Yoh9FYRnpsY-00000-00000008-00000544 welcome back this is my continuation of a countdown of the 10 best nebulae Yoh9FYRnpsY-00001-00000544-00000968 for astrophotographers if you haven't seen part one i'll link it right here Yoh9FYRnpsY-00002-00001064-00001655 for you to check out all right number five is the lagoon nebula the lagoon is one of the brightest Yoh9FYRnpsY-00003-00001655-00002216 diffuse nebula in the sky it's also in a very dynamic part of the night sky right in the core Yoh9FYRnpsY-00004-00002216-00002816 of the milky way meaning looking into the center of our own galaxy it's nice and bright on its Yoh9FYRnpsY-00005-00002816-00003528 own but in an even wider field of view we can capture ic 1275 and the trifid nebula as well Yoh9FYRnpsY-00006-00003584-00004032 at negative 24 degrees in declination it's well situated for the southern hemisphere and Yoh9FYRnpsY-00007-00004032-00004472 most of the northern hemisphere those at about 50 degrees north or higher will have to travel Yoh9FYRnpsY-00008-00004472-00005016 south to capture it well though number four is the horse head nebula discovered by wilhelmina Yoh9FYRnpsY-00009-00005016-00005640 fleming on a glass plate photograph in 1890 today it's one of the most famous nebula Yoh9FYRnpsY-00010-00005640-00006176 due to the many photographs of it as it really does look exactly like a horse head in profile Yoh9FYRnpsY-00011-00006232-00006984 it's mostly a dark nebula obscuring part of an interestingly shaped red h2 region it can carry Yoh9FYRnpsY-00012-00007056-00007423 it can be a bit challenging to photograph since it's relatively small at just about Yoh9FYRnpsY-00013-00007423-00007928 eight arcminutes tall and very close to a bright star called omnitoc that can give Yoh9FYRnpsY-00014-00007928-00008448 some troubles with reflections the hubble space telescope has shown that it's really beautiful Yoh9FYRnpsY-00015-00008448-00009104 in non-visible wavelengths like the infrared as seen here at negative 0.5 degrees declination Yoh9FYRnpsY-00016-00009104-00009680 it's well situated for most of the world to see at some point in the year number three is the Yoh9FYRnpsY-00017-00009680-00010376 rho ufiuki cloud complex yellow reflection nebulae are relatively rare and usually small but the one Yoh9FYRnpsY-00018-00010376-00010864 around antares the antares nebula is large and brilliant and then there is so much else going Yoh9FYRnpsY-00019-00010864-00011496 on in this region including a red emission nebula a blue reflection and dark nebula streamers going Yoh9FYRnpsY-00020-00011496-00011984 off to the core of the milky way if you like lots of color then this region of the sky cannot be Yoh9FYRnpsY-00021-00011984-00012464 beat you could focus on just one part of the scene with a telescope to capture the whole thing you're Yoh9FYRnpsY-00022-00012464-00012984 either going to need to build a mosaic of images if using a telescope or if you use a camera lens i Yoh9FYRnpsY-00023-00012984-00013647 think 135 millimeters up to about 200 millimeters is great for row at negative 24 degrees it's the Yoh9FYRnpsY-00024-00013647-00014263 same situation as lagoon good for most people except for the high northern latitudes number two Yoh9FYRnpsY-00025-00014263-00014880 is the karina nebula this one has so much going on it's one of those nebula you could probably spend Yoh9FYRnpsY-00026-00014880-00015472 years photographing and never run out of creative new things to do with it especially with narrow Yoh9FYRnpsY-00027-00015472-00016080 band filters the whole thing is over a two degrees across but you can also focus on various parts Yoh9FYRnpsY-00028-00016080-00016664 within it this hubble image of a small feature within the karina nebula they called the mystic Yoh9FYRnpsY-00029-00016664-00017272 mountain is one of my favorite astrophotographs of all time i've never shot any part of the carina Yoh9FYRnpsY-00030-00017272-00017904 myself as i still have to get down to the southern hemisphere with some astrophotography gear but i Yoh9FYRnpsY-00031-00017904-00018504 really look forward to it on my next trip number one is the orion nebula probably not a surprise Yoh9FYRnpsY-00032-00018504-00018920 it was the first nebula i photographed and i'm guessing it's the first nebula the majority of Yoh9FYRnpsY-00033-00018920-00019520 astrophotographers start with it's easy to find it's super bright the core region is actually Yoh9FYRnpsY-00034-00019520-00020136 so bright that some people think it's not really a beginner target i tend to disagree because i think Yoh9FYRnpsY-00035-00020136-00020696 blow out the core even with a blown out core it's still incredibly beautiful like most nebulae on Yoh9FYRnpsY-00036-00020696-00021192 this list there are many different approaches to orion there's lots of beautiful dust all around Yoh9FYRnpsY-00037-00021192-00021760 it and you can bring that dust out with a deep integration meaning lots of total time it has a Yoh9FYRnpsY-00038-00021760-00022248 companion which is the running man and the running man is really just as beautiful as orion itself Yoh9FYRnpsY-00039-00022320-00022840 lastly the whole constellation of orion is full of amazing nebulae you can just start with orion Yoh9FYRnpsY-00040-00022840-00023328 and go from there it's well situated for most of the world at negative five degrees declination Yoh9FYRnpsY-00041-00023328-00023760 here in the north it's definitely a winter object so depending on where you live Yoh9FYRnpsY-00042-00023760-00024272 you may have to brave the snow and cold temperatures but it's well worth it well i Yoh9FYRnpsY-00043-00024272-00024880 hope you enjoyed my list i'm sure there'll be some strong opinions about what i included or left off Yoh9FYRnpsY-00044-00024880-00025895 feel free to share in the comments till next time this is nico carver from nebula photos clear skies Y02FC8127ly-00000-00000000-00000249 This is the worst scene in BFDI history Y02FC8127ly-00001-00000249-00000415 Let me just show you why Y02FC8127ly-00002-00000415-00000570 Oh look they all escaped Y02FC8127ly-00003-00000570-00000668 or did they? Y02FC8127ly-00004-00000668-00000756 Look at that, there's Loser Y02FC8127ly-00005-00000756-00000926 And LOSER'S ALL ANYONE CARES ABOUT Y02FC8127ly-00006-00000926-00001220 HEY WHAT ABOUT STAPY, LIY, and like, the other ones Y02FC8127ly-00007-00001220-00001477 Like, ALL ANYONE CARES ABOUT IS LOSER Y02FC8127ly-00008-00001477-00001679 A character I can't stand in the first place Y02FC8127ly-00009-00001679-00001887 [something i said got cut off], and four is mad wow Y02FC8127ly-00010-00001887-00002055 and now four's just- Y02FC8127ly-00011-00002055-00002188 BITCH JUST JUMP OUT Y02FC8127ly-00012-00002215-00002432 BRACELETY, YOU COULD EASILY JUMP OUT Y02FC8127ly-00013-00002478-00002578 OH MY GOD Y02FC8127ly-00014-00002578-00002932 YOU TOO, LIY, STAPY, DAVID AND DORA, JUST JUMP OUT Y02FC8127ly-00015-00002932-00003031 LIKE LOSER DID Y02FC8127ly-00016-00003045-00003095 LIKE WH- Y02FC8127ly-00017-00003119-00003196 WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM Y02FC8127ly-00018-00003196-00003296 WHY ARE YOU JUST- Y02FC8127ly-00019-00003330-00003500 JUST LETTING FOUR- WHAT?? Y02FC8127ly-00020-00003539-00003730 WHY ARENT YOU JUST JUMPING OUT Y02FC8127ly-00021-00003730-00003909 WHAT THE HELL IS THIS- Y02FC8127ly-00022-00003920-00004047 -WITH THIS SCENE?? Y02FC8127ly-00023-00004070-00004345 And they're just- they're all just pulling, this is just ridiculous Y02FC8127ly-00024-00004345-00004683 like, there's like 30 people- or 40 people all just pull- Y8h2_38qBO8-00000-00000257-00000599 To view browsing history on an iPad in Chrome. Y8h2_38qBO8-00001-00000599-00000717 Open Chrome. Y8h2_38qBO8-00002-00000717-00000934 Click on the "New Tab" icon. Y8h2_38qBO8-00003-00000934-00001079 Click on history. Y8h2_38qBO8-00004-00001079-00001200 Select a website to open it Y8JBjKu5u6g-00000-00000208-00000349 [background music] Y8JBjKu5u6g-00001-00000366-00000454 Hello, how are you? Welcome once again. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00002-00000459-00000578 I am doctor Marco. Today, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00003-00000589-00000750 we will continue with our classes in pharmacology, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00004-00000759-00000864 and we will talk about Y8JBjKu5u6g-00005-00000895-00001134 the drugs used to regulate high blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00006-00001172-00001381 Specifically, we will talk about drugs that target Y8JBjKu5u6g-00007-00001390-00001538 renin angiotensin aldosterone system. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00008-00001574-00001845 We fully covered the renin angiotensin aldosterone system in one of the classes, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00009-00001862-00002098 and you can find the link to that class in the description down below. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00010-00002146-00002389 Today, I am not going to go into details explanations about how the systems words. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00011-00002422-00002655 Today, I will focus on how the drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00012-00002665-00002766 that target this system work. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00013-00002785-00003003 For example, drugs like ACE inhibitors which is a well-known drug Y8JBjKu5u6g-00014-00003030-00003207 also known as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00015-00003243-00003455 and angiotensin II receptor blockers, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00016-00003461-00003575 also known as ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00017-00003617-00003753 So, this is our topic for the day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00018-00003769-00003875 I hope you will get familiar with it, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00019-00003909-00004023 and if you have any doubt, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00020-00004033-00004216 you can leave a comment down below. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00021-00004247-00004549 We will talk about losartan and other antihypertensives. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00022-00004568-00004707 We will cover all the good, the bad, and the ugly. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00023-00004783-00005026 In this video, we will talk about antihypertensives, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00024-00005044-00005285 but specifically about those that target Y8JBjKu5u6g-00025-00005291-00005466 the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00026-00005510-00005769 In other words, we will mainly talk about ACE inhibitors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00027-00005805-00005983 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00028-00006024-00006336 and Angiotensin II receptor blockers Y8JBjKu5u6g-00029-00006361-00006474 or ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00030-00006565-00006913 Later, we will have another video about other antihypertensive drugs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00031-00006923-00007114 I also highly recommend you to check out Y8JBjKu5u6g-00032-00007148-00007345 the video on hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00033-00007358-00007529 It's a short and animated video Y8JBjKu5u6g-00034-00007570-00007823 that will help you understand a little about what hypertension is Y8JBjKu5u6g-00035-00007851-00008047 and why it is so important to receive Y8JBjKu5u6g-00036-00008085-00008251 adequate treatment for it. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00037-00008348-00008590 These are drugs that target Y8JBjKu5u6g-00038-00008602-00008813 the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis Y8JBjKu5u6g-00039-00008849-00009075 and block the function of Y8JBjKu5u6g-00040-00009111-00009317 this cycle or axis. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00041-00009387-00009627 They block many of Y8JBjKu5u6g-00042-00009639-00009791 the physiological processes Y8JBjKu5u6g-00043-00009828-00010211 associated with the axis, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00044-00010241-00010500 which has many positive effects, such as lowering blood pressure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00045-00010535-00010654 and controlling hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00046-00010691-00011025 Also, it's used in patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00047-00011057-00011264 with specific pathologies as the drugs have positive effects Y8JBjKu5u6g-00048-00011273-00011374 on the cardiovascular system. We will go through that as well. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00049-00011405-00011665 However, blocking this axis Y8JBjKu5u6g-00050-00011675-00011880 can also have negative effects. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00051-00011914-00011989 For example, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00052-00011997-00012254 the concentration of potassium Y8JBjKu5u6g-00053-00012292-00012518 in the blood. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00054-00012662-00013049 In addition to lowering Y8JBjKu5u6g-00055-00013056-00013264 the blood pressure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00056-00013305-00013489 these drugs also have potent synergies Y8JBjKu5u6g-00057-00013499-00013657 with other antihypertensives. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00058-00013704-00013946 If the drugs are adequately combined, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00059-00013953-00014080 for example, with diuretics, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00060-00014128-00014429 this results in very good blood pressure control Y8JBjKu5u6g-00061-00014464-00014583 and also very good control Y8JBjKu5u6g-00062-00014619-00014818 of the adverse events. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00063-00014886-00015171 This is one of the main pharmacological treatments Y8JBjKu5u6g-00064-00015180-00015281 currently used Y8JBjKu5u6g-00065-00015308-00015549 to control hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00066-00015583-00015779 We specifically use these in cases when hypertension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00067-00015823-00016037 is hard to control Y8JBjKu5u6g-00068-00016077-00016439 or in patients with cardiovascular risk factors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00069-00016510-00016679 where we have fatality risk, heart attack risk, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00070-00016702-00016871 or risk of some other complications of hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00071-00016948-00017118 However, we will see that these synergies Y8JBjKu5u6g-00072-00017150-00017313 can also lead the patient Y8JBjKu5u6g-00073-00017324-00017478 to experience hypotension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00074-00017513-00017614 more frequently, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00075-00017640-00017922 which, of course, is one of the main adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00076-00017955-00018210 of any type of antihypertensive drug. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00077-00018305-00018499 Finally, in addition to this key element, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00078-00018534-00018926 which is the control of arterial hypertension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00079-00018975-00019146 these drugs also play a central role Y8JBjKu5u6g-00080-00019155-00019391 in managing other cardiovascular pathologies. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00081-00019440-00019812 They are mainly used in patients who have already suffered a heart attack Y8JBjKu5u6g-00082-00019866-00020198 to prevent the onset of heart failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00083-00020272-00020599 also the management of patients with heart failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00084-00020698-00021036 and in some patients with kidney failure, especially if kidney failure is Y8JBjKu5u6g-00085-00021071-00021375 connected to diabetes or caused by diabetes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00086-00021422-00021593 What is the origin of these drugs? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00087-00021682-00021978 Basically, in the 50s, as we mentioned before, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00088-00022000-00022361 there was a great discovery in cardiovascular sciences. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00089-00022410-00022719 The studies showed that the angiotensin-converting enzyme, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00090-00022729-00022871 also known as ACE, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00091-00022940-00023255 was responsible for the activation of the powerful vasoconstrictor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00092-00023262-00023452 angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00093-00023545-00023892 This drug, angiotensin II, or rather this hormone, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00094-00023900-00024092 is one of the main agents in charge Y8JBjKu5u6g-00095-00024131-00024423 of the blood vessels' tone and regulates how closed Y8JBjKu5u6g-00096-00024460-00024562 the arteries are. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00097-00024606-00024901 Therefore, it is capable of controlling blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00098-00024940-00025050 Also, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00099-00025067-00025358 angiotensin II is responsible for producing aldosterone, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00100-00025389-00025577 which is the last phase in this axis. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00101-00025618-00025755 Aldosterone is responsible Y8JBjKu5u6g-00102-00025795-00026000 for eliminating Y8JBjKu5u6g-00103-00026058-00026396 a certain amount of electrolytes, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00104-00026474-00026880 controlling and balancing the levels of sodium, potassium, water, and other things. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00105-00026999-00027161 Later, in 1968, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00106-00027195-00027341 Dr. John Vane's team Y8JBjKu5u6g-00107-00027375-00027650 discovered that the venom of the Brazilian snake Y8JBjKu5u6g-00108-00027670-00027782 Bothrops jararaca Y8JBjKu5u6g-00109-00027814-00028188 inhibits the function of this enzyme, sticks to this enzyme, and paralyzes it. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00110-00028239-00028443 In fact, this is how the snake Y8JBjKu5u6g-00111-00028450-00028570 poisons its prey. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00112-00028609-00028876 The venom generates severe hypotension because angiotensin production is disabled, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00113-00028913-00029151 and this kills the prey. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00114-00029280-00029549 In 1975, after continually testing Y8JBjKu5u6g-00115-00029583-00029880 various compounds looking for something similar Y8JBjKu5u6g-00116-00029921-00030044 to the Brazilian snake's venom, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00117-00030077-00030196 they found captopril, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00118-00030233-00030588 which is the first synthetic inhibitor of ACE. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00119-00030644-00030995 This was the first ACEI, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00120-00031034-00031237 to be released on the market. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00121-00031299-00031610 We began using it in 1981 Y8JBjKu5u6g-00122-00031661-00031821 to manage hypertension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00123-00031850-00032024 but it was used in very high doses. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00124-00032092-00032356 At that time, they thought that Y8JBjKu5u6g-00125-00032372-00032696 angiotensin doesn't have such an important role Y8JBjKu5u6g-00126-00032729-00032961 in the control of hypertension. They thought that if you take it, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00127-00032995-00033266 you will just get figures for normal blood pressure. In other words, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00128-00033302-00033555 they thought it has more of a physiological effect rather than Y8JBjKu5u6g-00129-00033588-00033724 actually having an effect on certain pathological conditions. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00130-00033867-00034107 Very high doses were used to lower blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00131-00034137-00034457 As a result, many patients who got this drug for the first time Y8JBjKu5u6g-00132-00034490-00034687 experienced hypotension, which was sometimes severe Y8JBjKu5u6g-00133-00034721-00034838 and difficult to control, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00134-00034870-00035224 causing more problems in patients with certain conditions, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00135-00035261-00035587 such as patients with heart failure history Y8JBjKu5u6g-00136-00035620-00035732 or other cardiovascular problems. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00137-00035777-00035893 In 1982, they began investigating Y8JBjKu5u6g-00138-00035988-00036331 these ACEI drugs and the ARA II, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00139-00036436-00036681 which came a little later. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00140-00036717-00036864 They were trying to find a drug Y8JBjKu5u6g-00141-00036877-00037050 that has a better safety profile. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00142-00037097-00037517 Still, both pharmacological groups ended up being practically proscribed Y8JBjKu5u6g-00143-00037562-00037787 for the majority of patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00144-00037835-00038204 who had heart failure or other cardiovascular diseases Y8JBjKu5u6g-00145-00038247-00038523 since the drugs caused severe hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00146-00038566-00038775 Also, as we will see a little later, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00147-00038809-00038969 there is a high risk Y8JBjKu5u6g-00148-00039024-00039205 of potassium elevation, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00149-00039240-00039426 which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias Y8JBjKu5u6g-00150-00039477-00039751 and low levels of calcium in some combinations. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00151-00039802-00040006 Both fluid and electrolyte disorders Y8JBjKu5u6g-00152-00040042-00040257 can be fatal for a patient with a heart condition. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00153-00040308-00040599 Since they used such high doses at that time, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00154-00040638-00040948 the drugs turned out to be impractical. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00155-00041062-00041383 In 1986, they decided to lower Y8JBjKu5u6g-00156-00041420-00041643 the dose of all ACEIs. Just to give you an idea, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00157-00041675-00041974 at that time, the dose was 1,000 milligrams a day, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00158-00042008-00042112 which now we will see Y8JBjKu5u6g-00159-00042136-00042302 is completely crazy, but hey-ho. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00160-00042421-00042720 They did begin to change their strategy, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00161-00042728-00042831 and the lifespan of the drugs increased. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00162-00042877-00043107 Captopril, which was the first drug to be used, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00163-00043140-00043334 has a very, very short half-life Y8JBjKu5u6g-00164-00043340-00043527 and has to be administered every six hours Y8JBjKu5u6g-00165-00043597-00043795 or sometimes even more frequently. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00166-00043836-00044074 On the other hand, Enalapril Y8JBjKu5u6g-00167-00044081-00044209 has a longer half-life, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00168-00044243-00044510 and it needs to be administrated only once a day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00169-00044602-00044925 Later, in 1987, since the doses were adjusted, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00170-00044933-00045042 and we gained more experience Y8JBjKu5u6g-00171-00045075-00045360 with managing the adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00172-00045370-00045474 of these drugs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00173-00045519-00045703 the CONSENSUS study was published. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00174-00045738-00045990 The CONSENSUS study changes the way Y8JBjKu5u6g-00175-00046020-00046232 cardiovascular disease, specifically Y8JBjKu5u6g-00176-00046250-00046370 heart failure, is treated. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00177-00046406-00046582 The study demonstrated a mortality rate Y8JBjKu5u6g-00178-00046616-00046795 reduced by 31% Y8JBjKu5u6g-00179-00046830-00046954 in heart failure patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00180-00046984-00047400 even at low doses. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00181-00047454-00047759 Of every 10 patients who died of heart failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00182-00047802-00047935 three of those 10 patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00183-00047969-00048320 were saved in that first year. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00184-00048465-00048620 Of course, this was quite a turnaround. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00185-00048665-00048859 At that time, heart failure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00186-00048889-00048997 was extremely lethal, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00187-00049009-00049238 and so it is still today, unfortunately. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00188-00049287-00049380 However, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00189-00049391-00049668 a mortality rate reduced by 31% reduction Y8JBjKu5u6g-00190-00049688-00049809 was extremely Y8JBjKu5u6g-00191-00049841-00050058 important for these patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00192-00050176-00050524 Later, in 1992, the SAVE study and the SOLVD study were published, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00193-00050566-00050920 showing a 20% reduction of mortality rate Y8JBjKu5u6g-00194-00050958-00051201 in myocardial infarction cases caused by the left ventricular dysfunction; Y8JBjKu5u6g-00195-00051235-00051393 that is, cardiac ischemia Y8JBjKu5u6g-00196-00051443-00051731 in the left ventricle. The left ventricle is Y8JBjKu5u6g-00197-00051764-00052022 in charge of pumping the blood into the body, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00198-00052123-00052464 as you might have seen in the video where we talked about the heart as a pump. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00199-00052499-00052760 I will also leave the link here above Y8JBjKu5u6g-00200-00052855-00053053 for you to see why the left ventricle is so important Y8JBjKu5u6g-00201-00053061-00053211 for the heart function. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00202-00053350-00053619 If a patient has a heart attack and the left ventricle Y8JBjKu5u6g-00203-00053649-00053941 stopped working, the mortality rate Y8JBjKu5u6g-00204-00053977-00054100 is extremely high. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00205-00054141-00054392 However, if we gave an ACEI to the patient, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00206-00054480-00054751 the mortality is reduced by 20%, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00207-00054854-00055167 and in the case of heart failure caused by left ventricular dysfunction, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00208-00055187-00055329 the mortality rate is decreased by 29%. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00209-00055375-00055499 Here, we are already beginning to see Y8JBjKu5u6g-00210-00055531-00055802 the positive effects that ACEIs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00211-00055842-00055992 and ARA II can have Y8JBjKu5u6g-00212-00056035-00056312 on the left ventricle in particular. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00213-00056344-00056501 To repeat, this is the muscular part of the heart, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00214-00056534-00056768 and it's our heart's pump. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00215-00056934-00057130 At the end of the 90s, they began to study the effects of these drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00216-00057138-00057274 in patients with kidney damage. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00217-00057341-00057644 The studies showed that the speed Y8JBjKu5u6g-00218-00057682-00057960 at which the kidney stopped working went down, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00219-00058018-00058218 especially in patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00220-00058249-00058497 with kidney failure or damage associated with diabetes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00221-00058548-00058763 Clearance rates improved, or rather, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00222-00058802-00058966 it took longer for a patient Y8JBjKu5u6g-00223-00058977-00059204 to develop low creatinine clearance. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00224-00059233-00059436 Likewise, it took longer for the patient Y8JBjKu5u6g-00225-00059469-00059682 to present with proteinuria in urine, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00226-00059710-00059939 and we were able to maintain kidney function Y8JBjKu5u6g-00227-00059988-00060239 for longer periods of time. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00228-00060279-00060459 This also refers specifically to patients with diabetes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00229-00060472-00060629 We will see later Y8JBjKu5u6g-00230-00060667-00060859 that these same drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00231-00060901-00061105 can actually be counterproductive Y8JBjKu5u6g-00232-00061148-00061372 or increase kidney damage in other types of kidney failure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00233-00061408-00061582 This is why they have to be used very carefully. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00234-00061675-00061895 Today, the drug is still used mainly to manage Y8JBjKu5u6g-00235-00061909-00062014 hypertension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00236-00062041-00062205 and heart failures, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00237-00062285-00062601 commonly associated with a heart attack. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00238-00062613-00062728 In other words, it occurs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00239-00062750-00062851 after a heart attack. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00240-00062883-00063127 Of course, any patient with heart failure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00241-00063169-00063591 can receive these medicines. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00242-00063688-00064149 Also, these drugs are used for kidney failure or damage associated with diabetes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00243-00064190-00064440 Again, the use of this drug for other types of kidney failures Y8JBjKu5u6g-00244-00064465-00064729 is slightly controversial, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00245-00064762-00065020 although there could be some positive effects. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00246-00065141-00065509 Now, to understand how ACE inhibitors Y8JBjKu5u6g-00247-00065546-00065647 and ARBs work, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00248-00065683-00065787 we have to understand how Y8JBjKu5u6g-00249-00065797-00066033 the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis works. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00250-00066090-00066343 In this video, I will not go into details Y8JBjKu5u6g-00251-00066352-00066602 because we already have a whole video about the physiology Y8JBjKu5u6g-00252-00066637-00066790 of this very important system. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00253-00066827-00067093 I will leave the link at the top here Y8JBjKu5u6g-00254-00067126-00067236 so that you can refer to that video. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00255-00067257-00067586 I suggest you check it out before watching this video concerning pharmacology Y8JBjKu5u6g-00256-00067603-00067782 because if not, you may not understand much about Y8JBjKu5u6g-00257-00067809-00068167 the adverse events and physiological effects. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00258-00068235-00068604 Just to give you a brief overview, we have angiotensinogen Y8JBjKu5u6g-00259-00068643-00068890 in our blood all our life, which is a prehormone. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00260-00068969-00069191 Then, there is a hormone called Y8JBjKu5u6g-00261-00069205-00069481 renin that the kidney produces. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00262-00069519-00069817 Thanks to renin, angiotensinogen can convert Y8JBjKu5u6g-00263-00069858-00069975 into angiotensin, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00264-00070041-00070241 specifically angiotensin I, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00265-00070282-00070483 which does not stick to angiotensin receptors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00266-00070489-00070746 and it doesn't have almost any biological effect. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00267-00070798-00071047 First, we get angiotensin I. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00268-00071085-00071365 Then, some organs in the body, mainly the kidneys, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00269-00071401-00071533 blood vessels, heart Y8JBjKu5u6g-00270-00071568-00071877 have the angiotensin-converting enzyme. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00271-00071925-00072184 Then, angiotensin-converting enzyme converts Y8JBjKu5u6g-00272-00072200-00072375 angiotensin I Y8JBjKu5u6g-00273-00072412-00072568 into angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00274-00072615-00072802 Basically, angiotensin II Y8JBjKu5u6g-00275-00072837-00073121 then goes through the body, sticks on the organs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00276-00073158-00073475 such as the kidney, heart, brain, blood vessels, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00277-00073515-00073680 also adrenal gland, etc. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00278-00073713-00073899 It sticks to the angiotensin II receptors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00279-00073942-00074178 and this does have biological effects. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00280-00074327-00074596 We can block this process Y8JBjKu5u6g-00281-00074626-00074728 by taking ACE inhibitor, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00282-00074763-00074868 the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00283-00074905-00075151 that sticks to ACE Y8JBjKu5u6g-00284-00075160-00075298 and does not allow angiotensin I Y8JBjKu5u6g-00285-00075334-00075699 to convert to angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00286-00075780-00076131 Because of the way in which Y8JBjKu5u6g-00287-00076163-00076358 the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis works, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00288-00076401-00076639 over-accumulation of renin can occur Y8JBjKu5u6g-00289-00076673-00076934 in patients with hyperreninemia, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00290-00076983-00077245 and in some cases-- This is not so frequent, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00291-00077251-00077351 but in some cases, ACE inhibitor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00292-00077363-00077637 doesn't have the expected Y8JBjKu5u6g-00293-00077675-00077776 antihypertensive effect Y8JBjKu5u6g-00294-00077790-00078083 but in turn, can cause paradoxical hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00295-00078121-00078369 Basically, in this case, ACE inhibitor directly causes hypertension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00296-00078378-00078767 because of the over-accumulation of renin and angiotensin I. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00297-00078834-00079043 There is another disadvantage. The ACE, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00298-00079076-00079320 for example, can also over-accumulate in the lungs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00299-00079373-00079617 In addition to converting angiotensin I Y8JBjKu5u6g-00300-00079627-00079745 to angiotensin II, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00301-00079784-00079969 it is also responsible for eliminating, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00302-00080015-00080387 eicosanoid, one of the inflammation molecules Y8JBjKu5u6g-00303-00080424-00080672 also known as bradykinin. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00304-00080723-00081087 If it accumulates, this can lead to inflammation Y8JBjKu5u6g-00305-00081143-00081318 as it becomes overly present in the lungs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00306-00081352-00081462 ACE inhibitors can lead Y8JBjKu5u6g-00307-00081481-00081781 to the accumulation of bradykinin in some patients, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00308-00081816-00081980 which results in a cough. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00309-00082022-00082278 This is one of the most frequent adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00310-00082312-00082634 and even the most bothersome adverse event that patients taking Y8JBjKu5u6g-00311-00082639-00082763 an ACE inhibitor can experience. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00312-00082862-00083127 Furthermore, bradykinin can accumulate in other areas as well. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00313-00083135-00083247 We already mentioned that ACE Y8JBjKu5u6g-00314-00083280-00083434 is in all blood vessels, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00315-00083491-00083656 and this can lead to Y8JBjKu5u6g-00316-00083691-00083868 overall "inflation," Y8JBjKu5u6g-00317-00083913-00084118 and the patient can present with angioedema. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00318-00084130-00084431 That is, certain parts of the body, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00319-00084467-00084620 hands, mouth, and face become inflamed. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00320-00084664-00084866 In very severe angioedema cases, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00321-00084903-00085258 the airway can swell and close, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00322-00085275-00085429 and the patient has to be intubated Y8JBjKu5u6g-00323-00085440-00085567 to maintain airflow. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00324-00085633-00085985 This is the most severe adverse event Y8JBjKu5u6g-00325-00086029-00086129 that can occur with ACE inhibitors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00326-00086158-00086368 mainly with ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00327-00086414-00086751 It is not so frequent, but, of course, it requires hospitalization. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00328-00086768-00087071 Fortunately, this is extremely rare, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00329-00087123-00087257 but it is something Y8JBjKu5u6g-00330-00087265-00087452 that we have to consider and that we have to think about Y8JBjKu5u6g-00331-00087495-00087649 when treating our patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00332-00087722-00087859 On the other hand, if we do want renin, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00333-00087876-00088168 angiotensin, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00334-00088252-00088431 and aldosterone axis to convert, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00335-00088456-00088590 our second option is, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00336-00088629-00088962 "Well, I'm going to allow angiotensin I to convert into angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00337-00088997-00089132 I'm not going to block ACE., Y8JBjKu5u6g-00338-00089176-00089462 but I am going to put a plug on angiotensin II Y8JBjKu5u6g-00339-00089496-00089812 using an angiotensin II receptor blocker." Y8JBjKu5u6g-00340-00089860-00090088 Obviously, no plug would be put onto angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00341-00090105-00090381 This is just an example for educational purposes. Again, there is more information Y8JBjKu5u6g-00342-00090398-00090820 in the other video about the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00343-00090847-00091231 Angiotensin II receptor blockers go through the whole body, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00344-00091248-00091563 find angiotensin II receptors, and block them, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00345-00091684-00092389 which does not allow angiotensin II to have its biological effect. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00346-00092449-00092698 This has certain advantages because renin Y8JBjKu5u6g-00347-00092732-00092870 and angiotensin I do not accumulate, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00348-00092908-00093231 and bradykinin can be eliminated with ACE, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00349-00093277-00093521 making certain medications, in quotation marks, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00350-00093564-00093846 "safer and more effective." Y8JBjKu5u6g-00351-00093881-00094175 Again, ACE inhibitors work perfectly well in some patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00352-00094192-00094293 The patients live very comfortably, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00353-00094322-00094605 their blood pressure is under control, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00354-00094622-00094885 and there are other positive effects as well, for example, in the case of heart failure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00355-00094911-00095211 However, there are other things to consider Y8JBjKu5u6g-00356-00095250-00095425 that do not fall under the realm of Angiotensin II receptor blockers. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00357-00095503-00095814 Now, to understand what it is that we are blocking, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00358-00095820-00096146 we need to ask ourselves what are the effects of angiotensin II? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00359-00096171-00096398 The most important one concerns the heart. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00360-00096503-00096729 For example, it causes vasoconstriction in the blood vessels, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00361-00096764-00097063 which is the main blood pressure control mechanism. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00362-00097097-00097361 If we block it, the blood vessels open, dilate, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00363-00097422-00097641 and in theory, the blood pressure lowers. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00364-00097761-00097915 We also have positive inotropic drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00365-00097924-00098139 for the heart, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00366-00098176-00098557 which force the left ventricle to beat harder. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00367-00098611-00098838 Basically, they force it to work overtime. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00368-00098889-00099135 Furthermore, when the left ventricle works off the extra hours, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00369-00099170-00099406 this leads to hypertrophy and fibrosis, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00370-00099445-00099695 just like it happens with any muscle that continuously works and works. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00371-00099741-00099843 This, of course, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00372-00099889-00100176 can be good in the short term Y8JBjKu5u6g-00373-00100208-00100414 when the body needs to deal Y8JBjKu5u6g-00374-00100453-00100824 with something, such as bleeding, stress, sepsis, or whatever. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00375-00100877-00101180 However, if this goes on for an extended period of time, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00376-00101218-00101414 it can lead to hypertrophy and fibrosis, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00377-00101449-00101691 and later, it can lead to left ventricle dysfunction. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00378-00101733-00101974 In other words, the left ventricle stops working properly, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00379-00102009-00102250 and the heart failure condition worsens. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00380-00102294-00102500 A patient who is, for example, recovering from a heart attack Y8JBjKu5u6g-00381-00102511-00102626 cannot recover Y8JBjKu5u6g-00382-00102661-00102887 because their heart is basically working too hard, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00383-00102928-00103066 and this results in fibrosis. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00384-00103205-00103436 Another effect concerns the kidneys, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00385-00103447-00103628 specifically the tubules Y8JBjKu5u6g-00386-00103668-00103959 and the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00387-00104016-00104223 What will happen here is that angiotensin II Y8JBjKu5u6g-00388-00104232-00104369 will cause sodium reabsorption Y8JBjKu5u6g-00389-00104410-00104579 accompanied by water. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00390-00104622-00104869 The blood vessels get filled with large quantities of water, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00391-00104926-00105108 and renal vasoconstriction occurs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00392-00105145-00105395 This way, the blood pumps stronger into the kidneys. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00393-00105429-00105732 This eliminates unwanted water Y8JBjKu5u6g-00394-00105743-00105869 or waste Y8JBjKu5u6g-00395-00105910-00106179 and helps maintain renal perfusion. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00396-00106185-00106350 In other words, the blood reaches the kidneys, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00397-00106391-00106995 and our kidneys are able to survive some trauma or stress. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00398-00107012-00107218 This is also enables mesangial contraction, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00399-00107239-00107396 which is also explained in the other video, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00400-00107403-00107790 Mesangial contraction changes how our kidneys eliminate certain substances. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00401-00107828-00108098 In addition to these two, angiotensin II Y8JBjKu5u6g-00402-00108133-00108322 can also stimulate the production of aldosterone. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00403-00108372-00108704 Aldosterone is a specific kidney hormone Y8JBjKu5u6g-00404-00108740-00109155 that helps eliminate potassium, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00405-00109164-00109363 and it has its role in the reabsorption of sodium Y8JBjKu5u6g-00406-00109370-00109516 and water reabsorption. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00407-00109608-00109855 All these effects are the effects of angiotensin II. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00408-00109894-00110131 If we block it, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00409-00110170-00110473 this will lead the kidney to eliminate a little more water Y8JBjKu5u6g-00410-00110551-00110958 because without aldosterone there is no sodium reabsorption. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00411-00110994-00111229 Also, potassium retainment can occur. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00412-00111236-00111451 In other words, the body cannot eliminate enough potassium. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00413-00111499-00111883 There is a slightly higher tendency towards Y8JBjKu5u6g-00414-00111923-00112285 increased potassium levels Y8JBjKu5u6g-00415-00112310-00112477 in the patients taking ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00416-00112557-00112887 Also, they tend to experience vascular volume changes, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00417-00112900-00113096 which is, of course, associated with vascular tone. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00418-00113141-00113427 All of this is important to take into consideration Y8JBjKu5u6g-00419-00113442-00113738 when prescribing these drugs to patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00420-00113845-00114180 Now, what are the indications for the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00421-00114196-00114550 They are most commonly used in patients with systemic hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00422-00114575-00114741 According to the most current guidelines, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00423-00114762-00115262 ACE inhibitors and ARBs are first-line drugs for managing hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00424-00115380-00115691 As for the other indications for these drugs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00425-00115715-00115865 they are also used in patients with heart failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00426-00115882-00116178 especially when heart failure is associated with Y8JBjKu5u6g-00427-00116200-00116380 left ventricular dysfunction. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00428-00116428-00116812 We have already discussed this. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00429-00116829-00117072 If I have heart failure, and my heart is not working 100% already, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00430-00117117-00117403 one would think, "Well, I have to stimulate it as much as possible Y8JBjKu5u6g-00431-00117441-00117623 so that the perfusion is maintained." Y8JBjKu5u6g-00432-00117665-00118034 However, suppose we decrease the burden on the ventricle, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00433-00118062-00118255 try to help the ventricle function, and say, "You know what? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00434-00118270-00118517 Take it easy. Don't work so hard." Y8JBjKu5u6g-00435-00118566-00118964 This will delay the onset of fibrosis and hypertrophy. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00436-00119000-00119181 In the long term, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00437-00119205-00119470 this improves cardiac cells' survival Y8JBjKu5u6g-00438-00119501-00119655 and, of course, the patient's condition. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00439-00119741-00119970 The same goes for post-myocardial infarction. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00440-00119983-00120142 In other words, the patient had a heart attack. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00441-00120165-00120392 If the patient does not have hypotension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00442-00120408-00120664 the same applies to heart failure cases Y8JBjKu5u6g-00443-00120707-00120969 when there is an exacerbation. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00444-00120983-00121158 If a patient does not have hypotension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00445-00121191-00121402 that is, his blood pressure is not too low, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00446-00121429-00121725 I can give him an ACE inhibitor and an ARB drug, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00447-00121761-00122042 which prolongs the lifespan of the heart, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00448-00122052-00122255 specifically the left ventricle. Logically, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00449-00122292-00122498 this is good for patients in the long run. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00450-00122529-00122673 Again, I am not saying here Y8JBjKu5u6g-00451-00122685-00122857 that all patients with heart failure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00452-00122871-00123018 or post-myocardial infarction Y8JBjKu5u6g-00453-00123038-00123338 should immediately receive an ACEI inhibitor or an ARB drug. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00454-00123364-00123643 I am only saying that it is one of the possible treatments Y8JBjKu5u6g-00455-00123659-00123830 and long-term management options. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00456-00123938-00124151 When prescribing the medication, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00457-00124180-00124394 we must consider arterial volume and pressure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00458-00124425-00124733 renal function, and other things Y8JBjKu5u6g-00459-00124788-00125097 to find an adequate treatment for that patient. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00460-00125174-00125316 Talking about kidney failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00461-00125338-00125566 in patients with kidney failure, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00462-00125599-00125759 specifically the one caused Y8JBjKu5u6g-00463-00125787-00126067 by diabetes, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00464-00126114-00126538 we can protect the kidneys with ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00465-00126580-00126855 This indication is the least-- Y8JBjKu5u6g-00466-00126915-00127104 It is not approved in some places, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00467-00127147-00127392 and it has to be handled very carefully. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00468-00127461-00127718 Still, more and more studies show Y8JBjKu5u6g-00469-00127741-00127877 that it can delay proteinuria, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00470-00127904-00128157 the loss of kidney function, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00471-00128182-00128394 and it can play a nephroprotective role. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00472-00128428-00128585 This indication for kidney failure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00473-00128598-00128796 should be taken with a grain of salt, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00474-00128847-00129060 but it is one of the emerging indications Y8JBjKu5u6g-00475-00129095-00129283 for the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00476-00129406-00129598 Now, what are the most common adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00477-00129610-00129807 that we associate Y8JBjKu5u6g-00478-00129840-00130038 with the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00479-00130170-00130471 The first and the most important adverse event is hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00480-00130508-00130891 Logically, in all patients with hypertension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00481-00130924-00131162 the aim is to lower blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00482-00131191-00131330 However, these drugs can also cause arterial hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00483-00131386-00131661 This occurs when ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin II receptor blockers Y8JBjKu5u6g-00484-00131740-00132095 are used at a higher dose, but high doses are not given frequently anymore. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00485-00132127-00132352 Hypotension as an adverse event occurred more often in the past. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00486-00132359-00132505 Now, it doesn't happen very often, but it can happen, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00487-00132521-00132776 especially when combining these drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00488-00132785-00133200 with other diuretic antihypertensives or calcium channel blockers, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00489-00133225-00133570 which is not exactly a rare practice. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00490-00133608-00133891 Hence, in these cases, we should be careful about hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00491-00133908-00134060 There is also angioedema as an adverse event. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00492-00134077-00134407 As we said before, certain parts of the body become swell. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00493-00134435-00134552 This is rare, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00494-00134578-00134831 and severe angioedema is even more rare. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00495-00134842-00135013 However, it is something that Y8JBjKu5u6g-00496-00135049-00135321 mainly occurs when we use ACE inhibitors. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00497-00135354-00135517 When we use ARBs, not so much. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00498-00135631-00135981 This can lead to coughing, mainly because ACE inhibitors Y8JBjKu5u6g-00499-00136007-00136228 cause the accumulation of bradykinin. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00500-00136267-00136476 Again, this doesn't really happen if we use ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00501-00136495-00136767 It can occur sometimes, but it's uncommon. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00502-00136828-00137031 The cough usually lasts for six months, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00503-00137042-00137256 and then it goes away. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00504-00137281-00137519 However, there are patients who can never get rid of the cough Y8JBjKu5u6g-00505-00137555-00137873 no matter what they do. In these cases, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00506-00137900-00138131 and the patient's life quality with this drug is rather poor. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00507-00138246-00138528 The drug can also cause dysgeusia Y8JBjKu5u6g-00508-00138541-00138789 due to the alternations in aldosterone levels or some other electrolytes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00509-00138834-00139112 It can lead to taste changes in patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00510-00139143-00139321 Captopril is a very particular drug Y8JBjKu5u6g-00511-00139352-00139609 that crosses the blood-brain barrier Y8JBjKu5u6g-00512-00139645-00139987 and can even directly cause neuronal function changes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00513-00140030-00140299 Captopril is also associated with confusion, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00514-00140327-00140504 dizziness, and some other neurological disorders, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00515-00140521-00140800 which are not associated Y8JBjKu5u6g-00516-00140826-00141049 with the rest of ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00517-00141111-00141397 Of course, these drugs can also cause an increase in potassium levels. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00518-00141412-00141651 This is a relatively frequent adverse event, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00519-00141703-00142001 and it can be quite dangerous in some patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00520-00142040-00142342 For example, it's dangerous in patients who have cardiac and renal alterations. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00521-00142396-00142520 However, these drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00522-00142531-00142751 are prescribed precisely to those patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00523-00142776-00143089 Hence, potassium levels always have to be considered Y8JBjKu5u6g-00524-00143123-00143358 when evaluating patients who receive ACE inhibitors. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00525-00143427-00143648 The drugs can also cause low calcium levels, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00526-00143682-00143867 especially in combination Y8JBjKu5u6g-00527-00143875-00144083 with some other calcium-lowering drugs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00528-00144118-00144243 such as steroids. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00529-00144359-00144582 Dermatological reactions can also occur, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00530-00144600-00144744 just like with all medications. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00531-00144770-00145285 For example, rash, itching, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00532-00145302-00145518 or some other type of dermatological reaction. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00533-00145559-00145772 This brings us to dangerous combinations Y8JBjKu5u6g-00534-00145789-00145977 or dangerous interactions these drugs have with other medicines. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00535-00146025-00146193 First of all, we must be careful-- Y8JBjKu5u6g-00536-00146221-00146353 These are not the drugs that we should not combine. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00537-00146387-00146688 However, when we combine these drugs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00538-00146728-00147132 with other antihypertensives, this can initially lead to worse hypotension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00539-00147177-00147521 while the body is getting used to the drug and while we are trying to adjust the dose. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00540-00147574-00147776 If we combine these drugs with other antihypertensive drugs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00541-00147793-00148012 there could be a higher risk of hypotension, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00542-00148044-00148360 especially in patients who are taking diuretics. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00543-00148413-00148753 This happens to volume-depleted patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00544-00148786-00149078 because they take diuretics, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00545-00149109-00149364 have a hemorrhage, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00546-00149371-00149601 or are dehydrated, or something else happened to them. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00547-00149656-00149874 The low circulating volume Y8JBjKu5u6g-00548-00149916-00150424 blocks angiotensin II, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00549-00150447-00150688 which naturally closes blood vessels Y8JBjKu5u6g-00550-00150715-00150895 and increases renal perfusion. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00551-00151123-00151435 These things are also associated with high volumes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00552-00151465-00151711 If the volume is low, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00553-00151749-00152005 the blood vessels close to maintain perfusion. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00554-00152040-00152199 If the volume is low, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00555-00152230-00152390 the blood vessels close, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00556-00152403-00152617 and the kidneys are able to maintain perfusion. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00557-00152666-00152939 Angiotensin II naturally protects us Y8JBjKu5u6g-00558-00152963-00153196 from low circulating volumes. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00559-00153270-00153520 If the volume is low for one reason or another, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00560-00153532-00153744 and angiotensin is blocked, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00561-00153778-00154033 this can enhance the harmful effect Y8JBjKu5u6g-00562-00154225-00154457 of low volume and lead to hypotension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00563-00154504-00154815 and also, of course, lead to kidney damage. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00564-00154915-00155545 If angiotensin is blocked and circulating volume is low, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00565-00155598-00155821 kidney damage can occur. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00566-00155844-00156011 That is why ACE inhibitors and ARBs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00567-00156048-00156337 can directly cause kidney damage. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00568-00156406-00156576 In these specific circumstances, right. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00569-00156670-00157128 This can also occur in patients who already had kidney damage from some other cause. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00570-00157151-00157421 Then, if we prescribe ACE inhibitors and ARBs, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00571-00157434-00157648 and the patient's volume is low for some reason, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00572-00157683-00158041 this can rapidly and significantly worsen Y8JBjKu5u6g-00573-00158059-00158256 the existing damage to the kidneys. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00574-00158302-00158467 Hence, we should be careful Y8JBjKu5u6g-00575-00158497-00158659 with other antihypertensive drugs in general, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00576-00158685-00158932 specifically those Y8JBjKu5u6g-00577-00158962-00159181 that reduce the circulating volume. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00578-00159283-00159482 What else should we not combine with NSAIDs? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00579-00159495-00159803 NSAIDs naturally increase blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00580-00159841-00160015 In fact, you will see that NSAIDs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00581-00160040-00160173 will block the antihypertensive effects Y8JBjKu5u6g-00582-00160186-00160532 of all antihypertensive drugs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00583-00160588-00160900 A patient who has chronic pain that is being managed with NSAIDs-- Y8JBjKu5u6g-00584-00161041-00161358 It happens. I am not saying that it should happen, but it happens. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00585-00161406-00161577 The patient will naturally Y8JBjKu5u6g-00586-00161603-00161930 be resistant to antihypertensives' effects, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00587-00161960-00162085 and I will have to see Y8JBjKu5u6g-00588-00162121-00162310 how I can manage the patient's blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00589-00162345-00162483 Of course, that can lead me to prescribe higher doses Y8JBjKu5u6g-00590-00162501-00162754 of the antihypertensive Y8JBjKu5u6g-00591-00162795-00162991 and patient could have more adverse events. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00592-00163025-00163337 However, perhaps the solution for that patient Y8JBjKu5u6g-00593-00163361-00163660 was actually to stop taking the NSAID and switch to another pain medication. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00594-00163800-00163990 We also need to be careful Y8JBjKu5u6g-00595-00164000-00164189 with drugs that increase potassium. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00596-00164223-00164491 Spironolactone is the classic, of course. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00597-00164523-00164782 Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00598-00164949-00165324 This can lead to massive potassium overload. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00599-00165357-00165520 This will, of course, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00600-00165554-00165779 result in adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00601-00165791-00166009 caused by high levels of potassium, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00602-00166039-00166331 mainly cardiac arrhythmias, muscle disorders, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00603-00166368-00166469 and so on and so on. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00604-00166496-00166833 Finally, we have to be very careful when combining these drugs with steroids Y8JBjKu5u6g-00605-00166855-00167172 because they can enhance the hypocalcemic effect Y8JBjKu5u6g-00606-00167183-00167294 that these drugs have Y8JBjKu5u6g-00607-00167325-00167537 and lead to hypocalcemic attacks. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00608-00167569-00167701 This can be quite dangerous in patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00609-00167748-00168222 with heart or kidney problems. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00610-00168288-00168492 This is not only about interactions. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00611-00168513-00168692 Of course, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00612-00168707-00168822 each drug Y8JBjKu5u6g-00613-00168845-00169006 has its specific interactions, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00614-00169034-00169197 and I recommend that you research these interactions. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00615-00169225-00169448 These are very general interactions Y8JBjKu5u6g-00616-00169476-00169672 of these drugs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00617-00169812-00170045 Now, what are some examples of this group of drugs? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00618-00170076-00170322 We have two ACE inhibitors, captopril and enalapril, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00619-00170351-00170587 and two ARBs Y8JBjKu5u6g-00620-00170597-00170751 or angiotensin II receptor blockers, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00621-00170771-00170955 losartan and candesartan. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00622-00171000-00171204 Captopril is the first and the original drug of this kind. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00623-00171210-00171392 It's an extremely cheap drug Y8JBjKu5u6g-00624-00171416-00171688 and widely used in many, many countries. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00625-00171741-00172087 The dose starts from 12 milligrams to 20 milligrams every six hours. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00626-00172111-00172305 This is a big disadvantage of captopril. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00627-00172322-00172599 It has to be administrated very, very often. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00628-00172645-00172936 The dose can go up to 150 milligrams a day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00629-00172961-00173153 These are standard maintenance doses. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00630-00173183-00173553 Although there are even doses of up to 400 or 450 milligrams per day, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00631-00173578-00173718 which are mega-maximum doses, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00632-00173736-00174068 there are many adverse effects with these very high doses. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00633-00174126-00174384 Usually, such a high dose should not be reached. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00634-00174417-00174564 This maintenance dose Y8JBjKu5u6g-00635-00174630-00174906 is more commonly used. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00636-00174976-00175357 As for its characteristics, captopril is the first Y8JBjKu5u6g-00637-00175393-00175638 and the only drug among ACE inhibitors Y8JBjKu5u6g-00638-00175653-00175830 that crosses the blood-brain barrier almost freely. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00639-00175869-00176162 Therefore, it can have many neurological adverse effects, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00640-00176184-00176332 such as confusion, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00641-00176354-00176502 drowsiness, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00642-00176532-00176651 dizziness, etc. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00643-00176678-00177008 It is very important to consider this, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00644-00177038-00177223 especially in elderly patients, who are more vulnerable Y8JBjKu5u6g-00645-00177247-00177444 to antihypertensive effects Y8JBjKu5u6g-00646-00177493-00177704 and also neurological effects. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00647-00177737-00178077 This is why captopril is not usually recommended for elders, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00648-00178106-00178316 even though it's a cheap drug. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00649-00178445-00178694 The other drug is enalapril. The dose starts at 5 Y8JBjKu5u6g-00650-00178707-00178951 to 10 milligrams every 24 hours. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00651-00178984-00179259 The rest of the antihypertensives can be given once a day Y8JBjKu5u6g-00652-00179290-00179473 because they have a long half-life. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00653-00179530-00179873 The dose can be increased up to 40 milligrams a day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00654-00179908-00180084 Again, the longer half-life Y8JBjKu5u6g-00655-00180104-00180396 allows us to administer this drug only once a day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00656-00180470-00180878 Then, we have ARBs. Dose for Losartan starts at 25 to 50 milligrams Y8JBjKu5u6g-00657-00180894-00181193 once a day and goes up to 100 milligrams a day. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00658-00181220-00181577 Losartan is one of the only drugs of this type Y8JBjKu5u6g-00659-00181611-00181852 that is approved in children. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00660-00181879-00182025 It can be used in patients from seven years old and older. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00661-00182064-00182228 The drug is meant for patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00662-00182240-00182384 who have an alteration Y8JBjKu5u6g-00663-00182417-00182660 that causes hypertension. If this occurs in children, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00664-00182695-00183005 it is mostly severe. In these cases, we can have kidney alterations, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00665-00183043-00183574 even catecholamine-producing tumors, and so on. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00666-00183606-00183841 Losartan can be used in these patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00667-00183882-00184021 Finally, candesartan, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00668-00184051-00184285 8 to 16 milligrams once a day, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00669-00184306-00184583 and the dose can go up to 32 milligrams a day, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00670-00184612-00184846 and this is still considered as a tolerable dose. Again, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00671-00184865-00185035 the further we up a dose, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00672-00185064-00185309 the more adverse events occur Y8JBjKu5u6g-00673-00185339-00185517 in patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00674-00185639-00185954 In the end, we have some clinical pearls. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00675-00186001-00186357 The cough caused by ACE inhibitors usually lasts from one to six months, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00676-00186403-00186602 and ARBs typically do not cause cough. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00677-00186610-00186714 We had already discussed this, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00678-00186777-00186996 but it is important to mention Y8JBjKu5u6g-00679-00187009-00187197 that there are patients who never get rid of this cough Y8JBjKu5u6g-00680-00187230-00187343 caused by ACE inhibitors. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00681-00187366-00187560 Then, it is necessary to switch to another drug. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00682-00187594-00187769 The good thing is, if a patient is responding well Y8JBjKu5u6g-00683-00187777-00187935 and his blood pressure condition is improving, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00684-00187966-00188185 but the presence of the cough does not allow us to stick with this medicine, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00685-00188226-00188414 we can easily switch to ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00686-00188446-00188751 ARBs will maintain beneficial effects Y8JBjKu5u6g-00687-00188781-00188954 because they target the same axis, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00688-00188998-00189247 but the cough will most likely disappear. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00689-00189299-00189641 It is not a good idea to switch from one ACE inhibitor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00690-00189656-00189946 to another ACE inhibitor because the cough will most likely persist. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00691-00190083-00190383 It can decrease the glomerular filtration rate Y8JBjKu5u6g-00692-00190392-00190745 and lead to acute kidney damage. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00693-00190758-00191072 or pre-existing kidney damage could worsen, which will lead to kidney hypoperfusion. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00694-00191092-00191294 Hypoperfusion and low volume Y8JBjKu5u6g-00695-00191320-00191523 are the main enemies of the patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00696-00191540-00191869 taking ACE inhibitors or ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00697-00191882-00192182 Another concern is the elderly patients, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00698-00192214-00192371 who already have less fluid Y8JBjKu5u6g-00699-00192395-00192727 and may experience sudden movement limitations Y8JBjKu5u6g-00700-00192754-00192875 or some other problem Y8JBjKu5u6g-00701-00192910-00193156 that puts them at risk of dehydration. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00702-00193244-00193671 In this case, the drug can cause many more alterations. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00703-00193729-00193973 It happens, and it has even happened to me. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00704-00194064-00194241 An elderly patient who is taking an ACE inhibitor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00705-00194255-00194600 Suddenly, this patient presents with Y8JBjKu5u6g-00706-00194632-00195010 a gastrointestinal infection, intense diarrhea, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00707-00195076-00195353 and diarrhea causes dehydration. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00708-00195390-00195662 The ACEI that we have been administering Y8JBjKu5u6g-00709-00195683-00195884 did not only cause a hypotensive crisis, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00710-00195921-00196161 but now we also had kidney damage. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00711-00196213-00196409 This is something to take into account. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00712-00196430-00196744 Again, a very safe and widely used drug, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00713-00196765-00196942 but we have to take this fact into consideration Y8JBjKu5u6g-00714-00196964-00197204 when administering these drugs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00715-00197318-00197561 We should avoid prescribing these to patients who have angioedema, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00716-00197569-00197773 especially severe angioedema, and who have previously had these crises. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00717-00197799-00198036 The larynx becomes swollen, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00718-00198069-00198263 and they can no longer breathe and have to be intubated. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00719-00198304-00198665 Some patients also present with angioedema after they were administered an ACE inhibitor, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00720-00198690-00198963 so we cannot give them these types of drugs anymore. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00721-00199014-00199330 As for angiotensin II receptor blockers, the risk of angioedema is not high. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00722-00199348-00199514 However, if a patient presented with angioedema Y8JBjKu5u6g-00723-00199528-00199728 after taking ARBs, of course, they can no longer take the drug. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00724-00199861-00200089 We should be careful when administering these to patients with renal insufficiency. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00725-00200099-00200285 Again, they are suitable for the protection of kidneys. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00726-00200324-00200632 However, we have seen that they can have Y8JBjKu5u6g-00727-00200653-00200834 severe adverse events Y8JBjKu5u6g-00728-00200867-00201032 associated with kidneys. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00729-00201120-00201330 The mild hypotension can be managed by putting the patient Y8JBjKu5u6g-00730-00201339-00201613 into the decubitus position. That is, by laying the patient down. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00731-00201624-00201836 This helps redistribute the volume. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00732-00201878-00202196 Also, what if the patient is not responding with regards to the volume? Y8JBjKu5u6g-00733-00202220-00202331 Again, the main enemy Y8JBjKu5u6g-00734-00202353-00202854 of ARBs and ACE inhibitors is the low circulating volume. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00735-00202897-00203431 If we have a patient whose circulating volume is dropping, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00736-00203461-00203947 we can naturally add volume and help them with hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00737-00204007-00204227 Obviously, in patients with kidney failure Y8JBjKu5u6g-00738-00204236-00204423 and heart failure, especially Y8JBjKu5u6g-00739-00204455-00204655 when both pathologies are more advanced, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00740-00204687-00204933 the volume management is no longer so simple. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00741-00204977-00205531 The management of these drugs becomes complicated again when patients have Y8JBjKu5u6g-00742-00205559-00205772 these particular pathologies. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00743-00205857-00206138 In patients with low volume due to dehydration or hypovolemia, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00744-00206154-00206313 these drugs can cause severe hypotension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00745-00206325-00207318 Again, ACE inhibitors and ARBs' natural enemy is the low volume. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00746-00207424-00207679 Again, we have to be careful with that. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00747-00207800-00207994 We have to frequently monitor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00748-00208009-00208179 patients' kidney function, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00749-00208190-00208384 electrolytes, and blood pressure. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00750-00208438-00208727 Especially in older patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00751-00208749-00209043 or those who have other risk factors Y8JBjKu5u6g-00752-00209104-00209399 concerning kidney damage, we have to take creatinine clearances Y8JBjKu5u6g-00753-00209431-00209664 and perform kidney function tests. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00754-00209708-00209901 We also have to constantly monitor Y8JBjKu5u6g-00755-00209913-00210075 potassium levels in these patients. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00756-00210092-00210346 We should also monitor calcium, but mostly potassium. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00757-00210382-00210605 Finally, blood pressure must be monitored Y8JBjKu5u6g-00758-00210621-00210805 no matter which antihypertensive drug a patient is taking Y8JBjKu5u6g-00759-00210831-00211026 and also if they are taking ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00760-00211040-00211252 This specifically refers to the patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00761-00211285-00211471 who are at risk of hypotension Y8JBjKu5u6g-00762-00211497-00211753 or at risk of not responding to the treatment Y8JBjKu5u6g-00763-00211767-00212024 with antihypertensives. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00764-00212068-00212338 We have already talked about this before in the context of ACE inhibitors, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00765-00212380-00212713 but some patients do not respond to antihypertensives Y8JBjKu5u6g-00766-00212747-00212915 due to the accumulation of renin Y8JBjKu5u6g-00767-00212932-00213083 and angiotensin I. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00768-00213124-00213296 As for ARBs, this is not frequent. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00769-00213329-00213686 Still, non-responsiveness to antihypertensives can occur. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00770-00213714-00213913 Therefore, we have to constantly monitor our patients Y8JBjKu5u6g-00771-00213926-00214096 and make sure that everything Y8JBjKu5u6g-00772-00214121-00214247 is under control. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00773-00214290-00214766 Finally, both ACE inhibitors and ARBs should not be used during pregnancy. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00774-00214786-00215096 They cannot be used for hypertension associated with pregnancy, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00775-00215138-00215371 which has very specific indications Y8JBjKu5u6g-00776-00215401-00215674 that we will talk about later. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00777-00215708-00215954 Again, they cannot be used during pregnancy Y8JBjKu5u6g-00778-00215975-00216124 under any circumstances. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00779-00216218-00216372 With that, we end this video. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00780-00216382-00216554 I hope you liked today's contents. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00781-00216579-00216967 I want to dedicate this video to people who are not only subscribers Y8JBjKu5u6g-00782-00216997-00217158 but also give us their support Y8JBjKu5u6g-00783-00217169-00217390 or a monthly donation of $1 or $2 a month. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00784-00217457-00217750 I'd like to dedicate this particular video to María Belüsstegui, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00785-00217766-00217996 Fabián Forero, Andrés Castañeda, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00786-00218033-00218235 Diana Lisbeth, Ana Karen Tejeda, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00787-00218263-00218488 Hernán Gustavo, Luis Ernesto Peraza, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00788-00218523-00218696 Javier Mejía, Luis Facundo, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00789-00218723-00218956 Hilda Elizabeth Ponce and Antonio Guisar. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00790-00219007-00219278 Thank you so much for the support you give us every month. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00791-00219305-00219505 You are precious to us. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00792-00219542-00219851 If you also want to participate in this program, Y8JBjKu5u6g-00793-00219863-00220008 there is a link in the description Y8JBjKu5u6g-00794-00220032-00220326 via which you can make a small donation. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00795-00220414-00220620 Finally, here are the references Y8JBjKu5u6g-00796-00220634-00220846 from which I got most of the information and images Y8JBjKu5u6g-00797-00220880-00220984 for this video Y8JBjKu5u6g-00798-00220999-00221333 so that you can read a bit more or learn a bit more Y8JBjKu5u6g-00799-00221370-00221512 about these drugs. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00800-00221580-00221686 Okay. This was all for today's video. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00801-00221692-00221815 I hope you liked it. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00802-00221832-00222048 I hope you understood everything and that I haven't left you with too many doubts. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00803-00222065-00222383 Now, we know a little more about how to control hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00804-00222411-00222604 Again, you can check out our video on hypertension. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00805-00222621-00223006 At the top, you can find a link to some of our other videos. Y8JBjKu5u6g-00806-00223035-00223200 As always, help us change the world Y8JBjKu5u6g-00807-00223219-00223350 and share information. Y8OsDN71JdU-00000-00000064-00000856 okay so now let's dive deep into the data frame uh so first let's talk about how we can access data Y8OsDN71JdU-00001-00000856-00001592 uh from the data frame so dataframe has a very great function that called describe Y8OsDN71JdU-00002-00001648-00002368 so that can retain some quick statistics of your data so if we use dataframe.describe Y8OsDN71JdU-00003-00002424-00003072 we'll see the number of the records the mean values standard deviations and minimum values Y8OsDN71JdU-00004-00003215-00003688 and if you want access a single column so far some if you just want to access Y8OsDN71JdU-00005-00003688-00004624 the the price you can use put a label name within this square bracket so that is like sounds like Y8OsDN71JdU-00006-00004624-00005312 you are calling treating the data frame as a dictionary so here if you see the price date frame Y8OsDN71JdU-00007-00005312-00005912 square bracket and put the column name at price within the state frame so you will have that Y8OsDN71JdU-00008-00005976-00006776 column only you can also treat data frame like and list so by using a slice so here Y8OsDN71JdU-00009-00006776-00007472 if you see you put the number that's starting from the second rows remember it's always like Y8OsDN71JdU-00010-00007472-00008192 python index so 0 is the first one and also you have the second rows okay until Y8OsDN71JdU-00011-00008264-00009328 the fifth rows and you can also do some filters so by using the this loc function so dateframe.loc Y8OsDN71JdU-00012-00009384-00009880 and within that square bracket you can define the values that you are looking at Y8OsDN71JdU-00013-00009880-00010888 so for example if you want to find out all the rows where the price is greater than 100 1500 Y8OsDN71JdU-00014-00010888-00011872 you can within this square bracket you can type date frame price column grid then this number Y8OsDN71JdU-00015-00012000-00013088 okay so let's try those uh um function in functions in in python so let's say date frame dot Y8OsDN71JdU-00016-00013296-00014080 describe so that will return a quick statistical summary of your data so if we write we can see Y8OsDN71JdU-00017-00014080-00014784 that for numbers and they give you like the count mean standard deviation minimum maximal and also Y8OsDN71JdU-00018-00014784-00015544 quantile okay so that is described function so normally i will will not have a data that has Y8OsDN71JdU-00019-00015616-00016344 loaded in python in date frame so i will run the describe first so that can give us a general idea Y8OsDN71JdU-00020-00016440-00017064 and if you just want the price so what you can do is you can treat data frame as a dictionary Y8OsDN71JdU-00021-00017216-00017432 where you see if you just want a price column Y8OsDN71JdU-00022-00017816-00018384 okay now if you write you can see you will get all the price so all the values in the price column Y8OsDN71JdU-00023-00018544-00019104 okay and you can also treat data frame as a list so you can slice the data sufficient if you just Y8OsDN71JdU-00024-00019104-00019864 want part of those rows uh what you can do is you can date frame square bracket so far some more Y8OsDN71JdU-00025-00020056-00020368 the second the second rows until the fifth rows Y8OsDN71JdU-00026-00020640-00021488 okay second until the fifth okay um you can based on id you can see the second row the third row the Y8OsDN71JdU-00027-00021488-00022112 fourth row and also the fifth rows and you can also make a filter so for example we can use the Y8OsDN71JdU-00028-00022184-00023112 dataframe.loc function and within this square bracket we can see date frame where i want price Y8OsDN71JdU-00029-00023616-00023984 that is greater than this number Y8OsDN71JdU-00030-00024248-00025032 okay so now you will see that uh you will receive the the rows that where the price only the rows Y8OsDN71JdU-00031-00025032-00025688 that where the price is greater than this value okay so that's how we can filter out the data Y8OsDN71JdU-00032-00025856-00026672 and the date frame also has some simple statistics so for example you can use value counts so that Y8OsDN71JdU-00033-00026672-00027336 will calculate the front frequency of those those unique values so for example if we want count Y8OsDN71JdU-00034-00027448-00028176 for the colors for each type of colors so how many records are there we can use date frame colors Y8OsDN71JdU-00035-00028176-00028792 dot value counts okay so that will count the different type of colors so how many records Y8OsDN71JdU-00036-00028792-00029456 are there and if you are using a count function so that will count the number of the noun Y8OsDN71JdU-00037-00029544-00030560 now values in a date object so here you can see for this column we have more than 300 308 records Y8OsDN71JdU-00038-00030752-00031504 and also they have a lot of other statistics so like the mean median uh minimal maximal Y8OsDN71JdU-00039-00031504-00032480 standard deviation variance um i'm not sure what is the scm um stand deviation variance Y8OsDN71JdU-00040-00032480-00033072 okay so that is then errors of the means okay so scm is a standard errors of the mean Y8OsDN71JdU-00041-00033336-00033856 okay so let's say some example here so let's say we want look at the colors Y8OsDN71JdU-00042-00034272-00034864 okay so you can see they have they have different types of the colors so they have f d e etc Y8OsDN71JdU-00043-00034928-00035248 and if you want count okay so for each type of color so Y8OsDN71JdU-00044-00035312-00035904 so how many d's we have how many apps we have we have and we can use that value Y8OsDN71JdU-00045-00036056-00037168 counts okay so that can okay so we have we can see we have 82 diamonds that are have color of f Y8OsDN71JdU-00046-00037232-00037984 and we have 16 diamonds that color is d and if you want count that um Y8OsDN71JdU-00047-00038272-00038768 how many records in this fit in this column we can use just use a count function Y8OsDN71JdU-00048-00038984-00039320 okay and you can see in total we have 300 and also eight Y8OsDN71JdU-00049-00039376-00040008 okay so if you sum those numbers up so you will see okay so that is 308 and also Y8OsDN71JdU-00050-00040008-00040784 remember that we also just mentioned some other statistics like if we are looking for the price Y8OsDN71JdU-00051-00040880-00041712 okay so here we have the price columns and if we want to check the mean value we can simply just Y8OsDN71JdU-00052-00041712-00042832 put mean okay so that mean value and if you want check check the median okay so that is a median Y8OsDN71JdU-00053-00042904-00043872 you can also check the others like mean maximal minimal standard deviation okay and also variance Y8OsDN71JdU-00054-00044088-00044856 okay and also the standard arrow of the mean so scm extent error of the mean value Y8OsDN71JdU-00055-00044960-00045752 and we also mentioned that so we can also use some sql like operations that to analyze the data so Y8OsDN71JdU-00056-00045752-00046536 that means i think the most powerful part is that we can do aggregations or we can also calculate Y8OsDN71JdU-00057-00046536-00047232 new uh new new values and also we can assign those new values to a new column so that is something Y8OsDN71JdU-00058-00047232-00047888 that we can do in sql and we can also do that when in data frame so in the data mining class Y8OsDN71JdU-00059-00047888-00048616 so we will learn more about sql and here so let's see that how we can do that when in date frame Y8OsDN71JdU-00060-00048784-00049528 so the syntax for the aggregation is that we can use this group by okay so within the group Y8OsDN71JdU-00061-00049528-00050456 by you have tell that okay so based on which column you're going to group those values and Y8OsDN71JdU-00062-00050456-00051016 for each type for the values within each group so what kind of calculation you are going to do Y8OsDN71JdU-00063-00051176-00051832 so in this example we are going to group by the colors of all the diamonds and also for each type Y8OsDN71JdU-00064-00051832-00052472 of color we want to calculate the average so here we can see the average of the wheat Y8OsDN71JdU-00065-00052655-00053416 for the for each type color and average of the price for each type of the color okay so that Y8OsDN71JdU-00066-00053416-00054176 is aggregation and we can also uh calculate new values so uh for example here we can see it's Y8OsDN71JdU-00067-00054176-00054960 for df where we can give the the name of the new column which it caused some new calculations so in Y8OsDN71JdU-00068-00054960-00055704 this example like let's say that we want use the price of each single diamond divided by the wheat Y8OsDN71JdU-00069-00055855-00056472 and we already will save that result into this new column that we called unit price Y8OsDN71JdU-00070-00056567-00057136 and you can see to do that it's very simple in date frame so basically we just say okay Y8OsDN71JdU-00071-00057136-00057991 date frame new columns equals price divided by the wheat and now if you check the uh the date Y8OsDN71JdU-00072-00057991-00058560 frame and you can see that unit price has been added to the table to the date frame Y8OsDN71JdU-00073-00058736-00059167 okay so let's see some examples let's say date frame dot Y8OsDN71JdU-00074-00059576-00059928 group by and let's say we want group by colors Y8OsDN71JdU-00075-00060255-00060464 and let's say we want to calculate the mean value Y8OsDN71JdU-00076-00060752-00060776 okay Y8OsDN71JdU-00077-00061136-00061479 so here we can say for each type color and we have Y8OsDN71JdU-00078-00061479-00062232 average of the weight and also price you can also calculate the others like minimal values Y8OsDN71JdU-00079-00062624-00063184 okay for the weight and not price and also you can calculate the maximum values Y8OsDN71JdU-00080-00063279-00063864 okay so minimal for the weight and of price and you can calculate the standard deviation Y8OsDN71JdU-00081-00064024-00064344 okay so each for each type of the color Y8OsDN71JdU-00082-00064504-00065296 and let's also calculate uh create a new uh column so let's see that for in this existing date frame Y8OsDN71JdU-00083-00065504-00066192 we have the wheat and also we have the price right so we want add a new column that has Y8OsDN71JdU-00084-00066192-00066744 the unit price uh which it costs price divided by weight so let's say date frame Y8OsDN71JdU-00085-00066960-00067008 you need Y8OsDN71JdU-00086-00067336-00068128 price so that's a new column that equals date frame where the price divided by Y8OsDN71JdU-00087-00068128-00069376 date frame uh here we we have weight okay so now let's look at the date frame again Y8OsDN71JdU-00088-00069968-00070408 okay so now you can see we have the unit price okay and of course you Y8OsDN71JdU-00089-00070408-00071008 can calculate the other statistics for the unit price like uh the mean value Y8OsDN71JdU-00090-00071200-00072072 okay so that that's very easy to do some simple uh statistics by using pender's date frame Y94c2kn9jJU-00000-00000044-00000144 Hi! Y94c2kn9jJU-00001-00000144-00000664 Tonight I want to talk to you about "to lead".I did an exercise with a lady I didn't knew Y94c2kn9jJU-00002-00000664-00001382 with a pen, we had to keep the pen from both ends and to move the pen and she said she Y94c2kn9jJU-00003-00001382-00002961 want to lead.Ok,I did let her to lead only that she was moveing the pen very fast and Y94c2kn9jJU-00004-00002961-00003485 the point was to not drop the pen on the floor and then...the exercise had a 2 minutes limit Y94c2kn9jJU-00005-00003485-00004015 time and at some point I told her " please,please,don't move it so fast because the pen will drop" Y94c2kn9jJU-00006-00004015-00004664 and she said "but my hand is moveing like that,I can't stop it" and I said " just stop Y94c2kn9jJU-00007-00004664-00005339 your hand and look at me ".So she relaxed,it was awesome and I figured out that in that Y94c2kn9jJU-00008-00005339-00005896 moment I took the lead but without wanting,without any intention, and that sort of leading I Y94c2kn9jJU-00009-00005896-00006739 like to take over usually and I think the other take the lead usually when you play Y94c2kn9jJU-00010-00006739-00007234 unequally,when you play in a rithm or too slow or too fast,you know? Y94c2kn9jJU-00011-00007234-00007756 I am referring at a couple relationship.For me,this exercise is what am I doing in a couple Y94c2kn9jJU-00012-00007756-00008236 relationship.So I took the lead because the lady was very fast,she did figured out,I am Y94c2kn9jJU-00013-00008236-00008654 very curious what does it mean to you "to lead" Bye! Y9D4mLfbrJM-00000-00000517-00000759 ANNIE SEGARRA: Well, today I'm here to talk about a campaign Y9D4mLfbrJM-00001-00000759-00001347 I started in January 2017, called The Future is Accessible Y9D4mLfbrJM-00002-00001347-00002085 and essentially, how I arrived to come to that campaign, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00003-00002085-00002698 which is kind of both a demand for intersectionality Y9D4mLfbrJM-00004-00002698-00003336 and kind of a screaming at the erasure of intersectionality Y9D4mLfbrJM-00005-00003336-00003762 [chuckles] and therefore, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00006-00003762-00004195 how I found my intersectional activism. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00007-00004195-00004617 I'm a person who is multiply marginalized: I am Latinx, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00008-00004617-00004938 I am queer, I am disabled. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00009-00004938-00005476 And just being marginalized didn't make me a woke person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00010-00005476-00005855 It didn't mean that I knew that the discriminations Y9D4mLfbrJM-00011-00005855-00006356 and the antagonism that I was experiencing was even wrong. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00012-00006356-00006781 I accepted them as things that I needed to conform to. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00013-00006881-00007253 So I'm here essentially to talk about like that little journey. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00014-00007253-00007624 Like, what happened that led me to that, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00015-00007624-00007957 to this intersectional activism that I currently have. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00016-00008124-00008762 So being Latinx, that played a, kind of a bigger role in Y9D4mLfbrJM-00017-00008762-00009217 my childhood because even though I was born in the United States, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00018-00009217-00009705 I was raised in Peru for the beginning of my life. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00019-00009705-00009964 And so Spanish was my first language. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00020-00009964-00010293 I had a Peruvian accent. I came back to the U.S. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00021-00010293-00010481 with those things in hand, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00022-00010481-00010856 and it wasn't met very kindly. [laughs] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00023-00010856-00011240 It was like everyone from fellow students Y9D4mLfbrJM-00024-00011240-00011695 to teachers were rather cruel because I didn't know English Y9D4mLfbrJM-00025-00011695-00011895 and because I had an accent. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00026-00012045-00012345 And I guess, the mixture of the fact that I have brown skin Y9D4mLfbrJM-00027-00012345-00012604 as well is just, you know, it had the whole package Y9D4mLfbrJM-00028-00012604-00012812 that made people very angry. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00029-00012929-00013442 So in my little child mind, the answer to all Y9D4mLfbrJM-00030-00013442-00013717 this antagonism was conforming. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00031-00013717-00014068 The answer was, OK, I'm gonna go home. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00032-00014068-00014180 I'm gonna study English. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00033-00014180-00014372 I'm gonna speak English better than all those people Y9D4mLfbrJM-00034-00014372-00014522 who are making fun of me. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00035-00014522-00015048 I'm gonna watch "Clueless" every day to learn the American Y9D4mLfbrJM-00036-00015048-00015515 dialect, which was basically, you know, the strategy there Y9D4mLfbrJM-00037-00015515-00015824 is overreaching and then landing somewhere in the middle. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00038-00015824-00016149 Which is why I have the voice that I have today. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00039-00016149-00016533 It's like overreaching, landed somewhere in American theater Y9D4mLfbrJM-00040-00016533-00016725 dialect is kind of how I talk now. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00041-00016725-00016925 [audience laughter] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00042-00017025-00017521 And in conforming, yes, I gained the privilege of being Y9D4mLfbrJM-00043-00017521-00017826 an English speaker that spoke English very well Y9D4mLfbrJM-00044-00017826-00018118 and communicating myself very well. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00045-00018118-00018497 This is not a privilege that I see my mom have, who, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00046-00018497-00019085 she is a Latina, she's an immigrant, she was Y9D4mLfbrJM-00047-00019085-00019336 having difficulty learning English as well. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00048-00019336-00019728 And I will notice the difference between a stranger talking Y9D4mLfbrJM-00049-00019728-00020036 to her on the phone, and then when they get me on the phone, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00050-00020036-00020266 their attitude changes a lot. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00051-00020441-00020991 So I also, I think during that time, was dealing with Y9D4mLfbrJM-00052-00020991-00021504 this antagonism of I was showing a lot of symptoms of autism Y9D4mLfbrJM-00053-00021504-00022163 like flapping, jumping, stimming in the classroom, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00054-00022163-00022397 which got me into some trouble 'cause I wasn't diagnosed. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00055-00022397-00022560 I'm still not diagnosed, but. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00056-00022660-00023006 So there was this nice intersection of racism Y9D4mLfbrJM-00057-00023006-00023390 and ableism that I was experiencing because not only Y9D4mLfbrJM-00058-00023390-00023711 first of all, that I was being called "stupid "for Y9D4mLfbrJM-00059-00023711-00024094 not knowing English, but also "crazy" because I was stimming Y9D4mLfbrJM-00060-00024094-00024286 in the middle of the classrooms. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00061-00024286-00024637 And that was very ostracizing, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00062-00024637-00024787 and I didn't have the language for that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00063-00024787-00024920 I'm saying the sentence right now: Y9D4mLfbrJM-00064-00024920-00025183 I was dealing with this intersection of racism Y9D4mLfbrJM-00065-00025183-00025396 and ableism in the classroom. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00066-00025396-00025679 And as a kid, no one's telling you those things. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00067-00025679-00025967 No one's telling you the oppressions that you're facing, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00068-00025967-00026209 and you're kind of trying to navigate it Y9D4mLfbrJM-00069-00026209-00026455 completely on your own. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00070-00026455-00026935 So again, my solution to that was conforming, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00071-00026935-00027206 which is something that I feel kind of really resentful of, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00072-00027206-00027348 very sad about. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00073-00027348-00027719 And so as much as I was dealing with a lot of internalized Y9D4mLfbrJM-00074-00027719-00028299 racism, I'm now 28 and trying to reconnect with my Latinx roots Y9D4mLfbrJM-00075-00028299-00028649 to try and kind of do some healing in regards to that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00076-00028874-00029375 Followed by, again, another intersection of, like.... Y9D4mLfbrJM-00077-00029375-00029517 This is just gonna keep happening. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00078-00029517-00029788 Basically every little period of my life Y9D4mLfbrJM-00079-00029788-00030071 is filled with intersections. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00080-00030071-00030459 I think I have a very cliché coming out story in that Y9D4mLfbrJM-00081-00030459-00030851 I knew I was queer probably around the age of 14. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00082-00030851-00031393 And because there was a lack of representation, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00083-00031393-00031681 couldn't really identify it, right? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00084-00031681-00032032 My idea of what being a queer woman was like: is like Y9D4mLfbrJM-00085-00032032-00032244 a butch woman, and I wasn't a butch woman. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00086-00032244-00032545 So [chuckles] I can't be queer! No. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00087-00032728-00033312 And I was dealing with that kind of repressed identity Y9D4mLfbrJM-00088-00033312-00033662 on top of the fact that I was dealing with undiagnosed Y9D4mLfbrJM-00089-00033662-00033875 body dysmorphic disorder. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00090-00033875-00034280 If you don't know what that is, I'll try and shorten it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00091-00034280-00034547 Basically, it's a mental illness where Y9D4mLfbrJM-00092-00034547-00034801 I don't see myself clearly. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00093-00034801-00034984 It's a little more complicated than that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00094-00034984-00035268 I kind of like hallucinate what is in the mirror. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00095-00035268-00035418 I kind of hallucinate what I look like. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00096-00035418-00035840 Sometimes my face can be an absolute blur. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00097-00035840-00035960 I can look in the mirror and see Y9D4mLfbrJM-00098-00035960-00036273 like a caramel-colored rhinoceros. [chuckles] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00099-00036373-00036820 And it leads to very intrusive and depressing thoughts. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00100-00036820-00037399 So when I was 12 years old, my belief was that everyone Y9D4mLfbrJM-00101-00037399-00037829 who looked at me became nauseous at the sight of me, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00102-00037829-00038058 and so I didn't deserve to exist. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00103-00038058-00038334 I didn't deserve to take up space. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00104-00038334-00038717 Those thoughts can very easily, if you can imagine, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00105-00038717-00038947 become suicidal thoughts. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00106-00038947-00039197 So at the age of 12, that's what I was dealing with. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00107-00039385-00039864 And, again, the big issue there is that there was no one Y9D4mLfbrJM-00108-00039864-00040306 to kind of say, "Hey! There's oppressive systems that are Y9D4mLfbrJM-00109-00040306-00040444 really messing with you here, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00110-00040444-00040648 and you do have a right to be here. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00111-00040648-00040986 And you do have a right to exist and to take up space." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00112-00041086-00041754 Again, my way of dealing with that was to hide and just Y9D4mLfbrJM-00113-00041754-00041950 kind of obey those intrusive thoughts and be like, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00114-00041950-00042133 you're right, I don't deserve to take up space. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00115-00042133-00042338 I'm gonna hide in my room. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00116-00042338-00042738 I'm gonna try to remove my existence from this planet. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00117-00042934-00043205 And... Y9D4mLfbrJM-00118-00043205-00043956 so this comes and meets in this like weird intersection Y9D4mLfbrJM-00119-00043956-00044356 moment in time, rather, as opposed to an intersection Y9D4mLfbrJM-00120-00044356-00044673 of identities, where when I was 19 in college, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00121-00044673-00045015 someone did finally kinda shake my shoulders and go, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00122-00045015-00045353 "I don't think you see yourself clearly." [chuckles] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00123-00045353-00045645 "I think you have some healing to do." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00124-00045645-00046050 And that was a professor of mine in university, and it was Y9D4mLfbrJM-00125-00046050-00046296 the first time that someone said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00126-00046296-00046684 "Hey. Hold on. Hold the train. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00127-00046896-00047159 You're not doing OK. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00128-00047159-00047426 You should probably take some time and figure that out." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00129-00047580-00048269 So I did that. I literally took time off of college to-- Y9D4mLfbrJM-00130-00048269-00048448 This is where, first example Y9D4mLfbrJM-00131-00048448-00048903 of lack of access and intersection of accessibility. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00132-00048903-00049157 I didn't have economic access to therapy. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00133-00049157-00049741 So it was kind of on me to do some self-therapy, to go to the Y9D4mLfbrJM-00134-00049741-00050208 Internet and look up everything I could about treatments for Y9D4mLfbrJM-00135-00050208-00050629 body dysmorphic disorder and just do them for myself. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00136-00050629-00051142 You know, do...there's different exercises like, just like mirror Y9D4mLfbrJM-00137-00051142-00051309 talk, like talking to yourself in the mirror, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00138-00051309-00051659 fighting intrusive thoughts out loud. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00139-00051659-00052022 And kind of step-by-step doing things that you're afraid of. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00140-00052022-00052489 Like one of my biggest fears was going to the beach and being Y9D4mLfbrJM-00141-00052489-00052681 in a two-piece bathing suit. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00142-00052681-00053032 And I finally did that, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00143-00053032-00053465 and it was the scariest day of my life, possibly. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00144-00053465-00053820 And that probably sounds like a really weird thing to say, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00145-00053820-00054208 but my brain just kind of echoed every single Y9D4mLfbrJM-00146-00054208-00054346 movement that my body made. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00147-00054346-00054725 Like with every single step that I took, everything in my body Y9D4mLfbrJM-00148-00054725-00055063 just echoed so loudly, and I thought that it echoed Y9D4mLfbrJM-00149-00055063-00055347 just as loudly for everybody else. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00150-00055547-00055764 And there's no way to, you know, verify that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00151-00055764-00056055 You can't read people's minds. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00152-00056055-00056569 But what I did take away from that was I finished the day and, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00153-00056569-00056965 you know, kind of made sure I was all here and said, "Wow, OK. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00154-00056965-00057207 Well, I did that. I made it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00155-00057207-00057520 I survived that. We can try again tomorrow." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00156-00057691-00058128 So all that to say, did a lot of self-therapy, did a lot of Y9D4mLfbrJM-00157-00058128-00058654 self-work when it came to things like that because of lack of Y9D4mLfbrJM-00158-00058654-00059100 access to--economic access to therapy. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00159-00059100-00059547 And finally, the disability aspect: so we thought Y9D4mLfbrJM-00160-00059547-00059872 we were done when I talked about undiagnosed autism, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00161-00059872-00060310 and that's not the end of my disabilities, plural. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00162-00060539-00061023 So another undiagnosed thing that I had, that I wasn't aware Y9D4mLfbrJM-00163-00061023-00061528 of, that I'm aware of now, is that I have EDS, which is short Y9D4mLfbrJM-00164-00061528-00061765 for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00165-00061765-00062153 It's a genetic condition, a connective tissue disorder. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00166-00062153-00062550 And it manifests in a lot of ways. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00167-00062550-00062958 And for me, it kind of means that literally every single part Y9D4mLfbrJM-00168-00062958-00063217 of my body has some kind of malfunction. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00169-00063217-00063663 I'm hard of hearing, I have trouble seeing, my body's in Y9D4mLfbrJM-00170-00063663-00064039 a lot of pain in my muscles and in my joints. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00171-00064039-00064439 I have gastrointestinal issues, a heart condition, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00172-00064439-00064589 trouble with my lungs. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00173-00064589-00065069 Basically, as strong and cool as I look, my body's Y9D4mLfbrJM-00174-00065069-00065286 very fragile and very sick. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00175-00065386-00065836 And the process to getting that diagnosis Y9D4mLfbrJM-00176-00065836-00065995 was extremely difficult. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00177-00065995-00066449 I didn't know anything was wrong with me because symptoms Y9D4mLfbrJM-00178-00066449-00066654 were overlooked my entire childhood. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00179-00066841-00067242 I think that's also this weird intersection of Latinx culture Y9D4mLfbrJM-00180-00067242-00067575 and also how like Latinx culture can be combined Y9D4mLfbrJM-00181-00067575-00067897 with a culture of poverty. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00182-00067897-00068418 And what I mean to say with that is that there's this Y9D4mLfbrJM-00183-00068418-00068739 kind of belief system of like: if you're not dying, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00184-00068739-00068956 you're not going to the hospital. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00185-00068956-00069127 So I would have asthma attacks. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00186-00069127-00069515 I would be-- I would get dislocations. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00187-00069515-00069994 I would have all these little accidents, and I just kind of Y9D4mLfbrJM-00188-00069994-00070474 personally threw them off to be that I was a very clumsy person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00189-00070474-00070783 And that I was clumsy and I get injured Y9D4mLfbrJM-00190-00070783-00070941 and I get sick sometimes. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00191-00070941-00071254 I threw it away as a child because it was taught to me Y9D4mLfbrJM-00192-00071254-00071567 by adults: are you dying? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00193-00071567-00071775 You don't need to go to the hospital. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00194-00071775-00071992 Why does that belief occur is because Y9D4mLfbrJM-00195-00071992-00072226 the hospital costs money. [laughs] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00196-00072226-00072731 And if you don't have money, then it's not accessible to you. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00197-00072731-00073139 And therefore, your access to medical information Y9D4mLfbrJM-00198-00073139-00073352 is gonna be limited. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00199-00073452-00073878 Eventually, I did have to go to the hospital because I was doing Y9D4mLfbrJM-00200-00073878-00074144 a job where I had to stand up for about eight hours. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00201-00074144-00074511 And eventually, after a period of time where I had to start Y9D4mLfbrJM-00202-00074511-00074745 asking my boss, "Hey, I need a stool. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00203-00074745-00075150 Because I'm in too much pain to stand up." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00204-00075150-00075446 And I just thought it was because I couldn't wear heels. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00205-00075446-00075654 I just thought that I wasn't one of those cool, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00206-00075654-00076013 strong chicks that can wear heels at work. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00207-00076013-00076393 And I was like, well, I suck. I can't do that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00208-00076393-00076518 I need a chair. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00209-00076518-00076843 But then eventually came this ding, ding, ding moment Y9D4mLfbrJM-00210-00076843-00077369 of whoops, I can no longer stand up past five minutes. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00211-00077369-00077677 *Now* it's time to go to the doctor. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00212-00077677-00078090 Which led them to tell me just, "There's nothing wrong with you. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00213-00078090-00078524 Just put your feet up for a little while. You'll be fine." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00214-00078524-00078899 And obviously, I wasn't. So I had to persist on my own. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00215-00078899-00079204 I had to be a sick person and advocate for myself. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00216-00079204-00079592 I had to be a sick person and then do the work of research. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00217-00079592-00079992 I had to be doing— feeling, sorry— Y9D4mLfbrJM-00218-00079992-00080309 fainting spells, brain fog. [laughs] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00219-00080426-00080776 Going through terrible pain flairs that feel like Y9D4mLfbrJM-00220-00080776-00081172 your own personal torture chamber, and in the meantime, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00221-00081172-00081815 be my own scientist, be my own lawyer, be my own researcher Y9D4mLfbrJM-00222-00081815-00082015 to try and figure out what was wrong with me because no one Y9D4mLfbrJM-00223-00082015-00082332 else was gonna take that initiative. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00224-00082332-00082640 And then when I did find the answer, which was EDS, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00225-00082640-00082791 doctors disbelieved me. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00226-00082791-00083112 They literally laughed at me and said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00227-00083112-00083479 "Ha ha, you don't have that. Don't be silly." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00228-00083479-00083908 When I would ask to be tested, they just outright refused Y9D4mLfbrJM-00229-00083908-00084217 and then, you know, trinkled in some ableism and said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00230-00084217-00084392 "But we gotta get you out of that wheelchair." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00231-00084392-00084755 Because at that point, I had to get it on my own, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00232-00084755-00084918 because they weren't helping me. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00233-00084918-00085214 Also, to anyone that's going through this, yes, you can buy Y9D4mLfbrJM-00234-00085214-00085714 your own mobility aids [laughs] if you need them. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00235-00085714-00086052 That's something that kind of, for me, hit right away. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00236-00086052-00086311 But for a lot of people, they're like, if a doctor didn't tell me Y9D4mLfbrJM-00237-00086311-00086574 that I could use a mobility aid, then I can't. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00238-00086574-00086878 No, if you need it to get out of your house, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00239-00086878-00087216 do that, please. Please take care of yourself. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00240-00087324-00087700 And eventually, the only way that I actually got tested Y9D4mLfbrJM-00241-00087700-00088058 for it was to throw this emotional, mental breakdown Y9D4mLfbrJM-00242-00088058-00088196 in the middle of a doctor's office. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00243-00088196-00088296 I had to get loud. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00244-00088296-00088646 I had to sit there in protest and say, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00245-00088646-00088968 "You're going to ruin my life." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00246-00088968-00089410 'Cause they'd already done a bad surgery procedure on me Y9D4mLfbrJM-00247-00089410-00089764 that messed up my left leg permanently. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00248-00089764-00090348 When I started investigating my back pain, knowing the results Y9D4mLfbrJM-00249-00090348-00090632 of my last surgery, the doctor said, "You know what we're Y9D4mLfbrJM-00250-00090632-00090970 gonna do? We're gonna fuse your SI joint." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00251-00090970-00091161 That's like your pelvic area, and that's Y9D4mLfbrJM-00252-00091161-00091282 when I started bawling. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00253-00091282-00091587 I was like, you already messed up my leg. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00254-00091587-00091979 Not this specific doctor, but another doctor had Y9D4mLfbrJM-00255-00091979-00092333 already further damaged my leg. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00256-00092333-00092671 If they go in to try and fuse the joints of my SI joint, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00257-00092671-00092909 then I possibly could never sit upright again. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00258-00092909-00093184 I might live the rest of my life flat-backed. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00259-00093184-00093464 So that was scary enough that it made me start screaming Y9D4mLfbrJM-00260-00093464-00093689 in the middle of the doctor's office. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00261-00093689-00094164 And an angel doctor walked in and said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00262-00094164-00094540 "Hey, why is she crying? Oh. She thinks she has this? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00263-00094540-00094673 I've never heard of that. What is that?" Y9D4mLfbrJM-00264-00094673-00094832 She pulls it up on her phone. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00265-00094832-00095224 She looks at the scan of my SI joint area, which shows, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00266-00095224-00095524 by the way, that I was walking on dislocated joints. [laughs] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00267-00095645-00095958 And she just very quickly said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00268-00095958-00096404 "Yeah, she could have this. Why are you antagonizing her?" Y9D4mLfbrJM-00269-00096404-00096880 And so he kind of like had to, still condescendingly, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00270-00096880-00097126 throw his arms up in the air and say, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00271-00097126-00097534 "Fine. Let's get her tested." And I was right. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00272-00097534-00098006 So I've had a disease my entire life that nobody knew about, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00273-00098006-00098227 and the only reason we found out about it was because Y9D4mLfbrJM-00274-00098227-00098440 I had to fight so hard for it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00275-00098577-00099149 So disability kind of really smacked me in the face Y9D4mLfbrJM-00276-00099149-00099453 as a human and as an activist. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00277-00099453-00100012 Even though I was kinda closeted in high school, I was doing Y9D4mLfbrJM-00278-00100012-00100471 activism like against Prop 8, going to protests, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00279-00100471-00100621 things of that nature. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00280-00100621-00101155 And even though my little sister and my best friend, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00281-00101155-00101935 she has autism and is not very verbal—she's moderately Y9D4mLfbrJM-00282-00101935-00102348 verbal—so I was kind of faced with Y9D4mLfbrJM-00283-00102348-00102573 that level of disability my entire life. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00284-00102573-00102827 And I cared for her, and I loved her. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00285-00102827-00103157 I'm saying this because you can love someone with a disability Y9D4mLfbrJM-00286-00103157-00103420 with your entire heart; it doesn't make you the best ally. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00287-00103420-00103657 It doesn't make you educated. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00288-00103657-00103862 It doesn't mean that just because you love them, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00289-00103862-00104304 that you're gonna know exactly what's right for them. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00290-00104304-00104796 But when I ended up in that space, when it was me with Y9D4mLfbrJM-00291-00104796-00105059 the disability, all of a sudden, [pssh] like, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00292-00105059-00105284 everything opened up in my mind. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00293-00105447-00106010 I discovered—intersection—that my favorite gay bar in my city Y9D4mLfbrJM-00294-00106010-00106343 was no longer accessible to me as a wheelchair user. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00295-00106343-00106548 Their best dance floor is on the second floor, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00296-00106548-00106731 and they do not have an elevator. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00297-00106731-00107207 And I've told them that a few times for years, like, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00298-00107207-00107778 "Hey, I love this place, but I don't feel welcome here because Y9D4mLfbrJM-00299-00107778-00108262 in order to get here, I have to climb basically Mt. Vesuvius. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00300-00108262-00108525 And it hurts, and I basically almost get Y9D4mLfbrJM-00301-00108525-00108725 a heart attack every time." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00302-00108725-00109200 No change has happened [laughs] because in- I don't know if it's Y9D4mLfbrJM-00303-00109200-00109371 been discussed already in this conference, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00304-00109371-00109605 but ADA in this country is really weird. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00305-00109605-00109943 Like there's no— It doesn't work like you have health inspectors Y9D4mLfbrJM-00306-00109943-00110243 that come and inspect your space to see if it's healthy. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00307-00110243-00110806 No. The only way that it comes into fruition is if somebody Y9D4mLfbrJM-00308-00110806-00111027 takes the initiative and files a lawsuit. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00309-00111165-00111448 I don't got the time or money to be filing lawsuits Y9D4mLfbrJM-00310-00111448-00112070 all over the place. So I didn't. I don't. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00311-00112070-00112349 But that's basically the only action that actually Y9D4mLfbrJM-00312-00112349-00112771 has any kind of impact on whether or not a public space Y9D4mLfbrJM-00313-00112771-00112983 is gonna be accessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00314-00113154-00113742 So let's cut to The Future is Accessible, and which has Y9D4mLfbrJM-00315-00113742-00114089 happened because in January, February-I don't remember Y9D4mLfbrJM-00316-00114089-00114476 the exact date of 2017—was the first Women's March. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00317-00114643-00114902 And you know, feminism, right? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00318-00114902-00115315 Supposed to be, based on its original definition, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00319-00115315-00115732 should be intersectional, should be for all women, right? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00320-00115732-00116370 But from my sick bed, watching the news, watching the images, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00321-00116370-00116737 it didn't seem like it was very accessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00322-00116737-00117096 And I heard from friends who tried to be in the marches, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00323-00117096-00117300 tried to be in the protests. They were like, "Yeah, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00324-00117300-00117588 this is not accessible. I have to leave. I have"— Y9D4mLfbrJM-00325-00117588-00118113 And so that was really upsetting to me. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00326-00118113-00118656 So I was inspired by-I think most people know this—there was Y9D4mLfbrJM-00327-00118656-00118902 original, the original campaign is from the 70s. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00328-00118902-00119198 It says "The Future is Female." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00329-00119198-00119536 So when I saw the kind of erasure of disability activism Y9D4mLfbrJM-00330-00119536-00119848 in the Women's March, I changed that to Y9D4mLfbrJM-00331-00119848-00120049 "The Future is Accessible." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00332-00120174-00120841 And because of my experiences, accessibility is primarily, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00333-00120841-00121258 obviously, about disability activism, but it doesn't Y9D4mLfbrJM-00334-00121258-00121488 end at disability activism, either. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00335-00121488-00121959 It is, 'cause accessibility is for literally Y9D4mLfbrJM-00336-00121959-00122122 every single person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00337-00122122-00122280 We're, I think we're already clear that Y9D4mLfbrJM-00338-00122280-00122580 disability is intersectional, period. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00339-00122580-00122897 Because you're disabled *and*. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00340-00122897-00123106 You're disabled and a person of color. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00341-00123106-00123323 You're disabled and a religious person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00342-00123323-00123556 You're disabled and a queer person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00343-00123556-00123794 There's always gonna be something else, right? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00344-00123794-00124349 You're disabled and a woman, at the most basic level of Y9D4mLfbrJM-00345-00124349-00124874 what feminism was portrayed as, in that Women's March. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00346-00125200-00125729 So accessibility, in the way that I talk about it, as much Y9D4mLfbrJM-00347-00125729-00126213 as the primary focus is on disability, it's also about Y9D4mLfbrJM-00348-00126213-00126589 trans and queer people and their equal access to restrooms. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00349-00126589-00127256 It's about fat people and their access to something as simple Y9D4mLfbrJM-00350-00127256-00127677 as an airplane ride that doesn't, that doesn't squeeze Y9D4mLfbrJM-00351-00127677-00127877 the living life out of your hips. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00352-00128073-00128461 I'm sorry. My brain fog is hitting me at this point. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00353-00128461-00128962 Where is my notes? Look at me. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00354-00128962-00129129 Oh, see. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00355-00129129-00129737 Didn't even remember that I had my phone there. Right. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00356-00129737-00129933 It includes, it includes literally Y9D4mLfbrJM-00357-00129933-00130059 every single human being. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00358-00130059-00130371 It includes prisoners' rights, sex worker rights, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00359-00130371-00130530 and everything that they're, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00360-00130530-00130851 that they should be allowed access to. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00361-00130851-00131185 The Future is Accessible: disabled people of c-, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00362-00131185-00131493 disabled people, people of color, queer and trans people, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00363-00131493-00131885 people of all genders, sexes, sizes, and classes. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00364-00131885-00132348 What I wrote here--I'm hoping, is my final notes on it--was: Y9D4mLfbrJM-00365-00132348-00132891 we all deserve the right to exist in public safely, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00366-00132891-00133074 our identities not being a target Y9D4mLfbrJM-00367-00133074-00133274 for violence and discrimination. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00368-00133466-00133792 We deserve access to good and fair healthcare, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00369-00133792-00134025 no matter how little money we might have. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00370-00134242-00134747 And as someone that lives in multiple intersections, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00371-00134747-00135047 I know what it feels like to go unheard, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00372-00135047-00135264 to be dismissed and gaslit. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00373-00135472-00135764 But I've also seen the power of what happens when we listen Y9D4mLfbrJM-00374-00135764-00136461 and pay attention, when we learn to heal internalized antagonism, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00375-00136461-00136903 heal our prejudices against others. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00376-00136903-00137162 Because those can often be one in the same. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00377-00137162-00137524 Our prejudices against other people often come from Y9D4mLfbrJM-00378-00137524-00137754 some kind of internalized hatred. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00379-00137983-00138296 So the future is accessible if we listen to each other Y9D4mLfbrJM-00380-00138296-00138830 and if we work together instead of living with horse blinders, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00381-00138830-00139084 instead of not listening to each other. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00382-00139084-00139522 If we share, and as much as we share, we're willing to listen Y9D4mLfbrJM-00383-00139522-00139802 to other people's narratives. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00384-00139802-00140235 Thank you. [laughs] [applause] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00385-00140740-00140865 OK, so someone wrote, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00386-00140865-00141061 "I love the idea of The Future is Accessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00387-00141061-00141191 Is there a larger context, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00388-00141191-00141462 an organization, website, efforts, etc.? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00389-00141462-00141691 And/or can I get that on a t-shirt?" Y9D4mLfbrJM-00390-00141691-00142037 Yes. T-shirt is primarily what that campaign is. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00391-00142137-00142413 So currently, I believe they're available on Y9D4mLfbrJM-00392-00142413-00143188 bonfire.com/ thefutureisaccessible and also Y9D4mLfbrJM-00393-00143188-00143643 in my TeePublic store, which is also called Annie Elainey. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00394-00143643-00143935 So they're available both there. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00395-00143935-00144285 Something that I do as a content creator oftentimes is actually Y9D4mLfbrJM-00396-00144285-00144719 just start conversations, which is why kind of my final notes Y9D4mLfbrJM-00397-00144719-00144949 on that is about sharing our narratives and listening Y9D4mLfbrJM-00398-00144949-00145199 to other people's narratives as well. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00399-00145199-00145549 I think that the thing that I contribute to activism Y9D4mLfbrJM-00400-00145549-00145962 as much I'm basically mostly in my bed all the time, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00401-00145962-00146250 is for people to have these dialogues. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00402-00146250-00146642 I want people to share all the time because without sharing, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00403-00146642-00147034 we would never know, like I said, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00404-00147034-00147180 the oppressions that we're facing. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00405-00147180-00147347 We wouldn't know that they're wrong. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00406-00147347-00147509 We wouldn't know what kind of actions Y9D4mLfbrJM-00407-00147509-00147781 we can take against them. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00408-00147781-00148089 So I always want people to share their narratives, share their Y9D4mLfbrJM-00409-00148089-00148485 stories, and equally advocate for people to listen to them. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00410-00148585-00149136 So The Future is Accessible is primarily this very big Y9D4mLfbrJM-00411-00149136-00149470 conversation hashtag mostly on Twitter. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00412-00149470-00149783 That's basically where a lot of my activism goes. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00413-00149783-00149983 So people will use the hashtag when they see Y9D4mLfbrJM-00414-00149983-00150220 a really good example of accessibility. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00415-00150220-00150683 They use the hashtag when someone is very inaccessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00416-00150683-00151009 And so it's used for a variety of reasons. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00417-00151009-00151614 It's often in celebration, often in calling in—I prefer calling Y9D4mLfbrJM-00418-00151614-00151960 in versus calling out— and telling people, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00419-00151960-00152164 "Hey, your space is not accessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00420-00152164-00152581 So get with the program because the future is accessible." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00421-00152786-00153069 And larger context: organizations, website. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00422-00153069-00153307 Yeah, there's no website. It's just the conversation; Y9D4mLfbrJM-00423-00153307-00153774 it's just the hashtag so far. I don't know. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00424-00153774-00154275 There is, actually, there is people, there are people who- Y9D4mLfbrJM-00425-00154375-00154683 There's another conference, I think, that they titled it Y9D4mLfbrJM-00426-00154683-00155205 The Future is Accessible, no affiliation with me. It's weird. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00427-00155205-00155534 When they started that, people came to me to ask me like, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00428-00155534-00155634 "Did you approve of that? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00429-00155634-00155855 Did you, are you working with them?" Y9D4mLfbrJM-00430-00155855-00156093 Said, "No. It's the Internet. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00431-00156093-00156468 So things just belong to everybody." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00432-00156468-00156648 That was something I had to learn right away too, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00433-00156648-00157111 about Internet activism is that when you put stuff out there, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00434-00157111-00157348 unfortunately, sometimes it just Y9D4mLfbrJM-00435-00157348-00157603 kind of belongs to everybody else now. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00436-00157603-00157824 Like spoonies, right? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00437-00157824-00158045 So if you don't know what a spoonie is, it's someone with Y9D4mLfbrJM-00438-00158045-00158537 a chronic or mental illness, who uses the Spoon Theory. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00439-00158537-00158929 Which is basically kind of equating spoons as a symbol Y9D4mLfbrJM-00440-00158929-00159284 for like your, the limited energy you might have Y9D4mLfbrJM-00441-00159284-00159651 as a chronically ill, a mentally ill person. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00442-00159751-00160168 And the person who created it, she created it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00443-00160168-00160356 I'm having brain fog right now for her name. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00444-00160356-00160502 Oh my gosh. [chuckles] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00445-00160502-00160835 And so she's always gonna be the creator, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00446-00160835-00161060 but it kind of ended up being its own culture. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00447-00161060-00161427 It kinda, people kind of take it on for themselves. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00448-00161427-00161874 They create their own kind of apparel with the word and stuff. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00449-00161874-00162266 And so as a creator, you probably feel like that's weird, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00450-00162266-00162495 like, that's mine; I created it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00451-00162495-00162854 But when you contribute to creating a culture, yeah, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00452-00162854-00163025 it doesn't belong to you anymore. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00453-00163025-00163350 So The Future Accessible, The Future's Accessible. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00454-00163350-00163692 I'm sorry. Mumbling my words now. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00455-00163692-00163892 [singsong] Brain fog's at the hit. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00456-00164063-00164347 Now people, I've seen people creating Y9D4mLfbrJM-00457-00164347-00164568 their own t-shirts with it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00458-00164568-00164810 Now, like I mentioned, that conference Y9D4mLfbrJM-00459-00164810-00165039 uses it as their title. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00460-00165148-00165740 And you know, I [sighs]— What are you gonna do? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00461-00165740-00165899 I created something; it's out there. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00462-00165899-00166508 People are using it. I can't, it's not mine anymore. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00463-00166508-00166916 It's a weird thing to say, but [laughs] I mean, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00464-00166916-00167050 I appreciate the credit, though. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00465-00167050-00167333 I appreciate that I was the person that started Y9D4mLfbrJM-00466-00167333-00167517 that hashtag and that conversation. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00467-00167617-00167780 Oops. Totally. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00468-00167780-00167984 Do we have time for one more, I guess? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00469-00167984-00168188 OK. Let's see. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00470-00168289-00168551 "So many of us don't get diagnosed and have to wait years Y9D4mLfbrJM-00471-00168551-00168872 for a diagnosis or diagnose ourselves. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00472-00168872-00169039 How can this problem be fixed? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00473-00169039-00169435 Is there a way that Medicare For All could include this and hold Y9D4mLfbrJM-00474-00169435-00170107 medical...hold medical folks accountable?" Y9D4mLfbrJM-00475-00170445-00170920 I don't know. Probably. [laughs] Y9D4mLfbrJM-00476-00170920-00171250 This is a area that's kind of out of my expertise Y9D4mLfbrJM-00477-00171250-00171488 'cause I don't know too much about Medicare. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00478-00171629-00172326 I was fortunately on insurance under my parents while I was Y9D4mLfbrJM-00479-00172326-00172685 doing my diagnosis journey and then kind of hit that Y9D4mLfbrJM-00480-00172685-00173114 26-year-old space where I no longer had insurance. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00481-00173268-00173569 And fortunately, it's so weird, the timing on that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00482-00173569-00173982 I got my diagnosis, turned 26 like the next day. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00483-00173982-00174274 So [chuckles] so I was like, OK, great. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00484-00174274-00174632 So I have to kinda go on a hospital hiatus, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00485-00174632-00174816 which I'm still on kind of. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00486-00174816-00175170 I've only, after getting diagnosed, I went to the ER Y9D4mLfbrJM-00487-00175170-00175746 for this, what they thought was either trigeminal neuralgia Y9D4mLfbrJM-00488-00175746-00175980 or could've been TMJ. Who knows. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00489-00175980-00176376 It was, I went for very excruciating facial pain Y9D4mLfbrJM-00490-00176376-00176605 that felt like someone had hit me across the temple Y9D4mLfbrJM-00491-00176605-00176718 with a baseball bat. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00492-00176718-00177260 Like it was just this echoing pain that I was, oohh, like a Y9D4mLfbrJM-00493-00177260-00177665 suicidal level of pain that they couldn't diagnose in the ER, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00494-00177665-00177886 even though I said, "Hey, I have Ehlers-Danlos. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00495-00177886-00178374 Please take that into account when you're working on me." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00496-00178374-00178761 They didn't know what it was! So nothing happened. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00497-00178962-00179425 When it comes to diagnosis, that conversation, again, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00498-00179425-00179904 I'm very...like, relaxed about it. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00499-00179904-00180267 I think self-diagnosis sometimes is absolutely Y9D4mLfbrJM-00500-00180267-00180630 necessary and absolutely valid. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00501-00180630-00181060 I very well could have self-diagnosed and might have Y9D4mLfbrJM-00502-00181060-00181477 been forced to, had I not had the fortune of getting Y9D4mLfbrJM-00503-00181477-00181777 my diagnosis before my insurance ran out. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00504-00181981-00182503 Because a diagnosis essentially is a way for you to communicate Y9D4mLfbrJM-00505-00182503-00182895 your needs and communicate what's going on in your body. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00506-00182895-00183374 And a doctor can be just as wrong about your diagnosis Y9D4mLfbrJM-00507-00183374-00183754 as you might be doing a self-diagnosis. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00508-00184000-00184209 I think that, in general, there's a lot of, there's Y9D4mLfbrJM-00509-00184209-00184755 a lot of, you know, fear in regards to self-diagnosis, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00510-00184755-00185043 both from the person that's doing it and from everybody else Y9D4mLfbrJM-00511-00185043-00185289 who hears the term "self-diagnosed." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00512-00185289-00185556 They're like, oh, so it's fake. Oh, so you're lying. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00513-00185810-00186052 And I think one of the conversations I had, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00514-00186052-00186344 again, through the Internet, someone was like, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00515-00186344-00186653 "Oh, people self-diagnose when they say, 'Oh, I'm so OCD Y9D4mLfbrJM-00516-00186653-00186911 because I like to organize things'." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00517-00186911-00187128 And I had to kinda correct that and say, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00518-00187128-00187491 "That is appropriation of medical terminology. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00519-00187491-00187725 That's not a self-diagnosis." Y9D4mLfbrJM-00520-00187725-00188104 That is someone using medical terminology as a joke or as Y9D4mLfbrJM-00521-00188104-00188525 slang, so that's appropriation of medical terminology. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00522-00188525-00188780 But that's not a self-diagnosis. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00523-00188780-00189038 A self-diagnosis comes from someone typically who's done Y9D4mLfbrJM-00524-00189038-00189539 a lot of research and who may not have access to a Y9D4mLfbrJM-00525-00189539-00189860 "official" medical diagnosis, whether that's because Y9D4mLfbrJM-00526-00189860-00190298 they don't have the money to seek medical care that way, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00527-00190298-00190561 they don't have-- they're too ill. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00528-00190561-00190932 I'm sorry, they're too ill to go to doctors every so often, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00529-00190932-00191207 and they might miss every appointment because Y9D4mLfbrJM-00530-00191207-00191508 they're too sick to get out of bed. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00531-00191508-00192008 There's so many reasons why we may not have access to that. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00532-00192008-00192408 So it's very important to me that the idea of self-diagnosis Y9D4mLfbrJM-00533-00192408-00193034 is more respected and treated with less judgment and cruelty. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00534-00193193-00193564 And under that same umbrella, also, the other hashtag Y9D4mLfbrJM-00535-00193564-00194064 that I recently created was #AmbulatoryWheelchairUsersExist Y9D4mLfbrJM-00536-00194064-00194473 because people tend to freak out when I step out of my wheelchair Y9D4mLfbrJM-00537-00194473-00194782 [chuckles] because they've never seen that before. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00538-00194936-00195303 So there's a lot of things in regards to medical needs Y9D4mLfbrJM-00539-00195303-00195749 and disabilities that needs to kind of be debunked. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00540-00195749-00196108 And so whenever you catch yourself feeling those feelings, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00541-00196108-00196271 feeling prejudice against someone who might be Y9D4mLfbrJM-00542-00196271-00196646 self‑diagnosed or someone who is presenting a disability that Y9D4mLfbrJM-00543-00196646-00197184 you've never witnessed before, I say, come to it Y9D4mLfbrJM-00544-00197184-00197363 with open mind, open heart. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00545-00197363-00197655 Come to it with less criticism, less judgment, Y9D4mLfbrJM-00546-00197655-00198064 and more questions as opposed to assuming that someone Y9D4mLfbrJM-00547-00198064-00198469 is being malicious or faking or any of those things. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00548-00198577-00198848 And I think that's— Am I good on time? Y9D4mLfbrJM-00549-00198848-00199132 Is that good? Yeah. So we're gonna end it there. Y9D4mLfbrJM-00550-00199132-00199499 Thank you so much. Thank you. [applause] YqQRjgxYw6u-00000-00000010-00000293 NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. YqQRjgxYw6u-00001-00000293-00000300 NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. YqQRjgxYw6u-00002-00000300-00000447 NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: LOCAL HE IS AND HE YqQRjgxYw6u-00003-00000447-00000453 NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: LOCAL HE IS AND HE YqQRjgxYw6u-00004-00000453-00000637 NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: LOCAL HE IS AND HE KNOWS FORMER TWIN CITIES NEWS YqQRjgxYw6u-00005-00000637-00000643 >> Dennis: LOCAL HE IS AND HE KNOWS FORMER TWIN CITIES NEWS YqQRjgxYw6u-00006-00000643-00000900 >> Dennis: LOCAL HE IS AND HE KNOWS FORMER TWIN CITIES NEWS ANCHOR DONE SHELBY WILL BE YqQRjgxYw6u-00007-00000900-00000907 KNOWS FORMER TWIN CITIES NEWS ANCHOR DONE SHELBY WILL BE YqQRjgxYw6u-00008-00000907-00000950 KNOWS FORMER TWIN CITIES NEWS ANCHOR DONE SHELBY WILL BE MAKING A OP? YqQRjgxYw6u-00009-00000950-00000957 ANCHOR DONE SHELBY WILL BE MAKING A OP? YqQRjgxYw6u-00010-00000957-00001067 ANCHOR DONE SHELBY WILL BE MAKING A OP? BRAINERD TOMORROW AS PART OF YqQRjgxYw6u-00011-00001067-00001074 MAKING A OP? BRAINERD TOMORROW AS PART OF YqQRjgxYw6u-00012-00001074-00001264 MAKING A OP? BRAINERD TOMORROW AS PART OF THEIR SHOWS RIVER SONGS AND YqQRjgxYw6u-00013-00001264-00001271 BRAINERD TOMORROW AS PART OF THEIR SHOWS RIVER SONGS AND YqQRjgxYw6u-00014-00001271-00001481 BRAINERD TOMORROW AS PART OF THEIR SHOWS RIVER SONGS AND TALES WITH MARK DWAYNE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00015-00001481-00001488 THEIR SHOWS RIVER SONGS AND TALES WITH MARK DWAYNE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00016-00001488-00001644 THEIR SHOWS RIVER SONGS AND TALES WITH MARK DWAYNE. THE CHALBERG THEATER ARE HOST A YqQRjgxYw6u-00017-00001644-00001651 TALES WITH MARK DWAYNE. THE CHALBERG THEATER ARE HOST A YqQRjgxYw6u-00018-00001651-00001848 TALES WITH MARK DWAYNE. THE CHALBERG THEATER ARE HOST A GROUP OF SINGERS ALONG WITH MARK YqQRjgxYw6u-00019-00001848-00001855 THE CHALBERG THEATER ARE HOST A GROUP OF SINGERS ALONG WITH MARK YqQRjgxYw6u-00020-00001855-00001981 THE CHALBERG THEATER ARE HOST A GROUP OF SINGERS ALONG WITH MARK TWAIN PLAYED BY SHELBY. YqQRjgxYw6u-00021-00001981-00001988 GROUP OF SINGERS ALONG WITH MARK TWAIN PLAYED BY SHELBY. YqQRjgxYw6u-00022-00001988-00002082 GROUP OF SINGERS ALONG WITH MARK TWAIN PLAYED BY SHELBY. THE 930 MINUTE SHOW WILL BE FULL YqQRjgxYw6u-00023-00002082-00002088 TWAIN PLAYED BY SHELBY. THE 930 MINUTE SHOW WILL BE FULL YqQRjgxYw6u-00024-00002088-00002332 TWAIN PLAYED BY SHELBY. THE 930 MINUTE SHOW WILL BE FULL OF SONGS AND STORIES ABOUT THE YqQRjgxYw6u-00025-00002332-00002338 THE 930 MINUTE SHOW WILL BE FULL OF SONGS AND STORIES ABOUT THE YqQRjgxYw6u-00026-00002338-00002552 THE 930 MINUTE SHOW WILL BE FULL OF SONGS AND STORIES ABOUT THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. YqQRjgxYw6u-00027-00002552-00002559 OF SONGS AND STORIES ABOUT THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. YqQRjgxYw6u-00028-00002559-00002669 OF SONGS AND STORIES ABOUT THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. CONDUCTOR PHILIP SHOULTZ SAYS YqQRjgxYw6u-00029-00002669-00002675 MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. CONDUCTOR PHILIP SHOULTZ SAYS YqQRjgxYw6u-00030-00002675-00002776 MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. CONDUCTOR PHILIP SHOULTZ SAYS THE PERFORMANCE HAS A LITTLE YqQRjgxYw6u-00031-00002776-00002782 CONDUCTOR PHILIP SHOULTZ SAYS THE PERFORMANCE HAS A LITTLE YqQRjgxYw6u-00032-00002782-00003196 CONDUCTOR PHILIP SHOULTZ SAYS THE PERFORMANCE HAS A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00033-00003196-00003203 THE PERFORMANCE HAS A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00034-00003203-00003530 THE PERFORMANCE HAS A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> YOU HAVE THE INTERACTION YqQRjgxYw6u-00035-00003530-00003536 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> YOU HAVE THE INTERACTION YqQRjgxYw6u-00036-00003536-00003590 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> YOU HAVE THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HUCK AND JEFF. YqQRjgxYw6u-00037-00003590-00003596 >> YOU HAVE THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HUCK AND JEFF. YqQRjgxYw6u-00038-00003596-00003743 >> YOU HAVE THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HUCK AND JEFF. THERE IS THAT RACIAL PLAY THERE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00039-00003743-00003750 BETWEEN HUCK AND JEFF. THERE IS THAT RACIAL PLAY THERE. YqQRjgxYw6u-00040-00003750-00003893 BETWEEN HUCK AND JEFF. THERE IS THAT RACIAL PLAY THERE. THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS. YqQRjgxYw6u-00041-00003893-00003900 THERE IS THAT RACIAL PLAY THERE. THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS. YqQRjgxYw6u-00042-00003900-00004057 THERE IS THAT RACIAL PLAY THERE. THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS. THERE IS SO MANY ISSUES THAT ARE YqQRjgxYw6u-00043-00004057-00004064 THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS. THERE IS SO MANY ISSUES THAT ARE YqQRjgxYw6u-00044-00004064-00004307 THE SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS. THERE IS SO MANY ISSUES THAT ARE STILL RELEVANT TO THIS DAY YOU YqQRjgxYw6u-00045-00004307-00004314 THERE IS SO MANY ISSUES THAT ARE STILL RELEVANT TO THIS DAY YOU YqQRjgxYw6u-00046-00004314-00004491 THERE IS SO MANY ISSUES THAT ARE STILL RELEVANT TO THIS DAY YOU KNOW RIGHT VERSUS WRONG AND I YqQRjgxYw6u-00047-00004491-00004497 STILL RELEVANT TO THIS DAY YOU KNOW RIGHT VERSUS WRONG AND I YqQRjgxYw6u-00048-00004497-00004721 STILL RELEVANT TO THIS DAY YOU KNOW RIGHT VERSUS WRONG AND I THINK WE ADDRESSED THEM OFTEN YqQRjgxYw6u-00049-00004721-00004728 KNOW RIGHT VERSUS WRONG AND I THINK WE ADDRESSED THEM OFTEN YqQRjgxYw6u-00050-00004728-00004881 KNOW RIGHT VERSUS WRONG AND I THINK WE ADDRESSED THEM OFTEN DIRECTLY BUT THEN OTHER TIMES IN YqQRjgxYw6u-00051-00004881-00004888 THINK WE ADDRESSED THEM OFTEN DIRECTLY BUT THEN OTHER TIMES IN YqQRjgxYw6u-00052-00004888-00005078 THINK WE ADDRESSED THEM OFTEN DIRECTLY BUT THEN OTHER TIMES IN A VERY PLAYFUL MANNER EITHER YqQRjgxYw6u-00053-00005078-00005085 DIRECTLY BUT THEN OTHER TIMES IN A VERY PLAYFUL MANNER EITHER YqQRjgxYw6u-00054-00005085-00005288 DIRECTLY BUT THEN OTHER TIMES IN A VERY PLAYFUL MANNER EITHER THROUGH THE MUSIC, THE YqQRjgxYw6u-00055-00005288-00005295 A VERY PLAYFUL MANNER EITHER THROUGH THE MUSIC, THE YqQRjgxYw6u-00056-00005295-00005468 A VERY PLAYFUL MANNER EITHER THROUGH THE MUSIC, THE CHOREOGRAPHY OR THROUGH MARK YqQRjgxYw6u-00057-00005468-00005475 THROUGH THE MUSIC, THE CHOREOGRAPHY OR THROUGH MARK YqQRjgxYw6u-00058-00005475-00005525 THROUGH THE MUSIC, THE CHOREOGRAPHY OR THROUGH MARK TWAIN'S WORDS. YqQRjgxYw6u-00059-00005525-00005532 CHOREOGRAPHY OR THROUGH MARK TWAIN'S WORDS. YqQRjgxYw6u-00060-00005532-00005692 CHOREOGRAPHY OR THROUGH MARK TWAIN'S WORDS. >> Dennis: RIVER SONGS AND YqQRjgxYw6u-00061-00005692-00005699 TWAIN'S WORDS. >> Dennis: RIVER SONGS AND YqQRjgxYw6u-00062-00005699-00005779 TWAIN'S WORDS. >> Dennis: RIVER SONGS AND TALES WITH MARK TWAIN WILL TAKE Yt2o2_RXiqE-00000-00000508-00000855 A social media network is an online community. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00001-00000855-00001208 In social networks, people share information of all types. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00002-00001208-00001728 Members have mixed goals...the big idea, though, is to connect with others, including friends, Yt2o2_RXiqE-00003-00001728-00002408 family, colleagues, and even strangers who may share common interests or activities. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00004-00002408-00002954 Social networks can include people who interact in more traditional online and offline ways Yt2o2_RXiqE-00005-00002954-00003354 or people who interact purely in the online world. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00006-00003354-00003792 Social media networks consist of built-in communication channels. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00007-00003792-00004350 Depending on the network, channels may include status updates, posts, or instant messaging. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00008-00004350-00004906 You can share information, make announcements, or post media about upcoming events. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00009-00004906-00005524 Social media is made up of a large, diverse pool of cloud-based tools connecting social networks. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00010-00005524-00005862 Underlying each tool is the idea of community. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00011-00005863-00006385 The knowledge and information that you create and post, both influences and is influenced Yt2o2_RXiqE-00012-00006385-00006628 by others in the community. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00013-00006628-00007030 This typically stimulates ideas and connections. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00014-00007030-00007458 Multimedia are a regular part of almost all communication. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00015-00007459-00008102 Photos and videos are commonly shared through social media channels, along with text. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00016-00008102-00008628 Increasingly, social media networks are being used by billions of people to connect and Yt2o2_RXiqE-00017-00008628-00008932 communicate with people across the globe. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00018-00008932-00009276 Almost all social media networks require membership. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00019-00009276-00009826 What this means is that you typically cannot search the community’s information without joining. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00020-00009826-00010380 Even if you are able to search community content without joining, it is rare that you can post Yt2o2_RXiqE-00021-00010381-00010623 as a non-member. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00022-00010623-00011149 Some social media networks allow you to alter your privacy settings and have a lot of control Yt2o2_RXiqE-00023-00011149-00011360 over who sees your posts. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00024-00011360-00011942 Knowing what is public and private is important to consider when joining a social media network. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00025-00011942-00012428 Social media can benefit you by its convenience and its ease of use. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00026-00012429-00012928 Most popular networks have a short learning curve, are free, and give you easy access Yt2o2_RXiqE-00027-00012928-00013152 to people near and far. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00028-00013152-00013684 Social media gives you ways to communicate with people without meeting face-to-face. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00029-00013684-00014176 Many social networks allow members to post status updates and pictures, to broadcast Yt2o2_RXiqE-00030-00014177-00014537 their activities, opinions, and accomplishments. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00031-00014537-00015308 Beyond broadcasting, social media networks can facilitate quality interactions and information exchange. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00032-00015319-00015790 People use different networks for different reasons...for staying in touch, for being Yt2o2_RXiqE-00033-00015790-00016506 up-to-date with events and trends...for learning new things...and for even for managing work-related information. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00034-00016528-00017122 Staying active on social media networks can help you keep up with family, friends, and colleagues. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00035-00017122-00017754 Social media networks are also beneficial when trying to build, expand, and maintain Yt2o2_RXiqE-00036-00017755-00017963 connections and relationships. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00037-00017963-00018479 How exciting that we all have so many choices for using networks to meet our own social Yt2o2_RXiqE-00038-00018479-00018788 needs and professional interests! Yt2o2_RXiqE-00039-00018836-00019148 Finally...I wanted to mention just a brief “PS.” Yt2o2_RXiqE-00040-00019148-00019572 You know that famous sci fi series where the catch phrase involves “the force”? Yt2o2_RXiqE-00041-00019572-00019836 Well, that’s the segue to my final thought. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00042-00019836-00020274 Social media has the potential for tons of “force”...good and evil. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00043-00020274-00020582 I am not trying to be melodramatic here, just smart. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00044-00020582-00020934 Social media tools - in of themselves - are just tools. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00045-00020934-00021438 In the hands of learners and teachers and constructive interactors, social media helps Yt2o2_RXiqE-00046-00021438-00021604 us all win. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00047-00021604-00022276 When social media interfaces with less positive elements and intents, it helps us lose. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00048-00022276-00022861 Coupled with the human intent is this: Social media (as with any technology) must be tempered. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00049-00022861-00023186 It can be addicting or a balanced add-on. Yt2o2_RXiqE-00050-00023186-00023862 Using social media strategically, balanced, and for good intentions...that’s the ticket! YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00000-00000032-00000142 Hey folks, YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00001-00000142-00000644 When I reached out for my Q&A videos, many of you asked me questions about history. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00002-00000658-00001542 I decided to mine a few for regular video topics, but here are some quick answers to a few of the other historical questions. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00003-00002158-00002600 Tamanna Zaman asks if it is true that William Shakespeare never existed. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00004-00002600-00003276 As far as the consensus of most people who study the bard, Tamanna, you can be safely assured he was a real person. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00005-00003276-00003697 More than enough contemporary documents from different sources confirm his existence. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00006-00003697-00004079 If it is a hoax, it would be one of the most sophisticated ever pulled off. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00007-00004079-00004654 Some have also accused him of not being the author of many of his famous plays as far back as the 19th century. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00008-00004654-00005110 Over 80 other people have been suspected of being the true author of Shakespeare’s works. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00009-00005130-00005378 Most famously is Sir Francis Bacon. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00010-00005394-00006230 The case historians make is that there are no contemporary accusations that Shakespeare did not write the plays, and all copies identify him as the author. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00011-00006230-00006812 The coolest thing though that they used to Identify him is something called a stylistic study. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00012-00006838-00007864 People write in unique styles, like a fingerprint, and Shakespeare’s word choice and sentence structure hints to a profile completely unique to himself. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00013-00007884-00008384 Josh from Nativlang asks who was history’s most famous historian? YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00014-00008384-00009360 Well Josh, by the way guys, if you like what I do here, but are also into linguistics, Josh runs Nativlang, an amazing animated linguistics channel. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00015-00009388-00010342 Check out his great moments in the history of writing or Thoth’s pill video series for a great 47 minutes of stuff. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00016-00010342-00010482 Now, to his question. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00017-00010490-00010986 I think that many historians, maybe not all, but many would say Herodotus. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00018-00010990-00011620 His book the Histories is considered by many to be the west’s first history book. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00019-00011620-00012336 It’s a Greek record of the world of Greece, North Africa, and the Middle-East in around 440 BCE. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00020-00012336-00013160 It is the only in-depth record we have of the rise of the Achaemenid Persian empire, and the famous wars they had with Greece. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00021-00013160-00014441 By today’s standard, the book was largely pulled from his butt, hearsay, and a hefty dose of propaganda, but it sets a standard in chronicling the events of people beyond just the mythical. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00022-00014454-00014866 Stefán Atli Þorvaldsson asks a couple questions. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00023-00014866-00015044 One was what was the first country. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00024-00015063-00015308 Well, this is a difficult question. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00025-00015308-00015658 Countries are very young or very old depending on your definition. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00026-00015658-00015966 You might argue that it was the first unnamed city. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00027-00015966-00016347 Some say this even predates agriculture, but most do not. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00028-00016347-00016704 Most historians put this somewhere in the neolithic age. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00029-00016704-00018002 If it’s the first state, well people argue that the development of the modern state was a process of moving from allegiance to particular sovereigns to the creation of an intangible political entity. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00030-00018002-00018626 This could be as late as early as the first Italian city-states or as late as the early modern period in Europe. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00031-00018626-00019406 We could also just go with the simple answer, when Europeans decided what a state was going to be at the treaty of Westphalia in 1648. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00032-00019406-00020248 It ended decades of bloody war in Europe by stating that all states held the right to national self-determination. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00033-00020248-00020778 They described it as territorial sovereignty, and without foreign agents at the domestic level. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00034-00020794-00021194 Stefan’s second question was why does Quebec speak French? YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00035-00021194-00022002 You can hear a little about this in the video I did on Soliloquy’s channel here, but the tl;dw version is that the French were the first Europeans to colonize Quebec. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00036-00022002-00022796 It wasn’t until the Seven Years War, or French and Indian War for you Americans, that modern Quebec would fall into the hands of the British. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00037-00022796-00023654 The Quebecois were largely poor, and lived a semi-feudal life, so they didn’t often assimilate or move around until later in the 19th century. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00038-00023654-00024572 Today, French as a language is a key part of the French Quebecois identity, and they make great efforts to preserve it in order to ensure their identity survives. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00039-00024572-00025606 This involves a special government organization called the Office québécois de la langue française or OQLF that sometimes gets itself in a bit of scandal for its crackdowns. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00040-00025606-00026448 One of the more recent one is pastagate, where they gave a stern warning to an Italian restaurant for having the word pasta on the menu. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00041-00026448-00026564 That’s enough for now. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00042-00026564-00027120 Thanks for the questions and if you want me to answer something about myself, the channel or history just comment down below. YtMg0Ksbk0Y-00043-00027120-00027632 And of course if you haven’t subscribe to find out when I make my next episode of Step Back. Ywntjilhm9M-00000-00000000-00000200 Thankyou for watching don forget to like share and subscribe Y_xd4WHILNM-00000-00000017-00000500 so you have been watching all those book related videos and you really want to Y_xd4WHILNM-00001-00000500-00000990 read more books but the thing is you are a beginner and it is just too tough to Y_xd4WHILNM-00002-00000990-00001604 pick up a book and read it from page 1 to page last hi guys i am manpreet and Y_xd4WHILNM-00003-00001604-00002016 today i am going to share five tips to read more and in a better way these are Y_xd4WHILNM-00004-00002016-00002327 some great tips for people who are really struggling with reading and who want Y_xd4WHILNM-00005-00002327-00002784 to read more but they just cannot figure out how to. these tips work definitely Y_xd4WHILNM-00006-00002784-00003234 for me and i am sure they will work for you as well if you are on the beginner Y_xd4WHILNM-00007-00003234-00003684 level so without further ado let's get started with this video tip number one Y_xd4WHILNM-00008-00003684-00004170 make goals we have a habit of you know misinterpreting what a goal actually is Y_xd4WHILNM-00009-00004170-00004620 a goal is that statement which stays in front of your eyes every single moment Y_xd4WHILNM-00010-00004620-00005160 until you achieve it it's an actionable and it's a reasonable amount of number Y_xd4WHILNM-00011-00005160-00005700 which you put together and you try to chase that number now the goal is a Y_xd4WHILNM-00012-00005700-00006243 finite thing which is a very serious thing as well so when you make a goal Y_xd4WHILNM-00013-00006243-00006779 that you want to read 50 books a year that doesn't mean that you know i'll read 50 books a year or I'll Y_xd4WHILNM-00014-00006779-00007254 read it next year it has to be like i have to read them this is my priority so Y_xd4WHILNM-00015-00007254-00007679 before watching that amazing movie i'm gonna first finish the book so that I am Y_xd4WHILNM-00016-00007679-00008129 on schedule and finish my you know goal of reading 50 books a year so if Y_xd4WHILNM-00017-00008129-00008556 you really want to read you have to make a goal to make yourself read now Y_xd4WHILNM-00018-00008556-00009153 reading is a great habit but it is tough to get into it in the beginning and you Y_xd4WHILNM-00019-00009153-00009704 it will be very great for you your personality your career your you know Y_xd4WHILNM-00020-00009704-00010284 whole life to get into reading as soon as possible so make goals and get into Y_xd4WHILNM-00021-00010284-00010889 reading number two make it easy you know that's the thing with Indians we try to Y_xd4WHILNM-00022-00010889-00011286 do the most difficult thing we can find in the world so when you can read an Y_xd4WHILNM-00023-00011286-00011729 amazing children's classic you would rather pick up a book by Shakespeare Y_xd4WHILNM-00024-00011729-00012231 guess what I did that and it was really a painful experience. Instead of you Y_xd4WHILNM-00025-00012231-00012663 know picking up all those difficult books which all the intellectual readers are Y_xd4WHILNM-00026-00012663-00013233 reading you must proudly pick up easy books like chetan bhagat books, durjoy datta books Y_xd4WHILNM-00027-00013233-00013686 or even children's fiction they are so beautifully written so deep Y_xd4WHILNM-00028-00013686-00014229 books that I bet even today's generations adult books are not that Y_xd4WHILNM-00029-00014229-00014862 deep as the you know classic children literature is so rather read easy books Y_xd4WHILNM-00030-00014862-00015294 that you can easily understand that you can easily get into that you can easily Y_xd4WHILNM-00031-00015294-00015876 finish and accomplish okay I do have a lot of recommendations for the easy Y_xd4WHILNM-00032-00015876-00016287 books that you can read like this and I will make a separate video about it so Y_xd4WHILNM-00033-00016287-00016545 make sure you subscribe to my channel if you are watching me for the first time Y_xd4WHILNM-00034-00016545-00016956 to wait for that video number three challenge yourself and share it Y_xd4WHILNM-00035-00016956-00017181 everywhere if you reach to the point that you fail Y_xd4WHILNM-00036-00017181-00017553 to do that thing that you decided that you would do that thing that you shared Y_xd4WHILNM-00037-00017553-00017916 with everybody that you do it should be the most embarrassing moment of your Y_xd4WHILNM-00038-00017916-00018336 life and when you make yourself that afraid of your future of not Y_xd4WHILNM-00039-00018336-00018690 accomplishing those goals you will definitely accomplish those goals so I Y_xd4WHILNM-00040-00018690-00019137 took up a challenge of reading 51 books this year and I have been talking about Y_xd4WHILNM-00041-00019137-00019713 it on and on! you know just imagine the amount of embarrassing you know and bad Y_xd4WHILNM-00042-00019713-00020148 situations I'll go through in the end of the year if I do not manage to Y_xd4WHILNM-00043-00020148-00020610 finish this challenge so I made it like that so that I could finish the Y_xd4WHILNM-00044-00020610-00021027 challenge so you really have to challenge yourself first and then you Y_xd4WHILNM-00045-00021027-00021501 have to make sure that you tell it to the world so that you know you cannot Y_xd4WHILNM-00046-00021501-00022050 back away from that number 4 set aside time for reading I just cannot imagine Y_xd4WHILNM-00047-00022050-00022503 how is it even happening you know if you are serious about something you have Y_xd4WHILNM-00048-00022503-00023082 to put your calendar down where you have to put this slot that you are going to Y_xd4WHILNM-00049-00023082-00023526 be doing reading during this time only then you will be serious enough about it Y_xd4WHILNM-00050-00023526-00023979 only then you will push yourself to that second page which is actually 100 times Y_xd4WHILNM-00051-00023979-00024483 more interesting than that boring first page and it is always the same trust me Y_xd4WHILNM-00052-00024483-00024876 so when you are thinking like you know I cannot read the book after 10 pages just Y_xd4WHILNM-00053-00024876-00025250 push yourself till 50 pages and then you'll finish the book like this Y_xd4WHILNM-00054-00025250-00025626 provided yet you chose a good book but for that you can watch my channel of Y_xd4WHILNM-00055-00025626-00026070 course for the recommendations number 5 read the kind of stories that you Y_xd4WHILNM-00056-00026070-00026732 already like now I said stories it could be fiction nonfiction anything that Y_xd4WHILNM-00057-00026732-00027173 you have already tested out you have watched movies I do not think there is a Y_xd4WHILNM-00058-00027173-00027581 single person who has not watched movies or cartoons so figure out what's the Y_xd4WHILNM-00059-00027581-00028013 theme that goes on when you think about your favorite movies the movies that you Y_xd4WHILNM-00060-00028013-00028477 love the most and pick up that theme... pickup the books which are based around Y_xd4WHILNM-00061-00028477-00029099 that theme and then begin your reading journey okay so yes I just cannot Y_xd4WHILNM-00062-00029099-00029651 imagine how someone cannot get himself or herself motivated enough to read but Y_xd4WHILNM-00063-00029651-00030119 I think that you know we all lack that kind of push but I also feel that in Y_xd4WHILNM-00064-00030119-00030650 this video I gave you that push already or I will try my best to... keep Y_xd4WHILNM-00065-00030650-00031391 giving it out until you start reading more books than I do okay thank you so Y_xd4WHILNM-00066-00031391-00031751 much for watching this video and this is manpret signing off I do not want to Y_xd4WHILNM-00067-00031751-00032162 blabber so much definitely because my camera battery's going low but I hope Y_xd4WHILNM-00068-00032162-00032522 you enjoyed watching this video and find it helpful and if you do then make sure Y_xd4WHILNM-00069-00032522-00032816 you subscribe to my channel bye bye I will be back with another video very Y_xd4WHILNM-00070-00032816-00033232 soon... this is manpreet signing off.... YA_8KNWuSBU-00000-00000029-00000469 So we're all at the University of Victoria today, we're here with InclusionWorks! YA_8KNWuSBU-00001-00000469-00000819 which is a group of families, eight families who came together YA_8KNWuSBU-00002-00000819-00001165 to work together and share knowledge and resources to help their YA_8KNWuSBU-00003-00001165-00001628 family members with developmental disabilities find greater YA_8KNWuSBU-00004-00001628-00001828 inclusion in the community YA_8KNWuSBU-00005-00001828-00002184 So the program has been running since September 2010 YA_8KNWuSBU-00006-00002184-00002268 and YA_8KNWuSBU-00007-00002268-00002664 the first InclusionWorks group, InclusionWorks Victoria, has eight participants YA_8KNWuSBU-00008-00002664-00003072 In 2012, the second group, my group, InclusionWorks Saanich started YA_8KNWuSBU-00009-00003072-00003583 we have six participants and it has been going fantastically well YA_8KNWuSBU-00010-00003583-00003957 He's not in school and not kept in one room all day and all that sort of thing YA_8KNWuSBU-00012-00004047-00004510 He's really kind of flourished with like his social development YA_8KNWuSBU-00013-00004510-00004996 We see that it's going to take a long time for Russell to maybe develop YA_8KNWuSBU-00014-00004996-00005528 the skills to get a job or a part-time job, but I can see it now, whereas before I YA_8KNWuSBU-00015-00005528-00005920 found it a little difficult, and so now i can see that YA_8KNWuSBU-00016-00005920-00006200 and there's light at the end of the tunnel http://www.inclusionbc.org/ YBlg5J3oSHA-00000-00000400-00000648 KZR-10 Combine Harvester YBlg5J3oSHA-00001-00000676-00001128 - Here, Aleksandr Grigorievich, is a KZR-10, “the last of the Mohicans", which we have kept. YBlg5J3oSHA-00002-00001136-00001328 - Don't throw it away, please. YBlg5J3oSHA-00003-00001356-00001968 - It is used in Gomel District, it is in working order. When we faced the problem with grain harvesting, we had to do something. YBlg5J3oSHA-00004-00001984-00002104 There were no special-purpose harvesters. YBlg5J3oSHA-00005-00002136-00003068 So we decided to attach a threshing and separating device to the front and a cleaning one to the rear of a mass-produced multi-task machine YBlg5J3oSHA-00006-00003076-00003584 which, in fact, marked the beginning of the domestic grain harvester production YBlg5J3oSHA-00007-00003684-00003976 - I remember... A quarter of a century has passed YBlg5J3oSHA-00008-00004008-00004204 - It was an unconventional solution YBlg5J3oSHA-00009-00004216-00004484 - No one in the world believed that this solution would work YBlg5J3oSHA-00010-00004500-00005020 - It was a bold decision of yours, but it justified itself. We have developed our own engineering solutions over this time YBlg5J3oSHA-00011-00005032-00005436 - I proceeded from the fact that we needed something to crop our harvest with, but that was not the main thing YBlg5J3oSHA-00012-00005448-00005820 The main thing was to launch the production of our own harvesters YBlg5J3oSHA-00013-00005852-00006464 Since that machine was the best option, we went with it YBlg5J3oSHA-00014-00006568-00007292 Later, we reviewed its performance. There were no losses. For me, the most important thing was that the grain harvester worked and cropped YBlg5J3oSHA-00015-00007384-00008084 and that it was not worse than... I cannot even recall its name now... Don Lan YBlg5J3oSHA-00016-00008095-00008508 Do you remember those GDR combine harvesters? I used to operate them back then YBlg5J3oSHA-00017-00008528-00009428 I saw that this one was just as good. That was why such a decision was made. I understood that we would learn how to do it YBlg5J3oSHA-00018-00009468-00010008 We had to start making them then. We can produce everything, especially now YBlg5J3oSHA-00019-00010084-00010436 The world is interdependent. Even if you do not know how to do today, you will learn tomorrow YBlg5J3oSHA-00020-00010468-00010768 You buy something somewhere, adopt it and improve YBlg5J3oSHA-00021-00010812-00011540 I dreamed that we would start making our own harvesters. Now the dream has come true YBlg5J3oSHA-00022-00011552-00012240 It is time we took it out of service and put it on a pedestal, in a museum YBlg5J3oSHA-00023-00012304-00012500 This model started everything YBlg5J3oSHA-00024-00012504-00012847 It still looks great. You can never tell that it is the oldest one YBlg5J3oSHA-00025-00012876-00013284 - All in all, 3,500 such machines rolled off the production line. YBy5ZHuq6xE-00000-00000032-00001592 this one picture is telling everything about my story the story started 16 years ago YBy5ZHuq6xE-00001-00001896-00002576 good morning everybody welcome to sexual media in this video you are with me i want to tell you YBy5ZHuq6xE-00002-00002576-00003288 about the story of my life i started 16 years ago when i moved from germany to dubai to join YBy5ZHuq6xE-00003-00003384-00004104 dubai health authority as you know i am working in the prosthetic orthotic and rehabilitation field YBy5ZHuq6xE-00004-00004272-00004864 and my journey started in dha in 2005. YBy5ZHuq6xE-00005-00005072-00005616 i've been working as head of prosthetic or toting department in russia hospital for YBy5ZHuq6xE-00006-00005672-00006823 almost nine years in 2013 i established my own clinic and medical company named best care the YBy5ZHuq6xE-00007-00006823-00007784 aim of making this video is very important i want i have a gentle request to all of you please if YBy5ZHuq6xE-00008-00007784-00008376 you are seeing that some other company is shutting down the business and going from uae from dubai YBy5ZHuq6xE-00009-00008488-00009072 don't ignore it especially when it is medical company this is not just a business YBy5ZHuq6xE-00010-00009240-00009888 it is healthcare we have a lot of kids we have a lot of all people we have a lot of needy people YBy5ZHuq6xE-00011-00009888-00010592 they need our support please don't ignore it and help them to stay help them to find a solution YBy5ZHuq6xE-00012-00010592-00011416 for their problem maybe it is very small problem could be solved when we are working all together YBy5ZHuq6xE-00013-00011416-00012176 this part of the video is showing you the condition of best care medical company in 2020 and YBy5ZHuq6xE-00014-00012176-00013176 21. the aim of the scare was always to be able to help poor people to be able to help needy people YBy5ZHuq6xE-00015-00013247-00013944 which in this video you will see some of the patients which i am preparing to show it to you YBy5ZHuq6xE-00016-00014168-00015104 but i prefer to start my story from the beginning from the time when i arrived to dubai and as YBy5ZHuq6xE-00017-00015104-00015919 young men started my work in government hospital russia hospital in prosthetic orthotics section YBy5ZHuq6xE-00018-00015976-00016792 this video providing only one important message to all of you please support health care provider YBy5ZHuq6xE-00019-00016792-00017616 inside the country if they have a problem to run their business don't leave them alone they need YBy5ZHuq6xE-00020-00017616-00018088 your support because they are providing health care to you and they are part of YBy5ZHuq6xE-00021-00018088-00018872 our family part of our society believe me when we are healthy we are ignoring them but as soon we YBy5ZHuq6xE-00022-00018872-00019584 need their support we will know how important is when we have healthy and strong health care system YBy5ZHuq6xE-00023-00019656-00020224 and this is the moment which we need to support them let them know that they are not alone YBy5ZHuq6xE-00024-00020376-00020984 these are the benefits when the company healthcare provider is staying in the country these are the YBy5ZHuq6xE-00025-00020984-00021464 people outside when you see them they are working completely normal or they are using normally their YBy5ZHuq6xE-00026-00021464-00022160 hand even they are prosthetic we are providing them very advanced prosthetic and orthotic YBy5ZHuq6xE-00027-00022280-00022864 limb to them and this is making their life much more easier and they are going back to the normal YBy5ZHuq6xE-00028-00022864-00023544 life and they can do independently whatever they want to do this is a labor which he lost YBy5ZHuq6xE-00029-00023544-00024200 his leg but thanks to prosthetic he get back to the work and he can earn money for his family YBy5ZHuq6xE-00030-00024288-00025056 this young man emirati man lost both legs but thanks to prosthetic he's able now to walk YBy5ZHuq6xE-00031-00025056-00025560 very normally and he's now grown a person when he came to me he was just 12 years old YBy5ZHuq6xE-00032-00025808-00026424 these gentlemen beat out prosthetic he need just to sit on the wheelchair YBy5ZHuq6xE-00033-00026424-00026952 and he cannot do anything to help himself maybe you are asking yourself YBy5ZHuq6xE-00034-00026952-00027744 why i am explaining all these points it is very simple actually i am just trying to save best care YBy5ZHuq6xE-00035-00027744-00028648 medical company after 16 years being in dubai providing services also helping many poor people YBy5ZHuq6xE-00036-00028768-00029439 which needs prosthetic but they were not able to provide them enough money for their treatment we YBy5ZHuq6xE-00037-00029439-00030336 have arranged the money for them with the help of many excellent charities in uae like his highness YBy5ZHuq6xE-00038-00030336-00031216 sheikh mohammed charity red carson beethoven and many many other private charities but now YBy5ZHuq6xE-00039-00031424-00032408 unfortunately we are on the point that we have to decide what to do either to continue or just to YBy5ZHuq6xE-00040-00032408-00033208 say goodbye to uae maybe we don't have long time maybe one month maybe two months but i can say YBy5ZHuq6xE-00041-00033400-00034264 whatever i could i spend already in this company whatever i saved all my saving was gone for this YBy5ZHuq6xE-00042-00034264-00035000 company and remaining was for me only the hope that everything gonna be fine but now i need your YBy5ZHuq6xE-00043-00035000-00035784 support i need everybody's support if you think you can help me continue my services to needy YBy5ZHuq6xE-00044-00035784-00036712 people to our society this is the time please contact me because i need everyone's support YBy5ZHuq6xE-00045-00036808-00037472 we are not looking here to become rich it was never ever our aim we want just to provide YBy5ZHuq6xE-00046-00037592-00038416 our services and to continue be able to be here in the market you can see that how many small kids YBy5ZHuq6xE-00047-00038480-00039056 i have shown you in this videos and it's many many more but it's not possible to show you all of it YBy5ZHuq6xE-00048-00039192-00039800 they need our support if you are planning to contact us you can contact me by YBy5ZHuq6xE-00049-00040000-00040344 double zero nine seven one for uae YBy5ZHuq6xE-00050-00040584-00041424 five zero nine one one zero two one six or if you are inside uae zero five zero nine eleven YBy5ZHuq6xE-00051-00041424-00043584 zero two one six i am smiling please help us to be able to help our society thank you very much YBy5ZHuq6xE-00052-00058416-00058424 you YIp3Wv3agpE-00000-00001380-00001962 Hi! I'm Alyssa and I'm the teen services librarian at the Ramsey County Library in Shoreview. YIp3Wv3agpE-00001-00002002-00002296 I'm Devin and I'm the teen librarian at the Roseville library. YIp3Wv3agpE-00002-00002390-00002922 I am Erica. I'm the teen services librarian at the Ramsey County Library in Maplewood. YIp3Wv3agpE-00003-00002924-00003317 You might recognize me and the other teen services librarians from your library YIp3Wv3agpE-00004-00003317-00003665 or from visiting your classrooms in previous years YIp3Wv3agpE-00005-00003684-00003911 to talk about our summer reading program for teens. YIp3Wv3agpE-00006-00003926-00004168 We're really bummed that we can't visit you in person YIp3Wv3agpE-00007-00004168-00004514 to tell you about the program this year but we still wanted to give you the YIp3Wv3agpE-00008-00004514-00004778 information you needed to read and succeed this summer. YIp3Wv3agpE-00009-00005178-00005707 To prevent what we call Summer Slide. Summer Slide is what happens when you're not actively in YIp3Wv3agpE-00010-00005707-00006082 school and actively learning your brain starts to forget all the things that YIp3Wv3agpE-00011-00006082-00006451 your teachers tell you and so what that means is you spend a lot of time YIp3Wv3agpE-00012-00006451-00006953 catching up in the fall but if you read over the summer it helps you retain your YIp3Wv3agpE-00013-00006953-00007286 science, math, history and of course your reading. YIp3Wv3agpE-00014-00007662-00008186 Teen Summer Break at Home with Your Library starts June 8 and ends on August 15. YIp3Wv3agpE-00015-00008186-00008431 It's for teens grade 6 through 12. YIp3Wv3agpE-00016-00008431-00008782 This includes teens who are going into sixth grade and those who are graduating YIp3Wv3agpE-00017-00008782-00009044 at the end of the school year. YIp3Wv3agpE-00018-00009044-00009334 To get started with your summer reading, Ramsey County Library is offering teens YIp3Wv3agpE-00019-00009334-00009640 one free book and one free Maker Teen at home kit. YIp3Wv3agpE-00020-00009826-00010182 To get your free book and free kit, go to rclreads[dot]org/teens, YIp3Wv3agpE-00021-00010182-00010638 click the request a free book link and there you will find a form that will let YIp3Wv3agpE-00022-00010638-00010886 you select your book and your kit. YIp3Wv3agpE-00023-00010886-00011226 We'll get your kit over to the library for curbside pickup. YIp3Wv3agpE-00024-00011600-00012090 To get started with Teen Summer Break, you can go to rclreads[dot]beanstack[dot]org YIp3Wv3agpE-00025-00012090-00012502 and create an account or you can download the beanstack tracker app YIp3Wv3agpE-00026-00012502-00012738 which is available for iOS and Android. YIp3Wv3agpE-00027-00012738-00013266 If you participate in the summer reading program last year you may already have an account. YIp3Wv3agpE-00028-00013266-00013606 When you sign up for a Beanstack, you'll be asked for information YIp3Wv3agpE-00029-00013606-00013934 such as your name, grade, school and contact information. YIp3Wv3agpE-00030-00013936-00014124 Be sure to use an email address that you YIp3Wv3agpE-00031-00014125-00014513 check regularly because that's how you will be contacted if you win a prize. YIp3Wv3agpE-00032-00014515-00014968 Fun activities that you can do to be entered into our prize trials read a book, attend YIp3Wv3agpE-00033-00014968-00015412 one of our virtual programs or request one of the maker teen at home kits. YIp3Wv3agpE-00034-00015412-00015870 Then, review using teen summer break. The review doesn't have to be long, YIp3Wv3agpE-00035-00015870-00016004 a couple of sentences is fine. YIp3Wv3agpE-00036-00016018-00016458 For each review that you enter, you'll be entered once into our price drawings. YIp3Wv3agpE-00037-00016898-00017356 Each week, there will be a weekly prize drawing as well as a big grand prize drawing YIp3Wv3agpE-00038-00017356-00017753 at the end of the summer and a teen who enter to review the previous week will YIp3Wv3agpE-00039-00017753-00018142 win one of our weekly prizes which includes small gift cards to Target, YIp3Wv3agpE-00040-00018142-00018512 Barnes and Noble, the Apple App Store and Google Play. YIp3Wv3agpE-00041-00018518-00018952 Then at the end of the summer we will have our grand prize drawing which will include bigger prizes. YIp3Wv3agpE-00042-00018952-00019516 So this includes larger gift cards to Target, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy and Amazon YIp3Wv3agpE-00043-00019516-00019942 as well as our grand prize shrine which will be for an Amazon fire tablet. YIp3Wv3agpE-00044-00019942-00020286 The more reviews you enter the more chances you have to win. YIp3Wv3agpE-00045-00020670-00021066 Having a card is not required to have you do the summer learning program YIp3Wv3agpE-00046-00021066-00021318 but it might help you make things a bit easier. YIp3Wv3agpE-00047-00021318-00021634 With all access to your cards, you will be able to access all our digital resources YIp3Wv3agpE-00048-00021634-00021920 as well as getting some of our physical items. YIp3Wv3agpE-00049-00021920-00022134 If you don't have a card they are free. YIp3Wv3agpE-00050-00022134-00022574 Please contact your local library branch and they will help set you up with one. YIp3Wv3agpE-00051-00022574-00023022 All you have to do is have your parents permission for it. YIp3Wv3agpE-00052-00023022-00023572 And once we are back open again you can come in with your parents and we can get you a full card. YIp3Wv3agpE-00053-00023580-00023988 What we have right now will give you access to all of our digital resources YIp3Wv3agpE-00054-00023988-00024214 as well as five items that you can pick up the other curbside pickup. YIp3Wv3agpE-00055-00024664-00025150 cloudLibrary gets you access to a wide selection of e-books and e-Audiobooks. YIp3Wv3agpE-00056-00025150-00025682 RBdigital gives you selection of the audiobooks as well as the magazines. YIp3Wv3agpE-00057-00025682-00026072 And Kanopy gives you access to ten movies that you can use every month. YIp3Wv3agpE-00058-00026527-00026860 So kickstart your reading this summer. Sign up to get your free book. YIp3Wv3agpE-00059-00026860-00027200 Register on Beanstack, write your review and win prizes. YIp3Wv3agpE-00060-00027200-00027298 Thank you so much... YIp3Wv3agpE-00061-00027298-00027386 stay safe... YIp3Wv3agpE-00062-00027392-00027532 and healthy. Bye. YJ62HA7NpTc-00000-00000166-00000558 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff YLc9sVoz06g-00000-00000166-00000377 Seattle Public Schools Building for Learning YLc9sVoz06g-00001-00000387-00000794 Education Levies 2022 EP&O Levy renewal. YLc9sVoz06g-00002-00000834-00001234 Washington State funds nine nurses for 50,000 students YLc9sVoz06g-00003-00001314-00001761 thanks to the support of the local levy, Seattle Public Schools employs 68 nurses. YLc9sVoz06g-00004-00001795-00002278 So as a mother to two kids with anaphylactic allergies and a child YLc9sVoz06g-00005-00002278-00002712 with type one diabetes, this nursing levy is absolutely critical YLc9sVoz06g-00006-00002712-00003206 to ensuring the health and safety of our kids at school, and it's generally YLc9sVoz06g-00007-00003206-00003590 very essential, but now with COVID, it's even more essential. YLc9sVoz06g-00008-00003590-00003870 I think we can all agree that we want our kids to be safe YLc9sVoz06g-00009-00003917-00004160 and taken care of when we're not with them. YLc9sVoz06g-00010-00004160-00004561 For more information on how levies bridge the funding gap, making sure our students YLc9sVoz06g-00011-00004561-00005015 and schools have the resources they need, go to www.SeattleSchools.org/Levies YLc9sVoz06g-00012-00005145-00005422 and remember ballots are due February 8th. YLc9sVoz06g-00013-00534363-00534657 Maybe you could just explain to them like just what that I mean, YLc9sVoz06g-00014-00534657-00535034 because we all worry as parents, but you to put your care YLc9sVoz06g-00015-00535111-00535461 like life and death care in another person's hands at school . YLc9sVoz06g-00016-00535461-00535661 It's a big deal for you. YLc9sVoz06g-00017-00535661-00536128 Yeah, it is. It is a very, very big deal and it is very stressful. YLc9sVoz06g-00018-00536128-00536329 And every single year YLc9sVoz06g-00019-00536329-00536609 before the start of the school year, I get very, very anxious. YLc9sVoz06g-00020-00536669-00536976 And the first couple of weeks, I'm very, very anxious YLc9sVoz06g-00021-00536976-00537280 and I'm constantly staring at my phone YLc9sVoz06g-00022-00537280-00537633 and waiting for phone calls and texts and checking Benjamin's blood sugar. YLc9sVoz06g-00023-00537693-00537914 And it is a lot. YLc9sVoz06g-00024-00537914-00538094 And this year, when M.S. YLc9sVoz06g-00025-00538094-00538264 told me she was going to be here Monday YLc9sVoz06g-00026-00538264-00538574 through Wednesday, I felt so much more at ease YLc9sVoz06g-00027-00538574-00538881 knowing that she would be following him and taking care of him. YLc9sVoz06g-00028-00538881-00539212 And she assured me, this is my very first number one priority YLc9sVoz06g-00029-00539212-00539569 is keeping Benjamin alive, and I'm going to be here for your girls YLc9sVoz06g-00030-00539569-00539929 if anything were to come up and it made me feel so much better. And she YLc9sVoz06g-00031-00540056-00540580 also has some experiencing some experience managing diabetes as well. YLc9sVoz06g-00032-00540640-00540937 And so yes, it is very, very stressful. YLc9sVoz06g-00033-00540937-00541384 And I feel so much more comfortable knowing that she's here YLc9sVoz06g-00034-00541384-00541971 and she's trained to take care of him and she does a great job and takes it on. YLc9sVoz06g-00035-00541974-00542425 And I don't know what we would do without that. YLc9sVoz06g-00036-00542511-00542715 I can't even imagine. YLc9sVoz06g-00037-00542808-00543165 It's a sound like machine, I love it, thank you. YLc9sVoz06g-00038-00543165-00543739 So I think that every nurse that I've met, that's been in the school district, YLc9sVoz06g-00039-00543739-00544206 Mindy and Madison and like she used to keep my friends YLc9sVoz06g-00040-00544206-00544567 pregnant on and stuff and I read, she actually helped me do the COVID YLc9sVoz06g-00041-00544630-00544904 protocol so that kids can get an idea was like to go back to school. YLc9sVoz06g-00042-00544947-00545114 They're amazing and they do so much. YLc9sVoz06g-00043-00545114-00545278 I mean, they're like the educators YLc9sVoz06g-00044-00545278-00545518 where they're just asked to do so much and they just step up. YLc9sVoz06g-00045-00545531-00545705 Global pandemic, OK, we got this. YLc9sVoz06g-00046-00545895-00546115 So after a couple YLc9sVoz06g-00047-00546205-00546686 deep breaths, you calm down and you can trust that the nurses have got it. YLc9sVoz06g-00048-00546686-00546893 And that's that's that's a comfort to you. YLc9sVoz06g-00049-00546893-00547293 Huge, huge comfort to me and M.S. YLc9sVoz06g-00050-00547293-00547593 In particular, I have to say, is amazing. YLc9sVoz06g-00051-00547597-00547797 Huge shout out to her. YLc9sVoz06g-00052-00547797-00548074 She is. She takes such a practical approach. YLc9sVoz06g-00053-00548107-00548451 Very calm and very soothing. YLc9sVoz06g-00054-00548451-00548688 And just, we've got this. We can handle this. YLc9sVoz06g-00055-00548708-00548951 And I really, really appreciate her. YLc9sVoz06g-00056-00548951-00549405 And she's also the other thing I would like to add that it's wonderful YLc9sVoz06g-00057-00549405-00549722 about her and all school nurses, but her in particular is just YLc9sVoz06g-00058-00549722-00550216 she's so good at talking with kids and watching her interact with Benjamin, YLc9sVoz06g-00059-00550216-00550539 and she's also working with him on becoming more independent YLc9sVoz06g-00060-00550539-00550890 with his management of his diabetes at school. So she helps him YLc9sVoz06g-00061-00551050-00551280 get out of the pump and she watches to make sure that he can. YLc9sVoz06g-00062-00551290-00551624 He enjoys the correct numbers for his lunchtime boys, YLc9sVoz06g-00063-00551624-00551988 and she also helps him, you know, check his blood sugar YLc9sVoz06g-00064-00551988-00552308 and encourages him to do that on his own, which is really great. YLc9sVoz06g-00065-00552415-00552818 And so she just has a great way of talking with the kids and with my girls, too, YLc9sVoz06g-00066-00552818-00553149 when she met them, just saying, Hey, if anything comes up, YLc9sVoz06g-00067-00553149-00553416 you know where to find me and I'm going to be looking out for you. YLc9sVoz06g-00068-00553416-00553913 And that just means so much as as a parent that she's not only medically capable, YLc9sVoz06g-00069-00553913-00554370 but also from the sort of social, emotional developmental angle as well. YLc9sVoz06g-00070-00554370-00554674 She's very, very capable and so great with them. YLc9sVoz06g-00071-00554787-00554997 That's amazing. I'm almost done with you. YLc9sVoz06g-00072-00555021-00555348 So you're on the West Seattle mom's Facebook page, YLc9sVoz06g-00073-00555348-00555765 and they're kind of trash talking about the levy and the nurses stuff. YLc9sVoz06g-00074-00555765-00556095 That's that's that's all funded by the state. YLc9sVoz06g-00075-00556158-00556385 Uh, are you going to jump in and during that conversation? YLc9sVoz06g-00076-00556385-00556579 And if so, what would you say? YLc9sVoz06g-00077-00556579-00556736 Because I know that they're active. YLc9sVoz06g-00078-00556736-00556949 Yes. Yes, that is a very active group, you know? YLc9sVoz06g-00079-00557043-00557393 Yeah, I would say it is. YLc9sVoz06g-00080-00557413-00557897 So as a mother to two kids with anaphylactic allergies and a child YLc9sVoz06g-00081-00557897-00558334 with type one diabetes, this nursing levy is absolutely critical YLc9sVoz06g-00082-00558334-00558631 to ensuring the health and safety of our kids at school. YLc9sVoz06g-00083-00558678-00558918 And it's generally very essential. YLc9sVoz06g-00084-00558918-00559208 But now with COVID, it's even more essential. YLc9sVoz06g-00085-00559211-00559579 I mean, they are doing contact tracing, they are doing COVID testing. YLc9sVoz06g-00086-00559622-00559919 They are making sure all the protocols are being followed. YLc9sVoz06g-00087-00559919-00560359 And you know, also, I've had a friend of ours YLc9sVoz06g-00088-00560359-00560773 who got hurt one day at school on the playground, actually at the school. YLc9sVoz06g-00089-00560873-00561140 So it's not at the school, it's the home school. YLc9sVoz06g-00090-00561140-00561564 And the nurse had to call her mom YLc9sVoz06g-00091-00561564-00561841 and she ended up meeting staples in our heads was a big deal. YLc9sVoz06g-00092-00561884-00562258 And another one of our friends, her son, broke his leg at school. YLc9sVoz06g-00093-00562261-00562461 Also on the this this other playground. YLc9sVoz06g-00094-00562545-00562805 And so I think, you know, not only all of that, YLc9sVoz06g-00095-00562805-00563249 but they make sure that our kids are taken care of and safe when they fall. YLc9sVoz06g-00096-00563286-00563492 When anything happens, I mean, YLc9sVoz06g-00097-00563492-00563783 when they're sick to their stomach, when they have a fever, I mean, so much YLc9sVoz06g-00098-00563783-00564110 inevitably comes up in a school day with with kids. YLc9sVoz06g-00099-00564110-00564350 That's just how it is. YLc9sVoz06g-00100-00564350-00564834 And so our our kids are incredibly important role mothers YLc9sVoz06g-00101-00564834-00565181 here, and I think we can all agree that we want our kids to be safe YLc9sVoz06g-00102-00565221-00565628 and taken care of when we're not with them and we absolutely need a nurse. YLc9sVoz06g-00103-00565708-00566082 Our schools are just being stretched more and more and more thin, YLc9sVoz06g-00104-00566122-00566469 and they're just being asked to do more and more with less and less. YLc9sVoz06g-00105-00566469-00566816 And we can't expect that teachers and office staff YLc9sVoz06g-00106-00566816-00567213 and principals and assistant principals and library teachers YLc9sVoz06g-00107-00567213-00567620 and music teachers and teachers can possibly take the place of a nurse YLc9sVoz06g-00108-00567620-00568004 because that's what's happening when our nurse AMC isn't here. YLc9sVoz06g-00109-00568004-00568404 Is that then all of these other staff who also have full time YLc9sVoz06g-00110-00568404-00568794 jobs that are also super busy are then being asked to step in. YLc9sVoz06g-00111-00568794-00569181 And inevitably, there are things that are going to fall through the cracks, YLc9sVoz06g-00112-00569181-00569595 and we don't want the health and safety of our kids to fall through the cracks. YLc9sVoz06g-00113-00569679-00569842 So please support this loving. YLc9sVoz06g-00114-00570009-00570096 Oh, my gosh. You've been. YMctLUr9olI-00000-00000233-00000333 Welcome back! YMctLUr9olI-00001-00000333-00000583 In the previous part, we learned that YMctLUr9olI-00002-00000583-00001018 reading data from the main memory is painfully slow. YMctLUr9olI-00003-00001018-00001299 So what you really want to do is to make sure YMctLUr9olI-00004-00001299-00001764 that you read as little from the main memory as possible. YMctLUr9olI-00005-00001764-00002168 In part 3B we saw some examples of YMctLUr9olI-00006-00002168-00002516 how you can reuse data in registers YMctLUr9olI-00007-00002516-00002935 so that you can minimize the number of memory reads. YMctLUr9olI-00008-00002935-00003229 This is always a good idea. YMctLUr9olI-00009-00003229-00003487 Accessing registers is free, YMctLUr9olI-00010-00003487-00003844 getting data from anywhere else is not. YMctLUr9olI-00011-00003844-00004087 This should be your plan A. YMctLUr9olI-00012-00004087-00004713 Today we will see what you can do when your plan A failed. YMctLUr9olI-00013-00004713-00005109 If you have already minimized the number of memory accesses, YMctLUr9olI-00014-00005109-00005559 and the remaining few memory accesses are still a bottleneck, YMctLUr9olI-00015-00005559-00005787 what can you do next? YMctLUr9olI-00016-00005787-00006121 We will learn how the cache memory hierarchy YMctLUr9olI-00017-00006121-00006738 that lies between the CPU and the main memory can help you then. YMctLUr9olI-00018-00006738-00007155 Here we have got a schematic view of the CPU YMctLUr9olI-00019-00007155-00007465 that we are using as a running example. YMctLUr9olI-00020-00007465-00007694 From the programmer's perspective, YMctLUr9olI-00021-00007694-00007998 all data that you have in your program YMctLUr9olI-00022-00007998-00008427 is either kept in registers or in the main memory. YMctLUr9olI-00023-00008427-00008942 You as a programmer don't directly refer to caches. YMctLUr9olI-00024-00008942-00009261 Either you use a register directly, YMctLUr9olI-00025-00009261-00009748 or you have a pointer that points somewhere in the main memory. YMctLUr9olI-00026-00009748-00010184 In the hardware there are several levels of cache memory YMctLUr9olI-00027-00010184-00010488 between the registers and the main memory, YMctLUr9olI-00028-00010488-00010875 but you can't directly control these. YMctLUr9olI-00029-00010875-00011388 The CPU tries to use cache memory for all memory lookups. YMctLUr9olI-00030-00011388-00011794 Whenever you refer to anything that is kept in memory, YMctLUr9olI-00031-00011794-00012258 the CPU first tries to get it from the L1 cache. YMctLUr9olI-00032-00012258-00012802 If that fails, the request is next sent to the L2 cache. YMctLUr9olI-00033-00012802-00012961 Then L3 cache. YMctLUr9olI-00034-00012961-00013278 And only if it isn't there either, YMctLUr9olI-00035-00013278-00013485 it is fetched from the main memory. YMctLUr9olI-00036-00013485-00013809 And once you get the data, YMctLUr9olI-00037-00013809-00014234 the CPU will also store it in the cache memory, YMctLUr9olI-00038-00014234-00014603 hoping that it might be used again soon. YMctLUr9olI-00039-00014603-00014928 And here the key point is that cache memory is small. YMctLUr9olI-00040-00014928-00015206 So whenever the CPU stores something there, YMctLUr9olI-00041-00015206-00015591 something else has to be removed to make room for the new element. YMctLUr9olI-00042-00015591-00016006 While technical details vary between different CPUs, YMctLUr9olI-00043-00016006-00016423 it is very important to have some order-of-magnitude understanding YMctLUr9olI-00044-00016423-00016874 of the typical sizes of different levels of caches. YMctLUr9olI-00045-00016874-00017391 Here are some numbers from the CPU that I'm using as an example. YMctLUr9olI-00046-00017391-00017511 Some key points. YMctLUr9olI-00047-00017511-00018097 First, even the largest cache is only something like 6 MB, YMctLUr9olI-00048-00018097-00018484 and moreover it is shared between all CPU cores. YMctLUr9olI-00049-00018484-00018783 6 MB is not much. YMctLUr9olI-00050-00018783-00019256 You can maybe fit there an array with 1000 by 1000 elements. YMctLUr9olI-00051-00019256-00019684 But if your array has, say, 10000 by 10000 elements, YMctLUr9olI-00052-00019684-00020045 you can only hope to fit maybe one or two percents of it YMctLUr9olI-00053-00020045-00020316 in any of the caches. YMctLUr9olI-00054-00020316-00020758 So repeatedly accessing the same array doesn't mean that YMctLUr9olI-00055-00020758-00021107 you will automatically benefit from the caches. YMctLUr9olI-00056-00021107-00021668 You will need to repeatedly access the same small fragment of it. YMctLUr9olI-00057-00021668-00022134 Another figure to pay attention to is the size of the L1 cache. YMctLUr9olI-00058-00022134-00022502 L1 is fast but also really small. YMctLUr9olI-00059-00022502-00022752 Just 32 kilobytes here. YMctLUr9olI-00060-00022752-00023047 It is so little that often you can't even fit one row YMctLUr9olI-00061-00023047-00023289 of your input data in L1 cache. YMctLUr9olI-00062-00023289-00023752 Always do the math, estimate how large is your input data, YMctLUr9olI-00063-00023752-00024149 how large is one row or whatever is a natural unit of input data YMctLUr9olI-00064-00024149-00024522 in your application, and see how many units you can fit YMctLUr9olI-00065-00024522-00024835 on different levels of the cache memory hierarchy. YMctLUr9olI-00066-00024835-00025350 Another concept we need to be aware of is a cache line. YMctLUr9olI-00067-00025350-00025722 The memory system does not care about individual bytes YMctLUr9olI-00068-00025722-00025890 or individual words. YMctLUr9olI-00069-00025890-00026253 It handles everything in much larger blocks YMctLUr9olI-00070-00026253-00026499 that are called cache lines. YMctLUr9olI-00071-00026499-00026977 In our machines, one cache lines is 64 bytes. YMctLUr9olI-00072-00026977-00027481 So if you refer to one byte somewhere in memory, YMctLUr9olI-00073-00027481-00027943 you will get 64 bytes back, wanted it or not. YMctLUr9olI-00074-00027943-00028288 This is one of the reasons why linear reading is good. YMctLUr9olI-00075-00028288-00028633 If you anyway get other nearby elements to caches, YMctLUr9olI-00076-00028633-00028865 you might as well try to benefit from it. YMctLUr9olI-00077-00028865-00029155 Otherwise you are just wasting bandwidth. YMctLUr9olI-00078-00029155-00029500 So what you want to do is to design your code so YMctLUr9olI-00079-00029500-00029878 that your memory access pattern benefits as much as possible YMctLUr9olI-00080-00029878-00030062 from the cache memory. YMctLUr9olI-00081-00030062-00030471 You would like to make sure that almost always your memory reads YMctLUr9olI-00082-00030471-00030906 refer to something that you have accessed so recently YMctLUr9olI-00083-00030906-00031384 that it still remains in caches close to the CPU. YMctLUr9olI-00084-00031384-00031847 Let's look at some concrete examples of what this might mean. YMctLUr9olI-00085-00031847-00032221 Let's assume we have got some orange and blue input elements. YMctLUr9olI-00086-00032221-00032533 n orange elements, n blue elements. YMctLUr9olI-00087-00032533-00032899 And our task is to compute some n by n output array YMctLUr9olI-00088-00032899-00033487 where each element is computed from a pair of input values. YMctLUr9olI-00089-00033487-00033790 For example, output element in row 2 and column 6 YMctLUr9olI-00090-00033790-00034341 is some function of orange element 2 and blue element 6. YMctLUr9olI-00091-00034341-00034511 So if you don't do anything more clever YMctLUr9olI-00092-00034511-00034831 and just compute the output elements one by one, YMctLUr9olI-00093-00034831-00035113 you will eventually read each orange element n times YMctLUr9olI-00094-00035113-00035446 and you will also read each blue element n times. YMctLUr9olI-00095-00035446-00035834 Now what does this mean from the perspective of cache memory? YMctLUr9olI-00096-00035834-00036256 The trivial solution is to just go through the output array YMctLUr9olI-00097-00036256-00036400 in a natural order. YMctLUr9olI-00098-00036400-00036500 Two nested loops, YMctLUr9olI-00099-00036500-00036755 the outer loop counting orange indexes YMctLUr9olI-00100-00036755-00037039 and the inner loop counting blue indexes. YMctLUr9olI-00101-00037039-00037308 Now what does the memory access pattern look like? YMctLUr9olI-00102-00037308-00037641 For the orange array, things look good. YMctLUr9olI-00103-00037641-00038143 We read the same item many times in a row. YMctLUr9olI-00104-00038143-00038586 So if one item is small enough to fit in cache memory, YMctLUr9olI-00105-00038586-00038936 we will here benefit from caches. YMctLUr9olI-00106-00038936-00039368 But for blue elements the memory access pattern is really bad. YMctLUr9olI-00107-00039368-00039819 For example, after reading element 0 we don't come back to it YMctLUr9olI-00108-00039819-00040159 until we have read all other blue elements. YMctLUr9olI-00109-00040159-00040515 So most likely element 0 won't be in the cache any more YMctLUr9olI-00110-00040515-00040691 when we need it again. YMctLUr9olI-00111-00040691-00040844 You look at a small slice of time, YMctLUr9olI-00112-00040844-00041281 and you see that orange reads are tightly concentrated YMctLUr9olI-00113-00041281-00041568 in small region, which is great, YMctLUr9olI-00114-00041568-00041969 but blue reads are all over the place, which is bad. YMctLUr9olI-00115-00041969-00042214 And if you look at a bit longer slice of time YMctLUr9olI-00116-00042214-00042543 and it doesn't get any better. YMctLUr9olI-00117-00042543-00042847 Here blue reads are going to be cache misses YMctLUr9olI-00118-00042847-00043284 unless all blue things fit in the cache! YMctLUr9olI-00119-00043284-00043484 We could change the order of loops, YMctLUr9olI-00120-00043484-00043818 but then the problem just moves from the blue side YMctLUr9olI-00121-00043818-00043931 to the orange side. YMctLUr9olI-00122-00043931-00044496 But what if we followed this kind of an order? YMctLUr9olI-00123-00044496-00045025 Now the orange memory access pattern would look like this. YMctLUr9olI-00124-00045025-00045549 And the blue memory access pattern would look like this. YMctLUr9olI-00125-00045549-00045831 The nice things about this pattern is that YMctLUr9olI-00126-00045831-00046137 if you look at a short fragment of time, YMctLUr9olI-00127-00046137-00046539 you can see that both orange and blue memory references YMctLUr9olI-00128-00046539-00046990 are concentrated in small parts of the arrays. YMctLUr9olI-00129-00046990-00047321 And the same works in all scales. YMctLUr9olI-00130-00047321-00047503 Look at a longer fragment of time, YMctLUr9olI-00131-00047503-00047787 and the memory references are concentrated YMctLUr9olI-00132-00047787-00048067 in larger part of the arrays. YMctLUr9olI-00133-00048067-00048425 So you will benefit from small and fast caches YMctLUr9olI-00134-00048425-00048608 in small time scale, YMctLUr9olI-00135-00048608-00048922 and then larger and slower caches will help you YMctLUr9olI-00136-00048922-00049208 in larger time scales. YMctLUr9olI-00137-00049208-00049558 So this is one concrete example of how you could try to YMctLUr9olI-00138-00049558-00049925 engineer your memory access pattern so that YMctLUr9olI-00139-00049925-00050443 you explicitly take into account efficient use of caches. YMctLUr9olI-00140-00050443-00050655 But all of this only makes sense YMctLUr9olI-00141-00050655-00050952 if your blue and orange elements are small enough YMctLUr9olI-00142-00050952-00051302 so that you can keep many such elements in caches. YMctLUr9olI-00143-00051302-00051559 If each element is larger than L3 cache, YMctLUr9olI-00144-00051559-00051792 none of this is going to do any good! YMctLUr9olI-00145-00051792-00052116 So what to do if you need to compute something similar, YMctLUr9olI-00146-00052116-00052274 but your individual elements are huge, YMctLUr9olI-00147-00052274-00052600 each maybe several megabytes? YMctLUr9olI-00148-00052600-00052898 Now all this heavily depends on the application, YMctLUr9olI-00149-00052898-00053286 but sometimes it is possible to split your large elements YMctLUr9olI-00150-00053286-00053465 in smaller parts. YMctLUr9olI-00151-00053465-00053820 Then you can do the computation for the first halves, YMctLUr9olI-00152-00053820-00054157 and separately do the computation for the second halves, YMctLUr9olI-00153-00054157-00054471 and finally somehow combine the partial results, YMctLUr9olI-00154-00054471-00054707 whatever it means in your application. YMctLUr9olI-00155-00054707-00055084 Now each individual computation can more easily benefit from caches, YMctLUr9olI-00156-00055084-00055405 as individual data elements are smaller. YMctLUr9olI-00157-00055405-00055532 And if this works, YMctLUr9olI-00158-00055532-00055890 of course you can split further than in just two parts, YMctLUr9olI-00159-00055890-00056244 as far as the overhead of storing and accessing YMctLUr9olI-00160-00056244-00056626 all intermediate results does not start to dominate. YMctLUr9olI-00161-00056626-00056863 It's a nice exercise to try to think about YMctLUr9olI-00162-00056863-00057229 how to apply this idea to something like YMctLUr9olI-00163-00057229-00057429 matrix multiplication. YMctLUr9olI-00164-00057429-00057800 After all, in matrix multiplication you are just calculating YMctLUr9olI-00165-00057800-00058025 lots of dot products. YMctLUr9olI-00166-00058025-00058395 And if the vectors are too long to fit in cache, YMctLUr9olI-00167-00058395-00058742 you can try to calculate dot products in smaller parts, YMctLUr9olI-00168-00058742-00059017 and then just combine the results... YMctLUr9olI-00169-00059017-00059391 In the course material you will see a bit more concrete examples YMctLUr9olI-00170-00059391-00059844 of how to apply these ideas in our sample application. YMctLUr9olI-00171-00059844-00060149 Putting together all that we have discussed so far, YMctLUr9olI-00172-00060149-00060276 multicore-parallelism, YMctLUr9olI-00173-00060276-00060409 instruction-level parallelism, YMctLUr9olI-00174-00060409-00060549 vector operations, YMctLUr9olI-00175-00060549-00060752 efficient reuse of data in registers, YMctLUr9olI-00176-00060752-00061187 and good memory access patterns that help with cache memory, YMctLUr9olI-00177-00061187-00061642 we have finally pushed the running time to 0.7 seconds, YMctLUr9olI-00178-00061642-00062102 more than 150 times faster than what was our starting point YMctLUr9olI-00179-00062102-00062202 just two weeks ago. YMctLUr9olI-00180-00062202-00062302 And we are now making a very good use of the resources YMctLUr9olI-00181-00062302-00062402 that we have in our CPU. YMctLUr9olI-00182-00062402-00062502 We have left unused only something like 7% YMctLUr9olI-00183-00062502-00062602 of the computational resources of this CPU! YMctLUr9olI-00184-00062602-00062702 So now we have reached a point in which we know YMctLUr9olI-00185-00062702-00063115 how to make a good use of all computational resources of modern CPUs, YMctLUr9olI-00186-00063115-00063376 at least in some applications, YMctLUr9olI-00187-00063376-00064073 and in our exercises and course material you will learn a lot more. YMctLUr9olI-00188-00064073-00064534 But so far we have only talked about the CPU, YMctLUr9olI-00189-00064534-00065214 while all modern computers have also got a GPU, a graphics processor, YMctLUr9olI-00190-00065214-00065813 and there we have got even more computing power than in the CPU. YMctLUr9olI-00191-00065813-00066125 Next week we will start to learn how to write YMctLUr9olI-00192-00066125-00066469 massively parallel programs for GPUs! YNGkHFscWRE-00000-00007181-00007342 Blackbirdmusics Yp64OBeLOSc-00000-00000006-00000747 hello everyone welcome again this is Debbie from one day one mother every family has a Yp64OBeLOSc-00001-00000747-00002157 story welcome to ours today I want to talk about cleaning a headstone on a grave the Yp64OBeLOSc-00002-00002157-00002898 reason I'm bringing this of I know were there are some people who don't care about it but I Yp64OBeLOSc-00003-00002898-00003864 personally it was something that I really wanted to do my daughter sent here she was so beautiful Yp64OBeLOSc-00004-00003864-00005238 and she was someone that when she was alive since it was very very organized I'm very clean she made Yp64OBeLOSc-00005-00005238-00006342 sure our home is clean cars clean everything you know so I said to myself when she passed Yp64OBeLOSc-00006-00006342-00007073 away after we buried her after I buried Cynthia I was just thinking okay Nick I need to put the Yp64OBeLOSc-00007-00007073-00008076 most beautiful stone headstone on her grave I went to the cemetery and I asked the gentleman Yp64OBeLOSc-00008-00008076-00009066 the office Lee I said how long does it take for me to have his stone he said normally they want Yp64OBeLOSc-00009-00009066-00010185 you to allow from six months and longer for you to be able to polish stone and I asked him what are Yp64OBeLOSc-00010-00010185-00011079 the prizes he gave me a cuddler with different designs and there was they were beautiful and I Yp64OBeLOSc-00011-00011079-00011802 was looking to get the most beautiful one is to me it's like this is my baby this is my this is Yp64OBeLOSc-00012-00011802-00012417 my baby's home this is this is what I want to come each day when I come to visit her I wanted Yp64OBeLOSc-00013-00012417-00013350 to be as beautiful as her apartment used to be that's her bedroom in the house is to be and so Yp64OBeLOSc-00014-00013350-00013884 this one that I know if it happened like roast Carlo I'm gonna put sentience you know have a Yp64OBeLOSc-00015-00013884-00014790 photo of a grave on this video I my point six I said this is what I want because first what I Yp64OBeLOSc-00016-00014790-00016644 did I I drove around the grave yeah and I saw the so we went back to the office so he gave me that Yp64OBeLOSc-00017-00016644-00017961 I said this one and he said oh nice beautiful that's pretty I said how much is it he told me Yp64OBeLOSc-00018-00017961-00018885 $16,000 mind you this is business you have to do your homework you have to do your research Yp64OBeLOSc-00019-00018885-00020058 if you haven't I'm here to help you so when it's only $16,000 I said is there I can get it myself Yp64OBeLOSc-00020-00020127-00021057 he said no no no no you're not allowed to get it I guess what he was lying you can purchase your own Yp64OBeLOSc-00021-00021057-00022005 headstone you can purchase it online you can drive around you can talk to to friends you can talk to Yp64OBeLOSc-00022-00022005-00022707 family members you can talk to your neighbors you just talk to people and you'll be surprised Yp64OBeLOSc-00023-00022707-00023499 the information that you're gonna get you're gonna receive so I went back home and I was just resting Yp64OBeLOSc-00024-00023499-00024510 something's no find out the rules of your state Yp64OBeLOSc-00025-00024510-00025389 and see if it's okay oh you can get your headstone I decided that Yp64OBeLOSc-00026-00026027-00026979 I know a friend of mine had helped me we drove around I think we went to Baltimore and we so Yp64OBeLOSc-00027-00026979-00027612 different headstones and the first thing once you walk into this place where they provide if Yp64OBeLOSc-00028-00027612-00028281 they do the headstones the what is the quality monuments it's like differently find different Yp64OBeLOSc-00029-00028281-00028995 things I looked at him I didn't like it because of what I have visualized on my brain my head Yp64OBeLOSc-00030-00028995-00030591 I finally found a place in Rockville Maryland and I would put the information it can be and Yp64OBeLOSc-00031-00030591-00031698 not cleanly for this I went over there I spoke today I made an appointment I said this is what Yp64OBeLOSc-00032-00031698-00032477 I'm looking and this is how I wanted and he said yes we can do it this Cemetery that told Yp64OBeLOSc-00033-00032477-00033192 me that no it's not allowed they are the only ones who are allowed to put the headstones so Yp64OBeLOSc-00034-00033192-00034206 you have to purchase it from them and mind you he had told me it was gonna say I think six to Yp64OBeLOSc-00035-00034206-00034878 eight months for the stone to get here from India the stone that I had choose made the order he's Yp64OBeLOSc-00036-00034878-00035871 turning six six to eight months a headstone that I was charged $16,000 I finally got it Yp64OBeLOSc-00037-00035871-00036624 this business in Rockville Maryland I got it for $6,000 so there are some certain things that you Yp64OBeLOSc-00038-00036624-00037608 need to know before you purchase your headstones and wave from the cemetery you need to let them Yp64OBeLOSc-00039-00037608-00038439 know that you're purchasing your own headstone you need to get a copy of the deed the grid is Yp64OBeLOSc-00040-00038439-00039161 the document that you sign that that plot that land then you try you're not one it's very you Yp64OBeLOSc-00041-00039161-00039830 have it documents it's signed okay so that's that's like your home so you have the deed so Yp64OBeLOSc-00042-00039830-00040661 make sure you have you as the cemetery to give you a copy of your deed so I call this um it's a rate Yp64OBeLOSc-00043-00040661-00041516 so then I'll need a copy of my tea and they gave me that you want to find out in writing from the Yp64OBeLOSc-00044-00041516-00042155 cemetery they have their rules and regulations that you have to follow I'm there some setting Yp64OBeLOSc-00045-00042155-00043025 there's certain sizes the length the we of the headstone that you can purchase that you can put Yp64OBeLOSc-00046-00043025-00043871 so every cemetery has their rules so make sure you want to find out from them they have a seven Yp64OBeLOSc-00047-00043871-00044645 photos now they will allow you to port so those are the only resources some of the restrictions Yp64OBeLOSc-00048-00044645-00045380 that you get from the cemetery so you want to check when they are available because you want Yp64OBeLOSc-00049-00045380-00046025 to coordinate the provider from the outside provider where you get in your headstone and Yp64OBeLOSc-00050-00046025-00046667 the cemetery the office at the cemetery you wanna coordinate with them because they have to be there Yp64OBeLOSc-00051-00046667-00047501 they need to come and see make sure that what you bringing in it's something that matches the arose Yp64OBeLOSc-00052-00047501-00048461 and regulation so guys I'm telling you there's so much out there this is me Here I am sitting Yp64OBeLOSc-00053-00048461-00049301 and I'm talking about this life is something if someone had told me to really have years ago Yp64OBeLOSc-00054-00049301-00050822 I am worried what are they gonna say right now I am here to help all that so you don't go through Yp64OBeLOSc-00055-00050822-00051437 what I went through some individuals who know everything that I'm saying if we did know it Yp64OBeLOSc-00056-00051437-00052192 will maybe they knew it before it even happened to them then I know majority of us especially parents Yp64OBeLOSc-00057-00052338-00053034 we have this concept we have this believe that or no we will set up everything I said okay and Yp64OBeLOSc-00058-00053034-00053741 this is what I'll need when I'm dead make sure you take my body back home to Africa make sure Yp64OBeLOSc-00059-00053741-00054687 you will see until our kicks all these things our family all these things but when that time Yp64OBeLOSc-00060-00054687-00055815 comes you can confuse you don't know where to start luckily for me I have loved ones around Yp64OBeLOSc-00061-00055815-00057420 me and my surviving children help in finding out we work as a team so remember what has it seen to Yp64OBeLOSc-00062-00057420-00058554 get these things done so today I'm sitting here I'm so happy because I finally got the headstone Yp64OBeLOSc-00063-00058554-00059567 that I know someone said oh she's just the same speaking about stones thinking about headstones Yp64OBeLOSc-00064-00059567-00060264 thinking about what she did it may not be good for you it may not be helpful for you Yp64OBeLOSc-00065-00060264-00061166 thousands of people out there that will be going through this situation that they will just want Yp64OBeLOSc-00066-00061166-00061817 to believe whatever they telling them you just want to believe that the cemetery told me they Yp64OBeLOSc-00067-00061817-00062475 had only ones who can provide the headstones no please I'm here to tell you know we have options Yp64OBeLOSc-00068-00062475-00063513 out there you as a consumer you are the owner of that deed that land you have the right to go out Yp64OBeLOSc-00069-00063513-00064254 and purchase your headstone there's some certain fees that you have to pay when all those things Yp64OBeLOSc-00070-00064254-00064971 will be set up because once you you purchase that headstone for most most companies that Yp64OBeLOSc-00071-00064971-00065956 if that stone like mine that wasn't available so what I did I in deposit and I was told that once Yp64OBeLOSc-00072-00065956-00066688 they received the stone they can called me for me to come back to the office and sign the final Yp64OBeLOSc-00073-00066688-00067627 purchase and that's what I did and the gentleman in his office he was so good he was so kind the Yp64OBeLOSc-00074-00067627-00068434 lady the secretary in the office she was good again guys I am NOT an expert everything that I Yp64OBeLOSc-00075-00068434-00069502 have said is for us to learn it's coming from my experience I'm here to share what I went through Yp64OBeLOSc-00076-00069502-00070651 hopefully it's gonna help someone who is watching me today if it's not you please you can share Yp64OBeLOSc-00077-00070651-00071611 with someone let you know please subscribe hit the notification button share rate your comment Yp64OBeLOSc-00078-00071611-00072493 that's something that's gonna help me it's gonna help you if it's not gonna help you it's gonna Yp64OBeLOSc-00079-00072493-00073114 help someone else who is watching this and if you know someone that you think my story may Yp64OBeLOSc-00080-00073114-00074029 be of help to them please do not hesitate to share every family has a story welcome YpTdqt4V7iU-00000-00000150-00000357 Sobat Asyik YpXlobfY0dM-00000-00000024-00000608 i think that's working i had to restart obs because i forgot to do my pre-stream prep YpXlobfY0dM-00001-00000824-00001872 so hey ldg hey kaz today we're going to be going to duke nukem land um i will have the game up YpXlobfY0dM-00002-00001872-00003000 in a second but we just gotta i'm actually showing a old map that i used to play and YpXlobfY0dM-00003-00003000-00003152 i have to find a website for it YpXlobfY0dM-00004-00003432-00003482 um YpXlobfY0dM-00005-00003752-00004064 it was called bob's duke nukem page i think YpXlobfY0dM-00006-00004376-00004648 um it's not on geocities it's on YpXlobfY0dM-00007-00004888-00005352 oo cities so it should be i think this YpXlobfY0dM-00008-00005696-00005904 because geocities died maybe YpXlobfY0dM-00009-00006192-00006256 is this it YpXlobfY0dM-00010-00006631-00006681 please YpXlobfY0dM-00011-00006895-00007864 please okay so this is bob's duke nukem page i don't know what that sidebar is about what YpXlobfY0dM-00012-00007864-00008728 i think about neocities let's just ignore it anyway there's a map here called if i can find it YpXlobfY0dM-00013-00008928-00009376 i'm not exciting about neo cities we're going to go to map archive YpXlobfY0dM-00014-00009912-00010552 this frame show me only this frame please i don't understand why this has to be so difficult YpXlobfY0dM-00015-00010824-00010936 why is it so slow YpXlobfY0dM-00016-00011216-00011384 i'm angry YpXlobfY0dM-00017-00012160-00012312 wait i can just use the YpXlobfY0dM-00018-00012712-00012824 oops i can just YpXlobfY0dM-00019-00013072-00013136 accidentally YpXlobfY0dM-00020-00013496-00013791 what is happening right now okay YpXlobfY0dM-00021-00014080-00014432 let's hide that for a second because i just closed firefox YpXlobfY0dM-00022-00014656-00015144 it's okay i'll figure this out maybe i'm a bit of a boomer YpXlobfY0dM-00023-00015519-00015584 okay YpXlobfY0dM-00024-00016312-00016472 i swear there will be game YpXlobfY0dM-00025-00016704-00017096 can i watch the metropolis video i probably could but i don't want to YpXlobfY0dM-00026-00017344-00017720 okay i want to capture a window YpXlobfY0dM-00027-00018072-00018856 here we go and let's enter the geocities link and let's go visit it in the web archive YpXlobfY0dM-00028-00019320-00019416 what i think about YpXlobfY0dM-00029-00019760-00019976 baphomet what's that YpXlobfY0dM-00030-00020280-00021000 yeah i don't know hi lg i just have to quickly show the map that i'm going to play YpXlobfY0dM-00031-00021112-00021512 and because this is from like 99 YpXlobfY0dM-00032-00021664-00021776 it's a long time ago YpXlobfY0dM-00033-00022096-00022584 so i think it's called bizarre YpXlobfY0dM-00034-00022984-00023152 bizarre by bob masters YpXlobfY0dM-00035-00023544-00023928 in the wilderness near area 51 duke finds a portal to an YpXlobfY0dM-00036-00023928-00024232 alternate universe devoted to pretty much everything that's YpXlobfY0dM-00037-00024408-00024920 wired i wanted to make this level completely different from anything we've ever seen YpXlobfY0dM-00038-00024920-00025520 it includes new artwork too at the center of the universe is a very unearthly building like YpXlobfY0dM-00039-00025520-00025927 the one in those great escher paintings where gravity is going in three different directions YpXlobfY0dM-00040-00026016-00026783 inside the doors lead off to nine other bizarre places see how many scientific laws are broken YpXlobfY0dM-00041-00027183-00027495 um and so this was made it doesn't say the year YpXlobfY0dM-00042-00027632-00028336 um probably probably a while ago i played this when i was a kid because duke nukem YpXlobfY0dM-00043-00028336-00028744 was like the gta of the day where you would play it even though you weren't supposed to YpXlobfY0dM-00044-00028992-00029583 okay let me start duke nukem YpXlobfY0dM-00045-00029695-00029976 why did i play so many games hang on a second YpXlobfY0dM-00046-00030256-00030327 i have to find YpXlobfY0dM-00047-00030560-00031088 the duke nukem window i know you can hear it tell me if it's too loud YpXlobfY0dM-00048-00031439-00032383 where is it why can't why can i not capture this hang on a second YpXlobfY0dM-00049-00032560-00032848 play games and club penguin what YpXlobfY0dM-00050-00033248-00033784 duke don't do this to me okay let's try just setting a video mode again YpXlobfY0dM-00051-00034368-00034672 it's blank yes i know it's blank you're blank YpXlobfY0dM-00052-00034856-00035400 sorry that was been called for um trash stream well YpXlobfY0dM-00053-00035656-00036712 if it's so trash then how come it can do this ah it's only listed in the window thing is like YpXlobfY0dM-00054-00036776-00037384 the terminal output or something okay let's go back i'll just restart YpXlobfY0dM-00055-00037608-00038080 tell me if it's too loud please this is like regular duke YpXlobfY0dM-00056-00038256-00039000 he is a very angry man with an unhealthy view towards women and it's a innocent YpXlobfY0dM-00057-00039056-00039800 poster at the top it's a joke about oj where's the bizarre adventure we'll get into it in a second YpXlobfY0dM-00058-00039800-00040360 but i just want to give some context this is the duke nukem it was the doom of the of the doom YpXlobfY0dM-00059-00040424-00041272 games you know you ever play doom well this came after doom and uh it was actually pretty YpXlobfY0dM-00060-00041272-00042008 amazing because it's structured completely differently technically um instead of using YpXlobfY0dM-00061-00042008-00042632 like a space petitioning tree it uses like runtime sectors so things can move and be YpXlobfY0dM-00062-00042632-00043264 destroyed and are interactive and there's lots of colors and oh it's all kind of cool stuff YpXlobfY0dM-00063-00043552-00043848 um and as you can see it's pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00064-00043976-00044984 i'm playing it in e duke 32 because the engine was released well the source code was okay YpXlobfY0dM-00065-00045600-00045696 this is the intro YpXlobfY0dM-00066-00046184-00046736 look there's dirk and it's the atomic version i don't know why YpXlobfY0dM-00067-00046888-00047784 it's labeled that anyway let's do a new game did did you make your uh my what YpXlobfY0dM-00068-00048248-00048480 and i have to refresh twitch chat YpXlobfY0dM-00069-00048832-00049760 so did you give your heart a funny feeling no what um anyway i played this as a kid YpXlobfY0dM-00070-00049760-00050160 with the monsters off so anything this is gonna be a challenge because YpXlobfY0dM-00071-00050256-00050680 the monsters would scare me and so i would just play it and run around maps in the game YpXlobfY0dM-00072-00050904-00051408 okay so let me just get oriented i will play on let's rock YpXlobfY0dM-00073-00051640-00052024 look it says bizarre that's pretty sick YpXlobfY0dM-00074-00052408-00053079 uh we immediately dropped into the action and as you can see YpXlobfY0dM-00075-00053079-00053384 i maybe set the difficulty a bit too high YpXlobfY0dM-00076-00053744-00054279 does doth does duke nukem believe in unbirth i don't know what unbirth is YpXlobfY0dM-00077-00054488-00054784 is it a band YpXlobfY0dM-00078-00055848-00056560 i actually did try to record me playing this like back in 2010 or something but YpXlobfY0dM-00079-00056560-00056991 the recording software on linux was just not good enough let's use that med kit YpXlobfY0dM-00080-00057344-00057712 um i'm also going to make sure i set up this the quick save YpXlobfY0dM-00081-00057864-00058567 thing because i'm gonna have to be a bit of a save scum here um we're going to do quick YpXlobfY0dM-00082-00058567-00059567 save it's just going to be thank you linux for becoming usable since 2011. uh you wouldn't know YpXlobfY0dM-00083-00059664-00061128 you couldn't know so it's f6 and f9 that's weird um six nine six nine so that would be six nine no YpXlobfY0dM-00084-00061352-00061440 f six YpXlobfY0dM-00085-00061696-00062016 f6 to save yep f9 YpXlobfY0dM-00086-00062567-00062776 oh okay yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00087-00062991-00063424 and that's duke's put it duke likes to kick things YpXlobfY0dM-00088-00063655-00064184 duke likes to be hurt when he falls from high distances okay YpXlobfY0dM-00089-00064184-00064584 let's get back to murdering these aliens YpXlobfY0dM-00090-00064744-00065248 uh duke has no qualms with murdering these aliens because they are evil YpXlobfY0dM-00091-00065808-00065984 fetish no not like that YpXlobfY0dM-00092-00066680-00067456 this is duke in his prime this is the one duke nukem game that was popular and pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00093-00067632-00068128 there were the playstation games and the nintendo 64 games i think YpXlobfY0dM-00094-00068312-00069096 but this is the this is the one um then there was duke nukem forever and that aged not great YpXlobfY0dM-00095-00069232-00069944 we got a key card check that out look you can walk in blood and it'll do little footprints YpXlobfY0dM-00096-00069944-00070752 that is technology at its greatest you know if i can't i can't have that in a video game YpXlobfY0dM-00097-00070752-00071216 then what am i going to have you feel like this map is a little bad on accessibility YpXlobfY0dM-00098-00071272-00071664 it's okay people with vision problems didn't exist back in 90 YpXlobfY0dM-00099-00071912-00072664 i don't know okay so let's open this up and look it's a secret mountainside entrance thing YpXlobfY0dM-00100-00072824-00073504 and so this is something i really liked about this engine is that um it had YpXlobfY0dM-00101-00073504-00074120 like there were so many ways to make cool doors and often you'd have like secrets like this YpXlobfY0dM-00102-00074288-00075024 it's just super cool okay so authorized personnel let's go in YpXlobfY0dM-00103-00075376-00076128 let's murder these again aliens unclear what the backstory is here usually the aliens YpXlobfY0dM-00104-00076128-00076728 are the ones invading earth but it seems like we're just going to uh we are going to YpXlobfY0dM-00105-00076880-00077696 area 51 so it seems like where the intruders here um lots of detail in this game look you've got YpXlobfY0dM-00106-00077776-00078072 protonic research you have books that have text on it YpXlobfY0dM-00107-00078216-00078792 um all kinds of stuff quantum physics for dummies there's pipe bombs here you could YpXlobfY0dM-00108-00078792-00079432 pick up there's chairs there's this little monitor thing that if you press it it opens YpXlobfY0dM-00109-00079488-00080048 um compared to doom this game was like well it is really interactive um YpXlobfY0dM-00110-00080648-00081128 it was really cool all right so let's open up this YpXlobfY0dM-00111-00081320-00081872 um this is one of the weird things um i mean there's like a thing you can use in front of YpXlobfY0dM-00112-00081872-00082280 another thing you can use and the game is like okay you want to open and shut this door and YpXlobfY0dM-00113-00082280-00082840 i'm like no i want to press that that button there so let's just kick the button instead YpXlobfY0dM-00114-00082944-00083536 no admittance beyond this point if i wanted to be a little you know YpXlobfY0dM-00115-00083664-00083992 i don't know how old i was when i played this map but even then i knew that these YpXlobfY0dM-00116-00083992-00084664 doors were perhaps a bit too big you know what i'm saying um okay let's open this up YpXlobfY0dM-00117-00084912-00085240 i also played the game using keyboard when i was a kid YpXlobfY0dM-00118-00085296-00085712 so even with a trackball i'm still doing pretty good YpXlobfY0dM-00119-00085960-00086224 oh this is like half-life you're right YpXlobfY0dM-00120-00086656-00087208 um can't see [ __ ] YpXlobfY0dM-00121-00087208-00087608 i did actually have to install like a texture pack for this map YpXlobfY0dM-00122-00087776-00088384 so i'm hoping it's working we'll see in a bit but now that we're in area 51 YpXlobfY0dM-00123-00088472-00089360 we're going to find the hidden button can you find it it's here and that gives you at last YpXlobfY0dM-00124-00089360-00089920 i've discovered a portal to an alternate universe it's laws of science are bizarre and wondrous YpXlobfY0dM-00125-00089992-00090592 oh no the aliens from my own universe have found me they're trying to get into this lab i must YpXlobfY0dM-00126-00090592-00091216 prevent them from invading the new universe i've found i must and then there's a bloody handprint YpXlobfY0dM-00127-00091296-00092232 so i i want to believe that i i don't understand was this like typed up or was it like carved YpXlobfY0dM-00128-00092392-00092712 it would have taken a long time to write this message i think YpXlobfY0dM-00129-00092712-00093232 and it's not exactly the best way to get away from aliens that are attacking you YpXlobfY0dM-00130-00093360-00094432 um okay so we have a classic duke nukem puzzle it it's called the key code or whatever um YpXlobfY0dM-00131-00094672-00095408 they're a bit annoying um basically you have to just brute force these so YpXlobfY0dM-00132-00095408-00096784 usually they're in patterns so let's just use our pistol one two YpXlobfY0dM-00133-00096984-00097432 okay yeah so that's how it usually works you usually just mess around until you have YpXlobfY0dM-00134-00097544-00097992 the buttons in a kind of position there's five buttons here so that's like YpXlobfY0dM-00135-00098072-00098432 two to the power of five possibilities ah YpXlobfY0dM-00136-00098712-00099064 and go in a second so this is gonna YpXlobfY0dM-00137-00099360-00100056 be a little weird let's try that um so the renderer for duke nukem is not exactly great YpXlobfY0dM-00138-00100056-00100784 with this level at least the e duke renderer because it pushes the engine a bit in some weird YpXlobfY0dM-00139-00100784-00101360 ways so we're just gonna have to switch open to the switch over to the 3d renderer at the moment YpXlobfY0dM-00140-00101504-00101984 um or we could try the classic renderer again i feel like YpXlobfY0dM-00141-00101984-00102616 i want to use the classic renderer although it has some like it's struggling here YpXlobfY0dM-00142-00102872-00103056 in we go through the hole YpXlobfY0dM-00143-00103328-00103783 oh look at this space area there's space YpXlobfY0dM-00144-00104072-00104176 there's aliens YpXlobfY0dM-00145-00104624-00104888 there's duke he's upside down YpXlobfY0dM-00146-00105111-00105248 he's got sunglasses YpXlobfY0dM-00147-00105648-00106600 would you go through this portal YpXlobfY0dM-00148-00106600-00106783 would you go through this nightmare portal YpXlobfY0dM-00149-00107008-00107168 oh boy flashing lights YpXlobfY0dM-00150-00107592-00107983 it's okay we're we're almost out of the portal YpXlobfY0dM-00151-00108376-00108440 oh sick YpXlobfY0dM-00152-00108759-00109383 um this is some platforming YpXlobfY0dM-00153-00109911-00110783 the platforming in duke nukem is not the best um YpXlobfY0dM-00154-00111576-00111816 okay um YpXlobfY0dM-00155-00112024-00112959 so you have to be a little bit careful with how you platform in duke nukem let's go through here YpXlobfY0dM-00156-00113256-00113583 uh let me get my gun YpXlobfY0dM-00157-00113935-00114664 we're gonna go postal on these aliens for invading our u.s government u.s government stuff YpXlobfY0dM-00158-00114856-00115528 um yeah come get some i do like how there's like a palette swap option for sprites and stuff i think YpXlobfY0dM-00159-00115528-00116064 i don't know if doom has that but like you just get you know all these cool little free things YpXlobfY0dM-00160-00116144-00116632 we have a fountain is the volume okay YpXlobfY0dM-00161-00116983-00117144 is it too low is it too high YpXlobfY0dM-00162-00117432-00118240 all right the asha house welcome crossed out die human the asha house was built at the center of YpXlobfY0dM-00163-00118240-00118783 this universe's three gravitational fields you will notice that the doors can't be opened unless YpXlobfY0dM-00164-00118783-00119368 you're standing upright in the same direction as the door to open a door facing another way go into YpXlobfY0dM-00165-00119368-00119992 an area marked exit this will cause you to enter that section's gravity shifting your direction at YpXlobfY0dM-00166-00119992-00120720 90 degrees you can then open the doors that have the same up and down as you this signs other side YpXlobfY0dM-00167-00120720-00121152 will always show you the numbers of the rooms you haven't explored enough when you've done YpXlobfY0dM-00168-00121152-00121983 visiting all the rooms return here the cave will then be open for your exit that's pretty YpXlobfY0dM-00169-00122088-00122152 cool i guess YpXlobfY0dM-00170-00122376-00123383 so there are nine rooms and if we go in here you can see this pretty sick place YpXlobfY0dM-00171-00123952-00124168 like this is a pretty good look here YpXlobfY0dM-00172-00124304-00124783 like if you saw that like you will now like you are now do you think that's pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00173-00125024-00125824 of course you do you don't even need to answer okay so there's door one there's an exit we can YpXlobfY0dM-00174-00125824-00126456 go through any of the doors i guess uh which door should we go first go through first YpXlobfY0dM-00175-00126968-00127240 three all right hang on a second so one YpXlobfY0dM-00176-00127352-00128183 eight four seven uh see this i don't like this this is the stuff that gave me like YpXlobfY0dM-00177-00128183-00129096 a nightmare fuel phobia of stretch textures like look at the hat we don't like that uh five YpXlobfY0dM-00178-00129376-00130383 three all right so we need to kind of exit i guess this direction um YpXlobfY0dM-00179-00130600-00130650 oh YpXlobfY0dM-00180-00131736-00132504 what um so is this the level with three don't think so let's go out this YpXlobfY0dM-00181-00132504-00133264 exit i think this has three on it yeah all right this is mind breaking you that's okay YpXlobfY0dM-00182-00133600-00134016 wow look space that's pretty trippy YpXlobfY0dM-00183-00134536-00134816 look at that it's like space outside YpXlobfY0dM-00184-00135024-00135074 science YpXlobfY0dM-00185-00135288-00136240 um so there's a restaurant here and if we go around here what it's non-euclidean geometry YpXlobfY0dM-00186-00136296-00137272 kind of it's pretty cool um this is because in duke nukem's engine uh you can attach like sectors YpXlobfY0dM-00187-00137272-00137984 to other sectors and it doesn't matter if they overlap so it can just kind of go over like this YpXlobfY0dM-00188-00138400-00138768 it's pretty cool i wonder if this is going to look okay with like YpXlobfY0dM-00189-00138768-00139056 the 3d rendering hang on a second let's just try it YpXlobfY0dM-00190-00139808-00140376 let's do it i can't remember yet it might be polymer good morning johnny YpXlobfY0dM-00191-00140696-00141144 yeah it looks about the same i mean we could i don't know if i want to YpXlobfY0dM-00192-00141144-00141616 use like an actual 3d renderer YpXlobfY0dM-00193-00141616-00142984 um let's do YpXlobfY0dM-00194-00143344-00143744 yeah let's just use the 3d renderer so i don't get like sick YpXlobfY0dM-00195-00143952-00144432 all right so YpXlobfY0dM-00196-00144432-00145184 there's no females toilet here um please wait to be seated at the toilet YpXlobfY0dM-00197-00145336-00145784 i'm i don't know if that's a glitch but i want to pretend it's not YpXlobfY0dM-00198-00145944-00147184 would you go to a toilet that requires you to wait to be seated YpXlobfY0dM-00199-00147240-00147290 better YpXlobfY0dM-00200-00147536-00147936 you gotta use the toilet in duke nukem games that sign is so tall YpXlobfY0dM-00201-00147936-00148584 don't like it all right let's continue on now we're in some alien YpXlobfY0dM-00202-00148744-00149984 server room i think that guy shoots rockets so we've got to be kind of careful about it YpXlobfY0dM-00203-00150160-00150816 i've got a freeze gun that's pretty cool they have like night vision no i don't YpXlobfY0dM-00204-00151176-00151384 but last night's cam situation YpXlobfY0dM-00205-00151848-00151984 oh damn check this out YpXlobfY0dM-00206-00152200-00152848 it's got like space stuff duke nukem was very excited about space so it also has YpXlobfY0dM-00207-00152848-00153328 like a picture from the games help manual which is a little YpXlobfY0dM-00208-00153552-00153640 little strange YpXlobfY0dM-00209-00153936-00154568 um but yeah it's interesting because i think this button here indicates that we've explored YpXlobfY0dM-00210-00154568-00155584 this level so this map doesn't really have a kind of linear progression like that YpXlobfY0dM-00211-00155992-00156352 i think it spawns look at that that's really weird YpXlobfY0dM-00212-00156512-00156984 like that's not actually in front of me that's just behind that level there YpXlobfY0dM-00213-00157280-00157856 all right that's okay um we've done level three i think YpXlobfY0dM-00214-00158024-00158384 i think we should probably go straight to four YpXlobfY0dM-00215-00158632-00159816 authorized personnel only no player allowed level authors private room huh keep out YpXlobfY0dM-00216-00159816-00160352 um so level authors private room this is something that's kind of cool YpXlobfY0dM-00217-00160720-00160832 oh first try YpXlobfY0dM-00218-00161152-00161632 this is kind of neat stuff um toys YpXlobfY0dM-00219-00161960-00162584 cola that's pretty cool this level also must be so tall YpXlobfY0dM-00220-00162712-00163032 spare game parts and textures that's pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00221-00163504-00164224 build docks and build frequently asked questions so build as the engine this game is made on YpXlobfY0dM-00222-00164224-00164776 so you would probably expect them to need all that and that's a screenshot of the level editor YpXlobfY0dM-00223-00164984-00165384 that's pretty cool and i guess that's their computer there YpXlobfY0dM-00224-00165704-00165832 yeah what's up johnny YpXlobfY0dM-00225-00166648-00166832 play a game with you what game YpXlobfY0dM-00226-00167216-00167856 someday i know i'll play a game with you someday oh i got hit by the cactus YpXlobfY0dM-00227-00167928-00168184 so this looks like spare parts i guess YpXlobfY0dM-00228-00168856-00169832 i don't know why this level author would keep enemies in his room little suspicious to me YpXlobfY0dM-00229-00170032-00171032 what's in this door YpXlobfY0dM-00230-00171032-00171320 i can't read that text it's so far away YpXlobfY0dM-00231-00171576-00171720 however will we get over there YpXlobfY0dM-00232-00171968-00172384 i vaguely remember the solution to this this quote puzzle YpXlobfY0dM-00233-00172688-00172864 you do this YpXlobfY0dM-00234-00173456-00173528 or is it this YpXlobfY0dM-00235-00173744-00174776 oh i guess not i guess i don't remember it um let's try jumping i made it i'm a hero YpXlobfY0dM-00236-00175024-00175232 note to self fix the door YpXlobfY0dM-00237-00175464-00175624 why is everything hurting me here YpXlobfY0dM-00238-00176128-00177232 why is the door broken what do i do about this oh no there we go uh oh uh oh trouble YpXlobfY0dM-00239-00177400-00178256 um there's noise over here pain there's just pain these walls hurt YpXlobfY0dM-00240-00178552-00179384 i don't really know oh oh okay i guess we can just run in the wall YpXlobfY0dM-00241-00179680-00180384 nice we solved that puzzle and i think we got a key card key cards are pretty good YpXlobfY0dM-00242-00180688-00180864 all right let's continue on YpXlobfY0dM-00243-00181128-00181352 um keep out i mean it YpXlobfY0dM-00244-00181928-00182184 okay YpXlobfY0dM-00245-00182320-00182912 all right i guess they did mean it um i don't think there's a way to get out of there YpXlobfY0dM-00246-00183072-00183168 i mean we could try YpXlobfY0dM-00247-00183552-00184168 maybe if we walk on the text it's a little strange um YpXlobfY0dM-00248-00184312-00184984 maybe if we're super quick like real fast we can get in and out YpXlobfY0dM-00249-00185240-00185290 oh YpXlobfY0dM-00250-00185504-00185648 that wasn't worth it though YpXlobfY0dM-00251-00186008-00186752 okay well let's use the health kit and get back to the lobby is that what we're calling it ah YpXlobfY0dM-00252-00187056-00187824 an ambush YpXlobfY0dM-00253-00187824-00188376 okay so we did three we did four probably should do five that makes sense YpXlobfY0dM-00254-00188960-00189184 big five yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00255-00189704-00189754 uh YpXlobfY0dM-00256-00190112-00190600 i'll have a god stream indeed yes reminiscing of old school graphics YpXlobfY0dM-00257-00191096-00191328 i don't like these upside down enemies YpXlobfY0dM-00258-00191504-00193384 it uh it bothers me in a way that upsets the pattern recognition in my brain YpXlobfY0dM-00259-00194024-00194784 they have flipped sprites that walk on the floor i think so yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00260-00194920-00195064 can duke fit in this hole YpXlobfY0dM-00261-00195328-00195480 i don't think so YpXlobfY0dM-00262-00195824-00196184 okay let's go back YpXlobfY0dM-00263-00196256-00197024 don't know what the point of that was was there a point did i miss something bit in the dew column YpXlobfY0dM-00264-00197200-00198008 no um yeah it doesn't seem like there's really anything over here YpXlobfY0dM-00265-00198352-00198504 so let's continue on YpXlobfY0dM-00266-00198776-00198826 to YpXlobfY0dM-00267-00199224-00199992 not quite sure what just happened there did we do four i guess we're gonna do four now YpXlobfY0dM-00268-00200224-00200528 no we did four uh i guess we'll YpXlobfY0dM-00269-00201016-00201784 so we did five we did three four five YpXlobfY0dM-00270-00201904-00202048 i guess we go down here YpXlobfY0dM-00271-00202408-00203184 all right so three four five are done i guess we'll just do one YpXlobfY0dM-00272-00203440-00204584 oh trip mines YpXlobfY0dM-00273-00204728-00204856 that solved that issue YpXlobfY0dM-00274-00205576-00206000 do you think i could jump this one YpXlobfY0dM-00275-00206000-00206096 i'm gonna go for it YpXlobfY0dM-00276-00206664-00206848 oh okay well YpXlobfY0dM-00277-00207128-00207384 i probably need pipe bombs for this YpXlobfY0dM-00278-00208584-00209144 would you say groovy i feel like that was dated at the time YpXlobfY0dM-00279-00209367-00210200 do you see which dimension which dimension do you see YpXlobfY0dM-00280-00210200-00210488 i guess this one YpXlobfY0dM-00281-00211016-00211656 because getting slapped off that map sorry mate new zealand gets covered up YpXlobfY0dM-00282-00211928-00212232 um yeah let's go through this door and YpXlobfY0dM-00283-00212952-00214384 like am i saying new zealand isn't a real place no i'm just saying if it was it would be on a map YpXlobfY0dM-00284-00214712-00215104 new zealand definitely isn't a real place you sure about that YpXlobfY0dM-00285-00215344-00215552 coz claims to be from new zealand YpXlobfY0dM-00286-00215664-00216071 but maybe he's in russia and he's just too embarrassed to admit it YpXlobfY0dM-00287-00216904-00217464 have i ever seen coz i've seen it in the flesh no that's a good point YpXlobfY0dM-00288-00218319-00218928 probably should be using a better gun than my pistol i don't know why these like are so 2d YpXlobfY0dM-00289-00219032-00220023 we have more ammo now though um sweeney and company sewage experts YpXlobfY0dM-00290-00220023-00220119 would you work there YpXlobfY0dM-00291-00220519-00221384 because there's a new zealand state actor are you going to be the alex jones of new zealand YpXlobfY0dM-00292-00221840-00222048 i really don't like these these weird YpXlobfY0dM-00293-00222256-00222784 2d textures that aren't facing me hang on a second YpXlobfY0dM-00294-00223176-00223552 all right so uh we're going to go down here YpXlobfY0dM-00295-00223728-00224448 what it's still happening what is did i not and to fix that what YpXlobfY0dM-00296-00224896-00225160 you live in this make-believe place when on the maps aliens YpXlobfY0dM-00297-00225160-00225776 can't find us or we're the aliens and we are hiding i gotta get that keycard YpXlobfY0dM-00298-00226080-00226423 no no no duke don't do you can fit through you can fit through YpXlobfY0dM-00299-00226423-00227112 no no no no i don't have a look command yet i'm working on a bot maybe that'll be my first command YpXlobfY0dM-00300-00227496-00228384 poor duke he couldn't fit if he just breathed in for a second YpXlobfY0dM-00301-00228760-00229576 yeah you don't if you aren't subbed to ldg you should get sub to her i don't is that what you YpXlobfY0dM-00302-00229576-00230248 say why are these aliens so two-dimensional i don't remember it being that way did i break YpXlobfY0dM-00303-00230248-00230808 the game i think i might have broken the game by changing the display while it's running YpXlobfY0dM-00304-00231160-00231336 let's try this maybe this will help YpXlobfY0dM-00305-00231784-00232584 all right now we run back and we get out and then in the nick of time he's so fat YpXlobfY0dM-00306-00232776-00233456 holy [ __ ] okay duke uh holy [ __ ] indeed YpXlobfY0dM-00307-00233984-00234496 okay so i guess we've got the key card now we can enter this area YpXlobfY0dM-00308-00234784-00235384 and get genuinely okay i'm going to just quickly YpXlobfY0dM-00309-00235919-00236016 oh that YpXlobfY0dM-00310-00236432-00237088 what has happened to my game i mean that's better i guess yeah see you tonight YpXlobfY0dM-00311-00237344-00237416 all right uh YpXlobfY0dM-00312-00237888-00238184 this is a bit of a maze YpXlobfY0dM-00313-00238696-00238808 i don't remember YpXlobfY0dM-00314-00239088-00239584 the sprites are not supposed to do this they're supposed to like permanently face you YpXlobfY0dM-00315-00239976-00240367 all right i don't want to really go in there oh protective boots are on YpXlobfY0dM-00316-00240752-00241432 okay i kind of deserved that is there any help or something over here yeah no okay i well YpXlobfY0dM-00317-00241864-00242384 let's just quickly try restarting the game just one second YpXlobfY0dM-00318-00243008-00243784 um YpXlobfY0dM-00319-00244200-00244600 okay now we have to try and trick the game in getting captured by obs YpXlobfY0dM-00320-00244871-00245184 let's rock damn YpXlobfY0dM-00321-00245288-00246584 um here's the terminal text of that does that help YpXlobfY0dM-00322-00247576-00247984 oh did i lose my chance of capturing duke nukem again YpXlobfY0dM-00323-00248240-00248536 oh no what if i add a window a capture again YpXlobfY0dM-00324-00249264-00249464 okay that will that will work YpXlobfY0dM-00325-00250256-00250312 here we go YpXlobfY0dM-00326-00250560-00251608 let's load our save and uh this seems pretty far back okay that's fine let's go over here YpXlobfY0dM-00327-00251608-00252496 grab the health it's still happening what all right well that's just gonna happen YpXlobfY0dM-00328-00252719-00253584 sometimes things happen in duke nukem that don't make sense this is a bizarre universe i think YpXlobfY0dM-00329-00254112-00254984 duke nukem is very cunning towards his enemies he tells them that he will see them in hell YpXlobfY0dM-00330-00255296-00255536 doesn't sound like something a nice man would say YpXlobfY0dM-00331-00255816-00256023 just make sure to save yep YpXlobfY0dM-00332-00256128-00256671 um anything it sounds like something a man that plans on going to hell would say YpXlobfY0dM-00333-00256888-00257000 okay let's try and YpXlobfY0dM-00334-00257623-00257880 um skip the trip mines i guess YpXlobfY0dM-00335-00258119-00258776 so it's kind of a fun fact but i originally i did actually bought trip mines from this like like YpXlobfY0dM-00336-00258864-00259648 concept of trip mines from this game to uh another game like i'm modded in trip mines YpXlobfY0dM-00337-00259744-00260656 oh no my protective boots are not working this is the one thing i did not want to happen oh YpXlobfY0dM-00338-00260960-00261984 oh come on duke oh there's a health it's a health see you in heck YpXlobfY0dM-00339-00262464-00262912 smack dab on your ass what does that mean YpXlobfY0dM-00340-00263224-00263384 is duke nukem a boomer YpXlobfY0dM-00341-00263712-00264808 he might be a boomer YpXlobfY0dM-00342-00264808-00264858 oh YpXlobfY0dM-00343-00265128-00265736 don't want to be in this situation he's a huge boomer let's say it ain't true YpXlobfY0dM-00344-00266128-00266816 let's grab the health over here and i guess go up here some more health over here YpXlobfY0dM-00345-00267064-00267200 some more stuff over here YpXlobfY0dM-00346-00267424-00267584 hmm YpXlobfY0dM-00347-00267768-00267864 okay go in there YpXlobfY0dM-00348-00268360-00269064 am i supposed to like shoot that thing nope i think we just are supposed to go here YpXlobfY0dM-00349-00269392-00269760 grab these boots again and off we go YpXlobfY0dM-00350-00270184-00270384 doo doo doo YpXlobfY0dM-00351-00271168-00271784 uh whatever i'll just jump it okay gotcha YpXlobfY0dM-00352-00272688-00273544 do my finger pads ever get itchy my what all right did we go into two yet i don't think so YpXlobfY0dM-00353-00273832-00274584 follow the giant invisible alien YpXlobfY0dM-00354-00274768-00275984 oh look there's footprints from the giant invisible alien YpXlobfY0dM-00355-00276168-00276584 i'm gonna get medieval on your asses yeah it is pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00356-00276912-00277720 are we like the windows 98 screen it seemed like something from that no YpXlobfY0dM-00357-00277720-00278784 invisible aliens allowed past here that is a lawsuit waiting to happen if you ask me YpXlobfY0dM-00358-00279488-00280184 oh YpXlobfY0dM-00359-00281080-00281584 just murdering people aliens YpXlobfY0dM-00360-00282352-00282536 duke is very good at murder YpXlobfY0dM-00361-00282832-00283192 jesus christ i hate that that death animation YpXlobfY0dM-00362-00283472-00283608 that guttural sound YpXlobfY0dM-00363-00284176-00284624 i do like this shotgun though i'm i was kind of sad when duke nukem YpXlobfY0dM-00364-00284624-00284936 forever came out that they did not have this shotgun with like the grip YpXlobfY0dM-00365-00285768-00285928 would would you go in here YpXlobfY0dM-00366-00286168-00286600 this is like a uh do i have night vision goggles YpXlobfY0dM-00367-00286984-00288584 nope would i eat duke nukem scaredy i don't know okay we're just gonna hug the wall YpXlobfY0dM-00368-00288912-00289984 try and find a weapon i have that has ammo i guess i'll be using the freeze ray what is that noise YpXlobfY0dM-00369-00290064-00290120 ambience YpXlobfY0dM-00370-00290680-00290824 this even gonna hurt those YpXlobfY0dM-00371-00291048-00291384 i guess so YpXlobfY0dM-00372-00291760-00292784 this noise not a fan of it YpXlobfY0dM-00373-00292872-00294184 is there a button over here okay yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00374-00294872-00295584 that's that noise again die human YpXlobfY0dM-00375-00295776-00295864 that's pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00376-00296200-00296520 so we did that level i guess now we're YpXlobfY0dM-00377-00296952-00297664 i don't know what to do next uh let's check the outside six seven eight and nine YpXlobfY0dM-00378-00298016-00298608 do you think we'll be able to get through it in the next half an hour i do um YpXlobfY0dM-00379-00298704-00298928 so go up here i guess YpXlobfY0dM-00380-00299224-00299808 no it's up here YpXlobfY0dM-00381-00299808-00300200 ouch um six we did it YpXlobfY0dM-00382-00300872-00301184 why don't like being teleported away YpXlobfY0dM-00383-00301728-00302584 ah it's a vehicle system YpXlobfY0dM-00384-00303200-00303400 i guess we should probably go back here YpXlobfY0dM-00385-00303632-00304072 that's pretty cool it's like uh duke's hand shooting something YpXlobfY0dM-00386-00304128-00304840 if i was duke i'd be like very worried about being in such a surreal situation of seeing my own my YpXlobfY0dM-00387-00304840-00305592 hand shooting something on a giant statue but duke doesn't seem fazed about it he seems incredibly YpXlobfY0dM-00388-00305976-00306040 casual YpXlobfY0dM-00389-00306600-00307120 um if not casual than nonchalant YpXlobfY0dM-00390-00307368-00307512 all right let's continue going YpXlobfY0dM-00391-00307952-00308520 i'm the duke of getting over it what oh hey it's a duke shotgun there YpXlobfY0dM-00392-00308648-00309584 that's also in fact all this looks pretty scary um there's duke duke's arms and legs in acid YpXlobfY0dM-00393-00309848-00310432 and a sky that just represents like neurons i guess don't like this YpXlobfY0dM-00394-00310640-00311712 doesn't make me feel good there's a switch labeled two yeah it is it is a user created YpXlobfY0dM-00395-00311712-00312512 level from a long time ago can you just can you just dimate just get shot YpXlobfY0dM-00396-00312720-00313456 good hi misaki okay so we're just going to continue on and YpXlobfY0dM-00397-00313592-00314088 we're back to square one so i assume that we're going to have to go over here YpXlobfY0dM-00398-00314312-00314528 is there anything interesting over here YpXlobfY0dM-00399-00314688-00315376 it doesn't look like it so this is doom but better it's more different there's more of a focus on oh YpXlobfY0dM-00400-00315376-00316584 there's another button here it's more of a focus of interaction and uh better looking graphics YpXlobfY0dM-00401-00316920-00317088 i do not like that door noise YpXlobfY0dM-00402-00317504-00317984 you cannot import doom levels in this this is a completely different engine YpXlobfY0dM-00403-00318368-00318544 i mean you can aim up and down in doom YpXlobfY0dM-00404-00318960-00319440 can you say something extremely australian that's intelligible to non-australians no YpXlobfY0dM-00405-00320472-00320816 i i cannot import stuff i know YpXlobfY0dM-00406-00320816-00321264 in doom yeah you can aim up and down dooms are like doom's a 3d game YpXlobfY0dM-00407-00321544-00322536 um it's just that the level geometry uh is 2d kind of i mean it depends on how you define it right YpXlobfY0dM-00408-00322664-00323584 like 3d it's a 3d game because you know things have like an x and y and z coordinate YpXlobfY0dM-00409-00323752-00324144 it's just a renderer that is a little strange YpXlobfY0dM-00410-00324392-00324576 um don't like whatever happened there YpXlobfY0dM-00411-00324840-00325056 can i play daggerfall unity what's that YpXlobfY0dM-00412-00326176-00326384 you never realized you could aim up and down in gym YpXlobfY0dM-00413-00326624-00327784 i mean that's fine daggerfall recreated in unity no YpXlobfY0dM-00414-00328200-00329184 oh YpXlobfY0dM-00415-00329256-00329392 open morrowind ah YpXlobfY0dM-00416-00329608-00329672 check that out YpXlobfY0dM-00417-00330216-00330936 uh i don't know i'd rather not i'll give you my stream account YpXlobfY0dM-00418-00331112-00331736 damn account i don't know so this is where oops i use my steroids YpXlobfY0dM-00419-00331952-00332216 i guess we better use them quick to get back home YpXlobfY0dM-00420-00333032-00333384 sonic um YpXlobfY0dM-00421-00333472-00334080 i jokingly suggested that i play old school runescape on stream YpXlobfY0dM-00422-00334248-00334688 but then coles was like i'd play open i play old school runescape on the street uh i YpXlobfY0dM-00423-00334744-00335040 play it with you and castle's like i'd play it with you YpXlobfY0dM-00424-00335144-00335832 so now i'm like what do i do i don't have the time to become an old school runescaper YpXlobfY0dM-00425-00335976-00336480 i'll give you my minecraft account so you don't have to do microsoft's i have a minecraft account YpXlobfY0dM-00426-00336584-00337136 yeah i was thinking that we'd invite you but like it have to be like a group iron man thing YpXlobfY0dM-00427-00337408-00337888 you've never played runescape but you've wanted to i don't know see the thing is YpXlobfY0dM-00428-00337888-00338504 that i'd only want to i'd only want to play it for the stream and uh so as soon as like the YpXlobfY0dM-00429-00338504-00339168 stream is over i'd be like okay that's enough runescape for me i don't do microsoft's i don't YpXlobfY0dM-00430-00339168-00339656 understand why you should need to have an account to play a video game single player YpXlobfY0dM-00431-00339888-00340264 and i don't understand why i should have to like have a microsoft account YpXlobfY0dM-00432-00340264-00341264 to play minecraft instead of like a minecraft account okay drm i have a microsoft account that's YpXlobfY0dM-00433-00341264-00341992 the thing it's like tied to my real identity i don't want that to be attached to my minecraft YpXlobfY0dM-00434-00342448-00342688 i don't want to play minecraft okay YpXlobfY0dM-00435-00343008-00343184 what is the point of this level YpXlobfY0dM-00436-00343648-00343880 oh haha almost got me YpXlobfY0dM-00437-00344152-00344904 now now misaki your hate for microsoft runs deep but is it rational both sides can be bad YpXlobfY0dM-00438-00345104-00345600 okay so there's seven there's nine i guess we should probably just do YpXlobfY0dM-00439-00345680-00345984 nine or we could do eight let's do that YpXlobfY0dM-00440-00346304-00346464 alien landing side ahead YpXlobfY0dM-00441-00346944-00347384 wow my health is below 70. YpXlobfY0dM-00442-00347624-00348000 they forced you to give them a phone number in order to play in order to YpXlobfY0dM-00443-00348000-00348488 play a game you legally bought oh but why'd you legally buy the game then YpXlobfY0dM-00444-00348656-00349360 you know it's a contract between a rational individual and uh a service provider you know YpXlobfY0dM-00445-00349672-00350184 will i fix your lava bug in mind test maybe YpXlobfY0dM-00446-00350496-00350640 there's a lot of enemies here YpXlobfY0dM-00447-00350984-00351584 you bought my minecraft before ms bought it yeah i mean i did too YpXlobfY0dM-00448-00351864-00351992 i think yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00449-00352680-00352984 look doors you like them doors YpXlobfY0dM-00450-00353352-00353832 make your language compiled lewis so you can make mine test mods with it YpXlobfY0dM-00451-00354064-00354608 there's not much to do in mind test it or minecraft right it's just boring YpXlobfY0dM-00452-00355120-00355392 minecraft block games are boring okay YpXlobfY0dM-00453-00355504-00356104 nothing to do with them except mod them and that's boring because i could be doing other stuff YpXlobfY0dM-00454-00356272-00356880 i don't want to make a nuclear reactor let's go in this door and be happy about it YpXlobfY0dM-00455-00357176-00357226 all okay YpXlobfY0dM-00456-00357416-00357520 maybe bad mistake YpXlobfY0dM-00457-00358456-00358976 what about adding guns to mine test so we can play that instead of et legacy YpXlobfY0dM-00458-00359120-00359480 uh it's just like mine test and minecraft have like such YpXlobfY0dM-00459-00359664-00360264 bad movement systems are you playing with my ball mouse thing yeah YpXlobfY0dM-00460-00361016-00361384 okay medkit YpXlobfY0dM-00461-00361488-00361808 pause the stream you're going to put subtitles on your parents tv YpXlobfY0dM-00462-00361904-00362104 i can legit pause it if you want me to YpXlobfY0dM-00463-00362704-00363048 see there's rendering glitches because of this impossible geometry YpXlobfY0dM-00464-00363048-00363416 like you know the game engine does not like that YpXlobfY0dM-00465-00363712-00363848 you can look behind that YpXlobfY0dM-00466-00364184-00364504 um i do different renderings help with this YpXlobfY0dM-00467-00364864-00365584 okay so let's see polymer polymers does that help no YpXlobfY0dM-00468-00366000-00366128 polymer does that help YpXlobfY0dM-00469-00366384-00366984 no it's even worse somehow YpXlobfY0dM-00470-00367128-00367816 this is a fast re-implementation of duke nukem it kind of the actual engine is an open source YpXlobfY0dM-00471-00367816-00368664 uh it's source available but it's really freaking weird the game developers outsourced the engine YpXlobfY0dM-00472-00368664-00369704 developer to a 16 year old kid and he did kind of an okay job but they then open sourced the game YpXlobfY0dM-00473-00369704-00370416 but then he didn't open source the engine and to this day he has not open sourced the engine YpXlobfY0dM-00474-00370648-00370698 um YpXlobfY0dM-00475-00370896-00371184 what did i say i was talking about you YpXlobfY0dM-00476-00371400-00372248 i was talking about how uh how much i thirst for you um how my loins are YpXlobfY0dM-00477-00372480-00372696 uh i don't know YpXlobfY0dM-00478-00372928-00373048 open source the engine YpXlobfY0dM-00479-00373408-00373528 i like okay YpXlobfY0dM-00480-00373800-00373984 see the thing about YpXlobfY0dM-00481-00374376-00374976 i'd play i'd play like mine test if we were just doing like electronic [ __ ] in it like YpXlobfY0dM-00482-00374976-00375640 big electronic sandbox like maybe we'd make a cpu or a computer network in it or something like that YpXlobfY0dM-00483-00375944-00376088 you know that's my kind of fun YpXlobfY0dM-00484-00376552-00377160 like um what did i just do i guess i opened that YpXlobfY0dM-00485-00377480-00377672 my pork loins are juicy YpXlobfY0dM-00486-00377672-00378464 yeah a pretty deep cabin YpXlobfY0dM-00487-00378784-00378912 oh it goes down further YpXlobfY0dM-00488-00379440-00379664 if there's anything like computer craft for my own test YpXlobfY0dM-00489-00379840-00380496 do i prefer open computers or computer craft i don't i don't know what either of those are but YpXlobfY0dM-00490-00380496-00381216 yes there is some cool stuff for mine test including like lua stuff um YpXlobfY0dM-00491-00381656-00382384 okay we're gonna die here or not maybe i'm actually a hero YpXlobfY0dM-00492-00383152-00383464 i mean okay so the thing is is that in order to YpXlobfY0dM-00493-00383960-00384336 louis interfaces for in-game minecraft play what's that mean YpXlobfY0dM-00494-00384592-00384816 why does my character make sounds like this YpXlobfY0dM-00495-00384912-00385360 uh because he was getting healed and that's the sound listen oh no i don't have any YpXlobfY0dM-00496-00385360-00385920 health but if he gets healed he has he a moan escapes him a gasp if you will YpXlobfY0dM-00497-00386192-00386736 yeah you can get prog programmable computers in mind test see the thing with mind test YpXlobfY0dM-00498-00386736-00387240 is that like i'm i'd be happy to play it creatively but i gotta have i gotta YpXlobfY0dM-00499-00387240-00387776 have friends to do it with and i gotta have like a goal to work towards the last time i YpXlobfY0dM-00500-00387776-00388200 did it i was playing it with kaz but it was like on a train map or server YpXlobfY0dM-00501-00388632-00389384 um but like i just don't know i'm not a creative person if anything i'd be using mine test as like YpXlobfY0dM-00502-00389496-00389808 uh electronics simulator YpXlobfY0dM-00503-00390048-00390784 trains were too confusing and badly documented yes so i don't know um YpXlobfY0dM-00504-00390912-00391000 it just i don't know YpXlobfY0dM-00505-00391432-00392184 kind of depends on what in mind test YpXlobfY0dM-00506-00392440-00392776 did the doom guy make pain sounds and noises like this YpXlobfY0dM-00507-00393128-00393584 i don't think so YpXlobfY0dM-00508-00395368-00396384 okay that's worse YpXlobfY0dM-00509-00396824-00396874 no YpXlobfY0dM-00510-00397600-00397848 i was distracted by the spam okay YpXlobfY0dM-00511-00398512-00399128 oh they'll spam in chat and when i moved back to focus the window i YpXlobfY0dM-00512-00399128-00399472 clicked and the game was like yeah you clicked on quick game right YpXlobfY0dM-00513-00400120-00400248 time for some healing YpXlobfY0dM-00514-00401024-00401392 so like is there anything you would actually want to build in mind test that would be YpXlobfY0dM-00515-00401392-00402152 fun and uh i guess not i mean the only thing that would really benefit YpXlobfY0dM-00516-00402400-00402792 about mind test i suppose is like that people can look at YpXlobfY0dM-00517-00402792-00403384 it and kind of understand things because my programming streams aren't very uh visual YpXlobfY0dM-00518-00403768-00404800 you want to build a train system but it's hell why YpXlobfY0dM-00519-00404800-00405320 mean like why do you want to build a train system like you like trains YpXlobfY0dM-00520-00405544-00406184 uh i mean i don't know i mean i guess you could YpXlobfY0dM-00521-00406392-00406968 make a minecraft clone on stream what's check okay jazz YpXlobfY0dM-00522-00407312-00407632 don't don't any of you ever suggest that we play YpXlobfY0dM-00523-00407632-00408016 open ttd on stream because that would actually kill me okay YpXlobfY0dM-00524-00408384-00408664 i would die from that game i uh YpXlobfY0dM-00525-00408896-00409856 it's so it's so stressful i'm not good at it at all and i just can't get good at it i'm just not YpXlobfY0dM-00526-00409856-00410560 at the level of uh being good at it but maybe you know maybe we could put our accounts together and YpXlobfY0dM-00527-00410560-00411784 form a company or something like i think we did all of them let's try and exit this um area YpXlobfY0dM-00528-00413024-00413480 look i can move kind of at the same speed of that all right so now we're going into the cave YpXlobfY0dM-00529-00414328-00414832 duke nukem fell into the cave it's mind tests areas YpXlobfY0dM-00530-00415664-00416143 oh you mean the area system and what do you mean i got it to work for the trains YpXlobfY0dM-00531-00416143-00416432 i had to have someone like help me and then they were explaining YpXlobfY0dM-00532-00416432-00416760 like well this is you know we have a block here that we can't get rid of YpXlobfY0dM-00533-00417064-00417168 i don't know it's just not YpXlobfY0dM-00534-00417376-00418016 i guess i'm just such a nerd that oh it's sharks i don't even know if those sharks are enemies YpXlobfY0dM-00535-00418264-00418600 i can just jump through the window i don't love YpXlobfY0dM-00536-00418600-00420184 factorio i haven't played factorio i don't want to play factorio YpXlobfY0dM-00537-00420480-00420935 oh okay i've created a computer that calculates the future YpXlobfY0dM-00538-00420935-00421400 the computer also creates a hologram of the event beyond the door to your right YpXlobfY0dM-00539-00421400-00421847 is the computer's hologram predicting what will happen approximately five minutes in the future YpXlobfY0dM-00540-00422192-00422384 oops wait what YpXlobfY0dM-00541-00422712-00423504 oh yeah i broke i broke the music um some person griefed the trains anyway wait shift f5 to change YpXlobfY0dM-00542-00423928-00424384 shift f5 to change YpXlobfY0dM-00543-00424472-00424632 all right i don't know um YpXlobfY0dM-00544-00424984-00425808 oh [ __ ] that's gonna happen in five minutes that doesn't look good that's not great for me um YpXlobfY0dM-00545-00426032-00426439 i don't that's correct duke this does suck YpXlobfY0dM-00546-00426680-00427184 i don't want to die YpXlobfY0dM-00547-00427424-00428584 i guess i'll just continue on into the future YpXlobfY0dM-00548-00428864-00429984 railguns YpXlobfY0dM-00549-00430392-00430528 so i have to jump down YpXlobfY0dM-00550-00430816-00431384 oh it's the doom guy YpXlobfY0dM-00551-00431800-00432343 oh [ __ ] YpXlobfY0dM-00552-00432343-00432760 if there's anything in my test i'd want to make it's like some kind of survival space YpXlobfY0dM-00553-00432760-00433176 thing where there's like air and whatever i think there was a mod that had that YpXlobfY0dM-00554-00434000-00434184 you don't know lua pathetic YpXlobfY0dM-00555-00435296-00435584 well why don't you go play minecraft then what's the issue YpXlobfY0dM-00556-00435824-00435992 oh no we in trouble YpXlobfY0dM-00557-00436504-00436984 i think there is space mine test YpXlobfY0dM-00558-00437504-00438384 the computer was right YpXlobfY0dM-00559-00438832-00439784 hey YpXlobfY0dM-00560-00440247-00441184 was the computer right this time YpXlobfY0dM-00561-00441264-00442584 almost it was almost right YpXlobfY0dM-00562-00443639-00444080 ready for action that was pretty cool YpXlobfY0dM-00563-00444296-00445384 missed three secrets i'm not playing it again um yeah it is sad um is that today's stream YpXlobfY0dM-00564-00446128-00446872 and that we could dig through and look for some other maps um let's just mute the game real quick YpXlobfY0dM-00565-00447543-00448200 dark nurkim what uh let's quickly move that and let's switch over YpXlobfY0dM-00566-00448200-00448872 to um firefox real quick and let's look at some maps YpXlobfY0dM-00567-00449104-00449264 um any cool maps YpXlobfY0dM-00568-00449496-00449688 return to castle wolfenstein no YpXlobfY0dM-00569-00450152-00450543 so these are these are the maps made a lot of them are made by the same author YpXlobfY0dM-00570-00450896-00450984 um let's see YpXlobfY0dM-00571-00452664-00453072 none of these look fun YPFgSUCYTBk-00000-00000020-00000100 (Jump !!!) YPFgSUCYTBk-00001-00000130-00000350 (Authorized !!!) YPFgSUCYTBk-00003-00006700-00007000 (Progrized !!!) YPFgSUCYTBk-00004-00007000-00007900 "To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick." YQKTZVJfadc-00000-00000000-00000200 Sloter Independent YRIzZxtGNfE-00000-00000006-00000560 Welcome to watch this video that wraps up my data at home blog series! YRIzZxtGNfE-00001-00000560-00000950 If you're interested into all the details you can find them from the blog posts YRIzZxtGNfE-00002-00000950-00001438 I will start by demonstrating how I'm controlling the info display... YRIzZxtGNfE-00003-00001438-00001744 ... based on the Ubiquiti IP camera motion detection YRIzZxtGNfE-00004-00001752-00002160 So I just walked into the motion detection zone YRIzZxtGNfE-00005-00002162-00002676 And based on that motion I'm sending the power information to the display YRIzZxtGNfE-00006-00002784-00003192 This beautiful display is from Samsung Professional Series and... YRIzZxtGNfE-00007-00003192-00003792 ... it can be controlled with MDC protocol. The same method is used for shutting down the YRIzZxtGNfE-00008-00003792-00004202 display when there is no motion detected for the last hour YRIzZxtGNfE-00009-00004370-00004716 The nice side effect of having such a display is... YRIzZxtGNfE-00010-00004716-00004996 ... that it also works as a nice photo frame YRIzZxtGNfE-00011-00005184-00005648 But of course the main thing for me is being able to show the beautiful... YRIzZxtGNfE-00012-00005648-00006000 ... Grafana dashboars filled with data from our home YRIzZxtGNfE-00013-00006523-00007142 In my info screen on top I'm showing the information from my electricity meter YRIzZxtGNfE-00014-00007302-00007806 It has also a local user interface but the purpose is totally different here YRIzZxtGNfE-00015-00007892-00008398 This information is read from a data controller web UI every 5 seconds YRIzZxtGNfE-00016-00008496-00008916 In the middle I'm showing information from my district heating meter YRIzZxtGNfE-00017-00008916-00009262 Tihs is based on a computer vision YRIzZxtGNfE-00018-00009502-00010084 And on the bottom I have a water usage from my wireless water meter YRIzZxtGNfE-00019-00010084-00010400 data is read with an USB receiver YRIzZxtGNfE-00020-00010552-00011178 On the right hand side I have also some data from a couple of IOT temperature sensors YRIzZxtGNfE-00021-00011362-00011864 And then again after 20 seconds I'm going to show another photo YRIzZxtGNfE-00022-00011982-00012328 The photo will be randomly selected every 5 minutes YRIzZxtGNfE-00023-00012428-00012802 At the second part of this video I will demonstrate you the water leakage... YRIzZxtGNfE-00024-00012802-00013030 ... protection I've built with the Grafana YRIzZxtGNfE-00025-00013136-00013956 First of I will change my alarm threshold to 1 liter per minute and enable refresh... YRIzZxtGNfE-00026-00013956-00014174 ... so we can see what is happening YRIzZxtGNfE-00027-00014366-00015252 And then let's see what happens. Okay, so the water is running and pretty much... YRIzZxtGNfE-00028-00015252-00015758 ... immediately we can see the red heart is showing that alert has been triggered... YRIzZxtGNfE-00029-00015838-00016146 ... and the water is going to be cut off YRIzZxtGNfE-00030-00016384-00016616 As you can see I have again made a new... YRIzZxtGNfE-00031-00016616-00017002 version of my dashboard after recording the previous video YRIzZxtGNfE-00032-00017086-00017616 I just love how easy it is to fine-tune it at the second I have a new idea YRIzZxtGNfE-00033-00017734-00018164 Thanks for watching this video and below you can find a link to my blog... YRIzZxtGNfE-00034-00018164-00018624 ... and a list of devices shown in this video YRVvXkkVwuY-00000-00000627-00000769 Hello viewers. YRVvXkkVwuY-00001-00000769-00001379 Today, we're gonna discuss how to brew tea at home using a household coffee brewer. YRVvXkkVwuY-00002-00001379-00001978 And by that, we mean traditional brewers like the Bunn shown here, or the Mr. Coffee. YRVvXkkVwuY-00003-00001978-00002594 This video does not contain info about brewing in Keurigs, so keep in mind if you own one. YRVvXkkVwuY-00004-00002594-00002932 Now, let's move on with the video. YRVvXkkVwuY-00005-00002932-00003453 What you will need is a coffee brewer, teabags, and for sweet tea, sugar. YRVvXkkVwuY-00006-00003453-00003672 Also, a pitcher. YRVvXkkVwuY-00007-00003672-00004395 First, grab the carafe, and put it under a water source. YRVvXkkVwuY-00008-00004395-00004696 Then, turn on the tap. YRVvXkkVwuY-00009-00004696-00006203 Wait till it is fully filled. YRVvXkkVwuY-00010-00006203-00008120 Then, turn off the tap. YRVvXkkVwuY-00011-00008120-00009575 Then put the teabags in the filter holder. YRVvXkkVwuY-00012-00009575-00010002 Open the water tank lid on the machine. YRVvXkkVwuY-00014-00013343-00013906 Close the lid to brew on some Bunn brewers, or for those who use Mr. Coffee style brewers, YRVvXkkVwuY-00015-00013906-00014147 flip the heater switch to On. YRVvXkkVwuY-00017-00018434-00020929 When brewing is done, have your pitcher ready. YRVvXkkVwuY-00018-00020929-00021324 Add two scoops of sugar for tea in a two-liter container. YRVvXkkVwuY-00019-00021324-00022818 No sugar is needed if you want unsweet tea. YRVvXkkVwuY-00020-00022818-00023093 Pour the brewed tea into the pitcher. YRVvXkkVwuY-00021-00023093-00024623 Then, if needed, add water to dilute the sugar. YRVvXkkVwuY-00022-00024623-00025725 Stir the sugar around by moving the stir handle up and down. YRVvXkkVwuY-00023-00025725-00026022 If you do not have a pitcher with a built in mixer, YRVvXkkVwuY-00024-00026022-00026288 you can use a big spoon or similar stirring device YRVvXkkVwuY-00025-00026288-00028156 instead. YRVvXkkVwuY-00026-00028156-00029402 Continue stirring until the sugar is dissolved. YRVvXkkVwuY-00027-00029402-00030727 Now, pour your tea into your cup of choice. YRVvXkkVwuY-00028-00030727-00031553 If you want colder tea, add ice to your cup. YRVvXkkVwuY-00029-00031553-00033086 Now, you have fresh tea made at home using a home coffee brewer. YRVvXkkVwuY-00030-00033086-00033380 If you want to keep your tea cold and fresh, put YRVvXkkVwuY-00031-00033380-00034179 the container into the refrigerator. YRVvXkkVwuY-00032-00034179-00034490 This video was about how to brew tea at home. YRVvXkkVwuY-00033-00034490-00036463 Thanks for watching. YRVvXkkVwuY-00034-00036463-00038063 [CAPTIONS PROVIDED BY JSfortythirtytwo] YRVvXkkVwuY-00035-00038063-00038551 [MUSIC USED: Breaktime - Kevin MacLeod - Silent Film Light] YRVvXkkVwuY-00036-00038551-00038751 [MUSIC USED: Sophomore Makeout - Silent Parter] YRVvXkkVwuY-00037-00041750-00043490 2021 JSfortythirtytwo (Formerly Jackson Storm 4023) YWVI6afhnqo-00000-00000461-00000981 i defeat the bears what's up sons it's blindrod with sonoma tech once again and welcome to yet YWVI6afhnqo-00001-00000981-00001605 another video about mining cryptocurrency with graphics cards as you guys know i'm a fan of YWVI6afhnqo-00002-00001605-00002173 mining cryptocurrency with cpus that i can buy or gps that i can buy at a consumer level YWVI6afhnqo-00003-00002173-00002861 and i'm not a huge fan of fpga or even like of course the a6 i've never been a fan of asics YWVI6afhnqo-00004-00002861-00003565 that being said today we're taking a look at the radeon rx 5500 xt mech from none other than YWVI6afhnqo-00005-00003565-00004333 msi without further ado let's hop into it here's a quick picture a little peek of it running on our YWVI6afhnqo-00006-00004333-00004781 test bench and we will have some b-roll going for you guys as well from the looks of it you YWVI6afhnqo-00007-00004781-00005413 can already tell that it's a two-fan design with a single copper pipe as as the heat sink YWVI6afhnqo-00008-00005413-00005933 and if you take a peek even closer you'll notice that the memory modules are not actively cooled YWVI6afhnqo-00009-00005933-00006413 they're passively cooled with that front band blowing over them or blowing some air over them YWVI6afhnqo-00010-00006413-00006877 now when we're talking about mining it may be worth it to go ahead and lean towards YWVI6afhnqo-00011-00006877-00007365 something that has active cooling on the memory modules we will go ahead and leave an amazon YWVI6afhnqo-00012-00007365-00007781 link down in the description below for you to go purchase this card but while you're there YWVI6afhnqo-00013-00007781-00008525 go ahead and maybe grab a couple more options if you do see one with active cooling on the memory YWVI6afhnqo-00014-00008525-00008989 modules i would recommend picking that up if they're within the same ballpark and price now YWVI6afhnqo-00015-00008989-00009501 when we're talking about price right now retail we're looking at anywhere from 180 us dollars YWVI6afhnqo-00016-00009501-00010229 to about 230 us dollars so keep that in mind when you're calculating your roi and so on and so forth YWVI6afhnqo-00017-00010285-00010957 so getting into the dirty dirty specs here we have the interface type of pcie express 4.0 YWVI6afhnqo-00018-00010957-00011477 which is going to be the latest and also probably not that big of a deal for miners we're not really YWVI6afhnqo-00019-00011477-00012053 that interested in pci express 4.0 but if you're going to be gaming on the card as well YWVI6afhnqo-00020-00012053-00012509 knowing that it supports the latest options there and the latest and greatest and most bandwidth YWVI6afhnqo-00021-00012573-00013189 over that interface you're going to be good to go it has fourteen hundred and eight yeah YWVI6afhnqo-00022-00013189-00013637 fourteen hundred and eight for some reason i thought one thousand about fourteen hundred YWVI6afhnqo-00023-00013637-00014373 and eight compute units and the core clocks boost up to eighteen hundred and forty five megahertz YWVI6afhnqo-00024-00014373-00015101 and game up to 173 megahertz now that's gonna be very dependent on if you need to overclock for YWVI6afhnqo-00025-00015101-00015613 specific coins and algorithms most the time you're not gonna be messing around with core clocks YWVI6afhnqo-00026-00015613-00016093 but the big deal and speaking of memory going back to the memory we were talking about earlier YWVI6afhnqo-00027-00016165-00016957 that passively cooled memory is running at 14 gigabits per second and it is eight gigabytes YWVI6afhnqo-00028-00016957-00018045 of gddr6 and the memory bus is 128 bit in most applications 1800 to 1825 megahertz was easily YWVI6afhnqo-00029-00018045-00018541 attainable in almost every algorithm available that we tried and we're going to be going over YWVI6afhnqo-00030-00018541-00019277 all those algos that we tried here shortly now the outputs that it does support is displayport 1.4 YWVI6afhnqo-00031-00019277-00020125 it has three of those and one hdmi 2.0 b now a little bit of a frustration point for me was that YWVI6afhnqo-00032-00020125-00020821 we were trying to get 240 hertz working through the elgato and it's probably because hdmi 2.0 b YWVI6afhnqo-00033-00020901-00021509 uh maybe or the cable that we have trying to get figured out we couldn't get it to go up to 240 YWVI6afhnqo-00034-00021509-00022261 hertz over displayport it went to 240hz no problem but over hdmi it would only go up to 144 hertz YWVI6afhnqo-00035-00022317-00023029 and still be detectable by the systems so keep that in mind it does have hdcp support YWVI6afhnqo-00036-00023029-00023693 and you can't turn it off in windows 10. awful awful awful awful makes me mad they used to have YWVI6afhnqo-00037-00023693-00024277 an option you could turn it off with now they don't power consumption is 130 watts instead YWVI6afhnqo-00038-00024277-00024933 it's not fixed it may differ by core clocks so we'll go over more uh what we're seeing in power YWVI6afhnqo-00039-00024933-00025445 here in a second recommended power supply 450 watts don't have to worry about that for mining YWVI6afhnqo-00040-00025445-00026309 as well power connector is a one or a single uh eight pin power connector pcie power connector and YWVI6afhnqo-00041-00026309-00026789 that should be pretty pretty handy when you're talking about building a mining rig anything that YWVI6afhnqo-00042-00026789-00027381 takes more than one you know if you have one eight pin one six pin or two eight pins uh then you have YWVI6afhnqo-00043-00027381-00027853 to plant a quartering lead there and you can't add as many cards the most power you can get off YWVI6afhnqo-00044-00027853-00028397 a single eight pin card is usually what i would prefer at least in the past things are changing YWVI6afhnqo-00045-00028397-00029421 a little bit we'll kind of go over that maybe in a later video so those are all the specs and we're YWVI6afhnqo-00046-00029421-00030533 going to talk mining numbers now all right so the fun part mining benchmarks right because everybody YWVI6afhnqo-00047-00030533-00031045 needs to know what these cards are getting so give me one second i did want to pull up YWVI6afhnqo-00048-00031173-00031821 some extra current profit that you guys could see and of course this may be outdated by the YWVI6afhnqo-00049-00031821-00032573 time this video is up always go calculate the profits separate from the video on what to mine YWVI6afhnqo-00050-00032573-00033285 and actually go out and mine yourself because even what to mine is not always accurate uh 24 7. so YWVI6afhnqo-00051-00033285-00033925 this is just to give you guys a general idea and then it's up to you to do the rest of the work YWVI6afhnqo-00052-00033925-00034613 because who knows how long ago i made this video that being said the hash rates should stay true YWVI6afhnqo-00053-00034685-00035869 and we did a lot of testing first of all we had a on and the card ran at 126.9 solutions a second YWVI6afhnqo-00054-00035869-00036605 at 141 watts currently in what to mine you would be mining aeon at a loss with this YWVI6afhnqo-00055-00036605-00037301 card and we did tweak it we did turn the power settings down uh and the power is very very YWVI6afhnqo-00056-00037357-00037909 it fluctuates a lot with a on so it's really hard to calculate this is the worst case scenario YWVI6afhnqo-00057-00037965-00038781 so worst case scenario not profitable at this time but those are the numbers beam hash rate YWVI6afhnqo-00058-00038781-00039837 solutions per second 12 power in watts 134. now if you take a look at this you are going to see YWVI6afhnqo-00059-00039837-00040645 that you are profitable at about 18 cents per day calculating caught uh cost of power at 0.1 YWVI6afhnqo-00060-00040741-00041485 in usd so all these numbers are in us dollars uh and that's going to be or 0.1 dollars sorry so YWVI6afhnqo-00061-00041485-00042141 it's 10 cents essentially uh 10 cents per kilowatt hour which is the average across the nation of YWVI6afhnqo-00062-00042141-00042629 course if yours is different blah blah blah it's gonna be a little bit hard to calculate that but YWVI6afhnqo-00063-00042629-00043381 that being said uh you could make up to 51 cents and then of course minus power you're going to be YWVI6afhnqo-00064-00043381-00044133 at about 18 cents a day on beam currently but those are the numbers are you catching a trend YWVI6afhnqo-00065-00044133-00044933 here okay so ethereum the big one the big daddy the profitable coin the the coin everybody needs YWVI6afhnqo-00066-00044933-00045565 to be mining right now especially with their rx 5000 series hash rate 25 mega hash a second YWVI6afhnqo-00067-00045637-00046125 at 96 watts so here we are able to turn the power consumption down to YWVI6afhnqo-00068-00046181-00046805 about negative 25 we were able to turn the memory clock up to about 1825 megahertz if YWVI6afhnqo-00069-00046805-00047453 you guys want a separate overclocking video and all of that for ethereum let me know we're also YWVI6afhnqo-00070-00047453-00048029 going to be looking at bios modding and so on but this is just slapping the rig in right so at that YWVI6afhnqo-00071-00048149-00048917 uh you have a lot of profitable coins so you have ethereum classic 84 cents a day you have YWVI6afhnqo-00072-00048917-00049829 ethereum 69 cents a day you peak 23 cents a day pearl you got at 22 cents a day even going all YWVI6afhnqo-00073-00049829-00050381 the way down to stuff like metaverse and uh ether gym you're getting over 20 cents a day YWVI6afhnqo-00074-00050525-00051261 and that's really not bad that's after power costs like i said at 10 cents a kilowatt hour YWVI6afhnqo-00075-00051325-00052013 that may vary in your area but you're looking at revenue of you know around a dollar a day on YWVI6afhnqo-00076-00052013-00052701 ethereum and ethereum classic and uh it's pretty awesome go plug it in and see where it's at YWVI6afhnqo-00077-00052701-00053429 right now keep on keeping in mind this is a 200 card as well okay and then the next one YWVI6afhnqo-00078-00053429-00054125 ethereum was my favorite by the way here if you couldn't tell it's grin we had a hash rate of 0.1 YWVI6afhnqo-00079-00054125-00054597 uh gs so i think that's i don't know if that's giga hash let me know in the comment section YWVI6afhnqo-00080-00054597-00055029 below i actually don't know what that stands for and i am just getting back into mining and i never YWVI6afhnqo-00081-00055029-00055517 mind grin but we figured it out today maybe we'll have a how-to video for that as well let me know YWVI6afhnqo-00082-00055517-00055981 in the comment section below since i just learned how to do it i'm happy to share that with you YWVI6afhnqo-00083-00055981-00056645 actually it's going to be safe for a few other coins haven the new algorithm for raven uh swap YWVI6afhnqo-00084-00056645-00057237 and the new algorithm for monero so there's a few of these coins that i just figured out today YWVI6afhnqo-00085-00057237-00058221 uh but that's at a grain was at a power usage of 159 watts so if we take a look at grin you YWVI6afhnqo-00086-00058221-00058917 would not be profitable you'd lose 15 cents a day and your revenue would be 23 cents a day mining YWVI6afhnqo-00087-00058917-00059653 grid currently moving on to haven so haven is a new one i need to do some research on it i don't YWVI6afhnqo-00088-00059653-00060469 know if you should mine it but in case you wanted to mine it it's 701 hash a second at 134 watts YWVI6afhnqo-00089-00060469-00061373 it is profitable at about 34 cents a day after power costs and something that you could look into YWVI6afhnqo-00090-00061373-00062109 in the future next is raven one of my old favorites apparently some people don't like raven YWVI6afhnqo-00091-00062109-00062613 anymore let me know in the comment section why not i need to do some more research on it so give me YWVI6afhnqo-00092-00062613-00063261 some give me some reading material on what's going on get get get me that gossip that raven gossip YWVI6afhnqo-00093-00063261-00063949 but the hash rate was 13 mega hash a second at 164 watts pretty power hungry you're still profitable YWVI6afhnqo-00094-00063949-00064741 on it by uh quite a bit 40 cents a day and the revenue is 79 cents a day on this particular YWVI6afhnqo-00095-00064741-00065589 card next we have another old favorite which uh i can't seem to track down let me look at this so YWVI6afhnqo-00096-00065661-00066981 what was this this was 872 hash a second for ryo and the power consumption was 149 watts and with YWVI6afhnqo-00097-00066981-00067661 that it does come out to be profitable at a mere 5 cents a day with a revenue of 41 cents a day YWVI6afhnqo-00098-00067661-00068333 so like i said probably focus on revenue and then you guys can go ahead and go to what to mine and YWVI6afhnqo-00099-00068333-00069093 double check it but i was pretty happy with that i like ryo i think that it's relevant mainly because YWVI6afhnqo-00100-00069093-00069709 the dev is also the guy that makes one of the most popular miners around so i don't think the YWVI6afhnqo-00101-00069709-00070565 coins going anywhere if that makes sense next is monero another big one and this one's tricky so YWVI6afhnqo-00102-00070621-00071389 i did everything i could to get my hash rate up uh we set our b factor we set our worker size YWVI6afhnqo-00103-00071509-00071957 we made sure that we set it to two cores or whatever all that sort of thing YWVI6afhnqo-00104-00072029-00072597 we obviously got it working for haven we got it working for ryo monero we couldn't get the YWVI6afhnqo-00105-00072597-00073517 hash rate to budge we were at 548 cash a second pretty much no matter what we did at 100 watts but YWVI6afhnqo-00106-00073589-00074341 you know if you're looking at mining monero with random x you're probably going to be looking at YWVI6afhnqo-00107-00074341-00074965 using a cpu something along those lines it's not profitable just that's the way it is right YWVI6afhnqo-00108-00074965-00075677 there's nothing we can do about it z coin hash rate of 1.7 mega hash a second at 170 YWVI6afhnqo-00109-00075773-00076477 watts all right so what does that come out to well that comes out to profitable 0.26 YWVI6afhnqo-00110-00076541-00077093 though 2 6 why do i keep doing this because i go from saying one point whatever mega hash to them YWVI6afhnqo-00111-00077149-00077861 26 cents a day in profit 67 cents in revenue and yeah i think YWVI6afhnqo-00112-00077861-00078373 you know that's an option it's mtp which is a new algo that i got to check out and play with YWVI6afhnqo-00113-00078373-00079445 i like it um however i will say pretty much everything uh but et hash is wildly inconsistent YWVI6afhnqo-00114-00079557-00080389 in my experience every test that we did outside of like the big boys were very inconsistent YWVI6afhnqo-00115-00080517-00081149 hash rates were inconsistent they were kind of like up and down here and there we tried to grab YWVI6afhnqo-00116-00081149-00081821 the average of course out of those and then the power consumption was the crazy because this is YWVI6afhnqo-00117-00081821-00082381 inconsistency and zcoin was one where it was just poof all over the place so we picked up YWVI6afhnqo-00118-00082381-00083053 the worst case technology technology the worst case technology is no we picked up the worst YWVI6afhnqo-00119-00083053-00083621 case uh scenario there and we rolled with it you know that's what we did on all these YWVI6afhnqo-00120-00083621-00084293 if we're having inconsistent power consumption readings we are going to get you the worst case YWVI6afhnqo-00121-00084293-00084997 and that away hopefully we can guide you into a better purchasing decision last we have zel YWVI6afhnqo-00122-00084997-00085925 cash with a hash rate of 17.7 solutions a second at 176 watts this comes out to not profitable YWVI6afhnqo-00123-00085925-00086829 with a revenue of 38 cents per day and losing uh 5 cents a day so there you go i appreciate your YWVI6afhnqo-00124-00086829-00087493 time i appreciate you guys stopping by and don't forget to come check me out on twitch.tv blind YWVI6afhnqo-00125-00087493-00088029 red don't forget to hit the subscribe the like and the notification bell down below if you want YWVI6afhnqo-00126-00088029-00088677 more cryptocurrency content and some more gaming content coming as well i'll end it with a light YWVI6afhnqo-00127-00088677-00089933 party i think i got it bam my party didn't work out very well all right i'll see you next tuesday Yb4I5IsDSMg-00000-00000000-00001500 𝟤𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖮𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗉𝗎𝖻𝗅𝗂𝖼 𝗁𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖦𝖺𝗋𝗂𝖻 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 𝗍hat day. T𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗏𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗉𝗈𝗂𝗅𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗌𝗎𝖽𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾. Yedv0TqffMM-00000-00001100-00001800 Monalisa's Jhuma Boudi avatar will make summer hotter Yedv0TqffMM-00001-00001900-00002900 Monalisa became a household name after she appeared in the tenth season of Bigg Boss hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. Yedv0TqffMM-00002-00003000-00005000 Monalisa Monalisas Jhuma Boudi avatar will make summer hotter - Watch Dupur Thakurpo season 2 promo song Monalisa became a household name after she appeared in the tenth season of Bigg Boss hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. Yedv0TqffMM-00003-00005100-00006100 Mumbai: Bigg Boss season 10 contestant Monalisa is gearing up to sizzle as Jhuma Boudi in web-series Dupur Thakurpo season 2. Yedv0TqffMM-00004-00006200-00007400 The Bengali beauty, who has been sharing a number of photographs from the sets of the show, took to her Instagram to unveil the promo song. Yedv0TqffMM-00005-00007500-00008900 She posted: Here Comes #jhumaboudi with The Full Song Promo Of #tuki .(sic). Monalisa looks absolutely stunning in her Bengali avatar. Yedv0TqffMM-00006-00009000-00010700 With vermillion adorning her hair parting and the red kumkum bindi on her forehead, Monalisa looks absolutely gorgeous in the desi avatar. The traditional Shakha and Paula (bangles worn by married women in Bengal) complete her look. Yedv0TqffMM-00007-00010800-00012500 She became a household name after she appeared in the tenth season of Bigg Boss hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. She married her Bhojpuri co-star Vikrant Singh Rajpoot while she was inside the house of Bigg Boss. Yedv0TqffMM-00008-00012600-00013800 Her wedding ceremony was aired on national television. Monalisa aka Antara Biswas is a very popular name in the Bhojpuri film industry. Yedv0TqffMM-00009-00013900-00015200 She is paid around Rs 5-7 Lakh per film. She made her debut in a film titled Bhole Shankar in 2008 and has worked in a number of films since then. Yedv0TqffMM-00010-00015300-00017500 She has quite a few Bhojpuri films in her kitty including Itihaas with her real-life husband Vikrant Singh Rajpoot, Jawani Zindabad with Gaurav Jha, Rani Dildar Jani with Shyam Dehati, Milan Sanyog with Vikrant and Son Of Bihar with Rakesh Mishra, reports suggest. Yedv0TqffMM-00011-00017600-00019500 Monas chemistry with the man playing her husband is intentionally funny. Monalisa Monalisa aka Jhuma Boudis dance with onscreen husband in Dupur Thakurpo season 2 is funny - Watch Monas chemistry with the man playing her husband is intentionally funny. Yedv0TqffMM-00012-00019600-00020700 Mumbai: Monalisa aka Jhuma Boudi of Dupur Thakurpo season 2 has indeed become peoples favourite on the internet. Yedv0TqffMM-00013-00020800-00022500 The pretty actress shared the latest promo for the Bengali web-series on Instagram and it shows her dancing with a man probably playing her husband on screen. Monas chemistry with the man is intentionally funny. Yedv0TqffMM-00014-00022600-00023800 Check out the duos naughty yet funny dance here: She became a household name after she appeared in the tenth season of Bigg Boss hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. Yedv0TqffMM-00015-00023900-00025100 She married her Bhojpuri co-star Vikrant Singh Rajpoot while she was inside the house of Bigg Boss. Her wedding ceremony was aired on national television. Yedv0TqffMM-00016-00025200-00026400 Monalisa aka Antara Biswas is a very popular name in the Bhojpuri film industry. She is one of the highest paid actresses. Yedv0TqffMM-00017-00026500-00027300 She made her debut in a film titled Bhole Shankar in 2008 and has worked in a number of films since then. Yedv0TqffMM-00018-00027400-00029600 She has quite a few Bhojpuri films in her kitty including Itihaas with her real-life husband Vikrant Singh Rajpoot, Jawani Zindabad with Gaurav Jha, Rani Dildar Jani with Shyam Dehati, Milan Sanyog with Vikrant and Son Of Bihar with Rakesh Mishra, reports suggest. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00000-00000100-00000500 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on HelloWorld in Java on Eclipse. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00001-00000600-00001200 In this tutorial, we are going to learn, how to write a simple Hello Worldprogram in Java using Eclipse. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00002-00001300-00001900 For this tutorial we are using Eclipse 3.7.0 and Ubuntu 11.10 Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00003-00002000-00002400 To follow this tutorial you must have Eclipse installed on your system. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00004-00002500-00002900 And you must know how to create, save and run a file in Eclipse. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00005-00003000-00003500 If not, for relevant tutorial please visit our website as shown. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00006-00003600-00004300 Here is a line of java code that prints the message Hello World Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00007-00004400-00004500 Now let us try it on Eclipse. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00008-00004600-00005500 Press Alt ,F2 and in the dialog box type eclipse and hit enter. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00009-00005600-00006800 Click Ok at the workspace and here we have the Eclipse IDE. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00010-00006900-00007100 Now let us add a new project. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00011-00007200-00007800 click File, New and select Project Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00012-00007900-00008500 In the list of project select Java Project and click Next. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00013-00008600-00009900 In the project name ,Type DemoProject (please note that their is no space between Demo and Project D & P are in capital letters) Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00014-00010000-00010500 Click Finish at the bottom right corner of the wizards. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00015-00010600-00010800 DemoProject has been created. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00016-00010900-00011100 Now let us add a new class to the project. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00017-00011200-00011800 Right click on the Project , New select Class. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00018-00011900-00013200 In the class name type DemoProgram and in the method stubs select one that says Public Static Void main. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00019-00013300-00013900 Click Finish at the bottom right corner of the wizard. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00020-00014000-00014600 We can see that the DemoProject has the source directory and a file called Demo program.Java, Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00021-00014700-00015900 This is because every class in Java has to be in its own file. Hence the class Demo Program can exist only in the file Demo program. Java Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00022-00016000-00017400 We can see that there is very little space for the editor and the view looks blurred . Let us minimise the other portlets and here we have the editor . Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00023-00017500-00018400 Notice that this line begins with two slashes which means this line is the comment and has nothing to do with our code. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00024-00018500-00019600 Let us remove this line. Similarly every thing that is in between slash Astrix , and Astrix slash is also a comment Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00025-00019700-00020100 So let us remove this comments also. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00026-00020200-00020600 Here we have the bare bones of the code. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00027-00020700-00021400 Now let us add the print statement, System. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00028-00021500-00021700 Notice that eclipse gives a list of all the possible completions. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00029-00021800-00022200 For now we are going to type the command manually; Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00030-00022300-00023500 Out.println. In brackets in quotes type, HelloWorld Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00031-00023600-00023800 In java, Every statement has to end with a semicolon. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00032-00023900-00024200 So let us add a semicolon. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00033-00024300-00024500 Here these are complete HelloWorld program in Java. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00034-00024600-00025000 Press Ctrl + S to save Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00035-00025100-00025800 Right click Run as, java application.Run the code Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00036-00025900-00026300 As we can see on the output console, the message HelloWorld has been printed. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00037-00026400-00026900 Now let us change the World to Java Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00038-00027000-00027900 Save it with Ctrl + S and Run it. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00039-00028000-00028400 As we can see, the message that is printed now is Hello Java Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00040-00028500-00028700 Now let us understand what each part of code does? Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00041-00028800-00029400 The first line indicates that the class name is DemoProgram and its a Public class Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00042-00029500-00030300 The second line indicates that this is the main method. In other words the method from which execution starts with java. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00043-00030400-00030600 As we know this is a print statement. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00044-00030700-00031300 And here is how we write a HelloWorld program in 'Java Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00045-00031400-00031600 This brings us to the end of the tutorial. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00046-00031700-00032600 In this tutorial we have learnt, how to write a 'HelloWorld' program in java and also what each part of code does in java code. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00047-00032700-00032800 As an assignment for this tutorial. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00048-00032900-00033600 Create a java class by the name Greet it should bring Program Successful when executed. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00049-00033700-00033800 To know more about the spoken-tutorial project. Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00050-00033900-00034100 Watch the video available at the following link.[1] Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00051-00034200-00034400 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00052-00034500-00035000 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00053-00035100-00035200 The Spoken Tutorial Team Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00054-00035300-00035400 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00055-00035500-00035800 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00056-00035900-00036400 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00057-00036500-00036800 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00058-00036900-00037300 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00059-00037400-00037800 More information on this Mission is available at spoken HYPHEN tutorial DOT org SLASH NMEICT HYPHEN Intro Yhb5ykx8Rh4-00060-00037900-00038400 This tutorial has been contributed by TalentSprint. YivB51aqwoc-00000-00000832-00000948 My name is Benoit Laporte, YivB51aqwoc-00001-00000948-00001368 I am a 3C Senior Gameplay Programmer for Quantic Dream Montreal. YivB51aqwoc-00002-00001368-00001696 3C stands for Character Camera Control. YivB51aqwoc-00003-00001996-00002392 It’s about developing all the game mechanics, the movements, the combat actions, YivB51aqwoc-00004-00002392-00002620 the interactions with the world, the camera movements, YivB51aqwoc-00005-00002620-00003012 how we film and expose the game to the players. YivB51aqwoc-00006-00003012-00003396 Quantic Dream uses a new motion matching technology, YivB51aqwoc-00007-00003396-00003944 to successfully match a player's movement in the game with given body animations. YivB51aqwoc-00008-00003944-00004484 My role here is to generate a displacement trajectory to send to the animation YivB51aqwoc-00009-00004484-00004856 so that an animation system can match this movement. YivB51aqwoc-00010-00005272-00005532 I have been in the video game industry since 2006, YivB51aqwoc-00011-00005532-00005992 when I completed a bachelor’s degree in computer science at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec. YivB51aqwoc-00012-00005992-00006296 Then I spent a few years doing game development, YivB51aqwoc-00013-00006296-00006576 especially mobile, in a smaller company YivB51aqwoc-00014-00006576-00006892 where I had to take on a slightly more generalist programming role, YivB51aqwoc-00015-00006892-00007220 because there are smaller projects that require more tasks diversity. YivB51aqwoc-00016-00007220-00007692 Then I had the chance to work on a project called For Honor, at Ubisoft. YivB51aqwoc-00017-00007692-00008064 This is a type of game where the camera is very important. YivB51aqwoc-00018-00008064-00008536 We don't want the camera to give an advantage or disadvantage to the player. YivB51aqwoc-00019-00008536-00008896 It was a team of passionate people who had the same common goal, YivB51aqwoc-00020-00008896-00009180 to go and develop something new, something exceptional. YivB51aqwoc-00021-00009180-00009524 This is what I was looking for when I decided to join Quantic Dream. YivB51aqwoc-00022-00009524-00009840 And also, given the history of Quantic Dream games, YivB51aqwoc-00023-00009840-00010384 I saw what I could bring to the game, as a Gameplay Programmer. YivB51aqwoc-00024-00010740-00011176 In particular, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on the PlayStation 1. YivB51aqwoc-00025-00011176-00011384 This kind of game hooked me right away. YivB51aqwoc-00026-00011384-00011616 It was about a passion that I also had in real life. YivB51aqwoc-00027-00011616-00012096 It is partly because of this game that I slowly started to be more interested in video games, YivB51aqwoc-00028-00012096-00012312 which led me to come and work in the industry. YivB51aqwoc-00029-00012716-00013191 The aspect of creating something new, implementing systems, to architect them, YivB51aqwoc-00030-00013191-00013416 to be able to get personally involved in them. YivB51aqwoc-00031-00013416-00013888 For me, it was a big advantage and a big motivation to join Quantic Dream. YivB51aqwoc-00032-00014176-00014608 The collaboration with my team, because I think we have a golden team, YivB51aqwoc-00033-00014608-00014872 very competent, with senior profiles. YivB51aqwoc-00034-00014872-00015324 Joining Quantic Dream Montreal is also an opportunity to build a studio YivB51aqwoc-00035-00015324-00015519 according to the values that are important to us. YivB51aqwoc-00036-00015891-00016163 Well, don't kill yourself by working overtime, it's not worth it! YivB51aqwoc-00037-00016163-00016592 A good company will be able to assess your value based on the work you deliver YivB51aqwoc-00038-00016592-00016852 and not by the amount of extra hours you work. YivB51aqwoc-00039-00017280-00017444 It's working in the dream industry. YivB51aqwoc-00040-00017444-00017708 It's a very creative job, very motivating. YivB51aqwoc-00041-00017708-00018012 We deliver a part of ourselves in the games we work on. YivB51aqwoc-00042-00018012-00018452 It's very motivating, very rewarding to see this result YivB51aqwoc-00043-00018452-00018708 and to see that people buy our game and enjoy the ones we have developed, YivB51aqwoc-00044-00018708-00018988 and enjoy the ones we have developed, or what was worked on. YmBoINsamOu-00000-00000000-00002000 Kesariya Tera Ishq Hai Piya YnBh7v4AnUE-00000-00000064-00000536 This video will demonstrate how to enable the Library links function in Google Scholar. YnBh7v4AnUE-00001-00000592-00001056 This feature allows you to quickly get access to WRHA virtual library subscription resources YnBh7v4AnUE-00002-00001056-00001639 from within a Google Scholar search. If you are logged into a Google account this feature will be YnBh7v4AnUE-00003-00001639-00002192 associated with your account and will persist for future sessions. If you are not logged into an account YnBh7v4AnUE-00004-00002192-00002592 you can still use the feature, you will just need to reset it for every session that you are in. YnBh7v4AnUE-00005-00002696-00003311 Using the menu on the top left hand side of the screen, click on Settings. Next click on YnBh7v4AnUE-00006-00003311-00004024 Library links and search for WRHA. You will see a checkbox that says WRHA virtual library. YnBh7v4AnUE-00007-00004024-00004528 You can also use the search bar to search for any other libraries with which you may have an account YnBh7v4AnUE-00008-00004528-00004960 and can access multiple libraries at once using this feature. Once you have selected YnBh7v4AnUE-00009-00004960-00005424 all the libraries of interest click on Save. This enables the feature for your account. YnBh7v4AnUE-00010-00005496-00005904 Let's take a look at what this looks like. I'm going to conduct a search for pneumonia. YnBh7v4AnUE-00011-00006032-00006480 You can see on the right hand side that certain links have a Check WRHA VL YnBh7v4AnUE-00012-00006480-00007064 Access link. Clicking on this link brings me to the WRHA virtual library search YnBh7v4AnUE-00013-00007064-00007528 in which I will find full text links for this article. If you need help with this YnBh7v4AnUE-00014-00007528-00007959 feature or want to learn more, please get in touch with the WRHA virtual library YnNekDrpbRA-00000-00001005-00001696 Welcome back to Cooking With Kade. YnNekDrpbRA-00001-00001696-00002659 Today we're going to make some Sausage Jambalaya and we're going to make some real funyuns. YnNekDrpbRA-00002-00002659-00003214 First thing I did was chop up two pounds of Cajun smoked sausage. YnNekDrpbRA-00003-00003214-00003770 Now we're going to add this inside of the pot. YnNekDrpbRA-00004-00003770-00004110 Now we're going to let this brown. YnNekDrpbRA-00005-00004110-00004305 Are you paying attention. YnNekDrpbRA-00006-00004305-00005034 While the sausage is getting happy we're going to start on our funyun onion rings. YnNekDrpbRA-00007-00005034-00005276 First we're going to make the egg wash. YnNekDrpbRA-00008-00005276-00007566 We're going to add one egg and then we're also going to add some evaporated milk. YnNekDrpbRA-00009-00007566-00009092 Now we're going to mix it up with a fork. YnNekDrpbRA-00010-00009092-00009459 Alright we put a few onions inside of the egg wash. YnNekDrpbRA-00011-00009459-00010110 Make sure they get into the liquid really good and then we're going to put them into YnNekDrpbRA-00012-00010110-00010405 the flour but we didn't season it yet. YnNekDrpbRA-00013-00010405-00011031 We're going to wait until after our funyuns are cooked then we're going to add some Sweet YnNekDrpbRA-00014-00011031-00011142 Creole Onion Blend. YnNekDrpbRA-00015-00011142-00011683 We're dipping our onions in the wash then in the flour we go. YnNekDrpbRA-00016-00011683-00012376 Here's a tip after you put the onions in the flour make sure you shake off all that excess YnNekDrpbRA-00017-00012376-00012969 flour so that you don't ruin your oil. YnNekDrpbRA-00018-00012969-00013716 Are you paying attention. YnNekDrpbRA-00019-00013716-00016150 Let's start on our onions so we can get back to our Jambalaya. YnNekDrpbRA-00020-00016150-00017724 Now that the sausage is brown and the onion rings started we're going to get real with YnNekDrpbRA-00021-00017724-00017855 the meal with one whole onion and half a bell pepper. YnNekDrpbRA-00022-00017855-00018980 Alright now we're going to add two teaspoons of minced garlic to our sausage. YnNekDrpbRA-00023-00018980-00020023 Alright we're using two packs of Jambalaya Mix so we're adding in five cups of water. YnNekDrpbRA-00024-00020023-00022486 Now we'll stir this up. YnNekDrpbRA-00026-00025531-00026722 Here's a tip whenever you're stirring your Jambalaya use a fork so that it doesn't get YnNekDrpbRA-00027-00026722-00027755 mushy. YnNekDrpbRA-00028-00027755-00027968 We're taking the last batch out. YnNekDrpbRA-00029-00027968-00029244 Here's a tip let them drip so that you don't get grease everywhere. YnNekDrpbRA-00030-00029244-00029766 Now that it's done we're going to add some green onions. YnNekDrpbRA-00031-00029766-00030043 And remember stir it up with a fork. YnNekDrpbRA-00032-00030043-00030494 Now's my favorite time. YnNekDrpbRA-00033-00030494-00030833 Time to eat. YnNekDrpbRA-00034-00030833-00031508 Let's try an onion ring first. YnNekDrpbRA-00035-00031508-00032544 Now these homemade funyuns are delicious with some Cajun Bait. YnNekDrpbRA-00036-00032544-00033927 Now let's try our Jambalaya. YnNekDrpbRA-00037-00033927-00034553 MMM MMM 013Uc6ZxwHo-00000-00000008-00000392 The Quranly app. Subscription cheaper than Netflix. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00001-00000392-00000576 Encouraging Qur'an reading. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00002-00000576-00000784 Modern, engaging and fun. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00003-00000784-00000956 Download it today. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00004-00001904-00002224 You know Victor, this is ironic as well- and this is another 013Uc6ZxwHo-00005-00002224-00002432 claim that I'm going to make now as well which is- 013Uc6ZxwHo-00006-00002432-00003456 Islam is the only religion that claims that it has sayings of the Prophet preserved. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00007-00003456-00004168 In fact we have an entire science called 'the science of hadith (sayings) preservation' 013Uc6ZxwHo-00008-00004256-00004762 and we can confidently say we have 40 to60,000 013Uc6ZxwHo-00009-00004762-00005240 sayings of the Prophet compiled in 50 different books. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00010-00005240-00005720 Each person that's in the chain; this narrator gets scrutinized. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00011-00005720-00005992 Who's the father? Which tribe is he from? 013Uc6ZxwHo-00012-00006072-00006344 Who did he study with? How long did he study? 013Uc6ZxwHo-00013-00006456-00006759 What was his memory like? Was he a liar? 013Uc6ZxwHo-00014-00006759-00007184 Did he practice his faith? What did he do? All of these things. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00015-00007240-00007718 In fact yesterday I was reading a book by Mustafa al Azami on the 'Introduction of sahih al-Bukhari' 013Uc6ZxwHo-00016-00007718-00008056 It is one of the compilations of the hadith- 013Uc6ZxwHo-00017-00008106-00008500 Bukhari is probably ranked second (in authenticity) after the Qur'an. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00018-00008544-00009144 And the stringent criteria that he had is exceptional. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00019-00009144-00009640 What an exceptional masterpiece he had. And the preservation... 013Uc6ZxwHo-00020-00009640-00010200 in fact victor be so confident and bold to say Christians will never make this claim, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00021-00010200-00010456 neither will Jews or Sikhs or Hindus, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00022-00010456-00010648 that they have a chain of narration 013Uc6ZxwHo-00023-00010704-00011312 that they can scrutinize, that they can tap into, and biographies... 013Uc6ZxwHo-00024-00011312-00011824 in fact there's a hadith scholar called Daraqutni, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00025-00011824-00012320 he said- because in his chains there are 20,000 narrators (give and take) 013Uc6ZxwHo-00026-00012320-00012784 and he says- if all of these 20,000 narrators were standing in front of me, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00027-00012847-00013232 I can tell you their name, I could tell you their father's name, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00028-00013296-00013712 I can tell you their tribe, I can tell you if they're reliable or not. 013Uc6ZxwHo-00029-00013712-00014304 So this is Daraqutini and his compilation isn't even regarded as the top six, 013Uc6ZxwHo-00030-00014304-00014784 like he doesn't even come in the top six. Imagine now the top six. 02wWr6KpD6A-00000-00000704-00001072 Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Liz Waid. 02wWr6KpD6A-00001-00001144-00001368 And I’m Colin Lowther. 02wWr6KpD6A-00002-00001448-00001944 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. 02wWr6KpD6A-00003-00002007-00002984 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. 02wWr6KpD6A-00004-00003536-00003968 Does your language use any English words? 02wWr6KpD6A-00005-00004056-00004384 Yes? No? Hello? 02wWr6KpD6A-00006-00004448-00004912 Languages often borrow words from each other. 02wWr6KpD6A-00007-00005024-00005824 English speakers use many words that have come from other languages. 02wWr6KpD6A-00008-00005824-00006528 For example, you may hear an English speaker say something like this: 02wWr6KpD6A-00009-00006688-00007416 “I cannot believe I made that faux pas in front of everyone!” 02wWr6KpD6A-00010-00007544-00008232 The words “faux pas” mean a social mistake. They are French. 02wWr6KpD6A-00011-00008312-00008664 But many English speakers use them. 02wWr6KpD6A-00012-00008816-00009264 Another example is the word “prima donna.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00013-00009360-00010008 This phrase is Italian. It means “first lady.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00014-00010008-00010872 English speakers use it to speak about someone who only thinks about themselves. 02wWr6KpD6A-00015-00011032-00011448 Many languages also use English words. 02wWr6KpD6A-00016-00011528-00012192 For example, they use the words computer, internet and email. 02wWr6KpD6A-00017-00012320-00012991 However, none of these are the most commonly used English word. 02wWr6KpD6A-00018-00013112-00013928 Do you know what it is? Okay. Yes, the word is okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00019-00014032-00014480 Today’s Spotlight is on the word okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00020-00014632-00015208 The word okay is an informal, spoken word. 02wWr6KpD6A-00021-00015304-00016160 You will almost never find it in formal speeches, news media, or books. 02wWr6KpD6A-00022-00016256-00016744 But it is one of the most common English words. 02wWr6KpD6A-00023-00016872-00017704 It is also one of the most common English exports from the United States! 02wWr6KpD6A-00024-00017856-00018600 English professor Allen Metcalfe wrote a book about the word okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00025-00018696-00018968 He told CBS News, 02wWr6KpD6A-00026-00019128-00019920 “There is no other word that is as widely recognized throughout the whole world. 02wWr6KpD6A-00027-00020040-00020664 No other American English word has had so much success like that.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00028-00020808-00021576 In a general way, okay signals approval, acceptance, or agreement. 02wWr6KpD6A-00029-00021712-00022152 People can use it in many different ways. 02wWr6KpD6A-00030-00022272-00022720 Here are some ways to use the word okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00031-00022864-00023432 First, okay can be an adjective or an adverb. 02wWr6KpD6A-00032-00023504-00024000 It can describe an act or a thing. 02wWr6KpD6A-00033-00024000-00024544 In this way, it means “all right” or “fine.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00034-00024696-00024800 “Are you okay?” 02wWr6KpD6A-00035-00025040-00025384 Here is another example: 02wWr6KpD6A-00036-00025440-00025864 “I hope the children are okay while we are gone.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00037-00026056-00026783 It can also mean fine, but not so great. 02wWr6KpD6A-00038-00026856-00027127 “Did you enjoy the dinner last night?” 02wWr6KpD6A-00039-00027216-00027360 “It was okay.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00040-00027552-00028232 Okay can also be an act or a thing - a verb or a noun. 02wWr6KpD6A-00041-00028360-00029039 “Did your boss give you the time off that you asked for?” 02wWr6KpD6A-00042-00029168-00029392 “Yes, she okayed it.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00043-00029527-00030000 Okay is also common as an interjection. 02wWr6KpD6A-00044-00030072-00030432 It can appear suddenly, on its own. 02wWr6KpD6A-00045-00030527-00031127 In this way, it can simply mean “yes” or “sure.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00046-00031376-00031880 “Can you please wash those dishes?” “Okay.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00047-00032095-00032544 Or it can signal that people need to attend. 02wWr6KpD6A-00048-00032752-00033112 “Okay. Time to begin, please.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00049-00033352-00033624 It can also mean “enough!” 02wWr6KpD6A-00050-00033760-00034008 “OKAY! Please stop now!” 02wWr6KpD6A-00051-00034160-00034608 Okay, we are done with this part anyway. 02wWr6KpD6A-00052-00034752-00035496 You have already heard how many different meanings the word okay has. 02wWr6KpD6A-00053-00035624-00036408 But did you know that the meaning also changes depending on how you say it? 02wWr6KpD6A-00054-00036536-00037016 The tone of a person’s voice makes a difference. 02wWr6KpD6A-00055-00037144-00037624 The meaning can change no matter how you use it. 02wWr6KpD6A-00056-00037736-00038480 For example, the sentence “It was okay” could be positive or negative. 02wWr6KpD6A-00057-00038656-00039120 “How was the show?” “It was okay.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00058-00039320-00039632 What do you think this person meant? 02wWr6KpD6A-00059-00039736-00040016 What about this next example? 02wWr6KpD6A-00060-00040176-00040544 “How was the show?” “It was okay!” 02wWr6KpD6A-00061-00040776-00041488 The first answer says that the person was not really satisfied, 02wWr6KpD6A-00062-00041488-00041968 but he could not think of something bad to say. 02wWr6KpD6A-00063-00042096-00042688 The second answer says that the person was satisfied. 02wWr6KpD6A-00064-00042776-00043688 A person’s tone also changes the meaning of the word okay as an interjection. 02wWr6KpD6A-00065-00043840-00044504 “I think we should visit your brother tonight. Okay?” “Okay.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00066-00044664-00045248 The first person used okay to ask for agreement. 02wWr6KpD6A-00067-00045336-00046032 The second person used okay to express questioning, or doubt. 02wWr6KpD6A-00068-00046128-00046768 Okay is a small word, but it has many different uses! 02wWr6KpD6A-00069-00046936-00047464 So where did this confusing, complex word come from? 02wWr6KpD6A-00070-00047600-00048024 People debate the origin of the word okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00071-00048160-00048976 The earliest record in print was in 1839 in the city of Boston. 02wWr6KpD6A-00072-00049104-00049856 At the time, it was popular to use groups of letters to signal words. 02wWr6KpD6A-00073-00049984-00050944 It was also common to spell the words incorrectly, using the wrong letters, as a joke. 02wWr6KpD6A-00074-00051072-00052024 A Boston newspaper used the letters “O” and “K” to mean “oll korrect.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00075-00052024-00052544 The O meant “all”, and the K meant “correct”. 02wWr6KpD6A-00076-00052704-00053616 Around the same time, US President Martin Van Buren began to use the word. 02wWr6KpD6A-00077-00053728-00054416 He was the president, and he was trying to get elected again. 02wWr6KpD6A-00078-00054520-00055167 His political party used the saying, “Vote for OK.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00079-00055304-00055904 Van Buren was from a town in New York called Kinderhook. 02wWr6KpD6A-00080-00056024-00056800 In this case, he used the letters OK to mean “Old Kinderhook.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00081-00056904-00057720 The saying tried to give the message that Old Kinderhook was “all correct.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00082-00057855-00058191 Van Buren lost the election. 02wWr6KpD6A-00083-00058272-00059360 But many language experts think that the election saying helped to make “OK” a common word. 02wWr6KpD6A-00084-00059560-00060384 This explanation may also explain the unusual spelling of the word okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00085-00060512-00060912 People can write okay in two ways. 02wWr6KpD6A-00086-00061024-00061584 They can write the word using just the letters “O” and “K”. 02wWr6KpD6A-00087-00061704-00062176 Or they can write it this way: o-k-a-y. 02wWr6KpD6A-00088-00062528-00062784 And both ways are correct! 02wWr6KpD6A-00089-00062920-00063624 Other language experts think the word has a Native American origin. 02wWr6KpD6A-00090-00063704-00064264 The Choctaw people are one of many Native American groups. 02wWr6KpD6A-00091-00064344-00064720 The Choctaw language has a word “okeh.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00092-00064816-00065072 This word means “it is so.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00093-00065184-00065736 This is almost the same meaning as today’s word “okay.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00094-00065840-00067008 As early as 1825, Christian Bible translators used “okeh” in their Choctaw Bible translations. 02wWr6KpD6A-00095-00067112-00067776 In the 20th century, US President Woodrow Wilson used 02wWr6KpD6A-00096-00067776-00068328 the Choctaw language to sign documents as “okeh.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00097-00068504-00069112 Other language experts say that okay came from West Africa. 02wWr6KpD6A-00098-00069240-00070184 Some West African languages have interjection words that sound similar to okay. 02wWr6KpD6A-00099-00070240-00071368 For example, the word “waw-kay” in the Bantu and Wolof languages, or “o ke” in the Mande language. 02wWr6KpD6A-00100-00071488-00071904 These words also commonly signal agreement. 02wWr6KpD6A-00101-00072040-00072624 West African people were brought to the United States as slaves. 02wWr6KpD6A-00102-00072736-00073480 The theory is that African slaves used these words when speaking English. 02wWr6KpD6A-00103-00073600-00074384 After a time, the use spread to the rest of the English-speaking population. 02wWr6KpD6A-00104-00074544-00074912 No one knows which story is true. 02wWr6KpD6A-00105-00075008-00075784 But today, okay is now one of the most common words in English. 02wWr6KpD6A-00106-00075784-00076208 People use it all the time, everywhere. 02wWr6KpD6A-00107-00076296-00076632 Okay is now an international word. 02wWr6KpD6A-00108-00076712-00077584 But Professor Metcalf believes that it expresses a cultural value of the United States. 02wWr6KpD6A-00109-00077672-00077936 He told CBS News, 02wWr6KpD6A-00110-00078056-00078384 “It is strong, it is simple. 02wWr6KpD6A-00111-00078472-00079080 People from the United States do not like complex ways of life. 02wWr6KpD6A-00112-00079192-00079984 And ‘okay’ is about as short and simple as you can get.” 02wWr6KpD6A-00113-00080104-00080856 OK. So, after hearing this program, are you okay with Spotlight? 02wWr6KpD6A-00114-00080936-00081168 Or is it just... okay? 02wWr6KpD6A-00115-00081288-00081696 Can you give your okay to our programs? 02wWr6KpD6A-00116-00081784-00082064 Or would you use another word? 02wWr6KpD6A-00117-00082192-00082608 We are okay if you are okay! Okay? 02wWr6KpD6A-00118-00082768-00083088 Do you use the work OK? 02wWr6KpD6A-00119-00083192-00083712 Do you use words from other languages in your language? 02wWr6KpD6A-00120-00083800-00084096 Tell us about your experiences. 02wWr6KpD6A-00121-00084176-00084904 You can email us at contact@spotlightenglish.com. 02wWr6KpD6A-00122-00084968-00085632 You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 02wWr6KpD6A-00123-00085800-00086200 The writer of this program was Jen Hawkins. 02wWr6KpD6A-00124-00086264-00086520 The producer was Michio Ozaki. 02wWr6KpD6A-00125-00086624-00087248 The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. 02wWr6KpD6A-00126-00087368-00087984 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. 02wWr6KpD6A-00127-00088104-00089208 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.spotlightenglish.com. 02wWr6KpD6A-00128-00089328-00089864 This program is called, ‘How to Use the Word OK’. 02wWr6KpD6A-00129-00090032-00090928 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. 02wWr6KpD6A-00130-00091000-00092584 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye. 05gCrp0H-1u-00000-00000026-00000306 The families who arrived with young kids 05gCrp0H-1u-00001-00000328-00000638 that's what really touched me and really motivated me 05gCrp0H-1u-00002-00000798-00001050 to help them as much as possible 05gCrp0H-1u-00003-00001162-00001646 And then, well, the greatest flood of people started in November 05gCrp0H-1u-00004-00001696-00002310 Those families began arriving and since November there were mass arrivals of people 05gCrp0H-1u-00005-00002334-00002484 Sixty came 05gCrp0H-1u-00006-00002506-00002986 Fifty or sixty came in Alsina Graells buses 05gCrp0H-1u-00007-00003006-00003150 Very frequently 05gCrp0H-1u-00008-00003168-00003396 And all went to the Old Seminar 05gCrp0H-1u-00009-00003415-00003696 The second group affected me a lot 05gCrp0H-1u-00010-00003718-00004046 five married couples... 05gCrp0H-1u-00011-00004172-00004962 Four married couples with five children of five to nine years old 05gCrp0H-1u-00012-00004990-00005454 and a baby, a woman with a baby who came alone 05gCrp0H-1u-00013-00005498-00005840 what a way of looking! of anxiety 05gCrp0H-1u-00014-00005860-00006198 thinking of what was going to happen, to happen to them 05gCrp0H-1u-00015-00006198-00007158 And that affected me so much that I would have portrayed emigration to Spain 05gCrp0H-1u-00016-00007176-00007400 I would have depicted it through that family 05gCrp0H-1u-00017-00007416-00007772 because it was extremely pitiful, I was sad, I was sad 05gCrp0H-1u-00018-00007800-00008048 and that, that was all 05gCrp0H-1u-00019-00008066-00008508 A lot of them also arrived really exhausted 05gCrp0H-1u-00020-00008532-00009100 exhausted because it was not only a way through the frontier to Lleida 05gCrp0H-1u-00021-00009120-00009494 but they passed by every single village of the time 05gCrp0H-1u-00022-00009514-00009758 Many of them passed by Sort, of course 05gCrp0H-1u-00023-00009784-00010228 And conditions were also very poor 05gCrp0H-1u-00024-00010254-00010454 In small places, wasn't it? 05gCrp0H-1u-00025-00010474-00010816 Obviously, they had some aid although not from the Consulate 05gCrp0H-1u-00026-00010836-00011152 but from the American Joint, from the American Joint 05gCrp0H-1u-00027-00011178-00011620 So Sequerra, who was the delegate 05gCrp0H-1u-00028-00011646-00011962 came to Lleida to take them on 05gCrp0H-1u-00029-00011988-00012556 He even defrayed the hotel costs of all those who were set free 05gCrp0H-1u-00030-00012606-00012963 That was Sequerra's American Joint. Sequerra did a great job 05gCrp0H-1u-00031-00012982-00013378 When a family arrived and, since the father was still qualified for military service 05gCrp0H-1u-00032-00013396-00013774 he had to go to the Seminar but left his wife and children somewhere else 05gCrp0H-1u-00033-00013790-00014469 Some families, some women, wives of imprisoned refugees 05gCrp0H-1u-00034-00014491-00014662 came to visit me 05gCrp0H-1u-00035-00014713-00015141 They came to see me, well, crying with imploring pretensions 05gCrp0H-1u-00036-00015232-00015510 They even kissed my hand 05gCrp0H-1u-00037-00015526-00015862 "You are a kind-hearted man, you are a kind-hearted man" 05gCrp0H-1u-00038-00015880-00016232 But well, however kind my heart was I was not the Governor 05gCrp0H-1u-00039-00016260-00016616 and the Governor had already told me then "Look, from now on" 05gCrp0H-1u-00040-00016696-00017006 "don't split families" 05gCrp0H-1u-00041-00017042-00017810 "Parents and kids even when being qualified for military service must stay together, the whole family, don't tear any family apart" 05gCrp0H-1u-00042-00017830-00018106 And from then on that rule was established in Lleida 06luMca5Uxk-00000-00000000-00000200 bat sound "beeek" 06luMca5Uxk-00001-00000200-00000250 crash sound 06luMca5Uxk-00002-00000250-00000447 bad chinese man laugh "ho ha ho" 06luMca5Uxk-00003-00000447-00000614 the bat ! 蝙蝠 "be-an-fu" 06luMca5Uxk-00004-00000614-00000722 bat eating sound 06luMca5Uxk-00005-00000809-00001040 USA president Trump : The time for empty talk is over 06luMca5Uxk-00006-00001040-00001390 ...now arrives the hour of action 06luMca5Uxk-00007-00001390-00001788 WE WİLL MAKE AMERİCA GREAT AGAİN ! 06luMca5Uxk-00008-00001788-00002175 "an elephant ride" 06luMca5Uxk-00009-00002175-00002275 hoaaaaaaaaaa 06luMca5Uxk-00010-00002275-00002700 "great view of a red butt, which get fat with bat oil" 06luMca5Uxk-00011-00002700-00003065 "operation BAT-FART started !" farting sound. 06luMca5Uxk-00012-00003065-00003371 "trump smashed by a... ? kind of fart bomb" 06luMca5Uxk-00013-00003371-00003528 uncle Joe arrives ! 06luMca5Uxk-00014-00003528-00003650 BİDEN to the world : "ARE YOU OK? U OK? YOU WİLL BE OK. U LL B OK. ALL WİLL BE OK !" 06luMca5Uxk-00015-00003650-00004325 4V4R ANİMATİON 06RVNDLVzkc-00000-00000390-00001446 this is our history we built this country bled for it 06RVNDLVzkc-00001-00001632-00001889 I'm not gonna let anybody tell me I can't fight for it 06RVNDLVzkc-00002-00002502-00003144 we can't lose this fight [Music] I need to show up eventually 06RVNDLVzkc-00003-00003144-00003611 my wingman to arrest me 06RVNDLVzkc-00004-00003611-00004608 you are assuming Hydra has something to do with this pack it up which is 06RVNDLVzkc-00005-00004608-00005178 why you came to me you've seen what he becomes right I have 06RVNDLVzkc-00006-00005178-00005646 and it's beautiful 08p7lgWrEtU-00000-00001424-00001791 The remarkable thing about studying evolution is that it changes the way that you think 08p7lgWrEtU-00001-00001791-00002071 about the people around you. 08p7lgWrEtU-00002-00002071-00002300 We didn't become human all at once. 08p7lgWrEtU-00003-00002300-00002500 We became human gradually. 08p7lgWrEtU-00004-00002500-00002881 It was a process that took hundreds of thousands of years. 08p7lgWrEtU-00005-00002881-00003246 Many of those hundreds of thousands of years are represented here on Mount Carmel. 08p7lgWrEtU-00006-00003246-00003778 Right here across the wadi are four sites, including Tabun Cave, which has deposits that 08p7lgWrEtU-00007-00003778-00004514 date to 400, 500,000 years ago right up into the middle Paleolithic, less than 50,000 years 08p7lgWrEtU-00008-00004514-00004614 ago. 08p7lgWrEtU-00009-00004614-00005192 You've got Skhul Cave, which has burials that are probably the oldest graves in the world 08p7lgWrEtU-00010-00005192-00005730 that represent, what look like, modern humans. 08p7lgWrEtU-00011-00005730-00006357 They're 100,000 to 120,000 years old, and they're here in the Levant on the edges of 08p7lgWrEtU-00012-00006357-00006550 the African continent. 08p7lgWrEtU-00013-00006550-00006976 This spot might represent the first place where we have evidence of them anywhere outside 08p7lgWrEtU-00014-00006976-00007138 of Africa. 08p7lgWrEtU-00015-00007138-00007575 Tabun has a burial in it that is a Neanderthal. 08p7lgWrEtU-00016-00007575-00007775 It might be a little younger than the Skhul burials. 08p7lgWrEtU-00017-00007775-00007945 It might be a little older. 08p7lgWrEtU-00018-00007945-00008431 When Dorothy Garrod excavated the site, the stratigraphy involved with this burial were 08p7lgWrEtU-00019-00008431-00008817 less than clear, and although we've tried to straighten it out over the years, it's 08p7lgWrEtU-00020-00008817-00009347 still uncertain exactly where this lies relative to the burials at Skhul. 08p7lgWrEtU-00021-00009347-00010042 But nevertheless, we're representing two biologically very different groups of people here, early 08p7lgWrEtU-00022-00010042-00010342 modern humans, Neanderthals. 08p7lgWrEtU-00023-00010342-00010982 When Ted McCown and Sir Arthur Keith interpreted the skeletons from these sites, they found 08p7lgWrEtU-00024-00010982-00011354 that the features on them were mixed between the samples. 08p7lgWrEtU-00025-00011354-00011553 They couldn't make sense of it. 08p7lgWrEtU-00026-00011553-00012039 They suggested that this was a population in the throes of evolutionary change. 08p7lgWrEtU-00027-00012039-00012531 When we look at the archeology, look at the archeology associated with the Skhul burials, 08p7lgWrEtU-00028-00012531-00013019 associated with Tabun, associated with Kafa [phonetic] Cave, which is nearby, and Amud 08p7lgWrEtU-00029-00013019-00013524 Cave, which is up near the Sea of Galilee, look at all those people who lived here, in 08p7lgWrEtU-00030-00013524-00014436 the area of the Levant, between 120,000 and 60,000 years ago, they're using similar technologies. 08p7lgWrEtU-00031-00014436-00015200 This is a population that really does represent a crossroads of different biological populations 08p7lgWrEtU-00032-00015200-00015786 and of a common archeological tradition. 08p7lgWrEtU-00033-00015786-00016129 When you look around this place now, and you see the different groups of people that are 08p7lgWrEtU-00034-00016129-00016788 represented here, Arabs, Jews, Christians, Druze, people that are culturally very different, 08p7lgWrEtU-00035-00016788-00017130 biologically, in many respects, very similar. 08p7lgWrEtU-00036-00017130-00017741 They represent a diversity of lifestyles and cultures that have different histories. 08p7lgWrEtU-00037-00017741-00018359 When you look at this place 100,000 years ago, 80,000, 60,000 years ago, you realize 08p7lgWrEtU-00038-00018359-00018920 that you're looking at a biological population that has had enormous transitions. 08p7lgWrEtU-00039-00018920-00019588 It involves the flows of genes and peoples out of Africa, from other parts of west Asia, 08p7lgWrEtU-00040-00019588-00020287 maybe even from Europe, and yet culturally, they're coming back to do the same things. 08p7lgWrEtU-00041-00020287-00021152 This place, this landscape, the raw materials available, the animals available, this place 08p7lgWrEtU-00042-00021152-00021577 has traditions that are growing up here, that are being retained over tens of thousands 08p7lgWrEtU-00043-00021577-00021979 of years. 08p7lgWrEtU-00044-00021979-00022604 When you think that anthropologists have always struggled with the idea of what makes us human, 08p7lgWrEtU-00045-00022604-00023268 understand that no matter what the biology of the people were across this wadi, those 08p7lgWrEtU-00046-00023268-00023626 people were behaving in fundamentally the same way. 08p7lgWrEtU-00047-00023626-00023749 Were they fully modern? 08p7lgWrEtU-00048-00023749-00023946 Were they very much like us? 08p7lgWrEtU-00049-00023946-00024110 I think they talked. 08p7lgWrEtU-00050-00024110-00024318 I think that they had cultures. 08p7lgWrEtU-00051-00024318-00024474 They loved each other. 08p7lgWrEtU-00052-00024474-00024715 They raised their children. 08p7lgWrEtU-00053-00024715-00025248 And yet, when you go forward in time, and you see the enormous changes that are wrought 08p7lgWrEtU-00054-00025248-00025758 right here in this place, when we go forward to el-Wad, where we have Natufian people, 08p7lgWrEtU-00055-00025758-00026357 these are high density, high intensity collectors, hunters, and gatherers who were living just 08p7lgWrEtU-00056-00026357-00026770 before the domestication of plants and animals in this part of the world, when you look at 08p7lgWrEtU-00057-00026770-00027331 those people living in settlements, living in a sedentary lifestyle, not moving around 08p7lgWrEtU-00058-00027331-00027906 nearly as much as the Neanderthals and modern humans before them, you realize that there 08p7lgWrEtU-00059-00027906-00028244 really have been substantial changes. 08p7lgWrEtU-00060-00028244-00028783 Many of those changes that happened within the last 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 years were 08p7lgWrEtU-00061-00028783-00029290 cultural changes, but they impacted biology. 08p7lgWrEtU-00062-00029290-00030169 Human culture and biology have been an interacting system ever since humans became cultural beings. 08p7lgWrEtU-00063-00030169-00030743 When we see that here, the earliest layers at Tabun, the Acheulo-Jabrudian technology 08p7lgWrEtU-00064-00030743-00031174 that is really different from the later middle Paleolithic technologies. 08p7lgWrEtU-00065-00031174-00031488 That lower Paleolithic, it's got hand axes. 08p7lgWrEtU-00066-00031488-00031812 It has simple flake tools. 08p7lgWrEtU-00067-00031812-00032375 When you go up the Mousterian, and you have scrapper-based tools, you have the appearance 08p7lgWrEtU-00068-00032375-00033325 of blades, you have the appearance of personal ornamentation, including these pierced shells, 08p7lgWrEtU-00069-00033325-00033502 you think of what is going on there. 08p7lgWrEtU-00070-00033502-00033758 People really were changing. 08p7lgWrEtU-00071-00033758-00034278 You also realize the difficulty of working out exactly what those changes involved. 08p7lgWrEtU-00072-00034278-00034634 That is the excitement of studying human evolution. 08p7lgWrEtU-00073-00034634-00035163 We take archeologists who are trying to understand the cultural traditions and how they change 08p7lgWrEtU-00074-00035163-00035681 over time, they're trying to understand what causes stability of archeological traditions 08p7lgWrEtU-00075-00035681-00036337 and what causes correlations of material culture with different places and with different peoples, 08p7lgWrEtU-00076-00036337-00036913 you take biologists, who are trying to understand the way that the skeleton reflects biological 08p7lgWrEtU-00077-00036913-00037483 identity, the relationships between different populations and their adaptations to the place 08p7lgWrEtU-00078-00037483-00038219 where they're living, and, now, you take geneticists who are showing that in this part of the world, 08p7lgWrEtU-00079-00038219-00038696 sometime around 100,000 years ago, there is a mixture of populations, where modern humans 08p7lgWrEtU-00080-00038696-00039166 are taking up genes from Neanderthals, where these populations are interacting with each 08p7lgWrEtU-00081-00039166-00039330 other. 08p7lgWrEtU-00082-00039330-00039693 It's tremendously exciting. 08p7lgWrEtU-00083-00039693-00040063 And looking here at Mt. 08p7lgWrEtU-00084-00040063-00040471 Carmel, and thinking this is just a local place. 08p7lgWrEtU-00085-00040471-00040781 Everything that happened here was just because of the way that people were trying to get 08p7lgWrEtU-00086-00040781-00041659 by in this landscape, but because it has preserved this evidence, it has such global importance. 08p7lgWrEtU-00087-00041659-00042452 It represents, almost uniquely, a time period that was critical in our evolutionary history, 08p7lgWrEtU-00088-00042452-00043008 a time period that we're grappling to understand, one of the latest time periods, which all 08p7lgWrEtU-00089-00043008-00044081 of us, everywhere in the world, share aspects of a common heritage. 08p7lgWrEtU-00090-00044081-00045075 That's evolution, and once you wrap your head around that, it's difficult to look at people 08p7lgWrEtU-00091-00045075-00045920 the same way. 0q4uRF_y_My-00000-00000025-00000225 This video is sponsored by amino apps 0q4uRF_y_My-00001-00000267-00000401 Hey guys, Jake here 0q4uRF_y_My-00002-00000401-00000602 I wanted to let you all know about the SCP foundation 0q4uRF_y_My-00003-00000616-00001101 Amino, amino is an app where fans can get together and share their enthusiasm for the respective fan bases 0q4uRF_y_My-00004-00001101-00001743 They can do this by creating discussions fan art polls and even quizzes for the new year. We're hosting an AMA exclusively on amino 0q4uRF_y_My-00005-00001743-00002246 Where for 48 hours will answer any and all of your questions joining the SCP community on amino is quick and easy 0q4uRF_y_My-00006-00002247-00002801 Just click the link in the description of the video or the pin comment and follow the prompts to download the free amino app on 0q4uRF_y_My-00007-00002801-00003077 IOS or Android. You can also find amino on the app store 0q4uRF_y_My-00008-00003077-00003277 once you're in search for the SCP foundation 0q4uRF_y_My-00009-00003286-00003854 And join make sure to follow us on amino by searching for our username for Forlorn Foundry. That said, please enjoy the video 0q4uRF_y_My-00010-00004090-00004334 Dr. Darritz: D-2445, can you hear me? 0q4uRF_y_My-00011-00004472-00004672 D-2445: Yes, yes doctor i can hear you. 0q4uRF_y_My-00012-00004772-00004917 Dr. Darritz: Where are you now? 0q4uRF_y_My-00013-00004917-00005076 D-2445: I'm in some sort of tunnel, 0q4uRF_y_My-00014-00005150-00005318 it's cramped 0q4uRF_y_My-00015-00005318-00005518 Can I get out of here now? 0q4uRF_y_My-00016-00005530-00005734 Dr. Darritz: Can you describe it to me? 0q4uRF_y_My-00017-00005734-00005900 D-2445: No, it's 0q4uRF_y_My-00018-00005912-00006192 Too dark to see anything and I'm stuck. 0q4uRF_y_My-00019-00006212-00006348 Dr Darritz: stuck how? 0q4uRF_y_My-00020-00006412-00006686 D-2445: I can't move my torso or my arms 0q4uRF_y_My-00021-00006706-00007104 I'm surrounded by rock and dirt on all sides and I can't move forward. 0q4uRF_y_My-00022-00007173-00007306 Get me out of here. 0q4uRF_y_My-00023-00007322-00007402 Dr Darritz: We're gonna try. 0q4uRF_y_My-00024-00007431-00007688 Can you see anything? anything at all? 0q4uRF_y_My-00025-00007688-00007944 D-2445: No, I told you it's too dark to see anything 0q4uRF_y_My-00026-00008088-00008568 Look, I'm kind of freaking out right now. I'm not normally claustrophobic, but I'm- 0q4uRF_y_My-00027-00008663-00008863 fucking uncomfortable, so get me out of here. 0q4uRF_y_My-00028-00008917-00009028 Dr Darritz: Unfortunately, 0q4uRF_y_My-00029-00009028-00009441 Your safety line was severed when you disappeared so we can't pull you out 0q4uRF_y_My-00030-00009485-00010075 We'll try to figure out another way to retrieve you. For now, just stay calm and keep talking to me 0q4uRF_y_My-00031-00010090-00010324 D-2445: I don't know how much more of this I can handle 0q4uRF_y_My-00032-00010372-00010740 Dr darritz: Please stay calm. We'll have you out of there as soon as we can. 0q4uRF_y_My-00033-00011546-00011670 D-2445: My head hit something. 0q4uRF_y_My-00034-00011696-00011774 Dr darritz: what did you hit? 0q4uRF_y_My-00035-00011902-00011988 Think it's some.. 0q4uRF_y_My-00036-00012024-00012088 shoe? 0q4uRF_y_My-00037-00012100-00012182 it's small- 0q4uRF_y_My-00038-00012208-00012290 jesus 0q4uRF_y_My-00039-00012334-00012607 Dr Darritz: What's wrong? 0q4uRF_y_My-00040-00012608-00012974 D-2445: Get me out of here, doctor, get me out now. 0q4uRF_y_My-00041-00012978-00013241 Dr Darritz: Calm down we'll get you out of there as soon as possible 0q4uRF_y_My-00042-00014618-00014854 Dr Darritz: Are you still in there D-2445? 0q4uRF_y_My-00043-00015100-00015363 D-2445: Please I don't want to be in here anymore. 0q4uRF_y_My-00044-00015363-00015628 Dr Darritz: We're gonna send someone in to pull you out 0q4uRF_y_My-00045-00015782-00015938 It started talking.- 0q4uRF_y_My-00046-00015938-00016134 Dr Darritz: what started talking? 0q4uRF_y_My-00047-00016262-00016678 D-2445: The little boy did- didn't make any sense. 0q4uRF_y_My-00048-00016806-00016948 Dr darritz: Tell me what he said 0q4uRF_y_My-00049-00016986-00017124 He- 0q4uRF_y_My-00050-00017186-00017578 He just kept it asked me where he was I told him I didn't know 0q4uRF_y_My-00051-00017776-00017976 Didn't seem like he was talking 0q4uRF_y_My-00052-00017978-00018588 To me, he wasn't responding to my voice and he told me to stop crying but i was sorta- 0q4uRF_y_My-00053-00018688-00018803 calm 0q4uRF_y_My-00054-00018803-00019078 Dr. marritz: What else was he moving at all during this? 0q4uRF_y_My-00055-00019217-00019878 D-2445: I don't- I don't think so. No, he just kept screaming and crying and asking for his mommy. I 0q4uRF_y_My-00056-00019957-00020214 Told him to shut up, but he just kept screaming 0q4uRF_y_My-00057-00020266-00020924 And then then he finally stopped and that's when you guys contacted me again, please please get me out of here. 0q4uRF_y_My-00058-00020956-00021422 Dr marritz: Okay, we're sending someone in don't panic here or if something behind you 0q4uRF_y_My-00059-00022712-00023070 D-class personnel is ready to proceed. 0q4uRF_y_My-00060-00025050-00025286 Dr marritz: D-8600 can you hear me? 0q4uRF_y_My-00061-00025286-00025528 D-8600: Yeah, I can hear you doctor. 0q4uRF_y_My-00062-00025528-00025578 Dr marritz: What's your situation? 0q4uRF_y_My-00063-00025594-00025745 D-8600: i'm in some sort of cave or tunnel 0q4uRF_y_My-00064-00025783-00026176 it's- it's very cramped. It's very dark in here 0q4uRF_y_My-00065-00026262-00026462 Dr marritz: Are you able to move? 0q4uRF_y_My-00066-00026466-00027055 D-8600: Well, I can't really put my arm in front of me, but I can't wiggle myself forward a little bit. Oh 0q4uRF_y_My-00067-00027168-00027368 Hang on 0q4uRF_y_My-00068-00027386-00027539 Dr: D-8600? 0q4uRF_y_My-00069-00027539-00027660 D-8600: yeah, I think I see I think I see a body 0q4uRF_y_My-00070-00027812-00028066 It's not moving though. 0q4uRF_y_My-00071-00028066-00028577 Dr: That could be d 24:45 Davies tried D 24 45s radio. I 0q4uRF_y_My-00072-00028782-00029089 Hear the radio, I think I hear Davies voice 0q4uRF_y_My-00073-00029168-00029574 Dr: D-2445 hasn't respondent. We're not picking up Davies voice on your radio through our end 0q4uRF_y_My-00074-00029764-00029964 D-2445: Yes, yes doctor i can hear you. 0q4uRF_y_My-00075-00029982-00030272 Dr: Davies turn that off, I can hear you D-8600s. 0q4uRF_y_My-00076-00030414-00030614 D-2445: i'm in some sort of tunnel 0q4uRF_y_My-00077-00030674-00030838 its cramped.. can i get out of- 0q4uRF_y_My-00078-00030894-00031118 Don't worry- 0q4uRF_y_My-00079-00031118-00031702 Dr: D-2445 listen to me D-8600 is behind you and is there to help get you out. 0q4uRF_y_My-00080-00032266-00032466 We're gonna get you out don't worry 0q4uRF_y_My-00081-00033387-00033604 We're working on it we're here to pull you out 0q4uRF_y_My-00082-00034602-00034912 Don't freak out don't freak out everything's under control 0q4uRF_y_My-00083-00035082-00035256 Dr: D-8600 stop talking 0q4uRF_y_My-00084-00035256-00036090 Something just isn't right here D-2445 is just repeating everything. She said to me when we initially made radio contact weather 0q4uRF_y_My-00085-00036426-00036950 Calm down. Doc, I think they're just freaking out. I'm gonna try to pull my arm forward 0q4uRF_y_My-00086-00037524-00037724 Ya 0q4uRF_y_My-00087-00037770-00038056 Dr: No, she's literally repeating his side of the conversation 0q4uRF_y_My-00088-00038111-00038809 Word for word. Did she actually move at all? Like she just said she did I don't think well, we're ready to get pulled out 0q4uRF_y_My-00089-00039144-00039854 We can't pull yet, I'm sorry what you can't pull us out, you know how creepy is it here 0q4uRF_y_My-00090-00040106-00040306 Yeah doctor 0q4uRF_y_My-00091-00040544-00041252 Dr: D-8600 unfortunately the rope we tied to you with severed as soon as you've honest we didn't realize how it happened 0q4uRF_y_My-00092-00041354-00041528 Okay 0q4uRF_y_My-00093-00041530-00041756 Okay, we're gonna try to inch my way back alone 0q4uRF_y_My-00094-00042120-00042544 Good luck D-8600 will stay in contact with you for the time being. 0q4uRF_y_My-00095-00042562-00042684 D-8600: Okay. 0q4uRF_y_My-00096-00043764-00043964 D-8600: She's talking like a crazy person 0q4uRF_y_My-00097-00047149-00047367 Dr: Are you making any progress? 0q4uRF_y_My-00098-00047367-00047435 Not really 0q4uRF_y_My-00099-00047578-00047778 She's just laying there 0q4uRF_y_My-00100-00047821-00048497 The air getting thin. I think she stopped talking. I'm not hearing him on my end anymore either 0q4uRF_y_My-00101-00049356-00050031 What is it? D-8600 are you still there? What happened? 0y7M1yNQimo-00000-00000184-00000557 I'm going to tell the story of Rehema 0y7M1yNQimo-00001-00000557-00000875 Last year March 2020 0y7M1yNQimo-00002-00000875-00001798 She was a farmer in the village. She had a small shamba. and she grows vegetables. 0y7M1yNQimo-00003-00001798-00002598 Everyday she goes to the market to sell her vegetables 0y7M1yNQimo-00004-00002598-00003576 If she does well she can get 100 Shillings ($1 dollar) daily and 3000 Shillings ($30 USD a month) 0y7M1yNQimo-00005-00003576-00004340 When April arrived (the first COVID-19 outbreak) there was no one with enough money to spend. 0y7M1yNQimo-00006-00004340-00006425 She saw that her profit/income was reducing. She went from 3000 a month down to 2700 and even lower to 2000 Kenyan Shillings a month. ($20 USD) because no one had money. 0y7M1yNQimo-00007-00006425-00007454 But her neighbors and people at the market have their own goods and services that they sell themselves. 0y7M1yNQimo-00008-00007454-00008346 For instance, one person is a cook, another is a motorcycle taxi (boda) and another sells charcoal or firewood. 0y7M1yNQimo-00009-00008346-00009070 So everyone has their goods and services and also needs goods and service (things) from others. 0y7M1yNQimo-00010-00009070-00009924 So she began to say, "Instead of accepting the debts of others for vegetables 0y7M1yNQimo-00011-00009924-00010601 Because everyone wants those vegetables. For sure people can't afford to eat enough vegetables! The want more. 0y7M1yNQimo-00012-00010601-00011419 She starts to say she will accept Sarafu - the currency of the community (community currency) instead of debts. 0y7M1yNQimo-00013-00011419-00012118 So for example someone comes to her and says, "I want those tomatoes worth 20 shillings" 0y7M1yNQimo-00014-00012118-00012318 But I don't have 20 Shillings 0y7M1yNQimo-00015-00012318-00013456 So she gives him a loan (of tomatoes). She says she will accept 20 Sarafu instead of writing his name down as a debtor. 0y7M1yNQimo-00016-00013456-00014239 "and now we are even.... as long as I can use that Sarafu back at your business another day." 0y7M1yNQimo-00017-00014239-00015109 "ok." They agreed like that. He gave her the 20 Sarafu because everyone has a basic income of Sarafu. 0y7M1yNQimo-00018-00015109-00016013 So he gives her Sarafu (she gets more from others) and reaches 1000 Sarafu. This is her chosen limit. She says "I don't want to accept more debt than 1000 Sarafu" 0y7M1yNQimo-00019-00016013-00017232 She has agreed and has her 2000 Shillings a month because of the bad situation of drought and COVID - and she has her 1000 Sarafu. 0y7M1yNQimo-00020-00017232-00018598 Now she starts spending her Sarafu. She decides to pay other farmers to help her grow her farm. She says "Come here and help me so I can grow more food." She wants to increase the size of her farm. 0y7M1yNQimo-00021-00018598-00019558 So these people are paid in Sarafu and they know they can use that Sarafu again to buy her vegetables at her farm 0y7M1yNQimo-00022-00019558-00019968 So it starts to circulate and circulate 0y7M1yNQimo-00023-00019968-00021411 If the economy pulls back to 3000 Shillings a month she can continue to trade that 1000 Sarafu . If it circulates in the community she has more trade/profit, because ... 0y7M1yNQimo-00024-00021411-00022636 It's called turnover. If business increases for everyone .... she gets what she needs like sending her kids to school, because PTA (Parent Teacher Association) can be paid in Sarafu 0y7M1yNQimo-00025-00022636-00023215 or she can have her children's hair cut or she can get charcoal 0y7M1yNQimo-00026-00023215-00024150 If it circulates and also people can get what they need then it can continue to circulate and this uplifts her economy. 0y7M1yNQimo-00027-00024150-00024916 This is a way people can work hand in hand if they are hungry or have problems (crisis) 0y7M1yNQimo-00028-00024916-00025692 They can work together. If there is not enough Shillings there is an alternative. They have another chance to help each other. 0y7M1yNQimo-00029-00025692-00026546 That's the story and the end of my storytelling, I hope that you have understood the story and that you will also use Sarafu (Community Currency) 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00000-00000264-00000379 Hey. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00001-00000379-00000547 Welcome to my channel. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00002-00000547-00000647 Olga with you. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00003-00000647-00000943 Today he will prepare the "Fox fur coat" salad. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00004-00000943-00001095 Which will decorate any festive table. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00005-00001095-00001440 Do not forget to subscribe to my channel if you are not already subscribed, so as not 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00006-00001440-00001578 to miss new delicious recipes. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00007-00001578-00001678 Let's get started. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00008-00001678-00001778 We take champignons. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00009-00001778-00001911 Wash and cut into small cubes. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00010-00001911-00002194 Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00012-00005629-00005729 the onion and fry for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00013-00005729-00006388 And also do not forget to add salt, pepper to taste. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00014-00006388-00006770 Peel the boiled carrots and cut them first into thin layers, 2 mm thick. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00015-00006770-00006919 That's how thin it turns out. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00016-00006919-00007356 And then cut the carrots into strips. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00017-00007356-00007897 Peel the boiled potatoes and do the same with them. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00018-00007897-00008409 And cut into strips. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00019-00008409-00010452 Put the finished mushrooms in a bowl and let them cool down. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00020-00010452-00011492 Take the slightly salted salmon and cut into strips. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00021-00011492-00012570 We have the blanks ready. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00022-00012570-00013281 Let's collect the salad. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00023-00013281-00015171 Put salmon on the bottom. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00024-00015171-00017040 We distribute evenly. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00025-00017040-00017693 Cover with mayonese. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00026-00017693-00017865 Top with a layer of potatoes. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00027-00017865-00017965 Then mayonnaise. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00028-00017965-00018484 You can squeeze more mayonnaise on the potatoes to make it juicier. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00030-00021643-00022912 And finally, a layer of carrots. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00032-00027393-00028083 We serve to the table. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00034-00037809-00037953 Like it. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00035-00037953-00038141 Share it with your friends. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00036-00038141-00038675 Subscribe to the channel who is not yet signed up. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00037-00038675-00038775 Don't forget the bell. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00038-00038775-00038875 Until next time. 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00039-00038875-00039031 Cook with love! 0zAQFYeVOJ4-00040-00039031-00039138 Live better! 0_HpoTPybmy-00000-00000136-00000745 Ooh! I'm more than a metaphor. I'm a model. And I strut my stuff 0_HpoTPybmy-00001-00000830-00001276 On a notional plane! On a notional plane! 0_HpoTPybmy-00002-00001344-00001582 I'm ready to transform! 0_HpoTPybmy-00003-00001680-00002054 Again and again! Again and again! 0_HpoTPybmy-00004-00002054-00002392 Oh, I'm more than a metaphor 0_HpoTPybmy-00005-00002444-00002644 I'm a model! 0_HpoTPybmy-00006-00002958-00003668 And I strut my stuff on my notional plane! On a notional plane! 0_HpoTPybmy-00007-00003720-00004010 I'm ready to transform! 0_HpoTPybmy-00008-00004076-00004464 Again and again! Again and again! 0_HpoTPybmy-00009-00004548-00005312 Swap out the variables and I'll change up the game! Change up the game! 0_HpoTPybmy-00010-00005428-00006270 A different place, a different frame, and I'll work it again! Work it again! 0_HpoTPybmy-00011-00006414-00006673 I'm more than a metaphor! 0_HpoTPybmy-00012-00006716-00006950 I'm a model! 0_HpoTPybmy-00013-00006998-00007222 And I strut my stuff! 0_HpoTPybmy-00014-00007278-00007708 On a notional plane! On a notional plane! 0_HpoTPybmy-00015-00007795-00008030 I'm ready to transform! 0_HpoTPybmy-00016-00008102-00008696 Again and again! Again and again! Again and again! 0_HpoTPybmy-00017-00008730-00009040 I'm more than a metaphor! 0_HpoTPybmy-00018-00009060-00009300 I'm a model! 0_HpoTPybmy-00019-00009548-00009748 And I strut my stuff! 0_HpoTPybmy-00020-00009856-00010470 On a notional plane, on a notional plane! Oh! I'm ready to transform! 0_HpoTPybmy-00021-00010574-00010980 Again and again! Again and again! 0_HpoTPybmy-00022-00011018-00011318 I'm more than a metaphor! 0_HpoTPybmy-00023-00011672-00012056 On a notional plane! On a notional plane! 0_HpoTPybmy-00024-00012418-00012618 Da-dah! (chuckling) Anyway 0_HpoTPybmy-00025-00012650-00013244 Ha! Just random hacking about from a very old, erm, 0_HpoTPybmy-00026-00013244-00013456 song notation!? 0_HpoTPybmy-00027-00013544-00013938 It's just lyrics and a few scribbles to remind me of how the tune went! 0_HpoTPybmy-00028-00013938-00014230 Don't think I've necessarily hit the original tune exactly! 0_HpoTPybmy-00029-00014234-00014452 But anyway, there it is! 0EmCIR5pn0o-00000-00006064-00006612 So, why is good pronunciation important ? Why do we need it ? 0EmCIR5pn0o-00001-00006612-00008518 You can communicate fine if you do not have advance vocabulary you can use simple vocabulary to communicate it's ok. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00002-00008518-00009412 The same for grammar. You don’t need advance grammar to communicate. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00003-00009412-00010820 You can use simple grammar and communicate ok. But there is no simple pronunciation. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00004-00010820-00011702 Very only good pronunciation and bad pronunciation. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00005-00011702-00012594 So, if you have bad pronunciation, your listener might not understand you. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00006-00012594-00013282 This is why pronunciation is key to speaking English. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00007-00013390-00014480 Now as a tourist guide which I knew many of you plan to be. Communication is key in you work. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00008-00014480-00015478 Communication is mainly about speaking. Speaking need good pronunciation. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00009-00015478-00016334 If you make a mistake with you grammar. Its ok, most people will understand. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00010-00016446-00017126 If you make a mistake with your word people will ask you to repeat. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00011-00017210-00017710 But pronunciation can make problems for you listener. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00012-00017866-00018890 Let’s look at some example. If you make a mistake in pronunciation in English, 0EmCIR5pn0o-00013-00018890-00020040 you can change the meaning of the word and close problem with your communication. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00014-00020106-00020738 For example the letters L and R. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00015-00020738-00022114 The first example we have rice / lice. There is two very very difference words. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00016-00022182-00023166 Rice we eat. Lice a little insect that can live in your hairs. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00017-00023298-00024238 If you are speaking with a native speaker. The native speaker ask you. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00018-00024238-00025122 Hey! What did you eat for lunch ? And you say. Oh, a lice. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00019-00025264-00025686 The native speaker will be confuse. Lice ? 0EmCIR5pn0o-00020-00025700-00027072 No, you had rice. As you can see, if you confuse R and L you will change the word a lot. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00021-00027072-00028122 So correct and good pronunciation. It’s very important in your communication. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00022-00028280-00029339 Two more examples arrive / alive very difference words. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00023-00029492-00031164 Arrive example, I arrive at work at 8 a.m. Alive is the opposite of dead. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00024-00031164-00032720 Not the same. Moving on right as is turn right. Light is on the ceiling. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00025-00032720-00033830 Please turn on the light. All of these are difference words with difference pronunciation. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00026-00033830-00034382 If you make a mistake people might not understand. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00027-00034500-00035734 Remember don’t be afraid to make mistakes because if you are you are shy and we must be confidence to speak English. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00028-00035734-00036976 So don’t be afraid to make mistake. But do watch this clip try to improve watch other clip on YouTube. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00029-00036976-00038116 Try to listen and in the future you can make less mistakes and your communication will be smoother. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00030-00038442-00039228 The same mistake can happen with other letters not just L and R. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00031-00039228-00041498 We have the sound sh and ch. If you confuse this sound you can say a difference word. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00032-00041602-00043416 Example sheep and cheap. Sheep we find on the farm. Cheap is not expensive. Not the same word. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00033-00043526-00045352 Ship we know what a ship is. And chip on the sim card in your phone. Ship and chip are not the same words. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00034-00045440-00046466 Another example can come at the end of the word. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00035-00046466-00047238 Again if you confuse this sound them not the same word. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00036-00047238-00048390 Listen. Wash / watch. Wash, we wash in the shower. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00037-00048390-00049998 We can wash our car. Watch, I am watching TV. He watches the football. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00038-00049998-00051312 Not the same word. Now during this clips you will have time to listen to me and repeat yourself. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00039-00051366-00052462 I will give you many examples. Listen to me. Listen to how I make the sound and try to copy. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00040-00052462-00053448 If right now you are in public with other people maybe you can make the sound ? 0EmCIR5pn0o-00041-00053498-00054410 Or maybe it’s better to be in private up to you. It’s ok. I’m sure your coworker or your family they don’t mine. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00042-00054410-00055876 But the important thing is don’t just watch and listen. Repeat the sound yourself. Practice Practice Practice. 0EmCIR5pn0o-00043-00055876-00057166 Go to your room, go to the bathroom make the sound say it out loud. Copy me and practice your pronunciation together. 0EPWUKQhpUg-00000-00000079-00000179 Hello 0EPWUKQhpUg-00001-00000474-00000574 Happy weekend day! 0EPWUKQhpUg-00011-00005848-00005986 Happy New Year! 0EPWUKQhpUg-00012-00006840-00007128 To day is Sunday, 29.12.2019 0EPWUKQhpUg-00013-00007128-00007458 We 're at Phuoc Kieng Nhà Bè 0EZylOWfVE0-00000-00000081-00001089 The Kaya Identity. The Kaya Identity is an equation that was created by Yoichi Kaya, that helps us in two ways. 0EZylOWfVE0-00001-00001089-00001967 It's a helpful thinking tool for the four main drivers of overall carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector. 0EZylOWfVE0-00002-00001967-00002394 Secondly, it's a view here in En-ROADS under "View" 0EZylOWfVE0-00003-00002394-00003191 "Kaya Graphs." Graphs that we can look at to figure out what's going on with the drivers of CO2 emissions in the model. 0EZylOWfVE0-00004-00003191-00004295 The basic equation is this. It says that these four factors here in these graphs multiplied together equal the fifth. 0EZylOWfVE0-00005-00004295-00004925 That is, global population, times the GDP per capita per person, 0EZylOWfVE0-00006-00004925-00005681 times the energy intensity of GDP, times the carbon intensity of final energy use. 0EZylOWfVE0-00007-00005681-00006221 Those things multiplied by each other equals CO2 emissions from energy, 0EZylOWfVE0-00008-00006221-00006674 the fifth factor. Let's look at each one individually. 0EZylOWfVE0-00009-00006674-00007136 Over on the far left global population, 2000 to 2100. 0EZylOWfVE0-00010-00007136-00008240 It's growing, it's 7.8 billion today. Slowly, its rate of growth is decreasing over time as we have falling fertility rates, 0EZylOWfVE0-00011-00008240-00008819 more industrialization around the world, smaller families, heading to about 11 billion. 0EZylOWfVE0-00012-00008819-00009356 That number is multiplied against the next one which is the GDP per capita. 0EZylOWfVE0-00013-00009356-00009891 This is overall consumption and growth around the world. More goods and services. 0EZylOWfVE0-00014-00009891-00010647 It's measured in dollars per person per year, growing at about two and a half percent a year in the near term, 0EZylOWfVE0-00015-00010647-00011151 slowing down to one and a half percent a year. Multiply those two factors together, 0EZylOWfVE0-00016-00011151-00011586 population, GDP per capita, you get overall GDP. 0EZylOWfVE0-00017-00011586-00012602 Go look at the graph if you like. Overall Gross World Product, that's the two first factors multiplied by each other. 0EZylOWfVE0-00018-00012602-00013694 OK. Now the third factor is the energy intensity of GDP. How much energy does it take to deliver a trillion dollars of goods and services? 0EZylOWfVE0-00019-00013694-00014145 It's measured in exajoules per trillion dollars of GDP. 0EZylOWfVE0-00020-00014145-00014784 You can see that it's falling steadily over time as the global economy shifts from manufacturing towards service, 0EZylOWfVE0-00021-00014784-00015435 but also as technologies like cars and buildings and motors get more efficient over time. 0EZylOWfVE0-00022-00015435-00016270 Multiply these first three factors together and you get the total energy use on Earth. 0EZylOWfVE0-00023-00016270-00016765 There's more growth than there is a decline in overall energy intensity. 0EZylOWfVE0-00024-00016765-00017341 So the total is going up. Let's go confirm that. Energy demand, 0EZylOWfVE0-00025-00017341-00017689 actually, this graph on the left, is actually going up. OK. 0EZylOWfVE0-00026-00017689-00018121 So now we multiply the first three together. We get total energy use. 0EZylOWfVE0-00027-00018121-00018529 Multiply it by the fourth factor, the carbon intensity of final energy. 0EZylOWfVE0-00028-00018529-00019179 That is, how much carbon dioxide gets emitted per unit of energy. 0EZylOWfVE0-00029-00019179-00020032 The units on that y axis here are megatons of carbon dioxide per exajoule of energy. Decarbonization 0EZylOWfVE0-00030-00020032-00020530 is this trend. As this falls, that is what we call decarbonization. 0EZylOWfVE0-00031-00020530-00020938 There's less carbon in the overall energy economy. 0EZylOWfVE0-00032-00020938-00021916 It's falling over time as we have relatively less coal, oil, and gas, relatively more wind and solar and some more nuclear. 0EZylOWfVE0-00033-00021916-00022813 Overall, it's falling over time. So take those first four factors, multiply them together and you get the fifth: 0EZylOWfVE0-00034-00022813-00023500 carbon dioxide emissions from energy. It's also just a helpful way, really, simply put, 0EZylOWfVE0-00035-00023500-00024433 what can we do to change CO2 emissions from energy? Well, with this framing, you can have fewer people, less consumption, 0EZylOWfVE0-00036-00024433-00025348 more energy efficiency and conservation and/or decarbonization, more wind or solar, less coal, oil and gas, less fossil fuels. 0EZylOWfVE0-00037-00025348-00026095 These are the four main intervention points. And of course, all those sliders in En-ROADS will touch upon different ones here 0EZylOWfVE0-00038-00026095-00026458 to give you this result of CO2 emissions from energy. 0EZylOWfVE0-00039-00026458-00027025 Now, it doesn't include, this equation, of course, doesn't include carbon dioxide emissions from deforestation. 0EZylOWfVE0-00040-00027025-00027398 It doesn't include carbon dioxide removals. It doesn't include methane. 0EZylOWfVE0-00041-00027398-00028243 It doesn't include F-gases or nitrous oxide. But it's a really helpful way to look at the main four drivers. 0EZylOWfVE0-00042-00028243-00028570 I often use it after I've made a bunch of changes. 0EZylOWfVE0-00043-00028570-00029245 Say you've done this and this and some of that and other actions and you're like, "Huh, what's going on?" 0EZylOWfVE0-00044-00029245-00029656 You can look at this view and see, "Huh, what has changed?" 0EZylOWfVE0-00045-00029656-00030022 "What hasn't changed to get me the result that I'm getting right now?" 0EZylOWfVE0-00046-00030022-00030827 And it might actually be a guide towards what next might be needed in order to get down to the goal of 2 degrees. 0EZylOWfVE0-00047-00030827-00031646 OK. So the Kaya identity, a helpful way to think about the main drivers of carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector, 0EZylOWfVE0-00048-00031646-00032297 but also a very helpful view to figure out what's going on in the scenario that I've created. 0EZylOWfVE0-00049-00032297-00032650 I hope this was helpful. Go get them. 0FJaXPk6y_g-00000-00000000-00000522 Isaiah 43 2. when you walk through the waters I will be with you and when you 0FJaXPk6y_g-00001-00000522-00000996 pass through the rivers they will not sleep over you when you walk through the fire you 0FJaXPk6y_g-00002-00000996-00001446 will not be burned the Flames will not set you Ablaze thank you like And subscribe 0I8GmNfygK0-00000-00000189-00001026 Kay Oddone: In this short video i'm going to be speaking about the characteristics of digital information which is part of the information environment. 0I8GmNfygK0-00001-00001140-00002598 Kay Oddone: The information in this presentation is drawn from the work of Negroponte in being digital and also daynah boyd's publication social network sites as network public's afforded says dynamics and implications. 0I8GmNfygK0-00002-00002829-00003453 Kay Oddone: digital information does not exist in the same way that physical representations of information do. 0I8GmNfygK0-00003-00003543-00004920 Kay Oddone: Physical representations are a collection of atoms while digital structures are made out of bits bits of the smallest form of digital storage, which are transmitted over network connections. 0I8GmNfygK0-00004-00005016-00006066 Kay Oddone: The underlying properties of bits and atoms are essentially different and these core differences of what is fundamentally changing the information landscape. 0I8GmNfygK0-00005-00006222-00008214 Kay Oddone: The nature of bits is that they can be easily duplicated compressed and transmitted through networks, this means that information composed of bits has the same qualities, allowing it to be distributed far more easily and quickly than physical representations of information. 0I8GmNfygK0-00006-00008328-00009537 Kay Oddone: Therefore, digital information has different characteristics to traditional physical information formats and this, in turn, is what is shaping our information experience. 0I8GmNfygK0-00007-00009735-00010563 Kay Oddone: The nature of digital information means that it has the following characteristics which differentiate it from physical representations. 0I8GmNfygK0-00008-00010611-00012066 Kay Oddone: persistence replicability scalability and search ability we're going to look at each one of these intern and discuss what they mean for digital information and also the implications for the teacher librarian. 0I8GmNfygK0-00009-00012285-00013878 Kay Oddone: persistence, the development of the written word enabled humanity to record information on a more permanent basis than ever before recording or converting information into digital phone creates an even more permanent record. 0I8GmNfygK0-00010-00013991-00015188 Kay Oddone: Many technological systems, make it permanent, by default, that is, they are never truly able to be deleted, although they may appear to have disappeared or be lost. 0I8GmNfygK0-00011-00015282-00016596 Kay Oddone: The persistence of digital information is one contributor to the growth of the information landscape consider how much data is stored on your laptop and imagine if you needed to store this physically. 0I8GmNfygK0-00012-00016728-00018468 Kay Oddone: Because digital information takes no physical space, apart from the storage item that it's being stored in we are more likely to store an increasing amount of information, even more so when we consider that we have access to additional storage in the cloud. 0I8GmNfygK0-00013-00018594-00019650 Kay Oddone: In a school library, this means that we can offer more information than ever before to our students and teachers, because we're not as limited by physical space. 0I8GmNfygK0-00014-00019710-00021012 Kay Oddone: However, the downside of this is that students and teachers need to further develop their skills and capabilities in searching for information, because there is so much more of it and is so much more accessible. 0I8GmNfygK0-00015-00021156-00022443 Kay Oddone: This also has implications for students digital suits and ship, the persistence of digital information means that, unlike a physical photograph which could be torn up and destroyed. 0I8GmNfygK0-00016-00022488-00023364 Kay Oddone: digital information such as a compromising image which has been shared online can never really ever be removed from the Internet. 0I8GmNfygK0-00017-00023481-00024918 Kay Oddone: In fact, a person's digital reputation can be so difficult to repair, that the only option is to generate even more content of a positive nature which places the individual in a better light and. 0I8GmNfygK0-00018-00025074-00026631 Kay Oddone: Virtually pushing the negative information further down, where it is less likely to be viewed by others, the persistence of digital information is an important one for teacher Librarians to understand and to educate others about. 0I8GmNfygK0-00019-00026832-00028814 Kay Oddone: replicability the ease with which we can replicate beats also contributes to information overload with a control C and control V, we can copy and paste images music text video and files containing any combination of these and other media. 0I8GmNfygK0-00020-00028938-00029802 Kay Oddone: The act of uploading digital information is based on making copies and digital information is more easily distributed than ever before. 0I8GmNfygK0-00021-00029916-00031779 Kay Oddone: This also has implications for seeking the provenance of information and its accuracy, not only can be replicated they can be easily manipulated, making it even more difficult to identify which is the original and which is the copy that may or may not have been altered. 0I8GmNfygK0-00022-00031881-00033198 Kay Oddone: This feature of digital information is a blessing for example copying and editing a draft is easier than ever before, but also a curse as the proliferation of miss, and this information continues. 0I8GmNfygK0-00023-00033375-00034380 Kay Oddone: The need for teacher Librarians to understand replicability is fairly obvious teaching students and teachers about the importance of seeking credible information. 0I8GmNfygK0-00024-00034431-00035118 Kay Oddone: And strategies to identify miss, and this information, as well as Mel information is an important part of the tail role. 0I8GmNfygK0-00025-00035205-00036432 Kay Oddone: it's always been necessary to teach this aspect of information that you see, but the nature of digital information means that it is even more so, as our information environment becomes increasingly polluted. 0I8GmNfygK0-00026-00036630-00036738 Kay Oddone: scalability. 0I8GmNfygK0-00027-00036843-00037509 Kay Oddone: Related to replicability is scalability or the ease with which digital information can be distributed. 0I8GmNfygK0-00028-00037614-00038814 Kay Oddone: While there is no guarantee digital information has the potential to achieve high levels of visibility, as any person who has had content that have shared go viral may attest. 0I8GmNfygK0-00029-00038916-00039639 Kay Oddone: Associated with this ease of distribution is the capacity for digital information to be easily D contextualize. 0I8GmNfygK0-00030-00039750-00040812 Kay Oddone: digital information can be manipulated as we've heard and separated from its original context prior to being shared that's fundamentally changing the nature of the communication. 0I8GmNfygK0-00031-00040926-00041691 Kay Oddone: This, along with the separation from data indicating its original source can weaken the credibility of digital information. 0I8GmNfygK0-00032-00041898-00042006 Kay Oddone: search ability. 0I8GmNfygK0-00033-00042117-00043425 Kay Oddone: While Librarians have long used metadata and other information organization strategies to make information searchable digital information has become searchable in ways not previously possible. 0I8GmNfygK0-00034-00043545-00044814 Kay Oddone: access to digital information via search engines is possible using natural language searching and algorithms based on our previous searches attempt to supply the most relevant results. 0I8GmNfygK0-00035-00044901-00046491 Kay Oddone: data gathered through technological means, such as GPS or bluetooth tracking means that completely new sources of information and now also searchable we can search for the physical at find my phone by using digital information. 0I8GmNfygK0-00036-00046677-00047559 Kay Oddone: As Google continues to refine its algorithms searching it becomes easier and yet more challenging to navigate in digital information. 0I8GmNfygK0-00037-00047643-00048549 Kay Oddone: While it is easy to find an answer, it can be difficult to find the right answer this is where the tails role is vitally important. 0I8GmNfygK0-00038-00048636-00050088 Kay Oddone: We want our students to understand that search ability of digital information means that if they know the correct strategy, they can navigate not only Google, but a wide range of databases and other information repositories and. 0I8GmNfygK0-00039-00050148-00051519 Kay Oddone: The information they're looking for quickly and effectively, this is most definitely a positive attribute of digital information and one that creates even more opportunity for the tl to add value through their role. 0I8GmNfygK0-00040-00051759-00053301 Kay Oddone: So what do you think what are the opportunities and challenges created by digital information and its attributes and its nature, share your thoughts in the forum and I look forward to reading and sharing more with you about this topic. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00000-00000816-00000944 This is quite the tiny top-hat. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00001-00001000-00001240 You know why? I didn't. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00002-00001240-00001576 Which is why I made this video, showing you how the tiniest of details can make 0J0BhmWBxUE-00003-00001576-00001768 games look astonishing, can make games fun and why 0J0BhmWBxUE-00004-00001768-00002232 these microsopic details are KEY to making great and exciting games. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00005-00002232-00002560 Let's start with an example from my fellow friend Fairlii, shall we? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00006-00002560-00002880 There are flowers on this floating island, an actual floating island 0J0BhmWBxUE-00007-00002880-00003160 in the background, THE LORE, my favourite vegetable 0J0BhmWBxUE-00008-00003160-00003608 when its a juice and a human, but notice how you didn't notice this? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00009-00003752-00004208 Probably? Uhh that didnt quite work. What about... 0J0BhmWBxUE-00010-00004208-00004512 See this big button and how it's comprised of the word -> "SUBSCRIBE"? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00011-00004512-00004984 Miniscule elements are not only present in art or clever youtuber self promote moments, 0J0BhmWBxUE-00012-00004984-00005376 they're present in glameplay. Heck, you're even seeing one of them rightnow. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00013-00005376-00005904 But THIS time, you'll not be able to know as to what im talking about for comedic purposes and- 0J0BhmWBxUE-00014-00005904-00006180 I-It's the jump height. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00015-00006180-00006400 If you don't know, in my game you can jump. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00016-00006608-00006920 Nothing that reinvents the wheel, but a few versions back it was 0J0BhmWBxUE-00017-00006920-00007408 impossible to change your jump height. Yeah yeah, I know, but after the version 0J0BhmWBxUE-00018-00007408-00007984 alpha0.3 I changed it so my game isnt completely from 2005 by adding variable jump heights. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00019-00008232-00008584 But with that you could jump...let's say very high. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00020-00008640-00009104 This REALLY doesnt seem like it can break anything, especially on a platformer, 0J0BhmWBxUE-00021-00009104-00009464 but I built my game differently which means that having a jump that's 0J0BhmWBxUE-00022-00009464-00010216 too low or too high could make sections not fun. Which is why, I then iterated the jump height a 0J0BhmWBxUE-00023-00010216-00010488 lot until I found something I was comfortable with. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00024-00010560-00010888 And we're not done yet, as I added something few games do... 0J0BhmWBxUE-00025-00011152-00011752 Perma-running! If my game wasnt given enough wacky already, 0J0BhmWBxUE-00026-00011752-00012416 in alpha0.3.2, I removed the run button. Why? Let me tell you a short anecdote. It was the 0J0BhmWBxUE-00027-00012416-00012840 SAGE Expo for games and fangames of 2021, I obviously submmited 0J0BhmWBxUE-00028-00012840-00013256 MiKe Adventures and got a bit of feedback which I still very mich appreciated. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00029-00013256-00013544 The main thought across the people was that the controls were confusing, 0J0BhmWBxUE-00030-00013544-00013904 with one of the main points being that having the run button be the same as the 0J0BhmWBxUE-00031-00013904-00014336 hydro charge button was kinda [SWER SOUND] And you kNOW WHAT I DID? YOU KNOW WHAT I DID? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00032-00014336-00014719 I mean how can you not know i told you... seconds? Ago? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00033-00014896-00015847 Oh yeah, right, um, perma-running! Most games have a run button- 0J0BhmWBxUE-00034-00015847-00016032 Why? Geniuenly, why? 0J0BhmWBxUE-00035-00016088-00016408 Tons of casual players dont even realize they're there. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00036-00016408-00017016 Something casual players and experienced players will notice tho.... 0J0BhmWBxUE-00037-00017016-00017376 Yeah this look like garbage. While my good friend Itay was playing MiKe he 0J0BhmWBxUE-00038-00017376-00018016 encountered what you just saw, what will happen next wont surprise you, he got confused 0J0BhmWBxUE-00039-00018016-00018384 So, to avoid this from happening further, i inspected Itay. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00040-00019416-00020072 There, that looks better, communicates the error of the player better, and only took 2 0J0BhmWBxUE-00041-00020072-00020440 hours to figure out. Again, TINY detail, 0J0BhmWBxUE-00042-00020440-00020664 but it makes everything so much better. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00043-00020664-00020816 And as we move closer and closer to the end of this video 0J0BhmWBxUE-00044-00020816-00021336 I have to show you something you might not even think is tiny, small, or even normal size. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00045-00021336-00021784 You might think it's HUGE and a BIG component of every game to this day. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00046-00022168-00022488 The reason as to why a title screen is small despite it being 0J0BhmWBxUE-00047-00022488-00022984 seemingly huge is what purpose it serves. It is the bridge between you and the game. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00048-00022984-00023400 It is small despite its complexity because its NOT the game, it leads to it. 0J0BhmWBxUE-00049-00023456-00023944 If it ISN'T there, you immediately jump into the game, are not ready and and and 0J0BhmWBxUE-00050-00023944-00024168 Wait i think i forgot the mealoaf- AHH THE MEATLOAF 0Jizn-M3JlE-00001-00000120-00000840 hello dear vister my name is jert i am a retired dutchman because i like to deal 0Jizn-M3JlE-00002-00000840-00001288 with everything that has to do with movies i have set up a youtube channel called film noir 0Jizn-M3JlE-00003-00001576-00002064 it's my pleasure to give you as much viewing pleasure as possible therefore my 0Jizn-M3JlE-00004-00002064-00002552 intention is to add on a regular basis the most appreciated 20th century movies to my channel 0Jizn-M3JlE-00005-00002648-00003432 today's movies is virgin witch virgin which is an erotic horror film released in 1972 0Jizn-M3JlE-00006-00003432-00004136 and directed by ray austin ray austin was born on december 5th 1932 merton london england 0Jizn-M3JlE-00007-00004232-00004512 he has made his mark as a tv and film director 0Jizn-M3JlE-00008-00004608-00005392 stunt performer tv writer actor crime novelist and lecturer the stars in this film are sisters 0Jizn-M3JlE-00009-00005392-00005920 and in vicki michelle they play the part of two sexy young girls wearing mini skirts 0Jizn-M3JlE-00010-00006024-00006608 they apply for a job at a modeling agency owned by the lesbian civil weight played by patricia haynes 0Jizn-M3JlE-00011-00006816-00007376 because there is quite a bit of nude modeling this film is only visible to viewers over 18 years old 0Jizn-M3JlE-00012-00007464-00007640 i wish you a lot of viewing pleasure 0Jizn-M3JlE-00013-00007848-00008248 you will do me a great favor by hitting the like and subscribe button on my channel 0Jizn-M3JlE-00014-00008352-00008704 thank you very much for that see you at the next movie 0Jizn-M3JlE-00015-00008912-00009984 here is virgin witch enjoy 0Jizn-M3JlE-00016-00010904-00011384 hey 0Jizn-M3JlE-00017-00011592-00012784 hahahahahahahahahaha 0Jizn-M3JlE-00018-00014504-00015584 ah 0Jizn-M3JlE-00019-00016456-00016848 i don't know why we couldn't have left in the morning you didn't have to come 0Jizn-M3JlE-00020-00016944-00017304 well it's too late now dad would have found the note when we were runaways 0Jizn-M3JlE-00021-00018152-00018384 london 0Jizn-M3JlE-00022-00019592-00019840 whatever you do don't get mixed up with backstreet 0Jizn-M3JlE-00023-00019840-00020224 photographers the ones are appetizing noticeboards they'll promise the earth 0Jizn-M3JlE-00024-00020312-00020776 well maybe i can help you find somebody to stay a friend of mine uh let's lose stop 0Jizn-M3JlE-00025-00021048-00021424 i ever saw that you must see in the dark she can 0Jizn-M3JlE-00026-00022184-00023176 i'll get around that's a nice bracelet from abby it's a birthday abby that's a funny name 0Jizn-M3JlE-00027-00023352-00024032 have you talked the singer she's your girlfriend 0Jizn-M3JlE-00028-00024032-00024248 we are lucky johnny's mum letting out rooms 0Jizn-M3JlE-00029-00024456-00024664 you're joking i think it's nice 0Jizn-M3JlE-00030-00024920-00025536 that'll do good time we might have been tramping around all day if it hadn't been for johnny 0Jizn-M3JlE-00031-00025744-00026264 you've fallen for him don't be ridiculous i hardly know him anyway what if i have he's 0Jizn-M3JlE-00032-00026264-00027048 been very kind will you be careful he's a sharp character i remember abby christine come on 0Jizn-M3JlE-00033-00027048-00027560 we spend all day arguing about mr johnny dixon we'll never get ready so let's get changed 0Jizn-M3JlE-00034-00027976-00028376 oh look at that isn't it beautiful it's a bit old isn't it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00035-00028376-00029583 of course it is your silly bitch's antique 0Jizn-M3JlE-00036-00030336-00030504 lady will share bed and breakfast 0Jizn-M3JlE-00037-00030792-00031248 discipline given mister [ __ ] for sale ask for kitty 0Jizn-M3JlE-00038-00031560-00032400 model good figure photography yeah i bet not those they're exactly what johnny warned us against 0Jizn-M3JlE-00039-00032400-00032960 i know of you going to labor exchange well what about you well i'll see you back at the digs go on 0Jizn-M3JlE-00040-00033408-00033784 oh go on 0Jizn-M3JlE-00041-00034856-00035256 simple weight wisdom commercial photography miss wait has been 0Jizn-M3JlE-00042-00035256-00036584 responsible for discovering some of our most successful and beautiful 0Jizn-M3JlE-00043-00039664-00040024 so you want to be a model yes i know it won't be easy 0Jizn-M3JlE-00044-00040024-00040408 but i saved enough money for a course can you advise me on the best place to go 0Jizn-M3JlE-00045-00040464-00041136 meantime the art photographic job would help you pay your way if it's possible maybe maybe not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00046-00041296-00041800 still you're a very attractive girl you should photograph well what's your name christine lane 0Jizn-M3JlE-00047-00041880-00042840 christina no not christina christine christina i'm sure i suppose it does sound better 0Jizn-M3JlE-00048-00043080-00043584 are you prepared to do nudes 0Jizn-M3JlE-00049-00043720-00044176 there's a great demand for them these days i can sell any product with a nude 0Jizn-M3JlE-00050-00044176-00044696 incredible isn't it is it easier to get a job that way to begin with yes 0Jizn-M3JlE-00051-00044888-00046384 everybody does it well if you better have a look at your figure you can undress over there 0Jizn-M3JlE-00052-00046752-00047024 do you have any photographs i'm afraid not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00053-00047608-00047936 you're going to need some i'll see if i can get one 0Jizn-M3JlE-00054-00047936-00049184 of my boys to do something for you cheap thank you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00055-00050808-00050944 yes your figure's very good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00056-00051416-00051984 i better take a few measurements just for the record 0Jizn-M3JlE-00057-00052616-00052688 36 0Jizn-M3JlE-00058-00052904-00053384 correct but you'd be surprised how inaccurate some people are about themselves 0Jizn-M3JlE-00059-00053472-00053600 i always check personally 0Jizn-M3JlE-00060-00053984-00054784 24 0Jizn-M3JlE-00061-00055320-00055704 do you really think you'll be able to use me i don't see why not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00062-00055808-00056184 as long as you're prepared to be guided by me of course 0Jizn-M3JlE-00063-00056591-00056984 you are a tiny thing aren't you i better make a 0Jizn-M3JlE-00064-00056984-00057584 note of these measurements before i forget them you can get dressed again now 0Jizn-M3JlE-00065-00059240-00060184 hello peter yes tomorrow you have to be joking are they out of their minds where am i going to get 0Jizn-M3JlE-00066-00060184-00060864 the right girl they were all booked up weeks ago all right yes yes i should just have to do my best 0Jizn-M3JlE-00067-00061008-00061464 yes we could go to witch world look you call me back later this afternoon and i'll let you know 0Jizn-M3JlE-00068-00061464-00062376 what i've been able to arrange okay some people expect miracles miss wait i couldn't help hearing 0Jizn-M3JlE-00069-00062376-00062824 could i do the job my dear child this is an important assignment 0Jizn-M3JlE-00070-00062888-00063520 he's one of our biggest clients i don't mind how hard i work i can learn fast i'm sure you do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00071-00063744-00064000 no it's the risk is too great 0Jizn-M3JlE-00072-00064079-00064712 i won't let you down it would mean working over the weekend in the country i don't mind 0Jizn-M3JlE-00073-00064776-00065176 a friend of mine has a lovely country house it's a perfect location do i get the job 0Jizn-M3JlE-00074-00065384-00065664 i'll think about it you won't regret it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00075-00065840-00066296 no johnny why no oh don't pretend you didn't want it because you did 0Jizn-M3JlE-00076-00066296-00066776 no but we don't know each other what's up gotta do it i've got some birds for years but i've never 0Jizn-M3JlE-00077-00066776-00067384 fancied them like i fancy you what about happy but forget abby we're just friends that's all 0Jizn-M3JlE-00078-00067720-00067856 hey you're trembling 0Jizn-M3JlE-00079-00068192-00069200 my god you really are little miss innocent you're not angry with me what's it look like stupid 0Jizn-M3JlE-00080-00069512-00069768 hey come on what's all this 0Jizn-M3JlE-00081-00069936-00070336 you know you're trouble you're a very tired girl you've been traveling all night you've 0Jizn-M3JlE-00082-00070336-00071056 had a hard day looking for a job there's no one near depressed now to stop worrying okay 0Jizn-M3JlE-00083-00071264-00072984 everything's gonna be all right yeah 0Jizn-M3JlE-00084-00073800-00074576 and where have you been all this time looking around got a job think so tell us about heaven say 0Jizn-M3JlE-00085-00074712-00075288 no not until i'm sure well that leaves me in suspense because i've got to go to manchester 0Jizn-M3JlE-00086-00075480-00075904 okay i will be back from magisto late saturday night but i'm doing nothing 0Jizn-M3JlE-00087-00075904-00076680 on sunday so why don't we take a drive all of us lovely i don't know i may be working 0Jizn-M3JlE-00088-00076984-00077520 on sunday or weekend if i get the job that will uh you don't have to decide now do you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00089-00077520-00077936 i'll come over here if you're busy me and better your girl home look after yourself 0Jizn-M3JlE-00090-00078280-00078584 bye 0Jizn-M3JlE-00091-00078704-00078768 christine 0Jizn-M3JlE-00092-00078976-00079528 what's the job modeling modeling i was at the right place at the right time did you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00093-00079528-00080096 get the address off the notice board of course not sounds a bit funny to me working over the weekend 0Jizn-M3JlE-00094-00080464-00080864 civil wait we're taking a house in the country for the whole weekend 0Jizn-M3JlE-00095-00080944-00081328 christine you're beginning to sound just like dad 0Jizn-M3JlE-00096-00081328-00081856 but come with me if you're so worried do you think they'll mind what about johnny we'll tell 0Jizn-M3JlE-00097-00081856-00082352 him to come down and fetch you he wants you to go to the country she may not even get the job 0Jizn-M3JlE-00098-00082720-00082880 i have a feeling i will 0Jizn-M3JlE-00099-00083144-00083560 we're lucky today not too much traffic i love the river 0Jizn-M3JlE-00100-00083840-00084456 i hope you didn't mind me coming this week of course not betty you can be christina's chaperone 0Jizn-M3JlE-00101-00085544-00085928 with a great future christina as long as you don't lose your head 0Jizn-M3JlE-00102-00085928-00086456 i won't i've seen so many girls spoil their chances a little success and they 0Jizn-M3JlE-00103-00086456-00087064 think they know everything i'm not like that miss wait sybil please call me sybil 0Jizn-M3JlE-00104-00088112-00088632 this is witch world look over there that's the old witches ring a witch's ring 0Jizn-M3JlE-00105-00088872-00089032 some parts of the village are quite historic 0Jizn-M3JlE-00106-00089592-00089784 here we are 0Jizn-M3JlE-00107-00091344-00092344 rather nice isn't it well worth the journey you didn't exaggerate gorgeous this is peter 0Jizn-M3JlE-00108-00092344-00093064 christina betty her sister buddy good trip very smooth not much traffic on the road for once 0Jizn-M3JlE-00109-00093568-00094232 oh wendell take ms betty's cases up to her room uh we can share him if you like 0Jizn-M3JlE-00110-00094536-00094920 how soon can we start there's a hell of a lot to do you get set up we're ready when you are 0Jizn-M3JlE-00111-00094984-00095384 christina you come with me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00112-00095440-00096784 i want to show you around 0Jizn-M3JlE-00113-00097080-00097408 it's a strange name it's a witch's meeting place 0Jizn-M3JlE-00114-00097464-00097736 let's talk to gerald about it my friend who owns the house 0Jizn-M3JlE-00115-00097952-00098280 he's quite an authority on the subject even write books about it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00116-00098776-00098952 witches used to dance up here at dawn 0Jizn-M3JlE-00117-00099448-00099584 some people say they still do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00118-00100120-00100170 yes 0Jizn-M3JlE-00119-00100432-00100984 they do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00120-00101280-00101856 you seem sensible enough but then i've thought that before then along comes some young man 0Jizn-M3JlE-00121-00101856-00102848 and not me i'm a krieger what no boyfriends i've been out with a few but nothing serious 0Jizn-M3JlE-00122-00102904-00103432 i don't want to be tied down i must say you don't exactly strike me as being 0Jizn-M3JlE-00123-00103488-00103911 the domesticated type because he wants a man living that could make me settle for that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00124-00104911-00105183 what a beautiful garden 0Jizn-M3JlE-00125-00106088-00106216 it has a very heavy 0Jizn-M3JlE-00126-00106216-00107072 scent heavy effects too if you believe all you eat which choose them in their brews don't they 0Jizn-M3JlE-00127-00107152-00107583 you seem to know rather a lot about it are you interested in the supernatural 0Jizn-M3JlE-00128-00107648-00108080 oh i don't know it's as if i i find it fascinating 0Jizn-M3JlE-00129-00108496-00109104 so beautiful here so much to see i know i try and get down every weekend if possible 0Jizn-M3JlE-00130-00109200-00109535 gerald only ever leaves this place but he has to go up to town to see his publisher 0Jizn-M3JlE-00131-00109888-00110280 oh peter i'm sorry it was so interesting showing christina around 0Jizn-M3JlE-00132-00110448-00110935 well you better get upstairs and get changed then something casual jeans and shirt that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00133-00110935-00111616 kind of thing uh white shirt yes that'll do fine right now what bright ideas have you for 0Jizn-M3JlE-00134-00111616-00112183 selling this side of its filthy stuff to drink well i thought we might use the real airport 0Jizn-M3JlE-00135-00113559-00113609 well 0Jizn-M3JlE-00136-00113816-00114408 what about this place the place is great but what about the housekeeper 0Jizn-M3JlE-00137-00114624-00114983 betty and she speaks so highly of you yeah 0Jizn-M3JlE-00138-00115383-00115520 wait till you see the bathroom 0Jizn-M3JlE-00139-00116256-00116383 you're going to have a pass now 0Jizn-M3JlE-00140-00116592-00116744 no modeling 0Jizn-M3JlE-00141-00117664-00118183 looks about better shot let's send some action stuff now okay um 0Jizn-M3JlE-00142-00118400-00118735 turn right and start running that's it jump jump 0Jizn-M3JlE-00143-00118976-00119520 no be happy happy good luck smile that's great it's great 0Jizn-M3JlE-00144-00119752-00120368 up on the wall look at the camera that's great keep it keep running hold it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00145-00120552-00121064 smile hold it that's it now we'll move to the car 0Jizn-M3JlE-00146-00121904-00122176 what's wrong trying to get an angle 0Jizn-M3JlE-00147-00122552-00123383 take those jeans off 0Jizn-M3JlE-00148-00123959-00124200 that's good take the pants off 0Jizn-M3JlE-00149-00124488-00124904 i thought this was supposed to be a cider we've gotta have a build up 0Jizn-M3JlE-00150-00124904-00125168 and i'll take them off you're the boss 0Jizn-M3JlE-00151-00125448-00125498 good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00152-00125735-00127583 good very sexy good that's good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00153-00129352-00130383 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00154-00138024-00138784 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00155-00141208-00141584 what 0Jizn-M3JlE-00156-00143216-00144384 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00157-00146128-00146824 betty are you all right you look awfully big oh i have a bit of a headache i thought 0Jizn-M3JlE-00158-00146824-00147184 i'd go out for a while that's a good idea the fresh air will do you good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00159-00148448-00149200 hold it hold it that's beautiful boy you make it difficult to concentrate don't give me that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00160-00149304-00149984 photographing beautiful girls every day you must be immune 0Jizn-M3JlE-00161-00150832-00151432 shows us something special about you are all your models expected to respond to your advances 0Jizn-M3JlE-00162-00151952-00152784 come on 0Jizn-M3JlE-00163-00155312-00155768 oh i'm sorry this way my dear child what an earth's the matter oh 0Jizn-M3JlE-00164-00155768-00156984 it's nothing really is your headache worse um no it's much better thank you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00165-00157464-00158384 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00166-00159056-00159888 who is she paul she lives around here what's her name i don't know she seems to know you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00167-00159976-00160104 yeah well i've seen her in the village 0Jizn-M3JlE-00168-00160280-00161184 come on we'll finish this session back in the woods be quieter there come on and safer 0Jizn-M3JlE-00169-00161592-00162256 it's all right right here lie still for a while you had a nasty fall nothing serious just shaking 0Jizn-M3JlE-00170-00162256-00163152 you up that's all oh by the way my name is emily dr gerald amberly this is my home you're a doctor 0Jizn-M3JlE-00171-00163296-00163824 and charlie i wasn't here when you arrived the sybil tells me you were running away that you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00172-00163824-00164576 seemed scared out of your wits we usually find it so peaceful here oh it is the house is lovely but 0Jizn-M3JlE-00173-00164680-00165112 oh it sounds so silly now it must have been very real to you at the time 0Jizn-M3JlE-00174-00165184-00165872 you think i'm an awful idiot well first there was the milkman i was sort of dozing 0Jizn-M3JlE-00175-00165872-00166376 and i found him standing there staring at me in a funny sort of way how do you mean funny 0Jizn-M3JlE-00176-00166480-00167328 well i don't know exactly but it frightened me and then i went i thought i'd go for a walk 0Jizn-M3JlE-00177-00167408-00168048 and something else happened then there was this man in the drive he had a gun colonel crookshank 0Jizn-M3JlE-00178-00168144-00168744 he came up to the house he was very upset he was afraid he'd find you oh i thought that they were 0Jizn-M3JlE-00179-00168896-00169584 desiring you oh that sounds so stupid not at all it was quite normal 0Jizn-M3JlE-00180-00169720-00170024 there have been something wrong if they hadn't stared at you you're a very pretty girl 0Jizn-M3JlE-00181-00170192-00170704 anyway you mustn't think that men have the prerogative of sexual fantasies 0Jizn-M3JlE-00182-00170704-00171200 most young girls have them especially if they've led rather repressed lives 0Jizn-M3JlE-00183-00171408-00171952 you've only just arrived in london i understand that's right parents rather strict not many 0Jizn-M3JlE-00184-00171952-00172848 boyfriends that never allowed them you see a textbook case you are i'm quite sure the virgin 0Jizn-M3JlE-00185-00173072-00173122 yes 0Jizn-M3JlE-00186-00173376-00173976 so are you saying i've imagined all this oh it's just a phase one day soon you'll meet a 0Jizn-M3JlE-00187-00173976-00174320 nice young man and he'll look at you in just the way you describe when you weren't mind at all 0Jizn-M3JlE-00188-00174480-00174728 don't you worry ahead anymore promise 0Jizn-M3JlE-00189-00174800-00175976 promise god now i prescribe a nice hot bath nothing like it for calming the nerves 0Jizn-M3JlE-00190-00176240-00176472 you didn't mind me talking frankly to you did you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00191-00176632-00177072 i feel better already that's right off you're going to have your bath 0Jizn-M3JlE-00192-00177600-00177650 great 0Jizn-M3JlE-00193-00177880-00177930 good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00194-00179048-00179584 half as lovely as you it's no wonder man's where he is today lovely 0Jizn-M3JlE-00195-00179848-00179920 damn i've run out 0Jizn-M3JlE-00196-00180472-00181152 we've had enough for the day don't you hey are you complaining about your lot 0Jizn-M3JlE-00197-00181968-00182184 this particular moment 0Jizn-M3JlE-00198-00188144-00188194 peter 0Jizn-M3JlE-00199-00188664-00189184 peter how's it going can you spare a minute coming 0Jizn-M3JlE-00200-00190664-00191984 okay 0Jizn-M3JlE-00201-00192992-00193384 i've got some great pictures super you wait do you see them 0Jizn-M3JlE-00202-00193544-00194080 that's what you're paid for to take pictures what do you think you're playing at 0Jizn-M3JlE-00203-00194288-00194528 i'm sorry zipple i just got carried away 0Jizn-M3JlE-00204-00194624-00195120 can you blame me you keep your filthy paws off her come off his sible 0Jizn-M3JlE-00205-00195344-00195632 you paid me to do the job and i did it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00206-00195816-00196392 so we had a bit of fun as well so what i will not have you interfering in my affairs so you got your 0Jizn-M3JlE-00207-00196392-00197000 eyes on her yourself but you can forget that in a hurry shut up she's a normal healthy girl be 0Jizn-M3JlE-00208-00197000-00198984 careful peter so you sack me i warn you peter if you cross would you come up here a moment 0Jizn-M3JlE-00209-00200832-00201784 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00210-00201984-00202232 what are you looking at that girl for she's not the one 0Jizn-M3JlE-00211-00203000-00203424 there's another girl yes if gerald's happy with betty why not use her 0Jizn-M3JlE-00212-00203480-00204056 because i chose christina specially i've warned you peter you'll be sorry sybil no threats 0Jizn-M3JlE-00213-00204304-00204584 so there's another one 0Jizn-M3JlE-00214-00205040-00205264 i still don't see why it has to be tonight 0Jizn-M3JlE-00215-00205344-00205984 it's all arranged there'll be a full meeting besides islam's i shall perform the third right 0Jizn-M3JlE-00216-00206480-00206984 hey chris guess what i found downstairs there's a cellar and it's decorated like a sort of chapel 0Jizn-M3JlE-00217-00206984-00207384 only there isn't a crossover there's whips and daggers and chains it's awful 0Jizn-M3JlE-00218-00207767-00208456 but why would dr emily have one in his head oh it can't be he's much too nice have you met him 0Jizn-M3JlE-00219-00208567-00209032 yes i've had an awful time first there was this milkman who kept staring at me then i found the 0Jizn-M3JlE-00220-00209032-00209480 chapel and then there was this weird colonel and he wasn't really a colonel and doctor angrily said 0Jizn-M3JlE-00221-00209480-00209992 he was very hold on hold on someone hit you on the head or something how did you know that's exactly 0Jizn-M3JlE-00222-00209992-00210816 what happened oh he can't be a witch they don't all ride around on brooms and wear pointed hats 0Jizn-M3JlE-00223-00210944-00211296 to the doctor of course anyway we'll soon find out 0Jizn-M3JlE-00224-00211528-00211919 but doctors are respectable people all depends on what you call respectable 0Jizn-M3JlE-00225-00212344-00212984 don't worry everything will be right i'm here with you remember 0Jizn-M3JlE-00226-00213328-00213760 i should like to propose a toast to our two charming young guests 0Jizn-M3JlE-00227-00213856-00214384 may this be the first of their many visits to which world 0Jizn-M3JlE-00228-00214767-00215264 i hope so too you've all been so kind betty and i are having a marvelous 0Jizn-M3JlE-00229-00215264-00215784 time i want you to feel at home home was never like this it's beautiful 0Jizn-M3JlE-00230-00215864-00216560 this room everything it feels like christmas with the candles and wine not christmas 0Jizn-M3JlE-00231-00217071-00217712 yes we celebrate llamas tonight what do you know about the witches festival oh not too much 0Jizn-M3JlE-00232-00217767-00217952 will you hold the ceremony down in the chapel 0Jizn-M3JlE-00233-00218319-00218688 we will indeed i didn't realize you'd been downstairs my dear 0Jizn-M3JlE-00234-00218767-00219767 not me betty she found it by accident it sounds fascinating then it's true what chris says you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00235-00219767-00220648 are a witch perfectly true has that trapped you oh no it's just difficult to believe 0Jizn-M3JlE-00236-00220896-00221544 yet you could easily believe i was a roman catholic or a jew witchcraft is a religion 0Jizn-M3JlE-00237-00221688-00222360 one of the oldest perhaps the oldest do you worship the devil emphatically not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00238-00222471-00223144 my covenant practices white witchcraft only we try to do goodbye faith healing and that kind of thing 0Jizn-M3JlE-00239-00223200-00223871 sometimes and on a simpler level we exist for friendship and to give pleasure where we 0Jizn-M3JlE-00240-00223871-00225584 can i'm sure i see your chapel certainly my dad i'll take her down myself yes of course 0Jizn-M3JlE-00241-00225760-00226071 oh it doesn't matter i can do it later 0Jizn-M3JlE-00242-00226640-00227088 how would you become a witch could i be one if you have true desire 0Jizn-M3JlE-00243-00227648-00228384 i do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00244-00228704-00229823 you're very receptive does that mean i can be a witch 0Jizn-M3JlE-00245-00229823-00231184 there are some people who are born to be witches born with special powers you are one of them 0Jizn-M3JlE-00246-00231584-00232392 that is the mask of the high one that's you no you'll find the mask of the high one in every cup 0Jizn-M3JlE-00247-00232464-00233000 and by ritual at the beginning of the ceremony the high priestess or high priest will ask 0Jizn-M3JlE-00248-00233000-00233384 who is the high one i claim that degree in this coven 0Jizn-M3JlE-00249-00233744-00234104 in some covens it's been said down the years that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00250-00234208-00234871 the spirit of the high one appears and takes human form and if he does all must give way to him 0Jizn-M3JlE-00251-00234992-00235792 yes we have a lot to prepare for tonight can i join in oh please 0Jizn-M3JlE-00252-00236367-00236712 when the moment comes you will hear the call how will i know 0Jizn-M3JlE-00253-00236776-00237119 wait now i think you should have an early night 0Jizn-M3JlE-00254-00237119-00238184 your little sister too she needs a good rest after her four i'll make her one of my her drinks 0Jizn-M3JlE-00255-00238271-00238321 go on 0Jizn-M3JlE-00256-00239056-00239760 quite amazing i thought you'd be pleased do you think she's untouched virgins are hard 0Jizn-M3JlE-00257-00239760-00240240 to come by as you very well know gerald i was only thinking about the ritual 0Jizn-M3JlE-00258-00240504-00241040 technically she should be technically oh gerald you're talking to me remember i 0Jizn-M3JlE-00259-00241040-00241560 know more about witchcraft than you ever will agreed you're one of the world's authorities 0Jizn-M3JlE-00260-00241560-00242032 i've read every book you've ever written on the subject oh you believe all right 0Jizn-M3JlE-00261-00242232-00242888 and you have the knowledge but you don't have the power do you gerald you are high priest in 0Jizn-M3JlE-00262-00242888-00243576 name only but you recognize that power don't you that's why you let me turn this place into 0Jizn-M3JlE-00263-00243576-00244352 a working coven white witchcraft faith healing i will not meddle in the black hearts and all this 0Jizn-M3JlE-00264-00244352-00245064 coven you understand of course i'm sorry gerald it was just peter that upset me peter yes he's 0Jizn-M3JlE-00265-00245064-00245480 after christina just shows how wrong one can be doesn't it i was quite sure he was queer 0Jizn-M3JlE-00266-00245688-00246336 but if she is a virgin he could spoil her for the ceremony that is your right as high priest 0Jizn-M3JlE-00267-00246464-00246871 it won't spoil the ceremony but you're right about one thing 0Jizn-M3JlE-00268-00247064-00247512 i can recognize power she wants to be a witch 0Jizn-M3JlE-00269-00247792-00249384 oh my god look what they've done to my screen no where is it she left it over there 0Jizn-M3JlE-00270-00249880-00250784 look betty said she was gonna ring and uh leave a number not yet 0Jizn-M3JlE-00271-00251160-00251600 is that when she got the job christina no i don't know they were very excited 0Jizn-M3JlE-00272-00251600-00252080 and you were still going with that abby i i thought you'd give about that calm i finished 0Jizn-M3JlE-00273-00252704-00253416 so so tell me about it i found it in the car your car 0Jizn-M3JlE-00274-00253576-00254984 my car your car what's the difference we're going cool johnny yeah we've got a problem no problem 0Jizn-M3JlE-00275-00257408-00257784 you go your way 0Jizn-M3JlE-00276-00258096-00258280 you walk alone 0Jizn-M3JlE-00277-00258584-00258784 why can't you stay 0Jizn-M3JlE-00278-00259071-00259280 no love has grown 0Jizn-M3JlE-00279-00259544-00260584 sometimes i see deep in your eyes a promise that's hard in me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00280-00260688-00261344 my love you only despise why go on taunting me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00281-00261600-00261984 i hear your calls 0Jizn-M3JlE-00282-00262040-00262224 and i obey 0Jizn-M3JlE-00283-00262544-00262744 my life my all 0Jizn-M3JlE-00284-00263032-00263384 the price i pay 0Jizn-M3JlE-00285-00263560-00264248 you know too well that i'm in your spell till life is done 0Jizn-M3JlE-00286-00264560-00264768 how can i be 0Jizn-M3JlE-00287-00265624-00266216 she makes a great sound 0Jizn-M3JlE-00288-00266216-00266552 have you heard of civil war hmm runs a model agency 0Jizn-M3JlE-00289-00266616-00267584 she's a big wheel sometimes i see deep in your eyes a promise that's hard in me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00290-00267696-00268096 sure about that ted listen i'm telling you all the models have to wear armor-plated pants 0Jizn-M3JlE-00291-00268152-00268624 just as less as they come a friend of mine just kind of account with it for a weekend 0Jizn-M3JlE-00292-00268752-00269352 that's one way of getting to know the facts of life and i obey 0Jizn-M3JlE-00293-00269656-00269872 my life my own 0Jizn-M3JlE-00294-00270136-00270384 the price i pay 0Jizn-M3JlE-00295-00271624-00271928 how can i be the one 0Jizn-M3JlE-00296-00272520-00273184 to go your way 0Jizn-M3JlE-00297-00273240-00274584 mm-hmm 0Jizn-M3JlE-00298-00280184-00280234 you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00299-00281704-00282328 huh yeah it's johnny again yeah i know it's late no i'm back in to understand 0Jizn-M3JlE-00300-00282424-00282984 listen how's betty wrong yet no you go back to sleep 0Jizn-M3JlE-00301-00284304-00285784 me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00302-00287648-00288584 oh 0Jizn-M3JlE-00303-00290224-00291384 uh 0Jizn-M3JlE-00304-00295008-00295584 my 0Jizn-M3JlE-00305-00298480-00299784 my 0Jizn-M3JlE-00306-00307336-00308184 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00307-00319904-00320784 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00308-00321152-00322184 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00309-00329656-00329800 it's a fabulous morning 0Jizn-M3JlE-00310-00330096-00330632 what's wrong nothing did you call johnny no i didn't 0Jizn-M3JlE-00311-00330880-00331448 i heard you are civil if you could use a phone but you i what you didn't want me to 0Jizn-M3JlE-00312-00331704-00332368 i never said a word you know you can do what you want i know you didn't say anything 0Jizn-M3JlE-00313-00332552-00333016 but i had the feeling you didn't want me to you're always getting a strange feeling 0Jizn-M3JlE-00314-00333112-00334784 only with you chris oh there's peter see you later 0Jizn-M3JlE-00315-00336456-00337088 so new ritual doesn't mean anything now i'm a witch now i can please myself 0Jizn-M3JlE-00316-00337152-00337728 chris i'm worried you don't know what you've got involved in i should have warned you i i tried to 0Jizn-M3JlE-00317-00337728-00338208 but it wouldn't have made any difference i played along with this witchcraft business to begin with 0Jizn-M3JlE-00318-00338208-00339072 because it suited me and because sybil asked me to well she gave me my first break look civil's 0Jizn-M3JlE-00319-00339072-00339560 main object is procuring girls for the coven well what's the matter with that witchcraft can 0Jizn-M3JlE-00320-00339560-00340136 be a great powerful good gerald told me and if a doctor believes in it there must be something 0Jizn-M3JlE-00321-00340136-00340648 he's not a proper doctor just a doctor of literature but don't tell betty that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00322-00340832-00341384 you're determined to put me off aren't you what does it matter what she is he's a marvelous witch 0Jizn-M3JlE-00323-00341384-00341912 and there's no harm in playing along with civil either she warned me if i ever touched you again 0Jizn-M3JlE-00324-00342112-00342896 i know it's absurd but i never felt this way before chris well why should she threaten you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00325-00343032-00343896 she's jealous she she wants you for herself stupid i told her you weren't like that i should hope not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00326-00344080-00344736 then you don't think she's well got the power to put a spell on me well 0Jizn-M3JlE-00327-00344800-00345984 i don't know about that but maybe i could put a spell on you too a stronger one 0Jizn-M3JlE-00328-00346328-00346800 if you mean to pee to make a pass at me yes but i'm quite able to do with that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00329-00346800-00347240 i told him to leave you alone please don't get worked up on my account 0Jizn-M3JlE-00330-00347240-00347712 it would worry me more if boys didn't fancy me anyway you're so young 0Jizn-M3JlE-00331-00348232-00348680 you're going a long way christina with me behind you have no doubt about it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00332-00348752-00349608 if i'm half as successful as you are be happy has it helped you being a witch the entire 0Jizn-M3JlE-00333-00349608-00350296 advertising industry is witchcraft darling the poor old public is permanently spellbound 0Jizn-M3JlE-00334-00350512-00350648 i haven't thought of it that way 0Jizn-M3JlE-00335-00350856-00351208 and now that we're together you and i they better wash out 0Jizn-M3JlE-00336-00351512-00352984 we're going to make a great team 0Jizn-M3JlE-00337-00353704-00354384 all right for which well yeah straight up 0Jizn-M3JlE-00338-00356392-00357184 am i disturbing you not at all my dear i was expecting you see i ordered coffee for two 0Jizn-M3JlE-00339-00357936-00358144 will you pour for me yes of course 0Jizn-M3JlE-00340-00358424-00358808 you play beautifully you're very generous but i don't play much these days 0Jizn-M3JlE-00341-00359552-00359984 black for me please 0Jizn-M3JlE-00342-00360088-00360280 peter and civ are working on a new setup 0Jizn-M3JlE-00343-00360496-00360752 i wanted to talk to you to thank you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00344-00361152-00361384 come on look at me 0Jizn-M3JlE-00345-00361768-00362552 it was meant to be a meeting i feel that too for the last few days i've had to do certain things 0Jizn-M3JlE-00346-00362680-00363032 and they've all led me here you have great gifts christine the great power 0Jizn-M3JlE-00347-00363104-00364184 you must use it well you'll teach me all i can i want to show you something 0Jizn-M3JlE-00348-00365064-00365584 you must have been studying witchcraft for years yes i first became interested in university 0Jizn-M3JlE-00349-00365648-00366008 there's so many theories it takes a long time to go to the truth 0Jizn-M3JlE-00350-00366216-00367016 to begin with you can read this one black book black magic you know what i meant with that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00351-00367016-00367360 then you really do believe there's something in it fantastically 0Jizn-M3JlE-00352-00367576-00368272 does simple get her spells from that book civil what spells i don't know exactly 0Jizn-M3JlE-00353-00368272-00369056 but peter thinks she's put one on him why you felt ill suddenly oh perhaps you imagined it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00354-00369320-00369504 yeah i expect so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00355-00369720-00370048 could i be high priestess certainly 0Jizn-M3JlE-00356-00370264-00370376 when you initiate another 0Jizn-M3JlE-00357-00370672-00371184 i see no reason why you shouldn't form a coven one day find your own high priest 0Jizn-M3JlE-00358-00371376-00372040 yes yes you should do man and uh what about your sister is she interested in joining us 0Jizn-M3JlE-00359-00372040-00372744 betty she'd be scared stick that's pity i feel we could do a lot for her bring her out of herself 0Jizn-M3JlE-00360-00372744-00373360 yes perhaps i could initiate her yes perhaps you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00361-00373360-00375384 could of course symbols high priestess for the moment 0Jizn-M3JlE-00362-00376928-00378184 i look here 0Jizn-M3JlE-00363-00378952-00379584 do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00364-00382408-00383008 maybe you are a witch and don't know it maybe i am makes me a love potion for johnny 0Jizn-M3JlE-00365-00383384-00384088 don't worry he's coming how do you know i haven't called him a view 0Jizn-M3JlE-00366-00384464-00385192 chris you look good with clothes on dude which one you how would you know you you're just so bad 0Jizn-M3JlE-00367-00385192-00386064 for my agency where is it what siblings have lost my way is this your first time down yeah the last 0Jizn-M3JlE-00368-00386064-00386688 if insisted you wouldn't find it don't say that you're like it's about a mile on you turn left 0Jizn-M3JlE-00369-00386688-00387376 down the drive by the cross and it's up in the woods uh-huh thanks see you later 0Jizn-M3JlE-00370-00387376-00387904 yeah promise me you won't go away tonight even if johnny comes and wants to take you 0Jizn-M3JlE-00371-00387904-00388512 back you can be with him all day but just don't go away tonight that's not asking too much is it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00372-00388512-00389528 cause not but why he knew he was coming you promise i need your help i promise 0Jizn-M3JlE-00373-00390440-00390784 did you have any trouble finding the house 0Jizn-M3JlE-00374-00391320-00392184 did you have any problem finding the house yeah you could see that 0Jizn-M3JlE-00375-00392416-00393064 it's a long way from london yes it is we're just smiling 0Jizn-M3JlE-00376-00393064-00393584 nothing come on what's so funny nothing's funny 0Jizn-M3JlE-00377-00393720-00394072 but it's nice to know you came all this way to see me is it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00378-00394384-00394984 if it had been christine i could understand look it's you i've come to see 0Jizn-M3JlE-00379-00396664-00397784 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00380-00398144-00399184 so 0Jizn-M3JlE-00381-00400000-00400584 do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00382-00401896-00402432 come on let's get you stop and let's go i can't so i promise chris 0Jizn-M3JlE-00383-00402600-00403192 why i don't know i just said that i'd stay hold you out of here 0Jizn-M3JlE-00384-00403320-00403904 i don't like this place i don't like these people what do you mean by that well this civil way for 0Jizn-M3JlE-00385-00403904-00404488 a star she's the other way what she fancies birds well it's not me she's interested in 0Jizn-M3JlE-00386-00404488-00404872 it must be chris maybe that's why she wants me to stay you don't have to play nanika christine 0Jizn-M3JlE-00387-00404872-00405352 if she wants me to stay i have to now please don't let's round she's my sister we're not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00388-00405352-00405696 having a rob you're starting to come with me but if you want to stay with christine not 0Jizn-M3JlE-00389-00405696-00406256 that she may need help look she's a big girl she can look after herself she knows what she can do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00390-00406496-00407584 i don't want you mixed up in it 0Jizn-M3JlE-00391-00408608-00409176 look at you coming around you i can't i promise christine 0Jizn-M3JlE-00392-00409504-00409554 betsy 0Jizn-M3JlE-00393-00410264-00410680 hey christine cameras this way just one more 0Jizn-M3JlE-00394-00411120-00411784 well i better go mark this up before i get muddled i won't be long got some good pictures good 0Jizn-M3JlE-00395-00411904-00412272 how much more have you got to do oh only another three or four rolls 0Jizn-M3JlE-00396-00412272-00412600 i'll go down in the woods later okay good idea 0Jizn-M3JlE-00397-00413039-00413664 well then how do you like your first job fine i'm very proud of you my lovely 0Jizn-M3JlE-00398-00413832-00414584 christine peter said to be back in a moment we're not worried about him are we 0Jizn-M3JlE-00399-00414888-00415535 gerald wants to hold another sabbat tonight yes he told me he wants me to initiate betty 0Jizn-M3JlE-00400-00415664-00416456 no you could persuade her easily you're not having betty she's not ready for the coven yet 0Jizn-M3JlE-00401-00416456-00416920 you don't seem to understand christina once you join a coven you must abide by its rules 0Jizn-M3JlE-00402-00417016-00418784 and the first rule is obedience to your high priestess betty will be initiated tonight 0Jizn-M3JlE-00403-00423847-00424384 do 0Jizn-M3JlE-00404-00428272-00428608 sewell 0Jizn-M3JlE-00405-00428608-00428960 what's the matter i'm sorry gerald 0Jizn-M3JlE-00406-00429088-00429760 i don't quite know what happened i suddenly got this terrible pain in my head shall i 0Jizn-M3JlE-00407-00429760-00431384 cancel tonight no i'll be all right but i think i'll go and lie down for a while 0Jizn-M3JlE-00408-00541936-00541986 you 0MbLl58-TEA-00000-00000587-00001361 '백종원의 골목식당'에서 요리 연구가 백종원이 이대 앞 골목 0MbLl58-TEA-00001-00001379-00001998 상권을 살리기 위해 발 벗고 나섰다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00002-00002016-00002845 5일 오후 SBS 예능 프로그램 '백종원의 골목식당'이 첫 방송됐다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00003-00002862-00003625 이날 방송에서 MC 백종원과 김성주, 특별 게스트 김세정은 0MbLl58-TEA-00004-00003643-00004406 이대 앞에 선정된 식당들의 메뉴판과 간판을 먼저 조사했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00005-00004423-00005230 정확하게 메뉴가 드러나는 간판도 있었지만, 어떤 음식을 판매하는지 0MbLl58-TEA-00006-00005248-00005989 감이 잡히지 않아 이를 개선해야 하는 식당들도 있었다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00007-00006006-00006823 백종원은 식당을 개업할 때 간판 이름을 선정하는 노하우를 공개했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00008-00006841-00007604 백종원은 '먼저 판매하는 메뉴와 함께 식당 이름을 적어놓은 0MbLl58-TEA-00009-00007622-00008407 뒤, 음식 맛으로 입소문이 나면 식당 이름만으로 간판을 바꿔도 0MbLl58-TEA-00010-00008424-00008923 좋다'고 말했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00011-00008941-00009748 이후 백종원은 마스크를 쓰고 이대 앞 식당들을 방문했고, 백종원을 0MbLl58-TEA-00012-00009765-00010473 발견한 식당 사장들은 백종원의 팬이라며 기뻐했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00013-00010491-00011287 백종원은 백반집에 들어가 제육볶음, 순두부 찌개 등 추천 요리를 0MbLl58-TEA-00014-00011304-00011759 주문했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00015-00011776-00012638 그러나 백종원은 '음식에서 행주 냄새가 난다'고 거침없이 독설을 날렸다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00016-00012656-00013430 이에 사장은 결국 눈물을 흘렸고, 김성주는 '더 잘 되실 수 0MbLl58-TEA-00017-00013447-00014166 있도록 도와드리는 것이니 걱정 마시라'고 위로했다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00018-00014184-00014958 한편 백종원이 뒤이어 방문한 라멘집에서는 백종원이 지적할만한 0MbLl58-TEA-00019-00014975-00015771 사항이 없을 만큼 깨끗하고 정돈된 주방 상태를 유지하고 있었다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00020-00015788-00016540 백종원은 감탄을 하다가 '한 가지 발견했다'고 소리쳤다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00021-00016557-00017353 백종원은 '8년간 라멘을 연구한 가게에 인스턴트 라면이 나왔다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00022-00017371-00018156 라멘집 사장이 라멘을 안 먹고 인스턴트 라면을 먹고 있었다'고 0MbLl58-TEA-00023-00018173-00018694 폭로해 웃음을 줬다. 0MbLl58-TEA-00024-00018712-00019497 이어 백종원은 이들 식당의 허락을 받아 식당의 메뉴판부터 손님 0MbLl58-TEA-00025-00019514-00020200 응대 방법까지 함께 수정해나갈 계획을 세웠다. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00000-00000229-00000586 Last group of legends I slaughtered looked hopeful too. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00001-00000610-00000748 You already know. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00002-00000852-00001023 I'm gonna kill you today. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00003-00001182-00001354 Reveal your true nature 0p-TgyBN7cu-00004-00001357-00001653 with the Season 4 Assimilation Battle Pass. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00005-00001677-00001958 Featuring a brand new set of legendary items. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00006-00002053-00002303 Watch out, I'm very skilled with this grapple. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00007-00002334-00002455 Sorry, you lost. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00008-00002547-00002990 Immediately unlock the legendary zero point R99 at purchase 0p-TgyBN7cu-00009-00003025-00003256 along with three new Legends Skins. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00010-00003301-00003528 Battle through the remaining 100 levels 0p-TgyBN7cu-00011-00003544-00003727 to earn the rest of the rewards, 0p-TgyBN7cu-00012-00003742-00004059 including legendary items like the perfect soldier Rave, 0p-TgyBN7cu-00013-00004089-00004227 Cyperpunked Wattson 0p-TgyBN7cu-00014-00004262-00004489 and the reactive heavy metal Flatline. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00015-00004599-00004763 Hoping to meet your maker? 0p-TgyBN7cu-00016-00004786-00004944 They don't exist. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00017-00004989-00005354 Season 4 continues to let Legends personalize their experience... 0p-TgyBN7cu-00018-00005469-00005611 with new music packs, 0p-TgyBN7cu-00019-00005689-00005854 loading screens and banners, 0p-TgyBN7cu-00020-00005899-00006080 themed banter for the quip wheel... 0p-TgyBN7cu-00021-00006083-00006217 Don't have your back, huh? 0p-TgyBN7cu-00022-00006220-00006359 I hate when that happens. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00023-00006479-00006682 ...a brand new series of gun charms, 0p-TgyBN7cu-00024-00006723-00007101 and of course a new batch of styled out skydive emotes. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00025-00007116-00007215 Say cheese! 0p-TgyBN7cu-00026-00007275-00007482 Unlock the Battle Pass right now. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00027-00007498-00007925 Or upgrade to the bundle to immediately unlock those first 25 levels 0p-TgyBN7cu-00028-00007937-00008145 and become the perfect soldier. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00029-00008179-00008326 This is where it ends. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00030-00008339-00008686 Embrace your true nature and unleash your Legend. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00031-00008720-00009030 Only with the Apex Legends Season 4 Battle Pass. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00032-00009104-00009376 That's the sweet aroma of fear. 0p-TgyBN7cu-00033-00009500-00010201 (((NO-SYSTEMS))) 0OhTKYNoCMk-00000-00000173-00000536 Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for our webinar today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00001-00000536-00001039 Get to Know GrantStation with Jeremy Smith and Sara Kennedy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00002-00001040-00001600 Before we get started, I just have a few housekeeping items to go over. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00003-00001600-00002166 All the callers will be muted. If you have questions you should see a Q&A chat box 0OhTKYNoCMk-00004-00002166-00002619 on the left hand side of your screen. So feel free to ask questions as we go along, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00005-00002620-00003080 and we will try to address them at the end. If you lose your Internet connection 0OhTKYNoCMk-00006-00003080-00003726 I recommend refreshing your browser, and re-logging in. If you want to watch 0OhTKYNoCMk-00007-00003726-00004136 the webinar after it is over, we will be hosting it on our website, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00008-00004136-00004836 TechSoup.org/community/events-webinars. And you will also receive a link 0OhTKYNoCMk-00009-00004836-00005216 to the recording and presentation also. If you are on social 0OhTKYNoCMk-00010-00005216-00005603 and you want to engage with us on Twitter, feel free to tweet at us @TechSoup, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00011-00005603-00006276 and use hashtag #tswebinars, and we will try to answer questions on there as well. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00012-00006276-00006749 As you may or may not know, we have a promotion going on right now 0OhTKYNoCMk-00013-00006750-00007276 with GrantStation. So the promotion will be running on February 6th, 7th, and 8th. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00014-00007276-00007686 If you are interested in signing up for a notification, you should see a URL 0OhTKYNoCMk-00015-00007686-00008039 at the bottom where you can enter your email. And we will send you a reminder 0OhTKYNoCMk-00016-00008040-00008710 on February 6th to notify you when the promotion goes live. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00017-00008710-00009023 So just a little bit about TechSoup before we get started, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00018-00009023-00009729 so we are in 226 countries and territories. We serve over a million organizations. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00019-00009730-00010150 So you can see here on the map that we are located in many places. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00020-00010150-00010500 We are a little bit curious to know where you guys are calling in from today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00021-00010500-00010960 and this will give you a chance to use the chat box on the left. So if you have a second, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00022-00010960-00011306 just feel free to tell us where you are calling in from today. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00023-00011306-00012096 So we have Chicago, Connecticut. It’s going really fast but I’ll try and read it. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00024-00012096-00012769 Los Angeles, Cupertino, Portland. I think we had someone calling in from Jerusalem. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00025-00012770-00013346 So we are calling in from all over. That’s really good to see. So thanks for sharing that. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00026-00013346-00014116 We also work with a lot of corporations, Adobe, Intuit, Microsoft, Symantec, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00027-00014116-00014676 GrantStation obviously. So these are the corporations that help make our work possible, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00028-00014676-00015156 so here are a list of some of the organizations that we currently partner with. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00029-00015156-00015496 And I’m going to go ahead now and get the presentation started, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00030-00015496-00015856 so I would like to introduce Jeremy Smith who is the Communication 0OhTKYNoCMk-00031-00015856-00016309 and Technology Director at GrantStation, and also Sara Kennedy 0OhTKYNoCMk-00032-00016310-00016683 who is the Director of Online Education. My name is Sima, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00033-00016683-00016939 and I will be on the Q&A along with my colleague LaCheka. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00034-00016940-00017233 So again, if you have questions along the way, we will try and answer them. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00035-00017233-00017616 And there will be a Q&A towards the end also where Sara and Jeremy 0OhTKYNoCMk-00036-00017616-00017916 will be answering some of your questions. So without further ado 0OhTKYNoCMk-00037-00017916-00018313 I’m going to pass it off to Jeremy and Sara. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00038-00018313-00018813 Sara: Thank you so much Sima. Welcome everyone. We are really glad 0OhTKYNoCMk-00039-00018813-00019329 you were able to join us today. It is always our pleasure sharing this information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00040-00019330-00019753 with you. So Jeremy, are you going to take us to the website? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00041-00019753-00020076 Jeremy: I am definitely going to do that, Sara, so give me one moment 0OhTKYNoCMk-00042-00020076-00020669 and I will go ahead and share my desktop. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00043-00020670-00021176 Sara: While Jeremy is setting us up on GrantStation, I want to let you know 0OhTKYNoCMk-00044-00021176-00021589 that during this time we have together today, we want to show you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00045-00021590-00022026 how you can do all your research on GrantStation from identifying the right funders, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00046-00022026-00022419 to building a grant seeking strategy that you and other members 0OhTKYNoCMk-00047-00022420-00023040 in your organization can use in the coming year. And so with that said, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00048-00023040-00023400 I’m going to turn this over to Jeremy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00049-00023400-00023640 Jeremy: Thanks a lot Sara. And just so everyone knows, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00050-00023640-00023976 Sara will be coming back in today’s tour, so we’re not going to miss her too much. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00051-00023976-00024336 And again, I am GrantStation’s Communications and Technology Director. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00052-00024336-00024666 My name is Jeremy Smith. And before we get started with the searches 0OhTKYNoCMk-00053-00024666-00025039 and really showing you everything about GrantStation, I wanted to let you know 0OhTKYNoCMk-00054-00025040-00025606 a little bit about us. Now GrantStation itself is a set of tools and resources 0OhTKYNoCMk-00055-00025606-00026016 to help organizations identify and secure grant dollars. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00056-00026016-00026526 GrantStation is a publishing company, research and writing are our skill sets. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00057-00026526-00026843 And what we really do it is pride ourselves in publishing current 0OhTKYNoCMk-00058-00026843-00027276 and forward-looking information about grantmakers. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00059-00027276-00027649 Now all the grantmaker profiles on GrantStation both government and private, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00060-00027650-00028093 for a lack of a better description what we call “in the game.” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00061-00028093-00028673 Now these are profiles that reflect grantmakers that are actively accepting requests 0OhTKYNoCMk-00062-00028673-00029193 or letters of inquiry from a variety of nonprofits. Now you may have used some other services 0OhTKYNoCMk-00063-00029193-00029783 where you do your research, you get hundreds of returns leaving you with a really long list 0OhTKYNoCMk-00064-00029783-00030193 of potential funders that you have to screen through without really knowing how relevant 0OhTKYNoCMk-00065-00030193-00030593 they are to your specific needs. Now our job at GrantStation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00066-00030593-00031059 is to prescreen grantmakers, so the time you spend researching 0OhTKYNoCMk-00067-00031060-00031483 generates a list of grantmakers that may truly accept your request 0OhTKYNoCMk-00068-00031483-00032046 to fund your organization’s program or project. So really think of us 0OhTKYNoCMk-00069-00032046-00032373 as your back room research team prescreening funders, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00070-00032373-00032943 so we are feeding you the most relevant ones for your program or project. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00071-00032943-00033226 So I’m going to go ahead and log in now so we can go ahead and see 0OhTKYNoCMk-00072-00033226-00033599 what GrantStation looks like once you login. And if you do sign up 0OhTKYNoCMk-00073-00033600-00033926 to GrantStation through the TechSoup promotion, you will have your very own 0OhTKYNoCMk-00074-00033926-00034743 user name and password. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00075-00034743-00035136 And as we are logging in, I also wanted to let you know 0OhTKYNoCMk-00076-00035136-00035463 that I was looking at some of the different names that we had, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00077-00035463-00035979 different places that we had interested in learning more about how they could find funding 0OhTKYNoCMk-00078-00035980-00036586 for their specific area. And it looks as though I’m going to go ahead and show you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00079-00036586-00036976 some of those things here in just a second. I saw that there were some people 0OhTKYNoCMk-00080-00036976-00037386 who were in Oregon, we also had a few people who were located in Michigan 0OhTKYNoCMk-00081-00037386-00037896 I saw, and California popped up as well. And also, I think I even saw 0OhTKYNoCMk-00082-00037896-00038249 Wisconsin in there and even Indiana. So there are quite a few places, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00083-00038250-00038670 and all of these locations actually have listings within our specific database. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00084-00038670-00038983 So after you login to GrantStation – I had to login again 0OhTKYNoCMk-00085-00038983-00039449 because I used the wrong account to login. But now I’m actually logged into GrantStation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00086-00039450-00039860 and this is what you can expect when you do login. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00087-00039860-00040300 So in addition to all of the grant research that we have here on GrantStation, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00088-00040300-00040666 we also have 2 different newsletters that we are known for. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00089-00040666-00041169 We publish them on a regular basis and they both highlight upcoming funding opportunities. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00090-00041170-00041556 You can find them in our Public Resources section here on GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00091-00041556-00041929 The first is the GrantStation Insider which we are pretty well known for. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00092-00041930-00042503 This focuses on 10 distinct opportunities for US nonprofit organizations. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00093-00042503-00042786 But we also have another newsletter which goes out monthly, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00094-00042786-00043139 and that is called the GrantStation International Insider. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00095-00043140-00043466 Now this features 16 International funding opportunities 0OhTKYNoCMk-00096-00043466-00043873 including a number of opportunities for our Canadian neighbors. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00097-00043873-00044273 As I mentioned, all of these, these 2 newsletters and other resources 0OhTKYNoCMk-00098-00044273-00044733 are located under our Public Resources section here on our website. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00099-00044733-00045033 You will also find links to Trend Track, Pathfinder, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00100-00045033-00045319 and even our Online Education section here as well. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00101-00045320-00045600 And we will come back to these areas a little bit later in the tour 0OhTKYNoCMk-00102-00045600-00045936 and explore them and see how they can help you out. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00103-00045936-00046463 So if I click on our main logo here, that takes us back to the main page of the website. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00104-00046463-00047243 I want to go ahead and tell you about our key features here at GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00105-00047243-00047736 So we have about 3 main areas here. We have Find Grantmakers, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00106-00047736-00048336 Write Proposals, and Build Strategy. And when you click on Find Grantmakers, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00107-00048336-00048699 it will open you up to our search section where all of our different databases 0OhTKYNoCMk-00108-00048700-00049226 are located. When you click on Build Strategy, this will access tools 0OhTKYNoCMk-00109-00049226-00049523 that will help you build a solid grant seeking strategy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00110-00049523-00049933 And if you click on Write Proposals, you will find step-by-step tutorials 0OhTKYNoCMk-00111-00049933-00050263 that you can use to write compelling grant proposals. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00112-00050263-00050593 Now if you scroll down the main page here on GrantStation, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00113-00050593-00051056 I’m going to take us to our Funding Alert section. These are alerts 0OhTKYNoCMk-00114-00051056-00051429 that change weekly and as with all our different announcements here 0OhTKYNoCMk-00115-00051429-00051779 at GrantStation, this information is really carefully curated 0OhTKYNoCMk-00116-00051779-00052313 providing you with the most current information about specific grant opportunities. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00117-00052313-00052663 So taking a look at one of our most recent ones we added here, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00118-00052663-00052963 it is a national funding alert from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00119-00052963-00053193 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Culture of Health Leaders. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00120-00053193-00053593 I’ll go ahead and click on that and I’ll show you what an actual profile looks like. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00121-00053593-00054039 Now all the profiles here on GrantStation are written in a narrative format. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00122-00054040-00054406 This allows us to provide you with detailed information about the grantmakers 0OhTKYNoCMk-00123-00054406-00054833 and their specific programs. So here on the left hand side 0OhTKYNoCMk-00124-00054833-00055216 is a grantmaker’s profile. This includes specific areas of interest 0OhTKYNoCMk-00125-00055216-00055516 and any other kind of specific kind of application procedures. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00126-00055516-00055803 On the right hand side you will find the following information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00127-00055803-00056119 about the grantmaker which includes where you can visit their website, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00128-00056120-00056593 you can email their profiles to yourself, any social media links we may have, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00129-00056593-00057083 a geographical scope, direct contact information, who their primary contact is, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00130-00057083-00057453 any other specific application information. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00131-00057453-00057849 And then at the very bottom a little date here for when this particular profile 0OhTKYNoCMk-00132-00057850-00058310 was last updated. Now what is important to note is we create 0OhTKYNoCMk-00133-00058310-00058703 and update these records, and we are constantly going through and modifying, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00134-00058703-00059106 removing, and adding records to our database. We gather up as much information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00135-00059106-00059519 as we can from the web, from their IRS 990 form, and from other sources, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00136-00059520-00059979 then we draft a profile made by our researchers which we send directly 0OhTKYNoCMk-00137-00059979-00060420 to the grantmaker for their review. So the question we asked the grantmaker 0OhTKYNoCMk-00138-00060420-00060753 when they review the record is not just, is this information correct, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00139-00060753-00061206 but also, are we capturing not only what they will fund now, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00140-00061206-00061543 but what they plan to fund in the next year. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00141-00061543-00061869 And we do this because although it’s really interesting to know 0OhTKYNoCMk-00142-00061870-00062296 what they’ve funded in the past, it’s much, much more helpful to know 0OhTKYNoCMk-00143-00062296-00062649 what they will fund today, tomorrow, and into the future. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00144-00062650-00063200 In short, the real question is, will they consider funding your organization right now. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00145-00063200-00063573 So the grantmaker reviews this profile. They often make changes, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00146-00063573-00064079 then they send it back to us. We do a final edit, and then we publish it 0OhTKYNoCMk-00147-00064079-00064410 in our database. So this process results in grantmaker profiles 0OhTKYNoCMk-00148-00064410-00064713 that are unlike anything else you read about on the web, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00149-00064713-00065056 not even on their own website. Our researchers are really focused 0OhTKYNoCMk-00150-00065056-00065383 on publishing quality information that will make your job easier, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00151-00065383-00065859 hence the idea of thinking of GrantStation as your backroom research team. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00152-00065860-00066113 So I’m going to go back to our main site again. The way to do that 0OhTKYNoCMk-00153-00066113-00066406 is simply clicking on the big logo at the top. I want to show you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00154-00066406-00066803 our Online Education section, and this is one of Sara’s expertise. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00155-00066803-00067259 So I’m going to have Sara talk a little bit about online education at GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00156-00067260-00067673 Sara: Thanks Jeremy. Well, I want to let folks know that our webinars 0OhTKYNoCMk-00157-00067673-00068143 are open to the public as well as members, so you don’t need to be a member 0OhTKYNoCMk-00158-00068143-00068609 of GrantStation to take any of the webinars. You can take them individually, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00159-00068610-00068903 or you can take them as a group. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00160-00068903-00069659 Oh, Jeremy, go back up. Go back up a little bit where is says FREE: 0OhTKYNoCMk-00161-00069660-00069983 Tell Your Story with Data. This is a free webinar. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00162-00069983-00070463 We have free webinars from time to time. That will be held on February 15th. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00163-00070463-00070953 This is a sneak preview at a number of webinars that are coming up 0OhTKYNoCMk-00164-00070953-00071496 over the next couple of months on how to use data visualization 0OhTKYNoCMk-00165-00071496-00072026 to tell your story, analyzing and crunching your organization’s numbers, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00166-00072026-00072679 then finding the right graphs and charts and dashboards to tell your story. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00167-00072680-00073033 So you can join us for that free one for sure if you are interested 0OhTKYNoCMk-00168-00073033-00073543 in learning about data visualization. But these webinars change all the time, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00169-00073543-00073903 so you can come back and check that menu from time to time 0OhTKYNoCMk-00170-00073903-00074416 to see if there is anything there that will be of interest to you. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00171-00074416-00074803 Jeremy: Now, I wanted to go back into some of our specific areas 0OhTKYNoCMk-00172-00074803-00075229 before we get into our specific searches. And I want to talk about building strategy 0OhTKYNoCMk-00173-00075230-00075573 a little bit, because we are going to revisit this later on. We have an interactive tool 0OhTKYNoCMk-00174-00075573-00076036 in here called Grants2020. This can really provide you with a clear picture 0OhTKYNoCMk-00175-00076036-00076353 of where your organization’s grant program is today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00176-00076353-00076689 and more importantly, how it needs to grow in the next several years. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00177-00076690-00077026 You simply need a copy of your budget, and any potential grants you may be receiving. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00178-00077026-00077413 You enter the numbers and it spits out a visual representation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00179-00077413-00077769 of where your funding is coming from. You can print that out and share it 0OhTKYNoCMk-00180-00077770-00078060 with your board. It’s a really excellent tool that you can learn more about 0OhTKYNoCMk-00181-00078060-00078380 by looking at Grants2020 once you login to GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00182-00078380-00078896 Now in addition, we have 2 specific former webinars that have become tutorials 0OhTKYNoCMk-00183-00078896-00079356 called Grant Seeking Calendar, and Creating Time. And they really focus on 0OhTKYNoCMk-00184-00079356-00079593 how to design and develop grant seeking strategies. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00185-00079593-00079916 And they work hand-in-hand when you are creating a strategy 0OhTKYNoCMk-00186-00079916-00080309 that works for you and your organization. We will come back a little bit later 0OhTKYNoCMk-00187-00080310-00080690 in the tour to the Grant Seeking Calendar actually. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00188-00080690-00081020 Now also under Write Proposals, this is where you can find those tools 0OhTKYNoCMk-00189-00081020-00081460 to help you write and submit compelling letters of inquiry or even full grant proposals. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00190-00081460-00081756 For instance, we have getting started which I will click on right here. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00191-00081756-00082099 This outlines all the documentation you should have right at your fingertips 0OhTKYNoCMk-00192-00082100-00082620 before you begin writing grant requests. We also have a really nice tutorial 0OhTKYNoCMk-00193-00082620-00083036 on how to write a letter of inquiry. This is really helpful when you are trying to consider 0OhTKYNoCMk-00194-00083036-00083423 what should and should not be included when you are putting together an LOI. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00195-00083423-00083759 We also have a full grant proposal. I’m going to go ahead and click on that right here. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00196-00083760-00084260 It is a step-by-step approach to writing a grant which also includes 0OhTKYNoCMk-00197-00084260-00084573 downloadable samples of award-winning grant proposals. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00198-00084573-00085086 You can actually find them right here under Write Proposals > Award-Winning Proposals. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00199-00085086-00085473 And we even have another section here called Editing & Revision 0OhTKYNoCMk-00200-00085473-00085919 which is what you should do when you need to edit and revise your particular grant proposal. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00201-00085920-00086223 Now I want to click on the Award-Winning Proposals here for a second. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00202-00086223-00086713 It is important that you don’t underestimate the value of reviewing 0OhTKYNoCMk-00203-00086713-00087166 these award-winning grant proposals. You will get tons of ideas 0OhTKYNoCMk-00204-00087166-00087556 on how to present your own case for support by just reviewing these 0OhTKYNoCMk-00205-00087556-00088053 truly well-developed examples. Just a side note, each year GrantStation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00206-00088053-00088316 runs a contest for the best written grant proposals. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00207-00088316-00088739 The contestants are judged by a panel organized by the Grant Professionals Association. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00208-00088740-00089376 And the award winners are what you see right here, and stored on GrantStation.com. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00209-00089376-00089796 So at this point I think we should conduct a few really thorough searches 0OhTKYNoCMk-00210-00089796-00090206 to show how useful our site is when you are doing your grant research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00211-00090206-00090586 So the first question that you have to ask yourself is how do you go about 0OhTKYNoCMk-00212-00090586-00090786 identifying the best grantmakers to approach, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00213-00090786-00091143 or even creating a basic grant seeking strategy for that matter. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00214-00091143-00091476 So first, here’s a couple scenarios that Sara and I came up with for today. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00215-00091476-00091816 The first is that we are seeking funding for animal welfare 0OhTKYNoCMk-00216-00091816-00092409 in the State of Minnesota. And we also want to start, our 2nd scenario, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00217-00092410-00092790 an afterschool program that deals with obesity in youth. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00218-00092790-00093076 So we recommend that you always begin your searches, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00219-00093076-00093443 no matter where you are doing your research by doing 2 types of research, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00220-00093443-00093843 primary and secondary research. We will explain what each of them is 0OhTKYNoCMk-00221-00093843-00094213 and how to do them. Now once you gone through both of those research steps, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00222-00094213-00094653 you will really have that foundation for your grant seeking strategy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00223-00094653-00095019 Now prior to starting any searches, we recommend you go 0OhTKYNoCMk-00224-00095020-00095393 and click on Find Grantmakers, and then take a look at our Preparation section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00225-00095393-00095816 In this area will you will find a Project Description Work Sheet 0OhTKYNoCMk-00226-00095816-00096209 as well as our Search Terms. Now the project description work sheet 0OhTKYNoCMk-00227-00096210-00096603 will really help you organize your approach, flesh out your budget, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00228-00096603-00097003 and serve as a solid foundation for your grant seeking strategy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00229-00097003-00097419 This is a downloadable Word document that you can save any pertinent information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00230-00097420-00097796 that is related to your search and then be handed off to other members 0OhTKYNoCMk-00231-00097796-00098226 of your team for further research, or stored and referenced at a later date. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00232-00098226-00098683 Again, this is something you can download. It doesn’t take too long 0OhTKYNoCMk-00233-00098683-00099043 to figure out, but it really becomes that first step in primary research 0OhTKYNoCMk-00234-00099043-00099376 which is really the research phase. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00235-00099376-00099633 Now the secondary we area we recommend you take a look at 0OhTKYNoCMk-00236-00099633-00100093 it is our Search Terms section. Now this is the key terminology that is used 0OhTKYNoCMk-00237-00100093-00100529 on our website, and it serves as a great guide when doing your key word research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00238-00100530-00100953 What is important to note is what you sometimes call something 0OhTKYNoCMk-00239-00100953-00101339 is not the same thing the grantmaker calls it. So you could be looking 0OhTKYNoCMk-00240-00101340-00101713 for one specific search term, and you are finding nothing 0OhTKYNoCMk-00241-00101713-00102053 and you don’t know why your particular area isn’t being funded. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00242-00102053-00102436 It might be just as simple as using the right terminology, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00243-00102436-00102683 because sometimes someone will call it one thing 0OhTKYNoCMk-00244-00102683-00102979 when the grantmaker calls it something else. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00245-00102980-00103413 Now to use this section currently, you hit control + f, or command + f on your keyboard. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00246-00103413-00103683 At the very bottom of your screen or based on your browser 0OhTKYNoCMk-00247-00103683-00104069 it will pop up a little search box right here. In the search box 0OhTKYNoCMk-00248-00104070-00104430 you will enter in a key word which will let you know what category you have 0OhTKYNoCMk-00249-00104430-00104876 to search through. So it will basically take your key word and translate it 0OhTKYNoCMk-00250-00104876-00105186 into the same thing that the grantmaker calls it. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00251-00105186-00105563 So in our situation, using our example of animal welfare, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00252-00105563-00105916 we will go ahead and type in animal welfare. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00253-00105916-00106223 As you can see it jumps to that instance of Animal Welfare. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00254-00106223-00106533 But Animal Welfare, according to all of our research, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00255-00106533-00106909 also includes animal shelter programs. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00256-00106909-00107333 It includes humane societies, no kill philosophy programs, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00257-00107333-00107733 and even veterinary programs too. So all of those are included 0OhTKYNoCMk-00258-00107733-00108199 under Animal Welfare. So since animal welfare is what we want to do, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00259-00108200-00108563 we will make a note of animal welfare which is located under the main area 0OhTKYNoCMk-00260-00108563-00109026 of Environment & Animals. We make a note of this on our project description work sheet, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00261-00109026-00109329 then we can go on to doing specific searches. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00262-00109330-00109730 So I’m going to go ahead and click back to the top. It takes us back to the top of the webpage. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00263-00109730-00110106 I’m going to go ahead and begin our grant search which is also known 0OhTKYNoCMk-00264-00110106-00110566 as primary research, by moving into our US State Government section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00265-00110566-00110803 So if I go ahead and click on Search right here – 0OhTKYNoCMk-00266-00110803-00111049 and there are lots of different ways to navigate GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00267-00111050-00111403 So if you get confused you can always come back and watch the video again 0OhTKYNoCMk-00268-00111403-00111796 and learn about how you can access things. But note that you can always click 0OhTKYNoCMk-00269-00111796-00112196 on Search or click on Find Grantmakers to locate all of our databases. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00270-00112196-00112539 So as I said, we are going to go ahead and start with our State Government section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00271-00112540-00112866 I’m going to click on that right here, and we are going to choose 0OhTKYNoCMk-00272-00112866-00113676 our specific state for our search. And in this case is going to be Minnesota. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00273-00113676-00114363 Now GrantStation itself offers listings of US Federal and State Funded Agencies, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00274-00114363-00114786 State-Funded Agencies and State Departments for each of the 50 states 0OhTKYNoCMk-00275-00114786-00115309 and the District of Columbia, that offer financial and technical assistance programs. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00276-00115309-00115733 All of these links that you see right here will take you directly to that agency 0OhTKYNoCMk-00277-00115733-00116206 or departments’ pages which deal specifically with grants or funding, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00278-00116206-00116463 and that’s what you can find in the state section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00279-00116463-00116806 For the next step in our primary research, we can take a look at what is offered 0OhTKYNoCMk-00280-00116806-00117116 by the US Government. That is in our US Federal section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00281-00117116-00117673 And to access that we can simply click on Find Grantmakers 0OhTKYNoCMk-00282-00117673-00118056 and then we can go ahead and click on US Federal. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00283-00118056-00118833 And then from here we can go ahead and Search Federal Grants & Loans. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00284-00118833-00119299 Now this particular area acts as a front end to grants.gov, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00285-00119300-00119683 so all the information you can find at grants.gov is being filtered 0OhTKYNoCMk-00286-00119683-00120063 through this in a much easier to use and tighter interface. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00287-00120063-00120736 You can search through this by looking at Eligible Applicants, Funding Agencies, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00288-00120736-00121133 Areas of Interest, Funding Opportunities, and even using CFDA numbers, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00289-00121133-00121426 along with using specific key words for research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00290-00121426-00121703 So you can go ahead and start by changing your eligible applicants 0OhTKYNoCMk-00291-00121703-00122383 to let’s say, nonprofits with the 501(c)(3) status. We can choose specific agencies 0OhTKYNoCMk-00292-00122383-00122829 from the drop-down list, or we could even choose a specific area of interest. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00293-00122830-00123266 And again, these areas of interest are based on those earlier ones we were looking at 0OhTKYNoCMk-00294-00123266-00123653 when we were doing our search terms. And then we can add in specific key words. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00295-00123653-00124193 So we will go ahead and type in “animal welfare” here as an example. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00296-00124193-00124659 And once we type in our key word we click on Submit. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00297-00124659-00124926 Then we can see that we have nothing that really showed up. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00298-00124926-00125503 And that’s okay because this particular information is really important to collect, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00299-00125503-00125846 because when you apply to private funders, you can say 0OhTKYNoCMk-00300-00125846-00126093 that you have done your federal and state research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00301-00126093-00126343 And in case, in this example, we didn’t find anything 0OhTKYNoCMk-00302-00126343-00126643 that worked for our specific need. We can specifically say, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00303-00126643-00127219 “At this time there are no federal programs that can help us with our need.” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00304-00127220-00127513 That way the private funder knows that you’ve done your homework 0OhTKYNoCMk-00305-00127513-00127823 which speaks to your credibility as an organization, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00306-00127823-00128203 and that private funding is the only option right now. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00307-00128203-00128509 And this does happen. You won’t always find federal funding, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00308-00128509-00128776 and you won’t always find state based funding. And 0OhTKYNoCMk-00309-00128776-00129229 occasionally you may find things. That’s why it’s important to look just to 0OhTKYNoCMk-00310-00129230-00129659 see what’s available. And just as an example to show you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00311-00129659-00130030 what it would look like, we will go ahead and click on this opportunity right here 0OhTKYNoCMk-00312-00130030-00130390 from the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Scott River Water Trust. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00313-00130390-00130833 What you receive is a breakdown of everything available on grants.gov 0OhTKYNoCMk-00314-00130833-00131259 including the contact, when it was posted, a description of it, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00315-00131260-00131570 then a link to get more details, and apply for it specifically 0OhTKYNoCMk-00316-00131570-00131976 through grants.gov. All of this is available on GrantStation, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00317-00131976-00132436 so it really gives you sort of a one-stop shop for doing all of your grant research needs 0OhTKYNoCMk-00318-00132436-00132796 on a federal and state level. That is something that really separates us 0OhTKYNoCMk-00319-00132796-00133099 from our competition out there as well. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00320-00133100-00133510 So once you complete your federal research which we will say we just did, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00321-00133510-00133960 we can move on to the US Charitable Database which we will go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00322-00133960-00134293 and click on from our search section. We will click on US Charitable. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00323-00134293-00135013 Now the US Charitable database is where you will find thousands of funder profiles, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00324-00135013-00135449 including independent, family, community, and corporate foundations, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00325-00135450-00135986 corporate giving programs, faith-based grantmakers, and basically any associations 0OhTKYNoCMk-00326-00135986-00136243 we have listed with grantmaking programs. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00327-00136243-00136529 Now all these profiles are searchable by geographic scope. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00328-00136530-00137143 They are also searchable by areas of interest, type of support, name, and by key words. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00329-00137143-00137546 So here in the content area on the left-hand side which is right over here, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00330-00137546-00137993 this is where you will find a guide to help you through the research process. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00331-00137993-00138409 On the right hand side is a navigation area where you can enter in 0OhTKYNoCMk-00332-00138410-00138916 your specific criteria. So here in geographic scope, we can choose to search 0OhTKYNoCMk-00333-00138916-00139443 for Global Grantmakers giving to US organizations, or for now let’s go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00334-00139443-00139839 and choose National Grantmakers, and then choose a specific state. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00335-00139840-00140363 So as we go ahead and click the boxes, you will see our results automatically update. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00336-00140363-00140823 I’m going to add a specific state. And again, our focus was going to be on Minnesota 0OhTKYNoCMk-00337-00140823-00141409 so I will go ahead and click on that one right now. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00338-00141410-00141900 Then as this updates, you’ll notice how each criteria that’s listed at the top 0OhTKYNoCMk-00339-00141900-00142376 as we make our selection, and each new selection the results are instantly displayed 0OhTKYNoCMk-00340-00142376-00142843 over here on the left-hand side. We also want to point out that you can click on 0OhTKYNoCMk-00341-00142843-00143393 and off of each option, so you can be more creative and thoughtful in your searches. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00342-00143393-00143866 Now as each new criteria is added or subtracted it will broaden 0OhTKYNoCMk-00343-00143866-00144246 or narrow the funding opportunities being displayed. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00344-00144246-00144813 So this initial process of choosing our geographic scope allows us to cast our net 0OhTKYNoCMk-00345-00144813-00145293 as wide as possible combining national opportunities with state 0OhTKYNoCMk-00346-00145293-00145843 or region based ones to really see just how broad our grant universe is. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00347-00145843-00146299 Now once we start selecting other criteria, our results will begin to narrow, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00348-00146300-00146696 the funding opportunities that are perfect fit for our needs. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00349-00146696-00147023 And with that, we are now ready to select our first area of interest. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00350-00147023-00147479 Based on our research we know that if we go down here to Area of Interest 0OhTKYNoCMk-00351-00147480-00148016 and looking at our project description worksheet, we will click 0OhTKYNoCMk-00352-00148016-00148516 on Environment & Animals, and then we will go ahead and click on Animal Welfare. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00353-00148516-00148823 And just in case we are not sure what each of these areas qualifies for, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00354-00148823-00149193 we can simply click on the little “i” next to the name, and it will give us a breakdown 0OhTKYNoCMk-00355-00149193-00149653 of what topics are included in that section. So you don’t even really have to go 0OhTKYNoCMk-00356-00149653-00150069 into the search terms area, but it is just really handy and lets you organize yourself 0OhTKYNoCMk-00357-00150070-00150356 as you move forward. But you are welcome to come in here 0OhTKYNoCMk-00358-00150356-00150649 and just start clicking on boxes left and right as well. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00359-00150650-00150933 But if you have a more thoughtful search, you’ll get better results 0OhTKYNoCMk-00360-00150933-00151319 in a much shorter amount of time. So we’ll go ahead and click on Animal Welfare 0OhTKYNoCMk-00361-00151320-00151806 at this point, and once we click that we see our results have updated 0OhTKYNoCMk-00362-00151806-00152309 to 63 specific results. We’re going to go ahead and add another criteria at this point. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00363-00152310-00152636 We are going to go down to a specific type of support for our need. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00364-00152636-00152999 And right here under Type of Support, we are going to go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00365-00153000-00153696 and click on General Support. Now in this section you can also find links 0OhTKYNoCMk-00366-00153696-00154196 for Emergency Funds, Equipment, Capital, or Building Funds, Challenge Grants, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00367-00154196-00154813 Infrastructure, Internships, In-Kind Gifts. You can really narrow everything down 0OhTKYNoCMk-00368-00154813-00155119 to the specific type of support you’re looking for. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00369-00155120-00155453 So we will go ahead and click on General Operating Support at this point 0OhTKYNoCMk-00370-00155453-00155903 and see what our results are. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00371-00155903-00156286 So now we are looking at 28 specific results. And if we take a look 0OhTKYNoCMk-00372-00156286-00156676 at our specific search criteria, we are searching with the US and Minnesota. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00373-00156676-00157046 Our specific area of interest is animal welfare, and our type of support 0OhTKYNoCMk-00374-00157046-00157469 is general operating support. If I want to narrow this a little bit more, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00375-00157470-00157720 we can go ahead and remove the national portion 0OhTKYNoCMk-00376-00157720-00157970 from the geographic search area. We’ll go ahead and click 0OhTKYNoCMk-00377-00157970-00158386 that minus button right there. This will focus on those funders 0OhTKYNoCMk-00378-00158386-00158766 who specifically give in Minnesota. I recommend that route 0OhTKYNoCMk-00379-00158766-00159023 just to get the strongest potential funders upfront. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00380-00159023-00159356 So now we have narrowed this down to 8 specific results. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00381-00159356-00159759 Now I also want to point out right here toward the bottom of the page, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00382-00159760-00160190 we also have the key word search. This is a really powerful way 0OhTKYNoCMk-00383-00160190-00160526 to narrow your searches. But I really suggest you exercise caution 0OhTKYNoCMk-00384-00160526-00160926 using this area, so you don’t narrow your searches down too much. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00385-00160926-00161389 Remember, the key words you enter are not necessarily the words the funder uses. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00386-00161390-00161850 For example, if you add “rescue” to the criteria which we will go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00387-00161850-00162436 and type that in right now, and then click on Submit. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00388-00162436-00162816 We’ve narrowed ourselves out of any results at all completely. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00389-00162816-00163333 So this is a really good possibility of actually losing and missing out 0OhTKYNoCMk-00390-00163333-00163629 on possible funding opportunities by using those specific key words 0OhTKYNoCMk-00391-00163630-00164040 that don’t match what the funders name it. So lets go ahead and remove that 0OhTKYNoCMk-00392-00164040-00164290 from our search options here. Again, we just click the minus sign 0OhTKYNoCMk-00393-00164290-00164903 next to the name under Keyword and now we are back to 8 specific results 0OhTKYNoCMk-00394-00164903-00165196 that we can go through. I also want to point out that when you have lots 0OhTKYNoCMk-00395-00165196-00165506 of results, you can also show multiple items per page. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00396-00165506-00165929 You can show 10 per page, 20, 50, or even 100 per page if you want. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00397-00165930-00166373 And then looking at the actual results that pull up, you have the name of the grantmaker 0OhTKYNoCMk-00398-00166373-00166749 followed by their specific geographic scope. And then if they have a 0OhTKYNoCMk-00399-00166750-00167136 specific geographic focus as well, this allows you to go quickly go through 0OhTKYNoCMk-00400-00167136-00167409 and see if something works within your specific area. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00401-00167410-00167823 So let’s say the Kopp Family Foundation which gives specifically 0OhTKYNoCMk-00402-00167823-00168189 within Minnesota which is great, but their emphasis is on the Twin Cities area. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00403-00168190-00168450 Well, I’m not in the Twin Cities area, so I may want to go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00404-00168450-00168730 and look at something else and come back to this one a little later on. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00405-00168730-00169053 It gives you a way to quickly categorize and know what will work 0OhTKYNoCMk-00406-00169053-00169523 for you, saving you time as you are doing your grant research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00407-00169523-00169893 Now if your organization is also working in a few states, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00408-00169893-00170289 you have the option of selecting another state to broaden your search 0OhTKYNoCMk-00409-00170290-00170816 at any point as you are doing your research. So let’s say this animal welfare organization 0OhTKYNoCMk-00410-00170816-00171269 is working in a tri-state area, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00411-00171270-00171660 We can go ahead and add those states and pull up additional funders. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00412-00171660-00172036 Now, just as a quick note, we currently have 8 results right here at the top 0OhTKYNoCMk-00413-00172036-00172419 of the page. So let’s add those extra states here. So I’m going to go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00414-00172420-00173030 and scroll down and I will start by adding Wisconsin. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00415-00173030-00173766 So now we are up to 11 specific results. And now lets go ahead and add Iowa. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00416-00173766-00174423 So we’ll scroll down again and click on Iowa. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00417-00174423-00174953 So we’ve gone from 8 results to 10 results and now to 14 specific results. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00418-00174953-00175419 So I hope you see as we add more and a broader geographic scope 0OhTKYNoCMk-00419-00175420-00175840 more options in that area, we get more results. If we add in specific areas 0OhTKYNoCMk-00420-00175840-00176406 of interest and types of support we can narrow our results down to our specific need. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00421-00176406-00176799 Now you are also going to want to do searches and look for funders 0OhTKYNoCMk-00422-00176800-00177240 who might be a bit outside the box. For example, in Minnesota 0OhTKYNoCMk-00423-00177240-00177563 you might want to research some vendors, such as whomever you bank with, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00424-00177563-00177983 or the local or regional utility company. So at this point though, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00425-00177983-00178296 let’s turn to our 2nd search because we do have limited time today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00426-00178296-00179036 and that’s the afterschool program that actually educates children regarding obesity. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00427-00179036-00179363 So we are going to go ahead and start by clearing out everything, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00428-00179363-00179636 so that’s going to remove all of our search criteria. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00429-00179636-00179996 And a question may have come up, I just want to go ahead and address that right now, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00430-00179996-00180426 people have said, how do I save my searches? What’s important to note 0OhTKYNoCMk-00431-00180426-00180773 is as I mentioned earlier, we are constantly going in and modifying 0OhTKYNoCMk-00432-00180773-00181263 and changing our specific results available. One day you may have 20 results, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00433-00181263-00181729 the next day you may have 25 results. What is the most important thing to save 0OhTKYNoCMk-00434-00181730-00182143 actually is your search criteria. And if you copy your search criteria 0OhTKYNoCMk-00435-00182143-00182419 and put that on your project description worksheet, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00436-00182420-00182966 you will always be able to come back and see what was the best fit for that search 0OhTKYNoCMk-00437-00182966-00183389 that you were looking for. Then you can always email a specific profile to yourself 0OhTKYNoCMk-00438-00183390-00183840 if you find that grantmakers that’s a perfect fit for your specific need that day. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00439-00183840-00184096 So you have 2 different ways to move about this. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00440-00184096-00184399 But I strongly encourage you to save your search criteria, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00441-00184400-00184746 and then revisit that right up to the point you are ready to apply, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00442-00184746-00185319 because new and different funders will pop in there on a regular basis. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00443-00185320-00185820 So we are going to go ahead and start on this search with a national search, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00444-00185820-00186163 so we will click on “National grantmakers who give across all states.” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00445-00186163-00186499 And then we can broaden our search as much as possible 0OhTKYNoCMk-00446-00186500-00187236 by choosing a specific state, so let’s just go ahead and grab New York at this point. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00447-00187236-00187683 So looking at my key word research that I did earlier today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00448-00187683-00188103 I noted that I had two good options in the health and wellness category. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00449-00188103-00188689 So I go down to the Areas of Interests, and then I go into specifically Health and Wellness. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00450-00188690-00188990 I want to go ahead and click on two specific areas. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00451-00188990-00189503 The first is Healthy Eating and Nutrition, and the other is HealthyLifestyles 0OhTKYNoCMk-00452-00189503-00189946 And Obesity Prevention. So starting with Healthy Lifestyles and Obesity Prevention, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00453-00189946-00190233 I’ll go ahead and click on that particular box right here. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00454-00190233-00190746 So now we are looking at 51 results. I’ll go ahead and add another search term 0OhTKYNoCMk-00455-00190746-00191103 and that is the one right next to it, Healthy Eating and Nutrition. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00456-00191103-00191413 And you can check and add as many boxes as you like, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00457-00191413-00191943 but I hope you see it does narrow your results down. So if you narrow yourself out of results, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00458-00191943-00192243 you will want to take a step back, may be remove a search term, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00459-00192243-00192836 and see what is available before you really drill down into one or two specific results 0OhTKYNoCMk-00460-00192836-00193373 for your specific need. So at this point we are going to add a new area 0OhTKYNoCMk-00461-00193373-00193863 and that’s actually right below Areas of Interest. It is our Targeted Population section. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00462-00193863-00194399 This allows us to take a specific targeted population and include that into our search. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00463-00194400-00194896 So we could focus on Alaskan natives, or immigrants and refugees, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00464-00194896-00195413 potentially minorities, seniors and the aging, or veterans, or in this case, children 0OhTKYNoCMk-00465-00195413-00195799 and youth. And that’s our focus for this particular search. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00466-00195800-00196223 So now we are looking at 18 specific results. Again, we can go ahead narrow this down 0OhTKYNoCMk-00467-00196223-00196669 by searching only within one state, so remove USA from our geographic scope, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00468-00196670-00197286 and now we are looking at 11 specific results. We can display them all on one page 0OhTKYNoCMk-00469-00197286-00197826 at once by changing our items per page to 20. Then we can quickly go down this list 0OhTKYNoCMk-00470-00197826-00198186 and see what works for us. And we can see right off the bat, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00471-00198186-00198576 if our community doesn’t have an Aldi’s store, then we don’t want to go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00472-00198576-00198959 and take a look at the Aldi’s Smart Kids Program. If we don’t have an Anthem Foundation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00473-00198960-00199263 in our specific area, we probably don’t want to look at that one either. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00474-00199263-00199576 If we don’t have a Cathay Bank Foundation in our specific area, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00475-00199576-00199909 we probably don’t want to look at this one either. So we have already quickly 0OhTKYNoCMk-00476-00199910-00200230 narrowed ourselves out of 3 specific grants that wouldn’t work for us, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00477-00200230-00200773 just based on the information available on this quick results page. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00478-00200773-00201189 So this is really an excellent number that we can go through and really see 0OhTKYNoCMk-00479-00201190-00201556 if the profiles are a match to our specific mission or project. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00480-00201556-00202013 And again, you can start your searches in any order and add or subtract criteria 0OhTKYNoCMk-00481-00202013-00202519 to refine your search results. Now in addition to these US-based grantmaker listings, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00482-00202520-00202833 we also have 3 other unique areas to search through. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00483-00202833-00203126 We have our International and Canadian Charitable Databases, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00484-00203126-00203516 along with our Canadian Government section. So I’ll go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00485-00203516-00203753 and click on our International Charitable at this point. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00486-00203753-00204009 This includes grant listings that are beneficial to organizations 0OhTKYNoCMk-00487-00204010-00204340 that are working outside the US or based outside the US. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00488-00204340-00204806 So lets go ahead, and I saw earlier that we do have someone who is joining us today 0OhTKYNoCMk-00489-00204806-00205179 from Jerusalem. So we will go ahead and start by choosing our geographic scope. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00490-00205180-00205803 In this case it is Global Grantmakers. And we will go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00491-00205803-00206346 and choose “Continental grantmaker” in this case, and we will focus on Asia 0OhTKYNoCMk-00492-00206346-00206943 to begin with. And then from there we can drill down to a specific national grantmakers. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00493-00206943-00207353 It gives a specific country, and in this case we are going to choose Israel. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00494-00207353-00208133 And then we can narrow this even further by adding in a specific key word, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00495-00208133-00208739 or even choosing funders that only give within a specific national location. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00496-00208740-00209230 So say we are focusing on health is our big focus, so we will enter in our key word 0OhTKYNoCMk-00497-00209230-00209803 of health here and click Submit. We can see our results are down to 206 results. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00498-00209803-00210286 We can further narrow this down by sort of removing our geographic scope 0OhTKYNoCMk-00499-00210286-00210806 and focusing only on let’s say, Israel is our big focus, and see our result 0OhTKYNoCMk-00500-00210806-00211173 start dropping down. So we can quickly narrow it down to our specific need 0OhTKYNoCMk-00501-00211173-00211479 based on that matchable key word. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00502-00211480-00211790 Now also, our Canadian base which I’m going to show you now, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00503-00211790-00212346 has profiles of grantmakers that provide support within Canada 0OhTKYNoCMk-00504-00212346-00212759 and also provide support globally as well. So lets go ahead and start off 0OhTKYNoCMk-00505-00212760-00213350 with “National Grantmakers who give across all provinces.” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00506-00213350-00213600 So we will see everything we have available there. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00507-00213600-00213880 Then we can narrow this down to “Provincial grantmakers 0OhTKYNoCMk-00508-00213880-00214216 who give in specific regions.” Let’s say we are focusing on British Columbia 0OhTKYNoCMk-00509-00214216-00215073 for this search. And then we can go one step further by adding a specific area of interest. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00510-00215073-00215436 Let’s say we are focusing on health again, so from our drop-down menu 0OhTKYNoCMk-00511-00215436-00215786 we will click on Health/Wellness General. Just a quick note, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00512-00215786-00216199 every single one of our main categories has a “general” option 0OhTKYNoCMk-00513-00216200-00216696 so if you are not sure of the exact specific search term and you don’t want to go in 0OhTKYNoCMk-00514-00216696-00217053 and find that right search term, although I strongly encourage you to do that, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00515-00217053-00217413 you can always just look in the general category and see everything 0OhTKYNoCMk-00516-00217413-00217813 related under that main general topic. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00517-00217813-00217883 And we can even further and narrow this down and say we are focusing on a 0OhTKYNoCMk-00518-00217883-00218703 Target Population again, just Children and Youth. I’m going to go ahead 0OhTKYNoCMk-00519-00218703-00219033 and click that box as well. Again, we can keep narrowing our results 0OhTKYNoCMk-00520-00219033-00219483 to our specific need. In fact, we can focus on just British Columbia if we wanted to. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00521-00219483-00219906 But again, we have limited time today, so I can’t spend all my time doing searches left and right. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00522-00219906-00220293 But one other area I did want to show you is we have listings 0OhTKYNoCMk-00523-00220293-00220779 for National and Provincial Funded Agencies, Provincial Funded Agencies, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00524-00220780-00221753 and 0OhTKYNoCMk-00525-00221753-00222046 Provincial Departments, and Provincial Funded Agencies 0OhTKYNoCMk-00526-00222046-00222433 along with Federal Funded Institutions listed for each of the different provinces 0OhTKYNoCMk-00527-00222433-00222809 of Canada. You can also find all those links within our Canadian Government Grants 0OhTKYNoCMk-00528-00222810-00223193 and Loans section. So all of this information here, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00529-00223193-00223663 all of this is considered part of our primary research. As we have gone through this, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00530-00223663-00224013 we have probably developed a pretty big extensive list 0OhTKYNoCMk-00531-00224013-00224323 of potential funding sources. As I stated previously, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00532-00224323-00224639 in the Build Strategy section here of GrantStation, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00533-00224640-00225169 we have a step-by-step tutorial that really walks you through this process 0OhTKYNoCMk-00534-00225169-00225566 called creating a grant seeking calendar. This will help you with the next steps 0OhTKYNoCMk-00535-00225566-00226009 which we also refer to as secondary research. At this point, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00536-00226010-00226433 Sara will step in and let you know how this can be done. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00537-00226433-00226993 Sara: Thanks Jeremy. So Jeremy showed you earlier where you begin your research 0OhTKYNoCMk-00538-00226993-00227383 by filling out the project description worksheet. So now you have a list 0OhTKYNoCMk-00539-00227383-00227976 of possible funders. In this section I’m going to show you the Decision Matrix. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00540-00227976-00228306 This is a tool to build a grant seeking calendar. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00541-00228306-00228756 The decision matrix will help you establish an annual Grant Seeking Calendar 0OhTKYNoCMk-00542-00228756-00229243 that will keep your grant seeking focused on those programs and projects 0OhTKYNoCMk-00543-00229243-00229736 that need funds, establishing basic criteria for judging 0OhTKYNoCMk-00544-00229736-00230116 whether a grant opportunity is worth your organization’s investment 0OhTKYNoCMk-00545-00230116-00230549 of time and energy. That is a true time saver. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00546-00230550-00230873 So before you began to create a grant seeking calendar, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00547-00230873-00231313 you’ll need to develop an analytical tool that can help you make decisions 0OhTKYNoCMk-00548-00231313-00231829 about which grantmakers you should pursue, and which ones you should put aside. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00549-00231830-00232196 This tool does not cost any money, it just takes a little time. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00550-00232196-00232666 So you can refer to this tool as the Decision Matrix. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00551-00232666-00233363 This matrix can be applied for request for proposals or grant application guidelines. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00552-00233363-00233903 You can use Excel or smart sheet, or any other spreadsheet program. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00553-00233903-00234426 The matrix is comprised of rows and columns, and relies on simple addition 0OhTKYNoCMk-00554-00234426-00235089 and subtraction to reach a conclusion, or a score. The matrix will establish 0OhTKYNoCMk-00555-00235090-00235690 a set of criteria, that’s the rows; each is assigned a weight, that is the columns, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00556-00235690-00236140 which when applied will influence your decision on whether 0OhTKYNoCMk-00557-00236140-00236566 to add this particular grantmaker to your grants calendar. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00558-00236566-00236956 Now this is somewhat subjective but less so than you might imagine. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00559-00236956-00237409 If you give careful thought to each criteria, the weight it carries, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00560-00237410-00238106 and the final score, so it will look something like this. And Jeremy has a sample one 0OhTKYNoCMk-00561-00238106-00238669 up here that you can use. And by the way, you have access to all this information, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00562-00238669-00239193 so I am just going to show you right now, we got a total score of 37. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00563-00239193-00239886 So for whatever reason you want to set – any grantmakers you identify 0OhTKYNoCMk-00564-00239886-00240666 with a score of 34 or lower, set those aside for now. And now you are going to continue on 0OhTKYNoCMk-00565-00240666-00241093 with ones that have a higher score. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00566-00241093-00241779 If this seems complicated, you can see this tutorial. We provide you with all the steps 0OhTKYNoCMk-00567-00241780-00242750 in building a grant seeking calendar. So then you have your list of say, out of 15 funders, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00568-00242750-00243263 you have a list of about 8 funders that have a score of 37 or higher. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00569-00243263-00243923 Now you can start creating a calendar. And this calendar is an organic document. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00570-00243923-00244739 You can build this calendar going 12 to 18 months out. And it is always going to be changing 0OhTKYNoCMk-00571-00244740-00245273 as the deadlines come and go. But the grant seeking calendar you can share 0OhTKYNoCMk-00572-00245273-00245806 with your coworkers, with your executive director, the resource development committee, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00573-00245806-00246649 the board of directors, everyone involved in the fundraising arm of your organization. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00574-00246650-00247273 This just works really, really well the feedback that we have gotten 0OhTKYNoCMk-00575-00247273-00247606 from many, many organizations. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00576-00247606-00248383 So after you come up with a final list, you have drafted your grant strategy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00577-00248383-00248736 However, that’s not the end of your secondary research. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00578-00248736-00249326 You still have more research to do. You will want to generate questions. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00579-00249326-00249806 You will be asking the grant maker to help you determine if they are really the best fit 0OhTKYNoCMk-00580-00249806-00250326 for your project. So in this section you’ll just go to additional research, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00581-00250326-00250986 and you want to go to the grantmaker website. We also have the IRS form 990. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00582-00250986-00251616 Now Guidestar offers this free service and you have a link right there. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00583-00251616-00252146 You go to guidestar.com. You create a user name and password for yourself. It’s free. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00584-00252146-00252716 Then you can do your research on where the money has been given in the past, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00585-00252716-00253349 how much, and to who. So that’s a really good resource. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00586-00253350-00253730 We also have the Ask a Funder here. You can use this as a guide 0OhTKYNoCMk-00587-00253730-00254523 for the appropriate questions that you can use when you contact a funder. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00588-00254523-00255043 And we also have a little article here on in-kind gifts where you can learn to leverage 0OhTKYNoCMk-00589-00255043-00255563 those in-kind donations in your grant awards. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00590-00255563-00256193 So with that, we even have more information we’d like to share with you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00591-00256193-00256823 that are public resources. And Jeremy, do you want to show folks that section? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00592-00256823-00257056 Jeremy: Yeah, I’ll try to fit this in pretty quickly. And again, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00593-00257056-00257463 we’ve only got a limited amount of time today and we will try to get your questions as well. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00594-00257463-00257773 But I want to show you under Public Resources which does not require membership 0OhTKYNoCMk-00595-00257773-00258349 at all, we have quite a few really handy areas. The first one I want to show you is Pathfinder. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00596-00258350-00258743 Now as I mentioned earlier, if you are interested in learning more 0OhTKYNoCMk-00597-00258743-00259133 about developing yourself in the grants arena, you should utilize this part 0OhTKYNoCMk-00598-00259133-00259789 of the GrantStation website I suppose. It is really here to help develop your career path 0OhTKYNoCMk-00599-00259790-00260469 as grants professional. This library of resources is covering the area of grants research, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00600-00260469-00260716 writing and management as well as strategic planning. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00601-00260716-00261116 To get started you can just browse through all the different listings that we have, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00602-00261116-00261559 search through the specific listings, or even use our find your path interactive tool 0OhTKYNoCMk-00603-00261560-00261973 to get a customized curriculum for your specific learning plan. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00604-00261973-00262399 This is available to you simply by visiting GrantStation.com. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00605-00262400-00262826 Another important thing to note about GrantStation is that we are very interested 0OhTKYNoCMk-00606-00262826-00263126 in what is happening and what are the trends that are occurring 0OhTKYNoCMk-00607-00263126-00263539 all over the philanthropic world. And to that end we have our Trend Track site 0OhTKYNoCMk-00608-00263540-00263970 which I will go to right now. Now our goal is really for you to make the most 0OhTKYNoCMk-00609-00263970-00264250 of your grant seeking time, and to get the most from your grant requests. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00610-00264250-00264676 So as we perform research for all of our grant listings and talk to nonprofit organizations, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00611-00264676-00265056 we get exposure to new practices and ideas. We share those with you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00612-00265056-00265523 through Trend Track. The State of a Grantseeking is our semiannual report 0OhTKYNoCMk-00613-00265523-00265796 of the survey results from our grant seeking community. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00614-00265796-00266316 GS Insights is our blog that features thoughts and observations of our staff, CEO, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00615-00266316-00266726 and guest writers. And then Talk 2020 is our podcast which focuses 0OhTKYNoCMk-00616-00266726-00267033 on significant trends in philanthropy as well as highlighting 0OhTKYNoCMk-00617-00267033-00267379 specific grantmakers addressing various issues. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00618-00267380-00267866 The important thing to remember though, as you are going about doing your research, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00619-00267866-00268176 and as you are looking for funding for any kind of project, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00620-00268176-00268569 it’s always important to have some kind of grant strategy. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00621-00268570-00269036 So a strategic approach using primary and secondary research 0OhTKYNoCMk-00622-00269036-00269443 along with GrantStation’s tools really allows you to apply your time 0OhTKYNoCMk-00623-00269443-00269796 where it is most effective and efficient in your search for funding. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00624-00269796-00270189 So with that, I think we are right on the money Sara, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00625-00270190-00270573 and I’m sure we probably have a couple of questions that we should try to fit in 0OhTKYNoCMk-00626-00270573-00270956 before we have to sort of call it a day. What do you think 0OhTKYNoCMk-00627-00270956-00271236 we should go ahead and begin with? And I can probably even fit in 0OhTKYNoCMk-00628-00271236-00271509 an extra search if you think it might be helpful. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00629-00271510-00272140 Sara: Okay. Well, Lisa says, “Can you import search results into an Excel spreadsheet?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00630-00272140-00272493 Jeremy: That’s a really good question. And currently, at this point 0OhTKYNoCMk-00631-00272493-00272813 you can’t export them directly into an Excel spreadsheet. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00632-00272813-00273349 There is a way to get the information in and we are currently experimenting 0OhTKYNoCMk-00633-00273350-00273743 with a quicker way to do that. But the best way to get the search results in 0OhTKYNoCMk-00634-00273743-00274176 is to really just copy and paste. The great thing is everything follows 0OhTKYNoCMk-00635-00274176-00274646 a basic database structure within our website. And I know I’m getting a little too technical, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00636-00274646-00275076 but basically if you select it and do a copy and paste, it will copy and paste 0OhTKYNoCMk-00637-00275076-00275476 it directly into Excel. But the best way again, I’m going to encourage you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00638-00275476-00275836 to do this, save your search criteria and when you are ready to apply, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00639-00275836-00276293 email the profile directly to yourself. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00640-00276293-00276933 Sara: Excellent advice. Denise asked, “So does one subscription cover the entire org? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00641-00276933-00277279 How do multiple people login and share the info? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00642-00277280-00277630 Does every individual need a subscription?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00643-00277630-00277893 How about if I field that, Jeremy? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00644-00277893-00278106 Jeremy: That is all for you Sara. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00645-00278106-00278543 Sara: So when you purchase a GrantStation membership 0OhTKYNoCMk-00646-00278543-00279186 you are purchasing access for one user name and password. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00647-00279186-00279593 However, we understand many organizations are small, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00648-00279593-00280269 and we don’t have any problem if you want to share your login credentials 0OhTKYNoCMk-00649-00280270-00280763 with one other person in your organization, but you can’t share it with everyone 0OhTKYNoCMk-00650-00280763-00281246 in the organization. So if you have a number of people in your organization 0OhTKYNoCMk-00651-00281246-00281663 that want a membership, you can buy through TechSoup, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00652-00281663-00282059 through this upcoming promotion, multiple memberships. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00653-00282060-00282936 You just put 2 GrantStation memberships in your cart, or 3 if that’s how many you would like. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00654-00282936-00283343 So you do have that opportunity. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00655-00283343-00283916 Mary asked, “Do GrantStation and the Foundation Directory 0OhTKYNoCMk-00656-00283916-00284456 include the same US charitable grantmakers, or does one organization 0OhTKYNoCMk-00657-00284456-00285033 have a bigger database of charitable grantmakers than the other?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00658-00285033-00285303 Jeremy: I love this question because it does come up often. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00659-00285303-00285756 It’s one of those great questions because we both have – Foundation Center 0OhTKYNoCMk-00660-00285756-00286226 and GrantStation are 2 different organizations, and we approach research 0OhTKYNoCMk-00661-00286226-00286579 in 2 very different ways. One thing that is really important to note 0OhTKYNoCMk-00662-00286580-00286906 about what’s here on GrantStation and what really separates us 0OhTKYNoCMk-00663-00286906-00287313 from other organizations that archive and collect this information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00664-00287313-00287779 is everything that we have listed in our database is currently active 0OhTKYNoCMk-00665-00287780-00288183 and accepting letters of inquiry or unsolicited requests. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00666-00288183-00288729 So it is one thing to have, let’s say you have 25,000 results. That’s great, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00667-00288730-00289166 but how many of those expired in 2007? How many of them 0OhTKYNoCMk-00668-00289166-00289586 are no longer accepting requests as of 2014? How many of them 0OhTKYNoCMk-00669-00289586-00289956 are only giving to local organizations and won’t accept your request? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00670-00289956-00290446 That is time you have to spend researching. That is what we take care of for you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00671-00290446-00290846 here at GrantStation. What you find listed is what’s currently accepting 0OhTKYNoCMk-00672-00290846-00291239 unsolicited requests, or letters of inquiry. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00673-00291240-00291590 Sara: Okay we have a couple of really good questions. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00674-00291590-00291913 Lisa asked, “Help me justify the cost to my boss. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00675-00291913-00292529 Besides the ease of searching, what sets GrantStation apart from grants.gov?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00676-00292530-00293113 We are so much more than grants.gov, but Jeremy, I’ll let you answer that. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00677-00293113-00293519 Jeremy: Grants.gov specifically? Is that the example? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00678-00293520-00293950 Sara: Yeah, she says, “Besides the ease of searching, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00679-00293950-00294366 what sets GrantStation apart from grants.gov?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00680-00294366-00294696 Jeremy: Well okay, just one quick thing. Grants.gov is a free resource 0OhTKYNoCMk-00681-00294696-00295103 that you have full access to it. You don’t have to pay money to access grants.gov, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00682-00295103-00295643 because that’s provided by the government itself. The problem with grants.gov 0OhTKYNoCMk-00683-00295643-00296133 is it’s a little complicated to deal with, and there are times you can get lost within it. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00684-00296133-00296519 What we provide is a front end for accessing grants.gov. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00685-00296520-00296866 So you can access grants.gov without GrantStation completely. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00686-00296866-00297303 Grants.gov is an excellent resource and it’s basically how you apply 0OhTKYNoCMk-00687-00297303-00297606 for federal grants is through grants.gov. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00688-00297606-00297963 So I think you probably meant someone like Foundation Center 0OhTKYNoCMk-00689-00297963-00298266 or another organization that provides specific grant resources. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00690-00298266-00298796 And to answer that question, the better way to think of it is we provide research 0OhTKYNoCMk-00691-00298796-00299206 within the areas of state based funding, and also federal based funding, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00692-00299206-00299659 as well as actively accepting requests grant listings is what we have. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00693-00299660-00300006 That is what really set us apart on top of our other areas 0OhTKYNoCMk-00694-00300006-00300283 that we have that walk you through the process of writing grants, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00695-00300283-00300586 and then how to build strategy along with our interactive tools 0OhTKYNoCMk-00696-00300586-00301119 on top of that. So that really separates us. And with this current promotion with TechSoup, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00697-00301120-00301466 it’s pretty much the lowest you are ever going to find a membership. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00698-00301466-00302229 $99 is a pretty good price for getting access to all this information. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00699-00302230-00302890 Sara: Mary asked, “Is the grant seeking calendar part of the special deal offered 0OhTKYNoCMk-00700-00302890-00303373 on February 6, 7th, and 8th?” And we should reiterate 0OhTKYNoCMk-00701-00303373-00304239 that when you purchase a GrantStation membership, you have access to all this information 0OhTKYNoCMk-00702-00304240-00304906 to find grantmakers, build strategy, write proposals. The only additional fee 0OhTKYNoCMk-00703-00304906-00305513 are the GrantStation online webinars which are open to the public as well 0OhTKYNoCMk-00704-00305513-00306229 as members. That’s your only additional cost if you want to join in a 90 minute live event. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00705-00306230-00306883 Otherwise, you have access to every thing here on the website that we just pointed out. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00706-00306883-00307466 Jeremy: One thing to keep in mind is we always, Sara and I have been doing this tour 0OhTKYNoCMk-00707-00307466-00307803 for a long time. And there are so many different areas of GrantStation 0OhTKYNoCMk-00708-00307803-00308179 that we can tell you about, but we have a finite amount of time to do that. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00709-00308180-00308456 So we are highlighting just the ones that we think are the most beneficial 0OhTKYNoCMk-00710-00308456-00308873 for getting in, doing a search, putting together a grant strategy, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00711-00308873-00309256 and moving forward. But there are so many other resources that we have 0OhTKYNoCMk-00712-00309256-00309546 that we highlight once you are a member of GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00713-00309546-00309973 So we are cherry picking the ones that we think will be the most beneficial today, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00714-00309973-00310256 but there is a lot more that we have under the hood. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00715-00310256-00310586 And if you want to do a little bit more research and you’re still not quite sure, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00716-00310586-00310949 you can simply take a look at the member benefits when you login to GrantStation, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00717-00310950-00311186 or even just go to the GrantStation website. Don’t even login. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00718-00311186-00311553 There is a member benefits option. You click on that, and it shows you all the 0OhTKYNoCMk-00719-00311553-00311933 different member benefits you receive as a member of GrantStation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00720-00311933-00312549 Sara: We are coming near the end, but we have time for just a few more quick questions. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00721-00312550-00313176 Norma asked, “is this membership ongoing or is it a yearly membership fee?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00722-00313176-00314119 Norma, this is a yearly membership fee. It is $99. It is a special promotion for one year, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00723-00314120-00314840 so that’s one user name and password to access the GrantStation website. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00724-00314840-00315510 So that is a yearly fee. And Karen asked, “Is GrantStation appropriate 0OhTKYNoCMk-00725-00315510-00315973 for a new nonprofit who has never received a grant before?” 0OhTKYNoCMk-00726-00315973-00316779 You bet ya! Jeremy, why don’t you tell her some of the resources she might be able to access. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00727-00316780-00317030 Jeremy: Oh Karen, it is almost as if we were built for you. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00728-00317030-00317413 That’s the best thing about GrantStation. If we go ahead and take a look 0OhTKYNoCMk-00729-00317413-00317689 at our US Charitable rreally quickly, again, we don’t have a lot of time, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00730-00317690-00318120 so I’ll try to do this really fast. But lets go ahead and just do National grantmakers 0OhTKYNoCMk-00731-00318120-00318693 across all states. Let’s say – we don’t really know a lot about your specific organization, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00732-00318693-00319036 but I’m doing a quick and dirty search here. This is something Sara taught me 0OhTKYNoCMk-00733-00319036-00319329 which I really love. We can go into specific types of support? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00734-00319330-00319730 And which area would I want to look in Sara? This is one you always know exactly 0OhTKYNoCMk-00735-00319730-00319960 where to go, and I always forget slightly. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00736-00319960-00320313 Sara: Sorry, I was answering a question. What are we looking for here? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00737-00320313-00320749 Jeremy: She’s new, so what’s the type of support we want for her to look under. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00738-00320750-00321040 Its infrastructure right? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00739-00321040-00321143 Sara: Start up. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00740-00321143-00321529 Jeremy: Startup, that’s right. Start up, so right here we are clicking Start Up Funding 0OhTKYNoCMk-00741-00321530-00321803 and we are just looking nationally. That’s all we are looking for. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00742-00321803-00322339 So there, 123 results. So like I’m brand-new, what do I do? 0OhTKYNoCMk-00743-00322340-00322746 Now let’s add specific areas of interest to our start up funding that we need. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00744-00322746-00323176 GrantStation, if you are new to grant seeking and you have not received 0OhTKYNoCMk-00745-00323176-00323619 any grants before, GrantStation is probably going to be a boon for you. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00746-00323620-00324006 You can simply just go through Build Strategy, and then go through 0OhTKYNoCMk-00747-00324006-00324326 our Getting Started which is how to put together everything you need 0OhTKYNoCMk-00748-00324326-00324826 for applying for grants, how to write a letter of inquiry which is that first step 0OhTKYNoCMk-00749-00324826-00325136 of talking to an organization that will provide you with funding, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00750-00325136-00325426 and then a step-by-step grant proposal, how to write it, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00751-00325426-00325786 with downloadable examples for each category. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00752-00325786-00326226 So GrantStation is probably very appropriate for your needs. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00753-00326226-00326649 Sara: Okay, well, we just have lots of questions. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00754-00326650-00327060 Unfortunately we would have to extend it another hour to answer them all. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00755-00327060-00327850 So hopefully this has provided a good deal of information. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00756-00327850-00328630 This webinar is being recorded so you will have time to review it as well, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00757-00328630-00329310 before the sale comes around. I really want to thank everyone 0OhTKYNoCMk-00758-00329310-00329723 for joining us today. I want to thank TechSoup for hosting this. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00759-00329723-00330186 It is always our pleasure sharing this with folks. And with that said, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00760-00330186-00330603 Sima, I’m going to turn this back over to you. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00761-00330603-00331013 Sima: Thank you so much Jeremy and Sara for presenting today. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00762-00331013-00331399 I know you guys had a lot of questions, so we are going to do our best 0OhTKYNoCMk-00763-00331400-00331930 to answer them after the webinar. All of you guys should be receiving an email, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00764-00331930-00332593 and everything will be posted to the blog. So before we go, it is really helpful 0OhTKYNoCMk-00765-00332593-00333006 for us to know in terms of content, if you enjoyed the presentation. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00766-00333006-00333443 So if you want to just chat one thing that you learned in today’s webinar 0OhTKYNoCMk-00767-00333443-00333726 in the Q&A section, that would be really great to hear 0OhTKYNoCMk-00768-00333726-00334136 if you have a couple of extra seconds. And then after the webinar is over 0OhTKYNoCMk-00769-00334136-00334536 you are going to get a post event survey where we have a few questions. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00770-00334536-00334873 I think there are about 10 questions on there. Again, your feedback really helps us 0OhTKYNoCMk-00771-00334873-00335306 dictate content for the future, so any feedback that you have for us 0OhTKYNoCMk-00772-00335306-00335893 is extremely helpful. We are on social media so Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00773-00335893-00336173 If you want to stay up to date on anything that’s happening 0OhTKYNoCMk-00774-00336173-00336643 in terms of blog posts or upcoming webinars, feel free to follow us on social media 0OhTKYNoCMk-00775-00336643-00336883 where we post all of that information. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00776-00336883-00337163 We have a blog that we update a couple times a week. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00777-00337163-00337626 So we try to post a lot of useful tips and things like that over there. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00778-00337626-00338283 So you can find that at blog.TechSoup.org. And we have another webinar 0OhTKYNoCMk-00779-00338283-00338779 that’s coming up actually this Thursday called build a Grantwriting Framework For Success , 0OhTKYNoCMk-00780-00338780-00339180 so we will be going into more detail about grant writing. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00781-00339180-00339533 So if you have the time, and are interested, that is happening this Thursday. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00782-00339533-00339963 And then on 2/13 and 2/15, we have a couple of QuickBooks webinars 0OhTKYNoCMk-00783-00339963-00340326 that are happening. That’s also on our website. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00784-00340326-00340763 Again, the GrantStation promo, I know we talked about it in a lot of detail already, 0OhTKYNoCMk-00785-00340763-00341293 but it is $99, February 6th, 7th, and 8th. There is a URL at the bottom 0OhTKYNoCMk-00786-00341293-00341549 if you want an email notification, we can send that to you 0OhTKYNoCMk-00787-00341550-00342096 so you don’t forget about it. And again, I want to thank Jeremy and Sara. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00788-00342096-00342506 The presentation was super detailed and helpful, so I hope you guys really enjoyed that. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00789-00342506-00342896 And also to our webinar sponsor ReadyTalk. 0OhTKYNoCMk-00790-00342896-00343400 So yes, thank you all for joining, and we hope to see you on Thursday. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00000-00007172-00007636 Motion graphics is traditional graphic design with type, images, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00001-00007668-00008008 and graphic elements, plus the added dimension of time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00002-00008088-00008524 Motion graphics are used in a wide variety of settings, such as movies, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00003-00008528-00009052 TV programing, game design, wayfinding, and user interfaces, to name but a few. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00004-00009192-00009456 Motion graphics is often called motion design, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00005-00009492-00009792 and this series uses these terms interchangeably. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00006-00009816-00010256 A motion designer is someone who makes motion graphics or motion designs. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00007-00010476-00010796 Motion graphics, like all visual art and design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00008-00010796-00011088 that has expressed two dimensionally, can be described 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00009-00011088-00011324 using the elements and principles of design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00010-00011436-00011836 The elements of design are the abstract components used to create imagery. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00011-00011876-00012124 They are usually described in a static context 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00012-00012152-00012612 where motion or movement is not an element or only implied. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00013-00012716-00013096 These are point line, shape, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00014-00013156-00013568 volume, color, texture and space. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00015-00013668-00013800 A motion designer will need 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00016-00013800-00014172 to understand these elements and how they relate to time based media. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00017-00014263-00014588 They will also need to use the principles of design to organize them. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00018-00014816-00015191 Designers use the principles of design to solve design problems. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00019-00015252-00015628 The principles are based on gestalt theory, which basically means 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00020-00015628-00015932 that when we see something visual, we inherently form 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00021-00015932-00016332 relationships between the elements in a way that will make sense to us. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00022-00016332-00016700 Which principles are used depends on the desired outcomes. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00023-00016776-00017060 The principles vary in nomenclature within design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00024-00017060-00017320 disciplines, but the concepts are the same. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00025-00017380-00017904 They are unity, balance, visual hierarchy and variety. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00026-00018004-00018208 There's a lot to each of these. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00027-00018208-00018548 We'll talk more about them in later segments and what it might mean 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00028-00018548-00018724 for these to change over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00029-00019712-00019996 Motion graphics is animated graphic design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00030-00019996-00020576 All motion graphics is animation, but not all animation is motion graphics. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00031-00020628-00020940 Still, the dividing line can get pretty blurry. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00032-00021044-00021460 Consider this moment in the introduction credits to the 1978 movie 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00033-00021496-00021804 The Revenge of the Pink Panther, where the two characters 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00034-00021804-00022148 are more graphical representations of their cartoon counterparts. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00035-00022204-00022392 They try to shoot at each other, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00036-00022392-00022816 just at a slower frame rate, and in the style of an arcade game. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00037-00022816-00023264 Is this traditional animation or traditional motion graphics? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00038-00023456-00023960 The next scene blurs the line even further when the letters that form the word Cato 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00039-00023960-00024412 morph into the cartoon elements to karate chop Inspector Clouseau. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00040-00024508-00024892 Whether or not we decide it's traditional animation or motion graphics, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00041-00024936-00025392 a motion designer will benefit by understanding the principles of animation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00042-00025552-00025676 The 12 principles of 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00043-00025676-00026136 animation were codified by Disney animators Ollie Johnston 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00044-00026156-00026720 and Frank Thomas in the book The Illusion of Life Disney Animation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00045-00026880-00027160 These principles aided traditional cell animators 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00046-00027192-00027572 in creating more convincing, lifelike animation for characters, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00047-00027620-00028004 and they still apply even in today's computer dominated 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00048-00028004-00028272 animation industry. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00049-00028412-00028839 The 12 principles are: 1 squash and stretch... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00050-00028968-00029192 Characters in order to look alive 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00051-00029216-00029632 should be pliable, but should retain their volume when deformed. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00052-00029788-00029976 2 Anticipation... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00053-00029976-00030300 is an action or pose that lets the audience know 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00054-00030300-00030627 what will happen next. 3 Staging... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00055-00030708-00031004 deals with composing the elements or actions in the frame 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00056-00031039-00031583 to direct the audience's attention or make what is happening as clear as possible. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00057-00031644-00031872 4 Straight ahead and pose to pose... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00058-00031927-00032136 Are different methods of creating animation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00059-00032172-00032495 Straight ahead means to create animation frame by frame, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00060-00032548-00032948 whereas pose to pose establishes the major actions first 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00061-00032980-00033260 and then goes back and fills in the details later. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00062-00033404-00033632 5 Follow through and overlapping action... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00063-00033688-00034172 Are critical in conveying that the objects or characters obey the laws of physics. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00064-00034228-00034756 If a character stops, suddenly, its hat may fall forward or even fall off. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00065-00034832-00035188 Additionally, if a character is standing in a brisk wind, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00066-00035224-00035564 its clothes and hair will ripple to show the moving air. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00067-00035796-00036032 6 Slow in and slow out... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00068-00036104-00036392 Real objects accelerate or decelerate 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00069-00036436-00036660 rather than suddenly starting or stopping. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00070-00036808-00037020 7 Arcs... Is the natural path objects take, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00071-00037060-00037452 such as a thrown ball or the swinging of the arms. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00072-00037452-00037724 8 Secondary action... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00073-00037764-00038288 Is any separate action that supports or enhances the primary action. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00074-00038428-00038988 9 Timing... Is the most critical element in all of animation, as it refers 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00075-00038988-00039380 to how many frames will be needed to properly convey an action. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00076-00039572-00039704 10 Exaggeration... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00077-00039704-00040100 Is any action or pose taken to its extreme 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00078-00040128-00040500 to enhance the appeal of a moment or scene. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00079-00040500-00040724 11 Solid drawing... 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00080-00040724-00041180 Simply means that 3D objects presented on a two dimensional screen 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00081-00041228-00041668 must be represented correctly as they move or rotate in space. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00082-00041756-00042092 For the traditional animator, this means knowing how to draw 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00083-00042092-00042312 well and understanding physics. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00084-00042492-00042976 The last principle is 12 appeal, which simply means that all animation 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00085-00042976-00043444 must have some entertainment value or otherwise be interesting to the viewer. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00086-00043568-00043932 Motion designers are animators and should know and understand 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00087-00043952-00044324 the 12 principles of animation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00088-00045592-00045828 Ultimately, the intent for a motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00089-00045828-00046204 designer is to create motion graphics that someone will experience. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00090-00046276-00046612 Which principles of design and animation are to be used 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00091-00046612-00046996 can only be decided when the message and audience are well understood. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00092-00047080-00047280 The typography, composition, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00093-00047308-00047864 lighting style, graphical elements, motion and sound can be drastically different 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00094-00047880-00048288 if the content is intended for older adults versus a younger audience, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00095-00048328-00048668 both of which have distinct tastes and viewing cultures. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00096-00048732-00049160 All time based media experiences are interpretations 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00097-00049160-00049536 of our daily experiences viewed on some kind of screen, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00098-00049576-00049996 whether that be TV, a movie theater screen, tablet or phone. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00099-00050072-00050340 We interpret motion on a screen similar 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00100-00050340-00050752 to how we do events in real life with varying degrees of disconnect. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00101-00050820-00051244 For example, if you're watching a scary movie, you might feel suspense 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00102-00051244-00051628 or fear, just like you would if you were really in that situation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00103-00051728-00052091 But you also understand that what you are seeing isn't really happening. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00104-00052144-00052591 Of course, there are exceptions like news, video or documentaries. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00105-00052648-00053040 In the latter context, the experience is meant to represent reality. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00106-00053096-00053616 Usually, however, the viewer understands they are experiencing a representation 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00107-00053652-00053852 and not an actual event. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00108-00053916-00054164 What is interesting is that everything we see on 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00109-00054164-00054544 our digital screens is just a bunch of pixels or dots. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00110-00054572-00054944 And yet our brains are perfectly capable of turning this pixel data 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00111-00054967-00055232 into recognizable events. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00112-00055232-00055440 This gestalt for motion is similar 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00113-00055440-00055712 to how a designer would interpret a static image. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00114-00055755-00056048 But now our brains are trying to make sense of how and why 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00115-00056048-00056279 things are moving or not moving. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00116-00056360-00056720 We do so based off our evolution and traits that were selected 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00117-00056720-00056988 for successfully interpreting the meaning of motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00118-00057060-00057312 You might have noticed the trees and leaves first. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00119-00057355-00057796 But I guarantee that you're looking at those eyes and wondering what comes next. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00120-00057872-00058308 That's because you come from a long line of people who successfully interpreted 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00121-00058308-00058624 the meaning behind the motion and didn't get eaten. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00122-00058788-00059112 Screens, of course, vary wildly from large theaters 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00123-00059112-00059432 all the way down to smartwatches and everything in between. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00124-00059508-00059932 While these size differences matter, there are other things to consider. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00125-00059991-00060367 How tall and white a screen is, is its aspect ratio. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00126-00060436-00060855 A common ratio for theater is one point eight, five to one. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00127-00060908-00061264 This means one unit tall and one point eight five units wide. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00128-00061340-00061824 The wide screen movie ratio is one unit tall and two point four units wide. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00129-00061884-00062220 High definition television format is one point seven, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00130-00062220-00062572 eight to one, often called 16 by nine. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00131-00062788-00063228 Almost all screens today are digital, so images are made of pixels. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00132-00063320-00063724 These pixels are usually square and is defined by its resolution, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00133-00063736-00064020 which is determined by the number of pixels in a screen. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00134-00064104-00064528 For example, high definition television has multiple pixel densities 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00135-00064528-00064832 that all follow the 16 by 9 aspect ratio, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00136-00064908-00065348 1,280 by 720 pixels is called 720p 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00137-00065432-00065836 and stands for 1,280 pixels wide by 720 pixels 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00138-00065836-00066256 high in the same high def, 16 by 9 aspect ratio. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00139-00066288-00066648 There is also 1920 by 1080, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00140-00066684-00067188 which is called 1080p, and is the exact same ratio as 720p. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00141-00067200-00067664 But because it has a higher pixel density, it produces a sharper image. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00142-00067728-00068188 There are even higher pixel densities that produce even sharper imagery. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00143-00068344-00068764 Another important quality of time based experiences is frame rate 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00144-00068796-00069176 or how many frames are used in each second to generate motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00145-00069256-00069516 Film is often 24 frames per second. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00146-00069564-00069936 While TV and other content is 30 frames per second, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00147-00070020-00070284 games often need even higher frame rates. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00148-00070324-00070620 The more frames, the smoother the video will look. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00149-00070792-00071248 In the end, these screens provide a frame for moving compositions, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00150-00071292-00071728 and each frame shows a possible change in the elements of design over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00151-00073684-00073900 One way to approach motion design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00152-00073900-00074244 is to examine how the elements of design can change over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00153-00074336-00074648 With a 2D screen, there are only so many categories 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00154-00074648-00074988 of ways that these elements can be modified frame to frame. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00155-00075080-00075492 The following isn't meant as an exhaustive review of the elements of design, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00156-00075540-00075900 but rather an exploration of how they can change over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00157-00076060-00076484 Let's take this square, for example, if we want to change it over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00158-00076504-00076716 What are our options? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00159-00076716-00077040 We can move it left or right, up or down, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00160-00077100-00077424 or scale it up or down. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00161-00077424-00077764 The square can also be rotated, left or right. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00162-00077872-00078188 This is, of course, just two dimensional manipulation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00163-00078252-00078652 Any moving, scaling and rotating are called transformations. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00164-00078732-00078972 A third dimension can only be implied 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00165-00079004-00079268 as the screen we're watching remains two dimensional. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00166-00079340-00079736 Still, our brains are perfectly capable of understanding implied depth. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00167-00080440-00080772 The concept of a camera is important when understanding 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00168-00080772-00081036 how the elements of design can change over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00169-00081104-00081448 A real or digital camera does two primary things. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00170-00081484-00081936 First, it translates real or digital 3-D events to a 2D screen. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00171-00082000-00082292 And second, it represents your point of view. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00172-00082372-00082632 The camera is a proxy for your eyes. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00173-00082724-00083136 When we look at filmed content, we know that there was a camera that captured it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00174-00083236-00083384 There isn't a real camera 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00175-00083384-00083724 that captures digitally created motion designs or animation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00176-00083804-00084072 However, the concept of what a camera is and can do 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00177-00084072-00084332 is the same, even in a digital context. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00178-00084400-00084848 The camera can move or stay put in digital applications. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00179-00084868-00085152 There is often a camera that behaves like real cameras. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00180-00085696-00085896 Some transformations of an object 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00181-00085896-00086416 and of the camera produce visually identical outcomes, scaling the cube, for 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00182-00086416-00086884 example, is the same as moving the cube closer or farther away from the camera. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00183-00086980-00087264 In another example, moving an object to the left 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00184-00087276-00087624 or moving your camera to the right, look the same to the viewer. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00185-00087700-00088024 The only way to distinguish these movements is with the inclusion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00186-00088024-00088412 of other objects in your scene that act as a visual reference. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00187-00089672-00089920 One of the simplest elements of design is the point 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00188-00089996-00090272 points can go through transformations recently mentioned. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00189-00090360-00090588 The concept of the point here is pretty important. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00190-00090640-00090940 Besides being the most basic of representations, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00191-00090964-00091264 it is also the most closely related to the screen based format 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00192-00091264-00091576 we would see it on at its most fundamental. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00193-00091600-00091952 The point on a screen cannot be smaller than the pixel that would represent it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00194-00092024-00092312 Points can use color and proximity to create an image. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00195-00092356-00092660 This technique is called pointillism, and the points 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00196-00092660-00092868 use can change these values over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00197-00092960-00093412 Geometric points have no size, but visual points must have a size, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00198-00093424-00093740 and that size can also vary somewhat and therefore change 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00199-00093740-00093988 over time to affect the overall image. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00200-00094068-00094388 Here the boundary between a point and a shape is heavily blurred. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00201-00094432-00094888 You can easily see how a point could morph to a shape with little effort. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00202-00094980-00095208 The only thing required for a point to be a point 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00203-00095208-00095408 is for your brain to see it as a point. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00204-00095408-00095660 If the point is really a very small elephant. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00205-00095688-00096060 It doesn't matter as long as you're not concentrating on the elephant, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00206-00096092-00096368 but rather what they create when they're seen as a group. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00207-00097056-00097332 Line is the next basic element of design, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00208-00097360-00097652 and each of its properties can also change over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00209-00097764-00098176 Lines can be curvilinear, meaning that they change direction smoothly 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00210-00098208-00098572 or rectilinear, where they change direction sharply. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00211-00098636-00098912 Of course, a line can also have both qualities. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00212-00099060-00099380 Another property of lines that can change over time is thickness. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00213-00099448-00099792 Lines can be thin, thick, varied and implied. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00214-00099820-00100108 And all of these qualities are modifiable over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00215-00100244-00100460 There is an important quality about a moving line 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00216-00100460-00100676 that is different than the static image. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00217-00100676-00101040 If a line first appears at the edge of the frame and moves into the center, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00218-00101072-00101364 our brains do something a little weird. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00219-00101480-00101748 We subconsciously question how long the line is. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00220-00101804-00102132 This is because our brains need to know, but we don't know. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00221-00102212-00102520 The longer the line becomes, while one side remains touching the edge of 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00222-00102520-00102992 the frame, the more we think the line off screen approaches infinite length. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00223-00103056-00103372 But this isn't true if the line starts with both ends on screen 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00224-00103392-00103580 and one end touches the edge of the frame. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00225-00104224-00104356 Shape is the next basic 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00226-00104356-00104624 element of design, and one of its most important 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00227-00104759-00105164 shape is the outline of forms and is how we recognize objects. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00228-00105228-00105556 If you see an outline of an animal, you know which one it is 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00229-00105572-00105952 simply by its shape rather than any details it might have. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00230-00106008-00106559 Shapes have all kinds of classifications, from realistic to stylized to abstract 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00231-00106635-00106888 shapes can morph from one type to another. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00232-00106964-00107264 Shape changing over time can be something we recognize, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00233-00107300-00107592 something stylized or something imagined. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00234-00107592-00108068 How shape changes over time can give important clues to the shape's meaning. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00235-00108148-00108656 Perhaps this turtle lives near a nuclear power plant or is an alien species. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00236-00109564-00109948 Volume is an element of design that must be implied on screens. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00237-00110011-00110240 2D shapes have width and height. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00238-00110240-00110483 But 3D shapes have depth. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00239-00110483-00110876 Because screens only have two dimensionst that depth must be interpreted. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00240-00110964-00111240 This can be done realistically or stylistically. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00241-00111304-00111640 Light, shadow and shading and viewing the shape from different 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00242-00111640-00112196 angles all aid in convincing the viewer of implied volume on a 2D screen. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00243-00112272-00112508 Changing volume over time is a critical feature 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00244-00112508-00112800 of interpreting the state of implied 3D objects. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00245-00112876-00113276 For example, if we squeeze a ball with two cubes, how 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00246-00113276-00113592 it changes shape gives clues to the viewer as to what is happening. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00247-00113700-00113788 Here the ball looks like it 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00248-00113788-00114183 might be reaching its breaking point because of how extreme the shape changes. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00249-00114264-00114680 However, the volume of the object hasn't changed much... Only its shape. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00250-00114740-00115140 We subconsciously realize that if there is too much pressure on the ball, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00251-00115156-00115424 it might lose its ability to retain its volume. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00252-00115572-00115856 For the volume of an object to change its shape 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00253-00115856-00116111 should either get bigger or smaller in some manner. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00254-00116196-00116496 The reasons for it getting bigger or smaller should be apparent, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00255-00116535-00116880 even if it appears magical. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00256-00117056-00117268 A balloon is a good example of an object 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00257-00117268-00117535 that we understand undergoes a volume change. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00258-00117592-00117888 It can decrease in volume because air was removed 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00259-00117940-00118264 or it could increase in volume because air was added. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00260-00118359-00118728 How it increases or decreases, how fast it happens 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00261-00118759-00119140 and any associated sounds we hear give clues to how to interpret 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00262-00119140-00119288 what is happening to the balloon. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00263-00119892-00120140 Space can be thought of in a number of ways. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00264-00120204-00120624 The term negative space is the space that is not occupied by shapes. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00265-00120716-00121120 The relationship between shape and space is called Figure-Ground. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00266-00121168-00121708 Sometimes the negative space is a strong element while other times it is subdued. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00267-00121759-00122111 If a shape is changing its outline, then the negative space 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00268-00122111-00122311 is also changing with it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00269-00122311-00122668 This could produce interesting effects that are only understood 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00270-00122680-00123044 in the context of change. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00271-00123552-00124052 The surface properties of a shape constitute its texture, all digital 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00272-00124052-00124504 representations of texture are implied as you can't actually touch them. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00273-00124596-00125116 Texture can be broken down into simpler elements like point line, shape and color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00274-00125140-00125396 But together, they form a recognizable property. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00275-00125448-00125928 For example, even though this is a close-up, you probably know it is a tree 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00276-00125928-00126235 because of the familiar patterns that constitute tree bark. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00277-00126396-00126800 For texture to change would mean that an object's surface properties would change. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00278-00126859-00127383 For example, an apple could go from its familiar representation to a metallic one. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00279-00127448-00127744 There are many examples of this change in texture being used, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00280-00127772-00128135 and usually we interpret such changes to mean that the fundamental 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00281-00128135-00128376 substance of an object is changing. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00282-00129568-00130035 Of all the elements of design and how they change over time, Color is unique. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00283-00130104-00130496 It is the only element that cannot morph into another element. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00284-00130620-00130804 A point can become a line 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00285-00130804-00131072 which can become a shape, which can become a volume. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00286-00131124-00131344 Figure and ground can change places. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00287-00131392-00131968 Texture can be reduced to a combination of elements, but color is always color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00288-00131996-00132328 And all the other elements always have a color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00289-00132452-00132652 From a physiological perspective, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00290-00132652-00133004 color is what the brain uses to distinguish each element of design, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00291-00133024-00133396 since our visual processes are built to see color and value variations. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00292-00133500-00133856 The brain interprets elements from differences in contrast. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00293-00133856-00134312 Certain colors and color combinations also affect the brain's mood. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00294-00134364-00134528 This makes it one of the most powerful 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00295-00134528-00134804 elements in terms of how it might affect the viewer. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00296-00134924-00135268 Color is the combination of hue saturation and value. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00297-00135268-00135632 Hue is what we would normally say the color of an object is. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00298-00135652-00136176 For example, red or blue saturation is how much of that color is present. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00299-00136236-00136572 Value is how much black or white is mixed with its color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00300-00136692-00136896 Volumes have been written about color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00301-00136896-00137228 But when it comes to change over time, color is very simple. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00302-00137272-00137748 All you can change is an elements hue, saturation and value. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00303-00137828-00138292 Also, an element must have a value, but not necessarily a hue. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00304-00138368-00138856 This establishes value as the most fundamental element of design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00305-00138940-00139376 All of the elements of design are derived from contrasts in value. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00306-00139464-00140000 Furthermore, this means all motion is derived from perceived changes in value. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00307-00140156-00140456 Even though color and how it changes is easy to describe, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00308-00140480-00140836 it is often considered the most complex of all elements of design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00309-00140944-00141240 Even though you can only change three different properties of color, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00310-00141264-00141628 its hue, saturation or value, this results in a near 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00311-00141628-00141856 infinite number of possibilities. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00312-00141856-00142068 This makes understanding how people will interpret 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00313-00142068-00142316 color changes incredibly challenging. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00314-00142444-00142704 Some color changes are well understood, however. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00315-00142732-00143060 One of the most common color changes is from a warmer color 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00316-00143060-00143456 to a cooler color, which evokes a mood of dread or foreboding. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00317-00143524-00143780 The opposite, from cooler to warmer, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00318-00143800-00144152 invites an emotional response of hope, respite or relief. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00319-00144212-00144464 To have both warm and cold colors on screen 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00320-00144484-00144696 could mean a battle of good versus evil. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00321-00144764-00145156 The change between these colors is a common technique in cinematography. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00322-00145284-00145436 Remember, chang in 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00323-00145436-00145764 color is really change in hue, saturation, or value. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00324-00145812-00146072 Some of these changes have readily understood meanings, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00325-00146092-00146300 but because there are so many combinations, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00326-00146320-00146648 it leaves a lot of room for exploration and experimentation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00327-00146724-00147056 Color pairing is also an important consideration in design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00328-00147128-00147524 Color pairing is well understood, but changes in color pairing over time 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00329-00147536-00147804 and its impact is less well understood. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00330-00148916-00149068 The principles of design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00331-00149068-00149496 explain how the elements of design achieve a desired visual outcome. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00332-00149564-00149984 They are the organizing methods based on gestalt, a term which means that 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00333-00149984-00150336 when we see an image, our brains will attempt to make sense of it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00334-00150420-00150760 Motion designers have the added necessity of understanding 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00335-00150760-00151200 how change over time of the elements of design will affect the principles 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00336-00151200-00151588 of design and how to categorize motion into their own principles. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00337-00151640-00151888 More on that in the next segment. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00338-00151888-00152352 One of these design principles is unity, which is sometimes called harmony. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00339-00152404-00152776 In simple terms it means that the elements in the design look alike 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00340-00152804-00153116 or can readily form relationships according to other principles 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00341-00153156-00153552 like balance, repetition, rhythm or proximity. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00342-00153636-00154076 Designs that aren't harmonious often appear messy and unpleasant to look at. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00343-00154204-00154392 A second principle, balance, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00344-00154392-00154708 is the idea that a design's visual elements have weight 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00345-00154756-00154876 and a well-balanced image 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00346-00154876-00155288 will have that weight evenly distributed versus an image that is imbalanced. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00347-00155288-00155712 An image can have symmetrical balance where the weight is reflected 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00348-00155712-00156028 around a focal point or asymmetrically balanced, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00349-00156052-00156356 where there is no obvious focal point and no reflection. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00350-00156360-00156560 But the image still appears balanced. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00351-00156680-00156892 What does motion have to do with balance? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00352-00156964-00157332 Motion within a balanced composition can either break that balance 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00353-00157332-00157524 or maintain that balance. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00354-00157524-00157748 Motion in compositions that aren't balanced 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00355-00157776-00158148 can either maintain that imbalance or change to achieve balance. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00356-00158332-00158664 Objects can also move symmetrically or asymmetrically, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00357-00158712-00159104 radial symmetry and corresponding motions are a kind of balance. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00358-00159280-00159436 Another principle of design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00359-00159436-00159828 Repetition means that an element is repeated throughout the design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00360-00159892-00160304 The element could be point line, shape, color, volume, space or texture. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00361-00160384-00160612 Motion is also a design element. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00362-00160680-00161216 Elements can move, rotate, scale, change their color, or morph into other elements. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00363-00161272-00161684 You can apply these motions to other elements for repetition in motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00364-00161784-00162080 Repetition in motion means that a particular change over 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00365-00162080-00162492 time is applied to more than one element in a design. Rhythm 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00366-00162492-00162848 means that there will be a detectable pattern of motion in those objects. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00367-00162912-00163344 Rhythm in Motion could be applied to a design that already has rhythm in shape. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00368-00163384-00163780 For example, to emphasize the rhythm in this example, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00369-00163780-00164132 several motions are repeated in a pattern to show rhythm in motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00370-00164312-00164644 The principle of proximity in design usually refers 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00371-00164644-00164976 to how close or how far away objects are from each other. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00372-00165056-00165308 Grouping objects is a way to show their relationship. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00373-00165384-00165732 The principle of proximity in motion, though, is quite different 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00374-00165752-00166052 and shouldn't be confused with spatial proximity. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00375-00166132-00166364 It simply means how similar or how different 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00376-00166368-00166592 are the changes over time for each element. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00377-00166668-00167196 In this example, there are three kinds of motion, moving, rotating and scaling. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00378-00167240-00167584 If we also spatially group these objects by their categories of motion, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00379-00167620-00167832 we can further emphasize the similarity 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00380-00167832-00168124 and their motions, as well as their spatial relationship. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00381-00168208-00168548 Even though they are different forms they look like they belong together. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00382-00168832-00169136 The principle of visual hierarchy says that some elements 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00383-00169136-00169488 are more likely to be noticed before other elements in a design. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00384-00169532-00169948 For example, large and bold text is more likely to be noticed first 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00385-00169960-00170136 than smaller text. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00386-00170136-00170492 Objects that only have a value will give way to ones with color. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00387-00170584-00171004 Motion is unique in that it can visually overpower all other elements. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00388-00171068-00171372 Let's go back to that big, bold text and the small text. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00389-00171424-00171784 If we give that small text, say a jiggling motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00390-00171824-00172056 Well, guess what you're looking at now? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00391-00172056-00172372 This means that designs should use motion carefully. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00392-00172432-00172756 Traditional design approaches can quickly become upended 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00393-00172756-00173032 as soon as motion is introduced. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00394-00173032-00173256 A rule of thumb is that the more energy 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00395-00173256-00173620 and element appears to have, the more likely we are to notice it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00396-00173700-00173968 For example, how fast things move on the screen 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00397-00173996-00174288 is directly proportional to how likely we are to track it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00398-00174332-00174744 If too many items on the screen are in motion, it will quickly overwhelm 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00399-00174744-00175096 our ability to make sense of the design, and it will appear chaotic. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00400-00175312-00175672 Graphic designers use grid systems to establish continuity 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00401-00175672-00175812 for a design experience. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00402-00175812-00176084 A website might use a similar layout 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00403-00176084-00176404 from page to page to make the experience more familiar. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00404-00176472-00176748 An icon set might use an underlying grid 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00405-00176748-00177064 so that the different icons have a similar look and feel. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00406-00177144-00177524 What would happen if we allow the grid to change over time? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00407-00177696-00177940 Static continuity is now impossible, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00408-00177984-00178428 but designers can use continuity in motion to organize elements 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00409-00178428-00178620 and information. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00410-00179700-00179868 The principles of design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00411-00179868-00180244 describe ways that our brains attempt to make sense of what we see. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00412-00180340-00180564 The principles of motion design are similar. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00413-00180704-00181044 They describe ways that our brains attempt to make sense of motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00414-00181136-00181496 Here are three principles of motion design that provide important ways 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00415-00181496-00181800 to understand the design elements changing over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00416-00181888-00182252 I want to emphasize that these are not the only way to understand motion, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00417-00182260-00182480 but for designers, they may appear familiar. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00418-00182552-00182804 These are Motion Hierarchy, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00419-00182856-00183260 Unity in Motion and Variety in Motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00420-00183448-00183716 The first principle is motion hierarchy 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00421-00183752-00184100 and is related to the principle of visual hierarchy for static images. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00422-00184224-00184720 Motion hierarchy is the idea that the type of motion and element has contributes 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00423-00184720-00185112 to its visual weight and that some motions will outweigh others. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00424-00185192-00185524 As you can imagine, there are many categories of motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00425-00185532-00185752 Only some of which will be discussed here. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00426-00185836-00186084 Determining motion hierarchy is very tricky, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00427-00186124-00186504 but a general rule is that the more energy we perceive an object to have, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00428-00186536-00186824 the more likely we are to look at it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00429-00186824-00187264 Energy in this case can be related to how quickly it changes over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00430-00187332-00187744 Things that change slowly will lose out to things that change quickly. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00431-00187952-00188160 The types of elements used in the motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00432-00188160-00188492 design can also contribute to their perceived energy level. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00433-00188588-00188776 For example, rotating 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00434-00188776-00189116 a circle really fast has no effect on visual energy 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00435-00189156-00189452 because a rotating circle isn't something we can detect. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00436-00189556-00189848 If we change the circle's shape as it rotates, its 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00437-00189848-00190084 perceived energy level will begin to change too. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00438-00190148-00190512 Different rotating shapes will reveal different energy levels 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00439-00190560-00190828 even if all the shapes are rotating at the same rate. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00440-00190916-00191132 If we put these shapes side by side, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00441-00191132-00191384 which one appears to have more energy to the viewer? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00442-00191480-00191708 There is a limit to how much energy you can add 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00443-00191708-00192024 to an object's motion to increase its visual weight. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00444-00192116-00192504 If our eyes can no longer track an object because it is changing too fast, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00445-00192532-00192772 it will lose out to objects we can track. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00446-00192848-00193060 This is its energy tracking limit. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00447-00193200-00193500 Furthermore, if too many objects are moving at once, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00448-00193528-00193956 our eyes will have trouble tracking any of them no matter their energy level. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00449-00194024-00194372 This can be a useful way to create focal points using motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00450-00194940-00195276 The second principle of motion design is unity in motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00451-00195348-00195576 Unity in static design means that all 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00452-00195576-00195852 the elements come together in a harmonious way. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00453-00195912-00196144 This applies to motion as well. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00454-00196144-00196400 The subcategories of unity and motion were talked 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00455-00196400-00196752 about in the previous segment and are: balance in motion, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00456-00196804-00197324 repetition in motion, rhythm in motion, and proximity in motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00457-00197324-00197660 A design that uses disparate motions without consideration 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00458-00197660-00197984 for their interpreted meanings will appear chaotic. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00459-00198100-00198452 Together, the principles of Motion Hierarchy and Unity in Motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00460-00198468-00198808 are related to the third principle of animation, Staging, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00461-00198828-00199084 which is the idea that elements and actions 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00462-00199084-00199432 in the frame are arranged to direct the audience's attention, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00463-00199456-00199712 and to make what is happening as clear as possible. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00464-00199776-00200236 Understanding motion hierarchy and unity in motion will aid in staging. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00465-00200312-00200560 One way to know if unity in motion has been achieved 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00466-00200560-00200924 is to ask first: does it make sense on its own? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00467-00200984-00201292 And second, does the motion make sense for the design? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00468-00201348-00201636 For example, if we see a car on a road, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00469-00201636-00201908 we have certain expectations for the car's motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00470-00201964-00202148 We've seen cars move a lot. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00471-00202148-00202508 So if a car is going to behave differently, say, fly away, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00472-00202532-00203008 it better be for a reason that makes sense for that design goal, like a flying car. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00473-00203640-00203980 The third principle of motion is variety in motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00474-00204024-00204508 Of the three principles of motion design, variety in motion is the most complex. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00475-00204568-00205064 Variety creates contrasts and just like contrasts in static design, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00476-00205108-00205448 motion contrasts help us make sense of what we are seeing. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00477-00205512-00205848 Here are 11 motion contrasts to consider. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00478-00205971-00206400 The first contrast in motion is there versus not there. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00479-00206467-00206580 If an object appears 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00480-00206580-00206960 and has enough visual weight, our eyes will be immediately drawn to it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00481-00207019-00207428 The brain needs to analyze new objects that enter our visual field. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00482-00207492-00207892 This means that a lot of attention will be given to elements that suddenly appear. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00483-00207984-00208208 Technically, this is still a motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00484-00208248-00208660 The element isn't necessarily translating, rotating, scaling or morphing, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00485-00208684-00209012 but it is changing its value, even if suddenly. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00486-00209112-00209276 The second contrast in motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00487-00209276-00209592 is: Motion versus No Motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00488-00209676-00209896 After an object enters the visual field, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00489-00209919-00210196 the brain will determine if it is changing over time. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00490-00210267-00210744 If there is no motion, the brain puts it into one of two categories: things 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00491-00210744-00211184 that don't move, or things that can move, but aren't moving at the moment. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00492-00211256-00211496 A threat level is assigned to both categories. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00493-00211523-00211952 If the object is moving, then the brain moves to the next step in categorization. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00494-00212504-00212923 The third contrast in motion is safe versus not safe. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00495-00213016-00213419 Our brains have evolved over millions of years to perform critical tasks. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00496-00213476-00213688 One of those is to keep us alive. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00497-00213688-00214104 If you see knives coming swiftly at you, your brain will see that motion and know 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00498-00214104-00214467 that you need to duck to prevent you from being injured or killed. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00499-00214592-00214940 One of the reasons motion is such a powerful element of design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00500-00214967-00215304 is that it taps into such a fundamental cognitive task. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00501-00215540-00215712 The fourth contrast in motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00502-00215712-00216016 is meaningful versus mysterious. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00503-00216108-00216471 When our brains detect motion it attempts to derive meaning from it. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00504-00216580-00216867 Common motions are the easiest for us to understand. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00505-00216904-00217340 For example, a door to a room opening, a light turning on, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00506-00217384-00217644 or an airplane flying overhead. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00507-00217644-00217904 These are easy to comprehend. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00508-00217904-00218392 Other motions may not make sense to us and defy easy categorization. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00509-00218467-00218740 These could be uncommon or unusual motions 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00510-00218776-00219012 such as those described in UFO sightings. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00511-00219108-00219496 There may be motions that simply defy categorization. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00512-00219656-00220188 The fifth contrast is imperceptible motion versus perceptible motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00513-00220316-00220816 Anyone who has watched a sunset or taking care of plants has experienced 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00514-00220816-00221296 change over time that takes place below our ability to detect directly. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00515-00221392-00221732 We do not watch a seed push through the dirt and grow, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00516-00221788-00222280 but rather we make comparisons in our day to day memory to infer emotion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00517-00222348-00222623 This is why time lapse photography is so useful. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00518-00222667-00222996 It speeds up events so that we can understand the motion. Motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00519-00223152-00223371 designers can also use imperceptible 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00520-00223371-00223723 motion versus perceptible motion as a design element. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00521-00223800-00224296 For example, this animation timepiece lasts an entire 24 hours. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00522-00224344-00224828 Many of its pieces use perceptible motion, but other elements move imperceptibly. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00523-00224864-00225076 Their motions can only be perceived 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00524-00225076-00225344 through memory comparisons made throughout the day. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00525-00225471-00225832 The sixth contrast is smooth motion versus sudden motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00526-00225932-00226136 Most things that we pay attention to happen 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00527-00226156-00226364 at what we would call a normal pace. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00528-00226412-00226628 Not too fast or too slow. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00529-00226680-00226984 However, some things happen quickly with rapid 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00530-00226984-00227240 acceleration, like a gun firing a bullet. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00531-00227316-00227632 While other things take their time and don't change 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00532-00227632-00227948 very quickly, like a snail climbing a tree. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00533-00228023-00228528 We categorize smooth or sudden motions based on our experiences, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00534-00228528-00228880 and we expect these motions to line up with our expectations. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00535-00228992-00229192 The seventh contrast is expected 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00536-00229192-00229452 motion versus unexpected motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00537-00229576-00229976 As a motion designer, you have the choice of keeping these expectations 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00538-00229988-00230288 or breaking them, depending on your design goals. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00539-00230367-00230636 What kinds of unique pairings could you discover 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00540-00230652-00230956 by combining objects with unexpected motions? 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00541-00231140-00231664 The eighth contrast in motion is natural motion versus artificial motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00542-00231767-00232088 Objects that we find in nature and objects that humans 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00543-00232088-00232296 make tend to move differently. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00544-00232300-00232567 And that's one way we tell them apart. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00545-00232567-00232767 A rectangle that moves like an airplane 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00546-00232792-00233052 can convince the viewer that it represents an airplane. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00547-00233104-00233516 If the rectangle begins to flap like a bird, it can easily be interpreted 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00548-00233516-00233900 to be a bird, because we are familiar with how these things move. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00549-00234140-00234319 The ninth contrast in motion 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00550-00234319-00234664 is convincing motion versus unconvincing motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00551-00234740-00235200 This one is probably the most critical of contrasts as creating believable 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00552-00235204-00235504 motion takes a lot of skill and careful observation. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00553-00235576-00235800 If a design calls for a swinging chain, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00554-00235832-00236080 it should swing in a way that we find convincing. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00555-00236140-00236532 If it doesn't, it will distract the viewer from the intent of the designer. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00556-00236608-00236960 This doesn't necessarily mean that the motion must exactly 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00557-00236960-00237167 match a swinging chain. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00558-00237167-00237540 It just needs to be believable and some mimicking of natural 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00559-00237540-00237712 movement might be necessary. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00560-00237896-00238300 The 10th contrast in motion is solid motion versus fluid motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00561-00238380-00238792 Fluids, which include liquids and gases, can be transformed 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00562-00238792-00239296 the same way that solids can: ranslation, rotation, scale, and color changes. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00563-00239356-00239748 Liquids and gases have their own unique ways of changing over time, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00564-00239776-00240123 and realistic fluids must appear to follow their physical rules. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00565-00240176-00240419 While some solids can also be difficult to animate, 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00566-00240460-00240676 they tend to be easier than fluids. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00567-00240792-00241240 The 11th and final contrast in motion is tension versus resolution. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00568-00241292-00241692 This contrast is complex and has a few subcategories. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00569-00241712-00242167 But basically, it has to do with the kinetic and potential energies of objects 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00570-00242216-00242628 and how they move from higher energies to lower energies and vice versa. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00571-00242723-00243096 The first subcategory is inanimate tension and resolution. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00572-00243156-00243619 This involves objects that are not alive or don't move on their own power. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00573-00243640-00243860 They are acted upon. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00574-00243860-00244108 For example, a boulder at the top of a 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00575-00244108-00244488 hill is in tension because it has a lot of potential energy. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00576-00244552-00244764 We know that something could affect that boulder 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00577-00244808-00245060 and cause it to convert its potential energy 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00578-00245076-00245452 into kinetic energy and find a resolution at the bottom of the hill. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00579-00245512-00245819 Conversely, we know that if it is at the bottom of the hill 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00580-00245832-00246276 and something lifts it higher up, it has returned to a state of tension. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00581-00246396-00246748 The second subcategory is character tension and resolution. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00582-00246812-00247219 This includes any object or character that can generate its own energy. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00583-00247288-00247612 It can act upon other objects or itself. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00584-00247692-00248008 Character tension and resolution is much more dynamic 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00585-00248008-00248323 and can be used to great effect. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00586-00248323-00248504 The principles of motion design 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00587-00248504-00248812 provide a framework for any design that involves motion. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00588-00248896-00249188 Remember, that motion is a complex design element. 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00589-00249260-00249556 Take care to keep the principles of motion design in mind 0Ot3q_ZlYoM-00590-00249567-00249856 to achieve motions that convey meaning and purpose. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00000-00000000-00000148 No artificial intelligence without design 0PsiRxdnWzY-00001-00000148-00000400 It is not a question of what AI 0PsiRxdnWzY-00002-00000400-00000591 can do for design but rather 0PsiRxdnWzY-00003-00000591-00000812 what design can do for AI 0PsiRxdnWzY-00004-00001491-00001600 Almost 40 years ago 0PsiRxdnWzY-00005-00001600-00001795 the Japanese launched the "5th generation" program 0PsiRxdnWzY-00006-00001796-00002082 with a promise to make AI 0PsiRxdnWzY-00007-00002082-00002300 the driving force for a better world, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00008-00002300-00002399 at least in Japan. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00009-00002399-00002712 It fell apart lamentably after 10 years? Why? 0PsiRxdnWzY-00010-00002712-00002942 Because there was no machine power, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00011-00002942-00003100 no data, no internet. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00012-00003100-00003379 There were no machines to support its applications. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00013-00003379-00003569 Small phones, do you get it? 0PsiRxdnWzY-00014-00003569-00003700 However all these conditions are now met. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00015-00003700-00003810 We have the power, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00016-00003810-00003874 we have the data, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00017-00003874-00004051 we have the machines and these machines are 0PsiRxdnWzY-00018-00004051-00004158 in our pockets, they are in our lives. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00019-00004158-00004410 And so the promise of AI can be fulfilled. Or not. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00020-00004419-00004592 Because if we don't pay attention to people, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00021-00004592-00004718 and therefore to the quality of their experience, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00022-00004718-00005000 their privacy, and their freedom, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00023-00005000-00005234 we could easily slide towards either 0PsiRxdnWzY-00024-00005234-00005539 the Chinese AI program, which is a coercive program, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00025-00005539-00005832 or the American program, which is a permissive program. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00026-00005832-00006139 On the contrary, we need to reaffirm the European project 0PsiRxdnWzY-00027-00006139-00006389 of people's freedom and the ability 0PsiRxdnWzY-00028-00006389-00006586 to build a sustainable society 0PsiRxdnWzY-00029-00006586-00006780 where everyone can achieve happiness. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00030-00006780-00006972 All this will be done through design, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00031-00006972-00007108 because design is the discipline 0PsiRxdnWzY-00032-00007108-00007220 that is interested in people, 0PsiRxdnWzY-00033-00007220-00007336 and which makes it possible to contribute 0PsiRxdnWzY-00034-00007336-00007466 to successful life experiences. 0PsiRxdnWzY-00035-00007466-00007700 Therefore: hire designers and get designing! 0R_P-JOwzpo-00000-00000003-00000570 Good morning all you wonderful people how are you traveling today? I hope you're 0R_P-JOwzpo-00001-00000570-00000816 having a fantastic day. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00002-00003310-00003712 Today we are going on a long-haul flight with 0R_P-JOwzpo-00003-00003712-00003928 Emirates Airlines. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00004-00003928-00004335 This is my first time flying with Emirates and unfortunately 0R_P-JOwzpo-00005-00004335-00004660 this is not a sponsored post. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00006-00004660-00004889 I would love it to be but no I paid the ticket 0R_P-JOwzpo-00007-00004889-00005535 myself and I am flying from Johannesburg South Africa to Dubai which is a flight 0R_P-JOwzpo-00008-00005535-00005960 time of 8 hours and 15 minutes then I've got four hours in Dubai look around the 0R_P-JOwzpo-00009-00005960-00006536 airport before my next flight from Dubai to Central Europe, Prague in the Czech 0R_P-JOwzpo-00010-00006536-00007118 Republic which i think is a six hour 45-minute flight so in total about 19 0R_P-JOwzpo-00011-00007118-00007711 hours flight, stopover time, getting to the airport, check-in, passport control 0R_P-JOwzpo-00012-00007711-00008211 standing around in queues, getting some snacks pretty much it's a 24 hour 0R_P-JOwzpo-00013-00008211-00008560 journey. So I better get going. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00014-00019732-00019954 Here I am in Prague. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00015-00019954-00020394 Well it was a great flight, nice and easy I must admit I'd give Emirates a good thumbs 0R_P-JOwzpo-00016-00020395-00020953 up, the plane was new and everything worked, service was good, food was good and 0R_P-JOwzpo-00017-00020953-00021138 now I am in Prague. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00018-00021138-00021650 Now how do I escape the airport and have a look at this city? 0R_P-JOwzpo-00019-00021747-00022242 Now before I leave, I'm a bit hungry so I've made an improvised picnic there's a little 0R_P-JOwzpo-00020-00022243-00022740 supermarket inside between terminal 1 and terminal 2 at the airport call Billa 0R_P-JOwzpo-00021-00022740-00023853 so I went in some nice fresh baked bread some nice meat from the deli counter 0R_P-JOwzpo-00022-00023853-00024170 a juice and some chocolate. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00023-00024170-00024412 I'm gonna make myself a little improvised sandwich. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00024-00024412-00024582 And then I'm heading out on the bus. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00025-00028081-00028637 Okay so now I have arrived at my accommodation, a bus ride then I switch 0R_P-JOwzpo-00026-00028637-00028850 to the Metro and a walk for a few minutes, 0R_P-JOwzpo-00027-00028850-00029377 picked up the keys and now I'm at my lovely quiet accommodation, that's just the sound 0R_P-JOwzpo-00028-00029377-00029698 of the lift arriving. So let's grab the lift... 0R_P-JOwzpo-00029-00029986-00030127 This is going to surprise somebody. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00030-00031094-00031198 And, here we go. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00031-00031198-00031458 Wow, look at this inside, isn't that stunning. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00032-00031495-00031545 Wow 0R_P-JOwzpo-00033-00031552-00031950 So you come in and then there's a dining area. 0R_P-JOwzpo-00034-00033642-00034344 Well that will do me nicely as a base as I explore Prague. 0SHljBROb9E-00000-00000050-00000292 Online Teaching Program 0SHljBROb9E-00001-00000346-00000736 Dr. Catherine Douglas is a sessional lecturer at the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia. 0SHljBROb9E-00002-00000792-00001626 In her classes, Catherine creates spaces for students to centre themselves and recognize where they are coming from as part of a decolonizing learning process. 0SHljBROb9E-00003-00001718-00002406 in terms of the importance of understanding place and acknowledging 0SHljBROb9E-00004-00002406-00003282 the land where that really came to be important to me was in the period of 0SHljBROb9E-00005-00003282-00003921 time after the financial crisis and the rise of the Idle No More movement and 0SHljBROb9E-00006-00003921-00004479 occupy and well the Idle No More was the acknowledgement and the rising 0SHljBROb9E-00007-00004479-00005442 up of Indigenous voices around the land and the land that is occupied and so 0SHljBROb9E-00008-00005442-00006207 that I think was a trigger because UBC was very much engaged in that and 0SHljBROb9E-00009-00006207-00006820 many there were more sessions related to especially Indigenous perspectives and 0SHljBROb9E-00010-00006820-00007584 the lack of acknowledgement of land and it really is only recently that we've 0SHljBROb9E-00011-00007584-00008178 been doing the land acknowledgement so prevalently at UBC and so to me it 0SHljBROb9E-00012-00008178-00008849 really came out of that and then specific events at through CTLT and the 0SHljBROb9E-00013-00008849-00009422 classroom climate I think it would have definitely been a classroom climate a 0SHljBROb9E-00014-00009422-00009893 session that I would have thought there is something very seriously missing from 0SHljBROb9E-00015-00009893-00010436 what I'm doing in my classes if I'm talking about economic history economic 0SHljBROb9E-00016-00010436-00010952 development and I'm not at all addressing this question of place and 0SHljBROb9E-00017-00010952-00011560 whose place and in particular the perspective from Indigenous people 0SHljBROb9E-00018-00011662-00012714 With the help of Dr. Janey Lew and Chloe Erlendson from the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Indigenous Initiatives team, Catherine created a workshop to continue this teaching practice online. 0SHljBROb9E-00019-00012794-00013754 I was brought the idea of a workshop acknowledging place, where am I? And who 0SHljBROb9E-00020-00013754-00014297 am I? Where am I from? And so we had originally done that on 0SHljBROb9E-00021-00014297-00014916 campus and so now I have adapted that to an online format in collaboration with 0SHljBROb9E-00022-00014916-00015686 staff from CTLT namely Janey Lew first of all and then also more recently 0SHljBROb9E-00023-00015686-00015990 also with Chloe Erlendson 0SHljBROb9E-00024-00016060-00016454 Students are placed at the centre as creators of knowledge and insight. 0SHljBROb9E-00025-00016544-00017208 from the way I teach what I'm trying to do is to move away from this idea of the 0SHljBROb9E-00026-00017208-00017753 so-called banking approach that has been spoken of by Paulo Pierre and others 0SHljBROb9E-00027-00017753-00018753 where I I'm I play a role of depositing information to students and that 0SHljBROb9E-00028-00018753-00019152 that's how they're building up their knowledge base but in this way of what 0SHljBROb9E-00029-00019152-00019748 I'm trying to do more is to place students at the center as learners ok 0SHljBROb9E-00030-00019748-00020610 yes as students but also as creators of knowledge and insight and so to put them 0SHljBROb9E-00031-00020610-00021264 into that role of taking in information yes but also through their engagement 0SHljBROb9E-00032-00021264-00021657 with others with the engagement with the material and then also thinking about 0SHljBROb9E-00033-00021657-00022263 their role is to then be helping to facilitate more knowledge additional 0SHljBROb9E-00034-00022263-00022396 knowledge 0SHljBROb9E-00035-00022396-00022728 The workshop has several activities that engage students to think about the land UBC is situated. 0SHljBROb9E-00036-00022738-00023651 to have students engage with the thinking about the land that UBC is 0SHljBROb9E-00037-00023651-00024269 situated on in particular Musqueam traditional ancestral and unceded 0SHljBROb9E-00038-00024269-00024893 territory and through what lends well through the lens of Jordan Wilson's 0SHljBROb9E-00039-00024893-00025688 walking tour of the house posts on UBC campus and so we had originally done 0SHljBROb9E-00040-00025688-00026537 that in class and so how to adapt that to the online format and what we had we 0SHljBROb9E-00041-00026537-00027194 did we had three parts to the workshop and so much of the work for that 0SHljBROb9E-00042-00027194-00027989 workshop was done prior to the workshop itself so students were asked to watch 0SHljBROb9E-00043-00027989-00028939 some videos Elder Larry Grant talking about the land acknowledgement why what 0SHljBROb9E-00044-00028939-00029545 it means and what its importance is and then also Linc Kesler talking about why 0SHljBROb9E-00045-00029545-00030179 we do that at UBC and then we also talked about the students also watched a 0SHljBROb9E-00046-00030179-00030751 video about the Delta and an animation of the Fraser River Delta just showing 0SHljBROb9E-00047-00030751-00031489 how long this the the geological history is but also of the Musqueam people who 0SHljBROb9E-00048-00031489-00031898 have lived in this region for thousands of years so they're watching those 0SHljBROb9E-00049-00031898-00032447 videos as well as Musqueam through time and so I think they get a really good 0SHljBROb9E-00050-00032447-00032996 sense by watching those videos of the the significance of Musqueam 0SHljBROb9E-00051-00032996-00033662 relationship to the land this place that UBC is situated on even before we get to 0SHljBROb9E-00052-00033662-00034670 the the workshop so then they also had some on pre pre workshop activities that 0SHljBROb9E-00053-00034670-00035378 involved watching Jordan Wilson's the video of Jordan Wilson's tour and then 0SHljBROb9E-00054-00035378-00036047 and then reading the booklet his the booklet that goes along with a tour of 0SHljBROb9E-00055-00036047-00036712 the house and each student was assigned to get to 0SHljBROb9E-00056-00036712-00037534 know two house posts and to then write down questions to certain prompts 0SHljBROb9E-00057-00037534-00038200 answers to certain prompts and then put that on a Google Doc and then they were 0SHljBROb9E-00058-00038200-00038668 also assigned into one of eight different groups so these were going to 0SHljBROb9E-00059-00038668-00039097 be where they will be discussing with their fellow students you know the 0SHljBROb9E-00060-00039097-00039369 actual workshop 0SHljBROb9E-00061-00039886-00040586 Students were able to see benefits of these activities and talk about how emotional this process was because it got them to think about their won histories and the histories of others they might have been unaware of. 0SHljBROb9E-00062-00040586-00041221 I've seen as it was happening the positive benefits on students that's the 0SHljBROb9E-00063-00041221-00041921 engagement that was going on in the chat also the engagement we were able to see 0SHljBROb9E-00064-00041921-00042371 that students were actually engaging during the Collaborate Ultra breakout 0SHljBROb9E-00065-00042371-00043055 sessions and so we can see that there was that engagement first of all and 0SHljBROb9E-00066-00043055-00043559 then secondly on the chat you can see the comments that we're coming in about 0SHljBROb9E-00067-00043559-00044243 how students were affected and the observations they had about the meaning 0SHljBROb9E-00068-00044243-00045011 of the post the length of time that Musqueam people had been on this land and 0SHljBROb9E-00069-00045011-00045862 then also also what was interesting that they they talked about how emotional it 0SHljBROb9E-00070-00045862-00046331 was because some of the activities one thing I didn't mention previously was 0SHljBROb9E-00071-00046331-00046921 that students also engaged in an activity where they considered where 0SHljBROb9E-00072-00046921-00047365 they come from what is their history what did what is their thinking back to 0SHljBROb9E-00073-00047365-00047840 their childhood what are their memories and in particular about the place 0SHljBROb9E-00074-00047840-00048466 thinking about place and so many of the comments related to that talked about 0SHljBROb9E-00075-00048466-00048977 what an emotional experience it was not just in terms of their own recognition 0SHljBROb9E-00076-00048977-00049453 of these experiences they had as a child but also this uh connecting with what 0SHljBROb9E-00077-00049453-00049903 that might feel like for Musqueam people and their connection to the land they 0SHljBROb9E-00078-00049903-00050515 did actually raise that explicitly so I think that that is one of the purposes 0SHljBROb9E-00079-00050515-00051019 of the workshop is for students to be able to make those connections between 0SHljBROb9E-00080-00051019-00051691 themselves and their own experience of place and maybe even of the land of the 0SHljBROb9E-00081-00051691-00052228 place the land but how others will feel that and so to have a sense of 0SHljBROb9E-00082-00052228-00053064 connection with Musqueam and and their their a sense of place here at UBC 0SHljBROb9E-00083-00053140-00053774 [The University of British Columbia Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology] 0UyQscTRs30-00000-00000000-00000564 the Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial native to the island of Tasmania Australia it is 0UyQscTRs30-00001-00000564-00001044 the largest extant marsupial carnivore with adults reaching up to 30 inches in length and 0UyQscTRs30-00002-00001044-00001578 weighing up to 26 pounds they are known for their black fur stocky build and aggressive 0UyQscTRs30-00003-00001578-00002058 behavior Tasmanian devils have a unique set of features that make them well suited to their 0UyQscTRs30-00004-00002058-00002592 environment their strong jaws and sharp teeth allow them to easily crack open the bones of 0UyQscTRs30-00005-00002592-00003060 their prey and their shot claws are perfect for digging and climbing they are also known 0UyQscTRs30-00006-00003060-00003606 for their powerful sense of smell which helps them locate food in the wild Tasmanian devils 0UyQscTRs30-00007-00003606-00004116 are primarily nocturnal animals and they spend most of their time foraging for food they are 0UyQscTRs30-00008-00004116-00004776 opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of prey including small mammals birds insects and 0UyQscTRs30-00009-00004776-00005280 reptiles they also scavenge for carrion and are known to raid farms and Orchards for food 0UyQscTRs30-00010-00005280-00005880 unfortunately the Tasmanian devil population has been in Decline for the past several decades due 0UyQscTRs30-00011-00005880-00006408 to a facial tumor disease that is spread through bites during fights over food the disease causes 0UyQscTRs30-00012-00006408-00006881 tumors to grow on the face and mouth of the infected animal making it difficult for them to 0UyQscTRs30-00013-00006881-00007308 eat and eventually causing death the disease has reduced the Tasmanian devil population 0UyQscTRs30-00014-00007308-00007866 by more than 60 percent in the last 20 years and the species has been listed as endangered 0UyQscTRs30-00015-00007866-00008334 conservation efforts are currently underway to save the Tasmanian devil from Extinction 0UyQscTRs30-00016-00008334-00008964 these include captive breeding programs disease management and habitat restoration the goal of 0UyQscTRs30-00017-00008964-00009474 these efforts is to increase the population size of the Tasmanian devil and ensure the long-term 0UyQscTRs30-00018-00009474-00010026 survival of the species in addition to these efforts there is also ongoing Research into the 0UyQscTRs30-00019-00010026-00010542 facial tumor disease to understand its causes and develop effective treatments scientists 0UyQscTRs30-00020-00010542-00011016 are studying the genetics of the disease in an effort to identify a genetic resistance to the 0UyQscTRs30-00021-00011016-00011562 disease which could help to protect future generations of Tasmanian devils overall the 0UyQscTRs30-00022-00011562-00011994 Tasmanian Devil is a unique and fascinating animal that plays an important role in the 0UyQscTRs30-00023-00011994-00012588 ecosystem of Tasmania despite the challenges it currently faces conservation efforts and research 0UyQscTRs30-00024-00012588-00013068 are helping to ensure the survival of this iconic species for future generations to enjoy 0VVETzOSuxQ-00000-00000015-00000473 What happens if you put Mentos candy into Diet Coke? Let's find out! 0VVETzOSuxQ-00001-00002461-00002602 oh 0VVETzOSuxQ-00002-00002602-00002802 How does that work? 0VVETzOSuxQ-00003-00002813-00003135 To help us understand how the Diet Coke and Mentos fountain works 0VVETzOSuxQ-00004-00003136-00003586 I thought it'd be a good idea to make some soda pop, and this machine is going to help us do that. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00005-00003659-00003924 By pushing the button on top of this machine 0VVETzOSuxQ-00006-00003938-00004572 I'll be pumping some carbon dioxide into this bottle of water and when that happens carbon dioxide 0VVETzOSuxQ-00007-00004643-00004843 gets dissolved in the water. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00008-00005078-00005668 Now as long as I let this bottle remain sealed the carbon dioxide will remain trapped in the water. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00009-00005707-00005967 But watch what happens when I break the seal... 0VVETzOSuxQ-00010-00006511-00006680 You see those bubbles? 0VVETzOSuxQ-00011-00006680-00006969 That's carbon dioxide that's escaping from the liquid! 0VVETzOSuxQ-00012-00007028-00007695 Now not all of the carbon dioxide is escaping - just a little bit, very slowly actually. It's going slowly 0VVETzOSuxQ-00013-00007730-00008328 because it takes a lot of energy to form a bubble inside a liquid. So most of the carbon dioxide 0VVETzOSuxQ-00014-00008354-00008554 remains trapped inside the water. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00015-00008582-00009201 But when a Mentos candy is added the carbon dioxide comes out really fast and that makes the fountain. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00016-00009229-00010014 This is because the surface of the mentos has many ready-made air bubbles into which the carbon dioxide can easily escape. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00017-00010072-00010195 Here's a fun experiment 0VVETzOSuxQ-00018-00010195-00010645 you can try to help you understand how the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment works. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00019-00010688-00011167 In this bottle is sparkling water which just has carbon dioxide dissolved in water. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00020-00011207-00011743 This is flavored seltzer water. There's other stuff dissolved in the water to give it the flavor. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00021-00011771-00012064 I'm going to shake both these up and let's see what happens. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00022-00012836-00013354 Wow, that's a pretty big difference! Now, which one do you think will go higher if we put Mentos into them? 0VVETzOSuxQ-00023-00013443-00013643 Okay, I've got the seltzer water 0VVETzOSuxQ-00024-00013710-00014095 Jackson has the flavored Seltzer water. Let's see which one goes higher! 0VVETzOSuxQ-00025-00014379-00014603 three two one 0VVETzOSuxQ-00026-00015704-00015909 I'm going to add some isopropyl alcohol 0VVETzOSuxQ-00027-00017501-00017916 It seems that adding something to the seltzer water makes it go higher 0VVETzOSuxQ-00028-00018152-00018804 We've done a lot of different experiments adding a lot of different things like sugar and citric acid to seltzer water 0VVETzOSuxQ-00029-00018878-00019099 Whenever you dissolve something into seltzer water 0VVETzOSuxQ-00030-00019166-00019461 Smaller and more bubbles are produced during the fountain 0VVETzOSuxQ-00031-00019532-00019854 more bubbles create more surface area between the bubbles in the liquid 0VVETzOSuxQ-00032-00019910-00020229 This makes it much easier for carbon dioxide to escape 0VVETzOSuxQ-00033-00020270-00020827 You can think of it as more bubbles create more escape routes for the carbon dioxide gas and 0VVETzOSuxQ-00034-00020852-00021274 when more carbon dioxide gas escapes more quickly...you get a higher fountain! 0VVETzOSuxQ-00035-00021302-00021849 So let's look at the ingredients list in Diet Coke to see if we can't figure out. Why it went so high. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00036-00022193-00022951 I see carbonated water which tells us that there's carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. I also see a lot of other things like caramel color 0VVETzOSuxQ-00037-00023033-00023150 aspartame 0VVETzOSuxQ-00038-00023150-00023258 phosphoric acid 0VVETzOSuxQ-00039-00023258-00024016 citric acid. All of those things are things that have been dissolved into the Diet Coke and we just saw that when things are added 0VVETzOSuxQ-00040-00024016-00024483 to seltzer water the fountain goes higher. So I'll put you all those additives in the Diet 0VVETzOSuxQ-00041-00024484-00024795 Coke help to make the Diet Coke fountain go really high. 0VVETzOSuxQ-00042-00024902-00025299 Well, thanks for watching and I hope you try out some of these experiments on your own! 0bbcSTNhFKA-00000-00000547-00000976 USS MINNESOTA CHANGED HOMEPORT FROM NORFOLK TO GROTON, CONNECTICUT, JANUARY 10TH. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00001-00000976-00001348 THE MINNESOTA IS THE 10TH VIRGINIA-CLASS ATTACK SUBMARINE AND WAS COMMISSIONED IN SEPTEMBER 0bbcSTNhFKA-00002-00001348-00001448 2013. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00003-00001448-00001823 THE FIRST FEMALE OFFICERS HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO THE MINNESOTA AND SHOULD REPORT BY EARLY 0bbcSTNhFKA-00004-00001823-00001960 2015. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00005-00001960-00002316 BEFORE HITTING THE OPEN WATER, MINNESOTA WILL BEGIN A SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AND TESTING 0bbcSTNhFKA-00006-00002316-00002539 PERIOD AT THE GROTON SHIPYARD. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00007-00002539-00002915 YOU CAN NOW TAKE WEB-BASED TRAINING FOR THE MK 48 MACHINE GUN ON THE NAVY'S E-LEARNING 0bbcSTNhFKA-00008-00002915-00003015 WEBSITE. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00009-00003015-00003377 THE COURSE WILL BE USED AS A REFRESHER TRAINING FOR THE FLEET AND SHOULD CUT BACK ON THE HOURS 0bbcSTNhFKA-00010-00003377-00003558 NEEDED FOR CLASSROOM TRAINING. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00011-00003558-00004033 THE CENTER FOR SECURITY FORCES TRAINING COVERS TOPICS SUCH AS GENERAL WEAPONS SAFETY, CHARACTERISTICS, 0bbcSTNhFKA-00012-00004033-00004211 MAINTENANCE AND MALFUNCTIONS. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00013-00004211-00004381 LOG ONTO NAVY KNOWLEDGE ONLINE. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00014-00004381-00004605 SEARCH "CENSECFOR" TO ENROLL. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00015-00004605-00004817 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. 0bbcSTNhFKA-00016-00004817-00004987 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. 0eACNI4AAN4-00000-00000163-00000700 We ended our last video with the creation of our studio geometry. 0eACNI4AAN4-00001-00000723-00001293 In this tutorial we will look at what a voxel is and how we can use MASH to create voxels from geometry. 0eACNI4AAN4-00002-00001293-00002203 We will also look at setting up a HDR lighting environment in Arnold 0eACNI4AAN4-00003-00002203-00002356 So what is a voxelised shape? 0eACNI4AAN4-00004-00002356-00002710 A voxel is a volumised 3D grid which is defined by a shape 0eACNI4AAN4-00005-00002710-00003229 into which an array of discrete elements can be placed to give a notional impression of this initial shape. 0eACNI4AAN4-00006-00003229-00003476 To give you an idea 0eACNI4AAN4-00007-00003476-00003963 of what I am talking about, I have set up this very simple scene with a sphere. 0eACNI4AAN4-00008-00003963-00004393 To show you the voxelised version of this sphere, which I am going to 0eACNI4AAN4-00009-00004393-00004716 create using cubes, I have setup a very simple MASH network. 0eACNI4AAN4-00010-00004716-00004936 But if I just hide this sphere 0eACNI4AAN4-00011-00004936-00005336 'CTRL+H' to hide and then bring up the Repromesh which is 0eACNI4AAN4-00012-00005336-00005433 been voxelised 0eACNI4AAN4-00013-00005433-00005630 using 'SHIFT+H' to unhide 0eACNI4AAN4-00014-00005630-00005900 you can see that this is the 0eACNI4AAN4-00015-00005900-00006163 sphere but represented by cubes, 0eACNI4AAN4-00016-00006163-00006776 if I go into my 'MASH1_Distribute' node and increase or decrease my 'Voxel Size' 0eACNI4AAN4-00017-00006776-00007253 which essentially is the size of the 3D volume voxelised grid 0eACNI4AAN4-00018-00007253-00007630 you can see that the smaller I make my 'Voxel Size' 0eACNI4AAN4-00019-00007630-00008070 the more elements, thats a bit too few, the more elements 0eACNI4AAN4-00020-00008070-00008430 are created to make this sphere and therefore give a more 0eACNI4AAN4-00021-00008430-00008800 correct impression of the actual final shape, 0eACNI4AAN4-00022-00008800-00009240 effectively three dimensional pixels, so I hope that this has helped 0eACNI4AAN4-00023-00009240-00009616 explain what a voxel is and now let's get on 0eACNI4AAN4-00024-00009616-00010113 and voxelize our dancer. 0eACNI4AAN4-00025-00010113-00010496 To change the dancer to one made out of voxels 0eACNI4AAN4-00026-00010496-00010816 we can use MASH to easily create a voxelised shape. 0eACNI4AAN4-00027-00010816-00011216 So first of all I am just going to zoom into our dancer. 0eACNI4AAN4-00028-00011256-00011630 In the ‘Polygon Menu’, create a new cube 0eACNI4AAN4-00029-00011630-00011963 which will be the base of our voxelised network, 0eACNI4AAN4-00032-00012373-00012690 What I am going to do, is for the moment, hide our ‘Studio’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00033-00012690-00012883 using 'CTRL+H' 0eACNI4AAN4-00034-00012883-00013069 There we go and then we can now our cube. 0eACNI4AAN4-00035-00013069-00013669 Just going to rename this cube 'pCube1forVoxels’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00036-00013669-00014106 in the 'Outliner' so that I can keep track of it, and I am going to 0eACNI4AAN4-00037-00014110-00014246 use the 'Channel Box' 0eACNI4AAN4-00038-00014246-00014500 going to 'SHIFT+Select' my scale and then use 0eACNI4AAN4-00039-00014500-00014956 the middle mouse button to take it down to a scale of about 0eACNI4AAN4-00040-00014956-00015253 '0.5'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00041-00015253-00015446 In fact, I might get a bit more 0eACNI4AAN4-00042-00015446-00015846 specific and use 'Tab' to do 0eACNI4AAN4-00043-00015846-00016190 '0.461' across each one 0eACNI4AAN4-00044-00016190-00016626 '0.461', '0.461' 0eACNI4AAN4-00045-00016626-00017046 Ok, now we are going to move to the 'MASH' Shelf 0eACNI4AAN4-00046-00017046-00017446 and making sure I have got 'pCube1forVoxels’ selected 0eACNI4AAN4-00047-00017446-00017846 go up to ‘Create MASH Network’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00048-00017846-00018246 and we have ourselves a new MASH network with our ten cubes. 0eACNI4AAN4-00049-00018326-00018850 Just going to open our 'MASH Editor' and 0eACNI4AAN4-00050-00018850-00019126 going to rename this to 0eACNI4AAN4-00051-00019126-00019526 ‘MASH1_Voxels’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00052-00019526-00019926 It is good practise to get into the habit of renaming your MASH networks 0eACNI4AAN4-00053-00019926-00020290 as you go, as you can often end up with five or six 0eACNI4AAN4-00054-00020290-00020660 or even more MASH networks, and even with the ‘MASH Editor’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00055-00020660-00021266 trying to keep track of which MASH network is doing what, can be quite tricky unless you have renamed them. 0eACNI4AAN4-00056-00021370-00021770 So let's select our 'Distribute' node and 0eACNI4AAN4-00057-00021770-00022170 change the ‘Distribution Type’ to ‘Mesh’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00058-00022170-00022570 Scroll down to our ‘Mesh’ options 0eACNI4AAN4-00059-00022570-00023093 and just going to close this 'dance1:reference' in the 'Outliner' 0eACNI4AAN4-00060-00023093-00023416 and I am going to middle mouse button our 0eACNI4AAN4-00061-00023416-00023770 ‘dance1:dance1_skin’ object 0eACNI4AAN4-00062-00023770-00024170 which if we remember is the skin of our element 0eACNI4AAN4-00063-00024170-00024570 select the 'Distribute' node again and just middle mouse button this 0eACNI4AAN4-00064-00024570-00025000 to our 'Input Mesh', ok and that's done. 0eACNI4AAN4-00065-00025000-00025370 I am just going to hide using 'CTRL+H' 0eACNI4AAN4-00066-00025370-00025770 our ‘dance1:dance1_skin’ object and if we zoom in 0eACNI4AAN4-00067-00025770-00026239 we can see some cubes placed at various vertices 0eACNI4AAN4-00068-00026239-00026696 on our mesh which is set to the 'Method' of 'Scatter'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00069-00026696-00026970 So we are going change this 'Method' to 'Voxel' 0eACNI4AAN4-00070-00026970-00027439 and here we have the beginnings of a voxelised mesh. 0eACNI4AAN4-00071-00027439-00027770 Now this would be 0eACNI4AAN4-00072-00027770-00028386 nigh on impossible to do in Cinema 4D without the use of a 3rd party plugin. 0eACNI4AAN4-00073-00028386-00028923 OK, so now that we can see that, let's just 0eACNI4AAN4-00074-00028923-00029250 change our 'Voxel Settings', so 0eACNI4AAN4-00075-00029250-00029746 let's change our 'Voxel Size' to '0.631' 0eACNI4AAN4-00076-00029746-00029986 ah that's much better, going to 0eACNI4AAN4-00077-00029986-00030306 go back and select our ‘pCube1forVoxels’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00078-00030306-00030786 press 'SHIFT+H' to unhide it and remember it was 'CTRL+H' to hide it 0eACNI4AAN4-00079-00030786-00031056 just zoom in a bit 0eACNI4AAN4-00080-00031056-00031586 and I am just going to 0eACNI4AAN4-00081-00031596-00031893 using the 'R' key for scale 0eACNI4AAN4-00082-00031893-00032386 this is another way to control our cube size on our voxel. 0eACNI4AAN4-00083-00032786-00033140 so yeah, that's quite good. 0eACNI4AAN4-00084-00033140-00033793 Yeah I think I prefer that, just gives a bit more granular control than is possible with 0eACNI4AAN4-00085-00033793-00033986 just entering 0eACNI4AAN4-00086-00033986-00034476 into the 'Voxel Size' settings here, I just prefer this method as it 0eACNI4AAN4-00087-00034476-00034786 it just allows me to finesse it every so slightly 0eACNI4AAN4-00088-00034786-00035186 so let's just have a look at that, pull out 0eACNI4AAN4-00089-00035433-00035906 and again we are running this with screen capture software 0eACNI4AAN4-00090-00035906-00036386 on a one year old MacBook Pro and we are still getting very acceptable playback. 0eACNI4AAN4-00091-00036623-00037016 Just going to stop that there, it's a good point for him to stop. 0eACNI4AAN4-00093-00037020-00037420 Our voxel cubes are looking a bit too sharp and not very interesting 0eACNI4AAN4-00094-00037420-00037803 so I want to add a bit of detail, so I am going to zoom in with the 'F' key. 0eACNI4AAN4-00096-00038140-00038450 switch into 'Edge' mode 0eACNI4AAN4-00097-00038450-00038823 going to go into 'Lasso' select 0eACNI4AAN4-00098-00038823-00039340 and select all, that's great 0eACNI4AAN4-00099-00039340-00039740 and I'm going to go into the 'Modeling Toolkit' 0eACNI4AAN4-00100-00039740-00040140 and select 'Bevel' 0eACNI4AAN4-00101-00040140-00040540 make our fraction '0.05' 0eACNI4AAN4-00102-00040540-00041006 that's great and I am just going to change the segments to '2'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00103-00041243-00041740 This gives a small bevel on the cube, which if we zoom out 0eACNI4AAN4-00104-00041740-00042140 we can see that has been 0eACNI4AAN4-00105-00042140-00042550 updated in our MASH Repromesh. 0eACNI4AAN4-00106-00042550-00042850 And this will allow Arnold to pick up 0eACNI4AAN4-00107-00042850-00043253 these surface details in the render to just add bits of glinting and 0eACNI4AAN4-00108-00043253-00043706 a little bit more life and realism into our final render. 0eACNI4AAN4-00109-00043706-00044023 And now if we go back to 0eACNI4AAN4-00110-00044023-00044393 'Panels>Perspective>camera1' to see our camera view 0eACNI4AAN4-00111-00044393-00045316 we can see we have a voxelised dancer. 0eACNI4AAN4-00112-00045316-00046010 Let’s show our ‘Studio’ again by selecting it and pressing 'SHIFT+H' 0eACNI4AAN4-00113-00046116-00046450 As our basic scene is now set, we should start a basic 0eACNI4AAN4-00114-00046450-00046650 lighting setup of our scene. 0eACNI4AAN4-00115-00046650-00046986 This lighting will be handled by an HDR within Arnold. 0eACNI4AAN4-00116-00046986-00047326 To make sure that we are rendering with Arnold, switch to the 0eACNI4AAN4-00117-00047326-00047693 ‘Rendering’ Menu and under ‘Render' 0eACNI4AAN4-00118-00047693-00048200 let's just make sure we have 'Render Using>Arnold Renderer'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00119-00048200-00048710 Let's go to our 'Render Settings' 0eACNI4AAN4-00120-00048710-00049436 and under the ‘Arnold Renderer’ tab let's just switch our ‘Camera (AA)’ to ’2’, 0eACNI4AAN4-00121-00049436-00049683 which is fine for preview purposes. 0eACNI4AAN4-00122-00049683-00050386 The great thing about Arnold is that for a lot of circumstances just increasing the ‘Camera (AA)’ value can create production ready renders. 0eACNI4AAN4-00123-00050386-00050670 To use the Interactive Preview capabilities of Arnold, 0eACNI4AAN4-00124-00050670-00050916 in the 'Arnold' menu 0eACNI4AAN4-00125-00050916-00051156 select ‘Arnold RenderView’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00126-00051156-00051573 This pops up the new for Maya 2017 'Arnold RenderView' Window, 0eACNI4AAN4-00127-00051573-00051973 As we are working with Arnold and especially since I am using 0eACNI4AAN4-00128-00051973-00052173 screen recording software 0eACNI4AAN4-00129-00052173-00052683 I can set my UI threads 0eACNI4AAN4-00130-00052683-00052990 for screen recording to be '3'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00131-00052990-00053246 To interactively reset the Window go to 0eACNI4AAN4-00132-00053246-00054229 ‘View Menu>Test Resolution>Fit Window Size’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00133-00054229-00054563 And that way we will be within the boundaries 0eACNI4AAN4-00134-00054563-00054860 and to make sure our small play icon is pressed 0eACNI4AAN4-00135-00054860-00055173 and that we are using our 0eACNI4AAN4-00136-00055173-00055536 ‘camerashape1’ view. 0eACNI4AAN4-00137-00055536-00055936 As you can see at the moment the ‘Arnold RenderView’ is pitch black. 0eACNI4AAN4-00138-00055936-00056403 To be able to see anything with Arnold, we need to add Materials to the geometry which we want to render 0eACNI4AAN4-00139-00056403-00056893 as well as add a light, which can either be a Maya light or one of the specific Arnold Light types. 0eACNI4AAN4-00140-00056893-00057123 For our needs we need an Arnold Skydome, 0eACNI4AAN4-00141-00057123-00057536 so in the ‘Arnold’ Menu go to 'Lights' and 'Skydome Light’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00142-00057623-00058079 Make sure we select our ‘aiSkyDomeLight’ and in our 0eACNI4AAN4-00143-00058079-00058423 ‘aiSkyDomeLightShape1’ tab 0eACNI4AAN4-00144-00058423-00058823 let's press on the 'Color' 0eACNI4AAN4-00145-00058823-00059223 just going to pause Arnold RenderView for a second. 0eACNI4AAN4-00146-00059623-00059973 So we are going to use the 'Arnold>Texture>aiImage' node 0eACNI4AAN4-00147-00059973-00060423 even though we could use the '2D>File' node as we have in previous tutorials. 0eACNI4AAN4-00148-00060520-00061393 And I am going to in the 'Image Name' select ‘mg_hdr.hdr’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00149-00061513-00061843 You can see we have got a bit more 0eACNI4AAN4-00150-00061843-00062043 light elements in here 0eACNI4AAN4-00151-00062043-00062073 171 00:10:20,733 --> 00:10:25,200 We now need to apply Arnold Materials to our Geometry. So select the 0eACNI4AAN4-00152-00062520-00062873 ‘Studio’ geometry just going to 0eACNI4AAN4-00153-00062873-00063273 pause the Arnold RenderView and in the 0eACNI4AAN4-00154-00063273-00063840 viewport 'Right+Click' and select ‘Assign New Material…’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00155-00063840-00064073 Select a Arnold Shader 0eACNI4AAN4-00156-00064073-00064516 and 'aiStandard' 0eACNI4AAN4-00157-00064610-00064953 It does look like the Studio is now 0eACNI4AAN4-00158-00064953-00065256 rendering slightly quicker so let's just change this 0eACNI4AAN4-00159-00065256-00065636 name to 'aiStandard1_Studio' 0eACNI4AAN4-00160-00065976-00066223 Let's select our 0eACNI4AAN4-00161-00066223-00066623 voxel, ‘MASH1_Voxels_Repromesh’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00162-00066623-00067023 and 'Right+Click' and again ‘Assign New Material…’ 0eACNI4AAN4-00163-00067023-00067423 'Shader', 'aiStandard' 0eACNI4AAN4-00164-00067423-00068216 and we will call this ‘aiStandard2_Voxel’. 0eACNI4AAN4-00165-00068366-00068746 Now when we scrub through 0eACNI4AAN4-00166-00069120-00069520 unfortunately the Arnold RenderView doesn’t show the updated voxel mesh, 0eACNI4AAN4-00167-00069520-00070080 this can be fixed easily by in the Arnold RenderView 0eACNI4AAN4-00168-00070080-00070936 'Render', oh, we just go to 'Update Full Scene' 0eACNI4AAN4-00169-00070936-00071560 and this can also be accessed by 'CMD+U' on the Mac and 'CTRL-U' on the PC 0eACNI4AAN4-00170-00071753-00072110 And here we can see our updated voxel dancer, 0eACNI4AAN4-00171-00072110-00072323 we are noticing a little bit of slow down 0eACNI4AAN4-00172-00072323-00072873 in the Arnold preview, normally it's a lot quicker than this, but this is because we are using the screen recording software. 0eACNI4AAN4-00173-00072873-00073353 To adjust the brightness in the image, let's select our DomeLight 0eACNI4AAN4-00174-00073353-00073753 just increase it's 'Intensity' a little 0eACNI4AAN4-00175-00074066-00074553 but not too much. say '1.5''. 0eACNI4AAN4-00176-00074626-00074923 I do want a bit of separation between 0eACNI4AAN4-00177-00074923-00075426 the dancer and the studio so 0eACNI4AAN4-00178-00075426-00075826 I can select 0eACNI4AAN4-00179-00075826-00076096 I can either just click on the render view 0eACNI4AAN4-00180-00076096-00076296 to select an element, 0eACNI4AAN4-00181-00076296-00076503 which is handy, 0eACNI4AAN4-00182-00076503-00077093 or just more straightforwardly, just go into the 'Studio', just going to pause this 0eACNI4AAN4-00183-00077110-00077476 in fact let's just use our 'Node Editor' again 0eACNI4AAN4-00184-00077476-00077730 select a new tab. 0eACNI4AAN4-00185-00077730-00078540 Bring in all elements using the 'Input and Output connections' button 0eACNI4AAN4-00186-00078540-00078916 I will just hide the render view for now and 0eACNI4AAN4-00187-00078916-00079210 there's our 'aiStandard'. 0eACNI4AAN4-00188-00079566-00080036 So what, just pop that up, ok, 0eACNI4AAN4-00189-00080036-00080296 just set that going again 0eACNI4AAN4-00190-00080296-00080696 I am just going to drop the 'Diffuse Weight' from '0.7' 0eACNI4AAN4-00191-00080696-00080970 to '0.45' 0eACNI4AAN4-00192-00080970-00081370 and I am just going to make a crop region here as well so that we can just concentrate 0eACNI4AAN4-00193-00081406-00081826 using 'Arnold RenderView>Render>Crop Region' 0eACNI4AAN4-00194-00082116-00082516 Again, we can notice a bit of graininess in the image. 0eACNI4AAN4-00195-00082556-00082856 So to improve that 0eACNI4AAN4-00196-00082856-00083206 we could just go back into our 'Render Settings' 0eACNI4AAN4-00197-00083206-00083803 and for example set our 'Camera (AA)' up to '4' 0eACNI4AAN4-00198-00083803-00084283 and then we could set it even higher again for final render settings such as 9 or 10. 0eACNI4AAN4-00199-00084373-00084920 Yes, we can start to see we are getting that lovely Arnold look, with that really nice grain 0eACNI4AAN4-00200-00084920-00085313 and lovely falloff and rolloff happening across the shapes 0f4uW6WxEwo-00000-00000176-00000376 AMAZING SEQUENCES 0f7P3_Fex8c-00000-00000579-00001163 we haven't done at this convention for I don't know how many years LaVon quite a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00001-00001163-00001559 while Jeff Hanlon I believe was the last FF a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00002-00001559-00002027 national officer that we had here and that was I believe about 12 years ago so 0f7P3_Fex8c-00003-00002027-00002711 I'm very pleased to be able to introduce a young gentleman to you comes from the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00004-00002711-00003026 good country Illinois 0f7P3_Fex8c-00005-00003386-00004130 I can get away with that Bob he's a gentleman that spoke at our Illinois nfo 0f7P3_Fex8c-00006-00004130-00004685 convention a couple of this year before last when he was state president he's 0f7P3_Fex8c-00007-00004685-00005243 now the National Secretary of the FFA an organization of about a half a million 0f7P3_Fex8c-00008-00005243-00005864 young men and women and he is one of the six national officer officer so he is 0f7P3_Fex8c-00009-00005864-00006595 indeed an outstanding individual and at this time I'd like to introduce to you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00010-00006595-00007136 mr. Bob quick on his first official assignment of having just been recently 0f7P3_Fex8c-00011-00007136-00007581 elected to national secretary the Future Farmers of America 0f7P3_Fex8c-00012-00009009-00010313 I believe in the future of farming with the faith born not of words but of Deeds 0f7P3_Fex8c-00013-00010313-00010785 achievements won by the president past generations of agriculturalists in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00014-00010785-00011235 promise of better days through better ways even as the better things for now 0f7P3_Fex8c-00015-00011235-00012007 enjoy I have come to us from the struggles former years as I start I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00016-00012007-00012869 pronounced you the first paragraph of the FFA Creed that iam Tiffany so well 0f7P3_Fex8c-00017-00012869-00013676 and so ingeniously put together back in 1934 the FFA members and for the past 0f7P3_Fex8c-00018-00013676-00014151 eight years of my FFA career that first paragraph that Creed has had a lot of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00019-00014151-00014669 meaning because I am also an agriculturalists coming from a small 0f7P3_Fex8c-00020-00014669-00015254 production farm and today I'm no more than just an FFA member and I would like 0f7P3_Fex8c-00021-00015254-00015951 to on that behalf bring the greetings of some 481 thousand FFA members to you and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00022-00015951-00016316 also say that on behalf of the five national officers in which I had the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00023-00016316-00016731 opportunity to serve on their team with they bring their greetings and regret 0f7P3_Fex8c-00024-00016731-00017126 that they couldn't be here with you but if I go back I think of that FFA Creed 0f7P3_Fex8c-00025-00017126-00017570 and I'm sure the other FFA members are thinking of that also because that Creed 0f7P3_Fex8c-00026-00017570-00018084 has so much meaning to us because we're talking about farming and we're young 0f7P3_Fex8c-00027-00018084-00018603 agriculturalists and we have that belief that there is always going to be the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00028-00018603-00018990 industry of agriculture and that it's going to grow and grow and become so 0f7P3_Fex8c-00029-00018990-00019503 much more important as we produced the food and fiber for the world not only 0f7P3_Fex8c-00030-00019503-00019884 for the United States but for the world and we're going to take such a even more 0f7P3_Fex8c-00031-00019884-00020348 dramatic role in producing the food and fiber that you have not even seen to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00032-00020348-00021151 this point of this day when I think of agriculture I think for a lot of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00033-00021151-00021920 responsibility that a small segment of our population has only 3% and even less 0f7P3_Fex8c-00034-00021920-00022395 than 3% today are the agriculturalists of the United States and they provide 0f7P3_Fex8c-00035-00022395-00023025 the food and fiber for America and for the world only 3% of the US population 0f7P3_Fex8c-00036-00023025-00023625 some 250 million people and only 3% of the people have the responsibility of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00037-00023625-00024045 producing the food and fiber you have a lot to be proud of but one thing that I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00038-00024045-00024351 see is a young individual and that's that the American farmers sometimes 0f7P3_Fex8c-00039-00024351-00024926 forgets the big basic role that you provide in the world today you forget 0f7P3_Fex8c-00040-00024926-00025256 that I think you put it back subconsciously and you forget that big 0f7P3_Fex8c-00041-00025256-00025647 important role because you're so busy working and I just want to go back and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00042-00025647-00026031 kind of hit some of the things that you as an American excuse me as an American 0f7P3_Fex8c-00043-00026031-00026870 farmer do for the world the US agriculture industry is the world's 0f7P3_Fex8c-00044-00026870-00027314 basic industry it's the biggest industry in the United 0f7P3_Fex8c-00045-00027314-00027801 States but not necessarily in every nation but here in America we have the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00046-00027801-00028335 resources which is the land labor capital and technology but we have the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00047-00028335-00028791 American farmer we have a man and a woman that are there that are capable of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00048-00028791-00029202 farming they use every resource that they have and they do it like it's never 0f7P3_Fex8c-00049-00029202-00029639 been done before and they put together the biggest the strongest industry ever 0f7P3_Fex8c-00050-00029639-00030270 known the American agriculture industry holds the key to development of many 0f7P3_Fex8c-00051-00030270-00030819 other industries you're the reason why we have a lot of employed people in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00052-00030819-00031370 America because the agriculture industry is so big the processing that is needed 0f7P3_Fex8c-00053-00031370-00031983 for the grain that we produce for the livestock that we produce is so large we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00054-00031983-00032558 have the amazing abilities of the American farmer to produce annually to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00055-00032558-00033024 produce higher yields on fewer acres and there is no other country in the world 0f7P3_Fex8c-00056-00033024-00033684 that can brag and boast that other than the United States we're the leading 0f7P3_Fex8c-00057-00033684-00034091 exporter of agricultural products and when you talk about being the leading 0f7P3_Fex8c-00058-00034091-00034566 agricultural exporter you've also got to say that we play a big role in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00059-00034566-00035216 economy in the economy which touches everyone's lives here in America because 0f7P3_Fex8c-00060-00035216-00035777 the American farmer we can narrow that deficit in our trading 0f7P3_Fex8c-00061-00035777-00036266 and the thing of that is were the leading exporter and we haven't even 0f7P3_Fex8c-00062-00036266-00036624 touched the top of the surface we haven't even skin the skimmed the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00063-00036624-00037218 surface as to the production that we are capable of producing we haven't even 0f7P3_Fex8c-00064-00037218-00037647 reached our potential yet we've just barely found it and with research and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00065-00037647-00038013 with technology I'm sure we're going to find that in the years ahead in America 0f7P3_Fex8c-00066-00038013-00038663 we allow consumers to enjoy more ample supply of food nutritious food and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00067-00038663-00039113 wholesome food products and its sound prices like in no other country in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00068-00039113-00039807 world we spend less than 16 percent of our total disposable income for food and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00069-00039807-00040257 that allows a higher standard of living because other individuals because the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00070-00040257-00040744 individuals of America can go back and can buy those products that they know 0f7P3_Fex8c-00071-00040744-00041603 they so necessarily need not only is the American farmer a producer a man that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00072-00041603-00042044 has worked hard but he's also a consumer and that's also a good advantage that we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00073-00042044-00042444 have because no matter what we produce we've always got to keep in mind that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00074-00042444-00042828 we're consumers and I think a lot of people forget about that the American 0f7P3_Fex8c-00075-00042828-00043169 farmer is also an individual not suspicious of new ways and I'm trying 0f7P3_Fex8c-00076-00043169-00043626 new things new ideas but whenever new ideas come out which we think are 0f7P3_Fex8c-00077-00043626-00044184 beneficial we use them and we're not leery of it we have no skepticism 0f7P3_Fex8c-00078-00044184-00045033 because of that the American farmer is a man capable of so much and he provides 0f7P3_Fex8c-00079-00045033-00045434 so much because the strengths that he has on his will because if you look 0f7P3_Fex8c-00080-00045434-00045953 today and I can speak very clearly because as a young individual all I hear 0f7P3_Fex8c-00081-00045953-00046383 of the American farm industry is negative from outside people it's 0f7P3_Fex8c-00082-00046383-00046816 negative because they say there is no future in farming and that is not so 0f7P3_Fex8c-00083-00046816-00047208 even for the young people which I can speak on their behalf they say there is 0f7P3_Fex8c-00084-00047208-00047688 no future for the young people in agriculture and that is not so but I can 0f7P3_Fex8c-00085-00047688-00048174 say one thing for the American agriculture industry that I think speaks 0f7P3_Fex8c-00086-00048174-00048678 so well and I can say this for any industry in America 0f7P3_Fex8c-00087-00048678-00048984 the attitude that you've got to have the American farmer to be American 0f7P3_Fex8c-00088-00048984-00049416 agriculturalists is a positive attitude and as long as you've got a positive 0f7P3_Fex8c-00089-00049416-00049749 attitude as long as you have this basic understanding that nobody can stop you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00090-00049749-00050106 but you yourself and that you can succeed and that you can become anybody 0f7P3_Fex8c-00091-00050106-00050592 you want to become you can so become that what a man think isn't it 0f7P3_Fex8c-00092-00050592-00051042 think of in his heart so is he and if you want to become an American farmer 0f7P3_Fex8c-00093-00051042-00051474 you can and young people today can become American farmers that's my dream 0f7P3_Fex8c-00094-00051474-00051905 that's my goal and I'm sure that one day all obtain that goal but I will point 0f7P3_Fex8c-00095-00051905-00052233 this out it will be hard to become an American farmer as a young individual 0f7P3_Fex8c-00096-00052233-00052611 when you come from a small farm and the capital is not really there and the land 0f7P3_Fex8c-00097-00052611-00053085 is not there but if I've got that in my heart and I can tell you the young FFA 0f7P3_Fex8c-00098-00053085-00053415 members have that in their heart they will one day become American farmers and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00099-00053415-00054498 agriculturalists as we hear so many of the as I hear so much of the negative 0f7P3_Fex8c-00100-00054498-00054966 news I kind of chuckle because I think it's people that don't really understand 0f7P3_Fex8c-00101-00054966-00055464 the agricultural industry and that's all I can do is but chuckle I believe that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00102-00055464-00055883 if I want to become a farmer I can and though like you know better than I do 0f7P3_Fex8c-00103-00055883-00056388 the challenges that faced us are not negative but they are positive as I look 0f7P3_Fex8c-00104-00056388-00056715 ahead of the future and people ask me many times what is the one handicap that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00105-00056715-00057114 I see for the American agriculture industry or what could be the one 0f7P3_Fex8c-00106-00057114-00057774 handicap and it's simply this attitude because nobody can beat the American 0f7P3_Fex8c-00107-00057774-00058260 farmer but ourselves in the years ahead what is going to be the number one thing 0f7P3_Fex8c-00108-00058260-00058955 that we have to do it's going to be we have to learn to work cooperatively we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00109-00058955-00059405 have to be more educated we have to have a better knowledge of what we're doing 0f7P3_Fex8c-00110-00059405-00059799 and that's going to come from sitting down and not just getting the education 0f7P3_Fex8c-00111-00059799-00060363 through schooling but through practical experience by reading magazines and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00112-00060363-00060822 newspapers by keeping up to date and by helping our farmers our neighbors our 0f7P3_Fex8c-00113-00060822-00061407 countrymen helping each other out and we can do that like no other industry can 0f7P3_Fex8c-00114-00061407-00061841 because we're capable of doing it because we've done it so ingeniously for 0f7P3_Fex8c-00115-00061841-00062141 many years the we're gonna continue to do it for the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00116-00062141-00062951 years ahead the FFA is gonna play a big role in that vital part of getting 0f7P3_Fex8c-00117-00062951-00063311 across to young people all about agriculture and we've done that job 0f7P3_Fex8c-00118-00063311-00063809 since 1928 and we've done it in a very good way also in America today an FFA 0f7P3_Fex8c-00119-00063809-00064295 not only do we try to provide the avenues through which FFA members young 0f7P3_Fex8c-00120-00064295-00064591 individuals that have a lot of potential but don't know how to find that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00121-00064591-00065017 potential not only do we help them reach their goals and just public speaking in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00122-00065017-00065363 parliamentary procedure and record-keeping but we also teach them 0f7P3_Fex8c-00123-00065363-00065843 good ways of how you can become a better Patriot of your country how you can 0f7P3_Fex8c-00124-00065843-00066383 become a better leader and we try to teach the FFA member from way back and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00125-00066383-00066764 it all starts with the family FFA tries to teach the patriotism the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00126-00066764-00067258 respect that you have to gain from that family and the family is the most basic 0f7P3_Fex8c-00127-00067258-00067703 starting point of any young individual and I hope that as I speak here today 0f7P3_Fex8c-00128-00067703-00068078 you can understand and if you have part of your family back home they couldn't 0f7P3_Fex8c-00129-00068078-00068501 make it when you go back you try to explain to them and that you try to be 0f7P3_Fex8c-00130-00068501-00069245 that good parent that they so much need you've got to give your young individual 0f7P3_Fex8c-00131-00069245-00069800 a good family and in America we do have that family and it is a great way to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00132-00069800-00070319 start also the young people are taught through education not only in the FFA do 0f7P3_Fex8c-00133-00070319-00070721 we have just classroom instruction but we're such a good organization because 0f7P3_Fex8c-00134-00070721-00071174 we also have the practical experiences by which you can learn through education 0f7P3_Fex8c-00135-00071174-00071609 is very important and not only in agriculture today and in the FFA do we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00136-00071609-00071993 have the family and the education but we have the practical experience you learn 0f7P3_Fex8c-00137-00071993-00072503 by applying your talents and by reaching your potential in this manner and one 0f7P3_Fex8c-00138-00072503-00072836 important thing that we need and if I would have to say one important thing 0f7P3_Fex8c-00139-00072836-00073106 you're going to have to do for the young people not only in FFA but the many 0f7P3_Fex8c-00140-00073106-00073502 other young organizations youth organizations cuz you're gonna have to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00141-00073502-00074048 help advise them though we try our hearts out many times we can also spin 0f7P3_Fex8c-00142-00074048-00074423 our shoes a little bit and not make it too far because we don't have the advice 0f7P3_Fex8c-00143-00074423-00074783 you've got the experience that we don't have and we need that advice so 0f7P3_Fex8c-00144-00074783-00075218 desperately we need your help we need your support and you've got to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00145-00075218-00075601 understand the young individual to grow and wants to prosper but without 0f7P3_Fex8c-00146-00075601-00076106 your help we can't go too far because we don't really have much of a past look 0f7P3_Fex8c-00147-00076106-00076693 back to and you do because you've experienced a lot of agony a lot of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00148-00076693-00077026 struggles and you've faced a lot of challenges and you know what it's like 0f7P3_Fex8c-00149-00077026-00077417 back there and you've got to help the young people like never before 0f7P3_Fex8c-00150-00077417-00077843 to face the challenges that we're going to be facing in the years ahead in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00151-00077843-00078191 years ahead the American farmer will be producing more food and fiber than for 0f7P3_Fex8c-00152-00078191-00078587 just 56 individuals which we produce today the American farmer will have to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00153-00078587-00078976 have more knowledge than just in the areas of business when in which you're a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00154-00078976-00079310 businessman of labor and management you're also the chief purchasing agent 0f7P3_Fex8c-00155-00079310-00079780 you have to decide which 20 or 80 thousand dollar combine to buy your so 0f7P3_Fex8c-00156-00079780-00080192 an efficiency expert and in the land in an area in which the rate of return is 0f7P3_Fex8c-00157-00080192-00080924 so minimal you have to know where you can find that extra dollar you have to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00158-00080924-00081370 also be an environmentalist and a conservationist and most of all the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00159-00081370-00081808 American farmer you have to become an optimist you are an optimist and you've 0f7P3_Fex8c-00160-00081808-00082193 got to remain that way and you've got to spread all this knowledge down to those 0f7P3_Fex8c-00161-00082193-00082717 many FFA members I don't know if you're aware of this but in America today 0f7P3_Fex8c-00162-00082717-00083281 there's an army moving in there is an army moving in and they're taking over 0f7P3_Fex8c-00163-00083281-00083693 the agriculture industry they've already taken over the transportation industry 0f7P3_Fex8c-00164-00083693-00084098 the shipping lanes that we have these people are moving into the United States 0f7P3_Fex8c-00165-00084098-00084418 like you've never seen before and they're taking over our total economy 0f7P3_Fex8c-00166-00084418-00084830 like never before and many of you are probably starting to get a little 0f7P3_Fex8c-00167-00084830-00085081 nervous and you're probably starting to shake a little bit you're thinking who 0f7P3_Fex8c-00168-00085081-00085555 is this army that's moving in are they from the other part of the world that we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00169-00085555-00086042 fight it seems like all the time no because this army that I'm talking about 0f7P3_Fex8c-00170-00086042-00086431 that I've been talking about for the past few minutes is the young people the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00171-00086431-00087017 young aggressive individual who wants to prosper and who will prosper in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00172-00087017-00087445 years ahead but as I again relate it's going to come from the family the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00173-00087445-00087817 education the experience and advice that you can give to us the young people of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00174-00087817-00088312 America and I also hope that and what I've said today that you can understand 0f7P3_Fex8c-00175-00088312-00088736 the important role that you play in agriculture it's not by no means small 0f7P3_Fex8c-00176-00088736-00089266 but it is large the American farmer has a large role which you have to maintain 0f7P3_Fex8c-00177-00089266-00089786 and support the basic downfall to agriculture which will never come but if 0f7P3_Fex8c-00178-00089786-00090157 it would come it would be because we don't have the attitude to keep facing 0f7P3_Fex8c-00179-00090157-00090623 the challenges that lie ahead we've got to face those challenges and we will if 0f7P3_Fex8c-00180-00090623-00090926 you look at the economy today things look bad for the American producer the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00181-00090926-00091325 government sometimes we say they're an interference is really hurting us but 0f7P3_Fex8c-00182-00091325-00091616 keep in mind the only thing that can hurt the American farmer is their own 0f7P3_Fex8c-00183-00091616-00091997 attitude when we learn not to work cooperatively we when we just throw in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00184-00091997-00092639 the towel and we can do that and we won't do that the past we start out with 0f7P3_Fex8c-00185-00092639-00093122 a hundred horse team we had a hundred horsepower to pull our machines way way 0f7P3_Fex8c-00186-00093122-00093581 way back and even before that all we had was a hoe and when you look ahead to the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00187-00093581-00093958 future one day we're gonna be farming out of control tires because we're 0f7P3_Fex8c-00188-00093958-00094351 already doing it then a Mississippian a junior college they're already farming 0f7P3_Fex8c-00189-00094351-00094766 through a control tower with underground wires and there is not one man sitting 0f7P3_Fex8c-00190-00094766-00095135 on the tractor but he's sitting up in a control control tower running that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00191-00095135-00095567 enterprise and also in the future you're gonna have management and it's going to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00192-00095567-00095954 be so necessary you gonna have to become an even better manager you got to become 0f7P3_Fex8c-00193-00095954-00096404 even a better efficiency expert but we've already started doing that because 0f7P3_Fex8c-00194-00096404-00096686 that's what we're training the young people to do but you're gonna have to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00195-00096686-00097349 start doing that more so every day now today and I guess the best day that I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00196-00097349-00097795 haven't talked about yet I've talked about the past the future so briefly but 0f7P3_Fex8c-00197-00097795-00098395 the most important day is today because if we wait till tomorrow we will never 0f7P3_Fex8c-00198-00098395-00098888 realize and understand the potential that we have in our industry it's a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00199-00098888-00099370 great industry we've got a lot of potential and you as the American farmer 0f7P3_Fex8c-00200-00099370-00099830 have not even reached potential you haven't even skimmed the surface you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00201-00099830-00100373 have not even began to realize the full potential that you have as an American 0f7P3_Fex8c-00202-00100373-00100937 individual and I hope that you will I want to leave you with a little story 0f7P3_Fex8c-00203-00100937-00101444 that it means an awful lot to me and I hope that you'll listen very closely as 0f7P3_Fex8c-00204-00101444-00102131 I say it there was once a young married couple living in a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00205-00102131-00102619 nice home it was very small and comfortable for their celery in their 0f7P3_Fex8c-00206-00102619-00103129 learned living conditions and one day the lady noticed that they had a mouse 0f7P3_Fex8c-00207-00103129-00103678 running loose in the house and so she wisely told her husband who I think was 0f7P3_Fex8c-00208-00103678-00104024 just as much as scared gentleman I think he was also scared that he need to buy a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00209-00104024-00104458 mousetrap so this man thought well fine and he kind of waste a little time 0f7P3_Fex8c-00210-00104458-00104719 during a day and finally that night he went out to a hardware store he bought a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00211-00104719-00105235 mousetrap and that night he brought it back and he started to set it up and he 0f7P3_Fex8c-00212-00105235-00105689 realized that he needed some type of bait for that Mouse and he went to the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00213-00105689-00105926 refrigerator and he looked completely through that refrigerator and he 0f7P3_Fex8c-00214-00105926-00106267 couldn't find any bait at all no cheese or nothing that he could plant as as a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00215-00106267-00106823 bait or an incentive for that mouse to come to that trap so he got to thinking 0f7P3_Fex8c-00216-00106823-00107116 and he thought for a couple of hours it was getting late and he wanted to go to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00217-00107116-00107530 to bed and he was tired so he thought well what am i doing so he went over to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00218-00107530-00107939 a magazine and he cut out the picture of a piece of cheese and he put that on 0f7P3_Fex8c-00219-00107939-00108334 that mousetrap so he went to bed that night and when he got up the next 0f7P3_Fex8c-00220-00108334-00109035 morning do you know what he caught and he caught the picture of a mouse 0f7P3_Fex8c-00221-00109194-00110427 and and that's the only to say to the agricultural leaders of America when you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00222-00110427-00111011 start to start to set your trap and and you don't have any bait just to think 0f7P3_Fex8c-00223-00111011-00111642 about the potential that you have you've got to be realistic in your goals and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00224-00111642-00112206 your dreams and your in your desires you have the biggest industry in the world 0f7P3_Fex8c-00225-00112206-00112902 and be realistic about that because I'm sure that if you put the picture of a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00226-00112902-00113325 piece of cheese in your mousetrap you'll catch the picture of a mouse and you'll 0f7P3_Fex8c-00227-00113325-00113766 never really catch the realistic values of life be realistic in every walk of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00228-00113766-00114350 your life and as the last paragraph the Future Farmers of America Creed says I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00229-00114350-00114708 believe that rural America cannon will hold true to the best traditions of its 0f7P3_Fex8c-00230-00114708-00115044 national of our national life and that I can't exert an influence my home a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00231-00115044-00115599 community that will stand solid for my part an aspiring task go back to your 0f7P3_Fex8c-00232-00115599-00116118 communities go back to your communities when you leave the conference this 0f7P3_Fex8c-00233-00116118-00116670 convention at the nfo and try to instill in the young people and in your 0f7P3_Fex8c-00234-00116670-00117072 neighbors alike and try to help them understand the great potential and the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00235-00117072-00117504 great need we have in your industry so they'll realize the values that they 0f7P3_Fex8c-00236-00117504-00117932 must have in being realistic with themselves and in the world tomorrow 0f7P3_Fex8c-00237-00117932-00118527 thank you very much on behalf of the FFA we appreciate this opportunity and I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00238-00118527-00118854 must say that this happens to be one of the happiest times of my life because 0f7P3_Fex8c-00239-00118854-00119403 not only is it the first time my first experience it's a national officer but 0f7P3_Fex8c-00240-00119403-00119766 I've had the opportunity with the nfo back in Illinois and I understand your 0f7P3_Fex8c-00241-00119766-00120207 purposes your principles and I say more power to you and I wish you the best in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00242-00120207-00120506 the years to come because the American farmer has the greatest and the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00243-00120506-00122150 brightest future ever known yet and it's yet to come thank you very much 0f7P3_Fex8c-00244-00122332-00123233 thank you Bob the Secretary has arrived and it gives me a great deal of pleasure 0f7P3_Fex8c-00245-00123233-00123983 to introduce the Honorable Secretary of Agriculture to the delicate body and as 0f7P3_Fex8c-00246-00123983-00124627 his close personal friends know he's a farmer from Roseau Minnesota first and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00247-00124627-00125333 then secondly a politician he's been a member of the National Farmers 0f7P3_Fex8c-00248-00125333-00125935 Organization for many many years and he is a graduate from the University of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00249-00125935-00126530 Minnesota majoring in agriculture bob was elected three times the United 0f7P3_Fex8c-00250-00126530-00127028 States Congress from the seventh District of Minnesota and interestingly 0f7P3_Fex8c-00251-00127028-00127763 enough he's the first Secretary of Agriculture who is a real farmer since 0f7P3_Fex8c-00252-00127763-00128345 the Roosevelt administration and we appreciate the open-door policy that he 0f7P3_Fex8c-00253-00128345-00129058 is always had merely with a phone call or a need we had access to he and his 0f7P3_Fex8c-00254-00129058-00129614 staff over the past four years and we appreciate that interest and that 0f7P3_Fex8c-00255-00129614-00130439 cooperation Bob recognized some time ago that we did not really have an effective 0f7P3_Fex8c-00256-00130439-00131225 farm organization or farm program and so he became involved in using his 0f7P3_Fex8c-00257-00131225-00131825 influence in both assisting farm organizations and designing a farm 0f7P3_Fex8c-00258-00131825-00132398 program and hence the structure meetings that you became aware of was under his 0f7P3_Fex8c-00259-00132398-00133055 direction in a desire to redirect and better serve the needs of farmers Bob's 0f7P3_Fex8c-00260-00133055-00133622 a team man and he served as a member of the president's cabinet let me introduce 0f7P3_Fex8c-00261-00133622-00136078 to you the Honorable secretary Bob Bergland 0f7P3_Fex8c-00262-00136078-00136429 mr. president 0f7P3_Fex8c-00263-00136547-00137728 officers delegates fellow members guests 0f7P3_Fex8c-00264-00137908-00138224 and friends all 0f7P3_Fex8c-00265-00138514-00139690 it is an honor for me to be invited to this convention one of the most 0f7P3_Fex8c-00266-00139690-00140487 important agriculture events each year in these United States 0f7P3_Fex8c-00267-00141047-00141821 I'm here this morning primarily to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00268-00141887-00142689 discuss with you the role not of agriculture in this world because I 0f7P3_Fex8c-00269-00142689-00143567 think that has been well established but rather the role of institutions in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00270-00143567-00144221 strengthening the structure of agriculture in the United States as 0f7P3_Fex8c-00271-00144221-00145368 these changes come about and to thank you and your leaders for the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00272-00145368-00146034 constructive help which you've given me and my colleagues during these past four 0f7P3_Fex8c-00273-00146034-00146237 years 0f7P3_Fex8c-00274-00146738-00147824 there have been times when we have disagreed as it should be in an open and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00275-00147824-00148475 free society it is necessary that people take time out from their routine to take 0f7P3_Fex8c-00276-00148475-00149153 stock and think and organize and represent yourself and your views in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00277-00149153-00149678 halls of the Congress of the United States or the legislature in the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00278-00149678-00150400 Department of Agriculture and most importantly at the marketplace and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00279-00150400-00151020 during these during these past four years we have gone through turbulent 0f7P3_Fex8c-00280-00151020-00151741 times in this world that is getting smaller as airplanes get faster an 0f7P3_Fex8c-00281-00151741-00152597 imperfect world an unruly place a world and driven sometimes by persons like the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00282-00152597-00153460 Ayatollah Khomeini persons that we don't understand persons we don't even know 0f7P3_Fex8c-00283-00153460-00154045 who go to a different church who dress differently who don't speak our language 0f7P3_Fex8c-00284-00154045-00154727 different values a different culture persons like the Ayatollah Khomeini 0f7P3_Fex8c-00285-00154727-00155512 come and go but they have today a profound impact upon the United States 0f7P3_Fex8c-00286-00155512-00156329 upon you and me individually and as an organization and so we have gone through 0f7P3_Fex8c-00287-00156329-00157082 four years of difficulty Soviet invasion of Afghanistan brought an embargo 0f7P3_Fex8c-00288-00157082-00157920 creating a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety but all during this time you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00289-00157920-00158420 through your chosen officials at the state and national level have constantly 0f7P3_Fex8c-00290-00158420-00159095 represented a solid substantial continuing source of strength and 0f7P3_Fex8c-00291-00159095-00159813 support for this government critical at times of course as it should be 0f7P3_Fex8c-00292-00159813-00160636 but always there to be counted on even when the going was rough we could depend 0f7P3_Fex8c-00293-00160636-00161120 on you as having the courage of your convictions in the capacity to think 0f7P3_Fex8c-00294-00161120-00161974 clearly and your leaders have the skills to represent those viewpoints even under 0f7P3_Fex8c-00295-00161974-00163017 difficult times we're now in the transitional phase of transferring power 0f7P3_Fex8c-00296-00163017-00163942 from one administration to the next nobody's being shot no one is going to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00297-00163942-00165091 jail and I just met yesterday with some officials from China discussing the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00298-00165091-00165698 future of our two countries in our agricultural trade and they marveled at 0f7P3_Fex8c-00299-00165698-00166315 how we in the United States could contest the election as bitterly as this 0f7P3_Fex8c-00300-00166315-00166900 one was fought out they will choose our leaders but once the election is over we 0f7P3_Fex8c-00301-00166900-00167395 unite because we are above all else Americans first 0f7P3_Fex8c-00302-00168091-00168905 and as we read the headlines and watch the national news and see the unrest in 0f7P3_Fex8c-00303-00168905-00169853 places like Poland it should serve to reinforce a conviction that we sometimes 0f7P3_Fex8c-00304-00169853-00170387 take for granted namely that the freedom to criticize government the freedom to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00305-00170387-00170876 organize the freedom to bargain collectively is a freedom that has been 0f7P3_Fex8c-00306-00170876-00172133 taken for granted but must be protected at almost any cost and there are some 0f7P3_Fex8c-00307-00172133-00172499 persons who think they're responsible for the outcome of this election who 0f7P3_Fex8c-00308-00172499-00173542 would destroy those freedoms if they get their way be on guard 0f7P3_Fex8c-00309-00173542-00174268 but while government changes in a peaceful fashion and we are having a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00310-00174268-00175079 reasonable transfer of power I am not here today to discuss what the incoming 0f7P3_Fex8c-00311-00175079-00175631 administration or the new Senate Republicans might do in the agricultural 0f7P3_Fex8c-00312-00175631-00176381 front because it would be unfair of me time will tell but the transfer is going 0f7P3_Fex8c-00313-00176381-00177355 on in an orderly fashion it should be however also a reminder that elections 0f7P3_Fex8c-00314-00177355-00177914 replace people like me and Jimmy Carter and members of the Congress of the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00315-00177914-00178472 United States and governors and all and those elections therefore will change 0f7P3_Fex8c-00316-00178472-00179531 policies as policies have changed from time to time reinforcing therefore the 0f7P3_Fex8c-00317-00179531-00180110 need for organizing in the private market sectors such as is the creator of 0f7P3_Fex8c-00318-00180110-00180364 the nfo 0f7P3_Fex8c-00319-00180779-00181227 you cannot depend on government to provide you the kind of income you 0f7P3_Fex8c-00320-00181227-00181442 deserve 0f7P3_Fex8c-00321-00181878-00182385 you've got to use the enormous economic and political power in your hands to 0f7P3_Fex8c-00322-00182385-00183222 advance your cause as a an organized part of this free society and you know 0f7P3_Fex8c-00323-00183222-00183768 how to do it you get experience at it I've been a 0f7P3_Fex8c-00324-00183768-00184827 member since nfo was organized in my County in the 1960s and I know I know 0f7P3_Fex8c-00325-00184827-00185220 how difficult it is I know how complicated and how discouraging it can 0f7P3_Fex8c-00326-00185220-00185696 be at times but I also know this it's the best hope 0f7P3_Fex8c-00327-00186118-00186604 and so just keep at it now I'm going to be leaving my job in a couple of months 0f7P3_Fex8c-00328-00186604-00187489 but I'm not going to get off the world I'm gonna be around in some capacity be 0f7P3_Fex8c-00329-00187489-00188221 doing something I don't know where and I don't know what but you can be assured 0f7P3_Fex8c-00330-00188221-00188779 that I'm going to maintain my keen interest in the affairs of Agriculture 0f7P3_Fex8c-00331-00188779-00189664 and family farming and indeed the whole matter of this tremendously important 0f7P3_Fex8c-00332-00189664-00189927 industry 0gm7yWr9E-0-00000-00000335-00000606 Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00001-00000606-00001386 Today’s our monthly Q&A, so let me apologize in advance to all those whose names I will 0gm7yWr9E-0-00002-00001386-00002002 butcher throughout this video :) . Before we get to the questions, let’s get Hai on 0gm7yWr9E-0-00003-00002002-00002102 Tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00004-00002102-00003069 This week’s tea is Sui Yin Zi or Broken Silver, a rather new invention based on Pu’Er 0gm7yWr9E-0-00005-00003069-00003180 tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00006-00003180-00004287 Sui means Broken or an object in small pieces; Yin Zi means Silver, which was used as currency 0gm7yWr9E-0-00007-00004287-00004587 in ancient China. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00008-00004587-00005510 Tea merchants in the old days often used small silver pieces as a method of payment in transactions. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00009-00005510-00006425 So, Broken Silver, named after the shape of this kind of Pu’Er tea, has a nice meaning. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00010-00006425-00007373 So, let’s look at the shape of Sui Yin Zi tea . Now, let’s talk further about this 0gm7yWr9E-0-00011-00007373-00007543 tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00012-00007543-00008235 In the Hai on Tea section of a prior video titled: “Xiu Dao Concepts (16): Refine the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00013-00008235-00009150 Emptiness and Merge with the Dao”, I introduced a unique Pu’Er tea, Lao Chao Tou which means 0gm7yWr9E-0-00014-00009150-00009307 “Old Tea Nuggets”. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00015-00009307-00010327 Basically, Lao Cha Tou is a byproduct of the tea Stacking process in the fermentation of 0gm7yWr9E-0-00016-00010327-00010568 Ripe Pu’Er. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00017-00010568-00011489 In this process, some leaves agglomerate into small blocks, which people call Lao Cha Tou. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00018-00011489-00012414 So, Lao Cha Tou is the result of the agglomeration of tea leaves during the stacked-fermentation 0gm7yWr9E-0-00019-00012414-00012922 process of producing Ripe Pu’Er. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00020-00012922-00013757 The stronger Pu’Er flavour of Lao Chao Tou compared to the regular Pu’Er, made Lao Cha 0gm7yWr9E-0-00021-00013757-00014128 Tou very popular years ago. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00022-00014128-00015028 About 10 years ago, a couple of tea manufacturers began to promote a tea named Sui Yin Zi or 0gm7yWr9E-0-00023-00015028-00015186 Broken Silver. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00024-00015186-00016078 While Lao Cha Tou or Old Tea Nuggets is a natural byproduct of the Pu’Er tea fermentation 0gm7yWr9E-0-00025-00016078-00016923 process, Sui Yin Zi, on the other hand, is a rather deliberate modification of Pu’Er. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00026-00016923-00017371 So, how is Sui Yin Zi produced? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00027-00017371-00018334 Well, very often, Shu Pu’Er or Ripe Pu’Er tea is the main ingredient, plus some other 0gm7yWr9E-0-00028-00018334-00019489 key ingredients such as No Mi Cao or Strobilanthes Tonkinensis Lindau, a plant from Yunnan province 0gm7yWr9E-0-00029-00019489-00019891 of China that is good for health. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00030-00019891-00020773 By the way, the literal translation of No Mi Cao is Sweet Rice Grass because its leaves 0gm7yWr9E-0-00031-00020773-00021259 possess a special fragrance of Sweet Rice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00032-00021259-00022192 Sweet Rice fragrance is expected for high-quality Ripe Pu’Er and No Mi Cao is the secret ingredient 0gm7yWr9E-0-00033-00022192-00023031 added to Sui Yin Zi tea in order to strengthen the expected Ripe Pu’Er flavour. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00034-00023031-00024029 As a result, no matter what kind of Shu Pu’Er is used as the base for Sui Yin Zi, the Broken 0gm7yWr9E-0-00035-00024029-00024620 Silver tea will definitely possess a strong Sweet Rice flavour. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00036-00024620-00025513 This is another reason behind the popularity and also the high price of Sui Yin Zi soon 0gm7yWr9E-0-00037-00025513-00026225 after its initial availability in the market years ago. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00038-00026225-00027057 So, different ingredients are mixed together including Pu’Er tea powder, No Mi Cao the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00039-00027057-00027924 Sweet Rice Flavour Grass, hydrocolloids and so on, and then reshaped into small pieces 0gm7yWr9E-0-00040-00027924-00028175 resembling broken silver. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00041-00028175-00028599 That’s how Sui Yin Zi is produced. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00042-00028599-00029408 As Sui Yin Zi is a modification of Pu’Er, its health benefits are largely the same as 0gm7yWr9E-0-00043-00029408-00030175 that of Pu’Er, No Mi Cao and other ingredients put together. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00044-00030175-00030938 Like many other teas, people drink Sui Yin Zi for its strong Pu’Er flavour rather than 0gm7yWr9E-0-00045-00030938-00031356 for its health benefits. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00046-00031356-00032166 Sui Yin Zi is best brewed with water at 100 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00047-00032166-00032857 Some people even boil it for as long as a couple of minutes. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00048-00032857-00033487 I have a few boxes of Sui Yin Zi with leaves of different shapes. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00049-00033487-00033829 This one is among the better ones. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00050-00033829-00035369 This is the tea “leaf” and this is the colour of the tea decoction. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00051-00035369-00035939 You can see the beautiful colour indicating a good Pu’Er tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00052-00035939-00036763 Full disclosure, I do not consume Sui Yin Zi too often since I prefer naturally produced 0gm7yWr9E-0-00053-00036763-00037016 tea over artificial modifications. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00054-00037016-00037961 It is often very hard to determine the ingredients used in artificially modified tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00055-00037961-00038651 Sometimes, I only add a few pieces into Pu’Er tea to enhance its taste. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00056-00038651-00039498 If I have visitors who prefer Ripe Pu’Er, I may add a few pieces of Sui Yin Zi into 0gm7yWr9E-0-00057-00039498-00039820 the teapot to enhance the flavour. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00058-00039820-00040748 So, I treat Sui Yin Zi as more of a Pu’Er additive than as a standalone tea :) 0gm7yWr9E-0-00059-00040748-00041057 Do let me know your experience with Sui Yin Zi. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00060-00041057-00041830 Again, you may not like the idea of Sui Yin Zi, but you most likely will enjoy the flavour 0gm7yWr9E-0-00061-00041830-00042053 of this “tea”. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00062-00042053-00042716 With that, let’s answer some questions asked by our community members. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00063-00042716-00043902 First, Ofer JRL (1): Energy Point Concept Next, Ofer JRL (2): English Translations of 0gm7yWr9E-0-00064-00043902-00044641 Chang Naizhou’s Works Next, Darkwing Dook (1): Drills in Sword and 0gm7yWr9E-0-00065-00044641-00045259 Saber Practice Next, Darkwing Dook (2): Fa Jin with Weights 0gm7yWr9E-0-00066-00045259-00046313 Next, Neijiaquan: Xuan Pin in Dao De Jing Next, William Palmeri: Wu Chi Zhang 0gm7yWr9E-0-00067-00046313-00047065 Next, Save Lives: Intention in Qigong and Xiu Dao 0gm7yWr9E-0-00068-00047065-00047944 Next, T Pea: Lao Cha Tou Next, 大成若缺: “Dragon” Usage in 0gm7yWr9E-0-00069-00047944-00048524 Terminology Finally, Neil Milne: Body Coordination in 0gm7yWr9E-0-00070-00048524-00048644 Fa Jin 0gm7yWr9E-0-00071-00048644-00048888 So, let’s get started. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00072-00048888-00049466 Ofer JRL asks a question about the Energy Point concept. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00073-00049466-00050291 He said, quote: “ I read in several places that for health or spiritual Chi cultivation 0gm7yWr9E-0-00074-00050291-00051319 and Internal MA practice using Fajin, one should open the 4 gates, namely the Laogong 0gm7yWr9E-0-00075-00051319-00051729 area in the hands and Yongquan area in the legs. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00076-00051729-00052674 What is the meaning of "opening" a point or an area, and if it is a necessity for advancing 0gm7yWr9E-0-00077-00052674-00053343 in the internal arts, how actually we can do it, and how we can know that we actually 0gm7yWr9E-0-00078-00053343-00053761 did open those gates.” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00079-00053761-00054251 Thank you for this question, Ofer JRL. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00080-00054251-00054792 Very impressive to see this topic mentioned by someone outside of China. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00081-00054792-00055636 Yes, it is indeed a very deep question and I’d like to provide a brief answer today. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00082-00055636-00056401 In the practice of Qigong and internal martial arts, some important body areas are usually 0gm7yWr9E-0-00083-00056401-00057206 expressed using acupuncture points and require special attention toward developing their 0gm7yWr9E-0-00084-00057206-00057556 functions in terms of energy exchange. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00085-00057556-00058454 Very often, people only pay special attention to the Dantian areas and Bai Hui areas in 0gm7yWr9E-0-00086-00058454-00058679 Qigong practice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00087-00058679-00059516 Actually, Lao Gong and Yong Quan, which are located on the hands and feet respectively, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00088-00059516-00060216 are more important in practice in terms of developing energy exchange functions. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00089-00060216-00061211 In Qigong practice, these four points are considered to directly exchange energy inward 0gm7yWr9E-0-00090-00061211-00061576 and outward from the body. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00091-00061576-00062699 This concept is not that popular and its practice is even rarer in both China and the West. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00092-00062699-00063535 I studied it when I was a teenager and have applied this practice to many of my students. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00093-00063535-00064508 Basically, the concept of “opening” or Kai in Chinese means to enable that area to 0gm7yWr9E-0-00094-00064508-00064611 better exchange energy. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00095-00064611-00065568 To do so, there are two approaches: one is that a practitioner follows some energy practice 0gm7yWr9E-0-00096-00065568-00066300 which stimulates these four points, eventually opening them. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00097-00066300-00067101 The other approach is that a teacher will stimulate these points by using his/her own 0gm7yWr9E-0-00098-00067101-00067201 energy. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00099-00067201-00067679 Not a difficult practice, but requires some experience. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00100-00067679-00068536 Again, these four points are important, with the two points on the palms being more important 0gm7yWr9E-0-00101-00068536-00068901 than those on the feet. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00102-00068901-00069638 This technique is used in Qigong practice and is beneficial but not necessary for the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00103-00069638-00069883 internal style of martial arts. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00104-00069883-00070751 There is no direct relationship between these practices and martial ability. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00105-00070751-00071366 This topic is considered advanced training, especially in relation to energetic practice, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00106-00071366-00071808 and is hard to detail in Q&A videos. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00107-00071808-00072048 I hope that answers your question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00108-00072048-00072414 Let’s move on to the next tone. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00109-00072414-00073158 Ofer JRL also asks another question about Chang Naizhou and his works. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00110-00073158-00073850 He says there are two books in English that talk about his work and he wants to know my 0gm7yWr9E-0-00111-00073850-00074175 opinion about them. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00112-00074175-00074685 Thank you for this question as well, Ofer JRL. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00113-00074685-00075355 In the previous video titled: “Internal Style Concepts (60): Gang Rou in Ba Gua”, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00114-00075355-00076267 I mentioned that it is not easy to translate a book into English without a prior deep understanding 0gm7yWr9E-0-00115-00076267-00076487 of martial art practice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00116-00076487-00077363 Furthermore, the interpretation of a document is a lot more important than simple translation. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00117-00077363-00078167 For example, the six-word proverb “Rou Guo Qi, Gang Luo Dian”, took me three videos 0gm7yWr9E-0-00118-00078167-00078697 to explain in the context of each of the internal styles. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00119-00078697-00079239 And that’s merely scratching the surface. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00120-00079239-00079901 To directly answer your question, I have never read English translations of these books so 0gm7yWr9E-0-00121-00079901-00080373 it’s very hard for me to comment on them. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00122-00080373-00081094 What I am talking about here is based on my experience of skimming through English translations 0gm7yWr9E-0-00123-00081094-00081763 of some other Chinese martial documents, not these specific two books. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00124-00081763-00082599 I am aware that may not be the answer you’re looking for, but that’s the best I can provide. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00125-00082599-00082869 Hope that helps, Ofer JRL. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00126-00082869-00083287 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00127-00083287-00084166 Darkwing Dook asks about sword and saber drills similar to Lan Na Zha drills used in spear 0gm7yWr9E-0-00128-00084166-00084345 training. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00129-00084345-00084480 Thank you Darkwing Dook. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00130-00084480-00084955 There are many basic drills in Chinese martial art weapons practices. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00131-00084955-00085823 As is the case with spear practice, both sword and saber practice also have basic drills. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00132-00085823-00086762 The sword and saber use different drills with additional differences depending on the style. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00133-00086762-00087852 There are eight basic movements for saber training: Kan: Chopping, Liao: Upward Leading, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00134-00087852-00088936 Ci: Piercing, Jie: Pushing, Lan: Blocking, Beng: Pressing, Zhan: Cutting, Mo: Slicing, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00135-00088936-00090067 Dai: Pulling, Chan Guo: Wrapping, and so on; along with 13 basic movements for the sword: 0gm7yWr9E-0-00136-00090067-00091086 Ci: Piercing, Dian: Pointing, Liao: Parrying, Beng: Pressing: Jiao: Stirring, Pi: Chopping, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00137-00091086-00092198 Lan: Blocking, Mo: Slicing, Sao: Sweeping, Xiao: Intercepting, Gua: Pulling, Jie: Pushing, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00138-00092198-00092502 and Ti: Upward Leading. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00139-00092502-00093331 There are different types of swords available in terms of the rigidity of the blade: soft 0gm7yWr9E-0-00140-00093331-00093975 blade swords and hard blade swords, each used in different drills. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00141-00093975-00094720 Likewise, the saber will also have different drills depending on the length of the handle, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00142-00094720-00095504 which is a key differentiating factor between single-hand and double-hand sabers. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00143-00095504-00096280 Even though the 8 and 13 basic movements for the sword and saber respectively can cover 0gm7yWr9E-0-00144-00096280-00097006 most of the techniques, the combinations of those basic movements make the practice of 0gm7yWr9E-0-00145-00097006-00097435 each weapon interesting and challenging. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00146-00097435-00097931 I will systematically introduce Chinese weapons practice in the future. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00147-00097931-00098144 So please stay tuned. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00148-00098144-00098543 Now, let’s look at his next question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00149-00098543-00099324 Darkwing Dook also asks a Fa Jin question, quote: “is there a way to practice it with 0gm7yWr9E-0-00150-00099324-00099710 a weight like a dumbbell or a barbell? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00151-00099710-00100375 a lot of boxing coaches said we shouldn't practice punches while holding weight, because 0gm7yWr9E-0-00152-00100375-00100617 it can damage our joints. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00153-00100617-00101330 but since heavy spear can be used to train fajing, I wonder if normal weights can be 0gm7yWr9E-0-00154-00101330-00101576 used safely too.” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00155-00101576-00101743 End quote. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00156-00101743-00101917 Good question indeed. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00157-00101917-00102675 In my opinion, training with weights is a good idea as long as the weight in your hands 0gm7yWr9E-0-00158-00102675-00102775 is manageable. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00159-00102775-00103630 In other words, if you can practice your routines and forms without any major difficulties, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00160-00103630-00103968 then that is not a problem at all. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00161-00103968-00104806 However, speaking from observation, a lot of dumbbells and barbells can be very heavy, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00162-00104806-00105225 and may not be suitable for practicing martial art movements such as punches. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00163-00105225-00106135 There are two types of spear training for Fajin practice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00164-00106135-00106678 One is with a heavy spear, and the other with a light spear. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00165-00106678-00107364 The heavy spear is used to train the back power while the light spear is used to train 0gm7yWr9E-0-00166-00107364-00107610 the shoulder and chest power. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00167-00107610-00108458 Furthermore, the heavy spear is good for training the shaking power while the light spear is 0gm7yWr9E-0-00168-00108458-00108845 good for training the sharp power. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00169-00108845-00109673 And there are many more detailed differentiations between using these two types of spears. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00170-00109673-00110391 Unfortunately, many people in the community misunderstand the differences between the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00171-00110391-00111078 different types of spears in terms of length and weight and mistakenly believe them to 0gm7yWr9E-0-00172-00111078-00111308 serve the same purpose. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00173-00111308-00111588 It is just wrong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00174-00111588-00112328 Even in ancient times on the battlefield, different types of spears were used for different 0gm7yWr9E-0-00175-00112328-00112610 military purposes. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00176-00112610-00113309 Lacking knowledge of ancient Chinese weaponry is a major reason why some people wrongly 0gm7yWr9E-0-00177-00113309-00113976 believe that all spear practices should use long and heavy spears. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00178-00113976-00114639 So, make sure to use the right equipment or weapon for each training objective. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00179-00114639-00115700 Again, using a lightweight device such as a barbell is not an issue if handled carefully. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00180-00115700-00115955 Martial training requires strength. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00181-00115955-00116366 I hope I have answered both of your questions, Darkwing Dook. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00182-00116366-00116802 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00183-00116802-00117794 Andrea Moruzzi a.k.a Neijiaquan, asks about Xuan Pin in Chapter 6 of Dao De Jing regarding 0gm7yWr9E-0-00184-00117794-00118207 its ideograms in the internal styles. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00185-00118207-00118972 By the way, Andrea is a student of mine who lives and teaches martial arts in Italy, including 0gm7yWr9E-0-00186-00118972-00119159 Xingyi and Bagua. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00187-00119159-00119470 Thank you Andrea, this is a great question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00188-00119470-00120167 I’d like to answer this question in the context of Xiu Dao practice, and not the internal 0gm7yWr9E-0-00189-00120167-00120434 styles of martial arts. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00190-00120434-00121234 The term Xuan Pin is mentioned in the 6th chapter of the Dao De Jing, one of the oldest 0gm7yWr9E-0-00191-00121234-00121484 Chinese philosophy books. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00192-00121484-00122372 Xuan means Mystery, Pin can have different meanings including valley and female animal. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00193-00122372-00123215 In ancient times, the Chinese character Pin referred to the female reproductive organs 0gm7yWr9E-0-00194-00123215-00123371 of an animal. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00195-00123371-00123988 Pin symbolizes the reproductive organs that produce all beings. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00196-00123988-00124963 Put together, Xuan Pin means the “root of the generation of everything” or Dao. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00197-00124963-00125692 In the 6th chapter, Laozi said, quote: Gu Shen Bu Si, Shi Wei Xuan Pin, Xuan Pin Zhi 0gm7yWr9E-0-00198-00125692-00126483 Men, Shi Wei Tian Di Gen, Mian Mian Ruo Cun, Yong Zhi Bu Qin.End quote. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00199-00126483-00127002 Translation: The spirit of the valley is an immortal being. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00200-00127002-00127465 It is called the subtle and profound female. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00201-00127465-00128320 The gate of the subtle and profound female is the root of Heaven and Earth. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00202-00128320-00129200 It exists formlessly, But its utility is never worn out. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00203-00129200-00129524 This is an important chapter of the Dao De Jing. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00204-00129524-00130457 The term “valley spirit” can also mean vacuity or emptiness, another term for Dao, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00205-00130457-00130803 which is the general source of all things. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00206-00130803-00131773 Throughout Daoist history, Daoist scholars and practitioners have used this term to describe 0gm7yWr9E-0-00207-00131773-00131977 Xiu Dao practice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00208-00131977-00132839 For example, Xuan Pin Zhi Men in this chapter or The Gate of the Subtle and profound female 0gm7yWr9E-0-00209-00132839-00133671 is also called Xuan Guan or Mystery Gate, another important Xiu Dao term, which I have 0gm7yWr9E-0-00210-00133671-00134450 introduced in a prior video titled: Mystery Gate or Xuan Guan in Xiu Dao (7), link is 0gm7yWr9E-0-00211-00134450-00134675 in the description. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00212-00134675-00135420 In that video, I emphasized the importance of entering the Mystery Gate in practice in 0gm7yWr9E-0-00213-00135420-00136198 order to convert postnatal energy to prenatal energy in the Xiu Dao process. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00214-00136198-00137100 So, Xuan Pin is one of the most important imageries that Lao Zi used to describe the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00215-00137100-00137941 term Dao, the core concept of Dao De Jing, which tells us to cultivate formless energy 0gm7yWr9E-0-00216-00137941-00138475 in order to “never wear out”. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00217-00138475-00139226 Chinese internal practice, especially Xiu Dao practice, is rooted in Chinese philosophy. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00218-00139226-00140088 Actually, almost all of the Xiu Dao concepts can be traced back to the Dao De Jing. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00219-00140088-00140922 What Xiu Dao practitioners in different generations have done is to realize those concepts through 0gm7yWr9E-0-00220-00140922-00141053 practice. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00221-00141053-00141458 Andrea, I hope that answers your question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00222-00141458-00141823 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00223-00141823-00142703 William Palmeri asks, quote: “There is a style called wu chi zhang that is practiced 0gm7yWr9E-0-00224-00142703-00143555 and referred to as the precursor or mother form practiced prior to tai chi being formulated.is 0gm7yWr9E-0-00225-00143555-00143735 this true?” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00226-00143735-00143914 End quote. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00227-00143914-00144240 Thank you for the question, William. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00228-00144240-00144738 I have never heard about this style, Wu Chi Zhang. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00229-00144738-00145378 Considering Chen style to be the earliest style of Tai Chi, to the best of my knowledge, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00230-00145378-00146202 Chen style was developed upon Qi Jiquang’s military training manual and some other martial 0gm7yWr9E-0-00231-00146202-00146596 styles such as Tong Tong Bei. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00232-00146596-00147447 In the Chinese martial art community, we need to have solid evidence when discussing historical 0gm7yWr9E-0-00233-00147447-00148444 events such as the founders of a style or the precursor or mother form of a style. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00234-00148444-00148746 Or else, any such discussion is just a story. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00235-00148746-00149527 Unless there is any solid evidence, I think it may be the same case with Wu Chi Zhang 0gm7yWr9E-0-00236-00149527-00149641 as well. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00237-00149641-00150355 So, it would be the responsibility of the claimant to provide evidence in support of 0gm7yWr9E-0-00238-00150355-00150679 the existence of that style. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00239-00150679-00150962 I hope that answers your question, William. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00240-00150962-00151245 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00241-00151245-00152303 Save Lives asks, quote: “Are Qigong(or Neigong) and Xiu Dao intention-based practices or not? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00242-00152303-00152983 Meaning does the practitioner perform the practice with an intention of achieving some 0gm7yWr9E-0-00243-00152983-00153175 specific result?” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00244-00153175-00153385 End quote. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00245-00153385-00154132 Thank you, Save Lives, and a great channel name, by the way. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00246-00154132-00154264 This is a good question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00247-00154264-00154752 I plan to make a dedicated video to explain this topic in much more detail. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00248-00154752-00155387 However, let me give you a brief answer in today’s video. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00249-00155387-00155798 First and foremost, Qi Gong and Xiu Dao are different. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00250-00155798-00156441 Qi Gong has been a popular term since the 1950s in China. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00251-00156441-00157208 Qigong practice has been offering great benefits to many people not only in China but also 0gm7yWr9E-0-00252-00157208-00157312 in the West. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00253-00157312-00158129 While Qi Gong practice is based on many traditional practices that have existed for thousands 0gm7yWr9E-0-00254-00158129-00158979 of years in China, the actual systematic creation, promotion and practice of Qigong, as we know 0gm7yWr9E-0-00255-00158979-00159778 it today, occurred mainly during the 1980s and the 1990s in China. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00256-00159778-00160630 I practiced many different styles of Qigong in China and have also witnessed the development 0gm7yWr9E-0-00257-00160630-00161129 as well as the subsequent decline of this practice over there. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00258-00161129-00162037 So, Qi Gong is a great energetic practice that can provide plenty of health benefits. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00259-00162037-00162704 However, Xiu Dao is different in terms of the practical approach. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00260-00162704-00163680 Xiu Dao, known by other names throughout history, such as Dan Dao or Elixir Way among others, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00261-00163680-00164494 uses a static approach to training, meaning that a practitioner should let the prenatal 0gm7yWr9E-0-00262-00164494-00165472 energy rise by itself instead of using the mind to initiate it, as in Qi Gong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00263-00165472-00166001 This is the most important difference between these two practices. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00264-00166001-00166733 So, the result of Xiu Dao can be much more profound in terms of energetic experiences 0gm7yWr9E-0-00265-00166733-00166997 compared to Qi Gong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00266-00166997-00167894 Qi Gong practice focuses on a dynamic approach and expects to enter the static state at the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00267-00167894-00168512 end, which is just the starting point of Xiu Dao. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00268-00168512-00169189 This is why the benefits offered by Xiu Dao are much more profound than Qi Gong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00269-00169189-00170033 It is worth noting that if you want to achieve faster results in terms of health, Qi Gong 0gm7yWr9E-0-00270-00170033-00170888 is a better choice than Xiu Dao since it directly works on energy and energetic practices can 0gm7yWr9E-0-00271-00170888-00171625 help the body recover from many health conditions if practiced correctly. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00272-00171625-00172449 So, Qi Gong can be practiced as the preparation form of Xiu Dao. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00273-00172449-00173169 The energetic experience offered by Xiu Dao just cannot be replaced by the practice of 0gm7yWr9E-0-00274-00173169-00173269 Qi Gong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00275-00173269-00173662 That is to answer the first part of your question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00276-00173662-00174389 Now, let’s talk about the second part of your question regarding the expectation while 0gm7yWr9E-0-00277-00174389-00174575 practicing them. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00278-00174575-00175388 Yes, when practicing Qi Gong, circulating, gathering, and accumulating energy for the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00279-00175388-00175800 benefit of the body is the expectation. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00280-00175800-00176701 However, when practicing Xiu Dao, the practitioner’s mind should be devoid of any expectations 0gm7yWr9E-0-00281-00176701-00177711 since the practitioner needs to enter a prenatal state, which requires an energy-rising experience 0gm7yWr9E-0-00282-00177711-00177957 without any expectations. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00283-00177957-00178896 Or else, prenatal energy will not rise, which makes any expectation a blockage. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00284-00178896-00179207 Save Lives, I hope I have answered your question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00285-00179207-00179644 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00286-00179644-00180509 T pea asks some questions about Lao Cha Tou including how to brew this tea for 20 infusions 0gm7yWr9E-0-00287-00180509-00181399 and the possibility to keep tea leaves overnight in the refrigerator for use the next day. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00288-00181399-00182051 First of all, a good quality Lao Cha Tou tea can brew at least 20 infusions. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00289-00182051-00182754 You can just add hot water into your teapot and wait for 10 seconds each time, which is 0gm7yWr9E-0-00290-00182754-00183070 a standard way to brew this tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00291-00183070-00183501 The proportion between tea and water is 1:50. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00292-00183501-00184151 So, 3 grams of tea will need 150 ml of water. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00293-00184151-00184984 Or if you prefer a stronger flavour, then 1:30 is a better proportion. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00294-00184984-00185442 Again, it depends on the quality of your tea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00295-00185442-00186032 The ratios I mentioned are just the popular ones. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00296-00186032-00186655 Of course, you can refrigerate tea leaves overnight for later consumption. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00297-00186655-00187309 However, the flavour is not as good as when freshly consumed. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00298-00187309-00187886 I have never heard about this way of drinking tea before but it should be fine if you do 0gm7yWr9E-0-00299-00187886-00188315 not mind compromising the tea flavour. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00300-00188315-00189069 Tea is consumed for its flavour, so consuming tea brewed from leaves refrigerated overnight 0gm7yWr9E-0-00301-00189069-00189500 defeats the whole purpose, in my opinion. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00302-00189500-00189761 I hope that answers your question, t pea. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00303-00189761-00190026 Let’s move on to the next one. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00304-00190026-00191036 Da Cheng Ruo Que asks, quote: “Honest Question Not a criticism: Why is it when certain things 0gm7yWr9E-0-00305-00191036-00191709 get translated into English, the word “dragon” seems to be inserted where it wasn’t. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00306-00191709-00192294 Like this one in English is “Dragon Serves Tea”? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00307-00192294-00192394 Why? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00308-00192394-00192873 And what is it actually in Chinese? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00309-00192873-00193628 I’ve heard people say “Lian Cha Bei”, but that sounds more like a nickname.” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00310-00193628-00193738 End quote. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00311-00193738-00194487 He also gives another example of Wing Chun’s staff training since the word Dragon is also 0gm7yWr9E-0-00312-00194487-00195234 added to its English name but no such word is to be found in Chinese. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00313-00195234-00195444 Thank you Da Cheng Ruo Qu. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00314-00195444-00195807 This is such an interesting culture-related question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00315-00195807-00196584 I totally agree with you that English translations very often use the word dragon even though 0gm7yWr9E-0-00316-00196584-00197071 no such term exists in the original Chinese usage. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00317-00197071-00197628 First of all, I have no idea who made these translations. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00318-00197628-00198357 If they were translated by a native Chinese speaker, then I have to say that is, indeed, 0gm7yWr9E-0-00319-00198357-00198513 very strange. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00320-00198513-00199233 If they were translated by non-native Chinese speakers, then, they might have assumed that 0gm7yWr9E-0-00321-00199233-00199602 Chinese people would prefer the word dragon. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00322-00199602-00199740 That is just my speculation. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00323-00199740-00200554 I can’t say with any certainty until I know details about the translator’s linguistic 0gm7yWr9E-0-00324-00200554-00200813 and cultural background. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00325-00200813-00201379 I totally agree with you on the translation of Wing Chun weapon practice by inserting 0gm7yWr9E-0-00326-00201379-00201537 the word dragon. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00327-00201537-00202186 Also, in the case of Ba Gua, some translated names make no sense whatsoever. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00328-00202186-00202714 For example, how can a dragon serve tea? 0gm7yWr9E-0-00329-00202714-00203413 Even worse, placing a teacup on your hand will hinder the quality of your practice since 0gm7yWr9E-0-00330-00203413-00204289 a lot of detailed empty-hand techniques cannot be achieved by placing a teacup on the hand. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00331-00204289-00205075 That is why when I practice and teach Ba Gua, I never place a teacup on my hand and I recommend 0gm7yWr9E-0-00332-00205075-00205407 you leave your hands empty too. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00333-00205407-00206285 Using an animal to name an unrelated martial movement is, in my opinion, just wrong. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00334-00206285-00206610 I hope that answers your question, Da Cheng Ruo Qu. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00335-00206610-00207107 Now, let’s look at the final question for today. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00336-00207107-00208100 Neil Milne asks about Fajin, Quote “When doing any fajin with fist, elbow or shoulder 0gm7yWr9E-0-00337-00208100-00208916 strike do you have to combine the groin movement with the waist turning and finally sinking 0gm7yWr9E-0-00338-00208916-00209504 one side of the chest (front side, but not the opposite side)?” 0gm7yWr9E-0-00339-00209504-00210067 Thank you Neil, this is a great Fajin-related question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00340-00210067-00210828 Your question tells me you are very detail-oriented in practice, which is a great approach, especially 0gm7yWr9E-0-00341-00210828-00211223 to the internal styles. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00342-00211223-00211667 Different striking areas have different practices for Fajin. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00343-00211667-00212633 Overall, in Fajin execution, major areas such as the shoulders, hips and waist may turn 0gm7yWr9E-0-00344-00212633-00212998 or remain stable depending on the movement. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00345-00212998-00213539 It also depends on the direction of your Fajin movement. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00346-00213539-00214455 For example, normally, when you strike forward with your elbow in a Fajin movement, the body 0gm7yWr9E-0-00347-00214455-00215248 sinks downward, shoulders extend downward and outward, the front hip sinks while the 0gm7yWr9E-0-00348-00215248-00216160 back hip pushes forward, the front knee extends forward while the back knee extends slightly 0gm7yWr9E-0-00349-00216160-00217057 upward, the groin area maintains the same state without extra strength or other coordination. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00350-00217057-00218111 This is just an example of body coordination when executing a high-quality elbow Fajin. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00351-00218111-00218842 That example only considered a direct forward strike with the elbow. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00352-00218842-00219638 Fajin involving other large areas such as shoulders and chest will involve more complicated 0gm7yWr9E-0-00353-00219638-00220392 coordination, and it is more 3-dimensional compared to other smaller areas, which is 0gm7yWr9E-0-00354-00220392-00221011 complicated to describe and thus hard to do in Q&A videos. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00355-00221011-00221289 I will talk about it in the future. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00356-00221289-00221636 Neil, I hope I have answered your question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00357-00221636-00222114 Thank you once again for such a good question. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00358-00222114-00222319 Those were all the questions for today. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00359-00222319-00222917 Thank you all once again for your questions and I hope you found my answers informative. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00360-00222917-00223710 As always, please do not hesitate to ask follow-up questions or entirely new questions altogether. 0gm7yWr9E-0-00361-00223710-00224251 Thank you for watching, see you next time and enjoy your practice. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00000-00002612-00004034 Suzanne McCurdy demonstrates how she 0j_eNH5Hggg-00001-00004034-00004223 teaches grammar in a meaningful 0j_eNH5Hggg-00002-00004223-00004621 real-life context. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00003-00005819-00006244 Remember yesterday when I told you that 0j_eNH5Hggg-00004-00006244-00006815 I'm not from Minnesota ... mm-hmm Where am I 0j_eNH5Hggg-00005-00006815-00007289 from? Colorado. I thought maybe you would 0j_eNH5Hggg-00006-00007289-00007564 want to know some more things about me. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00007-00007564-00008750 Yeah ... actually exactly ... I do live in 0j_eNH5Hggg-00008-00008750-00009077 Minneapolis. You know that right. Good. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00009-00009077-00009719 Yes. I have a small baby. That's why I can't come 0j_eNH5Hggg-00010-00009719-00010289 at night. That's right. Well ... I'll tell you 0j_eNH5Hggg-00011-00010289-00011546 a story. In 1972 , I was born, and you 0j_eNH5Hggg-00012-00011546-00012136 can hold that up ... okay? Thank you. In 0j_eNH5Hggg-00013-00012136-00012830 1977 I started school. I went to 0j_eNH5Hggg-00014-00012830-00013391 kindergarten. There were two big 0j_eNH5Hggg-00015-00013391-00013697 objectives. One was I wanted the students 0j_eNH5Hggg-00016-00013697-00013940 to talk about their life experiences, and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00017-00013940-00014284 the other ... the grammar objective ... was to 0j_eNH5Hggg-00018-00014284-00014501 differentiate between the past tense and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00019-00014501-00014848 the present perfect. The reason I chose 0j_eNH5Hggg-00020-00014848-00015313 those grammar points to contrast is that 0j_eNH5Hggg-00021-00015313-00015751 a lot of my students are out looking for 0j_eNH5Hggg-00022-00015751-00016079 jobs, doing interviews, and this seemed 0j_eNH5Hggg-00023-00016079-00016376 like a grammar point that they weren't 0j_eNH5Hggg-00024-00016376-00016715 completely comfortable with, but one that 0j_eNH5Hggg-00025-00016715-00016886 they would be using in those interviews 0j_eNH5Hggg-00026-00016886-00017200 and other life skills. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00027-00017200-00017623 This class meets four nights a week two 0j_eNH5Hggg-00028-00017623-00018115 hours each night and the curriculum is a 0j_eNH5Hggg-00029-00018115-00018445 life skills based curriculum integrating 0j_eNH5Hggg-00030-00018445-00018661 reading, writing, speaking, listening, and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00031-00018661-00019186 grammar, pronunciation ... and the class for 0j_eNH5Hggg-00032-00019186-00019813 tonight is a grammar point. So, I've 0j_eNH5Hggg-00033-00019813-00020122 taught since 2000, so for how many years? 0j_eNH5Hggg-00034-00020122-00021283 10 ... mm-hmm ... in 2007, I got married ... yep 0j_eNH5Hggg-00035-00021283-00021619 let's see who doesn't have one ... I got 0j_eNH5Hggg-00036-00021619-00021892 married. [voice over] The first stage is to present 0j_eNH5Hggg-00037-00021892-00022141 the language in a meaningful context and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00038-00022141-00022486 to work with the students to build the 0j_eNH5Hggg-00039-00022486-00022801 language. In order to provide 0j_eNH5Hggg-00040-00022801-00023089 context, I presented a timeline of my own 0j_eNH5Hggg-00041-00023089-00023629 life on the board including both things 0j_eNH5Hggg-00042-00023629-00023890 that were finished which would elicit 0j_eNH5Hggg-00043-00023890-00024103 the past tense and things that were 0j_eNH5Hggg-00044-00024103-00024345 still continuing on for the present 0j_eNH5Hggg-00045-00024345-00025693 perfect. What happened in '86? I started 0j_eNH5Hggg-00046-00025693-00025993 playing basketball. [Voice over] Suzanne creates a reason for 0j_eNH5Hggg-00047-00025993-00026241 using the grammar and engages learners 0j_eNH5Hggg-00048-00026241-00026431 in the process right from the start 0j_eNH5Hggg-00049-00026431-00027250 Yes. I got married, right ... and 2009? Yeah 0j_eNH5Hggg-00050-00027250-00028554 mm-hmm "had" or we can say, "my son was". [Elicit and highlight the grammar] 0j_eNH5Hggg-00051-00029156-00029741 This one ... I started school ... where am I? I'm 0j_eNH5Hggg-00052-00029741-00030218 in kindergarten. Is this still happening or is it 0j_eNH5Hggg-00053-00030218-00031088 finished? I'm still in kindergarten? 0j_eNH5Hggg-00054-00031088-00031508 I'm in kindergarten now? No. It's finished? 0j_eNH5Hggg-00055-00031508-00032583 So, how would I say that? We can say I 0j_eNH5Hggg-00056-00032583-00034031 started ... how would you say it about me? 0j_eNH5Hggg-00057-00034031-00034605 You ... [voice over] the class works together to create 0j_eNH5Hggg-00058-00034605-00034805 models of the target language on the 0j_eNH5Hggg-00059-00034805-00035669 board. My overall approach to teaching 0j_eNH5Hggg-00060-00035669-00036101 grammar is I like to have a real-world 0j_eNH5Hggg-00061-00036101-00036620 context for my students and I want the 0j_eNH5Hggg-00062-00036620-00036926 grammar to be discovered by the student 0j_eNH5Hggg-00063-00036926-00037305 so I use an inductive approach where the 0j_eNH5Hggg-00064-00037305-00037649 students build the grammar with me and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00065-00037649-00038099 discover the meaning and the form 0j_eNH5Hggg-00066-00038099-00038350 together. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00067-00039006-00040818 Okay ... what is this? Is this today? No ... it's past. We 0j_eNH5Hggg-00068-00040818-00041520 call it the past tense. This one. It is 0j_eNH5Hggg-00069-00041520-00042341 finished. What is this one? Do I still 0j_eNH5Hggg-00070-00042341-00042858 live in Minnesota? Yeah ... mm-hmm. So, now 0j_eNH5Hggg-00071-00042858-00043888 yeah. So, how long have I lived here? [students responding] 0j_eNH5Hggg-00072-00046842-00047283 [voice over] Suzanne allows plenty of time to figure 0j_eNH5Hggg-00073-00047283-00048204 out the patterns. I chose a timeline 0j_eNH5Hggg-00074-00048204-00048429 because it provided me a means to 0j_eNH5Hggg-00075-00048429-00048912 contrast the two tenses and it showed 0j_eNH5Hggg-00076-00048912-00049230 the learners a reason for using one 0j_eNH5Hggg-00077-00049230-00050676 over the other. I got the learners to 0j_eNH5Hggg-00078-00050676-00050856 notice the difference between the two 0j_eNH5Hggg-00079-00050856-00051354 tenses by using a variety of eliciting 0j_eNH5Hggg-00080-00051354-00051795 questions ... asking them if certain events 0j_eNH5Hggg-00081-00051795-00052050 were finished and if certain events were 0j_eNH5Hggg-00082-00052050-00052397 still happening. And, of course they were 0j_eNH5Hggg-00083-00052397-00052616 able to do that right away and it 0j_eNH5Hggg-00084-00052616-00052863 started them thinking about how they 0j_eNH5Hggg-00085-00052863-00053037 would express themselves in those two 0j_eNH5Hggg-00086-00053037-00053664 different types of contexts ... Right. she has 0j_eNH5Hggg-00087-00053664-00054294 lived here ... do we say for 14 years? Or for 2003? 0j_eNH5Hggg-00088-00054294-00055029 [voice over] Suzanne elicits when to 0j_eNH5Hggg-00089-00055029-00055316 use for or since with the present 0j_eNH5Hggg-00090-00055316-00056238 perfect ... okay this is past tense. Do you know 0j_eNH5Hggg-00091-00056238-00056538 what we call this? It's a little 0j_eNH5Hggg-00092-00056538-00058620 different. That's good. Almost. Present perfect. Deciding whether 0j_eNH5Hggg-00093-00058620-00058794 or not to use the grammar terms is 0j_eNH5Hggg-00094-00058794-00059196 something I'm very thoughtful about. I 0j_eNH5Hggg-00095-00059196-00059463 don't always use the grammar terms. 0j_eNH5Hggg-00096-00059463-00059694 They're not always useful and they don't 0j_eNH5Hggg-00097-00059694-00059928 always move the lesson forward. I 0j_eNH5Hggg-00098-00059928-00060270 consider first of all whether my students 0j_eNH5Hggg-00099-00060270-00060546 use the grammatical terms themselves, and 0j_eNH5Hggg-00100-00060546-00060885 what is their schooling background? And 0j_eNH5Hggg-00101-00060885-00061304 is it needed at all? Can I approach that 0j_eNH5Hggg-00102-00061304-00061604 grammar terms just with an everyday term 0j_eNH5Hggg-00103-00061604-00062057 like using the word yesterday for past. 0kOK4yj-F9U-00000-00000004-00000487 Hello everyone I'm Meg Coker, Dr. Moorefield-Lang's graduate assistant, and this is TechFifteen. 0kOK4yj-F9U-00001-00000487-00001038 Today we're looking at HistoryPin, which has the tagline of "a global community collaborating 0kOK4yj-F9U-00002-00001038-00001664 around history." We're here at the homepage, which has the URL of historypin.org, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00003-00001664-00002226 Today we're going to give a brief introduction showing how to use and access it. There are materials 0kOK4yj-F9U-00004-00002226-00002693 that will show you or guide you if you want to contribute to HistoryPin, but since there already 0kOK4yj-F9U-00005-00002693-00003136 are materials showing this we're not going to go too deeply into that. So here at the homepage we can see 0kOK4yj-F9U-00006-00003136-00003673 the Pin of the Day along with some great statistics about how many materials that have been contributed 0kOK4yj-F9U-00007-00003673-00004262 by how many users and institutions. If you scroll down a little bit some of the highlighted 0kOK4yj-F9U-00008-00004262-00004962 collections. Now you can see up here at the top you can look at the pins by map--and if you zoom in a bit closer 0kOK4yj-F9U-00009-00005066-00005492 you'll be able to see more, and you can also search by place which we'll do a couple of times. You can 0kOK4yj-F9U-00010-00005492-00006151 search by landmark, and if you want to look at the specific items just click on the little 0kOK4yj-F9U-00011-00006151-00006645 thumbnails, then you can see all the different images contributed. If you click on the item, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00012-00006645-00007105 you can look at it up close, which we'll do in a moment, but first a couple more examples. You can look just 0kOK4yj-F9U-00013-00007105-00007550 by a specific town, and if you do just one thing that needs clarification it will go ahead and 0kOK4yj-F9U-00014-00007550-00007970 ask instead of taking to the wrong one and it is a setting to show thumbnails if you don't 0kOK4yj-F9U-00015-00007970-00008377 want that you can click and it will show the numbers instead. You can further narrow down 0kOK4yj-F9U-00016-00008377-00008858 by date, which has a pretty good range there, as you can see; by subject; or just by maneuvering 0kOK4yj-F9U-00017-00008858-00009379 around in the landscape, zooming in and out, and clicking on an item...this what it looks like when 0kOK4yj-F9U-00018-00009379-00009982 you open one up. It shows who pinned it, details of the title, location, date, taglines, so 0kOK4yj-F9U-00019-00009982-00010478 if you had searched by subject and you typed in "blitz," this probably would've come up. You 0kOK4yj-F9U-00020-00010478-00010943 can also look at comments and suggestions which is another great way to share stories, comment, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00021-00010943-00011547 and otherwise interact with materials. You can also favorite, report, see it on the map, see it in a bigger size, share 0kOK4yj-F9U-00022-00011547-00012034 it. There's a lot of great opportunities. Now if you look at projects, you can see quite 0kOK4yj-F9U-00023-00012034-00012780 a variety of different things to look into. There's also Profiles, so you can see what's been contributed by specific 0kOK4yj-F9U-00024-00012788-00013288 people or institutions such as the Library of Virginia. So they've got their own profile details, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00025-00013288-00013768 profile views, pins, tours, collections--we'll look at tours in just a moment-- here is a list of the items 0kOK4yj-F9U-00026-00013768-00014269 they have pinned, and you can also look at their map, their activity feed, and their tours and collections,. 0kOK4yj-F9U-00027-00014269-00014622 So let's look at tours and collections, just generally; there's items showing more of what 0kOK4yj-F9U-00028-00014622-00015231 collections and tours are, as well as featured items. They are typically by a single institution 0kOK4yj-F9U-00029-00015231-00015710 or profile. Tours are a really interesting thing, we're going to click on one and look at it. 0kOK4yj-F9U-00030-00015710-00016346 It has a number of items that are in a specific order. We're going to look at it now in Tour View, here we are; 0kOK4yj-F9U-00031-00016346-00016951 it shows a modern-day counterpart, and historical items that are [arranged into] a sort of walking tour. 0kOK4yj-F9U-00032-00016951-00017354 So there's also Get Involved, which shows how schools, local projects, libraries, archives, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00033-00017354-00017931 and museums can get involved, as well as the latest news, challenges, and different ways that you 0kOK4yj-F9U-00034-00017931-00018581 can personally get involved as well. The blog also shows updates on particular 0kOK4yj-F9U-00035-00018581-00019031 projects, and other facets of the HistoryPin site. That's another way to look 0kOK4yj-F9U-00036-00019031-00019537 through specific categories, including How To guides. To contribute your own material you can 0kOK4yj-F9U-00037-00019537-00020133 go to Join, Log In-- when you go to Pin, you can sign into HistoryPin with quite a few options, 0kOK4yj-F9U-00038-00020133-00020677 including Facebook, Twitter, Google plus or your email, you can create an account if you don't already have one, and it 0kOK4yj-F9U-00039-00020677-00021170 looks like a pretty simple process for uploading whatever items you have. Also worth noting 0kOK4yj-F9U-00040-00021170-00021638 is that at the bottom of each page there's the About, Frequently Asked Questions, other How-To 0kOK4yj-F9U-00041-00021638-00022156 Guides, and a variety of other materials that are here to help you. Well, I hope this has been a 0kOK4yj-F9U-00042-00022156-00022631 helpful experience introducing you to HistoryPin. This has been Tech15, thanks for watching! 0nnhOu4dOEu-00000-00003646-00004011 Barely printed, on the dot She wondered why the record stopped 0nnhOu4dOEu-00001-00004011-00004594 Flipping through the pages of a child's eulogy Surfacing beneath malaise 0nnhOu4dOEu-00002-00004594-00004996 A game of cards went on for days Escalated fog disease 0nnhOu4dOEu-00003-00004996-00005204 They've fallen to their knees 0nnhOu4dOEu-00004-00005221-00005909 Wait your turn, there's something still inside 0nnhOu4dOEu-00005-00005924-00006707 Out of thousands gathered asking how and why 0nnhOu4dOEu-00006-00006707-00006947 Caught and tamed 0nnhOu4dOEu-00007-00006947-00007394 The unexplained Formed a semblance of their normalcy 0nnhOu4dOEu-00008-00007394-00007744 And took it to their graves Watch 0nnhOu4dOEu-00009-00007752-00007953 Perhaps forgotten 0nnhOu4dOEu-00010-00007953-00008492 A girl preserved throughout the years Repainted in the prism past 0nnhOu4dOEu-00011-00008492-00008821 We're holding hands at long last 0nnhOu4dOEu-00012-00010215-00010811 Fortified by age-old condolences Drawings of the northern lights 0nnhOu4dOEu-00013-00010811-00011423 God, give us clearer skies Open-eyed, entangled in promises 0nnhOu4dOEu-00014-00011423-00011819 Furthering the questions asked Hands tied behind our backs 0nnhOu4dOEu-00015-00011819-00012198 Bared fangs behind a mask Set reminders, sworn to pray 0nnhOu4dOEu-00016-00012198-00012578 She swallowed whole another day Taking in the world at play 0nnhOu4dOEu-00017-00012578-00012804 It's brighter than the Sun 0nnhOu4dOEu-00018-00012804-00012998 Reprimands sit in the brew 0nnhOu4dOEu-00019-00012998-00013387 Behind the show, a better view Aggravated fog disease 0nnhOu4dOEu-00020-00013387-00014311 Collapsing to their knees Wait your turn, there's something still inside 0nnhOu4dOEu-00021-00014311-00015325 Out of thousands gathered asking how and why Who's to blame? 0nnhOu4dOEu-00022-00015325-00015526 Is it mundane? 0nnhOu4dOEu-00023-00015526-00016022 Maybe tangible by needlework? They're desperate for a name 0nnhOu4dOEu-00024-00016042-00016386 Burned, a language unlearned 0nnhOu4dOEu-00025-00016386-00017006 The arbitrary colors of a variegated disarray 0nnhOu4dOEu-00026-00017028-00017621 Fortified by age-old condolences Drawings of the northern lights 0nnhOu4dOEu-00027-00017621-00018201 God, give us clearer skies Open-eyed, entangled in promises 0nnhOu4dOEu-00028-00018201-00018624 Furthering the questions asked Hands tied behind our backs 0nnhOu4dOEu-00029-00018621-00018901 Bared fangs behind a mask 0nnhOu4dOEu-00030-00020402-00020895 Tell me when the fog will subside 0nnhOu4dOEu-00031-00021156-00021737 Please tell me when the fog will subside 0nnhOu4dOEu-00032-00022002-00022413 Poorly held together condolences 0nnhOu4dOEu-00033-00022411-00022821 Drowning out the northern lights Pay more for old advice 0nnhOu4dOEu-00034-00022821-00023411 Open-eyed, entangled in promises Buried under dying homes 0nnhOu4dOEu-00035-00023411-00024015 Hands tied in golden thorns I'm defined by guesswork analogies 0nnhOu4dOEu-00036-00024015-00024428 Documenting daily life Tell me I'll be alright 0nnhOu4dOEu-00037-00024428-00025020 Open-eyed, entangled in absentees Stories of a child's past 0nnhOu4dOEu-00038-00025020-00025549 Autopsied broken glass My aura shines at last 1o53t-9J9f4-00000-00000831-00001668 Hey guys to kesu AAP sab 10oE4Bpq4Fo-00000-00000000-00000200 Click. Subscribe. Listen Like. Share JESUS ONLY IS OUR MESSAGE Please join our online prayer meeting on Saturday. USA: 8.00.00am - 9.00am 712 775 7035 Access Code 344823# Nigeria; 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm From Nigeria +234 1 440 5221 Access Code 344823# United Arab Emirates +971 600 521269 344823# KINDLY PRAY FOR US FOR SOULS THAT ARE THIRSTY FOR WORDS OF GOD AND COMMITTED WORKERS @ DLBC CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA, USA. We need devoted Christian workers @ DLBC, Charlottesville. Please come and join us. ( molufemi2001@yahoo.co.uk;009 1 434 9626622) Always Fellowship with us @ Deeperlife Chalottesville 4656 Briarwood Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22911. Sunday Worship: 8.50am- 11.30am, Monday Bible Study 6.50pm- 8.30pm , Thursday Conference Payer Meetings :6.00pm-7.00pm. (Sub. 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Thank you 110As8DUyDc-00000-00000350-00000450 Hey everyone! 110As8DUyDc-00001-00000450-00000805 Welcome to another video lesson from NavigationTrading. 110As8DUyDc-00002-00000805-00001462 In this video, I want to show you how we are able to take a losing short strangle and turn 110As8DUyDc-00003-00001462-00001643 it into a winner. 110As8DUyDc-00004-00001643-00002525 The trade that we're looking at we put in symbol XRT, which is the SNP retail ETF. 110As8DUyDc-00005-00002525-00003185 So this is a trade that we put on on November 21st, 2017. 110As8DUyDc-00006-00003185-00003429 And that's indicated by this little highlighted bubble. 110As8DUyDc-00007-00003429-00004192 And you can see on the chart every highlighted bubble is where we made another trade or adjustment 110As8DUyDc-00008-00004192-00004582 throughout the period of time when we were in this trade. 110As8DUyDc-00009-00004582-00005414 So we were in this trade from 11/21 of '17 and we closed out the trade completely on 110As8DUyDc-00010-00005414-00005619 April 17th of 2018. 110As8DUyDc-00011-00005619-00006041 Okay, so we were in the trade for a decent amount of time. 110As8DUyDc-00012-00006041-00006778 And the reason that is is because look at this massive move that happened in the ETF 110As8DUyDc-00013-00006778-00006930 right after we put it on. 110As8DUyDc-00014-00006930-00007047 So we put it on right here. 110As8DUyDc-00015-00007047-00007713 A few days later, had this huge pop higher, added another trade here, made some adjustments 110As8DUyDc-00016-00007713-00007866 all along the way. 110As8DUyDc-00017-00007866-00008813 I mean, this thing went from about $41 all the way up to $49 before coming down and then 110As8DUyDc-00018-00008813-00009006 starting to consolidate. 110As8DUyDc-00019-00009006-00009859 So, this is a huge lesson to understand of how to manage a trade when it goes against 110As8DUyDc-00020-00009859-00010349 you, because not every trade is going to be one of those that you just put on and take 110As8DUyDc-00021-00010349-00010503 off as a winner. 110As8DUyDc-00022-00010503-00011126 You've got to know how to manage these trades from beginning to end, and the difference 110As8DUyDc-00023-00011126-00011886 between a losing trader and a winning trader can be the difference of if you know how to 110As8DUyDc-00024-00011886-00012416 manage and adjust the trade mechanically and properly. 110As8DUyDc-00025-00012416-00012700 So I'm going to go through this from beginning to end. 110As8DUyDc-00026-00012700-00013147 If you're a brand new trader and you've never made an adjustment or you haven't traded a 110As8DUyDc-00027-00013147-00013568 short strangle, you may want to turn this off and come back to it when you're a little 110As8DUyDc-00028-00013568-00013994 bit more experienced because we are going to get in the weeds a little bit on this. 110As8DUyDc-00029-00013994-00014657 But for those of you who are trading strangles, short strangles, and are a bit confused on 110As8DUyDc-00030-00014657-00015263 why we adjust the way that we do, or how to adjust, and you want to see the big picture 110As8DUyDc-00031-00015263-00015784 of how we turn a losing trade into a winner, then make sure you watch this entire video. 110As8DUyDc-00032-00015784-00016301 And go back to it if you have questions or you didn't quite pick up something the first 110As8DUyDc-00033-00016301-00016401 time. 110As8DUyDc-00034-00016401-00016878 You may want to go back and do it again, because this is so powerful and this is, like I said, 110As8DUyDc-00035-00016878-00017231 this is the difference between a losing trader and a winner. 110As8DUyDc-00036-00017231-00017692 And it's learning how to manage the losers and get back to profitability. 110As8DUyDc-00037-00017692-00017953 All right, so let's jump in. 110As8DUyDc-00038-00017953-00018481 The first thing I want to look at is if we go into our members area at NavigationTrading, 110As8DUyDc-00039-00018481-00019110 this is what you'll see in the closed trade section, and this is in XRT. 110As8DUyDc-00040-00019110-00019570 So you'll see that every trade is documented from beginning to end. 110As8DUyDc-00041-00019570-00020181 We just simply copy and paste these directly from our broker onto the platform so you always 110As8DUyDc-00042-00020181-00020545 have exactly what we've done all along the way. 110As8DUyDc-00043-00020545-00021018 And as you can see, we started on 11/21 and then we ended up closing out of the entire 110As8DUyDc-00044-00021018-00021501 position on 4/17, for a total profit of $307. 110As8DUyDc-00045-00021501-00021893 Now, you might be thinking, "Big deal. 110As8DUyDc-00046-00021893-00022223 $307 and you're in the trade for months? 110As8DUyDc-00047-00022223-00022394 How is this a good thing?" 110As8DUyDc-00048-00022394-00022986 Well, the reason it's such a powerful thing, it's such a good thing, is the fact that when 110As8DUyDc-00049-00022986-00023411 we first put on the trade, the ETF completely went against us. 110As8DUyDc-00050-00023411-00023737 It exploded to the up side like I'm showing in this chart. 110As8DUyDc-00051-00023737-00024119 It made a huge move to the up side, a huge one directional move. 110As8DUyDc-00052-00024119-00024834 Remember, when we're putting on strangles, we like price to stay in a fairly consistent 110As8DUyDc-00053-00024834-00025061 range to make money on that trade. 110As8DUyDc-00054-00025061-00025653 But if you have a huge, massive move, that's when you've got to learn how to adjust and 110As8DUyDc-00055-00025653-00025819 manage that trade. 110As8DUyDc-00056-00025819-00026405 So, from the beginning, we ended up entering with a short strangle with four contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00057-00026405-00026993 And then what we did on 12/4 after we had a huge move is just like we teach in our strangles 110As8DUyDc-00058-00026993-00027260 course, is that we added another one. 110As8DUyDc-00059-00027260-00027533 So we added another one, and we did this one for three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00060-00027533-00027913 Okay, so now we had two separate positions on. 110As8DUyDc-00061-00027913-00028538 On 12/20, which I'm going to flip back and forth to the chart, on 12/20 we ended up, 110As8DUyDc-00062-00028538-00028908 because we had this big move up here, we ended up rolling our puts up. 110As8DUyDc-00063-00028908-00029568 So when we have a breach of our short strike to the up side, we roll up the untested sides. 110As8DUyDc-00064-00029568-00030169 So we rolled up our puts up to collect more credit and to continue to give ourselves more 110As8DUyDc-00065-00030169-00030377 time to be right. 110As8DUyDc-00066-00030377-00030825 Then we did an adjusting close where we bought back the three contract strangle, booked a 110As8DUyDc-00067-00030825-00030931 profit on that piece. 110As8DUyDc-00068-00030931-00031270 So we sold it for $70, bought it back for $35. 110As8DUyDc-00069-00031270-00031862 So that's a 50% of max profit on that piece of the trade. 110As8DUyDc-00070-00031862-00032183 Then the next day, we ended up opening another one. 110As8DUyDc-00071-00032183-00032488 So we sold another strangle for three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00072-00032488-00033093 So we're constantly opening trades, booking trades, adjusting rolling as needed until 110As8DUyDc-00073-00033093-00033361 we get back to profitability. 110As8DUyDc-00074-00033361-00033988 If we had just put on this trade and then the trade goes against us and we took it off, 110As8DUyDc-00075-00033988-00034320 we would have ended up booking a loss of about $600. 110As8DUyDc-00076-00034320-00034420 Okay? 110As8DUyDc-00077-00034420-00034916 So we went from a $600 loss back to a $300 profit. 110As8DUyDc-00078-00034916-00035427 And one of the key things to remember is look at where implied volatility is this whole 110As8DUyDc-00079-00035427-00035577 time during the trade. 110As8DUyDc-00080-00035577-00036028 When you put this on, implied volatil- ... the IV percentile was at about 60. 110As8DUyDc-00081-00036028-00036603 And then it popped up and it stayed relatively high all the way through the trade. 110As8DUyDc-00082-00036603-00037159 So, if we weren't already in this trade to begin with, anywhere along this timeframe 110As8DUyDc-00083-00037159-00037600 you could put a trade on because we had high implied volatility, meaning the options were 110As8DUyDc-00084-00037600-00037954 expensive, which is a good time to sell those options. 110As8DUyDc-00085-00037954-00038054 Okay? 110As8DUyDc-00086-00038054-00038613 So we wanted to be in the trade, so we continued to adjust and close, adjust, open, we needed 110As8DUyDc-00087-00038613-00039222 to roll so we rolled this from January to February as you can see here. 110As8DUyDc-00088-00039222-00039951 Then on 1/24, we made another adjustment roll where we rolled from February to March. 110As8DUyDc-00089-00039951-00040747 On 1/31, we did another adjusting roll where we went from February to March as well. 110As8DUyDc-00090-00040747-00040950 So again, we're managing these two different positions. 110As8DUyDc-00091-00040950-00041197 One has four contracts, one with three. 110As8DUyDc-00092-00041197-00041703 And sometimes I'll do that on purpose so that we have just one contract difference so it's 110As8DUyDc-00093-00041703-00041855 easier to track. 110As8DUyDc-00094-00041855-00042481 So I like to track each trade within the position separately just to keep everything straight, 110As8DUyDc-00095-00042481-00042835 and so by doing that, we did four contracts on this one, three on this one. 110As8DUyDc-00096-00042835-00043158 And we continued to manage as such. 110As8DUyDc-00097-00043158-00043741 On 2/15, we bought back this strangle for $502, so it ended up actually taking a loss 110As8DUyDc-00098-00043741-00044238 on that piece, but continued to manage our one with three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00099-00044238-00044897 And then on 3/21, 3/29, we opened another strangle with four contracts to continue to 110As8DUyDc-00100-00044897-00045034 manage these. 110As8DUyDc-00101-00045034-00045834 On 4/2, we did another roll where we rolled from April to May, as you can see here. 110As8DUyDc-00102-00045834-00046366 On 4/13, we did an adjustment close where we bought back that strangle, and then on 110As8DUyDc-00103-00046366-00046987 4/17, we bought back our other strangle and closed the entire thing out for a total profit 110As8DUyDc-00104-00046987-00047183 of $307. 110As8DUyDc-00105-00047183-00047446 Now I get it, I went through that really quickly. 110As8DUyDc-00106-00047446-00048025 All of these adjustment techniques we go through step by step in the course. 110As8DUyDc-00107-00048025-00048556 If one of the sides of our strangles gets tested, we roll up the untested side. 110As8DUyDc-00108-00048556-00049213 Once we get down to around 21 days to expiration, we roll out to the next expiration cycle to 110As8DUyDc-00109-00049213-00049650 collect more credit and give ourselves more time to be right. 110As8DUyDc-00110-00049650-00050200 So after all those adjustments, one of the questions you might have was, "Well, how did 110As8DUyDc-00111-00050200-00050412 you come up with that total profit? 110As8DUyDc-00112-00050412-00050927 Can you walk us through from beginning to end how to calculate this to make sure that 110As8DUyDc-00113-00050927-00051449 we understand what we made on the total trade from beginning to end?" 110As8DUyDc-00114-00051449-00052082 And so what I've done is I've just put together a really simple spreadsheet, because this 110As8DUyDc-00115-00052082-00052401 literally is all you have to do to calculate this. 110As8DUyDc-00116-00052401-00052882 So it might sound complicated at first, and when you're first learning how to trade these 110As8DUyDc-00117-00052882-00053076 strategies, it can be complicated. 110As8DUyDc-00118-00053076-00053520 So I don't want to minimize that, but I want to break it down and make it as simple as 110As8DUyDc-00119-00053520-00053857 possible to show you how easy it is. 110As8DUyDc-00120-00053857-00054262 So all we're doing is I put on the spreadsheet XRT. 110As8DUyDc-00121-00054262-00054416 That's the symbol we're trading. 110As8DUyDc-00122-00054416-00054854 And I made two different columns: one with three contracts and one with four. 110As8DUyDc-00123-00054854-00054954 Okay? 110As8DUyDc-00124-00054954-00055379 So if you're trading with multiple number of contracts and you have a couple different 110As8DUyDc-00125-00055379-00055919 positions going on, you want to make columns for each of those depending on the number 110As8DUyDc-00126-00055919-00056050 of contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00127-00056050-00056639 And then all you have to do is take the ones that you sell, because when you sell, we're 110As8DUyDc-00128-00056639-00056739 collecting a credit. 110As8DUyDc-00129-00056739-00057179 So you can see with this one with four contracts, we sold for 83 cents. 110As8DUyDc-00130-00057179-00057517 Boom, you put 83 cents right there under four. 110As8DUyDc-00131-00057517-00058029 And we've got one with three contracts, and we sold that for 70 cents. 110As8DUyDc-00132-00058029-00058250 So we put 70 cents. 110As8DUyDc-00133-00058250-00058810 Then we did an adjusting roll, where again, we sold so that's a credit of 52 cents under 110As8DUyDc-00134-00058810-00058945 four contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00135-00058945-00059069 So we put that here. 110As8DUyDc-00136-00059069-00059513 Then when you do a buy, that is a debit. 110As8DUyDc-00137-00059513-00059942 So that's a debit of 35 cents, so we put that here as a negative number. 110As8DUyDc-00138-00059942-00060404 So negative 0.35, negative 35 cents. 110As8DUyDc-00139-00060404-00060669 That's under three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00140-00060669-00061294 Okay, and you just go down the line and if you sell when you're doing a strangle, you 110As8DUyDc-00141-00061294-00061467 do that as a credit. 110As8DUyDc-00142-00061467-00061798 And if you buy, you put that in as a debit. 110As8DUyDc-00143-00061798-00062204 So then what we do is when we get to the end, we've closed it out. 110As8DUyDc-00144-00062204-00062654 We add up all of our debits and credits on the three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00145-00062654-00062963 We had a positive 277. 110As8DUyDc-00146-00062963-00063379 And then on the four contracts, we actually had a negative $1.31. 110As8DUyDc-00147-00063379-00064172 Okay, so then what we do is we can break out our calculator here, and we can say, "Okay, 110As8DUyDc-00148-00064172-00064277 let's add all these up." 110As8DUyDc-00149-00064277-00064552 That added up to 277. 110As8DUyDc-00150-00064552-00065470 So if we take 277, 2.77, and then remember we gotta multiply that times 100, because 110As8DUyDc-00151-00065470-00065744 each contract represents 100 shares. 110As8DUyDc-00152-00065744-00066038 So that's $277. 110As8DUyDc-00153-00066038-00066354 Then you've got to look at, okay, how many contracts did we trade? 110As8DUyDc-00154-00066354-00066601 In this case, we traded three contracts. 110As8DUyDc-00155-00066601-00067233 So you multiply that times three, and that equals $831. 110As8DUyDc-00156-00067233-00067642 So in all the trades that we were making with three contracts, that adds up to a profit 110As8DUyDc-00157-00067642-00067889 of $831. 110As8DUyDc-00158-00067889-00068300 And then on this column with the four contracts, that added up to $131. 110As8DUyDc-00159-00068300-00069233 So we take 1.31 and we multiply that times 100, that equals 131. 110As8DUyDc-00160-00069233-00069795 And then we did four contracts, so you say times four, and that equals $524. 110As8DUyDc-00161-00069795-00070048 In this case, negative $524. 110As8DUyDc-00162-00070048-00070505 So, on the four contract trades, we lost $524. 110As8DUyDc-00163-00070505-00071348 So $831 minus $524, that's where we get the total profit of $307. 110As8DUyDc-00164-00071348-00071729 So again, if you're new to this, this is all going to sound like a foreign language. 110As8DUyDc-00165-00071729-00072158 But I promise, as we're going through this and doing one trade at a time, and if we go 110As8DUyDc-00166-00072158-00072575 back to the platform, look, we did one trade here on 11/21. 110As8DUyDc-00167-00072575-00073288 And we did one on 12/4, and we did a couple weeks later on 12/20, so this is just a progressive 110As8DUyDc-00168-00073288-00074032 ... adjustments and rolls, and additions, and putting on trades and taking trades off. 110As8DUyDc-00169-00074032-00074615 And when you get to the end, all you have to do is add up all your credits and debits, 110As8DUyDc-00170-00074615-00075152 figure out where you are from a profitability standpoint, and that's going to give you your 110As8DUyDc-00171-00075152-00075252 total profit. 110As8DUyDc-00172-00075252-00075727 And again, I hope you realize the power of this strategy. 110As8DUyDc-00173-00075727-00076273 That we took a big loser that went completely against us from the very beginning, and by 110As8DUyDc-00174-00076273-00076926 staying mechanical, continuing to collect more credits, extend duration by rolling, 110As8DUyDc-00175-00076926-00077598 and giving ourselves more time to be right, we ended up turning a major losing trade into 110As8DUyDc-00176-00077598-00077761 a profitable trade. 110As8DUyDc-00177-00077761-00078358 And if you can take your losers and then turn those into profits, and of course, these are 110As8DUyDc-00178-00078358-00078770 such high probability trades that a lot of them you're just going to put on and take 110As8DUyDc-00179-00078770-00078896 off as a winner. 110As8DUyDc-00180-00078896-00079570 But when one goes way against you, understanding how to mechanically roll and adjust and do 110As8DUyDc-00181-00079570-00080098 the strategies that we teach step by step in our course, it is going to make a massive 110As8DUyDc-00182-00080098-00080666 difference in the profitability and consistency in your trading. 110As8DUyDc-00183-00080666-00080824 So I hope this was helpful. 110As8DUyDc-00184-00080824-00081243 If you'd like to learn more about how we've taught over 10,000 members how to trade options 110As8DUyDc-00185-00081243-00081700 for consistent income, just go to our site, NavigationTrading.com. 110As8DUyDc-00186-00081700-00082141 Click on the big orange button, and we'll give you immediate access to our flagship 110As8DUyDc-00187-00082141-00082357 course, "Trading Options for Income." 110As8DUyDc-00188-00082357-00082826 We'll also give you the NavigationTrading implied volatility indicator that you see 110As8DUyDc-00189-00082826-00083427 on our charts, along with the watch list that we use to trade the most profitable symbols 110As8DUyDc-00190-00083427-00083595 day in and day out. 110As8DUyDc-00191-00083595-00084146 All this is yours, no cost, just go to our site: NavigationTrading.com, and we look forward 110As8DUyDc-00192-00084146-00084220 to seeing you on the inside. 1223rLeqbeQ-00000-00000014-00000214 Siena: hi guys welcome back to my sister's channel 1223rLeqbeQ-00001-00000740-00001263 Alexa: hi everyone welcome back to my channel for today's video we have a special guest 1223rLeqbeQ-00002-00001263-00001510 Siena: its me again 1223rLeqbeQ-00003-00001686-00001822 Alexa: This is my sister Siena 1223rLeqbeQ-00004-00001822-00002058 Alexa: Siena how about you introduce yourself 1223rLeqbeQ-00005-00002324-00002458 Siena: I don't know 1223rLeqbeQ-00006-00002458-00002838 Siena: Hi my name is Siena 1223rLeqbeQ-00007-00002838-00002888 I am 7 years old 1223rLeqbeQ-00008-00002902-00003068 Alexa: and what are we going to be doing today? 1223rLeqbeQ-00009-00003080-00003954 Siena: I am going to do Alexa makeup today *oh my god* 1223rLeqbeQ-00010-00003954-00004487 Alexa: Today's video Siena is gonna be doing my makeup with my makeup products. 1223rLeqbeQ-00011-00004487-00004650 I am a little bit scared 1223rLeqbeQ-00012-00004650-00004930 because she's never done my makeup before 1223rLeqbeQ-00013-00004930-00005136 Siena: and after this, you're gonna do mine 1223rLeqbeQ-00014-00005136-00005524 Alexa: yes and after this I'll be doing her makeup 1223rLeqbeQ-00015-00005524-00005619 Siena: yeahhh 1223rLeqbeQ-00016-00005619-00005780 Alexa: Siena loves makeup um, 1223rLeqbeQ-00017-00005784-00006206 She loves makeup more than I do I love makeup but not as much as some 1223rLeqbeQ-00018-00006206-00006470 people think I do she does she loves it 1223rLeqbeQ-00019-00006470-00006690 Siena: I love makeup I do it all-day 1223rLeqbeQ-00020-00006690-00007308 she does it all the time we let her you know just express herself try it out um, but 1223rLeqbeQ-00021-00007308-00007700 she never goes outside with makeup or to school with makeup because she's still 1223rLeqbeQ-00022-00007700-00008159 too young she's only seven years old but she does play with her makeup that 1223rLeqbeQ-00023-00008159-00008390 she has to play with 1223rLeqbeQ-00024-00008390-00008457 are you excited to do my makeup? 1223rLeqbeQ-00025-00008457-00008616 Siena: Ooh yeah! 1223rLeqbeQ-00026-00008616-00009036 Alexa: well don't forget to subscribe to my channel don't forget to click the 1223rLeqbeQ-00027-00009036-00009398 notification button so you can receive all the videos I will be posting right 1223rLeqbeQ-00028-00009398-00009554 Both: Alright so let's begin 1223rLeqbeQ-00029-00009572-00009938 Alexa: So first things first I'll be removing my makeup 1223rLeqbeQ-00030-00009939-00010306 I was actually recording a video and it's probably gonna be up in the channel by 1223rLeqbeQ-00031-00010308-00010767 the time that we post this video so I will be removing my makeup and then she's gonna 1223rLeqbeQ-00032-00010774-00011248 take over and she's gonna explain what she's doing to me 1223rLeqbeQ-00033-00011248-00011388 Siena: I'm gonna do something 1223rLeqbeQ-00034-00011388-00012048 I'm going to do something kind of crazy cuz I do not know how to do makeup at all 1223rLeqbeQ-00035-00012086-00012334 Alexa: lets get to it 1223rLeqbeQ-00036-00012963-00013304 Siena: one drop it oh press it 1223rLeqbeQ-00037-00013313-00013458 Alexa: it is already recording 1223rLeqbeQ-00038-00013458-00013536 Siena: oh hi guys 1223rLeqbeQ-00039-00013738-00014154 Siena: we're gonna begin alright so first things first liquid 1223rLeqbeQ-00040-00014154-00014340 Alexa: what is that? 1223rLeqbeQ-00041-00014350-00014499 Siena: foundation 1223rLeqbeQ-00042-00014499-00014732 Alexa: yeah it's foundation 1223rLeqbeQ-00043-00014732-00015018 Siena: the the liquid foundation *Oh* 1223rLeqbeQ-00044-00015018-00015388 So I have to dump some on the brush? 1223rLeqbeQ-00045-00015388-00015563 I am going to use this brush 1223rLeqbeQ-00046-00015884-00015934 Alexa: Wait, be careful! 1223rLeqbeQ-00047-00015936-00015986 Siena: Oh no! 1223rLeqbeQ-00048-00016302-00016888 Siena: Oh no! Oh boy! you will need a mirror *oh my gosh no* 1223rLeqbeQ-00049-00016990-00017072 you guys 1223rLeqbeQ-00050-00017128-00017216 look at Alexa 1223rLeqbeQ-00051-00017454-00017694 She's looking so weird 1223rLeqbeQ-00052-00018546-00019102 Siena: excuse me, you're stealing my brush 1223rLeqbeQ-00053-00019722-00019860 Siena: I think that's it 1223rLeqbeQ-00054-00019860-00019998 Alexa: all right 1223rLeqbeQ-00055-00019998-00020318 Siena: okay guys we are done with the foundation 1223rLeqbeQ-00056-00020318-00020550 Alexa: This is her foundation work 1223rLeqbeQ-00057-00020550-00020600 Alexa: are you going to use the powder? 1223rLeqbeQ-00058-00020740-00020884 Siena *tries to read* 1223rLeqbeQ-00059-00021128-00021178 Alexa: Its too close to the camera 1223rLeqbeQ-00060-00021410-00021762 Siena: translucent loose powder 1223rLeqbeQ-00061-00021774-00022080 Alexa: Uhuh, and it is from hard candy 1223rLeqbeQ-00062-00022080-00022284 Siena: Now, I'm going to brush oh boy you're 1223rLeqbeQ-00063-00022322-00022450 gonna look so white 1223rLeqbeQ-00064-00022832-00023088 Siena: there's not that much coming on 1223rLeqbeQ-00065-00023114-00023386 Alexa: it's a translucent powder which means it's not 1223rLeqbeQ-00066-00023386-00023758 gonna look white on my face it's gonna blend with my color 1223rLeqbeQ-00067-00023758-00023826 *coughs* 1223rLeqbeQ-00068-00023826-00023938 Siena: oh my gosh 1223rLeqbeQ-00069-00024056-00024198 Alexa: Oh my god! 1223rLeqbeQ-00070-00024230-00024334 What did you do? 1223rLeqbeQ-00071-00024420-00024770 * coughs* 1223rLeqbeQ-00072-00024770-00024970 I'm eating the powder 1223rLeqbeQ-00073-00025174-00025374 Alexa: Oh my god 1223rLeqbeQ-00074-00025736-00026208 Alexa: how about you don't put more powder you just blend in the one you have 1223rLeqbeQ-00075-00026208-00026408 Siena: oh no your shirt! 1223rLeqbeQ-00076-00026408-00026608 Alexa: it is fine, the shirt is fine 1223rLeqbeQ-00077-00027610-00027933 Siena: your turn here we go 1223rLeqbeQ-00078-00027933-00028258 Alexa: Wow, okay what are you gonna do next? 1223rLeqbeQ-00079-00028258-00028644 Siena: I am going to use more powder? 1223rLeqbeQ-00080-00028644-00028940 Alexa: you wanna do another powder? 1223rLeqbeQ-00081-00028940-00029040 Siena: yes *laughs* 1223rLeqbeQ-00082-00029040-00029152 Alexa: oh she wants to do my 1223rLeqbeQ-00083-00029152-00029370 banana powder. 1223rLeqbeQ-00084-00029370-00029539 I'm gonna dip the brush on it because you're gonna put way too much 1223rLeqbeQ-00085-00029714-00030277 Siena: here we go 1223rLeqbeQ-00086-00030277-00030448 Alexa: and this powder is very loose 1223rLeqbeQ-00087-00030448-00030704 Siena: so loose! It looks like bananas 1223rLeqbeQ-00088-00030898-00031022 Alexa: go ahead! 1223rLeqbeQ-00089-00031764-00031995 Siena: I am brushing okay that's it 1223rLeqbeQ-00090-00032104-00032208 Siena: Okay now 1223rLeqbeQ-00091-00032208-00032282 what do we do next? 1223rLeqbeQ-00092-00032368-00032962 Alexa: I don't know you tell me, you are the one doing my makeup. *Oh boy* You can do whatever you want 1223rLeqbeQ-00093-00032962-00033142 Siena: okay, I want to do more powder 1223rLeqbeQ-00094-00033190-00033388 Alexa: its you doing my makeup and I am your model 1223rLeqbeQ-00095-00033392-00033442 Siena: I am going to do 1223rLeqbeQ-00096-00033442-00033558 Alexa: I am running out of it 1223rLeqbeQ-00097-00033558-00033758 Siena: whatever I want 1223rLeqbeQ-00098-00034034-00034208 Alexa: alright, ready? 1223rLeqbeQ-00099-00034208-00034460 Siena: okay here I go 1223rLeqbeQ-00100-00034460-00034800 Alexa: this is a bronzer so it's a little bit darker than my skin don't put too much 1223rLeqbeQ-00101-00034800-00035536 Siena: okay, I know you're brown skin and light skin 1223rLeqbeQ-00102-00035536-00035788 Siena: ahh! your makeup is looking so smooth 1223rLeqbeQ-00103-00035790-00036084 Alexa: she's gonna be using the 1223rLeqbeQ-00104-00036084-00036171 Siena: it has a mirror, you can use it, 1223rLeqbeQ-00105-00036171-00036272 Alexa: peach blur from too faced 1223rLeqbeQ-00106-00036273-00036672 this is actually a translucent powder but I use it sometimes as a 1223rLeqbeQ-00107-00036672-00037182 highlighter sometimes as a blush it's just I just don't like it as a 1223rLeqbeQ-00108-00037182-00037598 translucent powder but I love it as a highlighter and as a blush 1223rLeqbeQ-00109-00037792-00037914 Siena: okay it's a 1223rLeqbeQ-00110-00037932-00038474 highlighter and blush *yeah* I want use it for your cheeks 1223rLeqbeQ-00111-00039818-00040018 Alexa: it looks good 1223rLeqbeQ-00112-00040482-00040682 Alexa: *screams ah ah* 1223rLeqbeQ-00113-00041000-00041437 Alexa: that's fine I can just clean, you don't have to put more it's already has a lot 1223rLeqbeQ-00114-00041438-00041762 Siena: oh no, you're gonna look so crazy 1223rLeqbeQ-00115-00041880-00042060 okay, so 1223rLeqbeQ-00116-00042106-00042350 stand tight 1223rLeqbeQ-00117-00042486-00043122 Siena: okay 1223rLeqbeQ-00118-00043122-00043521 do not use this for me cuz I do not like using this at all do not 1223rLeqbeQ-00119-00043522-00043764 Alexa: okay, I won't use it for you 1223rLeqbeQ-00120-00043764-00043890 Alexa: what are you doing next? 1223rLeqbeQ-00121-00043918-00044094 Siena: Okay, eyeshadow! 1223rLeqbeQ-00122-00044094-00044238 Where is the eyeshadow? 1223rLeqbeQ-00123-00044280-00044766 I am going to use this glitter palette since you are so lucky 1223rLeqbeQ-00124-00044840-00045414 Alexa: don't use too much okay a little bit goes a long way 1223rLeqbeQ-00125-00045414-00045828 Siena: this one! *ahh* 1223rLeqbeQ-00126-00045828-00046022 Alexa: what color are you gonna use? 1223rLeqbeQ-00127-00046038-00046172 Siena: and plus I want to tell you guys that 1223rLeqbeQ-00128-00046172-00046498 these are labeled *stops to think* 1223rLeqbeQ-00129-00046784-00047108 Siena: ahh it looks so pink 1223rLeqbeQ-00130-00047138-00047650 Siena: we should do that all pink challenge I have to wear all pink 1223rLeqbeQ-00131-00047650-00047976 and you have to wear something else Alexa: comment down below if you want Siena and I 1223rLeqbeQ-00132-00048040-00048274 to do an all pink challenge 1223rLeqbeQ-00133-00048274-00048731 Siena: you are going to wear all pink and I am going to wear all *stops to think* 1223rLeqbeQ-00134-00048731-00049004 Sienas: I don't know its going to be a mystery surprise. 1223rLeqbeQ-00135-00049004-00049294 Alexa: Comment down below if you would like to see that video 1223rLeqbeQ-00136-00049325-00050218 Siena: if you say yes well you're in luck Alexa so comment down below for that 1223rLeqbeQ-00137-00050218-00050442 Siena: okay here we go 1223rLeqbeQ-00138-00050442-00050556 I want to use this one 1223rLeqbeQ-00139-00050684-00051134 Siena: *gasp* Oh my mama, now I want to use this 1223rLeqbeQ-00140-00051172-00051988 Alexa: which one are you using? all right go ahead 1223rLeqbeQ-00141-00051988-00052188 Siena: here comes the sparkle 1223rLeqbeQ-00142-00052226-00052566 Siena: cause I am the one that's doing it 1223rLeqbeQ-00143-00052650-00053067 so I'm supposed to hold it not you 1223rLeqbeQ-00144-00053067-00053212 Siena: done! 1223rLeqbeQ-00145-00053258-00053308 Alexa: alright 1223rLeqbeQ-00146-00053329-00053455 Siena: now it really shows 1223rLeqbeQ-00147-00053496-00053867 Siena: gloss, this is the one Alexa really hates so I'm gonna put it on 1223rLeqbeQ-00148-00053867-00054012 Siena: you like this one? 1223rLeqbeQ-00149-00054038-00054088 Alexa: I do I like all my lipgloss 1223rLeqbeQ-00150-00054094-00054572 it's just once I like more than others, but it's okay, just use this one 1223rLeqbeQ-00151-00054576-00054990 Siena: this one you don't like, you do not like this one 1223rLeqbeQ-00152-00055016-00056232 Siena: you look crazy... * laughs* 1223rLeqbeQ-00153-00056232-00056494 Siena: wait, that color is so strong 1223rLeqbeQ-00154-00056494-00056679 Alexa: it is 1223rLeqbeQ-00155-00056688-00057246 Siena: okay, up *laughs* I was going to do your teeth 1223rLeqbeQ-00156-00058891-00059091 Alexa: wait! 1223rLeqbeQ-00157-00059610-00060124 Alexa: can you fix this now? 1223rLeqbeQ-00158-00060124-00060300 Siena: I think we will have to erase all 1223rLeqbeQ-00159-00060300-00060500 Alexa: Uh I got an email 1223rLeqbeQ-00160-00060738-00060950 Siena: now we're going to do 1223rLeqbeQ-00161-00060950-00061150 Siena: *misspronounces* browdam! 1223rLeqbeQ-00162-00061150-00061326 Alexa: What is that? 1223rLeqbeQ-00163-00061326-00061526 Siena: browdam! 1223rLeqbeQ-00164-00061564-00061817 Siena: Eyebrows! 1223rLeqbeQ-00165-00062108-00062574 Alexa: oh whoa my eyebrow go that direction not that way 1223rLeqbeQ-00166-00062648-00062848 Siena: and just an fyi 1223rLeqbeQ-00167-00062848-00063216 Alexa is a Spanish as well 1223rLeqbeQ-00168-00063216-00063405 Alexa: you mean I speak Spanish? 1223rLeqbeQ-00169-00063405-00063455 Siena: yep, 1223rLeqbeQ-00170-00063546-00063674 Alexa: you speak Spanish too right? y 1223rLeqbeQ-00171-00063704-00063754 Siena: yeeah! 1223rLeqbeQ-00172-00063841-00064050 Alexa: how about you speak some spanish? 1223rLeqbeQ-00173-00064050-00064626 Siena: no! no no thank you! don't like this video 1223rLeqbeQ-00174-00064626-00065379 cuz if you like it that means you want that don't 1223rLeqbeQ-00175-00065470-00065646 Alexa: comment down below if you want 1223rLeqbeQ-00176-00065646-00065986 Siena to do a video in Spanish 1223rLeqbeQ-00177-00065986-00066156 Alexa: she knows how to speak Spanish 1223rLeqbeQ-00178-00066156-00066294 Siena: I do not like 1223rLeqbeQ-00179-00066294-00066620 Siena: I do not like to do it, no thank you please! 1223rLeqbeQ-00180-00066620-00066890 Alexa: excuse me first of all 1223rLeqbeQ-00181-00066890-00067008 Siena: do not! 1223rLeqbeQ-00182-00067008-00067058 Alexa: say hola 1223rLeqbeQ-00183-00067058-00067112 Siena: Hola! 1223rLeqbeQ-00184-00067157-00067540 Alexa: say something in Spanish anything 1223rLeqbeQ-00185-00067540-00067656 Siena: but I... 1223rLeqbeQ-00186-00067656-00068132 Alexa: no no no! 1223rLeqbeQ-00187-00068132-00068440 Alexa: say something in Spanish 1223rLeqbeQ-00188-00068440-00068786 Siena: *speaks spanish* como estan? 1223rLeqbeQ-00189-00068786-00069110 Siena: I think we are done! 1223rLeqbeQ-00190-00069110-00069548 Siena: so that's the makeup! zoom up! 1223rLeqbeQ-00191-00069548-00069880 Alexa: this is the makeup Siena did 1223rLeqbeQ-00192-00069880-00070030 Siena: this looks awkward 1223rLeqbeQ-00193-00070030-00070284 Alexa: on me here sister I think it looks... 1223rLeqbeQ-00194-00070284-00071091 Siena: and we're going to do another one but wait do not exit yet cuz we have an ending 1223rLeqbeQ-00195-00071091-00071318 to show you 1223rLeqbeQ-00196-00071318-00071612 Alexa: a close up of the makeup 1223rLeqbeQ-00197-00071612-00071732 Siena: I don't have one 1223rLeqbeQ-00198-00071732-00071924 Siena: So guys I hope you liked this video 1223rLeqbeQ-00199-00071924-00072394 Siena: if you did, smash that like button we will see you on the next time goodbye 1223rLeqbeQ-00200-00072636-00072970 Siena: oh lipgloss 1223rLeqbeQ-00201-00072970-00073316 Siena: we should do a lip gloss on your face challenge 1223rLeqbeQ-00202-00073316-00073636 Siena: *laughs* yes! comment down below 1223rLeqbeQ-00203-00073678-00073828 Siena: for that video 13lpBPdO3ug-00000-00000096-00000606 what's up everybody hi guys I'm Ben and I'm Rainey and that's Andy 13lpBPdO3ug-00001-00000606-00001224 and we're from the journals of Awakening with another podcast for you that's right what 13lpBPdO3ug-00002-00001224-00001686 are we going to talk about here today rainy today we're going to talk about 13lpBPdO3ug-00003-00001944-00003102 different educational methods what yeah schooling yeah okay so what about school 13lpBPdO3ug-00004-00003102-00003540 all right I have tons of experiences every school I ever started well there you go so you 13lpBPdO3ug-00005-00003540-00004284 already got one leg up on me yep quit High School quit college two of them I think quitting High 13lpBPdO3ug-00006-00004284-00004782 School wasn't entirely your fault but that's another story I got my GED there you go so 13lpBPdO3ug-00007-00004884-00005400 there's a cat and he wants inside because he sees all the love that this one's getting 13lpBPdO3ug-00008-00005460-00006018 so in we have the American public school system government funded oh she was gonna hit you 13lpBPdO3ug-00009-00006150-00006618 um and then there's other Methods at school we have private schooling where you pay tuition 13lpBPdO3ug-00010-00006618-00007614 homeschooling Montessori schooling yeah um there's another type of schooling did she try and hit you 13lpBPdO3ug-00011-00007866-00008820 um there's another type of schooling called it's like Montessori oh Waldorf Waldorf Waldorf 13lpBPdO3ug-00012-00008898-00009300 so basically the public school system that's government funded 13lpBPdO3ug-00013-00009354-00010200 is is paid for so it's basically the shittiest education right so yeah obviously it's an 13lpBPdO3ug-00014-00010200-00010614 organization they don't pay the teachers enough even though they're telling the teachers what 13lpBPdO3ug-00015-00010614-00011070 to teach and teachers are shaping the minds of children because you know the government probably 13lpBPdO3ug-00016-00011070-00011574 sees teachers as like little robot minions but teachers are like real people it's like the one 13lpBPdO3ug-00017-00011574-00012324 that tattooed his entire body yeah exactly yeah which is stupid which is discrimination 100 I 13lpBPdO3ug-00018-00012324-00012876 mean I understand the tattoo in your eyeballs that shit's terrifying maybe get over it dude 13lpBPdO3ug-00019-00012954-00013530 if it's not in the [__] rule book then you can't be fired for it you can make it a rule 13lpBPdO3ug-00020-00013530-00014076 now and wait for tattoo man to die off but the fact that they changed it during just means that 13lpBPdO3ug-00021-00014076-00014412 the system sucks and it'll never worked you could always just alter it if it doesn't work 13lpBPdO3ug-00022-00014472-00015066 yeah you know what I mean and then you have homeschooling which is don't leave which is 13lpBPdO3ug-00023-00015066-00015612 like teaching from home obviously but there's different methods to that you could do your own 13lpBPdO3ug-00024-00015612-00016308 method here in Arizona you don't have to prove any schoolwork you don't have to do anything except 13lpBPdO3ug-00025-00016308-00016902 for the standardized testings and then I think you might have to submit like a report card at 13lpBPdO3ug-00026-00016902-00017430 the end of the year something yeah but that's at your discretion so yeah they can literally 13lpBPdO3ug-00027-00017430-00017952 suck it exactly homeschooling is the easiest way to be neglectful to your kids if you do it 13lpBPdO3ug-00028-00018024-00018528 wrong truancy is not he's nice don't be scared of truancy he's trying to get me with that [__] all 13lpBPdO3ug-00029-00018528-00019080 the time growing up trumancy is a real thing it exists but no one's gonna do anything about it no 13lpBPdO3ug-00030-00019080-00019566 one's getting in trouble except for your parents for being shitty looking for parents I guess if 13lpBPdO3ug-00031-00019566-00020430 anything they'll get you taken right so I don't know I'm like I said I skipped I ditched school 13lpBPdO3ug-00032-00020430-00021090 like percent of high school you know what I mean yeah and then I quit so I don't know 13lpBPdO3ug-00033-00021150-00021936 well and then you got Montessori school which is child LED however there are you've got 13lpBPdO3ug-00034-00022170-00022632 you've got in our okay I'll base it off of our experience there's about 13lpBPdO3ug-00035-00022710-00023256 the kindergarten preschool and kindergarten are together first through four fourth are 13lpBPdO3ug-00036-00023256-00023880 together and fifth through eighth are together so they're all their own separate little classrooms 13lpBPdO3ug-00037-00023940-00024798 and uh it's really cool because there's a bunch of assignments or they call them lessons that 13lpBPdO3ug-00038-00024798-00025236 you're allowed to do once you're taught how to do them and you can pick and choose what you 13lpBPdO3ug-00039-00025236-00025830 want to do and when you want to do it yeah well the kid you know not me I can't pick and choose 13lpBPdO3ug-00040-00025883-00026388 so the child gets to pick what he wants to do I'm talking about Montessori yeah okay and 13lpBPdO3ug-00041-00026388-00026856 then I'm like bored to death talking about education I just want you guys to know okay 13lpBPdO3ug-00042-00026994-00027744 I believe in education but just a different kind and then Waldorf School is like imagination 13lpBPdO3ug-00043-00027816-00028272 you don't have assignments you just what grade do they teach you how to make fire 13lpBPdO3ug-00044-00028458-00029094 I don't know they don't how do you make a fire like how would you expect in a textbook 13lpBPdO3ug-00045-00029094-00029574 well this could take a while I mean I'm just saying it should be uh something taught like 13lpBPdO3ug-00046-00029574-00030174 home economics it's gone it's gone all we're learning how do you know useless [__] because 13lpBPdO3ug-00047-00030174-00030858 I keep hearing it from people but uh we're a bunch of useless [__] calculus and algebra 13lpBPdO3ug-00048-00030858-00031362 and checkbooks nobody does checkbooks anymore guys it's gone so then think about it this way 13lpBPdO3ug-00049-00031518-00031908 spelling who cares everybody has a spell checker on their device 13lpBPdO3ug-00050-00031908-00032418 nobody handwrites anything about this what if you know school isn't supposed 13lpBPdO3ug-00051-00032562-00033474 Twisted you're supposed to live your life and get schooling on the side you know it's a hobby 13lpBPdO3ug-00052-00033474-00034272 for lack of other words uh and people don't see it that way they think that school is supposed 13lpBPdO3ug-00053-00034272-00034758 to teach your child everything so that's when the parent comes in maybe they shouldn't teach 13lpBPdO3ug-00054-00034758-00035316 making a fire or cooking at school because they should do it at home but then that just means 13lpBPdO3ug-00055-00035316-00035658 that school hours should be cut down you know cut down that's what I was gonna say because they go 13lpBPdO3ug-00056-00035658-00036108 to school for the eight hours plus the one hour trip there and back right yeah and then on top of 13lpBPdO3ug-00057-00036108-00036504 that they got two hours worth of [__] homework when they get home and no kid wants to learn how 13lpBPdO3ug-00058-00036504-00037260 to cook after that no hell no yeah but but cooking is a life essential definitely you gotta know how 13lpBPdO3ug-00059-00037260-00037656 to cook otherwise you grow up eating ramen noodles and bologna sandwiches your whole 13lpBPdO3ug-00060-00037656-00038706 life yeah so imagine if they had like an herb teaching class you know crystals yeah relax yes 13lpBPdO3ug-00061-00038706-00039414 edible plants there you go yeah how to survive exactly a survival class how about that or like 13lpBPdO3ug-00062-00039474-00040206 a class based on your entire state right so imagine I gotta go to Arizona class okay you 13lpBPdO3ug-00063-00040206-00040752 know so Arizona class they teach you about all the edible plants in Arizona and what regions are in 13lpBPdO3ug-00064-00040752-00041340 mushrooms herbs how to survive in Arizona there you go you're using the land because that's where 13lpBPdO3ug-00065-00041340-00041856 you are and then when you move you have to take a class yeah so that you know how to survive in that 13lpBPdO3ug-00066-00041856-00042390 new area that'd be really cool right like hell yeah we're in Missouri let's jump in class today 13lpBPdO3ug-00067-00042390-00042954 I want to learn I just feel like there's so many yeah it should be when you want to get a driver's 13lpBPdO3ug-00068-00042954-00043566 license for a new state you should have to take a class on that state but no you don't you do yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00069-00043566-00044400 I know in any state and drive with my Arizona license that I got in like Mexico basically I 13lpBPdO3ug-00070-00044400-00045072 think it's wild that us ordinary people can sit here and have a conversation about anything that 13lpBPdO3ug-00071-00045072-00045582 would make the schools better yeah we just came out you should be educated on your home state yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00072-00045780-00046446 yeah sewing [Music] how come sewing's not taught in school that's true yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00073-00046446-00046722 like we're just taught to just throw our [__] out when it gets a little 13lpBPdO3ug-00074-00046722-00047250 ripped which is so bad for the environment buy a new one no but that's the age of convenience 13lpBPdO3ug-00075-00047250-00047886 it wasn't like that in 1900 that's why I can sell because I was born in 1900 right 13lpBPdO3ug-00076-00047970-00048378 back in the day when we all maced each other I'm talking to big spike ball 13lpBPdO3ug-00077-00049122-00049596 start off with nothing and you start building these advancements to the point where you go 13lpBPdO3ug-00078-00049596-00050250 back down to being dumb because you don't actually know how to function yeah so yeah if Society were 13lpBPdO3ug-00079-00050250-00050928 to lose the internet and grocery stores most of us would probably die yeah we'd all sit in the 13lpBPdO3ug-00080-00050928-00051432 hole somewhere eating ramen noodles until we died off you know like imagine if Walmarts were done 13lpBPdO3ug-00081-00051432-00052224 okay well big box stores I really want Walmart to be done you know I want to go to a local business 13lpBPdO3ug-00082-00052224-00053244 where somebody has sewn the clothes oh you know handmade yeah and she sews them everything is one 13lpBPdO3ug-00083-00053244-00053928 of a kind everything is good if you bring it back we'll fix it for you yeah so why is that so hard 13lpBPdO3ug-00084-00054000-00054726 why because we have stores that have take over the world well and you look at like rappers and like 13lpBPdO3ug-00085-00054726-00055170 football players and [__] and they wear all this Louis Vuitton yeah get out of there half 13lpBPdO3ug-00086-00055170-00055704 a million dollar cars they can't even hold a [__] car seat in the back exactly it's 13lpBPdO3ug-00087-00055764-00056741 I mean what kind of period of time were we born in dude we're as humans we're [__] is how I feel I 13lpBPdO3ug-00088-00056741-00057210 don't feel like humans are gonna make it many more hundred years you know what I mean I think if we 13lpBPdO3ug-00089-00057210-00057732 had a sewing machine like a few more hundred years and I think the human kind is done you would be 13lpBPdO3ug-00090-00057732-00058596 able to learn a sewing machine okay stay with me okay and learn how to sew clothes yeah I think if 13lpBPdO3ug-00091-00058596-00059241 you did that you'd be so good at making clothing maybe I sell them at your store [Laughter] 13lpBPdO3ug-00092-00059574-00059688 there's the real question 13lpBPdO3ug-00093-00060084-00060491 otherwise we start a commune and I become the tailor that's what I was thinking you 13lpBPdO3ug-00094-00060491-00061074 know yeah but for real you make the I mean okay what are People Like Us born in this Century to 13lpBPdO3ug-00095-00061074-00061560 do we're supposed to change something we're supposed to do something we should be getting 13lpBPdO3ug-00096-00061560-00062202 back to basics life's so easy and convenient for us but yet we sit around and do nothing yeah you 13lpBPdO3ug-00097-00062202-00062676 know what I mean well that's why think about all of the thousands hundreds of thousands of hours 13lpBPdO3ug-00098-00062676-00063396 I'll admit that we've wasted on video games yeah exactly think about it hundreds of thousands of 13lpBPdO3ug-00099-00063396-00064044 back in my childhood it was or people older than me of course also like they climbed trees you know 13lpBPdO3ug-00100-00064044-00064608 what I mean like they built Clubhouse I didn't really have they burnt down sheds like old windows 13lpBPdO3ug-00101-00064608-00065448 station too but my dad watched TV 85 of the time and we weren't allowed to play on it mostly oh 13lpBPdO3ug-00102-00065448-00066000 mostly my dad was a gamer he played the PS1 all the time yeah so how many times were you allowed 13lpBPdO3ug-00103-00066000-00066360 to play it [__] only in the middle of the night when We snuck it that's what I'm saying that's why 13lpBPdO3ug-00104-00066360-00066894 you always cut the corner no I grew up we were climbing trees roofs making clubhouses outside 13lpBPdO3ug-00105-00066894-00067584 yes so were you you know so when did the switch happen is it our generation that's ruining the 13lpBPdO3ug-00106-00067584-00068364 kids with the tablets yes for sure that's that's a big No-No guys yeah because we're guilty of that 13lpBPdO3ug-00107-00068364-00068940 what are you gonna do you know however you can uh look at Connor and say he spends a lot of time on 13lpBPdO3ug-00108-00068940-00069318 his tablet no he never plays this time you're right I'm just saying you through the nation 13lpBPdO3ug-00109-00069318-00069756 you you know what kids come over with their with their parents that you know the kids come over 13lpBPdO3ug-00110-00069756-00070470 with their parents parents come over with their kids right and they always have tablets yeah it's 13lpBPdO3ug-00111-00070470-00071034 a thing everybody's kid has a tablet now like what the [__] dude I had a pager when I was 16. so 13lpBPdO3ug-00112-00071034-00071682 social media is pretty much the entire problem that's probably true so imagine the internet 13lpBPdO3ug-00113-00071682-00072216 without social media we'd only be using it as a resource learn how to do things and stuff leave us 13lpBPdO3ug-00114-00072216-00072672 this the very beginning though the internet it was AOL chat groups chat groups were things so you can 13lpBPdO3ug-00115-00072672-00073278 talk to people you always talk to people because yeah you couldn't post your [__] day or put your 13lpBPdO3ug-00116-00073278-00073854 sexiest photo on your screen or anything like that but I had a lot of people thinking I was a really 13lpBPdO3ug-00117-00073854-00074472 big buff black guy I'm just saying I did when I was a teenager they all thought that I had a whole 13lpBPdO3ug-00118-00074472-00075450 ass tagged account called Big B and I was really big black guy I was very handsome that's wild back 13lpBPdO3ug-00119-00075450-00075948 when I was young yeah I was a catfish man but I never once tried to meet someone it was just no 13lpBPdO3ug-00120-00075948-00076500 [__] you know I was just chatting I mean I would use the internet for things like learning how to 13lpBPdO3ug-00121-00076500-00077310 sew or learning how to cook and get other people's ideas and blog posts and stuff but I you know it's 13lpBPdO3ug-00122-00077310-00077976 somehow the age of convenience has really escalated I mean look at I do a vlog every day 13lpBPdO3ug-00123-00078066-00078342 like no offenses of people watching but think about it 13lpBPdO3ug-00124-00078462-00079056 a lot of these people could just either do that themselves or be doing something every day yes 13lpBPdO3ug-00125-00079056-00079770 I'm on a computer all that's what I'm saying I'm not saying I'm better than anybody I'm just as 13lpBPdO3ug-00126-00079770-00080196 bad as the nation right now there's something it's not even just the nation you know what I 13lpBPdO3ug-00127-00080196-00080772 mean like it's the world yeah it's definitely you guys notice how many live sleep streams there are 13lpBPdO3ug-00128-00080910-00081714 live sleep streams okay the dumbest thing known to man what we gotta do it you know why because 13lpBPdO3ug-00129-00081714-00082260 that's how you beat the system the system's so [__] up I think that it was a sleep stream 13lpBPdO3ug-00130-00082260-00082794 where people are looking out into your yard to be sick but no I'm talking watching people snore 13lpBPdO3ug-00131-00082794-00083682 yeah I think that like wow I want to spend eight hours watching him sleep see when I was born my 13lpBPdO3ug-00132-00083682-00084582 motivation I just didn't never existed so when I was six or seven there was a neighbor across the 13lpBPdO3ug-00133-00084582-00085242 street from our apartments and she taught me how to sew a skirt hell yeah you need people 13lpBPdO3ug-00134-00085242-00085944 like that yeah and and her daughter's name was Gillian I remember that but I remember the mom 13lpBPdO3ug-00135-00085944-00086496 mostly because she taught me how to sew a shirt or a skirt and it was really cool and it was cheetah 13lpBPdO3ug-00136-00086496-00087240 print and I wish I knew how to do that but I don't because other people make clothes and I 13lpBPdO3ug-00137-00087240-00087702 can just buy those you see it doesn't make any sense you're gonna go donate a half an hour of 13lpBPdO3ug-00138-00087702-00088332 your time to a shirt what do you mean like how long does it take to make enough money to buy 13lpBPdO3ug-00139-00088332-00088908 a shirt more than a half hour [__] these days two hours of work to buy a t-shirt so one hour 13lpBPdO3ug-00140-00089016-00089766 after taxes seven dollars oh hell like that's if you want to buy a new one next one yeah yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00141-00089766-00090156 exactly that's how we buy our clothes that's how we buy our clothes but I'm just saying man 13lpBPdO3ug-00142-00090474-00090954 I only learned how to sew because my brother shredded my teddy bear and I loved it with my 13lpBPdO3ug-00143-00090954-00091584 whole heart so I sewed it I mean sewing isn't hard I don't know how to tie things off that's 13lpBPdO3ug-00144-00091584-00092436 my biggest problem that's really simple it's just like a shoe yeah but it's too tiny don't make it 13lpBPdO3ug-00145-00092436-00093210 tiny you're not hurting anyone by using this much extra string I don't know however I do know that 13lpBPdO3ug-00146-00093306-00094038 my mother has a sewing machine that she wants me to have oh God and it's like you can't put 13lpBPdO3ug-00147-00094038-00094626 me on another project because I will not be able to breathe it's like brand new throw it 13lpBPdO3ug-00148-00094626-00095679 away sell it I would like to learn how to use it donate it to a sweatshop I [Music] 13lpBPdO3ug-00149-00095679-00096486 don't know what I would do with it I'm not gonna wear a shirt that I made from Walmart cloth 13lpBPdO3ug-00150-00096624-00097158 where are we gonna get the cloth how about we just start cutting all of my shirts in half and 13lpBPdO3ug-00151-00097158-00097932 we sew them together as two shirts sick right yeah sick right like you kind of want to do 13lpBPdO3ug-00152-00097932-00098676 it like how about we rip the arms off my plaids and put different colored plaid arms on them you 13lpBPdO3ug-00153-00098676-00099204 just you're so confusing because you don't want to learn how to sew or you don't encourage learning 13lpBPdO3ug-00154-00099204-00099822 and making your own clothes but you don't like big stores where you buy them I'm a product of society 13lpBPdO3ug-00155-00099822-00100320 I am not gonna lie look I'm wearing a silver bracelet some spikes you think somebody made this 13lpBPdO3ug-00156-00100320-00100974 by hand no it's definitely in a factory somewhere right I got a weird ass silver earring on I don't 13lpBPdO3ug-00157-00100974-00101490 know I'm just saying I'm a man of society myself look at my boots they don't even tie 13lpBPdO3ug-00158-00101610-00102414 you just blew everyone's speakers I know you say that every time every time I just 13lpBPdO3ug-00159-00102414-00102870 I don't know it's like learning how the Whole Foods cook right yeah it's like we 13lpBPdO3ug-00160-00102870-00103524 try it's so overwhelming them when we met oh we're doing fantastic I'm just saying like 13lpBPdO3ug-00161-00103614-00104052 there's only so many things we could think of because we're so like indoctrinated with this 13lpBPdO3ug-00162-00104052-00104609 damn planet that we're like uh potatoes french fries that's all we can think of 13lpBPdO3ug-00163-00104609-00105420 no you don't like things that's true I don't be very picky like a like a risotto I don't know 13lpBPdO3ug-00164-00105420-00105935 man grew up on bologna and cheap hot dogs so I just won't go back I'm not going back you were 13lpBPdO3ug-00165-00105935-00106361 raised on processed foods processed [__] yeah it's just like getting Connor to take a bite of a 13lpBPdO3ug-00166-00106361-00106992 taco right or a bite of toast like it's so simple and I grew up on Taco Bell yeah but now all I eat 13lpBPdO3ug-00167-00106992-00107604 is homemade tacos you know only because there's no Taco Bell nearby I love Taco Bell well that's 13lpBPdO3ug-00168-00107604-00108000 why we live here to go back to basics that's true that's why you move up into the country 13lpBPdO3ug-00169-00108000-00108426 into the mountains and you go back to the basement there's no gas station here yeah no grocery store 13lpBPdO3ug-00170-00108498-00109302 nothing man nothing you run out of gas you're walking 20 miles the basics sound so comfortable 13lpBPdO3ug-00171-00109302-00109914 right with a little bit of sprinkle here and there like I need to dye my hair again you know I don't 13lpBPdO3ug-00172-00109914-00110988 know how to hand dye my hair but when it comes to things like food and just conveniences in general 13lpBPdO3ug-00173-00110988-00111516 I would like to know how to make my own shampoo and conditioner I thought we did that already 13lpBPdO3ug-00174-00111630-00112404 no your boss is supposed to talk to you about that didn't she have a bunch of stuff like a 13lpBPdO3ug-00175-00112404-00112974 year ago and she does it herself she makes her own shampoo yeah well she did she decided it was too 13lpBPdO3ug-00176-00112974-00113592 much for her oh so maybe there you go yeah that's really interesting I forgot about that but yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00177-00113694-00114330 Going Back to Basics on the things that are like not hard like hygiene like it's really 13lpBPdO3ug-00178-00114330-00114785 not that hard to rinse off in water and then to make your own soap it's going to do the job 13lpBPdO3ug-00179-00114876-00115446 right but how often why is hygiene important talk to me about that besides uh your health you know 13lpBPdO3ug-00180-00115446-00115872 you can't be dirty you can't be you know germs and [__] but like well that's why shower every day 13lpBPdO3ug-00181-00115932-00116268 well because throughout the day you accumulate dust and Germany 13lpBPdO3ug-00182-00116442-00116880 what if you live in a bubble how often would you shower if you lived in a bubble 13lpBPdO3ug-00183-00117096-00117708 well oh a lot because it would be a humid trap yeah but you wouldn't notice it the 13lpBPdO3ug-00184-00117708-00118248 smell would you get used to it I don't know I shower when I feel like I need to 13lpBPdO3ug-00185-00118433-00119178 you know it's I I don't shower once a week or anything if I poop on myself I shower yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00186-00119244-00119940 but that's what I mean is hi rinsing yourself off goes all the way back to the beginning of 13lpBPdO3ug-00187-00119940-00120528 humans yeah you know well I just know in like uh like some Asian countries they do it once a month 13lpBPdO3ug-00188-00120528-00120978 yeah but regardless but maybe it's because of resources I don't know enough I'm just 13lpBPdO3ug-00189-00120978-00121356 a stupid human I don't know anything like you know that in Asian countries 13lpBPdO3ug-00190-00121356-00121811 you have to turn on the water heater before you get in the shower that's 13lpBPdO3ug-00191-00121811-00122309 how it is a here too in a lot of places what I never heard of that I saw it on Karate Kid 13lpBPdO3ug-00192-00122370-00123090 oh yeah that's a fun fact no it's on Karate Kid no I know Jaden Smith doesn't lie 13lpBPdO3ug-00193-00123402-00123918 yeah I've heard of definitely clicking on your own water heater but we need to do that 13lpBPdO3ug-00194-00123918-00124398 here we just let ours run all [__] days all day for convenience our water heaters 13lpBPdO3ug-00195-00124398-00125190 running how in other countries in most other countries I'm boring her air units don't exist 13lpBPdO3ug-00196-00125280-00126030 air what units what do you mean Central AC oh and it shouldn't it's bad they have like window ACS 13lpBPdO3ug-00197-00126030-00126468 that's bad for the environment anyway but yeah Central AC doesn't exist in other most places 13lpBPdO3ug-00198-00126468-00127068 don't have it I've never had it we did it in an apartment but that we don't you don't need it yeah 13lpBPdO3ug-00199-00127164-00127758 yeah your body adapt to the environment around you or move somewhere where your body can handle it 13lpBPdO3ug-00200-00127758-00128730 I was meant to live in Arizona my body can definitely handle the heat you know mine 13lpBPdO3ug-00201-00128730-00129450 cannot I sweat I chafe I [__] well you were conceived in Missouri so that's right yeah I'm 13lpBPdO3ug-00202-00129450-00129876 a cold-blooded monster I feel like it's got to be where you're conceived all right because I used 13lpBPdO3ug-00203-00129876-00130608 to be yeah you're always conceived in Tucson [Music] oh born in Michigan it's really weird 13lpBPdO3ug-00204-00130692-00131172 she knows exactly where her mom and dad had sex and conceived her 13lpBPdO3ug-00205-00131172-00133668 he's like oh did you not pull out it was one of those moments bro pregnant oh God he's like you 13lpBPdO3ug-00206-00133668-00134466 just chased it so yeah so I was conceived in Tucson and I just so naturally set up for this 13lpBPdO3ug-00207-00134466-00135384 heat like Beyond set up for the heat I'm good you know not me man forget that I'm cooking well 13lpBPdO3ug-00208-00135384-00135780 you're good up here though oh yeah I'm real good up here this is the spot but I'm saying 13lpBPdO3ug-00209-00135780-00136320 though if it's warm out and I take a walk well maybe that has nothing to do with the weather 13lpBPdO3ug-00210-00136470-00137136 but that's neither here nor there no so on that note we thank you peace peace 14_byTd1zsQ-00000-00000000-00000338 Beach sound ASMR 14_byTd1zsQ-00001-00000338-00000692 It's good to subscribe before you watch the video. Just tap it once. 14_byTd1zsQ-00002-00179006-00180038 Thank you for watching me until the end of the video. It's good to subscribe. Please click on it. Thank you for the city of Kakao TV.^_^ 14S4-9rvPcU-00000-00000201-00000301 We got this person... 14S4-9rvPcU-00001-00000368-00000434 Who is this? 14S4-9rvPcU-00002-00000434-00000484 PEWDIEPIE! 14S4-9rvPcU-00003-00000484-00000635 [Stephen laughing as he knows that was too easy] 14S4-9rvPcU-00004-00000635-00000735 PewDiePie... 14S4-9rvPcU-00005-00000735-00000835 Okay, uh... 14S4-9rvPcU-00006-00000985-00001035 Uh... 14S4-9rvPcU-00007-00001101-00001201 He's Irish... 14S4-9rvPcU-00008-00001301-00001368 I don't know... 14S4-9rvPcU-00009-00001368-00001451 It's Jacksepticeye! 14S4-9rvPcU-00010-00001551-00001635 I don't know who that is... 14S4-9rvPcU-00011-00001951-00002051 He's a BOXER! 14S4-9rvPcU-00012-00002143-00002243 He does boxing too... 14S4-9rvPcU-00013-00002251-00002751 He, he, fought Logan Paul in that big boxing event back in 2018. 14S4-9rvPcU-00014-00002835-00002935 Can you give me the first letter? 14S4-9rvPcU-00015-00002935-00003051 Um... K! 14S4-9rvPcU-00016-00003101-00003168 Oh, KSI! 14S4-9rvPcU-00017-00003168-00003301 [Stephen is overjoyed at the fact that he knows KSI] 14S4-9rvPcU-00018-00003701-00004018 [She is absolutely disgusted by The Paul Brothers] 14S4-9rvPcU-00019-00004018-00004085 It's Logan Paul. 14S4-9rvPcU-00020-00004085-00004285 Oh, Logan Paul... sorry, they look the same, sorry... 14S4-9rvPcU-00021-00004285-00004485 [Stephen casually roasts The Paul Brothers] 14S4-9rvPcU-00022-00004535-00004735 Oh, Liza Koshy! I love her! 14S4-9rvPcU-00023-00004835-00005001 Um... GA... 14S4-9rvPcU-00024-00005401-00005601 That looks like Shia LaBeouf, but I don't know who it is... 14S4-9rvPcU-00025-00005601-00005701 Oh, it's Jacksepticeye! 14S4-9rvPcU-00026-00005735-00005935 Yeah, he does, he does kinda look like him! 14S4-9rvPcU-00027-00006085-00006151 KSI! 14S4-9rvPcU-00028-00006151-00006201 Yep! 14S4-9rvPcU-00029-00006518-00006584 [laughs] 14S4-9rvPcU-00030-00006584-00006684 [Stephen trying to speak] 14S4-9rvPcU-00031-00007118-00007251 It's on the tip of my tongue... 14S4-9rvPcU-00032-00007301-00007484 Mr... 14S4-9rvPcU-00033-00007484-00007651 Uh, BEEEAST?!? 14S4-9rvPcU-00034-00007651-00007751 THERE WE GO! 14S4-9rvPcU-00035-00007868-00008318 OH MY GOD! It's that one guy that I know, but like his name... 14S4-9rvPcU-00036-00008968-00009118 Um, I don't know... 14S4-9rvPcU-00037-00009118-00009235 It's Danny Gonzalez! 14S4-9rvPcU-00038-00009501-00009601 Last one... 14S4-9rvPcU-00039-00009635-00009701 [SHE DOESN'T KNOW SNEAKO] 14S4-9rvPcU-00040-00009701-00010001 [FUN FACT: Stephen found out about SNEAKO from Papa Lxst] 14S4-9rvPcU-00041-00010335-00010551 That's uh, his name start with a "K." 14S4-9rvPcU-00042-00010551-00010651 Ye, YES! 14S4-9rvPcU-00043-00010651-00010751 Um... K... 14S4-9rvPcU-00044-00010751-00010851 Kacy? 14S4-9rvPcU-00045-00010868-00010968 No, not Kacy... 14S4-9rvPcU-00046-00011235-00011318 K-S-I? 14S4-9rvPcU-00047-00011318-00011435 KSI! Yeah... 14S4-9rvPcU-00048-00011435-00011701 [IMAGINE IF "JJ" SAW THIS VIDEO...] 14S4-9rvPcU-00049-00011985-00012135 Um, what's his face? 14S4-9rvPcU-00050-00012201-00012335 Jaaack... 14S4-9rvPcU-00051-00012335-00012435 Jack... 14S4-9rvPcU-00052-00012485-00012535 SPARROW! 14S4-9rvPcU-00053-00012535-00012635 NO! 14S4-9rvPcU-00054-00012635-00012701 Septic... 14S4-9rvPcU-00055-00012701-00012801 Jack-Septic-Eye! 14S4-9rvPcU-00056-00012801-00012885 Yep, yep... 14S4-9rvPcU-00057-00012885-00012985 Something like that... 14S4-9rvPcU-00058-00012985-00013085 Yeah... 14S4-9rvPcU-00059-00013135-00013385 Oh, that's um, um, KSI! 14S4-9rvPcU-00060-00013385-00013501 Yep, yep, KSI! 14S4-9rvPcU-00061-00013501-00013601 [KSI HAS ONE OF THE MOST CONTAGIOUS LAUGHS OUT THERE] 14S4-9rvPcU-00062-00013601-00013801 [SOMEONE IS ABOUT TO BE INTERRUPTED] 14S4-9rvPcU-00063-00013801-00013968 [SHE LOOKED AT LIKE "I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT..."] 14S4-9rvPcU-00064-00015068-00015268 [STEPHEN IS SHOCKED AGAIN] 14S4-9rvPcU-00065-00015335-00015435 OH, THAT'S PEWDIEPIE! 14S4-9rvPcU-00066-00015735-00015835 MRBEAST! 14S4-9rvPcU-00067-00016101-00016268 [MEN OF CULTURE HERE] 16TUt1m351c-00000-00000000-00000100 I'm searching... 16TUt1m351c-00001-00000100-00000200 For the best milk... 16TUt1m351c-00002-00000200-00000400 In the U.K. 16TUt1m351c-00003-00000400-00000500 This week, 16TUt1m351c-00004-00000500-00000650 We went back to our roots... 16TUt1m351c-00005-00000650-00000800 Yeah, they look good. 16TUt1m351c-00006-00000800-00000880 And reviewed 16TUt1m351c-00007-00000880-00001000 Some Milk 16TUt1m351c-00008-00001000-00001200 I noticed my flatmate 16TUt1m351c-00009-00001200-00001400 Had some Lactose-Free milk 16TUt1m351c-00010-00001400-00001500 So I kindly asked him 16TUt1m351c-00011-00001500-00001600 To borrow some 16TUt1m351c-00013-00005200-00005300 What was that noise? 16TUt1m351c-00014-00005350-00005400 Oh bollocks 16TUt1m351c-00015-00005650-00005750 I'll see you guys back 16TUt1m351c-00016-00005750-00005850 At H.Q. 16TUt1m351c-00017-00005850-00006000 CAMERA MAN: You alright there Mikey? You sound a bit down 16TUt1m351c-00018-00006050-00006250 Me and my Girlfriend just went to Thorpe Park(TM) 16TUt1m351c-00019-00006250-00006400 CM: I bet you had a cracking time XD 16TUt1m351c-00020-00006450-00006500 She broke up with me :( 16TUt1m351c-00021-00006500-00006550 CM: Oh, that's terrible 16TUt1m351c-00022-00006550-00006750 Yeah... It was an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!!!!!! XD 16TUt1m351c-00023-00006850-00007100 CM: To be fair, when you two talked it was like watching an episode of "The Undatables" 16TUt1m351c-00024-00007150-00007300 Jesus Christ, Camera Man 16TUt1m351c-00025-00007300-00007400 *a low, bass heavy tone permiates through your audio device* 16TUt1m351c-00026-00007400-00007500 The problem is 16TUt1m351c-00027-00007500-00007600 Milk without lactose 16TUt1m351c-00028-00007600-00007800 Is like a Priest without a criminal record 16TUt1m351c-00029-00007870-00008000 It's hard to find 16TUt1m351c-00030-00008089-00008189 It's like masturbating 16TUt1m351c-00031-00008189-00008339 Next to a children's hospital 16TUt1m351c-00032-00008389-00008539 It's hard to *cum* by 16TUt1m351c-00033-00008539-00008739 And it's like a Russian spy 16TUt1m351c-00034-00008739-00008889 Named Iwannasukuoff 16TUt1m351c-00035-00008889-00009089 It can't be trusted 16TUt1m351c-00036-00009459-00009589 THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! 16TUt1m351c-00037-00009589-00009689 What is it Mikey? 16TUt1m351c-00038-00009689-00009789 Nothing, just reading The Bible 16TUt1m351c-00039-00009789-00009989 Right. Let us drink some milk 16TUt1m351c-00040-00010089-00010189 Ooh *smacks lips* 16TUt1m351c-00041-00010189-00010389 This is significantly worse than the one from laaaaast week 16TUt1m351c-00042-00010389-00010589 CM: Mikey do you even know the meaning of the word "Significant" 16TUt1m351c-00043-00010689-00010839 Naa but it's not important 16TUt1m351c-00044-00010839-00010889 *SENSUAL SMACKING OF THE LIPS* 16TUt1m351c-00045-00010889-00010989 Right let's put this milk to the test 16TUt1m351c-00046-00010989-00011189 On F.I.F.A 16TUt1m351c-00047-00011862-00011912 CM: How'd it go? 16TUt1m351c-00048-00011912-00012062 Lost 3-0 16TUt1m351c-00049-00012412-00012562 CM: Oh you're not thinking about that girl again are you? 16TUt1m351c-00050-00012562-00012712 No It's just 16TUt1m351c-00051-00012712-00012962 Usain Bolt gets medals for finishing first 16TUt1m351c-00052-00013012-00013162 What do I get? 16TUt1m351c-00053-00013212-00013262 CM: I dunno 16TUt1m351c-00054-00013312-00013412 Dumped 16TUt1m351c-00055-00013712-00013812 This week 16TUt1m351c-00056-00013812-00014012 I received a question 16TUt1m351c-00057-00014012-00014112 Are you 16TUt1m351c-00058-00014112-00014312 Rich? 16TUt1m351c-00059-00014312-00014362 Well 16TUt1m351c-00060-00014362-00014462 As you know 16TUt1m351c-00061-00014462-00014662 Bitches are my currency 16TUt1m351c-00062-00014662-00014812 And I'm currently 16TUt1m351c-00063-00014812-00014912 Broke 16TUt1m351c-00064-00014912-00015012 CM: Watch your language 16TUt1m351c-00065-00015012-00015212 Sorry 16TUt1m351c-00066-00015362-00015562 CM: Alright that's enough you need to get over it 16TUt1m351c-00067-00015562-00015762 But I thought we really had some biology 16TUt1m351c-00068-00015762-00015832 CM: Do you mean Chemistry? 16TUt1m351c-00069-00015832-00015912 Don't change the subject 16TUt1m351c-00070-00015912-00016112 CM: Uhh put a lid on it 16TUt1m351c-00071-00016312-00016362 I 16TUt1m351c-00072-00016362-00016562 Recently discovered the internet 16TUt1m351c-00073-00016562-00016762 Where you can look at pictures of milk 16TUt1m351c-00074-00016762-00016912 But you can't consume them 16TUt1m351c-00075-00016912-00017112 We also use the Internet 16TUt1m351c-00076-00017112-00017312 To create a discord 16TUt1m351c-00077-00017362-00017512 What is a discord I hear you ask 16TUt1m351c-00078-00017612-00017712 It's a place where you can worship me 16TUt1m351c-00079-00017812-00017912 The Milkssiah 16TUt1m351c-00080-00017962-00018112 Chat with your fellow milkscribers 16TUt1m351c-00081-00018162-00018312 Post Milky-Memes (TM) 16TUt1m351c-00082-00018362-00018662 And suggest your ideas for future episodes 16TUt1m351c-00083-00018712-00018812 The link 16TUt1m351c-00084-00018812-00019012 Will be in the description 16TUt1m351c-00085-00019012-00019112 See you 16TUt1m351c-00086-00019112-00019312 In the discord 16TUt1m351c-00087-00019312-00019362 CM: Ooh 16TUt1m351c-00088-00019362-00019462 Been on my feet all day 16TUt1m351c-00089-00019462-00019562 Can finally have a sit-down 16TUt1m351c-00090-00019562-00019712 Thanks for comin' 16TUt1m351c-00091-00019712-00019762 Join us 16TUt1m351c-00092-00019762-00019962 Next monday 17Gd6_90Us0-00000-00000054-00000376 - Do you remember the function of the pancreas? 17Gd6_90Us0-00001-00000379-00000960 Remember the pancreas was that-- it looks just like this. 17Gd6_90Us0-00002-00000962-00001297 And it had the pancreatic duct that emptied into 17Gd6_90Us0-00003-00001299-00001522 the duodenal papilla. 17Gd6_90Us0-00004-00001525-00001843 So this is duodenum. 17Gd6_90Us0-00005-00001845-00001997 Yeah, and there's my duodenal papilla. 17Gd6_90Us0-00006-00002000-00002385 And also coming in is the common bile duct. 17Gd6_90Us0-00007-00002387-00002697 We're all over this action. 17Gd6_90Us0-00008-00002699-00003101 Because the pancreas has exocrine tissue 17Gd6_90Us0-00009-00003104-00003451 and endocrine tissue there are two different structures 17Gd6_90Us0-00010-00003454-00003743 that we're going to see in here. 17Gd6_90Us0-00011-00003745-00004397 For one thing we're going to see these kind of round islands. 17Gd6_90Us0-00012-00004399-00004597 They're going to look different than the tissue 17Gd6_90Us0-00013-00004600-00004743 surrounding them. 17Gd6_90Us0-00014-00004745-00005181 Depending on the stain, they might like look super different 17Gd6_90Us0-00015-00005183-00005597 or they might look kind of similar but slightly different. 17Gd6_90Us0-00016-00005599-00006122 They're made of cells and these are called islets of Langerhans 17Gd6_90Us0-00017-00006125-00006699 or pancreatic islets. 17Gd6_90Us0-00018-00006899-00007126 They're like little islands in the pancreas. 17Gd6_90Us0-00019-00007129-00007597 And these guys are your endocrine structures 17Gd6_90Us0-00020-00007599-00008147 and they produce insulin and they also produce glucagon. 17Gd6_90Us0-00021-00008150-00008601 But both of those hormones are involved in glucose homeostasis. 17Gd6_90Us0-00022-00008604-00008997 Surrounding the pancreatic islets 17Gd6_90Us0-00023-00008999-00009497 are a billion glandular structures and these guys-- 17Gd6_90Us0-00024-00009499-00009656 and I'm drawing them like this. 17Gd6_90Us0-00025-00009658-00010001 It's not a single cell. It's actually--it's a gland. 17Gd6_90Us0-00026-00010004-00010397 It looks really similar to all the other glandular tissue 17Gd6_90Us0-00027-00010399-00010626 that we've been looking at so far. 17Gd6_90Us0-00028-00010629-00011010 But I really should've drawn them all like this 17Gd6_90Us0-00029-00011012-00011197 because these look like individual cells 17Gd6_90Us0-00030-00011199-00011356 and I am not going to draw them all. 17Gd6_90Us0-00031-00011358-00011485 But that's what they are. 17Gd6_90Us0-00032-00011487-00011797 These guys are called acini 17Gd6_90Us0-00033-00011799-00012322 and they're producing the exocrine secretions, 17Gd6_90Us0-00034-00012325-00012931 which are bicarbonate ions to neutralize the stomach acid. 17Gd6_90Us0-00035-00012933-00013410 Digestive enzymes to help digest proteins and carbohydrates. 17Gd6_90Us0-00036-00013412-00014151 And I don't know, do they make fat enzymes too? 17Gd6_90Us0-00037-00014154-00014297 I don't think so. 17Gd6_90Us0-00038-00014299-00014497 I think the bile emulsifies the fat 17Gd6_90Us0-00039-00014499-00014718 and then we just absorb it directly. 17Gd6_90Us0-00040-00014720-00015114 So all of this stuff produced by the exocrine structures, 17Gd6_90Us0-00041-00015116-00015697 the acini, is dumped into the duodenum. 17Gd6_90Us0-00042-00015699-00016101 Most of the pancreas--I think the number--it's like 17Gd6_90Us0-00043-00016104-00016497 in the 95% of all pancreatic cells, can't remember 17Gd6_90Us0-00044-00016500-00016801 the exact number, are exocrine cells. 17Gd6_90Us0-00045-00016804-00017181 And a very small number of them are actually endocrine cells 17Gd6_90Us0-00046-00017183-00017397 found in the pancreatic islets. 17Gd6_90Us0-00047-00017399-00017710 I expect you to be able to identify the islets, 17Gd6_90Us0-00048-00017712-00018068 to identify the structure looking through the microscope 17Gd6_90Us0-00049-00018070-00018401 to know I'm looking at a pancreas, 17Gd6_90Us0-00050-00018404-00018793 and to know what comes out of each of them. 17Gd6_90Us0-00051-00018795-00019160 So endocrine secretions coming out of the pancreatic islets 17Gd6_90Us0-00052-00019162-00019472 are going to be insulin, glucagon, hormones. 17Gd6_90Us0-00053-00019475-00019597 They go into the blood. 17Gd6_90Us0-00054-00019599-00019835 So you also are going to have to have blood. 17Gd6_90Us0-00055-00019837-00020172 You have to have blood. Here's a little blood supply. 17Gd6_90Us0-00056-00020175-00020397 Look. I'm going to draw it like this. 17Gd6_90Us0-00057-00020399-00020997 Do my exocrine structures dump fluid into the blood? No. 17Gd6_90Us0-00058-00020999-00021364 They dump it outside your body to the lumen of the duodenum 17Gd6_90Us0-00059-00021366-00021464 because it's exocrine. 17Gd6_90Us0-00060-00021466-00021697 That's the definition of an exocrine structure. 17Gd6_90Us0-00061-00021699-00021893 Endocrine structures dump into the blood. 17Gd6_90Us0-00062-00021895-00022335 That's the definition of the endocrine structure. 17Gd6_90Us0-00063-00022337-00022597 Done. Digestive histology. 17Gd6_90Us0-00064-00022599-00022897 You guys are rock stars and so am I. 17Gd6_90Us0-00065-00022899-00023225 Now I'm going to go move around dead bodies. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00000-00000042-00000192 Waaa! 17KaT0Z0MK8-00001-00000192-00000338 Here's my little Fox main. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00002-00000338-00000650 You see her Fox towel. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00003-00000650-00000825 This is how you know 20XX is real. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00004-00000825-00001099 Evangeline, what does the Fox say? 17KaT0Z0MK8-00005-00001099-00001233 Blip! 17KaT0Z0MK8-00006-00001233-00001371 She said "blip." 17KaT0Z0MK8-00007-00001371-00001488 The Fox says "blip." 17KaT0Z0MK8-00008-00001488-00001753 Can you say "blip"? 17KaT0Z0MK8-00009-00001753-00001853 Blip. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00010-00001853-00002019 Good job! (kiss) 17KaT0Z0MK8-00011-00002019-00002152 Good job. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00012-00002152-00002252 This. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00013-00002252-00002510 (blip blip blip blip blip blip) Can I get a kiss? 17KaT0Z0MK8-00014-00002510-00002630 This blip! 17KaT0Z0MK8-00015-00002630-00003010 Yeah, this blip! 17KaT0Z0MK8-00016-00003010-00003110 Very good. 17KaT0Z0MK8-00017-00003110-00003210 Can I get a kiss? 17KaT0Z0MK8-00018-00003210-00003273 (kiss) 19F0QvQWbvI-00000-00000078-00000339 perkabelan listrik adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00001-00000339-00000595 instalasi listrik perkabelan dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00002-00000595-00000877 perangkat terkait seperti sakelar, 19F0QvQWbvI-00003-00000877-00001159 papan distribusi, soket, dan perlengkapan lampu dalam suatu 19F0QvQWbvI-00004-00001159-00001549 struktur, perkabelan tunduk pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00005-00001549-00001793 standar keselamatan untuk desain dan pemasangan, 19F0QvQWbvI-00006-00001793-00002100 jenis dan ukuran kabel yang diizinkan, 19F0QvQWbvI-00007-00002100-00002356 ditentukan sesuai dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00008-00002356-00002614 tegangan operasi sirkuit dan listrik. 19F0QvQWbvI-00009-00002614-00002877 kemampuan arus dengan pembatasan lebih lanjut pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00010-00002877-00003108 kondisi lingkungan seperti 19F0QvQWbvI-00011-00003108-00003357 kisaran suhu lingkungan 19F0QvQWbvI-00012-00003357-00003601 tingkat kelembaban dan paparan sinar matahari dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00013-00003601-00004005 bahan kimia terkait kontrol perlindungan sirkuit 19F0QvQWbvI-00014-00004005-00004305 dan perangkat distribusi dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00015-00004305-00004557 sistem perkawatan bangunan tunduk 19F0QvQWbvI-00016-00004557-00004785 pada arus tegangan dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00017-00004785-00005178 spesifikasi fungsional kode keselamatan perkabelan bervariasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00018-00005178-00005512 menurut negara atau daerah setempat wilayah Komisi 19F0QvQWbvI-00019-00005512-00005623 Elektroteknik Internasional 19F0QvQWbvI-00020-00005623-00005940 IEC berusaha untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00021-00005940-00006189 menyelaraskan standar pengkabelan di antara 19F0QvQWbvI-00022-00006189-00006394 negara-negara anggota tetapi 19F0QvQWbvI-00023-00006394-00006601 variasi yang signifikan dalam persyaratan desain dan pemasangan 19F0QvQWbvI-00024-00006601-00007002 masih ada 19F0QvQWbvI-00025-00007358-00007715 topik kode praktik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00026-00007715-00008008 peraturan 19F0QvQWbvI-00027-00008196-00008448 pengkabelan pemasangan kode dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00028-00008448-00008640 peraturan llation dimaksudkan untuk melindungi 19F0QvQWbvI-00029-00008640-00008880 orang dan properti dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00030-00008880-00009044 sengatan listrik dan bahaya kebakaran 19F0QvQWbvI-00031-00009044-00009351 Mereka biasanya didasarkan pada kode model 19F0QvQWbvI-00032-00009351-00009570 dengan atau tanpa amandemen lokal yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00033-00009570-00009776 dihasilkan oleh organisasi standar nasional atau internasional 19F0QvQWbvI-00034-00009776-00010331 seperti topik IEC 19F0QvQWbvI-00035-00010652-00011122 Australia dan Selandia Baru 19F0QvQWbvI-00036-00011318-00011681 di Australia dan Selandia Baru Thea's mzs 19F0QvQWbvI-00037-00011681-00011967 3000 standar umumnya dikenal sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00038-00011967-00012402 aturan pengkabelan menetapkan persyaratan 19F0QvQWbvI-00039-00012402-00012585 untuk pemilihan dan pemasangan 19F0QvQWbvI-00040-00012585-00012834 peralatan listrik dan desain dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00041-00012834-00013140 pengujian instalasi tersebut 19F0QvQWbvI-00042-00013140-00013365 standar wajib di Selandia 19F0QvQWbvI-00043-00013365-00013523 Baru dan Australia 19F0QvQWbvI-00044-00013523-00013772 oleh karena itu semua pekerjaan listrik yang tercakup 19F0QvQWbvI-00045-00013772-00014122 oleh standar harus sesuai 19F0QvQWbvI-00046-00014444-00014831 topik 19F0QvQWbvI-00047-00014962-00015259 Eropa di negara-negara Eropa upaya 19F0QvQWbvI-00048-00015259-00015505 telah dilakukan untuk menyelaraskan standar pengkabelan nasional 19F0QvQWbvI-00049-00015505-00016209 dalam standar IEC IEC 60309, 19F0QvQWbvI-00050-00016416-00016656 semua standar mengikuti 19F0QvQWbvI-00051-00016656-00016873 sistem bagian dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00052-00016873-00016959 bab yang identik 19F0QvQWbvI-00053-00016959-00017251 namun standar ini tidak ditulis 19F0QvQWbvI-00054-00017251-00017461 dalam bahasa yang dapat dengan mudah 19F0QvQWbvI-00055-00017461-00017715 diadopsi sebagai nasional kode pengkabelan 19F0QvQWbvI-00056-00017715-00018037 juga bukan d dirancang untuk penggunaan lapangan oleh 19F0QvQWbvI-00057-00018037-00018289 pedagang listrik dan inspektur untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00058-00018289-00018538 menguji kepatuhan dengan standar perkabelan nasional 19F0QvQWbvI-00059-00018538-00018934 dengan kontras kode nasional 19F0QvQWbvI-00060-00018934-00019437 seperti NEC atau CSAC 22.1 umumnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00061-00019437-00019812 mencontohkan tujuan umum dari IEC 19F0QvQWbvI-00062-00019812-00020398 60309 formulir yang memungkinkan panduan bagi 19F0QvQWbvI-00063-00020398-00020575 mereka yang memasang dan memeriksa 19F0QvQWbvI-00064-00021237-00021637 topik sistem kelistrikan Jerman 19F0QvQWbvI-00065-00021768-00022145 di Jerman DKE Komisi Jerman untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00066-00022145-00022387 elektronik listrik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00067-00022387-00022668 teknologi informasi makan malam dan vde adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00068-00022668-00022865 organisasi yang bertanggung jawab untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00069-00022865-00023120 penyebaran standar listrik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00070-00023120-00023601 spesifikasi keselamatan din vdeo 100 adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00071-00023601-00023873 dokumen peraturan pengkabelan Jerman yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00072-00023873-00024434 diselaraskan dengan topik IEC 60309 19F0QvQWbvI-00073-00024831-00025284 amerika utara 19F0QvQWbvI-00074-00025402-00025711 kode listrik pertama di Amerika 19F0QvQWbvI-00075-00025711-00026068 Serikat berasal dari New York pada tahun 1881 untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00076-00026068-00026295 mengatur instalasi penerangan listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00077-00026295-00026737 sejak tahun 1897 AS 19F0QvQWbvI-00078-00026737-00027031 Asosiasi Perlindungan Kebakaran Nasional sebuah 19F0QvQWbvI-00079-00027031-00027258 asosiasi nirlaba swasta yang dibentuk oleh 19F0QvQWbvI-00080-00027258-00027499 perusahaan asuransi telah menerbitkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00081-00027499-00027874 Kode Listrik Nasional NEC 19F0QvQWbvI-00082-00027874-00028198 negara bagian atau kota sering memasukkan NEC 19F0QvQWbvI-00083-00028198-00028393 dalam kode bangunan lokal mereka dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00084-00028393-00028650 referensi bersama dengan perbedaan lokal 19F0QvQWbvI-00085-00028650-00029092 NEC dimodifikasi setiap tiga tahun itu 19F0QvQWbvI-00086-00029092-00029326 adalah kode konsensus mempertimbangkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00087-00029326-00029626 saran dari pihak yang berkepentingan 19F0QvQWbvI-00088-00029626-00029845 proposal dipelajari oleh Komite 19F0QvQWbvI-00089-00029845-00030127 insinyur pedagang 19F0QvQWbvI-00090-00030127-00030391 perwakilan produsen pemadam kebakaran dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00091-00030391-00030901 undangan lainnya sejak tahun 1927 19F0QvQWbvI-00092-00030901-00031252 Asosiasi standar Kanada CSA telah menghasilkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00093-00031252-00031470 standar keselamatan Kanada untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00094-00031470-00031699 instalasi listrik yang merupakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00095-00031699-00031964 dasar untuk kode listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00096-00031964-00032338 provinsi CSA juga menghasilkan Kanada 19F0QvQWbvI-00097-00032338-00032670 Kode Kelistrikan edisi 2006 19F0QvQWbvI-00098-00032670-00033262 yang mengacu pada IEC 60309 stelae 19F0QvQWbvI-00099-00033262-00033466 shion untuk bangunan dan menyatakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00100-00033466-00033633 bahwa kode tersebut membahas prinsip- 19F0QvQWbvI-00101-00033633-00033901 prinsip dasar perlindungan listrik di 19F0QvQWbvI-00102-00033901-00034399 bagian 131 kode kanada mencetak ulang 19F0QvQWbvI-00103-00034399-00035029 bab 13 dari IEC 60309 uu 19F0QvQWbvI-00104-00035029-00035245 kriteria maracle li tercantum dalam bab itu untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00105-00035245-00035470 menilai kecukupan instalasi listrik apa pun 19F0QvQWbvI-00106-00035470-00035803 meskipun Standar Nasional AS dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00107-00035803-00036049 Kanada menangani 19F0QvQWbvI-00108-00036049-00036283 fenomena fisik yang sama dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00109-00036283-00036478 tujuan yang secara luas serupa, mereka 19F0QvQWbvI-00110-00036478-00036847 kadang-kadang berbeda dalam detail teknis sebagai bagian 19F0QvQWbvI-00111-00036847-00037045 dari program NAFTA perjanjian perdagangan bebas Amerika Utara. 19F0QvQWbvI-00112-00037045-00037333 dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00113-00037333-00037588 standar Kanada perlahan-lahan menyatu 19F0QvQWbvI-00114-00037588-00037836 satu sama lain dalam proses yang dikenal sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00115-00038451-00038921 topik harmonisasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00116-00039047-00039311 Inggris Raya di Inggris 19F0QvQWbvI-00117-00039311-00039515 instalasi kabel diatur oleh 19F0QvQWbvI-00118-00039515-00039716 institusi Teknik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00119-00039716-00039965 Teknologi persyaratan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00120-00039965-00040471 instalasi listrik yaitu peraturan kabel BS 19F0QvQWbvI-00121-00040471-00040889 7670 1 - 2008 yang diselaraskan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00122-00040889-00041720 IEC Edisi 60309 dikeluarkan pada Januari 2008 19F0QvQWbvI-00123-00041720-00041972 termasuk bagian baru untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00124-00041972-00042170 pembangkit mikro dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00125-00042170-00042533 sistem fotovoltaik surya edisi pertama diterbitkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00126-00042533-00042902 pada tahun 1882 pada tahun 2018 19F0QvQWbvI-00127-00043097-00043700 peraturan pengkabelan edisi ke-18 bs 7670 1 - 2018 19F0QvQWbvI-00128-00043700-00043948 dirilis dan mulai berlaku pada Januari 19F0QvQWbvI-00129-00043948-00044095 2019 19F0QvQWbvI-00130-00044095-00044621 meskipun bs 7670 1 adalah standar 19F0QvQWbvI-00131-00044621-00044837 yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00132-00044837-00045247 secara umum dipatuhi oleh industri kelistrikan Inggris. Kepatuhan terhadap BS 19F0QvQWbvI-00133-00045247-00045691 7670 1 bukan persyaratan hukum 19F0QvQWbvI-00134-00046094-00046696 topik pengkodean warna perkabelan menurut wilayah 19F0QvQWbvI-00135-00046859-00047180 dalam kode kelistrikan tipikal beberapa 19F0QvQWbvI-00136-00047180-00047558 pengkodean warna kabel adalah wajib Banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00137-00047558-00047822 aturan lokal dan pengecualian ada per negara 19F0QvQWbvI-00138-00047822-00048227 bagian atau wilayah instalasi yang lebih lama bervariasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00139-00048227-00048500 dalam kode warna dan warna dapat memudar dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00140-00048500-00048743 paparan insulasi terhadap cahaya panas dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00141-00049334-00049720 topik penuaan Eropa 19F0QvQWbvI-00142-00049844-00050199 per Maret 2011 Komite Eropa 19F0QvQWbvI-00143-00050199-00050543 untuk standarisasi elektroteknik cen 19F0QvQWbvI-00144-00050543-00050837 elec mewajibkan penggunaan kabel warna hijau kuning 19F0QvQWbvI-00145-00050837-00051099 sebagai konduktor pelindung 19F0QvQWbvI-00146-00051099-00051357 biru sebagai konduktor netral dan coklat sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00147-00052034-00052486 topik konduktor fase tunggal Amerika 19F0QvQWbvI-00148-00052650-00052941 Serikat Amerika Serikat Kode Kelistrikan Nasional Amerika Serikat 19F0QvQWbvI-00149-00052941-00053223 mensyaratkan konduktor pelindung berisolasi tembaga atau hijau atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00150-00053223-00053469 kuning hijau, 19F0QvQWbvI-00151-00053469-00053741 netral putih atau abu-abu dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00152-00053741-00053990 warna lain yang digunakan untuk fase tunggal. 19F0QvQWbvI-00153-00053990-00054454 NEC juga mengharuskan 19F0QvQWbvI-00154-00054454-00054816 konduktor kaki tinggi dari sistem kaki Delta atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00155-00054816-00055166 kaki bajingan kaki tinggi memiliki warna oranye isolasi atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00156-00055166-00055428 untuk diidentifikasi dengan cara lain yang sesuai 19F0QvQWbvI-00157-00055428-00055779 seperti penandaan sebelum adopsi 19F0QvQWbvI-00158-00055779-00055989 oranye sebagai warna yang disarankan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00159-00055989-00056376 kaki bagian atas di NEC 1971, itu adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00160-00056376-00056601 praktik umum di beberapa daerah untuk menggunakan merah untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00161-00056601-00056862 tujuan ini pengenalan NEC 19F0QvQWbvI-00162-00056862-00057090 dengan jelas menyatakan bahwa itu tidak dimaksudkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00163-00057090-00057348 untuk menjadi manual desain dan oleh karena itu 19F0QvQWbvI-00164-00057348-00057600 membuat kode warna untuk ungrounded atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00165-00057600-00057980 h Banyak konduktor berada di luar ruang lingkup 19F0QvQWbvI-00166-00057980-00058371 dan tujuan NEC namun merupakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00167-00058371-00058779 kesalahpahaman umum bahwa 19F0QvQWbvI-00168-00058779-00059117 pengkodean warna konduktor panas diperlukan oleh kode 19F0QvQWbvI-00169-00059117-00059403 di Amerika Serikat. Pengkodean warna 19F0QvQWbvI-00170-00059403-00059654 konduktor sistem tiga fase mengikuti 19F0QvQWbvI-00171-00059654-00059966 standar de facto dimana hitam merah dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00172-00059966-00060366 biru adalah digunakan untuk sistem tiga fase 120 208 19F0QvQWbvI-00173-00060366-00060687 volt dan coklat oranye dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00174-00060687-00061263 kuning digunakan dalam sistem 277 480 volt di 19F0QvQWbvI-00175-00061263-00061536 gedung dengan sistem tegangan ganda 19F0QvQWbvI-00176-00061536-00061841 konduktor yang diarde netral dari kedua 19F0QvQWbvI-00177-00061841-00062064 sistem harus diidentifikasi secara terpisah 19F0QvQWbvI-00178-00062064-00062319 dan dibuat dapat dibedakan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00179-00062319-00062646 menghindari koneksi sistem silang paling 19F0QvQWbvI-00180-00062646-00063111 sering Sistem 120 208 volt menggunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00181-00063111-00063641 insulasi putih sedangkan sistem 277 480 volt 19F0QvQWbvI-00182-00063641-00063866 menggunakan insulasi abu-abu meskipun 19F0QvQWbvI-00183-00063866-00064098 kode warna khusus ini saat ini bukan 19F0QvQWbvI-00184-00064098-00064482 merupakan persyaratan eksplisit dari NEC, beberapa 19F0QvQWbvI-00185-00064482-00064791 yurisdiksi lokal menentukan 19F0QvQWbvI-00186-00064791-00065013 kode warna yang diperlukan dalam kode bangunan lokal mereka, 19F0QvQWbvI-00187-00065013-00065294 namun 19F0QvQWbvI-00188-00065638-00066108 topik 19F0QvQWbvI-00189-00066238-00066520 United Kingdom Inggris membutuhkan penggunaan 19F0QvQWbvI-00190-00066520-00066772 kawat yang dilapisi isolasi bergaris kuning hijau 19F0QvQWbvI-00191-00066772-00067069 untuk s 19F0QvQWbvI-00192-00067069-00067377 koneksi pembumian afety standar internasional yang berkembang 19F0QvQWbvI-00193-00067377-00067660 ini diadopsi karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00194-00067660-00067897 penampilannya yang khas untuk mengurangi kemungkinan 19F0QvQWbvI-00195-00067897-00068137 kebingungan berbahaya dari kabel pembumian pembumian yang aman 19F0QvQWbvI-00196-00068137-00068386 dengan fungsi listrik lainnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00197-00068386-00068662 terutama oleh orang-orang yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00198-00068662-00069088 terkena buta warna merah-hijau di fase Inggris 19F0QvQWbvI-00199-00069088-00069373 dapat diidentifikasi sebagai hidup 19F0QvQWbvI-00200-00069373-00069649 dengan menggunakan lampu indikator berwarna merah 19F0QvQWbvI-00201-00069649-00070021 kuning dan biru warna kabel baru 19F0QvQWbvI-00202-00070021-00070243 coklat hitam dan abu-abu tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00203-00070243-00070573 cocok untuk indikator berwarna karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00204-00070573-00070843 alasan ini panel kontrol tiga fase 19F0QvQWbvI-00205-00070843-00071065 akan sering menggunakan lampu indikator 19F0QvQWbvI-00206-00071065-00071617 warna lama topik kabel warna kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00207-00071617-00071991 fleksibel dan kabel tetap 19F0QvQWbvI-00208-00072164-00072595 topik metode pengkabelan 19F0QvQWbvI-00209-00072810-00073126 bahan untuk pengkabelan sistem kelistrikan interior 19F0QvQWbvI-00210-00073126-00073470 di gedung bervariasi tergantung pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00211-00073470-00073758 tujuan penggunaan dan jumlah permintaan daya 19F0QvQWbvI-00212-00073758-00074127 pada sirkuit Jenis hunian dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00213-00074127-00074483 ukuran bangunan Peraturan nasional dan lokal 19F0QvQWbvI-00214-00074483-00074869 lingkungan di mana 19F0QvQWbvI-00215-00074869-00075169 pengkabelan harus mengoperasikan sistem pengkabelan dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00216-00075169-00075489 satu rumah keluarga atau dupleks misalnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00217-00075489-00075727 a sederhana dengan kebutuhan daya yang relatif rendah 19F0QvQWbvI-00218-00075727-00076014 Perubahan yang jarang terjadi pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00219-00076014-00076227 struktur dan tata letak bangunan biasanya 19F0QvQWbvI-00220-00076227-00076492 dengan suhu sedang yang kering dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00221-00076492-00076852 kondisi lingkungan yang tidak korosif di 19F0QvQWbvI-00222-00076852-00077064 lingkungan komersial yang ringan 19F0QvQWbvI-00223-00077064-00077352 Perubahan perkabelan yang lebih sering dapat diharapkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00224-00077352-00077602 Peralatan yang besar dapat dipasang dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00225-00077602-00077842 kondisi khusus panas atau lembab 19F0QvQWbvI-00226-00077842-00078166 mungkin berlaku Industri Berat memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00227-00078166-00078433 persyaratan perkabelan yang lebih menuntut seperti 19F0QvQWbvI-00228-00078433-00078685 arus yang sangat besar dan voltase yang lebih tinggi, 19F0QvQWbvI-00229-00078685-00078927 seringnya perubahan tata letak peralatan, 19F0QvQWbvI-00230-00079174-00079501 atmosfer korosif atau basah atau eksplosif di fasilitas yang menangani 19F0QvQWbvI-00231-00079501-00079816 gas atau cairan yang mudah terbakar, aturan khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00232-00079816-00080058 dapat mengatur pemasangan dan perkabelan 19F0QvQWbvI-00233-00080058-00080275 peralatan listrik di 19F0QvQWbvI-00234-00080275-00080670 area berbahaya. di kabel tsar dinilai oleh peringkat 19F0QvQWbvI-00235-00080670-00080950 tegangan sirkuit peringkat suhu dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00236-00080950-00081190 kondisi lingkungan kelembaban 19F0QvQWbvI-00237-00081190-00081472 sinar matahari minyak bahan kimia di mana mereka 19F0QvQWbvI-00238-00081472-00081898 dapat digunakan kawat atau kabel memiliki tegangan ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00239-00081898-00082162 peringkat netral dan peringkat suhu permukaan konduktor maksimum 19F0QvQWbvI-00240-00082162-00082498 jumlah 19F0QvQWbvI-00241-00082498-00082758 arus kabel atau kawat c pembawa yang aman 19F0QvQWbvI-00242-00082758-00083135 tergantung pada kondisi 19F0QvQWbvI-00243-00083135-00083393 pemasangan ukuran kawat standar 19F0QvQWbvI-00244-00083393-00083872 internasional diberikan dalam IEC 60.000 19F0QvQWbvI-00245-00084145-00084500 di Amerika Utara standar pengukur kawat Amerika 19F0QvQWbvI-00246-00084500-00084967 untuk ukuran kawat digunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00247-00085313-00085708 topik kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00248-00086228-00086762 topik bahan kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00249-00086910-00087231 modern kabel berselubung nonlogam modern 19F0QvQWbvI-00250-00087231-00087603 seperti AS dan Kanada jenis NMB dan NMC 19F0QvQWbvI-00251-00087603-00087867 terdiri dari dua hingga empat kabel yang dilapisi 19F0QvQWbvI-00252-00087867-00088101 dengan insulasi termoplastik ditambah 19F0QvQWbvI-00253-00088101-00088320 kabel telanjang untuk grounding bonding yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00254-00088320-00088637 dikelilingi oleh jaket plastik fleksibel. 19F0QvQWbvI-00255-00088637-00088920 Beberapa versi membungkus masing-masing 19F0QvQWbvI-00256-00088920-00089169 konduktor dalam kertas sebelum jaket plastik 19F0QvQWbvI-00257-00089169-00089556 diterapkan. Versi khusus dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00258-00089556-00089844 kabel berselubung non-logam seperti kami 19F0QvQWbvI-00259-00089844-00090054 tipe UF a dirancang untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00260-00090054-00090312 penguburan bawah tanah langsung sering dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00261-00090312-00090579 perlindungan mekanis terpisah atau eksterior digunakan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00262-00090579-00090803 mana paparan radiasi ultraviolet 19F0QvQWbvI-00263-00090803-00091251 UV kemungkinan kabel ini berbeda 19F0QvQWbvI-00264-00091251-00091437 dalam memiliki konstruksi tahan kelembaban 19F0QvQWbvI-00265-00091437-00091653 kekurangan kertas atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00266-00091653-00091926 pengisi penyerap lainnya dan diformulasikan 19F0QvQWbvI-00267-00091926-00092301 untuk karet tahan UV seperti 19F0QvQWbvI-00268-00092301-00092558 isolasi polimer sintetis digunakan di dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00269-00092558-00092832 kabel industri dan kabel daya yang dipasang di 19F0QvQWbvI-00270-00092832-00093054 bawah tanah karena keunggulannya 19F0QvQWbvI-00271-00093054-00093480 terhadap kelembaban, kabel berinsulasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00272-00093480-00093650 dinilai berdasarkan tegangan operasi yang diizinkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00273-00093650-00093909 dan suhu operasi maksimumnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00274-00093909-00094208 pada permukaan konduktor. 19F0QvQWbvI-00275-00094208-00094542 Kabel dapat membawa beberapa peringkat penggunaan 19F0QvQWbvI-00276-00094542-00094848 untuk aplikasi, misalnya satu peringkat 19F0QvQWbvI-00277-00094848-00095073 untuk instalasi kering dan lainnya ketika 19F0QvQWbvI-00278-00095073-00095442 terkena uap air atau minyak umumnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00279-00095442-00095733 kawat bangunan konduktor tunggal dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00280-00095733-00096045 ukuran kecil adalah kawat padat karena kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00281-00096045-00096296 tidak diperlukan untuk menjadi sangat fleksibel 19F0QvQWbvI-00282-00096296-00096609 konduktor kawat bangunan lebih besar dari sepuluh 19F0QvQWbvI-00283-00096609-00096840 florin Aruba atau sekitar enam 19F0QvQWbvI-00284-00096840-00097101 milimeter persegi terdampar untuk fleksibilitas 19F0QvQWbvI-00285-00097101-00097305 selama pemasangan tetapi tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00286-00097305-00097551 cukup lentur untuk digunakan sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00287-00097551-00097971 kabel kabel peralatan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00288-00097971-00098211 bangunan komersial dan apartemen industri dapat berisi banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00289-00098211-00098436 konduktor berinsulasi dalam keseluruhan 19F0QvQWbvI-00290-00098436-00098697 jaket dengan baja pita heliks atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00291-00098697-00098976 pelindung aluminium atau pelindung kawat baja dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00292-00098976-00099264 mungkin juga jaket PVC atau timah keseluruhan 19F0QvQWbvI-00293-00099264-00099507 untuk perlindungan dari kelembaban dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00294-00099507-00099864 kerusakan fisik kabel yang ditujukan untuk layanan yang sangat 19F0QvQWbvI-00295-00099864-00100074 fleksibel atau dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00296-00100074-00100287 aplikasi kelautan dapat dilindungi 19F0QvQWbvI-00297-00100287-00100607 oleh anyaman kabel perunggu kabel listrik atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00298-00100607-00100908 kabel komunikasi misalnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00299-00100908-00101106 jaringan komputer yang berakar di 19F0QvQWbvI-00300-00101106-00101382 semua ruang penanganan udara. Pleno 19F0QvQWbvI-00301-00101382-00101601 gedung perkantoran diperlukan di bawah 19F0QvQWbvI-00302-00101601-00101826 kode bangunan model untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00303-00101826-00102108 terbungkus logam saluran atau dinilai untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00304-00102108-00102492 produksi api dan asap rendah untuk beberapa keperluan industri 19F0QvQWbvI-00305-00102492-00102741 di pabrik baja dan lingkungan panas serupa 19F0QvQWbvI-00306-00102741-00103038 tidak ada bahan organik yang memberikan 19F0QvQWbvI-00307-00103038-00103436 layanan yang memuaskan Kabel yang diisolasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00308-00103436-00103631 dengan serpihan mika terkompresi kadang- 19F0QvQWbvI-00309-00103631-00103892 kadang digunakan Bentuk lain dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00310-00103892-00104091 kabel suhu tinggi adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00311-00104091-00104328 kabel berinsulasi mineral dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00312-00104328-00104529 konduktor individu ditempatkan di dalam tabung tembaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00313-00104529-00104768 dan ruang yang diisi dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00314-00104768-00105123 bubuk magnesium oksida seluruh rakitan 19F0QvQWbvI-00315-00105123-00105357 ditarik ke ukuran yang lebih kecil sehingga 19F0QvQWbvI-00316-00105357-00105702 mengompresi bubuk kabel tersebut memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00317-00105702-00105969 peringkat ketahanan api bersertifikat 19F0QvQWbvI-00318-00105969-00106194 dan lebih mahal daripada kabel pengenal non api 19F0QvQWbvI-00319-00106194-00106542 mereka memiliki sedikit fleksibilitas dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00320-00106542-00106776 berperilaku lebih seperti saluran kaku 19F0QvQWbvI-00321-00106776-00107183 daripada f kabel fleksibel lingkungan 19F0QvQWbvI-00322-00107183-00107417 kabel yang dipasang menentukan berapa banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00323-00107417-00107680 arus yang diizinkan untuk dibawa oleh kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00324-00107680-00107997 karena beberapa konduktor yang dibundel dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00325-00107997-00108264 kabel tidak dapat menghilangkan panas semudah 19F0QvQWbvI-00326-00108264-00108504 konduktor berinsulasi tunggal. 19F0QvQWbvI-00327-00109136-00109416 arus maksimum yang diizinkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00328-00109416-00109665 berdasarkan ukuran tegangan konduktor, 19F0QvQWbvI-00329-00109665-00109938 jenis isolasi potensial dan ketebalan 19F0QvQWbvI-00330-00109938-00110166 dan peringkat suhu kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00331-00110166-00110483 itu sendiri, arus yang diizinkan juga 19F0QvQWbvI-00332-00110483-00110754 akan berbeda untuk lokasi basah atau kering 19F0QvQWbvI-00333-00110754-00111014 untuk loteng panas atau lokasi bawah tanah yang dingin 19F0QvQWbvI-00334-00111014-00111375 dalam rangkaian kabel melalui 19F0QvQWbvI-00335-00111375-00111617 beberapa area. bagian dengan peringkat 19F0QvQWbvI-00336-00111617-00111840 terendah menjadi peringkat keseluruhan 19F0QvQWbvI-00337-00112069-00112345 kabel berjalan biasanya diamankan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00338-00112345-00112546 alat kelengkapan khusus di mana mereka memasuki 19F0QvQWbvI-00339-00112546-00112807 aparatus listrik ini mungkin menjadi klem sekrup sederhana 19F0QvQWbvI-00340-00112807-00113037 untuk kabel berjaket di lokasi kering 19F0QvQWbvI-00341-00113037-00113325 atau konektor kabel gasket polimer 19F0QvQWbvI-00342-00113325-00113547 yang secara mekanis mengikat 19F0QvQWbvI-00343-00113547-00113754 pelindung dari kabel lapis baja dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00344-00113754-00114090 menyediakan co tahan air sambungan 19F0QvQWbvI-00345-00114090-00114315 sambungan kabel khusus dapat diterapkan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00346-00114315-00114558 mencegah gas yang mudah meledak mengalir di 19F0QvQWbvI-00347-00114558-00114810 bagian dalam kabel berjaket di mana 19F0QvQWbvI-00348-00114810-00115005 kabel melewati area di mana 19F0QvQWbvI-00349-00115005-00115338 terdapat gas yang mudah terbakar untuk mencegah 19F0QvQWbvI-00350-00115338-00115507 melonggarnya sambungan masing- 19F0QvQWbvI-00351-00115507-00115783 masing konduktor kabel kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00352-00115783-00116013 harus didukung di dekat pintu masuknya ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00353-00116013-00116241 gawai dan secara berkala di 19F0QvQWbvI-00354-00116241-00116632 sepanjang jalurnya di gedung perkakas, 19F0QvQWbvI-00355-00116632-00116835 desain khusus diperlukan untuk mendukung 19F0QvQWbvI-00356-00116835-00117122 konduktor jalur vertikal kabel, 19F0QvQWbvI-00357-00117122-00117445 umumnya hanya satu kabel per sambungan yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00358-00117445-00117690 diizinkan, kecuali jika sambungan tersebut diberi peringkat atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00359-00117690-00118120 terdaftar untuk beberapa kabel, konstruksi kabel khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00360-00118120-00118369 dan teknik pemutusan 19F0QvQWbvI-00361-00118369-00118599 diperlukan. untuk kabel yang dipasang di 19F0QvQWbvI-00362-00118599-00118967 kapal rakitan seperti itu tunduk pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00363-00118967-00119237 lingkungan dan mekanis yang ekstrem 19F0QvQWbvI-00364-00119237-00119533 oleh karena itu selain masalah listrik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00365-00119533-00119835 keselamatan kebakaran kabel tersebut 19F0QvQWbvI-00366-00119835-00120009 juga mungkin diperlukan untuk tahan tekanan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00367-00120009-00120244 mana mereka menembus sekat kapal 19F0QvQWbvI-00368-00120342-00120670 mereka juga harus tahan korosi yang disebabkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00369-00120670-00120936 oleh air asin atau semprotan garam yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00370-00120936-00121132 dicapai melalui penggunaan 19F0QvQWbvI-00371-00121132-00121416 jaket yang dibuat khusus yang lebih tebal dan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00372-00121416-00121767 melapisi kawat individu berdiri di 19F0QvQWbvI-00373-00121767-00122044 Amerika Utara praktek kabel overhead 19F0QvQWbvI-00374-00122044-00122304 dari transformator pada tiang 19F0QvQWbvI-00375-00122304-00122547 listrik ke layanan listrik perumahan 19F0QvQWbvI-00376-00122547-00122782 biasanya terdiri dari tiga 19F0QvQWbvI-00377-00122782-00123048 konduktor tripleks bengkok dengan satu menjadi 19F0QvQWbvI-00378-00123048-00123267 konduktor netral telanjang dengan dua lainnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00379-00123267-00123504 menjadi konduktor berinsulasi untuk kedua 19F0QvQWbvI-00380-00123504-00123822 dari dua 180 derajat dari fase 19F0QvQWbvI-00381-00123822-00124057 seratus dua puluh volt tegangan saluran 19F0QvQWbvI-00382-00124057-00124377 biasanya disuplai konduktor 19F0QvQWbvI-00383-00124377-00124761 netral sering sebagai pendukung kawat baja pembawa pesan 19F0QvQWbvI-00384-00124761-00124992 yang digunakan untuk mendukung topik 19F0QvQWbvI-00385-00124992-00125375 konduktor garis terisolasi konduktor 19F0QvQWbvI-00386-00125702-00126166 tembaga konduktor 19F0QvQWbvI-00387-00126326-00126630 listrik perangkat sering mengandung 19F0QvQWbvI-00388-00126630-00126836 konduktor tembaga karena beberapa 19F0QvQWbvI-00389-00126836-00127071 sifat menguntungkan mereka termasuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00390-00127071-00127341 konduktivitas listrik yang tinggi 19F0QvQWbvI-00391-00127341-00127629 kekuatan tarik daktilitas ketahanan mulur 19F0QvQWbvI-00392-00127629-00127866 ketahanan korosi 19F0QvQWbvI-00393-00127866-00128103 konduktivitas termal koefisien ekspansi termal kemampuan 19F0QvQWbvI-00394-00128103-00128439 solder ketahanan terhadap 19F0QvQWbvI-00395-00128439-00128718 kelebihan listrik kompatibilitas dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00396-00128718-00128907 insula listrik torsi dan kemudahan 19F0QvQWbvI-00397-00128907-00129303 pemasangan meskipun ada persaingan dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00398-00129303-00129528 bahan lain tembaga tetap menjadi 19F0QvQWbvI-00399-00129528-00129753 konduktor listrik pilihan di hampir 19F0QvQWbvI-00400-00129753-00130116 semua kategori kabel listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00401-00130116-00130356 misalnya tembaga digunakan untuk menghantarkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00402-00130356-00130593 listrik di jaringan listrik tegangan tinggi menengah dan rendah 19F0QvQWbvI-00403-00130593-00130886 termasuk pembangkit 19F0QvQWbvI-00404-00130886-00131157 listrik tenaga transmisi 19F0QvQWbvI-00405-00131157-00131408 distribusi daya telekomunikasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00406-00131408-00131753 sirkuit elektronik data 19F0QvQWbvI-00407-00131753-00132069 peralatan instrumentasi pemrosesan 19F0QvQWbvI-00408-00132069-00132357 sistem hiburan motor transformer 19F0QvQWbvI-00409-00132357-00132603 mesin industri berat dan banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00410-00132603-00132938 jenis peralatan listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00411-00133310-00133810 topik konduktor 19F0QvQWbvI-00412-00133956-00134217 aluminium kawat aluminium umum di 19F0QvQWbvI-00413-00134217-00134448 kabel perumahan Amerika Utara dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00414-00134448-00134844 akhir 1960-an hingga pertengahan 1970-an karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00415-00134844-00135153 meningkatnya biaya tembaga karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00416-00135153-00135441 kabel aluminium resistivitas yang lebih besar 19F0QvQWbvI-00417-00135441-00135698 membutuhkan konduktor yang lebih besar daripada tembaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00418-00135698-00136056 misalnya, bukan empat belas 19F0QvQWbvI-00419-00136056-00136349 florin Aruba pengukur kawat amerika kawat tembaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00420-00136349-00136614 kabel aluminium perlu dua belas 19F0QvQWbvI-00421-00136614-00136896 florin Aruban pada sirkuit penerangan 15 ampere yang khas melalui 19F0QvQWbvI-00422-00136896-00137136 bangunan lokal 19F0QvQWbvI-00423-00137136-00137550 kode konduktor aluminium yang sangat padat 19F0QvQWbvI-00424-00137550-00137847 awalnya dibuat pada 1960-an dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00425-00137847-00138111 paduan aluminium kelas utilitas yang memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00426-00138111-00138336 sifat yang tidak diinginkan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00427-00138336-00138606 kawat bangunan dan digunakan dengan perangkat kabel yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00428-00138606-00138921 ditujukan untuk konduktor tembaga, 19F0QvQWbvI-00429-00138921-00139179 praktik ini ditemukan menyebabkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00430-00139179-00139428 sambungan yang rusak dan potensi bahaya kebakaran 19F0QvQWbvI-00431-00139428-00139854 di awal Tahun 1970-an kawat aluminium baru yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00432-00139854-00140103 terbuat dari salah satu dari beberapa paduan khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00433-00140103-00140451 diperkenalkan dan semua perangkat pemutus 19F0QvQWbvI-00434-00140451-00140787 sakelar wadah penyambung konektor 19F0QvQWbvI-00435-00140787-00141153 mur kawat dll dirancang khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00436-00141153-00141495 untuk tujuan ini kabel aluminium yang lebih baru 19F0QvQWbvI-00437-00141495-00141729 dan desain khusus mengatasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00438-00141729-00141891 masalah dengan persimpangan antara 19F0QvQWbvI-00439-00141891-00142194 oksidasi logam yang berbeda pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00440-00142194-00142425 permukaan logam dan mekanik efek yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00441-00142425-00142653 terjadi sebagai logam yang berbeda memuai pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00442-00142653-00142842 tingkat yang berbeda dengan peningkatan 19F0QvQWbvI-00443-00142842-00143124 suhu tidak seperti tembaga aluminium 19F0QvQWbvI-00444-00143124-00143388 memiliki kecenderungan untuk merayap atau aliran dingin di bawah 19F0QvQWbvI-00445-00143388-00143625 tekanan sehingga sambungan klem sekrup baja biasa yang lama 19F0QvQWbvI-00446-00143625-00143823 bisa menjadi longgar 19F0QvQWbvI-00447-00143823-00144156 dari waktu ke waktu Perangkat listrik baru yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00448-00144156-00144429 dirancang untuk saluran aluminium ctors memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00449-00144429-00144657 fitur yang dimaksudkan untuk mengkompensasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00450-00144657-00145065 efek ini tidak seperti tembaga aluminium membentuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00451-00145065-00145334 lapisan oksida isolasi di permukaan 19F0QvQWbvI-00452-00145334-00145635 ini kadang-kadang diatasi dengan melapisi 19F0QvQWbvI-00453-00145635-00145857 konduktor aluminium dengan pasta antioksidan yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00454-00145857-00146148 mengandung debu seng dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00455-00146148-00146445 poli butan residu rendah dasar pada sambungan atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00456-00146445-00146679 dengan menerapkan mekanik terminasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00457-00146679-00146865 dirancang untuk menembus lapisan oksida 19F0QvQWbvI-00458-00146865-00147133 selama instalasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00459-00147133-00147438 beberapa terminasi pada perangkat kabel yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00460-00147438-00147658 dirancang hanya untuk kawat tembaga akan menjadi 19F0QvQWbvI-00461-00147658-00147883 terlalu panas dan beban arus yang besar dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00462-00147883-00148076 menyebabkan kebakaran bila digunakan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00463-00148076-00148464 konduktor aluminium Standar yang direvisi untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00464-00148464-00148773 bahan kawat dan perangkat kabel seperti 19F0QvQWbvI-00465-00148773-00149196 co ALR tembaga aluminium 19F0QvQWbvI-00466-00149196-00149442 penunjukan yang direvisi dikembangkan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00467-00149442-00149754 mengurangi masalah ini sementara ukuran yang lebih besar 19F0QvQWbvI-00468-00149754-00149991 masih digunakan untuk memasok daya ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00469-00149991-00150255 panel listrik dan perangkat besar 19F0QvQWbvI-00470-00150255-00150508 kabel aluminium untuk penggunaan perumahan telah memperoleh 19F0QvQWbvI-00471-00150508-00150762 reputasi yang buruk dan tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00472-00150762-00151149 disukai konduktor aluminium masih 19F0QvQWbvI-00473-00151149-00151377 banyak digunakan untuk distribusi daya massal 19F0QvQWbvI-00474-00151377-00151633 dan sirkuit pengumpan besar dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00475-00151633-00151848 beban arus yang besar karena berbagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00476-00151848-00152184 keuntungan yang mereka tawarkan dibandingkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00477-00152184-00152478 konduktor aluminium kabel tembaga baik biaya dan jauh 19F0QvQWbvI-00478-00152478-00152719 lebih sedikit daripada konduktor tembaga sehingga 19F0QvQWbvI-00479-00152719-00152952 luas penampang yang jauh lebih besar dapat digunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00480-00152952-00153298 untuk berat dan harga yang sama ini dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00481-00153298-00153537 mengkompensasi resistensi yang lebih tinggi dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00482-00153537-00153728 mekanik yang lebih rendah kekuatan aluminium yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00483-00153728-00154017 berarti luas penampang yang lebih besar 19F0QvQWbvI-00484-00154017-00154251 diperlukan untuk mencapai kapasitas arus yang sebanding 19F0QvQWbvI-00485-00154251-00154599 dan fitur lainnya 19F0QvQWbvI-00486-00154599-00154800 Konduktor aluminium harus dipasang dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00487-00154800-00155040 konektor yang kompatibel dan perhatian khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00488-00155040-00155265 harus diberikan untuk memastikan permukaan kontak 19F0QvQWbvI-00489-00155265-00155598 tidak mengoksidasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00490-00156002-00156520 topik balapan dan kabel berjalan 19F0QvQWbvI-00491-00156721-00156991 kabel berinsulasi mungkin berjalan dalam salah satu dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00492-00156991-00157305 beberapa bentuk antara perangkat listrik, 19F0QvQWbvI-00493-00157305-00157637 ini mungkin pipa khusus yang dapat ditekuk yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00494-00157637-00157891 disebut saluran atau salah satu dari beberapa 19F0QvQWbvI-00495-00157891-00158144 jenis baja kaku 19F0QvQWbvI-00496-00158144-00158527 logam atau aluminium atau tabung PVC atau HDPE non-logam 19F0QvQWbvI-00497-00158527-00158938 penampang persegi panjang logam 19F0QvQWbvI-00498-00158938-00159260 atau palung kawat PVC Amerika Utara atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00499-00159260-00159592 trunking Inggris mungkin digunakan jika banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00500-00159592-00159947 sirkuit diperlukan, kabel berjalan di bawah suara 19F0QvQWbvI-00501-00159947-00160187 dapat dijalankan dalam tabung plastik yang terbungkus 19F0QvQWbvI-00502-00160187-00160477 beton tetapi siku logam dapat digunakan pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00503-00160477-00160907 kabel tarikan yang parah di area terbuka 19F0QvQWbvI-00504-00160907-00161174 misalnya lantai pabrik dapat dijalankan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00505-00161174-00161416 baki kabel atau jalur persegi panjang yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00506-00161416-00161629 memiliki penutup yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00507-00161629-00161905 kami kabel atau jalur yang menahan 19F0QvQWbvI-00508-00161905-00162166 kabel yang harus dilalui 19F0QvQWbvI-00509-00162166-00162433 dinding dan lantai yang tahan api, bukaan yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00510-00162433-00162676 disyaratkan oleh kode bangunan lokal untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00511-00162676-00163018 menghentikan api dalam kasus di mana 19F0QvQWbvI-00512-00163018-00163282 kabel kritis keselamatan harus tetap beroperasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00513-00163282-00163558 selama kebakaran yang tidak disengaja, pemeriksaan api 19F0QvQWbvI-00514-00163558-00163771 harus diterapkan untuk menjaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00515-00163771-00163993 integritas sirkuit dengan cara yang sesuai dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00516-00163993-00164362 produk sertifikasi yang mencantumkan sifat 19F0QvQWbvI-00517-00164362-00164548 dan ketebalan bahan proteksi kebakaran pasif 19F0QvQWbvI-00518-00164548-00164785 yang digunakan bersama 19F0QvQWbvI-00519-00164785-00165025 dengan perkabelan dan raceways memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00520-00165025-00165316 dampak yang dapat diukur pada peringkat 19F0QvQWbvI-00521-00165316-00165493 ampacity karena sifat insulasi termal yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00522-00165493-00165781 diperlukan untuk ketahanan api 19F0QvQWbvI-00523-00165781-00165991 juga menghambat pendinginan udara konduktor daya 19F0QvQWbvI-00524-00165991-00166378 nampan kabel digunakan dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00525-00166378-00166636 industri area di mana banyak 19F0QvQWbvI-00526-00166636-00166951 kabel berinsulasi dijalankan bersama-sama, 19F0QvQWbvI-00527-00166951-00167200 kabel individual dapat n keluar dari baki kapan saja 19F0QvQWbvI-00528-00167200-00167482 menyederhanakan pemasangan kabel dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00529-00167482-00167692 mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja untuk memasang 19F0QvQWbvI-00530-00167692-00168043 kabel baru Kabel listrik mungkin memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00531-00168043-00168226 alat kelengkapan di baki untuk menjaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00532-00168226-00168457 jarak bebas antara konduktor tetapi 19F0QvQWbvI-00533-00168457-00168676 kabel kontrol kecil sering dipasang 19F0QvQWbvI-00534-00168676-00168931 tanpa jarak yang disengaja antara 19F0QvQWbvI-00535-00168931-00169384 kabel peraturan listrik setempat dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00536-00169384-00169645 membatasi atau menempatkan persyaratan khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00537-00169645-00169885 pada pencampuran level tegangan dalam satu 19F0QvQWbvI-00538-00169885-00170245 baki kabel Praktik desain yang baik dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00539-00170245-00170491 memisahkan misalnya pengukuran tingkat rendah 19F0QvQWbvI-00540-00170491-00170746 atau kabel sinyal dari baki yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00541-00170746-00171013 membawa sirkuit cabang daya tinggi untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00542-00171013-00171190 mencegah induksi kebisingan ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00543-00171190-00171607 sirkuit sensitif karena kabel berjalan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00544-00171607-00171862 Condit atau bawah tanah tidak dapat menghilangkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00545-00171862-00172129 panas semudah di udara terbuka dan karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00546-00172129-00172369 sirkuit yang berdekatan memberikan kontribusi 19F0QvQWbvI-00547-00172369-00172654 arus induksi peraturan perkabelan memberikan aturan 19F0QvQWbvI-00548-00172654-00172833 untuk menetapkan kapasitas saat ini 19F0QvQWbvI-00549-00172833-00173293 ampacity fitting tertutup khusus 19F0QvQWbvI-00550-00173293-00173473 digunakan untuk kabel yang dirutekan melalui topik 19F0QvQWbvI-00551-00173473-00173901 atmosfer yang berpotensi meledak 19F0QvQWbvI-00552-00174260-00174886 bar bus bus duct kabel bass 19F0QvQWbvI-00553-00175078-00175342 untuk arus yang sangat tinggi nts dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00554-00175342-00175561 peralatan listrik dan untuk arus tinggi yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00555-00175561-00175801 didistribusikan melalui gedung busbar 19F0QvQWbvI-00556-00175801-00176233 dapat digunakan istilah bus adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00557-00176233-00176503 singkatan dari kata latin omnibus yang berarti 19F0QvQWbvI-00558-00176503-00176848 untuk semua konduktor hidup dari 19F0QvQWbvI-00559-00176848-00177091 sistem tersebut adalah bagian kaku dari tembaga atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00560-00177091-00177367 aluminium biasanya di batang datar tapi 19F0QvQWbvI-00561-00177367-00177739 kadang-kadang sebagai tabung atau bentuk lain 19F0QvQWbvI-00562-00177739-00177985 bus bar terbuka tidak pernah digunakan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00563-00177985-00178222 area yang dapat diakses publik meskipun mereka digunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00564-00178222-00178441 di pabrik dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00565-00178441-00178645 perusahaan listrik beralih yard untuk mendapatkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00566-00178645-00179014 manfaat dari pendinginan udara variasinya adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00567-00179014-00179284 menggunakan kabel berat terutama di mana 19F0QvQWbvI-00568-00179284-00179827 diinginkan untuk transpose atau roll fase 19F0QvQWbvI-00569-00179827-00180117 dalam aplikasi industri 19F0QvQWbvI-00570-00180117-00180307 batang konduktor sering dipasang sebelumnya dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00571-00180307-00180655 isolator di penutup yang diarde. 19F0QvQWbvI-00572-00180655-00180930 Rakitan ini dikenal sebagai saluran bus atau jalur bus 19F0QvQWbvI-00573-00180930-00181155 dapat digunakan untuk koneksi ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00574-00181155-00181345 switchgear besar atau untuk membawa 19F0QvQWbvI-00575-00181345-00181711 umpan daya utama ke dalam gedung, suatu bentuk saluran bus yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00576-00181711-00182116 dikenal sebagai plug- di bus digunakan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00577-00182116-00182323 mendistribusikan daya di sepanjang 19F0QvQWbvI-00578-00182323-00182575 bangunan yang dibangun untuk memungkinkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00579-00182575-00182830 sakelar tap off atau motor c ontroller untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00580-00182830-00183070 dipasang di tempat yang ditentukan di sepanjang 19F0QvQWbvI-00581-00183070-00183433 bus keuntungan besar dari skema ini 19F0QvQWbvI-00582-00183433-00183652 adalah kemampuan untuk menghapus atau menambahkan rangkaian cabang 19F0QvQWbvI-00583-00183652-00183904 tanpa menghilangkan tegangan 19F0QvQWbvI-00584-00183904-00184270 dari seluruh saluran. 19F0QvQWbvI-00585-00184467-00184771 setiap 19F0QvQWbvI-00586-00184771-00184999 konduktor yang dipisahkan oleh penghalang pembumian 19F0QvQWbvI-00587-00184999-00185196 dari fase yang berdekatan 19F0QvQWbvI-00588-00185196-00185545 bus terpisah untuk mengalirkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00589-00185545-00185857 arus besar antar perangkat bus kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00590-00185857-00186073 digunakan untuk arus yang sangat besar di 19F0QvQWbvI-00591-00186073-00186342 stasiun pembangkit atau gardu induk di 19F0QvQWbvI-00592-00186342-00186583 mana sulit untuk memberikan 19F0QvQWbvI-00593-00186583-00186891 perlindungan sirkuit bus fase terisolasi digunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00594-00186891-00187210 setiap fase sirkuit dijalankan dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00595-00187210-00187525 selungkup logam yang diarde terpisah, 19F0QvQWbvI-00596-00187525-00187774 satu-satunya kesalahan yang mungkin adalah gangguan fasa ke tanah 19F0QvQWbvI-00597-00187840-00188170 karena selungkup dipisahkan. 19F0QvQWbvI-00598-00188170-00188476 Jenis bus ini dapat diberi nilai hingga 50.000 19F0QvQWbvI-00599-00188476-00188677 amp ere dan hingga ratusan kilo 19F0QvQWbvI-00600-00188677-00188980 volt selama layanan normal tidak hanya untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00601-00188980-00189202 kesalahan tetapi tidak digunakan untuk membangun 19F0QvQWbvI-00602-00189202-00189597 kabel dalam pengertian konvensional 19F0QvQWbvI-00603-00189962-00190435 topik panel 19F0QvQWbvI-00604-00190620-00190882 listrik panel listrik adalah ea 19F0QvQWbvI-00605-00190882-00191152 kotak persimpangan yang mudah diakses digunakan untuk mengalihkan dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00606-00191152-00191500 beralih layanan listrik istilah ini 19F0QvQWbvI-00607-00191500-00191728 sering digunakan untuk merujuk ke panel pemutus sirkuit 19F0QvQWbvI-00608-00191728-00192133 atau kotak sekering kode lokal dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00609-00192133-00192376 menentukan jarak fisik di sekitar 19F0QvQWbvI-00610-00192376-00192621 panel 19F0QvQWbvI-00611-00192934-00193473 topik degradasi oleh hama 19F0QvQWbvI-00612-00193615-00193900 rasberry semut gila telah diketahui 19F0QvQWbvI-00613-00193900-00194154 mengkonsumsi bagian dalam listrik instalasi pengkabelan yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00614-00194154-00194443 lebih memilih arus DC daripada 19F0QvQWbvI-00615-00194443-00194794 arus AC Perilaku ini tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00616-00194794-00195109 dipahami dengan baik oleh para ilmuwan tupai tikus 19F0QvQWbvI-00617-00195109-00195376 dan hewan pengerat lainnya utama atau kabel yang tidak terlindungi yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00618-00195376-00195684 menyebabkan bahaya kebakaran dan sengatan listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00619-00195684-00196081 ini terutama berlaku untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00620-00196081-00196404 kabel telepon dan jaringan komputer berisolasi PVC 19F0QvQWbvI-00621-00196404-00196675 beberapa teknik telah dikembangkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00622-00196675-00196882 untuk mencegah hal ini hama termasuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00623-00196882-00197295 insulasi sarat dengan topik debu merica 19F0QvQWbvI-00624-00197654-00198154 metode pengkabelan awal 19F0QvQWbvI-00625-00198321-00198648 sistem pengkabelan listrik interior pertama 19F0QvQWbvI-00626-00198648-00198855 menggunakan konduktor yang telanjang atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00627-00198855-00199080 ditutupi dengan kain yang diamankan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00628-00199080-00199308 staples ke rangka bangunan 19F0QvQWbvI-00629-00199308-00199641 atau pada papan berjalan di mana konduktor 19F0QvQWbvI-00630-00199641-00199860 melewati dinding yang dilindungi 19F0QvQWbvI-00631-00199860-00200175 dengan sambungan pita kain dilakukan 19F0QvQWbvI-00632-00200175-00200421 mirip dengan koneksi Telegraph dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00633-00200421-00200739 disolder untuk keamanan 19F0QvQWbvI-00634-00200739-00200988 konduktor bawah tanah diisolasi dengan pembungkus 19F0QvQWbvI-00635-00200988-00201237 pita kain direndam dalam pitch dan diletakkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00636-00201237-00201482 di palung kayu yang kemudian dikubur 19F0QvQWbvI-00637-00201482-00201858 sistem kabel tersebut tidak memuaskan 19F0QvQWbvI-00638-00201858-00202074 karena bahaya sengatan listrik 19F0QvQWbvI-00639-00202074-00202350 dan kebakaran ditambah biaya tenaga kerja yang tinggi untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00640-00202350-00202734 instalasi semacam itu, kode listrik pertama 19F0QvQWbvI-00641-00202734-00202983 muncul pada tahun 1880-an dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00642-00202983-00203196 pengenalan komersial tenaga 19F0QvQWbvI-00643-00203196-00203499 listrik namun banyak standar yang bertentangan 19F0QvQWbvI-00644-00203499-00203766 ada untuk pemilihan ukuran kawat 19F0QvQWbvI-00645-00203766-00203994 dan aturan desain lainnya untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00646-00203994-00204225 instalasi listrik dan kebutuhan terlihat untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00647-00204225-00204456 memperkenalkan keseragaman berdasarkan tombol topik 19F0QvQWbvI-00648-00204456-00204688 keselamatan 19F0QvQWbvI-00649-00204688-00205027 -dan-tabung kami metode pengkabelan standar paling awal 19F0QvQWbvI-00650-00205246-00205534 di gedung-gedung yang umum digunakan di Amerika Utara 19F0QvQWbvI-00651-00205534-00205861 dari sekitar tahun 1880 hingga 1930-an adalah 19F0QvQWbvI-00652-00206035-00206302 kabel K&T tombol-dan-tabung konduktor tunggal dijalankan 19F0QvQWbvI-00653-00206302-00206523 melalui rongga antara 19F0QvQWbvI-00654-00206523-00206742 anggota struktural di dinding dan langit-langit dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00655-00206742-00206959 tabung keramik membentuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00656-00206959-00207165 saluran pelindung melalui balok dan keramik c 19F0QvQWbvI-00657-00207165-00207363 kenop yang dipasang pada komponen struktur 19F0QvQWbvI-00658-00207363-00207604 untuk menyediakan udara antara kawat dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00659-00207604-00207919 kayu dan untuk menopang kabel karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00660-00207919-00208153 udara bebas bersirkulasi di atas kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00661-00208153-00208411 Konduktor yang lebih kecil dapat digunakan daripada yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00662-00208411-00208801 dibutuhkan dalam kabel dengan mengatur kabel pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00663-00208801-00209019 sisi yang berlawanan dari komponen struktur bangunan 19F0QvQWbvI-00664-00209019-00209260 beberapa perlindungan diberikan 19F0QvQWbvI-00665-00209260-00209461 terhadap korsleting yang dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00666-00209461-00209671 disebabkan oleh paku ke kedua 19F0QvQWbvI-00667-00209671-00210067 konduktor secara bersamaan pada tahun 1940-an 19F0QvQWbvI-00668-00210067-00210331 biaya tenaga kerja untuk memasang dua 19F0QvQWbvI-00669-00210331-00210517 konduktor daripada satu kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00670-00210517-00210721 mengakibatkan penurunan 19F0QvQWbvI-00671-00210721-00211090 instalasi tombol-dan-tabung baru namun 19F0QvQWbvI-00672-00211090-00211414 kita kode masih memungkinkan instalasi kabel K&T baru 19F0QvQWbvI-00673-00211414-00211719 dalam situasi khusus beberapa 19F0QvQWbvI-00674-00211719-00212136 aplikasi pedesaan dan industri 19F0QvQWbvI-00675-00212469-00212942 topik kabel berselubung logam 19F0QvQWbvI-00676-00213104-00213413 di Inggris bentuk awal 19F0QvQWbvI-00677-00213413-00213754 kabel berinsulasi diperkenalkan pada tahun 1896 19F0QvQWbvI-00678-00213754-00214000 terdiri dari dua konduktor berinsulasi kertas yang diresapi 19F0QvQWbvI-00679-00214000-00214283 dalam keseluruhan 19F0QvQWbvI-00680-00214283-00214658 sambungan selubung timbal disolder dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00681-00214658-00214889 perlengkapan khusus digunakan untuk dudukan lampu dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00682-00214889-00215207 sakelar kabel ini mirip dengan kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00683-00215207-00215398 Telegraf dan telepon bawah tanah 19F0QvQWbvI-00684-00215398-00215789 pada waktu itu kabel berinsulasi kertas 19F0QvQWbvI-00685-00215789-00216053 terbukti tidak cocok untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00686-00216053-00216278 instalasi kabel interior karena 19F0QvQWbvI-00687-00216278-00216527 pengerjaan yang sangat hati-hati diperlukan pada 19F0QvQWbvI-00688-00216527-00216767 selubung timah untuk memastikan kelembapan tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00689-00216767-00217136 mempengaruhi insulasi suatu sistem nanti 19F0QvQWbvI-00690-00217136-00217457 ditemukan di Inggris pada tahun 1908 menggunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00691-00217457-00217685 kawat berisolasi karet vulkanisir 19F0QvQWbvI-00692-00217685-00218030 tertutup dalam selubung logam strip 19F0QvQWbvI-00693-00218030-00218273 selubung logam diikat ke setiap 19F0QvQWbvI-00694-00218273-00218494 perangkat kabel logam untuk memastikan 19F0QvQWbvI-00695-00218494-00218915 kontinuitas pembumian sistem yang dikembangkan di Jerman 19F0QvQWbvI-00696-00218915-00218975 disebut 19F0QvQWbvI-00697-00218975-00219421 kawat culo yang digunakan satu dua atau tiga 19F0QvQWbvI-00698-00219421-00219671 kabel berinsulasi karet di kuningan atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00699-00219671-00219926 besi berlapis timah tabung lembaran dengan jahitan berkerut 19F0QvQWbvI-00700-00219926-00220283 selungkup juga dapat digunakan sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00701-00220283-00220586 konduktor kembali kawat pendingin dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00702-00220586-00220867 dijalankan terbuka pada permukaan dan dicat atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00703-00220867-00221219 tertanam di plester outlet khusus dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00704-00221219-00221465 kotak persimpangan dibuat untuk lampu dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00705-00221465-00221705 switcher terbuat dari porselen atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00706-00221705-00222026 baja lembaran yang berkerut jahitan tidak 19F0QvQWbvI-00707-00222026-00222251 dianggap kedap air seperti kawat stano yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00708-00222251-00222476 digunakan di Inggris yang memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00709-00222476-00222692 selubung yang disolder sistem yang agak mirip 19F0QvQWbvI-00710-00222692-00223088 yang disebut kabel konsentris 19F0QvQWbvI-00711-00223088-00223321 diperkenalkan di Amerika Serikat sekitar tahun 19F0QvQWbvI-00712-00223321-00223727 1905 dalam sistem ini 19F0QvQWbvI-00713-00223727-00223952 kabel listrik berinsulasi dibungkus dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00714-00223952-00224194 pita tembaga yang kemudian disolder membentuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00715-00224194-00224441 konduktor kembali yang diarde dari sistem pengkabelan 19F0QvQWbvI-00716-00224441-00224783 selubung logam kosong di 19F0QvQWbvI-00717-00224783-00225069 potensial Bumi dianggap aman untuk disentuh 19F0QvQWbvI-00718-00225069-00225391 sementara perusahaan seperti General Electric 19F0QvQWbvI-00719-00225391-00225641 membuat alat kelengkapan untuk sistem 19F0QvQWbvI-00720-00225641-00225863 dan beberapa bangunan dihubungkan dengan kabel itu 19F0QvQWbvI-00721-00225863-00226117 tidak pernah diadopsi ke AS 19F0QvQWbvI-00722-00226117-00226490 Kode Kelistrikan Nasional kelemahan sistem 19F0QvQWbvI-00723-00226490-00226717 yang memerlukan alat kelengkapan khusus dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00724-00226717-00226940 bahwa setiap cacat pada sambungan 19F0QvQWbvI-00725-00226940-00227101 selubung akan mengakibatkan selubung 19F0QvQWbvI-00726-00227101-00227410 menjadi berenergi. 19F0QvQWbvI-00727-00228227-00228523 pada tahun 1906 dan 19F0QvQWbvI-00728-00228523-00228707 pada saat itu dianggap sebagai metode yang lebih baik 19F0QvQWbvI-00729-00228707-00228980 daripada kenop terbuka dan kabel tabung meskipun 19F0QvQWbvI-00730-00228980-00229292 jauh lebih mahal kabel berisolasi karet pertama 19F0QvQWbvI-00731-00229292-00229580 untuk kami kabel 19F0QvQWbvI-00732-00229580-00229991 bangunan diperkenalkan pada tahun 1922 dengan paten AS 1 19F0QvQWbvI-00733-00229991-00230360 4 5 8 803 Kawat listrik berinsulasi Burleigh Harry dan Rooney 19F0QvQWbvI-00734-00230360-00230698 Henry dikeluarkan tanggal 19F0QvQWbvI-00735-00230698-00231044 12 Juni 1923 ditugaskan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00736-00231044-00231394 kawat dan kabel berinsulasi Boston ini adalah dua 19F0QvQWbvI-00737-00231394-00231632 atau lebih kabel listrik tembaga padat 19F0QvQWbvI-00738-00231632-00231917 dengan insulasi karet ditambah kain katun tenunan di 19F0QvQWbvI-00739-00231917-00232171 atas setiap konduktor untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00740-00232171-00232423 perlindungan insulasi dengan jaket tenunan keseluruhan yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00741-00232423-00232712 biasanya diresapi dengan tar sebagai 19F0QvQWbvI-00742-00232712-00233066 perlindungan dari kertas lilin kelembaban 19F0QvQWbvI-00743-00233066-00233369 digunakan sebagai pengisi dan pemisah dari waktu ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00744-00233369-00233666 waktu er kabel berinsulasi menjadi rapuh 19F0QvQWbvI-00745-00233666-00233819 karena terpapar 19F0QvQWbvI-00746-00233819-00234107 oksigen atmosfer sehingga harus ditangani dengan hati-hati 19F0QvQWbvI-00747-00234107-00234302 dan biasanya diganti selama 19F0QvQWbvI-00748-00234302-00234596 renovasi ketika 19F0QvQWbvI-00749-00234596-00234854 sakelar stopkontak atau perlengkapan lampu 19F0QvQWbvI-00750-00234854-00235076 diganti Tindakan mengencangkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00751-00235076-00235259 koneksi saja dapat menyebabkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00752-00235259-00235519 insulasi yang mengeras mengelupas 19F0QvQWbvI-00753-00235519-00235826 karet konduktor isolasi lebih jauh di dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00754-00235826-00236051 kabel sering berada dalam kondisi yang lebih baik 19F0QvQWbvI-00755-00236051-00236294 daripada isolasi terbuka pada sambungan 19F0QvQWbvI-00756-00236294-00236666 karena berkurangnya paparan oksigen 19F0QvQWbvI-00757-00236666-00236909 belerang dalam insulasi karet vulkanisir 19F0QvQWbvI-00758-00236909-00237128 menyerang kawat tembaga telanjang sehingga 19F0QvQWbvI-00759-00237128-00237329 konduktor disegel untuk mencegah hal 19F0QvQWbvI-00760-00237329-00237671 ini konduktor kembali menjadi beruang 19F0QvQWbvI-00761-00237671-00238109 ketika karet berhenti digunakan sekitar tahun 1950 19F0QvQWbvI-00762-00238109-00238376 insulasi PVC dan jaket 19F0QvQWbvI-00763-00238376-00238463 diperkenalkan 19F0QvQWbvI-00764-00238463-00238814 terutama untuk kabel perumahan 19F0QvQWbvI-00765-00238814-00239081 pada waktu yang hampir bersamaan konduktor tunggal dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00766-00239081-00239357 insulasi PVC yang lebih tipis dan jaket nilon tipis 19F0QvQWbvI-00767-00239357-00239923 mis. tipe th n th HN dll menjadi 19F0QvQWbvI-00768-00239923-00240179 umum Bentuk kabel yang paling sederhana memiliki 19F0QvQWbvI-00769-00240179-00240413 dua konduktor berinsulasi yang dipilin 19F0QvQWbvI-00770-00240413-00240619 bersama-sama untuk membentuk satu unit 19F0QvQWbvI-00771-00240619-00240933 kabin yang tidak berjaket le dengan dua atau lebih 19F0QvQWbvI-00772-00240933-00241225 konduktor hanya digunakan untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00773-00241225-00241492 sinyal tegangan ekstra rendah dan aplikasi kontrol 19F0QvQWbvI-00774-00241492-00241836 seperti kabel bel pintu metode lain untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00775-00241836-00242038 mengamankan kabel yang sekarang usang 19F0QvQWbvI-00776-00242038-00242373 termasuk penggunaan kembali pipa gas yang ada saat 19F0QvQWbvI-00777-00242373-00242610 mengubah instalasi lampu gas ke 19F0QvQWbvI-00778-00242610-00242938 penerangan listrik konduktor berinsulasi 19F0QvQWbvI-00779-00242938-00243166 ditarik melalui pipa yang 19F0QvQWbvI-00780-00243166-00243502 sebelumnya memasok lampu gas meskipun 19F0QvQWbvI-00781-00243502-00243763 kadang-kadang digunakan metode ini berisiko 19F0QvQWbvI-00782-00243763-00243976 kerusakan isolasi dari tepi tajam 19F0QvQWbvI-00783-00243976-00244300 di dalam pipa di setiap sambungan kayu 19F0QvQWbvI-00784-00244300-00244533 cetakan dengan alur dipotong untuk 19F0QvQWbvI-00785-00244533-00244792 kabel konduktor tunggal ditutupi oleh strip tutup kayu 19F0QvQWbvI-00786-00244792-00245098 ini dilarang dalam 19F0QvQWbvI-00787-00245098-00245569 kode listrik Amerika Utara pada tahun 1928 19F0QvQWbvI-00788-00245569-00245823 cetakan kayu juga digunakan sampai tingkat tertentu 19F0QvQWbvI-00789-00245823-00246105 di Inggris tetapi tidak pernah diizinkan oleh 19F0QvQWbvI-00790-00246105-00246469 aturan Jerman dan Austria sistem 19F0QvQWbvI-00791-00246469-00246700 kabel kembar fleksibel yang didukung oleh kancing kaca atau 19F0QvQWbvI-00792-00246700-00246946 porselen digunakan menjelang 19F0QvQWbvI-00793-00246946-00247203 pergantian abad ke-20 di Eropa tetapi 19F0QvQWbvI-00794-00247203-00247533 segera digantikan oleh metode lain selama 19F0QvQWbvI-00795-00247533-00247761 tahun-tahun pertama abad ke-20 19F0QvQWbvI-00796-00247761-00248085 berbagai bentuk kabel yang dipatenkan sistem 19F0QvQWbvI-00797-00248085-00248323 seperti tabung Bergman dan Peschel 19F0QvQWbvI-00798-00248323-00248586 digunakan untuk melindungi kabel ini menggunakan 19F0QvQWbvI-00799-00248586-00248856 tabung serat yang sangat tipis atau tabung logam 19F0QvQWbvI-00800-00248856-00249180 yang juga digunakan sebagai konduktor kembali di 19F0QvQWbvI-00801-00249180-00249439 Austria kabel disembunyikan dengan 19F0QvQWbvI-00802-00249439-00249652 menanamkan tabung karet di alur 19F0QvQWbvI-00803-00249652-00249858 di dinding plesteran di atasnya kemudian 19F0QvQWbvI-00804-00249858-00250056 menghapus tabung dan kabel penarik 19F0QvQWbvI-00805-00250056-00250339 melalui rongga sistem cetakan logam 19F0QvQWbvI-00806-00250339-00250617 dengan bagian oval pipih yang terdiri 19F0QvQWbvI-00807-00250617-00250825 dari strip dasar dan saluran tutup snap-on 19F0QvQWbvI-00808-00250825-00251034 lebih mahal daripada 19F0QvQWbvI-00809-00251034-00251269 kabel terbuka atau cetakan kayu tetapi dapat 19F0QvQWbvI-00810-00251269-00251614 dengan mudah dijalankan di permukaan dinding yang serupa 19F0QvQWbvI-00811-00251614-00251896 dipasang di permukaan Kabel Raceway 19F0QvQWbvI-00812-00251896-00252185 sistem masih tersedia saat ini 19F0QvQWbvI-00813-00252185-00252592 sama dengan lihat juga