00106-00086088-00086680 so over and over and over he said he's going to send 5C9laQPAYaM-00107-00086768-00087648 someone john the baptist said someone is coming after me jesus i read all 5C9laQPAYaM-00108-00087648-00088168 these verses there are plenty other ones where he said someone is coming after me 5C9laQPAYaM-00109-00088352-00088744 and would not come if i didn't go away and do what i needed to do 5C9laQPAYaM-00110-00088912-00090328 john chapter 7 verse 39 this spake he of who's jesus speaking of the spirit this spake he 5C9laQPAYaM-00111-00090328-00091184 jesus of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive that's in the future 5C9laQPAYaM-00112-00091352-00092272 for the holy ghost was not yet given because jesus was not yet glorified 5C9laQPAYaM-00113-00092488-00092880 this spake he of the spirit that they should receive 5C9laQPAYaM-00114-00093128-00093696 this spake he jesus of the spirit that they should receive 5C9laQPAYaM-00115-00093960-00094296 john chapter 16 and then let's look at verse 5C9laQPAYaM-00116-00094424-00096024 7. who's saying this jesus nevertheless i tell you the truth it's expedient for you that i go away 5C9laQPAYaM-00117-00096320-00097048 for if i go not away the comforter who do we know the comforter is already holy holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00118-00097048-00097800 the comforter will not come unto you but if but if i depart i will send him unto you so jesus has 5C9laQPAYaM-00119-00097800-00098768 to go away say go away he went away and then was going to send from ever wherever the away was the 5C9laQPAYaM-00120-00098768-00099584 comforter unto you and we know the comforter is a person he's a he he's a whom he's the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00121-00099752-00100384 now let's look at acts chapter one let's see jesus's final words have you seen this so far 5C9laQPAYaM-00122-00100384-00100640 that jesus was saying i'm not making this up 5C9laQPAYaM-00123-00100768-00101336 jesus was saying these things jesus was pointing to the one who was going to come 5C9laQPAYaM-00124-00101752-00102511 so acts chapter one let's just read from verse one the former treaties i have made have i made 5C9laQPAYaM-00125-00102511-00103520 o theopolis of all that jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up say 5C9laQPAYaM-00126-00103520-00104552 he was taken up verse 4 and being assembled together with them commanded them that they 5C9laQPAYaM-00127-00104552-00105392 should not depart from jerusalem but these are the final words of jesus before he's taken up 5C9laQPAYaM-00128-00105824-00106496 do not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00129-00106559-00106880 which saith he you have heard of me 5C9laQPAYaM-00130-00107168-00107968 verse 5 for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not 5C9laQPAYaM-00131-00107968-00108680 many days hence he's repeating the words that john the baptist said at the beginning 5C9laQPAYaM-00132-00108783-00109432 of jesus's ministry what should have been the fulfillment of jesus ministry 5C9laQPAYaM-00133-00109432-00110135 is them being baptized or fully immersed into the another that came after him 5C9laQPAYaM-00134-00110328-00110920 his departing words john truly baptized with water but you shall 5C9laQPAYaM-00135-00110920-00111400 be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence who said this jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00136-00111680-00112632 read down verse 9. and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up 5C9laQPAYaM-00137-00112632-00113248 and the cloud received him out of their sight and while they looked is this okay to be is this did 5C9laQPAYaM-00138-00113248-00113928 this happen during the resurrection period of jesus is this part of the resurrection story 5C9laQPAYaM-00139-00113992-00114816 it's not in most places he was just raised from the dead but if all you do is talk about jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00140-00114816-00115576 being raised from the dead you left apart all out this whole part of his gospel and purpose of life 5C9laQPAYaM-00141-00115576-00116232 and ministry was to get you fully immersed into the another who was to come after him 5C9laQPAYaM-00142-00116335-00116992 which was the beginning of his ministry throughout his ministry and the last things he said to people 5C9laQPAYaM-00143-00117159-00117856 verse 9 and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received 5C9laQPAYaM-00144-00117856-00118768 him out of their sight verse 10 and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up 5C9laQPAYaM-00145-00118768-00119600 behold two men stood by them in white apparel verse 11 which also said ye 5C9laQPAYaM-00146-00119600-00120744 men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same jesus say this same jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00147-00120944-00121983 this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven where'd he go into heaven the same jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00148-00122040-00122928 taken up into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven 5C9laQPAYaM-00149-00123016-00123824 has this happened yet no no so where is this same jesus this jesus the real jesus in heaven 5C9laQPAYaM-00150-00124192-00124783 same jesus in like manner didn't say he's gonna come in the form of another 5C9laQPAYaM-00151-00125032-00125304 he said when he gets there he will send another 5C9laQPAYaM-00152-00125616-00126528 say he left and he sent another now now we're talking about the real jesus this same jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00153-00126528-00127072 you can see that's the real jesus right yes not fictional made up weird religious jesus 5C9laQPAYaM-00154-00127152-00127872 actual jesus physical jesus raised from the dead went up in a cloud while they were beholding 5C9laQPAYaM-00155-00127935-00129032 and shall return in like manner yes same jesus okay verse acts chapter 2 verse 32. 5C9laQPAYaM-00156-00129032-00129911 this jesus hath god raised up whereof we are all witnesses did they witness that 5C9laQPAYaM-00157-00130192-00130696 this jesus hath god raised up whereof we are all witnesses 5C9laQPAYaM-00158-00130935-00132256 33 where therefore being by the right hand of god exalted being actively god raised him 5C9laQPAYaM-00159-00132256-00133184 from the dead and being by the right hand of god exalted where is jesus now according to the bible 5C9laQPAYaM-00160-00133248-00134080 by the right hand of god exalted in heaven and having received of the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00161-00134176-00135288 the promise say the promise the holy ghost or the promise the holy ghost hath shed for this 5C9laQPAYaM-00162-00135424-00135872 which you're now seeing here of course he was talking about when they received the 5C9laQPAYaM-00163-00135872-00136408 holy ghost acts chapter 2 verse 1 through 4 on the day of pentecost and the holy ghost came 5C9laQPAYaM-00164-00136648-00136992 38 then peter said unto them repent 5C9laQPAYaM-00165-00137056-00137680 and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins 5C9laQPAYaM-00166-00138080-00139576 and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost verse 39 for the promise is unto you 5C9laQPAYaM-00167-00139944-00140656 who's unto you the promise so what was the end result of all this brethren what shall we do 5C9laQPAYaM-00168-00140656-00140968 repent be baptized in the name of jesus for the remission of sins 5C9laQPAYaM-00169-00141064-00142288 and the end and you'll receive the holy ghost who is the promise say the holy ghost is the promise 5C9laQPAYaM-00170-00142568-00142912 he didn't say any of that other stuff was the promise the promise 5C9laQPAYaM-00171-00142912-00143248 the end result was to receive the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00172-00143536-00143632 he's a person 5C9laQPAYaM-00173-00143848-00144448 jesus talked about receiving another that he would send he's called the promise 5C9laQPAYaM-00174-00144576-00144888 who shall you receive the holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00175-00145144-00145440 you can see that that was the promise way back from john the baptist 5C9laQPAYaM-00176-00145736-00146080 he said the guy who's coming after me he's greater than me 5C9laQPAYaM-00177-00146080-00146488 he's going to baptize you into the holy ghost yes 5C9laQPAYaM-00178-00146864-00147184 so who is with you holy ghost 5C9laQPAYaM-00179-00147512-00147984 i don't know of a single time where jesus said talked about him bearing the sins of the world 5C9laQPAYaM-00180-00147984-00148544 and leaving it there that's where it was going to stay it was never that it was always about him 5C9laQPAYaM-00181-00148544-00149304 making you acceptable cleaning you up so the holy ghost could come and be with you 5C9laQPAYaM-00182-00149304-00149632 and walk with you so that we can live in this day in this age 5C9laQPAYaM-00183-00149848-00150584 hebrews chapter 3 verse 7 wherefore as the holy ghost saith 5C9laQPAYaM-00184-00150720-00151744 who saith today if you will hear his voice whose voice the holy ghost's voice 5C9laQPAYaM-00185-00151968-00152784 as the holy ghost saith today if you will hear his voice 5C9laQPAYaM-00186-00152976-00153776 say today today what day are you in you're in the day where the holy ghost is god in the 5C9laQPAYaM-00187-00153776-00154728 earth today today not in the day of jesus day he accomplished what he needed to accomplish 5C9laQPAYaM-00188-00154728-00155312 and is being at the right hand of the father and has sent the holy ghost into the earth 5C9laQPAYaM-00189-00155432-00156048 the holy ghost is god in the earth today today if you will hear his voice 5C9laQPAYaM-00190-00156216-00156824 whose voice is it it's the holy ghost it's the one jesus sent 5C9laQPAYaM-00191-00156968-00157360 the fact is the holy ghost is god in the earth today we walk with him 5C9laQPAYaM-00192-00157632-00158720 this is where we're at it's a new reality brought to you by jesus himself say it's a new reality 5C9laQPAYaM-00193-00158840-00159224 brought to me brought to me by jesus himself 5C9laQPAYaM-00194-00159480-00160552 ii corinthians 13 verse 14. the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion 5C9laQPAYaM-00195-00160640-00160872 of the holy ghost be with you 5C9laQPAYaM-00196-00161080-00161928 communion is the word koinonia it means intimate personal fellowship it's only used when it's 5C9laQPAYaM-00197-00161928-00162664 involving a person he didn't say the communion of jesus he didn't say the communion of god the 5C9laQPAYaM-00198-00162664-00163608 father he said specifically the communion intimate personal daily relationship and fellowship 5C9laQPAYaM-00199-00163760-00164720 was with who holy ghost how'd we get here i hope you know now much more about how we got here 5C9laQPAYaM-00200-00164976-00165752 i know him i walk with him and i daily by speaking in agreement with his words 5C9laQPAYaM-00201-00165808-00166152 manifest the promises that come from him 5C9laQPAYaM-00202-00166368-00166784 in this earth say in this earth today 5C9laQPAYaM-00203-00167008-00167576 now if this gospel sounds different to you then you haven't gone far enough 5C9laQPAYaM-00204-00167752-00168096 you haven't gone to the completion of where the gospel should take you 5C9laQPAYaM-00205-00168096-00168744 it should take you here knowing the holy ghost as god and walking with him in the earth 5C9laQPAYaM-00206-00169056-00169584 leave jesus in heaven with the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00207-00169824-00170440 leave jesus in heaven with the father until as such time as they decide that 5C9laQPAYaM-00208-00170440-00171160 it's time for jesus to return in like manner that he went stop making up junk 5C9laQPAYaM-00209-00171360-00172040 jesus isn't here he's still being at the right hand of the father we now walk and have communion 5C9laQPAYaM-00210-00172040-00172640 with the holy ghost as god in the earth today and we know that we walk with him by saying words 5C9laQPAYaM-00211-00172888-00173384 jesus said if i don't depart well people aren't letting him depart you've got to let him go 5C9laQPAYaM-00212-00173384-00174384 leave him there and walk with the holy ghost fully receive and continue on with the holy ghost as god 5C9laQPAYaM-00213-00174512-00174952 fully received say fully received the one jesus sent 5C9laQPAYaM-00214-00175136-00175672 so we fully receive and continue on with the holy ghost as god in the earth are you getting this 5C9laQPAYaM-00215-00176008-00176584 and walk with him by speaking in agreement with his words if you do this 5C9laQPAYaM-00216-00176640-00177416 the manifestations that you will have from god will leap forward one hundredfold 5C9laQPAYaM-00217-00177704-00178224 walk with him by speaking in agreement with his words if you do this 5C9laQPAYaM-00218-00178312-00179088 the manifestations that you will have from god will leap forward one hundredfold 5C9laQPAYaM-00219-00179328-00179840 things that you were struggling with before will be will become easy you'll just forget about them 5C9laQPAYaM-00220-00180120-00180544 he says to you there's nothing i won't do for those who worship me 5C9laQPAYaM-00221-00180616-00181576 and speak in agreement with my words there's nothing i won't do for those who worship me and 5C9laQPAYaM-00222-00181576-00182448 speak in agreement with my words now you can see that that's completely different when than where 5C9laQPAYaM-00223-00182448-00183048 most people are they've not fully received him as god you know the holy ghost is god 5C9laQPAYaM-00224-00183408-00183728 but they've been receiving some kind of manufactured gospel 5C9laQPAYaM-00225-00183920-00184104 that doesn't allow him to be god 5C9laQPAYaM-00226-00184512-00185024 but if you'll worship him there's nothing he won't do for you when you worship him and speak 5C9laQPAYaM-00227-00185024-00186040 in agreement with his words if you will worship him only and speak his words only then watch out 5C9laQPAYaM-00228-00186280-00187264 nothing shall be impossible to you in the only is everything some of you will get that some of you 5C9laQPAYaM-00229-00187264-00187752 won't but anyway let me pray for you holy ghost i thank you that these people have heard this word 5C9laQPAYaM-00230-00187752-00188488 this evening and veils are being falling off things that have kept their eyes 5C9laQPAYaM-00231-00188488-00189056 blinded are being removed we thank you holy ghost that you're exposing the truth to these people 5C9laQPAYaM-00232-00189056-00189776 and they're beginning to walk in a new way in a new day in a living relationship with a living god 5C9laQPAYaM-00233-00189840-00190952 we thank you holy ghost for it in jesus name amen if you have a tithe or an offering hold it in your 5C9laQPAYaM-00234-00190952-00192008 hand say this after me holy ghost i worship you i walk with you as god in the earth today delivered 5C9laQPAYaM-00235-00192080-00193144 from all poverty and set in divine prosperity i thank you that all things are working 5C9laQPAYaM-00236-00193208-00193968 together for good for me right now in jesus name amen the father 5C9laQPAYaM-00237-00194704-00195608 your god is the earth today 5CgzKO0HCrU-00000-00000000-00000200 SUBSCRIBE ,Saher and comment 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00000-00000454-00000896 My name is Bianca Oana. I am a film producer based in Bucharest, Romania. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00001-00000968-00001738 I recently produced "Touch me not", the Golden Bear winner and the Best First Film in Berlinale 2018. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00002-00001839-00002424 I think "Touch me not" is a very good example of collaboration between European countries. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00003-00002460-00003494 It is not only a 5 countries co-production between Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and France. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00004-00003510-00003992 But also on a creative level, on an artistic level. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00005-00004070-00004660 The people who were involved in making the film come from various countries in Europe, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00006-00004672-00005384 the protagonists come from France, Iceland, Australia, Germany, Bulgaria. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00007-00005712-00006280 This wouldn't have been possible without the support of these European institutions, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00008-00006280-00007152 like Creative Europe MEDIA that funded the development or part of the development process, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00009-00007152-00008222 and also Eurimages and Torino Film Lab, let's say who were a great support creatively 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00010-00008222-00008700 but especially within the funding, with the funding, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00011-00008700-00009310 making European co-productions is not only about financing the budget. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00012-00009342-00010216 It enriches the creative process, if we wouldn't have this community, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00013-00010274-00010666 I think films would be a lot poorer, let's say. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00014-00010706-00011292 We have the opportunity to work within a larger area outside our country, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00015-00011310-00012262 and Creative Europe is exactly this environment which allows artists, so not only producers, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00016-00012262-00012978 but artists to come together and enhance their capacities. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00017-00013066-00013874 Romanian film industry has benefited a lot on international level these past years with a Romanian new wave. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00018-00013966-00014674 There are a lot of filmmakers like big names, let's call them that, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00019-00014674-00015068 like Cristian Mungiu and Corneliu Porumboiu, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00020-00015086-00016047 and also upcoming voices like directors I'm working with now, Adina Pintilie 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00021-00016072-00016514 who has done her first feature film "Touch me not", 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00022-00016532-00017622 also there is Alexander Nanau who is a documentary director, I'm working with him now on his latest project. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00023-00017648-00018830 I would say that the environment in Romania is now a bit shaky because of political upheaval. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00024-00018984-00020308 But the film area is in a process of transition as well, of finding, of discovering new paths, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00025-00020334-00021148 besides the Romanian new wave that has a specific aesthetics and the specific language. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00026-00021148-00021658 It's already becoming a bit old, so we've had the first Cristi Puiu, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00027-00021658-00022418 he made "The Death of Mr. Lazarescu" quite a few years ago, more than 10 I think, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00028-00022418-00023118 and Mungiu won his Palme d'Or in 2007, so it's time for a change, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00029-00023118-00023740 and I'm looking forward to that change and I think "Touch me not" and the success that it had 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00030-00023740-00024670 opened or should open new ways to filmmaking. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00031-00024738-00025838 As I said before being a producer right now in Europe is more... it has a strong economic side you know. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00032-00025877-00026810 The producer is usually responsible for obtaining financing and in Europe that financing comes from the states mainly. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00033-00026938-00027627 But, in my perspective, what is needed from a producer 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00034-00027627-00028389 is also part of creative work especially in the development stage. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00035-00028422-00029142 It's brings a responsibility and in the current world situation, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00036-00029142-00029695 undoing silences is quite an important aspect. 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00037-00030044-00030706 Well "Touch me not" actually tackles that in many respects, 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00038-00030756-00031332 it talks about intimacy and the relationship that we have with our estranged bodies 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00039-00031354-00032083 but moreover it talks about our relationship to the other or the others let's call it that 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00040-00032083-00033040 and this can be expanded on a European level and also on a universal level 5Dd6ufGCNSY-00041-00033054-00033462 on how can we get along better you know commoners. 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00000-00000064-00000784 just another channel to mention today. the gold imbalance has a 100 chance that its 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00001-00000784-00001328 videos would get updated, and that's because i was checking these oldest videos. i also found, 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00002-00001416-00002096 and its most popular videos, but also they wouldn't have received the update. it happened across all of 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00003-00002096-00002672 its videos, although there are other channels that are found, and this one is so sad. case 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00004-00002672-00003288 they don't get a million subscribers, and i also don't know what happened and what caused them. 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00005-00003464-00003968 either way, it's sad that the original transcripts for these videos is last forever, 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00006-00004152-00004576 and i also have tried some foods that i haven't tried in years. 5Dsq1ooD_LI-00007-00004664-00005144 including, well, these two foods, and one that i never tried. 5F_7WDSXJ2g-00000-00000000-00000200 beautylacehair.com 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00000-00000000-00000381 Hey, you got a minute? -I got a lot of minutes. -Of course you do you're retired. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00001-00000381-00000710 Blake, he's got what seven minutes per minute. He's a dog. So seven years 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00002-00000710-00001134 per. Oh, whatever. It's time for a One Minute Wednesday. We're here to 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00003-00001134-00001570 Cache-a-Saurous. that's right. we're gonna go after a Cachesaurous cache. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00004-00001586-00001886 Everybody on Instagram should know him. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00005-00001914-00002198 Cue the title. -Start the clock. -Go! 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00006-00002282-00002362 [loon call] 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00007-00002480-00002560 [loon call] 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00008-00003524-00003982 Okay, that's a pretty quick parking grab for a nice Cachesaurous cache. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00009-00003982-00004748 Let's see if Royalberries can find it. -Ha! I got it! -We got it. Yea! -Yea! 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00010-00004748-00005108 -Let's see. Official Geocache. Cachesaurous! 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00011-00005108-00005366 -We got a Cachesaurous cache, and! -I like Cachesaurous! 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00012-00005366-00005970 -I've got a bag swag that I need to drop off. We'll see what can fit in there. -Look what's in here. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00013-00005982-00006528 -Okay, we got a collection of some goodies to add to the cache. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00014-00006566-00007022 Got a Canada Remembrance Day. Well that'll be good, cuz it's coming up. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00015-00007086-00007473 Oh, it was Remembrance Day. Oh I dropped the snail. We'll put in a pencil, and 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00016-00007476-00008073 a Londonwesty pin, and a little clip, and some golden thing. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00017-00008102-00008552 There we go, add a couple things. Royalberries is going to add a Trackable. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00018-00008560-00008636 [loon call] 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00019-00008780-00008860 [loon call] 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00020-00009268-00009746 All back in place. Good to go. One minute. One cache. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00021-00009906-00010180 There we go! How did you like that one? 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00022-00010180-00010510 -I love anything that's Cachesaurous. -All right. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00023-00010510-00010952 You got your Cachesaurous cache. You got a cache for the day. Got our errands done. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00024-00010952-00011422 We're ready to go. -And a Trackabale. -And a Trackable. -We dropped a Trackable. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00025-00011422-00011762 Got more points for the month. You got your souvenir already. So that's good to go. -Yeah! 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00026-00011784-00012220 -Thanks for watching One Minute Wednesday. We'll catch you again next week on. 5LOHi1WoJ3E-00027-00012234-00013144 -Wednesday Cache Canada. -Wednesday Cache Canada, on Cache Canada, on Wednesday. See ya. -Bye! 5LRH7TwECtI-00000-00000025-00000428 Well, then... if our previous chapter didn't properly shock you 5LRH7TwECtI-00001-00000431-00000741 you weren't paying any attention! 5LRH7TwECtI-00002-00000821-00001202 Because in our search for happiness, we've introduced Buddha's solution 5LRH7TwECtI-00003-00001205-00001380 and it's kind of outrageous... 5LRH7TwECtI-00004-00001421-00001692 Because what Buddha proposed is that 5LRH7TwECtI-00005-00001695-00002018 HAPPINESS IS OUR NATURAL STATE! 5LRH7TwECtI-00006-00002091-00002479 You don't need to ADD anything to yourself to be blissfully happy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00007-00002521-00002961 Just REMOVE what makes you unhappy or what makes you suffer. 5LRH7TwECtI-00008-00003038-00003241 And how are you going to do that? 5LRH7TwECtI-00009-00003291-00003450 And that's another shocker! 5LRH7TwECtI-00010-00003484-00003774 You're going to do that by solving the riddle! 5LRH7TwECtI-00011-00003840-00004723 And the riddle goes like this: when you say "I", what EXACTLY do you mean? 5LRH7TwECtI-00012-00004817-00005149 It may seem like a silly question, but actually it's not, 5LRH7TwECtI-00013-00005153-00005834 because it turns out there are two possible perspectives on that issue of "I-ness". 5LRH7TwECtI-00014-00005922-00006154 One is a regular, everyday perspective 5LRH7TwECtI-00015-00006157-00006524 that most of us all around the world share 5LRH7TwECtI-00016-00006525-00006903 and that is a perspective of your thinking mind. 5LRH7TwECtI-00017-00006966-00007255 People all around the world, all the time 5LRH7TwECtI-00018-00007257-00007614 are identifying themselves with their thoughts, 5LRH7TwECtI-00019-00007618-00007981 emotions and perceptions and body sensations and so on and so on... 5LRH7TwECtI-00020-00007984-00008324 So you will hear people say things like: "I THINK that." 5LRH7TwECtI-00021-00008463-00008847 So my "I" has an opinion about something. 5LRH7TwECtI-00022-00008951-00009237 Or even "I AM angry." 5LRH7TwECtI-00023-00009258-00009839 So, that "I-ness" that I have (somehow), is being consumed 5LRH7TwECtI-00024-00009841-00010015 by the emotion of anger. 5LRH7TwECtI-00025-00010017-00010391 Because "I" IS angry, or "I" am angry. 5LRH7TwECtI-00026-00010472-00010647 Well... Maybe. 5LRH7TwECtI-00027-00010649-00010972 But you may ask yourself an interesting question: 5LRH7TwECtI-00028-00010998-00011311 How do I know that I am angry? 5LRH7TwECtI-00029-00011390-00011672 Or how do I know what I'm thinking? 5LRH7TwECtI-00030-00011770-00012243 There is another perspective on that same I-ness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00031-00012298-00012557 You may call it a WITNESSING perspective 5LRH7TwECtI-00032-00012564-00013181 that is perfectly aware of your thoughts and emotions and body sensations, 5LRH7TwECtI-00033-00013183-00013685 but it's somehow... It's not pulled into all that drama 5LRH7TwECtI-00034-00013687-00014103 of emotions and thoughts and perceptions swirling around you, 5LRH7TwECtI-00035-00014103-00014473 blowing you around like a leaf in the wind and so on and so on... 5LRH7TwECtI-00036-00014503-00014848 And that perspective, that witnessing perspective 5LRH7TwECtI-00037-00014848-00015341 is what Buddha called your "True Nature", or your "True Self", 5LRH7TwECtI-00038-00015413-00015671 and that is a position of power! 5LRH7TwECtI-00039-00015705-00015868 That is your position of power. 5LRH7TwECtI-00040-00015868-00016421 When you pull yourself out of the drama of your thoughts and emotions 5LRH7TwECtI-00041-00016424-00016662 to the witnessing perspective! 5LRH7TwECtI-00042-00016662-00017123 You may observe your thoughts and your emotions 5LRH7TwECtI-00043-00017125-00017710 and your perceptions, without being pulled into all that drama. 5LRH7TwECtI-00044-00017789-00017997 So it turns out there are two 5LRH7TwECtI-00045-00018000-00018357 possible perspectives: you may call it your "True Nature", 5LRH7TwECtI-00046-00018359-00018762 you may call it your "false nature", or your false identification or Ego, 5LRH7TwECtI-00047-00018764-00019204 however you wish, and it is a perfect example that 5LRH7TwECtI-00048-00019206-00019540 "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble." 5LRH7TwECtI-00049-00019540-00019934 "It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." 5LRH7TwECtI-00050-00019997-00020490 That shift from identification with your thinking mind 5LRH7TwECtI-00051-00020490-00020718 to identification with your True Self, 5LRH7TwECtI-00052-00020721-00021170 your witnessing perspective; is really profound shift 5LRH7TwECtI-00053-00021172-00021638 with immense practical applications in your everyday life. 5LRH7TwECtI-00054-00021684-00021983 And, of course, we talked a lot about that in our previous chapter, 5LRH7TwECtI-00055-00021983-00022221 so if you feel the need to update your understanding 5LRH7TwECtI-00056-00022223-00022446 or refresh your memory, please go back and watch it, 5LRH7TwECtI-00057-00022471-00022986 but for now, we'll just share one simple example just to get us going. 5LRH7TwECtI-00058-00023087-00023608 So, let's say, for example, that you asked your friend for a favour. 5LRH7TwECtI-00059-00023617-00023848 Maybe you asked him to pick you up at the airport 5LRH7TwECtI-00060-00023848-00024142 when you return from your holidays with your wife. 5LRH7TwECtI-00061-00024198-00024494 But, right now, you are sitting at the airport with your wife 5LRH7TwECtI-00062-00024494-00024821 and with your luggage - and he is not there. 5LRH7TwECtI-00063-00024897-00025468 And then you call him on the phone to see what's going on and he is at home 5LRH7TwECtI-00064-00025471-00025825 because he completely forgot about it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00065-00025938-00026174 And now you are angry! 5LRH7TwECtI-00066-00026193-00026575 How could he?!? That idiot! 5LRH7TwECtI-00067-00026642-00027104 Or you are feeling guilty because: "That's my fault!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00068-00027137-00027649 I should have known that I cannot rely on him or I should have, at least, 5LRH7TwECtI-00069-00027721-00028106 reminded him yesterday to pick me up today. 5LRH7TwECtI-00070-00028157-00028697 Or maybe you feel sad because "these days you can't rely on anyone." 5LRH7TwECtI-00071-00028800-00029026 But most likely you are angry. 5LRH7TwECtI-00072-00029138-00029299 And then... 5LRH7TwECtI-00073-00029316-00029438 What are you going to do? 5LRH7TwECtI-00074-00029438-00029786 Of course, you're going to take a cab and that cab is going to take you home, 5LRH7TwECtI-00075-00029789-00029892 no big deal. 5LRH7TwECtI-00076-00029892-00030382 But if you IDENTIFY yourself with that emotion of anger, 5LRH7TwECtI-00077-00030412-00030788 by saying "I am angry", by feeling angry, 5LRH7TwECtI-00078-00030849-00031338 then you are going to spend the rest of the day being angry, 5LRH7TwECtI-00079-00031338-00031643 and maybe even tomorrow, and the day after that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00080-00031646-00031971 And during that time you are going to have angry thoughts, 5LRH7TwECtI-00081-00031971-00032329 you are going to think about what are you going to tell him. 5LRH7TwECtI-00082-00032331-00032831 And how are you going to get even, or whatever. 5LRH7TwECtI-00083-00032901-00033149 And that just doesn't serve you! 5LRH7TwECtI-00084-00033149-00033737 And you will assume that your anger is justified 5LRH7TwECtI-00085-00033739-00033978 because your mind will make it real. 5LRH7TwECtI-00086-00033978-00034377 And it will create more thoughts and more sensations 5LRH7TwECtI-00087-00034379-00034770 that will put you in a vibration of anger and give you, somehow, 5LRH7TwECtI-00088-00034770-00035010 "the right" to be angry. 5LRH7TwECtI-00089-00035074-00035806 But, what really makes you suffer in this moment is not the thing itself, 5LRH7TwECtI-00090-00035809-00036140 because, you know, he just didn’t come, 5LRH7TwECtI-00091-00036140-00036391 and you took a cab and everything is fine. 5LRH7TwECtI-00092-00036408-00036972 It is your mental complaining: "How could he?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00093-00036974-00037234 "I should have known better!" Blah, blah, blah! 5LRH7TwECtI-00094-00037296-00037764 That's what's keeping you in the state of anger. 5LRH7TwECtI-00095-00037851-00038129 Because you are holding on to anger. 5LRH7TwECtI-00096-00038131-00038492 It is YOU who are holding on to anger. 5LRH7TwECtI-00097-00038525-00038934 Maybe someone made you angry for, I don't know, 15 seconds, a minute... 5LRH7TwECtI-00098-00038937-00039310 But everything after that is YOUR holding on to anger, 5LRH7TwECtI-00099-00039312-00039819 YOU are drinking the poison and expect the other person, your friend, to die. 5LRH7TwECtI-00100-00039890-00040327 And that just doesn't serve you in any positive way. 5LRH7TwECtI-00101-00040366-00040849 It's your mental complaining that's creating that suffering. 5LRH7TwECtI-00102-00040923-00041453 And if you identify yourself with the false self, 5LRH7TwECtI-00103-00041456-00041757 with your thinking mind, with your perceptions, 5LRH7TwECtI-00104-00041760-00042114 with your sensation of anger, emotion of anger, angry thoughts... 5LRH7TwECtI-00105-00042188-00042604 Well, then you are just going to stay in that state 5LRH7TwECtI-00106-00042607-00043110 for prolonged period of time. Maybe hours, maybe days, maybe weeks. 5LRH7TwECtI-00107-00043163-00043761 BUT, if you identify yourself with your True Nature, 5LRH7TwECtI-00108-00043778-00044139 if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 5LRH7TwECtI-00109-00044141-00044511 thoughts are something that you HAVE, not something that you ARE; 5LRH7TwECtI-00110-00044550-00045076 emotions, body sensations, this is all something that you HAVE; not something that you ARE; 5LRH7TwECtI-00111-00045098-00045557 You will notice: "Oh, look, I'm angry..." 5LRH7TwECtI-00112-00045655-00045892 Does that serve me in any positive way? 5LRH7TwECtI-00113-00045892-00046158 No. I can't change the past. 5LRH7TwECtI-00114-00046172-00046392 He was supposed to pick me up and he didn't. 5LRH7TwECtI-00115-00046437-00046673 I mean - so what? 5LRH7TwECtI-00116-00046675-00047068 So now I am sitting in a cab and I am going home and everything is fine. 5LRH7TwECtI-00117-00047068-00047839 And I can CHOOSE to respond to that situation - not just react, 5LRH7TwECtI-00118-00047841-00048046 but to respond to that situation differently. 5LRH7TwECtI-00119-00048046-00048533 I am just going to forget about it, and I'm going to enjoy this beautiful day 5LRH7TwECtI-00120-00048567-00049009 And I'm not going to dwell into my anger. 5LRH7TwECtI-00121-00049100-00049578 But, and this is the kicker... 5LRH7TwECtI-00122-00049679-00050008 It is just not easy for us. 5LRH7TwECtI-00123-00050010-00050308 It doesn't come naturally to any of us 5LRH7TwECtI-00124-00050343-00050710 to assume that witnessing position. 5LRH7TwECtI-00125-00050764-00051152 You need to remind yourself daily 5LRH7TwECtI-00126-00051183-00051588 that emotions and thoughts are something that you have 5LRH7TwECtI-00127-00051590-00051834 and not something that you are, 5LRH7TwECtI-00128-00051837-00052435 and you are doing that by sitting in the meditation at least 15 minutes a day. 5LRH7TwECtI-00129-00052529-00052861 And when you sit in meditation, you observe your thoughts, 5LRH7TwECtI-00130-00052864-00053347 you observe your emotions, you observe your perceptions and body sensations 5LRH7TwECtI-00131-00053349-00053677 without any judgment. 5LRH7TwECtI-00132-00053959-00054349 This is actually the key and there are many stories in 5LRH7TwECtI-00133-00054420-00054992 Buddhist tradition and Zen tradition that are designed to show you 5LRH7TwECtI-00134-00054995-00055576 that difference between being a part of a drama and just witnessing it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00135-00055608-00055921 And some of them may seem even cruel 5LRH7TwECtI-00136-00055962-00056478 because they are designed to jolt you into understanding. 5LRH7TwECtI-00137-00056494-00057183 So, for example, there is one story that says that one lady comes to a Zen master, 5LRH7TwECtI-00138-00057244-00057426 old, wise man, 5LRH7TwECtI-00139-00057428-00058104 and she has a problem because her husband passed away few years back, 5LRH7TwECtI-00140-00058128-00058678 but she is still very sad, and she says that: "Whenever I think about him 5LRH7TwECtI-00141-00058679-00059358 I feel sadness and heaviness and I miss him so much. What should I do?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00142-00059419-00059879 And he said: "Well, lady, in that case - just don't think about him." 5LRH7TwECtI-00143-00060110-00060473 It's kind of obvious, but of course there is something inside us 5LRH7TwECtI-00144-00060473-00061050 that immediately jumps out: "You know, that wasn't a nice thing to say." 5LRH7TwECtI-00145-00061050-00061370 "That lady is in trouble. She's in a lot of pain." 5LRH7TwECtI-00146-00061372-00061654 Yes, she is. And he offered the solution: 5LRH7TwECtI-00147-00061654-00061852 "Don't think about him." 5LRH7TwECtI-00148-00061855-00062259 I mean, you are not going to bring him back by thinking about him. 5LRH7TwECtI-00149-00062261-00062791 You're just putting a lot of sadness and misery in your life. 5LRH7TwECtI-00150-00062900-00063252 Why are you doing that? Please, stop think about him. 5LRH7TwECtI-00151-00063252-00063465 But it's not that simple, isn't it? 5LRH7TwECtI-00152-00063512-00063634 Nooooooo…. 5LRH7TwECtI-00153-00063637-00064023 Because thoughts are coming and going and they always will. 5LRH7TwECtI-00154-00064067-00064582 But the trouble is that we are identifying ourselves with them 5LRH7TwECtI-00155-00064585-00065156 and then we feel justified in being sad, or whatever, 5LRH7TwECtI-00156-00065159-00065561 and then we stick into that emotion for a long time. 5LRH7TwECtI-00157-00065564-00065811 And if you enjoy that emotion, that's fine! 5LRH7TwECtI-00158-00065811-00066156 But if you don't, just remember that you are 5LRH7TwECtI-00159-00066159-00066688 the OBSERVER of all that drama, you are not exactly part of it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00160-00066691-00066963 You're not obligated to feel sad. 5LRH7TwECtI-00161-00067072-00067288 There is another way. 5LRH7TwECtI-00162-00067390-00067653 And that technique, 5LRH7TwECtI-00163-00067656-00068106 that Buddha's solution, as you can see, is all about 5LRH7TwECtI-00164-00068108-00068336 healthy detachment. 5LRH7TwECtI-00165-00068359-00068842 So it's fine to have thoughts, it's fine to have emotions and perceptions, 5LRH7TwECtI-00166-00068874-00069634 but if they make you suffer, if they make you unhappy, 5LRH7TwECtI-00167-00069637-00070007 just remind yourself that it is something that you have 5LRH7TwECtI-00168-00070007-00070358 not something that you are, and let them go. 5LRH7TwECtI-00169-00070421-00070750 And that solution is ancient, 5LRH7TwECtI-00170-00070752-00070981 it is time-tested, 5LRH7TwECtI-00171-00070983-00071417 it is brilliant. It works for everyone, 5LRH7TwECtI-00172-00071427-00071771 no matter what's your age or gender or cultural background, 5LRH7TwECtI-00173-00071771-00071928 educational background, doesn't matter. 5LRH7TwECtI-00174-00071930-00072116 It works for everyone! 5LRH7TwECtI-00175-00072152-00072474 But, you know, in today's day and age, 5LRH7TwECtI-00176-00072477-00072741 it's not very popular. 5LRH7TwECtI-00177-00072780-00073000 Because it's missing one key ingredient 5LRH7TwECtI-00178-00073000-00073327 that we all crave for in today's day and age, 5LRH7TwECtI-00179-00073329-00073805 and that is instant gratification. 5LRH7TwECtI-00180-00073882-00074209 Simply put - it takes time. 5LRH7TwECtI-00181-00074257-00074444 It takes time. 5LRH7TwECtI-00182-00074485-00075194 You need to sit at least 15 minutes a day for months and even years, 5LRH7TwECtI-00183-00075201-00075627 before you are really able to live your life from that 5LRH7TwECtI-00184-00075630-00076035 witnessing perspective, being completely present in the moment, 5LRH7TwECtI-00185-00076038-00076722 without letting your thoughts and emotions jumping to the past, 5LRH7TwECtI-00186-00076725-00077298 bringing sadness and nostalgia and anger, or to the future 5LRH7TwECtI-00187-00077301-00077659 that will bring you anxiety and fears and so on, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00188-00077712-00078350 When you are present, when you live your life from a position of witness 5LRH7TwECtI-00189-00078350-00078771 and not from a position of mind-made perception, 5LRH7TwECtI-00190-00078773-00079177 everything just falls into it's place. 5LRH7TwECtI-00191-00079177-00079453 But it takes time. 5LRH7TwECtI-00192-00079599-00079916 So, we are going to introduce another solution. 5LRH7TwECtI-00193-00079918-00080380 This Buddha's solution you may call "direct solution" or "direct path". 5LRH7TwECtI-00194-00080418-00080752 You go straight to your True Nature 5LRH7TwECtI-00195-00080752-00081035 and then, from that perspective, 5LRH7TwECtI-00196-00081037-00081426 you see what you don't like and you change it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00197-00081426-00081872 Actually, it falls into its place by itself, but nevertheless. 5LRH7TwECtI-00198-00081960-00082402 You assume position of witness, of your True Nature, of your True Self, 5LRH7TwECtI-00199-00082402-00082653 and everything else falls into its place. 5LRH7TwECtI-00200-00082719-00083194 There is another path that is giving us instant gratification, 5LRH7TwECtI-00201-00083194-00083585 and that's why it's more and more popular, 5LRH7TwECtI-00202-00083585-00083833 growing more and more popular in these days, 5LRH7TwECtI-00203-00083869-00084177 and you may call it "progressive path". 5LRH7TwECtI-00204-00084179-00084850 It works THROUGH your perceptions, and through your life! 5LRH7TwECtI-00205-00084899-00085346 So, you are using circumstances that you do not prefer; 5LRH7TwECtI-00206-00085346-00085582 then you analyze them, 5LRH7TwECtI-00207-00085585-00086021 and then you see what exactly is in that 5LRH7TwECtI-00208-00086024-00086335 mechanism of your brain 5LRH7TwECtI-00209-00086338-00086865 that made you angry when your friend didn't pick you up at the airport, 5LRH7TwECtI-00210-00086865-00087032 and then you change it! 5LRH7TwECtI-00211-00087034-00087463 And these changes are rapid, 5LRH7TwECtI-00212-00087465-00087631 usually immediately, 5LRH7TwECtI-00213-00087634-00087952 sometimes it may take few days or weeks, but 5LRH7TwECtI-00214-00087959-00088531 usually changes are really immediate. And that's why this solution is popular, 5LRH7TwECtI-00215-00088535-00088897 but let me be perfectly clear once again. 5LRH7TwECtI-00216-00088932-00089548 It still requires you to sit 15 minutes a day in a meditation. 5LRH7TwECtI-00217-00089615-00090351 Because, you need that healthy detachment from Buddha's solution. 5LRH7TwECtI-00218-00090353-00091196 You need to be able to notice, to observe, to say: "Hmm, look, I'm angry!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00219-00091199-00091382 "How interesting!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00220-00091385-00091636 "Why am I angry? Let's fix that!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00221-00091636-00091988 And that is just not going to happen 5LRH7TwECtI-00222-00091990-00092350 while you are identifying with your emotion and you feel 5LRH7TwECtI-00223-00092352-00092802 "justified anger" because you have all kinds of reasons. 5LRH7TwECtI-00224-00092865-00093388 So, these two approaches do not exclude one another. 5LRH7TwECtI-00225-00093388-00093632 They complement each other. 5LRH7TwECtI-00226-00093663-00094001 By meditating 15 minutes a day, you will greatly 5LRH7TwECtI-00227-00094004-00094391 increase your capability of 5LRH7TwECtI-00228-00094394-00094961 following the progressive path, and then by solving your issues with 5LRH7TwECtI-00229-00094964-00095382 progressive path, you will greatly help your meditation practice. 5LRH7TwECtI-00230-00095385-00095570 One will reinforce the other. 5LRH7TwECtI-00231-00095650-00095981 So, let's pop up the hood and see what 5LRH7TwECtI-00232-00095983-00096239 really our personality is made of. 5LRH7TwECtI-00233-00096239-00096692 We are going to share a map or diagram, 5LRH7TwECtI-00234-00096695-00096969 that's called "The Personality Structure" 5LRH7TwECtI-00235-00097159-00097387 It will be much clearer once we start. 5LRH7TwECtI-00236-00097478-00097576 So... 5LRH7TwECtI-00237-00097624-00098059 Our personality starts with SENSES. 5LRH7TwECtI-00238-00098097-00098363 So we have senses, 5LRH7TwECtI-00239-00098412-00098675 at least five main, 5LRH7TwECtI-00240-00098790-00099231 hearing, seeing, smelling, touching and tasting, 5LRH7TwECtI-00241-00099231-00099586 and they are our inputs to the world. 5LRH7TwECtI-00242-00099623-00100235 All the information that we are basing our decisions and life on 5LRH7TwECtI-00243-00100237-00100671 are coming to our brain through our senses. 5LRH7TwECtI-00244-00100737-00101253 And, if you never thought about that, that's really interesting to think about, 5LRH7TwECtI-00245-00101253-00101584 that inside your skull is a pitch-black. 5LRH7TwECtI-00246-00101620-00101782 It's a complete darkness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00247-00101824-00102348 You feel like there is some light inside because you have eyes and you have 5LRH7TwECtI-00248-00102351-00102911 neurons that are converting that light to some kind of 5LRH7TwECtI-00249-00102913-00103446 electrical signal / impulses that your brain decodes as the light. 5LRH7TwECtI-00250-00103448-00103774 But, actually, inside your brain is a pitch-black. 5LRH7TwECtI-00251-00103776-00104304 And all the inputs are coming through our senses. 5LRH7TwECtI-00252-00104307-00104633 And then, those senses 5LRH7TwECtI-00253-00104671-00104987 will forward that information to your brain, 5LRH7TwECtI-00254-00104987-00105383 and your brain will first pass them through 5LRH7TwECtI-00255-00105386-00105616 one layer that's called 5LRH7TwECtI-00256-00105690-00106062 DEFINITIONS AND BELIEFS. 5LRH7TwECtI-00257-00106218-00106488 Definitions... 5LRH7TwECtI-00258-00106490-00107141 are first layer of your, well, decoding your reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00259-00107282-00108151 And this is really important - that's why I will put it inside the black box. 5LRH7TwECtI-00260-00108381-00108539 And... 5LRH7TwECtI-00261-00108542-00108897 we'll come back, we will return to this black box, 5LRH7TwECtI-00262-00108940-00109159 but what we want to point out is that 5LRH7TwECtI-00263-00109162-00109626 definitions and beliefs then create your 5LRH7TwECtI-00264-00109628-00109975 EMOTIONS. 5LRH7TwECtI-00265-00110381-00110514 So... 5LRH7TwECtI-00266-00110517-00110735 From your senses 5LRH7TwECtI-00267-00110738-00111237 to the black box, still unknown for now, 5LRH7TwECtI-00268-00111240-00111832 definitions and beliefs, and then they create emotions. 5LRH7TwECtI-00269-00111962-00112304 Okay. Let me give you a few examples. 5LRH7TwECtI-00270-00112470-00112698 Let's start with definitions. 5LRH7TwECtI-00271-00112772-00113456 You can not have any emotion whatsoever 5LRH7TwECtI-00272-00113513-00114027 if you don't have a definition attached to it FIRST. 5LRH7TwECtI-00273-00114170-00114979 For example, how do you feel when I say "KIKIRIKI"? 5LRH7TwECtI-00274-00115211-00115432 No emotions, right? Okay. 5LRH7TwECtI-00275-00115531-00116143 Well, "kikiriki" is a Croatian word for peanuts. 5LRH7TwECtI-00276-00116279-00116884 Okay, now, do you have now any emotion when I say "kikiriki"? 5LRH7TwECtI-00277-00117046-00117524 Okay, that's because you have the same emotion as when I say peanuts 5LRH7TwECtI-00278-00117526-00117910 because you attached the definition of "kikiriki" to peanuts. 5LRH7TwECtI-00279-00117910-00118487 And it doesn't matter what that emotion actually is - at this moment, at least. 5LRH7TwECtI-00280-00118544-00118911 Maybe you love peanuts. And now when I say kikiriki 5LRH7TwECtI-00281-00118913-00119372 you say: "Mm-mm, kikiriki, do you have any? I love peanuts." 5LRH7TwECtI-00282-00119374-00119719 Or maybe you're allergic to peanuts and then when I say kikiriki 5LRH7TwECtI-00283-00119721-00119848 you say: "Ewwwwww!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00284-00119850-00120185 "It's good thing you taught me how to say peanuts in Croatian" 5LRH7TwECtI-00285-00120188-00120717 "because maybe one day I'll be on vacation in Croatia, and I will be able to say" 5LRH7TwECtI-00286-00120720-00121063 "in a restaurant: but, please, no kikiriki inside!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00287-00121156-00121650 Okay, so we have from zero emotion 5LRH7TwECtI-00288-00121654-00122276 to some emotion, whatever it is - maybe it's delight or joy, 5LRH7TwECtI-00289-00122278-00122382 because you love peanuts; 5LRH7TwECtI-00290-00122382-00122731 maybe it's fear because you are allergic to peanuts; 5LRH7TwECtI-00291-00122733-00123203 but that jump from zero to something was immediate. 5LRH7TwECtI-00292-00123206-00123346 Right? 5LRH7TwECtI-00293-00123348-00124081 Just by giving definition of some kind, to a concept you never heard about. 5LRH7TwECtI-00294-00124158-00124765 Before we gave definition for kikiriki, you had no emotion whatsoever. 5LRH7TwECtI-00295-00124797-00125041 Okay. Let's take another example: 5LRH7TwECtI-00296-00125044-00125418 How do you feel when I say "Hekla"? 5LRH7TwECtI-00297-00125569-00125926 Zero? Okay. No, no, it's not Croatian word. 5LRH7TwECtI-00298-00126019-00126525 Hekla is a place. It's actually a mountain in Iceland. 5LRH7TwECtI-00299-00126525-00126821 Now, how do you feel about Hekla now? 5LRH7TwECtI-00300-00126881-00127340 Mountain, Iceland, Ice-Land, brrrrr, kind of cold, right? 5LRH7TwECtI-00301-00127496-00127879 Well, not exactly. Because it's not actually a mountain. 5LRH7TwECtI-00302-00127882-00128051 It's a volcano. 5LRH7TwECtI-00303-00128118-00128461 It is an active volcano. 5LRH7TwECtI-00304-00128524-00129120 How do you feel about Hekla now? Now it's not so cold, right? 5LRH7TwECtI-00305-00129214-00129440 Now it's even dangerous! 5LRH7TwECtI-00306-00129443-00129744 You are not exactly sure if you want to be there! 5LRH7TwECtI-00307-00129807-00130190 So, you see, we jumped from zero emotion... 5LRH7TwECtI-00308-00130190-00130680 So, Hekla, at first, if you don't know what it is, there is no emotion whatsoever - 5LRH7TwECtI-00309-00130683-00130919 to "brrrrrrr" - cold, 5LRH7TwECtI-00310-00130919-00131406 to hot and fearful in under 10 seconds. 5LRH7TwECtI-00311-00131494-00131644 You see how that goes. 5LRH7TwECtI-00312-00131646-00132280 If you do not have a definition for something - you can't have an emotion. 5LRH7TwECtI-00313-00132283-00133156 Meaning that when you have an emotion, that means - and it is 100% provable, 5LRH7TwECtI-00314-00133158-00133397 you can be completely sure about it! 5LRH7TwECtI-00315-00133400-00133845 If you have ANY kind of emotion to any kind of situation or thing, 5LRH7TwECtI-00316-00133870-00134188 that means that you already have 5LRH7TwECtI-00317-00134190-00134542 definition or belief attached to it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00318-00134599-00134883 How about this? Take a look at this picture. 5LRH7TwECtI-00319-00135017-00135348 Okay, now we will put a title to it: 5LRH7TwECtI-00320-00135348-00135673 "The deer is crossing the road." 5LRH7TwECtI-00321-00135774-00136370 Now, how do you feel about that situation of deer crossing the road? 5LRH7TwECtI-00322-00136509-00136955 Nice, warm and fuzzy, right? 5LRH7TwECtI-00323-00136958-00137480 Oh, beautiful animal. And you even feel protective because: 5LRH7TwECtI-00324-00137482-00138106 "Oh, beautiful deer, please move out of the road because a car might hit you", and... 5LRH7TwECtI-00325-00138263-00138571 Yeah, it's warm and fuzzy and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00326-00138574-00139060 Does that picture remind you of something? Any memories popping up? 5LRH7TwECtI-00327-00139199-00139605 Maybe of Bambi, favorite kids book, 5LRH7TwECtI-00328-00139675-00140156 maybe you think of your pet at home or some other beautiful 5LRH7TwECtI-00329-00140158-00140578 animal that you like, maybe squirrel, maybe cat. 5LRH7TwECtI-00330-00140578-00140953 You feel warm and fuzzy and so on. Mm-hmm? 5LRH7TwECtI-00331-00141029-00141388 Okay. Now, let's put that picture back, once more. 5LRH7TwECtI-00332-00141491-00141777 But this time we'll give it a different title. 5LRH7TwECtI-00333-00141825-00142034 And this time title is: 5LRH7TwECtI-00334-00142083-00142434 "The road is crossing the forest." 5LRH7TwECtI-00335-00142547-00142858 Now that's completely different situation. 5LRH7TwECtI-00336-00142861-00143390 Because now we see that this deer is actually in his home. 5LRH7TwECtI-00337-00143390-00143829 And let's say that this road was built yesterday, for a simplicity purposes. 5LRH7TwECtI-00338-00143886-00144406 So, yesterday that same deer was walking through that same place 5LRH7TwECtI-00339-00144406-00144595 and it was a beautiful forest! 5LRH7TwECtI-00340-00144598-00144679 It was his home. 5LRH7TwECtI-00341-00144679-00145154 But not now. Now we've built a road through that 5LRH7TwECtI-00342-00145156-00145875 and we chopped trees and we destroyed some nature and now cars are passing through 5LRH7TwECtI-00343-00145877-00146357 with all that carbon dioxide and so on, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00344-00146360-00147091 Now, that emotion that comes with that picture of road crossing the forest 5LRH7TwECtI-00345-00147091-00147419 is not that beautiful, warm and fuzzy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00346-00147478-00148230 How do you feel now? Different? Okay, but what are you thinking about right now? 5LRH7TwECtI-00347-00148232-00148632 Any memories? What does that remind you of? 5LRH7TwECtI-00348-00148706-00149349 It probably reminds you of how people are terrible to nature, how we are 5LRH7TwECtI-00349-00149352-00149576 destroying our environment, 5LRH7TwECtI-00350-00149576-00149998 and maybe you're thinking about global warning or climate change or 5LRH7TwECtI-00351-00150001-00150370 how it's only a matter of time when this deer 5LRH7TwECtI-00352-00150373-00150761 is going to be an endangered species, and so on, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00353-00150764-00151132 It is a completely different emotion, 5LRH7TwECtI-00354-00151134-00151661 but what we wanted to point out is that with that emotion 5LRH7TwECtI-00355-00151730-00152080 always comes a memory 5LRH7TwECtI-00356-00152082-00152698 that is 100% compatible with emotional state that you are already in. 5LRH7TwECtI-00357-00152757-00153009 So let's put that in green: 5LRH7TwECtI-00358-00153103-00153622 Emotions are connected to our MEMORIES. 5LRH7TwECtI-00359-00153882-00154288 And if you have an warm and fuzzy emotion because 5LRH7TwECtI-00360-00154288-00154748 that beautiful animal is crossing the road, then 5LRH7TwECtI-00361-00154750-00155014 you will have warm and fuzzy memories! 5LRH7TwECtI-00362-00155043-00155465 And if you are thinking about how we destroyed that 5LRH7TwECtI-00363-00155467-00156240 forest and we actually actively put that poor animal in danger because yesterday 5LRH7TwECtI-00364-00156243-00156481 or day before yesterday, before we built that road, 5LRH7TwECtI-00365-00156481-00156910 it wasn't in any kind of harm, but now it is, 5LRH7TwECtI-00366-00156912-00157260 you have completely different kind of memories. 5LRH7TwECtI-00367-00157260-00157632 And that is also one of the things that we pointed out in the second chapter. 5LRH7TwECtI-00368-00157715-00157948 Do you remember that 5LRH7TwECtI-00369-00157950-00158349 research from Gray and LaViolette that says that: 5LRH7TwECtI-00370-00158399-00158789 "Thoughts are filed in the memory bank according to the various shades" 5LRH7TwECtI-00371-00158792-00159133 "of feelings associated with those thoughts." 5LRH7TwECtI-00372-00159205-00159696 But now you may say that this is all very fine and great, 5LRH7TwECtI-00373-00159696-00160429 but it's not very useful, because you are not watching pictures of deers 5LRH7TwECtI-00374-00160432-00160803 crossing the forest every day, and actually you don't care very much 5LRH7TwECtI-00375-00160803-00161013 about Hekla or about kikiriki! 5LRH7TwECtI-00376-00161074-00161268 So let me give you another example. 5LRH7TwECtI-00377-00161360-00161667 Let's, for example, talk about forgiveness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00378-00161724-00162351 Now, you all know, or at least you heard, that when someone hurt you 5LRH7TwECtI-00379-00162353-00162645 you should forgive him because 5LRH7TwECtI-00380-00162648-00162933 you are the one that's holding on to that, 5LRH7TwECtI-00381-00162985-00163325 let's say, for example - anger, and you are drinking poison 5LRH7TwECtI-00382-00163328-00163547 and expect the other person to die. 5LRH7TwECtI-00383-00163550-00164053 But, forgiveness for many of us - or for the most of us, 5LRH7TwECtI-00384-00164053-00164345 doesn't exactly come easy, right? 5LRH7TwECtI-00385-00164446-00164678 So let's make a test. 5LRH7TwECtI-00386-00164744-00165166 Think about a person that hurt you somehow 5LRH7TwECtI-00387-00165169-00165537 and you know that you should forgive him or her 5LRH7TwECtI-00388-00165537-00165968 but there is certain resistance inside yourself, 5LRH7TwECtI-00389-00165970-00166344 somehow it's not that easy, okay? 5LRH7TwECtI-00390-00166509-00166851 Now, let's redefine the forgiveness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00391-00166982-00167231 What is forgiveness? 5LRH7TwECtI-00392-00167353-00167625 Let me put it this way: let's say that 5LRH7TwECtI-00393-00167625-00168188 forgiveness is when you stop hoping for a better past. 5LRH7TwECtI-00394-00168505-00168732 Now, aren't you doing just that? 5LRH7TwECtI-00395-00168829-00169269 So, someone hurt you: your friend, your boss, your wife, whatever. 5LRH7TwECtI-00396-00169391-00169783 And now you won't let that go! 5LRH7TwECtI-00397-00169856-00170294 Because you have a wrong definition of forgiveness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00398-00170296-00170671 You think that by forgiving someone, for example, 5LRH7TwECtI-00399-00170671-00170908 maybe that's not your case, but for example, 5LRH7TwECtI-00400-00170910-00171367 by forgiving you will somehow invalidate your feelings, 5LRH7TwECtI-00401-00171369-00172166 or you will say that he was right, or she was right, and not you - and you don't want that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00402-00172170-00172410 Because you know that you are right! 5LRH7TwECtI-00403-00172507-00172924 Well, okay, but that's not what forgiveness is. 5LRH7TwECtI-00404-00173001-00173460 Forgiveness is letting go of the hope for a better past, 5LRH7TwECtI-00405-00173491-00174048 and when you put it that way, and you know that you can not change your past, 5LRH7TwECtI-00406-00174139-00174357 is it easier now to forgive? 5LRH7TwECtI-00407-00174496-00175178 Just think about that same situation now, that made you angry or hurt 5LRH7TwECtI-00408-00175182-00175821 and think about forgiveness as letting go of 5LRH7TwECtI-00409-00175824-00176097 the idea of a better past. 5LRH7TwECtI-00410-00176196-00176496 There is never going to be a better past! 5LRH7TwECtI-00411-00176554-00176911 Because that happened and you can't change it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00412-00176911-00177509 But if you let go of the hope or the idea for a better past, 5LRH7TwECtI-00413-00177512-00177802 it may HEAL you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00414-00177802-00178280 It may heal you because you will let go of that vibration 5LRH7TwECtI-00415-00178282-00178821 of hurt and anger and sadness and apathy and guilt and shame 5LRH7TwECtI-00416-00178821-00178990 and whatever you're holding. 5LRH7TwECtI-00417-00178992-00179110 You don't need it! 5LRH7TwECtI-00418-00179110-00179470 That's a baggage that you don't need. Just let it go. 5LRH7TwECtI-00419-00179473-00179758 How are you going to let it go? 5LRH7TwECtI-00420-00179758-00180365 By stopping your hopes for a better past. 5LRH7TwECtI-00421-00180368-00180594 Now, is that easier? 5LRH7TwECtI-00422-00180671-00181255 You see how powerful it is! And the results are immediate! 5LRH7TwECtI-00423-00181294-00181574 Two minutes ago, five minutes ago, 5LRH7TwECtI-00424-00181576-00181693 you... 5LRH7TwECtI-00425-00181695-00182028 When you were thinking about that person who hurt you 5LRH7TwECtI-00426-00182058-00182217 there was a knot inside you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00427-00182219-00182658 "I'm not going to forgive him, or forgive her, because he deserved it!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00428-00182799-00183202 But suddenly, now, you know, it's in the past. 5LRH7TwECtI-00429-00183202-00183560 And are you really going to hope for a better past? No. 5LRH7TwECtI-00430-00183609-00183787 Thank you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00431-00183854-00184370 And we are going to talk a lot about definitions and beliefs later, 5LRH7TwECtI-00432-00184370-00184596 but let me give you just one more. 5LRH7TwECtI-00433-00184684-00185002 How do you feel about a job? 5LRH7TwECtI-00434-00185066-00185357 So, you probably have a job of some kind, 5LRH7TwECtI-00435-00185422-00185605 doing something. 5LRH7TwECtI-00436-00185637-00185891 What is your definition of a job? 5LRH7TwECtI-00437-00185920-00186120 Well, for the most people... 5LRH7TwECtI-00438-00186218-00186706 Well, they never thought about it, of course, but if you really squeeze them, 5LRH7TwECtI-00439-00186709-00186822 they will say something like: 5LRH7TwECtI-00440-00186824-00187390 "Well, job is something that I need to do in order to get money." 5LRH7TwECtI-00441-00187392-00187829 Or, to put it a little bit more bluntly: 5LRH7TwECtI-00442-00187857-00188486 "Job is a form of slavery that I need to endure in order to pay my bills." 5LRH7TwECtI-00443-00188596-00189002 And that definition is really depressing. 5LRH7TwECtI-00444-00189004-00189626 I mean, of course that you don't want to go to work if you define it that way. 5LRH7TwECtI-00445-00189704-00190026 Redefine it! How about this one? 5LRH7TwECtI-00446-00190079-00190539 Job is when I get paid for doing something that I love. 5LRH7TwECtI-00447-00190674-00191001 Or job is... just find what resonates with you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00448-00191064-00191560 When I get paid for doing something that I enjoy, that I'm good at, 5LRH7TwECtI-00449-00191577-00191995 that somehow contributes to other people. 5LRH7TwECtI-00450-00192096-00192705 It's not about, you know, you being the slave. Or you may put it this way; 5LRH7TwECtI-00451-00192707-00193144 You may even replace the word and you may say, for example: 5LRH7TwECtI-00452-00193147-00193604 "My job is my hobby, my paid hobby," 5LRH7TwECtI-00453-00193604-00194100 "so when my job is my hobby - I will call it a jobby!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00454-00194221-00194744 And you're not going tomorrow to work, you are going to your jobby. 5LRH7TwECtI-00455-00194797-00195016 Is it easier now? 5LRH7TwECtI-00456-00195094-00195430 Now, see how powerful that is. 5LRH7TwECtI-00457-00195449-00195913 And in the next section, we are going to talk exclusively about definitions 5LRH7TwECtI-00458-00195913-00196409 and we are going to redefine relationships, abundance, 5LRH7TwECtI-00459-00196412-00196815 what exactly does manifestation mean, 5LRH7TwECtI-00460-00196817-00197641 and love, and so on, and so on. And each and every one of these definitions will 5LRH7TwECtI-00461-00197643-00198285 take a positive spin on the things that 5LRH7TwECtI-00462-00198287-00198534 you endure every day. 5LRH7TwECtI-00463-00198587-00198935 And, therefore it will create a positive emotion. 5LRH7TwECtI-00464-00198935-00199301 Because negative definitions create negative emotions. 5LRH7TwECtI-00465-00199331-00199763 When forgiveness is about admitting your mistake and you know 5LRH7TwECtI-00466-00199765-00200036 that you didn't make a mistake - he did! 5LRH7TwECtI-00467-00200081-00200278 Well, that's a negative definition. 5LRH7TwECtI-00468-00200302-00200863 But if you say: "I am letting go of my hope for a better past" - that is a positive one. 5LRH7TwECtI-00469-00200865-00201150 And negative definitions create negative emotions, 5LRH7TwECtI-00470-00201153-00201654 positive definitions create positive emotions, and it is YOUR CHOICE. 5LRH7TwECtI-00471-00201692-00202551 You redefine things as you wish, as you please - just take note that, 5LRH7TwECtI-00472-00202553-00203103 however you define it you are going to have emotional impact. 5LRH7TwECtI-00473-00203203-00203531 And you choose how you want to feel, 5LRH7TwECtI-00474-00203576-00204083 and then you find the definition that fits your personality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00475-00204124-00204883 That fits your wish to be feeling in certain way. Okay? 5LRH7TwECtI-00476-00205005-00205354 Now let's talk about beliefs! 5LRH7TwECtI-00477-00205566-00205967 Huh, this is even weirder. 5LRH7TwECtI-00478-00206074-00206685 Let's say, for example, that one day you are sitting somewhere in the nature, 5LRH7TwECtI-00479-00206687-00207071 and there is a river or stream nearby, 5LRH7TwECtI-00480-00207074-00207598 and you're enjoying, and it's a beautiful day and then, suddenly 5LRH7TwECtI-00481-00207598-00208406 out of nowhere - three large dogs run out of that forest and start running toward you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00482-00208406-00208628 How do you feel? 5LRH7TwECtI-00483-00208809-00209291 Well, it depends on your beliefs. 5LRH7TwECtI-00484-00209401-00210012 Because - if you love dogs and if you have a dog at home, 5LRH7TwECtI-00485-00210014-00210398 let's say dog roughly this size, 5LRH7TwECtI-00486-00210400-00210989 then you will probably feel joyful because these dogs are joyful, 5LRH7TwECtI-00487-00210989-00211433 and they are happy and: "Oh, look how beautiful they are!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00488-00211436-00211867 Maybe you will try to find a stick to throw them and you are going to play... 5LRH7TwECtI-00489-00211870-00212120 You will feel joy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00490-00212122-00212712 But, if you believe, if you BELIEVE, 5LRH7TwECtI-00491-00212714-00213155 that these animals might be dangerous 5LRH7TwECtI-00492-00213158-00213712 and maybe even that they are chasing you - you are going to be scared. 5LRH7TwECtI-00493-00213712-00214410 So, your emotional reaction on this situation "three dogs running toward you" 5LRH7TwECtI-00494-00214410-00215244 is 100% consequence of your belief 5LRH7TwECtI-00495-00215246-00215530 what is or might happen. 5LRH7TwECtI-00496-00215530-00215798 What is happening or what might happen. 5LRH7TwECtI-00497-00215800-00216151 It has nothing to do with reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00498-00216202-00216452 You don't know what these dogs are up to! 5LRH7TwECtI-00499-00216570-00216706 I mean, not for sure. 5LRH7TwECtI-00500-00216709-00217282 But you believe that these are good and loyal animals and man's best friend, 5LRH7TwECtI-00501-00217285-00217674 if you believe that - you will feel joy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00502-00217674-00218201 And if you believe that this is a dangerous situation, you will be afraid. 5LRH7TwECtI-00503-00218274-00218660 It is all about your beliefs. 5LRH7TwECtI-00504-00218795-00218969 Or how about this: 5LRH7TwECtI-00505-00218971-00219287 your boss called you for a meeting. 5LRH7TwECtI-00506-00219433-00219879 One day you come to your office and then your secretary says: 5LRH7TwECtI-00507-00219879-00220237 "Oh, boss wants to meet you at ten o'clock!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00508-00220349-00220733 How are you going to feel about that situation 5LRH7TwECtI-00509-00220736-00220877 entirely 5LRH7TwECtI-00510-00220880-00221011 depends 5LRH7TwECtI-00511-00221014-00221267 on your belief! 5LRH7TwECtI-00512-00221366-00221930 Because if you believe that these last few months or years 5LRH7TwECtI-00513-00221930-00222389 you've been doing one hell of a job and you are the best 5LRH7TwECtI-00514-00222392-00223021 salesman or whatever it is that you do in your company, than you say: 5LRH7TwECtI-00515-00223021-00223418 "Aha, now my boss wants to see me because he probably wants to" 5LRH7TwECtI-00516-00223421-00223653 offer me a better position or a raise!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00517-00223656-00223806 Or something like that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00518-00223848-00224231 If you believe that, for example, company is in trouble, 5LRH7TwECtI-00519-00224344-00224970 and you see that, well, sales results are abysmal and you work in sales, 5LRH7TwECtI-00520-00225010-00225285 you will probably feel anxious, 5LRH7TwECtI-00521-00225288-00225677 becoming nervous and a little bit afraid because 5LRH7TwECtI-00522-00225699-00226054 this might not be a good thing. 5LRH7TwECtI-00523-00226054-00226397 "Maybe he wants to fire me!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00524-00226568-00226746 And... 5LRH7TwECtI-00525-00226749-00226963 You don't know what's going to happen! 5LRH7TwECtI-00526-00226993-00227584 Let's say that you don't know, but your emotional state and also your memories... 5LRH7TwECtI-00527-00227623-00228008 So, if you believe that he is going to fire you 5LRH7TwECtI-00528-00228067-00228312 you will probably remember, 5LRH7TwECtI-00529-00228330-00228997 in your mind chew about how you make that mistake and that mistake 5LRH7TwECtI-00530-00229000-00229277 and how difficult it was to find this job, 5LRH7TwECtI-00531-00229280-00229543 and how am I going to find another? 5LRH7TwECtI-00532-00229572-00230276 But if you feel that that is a good news, you're probably gonna have memories about 5LRH7TwECtI-00533-00230278-00230701 this achievement that you made, and that, and this sales result 5LRH7TwECtI-00534-00230704-00230993 and how company's booming, and so on, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00535-00231092-00231330 It is all about your beliefs! 5LRH7TwECtI-00536-00231377-00231760 And, of course, it's completely the same thing when your wife tells you: 5LRH7TwECtI-00537-00231762-00232046 "You know, tonight we need to talk." 5LRH7TwECtI-00538-00232294-00232441 That, you know... 5LRH7TwECtI-00539-00232444-00232895 If you believe that your relationship is in trouble, that's really bad news. 5LRH7TwECtI-00540-00232941-00233146 Of course if you still want that relationship. 5LRH7TwECtI-00541-00233203-00233519 But if you believe that it is a time 5LRH7TwECtI-00542-00233522-00233813 to plan for your vacation than you would say: 5LRH7TwECtI-00543-00233813-00234131 "Yes, yes, we need to talk. I also have a few ideas!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00544-00234134-00234617 And you have no idea what she wants to talk about. 5LRH7TwECtI-00545-00234619-00235029 But your emotion is created by your belief. 5LRH7TwECtI-00546-00235239-00235792 Your belief shaped your emotion entirely in this case. 5LRH7TwECtI-00547-00235886-00236423 And, you know, once one man told me, one guy: 5LRH7TwECtI-00548-00236426-00236696 "You know, that's all fine about definitions and beliefs" 5LRH7TwECtI-00549-00236698-00237138 "but I don't believe in anything. I'm an atheist." 5LRH7TwECtI-00550-00237165-00237361 Well, no, you're a cynic but, nevertheless, 5LRH7TwECtI-00551-00237426-00237686 you always believe 5LRH7TwECtI-00552-00237689-00237891 100 percent 5LRH7TwECtI-00553-00237893-00238129 in SOMETHING! 5LRH7TwECtI-00554-00238151-00238287 For example, 5LRH7TwECtI-00555-00238290-00239084 you 100 percent believe that the gravity will work in this room during this lecture. 5LRH7TwECtI-00556-00239144-00239801 Otherwise you would be wearing seat belt or at least a helmet because you might float. 5LRH7TwECtI-00557-00239850-00240246 And you would be afraid to walk on the road 5LRH7TwECtI-00558-00240291-00240723 because what if gravity stops working and I just float away. 5LRH7TwECtI-00559-00240862-00241128 Also, when you go to bed 5LRH7TwECtI-00560-00241246-00241528 any evening, any night, you have 5LRH7TwECtI-00561-00241531-00242119 you have 100 percent belief that you are going to wake up. 5LRH7TwECtI-00562-00242192-00242606 Otherwise you would be terrified to go to sleep! 5LRH7TwECtI-00563-00242634-00243178 But you go to sleep peacefully and calmly and that's actually 5LRH7TwECtI-00564-00243180-00243597 very important prerequisite for you getting some sleep. 5LRH7TwECtI-00565-00243660-00244115 You won't be able to sleep, to get to sleep at all if you are 5LRH7TwECtI-00566-00244117-00244416 afraid that maybe you are not going to wake up. 5LRH7TwECtI-00567-00244516-00245156 Or maybe, you know, you are sitting here without any worries because you believe 5LRH7TwECtI-00568-00245159-00245598 that someone competent calculated the stability of this building. 5LRH7TwECtI-00569-00245660-00246255 And you believe that these materials that someone used to build this room 5LRH7TwECtI-00570-00246258-00246665 are top quality or, at least, adequate quality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00571-00246667-00247129 Otherwise, you would be staring at the ceiling if it is going to fall on you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00572-00247248-00247868 And, there is no such thing as 50/50 percent belief. 5LRH7TwECtI-00573-00247870-00248285 You always believe 100 percent. 5LRH7TwECtI-00574-00248362-00248939 And you may say: "You know, I doubt this is accurate" - and that's fine. 5LRH7TwECtI-00575-00248939-00249421 But doubting that this is accurate doesn't make it 50/50, 5LRH7TwECtI-00576-00249423-00249592 maybe it's true, maybe not. 5LRH7TwECtI-00577-00249592-00249928 When you doubt about something, let's say this map, 5LRH7TwECtI-00578-00249931-00250240 at least so far, you are actually 5LRH7TwECtI-00579-00250243-00250855 100 percent certain that it is NOT accurate. 5LRH7TwECtI-00580-00250969-00251514 There is no half-belief. 5LRH7TwECtI-00581-00251517-00251790 You always believe totally, 5LRH7TwECtI-00582-00251792-00252141 100 percent in whatever that you are believing. 5LRH7TwECtI-00583-00252226-00252558 So, for example, let's say that someone ask me now: 5LRH7TwECtI-00584-00252561-00253004 "Are we going to repeat this lecture tomorrow?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00585-00253044-00253353 And maybe I'll say: "Oh, I doubt it." 5LRH7TwECtI-00586-00253414-00253667 Now, is that yes, no, or maybe? 5LRH7TwECtI-00587-00253755-00254259 It's not maybe. It is NO, it is 100 percent no! 5LRH7TwECtI-00588-00254322-00255090 Whatever you believe, you believe 100 percent in it! 5LRH7TwECtI-00589-00255208-00255540 So you don't need to build a trust, 5LRH7TwECtI-00590-00255582-00255841 build the beliefs, 5LRH7TwECtI-00591-00255855-00256205 you just need to find out what you are believing 5LRH7TwECtI-00592-00256288-00256849 and how it is shaping your reality, and if you find a belief that 5LRH7TwECtI-00593-00256851-00257429 is not aligned with your True Self, with your True Nature, or, at least, 5LRH7TwECtI-00594-00257431-00257664 with your desires or wishes, 5LRH7TwECtI-00595-00257666-00258145 if you find the belief that's shaping your reality, your emotional state 5LRH7TwECtI-00596-00258148-00258388 in a way that do not prefer, 5LRH7TwECtI-00597-00258390-00258834 you just change it. We'll show you later how to do that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00598-00258943-00259631 But, please, make note. This is a personality construct - and we are not finished yet. 5LRH7TwECtI-00599-00259749-00259998 So these definitions and beliefs 5LRH7TwECtI-00600-00260001-00260229 are PERSONAL. 5LRH7TwECtI-00601-00260326-00261151 Unfortunately, there is no tool, or device, that you can plug yourself into and press 5LRH7TwECtI-00602-00261153-00261625 big red button and that lists you all the negative beliefs 5LRH7TwECtI-00603-00261628-00261828 or negative definitions that you have. 5LRH7TwECtI-00604-00261830-00261994 That would be great, 5LRH7TwECtI-00605-00261996-00262655 but it would also beat the point, because you want your experience of life to be 5LRH7TwECtI-00606-00262657-00262857 well... personal. 5LRH7TwECtI-00607-00262859-00263370 To be unique. And you are unique, your True Nature is absolutely unique. 5LRH7TwECtI-00608-00263389-00263772 It's not about changing the beliefs that are 5LRH7TwECtI-00609-00263893-00264125 universally harmful. 5LRH7TwECtI-00610-00264210-00264508 It is about changing your beliefs in a way 5LRH7TwECtI-00611-00264508-00264882 that are more aligned with your True Nature. 5LRH7TwECtI-00612-00264942-00265155 So, if you ask me: 5LRH7TwECtI-00613-00265158-00265817 "What do I exactly believe that's making me perceive my life in a miserable way?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00614-00265880-00266248 The answer is: "I don't know". 5LRH7TwECtI-00615-00266311-00266551 And neither do you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00616-00266645-00266936 Now, isn't that interesting? 5LRH7TwECtI-00617-00267016-00267376 We have this black box of definitions and beliefs 5LRH7TwECtI-00618-00267452-00268042 and some of these definitions and beliefs you picked up from the society, 5LRH7TwECtI-00619-00268042-00268313 some of them from your friends, from your schooling, 5LRH7TwECtI-00620-00268316-00268825 from education, from your relationships, from your experiences, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00621-00268825-00268970 But, never mind. 5LRH7TwECtI-00622-00269005-00269635 You have a black box that's completely shaping you reality, 5LRH7TwECtI-00623-00269637-00270092 your emotional state, your memories and, as we will see, also thoughts and so on... 5LRH7TwECtI-00624-00270169-00270462 And you have no idea what's inside! 5LRH7TwECtI-00625-00270597-00271093 However, you have a debugging tool - as programmers would say - you have a tool 5LRH7TwECtI-00626-00271093-00271500 for finding what is not in alignment with yourself, 5LRH7TwECtI-00627-00271500-00271700 and these are your emotions. 5LRH7TwECtI-00628-00271708-00272088 So, something happens. You are going to pick that up with your senses. 5LRH7TwECtI-00629-00272123-00272536 It will be automatically filtered through your system of definitions and beliefs, 5LRH7TwECtI-00630-00272538-00272910 and if you do not like the emotion that you are getting, 5LRH7TwECtI-00631-00272942-00273285 well... find out what is the belief that's 5LRH7TwECtI-00632-00273294-00273838 coloring your experience in a way that you do not prefer - and just fix it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00633-00273838-00274464 But for now, it is very important to just accept 5LRH7TwECtI-00634-00274496-00274830 and recognize the idea that you have 5LRH7TwECtI-00635-00274832-00275420 no idea what you believe in and what is shaping 5LRH7TwECtI-00636-00275423-00275775 your perception of reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00637-00275797-00276134 It is exactly like Bertrand Russell told us: 5LRH7TwECtI-00638-00276211-00276658 "I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." 5LRH7TwECtI-00639-00276766-00277032 You are filtering your 5LRH7TwECtI-00640-00277034-00277326 perception of reality through the black box. 5LRH7TwECtI-00641-00277466-00277758 That's extremely powerful, 5LRH7TwECtI-00642-00277760-00278002 and you have no idea of what's inside. 5LRH7TwECtI-00643-00278004-00278174 But, we'll get back to that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00644-00278174-00278707 A huge part of this course is about detecting and correcting 5LRH7TwECtI-00645-00278712-00279186 definitions and beliefs that are not aligned with your True Nature 5LRH7TwECtI-00646-00279186-00279406 or your True Self or at least with your preference. 5LRH7TwECtI-00647-00279481-00279817 Okay. But let us finish the map. 5LRH7TwECtI-00648-00279898-00280088 Your emotions 5LRH7TwECtI-00649-00280090-00280812 or your emotional state or your vibratory state is what's creating your THOUGHTS. 5LRH7TwECtI-00650-00280998-00281772 So, we already discussed in our second chapter that your thoughts and your 5LRH7TwECtI-00651-00281775-00282358 emotions and your memories are always 100 percent 5LRH7TwECtI-00652-00282361-00282629 consistent with the vibratory state that you are already in. 5LRH7TwECtI-00653-00282767-00283230 But this kind of surprising, because 5LRH7TwECtI-00654-00283233-00284010 this says that your thoughts are being shaped by your emotional state. 5LRH7TwECtI-00655-00284010-00284504 And this is also a little bit of a shocker because if you ever 5LRH7TwECtI-00656-00284507-00284892 read anything about positive psychology, for example, 5LRH7TwECtI-00657-00284954-00285335 they insist on the idea that 5LRH7TwECtI-00658-00285337-00285700 your thoughts are shaping your emotions! 5LRH7TwECtI-00659-00285731-00286016 And that's easy to prove because 5LRH7TwECtI-00660-00286026-00286274 if I think now of 5LRH7TwECtI-00661-00286277-00287060 something that is really joyful and happy for me, or some situation that I 5LRH7TwECtI-00662-00287062-00287576 lived through, some good memory or something that makes me happy and joyful, 5LRH7TwECtI-00663-00287578-00287997 I will immediately feel happy emotion. 5LRH7TwECtI-00664-00288038-00288402 If I think about something that makes me anxious or angry, 5LRH7TwECtI-00665-00288405-00288780 I will have the emotions of anger and fear. 5LRH7TwECtI-00666-00288780-00289272 So, in a way thoughts are creating emotions, but 5LRH7TwECtI-00667-00289274-00289602 through your definitions and beliefs. 5LRH7TwECtI-00668-00289607-00290027 So your thoughts are going this way 5LRH7TwECtI-00669-00290027-00291159 and they are kind of another input into your layer of definitions and beliefs, 5LRH7TwECtI-00670-00291386-00292017 And this arrow - this is something that we call 5LRH7TwECtI-00671-00292019-00292442 IMAGINATION. 5LRH7TwECtI-00672-00292770-00292970 The imagination. 5LRH7TwECtI-00673-00292999-00293612 Imagination is a really, really powerful tool because 5LRH7TwECtI-00674-00293680-00293978 you can think about the situation 5LRH7TwECtI-00675-00294078-00294375 and then know exactly 5LRH7TwECtI-00676-00294379-00294724 how you would feel if that ever happens. 5LRH7TwECtI-00677-00294736-00295266 Without having to go through that situation itself. 5LRH7TwECtI-00678-00295372-00295870 So, imagination is a really, really powerful tool, 5LRH7TwECtI-00679-00295962-00296373 but it has also a flip side! 5LRH7TwECtI-00680-00296412-00296910 Because, you know, there are no one-sided coins in this Universe. 5LRH7TwECtI-00681-00296966-00297326 So, imagination also has a flip side. 5LRH7TwECtI-00682-00297328-00297761 You may call it a dark side, and that's called WORRYING! 5LRH7TwECtI-00683-00297816-00298543 When you worry about anything, you're using your imagination to conjure 5LRH7TwECtI-00684-00298613-00298866 situations and 5LRH7TwECtI-00685-00298869-00299190 whatever things that you do not prefer. 5LRH7TwECtI-00686-00299244-00299741 You are creating vibratory state or emotional state that you do not prefer, 5LRH7TwECtI-00687-00299743-00300152 and suddenly you will have memories of all the 5LRH7TwECtI-00688-00300154-00300549 past experiences and situations that, 5LRH7TwECtI-00689-00300715-00300929 are somehow connected with this vibratory state. 5LRH7TwECtI-00690-00300931-00301149 And so, if you are worrying about something 5LRH7TwECtI-00691-00301149-00301587 you will remember about other things that 5LRH7TwECtI-00692-00301589-00302126 are attached to the same vibratory state when you were in a state of fear and worry. 5LRH7TwECtI-00693-00302192-00302565 And that is just not healthy! 5LRH7TwECtI-00694-00302616-00303292 And that is another reason why you must - why we recommend 5LRH7TwECtI-00695-00303343-00303591 for you to meditate at least 15 minutes a day, because 5LRH7TwECtI-00696-00303663-00304143 once you get pulled into this vicious circle of worrying 5LRH7TwECtI-00697-00304146-00304508 using your... ABUSING your imagination, 5LRH7TwECtI-00698-00304641-00304772 then... 5LRH7TwECtI-00699-00304797-00305282 It is, well, it is a vicious circle. It just reinforces itself. 5LRH7TwECtI-00700-00305375-00305542 So, let me give you an example. 5LRH7TwECtI-00701-00305543-00305750 Let's say that one day you 5LRH7TwECtI-00702-00305752-00306418 go to the doctor and he says that you have some kind of disease. 5LRH7TwECtI-00703-00306501-00306945 And it's not exactly lethal but it's not exactly pleasant, 5LRH7TwECtI-00704-00306948-00307643 you are going to need two or three years of some kind of therapy, 5LRH7TwECtI-00705-00307645-00307948 and there are maybe some side-effects 5LRH7TwECtI-00706-00307951-00308398 and maybe you will never be as good as new, and so on, and so on. 5LRH7TwECtI-00707-00308516-00308898 And you immediately begin to worry. 5LRH7TwECtI-00708-00309026-00309349 And when you start to worry 5LRH7TwECtI-00709-00309352-00309655 you will have trouble sleeping, 5LRH7TwECtI-00710-00309657-00310126 you will have trouble eating, that will destroy your appetite 5LRH7TwECtI-00711-00310126-00310341 and that's not healthy! 5LRH7TwECtI-00712-00310344-00310633 That's not helping you 5LRH7TwECtI-00713-00310633-00311171 in this scenario of you having some kind of sickness or disease. 5LRH7TwECtI-00714-00311231-00311422 Actually, it's making it worse! 5LRH7TwECtI-00715-00311490-00311797 And you will notice that, of course, 5LRH7TwECtI-00716-00311799-00312286 or someone will tell you after seven days: "Oh, come on, you're not eating," 5LRH7TwECtI-00717-00312286-00312675 "you're not sleeping, you're not going to get better by doing that." 5LRH7TwECtI-00718-00312682-00312962 And now you will worry that you worry! 5LRH7TwECtI-00719-00313044-00313402 Now you know that, of course, that's not good for you 5LRH7TwECtI-00720-00313402-00313604 and you will begin to worry that you worry 5LRH7TwECtI-00721-00313606-00313913 and that's another vicious circle. 5LRH7TwECtI-00722-00314001-00314892 And that is another point where Buddhist tradition, or Zen, or whatever 5LRH7TwECtI-00723-00314892-00315185 is somehow sometimes even cruel 5LRH7TwECtI-00724-00315199-00315575 when trying to jolt you into that understanding. 5LRH7TwECtI-00725-00315598-00315893 There is one story, and that is a real life story, 5LRH7TwECtI-00726-00315896-00316380 so it's not made up from tradition 2,000 years ago, 5LRH7TwECtI-00727-00316383-00316708 it is something that actually happened to one guy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00728-00316724-00317241 He was... he is, he's still alive, he is European 5LRH7TwECtI-00729-00317243-00317697 and he fell in love with Buddhism, Theravada tradition 5LRH7TwECtI-00730-00317700-00318102 somewhere in the late 60s. 5LRH7TwECtI-00731-00318114-00318759 And he went to Thailand, I believe, in some temple or ashram, 5LRH7TwECtI-00732-00318761-00319242 but after a few months he picked up some kind of disease 5LRH7TwECtI-00733-00319242-00319497 that locals are mostly immune to. 5LRH7TwECtI-00734-00319535-00319956 But he was European, he was not immune to it and so he 5LRH7TwECtI-00735-00320006-00320533 went to a hospital and they told him there is a 50-50 chance that he'll live through it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00736-00320626-00320866 And now, he is in hospital, lying his bed 5LRH7TwECtI-00737-00320866-00321323 and one day his master, his teacher comes to visit him. 5LRH7TwECtI-00738-00321405-00321578 And he was delighted! 5LRH7TwECtI-00739-00321687-00321856 That's such an honor! 5LRH7TwECtI-00740-00321865-00322261 And he immediately fixes up his hair a little bit 5LRH7TwECtI-00741-00322307-00322542 and sits on the bed, 5LRH7TwECtI-00742-00322584-00323054 and the master comes to him, he bows and says: 5LRH7TwECtI-00743-00323057-00323408 "Well, you know, maybe you'll live, maybe you won't". 5LRH7TwECtI-00744-00323462-00323627 And leaves. 5LRH7TwECtI-00745-00323806-00324137 Now the question is: was that helpful? 5LRH7TwECtI-00746-00324231-00324343 It was. 5LRH7TwECtI-00747-00324343-00324774 Because he reminded him that by worrying about: 5LRH7TwECtI-00748-00324871-00325109 "Am I going to live? What if I don't?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00749-00325197-00325544 "And where am I going to be buried? And who is going to carry me home?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00750-00325549-00325685 And so on, and so on... 5LRH7TwECtI-00751-00325708-00326358 That's not helpful. That's really not what he should do. He should let go of that 5LRH7TwECtI-00752-00326416-00327006 worrying and by letting go of that thoughts that are filtered through to belief that 5LRH7TwECtI-00753-00327097-00327305 dying is terrible, for example. 5LRH7TwECtI-00754-00327305-00327673 It's one of the beliefs that are connected with that situation. 5LRH7TwECtI-00755-00327725-00328064 Or maybe: "I will never be the same again!" He created bad emotion 5LRH7TwECtI-00756-00328064-00328380 more bad thoughts and then more bad memories, but... 5LRH7TwECtI-00757-00328477-00328854 His master told him: "Maybe you'll die, maybe you won't." 5LRH7TwECtI-00758-00328854-00329175 You can't do anything about that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00759-00329239-00329991 You can help your healing by not worrying about what's going to happen. 5LRH7TwECtI-00760-00330159-00330695 But still, used properly: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." 5LRH7TwECtI-00761-00330719-00331017 Imagination is the language of the soul." 5LRH7TwECtI-00762-00331243-00331788 And that's incredibly insightful, that your imagination is the language of your soul! 5LRH7TwECtI-00763-00331790-00332133 Just a little bit later, we are going to define imagination 5LRH7TwECtI-00764-00332135-00332432 as a conduit to your Higher Self. 5LRH7TwECtI-00765-00332487-00332856 And it's pretty much the same thing, just using different words 5LRH7TwECtI-00766-00332856-00333046 but let us not rush into things. 5LRH7TwECtI-00767-00333082-00333572 Let us first finish our personality construct, or personality structure, 5LRH7TwECtI-00768-00333575-00333962 or map of personality, however you wish to call it. 5LRH7TwECtI-00769-00334037-00334237 It is your thoughts 5LRH7TwECtI-00770-00334265-00334784 that are 100 percent responsible for shaping your 5LRH7TwECtI-00771-00334816-00335049 ACTIONS! 5LRH7TwECtI-00772-00335116-00335509 Actions are coming out of your thoughts 5LRH7TwECtI-00773-00335628-00336170 and then further down the line, your actions will shape your 5LRH7TwECtI-00774-00336202-00336425 REALITY. 5LRH7TwECtI-00775-00336695-00337277 So, whatever it is that you are doing, or you've ever done, 5LRH7TwECtI-00776-00337393-00337796 it was preceded by some kind of thought. 5LRH7TwECtI-00777-00337884-00338068 And that's not about to change. 5LRH7TwECtI-00778-00338085-00338528 So, for example, tomorrow morning your alarm clock will wake you up. 5LRH7TwECtI-00779-00338627-00338852 And then you will see that it is 7 AM. 5LRH7TwECtI-00780-00338854-00339174 And immediately a thought will come: 5LRH7TwECtI-00781-00339179-00339401 "I need to get up." 5LRH7TwECtI-00782-00339437-00339678 "I need to get to work!" 5LRH7TwECtI-00783-00339678-00340076 And then you will get up, you will get up according to your thought 5LRH7TwECtI-00784-00340078-00340475 "I need to get up", and then another thought will come: 5LRH7TwECtI-00785-00340478-00341066 "I need to fix myself a breakfasts", or "I need to make some coffee," and then: 5LRH7TwECtI-00786-00341069-00341361 "I need to put some clothes on," and then: 5LRH7TwECtI-00787-00341363-00341629 "Car keys! Where are my car keys!?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00788-00341633-00342235 So, whatever it is that you are doing, or you will be doing, or you've already done, 5LRH7TwECtI-00789-00342282-00342924 it was, and is, and it will be preceded by some kind of thought. 5LRH7TwECtI-00790-00343102-00343302 And your actions, 5LRH7TwECtI-00791-00343335-00344008 inspired by your thought, is what is going to create and shape your reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00792-00344096-00344488 And this is really worth emphasizing! 5LRH7TwECtI-00793-00344545-00344834 Because it is such a common fallacy. 5LRH7TwECtI-00794-00344892-00345366 A lot of people are claiming that in order to have a beautiful reality, 5LRH7TwECtI-00795-00345366-00345570 reality of your dreams, 5LRH7TwECtI-00796-00345572-00345881 all you need to do is think happy thoughts 5LRH7TwECtI-00797-00345884-00346346 and feel great, feel beautiful, and that will somehow 5LRH7TwECtI-00798-00346349-00346819 put you in the vibration that will allow the Universe to somehow magically 5LRH7TwECtI-00799-00346819-00347147 transport you to the reality of your dreams. 5LRH7TwECtI-00800-00347233-00347591 Well, yes and no! 5LRH7TwECtI-00801-00347641-00348099 Certainly, visualizations and imagination 5LRH7TwECtI-00802-00348101-00348516 and fantasizing and daydreaming are great 5LRH7TwECtI-00803-00348518-00348783 as a TOOL 5LRH7TwECtI-00804-00348786-00349128 to put you in a proper vibratory state. And you will know that 5LRH7TwECtI-00805-00349128-00349585 you're in a better vibratory state because you will feel better. 5LRH7TwECtI-00806-00349619-00350181 And that will give you access to the thoughts that are consistent 5LRH7TwECtI-00807-00350181-00350473 with the higher levels of consciousness. 5LRH7TwECtI-00808-00350533-00350750 To inspiring thoughts. 5LRH7TwECtI-00809-00350753-00351454 But then you need to put some ACTIONABLE energy behind those thoughts! 5LRH7TwECtI-00810-00351540-00352158 You need to convert those inspiring thoughts into an inspired action! 5LRH7TwECtI-00811-00352287-00352533 And that is going to 5LRH7TwECtI-00812-00352536-00352918 put you one step closer to the reality of your dreams! 5LRH7TwECtI-00813-00352971-00353338 But you need to ground that energy through action. 5LRH7TwECtI-00814-00353418-00353982 Because, as much as the imagination is the language of your soul, 5LRH7TwECtI-00815-00353985-00354506 actions are language of a physical reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00816-00354585-00355222 Because: "The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion." 5LRH7TwECtI-00817-00355344-00355834 If you don't put some actionable energy behind your thoughts, 5LRH7TwECtI-00818-00355834-00356160 your thoughts will just remain a fantasy, 5LRH7TwECtI-00819-00356163-00356594 no matter how imaginative or creative or inspiring they are. 5LRH7TwECtI-00820-00356648-00356871 You need to ground them. 5LRH7TwECtI-00821-00356899-00357311 You need to convert them through your actions 5LRH7TwECtI-00822-00357316-00357539 into reality of your dreams. 5LRH7TwECtI-00823-00357720-00358526 Sometimes, it's really funny to watch how these ideas that your actions create your reality 5LRH7TwECtI-00824-00358605-00358757 get twisted along the way. 5LRH7TwECtI-00825-00358757-00359202 So for example, there is a word in Sanskrit language, 5LRH7TwECtI-00826-00359205-00359712 Sanskrit is a language of the ancient Indian sages and mystics, 5LRH7TwECtI-00827-00359712-00359892 and it is KARMA. 5LRH7TwECtI-00828-00359976-00360224 You've probably heard of the word. 5LRH7TwECtI-00829-00360245-00360552 Karma is usually understood, 5LRH7TwECtI-00830-00360554-00360992 misunderstood, and mistranslated in our language 5LRH7TwECtI-00831-00361030-00361648 as either destiny, something that you cannot change - it is just the way it is, 5LRH7TwECtI-00832-00361653-00362072 it is your "bad karma" that things happen in a way that you do not prefer, 5LRH7TwECtI-00833-00362090-00362659 or, that's even weirder - it is some weird universal law 5LRH7TwECtI-00834-00362662-00362948 of punishment and rewards. 5LRH7TwECtI-00835-00362980-00363425 So, if you want to live inside the beautiful reality 5LRH7TwECtI-00836-00363427-00363941 all you need to do is create more positive points 5LRH7TwECtI-00837-00363944-00364217 and less negative points. 5LRH7TwECtI-00838-00364318-00365191 That's kind of true, but, literally - word karma in Sanskrit means ACTION. 5LRH7TwECtI-00839-00365304-00365809 What they are trying to tell us is that it is your actions 5LRH7TwECtI-00840-00365809-00366190 that will create your reality, or, actually, 5LRH7TwECtI-00841-00366193-00366628 that your life is of your own making! 5LRH7TwECtI-00842-00366707-00367003 Your life is of your own making, 5LRH7TwECtI-00843-00367006-00367670 but your life is not of your own thinking or feeling. It is of your own MAKING. 5LRH7TwECtI-00844-00367720-00367954 It is essential 5LRH7TwECtI-00845-00367957-00368381 in order to have a high quality, inspired action 5LRH7TwECtI-00846-00368383-00368848 to have high quality, inspired thoughts. And they are coming from your 5LRH7TwECtI-00847-00368850-00369233 emotional state, or emotional state is reflective of your vibratory state. 5LRH7TwECtI-00848-00369235-00369534 So you need to be in a good vibration in order to have 5LRH7TwECtI-00849-00369537-00370163 higher quality thoughts, but then you need to ground them into 5LRH7TwECtI-00850-00370166-00370567 appropriate action in order to have a reality that you prefer 5LRH7TwECtI-00851-00370567-00370860 and that your senses are going to pick up. 5LRH7TwECtI-00852-00370912-00371274 And the circle continues. 5LRH7TwECtI-00853-00371371-00371842 Now you may ask: "How is this going to help us?" 5LRH7TwECtI-00854-00371915-00372211 It will help us immensely! 5LRH7TwECtI-00855-00372249-00372789 Because now we know where to look for! Because, in the second chapter 5LRH7TwECtI-00856-00372833-00373355 we analyzed in a lot of details the idea that your emotions 5LRH7TwECtI-00857-00373364-00373693 and thoughts, and memories 5LRH7TwECtI-00858-00373696-00374216 and reactions, and perceptions (and it is just a fancy word for all of that), 5LRH7TwECtI-00859-00374224-00374552 are a consequence of your vibratory state. 5LRH7TwECtI-00860-00374646-00374994 And your vibratory state depends on ONE THING, 5LRH7TwECtI-00861-00374996-00375488 and one thing only, and it is content of this black box 5LRH7TwECtI-00862-00375488-00375810 of your definitions and beliefs. 5LRH7TwECtI-00863-00375894-00376343 You don't have to force yourself to feel better. 5LRH7TwECtI-00864-00376426-00376739 Or to force yourself to have happy thoughts. 5LRH7TwECtI-00865-00376804-00377413 Or to force yourself to go into beautiful memories that you have. 5LRH7TwECtI-00866-00377416-00377872 That may help, but you don't need any of that. 5LRH7TwECtI-00867-00377872-00378681 All you need to do is examine the content of this - your definitions and beliefs. 5LRH7TwECtI-00868-00378681-00378947 Because otherwise, what's going to happen? 5LRH7TwECtI-00869-00378983-00379489 You are going to notice that you don't prefer your reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00870-00379547-00379866 And that, when you think about, for example, your job 5LRH7TwECtI-00871-00379868-00380207 it is creating a lot of anxiety and anger in you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00872-00380207-00380591 And you will sit into meditation and do a beautiful visualization. 5LRH7TwECtI-00873-00380629-00381004 You will visualize perfect scenario, or you'll visualize you being happy, 5LRH7TwECtI-00874-00381007-00381142 on a beach or whatever, 5LRH7TwECtI-00875-00381144-00381619 and that will put you in a proper vibration, but for how long? 5LRH7TwECtI-00876-00381726-00382304 Once you open your eyes, you will notice that nothing changed significantly. 5LRH7TwECtI-00877-00382382-00382956 So, you're just going to get all those anger and anxiety back. 5LRH7TwECtI-00878-00383049-00383368 And not only that - you will probably feel guilty 5LRH7TwECtI-00879-00383370-00383653 because everyone else can visualize their perfect scenario, 5LRH7TwECtI-00880-00383656-00383883 it's just not working for you. 5LRH7TwECtI-00881-00383883-00384112 So you may think there's something wrong with you, 5LRH7TwECtI-00882-00384115-00384552 you will feel worthless and shame and guilt and that's even worse. 5LRH7TwECtI-00883-00384687-00384887 You don't need to do that! 5LRH7TwECtI-00884-00384949-00385518 It may work for some people, but if it's not working for you, we are suggesting 5LRH7TwECtI-00885-00385521-00386219 easier solution. And the solution is to understand, for now, 5LRH7TwECtI-00886-00386222-00386800 that all your vibratory state and therefore emotions and thoughts and memories 5LRH7TwECtI-00887-00386800-00387477 and actions are consequence of ONE thing and one thing only - and it is content of this box. 5LRH7TwECtI-00888-00387605-00388405 Your vibratory state is tuned by one button, or maybe slider. 5LRH7TwECtI-00889-00388463-00388884 Just like on those old radio receivers. 5LRH7TwECtI-00890-00388911-00389357 There was one button for frequency, and by changing that frequency 5LRH7TwECtI-00891-00389357-00389894 you change the station that you are listening and you hear a different kind of music! 5LRH7TwECtI-00892-00389958-00390598 It is just ONE thing to take care and to look for. 5LRH7TwECtI-00893-00390598-00390969 And it is your DEFINITIONS AND BELIEFS! 5LRH7TwECtI-00894-00390979-00391436 Once you align your definitions and beliefs 5LRH7TwECtI-00895-00391489-00391895 with your True Self, or True Nature, or with your preference, 5LRH7TwECtI-00896-00391968-00392537 everything else will fall into its place automatically, by itself. 5LRH7TwECtI-00897-00392598-00392781 You will automatically feel better! 5LRH7TwECtI-00898-00392825-00393258 And actually that's how you will know that the change that you've made 5LRH7TwECtI-00899-00393261-00393701 inside your definition and belief system is the one that you prefer. 5LRH7TwECtI-00900-00393701-00393894 Because you will feel better. 5LRH7TwECtI-00901-00393921-00394459 And once you feel better, you will have access to thoughts that are 5LRH7TwECtI-00902-00394491-00394953 representative or consistent with the higher levels of consciousness: 5LRH7TwECtI-00903-00394968-00395403 creative thoughts, inspiring thoughts that will allow you 5LRH7TwECtI-00904-00395406-00395680 to put some actionable energy behind them 5LRH7TwECtI-00905-00395683-00396220 and ground those ideas through an inspired actions! 5LRH7TwECtI-00906-00396253-00396612 And that will really shape your reality. 5LRH7TwECtI-00907-00396737-00397393 All you need to do, all you need to take care of is the content of this black box, 5LRH7TwECtI-00908-00397439-00397994 Finding out definitions and beliefs that are out of alignment with your True Nature, 5LRH7TwECtI-00909-00397994-00398294 with your True Self or with your preference. 5LRH7TwECtI-00910-00398352-00398501 Finding them, 5LRH7TwECtI-00911-00398503-00398692 changing them, 5LRH7TwECtI-00912-00398725-00399227 and the rest will just go on, or flow automatically. 5LRH7TwECtI-00913-00399339-00399895 But first you need to find out what exactly are the definitions and beliefs 5LRH7TwECtI-00914-00399895-00400260 that are out of alignment with your True Nature, with your True Self. 5LRH7TwECtI-00915-00400315-00400660 And, you may ask how are you going to find them? 5LRH7TwECtI-00916-00400660-00401001 Well, it's not as difficult as it seems.