w_vN-IQ8w1Q-00000-00000000-00000200 কেটেছে একেলা বিরহেরো বেলা....... wFlqlnt7SjU-00000-00000023-00000310 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00001-00000310-00000617 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00002-00000617-00000934 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00003-00000934-00001241 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00004-00001241-00001544 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00005-00001544-00001845 Lakeland Public Television presents Currents wFlqlnt7SjU-00006-00001845-00002145 with host Ray Gildow. Sponsored by Nisswa wFlqlnt7SjU-00007-00002145-00002462 Tax Service, offering tax preparation for individuals wFlqlnt7SjU-00008-00002462-00002769 and businesses. Across from the city hall in Nisswa and wFlqlnt7SjU-00009-00002769-00003073 on the web at nisswatax.com. wFlqlnt7SjU-00010-00003073-00003379 Hello again everyone and welcome to Lakeland Currents where today wFlqlnt7SjU-00011-00003379-00003680 we're going to talk about a very unique program in the Staples- wFlqlnt7SjU-00012-00003680-00003983 Motley school district. It wasn't that long ago wFlqlnt7SjU-00013-00003983-00004287 that vocational and technical and career education wFlqlnt7SjU-00014-00004287-00004591 was a big part of all of public education. wFlqlnt7SjU-00015-00004591-00004904 But there's been a sea change from the '70s wFlqlnt7SjU-00016-00004904-00005208 until our current time where a lot of those programs wFlqlnt7SjU-00017-00005208-00005512 don't exist, they don't exist in K-12 systems and they've wFlqlnt7SjU-00018-00005512-00005815 actually been taken out of a lot of our two-year colleges across wFlqlnt7SjU-00019-00005815-00006119 the country too which is creating huge shortages wFlqlnt7SjU-00020-00006119-00006423 in America for the technical programs, the trade programs. wFlqlnt7SjU-00021-00006423-00006726 When we talk about trades it could be anything from a block layer, wFlqlnt7SjU-00022-00006726-00007040 brick layer, a carpenter, mechanics. wFlqlnt7SjU-00023-00007040-00007357 Those whole fields are absolutely wFlqlnt7SjU-00024-00007357-00007660 wide open, begging for help. So it's kinda really wFlqlnt7SjU-00025-00007660-00007964 refreshing to see a school district that's making a commitment wFlqlnt7SjU-00026-00007964-00008264 to start doing something to address those problems. wFlqlnt7SjU-00027-00008264-00008571 And that's what the Connections High School is doing and wFlqlnt7SjU-00028-00008571-00008878 in the Staples-Motley area. So my guests today are wFlqlnt7SjU-00029-00008878-00009182 the principle, Mike Schmidt who's been on our wFlqlnt7SjU-00030-00009182-00009482 show a couple of different times in a couple of different areas. wFlqlnt7SjU-00031-00009482-00009786 Chris Trout, who is one of the instructors at the program wFlqlnt7SjU-00032-00009786-00010090 and then one of the students in the program, Katey Flansburg. wFlqlnt7SjU-00033-00010090-00010393 So welcome to all of you and Mike, maybe we wFlqlnt7SjU-00034-00010393-00010697 could kick it off with you and you could give us a background about wFlqlnt7SjU-00035-00010697-00011000 what this high school because it's a high school with wFlqlnt7SjU-00036-00011000-00011307 a high school.«We are, we are two high schools under one roof and wFlqlnt7SjU-00037-00011307-00011614 that's, that again makes us unique in that regard as well wFlqlnt7SjU-00038-00011614-00011918 really Connections started off as a concept years ago, long wFlqlnt7SjU-00039-00011918-00012222 before I arrived in Staples about being a charter school wFlqlnt7SjU-00040-00012222-00012539 and working in collaboration with Central Lakes College wFlqlnt7SjU-00041-00012539-00012856 and as CLC went through some of their changes and their adjustments wFlqlnt7SjU-00042-00012856-00013163 as MNSCU continues to do, um, the teaching staff wFlqlnt7SjU-00043-00013163-00013480 at Staples-Motley really wanted to stay the course with this wFlqlnt7SjU-00044-00013480-00013783 and it became a great partnership, not only between wFlqlnt7SjU-00045-00013783-00014087 some of our greatest teachers within the district, um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00046-00014087-00014390 but also with Central Lakes College still and our Bridges wFlqlnt7SjU-00047-00014390-00014697 Academies that are very popular in the lakes area and it's very wFlqlnt7SjU-00048-00014697-00015004 career, technical oriented, ah, project-based wFlqlnt7SjU-00049-00015004-00015305 learning. And basically what it is, is the core subjects wFlqlnt7SjU-00050-00015305-00015625 are taught in a very nontraditional manner where the wFlqlnt7SjU-00051-00015625-00015942 student, through their projects, meet the state standards. wFlqlnt7SjU-00052-00015942-00016246 As opposed to a bell system of an hour of english, wFlqlnt7SjU-00053-00016246-00016563 an hour of science, an hour of math, they're still wFlqlnt7SjU-00054-00016563-00016866 meeting those standards and they work towards their diploma wFlqlnt7SjU-00055-00016866-00017173 like a regular high school, if you will, but it's just project- wFlqlnt7SjU-00056-00017173-00017494 based learning. And it's very hands-on career, technical wFlqlnt7SjU-00057-00017494-00017794 oriented education.«Ray: Lets just for our viewers, wFlqlnt7SjU-00058-00017794-00018098 who might not know this term, just what is it, the academies, wFlqlnt7SjU-00059-00018098-00018401 the Bridges Academies that you're talking about» Sure, we've wFlqlnt7SjU-00060-00018401-00018705 got...oh there's...we have one that's around medical and nursing wFlqlnt7SjU-00061-00018705-00019005 and we have welding academy, we have some wFlqlnt7SjU-00062-00019005-00019312 fabricating as well, we also have some different trades wFlqlnt7SjU-00063-00019312-00019616 in there and the most recent which is unique to our area wFlqlnt7SjU-00064-00019616-00019933 is a culinary academy that's preparing our students to wFlqlnt7SjU-00065-00019933-00020236 work and manage and be apart of restaurants, resorts, wFlqlnt7SjU-00066-00020236-00020540 so forth and so on, and when they leave our high school and they go wFlqlnt7SjU-00067-00020540-00020844 through the academies, they're awarded not only the credits wFlqlnt7SjU-00068-00020844-00021151 in high school but credits towards continuing that education wFlqlnt7SjU-00069-00021151-00021451 at Central Lakes College directly.«Ray: And these academies are wFlqlnt7SjU-00070-00021451-00021758 located across central Minnesota aren't they» They are. Many high wFlqlnt7SjU-00071-00021758-00022065 schools have them but we found it as real way to just wFlqlnt7SjU-00072-00022065-00022375 provide the nucleus to Connections High School.«Ray: Now wFlqlnt7SjU-00073-00022375-00022679 you are...obviously we have open enrollment so you wFlqlnt7SjU-00074-00022679-00022982 can take students from anywhere» Yes.«Ray: How many students are wFlqlnt7SjU-00075-00022982-00023286 currently enrolled in your program, and at the..» Twenty nine. wFlqlnt7SjU-00076-00023286-00023603 «Ray: Twenty-nine? And is that about where you're trying wFlqlnt7SjU-00077-00023603-00023910 to max out because of your staffing» Yeah, actually wFlqlnt7SjU-00078-00023910-00024210 we would have room in at last year we were pretty much wFlqlnt7SjU-00079-00024210-00024517 maxed out and we had more towards wFlqlnt7SjU-00080-00024517-00024821 the 40 and we want to continue to grow wFlqlnt7SjU-00081-00024821-00025128 um, and so we'll be looking at doing that but wFlqlnt7SjU-00082-00025128-00025432 we are in one big room and 40 is wFlqlnt7SjU-00083-00025432-00025735 room-full so that's, you know, for the short term wFlqlnt7SjU-00084-00025735-00026039 that is our goal.«Ray: So all of your projects occur wFlqlnt7SjU-00085-00026039-00026346 in one room? You're not integrated into the school wFlqlnt7SjU-00086-00026346-00026663 others...the rest of the school building» We really wFlqlnt7SjU-00087-00026663-00026966 are a hybrid and that's why it's so nice to be located wFlqlnt7SjU-00088-00026966-00027283 um, and partnered with Staples-Motley High School wFlqlnt7SjU-00089-00027283-00027590 because our kids can go out and take wFlqlnt7SjU-00090-00027590-00027891 um, some elective classes wFlqlnt7SjU-00091-00027891-00028208 in the high school so a lot of our kids take wFlqlnt7SjU-00092-00028208-00028515 advantage of our great music program and they might go out for wFlqlnt7SjU-00093-00028515-00028832 music but then they come back and they do their core wFlqlnt7SjU-00094-00028832-00029135 classes with the project based learning within that one wFlqlnt7SjU-00095-00029135-00029436 room. Now when I say that, we do have some study wFlqlnt7SjU-00096-00029436-00029739 rooms and other places where they go to work but when we're wFlqlnt7SjU-00097-00029739-00030046 all together, we're all in the one big classroom, yes. wFlqlnt7SjU-00098-00030046-00030353 «Ray: So how does the emphasis become un-technical wFlqlnt7SjU-00099-00030353-00030670 and career education as opposed to just going to the wFlqlnt7SjU-00100-00030670-00030980 normal high school? How do you determine that wFlqlnt7SjU-00101-00030980-00031284 with students» I think we had a student year that really wFlqlnt7SjU-00102-00031284-00031588 gave us, he was the purest look at what we set out wFlqlnt7SjU-00103-00031588-00031895 to do. And he was a young man that open enrolled into our wFlqlnt7SjU-00104-00031895-00032198 district and he was just simply, he was a wFlqlnt7SjU-00105-00032198-00032512 hands-on kid that was into fabrication of metal, cars, wFlqlnt7SjU-00106-00032512-00032819 bodywork. He graduated high school wFlqlnt7SjU-00107-00032819-00033123 via our shops, working with wFlqlnt7SjU-00108-00033123-00033436 the projects that he wanted to do, and the core subjects wFlqlnt7SjU-00109-00033436-00033743 that allowed him the freedom if you will, to today I'm going to wFlqlnt7SjU-00110-00033743-00034043 work on this, tomorrow I need to finish this, and wFlqlnt7SjU-00111-00034043-00034344 on Wednesday, I might start back on this. wFlqlnt7SjU-00112-00034344-00034661 So it really allows the fluidity for the students grades 9-12 wFlqlnt7SjU-00113-00034661-00034978 ah, through their choice of where they think they wFlqlnt7SjU-00114-00034978-00035291 want to go, and I think that's the emphasis is, does any teenager wFlqlnt7SjU-00115-00035291-00035595 really know where they're gonna finish in life? No, but we wanted to wFlqlnt7SjU-00116-00035595-00035895 provide a stronger pathway through those wFlqlnt7SjU-00117-00035895-00036202 Bridges Academies and through our technical courses and wFlqlnt7SjU-00118-00036202-00036519 our career centered courses for the kids to have that freedom and we do wFlqlnt7SjU-00119-00036519-00036833 a lot of, ah, do a lot of things outside of school. wFlqlnt7SjU-00120-00036833-00037137 We take the kids out on a lot of field trips, a lot of work site wFlqlnt7SjU-00121-00037137-00037440 visits, um really getting them out into wFlqlnt7SjU-00122-00037440-00037747 the workforce so they can meet and experience that wFlqlnt7SjU-00123-00037747-00038051 as well.«Ray: And how big is your staff at this school» Currently wFlqlnt7SjU-00124-00038051-00038361 Chris Trout and we have a...she is full time wFlqlnt7SjU-00125-00038361-00038661 as is her teaching assistant, and then wFlqlnt7SjU-00126-00038661-00038972 Kerry Lindgren, Donna Bestland, Lisa Kajer, wFlqlnt7SjU-00127-00038972-00039275 are our core group of wFlqlnt7SjU-00128-00039275-00039589 teachers that do the career technical piece of it. And then wFlqlnt7SjU-00129-00039589-00039896 we bring in additional resources from Staples-Motley wFlqlnt7SjU-00130-00039896-00040200 High School to oversee the science, math, and language arts curriculum. wFlqlnt7SjU-00131-00040200-00040513 «Ray: So those teachers also cross over into the other wFlqlnt7SjU-00132-00040513-00040814 high school so they don't just work in the Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00133-00040814-00041121 program» Correct.«Ray: So when a student's parents wFlqlnt7SjU-00134-00041121-00041424 come to you in the fall and they want to sign up a student wFlqlnt7SjU-00135-00041424-00041725 are there special requirements to get into your program» wFlqlnt7SjU-00136-00041725-00042031 No, I'll let Chris speak to that. wFlqlnt7SjU-00137-00042031-00042335 No, really we are a public school wFlqlnt7SjU-00138-00042335-00042639 and of course, um you know, when you wFlqlnt7SjU-00139-00042639-00042942 talk about open enrollment that's a good thing. wFlqlnt7SjU-00140-00042942-00043259 Um, we welcome that, but it's a transportation issue wFlqlnt7SjU-00141-00043259-00043563 you know, so, you need to be able to wFlqlnt7SjU-00142-00043563-00043877 get to school everyday um, but we wFlqlnt7SjU-00143-00043877-00044184 um, as a wFlqlnt7SjU-00144-00044184-00044491 public school, you know, we wFlqlnt7SjU-00145-00044491-00044794 say come check it out wFlqlnt7SjU-00146-00044794-00045098 see what we have to offer and see if you think this wFlqlnt7SjU-00147-00045098-00045398 would be a good fit so we're not selective wFlqlnt7SjU-00148-00045398-00045705 as in, "Oh you have to have certain wFlqlnt7SjU-00149-00045705-00046009 qualifications" no, but we want you to wFlqlnt7SjU-00150-00046009-00046319 take a look at what we have and um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00151-00046319-00046623 really consider if this would be a good fit for you.«Ray: So do you have students from other schools wFlqlnt7SjU-00152-00046623-00046926 districts that are in your program» Yes, hmm mm.«Ray: And wFlqlnt7SjU-00153-00046926-00047233 Katey, you are a freshman» Yes.«Ray: And wFlqlnt7SjU-00154-00047233-00047534 how did you...make the decision yourself that wFlqlnt7SjU-00155-00047534-00047841 you wanted to get into this sort of program» wFlqlnt7SjU-00156-00047841-00048151 Well, I think I work better by myself wFlqlnt7SjU-00157-00048151-00048458 and then I like wFlqlnt7SjU-00158-00048458-00048765 to know what exactly I need to do to get wFlqlnt7SjU-00159-00048765-00049078 everything done and to work at my own pace helps wFlqlnt7SjU-00160-00049078-00049382 a lot. So, I just wFlqlnt7SjU-00161-00049382-00049686 thought it would be good.«Ray: So if I'm a parent and I wFlqlnt7SjU-00162-00049686-00049996 lets say I'm Katey's father and I come to your wFlqlnt7SjU-00163-00049996-00050306 program, and you say "Now we meet all the standards in english wFlqlnt7SjU-00164-00050306-00050613 all the standards in math, wFlqlnt7SjU-00165-00050613-00050920 whatever the other standards are, reading, whatever wFlqlnt7SjU-00166-00050920-00051237 they are, how do you exhibit to the parent wFlqlnt7SjU-00167-00051237-00051548 that they're learning these things» Yeah, that's a good wFlqlnt7SjU-00168-00051548-00051854 question. Um, when a student does a project wFlqlnt7SjU-00169-00051854-00052162 they start out by asking specific questions wFlqlnt7SjU-00170-00052162-00052465 of themselves, and they set their own goals, "this is what I want wFlqlnt7SjU-00171-00052465-00052769 to learn" and then they go through the steps of doing a project wFlqlnt7SjU-00172-00052769-00053089 but then when they're done they have wFlqlnt7SjU-00173-00053089-00053393 a product when they're done which could be variety of things and wFlqlnt7SjU-00174-00053393-00053706 through that product they have to show that they've answered wFlqlnt7SjU-00175-00053706-00054023 the specific questions. You know, whether it's wFlqlnt7SjU-00176-00054023-00054330 um, you know, "what happened wFlqlnt7SjU-00177-00054330-00054647 in the War of 1812?" because I'm the history teacher wFlqlnt7SjU-00178-00054647-00054954 or um, "how does the scientific wFlqlnt7SjU-00179-00054954-00055258 theory work?" You know, they have to show wFlqlnt7SjU-00180-00055258-00055562 the teacher the answer wFlqlnt7SjU-00181-00055562-00055865 to those questions and they're final product wFlqlnt7SjU-00182-00055865-00056182 and some times it might be a test as part of their final wFlqlnt7SjU-00183-00056182-00056486 product but certainly not all the time. That's wFlqlnt7SjU-00184-00056486-00056800 how they show what they've learned and that's what they're graded on. So wFlqlnt7SjU-00185-00056800-00057116 they get a traditional grade wFlqlnt7SjU-00186-00057116-00057427 and report card like any other student, they all have to wFlqlnt7SjU-00187-00057427-00057747 a transcript when they're done and it's wFlqlnt7SjU-00188-00057747-00058051 graded on the products that they produce from their project wFlqlnt7SjU-00189-00058051-00058358 «Ray: Katey I'm gonna put you on the hot seat here for a minute, could you give wFlqlnt7SjU-00190-00058358-00058658 us an example of a couple of the projects that you do? wFlqlnt7SjU-00191-00058658-00058958 And how, maybe not just project wFlqlnt7SjU-00192-00058958-00059259 that you do but how the other things you're learning come into wFlqlnt7SjU-00193-00059259-00059572 play there» OK so like wFlqlnt7SjU-00194-00059572-00059876 for example I just did a science project which wFlqlnt7SjU-00195-00059876-00060179 um, consisted of three different wFlqlnt7SjU-00196-00060179-00060483 standards. The water cycle, water reservoir, and then wFlqlnt7SjU-00197-00060483-00060790 the oceans. So I did a poster wFlqlnt7SjU-00198-00060790-00061097 that it showed the wFlqlnt7SjU-00199-00061097-00061397 oceans and then how the water cycle wFlqlnt7SjU-00200-00061397-00061704 contributed to the earth wFlqlnt7SjU-00201-00061704-00062008 and then I explained what wFlqlnt7SjU-00202-00062008-00062318 a water reservoir is and then wFlqlnt7SjU-00203-00062318-00062635 my science teacher, he asked me different questions and I had to answer them. wFlqlnt7SjU-00204-00062635-00062942 So, it's... wFlqlnt7SjU-00205-00062942-00063246 I mean you can work at your own pace and then do wFlqlnt7SjU-00206-00063246-00063546 what is a good job and then wFlqlnt7SjU-00207-00063546-00063850 get questioned on it.«Ray: Now do you have to have a certain number of projects wFlqlnt7SjU-00208-00063850-00064167 completed during the course of the year» Yeah, wFlqlnt7SjU-00209-00064167-00064477 um, usually for each wFlqlnt7SjU-00210-00064477-00064781 different...um, like for science you have to have wFlqlnt7SjU-00211-00064781-00065088 five different standards wFlqlnt7SjU-00212-00065088-00065391 done for each quarter and wFlqlnt7SjU-00213-00065391-00065695 you could have lets say two projects wFlqlnt7SjU-00214-00065695-00066002 and complete all five standards or you could have five different wFlqlnt7SjU-00215-00066002-00066306 projects.«Ray: Now when you say standards wFlqlnt7SjU-00216-00066306-00066619 tell us what you mean by that? I'm not clear what you mean by that» wFlqlnt7SjU-00217-00066619-00066926 Um, so um,«Ray: I don't mean to be putting wFlqlnt7SjU-00218-00066926-00067243 you on the spot, and Chris can help me if you need to» wFlqlnt7SjU-00219-00067243-00067547 Um, I think the standard is just wFlqlnt7SjU-00220-00067547-00067851 from the state making sure you understand wFlqlnt7SjU-00221-00067851-00068158 each different thing. Like I wFlqlnt7SjU-00222-00068158-00068458 need to understand what a water reservoir is to complete wFlqlnt7SjU-00223-00068458-00068761 the standard. Right, wFlqlnt7SjU-00224-00068761-00069082 and for us we...«Ray: So that would be, what would be the wFlqlnt7SjU-00225-00069082-00069385 overriding standard, what would that be called» Sure, so on wFlqlnt7SjU-00226-00069385-00069689 we would go to the Minnesota Department of Ed and wFlqlnt7SjU-00227-00069689-00070006 they have a physical science standard wFlqlnt7SjU-00228-00070006-00070313 and um, that's where we base our expectations from. wFlqlnt7SjU-00229-00070313-00070630 And for me again, I do social studies so I do wFlqlnt7SjU-00230-00070630-00070937 go to the Minnesota Department of Ed, you know, you have wFlqlnt7SjU-00231-00070937-00071254 the list of state standards and these are their expectations wFlqlnt7SjU-00232-00071254-00071571 and so that's what we pass on. The students wFlqlnt7SjU-00233-00071571-00071871 when they start, they have, they get the expectations, wFlqlnt7SjU-00234-00071871-00072178 these are your standards, and so when we help them wFlqlnt7SjU-00235-00072178-00072485 brainstorm about projects we consult that a lot wFlqlnt7SjU-00236-00072485-00072786 and say "OK how are you going to show these different wFlqlnt7SjU-00237-00072786-00073099 these different standards?" And you know, we guide wFlqlnt7SjU-00238-00073099-00073403 them along the way and help them be creative. wFlqlnt7SjU-00239-00073403-00073720 Um, some times very creative and sometimes, you know, wFlqlnt7SjU-00240-00073720-00074027 a poster with an explanation is wFlqlnt7SjU-00241-00074027-00074334 is enough. What Katey was talking wFlqlnt7SjU-00242-00074334-00074647 about um, they do their standards wFlqlnt7SjU-00243-00074647-00074954 and then they present them and a lot of times we'll say wFlqlnt7SjU-00244-00074954-00075271 "Well this is great, we like this, you need wFlqlnt7SjU-00245-00075271-00075588 to find out more about this topic here as we send them wFlqlnt7SjU-00246-00075588-00075892 back to do a little bit more work on their project and then they'll wFlqlnt7SjU-00247-00075892-00076199 present it again.«Ray: So do you find that most wFlqlnt7SjU-00248-00076199-00076503 of the students who come into this program have a wFlqlnt7SjU-00249-00076503-00076809 stronger interest in career and technical wFlqlnt7SjU-00250-00076809-00077113 issues than students wFlqlnt7SjU-00251-00077113-00077420 in the traditional high school? Or do you just find that they're wFlqlnt7SjU-00252-00077420-00077724 more certain of who they are and what they want» wFlqlnt7SjU-00253-00077724-00078034 to do» I think it's a blending of both and I think one of the strongest wFlqlnt7SjU-00254-00078034-00078344 qualities Connections offers is wFlqlnt7SjU-00255-00078344-00078655 the curiosity of the student is reinforced. wFlqlnt7SjU-00256-00078655-00078962 They're just...there are no...it's limitless. wFlqlnt7SjU-00257-00078962-00079262 And last year we had a group of students that worked wFlqlnt7SjU-00258-00079262-00079579 directly with one of our businesses in town to fabricate wFlqlnt7SjU-00259-00079579-00079893 and make the tables, the work stations for the students. wFlqlnt7SjU-00260-00079893-00080196 That became a part of their standards-based education. wFlqlnt7SjU-00261-00080196-00080510 Their projects, their math, their, their wFlqlnt7SjU-00262-00080510-00080817 career path that they were on, and it's just wFlqlnt7SjU-00263-00080817-00081127 invaluable to go into a shop one on one with an owner wFlqlnt7SjU-00264-00081127-00081437 that, they were our students, very much so, they were expected to be wFlqlnt7SjU-00265-00081437-00081741 there on time. They had to follow his shop rules and etiquettes. wFlqlnt7SjU-00266-00081741-00082051 If guests came into the shop they were expected to represent accordingly wFlqlnt7SjU-00267-00082051-00082352 and these are the freedoms that Connections has really offered wFlqlnt7SjU-00268-00082352-00082652 and I think the misconception for Connections is that wFlqlnt7SjU-00269-00082652-00082952 the word "alternative" has been used wFlqlnt7SjU-00270-00082952-00083256 already in education, it already has a place holder wFlqlnt7SjU-00271-00083256-00083563 and Connections is an alternative wFlqlnt7SjU-00272-00083563-00083867 way to deliver the standards. It is by no means wFlqlnt7SjU-00273-00083867-00084180 an alternative high school. It is, it requires wFlqlnt7SjU-00274-00084180-00084497 a strong, independent student to be able wFlqlnt7SjU-00275-00084497-00084801 to take on, if you will, anyone who has teenagers knows sometimes wFlqlnt7SjU-00276-00084801-00085115 if you give them the rope they're gonna go wFlqlnt7SjU-00277-00085115-00085421 they may do themselves in with the rope if you will. Um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00278-00085421-00085725 Katey is a great example as a poised freshmen that has come into wFlqlnt7SjU-00279-00085725-00086032 our high school that has said "This is who I am wFlqlnt7SjU-00280-00086032-00086342 this is where I think I want to go" and we've got the freedom to allow wFlqlnt7SjU-00281-00086342-00086659 her to do that. And that's one of the real benefits so wFlqlnt7SjU-00282-00086659-00086966 for clarification it's not an ALC, and that was wFlqlnt7SjU-00283-00086966-00087270 one of those things that... «Ray: Which has a lot of negative wFlqlnt7SjU-00284-00087270-00087587 connotations» You know I prefer to look at ALC at as wFlqlnt7SjU-00285-00087587-00087894 a I think unfortunately in society, yes, I think it's become a wFlqlnt7SjU-00286-00087894-00088204 acronym but um, I've also worked with and along wFlqlnt7SjU-00287-00088204-00088508 side of ALCs where they simply are wFlqlnt7SjU-00288-00088508-00088828 sometimes they're based on lifestyle needs of our students. I wFlqlnt7SjU-00289-00088828-00089135 think in out-state Minnesota um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00290-00089135-00089449 Connections has just become one of those great alternatives wFlqlnt7SjU-00291-00089449-00089763 for ah, for a family or a student to look at different way to educate wFlqlnt7SjU-00292-00089763-00090073 their child.«Can I jump in? wFlqlnt7SjU-00293-00090073-00090383 Um, and I have worked at the local ALC wFlqlnt7SjU-00294-00090383-00090690 and I have, you know, I have great respect for the school. But wFlqlnt7SjU-00295-00090690-00090990 one of the things with the ALC they really work with the students and their wFlqlnt7SjU-00296-00090990-00091304 schedules. And um, one of the things wFlqlnt7SjU-00297-00091304-00091608 at Connections is that we do have a commitment wFlqlnt7SjU-00298-00091608-00091925 to preparing kids for the workforce so we wFlqlnt7SjU-00299-00091925-00092228 have pretty high expectations of our... wFlqlnt7SjU-00300-00092228-00092532 «Ray: That is part of your expectations, you gonna try to get them into the workforce» wFlqlnt7SjU-00301-00092532-00092832 Right, or post-secondary training wFlqlnt7SjU-00302-00092832-00093143 for the workforce. Yes.«Ray: So they can have advanced training for that» Yes. wFlqlnt7SjU-00303-00093143-00093446 So attendance is really something we hammer wFlqlnt7SjU-00304-00093446-00093767 home a lot. And along with this just to back up a little bit wFlqlnt7SjU-00305-00093767-00094067 we are in the middle of starting wFlqlnt7SjU-00306-00094067-00094374 a new Bridges Academy at...through Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00307-00094374-00094687 and it's a career exploration wFlqlnt7SjU-00308-00094687-00094988 academy and so um, some of the requirements wFlqlnt7SjU-00309-00094988-00095298 of that is that the students have to take some wFlqlnt7SjU-00310-00095298-00095602 career and tech ed classes which wFlqlnt7SjU-00311-00095602-00095919 happen at the high school, I just want to, I want to stress that wFlqlnt7SjU-00312-00095919-00096229 so our career and tech ed classes are still at the wFlqlnt7SjU-00313-00096229-00096543 main campus at the high school but they wFlqlnt7SjU-00314-00096543-00096860 um, are required to take classes wFlqlnt7SjU-00315-00096860-00097163 in different career and tech ed areas wFlqlnt7SjU-00316-00097163-00097473 so that they are exploring all their wFlqlnt7SjU-00317-00097473-00097784 options while they're receiving their wFlqlnt7SjU-00318-00097784-00098087 Bridges Academics certificate. wFlqlnt7SjU-00319-00098087-00098404 «Ray: If I'm a student and I come into your wFlqlnt7SjU-00320-00098404-00098715 school, and I've got a strong interest in wFlqlnt7SjU-00321-00098715-00099022 mechanics, so what I, could I wFlqlnt7SjU-00322-00099022-00099335 have the option of going to Dondelinger or wFlqlnt7SjU-00323-00099335-00099639 Nyhus Chevrolet and working on a program wFlqlnt7SjU-00324-00099639-00099949 where if they would be willing to let me into their shop wFlqlnt7SjU-00325-00099949-00100263 I could come in and do projects in their shop? Is that wFlqlnt7SjU-00326-00100263-00100570 something that you do» Well, that would be exciting! wFlqlnt7SjU-00327-00100570-00100870 We haven't as of yet but the example of the wFlqlnt7SjU-00328-00100870-00101184 local shop owner, absolutely. «Ray: It's something that would be allowed though by the school» wFlqlnt7SjU-00329-00101184-00101498 And I think one of the things through the career and technical education wFlqlnt7SjU-00330-00101498-00101801 push that you talked about in the intro and the world's best work force wFlqlnt7SjU-00331-00101801-00102118 college career readiness, that's very much what it is. It is a wFlqlnt7SjU-00332-00102118-00102418 generation of employees and workforce that is out there wFlqlnt7SjU-00333-00102418-00102725 currently saying we are not seeing the next wFlqlnt7SjU-00334-00102725-00103029 generation come. They're realizing they're having to connect wFlqlnt7SjU-00335-00103029-00103336 with the high school student versus wait for the student to come to them. wFlqlnt7SjU-00336-00103336-00103650 And I think that's one of the big pluses you know...there's wFlqlnt7SjU-00337-00103650-00103957 a lot of high school...there's a lot of people that believe if we just built a wFlqlnt7SjU-00338-00103957-00104260 house in the back of the high school, we'd learn a trade. There's more wFlqlnt7SjU-00339-00104260-00104577 to the trade than building of the house. And this has been a great wFlqlnt7SjU-00340-00104577-00104888 way to offer different opportunities to students wFlqlnt7SjU-00341-00104888-00105191 locally through those connections. wFlqlnt7SjU-00342-00105191-00105492 «Ray: We used to build those houses behind almost every high school wFlqlnt7SjU-00343-00105492-00105802 and a lot of those students went on to into wFlqlnt7SjU-00344-00105802-00106115 the trade which um, you know, a lot of wFlqlnt7SjU-00345-00106115-00106422 employers are upset now because they don't see kids wFlqlnt7SjU-00346-00106422-00106736 coming out of school with any of those fundamental wFlqlnt7SjU-00347-00106736-00107050 skills and I think your point about wFlqlnt7SjU-00348-00107050-00107360 being on time and being there is so important. wFlqlnt7SjU-00349-00107360-00107670 Ah, if you go to some of our larger employers in central Minnesota wFlqlnt7SjU-00350-00107670-00107971 they will tell you it is not uncommon to hire wFlqlnt7SjU-00351-00107971-00108278 a young person and not even have them there for the first wFlqlnt7SjU-00352-00108278-00108591 paycheck. They don't even come back» Full day, right. wFlqlnt7SjU-00353-00108591-00108895 «Ray: And so having that ethic taught, is wFlqlnt7SjU-00354-00108895-00109199 a very, very critical thing. If you wFlqlnt7SjU-00355-00109199-00109509 um, you interact with wFlqlnt7SjU-00356-00109509-00109812 all the other students Katey, in the high school because you're wFlqlnt7SjU-00357-00109812-00110123 a high school within a high school essentially, wFlqlnt7SjU-00358-00110123-00110433 do they, you know, ask you a lot of questions? wFlqlnt7SjU-00359-00110433-00110747 Are they curious to what you're doing there? Do they think it's something they wFlqlnt7SjU-00360-00110747-00111057 would be interest in? Or where are they at with that» wFlqlnt7SjU-00361-00111057-00111357 Well, I do have a couple of friends who are actually very wFlqlnt7SjU-00362-00111357-00111668 interested in it because they don't think wFlqlnt7SjU-00363-00111668-00111985 the normal high school wFlqlnt7SjU-00364-00111985-00112292 is working out for them as they wished. wFlqlnt7SjU-00365-00112292-00112609 So I've been talking to them and explaining what wFlqlnt7SjU-00366-00112609-00112929 Connections is and how it's done and they are wFlqlnt7SjU-00367-00112929-00113236 talking to their parents and maybe are going to join. wFlqlnt7SjU-00368-00113236-00113553 So, it's... wFlqlnt7SjU-00369-00113553-00113867 I don't know.«Ray: So you're a freshmen wFlqlnt7SjU-00370-00113867-00114167 this year» Yes.«Ray: Do you see yourself staying in this program wFlqlnt7SjU-00371-00114167-00114484 for four years» Definitely. «Ray: So you're really excited about what it wFlqlnt7SjU-00372-00114484-00114791 does for you» Yeah.«Ray: And then do you see yourself wFlqlnt7SjU-00373-00114791-00115091 getting into more sophisticated kinds of projects wFlqlnt7SjU-00374-00115091-00115405 as you get older» Most definitely wFlqlnt7SjU-00375-00115405-00115708 cuz...«Ray: What are some of the things that you're thinking about right now» wFlqlnt7SjU-00376-00115708-00116012 Well like wFlqlnt7SjU-00377-00116012-00116329 for like different projects or what I want to do?«Ray: Yeah wFlqlnt7SjU-00378-00116329-00116633 different projects, when you come back next year as a sophomore? wFlqlnt7SjU-00379-00116633-00116946 What are some of the things that maybe you'd like to do» wFlqlnt7SjU-00380-00116946-00117250 Well for like different, like, lets say wFlqlnt7SjU-00381-00117250-00117554 health standards, maybe I could like wFlqlnt7SjU-00382-00117554-00117871 volunteer at like a care center maybe and then wFlqlnt7SjU-00383-00117871-00118191 kind of do a project on something wFlqlnt7SjU-00384-00118191-00118491 revolving around the care center. So it's wFlqlnt7SjU-00385-00118491-00118798 more interactive rather then just drawing a poster, wFlqlnt7SjU-00386-00118798-00119105 So.«Ray: It seems to me that this wFlqlnt7SjU-00387-00119105-00119425 school would be great opportunity for students to go wFlqlnt7SjU-00388-00119425-00119739 out and shadow some of the businesses wFlqlnt7SjU-00389-00119739-00120043 that are in the area and say "I'm maybe wFlqlnt7SjU-00390-00120043-00120356 interested in working with you, maybe not full time wFlqlnt7SjU-00391-00120356-00120657 but maybe sometime full time but maybe even after high school. wFlqlnt7SjU-00392-00120657-00120974 Um, go to the vet clinic school wFlqlnt7SjU-00393-00120974-00121284 and see maybe I want to be vet tech." I know we've had wFlqlnt7SjU-00394-00121284-00121588 over the years people have gone to the nursing programs and have gone into wFlqlnt7SjU-00395-00121588-00121905 the actual nursing settings and said "Whoa it's not wFlqlnt7SjU-00396-00121905-00122225 for me! There's to much blood, keep me out of that!" wFlqlnt7SjU-00397-00122225-00122532 But its ah, I look at ah, being in wFlqlnt7SjU-00398-00122532-00122846 education all of my life, I look at how many young people wFlqlnt7SjU-00399-00122846-00123156 have spent so much money in areas wFlqlnt7SjU-00400-00123156-00123459 that they had really no interest in, they just didn't know it. wFlqlnt7SjU-00401-00123459-00123763 And you wouldn't buy a new car, a $50,000 car wFlqlnt7SjU-00402-00123763-00124070 without trying it out, why would you go to a college wFlqlnt7SjU-00403-00124070-00124380 or why would you go into an industry when you have wFlqlnt7SjU-00404-00124380-00124691 no idea what it is? So I think this opportunity wFlqlnt7SjU-00405-00124691-00125001 will give you that, that real opportunity to do that» One of the things wFlqlnt7SjU-00406-00125001-00125318 sorry, one of the things I'm excited about too wFlqlnt7SjU-00407-00125318-00125618 is right now we've partnered with the workforce center wFlqlnt7SjU-00408-00125618-00125922 and we do have a youth career advisor who comes once a week wFlqlnt7SjU-00409-00125922-00126229 and she's working with some of the students just wFlqlnt7SjU-00410-00126229-00126549 to make some of those internships happen wFlqlnt7SjU-00411-00126549-00126863 and again, just, she's wFlqlnt7SjU-00412-00126863-00127173 um, she meets with them individually to make sure that they have wFlqlnt7SjU-00413-00127173-00127493 a plan in place and wFlqlnt7SjU-00414-00127493-00127797 giving them opportunities. wFlqlnt7SjU-00415-00127797-00128107 «Ray: You were going to say something weren't you» I do, I think that's one of the benefits wFlqlnt7SjU-00416-00128107-00128411 to the 9-12 small-school look for Connections. There's, there's wFlqlnt7SjU-00417-00128411-00128721 an intimacy to their main classroom. They get to know wFlqlnt7SjU-00418-00128721-00129038 their students and through that, their soft skills, wFlqlnt7SjU-00419-00129038-00129359 their ability to communicate..«Ray: What do you mean by soft skills» Yeah, the soft skills, wFlqlnt7SjU-00420-00129359-00129669 the ability to do what we're doing right now. wFlqlnt7SjU-00421-00129669-00129986 Talk to one another, explain, um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00422-00129986-00130296 get your ideas out there, heard, wFlqlnt7SjU-00423-00130296-00130600 how to dress, how to take care of oneself, wFlqlnt7SjU-00424-00130600-00130904 how to get there on time. You know, I've always been as early wFlqlnt7SjU-00425-00130904-00131217 as on time kind of guy. Well I try to be anyways wFlqlnt7SjU-00426-00131217-00131531 but ah, those are the skills that when 10 years ago, wFlqlnt7SjU-00427-00131531-00131831 every high school student was going to college wFlqlnt7SjU-00428-00131831-00132145 I think as a country, we learned, wFlqlnt7SjU-00429-00132145-00132462 no they're not. And we overlooked a large wFlqlnt7SjU-00430-00132462-00132769 population of students and what they needed. And that's really what wFlqlnt7SjU-00431-00132769-00133082 Connections really kind of set itself wFlqlnt7SjU-00432-00133082-00133386 up on. And what a compliment wFlqlnt7SjU-00433-00133386-00133690 to start a new high school than to build it based on the wFlqlnt7SjU-00434-00133690-00134007 reputations of your current educators that say wFlqlnt7SjU-00435-00134007-00134307 "This is what we think we need for our kids." And I think that's the wFlqlnt7SjU-00436-00134307-00134617 one of the big testimonies to the staff that is there is wFlqlnt7SjU-00437-00134617-00134931 you don't take on a new venture in education wFlqlnt7SjU-00438-00134931-00135241 without it being, with the credibility of those wFlqlnt7SjU-00439-00135241-00135558 that are involved. And their ideas have stuck. Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00440-00135558-00135872 now, three years ago, we were a new idea. Now we're becoming wFlqlnt7SjU-00441-00135872-00136186 what everyones talking about that they need more of at their high school.«Ray: So this is wFlqlnt7SjU-00442-00136186-00136499 your third year in operation? And how many graduates wFlqlnt7SjU-00443-00136499-00136813 have you had through the three years now» wFlqlnt7SjU-00444-00136813-00137133 Twenty.«Ray: Cuz obviously a lot of them started as under wFlqlnt7SjU-00445-00137133-00137433 classmen say they weren't going through that program» Right, so we've gone through wFlqlnt7SjU-00446-00137433-00137734 two graduating classes.«Ray: OK, and what do students wFlqlnt7SjU-00447-00137734-00138041 do to get in trouble in this program» wFlqlnt7SjU-00448-00138041-00138348 «laughing»«Ray: Or don't they get in trouble» No, yeah wFlqlnt7SjU-00449-00138348-00138648 I mean, some of the concerns as staff we talk about is "Are they wFlqlnt7SjU-00450-00138648-00138958 making progress towards those state standards? wFlqlnt7SjU-00451-00138958-00139275 That, at the end, we need to have these state standards met. wFlqlnt7SjU-00452-00139275-00139582 And so we're constantly talking to the kids, wFlqlnt7SjU-00453-00139582-00139899 "Are you, you know, lets take a look," we use a great wFlqlnt7SjU-00454-00139899-00140216 um, computer program project foundry that wFlqlnt7SjU-00455-00140216-00140537 tracks their standards and "Are you on wFlqlnt7SjU-00456-00140537-00140837 track to be done at the end of four years? wFlqlnt7SjU-00457-00140837-00141154 Are you getting your physical science standards done? So wFlqlnt7SjU-00458-00141154-00141467 that you know."«Ray: Attendance? Is that an issue? wFlqlnt7SjU-00459-00141467-00141768 if they don't show up? But what happens if they would be removed wFlqlnt7SjU-00460-00141768-00142081 from your high school» They would then be in a place wFlqlnt7SjU-00461-00142081-00142388 where they would be in, what I would, I would blanket it as a place of wFlqlnt7SjU-00462-00142388-00142689 credit recovery if they're to enter another high school. «Ray: Like any other students» And I miss it wFlqlnt7SjU-00463-00142689-00142989 when you asked about trouble I immediately went to the principal hat wFlqlnt7SjU-00464-00142989-00143309 "Well kids do make interesting choices." Um, wFlqlnt7SjU-00465-00143309-00143620 no as far as trouble, I think one of the things about Connections, it's very wFlqlnt7SjU-00466-00143620-00143920 traditional in what I think wFlqlnt7SjU-00467-00143920-00144554 generations of people felt high school was all the way through. It was about wFlqlnt7SjU-00468-00144554-00144858 Don't delay. You cannot procrastinate in Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00469-00144858-00145174 You've got to be on task working, each and everyday, wFlqlnt7SjU-00470-00145174-00145481 every hour. And I think that's why someone like Katey, sometimes wFlqlnt7SjU-00471-00145481-00145798 the traditional look of you have to wait for the bell to ring wFlqlnt7SjU-00472-00145798-00146119 to go to my next class, she chooses when to do wFlqlnt7SjU-00473-00146119-00146432 that in Connections.«Ray: So Katey, how many traditional classes do you wFlqlnt7SjU-00474-00146432-00146733 go to in the course of your normal day» wFlqlnt7SjU-00475-00146733-00147050 So, it depends on like if I have wFlqlnt7SjU-00476-00147050-00147363 certain projects started in different wFlqlnt7SjU-00477-00147363-00147680 classes. So, one day I might wFlqlnt7SjU-00478-00147680-00148001 work completely on science because I wFlqlnt7SjU-00479-00148001-00148304 need four more standards to wFlqlnt7SjU-00480-00148304-00148625 make sure I meet my deadline wFlqlnt7SjU-00481-00148625-00148935 by the end of the quarter or some days I might work on wFlqlnt7SjU-00482-00148935-00149252 science, history, and language. I mean it wFlqlnt7SjU-00483-00149252-00149556 kind of depends on...«Ray: So you, but you're not in any traditional wFlqlnt7SjU-00484-00149556-00149873 english classes? Where you attend those» wFlqlnt7SjU-00485-00149873-00150189 But how about if you wanted to join choir or band» wFlqlnt7SjU-00486-00150189-00150500 Do you go out for classes? «Ray: Then you'd have to set those blocks aside» Oh yeah, wFlqlnt7SjU-00487-00150500-00150803 I am in spanish and band so wFlqlnt7SjU-00488-00150803-00151120 for Spanish I, I need to go wFlqlnt7SjU-00489-00151120-00151441 with the grade, like ninth grade so it wFlqlnt7SjU-00490-00151441-00151741 a certain hour.«Ray: So you have to set that time aside in your schedule» wFlqlnt7SjU-00491-00151741-00152058 So you go to there? OK, I see what you're saying. Yep. wFlqlnt7SjU-00492-00152058-00152375 And wFlqlnt7SjU-00493-00152375-00152689 that's going back and forth from really how you really want to wFlqlnt7SjU-00494-00152689-00153006 learn to the traditional classroom setting where everybody wFlqlnt7SjU-00495-00153006-00153316 still sitting there for the 45 minutes wFlqlnt7SjU-00496-00153316-00153636 or whatever. That's interesting. Um, so wFlqlnt7SjU-00497-00153636-00153953 next year will be your fourth year wFlqlnt7SjU-00498-00153953-00154270 and you are still trying to grow a little bit. How is this wFlqlnt7SjU-00499-00154270-00154587 being received by neighboring school districts? wFlqlnt7SjU-00500-00154587-00154891 Those are always touchy issues, I'm not trying to get you into wFlqlnt7SjU-00501-00154891-00155204 things that you don't need to talk about but» Well I think even within our own district that wFlqlnt7SjU-00502-00155204-00155521 first year was a lot of people, you know, that had concerns wFlqlnt7SjU-00503-00155521-00155825 "Is this going to take away from our district?" But I think wFlqlnt7SjU-00504-00155825-00156129 I feel safe in saying I think people wFlqlnt7SjU-00505-00156129-00156446 see that um, we do have high wFlqlnt7SjU-00506-00156446-00156749 standards and it's working well for some students. wFlqlnt7SjU-00507-00156749-00157053 I think we're getting more and more support all the time. wFlqlnt7SjU-00508-00157053-00157373 I haven't visited with anybody in an outside district wFlqlnt7SjU-00509-00157373-00157674 to get their take on it but I just think within wFlqlnt7SjU-00510-00157674-00157991 our community anyways, um, I think we have a lot of wFlqlnt7SjU-00511-00157991-00158308 support.«Ray: And so you run this through your board wFlqlnt7SjU-00512-00158308-00158611 they way you do, would do a regular school district through your superintendent? wFlqlnt7SjU-00513-00158611-00158928 And do you have pretty good support from wFlqlnt7SjU-00514-00158928-00159245 your board» We do. I think anytime in education wFlqlnt7SjU-00515-00159245-00159549 you introduce, this is change, this was new. wFlqlnt7SjU-00516-00159549-00159862 So there was, there is always a lot of black and white and some details and wFlqlnt7SjU-00517-00159862-00160179 some of it is still learning on the go very much, but, wFlqlnt7SjU-00518-00160179-00160483 we have, um, one of the challenges of Staples-Motley was to wFlqlnt7SjU-00519-00160483-00160800 increase our open enrollment into the district and Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00520-00160800-00161117 High School without question has done that very successfully. wFlqlnt7SjU-00521-00161117-00161421 «Ray: It's a really interesting concept. Um, Katey, wFlqlnt7SjU-00522-00161421-00161721 they picked a good example of good student I think» Thank you. wFlqlnt7SjU-00523-00161721-00162041 «Ray: It sounds like you've got a pretty darn good idea where wFlqlnt7SjU-00524-00162041-00162345 you're gonna go» There's a whole roomful of them like her at Connections. wFlqlnt7SjU-00525-00162345-00162645 «Ray: Oh that's good, that good to hear. We got 30 seconds, but if wFlqlnt7SjU-00526-00162645-00162966 they want to find out more about this can they go to the Staples-Motley wFlqlnt7SjU-00527-00162966-00163279 website» Yep, Staples-Motley school's website and wFlqlnt7SjU-00528-00163279-00163593 call our district office, we'd be happy to set up a tour. Connection's high school wFlqlnt7SjU-00529-00163593-00163910 has their own website so google that.«Ray: I'm gonna take a day and come wFlqlnt7SjU-00530-00163910-00164217 over and visit you sometime just to see the place. Thank you all for wFlqlnt7SjU-00531-00164217-00164530 coming, appreciate it very much. Again, that's Connections wFlqlnt7SjU-00532-00164530-00164847 High School at Staples-Motley school district. You've been watching Lakeland wFlqlnt7SjU-00533-00164847-00165168 Currents, where we're talking about what you're talking about. I'm Ray wFlqlnt7SjU-00534-00165168-00165485 Gildow, so long until next time. wFlqlnt7SjU-00535-00165485-00165802 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00536-00165802-00166119 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00537-00166119-00166436 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00538-00166436-00166756 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00539-00166756-00167073 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00540-00167073-00167393 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00541-00167393-00167707 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00542-00167707-00168024 ♪ wFlqlnt7SjU-00543-00168024-00168124 ♪ wI0k3I-r9lg-00000-00000098-00000346 Everyday user spend countless hours wI0k3I-r9lg-00001-00000346-00000600 on mobile devices enjoying their favorite apps. wI0k3I-r9lg-00002-00000600-00000944 But new security threats consistently put us all at risk. wI0k3I-r9lg-00003-00000944-00001198 That’s why reCAPTCHA is always here to protect wI0k3I-r9lg-00004-00001198-00001698 websites and mobile apps from spam and abuse. wI0k3I-r9lg-00005-00001705-00002034 By introducing the first reCAPTCHA Android API, wI0k3I-r9lg-00006-00002034-00002326 mobile developers can provide a better user experience wI0k3I-r9lg-00007-00002328-00002400 than ever before. wI0k3I-r9lg-00008-00002670-00002974 Using the magic of machine learning and advanced risk analysis, wI0k3I-r9lg-00009-00002974-00003332 reCAPTCHA's Android API lets more humans pass through wI0k3I-r9lg-00010-00003332-00003496 without interrupting what they're doing... wI0k3I-r9lg-00011-00003629-00003778 invisibly. wI0k3I-r9lg-00012-00004100-00004268 If there are any uncertainties, wI0k3I-r9lg-00013-00004268-00004552 a pop up challenge will ensure that no bots sneak through. wI0k3I-r9lg-00014-00005120-00005284 reCAPTCHA means no frustration. wI0k3I-r9lg-00015-00005284-00005486 People get to where they're going faster. wI0k3I-r9lg-00016-00005560-00005884 And everyone stays happy… except bots. wKAMmtkpUY8-00000-00000168-00000581 Hi everyone, my name is Imani and today I’d like to show you how to set up a Google Space. wKAMmtkpUY8-00001-00000581-00001099 Google Spaces are useful because they integrate a chat feature, file sharing, and task creation wKAMmtkpUY8-00002-00001099-00001254 into a single area. wKAMmtkpUY8-00003-00001254-00001603 After I show you how to set one up, I’ll highlight some of the basic features of Google wKAMmtkpUY8-00004-00001603-00002075 Spaces that will help you communicate and work effectively in a group. wKAMmtkpUY8-00005-00002075-00002573 Let’s say we are in INFO 202, and want to set up a Google Space for collaborating with wKAMmtkpUY8-00006-00002573-00002823 our group mates throughout the semester. wKAMmtkpUY8-00007-00002823-00003308 In order to set up a Google Space, you must be logged into your SJSU Gmail account. wKAMmtkpUY8-00008-00003308-00003576 Start at your inbox. wKAMmtkpUY8-00009-00003576-00004058 To set up a Google Space, click on the Spaces icon over here on the left. wKAMmtkpUY8-00010-00004058-00004622 Click on the “New Space” button and a menu will pop up, and you should select “Create wKAMmtkpUY8-00011-00004622-00004751 Space”. wKAMmtkpUY8-00012-00004751-00005021 Here is where you can customize the Space you are creating. wKAMmtkpUY8-00013-00005021-00005373 You should give your Space a descriptive name that will be easy to recognize for you and wKAMmtkpUY8-00014-00005373-00005473 your teammates. wKAMmtkpUY8-00015-00005473-00006305 Let’s call this one “Fall 2022 INFO 202 Group”. wKAMmtkpUY8-00016-00006305-00006906 You can also select an icon for the group as well. wKAMmtkpUY8-00017-00006906-00007581 Type in the SJSU email addresses of the people you wish to add into the Space in this section. wKAMmtkpUY8-00018-00007581-00008059 I recommend that you keep the Space access Restricted, so only people you invite to the wKAMmtkpUY8-00019-00008059-00008159 Space have access to it. wKAMmtkpUY8-00020-00008159-00008603 Once you have named the Space, added your teammates, and double checked the security wKAMmtkpUY8-00021-00008603-00008762 features, click on “Create”. wKAMmtkpUY8-00022-00008762-00009145 Now you have your Space set up. wKAMmtkpUY8-00023-00009145-00009542 The first tab you will see when opening up a Space is the Chat. wKAMmtkpUY8-00024-00009542-00009993 Type your message and hit “enter” here to send a chat. wKAMmtkpUY8-00025-00009993-00010691 If you hover over a message, you will see options to add a reaction or edit a chat you wKAMmtkpUY8-00026-00010691-00010996 posted. wKAMmtkpUY8-00027-00010996-00011178 Another great feature of the Chat is file sharing. wKAMmtkpUY8-00028-00011178-00011703 You can upload a file from your computer here, or you can add a file straight from your Google wKAMmtkpUY8-00029-00011703-00012186 Drive to the Chat from here. wKAMmtkpUY8-00030-00012186-00013241 What is really excellent about Google Spaces is that any file you add or upload to the wKAMmtkpUY8-00031-00013241-00013501 Chat gets saved in the Files section of the Space. wKAMmtkpUY8-00032-00013501-00013988 You can see the file I added to the Chat appears here in the Files tab. wKAMmtkpUY8-00033-00013988-00014372 You also have the option of directly adding files from your Google Drive by clicking “Add wKAMmtkpUY8-00034-00014372-00014472 File”. wKAMmtkpUY8-00035-00014472-00014722 It will post to both the Chat and Files sections. wKAMmtkpUY8-00036-00014722-00015144 If a file has been shared to the Chat from Google Drive, you can do basic edits right wKAMmtkpUY8-00037-00015144-00015406 here in the Files section of your Space. wKAMmtkpUY8-00038-00015406-00016316 You can also click this arrow to open the file in a new tab. wKAMmtkpUY8-00039-00016316-00016595 The final tab of your Space is Tasks. wKAMmtkpUY8-00040-00016595-00016851 Click “Add space task” to add a Task to the Space. wKAMmtkpUY8-00041-00016851-00018067 You can add a title to the Task and assign it to one of your group mates. wKAMmtkpUY8-00042-00018067-00018459 The tasks created here will also be integrated with your Google Calendar. wKAMmtkpUY8-00043-00018459-00018701 Once a task is finished, it can be marked as complete. wKAMmtkpUY8-00044-00018701-00019113 Just like with Files, Tasks are also integrated into the Chat. wKAMmtkpUY8-00045-00019113-00019674 Back in the central hub of the Chat, created and completed Tasks can be easily viewed, wKAMmtkpUY8-00046-00019674-00019991 so the whole team can see the progress of the group. wKAMmtkpUY8-00047-00019991-00020252 In this tutorial, you learned how to create a Google Space. wKAMmtkpUY8-00048-00020252-00020663 You also learned some of the basic functions of the Chat, Files, and Tasks tabs, and how wKAMmtkpUY8-00049-00020663-00020920 all three are integrated into one highly useful workspace. wKAMmtkpUY8-00050-00020920-00021367 I hope this has inspired you to try out Google Spaces for the collaborative projects you wKAMmtkpUY8-00051-00021367-00021565 will participate in here at the iSchool. wKAMmtkpUY8-00052-00021565-00021817 Thanks for watching and happy exploring! wLBK60YXIAc-00000-00000008-00000423 Today we're gonna be talking about when are we going to get DLC 2 as well when are we wLBK60YXIAc-00001-00000423-00001001 going to see DLC 2 trailer and a little bit about DLC 5, things are looking very good. wLBK60YXIAc-00002-00001001-00001280 It seems like next couple of weeks will be fully packed with wLBK60YXIAc-00003-00001280-00001430 content and there will wLBK60YXIAc-00004-00001430-00001554 be a lot of news. wLBK60YXIAc-00005-00001554-00002104 We have yet to see the new call of duty announcement, the reveal and surely there's still hope for wLBK60YXIAc-00006-00002104-00002371 DLC 5 for Black Ops 3 Zombies. wLBK60YXIAc-00007-00002371-00002758 We also just got new guns & weapons in Infinite Warfare, I know most you guys wLBK60YXIAc-00008-00002758-00003184 don't care, neither do I. And I'm ranked 2 in Infinite Warfare multipler, should've been wLBK60YXIAc-00009-00003184-00003661 1, I'm sorry if I betrayed you, but any how, we got 2 new weapons in Infinite Warfare. wLBK60YXIAc-00010-00003661-00003936 Season Pass owners can just slap it in their classes and go wLBK60YXIAc-00011-00003936-00004101 jump in multiplayer. wLBK60YXIAc-00012-00004101-00004220 Noticed I didn't say play. wLBK60YXIAc-00013-00004220-00004525 I will have a lil gameplay in the background for you guys. wLBK60YXIAc-00014-00004525-00004961 But before we get started, if you guys could drop a quick like and if you are new to the wLBK60YXIAc-00015-00004961-00005157 channel do consider subscribing for wLBK60YXIAc-00016-00005157-00005504 daily videos and streams and let's get right into it. wLBK60YXIAc-00017-00005504-00006064 Now I wanna start this off with some DLC 2 teasers, I know there has been a lot tweets wLBK60YXIAc-00018-00006064-00006754 coming from Lee Ross and I really didn't care because none of it made sense to me, I was wLBK60YXIAc-00019-00006754-00007086 expecting a dlc 2 trailer today and it didn't happened. wLBK60YXIAc-00020-00007086-00007611 And surely when me and a lot of people were expecting a DLC 2 trailer, Lee Ross tweeted wLBK60YXIAc-00021-00007611-00008048 this out, #Arthur not gonna read the last bit, I'm afraid I'll butcher the name wLBK60YXIAc-00022-00008048-00008561 but it's like a news paper, I really didn't give a damn about it, up and till mr rofl wLBK60YXIAc-00023-00008561-00009157 waffles reply with zoom in of the newspaper where we can see a lil bit and it seems like wLBK60YXIAc-00024-00009157-00009477 it says worlds first lobster and all of the sudden this got wLBK60YXIAc-00025-00009477-00009597 my attention. wLBK60YXIAc-00026-00009597-00010296 And I was swimming through tweets seeing, if I could make anything out, I even googled wLBK60YXIAc-00027-00010296-00010585 it, but couldn't really say for sure if that's what it is. wLBK60YXIAc-00028-00010585-00010963 There's also a reddit post about Who's Arthur and not many wLBK60YXIAc-00029-00010963-00011406 people seem to know what's going on, I read a lil bit of the post, completely neglected wLBK60YXIAc-00030-00011406-00011684 the comments, I may get back and read later on. wLBK60YXIAc-00031-00011684-00012113 But lobster is what got my attention, and it seems like there will be a special lobster wLBK60YXIAc-00032-00012113-00012232 only round wLBK60YXIAc-00033-00012232-00012724 like we have harambe round in rave in the redwoods, clown rounds in spaceland and it wLBK60YXIAc-00034-00012724-00013154 seems like this time it will be lobster round and we may fight a mama lobster to in the wLBK60YXIAc-00035-00013154-00013507 main easter egg boss fight or in one of the step or we could wLBK60YXIAc-00036-00013507-00014096 just simply fight whenever we want or maybe it won't be in. wLBK60YXIAc-00037-00014096-00014537 But lobster gives me a beach map vibe, let me know what do you think. wLBK60YXIAc-00038-00014537-00014961 We do have a little beach in rave in the redwoods, I'm talking about the turtle island where wLBK60YXIAc-00039-00014961-00015061 you pack a wLBK60YXIAc-00040-00015061-00015161 punch. wLBK60YXIAc-00041-00015161-00015759 Or like we have seen in the ending cutscene, we're mostly gonna be in new york city and wLBK60YXIAc-00042-00015759-00016212 I feel like it's going to be an underground map, maybe down in subway you call it metro wLBK60YXIAc-00043-00016212-00016540 here in montreal where I'm at and I guess it will wLBK60YXIAc-00044-00016540-00017084 be a dark theme New York City underground subway map in the 1970's where we could see wLBK60YXIAc-00045-00017084-00017600 lobsters every 4 - 5 or 6 rounds, I guess that some sense to me, let me know what do wLBK60YXIAc-00046-00017600-00017729 you think. wLBK60YXIAc-00047-00017729-00017912 Lee Ross also has been tweeting out a lot of wLBK60YXIAc-00048-00017912-00018187 Arthur quotes and it is deep af. wLBK60YXIAc-00049-00018187-00018593 I wouldn't be surpirsed if we could play as Athur in DLC 2. wLBK60YXIAc-00050-00018593-00019262 But now let's talk about when DLC 2 is going to release and when can we see the dlc 2 trailer. wLBK60YXIAc-00051-00019262-00019512 So today was a Tuesday and they have not release wLBK60YXIAc-00052-00019512-00020103 the trailer instead they released new weapons. wLBK60YXIAc-00053-00020103-00020471 And this coming Thursday there will be a Destiny 2 trailer which I'm looking forward to and wLBK60YXIAc-00054-00020471-00020914 Activision is behind that, so it's to safe say they won't release the trailer on this wLBK60YXIAc-00055-00020914-00021014 Thursday, wLBK60YXIAc-00056-00021014-00021206 sometime they do that's why I'm bringing this up. wLBK60YXIAc-00057-00021206-00021602 And they do not want to shoot themselves in the foot and don't wanna have a lot going wLBK60YXIAc-00058-00021602-00021724 on at the same time. wLBK60YXIAc-00059-00021724-00022128 Knowing that Call of Duty reveals are always the last week of April or first wLBK60YXIAc-00060-00022128-00022395 week of May, this will make perfect sense. wLBK60YXIAc-00061-00022395-00022929 They will release the DLC 2 trailer next week on Tuesday, April 4th and we get the map a wLBK60YXIAc-00062-00022929-00023123 week after on April 11th. wLBK60YXIAc-00063-00023123-00023620 We're gonna have time to play, and on April 19th we're getting a new call of wLBK60YXIAc-00064-00023620-00024215 duty zombies comic and that will surely give us a new DLC 5 hint, I'm thinking a new Orgins wLBK60YXIAc-00065-00024215-00024812 remastered loading screen could be it or maybe tranzit or buried this time around or something wLBK60YXIAc-00066-00024812-00025134 crazy, also there will be another comic coming in wLBK60YXIAc-00067-00025134-00026439 June and that will fill us up and around that time we could be seeing wLBK60YXIAc-00068-00026439-00027011 DLC 5. wLBK60YXIAc-00069-00027011-00027616 And they announce somewhere in the last week of April about the new Call of Duty World wLBK60YXIAc-00070-00027616-00028088 War 2 reveal and we get the reveal in the first week of May, May the 2nd wLBK60YXIAc-00071-00028088-00028697 and DLC 2 will release one month later on xbox and PC. wLBK60YXIAc-00072-00028697-00029335 So I'm thinking DLC 2 release date for Xbox and PC will be May 9th or May 11th. wLBK60YXIAc-00073-00029335-00029335 And wMUr6-PQ3Wy-00000-00000000-00000200 Handitswe Ngo wpXX4e3yzVM-00000-00002138-00002343 you wpXX4e3yzVM-00001-00002834-00003744 Solomon's tales he's back in Pattaya we've left that's breakfast at 11:00 in wpXX4e3yzVM-00002-00003744-00004443 the morning comes a walks out of the beach turns right gives along a bit of a wpXX4e3yzVM-00003-00004443-00005309 bit of a walk then purchase himself on the sort of wall looking out to the sea wpXX4e3yzVM-00004-00005309-00006044 contemplating life contemplating get inside I know this system it loves it wpXX4e3yzVM-00005-00006044-00006564 there something special some feeling that people is absolutely okay there's wpXX4e3yzVM-00006-00006564-00007326 all the wonderful pretty ladies but it's just so different from normal life back wpXX4e3yzVM-00007-00007326-00007934 in your own country and work but it's not cheap keep staying there keep wpXX4e3yzVM-00008-00007934-00008784 spending money every day beer food girls he can easily spend 5,000 bad day ten wpXX4e3yzVM-00009-00008784-00009375 days and bad day which is yes a few hundred pound every day you you consume wpXX4e3yzVM-00010-00009375-00010022 pile through the money he thinks I'm going back to the UK he thinks will they wpXX4e3yzVM-00011-00010022-00010824 ever come back here which it's not a good place for for a single guy you wpXX4e3yzVM-00012-00010824-00011570 could easily want to stay here and live here oh right wpXX4e3yzVM-00013-00011570-00012325 what haven't I don't input a never tried those fearless first few visits music wpXX4e3yzVM-00014-00012325-00013088 SOI six a lot about it he walked up and down it cut the time to just what look wpXX4e3yzVM-00015-00013088-00013794 like normal bars quite a few were enclosed I walk up there he wanders up wpXX4e3yzVM-00016-00013794-00014346 the beach a bit further past central work so he seeks to be honest scruffy wpXX4e3yzVM-00017-00014346-00015144 Road and has lots of pies up there two cars part on tour one site of not part wpXX4e3yzVM-00018-00015144-00015569 where we're either bikes everywhere deliveries beer and everything going to wpXX4e3yzVM-00019-00015569-00015794 the bars but there's girls all over the place wpXX4e3yzVM-00020-00015794-00016512 sat outside the bar in a row on seat as a walk-up he thinks okay first beer wpXX4e3yzVM-00021-00016512-00016905 in the day okay somewhere FTC's doors oh look wpXX4e3yzVM-00022-00016905-00017595 through the door so you cut the girls in there and as any ghosts so as you walk wpXX4e3yzVM-00023-00017595-00018186 in the bar on one side there's a two seater set sofa and then there's a gap wpXX4e3yzVM-00024-00018186-00018546 and there's another two seater sofa facing the same way then another one but wpXX4e3yzVM-00025-00018546-00019212 I'm facing a wall not one guy's out of the bath or a girl wpXX4e3yzVM-00026-00019212-00019773 talking to him two girls sat on one of these seats and wpXX4e3yzVM-00027-00019773-00020319 they sort of beckon him in sit down on the sofa first sofa so it's facing to wpXX4e3yzVM-00028-00020319-00021210 the other side in front of it and I wanted to drink yeah he could make mind wpXX4e3yzVM-00029-00021210-00021879 every logo well whatever Chang it was it so she gets up walks across the bar was wpXX4e3yzVM-00030-00021879-00022437 a good four feet away quite small but the other girl drops onto her knees so wpXX4e3yzVM-00031-00022437-00023094 she sat on a sofa facing him she drops onto his knees there Neath she shuffles wpXX4e3yzVM-00032-00023094-00023750 towards him anything he's looking down at her next thing she's I'm doing his wpXX4e3yzVM-00033-00023750-00024747 short girls over there comes back with a beer bottle in these sort of rubbery wpXX4e3yzVM-00034-00024747-00025127 condom thing keep it cool wpXX4e3yzVM-00035-00025187-00025995 walks the honeyrose starts massaging his shoulders the learning friend becomes a wpXX4e3yzVM-00036-00025995-00026535 dentist or an extraction in process in progress wpXX4e3yzVM-00037-00026535-00026970 there's a guy sat there five feet away from him with his back to him but wpXX4e3yzVM-00038-00026970-00027456 talking to a girl barmaid door behind him wide open to the wpXX4e3yzVM-00039-00027456-00028329 soy massage or extraction he's like what fast at what he'd thought so experienced wpXX4e3yzVM-00040-00028329-00028637 that before this way wpXX4e3yzVM-00041-00028719-00029463 the term drinkin and all this going on it's like but imagine of the bars fall wpXX4e3yzVM-00042-00029463-00030233 and there's several bent is tin that guy whatever it seems to be a service or wpXX4e3yzVM-00043-00030233-00031024 relax and any time I drink it we get massaged the girl in front of Amina wpXX4e3yzVM-00044-00031024-00031958 succeeds and goes to the cleanup and stitch up operation and all sorted it wpXX4e3yzVM-00045-00031958-00032520 just sort of calmly walks off to a little of must be a toilet at the bank wpXX4e3yzVM-00046-00032520-00033305 it comes back so it's very fragile members may be drinking he's like I mean wpXX4e3yzVM-00047-00033305-00033731 he's sort of embarrassed he's like I really want to get out of here early now wpXX4e3yzVM-00048-00033731-00034100 he says our big champion gave me the bill wpXX4e3yzVM-00049-00034100-00034837 knocks a beer back still got a massage going on here becomes bang a t-bar for wpXX4e3yzVM-00050-00034837-00035525 the girl in front the dentist was about 500 bar he felt obliged to give the girl wpXX4e3yzVM-00051-00035525-00036322 we threw her hundred bar 600-700 bow he only been in there like 30 minutes is wpXX4e3yzVM-00052-00036322-00037187 that beer senior dentist had a massage that SOI six expect the unexpected and wpXX4e3yzVM-00053-00037187-00037797 he's like a little bit embarrassing of this all different is like weird in open wpXX4e3yzVM-00054-00037797-00038440 in the open bars poor thing I'll be yet act act order big key things wpXX4e3yzVM-00055-00038440-00039163 I got that's what sorry sixes anything that's what every bar is down there wpXX4e3yzVM-00056-00039163-00040014 basically it's just a very big dentist area or instruction area good experience wpXX4e3yzVM-00057-00040014-00040922 very good would you do it again may be quite cheap wpXX4e3yzVM-00058-00040922-00041649 hmm yeah hits on a peach walks on the beach bit she's on the beach again on wpXX4e3yzVM-00059-00041649-00042315 the wall up cause people watching as well as loads of people on the beach lay wpXX4e3yzVM-00060-00042315-00042714 down on sheets and things haven't mastered proper oil massages you think wpXX4e3yzVM-00061-00042714-00043674 I'll try one of those this week looks quite nice I'll sound about but what a wpXX4e3yzVM-00062-00043674-00044193 morning he's going to be named Petare what 18 hours is how the Gildan looks wpXX4e3yzVM-00063-00044193-00045125 like ning you asleep food mistake breakfast scene the dentist wpXX4e3yzVM-00064-00045125-00045921 chilling on the beach yeah oh he thinks oh my god had a healthy yet Thailand no wpXX4e3yzVM-00065-00045921-00047223 system okay now last time he was there he worldwide go go go Ron the front the wpXX4e3yzVM-00066-00047223-00047628 beach somewhere sleep or soy six so he wasn't far away wpXX4e3yzVM-00067-00047628-00048369 any thinking can't you another drink not so much another woman but bit of wpXX4e3yzVM-00068-00048369-00049478 music so to look at yeah tan hatched happy yet walks along not far wpXX4e3yzVM-00069-00049544-00050200 it's open absently midday is open unusual gogo wpXX4e3yzVM-00070-00050200-00050974 bars open midday go yet crosses the road from the beach and he goes quite a lot wpXX4e3yzVM-00071-00050974-00051736 of girls in there working on the polls and think so this is the life sits on wpXX4e3yzVM-00072-00051736-00052278 the side a little bit away from the stage in the sort of middle was the wpXX4e3yzVM-00073-00052278-00053067 drink malazan comes over just chatting to him he's after a drink ye know not a wpXX4e3yzVM-00074-00053067-00053998 lot biting he just in there's a relaxing stuff about walk a look and he'd been in wpXX4e3yzVM-00075-00053998-00054607 there maybe the first time he'd cause percent and he had taken a girl from wpXX4e3yzVM-00076-00054607-00055204 there sure enough yeah she's on the stage now wpXX4e3yzVM-00077-00055204-00056032 he sort of recognized her she recognized him straightaway start waving he covered wpXX4e3yzVM-00078-00056032-00056604 his that the girl on my shorts then he started think back it so feels like wpXX4e3yzVM-00079-00056604-00057547 forever since that time what she did was she annoying things I can't remember he wpXX4e3yzVM-00080-00057547-00058195 she couldn't remember he get he didn't minds along with music when she's down wpXX4e3yzVM-00081-00058195-00058675 she comes of course straight over not that him drink drink drink drink wpXX4e3yzVM-00082-00058675-00059311 drink me though it feels obliged you know you don't remember yeah okay she wpXX4e3yzVM-00083-00059311-00060435 said thank starts talking pretty girl pretty very nice I don't really it just wpXX4e3yzVM-00084-00060435-00061425 had a visit to the dentist is like no needs as to it I'm just relaxing today I wpXX4e3yzVM-00085-00061425-00062149 drink too much yesterday usual I'm a beer and sits with the girl wpXX4e3yzVM-00086-00062149-00062611 watching the other girls and then again he's feeling a bit all grazing and I wpXX4e3yzVM-00087-00062611-00063625 don't want another girl on yet sunny lunchtime she's pushing him her wpXX4e3yzVM-00088-00063625-00064341 hip not not finishing the bear said that maybe I see you another day I'm here for wpXX4e3yzVM-00089-00064341-00064978 but with you another day wasn't good mood go to next okay don't go packing wpXX4e3yzVM-00090-00064978-00065371 the places you've been specially here took a girl because if you're not going wpXX4e3yzVM-00091-00065371-00065824 into there you go you odds on you're going to find the same girls going to wpXX4e3yzVM-00092-00065824-00066505 spot you you felt awkward there as well sorry six felt awkward cuz it's not too wpXX4e3yzVM-00093-00066505-00067159 late to be a great day so far Paige had been her lady drink about 120 wpXX4e3yzVM-00094-00067159-00067894 per 100 but for his Eddie comes bright sunlight in each a mag from that dark go wpXX4e3yzVM-00095-00067894-00068788 go he's like war I think I'm going back to the hotel I fancy a swim but I don't wpXX4e3yzVM-00096-00068788-00069490 think that hotels got a pool but he couldn't remember I wanna swim popular wpXX4e3yzVM-00097-00069490-00069997 on the beach but go back to hotel get me swimming shorts and stuff don't wpXX4e3yzVM-00098-00069997-00070615 disturb go down a swim good idea but the song tell back buses wpXX4e3yzVM-00099-00070615-00071311 think I'm belated cheese jumps on 110 bar time so I up grabs his stuff good as wpXX4e3yzVM-00100-00071311-00072088 a swim sit on the beach well to tire out the hotel he has a relaxing cup lies wpXX4e3yzVM-00101-00072088-00072436 down on the beach quite a few people coming up tryna sell wpXX4e3yzVM-00102-00072436-00073108 stuff to him there's a good silk sunglasses if you wpXX4e3yzVM-00103-00073108-00073492 eat a few free dancing girls coming up chatting these are like blimey wpXX4e3yzVM-00104-00073492-00074035 Oh and wrote plan of action this is the wpXX4e3yzVM-00105-00074035-00074638 first full day of terror what I'm gonna do tonight go get a Walking Street gotta wpXX4e3yzVM-00106-00074638-00075109 go and so many past and there's so many wpXX4e3yzVM-00107-00075109-00075490 gogo bars you just can't see them all you think I'll go get some I'm not seen wpXX4e3yzVM-00108-00075490-00076344 before have a look I think that's the plan that's the hotel wpXX4e3yzVM-00109-00076344-00077083 cuddle ask it I start early this can oh yeah wpXX4e3yzVM-00110-00077083-00077754 enter the evening clothes and clothes on shower throw some clothes on food first wpXX4e3yzVM-00111-00077754-00078262 adventure starts walking on the beach road towards walking Street Plaza wpXX4e3yzVM-00112-00078262-00078877 shopping center Burger King that'll be good good bit of substance in wpXX4e3yzVM-00113-00078877-00079390 he goes Burger King there's fries answers exercise already shave scene wpXX4e3yzVM-00114-00079390-00079933 asked him and talking as he's walking past any other sensor that you can see wpXX4e3yzVM-00115-00079933-00080665 at the window who attended all they're lined up up what a place there is a wpXX4e3yzVM-00116-00080665-00081259 woman for every single person on this planet and they all live in Pattaya he wpXX4e3yzVM-00117-00081259-00081822 think and easy SATA thinking I wonder what this these girls really good bad wpXX4e3yzVM-00118-00081822-00082498 what experience would be is there a wife there on how to go there this for a wife wpXX4e3yzVM-00119-00082498-00083389 oh no no no he's going for the four weeks Hellenistic holiday tie-down wpXX4e3yzVM-00120-00083389-00084256 animus system for state don't come back with her or wife no not in his plans he wpXX4e3yzVM-00121-00084256-00084958 had his burger cheeky know where he was comes outside the free heart skills are wpXX4e3yzVM-00122-00084958-00085557 all wavy them not in a winking turns that head into Orchestra so it must be wpXX4e3yzVM-00123-00085557-00086259 seven and even really early crosses over to the beach site pavements better but wpXX4e3yzVM-00124-00086259-00086797 there is girls all we don't and guys sat there and wpXX4e3yzVM-00125-00086797-00087908 ladyboys everything and he makes it all the way along to walk history right wpXX4e3yzVM-00126-00087908-00088504 action walking street there's a hundred bar there probably wpXX4e3yzVM-00127-00088504-00089603 3040 gogo bars nightclubs plan of action first night walking street what will wpXX4e3yzVM-00128-00089603-00090161 happen how will the night turn out he's done a wpXX4e3yzVM-00129-00090161-00090700 few of these before these bars but he's going to do ones that he's not done I wpXX4e3yzVM-00130-00090865-00091700 leave it there we were in Walking Street he's already had a pretty good day but wpXX4e3yzVM-00131-00091700-00092666 the night young pocket full of money not something different art ladyboys is not wpXX4e3yzVM-00132-00092666-00093107 enter ladyboys even though they're beautiful there's a few ladyboy bars on wpXX4e3yzVM-00133-00093107-00093593 walking tree but now what can we what can be different he's had a couple of wpXX4e3yzVM-00134-00093593-00095321 girls at the same time you know the old in urban okie Street see you on the next wpXX4e3yzVM-00135-00095321-00095710 one what will he do wRXLuxgqoyM-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello. Good day! wRXLuxgqoyM-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food wSSt2VMQ_CI-00029-00015444-00015544 Visit www.trilliantnw.com/vacancies to apply now! wSSt2VMQ_CI-00030-00016582-00016682 Call us at (971) 719-2917 to schedule a showing! wWZs3XGX6K0-00000-00000039-00000258 Welcome to Open Update by Liberate Science. wWZs3XGX6K0-00001-00000258-00000689 I am Chris Hartgerink — I scroll through Twitter so you don't have to. wWZs3XGX6K0-00002-00000689-00000936 Thanks for joining us. wWZs3XGX6K0-00003-00000936-00001036 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00004-00001036-00001595 Wiley announced it acquired the open access publisher Hindawi last week, for 298 million wWZs3XGX6K0-00005-00001595-00002053 US dollars, after which Wiley's stock price rose circa 5 percent. wWZs3XGX6K0-00006-00002053-00002624 Hindawi has a portfolio of over 200 peer-reviewed Open Access journals that may now become part wWZs3XGX6K0-00007-00002624-00002993 of the Wiley portfolio. wWZs3XGX6K0-00008-00002993-00003746 In other Wiley news, the US National Academy of Sciences is moving their publishing platform wWZs3XGX6K0-00009-00003746-00004717 to Atypon, which Wiley acquired in 2016 acquisition for 120 million US dollars. wWZs3XGX6K0-00010-00004717-00005214 Various confirmed reports on Twitter mention that Wiley now includes advertisements on wWZs3XGX6K0-00011-00005214-00005771 the first page of PDF downloads of publications, serving as an additional revenue source. wWZs3XGX6K0-00012-00005771-00006326 An example to an open access publication with an included ad can be found in the description. wWZs3XGX6K0-00013-00006326-00006426 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00014-00006426-00006858 Hundreds of Google employees announced their unionisation last week, organizing themselves wWZs3XGX6K0-00015-00006858-00007247 to provide a stronger negotiating position in relation to their employer. wWZs3XGX6K0-00016-00007247-00007748 This helps them ensure "inclusive and fair" working conditions, and ensures the freedom wWZs3XGX6K0-00017-00007748-00008043 to decline work that is deemed unethical. wWZs3XGX6K0-00018-00008043-00008436 Trade Unions have been important to ensuring fair and safe working conditions for around wWZs3XGX6K0-00019-00008436-00008950 two centuries, but have seen a reduced interest over the past four decades. wWZs3XGX6K0-00020-00008950-00009437 Unions can be found throughout all sectors and have been important mechanisms for movements wWZs3XGX6K0-00021-00009437-00009653 to make effective change. wWZs3XGX6K0-00022-00009653-00009753 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00023-00009753-00010272 A collective of philosophers publicized an "Open letter concerning Transphobia in Philosophy," wWZs3XGX6K0-00024-00010272-00010929 saying "Academic freedom comes with responsibility; we should not use that freedom to harm people, wWZs3XGX6K0-00025-00010929-00011254 particularly the more vulnerable members of our community." wWZs3XGX6K0-00026-00011254-00011879 This was in response to an award provided to professor Stock, who has publicly opposed wWZs3XGX6K0-00027-00011879-00012359 gender-self-identification, marginalising trans persons. wWZs3XGX6K0-00028-00012359-00012459 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00029-00012459-00013006 CERN, home to the Large Hadron Collider and one of the big team science projects in the wWZs3XGX6K0-00030-00013006-00013584 world, has "unanimously endorsed a new open data policy". wWZs3XGX6K0-00031-00013584-00014072 Scientific datasets will be released at the latest five years after collection, with the wWZs3XGX6K0-00032-00014072-00014409 aim of releasing them by the close of the experiment. wWZs3XGX6K0-00033-00014409-00014943 CERN's open data portal already contains 2 petabytes, or 2,000,000 gigabytes, of open wWZs3XGX6K0-00034-00014943-00015123 data. wWZs3XGX6K0-00035-00015123-00015223 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00036-00015223-00015715 Copernicus, Europe's satellite measurement institute that shares all its data openly, wWZs3XGX6K0-00037-00015715-00016347 announced that, according to their measurements, 2020 was the warmest year on record. wWZs3XGX6K0-00038-00016347-00016447 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00039-00016447-00017004 US Trade sanctions affect the use of online platforms in countries such as Crimea, Iran, wWZs3XGX6K0-00040-00017004-00017110 Syria, and North-Korea. wWZs3XGX6K0-00041-00017110-00017765 GitHub announced last week that it has received a trade exemption from the US government to wWZs3XGX6K0-00042-00017765-00018112 make their services available to the Iranian people. wWZs3XGX6K0-00043-00018112-00018606 This exemption only applies to GitHub in Iran, meaning other services still fall under the wWZs3XGX6K0-00044-00018606-00019117 trade sanctions for Iran, and that GitHub use is still affected in Crimea, North-Korea, wWZs3XGX6K0-00045-00019117-00019298 and Syria. wWZs3XGX6K0-00046-00019298-00019398 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00047-00019398-00020028 Sci-Hub, known for circumventing paywalls, was banned from Twitter last week over "counterfeit wWZs3XGX6K0-00048-00020028-00020143 content". wWZs3XGX6K0-00049-00020143-00020762 This is alongside an Indian court case seeking an injunction against Sci-Hub. wWZs3XGX6K0-00050-00020762-00021234 Legal actions have previously been taken against Sci-Hub in the United States, Austria, France wWZs3XGX6K0-00051-00021234-00021542 and the wider European Union. wWZs3XGX6K0-00052-00021542-00021642 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00053-00021642-00022046 The Wellcome Trust published its updated Open Access policy last week, requiring all of wWZs3XGX6K0-00054-00022046-00022534 their funded research to be published with open licenses and made freely available as wWZs3XGX6K0-00055-00022534-00023065 soon as the papers are published (that is, without embargoes). wWZs3XGX6K0-00056-00023065-00023165 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00057-00023165-00023723 To facilitate making papers open access, the organization Open Access Button released [shareyourpaper.org](http://shareyourpaper.org/) wWZs3XGX6K0-00058-00023723-00023823 last week. wWZs3XGX6K0-00059-00023823-00024268 This tool helps authors self-archive their work. wWZs3XGX6K0-00060-00024268-00024368 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00061-00024368-00024873 UCL made a formal public apology for its history and part in eugenics: "We apologise fully, wWZs3XGX6K0-00062-00024873-00025368 and with humility, to all those who have suffered and to those who are still suffering because wWZs3XGX6K0-00063-00025368-00025850 of our role in creating the conditions that enabled eugenics to become established and wWZs3XGX6K0-00064-00025850-00025950 acted upon." wWZs3XGX6K0-00065-00025950-00026577 UCL has been grappling with its past, renaming buildings and commissioning an independent wWZs3XGX6K0-00066-00026577-00026788 inquiry. wWZs3XGX6K0-00067-00026788-00027308 Formal apologies may have legal consequences as they can be considered admissions of guilt. wWZs3XGX6K0-00068-00027308-00027408 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00069-00027408-00027833 A new publication in The Journal of Global Health by researchers from the EQUATOR network wWZs3XGX6K0-00070-00027833-00028447 indicates that reusing quality reporting guidelines has been impaired by copyright on the original wWZs3XGX6K0-00071-00028447-00028581 publications. wWZs3XGX6K0-00072-00028581-00029027 They call for all quality guidelines to be published open access. wWZs3XGX6K0-00073-00029027-00029127 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00074-00029127-00029724 The National Center for Biotechnology Information, better known as NCBI NIH, announced changes wWZs3XGX6K0-00075-00029724-00030102 to user accounts coming in June 2021. wWZs3XGX6K0-00076-00030102-00030539 From then on, users will require an institutional account or a google account wWZs3XGX6K0-00077-00030539-00030678 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00078-00030678-00031307 Rstudio developers released a new package for R called `r-e-n-v` short for R environment, wWZs3XGX6K0-00079-00031307-00031558 to help manage dependencies. wWZs3XGX6K0-00080-00031558-00032001 The package is slated to replace `packrat` in the future. wWZs3XGX6K0-00081-00032001-00032101 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00082-00032101-00032533 On December 1st, 2020, eLife reported they will implement a publish, then review model wWZs3XGX6K0-00083-00032533-00032791 by June 2021. wWZs3XGX6K0-00084-00032791-00033290 Last week, eLife reported to have already reviewed 300 submissions this way, taking wWZs3XGX6K0-00085-00033290-00033667 key steps towards a publish then review approach. wWZs3XGX6K0-00086-00033667-00033767 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00087-00033767-00034166 Finally, a new podcast, Open Science Stories, is launching soon. wWZs3XGX6K0-00088-00034166-00035084 If you'd like to share your open science story, send an email to wWZs3XGX6K0-00089-00035084-00035184 [opensciencestories@gmail.com](mailto:opensciencestories@gmail.com) wWZs3XGX6K0-00090-00035184-00035284 --- wWZs3XGX6K0-00091-00035284-00035640 If you enjoyed the Open Update, please consider subscribing here on YouTube, or on your podcast wWZs3XGX6K0-00092-00035640-00035834 provider of choice. wWZs3XGX6K0-00093-00035834-00035914 Until next week! wa4NxrPSJvI-00000-00000002-00000297 Just recently I was undergoing some very wa4NxrPSJvI-00001-00000297-00000783 serious illnesses that were supposedly wa4NxrPSJvI-00002-00000783-00000924 gonna take me off the planet even though wa4NxrPSJvI-00003-00000924-00001104 I was already off I think it was trying wa4NxrPSJvI-00004-00001104-00001500 to put my body in the ground and when I wa4NxrPSJvI-00005-00001500-00001757 got up and was able to move around the wa4NxrPSJvI-00006-00001757-00002023 most amazing thing started happening wa4NxrPSJvI-00007-00002023-00002355 the people I'd be working with they'd do wa4NxrPSJvI-00008-00002355-00002568 anything I just bust out into hilarious wa4NxrPSJvI-00009-00002568-00003085 gales of laughter and it would just wa4NxrPSJvI-00010-00003085-00003296 discombobulated me, I would say that I wa4NxrPSJvI-00011-00003296-00003564 couldn't say stop I just go like this wa4NxrPSJvI-00012-00003564-00003914 and tears and laughing and I'd fall and wa4NxrPSJvI-00013-00003914-00004164 of course the weaker I got the stronger wa4NxrPSJvI-00014-00004164-00004473 they came at me. And the stronger they wa4NxrPSJvI-00015-00004473-00004719 came the more I laughed. Now I don't know wa4NxrPSJvI-00016-00004719-00004880 if you know that but when you're wa4NxrPSJvI-00017-00004880-00005061 laughing real hard if anybody hits you wa4NxrPSJvI-00018-00005061-00005553 they can't hurt you. Well next time wa4NxrPSJvI-00019-00005553-00005705 somebody goes to hit you just get into wa4NxrPSJvI-00020-00005705-00006010 that place where you're laughing wa4NxrPSJvI-00021-00006027-00006316 not only that I got laughing so hard I wa4NxrPSJvI-00022-00006316-00006508 got them laughing and rendered them wa4NxrPSJvI-00023-00006508-00007027 vulnerable also but that laughter had wa4NxrPSJvI-00024-00007027-00007398 such a depth of love and a sense of wa4NxrPSJvI-00025-00007398-00007642 deepness inside of me that started wa4NxrPSJvI-00026-00007642-00007816 removing the constrictions that were wa4NxrPSJvI-00027-00007838-00008162 placed in my body. Started just ripping wa4NxrPSJvI-00028-00008162-00008497 things loose. At the same time it was wa4NxrPSJvI-00029-00008497-00009019 also healing the underlying illness. It wa4NxrPSJvI-00030-00009019-00009439 was remarkable: love reduced me to wa4NxrPSJvI-00031-00009439-00009747 laughter to tears and then picked me wa4NxrPSJvI-00032-00009747-00009999 up again. wcovF2jpZIA-00000-00000377-00000990 Innovation is most needed when people's rights are restricted. The Innovation for wcovF2jpZIA-00001-00000990-00001623 Change network (I4C) uses social innovation to test solutions and to wcovF2jpZIA-00002-00001623-00002274 solve civic space problems. Ongoing experimentation and learning is needed wcovF2jpZIA-00003-00002274-00002984 to help people and organizations solve these problems. Developmental evaluation, wcovF2jpZIA-00004-00002984-00003693 or D.E., helps to track innovations in the form of new processes, strategies, wcovF2jpZIA-00005-00003693-00004394 tools, and actors across different contexts. An innovation can include wcovF2jpZIA-00006-00004394-00005142 creating something new or using the same thing in a new way. This is important for wcovF2jpZIA-00007-00005142-00005700 protecting civic space, because people have to find ways to reach their goals wcovF2jpZIA-00008-00005700-00006282 despite the constraints they face. The more ways they experiment and maneuver wcovF2jpZIA-00009-00006282-00006953 the more they learn and together they can reach more effective solutions. wcovF2jpZIA-00010-00006953-00007692 I4C members use innovations such as labs, hackathons, pop-up events, and wcovF2jpZIA-00011-00007692-00008435 prototyping projects to test quick solutions. For D.E., the key questions for wcovF2jpZIA-00012-00008435-00009059 identifying and tracking innovations are what are: the specific processes, wcovF2jpZIA-00013-00009059-00009861 approaches, tools, and actors that make something innovative? Are these processes, wcovF2jpZIA-00014-00009861-00010589 approaches, tools, or actors changing over time in a given context? Are these wcovF2jpZIA-00015-00010589-00011222 processes, approaches, tools, or actors affecting any of the civic space issues wcovF2jpZIA-00016-00011222-00011831 being confronted? The next video explores what network development means, wcovF2jpZIA-00017-00011831-00012469 the stakeholders, and the needs of our I4C network. wcovF2jpZIA-00018-00012936-00013142 you whqUW_ag8KI-00000-00000032-00000720 hey everyone you're watching circuit tv welcome to the Pokémon series today's model is whqUW_ag8KI-00001-00000784-00002192 paper oddish so let's get started you can see it's not that hard so you will need a square paper whqUW_ag8KI-00002-00002904-00003840 just like this so first of all you have to create this crease by folding just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00003-00004032-00004824 and make a crease from here to here just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00004-00005664-00005880 exquisite hard with your fingers whqUW_ag8KI-00005-00006096-00006184 and after that whqUW_ag8KI-00006-00006423-00007184 just fold from the center take this part over here whqUW_ag8KI-00007-00008392-00009648 just like this after that take this part here and match this line with this line whqUW_ag8KI-00008-00009904-00009984 just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00009-00010504-00010688 and fold it over whqUW_ag8KI-00010-00010968-00011792 and take this line and match with this line just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00011-00012056-00012208 and squeeze it over whqUW_ag8KI-00012-00012384-00013336 your model will look like this now what you have to do is just take this line up to the middle line whqUW_ag8KI-00013-00013991-00015776 just like this and rip it over here also and then whqUW_ag8KI-00014-00016088-00016216 open this two folds whqUW_ag8KI-00015-00016560-00017016 and fold them inward move inside whqUW_ag8KI-00016-00017496-00019784 just like this liquid same step over here also whqUW_ag8KI-00017-00020560-00021184 so whqUW_ag8KI-00018-00022384-00022584 foreign whqUW_ag8KI-00019-00023856-00024728 after that your world will look like this now what you have to do is just take one fold whqUW_ag8KI-00020-00025032-00025624 fold it over just like this and now whqUW_ag8KI-00021-00025952-00025983 take whqUW_ag8KI-00022-00026312-00026783 this line means this line whqUW_ag8KI-00023-00027024-00027480 and match it match it with here this line whqUW_ag8KI-00024-00027752-00029095 and then hold it just like this so i think you can see it yes you can see now whqUW_ag8KI-00025-00029400-00030432 so repeat the same step on this side also take this line and match whqUW_ag8KI-00026-00030527-00031360 to this line you can see and then fold it over whqUW_ag8KI-00027-00031992-00032552 just like this so now your model will look like a ninja star whqUW_ag8KI-00028-00032727-00034136 so after that you can see this line means just fold from here to here whqUW_ag8KI-00029-00034536-00035448 means you have to press it down so that you can see this line and match this line with this line whqUW_ag8KI-00030-00036224-00036800 and then squeeze this thing over sorry whqUW_ag8KI-00031-00036968-00037536 and repeat the same step on this side also squeeze it hard you can see the line whqUW_ag8KI-00032-00037752-00038288 just fold it over right here whqUW_ag8KI-00033-00038616-00038776 and then squeeze it whqUW_ag8KI-00034-00038928-00039880 while squeezing it you have to look carefully for you have to match this line with this line whqUW_ag8KI-00035-00040136-00040960 so our model is in taking its shape now so after that whqUW_ag8KI-00036-00041440-00041624 after that you have to do is whqUW_ag8KI-00037-00041792-00042784 just take this one the line straight right here match it with this line whqUW_ag8KI-00038-00043240-00043632 and squeeze it hard repeat the same step whqUW_ag8KI-00039-00044152-00044792 one second now you have to repeat the same step over here also you can see this line whqUW_ag8KI-00040-00044896-00045216 you have to match it with the this line whqUW_ag8KI-00041-00045504-00045632 just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00042-00046104-00046840 and now as you flip it over you can see the model will taking its shape whqUW_ag8KI-00043-00047056-00047448 now let me show you whqUW_ag8KI-00044-00047744-00049632 what you have to do now is just take this fold means this fold and it just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00045-00049952-00050856 or you can just put them all like this but now what you have to do is whqUW_ag8KI-00046-00051056-00051679 you can see guys there is one point right here the two paper whqUW_ag8KI-00047-00051752-00052408 intersect each other you have to fold that this line through there sorry not this whqUW_ag8KI-00048-00052408-00053384 one whqUW_ag8KI-00049-00053784-00054784 so guys you can see you have to fold from this line it's from this point to this point whqUW_ag8KI-00050-00055024-00055104 just like this whqUW_ag8KI-00051-00055679-00056496 and open the pocket and then squeeze it hard whqUW_ag8KI-00052-00056816-00057584 and repeat the same step on here you have to fold from this line to this much whqUW_ag8KI-00053-00057952-00058191 by opening this this fold whqUW_ag8KI-00054-00058791-00059367 just like this so you can see this thing is little bit messed up whqUW_ag8KI-00055-00059504-00060448 we can fix it by pulling it apart yes they are a bit different but whqUW_ag8KI-00056-00060600-00061376 they are same now what you have to do is just take this point up to this point whqUW_ag8KI-00057-00061744-00062296 just like this and open this inner flaps outside whqUW_ag8KI-00058-00062736-00063184 repeat the same step over here also whqUW_ag8KI-00059-00064872-00065008 this is the hard step whqUW_ag8KI-00060-00065320-00065376 so now whqUW_ag8KI-00061-00065688-00065984 what you have to do is whqUW_ag8KI-00062-00066280-00066400 just open this thing up whqUW_ag8KI-00063-00066680-00067032 and now let's take this line up to this whqUW_ag8KI-00064-00067032-00067384 line whqUW_ag8KI-00065-00068056-00068120 and now whqUW_ag8KI-00066-00068368-00068800 just flip this whole thing over and squeeze it whqUW_ag8KI-00067-00069232-00070344 after that you have to open this like this and now just take this point up to this point whqUW_ag8KI-00068-00071008-00071368 and now just take this point whqUW_ag8KI-00069-00071576-00072288 this much outside the fold so this will become the legs whqUW_ag8KI-00070-00072600-00072984 and repeat the same with the other whqUW_ag8KI-00071-00073240-00073576 and now just take this line this point whqUW_ag8KI-00072-00073816-00074848 fold just a bit backwards means just like this and repeat the same step for the other whqUW_ag8KI-00073-00074848-00076144 side so after that flip the model over whqUW_ag8KI-00074-00076488-00077512 and fold this line up to this line or you can take this point up to center whqUW_ag8KI-00075-00078072-00078640 and now you have to do is flip this thing in this fold inside whqUW_ag8KI-00076-00079048-00079128 right here whqUW_ag8KI-00077-00079584-00080144 so after that you have to do is put your two fingers over this lap whqUW_ag8KI-00078-00080256-00080960 twist it and pull it or you can just do it with your thumb also just grab it whqUW_ag8KI-00079-00081232-00083272 and then curve it you take the same step for your the three sides for three and that's it whqUW_ag8KI-00080-00083384-00084280 i hope you enjoy the video hit like subscribe if you are new to the channel thanks for watching x05z3oqKALy-00000-00000135-00000973 I've talked a lot about good habits and bad habits, and trying to do less bad things and x05z3oqKALy-00001-00000973-00001106 more good things. x05z3oqKALy-00002-00001106-00002063 But really, there's nothing that in itself is automatically a good habit or a bad habit. x05z3oqKALy-00003-00002063-00002714 It's all about how it serves the larger picture. x05z3oqKALy-00004-00002714-00003372 The actions, the little things that we do every day, they can be judged based on how x05z3oqKALy-00005-00003372-00003821 they contribute to the bigger picture. x05z3oqKALy-00006-00003821-00004614 For ourselves, and we can also judge them based on how they affect others. x05z3oqKALy-00007-00004614-00006135 So if you have an ambition to do more good and less bad, it ultimately becomes- by itself x05z3oqKALy-00008-00006135-00007047 it is something hollow to just who want to do good things for the sake of doing good x05z3oqKALy-00009-00007047-00007147 things. x05z3oqKALy-00010-00007147-00007753 They're good because they connect to a bigger good, something that is more significant. x05z3oqKALy-00011-00007753-00008263 It's their connection to the bigger thing that makes good actions good. x05z3oqKALy-00012-00008263-00009301 And it's because they take away from the good bigger picture that bad actions are bad. x05z3oqKALy-00013-00009301-00009864 So this is something that I am reminding myself now, because in the last couple days, ever x05z3oqKALy-00014-00009864-00010424 since I had this wonderful musical weekend where I was really feeling the moment and x05z3oqKALy-00015-00010424-00011390 experiencing the music, now I'm going back to work, going into a new week of work, and x05z3oqKALy-00016-00011390-00012295 it started off feeling a bit routine, feeling like I'm going through the motions, and I'm x05z3oqKALy-00017-00012295-00013062 trying to build up something, but then I sometimes wonder what's ultimately the point. x05z3oqKALy-00018-00013062-00013900 Because we can get into the momentum of making good changes. x05z3oqKALy-00019-00013900-00014166 Self-development has its own momentum. x05z3oqKALy-00020-00014166-00014516 It's like a game in and of itself. x05z3oqKALy-00021-00014516-00014844 We can start self-development because we have good reasons. x05z3oqKALy-00022-00014844-00015197 We want to make our overall life better, more meaningful. x05z3oqKALy-00023-00015197-00015963 But then you get into it, and it can sometimes- it just becomes a fun game by itself. x05z3oqKALy-00024-00015963-00016119 How much can I improve myself? x05z3oqKALy-00025-00016119-00016984 How much- it's so satisfying to see myself take control of my life and be able to do x05z3oqKALy-00026-00016984-00017849 better things, but then sometimes, I just look at it and think, well, what really is x05z3oqKALy-00027-00017849-00018031 the point? x05z3oqKALy-00028-00018031-00018833 Because ultimately, having good habits does not, in and of itself, make a good life. x05z3oqKALy-00029-00018833-00019477 Just as having bad habits does not, in itself, make a good life impossible or take away from x05z3oqKALy-00030-00019477-00019612 a good life. x05z3oqKALy-00031-00019612-00020443 So we have to always be plugging things back into our bigger picture. x05z3oqKALy-00032-00020443-00021026 And I can speak for myself: this is something that I have to do. x05z3oqKALy-00033-00021026-00021707 There's the enjoyment, there's the game of improvement, but if it's not connected to x05z3oqKALy-00034-00021707-00022546 something bigger, then it's ultimately pointless to just make yourself into this self-improvement x05z3oqKALy-00035-00022546-00023455 machine that just gets better and better and then you die. x05z3oqKALy-00036-00023455-00024411 And especially if it means always bending towards more work, work, work and not having x05z3oqKALy-00037-00024411-00024712 fun. x05z3oqKALy-00038-00024712-00025343 Because that's really, I mean, for- I think in many cases, I mean, that's really how we x05z3oqKALy-00039-00025343-00025625 get into bad habits, is that they're fun. x05z3oqKALy-00040-00025625-00025975 Most bad habits are fun. x05z3oqKALy-00041-00025975-00027022 And they begin as fun, but then they become something that becomes sort of automatic and x05z3oqKALy-00042-00027022-00027943 something that we lean on to fill what's missing, fill the meaning that's missing in our lives. x05z3oqKALy-00043-00027943-00028895 But these these habits, in and of themselves, are not bad. x05z3oqKALy-00044-00028895-00029444 And just as it's easy to forget that, it's also easy to forget that all of the good habits x05z3oqKALy-00045-00029444-00030845 of working hard every day, discipline, improvement: these things are also not necessarily good. x05z3oqKALy-00046-00030845-00031088 It's all about the bigger picture. x05z3oqKALy-00047-00031088-00031894 So usually, things that are bad take away from our bigger picture, take away from the x05z3oqKALy-00048-00031894-00032144 bigger things we want to do in life. x05z3oqKALy-00049-00032144-00032656 Like if we're going to fall into escapism, then we cannot achieve better things in the x05z3oqKALy-00050-00032656-00032781 real world. x05z3oqKALy-00051-00032781-00033308 If we're going to do physically bad things like drugs and poor eating habits, lack of x05z3oqKALy-00052-00033308-00034253 exercise, laziness: these things lead to a lesser overall life energy and ability to x05z3oqKALy-00053-00034253-00034418 live good life. x05z3oqKALy-00054-00034418-00034752 And that's why that they're bad. x05z3oqKALy-00055-00034752-00035368 And on the other side, things like discipline and hard work and improvement: they're good x05z3oqKALy-00056-00035368-00036349 because they make it possible for us to become stronger and therefore live better lives. x05z3oqKALy-00057-00036349-00037202 But I'm at the moment- at the moment I'm in the state of needing to remind myself, once x05z3oqKALy-00058-00037202-00038002 again, of why I'm doing it, and what is- I'm asking myself what is the bigger picture of x05z3oqKALy-00059-00038002-00038399 the life that I want? x05z3oqKALy-00060-00038399-00038727 And then all these little details feed into that. x2x8laISRYo-00000-00000264-00000865 Once you've found a video and looked it over, you may want to cite it in an academic paper x2x8laISRYo-00001-00000865-00001216 or report or any other project that you have. x2x8laISRYo-00002-00001216-00001964 So, if you pull up the video, you can click "cite" and it gives you examples of how to x2x8laISRYo-00003-00001964-00002403 cite in MLA, Chicago Manual fo Style, APA, or Harvard. x2x8laISRYo-00004-00002403-00002717 I'm going to close that out. x2x8laISRYo-00005-00002717-00002933 You can also share using the share button. x2x8laISRYo-00006-00002933-00003435 I would strongly suggest that you use the share button instead of just right-clicking x2x8laISRYo-00007-00003435-00004097 on the address bar and sending that because the address bar link is for this specific x2x8laISRYo-00008-00004097-00004623 search, which, of course, will change once you go to another computer or send something x2x8laISRYo-00009-00004623-00005005 in an email. x2x8laISRYo-00010-00005005-00005169 And that's how you cite and share. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00000-00000468-00000689 Hello everybody! x6Y_5YMJuT0-00001-00000689-00001354 In this video, I’m going to tell you about recovering MySQL, MSSql and Oracle databases. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00002-00001354-00001752 How to backup such databases, which software to use for this purpose, and how to restore x6Y_5YMJuT0-00003-00001752-00003704 the databases from such backups. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00004-00003704-00006014 Creating a backup copy and restoring MySQL databases with MySQL Workbench x6Y_5YMJuT0-00005-00006014-00006613 The utility MySQL Workbench has functions of Export and Import/Data Restore for databases. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00006-00006613-00007040 To create a backup copy in the program, click Data Export, choose the necessary database, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00007-00007040-00007520 then select the folder where to export the database, click Start Export below and wait x6Y_5YMJuT0-00008-00007520-00007670 until it is completed. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00009-00007670-00008340 The file containing a backup copy will appear in the specified folder. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00010-00008340-00008883 To restore from backup, click Data Import/Restore, specify the path to the previously created x6Y_5YMJuT0-00011-00008883-00009706 dump, check the necessary database and click Start Import, and the restore operation will x6Y_5YMJuT0-00012-00009706-00010182 be completed soon. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00013-00010182-00010290 Restoring a database manually x6Y_5YMJuT0-00014-00010290-00010817 It is possible to recover information from a MySQL database table by putting the previously x6Y_5YMJuT0-00015-00010817-00011254 copied structure files and data files into the folders of already existing bases (in x6Y_5YMJuT0-00016-00011254-00011693 our case, these are two bases: my_db и my_db2). x6Y_5YMJuT0-00017-00011693-00012140 It is possible if you have created backup copies of the files which are located by default x6Y_5YMJuT0-00018-00012140-00012659 in the folder C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00019-00012659-00013115 Here, copy the folder containing structure files and data files, with the names corresponding x6Y_5YMJuT0-00020-00013115-00013276 to the name of your database. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00021-00013276-00013699 Bring them to another location; for recovery, you’ll just have to copy them back. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00022-00013699-00014281 Now, if for some reason you deleted a MySQL database, reinstalled Windows or formatted x6Y_5YMJuT0-00023-00014281-00014712 the hard disk, the database can be restored by using the method described above. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00024-00014712-00015112 If these files were deleted too, I’ll show you later in this video how to restore them. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00025-00015112-00015613 Creating a backup copy and restoring MySQL databases with mysqldump x6Y_5YMJuT0-00026-00015613-00016022 To create a backup copy, start the command prompt; to do it, enter “cmd” in the search x6Y_5YMJuT0-00027-00016022-00016580 field, right-click on the command prompt shortcut and select “Run as administrator.” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00028-00016580-00017304 In the command prompt, go to the folder containing MySQL/bin; by default, it can be found in x6Y_5YMJuT0-00029-00017304-00017884 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin Now, to create a backup copy, enter the command x6Y_5YMJuT0-00030-00017884-00018601 “mysqldump,” space, hyphen, user_name, in my case it’s Admin, then space, hyphen, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00031-00018601-00019084 password, space and the database_name, in my case it’s my_db, (“greater than” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00032-00019084-00019748 symbol>), then the name of the backup database, it can be any convenient name, so I’ll use x6Y_5YMJuT0-00033-00019748-00020087 my_db-dump.sql Press Enter, and in the said “bin” folder, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00034-00020087-00020288 a database backup file will appear. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00035-00020288-00020752 mysqldump -uAdmin -proot my_db > my_db-dump.sql To restore a database, use the command prompt x6Y_5YMJuT0-00036-00020752-00021251 to follow the path to the database backup file, and enter the same command mysqldump x6Y_5YMJuT0-00037-00021251-00022287 -uAdmin -proot my_db < my_db-dump.sql, but change the direction where the arrow is pointing, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00038-00022287-00022493 right here. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00039-00022493-00023004 -u – the value that shows the login which we use in this case to connect to the database; x6Y_5YMJuT0-00040-00023004-00023374 -p – the value that shows the password for the user of this login. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00041-00023374-00023900 [base_name] (?????) – the name of the database a backup copy of which we need to create; x6Y_5YMJuT0-00042-00023900-00024270 (???) [название_файла_резервной_копии_базы].sql – the name of the backup file we have created x6Y_5YMJuT0-00043-00024270-00024393 before. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00044-00024393-00024783 To save a database backup copy to another folder, you should specify the path to such x6Y_5YMJuT0-00045-00024783-00025076 folder before the name of the database backup file. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00046-00025076-00025479 In this case, the commands for creating and restoring a database backup will look like x6Y_5YMJuT0-00047-00025479-00025788 this: # mysqldump -uAdmin -proot my_db > C:\Dumps\my_db-dump.sql x6Y_5YMJuT0-00048-00025788-00026045 # mysqldump -uAdmin -proot my_db < C:\Dumps\my_db-dump.sql x6Y_5YMJuT0-00049-00026045-00026576 Recovering damaged MySQL database tables with the help of myisamchk x6Y_5YMJuT0-00050-00026576-00027222 MyISAM tables can be damaged as a result a sudden interruption of a record process or x6Y_5YMJuT0-00051-00027222-00027638 a computer shutdown, hardware and software errors and failures, and also when trying x6Y_5YMJuT0-00052-00027638-00028119 to debug the table used by the server with the help of myisamchk. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00053-00028119-00028619 As a result of damage, data can disappear from the table or be wrongly represented, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00054-00028619-00029024 but most often damage to the table results in an error like this: “Incorrect key file x6Y_5YMJuT0-00055-00029024-00029124 for table: ‘table_name’. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00056-00029124-00029442 Try to repair it” To recover damaged tables, you can use the x6Y_5YMJuT0-00057-00029442-00029710 command myisamchk. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00058-00029710-00030134 To run it, use the command prompt to go to the folder “bin,” by default it can be x6Y_5YMJuT0-00059-00030134-00030714 found in c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin> x6Y_5YMJuT0-00060-00030714-00030989 Then enter the command and give the path to its location. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00061-00030989-00031466 myisamchk -r -q TABLE_NAME “C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data\my_db2\ new_table_myisam.MYD” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00062-00031466-00032168 myisamchk -r -q new_table_myisam "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data\my_db2\new_table_myisam" x6Y_5YMJuT0-00063-00032168-00032574 And press Enter where, -r -q - is the quick recovery mode. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00064-00032574-00032941 In this case, the index file will be corrected without changing the database file. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00065-00032941-00033438 If the data file contains all necessary things, and the remote links indicate correct positions x6Y_5YMJuT0-00066-00033438-00033809 in the data file, as a result of this command the table will be repaired. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00067-00033809-00034286 If the previous command brings no result, then create a backup data file and run this x6Y_5YMJuT0-00068-00034286-00034647 command: myisamchk -r TABLE_NAME x6Y_5YMJuT0-00069-00034647-00035006 where, -r – is just the recovery mode. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00070-00035006-00035411 In this case, incorrect and lost entries will be deleted from the data file, and the index x6Y_5YMJuT0-00071-00035411-00035722 file will be recreated (as described above). x6Y_5YMJuT0-00072-00035722-00036105 To avoid the trouble of typing the path to the folder containing the file you should x6Y_5YMJuT0-00073-00036105-00036699 add the path to the folder with myisamchk.exe to Windows Environment Variables. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00074-00036699-00037087 To do it, right-click on “This PC”, select “Properties,” go on to “Advanced System x6Y_5YMJuT0-00075-00037087-00037406 Settings,” and find “Environment Variables” in the tab “Advanced.” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00076-00037406-00037884 In the window that opens, find Path in System Variables, select it and click Edit, then x6Y_5YMJuT0-00077-00037884-00038438 New, Browse and specify the path to the folder, or just copy and paste, then click OK. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00078-00038438-00038978 Now you don’t have to type the path in the command, but just run the command myisamchk x6Y_5YMJuT0-00079-00038978-00039251 -r TABLE_NAME in the directory containing the table C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server x6Y_5YMJuT0-00080-00039251-00039406 5.7\Data\my_db2\ myisamchk –r new_table_myisam x6Y_5YMJuT0-00081-00039406-00039668 Recovering a Microsoft SQL Server database x6Y_5YMJuT0-00082-00039668-00040074 Now let’s talk about recovering a Microsoft SQL Server database. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00083-00040074-00040265 There are several ways to do it. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00084-00040265-00040706 The use of every method depends on what your goal is: performing scheduled backup of a x6Y_5YMJuT0-00085-00040706-00041133 database, or restoring from a backup when transferring a database to another computer, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00086-00041133-00041526 or recovering data from a database as a result of its deleting or loss. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00087-00041526-00041952 You can create a database copy for further restoration both with the built-in tools of x6Y_5YMJuT0-00088-00041952-00042350 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or manually. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00089-00042350-00042609 How to create a copy of SQL Server database for further restore, import or transfer x6Y_5YMJuT0-00090-00042609-00043025 In order to create a backup copy of a database, right-click on the folder with its name and x6Y_5YMJuT0-00091-00043025-00043211 select Tasks / Backup... and then OK. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00092-00043211-00043456 The backup has been successfully created. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00093-00043456-00043756 The backup copy is by default located in the folder x6Y_5YMJuT0-00094-00043756-00044896 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup\ A file with the extension .bak. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00095-00044896-00045418 In order to restore a backup copy of a database, right-click on the folder with its name and x6Y_5YMJuT0-00096-00045418-00045871 select Tasks / Restore, check the device, then specify the path to the backup file, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00097-00045871-00047658 click OK, and soon the data is recovered successfully. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00098-00047658-00047796 Creating a backup file manually x6Y_5YMJuT0-00099-00047796-00048277 Creating and restoring a database from a manually created copy is a quicker process that creating x6Y_5YMJuT0-00100-00048277-00048561 an unpacking a backup copy, but it is less reliable. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00101-00048561-00049209 In addition, if you copy database files manually without stopping a database or during a transaction, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00102-00049209-00049625 such files will be saved in an unaccorded form, which will result in errors when you x6Y_5YMJuT0-00103-00049625-00049862 try to use such files to restore the system. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00104-00049862-00050362 That’s why before creating a backup file copy manually, the SQL Server should be stopped, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00105-00050362-00050702 and only then you can copy the files which are by default stored in the folder x6Y_5YMJuT0-00106-00050702-00051809 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA To stop a x6Y_5YMJuT0-00107-00051809-00052328 SQL server, you should start SQL Server Configuration Manager, which you can find in the Start menu. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00108-00052328-00052862 After that, select SQL Server services and right-click on the database you need to stop, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00109-00052862-00052962 and select “Stop.” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00110-00052962-00053894 You can start a database in a similar way by selecting “Start” from the menu. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00111-00053894-00054230 Creating a backup copy of Oracle Database Express Edition x6Y_5YMJuT0-00112-00054230-00055277 To create a backup, open Oracle Application Express and select the menu Application Builder x6Y_5YMJuT0-00113-00055277-00055727 / Export Specify the export type: the entire workspace x6Y_5YMJuT0-00114-00055727-00055910 or one of its components. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00115-00055910-00056347 Set the file format to export the data into, and click on Export Workspace x6Y_5YMJuT0-00116-00056347-00057219 After that, a sql file containing a backup copy will appear in the downloads. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00117-00057219-00057776 You can import a file here as well: select the menu Application Builder / Import x6Y_5YMJuT0-00118-00057776-00058339 Select the file to import and specify its type, then click Next. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00119-00058339-00058794 The file has been imported. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00120-00058794-00059273 Such archiving can be done with the operating system tools by manual copying all working x6Y_5YMJuT0-00121-00059273-00060100 files of the database from the database folder which is located by default in C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE x6Y_5YMJuT0-00122-00060100-00060947 Archiving is performed with the stopped database, and users cannot work with it while it is x6Y_5YMJuT0-00123-00060947-00061102 being archived. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00124-00061102-00061559 To restore a database damaged because of a failure, it should be stopped, and backup x6Y_5YMJuT0-00125-00061559-00062063 copies of working files and transaction logs should be written to their previous location. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00126-00062063-00062375 Recovering tables with Hetman Partition Recovery x6Y_5YMJuT0-00127-00062375-00062858 All databases deleted from a computer can be recovered with Hetman Partition Recovery, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00128-00062858-00063045 and then be sent to the necessary folder. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00129-00063045-00063649 I’ll show you how to recover files with the example of a MySQL database. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00130-00063649-00064138 Start the program, click on the disk where the MySQL database was stored. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00131-00064138-00064355 The recovery wizard will start. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00132-00064355-00065066 Choose the analysis type and click Next; when the process is over, click Finish. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00133-00065066-00065958 Using the program, go to the folder C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00134-00065958-00066273 or find the necessary database files with the search function. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00135-00066273-00066738 Enter the file name but be careful: files containing data will have the same name as x6Y_5YMJuT0-00136-00066738-00067032 the tables, not as the databases. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00137-00067032-00067254 Now, recover database files. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00138-00067254-00067633 To do it, select them, right-click and choose Recovery. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00139-00067633-00068064 Specify the location where you want to recover them and click Next, choose the path if necessary x6Y_5YMJuT0-00140-00068064-00068606 and click Recovery. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00141-00068606-00069210 Ready: the files have been recovered, now bring them to the folder with the name of x6Y_5YMJuT0-00142-00069210-00069310 the database. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00143-00069310-00069868 When you start MySQL Workbench after that, the restored table files that you have put x6Y_5YMJuT0-00144-00069868-00070102 into the database folder will be accessible. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00145-00070102-00070670 In the same way, you can restore lost MSSql bases which are located by default in x6Y_5YMJuT0-00146-00070670-00071971 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup\ A file with the extension .bak. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00147-00071971-00072423 After that, attach the recovered data files to the SQL Server database with the function x6Y_5YMJuT0-00148-00072423-00072594 “Attach...” x6Y_5YMJuT0-00149-00072594-00073094 To do it, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on Databases and select x6Y_5YMJuT0-00150-00073094-00073802 Attach, then Add, specify the path to the recovered .mdf file, check it, click OK twice. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00151-00073802-00074258 In the same way, you can use Hetman Partition Recovery to restore Oracle database files, x6Y_5YMJuT0-00152-00074258-00075091 which are located by default in C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE, and after that, just copy them to this folder. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00153-00075091-00075269 That is all for now. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00154-00075269-00075488 Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00155-00075488-00075640 Leave comments to ask questions. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00156-00075640-00075748 Thank you for watching. x6Y_5YMJuT0-00157-00075748-00075803 Good luck. xsoeMqVHcMU-00000-00000000-00000200 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xsoeMqVHcMU-00001-00000200-00000400 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xsoeMqVHcMU-00002-00000400-00000600 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xsoeMqVHcMU-00003-00000600-00000800 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xsoeMqVHcMU-00004-00000800-00001000 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xsoeMqVHcMU-00005-00001000-00001200 Hitman 2 RTX 3080 vs RTX 2080Ti xw2LoANCN-u-00013-00014922-00015126 Alright I'm warmed up now. xwZDWkKywQ0-00000-00000035-00000635 Hello, and welcome to Gumberg Library s video tutorial on using the PICO tool in Embase. xwZDWkKywQ0-00001-00000635-00000994 To start, let s begin with how to locate the tool. xwZDWkKywQ0-00002-00000994-00001617 To access Embase, you ll need to consult our list of databases. On the library homepage, xwZDWkKywQ0-00003-00001617-00002224 select Research followed by Databases A-Z". Once on the databases list, filter by subject xwZDWkKywQ0-00004-00002224-00002771 and select Health Sciences. Select Embase, which is listed under the yellow Best Bets xwZDWkKywQ0-00005-00002771-00003202 box. From Embase s interface, select the PICO tab xwZDWkKywQ0-00006-00003202-00003643 on the site s navigation. The PICO tool is useful as it can help widely xwZDWkKywQ0-00007-00003643-00004086 search for articles relevant to your focused research question. By adding search terms xwZDWkKywQ0-00008-00004086-00004578 for each field, you can build your search. For example, let s build a search based on xwZDWkKywQ0-00009-00004578-00005088 the research question: Are mobile devices an effective self-management tool for adults xwZDWkKywQ0-00010-00005088-00005498 with type 2 diabetes? To build this search, we ll first consider xwZDWkKywQ0-00011-00005498-00006076 our population. In the example, we re interested in type 2 diabetes in adults. You can see xwZDWkKywQ0-00012-00006076-00006598 that Embase suggests modified search terms that correspond with vocabulary in Emtree, xwZDWkKywQ0-00013-00006598-00007204 the thesaurus used to index language in Embase. In this case, type 2 diabetes is being corrected xwZDWkKywQ0-00014-00007204-00007825 to non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus . After we add that term, Embase will also xwZDWkKywQ0-00015-00007825-00008357 offer a button to add synonymous terms. Selecting that button will allow you to review the synonyms xwZDWkKywQ0-00016-00008357-00008882 on the right-hand side, selecting any you want to add or remove from the search. xwZDWkKywQ0-00017-00008882-00009350 Since we also wanted to specify the population to adults, we can include that here. Make xwZDWkKywQ0-00018-00009350-00009865 sure to switch the operator from OR to AND, so that we re only catching articles that xwZDWkKywQ0-00019-00009865-00010303 reference both terms. For the Intervention category, we ll use mobile xwZDWkKywQ0-00020-00010303-00010872 devices. Mobile devices isn t a registered Emtree term in Embase, but we can still search xwZDWkKywQ0-00021-00010872-00011314 with it. Let s also use some other similar terms to broaden our search, such as mobile xwZDWkKywQ0-00022-00011314-00012029 phones and smartphones. Both terms are Emtree terms and have suggested synonyms. Keep in xwZDWkKywQ0-00023-00012029-00012481 mind that Embase may not always have the perfect language to account for your search terms xwZDWkKywQ0-00024-00012481-00012901 so it s important to try and be as thorough as possible when considering terms to include. xwZDWkKywQ0-00025-00012901-00013525 Finally, we ll add our outcome of self-management. Embase suggests we instead use the terms self-care xwZDWkKywQ0-00026-00013525-00013800 and suggests other terminology to mean the same thing. xwZDWkKywQ0-00027-00013800-00014312 Now that our search is built, we can hit Show Results. The show results button is helpful xwZDWkKywQ0-00028-00014312-00014768 as it shows how many results will be screened, which can help you in gauging if your topic xwZDWkKywQ0-00029-00014768-00015105 is too broad or narrow. At the top of the screen, you can see the xwZDWkKywQ0-00030-00015105-00015569 enormous search that Embase has built based on the terms and synonyms we selected using xwZDWkKywQ0-00031-00015569-00015922 the PICO tool. From here, we can narrow down our results xwZDWkKywQ0-00032-00015922-00016437 using the various filters Embase offers. Filters can be found at the top of the screen as well xwZDWkKywQ0-00033-00016437-00016842 as on the left-hand side. Embase is an international database, so it xwZDWkKywQ0-00034-00016842-00017153 s helpful to narrow down articles by language of publication. For this exercise, we can xwZDWkKywQ0-00035-00017153-00017448 select English. Another helpful filter in Embase is the publication xwZDWkKywQ0-00036-00017448-00017977 type. Say we re interested in finding articles on our topic in any format except for conference xwZDWkKywQ0-00037-00017977-00018577 literature. We can select every option save for conference abstracts, conference papers, xwZDWkKywQ0-00038-00018577-00019094 and conference reviews. While these resources may be useful in some settings, it can be xwZDWkKywQ0-00039-00019094-00019614 difficult to track down full text. To apply our search filters, we hit Search again, and xwZDWkKywQ0-00040-00019614-00019977 our stacked search will be updated with both filters added. xwZDWkKywQ0-00041-00019977-00020497 Embase is helpful in connecting users with full text. If the library has access to an xwZDWkKywQ0-00042-00020497-00020998 article s text, you ll see this Download PDF button below the article. If you have LibKey xwZDWkKywQ0-00043-00020998-00021564 Nomad installed in your browser, the software will integrate into Embase s interface and xwZDWkKywQ0-00044-00021564-00022179 find full text PDFs. You can also select Full Text Finder, which will present options of xwZDWkKywQ0-00045-00022179-00022698 accessing full text of the article. If we don t have full text access, FTF will direct xwZDWkKywQ0-00046-00022698-00023154 you to our interlibrary loan resource, ILLiad. You can learn more about these options on xwZDWkKywQ0-00047-00023154-00023645 our LibKey Nomad and Finding Full Text library guides. To learn more about using Embase s xwZDWkKywQ0-00048-00023645-00023980 other features, check out our Embase Basics guide. xwZDWkKywQ0-00049-00023980-00024526 This has been a tutorial on how to use Embase s PICO tool. If you have any additional questions, xwZDWkKywQ0-00050-00024526-00024802 you can visit Ask Gumberg at the site below and contact the library! x-nB7Zzc27g-00000-00004166-00004613 HELLO. THE TITLE OF THIS PIECE IS x-nB7Zzc27g-00001-00004613-00004946 "FIRE-ALARM, CURIOUS NEXT." x-nB7Zzc27g-00002-00005073-00005453 IT'S NOON, AND I SIT AT A LONG TABLE x-nB7Zzc27g-00003-00005453-00005656 FULL OF OTHER CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00004-00005656-00005856 TABLES AND TABLES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00005-00005856-00006043 LONG TABLES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00006-00006043-00006253 IN A HUGE ROOM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00007-00006253-00006513 THE OLDER KIDS GO AND SIT IN THEIR AREAS x-nB7Zzc27g-00008-00006513-00006863 AND US YOUNGER ONES HAVE OUR PARTICULAR PLACE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00009-00006863-00007170 WE SIT ON THE BENCHES WITH OUR LEGS SWINGING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00010-00007170-00007630 THE BRIGHT WINDOWS SHINE THE LIGHT INTO THE ROOM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00011-00007630-00007833 THE BIG, HEAVY CAFETERIA LADY x-nB7Zzc27g-00012-00007833-00008163 COMES UP AND PUTS A TRAY RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. x-nB7Zzc27g-00013-00008163-00008423 "ONE EACH," SHE ADMONISHES US. x-nB7Zzc27g-00014-00008836-00009296 SO, WE GRAB OUR HARD, BLACK FOOD x-nB7Zzc27g-00015-00009296-00009566 AND START CUTTING INTO IT x-nB7Zzc27g-00016-00009566-00009753 AND TALK AMONGST EACH OTHER. x-nB7Zzc27g-00017-00009753-00009976 EVERYBODY'S HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME x-nB7Zzc27g-00018-00009976-00010163 AS THEY CONSUME THEIR LUNCH, x-nB7Zzc27g-00019-00010163-00010383 AND THEN WE TAKE OUR TRAYS x-nB7Zzc27g-00020-00010383-00010570 AND PUT THEM IN THE SLOT x-nB7Zzc27g-00021-00010570-00010903 AND GO BACK AND SIT TO WAIT x-nB7Zzc27g-00022-00010903-00011063 UNTIL IT'S TIME TO LEAVE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00023-00011063-00011363 ONE BY ONE, EVERYBODY TAKES THEIR TRAYS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00024-00011363-00011516 AND WE HAVE TO WAIT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00025-00011516-00011656 AND OF COURSE, WE'RE BEING MONITORED x-nB7Zzc27g-00026-00011656-00011953 BY A STERN-FACED PROCTOR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00027-00011953-00012123 WE ALL TALK AND HAVE A GREAT TIME x-nB7Zzc27g-00028-00012123-00012333 AND THEN IT'S TIME FOR RECESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00029-00012333-00012523 WONDERFUL! x-nB7Zzc27g-00030-00012523-00012816 EVERYBODY GETS OFF THE BENCH x-nB7Zzc27g-00031-00012816-00013013 AND IT'S APPROPRIATE THAT WE PUT OUR CHAIRS x-nB7Zzc27g-00032-00013013-00013186 BACK EXACTLY WHERE THEY WERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00033-00013186-00013393 AND FILE OUT OF THE BUILDING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00034-00013393-00013556 ALL OF US GO DOWN THE STAIRWAY x-nB7Zzc27g-00035-00013556-00014066 AND I SEE A LITTLE, RED BOX ON THE WALL x-nB7Zzc27g-00036-00014066-00014640 WITH A SIGN THAT SAYS, "DO NOT TOUCH." x-nB7Zzc27g-00037-00014640-00014876 AND I SAY TO MY FRIEND, "LOOK AT THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00038-00014876-00015010 WE COULD PULL IT." x-nB7Zzc27g-00039-00015010-00015216 "NO, NO, NO," MY FRIEND SAYS. "THERE'S NO WAY ON EARTH x-nB7Zzc27g-00040-00015216-00015436 I'M GONNA PULL THAT THING." x-nB7Zzc27g-00041-00015436-00015893 DO NOT TOUCH. DO NOT TOUCH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00042-00015893-00016169 WELL, I COULD JUST TOUCH IT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00043-00016169-00016410 I COULD JUST TOUCH IT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00044-00016410-00016816 BUT WHEN I TOUCHED IT, OUT CAME THE GLASS x-nB7Zzc27g-00045-00016816-00016993 AND ALL THESE ALARMS STARTED BLARING x-nB7Zzc27g-00046-00016993-00017113 AND THESE LIGHTS STARTED FLASHING x-nB7Zzc27g-00047-00017113-00017320 AND WE RAN AS FAST AS WE COULD. x-nB7Zzc27g-00048-00017320-00017563 RAN AND RAN AND RAN OUT TO THE PLAYGROUND. x-nB7Zzc27g-00049-00017563-00017773 I RAN AS FAST AS I COULD TO ANYWHERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00050-00017773-00017920 THAT I THOUGHT I COULD BLEND IN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00051-00017920-00018103 THERE'S A CROWD OF KIDS PLAYING OVER THERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00052-00018103-00018296 THERE'S SOME OTHER KIDS ON A TUBE SWING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00053-00018296-00018433 I GO AND SIT INTO A SWING x-nB7Zzc27g-00054-00018433-00018713 AND I START JUST SWINGING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00055-00018713-00018873 HOPING NOBODY NOTICES ME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00056-00018873-00019013 ALL THE CHILDREN ARE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00057-00019013-00019220 THEY'RE THROWING BALLS AND THEY'RE PLAYING BASKETBALL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00058-00019220-00019666 I'M JUST SWINGING, HOPING NOBODY NOTICES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00059-00019666-00019913 AND I LOOK TOWARDS THE BUILDING WHERE THE LIGHTS ARE FLASHING x-nB7Zzc27g-00060-00019913-00020140 AND PEOPLE ARE COMING OUT OF THE BUILDING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00061-00020140-00020490 AND I JUST KEEP SWINGING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00062-00020490-00020973 AND THEN THE MUSTACHED, LARGE-NOSED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00063-00020973-00021243 BIG-GUTTED PRINCIPAL COMES OUT... x-nB7Zzc27g-00064-00021503-00021710 AND ASKS SOMEBODY, "WHO DID IT?" x-nB7Zzc27g-00065-00021880-00022090 THEY POINTED TO ME, x-nB7Zzc27g-00066-00022090-00022393 AND HIS EYES FOLLOWED THE POINTING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00067-00022393-00022656 AND HIS GAZE FIXED ON ME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00068-00022656-00022963 "YOU, COME HERE." x-nB7Zzc27g-00069-00022963-00023386 I STOPPED SWINGING AND I JUMPED OFF INTO THE SAND x-nB7Zzc27g-00070-00023386-00023633 AND WALKED SLOWLY TOWARDS HIM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00071-00023633-00024040 UP, UP, PAST HIS GIRTH, I LOOKED UP INTO HIS EYES x-nB7Zzc27g-00072-00024040-00024333 AND HE SAID, "FOLLOW ME," x-nB7Zzc27g-00073-00024333-00024570 WITH HIS LITTLE MUSTACHE AND HIS FLARING NOSE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00074-00024813-00025313 ALL OF THE LIGHTS WERE STILL FLASHING x-nB7Zzc27g-00075-00025313-00025756 AND I FOLLOWED THE PRINCIPAL, SLOWLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00076-00025756-00025920 KIDS WHO WERE TALKING AND PLAYING x-nB7Zzc27g-00077-00025920-00026156 STOPPED TO WATCH THE SAD PROGRESSION x-nB7Zzc27g-00078-00026156-00026336 AS I FOLLOWED HIM BACK TO THE BUILDING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00079-00026560-00026716 ALL THE LIGHTS WERE STILL FLASHING x-nB7Zzc27g-00080-00026716-00026913 AND THE ALARM WAS STILL GOING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00081-00026913-00027080 "COME HERE," HE SAID, x-nB7Zzc27g-00082-00027080-00027466 AND WE ASCENDED THE LONG STAIRCASE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00083-00027466-00027673 I STILL SAW THOSE LIGHTS FLASHING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00084-00027673-00027956 THAT ALARM WAS STILL GOING. UP, UP, UP THE STAIRCASE WE WENT x-nB7Zzc27g-00085-00027956-00028083 TILL WE CAME INTO HIS OFFICE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00086-00028083-00028323 "SIT DOWN," HE SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00087-00028323-00028543 AND SO, I SAT IN THE LARGE CHAIR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00088-00028543-00028903 FEET DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THE GROUND, I WAS SO LITTLE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00089-00028903-00029120 AND HE SAT BEHIND HIS BIG DESK x-nB7Zzc27g-00090-00029120-00029420 AND REGARDED ME STERNLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00091-00029420-00029606 "TIME TO PHONE YOUR PARENTS," HE SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00092-00029606-00029870 "NO, NO, I'M SO SORRY, I'M SO SORRY," I SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00093-00030143-00030463 HE OPENS UP A BOTTOM DRAWER AND TAKES OUT A PADDY WHACK. x-nB7Zzc27g-00094-00030463-00030639 "SHOULD I GIVE YOU A PADDY WHACK?" HE SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00095-00030639-00030973 "I'M SO SORRY, I'M SO SORRY," I SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00096-00030973-00031193 HE PUTS BACK THE PADDY WHACK. x-nB7Zzc27g-00097-00031193-00031453 HMM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00098-00031453-00031643 I SAID, "I'M REALLY, REALLY SORRY." x-nB7Zzc27g-00099-00031880-00032163 AND THEN HE COMES AROUND TO ME. HE SAYS, "STAND UP." x-nB7Zzc27g-00100-00032163-00032393 SO, I STOOD UP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00101-00032393-00032600 "TURN AROUND." x-nB7Zzc27g-00102-00032600-00032746 SO, I TURNED AROUND. x-nB7Zzc27g-00103-00033013-00033213 AND HE PUTS MY HEAD DOWN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00104-00033213-00033576 BENDS ME OVER, AND SPANKS ME, AND I SCREAMED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00105-00033576-00033856 AND HE SPANKED ME AGAIN AND I SCREAMED EVEN LOUDER x-nB7Zzc27g-00106-00033856-00034326 AND HE SPANKED ME AGAIN AND I SCREAMED AND I CRIED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00107-00034326-00034506 OH, IT HURT SO BADLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00108-00034506-00034780 AND THEN HE STANDS ME UP AND HE SITS ME DOWN AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00109-00034780-00035256 I CRIED. "I'M SO SORRY, I'M SO SORRY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00110-00035256-00035660 I'M SO, SO, SORRY." x-nB7Zzc27g-00111-00035660-00036150 THE DOOR OPENS AND I LOOK. x-nB7Zzc27g-00112-00036150-00036376 FROM BOTTOM TO TOP, x-nB7Zzc27g-00113-00036376-00036543 AT THE FIGURE OF A FIREMAN x-nB7Zzc27g-00114-00036543-00036740 WITH HIS BIG BOOTS AND HIS YELLOW COAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00115-00036740-00036856 AND HIS BIG HAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00116-00037260-00037530 "I'M SORRY," I SAID TO HIM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00117-00037796-00038160 HE STARTS TO TALK TO ME. HE'S SPEAKING TO ME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00118-00038160-00038346 I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS SAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00119-00038346-00038636 I JUST KEPT SOBBING. I HAD FALLEN TO THE FLOOR x-nB7Zzc27g-00120-00038636-00038906 AND HE STOOD ME UP, AND THE MUSTACHED PRINCIPAL x-nB7Zzc27g-00121-00038906-00039016 LOOKED AT ME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00122-00039196-00039443 "I'M SO SORRY." x-nB7Zzc27g-00123-00039443-00039713 "GO ON, LEAVE," HE SAID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00124-00039713-00040050 THE FIREMAN PATTED ME ON MY HEAD UNDERSTANDINGLY x-nB7Zzc27g-00125-00040050-00040310 AND I WENT OUT THE DOOR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00126-00040310-00040586 FINALLY, THE ALARM HAD STOPPED x-nB7Zzc27g-00127-00040586-00040856 AND WE SAW PEOPLE TALKING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00128-00040856-00041126 I STEPPED OUT AND SAW MANY FIRE TRUCKS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00129-00041126-00041313 FIREMEN LOOKING AROUND DISGUSTINGLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00130-00041313-00041530 WHY WERE WE CALLED? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS? x-nB7Zzc27g-00131-00041726-00042103 I WENT DOWN THE STEPS. ALL CONVERSATION STOPPED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00132-00042103-00042470 EVERYBODY WATCHED ME COME DOWN SHAMEFACEDLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00133-00042470-00042600 I'D BEEN CRYING SO MUCH I HAD x-nB7Zzc27g-00134-00042600-00042963 SPATTERED MY CLOTHES WITH MY TEARS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00135-00042963-00043306 I CAME DOWN THE STEPS AND I LOOKED AROUND x-nB7Zzc27g-00136-00043306-00043570 AND I SAID, "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY," x-nB7Zzc27g-00137-00043570-00043743 AND THE PRINCIPAL SAID, "DO YOU GET IT NOW? x-nB7Zzc27g-00138-00043743-00043873 DO YOU GET IT?" x-nB7Zzc27g-00139-00043873-00044053 I SAID, "YES, I DO," x-nB7Zzc27g-00140-00044053-00044283 AND THEN HE GAVE ME A BIG HUG. x-nB7Zzc27g-00141-00046310-00046523 LET'S GET ON WITH OUR TOPIC NOW. x-nB7Zzc27g-00142-00046523-00046700 I THINK YOU'VE SEEN WHAT IT IS IN YOUR... x-nB7Zzc27g-00143-00047103-00047216 IN YOUR PROGRAM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00144-00047216-00047656 IT'S ACHIEVING LITERACY WITH DEAF CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00145-00047656-00047953 AND IT'S NOT THE ACHIEVEMENT OF LITERACY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00146-00047953-00048376 IT'S ACHIEVING THE PROCESS OF THE DEAF CHILDREN'S LITERACY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00147-00048553-00048896 I'VE WORKED WITH KATHY AND TINA x-nB7Zzc27g-00148-00048896-00049153 AND THERE'S ALSO A FOURTH PERSON WHO'S IN OUR GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00149-00049153-00049506 THAT'S JENNY SINGLETON. x-nB7Zzc27g-00150-00049506-00049866 AND ACTUALLY, MY UNIVERSITY ISN'T ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00151-00049866-00050053 IT'S UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA. x-nB7Zzc27g-00152-00050476-00050983 THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT I'LL BE SHARING x-nB7Zzc27g-00153-00050983-00051156 MY RESEARCH THAT I'VE DONE UNDER x-nB7Zzc27g-00154-00051156-00051506 THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GRANT x-nB7Zzc27g-00155-00051506-00052060 ON WORKING WITH DEAF CHILDREN'S LITERACY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00156-00052273-00052550 WE WANT TO SEE IF ASL LITERACY x-nB7Zzc27g-00157-00052550-00052816 WILL HELP WITH THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER PEOPLE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00158-00052816-00053106 THEIR SOCIAL SKILLS, AND THEIR EDUCATIONAL SKILLS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00159-00053106-00053416 THIS WAS PLANNED FOR A 3-YEAR PROJECT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00160-00053706-00054070 AND PART OF THE PROJECT I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU... x-nB7Zzc27g-00161-00054616-00055123 COMES FROM WORK THAT SARAH SHELLEY x-nB7Zzc27g-00162-00055123-00055323 DID WORKING WITH HEARING CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00163-00055323-00055526 [INDISTINCT] DEAF CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00164-00055526-00055790 SHE LOOKED AT THEIR ASL PROFICIENCY x-nB7Zzc27g-00165-00055790-00056136 AND THEIR PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH WRITING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00166-00056136-00056463 THEY WANTED TO SEE IF THIS WOULD-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00167-00056463-00056646 IF THERE WAS A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO x-nB7Zzc27g-00168-00056646-00056876 AND IF IT WOULD LEAD TO BETTER WRITING PROFICIENCY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00169-00057156-00057616 THE STUDIES WITH OTHER HEARING CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00170-00057616-00058010 ARE QUITE INTERESTING AND I'D LIKE TO LOOK AT THEM x-nB7Zzc27g-00171-00058010-00058283 IN RELATION TO HOW DEAF CHILDREN COULD LEARN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00172-00058283-00058556 PART OF IT IS THEIR ORAL TRADITION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00173-00058556-00058823 WE WANT TO KNOW IF HEARING CHILDREN'S x-nB7Zzc27g-00174-00058823-00059110 SPEAKING ABILITIES, STORYTELLING ABILITIES x-nB7Zzc27g-00175-00059110-00059566 ARE RELATED IN SOME WAY TO THEIR WRITING ABILITY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00176-00059566-00060070 IF--IF IMPROVING THEIR STORYTELLING ABILITY x-nB7Zzc27g-00177-00060070-00060203 WILL IMPROVE THEIR WRITING ABILITY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00178-00060203-00060536 SO, WE WANT TO LOOK AT BOTH THE WRITING AND SPEECH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00179-00060746-00060879 AND OF COURSE, THEY DID THE STUDY x-nB7Zzc27g-00180-00060879-00061193 WITH CHILDREN WHO ARE HEARING x-nB7Zzc27g-00181-00061193-00061573 AND WHO ALREADY HAVE GREAT ENGLISH COMPETENCY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00182-00061760-00062300 AND THEY FOUND THAT RETELLING AS THE METHOD OF x-nB7Zzc27g-00183-00062300-00062663 TEACHING CHILDREN HOW TO TELL STORIES x-nB7Zzc27g-00184-00062663-00062956 HELPED THEM WITH ELABORATING THE STORIES x-nB7Zzc27g-00185-00062956-00063226 THAT THEY TOLD AND INCREASED THEIR SKILLS x-nB7Zzc27g-00186-00063226-00063466 AT STORYTELLING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00187-00063466-00063650 THE MEASURE THEY USED TO DETERMINE THIS x-nB7Zzc27g-00188-00063650-00063963 WAS CALLED THE T-UNIT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00189-00063963-00064216 IT SEEMED TO BE A VERY GOOD WAY OF MEASURING x-nB7Zzc27g-00190-00064216-00064456 HOW ELABORATED THEIR STORIES WERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00191-00064456-00064633 IF THEY WERE QUITE ELABORATED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00192-00064633-00064876 IF THEY WERE QUITE EMBELLISHED x-nB7Zzc27g-00193-00064876-00065223 OR--AND INCLUDED A LOT OF INFORMATION x-nB7Zzc27g-00194-00065223-00065426 AND TECHNIQUES FROM ENGLISH x-nB7Zzc27g-00195-00065426-00065820 OR WERE MORE SIMPLE AND PLAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00196-00065820-00066313 SO, I THOUGHT ABOUT USING THAT WITH DEAF CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00197-00066313-00066586 WE THOUGHT WE COULD LOOK AT THE SAME ISSUES x-nB7Zzc27g-00198-00066586-00066853 IN THE DEAF COMMUNITY WITH DEAF CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00199-00066853-00067246 I THOUGHT MAYBE STORYTELLING COULD HELP IMPROVE x-nB7Zzc27g-00200-00067246-00067430 THEIR ENGLISH SKILLS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00201-00067430-00067606 BUT BEFORE WE LOOK AT THEIR ENGLISH SKILLS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00202-00067606-00067960 WE REALLY NEEDED TO LOOK AT THE ASL SKILLS OF DEAF CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00203-00067960-00068380 AND AS A GROUP, THEY HAVEN'T REALLY ACQUIRED ASL YET. x-nB7Zzc27g-00204-00068380-00068656 IT'S NOT THE SAME SITUATION AS IT IS WITH HEARING CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00205-00068656-00068806 WHO'VE ALREADY ACQUIRED ENGLISH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00206-00069460-00069680 AND THERE'S ALSO DIFFERENT LEVELS x-nB7Zzc27g-00207-00069680-00070093 OF--OF THE LANGUAGE THAT WE WANT TO LOOK AT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00208-00070093-00070230 THE LINGUISTIC LEVEL, WHICH IS x-nB7Zzc27g-00209-00070230-00070530 MORE OF STRUCTURES OF INDIVIDUAL SENTENCES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00210-00070530-00070796 AND THE LARGER DISCOURSE LEVEL, WHICH IS x-nB7Zzc27g-00211-00070796-00071000 MORE ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF THE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00212-00071306-00071503 I LOOKED AT DIFFERENT GROUPS OF DEAF CHILDREN-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00213-00071503-00071766 DEAF CHILDREN WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00214-00071766-00072026 DEAF CHILDREN WHO HAVE HEARING PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00215-00072026-00072236 BUT HAVE NO SIGN LANGUAGE AT HOME-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00216-00072236-00072400 THEIR PARENTS DON'T KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE x-nB7Zzc27g-00217-00072400-00072620 AND THERE'S NO SIGN IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00218-00072620-00072920 AND WE KNOW THAT THAT'S 90% OF ALL THE DEAF CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00219-00072920-00073610 AND...BUT WE STILL HAVEN'T ESTABLISHED x-nB7Zzc27g-00220-00073610-00073780 ANY KIND OF SIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00221-00073780-00074026 REMEDIAL SIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES FOR THAT GROUP OF CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00222-00074026-00074273 WHO DON'T HAVE ASL YET. x-nB7Zzc27g-00223-00074733-00075056 THEY DON'T--THEY DON'T USE DISCOURSE IN THEIR EVERYDAY LIFE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00224-00075056-00075263 THEY DON'T USE ASL IN ANY KIND OF x-nB7Zzc27g-00225-00075263-00075416 EXTENDED DISCOURSE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00226-00075416-00075780 DISCOURSE ENABLES CHILDREN TO LEARN LANGUAGE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00227-00075780-00076003 SO, WE WOULD THINK THAT IF THEY LEARNED-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00228-00076003-00076166 IF WE WORKED ON THEIR ASL DISCOURSE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00229-00076166-00076443 THAT IT ALSO WOULD IMPROVE THEIR LINGUISTIC SKILLS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00230-00076613-00076870 SO, WE HAD 3 SETS OF QUESTIONS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00231-00076870-00077200 ONE QUESTION ABOUT THE FEASIBILITY OF THIS-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00232-00077200-00077480 OF HEARING--DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00233-00077480-00077686 LEARNING ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00234-00077686-00078040 THE SECOND PART OF OUR--OUR STUDY x-nB7Zzc27g-00235-00078040-00078363 LOOKED AT HOW WE COULD PROVIDE THESE SERVICES x-nB7Zzc27g-00236-00078363-00078656 THAT WOULD INCREASE THEIR ABILITY IN ASL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00237-00078656-00078973 AND THE THIRD WAS EFFECTIVENESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00238-00078973-00079156 WHAT--WHAT WAS THE RESULTS? x-nB7Zzc27g-00239-00079156-00079336 DID THESE WORK--DID IT WORK OUT x-nB7Zzc27g-00240-00079336-00079513 TO HELP THE DEAF CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00241-00079513-00079700 LEARN ASL BETTER? x-nB7Zzc27g-00242-00079700-00079950 SO, THAT WAS OUR--OUR PROJECT x-nB7Zzc27g-00243-00079950-00080050 AND OUR PLAN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00244-00080236-00080593 BUT THEN WE HAD TO FIND A SITE THAT WE COULD USE x-nB7Zzc27g-00245-00080593-00080803 TO STUDY CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00246-00080803-00081266 AND IT SEEMED THAT THE ARIZONA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND x-nB7Zzc27g-00247-00081266-00081783 WAS NEAR ENOUGH TO US THAT IT WAS x-nB7Zzc27g-00248-00081783-00081936 FEASIBLE TO WORK THERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00249-00081936-00082163 SO, WE PLANNED ON A 3-YEAR PROJECT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00250-00082163-00082376 UNFORTUNATELY, AFTER THE SECOND YEAR, x-nB7Zzc27g-00251-00082376-00082626 THE PROJECT WAS DROPPED, SO, WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00252-00082626-00082843 WE DIDN'T GET TO FINISH THE STUDY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00253-00082843-00083033 BUT WE DID GET DATA FROM THE SECOND YEAR x-nB7Zzc27g-00254-00083033-00083240 THAT WE'RE ABLE TO ANALYZE AND-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00255-00083240-00083466 AND TELL YOU THE RESULTS OF TODAY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00256-00084133-00084380 AT THAT TIME, THE SCHOOL HADN'T HAD x-nB7Zzc27g-00257-00084380-00084703 ANY KIND OF PROGRAM OR PLAN x-nB7Zzc27g-00258-00084703-00084910 FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN IN THIS WAY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00259-00084910-00085303 AND SO, WE HAD TO START THE PROGRAM OURSELVES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00260-00085303-00085683 AND WE STARTED A PROGRAM CALLED ASL ESL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00261-00085683-00086163 WHICH WAS AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00262-00086163-00086360 AND WITH THOSE SUPPORT SERVICES, WE HOPED THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00263-00086360-00086660 WE WOULD INCREASE CHILDREN'S ABILITY TO USE ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00264-00086850-00087083 WE FOCUSED ON CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL x-nB7Zzc27g-00265-00087083-00087433 IN TWO GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00266-00087433-00087580 THE KIDS IN THE FIRST CLASS WERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00267-00087580-00087693 IN FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD GRADE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00268-00087693-00087890 AND THE CHILDREN IN THE SECOND CLASS WERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00269-00087890-00088110 FOURTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH GRADE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00270-00088110-00088630 THEY WERE RANGING FROM AGES OF 6 TO 11 x-nB7Zzc27g-00271-00088630-00089566 AND THEY WERE MULTICULTURAL AND NATIVE AMERICANS, BLACKS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00272-00089566-00089840 HISPANICS, AFRICAN-AMERICANS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00273-00089840-00090053 WE HAD--OUT OF THE 22 CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00274-00090053-00090613 WE WERE ABLE TO USE--WE-- WE WERE--STUDIED 15 OF THEM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00275-00090613-00090816 BECAUSE 20--THE OTHER CHILDREN HAD x-nB7Zzc27g-00276-00090816-00091006 OTHER TYPES OF DISABILITIES AS WELL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00277-00091373-00091706 WE HAD--WE DIVIDED THE 9 CHILDREN IN-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00278-00091706-00091896 THE 15 CHILDREN INTO 3 GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00279-00091896-00092240 TODAY, I'M ONLY GONNA TALK ABOUT 9 OF THEM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00280-00092240-00092550 AND THERE'LL BE 3 CHILDREN IN EACH OF THE 3 GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00281-00092550-00092906 THE 3 GROUPS ARE DEAF CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00282-00092906-00093073 DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS WHO SIGN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00283-00093073-00093323 AND DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS WHO DON'T SIGN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00284-00093323-00093643 SO, WE'RE GOING TO BE COMPARING EACH OF THOSE GROUPS x-nB7Zzc27g-00285-00093643-00093946 AND ALSO EACH INDIVIDUAL CHILD WITHIN THE GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00286-00094163-00094366 NOW I THINK WE'RE READY FOR THE OVERHEAD, KATHY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00287-00096050-00096246 ACTUALLY, UM... x-nB7Zzc27g-00288-00096756-00097036 WE HAD TO THINK ABOUT HOW TO STUDY x-nB7Zzc27g-00289-00097036-00097306 DEAF CHILDREN AND THEIR SIGNING ABILITIES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00290-00097306-00097626 AND WE DECIDED THAT WE WOULD LOOK AT x-nB7Zzc27g-00291-00097626-00097823 DIFFERENT INTERACTIONS THEY HAD. x-nB7Zzc27g-00292-00097823-00098076 SO, FIRST WE WANTED TO SEE HOW THEY x-nB7Zzc27g-00293-00098076-00098296 INTERACTED WITH CHILDREN WHO WERE LIKE THEM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00294-00098296-00098516 SO, WE TOOK CHILDREN WHO HAD THE SAME BACKGROUND. x-nB7Zzc27g-00295-00098516-00098746 IF THEY HAVE DEAF PARENTS, WE HAD A CHILD WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00296-00098746-00098970 AND WE VIDEOTAPED THEIR INTERACTION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00297-00098970-00099483 SECOND ELICITATION WAS WHAT WE CALLED RETELLING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00298-00099483-00100096 AND IN THIS...THIS SITUATION, x-nB7Zzc27g-00299-00100096-00100266 WE HAD THE CHILD WATCH A MOVIE x-nB7Zzc27g-00300-00100266-00100493 FROM THE ASL TEST BATTERY x-nB7Zzc27g-00301-00100493-00101076 THAT IS A STORY OF THE RABBIT AND THE TURTLE RACE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00302-00101076-00101280 AND WE ASKED THE CHILDREN TO WATCH THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00303-00101280-00101573 AND VIDEOTAPE THEIR RETELLING OF THE STORY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00304-00101573-00101846 AND THEN THE THIRD ONE, THIRD SESSION, x-nB7Zzc27g-00305-00101846-00102006 WE INTERVIEWED THEM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00306-00102193-00102493 AN ADULT WOULD INTERVIEW THEM AND WE USED THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00307-00102493-00102770 SO, ALL 3 OF THESE INTERACTIONS x-nB7Zzc27g-00308-00102770-00103150 WERE VIDEOTAPED AND WE ANALYZED THOSE VIDEOTAPES x-nB7Zzc27g-00309-00103150-00103526 FOR THEIR STORYTELLING AND SIGN LANGUAGE ABILITY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00310-00103659-00104126 AND...OH, NOW WE'RE GONNA TELL YOU WHAT-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00311-00104126-00104323 WHAT THE DATA WAS THAT WE LOOKED FOR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00312-00105226-00105480 THIS JUST SHOWS A PORTION OF WHAT WE LOOKED AT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00313-00105480-00105756 THE NEXT OVERHEAD SHOWS THE REST OF IT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00314-00105986-00106523 YOU MIGHT WONDER WHY WE CHOSE THESE STRUCTURES TO LOOK AT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00315-00106523-00106696 ACTUALLY, WE LOOKED AT THE LITERATURE x-nB7Zzc27g-00316-00106696-00107023 THAT--OF--OF THE LINGUISTICS OF ASL THAT HAS BEEN DONE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00317-00107023-00107193 AND WE FOUND 8 DIFFERENT GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00318-00107343-00107896 FEATURES. 8 DIFFERENT GROUPS OF STRUCTURES WE WANTED TO LOOK AT x-nB7Zzc27g-00319-00107896-00108226 AND THEN FEATURES UNDER EACH OF THE GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00320-00108226-00108430 SO, YOU CAN SEE UNDER SIGN UTTERANCE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00321-00108430-00108723 THERE ARE 3 DIFFERENT FEATURES WE LOOKED AT-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00322-00108723-00108953 SINGLE SIGN PRODUCTION, PRODUCTION OF 10 SIGNS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00323-00108953-00109070 TO SIGN PRODUCTION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00324-00109070-00109240 SO, YOU CAN SEE THAT EACH GROUP x-nB7Zzc27g-00325-00109240-00109376 WAS DIVIDED UP LIKE THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00326-00109823-00110126 THE ORDER THAT WE ARRANGED THIS x-nB7Zzc27g-00327-00110126-00110320 WAS IN THE ORDER THAT LITTLE-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00328-00110320-00110643 THAT DEAF CHILDREN LEARN THE STRUCTURES OF SIGN LANGUAGE x-nB7Zzc27g-00329-00110643-00110863 STARTING WITH SINGLE SENTENCES x-nB7Zzc27g-00330-00110863-00111170 ALL THE WAY TO MORE COMPLEX CONSTRUCTIONS x-nB7Zzc27g-00331-00111170-00111470 LIKE CLASSIFIERS AND SO ON, WHICH WOULD APPEAR LATER ON x-nB7Zzc27g-00332-00111470-00111609 IN THEIR ACQUISITION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00333-00111846-00112056 NOW, THE 3 GROUPS AT THE END x-nB7Zzc27g-00334-00112056-00112323 THAT YOU SEE ON THE OVERHEAD x-nB7Zzc27g-00335-00112323-00112673 ARE THOSE--THE ONES THAT I TALKED ABOUT BEFORE-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00336-00112673-00112863 DEAF CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00337-00112863-00113096 AND THE SECOND GROUP IS DEAF CHILDREN WHO SIGN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00338-00113096-00113406 AND THE THIRD, DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS WHO DON'T SIGN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00339-00113686-00113993 THEN WE LOOKED AT THE CHILD'S VIDEOTAPE x-nB7Zzc27g-00340-00113993-00114183 TO SEE IF A CERTAIN FEATURE APPEARED x-nB7Zzc27g-00341-00114183-00114433 IN THE VIDEOTAPE AT ANY POINT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00342-00114433-00114940 AND THEN WE RECORDED THAT THEY HAD LEARNED THAT FEATURE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00343-00114940-00115166 THERE WERE MISTAKES AND WE RECORDED THE ERRORS x-nB7Zzc27g-00344-00115166-00115320 IN ANOTHER PLACE, BUT I'M NOT x-nB7Zzc27g-00345-00115320-00115543 GONNA BE TALKING ABOUT THAT TODAY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00346-00115543-00115750 AND THESE ARE THE SEVENTH AND EIGHTH CATEGORIES x-nB7Zzc27g-00347-00115750-00115850 THAT WE LOOKED AT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00348-00116130-00116323 AND YOU CAN SEE ALSO THAT THERE'S x-nB7Zzc27g-00349-00116323-00116623 ANOTHER COLUMN HERE FOR SPRING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00350-00116859-00117230 THE CHILDREN WERE INVOLVED WITH THIS PROGRAM x-nB7Zzc27g-00351-00117230-00117370 BOTH THE FIRST AND SECOND YEAR, x-nB7Zzc27g-00352-00117370-00117756 AND WE WANTED TO TEST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND YEAR x-nB7Zzc27g-00353-00117756-00118036 AND FALL WHAT THEY KNEW x-nB7Zzc27g-00354-00118036-00118276 AND THEN RETEST THEM AGAIN IN SPRING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00355-00118276-00118590 SO, THERE'S A PRE-TEST AND A POST-TEST x-nB7Zzc27g-00356-00118590-00118736 THAT WE HAVE SO WE CAN COMPARE x-nB7Zzc27g-00357-00118736-00118926 THEIR ABILITIES AT THE TWO POINTS IN TIME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00358-00119186-00119436 REALLY, THE NUMBERS ARE VERY ROUGH THAT WE HAVE HERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00359-00119709-00120000 THERE ARE 8 STRUCTURES THAT APPEAR, x-nB7Zzc27g-00360-00120000-00120290 SO, WE WANT TO KNOW IF ALL 8 SHOW UP, x-nB7Zzc27g-00361-00120290-00120670 AND WE ALSO WANT TO KNOW IF ALL OF THE INDIVIDUAL FEATURES x-nB7Zzc27g-00362-00120670-00120793 ALSO SHOW UP THERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00363-00120936-00121540 THERE ARE 24--24 FEATURES THAT THEY COULD LEARN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00364-00121856-00122050 24 CATEGORIES AND FEATURES TOGETHER. x-nB7Zzc27g-00365-00122426-00122753 IT SEEMED LIKE THE DEAF CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00366-00122753-00122996 WHO LEARNED SIGN LANGUAGE AT HOME FROM THEIR HEARING PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00367-00122996-00123150 AND--WELL, FROM THEIR PARENTS, IT DIDN'T MATTER x-nB7Zzc27g-00368-00123150-00123306 IF THEY WERE HEARING OR DEAF, x-nB7Zzc27g-00369-00123306-00123473 THE PARENTS WERE HEARING OR DEAF. x-nB7Zzc27g-00370-00123473-00123836 ALL CAME OUT WITH THE SAME RESULTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00371-00123836-00124023 IN THE BEGINNING AT THE PRE-TEST, x-nB7Zzc27g-00372-00124023-00124250 BUT NOT THE CHILDREN WHO DIDN'T HAVE HEARING PARENT-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00373-00124250-00124426 WHOSE HEARING PARENTS DIDN'T SIGN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00374-00124426-00124703 HOWEVER, AT THE POST-TEST, THEY WERE ALL EQUAL AGAIN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00375-00124703-00125243 SO, IT SEEMS THEY REACHED THE MAXIMUM x-nB7Zzc27g-00376-00125243-00125486 FOR EFFICIENCY THAT THE TEST STUDIED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00377-00125486-00125670 JUST ON STRUCTURES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00378-00125670-00125836 JUST ON THE NUMBER OF STRUCTURES THEY HAD. x-nB7Zzc27g-00379-00126306-00126573 SO, IT SEEMS LIKE MAYBE THEY HAVE x-nB7Zzc27g-00380-00126573-00126756 ACQUIRED THE LANGUAGE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00381-00126756-00127120 AND THEY'VE ALL ACQUIRED IT AT THE SAME LEVEL, PERHAPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00382-00127120-00127250 WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00383-00127900-00128130 SO, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS? HMM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00384-00128326-00128516 SO, THIS SEEMS TO SAY THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00385-00128516-00128706 DEAF CHILDREN, AFTER THIS PROGRAM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00386-00128706-00129053 ARE ALL FINE AND THEY'RE ALL AT THE SAME LEVEL OF ABILITY x-nB7Zzc27g-00387-00129053-00129423 AND THE ESL CURRICULUM IS READY TO START NOW. x-nB7Zzc27g-00388-00129423-00129633 THEY'VE ALREADY LEARNED ASL AND NOW THEY'RE READY TO START x-nB7Zzc27g-00389-00129633-00129946 ON ENGLISH, BUT ACTUALLY, THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00390-00129946-00130220 THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LINGUISTIC STRUCTURE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00391-00130220-00130530 ACQUIRING LINGUISTIC STRUCTURE AND ACQUIRING DISCOURSE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00392-00130530-00130740 NOW WE HAVE TO LOOK AT WHAT THEY ACQUIRED x-nB7Zzc27g-00393-00130740-00131076 AND WHAT DISCOURSE LEVEL THEY ACQUIRED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00394-00131076-00131240 AND ACTUALLY, I FOUND THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00395-00131240-00131733 THEY STILL HAD NOT ACHIEVED PROFICIENCY IN THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00396-00131733-00132076 WE THOUGHT THAT THE DEAF CHILDREN WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00397-00132076-00132466 WERE COMPLETELY COMPETENT, BUT THEY WEREN'T YET. x-nB7Zzc27g-00398-00132466-00132716 WHEN WE LOOK AT DISCOURSE, WE'LL BE ABLE TO SEE THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00399-00132960-00133286 ANYWAY, THIS SEEMS TO BE A GOOD RESULT SO FAR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00400-00133783-00134036 YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE PROJECT WAS x-nB7Zzc27g-00401-00134036-00134346 THAT WE--THAT WE HAD. x-nB7Zzc27g-00402-00134346-00134680 WHAT HELPED THE CHILDREN LEARN THIS KIND OF LANGUAGE? x-nB7Zzc27g-00403-00134680-00134903 AND TINA'S GONNA TALK TO US ABOUT THAT NOW. x-nB7Zzc27g-00404-00135856-00136026 WHAT SAM JUST DESCRIBED TO YOU, x-nB7Zzc27g-00405-00136026-00136240 THE TWO CATEGORIES OF FIRST AND SECOND GRADERS x-nB7Zzc27g-00406-00136240-00136493 AND THE THIRD AND FOURTH GRADERS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00407-00136493-00136786 THOSE CHILDREN NEEDED TO HAVE LINGUISTIC SUPPORT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00408-00136786-00136983 SO, THEY WOULD COME TO MY ROOM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00409-00136983-00137166 WHICH IS CALLED THE ASL LAB. x-nB7Zzc27g-00410-00137330-00137493 IT'S THE SAME IDEA-- THESE CHILDREN WOULD BE x-nB7Zzc27g-00411-00137493-00137786 PULLED OUT OF THE CLASS AND THEY NEED HELP WITH LANGUAGE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00412-00137786-00137926 SO, THEY WOULD BE PULLED OUT OF THE CLASS x-nB7Zzc27g-00413-00137926-00138063 AND BROUGHT INTO MY LAB. x-nB7Zzc27g-00414-00138346-00138620 THE PURPOSE OF THE LAB IS TO FACILITATE x-nB7Zzc27g-00415-00138620-00138773 THE ACQUISITION OF ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00416-00139033-00139466 AND THAT LAB, IT HAS 4 WALLS AND IT-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00417-00139466-00139616 LET ME TELL YOU WHAT IT PHYSICALLY LOOKS LIKE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00418-00139616-00139963 IT HAS 4 WALLS AND THE ACTIVITIES x-nB7Zzc27g-00419-00139963-00140250 THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THAT LAB, WHAT MIGHT THEY LOOK LIKE? x-nB7Zzc27g-00420-00140250-00140400 WELL, WE PLAY GAMES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00421-00140620-00141013 THE PURPOSE OF THE GAMES IS TO EXPAND THEIR LANGUAGE USAGE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00422-00141013-00141573 FOR EXAMPLE, THEY MIGHT LEARN THE RULES OF TURN-TAKING x-nB7Zzc27g-00423-00141573-00141810 OR THE IMPORTANCE OF EYE CONTACT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00424-00141810-00142050 OR THEY'LL LEARN HOW TO TAKE TURNS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00425-00142050-00142380 THOSE ARE IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THE GAMES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00426-00142380-00142750 A SECOND ACTIVITY MIGHT BE A DISNEY MOVIE, FOR EXAMPLE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00427-00142750-00143006 LIKE "THE LION KING" OR "CINDERELLA." x-nB7Zzc27g-00428-00143203-00143430 THOSE MOVIES ARE GOOD FOR CHILDREN TO SIT AND WATCH x-nB7Zzc27g-00429-00143430-00143856 AND TO RECEIVE STIMULATION, LANGUAGE STIMULATION FROM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00430-00143856-00144363 AS THE ASL SPECIALIST, I DO, LIKE, A SIGN OVER x-nB7Zzc27g-00431-00144363-00144673 FOR THE CARTOON, AND I EXPLAIN TO THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00432-00144673-00144973 WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON ON THE VIDEOTAPE x-nB7Zzc27g-00433-00144973-00145150 IN THE DISNEY MOVIE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00434-00145150-00145586 AND THE THIRD ACTIVITY THAT HAPPENS IN THE LAB x-nB7Zzc27g-00435-00145586-00145990 IS...THE THIRD ACTIVITY IN THE LAB x-nB7Zzc27g-00436-00145990-00146303 ARE SIGNED STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00437-00146303-00146666 FOR EXAMPLE, SOME OF THE STORIES ARE ORIGINAL STORIES IN ASL x-nB7Zzc27g-00438-00146666-00146943 THAT HAVE BEEN CREATED IN ASL AND TOLD IN ASL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00439-00146943-00147166 AND ANOTHER GROUP ARE STORIES THAT ARE x-nB7Zzc27g-00440-00147166-00147466 TRANSLATED FROM ENGLISH INTO ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00441-00147680-00147853 SO, THOSE ARE THE TWO TYPES OF STORIES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00442-00147853-00148016 THE DIFFERENT VIDEOTAPES THAT WE'VE COLLECTED x-nB7Zzc27g-00443-00148016-00148140 AND HAVE IN THE LAB. x-nB7Zzc27g-00444-00148826-00149230 THE VIDEOTAPES, YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE, SO, x-nB7Zzc27g-00445-00149230-00149520 THESE ARE--THERE'S A VIDEOTAPE THAT'S CALLED "4 FOR YOU." x-nB7Zzc27g-00446-00149780-00150176 YOU CAN SEE "4 FOR YOU" VIDEOTAPE HAS 4 VOLUMES IN IT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00447-00150676-00151030 THE VIDEOTAPES IN "4 FOR YOU" ARE DIVIDED INTO TWO CATEGORIES: x-nB7Zzc27g-00448-00151030-00151463 "FABLES STORYTELLING/ ROLE PLAYING" AND "FAIRYTALES/STORYTELLING." x-nB7Zzc27g-00449-00151640-00152110 THE ONE ON THE LEFT, "FABLES," HAS TWO PARTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00450-00152273-00152623 SOME ARE STORYTELLING AND THE OTHERS x-nB7Zzc27g-00451-00152623-00152753 INVOLVE ROLE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00452-00153103-00153423 THERE ARE--EACH STORY HAS TWO DIFFERENT COMPONENTS TO IT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00453-00153423-00153606 AND THEN UNDERNEATH, YOU CAN SEE THE NAMES x-nB7Zzc27g-00454-00153606-00153790 OF THE STORIES THAT ARE INCLUDED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00455-00153790-00154000 THEY TEND TO BE VERY SHORT STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00456-00154000-00154160 THEY'RE VERY GOOD FOR CHILDREN WHO HAVE x-nB7Zzc27g-00457-00154160-00154523 LIMITED ATTENTION SPAN OR LIMITED ASL PROFICIENCY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00458-00154523-00154750 THEY TEND TO BE THE CHILDREN FROM x-nB7Zzc27g-00459-00154750-00154910 THE HEARING PARENTS WITH NO SIGNS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00460-00155113-00155523 THE COLUMN ON THE RIGHT, THEY'RE ONLY STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00461-00155523-00155753 THE FAIRYTALES, THEY'RE ONLY STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00462-00155753-00156126 YOU CAN SEE THE NAMES OF THE STORIES LISTED HERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00463-00156126-00156503 THESE TEND TO BE ABOUT 15 MINUTES IN LENGTH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00464-00156503-00156806 THEY'RE GOOD FOR CHILDREN WHO HAVE ALREADY ACQUIRED LANGUAGE x-nB7Zzc27g-00465-00156806-00157090 AND ARE READY FOR MORE IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00466-00157316-00157480 AND THAT'S WHAT STORYTELLING IS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00467-00158213-00158673 OK. WE'RE EMPHASIZING THE CONCEPT OF RETELLING x-nB7Zzc27g-00468-00158673-00159066 FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE EXPANSION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00469-00159066-00159333 WE USE THE RETELLING PROCESS x-nB7Zzc27g-00470-00159333-00159926 IN ASL ACQUISITION AND ALSO DISCOURSE DEVELOPMENT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00471-00159926-00160066 AND THIS IS THE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00472-00160283-00160713 THIS ENTIRE PROCESS IS GOOD FOR NORMAL DEAF CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00473-00160713-00160873 LIKE THE DEAF CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00474-00160873-00161233 WHO HAVE ALREADY ACQUIRED GOING THROUGH THE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00475-00161753-00162060 THIS IS HOW NORMAL CHILDREN WOULD GO THROUGH THE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00476-00162206-00162506 NOW, IF WE LOOK IN THE LAB, x-nB7Zzc27g-00477-00162506-00162730 WHAT MIGHT THAT PROCESS LOOK LIKE IN THE LAB x-nB7Zzc27g-00478-00162730-00163006 WHEN WE FOCUS IT ON A SPECIFIC GROUP OF STUDENTS? x-nB7Zzc27g-00479-00163696-00163923 YOU CAN SEE THE BLACK HEADING AT THE TOP OF THE OVERHEAD. x-nB7Zzc27g-00480-00164116-00164566 THE VIDEOTAPE VIEWING, I MIGHT PICK ONE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00481-00164566-00164826 IT'S THE SAME STORY WE USE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00482-00164826-00165093 WE DON'T USE DIFFERENT STORIES. WE ONLY PICK ONE VIDEOTAPE x-nB7Zzc27g-00483-00165093-00165246 AND USE IT THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00484-00165246-00165450 SO, I'LL PICK A STORY, AND THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00485-00165450-00165586 WILL WATCH THE VIDEOTAPE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00486-00165733-00165950 THEY'LL WATCH THROUGH BEGINNING TO THE END. x-nB7Zzc27g-00487-00166183-00166640 AND THEN WHEN WE'RE DONE, WE DO AN ANALYSIS OF THE CONTEXT x-nB7Zzc27g-00488-00166640-00166833 AND THE PRODUCTION OF THE SIGNS x-nB7Zzc27g-00489-00166833-00167116 THAT WE USED ON THE VIDEOTAPE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00490-00167116-00167383 FOR EXAMPLE, WHAT DO WE MEAN BY A PARTICULAR SENTENCE x-nB7Zzc27g-00491-00167383-00167670 AND WHAT--I MIGHT SAY, FOR EXAMPLE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00492-00167670-00167826 IN "THE BEAR AND THE BEE," x-nB7Zzc27g-00493-00167826-00168076 THE BEE COMES AND STINGS THE BEAR ON THE NOSE x-nB7Zzc27g-00494-00168076-00168410 AND THE BEAR'S NOSE, THEY USE A SIGN x-nB7Zzc27g-00495-00168410-00168670 SUCH AS THIS PULSATING ON THE NOSE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00496-00168670-00168866 AND I ASKED THE KIDS, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" x-nB7Zzc27g-00497-00168866-00169203 AND THEY HAD TO TELL ME, "OH, THE BEAR HURT HIS NOSE." x-nB7Zzc27g-00498-00169203-00169526 SO, WE ANALYZE THE VERY SPECIFIC SIGNS THAT ARE USED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00499-00169526-00169733 AND WE GO THROUGH THE VIDEOTAPE AND WE PAUSE IT x-nB7Zzc27g-00500-00169733-00170130 AND WE DISCUSS THE VIDEOTAPE AND WE DO A LITTLE BIT MORE x-nB7Zzc27g-00501-00170130-00170406 AND THEN WE STOP IT AND DISCUSS THE CONTENT AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00502-00170406-00170613 AND THEN WE GO BACK AND REPEAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00503-00170613-00170800 WE DO A REPEATED VIEWING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00504-00170800-00171130 AND NOW WE'RE INTO THE PINK BOX. x-nB7Zzc27g-00505-00171130-00171440 SO, THE FIRST ACTIVITY IS THAT WE REPEAT THE VIEWING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00506-00171440-00171703 WE LOOK AT IT ALL OVER AGAIN FROM BEGINNING TO END. x-nB7Zzc27g-00507-00171970-00172156 AND THEN WE'RE READY TO DO ROLE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00508-00172316-00172450 THE CHILDREN ASSUME THE DIFFERENT x-nB7Zzc27g-00509-00172450-00172606 CHARACTERS IN THE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00510-00172606-00172873 AND ACT OUT THE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00511-00172873-00173186 BUT, HOWEVER, THERE IS A PROBLEM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00512-00173186-00173456 WHAT HAPPENS IF THE KIDS DON'T KNOW HOW TO ROLE PLAY? x-nB7Zzc27g-00513-00173456-00174073 SO, I AS AN ASL LANGUAGE MODEL, AS AN ASL SPECIALIST, x-nB7Zzc27g-00514-00174073-00174596 I JUMP IN AND MODEL FOR THEM ROLE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00515-00174596-00174770 SO, I ACT OUT THE STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00516-00174933-00175150 SO, THERE'S THIS ADDED STEP IN THERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00517-00175150-00175333 FOR WHEN STUDENTS DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO ROLE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00518-00175643-00175873 I HAVE A VIDEOTAPE THAT HAS VARIOUS CLIPS IN IT x-nB7Zzc27g-00519-00175873-00176243 AND, YOU KNOW, IF SOMETHING BREAKS DOWN IN THE STORYTELLING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00520-00176243-00176400 I'LL JUMP IN AND HELP THEM OUT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00521-00176400-00176733 AND IF IT--AS LONG AS IT'S GOING OK, THEY'RE FINE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00522-00176733-00177133 SO, LET ME SHOW YOU A VIDEOTAPE OF THIS PORTION OF THE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00523-00177463-00177663 [NO AUDIO] x-nB7Zzc27g-00524-00196143-00196410 THERE'S A QUESTION FROM THE AUDIENCE HERE? x-nB7Zzc27g-00525-00196410-00196796 THAT'S THE LAB THAT--AND THOSE WERE DEAF CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00526-00197163-00197486 OK, NOW, YOU CAN SEE ON MY PROCEDURE HERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00527-00197486-00197593 THERE'S A LITTLE ARROW. x-nB7Zzc27g-00528-00197990-00198156 IF WE NEED TO REPEAT THE VIDEOTAPING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00529-00198156-00198503 THE CHILDREN WILL WATCH THE VIDEOTAPING AGAIN, OR x-nB7Zzc27g-00530-00198503-00198896 WE CAN GO BACK AND HAVE THE CHILDREN DO THE ROLE PLAYING AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00531-00198896-00199043 THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE JUST SEEING THEM DO. x-nB7Zzc27g-00532-00199043-00199236 THEY WERE DOING THE REPEATED ROLE PLAYING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00533-00199236-00199463 AND NOW THEY'RE READY TO GO TO STEP TWO. x-nB7Zzc27g-00534-00199600-00199730 OR PROCEDURE TWO. x-nB7Zzc27g-00535-00200420-00200673 IT'S THE SAME STORY WE'RE USING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00536-00200673-00200923 AND THE CHILDREN ARE EACH VIDEOTAPED x-nB7Zzc27g-00537-00200923-00201023 TELLING THE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00538-00201303-00201806 THEN, WE EVALUATE THE RETELLING OF THE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00539-00201806-00201963 AS A GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00540-00201963-00202170 THE CHILDREN ALL SIT AROUND x-nB7Zzc27g-00541-00202170-00202356 AND I'M THERE TO FACILITATE AND DISCUSS x-nB7Zzc27g-00542-00202356-00202666 AND I MIGHT SAY, "OH, YOU MISSED SOME INFORMATION," OR x-nB7Zzc27g-00543-00202666-00202803 "YOU MISSED AN IMPORTANT PART" x-nB7Zzc27g-00544-00202803-00203093 OR MAYBE THE SEQUENCES WERE OUT OF ORDER, x-nB7Zzc27g-00545-00203093-00203293 AND SO, WE'LL SIT AROUND AND WE'LL DISCUSS THOSE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00546-00203630-00203780 IT'S NOT A CRITIQUE, REALLY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00547-00203780-00203970 BUT IT'S A WAY TO HELP THE STUDENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00548-00203970-00204240 FACILITATE THEIR LEARNING AND EXPAND THEIR LANGUAGE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00549-00204240-00204396 AND THEN WE LOOK AT THE MOVIE AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00550-00204713-00205090 THEN WE DO THE RETELLING AGAIN x-nB7Zzc27g-00551-00205090-00205250 AND WE GO BACK AND DO THE RETELLING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00552-00205250-00205473 I'M INVOLVED IN THIS AS WELL AND I VIDEOTAPE IT x-nB7Zzc27g-00553-00205473-00205656 JUST LIKE THE STUDENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00554-00205656-00205860 AND THEN WE REPEAT THE RETELLING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00555-00205860-00206119 WE DON'T NEED THE VIDEOTAPING. WE MIGHT DO IT INDIVIDUALLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00556-00206119-00206293 WE MIGHT TAKE TURNS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00557-00206293-00206619 AND AGAIN, WE MIGHT HAVE PROBLEMS AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00558-00206619-00206983 SO, THEN I'LL STICK MY VIDEOTAPE IN, FOR EXAMPLE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00559-00207726-00208196 SO, AGAIN, I MIGHT BE TALKING WITH THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00560-00208196-00208566 AND MAYBE SOMETHING ISN'T PARTICULARLY CLEAR x-nB7Zzc27g-00561-00208566-00208803 IN THE DISCUSSION OR--SO, THEN WE LOOK AT x-nB7Zzc27g-00562-00208803-00209156 MY VIDEOTAPE, MY MODEL OF THE RETELLING OF THE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00563-00209156-00209286 AND THEN WE TALK ABOUT THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00564-00209486-00209673 SO, EITHER WE MAY WATCH THE VIDEOTAPE AGAIN x-nB7Zzc27g-00565-00209673-00210093 OR WE MAY GO BACK AND WATCH THE ORIGINAL STORY AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00566-00210093-00210273 AND THEN WE DO THE RETELLING PART. x-nB7Zzc27g-00567-00210273-00210630 THEN INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS TELL THEIR STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00568-00210630-00210813 THEY EACH TAKE TURNS TELLING THEIR STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00569-00210813-00211013 AND THEN IF IT'S ALL A SUCCESS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00570-00211013-00211310 THEN WE GET TO GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE TOP AGAIN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00571-00211310-00211460 BACK UP TO THE BLACK BOX, x-nB7Zzc27g-00572-00211460-00211726 AND WE'RE READY FOR A NEW STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00573-00211726-00211876 THE OLD ONE'S ALL DONE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00574-00211876-00212283 AND THEN WE GO ALL THROUGH BOTH PROCEDURES ALL OVER AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00575-00212283-00212496 FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE LIMITED ASL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00576-00212496-00212656 THEY REALLY START TO ACQUIRE x-nB7Zzc27g-00577-00212656-00212843 A GREAT DEAL OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00578-00212843-00213076 AND THEN THEY'RE READY TO GO BACK TO THE CLASSROOM x-nB7Zzc27g-00579-00213076-00213276 AND JOIN WITH THEIR OWN CLASS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00580-00213683-00213963 READY TO JOIN WITH THE CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS, SO, x-nB7Zzc27g-00581-00213963-00214253 WHEN THEY JOIN THEIR CLASSES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00582-00214253-00214560 WE REMOVED THE LANGUAGE MODEL NOW. x-nB7Zzc27g-00583-00215333-00215563 THAT CLASSROOM, IN THE CLASSROOM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00584-00215563-00215950 THE TEACHER'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE THIRD PROCEDURE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00585-00215950-00216180 IT'S THE SAME PROCESS ALL OVER AGAIN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00586-00216180-00216350 PROCEDURE ONE, PROCEDURE TWO, x-nB7Zzc27g-00587-00216350-00216703 AND NOW WE'VE ADDED PROCEDURE 3. x-nB7Zzc27g-00588-00216703-00216983 THE STORY STRUCTURE ANALYSIS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00589-00216983-00217223 THE MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS OF WHAT'S GOING ON. x-nB7Zzc27g-00590-00217223-00217490 MORE SEQUENCE, MORE DISCUSSION OF A SEQUENCE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00591-00217490-00217719 MORE DISCUSSION OF THE ANALYSIS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00592-00217719-00217963 MORE DISCUSSION OF THE CHARACTERS THAT ARE INVOLVED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00593-00217963-00218250 HOW THEY RESPOND, HOW THEY ACT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00594-00218250-00218486 WHAT'S INCLUDED, WHAT ARE THE OUTCOMES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00595-00218486-00218653 SO THAT THERE'S MUCH MORE ANALYSIS x-nB7Zzc27g-00596-00218653-00218803 OF WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00597-00218803-00219083 AND A MUCH MORE DETAILED DISCUSSION AMONG THE CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00598-00219333-00219530 THEN WE DO A RETELLING AGAIN x-nB7Zzc27g-00599-00219530-00219830 AND INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS, WE VIDEOTAPE ALL OF THE STUDENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00600-00219830-00220076 RETELLING THE STORY ONE MORE TIME. x-nB7Zzc27g-00601-00220076-00220456 THEN THERE'S AN EVALUATION BASED ON THE STORY STRUCTURE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00602-00220456-00220683 HOW DETAILED WAS IT? x-nB7Zzc27g-00603-00220683-00220869 AND THEN WE LOOK AT THE VIDEOTAPE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00604-00220869-00221143 MAYBE YOU DIDN'T SHOW THE FEELING CORRECTLY x-nB7Zzc27g-00605-00221143-00221483 OR THE CHARACTER'S RESPONSE WASN'T DONE CORRECTLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00606-00221483-00221780 SO, THEN THE STUDENTS GO BACK AND PRACTICE IT SOME MORE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00607-00221780-00222010 AND THEN ONCE AGAIN, THERE'S A RETELLING x-nB7Zzc27g-00608-00222010-00222319 OF THE INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS TELLING THE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00609-00222319-00222643 AND IF IT'S SUCCESSFUL, IF THE LOOP IS SUCCESSFUL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00610-00222643-00223086 THEN WE GET TO GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINNING AGAIN x-nB7Zzc27g-00611-00223086-00223383 AND SELECT ANOTHER STORY AND GO THROUGH PROCEDURE 1, 2, 3 x-nB7Zzc27g-00612-00223383-00223636 ALL OVER AGAIN WITHOUT THE LANGUAGE MODEL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00613-00223916-00224616 NOW...IN THE LAB, WE LOOK AT PROCEDURES ONE AND TWO. x-nB7Zzc27g-00614-00224616-00225040 ARE THEY SUCCESSFUL FOR CHILDREN? x-nB7Zzc27g-00615-00225040-00225346 KATHY FRAXCHINEAUD NOW WILL TALK ABOUT THE RESULTS OF HER STUDY x-nB7Zzc27g-00616-00225346-00225560 TO FIND OUT IF, IN FACT, PROCEDURE ONE AND TWO x-nB7Zzc27g-00617-00225560-00225730 ARE SUCCESSFUL FOR STUDENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00618-00226669-00227223 OK. SAM JUST TALKED ABOUT x-nB7Zzc27g-00619-00227223-00227543 THE RESULTS OF HIS PROJECT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00620-00227543-00227833 LOOKING AT THE RABBIT AND TURTLE STORY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00621-00228580-00228919 I'M GOING TO ALSO LOOK AT THE STORY, x-nB7Zzc27g-00622-00228919-00229240 BUT I ALSO WANT TO DISCUSS SOME MORE IN DEPTH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00623-00229240-00229456 I'M GONNA LOOK AT THE INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00624-00229456-00229819 THEN THE CHILDREN AS GROUPS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00625-00229819-00230150 AND THEN I'M GONNA LOOK AT-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00626-00230150-00230373 AND YOU NOTICED THAT HE TALKED ABOUT x-nB7Zzc27g-00627-00230373-00230803 THE FACT THAT WE HAD 3 DIFFERENT ELICITATION SITUATIONS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00628-00230803-00231023 AND I'M ONLY GONNA BE LOOKING AT THE SECOND ONE x-nB7Zzc27g-00629-00231023-00231319 AND DO A CLOSE STUDY OF AN ANALYSIS x-nB7Zzc27g-00630-00231319-00231573 OF THEIR STORYTELLING IN THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00631-00231573-00232026 THE SECOND ONE WAS THE RABBIT/TURTLE STORY ELICITATION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00632-00232263-00232606 SO, I'M GONNA LOOK AT THE-- I LOOKED AT ALL OF THE STORIES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00633-00232606-00232876 WE HAD THE CHILDREN LOOK AT THE ENTIRE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00634-00232876-00233253 AND THEN ASKED THEM TO RETELL IT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00635-00233253-00233660 I THEN TRANSCRIBED THEIR STORY IN [INDISTINCT] x-nB7Zzc27g-00636-00233660-00233960 FOLLOWING THE SYSTEM THAT [INDISTINCT] CURRICULUM USES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00637-00234750-00234946 THE TRANSCRIPTION WAS AN EXACT RECORD x-nB7Zzc27g-00638-00234946-00235236 OF WHAT THE CHILD SIGNED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00639-00235236-00235536 AND I USED IT TO DO MY ANALYSIS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00640-00235716-00236200 WHEN I DID MY ANALYSIS, I MEASURED IT IN T-UNITS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00641-00236200-00236536 WHICH STUDIES THE ELABORATION OF THE SENTENCE x-nB7Zzc27g-00642-00236536-00236756 AND THE COMPLEXITY OF THE STRUCTURES x-nB7Zzc27g-00643-00236756-00236873 THAT THE CHILDREN USE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00644-00238156-00238483 THIS MEASURES DIFFERENT STRUCTURES x-nB7Zzc27g-00645-00238483-00238690 THAT ASL USES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00646-00238903-00239290 AND I TRIED TO USE T-UNITS IN THE SAME WAY THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00647-00239290-00239550 PEOPLE WHO HAVE STUDIED SPOKEN LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH HAVE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00648-00239550-00239793 BUT I NEEDED TO CHANGE IT IN SOME WAY x-nB7Zzc27g-00649-00239793-00240046 TO FIT ASL STRUCTURE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00650-00240046-00240173 IN ENGLISH... x-nB7Zzc27g-00651-00240453-00240719 PEOPLE STUDY ENTIRE SENTENCES x-nB7Zzc27g-00652-00240719-00240983 AND CONSIDER THAT THE T-UNIT IN ENGLISH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00653-00241446-00241590 THEY'LL LOOK AT A CLAUSE... x-nB7Zzc27g-00654-00242426-00242710 THEY'LL LOOK AT THE NOUN PHRASE x-nB7Zzc27g-00655-00242710-00243003 AND THE VERB PHRASE OF THE SENTENCE x-nB7Zzc27g-00656-00243003-00243350 AND NOT THE ENTIRE SENTENCE x-nB7Zzc27g-00657-00243350-00243536 BUT JUST AT THE PHRASAL LEVELS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00658-00243783-00244046 NOUN PHRASE AND VERB PHRASE LEVELS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00659-00244526-00244883 SO, WE LOOKED AT CLASSIFIERS, FROZEN SIGNS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00660-00244883-00245116 SO, THAT WAS IN THE FIRST GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00661-00245116-00245353 THE REASON I HAVE THIS ONE "X" x-nB7Zzc27g-00662-00245353-00245666 IS BECAUSE WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO GIVE x-nB7Zzc27g-00663-00245666-00245933 A WEIGHTED SYSTEM SO THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00664-00245933-00246286 MORE COMPLEX STRUCTURES IN ASL x-nB7Zzc27g-00665-00246286-00246469 WOULD BE GIVEN MORE WEIGHT x-nB7Zzc27g-00666-00246469-00246696 AND CHILDREN WHO HAD THOSE STRUCTURES x-nB7Zzc27g-00667-00246696-00246943 WOULD GET MORE CREDITS FOR HAVING THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00668-00246943-00247283 AS OPPOSED TO HAVING THE MORE SIMPLISTIC STRUCTURES. x-nB7Zzc27g-00669-00247840-00248233 SO, WE HAVE--I HAVE THIS CATEGORIZED BY x-nB7Zzc27g-00670-00248233-00248469 COMPLEXITY OF A STRUCTURE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00671-00248716-00248973 FROZEN SIGNS--YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE x-nB7Zzc27g-00672-00248973-00249253 BETWEEN CLASSIFIERS AND FROZEN SIGNS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00673-00249253-00249616 WELL, THIS WOULD BE A CLASSIFIER FOR "RUN," x-nB7Zzc27g-00674-00249616-00249819 AND THIS IS THE FROZEN SIGN "TO RUN." x-nB7Zzc27g-00675-00250350-00250716 THIS CLASSIFIER x-nB7Zzc27g-00676-00250716-00251003 WOULD BE SEPARATELY CODED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00677-00251003-00251319 [INDISTINCT] CODED, HAVE THEIR CLASSIFIERS AND FROZEN SIGNS x-nB7Zzc27g-00678-00251319-00251450 SEPARATELY CODED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00679-00251650-00251900 WHEN I TALK ABOUT ROLE SHIFTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00680-00251900-00252080 WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE MOVEMENT x-nB7Zzc27g-00681-00252080-00252266 OF THE SHOULDERS AND THE BODY AND THE EYES x-nB7Zzc27g-00682-00252266-00252533 TO REPRESENT DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00683-00252533-00252823 VERB AGREEMENT WOULD BE THE MOVEMENT OF A SIGN x-nB7Zzc27g-00684-00252823-00253340 TO SHOW NOUN, SUBJECT/OBJECT RELATIONSHIPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00685-00253340-00253496 VERBS OF MOTION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00686-00253850-00254063 AND THEN NOUN/VERB PAIRS x-nB7Zzc27g-00687-00254063-00254240 SHOULD BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN x-nB7Zzc27g-00688-00254240-00254436 SIGNS LIKE "SIT" AND "CHAIR" x-nB7Zzc27g-00689-00254436-00254723 THAT DIFFER IN MOVEMENT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00690-00254723-00254876 ASPECT AND NUMBER. x-nB7Zzc27g-00691-00254876-00254986 TALK ABOUT... x-nB7Zzc27g-00692-00255353-00255490 INFLECTIONS ON VERBS x-nB7Zzc27g-00693-00255490-00255753 AND ON MANUAL MARKERS WOULD BE, LIKE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00694-00255753-00255973 EYEBROW RAISING AND SO ON x-nB7Zzc27g-00695-00255973-00256326 THAT MARK CLAUSES IN ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00696-00256326-00256776 SO, THEN WE HAVE AN ANALYSIS OF x-nB7Zzc27g-00697-00256776-00257053 HOW MANY FEATURES THE CHILD USES x-nB7Zzc27g-00698-00257053-00257216 AND HOW MANY T-UNITS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00699-00257373-00257719 AND T-UNITS, WHEN STUDYING ENGLISH x-nB7Zzc27g-00700-00257719-00257980 AND CHILDREN'S ABILITIES IN ENGLISH, x-nB7Zzc27g-00701-00257980-00258290 PEOPLE LOOK AT SENTENCES, BUT WE'RE NOT REALLY SURE x-nB7Zzc27g-00702-00258290-00258603 EXACTLY WHAT THE SENTENCE STRUCTURE IS OF ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00703-00258603-00258856 I MEAN, THE INDIVIDUAL SENTENCES ARE OF ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00704-00258856-00259126 SO, INSTEAD, WE'VE USED A DIFFERENT CRITERIA x-nB7Zzc27g-00705-00259126-00259446 FOR DECIDING WHAT A T-UNIT IS IN ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00706-00260076-00260526 SO, WE HAVE TWO BASIC CRITERION--CRITERIA. x-nB7Zzc27g-00707-00260526-00260693 ONE BASED ON THE NOUN PHRASE x-nB7Zzc27g-00708-00260693-00260860 AND ONE BASED ON THE VERB PHRASE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00709-00261103-00261556 THAT INCLUDES NOUNS [INDISTINCT] POINTING AND [INDISTINCT]. x-nB7Zzc27g-00710-00261556-00261846 THEN ON SEGMENTATION FOR VERB PHRASES, x-nB7Zzc27g-00711-00261846-00262086 THEY'RE BASED ON VERBS ON THE CONJUNCTIONS x-nB7Zzc27g-00712-00262086-00262273 "THEN" AND "BUT" [INDISTINCT] FINISH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00713-00262430-00262766 SO, I USED THOSE CRITERION TO SEPARATE T-UNITS x-nB7Zzc27g-00714-00262766-00262930 IN AN UTTERANCE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00715-00263130-00263556 THERE ARE ACTUALLY SEVERAL MORE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00716-00263556-00263813 I COULD SHOW HOW I USED EACH OF THESE FEATURES x-nB7Zzc27g-00717-00263813-00264050 TO DETERMINE T-UNITS, BUT INSTEAD, x-nB7Zzc27g-00718-00264050-00264323 I'M JUST GOING TO SHOW HOW I USE NOUNS x-nB7Zzc27g-00719-00264323-00264463 TO DETERMINE THE UNITS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00720-00264723-00265026 NOW I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU WHAT ONE OF THE-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00721-00265026-00265303 THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT ONE OF THE CHILDREN SIGNED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00722-00265760-00265860 OK. x-nB7Zzc27g-00723-00266340-00266576 SO, THEN I--IF THIS-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00724-00266576-00266843 DID I SEE THE SIGN "RABBIT," WHICH IS A NOUN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00725-00266843-00267116 THEN I SEGMENT THE T-UNIT THERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00726-00267116-00267283 THEN I SEE THE SIGN "HARE." x-nB7Zzc27g-00727-00267283-00267430 THAT'S ALSO DONE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00728-00267430-00267560 I SEGMENT THE SIGN THERE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00729-00269226-00269426 AND THIS IS A MEASURE OF THE COMPLEXITY x-nB7Zzc27g-00730-00269426-00269603 OF THE UTTERANCE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00731-00270023-00270240 THERE'S AN ENTIRE STORY TO THIS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00732-00270240-00270560 BUT I JUST WANTED TO SHOW YOU ONE BIT x-nB7Zzc27g-00733-00270560-00270880 OF RETELLING OF THE STORY x-nB7Zzc27g-00734-00270880-00271086 OF A CERTAIN SEGMENT, x-nB7Zzc27g-00735-00271086-00271413 SO, I'M JUST TAKING OUT THIS ONE SEGMENT HERE x-nB7Zzc27g-00736-00271413-00271830 WHERE THE RABBIT IS ASLEEP AND THE TURTLE PASSES BY... x-nB7Zzc27g-00737-00272056-00272513 AND I HAVE EXAMPLES OF THE SIGNING OF x-nB7Zzc27g-00738-00272513-00272653 A CHILD WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00739-00272653-00272940 A CHILD WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS WITH SIGN AT HOME, x-nB7Zzc27g-00740-00272940-00273130 AND A CHILD WHOSE HEARING PARENTS DIDN'T SIGN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00741-00273386-00273770 AND I'M GOING TO BE COMPARING THE CHILD x-nB7Zzc27g-00742-00273770-00273963 WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS WITH A CHILD x-nB7Zzc27g-00743-00273963-00274293 WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS WHO DID NOT SIGN x-nB7Zzc27g-00744-00274293-00274856 AND SEE THE COMPARISON OF HOW MUCH WAS-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00745-00274856-00275236 HOW MANY FEATURES PER T-UNIT EACH CHILD SIGNED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00746-00275236-00275403 AND IF WE COMPARE THEM, WE SEE THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00747-00275403-00275666 THE CHILD WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS HAD x-nB7Zzc27g-00748-00275666-00275923 5.40 FEATURES PER T-UNIT x-nB7Zzc27g-00749-00275923-00276173 AND THE CHILD WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS WHO DIDN'T SIGN x-nB7Zzc27g-00750-00276173-00276363 HAD 3.67, SO, WE SEE THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00751-00276363-00276576 THE CHILD WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS HAS A MUCH MORE x-nB7Zzc27g-00752-00276576-00276713 ELABORATED SYSTEM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00753-00277636-00278030 OK, NOW, THESE ARE STUDIES OF INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00754-00278030-00278290 FIRST GROUP--FIRST CHILD HAD DEAF PARENTS; x-nB7Zzc27g-00755-00278290-00278513 THE SECOND CHILD HAD HEARING PARENTS WHO SIGNED; x-nB7Zzc27g-00756-00278513-00278823 THE THIRD CHILD, WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS WHO DIDN'T SIGN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00757-00278823-00279236 NOW, WE'VE--ON THE X AXIS, YOU SEE FALL AND SPRING x-nB7Zzc27g-00758-00279236-00279433 AS THE TWO LABELS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00759-00279433-00279746 FALL REPRESENTS THE PRE-TEST THAT WE GAVE THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00760-00279746-00279933 AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR x-nB7Zzc27g-00761-00279933-00280273 AND THEN AFTER THEIR EXPERIENCE IN THE LAB x-nB7Zzc27g-00762-00280273-00280423 AND IN THE PROGRAM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00763-00280423-00280623 WE GAVE THEM A POST-TEST IN THE SPRING x-nB7Zzc27g-00764-00280623-00281070 AND THOSE WERE THE TWO POINTS IN TIME x-nB7Zzc27g-00765-00281070-00281180 THAT WE TESTED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00766-00281330-00281680 IT'S QUITE INTERESTING TO LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00767-00281680-00281843 BECAUSE YOU SEE THAT IN THE BEGINNING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00768-00281843-00282193 THERE WAS A GREAT VARIANCE BETWEEN THE 3 CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00769-00282193-00282316 IN THE FALL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00770-00282316-00282606 HOWEVER, THIS IS MUCH SMALLER IN THE SPRING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00771-00282963-00283340 IN THE FALL, THE CHILD WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00772-00283340-00283610 HAD ABOUT 2.5, x-nB7Zzc27g-00773-00283610-00283743 AND THE CHILD WITH DEAF PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00774-00283743-00283950 HAD ABOUT 6.5, BUT x-nB7Zzc27g-00775-00283950-00284143 IN THE SPRING, YOU SEE THAT THAT CHANGES x-nB7Zzc27g-00776-00284143-00284296 AND THAT THE CHILD WHO HAD HEARING PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00777-00284296-00284570 WHO DIDN'T SIGN INCREASED QUITE A BIT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00778-00284570-00284823 ALMOST--AND SEEMS TO BE TRYING TO CATCH UP x-nB7Zzc27g-00779-00284823-00285170 WITH THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE SIGNING PARENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00780-00286316-00286903 I PERFORMED A LOT OF STATISTICS ON THESE DATA x-nB7Zzc27g-00781-00286903-00287123 AND ANALYZED THEM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00782-00287123-00287446 DIVIDED THE CHILDREN INTO 3 GROUPS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00783-00287446-00287636 A, B, AND C. x-nB7Zzc27g-00784-00287636-00287823 THOSE ARE THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00785-00287823-00288050 THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE HEARING PARENTS WHO SIGN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00786-00288050-00288310 AND THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE DEAF PARENTS WHO DON'T SIGN, x-nB7Zzc27g-00787-00288310-00288556 AND I SEPARATED THEM INDIVIDUALLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00788-00288556-00288680 WE SEE IN THE BEGINNING THAT... x-nB7Zzc27g-00789-00288996-00289643 TWO OF THE STUDENTS HAVE TWO POINT SOMETHING, BUT x-nB7Zzc27g-00790-00289643-00289976 IN THE SPRING, ONE STUDENT WHO x-nB7Zzc27g-00791-00289976-00290273 STARTED WITH A TWO POINT SOMETHING x-nB7Zzc27g-00792-00290273-00290643 BECAME AS PROFICIENT AS THE STUDENTS WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00793-00290643-00290896 AND KIND OF JOINED THEIR GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00794-00291043-00291346 WHEN WE LOOK AT THE CHILDREN, C1 AND C3, x-nB7Zzc27g-00795-00291346-00291590 WE SEE THEY ALSO IMPROVED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00796-00291590-00291773 BUT NOT QUITE AS MUCH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00797-00292010-00292373 THEY BECAME AS PROFICIENT AS THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00798-00292373-00292540 WHO WERE IN GROUP B DURING THE FALL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00799-00292820-00292983 AND WE LOOK AT B2. x-nB7Zzc27g-00800-00293350-00293530 WE SEE ONE OF THE CHILDREN x-nB7Zzc27g-00801-00293530-00293786 BECAME AS PROFICIENT AS THE DEAF-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00802-00293786-00293946 THE CHILDREN WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00803-00293946-00294250 BUT B1 AND B3 SEEMED NOT TO IMPROVE THAT MUCH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00804-00294250-00294496 THEY DID IMPROVE, YES, BUT THEY DIDN'T-- x-nB7Zzc27g-00805-00294496-00294816 THEY DIDN'T BECOME MORE PROFICIENT x-nB7Zzc27g-00806-00294816-00295106 THAN THE CHILDREN IN THEIR OWN GROUP x-nB7Zzc27g-00807-00295106-00295316 AND DIDN'T MOVE INTO THE NEXT GROUP. x-nB7Zzc27g-00808-00295316-00295553 BUT WHEN I LOOKED AT THEIR EXPERIENCE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00809-00295553-00295786 I REALIZED THAT THE FIRST CHILD HAD ONLY x-nB7Zzc27g-00810-00295786-00296043 1 1/2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN OUR PROGRAM, x-nB7Zzc27g-00811-00296043-00296223 AND THE SECOND CHILD ONLY ONE YEAR. x-nB7Zzc27g-00812-00296223-00296460 SHE'D BEEN VERY NEW TO THE PROGRAM AND SO, x-nB7Zzc27g-00813-00296460-00297026 IT SEEMS LIKE THAT THEY NEEDED MORE TIME IN THE PROGRAM x-nB7Zzc27g-00814-00297026-00297146 IN ORDER TO... x-nB7Zzc27g-00815-00297483-00297900 FULLY ACQUIRE THE LANGUAGE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00816-00297900-00298200 YOU SEE THE CHILDREN WHO HAD STARS BY THE NAME x-nB7Zzc27g-00817-00298200-00298416 HAD THE FULL TWO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. x-nB7Zzc27g-00818-00298726-00299040 WE LOOK AT THE CHILDREN WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00819-00299040-00299360 AND WE SEE THAT THEY HAD-- THAT BY THE SPRINGTIME, x-nB7Zzc27g-00820-00299360-00299900 THEY HAD 8.626.95 AS THEIR SCORE, x-nB7Zzc27g-00821-00299900-00300113 AND I WONDERED IF MAYBE THAT MEANS x-nB7Zzc27g-00822-00300113-00300403 THAT THEY HAD ACHIEVED PROFICIENCY IN ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00823-00300403-00300733 SO, TO TEST THIS, I LOOKED AT A PROFESSIONAL STORYTELLER x-nB7Zzc27g-00824-00300733-00301073 AND DID THE SAME SORT OF ANALYSIS ON x-nB7Zzc27g-00825-00301073-00301430 THAT PROFESSIONAL STORYTELLER THAT I DID ON THE CHILDREN. x-nB7Zzc27g-00826-00301430-00301663 I USED THE SAME RABBIT/TURTLE STORY AS WELL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00827-00301856-00302566 AND HE AVERAGED 9.50 FEATURES PER T-UNIT x-nB7Zzc27g-00828-00302566-00302780 COMPARED TO THE BEST CHILD WHO HAD DEAF PARENTS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00829-00302780-00303136 WHICH WAS 8.62, AND HE WAS STILL MUCH MORE PROFICIENT x-nB7Zzc27g-00830-00303136-00303470 THAN THE CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00831-00303470-00303576 SAM? x-nB7Zzc27g-00832-00304673-00304856 SO, IN SUMMARY... x-nB7Zzc27g-00833-00305446-00305596 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? x-nB7Zzc27g-00834-00305596-00305850 IT MEANS THAT THERE ARE VARIOUS LAYERS x-nB7Zzc27g-00835-00305850-00306113 AND STUDENTS CAN MOVE THROUGH THOSE LAYERS x-nB7Zzc27g-00836-00306113-00306286 IN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00837-00306286-00306573 MEANS THAT THE LAB HELPS THEM x-nB7Zzc27g-00838-00306573-00306716 WITH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. x-nB7Zzc27g-00839-00306716-00306996 HOWEVER, NOT NECESSARILY WITH STORYTELLING. x-nB7Zzc27g-00840-00307183-00307410 WE CAN DISCUSS THE TECHNIQUES AND WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE x-nB7Zzc27g-00841-00307410-00307620 AND PROVIDE THE SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR THAT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00842-00308263-00308476 BUT IT'S... x-nB7Zzc27g-00843-00309186-00309413 THE LEVEL OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION x-nB7Zzc27g-00844-00309413-00309593 THAT STUDENTS EXPERIENCE REALLY DOES DEPEND x-nB7Zzc27g-00845-00309593-00309760 ON THE LEVEL OF TIME THAT THEY'RE INVOLVED x-nB7Zzc27g-00846-00309760-00309890 WITH THE PROGRAM ITSELF. x-nB7Zzc27g-00847-00310186-00310466 REMEMBER, THE GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM ALL AT THE SAME LEVEL, x-nB7Zzc27g-00848-00310466-00310986 BUT IF THE MOTHER AND FATHER ARE DEAF, x-nB7Zzc27g-00849-00310986-00311293 THEY HAVE MORE TIME TO PROGRESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00850-00311293-00311556 90% OF THE STUDENTS HAVE HEARING STUDENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00851-00311556-00311723 AND 10% HAVE DEAF, x-nB7Zzc27g-00852-00311723-00311953 AND THE IDEA IS TO GET THEM ALL TO 100%. x-nB7Zzc27g-00853-00311953-00312106 THAT IS THE GOAL, TO GET THEM ALL x-nB7Zzc27g-00854-00312106-00312253 TO THE SAME LANGUAGE LEVEL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00855-00312483-00312880 BUT DOES THAT MEAN THAT x-nB7Zzc27g-00856-00312880-00313106 THE LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IS COMPLETE? NO. x-nB7Zzc27g-00857-00313456-00313766 THEY NEED TO CONTINUE THE PROCESS IN THE CLASSROOM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00858-00313766-00314043 THEY NEED TO MAKE THE TRANSFER FROM THE ACTIVITIES IN THE LAB x-nB7Zzc27g-00859-00314043-00314193 INTO THE CLASSROOM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00860-00314523-00314690 SO, IN SUMMARY, REMEMBER IN THE BEGINNING, x-nB7Zzc27g-00861-00314690-00314836 WE TALKED ABOUT OUR QUESTION? x-nB7Zzc27g-00862-00314836-00314993 THE FEASIBILITY ISSUE? x-nB7Zzc27g-00863-00315270-00315623 SO, DEAF CHILDREN OF DEAF PARENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00864-00315623-00315923 YES, IT SEEMS THAT THEY CAN LEARN ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00865-00315923-00316280 DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS CAN LEARN ASL. x-nB7Zzc27g-00866-00316280-00316606 AND WHAT MIGHT THAT PROGRAM LOOK LIKE? x-nB7Zzc27g-00867-00316606-00316823 THE SIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES THAT ARE NEEDED? x-nB7Zzc27g-00868-00317093-00317416 THE THIRD ASPECT WAS THE EFFECTIVENESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00869-00317416-00317793 YES, WE'VE SEEN STUDENTS THAT CAN JUMP BETWEEN GROUPS, x-nB7Zzc27g-00870-00317793-00317933 BUT THEY WERE ABLE TO PROCEED, x-nB7Zzc27g-00871-00317933-00318250 PROGRESS UPWARD IN THEIR LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. x-nB7Zzc27g-00872-00318250-00318446 BUT WE NEED TO HAVE MORE TIME TO SEE x-nB7Zzc27g-00873-00318446-00318660 THE ACTUAL FINAL RESULTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00874-00318660-00318986 IT'S UNFORTUNATE THAT THE PROGRAM WAS CLOSED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00875-00318986-00319323 AND ALSO, WE LOOKED AT x-nB7Zzc27g-00876-00319323-00319560 DEAF CHILDREN OF HEARING PARENTS ONLY. x-nB7Zzc27g-00877-00319560-00319796 WE DIDN'T LOOK AT--WE DIDN'T DO THE COMPARISON x-nB7Zzc27g-00878-00319796-00320063 OF DEAF CHILDREN AND DEAF PARENTS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00879-00320063-00320293 WE WANTED TO DO DEAF CHILDREN AND DEAF PARENTS x-nB7Zzc27g-00880-00320293-00320616 GOING THROUGH THIS PROGRAM, BUT WE STILL HAVE NOT DONE THAT YET. x-nB7Zzc27g-00881-00320616-00320753 WE NEED TO SET THAT UP THIS YEAR x-nB7Zzc27g-00882-00320753-00320886 AND THE PROGRAM HAD BEEN CLOSED. x-nB7Zzc27g-00883-00321016-00321416 WE NEED TO JUST TAKE THAT GROUP ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00884-00321416-00321760 THERE WAS NO SUPPORT THROUGH THE PROGRAM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00885-00321760-00322083 THE TEACHER HAD NOT GONE THROUGH THE ENTIRE PROCESS. x-nB7Zzc27g-00886-00322390-00322526 THE TEACHERS DIDN'T SUPPORT THE PROGRAM. x-nB7Zzc27g-00887-00322526-00322730 ONLY THE SUPERINTENDENT DID. x-nB7Zzc27g-00888-00322730-00323023 SO...WE HAVE TO KEEP SIGN LANGUAGE... x-nB7Zzc27g-00889-00323453-00323850 SO, THE SIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES AREN'T ENOUGH. x-nB7Zzc27g-00890-00323850-00324060 WE NEED TO CONTINUE DEAF EDUCATION. x-YgdVmHYr4-00000-00000000-00000012 Antivirus x-YgdVmHYr4-00001-00000012-00000869 Hello everyone, my name is Arun Kumar, the learning objectives. In today's modules will be, x-YgdVmHYr4-00002-00000869-00001575 you will be able to learn about virus and anti virus. You will also learn x-YgdVmHYr4-00003-00001575-00002331 about various anti viruses available in the market. As computers become more and x-YgdVmHYr4-00004-00002331-00003024 more integrated into our lives, we end up leaving many sensitive data on our computer, x-YgdVmHYr4-00005-00003024-00003675 from passwords to official email id, your bank account to your personal notes, x-YgdVmHYr4-00006-00003675-00004182 sometimes business plans and other confidential information. x-YgdVmHYr4-00007-00004182-00004884 So a good security software is a must for everyone. We will now discuss what x-YgdVmHYr4-00008-00004884-00005673 is a virus virus is a general term but they are collectively known as malware. The word malware x-YgdVmHYr4-00009-00005673-00006345 come from malicious and software the combination of both the words comes out to become the word x-YgdVmHYr4-00010-00006345-00007152 malware. malware are essentially five types, they can be various ways and means in which a typical x-YgdVmHYr4-00011-00007152-00007962 virus can behave. The first type of malware is known as virus viruses or that particular piece x-YgdVmHYr4-00012-00007962-00008760 of code which is written with malicious intent. And they need user action to execute. And when x-YgdVmHYr4-00013-00008760-00009252 they execute, they can damage your system they can corrupt your file system, they can execute x-YgdVmHYr4-00014-00009252-00010071 malicious instructions or be controlled from the person who has created them. This the second form x-YgdVmHYr4-00015-00010071-00010866 of malware is worms. worms are similar kind of malicious piece of code, but then they can x-YgdVmHYr4-00016-00010866-00011598 replicate on themselves. Once they are infected on a system they can replicate within networks within x-YgdVmHYr4-00017-00011598-00012228 reaching another networks and different companies. on the same network or different networks, x-YgdVmHYr4-00018-00012228-00013019 the third type of malware is Trojan horse. The name Trojan horse has a history you can search x-YgdVmHYr4-00019-00013019-00013590 over the internet and know about how did this name come to be known as Trojan horse basically there, x-YgdVmHYr4-00020-00013590-00014143 there was a big gift as a horse given to one city from another city and inside that life x-YgdVmHYr4-00021-00014143-00014829 sized intact more than life sized horse, there were soldiers and the city to which it was gifted x-YgdVmHYr4-00022-00014829-00015491 was attacked by these soldiers. So basically, when we come into the computer technology and mentioned x-YgdVmHYr4-00023-00015491-00016083 Trojan horse, these are genuinely looking software's but these software's have malicious x-YgdVmHYr4-00024-00016083-00016833 piece of code inbuilt in them and when you open them, they trigger actions which are not expected x-YgdVmHYr4-00025-00016833-00017373 of them. So suppose you download a music player software and the music player works very fine, x-YgdVmHYr4-00026-00017373-00018147 but it also has a malicious code written inside of it. And when it executes It carries out its x-YgdVmHYr4-00027-00018147-00018765 own malicious tasks and instructions that it has been coded to do. The fourth kind x-YgdVmHYr4-00028-00018765-00019455 of malware are rootkits rootkits are those specially crafted piece of codes which can x-YgdVmHYr4-00029-00019455-00020205 get embedded into your root file system into your master boot record. And when you boot your system, x-YgdVmHYr4-00030-00020205-00020829 it gets embedded into the system as in when the computer gets booted and they are very, x-YgdVmHYr4-00031-00020829-00021504 very difficult to remove. In fact, most antivirus has failed to detect rootkits the fifth type of x-YgdVmHYr4-00032-00021504-00022329 malware is a spyware which actually doesn't harm your system, but then it they actually see your x-YgdVmHYr4-00033-00022329-00023007 behavior, see your browsing pattern, see personal information on your computer and transmitted back x-YgdVmHYr4-00034-00023007-00023610 to the controlling server. So this was all about types of viruses. There are different x-YgdVmHYr4-00035-00023610-00024222 malware which are there in the market, but these were the five main ways in which you can classify x-YgdVmHYr4-00036-00024222-00025221 them. In fact there are different types of malware known as ransomware, Nunez adwares and so on. Now, x-YgdVmHYr4-00037-00025221-00025989 let us discuss these 11 different type of anti viruses which are free to obtain and install. x-YgdVmHYr4-00038-00025989-00026526 While I mentioned them they are nowhere in order of preference they are only in x-YgdVmHYr4-00039-00026526-00027218 in the order of alphabetical So, first is the Avast antivirus Avast is one of the best free x-YgdVmHYr4-00040-00027218-00027722 antivirus software's available that provides a complete protection against security threats x-YgdVmHYr4-00041-00027722-00028367 is full featured antivirus package has the following features number one is it x-YgdVmHYr4-00042-00028367-00028910 has a built in anti spyware. So, if there is a spyware trying to get installed on your system, x-YgdVmHYr4-00043-00028910-00029501 it will prevent it. It also has an anti rootkit. Remember the rootkits are very x-YgdVmHYr4-00044-00029501-00030164 difficult to remove last gives us engine which detects rootkit prevents your system. It has a x-YgdVmHYr4-00045-00030164-00030914 web shield and a p2p and I am shield p2p when I say these are peer to peer network, which is very x-YgdVmHYr4-00046-00030914-00031562 famous for transferring malware from one system to the other commonly known as torrent websites x-YgdVmHYr4-00047-00031562-00032243 where you download files so it has a shield for it, there is a shield also for chat servers the x-YgdVmHYr4-00048-00032243-00032861 instant messaging shield, there is also automatic update configured so you don't need to check for x-YgdVmHYr4-00049-00032861-00033485 updates every time you switch on the antivirus software. It also comes with Windows 64 bit x-YgdVmHYr4-00050-00033485-00034376 support and an integrated virus cleaner registry cleaner and a PC tune. Next antivirus next x-YgdVmHYr4-00051-00034376-00035210 antivirus on the list is ABG antivirus. The free edition provides basic antivirus and anti spyware x-YgdVmHYr4-00052-00035210-00035921 protection to build some features that include in the three edition are an antivirus engine, anti x-YgdVmHYr4-00053-00035921-00036704 spyware A safe surfing features it prevents you from going to malicious website malicious links. x-YgdVmHYr4-00054-00036704-00037535 The third antivirus on the list is Avira, which is a very comprehensive, easy to use antivirus x-YgdVmHYr4-00055-00037535-00038351 program. It is designed to be reliable and free of charge virus protection to home users. Avira has x-YgdVmHYr4-00056-00038351-00039044 features which include protection from viruses, worms and Trojans, anti rootkit, anti phishing, x-YgdVmHYr4-00057-00039044-00039764 when we say anti phishing anti phishing features are when you receive email claiming to be from the x-YgdVmHYr4-00058-00039764-00040376 original source and they require and want some of your personal information to Kaymer award. x-YgdVmHYr4-00059-00040376-00041276 The put antivirus on the list is bitdefender. The free edition uses the same certified scanning x-YgdVmHYr4-00060-00041276-00041897 engine as found in the pro version. So there's no difference between free edition and the pro x-YgdVmHYr4-00061-00041897-00042617 version in terms of the scanning engine it allows you to enjoy basic virus protection for no cost x-YgdVmHYr4-00062-00042617-00043442 at all. It has an inbuilt and on demand virus scanner and gives you sheduled scanning. The x-YgdVmHYr4-00063-00043442-00044111 next antivirus that I want to let you know is blink personal an all in one security suite with x-YgdVmHYr4-00064-00044111-00044639 antivirus limited for one year. So for the next year you will have to take it again. It gives x-YgdVmHYr4-00065-00044639-00045173 you features similar to other antivirus it has antivirus solution and an anti spyware solution x-YgdVmHYr4-00066-00045173-00045740 anti rootkit solution. There's also a built in firewall and identity protection for you. x-YgdVmHYr4-00067-00045740-00046595 The next antivirus that is very popular is come when antivirus it is again an open source free x-YgdVmHYr4-00068-00046595-00047423 antivirus program for Windows starting from 98 to 2003 and Vista. It has a feature which has high x-YgdVmHYr4-00069-00047423-00048098 detection rates for viruses, automatic downloads of regularly updated virus data base. It also x-YgdVmHYr4-00070-00048098-00048701 has a standalone virus scanner, though it does not include an on access real time scanner, but still, x-YgdVmHYr4-00071-00048701-00049478 it has other features which are available in pro version, but this antivirus is giving you in its x-YgdVmHYr4-00072-00049478-00050111 free version. Another very famous antivirus on the list is Komodo antivirus. It has in x-YgdVmHYr4-00073-00050111-00050762 fact all the functionality of a paid antivirus without the price. The features include that x-YgdVmHYr4-00074-00050762-00051402 it detects and removes viruses from computers and networks on access scanning conducts a real x-YgdVmHYr4-00075-00051402-00052076 time sheduled virus scan. It comes with a host intrusion detection system which allows you to x-YgdVmHYr4-00076-00052076-00052802 intercept viruses, spyware and other malware before they actually infect your computer. x-YgdVmHYr4-00077-00052802-00053546 It gives you latest updates of virus definitions every day. In this way you are ahead of the curve x-YgdVmHYr4-00078-00053546-00054466 and are protected against the latest threats. The next antivirus is moon secure antivirus. It x-YgdVmHYr4-00079-00054466-00055229 aims to be the best free antivirus licensed under the GPL license. It offers multiple scan engines x-YgdVmHYr4-00080-00055229-00055874 or net shield. It offers you a firewall which you can configure it has on access on execute x-YgdVmHYr4-00081-00055874-00056455 scanner and rootkit prevention and few features which are available in the commercial version are x-YgdVmHYr4-00082-00056455-00057217 also available on this particular antivirus. Next on the list is PC tools antivirus with PC tools x-YgdVmHYr4-00083-00057217-00057863 antivirus free edition you are protected against the most nefarious cyber threats attempting to x-YgdVmHYr4-00084-00057863-00058625 gain access to your PC and personal information. In fact, it protects you from virus worms Trojan x-YgdVmHYr4-00085-00058625-00059348 has also smart updates and an Intel God protection file guard and an email guard x-YgdVmHYr4-00086-00059348-00060029 inbuilt another antivirus which is on the list is rising antivirus the free edition is a solution. x-YgdVmHYr4-00087-00060029-00060473 With no cost to personal users for the life of the product, x-YgdVmHYr4-00088-00060473-00061136 while still provides the same level of detection and protection capability as other viruses, x-YgdVmHYr4-00089-00061136-00061763 it protects your computers against all types of viruses, Trojans, worms, rootkits and other x-YgdVmHYr4-00090-00061763-00062561 malicious programs. It has a fairly good ease of use rating and a smart update technology. It x-YgdVmHYr4-00091-00062561-00063359 makes it kind of an install and forget machine which doesn't bother you to focus on updating x-YgdVmHYr4-00092-00063359-00063974 and scanning through the antivirus and rather focus on your main jobs with your computer. x-YgdVmHYr4-00093-00063974-00064523 The next antivirus on the list is threat fire light. It provides comprehensive x-YgdVmHYr4-00094-00064523-00065096 protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, rootkits, keyloggers, x-YgdVmHYr4-00095-00065096-00065666 and buffer overflows. It has real time behavior based malware detection, malware, x-YgdVmHYr4-00096-00065666-00066314 quarantined and removal feature at the end, I would like to show you a particular website, x-YgdVmHYr4-00097-00066314-00067301 which helps people detect and submit new virus signatures to Google. So if you go to HTTPS, x-YgdVmHYr4-00098-00067301-00068441 colon double slash www dot virus total.com. So this website is basically the subsidiary x-YgdVmHYr4-00099-00068441-00069269 of Google, it has employed about 64 antiviruses. And if you come across a x-YgdVmHYr4-00100-00069269-00070028 file which you feel is malicious in nature, and is less than 128 Mb, you can go to the website, x-YgdVmHYr4-00101-00070028-00070892 upload the file and get a result rating from 64 various antivirus choose for free. x-YgdVmHYr4-00102-00070892-00071522 And suppose you have been forwarded a link which you feel that can be malicious. In fact, x-YgdVmHYr4-00103-00071522-00072104 I would suggest that you check every unknown link that is forwarded to you online. virustotal before x-YgdVmHYr4-00104-00072104-00072656 clicking it, so you can go to the website, click on the URL tab, copy paste the URL, x-YgdVmHYr4-00105-00072656-00073508 and press the search button. After that you will get a report from 64 more than 64 different anti x-YgdVmHYr4-00106-00073508-00074123 viruses, whether the click that you are about to make will be secure or not. Whether the file that x-YgdVmHYr4-00107-00074123-00074771 you think is malicious has some signature which are malicious in nature or not. It gives you a x-YgdVmHYr4-00108-00074771-00075437 comprehensive score from different anti viruses. It gives you a go no go for the link to be clicked x-YgdVmHYr4-00109-00075437-00076043 or not. So apart from the Free Antivirus, we discussed various viruses and their types. We x-YgdVmHYr4-00110-00076043-00076652 also discussed an online feature wherein you can upload your link, upload your file, less than x-YgdVmHYr4-00111-00076652-00077453 128 Mb to be judged by different anti viruses and give you a report. Thank you and happy browsing. xAl-7qkDK5y-00000-00000000-00000200 Just one… xBlRHpHpOVc-00000-00000096-00000196 Hi everyone! xBlRHpHpOVc-00001-00000196-00000993 Today we are going to unbox a gaming keyboard and mouse combo, from Zebronics. xBlRHpHpOVc-00002-00000993-00001355 This model name is ZEB-WAR. xBlRHpHpOVc-00003-00005980-00006167 Very good matt texture. xBlRHpHpOVc-00004-00006167-00006281 Feels good. xBlRHpHpOVc-00005-00006281-00006920 There are normal buttons, as well as some additional buttons. xBlRHpHpOVc-00006-00006920-00007200 Here, here and here. xBlRHpHpOVc-00007-00007200-00007609 The keyboard is good, but quite large. xBlRHpHpOVc-00008-00007609-00008020 The keys are large. xBlRHpHpOVc-00009-00008020-00008610 There is a transparent case, for the RGB LED to glow up. xBlRHpHpOVc-00010-00008610-00009228 There is also the braided cable and the gold coated socket. xBlRHpHpOVc-00011-00009239-00009610 It has the Media keys along with the Function key. xBlRHpHpOVc-00012-00009611-00009868 It’s time to test. xBlRHpHpOVc-00013-00014876-00015243 There is a LED mode changer button here. xBlRHpHpOVc-00014-00015243-00015485 It has three modes. xBlRHpHpOVc-00015-00015861-00016018 This one is nice! xBlRHpHpOVc-00016-00016018-00016955 To adjust the brightness of the light in the keyboard, we need to press Page Up and Page Down along with Function key. xBlRHpHpOVc-00017-00034756-00035053 Hit the like the button, if you like this video. xBlRHpHpOVc-00018-00035053-00035485 Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t done it already. xBlRHpHpOVc-00019-00035485-00035701 Thanks for watching! xCKd3DtLDrM-00000-00000032-00000656 talk time we're looking at twitter ban and news gathering of course um except if you are from xCKd3DtLDrM-00001-00000656-00001248 outer space because if you are in nigeria or any part of the world you know that nigeria joined all xCKd3DtLDrM-00002-00001248-00002128 the very special countries of the world like china iran and myanmar to ban twitter of course ours is xCKd3DtLDrM-00003-00002128-00002704 basically because of we don't want to disturb the peace and unity of the country because some people xCKd3DtLDrM-00004-00002776-00003256 are hell bent in doing that and that is why the federal government decides to xCKd3DtLDrM-00005-00003256-00003800 suspend the operation of sweden of course you do know by the nbc that's the nigerian xCKd3DtLDrM-00006-00003800-00004416 broadcasting commission the body shadowed with the with the authority to regulate xCKd3DtLDrM-00007-00004416-00005128 media in nigeria came out on monday to issue a statement that look all media organizations should xCKd3DtLDrM-00008-00005248-00005976 uninstall their twitter handles that means we can convey information on twitter another can we get xCKd3DtLDrM-00009-00005976-00006688 any information via twitter as well well that's the stand as it is you know also on monday the xCKd3DtLDrM-00010-00006688-00007336 minister of foreign affairs jeffrey onyema met with some international bodies to talk xCKd3DtLDrM-00011-00007336-00007984 about the need for us to review this situation the federal government to review this situation xCKd3DtLDrM-00012-00007984-00008568 well federal government said we will we'll continue this conversation but twitter must meet xCKd3DtLDrM-00013-00008568-00009344 us halfway or better still twitter must succeed to some of our demands that is the situation now xCKd3DtLDrM-00014-00009344-00009952 we've got some of our guests in the studio to help us analyze and discuss in the studio yes they are xCKd3DtLDrM-00015-00009952-00010440 here with us in the studio just that it's via the phone telephone this morning help us with that xCKd3DtLDrM-00016-00010656-00011216 our colleagues journalists on the um telephone this morning um to help us amplify this xCKd3DtLDrM-00017-00011216-00011936 conversation one of them is already um online we have adela yusuf he's an award-winning journalist xCKd3DtLDrM-00018-00011936-00012456 he's joining us on the program today to take a look at the twitter ban and news gathering xCKd3DtLDrM-00019-00012456-00013168 adela good uh good morning and uh thank you so so much for having me thank you for joining us xCKd3DtLDrM-00020-00013168-00013816 we're still expecting are you ideal to also um be part of this conversation but let's start this way xCKd3DtLDrM-00021-00013816-00014480 um joella for you as a journalist um when last week you heard that the the federal government xCKd3DtLDrM-00022-00014480-00015160 was going to ban twitter indefinitely in nigeria did you think it was going to be possible to xCKd3DtLDrM-00023-00015160-00016119 actually follow through with that okay um because of experience in the united states xCKd3DtLDrM-00024-00016119-00016776 and because of experience in other countries like china and what we have in india and xCKd3DtLDrM-00025-00016904-00017576 for the careers we know that it is possible and one thing we need to quickly declare i mean to xCKd3DtLDrM-00026-00017576-00018536 be cleared about now is that twitter is a business nigerian government in nigeria is a government so xCKd3DtLDrM-00027-00018704-00019504 a country of nigeria standing can decide anything uh you know in as much as is still within the xCKd3DtLDrM-00028-00019504-00020144 sovereignty that is number one and number two because twitter has more to do with communication xCKd3DtLDrM-00029-00020208-00020824 and he has come in a way to quote an uncode library people the number of people that do not xCKd3DtLDrM-00030-00020824-00021696 have their views here originally and behavioral view you will naturally see them you know facing xCKd3DtLDrM-00031-00021696-00022488 twitter or standing against any decision you know twitter because they will see that definitely as a xCKd3DtLDrM-00032-00022568-00023032 you know to silence them so that it's possible it's something that you all know that it's xCKd3DtLDrM-00033-00023032-00023640 possible or whether it will last this long is what a number of people uh you know couldn't believe xCKd3DtLDrM-00034-00023640-00024336 particularly okay right um joshua so adiela felt that well it could have been possible that xCKd3DtLDrM-00035-00024336-00024984 government could do this but um it's been over a week now that we've been on the situation and we xCKd3DtLDrM-00036-00024984-00025504 didn't think that it was going to last us long and we do not even know how long this will be xCKd3DtLDrM-00037-00025504-00026383 before you you go on let me quickly ask you agila how much have we depended on tweeter as a form of xCKd3DtLDrM-00038-00026383-00027120 news gathering here in nigeria before we go to um other businesses one of our viewers this morning xCKd3DtLDrM-00039-00027120-00027760 actually tong lashed me on on whatsapp saying that um do we know how much they've lost as business as xCKd3DtLDrM-00040-00027760-00028408 entrepreneurs but let's quickly look at the news gathering side of twitter so as a country how much xCKd3DtLDrM-00041-00028408-00029120 have we depended on twitter for the purpose of news gathering okay um because the question has xCKd3DtLDrM-00042-00029120-00029960 more to do with the social sciences how much we become what's difficult but if you want to just xCKd3DtLDrM-00043-00029960-00030776 look at it generally uh twitter like all other uh you know new media channel of communication xCKd3DtLDrM-00044-00030832-00031656 i mean i've played um an unimaginable role in not only news gathering or news examination xCKd3DtLDrM-00045-00031656-00032216 you will see that um information that it tattoo you'll find so somewhat so difficult to get from xCKd3DtLDrM-00046-00032216-00032864 people because of the advent of social media they volunteer those information uh virtually every xCKd3DtLDrM-00047-00032920-00033736 corporate organization that is serious has an angle i mean a twitter answer and virtually every xCKd3DtLDrM-00048-00033736-00034840 political uh office holder you know and uh time to time they usually share vital information consider xCKd3DtLDrM-00049-00034840-00035392 that not only do you you as a journalist you will enable someone else to get those information they xCKd3DtLDrM-00050-00035392-00036056 share those information easily that is number one and number two the number of people with andu can xCKd3DtLDrM-00051-00036120-00036472 you not use that medium you know he has pulled the number of people into xCKd3DtLDrM-00052-00036880-00037504 whatever information they have but naturally you you you might find those performances difficult xCKd3DtLDrM-00053-00037504-00038048 to publish in the normal conventional media publishing season so he has stopped xCKd3DtLDrM-00054-00038048-00038704 tremendously in his garage uh all the needs for organization uh television stations registration xCKd3DtLDrM-00055-00038704-00039472 all over the world particularly nigeria you know how people that have you know designed to now you xCKd3DtLDrM-00056-00039472-00040120 know from time to time monitor so many angles so that has helped tremendously in new gadgets xCKd3DtLDrM-00057-00040120-00040696 and you will see that the number of the news break that you have you know in recent past you xCKd3DtLDrM-00058-00042352-00042960 um the fact that everyone knows that the conventional media is in in trouble xCKd3DtLDrM-00059-00043088-00043848 due to the social uh social media all of them now are dealing with communist integration all of them xCKd3DtLDrM-00060-00043848-00044560 are now doing what they call triangulation in in the media studies if you see a myth xCKd3DtLDrM-00061-00044560-00045440 organization as well use twitter use other social media i mean for social media uh to ensure that xCKd3DtLDrM-00062-00045440-00046144 they project the information that naturally they use their conventional uh you know uh media to to xCKd3DtLDrM-00063-00046144-00046768 project so it has eight tremendously misguided and needs dissemination so you will see that um xCKd3DtLDrM-00064-00046928-00047760 yesterday uh the guild of online official uh issued a statement yesterday saying that the xCKd3DtLDrM-00065-00047760-00048440 government has seriously affected particularly the online journalism in the country because xCKd3DtLDrM-00066-00048440-00049200 um those that are you know they have done the integration in the way that together something xCKd3DtLDrM-00067-00049200-00049808 on your website it tweets naturally and it appears on facebook so it has affected xCKd3DtLDrM-00068-00049808-00050536 you know the new dream against them donation joshua okay um i just want to cheapen this xCKd3DtLDrM-00069-00050536-00051176 because you mentioned you talked extensively about how it has affected news gathering but some school xCKd3DtLDrM-00070-00051176-00051712 of thought said look this is what twitter and other social media platform has done a micro xCKd3DtLDrM-00071-00051712-00052264 blogging site has done to nigerian journalists made them very very very lazy because you wait xCKd3DtLDrM-00072-00052264-00052864 for the president of the senate to tweet something so that he can get your byline as against doing xCKd3DtLDrM-00073-00052864-00053496 the leg work or the hard work of calling the senate president of the senate um or trying to xCKd3DtLDrM-00074-00053496-00054191 speak to any influential personality about issues where you'll be stalking them on social media xCKd3DtLDrM-00075-00054191-00055128 so how how do you react to the fact that perhaps this will this will get journalists back to the xCKd3DtLDrM-00076-00055184-00056055 hard work of making phone calls um studying and sensibly talking to people as against waiting for xCKd3DtLDrM-00077-00056055-00056879 the tweets okay thank you so much um there is that line between reality and uh you know between what xCKd3DtLDrM-00078-00056879-00057552 is ideal and what is real i believe those that are just come up with that kind of perspective they xCKd3DtLDrM-00079-00057552-00058208 are right in their way but it's a perspective based on the idea it's not on reality part of xCKd3DtLDrM-00080-00058208-00058984 the matter is that where we are now is called to express and to evangelize what we have is not only xCKd3DtLDrM-00081-00063104-00063512 make from people to i mean he has his own negative xCKd3DtLDrM-00082-00063512-00063928 speeches one of the ways that question is about the fake news xCKd3DtLDrM-00083-00064191-00064928 but using those social media are you know to fall to life and to become the will of xCKd3DtLDrM-00084-00064928-00065424 new god in a communication is something that is something that is ideal and something that xCKd3DtLDrM-00085-00065424-00065904 is real that is what we have now and that is the best way to support so you will not xCKd3DtLDrM-00086-00067224-00067888 is you will not expect a journalist with um first 25th century understanding and uh xCKd3DtLDrM-00087-00067976-00068464 you know equipment to still wait for the hardcopy of that speech to be undercover to him from the xCKd3DtLDrM-00088-00068464-00069032 president as well as people from the president andrew they are tweeting paragraphs by fargo for xCKd3DtLDrM-00089-00069032-00069744 the presidency so it is something that is even um you know any internet journalist that is not even xCKd3DtLDrM-00090-00069744-00070200 keen into that i don't believe the person has a job let me quickly go back to a few years xCKd3DtLDrM-00091-00070200-00070920 ago um there was a letter that i attended at that time in the week magazine and the first thing that xCKd3DtLDrM-00092-00070920-00071496 came to deliver the director told all of us in the newsroom that they fight because that time xCKd3DtLDrM-00093-00072744-00072896 may not have jobs in the news xCKd3DtLDrM-00094-00073560-00074176 so it is the reality of what we have in the world and you will not expect journalism to be left out xCKd3DtLDrM-00095-00074176-00074736 it has affected everybody it has affected our way of life and whether we like it or others xCKd3DtLDrM-00096-00074824-00075072 uh you know leave it but that is not to say that xCKd3DtLDrM-00097-00075240-00075824 there is no you know a side effect to that which i mentioned one is sickness right joshua you have a xCKd3DtLDrM-00098-00075824-00076440 follow-up to this yes talking about the fake news because often times we've seen even the so-called xCKd3DtLDrM-00099-00076440-00077264 established uh media houses they fall foul of the in a b to be the first to go out to break the news xCKd3DtLDrM-00100-00077264-00078096 uh they've actually joined the bandwagon of those dishing out very unverified on on on on twitter xCKd3DtLDrM-00101-00078096-00078912 reports on social media how do you think this will actually bring about some form of reflection with xCKd3DtLDrM-00102-00078912-00079632 the way we we do our business especially on social media because it's quite on social media i saw xCKd3DtLDrM-00103-00079632-00080496 so many handles newspaper organizations who had retweeting some videos and stories that were fake xCKd3DtLDrM-00104-00080576-00081016 haven't been verified which was actually part of the challenges the federal government had xCKd3DtLDrM-00105-00081016-00081816 with with twitter in the first place so how do we handle the issue of in a bit to be fast get xCKd3DtLDrM-00106-00081816-00082656 the news out there we are pushing out true and factual information okay thank you so much for xCKd3DtLDrM-00107-00082656-00083424 that very good question um one thing we need to have at the back of our mind is that this is not xCKd3DtLDrM-00108-00083424-00084080 the first time we're having fitness just news is not brilliant to journalism and it's not immune to xCKd3DtLDrM-00109-00085344-00086024 social media that we have been talking about and a lot of journalists you know regrettably enough xCKd3DtLDrM-00110-00086024-00086664 uh omega organization failure to that uh you know if i'm allowed to use that word xCKd3DtLDrM-00111-00086920-00087376 we want to um fake news that anyone can speak so good of it xCKd3DtLDrM-00112-00087376-00087872 it is evil there is something that even journalists are supposed to champion the xCKd3DtLDrM-00113-00087872-00088296 fight as this because at the end of the day if news is allowed no xCKd3DtLDrM-00114-00088656-00089136 one thing you will lose that you have lost everything is your integrity as a journalist and xCKd3DtLDrM-00115-00089136-00089928 what makes you to move that integrity in in a geometric ratio is when you xCKd3DtLDrM-00116-00089928-00090480 have been found beauty or fitness so um it is a problem that has been promoted xCKd3DtLDrM-00117-00090576-00091096 because i need to emphasize that what is the problem that has been retreated has been on xCKd3DtLDrM-00118-00091632-00092216 media and it is this social media that i think we can use and all journalists rallies to ensure xCKd3DtLDrM-00119-00092216-00093040 that uh we fight uh that uh fitness for that is not to say that only journalists that are xCKd3DtLDrM-00120-00093040-00093680 behind fitness knowledge that is small difficult i'm not dangerous even journalists find groupies xCKd3DtLDrM-00121-00093768-00093888 because of the others xCKd3DtLDrM-00122-00095048-00095240 news and all of us xCKd3DtLDrM-00123-00096456-00097144 so what i'm just saying by that is that the responsibility is the one of all of us there xCKd3DtLDrM-00124-00097144-00097688 are so many of pensions that will fight our fake news and we even use social media or whatever it xCKd3DtLDrM-00125-00097688-00098496 means to fight fake news uh something that should be shown by all right we have joining us now xCKd3DtLDrM-00126-00098496-00099096 angela please stay on the line we have joining us now um are you adio as the managing editor of xCKd3DtLDrM-00127-00099096-00099768 avalon media and he's all you also be lending his voice to the the conversation arya good morning xCKd3DtLDrM-00128-00099944-00100456 good morning thank you for having me thank you for joining us so before you came online we we had um xCKd3DtLDrM-00129-00100456-00101136 talked about how the twitter ban has affected news gathering and news dissemination generally xCKd3DtLDrM-00130-00101136-00101656 but let's quickly take your view what are some of your observations um that since the twitter xCKd3DtLDrM-00131-00101656-00102384 ban has come into effect how has this affected news gathering and news dissemination in nigeria xCKd3DtLDrM-00132-00102592-00103328 once upon a time you know after your news editorial meeting on monday morning or if you do xCKd3DtLDrM-00133-00103328-00103783 tour meetings every day you would assign tasks to your reporters to go to the airport xCKd3DtLDrM-00134-00103864-00104624 where you would meet vips um to get stories for the day or you would assign them to go to xCKd3DtLDrM-00135-00104624-00105135 transcop hilton if you the reporter was in abuja because these were places where you were likely xCKd3DtLDrM-00136-00105135-00105832 to meet a vip to get a story to to run to your editor but since the advent of twitter xCKd3DtLDrM-00137-00105832-00106424 a very smart and intelligent reporter could just sit in front of his phone or his computer xCKd3DtLDrM-00138-00106480-00107311 and is able to come or turn out as much relevant stories as possible into the newsroom just by xCKd3DtLDrM-00139-00107311-00108056 tracking what many of these vips either release as press statements or their handles or the comments xCKd3DtLDrM-00140-00108056-00108648 that they make and even more importantly you are able to even pursue more human angles and xCKd3DtLDrM-00141-00108648-00109472 investigative stories because people drop a lot of hints and cues and clues on social media and that xCKd3DtLDrM-00142-00109472-00110248 has transformed the world of reporting and you've had so many independent reporters even spring up xCKd3DtLDrM-00143-00110335-00111064 because of the explosion of social media so it's been very instrumental to not only reporting but xCKd3DtLDrM-00144-00111064-00111656 also encouraging readership because it's it's helped news organizations to push out their xCKd3DtLDrM-00145-00111656-00112264 content in a more aggressive and more engaging fashion that has you know allowed a lot of xCKd3DtLDrM-00146-00112328-00112856 readership grow over time and has allowed a lot of engagement go with a lot of these organizations xCKd3DtLDrM-00147-00112856-00113704 so unfortunately since this has happened it is tremendously affected newsrooms you know they xCKd3DtLDrM-00148-00113704-00114464 have designed their strategy around this new approach that social media has perfected okay xCKd3DtLDrM-00149-00114608-00115288 very quickly um also before you came in we were talking about fake news and social media how do xCKd3DtLDrM-00150-00115288-00115992 you also react to this because we've also learned that um well um earlier that fake news is not um xCKd3DtLDrM-00151-00115992-00116552 just a thing with journalists it's it's come common with everybody who uses the online platform xCKd3DtLDrM-00152-00116552-00117208 but um come on to journalist how do we begin to curb issues around pushing um stories that xCKd3DtLDrM-00153-00117208-00117976 are not factual or are not true to most of our followers who depend on us for um genuine stories xCKd3DtLDrM-00154-00118135-00118472 sixth news fitness is obviously a real problem um and it's xCKd3DtLDrM-00155-00118544-00119016 it's it's really a terrible thing that i've been approaching into the social media space xCKd3DtLDrM-00156-00119311-00119935 with the fake news phenomena is not you you cannot deal with the fitness phenomena simply xCKd3DtLDrM-00157-00119935-00120496 by shutting down twitter because as we speak you and i would agree that a lot of fake news xCKd3DtLDrM-00158-00120496-00120856 have been circulated around whatsapps or whatsapp groups xCKd3DtLDrM-00159-00120856-00121576 which is a major conduit for creating fake news in our country a lot of figures is also going across xCKd3DtLDrM-00160-00121711-00122656 facebook if you'd like so the appropriate response to fake news is in fact empowering mutuals xCKd3DtLDrM-00161-00122711-00123528 empowering non-governmental organizations and empowering research institutions to also carry xCKd3DtLDrM-00162-00123528-00124304 out fact checks and you know innovative ideas to be able to debunk some of these fake news that are xCKd3DtLDrM-00163-00124304-00124832 spreading across social media and i didn't say it's even a more dangerous pattern now because xCKd3DtLDrM-00164-00124832-00125448 what you had before was that when somebody posted a fake news or a fake story or a big picture or xCKd3DtLDrM-00165-00125448-00126192 video you had people immediately challenging that story on social media using reverse google xCKd3DtLDrM-00166-00126192-00126808 searches to prove to you that that picture was if from the wrong country or from the wrong location xCKd3DtLDrM-00167-00126808-00127504 but now there is no counter argument so you can just sit in your house and get a fake news on xCKd3DtLDrM-00168-00127504-00128072 whatsapp or get the fake news through any thoughts and you're going to swallow hook line and center xCKd3DtLDrM-00169-00128072-00128488 there's no counter argument there is no debate i thought there's a chance that you're going to xCKd3DtLDrM-00170-00128488-00129144 breed a single narrative and that's how you grow zombie all right we need to wrap up now so final xCKd3DtLDrM-00171-00129144-00129616 questions for both of you gentlemen uh let's start with you adiola we didn't think this was going to xCKd3DtLDrM-00172-00129616-00130256 go on for over a week and so we're counting how best can we get out of the situation what should xCKd3DtLDrM-00173-00130256-00130832 the federal government and the owners of twitter be doing so that we can get out of the situation xCKd3DtLDrM-00174-00130832-00131784 fast enough i do like your response to that okay i'm aware that the government's representative xCKd3DtLDrM-00175-00132504-00133128 the last mission we had was that there was a meeting between those of the xCKd3DtLDrM-00176-00134392-00135048 the former president of the united states of america president donald trump i congratulated xCKd3DtLDrM-00177-00135048-00135848 nigeria for actually burning peter so there are 50 colonies and at the same time there are xCKd3DtLDrM-00178-00135848-00136632 efforts by the country to ensure that the the rules and regulations that are set uh twitter xCKd3DtLDrM-00179-00136688-00137296 is meant to follow but i believe that there is an issue is an issue that should be resolved xCKd3DtLDrM-00180-00137792-00138536 looking at a number of you know peace that treats us approaching journalism and to xCKd3DtLDrM-00181-00138536-00139008 our way of life generally and i believe that the government has not even said that he won't xCKd3DtLDrM-00182-00139064-00139472 uh you know recruit himself and live to the bank the government has never said to you okay xCKd3DtLDrM-00183-00139472-00140112 i think women you just need a natural for that um he should be going to every xCKd3DtLDrM-00184-00141200-00141848 your response as we wrap up are you ideal and what's your response to that question um xCKd3DtLDrM-00185-00141912-00142664 i mean i think that the government would have to define you know define the issues very clearly so xCKd3DtLDrM-00186-00142664-00143248 that it resolves some of these issues in a very clear fashion um he has to know what exactly it xCKd3DtLDrM-00187-00143248-00144080 wants to solve is the problem that you have with with twitter is solving the issues of fake news xCKd3DtLDrM-00188-00144152-00144832 then you have to create a deliberate strategy even for engaging facebook and for countering xCKd3DtLDrM-00189-00144832-00145504 dominance of fake news and that's the strategy to deal with the proliferation of the preponderance xCKd3DtLDrM-00190-00145504-00146024 of these figures that we have across if it is a national security question xCKd3DtLDrM-00191-00146024-00146448 it's a different thing and it's a different catalyst entirely because you have to deal xCKd3DtLDrM-00192-00146448-00147216 with that differently so my own take is that the government can approach this from advantage point xCKd3DtLDrM-00193-00147216-00147816 of defining the problem it wants to solve clearly and building a broad base engaged xCKd3DtLDrM-00194-00147816-00148400 towards resolving that problem and not treat every problem like the only you know tool xCKd3DtLDrM-00195-00148400-00149032 you have in your toolbox is a hammer okay all right okay thank you so much gentlemen adela xCKd3DtLDrM-00196-00149032-00149520 yusuf award winning journalist thank you so much for being a part of the discussion this morning xCKd3DtLDrM-00197-00149744-00150224 and also are your audio managing editor avalon media thank you very much for coming on the xCKd3DtLDrM-00198-00150224-00150824 program as well thank you appreciate it all right thank you gentlemen um well my takeaway xCKd3DtLDrM-00199-00150824-00151512 from this is that government needs to choose its fight and find um you know a way forward to this xCKd3DtLDrM-00200-00151512-00152208 particular situation so if you're a broaching um piece tell twitter what exactly it is you want xCKd3DtLDrM-00201-00152208-00152864 um you know the platform to be used for in algeria and i think that we will find a midpoint xCKd3DtLDrM-00202-00152928-00153408 between twitter and the federal government of nigeria i guess it's been brilliant for a while xCKd3DtLDrM-00203-00153408-00153856 and it culminated in the ban or suspension of twitter by the federal government because xCKd3DtLDrM-00204-00153856-00154328 we've had so many statements in fact some saw a tweet went out one time and he said xCKd3DtLDrM-00205-00154328-00154640 who is the president of nigeria we don't even know who he is xCKd3DtLDrM-00206-00154640-00155328 are the president of the most populous country in the world i mean black black nation in the world xCKd3DtLDrM-00207-00155328-00155864 i know well that notwithstanding uh virtually every fight ends on the table we just have to xCKd3DtLDrM-00208-00155864-00156368 talk about this hopefully we can find some common ground some so just shift some sides xCKd3DtLDrM-00209-00156368-00157000 and uh i go will be bruised just a little bit uh i will get saying this right thank you so much xCKd3DtLDrM-00210-00157000-00157488 for watching the program today it's been a pleasure coming your way this morning the xCKd3DtLDrM-00211-00157488-00158144 show will return 9am tomorrow until then continue to stay safe i am abimballabili good morning when xCKd3DtLDrM-00212-00158144-00159784 you see something say something and of course do something i am joshua mirakia have a great day xCKd3DtLDrM-00213-00160696-00161184 do xCKd3DtLDrM-00214-00162536-00162544 you xI0dr7_QVOQ-00000-00000000-00001943 Nadja Al Masri-Gutternig from the Salzburg Museum in Austria is presenting „Easy Language as a key to the museum.“The goal for any barrier free project is to include everyone. When xI0dr7_QVOQ-00001-00001943-00003886 building a ramp, one does not discard the stairs. In our project having both texts next to each other allows for a enjoyable and inclusive experience for every man and woman xI0dr7_QVOQ-00002-00003886-00005883 The Salzburg Museum is a museum for art and cultural history. Their task is to preserve, explore and convey the cultural and historical heritage of Salzburg. The museum develops concepts and programs xI0dr7_QVOQ-00003-00005883-00007883 that connect historical roots with today's issues and developments, offering the opportunity and the place to discuss them. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00004-00007883-00009883 The Museum is constantly working to ensure maximum accessibility. We want to offer physical accessibility and information that is barrier-free. At the exhibition "Bishop. Emperor. Anyone. " in 2016, the xI0dr7_QVOQ-00005-00009883-00011886 Salzburg Museum was the first in Austria to offer exhibition texts in plain language, eliminating language and intellectual barriers. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00006-00011886-00013886 The special feature of our project was that the texts were not a optional offer. They were integrated into the exhibition and positioned equally with the other available texts on the walls. These texts allow xI0dr7_QVOQ-00007-00013886-00015886 people to independently tap into the content and participate in the cultural life of the museum. The texts were checked by people with disabilities. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00008-00015886-00017886 Texts were positioned equally in the exhibition to set a clear signal of being an inclusive museum. In addition to the texts on the wall, the museum published a handbook about plain language. This can be xI0dr7_QVOQ-00009-00017886-00019886 used as assistance for other cultural institutions interested in creating barrier free content. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00010-00019886-00021886 After the introduction of the plain language, it was important for the Salzburg Museum to examine the effectiveness, the effect, possibilities of the texts. How informative are the texts really? Who needs them? xI0dr7_QVOQ-00011-00021886-00023886 Who reads them? What do people think about it? What does it do? How can you use them? Various scientific methods were used. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00012-00023886-00025886 The Salzburg Museum received support of experts; PH Salzburg and CAPITO helped in the preparation of texts. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and University of Salzburg helped with scientific xI0dr7_QVOQ-00013-00025886-00027886 investigation. The Language Center of the University of Salzburg developed a language course in the Museum of Linguistic Texts. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00014-00027886-00029886 Barrier free access creates a meaningful and most importantly, self-determined visit for many people. The resulting controversial discussions about plain language subsequently created much xI0dr7_QVOQ-00015-00029886-00031889 awareness on the subject. The museum was awarded the 2016 Inclusion Award for its pioneering work in providing accessible information encouraging other cultural institutions to follow. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00016-00031889-00033890 Since the introduction in 2016 plain language texts are the standard for all exhibitions in the Salzburg Museum with a fixed allocation in the budget. The museum is steadily expanding its barrier-free offer; in xI0dr7_QVOQ-00017-00033890-00035893 2017 it launched its barrier-free homepage. Thus, from a project, accessibility is now an ongoing process. xI0dr7_QVOQ-00018-00035893-00037893 Johannes Hollweger is a regular visitor to the Museum, interested in archaeology and the city’s history. He says that in the past he did not understand the texts, constantly needing help to understand it. With xI0dr7_QVOQ-00019-00037893-00039896 texts in plain language, he can independently use the museum. That makes him proud. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00000-00000124-00000534 Today we are going to talk about Formative and once you have created your free account then xIJbkdvGFqQ-00001-00000534-00000919 you can create your classes so you are going to go to Classes. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00002-00000919-00001500 And I have started a class here just as a test for today so what you can do is add students xIJbkdvGFqQ-00003-00001500-00001980 and you can either import from Google, Formative or Clever, you can create your own account xIJbkdvGFqQ-00004-00001980-00002211 or have students do it if they are older. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00005-00002211-00002846 So we'll just go ahead and create an account for them right now for last names I always xIJbkdvGFqQ-00006-00002846-00005514 use numbers just to keep with students' privacy. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00007-00005514-00005987 And then once you are finished you can create students. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00008-00005987-00006858 And then you can go in and create your tests Formative you can do a few different things xIJbkdvGFqQ-00009-00006858-00007375 you can create your own exit slips, you can create your own quizzes or if you'd like you xIJbkdvGFqQ-00010-00007375-00008073 can input some of your tests from your district because with multiple choice and true/false xIJbkdvGFqQ-00011-00008073-00008477 Formative will grade it for you and you are able to put in the answers so it takes some xIJbkdvGFqQ-00012-00008477-00009074 time away from your grading so you can get feedback back to students faster. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00013-00009074-00009527 Even with the short answers it will keep it all in one spot so you will be able to read xIJbkdvGFqQ-00014-00009527-00009903 their answers and grade it and assign them a grade as you go. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00015-00009903-00010863 So we are just going to go over here for a sample test that I've started. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00016-00010863-00012424 There we go and you can just add so are some questions that you can add to your test. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00017-00012424-00012665 These are the advanced questions for the premium subscription. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00018-00012665-00013272 But you still have a lot of choices over here you can embed an image, or have a whiteboard xIJbkdvGFqQ-00019-00013272-00013672 and you can have the kids type over it you can just do your standard multiple choice, xIJbkdvGFqQ-00020-00013672-00015352 short answer, essay, true and false. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00022-00018482-00018629 And then mark which one is the correct answer. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00023-00018629-00019487 You can go in here and you can assign standards, depending on which of these apply to you or xIJbkdvGFqQ-00024-00019487-00019890 not and you can track them in the tracking system according to that. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00025-00019890-00020340 So when you are finished with that you can go ahead and assign and I'm going to click xIJbkdvGFqQ-00026-00020340-00021064 this and we're going to update it because I've done this already. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00027-00021064-00021682 So then students would be able to log in their user name and password and then click on the xIJbkdvGFqQ-00028-00021682-00022447 Sample Test that's live. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00029-00022447-00022872 Then the teacher can go through and there are a couple of options you can go to the xIJbkdvGFqQ-00030-00022872-00023396 Tracking system which gives kind of your overall score and it color codes it so it can help xIJbkdvGFqQ-00031-00023396-00024073 you see which students are really in trouble and struggling. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00032-00024073-00025383 And you can also go here to the live view and that will list out your students and which xIJbkdvGFqQ-00033-00025383-00025804 questions they have gotten correct and which ones they are struggling with and how many xIJbkdvGFqQ-00034-00025804-00026185 for their totals. xIJbkdvGFqQ-00035-00026185-00026298 And that's a look at Formative. xKlXH5PMYek-00000-00000395-00000917 Sometimes I hesitate to soak in a hotel bathtub, even if it looks inviting. I xKlXH5PMYek-00001-00000917-00001311 can't help thinking of all the people that have been in there before me! Are xKlXH5PMYek-00002-00001311-00001642 hotel bathtubs really clean? xKlXH5PMYek-00003-00001646-00001919 Hotel bathtubs, among other hotel amenities, can xKlXH5PMYek-00004-00001919-00002196 seem suspicious. But beyond inspecting your room with xKlXH5PMYek-00005-00002196-00002517 rubber gloves and a backlight, how can you be sure your accommodations are xKlXH5PMYek-00006-00002517-00002852 clean? I'm here to tell you that the bathtub is the one thing you don't have xKlXH5PMYek-00007-00002852-00003311 to worry about. Experts at North Carolina State University and Northwestern agree xKlXH5PMYek-00008-00003311-00003603 that you'll probably pick up more germs from a handshake than a hotel bathtub xKlXH5PMYek-00009-00003603-00004034 and the germs are there don't pose a risk for a healthy person. xKlXH5PMYek-00010-00004036-00004637 I have a group of friends that does an epic girls trip every year. However we always end up xKlXH5PMYek-00011-00004637-00005109 fighting over who pays what bill! Do you have any suggestions for making group xKlXH5PMYek-00012-00005109-00005296 travel payments painless? xKlXH5PMYek-00013-00005298-00005588 Group trips are all fun and games until the struggle xKlXH5PMYek-00014-00005589-00005932 over splitting checks and fighting over who paid for the Uber last time begins. xKlXH5PMYek-00015-00005932-00006351 When I travel with friends, we use the app Splitwise, which makes it super easy xKlXH5PMYek-00016-00006351-00006736 to keep track of who owes what and to settle up at the end of the trip. xKlXH5PMYek-00017-00006736-00007470 I have Global Entry, but on a recent flight I didn't get TSA PreCheck on my boarding pas. What gives? xKlXH5PMYek-00018-00007470-00007909 If your boarding pass doesn't have the PreCheck designation, most of the time it's because your Known Traveler xKlXH5PMYek-00019-00007911-00008243 Number didn't make it onto your reservation. You'll need to call your xKlXH5PMYek-00020-00008243-00008631 airline, go to the check-in desk, or go online to have them add it back in and xKlXH5PMYek-00021-00008631-00009057 they'll reissue your now golden-again ticket. If that doesn't work, know that xKlXH5PMYek-00022-00009057-00009468 TSA PreCheck is not guaranteed for security reasons, so you may have been xKlXH5PMYek-00023-00009468-00009831 flagged for extra screening. If this happens, make sure you leave lots of xKlXH5PMYek-00024-00009831-00010096 extra time to hang out with the TSA before your flight. xKlXH5PMYek-00025-00010096-00010236 Thanks for watching! xKlXH5PMYek-00026-00010236-00010589 Have a burning question you want to see featured in next month's installment of xKlXH5PMYek-00027-00010589-00010956 Check Your Baggage? Write in to editor@smartertravel.com xKlXH5PMYek-00028-00010956-00011276 with the subject line Check Your Baggage and as always xKlXH5PMYek-00029-00011276-00011833 remember to like this video and subscribe to SmarterTravel on YouTube! xpHtsJGGl-Q-00000-00000990-00001390 >> Narrator: Technology companies want their products to appeal to a wide audience xpHtsJGGl-Q-00001-00001390-00001667 including people with disabilities. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00002-00001667-00002090 These companies need designers and engineers who have the knowledge and skills xpHtsJGGl-Q-00003-00002090-00002500 to develop products for all users. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00004-00002720-00003076 >>Richard: I'm Richard Ladner, professor in computer science and engineering xpHtsJGGl-Q-00005-00003076-00003214 at the University of Washington. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00006-00003310-00003729 Any course where the thing you're doing xpHtsJGGl-Q-00007-00003729-00004244 is designing or building software that people are going to use, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00008-00004244-00004699 you should consider the widest variety of people that are possibly going to use it. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00009-00004699-00005072 Does the person who's going to use it have a disability? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00010-00005072-00005407 And if so, does your software actually work for them xpHtsJGGl-Q-00011-00005407-00005584 or is it disabling? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00012-00005584-00005857 >> Narrator: Products that are accessibly designed xpHtsJGGl-Q-00013-00005857-00006276 can also help users who experience situational disabilities. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00014-00006276-00006570 >> Richard: Even people without a disability can be temporarily impaired. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00015-00006570-00006942 If you're in a noisy environment you might like to have captions. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00016-00006942-00007290 Or if you're in a bar or sports bar, something like that, and everybody's cheering xpHtsJGGl-Q-00017-00007290-00007473 and you want to see what the announcers are saying, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00018-00007473-00007616 well you can read it. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00019-00007616-00007854 >> Narrator: As the population ages, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00020-00007854-00008400 other users may have decreased dexterity, vision, or hearing. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00021-00008400-00008500 >> My name is Matt May. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00022-00008500-00008899 I am the senior program manager for accessibility at Adobe. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00023-00008899-00009162 Thirty years from now I'm going to expect the same access xpHtsJGGl-Q-00024-00009174-00009770 to materials as I have today with the faculties that I have today. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00025-00009771-00010022 So when we talk about the aging user xpHtsJGGl-Q-00026-00010022-00010469 we have to be talking about ourselves in 20, 30, 40, 50 years. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00027-00010469-00010662 >> Narrator: Richard Ladner and Matt May xpHtsJGGl-Q-00028-00010662-00011031 have teamed up to give presentations to computing faculty xpHtsJGGl-Q-00029-00011031-00011292 about teaching accessibility in their courses. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00030-00011292-00011594 >> Richard: There are one billion people in the world– xpHtsJGGl-Q-00031-00011594-00012106 that's one-seventh of the world’s population– xpHtsJGGl-Q-00032-00012106-00012206 have a disability xpHtsJGGl-Q-00033-00012206-00012522 and companies like Facebook want customers xpHtsJGGl-Q-00034-00012522-00012744 and they want to make sure what they're offering xpHtsJGGl-Q-00035-00012744-00012956 is really accessible to everyone. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00036-00012956-00013644 >> Matt: The reason that we're expecting some kind of accessibility knowledge for this xpHtsJGGl-Q-00037-00013644-00013888 is that it impacts everything that we do. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00038-00013888-00014191 It impacts every aspect of our business xpHtsJGGl-Q-00039-00014191-00014476 and so we need to have people with the skills xpHtsJGGl-Q-00040-00014476-00014711 to be able to work on this stuff out of the gate. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00041-00014711-00015052 >> Richard: Facebook, this is for a front end engineer, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00042-00015052-00015453 wants HTML/CSS experience including concepts like xpHtsJGGl-Q-00043-00015453-00015878 layout, specificity, cross browser compatibility xpHtsJGGl-Q-00044-00015878-00016018 and accessibility. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00045-00016018-00016288 And that's a requirement for that particular job at Facebook. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00046-00016288-00016469 Now are your students – if they apply to Facebook - xpHtsJGGl-Q-00047-00016469-00016654 do they have this knowledge? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00048-00016654-00017007 >>Andrew: My name is Andrew Ko and I'm an associate professor xpHtsJGGl-Q-00049-00017007-00017363 at the Information School at the University of Washington. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00050-00017363-00017504 One of the things that we've done recently xpHtsJGGl-Q-00051-00017504-00017814 is run a national survey across the United States xpHtsJGGl-Q-00052-00017814-00018119 of computer science and information science faculty xpHtsJGGl-Q-00053-00018119-00018416 and we reached out to several thousand faculty xpHtsJGGl-Q-00054-00018416-00018800 across the nation and found that most of them are actually very eager xpHtsJGGl-Q-00055-00018800-00019148 to teach accessibility, but they don't know how it fits in with computing xpHtsJGGl-Q-00056-00019148-00019511 and they don't know how it fits in with the specific classes that they teach. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00057-00019511-00019660 So that's one of the problems we want to solve xpHtsJGGl-Q-00058-00019660-00020029 is to try to find those links between knowledge about accessibility xpHtsJGGl-Q-00059-00020029-00020456 that we want software developers and software engineers to have xpHtsJGGl-Q-00060-00020456-00020851 and where it fits in with the specific classes that faculty are teaching. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00061-00020851-00021268 And then the challenge is getting those faculty to know that knowledge xpHtsJGGl-Q-00062-00021268-00021656 and then finding ways for them to teach it to students in those classes. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00063-00021656-00021854 >>Shiri: My name is Shiri Azenkot. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00064-00021854-00022197 I am an assistant professor at Cornell Tech. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00065-00022197-00022689 I have a disability myself and it's what I do research in xpHtsJGGl-Q-00066-00022689-00022934 so it's a huge part of my life. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00067-00022934-00023434 And I think it's really important to think about how we teach accessibility xpHtsJGGl-Q-00068-00023434-00023965 and to share different models of teaching and best practices. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00069-00023965-00024401 Because right now there's a huge problem with the way technology is designed. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00070-00024401-00024758 And I think it all starts from the fact that xpHtsJGGl-Q-00071-00024758-00025026 people who end up in technology-related fields xpHtsJGGl-Q-00072-00025026-00025331 tend to be a very homogenous group. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00073-00025331-00025719 So the technology that they design, their output, tends to be xpHtsJGGl-Q-00074-00025719-00026190 designed and targeted towards a similarly homogenous group. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00075-00026190-00026803 I try to integrate accessibility or ability, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00076-00026803-00027080 as I like to think of it, more generally xpHtsJGGl-Q-00077-00027080-00027427 throughout the content of those courses. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00078-00027427-00027865 I think it's really important for us to have an ongoing discussion xpHtsJGGl-Q-00079-00027865-00028337 about our users who we’re designing the technology for xpHtsJGGl-Q-00080-00028337-00028766 and what assumptions we’re making about their abilities xpHtsJGGl-Q-00081-00028766-00029131 and also to consider just a diversity of users. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00082-00029131-00029366 When I say a diversity of users, I'm not only talking about xpHtsJGGl-Q-00083-00029366-00029786 this able-bodied versus disabled user binary xpHtsJGGl-Q-00084-00029786-00030278 that a lot of times we think about when we talk about accessibility, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00085-00030278-00030621 but also about users of different ages, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00086-00030621-00031086 users that might have different abilities in different contexts. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00087-00031086-00031271 So for example, maybe you're walking xpHtsJGGl-Q-00088-00031271-00031796 and so your ability to look down at your phone is hindered. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00089-00031796-00032138 Maybe you're older and so your eyesight isn't as good anymore. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00090-00032138-00032288 You need your reading glasses xpHtsJGGl-Q-00091-00032292-00032662 but you don't want to have to pull them out every time you look at your smartwatch. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00092-00032766-00032986 >>Richard: It should be taught in all the courses that are xpHtsJGGl-Q-00093-00032986-00033481 development or design courses for human facing software. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00094-00033481-00033661 And that's a lot of our courses. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00095-00033661-00034369 I taught a lecture in a computer vision class about how to make images accessible. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00096-00034369-00034802 Because computer vision is understanding images. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00097-00034802-00035158 And how would you make an image understandable to somebody who's blind? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00098-00035158-00035565 That's a conversion of a visual image to a tactile image, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00099-00035565-00035711 so I did a whole lecture on that. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00100-00035711-00035896 >>J. Michael: My name is J. Michael Moore xpHtsJGGl-Q-00101-00035896-00036374 and I am an instructional assistant professor at Texas A&M University. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00102-00036374-00036811 One thing I did this semester is I contacted our disability services office. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00103-00036811-00037271 I had them come in and demonstrate some technologies xpHtsJGGl-Q-00104-00037271-00037466 and in this case it turned out to be xpHtsJGGl-Q-00105-00037466-00037861 more assistive technologies for people with visual impairments xpHtsJGGl-Q-00106-00037861-00038002 but it was really good xpHtsJGGl-Q-00107-00038002-00038371 having the students see the kind of struggles they had xpHtsJGGl-Q-00108-00038371-00038618 and see the kind of technologies they use. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00109-00038618-00039058 Then I followed that up by doing, talking about universal design. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00110-00039150-00039402 Is the information there visibly available? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00111-00039402-00039608 Is it auditorially available? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00112-00039608-00039874 Is it tactilely available? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00113-00039874-00040361 Those are the types of things that I think allow you to start being accessible xpHtsJGGl-Q-00114-00040361-00040559 without trying to focus on and thinking, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00115-00040559-00040969 “Oh my gosh, what if the person has this or that or that?” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00116-00040969-00041287 It becomes more about the delivery and the mode of delivery xpHtsJGGl-Q-00117-00041287-00041752 and less about the various types of disabilities xpHtsJGGl-Q-00118-00041752-00042203 or sensory impairments that can be involved in that process. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00119-00042203-00042352 >>Andrew: Accessibility really is xpHtsJGGl-Q-00120-00042352-00042708 at the heart of one of the values of our Information School. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00121-00042708-00042952 So when I came to the faculty and said, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00122-00042952-00043224 “I'd like to teach about accessibility in our curriculum. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00123-00043224-00043406 Where do we think it fits?” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00124-00043406-00043628 All of them pointed to one of our foundational courses xpHtsJGGl-Q-00125-00043628-00043830 that we teach to our informatics students. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00126-00043830-00044128 It's called Intellectual Foundations of Informatics. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00127-00044128-00044596 And so I worked with those faculty and we talked about how it might fit there. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00128-00044596-00045027 We also decided that in our introductory web development course, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00129-00045027-00045456 web accessibility is such a dominant part of access technology xpHtsJGGl-Q-00130-00045456-00045955 with screen readers and web accessibility standards being really prevalent, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00131-00045955-00046284 that we decided that it would be a really important part of that course too. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00132-00046284-00046786 So I sat down with each of the instructors for those two different courses xpHtsJGGl-Q-00133-00046786-00047162 and we worked on where accessibility topics might be integrated xpHtsJGGl-Q-00134-00047162-00047422 and how they might not only just be added to the course xpHtsJGGl-Q-00135-00047422-00047956 but really sort of integrated into the substance of what was being taught. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00136-00047956-00048344 One of the first things that students learn in our web development class xpHtsJGGl-Q-00137-00048358-00048670 is about HTML and HTML tags. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00138-00048670-00049067 And why not teach HTML through an accessibility lens xpHtsJGGl-Q-00139-00049067-00049402 rather than just teaching HTML in general? xpHtsJGGl-Q-00140-00049402-00049567 And that actually was a win for everybody xpHtsJGGl-Q-00141-00049567-00049981 because it meant that this fairly dry topic that no students were excited about xpHtsJGGl-Q-00142-00049981-00050166 turned into this really interesting topic xpHtsJGGl-Q-00143-00050166-00050625 about a population of people who are blind xpHtsJGGl-Q-00144-00050625-00050845 interacting with computers through screen readers. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00145-00050845-00051351 And so students get to experience that while learning this basic foundational material. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00146-00051351-00051628 And so they enjoyed it more, the instructors enjoyed it more, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00147-00051628-00051958 and accessibility was part of that curriculum. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00148-00051958-00052141 I get a lot of students coming up and saying, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00149-00052141-00052317 “Are there research opportunities where I can xpHtsJGGl-Q-00150-00052317-00052684 further our understanding of access technologies?” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00151-00052684-00052924 “Are there other courses in the Information School xpHtsJGGl-Q-00152-00052924-00053057 where we can learn about accessibility?” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00153-00053057-00053401 “Who are the faculty on campus that know more about this?” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00154-00053401-00053765 “I have a friend that has a disability and I've never really understood xpHtsJGGl-Q-00155-00053765-00053927 how they engage with technology. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00156-00053927-00054089 Now I understand it better.” xpHtsJGGl-Q-00157-00054089-00054276 So some of those really concrete experiences xpHtsJGGl-Q-00158-00054276-00054654 and linking them to the bigger ideas around accessibility, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00159-00054654-00054899 I think are really powerful for students xpHtsJGGl-Q-00160-00054899-00055238 who are still seeking out majors and ideas. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00161-00055238-00055550 Even one lecture in a class, even half a lecture in a class, xpHtsJGGl-Q-00162-00055550-00055880 can completely change the way a student thinks about the world xpHtsJGGl-Q-00163-00055880-00056094 and how people interact with technology. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00164-00056094-00056394 Because this is not something that they've ever thought of before. xpHtsJGGl-Q-00165-00056394-00056850 Those small encounters with big ideas can be really impactful. xPeqp0PbUZk-00000-00000000-00000500 Best Tasting Coffee | www.SmoothTastingCoffee.com We have the best tasting coffee with the best brand. 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Buy Online! www.SmoothTastingCoffee.com xQaqGSgb-fQ-00000-00000126-00000270 (male narrator) Let's look at a slightly more methodical way xQaqGSgb-fQ-00001-00000273-00000423 to convert to a different base. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00002-00000426-00000830 So let's convert the number 348 in base 10 xQaqGSgb-fQ-00003-00000834-00001014 to-to base 5. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00004-00001017-00001241 So the first thing we wanna think about xQaqGSgb-fQ-00005-00001244-00001498 is what are the powers of 5? xQaqGSgb-fQ-00006-00001501-00001878 So we could say... 5 to the 0 is 1s, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00007-00001881-00002075 so that's our 1s place; xQaqGSgb-fQ-00008-00002078-00002425 5 to the 1 is 5; 5 squared is 25; xQaqGSgb-fQ-00009-00002429-00003159 5 cubed is 125; 5 to the 4th is 625; xQaqGSgb-fQ-00010-00003163-00003376 and so on and so forth. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00011-00003379-00003656 So when we think about place value xQaqGSgb-fQ-00012-00003660-00004120 for a base 5 number, this place will be our 1s, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00013-00004124-00004571 then our 5s, then our 25s, then our 125s, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00014-00004574-00005008 and the next place value would be our 625s. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00015-00005011-00005358 Uh...so those would be our place values. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00016-00005361-00005809 So the way that we can convert this number into base 5 xQaqGSgb-fQ-00017-00005812-00006136 is to start by saying what's the highest power here xQaqGSgb-fQ-00018-00006139-00006616 that will divide into, uh...348? xQaqGSgb-fQ-00019-00006619-00007013 And you could probably see the biggest one is gonna be 125. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00020-00007016-00007604 So we're gonna divide 125 into 348. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00021-00007607-00007834 And we're really gonna sort of imagine ourselves xQaqGSgb-fQ-00022-00007837-00008007 doing long division here. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00023-00008011-00008271 Uh...so...you don't actually have to literally do it, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00024-00008274-00008578 as long as you can sort of imagine how it would work. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00025-00008581-00008988 So 2 times 125 would be...250. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00026-00008992-00009222 We subtract, and we're left with 98. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00027-00009225-00009409 So when we divide here, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00028-00009412-00010123 we would get 2 with a remainder...of...98. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00029-00010126-00010393 And so what this tells us is that xQaqGSgb-fQ-00030-00010396-00010787 when we write our, uh...final number, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00031-00010790-00011351 that 2 is going to be the place value... xQaqGSgb-fQ-00032-00011354-00011681 the number corresponding with a place value of 125. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00033-00011684-00012378 In other words, there are two 125s inside of 348. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00034-00012382-00012769 So next, we're going to bring down our remainder xQaqGSgb-fQ-00035-00012772-00013059 and say, now I've got remainder of 98, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00036-00013062-00013563 and let's divide that by our next lowest, uh...place value. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00037-00013566-00013863 So we're gonna divide that by 25. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00038-00013867-00014397 So we got 98 divided by 25 goes in three times xQaqGSgb-fQ-00039-00014400-00014821 with a remainder of...three times xQaqGSgb-fQ-00040-00014824-00015278 with a remainder of 23. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00041-00015281-00015825 And so 3 will be our place... our value in the 25s place. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00042-00015829-00016049 Next, we'll bring down 23; xQaqGSgb-fQ-00043-00016052-00016506 23 divided by our next lowest value, which is 5, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00044-00016509-00017077 gives us 4 with a remainder of...3. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00045-00017203-00017437 So we have four 5s. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00046-00017537-00018001 And then this value is our remaining 1s, xQaqGSgb-fQ-00047-00018004-00018281 and so we have three 1s remaining. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00048-00018284-00019018 And so in base 5, this number is 2343 base...5. xQaqGSgb-fQ-00049-00019022-00019669 That is the base 3 version of the base 10 number 348. xTyF_eEiduu-00000-00000057-00000348 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER IAN COTTER. xTyF_eEiduu-00001-00000348-00000821 SAILORS ASSIGNED TO THE GUIDED-MISSLE DESTORYER USS HALSEY RETURNED FROM A SEVEN-MONTH DEPLOYMENT xTyF_eEiduu-00002-00000821-00001063 TO THE WESTERN PACIFIC FEBRUARY 5TH. xTyF_eEiduu-00003-00001086-00001672 "SO TODAY'S HOMECOMING IS KIND OF A CULMINATION OF NOT ONLY THE END OF A SEVEN-MONTH DEPLOYMENT xTyF_eEiduu-00004-00001673-00002235 BUT ALSO THE YEAR'S WORTH OF WORK THAT HAS GONE IN TO GET THE SHIP READY. AFTER THEY'VE FINISHED xTyF_eEiduu-00005-00002235-00002624 THE MAINTENANCE PHASE THEY'VE GONE THROUGH ALL THEIR WORKUPS, GONE THROUGH THEIR xTyF_eEiduu-00006-00002624-00003084 CERTIFICATIONS, THEY HAVE A LOT OF STRESS AS THEY'RE GOING THROUGH THAT AND THEN THERE'S FAMILY xTyF_eEiduu-00007-00003084-00003604 SEPERATION. SO THIS IS REALLY, YOU KNOW, 18, 19 MONTHS WORTH OF HARD WORK THAT COMES TO AND END AND xTyF_eEiduu-00008-00003604-00004001 THEN THE REUNION AND GETTING TO SEE FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND WELCOME TO A WONDERFUL PLACE xTyF_eEiduu-00009-00004001-00004149 LIKE PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII." xTyF_eEiduu-00010-00004149-00004565 WHILE DEPLOYED HALSEY SAILORS PARTICIPATED IN COOPERATION AFLOAT READINESS AND TRAINING xTyF_eEiduu-00011-00004565-00004870 STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS IN THE INDO-ASIA PACIFIC REGION. xTyF_eEiduu-00012-00004870-00005350 HALSEY ALSO SERVED AS AN ESCORT TO USS CARL VINSON AND THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON CARRIER xTyF_eEiduu-00013-00005350-00005508 STRIKE GROUP. xTK1jgnGGhu-00000-00000000-00000900 SCP-001-J Keep Calm and Apolly On - Object class Apollyon xTK1jgnGGhu-00001-00001081-00001440 Notice from the Records And Information Security Administration xTK1jgnGGhu-00002-00001440-00001979 In light of the events of Incident-OO1-Omega, the following document has been made public xTK1jgnGGhu-00003-00001979-00002723 to all Foundation staff to ensure the peaceful and effective execution of Contingency Schubert-9. xTK1jgnGGhu-00004-00002723-00003311 Item #: SCP-OO1-J Object Class: Apollyon xTK1jgnGGhu-00005-00003311-00004132 Special Containment Procedures: As of Incident-OO1-Omega, there is no longer any feasible way to contain xTK1jgnGGhu-00006-00004132-00004904 SCP-OO1-J or to prevent the coming of Scenario XK-OO1-J. xTK1jgnGGhu-00007-00004904-00005349 To maintain calm and ensure a smooth transition of the human race into the wide variety of xTK1jgnGGhu-00008-00005349-00005956 customized and readily-available afterlives1, Contingency Schubert-9 is to be enacted immediately. xTK1jgnGGhu-00009-00005956-00006647 Description: The description of SCP-OO1-J is a lethal cognitohazard, and as such, is xTK1jgnGGhu-00010-00006647-00007101 available on request for all interested personnel. xTK1jgnGGhu-00011-00007101-00007663 Addendum - Contingency Schubert-9: Contingency Schubert-9 is comprised of an auditory alarm xTK1jgnGGhu-00012-00007663-00007882 system at all Foundation sites. xTK1jgnGGhu-00013-00007882-00008170 The following alerts are to be played constantly. xTK1jgnGGhu-00014-00008170-00008983 Threat Level Alarm Meaning Epsilon-Green Foghorn SCP-OO1-J has been stopped, xTK1jgnGGhu-00015-00008983-00009289 because miracles are real. xTK1jgnGGhu-00016-00009289-00010138 Delta-Green Klaxon No activity from SCP-OO1-J. Delta-Blue Klaxon but slightly higher in pitch xTK1jgnGGhu-00017-00010138-00010684 SCP-OO1-J has opened its eyes (unconfirmed). xTK1jgnGGhu-00018-00010684-00011442 Delta-Yellow O5-11 imitating the Delta-Blue alarm SCP-OO1-J has opened its eyes (confirmed xTK1jgnGGhu-00019-00011442-00011846 with photographic evidence). xTK1jgnGGhu-00020-00011846-00012506 Delta-Orange "It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones SCP-OO1-J has opened its eyes and is looking xTK1jgnGGhu-00021-00012506-00012671 at Earth. xTK1jgnGGhu-00022-00012671-00013403 Delta-Red "It's Not Unusual" Norwegian black metal remix by Dr. Naismith SCP-OO1 has opened xTK1jgnGGhu-00023-00013403-00013979 its eyes, is looking at Earth, and Dr. Naismith wants to promote his band.234 xTK1jgnGGhu-00024-00013979-00014681 Gamma-Green Klaxon, Foghorn, Buzzer at the same time Civilian casualties have begun. xTK1jgnGGhu-00025-00014681-00015456 Gamma-Blue The entire soundtrack of David Lynch's Dune Civilian casualties continue. xTK1jgnGGhu-00026-00015456-00016037 Gamma-Yellow Same as Delta-Orange, but with air horns Civilian casualties continue, but xTK1jgnGGhu-00027-00016037-00016442 with more of an aggressive subtext. xTK1jgnGGhu-00028-00016442-00017042 Gamma-Orange Same as Epsilon-Green, but with a muffled eagle cry in the background SCP-OO1-J xTK1jgnGGhu-00029-00017042-00017548 is targeting your site, prepare for death. xTK1jgnGGhu-00030-00017548-00018245 Gamma-Red "Don't Sleep In The Subway" by Petula Clark This site has been destroyed by SCP-OO1-J, xTK1jgnGGhu-00031-00018245-00018803 ergo, I can enjoy Petula Clark as much as I damn well please and only corpses will judge xTK1jgnGGhu-00032-00018803-00018995 me. xTK1jgnGGhu-00033-00018995-00019412 Beta-Green 10 seconds of an old woman sobbing hysterically. xTK1jgnGGhu-00034-00019412-00019910 A species has gone extinct as a result of SCP-OO1-J. xTK1jgnGGhu-00035-00019910-00020337 Beta-Blue 14 seconds of an old woman sobbing hysterically. xTK1jgnGGhu-00036-00020337-00021184 A city has been destroyed as a result of SCP-OO1-J. Beta-Yellow 14.3 seconds of an old woman sobbing xTK1jgnGGhu-00037-00021184-00021284 hysterically. xTK1jgnGGhu-00038-00021284-00021776 A country has been destroyed as a result of SCP-OO1-J. xTK1jgnGGhu-00039-00021776-00022305 Beta-Orange Beta-Yellow, but "Nearer My God To Thee" plays in the background on an accordion. xTK1jgnGGhu-00040-00022305-00022860 A continent has been destroyed as a result of SCP-OO1-J. xTK1jgnGGhu-00041-00022860-00023151 Beta-Red Beta-Orange, but backwards. xTK1jgnGGhu-00042-00023151-00023693 The old woman we recorded is still very sad about the whole affair, and could use a hug. xTK1jgnGGhu-00043-00023693-00024512 Alpha-Black-Omega-Death-Death The entire discography of Toby Keith "Good goin', OO1-J, you destroyed xTK1jgnGGhu-00044-00024512-00024665 our civilization. xTK1jgnGGhu-00045-00024665-00024941 This is your reward, an eternity of Toby Keith. xTK1jgnGGhu-00046-00024941-00025041 Was it worth it?" xTK1jgnGGhu-00047-00025041-00025149 Actually, I'm deaf. xTK1jgnGGhu-00048-00025149-00025683 It is believed that proper execution of Contingency Schubert-9 will maintain good morale, ease xTK1jgnGGhu-00049-00025683-00025941 suffering, and relieve stress. xTK1jgnGGhu-00050-00025941-00026482 In addition, testing prior to Incident-OO1-Omega has found that the volume of these alerts xTK1jgnGGhu-00051-00026482-00026943 is directly proportional to the level of calm during times of stress. xTK1jgnGGhu-00052-00026943-00027605 Therefore, usage of additional amplification assets, as well as maximum volume, is encouraged. xTK1jgnGGhu-00053-00027605-00027783 Does the black moon howl? xTK1jgnGGhu-00054-00027783-00028260 'Actually, it's more of a low-pitched, wheezing kind of short mumble, like, do tapirs make xTK1jgnGGhu-00055-00028260-00028464 any noises? xTK1jgnGGhu-00056-00028464-00028736 - It's a tapir sneeze.' xTK1jgnGGhu-00057-00028736-00028870 - 5/OO1-J clearance accepted. xTK1jgnGGhu-00058-00028870-00029092 To whom it may concern: xTK1jgnGGhu-00059-00029092-00029558 I've received word from various site directors that Contingency Schubert-9 actually worsens xTK1jgnGGhu-00060-00029558-00030112 the level of stress during Scenario XK-OO1-J. Allow me to address some of your concerns xTK1jgnGGhu-00061-00030112-00030333 to the best of my ability: xTK1jgnGGhu-00062-00030333-00030433 1. xTK1jgnGGhu-00063-00030433-00030630 These concerns are absolutely valid and correct. xTK1jgnGGhu-00064-00030630-00030730 2. xTK1jgnGGhu-00065-00030730-00031158 In fact, I can assure you that the purpose of Schubert-9 is to make things as unbearable xTK1jgnGGhu-00066-00031158-00031536 as possible for everyone, and, hopefully, drive us all to kill each other. xTK1jgnGGhu-00067-00031536-00031636 3. xTK1jgnGGhu-00068-00031636-00032187 I really don't like any of you, and frankly, I'm very upset that SCP-OO1-J is dealing with xTK1jgnGGhu-00069-00032187-00032287 you before I could. xTK1jgnGGhu-00070-00032287-00032694 On a related note - find your own victims, you gutless amateur. xTK1jgnGGhu-00071-00032694-00032993 Thank you for your understanding during this trying time. xTK1jgnGGhu-00072-00032993-00033093 Regards, xTK1jgnGGhu-00073-00033093-00033162 The Administrator xVyuLwrUh7u-00000-00000000-00000448 Japanese people love masks, also little kids in the kindergarden wear them xVyuLwrUh7u-00001-00000463-00000842 but why? Seba did some research for us xVyuLwrUh7u-00002-00000842-00001198 and after some interviews with friends xVyuLwrUh7u-00003-00001198-00001532 these are the reasons that came trough xVyuLwrUh7u-00004-00001532-00001726 Why do japanese people wear masks? xVyuLwrUh7u-00005-00001726-00001987 because they're sick, so that they don't spread the virus xVyuLwrUh7u-00006-00001988-00002448 for example at work or in the train, if you also have a normal cold or a light cough xVyuLwrUh7u-00007-00002464-00002830 it's quite rude not to wear a mask xVyuLwrUh7u-00008-00002842-00003164 and it's a prevention to get sick, especially if it's winter xVyuLwrUh7u-00009-00003180-00003815 and it's also very useful if you have an allergy, especially in spring xVyuLwrUh7u-00010-00003815-00004032 some girls wear them to be cuter, xVyuLwrUh7u-00011-00004032-00004474 because there exist some masks that show a smaller face xVyuLwrUh7u-00012-00004494-00004892 imagine there is an idol that became famous because of the masks that she wear xVyuLwrUh7u-00013-00004892-00005458 and sometime with the right make-up she looked like other famous idols xVyuLwrUh7u-00014-00005458-00005626 her name is Kaori Ozawa xVyuLwrUh7u-00015-00005770-00006420 other people wear them because they're shy and some people don't want to talk, so they pretend to have a sore throat xVyuLwrUh7u-00016-00006656-00006981 when the girls didn't had the time to do the make-up xVyuLwrUh7u-00017-00006981-00007080 or the guys didn't shave xVyuLwrUh7u-00018-00007080-00007298 some masks are scented xVyuLwrUh7u-00019-00007298-00007523 so if you're on a train full of people xVyuLwrUh7u-00020-00007523-00007862 you can close your eyes and smell the profume xVyuLwrUh7u-00021-00007864-00008002 it's like an aroma therapy xVyuLwrUh7u-00022-00008002-00008450 "I really need them in the summer here when the trains don't have air conditioning!" xVyuLwrUh7u-00023-00008450-00008660 or they use them to not get a tan xVyuLwrUh7u-00024-00008660-00008894 ideal thing is to combine them with big sunglasses! xVyuLwrUh7u-00025-00008904-00009268 and they also protect the skin, because some masks have moisturizing effects xVyuLwrUh7u-00026-00009268-00009488 they are recommended especially in winter xVyuLwrUh7u-00027-00009488-00009928 when the weather is really dry, or on the plane they can be very fashionable, xVyuLwrUh7u-00028-00009928-00010166 like the black ones that some k-pop idol use xVyuLwrUh7u-00029-00010166-00010504 which of these informations impressed you more? write that in the comments. xZBkV37VDOy-00000-00000248-00000432 Notifications xZBkV37VDOy-00001-00000498-00000684 General Notifications xZBkV37VDOy-00002-00000720-00000882 You and your students will see an orange dot xZBkV37VDOy-00003-00000883-00001356 appearing on the notifications icon whenever new content is available in a xZBkV37VDOy-00004-00001357-00001707 course, a new announcement is posted, xZBkV37VDOy-00005-00001707-00001989 when grades are released and so on. xZBkV37VDOy-00006-00002038-00002177 Completion notifications xZBkV37VDOy-00007-00002177-00002536 For the notifications concerning specific course content items xZBkV37VDOy-00008-00002536-00003022 within your course you may also choose to enable or disable them by selecting xZBkV37VDOy-00009-00003022-00003418 the arrow on the section of your course. You can then choose to set your xZBkV37VDOy-00010-00003418-00003808 completion method to automatic which is the default, manual or not required to xZBkV37VDOy-00011-00003996-00004323 disable the notifications. xa1YsQdDXeo-00000-00000000-00000270 Feel like you don't know where to begin with your personal statement? xa1YsQdDXeo-00001-00000270-00000759 Brainstorming is the worst, but let's play a game of relationship charade, so you know xa1YsQdDXeo-00002-00000759-00001224 what to keep in your personal statement and what to toss into your activity section or xa1YsQdDXeo-00003-00001224-00001314 keep in your resume. xa1YsQdDXeo-00004-00001314-00001788 For the best medical school personal statement coaching, subscribe and hit the bell so you xa1YsQdDXeo-00005-00001788-00001955 don't miss out on the next video. xa1YsQdDXeo-00006-00001955-00002364 Writing the personal statement starts way before you actually sit down to type. xa1YsQdDXeo-00007-00002364-00002970 So you want to make sure that you save time and tears with very, very productive brainstorming xa1YsQdDXeo-00008-00002970-00003024 strategies. xa1YsQdDXeo-00009-00003024-00003272 Hi, I'm Dr. Josie with Write Your Acceptance. xa1YsQdDXeo-00010-00003272-00003924 As a university writing faculty, I teach writing, and as a personal statement coach, I have xa1YsQdDXeo-00011-00003924-00004194 helped hundreds of students perfect their story, and now it's your turn. xa1YsQdDXeo-00012-00004194-00004437 Step one, start with your resume. xa1YsQdDXeo-00013-00004437-00004584 So your resume is your friend. xa1YsQdDXeo-00014-00004584-00004806 You can start there, because you're not going to end there. xa1YsQdDXeo-00015-00004806-00005487 So basically make sure that you think about your resume as the what, when, where aspects, xa1YsQdDXeo-00016-00005487-00005580 so end products. xa1YsQdDXeo-00017-00005580-00005790 I organized this, I achieved that. xa1YsQdDXeo-00018-00005790-00006105 And so you want to run down your resume, especially xa1YsQdDXeo-00019-00006105-00006363 if it's an up-to-date doc, and you want to xa1YsQdDXeo-00020-00006363-00007098 kind of look at moments or experiences that may be interesting that you may want to include xa1YsQdDXeo-00021-00007098-00007197 for your personal statement. xa1YsQdDXeo-00022-00007197-00007758 But now you want to start writing in five or four different buckets for volunteering, xa1YsQdDXeo-00023-00007758-00008217 shadowing, clinical experiences, hobbies, non-medical experiences that are memorable xa1YsQdDXeo-00024-00008217-00008613 or identity driven experiences, or data. xa1YsQdDXeo-00025-00008613-00009231 So within those buckets you want to make sure that you start now thinking about experiences xa1YsQdDXeo-00026-00009231-00009456 that answer the why and how. xa1YsQdDXeo-00027-00009456-00010200 So more detail driven, more sensory driven, and so these will dominate the anecdotes and xa1YsQdDXeo-00028-00010200-00010335 experiences in your personal statement. xa1YsQdDXeo-00029-00010335-00010713 And you want to answer a few questions, so here they go. xa1YsQdDXeo-00030-00010713-00010968 What kind of experiences? xa1YsQdDXeo-00031-00010968-00011184 So take note of who you met and talked to. xa1YsQdDXeo-00032-00011184-00011403 Who'd you offer a kind gesture to? xa1YsQdDXeo-00033-00011403-00011604 Who did you learn from? xa1YsQdDXeo-00034-00011604-00012141 So, and then in those relationships you want to answer, who was it, what was your role xa1YsQdDXeo-00035-00012141-00012189 at the place? xa1YsQdDXeo-00036-00012189-00012459 Patient, peer, doctor, child. xa1YsQdDXeo-00037-00012459-00012672 What was your interaction? xa1YsQdDXeo-00038-00012672-00013230 So exactly what happened, what was said, what do you see here, taste? xa1YsQdDXeo-00039-00013230-00013731 So kind of bring in sensory so that if that is a potential story and you kind of narrate xa1YsQdDXeo-00040-00013731-00014265 it later, that the exchange hasn't happened in a vacuum, that you hear kind of the overall xa1YsQdDXeo-00041-00014265-00014436 activity around you. xa1YsQdDXeo-00042-00014436-00014658 And then how did you react? xa1YsQdDXeo-00043-00014658-00015132 So as if acting in your own movie, play it out through those five senses. xa1YsQdDXeo-00044-00015132-00015321 So what happened, and how did you react? xa1YsQdDXeo-00045-00015321-00015678 Make sure that you also narrate memorable but quiet moments. xa1YsQdDXeo-00046-00015678-00016305 Did you take a patient down to help them with their pharmacy refill? xa1YsQdDXeo-00047-00016305-00017097 Or did you help your grandmother with her iPhone, and so any of these kinds of smaller xa1YsQdDXeo-00048-00017097-00017442 moments that don't even feel, that aren't medically related, let's say, or they don't xa1YsQdDXeo-00049-00017442-00018102 feel kind of huge and loud, they may be memorable and they may be able to connect to your overall xa1YsQdDXeo-00050-00018102-00018138 frame. xa1YsQdDXeo-00051-00018138-00018714 So consider them, write them down with regards to relationship kind of language and connection. xa1YsQdDXeo-00052-00018714-00019002 So, for example, think about getting very sensorial. xa1YsQdDXeo-00053-00019002-00019656 Instead of, she smiled at me, you could get a few more senses in play and say something xa1YsQdDXeo-00054-00019656-00020034 like, I vigorously rub my cold hands before placing it on Nellie's shoulder. xa1YsQdDXeo-00055-00020034-00020496 With a weathered smile, I knew that although we did not speak the same language, kindness xa1YsQdDXeo-00056-00020496-00020652 and connection are universal. xa1YsQdDXeo-00057-00020652-00021444 Here, we have both touch, a sign of goodwill, and so you have kind of auditory hearing, xa1YsQdDXeo-00058-00021444-00021681 just because of the language, that we don't speak the same language. xa1YsQdDXeo-00059-00021681-00022017 So even if you don't hear it, you kind of allude to it. xa1YsQdDXeo-00060-00022017-00022620 And so you have a couple more senses there in that example of a sentence versus just xa1YsQdDXeo-00061-00022620-00022701 she smiled at me. xa1YsQdDXeo-00062-00022701-00023280 Then the last question, which is the harder one, for each of the anecdotes that you flesh xa1YsQdDXeo-00063-00023280-00023835 out is testing these moments, is what did you learn? xa1YsQdDXeo-00064-00023835-00023991 So what was your lesson learned? xa1YsQdDXeo-00065-00023991-00024591 So medicine, being an active participant in the medical field doesn't only happen in an xa1YsQdDXeo-00066-00024591-00024984 OR or in serving a diagnosis. xa1YsQdDXeo-00067-00024984-00025707 And I know you know this, but you want to make sure that you also take stock of your xa1YsQdDXeo-00068-00025707-00025926 relationship and your effect on people. xa1YsQdDXeo-00069-00025926-00026633 So sometimes you walk in with an idea and then the patient or experience goes somewhere xa1YsQdDXeo-00070-00026633-00026844 else and you are adaptable to going that way. xa1YsQdDXeo-00071-00026844-00027237 Whether you're shadowing and you see a doctor do this, or whether you're volunteering and xa1YsQdDXeo-00072-00027237-00027920 you help, you know, you went into take a blood pressure and you settled in for a conversation xa1YsQdDXeo-00073-00027920-00028563 on their family, or their lack of technology savvy experiences or something, so that you xa1YsQdDXeo-00074-00028563-00029043 are showing a human side to your pursuit of medicine. xa1YsQdDXeo-00075-00029043-00029562 Step two, to maximize this kind of sensory relationship activity, you want to make sure xa1YsQdDXeo-00076-00029562-00030258 that you do quite a few, and test them out, if they're kind of PS worthy, if they're personal xa1YsQdDXeo-00077-00030258-00030324 statement worthy. xa1YsQdDXeo-00078-00030324-00030804 But if they're not, that's okay, because they may serve for your activities and memorable xa1YsQdDXeo-00079-00030804-00031092 experiences section in your application. xa1YsQdDXeo-00080-00031155-00031727 So it won't go to waste, but you've already done the work in a low stakes way of fleshing xa1YsQdDXeo-00081-00031727-00032358 out the sensory and seeing if they are anecdotes and experiences and lessons learned valuable xa1YsQdDXeo-00082-00032358-00032514 enough for that one story. xa1YsQdDXeo-00083-00032514-00032919 If not, you can put them somewhere else in your application and still doing good work xa1YsQdDXeo-00084-00032919-00032973 for you. xa1YsQdDXeo-00085-00032973-00033201 What are your brainstorming hacks to get you started? xa1YsQdDXeo-00086-00033201-00033285 Comment below. xa1YsQdDXeo-00087-00033285-00033348 I'd love to know. xa1YsQdDXeo-00088-00033348-00034140 So here are a few small moments that seem kind of subtle and not that bombastic, but xa1YsQdDXeo-00089-00034140-00034686 have done a ton to open up the humanity of a personal statement, which I've loved. xa1YsQdDXeo-00090-00034686-00034824 So here are some. xa1YsQdDXeo-00091-00034824-00035478 Buying a roll of mints for an elderly woman who cast you off into a history lesson on xa1YsQdDXeo-00092-00035478-00035589 pre-communist Cuba. xa1YsQdDXeo-00093-00035589-00035745 That was the beginning of a personal statement. xa1YsQdDXeo-00094-00035745-00036462 Or a student's quick thinking saved a patient from an awkward experience at a pharmacy. xa1YsQdDXeo-00095-00036462-00036873 They were not volunteering, they were just standing in line behind them. xa1YsQdDXeo-00096-00036873-00037884 So the caption worthy experiences sometimes highlight your accomplishments, those big xa1YsQdDXeo-00097-00037884-00038232 moments, and you should have accomplishments in your personal statement, but you can also xa1YsQdDXeo-00098-00038232-00038862 have kind of subtle, quiet moments when authority isn't looking, to really show your initiative xa1YsQdDXeo-00099-00038862-00039150 and your humanity and empathetic qualities. xa1YsQdDXeo-00100-00039150-00039697 So sometimes when we do something, when we don't expect anything in return, that plays xa1YsQdDXeo-00101-00039697-00040405 really nicely within this balance of telling your story, and why medicine specifically. xa1YsQdDXeo-00102-00040405-00040954 So no matter the number of experiences that you have and accomplishments, you want to xa1YsQdDXeo-00103-00040954-00041254 make sure that they tie back into an overall theme. xa1YsQdDXeo-00104-00041254-00041611 So is it a theme of empathy within medicine? xa1YsQdDXeo-00105-00041611-00041950 Is it a theme of holistic caring for the individual? xa1YsQdDXeo-00106-00041950-00042655 And so then the whole buying a roll of mints or helping the patient in the pharmacy was xa1YsQdDXeo-00107-00042655-00043291 tied to an overall idea of isolation in older generations and how you want to combat that xa1YsQdDXeo-00108-00043291-00043780 through Alzheimer's research and work in your medical career. xa1YsQdDXeo-00109-00043861-00044137 So you want to make sure that you tie back to a unifying theme. xa1YsQdDXeo-00110-00044137-00044698 If you want more information on how to develop a unifying theme, definitely check out this xa1YsQdDXeo-00111-00044698-00045373 video linked above, and if you want more expert guidance on your personal statement, make xa1YsQdDXeo-00112-00045373-00045526 sure you book a one on one call with me. xa1YsQdDXeo-00113-00045526-00045652 The link is in the description. xa1YsQdDXeo-00114-00045652-00046111 If you found this video helpful, please give us a like, subscribe, and share with your xa1YsQdDXeo-00115-00046111-00046258 pre-med friends. xa1YsQdDXeo-00116-00046258-00046363 Thanks for watching. xa1YsQdDXeo-00117-00046363-00046414 I'll see you soon. xdjlKIvh8MY-00000-00001192-00001501 Good evening, it's 8 P.M., welcome to France Insoumise TV News. xdjlKIvh8MY-00001-00001512-00001734 First of all, some news about our august leader. xdjlKIvh8MY-00002-00001742-00002202 After a troubleless night, our beloved Jean-Luc ate a copious breakfast. xdjlKIvh8MY-00003-00002216-00002672 Later on, he had a relevant, efficient, modern and luminous day, as usual. xdjlKIvh8MY-00004-00002734-00002812 International headlines, now. xdjlKIvh8MY-00005-00002816-00003046 In Venezuela, things are going fairly well, there's nothing to report in particular, xdjlKIvh8MY-00006-00003046-00003278 people are happy, let's avoid lingering over it. xdjlKIvh8MY-00007-00003288-00003424 North Korea, same thing. xdjlKIvh8MY-00008-00003450-00003646 Economy. We can't wait to be in 2022, xdjlKIvh8MY-00009-00003646-00003952 and then we'll move on to an in-depth report: xdjlKIvh8MY-00010-00003952-00004338 Why are the 17 deputies of La France Insoumise so brilliant? xdjlKIvh8MY-00011-00004356-00004768 This question seems appropriate after the last few month of parliamentary debate. xdjlKIvh8MY-00012-00004768-00005020 As a consequence, from their record to their training and influence, xdjlKIvh8MY-00013-00005036-00005350 we will tell you evrything about these Robin Hoods of the Republic. xdjlKIvh8MY-00014-00005370-00005766 Finally, in history, health and cultural news, xdjlKIvh8MY-00015-00005774-00006062 we will wonder if things have not been exxagerated a bit about Staline. xdjlKIvh8MY-00016-00006072-00006314 Quinoa: flavor and revolutionary outlook, xdjlKIvh8MY-00017-00006330-00006676 and doesn't JL Mélenchon's "L'Ère du peuple" deserve the Prix Goncourt ?(Booker prize equivalent) xdjlKIvh8MY-00018-00006688-00007050 Finally, our evening debate will oppose Jean-Luc and Mélenchon xdjlKIvh8MY-00019-00007056-00007628 who will debate over pluralism and the diversity of perspectives in French politics. xdjlKIvh8MY-00020-00007986-00008504 [Applauds] xdjlKIvh8MY-00021-00008504-00008704 Camille: Yes! xdjlKIvh8MY-00022-00009178-00009568 - As you understood... Justine: This video was ironic - It was humor! xdjlKIvh8MY-00023-00009568-00009942 - But we can't wait to be in January 2018, that's true. But this video was humor... xdjlKIvh8MY-00024-00009942-00010404 - Because Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not here. Is Jean-Luc in the studio? xdjlKIvh8MY-00025-00010532-00010764 - I don't think he's hiding under the desk. xdjlKIvh8MY-00026-00010776-00011048 - Is Jean-Luc in our earpiece? - No Jean-Luc here, no Jean-Luc there! xdjlKIvh8MY-00027-00011048-00011680 - Jean-Luc is not here, and this media is not Jean-Luc Mélenchon's media, it's perfectly clear now. xdjlKIvh8MY-00028-00011698-00012282 - It's not Staline's media either. That's not what this media is about. xdjlKIvh8MY-00029-00012318-00012754 Let's clear up this misunderstanding: no it's not the media of La France Insoumise! xdjlKIvh8MY-00030-00012754-00013106 We're not going to deal with what you just watched, it was humor! xdjlKIvh8MY-00031-00013124-00013413 That's what we do too by the way, we are Camille and Justine, nice to meet you, xdjlKIvh8MY-00032-00013416-00013544 and we're going to spend the evening together. xdjlKIvh8MY-00033-00013544-00014188 - We make comic comical videos on the web, on the internet, whatever you call it. xdjlKIvh8MY-00034-00014188-00014606 - The point is that we're going to spend the evening with you and the real people who do this media, xdjlKIvh8MY-00035-00014640-00014880 with their little hands. Show your hands everybody! xdjlKIvh8MY-00036-00014880-00015340 - So we represent craftsmanship, we're in a small studio... xdjlKIvh8MY-00037-00015340-00015660 - This is not Jean-Pierre Pernault's news program, with his reports on Christmas cribs. xdjlKIvh8MY-00038-00015662-00016110 We're here to talk about the way we'll make this media, with you, xdjlKIvh8MY-00039-00016110-00016380 yeah you who are watching with your little eyes at home! xdjlKIvh8MY-00040-00016380-00016740 Hey you! You're going to help us make this media! That's the idea! xdjlKIvh8MY-00041-00016740-00016932 With real people, with craftsmanship. xdjlKIvh8MY-00042-00016946-00017234 But it won't prevent us from making original, quality work. xdjlKIvh8MY-00043-00017234-00017526 - And above all transparency, because transparency is our biggest expectation. xdjlKIvh8MY-00044-00017526-00017948 Transparency, quality and originality are the key words that describe this media, xdjlKIvh8MY-00045-00017960-00018200 it's really important for us to stress that. xdTPk6FayGo-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone xdTPk6FayGo-00001-00000200-00000400 this is crude oil 1 minute chart xdTPk6FayGo-00004-00007209-00008427 After 1 Minute market Reached target xdTPk6FayGo-00005-00008427-00011047 everyday buy sell calls will generate like this xdTPk6FayGo-00006-00011047-00012619 Within 2 minute market reached target xdTPk6FayGo-00007-00012619-00014589 5500 range strong resistance xdTPk6FayGo-00009-00019671-00022344 For good movement we are focusing on evening market for long term xdTPk6FayGo-00010-00022344-00024037 for chart subscription details whatsapp - 9488462166 xjmXpaD2844-00001-00000620-00000898 Hi, I’m Lot Amorós, the creator of the xjmXpaD2844-00002-00000898-00001026 dronecoria project. xjmXpaD2844-00003-00001070-00001364 Five years ago I build my first drone, xjmXpaD2844-00004-00001378-00001710 I wondered: What can be the best application for a drone? xjmXpaD2844-00005-00001710-00002018 Then I realized xjmXpaD2844-00006-00002104-00002388 that a tool for seeding life, and greening the landscape, xjmXpaD2844-00007-00002388-00002664 is the most valuable tool xjmXpaD2844-00008-00002668-00002808 that humanity needs xjmXpaD2844-00009-00002858-00002986 to face climate change. xjmXpaD2844-00010-00003074-00003410 With drones we can better understand the soil, xjmXpaD2844-00011-00003415-00003668 find the best spot for a tree, xjmXpaD2844-00012-00003714-00003997 drop a seed exactly in that place, xjmXpaD2844-00013-00004068-00004304 and repeat the process continuouslly. xjmXpaD2844-00014-00004338-00004598 We made different iterations xjmXpaD2844-00015-00004598-00004874 to understand the complexity of the problem, xjmXpaD2844-00016-00004874-00005162 and relased some open source prototypes xjmXpaD2844-00017-00005162-00005392 of the drone and the seed dispenser. xjmXpaD2844-00018-00005458-00005618 But we need so step forward, xjmXpaD2844-00019-00005666-00005984 we want to provide tools, create an eco-system, xjmXpaD2844-00020-00005984-00006304 where any group interested in aerial seeding, xjmXpaD2844-00021-00006316-00006626 can make green a large-scale landscape. xjmXpaD2844-00022-00006748-00006928 We are not creating a machine xjmXpaD2844-00023-00006928-00007190 to plant thousand of trees. xjmXpaD2844-00024-00007190-00007476 We are behind to encorage xjmXpaD2844-00025-00007476-00007764 thousand of people to plant thousand of trees. xjmXpaD2844-00028-00008746-00009066 Thank you for watching, and I hope that at least xjmXpaD2844-00029-00009114-00009310 you will plant a tree this year. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00000-00000168-00000568 A LITTLE part of the Roloff family's big world is now up for sale. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00001-00000568-00001016 On Thursday, Little People Big World patriarch Matt Roloff announced that part of the family's xk7CWsx7R2Q-00002-00001016-00001807 famous pumpkin farm is for sale - for $4 million. The 100-acre farm in Helvetia - just 15 miles xk7CWsx7R2Q-00003-00001807-00002272 outside of Portland - is run by Matt and his kids after the divorce of ex-wife, Amy. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00004-00002336-00002984 In an Instagram post, Matt explained: "Today 16 acres of the farms 109 acres go up for sale. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00005-00002984-00003288 including our original family home and bright red barn. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00006-00003288-00003768 "It’s a tiny bit scary but mostly exciting. It's time to move toward the next season of life." xk7CWsx7R2Q-00007-00003847-00004408 Sixteen out of 109 acres may not sound like much, but the area for sale includes some unique xk7CWsx7R2Q-00008-00004408-00004640 properties not likely to be found anywhere else. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00009-00004712-00005048 As the real estate company in charge of the sale explains: xk7CWsx7R2Q-00010-00005048-00005376 "The 100-year-old farm with stunning views of rolling hills, xk7CWsx7R2Q-00011-00005376-00005784 green landscapes and coastal mountain ranges, has an incredibly rich history. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00012-00005848-00006400 "Owned by just three families over the past century, the property sits on 16-acres, fortified xk7CWsx7R2Q-00013-00006400-00006920 with fertile soil ideal for growing pinot noir grapes, blueberries, pumpkins and all manner of xk7CWsx7R2Q-00014-00006920-00007248 fruit trees such as apple, plumb, cherry and peach." xk7CWsx7R2Q-00015-00007320-00007928 As for the main house itself: "The 5,373 square foot farmhouse mountain home xk7CWsx7R2Q-00016-00007928-00008416 consists of five bedrooms, five full baths and a powder room on the main level." xk7CWsx7R2Q-00017-00008416-00008912 The main floor features matching his and her offices, a bonus room and an unfinished basement. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00018-00008976-00009328 There is also a six car garage and outdoor pool for entertaining. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00019-00009392-00009816 "The extremely rare property also includes several independent structures that xk7CWsx7R2Q-00020-00009816-00010208 add to its uniqueness and charm," the realtor statement continues, xk7CWsx7R2Q-00021-00010208-00010672 "including a 3594 square foot classic red and white barn." xk7CWsx7R2Q-00022-00010752-00011144 The barn also features another studio apartment with a private entrance. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00023-00011144-00011384 But it is the rest of the land that really stands out. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00024-00011496-00011952 "Bursting with character, the property grounds can best be described as an elaborate fantasyland xk7CWsx7R2Q-00025-00011952-00012480 for children," the release reads. "Some of the whimsical installations include a full-scale xk7CWsx7R2Q-00026-00012480-00013112 pirate's ship, a western town complete with a jail, bank, sheriff's office, general store, hotel xk7CWsx7R2Q-00027-00013112-00013663 and blacksmith's shop modeled after Knotts Berry Farm and a German-inspired medieval castle." xk7CWsx7R2Q-00028-00013744-00014024 Matt, 60, explained the history his family has with the home. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00029-00014080-00014552 “I have dedicated much of my adult life creating an imaginative environment filled xk7CWsx7R2Q-00030-00014552-00014944 with adventure for my family. "I have decided the timing is ripe, xk7CWsx7R2Q-00031-00014944-00015376 after 30-plus wonderful years, to hand over the reins to the next owners of xk7CWsx7R2Q-00032-00015376-00015768 this magnificent property to plant some roots of their own and watch them grow.” xk7CWsx7R2Q-00033-00015856-00016368 An outdoor enthusiast’s dream, the property also features expansive trails -- great for mountain xk7CWsx7R2Q-00034-00016368-00016968 biking, motocross and all-terrain vehicle activity -- several acres of greenspace and seven bridges. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00035-00016968-00017240 And of course, there is the family's famous pumpkin patch. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00036-00017320-00017632 Matt said he plans to build another home on the remaining land, xk7CWsx7R2Q-00037-00017632-00017880 and will continue to grow pumpkins on it as well. xk7CWsx7R2Q-00038-00017936-00018304 He added he would split his time between the farm and his home in Arizona, xk7CWsx7R2Q-00039-00018304-00018768 with his girlfriend Caryn Chandler. "It’s too much now that I’m 60,” Matt xk7CWsx7R2Q-00040-00018768-00019144 told the WSJ. “I want to start to scale back a little bit.” xljfgb6_myo-00000-00003528-00004713 Michael Crumpton: Good afternoon, thank you for joining us as we present Dr Christopher hodgkins delivering a take two on his presentation I won't looks extremely George Herbert and the soul of the library. xljfgb6_myo-00001-00004758-00005325 Michael Crumpton: I am my crumpton the interim dean of the university libraries and I would like to explain why we needed a take to. xljfgb6_myo-00002-00005415-00006237 Michael Crumpton: On April 7 during his original presentation that perhaps hodgkins remarks were ended prematurely and in violation of his academic freedom. xljfgb6_myo-00003-00006279-00006951 Michael Crumpton: I take full responsibility for this unfortunate action and would like to publicly apologize to that the hodgkins for this action. xljfgb6_myo-00004-00007044-00007437 Michael Crumpton: In cgs policy on free speech and civil discourse is clear. xljfgb6_myo-00005-00007497-00008544 Michael Crumpton: Speakers have the right to free expression of ideas, based on the content, whether we agree or disagree with the expectation if it be done respectfully and with civility. xljfgb6_myo-00006-00008601-00009741 Michael Crumpton: As the library is chief officer, is my duty to ensure that all library staff are fully aware of this priority of this policy in advance of any such presentation and duty at which I feel that in this instance. xljfgb6_myo-00007-00009852-00010446 Michael Crumpton: As they learn that scholar Dr hodgkins has perspective and point of view that deserves to be heard and respected. xljfgb6_myo-00008-00010500-00011472 Michael Crumpton: I apologize, that the original presentation was cut short and I assure you assure you that the university libraries will support you and cgs policy on free speech in the future. xljfgb6_myo-00009-00011541-00012585 Michael Crumpton: With that, I invite you to stay engaged for Dr hodgkins I want books extremely George Herbert and the soul of the library take to following a remark by Kathleen Smith. xljfgb6_myo-00010-00012900-00013677 Kathelene Smith: Hello on April 7 a school lunchtime presentation I want books extremely George Herbert and the soul of a library. xljfgb6_myo-00011-00013713-00014862 Kathelene Smith: and invited zoom presentation being delivered by you and CG Professor because hodgkin's editor of George Herbert complete works of Oxford University press was intentionally terminated early. xljfgb6_myo-00012-00014910-00015938 Kathelene Smith: This action which is deeply regrettable by schooler a bridge Professor hodgkins academic freedom of speech and was uncharacteristic of screw up the library and unc. xljfgb6_myo-00013-00015978-00017445 Kathelene Smith: that's an interim head of school, I personally apologize for this action and welcome Dr hoskins grace just forgiveness and there's opportunity to continue his talk Now I will turn the program over to your host carolyn schenkel carolyn. xljfgb6_myo-00014-00017652-00017706 Carolyn Shankle: Hello. xljfgb6_myo-00015-00017814-00018510 Carolyn Shankle: i'm carolyn schenkel special collections specialist in the Martha like me hodges special collections and university archives. xljfgb6_myo-00016-00018567-00019356 Carolyn Shankle: We are celebrating our 50th anniversary, and as part of our celebration, we have a speaker series highlighting facets of our collection. xljfgb6_myo-00017-00019407-00020103 Carolyn Shankle: As our George Herbert collection is one of our areas of distinction we invited our speaker today, let me welcome him. xljfgb6_myo-00018-00020178-00021183 Carolyn Shankle: Christopher hodgkins earned his English bachelor of arts at the University of the Pacific, in his native California and it's masters of arts and PhD at the University of Chicago. xljfgb6_myo-00019-00021264-00022260 Carolyn Shankle: He then taught in Illinois Michigan until coming to you and CG in 1991 where he is now professor of English in Atlantic or world studies. xljfgb6_myo-00020-00022320-00023754 Carolyn Shankle: The winner of unc geez senior teaching excellence award in 2004 and senior research excellence award in 2011 he has authored or editor of seven books on Renaissance, literature and the British. xljfgb6_myo-00021-00023811-00024663 Carolyn Shankle: imperial imagination and, most recently of literary study of the Bible and introduction published by wiley blackwell in 2020. xljfgb6_myo-00022-00024705-00025727 Carolyn Shankle: recipient of for grants from the National Endowment for the humanities, he currently co edits the digital temple of George Herbert for the university press of Virginia. xljfgb6_myo-00023-00025797-00027036 Carolyn Shankle: And George Herbert complete works for Oxford University press digital and print while directing the international George Herbert society and unc geez Atlantic world research network. xljfgb6_myo-00024-00027105-00027744 Carolyn Shankle: He sits on the Executive Committee of the folger institute at the folger Shakespeare library in Washington DC. xljfgb6_myo-00025-00027795-00028254 Carolyn Shankle: And on the consortium board of the American Shakespeare Center in staunton Virginia. xljfgb6_myo-00026-00028308-00029763 Carolyn Shankle: He is organizing a George Herbert society conference at Cambridge University set for June 2022, which will include an exhibit of previously unknown material recently discovered in the Cambridge University archives. xljfgb6_myo-00027-00029838-00030663 Carolyn Shankle: He is married to hope, with him, he has three children who are spread from boulder Colorado and Madison Wisconsin to London England. xljfgb6_myo-00028-00030702-00031311 Carolyn Shankle: And, along with the smell of baking bread he loves the smell of walks new and especially old. xljfgb6_myo-00029-00031377-00032163 Carolyn Shankle: is expanded on the original topic of his talk, which is what makes a library library, what is it so. xljfgb6_myo-00030-00032217-00032976 Carolyn Shankle: Using the case of George Herbert the English Renaissance poet within especially famous presence in the unc G special collections. xljfgb6_myo-00031-00033039-00033951 Carolyn Shankle: We will consider the major role played by school and Dr Atkins new three volume George Herbert complete works coming from Oxford University press. xljfgb6_myo-00032-00034008-00035745 Carolyn Shankle: also consider what makes libraries unique a college and university campuses and the place of printed books and our future life of learning university research and the preservation of human knowledge and culture questions comments and discussion will follow his talk. xljfgb6_myo-00033-00035850-00035883 Carolyn Shankle: Thank you. xljfgb6_myo-00034-00036252-00036525 Chris Hodgkins: Thank you for all of your words. xljfgb6_myo-00035-00036657-00037101 Chris Hodgkins: As I moved towards addressing and accepting your apologies and. xljfgb6_myo-00036-00037233-00038265 Chris Hodgkins: Well everyone's attention is still fresh, I want to begin by asking what does a 17th century poet and clergymen like George Herbert has to do with free speech. xljfgb6_myo-00037-00038373-00039288 Chris Hodgkins: As it turns out quite a bit, first of all, Herbert was a very prominent free speaker and his own Day and it seems to have cost him a great deal. xljfgb6_myo-00038-00039363-00040101 Chris Hodgkins: Because it was eloquent and Latin Herbert was in 1620 the age of 26 appointed public orator of Cambridge. xljfgb6_myo-00039-00040158-00041091 Chris Hodgkins: And 1623 when Prince Charles visited the university purpose welcoming speech courteously but firmly warned him against starting foreign wars. xljfgb6_myo-00040-00041154-00042216 Chris Hodgkins: Even though the young Prince was eager to fight Spain over its recent refusal refusal of his marriage suit to the end fanta Spanish king's daughter as well, Herbert. xljfgb6_myo-00041-00042255-00043602 Chris Hodgkins: would seem destined for high courtly office under King James the first sin found himself politically cancelled when James died and 1625 and the hot headed Prince of Wales to the throne as Charles first. xljfgb6_myo-00042-00043683-00044685 Chris Hodgkins: At a favor in the new regime permit left Cambridge and became a rural parish priest the headstrong Charles had his unsuccessful war with Spain. xljfgb6_myo-00043-00044721-00046158 Chris Hodgkins: and eventually and fully last that head of his when he made war on his own puritan subjects, but our own great state and does our university are still named for the headless Charles after all. xljfgb6_myo-00044-00046296-00046821 Chris Hodgkins: were recently in a struggle for academic free speech, right here in North Carolina. xljfgb6_myo-00045-00046896-00048168 Chris Hodgkins: George Herbert scholar amy and Charles let the fight at women's college when in 1963 or State Assembly an active speaker Bam against all quote known communists or suppose it insurrection is. xljfgb6_myo-00046-00048207-00048900 Chris Hodgkins: Addressing students on any unc campus this legislation was opposed by governor Terry sanford. xljfgb6_myo-00047-00048942-00049974 Chris Hodgkins: or North Carolina governors like to veto in those days, and by unc President Liam Friday and by Chapel hill Chancellor Williams, a clock and on our campus. xljfgb6_myo-00048-00050031-00051384 Chris Hodgkins: send to become unc G was outspoken Lee bo's by Professor amy Charles by 1965 that organized faculty who threatened to resign if this unconstitutional ban was enforced in greensboro. xljfgb6_myo-00049-00051447-00052614 Chris Hodgkins: And I think 60 a bandage failed in court and was finally repealed in 1995 much to the disappointment of its fervent supporter us Senator Jesse Helms. xljfgb6_myo-00050-00052671-00053520 Chris Hodgkins: Who also had back in 1966 during the time of the speaker ban then triggered by pollen from George herbert's contemporary Andrew marvel. xljfgb6_myo-00051-00053577-00055188 Chris Hodgkins: To his co mistress and it's temporary success to have a young instructor who would assign this seductive poem banned from his Chapel hill classroom but eventually free speech prevail, as an editor marvel at least for now. xljfgb6_myo-00052-00055335-00057159 Chris Hodgkins: And here, Mr another George Herbert scholar became speaking for well free speech i'm pleased to say that, through the US EG Atlantic real research network, which I direct i've been sponsoring events about this great transatlantic free speech tradition, for years, most notably in. xljfgb6_myo-00053-00057282-00058551 Chris Hodgkins: When, with the full support of the Chancellor and the provost We brought the campus Professor Jeffrey stone provost of my Alma mater the University of Chicago former dean of Chicago la and lead author. xljfgb6_myo-00054-00058590-00059954 Chris Hodgkins: Of the robust Chicago statement on free speech and free expression, a statement which, like unc geez own free speech policy forbids suppression of campus speech on the grounds of content, however offensive. xljfgb6_myo-00055-00060155-00060549 Chris Hodgkins: But offenses are bound to come as the man said. xljfgb6_myo-00056-00060666-00062441 Chris Hodgkins: And we protect not only our neighbors but ourselves in zealously protecting all speech, including offensive speech, because as hard as it is for good people like us to imagine our own impeccably well intended ideas and words almost certainly offend someone. xljfgb6_myo-00057-00062565-00063471 Chris Hodgkins: Indeed, many of the good citizens in this state continue to be deeply offended by many things taught and advocated, but the good faculty of this university. xljfgb6_myo-00058-00063501-00064515 Chris Hodgkins: Just as many of our good faculty planning to the express views of many good citizens deeply offensive as well, sadly, it seems to be a hazard. xljfgb6_myo-00059-00064560-00065412 Chris Hodgkins: Of all are being such good persons that our own conscious goodness are injured sense of righteousness. xljfgb6_myo-00060-00065463-00066345 Chris Hodgkins: makes us more easily offended and perhaps even sympathetic to and even eager for the silencing of other good but also offensive persons. xljfgb6_myo-00061-00066444-00067383 Chris Hodgkins: Yet in one of life's great mysteries I have found that it is the best people who are the slowest to take offense because the best people. xljfgb6_myo-00062-00067434-00068487 Chris Hodgkins: are most aware of their own faults and failings and are disposed to be kind and gracious to their offenders and believe that they might actually have something to learn from them. xljfgb6_myo-00063-00068688-00070101 Chris Hodgkins: Little that I imagine on April 7 that my invited lecture about my favorite poet, and about the value of rare books and all books might be delivered to an audience of rare book lovers would have to plug boom. xljfgb6_myo-00064-00070230-00071499 Chris Hodgkins: But we live in, strange times so in an effort to be a little better myself I do accept all the apologies offered interim Dean crumpton Mike. xljfgb6_myo-00065-00071613-00072282 Chris Hodgkins: Though you have taken over all responsibility, I must hold you and your assistant Dean TIM Burke know guiltless. xljfgb6_myo-00066-00072327-00073770 Chris Hodgkins: In the actual decision to shut down my talk, because you both assured me that, even though I could see your zoom names as President on screen during my presentation, you were like many students that are online classes not really listening. xljfgb6_myo-00067-00073893-00075087 Chris Hodgkins: But I am confident that I have your full attention now, but all library staff are now fully aware of the unc policy on free speech and civil discourse, the link to which is available in the chat. xljfgb6_myo-00068-00075234-00075834 Chris Hodgkins: Interim director of special collections and university archives Smith Kathleen. xljfgb6_myo-00069-00075960-00076806 Chris Hodgkins: You offered me your heartfelt apology for making that decision, and I want you, and everyone listening to know that I forgive you. xljfgb6_myo-00070-00076872-00078576 Chris Hodgkins: and your otherwise outstanding school staff fully and freely from the deep bottom of my heart, as I hope that the Lord Jesus Christ, and my family, friends colleagues and neighbors will forgive me for my own sins and offenses. xljfgb6_myo-00071-00078720-00080076 Chris Hodgkins: So i'll expand on it a moment I have had nothing but wonderfully fruitful service and cooperation from school staff for over 30 years and i'm eager to continue this warm and fruitful collaboration. xljfgb6_myo-00072-00080160-00081642 Chris Hodgkins: Partnerships, that is one topic of mine read invited remarks today first i'll discuss George Herbert and the library's marvelous Herbert collection then i'll discuss the libraries other books and why we should care about saving them. xljfgb6_myo-00073-00081807-00083031 Chris Hodgkins: I also should know, by the way the earlier today, I experienced a brief outage in my Internet connection right here in my office which hardly ever happened so if, for some reason I go out this time it really is an accident. xljfgb6_myo-00074-00083184-00083451 Chris Hodgkins: So here we go again take two. xljfgb6_myo-00075-00083703-00083799 Chris Hodgkins: On march 18 of. xljfgb6_myo-00076-00083901-00085167 Chris Hodgkins: The young George Herbert fellow Trinity College Cambridge wrote to his stepfather so john denver's with a request that even 17th century parents often received from school, please send money. xljfgb6_myo-00077-00085290-00086346 Chris Hodgkins: Actually, it was a bit more complicated than that and somewhat more academic please send money for books wherefore i'm a little bit my case unto you have rights. xljfgb6_myo-00078-00086424-00088152 Chris Hodgkins: which I think deserves the reading at the least, and it is this I want books extremely you know, Sir, how I am now setting foot into divinity to leave the platform for my future life and shall I then be Fein always to borrow books and build another foundation. xljfgb6_myo-00079-00088260-00088611 Chris Hodgkins: But tradesmen, is there, who will set up without his tools. xljfgb6_myo-00080-00088788-00089073 Chris Hodgkins: But what we're books to George Herbert. xljfgb6_myo-00081-00089187-00090840 Chris Hodgkins: If we were to take our cue from these words alone books already him and hammer and tongs and anvil and bellows are a blacksmith or level and travel to a mason books are tools, the necessary and distinctly designed implements of his craft. xljfgb6_myo-00082-00091296-00091980 Chris Hodgkins: That sounds a little mercenary if we're surprised that one of our greatest thing was posted speaking books in such a utilitarian way. xljfgb6_myo-00083-00092073-00093291 Chris Hodgkins: that perhaps we need to remember that the making of books themselves, and even the making of poems are also cramps and that historically craft is another word for art and art it's a lofty thing. xljfgb6_myo-00084-00093378-00094491 Chris Hodgkins: Still in writing to a stepfather for money or more correctly and cajoling and stepfather to lobby george's rich eldest brother Edward bear and cherry and investor France for money. xljfgb6_myo-00085-00094575-00096006 Chris Hodgkins: parameters regarding books or as means that as ends and themselves he wants books extremely because he's a tradesman on the make and it's trade divinity or theology requires certain equipment for him to make it. xljfgb6_myo-00086-00096156-00096993 Chris Hodgkins: If we were to stop here, then you might conclude it for hurt books as tools or to be sought and either borrowed or bought in places. xljfgb6_myo-00087-00097062-00097803 Chris Hodgkins: Where many sense tools are gathered for convenience and displayed either for a loan for sale, that is in something like a warehouse. xljfgb6_myo-00088-00097878-00098520 Chris Hodgkins: And if that is the case, then both the bookstore and a library can be regarded as something like warehouses for books. xljfgb6_myo-00089-00098553-00100107 Chris Hodgkins: The main difference being that bookstores warehouse their books for one way transactions sale for money was libraries offer their books for circulatory transactions and often for free, which is why we call it the circulation desk. xljfgb6_myo-00090-00100212-00101412 Chris Hodgkins: So we begin to perceive that libraries, however many of their shelves are not merely warehouses for books but places for look books to live for books to come home to. xljfgb6_myo-00091-00101529-00102084 Chris Hodgkins: Returning to George Herbert when they look beyond his rather wheedling letter of 1618. xljfgb6_myo-00092-00102117-00102906 Chris Hodgkins: We discovered that indie books were more to him than mere useful objects books for companions books were mentors books were friends and he. xljfgb6_myo-00093-00102935-00103824 Chris Hodgkins: Probably would have agreed with his younger contemporary john Milton writing in his area virginica against press censorship that. xljfgb6_myo-00094-00103854-00105192 Chris Hodgkins: Books are not absolutely dead things but contain a potency of life in them, so that a good book is the presses lifeblood of a master spirit treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. xljfgb6_myo-00095-00105327-00105792 Chris Hodgkins: And of course in deep seated Christian faith books are not only. xljfgb6_myo-00096-00105870-00106929 Chris Hodgkins: Not only spread and preserve their writers in during words but also represented immortal records and eternal truth there is a book of judgment and a book of life. xljfgb6_myo-00097-00106992-00108702 Chris Hodgkins: And there are many books that make up one sacred book of scripture the Bible, which were in one of his poems called this book of stars obviously for writers like these books are almost literally the soul of the library. xljfgb6_myo-00098-00108804-00109929 Chris Hodgkins: Get sold or not books is tools often perform three great practical and material functions are writers and for readers then and now. xljfgb6_myo-00099-00109985-00110583 Chris Hodgkins: First, books disseminate spreading their words far beyond the power of any one voice or group. xljfgb6_myo-00100-00110640-00111918 Chris Hodgkins: To speak, or to be heard second books organized and classified making words more easily searchable through tables of contents indices page numbers headings and bibliography and third books preserve. xljfgb6_myo-00101-00111986-00112968 Chris Hodgkins: Storing exact words and the exact order of those words in stable formats, they can far out live there makers, often by centuries, sometimes by millennia. xljfgb6_myo-00102-00113079-00114603 Chris Hodgkins: Indeed, on this last point, there is nothing on earth sort of killing the fire cuneiform tablets or engraved titanium plates that will preserve words and information longer than ink on rathbone paper stored in a dry enclosed room. xljfgb6_myo-00103-00114741-00115749 Chris Hodgkins: subjective book preservation brings us to special collections and university archives, what makes school so special I tempted to say that it's the people who serve and work here. xljfgb6_myo-00104-00115835-00117345 Chris Hodgkins: In my nearly 31 years at unc G, the quality of all library staff working in acquisition care presentation digitalization and access services, particularly here in school, a preservation and restoration has been truly superb. xljfgb6_myo-00105-00117504-00118650 Chris Hodgkins: Like I mentioned many, many people, but I bear the greatest debt before first one out a librarian proper was the late at Mr Charles mentioned earlier and I never met. xljfgb6_myo-00106-00118733-00119766 Chris Hodgkins: But who taught English at women's college and uscg from 1956 to 1984 and who, on her way to becoming George herbert's first modern biographer not only defended. xljfgb6_myo-00107-00119796-00120516 Chris Hodgkins: The Free expression of views that she didn't know chair, but personally purchased most of the rare additions the Forum, the Herbert collection. xljfgb6_myo-00108-00120567-00121782 Chris Hodgkins: Second me mills, who was the rare books library, and when I joined the Faculty in 1991 and have introduced me to the Georgia recollection and to the me Charles papers and third they'll Finland. xljfgb6_myo-00109-00121902-00123158 Chris Hodgkins: who succeeded me and who fulfilled her vision of completing any Charles and server collection by finding some exceptionally rare items and then who helped me to launch the George Herbert society here and abroad. xljfgb6_myo-00110-00123267-00124128 Chris Hodgkins: Finally, carolyn schenkel has been my main practical point of contact and school for most of these years. xljfgb6_myo-00111-00124200-00125595 Chris Hodgkins: And she has been an eager patient tireless and delightfully informative partner in welcoming many hundreds, in fact, probably thousands of students faculty visitors and ordinary book lovers to finger George Herbert old pages. xljfgb6_myo-00112-00125700-00126836 Chris Hodgkins: People like this, or why whenever I enter the friendly confines of the hodges reading room, I always feel like i'm coming home and it's, not just because the furniture reminds me of my grandmother's living room set. xljfgb6_myo-00113-00126927-00128748 Chris Hodgkins: And in a rare instance of truly perfect timing, just yesterday all members of the UN CG faculty and staff receive this new issue of you mcg research but it's lovely photo essay by Richard moriarty featuring yours truly. xljfgb6_myo-00114-00128853-00129513 Chris Hodgkins: Herbert collection the Oxford ignition and our outstanding staff so you can't read them backwards. xljfgb6_myo-00115-00129780-00130374 Chris Hodgkins: But enough about the Librarians they want books extremely too so let's turn to them. xljfgb6_myo-00116-00130500-00130671 Chris Hodgkins: What else makes special collections special. xljfgb6_myo-00117-00130788-00132135 Chris Hodgkins: First is the fact that many, if not most of this item stored and archive here we're already old and rare when first acquired, for instance, the second folio copy of shakespeare's Richard the third from 1632. xljfgb6_myo-00118-00132207-00134100 Chris Hodgkins: The second printing of the first edition of milton's paradise lost from 1669 William blake handmade book of job from 1826 and, of course, all 13 early editions of George Herbert political action called the temple publish between 1633 and 1709. xljfgb6_myo-00119-00134202-00134499 Chris Hodgkins: And all of their in their own sweet little row. xljfgb6_myo-00120-00134619-00135444 Chris Hodgkins: Then there are the more recent items that were given when still relatively new with the intention of preserving them because of their intrinsic value. xljfgb6_myo-00121-00135483-00136446 Chris Hodgkins: or their connection to the school lois lane skis children's books and manuscripts randall derails papers World War one and home economics pamphlet collections. xljfgb6_myo-00122-00136482-00137481 Chris Hodgkins: Keith cushman and father jerry's gathering of all things lady generally and the bust of time curtis Smith rub shiny by all of his admirers. xljfgb6_myo-00123-00137586-00138324 Chris Hodgkins: I myself have donated the papers of to leading Herbert scholars recently deceased john Roberts and Christina malcolmson. xljfgb6_myo-00124-00138393-00139974 Chris Hodgkins: These and many other items are here because someone wants the future to have them it's a circle elections and university archives so often associated primarily with the past is actually one of you and cgs surest connections to the future. xljfgb6_myo-00125-00140160-00140700 Chris Hodgkins: There is no better example of a truly special collection and the George Herbert materials themselves. xljfgb6_myo-00126-00140748-00141732 Chris Hodgkins: Making possible school is indispensable role in bringing about the new authoritative edition of herbert's complete works from Oxford University press called. xljfgb6_myo-00127-00141777-00143427 Chris Hodgkins: George Herbert complete works, no point for originality there this edition will appear in three volumes beginning in 2023 with her its pros works and then 2024 with this Latin and Greek writings and finally in 2025 this English poetry, and especially the temple. xljfgb6_myo-00128-00143544-00144741 Chris Hodgkins: What makes an addition authoritative is that it is created by comparing the most possible manuscript and early print witnesses by that is versions of the works included. xljfgb6_myo-00129-00144846-00146697 Chris Hodgkins: and fully 22 books in the Jackson libraries Herbert collection will be either directly featured or referenced in determining the final edit a text more than from harvard's Hilton library and exceeded only by the British Library in London and the bodleian library at Oxford. xljfgb6_myo-00130-00146835-00147903 Chris Hodgkins: Furthermore, the digital compliment to George Herbert complete works will present digital captures of all these witnesses with unc geez copies being in many cases, especially featured. xljfgb6_myo-00131-00147951-00148800 Chris Hodgkins: In a free and open access format based right here at unc ag under the care of our libraries digital specialist Richard Cox. xljfgb6_myo-00132-00148851-00149562 Chris Hodgkins: Under the improvement tour of Oxford University press that's because amy Charles wanted books extremely. xljfgb6_myo-00133-00149598-00150648 Chris Hodgkins: And began in the 1950s to spend every discretionary dime of hers on rare Herbert additions because her legacy was nurtured by school is caring staff. xljfgb6_myo-00134-00150702-00151686 Chris Hodgkins: Oxford addition based on her collection suit will reform and revolutionized the reading and studying permits work for the rest of the 21st century. xljfgb6_myo-00135-00151845-00152616 Chris Hodgkins: But unless torture, but really and what's interesting about him, besides a dash of women's college or unc G pride. xljfgb6_myo-00136-00152694-00153390 Chris Hodgkins: But recently my co editor rubber waylon of northern Michigan university and I were invited to profile Herbert. xljfgb6_myo-00137-00153465-00154137 Chris Hodgkins: And our print and digital editions for digital exhibition stage for the folger Shakespeare library in Washington DC. xljfgb6_myo-00138-00154200-00155637 Chris Hodgkins: And by North Carolina State University down the road you know i'm proud to say that one of my former usc graduate students, Dr Christopher crosby now associate professor of English at nc state developed and coordinated the entire exhibition. xljfgb6_myo-00139-00155745-00157410 Chris Hodgkins: So for the next few minutes, let me walk you through our part of this virtual exhibition and in the process, introducing more fully to George Herbert and to are developing print and digital editions are new I share my screen. xljfgb6_myo-00140-00157701-00158265 Chris Hodgkins: This is also to be found a link in the chat if you want to look at it more closely. xljfgb6_myo-00141-00158442-00158982 Chris Hodgkins: The exhibition is called reforming George Herbert digital temple and new complete works. xljfgb6_myo-00142-00159072-00160374 Chris Hodgkins: we've got first of all, the digital temple which was originally encoded born digital edition published by uva and that all of his works coming forth in the authoritative Oxford text with its own digital compliment. xljfgb6_myo-00143-00160518-00161310 Chris Hodgkins: A few things about George Herbert you probably haven't heard he outsold William Shakespeare in their day. xljfgb6_myo-00144-00161415-00162462 Chris Hodgkins: He was loved by both the royals and appearance, as I mentioned the King was reading his bow to the night before he died, but some of the people who kind of his head were probably also reading it to. xljfgb6_myo-00145-00162564-00163590 Chris Hodgkins: He inspired Americans like Ralph Waldo Emerson Emily Dickinson transatlantic people like Ts eliot and Canadian Americans like Elizabeth Bishop. xljfgb6_myo-00146-00163686-00165513 Chris Hodgkins: weirdly he got quoted in American graffiti, which is something that I only noticed years later, after i'd seen the film first and 1972 I went back and her wolfman jack quote floyd floyd love took my eyes and smiling did reply, who made the eyes, but I in the back of a 1957 chevy. xljfgb6_myo-00147-00165639-00167298 Chris Hodgkins: And he was George Herbert, that is, the namesake more or less have at least one US President George Herbert Walker Bush depending on your political free to elections that may either rage you or breezy, but it is probably very true. xljfgb6_myo-00148-00167445-00168813 Chris Hodgkins: Herbert is famous for his visuals he's a writer of shaped verse he, for instance, after beginning his career in print with a poetic tribute and Latin to his dead mother. xljfgb6_myo-00149-00168870-00169836 Chris Hodgkins: A couple Maria Microsoft from he began writing poems often in the shapes of things like Easter wings here's the first manuscript. xljfgb6_myo-00150-00169905-00170994 Chris Hodgkins: that's found in the Williams library in London of these this one, or perhaps two poems each shaped like one wing of either a bird or butterfly. xljfgb6_myo-00151-00171093-00172344 Chris Hodgkins: right here is is Latin poem in his own handwriting above the truth of death, which is a kind of attack as his earlier speaks to the King of the Prince against making war. xljfgb6_myo-00152-00172452-00172800 Chris Hodgkins: And the poems here in these two Latin. xljfgb6_myo-00153-00172905-00173472 Chris Hodgkins: manuscripts are actually ones i'm working on literally today there are parts of the passion of Christ. xljfgb6_myo-00154-00173670-00174639 Chris Hodgkins: here's his will and which he left his meager goods to his wife and died very prematurely of tuberculosis. xljfgb6_myo-00155-00174798-00176592 Chris Hodgkins: A number of other books i'll scroll through these rather quickly, our President, and these are the actual shots of the copies in our library, this is the temple his most famous book published in 1633 in Cambridge have a title page, this is. xljfgb6_myo-00156-00176715-00177774 Chris Hodgkins: From that edition upon called the altar which is shaped like an altar it's about how the heart is like an altar it's almost like the letter I. xljfgb6_myo-00157-00177819-00179181 Chris Hodgkins: As he offers himself as a sacrifice living sacrifice to is gone Herbert was not a well known for most of his life and he translated a book on how to eat yourself to good health. xljfgb6_myo-00158-00179241-00180114 Chris Hodgkins: And, but he died anyway, but we have his treatise with temperance and sobriety is a monument to at least what he thought was healthy eating. xljfgb6_myo-00159-00180198-00181530 Chris Hodgkins: He translated the writings of a Spanish Catholic, even though he's a Protestant in anyone showing an interest in international and foreign points of view as well as native English points of view. xljfgb6_myo-00160-00181617-00182613 Chris Hodgkins: his book The outlandish proverbs was probably the most popular of his books in the 18th century it was a strong influence on Benjamin franklin's. xljfgb6_myo-00161-00182643-00184167 Chris Hodgkins: proverbs in poor richard's almanack, for instance, it gave a number of Proverbs to our language man proposes God disposes dispose of living well as the best revenge and god's mill Ryan slow but sure. xljfgb6_myo-00162-00184368-00184974 Chris Hodgkins: He added to that collection or it was added after his death in another collection of Proverbs. xljfgb6_myo-00163-00185073-00186516 Chris Hodgkins: His remains are also in our library, and this is the title page from that book all by the time of the 16 1520 years after Stanford and become so popular as a writer, that they were digging through whatever. xljfgb6_myo-00164-00186579-00187278 Chris Hodgkins: stacks of manuscripts that are left in order to put those in front as well, his name feature prominently featured. xljfgb6_myo-00165-00187314-00188253 Chris Hodgkins: So these were the other pros works, which is the source of our knowledge of his most famous pros work that can be person again right from our library. xljfgb6_myo-00166-00188322-00189717 Chris Hodgkins: This is what it's called the priests, to the temple or the country parson Finally, as I was saying, we can look at the evidence for the naming of our State after Prince Charles or later King Charles Carlo. xljfgb6_myo-00167-00189852-00191010 Chris Hodgkins: And then, lastly, late in later in the 17th century hubbard's letters were put into print a new letter has been discovered in the Cambridge University library will be on display. xljfgb6_myo-00168-00191052-00192414 Chris Hodgkins: During our Conference there in June, here is my co editor Robert wayland lit by the mysterious glory of the Internet and here are my lit by the mysterious glory of all books. xljfgb6_myo-00169-00192588-00192627 Chris Hodgkins: So. xljfgb6_myo-00170-00192813-00193626 Chris Hodgkins: I hope that brief run through will give you a better idea of why Herbert is now more popular today than ever. xljfgb6_myo-00171-00193710-00194571 Chris Hodgkins: And for those who wish to take a deeper dive we've dropped that only that display or exhibit link into the zoom chat but also. xljfgb6_myo-00172-00194625-00195681 Chris Hodgkins: The fuller links to the digital temple to the Oxford complete works and to the George Herbert society homepage regarding the herd society as carolyn mentioned. xljfgb6_myo-00173-00195741-00196560 Chris Hodgkins: hurts fame has grown so much globally, that in June, hundreds of her guardians will gather from around the world in England. xljfgb6_myo-00174-00196596-00197514 Chris Hodgkins: It is Cambridge University on the monitor to consider is poetry and its life and the context of the surroundings among those many colleges by the River can. xljfgb6_myo-00175-00197556-00198672 Chris Hodgkins: Have it organized by the Herbert society, which is based, right here at unc gee I like to think that amy Charles would be smiling, and perhaps also King Charles. xljfgb6_myo-00176-00198723-00199464 Chris Hodgkins: was said to have gotten over his personal peek at George Herbert and read his poems on the night before the puritans cut off his head. xljfgb6_myo-00177-00199638-00200163 Chris Hodgkins: So George everything election and school is many other collections are obviously special. xljfgb6_myo-00178-00200292-00201006 Chris Hodgkins: It looks or the soul of the library it's very reason for being, then the books archives are a kind of oversold. xljfgb6_myo-00179-00201069-00201876 Chris Hodgkins: A presiding spirit reminding us of the library central mission of dissemination search ability and preservation. xljfgb6_myo-00180-00201975-00202719 Chris Hodgkins: Over the years and decades and centuries, but what about the rest of the libraries book collection the books in the regular stacks. xljfgb6_myo-00181-00202770-00204051 Chris Hodgkins: Are they special to the library is not merely a warehouse but a place for books to come home to is this their homes well Well, yes and i'm sorry to say, maybe, no. xljfgb6_myo-00182-00204192-00204933 Chris Hodgkins: Sam we, I have to report that much to the distress of the library administration and do hundreds of US EG faculty and students. xljfgb6_myo-00183-00204981-00205983 Chris Hodgkins: who have signed letters of concern and protest, the unc library is unc libraries being forced to consider a very large and unprecedented downsizing. xljfgb6_myo-00184-00206021-00207216 Chris Hodgkins: Or what professional Librarians called D selection of its print collection I know there's this may come as a shock to some, given the fabulous recent news shared by our libraries. xljfgb6_myo-00185-00207269-00209103 Chris Hodgkins: About a library new $81 million upgrade award from the state of North Carolina however in multiple meetings this semester with Dean crumpton one, including the Chancellor himself I and other faculty have learned that as many as a quarter of the libraries books may be the selected. xljfgb6_myo-00186-00209241-00209931 Chris Hodgkins: library administrators explained that the selection may be necessary in order to accommodate OSHA requirements for sprinkler clearance. xljfgb6_myo-00187-00209967-00211632 Chris Hodgkins: In order to meet Ada requirements for accessible i'll live in order to make room for new office space and in order to expand social meeting and learning spaces notice I and a few faculty colleagues were told repeatedly that the current library renovation. xljfgb6_myo-00188-00211734-00213477 Chris Hodgkins: effort must consider the option of permanently D selecting fully a quarter of the libraries printed books that's 25% of the million plus piece collection amounting to the staggering number of 250,000 volumes, what is the selection. xljfgb6_myo-00189-00213588-00214566 Chris Hodgkins: The library administration stresses that it's not book destruction or incineration, but rather the permanent removal of print books through sale or donation. xljfgb6_myo-00190-00214632-00216411 Chris Hodgkins: it's the deliberate decision to regard great numbers of books, not as special but as expendable now having been recently, albeit briefly D selected by the library myself, they can affirm that the experience, still a little disorienting was not fatal. xljfgb6_myo-00191-00216519-00218556 Chris Hodgkins: That gave me some unanticipated extra time for other tasks and other places, similarly, we are told D selected books for for a big bird pulped or otherwise destroyed will like me find other audiences and settings except permanently no longer taking a crucial unc G space. xljfgb6_myo-00192-00218763-00218829 Chris Hodgkins: seriously. xljfgb6_myo-00193-00218979-00219165 Chris Hodgkins: Why consider the selection and all. xljfgb6_myo-00194-00219294-00220302 Chris Hodgkins: until quite recently by bringing research universities, like you, mcg agree that the primary duty of a library is first of all to preserve, protect and expand its book collection. xljfgb6_myo-00195-00220416-00221523 Chris Hodgkins: Yet now we're being told that libraries may no longer be allowed to find their primary purpose in print books but rather ending centers of Community and learning activity like everywhere else on campus. xljfgb6_myo-00196-00221655-00222654 Chris Hodgkins: Especially collections will presumably remain special but outside of school will be a tower occupied by, shall we say, not so special collections. xljfgb6_myo-00197-00223244-00223902 Chris Hodgkins: According to the library administration, the reason that this possibly massive calling of the stacks again 250,000 books. xljfgb6_myo-00198-00223983-00224969 Chris Hodgkins: or up to them, maybe regrettably have to be born it's the new supremacy of digital publication, please understand by this point in my talk, you should know that I am no one writes. xljfgb6_myo-00199-00225039-00225896 Chris Hodgkins: Letters co editor of to authoritative digital editions of George Herbert a yield to no one and praising and using the marvelous capacities and the digital media. xljfgb6_myo-00200-00225987-00227417 Chris Hodgkins: Indeed unc faculty are world leaders in digital editing with authoritative online versions, not only have George Herbert but also for instance of poets Ts eliot and and fans under the supervision of professors Anthony kuda. xljfgb6_myo-00201-00227460-00228306 Chris Hodgkins: And Jennifer Keith and the invaluable historical database of the American slavery archives assembled by Professor Warren schwaninger. xljfgb6_myo-00202-00228435-00229383 Chris Hodgkins: The digital medium enables astonishing global accessibility and many instantaneous speeches that exponentially expedite research of all sorts across all disciplines. xljfgb6_myo-00203-00229464-00230805 Chris Hodgkins: However, to return to George Herbert language books as tools when it comes to the exacting demands of scholarly research digital books lag far behind friends, particularly in the humanities, and the arts. xljfgb6_myo-00204-00230883-00231992 Chris Hodgkins: Digital texts other uses they're hard to beat for looking at words and data quickly, but as processed text, there are a lot like processed food. xljfgb6_myo-00205-00232053-00233637 Chris Hodgkins: On the unique and crunchy specificity that nourishes rigorous inquiry and has been machined out of them, you can find quotations but the frequently i'm context or rewritten to match modern usage or Worst of all rewarded to match modern case. xljfgb6_myo-00206-00233742-00234492 Chris Hodgkins: Just this month this month, I had to confirm a number of references for the Oxford edition and EPA sitting in my office, right here. xljfgb6_myo-00207-00234516-00235359 Chris Hodgkins: Trying for hours to locate the original and exact words online to EVO early English books online or in ebooks. xljfgb6_myo-00208-00235398-00236271 Chris Hodgkins: I was repeatedly able to confirm those references in minutes, since i'm walking to the library stacks and pulling those old familiar tones from the shelves. xljfgb6_myo-00209-00236331-00237258 Chris Hodgkins: print books are superior to the digital in their specific located ability, the problem with digital books is that they're both everywhere, and nowhere. xljfgb6_myo-00210-00237381-00238641 Chris Hodgkins: When exact references to particular additions manner, as they always do in serious research print books are by far the superior tools and remain the state of the art a scholarly sources. xljfgb6_myo-00211-00238737-00239642 Chris Hodgkins: But whenever the failings of digital publications in the area of search ability their most dangerous failing is in durability, or rather perish ability. xljfgb6_myo-00212-00239696-00241575 Chris Hodgkins: When it comes to the preservation of information, the digital medium entails a faustian bargain, that is, if you make the mistake of imagining digital as a sustainable replacement for print Dr fastest was promised 23 years of pleasure and power at the end of which what all go. xljfgb6_myo-00213-00241721-00242340 Chris Hodgkins: weirdly it's been about 23 years and digital books began to replace real. xljfgb6_myo-00214-00242457-00243879 Chris Hodgkins: Libraries particularly academic libraries exist not only to disseminate searchable knowledge, but even before that, to protect it over years and decades and centuries and destruction by the forces of nature. xljfgb6_myo-00215-00243917-00244854 Chris Hodgkins: And from distortion or corruption by human folly and malice no one knows better than a committed digital scholar like. xljfgb6_myo-00216-00245007-00246240 Chris Hodgkins: yours truly that the digital platforms degrade at an alarming rate compared to rag on paper interdependent on the ever changing vagaries of software and hardware mutation. xljfgb6_myo-00217-00246269-00247067 Chris Hodgkins: Corporate contracts and paywalls maintenance budgets and the increasingly if the power grid and more darkly. xljfgb6_myo-00218-00247121-00247923 Chris Hodgkins: Digital files are easily susceptible to Orwellian manipulations of all sorts, but like individuals and like governments. xljfgb6_myo-00219-00248019-00248931 Chris Hodgkins: Over the past six years our national leaders and intelligence agencies have become increasingly obsessed by the ability of bad actors, including they say each other. xljfgb6_myo-00220-00249000-00250425 Chris Hodgkins: To have delete corrupt and, worst of all rewrite programs that control commerce Defense even the voting process imagine wholesale revision of our historical or legal records without print books to check them easily. xljfgb6_myo-00221-00250485-00251379 Chris Hodgkins: Systems collapse metal the team's data goes sideways subscriptions skyrocket and then the electricity goes out. xljfgb6_myo-00222-00251439-00252767 Chris Hodgkins: Good luck locating the same ebook and 20 or even 10 years one is tempted to put the poet john keats epitaph here lies, one whose name was rick in watch her and substitute pixels. xljfgb6_myo-00223-00252906-00253437 Chris Hodgkins: If the Walter Clinton Jackson library he likes to D select them to a quarter of its print collection. xljfgb6_myo-00224-00253485-00254171 Chris Hodgkins: And the potential criteria and according to the administration is the current popularity of a book as measured by checkout frequency. xljfgb6_myo-00225-00254232-00255006 Chris Hodgkins: Can the library and guarantee that every D selected volume will be available in a stable and easily sizable digital format perpetually. xljfgb6_myo-00226-00255036-00256619 Chris Hodgkins: Regardless of software changes corporate takeovers subscription hikes and cancellations accidental program corruption well wishes hacks hardware failures data decay and power outages for hundreds of years. xljfgb6_myo-00227-00256791-00257948 Chris Hodgkins: Can the library digitally reproduced it's print knowledge in a way that doesn't involve copyright infringement and that has even remotely the low to no cost staying power of ink on rag on paper. xljfgb6_myo-00228-00258054-00258156 Chris Hodgkins: I sadly doubted. xljfgb6_myo-00229-00258282-00258333 Chris Hodgkins: In fact. xljfgb6_myo-00230-00258483-00259623 Chris Hodgkins: we're already downsizing increasingly expensive digital resources recently library assistant Dean template know was forced to inform the history and English departments, that the online subscription. xljfgb6_myo-00231-00259646-00260271 Chris Hodgkins: To a crucial Renaissance resource 16th century journal would have to be cancelled due to budget shortfalls. xljfgb6_myo-00232-00260367-00261252 Chris Hodgkins: Because our departments of history, English and modern languages is deeply committed to Renaissance studies with consortium memberships in the folder Institute and the American Shakespeare Center. xljfgb6_myo-00233-00261294-00263163 Chris Hodgkins: TIM was kind enough to allow us to recent scribe online using our own funds, but if we purchase the picture those lead now have them for keeps if the library is already canceling digital resources by contemplating a massive removal of print resources, where are we heading as a university. xljfgb6_myo-00234-00263289-00264648 Chris Hodgkins: found out libraries can burn down books can be stolen acid based paper crumbles to dust and bookworms mold and even look lies do exist i'm not here at unc g. xljfgb6_myo-00235-00264771-00265638 Chris Hodgkins: And no one is arguing against digital backup or handicap accessible resources online, least of all me. xljfgb6_myo-00236-00265722-00266664 Chris Hodgkins: But any reasonable person will have to agree with the following proposition, the chances of the very many 150 year old books and unc geez ordinary specs. xljfgb6_myo-00237-00266721-00268278 Chris Hodgkins: dimension, the 15 year old books surviving no search for 500 years is simply left alone in a dry enclosed room are exponentially greater than the chances of unaltered survival for the same number of ebooks and at a fraction of the car. xljfgb6_myo-00238-00268485-00268632 Chris Hodgkins: How did it come to this. xljfgb6_myo-00239-00268833-00268935 Chris Hodgkins: I wondered myself. xljfgb6_myo-00240-00269040-00269481 Chris Hodgkins: I had the pleasure of serving and on the library's masterplan space team. xljfgb6_myo-00241-00269583-00270543 Chris Hodgkins: which included academic faculty and library staff and which visited many southeastern university libraries during that spring to spark ideas and then help. xljfgb6_myo-00242-00270588-00270966 Chris Hodgkins: consult with the architects who drew up the eventual first round of rebuild plan. xljfgb6_myo-00243-00271041-00271734 Chris Hodgkins: I saw those plans and at that time they included significantly expanded books backspace within the larger library footprint. xljfgb6_myo-00244-00271770-00272892 Chris Hodgkins: As well as the exciting creation of a new West instruments new administrative offices and more flexible space for student group study and social life, although OSHA and Ada mandates were mentioned. xljfgb6_myo-00245-00272955-00273720 Chris Hodgkins: Certainly there's no discussion that I ever heard about downsizing the collection or D selecting 250,000 volumes or even 25,000. xljfgb6_myo-00246-00273795-00274860 Chris Hodgkins: In a presentation just this semester, do you want to see us EG alumni and alumnae 19 trumpton mentioned the possibility of a build out on the library tower for increased bookstores. xljfgb6_myo-00247-00274965-00275469 Chris Hodgkins: began, even after receiving two thirds of the original 120 million requested. xljfgb6_myo-00248-00275592-00276528 Chris Hodgkins: Librarians what honestly dismayed at the prospect of D selecting up to a quarter of reflection and system all options must remain on the table. xljfgb6_myo-00249-00276588-00277695 Chris Hodgkins: And to deferring that decision to designers rather than making it themselves or library administrators, regretfully insist that the issue space, not the books themselves. xljfgb6_myo-00250-00277752-00279267 Chris Hodgkins: Before 120 million for expanded stacked isn't there, inflation is driving up building cars Putin is attacking the Ukraine and something has to give so hundreds of thousands of less loves books, they have to go. xljfgb6_myo-00251-00279378-00281028 Chris Hodgkins: does what should be a cause for rejoicing at $1 million and what also a cause for new capital campaign with an awesome to the one match ratio is now in danger of becoming an exercise and coordinated and managed decline. xljfgb6_myo-00252-00281175-00282060 Chris Hodgkins: The current justifications for devaluing print digital is roomier digital is cheaper it's all this clicker digital is way cooler. xljfgb6_myo-00253-00282150-00282717 Chris Hodgkins: did not survive close inspection, but it comes to search quality or items sustainability, as I said. xljfgb6_myo-00254-00282804-00283428 Chris Hodgkins: Right, and they also ignore the terrible blow this downsize and with delivered to the academic reputation of unc g. xljfgb6_myo-00255-00283512-00284097 Chris Hodgkins: For one crucial measure that scholars us to rank university since December volumes in our stacks. xljfgb6_myo-00256-00284193-00284850 Chris Hodgkins: If we want to ensure unc geez consignment the second and third rate research standards this election is a fine way to do it. xljfgb6_myo-00257-00284940-00286182 Chris Hodgkins: Though for decades unc JI has been punching far above our weight in world class research excellence, the selection little reminders never to presume again to rise above our station. xljfgb6_myo-00258-00286320-00286617 Chris Hodgkins: I can recall when under Chancellor Patricia sell them. xljfgb6_myo-00259-00286776-00287559 Chris Hodgkins: unc proudly announced the acquisition of its millions of volume that original 1826 imprint of will you blake's illustrated book of job. xljfgb6_myo-00260-00287670-00289014 Chris Hodgkins: And now, Chancellor frank gilliam is wonderfully achieved, along with interim Dean crumpton this long delayed outcome by securing this exciting state library research renovation grant. xljfgb6_myo-00261-00289128-00290748 Chris Hodgkins: It has been unc geez commitment to library book acquisitions, along with our digital expansion and are generally supportive and friendly collegial environment for research that i've attracted some of the country's leading scholar teachers to our campus and kept them here. xljfgb6_myo-00262-00290865-00291129 Chris Hodgkins: However, this possible culling the look static this. xljfgb6_myo-00263-00291174-00292692 Chris Hodgkins: destination more than twice over, of our collections we present a negative inflection points that could irreparably damaged our classroom teaching professional service commitment, as well as our ability to attract and retain high level scholars. xljfgb6_myo-00264-00292824-00293715 Chris Hodgkins: It is not a bizarre idea, or should it be controversial, to insist that job number one for research library is to keep and protect its books. xljfgb6_myo-00265-00293742-00294453 Chris Hodgkins: And therefore, the libraries design plan let's prioritize increase stack space, as originally envisioned. xljfgb6_myo-00266-00294552-00295638 Chris Hodgkins: The libraries recent upgrades and study areas have been wonderful all that comfy furniture portable whiteboards those groups 30 cubicles that will cook it others so well deployed. xljfgb6_myo-00267-00295704-00296730 Chris Hodgkins: And the libraries digital resources seem, for the time being well manage other hosts we've observed even digital resources are increasingly endangered by cancellation themselves. xljfgb6_myo-00268-00296814-00298260 Chris Hodgkins: But computer servers and super admin steady space can go anywhere on campus library is not but warehouse for expendable volumes awaiting removal, the correct swing space, the library is a home for books awaiting their future readers. xljfgb6_myo-00269-00298464-00298752 Chris Hodgkins: Having repeatedly mentioned the future, allow me to end. xljfgb6_myo-00270-00298809-00299919 Chris Hodgkins: With a pair of illustrations in response to the proposal that we might D select a quarter million books, based on their current or near future popularity or unpopularity with library patrons. xljfgb6_myo-00271-00299985-00301524 Chris Hodgkins: And I must note that the library's current statistics documenting the decline in print circulation for some reason include the deflated numbers of the pandemic years years, shall we say, virtually zero circulation well everyone was out of circulation. xljfgb6_myo-00272-00301629-00302517 Chris Hodgkins: Still, many of the rare books that I use and I need many of the writers, that I teach have endured long periods of neglect and unpopularity. xljfgb6_myo-00273-00302586-00303984 Chris Hodgkins: George herbert's friend and contemporary john Donne after a burst of fame in the early 17th century dropped largely out of view as a poet for over 20 years being remembered mainly as a clergyman by church historians. xljfgb6_myo-00274-00304092-00304917 Chris Hodgkins: 18th and 19th century readers who picked up dense perch we were all well generally found him to be rude flashy and inappropriate. xljfgb6_myo-00275-00305010-00306945 Chris Hodgkins: Then rather suddenly in the early 20th century done was reborn it's the great poet modern before his time a model for all true muscular artists, a man, no longer an island is bells tolling loudly for the and for me lionized by everyone from Ts eliot Ernest Hemingway to Neil gaiman. xljfgb6_myo-00276-00307071-00307899 Chris Hodgkins: George Herbert himself being a best seller throughout the 17th century fell out of fashion until a limited revival among the Victorian episcopalians. xljfgb6_myo-00277-00307932-00308841 Chris Hodgkins: And New England Literati followed by another em until the end of World War Two where the john Donne revival brought her bricks and reflective learning. xljfgb6_myo-00278-00308889-00310422 Chris Hodgkins: And then sudden from the 1950s, to the present the greatest Anglo American poets from Elliot and Anthony hex and Elizabeth Bishop Ted Hughes the Philip Larkin and Seamus Heaney and he went cgs own Nobel Prize winning Louise click. xljfgb6_myo-00279-00310563-00312024 Chris Hodgkins: are citing Herbert as a crucial influence and, dare I mentioned thousands of women and minority writers overlooked or undervalued or despise for decades or centuries, who now virtually support today's academic publishing industry. xljfgb6_myo-00280-00312138-00312405 Chris Hodgkins: Thank heaven that they were not entirely these elected. xljfgb6_myo-00281-00312525-00313212 Chris Hodgkins: The President should not decide, even by accident what the future will not know. xljfgb6_myo-00282-00313404-00313710 Chris Hodgkins: and live school is special and rare books themselves. xljfgb6_myo-00283-00313854-00315003 Chris Hodgkins: Most weren't so special we'll start with and many soon became worthless only to take on a second precious life beyond life hundreds of years later, as windows, in the past world. xljfgb6_myo-00284-00315087-00315912 Chris Hodgkins: I can think of a particular puritan track that I studied in the British Library john reynolds's the overthrow of stage plays from 1599. xljfgb6_myo-00285-00315963-00317040 Chris Hodgkins: And Andy theatrical dad for by a man who was great beauty and power also translated the poetically splendid book of Isaiah for the King James Bible it's 1611. xljfgb6_myo-00286-00317169-00318063 Chris Hodgkins: Well Reynolds is great translation is achieved literary and mortality is screen again staging thing fill in a favor at the restoration of Charles second. xljfgb6_myo-00287-00318111-00320040 Chris Hodgkins: And until it within 70 years nearly all copies had disappeared either thrown into the printers pump that or hyundai a string in someone's jake's and repurposed page by page to wipe his or her bum REG bond was the early modern Sherman. xljfgb6_myo-00288-00320169-00320910 Chris Hodgkins: But somewhere along the way, someone decided to spare this one copy or just forgot about it for another hundred years on a shelf. xljfgb6_myo-00289-00320964-00322275 Chris Hodgkins: Until sometime in the 1770s england's young King George the third and ardent bibliophile so buyers about the realm snapping up everything in print new or old famous or forgotten, for his private collection. xljfgb6_myo-00290-00322314-00323028 Chris Hodgkins: The collection which another 50 years later than dying King deed into the nation forming the core of the British Library. xljfgb6_myo-00291-00323160-00324891 Chris Hodgkins: Once potentially toilet paper Reynolds strident little book is not precious beyond release for one like me who seeks to cross the dark backward in time and discover how his great poetic mind that also have been so small for theater was concerned. xljfgb6_myo-00292-00325038-00326235 Chris Hodgkins: I suggest to them that the only thing separating every single book in unc geez perhaps not so special collections from such priceless This is indeed time. xljfgb6_myo-00293-00326361-00327396 Chris Hodgkins: That the obsolete books which many now think too old man or not quite old enough save will within the next 50 to 100 years. xljfgb6_myo-00294-00327429-00329124 Chris Hodgkins: become genuinely rare so now by researchers who want books extremely because they are unable to find them among all those evanescent digital volumes and the selected print books that evaporated online or disappeared so soon down the memory hole. xljfgb6_myo-00295-00329226-00329790 Chris Hodgkins: Then, having survived the bonfire of the virtual vanities old will become new again. xljfgb6_myo-00296-00329901-00331143 Chris Hodgkins: When we ourselves are long past our names forgotten except perhaps in books, the books themselves will be traveling into the future if we give them time now. xljfgb6_myo-00297-00331263-00331512 Chris Hodgkins: If you agree, please make your views known. xljfgb6_myo-00298-00331716-00333108 Chris Hodgkins: For example, North carolina's poet laureate emeritus wrote in words a fixed to the library's entrance in 2006 here are patient friends await to open to us their minds and hearts. xljfgb6_myo-00299-00333252-00334422 Chris Hodgkins: It is hard to think of those hundreds of thousands of friends in the stacks waiting patiently patiently waiting for the selection, how much wiser how much router. xljfgb6_myo-00300-00334827-00335514 Chris Hodgkins: For us to find the will and the means to make a new and improved home or all of these books can live. xljfgb6_myo-00301-00335667-00335757 Chris Hodgkins: Thank you very much. xljfgb6_myo-00302-00336021-00336411 Beth Koelsch: If you have any questions or comments, please put them in the chat. xljfgb6_myo-00303-00337170-00337578 Michael Crumpton: Thank you, Chris will give a give a few minutes for questions to come up. xljfgb6_myo-00304-00337605-00337845 Chris Hodgkins: I shouldn't I just click on the chat with somebody going to. xljfgb6_myo-00305-00337977-00338082 Michael Crumpton: back down to read them. xljfgb6_myo-00306-00338238-00338367 Michael Crumpton: I haven't seen a question yet. xljfgb6_myo-00307-00338625-00339030 Chris Hodgkins: And there were a few that came up well, I was talking before he wasn't able to attend to those. xljfgb6_myo-00308-00339114-00339312 Beth Koelsch: Those are all links that Patrick sent out. xljfgb6_myo-00309-00339312-00339405 Chris Hodgkins: Oh, I see Thank you. xljfgb6_myo-00310-00339522-00339597 Beth Koelsch: George Herbert. xljfgb6_myo-00311-00339711-00339795 Chris Hodgkins: Right yeah. xljfgb6_myo-00312-00340353-00340551 Chris Hodgkins: Well, I have a little extra time on my hands i'm. xljfgb6_myo-00313-00340671-00340731 Chris Hodgkins: willing to. xljfgb6_myo-00314-00341886-00342012 Chris Hodgkins: Thank you, Maria i'm glad you like. xljfgb6_myo-00315-00343809-00344331 Chris Hodgkins: or other buildings, be considered for storage Mike perhaps I can ask you. xljfgb6_myo-00316-00344406-00344505 Chris Hodgkins: To respond to that. xljfgb6_myo-00317-00344592-00345249 Michael Crumpton: That comes under the category one of the options that's being explored, but nothing definitive has been set up yet. xljfgb6_myo-00318-00345759-00345990 Chris Hodgkins: And there is of course off site storage already. xljfgb6_myo-00319-00346125-00346182 Chris Hodgkins: In. xljfgb6_myo-00320-00346233-00346320 Michael Crumpton: in person. xljfgb6_myo-00321-00346329-00346866 Chris Hodgkins: In Ferguson, building correct, although that's kind of reached near capacity or no i'm not aware. xljfgb6_myo-00322-00346875-00347043 Michael Crumpton: Oh yeah that's that's that capacity. xljfgb6_myo-00323-00347064-00347085 yeah. xljfgb6_myo-00324-00347475-00348033 Chris Hodgkins: what's the most surprising thing that I ever found in a physical book. xljfgb6_myo-00325-00348141-00348225 Chris Hodgkins: Oh gosh. xljfgb6_myo-00326-00348450-00348507 Chris Hodgkins: I. xljfgb6_myo-00327-00348726-00348816 Chris Hodgkins: found. xljfgb6_myo-00328-00348924-00348978 Chris Hodgkins: A. xljfgb6_myo-00329-00349119-00349344 Chris Hodgkins: photograph this was in. xljfgb6_myo-00330-00349512-00350571 Chris Hodgkins: I think it was a public library a photograph of somebody having traveled to the place that was being discussed in the book. xljfgb6_myo-00331-00350616-00352293 Chris Hodgkins: And then another case there was something if this was interesting I found us as a bookmark in one copy of the New Testament it was in the book of acts and Chapter 17 or Paul is speaking in in Athens and someone had put. xljfgb6_myo-00332-00352443-00353538 Chris Hodgkins: A piece of grass and I think there was a little marker and they had saying from Athens, so they were it taken this new testament to Athens with them, they pluck this piece of grass least they said they did. xljfgb6_myo-00333-00353634-00354483 Chris Hodgkins: I think of some others if it comes others come to mind, of course, the marvelous surprises you get from reading people's marginalia. xljfgb6_myo-00334-00354564-00356550 Chris Hodgkins: One discipline that once I had I didn't it was associated with our library, no, no fault hear me mill sent me to London in 1992 in order to look well, I was going anyway, but to look at so in soho and booksellers that was selling different manly Hopkins personal copy of the temple. xljfgb6_myo-00335-00356667-00357690 Chris Hodgkins: And Hopkins was a great 19th century poet who was strongly influenced by Herbert so I went and looked at this and I person I was expecting to find all kinds of marvelous. xljfgb6_myo-00336-00357801-00358365 Chris Hodgkins: notes from the great poet on herbert's previous influence and instead. xljfgb6_myo-00337-00358476-00359385 Chris Hodgkins: I found where the NUTS that he wrote at the beginning of the book when when he took Jesuit holy orders he seems to be a product and became a Catholic, he. xljfgb6_myo-00338-00359436-00360240 Chris Hodgkins: He had to give up George Herbert to enter the just would order because George Herbert what's considered to be a worldly book by the Jesuits I remember that. xljfgb6_myo-00339-00360282-00360888 Chris Hodgkins: And then is see give it to a sister and sister also eventually joined the Convent and she had to give up reading George Herbert. xljfgb6_myo-00340-00360936-00362187 Chris Hodgkins: before she went into the column that i'm sure that Catholic readers I know this for a fact i've gotten so far more welcoming and Herbert now, but in the 19th century, and not so much so, those are some things I found in the margins. xljfgb6_myo-00341-00362433-00362970 Chris Hodgkins: What desired space would have to be rejected in order to preserve until hundred and 50,000 books. xljfgb6_myo-00342-00363402-00363468 Michael Crumpton: That to me. xljfgb6_myo-00343-00363555-00363870 Chris Hodgkins: Well, I can speak to it, but why don't you speak to it first week since. xljfgb6_myo-00344-00363981-00364023 Michael Crumpton: Well, the. xljfgb6_myo-00345-00364098-00364170 Michael Crumpton: business plan. xljfgb6_myo-00346-00364320-00365553 Michael Crumpton: For the master space plan talked about a lot of different uses of space, including convening space for campus use the common ballroom which is typically used for large. xljfgb6_myo-00347-00365625-00366693 Michael Crumpton: convening activities is really student owned and so there needs to be more convening space on campus technology group study rooms things like that is where. xljfgb6_myo-00348-00366747-00367830 Michael Crumpton: We what we saw in some of the site visits back in 2018 that Chris talked about maker spaces, a lot of different types of things that academic libraries are now pursuing. xljfgb6_myo-00349-00367890-00369051 Michael Crumpton: In order to facilitate the pedagogy needs and across a variety of disciplines, so the the big issue starts with the Ada compliance because we're not encode. xljfgb6_myo-00350-00369090-00370200 Michael Crumpton: So, even with the existing structure we have that issue, but then there are other other potential desirable space related features that were being considered. xljfgb6_myo-00351-00370614-00371349 Chris Hodgkins: Oh, if I recall one of the possibilities in the earlier plan that I saw was indeed. xljfgb6_myo-00352-00371469-00373401 Chris Hodgkins: Building out in within the footprint of the current library new storage space and that, as I mentioned in my talk is i've confirmed in looking at some links sent to me, my friends, the crumpton was actually mentioning this possibility quite recently to a group of alarms so. xljfgb6_myo-00353-00373524-00375696 Chris Hodgkins: Obviously there are trade offs to be made, but of course my argument is that the primary importance of preserving friend should take precedence and create some changes and adjustments in other areas, now it's quite possible that there there's eight copies of some. xljfgb6_myo-00354-00375798-00376413 Chris Hodgkins: of some Jacqueline Suzanne novel from 1975 or something perhaps we can hold on to only seven of them. xljfgb6_myo-00355-00376542-00377916 Chris Hodgkins: Of course they'll fall apart into dust, there are certain books that probably aren't going to last physically and those should be I suppose looked at, but our our prejudices always be in favor of preserving them. xljfgb6_myo-00356-00378063-00378816 Chris Hodgkins: Maria Sanchez asked me to mention something about the books as wealth and that's a great time he heard me talking about how like. xljfgb6_myo-00357-00378891-00380046 Chris Hodgkins: painters and musicians works that in their own time, and soon after maybe devalued and ignored that's actually pretty normal in human history eventually over time. xljfgb6_myo-00358-00380103-00381195 Chris Hodgkins: either because of the change and taste and change and outlook, or simply by the increasing rarity of that object become extraordinarily valuable. xljfgb6_myo-00359-00381315-00382293 Chris Hodgkins: And of course that's very much true of the Herbert collection, one of the devices of course of of what collectors who are building for the purposes of. xljfgb6_myo-00360-00382410-00382920 Chris Hodgkins: enrichment, is that they cease treating the books as. xljfgb6_myo-00361-00383133-00384321 Chris Hodgkins: As extensions of human minds with which you can have a conversation and which you can open and touch and read and to treat them as you would a great work of art in a museum behind glass. xljfgb6_myo-00362-00384372-00385107 Chris Hodgkins: that one of the wonderful things about our special collections is that it's This is especially true the 17th century books. xljfgb6_myo-00363-00385170-00385827 Chris Hodgkins: of our staff understands that actually up to a certain what is very good for all books to be handled by people. xljfgb6_myo-00364-00385917-00386937 Chris Hodgkins: Because they are made out of these durable materials that respond to human contact a little bit of human perspiration a little bit of human skin. xljfgb6_myo-00365-00387012-00388347 Chris Hodgkins: sitter a nifty oil is actually good at settling the pages so it's not hard to get these great books in your hands and our special collections they'll bring them to you at a table and. xljfgb6_myo-00366-00388443-00389373 Chris Hodgkins: regularly, day after day, encourage you to handle them and hold them it's not a white gloves place obviously you're not supposed to bring ink or kindle a flame. xljfgb6_myo-00367-00389436-00390882 Chris Hodgkins: But the the idea that we're holding a piece of history is balanced, with the idea that history, you know it's the past but it's not even past there's a contemporary dialogue going so. xljfgb6_myo-00368-00390969-00392850 Chris Hodgkins: Even though these things are very valuable now and material and monetary terms, their value is for us here at unc G, based on the ongoing conversation that we have with us books, I hope that speaks to maria's interests. xljfgb6_myo-00369-00392943-00393186 Michael Crumpton: As, can I ask, I answer a tony's question. xljfgb6_myo-00370-00393192-00393339 Chris Hodgkins: Go ahead, please. xljfgb6_myo-00371-00393408-00393915 Michael Crumpton: So the reason we keep talking about needing to get the designers at the table. xljfgb6_myo-00372-00393918-00394020 Michael Crumpton: Is because. xljfgb6_myo-00373-00394050-00394884 Michael Crumpton: The master space plan that we've been referring to was done by a different group of designers and with different money targets and so. xljfgb6_myo-00374-00394962-00395718 Michael Crumpton: what's going to happen when we do get the designers at the table and get a group moving forward which isn't going to be to mentally summer. xljfgb6_myo-00375-00395760-00396738 Michael Crumpton: there's they're going to have a two year planning window and in that planning window they're going to seek out stakeholder groups both individual or in mass. xljfgb6_myo-00376-00396798-00397296 Michael Crumpton: To get feedback from students from faculty from you know all kind of different stakeholders. xljfgb6_myo-00377-00397332-00398214 Michael Crumpton: In that is going to be the best way to provide feedback, because that will be done for anything is touched the female before drawings are developed or anything like that. xljfgb6_myo-00378-00398259-00399066 Michael Crumpton: And so that's that's going to be the time to express the desire not to be select is is when you're when we're in front of the larger group. xljfgb6_myo-00379-00399462-00400320 Chris Hodgkins: I have a question from Professor kota who I mentioned in the lecture, which is obviously something that would pull him in and actually listened today. xljfgb6_myo-00380-00400425-00401124 Chris Hodgkins: Man is, can you tell concerned library users and supporters, the best way to convey your opposition to the potential, the selection. xljfgb6_myo-00381-00401235-00402978 Chris Hodgkins: Resolution well we ourselves Professor could, and I, along with Professor Karen kill cup have I don't want to say elected ourselves, but we step forward at a time when we were concerned and collected. xljfgb6_myo-00382-00403116-00404217 Chris Hodgkins: Close to 200 signatures of faculty which which were added many more of our graduate students so you're welcome just to reach out to us individually personally but. xljfgb6_myo-00383-00404253-00405138 Chris Hodgkins: we've also suggested that you contact the Chair of our Board of Trustees that you contact our Chancellor, that you can take Dean crumpton. xljfgb6_myo-00384-00405240-00406425 Chris Hodgkins: And you contact our promise the academic officers their email addresses are all found right there at those websites and express obviously courteously and similarly. xljfgb6_myo-00385-00406530-00407466 Chris Hodgkins: your concerns, and again I want to reiterate that challenge we understand the incremental that. xljfgb6_myo-00386-00407544-00408858 Chris Hodgkins: There are financial trade offs involved and I saw those earlier plans and they looked lovely and I saw some other plans which you had shown to the alumni and let's look exciting in terms of the architecture, but. xljfgb6_myo-00387-00408993-00409566 Chris Hodgkins: Perhaps we can give up a cathedral ceiling or two in order to make sure that our. xljfgb6_myo-00388-00409697-00410939 Chris Hodgkins: Books are preserved and there are let's be frank plenty of places on campus that can be enhanced for students gathering to study together, including our library, of course. xljfgb6_myo-00389-00411135-00412193 Chris Hodgkins: there's even places we could put servers but book storage in our the view of many of the Faculty is the primary purpose of the library. xljfgb6_myo-00390-00412368-00413049 Chris Hodgkins: But like raises the question of current policy for a COPA de collected I don't know if D collecting so we're yeah I should have said, the selecting. xljfgb6_myo-00391-00413232-00413967 Chris Hodgkins: What raises the question of what current policy is for the selecting the reason I raised that question is that. xljfgb6_myo-00392-00414129-00415097 Chris Hodgkins: We when we asked him, we had a quite straightforward conversation Tony kuda and Karen killed by little, with Dean crumpton and assistant Dean butanol. xljfgb6_myo-00393-00415143-00415971 Chris Hodgkins: Oh, when we asked what grounds, the decision will be made, we were told that there's plenty of books that haven't been checked out in 20 3040 years. xljfgb6_myo-00394-00416085-00417668 Chris Hodgkins: Of course that doesn't surprise me I use a lot of books that have hardly been checked out in 30 to 40 or 50 years, often in the theology section, for instance, some of the history of it, but also that there. xljfgb6_myo-00395-00417777-00419585 Chris Hodgkins: has been a demonstrable decline in the number of books overall being checked out i'm not surprised by that especially obviously as people turn to the Internet and to online books I I use it myself, however, I do think that we need to come to terms with. xljfgb6_myo-00396-00419697-00419747 Chris Hodgkins: The. xljfgb6_myo-00397-00419897-00421083 Chris Hodgkins: The magical thinking that often goes into trusting that the digital is going somehow to be sustained over time. xljfgb6_myo-00398-00421137-00421926 Chris Hodgkins: That may happen, although all those factors that I mentioned, are all real factors are all pressing in on the. xljfgb6_myo-00399-00421985-00423354 Chris Hodgkins: sustainability of the digital whereas a book that's well made book, especially if it's made out of nicely sustainable materials, if you don't put it on fire, if you don't don't get into larger if you stick it in a. xljfgb6_myo-00400-00423429-00424512 Chris Hodgkins: Good vertical position and hold it in place or even if you don't it's going to be there for hundreds of years it just will it's just going to happen so all of those. xljfgb6_myo-00401-00424617-00425904 Chris Hodgkins: Those contingencies that are quite unlikely to impinge on the survival of ebooks for even 10 1520 years just don't apply when it comes to print. xljfgb6_myo-00402-00425982-00427713 Chris Hodgkins: So if we're interested in preserving the information that we have it already belongs to us, perhaps we should say belongs to the people of North Carolina perhaps it belongs to our citizens, and not just to us, or to our library staff faculty. xljfgb6_myo-00403-00427839-00428789 Chris Hodgkins: It is why is as well as respectful of the human beings who are represented by those books. xljfgb6_myo-00404-00428904-00429345 Chris Hodgkins: that's the end of my reflection on that question. xljfgb6_myo-00405-00429531-00430338 Michael Crumpton: Well, if there's no more questions we probably should wrap it up, I did someone didn't deliver my copy of this so congratulations, Chris it. xljfgb6_myo-00406-00430347-00430397 Chris Hodgkins: sounds good. xljfgb6_myo-00407-00430509-00431976 Chris Hodgkins: involved in that Thank you so much, and I do appreciate your rescheduling this event it's i'm sure this was this wasn't easy for me, but I know it must have been much harder for you and your staff, and I do understand and appreciate back. xljfgb6_myo-00408-00432164-00432999 Chris Hodgkins: So with that I thank you and I look forward to further conversations and dialogues and given take. xljfgb6_myo-00409-00433101-00433218 Michael Crumpton: Thank you, Sir wait a tip. xn_VZUj4j8I-00000-00000000-00000150 . yogEj6SteG0-00000-00000007-00000298 Before we start today, goldies back! yogEj6SteG0-00001-00000298-00000667 Smells good, all refreshed, back from raplapla. yogEj6SteG0-00002-00000667-00001034 With an adorable diagnosis and complete prescription. yogEj6SteG0-00003-00001034-00001198 Alright goldie, take your place. yogEj6SteG0-00004-00001198-00001771 After 40 years of dormancy Montreal is exploding back onto the scene with hundreds of kilometers yogEj6SteG0-00005-00001771-00001871 of transit projects. yogEj6SteG0-00006-00001871-00002186 But with billions of dollars being discussed will they actually happen[1]? yogEj6SteG0-00007-00002186-00002560 I’m opening my spreadsheet of all of Montreal’s transit projects to take them in order from yogEj6SteG0-00008-00002560-00002715 most likely to happen to... yogEj6SteG0-00009-00002715-00002815 Pink yogEj6SteG0-00010-00002815-00002915 line. yogEj6SteG0-00011-00002915-00003015 Oh. yogEj6SteG0-00012-00003015-00003115 Sick. yogEj6SteG0-00013-00003115-00003215 Burn. yogEj6SteG0-00014-00003215-00003315 If your a nerd. yogEj6SteG0-00015-00003315-00003415 Shovel In The Ground yogEj6SteG0-00016-00003415-00003582 To start off, let’s look at the projects that currently have shovels in the ground. yogEj6SteG0-00017-00003582-00004036 Coming in as the most likely yet most boring thing on the list is the Côte-Vertu garage[2]. yogEj6SteG0-00018-00004036-00004214 The broccoli of transit projects. yogEj6SteG0-00019-00004214-00004589 It’s cost effective, it's good for you but.... yogEj6SteG0-00020-00004589-00005018 This is infrastructure so behind the scenes that the public can’t even physically see yogEj6SteG0-00021-00005018-00005118 it. yogEj6SteG0-00022-00005118-00005403 The garage sits underground on the orange line at Côte-Vertu. yogEj6SteG0-00023-00005403-00005767 It stores empty trains and can fire them onto the line when it is Rush hour. yogEj6SteG0-00024-00005767-00006282 You know that glorious feeling when an empty fresh train shows up at a crowded platform? yogEj6SteG0-00025-00006282-00006623 That’s precisely what this is going to do. yogEj6SteG0-00026-00006623-00007068 The garage also contains a maintenance facility for the new Azur trains. yogEj6SteG0-00027-00007068-00007434 I guess those are completely made by Alstom now[3]. yogEj6SteG0-00028-00007434-00007923 At five hundred million it’s cost effective for a subterranean project and should be completed yogEj6SteG0-00029-00007923-00008023 next year. yogEj6SteG0-00030-00008023-00008324 It was going to be completed this year[4], but then along came yogEj6SteG0-00031-00008324-00008463 ...the bad thing. yogEj6SteG0-00032-00008463-00008967 You’ll know when it’s nearing completion because Côte-Vertu is going to be closed yogEj6SteG0-00033-00008967-00009424 for 3 months in the project's final phase to connect all of the hard work that they’ve yogEj6SteG0-00034-00009424-00009524 been doing. yogEj6SteG0-00035-00009524-00009881 CBC will head down there, and a local will be like, “I don’t like the station being yogEj6SteG0-00036-00009881-00010153 closed, but it’ll be nice to have a less crowded metro” yogEj6SteG0-00037-00010153-00010438 “That’s great, thankyou, for you feedback” yogEj6SteG0-00038-00010438-00010836 Well worth the inconvenience for the benefits that anyone who takes the orange line during yogEj6SteG0-00039-00010836-00011103 rush hour for the next 100 years. yogEj6SteG0-00040-00011103-00011550 The REM, probably the biggest single mass transit build in Canadian history. yogEj6SteG0-00041-00011550-00012122 It’s a fully automated 67 kilometre long transit system with above ground viaducts yogEj6SteG0-00042-00012122-00012505 and below ground portions in densely populated urban areas. yogEj6SteG0-00043-00012505-00012676 It’s almost like I’ve said this before. yogEj6SteG0-00044-00012676-00013322 The project is currently coming in at 6.5 billion dollars, around a hundred million yogEj6SteG0-00045-00013322-00013635 dollars per kilometre, which is pretty cheap. yogEj6SteG0-00046-00013635-00013735 For now. yogEj6SteG0-00047-00013735-00014205 It connects the West Island, Deux Montaine and the Airport to Downtown and Brossard and yogEj6SteG0-00048-00014205-00014401 should be finished in 2024. yogEj6SteG0-00049-00014401-00014669 Unless something happens yogEj6SteG0-00050-00014669-00014919 Last Chance SNC. yogEj6SteG0-00051-00014919-00015313 The third project which currently has shovels in the ground is the bus rapid transport system yogEj6SteG0-00052-00015313-00015416 on Pie IX. yogEj6SteG0-00053-00015416-00015772 This runs 13 km from St Maarten in Laval to St Catherine. yogEj6SteG0-00054-00015772-00016299 It is a dedicated route with frequent buses, live timetables and large comfortable shelters yogEj6SteG0-00055-00016299-00016570 that are spaced out further than regular bus stops. yogEj6SteG0-00056-00016570-00017064 It’s also using location detection technology to give automatic priority at traffic lights yogEj6SteG0-00057-00017064-00017536 so a bus on this route is going to fly down it 10 minutes faster than a regular bus. yogEj6SteG0-00058-00017536-00017955 A nice thing about the project was the different government agencies worked together to do yogEj6SteG0-00059-00017955-00018223 all the work on the road at once and save on costs. yogEj6SteG0-00060-00018223-00018668 None of that “WTF, they just dug this road up” shit that you see all the time on projects yogEj6SteG0-00061-00018668-00019080 in Montreal because the the pipe guys didn’t talk to the road guys. yogEj6SteG0-00062-00019080-00019605 So for a cost of 400 million dollars we’re getting a full changeout of sewers and everything yogEj6SteG0-00063-00019605-00019808 on the road, not just a bus system. yogEj6SteG0-00064-00019808-00020439 It all works out to about 30 million dollars per kilometre and will be completed in 2022[5]. yogEj6SteG0-00065-00020439-00021104 Now if you're anything like me you think, buses, lame, laaaame, lame lame. yogEj6SteG0-00066-00021104-00021477 No, not lame, a sign of good government. yogEj6SteG0-00067-00021477-00021773 Buses are not glamorous but incredibly practical. yogEj6SteG0-00068-00021773-00022142 First of all they're so cheap, the cheapest, to build. yogEj6SteG0-00069-00022142-00022244 How much? yogEj6SteG0-00070-00022244-00022400 How far you want to go? yogEj6SteG0-00071-00022400-00022698 No, how much for the whole bus? yogEj6SteG0-00072-00022698-00022798 Huh? yogEj6SteG0-00073-00022798-00023099 Is $340 enough? yogEj6SteG0-00074-00023099-00023310 Lady, you got yourself a bus! yogEj6SteG0-00075-00023310-00023654 Next bus please. yogEj6SteG0-00076-00023654-00024159 The route can be planned, built and extended in timeframes that nothing else can compete yogEj6SteG0-00077-00024159-00024259 with. yogEj6SteG0-00078-00024259-00024737 Because we’ve so much better at building roads compared to tunnels and viaducts, and yogEj6SteG0-00079-00024737-00025276 automated you know, train systems, and things that other countries have to ship us equipment yogEj6SteG0-00080-00025276-00025426 for, we can do roads. yogEj6SteG0-00081-00025426-00025672 The buses in them can be used on other routes yogEj6SteG0-00082-00025672-00026085 Buses are actually very environmentally friendly, and they can be electric too if you want to yogEj6SteG0-00083-00026085-00026185 increase that. yogEj6SteG0-00084-00026185-00026618 They are the high value proposition, the honda civic of transit. yogEj6SteG0-00085-00026618-00027308 No one cares about them but until you get subway levels of traffic they’re almost yogEj6SteG0-00086-00027308-00027414 always the best choice. yogEj6SteG0-00087-00027414-00027735 Do you really want to see your government going out and buying a BMW? yogEj6SteG0-00088-00027735-00028139 In fact this particular road used to have a bus rapid transit system on it in the nineties yogEj6SteG0-00089-00028139-00028282 which was successful until... yogEj6SteG0-00090-00028282-00028429 There was an incident[6] . yogEj6SteG0-00091-00028429-00028535 What was it? yogEj6SteG0-00092-00028535-00028977 So it ran counter flow to traffic, kind of like those cycle lanes. yogEj6SteG0-00093-00028977-00029475 But just like those cycle lanes pedestrians would forget to look both ways. yogEj6SteG0-00094-00029475-00029994 And when you get hit by a bike, it’s chicklets, but when you get hit by a bus. yogEj6SteG0-00095-00029994-00030094 Boom! yogEj6SteG0-00096-00030094-00030202 Oh, so inappropriate. yogEj6SteG0-00097-00030202-00030302 Sorry. yogEj6SteG0-00098-00030302-00030588 Anyway, sorry dead person. yogEj6SteG0-00099-00030588-00031057 Unfortunately the person who got killed by a bus was the wife of a bus driver and that yogEj6SteG0-00100-00031057-00031572 definitely played into why it was immediately discontinued. yogEj6SteG0-00101-00031572-00032068 Hey bus drivers, who wants to drive the route that killed Steve's wife? yogEj6SteG0-00102-00032068-00032398 Looking back though they made the mistake of shelving the route instead of just installing yogEj6SteG0-00103-00032398-00032498 fences. yogEj6SteG0-00104-00032498-00032639 It basically got mothballed and forgotten. yogEj6SteG0-00105-00032639-00033041 They ended up pulling up all the stations we’re basically putting everything in back yogEj6SteG0-00106-00033041-00033141 now. yogEj6SteG0-00107-00033141-00033241 But properly. yogEj6SteG0-00108-00033241-00033615 That reminds me of everything in back now. yogEj6SteG0-00109-00033615-00034065 This whole project says competent, rational economic decisions were made and government yogEj6SteG0-00110-00034065-00034358 communication happened to save us all a bunch of money. yogEj6SteG0-00111-00034358-00034458 Which is nice. yogEj6SteG0-00112-00034458-00034853 Hopefully it runs for 20 years, the population grows, and then the whole thing gets upgraded yogEj6SteG0-00113-00034853-00034953 to a metro line. yogEj6SteG0-00114-00034953-00035053 Shovel Ready yogEj6SteG0-00115-00035053-00035220 Montreal has one project that is pretty close to shovel ready. yogEj6SteG0-00116-00035220-00035465 The shovel, the shovel is like this. yogEj6SteG0-00117-00035465-00035565 It’s vibrating. yogEj6SteG0-00118-00035565-00035665 (show starting to dig) yogEj6SteG0-00119-00035665-00035931 The blue line extension[7] is moving from planning to construction in 2021. yogEj6SteG0-00120-00035931-00036538 So this project extends the line from Saint Michelle out to Anjou[8] with tracks for moving yogEj6SteG0-00121-00036538-00036898 trains around going as far as Boreau on the other side of the highway. yogEj6SteG0-00122-00036898-00037149 They’re probably going to put a station there at some point. yogEj6SteG0-00123-00037149-00037493 The link is 5.6 km long, underground, with five new stations. yogEj6SteG0-00124-00037493-00037874 The cost of the project is projected to be $800 million dollars per kilometre. yogEj6SteG0-00125-00037874-00038132 Oh yeah, now you understand why we have to build buses. yogEj6SteG0-00126-00038132-00038521 I thought it’d be interesting to see how far we could build other things for the price yogEj6SteG0-00127-00038521-00038684 of the blue line extension. yogEj6SteG0-00128-00038684-00038934 So this is the distance that the metro extension goes. yogEj6SteG0-00129-00038934-00039296 Based on the REM this is how far light rail goes. yogEj6SteG0-00130-00039296-00039589 And for the same amount of money, this is how far BRT goes. yogEj6SteG0-00131-00039589-00040212 A kilometer of subway underground in Montreal seems to be at least 25km of BRT, and we can yogEj6SteG0-00132-00040212-00040431 build BRT like that. yogEj6SteG0-00133-00040431-00040776 Also remember that for that price the BRT is fixing all the sewers and the other stuff yogEj6SteG0-00134-00040776-00040876 on the street. yogEj6SteG0-00135-00040876-00040976 Getting back to the Blue line. yogEj6SteG0-00136-00040976-00041438 I’d also say that it’s only with the completion of this extension that the blue line even yogEj6SteG0-00137-00041438-00041596 needed to be a subway line. yogEj6SteG0-00138-00041596-00041826 It’s kind of infamously a quiet line right? yogEj6SteG0-00139-00041826-00042231 It probably could have been a BRT this whole time, or, should have been a lot longer when yogEj6SteG0-00140-00042231-00042388 it was first built in the 1980s. yogEj6SteG0-00141-00042388-00042874 With these projects, I kind of see it as a go big (like the REM) or go home situation. yogEj6SteG0-00142-00042874-00043365 If you’re going to get a giant tunnel boring machine shipped in[9], setup project offices yogEj6SteG0-00143-00043365-00043737 and get billions of dollars of financing, build something big and make use of the economies yogEj6SteG0-00144-00043737-00043848 of scale. yogEj6SteG0-00145-00043848-00044077 Basically say, if you do this on time and on budget yogEj6SteG0-00146-00044077-00044515 Hey, you, more contracts, more contracts. yogEj6SteG0-00147-00044515-00044634 Oh, hungry fella. yogEj6SteG0-00148-00044634-00044979 I hope that they start lining up a bigger project to immediately transition the people yogEj6SteG0-00149-00044979-00045362 who are working on this project over to before they pack up their shit and go home. yogEj6SteG0-00150-00045362-00045662 But a lot of those projects are currently just a little too far down the list. yogEj6SteG0-00151-00045662-00046210 I guess we’ll see if post covid theres this push to get projects moving along quicker yogEj6SteG0-00152-00046210-00046658 as a keynsian economic strategy to fix the hole we’ve dug. yogEj6SteG0-00153-00046658-00046841 Dig a hole to fix a hole we’ve dug. yogEj6SteG0-00154-00046841-00047288 The completion date for this is currently 2026, and it’s part of the reason the garage yogEj6SteG0-00155-00047288-00047627 is being built on the Orange line to handle the extra passengers that are going to be yogEj6SteG0-00156-00047627-00047743 loaded onto it. yogEj6SteG0-00157-00047743-00048123 The frequency of trains is going to be increased, and some work may be done to ensure that the yogEj6SteG0-00158-00048123-00048333 new cars can run on the line. yogEj6SteG0-00159-00048333-00048581 Woah, going to have to stop you there. yogEj6SteG0-00160-00048581-00048766 Hey guys, it’s Paige’s editor here. yogEj6SteG0-00161-00048766-00049263 He’s about to spend the next 20 minutes yammering on about the pink line and proportional yogEj6SteG0-00162-00049263-00049865 representation and calling your grandpa a slut two times actually. yogEj6SteG0-00163-00049865-00050230 So I’m going to have to cut him off the video here for today and come back to you yogEj6SteG0-00164-00050230-00050793 next time with all of the potential projects that are being discussed in the Montreal area. yogEj6SteG0-00165-00050793-00051287 Pretty long video so, see you then. yogEj6SteG0-00166-00051287-00051640 ________________ [1] https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/grand-montreal/202002/28/01-5262773-consultation-publique-sur-les-investissements-en-transport-collectif.php yogEj6SteG0-00167-00051640-00051877 [2]http://www.stm.info/en/about/major_projects/major-metro-projects/cote-vertu-garage [3]https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/bombardier-sells-train-making-division-to-french-multinational-alstom-1.5466643 yogEj6SteG0-00168-00051877-00052229 [4]https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/what-where-how-and-why-new-montreal-metro-garage-at-cote-vertu [5] http://www.stm.info/en/about/major_projects/major-bus-projects/pie-ix-brt yogEj6SteG0-00169-00052229-00052702 [6] http://blog.fagstein.com/2010/04/26/montreal-geography-trivia-no-75/ [7] http://www.stm.info/en/about/major_projects/major-metro-projects/blue-line-extension yogEj6SteG0-00170-00052702-00053055 [8] http://www.stm.info/sites/default/files/media/Travaux/Ligne_bleue/19817_22_plan_plb_avec_pd_ang.pdf [9]https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/the-rem-has-a-new-tunnel-boring-machine-and-it-wants-your-help-in-naming-it-1.4662527 y8WKvUnkIsM-00000-00000037-00000346 (upbeat music) y8WKvUnkIsM-00001-00000346-00000637 - The center analytical facility, or CAF, y8WKvUnkIsM-00002-00000637-00000782 is a group of tools that allow us y8WKvUnkIsM-00003-00000782-00000897 to characterize materials from y8WKvUnkIsM-00004-00000897-00001135 the atomic scale, up to hundreds of microns. y8WKvUnkIsM-00005-00001135-00001306 And it gives us the ability to understand y8WKvUnkIsM-00006-00001306-00001554 materials in both one, two, and three dimensions. y8WKvUnkIsM-00007-00001554-00001707 - The center is really unique, y8WKvUnkIsM-00008-00001707-00002069 to me, it's really world class. y8WKvUnkIsM-00009-00002069-00002299 We've worked very hard to assemble y8WKvUnkIsM-00010-00002299-00002567 a group of instruments that would allow us to y8WKvUnkIsM-00011-00002567-00002844 characterize materials from the atomic scale y8WKvUnkIsM-00012-00002844-00003001 all the way up to the bulk scale. y8WKvUnkIsM-00013-00003001-00003279 The instruments that we have and the access y8WKvUnkIsM-00014-00003279-00003394 that we have to the instruments, y8WKvUnkIsM-00015-00003394-00003727 there's really no comparison to y8WKvUnkIsM-00016-00003727-00003950 any other place that I've been. y8WKvUnkIsM-00017-00003950-00004182 - Sitting behind me here, is an atom probe, y8WKvUnkIsM-00018-00004182-00004377 which allows us to characterize the atomic scale y8WKvUnkIsM-00019-00004377-00004655 of materials, but around us are tools such as y8WKvUnkIsM-00020-00004655-00005064 TM's, scanning electron microscopes, x-ray diffractometers, y8WKvUnkIsM-00021-00005064-00005229 and a whole range of different tools. y8WKvUnkIsM-00022-00005229-00005434 And the collection of all these tools together y8WKvUnkIsM-00023-00005434-00005704 is what really provides the type of tools y8WKvUnkIsM-00024-00005704-00005863 that have helped a lot of students, y8WKvUnkIsM-00025-00005863-00005985 particularly in graduate school, y8WKvUnkIsM-00026-00005985-00006201 to advance their science and their projects, y8WKvUnkIsM-00027-00006201-00006308 because they're able to y8WKvUnkIsM-00028-00006308-00006558 capture what they need to at the right link scale. y8WKvUnkIsM-00029-00006676-00006866 - Graduate student is quite different y8WKvUnkIsM-00030-00006866-00006989 from undergraduate student. y8WKvUnkIsM-00031-00006989-00007278 You need to find a very good supervisor to lead you y8WKvUnkIsM-00032-00007278-00007451 into the field. y8WKvUnkIsM-00033-00007451-00007684 And Professor Thompson is a very good source y8WKvUnkIsM-00034-00007684-00008148 to solve my problems, and he give me a very large freedom y8WKvUnkIsM-00035-00008148-00008351 to do the research I want. y8WKvUnkIsM-00036-00008351-00008522 It's very enjoyable. y8WKvUnkIsM-00037-00008522-00008689 - I'm listening to Dr. Thompson y8WKvUnkIsM-00038-00008689-00008869 talk at this seminar. y8WKvUnkIsM-00039-00008869-00009206 He had a lot of really good research, y8WKvUnkIsM-00040-00009206-00009506 he was really energetic, and you could tell y8WKvUnkIsM-00041-00009506-00009644 he can really care about his students. y8WKvUnkIsM-00042-00009644-00009862 He gave students credit whenever he could. y8WKvUnkIsM-00043-00009862-00010026 He's like, I didn't do this part of the research, y8WKvUnkIsM-00044-00010026-00010256 my students did, and I'm just here talking about it. y8WKvUnkIsM-00045-00010256-00010531 And that's what really impressed me. y8WKvUnkIsM-00046-00010531-00010699 - University of Alabama has gotten something that's y8WKvUnkIsM-00047-00010699-00010844 really special here. y8WKvUnkIsM-00048-00010844-00011309 And we just need more and more students that have the desire y8WKvUnkIsM-00049-00011309-00011526 and drive to come and take advantage of it. y8WKvUnkIsM-00050-00011526-00011826 (light rock music) ytuy3Uzk6tc-00000-00000000-00000683 Becky: Welcome, everyone. This is Becky at Tech Soup Global joining us today ytuy3Uzk6tc-00001-00000683-00001113 for the Microsoft OneNote: Capture Your Creativity webinar. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00002-00001113-00001429 We appreciate you joining us for this webinar. We will get started right now, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00003-00001430-00001713 after a little bit of housekeeping. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00004-00001713-00002066 You should be hearing the audio through your speaker on your computer. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00005-00002066-00002573 If not, you can also dial in to access the webinar through the code that’s been chatted out ytuy3Uzk6tc-00006-00002573-00003419 in the chat bar. We are using ReadyTalk today, so you can chat rather than raising your hand, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00007-00003420-00003860 ideally. Go ahead and chat any questions to us. If you have any technical issues, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00008-00003860-00004340 feel free to chat them out to us using this little box in the corner of your screen. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00009-00004340-00004740 And we have Ale on the back end who will help grab those questions ytuy3Uzk6tc-00010-00004740-00005146 or help you with any technical issues throughout the webinar. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00011-00005146-00005619 We keep all lines muted for the duration, other than our presenters, so that we have nice, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00012-00005620-00006243 clear audio for all of you, and so that we can record this event to have a good archive. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00013-00006243-00006856 If you lose your Internet connection, feel free to reconnect using the link in the confirmation ytuy3Uzk6tc-00014-00006856-00007329 or reminder email that you received earlier today. If you lose your phone connection, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00015-00007330-00007859 you can redial the phone number or hear the audio through the link in your email. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00016-00007859-00008836 If you need to contact ReadyTalk for any support, you can dial 1-800-843-9166. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00017-00008836-00009406 As a reminder, we are recording this session. This will be available on our website, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00018-00009406-00010159 along with all past webinars at TechSoup.org/community/event-webinars. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00019-00010160-00010836 You will receive a link to this presentation, any materials discussed, the Power Point slides ytuy3Uzk6tc-00020-00010836-00011499 and any links, later this afternoon. If you’re tweeting, feel free to use the Twitter hashtag ytuy3Uzk6tc-00021-00011500-00012146 #techsoup to join the discussion on social media. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00022-00012146-00012536 With that, I’d like to take a moment to welcome you again to Microsoft OneNote: ytuy3Uzk6tc-00023-00012536-00013029 Capture Your Creativity. My name is Becky Wiegand. I am with TechSoup Global. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00024-00013030-00013686 And we will be joined today by Doug Thomas of Microsoft. Unfortunately, our second speaker, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00025-00013686-00014046 Yann Toledano, has had a family emergency and won’t be joining us. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00026-00014046-00014583 But we have some great examples from nonprofits, from TechSoup users internally, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00027-00014583-00015139 and a lot of great demonstration of OneNote from Doug to go through. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00028-00015140-00015756 I’d like to first introduce myself again. I’m Becky Wiegand. I am an Interactive Events Producer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00029-00015756-00016233 here at TechSoup. I have worked here for about five years and previously had worked ytuy3Uzk6tc-00030-00016233-00016793 at a series of small nonprofits in both Washington, DC, Oakland CA, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00031-00016793-00017396 and San Francisco, where I was the accidental techie having to figure out how to use many ytuy3Uzk6tc-00032-00017396-00017913 of the technologies in my office place and deciding on technologies for our office place ytuy3Uzk6tc-00033-00017913-00018426 without much technical expertise. So I’ve been in the shoes of a lot of people ytuy3Uzk6tc-00034-00018426-00018756 who may be participating in this call today. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00035-00018756-00019393 And Doug is joining us from Office.com where he works presenting about OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00036-00019393-00019986 in weekly webinars, and has presented on this topic, and is a great expert on it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00037-00019986-00020383 teaches courses on it. So he’ll be joining us to share his expertise ytuy3Uzk6tc-00038-00020383-00020879 and show us a live demo of how to use OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00039-00020880-00021500 For today’s agenda, we’ll be doing a few polls just to gauge kind of how you use OneNote now, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00040-00021500-00022150 if you use it at all. And then Doug will walk us through his live demo highlighting some features ytuy3Uzk6tc-00041-00022150-00022713 and showing us some example notepads. Like I said, Yann is not able to join us today ytuy3Uzk6tc-00042-00022713-00023256 because of an emergency, so I’ll be showing some examples of how we use it here ytuy3Uzk6tc-00043-00023256-00023809 at TechSoup for different case studies, for different purposes and business uses. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00044-00023810-00024190 Then I’ll talk a little bit about how to get OneNote if you don’t already have it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00045-00024190-00024473 and then we’ll go to Q&A. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00046-00024473-00024929 You can feel free however, to answer or ask questions in the chat throughout the duration ytuy3Uzk6tc-00047-00024930-00025530 of the webinar. Like I said, we have Ale in the back end. We also have Gretchen Deo from Microsoft. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00048-00025530-00025989 Both will be on the back end to field questions and answer them throughout the duration ytuy3Uzk6tc-00049-00025989-00026243 of the webinar. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00050-00026243-00026583 Just to give a little bit of background about TechSoup if you only joined us today ytuy3Uzk6tc-00051-00026583-00027053 for the first time, we are a nonprofit and we are part of TechSoup Global, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00052-00027053-00027439 working toward the day when every nonprofit library and social benefit organization ytuy3Uzk6tc-00053-00027439-00027930 has the technology, knowledge, and resources that they need to operate at their full potential. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00054-00027930-00028560 Part of that is providing webinars like this where we hope to help you make decisions ytuy3Uzk6tc-00055-00028560-00029063 about your technology, make decisions about what you need to use in your office, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00056-00029063-00030026 and what might not work best for you, make decisions about what is the most useful ytuy3Uzk6tc-00057-00030026-00030533 for your limited time and money, and staff. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00058-00030533-00031049 We have served the nonprofit and library sectors. This is just a little bit of information ytuy3Uzk6tc-00059-00031050-00031530 about the impact to those sectors from our Product Donation Program. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00060-00031530-00031980 And we also provide weekly events like this and articles and blog posts. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00061-00031980-00032410 You can find us as techsoup.org. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00062-00032410-00033006 I’d like to take a moment and ask a few questions of our audience. So feel free to let us know. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00063-00033006-00033453 Go ahead and click on your screen to tell us what your experience is with using OneNote so far. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00064-00033453-00033986 Have you never used it, rarely, occasionally, regularly, or are you a pro ytuy3Uzk6tc-00065-00033986-00034513 who should be teaching this webinar instead? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00066-00034513-00035206 Just take a moment. We have about 135 people on the line with us right now. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00067-00035206-00035636 We want to make sure everybody has a chance to tell us their answer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00068-00035636-00036266 so we can hopefully tailor this event more suitably to your needs. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00069-00036266-00036833 I’m going to go ahead and skip to the results, and it looks like 58% have never used it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00070-00036833-00037419 That’s kind of great for us because we know a lot of people’s experience ytuy3Uzk6tc-00071-00037420-00037940 that it’s on your desktop already, or you may have it installed as part of the Office Suite ytuy3Uzk6tc-00072-00037940-00038380 and just not know what to do with it. Hopefully we’ll take some time today ytuy3Uzk6tc-00073-00038380-00038760 to show you the different ways that it can be used and useful to you. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00074-00038760-00039363 Then I also want to ask which version of OneNote or the Office Suite are you using? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00075-00039363-00039949 Are you using it as part of an Office suite, and if so which one, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00076-00039950-00040636 or are you using a stand-alone OneNote? If you can let us know, that also helps us tailor a little bit ytuy3Uzk6tc-00077-00040636-00041219 better to your specific needs, hopefully. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00078-00041220-00041860 Go ahead and just take a moment to answer that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00079-00041860-00042760 We’ve got about 95 people who’ve answered so far. Just going to give it a few more seconds. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00080-00042760-00043326 It looks like the majority of our participants today are using Office 2010. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00081-00043326-00043993 So we’ll be looking at primarily some of Office 2013, since that is the latest version. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00082-00043993-00044576 There are a lot of similarities though, so what we cover today should also mostly apply ytuy3Uzk6tc-00083-00044576-00045249 to those using Office 2010 and earlier versions too, hopefully. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00084-00045250-00045700 About 20% are using Office 2013 already. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00085-00045700-00046203 One last question for you, how familiar are you with Office Web Apps? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00086-00046203-00046823 Have you used the online Office Suite available from Microsoft yet? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00087-00046823-00047369 Thank you for answering my three questions this morning or afternoon, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00088-00047370-00048483 depending on what time zone you’re in. It looks like most folks have not used Office Web Apps ytuy3Uzk6tc-00089-00048483-00049059 yet, and about 72% have not. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00090-00049060-00049850 So we’ll talk a little bit in Doug’s introduction to OneNote about how, if you don’t have Share Point ytuy3Uzk6tc-00091-00049850-00050543 or if you don’t have Exchange set up how you can still benefit from using the sharing features ytuy3Uzk6tc-00092-00050543-00051349 of OneNote by utilizing the free Office Web Apps that are available online. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00093-00051350-00051810 I’m going to go ahead and move us along to introduce Doug and have him ytuy3Uzk6tc-00094-00051810-00052216 start his presentation to show us OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00095-00052216-00052706 And just to give you a little bit of his slide here about OneNote and capturing creativity. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00096-00052706-00053179 He works with Office.com at Microsoft where there are thousands of free templates, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00097-00053179-00053676 training videos, help and how-to’s. And he’ll talk a little bit more about these resources ytuy3Uzk6tc-00098-00053676-00054206 throughout his presentation. And we will hopefully have time to show you a little bit ytuy3Uzk6tc-00099-00054206-00054513 of Web Apps as well. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00100-00054513-00054979 With that, please join us on the line Doug, and take it away. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00101-00054979-00055303 You can go ahead and share his screen. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00102-00055303-00056006 Doug: Okay, I will do that. Hello, everyone. Welcome. Again, I’ve used Windows ytuy3Uzk6tc-00103-00056006-00056553 for about eight years. I’ve been at Microsoft for about six and been in the training and the videos. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00104-00056553-00057033 Most of the time, I’ve done videos for the help and how-to content, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00105-00057033-00057589 and just not straight screen shots, a little humor, a little more personality-driven videos. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00106-00057590-00058056 And then for the last year we’ve been doing free Office webinars that are exactly ytuy3Uzk6tc-00107-00058056-00058806 for your type of what you’re getting into, which is kind of what we call the “end user.” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00108-00058806-00059179 There’s some terminology I probably shouldn’t use ever again in a public call. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00109-00059179-00059916 Again, I was at Amazon for years. I used OneNote and I never knew about all the materials ytuy3Uzk6tc-00110-00059916-00060423 at Office.com. And they’re available for you, the templates, the training, the videos. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00111-00060423-00061443 And also, if you’re ever in an Office product just click F1 and that gets connected to your help ytuy3Uzk6tc-00112-00061443-00061709 and how-to content that we have there. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00113-00061710-00062229 I’m going to click over and start sharing my screen here. In fact, let me just put that slide back ytuy3Uzk6tc-00114-00062229-00062690 up that I have because I put that slide in OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00115-00062690-00063636 If you can just let folks know if you’re seeing that or not, I will then continue. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00116-00063636-00064029 Becky: It looks good to me. And just for folks if they need to view the screen any larger, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00117-00064029-00064483 if it’s hard to see you can click the Full Screen button at the top of your menu, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00118-00064483-00064976 and that will allow you to view the whole screen throughout the presentation. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00119-00064976-00065176 Go ahead, Doug. Thanks. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00120-00065176-00065653 Doug: Okay, great. So, one of the things you can do with OneNote is just basically put everything ytuy3Uzk6tc-00121-00065653-00066156 in it. It works with images. It works with - this is just a Power Point slide I put in there. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00122-00066156-00066819 It works with notes. And it’s one of those things that the reason I really like it and use it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00123-00066820-00067290 is it’s one of the only things that I know that can combine personal and business ytuy3Uzk6tc-00124-00067290-00067700 and keep things separate when they need to be separate and together in one place ytuy3Uzk6tc-00125-00067700-00068286 when they need to be together in one place. It works on a variety of different content ytuy3Uzk6tc-00126-00068286-00068676 you can put in there. And also really, it’s one of the few things out there ytuy3Uzk6tc-00127-00068676-00069189 that if you’re thinking about that whole paperless thing, you can do so much with OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00128-00069190-00069676 including printing your documents to OneNote. If that’s one thing that you’re trying to do ytuy3Uzk6tc-00129-00069676-00070166 or your group is trying to do, OneNote is one of those things that can really help an organization ytuy3Uzk6tc-00130-00070166-00070633 truly try to go paperless. Now, I don’t go totally paperless but it’s one of the things ytuy3Uzk6tc-00131-00070633-00070883 that you can see that’s out there. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00132-00070883-00071153 Let me switch over and show you some slides and just kind of give you the layout ytuy3Uzk6tc-00133-00071153-00071499 since most folks have never been into one, have never opened OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00134-00071500-00072296 And, let me go into – This is kind of a tutorial which is the first thing when you open OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00135-00072296-00073043 that you’ll get. It just kind of explains everything. You can load OneNote onto your computer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00136-00073043-00073373 and keep your documents there, or you can put them with Sky Drive. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00137-00073373-00073969 Sky Drive is free. It gives you 7GB of storage. I always tell people when I talk about it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00138-00073970-00074363 if you do nothing else from this webinar, go to skydrive.com and sign in. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00139-00074363-00074919 You can store documents. It doesn’t have to be Office documents. It can be JPG’s, PDF’s, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00140-00074920-00075463 whatever you’d like. Video files it would probably be too little. But you can store those files there ytuy3Uzk6tc-00141-00075463-00075943 for OneNote, and then you can have them accessible to many things. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00142-00075943-00076483 OneNote works on a PC. There are apps for an iPad. There are apps for an iPhone. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00143-00076483-00076976 There are apps for an Android or a Windows phone. You can get to this information ytuy3Uzk6tc-00144-00076976-00077516 on multiple computers, especially when you upgrade to Office 2013. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00145-00077516-00077939 You can get it too, from a multiple of computers if you’re working on different computers, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00146-00077940-00078133 one at home, one at work. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00147-00078133-00078686 You can also put anything anywhere on the page because it’s kind of like this thing called canvas. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00148-00078686-00079043 That’s why I like it better than Word. Word’s very much regimented into being text ytuy3Uzk6tc-00149-00079043-00079433 and you want a left-hand line. Here, you can just put things anywhere you want to ytuy3Uzk6tc-00150-00079433-00079706 or move things around. I’m just going to move this over here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00151-00079706-00080103 Again, it just kind of goes anywhere I want to place it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00152-00080103-00080726 OneNote has a notebook structure, just like you probably had at school at one point. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00153-00080726-00081389 So the left-hand side are notebooks. The inside of each notebook there are tabs at the top ytuy3Uzk6tc-00154-00081390-00081970 of the screen. Then on the right-hand side, there are individual pages inside each tab. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00155-00081970-00082786 So it can get pretty complex. But at the same time one of the great things about doing all this ytuy3Uzk6tc-00156-00082786-00083169 stuff with OneNote is it’s searchable. It’s very searchable very quickly, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00157-00083170-00083350 and I’ll show you that in just a moment. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00158-00083350-00083626 Here are just a couple of different things that you can do with OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00159-00083626-00084049 Most people think of OneNote if they’ve opened it before, is you can clip things from the web. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00160-00084050-00084546 So you can do screen shots, and I’ll show you that. I’m going to show you right now ytuy3Uzk6tc-00161-00084546-00084996 about how to do a screen shot. So if I’m looking at this page, oh, let’s look at this page ytuy3Uzk6tc-00162-00084996-00085646 for the Office 15-minute webinars that I happen to host every Tuesday. If I wanted to get some text ytuy3Uzk6tc-00163-00085646-00086163 for this, there is a clipper tool. If you have an earlier version of OneNote, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00164-00086163-00086553 you don’t have this little box here which is called “Send to OneNote.” This is new for 2013, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00165-00086553-00087246 but as long as you have OneNote on, you have to initially install it and open it up, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00166-00087246-00088239 then you can do a shortcut, which is Windows-S. And that kind of grays your screen out a little bit, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00167-00088240-00088970 and then you just kind of grab the text that you want and let go of the button. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00168-00088970-00089536 And then it will bring up this box. You can just copy to the clipboard, or regular cut-and-paste, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00169-00089536-00089756 and then paste it anywhere you want to. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00170-00089756-00090113 The thing with OneNote is you want to save these things. So I’m going to send this ytuy3Uzk6tc-00171-00090113-00090656 to a part of OneNote. Let me send it to this notebook here called Personal. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00172-00090656-00091173 I think I have a page for TechNet. Yeah, there it is. So now I’m going to send this to that page ytuy3Uzk6tc-00173-00091173-00091879 in OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00174-00091880-00092393 And let me open it up here. I got an error message. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00175-00092393-00093039 It might be because I’m doing a live demo, of course. Let me try that again. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00176-00093040-00093390 It always happens and I think because we’re doing so much here with the screen ytuy3Uzk6tc-00177-00093390-00094016 that this might be causing a problem. Excuse me. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00178-00094016-00094279 One more time. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00179-00094280-00094766 Becky: That’s just nature, right? As soon as you’re live, that’s when things don’t copy right. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00180-00094766-00095416 Doug: There we go. So it sends it to here. And again I’m running into some errors ytuy3Uzk6tc-00181-00095416-00095826 because right at the bottom it time stamps when you took the document, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00182-00095826-00096403 and it also should’ve time-stamped the URL, so I can show you what I’ve done on that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00183-00096403-00096709 So you have a record of what you’ve been keeping. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00184-00096710-00097270 This is really great when you’re doing a lot of research, or I have a page here of clippings, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00185-00097270-00097693 every time there is a clipping. This webinar program was kind of a pilot program, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00186-00097693-00098146 so I didn’t really have the kind of metrics that we were looking for here in standard. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00187-00098146-00098459 So just anytime we would see something where people would mention it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00188-00098460-00098976 I just kind of kept a clipping of that. And I would have those URLs always with me ytuy3Uzk6tc-00189-00098976-00099569 and I could reference that. That’s how I validate my work here sometimes. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00190-00099570-00100013 So that’s one of the clippings parts that it can work with in OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00191-00100013-00100439 Let me go back to this kind of sample page. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00192-00100440-00100780 Other things that you can do, you can share your notebooks out on Sky Drive. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00193-00100780-00101150 That’s the advantage of putting them on Sky Drive versus having them on your computer, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00194-00101150-00101616 so you can share out. I’ve done this with vacation trips. Let me go over here ytuy3Uzk6tc-00195-00101616-00102116 into My Family Vacation. Again, you can see on the left-hand side I have business notebooks, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00196-00102116-00102576 which may be on my computer. They may be on my SharePoint that I have here at work, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00197-00102576-00103159 or they may be in Sky Drive. And they’re just all there together so I can go back and forth. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00198-00103159-00103416 It’s kind of like when you combine calendars, if you do that on Outlook. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00199-00103416-00103733 You might have a personal calendar and a business calendar. It’s all right there. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00200-00103733-00104359 So these are some ideas for vacation. I’m going to Maine in June, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00201-00104359-00104690 so as I see things I kind of plop them in here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00202-00104690-00105070 And then this is where the search comes in. Up in the upper right-hand corner, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00203-00105070-00105600 you can search for anything. There’s an island we wanted to go to called Peak’s Island. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00204-00105600-00106196 So as I write the word “peaks,” it starts searching for anything that has the word “peak.” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00205-00106196-00106626 That’s quite a lot. Let me continue that and do “island.” That gives me a little more, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00206-00106626-00107073 and then here’s the article that had Peak’s Island in it. And it even goes right to the spot ytuy3Uzk6tc-00207-00107073-00107676 and turns it yellow there. Oops! I just moved it so it didn’t turn yellow. Let me try that again. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00208-00107676-00108436 So it can find that information for you in a snap. That’s why one of the things we talk about ytuy3Uzk6tc-00209-00108436-00109073 is you can keep OneNote really crisp and keep everything centered and straight. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00210-00109073-00109486 I always make the analogy I have twin daughters. One has a very clean, tidy room. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00211-00109486-00110009 One has a really messy room. You can do either, because you can search for stuff immediately ytuy3Uzk6tc-00212-00110009-00110583 in OneNote. That’s the great feature about it. So for organization or if you’re not organized, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00213-00110583-00111046 OneNote still works out really, really well for you. And there’s other things you can do ytuy3Uzk6tc-00214-00111046-00111699 with some touch, and OneNote is actually built for the original touch tablets that came out ytuy3Uzk6tc-00215-00111700-00112216 all the way back in 2003. Most people didn’t have those. Now, as we’ve gotten into touch ytuy3Uzk6tc-00216-00112216-00112959 and especially with OneNote 2013, there are some updates that works with touch and pens. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00217-00112959-00113456 Also, all Office programs will have this little up in the left-hand corner here, pardon me, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00218-00113456-00114013 a touch mode. If you are on a touch screen, it kind of spaces out everything, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00219-00114013-00114343 if you saw that move, and that way you can get your fingers around it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00220-00114343-00114886 I’m not on a touch-screen now but even if I liked this kind of wider look, I could do that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00221-00114886-00115376 Let me turn it back to the mouse mode. That’s kind of one of the things you’ve seen ytuy3Uzk6tc-00222-00115376-00115786 for Office 2013 that if you upgrade you’ll see that on all the programs. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00223-00115786-00116189 But OneNote has been always made well for touch. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00224-00116190-00116793 One of the things that it works with, even if you don’t have touch, let me go back to this slide. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00225-00116793-00117423 If I wanted to make notes on this slide, I could simply pick the Draw tab and make notes ytuy3Uzk6tc-00226-00117423-00118046 or corrections and I could augment my own slide basically if I’m sharing with somebody. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00227-00118046-00118539 And I could say this yellow stuff here has to be changed, or I like this or whatever. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00228-00118540-00119343 So you can draw, freely draw on slides, photos, anything else you want, with OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00229-00119343-00120009 Becky: Doug. I didn’t see that activity on your slide. Now it’s showing up. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00230-00120009-00120386 It took a moment there to render so in case people weren’t seeing what he was doing, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00231-00120386-00120709 looks like he added some highlights to that slide. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00232-00120709-00121380 Doug: Right. Up in the ribbon at the top, there’s a Draw tab and you can use all these pens ytuy3Uzk6tc-00233-00121380-00122343 and shapes and all that to your heart’s content. It’s not just for if you have a touch screen. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00234-00122343-00122913 In fact, let me make the little yellow highlight around me. There. Now I feel so much better. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00235-00122913-00123653 Let’s see here. Other things you can do with OneNote, let me show you one thing ytuy3Uzk6tc-00236-00123653-00124319 that I’ve done here on my Home. This is my Home OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00237-00124320-00125009 I’ll hold the screen so it can render a little bit, and this is one that I would share. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00238-00125009-00125543 We had to remodel a bathroom last year, and I knew nothing about remodeling our bathroom, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00239-00125543-00126039 so I basically became the manager for the product for the contractors. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00240-00126040-00126740 So this is how I kind of worked on getting things and putting things in, and I also left it open ytuy3Uzk6tc-00241-00126740-00127080 so if my wife saw ideas she’d be able to do this. And we could also do this — ytuy3Uzk6tc-00242-00127080-00127440 we both have Windows phones. So if you had an Android phone or an iPhone, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00243-00127440-00127709 you would be able to access this. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00244-00127709-00128303 On the right-hand side, I would clip things from pages of things we liked, faucets ytuy3Uzk6tc-00245-00128303-00128736 and stuff like that. That’s all on the left-hand side here. Whoops! ytuy3Uzk6tc-00246-00128736-00129179 I’m still in the Draw tab there. Hang on. Now I go back to typing. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00247-00129180-00129693 So this left-hand side with this container here is just things we saw. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00248-00129693-00130153 And then the left-hand side here was, I was able to insert pictures. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00249-00130153-00130513 Instead of writing down information about carpet remnants or whatever, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00250-00130513-00130923 I’m just able to put pictures and add this when I was on my phone to get, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00251-00130923-00131576 instead of writing down what the prices of all this stuff was. This remodel is done. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00252-00131576-00132033 We’ve had the new bathroom for a year. But again, OneNote kind of keeps everything ytuy3Uzk6tc-00253-00132033-00132529 and it keeps it synced with everything. So this is how again, I’m able to combine ytuy3Uzk6tc-00254-00132530-00133470 in the same OneNote screen business stuff and personal stuff working with OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00255-00133470-00134010 Becky: I can see that would be really handy if you’re an organization say, holding a big event, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00256-00134010-00134443 like you have your annual fundraising event and you need to collect ideas ytuy3Uzk6tc-00257-00134443-00135069 for possible centerpieces and décor and collateral materials you want to print, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00258-00135070-00135683 and you want to collect all those ideas to create a “look book” of sorts. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00259-00135683-00136046 I can see this would be really easy to plop that stuff into. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00260-00136046-00136919 Doug: Right. Let me see if I can do this real quick. I’ll click over to this page here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00261-00136920-00137473 This is the scrapbook I use for anything that comes up about Office 15-minute webinars ytuy3Uzk6tc-00262-00137473-00137769 or anything we’re doing. I just plop it in here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00263-00137770-00138290 Again, I don’t have to organize. This is a screen shot I made just a couple of days ago, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00264-00138290-00138763 and there at the bottom you can see when the screen clipping was taken and the URL ytuy3Uzk6tc-00265-00138763-00139223 if I wanted to reference that page. That’s how, and again, you can see all the pages I have ytuy3Uzk6tc-00266-00139223-00139916 on the right-hand side. I could organize those but one of the things that OneNote does ytuy3Uzk6tc-00267-00139916-00140263 is it allows you to search even the stuff you screen clip. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00268-00140263-00140979 Let’s go back. I was talking about Peak’s Island. If you notice, when I did that ytuy3Uzk6tc-00269-00140980-00141680 I was searching a printout of a New York Times article. So it actually searches the print ytuy3Uzk6tc-00270-00141680-00142316 of the things that you print, as long as it’s legible. I mean, if this was a hand-drawn page, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00271-00142316-00142766 it probably wouldn’t work. And it does it automatically, so as you search for things ytuy3Uzk6tc-00272-00142766-00143139 or print things. In fact, one thing that I saw for years, and I think we’ve all seen it ytuy3Uzk6tc-00273-00143140-00143526 that we’ve had OneNote and it probably irritates the people who have never opened OneNote, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00274-00143526-00143866 is sometimes when you go into the print menu, regardless of what you’re printing, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00275-00143866-00144486 you get your printers but you also get this button over here that says “Send to OneNote.” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00276-00144486-00144769 What is that? Why would I want to send something to OneNote? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00277-00144770-00145263 Well, if you don’t have a printer available, if you only have a black and white printer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00278-00145263-00145669 and you want to keep a color copy, you can print things here to OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00279-00145670-00145990 And that’s what I did with this New York Times article. That works for anything ytuy3Uzk6tc-00280-00145990-00146466 so anytime you want to print something but you want to be able to search for it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00281-00146466-00147133 So let’s say you have a 30-page document about a year-end meeting. You could print it out ytuy3Uzk6tc-00282-00147133-00147633 and have it. You could have it in Word and open up Word and search for things, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00283-00147633-00148169 or you can put it in OneNote and use the printout and be able to search through the printout. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00284-00148170-00148780 That’s again, another way of kind of scrapbooking that OneNote does very, very easily. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00285-00148780-00149290 Again, it’s one of those things that just kind of stays around and you have it when you need it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00286-00149290-00149820 Becky: Doug, does this work with PDFs that way, too? If somebody wanted to plop a screen shot ytuy3Uzk6tc-00287-00149820-00150036 of a PDF, will it read that? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00288-00150036-00150286 Doug: It should be able to read a PDF, yup. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00289-00150286-00150653 Becky: Okay, great. We had a couple of people ask some questions too. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00290-00150653-00151319 I think it might be good to interject a couple of them. So one person asks if you need ytuy3Uzk6tc-00291-00151320-00151863 to use Sky Drive in order to use OneNote. And when you mentioned the project ytuy3Uzk6tc-00292-00151863-00152289 with your bathroom renovation and how you or your wife could both upload things, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00293-00152290-00152766 how did you both have access to the same OneNote? What’s the process for doing that? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00294-00152766-00153373 Doug: Sure, let’s kind of switch over. I will say this. Some people think of this whole new ytuy3Uzk6tc-00295-00153373-00153756 with Office 2013 and some people who get this, think of Office 365. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00296-00153756-00154299 They think, “Wait a minute. This is all Cloud stuff.” No, no, no. The product that we’re talking about ytuy3Uzk6tc-00297-00154300-00154816 for TechSoup for nonprofits is something you download to your computer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00298-00154816-00155366 and you would have it accessible anytime. You don’t have to be on the Internet or not. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00299-00155366-00155966 Let me go over here to the File menu and kind of show you what you can do ytuy3Uzk6tc-00300-00155966-00156536 with saving your items. As you can see here, I have lots of different notebooks. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00301-00156536-00156863 I have some on SharePoint and I have some on Sky Drive and I even have a couple ytuy3Uzk6tc-00302-00156863-00157376 on the computer. The advantage for Sky Drive is that you can share that out. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00303-00157376-00157693 Let me click over to a page that I have in Sky Drive here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00304-00157693-00158496 Again, so here is my Sky Drive. Some people may see it. Let me, there’s two views. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00305-00158496-00159113 There’s a kind of tile view which is this one here, and then there is more of a traditional view ytuy3Uzk6tc-00306-00159113-00159736 which I kind of prefer. Anything here that you see you can share with anyone. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00307-00159736-00160103 Let’s just talk about Web Apps in general and show you this. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00308-00160103-00160923 One, Web Apps are free browser-based versions of Word, Excel, Power Point, and OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00309-00160923-00161663 Those four you can use in the browser for free. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00310-00161663-00162279 Let’s see if I wanted to do a new Word document, let’s see what that looks like. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00311-00162280-00162880 We’ll call it “TechSoup.” Well, there’s a little error I can fix later. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00312-00162880-00163276 This will open up a document in the Web App. Now, I’m in a browser now. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00313-00163276-00163836 The Web Apps in Sky Drive would work on multiple browsers. I’m in Internet Explorer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00314-00163836-00164456 but you could use it on Firefox, Safari, Chrome. You could use it on multiple machines. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00315-00164456-00165249 Then there’s two ways to do it. If you have Word, you could certainly open it in Word if you had it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00316-00165250-00165710 or you can just use this. As you can see, I have a bit of the ribbon. It’s not the full ribbon, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00317-00165710-00166110 but I can have a Home menu and I have an Insert menu. I can change page layout. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00318-00166110-00166386 I can do all those things in Word. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00319-00166386-00166869 Let me actually go back and just open up a document here instead of trying to create ytuy3Uzk6tc-00320-00166870-00167503 a new one. The great thing about Web Apps is that you can share your documents with people ytuy3Uzk6tc-00321-00167503-00168709 internally or externally. You can control who has permissions with this. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00322-00168710-00169290 This is one we had fun with. There’s a lot of weird things there. We shared that screen. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00323-00169290-00169760 Again, I probably should’ve checked the thing I should’ve opened before hand. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00324-00169760-00170540 So this is Excel. Again, I have the ribbon. I can open it in Excel if I want to but I don’t need to, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00325-00170540-00171243 and then I can share this out. And I can share with people which is what we’ll do here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00326-00171243-00171726 Then I can send a message. This is one I’ve actually done with several other folks. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00327-00171726-00172313 That’s why they have permissions for there, but you can send them via email ytuy3Uzk6tc-00328-00172313-00172809 or you can send people a link. You can send them just to view it or view and edit. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00329-00172810-00173396 What I did with that OneNote notebook is it’s on SkyDrive and I sent them a link with permissions ytuy3Uzk6tc-00330-00173396-00174096 to edit to my wife. So that’s how you can share documents with that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00331-00174096-00174549 Again, you can send it as an email form, or if you’re IM'ing with somebody ytuy3Uzk6tc-00332-00174550-00175080 you can just send it here with a link. You can create a link for View and Edit, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00333-00175080-00175443 or you can make it public. And boy! Public means public. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00334-00175443-00175919 It’s just like Facebook. You want to be careful with that. Some people do post directly to Facebook ytuy3Uzk6tc-00335-00175920-00176430 or LinkedIn. If you were doing some event and you wanted to post something directly to LinkedIn ytuy3Uzk6tc-00336-00176430-00176860 for announcing the event, you could do that here through the Web Apps. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00337-00176860-00177586 Again, Web Apps are absolutely free. All you have to do is go to skydrive.com to sign in. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00338-00177586-00178059 If you have a – I’m going to go to a different page here. I’m going to go to one ytuy3Uzk6tc-00339-00178060-00178540 that kind of talks about it a little bit. You might already be signed up for SkyDrive. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00340-00178540-00179446 If you have – let me get back to a page then I can start talking at the same time. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00341-00179446-00180013 If you have an Outlook.com account, if you have a Hotmail account, if you have an Xbox Live ytuy3Uzk6tc-00342-00180013-00180476 account, I think if you even have an old Messenger account, you already have a link ytuy3Uzk6tc-00343-00180476-00180956 to SkyDrive. You already have an account at SkyDrive so you can start using the Web Apps ytuy3Uzk6tc-00344-00180956-00181249 right away. You can start using them right now if you want to. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00345-00181250-00182240 I’ve gone here to the page that I work on. If you go to office.com, up in the left-hand top corner ytuy3Uzk6tc-00346-00182240-00182890 is the support page. Let me just click on that. And this is where I do most of my stuff. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00347-00182890-00183640 There’s free training that we can talk about that are downloadable courses for all versions, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00348-00183640-00184290 OneNote 2007, OneNote 2010, OneNote 2013. A lot of the stuff that we’ve talk about here ytuy3Uzk6tc-00349-00184290-00184856 will be under the Get Started which suddenly is not available. This is wonderful. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00350-00184856-00185419 I love – nothing like live theater, folks. Here we go. So here is the Get Started page. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00351-00185420-00185840 If you’re new with Office, you can get here. We have different levels of courses ytuy3Uzk6tc-00352-00185840-00186253 if you’re just new to the newest version of Office, we can train you. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00353-00186253-00186656 If you’ve never opened up OneNote before you can go down here, right down here on the left ytuy3Uzk6tc-00354-00186656-00186813 and learn the basics. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00355-00186813-00187063 So, we have all this stuff here and one of the things I did want to point out ytuy3Uzk6tc-00356-00187063-00188099 is the Quick Start Guide. We have them for all our programs. It’s a six-page guide you can download ytuy3Uzk6tc-00357-00188100-00188680 for free. You can either print them out, if you want to print them out for all your staff, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00358-00188680-00189386 or just do it online. This is the PDF that I’ve opened up here, and it just goes through ytuy3Uzk6tc-00359-00189386-00190016 some of the basics of OneNote. It talks about what to do with sharing the notebook ytuy3Uzk6tc-00360-00190016-00190559 and how the Share tab works, and just other commands. You’ll find these for all ytuy3Uzk6tc-00361-00190560-00191333 of the Office programs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint. It’s a great little thing with resources ytuy3Uzk6tc-00362-00191333-00191693 that’s been one of the most successful things that we work on here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00363-00191693-00192206 Again, you can find that all if you go to Office.com/GetStarted ytuy3Uzk6tc-00364-00192206-00192806 or just click the Support tab and look for the GetStarted icon which hopefully will appear ytuy3Uzk6tc-00365-00192806-00193239 any moment. There we go! Any more questions? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00366-00193240-00193553 Becky: Do you think we can jump back to – yeah, well we do have a lot of questions coming in, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00367-00193553-00194073 and we will try to address a lot of them. Can we jump back to OneNote itself? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00368-00194073-00194459 We have folks who are wondering if you were just opening up the screen ytuy3Uzk6tc-00369-00194460-00195053 and you’ve got an empty page, some basic tips on just getting started. It seems pretty clear ytuy3Uzk6tc-00370-00195053-00196449 that this is a great digital notebook trapper/keeper essentially. You can plop in documents. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00371-00196450-00196926 You can plop in videos. You can plop in images. You can move things all around. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00372-00196926-00197543 I think people want to know how you just get started if you’re going to do something. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00373-00197543-00198123 Let’s say we’re planning a library event, like we’re going to have a reading night. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00374-00198123-00198886 You don’t have to plop in related content really, but just to get an idea of what kind of stuff ytuy3Uzk6tc-00375-00198886-00199063 you could throw in here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00376-00199063-00199426 Doug: Okay. Here’s some things. Let’s say we’re going to do reading night. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00377-00199426-00199913 Now let’s say I have a meeting for that. Here’s one thing, if you have Outlook integrated, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00378-00199913-00200456 you can just simply do meeting notes. This is actually looking at my meetings for today, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00379-00200456-00200999 and I’m going to plunk in this meeting here which I think only I’m a member of, but it puts – ytuy3Uzk6tc-00380-00201000-00201586 there’s the information of the folks that this is around, and you can start a meeting right here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00381-00201586-00201953 That’s one thing you can get started right away if you’re using Outlook. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00382-00201953-00202379 Other things you can do, let’s do a to-do- list. Let’s do what we need to do. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00383-00202380-00203173 We need to ready the book. (I’m just making things up here.) And then there’s Step 2, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00384-00203173-00203616 and then there’s Step 3. I can just write anywhere on here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00385-00203616-00204359 People love tags, so here are tags that we have so you can actually do a to-do tag. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00386-00204360-00205066 Let me do all these. All of these will have to-do tags and you can check those off as you go. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00387-00205066-00205606 I’ll just show you some of the other tags that we have here. You can tag things as you go. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00388-00205606-00206099 I have a page that I keep up-to-date of all the things I’m working on at once, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00389-00206100-00206543 and that’s what I use as my manager. Again, if you’re a check-off person ytuy3Uzk6tc-00390-00206543-00207016 and you like checking off, or you read Russian literature – bad joke there – ytuy3Uzk6tc-00391-00207016-00207259 you just go to check this stuff off as you go with the to-do list. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00392-00207260-00208003 Other things you can insert include again, attachments of files. If you have certain files here, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00393-00208003-00208689 let’s attach a file here. Let’s say, okay we have this really important memo here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00394-00208690-00209503 Let me go over and just let me point out this. This is one of the things you can do with SkyDrive ytuy3Uzk6tc-00395-00209503-00210069 is get a download so you can put into your file explorer so you can grab things, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00396-00210069-00210490 so that’s how you can grab different documents and stuff like that right from File Explorer ytuy3Uzk6tc-00397-00210490-00210936 or Windows Explorer, depending on what you call it. Let me see if I can find a document here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00398-00210936-00211533 Okay, let me grab this. And I can either attach. I can either insert a printout ytuy3Uzk6tc-00399-00211533-00212079 or I can just attach a file. So there you go, I have this file that I always need for this event, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00400-00212080-00212336 and it’s right there. I‘ll click on it and I’ll be able to get to it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00401-00212336-00212849 I can also put in a spreadsheet for Excel. These are new for 2010, the Excel spreadsheet ytuy3Uzk6tc-00402-00212850-00213226 and the diagram for Visio, if you have Visio. You can insert pictures. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00403-00213226-00214026 So if you want an online picture – let’s see here. Let me find some. So I can search Bing. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00404-00214026-00214649 I can go to my SkyDrive. I can go to my computer. Let me go to Office and type “book cover” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00405-00214650-00215773 and let’s see what pops up, and I can insert pictures that way. Come on baby, work for me. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00406-00215773-00216146 Nothing like a live demo. Okay, we’ll come back to that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00407-00216146-00217436 You can put in audio. I know some people that may be looking for something to get a memo on. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00408-00217436-00217816 They can do that. You can even record your video if you need to, time and date. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00409-00217816-00218233 There’s actually page templates. Even people who have used OneNote don’t realize ytuy3Uzk6tc-00410-00218233-00218846 that there’s page templates. You can open them here and they’ll appear on the right-hand side. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00411-00218846-00219243 And there’s different ones here. We have academic ones, lecture notes, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00412-00219243-00219663 there’s ones for business here, so if you have a project overview. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00413-00219663-00220103 And this has just started a new page and I just click until I get the one that I want here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00414-00220103-00220639 These are pre-made, and you can make your own and put them out. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00415-00220640-00221219 I always talk about the decorative ones. We did a couple of videos. If you need a page ytuy3Uzk6tc-00416-00221219-00221826 that has rainbows on it, I think we have you covered. Rainbow, there you go. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00417-00221826-00221959 You can do a rainbow. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00418-00221960-00222419 Again, if you notice, each time I click these it just added a page right here on the right-hand side. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00419-00222419-00223003 So templates can be used and we also have some online that you can get to. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00420-00223003-00223473 Any template, even one that was made for OneNote 2003 will work on later versions, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00421-00223473-00223646 so you don’t have to worry about that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00422-00223646-00223973 There’s definitely math. There’s instant math you can do here in OneNote, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00423-00223973-00224849 so 135 plus 72 times 15 equals 1,215. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00424-00224850-00225116 Becky: It’s way smarter than I am. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00425-00225116-00225623 Doug: Here’s a whole bunch of stuff that here I’m going to look really smart. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00426-00225623-00225889 I don’t even know how to pronounce these, let alone know what they are, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00427-00225890-00226176 but there’s some equation I put in there. A lot of people use math. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00428-00226176-00226463 Now, one of the things you saw here as soon as I clicked on the math, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00429-00226463-00227129 I get what’s called a contextual tab. You’ll find those starting with Office 2010, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00430-00227130-00227713 that when you’re in a certain function, using pictures, using a table, new tabs will appear. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00431-00227713-00228249 They only appear when you are working on that part. So as soon as I click away ytuy3Uzk6tc-00432-00228250-00228890 from this math equation, that tab will go away. Click on it again and that tab appears. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00433-00228890-00229516 That’s an equation tool that’s in OneNote. Again, OneNote was built for thinking of students ytuy3Uzk6tc-00434-00229516-00229766 way back when, so there’s a lot of functions for that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00435-00229766-00230339 We talked about the Draw tab if you need to add color. Or other than that ytuy3Uzk6tc-00436-00230340-00230836 there’s been since day one there has been ink to math and ink to text. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00437-00230836-00231649 So if you are drawing with a pen, that text can be changed into type. I can’t really function that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00438-00231650-00231966 I can’t really show that off with the screen I have here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00439-00231966-00232486 And then there‘s other things here about authors. If you’re working on a book together, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00440-00232486-00232923 you can have it that you can have the little initials of who’s worked on what ytuy3Uzk6tc-00441-00232923-00233456 so you can see what’s changed on a page. I just don’t think I’m set up to show that right now either. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00442-00233456-00234003 Let me show you some of the deluxe things people do. People treat events -- ytuy3Uzk6tc-00443-00234003-00234653 for public events -- we went to a Mom 2.0 conference we went to in New Orleans, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00444-00234653-00235223 and the Public Relations folks put together this notebook that you could download for free. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00445-00235223-00235643 So this was on SkyDrive. People could download it as a OneNote Web App ytuy3Uzk6tc-00446-00235643-00236043 if they don’t have OneNote, and then they could put it into OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00447-00236043-00236643 So they had everything from what to bring, to some travel itineraries of where you were staying, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00448-00236643-00237066 the full schedule of the conference was here, your own things for notes, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00449-00237066-00237489 things to do in New Orleans. All that stuff was added. There’s the little thing, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00450-00237490-00238023 this EJ thing here that shows you that a different author has worked on this page. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00451-00238023-00238326 So this was something that people could download and use at the event. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00452-00238326-00238746 And you could do this for your own event. You could export a OneNote notebook ytuy3Uzk6tc-00453-00238746-00239359 or a page or a section to folks again, if you wanted to do it as a stand-alone ytuy3Uzk6tc-00454-00239360-00239763 versus having a shared notebook. So it’s very flexible on that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00455-00239763-00240133 There’s probably a few more questions because I’ve just tackled a whole bunch of stuff. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00456-00240133-00240569 Becky: There’s actually a lot of questions coming in, and we’ve captured most of them ytuy3Uzk6tc-00457-00240569-00240996 or we are capturing all of them on the back end. Somebody was asking for some clarification. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00458-00240996-00241553 Susan was asking about, “So what’s the difference between the notebooks on the left ytuy3Uzk6tc-00459-00241553-00242013 and the tabs along the top. Are the tabs for the same notebook?” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00460-00242013-00242669 Doug: Correct. I am currently in this Mom 2.0 notebook, so those are all my notebooks ytuy3Uzk6tc-00461-00242669-00243550 on the left-hand side. Think of that as notebooks in a case. In this Mom 2.0 notebook, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00462-00243550-00244273 there are 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 tabs. Here is the Things to Do in New Orleans tab that I’m in. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00463-00244273-00244819 In this tab there are two pages on the right-hand side: places to see, places to eat. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00464-00244819-00245730 Now I’m going to click over to another one. Let’s click into the Home stuff that I have, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00465-00245730-00246113 and I’m not going to go through all these ‘cause I don’t need you to see everything, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00466-00246113-00246733 but as you can see I have several tabs at the top here which include At Home, Food, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00467-00246733-00247109 which is where I kind of keep a recipe file, Travel Information, Money Information, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00468-00247110-00247610 my daughter’s soccer team, some things like that, then each of these, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00469-00247610-00248013 so I’m on the Bathroom tab. This is for my bathroom remodel. I put in dimensions. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00470-00248013-00248463 I put in a shower drawing. I can show you that. I copied someone’s drawing, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00471-00248463-00249033 although you can draw in OneNote if you want to. This was just a picture of one of the drawings ytuy3Uzk6tc-00472-00249033-00249803 that we had, dimensions. So I could keep everything in one place basically. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00473-00249803-00250426 So that’s kind of the structure of it, notebooks, tabs inside notebooks, pages inside tabs. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00474-00250426-00250869 And as you can see at the top – Yeah? No, go ahead. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00475-00250869-00251336 Becky: Doug, I was just going to ask if you say you insert a document into OneNote, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00476-00251336-00251739 you have a Word document you want to insert, and you go back to that Word document ytuy3Uzk6tc-00477-00251740-00252290 and you make some edits. Will that automatically update in OneNote as well? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00478-00252290-00253013 Doug: If you – I’m trying to think. If it’s on your computer, when you click on it again, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00479-00253013-00253519 it just opens it on the computer. If you keep it on SkyDrive, you click on it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00480-00253519-00254053 it will open up in SkyDrive. So yes, if you of course print it out, it’s just a printout. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00481-00254053-00254713 That won’t change, but the little icon that we had for that document — and again, I can’t remember. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00482-00254713-00255189 Here we go, I’m going to use this. I can’t remember what notebook I was working in ytuy3Uzk6tc-00483-00255190-00255646 but we called it “Reading Night” and then I type in “reading” and it goes right there and I’ll click on ytuy3Uzk6tc-00484-00255646-00256219 that, and now I know what the page was. So this April document, as long as it’s -- ytuy3Uzk6tc-00485-00256219-00256683 this is on SkyDrive, so if I updated the SkyDrive document, the next time I clicked on this, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00486-00256683-00257113 as long as I was connected to the Internet, that’s where you would have a disconnect. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00487-00257113-00257649 If you are offline when you click on it, you would just get the latest copy that you had. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00488-00257650-00258330 Becky: Great. Can photo galleries be placed on websites if they’re in OneNote? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00489-00258330-00258656 If you capture a bunch of photos in OneNote maybe from your own hard drive ytuy3Uzk6tc-00490-00258656-00259179 or maybe from your own digital camera, can you then go place them into a web page ytuy3Uzk6tc-00491-00259180-00259653 if you want to share them on Facebook? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00492-00259653-00260506 Doug: My first thought would be no, but let me think here. In fact let me go back to my photos. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00493-00260506-00261086 It’s a good question. I’m thinking. I’m thinking hard. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00494-00261086-00261659 Becky: No problem. While you think, I’m thinking of a million different ways that I could use this ytuy3Uzk6tc-00495-00261660-00262340 in an office setting where maybe we have a notebook that’s just called Marketing Meeting, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00496-00262340-00262850 and we have tabs for each marketing meeting’s notes, and we just capture the brainstorms, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00497-00262850-00263313 the notes, the announcements, and add the checklists for the different to-do’s ytuy3Uzk6tc-00498-00263313-00263729 that come out of those meetings right into a different tab for each meeting. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00499-00263730-00264196 So that anytime we have a meeting, we can pop back into our OneNote, see what to-do’s ytuy3Uzk6tc-00500-00264196-00264613 were left, if they were done or not, check out the notes, check out the brainstorms. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00501-00264613-00265373 It seems like a great place to keep collaborative meeting notes and things like a lightweight, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00502-00265373-00265963 probably, project management system. So if you don’t want to dive into using something ytuy3Uzk6tc-00503-00265963-00266536 like Microsoft Project to set up a really in-depth project, it could be a great way ytuy3Uzk6tc-00504-00266536-00267019 to say you’re having this event and you want to have three different people working ytuy3Uzk6tc-00505-00267020-00267650 on different pieces of it. You brainstorm. You have your event details, your venue info, your menus, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00506-00267650-00268063 all in different tabs or different notebooks, depending on how big you want to make it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00507-00268063-00268539 and you can have a lot of those to-do’s and timelines listed out in OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00508-00268540-00268866 and shared with your coworkers who are collaborating on it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00509-00268866-00269593 Doug: Absolutely, and again I try to be a jack-of-all-trades with Office, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00510-00269593-00270179 a project I’ve never gotten into to, so any project I have done, I have done here in OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00511-00270180-00270613 To answer the question, so these pictures were taken with my cell phone ytuy3Uzk6tc-00512-00270613-00271079 and placed into OneNote. I’ve never done anything else with them. I would have to ytuy3Uzk6tc-00513-00271080-00271620 Save As and then save it as a photo somewhere. That’s the only way I could do it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00514-00271620-00272206 So there’s not a direct cut-and-paste or anything like that that you can do. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00515-00272206-00272896 It’s stored someplace else in your picture file, you have to do it separately. So that is, I guess, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00516-00272896-00273303 one drawback. If you’re collecting pictures, you can. But again, I’m not really collecting ytuy3Uzk6tc-00517-00273303-00273799 really nice pictures here. I usually collect ideas and thoughts and pictures of things like that. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00518-00273800-00274226 In fact, here’s one of the things that I would do here if I was collecting things I liked ytuy3Uzk6tc-00519-00274226-00274403 or collecting items. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00520-00274403-00274876 I’m going to go to this page here, which is Office. I’m going to hit the Windows S key ytuy3Uzk6tc-00521-00274876-00275259 and I’m going to grab this image. I’m not really grabbing an image. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00522-00275260-00275940 I’m just really grabbing a screen shot of that picture, and then let me send it to that location, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00523-00275940-00276493 and there it is. And look, it actually worked this time. So here’s that image. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00524-00276493-00276949 It’s not really an image. It’s just a screen clipping but I have the information of where I had it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00525-00276950-00277330 that URL is live. I can click on it and go back to the page, and when I took it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00526-00277330-00278320 which is exactly today. So that’s how I kind of collect images, per se, with OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00527-00278320-00278796 One thing that’s kind of cool but kind of not, but I just wanted to kind of show it off. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00528-00278796-00279193 If you right-click an image, there is this Copy Text from Picture. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00529-00279193-00279579 It’s got to be a really clear picture, and I’m going to test with this one here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00530-00279580-00280113 If you take a picture of someone’s business card, a close-up, usually this will work just fine, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00531-00280113-00280666 that you can right-click and then paste that text right next to it. See it? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00532-00280666-00281043 It kind of came through funky with SkyDrive. That’s something that some people ytuy3Uzk6tc-00533-00281043-00281469 will know right away from OneNote, and it’s not the sharpest of features, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00534-00281470-00281866 though the one time I’ve used it is for taking pictures of business cards ytuy3Uzk6tc-00535-00281866-00282253 and then I can get that information into my contacts versus doing other things. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00536-00282253-00282703 I wanted to just kind of show that and I wanted to do another live experiment ytuy3Uzk6tc-00537-00282703-00282936 just to see if things would work. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00538-00282936-00283389 Becky: Great. Thank you. Well, we do have a lot of questions coming in so I’d like to pop ytuy3Uzk6tc-00539-00283390-00284050 through a few more quickly, if we can. Can notebooks be saved and shared ytuy3Uzk6tc-00540-00284050-00284603 in a network drive, or do they have to be shared over SkyDrive? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00541-00284603-00285106 Doug: No, they can be, if you’re on, well, if you’re on SharePoint you can definitely do it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00542-00285106-00285673 They should be able to be stored on other ones. I can’t remember if there’s something ytuy3Uzk6tc-00543-00285673-00286346 like a Dropbox scenario, but as long as you can work with the browser ytuy3Uzk6tc-00544-00286346-00286863 and everything seems to be working in the browser, you should be able to use SkyDrive ytuy3Uzk6tc-00545-00286863-00287699 because again, I’m not using OneNote per se. I’m using a browser to get the information that I need. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00546-00287700-00288316 So I’m trying to click back to the page here where I was on SkyDrive. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00547-00288316-00289169 As long as you can get the pages like this when you were working with SkyDrive, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00548-00289170-00289853 you should be able to save it to other -- that’s one of the things maybe we can put on ytuy3Uzk6tc-00549-00289853-00290306 if I can find that article later and put it up on your site. I don’t know the full scenario of it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00550-00290306-00291229 but again this is a browser-based system, so you should be able to save ytuy3Uzk6tc-00551-00291230-00291500 and work stuff as long as the browser works. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00552-00291500-00292023 Becky: So if you wanted to just use OneNote on your desktop, though, and save it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00553-00292023-00292356 Let’s say you have an Exchange server in your office and you want to just save it ytuy3Uzk6tc-00554-00292356-00292966 to your local Exchange server network, can you give access to coworkers ytuy3Uzk6tc-00555-00292966-00293403 to only be able to view a specific notebook or to open up a shared file, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00556-00293403-00293809 the same way as most other kinds of documents? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00557-00293810-00294206 Doug: Yes, you can. In fact the older version of OneNote before we started working ytuy3Uzk6tc-00558-00294206-00294873 about SkyDrive had that accessibility to it, that you could put it up in an Exchange world ytuy3Uzk6tc-00559-00294873-00295439 and people would get it. I don’t know if you can -- I believe that either the notebook was shareable ytuy3Uzk6tc-00560-00295440-00295846 or it was not. If it was, then you could do certain sections or certain pages. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00561-00295846-00296603 And here’s the same way. I mean, these are documents. I’m going to click on this OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00562-00296603-00297216 and we’ll see what it looks like. I want to open this as a Web App though, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00563-00297216-00298116 so let’s open this in the Web App. Yup, it’s going to open right. I think I have it probably set up ytuy3Uzk6tc-00564-00298116-00298419 that it’ll automatically open up in OneNote. So you could open this up in OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00565-00298420-00299240 or you could open it up in the Web App but again, it’d be certain sections you could share and send. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00566-00299240-00300126 You could send individual pages with OneNote 2013, but to share you would – ytuy3Uzk6tc-00567-00300126-00300756 let me click on that Sharing again - you’re going to share that entire notebook with somebody. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00568-00300756-00301239 And you can control whether they can edit it or not. So here’s the little checkbox here ytuy3Uzk6tc-00569-00301240-00301570 you can turn on and off. And then you can always see - ytuy3Uzk6tc-00570-00301570-00301850 Becky: Okay, so if you have specific tabs of that notebook that you don’t want to share, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00571-00301850-00302103 then maybe you just need to move them to a different notebook? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00572-00302103-00302293 Doug: Yup. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00573-00302293-00302703 Becky: Okay, that makes good sense. We also have some questions about, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00574-00302703-00303259 “So when I save a document, it goes to SkyDrive even if I want it to go to OneNote on my desktop. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00575-00303260-00303740 Is there a way to change that? Like, is there a way to have it saved just your OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00576-00303740-00303873 on your desktop?” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00577-00303873-00304583 Doug: Sure. For OneNote for Office 2013 basically, there was a big bet to put stuff ytuy3Uzk6tc-00578-00304583-00305039 into the cloud. So, I think for many of the programs there’s the default. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00579-00305040-00305603 On other versions, the first default was to your desktop. So when you save something, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00580-00305603-00306546 you can -- I went to the File menu here. When I press New, I can tell it where I want to save it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00581-00306546-00307026 Again, SkyDrive is my default but I have a couple different test environments here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00582-00307026-00307596 I have that I can save it on my computer or other web locations. I can add a place. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00583-00307596-00307953 I can do all of that. I can make the decision right when I’m doing a new one. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00584-00307953-00308479 And then, when you have older notebooks, you can certainly move them over. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00585-00308480-00309263 So if you’re going from OneNote 2010 to another version, to OneNote 2013, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00586-00309263-00309599 you want to move it in the cloud. There’s a pull-down menu here that you can share ytuy3Uzk6tc-00587-00309600-00310183 and move right from this screen, and you can move it into the Cloud pretty quickly this way. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00588-00310183-00310563 Either, or. It doesn’t matter what you want to do. You could probably even take this one ytuy3Uzk6tc-00589-00310563-00310986 This one happens to be in SkyDrive. I could probably move it to my hard drive if I wanted to. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00590-00310986-00311433 But again, if I move it to my hard drive the accessibility story goes away, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00591-00311433-00312096 and that’s what OneNote is so great with is Android phones, iPhones, iPads, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00592-00312096-00312659 Windows phones. Other computers can get to that information when you need it ytuy3Uzk6tc-00593-00312660-00312956 and that’s what makes it such an accessible thing. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00594-00312956-00313179 If you’ve seen the commercial that played a couple of months ago, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00595-00313180-00313740 the dad’s in the grocery store and he is trying to get the groceries. The kids are back in their place ytuy3Uzk6tc-00596-00313740-00314183 adding things to the grocery list as he’s shopping for them. And that’s a real-time story. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00597-00314183-00314746 That can happen. OneNote is looking to update every second, so if you are in the same notebook ytuy3Uzk6tc-00598-00314746-00315373 at the same time, you get real up-to-date information rolling every few seconds, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00599-00315373-00315836 depending of course on your Internet connection, but that’s one of the powers of OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00600-00315836-00316436 is about sharing stories. So to put it on your own computer is — some people feel more protective ytuy3Uzk6tc-00601-00316436-00317096 of that, and I totally understand that. SkyDrive has got — and the Web Apps have passed ytuy3Uzk6tc-00602-00317096-00317693 many of the rigid tests of governments around the world, and school districts. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00603-00317693-00318296 And there’s full documentation on that, if safety is a big key for you. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00604-00318296-00318613 Becky: Great. That’s really helpful. We have people asking ytuy3Uzk6tc-00605-00318613-00319229 can they also be used on Blackberry or is it only available with apps for iPhone, Android, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00606-00319230-00319583 Windows phone, and tablets like the Surface. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00607-00319583-00320059 Doug: Yeah, there was a symbion story at one time and I don’t know if that’s changed. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00608-00320060-00320430 It’s something I had down here as something to look up for another project I’m doing. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00609-00320430-00321063 Let me find the page where that information is, and you can click there yourself and find out. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00610-00321063-00321716 Becky: Okay, we can always follow up after the webinar as well. We also had some folks ytuy3Uzk6tc-00611-00321716-00322173 wondering about compatibility between older versions of OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00612-00322173-00322519 You know, if they’re using 2007 and they’re trying to upgrade to 2013, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00613-00322520-00323156 will those files and notebooks, will those move over pretty seamlessly or is there a process ytuy3Uzk6tc-00614-00323156-00323396 to save them into a different file? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00615-00323396-00323786 Doug: Once you open them the first time in the new product, they will say, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00616-00323786-00324229 “This is an older version.” I’m trying to figure out if I can get that screen up. I don’t think I can. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00617-00324230-00325036 There is a conversion box that usually pops up. I don’t think I can see it here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00618-00325036-00325556 It happens the first time you open it up and you can either stay in the old one if you want to — ytuy3Uzk6tc-00619-00325556-00325913 I don’t know why you would. But if you wanted to, you could keep it in the 2007, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00620-00325913-00326536 or you could just the one press and it will convert it to 2013. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00621-00326536-00327236 There is no conversion between 2010 and 2013. They all work the same. I think you might have to, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00622-00327236-00327709 you know, it’ll say this is an old one, but there’s no, where we have changed the formats ytuy3Uzk6tc-00623-00327710-00328220 for things like Word and PowerPoint over time, there was no change from OneNote 2010 ytuy3Uzk6tc-00624-00328220-00328506 to OneNote 2013. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00625-00328506-00329139 Becky: Great, now if somebody shares a file with somebody or they give permission to someone ytuy3Uzk6tc-00626-00329140-00329653 to edit, and they accidentally delete it, is there a way to restore that from SkyDrive? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00627-00329653-00330269 I guess it depends on where they’re deleting it, but if somebody messes up ytuy3Uzk6tc-00628-00330270-00330613 one of your shared files, what options are there to do anything about that? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00629-00330613-00331359 Doug: Right. I’m trying to get the edit story versus the delete story. Because they have permission ytuy3Uzk6tc-00630-00331360-00331970 to edit, do they have permission to delete it? Golly, that’s a really good question. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00631-00331970-00333323 I don’t know offhand because if I share a document with you -- let me go in here – ytuy3Uzk6tc-00632-00333323-00333949 so here’s some documents I’ve had, and they’re listed if they’re shared or not which is great. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00633-00333950-00334680 And I can delete it here but I don’t know if they have the capability to do it ytuy3Uzk6tc-00634-00334680-00335246 because when they get the link, they don’t go to this page. This is my SkyDrive page. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00635-00335246-00335726 They go to -- let me open up something here, let me open this Marketing Budget. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00636-00335726-00336549 It’ll be a little clearer. They go right to this page. So I’m on the Web App. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00637-00336550-00337383 I’m going to get some nice clarity with this stuff. If I go to File, I don’t have a “delete” key. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00638-00337383-00337789 Becky: That’s good to know. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00639-00337790-00338310 Doug: And then here there’s previous versions, so you can click on that, if someone messes up - ytuy3Uzk6tc-00640-00338310-00338656 I don’t know if I have previous versions for this one, I’ll find out. Yeah, so here are the previous ytuy3Uzk6tc-00641-00338656-00339286 versions of this document. That’s all in SkyDrive. Again, I’m in the web browser here ytuy3Uzk6tc-00642-00339286-00339949 doing this stuff, so I think that’s the story. They wouldn’t be able to delete it, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00643-00339950-00340573 and if they mess with it you can one, cut them off. You can say they can’t share anymore ytuy3Uzk6tc-00644-00340573-00340769 and you can find the previous versions. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00645-00340770-00341340 Becky: That’s terrific to know that there’s a revision control ability in there. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00646-00341340-00341866 We’re almost out of time so I want to make sure we get through a couple more questions ytuy3Uzk6tc-00647-00341866-00342376 before we wrap up. We had a couple asking about compatibility with other tools. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00648-00342376-00342846 For example, some of the, like “If you put checklists into your meeting notes ytuy3Uzk6tc-00649-00342846-00343479 or into your to-do list for that event you’re planning, can you transfer those ytuy3Uzk6tc-00650-00343480-00343823 into a project management tool like Microsoft Project? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00651-00343823-00344189 Is there a way to connect them or make them interactive? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00652-00344190-00344730 Doug: I don’t know, quite frankly, because I don’t know Project that well at all. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00653-00344730-00345593 You can cut and paste them, if that’s something you’re trying to do. I don’t really know the story ytuy3Uzk6tc-00654-00345593-00346109 on that, but again you can share stuff with the OneNote. The compatibility for OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00655-00346110-00347066 is basically built on Outlook, Excel, and any Office program, including Internet Explorer. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00656-00347066-00347649 You can find things that say Send to OneNote so there is that compatibility. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00657-00347650-00348113 So it’s more of a Send to OneNote feature versus a OneNote to something else feature. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00658-00348113-00348726 So for those project things, if you don’t’ just cut and paste it, I don’t know what the story would be ytuy3Uzk6tc-00659-00348726-00348939 on that, sorry to say. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00660-00348940-00349220 Becky: No problem. Thanks so much for trying to tackle that one. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00661-00349220-00349620 We had some people asking about how it compares with tools that they’ve used ytuy3Uzk6tc-00662-00349620-00350123 for note-taking, like EverNote on mobile apps. It looks like this offers quite a bit more ytuy3Uzk6tc-00663-00350123-00350723 robust notebooks and tabs and interactivity compared to a mobile version, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00664-00350723-00351173 but I wonder how does OneNote’s mobile version compare with something like EverNote? ytuy3Uzk6tc-00665-00351173-00351399 I don’t know how familiar you are with that tool. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00666-00351400-00351860 Doug: I’ve got to say I’ve been at Microsoft six years so I’ve done very, very little with EverNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00667-00351860-00352650 But the Office Web Apps continue to update. They continue to have new features rolled out. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00668-00352650-00353293 Something’s going to be a preference to what they want to use, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00669-00353293-00354176 but if they’re using even Office for MAC or something like that, there’s not a OneNote per se ytuy3Uzk6tc-00670-00354176-00354639 for all the Office for MAC suite, but they can certainly use the features ytuy3Uzk6tc-00671-00354640-00354930 that you can find in an iPad and an iPhone. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00672-00354930-00355696 I’m not really a comparison person. That’s not my area but if anyone’s online ytuy3Uzk6tc-00673-00355696-00356189 they might be able to say on that, but the apps will be updated. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00674-00356190-00356500 The Web Apps continue to be updated and of course, the best experience ytuy3Uzk6tc-00675-00356500-00356850 is with a Windows phone because it’s built by the same people. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00676-00356850-00357340 So there’s some really great compatibility with the Windows phone. You can do almost everything ytuy3Uzk6tc-00677-00357340-00357830 I do on this OneNote including changing figures on Excel charts and getting the graphs ytuy3Uzk6tc-00678-00357830-00358200 and all that. It all comes through with a Windows phone really nicely. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00679-00358200-00358700 Becky: Great. Thanks so much for that. With that, we have to actually wrap things up here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00680-00358700-00359000 We did answer most questions but I know there were a few still lingering. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00681-00359000-00359583 We will try to address those in the follow-up, and you’ll also receive the materials discussed today ytuy3Uzk6tc-00682-00359583-00359946 in an email later on this afternoon. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00683-00359946-00360293 As I’m wrapping up, I just want to steal the screen back from Doug here. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00684-00360293-00360489 Doug: Sure. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00685-00360490-00360920 Becky: We have a few little samples of how TechSoupers use OneNote ytuy3Uzk6tc-00686-00360920-00361270 for things like Global Media planning. And you can see that they have action items ytuy3Uzk6tc-00687-00361270-00361466 listed out with checklist. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00688-00361466-00361913 I’m going to just show you really quickly we have a couple of articles that give some ytuy3Uzk6tc-00689-00361913-00362366 more step-by-step on how to use OneNote, particularly geared towards nonprofits ytuy3Uzk6tc-00690-00362366-00362783 and libraries. One is called “Is Microsoft OneNote the One for You?” ytuy3Uzk6tc-00691-00362783-00363296 and the link is at the bottom of this slide that you’ll receive in that email later on this afternoon ytuy3Uzk6tc-00692-00363296-00363629 as well. It talks about some of the features and about how some of us use it ytuy3Uzk6tc-00693-00363630-00363810 in the office environment. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00694-00363810-00364323 We also have one that shows some of the new features in both PowerPoint and OneNote 2013, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00695-00364323-00364783 things like putting the video in and doodling, drawing on your OneNote. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00696-00364783-00365219 I know we’re a little bit over time but I just want to walk you through quickly ytuy3Uzk6tc-00697-00365220-00365890 what the Donation Program looks like here at Microsoft where you can request a donation ytuy3Uzk6tc-00698-00365890-00366426 if you’re an eligible nonprofit or a public library of OneNote as a stand-along product for a $4 ytuy3Uzk6tc-00699-00366426-00366993 administrative fee, or you can get it as part of your Office Suite, either Professional Plus ytuy3Uzk6tc-00700-00366993-00367696 or Office Standard, for the admin fees listed. If you have requested or received a donation ytuy3Uzk6tc-00701-00367696-00368339 through TechSoup of a Microsoft product that has OneNote already, you may be eligible to upgrade ytuy3Uzk6tc-00702-00368340-00368880 for free within two years of having received that. So if you’re on Office 2010 ytuy3Uzk6tc-00703-00368880-00369410 and you’d like to try 2013, you may be able to upgrade with no cost ytuy3Uzk6tc-00704-00369410-00369870 through Microsoft’s Volume Licensing service center with software sharing. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00705-00369870-00370453 Some additional resources, these show the Quick Start Guide that Doug mentioned earlier, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00706-00370453-00370976 the 15-minute webinars that he does every Tuesday, and a OneNote webinar ytuy3Uzk6tc-00707-00370976-00371446 that they previously did, the links to those two articles, and then the Software Assurance ytuy3Uzk6tc-00708-00371446-00372209 program that also offers eLearning courses in addition to what’s available on Office.com. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00709-00372210-00372583 Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you, Doug, for taking the time ytuy3Uzk6tc-00710-00372583-00373219 to share your expertise. Feel free to join us next Thursday, same time, same place, at 11:00 a.m. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00711-00373220-00373700 Pacific Time for How to Download your Microsoft Software Donation. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00712-00373700-00374110 You can also take a tour of the new Office, if you're not sure whether to upgrade or not, ytuy3Uzk6tc-00713-00374110-00374793 at the link shared here. We had a webinar last week on Publisher and we have a whole series ytuy3Uzk6tc-00714-00374793-00375256 of webinars on the different Office suite products to help you optimize how you’re using them ytuy3Uzk6tc-00715-00375256-00375446 in your office. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00716-00375446-00375809 Thank you also to ReadyTalk for hosting this webinar on their platform ytuy3Uzk6tc-00717-00375810-00376280 and donating it to us for our use to share these informative webinars with you. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00718-00376280-00376686 Take a moment after you have logged out of the webinar platform ytuy3Uzk6tc-00719-00376686-00377103 to complete our post event survey so we can improve them for future events. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00720-00377103-00377593 Five equals excellent. One equals poor. So please give us some great feedback. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00721-00377593-00377793 We really appreciate it. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00722-00377793-00378123 Thank you so much, everyone, and have a terrific afternoon. ytuy3Uzk6tc-00723-00378123-00378429 Captioning by YourOnlineScribe.com yvMnB_INHRo-00000-00000016-00000440 here this morning I don't know how your weather is but mine I think we're about to get a big storm, yvMnB_INHRo-00001-00000440-00001104 so I'm hoping I'll make it through this with no problems. I'm going to just give you a little yvMnB_INHRo-00002-00001320-00001864 overview of what we're going to be looking at today, and often I launch into things, yvMnB_INHRo-00003-00001864-00002288 and lately people have been telling me you need a little bit of an overview to orient people to yvMnB_INHRo-00004-00002288-00002672 what you're going to be talking about, so I think I'm going to do that first. By the way, yvMnB_INHRo-00005-00002736-00003200 I've been at the Census Bureau for about 23 24 years. I've actually stopped counting. yvMnB_INHRo-00006-00003279-00003904 I've been through a couple, actually three of the 10-year censuses but a number of years ago yvMnB_INHRo-00007-00003904-00004720 I transitioned from working in the regional office as a geographer and moved out doing presentations, yvMnB_INHRo-00008-00004720-00005632 and so this is some a service we provide for free and I do cover most of New York state - not Long yvMnB_INHRo-00009-00005632-00006144 Island and northern New Jersey, and so under normal circumstances, I actually come out yvMnB_INHRo-00010-00006200-00006976 and give presentations live or in the flesh, I'll say. So what I'm going to do today is really yvMnB_INHRo-00011-00007048-00007368 talk about who we are at the Census Bureau very quickly. That's a 30-second yvMnB_INHRo-00012-00007456-00007968 slide and then talk about decennial, which we've just been through the 2020 census, yvMnB_INHRo-00013-00007968-00008608 and American Community Survey - we call that ACS - explain just a little bit about how we collect yvMnB_INHRo-00014-00008608-00009104 data for the ACS and then what are the parameters that you need to find data, yvMnB_INHRo-00015-00009104-00009856 what do you need to put in as your filters. Then I'm also going to give a demo a couple times yvMnB_INHRo-00016-00009856-00010424 on the data portal, and hopefully you'll pick up on that a little bit. Then I do really want yvMnB_INHRo-00017-00010424-00010936 to show you the ACS website because for some people that's an easier way to find the data, yvMnB_INHRo-00018-00010936-00011344 and then at the end any questions or if you want me to go back and look at something, yvMnB_INHRo-00019-00011344-00012040 or if we want to try it ourselves so we can do that. Let's talk about what we do at the census yvMnB_INHRo-00020-00012040-00012736 bureau. We are a contractor to other federal agencies, and we go out and we have people yvMnB_INHRo-00021-00012736-00013160 knocking on doors all the time, or they're visiting town halls or village halls and yvMnB_INHRo-00022-00013160-00013728 doctors offices and hospitals, trying to gather data so as you can see we gather data for HUD. yvMnB_INHRo-00023-00013808-00014352 Right now we're doing a special survey called housing vacancy survey that's for New York City. yvMnB_INHRo-00024-00014352-00014968 They actually pay us to do that do things for the Department of Labor, a lot of things for the CDC, yvMnB_INHRo-00025-00014968-00015512 and when our census takers come out they have a special census badge, but the ones for the CDC yvMnB_INHRo-00026-00015512-00016152 they actually have two badges - a CDC badge and a census badge - at the same time. And we also do yvMnB_INHRo-00027-00016152-00016568 this thing called the American Community Survey, down here at the bottom, and this is our biggest yvMnB_INHRo-00028-00016568-00017112 survey, as a matter of fact, and that is actually conducted by us, that is not something we send off yvMnB_INHRo-00029-00017112-00017688 to another federal agency. Many of these things we are contractors - we collect the data for them. yvMnB_INHRo-00030-00017688-00018120 We turn over that data to those agencies and then they release it on their website, yvMnB_INHRo-00031-00018120-00018760 on their websites, as they see fit to do so. Let me just move forward. Let's talk about this yvMnB_INHRo-00032-00018832-00019504 2020 census or decennial census, as we call it in-house. It is something we do every 10 years. yvMnB_INHRo-00033-00019504-00020208 We've just come through that. It is called the official account of the population. We do visit yvMnB_INHRo-00034-00020208-00020960 every household. Anybody who doesn't respond, rather. We send a form out to them and hope that yvMnB_INHRo-00035-00020960-00021528 they will respond on the paper form or online. If they don't we visit the household. We ask yvMnB_INHRo-00036-00021616-00022392 10 basic questions, and we do have to account for every housing unit, whether it's vacant or not. yvMnB_INHRo-00037-00022392-00023184 We do have to visit that. So decennial census - it also included homeless people, believe it or not. yvMnB_INHRo-00038-00023184-00023848 That's the only time really we count homeless people. We do visit group quarters which are yvMnB_INHRo-00039-00023848-00024608 like university dorms and parish houses and things of that sort and count people who live together in yvMnB_INHRo-00040-00024608-00025336 groups. This is the first time we did this census online, and you could do it on your phone, so that yvMnB_INHRo-00041-00025336-00025768 was kind of an interesting thing, but I think it really helped things during this pandemic a lot. yvMnB_INHRo-00042-00025888-00026472 All the other censuses we do like American Community Survey, we do population estimates, as yvMnB_INHRo-00043-00026472-00027120 as a matter of fact, every year, and other things that we do are all based on this 10-year account, yvMnB_INHRo-00044-00027120-00027624 so this is sort of like our inventory every 10 years. Everything else we do, which is sampling, yvMnB_INHRo-00045-00027688-00028376 is based on this, I'll call it a baseline. The data is available down to a block level yvMnB_INHRo-00046-00028376-00029208 and much of that is because of redistricting, and that redistricting this year is going to be late, yvMnB_INHRo-00047-00029304-00030176 this census, and it will be I believe the end of September when it will be released to the public. yvMnB_INHRo-00048-00030176-00030712 And the apparatus that we're going to look at today or the portal is the same place that people yvMnB_INHRo-00049-00030712-00031600 will go to to find that redistricting information down to the block level so keep that in mind. This yvMnB_INHRo-00050-00031600-00032200 decennial census had a lot of intense publicity surrounding it, and a lot of temporary workers who yvMnB_INHRo-00051-00032200-00032912 understand what they're doing in their lane, but not necessarily the bigger picture sometimes so, yvMnB_INHRo-00052-00032992-00033624 if you encountered somebody who understood what they're doing, that's great, but they may not have yvMnB_INHRo-00053-00033624-00034544 had had the bigger, broader picture of what the Census Bureau is doing. So his is part of the - yvMnB_INHRo-00054-00034544-00034960 David, you just had one quick question when you were talking about blocks, yvMnB_INHRo-00055-00034960-00035248 someone said is it a census block or a city block? yvMnB_INHRo-00056-00035464-00036176 it's a census block, and so a census block could be slightly different. We have about in the middle yvMnB_INHRo-00057-00036176-00036672 of nowhere out in the country - I shouldn't say the middle of nowhere - but it could be a huge yvMnB_INHRo-00058-00036672-00037152 area, right It's something that closes off on itself. It could be if you had a very yvMnB_INHRo-00059-00037152-00038008 wide highway like the new york thruway sometimes when you come to a cloverleaf, I will call it, yvMnB_INHRo-00060-00038008-00038672 those things in the middle of the clover leafs are also given a block number. We do things like yvMnB_INHRo-00061-00038672-00039240 that because you just never know where somebody's going to build a house. It sounds kind of silly, yvMnB_INHRo-00062-00039240-00039928 but stranger things have happened so that's why we do that. So it's wall-to-wall numbering of yvMnB_INHRo-00063-00039928-00040432 things that look pretty much like a city block but sometimes it's a little bit more than a yvMnB_INHRo-00064-00040432-00041120 city block and it is wall-to-wall from coast to coast to coast okay so just keep that in mind. yvMnB_INHRo-00065-00041344-00041856 American community survey it is a moving picture so we are doing this every month of every year yvMnB_INHRo-00066-00041856-00042344 and we did not stop because of the decennial census and so some people yvMnB_INHRo-00067-00042344-00042840 were actually receiving the American community survey form at the same time that they were yvMnB_INHRo-00068-00042840-00043584 receiving the 10-year census so that's a little confusing but we try to elaborate and explain. yvMnB_INHRo-00069-00043712-00044208 It is an impartial address selection so we don't know if people really live there or yvMnB_INHRo-00070-00044208-00045040 if they don't live there but we are obligated to unearth that information. It's sample count yvMnB_INHRo-00071-00045040-00045784 we do about one percent of the population or one percent housing stock every year, and yvMnB_INHRo-00072-00046040-00046640 just like the ten-year census, you're going to get a card or a letter beforehand telling you the acs yvMnB_INHRo-00073-00046640-00047176 is coming trying to explain what it is and then it comes about a week later it's a form paper form, yvMnB_INHRo-00074-00047176-00047736 and it will say you can do it online or you can do the paper form if you want to and if you don't yvMnB_INHRo-00075-00047736-00048320 get it back that month the next month you most likely will get a census taker visiting you. yvMnB_INHRo-00076-00048480-00049104 Or an acs census taker. We don't actually call them census takers we call ourselves yvMnB_INHRo-00077-00049104-00049560 the field representatives and they would come with a computer that has a decal on it yvMnB_INHRo-00078-00049560-00050104 that says census bureau and they ask you the questions and put it into a computer now look at yvMnB_INHRo-00079-00050104-00050736 this 72 questions so that's a lot of questions we're really getting beneath the surface we're yvMnB_INHRo-00080-00050736-00051416 asking you the deep characteristics about what is happening in your household, something very yvMnB_INHRo-00081-00051416-00052079 interesting about this though we barely care about your name. We are looking into statistics, yvMnB_INHRo-00082-00052184-00052744 trying to get the data, and then turning it into statistics but this is the one census or survey we yvMnB_INHRo-00083-00052744-00053344 don't really care too much about your name. We're asking your name so that if we don't understand yvMnB_INHRo-00084-00053344-00053855 something or there's confusion we can get back to you and we probably ask for your phone number but yvMnB_INHRo-00085-00053855-00054464 ultimately we are destroying the names off these forms and we do have by the way some people who yvMnB_INHRo-00086-00054567-00055144 participate in the acs and I have seen the forms and they're just labeled on there: person one, yvMnB_INHRo-00087-00055144-00055872 person two, person three. They don't even have a name. We prefer to have a name so we can come yvMnB_INHRo-00088-00055872-00056664 back to you, but it's not necessary. The tables come out what we call b tables - base tables, yvMnB_INHRo-00089-00056664-00057336 c - collapse tables, s - subject tables, and dp - data profile tables. We also have a a cp yvMnB_INHRo-00090-00057336-00057944 table which is a comparison profile table. We do a lot of cross tabulating so it might yvMnB_INHRo-00091-00057944-00058544 appear that we're asking question a and question b but then we're actually coming out with statistic yvMnB_INHRo-00092-00058600-00059216 c and d because we've figured out things by pulling in data from different questions so yvMnB_INHRo-00093-00059367-00060064 that's sort of a surprise to some people. This data is not available down to a tract level yvMnB_INHRo-00094-00060064-00060640 or a block level. Instead it's a tract level and a tract is something like a neighborhood. yvMnB_INHRo-00095-00061128-00061672 Something developed many many years ago it's like a mini neighborhood around the country and usually yvMnB_INHRo-00096-00061672-00062128 about four thousand people in a tract. It's developed so you can analyze things statistically. yvMnB_INHRo-00097-00062391-00062848 So here we have what looks like the American community survey questionnaire, this one or yvMnB_INHRo-00098-00062848-00063344 two questions and I just like to show this. This is always a question people have for us. yvMnB_INHRo-00099-00063560-00064152 People tend to think that Hispanic is a race and at the census bureau we do not view it that way yvMnB_INHRo-00100-00064152-00064808 we view Hispanic as an ethnicity. People can fill this up as they want to they can do the check-off yvMnB_INHRo-00101-00064864-00065432 on the form or they can write it in and so we have software that can read what people write in, yvMnB_INHRo-00102-00065520-00066312 and so it offers a little bit of flexibility there. Notice that the question about race yvMnB_INHRo-00103-00066312-00066816 follows that and so you could potentially have somebody who might say that they are Puerto yvMnB_INHRo-00104-00066816-00067256 Rican and then below they may say that they are white or they may say that they are black or they yvMnB_INHRo-00105-00067256-00067872 may say something else maybe they say they're Chinese or whatever we don't know there's all yvMnB_INHRo-00106-00067872-00068416 sorts of combinations and so that is some of the reasoning behind this so I just want people to yvMnB_INHRo-00107-00068552-00069248 know this you sometimes will get this sort of a question so this I put in here this is ancestry yvMnB_INHRo-00108-00069248-00069736 once again people can write in whatever they want to write in but the real reason I yvMnB_INHRo-00109-00069792-00070472 want to show you this question is so that you see it's actually three questions so it's number 14 yvMnB_INHRo-00110-00070472-00071160 is a b and c, asking about language so although I said there are 72 questions in the American yvMnB_INHRo-00111-00071160-00071792 community survey there's actually more questions in there so I just want you to to know that. yvMnB_INHRo-00112-00072008-00072536 These are the sort of the main categories but not all of them that you can get data for yvMnB_INHRo-00113-00072600-00073168 so right here in the middle we have what's called the DPO2 table there is no DPO1 table, yvMnB_INHRo-00114-00073288-00074104 and I don't know why dpo2 data profile that means so you have all these headings here but these are yvMnB_INHRo-00115-00074104-00074624 just sort of touching the surface when you look at the data profile table and I will show you today yvMnB_INHRo-00116-00074688-00075352 it's like a Walmart of tables. You see a lot of information in there about many many things but we yvMnB_INHRo-00117-00075352-00075944 never get into anything too specifically, and if you wanted to do that you would take one of these yvMnB_INHRo-00118-00075944-00076608 headings which are usually in the tables and they are all capitalized letters and then you could go yvMnB_INHRo-00119-00076608-00076984 back to your filters and put in those headings and you would find yvMnB_INHRo-00120-00076984-00077496 a myriad of tables dealing with these topics - different ways we've broken them out yvMnB_INHRo-00121-00077568-00077968 so i want you to notice that we we have information about social characteristics, yvMnB_INHRo-00122-00078024-00078600 economic characteristics over here on the left, we do have on the right housing characteristics yvMnB_INHRo-00123-00078600-00079184 so we we do ask 24 questions about the housing unit and things associated with the housing unit, yvMnB_INHRo-00124-00079288-00079680 and then all the rest of the questions are about people living there, and then we also yvMnB_INHRo-00125-00079680-00080376 have a dpo5 table i don't have it up here that is a more straightforward table about number of yvMnB_INHRo-00126-00080376-00080880 people living in a place, their sex, their race it's just very straightforward it doesn't really yvMnB_INHRo-00127-00080976-00081832 delve too deeply beneath the surface and it's sort of comparable to the decennial information yvMnB_INHRo-00128-00081832-00082592 that you normally would get every 10 years so i just don't have that up here. Let's talk about yvMnB_INHRo-00129-00082592-00083256 data thresholds and the parameters that you need to find your data so when we go looking for data yvMnB_INHRo-00130-00083256-00083856 today or if you're ever helping somebody I want you to keep in mind that there are two strains yvMnB_INHRo-00131-00083856-00084584 of data, so there's what we call the acs five-year data and the acs one-year data. acs five-year data yvMnB_INHRo-00132-00084704-00084960 Another question from your last slide. yvMnB_INHRo-00133-00085064-00086096 It says dp05 is it demographic? Does the D mean demographic? yvMnB_INHRo-00134-00086096-00086840 Yes, so somebody's looking it up as we're talking. Yes, there's an active crowd here. Yeah good! yvMnB_INHRo-00135-00087280-00087872 Talk about the data thresholds when you go looking for data you have to think about how big an area yvMnB_INHRo-00136-00087872-00088568 is in population and the reasoning behind this is we don't want to burden the public too much yvMnB_INHRo-00137-00088568-00089336 with too much door knocking, so we have what's called five-year data for low population areas, yvMnB_INHRo-00138-00089336-00089960 anything under 65 000 people and believe it or not you may have some counties in upstate yvMnB_INHRo-00139-00089960-00090688 new york that are under 65 000 people. If you went looking for data for an area under 65 000 you have yvMnB_INHRo-00140-00090688-00091376 to look for five-year data meaning it is data we pulled in data over five years and then we yvMnB_INHRo-00141-00091376-00091968 averaged it and then we released it to the public every December so we are releasing that data yvMnB_INHRo-00142-00092040-00092776 every year in December but it is an average from the past five years. If you are fortunate enough yvMnB_INHRo-00143-00092776-00093608 to be in an area of more than 65 000 people you now have the option of pulling five-year data you yvMnB_INHRo-00144-00093608-00094232 can still qualify your data but you also can get one-year data and when you get that one-year data, yvMnB_INHRo-00145-00094320-00094784 that means that it's just from the previous year. It's an average from the previous year the average yvMnB_INHRo-00146-00094784-00095584 was large enough the sample was large enough but do not believe, do not be tricked into believing yvMnB_INHRo-00147-00095584-00096216 that the one year data, the numbers you look at, will be the same as the five year because yvMnB_INHRo-00148-00096216-00096624 the five year is the average from five years and the one year is the average from one year. yvMnB_INHRo-00149-00096696-00097168 Just in case you happen to look at both of them for let's say the city of buffalo or something yvMnB_INHRo-00150-00097168-00097736 of that sort they will be different numbers. Notice on the right the dates of a release, yvMnB_INHRo-00151-00097792-00098240 so we have December and September, and then over here on the left I've kind of just put in here yvMnB_INHRo-00152-00098376-00099024 what falls into those categories in general but sometimes things fall into different things but yvMnB_INHRo-00153-00099024-00099728 in general zip code tabulation areas are going to be in the five-year data and then MCDs what, yvMnB_INHRo-00154-00099728-00100288 we call towns in upstate new york typically would be in the five-year but some of them yvMnB_INHRo-00155-00100352-00100624 may be large in population and maybe they'll be in the one-year yvMnB_INHRo-00156-00100696-00101240 category as well. Some counties will be in five years some counties will be in one year. Census yvMnB_INHRo-00157-00101240-00102440 tracts which are the flagship geography at the census bureau, they are in the five year aspect. yvMnB_INHRo-00158-00102528-00103159 Another specific question: explain what one unit attached is yvMnB_INHRo-00159-00103600-00103904 I'm not sure. That must be in a data set someone's looking at? yvMnB_INHRo-00160-00104080-00104616 That's Leslie. Leslie, are you looking in a data set right now? yvMnB_INHRo-00161-00104720-00105359 I'll wait till she answers and then we can. . . yvMnB_INHRo-00162-00105359-00105959 I'm thinking it's like an accessory dwelling unit but, I don't know. yvMnB_INHRo-00163-00106120-00106472 Well that's okay we can get to that when you get to the next pause I know you have a lot to cover. yvMnB_INHRo-00164-00106696-00107144 Just a little thing down here at the bottom, we have this thing called MOEs - margins of error and yvMnB_INHRo-00165-00107144-00107792 you're going to see that today and so as you go down in populated area your margins of error are yvMnB_INHRo-00166-00107792-00108472 going to get larger and larger and in fact, you may get to the point where you're not comfortable yvMnB_INHRo-00167-00108559-00108968 with what you're looking at you say that margin of error looks too large to me maybe I won't use yvMnB_INHRo-00168-00108968-00109640 this data the other thing I want to say is margins of error exist because the sample's too small or yvMnB_INHRo-00169-00109640-00110240 because people don't answer all the questions on the acs and so we will take in acs data, yvMnB_INHRo-00170-00110488-00111072 when people answer most of the questions we're very happy and we take it but there are people who yvMnB_INHRo-00171-00111072-00111640 don't, certainly we're all like that we don't want to answer all the questions some people may not yvMnB_INHRo-00172-00111640-00112344 answer one or two or three questions and so that changes the data intake and the margin of error as yvMnB_INHRo-00173-00112344-00113000 well. A little geography lesson here so we talked about blocks over here in the the lower right this yvMnB_INHRo-00174-00113000-00114000 red sort of geo blob i'll call it, polygon that is a census block, and then it fits into a block yvMnB_INHRo-00175-00114000-00114448 group and so this is what block groups kind of look like here all these are streets in here yvMnB_INHRo-00176-00114568-00115200 we do release some data at what we call a block group level but i do not advise using block group yvMnB_INHRo-00177-00115264-00115880 level data unless you're really desperate sometimes those margins of error are really high yvMnB_INHRo-00178-00115880-00116456 but the block groups nest within census tract and just a little history census tracts generally have yvMnB_INHRo-00179-00116456-00117383 about 4 000 people in them that is the optimum population we need in an area to get a good sample yvMnB_INHRo-00180-00117383-00117983 reading for acs and so that was done intentionally and by the way census tracts are something that yvMnB_INHRo-00181-00117983-00118600 were developed back in 1910 in new york city. Federation of churches came to the census bureau yvMnB_INHRo-00182-00118600-00119344 and said you need to develop a statistical unit that's very stable and people can analyze an area yvMnB_INHRo-00183-00119344-00120152 over time the census bureau bought into that and by 1940 they went nationwide with the concept. So yvMnB_INHRo-00184-00120392-00121048 census tracts nest within a county counties nest within the state states within the united states yvMnB_INHRo-00185-00121048-00121616 so what is missing here? If we look over here on the left i've written here other geographies so yvMnB_INHRo-00186-00121616-00122224 notice that census tracts only nest within the county they don't nest within a zip yvMnB_INHRo-00187-00122224-00122968 code tabulation area they don't necessarily nest within a place, a minor civil division yvMnB_INHRo-00188-00122968-00123535 congressional district or school district so they know they're not comparable to those really. yvMnB_INHRo-00189-00123616-00124464 However, I always like to say in the northeast we pay our high taxes and we always think we yvMnB_INHRo-00190-00124464-00124935 don't get anything back for it but the one thing we get back for this is we have all these towns, yvMnB_INHRo-00191-00125016-00125696 town governments and when the census bureau set up the census tract they just saw it back in the 40s yvMnB_INHRo-00192-00125696-00126359 they sort of grandfathered in that census tract boundaries would not sever town boundaries. So yvMnB_INHRo-00193-00126416-00127016 if you have a town that has 16 000 people in it you're going to have four census tracks yvMnB_INHRo-00194-00127016-00127592 that are contained within that town. You won't have, something that's happened, one town and a yvMnB_INHRo-00195-00127592-00128088 half in another town so that's like a little perk we get here in the northeast, so these yvMnB_INHRo-00196-00128088-00128792 sort of nests very nicely are usually within the towns. Sometimes you might get a town a whole town yvMnB_INHRo-00197-00128848-00129696 that's its own single census tract and a few places like in Verrmont, population is so low yvMnB_INHRo-00198-00129776-00130528 that they've had to put two townships or towns together, or three that are just one census tract yvMnB_INHRo-00199-00130528-00131488 but they never sever, partially in one town and partially in another, it's always following those yvMnB_INHRo-00200-00131488-00132384 township boundaries. Over here on the left when we go look lower left l have here in new york in new yvMnB_INHRo-00201-00132384-00132928 england county subdivision and that equals cities and towns, not villages, but cities and towns yvMnB_INHRo-00202-00133000-00133880 so if you wanted to get a wall-to-wall look at your county what's going on, whatever county, I yvMnB_INHRo-00203-00133880-00134536 think it's Monroe, which is Rochester? so or maybe even Albany county if you were looking at that yvMnB_INHRo-00204-00134536-00134904 and you looked at county subdivisions it would give you all the cities and the towns in your yvMnB_INHRo-00205-00134904-00135480 county and you could kind of look at it wall to wall and see statistically what is going on yvMnB_INHRo-00206-00135704-00136104 just a little geography hierarchy I don't think I'm going to talk about this, but yvMnB_INHRo-00207-00136208-00136800 just so you know, certain things nest within other things and that's the way we view it at the census yvMnB_INHRo-00208-00136800-00137416 bureau but I don't think you need to know this and this is something I put in here this is really yvMnB_INHRo-00209-00137416-00138280 for people who deal with GIS and they need to know these codes when they're matching data up to their yvMnB_INHRo-00210-00138488-00139056 geo files and I don't know if there's anybody in this group who maybe they're from universities, yvMnB_INHRo-00211-00139056-00139624 may deal with students but just so you know we do have something like this and we realize geography yvMnB_INHRo-00212-00139688-00140400 or GIS people are actually using this. This is what a table will look like or table number rather yvMnB_INHRo-00213-00140400-00141104 table id so once again, it always starts with one or two letters. So you can get a b yvMnB_INHRo-00214-00141104-00141592 for base or s for subject or dp data profile you're always going to get that over here and yvMnB_INHRo-00215-00141592-00142024 that's the thing that I look at the most it kind of gives me an idea of what I'm dealing with yvMnB_INHRo-00216-00142024-00142880 if it's a data profile it's just a big table. It will always have percentages in it. I really like yvMnB_INHRo-00217-00142880-00143496 percentages. I have numbers and percentages. If you get to a base table or subject table, yvMnB_INHRo-00218-00143704-00144536 it will be a specialized table about one sort of topic. We'll really delve into the subject but yvMnB_INHRo-00219-00144536-00145048 you may not get percentages. Sometimes you're just going to get numbers. These two digits here and it yvMnB_INHRo-00220-00145048-00145888 is a little like an enigma to me the system they don't really explain it to us but this is where yvMnB_INHRo-00221-00145888-00146528 you can figure out what deals with what. Then this is like a subcategory over here and then yvMnB_INHRo-00222-00146528-00146944 I always like to draw your attention to the suffix at the end if you get something with yvMnB_INHRo-00223-00146944-00147752 a suffix it means it's dealing with one race. It might be caucasian it might be African-American yvMnB_INHRo-00224-00147752-00148296 or whatever it is. I think we have in there American Indian as a race that sort of thing so yvMnB_INHRo-00225-00148352-00148904 it is a way for you to search or to understand better what you're looking at just so you know. yvMnB_INHRo-00226-00149056-00149984 When I go into data.census.gov today, this is going to be our main portal for looking for data. yvMnB_INHRo-00227-00150096-00150880 It was a year ago that this was launched it is still very much in transition yvMnB_INHRo-00228-00150952-00151528 so they're always trying to improve on it. A lot of people are yvMnB_INHRo-00229-00151808-00152696 yearning for the former American factfinder however I think in some respects this has yvMnB_INHRo-00230-00152760-00153456 some advantages to it so you'll see today but what I'd like to say is the secret to this is advanced yvMnB_INHRo-00231-00153456-00154000 search. A lot of people would have gone, let me just go back to this window right here, yvMnB_INHRo-00232-00154000-00154496 I'm looking for it's a little bit like google you put something in but you have very little control yvMnB_INHRo-00233-00154560-00155256 over what comes back to you. If you come down here to advanced search you begin to have much yvMnB_INHRo-00234-00155256-00156008 more control in a way to filter through what you need. That is something that you can do, yvMnB_INHRo-00235-00156136-00156896 and I've gone to some other groups and I remember someone who's a librarian said yvMnB_INHRo-00236-00156896-00157472 as a librarian I will always go for the advanced search and so I said okay that sounds good to me. yvMnB_INHRo-00237-00157664-00158288 This is this is sort of my information and then if you want to maybe take a picture or you're going yvMnB_INHRo-00238-00158288-00158952 to get the information later but I'm not always there I could be on vacation I could get sick yvMnB_INHRo-00239-00158952-00159552 so we do have this other email down here census.askdata@census.gov and yvMnB_INHRo-00240-00159608-00159960 so we have a few people around the country always monitoring that website yvMnB_INHRo-00241-00160056-00160616 or that email account rather and they're trying to figure out how best to answer your question or yvMnB_INHRo-00242-00160696-00161488 to get the right person to call you and discuss if you have an issue I don't say you get something yvMnB_INHRo-00243-00161488-00162376 back immediately might take a day, but this is a good alternative to sending something to me or yvMnB_INHRo-00244-00162376-00162992 you send it to both things at the same time if you have an issue and so after many of my trainings I yvMnB_INHRo-00245-00162992-00163744 do have recurring clients who come back and they say okay I need help come help me. Let me. . . yvMnB_INHRo-00246-00163744-00164032 We have a couple questions for you. is this a good point? yvMnB_INHRo-00247-00164088-00164592 Oh perfect and every time you ask a question it gives me a little break with my voice. yvMnB_INHRo-00248-00165024-00165672 One person says that they were called about an acs survey this fall for a second vacation home, yvMnB_INHRo-00249-00165848-00166368 they were not residing at that home at that time and was only asked basic questions. Is yvMnB_INHRo-00250-00166368-00167088 that normal for a second home? You were not asked all the 72 questions. yvMnB_INHRo-00251-00167168-00167848 Was it really acs? It may have been the 2020 census/ yvMnB_INHRo-00252-00167920-00168192 Because that you do for every place right? second homes? yvMnB_INHRo-00253-00168288-00169112 Yeah, and for acs what we do is - i i think that would have been the 2020 census, yvMnB_INHRo-00254-00169176-00169384 but the acs actually yvMnB_INHRo-00255-00169528-00170096 we go there if we determine that nobody is living there and we kind of figure that out like. . . yvMnB_INHRo-00256-00170096-00170352 Ginny says it was definitely acs. yvMnB_INHRo-00257-00170440-00171544 Oh okay, and it was the survey or was it? So what we do is if somebody isn't living there yvMnB_INHRo-00258-00171600-00172192 we are still trying to get answers to some of the questions about the housing unit the 24 questions yvMnB_INHRo-00259-00172192-00172864 and so we may ask and we could ask a neighbor but often people will do research they'll go to the yvMnB_INHRo-00260-00172864-00173320 town hall they may go to a library and they'll look up the data and they'll try to figure out yvMnB_INHRo-00261-00173320-00173944 who owns a home, how much is the mortgage or how many rooms, they'll do as much as they can yvMnB_INHRo-00262-00173944-00174576 and we call that interviewing the unit. This is not just a survey about yvMnB_INHRo-00263-00174576-00175048 people it is about the housing units as well so that's probably what that was. yvMnB_INHRo-00264-00175136-00175552 Yeah okay okay that makes sense. I know my husband has used that data yvMnB_INHRo-00265-00175552-00176216 for his research. Then there's another question. This is a very interesting question. How do you yvMnB_INHRo-00266-00176216-00176584 deal with a town like Bristol which is in both Tennessee and Virginia? yvMnB_INHRo-00267-00176880-00177120 I don't know if you know the answer to that. yvMnB_INHRo-00268-00177120-00177760 Yeah, I have the answer to that. Bristol has the center, the main street is right yvMnB_INHRo-00269-00177760-00178608 on the state line, but I believe they have two separate governments, and so that's helpful. yvMnB_INHRo-00270-00178896-00179512 I think also texarkana is somewhat like that if we had something that's in two different states yvMnB_INHRo-00271-00179512-00180024 we would probably post it to the state and you'd see something under it would say something like yvMnB_INHRo-00272-00180024-00180896 bristol, Tennessee, part and then you're going to see Bristol, Virginia, part, and that's how yvMnB_INHRo-00273-00180896-00181304 you would see it in the data so sometimes you will see things like that and it's alerting you yvMnB_INHRo-00274-00181368-00181928 that there's another part to this somewhere so when you're drilling down that is what you yvMnB_INHRo-00275-00181928-00182712 will see but we probably would divide that up but some things I'm going to tell you like a zip code yvMnB_INHRo-00276-00182712-00183296 tabulation area or zip codes. There are zip codes that are half in one state and half in another so yvMnB_INHRo-00277-00183296-00184184 you have northeastern new Hampshire you have post offices that deliver well into the state of Maine yvMnB_INHRo-00278-00184184-00184664 so that is one zip code and it's in two different states and so sometimes when you go looking for yvMnB_INHRo-00279-00184664-00185376 data you're going to see a zip code area that you have to find it for the whole, maybe the yvMnB_INHRo-00280-00185376-00185904 whole country you have to hunt through it and it's because it's half in one state and half in another yvMnB_INHRo-00281-00185904-00186624 only recently have we decided we're going to sever up these zip codes and put them in a state file yvMnB_INHRo-00282-00186624-00187120 but that doesn't mean the whole zip code is in your state. We do have a lot of issues like this. yvMnB_INHRo-00283-00187344-00187568 One more question for this section yvMnB_INHRo-00284-00187632-00188208 what years would the acs five-year data released in December 2020 cover? yvMnB_INHRo-00285-00188680-00189184 In December 2020 the five-year data was for 2019. yvMnB_INHRo-00286-00189624-00190136 So it would be for 2014 to 2019? yvMnB_INHRo-00287-00190376-00190400 Yes. yvMnB_INHRo-00288-00190504-00190792 So basically it's a year lag when the when it's a five year? yvMnB_INHRo-00289-00190992-00191072 It's a year lag. yvMnB_INHRo-00290-00191416-00191856 Lisa had a follow-up question. Is that data set the best place to find yvMnB_INHRo-00291-00191856-00192512 poverty data broken down by town village or school district and you may be getting to that later. yvMnB_INHRo-00292-00192632-00193160 Yes. I did something two nights ago. It was a GIS yvMnB_INHRo-00293-00193320-00193928 thing at night and I ended up I felt like i was on guy fieri's grocery games or something like that yvMnB_INHRo-00294-00193928-00194584 and they were throwing out problems to me to look up things, but we could but that's why I'm here we yvMnB_INHRo-00295-00194584-00195176 can fool around with this a little bit and look up things if we want to. Any other questions there? yvMnB_INHRo-00296-00195384-00195784 Maybe I didn't answer that but we will look for that but yes the best thing would be you yvMnB_INHRo-00297-00195784-00196472 can do it at a village level if you wanted to. I think that you said poverty right? Different yvMnB_INHRo-00298-00196472-00197440 ways yeah. If your village population's too small though you might not want to do that. By the way, yvMnB_INHRo-00299-00197728-00198384 every 10 years the census bureau goes to county governments and even local governments and they yvMnB_INHRo-00300-00198384-00198984 allow them to change some of the geographies and to work with things and so for example yvMnB_INHRo-00301-00199232-00199728 the next data release will have things what we call census-designated places and those are yvMnB_INHRo-00302-00199728-00200304 like hamlets and areas in the state that never incorporated like a village but they look like yvMnB_INHRo-00303-00200304-00200904 they should be a village. So often the county will draw a line around those they're called a cdp, yvMnB_INHRo-00304-00200976-00201344 census-designated place, I will tell you look that up on Wikipedia. yvMnB_INHRo-00305-00201536-00202296 That is something where you can go and you can get data for these little hamlets, and yvMnB_INHRo-00306-00202352-00202848 so the thing is we do that once every 10 years as a courtesy program and coming the end of this year yvMnB_INHRo-00307-00202912-00203440 you will be able to get actually more cdp information more hamlets and things that have been yvMnB_INHRo-00308-00203504-00203968 an imaginary line drawn around them and then things that have evolved so I think you have yvMnB_INHRo-00309-00204136-00204960 orange county a new town called palm tree and so that would be in the mix as well, so different yvMnB_INHRo-00310-00204960-00205856 things. Let me go ahead and go into this. I came up here on the upper left data.census.gov that's yvMnB_INHRo-00311-00205856-00206519 all you have to type in. I'm going to go right to advanced search and I may show you another way to yvMnB_INHRo-00312-00206519-00207248 get here but it's just data.census.gov up in your URL and when you get here you look over here on yvMnB_INHRo-00313-00207248-00207632 the left and you say well what am I looking at remember I said I went to advanced search yvMnB_INHRo-00314-00207632-00208328 and the first thing I tell you is go for your year. Narrow it down by year. Now we're working yvMnB_INHRo-00315-00208328-00209208 on something because we put in 2022 and 2021 but we haven't seen the backside of that yet so yvMnB_INHRo-00316-00209208-00209864 2019 is what you're really going to be able to get data for. You can come here you can yvMnB_INHRo-00317-00209864-00210208 do different things you can look for topics and I'll just show you what that looks like if you yvMnB_INHRo-00318-00210208-00210871 wanted to go looking for things notice something got blanked out here and so what that means is yvMnB_INHRo-00319-00210871-00211536 for 2019 whatever that is it is not available. We can go to surveys and surveys is a little bit more yvMnB_INHRo-00320-00211536-00212432 than survey so surveys acs but what it is is it a one year or is it five year is it an estimate? yvMnB_INHRo-00321-00212560-00213216 Is it a data profile? and that's what I'm going to be looking for. If i had not checked off my year, yvMnB_INHRo-00322-00213344-00213800 it will have everything in here and down here blah blah blah here it is yvMnB_INHRo-00323-00213800-00214240 if you can barely see it says dec that means decennial that is where you would find yvMnB_INHRo-00324-00214392-00215023 that block information. You're going to find your public law redistricting data when you need it so yvMnB_INHRo-00325-00215023-00215728 it will be down there let me just uncheck the year, okay so I've unchecked it surveys and I yvMnB_INHRo-00326-00215728-00216319 think this is something that you all may need to know but as we go down this is all acs, and then yvMnB_INHRo-00327-00216640-00216976 this is a business survey here, so we have other surveys in here but yvMnB_INHRo-00328-00216976-00217360 here's the biggie all this decennial stuff is right here and so yvMnB_INHRo-00329-00217360-00217864 that is there. You just need to make sure you check off right here and it will stay in your yvMnB_INHRo-00330-00218160-00218736 mix there. All sorts of things from decennial if you wanted to go looking for that but once again yvMnB_INHRo-00331-00218736-00219456 I'll go back to the year I want 2019. I'm going to go to survey acs and I did talk about the yvMnB_INHRo-00332-00219680-00220456 data profile and I'm going to tell you right now so we have one-year data up here but I almost yvMnB_INHRo-00333-00220456-00221088 always go for the five-year data and the reasoning is if I go for one-year data and then I suddenly yvMnB_INHRo-00334-00221088-00221912 say I want all counties in new york state and I want information about those and I have a county yvMnB_INHRo-00335-00221912-00222671 in there, for example, Livingston county I think maybe under 65 000 people it won't show up in in yvMnB_INHRo-00336-00222671-00223352 the table because it doesn't have enough people so if I choose the five-year data I will always get yvMnB_INHRo-00337-00223352-00223904 something so I choose the five-year data. and then once i've done that notice down here - let me get yvMnB_INHRo-00338-00223904-00224623 rid of this - we have our selected filter, chips, as we call them like potato chips so we have 2019 yvMnB_INHRo-00339-00224680-00225280 and five-year estimates, is down here, and then once I do that I can come over here to the right yvMnB_INHRo-00340-00225336-00225967 and I don't know if you can see that search button but I click on that and so it's giving me now yvMnB_INHRo-00341-00226176-00227000 options to look at and so basically I am getting these items over here so we're getting the dpo2 yvMnB_INHRo-00342-00227000-00227536 I'm getting something for Puerto Rico, oh I know, I didn't select my geography lab yet, I'm sorry. yvMnB_INHRo-00343-00227536-00228192 So if you get this far and you think you needed to add another filter just click on the word yvMnB_INHRo-00344-00228192-00229176 filter and it will bring you back and so let's do geographies. Let's go to county and we're going to yvMnB_INHRo-00345-00229176-00229992 take all the counties in new york state. So we have new york state and all counties right here yvMnB_INHRo-00346-00230176-00231016 and this thing kind of goes across and then I say done on the upper right and so now it has whittled yvMnB_INHRo-00347-00231016-00231616 it down for me and I now have these four tables I have that dp05 and let me just click on that yvMnB_INHRo-00348-00231616-00232240 because I didn't really show that on the slideshow and this is the information you have and notice we yvMnB_INHRo-00349-00232240-00232976 have Albany county, but this is a table that is going across and it is every county in the state. yvMnB_INHRo-00350-00233160-00233488 So when you get here this is what the table looks like yvMnB_INHRo-00351-00233632-00234216 but I like to say at this point you're really window shopping okay so I like just remember yvMnB_INHRo-00352-00234216-00234784 window shopping. So we're window shopping and this is our street and maybe over here these are yvMnB_INHRo-00353-00234784-00235464 the other things we may want to to buy instead of this table, so look at this I can switch like this yvMnB_INHRo-00354-00235464-00236080 really quickly and say okay I want the social characteristics and it will bring that up for all yvMnB_INHRo-00355-00236080-00236567 those counties in new york state or I can go to economic or housing or whatever I want to look at. yvMnB_INHRo-00356-00236648-00237312 Once I've done that if I decide this is really what I want and I am done window shopping yvMnB_INHRo-00357-00237312-00237976 I come here to the upper right and I click on customize table and once I customize the table yvMnB_INHRo-00358-00238119-00238792 I have a little bit of flexibility. First of all, I can control this on the screen yvMnB_INHRo-00359-00238792-00239512 a little bit if I want to, if I want to pull it in look at things. Some people don't want yvMnB_INHRo-00360-00239512-00239928 to see these margins of error but let me just show you that before i get rid of them yvMnB_INHRo-00361-00239928-00240544 so if we scroll down here and right here i have a number 65 years and over householder living alone yvMnB_INHRo-00362-00240544-00241504 says 5459 people if in the margin of error means 354 that's what that says on either side of that yvMnB_INHRo-00363-00241504-00242432 5459 it could fall anywhere in there. It is telling you that it might be a little bit off. yvMnB_INHRo-00364-00242696-00243216 What we do like to say is if you start to see a margin of error that's higher or almost as high yvMnB_INHRo-00365-00243216-00243919 as your estimate you'd probably be really skeptical of that number. I like to use the yvMnB_INHRo-00366-00243919-00244680 percentages I just find it's easier you don't have to really think about too much this number and I yvMnB_INHRo-00367-00244680-00245400 just prefer percentages to tell you the truth. Coming up here I can turn off my margin of error yvMnB_INHRo-00368-00245400-00246319 and many people like to do that and so now I have this table. Many people have two monitors nowadays yvMnB_INHRo-00369-00246376-00247040 and if you had excel open in another window and this is all you want you can just sort of yvMnB_INHRo-00370-00247112-00247984 grab it like that right-click copy and paste it into your excel and away you go. If this is also a yvMnB_INHRo-00371-00247984-00248552 table that you like you can come up here and you can highlight your URL and you can right-click yvMnB_INHRo-00372-00248552-00249200 the URL and you can copy that and you can paste it into a document or an email or whatever and yvMnB_INHRo-00373-00249200-00249840 whoever clicks on that URL link this table will open for them so that could be quite useful if you yvMnB_INHRo-00374-00249840-00250384 get a client who comes in and they're looking for a certain thing and they don't know how to do it yvMnB_INHRo-00375-00250384-00250928 and you need to find it for them and you do find it for them you can just give them the URL link yvMnB_INHRo-00376-00250984-00251719 and they can open this. A couple other things you can download it into excel if yvMnB_INHRo-00377-00251719-00252567 you need to and you can, sorry, you can bring it directly into excel if you wanted to go that yvMnB_INHRo-00378-00252567-00253232 route and my understanding is that if you have manipulated the table here for example you have yvMnB_INHRo-00379-00253560-00254104 blanked out the margins of error whatever you see here is what it will bring into excel. yvMnB_INHRo-00380-00254184-00254719 You have another option over here the download and i'll just click on that download, yvMnB_INHRo-00381-00254719-00255464 you're going to bring it into csv, slightly different, and so when you do that into csv, yvMnB_INHRo-00382-00255776-00256271 anything you have manipulated on the screen it's not going to do that it's just going to give you yvMnB_INHRo-00383-00256271-00256984 the original table and so you won't have quite so much control but if you have any students or yvMnB_INHRo-00384-00256984-00257519 anybody who's working with geographic information they need to go for that download because that's yvMnB_INHRo-00385-00257519-00258096 the place where it has those what we call geo id numbers that they need to do their mapping yvMnB_INHRo-00386-00258160-00258784 so over here on the right by the way we have this thing if you can see that it says columns and you yvMnB_INHRo-00387-00258784-00259352 can come in here and you can kind of, i don't find it so user friendly but you can manipulate the yvMnB_INHRo-00388-00259352-00259896 table a little bit if you decide you don't want percentages in certain counties or maybe you you yvMnB_INHRo-00389-00259896-00260656 don't even want a county and you get rid of albany county you can turn it off and it's not there so yvMnB_INHRo-00390-00260656-00261184 you can manipulate it a little bit over here into columns and get rid of things and add things, yvMnB_INHRo-00391-00261336-00262008 and then just click back on columns here and it comes back to your table so this is what the basic yvMnB_INHRo-00392-00262008-00262760 table looks like. If I need to get out of this, I can do a couple things so sometimes I like to yvMnB_INHRo-00393-00262904-00263800 go sort of a back door method where I back up. I come over here, I think it's up here on the left yvMnB_INHRo-00394-00263800-00264328 and i go to tables and it brings me back to window shopping so you can certainly do that, yvMnB_INHRo-00395-00264328-00264888 and then sometimes I back up to filter up here, and then it brings me back to where I started yvMnB_INHRo-00396-00264888-00265424 and so maybe I'm looking for this information but I no longer want all counties in new york yvMnB_INHRo-00397-00265512-00266064 and then I change my filter. I start looking for something different and I could come here yvMnB_INHRo-00398-00266064-00266832 to geography and I think somebody said something about villages and so anything that's incorporated yvMnB_INHRo-00399-00266832-00267464 villages in those census-designated places are what we call a place at the census bureau yvMnB_INHRo-00400-00267536-00268352 and you have to let it know what state that you're in new york and then it has everything over here, yvMnB_INHRo-00401-00268352-00269080 it comes up. You could look here for an incorporated village or something that maybe looks yvMnB_INHRo-00402-00269080-00269880 like it should be incorporated but never did. You can come up here to the right there's a little yvMnB_INHRo-00403-00270024-00270512 magnifying glass so I think there's a place called victor new york I know that place yvMnB_INHRo-00404-00270584-00270952 so you can come here and here we have victor village and, I don't know why it's in there twice, yvMnB_INHRo-00405-00270952-00271648 but I always take the first so there's victor village. I'm going to click on done yvMnB_INHRo-00406-00271648-00272552 and click close, right there, and so here it is victor village. We could be looking at the dpo5 yvMnB_INHRo-00407-00272552-00273184 and it really selects it for you believing that this is what most people would want. yvMnB_INHRo-00408-00273264-00274064 The first thing. So notice total population of victor 2 716 people, and that is below yvMnB_INHRo-00409-00274424-00275104 what we consider the 5000 mark that we need but it's okay it's still going to have data in there yvMnB_INHRo-00410-00275104-00275656 and so we can look at this table, customize the table we can turn back on those margins yvMnB_INHRo-00411-00275656-00276344 of error and so we can look to see does that look acceptable as a margin of error and so in my view yvMnB_INHRo-00412-00276504-00277120 that's pretty good that's a pretty good margin of error for that lower population so probably yvMnB_INHRo-00413-00277192-00277864 everybody did census or the acs and there's no trouble so you have this information but yvMnB_INHRo-00414-00278032-00278640 there will be some information and some drop out even if you go down to very small villages yvMnB_INHRo-00415-00278640-00279432 it will be there and so you can look for village information as well the the drawback to this, yvMnB_INHRo-00416-00279536-00280216 village information is that it's listed for the whole state and not by county because certainly yvMnB_INHRo-00417-00280216-00281112 some villages are half in one county or half in one town and half in another town and so that yvMnB_INHRo-00418-00281112-00281784 leads to some problems and and so you have to look through the whole state to find them so i'm going yvMnB_INHRo-00419-00281784-00282560 to back out again and i go back to tables and i'm going to go back to filters and so i can do that. yvMnB_INHRo-00420-00282632-00283352 I can certainly keep going backwards but I can also come up here to the logo on the upper left yvMnB_INHRo-00421-00283472-00284064 and I can click on it and it just erases everything it's all blanked out now and we have yvMnB_INHRo-00422-00284064-00284824 to start all over at advanced search. Sometimes it leaves some traces of things but let's yvMnB_INHRo-00423-00284968-00286416 go to year just to show you once again how to do this 2019 right? I'll go to geography and yvMnB_INHRo-00424-00286416-00287184 so we'll go that route instead, geography, and so let's say we're looking for Niagara falls. yvMnB_INHRo-00425-00287496-00288104 So I put that in there. Niagara falls, it's a city. I put that information in there and so yvMnB_INHRo-00426-00288160-00288992 generally we were looking at survey but you can come here and go to topics and you can look for yvMnB_INHRo-00427-00288992-00289536 things. So here we have different sorts of topics and you can go this route if you wanted to so. yvMnB_INHRo-00428-00289992-00290424 Let's look at health, or income and poverty. That's interesting so we can click on that yvMnB_INHRo-00429-00290760-00291256 and then down here to the lower right I say search and so what this does is yvMnB_INHRo-00430-00291256-00291760 it brings me to this window shopping area and remember I put in the year, yvMnB_INHRo-00431-00291920-00292456 and I did choose Niagara falls but it's given me a lot of stuff going back. It's trying to give yvMnB_INHRo-00432-00292456-00293136 you the best thing, it's trying to match it for you so just click on the top one to get it going. yvMnB_INHRo-00433-00293416-00294152 This is a table that it believes you probably would be interested in so this table s 1701 it yvMnB_INHRo-00434-00294152-00294760 is poverty status in the past 12 months, Niagara falls, and notice sometimes the information is yvMnB_INHRo-00435-00294760-00295336 not always on the left. It could be on the top so we have the total and then below the poverty yvMnB_INHRo-00436-00295408-00296096 level is in that table and then percent below the poverty level and so this is becoming very yvMnB_INHRo-00437-00296152-00297032 specific here, and it's breaking things out by age and sex and race, and are they employed, their yvMnB_INHRo-00438-00297032-00297784 work experience that sort of thing goes on and on. I do like to tell you if you find a table and you yvMnB_INHRo-00439-00297784-00298576 say that is the table for me please write down the table id. Just pull out a post-it and write yvMnB_INHRo-00440-00298576-00299128 it there because you probably are going to need to come back to this and you may never find it yvMnB_INHRo-00441-00299208-00299864 so that is something you can do, you can customize a table can fool around with it or you can come yvMnB_INHRo-00442-00299864-00300256 over here and window shop a little bit and say okay well wait a minute that's the first table yvMnB_INHRo-00443-00300256-00301152 well let's see is there something better here that I may want to look at? Notice 1701 1702 1703 yvMnB_INHRo-00444-00301152-00301824 they're all somewhat related, those tables. Then we have other tables that probably have poverty yvMnB_INHRo-00445-00301824-00302584 information in them but that isn't necessarily the main topic. Let me just show you s 1901 yvMnB_INHRo-00446-00302760-00303168 While it's loading there's an American fact finder question, I know your favorite, yvMnB_INHRo-00447-00303168-00304032 said that that used to compare a geographic region to the u.s average. Is that possible in the new yvMnB_INHRo-00448-00304152-00304496 site? Or even comparing two cities counties et cetera? yvMnB_INHRo-00449-00304792-00305528 That's a great question. Let me go back to filter, and I'm here and I have one geography loaded and yvMnB_INHRo-00450-00305528-00305992 I can go, and you know what, you can add another geography. I don't know why it does this to me. yvMnB_INHRo-00451-00306296-00306552 Let me see if I see it over here, if I can get there, yvMnB_INHRo-00452-00306624-00307344 it sort of covers up the, oh here we go. That answers that. You can come here to nation yvMnB_INHRo-00453-00307496-00308384 and we'll put in the united states, and we can put in state. we were looking at new york state yvMnB_INHRo-00454-00308704-00309408 there it is. We put that in there and I say done and so now I have the whole thing. yvMnB_INHRo-00455-00309616-00310040 I can open the table, I'll just get rid of the margin of error just makes it a little easier yvMnB_INHRo-00456-00310040-00310528 to look at. I can pull this in if i need to and then I'll pull this in a little bit too yvMnB_INHRo-00457-00310744-00311584 yes. That's a great question. I often forget to show people that. We have the united states yvMnB_INHRo-00458-00311584-00312200 if you want to compare the percentage, and then new york and then Niagara falls, and yvMnB_INHRo-00459-00312200-00312996 actually let's look at that. Oh, population for whom poverty status is determined 28 percent, yvMnB_INHRo-00460-00313072-00313512 and if we come over here to new york it's 14.1 percent, and if we come to the whole yvMnB_INHRo-00461-00313512-00314224 united states 13.4 percent. So yes you can do that. That could be potentially useful yvMnB_INHRo-00462-00314432-00315008 for people. Is there anything anybody wants to look up while I'm here? yvMnB_INHRo-00463-00315224-00315968 Someone has a follow-up similar question. Can the table be customized to include only the total yvMnB_INHRo-00464-00315968-00316688 poverty calculation of the city town etc without the broken down data? Lisa, do you mean the yvMnB_INHRo-00465-00316688-00317576 overall poverty rate, not by age or gender that sort of thing? I think that's what she's asking. yvMnB_INHRo-00466-00317576-00318072 Yeah, you're going to come here to the right, it says columns, and you're going to come here yvMnB_INHRo-00467-00318072-00318608 and you would probably just turn every, I think that's how you, I've just turned everything off yvMnB_INHRo-00468-00318696-00319496 so if you just want the total, right there for the united states, and maybe below the poverty line yvMnB_INHRo-00469-00319496-00319808 maybe just that one and then you come down here and this is sort of a yvMnB_INHRo-00470-00319808-00320232 funny way to do it but you can come here to new york and you can say okay yvMnB_INHRo-00471-00320232-00320816 I just need blah blah blah. I think we can turn this off, maybe I'm doing this wrong. yvMnB_INHRo-00472-00321168-00321464 Someone asked if you get to the point where you want to look up something specific can you yvMnB_INHRo-00473-00321464-00321936 customize the search to cover the capital district or some region like that so, yvMnB_INHRo-00474-00322120-00322512 that would be Albany, Schenectady, Troy, and the towns in between? yvMnB_INHRo-00475-00322768-00323408 Yes. I'm going to tell you to manipulate the table you come over here to the right yvMnB_INHRo-00476-00323408-00323968 to columns or cells and columns and then you can also do this you can blah blah blah yvMnB_INHRo-00477-00323968-00324432 transpose and then you can come over here and you can manipulate the table if you want to yvMnB_INHRo-00478-00324432-00325152 do that. I won't really go into that but it is there. You could do that before you download it yvMnB_INHRo-00479-00325152-00326104 into excel. That other question was about finding specific geographies I think, can yvMnB_INHRo-00480-00326104-00326664 you manipulate the table or do other things. Let me see if I understand the question. I'm going to, yvMnB_INHRo-00481-00326760-00327400 like I said, i sort of back out of this sometimes. I go back to tables and I go back to filters, yvMnB_INHRo-00482-00327456-00327928 and I'm going to get rid of Niagara falls, I'm going to get rid of new york, yvMnB_INHRo-00483-00328040-00329176 united states and I will add maybe one a place, i guess Albany county would be. . yvMnB_INHRo-00484-00329176-00329784 I guess the issue is like we're a region so let's say the finger lakes is a region, yvMnB_INHRo-00485-00329784-00330504 our capital district is a region but it's probably not a census-defined region is the problem. yvMnB_INHRo-00486-00330624-00330912 I'm sorry I thought she was asking a follow-up until I read it. yvMnB_INHRo-00487-00330912-00331672 That's okay. Notice what I did, I picked a geography. Actually, I'm not going to yvMnB_INHRo-00488-00331672-00332392 do place. I've talked about what I do recommend sometimes is this thing called county subdivision, yvMnB_INHRo-00489-00332392-00333000 sometimes i have to really hunt for these things. I'm sorry, let me see if anybody sees it before me yvMnB_INHRo-00490-00333224-00333480 I saw just plain division above that yvMnB_INHRo-00491-00333480-00334264 Here it is! right there. So county subdivision we will go to. I'm going to trick the system yvMnB_INHRo-00492-00334264-00335368 a little bit. new york Albany county and I will just pick Albany city, and I will say done. yvMnB_INHRo-00493-00335600-00336184 Here is a table for Albany city within Albany county, I say customize the table yvMnB_INHRo-00494-00336296-00336536 and then I click on this little button that says map yvMnB_INHRo-00495-00336728-00337672 and it will bring me to Albany city within the capital district. and you need to have yvMnB_INHRo-00496-00338008-00338544 a mouse with a little rolly thing on it, I don't know what the official word is for that but so yvMnB_INHRo-00497-00338544-00339000 you can scroll in and you can scroll out of this map, and now what you can do is you can yvMnB_INHRo-00498-00339000-00339984 select. So there is no deselect tool, but you can draw a square and you can start selecting yvMnB_INHRo-00499-00340048-00340536 your area of interest so maybe, is the capital district partially east of the Hudson river? yvMnB_INHRo-00500-00340768-00341328 Yes, rensselaer county. That's another question I get. There's a debate over yvMnB_INHRo-00501-00341328-00341704 what it includes. We're capital district library council and we go all the way yvMnB_INHRo-00502-00341704-00341992 to fulton and montgomery county but i don't think anyone else calls it that, yvMnB_INHRo-00503-00341992-00342432 so this is a good tool because you can make your own definition of capital district. yvMnB_INHRo-00504-00342512-00343120 You can. You can make your own definition and once you've chosen what you want you come back yvMnB_INHRo-00505-00343120-00343744 to table, and i find sometimes it takes a little while to populate but there it is. yvMnB_INHRo-00506-00343744-00344528 It found everything for me, and then i'm going to come back over here, and we were working on yvMnB_INHRo-00507-00344528-00345032 poverty and i think that was in my chip i need to click on, so I clicked on that, I yvMnB_INHRo-00508-00345032-00345672 click on the table and it shows, okay, maybe it's up here in the upper left. Yeah, here's my table. yvMnB_INHRo-00509-00345768-00345984 While that's going, I think the answer to this is yvMnB_INHRo-00510-00345984-00346288 yes but someone asked are stats available by school district? yvMnB_INHRo-00511-00346360-00346696 Yes. They are. yvMnB_INHRo-00512-00346696-00347440 Now I customize it and now you have all those geographies you selected yvMnB_INHRo-00513-00347568-00347904 and once you've done that click on this up here, the URL, yvMnB_INHRo-00514-00347984-00348680 right-click on the URL copy it and paste it. Then let's say next week you come back into this, yvMnB_INHRo-00515-00348680-00349328 and it opens this table for you but you don't need poverty now but you still need these geographies, yvMnB_INHRo-00516-00349472-00349936 You now are going to back out of this, you're going to go up here to the upper left, yvMnB_INHRo-00517-00350024-00350752 tables go back to filter right here and then you leave in your geographies but maybe you don't want yvMnB_INHRo-00518-00350752-00351448 income in poverty and you're going to go looking for something else under topics and so you could yvMnB_INHRo-00519-00351448-00352104 do that. You could go to health and say maybe disabilities and then say done and now over here yvMnB_INHRo-00520-00352104-00352824 we have all the disability things that are apropos to, I'll just call it, my pseudo capital district yvMnB_INHRo-00521-00353064-00353696 geography files so you can do that if you want to so you can create your own thing.I yvMnB_INHRo-00522-00354112-00354688 did promise I would show you something else. I'm hoping everybody got the feel for this, yvMnB_INHRo-00523-00354752-00355112 what you can do and I think we are recording this right? yvMnB_INHRo-00524-00355248-00355984 Yes we are recording this, and we have about 14 minutes left in the time but there are yvMnB_INHRo-00525-00355984-00356520 some more general questions so i don't know how much time you have left on your presentation. yvMnB_INHRo-00526-00356520-00356796 Yeah, I have some time. Go ahead. Do yvMnB_INHRo-00527-00356896-00357160 you want to ask them now, the general questions, or should I say? yvMnB_INHRo-00528-00357160-00357684 Whatever works for you. They're more about the decennial census so finish yvMnB_INHRo-00529-00357760-00357936 this up first and then we can get to... yvMnB_INHRo-00530-00358040-00358640 So really quickly - this is the main census site. It is not data.census.gov yvMnB_INHRo-00531-00358640-00359272 it's just www.census.gov and when you come here you can explore data. We have yvMnB_INHRo-00532-00359272-00359784 this thing called census academy over here and when you come to census academy yvMnB_INHRo-00533-00359952-00360960 it will have all sorts of youtube data gems or youtube videos that you can look at, yvMnB_INHRo-00534-00361072-00361824 and then we have webinars and we do maybe three or four every month, i believe, then some courses we yvMnB_INHRo-00535-00361824-00362432 put together and resources and things like that so that is there for you to use and you can look yvMnB_INHRo-00536-00362432-00363032 through and and find what you need that might help you i'm going to go back click on the census logo yvMnB_INHRo-00537-00363088-00363608 and the other thing i want to show you is you come here - surveys and programs, yvMnB_INHRo-00538-00363608-00364128 american community survey so that's what we just talked about, you can certainly google this, yvMnB_INHRo-00539-00364128-00364568 you can just put in Census bureau american community survey and it will bring you here yvMnB_INHRo-00540-00364632-00365096 but over here there's a lot of information in here about it, what the the forums look like yvMnB_INHRo-00541-00365096-00365584 and there's a video but the thing i want to bring your attention to is data over here on the left yvMnB_INHRo-00542-00365720-00366240 and when you come to data you can go here to get your data profiles and you can set it up yvMnB_INHRo-00543-00366296-00366872 this way, and so if you know the state the county or the place but notice there's no yvMnB_INHRo-00544-00366952-00367536 town township or town thing in here you can't do that but you can do place or village or cdp yvMnB_INHRo-00545-00367536-00368008 or metropolitan area you can go looking for the data this way and it will open yvMnB_INHRo-00546-00368008-00368632 it up for you in data.census.gov. But narrative profile is a different thing yvMnB_INHRo-00547-00368712-00369216 and I really want to draw your attention to this. If somebody comes in to you and they need yvMnB_INHRo-00548-00369216-00369824 information about a county or a place but notice we do not have what we call minor civil divisions yvMnB_INHRo-00549-00369824-00370600 or towns or townships in here, is a better way to say it, that's not here. The government doesn't yvMnB_INHRo-00550-00370600-00371248 acknowledge those easily I will say, you can always look up a zip code if you want to but right yvMnB_INHRo-00551-00371248-00371896 here place, we'll come right back here and we will select a state and so this is a really good thing. yvMnB_INHRo-00552-00372176-00372720 For some reason, I keep forgetting the state that I'm in today. so here we are, yvMnB_INHRo-00553-00372720-00373392 we have all these places in new york state and you can just scroll through and find something yvMnB_INHRo-00554-00373392-00374040 if you want to but we had looked at victor before so I will select it and then I say yvMnB_INHRo-00555-00374040-00374864 get the narrative. This is another way to look at data, and it takes about 30 seconds to populate yvMnB_INHRo-00556-00374864-00375520 and many people - this is the other side of their brain, and this is how they like to read it, yvMnB_INHRo-00557-00375576-00376192 they like to look at things like this and so this is something I believe you can right click and you yvMnB_INHRo-00558-00376192-00376616 can print and you will get all this information number households and it comes up like this, yvMnB_INHRo-00559-00376768-00377248 nativity where are people born, if you need to see a little bit more you can click on the data yvMnB_INHRo-00560-00377304-00378096 thing over here and it will give you those percentages that way. Language, education, yvMnB_INHRo-00561-00378096-00378760 disability, there's some information employment status industries that people work in that town, yvMnB_INHRo-00562-00378968-00379728 occupation, commuting to work. Wow, Victor 78 percent of people are in car truck whatever yvMnB_INHRo-00563-00379728-00380720 going to work. The income, that's in there too, median income, all sorts of things here, yvMnB_INHRo-00564-00380832-00381336 this population thing if you want to look at that. I don't know the official terminology for this yvMnB_INHRo-00565-00381336-00382272 sort of schematic. I think at the very bottom computer and internet usage if you needed to yvMnB_INHRo-00566-00382272-00382800 analyze that a little bit and so it's telling you what people have in their households and so yvMnB_INHRo-00567-00382800-00383424 that is a narrative profile, a different - and here we have internet subscription - another way yvMnB_INHRo-00568-00383424-00384088 for people to analyze things and think about that and so my colleague isn't here today but she's in yvMnB_INHRo-00569-00384088-00384760 manhattan, she only does manhattan, but she said you know, you can just go into google and say acs yvMnB_INHRo-00570-00384760-00385368 narrative profile and it will bring you to this page. You can work in here, you can fool around yvMnB_INHRo-00571-00385368-00385840 with it a little bit if you want to and get that kind of information so this is just a great thing yvMnB_INHRo-00572-00385840-00386696 to use if you need it and it's acs data Susan, were there some extra questions that are there? yvMnB_INHRo-00573-00386696-00387336 Yes, one was a more specific follow-up on the question from early in the webinar about the yvMnB_INHRo-00574-00387520-00388048 one unit attached. It says our planner used acs for housing data in our village's comprehensive yvMnB_INHRo-00575-00388048-00388608 plan I looked up on the census info to see why. It did not make sense to me and saw the yvMnB_INHRo-00576-00388608-00389096 one unit attached category. I have not been able to find out how one unit can be attached yvMnB_INHRo-00577-00389152-00389456 one census person I asked that it depends on where the front yvMnB_INHRo-00578-00389456-00390304 door is located, so I don't know, this might be something to ask as a census specialist. yvMnB_INHRo-00579-00390376-00391192 yeah, I actually don't know the answer to that, but I would say this American community survey yvMnB_INHRo-00580-00391192-00391984 site back to tables is the place to go to look that up. Okay. So that this is probably down yvMnB_INHRo-00581-00391984-00392856 here somewhere in the technical documentation or guidance, no I don't think the guidance would, but yvMnB_INHRo-00582-00392856-00393584 it's probably in here somewhere you know sample size and data content tests and questionnaire. yvMnB_INHRo-00583-00393760-00394272 Sometimes I find the answers by looking at the questionnaire too. I go back and I look at, yvMnB_INHRo-00584-00394272-00394984 that but here. That's a good idea. One thing I did not show you. I apologize. yvMnB_INHRo-00585-00395128-00395920 I said data tables and rules narrative there was something here, oh I'm sorry, subject tables yvMnB_INHRo-00586-00395920-00396384 is right here so that is something - let me find it here on the left - I forgot to show you this. yvMnB_INHRo-00587-00396496-00397184 Subject tables, these are all the different tables that there are, those sort of micro yvMnB_INHRo-00588-00397280-00397784 data tables where you really get down to it, and up here in the upper right you can just type in yvMnB_INHRo-00589-00397928-00398496 something like that and it will show you what's going on, and if you click on one of these yvMnB_INHRo-00590-00398768-00399776 it will open the table for you in data.census.gov Here it is! Structure one. oh! one attached and yvMnB_INHRo-00591-00399776-00400744 one detached. okay, that kind of makes sense to me. Maybe unit, it could be a garage or something yvMnB_INHRo-00592-00400744-00401360 like that or attached, in general, everything's attached, I guess, but it does say one detached. yvMnB_INHRo-00593-00401440-00402256 My garage is not attached so I don't know. Mine is no either, but you know what. I don't know. yvMnB_INHRo-00594-00402256-00402480 It seems like most of this is more detail. yvMnB_INHRo-00595-00402680-00403056 We have a few more questions. that's a specific one, maybe i'll explore it later and get back yvMnB_INHRo-00596-00403056-00403728 to her. What has happened or will happen with the statistical abstract of the united states, yvMnB_INHRo-00597-00403728-00404168 it seems to be reduced in what it puts in. Are you familiar with what goes in there? yvMnB_INHRo-00598-00404440-00404888 Do you have a website you go to because I think the last time those statistical abstracts were yvMnB_INHRo-00599-00405048-00405528 put up for 2012 is that correct maybe somebody can answer that and then yvMnB_INHRo-00600-00405528-00406200 I always understood that the American fact finder was the replacement and so now this yvMnB_INHRo-00601-00406200-00407120 is the replacement for American factfinder. So basically this overrides what was in the yvMnB_INHRo-00602-00407120-00407384 statistical abstract? Yeah. yvMnB_INHRo-00603-00407384-00408200 here are some questions about the decennial census. Is the census addressing the gender yvMnB_INHRo-00604-00408200-00408984 alternatives problem and or have there been more people not filling out the male female question? yvMnB_INHRo-00605-00409176-00410592 I don't know the answer to that but, all right let me just see here. I don't think we. . . yvMnB_INHRo-00606-00410592-00411160 This question I know you know the answer to because I heard you answer it at a previous yvMnB_INHRo-00607-00411160-00411768 program. A person says I would appreciate any information you had about how the 2020 census yvMnB_INHRo-00608-00411768-00412472 went, what adjustments due to covid, and has the census had to deal with anything similar? yvMnB_INHRo-00609-00413272-00413488 That's a pretty common question, and yvMnB_INHRo-00610-00413704-00415135 the _actually this is the form and I do not think - I'm going back to that gender question. I yvMnB_INHRo-00611-00415135-00415256 don't think we asked that, just male/female. yvMnB_INHRo-00612-00415256-00415512 That might be for the 2030 census. yvMnB_INHRo-00613-00415943-00416824 Or it may get inserted into the acs which has more flexibility and so we could conceivably start yvMnB_INHRo-00614-00416943-00417680 collecting that information in acs who knows? Okay, so how did the census go because of covid, yvMnB_INHRo-00615-00417680-00418472 that was the question, over the past year? In some respects there were a lot of, I don't want to say yvMnB_INHRo-00616-00418472-00418935 pluses, but some things did work out really well for the census bureau because people could now yvMnB_INHRo-00617-00418935-00419480 do it online they had more time, people were at home and so they were actually responding yvMnB_INHRo-00618-00419584-00420392 much more robustly than we anticipated and so I think that really helped, and also yvMnB_INHRo-00619-00420392-00420824 what we did do is we kept doing these pushes and saying you can still do it online, yvMnB_INHRo-00620-00420824-00421239 you can still do it online, and it would come in it would keep bringing up the numbers and yvMnB_INHRo-00621-00421239-00421800 bringing up the numbers I think actually higher. The response rate I think may have been higher, yvMnB_INHRo-00622-00421800-00422552 or pretty much the same as it had been in previous years, but I have a suspicion it was higher. yvMnB_INHRo-00623-00422760-00423352 Then what we did following that is we did have to go out and do our follow-up and our door knocking yvMnB_INHRo-00624-00423352-00424335 but I think that, we are required and we are kind of flexible and we have to go to every housing yvMnB_INHRo-00625-00424335-00424943 unit and follow up on that and so we did use some administrative records, my understanding, to help yvMnB_INHRo-00626-00425016-00425688 fill in some of the gaps I do want to point out with that 10-year census the ultimate goal is yvMnB_INHRo-00627-00425688-00426208 simply a headcount and so all those other little things that are in there the race yvMnB_INHRo-00628-00426208-00426984 or the age and the sex those are sort of plain second fiddle to the headcount. The counting of yvMnB_INHRo-00629-00426984-00427512 a housing unit and counting of the number of heads in that housing unit and so that is something that yvMnB_INHRo-00630-00427568-00428143 we were sort of shooting for and i think my understanding is that it seems like yvMnB_INHRo-00631-00428200-00429008 things actually went pretty well, better than I think we may have anticipated. the downside yvMnB_INHRo-00632-00429143-00429816 may be for places like new york city or large cities that people left cities, maybe they left yvMnB_INHRo-00633-00429816-00430280 the cities and they went to live with their parents or something in Vermont or whatever, yvMnB_INHRo-00634-00430400-00430976 who knows what, but that may have brought down the population of some cities although there yvMnB_INHRo-00635-00430976-00431584 was a component in there when you answered the census that said do you have another address yvMnB_INHRo-00636-00431584-00432039 and when you say you have another address says what is that other address would you normally yvMnB_INHRo-00637-00432039-00432752 be there on April 1st and if you were it sort of forces you to be counted at that address yvMnB_INHRo-00638-00432752-00433352 so we don't really know what the numbers are going to be but we will see after the end of September. yvMnB_INHRo-00639-00433543-00433968 Great thank you that's good news i know the librarians are very thrilled to hear yvMnB_INHRo-00640-00433968-00434880 that the census went well. You've provided your email address and we have recorded this yvMnB_INHRo-00641-00434880-00435728 and i'll send out a note once the recording is live. for those of you who have requested a yvMnB_INHRo-00642-00435968-00436543 certificate those will be going out next week and we have one more minute if anyone has a yvMnB_INHRo-00643-00436543-00437184 last-minute question you can put it in otherwise i'll thank david and i know you have more yvMnB_INHRo-00644-00437528-00437864 programs that are on the website that you pointed to before and i know you've just yvMnB_INHRo-00645-00437952-00438552 whetted our appetite for those to explore, and i see lots of comments in the chat saying that yvMnB_INHRo-00646-00438552-00439296 it was very helpful so thank you so much david and we will see you again soon in the future okay or yvMnB_INHRo-00647-00439296-00439935 i'll be hearing from you yes yes i will i people did have very specific questions so now they know yvMnB_INHRo-00648-00439935-00440664 where to find you yes yes that's true so thank you. I'll just hang around for a minute okay great yvMnB_INHRo-00649-00440664-00441384 yeah excellent and anyone can go to our cdlc.org and go to our calendar to see the many many yvMnB_INHRo-00650-00441488-00442047 upcoming continuing education events that cdlc and our sister councils are hosting in the next yvMnB_INHRo-00651-00442208-00442584 months and weeks to come but david's around yw7oiSbHqv4-00000-00000016-00000560 so how does the brand new 57-bit linear yw7oiSbHqv4-00001-00000343-00000887 addressing mechanism work yw7oiSbHqv4-00002-00000560-00000887 well let's dig into it yw7oiSbHqv4-00003-00000903-00001496 so this is why I can't stop calling it yw7oiSbHqv4-00004-00001175-00001855 last instead of linear address 57. yw7oiSbHqv4-00005-00001496-00002160 if cpuid for eax of 7 and ecx of 0 yw7oiSbHqv4-00006-00001855-00002400 returns ecx bit 16 yw7oiSbHqv4-00007-00002160-00002592 of 1 that means your processor supports yw7oiSbHqv4-00008-00002400-00002927 57-bit linear addresses yw7oiSbHqv4-00009-00002592-00003143 you can feel free to update your cpuid yw7oiSbHqv4-00010-00002927-00003232 lab in order to see whether you support yw7oiSbHqv4-00011-00003143-00003520 it or not yw7oiSbHqv4-00012-00003232-00003664 but mine definitely doesn't support it yw7oiSbHqv4-00013-00003520-00003864 when you support this and if the yw7oiSbHqv4-00014-00003664-00004079 operating system supported it yw7oiSbHqv4-00015-00003864-00004264 then you could use 5 level paging yw7oiSbHqv4-00016-00004079-00004536 instead of 4 level paging which yw7oiSbHqv4-00017-00004264-00004576 is just another level so how does that yw7oiSbHqv4-00018-00004536-00004912 work yw7oiSbHqv4-00019-00004576-00005264 well you had 48 bits before yw7oiSbHqv4-00020-00004912-00005576 and now you have 57 bits right so 0 to yw7oiSbHqv4-00021-00005264-00005855 47 is 48 bits 0 to 56 yw7oiSbHqv4-00022-00005576-00006048 is 57 bits so they just tacked on yw7oiSbHqv4-00023-00005855-00006296 another 9 bits on the end yw7oiSbHqv4-00024-00006048-00006559 in order to say we will use that to yw7oiSbHqv4-00025-00006296-00006847 index into a page map level 5 yw7oiSbHqv4-00026-00006559-00006920 to find a page map level 5 entry so yw7oiSbHqv4-00027-00006847-00007288 CR3 yw7oiSbHqv4-00028-00006920-00007759 MAXPHYADDR-12 to find the yw7oiSbHqv4-00029-00007288-00007984 page map level 5 9-bit index yw7oiSbHqv4-00030-00007759-00008128 and then from there same thing you know yw7oiSbHqv4-00031-00007984-00008360 MAXPHYADDR-12 yw7oiSbHqv4-00032-00008128-00008440 to make your way to the page map yw7oiSbHqv4-00033-00008360-00008768 level 4 yw7oiSbHqv4-00034-00008440-00008952 etc I can feel the you know intel manual yw7oiSbHqv4-00035-00008768-00009120 people just screaming as they yw7oiSbHqv4-00036-00008952-00009352 run out of room and they're like ah we yw7oiSbHqv4-00037-00009120-00009543 don't have enough space yw7oiSbHqv4-00038-00009352-00009768 that's why they also don't have this as yw7oiSbHqv4-00039-00009543-00010007 MAXPHYADDR-12 yw7oiSbHqv4-00040-00009768-00010232 but uh but yeah so it's it's not yw7oiSbHqv4-00041-00010007-00010439 conceptually difficult at all it's just yw7oiSbHqv4-00042-00010232-00010543 the notion of you add more bits and your yw7oiSbHqv4-00043-00010439-00010815 processor yw7oiSbHqv4-00044-00010543-00010975 MMU is updated to understand it and yw7oiSbHqv4-00045-00010815-00011175 walk it yw7oiSbHqv4-00046-00010975-00011352 and other than that it's exactly yw7oiSbHqv4-00047-00011175-00011400 everything's the same as we learned in yw7oiSbHqv4-00048-00011352-00011784 the very yw7oiSbHqv4-00049-00011400-00011936 beginning 2 level paging yw7oiSbHqv4-00050-00011784-00012143 now the one little point I would make yw7oiSbHqv4-00051-00011936-00012360 here is that when you turn on page size yw7oiSbHqv4-00052-00012143-00012543 extensions at least for now yw7oiSbHqv4-00053-00012360-00012704 it doesn't support anything larger than yw7oiSbHqv4-00054-00012543-00012967 1 gigabyte pages yw7oiSbHqv4-00055-00012704-00013047 so they could definitely have done again yw7oiSbHqv4-00056-00012967-00013312 the same yw7oiSbHqv4-00057-00013047-00013416 you know game of accumulating up some yw7oiSbHqv4-00058-00013312-00013728 number of bits yw7oiSbHqv4-00059-00013416-00014272 and having a super super giant thing for yw7oiSbHqv4-00060-00013728-00014504 512 gigabyte pages but they didn't yw7oiSbHqv4-00061-00014272-00014712 now just as optional material I will yw7oiSbHqv4-00062-00014504-00014952 point out that I eventually found yw7oiSbHqv4-00063-00014712-00015016 this table which basically is exactly yw7oiSbHqv4-00064-00014952-00015263 the same yw7oiSbHqv4-00065-00015016-00015319 as the table that I just made myself and yw7oiSbHqv4-00066-00015263-00015480 so yw7oiSbHqv4-00067-00015319-00015647 I was super pissed when I eventually yw7oiSbHqv4-00068-00015480-00015728 found this after having done all the yw7oiSbHqv4-00069-00015647-00016000 work to yw7oiSbHqv4-00070-00015728-00016080 make that table myself but here you go yw7oiSbHqv4-00071-00016000-00016272 this table yw7oiSbHqv4-00072-00016080-00016456 it's in the manual somewhere you can yw7oiSbHqv4-00073-00016272-00016736 check it out and it's got a bunch of yw7oiSbHqv4-00074-00016456-00017016 nice notes for you yw7oiSbHqv4-00075-00016736-00017184 finally there's this diagram just yw7oiSbHqv4-00076-00017016-00017400 another finite state machine yw7oiSbHqv4-00077-00017184-00017592 which is you know beautiful you know I yw7oiSbHqv4-00078-00017400-00017944 don't know what you see there but yw7oiSbHqv4-00079-00017592-00018087 I think it's just great it's a hypercube yw7oiSbHqv4-00080-00017944-00018400 I think it's a hypercube yw7oiSbHqv4-00081-00018087-00018576 anyways so it uh it starts out yw7oiSbHqv4-00082-00018400-00018712 with no paging and so the question is yw7oiSbHqv4-00083-00018576-00018808 you know how do you get to these various yw7oiSbHqv4-00084-00018712-00019000 paging states yw7oiSbHqv4-00085-00018808-00019136 and you know this would be completely yw7oiSbHqv4-00086-00019000-00019336 incomprehensible yw7oiSbHqv4-00087-00019136-00019472 had we not covered some of this material yw7oiSbHqv4-00088-00019336-00019720 but it's actually yw7oiSbHqv4-00089-00019472-00020023 not too bad here so start out with no yw7oiSbHqv4-00090-00019720-00020280 paging CR4 is 0 so this is your reset yw7oiSbHqv4-00091-00020023-00020584 state if you reset the processor yw7oiSbHqv4-00092-00020280-00020823 CR4 is 0 CR4 page is 0 so yw7oiSbHqv4-00093-00020584-00020904 paging is 0 physical address yw7oiSbHqv4-00094-00020823-00021231 extensions yw7oiSbHqv4-00095-00020904-00021431 is 0 long mode enable is 0 if you yw7oiSbHqv4-00096-00021231-00021704 just set paging by itself yw7oiSbHqv4-00097-00021431-00021808 boom you're into 32-bit paging and it's yw7oiSbHqv4-00098-00021704-00022000 all good that's the yw7oiSbHqv4-00099-00021808-00022192 simple 2-level paging that's what yw7oiSbHqv4-00100-00022000-00022400 everybody used for a long time yw7oiSbHqv4-00101-00022192-00022608 from there if you set physical address yw7oiSbHqv4-00102-00022400-00023031 extensions now you've got this option yw7oiSbHqv4-00103-00022608-00023231 for 32 bits to originally 36 bits and yw7oiSbHqv4-00104-00023031-00023479 now you know 52 bits yw7oiSbHqv4-00105-00023231-00023559 so backing up a second if you want to yw7oiSbHqv4-00106-00023479-00023759 get to 4- yw7oiSbHqv4-00107-00023559-00023879 level paging there's multiple routes yw7oiSbHqv4-00108-00023759-00024120 here so yw7oiSbHqv4-00109-00023879-00024304 you can first set the long mode enable yw7oiSbHqv4-00110-00024120-00024487 in the register and then you can set yw7oiSbHqv4-00111-00024304-00024608 physical address extensions and then you yw7oiSbHqv4-00112-00024487-00024784 can set paging yw7oiSbHqv4-00113-00024608-00024992 and then you'll be in 4-level paging yw7oiSbHqv4-00114-00024784-00025192 or instead you can fit set physical yw7oiSbHqv4-00115-00024992-00025248 address extensions then set long mode yw7oiSbHqv4-00116-00025192-00025464 enable yw7oiSbHqv4-00117-00025248-00025576 then set paging and you'll be in yw7oiSbHqv4-00118-00025464-00025944 4-level paging so yw7oiSbHqv4-00119-00025576-00026104 two routes same direction to get into yw7oiSbHqv4-00120-00025944-00026319 4-level paging yw7oiSbHqv4-00121-00026104-00026447 and I believe this wasn't on here I'm yw7oiSbHqv4-00122-00026319-00026680 pretty sure I added this in yw7oiSbHqv4-00123-00026447-00026904 so this diagram is from the manual and yw7oiSbHqv4-00124-00026680-00027063 here's my little extra addition here yw7oiSbHqv4-00125-00026904-00027272 so if you want to get to 5-level yw7oiSbHqv4-00126-00027063-00027383 paging you would start from this yw7oiSbHqv4-00127-00027272-00027632 intermediate state yw7oiSbHqv4-00128-00027383-00027863 you would set LA57 and you would still yw7oiSbHqv4-00129-00027632-00027983 be in a no paging state and finally as a yw7oiSbHqv4-00130-00027863-00028224 last thing you would yw7oiSbHqv4-00131-00027983-00028608 set paging equal to 1 and now you yw7oiSbHqv4-00132-00028224-00028608 would be in 5-level paging ywKdu6MtiFk-00000-00004893-00005173 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00001-00005173-00005565 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00002-00005565-00005945 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00003-00005945-00006463 That I'll never leave ywKdu6MtiFk-00004-00006463-00006734 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00005-00006734-00007096 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00006-00007096-00007457 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00007-00007457-00007862 That I'll never leave ywKdu6MtiFk-00008-00014066-00014555 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00009-00014555-00014890 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00010-00014890-00015301 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00011-00015301-00015953 That I'll never leave ywKdu6MtiFk-00012-00015953-00016153 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00013-00016153-00016454 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00014-00016454-00016853 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00015-00016853-00017437 That I'll never leave ywKdu6MtiFk-00016-00023619-00023892 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00017-00023892-00024282 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00018-00024282-00024672 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00019-00024672-00025041 That I'll never leave ywKdu6MtiFk-00020-00025143-00025500 Trust ywKdu6MtiFk-00021-00025500-00025859 Trust in me ywKdu6MtiFk-00022-00025859-00026223 Always believe ywKdu6MtiFk-00023-00026223-00026423 That I'll never leave yxpg9vTEPfU-00000-00000106-00000413 aaaaaaaaaa yy0Wu9fPImk-00000-00001024-00001584 hello everyone and welcome back to acting this week what we're going to do is continue working yy0Wu9fPImk-00001-00001584-00002184 on our scenes but this week what i want you to do is work on blocking so what you are going to yy0Wu9fPImk-00002-00002184-00002680 do is use your ground plan that you have created with your scene partner and now you guys are going yy0Wu9fPImk-00003-00002680-00003360 to start rehearsing and working on the blocking of your scene now blocking is the choreographed yy0Wu9fPImk-00004-00003360-00003968 movement that happens on stage now it's not dancing because dancing the choreographed dance yy0Wu9fPImk-00005-00003968-00004688 moves is called choreography but the choreographed movements of actors is called blocking blocking is yy0Wu9fPImk-00006-00004688-00005208 that rehearsed movement the way you enter a room you're going to enter the room and move to this yy0Wu9fPImk-00007-00005208-00005752 spot but you need to be able to play around and try a bunch of different things so what i want yy0Wu9fPImk-00008-00005752-00006616 you to do first is with your ground plan set it up in your room and then start rehearsing with that yy0Wu9fPImk-00009-00006616-00007176 ground plan with you and your scene partner so that you can get familiar with what each of your yy0Wu9fPImk-00010-00007176-00007840 impulses will be where do you want to move what do you want to do what feels right and start yy0Wu9fPImk-00011-00007840-00008488 rehearsing the scene that way once you feel like you have something that you're really proud of yy0Wu9fPImk-00012-00008552-00009248 record it upload it so we can all see it and then i'm going to be able to give you feedback on what yy0Wu9fPImk-00013-00009248-00009952 works and maybe there might be some tweaks that we can do to help elevate your scene and bring it to yy0Wu9fPImk-00014-00009952-00011560 the spot where you want alright everyone i can't wait to see your videos and i'll see you soon you yzyLXlC96RE-00000-00000215-00000679 What is a Skyminer, and how does it make you money? yzyLXlC96RE-00001-00000679-00001121 Skycoin is all pre-mined, so don’t mistake Skyminers with the kind of “proof-of-work” yzyLXlC96RE-00002-00001121-00001413 mining done for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. yzyLXlC96RE-00003-00001413-00002005 Skyminers are machines that provide the storage, processing power, and bandwidth for Skywire, yzyLXlC96RE-00004-00002005-00002447 a new decentralized Internet built by the Skycoin Project. yzyLXlC96RE-00005-00002447-00002989 Skywire is safer, faster and better than the current internet in almost every way, and yzyLXlC96RE-00006-00002989-00003271 Skyminers form the backbone of this new network. yzyLXlC96RE-00007-00003271-00003740 It is end-to-end encrypted, which means users cannot be tracked or spied on by governments yzyLXlC96RE-00008-00003740-00004198 or greedy corporations, and it is impossible to block or censor websites or other content yzyLXlC96RE-00009-00004198-00004496 based on which country you live in. yzyLXlC96RE-00010-00004496-00004957 With the addition of an antenna, Skywire becomes a global wireless mesh network! yzyLXlC96RE-00011-00004957-00005360 The best part is that anyone can get onto this network at a tiny fraction of the cost yzyLXlC96RE-00012-00005360-00005578 they would otherwise pay to an Internet Service provider. yzyLXlC96RE-00013-00005578-00006223 In fact, access to Skywire is paid for in Coin Hours, a currency that is automatically yzyLXlC96RE-00014-00006223-00006673 generated simply by holding Skycoin in a designated wallet. yzyLXlC96RE-00015-00006673-00007119 The Coin Hours people pay to access Skywire goes to the people who add value to the network yzyLXlC96RE-00016-00007119-00007347 by operating Skyminers. yzyLXlC96RE-00017-00007347-00007716 Those micropayments are an incentive to those people who purchase and run a Skyminer. yzyLXlC96RE-00018-00007716-00008225 That’s because a Skyminer, along with an antenna, makes you a literal Internet Service yzyLXlC96RE-00019-00008225-00008497 Provider for your community. yzyLXlC96RE-00020-00008497-00009048 Each official Skyminer purchased from skycoin.net features eight access nodes to Skywire. yzyLXlC96RE-00021-00009048-00009438 Skyminers with more and fewer nodes will be available in the future. yzyLXlC96RE-00022-00009454-00009952 At the moment, as further incentive to build the Skywire network, everyone who purchases yzyLXlC96RE-00023-00009953-00010489 and runs a Skyminer will receive the entire purchase price back in Skycoin over the course yzyLXlC96RE-00024-00010489-00010605 of 24 months. yzyLXlC96RE-00025-00010605-00011091 That’s right, the cost of a Skyminer is entirely reimbursed over two years. yzyLXlC96RE-00026-00011091-00011538 And since you’re paid in Skycoin you can sell that coin for cash, trade it for other yzyLXlC96RE-00027-00011538-00012076 cryptocurrencies, or better yet, hold onto it and watch it appreciate in value (and generate yzyLXlC96RE-00028-00012076-00012480 more Coin Hours) as the Skywire network continues to grow. yzyLXlC96RE-00029-00012480-00013111 To reiterate, the effective cost of a Skyminer is zero dollars, and as more people join Skywire, yzyLXlC96RE-00030-00013111-00013551 you can earn money by literally doing nothing except keeping your Skyminer plugged in. yzyLXlC96RE-00031-00013551-00013868 That’s called passive income, and it is good. yzyLXlC96RE-00032-00013868-00014238 If you don’t want to buy a Skyminer from Skycoin.net, but still want to help the Skywire yzyLXlC96RE-00033-00014238-00014706 network and make a little extra cash, you can build your own very inexpensively. yzyLXlC96RE-00034-00014706-00015125 There are do-it-yourself building instructions just a search box away, and although the rewards yzyLXlC96RE-00035-00015125-00015603 are not as high as they are for those running official Skyminers, it’s still something. yzyLXlC96RE-00036-00015603-00016057 In conclusion, if you want to help build the infrastructure of a revolutionary decentralized yzyLXlC96RE-00037-00016057-00016508 internet and make money while you’re doing it, pick up a Skyminer today. yAOyjrS5GRg-00000-00001080-00001350 Five cardinal sins of television yAOyjrS5GRg-00001-00001372-00001460 One should be yAOyjrS5GRg-00002-00001478-00001644 ending the pilot with a murder. yAOyjrS5GRg-00003-00001684-00001905 That is a cardinal sin because the audience knows yAOyjrS5GRg-00004-00001907-00002242 the murder will not be resolved until at least the finale yAOyjrS5GRg-00005-00002374-00002616 Another cardinal sin is no voiceover. yAOyjrS5GRg-00006-00002616-00002748 That's a cardinal sin. yAOyjrS5GRg-00007-00002748-00003198 And yet, Mr Robot used voice over to incredible effect. yAOyjrS5GRg-00008-00003198-00003254 It's true. yAOyjrS5GRg-00009-00003302-00003478 There's a powerful group of people yAOyjrS5GRg-00010-00003478-00003674 out there that are secretly running the world. yAOyjrS5GRg-00011-00003802-00003946 Another cardinal sin yAOyjrS5GRg-00012-00003970-00004186 Characters standing in the rain yAOyjrS5GRg-00013-00004186-00004318 looking up at the heavens yAOyjrS5GRg-00014-00004318-00004618 With the kind of 'why hast thou forsaken me' expression yAOyjrS5GRg-00015-00004636-00004984 Sometimes they will literally scream 'No!' yAOyjrS5GRg-00016-00004984-00005208 But characters getting rained on. yAOyjrS5GRg-00017-00005384-00005702 And that's sort of attached to cardinal sin #4 yAOyjrS5GRg-00018-00005706-00005962 which is umbrellas at funerals. yAOyjrS5GRg-00019-00005962-00006094 Mmm, yes. Black ones. yAOyjrS5GRg-00020-00006094-00006158 Exactly. yAOyjrS5GRg-00021-00006158-00006368 I think that was in the Guns n Roses video too. yAOyjrS5GRg-00022-00006368-00006768 Oh sure. And that was not a cardinal sin. But I think everything that happened after. yAOyjrS5GRg-00023-00006768-00007058 And there is what I'll call the Gotham exception yAOyjrS5GRg-00024-00007059-00007512 Anything relating to Batman or taking place in Gotham city, you're grandfathered in yAOyjrS5GRg-00025-00007512-00007764 You're allowed to have rainy cemeteries. yAOyjrS5GRg-00026-00007930-00008220 The other cardinal sin is titles yAOyjrS5GRg-00027-00008220-00008454 that tell you where and when you are. yAOyjrS5GRg-00028-00008456-00008656 London - 1873 yAOyjrS5GRg-00029-00008666-00009000 It's like, oh wow, Big Ben and all the orphans yAOyjrS5GRg-00030-00009000-00009234 walking down the streets didn't give it away. yAOyjrS5GRg-00031-00009400-00009546 For more fun stories with Damon Lindelof yAOyjrS5GRg-00032-00009546-00009724 keep it dialed to Hitfix on Uproxx. yBVVq_2MadY-00000-00000000-00000360 11th EARTh Annual Convention for Regression Therapy yBVVq_2MadY-00001-00000360-00000760 Pieria Mountain Range, Central Macedonia, 2016 yBVVq_2MadY-00002-00004762-00005410 Hello, for those of you who wonder from where inspiration and ideas and inventiveness stem, yBVVq_2MadY-00003-00005416-00005952 whomever of you have wondered from where inventive and new thoughts spring from yBVVq_2MadY-00004-00005952-00006114 the artistic streamline yBVVq_2MadY-00005-00006210-00007145 For all of you who want to see what is the quality of people who are talented geniuses and wise yBVVq_2MadY-00006-00007384-00007909 who write masterpieces in literature, who have artistic skills and poets, yBVVq_2MadY-00007-00008292-00009112 for all of you that want to see what happens when the human mind comes in contact with the essential source of things, yBVVq_2MadY-00008-00009112-00009940 then you have no better choice than coming to the 11th Annual Convention of Regression Therapy yBVVq_2MadY-00009-00010020-00010772 Which will take place here in the Pieria Mountains, in Elatochori, yBVVq_2MadY-00010-00010772-00011440 Here where the Nine Muses were born and who are the protectors of sciences and arts. yBVVq_2MadY-00011-00011456-00011768 They protect drama, comedy, hymns, poetry... yBVVq_2MadY-00012-00012280-00013582 Here in the place where ancient Greeks placed, in this remarkably beautiful area, the protectors of all the arts. yBVVq_2MadY-00013-00013954-00014654 Dozens of therapists from all over Europe even from India and Brazil will gather to share their insights. yBVVq_2MadY-00014-00015080-00016174 And we wait for you, the students of psychology, and the professional psychotherapists yBVVq_2MadY-00015-00016252-00016948 Those professional therapists that would like to add another way of looking at the issue of creativity. yBVVq_2MadY-00016-00016948-00017534 Through the perspective of regression therapists yBVVq_2MadY-00017-00017730-00018600 who accept that the psyche not only exists but also survives physical death and reincarnates as well. yBVVq_2MadY-00018-00018610-00018990 This is our main difference!!! yBVVq_2MadY-00019-00019120-00019544 Come here and join us in the study of our collective unconscious yBVVq_2MadY-00020-00019680-00020444 to study the human soul and to study how we can master in our daily life yBVVq_2MadY-00021-00020444-00021220 the art of tuning in with our unlimited potential, the beauty and wealth that resides within us. yBVVq_2MadY-00022-00021312-00021720 Thank you very much. I will be more than happy to see you here along with the rest of the organizers. yBVVq_2MadY-00023-00021730-00022110 9-15 July of 2016, be well and inspired. All the best. yBVVq_2MadY-00024-00023424-00024520 “Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look.” ― Marcus Aurelius yC8BnGobc1U-00000-00000000-00000444 Hi, I'm Lucas and welcome to one more video! This video is very special yC8BnGobc1U-00001-00000444-00000884 you are going to see the interview with Jennifer Niven, author of All the Bright Places yC8BnGobc1U-00002-00000884-00001209 And I want to give a special thanks to All the Bright Places Brazil and Group Wander, yC8BnGobc1U-00003-00001209-00001752 they helped me with some questions, and a special thanks to Mari, yC8BnGobc1U-00004-00001752-00001955 of the channel Admirável Leitor, she was with me in the interview, helping holding the camera yC8BnGobc1U-00005-00001955-00002364 if you enjoy the video, leave a Like and subscribe yC8BnGobc1U-00006-00002364-00002564 and here is the interview yEsy4v00Y2k-00000-00000000-00000544 hello youtube welcome to another video i'm lucky sam and if it's your first time seeing this yEsy4v00Y2k-00001-00000544-00001184 channel or any of my videos i'd like you to please be a part of this wonderful family by subscribing yEsy4v00Y2k-00002-00001184-00001720 and making sure you turn on the notification bell to be updated any single time i post a yEsy4v00Y2k-00003-00001720-00002264 video so on this channel i make entertaining an educational video for you guys so please yEsy4v00Y2k-00004-00002264-00002824 be a part of this wonderful family and support the growth of this channel so in today's video i'll be yEsy4v00Y2k-00005-00002824-00003496 making a reaction on the bsf drill they made they dismantled and assembled a car under two minutes yEsy4v00Y2k-00006-00003496-00004152 so we are going to react to this video actually the bsf stands for border security force of india yEsy4v00Y2k-00007-00004152-00004792 actually these guys you know guard the borders of india and make sure no enemy you know coming yEsy4v00Y2k-00008-00004792-00005400 to india they just make sure the borders of india are safe so that is the job of these guys i saw a yEsy4v00Y2k-00009-00005400-00005936 video on youtube and i really wanted to you know get into it and react to the video to make um the yEsy4v00Y2k-00010-00005936-00006656 posted out there so guys just relax and let's make this video wow so i hope you guys are ready for it yEsy4v00Y2k-00011-00006656-00007072 let's go straight into it okay so guys here we are let's begin i'm going to yEsy4v00Y2k-00012-00008000-00008584 foreign yEsy4v00Y2k-00013-00009912-00010424 think for the doors there was no screws attached to the doors that's why it was yEsy4v00Y2k-00014-00010424-00010960 easy for them to take the the dolls and then the bonnet this is amazing yEsy4v00Y2k-00015-00011352-00012784 see the way these guys are scrolling things so fast yEsy4v00Y2k-00016-00015528-00015791 hey guys see what i'm seeing this is actually the yEsy4v00Y2k-00017-00015863-00016984 the base the skeleton of the car they just wow let me go back a little bit yEsy4v00Y2k-00018-00017184-00017760 i feel like i've already unscrewed all of the boots that's attached to the tires and all yEsy4v00Y2k-00019-00017856-00018384 the spots i i feel the unscrew there because it's too easy yEsy4v00Y2k-00020-00019584-00019784 seconds now yEsy4v00Y2k-00021-00020280-00021184 foreign yEsy4v00Y2k-00022-00023416-00023768 see the way they just lifted the body of the car like yEsy4v00Y2k-00023-00023768-00024112 like something light i believe this thing is very heavy yEsy4v00Y2k-00024-00024568-00025384 yay yEsy4v00Y2k-00025-00026583-00027248 under one minute they completed this this is insane guys this is insane this is insane yEsy4v00Y2k-00026-00027360-00027944 how can you do this under one minute this is insane this is insane guys this is insane yEsy4v00Y2k-00027-00028120-00028639 how can you dismantle a car and then assemble the car under one business oh my goodness yEsy4v00Y2k-00028-00028639-00029327 wow i think these guys these guys don't know they know their car parts really well they know when yEsy4v00Y2k-00029-00029327-00029936 you're doing something and you have a whole lot of team you know backing you doing what you're doing yEsy4v00Y2k-00030-00029936-00030495 trust me whatever you're doing is going to be successful this is amazing guys this is amazing yEsy4v00Y2k-00031-00030495-00031104 if you want to do something alone guys it's requested man that is why it's always advisable to yEsy4v00Y2k-00032-00031104-00031688 work with things you know if you have a team just go ahead and work with them you know two or more yEsy4v00Y2k-00033-00031688-00032256 people when they come together to do something it's gonna be great trust me only you it's not yEsy4v00Y2k-00034-00032256-00032880 gonna work this is amazing i'm still shocked guys i'm still shocked this is i don't want to say yEsy4v00Y2k-00035-00032880-00033536 that word that f word but this is insane it's blowing my mind right now wow guys if you like yEsy4v00Y2k-00036-00033536-00034104 this video like it please give this video a thumbs up since it's my first time making a reaction by yEsy4v00Y2k-00037-00034104-00034672 myself the first reaction i made i made with uh miss abner and another friend so so this feels yEsy4v00Y2k-00038-00034672-00035136 really great like if you like videos like this please let me know in the comment section yEsy4v00Y2k-00039-00035136-00036584 and wow i'm liking sam i'm still amazed i'm still amazed i'm like you sam and peace out yF5xRm3WPjc-00000-00000164-00000716 Blackboard portfolios are divided into pages and sections. yF5xRm3WPjc-00001-00000716-00001646 Pages form the links on your portfolio menu. For example, here are the pages in this portfolio. yF5xRm3WPjc-00002-00001646-00002542 Every portfolio must have at least one page, and every page must have at least one section. yF5xRm3WPjc-00003-00002542-00003557 Sections are the major headings within a portfolio page. Here are the sections on this page. yF5xRm3WPjc-00004-00003557-00004337 If you use a template, these will be created automatically when you select the template. yF5xRm3WPjc-00005-00004337-00004767 So now let's take a look at how you create pages and sections. yF5xRm3WPjc-00006-00005610-00006096 You can see an outline view of your portfolio to the left in the Navigator. yF5xRm3WPjc-00007-00006278-00006870 To change the name of the default page, click on its title to the right. yF5xRm3WPjc-00008-00007316-00007780 Type the new name, then click the Save button. yF5xRm3WPjc-00009-00008430-00008900 To add a new page, click the plus icon at the top of the navigator. yF5xRm3WPjc-00010-00009348-00009650 Let's call this page "Goals". yF5xRm3WPjc-00011-00010608-00010924 This page has one section right now. yF5xRm3WPjc-00012-00010926-00011264 Let's change the name to "Professional Goals". yF5xRm3WPjc-00013-00011264-00011810 To change the name of a section, we clicked on the section name to the right. yF5xRm3WPjc-00014-00011810-00012636 Type the desired name, Professional Goals, and we'll click the Save button. yF5xRm3WPjc-00015-00012636-00013213 Now you can add new sections directly in a Page by clicking the Plus (+) icon wherever you yF5xRm3WPjc-00016-00013213-00013346 want the section to go. yF5xRm3WPjc-00017-00013419-00013991 I'm going to add a new section for my Learning Goals below my Professional Goals. yF5xRm3WPjc-00018-00015247-00015840 If you want your pages and sections in a different order, you can drag and drop them in the Navigator. yF5xRm3WPjc-00019-00016450-00017148 Finally, to delete a page or a section, click the trash can icon next to it in the Navigator. yF5xRm3WPjc-00020-00017836-00018528 That's it! Now you can build the structure of your portfolio. yF5xRm3WPjc-00021-00018529-00019099 Learn more about creating your Blackboard portfolio at go.niu.edu/portfolios. yGiFtLnFpYg-00000-00000006-00000492 You pick up the sign so this is just to let me know if you don't attend to me yGiFtLnFpYg-00001-00000544-00000872 Immediately. I'm gonna go on a full-on meltdown good yGiFtLnFpYg-00002-00000978-00001745 Morning, authentic mental health community and welcome to the very first episode of the depressed dad yGiFtLnFpYg-00003-00001761-00002330 For some of you you probably already know but I am now a dad. Whoo yGiFtLnFpYg-00004-00002401-00002601 Or should I say? Oh yGiFtLnFpYg-00005-00002650-00002850 Dear my life's over yGiFtLnFpYg-00006-00002859-00003059 it's not really over but yGiFtLnFpYg-00007-00003088-00003530 You are going to see in the depressed dad what it is like yGiFtLnFpYg-00008-00003573-00004112 Being a first-time dad what the struggles are like what it's like being a father yGiFtLnFpYg-00009-00004153-00004620 What I have to go through and how it affects my mental health yGiFtLnFpYg-00010-00004620-00004916 That's the whole purpose of the depressed dad yGiFtLnFpYg-00011-00004921-00005121 So any of you out there? yGiFtLnFpYg-00012-00005130-00005717 Who are expecting a baby for the first time or any of you out there who are suffering from any mental? yGiFtLnFpYg-00013-00005787-00006494 Illnesses and you're expecting a child. This is what it's going to be like this is war. This is uncut yGiFtLnFpYg-00014-00006494-00006658 This is unedited yGiFtLnFpYg-00015-00006658-00007289 This is no BS. This is what it's like being a dad who's depressed? yGiFtLnFpYg-00016-00007359-00007820 Ostracized from across society just to suffer from a little anxiety. Please help me yGiFtLnFpYg-00017-00008152-00008390 Hello baby, can you say Dada Dada? yGiFtLnFpYg-00018-00008599-00008804 You say that bad, huh yGiFtLnFpYg-00019-00008893-00009090 Say hello yGiFtLnFpYg-00020-00009090-00009290 You say Dada that yGiFtLnFpYg-00021-00009295-00009495 Say hello yGiFtLnFpYg-00022-00009586-00009786 Say good morning yGiFtLnFpYg-00023-00009850-00010050 You're holding on to that guy yGiFtLnFpYg-00024-00010177-00010554 Good morning, you had your mill keys this morning Oh yGiFtLnFpYg-00025-00010725-00011405 Oh careful of your head baby you in a better mood this morning then you was last night yGiFtLnFpYg-00026-00011554-00011752 screaming warned you ah yGiFtLnFpYg-00027-00011752-00011932 You see this? yGiFtLnFpYg-00028-00011932-00012572 I'm so cute. But I make such a loud noise. I poop a lot and I eat a lot yGiFtLnFpYg-00029-00012615-00012926 Yeah, so what we're currently doing right here yGiFtLnFpYg-00030-00013251-00013823 Is what we call tummy time, well, I don't call it tummy time. That's what somebody yGiFtLnFpYg-00031-00013887-00014040 invented well yGiFtLnFpYg-00032-00014040-00014181 Obviously she's on her belly yGiFtLnFpYg-00033-00014181-00014853 oh and I haven't said it's a girl if you haven't already guessed by the yGiFtLnFpYg-00034-00014959-00015072 pink yGiFtLnFpYg-00035-00015072-00015578 Flowery dress which is all the way from England. So thanks mum. Say, thanks grandma yGiFtLnFpYg-00036-00015654-00015905 Thanks grandma for sending me this from England yGiFtLnFpYg-00037-00015979-00016379 Looks cute, isn't she? Can you guess how old she is? yGiFtLnFpYg-00038-00016379-00016976 I want you to comment in the comment section down below right now your guess as to how old yGiFtLnFpYg-00039-00017044-00017795 My daughter is but back to the point. This is called tummy time and we try to do this in 10 minute sections three yGiFtLnFpYg-00040-00017881-00018323 Times a day and we prop her up on this you pillow here yGiFtLnFpYg-00041-00018397-00018659 So obviously a heads not completely yGiFtLnFpYg-00042-00018868-00019428 Into the mattress so she suffocates at least she's propped up here and the whole point is for her to use her legs yGiFtLnFpYg-00043-00019473-00019688 Look at her little feet. Oh, oh and yGiFtLnFpYg-00044-00019779-00020063 Her arms now. She's been in this for about yGiFtLnFpYg-00045-00020181-00020450 Seven minutes now, and she's getting a bit fussy yGiFtLnFpYg-00046-00020520-00020990 She'll let us know. Well, she'll let me know when she's had enough. Look at her face yGiFtLnFpYg-00047-00021043-00021320 Say hello. Do you think that we look alike? yGiFtLnFpYg-00048-00021576-00021776 His baby yGiFtLnFpYg-00049-00021853-00022229 Here's daddy baby daddy, baby daddy, baby and daddy yGiFtLnFpYg-00050-00022303-00022694 Together do we look alike? Everyone says she's the spitting image of me yGiFtLnFpYg-00051-00022695-00023117 I'll put a photo up on the screen now of what I looked like when I was her age yGiFtLnFpYg-00052-00023531-00024046 Do we look similar let me know in the comments section down below right now yGiFtLnFpYg-00053-00024071-00024334 she's had enough of tummy time and yGiFtLnFpYg-00054-00024410-00024769 This is the struggles right? I'm gonna show you something absolutely yGiFtLnFpYg-00055-00024843-00025381 Hilarious right now. I'll you will probably think it's funny not for me, but when I'm with her yGiFtLnFpYg-00056-00025428-00025876 Obviously I have to look after her like there's nobody else here. My wife's at work yGiFtLnFpYg-00057-00025876-00026476 I have to take care for the day but there's times when you need to you know yGiFtLnFpYg-00058-00026505-00026843 Go to the toilet. Have a number one or number two yGiFtLnFpYg-00059-00026919-00027145 But how can you do that when you've got child? yGiFtLnFpYg-00060-00027203-00027739 Let me show you a little trick because obviously I can't leave her in the bed by herself yGiFtLnFpYg-00061-00027752-00028241 Can I like you just you can't do that? So this is what I do. Okay, you ready? yGiFtLnFpYg-00062-00028332-00028532 You're gonna find this funny yGiFtLnFpYg-00063-00028572-00029224 So here's the bathroom here like this. Here's the toilet. Okay me yGiFtLnFpYg-00064-00029388-00029564 Toilet yGiFtLnFpYg-00065-00029564-00029842 me sitting on the toilet and yGiFtLnFpYg-00066-00029922-00030053 then yGiFtLnFpYg-00067-00030053-00030219 Where's the baby? yGiFtLnFpYg-00068-00030219-00030682 Where is she? I don't know have we lost her has she crawled away? yGiFtLnFpYg-00069-00030762-00030962 There she is but where is she? yGiFtLnFpYg-00070-00031122-00031322 She's here yGiFtLnFpYg-00071-00031469-00031669 She's here yGiFtLnFpYg-00072-00031707-00032368 In her stroller like this daddy's on the toilet doing his business, you know, and yGiFtLnFpYg-00073-00032477-00032677 then baby's here and yGiFtLnFpYg-00074-00032750-00033343 This morning. She was hungry when I needed to go. So I was feeding her with one hand like this and yGiFtLnFpYg-00075-00033428-00033590 You know yGiFtLnFpYg-00076-00033590-00033790 doing my business, so yGiFtLnFpYg-00077-00033863-00034129 This tip and trick number one for you yGiFtLnFpYg-00078-00034130-00034694 If you need the toilet was you are the only parent in charge bring her in a stroller yGiFtLnFpYg-00079-00034850-00035146 Sit on the toilet and feed her if she starts crying yGiFtLnFpYg-00080-00035268-00035444 ten minutes later yGiFtLnFpYg-00081-00035444-00035893 Eating her Bubba baby likes this rocking movement yGiFtLnFpYg-00082-00035894-00036319 I think because when she was inside mommy's belly we brought one of those exercise balls yGiFtLnFpYg-00083-00036363-00036669 there's one on the screen right now so you can see what I'm on about and yGiFtLnFpYg-00084-00036728-00037089 towards the end of the pregnancy my wife would bounce on the ball because yGiFtLnFpYg-00085-00037118-00037488 The doctor actually said it could help push along the pregnancy yGiFtLnFpYg-00086-00037488-00038166 So at this stage, my wife was in a lot of pain. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that she went through yGiFtLnFpYg-00087-00038263-00038952 In future videos my wife's gonna come on here and tell you exactly what it was like to give birth to be in labor yGiFtLnFpYg-00088-00038953-00039450 What it was like from start to finish. I'm also gonna make a video on from a dad's perspective yGiFtLnFpYg-00089-00039536-00040024 What it was like watching my wife give birth. Some people say it's disgusting yGiFtLnFpYg-00090-00040037-00040404 The people say it's a miracle other people say it's beautiful yGiFtLnFpYg-00091-00040405-00040947 I would say it's a mixture of all three put together, but we'll save that for another video. This is the cutest thing ever yGiFtLnFpYg-00092-00040987-00041196 She holds onto your fingers yGiFtLnFpYg-00093-00041293-00041901 Your baby holds onto your fingers. She's screaming. I don't know if you could what I said screaming that's nothing. Trust me yGiFtLnFpYg-00094-00041902-00042102 That's just like a little yGiFtLnFpYg-00095-00042125-00042313 She's just letting me know yGiFtLnFpYg-00096-00042313-00042609 You pick up the sign. So this is just to let me know yGiFtLnFpYg-00097-00042662-00042862 If you don't attend to me yGiFtLnFpYg-00098-00042884-00043269 Immediately, I'm gonna go on a full-on meltdown. This is yGiFtLnFpYg-00099-00043340-00044022 What she hates, she hates being picked up and put in her car. See you'll see we're ready to go, baby yGiFtLnFpYg-00100-00044165-00044760 You ready? So we love you? Oh, why didn't the bicycle again? Are we? yGiFtLnFpYg-00101-00046497-00046798 We are now ready to go yGiFtLnFpYg-00102-00047838-00048038 Okay yGiFtLnFpYg-00103-00048123-00048361 We're in the car now and as you can hear yGiFtLnFpYg-00104-00048471-00049025 She's screaming and this is the worst part when you're driving and she's screaming yGiFtLnFpYg-00105-00049025-00049442 She's either hungry or she's gone to the toilet, but there's nothing you can do about it yGiFtLnFpYg-00106-00049445-00049702 And it's so upsetting that you can hear her screaming yGiFtLnFpYg-00107-00049772-00049935 We've just got in the car yGiFtLnFpYg-00108-00049935-00050227 But usually after driving for about two or three minutes yGiFtLnFpYg-00109-00050280-00050888 she'll go to sleep because the bumps in the road and the movement she likes the movement so yGiFtLnFpYg-00110-00050973-00051314 Let's see if that's the case this time. I hope she's okay yGiFtLnFpYg-00111-00051404-00051530 baby yGiFtLnFpYg-00112-00051530-00052064 This is what a dad's car. Looks like. This is all from this morning yGiFtLnFpYg-00113-00052091-00052567 This was the last of the water that are made to use her formula. We've got coffee there on the floor yGiFtLnFpYg-00114-00052587-00053047 We've got some pampers for her. We've got some vitamins not for her. That's for my wife yGiFtLnFpYg-00115-00053108-00053629 Who got some breakfast that I just had and some breast pumping kits here. That's my wife this yGiFtLnFpYg-00116-00053694-00054353 Is all from the past hour. Don't worry. It doesn't stay like this. And don't worry. She doesn't drink from this water yGiFtLnFpYg-00117-00054353-00054772 It's empty. It's normally in the back, but I only have two yGiFtLnFpYg-00118-00054828-00055534 Hands, I can't do everything. I just chuck everything there. So it's easier for me and I get to take care of the baby yGiFtLnFpYg-00119-00055536-00055736 I'll see you in a bit yGiFtLnFpYg-00120-00056041-00056109 I yGiFtLnFpYg-00121-00056109-00056449 Need that to wake up. It's like my third cup of coffee today yGiFtLnFpYg-00122-00056529-00057229 Metcalfe from McDonald's have any of you ever had McDonald's coffee. I wouldn't recommend it. It's not great, but I need it yGiFtLnFpYg-00123-00061861-00062627 This is the hardest part of the time when you're knackered and you can just fall asleep like this yGiFtLnFpYg-00124-00063210-00063346 Oh yGiFtLnFpYg-00125-00063346-00064088 I was recording sorry that was fake. But, you know army when you really sleepy, but she yGiFtLnFpYg-00126-00064144-00064305 Will not yGiFtLnFpYg-00127-00064305-00064505 sleep yGiFtLnFpYg-00128-00064545-00064784 It's near their magical face yGiFtLnFpYg-00129-00064994-00065194 And it affects yGiFtLnFpYg-00130-00065587-00065787 She won't sleep yGiFtLnFpYg-00131-00065804-00066457 We've had a long day. This is where it really starts to affect you and affect your mental health when you're sleep-deprived yGiFtLnFpYg-00132-00066576-00066753 She won't sleep yGiFtLnFpYg-00133-00066753-00066997 You didn't sleep the night before and it's unlikely yGiFtLnFpYg-00134-00067077-00067277 you're gonna sleep tonight or yGiFtLnFpYg-00135-00067374-00067625 Anytime for the next 25 years yGiFtLnFpYg-00136-00067743-00068333 Thanks folks. But thank you say thank you for watching see. Thank you yGiFtLnFpYg-00137-00068433-00068601 Thank you yGiFtLnFpYg-00138-00068601-00069122 please give the video a like and if you're new here, make sure you subscribe to yGiFtLnFpYg-00139-00069180-00069689 Authentic mental health for the next episode of the depressed dad yGiFtLnFpYg-00140-00069774-00070070 Episode 2. We hope you liked episode 1 yGiFtLnFpYg-00141-00070134-00070622 Take care and pray for my daddy as I'm not gonna let him sleep tonight yGiFtLnFpYg-00142-00070692-00070919 No, we want to hear your thoughts yGiFtLnFpYg-00143-00070974-00071678 Yes, you who you're watching because we're both going to read the comments both of us. So you better comment for her yGiFtLnFpYg-00144-00071796-00072484 because she's going to be reading every single comment and if there's not at least half of the comment saying oh yGiFtLnFpYg-00145-00072516-00073180 I'm so cute. Then. There's going to be trouble. Take care guys and girls and I will see you all in the next episode of yGiFtLnFpYg-00146-00073248-00073448 the depressed and yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00000-00000044-00000388 Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00001-00000401-00000992 You are watching the video tutorial series: Building Solutions - Live 5. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00002-00000992-00001492 The topic of this video tutorial is Initial Setup - Create Tenant Database. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00003-00001560-00001722 Hi, I am Denys van Kempen. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00004-00001792-00002270 For those not familiar with multi-tenancy, SAP HANA can run in two modes: yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00005-00002280-00002512 single tenant and multi-tenant. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00006-00002552-00002836 Single tenant was the default mode for HANA 1. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00007-00002864-00003246 Multi-tenant will be the default mode for HANA 2. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00008-00003247-00004009 In a multi-tenant database container system, short MDC, SAP HANA provides completely isolated yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00009-00004009-00004567 databases, the containers, yet shares resources; the system. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00010-00004567-00005102 It is designed for cloud computing, where you want to optimise resource usage - yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00011-00005102-00005934 CPU, memory, network - yet need to be able to completely isolate one database from another. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00012-00005935-00006518 We would not want to have Pepsi look at Coca Cola’s data and vice versa. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00013-00006518-00007000 If you would like to know more about this topic, there is a full playlist on the SAP yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00014-00007000-00007100 HANA Academy. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00015-00007100-00007602 I will include the link to the playlist, below in the description. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00016-00007602-00008297 To keep the distribution of HANA express as lightweight as possible, the HANA system only yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00017-00008297-00008528 contains a system database. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00018-00008528-00009015 This system database is quite limited in what you can do with it. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00019-00009015-00009699 You need to create a tenant for any serious development that includes all the HANA features. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00020-00009699-00010286 To create a tenant database, you can either use the SAP HANA cockpit administration tool, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00021-00010286-00010588 the web client, or just plain SQL. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00022-00010588-00011306 As HANA express does not include HANA cockpit, we will be using SQL here but don’t worry, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00023-00011308-00011453 it is easy. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00024-00011453-00011952 You can find the SQL you need to execute in a script that we have uploaded to the GitHub yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00025-00011952-00012305 repository for our Live 5 project. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00026-00012305-00012876 If you have installed HANA studio, you can use the SQL console and just run the statements. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00027-00012876-00013397 We have looked at how to setup HANA studio in a previous video. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00028-00013397-00013729 Otherwise, just open PuTTY. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00029-00013729-00014518 Make sure you are connected as the hxeadm user, and just copy and paste the commands yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00030-00014518-00014762 from Github to PuTTY. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00031-00014762-00015172 Copy and paste will not work directly to the VMware Player console, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00032-00015188-00015460 so that’s why we are using PuTTY here. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00033-00015460-00016178 HdbSQL or hdbsql is the HANA Database interactive terminal, as you can read here. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00034-00016178-00017038 We connect we -n for the node, just use localhost; -d for the database, using systemdb, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00035-00017038-00017860 -i for the instance, hana express uses 90 (9 0) and -u for the user. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00036-00017861-00018381 The password is the master password you defined yourself. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00037-00018381-00019003 Then, we are going create the tenant database with the CREATE DATABASE statement. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00038-00019003-00019268 Give it a name: SHA yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00039-00019286-00019668 and set the password for the SYSTEM user. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00040-00019668-00020308 This will be the system user, the super user, of the tenant database, not of the system database. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00041-00020370-00020910 As mentioned, security of multitenant database is strictly separated. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00042-00020970-00021140 Note the password. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00043-00021156-00021640 And then we are going to add the DI server, the HANA deployment infrastructure server, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00044-00021640-00022010 handles deployment of design-time artefacts into HANA. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00045-00022010-00022621 What used to be the repository in HANA 1 with HANA XS classic model. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00046-00022621-00023097 HANA XS advanced model uses the DI server for this yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00047-00023097-00023373 and we are also going to add the script server. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00048-00023373-00023756 This server is used by Predictive. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00049-00023756-00024295 Then we grant the MODELING role to the XSA_DEV user. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00050-00024295-00024992 This is a runtime role, a very powerful default role included with HANA and we are also going yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00051-00024992-00025479 to grant a design time role ‘Developer” to our user. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00052-00025479-00026026 This will allow XSA_DEV to work with the SAP HANA web development workbench. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00053-00026026-00026648 XSA_DEV is a standard user that comes with HANA XS advanced model. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00054-00026648-00026920 Well, that’s it. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00055-00026920-00027349 For those using studio, we can now add our tenant. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00056-00027349-00027449 Right-Click. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00057-00027449-00027604 Add System. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00058-00027604-00028341 Same host name, same instance number but now select tenant database and enter the name: yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00059-00028341-00028441 SHA. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00060-00028441-00028818 Same system user but with the password we just defined. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00061-00028920-00029444 If we then open the Administration Console and look at the landscape we see both yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00062-00029445-00029833 the di- and the scriptserver yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00063-00029833-00030339 and we can also connect the SQL console to the tenant, for example. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00064-00030339-00030442 OK yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00065-00030442-00030927 So much for Initial Setup - Create tenant database. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00066-00030927-00031276 You can find more video tutorials on our Youtube channel. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00067-00031276-00031829 If you would like to be informed about new video tutorials, please subscribe to our channel. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00068-00031829-00032335 You can connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter, as well for updates yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00069-00032335-00032751 and we also have a page on Facebook and Google+. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00070-00032751-00032939 If you are watching this video on YouTube, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00071-00032939-00033370 do not hesitate to leave your comments to the video page and, yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00072-00033370-00033710 if you like, give us your vote on his video. yHiQ4bHwq_Y-00073-00033710-00033820 Thank you for watching yIZcz2RZJz4-00000-00002048-00002248 Balance yIZcz2RZJz4-00003-00002588-00002788 Balance yIZcz2RZJz4-00007-00003265-00003465 Balance yIZcz2RZJz4-00008-00003465-00003665 Not gliding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00009-00003665-00003865 Balance yIZcz2RZJz4-00011-00004065-00004266 Diminution!.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00012-00004266-00004466 Diminution!.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00015-00004866-00005066 .......Decreasing? yIZcz2RZJz4-00016-00005066-00005266 As opposed to yIZcz2RZJz4-00017-00005266-00005466 Increasing?...... yIZcz2RZJz4-00018-00005466-00005666 Important enzymes! yIZcz2RZJz4-00020-00005866-00006066 enzymes,!...... yIZcz2RZJz4-00021-00006066-00006266 Active!... yIZcz2RZJz4-00023-00006466-00006666 producing A-C yIZcz2RZJz4-00024-00006666-00006866 Acetyl choline yIZcz2RZJz4-00025-00006866-00007066 which is yIZcz2RZJz4-00026-00007066-00007266 involved in memory yIZcz2RZJz4-00027-00007266-00007466 in memory processing yIZcz2RZJz4-00028-00007466-00007666 This enzyme is yIZcz2RZJz4-00029-00007666-00007866 decreasing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00032-00008266-00008466 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00034-00008666-00008866 An understanding yIZcz2RZJz4-00035-00008866-00009066 of slowing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00037-00009266-00009466 As opposed to yIZcz2RZJz4-00038-00009466-00009666 speeding yIZcz2RZJz4-00054-00012666-00012866 Severe.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00055-00012866-00013066 Severe thirst!..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00056-00013066-00013266 Absent!.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00057-00013266-00013466 In yIZcz2RZJz4-00058-00013466-00013666 In Elderly! yIZcz2RZJz4-00063-00014466-00014666 Alzheimer's yIZcz2RZJz4-00065-00014866-00015066 Slowing until.. yIZcz2RZJz4-00066-00015066-00015266 until... yIZcz2RZJz4-00067-00015266-00015466 devastating! yIZcz2RZJz4-00073-00016466-00016666 slowing.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00074-00016666-00016866 declining yIZcz2RZJz4-00076-00017066-00017266 Slowing, yIZcz2RZJz4-00077-00017266-00017466 Declining, yIZcz2RZJz4-00078-00017466-00017666 until... yIZcz2RZJz4-00079-00017666-00017866 devastating! yIZcz2RZJz4-00080-00017866-00018066 Alzheimer's disease! yIZcz2RZJz4-00081-00018066-00018266 A-disease! yIZcz2RZJz4-00086-00019066-00019266 I see you! I can't... yIZcz2RZJz4-00087-00019266-00019466 I can't recognize you! yIZcz2RZJz4-00089-00019666-00019866 It is... yIZcz2RZJz4-00090-00019866-00020066 It is.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00091-00020066-00020266 Frustrating! yIZcz2RZJz4-00093-00020466-00020666 Stability... yIZcz2RZJz4-00094-00020666-00020866 needed! yIZcz2RZJz4-00097-00021266-00021466 Prediction! yIZcz2RZJz4-00098-00021466-00021666 Prevention! yIZcz2RZJz4-00106-00023066-00023266 Prediction yIZcz2RZJz4-00107-00023266-00023466 needed! yIZcz2RZJz4-00121-00026066-00026266 Declining! yIZcz2RZJz4-00122-00026266-00026466 Declining, yIZcz2RZJz4-00123-00026466-00026666 as opposed to... yIZcz2RZJz4-00124-00026666-00026866 speeding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00125-00026866-00027066 Gliding... yIZcz2RZJz4-00126-00027066-00027266 Gliding, as opposed to... yIZcz2RZJz4-00127-00027266-00027466 to rising! yIZcz2RZJz4-00129-00027666-00027866 Body systems! yIZcz2RZJz4-00130-00027866-00028066 System's.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00131-00028066-00028266 Evils! yIZcz2RZJz4-00153-00032466-00032666 Memory processing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00154-00032666-00032866 Memory processing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00155-00032866-00033066 gliding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00156-00033066-00033266 Crystallized yIZcz2RZJz4-00157-00033266-00033466 Intelligence! yIZcz2RZJz4-00158-00033466-00033666 Still yIZcz2RZJz4-00159-00033666-00033866 relaying.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00160-00033866-00034066 on long term memory! yIZcz2RZJz4-00162-00034266-00034466 Crystallized intelligence! yIZcz2RZJz4-00163-00034466-00034666 is stable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00164-00034666-00034866 is stable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00165-00034866-00035066 Fluid intelligence! yIZcz2RZJz4-00166-00035066-00035266 F Intelligence..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00167-00035266-00035466 is declining! yIZcz2RZJz4-00179-00037666-00037866 Neuronal,.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00180-00037866-00038066 Neuronal,... yIZcz2RZJz4-00181-00038066-00038266 abnormal! yIZcz2RZJz4-00191-00040066-00040266 Not exclusive yIZcz2RZJz4-00192-00040266-00040466 events! yIZcz2RZJz4-00197-00041266-00041466 Dehydration! yIZcz2RZJz4-00198-00041466-00041666 Low blood flow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00200-00041866-00042066 Kidney so concerned about water! yIZcz2RZJz4-00201-00042066-00042266 about water! yIZcz2RZJz4-00202-00042266-00042466 Kidney necessary... yIZcz2RZJz4-00203-00042466-00042666 blood flow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00217-00045266-00045466 Constipation! yIZcz2RZJz4-00218-00045466-00045666 Fiber! yIZcz2RZJz4-00219-00045666-00045866 Constipation.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00220-00045866-00046066 Fiber! yIZcz2RZJz4-00222-00046266-00046466 Evil constipation! yIZcz2RZJz4-00223-00046466-00046666 Fiber! yIZcz2RZJz4-00226-00047066-00047266 Evil dehydration! yIZcz2RZJz4-00229-00047666-00047866 Hydration! yIZcz2RZJz4-00230-00047866-00048066 8 glasses of water a day! yIZcz2RZJz4-00245-00050866-00051066 Brain diminution! yIZcz2RZJz4-00247-00051266-00051466 Problem-solving skills! yIZcz2RZJz4-00249-00051666-00051866 Mnemonic Technic! yIZcz2RZJz4-00250-00051866-00052066 Jobs skills! yIZcz2RZJz4-00260-00053866-00054066 Jobs skills! yIZcz2RZJz4-00262-00054266-00054466 Problem-solving skills! yIZcz2RZJz4-00276-00057066-00057266 Problem complex! yIZcz2RZJz4-00277-00057266-00057466 Problem complex! yIZcz2RZJz4-00279-00057666-00057866 Prediction! yIZcz2RZJz4-00281-00058066-00058266 Prediction! yIZcz2RZJz4-00284-00058666-00058866 Prediction! yIZcz2RZJz4-00285-00058866-00059066 Prediction! yIZcz2RZJz4-00286-00059066-00059266 Communication! yIZcz2RZJz4-00289-00059666-00059866 Aging communication! yIZcz2RZJz4-00297-00061266-00061466 Can't smell yIZcz2RZJz4-00298-00061466-00061666 Can't smell well! yIZcz2RZJz4-00305-00062866-00063066 Can't taste well! yIZcz2RZJz4-00310-00063866-00064066 It tastes sugary!... yIZcz2RZJz4-00311-00064066-00064266 You don't feel like it is.....! yIZcz2RZJz4-00313-00064466-00064666 This is..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00314-00064666-00064866 loss of taste! yIZcz2RZJz4-00316-00065066-00065266 Diminution! yIZcz2RZJz4-00318-00065466-00065666 Sugar increased.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00320-00065866-00066066 ....In blood flow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00321-00066066-00066266 An understanding... yIZcz2RZJz4-00322-00066266-00066466 of slowing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00324-00066666-00066866 as opposed to....speeding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00326-00067066-00067266 An understanding of gliding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00328-00067466-00067666 as opposed to.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00329-00067666-00067866 rising! yIZcz2RZJz4-00338-00069466-00069666 Mental! ....Social! yIZcz2RZJz4-00339-00069666-00069866 .....Physical! yIZcz2RZJz4-00348-00071466-00071666 Social! yIZcz2RZJz4-00349-00071666-00071866 Social losses! yIZcz2RZJz4-00360-00073866-00074066 Low self-esteem yIZcz2RZJz4-00361-00074066-00074266 Low self-esteem! yIZcz2RZJz4-00364-00074666-00074866 Bone loss! yIZcz2RZJz4-00365-00074866-00075066 Bone loss! yIZcz2RZJz4-00366-00075066-00075266 Osteoporosis! yIZcz2RZJz4-00367-00075266-00075466 Osteoporosis! yIZcz2RZJz4-00379-00077666-00077866 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00380-00077866-00078066 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00385-00078866-00079066 Eat small meal! yIZcz2RZJz4-00386-00079066-00079266 meal..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00387-00079266-00079466 in mealtime! yIZcz2RZJz4-00388-00079466-00079666 Small size! yIZcz2RZJz4-00390-00079866-00080066 Healthy lifestyle! yIZcz2RZJz4-00391-00080066-00080266 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00392-00080266-00080466 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00402-00082266-00082466 Can't cough! yIZcz2RZJz4-00403-00082466-00082666 cough! yIZcz2RZJz4-00404-00082666-00082866 Can't swallow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00405-00082866-00083066 Can't swallow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00406-00083066-00083266 Eat slowly yIZcz2RZJz4-00407-00083266-00083466 very yIZcz2RZJz4-00408-00083466-00083666 slowly! yIZcz2RZJz4-00412-00084266-00084466 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00417-00085266-00085466 Scary! yIZcz2RZJz4-00418-00085466-00085666 Scary! yIZcz2RZJz4-00441-00090066-00090266 Diminishing!...... yIZcz2RZJz4-00448-00091376-00091576 Sleep deprivation! yIZcz2RZJz4-00449-00091576-00091776 Sleep deprivation?...... yIZcz2RZJz4-00456-00092976-00093176 Change! yIZcz2RZJz4-00457-00093176-00093376 Mental Status change! yIZcz2RZJz4-00458-00093376-00093576 Confusion! yIZcz2RZJz4-00460-00093776-00093976 Managing yIZcz2RZJz4-00461-00093976-00094176 Managing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00468-00095376-00095576 Stress? yIZcz2RZJz4-00470-00095776-00095976 Stress? yIZcz2RZJz4-00471-00095976-00096176 Relaxing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00472-00096176-00096376 Relaxing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00473-00096376-00096576 What do you mean, yIZcz2RZJz4-00474-00096646-00097216 relaxing? yIZcz2RZJz4-00476-00097416-00097616 Financial yIZcz2RZJz4-00477-00097616-00097816 Hardship? yIZcz2RZJz4-00481-00098416-00098616 Stress? yIZcz2RZJz4-00488-00099816-00100016 Rising! yIZcz2RZJz4-00504-00103016-00103216 Select low fat diet! yIZcz2RZJz4-00505-00103216-00103416 Low fat diet! yIZcz2RZJz4-00509-00104016-00104216 Avoid stroke! yIZcz2RZJz4-00510-00104216-00104416 Stroke? yIZcz2RZJz4-00511-00104416-00104616 Stroke is a causal, strong.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00512-00104616-00104816 strong factor related to....A_D yIZcz2RZJz4-00513-00104816-00105016 A-D yIZcz2RZJz4-00523-00106816-00107016 Exercising! yIZcz2RZJz4-00525-00107216-00107416 Muscles to build! yIZcz2RZJz4-00528-00107816-00108016 Pushing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00529-00108016-00108216 Moving! yIZcz2RZJz4-00531-00108416-00108616 Pushing the blood flow! yIZcz2RZJz4-00540-00110216-00110416 Flexibility! yIZcz2RZJz4-00541-00110416-00110616 Strength! yIZcz2RZJz4-00557-00113616-00113816 Be flexible! yIZcz2RZJz4-00558-00113816-00114016 Versatile! yIZcz2RZJz4-00559-00114016-00114216 Capable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00568-00115816-00116016 Body...... yIZcz2RZJz4-00569-00116016-00116416 to be stable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00570-00116416-00116616 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00571-00116616-00116816 An understanding of slowing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00572-00116816-00117016 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00577-00117816-00118016 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00581-00118616-00118816 Diminution! yIZcz2RZJz4-00584-00119216-00119416 Important enzymes! yIZcz2RZJz4-00586-00119616-00119816 in diminution! yIZcz2RZJz4-00593-00121016-00121216 Body dependent! yIZcz2RZJz4-00596-00121616-00121816 Enzyme... yIZcz2RZJz4-00597-00121816-00122016 Enzyme producing.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00598-00122016-00122216 Acetyl Choline! yIZcz2RZJz4-00599-00122216-00122416 Enzyme..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00602-00122816-00123016 Enzyme! yIZcz2RZJz4-00606-00123616-00123816 is diminishing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00608-00124016-00124216 is declining,... yIZcz2RZJz4-00609-00124216-00124416 not rising! yIZcz2RZJz4-00623-00127016-00127216 Receptors?..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00624-00127216-00127416 blocked! yIZcz2RZJz4-00627-00127816-00128016 What do you mean.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00628-00128016-00128216 ......... Declining? yIZcz2RZJz4-00633-00129016-00129216 Declining????? yIZcz2RZJz4-00634-00129216-00129416 Declining???? yIZcz2RZJz4-00637-00129816-00130016 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00638-00130016-00130216 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00640-00130416-00130616 To be controllable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00641-00130616-00130816 To be manageable! yIZcz2RZJz4-00643-00131016-00131216 Aging! yIZcz2RZJz4-00644-00131216-00131416 It goes well if.... yIZcz2RZJz4-00645-00131416-00131616 managed well! yIZcz2RZJz4-00651-00132616-00132816 Not every one? yIZcz2RZJz4-00652-00132816-00133016 it's not common? Stroke? yIZcz2RZJz4-00662-00134816-00135016 Small meal! yIZcz2RZJz4-00663-00135016-00135216 Small in mealtime! yIZcz2RZJz4-00669-00136216-00136416 Increase knowledge! yIZcz2RZJz4-00675-00137416-00137668 Cerebral damage yIZcz2RZJz4-00676-00137668-00137816 to manage! yIZcz2RZJz4-00682-00138816-00139016 Put cerebral... yIZcz2RZJz4-00683-00139016-00139216 into manage! yIZcz2RZJz4-00688-00140016-00140216 Problem solving skills! yIZcz2RZJz4-00692-00140816-00141016 Learn many languages! yIZcz2RZJz4-00702-00142816-00143016 Be smart! yIZcz2RZJz4-00703-00143016-00143216 Be smart! yIZcz2RZJz4-00709-00144216-00144416 Brain expanding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00711-00144616-00144816 Brain has power! yIZcz2RZJz4-00712-00144816-00145016 Brain expanding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00713-00145016-00145216 Brain expanding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00719-00146216-00146416 An understanding of slowing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00720-00146416-00146616 as opposed to speeding! yIZcz2RZJz4-00723-00147016-00147216 Aging increased! yIZcz2RZJz4-00726-00147616-00147816 Expecting, ... yIZcz2RZJz4-00727-00147816-00148016 Caring....as blessing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00728-00148016-00148216 as blessing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00729-00148216-00148416 Get a Proxy! yIZcz2RZJz4-00731-00148616-00148816 to manage! yIZcz2RZJz4-00732-00148816-00149016 to manage! yIZcz2RZJz4-00733-00149016-00149216 Get a family member! yIZcz2RZJz4-00735-00149416-00149616 Expecting caring as blessing! yIZcz2RZJz4-00745-00151416-00151616 Eighty percent yIZcz2RZJz4-00746-00151616-00151816 with dehydration! yIZcz2RZJz4-00753-00153016-00153216 Inner fence! yIZcz2RZJz4-00754-00153216-00153416 Inner fence!..... yIZcz2RZJz4-00758-00154016-00154216 Diabetes! yIZcz2RZJz4-00761-00154616-00154816 Outlier! yIZcz2RZJz4-00762-00154816-00155018 Cancer yIZcz2RZJz4-00763-00155018-00155216 Disease! yIZcz2RZJz4-00764-00155216-00155416 Alzheimer's yJG6YCcb2Ru-00000-00000020-00000264 The Web, Arts & Visual Entertainment Club yJG6YCcb2Ru-00001-00000282-00000608 encourages the students, faculty and staff to meet, yJG6YCcb2Ru-00002-00000620-00001084 exchange ideas and share experiences in working with digital media. yJG6YCcb2Ru-00003-00001084-00001352 Hulsizer: "I know it's important for students to join the WAVE club. yJG6YCcb2Ru-00004-00001372-00001880 Without doing extracurricular activities you just have no chance of getting work in the field." yJG6YCcb2Ru-00005-00001880-00002174 The social and educational activities of the Club yJG6YCcb2Ru-00006-00002174-00002476 promote the development of professional networks yJG6YCcb2Ru-00007-00002476-00002786 that will continue throughout their careers in digital media. yJG6YCcb2Ru-00008-00002786-00003000 Please go on our website for more information. yM51RI8uJF8-00000-00000774-00001246 Hi there, today our conversation is about dealing with Peer Pressure. yM51RI8uJF8-00001-00001246-00001746 By the end of this clip you will have a few more skills to use if you’re making a change in your substance use. yM51RI8uJF8-00002-00001746-00002284 Have you ever gone to a party and decided that you weren’t going to drink any alcohol or use drugs, yM51RI8uJF8-00003-00002284-00002624 but when you got there with your friends, you somehow got talked into using? yM51RI8uJF8-00004-00002624-00002902 When you set a goal like that for yourself, yM51RI8uJF8-00005-00002902-00003300 you want to be able to feel confident that you can stay safe and sober. yM51RI8uJF8-00006-00003300-00003661 My name is Dave and the reason I’m talking about this today yM51RI8uJF8-00007-00003661-00004024 is that I understand that it’s not easy saying ‘no’ when you’re being pressured by your mates. yM51RI8uJF8-00008-00004024-00004450 But by the end of this clip you’ll have a few new tips about how to hold your ground. yM51RI8uJF8-00009-00004686-00005286 Number one: Give yourself permission to avoid people or situations that don't feel right yM51RI8uJF8-00010-00005286-00005568 and to leave a situation that becomes uncomfortable. yM51RI8uJF8-00011-00005568-00006078 Work on setting boundaries because it's okay for you to do what is best for you. yM51RI8uJF8-00012-00006366-00006606 Number two: Check in with yourself. yM51RI8uJF8-00013-00006606-00007250 Ask, "How am I feeling about this?" "Does this seem right to me?" and think the consequences right through. yM51RI8uJF8-00014-00007588-00007900 Number three: Recognise unhealthy dynamics. yM51RI8uJF8-00015-00007900-00008332 It's not okay for other people to pressure, or trick you into doing things you don't want to do yM51RI8uJF8-00016-00008332-00008582 or for others to make threats if you don't give in. yM51RI8uJF8-00017-00008582-00008988 It's also not OK for others to mock or criticize you for your choices. yM51RI8uJF8-00018-00008988-00009244 You can ask others to stop these behaviours, yM51RI8uJF8-00019-00009244-00009648 or you can choose to avoid spending time with people who act in these ways. yM51RI8uJF8-00020-00009840-00010416 Number four: You can choose to spend more time with people who respect your decisions, yM51RI8uJF8-00021-00010416-00010682 and won't put unfair pressure on you to conform. yM51RI8uJF8-00022-00010956-00011656 Number five: 5) When people or situations that make you feel pressured are not avoidable, try the "delay tactic": yM51RI8uJF8-00023-00011656-00012088 Give yourself time to think about your decision instead of giving an immediate answer, yM51RI8uJF8-00024-00012088-00012526 for instance "Let me think about that," or "Not right now, thanks." yM51RI8uJF8-00025-00012990-00013690 Number six: 6) When you can't avoid or delay a high pressure situation, practice saying "No thanks" or just "Nope". yM51RI8uJF8-00026-00013690-00014096 If "no" feels uncomfortable, practice using other responses, yM51RI8uJF8-00027-00014202-00014658 such as "Not today," "Maybe another time," or "Thanks, but I can't." yM51RI8uJF8-00028-00015058-00015330 Number seven: It's okay to use an excuse. yM51RI8uJF8-00029-00015330-00015756 For example, if someone offers you a drink and you want to say no but feel awkward, yM51RI8uJF8-00030-00015756-00016038 you can say that you have to get up early the next day. yM51RI8uJF8-00031-00016144-00016784 Number eight: Take a friend along who can support you and let them know what your intentions are. yM51RI8uJF8-00032-00016784-00017416 For example, "I don't want to drink tonight, so if you see me about to, remind me that I wanted to stay sober". yM51RI8uJF8-00033-00017716-00018416 Number nine: Standing up for others when you see them being pressured can be an effective way to support them and send a message. yM51RI8uJF8-00034-00018416-00018832 If you don't feel comfortable directly confronting the person doing the pressuring, yM51RI8uJF8-00035-00018832-00019242 try distracting them or inviting the person being pressured to do something else. yM51RI8uJF8-00036-00019512-00020144 And number ten: Ask for advice or support from a friend, a parent, or a counsellor if you need it. yM51RI8uJF8-00037-00020168-00020408 So we’ve covered off on our ten tips. yM51RI8uJF8-00038-00020408-00020774 I trust that some of those will be useful and that next time you are out with your friends, yM51RI8uJF8-00039-00020774-00021204 you are able to hold your ground when it comes to your choices about drug and alcohol use. yM51RI8uJF8-00040-00021204-00021698 For more information about where you can get support, check out the DEN website at the link below. yOoqOwEUQE4-00000-00000100-00000150 a u t i s m o h a s j o i n e d t h e c h a t yOoqOwEUQE4-00001-00000150-00000308 :O yOoqOwEUQE4-00002-00000308-00000386 MUNDIAL has joined the chat yOoqOwEUQE4-00003-00000386-00000468 RONALDINHO has joined the chat yOoqOwEUQE4-00004-00000468-00000598 SOCCER has joined the chat yOoqOwEUQE4-00005-00000598-00000780 64 has joined the chat yOoqOwEUQE4-00006-00000780-00000940 k ill stop yOoqOwEUQE4-00007-00000940-00001074 H̴̛ͥ͒̉͑ͤͪ͛͐̀ͯ͊͜͏̜̲̺̮̬̟̰̬̣͈̝̪A̛̯͈̩͓̞̬̖̅̆̆̋̏̒͘H̢̳͕̪̫̖͙̩͕̤͈͚̠͉̲̓̒͆ͥ́́̍̾͋͐̀̔̌͋ͤ̀͢͞ͅͅA̸̛̩̳͎̼ͯͩ͑̅̊̓̾̇̃̾ͨͨ̑̏͒̈́ͪ͑H̛͓̰͍̥͚̼̳ͭ̀ͥͪ͘͜ͅA̴̹̩̥̹̰͑ͧ̍͊̀ͣ̚͡ ̵̧̗̭̲͖̯̰͈͔̫̪̲̱͉̼͙̙̩̺̋͋̅̓ͤͥ̄͒̑ͦ̚͘͜͞Ḫ̠̘̙̣̘̘̮̼͚̈͌̔ͬͮͪͧ̔̅̂ͬ͟͟Ă̵͛̓͗̿͊̇̓ͣͪ͛̍̈́͂̃͠͠҉̺͎͓̼͖̲̹͎̤͓͜ͅ.̓̆͋̾ͦͥ͑͂̄̉ͩ̅̄̂̓̂́́͜͏̻͓̫͖̪̭̭͍͚̫͎̜ yOoqOwEUQE4-00008-00001074-00001176 RONALDINHO yOoqOwEUQE4-00009-00001176-00001260 S̶̲͍̮̰̯̺͙̣̹͕͍ͯ̑ͮ̍͊ͦ͐̓̂̔̾̊͋ͦ̚͝ͅ ̛͛̍̌ͧ̾ͯ̏ͭ͛ͦ̆͏̛̗̭̠̞̟̠̮͉̺Ǫ͌́̓̆͋̐̋̔ͤͧ͂҉͙̠̞̟̻͎̻̮̱̤͔̜̼ͅ ̍̌ͤ̇͗͏̲͕͚̲̘̤̙͓̰͙̳̝̙̯̼͇̣C͍͈̻̩̹̗̗̰̻͎̜̻̯͌̓͐̑̃͐̑̈ͬ̉̿́̚ ͌̒̓͛̂̌͑̈́ͨ̋ͦ̉͊ͨ̾̉̋҉̶̢̨͈̯͇͓̦͓̼C̷͚͔̱͚̺̮̺̝͇̳̮̹͓̤̦̖͕̒̇͂́́͒͛ͫ̅ͧͣ͊̂ͤ͌́ ̶̧̱͚̮̻͇͙͕̰̩̫̍ͥ͐̐͘͠E̵̢̝̰̖͙̞̪͉̭̪̰͙͚͇͌̊̔̆̑̈ͣ̌͛ͩ͞͞ ̰̟̫̳̯͓̩̼͖̪ͧ͊̐ͤ̏ͦ̌̾ͨͣͧͩ̋́͂́͜͡R̶̴̜̼̦͉̖̭̬̼͎̗̱ͩ͆͛͂͜͜͠ yOoqOwEUQE4-00010-00001260-00001310 lol yOoqOwEUQE4-00011-00001310-00001510 true tho unsub if you logo kid loolololololol yQ7c-3IhReY-00000-00000003-00000330 Hi everyone. Now we are talking about health problems. yQ7c-3IhReY-00001-00000330-00000827 The most common ways to ask about someone's health condition are 'how do yQ7c-3IhReY-00002-00000827-00001137 you feel today?' 'how are you feeling?' 'is everything okay?' yQ7c-3IhReY-00003-00001137-00001716 ...and that time they most likely respond 'I'm okay', 'I'm not feeling very well', yQ7c-3IhReY-00004-00001716-00002336 'not very well'. When you hear or know that the person is not feeling very well or yQ7c-3IhReY-00005-00002336-00002891 it's not okay the next question that you're asking is 'what's the matter?' yQ7c-3IhReY-00006-00002891-00003402 'what's the problem?' and if the person wants to say what the problem is they yQ7c-3IhReY-00007-00003402-00004064 say 'I have + health condition' for example; I have a headache yQ7c-3IhReY-00008-00004064-00004818 or 'I've got+ health condition' I've got headache. Firstly let's learn yQ7c-3IhReY-00009-00004818-00005321 about minor illnesses. If you've got a pain in the head you say 'I have a yQ7c-3IhReY-00010-00005321-00005732 headache'. If you have a pain in the throat you say yQ7c-3IhReY-00011-00005732-00006401 'I have a sore throat'. If you have pain in the back you say 'I have a backache', If yQ7c-3IhReY-00012-00006401-00007050 you have a pain in the shoulder you say 'I have a sore shoulder'. If you have a yQ7c-3IhReY-00013-00007050-00007593 pain in the ear you say 'I have earache'. If you have red, yQ7c-3IhReY-00014-00007593-00008297 watery and swollen eyes you say 'I have sore eyes'. If you have pain in the yQ7c-3IhReY-00015-00008297-00008847 stomach you say 'I have a stomachache' or 'I have abdominal pain', If there is a yQ7c-3IhReY-00016-00008847-00009429 severe pain in the chest or in the heart you say 'I have a heartburn'. In cold yQ7c-3IhReY-00017-00009429-00010029 seasons, mostly in autumn and winter we often get a cold or get the flu. We are yQ7c-3IhReY-00018-00010029-00010547 feeling cold but our body becomes very hot. That time we say 'I have a yQ7c-3IhReY-00019-00010547-00010992 temperature' or 'I have fever'. Some people have allergic reaction to yQ7c-3IhReY-00020-00010992-00012228 pollen in the air with itchy eyes, watery eyes and they sneeze, they cough, so it's yQ7c-3IhReY-00021-00012228-00012598 called seasonal allergies. Sometimes you are not feeling very well yQ7c-3IhReY-00022-00012598-00013064 your head is turning around it's called yQ7c-3IhReY-00023-00013064-00013518 'dizziness' or 'I'm feeling dizzy'. When you've played football you yQ7c-3IhReY-00024-00013518-00014162 fall down and you broke your leg so at that time you say 'I have a broken leg' or yQ7c-3IhReY-00025-00014162-00014687 If you broke the bone in your arm you say 'I have a broken arm'. If you haven't yQ7c-3IhReY-00026-00014687-00015231 broken anywhere but you have hit it very hard there is a dark area and very yQ7c-3IhReY-00027-00015231-00015654 painful area it's called 'bruise'. I remember when I was yQ7c-3IhReY-00028-00015654-00016037 learning to ride a bike I was going back home every night with a legs in bruise. yQ7c-3IhReY-00029-00016037-00016578 I will talk about one dance. I know that you know about that dance, it's yQ7c-3IhReY-00030-00016578-00016980 called 'twist'. Do you know how to dance it? yQ7c-3IhReY-00031-00016980-00017319 like... you cannot see unfortunately, but yQ7c-3IhReY-00032-00017319-00017868 the ankle - it's the wrist but the ankle is going yQ7c-3IhReY-00033-00017868-00018479 right and left, left and right like this... not the wrist but the ankle below... Why do yQ7c-3IhReY-00034-00018479-00018981 they call it twist because the name is taken from the injury-twisted ankle or yQ7c-3IhReY-00035-00018981-00019691 sprained ankle. Some elderly people after they are 55 or 60 they suffer yQ7c-3IhReY-00036-00019691-00020312 from high blood pressure. Their blood pressure is going up and sometimes they yQ7c-3IhReY-00037-00020312-00021251 become unconscious or faint or pass out. That's why they are taking pills to keep yQ7c-3IhReY-00038-00021251-00021301 it stable. yQ7c-3IhReY-00039-00021301-00021678 And today you decided to make the dinner yourself, first of all you go yQ7c-3IhReY-00040-00021678-00022169 to the kitchen take the knife and you start with chopping vegetables and yQ7c-3IhReY-00041-00022169-00022743 now you're chopping onion the knife comes to your finger and oops, you cut yQ7c-3IhReY-00042-00022743-00023504 your finger. so, it's bleeding, a blood comes out. What do you do? You put it yQ7c-3IhReY-00043-00023504-00024191 under water and after that you put a plaster on it, right? Now you keep going yQ7c-3IhReY-00044-00024191-00024765 you never give up. Now it's time to turn on the cooker. While you are turning on yQ7c-3IhReY-00045-00024765-00025365 the cooker, oh you burnt your hand. If you didn't put yQ7c-3IhReY-00046-00025365-00025940 it under water immediately the skin of your hand will go a little bit up and yQ7c-3IhReY-00047-00025940-00026222 there will be a water inside so it's called yQ7c-3IhReY-00048-00026222-00026616 'blister'. Now your dinner is ready finally. You yQ7c-3IhReY-00049-00026616-00026991 start to eat, you take one small piece, you put it in your mouth and you are yQ7c-3IhReY-00050-00026991-00028170 chewing. When you swallow it it gets stuck in your throat and you are choking. yQ7c-3IhReY-00051-00028170-00029076 You act and finished your food and you are feeling a little bit sick. You have yQ7c-3IhReY-00052-00029076-00030231 dizziness and you have a stomachache, you want to vomit or throw up and you could yQ7c-3IhReY-00053-00030231-00030738 become unconscious, you faint. Someone in your family is calling the ambulance. yQ7c-3IhReY-00054-00030738-00031362 They come and they say you have food poisoning. They do the first-aid to you yQ7c-3IhReY-00055-00031362-00031842 and you become conscious or you come round after that you come to the yQ7c-3IhReY-00056-00031842-00032283 conclusion that the cooking is not for you. In the end, whatever you do, wherever yQ7c-3IhReY-00057-00032283-00032787 you go try to be very careful because your health is the most important thing yQ7c-3IhReY-00058-00032787-00033045 in the world. If you're not a good cook either yQ7c-3IhReY-00059-00033045-00033531 order online or eat out. If you found this video helpful, please subscribe yQ7c-3IhReY-00060-00033531-00033935 my channel and thumbs up. yR11LrxFp_E-00000-00000610-00000996 What scale should you play on a minor II V I ? yR11LrxFp_E-00001-00001024-00001766 Hi ! In this video I'll talk about minor II V I and about the scales you can use yR11LrxFp_E-00002-00001766-00002300 the "II V I" chord changes are very commons in jazz yR11LrxFp_E-00003-00002300-00002936 and they correspond to the 2nd, 5th and 1st degrees of a minor scale yR11LrxFp_E-00004-00002936-00004460 in the C minor scale it will be Dm7b5 (II), G7 (V) and Cm6 (I) yR11LrxFp_E-00005-00004460-00005234 and not Cm7 ! CmMaj7 is also possible (more dissonant) yR11LrxFp_E-00006-00005234-00005576 so the most common is Cm6 yR11LrxFp_E-00007-00005576-00006116 it can RARELY happen that the I is a min7 chord yR11LrxFp_E-00008-00006116-00006806 let me explain why, because I get this question very often : yR11LrxFp_E-00009-00006806-00007998 the m6 chord is more resolutive and stable than the m7 chord yR11LrxFp_E-00010-00007998-00008580 what's tricky is that the m6 is more dissonant !! More dissonant but more stable yR11LrxFp_E-00011-00008580-00009332 so you have to understand (and feel) that dissonance and stability are not necessarily correlated yR11LrxFp_E-00012-00009332-00010064 so Cm6 will be the most common chord for a I chord in a minor key yR11LrxFp_E-00013-00010064-00010674 when we play a m7 chord in jazz, it's usually a II chord (in a major key) yR11LrxFp_E-00014-00010674-00011038 so : what scales can we use over these chords ? yR11LrxFp_E-00015-00011038-00011940 We'll start easy and we'll end with advanced scales yR11LrxFp_E-00016-00011940-00013206 and what I will explain here is a condensed version of the 2 videos "major and minor II V I" available on my website guitare-improvisation.com yR11LrxFp_E-00017-00013206-00013590 these are complete video courses that last 90 min more or less yR11LrxFp_E-00018-00013650-00014141 the first scale we can play is the harmonic minor scale of the key yR11LrxFp_E-00019-00014141-00014558 it will work more or less over the 3 chords yR11LrxFp_E-00020-00014558-00016200 as we are in C minor, we'll play the C harmonic minor scale yR11LrxFp_E-00021-00016200-00016924 as we play jazz and not "eastern" music (yes, it's a very inaccurate word) yR11LrxFp_E-00022-00016924-00018172 we'll try not to focus too much on these 4 notes that sound very "eastern" yR11LrxFp_E-00023-00018200-00019152 we'll prefer to go up and down with random arpeggios yR11LrxFp_E-00024-00019152-00019494 so if you'll play this : yR11LrxFp_E-00025-00019494-00020002 it won't sound like jazz yR11LrxFp_E-00026-00020028-00020554 now let's play this scale over a minor II V I in C yR11LrxFp_E-00027-00024792-00025300 allright ! that sounded pretty good yR11LrxFp_E-00028-00025300-00026188 still there was a note at the end of my improvisation that didn't sound good at all yR11LrxFp_E-00029-00026188-00027514 this Ab over the Cm6 sounded really bad : it's the m6 of C which is in the harmonic minor scale of C yR11LrxFp_E-00030-00027514-00028130 so this will lead us to the second option : we'll use a different scale over the I chord yR11LrxFp_E-00031-00028172-00029026 we can keep the harmonic minor scale over the II and V yR11LrxFp_E-00032-00029026-00029964 but on the I chord we'll prefer to play a M6, not a m6 : this is the melodic minor scale of C yR11LrxFp_E-00033-00030002-00030530 this scale just has one note that differs from the harm. min. scale yR11LrxFp_E-00034-00030530-00030938 here is C harmonic minor yR11LrxFp_E-00035-00030938-00032410 and here is C melodic minor (2 fingerings) yR11LrxFp_E-00036-00032448-00033218 if you play on a tune with a I chord that is a m7 chord (it's rare but it happens) you can play the dorian mode yR11LrxFp_E-00037-00033218-00034734 this dorian mode of C has the m7 of the Cm7 chord (and a M6) yR11LrxFp_E-00038-00034734-00034944 let's go back to the melodic minor scale yR11LrxFp_E-00039-00034944-00036190 I'll improvise and apply these tips. There's something I like to do to make this melodic minor scale sound good and mysterious yR11LrxFp_E-00040-00036190-00037046 it's to insist on the typical notes : m3, M7 and M6 yR11LrxFp_E-00041-00037046-00037516 and just by playing this you can feel the mysterious sound of this scale yR11LrxFp_E-00042-00037520-00038302 so : C harmonic minor over the II V, and C melodic minor over the I yR11LrxFp_E-00043-00042840-00043678 I hope this melodic minor color was obvious enough in my improvisation yR11LrxFp_E-00044-00043730-00044578 now let's go up a level ! we'll think about a scale for each chord :-) yR11LrxFp_E-00045-00044578-00045778 it's good to think this way only if the chords are not play too fast, which is the case here (2 or 4 bars/chord) yR11LrxFp_E-00046-00045778-00047416 when the chords go very fast, we'll think about one single scale (harmonic minor) even if there are other possibilities yR11LrxFp_E-00047-00047416-00048792 because if the chords go fast our ears won't have the time to feel complex harmonies yR11LrxFp_E-00048-00048930-00050016 (now, the notions will be pretty advanced) yR11LrxFp_E-00049-00050076-00050488 on the II chord we'll play the "locrian flat 2" mode yR11LrxFp_E-00050-00050488-00051858 this mode (D locrian flat 2) sounds pretty obvious over this Dm7b5 chord except for one note yR11LrxFp_E-00051-00051886-00052805 it's the M9 (or "flat 2") that is not obvious to hear and that can sound odd yR11LrxFp_E-00052-00053684-00055366 on the V chord we'll play the altered scale, which is very common (G altered over G7) yR11LrxFp_E-00053-00055400-00056166 and on the I, the melodic minor scale that we already know yR11LrxFp_E-00054-00056512-00056876 these colors are quite subtle as you noticed yR11LrxFp_E-00055-00056900-00057729 to make it easy to hear for you and for the listeners, there's a little tip : yR11LrxFp_E-00056-00057729-00058126 start your melody with a few notes that are in the chord yR11LrxFp_E-00057-00058126-00059452 on the Dm7b5 for example, I know where to play the chord tones : yR11LrxFp_E-00058-00059452-00061410 so I can start with a few chord tones (D F Ab) and keep on with the locrian flat 2 scale (G E G) yR11LrxFp_E-00059-00061410-00061882 all these notes where in the locrian flat 2 scale yR11LrxFp_E-00060-00061882-00062678 same thing for G altered : F G B (G7#5) Db Eb F G Bb Ab Eb Db (G altered) yR11LrxFp_E-00061-00062700-00063760 and same thing for Cm (I started with a M9, woops) yR11LrxFp_E-00062-00063796-00065310 when you start by playing a few chord tones, the ears easily feel what's the harmony, and then you can play the 9/11/13 yR11LrxFp_E-00063-00065310-00066408 this is very common when going up a custom arpeggio : D F Ab C E G for Dm7b5 yR11LrxFp_E-00064-00066408-00067238 F G B Eb Ab Eb or F G B Eb Ab Db for G7 yR11LrxFp_E-00065-00067244-00067626 A C Eb G A D B for Cm yR11LrxFp_E-00066-00067658-00069230 it only took me a few minutes to explain all of this, but it will take you years to master it yR11LrxFp_E-00067-00069270-00069874 so it's easy to understand and hard to hear yR11LrxFp_E-00068-00069874-00070826 and I repeat : it's appropriate to do this over a II V I when each chord lasts a few bars yR11LrxFp_E-00069-00070856-00072118 you have to spend some time working this alone, with a loop pedal if you want, checking the scales and hearing how it sounds yR11LrxFp_E-00070-00072118-00072928 and little by little, working over backing tracks. Let's do that ! yR11LrxFp_E-00071-00079974-00080804 as you probably heard I sometimes got out of the scales : some oriental or blues lick yR11LrxFp_E-00072-00080804-00082010 so dare to get out of the scales when you master them : playing in the scale is not a rule ! yR11LrxFp_E-00073-00082046-00082708 I develop this kind of exercise more deeply on my website guitare-improvisation.com yR11LrxFp_E-00074-00082708-00083396 there are also some webpages with thousands of tips and tabs yR11LrxFp_E-00075-00083396-00084514 and many II V I backing tracks on my Youtube channel too, with various tempos, keys, chord durations yR11LrxFp_E-00076-00084568-00085092 I really hope that this video helped you playing over minor II V I yR11LrxFp_E-00077-00085092-00085958 and to know what scales are used by professional jazz musicians ySRS99Qv14k-00000-00000416-00000554 What's in my bag with Jun-chan ySRS99Qv14k-00001-00000578-00000778 K&J : Hello! ySRS99Qv14k-00002-00000911-00001224 K : Today, if you're wondering why there is a golf bag here ySRS99Qv14k-00003-00001306-00001846 K : We're going to introduce what is in my bag because I've been requested to do this multiple times J : Yeah, there were many who asked ySRS99Qv14k-00004-00001866-00002266 K : So I thought of showing this today ySRS99Qv14k-00005-00002278-00002872 K : So, Jun-chan, you can ask me why this club and such questions (Golf bag is Resurrection!) ySRS99Qv14k-00006-00002918-00003511 K : Well, I thought it would be better to have someone commenting on the spot compared to me talking by myself ySRS99Qv14k-00007-00003511-00003644 K : So, feel free to comment! ySRS99Qv14k-00008-00004014-00004146 J : What is that? ySRS99Qv14k-00009-00004202-00004446 K : My Driver J : A skeleton ySRS99Qv14k-00010-00004446-00004590 K : Yep, skeleton ySRS99Qv14k-00011-00004648-00004992 K : Well, it looks like this, 14 clubs altogether ySRS99Qv14k-00012-00005020-00005794 K : Well, the numbers are: Driver, 4W, 5W ySRS99Qv14k-00013-00005794-00006388 K : 4H, 6H ySRS99Qv14k-00014-00006468-00006859 K : The Irons are 6, 7, 8, 9 and P ySRS99Qv14k-00015-00006934-00007514 K : And below that is 50°, 52°, 58° and putter ySRS99Qv14k-00016-00007514-00007698 K : 14 in total ySRS99Qv14k-00017-00007806-00008104 K : Are you interested in these? J : What are those? ySRS99Qv14k-00018-00008131-00008664 K : These are golf practice sticks J : Why do you need so many in the bag? ySRS99Qv14k-00019-00008680-00008880 K : Yeah, there are 2 ySRS99Qv14k-00020-00008906-00009372 K : Firstly, my driver is, do you know Epon? ySRS99Qv14k-00021-00009372-00009746 J : Yeah I know, that expensive one, is it alright if I say that? (Epon AF152 10.5°, Shaft is FireExpress Regular Low Kick Point) ySRS99Qv14k-00022-00009746-00010068 K : Yeah, that, but it's really old (Epon AF152 10.5°, Shaft is FireExpress Regular Low Kick Point) ySRS99Qv14k-00023-00010068-00010244 J : Ehh, it's shaped like this ySRS99Qv14k-00024-00010352-00010812 K : It's totally seasoned, I've used this for about 7 years ySRS99Qv14k-00025-00010826-00011276 K : I think you can see how old it is J : I wonder if it will show up on the video ySRS99Qv14k-00026-00011344-00011578 K : Is it different from yours? ySRS99Qv14k-00027-00011798-00012142 J : Ahh, it's flexible, isn't this long? K : Long ySRS99Qv14k-00028-00012142-00012342 J : Isn't this long? K : Yep, long and flexy ySRS99Qv14k-00029-00012416-00012822 J : I see, you made the shaft long ySRS99Qv14k-00030-00012822-00013019 K : What do you think of the face? ySRS99Qv14k-00031-00013178-00013472 J : Very round? K : Yeah it's round ySRS99Qv14k-00032-00013486-00013763 K : How about the angle of the face? ySRS99Qv14k-00033-00013776-00013976 J : Isn't it slightly closed face? ySRS99Qv14k-00034-00013976-00014146 K : To me, it's open ySRS99Qv14k-00035-00014266-00014466 J : Is it open? ySRS99Qv14k-00036-00014466-00014813 K : More like squared? 90 degrees? ySRS99Qv14k-00037-00014813-00014976 K : I don't think it's closed ySRS99Qv14k-00038-00015060-00015290 K : You feel that it is closed? J : Yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00039-00015412-00015778 K : There are dents everywhere J : Well, it's an old club ySRS99Qv14k-00040-00015778-00016212 K : I've cheated on it a few times by using other drivers but in the end, I still use it J : In the end, you still go back to using it ySRS99Qv14k-00041-00016304-00016664 K : So many times, how many drivers had I tried changing? J : You've tried that many? ySRS99Qv14k-00042-00016676-00017056 K : I think from start, about 5 to 6? J : Oh really? You really tried quite a few ySRS99Qv14k-00043-00017074-00017300 K : In the end, this is the best ySRS99Qv14k-00044-00017300-00017676 K : My trusty partner ySRS99Qv14k-00045-00017690-00018020 K : But it's all dent so I really need to change it ySRS99Qv14k-00046-00018166-00018406 K : Next, wood! Fairway wood ySRS99Qv14k-00047-00018406-00018750 K : I put in 4W and 5W (4W&5W - Yamaha InpresX Ladies, Shaft is Regular) ySRS99Qv14k-00048-00018750-00018916 K : Usually one would put 3W (4W&5W - Yamaha InpresX Ladies, Shaft is Regular) ySRS99Qv14k-00049-00018916-00019120 J : Yeah, 3W and 5W (4W&5W - Yamaha InpresX Ladies, Shaft is Regular) ySRS99Qv14k-00050-00019232-00019834 K : For me, 4W flies more and the smash factor is better ySRS99Qv14k-00051-00019874-00020196 K : There's not much difference in flight distance compared to the 3W J : I see ySRS99Qv14k-00052-00020206-00020570 K : I have 3W for this series too but since there's not much difference ySRS99Qv14k-00053-00020570-00021090 K : So for a better flight distance and better smash factor, I decided to put 4W in ySRS99Qv14k-00054-00021102-00021396 K : And this is for ladies, so it is 18° ySRS99Qv14k-00055-00021408-00021738 K : It's rather high compared to the usual J : For Yamaha ySRS99Qv14k-00056-00021738-00021932 K : Yep, Yamaha's ladies regular ySRS99Qv14k-00057-00022026-00022330 K : This is Yamaha J : Yamaha ySRS99Qv14k-00058-00022388-00022688 K : Ladies R, 4W and 5W ySRS99Qv14k-00059-00022688-00022870 K : Jun-chan's are? 3 perhaps? ySRS99Qv14k-00060-00022870-00023060 J : I put in 3W and 5W ySRS99Qv14k-00061-00023066-00023376 K : Well, you don't often find 4W for men too J : Perhaps ySRS99Qv14k-00062-00023436-00023792 J : But lately, I'm not that confident in using the 3W ySRS99Qv14k-00063-00023792-00023954 K : But you're ok when you drive with it ySRS99Qv14k-00064-00023954-00024324 J : Yeah, if it's the drive it's fine, it goes about 190 to 200 yards ySRS99Qv14k-00065-00024324-00024472 K : That's really good distance ySRS99Qv14k-00066-00024584-00024716 K : 3W.... ySRS99Qv14k-00067-00024724-00025002 K : That's why I put in 4W J : Yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00068-00025012-00025236 K : If it's the drive, I can just hit normally with 4W ySRS99Qv14k-00069-00025252-00025664 K : If it's 3W, it feels floaty J : I know that feeling ySRS99Qv14k-00070-00025683-00025883 J : Especially ySRS99Qv14k-00071-00025898-00026216 J : Unless you hit it like this, it feels like it won't hit ySRS99Qv14k-00072-00026350-00026744 J : Your body will just go like this in order to hit it, if you're using the 3W ySRS99Qv14k-00073-00026756-00027064 K : You'll miss to the right? J : Yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00074-00027080-00027292 J : So you gotta hit it like this K : Hold back? ySRS99Qv14k-00075-00027350-00027574 J : Like this ySRS99Qv14k-00076-00027700-00027998 K : That sounds like enka (Japanese ballad) ySRS99Qv14k-00077-00027998-00028195 J : Thank goodness you stopped me being silly ySRS99Qv14k-00078-00028195-00028388 K : Ok, let's move to the next ySRS99Qv14k-00079-00028406-00028756 K : Next is Yamaha's, they are from the same series ySRS99Qv14k-00080-00028764-00029216 K : 4H and 6H (4H&6H - Yamaha InpresX Ladies, Shaft is Regular) ySRS99Qv14k-00081-00029227-00029436 K : Jun-chan, you have only one hybrid? (4H&6H - Yamaha InpresX Ladies, Shaft is Regular) ySRS99Qv14k-00082-00029436-00029627 J : Yep, just one ySRS99Qv14k-00083-00029636-00029850 J : It's a Hybrid No.5 ySRS99Qv14k-00084-00029918-00030154 K : In between of mine! J : Yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00085-00030154-00030327 K : That's between mine ySRS99Qv14k-00086-00030342-00030718 J : Hybrid No.5 is really useful K : Hybrid No.5 ySRS99Qv14k-00087-00030730-00030962 K : What about increasing your hybrids? ySRS99Qv14k-00088-00030962-00031082 J : Yeah maybe ySRS99Qv14k-00089-00031092-00031468 K : I was thinking of removing 6I and find some new ones ySRS99Qv14k-00090-00031468-00031612 J : Maybe you're right ySRS99Qv14k-00091-00031700-00031900 K : I would like to try once ySRS99Qv14k-00092-00031916-00032338 K : I would like to turn my bag into something like a flower garden once ySRS99Qv14k-00093-00032344-00032670 K : All the woods, put in 9W and 11W ySRS99Qv14k-00094-00032670-00032828 K : I have those kind of days ySRS99Qv14k-00095-00032828-00032938 J : It suits you though ySRS99Qv14k-00096-00032946-00033266 J : But I think it's because of that, you can't hit your approach shots properly ySRS99Qv14k-00097-00033440-00033718 K : But I think I can hit with 7W or 8W ySRS99Qv14k-00098-00033730-00034094 J : Yeah, 6W is... K : Maybe I should remove 6W ySRS99Qv14k-00099-00034108-00034526 J : Lately, using 6W makes me tired, like an old lady ySRS99Qv14k-00100-00034658-00035102 K : It's just somewhat... J : I just get tired somehow ySRS99Qv14k-00101-00035102-00035278 K : Yeah it's exhausting ySRS99Qv14k-00102-00035336-00035962 J : Yeah, even today when I was hitting 130 to 140 yards, I was using the Hybrid ySRS99Qv14k-00103-00035978-00036380 J : I just choke up the Hybrid No.5 and just hit it with a bang ySRS99Qv14k-00104-00036380-00036570 J : And it went over ySRS99Qv14k-00105-00036572-00036792 K : But it's easy, right? J : Yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00106-00036898-00037098 K : We went slightly off topic ySRS99Qv14k-00107-00037182-00037562 K : Well, I'm quite good with my Hybrids partners too ySRS99Qv14k-00108-00037582-00037912 K : And from here, my Iron-chans ySRS99Qv14k-00109-00037924-00038322 J : The Irons are of a different brand, right? ySRS99Qv14k-00110-00038322-00038530 J : The Irons are? K : Onoff!! ySRS99Qv14k-00111-00038530-00038672 J : Onoff! ySRS99Qv14k-00112-00038672-00038942 J : How many altogether? 7? K : 5 ySRS99Qv14k-00113-00038942-00039082 J : 5! 5 Irons! ySRS99Qv14k-00114-00039094-00039376 K : I have 5 Irons (Iron No.6~P, Onoff Ladies 2012 Model, Shaft is Amateur) ySRS99Qv14k-00115-00039382-00039666 K : I've used this for quite a while too (Iron No.6~P, Onoff Ladies 2012 Model, Shaft is Amateur) ySRS99Qv14k-00116-00039886-00040122 J : How long have you used these? K : About 4 years ySRS99Qv14k-00117-00040134-00040422 K : So, it's been a while J : That's long ySRS99Qv14k-00118-00040440-00040772 K : And I got Onoff to make me a new set of Irons ySRS99Qv14k-00119-00040772-00041104 K : It came the other day and I opened it ySRS99Qv14k-00120-00041110-00041564 K : I've tried hitting with them quite a bit but it's still not suitable for the course J : I see ySRS99Qv14k-00121-00041564-00041846 K : I would like to use them on the course though but it is still unstable J : I see ySRS99Qv14k-00122-00042196-00042420 K : My fixation for this set is because its' shafts are A shaft ySRS99Qv14k-00123-00042432-00042894 K : It is stiffer than the ladies' shafts and it is pure ySRS99Qv14k-00124-00042894-00043110 K : So they are quite popular ySRS99Qv14k-00125-00043128-00043402 J : But your Iron shots are not bad ySRS99Qv14k-00126-00043772-00044200 K : You know how woods always go down below ySRS99Qv14k-00127-00044202-00044568 K : It goes quite long but for Irons, they go up suddenly J : Yeah, it certainly does ySRS99Qv14k-00128-00044702-00045056 K : I was practicing that but the timing is just not right ySRS99Qv14k-00129-00045056-00045478 K : I was trying to make the Iron shots longer but I just can't get the timing ySRS99Qv14k-00130-00045508-00045708 J : I wonder how are you supposed to go that ySRS99Qv14k-00131-00045720-00045920 K : But Jun-chan's Iron shots are okay ySRS99Qv14k-00132-00045932-00046316 K : The Woods, I can make the swing at the bottom longer somehow ySRS99Qv14k-00133-00046328-00046750 K : The Irons are short and the contact point is short ySRS99Qv14k-00134-00046756-00047132 K : When you try doing that with the Irons, it just felt weird ySRS99Qv14k-00135-00047236-00047530 K : And it just... J : All wrong, yeah ySRS99Qv14k-00136-00047738-00048092 K : I'm not good at making the swing longer with Irons ySRS99Qv14k-00137-00048092-00048292 K : Making it low, yeah that's it ySRS99Qv14k-00138-00048304-00048576 K : Then I'll feel something is wrong then you squeeze it with your left hand ySRS99Qv14k-00139-00048576-00048776 K : I'm just not good at that ySRS99Qv14k-00140-00048776-00048884 J : I see ySRS99Qv14k-00141-00048892-00049230 K : I think it's because of the head, because it is just so light ySRS99Qv14k-00142-00049242-00049492 K : It just feel somewhat missing ySRS99Qv14k-00143-00049492-00049720 K : Well, I'll practice J : Yeah practice ySRS99Qv14k-00144-00049720-00049882 K : Next, wedges ySRS99Qv14k-00145-00049882-00050032 J : It feels like a review meeting ySRS99Qv14k-00146-00050032-00050202 K : It's no longer about what is in the bag ySRS99Qv14k-00147-00050214-00050578 K : It has become my troubles with the clubs J : Yeah it is ySRS99Qv14k-00148-00050578-00050682 K : Talking about my troubles ySRS99Qv14k-00149-00050740-00050904 J : Okay, wedges! ySRS99Qv14k-00150-00050928-00051260 J : What brand is this? K : This is Yamaha ySRS99Qv14k-00151-00051260-00051354 J : Oh Yamaha ySRS99Qv14k-00152-00051366-00051566 K : Men's (50°, 52°, 58°, Yamaha RMX, Shaft is Tour AD 65g R) ySRS99Qv14k-00153-00051572-00051862 J : Driver and the wedges (50°, 52°, 58°, Yamaha RMX, Shaft is Tour AD 65g R) ySRS99Qv14k-00154-00051862-00052178 K : The head and the shaft are men's (50°, 52°, 58°, Yamaha RMX, Shaft is Tour AD 65g R) ySRS99Qv14k-00155-00052196-00052434 K : I was using the ladies shaft before this ySRS99Qv14k-00156-00052554-00052924 K : This is RMX, Yamaha RMX ySRS99Qv14k-00157-00053022-00053282 J : Look, there is lead on this ySRS99Qv14k-00158-00053282-00053566 J : You make the Irons light ySRS99Qv14k-00159-00053646-00054105 J : But you make the Wedges heavier by sticking leads on it ySRS99Qv14k-00160-00054190-00054338 K : I wonder why ySRS99Qv14k-00161-00054338-00054672 J : But it's good this way, right? K : Yeah, I can swing this! ySRS99Qv14k-00162-00054684-00054928 K : I have no problem with these ySRS99Qv14k-00163-00055070-00055324 K : I just don't understand clubs, it's just weird ySRS99Qv14k-00164-00055328-00055602 J : How about bunkers? 58°? K : 58° ySRS99Qv14k-00165-00055602-00055776 K : I can hit 65 yards with this ySRS99Qv14k-00166-00055804-00056004 J : 65 yards with 58° ySRS99Qv14k-00167-00056020-00056624 K : With the 52°, about 80 to 85 yards ySRS99Qv14k-00168-00056690-00056867 K : And this, 90 yards ySRS99Qv14k-00169-00056867-00057002 K : The other time I just couldn't get it J : What's that? ySRS99Qv14k-00170-00057002-00057128 K : 50° ySRS99Qv14k-00171-00057128-00057328 J : 90 yards with 50° ySRS99Qv14k-00172-00057328-00057434 K : It's just weird, right? ySRS99Qv14k-00173-00057434-00057814 J : With 52°? K : About 80 yards ySRS99Qv14k-00174-00057814-00057986 K : Maybe 85 yards ySRS99Qv14k-00175-00058172-00058414 K : Actually it's probably not this, maybe 48° ySRS99Qv14k-00176-00058626-00058870 K :There's something wrong, I know J : What about 100 yards? ySRS99Qv14k-00177-00058870-00058998 K : P ySRS99Qv14k-00178-00058998-00059122 J : You hit 100 yards with P? ySRS99Qv14k-00179-00059122-00059414 K : This can't fly 100 yards J : Yeah it won't ySRS99Qv14k-00180-00059414-00059672 J : It just won't fly that extra few yards, I wonder why ySRS99Qv14k-00181-00059678-00059902 K : P might go about 105 yards or so ySRS99Qv14k-00182-00059929-00060129 J : When you want it to fly, it will ySRS99Qv14k-00183-00060129-00060326 K : There just this wide gap between 50° and P ySRS99Qv14k-00184-00060341-00060710 J : But you know, the shaft of the wedges just don't yield ySRS99Qv14k-00185-00060710-00060867 K : Because it's carbon ySRS99Qv14k-00186-00060960-00061205 K : My putter is Odyssey ySRS99Qv14k-00187-00061217-00061541 K : White Hot (Putter - Odyssey White Hot Pro 7) ySRS99Qv14k-00188-00061541-00061741 J : What shape is this? (Putter - Odyssey White Hot Pro 7) ySRS99Qv14k-00189-00061741-00061890 K : What shape? ySRS99Qv14k-00190-00061890-00062008 K : Mallet? ySRS99Qv14k-00191-00062008-00062105 J : Mallet ySRS99Qv14k-00192-00062108-00062496 K : It should be mallet. It can't be spider, right? J : Horns? ySRS99Qv14k-00193-00062496-00062696 K : Horn shaped? ySRS99Qv14k-00194-00062696-00062870 J : Cat shaped! ySRS99Qv14k-00195-00062870-00063082 K : Oh yeah, cat! ySRS99Qv14k-00196-00063082-00063282 K : It's cat shaped! (It's Neo Mallet Model 7) ySRS99Qv14k-00197-00063282-00063466 J : Odyssey's cat shaped! ySRS99Qv14k-00198-00063482-00063702 K : I'm using Odyssey's cat shaped putter ySRS99Qv14k-00199-00063805-00064048 J : That made us totally unknowledgable ySRS99Qv14k-00200-00064155-00064376 K : I think it's #7 ySRS99Qv14k-00201-00064378-00064624 J : #7? What is that? ySRS99Qv14k-00202-00064624-00064944 K : Odyssey have this series, White Hot Pro #7 ySRS99Qv14k-00203-00065164-00065364 J : Isn't this short? ySRS99Qv14k-00204-00065364-00065496 K : Is it? ySRS99Qv14k-00205-00065496-00065694 J : Short! K : Trying standing in position ySRS99Qv14k-00206-00065694-00065970 J : No, this is short for you, isn't it? ySRS99Qv14k-00207-00066042-00066404 J : And it felt like it is going in really diagonally ySRS99Qv14k-00208-00066462-00066828 K : But isn't it good that it hits the middle of the ball? J : Yes ySRS99Qv14k-00209-00066838-00067276 K : The reason it is short is because I spread my feet far apart so this is just right ySRS99Qv14k-00210-00067326-00067580 K : Once I spread my legs, it is just the right length ySRS99Qv14k-00211-00067660-00067918 K : If it's this, then I'll choke it up ySRS99Qv14k-00212-00068388-00068830 K : That's all for Saegusa Kokoro's introduction of what is in the golf bag ySRS99Qv14k-00213-00068846-00069360 J : But I'm sure they would like to hear how far you can hit ySRS99Qv14k-00214-00069496-00069696 J : First, with the driver, how far.. (Continues in the next video) ySRS99Qv14k-00215-00069804-00070082 Please tell us what is in your bag in the comment too! ySRS99Qv14k-00216-00070082-00070360 Looking for Golf Clubs and Golf Manufacturers who would like ringolf to film and introduce them For inquiries, please send them to toiawase@rin.golf ySRS99Qv14k-00217-00070468-00070752 Thank you very much for watching till the end! ySRS99Qv14k-00218-00070846-00071250 Those who are interested in the next video, check out the videos on the left ySRS99Qv14k-00219-00071368-00071782 To SUBSCRIBE to our channel, please click the button on the right ySRS99Qv14k-00220-00071964-00072268 We’ll be waiting for your comments and likes too! yV2dgubBK1u-00000-00000010-00000146 EASIER AND SAFER FOR KIDS yV2dgubBK1u-00001-00000146-00000153 EASIER AND SAFER FOR KIDS yV2dgubBK1u-00002-00000153-00000303 EASIER AND SAFER FOR KIDS >>> A BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL yV2dgubBK1u-00003-00000303-00000310 EASIER AND SAFER FOR KIDS >>> A BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL yV2dgubBK1u-00004-00000310-00000540 EASIER AND SAFER FOR KIDS >>> A BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL PROJECT THAT WOULD RECONSTRUCT yV2dgubBK1u-00005-00000540-00000547 >>> A BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL PROJECT THAT WOULD RECONSTRUCT yV2dgubBK1u-00006-00000547-00000637 >>> A BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL PROJECT THAT WOULD RECONSTRUCT STREETS IN NORTHEAST BRAINERD TO yV2dgubBK1u-00007-00000637-00000643 PROJECT THAT WOULD RECONSTRUCT STREETS IN NORTHEAST BRAINERD TO yV2dgubBK1u-00008-00000643-00000857 PROJECT THAT WOULD RECONSTRUCT STREETS IN NORTHEAST BRAINERD TO MAKE WALKING AND BIKING TO yV2dgubBK1u-00009-00000857-00000864 STREETS IN NORTHEAST BRAINERD TO MAKE WALKING AND BIKING TO yV2dgubBK1u-00010-00000864-00001017 STREETS IN NORTHEAST BRAINERD TO MAKE WALKING AND BIKING TO SCHOOL EASIER AND SAFER FOR AREA yV2dgubBK1u-00011-00001017-00001024 MAKE WALKING AND BIKING TO SCHOOL EASIER AND SAFER FOR AREA yV2dgubBK1u-00012-00001024-00001181 MAKE WALKING AND BIKING TO SCHOOL EASIER AND SAFER FOR AREA FAMILIES IS NOW IN THE WORKS. yV2dgubBK1u-00013-00001181-00001187 SCHOOL EASIER AND SAFER FOR AREA FAMILIES IS NOW IN THE WORKS. yV2dgubBK1u-00014-00001187-00001341 SCHOOL EASIER AND SAFER FOR AREA FAMILIES IS NOW IN THE WORKS. THE PROJECT WOULD RECONSTRUCT yV2dgubBK1u-00015-00001341-00001348 FAMILIES IS NOW IN THE WORKS. THE PROJECT WOULD RECONSTRUCT yV2dgubBK1u-00016-00001348-00001504 FAMILIES IS NOW IN THE WORKS. THE PROJECT WOULD RECONSTRUCT PORTIONS OF H STREET AND yV2dgubBK1u-00017-00001504-00001511 THE PROJECT WOULD RECONSTRUCT PORTIONS OF H STREET AND yV2dgubBK1u-00018-00001511-00001668 THE PROJECT WOULD RECONSTRUCT PORTIONS OF H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ADD yV2dgubBK1u-00019-00001668-00001674 PORTIONS OF H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ADD yV2dgubBK1u-00020-00001674-00001831 PORTIONS OF H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ADD SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS. yV2dgubBK1u-00021-00001831-00001838 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ADD SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS. yV2dgubBK1u-00022-00001838-00001995 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST AND ADD SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS. THE SIDEWALKS WOULD BE BUILT IN yV2dgubBK1u-00023-00001995-00002001 SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS. THE SIDEWALKS WOULD BE BUILT IN yV2dgubBK1u-00024-00002001-00002165 SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS. THE SIDEWALKS WOULD BE BUILT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S yV2dgubBK1u-00025-00002165-00002172 THE SIDEWALKS WOULD BE BUILT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S yV2dgubBK1u-00026-00002172-00002325 THE SIDEWALKS WOULD BE BUILT IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE yV2dgubBK1u-00027-00002325-00002332 CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE yV2dgubBK1u-00028-00002332-00002485 CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE WITH IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT yV2dgubBK1u-00029-00002485-00002492 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE WITH IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT yV2dgubBK1u-00030-00002492-00002595 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL INITIATIVE WITH IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT HAS THE GOAL OF DEVELOPING SAFER yV2dgubBK1u-00031-00002595-00002602 WITH IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT HAS THE GOAL OF DEVELOPING SAFER yV2dgubBK1u-00032-00002602-00002752 WITH IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT HAS THE GOAL OF DEVELOPING SAFER ROUTES FOR STUDENTS TO WALK AND yV2dgubBK1u-00033-00002752-00002759 HAS THE GOAL OF DEVELOPING SAFER ROUTES FOR STUDENTS TO WALK AND yV2dgubBK1u-00034-00002759-00003236 HAS THE GOAL OF DEVELOPING SAFER ROUTES FOR STUDENTS TO WALK AND BIKE TO SCHOOLS. yV2dgubBK1u-00035-00003236-00003243 ROUTES FOR STUDENTS TO WALK AND BIKE TO SCHOOLS. yV2dgubBK1u-00036-00003243-00003426 ROUTES FOR STUDENTS TO WALK AND BIKE TO SCHOOLS. >> THAT AREA OUT THERE, MOST OF yV2dgubBK1u-00037-00003426-00003433 BIKE TO SCHOOLS. >> THAT AREA OUT THERE, MOST OF yV2dgubBK1u-00038-00003433-00003713 BIKE TO SCHOOLS. >> THAT AREA OUT THERE, MOST OF THE AREA DOES NOT HAVE yV2dgubBK1u-00039-00003713-00003720 >> THAT AREA OUT THERE, MOST OF THE AREA DOES NOT HAVE yV2dgubBK1u-00040-00003720-00003870 >> THAT AREA OUT THERE, MOST OF THE AREA DOES NOT HAVE SIDEWALKS, SO KIDS, CHILDREN, yV2dgubBK1u-00041-00003870-00003877 THE AREA DOES NOT HAVE SIDEWALKS, SO KIDS, CHILDREN, yV2dgubBK1u-00042-00003877-00004147 THE AREA DOES NOT HAVE SIDEWALKS, SO KIDS, CHILDREN, WALKING TO SCHOOL, PARENTS yV2dgubBK1u-00043-00004147-00004154 SIDEWALKS, SO KIDS, CHILDREN, WALKING TO SCHOOL, PARENTS yV2dgubBK1u-00044-00004154-00004274 SIDEWALKS, SO KIDS, CHILDREN, WALKING TO SCHOOL, PARENTS WALKING THEIR CHILDREN BACK AND yV2dgubBK1u-00045-00004274-00004280 WALKING TO SCHOOL, PARENTS WALKING THEIR CHILDREN BACK AND yV2dgubBK1u-00046-00004280-00004477 WALKING TO SCHOOL, PARENTS WALKING THEIR CHILDREN BACK AND FORTH TO SCHOOLS AND TO yV2dgubBK1u-00047-00004477-00004484 WALKING THEIR CHILDREN BACK AND FORTH TO SCHOOLS AND TO yV2dgubBK1u-00048-00004484-00004557 WALKING THEIR CHILDREN BACK AND FORTH TO SCHOOLS AND TO PLAYGROUNDS, THEY DON'T -- THEY yV2dgubBK1u-00049-00004557-00004564 FORTH TO SCHOOLS AND TO PLAYGROUNDS, THEY DON'T -- THEY yV2dgubBK1u-00050-00004564-00004828 FORTH TO SCHOOLS AND TO PLAYGROUNDS, THEY DON'T -- THEY WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE yV2dgubBK1u-00051-00004828-00004834 PLAYGROUNDS, THEY DON'T -- THEY WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE yV2dgubBK1u-00052-00004834-00004864 PLAYGROUNDS, THEY DON'T -- THEY WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. yV2dgubBK1u-00053-00004864-00004871 WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. yV2dgubBK1u-00054-00004871-00005038 WALK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY yV2dgubBK1u-00055-00005038-00005045 STREET. IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY yV2dgubBK1u-00056-00005045-00005208 STREET. IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY EXTENSIVE AS FAR AS DOLLARS AND yV2dgubBK1u-00057-00005208-00005215 IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY EXTENSIVE AS FAR AS DOLLARS AND yV2dgubBK1u-00058-00005215-00005418 IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY EXTENSIVE AS FAR AS DOLLARS AND STUFF, BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AT yV2dgubBK1u-00059-00005418-00005425 EXTENSIVE AS FAR AS DOLLARS AND STUFF, BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AT yV2dgubBK1u-00060-00005425-00005575 EXTENSIVE AS FAR AS DOLLARS AND STUFF, BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AT THE SAME TIME VERY WELL DONE. yV2dgubBK1u-00061-00005575-00005582 STUFF, BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AT THE SAME TIME VERY WELL DONE. yV2dgubBK1u-00062-00005582-00005732 STUFF, BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AT THE SAME TIME VERY WELL DONE. >> THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT yV2dgubBK1u-00063-00005732-00005739 THE SAME TIME VERY WELL DONE. >> THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT yV2dgubBK1u-00064-00005739-00005912 THE SAME TIME VERY WELL DONE. >> THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE yV2dgubBK1u-00065-00005912-00005919 >> THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE yV2dgubBK1u-00066-00005919-00005972 >> THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR H STREET AND 10TH AVENUE NORTHEAST IS TENTATIVELY SET TO yVPYLKtP9Q0-00000-00000024-00000600 part of being a good well-rounded traveler in my opinion is being aware and informed of the new yVPYLKtP9Q0-00001-00000600-00001152 places you are going to whether it's true learning to spoke a language learning about customs yVPYLKtP9Q0-00002-00001152-00001655 history or good manners in this episode i'm going to share with you some words and yVPYLKtP9Q0-00003-00001655-00002064 phrases that you should know before traveling to the beautiful state of yVPYLKtP9Q0-00004-00002064-00003415 alaska before we go any further be sure to subscribe to the channel and give this video yVPYLKtP9Q0-00005-00003415-00004128 a thumbs up this way you can help us help other people learn more about alaska number one al khan yVPYLKtP9Q0-00006-00004128-00004792 al-khan is short to alaska and canada highway this famous highway runs through canada and connects yVPYLKtP9Q0-00007-00004792-00005608 alaska with the lower 48. it's a 1523 mile highway that runs from dawson creek british columbia yVPYLKtP9Q0-00008-00005608-00006431 to delta junction in alaska number two alieska alieska is an elute word that means the great land yVPYLKtP9Q0-00009-00006431-00007056 or the mainland it's also the name of alaska's largest ski resort located 40 miles south of yVPYLKtP9Q0-00010-00007056-00007792 anchorage in the town of gerdwood number three sugash the sugash people gave their name to yVPYLKtP9Q0-00011-00007792-00008480 sugash national forest the shugach mountains then alaska's suga state park in south central alaska yVPYLKtP9Q0-00012-00008480-00009096 by the way this state park is so beautiful it has so many beautiful hiking trails and it's very yVPYLKtP9Q0-00013-00009096-00009608 diverse in wildlife number four the kenai you will hear a lot of people talking about yVPYLKtP9Q0-00014-00009608-00010304 kenai peninsula kenai fjords national park kenai river the kenai refers to the peninsula south of yVPYLKtP9Q0-00015-00010304-00010912 anchorage bound by cook intel prince william sound and the gulf of alaska as far as the yVPYLKtP9Q0-00016-00010912-00011616 meaning of kenai a lot of people say that in the native american language it translates to flatland yVPYLKtP9Q0-00017-00011616-00012320 number five de nina the denina are the people who inhabited the south central region of alaska yVPYLKtP9Q0-00018-00012320-00013063 the de nina civic and convention center is named after the denina people number six denali denali yVPYLKtP9Q0-00019-00013063-00013760 national park this beautiful name that means the high one or the great one is the name given to the yVPYLKtP9Q0-00020-00013760-00014519 highest and tallest mountain in north america denali mountain standing at an elevation of 20 yVPYLKtP9Q0-00021-00014519-00015288 320 feet and one of the seven summits number seven lower 48 a lot of people from alaska yVPYLKtP9Q0-00022-00015288-00015952 will refer to the remaining u.s states that are not alaska or hawaii as the lower 48s yVPYLKtP9Q0-00023-00015952-00016544 sometimes they will even use the phrase or the term outside with big o to refer to any place yVPYLKtP9Q0-00024-00016544-00017232 that's outside of alaska number eight snowbird snowbird is a term used to refer to a person yVPYLKtP9Q0-00025-00017232-00017984 who lives in alaska but flies south for the winter dodging the harsh winter months on the other hand yVPYLKtP9Q0-00026-00017984-00018784 a sourdough is a person or someone who lives in alaska full time embracing all of the seasons yVPYLKtP9Q0-00027-00018784-00019472 all of the months all of the years the person who rides a dog sleds team either competitively which yVPYLKtP9Q0-00028-00019472-00020088 is a big thing in alaska or recreationally is alaska's official state sport and an important yVPYLKtP9Q0-00029-00020088-00020744 mode of transportation in alaska especially during winter number 11 snow machine snow machine is yVPYLKtP9Q0-00030-00020744-00021432 just a different way to say snowmobile number 12 chichako chichako i'm having a hard time saying yVPYLKtP9Q0-00031-00021432-00022056 it too this is what you would call someone who is new to alaska or a newcomer to alaska yVPYLKtP9Q0-00032-00022056-00022896 this is kind of equivalent to the term green horn number 13 forget me nuts or scorpion grasses this yVPYLKtP9Q0-00033-00022896-00023480 is alaska's state flower these tiny flowers grow low to the ground and they are recognized by their yVPYLKtP9Q0-00034-00023480-00024136 bright blue petals surrounding yellow eye forget them nuts number 14 and the last yVPYLKtP9Q0-00035-00024136-00024736 word phrase on the list is break up breakup is the end of an alaska winter when the ice yVPYLKtP9Q0-00036-00024736-00025392 falls and breaks up alaskans joke about having a breakup season between winter and spring when yVPYLKtP9Q0-00037-00025392-00025968 the snow begins to melt and these are some of the words and the phrases that i have for you today yVPYLKtP9Q0-00038-00025968-00026639 if you are from alaska or you live in alaska what are some of the words that we outsiders yVPYLKtP9Q0-00039-00026639-00027104 should be aware of let us know in a comment i hope you guys found this episode or this yVPYLKtP9Q0-00040-00027104-00027656 video to be useful if you did please give it a thumbs up consider subscribing to the channel yVPYLKtP9Q0-00041-00027656-00028183 my name is hadiba this is trekking pals and i will see you very soon on a new adventure yWjeltuZCdu-00000-00000802-00001002 Hi, hello all of you yWjeltuZCdu-00001-00001002-00001052 Welcome to Uncle James and Brother Bon's Channel and I am James yWjeltuZCdu-00002-00001052-00001102 Nice to meet you again yWjeltuZCdu-00003-00001102-00001272 You are looking for a resort that is reasonably priced and helps you achieve the most comfortable feeling possible yWjeltuZCdu-00004-00001272-00001476 Today I will introduce you to "Dream Resort" a resort area. I often come to Binh Thuan province yWjeltuZCdu-00005-00001476-00001586 Please follow me. ybLdHNK_nGY-00000-00005082-00005115 hi guys welcome back to my channel yci2iBZQbeI-00000-00000155-00000676 So in this example, we have two given events for an experiment; we just called them A and yci2iBZQbeI-00001-00000676-00000776 B. yci2iBZQbeI-00002-00000776-00001239 We know the probability of A is .63; the probability of B is .45. yci2iBZQbeI-00003-00001239-00001859 And the probability that A and B both occur together is .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00004-00001859-00002309 So we want to answer the following conditional probabilities, but kind of before I get started, yci2iBZQbeI-00005-00002309-00002931 one of my recommendations is whenever you have given information, write it in terms yci2iBZQbeI-00006-00002931-00003345 of the probability notation so that you know what you're already dealing with. yci2iBZQbeI-00007-00003345-00003730 As you tackle these problems, you'll see that maybe you won't need any fancy tricks to get yci2iBZQbeI-00008-00003730-00004044 the answer, because that information's already there. yci2iBZQbeI-00009-00004044-00005019 So the probability of A is .63, the probability of B is .45, and the probability of A and yci2iBZQbeI-00010-00005019-00005833 B is A intersect B, that both events occur, is .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00011-00005833-00006743 So when we look at the first one, all we need is the definition of conditional probability. yci2iBZQbeI-00012-00006743-00007051 And I'm not going to put in terms of A's and B's so we don't get confused here. yci2iBZQbeI-00013-00007051-00007672 So I'm going to say the probability of the event E, given that the event F has occurred, yci2iBZQbeI-00014-00007672-00008375 is the probability that E and F occurs over the probability of the given, so the probability yci2iBZQbeI-00015-00008375-00008548 of F. yci2iBZQbeI-00016-00008548-00009315 So now when I look at the first question, A, here, the probability of A given B, when yci2iBZQbeI-00017-00009315-00009834 I read out the definition, I realized that I've already got the values to put into the yci2iBZQbeI-00018-00009834-00009934 formula. yci2iBZQbeI-00019-00009934-00010646 So the probability A given B is the probability of the intersection of A and B divided by yci2iBZQbeI-00020-00010646-00010767 the probability of the given. yci2iBZQbeI-00021-00010767-00011486 And so remember this says A given that the event B has occurred, so given B, here. yci2iBZQbeI-00022-00011486-00011778 The probability of intersection is .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00023-00011778-00012228 The probability of B was .45. yci2iBZQbeI-00024-00012228-00012481 And if you want, you can simplify this. yci2iBZQbeI-00025-00012481-00012799 This is 10 over 45. yci2iBZQbeI-00026-00012799-00013336 And since 5 divides both of those, you can write it as two-ninths. yci2iBZQbeI-00027-00013336-00013436 B is very similar. yci2iBZQbeI-00028-00013436-00013616 We just have to use the definition. yci2iBZQbeI-00029-00013616-00014297 Now I'm looking at the probability that the event B occurs, given that A has already occurred. yci2iBZQbeI-00030-00014297-00014709 So B given A is the probability of the intersection again. yci2iBZQbeI-00031-00014709-00015127 And the nice thing about the intersection, doesn't matter if I say "A and B" or if I yci2iBZQbeI-00032-00015127-00015275 say "B and A". yci2iBZQbeI-00033-00015275-00015897 It's the same overlap region in a Venn diagram, so we know that the order in which I write yci2iBZQbeI-00034-00015897-00016406 the intersection of two events does not matter. yci2iBZQbeI-00035-00016406-00016779 So we have the probability of B and A on top, which is, again, .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00036-00016779-00017121 Probability of A is .63. yci2iBZQbeI-00037-00017121-00017418 And so we have ten sixty-thirds. yci2iBZQbeI-00038-00017418-00017842 And that doesn't simplify, so we can leave it alone. yci2iBZQbeI-00039-00017842-00017957 Just kind of a side note. yci2iBZQbeI-00040-00017957-00018412 When I look at these two, they don't equal to each other. yci2iBZQbeI-00041-00018412-00019006 So it's a bad equals sign, so let me kind of draw arrows, here. yci2iBZQbeI-00042-00019006-00019372 They're not the same. yci2iBZQbeI-00043-00019372-00020042 So whatever's given changes that sample space into something completely different. yci2iBZQbeI-00044-00020042-00020489 And so if I look at the probability of A given B versus the probability of B given A, we're yci2iBZQbeI-00045-00020489-00020834 looking at different outcomes in the experiment from what was given. yci2iBZQbeI-00046-00020834-00021128 And so we shouldn't expect these to have the same probabilities. yci2iBZQbeI-00047-00021128-00021798 Alright, so to continue on, part C. I'm going to show you that we can solve this in two yci2iBZQbeI-00048-00021798-00022079 ways, if we think about it correctly. yci2iBZQbeI-00049-00022079-00022546 I'm just going to go straight to the definition and show you what happens. yci2iBZQbeI-00050-00022546-00022847 Then I'll kind of show you a little of a shortcut. yci2iBZQbeI-00051-00022847-00023249 So when I go to the definition, here, this is the first one where, you know, I write yci2iBZQbeI-00052-00023249-00023349 out the definition. yci2iBZQbeI-00053-00023349-00023825 I take the intersection of these; remember this says A complement given B. So I need yci2iBZQbeI-00054-00023825-00024379 A complement intersected with the event B. And I'm dividing by the probability of B. yci2iBZQbeI-00055-00024379-00024548 Well, that denominator-- no problem. yci2iBZQbeI-00056-00024548-00024981 We already know that the probability of B is .45. yci2iBZQbeI-00057-00024981-00025327 But we don't have A complement intersect B. yci2iBZQbeI-00058-00025327-00025785 So when you run across-- this is now an unconditional probability problem. yci2iBZQbeI-00059-00025785-00026271 Sometimes it's nice just to go back to Venn diagrams just to figure out what is this probability yci2iBZQbeI-00060-00026271-00026933 based on the area in the Venn diagram. yci2iBZQbeI-00061-00026933-00027468 So I'm going to construct a Venn diagram for this example. yci2iBZQbeI-00062-00027468-00028599 So in my picture, trying to leave those probabilities up there, I have A, I have B. Now all of A yci2iBZQbeI-00063-00028599-00029120 is .63, so I know these two areas add up to .63. yci2iBZQbeI-00064-00029120-00029872 But the inside piece where A and B overlap, that region right here, that's .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00065-00029872-00030021 So I'm going to fill that in. yci2iBZQbeI-00066-00030021-00030358 I know this is .10. yci2iBZQbeI-00067-00030358-00030918 But all of A is .63, so this has to be .53. yci2iBZQbeI-00068-00030918-00031313 And remember, when I look at the probability of A as .63, it's not just this one region. yci2iBZQbeI-00069-00031313-00031737 It's both regions, when I add them together, that make up all of A. Same thing's true for yci2iBZQbeI-00070-00031737-00032245 all of B. When I look at all of B, here, I know .10 is laying here. yci2iBZQbeI-00071-00032245-00032902 All of this has to add up to .45, so I'm forced for this to be .35. yci2iBZQbeI-00072-00032902-00033456 We may need this exterior, at some point, so if I look at the probabilities of each yci2iBZQbeI-00073-00033456-00034105 of the areas and add them together, that should equal to 1.0 to give us that hundred percent yci2iBZQbeI-00074-00034105-00034344 of all area being covered. yci2iBZQbeI-00075-00034344-00035303 So I have .53 plus .10, that's .63; .63 plus .35 is .98. yci2iBZQbeI-00076-00035303-00035668 So this area here is .02. yci2iBZQbeI-00077-00035668-00036487 Now I can look at my A complement intersect with B. So I'm trying to figure out what this yci2iBZQbeI-00078-00036487-00036778 region looks like. yci2iBZQbeI-00079-00036778-00037646 Now, I've got the advantage of two colors, so I want the intersection of the complement yci2iBZQbeI-00080-00037646-00038203 of A with B. And if you can do that in your head, visually, that's great. yci2iBZQbeI-00081-00038203-00039034 So I'm going to put A complement as this orange and kind of shade that in. yci2iBZQbeI-00082-00039034-00039427 So that means everything that's outside of A. So there's this little piece that's inside yci2iBZQbeI-00083-00039427-00039946 B, but it does not include this inside region. yci2iBZQbeI-00084-00039946-00040152 Now B complement I'm going to make purple. yci2iBZQbeI-00085-00040152-00040461 I'm sorry, B I'm going to make purple. yci2iBZQbeI-00086-00040461-00041413 So when I shade in B, the intersection represents where both of those are combined. yci2iBZQbeI-00087-00041413-00042568 So where I have the purple and the orange is this region right here that I shaded in yci2iBZQbeI-00088-00042568-00042668 black. yci2iBZQbeI-00089-00042668-00043165 And we see that in my Venn diagram that this black region has a probability of .35. yci2iBZQbeI-00090-00043165-00043683 So I know the probability of A complement intersect B is .35. yci2iBZQbeI-00091-00043683-00044347 And, so simplify my fraction, here, for the probability of A complement given B, thirty-five yci2iBZQbeI-00092-00044347-00044447 forty-fifths. yci2iBZQbeI-00093-00044447-00044763 Or, 5 divides both of these; I have seven-ninths. yci2iBZQbeI-00094-00044763-00045402 Now, I said I'm going to show you another way. yci2iBZQbeI-00095-00045402-00045771 Remember what the complement rule is. yci2iBZQbeI-00096-00045771-00046855 It says that the probability of the complement is 1 minus the probability of the original yci2iBZQbeI-00097-00046855-00047003 event. yci2iBZQbeI-00098-00047003-00047916 So when I look at the probability of A complement given B, the given just tells me what my new yci2iBZQbeI-00099-00047916-00048224 universe is, so I'm not worried about what this is. yci2iBZQbeI-00100-00048224-00048483 The complement rule just applies to the event. yci2iBZQbeI-00101-00048483-00048828 Remember this is the event of interest. yci2iBZQbeI-00102-00048828-00049515 When I apply the complement rule, I just change this from the complement to the event, itself, yci2iBZQbeI-00103-00049515-00050009 but I'm still inside of B. So I'm still given that B has occurred, but I'm applying the yci2iBZQbeI-00104-00050009-00050158 complement rule to the event itself. yci2iBZQbeI-00105-00050158-00050655 So the key, here, is that you don't change any of that given information. yci2iBZQbeI-00106-00050655-00051801 So now if I want to answer this question-- probability of A complement given B-- I just yci2iBZQbeI-00107-00051801-00052494 need to take 1 minus the probability of A given B. And, remember, we solved that. yci2iBZQbeI-00108-00052494-00053075 A given B's probability was two-ninths. yci2iBZQbeI-00109-00053075-00053304 One minus two-ninths is seven-ninths. yci2iBZQbeI-00110-00053304-00053729 That's the same thing that we got by just using the definition in a Venn diagram. yci2iBZQbeI-00111-00053729-00054212 So sometimes it's helpful to recall all those different rules for probability, because sometimes yci2iBZQbeI-00112-00054212-00054648 you may need this procedure using Venn diagrams to get the answer. yci2iBZQbeI-00113-00054648-00055083 But other times, if you look at some of the questions, you might be able to apply a complement yci2iBZQbeI-00114-00055083-00055476 rule to answer them more quickly. yci2iBZQbeI-00115-00055476-00056036 Alright, the next one, D. Probability of B given A complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00116-00056036-00056504 So, this one's interesting because I want to show you that the complement rule can't yci2iBZQbeI-00117-00056504-00057014 be applied to that given piece. yci2iBZQbeI-00118-00057014-00057450 So the complement rule-- if I, if I had to use it, if I try doing the same trick that yci2iBZQbeI-00119-00057450-00058456 we did earlier-- it would say that this is the probability of B given A complement, 1 yci2iBZQbeI-00120-00058456-00058966 minus the probability of-- now take the complement of the event-- so this is B, so that's going yci2iBZQbeI-00121-00058966-00059161 to be B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00122-00059161-00059419 But we're still inside of that given region. yci2iBZQbeI-00123-00059419-00059717 We're still inside that A complement region. yci2iBZQbeI-00124-00059717-00060075 And so this doesn't look like any easier to solve than my original problem, because I yci2iBZQbeI-00125-00060075-00060280 don't have that information. yci2iBZQbeI-00126-00060280-00060709 So I'm going to go back just to the definition to try to answer this question of probability yci2iBZQbeI-00127-00060709-00060898 of B given A complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00128-00060898-00061505 And I may have to refer back up to this Venn diagram that we created earlier. yci2iBZQbeI-00129-00061505-00061941 So back to just my formal definition, because that's all I have to really tackle this one yci2iBZQbeI-00130-00061941-00062450 since my complement rule failed to give me anything easier to work with. yci2iBZQbeI-00131-00062450-00062960 So the probability of the intersection of B and A complement over the probability of yci2iBZQbeI-00132-00062960-00063229 A complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00133-00063229-00063866 The denominator-- I can use the complement rule to find that answer; 1 minus the probability yci2iBZQbeI-00134-00063866-00063966 of A. yci2iBZQbeI-00135-00063966-00064552 The numerator-- I need to figure out, you know, what does B and A complement look like yci2iBZQbeI-00136-00064552-00064904 in my Venn diagram. yci2iBZQbeI-00137-00064904-00065681 So I have A; I have B. So I'm going to shade in B green. yci2iBZQbeI-00138-00065681-00066058 And since I'm taking an intersection, I'm looking for where they overlap. yci2iBZQbeI-00139-00066058-00066788 A complement is in red. yci2iBZQbeI-00140-00066788-00067466 I realize I'm marking this area inside B again. yci2iBZQbeI-00141-00067466-00067837 And that area was .35. yci2iBZQbeI-00142-00067837-00068506 We'll get that from the Venn diagram. yci2iBZQbeI-00143-00068506-00068976 Now if you had noticed in our previous work that we already found the probability of A yci2iBZQbeI-00144-00068976-00069341 complement and B, you could have just used that answer of .35. yci2iBZQbeI-00145-00069341-00069676 I just wanted to show you what the method is. yci2iBZQbeI-00146-00069676-00070068 If that's not one of the pieces of information originally started with, we can look at a yci2iBZQbeI-00147-00070068-00070348 Venn diagram to find what region's shaded in. yci2iBZQbeI-00148-00070348-00070806 And since we plugged in all the values in the Venn diagram back up here, I just pulled yci2iBZQbeI-00149-00070806-00071224 off the probability that was that shaded-in part. yci2iBZQbeI-00150-00071224-00071832 The denominator-- we said, you know, just use the probability of A. Probability of A-- yci2iBZQbeI-00151-00071832-00072451 sorry for the scrolling-- the probability of A, here, was .63. yci2iBZQbeI-00152-00072451-00072830 So I have 1 minus .63 in the denominator. yci2iBZQbeI-00153-00072830-00074335 So my probability of B given A complement is .35 over .37, thirty-five thirty-sevenths. yci2iBZQbeI-00154-00074335-00075833 Now for the last question, here, find the probability of A complement given B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00155-00075833-00076202 If you try the complement rule on this one-- why don't you pause the video and do it; see yci2iBZQbeI-00156-00076202-00076750 if it's going to make it shorter-- you're going to see that it doesn't give you anything yci2iBZQbeI-00157-00076750-00077220 easier to solve, because you don't have the probability of A given B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00158-00077220-00077568 So when you're using the complement rule, you take the complement of the event and see yci2iBZQbeI-00159-00077568-00077771 do I have that information to help me solve it. yci2iBZQbeI-00160-00077771-00078197 In this case, no, we don't have A given B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00161-00078197-00078502 What we had was our last one, B given A complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00162-00078502-00078965 Since, you know, that's not related to it, there's not much the complement rule can do yci2iBZQbeI-00163-00078965-00079065 to help me solve this. yci2iBZQbeI-00164-00079065-00079337 So I'm just going to use the definition. yci2iBZQbeI-00165-00079337-00080020 I need the intersection of A complement and B complement over the probability of B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00166-00080020-00080150 I know the denominator. yci2iBZQbeI-00167-00080150-00080762 I can use the complement rule to find the probability of B complement. yci2iBZQbeI-00168-00080762-00081335 The intersection-- again, we've got our Venn diagram to figure out, well, what is that yci2iBZQbeI-00169-00081335-00081435 probability. yci2iBZQbeI-00170-00081435-00082052 If I look at the complement of A intersected with the complement of B, what region of that yci2iBZQbeI-00171-00082052-00082462 is in my Venn diagram? yci2iBZQbeI-00172-00082462-00083766 So A complement is going to be in green, so it's everything outside A's circle. yci2iBZQbeI-00173-00083766-00084870 B complement I'm going to put in orange, so everything out of the circle for B. yci2iBZQbeI-00174-00084870-00085912 And since we're talking about the intersection, I'm looking for where they, those two regions, yci2iBZQbeI-00175-00085912-00086012 overlapped. yci2iBZQbeI-00176-00086012-00086614 So where the orange and green are together, it's outside the circles and nowhere else. yci2iBZQbeI-00177-00086614-00086973 So this probability is this outer region of my Venn diagram. yci2iBZQbeI-00178-00086973-00087658 And so if we go back here to my Venn diagram we set up, we see that the outer region is yci2iBZQbeI-00179-00087658-00087892 .02. yci2iBZQbeI-00180-00087892-00088326 So I have .02 here. yci2iBZQbeI-00181-00088326-00089258 A complement given B complement is .02 over 1 minus .45, which gives us an answer of .02 yci2iBZQbeI-00182-00089258-00089448 over .55 or two fifty-fifths. yh14GsRVB50-00000-00000000-00000166 PLATFORM=TURTLE WITH HEAD yh14GsRVB50-00001-00000000-00000166 PLATFORM=TURTLE WITH HEAD yh14GsRVB50-00002-00000000-00000166 PLATFORM=TURTLE WITH HEAD yh14GsRVB50-00003-00000000-00000166 PLATFORM=TURTLE WITH HEAD yh14GsRVB50-00004-00000000-00000506 HEAD END RELATED CHAKRAS OF BHRIKUTI;TRIKUTI AND SAHASTRADHAAR ARE ACTIVATED yh14GsRVB50-00005-00000000-00000153 THEN UVULA YIELD NECTAR yh14GsRVB50-00006-00000000-00000566 FINALLY LOTUS HEART CENTER OPENS WHERE CREATIVE POWER (REPRESENTED BY FEMALE) RESIDES yh14GsRVB50-00007-00000000-00000773 THE UVULA POSITION HIGHLIGHTED BY BLUE THROAT OF NEEL KUNTH;SIMILARILY THE KUNTH OF VISHNU GIVE ACCESS TO VAI-KUNTH. yh14GsRVB50-00008-00000000-00000913 IN HEART LIES JEEV PRAKASH OR SAT PRAKASH OR DIVYA PRAKASH REPRESENTED BY THREE COUPLES OF BRAMA PAIR;SHIVA PAIR;VISHNU PAIR RESPECTIVLY yh14GsRVB50-00009-00000965-00001055 TONGUE OR TURTLE BASE yh14GsRVB50-00010-00001089-00001543 UVULA THE LING OR HANGING PHALLUS OR SHUNDIKA OR TONGUE OF PALATE yh14GsRVB50-00011-00001578-00002832 THE SNAKE OR THE SPIRITUALIZED MENTAL SYSTEM OR SUKSHAM ANSH REPRESENTED BY SHIVA THE SNAKE GOD AS THIRD EYE OF SHIVA; WITH BLUE THROAT; ABLE TO OFFER ANY SIDHI OR WISHES EVER THOUGHT;MENTAL OVER MATTER yh14GsRVB50-00012-00003266-00004594 THUS SAMUDRA MANTHAN REPRESENT SELF REALIZATION THROUGH SUKSHAM SARIR/ MENTAL SYSTEM OR SHIVA; KAARAN SARIR/ VISHNU USING BRAHMA /SATHOOL SARIR WITH IN US ALONG WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FEMALE POWERS WITHIN respective HEART say Laxmi power within Vishnu Heart etc yh14GsRVB50-00013-00004929-00005711 SAMUDRA MANTHAN THE SELF REALIZATION PROCEDURE FROM HUMAN TO LAMB KINGDOM OF LORD yh14GsRVB50-00014-00005711-00006783 DIVINITY RULES OVER SPIRIT AND SPIRIT OVER MENTAL AND MENTAL OVER MATTER;DIVYA PRAKASH-SAT PRAKASH-JEEV PRAKASH;NOORANI-ROOHANI-JISMANI; yivogK_rH_8-00000-00000595-00000724 Good afternoon. yivogK_rH_8-00001-00000724-00000828 My name is Sehii. yivogK_rH_8-00002-00000828-00001066 I'm 22, and I'm from Kharkiv, but now I live in Lviv. yivogK_rH_8-00003-00001066-00001374 My previous job was at Vodafone where I've worked yivogK_rH_8-00004-00001374-00001813 as a call-centre representative answering questions from subscribers, yivogK_rH_8-00005-00001813-00002128 working through their objections and selling related services and products. yivogK_rH_8-00006-00002128-00002228 There were a lot of difficult situations ranging from debits, yivogK_rH_8-00007-00002228-00002328 from subscribers accounts to problems that couldn't be solved yivogK_rH_8-00008-00002328-00002428 technically in my position. yivogK_rH_8-00009-00002428-00002528 So I had to work through the objections of subscribers yivogK_rH_8-00010-00002528-00002628 who didn't really want to listen to me, and because of this, yivogK_rH_8-00011-00002628-00002728 I became more stress resistant and confident. yivogK_rH_8-00012-00002728-00002828 In my free time I like to play guitar, yivogK_rH_8-00013-00002828-00002928 or spend time with my wife and also devote time yivogK_rH_8-00014-00002928-00003028 to self-development in the IT field. yivogK_rH_8-00015-00003028-00003370 I prefer to work alone because I'm used to relying on myself yivogK_rH_8-00016-00003370-00003578 to avoid being responsible for the mistakes of other team members, yivogK_rH_8-00017-00003578-00003678 but also working in a team will not be a problem yivogK_rH_8-00018-00003678-00003778 as I'm a smart person and understand that many tasks yivogK_rH_8-00019-00003778-00003878 can be solved only in a team. yivogK_rH_8-00020-00003878-00003978 As I mentioned earlier, I am purposeful, reliable, yivogK_rH_8-00021-00003978-00004078 intelligent, and hardworking person. yivogK_rH_8-00022-00004078-00004178 So by choosing me for this position, you will get an employee yivogK_rH_8-00023-00004178-00004304 who will do everything quickly and competently. yivogK_rH_8-00024-00004304-00004404 Despite the fact that I'm still a student, I'm looking for a full-time job, yivogK_rH_8-00025-00004404-00004504 which will also be my advantage as a candidate. yivogK_rH_8-00026-00004504-00004604 In the near future, I plan to have my own apartment, yivogK_rH_8-00027-00004604-00004704 children and family. yivogK_rH_8-00028-00004704-00004804 And from the general goals in life, this is a well paid job yivogK_rH_8-00029-00004804-00004904 that will allow me to earn well. yivogK_rH_8-00030-00004904-00005004 So that my family is having everything. yivogK_rH_8-00031-00005004-00005104 My principles in life are honesty and determination, yivogK_rH_8-00032-00005104-00005204 and they're my strength. yivogK_rH_8-00033-00005204-00005304 And my weakness is that I honestly express everything yivogK_rH_8-00034-00005304-00005404 that is my mind, even if the management may not like it. yivogK_rH_8-00035-00005404-00005504 I can’t say that I'm a humanitarian or that I like working with numbers more. yivogK_rH_8-00036-00005504-00005604 I'm equally good in many areas of science, but the exact science yivogK_rH_8-00037-00005604-00005704 are a little easier for me. yivogK_rH_8-00038-00005704-00005804 In my work, I like challenges that make my brain work yivogK_rH_8-00039-00005804-00005904 and I don't like to sit around without work. yivogK_rH_8-00040-00005904-00006004 Thank you for your attention. yivogK_rH_8-00041-00006004-00006104 Have a nice day. yivogK_rH_8-00042-00006104-00006104 Goodbye! yiHVn9qD6PM-00000-00000148-00000362 Hey Kenan, I just found an amazing website that allows you to be hosted with food included for free! yiHVn9qD6PM-00001-00000362-00000635 As a counterpart, you just need to work for 3 hours/day yiHVn9qD6PM-00002-00000636-00000894 And you can go anywhere in the world! yiHVn9qD6PM-00003-00000894-00001266 Even in the middle of the desert? yiHVn9qD6PM-00004-00001266-00001400 Yes! Even in the Sahara desert yiHVn9qD6PM-00005-00001402-00001838 Let's do it!.. Oh wait, how many hours you need to work? yiHVn9qD6PM-00006-00001838-00001980 3 hours/day only yiHVn9qD6PM-00007-00002150-00002352 Let's do this! yiHVn9qD6PM-00008-00003908-00004100 Problems are already starting yiHVn9qD6PM-00009-00004108-00004668 Special thanks to this brand new airport, with this 3Km WALK to the 3rd terminal! yiHVn9qD6PM-00010-00004684-00004982 "From sits number 15 to 30, you will be at the BACK SIDE of the plane" yiHVn9qD6PM-00011-00004988-00005114 "BACK SIDE of the plane" yiHVn9qD6PM-00012-00005242-00005426 Small prayer before taking off yiHVn9qD6PM-00013-00005426-00005536 Small prayer before taking off #Reassuring yiHVn9qD6PM-00014-00005540-00005684 Here in the bus, everybody is calling his mom yiHVn9qD6PM-00015-00005758-00005860 So I'm going to call my mother too yiHVn9qD6PM-00016-00005860-00005914 "Allo?" yiHVn9qD6PM-00017-00005930-00005980 Maman yiHVn9qD6PM-00018-00006022-00006090 I'm in Marrakech yiHVn9qD6PM-00019-00006142-00006264 No Kenan, for real? yiHVn9qD6PM-00020-00007152-00007356 We are on the main square, and it's just right here... yiHVn9qD6PM-00021-00007356-00007576 That 5euros where stolen from Marion yiHVn9qD6PM-00022-00007578-00007654 Tell the story Marion yiHVn9qD6PM-00023-00007654-00008264 Well, I asked for a Henna tattoo for both hands but actually she just tattooed only one hand and asked for 5eur more... yiHVn9qD6PM-00024-00008280-00008404 So I said "no" yiHVn9qD6PM-00025-00008814-00009062 We bought Ras el hanout yiHVn9qD6PM-00026-00009080-00009314 [#RIPYourEars] yiHVn9qD6PM-00027-00009368-00009544 We got a berber lipstick for free yiHVn9qD6PM-00028-00009552-00009796 And I've got toothpicks for free, do you realize? yiHVn9qD6PM-00029-00009816-00010028 "Berber" toothpicks yiHVn9qD6PM-00030-00010660-00010943 We are in the Majorelle Garden, this is the line to enter yiHVn9qD6PM-00031-00010943-00011269 And we rushed there to arrive before this mass of people yiHVn9qD6PM-00032-00011544-00011804 And we are eating "m'semen", leisurely yiHVn9qD6PM-00033-00011966-00012078 [We are 42] yiHVn9qD6PM-00034-00012220-00012536 Oh no! This guy might be a guide ... yiHVn9qD6PM-00035-00012918-00013194 Damn! This man just arranged everything to overtake us yiHVn9qD6PM-00036-00013194-00013506 "This is how we have overtaken this couple, with 42 people" yiHVn9qD6PM-00037-00014016-00014223 So Yves, your garden is very cool yiHVn9qD6PM-00038-00014223-00014538 But there's no more toilet paper yiHVn9qD6PM-00039-00014630-00015128 [Yves Saint Laurent is dead in June 2008] Sorry Yves I blasphemed... I didn't know... yiHVn9qD6PM-00040-00015234-00015394 It's not your fault for the toilet paper yiHVn9qD6PM-00041-00015763-00016091 It's time for "Kawaï time" yiHVn9qD6PM-00042-00016144-00016262 of this video yiHVn9qD6PM-00043-00017588-00017688 [Your new wallpaper] yiHVn9qD6PM-00044-00018426-00018647 Enough cuddling now! Prepare my passport now! Bring me to France! yiHVn9qD6PM-00045-00018647-00018846 Bye goats yiHVn9qD6PM-00046-00019112-00019374 Let's learn now, how to understand... yiHVn9qD6PM-00047-00019374-00019470 ... hand gestures yiHVn9qD6PM-00048-00019750-00019960 Let's learn know, how to understand... yiHVn9qD6PM-00049-00019960-00020060 WIZARDS! yiHVn9qD6PM-00050-00021266-00021544 Hey Kenan, would you like some Mega Cookies Maxi yiHVn9qD6PM-00051-00021890-00021990 Yes, sure yiHVn9qD6PM-00052-00022216-00022266 There you go yiHVn9qD6PM-00053-00024442-00024680 When we arrived in our Airbnb host's place yiHVn9qD6PM-00054-00024680-00025068 He said : "Marion, you don't look like an adventurous person" yiHVn9qD6PM-00055-00028654-00028858 This man has a gigantic vacuum yiHVn9qD6PM-00056-00031654-00031964 Meanwhile at the airport's security gate... yiHVn9qD6PM-00057-00031964-00032070 Tension rises yiHVn9qD6PM-00058-00032080-00032450 We are at the airpot now, and for security reasons, they asked us to take our shoes off yiHVn9qD6PM-00059-00032896-00033028 YOU SERIOUS!? ylAdgxLtNik-00000-00000032-00000440 hi guys it's Amy here and today we're looking at the Qwickly course tool and we're going to ylAdgxLtNik-00001-00000440-00000808 be looking at post announcements so I'm just going to click on it here ylAdgxLtNik-00002-00000808-00001544 and again it will just give me my course list so I can search for my courses and then if I delete my ylAdgxLtNik-00003-00001544-00002048 search I can even add more by searching again or just by scrolling down and clicking on my courses ylAdgxLtNik-00004-00002144-00002552 once I've added my courses I'm going to start and give my announcement a title um ylAdgxLtNik-00005-00002952-00003600 there we go and then add to the body of the announcement the message that I want the ylAdgxLtNik-00006-00003600-00004240 students to see in here I can also insert and add a link so this could be a link to a meeting ylAdgxLtNik-00007-00004240-00004752 with teams or collaborate it could be to a website or it could even be to ylAdgxLtNik-00008-00004752-00005368 a document held in the content collection so I can use that to add a link if I need to ylAdgxLtNik-00009-00005464-00006200 I can also choose display after and until so if this was maybe due to um an assessment ylAdgxLtNik-00010-00006200-00006664 uh that's next week I might want to give students a reminder that it's coming up and then have it ylAdgxLtNik-00011-00006664-00007328 um disappear once the assessment is finished um however this is not the case so in this case I ylAdgxLtNik-00012-00007328-00007792 just want a normal message I can select send email as well if I need to and then I ylAdgxLtNik-00013-00007792-00008488 can hit submit and this will then send out that announcement to all the courses I have selected yn5tT1W_hKQ-00000-00000967-00001233 Most times you pay a premium and you don't have to be involved. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00001-00001233-00001759 The other side is when you actually need that contract to respond. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00002-00001759-00002095 When this happens - when you have a fire and lose your home. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00003-00002095-00002239 And how are you going to recover from that? yn5tT1W_hKQ-00004-00002239-00002511 Or, I think, the worst case is if you have an auto accident yn5tT1W_hKQ-00005-00002511-00002707 and you have a bad liability situation. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00006-00002707-00002927 Unfortunately, maybe you were at fault. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00007-00002927-00003125 Now you have to have defense. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00008-00003125-00003322 You have to have attorneys assist you. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00009-00003322-00003726 You have to have that financial protection if you are going to be found legally liable yn5tT1W_hKQ-00010-00003726-00003943 for that loss and dealing with it. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00011-00003943-00004329 And when nothing really happens, it just seems like you're paying premiums yn5tT1W_hKQ-00012-00004329-00004490 and not getting value from it. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00013-00004490-00004811 But you're actually - when that time comes, yn5tT1W_hKQ-00014-00004811-00005101 that security in knowing that there's someone there that can yn5tT1W_hKQ-00015-00005101-00005418 put your life back in order, to make those things good again. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00016-00005418-00005571 To pick up the pieces. yn5tT1W_hKQ-00017-00005571-00005680 That's huge. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00000-00000161-00000713 Universal health: From private coverage to public care ynsu5tVAHzQ-00001-00000760-00001394 Ever heard of universal health coverage? It's a big buzzword in global policy circles. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00002-00001394-00001782 Sounds promising! ...or is it? ynsu5tVAHzQ-00003-00001782-00002207 In many countries of the global South, it's implemented through publicly funded health ynsu5tVAHzQ-00004-00002207-00002519 insurance for people to 'purchase' a limited set of services. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00005-00002519-00002978 Too often, it's private healthcare providers that benefit most. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00006-00002978-00003619 They tend to use public money to promote high-cost procedures, draining human resources from ynsu5tVAHzQ-00007-00003619-00004019 public facilities and developing infrastructure only where profitable. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00008-00004019-00004490 But health is a human right, and public funds should go towards ynsu5tVAHzQ-00009-00004490-00004660 equitable public health care. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00010-00004660-00005140 An emphasis on insurance-based coverage skews public health priorities and ynsu5tVAHzQ-00011-00005140-00005414 pulls us further away from 'Health for All'. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00012-00005414-00005657 That's what's happening in India, ynsu5tVAHzQ-00013-00005657-00005950 where the government is using a health insurance model first implemented in the state of ynsu5tVAHzQ-00014-00006128-00006223 Andhra Pradesh. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00015-00006223-00006734 One study shows this scheme for hospital-based care has used 25% of the state's health ynsu5tVAHzQ-00016-00006734-00007297 budget to address only 2% of the burden of disease, excluding common conditions ynsu5tVAHzQ-00017-00007297-00007444 such as TB and diabetes. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00018-00007444-00008031 And because private facilities have received over 75% of total payments, it's weakened ynsu5tVAHzQ-00019-00008031-00008308 the public system and starved primary care. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00020-00008308-00008745 Is that the way towards universal health? We think not. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00021-00008745-00009347 There's no denying that public health services in India suffer from access and quality gaps. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00022-00009347-00009995 But the public system only gets 20% of the national health budget! And despite such under-funding, ynsu5tVAHzQ-00023-00009995-00010470 it provides 30% of hospital care and virtually all preventive care in the country. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00024-00010470-00010843 There are public alternatives to build upon. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00025-00010843-00011321 The National Rural Health Mission, for example, has improved public health facilities and ynsu5tVAHzQ-00026-00011321-00011656 deployed more health workers in rural areas. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00027-00011656-00012243 Tamil Nadu has pooled drug purchase and rationalized distribution in public health facilities where ynsu5tVAHzQ-00028-00012243-00012635 medicines are now available at no cost to patients. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00029-00012635-00013013 Sustainable public sector innovations like these are the real solution. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00030-00013013-00013244 'Coverage' won't cut it! ynsu5tVAHzQ-00031-00013244-00013751 Health care that is public and universal is possible in the global South. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00032-00013751-00014304 Health workers, activists and citizens around the world are joining forces to make it happen. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00033-00014304-00014779 Health systems face all kinds of challenges, but the public path to universal health care ynsu5tVAHzQ-00034-00014779-00015263 holds the promise of: comprehensive, integrated and quality services ynsu5tVAHzQ-00035-00015263-00015712 based on primary health principles, more accountability and participation, ynsu5tVAHzQ-00036-00015712-00016201 improved equity, and greater solidarity. ynsu5tVAHzQ-00037-00016201-00016398 Will you be part of the change? ynUtwQHAshy-00000-00000136-00000240 Wait right here ynUtwQHAshy-00001-00000472-00000696 I'll be back in the morning ynUtwQHAshy-00002-00000768-00001072 I know that I'm not that important to you ynUtwQHAshy-00003-00001072-00001408 But to me, girl, you're so much more than gorgeous ynUtwQHAshy-00004-00001528-00001744 So much more than perfect ynUtwQHAshy-00005-00001864-00002184 Right now I know that I'm not really worth it ynUtwQHAshy-00006-00002184-00002448 If you give me time, I could work on it ynUtwQHAshy-00007-00002448-00002791 Give me some time while I work on it z0Snd21Wb90-00000-00000041-00000324 in addition to the Taoist temple in Soi 32 Lat Krabang (ซอย 32 ลาดกระบัง) z0Snd21Wb90-00001-00000324-00000531 Ha Heng Tua Vegetarian Place ( โรงเจฮะเฮงตั้ว; 合興壇 ) z0Snd21Wb90-00002-00000531-00000727 Ha Heng Tua Vegetarian Place ( โรงเจฮะเฮงตั้ว; 合興壇 ) z0Snd21Wb90-00003-00000727-00000849 Ha Heng Tua Vegetarian Place ( โรงเจฮะเฮงตั้ว; 合興壇 ) z0Snd21Wb90-00004-00000849-00001129 enshrine Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐), the hundred sufferings Taoist (百苦菩薩). z0Snd21Wb90-00005-00001129-00001499 At Soi 6 Luang Phaeng (ซอย 6 หลวงแพ่ง) z0Snd21Wb90-00006-00001499-00001914 a new Taoist temple that was built in 1981, z0Snd21Wb90-00007-00001914-00002196 it is called as "Pae Kow Sing Ngi (มูลนิธิแป๊ะโค้วเซียงงี่ ; 百苦禪院)" (Hundred sufferings Taoist temple) z0Snd21Wb90-00008-00002196-00002566 It enshrine Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐) too. z0Snd21Wb90-00009-00002566-00002785 It enshrine Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐) too. z0Snd21Wb90-00010-00002785-00003061 it is a Chinese structure Taoist temple, z0Snd21Wb90-00011-00003061-00003264 its main hall with a couplet: z0Snd21Wb90-00012-00003264-00003559 Be a celestial at 26 years old; experienced hundred sufferings. (百中無一二十六春成正果;苦內有甘億千萬世現真容。) z0Snd21Wb90-00013-00003559-00003799 Be a celestial at 26 years old; experienced hundred sufferings. (百中無一二十六春成正果;苦內有甘億千萬世現真容。) z0Snd21Wb90-00014-00003799-00004072 a small Taoist temple called "伯公廟 (ancestors temple)" beside it, z0Snd21Wb90-00015-00004072-00004259 "伯公廟 (ancestors temple)" with another couplet: z0Snd21Wb90-00016-00004259-00004553 southern hero protect the populace; god save the people. (南疆英威保百姓; 天公福澤惠四方.) z0Snd21Wb90-00017-00004553-00004840 southern hero protect the populace; god save the people. (南疆英威保百姓; 天公福澤惠四方.) z0Snd21Wb90-00018-00004840-00005136 Pae Kow Sing Ngi ( มูลนิธิแป๊ะโค้วเซียงงี่; 百苦禪院 ) z0Snd21Wb90-00019-00005136-00005554 Its main hall has a lot of sculptures, z0Snd21Wb90-00020-00005554-00006112 enshrine a lot of Sakyamuni statues, z0Snd21Wb90-00021-00006112-00006445 central altar wrote as "Buddhist lamp as sun and moon shining", (慧燈高照猶如日月長明) 23 z0Snd21Wb90-00022-00006768-00007014 left hand side, enshrine Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐), z0Snd21Wb90-00023-00007014-00007481 Thais like to put candies into his bowl, z0Snd21Wb90-00024-00007481-00007652 his altar wrote "believing can save people", (沾濡妙藥故教人世免沉病) z0Snd21Wb90-00025-00007652-00008043 his altar wrote "believing can save people", (沾濡妙藥故教人世免沉病) z0Snd21Wb90-00026-00008043-00008206 right hand side, enshrine Avalokitesvara and crocodile, z0Snd21Wb90-00027-00008206-00008578 right hand side, enshrine Avalokitesvara and crocodile, z0Snd21Wb90-00028-00008578-00008813 right hand altar wrote "Avalokitesvara's lotus save peoples" (寶座蓮花渡盡人間善心宕) z0Snd21Wb90-00029-00008813-00009204 right hand altar wrote "Avalokitesvara's lotus save peoples" (寶座蓮花渡盡人間善心宕) z0Snd21Wb90-00030-00009204-00009444 a big garden ouside the main hall, z0Snd21Wb90-00031-00009444-00009664 so many dogs and tortoises in this garden. z0Snd21Wb90-00032-00009664-00009815 so many dogs and tortoises in this garden. z0Snd21Wb90-00033-00009815-00010099 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00034-00010099-00010259 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00035-00010259-00010380 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00036-00010380-00010576 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00037-00010576-00010685 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00038-00010685-00010822 this Taoist temple is just opposite the police office and fire offie at Chorakhe Noi (จรเข้น้อย). z0Snd21Wb90-00039-00010822-00011020 biography of "Hundred sufferings Taoist" (百苦菩薩) z0Snd21Wb90-00040-00011020-00011249 He is Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐), z0Snd21Wb90-00041-00011249-00011389 He is Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐), z0Snd21Wb90-00042-00011389-00011578 Thais called him as "celestial Yick-fung" (益豐仙), z0Snd21Wb90-00043-00011578-00011731 he is originally coming from Kwamgtung province (廣東省), China, z0Snd21Wb90-00044-00011731-00011866 Chaoyang county (朝陽縣), z0Snd21Wb90-00045-00011866-00012010 Kangtou village (港頭鄉), z0Snd21Wb90-00046-00012010-00012169 his father is Mr. Lau Shing Sin (劉成仙), Mr. Lau Yick-fung (劉益豐) ia a merciful guy, he never kills animals, and came to Siam in his 20 years old, he lived in Hua Takhe (หัว ตะเข้ ), Krabang (ลาดกระบัง), Bangkok, he originally worked for Thai boss, and then operated his own small business, z0Snd21Wb90-00047-00012169-00012380 he had back to China for getting a wife in his 2X years old, but he was failed, and revisit Thailand, and retreated at "โรงเจฮะเฮงตั้ว (合興壇)" at Soi 32 Lat Krabang (ซอย 32 ลาดกระบัง), z0Snd21Wb90-00048-00012380-00012679 On 18th February (lunar 15th January), 1905, Saturday, z0Snd21Wb90-00049-00012679-00012828 he was seated meditation for 100 days, z0Snd21Wb90-00050-00012828-00012991 passed away be a celestial, z0Snd21Wb90-00051-00012991-00013414 Thais called him as "hundred sufferings Taoist" (百苦菩薩) or "celestial Yick-fung" (益豐仙). z23RsmStmb0-00000-00000000-00000200 Condtional Formatting in Libre calc z72NncMvARY-00000-00000210-00000468 Andy Baxevanis: All right, good morning, everyone, and welcome z72NncMvARY-00001-00000468-00000982 to week two or this year's current topic series. Let's go ahead and get the formalities out z72NncMvARY-00002-00000982-00001382 of the way right from the start. So my CME disclosure statement, "I don't have any relevant z72NncMvARY-00003-00001382-00001864 financial relationships with any commercial interests." Okay, so with that out of the z72NncMvARY-00004-00001864-00002474 way, my job today in the same way that Dr. Green laid the groundwork for upcoming lectures z72NncMvARY-00005-00002474-00002908 in this series by providing you a broad overview of the field of genomics last week, I'm going z72NncMvARY-00006-00002908-00003362 to be providing you a solid foundation for the upcoming lectures devoted to bioinformatics. z72NncMvARY-00007-00003362-00003892 I mentioned last week that genomics and bioinformatics go hand in hand with one another; they're z72NncMvARY-00008-00003892-00004351 inexplicitly linked. And Eric really reinforced that sentiment when he showed you this figure z72NncMvARY-00009-00004351-00004871 from NHGRI's current vision document, showing the spectrum of genomic-based research going z72NncMvARY-00010-00004871-00005342 from the understanding of the structure of genomes all the way through to our efforts z72NncMvARY-00011-00005342-00005860 focused on improving the effectiveness of healthcare. Now, our ability to work across z72NncMvARY-00012-00005860-00006425 this entire spectrum really rests, in large part, on being able to apply computational z72NncMvARY-00013-00006425-00006948 approaches across the board. To analyze the kinds of data that are generated in the course z72NncMvARY-00014-00006948-00007515 of whole genome sequencing efforts, genome-wide association studies, clinical sequencing efforts, z72NncMvARY-00015-00007515-00007996 and pharmacogenomic studies, or any of the other many kinds of genomic science you'll z72NncMvARY-00016-00007996-00008382 be hearing about throughout this series. z72NncMvARY-00017-00008382-00008907 So given, again, that inextricable relationship between genomics and bioinformatics, what z72NncMvARY-00018-00008907-00009310 we're going to go through over the next two weeks is as gentle of an introduction as I z72NncMvARY-00019-00009310-00009803 can give you to some of the major tools used in bioinformatics. You're going to see the z72NncMvARY-00020-00009803-00010252 tools and the concepts underlying these tools again and again throughout this series. So z72NncMvARY-00021-00010252-00010756 it's really important to have a basic understanding of the theory that underlies these techniques z72NncMvARY-00022-00010756-00011279 to start taking this technique -- these techniques away from the realm of the black box. So I z72NncMvARY-00023-00011279-00011667 hope you'll find this information useful, and that you'll pick up a few strategies along z72NncMvARY-00024-00011667-00012103 the way that will hopefully be of practical use in your own studies. z72NncMvARY-00025-00012103-00012606 So with that, let's just start right off by reinforcing the importance of alignment as z72NncMvARY-00026-00012606-00013141 one of the most powerful approaches that we have in the study of sequence data, specifically z72NncMvARY-00027-00013141-00013758 with respect to determining similarity and deducing homology. So start off with a very z72NncMvARY-00028-00013758-00014238 basic question: why bother constructing sequence alignments; what do they do for us? And that z72NncMvARY-00029-00014238-00014485 question applies whether we're talking about a paralyzed [spelled phonetically] alignment, z72NncMvARY-00030-00014485-00014922 where we're taking two individual sequences, and aligning them to one another, or to a z72NncMvARY-00031-00014922-00015466 multiple sequence alignment, where we're looking at a collection of presumably related sequences. z72NncMvARY-00032-00015466-00015888 So in either case what we're trying to do is get a measure of relatedness between either z72NncMvARY-00033-00015888-00016453 nucleotide or amino acid sequences, and once we have that measure of relatedness it allows z72NncMvARY-00034-00016453-00016928 us to draw certain biological inferences. So we might find structural relationships z72NncMvARY-00035-00016928-00017393 between these sequences, functional relationships, or evolutionary relationships. z72NncMvARY-00036-00017393-00017943 Now, before we start to talk about the technique we need to define a couple of key terms; it's z72NncMvARY-00037-00017943-00018441 important to use the right terminology when we talk about these phylogenetic relationships. z72NncMvARY-00038-00018441-00018775 So the first term we're going to talk about is similarity. So what I'd like you to do z72NncMvARY-00039-00018775-00019223 is imagine you have two sequences, A and B, and that you align those two sequences to z72NncMvARY-00040-00019223-00019721 one another. And the easiest way to convey how related those sequences are to one another z72NncMvARY-00041-00019721-00020369 is to just simply count the number of matches and mismatches along that alignment. So that z72NncMvARY-00042-00020369-00020796 gives you the quantitative measure; again similarity: it's based on an observable -- in z72NncMvARY-00043-00020796-00021233 this case how many positions are aligned with one another? We usually do express this as z72NncMvARY-00044-00021233-00021815 a percent identity, and by looking at this it allows us to quantify changes that we see z72NncMvARY-00045-00021815-00022297 as two sequences diverge from one another, whether we have substitutions, insertions, z72NncMvARY-00046-00022297-00022885 or deletions. It'll also, from a functional standpoint, allows us to identify residues z72NncMvARY-00047-00022885-00023446 that are crucial for maintaining structure, and by extension, function. If we start seeing z72NncMvARY-00048-00023446-00023912 very high percentages of sequence similarity, high degrees of sequence similarity, what z72NncMvARY-00049-00023912-00024467 that might be telling us is that these two sequences in this paralyzed alignment have z72NncMvARY-00050-00024467-00025165 a common evolutionary history, or possible commonality in biological functions. So for z72NncMvARY-00051-00025165-00025548 example, we might be able to identify regions that are important from a functional standpoint z72NncMvARY-00052-00025548-00025951 when thinking about things at the protein level, or regions that are important to expression z72NncMvARY-00053-00025951-00026419 when we're looking at sequences at the nucleotide level. z72NncMvARY-00054-00026419-00026847 The second term we need to define this morning is the one that is most often misused, and z72NncMvARY-00055-00026847-00027547 that one is homology. So what homology is, is the conclusion that we get by looking at z72NncMvARY-00056-00027577-00028230 similarity; it implies an evolutionary relationship. When there is homology between sequences those z72NncMvARY-00057-00028230-00028742 sequences are termed homologs. So these are genes that have arisen from a common ancestor. z72NncMvARY-00058-00028742-00029385 And unlike similarity -- that is the quantifiable term -- this is the conclusion, again. So z72NncMvARY-00059-00029385-00029870 either genes are, or are not homologous; we don't measure this in degrees. And just to z72NncMvARY-00060-00029870-00030256 drive home the point, a quote from Walter Fischer who was one of the grandfathers of z72NncMvARY-00061-00030256-00030754 bioinformatics: he says -- it's worth repeating here, that "homology, like pregnancy, is indivisible; z72NncMvARY-00062-00030754-00031225 you're either homologous/pregnant, or you are not." So again, this is the conclusion. z72NncMvARY-00063-00031225-00031817 Now, that term, homolog, actually breaks down into several subtypes. It might describe several z72NncMvARY-00064-00031817-00032238 different types of evolutionary relationships, and we're going to focus specifically on two z72NncMvARY-00065-00032238-00032799 of them here. So the first type of homology has to do with orthologs. So orthologs are z72NncMvARY-00066-00032799-00033334 genes that have diverged as a result of a speciation event. So they're direct descendants z72NncMvARY-00067-00033334-00033871 of a sequence in a common ancestor, they more -- likely have similar domain and three-dimensional z72NncMvARY-00068-00033871-00034348 structure; because of that, they usually retain the same or very similar biological functions z72NncMvARY-00069-00034348-00034837 over evolutionary time, and we can use that information to predict gene function in novel z72NncMvARY-00070-00034837-00035421 genomes that we're starting to assign functions to newly identified genes. So put very simply z72NncMvARY-00071-00035421-00035874 orthologs can be thought of as the same gene in different species. z72NncMvARY-00072-00035874-00036341 The second term, the second type of homology we're going to talk about, is paralogy. So z72NncMvARY-00073-00036341-00036760 when we have paralogs, these are just genes that arose by the duplication of a single z72NncMvARY-00074-00036760-00037424 gene in a particular lineage. So these might be less likely to perform similar function, z72NncMvARY-00075-00037424-00037849 but they can take on new functions over evolutionary time. So this is where Mother Nature gets z72NncMvARY-00076-00037849-00038331 to be inventive, providing some insight into evolutionary innovations; taking bits and z72NncMvARY-00077-00038331-00038838 pieces of proteins, restructuring domains in order to accomplish new jobs within the z72NncMvARY-00078-00038838-00039470 cells. So again, put simply paralogs can be thought of as similar genes in the same species, z72NncMvARY-00079-00039470-00040070 adapting or co-opting a preexisting gene product for new biological functions. z72NncMvARY-00080-00040070-00040512 So just to make this a little bit clearer, because the definitions are a little hard z72NncMvARY-00081-00040512-00041123 to follow, but so let's look at a picture. So in this case we have a gene, gene alpha, z72NncMvARY-00082-00041123-00041612 in a common ancestor and along the -- oh, evolutionary time there's been a couple of z72NncMvARY-00083-00041612-00042256 speciation events that have given rise to three species. Each one of them has an ortholog z72NncMvARY-00084-00042256-00042956 to gene alpha, Gene 1, Gene 2 and Gene 3. So each one of these three genes arose from z72NncMvARY-00085-00042978-00043563 this common ancestor alpha. Now, if we go back a little further in evolutionary time, z72NncMvARY-00086-00043563-00044159 we roll back the clock a bit, and we consider the possibility of a gene duplication predating z72NncMvARY-00087-00044159-00044638 alpha. So we have a gene duplication here at the base of the tree giving rise to genes z72NncMvARY-00088-00044638-00045282 alpha and beta in this case. So alpha went along and gave rise to three orthologs; beta z72NncMvARY-00089-00045282-00045719 in this case underwent some similar speciation events -- not exactly the same -- but gave z72NncMvARY-00090-00045719-00046387 rise to three genes, 4, 5, and 6. So, how are these things all related to one another? z72NncMvARY-00091-00046387-00046990 Any of the Genes 1, 2, and 3 are orthologous to one another; Genes 4, 5, and 6 are also z72NncMvARY-00092-00046990-00047525 orthologous to one another, because again, in each case they had a common ancestor. But z72NncMvARY-00093-00047525-00048132 now, if we take any pair of 1, 2, and 3 versus 4, 5, and 6, those are the paralogs, because z72NncMvARY-00094-00048132-00048788 they go way back to this gene duplication event; that's how they're related to one another. z72NncMvARY-00095-00048788-00049213 So that takes care of the definitions. Now, how do we actually identify the orthologs, z72NncMvARY-00096-00049213-00049788 the same gene in different species? And the most common way, and most straightforward z72NncMvARY-00097-00049788-00050381 way we have of identifying candidate orthologs is by looking for reciprocal best hits. And z72NncMvARY-00098-00050381-00050819 when I say candidate orthologs, it's very important -- the word candidate really, really z72NncMvARY-00099-00050819-00051107 is important, because, keep in mind that a lot of the things we're going to talk about z72NncMvARY-00100-00051107-00051634 through this series deal with computational predictions, so I really need to underscore z72NncMvARY-00101-00051634-00052124 the importance of being able to experimentally verify a lot of the things that you do using z72NncMvARY-00102-00052124-00052299 these computational techniques. z72NncMvARY-00103-00052299-00052999 Okay, so let's say we start with a gene that we're interested in from a particular organism, z72NncMvARY-00104-00053119-00053674 and we -- as a first step here, we just do a sequence similarity search against all of z72NncMvARY-00105-00053674-00054170 the genes in a second organism. And what we might find is something that looks like this, z72NncMvARY-00106-00054170-00054870 a series of hits using some sort of sequence similarities search method that identifies z72NncMvARY-00107-00054892-00055472 a series of genes that are similar to the one that we started with. Now, I have the z72NncMvARY-00108-00055472-00056002 first one here marked in yellow, so we're going to just assume that based on some scoring z72NncMvARY-00109-00056002-00056498 method, this one is the most related to the red one that we started with. Okay, so that's z72NncMvARY-00110-00056498-00056949 the first step. Now, where does the reciprocal part come in? Now, what you do is you take z72NncMvARY-00111-00056949-00057506 this yellow sequence and do the sequence similarity search in the opposite direction. You go -- now z72NncMvARY-00112-00057506-00058026 take this, and search it against all of the genes in Organism 1. And if you're lucky, z72NncMvARY-00113-00058026-00058499 what you'll find is that the best hit in both directions involve these two genes. So the z72NncMvARY-00114-00058499-00058912 red one is most related to the yellow one in Organism 2; then, when you use the yellow z72NncMvARY-00115-00058912-00059372 one as the search query, it's most related to the red one in Organism 1. z72NncMvARY-00116-00059372-00060019 Okay, so that's the general idea. Now for the specifics. We have two broad types of z72NncMvARY-00117-00060019-00060710 alignment method at our disposal. So the first one are called global sequence alignments. z72NncMvARY-00118-00060710-00061112 So what I want you to do is imagine that you have two full-length sequences, either two z72NncMvARY-00119-00061112-00061812 genes or two protein sequences, and you now align them across their entire length. So z72NncMvARY-00120-00061851-00062298 we're going to force an alignment over the entire length of these sequences. So this z72NncMvARY-00121-00062298-00062767 works really well if you have sequences that are of similar length, but the problem now z72NncMvARY-00122-00062767-00063316 is that, as these become more divergent, as they become more dissimilar to one another, z72NncMvARY-00123-00063316-00063801 the global alignment methods tend to miss important biological relationships; because z72NncMvARY-00124-00063801-00064167 you're trying to force an alignment over the entire length of these sequences, it might z72NncMvARY-00125-00064167-00064647 mean that you're just not aligning important structural or functional domains. z72NncMvARY-00126-00064647-00065122 So from a biological point of view, a slightly different approach is better, and that's what z72NncMvARY-00127-00065122-00065725 are called the local sequence alignments. So here, we try to find the most similar regions z72NncMvARY-00128-00065725-00066106 in two sequences that are being aligned with one another, and the glorified term for this z72NncMvARY-00129-00066106-00066572 is paired subsequences; it just means that we're just looking for two regions within z72NncMvARY-00130-00066572-00067272 an entire sequence that align with one another. So any regions, when we do these local sequence z72NncMvARY-00131-00067274-00067870 alignments, outside the area of the local alignment, we just go ahead and exclude those. z72NncMvARY-00132-00067870-00068317 By doing this, we're aligning two sequences; we might find more than one local alignment z72NncMvARY-00133-00068317-00068744 that could be generated for any two sequences that we compare. So this works really well z72NncMvARY-00134-00068744-00069214 for sequences that share some similarity, but not high degrees of similarity, or for z72NncMvARY-00135-00069214-00069782 sequences of different length. So again, I'll just emphasis that is really the best way z72NncMvARY-00136-00069782-00070356 to compare sequences from a biological standpoint, especially if we're trying to deduce evolutionary z72NncMvARY-00137-00070356-00070780 relationships. So the approach of choice for biological discovery. z72NncMvARY-00138-00070780-00071297 Okay, so let's say we have now aligned two sequences, we talked about the concept of z72NncMvARY-00139-00071297-00071742 similarity we're going to try to look for percent identity, some metric to allow us z72NncMvARY-00140-00071742-00072283 to quantify how good the alignment actually is. How do we actually deduce that number, z72NncMvARY-00141-00072283-00072983 how do we measure how good the alignment is between Sequence A and Sequence B? So to do z72NncMvARY-00142-00072992-00073470 that we use something called scoring matrices, and these scoring matrices quite simply is z72NncMvARY-00143-00073470-00074031 our empirical weighting schemes that we use to assign these numbers, these numerical values. z72NncMvARY-00144-00074031-00074539 And what's in those scoring matrices is information concerning the physical, chemical, and biological z72NncMvARY-00145-00074539-00075073 characteristics of either nucleotides or amino acids. So they take into account things like z72NncMvARY-00146-00075073-00075580 side chain structure, their chemistry, the function of particular side chains based on z72NncMvARY-00147-00075580-00076052 what we know about how -- especially on the amino acid side of the house -- how these z72NncMvARY-00148-00076052-00076467 particular amino acids actually are involved in structure and function. So we know that z72NncMvARY-00149-00076467-00076955 things like cysteine and proline residues help to keep parts of a protein together; z72NncMvARY-00150-00076955-00077498 tryptophan has a bulky side chain, so it can only be accommodated in certain parts of a z72NncMvARY-00151-00077498-00077925 protein; things like lysines and arginines, they're positively charged, they're very important, z72NncMvARY-00152-00077925-00078288 particularly in the context of DNA binding proteins, because you need those positively z72NncMvARY-00153-00078288-00078805 charged residues to bind to the negatively charged backbone of the DNA. z72NncMvARY-00154-00078805-00079430 Okay, so in the construction of these scoring matrices, we try to take into account two z72NncMvARY-00155-00079430-00080019 major factors. First is conservation: which of the residues can substitute for any other z72NncMvARY-00156-00080019-00080573 residue, and not adversely affect the function of the protein? So we know that things like z72NncMvARY-00157-00080573-00080985 isoleucines and valines can substitute for one another in a protein sequence, because z72NncMvARY-00158-00080985-00081339 they're both small and they're hydrophilic. Things like serines and threonines, they're z72NncMvARY-00159-00081339-00081855 both polar so we often see that substitution. So the basic idea here is we want to just z72NncMvARY-00160-00081855-00082394 keep track of charge, size, hydrophobicity, and other physical, chemical factors, again, z72NncMvARY-00161-00082394-00082850 to try to see, when we can't have an exact match between two sequences, what's the next z72NncMvARY-00162-00082850-00083467 best thing? The other factor is frequency. If we look at the entire constellation of z72NncMvARY-00163-00083467-00083950 proteins, all of the protein sequences available to us, how often do we see any one of those z72NncMvARY-00164-00083950-00084451 amino acids amongst the entire constellation of proteins? Some are more rare; some are z72NncMvARY-00165-00084451-00084698 more frequent, and that becomes important. z72NncMvARY-00166-00084698-00085330 Okay, so why should you actually care about any of this? Every single time you do any z72NncMvARY-00167-00085330-00085848 sort of sequence comparison, whether it's two sequences to one another, A to B, or a z72NncMvARY-00168-00085848-00086395 Sequence A to an entire data base, like GenBank, these scoring matrices are being used in the z72NncMvARY-00169-00086395-00086907 background; they appear in every single analysis involving sequence comparison. They also, z72NncMvARY-00170-00086907-00087487 as you'll come to hopefully appreciate, they implicitly represent evolutionary patterns. z72NncMvARY-00171-00087487-00088123 So the choice of matrix really can strongly influence what results come out of the methods z72NncMvARY-00172-00088123-00088723 that you apply to these alignments. So the default option may not always be the best z72NncMvARY-00173-00088723-00089123 choice, and so it's -- becomes important for us to talk about how these scoring matrices z72NncMvARY-00174-00089123-00089567 are actually constructed. What guidelines go into putting them together? z72NncMvARY-00175-00089567-00090042 All right, so let's start on the easier side of the house. If we look at a scoring matrix z72NncMvARY-00176-00090042-00090451 that -- if we're doing a nucleotide-based comparison -- we only have four nucleotides z72NncMvARY-00177-00090451-00091036 A, T, G, and C -- and if we align two sequences with one another, all we're going to do is z72NncMvARY-00178-00091036-00091686 just apply a very simple matched or mismatched scheme. So anytime you have two -- a particular z72NncMvARY-00179-00091686-00092245 position in an alignment where the two nucleotides match which one -- one another, you're going z72NncMvARY-00180-00092245-00092683 to assign a positive value; any time you have a mismatch between the two, you're going to z72NncMvARY-00181-00092683-00093069 subtract points. So in this case, the match gets you two points; the mismatch loses you z72NncMvARY-00182-00093069-00093547 three. The matrix, as you'll see here, you have the A, T, G, and C going across the top, z72NncMvARY-00183-00093547-00093941 the same residues going down the side, and just the way it works, that for every position z72NncMvARY-00184-00093941-00094420 in the matrix -- let's say you have a T aligned with a T -- you just look for the intersection, z72NncMvARY-00185-00094420-00094848 and you'll see that that's -- in this case it's an exact match, so that's the plus two. z72NncMvARY-00186-00094848-00095329 You'll see the plus twos all across the diagonal representing the exact matches, and the minus z72NncMvARY-00187-00095329-00096010 threes in the other positions. This assumes that each nucleotide occurs 25 percent of z72NncMvARY-00188-00096010-00096156 the time. z72NncMvARY-00189-00096156-00096714 Okay, so this works really well at the nucleotide level, because nucleotides are not all that z72NncMvARY-00190-00096714-00097207 chemically dissimilar from one another, but as we've already alluded to, the new amino z72NncMvARY-00191-00097207-00097645 acids are very different from one another, a much more complex picture. So we now go z72NncMvARY-00192-00097645-00098293 to something that looks like this. So this matrix is called a BLOSUM62 Matrix, and again, z72NncMvARY-00193-00098293-00098810 we have all of the amino acids going across the top, all of them going down the side. z72NncMvARY-00194-00098810-00099389 So again, I want you to imagine, now, in this case a protein sequence alignment, Sequence z72NncMvARY-00195-00099389-00099856 A with Sequence B. We're going to look at a particular position, and see how many points z72NncMvARY-00196-00099856-00100266 we can assign to a match at that position. So we're going to image where we've got a z72NncMvARY-00197-00100266-00100664 tryptophan in Sequence 1 and a tryptophan in Sequence 2, so we're going to look for z72NncMvARY-00198-00100664-00101257 where the W intersects with the W, and that give us in this case 11 points. Now, if you z72NncMvARY-00199-00101257-00101817 look at the diagonal here, unlike the case we saw before, where no matter which nucleotides z72NncMvARY-00200-00101817-00102267 we were aligning and getting exact matches, where in the previous case we were assigning z72NncMvARY-00201-00102267-00102814 the same value regardless, here on the diagonal you'll see that the values change. The 11 z72NncMvARY-00202-00102814-00103414 is the highest number in the diagonal, and that represents the frequency part of constructing z72NncMvARY-00203-00103414-00103907 the matrices. This is the most rare of the amino acids, so when you get an exact match z72NncMvARY-00204-00103907-00104601 you want to give it more points than you would if you had a more common amino acid aligning z72NncMvARY-00205-00104601-00104738 with each other. z72NncMvARY-00206-00104738-00105291 Okay, now to the point of substitution. All right, so let's say, instead of having an z72NncMvARY-00207-00105291-00105702 exact match of tryptophan for tryptophan, this time we've aligned a tryptophan with z72NncMvARY-00208-00105702-00106310 a tyrosine. So instead of W-W, we now have a W against a Y. We take a look here, we see z72NncMvARY-00209-00106310-00106667 now in this case we would only give it two points. So it's still a positive score, which z72NncMvARY-00210-00106667-00107113 represents that it's a conservative substitution -- those two things can substitute for one z72NncMvARY-00211-00107113-00107616 another, and in most cases not adversely affect the structure or function of that particular z72NncMvARY-00212-00107616-00108316 protein -- but the lesser value here represents that it's just not as good as an exact match. z72NncMvARY-00213-00108335-00108832 Let's just take as a final example a mismatch. So let's say you've now aligned the cysteine z72NncMvARY-00214-00108832-00109241 with a glutamine. Those two things are not known to be able to substitute for one another, z72NncMvARY-00215-00109241-00109700 so here we are to subtract points; in this case, minus three. So the way the general z72NncMvARY-00216-00109700-00110366 rules work, just in summary, you get the most points for an exact match with the rare amino z72NncMvARY-00217-00110366-00110901 acid scoring more points than the common amino acids; you lose points for conservative substitutions, z72NncMvARY-00218-00110901-00111124 and you lose points for mismatches. z72NncMvARY-00219-00111124-00111738 Okay, now, so the matrix we were just looking at was something called a BLOSUM62 Matrix. z72NncMvARY-00220-00111738-00112203 It is part of a family of matrices called the BLOSUM Matrices. These we're developed z72NncMvARY-00221-00112203-00112790 by the Henikoffs at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. And that's part of the good z72NncMvARY-00222-00112790-00113111 news: you don't have to derive these matrices yourself; you just need to know which ones z72NncMvARY-00223-00113111-00113683 to pick. So as far as the BLOSUM Matrices go, what they were designed to do is look z72NncMvARY-00224-00113683-00114123 for differences in conserved un-gapped regions of our protein families, which the Henikoffs z72NncMvARY-00225-00114123-00114692 termed as blocks. These are directly calculated based on local alignments. So these are all z72NncMvARY-00226-00114692-00115265 based on observables; so, using substitution probabilities, again, the concept of conservation, z72NncMvARY-00227-00115265-00115754 and the overall frequency of amino acids. z72NncMvARY-00228-00115754-00116205 Because of the way these were constructed, using known protein families, they're really z72NncMvARY-00229-00116205-00116758 sensitive to detecting structural or functional substitutions, and they perform better than z72NncMvARY-00230-00116758-00117370 other matrix series that are out there, specifically the PAM Matrices. The PAM Matrices were developed z72NncMvARY-00231-00117370-00118047 way back in the distant past, as far as bioinformatics goes, at a time where very little sequence z72NncMvARY-00232-00118047-00118550 information was available; so we only had sequence data available for globular proteins, z72NncMvARY-00233-00118550-00119110 they were -- the matrices were extrapolated from closely related proteins, and you'll z72NncMvARY-00234-00119110-00119609 often see them as an option for a choice in phylogenetic programs, but I would recommend z72NncMvARY-00235-00119609-00120261 that you pick these BLOSUM Matrices instead, because just bottom line, they really are z72NncMvARY-00236-00120261-00120810 useful in identifying both closely and distantly related sequences. So that's a big plus. z72NncMvARY-00237-00120810-00121440 All right, so now here's where evolution comes into play. When I showed you the BLOSUM Matrix z72NncMvARY-00238-00121440-00122001 earlier, that was a BLOSUM62 Matrix. So there's always a number that follows the word BLOSUM. z72NncMvARY-00239-00122001-00122442 And what the N represents is the degree of similarity of the sequences that were used z72NncMvARY-00240-00122442-00123086 to construct the matrix. So in -- so here you've got -- in the case of a BLOSUM62 Matrix z72NncMvARY-00241-00123086-00123607 that means that the sequences used to construct the matrix shared no more than 62 percent z72NncMvARY-00242-00123607-00124220 identity. In the construction what happens is that the contribution of sequences that z72NncMvARY-00243-00124220-00124811 are higher than the threshold are clustered and replaced by a single sequence that represents z72NncMvARY-00244-00124811-00125398 the clusters. So what's the reason for doing this? Last week Eric showed you the phylogenetic z72NncMvARY-00245-00125398-00125822 range of a number of vertebrate species whose genomes had been sequences, and while we have z72NncMvARY-00246-00125822-00126415 more and more whole genome sequences in hand from a wide variety of organisms, the genome z72NncMvARY-00247-00126415-00126863 sequences that we have available to us are not uniformly distributed; we have multiple z72NncMvARY-00248-00126863-00127444 sequences for some organisms. So we really need to just remove that bias from the data z72NncMvARY-00249-00127444-00127979 set, and that bias tends to be more toward closely related sequences. We want to do this, z72NncMvARY-00250-00127979-00128354 because we don't want to miss anything that might be biologically relevant. z72NncMvARY-00251-00128354-00128875 So in practice how does this work? Let's say we start with a protein family. Here we've z72NncMvARY-00252-00128875-00129400 got one with six sequences in the group. Any place you have an exact match you'll see an z72NncMvARY-00253-00129400-00130089 asterisk at the top of the column. Let's say we're trying to construct a BLOSUM80 Matrix. z72NncMvARY-00254-00130089-00130666 So we're going to cluster together any of the sequences that share 80 percent or more z72NncMvARY-00255-00130666-00131080 similarity with any of the other sequences in the set. So in this case we end up with z72NncMvARY-00256-00131080-00131584 three clusters, one that has sequences, one that has three, and one that just stays by z72NncMvARY-00257-00131584-00132072 itself; it doesn't cluster with any of the other sequences. We then, now collapse this z72NncMvARY-00258-00132072-00132636 down, representing these six sequences as three. So these three sequences are now represented z72NncMvARY-00259-00132636-00133115 by this single sequence, these two sequences are represented by this single sequence, and z72NncMvARY-00260-00133115-00133594 now we use this to construct the matrix. z72NncMvARY-00261-00133594-00134185 So what are the implications of this? When we do the clustering, again, we reduce this z72NncMvARY-00262-00134185-00134613 contribution of closely related sequences; so we remove the bias that I mentioned earlier z72NncMvARY-00263-00134613-00135185 about substitutions that occur in the most closely related members of a family. But here z72NncMvARY-00264-00135185-00135683 is the more important thing: when you reduce N, the value of N, you're going to get more z72NncMvARY-00265-00135683-00136126 distantly related sequences; if you increase N, you're going to get more closely related z72NncMvARY-00266-00136126-00136629 sequences. So, here is your first cheat sheet of the morning; put a big star next to this z72NncMvARY-00267-00136629-00137107 one, and -- as far as which one of these matrices to choose. z72NncMvARY-00268-00137107-00137592 The default by -- if you're going to do a BLAST search, at NCBI it's going to be BLOSUM62. z72NncMvARY-00269-00137592-00138080 The reason it's the default is, just through a lot of very controlled trials, it has been z72NncMvARY-00270-00138080-00138471 seen as being the most effective in finding all potential similarities, and you're going z72NncMvARY-00271-00138471-00139112 to get percent similarities that go down as far as 30 to 40 percent. Okay, as we move z72NncMvARY-00272-00139112-00139466 up the numbers here, as the number get higher, they're going to be -- we're going to get z72NncMvARY-00273-00139466-00139824 sequences that are more closely related. So by the time we get to BLOSUM90, we're going z72NncMvARY-00274-00139824-00140215 to have maybe shorter alignments, but they're going to be much more similar to one another z72NncMvARY-00275-00140215-00140713 in the range of 70 to 90 percent. We go in the opposite direction, we're going to find z72NncMvARY-00276-00140713-00141225 more distantly related sequences; so longer alignments that might be weaker, and you can z72NncMvARY-00277-00141225-00141540 push it down to probably around 30 percent. z72NncMvARY-00278-00141540-00142153 Now, of course the question goes back to which one to choose? If you know what you're looking z72NncMvARY-00279-00142153-00142462 for in advance, if you want to find things that are highly similar, you're going to push z72NncMvARY-00280-00142462-00142800 to the higher end of this range; if you want to look for things that are more distantly z72NncMvARY-00281-00142800-00143423 related, you can go to the lower end of this range, but the method that I would strongly z72NncMvARY-00282-00143423-00144047 recommend you use is something that Steve Altschul, who is a person who developed BLAST, z72NncMvARY-00283-00144047-00144517 talked about in a paper called -- he called it the True -- "Three Matrix Strategy." And z72NncMvARY-00284-00144517-00144958 so, instead of doing a single search, instead you're going to do three; you're going to z72NncMvARY-00285-00144958-00145449 pick 62 as a starting point, pick one that is going to give you more distantly related z72NncMvARY-00286-00145449-00145946 results, one that's going to give you more closely related results. And what you're going z72NncMvARY-00287-00145946-00146430 to find is you're going to get three different sets of results back. They'll be highly overlapping, z72NncMvARY-00288-00146430-00146921 but one -- some of them will pop out certain sequences if the other ones won't. So again, z72NncMvARY-00289-00146921-00147374 I would strongly recommend you use this three matrix strategy as you learn these techniques, z72NncMvARY-00290-00147374-00147759 as you become more comfortable, more familiar with them, but the bottom line to all of this z72NncMvARY-00291-00147759-00148296 is that no single matrix is the complete answer for all sequence comparisons. z72NncMvARY-00292-00148296-00148996 All right, so one last thing we need to discuss before we get into talking about BLAST, is z72NncMvARY-00293-00149087-00149634 GAPS. So again, I want you to imagine Sequence A and Sequence B. And when we do these alignments, z72NncMvARY-00294-00149634-00150015 often you'll see we'll introduce GAPs in order to improve the alignment, so we get these z72NncMvARY-00295-00150015-00150715 local alignments better. So again, used to improve the alignments between these two sequences. z72NncMvARY-00296-00150839-00151288 More often than not, these are used to compensate for insertions and deletions, and this is z72NncMvARY-00297-00151288-00151797 really important, because the gaps -- because we're representing insertions and deletions z72NncMvARY-00298-00151797-00152363 -- they represent biological events, so you can't just keep putting these gaps in willy-nilly z72NncMvARY-00299-00152363-00152907 to improve your alignment, because you're not actually reflecting biology by doing that. z72NncMvARY-00300-00152907-00153437 So you need to keep them to a reasonable number, again, to not reflect a biologically implausible z72NncMvARY-00301-00153437-00153966 scenario. And a good rule of thumb for this is about one gap per 20 residues, and it depends z72NncMvARY-00302-00153966-00154172 on the case, but that's a good starting point. z72NncMvARY-00303-00154172-00154662 Now, if you think again about your alignment, think about the scoring matrices we've been z72NncMvARY-00304-00154662-00155132 comparing, single positions, a letter in one sequence to a letter in another sequence, z72NncMvARY-00305-00155132-00155612 but now we have a situation where we have a letter in the one sequence and nothing in z72NncMvARY-00306-00155612-00156076 the other sequence; we have a gap there, so we can't score this simply as a match or a z72NncMvARY-00307-00156076-00156611 mismatch. So how do you score an amino acid against essentially nothing? The method we z72NncMvARY-00308-00156611-00157311 used to do this is -- involves something called the Affine GAP Penalty, and so what this does z72NncMvARY-00309-00157314-00157771 -- all you need to know about this is that any time you open a gap, you assess a penalty; z72NncMvARY-00310-00157771-00158296 anytime you extend the length of a gap, you assess an additional penalty. So this deduction z72NncMvARY-00311-00158296-00158996 is governed by a formula right here, G+L(N), where G is the gap opening penalty. So as z72NncMvARY-00312-00159001-00159459 soon as you introduce the first position of a gap in a nucleotide alignment, you're going z72NncMvARY-00313-00159459-00160029 to subtract five points; on a protein alignment you're going to subtract 11 points. As you z72NncMvARY-00314-00160029-00160626 make that gap longer, you apply the gap extension penalty. So the second term, L(N), so it's z72NncMvARY-00315-00160626-00161209 the penalty times the length of the gaps. So every additional position you add to that z72NncMvARY-00316-00161209-00161687 gap in a nucleotide alignment, you're going to subtract an additional two points; in a z72NncMvARY-00317-00161687-00162078 protein alignment, you're going to subtract an additional one point. z72NncMvARY-00318-00162078-00162766 So let's say we have a gap of length two in a protein alignment. So G here is 11. If the z72NncMvARY-00319-00162766-00163466 gap is of length two, so L is one times two, the length of the gap. So 11 plus two is 13. z72NncMvARY-00320-00163487-00164052 You would subtract 13 points for a gap of length two. You can -- as you'll see as we z72NncMvARY-00321-00164052-00164578 go through the methods, you can actually change the gap penalties to make the introduction z72NncMvARY-00322-00164578-00165071 of gaps either more or less permissive. So if you want things -- if you want fewer gaps, z72NncMvARY-00323-00165071-00165580 you can adjust for that; if you want to allow additional gaps you can do that as well. z72NncMvARY-00324-00165580-00166169 All right, so with all of that, half an hour later, by way of introduction we finally get z72NncMvARY-00325-00166169-00166687 to BLAST. It's finally time to talk about BLAST, and this is really the most important z72NncMvARY-00326-00166687-00167095 technique in bioinformatics. We're going to hit this pretty hard today, because I want z72NncMvARY-00327-00167095-00167537 to make sure you know how to use it properly. And -- because there, unfortunately, are many z72NncMvARY-00328-00167537-00168209 cases in the literature where wrong biological conclusions have been made, because of not z72NncMvARY-00329-00168209-00168739 interpreting BLAST results properly. Either the people doing the analyses didn't know z72NncMvARY-00330-00168739-00169253 how to use it, or didn't really know what the statistics meant. The most important take-home z72NncMvARY-00331-00169253-00169736 message I can give you today that applies to this and any of the other methodologies z72NncMvARY-00332-00169736-00170099 that you're going to learn throughout the 14 weeks of this series is that, just because z72NncMvARY-00333-00170099-00170587 something appears on your screen or on a piece of paper in the results does not automatically z72NncMvARY-00334-00170587-00171230 imply biological significance. So we're going to talk about what does imply significance z72NncMvARY-00335-00171230-00171352 in a moment. z72NncMvARY-00336-00171352-00171941 Okay, so what is BLAST? BLAST: a basic local alignment search tool. What this does is it z72NncMvARY-00337-00171941-00172557 looks for high-scoring segment pairs, HSP. So again, just a glorified term for just two z72NncMvARY-00338-00172557-00173020 sequences, a pair of sequences, that can be aligned with one another. And when we do that z72NncMvARY-00339-00173020-00173516 alignment, we're going to try to make that alignment as long as possible in a statistically z72NncMvARY-00340-00173516-00174020 robust way, and I'll tell you about that in a moment. The score has to break a score threshold, z72NncMvARY-00341-00174020-00174720 S, before it's reported to you, and the alignments can be either gapped or un-gapped. Again, z72NncMvARY-00342-00174730-00175253 because we're looking for these local alignments within entire sequences, the results are not z72NncMvARY-00343-00175253-00175705 going to be limited to just the best high-scoring segment pair for the two sequences being aligned, z72NncMvARY-00344-00175705-00176227 and in fact, I'll show you an example that will produce two high-scoring segment pairs. z72NncMvARY-00345-00176227-00176683 There are different flavors of BLAST, and three that are used most commonly are the z72NncMvARY-00346-00176683-00177212 first three on this slide. So BLAST N -- N is for nucleotide. So we start with a nucleotide z72NncMvARY-00347-00177212-00177852 sequence, and we compare that against a collection of nucleotide sequences. BLAST P -- P is for z72NncMvARY-00348-00177852-00178370 protein. So again, the comparison is of a protein sequence to a database of protein z72NncMvARY-00349-00178370-00178984 sequences. BLAST X is a little bit different; here we're going to translate the query into z72NncMvARY-00350-00178984-00179565 a protein sequence before we do the comparison. So, yes, we start with a nucleotide sequence, z72NncMvARY-00351-00179565-00180014 we do the six-frame translation, we take the protein sequence arising from that, and then z72NncMvARY-00352-00180014-00180515 compare them against a protein database. So this is actually a methodology that's much z72NncMvARY-00353-00180515-00181097 more sensitive than direct nucleotide searches. The last two are on the slide for sake of z72NncMvARY-00354-00181097-00181582 completeness. I can't remember the last time I ran one of these. The T in these both stand z72NncMvARY-00355-00181582-00182053 for translated, and you can see for yourselves what the query and the target sequences actually z72NncMvARY-00356-00182053-00182454 are, but the comparisons here are all done at the nucleotide level. z72NncMvARY-00357-00182454-00183077 All right. So how does the method actually work? So we're going to start with a sequence z72NncMvARY-00358-00183077-00183637 of interest. We have an amino acid sequence here, our query. And you'll see I have three z72NncMvARY-00359-00183637-00184307 letters in the middle of the sequence in red. The P, the Q, and the G. And we're going to z72NncMvARY-00360-00184307-00185007 start our search with this query word of length three. And what happens in reality is it starts z72NncMvARY-00361-00185241-00185607 at the one end, at the end terminal end, and it just keeps moving along, the window moves z72NncMvARY-00362-00185607-00186087 along. So it starts with a GSQ, and the SQS, and moves along. But just for sake of symmetry z72NncMvARY-00363-00186087-00186511 on this slide we're going to start in the middle. What we want to do is now compare z72NncMvARY-00364-00186511-00187076 this to all of these sequences in a protein database, starting off just looking for other z72NncMvARY-00365-00187076-00187776 occurrences of the P, the Q, and the G in that order, but we also want to look for conservative z72NncMvARY-00366-00187827-00188236 substitutions, because we might find some interesting biological relationships by doing z72NncMvARY-00367-00188236-00188299 that. z72NncMvARY-00368-00188299-00188819 So when we do that we establish something called the neighborhood. So the neighborhood z72NncMvARY-00369-00188819-00189379 starts off with the exact match, the PQG, and that has a score. So if you were going z72NncMvARY-00370-00189379-00189937 to go back to your hand outs to the slide that shows the BLOSUM62 matrix, and did -- and z72NncMvARY-00371-00189937-00190370 find the intersection of the P for the P, the Q for the Q, and the G for the G, you z72NncMvARY-00372-00190370-00190857 would find that the P would give you seven points, the Q would give you five, and the z72NncMvARY-00373-00190857-00191400 G would give you six for a total of 18. What I've done here on the slide is I've just changed z72NncMvARY-00374-00191400-00192000 the middle position to show those conservative substitutions. So we've got the PQG, EG, RG, z72NncMvARY-00375-00192000-00192439 going down the slide. And you'll see that because these matches are not exact at that z72NncMvARY-00376-00192439-00192850 position, as you would expect, because now you know how the scoring matrices work, the z72NncMvARY-00377-00192850-00193438 score also goes down. And of course, you would do this at all three of the positions. z72NncMvARY-00378-00193438-00193964 Now, at some point you have to say, well, maybe we're kind of going outside of the neighborhood. z72NncMvARY-00379-00193964-00194423 So the method will automatically draw for you a line at what it calls the neighborhood z72NncMvARY-00380-00194423-00194961 score threshold; BLAST computes this for you. In this case, T is 13 given the query word z72NncMvARY-00381-00194961-00195437 that we started with, so anything above the line, everything from 13 and up, we keep for z72NncMvARY-00382-00195437-00195908 the next step. Everything from 12 and down we throw out. All right. So let's take our z72NncMvARY-00383-00195908-00196324 neighborhood, put it at the top of the next slide, and here's the sequence now that we z72NncMvARY-00384-00196324-00196896 have that we started with. Here's our PQG, our query word. You'll notice, now I have z72NncMvARY-00385-00196896-00197399 it aligned with a sequence that was found, the subject, but in this case it's not a PQG; z72NncMvARY-00386-00197399-00197855 it's the P, the M, and the G, and that's perfectly fine, because if we look back at the top, z72NncMvARY-00387-00197855-00198553 PMG is in our neighborhood. Now, just qualitatively you can see how good the alignment is by looking z72NncMvARY-00388-00198553-00198976 at this middle row. So any place you have an exact match you see the letter repeated; z72NncMvARY-00389-00198976-00199371 any place you have a conservative substitution you'll see a plus sign; any place you see z72NncMvARY-00390-00199371-00199714 a blank is just a mismatch. z72NncMvARY-00391-00199714-00200271 All right, but we want to be able to apply numbers to this, and we want to try to make z72NncMvARY-00392-00200271-00200774 this alignment as long as possible. So here we are, we've got this alignment starting z72NncMvARY-00393-00200774-00201148 at three, but you'll see that there's many amino acids. Here it's -- the alignment is z72NncMvARY-00394-00201148-00201635 a blank-40. You go as far as you can in both directions, aligning as many of the characters z72NncMvARY-00395-00201635-00202335 as you can. So the question of course then becomes, how far is too far? Okay. So here's z72NncMvARY-00396-00202377-00202867 our alignment again. And here's just a graph of how the scoring is working out for this z72NncMvARY-00397-00202867-00203407 particular alignment. On the X-axis here we have the extension. How many positions have z72NncMvARY-00398-00203407-00203995 we aligned? On the Y-axis is the cumulative score. So the scores that are coming from z72NncMvARY-00399-00203995-00204571 our scoring matrix as we just keep adding additional positions to this alignment. So z72NncMvARY-00400-00204571-00205054 if we start out here, the extension is three, what we started with, the query word. We're z72NncMvARY-00401-00205054-00205616 above the threshold cutoff, as you'll remember from the previous slide. So as we go in both z72NncMvARY-00402-00205616-00206057 directions we're going to assume that we're having more matches than we do mismatches, z72NncMvARY-00403-00206057-00206575 more positive scores being assessed than negative scores being deducted. So the curve is going z72NncMvARY-00404-00206575-00207064 to go upwards. At some point, we're going to break a threshold, the score threshold, z72NncMvARY-00405-00207064-00207556 okay. So this -- from here up, there are the things that are all reported to you in your z72NncMvARY-00406-00207556-00207933 BLAST result, and herein lies pitfall number one. z72NncMvARY-00407-00207933-00208409 Breaking the score threshold does not imply biological significance, and I'll show you z72NncMvARY-00408-00208409-00208819 what does momentarily. We don't pay attention to the scores, but the scores are used to z72NncMvARY-00409-00208819-00209379 calculate the number we are going to pay attention to shortly. Okay. So we're going to keep going z72NncMvARY-00410-00209379-00209708 up, we're going to keep assuming that we're matching more than we're mismatching, but z72NncMvARY-00411-00209708-00210281 at some point we're going to have gone too far. We're not going to be able to align any z72NncMvARY-00412-00210281-00210827 more residues with one another. We start thinking about that matrix again, and all those negative z72NncMvARY-00413-00210827-00211250 values in the matrix. So as we go out further we're going to start subtracting points faster z72NncMvARY-00414-00211250-00211804 than we are actually adding them. At some point, we're going to leave the top of this z72NncMvARY-00415-00211804-00212476 curve and go down a certain amount, the significance delay -- decay, excuse me -- that represents z72NncMvARY-00416-00212476-00212923 both the mismatches, which assess negative points, and the gap penalties, which assess z72NncMvARY-00417-00212923-00213476 negative points. When you've reached the significance decay, the method says, okay, I've gone far z72NncMvARY-00418-00213476-00213876 enough; I'm going to go back to the peak of this curve. That's going to represent the z72NncMvARY-00419-00213876-00214532 longest alignment I can put together, the length of my high-scoring segment pair. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00420-00214532-00215125 So once we've done that we're going to have to think about doing a probability calculation. z72NncMvARY-00421-00215125-00215707 So again, why do we use the probabilities instead of the scores? Now that you know about z72NncMvARY-00422-00215707-00216188 the scoring matrices, the answer will hopefully be easier to understand. I want you to imagine z72NncMvARY-00423-00216188-00216888 two different alignments of equal length. One is composed primarily of common residues. z72NncMvARY-00424-00216934-00217462 One is composed primarily of rare residues. Okay, and the composition of those alignments z72NncMvARY-00425-00217462-00218048 are going to be reflected in the score. Even if the number of positions in those two alignments z72NncMvARY-00426-00218048-00218623 that match one another is exactly the same, you're going to end up with two very different z72NncMvARY-00427-00218623-00219037 scores, because of the frequency information that's captured within the scoring matrices. z72NncMvARY-00428-00219037-00219488 So a better measure is needed to be able to compare one alignment to the next, any two z72NncMvARY-00429-00219488-00219898 alignments to one another, and that again is where the probability comes in. So this z72NncMvARY-00430-00219898-00220402 is the equation, the Karlin-Altschul equation that actually governs that calculation. You'll z72NncMvARY-00431-00220402-00220900 see that in the exponent here is the S -- so that is the normalized score -- and the other z72NncMvARY-00432-00220900-00221361 factors that go into the calculation of this score. Again, you don't have to do this; the z72NncMvARY-00433-00221361-00221848 BLAST method will do it for you, but what that value, E, represents is the number of z72NncMvARY-00434-00221848-00222494 high-scoring segment pairs found purely by chance. So this is really the number of false z72NncMvARY-00435-00222494-00222958 positives that you have -- have come out of your BLAST search. We want that value of E z72NncMvARY-00436-00222958-00223636 to be as low as possible. Lower values signify higher similarity. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00437-00223636-00224103 So rule number one. Again, put a big star on this one. So what we're going to look for z72NncMvARY-00438-00224103-00224576 as far as probability values, if we're comparing two nucleotides sequences to one another, z72NncMvARY-00439-00224576-00225138 we want that E value to be 10-6 or lower. If we're looking at protein sequences, we z72NncMvARY-00440-00225138-00225748 want that value to be E to the -- 10-1/3 or lower. And again, keep in mind that when we z72NncMvARY-00441-00225748-00226317 talk about protein similarity searches that means both BLASTP and BLASTX. Remember the z72NncMvARY-00442-00226317-00226755 BLASTX; we start with the nucleotide sequence, but the comparison's done at the protein levels, z72NncMvARY-00443-00226755-00227025 so you're going to use the protein statistics here. z72NncMvARY-00444-00227025-00227552 All right, so let me take you through actually how you're going to do this when you get back z72NncMvARY-00445-00227552-00227880 to your offices and to your labs. So we're going to pretend we're at the computer. You z72NncMvARY-00446-00227880-00228294 have the screen captures in your handout. You might want to look at the PDFs on your z72NncMvARY-00447-00228294-00228581 monitors back at your desk, because they'll be a little bit easier to read, but the most z72NncMvARY-00448-00228581-00228961 important thing to do is practice, and just take some sequences that are of interest to z72NncMvARY-00449-00228961-00229414 you and the biological questions you're trying to answer, and use the methodologies that z72NncMvARY-00450-00229414-00229937 I'm going to show you today. All right. So we're going to start off at NCBI's homepage, z72NncMvARY-00451-00229937-00230637 which there is the URL, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. The most popular things that are on this website z72NncMvARY-00452-00230696-00231194 are shown in the right sidebar, and there is a direct link to BLAST there. So we're z72NncMvARY-00453-00231194-00231673 going to go ahead and follow that link, bringing us to the BLAST homepage, or you can just z72NncMvARY-00454-00231673-00232192 go directly by typing in the full URL. So let me quickly orient you to this page. At z72NncMvARY-00455-00232192-00232792 the top of the page you can just go directly to full genomes, and search each one of those z72NncMvARY-00456-00232792-00233391 genomes individually. The middle of the page, which is where the action is today, is where z72NncMvARY-00457-00233391-00233864 all the basic BLAST searches are. And at the bottom are a series of specialized BLAST searches, z72NncMvARY-00458-00233864-00234141 which we'll talk about momentarily. z72NncMvARY-00459-00234141-00234596 So we're going to start off doing a protein-based search; so a protein BLAST. The link is right z72NncMvARY-00460-00234596-00235226 there, and if we go ahead and click that it will take us to the BLAST search page. But z72NncMvARY-00461-00235226-00235642 before we do that we need a sequence that we actually are going to use as the query. z72NncMvARY-00462-00235642-00236161 So what I put together for all of you is a webpage. Here is the URL that has the query z72NncMvARY-00463-00236161-00236564 sequences for all of the examples that I'll be showing you both this week and next week. z72NncMvARY-00464-00236564-00236975 So this is a great way for you to go back to lab and do a little bit of practice on z72NncMvARY-00465-00236975-00237564 your own, reproducing what we're doing in the lecture this morning. Okay. So we're going z72NncMvARY-00466-00237564-00238001 to take that first sequence from the page I just showed you, and just stick it right z72NncMvARY-00467-00238001-00238514 into the box. Now, you can use the entire length of that sequence -- that's great; if z72NncMvARY-00468-00238514-00238929 you are only interested in part of that sequence, you can actually specify the beginning and z72NncMvARY-00469-00238929-00239521 ending amino acids you want to consider the start position and the stop position. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00470-00239521-00240092 So the first thing we have to do is pick, what do we want to compare this sequence to? z72NncMvARY-00471-00240092-00240640 What database do we want to look at? So we have a bunch of choices available to us, and z72NncMvARY-00472-00240640-00241340 I want to talk about one in particular that's called RefSeq. So what RefSeq is, is an effort z72NncMvARY-00473-00241383-00241862 to provide a single reference sequence for each molecule of the central [unintelligible]. z72NncMvARY-00474-00241862-00242532 So to have every DNA sequence, every MRNA sequence, and every protein sequence represented z72NncMvARY-00475-00242532-00243028 once and only once. And the reason for doing this is it really became obvious that we needed z72NncMvARY-00476-00243028-00243379 to have a resource like this when a lot of us were doing these BLAST searches, and you z72NncMvARY-00477-00243379-00244067 might take a gene of interest, you'd get back maybe two, five, 10, 20 exact matches, and z72NncMvARY-00478-00244067-00244566 you just don't know by looking at the BLAST results which one is the right one; the canonical z72NncMvARY-00479-00244566-00245034 entry for that particular gene or for that particular protein. So this is a curated effort z72NncMvARY-00480-00245034-00245337 that helps address that problem. z72NncMvARY-00481-00245337-00245783 So by virtue of the fact that each of these sequences are represented once and only once, z72NncMvARY-00482-00245783-00246278 of course, the database is non-redundant. It's constantly updated by curators to reflect z72NncMvARY-00483-00246278-00246627 the current knowledge of sequence data and biology. And that's a great thing: that these z72NncMvARY-00484-00246627-00247292 records keep up-to-date with what we know functionally about these nucleic acid sequences z72NncMvARY-00485-00247292-00247914 or these protein sequences. In the featured tables, the part of these entries that captures z72NncMvARY-00486-00247914-00248382 these biological attributes, you'll find information about the gene, the gene transcript, or the z72NncMvARY-00487-00248382-00248839 protein. They encompass a wide taxonomic range, but primarily focus on both mammalian and z72NncMvARY-00488-00248839-00249539 human species; and again, just to reemphasize the ongoing update and curations. And you'll z72NncMvARY-00489-00249631-00250067 see a time stamp showing you when that record was last brought up-to-date. z72NncMvARY-00490-00250067-00250767 Now, the way to know what a sequence -- whether a sequence is a RefSeq sequence is by looking z72NncMvARY-00491-00250919-00251415 at its accession number. So anytime I use the term accession number that is a unique z72NncMvARY-00492-00251415-00251981 identifier that if you type that in it would produce back that one sequence unequivocally. z72NncMvARY-00493-00251981-00252600 So it's basically that sequence's Social Security Number. And there's two series in the RefSeq z72NncMvARY-00494-00252600-00252944 accession numbers that I'm going to show you. The first ones, they start with an N. And z72NncMvARY-00495-00252944-00253619 these come from curation of GenBank entries. So the Ns, let's say we start with an NT, z72NncMvARY-00496-00253619-00253990 that's a genomic contig. It may have come from a whole genome sequencing project or z72NncMvARY-00497-00253990-00254611 some other high throughput sequencing effort at the nucleotide level. The NM, M stands z72NncMvARY-00498-00254611-00255248 for MRNAs. The NPs, P stands for proteins. And the Rs stand for the non-coding transcripts. z72NncMvARY-00499-00255248-00255685 So what these all have in common is that these have all been experimentally verified. Somebody z72NncMvARY-00500-00255685-00256242 has had these molecules in their hands, and have actually directly sequenced them. z72NncMvARY-00501-00256242-00256856 Now, of course, we crank out sequences at break neck pace nowadays, and so we don't z72NncMvARY-00502-00256856-00257394 always have the luxury of having these experimentally verified sequences. So what we do is often z72NncMvARY-00503-00257394-00258094 apply computational techniques to predict where the MRNAs are, and where the proteins z72NncMvARY-00504-00258106-00258633 are. So this is where this X-series come from. So let's say we start with a genomic contig, z72NncMvARY-00505-00258633-00259290 these NT entries. And we then take those, apply the predictive methods to figure out z72NncMvARY-00506-00259290-00259744 where the genes are -- so gene structure: introns, exons, and so on -- to figure out z72NncMvARY-00507-00259744-00260229 where we can come up with model MRNAs, and then we use those in turn to come up with z72NncMvARY-00508-00260229-00260829 the model proteins, the XPs. So please keep in mind that, again, these are experimentally z72NncMvARY-00509-00260829-00261346 verified; these come from genome annotation. These are computational predictions. So you z72NncMvARY-00510-00261346-00261833 have to look at them, not necessarily skeptically, because the predictive methods are so good z72NncMvARY-00511-00261833-00262304 nowadays, but you just have to keep in the back of your mind that they haven't been experimentally z72NncMvARY-00512-00262304-00262856 verified. So whenever you have a choice you're going to go look at the ones in the N-series z72NncMvARY-00513-00262856-00263003 instead. z72NncMvARY-00514-00263003-00263461 One of the other choices that was on the pull-down menu was Swiss-Prot. Similar idea; we'll talk z72NncMvARY-00515-00263461-00263965 about that in greater detail next week. So I like to use RefSeq, just because -- this z72NncMvARY-00516-00263965-00264548 non-redundancy, you just get a neater and shorter hit list from your results usually. z72NncMvARY-00517-00264548-00265248 Okay. So let's go back to the screen here. So now, we go a little bit further down. I z72NncMvARY-00518-00265391-00265757 -- what I've done -- excuse me, for the purpose of the example I've just left the database z72NncMvARY-00519-00265757-00266213 at the default, which is the non-redundant protein sequence set. So that's every sequence z72NncMvARY-00520-00266213-00266677 that's in GenBank. As far as the organisms go, you can just leave it blank and search z72NncMvARY-00521-00266677-00267105 for everything, but you can limit by organism or by taxonomic groups. So you can put in z72NncMvARY-00522-00267105-00267648 the word human, you can put in the word bilaterian, you can pick particular classes if you're z72NncMvARY-00523-00267648-00268348 looking at a specific point in evolutionary time. Okay. As we go down, program selection. z72NncMvARY-00524-00268350-00268942 So BLASTP is already chosen for us, but you'll see that there's a whole bunch of other variations z72NncMvARY-00525-00268942-00269411 of BLASTP, and we're going to talk about those in great detail next week. z72NncMvARY-00526-00269411-00269929 All right. As we get to the bottom of the screen you'll see that there is a link here z72NncMvARY-00527-00269929-00270330 that says 'algorithm parameters.' And if you click on that it's going to expand the screen, z72NncMvARY-00528-00270330-00270799 and what we're going to see looks like this. So this is where we get fine-tune what BLAST z72NncMvARY-00529-00270799-00271480 actually does. First one asks us, well, maximum number of target sequences. How many sequences z72NncMvARY-00530-00271480-00272094 do you want to see in your results? The default is 100. I always hike this up as far as possible. z72NncMvARY-00531-00272094-00272534 So we're going to put that at 250 to make sure that we don't miss any statistically z72NncMvARY-00532-00272534-00273172 significant hits. We go down, word size is three. So you already know how that works. z72NncMvARY-00533-00273172-00273713 If you want three to -- if you want to just use the default, that's fine; if you want z72NncMvARY-00534-00273713-00274355 to push more towards exact matches, you're going to make the word size longer. The E z72NncMvARY-00535-00274355-00275021 value threshold, right here it says it's 10. Remember that I've told you that we want to z72NncMvARY-00536-00275021-00275721 find -- use an E value of 10-1/3 for our cut-off. So I'm just go ahead and leave it at that z72NncMvARY-00537-00276024-00276377 value for purposes of the example, but we're going to apply the cut-off when we see the z72NncMvARY-00538-00276377-00276907 results. Scoring parameters, we can chose our matrices. Here's your choices, again. z72NncMvARY-00539-00276907-00277290 All of the BLOSUM matrices -- remember what the numbers actually mean -- but you also z72NncMvARY-00540-00277290-00277655 have a couple of PAM matrices available to you as well. z72NncMvARY-00541-00277655-00278205 Okay. Finally, when we get to the bottom, a couple of new things to talk about. So filters z72NncMvARY-00542-00278205-00278617 and masking. So the first one says 'filter low complexity regions.' We're going to go z72NncMvARY-00543-00278617-00279084 check that off. What is a low complexity region? So these are regions of biased composition. z72NncMvARY-00544-00279084-00279625 So you might have an amino acid sequence or a nucleotide sequence where on the nucleotide z72NncMvARY-00545-00279625-00280161 side you might have a string of A's, a very long string of A's; or on the protein side, z72NncMvARY-00546-00280161-00280674 a single amino acid repeated over and over and over again. So these homo-polymeric runs, z72NncMvARY-00547-00280674-00281198 you might see short period repeats, or the subtle overrepresentation of several residues. z72NncMvARY-00548-00281198-00281501 The reason it's important to mask these is it actually confuses BLAST. z72NncMvARY-00549-00281501-00282120 BLAST relies on having uniformly distributed amino acid frequencies. So when it hits these z72NncMvARY-00550-00282120-00282660 homo-polymeric runs, it often leads to false positives, because if you think about the z72NncMvARY-00551-00282660-00282943 alignments, and you've got these long runs of the same letter over and over and over z72NncMvARY-00552-00282943-00283643 again, sometimes it's not exactly clear how to actually align that part of the two sequences z72NncMvARY-00553-00283692-00284392 with one another. So not enabled by default; you should just always do that. Okay. Finally, z72NncMvARY-00554-00284414-00284914 the last thing, just is a matter of convenience, I always check off the box at the bottom that z72NncMvARY-00555-00284914-00285478 says 'show results in a new window.' So once we click the BLAST button down here at the z72NncMvARY-00556-00285478-00285945 bottom, either a new tab or a new window will open. Why that's nice to do is if you want z72NncMvARY-00557-00285945-00286413 to come back and change the parameters, you can just go back to this window and do that, z72NncMvARY-00558-00286413-00286791 rather than having to keep clicking the back key on your browser. z72NncMvARY-00559-00286791-00287491 All right. So we'll go ahead, submit this. Here's what we get back. So here we've started z72NncMvARY-00560-00287596-00288257 with -- our query sequences is represented in this case by the grey bar here. Right under z72NncMvARY-00561-00288257-00288808 the grey bar we'll see that there's a block here, and that represents a protein family z72NncMvARY-00562-00288808-00289313 that was identified; so a particular domain architecture. Again, we're going to talk about z72NncMvARY-00563-00289313-00289950 that much more next week. You'll recall that the default for how many sequences to return, z72NncMvARY-00564-00289950-00290468 how many hits to return was 100. In this case, if we look here it says that 225 BLAST hits z72NncMvARY-00565-00290468-00291103 were found. So it's good that we put our value there up to 250, because we just wouldn't z72NncMvARY-00566-00291103-00291646 have seen all of the results that BLAST could find for us. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00567-00291646-00292330 Let's push this overview to the top here. So this is a graphic overview of our results. z72NncMvARY-00568-00292330-00292834 So here our sequence, our query sequence is shown as the red bar, and you see just a bunch z72NncMvARY-00569-00292834-00293289 of reds and purples here. So what is this mean? All of the colors -- the color key is z72NncMvARY-00570-00293289-00293958 at the top. Remember that the colors correspond to the scores, not to the probabilities. These z72NncMvARY-00571-00293958-00294343 are shown -- so there's a color key -- these are shown in descending score order; so the z72NncMvARY-00572-00294343-00294928 best score is at the top, the worst score is at the bottom. If you mouse over any of z72NncMvARY-00573-00294928-00295404 these lines, there's a window here at the top that will tell you what the found sequence z72NncMvARY-00574-00295404-00295971 was, what that particular line corresponds to, what sequence it corresponds to. You may z72NncMvARY-00575-00295971-00296624 see these lines in between. So what the gaps will -- these either represent gaps or that z72NncMvARY-00576-00296624-00297252 you have more than one high-scoring segment pair for the query sequence versus that particular z72NncMvARY-00577-00297252-00297678 sequence. If there -- and you'll see that either as a gap, or you might just see this z72NncMvARY-00578-00297678-00298112 tick mark here, which means the gap is actually in the query sequence rather than in the found z72NncMvARY-00579-00298112-00298677 sequence. Finally, you might see lines that have these bars on them, but there's nothing z72NncMvARY-00580-00298677-00299261 connecting them. Those are just unrelated hits, just done that way to save space. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00581-00299261-00299654 So let's go ahead to see what we actually got. Let's scroll down, take a look at the z72NncMvARY-00582-00299654-00300202 hit list, and see what we can learn. So let me orient you to the results first. You have z72NncMvARY-00583-00300202-00300682 a description of each one of the sequences that was found that was deemed somehow related z72NncMvARY-00584-00300682-00301117 to our query sequence. Each one of them has a short description called the definition z72NncMvARY-00585-00301117-00301684 line or the def line; just a quick one-line description of what that sequence actually z72NncMvARY-00586-00301684-00302384 is or does. You'll see that there are a couple of columns here that give us the score values. z72NncMvARY-00587-00302476-00302886 We have query coverage, so we'll see that in a little bit more detail, but the important z72NncMvARY-00588-00302886-00303450 column here is the E value. So I sorted this by E value. Next to that, you'll see the percent z72NncMvARY-00589-00303450-00303866 identity values, and then these are the accession numbers; again, the unique identifiers, the z72NncMvARY-00590-00303866-00304484 Social Security Numbers for each one of these found sequences. All right. So if we look z72NncMvARY-00591-00304484-00304917 at the very first one, we see the E value is zero. So what the zero tells you is -- just z72NncMvARY-00592-00304917-00305302 because of space there's not enough room to show the number -- so whenever you see zero z72NncMvARY-00593-00305302-00305944 it's 10-1000 or less. So you don't even have to think about those. Those are great hits. z72NncMvARY-00594-00305944-00306470 We look a little bit further down, here we have a case 3e minus 179, so that just means z72NncMvARY-00595-00306470-00307170 3*10-179. So it's just showing the exponential notation there. I'm going to scroll down to z72NncMvARY-00596-00307178-00307788 the bottom. And remember that this is now a protein-protein search, so the E value cut-off z72NncMvARY-00597-00307788-00308239 that I'm going to apply is 10-1/3. Now in this particular case -- again, here's the z72NncMvARY-00598-00308239-00308680 E value column -- this particular case, the one at the bottom of the list actually beats z72NncMvARY-00599-00308680-00309210 the threshold quite handily: it's 10-53. So we're going to go ahead and just draw the z72NncMvARY-00600-00309210-00309910 line, and accept all of these values for now. If we saw any that were below that 10-1/3 z72NncMvARY-00601-00309960-00310479 threshold, we would go ahead and reject them, but I want to provide a caution here, because z72NncMvARY-00602-00310479-00310993 you might have a case of something that's just below the line that actually is biologically z72NncMvARY-00603-00310993-00311473 relevant. So this is where you have to put your biology hat on -- you've read tons of z72NncMvARY-00604-00311473-00311804 papers, you've done your own research, you know something about the system that you're z72NncMvARY-00605-00311804-00312409 looking at -- and you may have biological evidence that argues in favor for something z72NncMvARY-00606-00312409-00312935 being slightly below the line as being related. So anytime you have biological evidence that z72NncMvARY-00607-00312935-00313456 always, always trumps computational predictions. So the guidelines that I give you here, these z72NncMvARY-00608-00313456-00313967 cut-offs are starting points, but again, let your knowledge of biology be your guide here. z72NncMvARY-00609-00313967-00314229 It will never serve you wrong. z72NncMvARY-00610-00314229-00314929 Okay. So, let's take a look at one of the results that came out. And so here we have z72NncMvARY-00611-00314949-00315649 a -- the classic way of representing a BLAST search, so where we can see the alignments. z72NncMvARY-00612-00315684-00316299 So at the top we have some scoring information, our -- which we'll come back to in a moment. z72NncMvARY-00613-00316299-00316886 We can see where this sequence aligns. So if in our query sequence we're starting at z72NncMvARY-00614-00316886-00317474 position 17, the first line goes from 17 to 76, and you can see the line numbers -- excuse z72NncMvARY-00615-00317474-00317963 me, the position numbers going all the way through this alignment. So the first thing z72NncMvARY-00616-00317963-00318663 we want to do is take a look at these values that we have calculated to give us yet another z72NncMvARY-00617-00318668-00319168 way of determining whether or not these are actually related to one another. So first z72NncMvARY-00618-00319168-00319606 we have a percent identity number. In this case, they're 100 percent identical to one z72NncMvARY-00619-00319606-00320052 another. The numbers you want to look at -- this is the second criteria, so again, put a star z72NncMvARY-00620-00320052-00320627 here -- if we're doing a protein-based search we want to see percent identity greater than z72NncMvARY-00621-00320627-00321171 or equal to 25 percent. If we are doing a nucleotide based search we want to see a percent z72NncMvARY-00622-00321171-00321584 identity greater than or equal to 70 percent. z72NncMvARY-00623-00321584-00321943 Right next to that you'll see where it says positives. In this case it's still 100 percent, z72NncMvARY-00624-00321943-00322452 so what the -- here what that is, is really a percent similarity. It includes conservative z72NncMvARY-00625-00322452-00323045 substitutions. So again, identity means identity. Positive means the identities plus the conservative z72NncMvARY-00626-00323045-00323694 substitutions. In this particular alignment, no gaps, so we don't have to worry about that. z72NncMvARY-00627-00323694-00324251 But what you will see is that there are some regions of our query sequence that appear z72NncMvARY-00628-00324251-00324693 a little bit greyed out in lower case letters. Those are the low complexity regions, the z72NncMvARY-00629-00324693-00325142 regions of biased composition where you have the subtle overrepresentation of a couple z72NncMvARY-00630-00325142-00325501 of amino acids. Here's a great case where there are -- you can just see over and over z72NncMvARY-00631-00325501-00326142 again just short period repeats, or the same amino acid coming over and over again. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00632-00326142-00326812 So that is one high-scoring segment pair that came from the comparison of our query sequence z72NncMvARY-00633-00326812-00327341 to this particular protein, this prospero isoform, but if we scroll down a little bit z72NncMvARY-00634-00327341-00327943 more we'll see something that says range two. So we started with our two sequences and two z72NncMvARY-00635-00327943-00328548 different high-scoring segment pairs were found. So there's two different parts of the z72NncMvARY-00636-00328548-00328883 alignments led to these local alignments. So again, remember the difference between z72NncMvARY-00637-00328883-00329318 global and local alignments. So instead of forcing the alignment across the entire sequence, z72NncMvARY-00638-00329318-00329792 we're just trying to find those local regions of similarity. In this case there are two. z72NncMvARY-00639-00329792-00330492 So we have the second high-scoring segment pair detected. We're going to look at our z72NncMvARY-00640-00330549-00331060 identity information again. So 95 percent identical, the starting position for that z72NncMvARY-00641-00331060-00331550 particular part of the alignment. Here we do have a gap and that's just represented z72NncMvARY-00642-00331550-00331901 by the dashes, in this case, in the subject sequence. z72NncMvARY-00643-00331901-00332399 Okay. So let's put all of this together. We go back to this graphic. Here are the two z72NncMvARY-00644-00332399-00332921 scoring lines from the two alignments that I just showed you. So let's think about our z72NncMvARY-00645-00332921-00333392 cut-off. So first we want to make sure that E value is 10-1/3 or better. So, yep, we've z72NncMvARY-00646-00333392-00333922 got that. So zeroes in both cases. We look at the percent identities in protein base, z72NncMvARY-00647-00333922-00334366 so we want that to be 25 percent or better. We got that as well. So 100 percent for the z72NncMvARY-00648-00334366-00334984 first one, 95 for the second. And if we just look at where these correspond to the overview z72NncMvARY-00649-00334984-00335538 that we had, the first high-scoring segment pair goes from position 17 to 704; the second z72NncMvARY-00650-00335538-00336196 one from 777 to 1403 with a small gap between them. So the vast majority of this sequence z72NncMvARY-00651-00336196-00336695 is align-able, but there's a region in the middle that you can't align the one you started z72NncMvARY-00652-00336695-00336978 with, with the one that you found. All right. z72NncMvARY-00653-00336978-00337678 So your second cheat sheet for the morning -- again, keep this handy -- if we're talking z72NncMvARY-00654-00337718-00338418 in terms of E value at the nucleotide level 10-6 or smaller; protein level 10-1/3 or smaller. z72NncMvARY-00655-00338484-00339184 As far as sequence identities go, for nucleotides 70 percent or more; proteins, 25 percent or z72NncMvARY-00656-00339209-00339815 more. Again, don't use these cut-offs blindly. I give this to you as a starting point, as z72NncMvARY-00657-00339815-00340192 you start to learn these techniques, and start to get a better sense for how they work, but z72NncMvARY-00658-00340192-00340706 please, please do pay attention to the alignments that are either side of that dividing line, z72NncMvARY-00659-00340706-00341223 and never, ever ignore what you know about the biology of those sequences. That always z72NncMvARY-00660-00341223-00341758 is the most important thing to factor into these analyses. Okay. z72NncMvARY-00661-00341758-00342195 So let's take a little bit of a simpler approach here. Let's say, instead of searching a database, z72NncMvARY-00662-00342195-00342588 you have two sequences and you just want to see how those two sequences align with one z72NncMvARY-00663-00342588-00342966 another; their predetermined sequences. So just like a BLAST search, we're going to find z72NncMvARY-00664-00342966-00343462 these local alignments, either nucleotide sequences or protein sequences. All of the z72NncMvARY-00665-00343462-00344040 BLAST algorithms are available to you. Again, you can select either BLOSUM or PAM as the z72NncMvARY-00666-00344040-00344535 matrix for these comparisons. Same Affine gap costs are -- can be applied here. You z72NncMvARY-00667-00344535-00345108 can adjust them. The input sequences, again, can be masked. So we come back to the BLAST z72NncMvARY-00668-00345108-00345575 homepage. In this case the link to get to this is in the lower section in the specialized z72NncMvARY-00669-00345575-00346080 BLAST section, 'align two or more sequences using BLAST,' BLAST two sequences. When we z72NncMvARY-00670-00346080-00346532 click on that link it brings us to this page. It looks very similar to the one we saw before z72NncMvARY-00671-00346532-00346939 for the BLASTP search. We're going to look at these top -- tabs at the top first, make z72NncMvARY-00672-00346939-00347471 sure that we've clicked on BLASTP in this case to see the search page that's relevant z72NncMvARY-00673-00347471-00347752 to a protein-based search. z72NncMvARY-00674-00347752-00348307 If you go to the example sequences page that's up on the current topics website, you'll -- we're z72NncMvARY-00675-00348307-00348864 going to just take the two sequences from those sample sequences; paste one in the first z72NncMvARY-00676-00348864-00349465 box, paste the second one in the second box. As before, we can specify query sub-ranges z72NncMvARY-00677-00349465-00350165 or subject sub-ranges if we don't want to use the entire lengths of these sequences. z72NncMvARY-00678-00350222-00350621 Once again, at the bottom, the algorithm parameters link; we're going to go ahead and expand the z72NncMvARY-00679-00350621-00351321 page now by clicking on that. We'll now see all of the stuff here at the bottom. So the z72NncMvARY-00680-00351324-00351881 general parameters here, as before, how many sequences do you want returned? Well, we already z72NncMvARY-00681-00351881-00352505 know we've got two, so we can just leave that alone. The E values, the word size, as before. z72NncMvARY-00682-00352505-00352929 Here I actually don't change anything, because you already know that you've sequence A and z72NncMvARY-00683-00352929-00353392 sequence B, so you're just going to, by inspection, not have to worry about any of these things. z72NncMvARY-00684-00353392-00353815 You're just trying to align the two sequences. But what will come out is the statistical z72NncMvARY-00685-00353815-00354401 measure of how well those two actually align with one another. As before, you can choose z72NncMvARY-00686-00354401-00354993 of a series of matrices. We can mask out the low complexity regions, which you should always z72NncMvARY-00687-00354993-00355384 do by default. Again, we're going to check off the little box at the bottom where we'll z72NncMvARY-00688-00355384-00355806 show our results in a new window, and then just go ahead and click the big BLAST button z72NncMvARY-00689-00355806-00356104 at the bottom of the page. z72NncMvARY-00690-00356104-00356631 So what we get back is reminiscent of what we just saw. We have our overview of the results. z72NncMvARY-00691-00356631-00357044 Here's our query sequence, again, as the red line. We only searched it against one sequence z72NncMvARY-00692-00357044-00357711 so there is the one sequence. Part of it aligned well, part of it a little less well. Let's z72NncMvARY-00693-00357711-00358338 scroll down a little bit to see what those results look like. So in our data table up z72NncMvARY-00694-00358338-00358948 here, again, one and -- only one hit. We see the E value and the percent identity. A greater z72NncMvARY-00695-00358948-00359641 amount of information shown in the lower part here. So here we have our first part of the z72NncMvARY-00696-00359641-00360303 alignment, the longer part. The percent identity's 46 percent, so that beats our eval -- excuse z72NncMvARY-00697-00360303-00361003 me, our percent identity threshold for proteins, the expect value; 10-26 beats our 10-1/3 threshold, z72NncMvARY-00698-00361113-00361515 and again, you can just see what part of the sequences align. So in this case the query z72NncMvARY-00699-00361515-00361861 from positions 95 to 178. z72NncMvARY-00700-00361861-00362283 The second part, that little part at the end terminal end, if we look at the stats here, z72NncMvARY-00701-00362283-00362681 we're just -- it's a very short alignment; as you can see here, it's only six amino acids z72NncMvARY-00702-00362681-00363160 long. The E value is almost 2, so we're just going to go ahead and reject that just on z72NncMvARY-00703-00363160-00363697 the basis of that one number alone. We can also look at this in terms of a dot-matrix; z72NncMvARY-00704-00363697-00364193 it is a traditional way of looking at this. Sequence 1 is represented on the x-axis, so z72NncMvARY-00705-00364193-00364893 positions 1 to 178; Sequence 2 on the y, positions 1 to 134. We saw that there were two high-scoring z72NncMvARY-00706-00365018-00365537 segment pairs, or at least two alignments, one of them, which we actually accepted. Here z72NncMvARY-00707-00365537-00366004 is that shorter alignment, so it just shows you graphically which parts of the sequences z72NncMvARY-00708-00366004-00366288 were aligned with one another. It's a little bit more intuitive to look at this, but I z72NncMvARY-00709-00366288-00366524 thought I would show you this just for the sake of completeness. z72NncMvARY-00710-00366524-00367060 All right, so we've now spent a lot of time talking about things at the protein level, z72NncMvARY-00711-00367060-00367505 but of course, there is a lot we can learn by looking at the same types of information z72NncMvARY-00712-00367505-00368050 at the nucleotide level, so we're going to talk about a couple of methods here. All of z72NncMvARY-00713-00368050-00368551 the nucleotide BLAST algorithms can be found in the basic BLAST section by clicking on z72NncMvARY-00714-00368551-00369081 the nucleotide BLAST button. And when you get to the program selection part of the search z72NncMvARY-00715-00369081-00369566 page, you'll see that there are three options available to you. Mega BLAST, discontiguous z72NncMvARY-00716-00369566-00369746 Mega BLAST, and BLASTn. z72NncMvARY-00717-00369746-00370370 So, what are those doing for you, what do they actually do? First one, Mega BLAST, is z72NncMvARY-00718-00370370-00371003 the one you would pick if you were searching against complete genomes or chromosomes. So z72NncMvARY-00719-00371003-00371537 this is really optimized for aligning really, really long or highly similar sequences; things z72NncMvARY-00720-00371537-00372064 95 percent similar or more. You'll see the word size, because we're looking for things z72NncMvARY-00721-00372064-00372764 that are almost exact is very high at 28, the Affine gap -- excuse me, this is the scoring z72NncMvARY-00722-00372788-00373379 matrix. So for a match you get one point; for a mismatch you lose two. This is a linear z72NncMvARY-00723-00373379-00373922 gap penalty, so unlike the Affine gap penalty, just a value is assigned, the same value for z72NncMvARY-00724-00373922-00374290 opening the gap and for extending the gap. z72NncMvARY-00725-00374290-00374990 Okay. The middle block here, talks about discontiguous metal -- Mega BLAST, and this is what you'll z72NncMvARY-00726-00375021-00375550 be doing most of the time at the nucleotide level. The results between these two are very z72NncMvARY-00727-00375550-00376160 similar, but Mega BLAST will run faster in relative terms. So here we've got discontiguous z72NncMvARY-00728-00376160-00376638 Mega BLAST; here is BLASTn, our standard; we've got a nucleotide search that we're comparing z72NncMvARY-00729-00376638-00377248 against a whole slew of nucleotide sequences, or nucleotide database, and you'll see that z72NncMvARY-00730-00377248-00377737 the values are all the same here. Finally, in the lower block, if you've got things that z72NncMvARY-00731-00377737-00378181 are very short, nearly exact matches, again, you can use BLASTn to do it here, but rather z72NncMvARY-00732-00378181-00378813 than using the default, you can just change the values here to push in that direction. z72NncMvARY-00733-00378813-00379346 All right, so enough about BLAST. Let's talk about something else that you could put into z72NncMvARY-00734-00379346-00380000 your armamentarium, and this is a method called BLAT, which is the BLAST-like alignment tool. z72NncMvARY-00735-00380000-00380471 This is a method that was developed at the University of California Santa Cruz, and it's z72NncMvARY-00736-00380471-00381171 very similar to Mega BLAST in that it was designed to rapidly align really long nucleotide z72NncMvARY-00737-00381177-00381861 sequences, so sequences at least 40 in length, having a 95 percent sequence similarity or z72NncMvARY-00738-00381861-00382561 more. It reliably can find exact matches down to a length of 33, but this is really the z72NncMvARY-00739-00382572-00383112 method of choice when looking for exact matches in nucleotide databases. The other thing that z72NncMvARY-00740-00383112-00383570 is very impressive about it is its speed; it's 500 times faster than BLAST for most z72NncMvARY-00741-00383570-00384173 MRNA or DNA searches. The downside: it might miss divergent or shorter sequence alignments, z72NncMvARY-00742-00384173-00384540 because it's not optimized to do that; it's optimized to find that these long stretches z72NncMvARY-00743-00384540-00385093 of similarity. You can use it on protein sequences, but if you're looking at protein sequences z72NncMvARY-00744-00385093-00385383 you should really be using BLASTP instead. z72NncMvARY-00745-00385383-00385942 So, when do you use this? You've now done a sequencing effort, you have got a brand z72NncMvARY-00746-00385942-00386290 new gene that you're trying to characterize, or a sequence fragment that you're trying z72NncMvARY-00747-00386290-00386915 to get information on, so you'll be able to find its genomic coordinates, determine gene z72NncMvARY-00748-00386915-00387388 structure -- so where the introns or extrons might be -- or find markers of interest in z72NncMvARY-00749-00387388-00388018 the vicinity of that sequence. You can also use it to find highly similar or identical z72NncMvARY-00750-00388018-00388579 sequences. So if you have a ton of MRNA data, you could align those MRNA sequences onto z72NncMvARY-00751-00388579-00389176 a genome assembly, you can start to identify additional genome family members, or you can z72NncMvARY-00752-00389176-00389795 start doing cross-species alignments to identify putative homologs, so going back to the beginning. z72NncMvARY-00753-00389795-00390193 The other thing that's nice about it is you can take a sequence and show it as a separate z72NncMvARY-00754-00390193-00390760 track within the UCSC genome browser. So this is a new concept, just thinking about a track z72NncMvARY-00755-00390760-00391165 -- we'll see an example of that shortly, and Dr. Wolfsberg will be spending quite a bit z72NncMvARY-00756-00391165-00391653 of time discussing the use of the UCSC browser when she presents her lecture in two weeks' z72NncMvARY-00757-00391653-00391815 time. z72NncMvARY-00758-00391815-00392492 So let's just go ahead and go to the BLAST -- excuse me, the BLAT homepage at genome.UCSC.edu. z72NncMvARY-00759-00392492-00393078 The link to BLAT is in the left sidebar, so if we just go ahead and click on that, it z72NncMvARY-00760-00393078-00393663 brings us to a very simple search page. Across the top you have a small number of selections z72NncMvARY-00761-00393663-00394051 you can make, so you can pick which genome you want to search against. In this case I z72NncMvARY-00762-00394051-00394498 am starting with a rat sequence, so we are going to search against a rat genome. The z72NncMvARY-00763-00394498-00395069 query type here is DNA, and then the other parameters are predefined for you. Then just z72NncMvARY-00764-00395069-00395717 go ahead and click on submit, and we're going to get back a very easy to understand results z72NncMvARY-00765-00395717-00396157 table. Okay. So across the top we have a number of sequences that were found based on our z72NncMvARY-00766-00396157-00396427 query, you'll find a score for each one of the sequences that were found based on our z72NncMvARY-00767-00396427-00396895 query. You'll see a score for each one of them; so these are in reverse score order, z72NncMvARY-00768-00396895-00397510 the highest one at the top; starting and ending positions for each one of those alignments, z72NncMvARY-00769-00397510-00397963 and a percent identity. We're going to go ahead and click on the browser link for the z72NncMvARY-00770-00397963-00398413 very first one, the best hit in the group, just so we can see what this now looks like z72NncMvARY-00771-00398413-00398771 in the context of the UCSC browser. z72NncMvARY-00772-00398771-00399392 So we see where our chromosomal position is here by the red bar on this chromosome, on z72NncMvARY-00773-00399392-00400092 Chromosome 5 of the rat genome. Our sequence is the one that is labeled, quite self-explanatory z72NncMvARY-00774-00400095-00400677 'Your Sequence from BLAT Search.' So there is the sequence, and you'll notice some discontinuity z72NncMvARY-00775-00400677-00401233 in the end; so it's not a perfect alignment across the entire length. There's some gaps z72NncMvARY-00776-00401233-00401651 in there, and there are also some regions that are marked in red along the way. So the z72NncMvARY-00777-00401651-00402176 reds are mismatches. You'll see the color key here at the bottom, so red genome inquiry z72NncMvARY-00778-00402176-00402652 sequence have different bases at this position, and you can read the rest of them for yourself; z72NncMvARY-00779-00402652-00402861 the other colors are in the key. z72NncMvARY-00780-00402861-00403362 What we also see here are other tracks. So each one of these lines is a track, so we z72NncMvARY-00781-00403362-00403986 have information on rat MRNAs from GenBank, Rat ESTs, the expressed sequence tags, some z72NncMvARY-00782-00403986-00404526 conservation information; so looking at data from mouse, and human, and dog, and opossum, z72NncMvARY-00783-00404526-00405115 and so on. So it's a really powerful way of not just finding what the chromosomal context z72NncMvARY-00784-00405115-00405582 of your gene of interest is, or sequence of interest is, but a lot of other information z72NncMvARY-00785-00405582-00406269 about related sequences, other types of data that go well beyond just simple idea of alignment. z72NncMvARY-00786-00406269-00406677 And again, Tyra is going to spend a lot of time talking to you about this during her z72NncMvARY-00787-00406677-00406844 lecture in a couple weeks. z72NncMvARY-00788-00406844-00407455 All right. If you go back to our first page, we have another set of links here called 'details,' z72NncMvARY-00789-00407455-00408155 so details link for our best hit. And so here what we have, the top part of this is our z72NncMvARY-00790-00408156-00408653 query sequence, the one that we started with from our sample set of sequences on the current z72NncMvARY-00791-00408653-00409226 topics sequence page. This is the sequence that was found. You'll see that there are z72NncMvARY-00792-00409226-00409658 things in different colors and upper case and lower case; the key is at the top, so z72NncMvARY-00793-00409658-00410260 anytime you have a matching base in CDNA and genomics sequences those are blue and capitalized; z72NncMvARY-00794-00410260-00410608 the things that are in light blue are the boundaries of gaps in either sequences, and z72NncMvARY-00795-00410608-00411177 those are often splice sites [spelled phonetically]. So, it's a view; it's not a particularly informative z72NncMvARY-00796-00411177-00411483 view. The view that I think is much easier to look at is the one that is reminiscent z72NncMvARY-00797-00411483-00411896 of the BLAST view, where we just have the two sequences aligned with one another, you z72NncMvARY-00798-00411896-00412452 can see the positions of the gaps along the way, and get a good sense for how aligned z72NncMvARY-00799-00412452-00412816 these two sequences are with one another. z72NncMvARY-00800-00412816-00413516 Finally, I just want to talk about one last sequence alignment program, and that's called z72NncMvARY-00801-00413518-00414218 FASTA, and so what FASTA does is identifies regions of local alignment, must like our z72NncMvARY-00802-00414400-00414810 BLAST method does, but it uses a different algorithm to use it; it uses something called z72NncMvARY-00803-00414810-00415339 a Smith-Waterman Algorithm to find the best alignment between the two sequences. So the z72NncMvARY-00804-00415339-00415704 methodology that underlies this technique is significantly different than the one that z72NncMvARY-00805-00415704-00416331 is used for BLAST. Here are the URLs if you'd like to check that out and play with it a z72NncMvARY-00806-00416331-00416775 little bit. It's slower than BLAST, but it's more stringent in certain ways, so I think z72NncMvARY-00807-00416775-00417308 one way to include this in your armamentarium is, if you think back to our BLAST results, z72NncMvARY-00808-00417308-00417818 we would draw a line at our E value cutoff, you could use it as a second method to rule z72NncMvARY-00809-00417818-00418288 in or rule out things around the cutoff. So the same thing -- way that in a lab you might z72NncMvARY-00810-00418288-00418729 use two different experimental techniques to verify a result, here you can use two different z72NncMvARY-00811-00418729-00419185 computational techniques to verify your computational results. z72NncMvARY-00812-00419185-00419627 Okay. So with that, that's where we're going to leave things today. We're going to build z72NncMvARY-00813-00419627-00420135 upon the basic concepts next week when we start to discuss how we can go well beyond, z72NncMvARY-00814-00420135-00420752 just looking at letter by letter alignments to find commonality between sequences, and z72NncMvARY-00815-00420752-00421097 we're going to end up talking about how we can use multiple sequence alignments, and z72NncMvARY-00816-00421097-00421475 apply those to your own work. So thank you once again for joining us today, and we'll z72NncMvARY-00817-00421475-00421556 see you again next week. z72NncMvARY-00818-00421556-00421581 [applause]