1qWnEwYUyZM-00000-00000133-00000360 Now I'm very famous here. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00001-00000360-00000623 I didn't know what meant 'just Mother'. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00002-00000627-00000937 I am the mother of... 1qWnEwYUyZM-00003-00001151-00001408 J.R. ! 1qWnEwYUyZM-00004-00002088-00002298 Once he was almost for a month 1qWnEwYUyZM-00005-00002298-00002452 Another time, more than a month. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00006-00002452-00002562 When he came for the first time... 1qWnEwYUyZM-00007-00002562-00002872 No one knew, because Anapolis didn't have television ! 1qWnEwYUyZM-00008-00003543-00004010 He was already a handsome lad. I think he was about 23. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00009-00004010-00004451 An ordinary person. It didn't seem that he was Mary Martin's son 1qWnEwYUyZM-00010-00004451-00004571 of important, powerful people, no sir. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00011-00004571-00004798 He hanged around the city, with his long hair. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00012-00004798-00005178 In those days long hair was still a taboo. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00013-00005181-00005448 He went horse riding on the Belém Brasilia dirt road 1qWnEwYUyZM-00014-00005448-00005635 in company of the peasants of the area 1qWnEwYUyZM-00015-00005648-00005889 to drink 'cachaça' in the bars and they say 1qWnEwYUyZM-00016-00005889-00006156 he also went to the cheap balls in the hereabouts. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00017-00006159-00006363 And Mary Martin went to those parties 1qWnEwYUyZM-00018-00006363-00006563 with Mr. Ricardo, with Ernest. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00019-00006563-00006780 Ernesto loved to dance, to get together. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00020-00006783-00006926 You arrived at one of those parties 1qWnEwYUyZM-00021-00006926-00007056 called the girl to dance 1qWnEwYUyZM-00022-00007056-00007167 If she refused you 1qWnEwYUyZM-00023-00007167-00007280 she would dance with no one else. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00024-00007280-00007417 At times there were fights, with knives! 1qWnEwYUyZM-00025-00007423-00007707 Everybody found that American lad nice, beautiful. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00026-00007714-00008158 She wanted him interested, to buy a big ranch. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00027-00008164-00008465 But he preferred to return to Hollywood. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00028-00008465-00008688 At that time he was a hippie all right! 1qWnEwYUyZM-00029-00008705-00009042 J.R. is a playful young man. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00030-00009052-00009189 One day I asked him: 1qWnEwYUyZM-00031-00009189-00009512 Why you arrive dressed in black and leave also dressed in black ? 1qWnEwYUyZM-00032-00009536-00009846 So people won't recognize me, Lucy. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00033-00010026-00010253 One day she went to get me at school. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00034-00010263-00010493 When she arrived at the door, there was uproar. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00035-00010497-00010613 Police, ambulance... 1qWnEwYUyZM-00036-00010613-00010797 What has happened Dona Mary? 1qWnEwYUyZM-00037-00010797-00010917 Did you arrive in the middle of an accident? 1qWnEwYUyZM-00038-00010917-00011191 No. When I go anywhere it is like this. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00039-00011194-00011484 She only had peace here. She and him. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00040-00011484-00011708 They sought for a promised land. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00041-00011708-00012075 A land that was the symbol of all that is good. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00042-00012085-00012308 Central Brazil was very pretty at that time. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00043-00012315-00012729 It was the opposite of Hollywood and Broadway 1qWnEwYUyZM-00044-00012729-00012946 That was a massacred way of life 1qWnEwYUyZM-00045-00012946-00013229 where they have no freedom. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00046-00013243-00013530 You put your nose out on the street and tizzung! 1qWnEwYUyZM-00047-00013533-00013817 That beehive, that load of people on top of you. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00048-00013823-00013987 It was much freer. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00049-00013993-00014134 I don't know if all Americans 1qWnEwYUyZM-00050-00014134-00014351 are good like those people. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00051-00014351-00014671 But they got me missing them. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00052-00014694-00014971 I went there as an ordinary person. 1qWnEwYUyZM-00053-00014978-00015205 And I left as a great citizen. 1xydx89J3gQ-00000-00000544-00000988 Hello I'm Crystal and I just bought this beautiful 1xydx89J3gQ-00001-00000988-00001172 Jeep Cherokee 1xydx89J3gQ-00002-00001172-00001300 From Mountain View Dodge 1xydx89J3gQ-00003-00001300-00001548 It's sharp it's black on black 1xydx89J3gQ-00004-00001548-00001854 I love it my first ever brand new car 1xydx89J3gQ-00005-00001914-00002156 And thank you to Patsy and Doug 1xydx89J3gQ-00006-00002156-00002266 and Mountain View Dodge 1xydx89J3gQ-00007-00002266-00002380 For making this pretty easy 1zAzHdGLP_M-00000-00000218-00000358 alright this will be take two 1zAzHdGLP_M-00001-00000358-00000826 of the YouTube video for consistent Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00002-00000826-00001526 headers alright so let's go quickly too my Twitch page 1zAzHdGLP_M-00003-00001782-00002348 and go to 1zAzHdGLP_M-00004-00002348-00002990 channel 1zAzHdGLP_M-00005-00002990-00003164 and here we have the headers 1zAzHdGLP_M-00006-00003164-00003496 that I was talking about instead of using the text header that 1zAzHdGLP_M-00007-00003496-00003840 Twitch provides you filling out right here 1zAzHdGLP_M-00008-00003840-00004333 you can add an image to create custom headers and 1zAzHdGLP_M-00009-00004333-00004673 this is what they can look like for you now I had a problem with 1zAzHdGLP_M-00010-00004673-00004967 setting up the 1zAzHdGLP_M-00011-00004967-00005289 consistency for the fonts so everything looks 1zAzHdGLP_M-00012-00005289-00005622 the same when I was doing my edit 1zAzHdGLP_M-00013-00005622-00005960 creation and I used GIMP2 for that so let's go there 1zAzHdGLP_M-00014-00005960-00006454 here's a YouTube one see what else can I add 1zAzHdGLP_M-00015-00006454-00006829 she's setup I just 1zAzHdGLP_M-00016-00006829-00007169 I just show you these a couple how I did these 1zAzHdGLP_M-00017-00007169-00007565 so go into GIMP2 1zAzHdGLP_M-00018-00007565-00008175 GIMP2 by the way is free software 1zAzHdGLP_M-00019-00008175-00008600 logos ... go into create...logos... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00020-00008600-00009300 and I use this one right here glowing hot 1zAzHdGLP_M-00021-00009472-00009785 now, here's to kick in the head if I just put this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00022-00009785-00010411 like it is I'll just put DailyWalk365 1zAzHdGLP_M-00024-00011139-00011457 select your font, the font I use is 1zAzHdGLP_M-00025-00011457-00011859 script bold 1zAzHdGLP_M-00026-00011859-00012225 and everything else stays the same 1zAzHdGLP_M-00027-00012225-00012647 now I just keep low 150 pixels your going get a large 1zAzHdGLP_M-00028-00012647-00013054 image alright, so I'm at 100% 1zAzHdGLP_M-00029-00013054-00013547 my screen resolutions at 100% and 1zAzHdGLP_M-00030-00013547-00013926 the pixels is up here at 1238 by 311 1zAzHdGLP_M-00031-00013926-00014291 now Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00032-00014291-00014497 when you go to edit these tells you that 1zAzHdGLP_M-00033-00014497-00014835 images will be scaled to 320 pixels 1zAzHdGLP_M-00034-00014835-00015171 that's fine I could upload that other image just fine 1zAzHdGLP_M-00035-00015171-00015543 and they will reduced down but here's what 1zAzHdGLP_M-00036-00015543-00016191 it will look like when it's done this is all they do they do scale image 1zAzHdGLP_M-00037-00016191-00016635 and it's consistent in other words its bit for bit 1zAzHdGLP_M-00038-00016635-00016947 percentage-wise so I go down 1zAzHdGLP_M-00039-00016947-00017448 320 so Twitch is gonna reduce it down to 320 by eighty 1zAzHdGLP_M-00040-00017448-00017789 and this is what you look like okay 1zAzHdGLP_M-00041-00017789-00018380 take the background of so I have a transparent background okay let's make 1zAzHdGLP_M-00042-00018380-00018548 another one 1zAzHdGLP_M-00043-00018548-00018826 let's go to file ... create ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00044-00018826-00019384 logo ... and I use glowing hot this time we're gonna do 1zAzHdGLP_M-00045-00019384-00019787 TeamSpeak 1zAzHdGLP_M-00046-00019787-00020187 T e a m S p e a k 3 1zAzHdGLP_M-00047-00020187-00020759 or no, better yet, better example, about we'll leave it the same 1zAzHdGLP_M-00048-00020759-00021072 the fonts already selected click OK here's my image 1zAzHdGLP_M-00049-00021072-00021534 here's the old image ... here's the new one 1zAzHdGLP_M-00050-00021534-00022231 so I got to take this off transparent background image ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00051-00022231-00022593 ... scale ... 320 1zAzHdGLP_M-00052-00022593-00022900 Okay, this is 1zAzHdGLP_M-00053-00022900-00023428 this is exactly how to look in Twitch okay 1zAzHdGLP_M-00054-00023428-00023980 can anyone see the difference font sizes are way out of proportion now 1zAzHdGLP_M-00055-00023980-00024219 imagine you have a couple a different words in there 1zAzHdGLP_M-00056-00024219-00024590 for headers you know in your box is here 1zAzHdGLP_M-00057-00024590-00024940 like this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00058-00024940-00025065 you got say 1zAzHdGLP_M-00059-00025065-00025536 set up is a different size games I played a different size 1zAzHdGLP_M-00060-00025536-00025981 well Twitch is going to reduce it down to 320 pixels 1zAzHdGLP_M-00061-00025981-00026310 but also changes height of the picture 1zAzHdGLP_M-00062-00026310-00026643 which in turn changes the font, how the font looks 1zAzHdGLP_M-00063-00026643-00026944 okay 1zAzHdGLP_M-00064-00026944-00027369 it will look bad very bad I'd did at first and had to find a way in this is what 1zAzHdGLP_M-00065-00027369-00027420 I found 1zAzHdGLP_M-00066-00027420-00027747 so go back to GIMP2 1zAzHdGLP_M-00067-00027747-00028339 kill this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00068-00028339-00028674 and we'll keep this one cause I don't want to close out GIMP2 so go to create ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00069-00028674-00029098 ... logos ... glowing hot ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00070-00029098-00029539 now through trial and error 1zAzHdGLP_M-00071-00029539-00029900 let go to ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00072-00029900-00030475 DailyWalk365 now through trial and error I determined that 38 1zAzHdGLP_M-00073-00030475-00030855 pixels will bring me 1zAzHdGLP_M-00074-00030855-00031224 closest to 320 pixels wide without going over 1zAzHdGLP_M-00075-00031224-00031622 Okay, and I also assume 1zAzHdGLP_M-00076-00031622-00031952 that with all the headers and I would want on my Twitch page 1zAzHdGLP_M-00077-00031952-00032442 DailyWalk365 would be the largest 1zAzHdGLP_M-00078-00032442-00032828 going across so I want to base my 1zAzHdGLP_M-00079-00032828-00033169 largest font that I can go 1zAzHdGLP_M-00080-00033169-00033536 here I am pointing right here 1zAzHdGLP_M-00081-00033536-00033918 based on my largest word on when use to be used in Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00082-00033918-00034572 so click okay this is the image we get we can kill this one now 1zAzHdGLP_M-00083-00034572-00034869 turn off background now 1zAzHdGLP_M-00084-00034869-00035258 where at 314 pixels by 78 1zAzHdGLP_M-00085-00035258-00035684 this will be our standard size 1zAzHdGLP_M-00086-00035684-00036004 so to say basically the 78 pixels 1zAzHdGLP_M-00087-00036004-00036304 won't change because now we're gonna go to image ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00088-00036304-00036846 don't scale image cause if you scale the image it's gonna change your 1zAzHdGLP_M-00089-00036846-00037203 not only your horizontal but also your vertical 1zAzHdGLP_M-00090-00037203-00037654 now you can get it to not change but it'll stretch it out 1zAzHdGLP_M-00091-00037654-00037964 you don't want to stretch it out you wanna look exactly like this because this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00092-00037964-00038018 is the 1zAzHdGLP_M-00093-00038018-00038492 the font 38 alright so we're going to go to 1zAzHdGLP_M-00094-00038492-00038828 image ... canvas size we're going to just change 1zAzHdGLP_M-00095-00038828-00039450 canvas size make sure that see that chained ... that's pixel for pixel 1zAzHdGLP_M-00096-00039450-00039774 this is unchained make sure it is on unchained 1zAzHdGLP_M-00097-00039774-00040266 up here 320 notice the 1zAzHdGLP_M-00098-00040266-00040766 78 stayed the same but now we need to center our picture 1zAzHdGLP_M-00099-00040766-00041190 so click Center it automatically adjusted horizontally because we didn't 1zAzHdGLP_M-00100-00041190-00041272 change a height 1zAzHdGLP_M-00101-00041272-00041700 and resize in this is our new image in and I'll scroll in so you 1zAzHdGLP_M-00102-00041700-00042279 can see that the border is in fact outside right here 1zAzHdGLP_M-00103-00042279-00042671 here's a little extra couple pixels here that it added 1zAzHdGLP_M-00104-00042671-00043013 to each end at the picture and now my pictures perfectly centered 1zAzHdGLP_M-00105-00043013-00043434 and at 320 pixels so I export that ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00106-00043434-00043831 ... as ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00107-00043831-00044455 ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00108-00044455-00045075 ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00109-00045075-00045441 ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00110-00045441-00045871 ... pictures ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00111-00045871-00046404 Twitch. Here we go and we're gonna save this as either a PNG file 1zAzHdGLP_M-00112-00046404-00046711 or a GIF file 1zAzHdGLP_M-00113-00046711-00047290 I always use PNG because I believe it's a better quality picture 1zAzHdGLP_M-00114-00047290-00047671 a lot of people like to use GIF 1zAzHdGLP_M-00115-00047671-00048139 if they're using animated little animated pictures 1zAzHdGLP_M-00116-00048139-00048451 that have transparent backgrounds GIF is 1zAzHdGLP_M-00117-00048451-00049109 perfect for that very small format, but PNG for regular just a single image 1zAzHdGLP_M-00118-00049109-00049562 I use PNG. I'm going to go ahead and name it 1zAzHdGLP_M-00119-00049562-00049978 DailyWalkTemp.png 1zAzHdGLP_M-00120-00049978-00050411 these are how I have mine set 1zAzHdGLP_M-00121-00050411-00050738 background-color: save the background color because that's your transparency 1zAzHdGLP_M-00122-00050738-00051082 save resolution you can 1zAzHdGLP_M-00123-00051082-00051469 it's up to you to save creation time ... and ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00124-00051469-00051770 compression level I have that at the highest 1zAzHdGLP_M-00125-00051770-00052221 compression level cuz PNG's compress very well (export...export) 1zAzHdGLP_M-00126-00052221-00052721 now I have my image now go into Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00127-00052721-00053088 and I'll just make up a new one here 1zAzHdGLP_M-00128-00053088-00053488 temporary kinda thing Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00129-00053488-00053789 we're not gonna have a title but we're add a image 1zAzHdGLP_M-00130-00053789-00054260 so we go into my pictures ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00131-00054260-00054797 Twitch ... and I said DailyWalk 1zAzHdGLP_M-00132-00054797-00055114 don't touch nothing 1zAzHdGLP_M-00133-00055114-00055587 leave everything as it is and hit done 1zAzHdGLP_M-00134-00055587-00056011 done, it loads it in there ... something about this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00135-00056011-00056578 and 1zAzHdGLP_M-00136-00056578-00057010 submit ... now 1zAzHdGLP_M-00137-00057010-00057361 scroll down and there's your font 1zAzHdGLP_M-00138-00057361-00057800 now if I was to holds this, oh it's too bad but you can compare 1zAzHdGLP_M-00139-00057800-00058123 it looks doggone near the same 1zAzHdGLP_M-00140-00058123-00058823 actually does it actually identical but 1zAzHdGLP_M-00141-00058998-00059423 it's the best I could do, so that's how I 1zAzHdGLP_M-00142-00059423-00059854 create and let me see show you another one real quick so you can see this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00143-00059854-00060284 the smaller one so go to file ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00144-00060284-00060733 ... create ... logos ... select your 1zAzHdGLP_M-00145-00060733-00061320 style let's do an About ... keep 38 ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00146-00061320-00061653 ... okay ... clear that background 1zAzHdGLP_M-00147-00061653-00062028 ... go to image ... canvas size ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00148-00062028-00062400 and we'll change it to 320px 1zAzHdGLP_M-00149-00062400-00062692 and center ... click resize ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00150-00062692-00063076 this is our new image just that easy go to export ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00151-00063076-00063433 ... as ... and we'll call it Abouttemp... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00152-00063433-00063758 because I already have an About.png in there. 1zAzHdGLP_M-00153-00063758-00064064 ... and ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00154-00064064-00064311 ... export ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00155-00064311-00064627 done now we go back to Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00156-00064627-00064983 edit panels ... add ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00157-00064983-00065439 ... image ... Abouttemp.png 1zAzHdGLP_M-00158-00065439-00065797 don't touch nothing just hit done 1zAzHdGLP_M-00160-00066124-00066545 something about about 1zAzHdGLP_M-00161-00066545-00067202 about 1zAzHdGLP_M-00162-00067202-00067722 Submit, and turn it off and there it is beautiful thing about this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00163-00067722-00068263 way of doing it is for one all your images you're gonna be 320 1zAzHdGLP_M-00164-00068263-00068713 pixels wide so Twitch will not touch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00165-00068713-00069097 this image okay another good thing about it is 1zAzHdGLP_M-00166-00069097-00069422 all your images are 78 pixels tall so 1zAzHdGLP_M-00167-00069422-00069877 it looks like if you look here these paragraphs 1zAzHdGLP_M-00168-00069877-00070213 start all exactly in the same pixel location 1zAzHdGLP_M-00169-00070213-00070524 under the header that's beautiful to 1zAzHdGLP_M-00170-00070524-00071126 so that's two key reasons why you want 320 pixels wide in your GIMP2 1zAzHdGLP_M-00171-00071126-00071534 using image canvas size 1zAzHdGLP_M-00172-00071534-00071922 and center after you set 320 click Center 1zAzHdGLP_M-00173-00071922-00072253 alright exported as 1zAzHdGLP_M-00174-00072253-00072631 a PNG file like this 1zAzHdGLP_M-00175-00072631-00073163 and then go to Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00176-00073163-00073540 edit your panels 1zAzHdGLP_M-00177-00073540-00074210 and add your image 1zAzHdGLP_M-00178-00074210-00074356 ... 1zAzHdGLP_M-00179-00074356-00075039 done. and submit it 1zAzHdGLP_M-00180-00075039-00075339 and all your headers will be perfectly centered 1zAzHdGLP_M-00181-00075339-00075688 they will have the perfect distance 1zAzHdGLP_M-00182-00075688-00076165 before your paragraph starts and everything will be in line 1zAzHdGLP_M-00183-00076165-00076694 and just really nice to look not all sloppy and 1zAzHdGLP_M-00184-00076694-00077152 out a size and everything like that. so that's about it for this video 1zAzHdGLP_M-00185-00077152-00077523 I got my Twitch channel here please go to it 1zAzHdGLP_M-00186-00077523-00077863 and be a follower of me I'm a new Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00187-00077863-00078293 streamer so as I learn more I improve my channel 1zAzHdGLP_M-00188-00078293-00078702 and I am also passing along my information I find to 1zAzHdGLP_M-00189-00078702-00079030 other twitch users and YouTubers 1zAzHdGLP_M-00190-00079030-00079387 you can find me on YouTube at DailyWalk365 also 1zAzHdGLP_M-00191-00079387-00079839 and don't be shy to visit there and 1zAzHdGLP_M-00192-00079839-00080170 subscribe and follow me on Twitch 1zAzHdGLP_M-00193-00080170-00080533 thank you for watching the video (Son said: See Ya Next Time :) 1zAzHdGLP_M-00194-00080533-00080559 thanks 1ApH6212DEg-00000-00000026-00000206 Hello friends! 1ApH6212DEg-00001-00000206-00000680 In the past Russia and Turkey hate each other, they fought at least 12 wars. 1ApH6212DEg-00002-00000680-00001164 And even now, Russia and Turkey are still enemies, because Turkey joins NATO. 1ApH6212DEg-00003-00001164-00001264 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00004-00001264-00001621 However, when we learn about the relationship between these two countries, we find that 1ApH6212DEg-00005-00001621-00001907 they are quite close in many aspects. 1ApH6212DEg-00006-00001907-00002044 Why is that? 1ApH6212DEg-00007-00002044-00002192 Let's find out together!. 1ApH6212DEg-00008-00002192-00002292 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00009-00002292-00002740 First, although Russia is a country with an extremely large sea area, the entire northern 1ApH6212DEg-00010-00002740-00002985 sea area is frozen in winter. 1ApH6212DEg-00011-00002985-00003310 Therefore, the ports cannot operate all year round. 1ApH6212DEg-00012-00003310-00003410 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00013-00003410-00003828 If Russia wants this northern sea to be a port, Russia has to use expensive icebreakers 1ApH6212DEg-00014-00003828-00003985 to maintain it. 1ApH6212DEg-00015-00003985-00004435 Therefore, the Black Sea region to the south is the only place where Russia can establish 1ApH6212DEg-00016-00004435-00004582 seaports. 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00017-00004582-00005149 As early as 1783, the Russian Empire established the Black Sea Fleet based in the city of Sevastopol 1ApH6212DEg-00018-00005149-00005442 to carry out the defense in the South. 1ApH6212DEg-00019-00005442-00005837 At the same time, Russia will increase its power and influence in the region. 1ApH6212DEg-00020-00005837-00005937 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00021-00005937-00006448 In addition to its military importance, Russia's economy also depends on the Black Sea. 1ApH6212DEg-00022-00006448-00006901 In the south of Russia, there is a large river flowing into the Black Sea, commonly known 1ApH6212DEg-00023-00006901-00007072 as the Don River. 1ApH6212DEg-00024-00007072-00007528 Around the Don river basin are the busiest trading places, the economy here is the most 1ApH6212DEg-00025-00007528-00007668 developed in Russia. 1ApH6212DEg-00026-00007668-00007768 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00027-00007768-00008130 A lot of Russian exports went from the Don River to the Black Sea and exported to the 1ApH6212DEg-00028-00008130-00008230 world. 1ApH6212DEg-00029-00008230-00008330 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00030-00008330-00008670 However, any Russian ships that want to get out must pass through the Bosporus and Dardanelles 1ApH6212DEg-00031-00008670-00008845 straits of Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00032-00008845-00009331 Therefore, the Russian Empire repeatedly fought with the Ottomans to gain control of two important 1ApH6212DEg-00033-00009331-00009530 straits in the region but failed. 1ApH6212DEg-00034-00009530-00009630 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00035-00009630-00010130 After the end of World War II, at the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Prime Minister Joseph 1ApH6212DEg-00036-00010130-00010485 Stalin demanded that the Montreux Convention be amended. 1ApH6212DEg-00037-00010485-00010924 Under this convention, Turkey is the only country that controls the Bosporus and Dardanelles 1ApH6212DEg-00038-00010924-00011074 straits. 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00039-00011074-00011499 In the event of war, the Soviet Union would be at a great disadvantage, if the Turkish 1ApH6212DEg-00040-00011499-00011731 navy were to combine with the West. 1ApH6212DEg-00041-00011731-00012220 Therefore, the Soviet Union wanted to control the strait parallel to Turkey, to take the 1ApH6212DEg-00042-00012220-00012335 initiative. 1ApH6212DEg-00043-00012335-00012556 However, Russia was rejected. 1ApH6212DEg-00044-00012556-00012656 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00045-00012656-00013146 In addition, Stalin demanded the return to the Soviet Union of a large territory in northeastern 1ApH6212DEg-00046-00013146-00013262 Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00047-00013262-00013663 Stalin believed that the Turkish army had invaded this part of Georgia (then Georgia 1ApH6212DEg-00048-00013663-00013879 was a republic of the Soviet Union). 1ApH6212DEg-00049-00013879-00013979 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00050-00013979-00014347 Turkey, fearing a Soviet attack, sought assistance from the United States. 1ApH6212DEg-00051-00014347-00014980 In 1952, Turkey was welcomed into NATO, and became an active ally of the organization. 1ApH6212DEg-00052-00014980-00015080 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00053-00015080-00015509 Over the next decade or so, Turkey received a great deal of economic and military aid 1ApH6212DEg-00054-00015509-00015941 from the United States, amounting to more than $3 billion. 1ApH6212DEg-00055-00015941-00016404 In return, Turkey allowed the United States to build Incirlik airbase in the city of Adana 1ApH6212DEg-00056-00016404-00016585 to deal with the Soviet Union. 1ApH6212DEg-00057-00016585-00016685 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00058-00016685-00017123 The relationship between the United States and Turkey is mutually beneficial. 1ApH6212DEg-00059-00017123-00017406 The relationship between them seems to be very good. 1ApH6212DEg-00060-00017406-00017506 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00061-00017506-00018009 However, by the 1960s, the relationship between the United States and Turkey began to develop 1ApH6212DEg-00062-00018009-00018133 friction. 1ApH6212DEg-00063-00018133-00018637 The first is Turkey's plan to occupy Cyprus, which is opposed by the US. 1ApH6212DEg-00064-00018637-00019098 The reason is because this island has two military bases of the United Kingdom - a close 1ApH6212DEg-00065-00019098-00019254 ally of the United States. 1ApH6212DEg-00066-00019254-00019354 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00067-00019354-00019762 In addition, most of the island's population has close ties to Greece. 1ApH6212DEg-00068-00019762-00020045 Greece is also a member of NATO. 1ApH6212DEg-00069-00020045-00020484 Despite knowing that, but Turkey has ambitions to control the entire Eastern Mediterranean 1ApH6212DEg-00070-00020484-00020862 region, so Turkey needs Cyprus to establish military bases. 1ApH6212DEg-00071-00020862-00020962 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00072-00020962-00021414 Second, Turkey accuses the United States of using military bases to carry out intelligence 1ApH6212DEg-00073-00021414-00021776 operations to interfere in Turkey's internal affairs. 1ApH6212DEg-00074-00021776-00021968 Thus, suspicions arose. 1ApH6212DEg-00075-00021968-00022068 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00076-00022068-00022526 Third, the United States strongly opposes Turkey's permitting large-scale opium cultivation 1ApH6212DEg-00077-00022526-00022690 and production. 1ApH6212DEg-00078-00022690-00022976 All of the above makes Turkey feel tied up. 1ApH6212DEg-00079-00022976-00023440 Therefore, Turkey gradually turned to be close to the Soviet Union to seek support. 1ApH6212DEg-00080-00023440-00023540 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00081-00023540-00024048 In addition, since Turkey proposed a plan to occupy Cyprus in 1964, the amount of aid 1ApH6212DEg-00082-00024048-00024341 coming from the United States has begun to decline. 1ApH6212DEg-00083-00024341-00024825 Therefore, Turkey had good diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union to find new sources 1ApH6212DEg-00084-00024825-00024925 of aid. 1ApH6212DEg-00085-00024925-00025025 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00086-00025025-00025509 Of course, the Soviet Union was ready to do everything to entice Turkey to leave NATO. 1ApH6212DEg-00087-00025509-00026008 Among them, the Soviet Union built steel, aluminum and oil refineries for Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00088-00026008-00026108 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00089-00026108-00026497 Turkey's relationship with the Soviet Union gradually became so close that Turkey ignored 1ApH6212DEg-00090-00026497-00026689 the interventions of the United States. 1ApH6212DEg-00091-00026689-00026789 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00092-00026789-00027310 In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus and intended to occupy the entire island. 1ApH6212DEg-00093-00027310-00027772 However, the forces of the United Kingdom and the United Nations came to prevent it, 1ApH6212DEg-00094-00027772-00028222 leaving Turkey with only 36% of the northern part of Cyprus. 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00095-00028222-00028668 After this event, the United States issued an arms embargo against Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00096-00028668-00029250 Immediately, the Soviet Union took advantage of the opportunity to draw Turkey to its side. 1ApH6212DEg-00097-00029250-00029677 The Soviet Union increased aid and promoted trade between the two countries. 1ApH6212DEg-00098-00029677-00029777 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00099-00029777-00030181 Although the United States lifted the embargo in 1978, since then there has been mutual 1ApH6212DEg-00100-00030181-00030431 suspicion between the United States and Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00101-00030431-00030531 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00102-00030531-00030998 In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the relationship between Turkey and 1ApH6212DEg-00103-00030998-00031258 Russia was continued and strongly strengthened. 1ApH6212DEg-00104-00031258-00031723 They have become each other's largest trading partners, and Russia is Turkey's main oil 1ApH6212DEg-00105-00031723-00031863 and gas supplier. 1ApH6212DEg-00106-00031863-00031963 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00107-00031963-00032391 Russia also helped Turkey build its first nuclear power plant worth up to $20 billion 1ApH6212DEg-00108-00032391-00032570 at Akkuyu in Mersin province. 1ApH6212DEg-00109-00032570-00032670 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00110-00032670-00033008 While Turkey's relationship with Russia has been strengthening, Turkey's relationship 1ApH6212DEg-00111-00033008-00033325 with the United States has deteriorated in recent times. 1ApH6212DEg-00112-00033325-00033425 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00113-00033425-00033968 In 2016, the US used "Kurdish People's Protection Units" to fight ISIS. 1ApH6212DEg-00114-00033968-00034388 The organization is listed as a terrorist linked to the separatist militant group in 1ApH6212DEg-00115-00034388-00034488 Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00116-00034488-00034755 Therefore, the Turks feel very uncomfortable. 1ApH6212DEg-00117-00034755-00034855 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00118-00034855-00035378 Also in 2016, the failed coup attempt occurred in Turkey, the mastermind is Fethullah Gulen 1ApH6212DEg-00119-00035378-00035754 who has lived in exile in the United States since 1999. 1ApH6212DEg-00120-00035754-00036281 Therefore, Turkey suspects the United States is the force behind its coup d'etat. 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00121-00036281-00036794 Next, the US criticized Turkey's invasion of northern Syria as follows: "Turkey is only 1ApH6212DEg-00122-00036794-00037171 interested in its own interests and forgets the task of fighting terrorism". 1ApH6212DEg-00123-00037171-00037271 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00124-00037271-00037802 Especially in 2017, Turkey signed an agreement to buy the Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile 1ApH6212DEg-00125-00037802-00038151 system worth $2.5 billion. 1ApH6212DEg-00126-00038151-00038613 After this event, NATO members simultaneously voiced criticism because Turkey bought weapons 1ApH6212DEg-00127-00038613-00038752 from NATO's enemies. 1ApH6212DEg-00128-00038752-00038852 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00129-00038852-00039306 And the United States has issued a series of “arms embargoes” against Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00130-00039306-00039690 The agreement has been described by the US press as the clearest sign yet that President 1ApH6212DEg-00131-00039690-00040024 Erdogan is moving closer to Russia and away from NATO. 1ApH6212DEg-00132-00040024-00040124 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00133-00040124-00040564 Not long after, former US president Donald Trump doubled import tariffs on Turkish steel 1ApH6212DEg-00134-00040564-00040727 and aluminum. 1ApH6212DEg-00135-00040727-00041195 Donald Trump also expressed his joy when the Turkish Lira currency fell 40% against the 1ApH6212DEg-00136-00041195-00041295 USD. 1ApH6212DEg-00137-00041295-00041395 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00138-00041395-00041814 There are many other reasons for the deterioration of relations between the US and Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00139-00041814-00041914 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00140-00041914-00042337 However, relations between Russia and Turkey are not entirely good. 1ApH6212DEg-00141-00042337-00042696 There is a lot of disagreement between Russia and Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00142-00042696-00043093 Both countries want to increase their influence in the Middle East and support opposing sides 1ApH6212DEg-00143-00043093-00043269 in the Middle East's civil wars. 1ApH6212DEg-00144-00043269-00043369 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00145-00043369-00043759 In Syria, Russia sided with President Bashar al Assad. 1ApH6212DEg-00146-00043759-00044270 And Turkey joins the United States in supporting the Islamic movements against Bashar al Assad. 1ApH6212DEg-00147-00044270-00044370 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00148-00044370-00044813 After the US forces withdrew, Turkey invaded a part of northern Syria. 1ApH6212DEg-00149-00044813-00045242 Russia could have easily used its air force to repel Turkey, but Russia has decided not 1ApH6212DEg-00150-00045242-00045355 to do so. 1ApH6212DEg-00151-00045355-00045455 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00152-00045455-00045803 Instead, Russia chose to negotiate a truce with Erdogan. 1ApH6212DEg-00153-00045803-00046056 This made the Syrian President very uncomfortable. 1ApH6212DEg-00154-00046056-00046156 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00155-00046156-00046419 The same thing happened in 2020. 1ApH6212DEg-00156-00046419-00046908 Turkish-backed Azerbaijani Muslim forces attacked Armenia in the disputed territory of Nagorno 1ApH6212DEg-00157-00046908-00047053 Karabakh. 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00158-00047053-00047550 Normally, Russia would have sided with its ally Armenia, but Russia did not intervene. 1ApH6212DEg-00159-00047550-00048041 Instead, Putin signed an agreement with Erdogan that would allow Turkey to deploy 2,000 troops 1ApH6212DEg-00160-00048041-00048282 to keep the peace and avoid further war. 1ApH6212DEg-00161-00048282-00048382 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00162-00048382-00048631 The same goes for the civil war in Libya. 1ApH6212DEg-00163-00048631-00049162 Turkey and Russia both support opposing factions, and Russia both seek to reconcile with Turkey. 1ApH6212DEg-00164-00049162-00049262 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00165-00049262-00049600 According to Western scholars, the reason Russia does so is because Putin's foreign 1ApH6212DEg-00166-00049600-00050040 policy always considers NATO as an enemy and a top threat. 1ApH6212DEg-00167-00050040-00050450 Putin finds ways to weaken as well as cause dissension within NATO, including drawing 1ApH6212DEg-00168-00050450-00050625 Turkey to Russia's side. 1ApH6212DEg-00169-00050625-00050725 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00170-00050725-00051309 So, many times, Turkey makes Russia unhappy, but Russia is still patient and ignores it. 1ApH6212DEg-00171-00051309-00051741 For Turkey, both Russia and the West feel that Turkey is like a child who is difficult 1ApH6212DEg-00172-00051741-00052151 to pamper, often causes trouble, but both Russia and the West still have to give in. 1ApH6212DEg-00173-00052151-00052282 1. 1ApH6212DEg-00174-00052282-00052440 Video ends here. 1ApH6212DEg-00175-00052440-00052705 Thank you all for watching and liking it. 1ApH6212DEg-00176-00052705-00053071 If you find the video useful, please give us a like and subscribe to the channel to 1ApH6212DEg-00177-00053071-00053241 support us! 1ApH6212DEg-00178-00053241-00053289 Good bye and see you again. 1DkCAgokHFo-00000-00000064-00000520 hello i'm stacy i'm a gis analyst with the natural capital project 1DkCAgokHFo-00001-00000520-00000832 and i'm glad that you've joined me to learn some techniques 1DkCAgokHFo-00002-00000832-00001424 for working with the geospatial data that is used by the invest ecosystem services modeling toolset 1DkCAgokHFo-00003-00001576-00002304 reminder that the series is not an introduction to gis in general nor an introduction to gis software 1DkCAgokHFo-00004-00002392-00002832 but it does cover specific topics that are useful for working with the invest models 1DkCAgokHFo-00005-00002928-00003328 this episode provides an introduction to working with the biophysical tables 1DkCAgokHFo-00006-00003568-00004152 to get the most out of this tutorial i highly recommend following along in your own gis session 1DkCAgokHFo-00007-00004248-00004888 in this video we will demonstrate techniques in arcgis and we will be working with some sample 1DkCAgokHFo-00008-00004888-00005488 data the web page for this video provides a link to the sample data that we will be using 1DkCAgokHFo-00009-00005584-00005968 so if you haven't already now is a good time to pause this video 1DkCAgokHFo-00010-00006024-00006592 download the sample data unzip it and bring up an arcgis session before continuing 1DkCAgokHFo-00011-00007056-00007559 in this episode we're looking at the biophysical table that most invest models 1DkCAgokHFo-00012-00007559-00008104 require and specifically how that table relates to a land use and land cover map 1DkCAgokHFo-00013-00008192-00008776 many invest models use a land use and land cover map so we will focus on that for this tutorial 1DkCAgokHFo-00014-00008856-00009376 the models that don't use land use have an equivalent input such as habitat which 1DkCAgokHFo-00015-00009376-00010072 is mapped to a table of parameter values and the same principles apply here's a list of just a few 1DkCAgokHFo-00016-00010072-00010720 of the invest models that have biophysical tables linked to a land use map there are others as well 1DkCAgokHFo-00017-00010720-00011392 like the rest of the freshwater models that aren't listed here you can see that this list covers a 1DkCAgokHFo-00018-00011392-00012080 range of services even blue carbon and these land use parameters are very important for modeling 1DkCAgokHFo-00019-00012080-00012624 so it's important to understand how to create these tables to work well with the spatial data 1DkCAgokHFo-00020-00012624-00013224 that they are mapped to now let's go to our gis and start by looking at the land use map 1DkCAgokHFo-00021-00013632-00013984 if you don't already have the sample data in your gis session 1DkCAgokHFo-00022-00014047-00014704 let's navigate to the sample data folder which is called biophysical table data arcgis 1DkCAgokHFo-00023-00014824-00015584 and in here we have a layer lulc esa nepal.tiff bring that into your gis session 1DkCAgokHFo-00024-00015904-00016544 inside arcgis if we right click on this layer we can open the attribute table 1DkCAgokHFo-00025-00016784-00017392 now inside the attribute table we see several columns the one that is most important for this 1DkCAgokHFo-00026-00017392-00018224 purpose is the value field this value field must contain a unique integer code for each land use 1DkCAgokHFo-00027-00018224-00019056 and line cover class in your map in this case we can see that a value of 10 corresponds to rain fed 1DkCAgokHFo-00028-00019056-00019976 cropland a value of 11 corresponds to herbaceous cover and so now on way the model works is to do a 1DkCAgokHFo-00029-00019976-00020720 table join between this raster and the biophysical table based on the raster's value column 1DkCAgokHFo-00030-00020832-00021448 then it assigns values from the biophysical table to the raster's land use classes so 1DkCAgokHFo-00031-00021448-00022072 that it can use those values in subsequent modeling calculations because of this every 1DkCAgokHFo-00032-00022072-00022672 one of these integer values must have an entry in the model's biophysical table or the model will 1DkCAgokHFo-00033-00022672-00023256 produce an error so let's see how to create the biophysical table to include everything you need 1DkCAgokHFo-00034-00023424-00024064 what i typically do is export the land cover raster's attribute table then edit it in excel 1DkCAgokHFo-00035-00024144-00024688 there are other ways to do this but i'm just going to show you one method that i typically use 1DkCAgokHFo-00036-00024800-00025384 now to export the raster attribute table we can click on the icon in the upper left hand corner 1DkCAgokHFo-00037-00025504-00025695 and go down to export 1DkCAgokHFo-00038-00026120-00026495 the export data window will appear and at the top 1DkCAgokHFo-00039-00026495-00026824 we want to make sure that we are exporting all records 1DkCAgokHFo-00040-00027127-00027824 then we can navigate to where we want to save the table i'm going to save mine to the same 1DkCAgokHFo-00041-00027824-00028504 folder where i have this tutorial sample data which is biophysical table data arcgis 1DkCAgokHFo-00042-00028712-00028792 now at the bottom 1DkCAgokHFo-00043-00028864-00029624 it's important to go down and change the type of file this is and we're going to select text file 1DkCAgokHFo-00044-00029888-00030456 and then we're going to type in the name of the table which i'm going to call biophysical table 1DkCAgokHFo-00045-00030983-00031272 nepal.csv 1DkCAgokHFo-00046-00031336-00031752 so i'm going to call this biophysical table nepal.csv 1DkCAgokHFo-00047-00031992-00032680 note that i am giving the file a dot csv extension this stands for comma separated value 1DkCAgokHFo-00048-00032736-00033160 and is a type of table that is supported by many spreadsheet programs 1DkCAgokHFo-00049-00033160-00033520 and it is the table format that is used by invest 1DkCAgokHFo-00050-00033728-00034416 right now we can click save and then we click ok it will save the table for us 1DkCAgokHFo-00051-00034496-00035088 and when it asks if you want to add the new table to your map you could say no because 1DkCAgokHFo-00052-00035088-00035744 personally i find it much easier to edit tables in excel rather than within arcgis so we will 1DkCAgokHFo-00053-00035744-00036344 open this table in excel next now you may use a different spreadsheet program instead 1DkCAgokHFo-00054-00036344-00036888 that's totally fine we won't be doing anything complicated and it should be easy to follow along 1DkCAgokHFo-00055-00037104-00037336 now back to our operating system window 1DkCAgokHFo-00056-00037472-00038168 we should see our biophysical table csv and let's open it up in your spreadsheet program 1DkCAgokHFo-00057-00038496-00039120 we can see that this table contains all of the columns from this the raster most importantly 1DkCAgokHFo-00058-00039120-00039744 including this value column in order to use this table in an invest model we must make 1DkCAgokHFo-00059-00039744-00040456 sure that this table has all of the columns that are required for the model the invest user guide 1DkCAgokHFo-00060-00040456-00040992 describes the requirements for each model so let's do an example using the sediment 1DkCAgokHFo-00061-00040992-00041648 or sdr model and open its user guide page in this video's web page you'll see a link that 1DkCAgokHFo-00062-00041648-00042184 goes directly to the sdr data needs section of the user guide and you can click on that link 1DkCAgokHFo-00063-00042480-00042856 each model's chapter of the user guide has a data needs section 1DkCAgokHFo-00064-00042920-00043472 and this describes all of the inputs for the model what formats required and their units 1DkCAgokHFo-00065-00043560-00044176 as well as any special formatting or naming conventions when using a new model it is totally 1DkCAgokHFo-00066-00044176-00044864 critical to consult the data needs section in order to understand what is required now we also 1DkCAgokHFo-00067-00044864-00045512 provide sample data for each model and that gives you an example and a template from formatting your 1DkCAgokHFo-00068-00045512-00046080 own data and i highly recommend also checking out the sample data when you're learning a new model 1DkCAgokHFo-00069-00046256-00046816 now in this data needs section first let's look at the land use and land cover entry 1DkCAgokHFo-00070-00047088-00047872 this landison land cover entry emphasizes that all values in this raster must have corresponding 1DkCAgokHFo-00071-00047872-00048616 entries in the biophysical table so let's see what's required in the biophysical table for sdr 1DkCAgokHFo-00072-00048952-00049744 the biophysical table entry says that this is a dot csv table and it again emphasizes that 1DkCAgokHFo-00073-00049744-00050408 all lulc classes in the lulc raster must have corresponding values in this table 1DkCAgokHFo-00074-00050544-00051216 now each row in the table corresponds to one land cover class and there are three required columns 1DkCAgokHFo-00075-00051216-00051944 that are listed here the first one is lu code okay this is the column that contains all of the 1DkCAgokHFo-00076-00051944-00052624 unique integer land cover classes that are in your land cover raster so these will correspond to the 1DkCAgokHFo-00077-00052624-00053655 value column in the raster the other two required columns are uslec and uslep and both of these are 1DkCAgokHFo-00078-00053655-00054440 floating point values between 0 and 1. without going into any detail about the sdr model itself 1DkCAgokHFo-00079-00054512-00055152 these are sediment related factors that are assigned to each landcover class each invest 1DkCAgokHFo-00080-00055152-00055767 model will have its own specific parameters that are required these are just for sdr 1DkCAgokHFo-00081-00056008-00056416 so now that we know that the table must have three columns and they must be named 1DkCAgokHFo-00082-00056416-00057216 l-u-l-u code uslec and uslep now your table may have additional columns 1DkCAgokHFo-00083-00057216-00057688 and invest will just ignore them so let's go back to our table in excel 1DkCAgokHFo-00084-00057936-00058624 since the value column corresponds to the lu's code column for invest we can 1DkCAgokHFo-00085-00058624-00059200 simply change the name of this column from value to lu code so let's do that 1DkCAgokHFo-00086-00059567-00060184 now we must add two new columns uslec and uslep 1DkCAgokHFo-00087-00060336-00061104 for the model to run successfully every row in the table must have a valid value for both uslec 1DkCAgokHFo-00088-00061104-00061855 and uslep okay right now we're not concerned about the values themselves just formatting the table 1DkCAgokHFo-00089-00061920-00062864 so we're going to make a column called u s l e underscore c and another one u s l e underscore p 1DkCAgokHFo-00090-00063191-00063904 as the user guide said the values must be floating point between 0 and 1. for now 1DkCAgokHFo-00091-00063976-00065048 let's just do an easy thing of assigning a value of 0.5 to all of the land cover classes for uslec 1DkCAgokHFo-00092-00065208-00065984 and we'll assign a value of 1 to all of the land cover classes for uslep 1DkCAgokHFo-00093-00066088-00066720 so now we see that every one of these land cover classes every one of these rows has a value for 1DkCAgokHFo-00094-00066720-00067552 both uslec and uslep and i'll emphasize that these values are not what you would use in an 1DkCAgokHFo-00095-00067552-00068160 actual analysis these are only for the purposes of this tutorial when you're doing your own 1DkCAgokHFo-00096-00068160-00068800 analysis you will be doing a literature search to find the best value for each individual length 1DkCAgokHFo-00097-00068800-00069568 cover class in your study area and this can be a very time consuming process but it is important 1DkCAgokHFo-00098-00069656-00070224 since the models are typically quite sensitive to the parameters in the biophysical table 1DkCAgokHFo-00099-00070224-00070528 right but these are just bogus values that we'll use for now 1DkCAgokHFo-00100-00070720-00071720 now we need to save this table with our edits and to do this we'll go on to uh file and then save as 1DkCAgokHFo-00101-00072456-00073528 now up here we will see the type of file by default on my screen it is listed as csv 1DkCAgokHFo-00102-00073528-00074104 comma delineated and this is correct this is the type of file that we want to use 1DkCAgokHFo-00103-00074208-00074928 now if we click on the drop down you'll see that there are other csv types but i do not recommend 1DkCAgokHFo-00104-00074928-00075632 using them right because some of them can cause an error in invest the one that i recommend 1DkCAgokHFo-00105-00075632-00076312 that you use is csv comma delimited and if your screen is like mine that will be there by default 1DkCAgokHFo-00106-00076552-00077184 now we can click the save button 1DkCAgokHFo-00107-00077528-00077888 the table we just created should work fine in invest 1DkCAgokHFo-00108-00077888-00078440 but what if it doesn't it's very common to get errors that are related to the biophysical table 1DkCAgokHFo-00109-00078440-00078720 so let's look at some of them and how to troubleshoot them 1DkCAgokHFo-00110-00079040-00079680 the most common errors happen because there are integer values in the land cover raster 1DkCAgokHFo-00111-00079680-00080208 that are not included in the biophysical table the model will determine this while 1DkCAgokHFo-00112-00080208-00080784 it's running and you will get an error message like you see here now this error 1DkCAgokHFo-00113-00080784-00081504 is very helpful in telling you what went wrong in this example invest found that the values 1DkCAgokHFo-00114-00081504-00082280 10 20 and 40 are present in the land cover rascard but they are not present in the biophysical table 1DkCAgokHFo-00115-00082392-00082952 so if you get an error like this you'll need to go back and edit your biophysical table 1DkCAgokHFo-00116-00082952-00083504 to add entries for values 10 20 and 40 and then try running the model again 1DkCAgokHFo-00117-00083680-00084352 now if your biophysical table is missing a required field like lu code or uslep 1DkCAgokHFo-00118-00084432-00084848 invest will give you an error when you enter the table into the user interface 1DkCAgokHFo-00119-00084952-00085688 if this happens you will see red x's next to the biophysical table as well as in the run button 1DkCAgokHFo-00120-00085688-00086320 like you see here and when you click on the red x there is a message telling you which required 1DkCAgokHFo-00121-00086320-00086984 field is missing if this happens you'll need to edit the biophysical table to add this field 1DkCAgokHFo-00122-00087040-00087528 and populate it with values for every land cover class and then try running the model again 1DkCAgokHFo-00123-00087664-00088272 okay that's enough for this session you might want to save your arcgis session so you can keep using 1DkCAgokHFo-00124-00088272-00088904 it for later episodes if you have any questions or comments about this episode we'd love to hear from 1DkCAgokHFo-00125-00088904-00089512 you on our community forum there's a link to the forum in this video's webpage where you can search 1DkCAgokHFo-00126-00089512-00090232 for previous posts and create a new post under the category of training i and other techies at 1DkCAgokHFo-00127-00090232-00090880 nightcap will see your post and we will respond as soon as we can thanks for following along 1EEsxNQHGw0-00000-00000000-00000408 well thank you brian and good morning from the u.s regardless of where you're at around the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00001-00000408-00001032 world it's a real pleasure to be participating in this hyper ledger event um as you heard from 1EEsxNQHGw0-00002-00001032-00001584 the introduction i work at the fda but i spent most of my career in the private sector and i've 1EEsxNQHGw0-00003-00001584-00002136 been with fda for a couple of years now what i was hoping to do today is talk about fda's new 1EEsxNQHGw0-00004-00002136-00002640 era of smarter food safety and the role that new emerging technologies such as 1EEsxNQHGw0-00005-00002640-00003240 distributed ledger technology will play in that uh right at the outset you might be saying well 1EEsxNQHGw0-00006-00003240-00003760 why is there a public health food guy at a hyperledger event uh well number one i would 1EEsxNQHGw0-00007-00003760-00004208 say we have more in common than you think if i were to ask the question how many of you eat food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00008-00004280-00004824 if we were in a live audience all of you would raise your hand and number two i've long 1EEsxNQHGw0-00009-00004824-00005328 recognized the important role that distributed ledger technology and blockchain can play because 1EEsxNQHGw0-00010-00005328-00005904 of work that i did in the private sector but let me begin with this premise and i think you 1EEsxNQHGw0-00011-00005904-00006416 heard a lot of it already this morning uh the world around us is changing pretty rapidly we've 1EEsxNQHGw0-00012-00006416-00006904 heard this quote that never before has the rate of change been this fast and never again will 1EEsxNQHGw0-00013-00006904-00007431 be this slow again well that's true for food too you think about the food system it's been changing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00014-00007431-00007944 from the beginning of time at the beginning of time humans were hunter and gathers they then 1EEsxNQHGw0-00015-00007944-00008440 started domestically plants and animals we had the industrial farming revolution in the early 1EEsxNQHGw0-00016-00008440-00009008 1900s and around the 1980s when i was going to the grocery store with mom and dad there were about 1EEsxNQHGw0-00017-00009080-00009656 15 000 food skis different food products how many do you think there were at the turn of the century 1EEsxNQHGw0-00018-00009864-00010368 there were close to 50 000 different food items and where are we going we're really 1EEsxNQHGw0-00019-00010368-00010800 going to the place where the food system will be an endless shelf where consumers can go 1EEsxNQHGw0-00020-00010864-00011512 online or to their favorite grocery store whether it's a brick and mortar or romney channel and get 1EEsxNQHGw0-00021-00011512-00011920 anything that they want from anywhere around the world at any time granted the pandemic has 1EEsxNQHGw0-00022-00011920-00012448 presented challenges but we'll get through the pandemic and i believe that supply chains will be 1EEsxNQHGw0-00023-00012448-00012888 stronger and more resilient than ever the other thing that we realized the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00024-00012888-00013544 food system is changing the reality is as we speak we're seeing foods being reformulated 1EEsxNQHGw0-00025-00013600-00014119 we see new foods being realized whether it's cell culture plant-based foods or gene-edited foods 1EEsxNQHGw0-00026-00014119-00014552 and we're seeing a lot of change i believe we're literally in the midst of the food revolution 1EEsxNQHGw0-00027-00014608-00015040 and to succeed in these modern times it's the fda's opinion and many 1EEsxNQHGw0-00028-00015136-00015712 in the food industry's opinion that we need more modern approaches it's time to leverage and so 1EEsxNQHGw0-00029-00015712-00016400 at fda we've created a long tenure view of how we want to modernize the work that we do overseeing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00030-00016456-00017104 food for the nation and we're calling it a new era of smarter food safety which will continue to be 1EEsxNQHGw0-00031-00017104-00017744 ruled and law based but increasingly technology enabled now i'm going to give you two examples of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00032-00017744-00018272 the few minutes that we have together today of real work that the agency is doing using 1EEsxNQHGw0-00033-00018272-00018744 new and emerging technologies one is distributed ledger technology of watching 1EEsxNQHGw0-00034-00018744-00019152 i always like to emphasize as a public health guide for me it's never about the technology 1EEsxNQHGw0-00035-00019152-00019592 it's really about what is the public health or business challenge that we're trying to solve 1EEsxNQHGw0-00036-00019696-00020296 and when it comes to distributed ledger technology it's this the reality is even the biggest of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00037-00020296-00020936 companies don't really have a lot of visibility into how food they buy gets produced transported 1EEsxNQHGw0-00038-00020936-00021400 and ultimately ends up on their shelves it's pretty difficult because we have a very 1EEsxNQHGw0-00039-00021400-00021968 large distributed and decentralized food system in fact oftentimes people talk about the food system 1EEsxNQHGw0-00040-00021968-00022616 as a food chain and i try not to do that because it's not linear in fashion at all in fact as i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00041-00022616-00023104 learned and studied about blockchain i thought you know the way the food system is created very 1EEsxNQHGw0-00042-00023104-00023736 decentralized and distributed it models blockchain technology and that's where i became interested 1EEsxNQHGw0-00043-00023800-00024416 we've all seen food scares were because we would have an inability to track and trace foods quickly 1EEsxNQHGw0-00044-00024416-00025056 it results in for example consumer advisories where the fda or cdc might say don't eat any 1EEsxNQHGw0-00045-00025120-00025504 product until we find the source of the outbreak and sometimes it can take 1EEsxNQHGw0-00046-00025504-00026088 weeks for us to do that when i was in the private sector i did a proof of concept to illustrate why 1EEsxNQHGw0-00047-00026088-00026632 i think the power of blockchain is so great some of you may have heard it i call it the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00048-00026632-00027072 life story of a mango but we took a mango that has a very complicated life journey 1EEsxNQHGw0-00049-00027144-00027616 for maturing on trees then getting picked from farm crews going to packing house then 1EEsxNQHGw0-00050-00027616-00028039 getting shipped by airlander seat to the united states and by the time it arrives at the u.s 1EEsxNQHGw0-00051-00028160-00028680 process i wanted to see if we could trace those mangles back to source when i was working at a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00052-00028680-00029504 very large global retailer and it took that retailer six days 18 hours and 26 minutes to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00053-00029504-00030032 trace that package of sliced mangoes that you see at the bottom of that slide back to source 1EEsxNQHGw0-00054-00030032-00030480 almost seven days now that's pretty good because they had pretty sophisticated supply chains 1EEsxNQHGw0-00055-00030536-00031120 we then did a proof of concept where we started to work with a major technology provider and small 1EEsxNQHGw0-00056-00031176-00031864 farmers and growers in central and south america uh scanned a package of mangoes after we were 1EEsxNQHGw0-00057-00031864-00032376 collecting that data on blockchain and we were able to trace those mangoes back to source in 2.2 1EEsxNQHGw0-00058-00032376-00033240 seconds that's food traceability at the speed of thought now at the fda we understand that scaling 1EEsxNQHGw0-00059-00033240-00033784 food traceability solutions is not going to be easy but uh last year we issued a proposed rule 1EEsxNQHGw0-00060-00033856-00034512 and we are on track to issue a final rule for food traceability next year key components of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00061-00034512-00034968 that rule are defining what we call the key data elements what are the date elements that need to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00062-00034968-00035496 be tracked for food such as where the food was produced or used by date or a lot code 1EEsxNQHGw0-00063-00035552-00036072 as well as critical tracking events what are the types of changes that need to be tracked whether 1EEsxNQHGw0-00064-00036072-00036696 a food is harvested and whether it's processed and so we believe this food traceability will 1EEsxNQHGw0-00065-00036768-00037336 is the foundation for us to allow a new future of tech enabled food traceability 1EEsxNQHGw0-00066-00037464-00038032 let me give you another example we're leveraging technology for this new era of smarter food safety 1EEsxNQHGw0-00067-00038032-00038520 and that's one using artificial intelligence again it's not about ai it's about the business 1EEsxNQHGw0-00068-00038520-00039112 problem that we're trying to solve if you pause to think about it americans eat foods from all 1EEsxNQHGw0-00069-00039112-00039672 around the world it is a global food system in some categories it's fairly low but another is 1EEsxNQHGw0-00070-00039672-00040320 extremely high a good example is seafood about 94 of the seafood americans consume comes from abroad 1EEsxNQHGw0-00071-00040320-00040784 that's literally tens of millions of shipment lines of imports coming into the united states 1EEsxNQHGw0-00072-00040784-00041544 every year tens of thousands of different food skus and so uh 300 different ports i can tell 1EEsxNQHGw0-00073-00041544-00042224 you it's a challenge and you can imagine for data scientists like some of you listening and today 1EEsxNQHGw0-00074-00042224-00042736 it also represents opportunities so we did a proof of concept last year where we took our 1EEsxNQHGw0-00075-00042736-00043536 existing overlaid it with ai and machine learning functionality two years of retrospective seafood 1EEsxNQHGw0-00076-00043536-00043952 shipments and we wanted to see if that would increase our predictive capabilities of finding 1EEsxNQHGw0-00077-00043952-00044504 which containers of the tens of millions that come across our shores every year might have violated 1EEsxNQHGw0-00078-00044504-00045080 products and lo and behold our proof of concept was very very successful and we are now launching 1EEsxNQHGw0-00079-00045080-00045888 into a pilot and we're testing the technology our ai function in the field uh let let me close with 1EEsxNQHGw0-00080-00045888-00046568 this idea because i think the last speaker did a pretty good job of saying really it's not about 1EEsxNQHGw0-00081-00046568-00047184 distributed ledger technology alone it really is about a different future and i like to say 1EEsxNQHGw0-00082-00047184-00047648 i think distributed ledger technology is going to be a game changer longer term 1EEsxNQHGw0-00083-00047752-00048496 on how companies do compliance how regulatory agencies uh do oversight and i have to say it's 1EEsxNQHGw0-00084-00048496-00049008 going to change the compliance paradigm if you pause to think about it let me describe in the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00085-00049008-00049624 20th century whether you you work in the public or private sector compliance was largely driven 1EEsxNQHGw0-00086-00049624-00050400 through writing rules regulations and standards for two things facilities and the assets that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00087-00050400-00050944 those facilities produce in my case food and so we would write rules and good manufacturing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00088-00050944-00051488 practices for facilities we would write standards of identity or specifications for food products 1EEsxNQHGw0-00089-00051488-00052160 assets and the way compliance was checked you send inspectors in to do inspections of a facility 1EEsxNQHGw0-00090-00052160-00052648 you might pull samples of a food product and test it to see if it meets standards or specifications 1EEsxNQHGw0-00091-00052704-00053240 but we are changing and this is where i'm so excited about the future of compliance and food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00092-00053240-00053936 safety oversight to a world where we no longer have to rely on rules that are paper written 1EEsxNQHGw0-00093-00053991-00054591 and inspections or tests that are very infrequent to a world with the ability to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00094-00054591-00055216 give facilities and foods both assets a digital footprint or a voice you can see through things 1EEsxNQHGw0-00095-00055216-00055904 like sensor technology iot leveraging machine learning and blockchain as a trusted platform 1EEsxNQHGw0-00096-00055904-00056512 where we can now not only track and trace those assets but monitor them in real time and so 1EEsxNQHGw0-00097-00056512-00057072 that's what i think the future looks like and so in the 10 minutes i had with you i wanted to share 1EEsxNQHGw0-00098-00057072-00057728 some real world examples where usfda is looking at leveraging technology to modernize the way we do 1EEsxNQHGw0-00099-00057800-00058416 compliance or food safety oversight it's not unique to the public sector the private sector 1EEsxNQHGw0-00100-00058416-00058952 is taking this approach and i wanted to end on this note that i think the future is it was really 1EEsxNQHGw0-00101-00058952-00059528 bright i would also say that just having lived through the global pandemic we know that the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00102-00059528-00060352 virus that causes covid19 is not transmitted by food nor food packaging but it did challenge the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00103-00060352-00060960 food system uh because worker illnesses and supply chain continuity are two sides of the same coin 1EEsxNQHGw0-00104-00061016-00061632 and uh what we've seen is that uh technologies such as distributed ledger technology we believe 1EEsxNQHGw0-00105-00061688-00062304 could play a role in creating a 21st century food system that is stronger and more resilient that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00106-00062304-00062800 will be good not only in the course of normal times but certainly in the time of crisis and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00107-00062800-00063472 so with that uh we look for your questions and engaging with you more importantly this idea that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00108-00063472-00064088 together we can create a digital more traceable and safer food system that's better for consumers 1EEsxNQHGw0-00109-00064088-00064872 thanks brian thank you frank i i really agree to see the work that you're doing and and the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00110-00064872-00065264 thinking you're bringing to uh to the to the federal government which i'm sure has 1EEsxNQHGw0-00111-00065264-00065736 ripple effects elsewhere as well um and we've been engaging since you worked for that certain large 1EEsxNQHGw0-00112-00065736-00066352 retailer um uh and uh uh obviously this is work that's that's that's been building up for years 1EEsxNQHGw0-00113-00066352-00066856 um and you've worked now both uh in the private sector setting as well as in the public sector 1EEsxNQHGw0-00114-00066856-00067432 on food traceability on on dlt and and other other technologies what what's the right role 1EEsxNQHGw0-00115-00067432-00068056 for government to play uh what role do you see it playing um uh in an enterprise blockchain network 1EEsxNQHGw0-00116-00068056-00068536 um you know like do you see them as uh kind of letting the private sector sort it out and being 1EEsxNQHGw0-00117-00068536-00068944 kind of out here and just saying okay these reports perhaps maybe they're more auditable 1EEsxNQHGw0-00118-00068944-00069464 or do you think they might actually run nodes on these production networks and participate in the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00119-00069464-00070000 transactions on the network it's a great question brian you know i like to tell a story before i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00120-00070000-00070464 joined yesterday i was working at the world's largest retailer and i remember being on the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00121-00070464-00071032 hill uh at a hearing with congress where they're asking questions about [ __ ] technology and they 1EEsxNQHGw0-00122-00071032-00071496 asked that same question and i remember three years ago not that long ago i said hey listen 1EEsxNQHGw0-00123-00071576-00072112 telling political leaders stay out of this let the innovation happen don't stifle it don't slow it 1EEsxNQHGw0-00124-00072112-00072496 down but i can tell you now that i find myself on the other side of the fence i have a very 1EEsxNQHGw0-00125-00072496-00073064 different answer i do think there's a role for the public sector right now as you can see at least 1EEsxNQHGw0-00126-00073064-00073648 on food traceability where the agency has started is writing a rule but what are the types of foods 1EEsxNQHGw0-00127-00073648-00074160 that require better food traceability what are the key data elements that are important uh and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00128-00074160-00074936 what are the tracking events i think longer term as these distributed ledger ecosystems evolve uh i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00129-00074936-00075512 think longer term first let's get let's let's make it scale and let's get better tracking and tracing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00130-00075512-00076216 of foods but longer term i do see government playing a role in a distributed model of trust 1EEsxNQHGw0-00131-00076288-00076952 where you have nodes that could be run by public sector entities nodes that are run by academic 1EEsxNQHGw0-00132-00077008-00077696 institutions and roles run by the private sector ecosystems and so i think a distributed model of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00133-00077696-00078168 trust like that is really important for the 21st century i like to say if you think about the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00134-00078168-00078632 financial prices that occurred you know now almost greater than a decade ago if you think about 1EEsxNQHGw0-00135-00078816-00079432 political scandals if you think about e coli and remain lettuce they all have the same thing in 1EEsxNQHGw0-00136-00079432-00080104 common which is a lack of consumer trust trust us and so the idea that we could create these 1EEsxNQHGw0-00137-00080104-00080568 digital ecosystems where they're distributed models of government being involved in them 1EEsxNQHGw0-00138-00080568-00081016 as well as other institutions i think probably what society is going to toilet in the future 1EEsxNQHGw0-00139-00081120-00081544 do you think there's ways that these networks i mean we talked touched a little bit on in my 1EEsxNQHGw0-00140-00081544-00082024 intro on the ways people were starting to deploy them but what what do you think from what you 1EEsxNQHGw0-00141-00082024-00082408 have learned about uh actually before i ask that question let me just emphasize for the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00142-00082408-00083032 uh folks watching this uh through hop in please feel free to submit some questions i i uh for 1EEsxNQHGw0-00143-00083032-00083488 uh that will will cherry pick the better ones and and bring them up before the uh the the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00144-00083488-00084008 half hour mark um but if you have questions for frank please feel free i'll try to monitor those 1EEsxNQHGw0-00145-00084008-00084592 questions uh it'd be great to have have that as a part of this um but before we dive into that i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00146-00084592-00085152 uh what do you think from your work with food safety uh you've seen as things that you know 1EEsxNQHGw0-00147-00085152-00085624 we could have done better or perhaps we started to do a little bit but should have done a lot more i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00148-00085624-00086232 i in the response to the pandemic um uh and and maybe just thinking about if we ever i mean knock 1EEsxNQHGw0-00149-00086232-00086696 on wood heaven forbid like had a resurgence or add another one of these what what might help us 1EEsxNQHGw0-00150-00086696-00087168 be in a better position to respond to that from a from a supply chain traceability point of view 1EEsxNQHGw0-00151-00087264-00087704 yeah it's another good question you know i've been working on food for a long long time now and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00152-00087760-00088192 i like to say that just experienced with the pandemic while the virus wasn't transmitted by 1EEsxNQHGw0-00153-00088192-00088616 food by and it was the biggest test we've seen on the food system in 100 years there's no question 1EEsxNQHGw0-00154-00088616-00089192 about it in the early days of the pandemic as you know we were asking consumers to shelter in place 1EEsxNQHGw0-00155-00089256-00089728 and before they did that they were running the grocery stores and buying products and hoarding 1EEsxNQHGw0-00156-00089728-00090136 and we had the equivalent of what i call seven thanksgiving holidays all in a row so we had out 1EEsxNQHGw0-00157-00090136-00090784 of stocks early on and then uh we started shutting down as you know institutions that produce food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00158-00090784-00091328 whether they were restaurants or hotels or theme parks and so shortly thereafter we saw supply 1EEsxNQHGw0-00159-00091328-00091880 chain imbalances with food that was held up in those types of institutions not making its way to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00160-00091880-00092240 retail and it wasn't that we didn't have enough food we just had supply chain imbalances some 1EEsxNQHGw0-00161-00092240-00092952 logistical issues and so what's become very clear is that for the 21st century those supply chains 1EEsxNQHGw0-00162-00092952-00093600 that were digitized they could share information and were a little bit more nimble uh behaved and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00163-00093600-00094120 got through it a little bit better so i think the lesson learned for me is that digitalization of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00164-00094120-00094632 food and we know brian there's a reason why food has lagged compared to other supply chains margins 1EEsxNQHGw0-00165-00094704-00095272 but i think this idea of digitizing food and how it can strengthen the food system is an idea whose 1EEsxNQHGw0-00166-00095272-00095848 time has come because we needed to have greater visibility of where food was and where were the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00167-00095848-00096456 bottlenecks and we needed to share information more rapidly and the fact that we weren't as 1EEsxNQHGw0-00168-00096456-00097152 digital and as collaborative as we can be as such through a distributed decentralized ecosystem uh i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00169-00097152-00097648 think you know looking back some of us predict hey that would have helped us get the pandemic better 1EEsxNQHGw0-00170-00097648-00098176 but i this idea is not only good for as i said a time of crisis i think it's good for normal times 1EEsxNQHGw0-00171-00098176-00098680 you know the ability to optimize supply chains make them more sustainable to make them safer 1EEsxNQHGw0-00172-00098752-00099296 yeah and while so much of the focus is on farm to table and trying to source food from as close to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00173-00099296-00099888 you as you can which is great i i raise chickens and i i eat the eggs for my chickens uh whenever 1EEsxNQHGw0-00174-00099888-00100576 i can um i obviously food networks are global these days um in what way do you and yourself 1EEsxNQHGw0-00175-00100576-00101080 work with your peers and other uh governments around the world uh and coordinate on on this 1EEsxNQHGw0-00176-00101080-00101608 topic of blockchain technology are you sensing some receptivity from other governments to to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00177-00101608-00102144 join in do you think these networks become global networks that that that governments join as peers 1EEsxNQHGw0-00178-00102240-00102856 yeah i i do so we collaborate with our counterparts in other nations quite regularly 1EEsxNQHGw0-00179-00102856-00103383 uh and some of them for example have already done uh pilots using distributed ledger technology from 1EEsxNQHGw0-00180-00103383-00104008 traceabilities the uk fsa is a good example uh we regularly talk with our neighbors to the north and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00181-00104008-00104759 to the south and all over the world um my feeling is that this idea of because of the new tools that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00182-00104759-00105183 we have today where we no longer have to track goods on paper one step up and one step back 1EEsxNQHGw0-00183-00105280-00105768 everybody's interested in better tracking of assets such as food i think there's a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00184-00105768-00106224 realization that distributed ledger technology as i mentioned because some of the features have 1EEsxNQHGw0-00185-00106224-00106904 been decentralized and distributed you know concepts of the democratizing information and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00186-00106904-00107520 consensus all of that makes it very attractive and nations around the world are interested in it i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00187-00107520-00108096 think it begins with laying the foundation the data elements uh the tracking events 1EEsxNQHGw0-00188-00108159-00108735 and i think distributed ledger technology would be a natural leader because when you have such a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00189-00108735-00109352 large food system it is enormous sometimes people come talk to me about distribution systems and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00190-00109352-00109832 we all know they're interested in blockchain but they're very simple when you compare them to food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00191-00109832-00110359 food system is enormous and it will continue to be large and distributed decentralized so i think 1EEsxNQHGw0-00192-00110359-00110904 um we're going to see it pick up i suspect that we're going to see food traceability legislation 1EEsxNQHGw0-00193-00110904-00111456 increase around the world and the the way people comply will increasingly be through digital 1EEsxNQHGw0-00194-00111456-00112128 technologies and i think blockchain will probably be ahead of that actually that that uh ties into 1EEsxNQHGw0-00195-00112128-00112600 a question asked by chris gabriel uh let me just read that thanks for the great presentation frank 1EEsxNQHGw0-00196-00112600-00113176 will the fda will this is these are his words will the fda rule be general in nature regarding 1EEsxNQHGw0-00197-00113176-00113672 traceability or will it actually mandate the use of specific technologies like blockchain do you 1EEsxNQHGw0-00198-00113672-00114224 think do you think it'll get that that particular yeah you know i i think it's it's a matter of time 1EEsxNQHGw0-00199-00114224-00114688 the rule that we've the proposed rule that we've written was given to us by congress 1EEsxNQHGw0-00200-00114688-00115311 so congress specifically said that we were not to mandate any type of digital technology or 1EEsxNQHGw0-00201-00115311-00115880 any single type of technology but i do feel just defining those data elements is really critical 1EEsxNQHGw0-00202-00115935-00116511 because you've heard a lot today talking about interoperability i i sit back and say hey i've 1EEsxNQHGw0-00203-00116511-00116944 been chasing this holy grail of food traceability for 30 years i think we're closer than ever before 1EEsxNQHGw0-00204-00117016-00117432 but why hasn't it failed ryan and i think there's a couple of things one is we didn't have the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00205-00117432-00117952 digital technologies a centralized database you're never going to get a large global food system in 1EEsxNQHGw0-00206-00117952-00118432 a centralized database it's just not going to happen and so that's why i'm so interested in 1EEsxNQHGw0-00207-00118432-00118952 distributed larger technology standards people were doing food traceability different ways and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00208-00118952-00119568 so we've created standards i think but there's other challenges now too as you heard you know 1EEsxNQHGw0-00209-00119568-00120064 today is i think uh governance models are going to be critical because we're going to see various 1EEsxNQHGw0-00210-00120135-00120759 ecosystems i think previously there's two of them as islands uh and i also think believe it or not 1EEsxNQHGw0-00211-00120759-00121232 i hope that in this conference you guys spend a lot of time talking about it is data sharing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00212-00121296-00121680 you know we know with blockchain networks you can permission but let me tell you i still see 1EEsxNQHGw0-00213-00121800-00122264 and since i've been in the public sector i see this is a bigger challenge now than when i was 1EEsxNQHGw0-00214-00122264-00122808 in the private sector where a big retailer could demand suppliers to share information 1EEsxNQHGw0-00215-00122888-00123232 i think sharing of data is still a hurdle that we have to get through 1EEsxNQHGw0-00216-00123232-00123735 so the take-home message is we won't at least at this juncture mandate any particular 1EEsxNQHGw0-00217-00123735-00124135 technology but i think there's some hurdles and i think some of the hurdles are not 1EEsxNQHGw0-00218-00124135-00124783 the hard stuff the tech component i think it's the soft stuff it's the human element the work 1EEsxNQHGw0-00219-00124911-00125392 i'll provide another data point in this though which is uh in india a couple years ago the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00220-00125392-00126088 telecom regulators i issued a rule around um uh tracking of spam preferences for mobile phone 1EEsxNQHGw0-00221-00126192-00126840 users they wanted a decentralized system so in the regulation they actually specified a blockchain 1EEsxNQHGw0-00222-00126840-00127416 system must be implemented for tracking of individual preferences in a way that was portable 1EEsxNQHGw0-00223-00127416-00127944 between the the major carriers they went ahead and built this uh in fact we've got uh uh some a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00224-00127944-00128456 presentation on it later later in this conference um the different uh major telcos work together 1EEsxNQHGw0-00225-00128456-00128959 on a decentralized network built on hyperledger fabric and they've been in production now and it's 1EEsxNQHGw0-00226-00128959-00129488 kind of remarkable um you know sometimes i'm never a fan of like being specific about technology and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00227-00129488-00129920 regulation because usually that works against the interest of innovation but i think in some ways 1EEsxNQHGw0-00228-00129920-00130504 that can that can accelerate it um you mentioned quite a bit uh uh the importance of open standards 1EEsxNQHGw0-00229-00130504-00130983 as part of this kind of international cooperation and cooperation with industry what role do you 1EEsxNQHGw0-00230-00130983-00131512 think open source software plays in that in fostering that development and harmonizing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00231-00131512-00131968 these operations i mean i know government interest and adoption of open source software has increased 1EEsxNQHGw0-00232-00132040-00132480 over there over the years uh uh but uh how much of it is in front of mine for 1EEsxNQHGw0-00233-00132480-00132888 the regulators in this space and people thinking about how infrastructure gets built 1EEsxNQHGw0-00234-00132888-00133264 yeah for me it's really critical right now and especially when you think about 1EEsxNQHGw0-00235-00133264-00133728 infrastructure being built that's used by a lot of entities and regulated ecosystems 1EEsxNQHGw0-00236-00133728-00134304 like food so i think it's a necessity i relate it to this concept of transparency and trust 1EEsxNQHGw0-00237-00134360-00135048 um you know just being very open with the industry that you regulate and the consumers uh 1EEsxNQHGw0-00238-00135048-00135440 that you're doing something in an open and transparent way so i think it's critical brian 1EEsxNQHGw0-00239-00135664-00136176 okay okay great um you know and and there's i think there's a related question too which is 1EEsxNQHGw0-00240-00136176-00136672 a little bit on the topology of these different networks as they evolve uh i think some people 1EEsxNQHGw0-00241-00136672-00137136 might imagine that there will be you know one global network for a given commodity you know 1EEsxNQHGw0-00242-00137136-00137752 uh for diamonds or rice uh or leafy green vegetables um i you know and certainly then you'd 1EEsxNQHGw0-00243-00137752-00138248 have one traceability mechanism it'd be easy to harmonize um do you think that's likely to happen 1EEsxNQHGw0-00244-00138248-00138792 uh or do you think we're likely to see you know different different blockchain networks and how do 1EEsxNQHGw0-00245-00138792-00139488 they map do they map by clusters of goods do they map by geography or regulatory structure and then 1EEsxNQHGw0-00246-00139488-00139928 i think a related question to that is uh actually i'll ask the related question later because that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00247-00139928-00140312 was a submitted question but go ahead and start with that it's great you know it's it's a bit of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00248-00140312-00140720 um speculating and looking at crystal ball and imagining what's happening in the future but 1EEsxNQHGw0-00249-00140720-00141320 if you just look at what's happening right now you know compared to where i was when we first started 1EEsxNQHGw0-00250-00141320-00141984 the blockchain ecosystem where we chose some foods uh three years ago we now have a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00251-00141984-00142496 host i can't even tell you how many different blockchain ecosystems emerging or they're doing 1EEsxNQHGw0-00252-00142496-00142896 proof of concepts and they've moved beyond proof of concepts a lot of these are in production now 1EEsxNQHGw0-00253-00142896-00143368 where they're tracing foods and so uh i think we have to think about it in a way at least 1EEsxNQHGw0-00254-00143368-00143928 the legacy that there's going to be there there is what i call ecosystem blockchain ecosystems 1EEsxNQHGw0-00255-00143992-00144704 um i think they're probably going to emerge around uh business partners people that are 1EEsxNQHGw0-00256-00144704-00145168 doing business i think in some instances it might be around commodity but i don't think there's 1EEsxNQHGw0-00257-00145168-00145624 going to be a one system fits off clearly i don't think there's going to be one system fits all for 1EEsxNQHGw0-00258-00145624-00146256 a lot of companies and you know we'll see how it evolves over time but i think there'll be multiple 1EEsxNQHGw0-00259-00146256-00146896 blockchain ecosystems for food and that's where it's critical that we have them and it's not going 1EEsxNQHGw0-00260-00146896-00147552 to be just on the data standards it's governments as well right well this is where i lead into a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00261-00147552-00148080 roon's question which is um from a regulatory point of view what is your take on multiple 1EEsxNQHGw0-00262-00148080-00148568 islands networks as you call them calls them and connecting them uh what works in this space and 1EEsxNQHGw0-00263-00148568-00148960 what doesn't i mean have you have you looked at this do you think there'll be some policy formed 1EEsxNQHGw0-00264-00148960-00149384 on like how to connect these distinct networks yeah i know if people have good ideas on this let 1EEsxNQHGw0-00265-00149384-00149728 me know i've spent a lot of time thinking about that because i think that's what the future looks 1EEsxNQHGw0-00266-00149728-00150440 like and we have to figure out how to get across that i think you know um not everything the agency 1EEsxNQHGw0-00267-00150440-00150960 does has to do by rulemaking so i have been contemplating the idea of writing some guiding 1EEsxNQHGw0-00268-00150960-00151472 principles how i think these islands should evolve and uh what type of governance structure should be 1EEsxNQHGw0-00269-00151472-00151864 there for them to interoperate but uh we're gonna have to cross this bridge i think this is gonna be 1EEsxNQHGw0-00270-00151864-00152328 one of the most challenging bridges the technology won't be the challenge it will be how do you film 1EEsxNQHGw0-00271-00152328-00152856 ecosystems work together we even need to find find the right metaphors i still struggle is it 1EEsxNQHGw0-00272-00152856-00153288 an island is it a neighborhood you know because it's kind of like you know cooperating peers but 1EEsxNQHGw0-00273-00153288-00153992 is that a cul-de-sac i don't know well we have to to work on that um maria monaro uh shifting 1EEsxNQHGw0-00274-00153992-00154584 back a little bit to talking about food and talking about uh really the impact on farmers 1EEsxNQHGw0-00275-00154584-00155040 uh and and the last mile she calls it how do you think that actually she calls it the first mile 1EEsxNQHGw0-00276-00155096-00155544 how do you think the first mile can be resolved where it might involve farmers without access to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00277-00155544-00156144 technology or connectivity issues how can they become aware and incentivize to participate in 1EEsxNQHGw0-00278-00156144-00156600 these kinds of networks how does that actually roll out to them it's a great question and we 1EEsxNQHGw0-00279-00156600-00157192 spent a lot of time thinking about this both i didn't in the public sector and it's this idea 1EEsxNQHGw0-00280-00157192-00157640 and you're familiar with these terms brian you really have to sit down and ask yourself how do 1EEsxNQHGw0-00281-00157640-00158120 you create shared value so that everybody gets in you can't create this concept of a digital divide 1EEsxNQHGw0-00282-00158120-00158544 that i heard i'm a firm believer that these types of technologies are going to be good 1EEsxNQHGw0-00283-00158544-00159112 for food producers of all sides in fact i think it's a game changer for small futures i think 1EEsxNQHGw0-00284-00159184-00159624 it'll be very good for small local producers because i think it could result in some 1EEsxNQHGw0-00285-00159736-00160240 market access they didn't you've heard the stories that small farmers in africa one of 1EEsxNQHGw0-00286-00160240-00160824 the best helped them was just uh when they had mobile phones the mere fact that they had them 1EEsxNQHGw0-00287-00160824-00161296 not a hoe tractor a mobile phone connected them to buyers and so just think about the power that 1EEsxNQHGw0-00288-00161296-00161912 this technology has but i think we have to think is think about how do you create shared value 1EEsxNQHGw0-00289-00161912-00162320 and how do you get small players and for farmers in particular i believe 1EEsxNQHGw0-00290-00162384-00162752 it's market access it's visibility it's the ability for them to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00291-00162752-00163248 tell their stories and i'm convinced having talked to a lot of small farmers and farmers in general 1EEsxNQHGw0-00292-00163248-00163840 when we start connecting payment payment it'll be beneficial for them in a food safety scale for 1EEsxNQHGw0-00293-00163840-00164304 example but i'm very interested in if you think about some of these outbreaks that have happened 1EEsxNQHGw0-00294-00164384-00164752 public health officials come out and say for example don't eat any romaine lettuce until 1EEsxNQHGw0-00295-00164752-00165184 we identify the source of the contamination and when you find a source of contamination at least 1EEsxNQHGw0-00296-00165184-00165728 in the spinach outbreak of over a decade ago it was one producer one day's production one block 1EEsxNQHGw0-00297-00165728-00166360 you destroyed a lot of farmers livelihoods because you couldn't track and trace quickly and so uh i 1EEsxNQHGw0-00298-00166360-00166872 think the benefits are there i do think another reason why it hasn't scaled though ryan is we have 1EEsxNQHGw0-00299-00166872-00167552 to get more creative in the economic models that cause us to skip um and so i would challenge your 1EEsxNQHGw0-00300-00167552-00168080 community to say how do you come up with creative economic models that allow these ecosystems or 1EEsxNQHGw0-00301-00168080-00168696 islands are called the stacks to scale and uh right now we're running a challenge the fda is 1EEsxNQHGw0-00302-00168696-00169472 so those that are they can visit precision.fda.gov that we're calling a low to no cost food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00303-00169472-00169864 traceability challenges so we're looking for people to come up with the models because we 1EEsxNQHGw0-00304-00169864-00170312 know the technology works but we need a little bit more creativity around the economic models 1EEsxNQHGw0-00305-00170376-00170816 bitching you see if there's ways to deploy these networks in such a way where the smallhold farmer 1EEsxNQHGw0-00306-00170816-00171320 the organic farmer uh others can can join a system you know even if they're not part of a 1EEsxNQHGw0-00307-00171320-00172080 big cooperative or or big a big ag you know company you could say i just want to write 1EEsxNQHGw0-00308-00172080-00172536 you know to the ledger here's the product i'm shipping here's the serial numbers and have the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00309-00172536-00173112 the local consumer who's just one hop away or two hops away be able to verify that and also get the 1EEsxNQHGw0-00310-00173112-00173608 notice of product recalls and that sort of thing um think about how to go down market but really 1EEsxNQHGw0-00311-00173608-00174208 how to decentralize this it feels important um just have time for one more question i you know 1EEsxNQHGw0-00312-00174208-00174648 you guys regulate so much of what gets billed out there i think the number was 20 cents on 1EEsxNQHGw0-00313-00174648-00175320 the dollar spent by consumers on food on drugs on you know cosmetics and all these different things 1EEsxNQHGw0-00314-00175424-00175872 when you talk to your colleagues at the fda and all these different groups uh beyond even food 1EEsxNQHGw0-00315-00175872-00176496 about um about blockchain technology how often comes to mind you know cryptocurrencies and energy 1EEsxNQHGw0-00316-00176496-00177040 burn and uh speculative financial instruments these kinds of things that i think are are um 1EEsxNQHGw0-00317-00177040-00177592 you know part of the part of the spectrum but i i uh but how much does that create barriers to 1EEsxNQHGw0-00318-00177648-00178128 uh diving into what's possible with the technology yeah no that's that's a great question there's 1EEsxNQHGw0-00319-00178128-00178688 been a real sea change on how i think folks within the agency think about it my brethren fellow 1EEsxNQHGw0-00320-00178688-00179208 regulators uh i can tell you when i first joined agency which was two and a half years ago even 1EEsxNQHGw0-00321-00179208-00179640 financial disclosures if you disclose if you own cryptocurrencies they didn't even know what you're 1EEsxNQHGw0-00322-00179640-00180336 talking about but i will tell you right now today um cryptocurrency is not what comes to mind inside 1EEsxNQHGw0-00323-00180336-00180856 the agency we have a couple of work streams involving blockchain technology we certainly 1EEsxNQHGw0-00324-00180856-00181288 have the drug supply chain security act and many of you know there are pilots that are being done 1EEsxNQHGw0-00325-00181288-00181952 for drugs you've heard about vaccines um there's a great system being run by cedar here at fda 1EEsxNQHGw0-00326-00182024-00182464 on sharing of health records on distributed ledger technology and so i can tell you 1EEsxNQHGw0-00327-00182464-00183056 today it's really about uh tracking assets and sharing of information in a trusted way and uh 1EEsxNQHGw0-00328-00183152-00183512 people no longer think of cryptocurrency those days are behind us i think 1EEsxNQHGw0-00329-00183512-00183952 in federal service that's great well um let's keep them away from miami then 1EEsxNQHGw0-00330-00183952-00184672 um with that uh frank thank you so much for uh giving us your time uh and i i will continue 1EEsxNQHGw0-00331-00184672-00185360 to work with the fda going forward yeah please thank you keep up there all right thanks so much 1EKga0MolpY-00000-00000024-00000431 hey hope you're having a good day all night depending on when you're listening 1EKga0MolpY-00001-00000431-00000800 to this or watching this so um by the end of 1EKga0MolpY-00002-00000800-00001312 this video what we'll be having is a payment 1EKga0MolpY-00003-00001312-00001792 service which will allow clients for of our application to buy 1EKga0MolpY-00004-00001792-00002543 things such as shoes in this example shoes and pens all right so let's look 1EKga0MolpY-00005-00002543-00002911 at the architecture first so we have our 1EKga0MolpY-00006-00002911-00003328 front-end app which can be anything really a web app 1EKga0MolpY-00007-00003328-00003728 or desktop or mobile app whichever you want 1EKga0MolpY-00008-00003728-00004071 and we have our payment api so this will handle 1EKga0MolpY-00009-00004071-00004448 things such as communicating with the payment servers 1EKga0MolpY-00010-00004448-00004855 and also the database servers and our database 1EKga0MolpY-00011-00004855-00005328 servers will be interacting with cloud firestore 1EKga0MolpY-00012-00005328-00005776 now coming over to the programming languages we'll be using here 1EKga0MolpY-00013-00005776-00006495 for the front end i'll be using kv and for the payment api we'll be using 1EKga0MolpY-00014-00006495-00006976 ballerina and for the database servers okay we will not be covering this in 1EKga0MolpY-00015-00006976-00007631 this video but invert will be in flask plus python yeah so you may 1EKga0MolpY-00016-00007631-00008168 ask why am i using ballerina and not maybe flask or spring or 1EKga0MolpY-00017-00008168-00008775 nodejs well really at the end of the day the programming language is just a tool 1EKga0MolpY-00018-00008775-00009152 and in this case i find that by the render 1EKga0MolpY-00019-00009152-00009600 seems to be the best option at the moment 1EKga0MolpY-00020-00009600-00009928 all right so the first thing we're gonna do is 1EKga0MolpY-00021-00009928-00010432 define our http clients so all we're doing now we're just 1EKga0MolpY-00022-00010432-00011064 defining them and no connection is made in this point yet so we'll go ahead and 1EKga0MolpY-00023-00011064-00011439 define a service called sprinkle in this case 1EKga0MolpY-00024-00011439-00011775 and will define where it will listen to on 1EKga0MolpY-00025-00011775-00012224 our computer inside it will create the will create a 1EKga0MolpY-00026-00012224-00012568 resource create order which is where will allow 1EKga0MolpY-00027-00012568-00013016 people to or allow the application to create 1EKga0MolpY-00028-00013016-00013480 orders no pun intended and also 1EKga0MolpY-00029-00013480-00014080 and also, we'll limit its methods to post only now what helped me understand this 1EKga0MolpY-00030-00014080-00014647 concept of service and resource is i thought of it in the way of classes 1EKga0MolpY-00031-00014647-00015031 so we have our service as a class, sprinkle 1EKga0MolpY-00032-00015031-00015663 and we have create order our function 1EKga0MolpY-00033-00015663-00016328 that help me understand this properly so what we want to do now is forward the 1EKga0MolpY-00034-00016328-00016695 request to to the database endpoint to the 1EKga0MolpY-00035-00016695-00017159 database service and now as you can see at the request 1EKga0MolpY-00036-00017159-00017536 is the red squiggly line beneath it. Now 1EKga0MolpY-00037-00017536-00017976 what that means is the data is untrusted because think of 1EKga0MolpY-00038-00017976-00018295 it we're getting data from a client we can 1EKga0MolpY-00039-00018295-00018744 never trust data from a client it's possible it's some nasty 1EKga0MolpY-00040-00018744-00019304 stuff in there so it needs to be cleaned and um 1EKga0MolpY-00041-00019304-00019648 the language itself ballerina won't let us pass that 1EKga0MolpY-00042-00019648-00020320 untrusted data anyway so for us to tell ballerina video it's okay 1EKga0MolpY-00043-00020320-00020648 ballerina this data is clean we can trust it we 1EKga0MolpY-00044-00020648-00021008 add the untainted keyword now 1EKga0MolpY-00045-00021008-00021336 if you want to be more explicit about your types 1EKga0MolpY-00046-00021336-00022008 ballerina has union types so you can decide 1EKga0MolpY-00047-00022008-00022679 how the program should react or behave in case there is still 1EKga0MolpY-00048-00022679-00023072 the request went through properly or maybe an error happened 1EKga0MolpY-00049-00023072-00023472 you can do that too and perhaps if an error occurred 1EKga0MolpY-00050-00023472-00023808 then you can roll back some kind of transaction 1EKga0MolpY-00051-00023808-00024128 you were doing so we'll go ahead and grab 1EKga0MolpY-00052-00024128-00024536 the payload and just send it back to the client 1EKga0MolpY-00053-00024536-00025015 as it is. Now to keep the code a bit more clean 1EKga0MolpY-00054-00025015-00025400 i'll be using the check keywords may not want to use this in 1EKga0MolpY-00055-00025400-00025791 in production just to be 1EKga0MolpY-00056-00025791-00026463 explicit with responses you might get 1EKga0MolpY-00057-00026463-00026960 so the check keyword will ensure that or will tell ballerina that 1EKga0MolpY-00058-00026960-00027463 yes, ballerina this statement right here will always go through correctly 1EKga0MolpY-00059-00027463-00028039 like no possible error may arise here and if you look in the function 1EKga0MolpY-00060-00028039-00028552 signature is that we add the error and then question mark keyword so 1EKga0MolpY-00061-00028552-00029000 it's sort of like yo will this return an error or maybe it 1EKga0MolpY-00062-00029000-00029512 may written an error question mark man this thing was funny when i was 1EKga0MolpY-00063-00029512-00030016 learning it but then yeah it just means there's a possibility that if this 1EKga0MolpY-00064-00030016-00030656 function or resource may retain an error now the compiler says we need to add the 1EKga0MolpY-00065-00030656-00031047 painted ad tainted keyword in our signature layer 1EKga0MolpY-00066-00031047-00031536 better i'm not so certain why this is happening 1EKga0MolpY-00067-00031536-00032127 honestly i don't why we need that yes the result of using the check 1EKga0MolpY-00068-00032127-00032439 keyword we're able to bring it we're able to bring 1EKga0MolpY-00069-00032439-00033000 down the lines of code to three we'll go ahead and run 1EKga0MolpY-00070-00033000-00033352 this program so we can test out the create order 1EKga0MolpY-00071-00033352-00033936 function resource but before we send anything let's quickly look at our 1EKga0MolpY-00072-00033936-00034360 database so in our database we have products and 1EKga0MolpY-00073-00034360-00034856 we're only going to be selling two today so it's shoes and pens that's 1EKga0MolpY-00074-00034856-00035152 it now disclaimer this may not be the best 1EKga0MolpY-00075-00035152-00035600 way to design your nose equal database 1EKga0MolpY-00076-00035600-00036040 or should i say to structure it out 1EKga0MolpY-00077-00036040-00036784 so let's open up post menu and send a post request 1EKga0MolpY-00078-00037031-00037424 if we go ahead and look at our database you can see that the 1EKga0MolpY-00079-00037424-00037880 order was successfully created 1EKga0MolpY-00080-00037936-00038288 moving back to the code the next resource will be 1EKga0MolpY-00081-00038288-00038880 waiting on is the start result start transaction resource now what this will 1EKga0MolpY-00082-00038880-00039288 do is format warm up a few things with 1EKga0MolpY-00083-00039288-00040103 with the pay payment gateway and also interact with our database servers 1EKga0MolpY-00084-00040191-00040984 so we'll go ahead and grab the body and just convert it into a map 1EKga0MolpY-00085-00040984-00041688 now if bellerin failed if the check failed to convert the payload into json 1EKga0MolpY-00086-00041688-00042103 format then the 1EKga0MolpY-00087-00042103-00042640 method will fail there and it won't proceed further 1EKga0MolpY-00088-00042703-00043391 so we go ahead and grab the user id and then use that pass it to our 1EKga0MolpY-00089-00043391-00043872 database endpoint so it calculates how much exactly 1EKga0MolpY-00090-00043872-00044616 the order is the all the costs is worth now reason we don't want to 1EKga0MolpY-00091-00044616-00044944 get the cost from the client is i mean it's kind of obvious 1EKga0MolpY-00092-00044944-00045528 never trust the client and you always want to calculate yourself on the back 1EKga0MolpY-00093-00045528-00045968 end the following is things we will pass to 1EKga0MolpY-00094-00045968-00046384 the bay gate api so 1EKga0MolpY-00095-00046384-00047128 the u the u id is just something random which we'll use on our end to 1EKga0MolpY-00096-00047152-00047512 specify this or to identify this transaction 1EKga0MolpY-00097-00047512-00048068 out of all the others we may be having now thanks to ballerina's 1EKga0MolpY-00098-00048068-00048559 interoperability with javo we go ahead and create and call the 1EKga0MolpY-00099-00048559-00049208 create random uid method the java's one straight from ballerina i know it's 1EKga0MolpY-00100-00049208-00049591 amazing so we'll go ahead and have a map which 1EKga0MolpY-00101-00049591-00050072 will be passed on to bay gates api now the amount we'll be 1EKga0MolpY-00102-00050072-00050544 using is 3299 because that's the one used when you're 1EKga0MolpY-00103-00050544-00050959 testing course and 1EKga0MolpY-00104-00050959-00051312 we'll have to generate a chat sum and we'll just 1EKga0MolpY-00105-00051312-00051744 create a method for that function for 1EKga0MolpY-00106-00051883-00052439 that we'll go ahead and assemble 1EKga0MolpY-00107-00052439-00052983 or build up a request object which will send over to 1EKga0MolpY-00108-00052983-00053400 to pay gate so the payload will set it to 1EKga0MolpY-00109-00053400-00054072 our map but then again this map they get expected to be a form 1EKga0MolpY-00110-00054072-00054439 and ballerina doesn't necessarily have a way or at least 1EKga0MolpY-00111-00054439-00054744 as far as i know the way to convert our map 1EKga0MolpY-00112-00054744-00055112 to form data so we'll just have create this method 1EKga0MolpY-00113-00055112-00055832 for ourselves or function i mean to convert the map 1EKga0MolpY-00114-00055832-00056327 into a form and it shouldn't be difficult 1EKga0MolpY-00115-00056327-00056936 now we'll go ahead and convert the data that we get from a map to 1EKga0MolpY-00116-00056936-00057488 i mean from form data to map and we just want to make sure that no error 1EKga0MolpY-00117-00057488-00058055 has occurred otherwise if it is occurred then we just respond back to our client 1EKga0MolpY-00118-00058055-00058672 video listen and that occurred but otherwise we go ahead and save this 1EKga0MolpY-00119-00058672-00059120 information so far that we have to our database 1EKga0MolpY-00120-00059120-00059839 or we will use it further on later on now we'll construct the message we'll be 1EKga0MolpY-00121-00059839-00060224 sending back over to the client now the client needs to open this in a 1EKga0MolpY-00122-00060224-00060624 web view or web browser web where they will be 1EKga0MolpY-00123-00060624-00061039 redirected to the page to the page page where they'll 1EKga0MolpY-00124-00061039-00061983 be able to do the transaction 1EKga0MolpY-00125-00062088-00062488 and just to make sure that the client actually got the data 1EKga0MolpY-00126-00062488-00062967 we'll confirm that yo if an error occurred your database canceled this 1EKga0MolpY-00127-00062967-00063383 transaction we initiated 1EKga0MolpY-00128-00063391-00063791 now we'll go ahead and define our return url 1EKga0MolpY-00129-00063791-00064400 or should i say the callback url where they gate will redirect the client 1EKga0MolpY-00130-00064400-00064832 to whether they the transaction was successful or maybe 1EKga0MolpY-00131-00064832-00065183 perhaps they have cancelled it this is where the client will be 1EKga0MolpY-00132-00065183-00065616 redirected to what we'll do in here is simply return 1EKga0MolpY-00133-00065616-00066048 an html page where we just show the client 1EKga0MolpY-00134-00066048-00066583 the status of the transaction and tell them to close the page and 1EKga0MolpY-00135-00066583-00067151 return to the application let's go ahead and build out the modify 1EKga0MolpY-00136-00067151-00067600 endpoint this endpoint will be called by pay g8 1EKga0MolpY-00137-00067600-00068176 before the client is redirected and in here all we'll do is confirm that the 1EKga0MolpY-00138-00068176-00068624 transaction really was successful and um 1EKga0MolpY-00139-00068624-00069056 return and okay so after we determine that 1EKga0MolpY-00140-00069056-00069392 the transaction is successful or the status of it 1EKga0MolpY-00141-00069392-00070072 then the code is correct it went through will tell the database servers that 1EKga0MolpY-00142-00070072-00070488 your database servers the transaction went through and 1EKga0MolpY-00143-00070488-00070792 mark it as complete 1EKga0MolpY-00144-00070872-00071320 now as for the application i've decided to 1EKga0MolpY-00145-00071320-00072056 make a simple qb application to test this out which simply has three buttons 1EKga0MolpY-00146-00072056-00072639 create order transfer transaction check if the transaction is complete and 1EKga0MolpY-00147-00072639-00073120 also some text label to to show what is going 1EKga0MolpY-00148-00073120-00073607 to tell the user once just to show us what is going on right 1EKga0MolpY-00149-00073607-00073936 if we go ahead and look at the create order method 1EKga0MolpY-00150-00073936-00074320 all we are really doing is passing on the data to 1EKga0MolpY-00151-00074320-00074960 our api to create the order and simply display the 1EKga0MolpY-00152-00074960-00075400 output that we get in the status 1EKga0MolpY-00153-00075407-00075720 label if we go ahead and look at the start 1EKga0MolpY-00154-00075720-00076560 transaction method we we pass on the data to the api 1EKga0MolpY-00155-00076736-00077200 and what we do with the data we with the response is 1EKga0MolpY-00156-00077200-00077624 we take the transaction reference now this is needed 1EKga0MolpY-00157-00077624-00078239 by the backend to sort of identify this transaction from all the 1EKga0MolpY-00158-00078239-00078632 others that could be taking place and all we do with this is 1EKga0MolpY-00159-00078632-00079136 storytelling is to it on the device in the meantime 1EKga0MolpY-00160-00079136-00079904 by using the storage object so that in case the user the application 1EKga0MolpY-00161-00079904-00080256 was to close when we return back to it we can still 1EKga0MolpY-00162-00080256-00080727 continue with this transaction later on 1EKga0MolpY-00163-00080727-00081416 after saving that we simply load up the html form and open it up 1EKga0MolpY-00164-00081416-00082039 in the web browser and then we have our is transaction complete method 1EKga0MolpY-00165-00082039-00082695 now if you to build a mobile application you may not want or if you're building 1EKga0MolpY-00166-00082695-00082968 your application you may not want to use it to click the 1EKga0MolpY-00167-00082968-00083519 s transaction complete button now what can do is on mobile is 1EKga0MolpY-00168-00083519-00083848 we have the onresume method which is called 1EKga0MolpY-00169-00083848-00084200 whenever the user returns to the application now remember 1EKga0MolpY-00170-00084200-00084904 the user is taken to a web browser now when we close out of that and return 1EKga0MolpY-00171-00084904-00085256 to the application this method will be called 1EKga0MolpY-00172-00085256-00085639 so if we go ahead and drop it we can start off with 1EKga0MolpY-00173-00085639-00086127 creating an order and if we look in our database 1EKga0MolpY-00174-00086127-00086583 the transaction should be there or the order should be there 1EKga0MolpY-00175-00086583-00087104 good let's go ahead and click on start the transaction now what this will do 1EKga0MolpY-00176-00087104-00087783 is redirect the client or open the web browser where the client will 1EKga0MolpY-00177-00087783-00088312 be requested to enter their card details or whatever payment method was chosen in 1EKga0MolpY-00178-00088312-00088736 this case i chose credit card now this 1EKga0MolpY-00179-00088736-00089063 card number these are the tests of the testing ones 1EKga0MolpY-00180-00089063-00089456 and if we proceed we will get we'll see that 1EKga0MolpY-00181-00089456-00089863 the transaction was approved now we may go back to 1EKga0MolpY-00182-00089863-00090256 our client and check if the transaction was 1EKga0MolpY-00183-00090256-00090888 complete or not and there we see it was complete 1EKga0MolpY-00184-00091024-00091392 and just to confirm let's look in our database 1EKga0MolpY-00185-00091392-00092783 and there we go the order was complete 1EKga0MolpY-00186-00093344-00093551 you 1FSgWDSaDt0-00000-00000064-00000768 so hello friends today it's about 1,5 year that i have my apple watch and i really like it i 1FSgWDSaDt0-00001-00000768-00001639 also like to change the bands but as you know the official apple bands are really pricey you have to 1FSgWDSaDt0-00002-00001728-00002448 count about 49 euros for the silicon strap and count even more like the woven 1FSgWDSaDt0-00003-00002448-00003336 straps they're really nice 100 euros for these kind of straps and even worse 1FSgWDSaDt0-00004-00003552-00004648 more than 400 euros for the metal strap so i took a look on aliexpress to see what kind of bands 1FSgWDSaDt0-00005-00004648-00005344 they have and you can really find anything of your liking they have the silicon straps nylon straps 1FSgWDSaDt0-00006-00005440-00006120 copies of the woven strap and the metallic straps so these straps are all copies except for this one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00007-00006184-00006528 the woven strap is a strap that came with my apple watch 1FSgWDSaDt0-00008-00006768-00007768 when you order an apple watch, I'll take this one off, you can print these kind of labels so you put 1FSgWDSaDt0-00009-00007768-00008672 it on your wrist like this and you can measure your size so here you can see i'm in the seven 1FSgWDSaDt0-00010-00008968-00009984 so i ordered a size 7 strap and i have to say it is still quite big i can show you 1FSgWDSaDt0-00011-00011016-00012192 so you can see it jiggles around really a lot and i would have preferred to have a smaller size so 1FSgWDSaDt0-00012-00012248-00013080 i think this little measurement tape isn't that quite good but if i wanted to change my bracelet 1FSgWDSaDt0-00013-00013080-00014184 i had to return my complete watch so soon i ordered other bracelets on aliexpress 1FSgWDSaDt0-00014-00014576-00014960 so when we compare both ones you can see 1FSgWDSaDt0-00015-00015088-00015600 that the material is quite the same i would say this is a little bit thinner and it's 1FSgWDSaDt0-00016-00015840-00016464 a little bit smaller as well but the main difference is in the top so here it 1FSgWDSaDt0-00017-00016600-00017296 becomes a little bit wider with nice metal finishing, this one ends in this little plastic 1FSgWDSaDt0-00018-00017408-00018384 attachment but otherwise the look and feel is quite the same 1FSgWDSaDt0-00019-00019288-00019784 so sits quite snug 1FSgWDSaDt0-00020-00020152-00021200 and when i try this one on you can see it fits way better 1FSgWDSaDt0-00021-00021200-00021488 so that's for the woven one i ordered the black one as well 1FSgWDSaDt0-00022-00021680-00021952 i put a link of every bracelet in the description 1FSgWDSaDt0-00023-00022384-00023072 then another favorite is this nylon sports loop 1FSgWDSaDt0-00024-00023304-00023984 looks really nice couldn't make a difference between the original one or the copied one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00025-00024096-00024280 really comfortable to wear 1FSgWDSaDt0-00026-00024504-00025088 and they make them in all kinds of colors so you can really adapt the bracelets to your clothing 1FSgWDSaDt0-00027-00025368-00025704 really comfortable to wear i have this bracelet for 1FSgWDSaDt0-00028-00025704-00026304 more than one year now and it doesn't wear at all so really nice bracelet 1FSgWDSaDt0-00029-00026752-00026904 they're quite common on aliexpress 1FSgWDSaDt0-00030-00027208-00028208 really nice and easy bracelet to have in your collection then the Nike strap 1FSgWDSaDt0-00031-00028376-00028616 this came with one of the first Nike apple watches 1FSgWDSaDt0-00032-00029144-00029583 of course this is still another copy 1FSgWDSaDt0-00033-00030776-00031104 and there you go nice 1FSgWDSaDt0-00034-00031168-00032383 bracelet for your sport activities i wear it all the time when i work in the garden easy to wash 1FSgWDSaDt0-00035-00033584-00033992 i couldn't tell the difference between this one order original one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00036-00034824-00035480 then the most common strap is this simple silicon strap 1FSgWDSaDt0-00037-00035952-00036584 i got this one for free when i ordered my screen protection i could choose a gift 1FSgWDSaDt0-00038-00037048-00037984 and i choice this strap 1FSgWDSaDt0-00039-00039592-00040784 so quite straightforward 1FSgWDSaDt0-00040-00041688-00042496 then the milanese, Apple doesn't make them in this kind of color so you could directly 1FSgWDSaDt0-00041-00042496-00043584 tell that isn't original but it is the same system as the milanese made of nice metal 1FSgWDSaDt0-00042-00044672-00044984 so you can see that the magnet is really holding up well 1FSgWDSaDt0-00043-00046688-00047080 you could even match up your watch face with the bracelet 1FSgWDSaDt0-00044-00047368-00047784 there 1FSgWDSaDt0-00045-00048984-00049184 and the last one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00046-00049736-00049880 then this one the last 1FSgWDSaDt0-00047-00050120-00050760 one that Apple makes as well and is the most expensive 1FSgWDSaDt0-00048-00050888-00051984 strap that you can have on your apple watch it is way heavier than an nylon strap of course 1FSgWDSaDt0-00049-00052048-00053040 but you can see it is really classy to have this black metal bracelet so this heavy as a regular 1FSgWDSaDt0-00050-00053040-00054048 watch holds up really well isn't uncomfortable at all and you can see it fixes easily in place with 1FSgWDSaDt0-00051-00054216-00055464 this clip butterfly clip they call it it even came with extra parts and this little tool 1FSgWDSaDt0-00052-00055544-00057632 to remove or add them so really nice strap quite an exclusive look really nice one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00053-00057632-00057648 and 1FSgWDSaDt0-00054-00057879-00058079 two bracelets that Apple doesn't make 1FSgWDSaDt0-00055-00058416-00058640 but they are quite good 1FSgWDSaDt0-00056-00058960-00059664 this silicon strap makes your watch really looks pretty supportive 1FSgWDSaDt0-00057-00059912-00060384 it's easy to use 1FSgWDSaDt0-00058-00060696-00060960 and it's a little bit the same system as the 1FSgWDSaDt0-00059-00061048-00061888 classic silicon strap should we fix it there and you put the other part beneath 1FSgWDSaDt0-00060-00062160-00062440 really comfortable strap light 1FSgWDSaDt0-00061-00062560-00063440 i used it on a holiday to swim in the ocean and the salt water didn't damage the strap at all 1FSgWDSaDt0-00062-00063824-00064072 very nice bracelet for the sportiest look 1FSgWDSaDt0-00063-00064296-00064584 and it goes especially well with the black apple watch 1FSgWDSaDt0-00064-00065520-00066480 and the last bracelet is this genuine leather one it gives your watch his retro look 1FSgWDSaDt0-00065-00066952-00067384 nicely made 1FSgWDSaDt0-00066-00069456-00069768 i had to say i was a little bit afraid that it wouldn't be as comfortable 1FSgWDSaDt0-00067-00069944-00071584 but it really is nice and comfortable 1FSgWDSaDt0-00068-00072112-00072744 so the favorite bracelets are definitely this one this one 1FSgWDSaDt0-00069-00072904-00073736 this one and this one i really like the soft and easy comfort that this bracelet gives 1FSgWDSaDt0-00070-00073984-00074696 if it's get wet it needs a little bit more time to dry but it's nice to wear 1FSgWDSaDt0-00071-00074856-00075280 i really like this one for my sporty activities and when i go swimming 1FSgWDSaDt0-00072-00075432-00076088 and for the more classy occasions i use this one so the leather and the metal 1FSgWDSaDt0-00073-00076232-00076888 you can see that the metal did scratch a little bit but didn't lost the black color at all 1FSgWDSaDt0-00074-00077144-00077584 and sorry Apple i don't like your original bracelet 1FSgWDSaDt0-00075-00077584-00078272 it is really comfortable but the size just doesn't correspond with your measurement 1FSgWDSaDt0-00076-00078432-00079136 tool so this one i didn't like but now i ordered the better size on aliexpress 1FSgWDSaDt0-00077-00079208-00079984 i do love them as you can see i wear the black one today so this one i never used i think 1FSgWDSaDt0-00078-00080184-00080728 this one i wear that from time to time but not that often so i really can recommend 1FSgWDSaDt0-00079-00080728-00081304 the aliexpress Apple watch bands this isn't a sponsored video by the way 1FSgWDSaDt0-00080-00081416-00082136 i paid for those straps by myself but i really wanted to share how they are in real life 1FSgWDSaDt0-00081-00082240-00082792 so i hope you like this video if you want to see more Apple watch videos please let 1FSgWDSaDt0-00082-00082792-00083672 me know in the comments and i'll see you in the very next video bye bye 1INtBZsEgSk-00000-00000059-00000270 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00001-00000270-00000370 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00002-00000370-00000470 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00003-00000470-00000570 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00004-00000570-00000670 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00005-00000670-00000770 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00006-00000770-00000869 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00007-00000869-00000969 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00008-00000969-00001070 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00009-00001070-00001170 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00010-00001170-00001270 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00011-00001270-00001370 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00012-00001370-00001470 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00013-00001470-00001570 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00014-00001570-00001670 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00015-00001670-00001770 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00016-00001770-00001870 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00017-00001870-00001970 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00018-00001970-00002070 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00019-00002070-00002170 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00020-00002170-00002270 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00021-00002270-00002370 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00022-00002370-00002470 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00023-00002470-00002570 BritishDress.com 1INtBZsEgSk-00024-00002570-00002670 BritishDress.com 1Lzlgf3m11u-00000-00000313-00000464 - [Mariela] Well, good afternoon. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00001-00000464-00000588 We'll start the meeting. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00002-00000588-00001044 It's an honor to speak with you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00003-00001044-00001451 I want to thank you for joining me here in the livestreaming 1Lzlgf3m11u-00004-00001451-00001821 called The Independent Theatres in Mexico. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00005-00001821-00002385 I also want to thank HowlRound for making this possible. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00006-00002385-00002734 Any person in the world can watch us since we will have 1Lzlgf3m11u-00007-00002734-00003070 English subtitles. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00008-00003090-00003536 For those of you watching us live, this meeting is supported 1Lzlgf3m11u-00009-00003536-00003879 by the Independent theaters in Mexico. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00010-00003879-00004250 I'm Mariela López, and I will be the moderator. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00011-00004329-00004643 I've had the pleasure to speak with each of you, but I'm 1Lzlgf3m11u-00012-00004643-00004990 explaining this to provide a context for all the people 1Lzlgf3m11u-00013-00004990-00005128 watching us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00014-00005128-00005580 This project is a collaboration with HowlRound with the aim 1Lzlgf3m11u-00015-00005580-00006114 of opening a dialogue among the theaters' coordinators and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00016-00006114-00006512 introducing the possibility of creating a network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00017-00006512-00006812 of independent theatres throughout the country. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00018-00006887-00007421 We invited two forum theatres per state to incorporate them 1Lzlgf3m11u-00019-00007421-00007607 to the World Theatre Map. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00020-00007607-00007923 There was a dialogue among all coordinators prompted by a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00021-00007923-00008049 series of questions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00022-00008049-00008516 Today we will discuss the answers they gave us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00023-00008516-00008609 - [Hilda Valencia] Sorry, Mariela. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00024-00008609-00008815 I see that many of the microphones are turned off. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00025-00008835-00009135 - Yes, they are all turned off so you can only listen to the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00026-00009135-00009399 person speaking. - Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00027-00009557-00009784 - There was a dialogue among the coordinators regarding a series 1Lzlgf3m11u-00028-00009784-00010068 of questions and we will discuss the answers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00029-00010068-00010401 This dialog has the purpose of supporting and enriching 1Lzlgf3m11u-00030-00010401-00010636 ourselves with our colleagues' experiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00031-00010636-00010907 In a moment, each of you will introduce yourselves. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00032-00010907-00011219 I will explain the dynamics of the dialogue. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00033-00011219-00011700 Each of you will say your name, the state you are from, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00034-00011700-00011936 the place you coordinate, how long has it 1Lzlgf3m11u-00035-00011936-00012141 been functioning. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00036-00012141-00012382 We will then go on with a series of questions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00037-00012382-00012723 The first ones will be asked to specific people since what they 1Lzlgf3m11u-00038-00012723-00013031 have to say will enrich us all. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00039-00013031-00013428 Then, there will be questions for the North, the Centre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00040-00013428-00013590 and the South of the country. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00041-00013590-00014054 Any coordinator from the corresponding region can answer. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00042-00014054-00014347 Also, there will be questions for anyone who may want 1Lzlgf3m11u-00043-00014347-00014477 to answer them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00044-00014501-00015094 By the end, there will be some time to discuss or add anything 1Lzlgf3m11u-00045-00015094-00015515 to any comments colleagues have made. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00046-00015628-00016147 If you all agree, we will start introducing ourselves, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00047-00016147-00016322 whoever may wish to start... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00048-00016322-00016616 The rest of us will turn off our microphones so that our 1Lzlgf3m11u-00049-00016616-00016836 colleague can introduce themselves. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00050-00017118-00017355 We will start with Tapanco, Yucatán. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00051-00017672-00017875 - [Bryan] Good afternoon, I'm Bryan Caballero, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00052-00017875-00018141 from Tapanco Cultural Centre, in Mérida, Yucatán, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00053-00018141-00018427 a forum that is seven years old. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00054-00019217-00019517 - Central Southeast, if you'd like to continue. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00055-00019596-00019749 - [Luis] Hi, good afternoon. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00056-00020015-00020183 I'm Luis Carlos Hurtado. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00057-00020183-00020668 Greetings from Central Sureste, Campeche. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00058-00021241-00021535 - La Columna Forum? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00059-00022086-00022219 - [Lorena] It's on. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00060-00022219-00022557 I'm Lorena Illoldi, from Tamaulipas. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00061-00022557-00022862 I'm representing La Columna Forum Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00062-00022862-00023199 This is our fifth year working. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00063-00023464-00023707 - Let's continue with AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00064-00023707-00023945 - [Hilda] I'm Hilda Valencia. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00065-00024040-00024351 Casa Andamios Theatre is the headquarters of the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00066-00024351-00024681 AndamioSteatro group in Hermosillo, Sonora. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00067-00024681-00024825 We're open since 2011. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00068-00024825-00025030 We've been working for eight years. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00069-00026002-00026148 I can't hear you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00070-00026567-00026912 - We mute our microphones when we're not speaking and someone 1Lzlgf3m11u-00071-00026912-00027059 else is speaking. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00072-00027226-00027439 Now, Las Tablas Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00073-00028005-00028196 - [Jesús Quintero] Sorry. Good day. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00074-00028196-00028351 I'm Jesús Quintero. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00075-00028351-00028563 I'm the director of Las Tablas Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00076-00028563-00028844 We've been open for 15 years and we're in Baja California, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00077-00028844-00029002 in Tijuana. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00078-00029330-00029605 - Pedro, from Clandestino Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00079-00029778-00029978 - [Pedro] Hi, how are you? I'm Pedro González, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00080-00029978-00030097 from Querétaro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00081-00030097-00030378 I am the director of the Clandestino Theatre, Forum G. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00082-00030805-00031041 - Cedrus Theatre? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00083-00031500-00031745 - [Fernanda] Hi, how are you? I'm Fernanda Shroeder, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00084-00031745-00032377 I'm the coordinator of Cedrus Theatre in Pachuca, Hidalgo. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00085-00032654-00033071 - How long have you been open? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00086-00033071-00033245 - Sure, sorry. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00087-00033245-00033615 Cedrus Theatre turned five years in February. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00088-00033816-00034240 - And now, Zenyazen. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00089-00034240-00034728 Tells us where you're from and which theatre you coordinate. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00090-00036000-00036422 While we wait, we will present Forum La Ceiba, in Morelia. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00091-00036593-00036879 - [Elphis] Hi, I'm Elphis Corrales. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00092-00036879-00037283 I'm representing Forum La Ceiba, which is under the charge of the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00093-00037283-00037452 group Catexia Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00094-00037452-00037741 Actually, it's Catexia Art and Culture for the Community. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00095-00037741-00038009 It's been open for seven years. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00096-00038009-00038162 It will be its eighth year this year. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00097-00038464-00038789 - Zenyazen, are you ready? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00098-00039603-00039791 Your microphone is off. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00099-00040100-00040278 - [Mónica] Ready? Excellent. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00100-00040309-00040510 We're from Aguascalientes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00101-00040510-00040774 We're El Ombligo, Performing Arts Coffee Theater. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00102-00040774-00040990 I'm Mónica Zenyazen, and she is... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00103-00041039-00041383 - [Marcela] I'm Marcela Morán, director of El Ombligo 1Lzlgf3m11u-00104-00041383-00041507 Performing Arts. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00105-00041575-00041856 - Producer and operating manager. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00106-00041922-00042310 We are only 1 year, 4 months old. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00107-00042694-00043025 - Jesús Alejandro Rosas? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00108-00043025-00043426 What theatre do you represent and from what state? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00109-00044200-00044413 Your microphone is on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00110-00044864-00045063 It's still on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00111-00045347-00045529 - [Jesús Rosas] Do you hear me now? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00112-00045571-00045680 Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00113-00045680-00045978 We're here in Torreón, Coahuila. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00114-00046061-00046337 Our space is called Plan B. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00115-00046391-00046856 We will have 4 years in May. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00116-00046941-00047282 We're located in a centric area. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00117-00047537-00047771 - Now, La Casota de Zapata. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00118-00048207-00048624 Your mic is on mute, La Casota de Zapata. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00119-00048624-00048811 Could you introduce yourselves? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00120-00049080-00049205 - [Manuel] Okay? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00121-00049361-00049791 We're La Casota de Zapata, we are in the city of Zacatecas, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00122-00049791-00050301 and it's been 4 years and 2 months since we opened this 1Lzlgf3m11u-00123-00050301-00050444 performing space. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00124-00050925-00051227 - Finally, David Gómez? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00125-00051227-00051482 Could you introduce yourself? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00126-00051938-00052242 Your mic is on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00127-00052769-00052922 - [David] Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00128-00052922-00053118 Do you hear me? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00129-00053118-00053204 Yes? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00130-00053204-00053439 I'm David Gómez, director of El Círculo de Tiza, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00131-00053439-00053551 in Monterrey, Nuevo León. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00132-00053551-00053951 This space has 5 years and it's an independent space. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00133-00054072-00054226 Good day. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00134-00054517-00054653 - Good day. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00135-00054653-00055070 Anyone else joining in can participate in the discussion. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00136-00055070-00055235 Now, we'll get started. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00137-00055311-00055426 The first question... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00138-00055426-00055916 All in all, 43 spaces answered my questions in all 1Lzlgf3m11u-00139-00055916-00056453 the Republic, and most of you talked a great deal about how 1Lzlgf3m11u-00140-00056453-00056954 hard it is to work with the current cultural public policies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00141-00056954-00057147 and also about the responsibility 1Lzlgf3m11u-00142-00057147-00057303 for creating audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00143-00057303-00057610 So, those will be the two most important topics today. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00144-00057610-00057947 All of you talked about that already. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00145-00057975-00058446 The first question is for Bryan Caballero. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00146-00058446-00058902 To put you in context, Guadalajara, Mexico City, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00147-00058902-00059357 and Yucatán are the only three states in Mexico with a network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00148-00059357-00059606 of independent theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00149-00059606-00060199 So, Bryan Caballero, what has the Alternative Network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00150-00060199-00060476 for the Performing Arts achieved in the community 1Lzlgf3m11u-00151-00060476-00060630 in Yucatán State? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00152-00060867-00061031 - Thank you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00153-00061060-00061589 The Alternative Network was created six years ago 1Lzlgf3m11u-00154-00061589-00061913 after an adverse situation in the political field. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00155-00061913-00062276 That caused us to unite and start working together. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00156-00062276-00062728 The group became smaller but stronger. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00157-00062728-00063440 We're now 14 groups and we've had a series of achievements 1Lzlgf3m11u-00158-00063440-00064112 that allowed us to improve our working conditions and our 1Lzlgf3m11u-00159-00064112-00065203 artistic relations, and also from the cooperative viewpoint, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00160-00065203-00065467 which is one of the paths we've taken. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00161-00065467-00065866 We formed a cooperative and we have developed an interest 1Lzlgf3m11u-00162-00065866-00066508 in the solidarity-based economy and the mechanisms for artistic 1Lzlgf3m11u-00163-00066508-00066877 production through just economy and cooperation. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00164-00066877-00067315 To mention a specific achievement, they've put signs 1Lzlgf3m11u-00165-00067315-00068134 to mark every independent space in the city, which will allow 1Lzlgf3m11u-00166-00068134-00068874 them to be easily visualized, just as other places signaled 1Lzlgf3m11u-00167-00068874-00069140 by the city council. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00168-00069560-00069695 - Thank you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00169-00069695-00070041 When did the Alternative Network begin? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00170-00070041-00070341 - 2013. - Thanks. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00171-00070466-00070887 David, when other people are speaking, we put the mic on mute 1Lzlgf3m11u-00172-00070887-00071203 to avoid interference. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00173-00071311-00071415 - Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00174-00071415-00071697 I'm finding it a little bit difficult. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00175-00072099-00072278 - No problem. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00176-00072278-00072578 The next question is for... - There? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00177-00072656-00072820 - No, not yet. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00178-00072870-00073159 The next question is for AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00179-00073159-00073512 You talked extensively about cultural policies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00180-00073512-00074011 What barriers have you encountered regarding public 1Lzlgf3m11u-00181-00074011-00074391 policies and how did you overcome them in Sonora? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00182-00074864-00075177 You are on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00183-00075247-00075392 - Here we are. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00184-00075392-00075887 The problem with public policies is there are no public policies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00185-00075887-00076298 There is no legislation, so it's hard to think 1Lzlgf3m11u-00186-00076298-00076821 of legislation for independent groups like ours. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00187-00076821-00077834 However, we've never depended on any public policies or grants 1Lzlgf3m11u-00188-00077834-00078698 by the government because we believe that creating 1Lzlgf3m11u-00189-00078698-00079353 an alternative, independent space means having freedom. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00190-00079353-00079828 So you need to think of different ways to support 1Lzlgf3m11u-00191-00079828-00080040 the space. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00192-00080427-00080765 That is with reference to public policies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00193-00080765-00081232 Yet, we see a phenomenon here, which happens all 1Lzlgf3m11u-00194-00081232-00081920 around the world, all the independent places are located 1Lzlgf3m11u-00195-00081920-00082204 in the same place, in the same street. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00196-00082204-00082758 This created a cultural, artistic corridor 1Lzlgf3m11u-00197-00082758-00083503 with three theatres, all of them are alternative. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00198-00083557-00083848 Also galleries, book stores... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00199-00083938-00084385 All of them are independent. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00200-00084385-00084696 That doesn't mean that independent public policies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00201-00084696-00085145 don't exist and that we don't insist on them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00202-00085145-00085854 Particularly now, all of us who believe in a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00203-00085854-00086484 fourth transformation, are pursuing that aim. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00204-00086484-00087219 We are working to create a public policy that benefits 1Lzlgf3m11u-00205-00087219-00087566 cultural spaces which cannot be treated in the same way 1Lzlgf3m11u-00206-00087566-00087717 as commercial spaces. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00207-00087717-00088128 The state has its theatres, but it doesn't have a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00208-00088128-00088814 cultural policy, so those cultural spaces replicate the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00209-00088814-00088996 spaces that have always been in existence but don't 1Lzlgf3m11u-00210-00088996-00089135 function anymore. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00211-00089442-00089573 That's all. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00212-00089796-00089950 - Thanks, AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00213-00090210-00090622 Now, I will start with the questions depending on the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00214-00090622-00090863 geographical areas. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00215-00090981-00091398 The following question is for the North and can be answered 1Lzlgf3m11u-00216-00091398-00091837 by Sonora, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00217-00091837-00092357 The question is if it has been profitable coordinating 1Lzlgf3m11u-00218-00092357-00092744 an independent theatre, and how did you achieve that? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00219-00092801-00093008 Whoever wishes to answer. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00220-00093074-00093223 - Me. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00221-00093223-00093510 It hasn't been profitable from an economic perspective, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00222-00093510-00093772 but it has become profitable in the sense of joining the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00223-00093772-00093909 theatre workers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00224-00093909-00094204 At least in Nuevo León, as in many other parts 1Lzlgf3m11u-00225-00094204-00094437 of Mexico, we've started playing the game 1Lzlgf3m11u-00226-00094437-00094590 of professionalizing the theater. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00227-00094590-00095304 That means studying a lot, having commercial relations and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00228-00095304-00095935 turning the theatre, the plays into a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00229-00095935-00096218 consumer product. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00230-00096529-00097247 In Monterrey, there is a vast workforce, there are 1Lzlgf3m11u-00231-00097247-00097693 various schools, a Performing Arts University, there is 1Lzlgf3m11u-00232-00097693-00098226 a school, CEDART, which depends on Fine Arts, the School 1Lzlgf3m11u-00233-00098226-00098392 of Philosophy and Literature. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00234-00098392-00098711 They require students to study a lot. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00235-00098711-00099274 In the end, they undermine their profession. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00236-00099326-00099813 We've started to believe this is the kind of theatre we need 1Lzlgf3m11u-00237-00099813-00100254 to do, but people have realized there are no spaces. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00238-00100254-00100553 In Monterrey, there's a lot of labor offer, many groups, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00239-00100553-00100873 many people doing theatre, but there are no places 1Lzlgf3m11u-00240-00100873-00101048 to perform. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00241-00101048-00101499 It's terrible because there are cultural policies but their aim 1Lzlgf3m11u-00242-00101499-00102204 is to justify the culture of Nuevo León in numbers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00243-00102297-00102461 It's only for some people. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00244-00102461-00102864 And the people who are really doing theatre don't have spaces. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00245-00102864-00103369 We started El Círculo de Tiza with my wife, who is a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00246-00103369-00103656 great actress, she's well-known here in Monterrey, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00247-00103656-00103800 Tere Medellín. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00248-00103800-00104152 We've been working in theatre for 40 years, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00249-00104152-00104952 with our resources, without any aid, we didn't need it. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00250-00104952-00105449 But there are fewer and fewer places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00251-00105449-00105911 Only certain groups perform in theatres with the help 1Lzlgf3m11u-00252-00105911-00106176 of grants, they are always the same people. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00253-00106176-00106748 Nowadays, theaters are also used for political events and other 1Lzlgf3m11u-00254-00106748-00107019 purposes to make money. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00255-00107019-00107960 There are fewer places where you can work and prepare your play. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00256-00107960-00108701 We worked to have a place of our own, a place where we could work 1Lzlgf3m11u-00257-00108701-00109158 and present our plays without people telling us, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00258-00109158-00109275 "You can't do this. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00259-00109275-00109422 You can't say this because according to the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00260-00109422-00109833 cultural policies, children can't hear this." 1Lzlgf3m11u-00261-00110054-00110744 We struggled to keep our space open and now it's profitable 1Lzlgf3m11u-00262-00110744-00110957 because we are organized. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00263-00110957-00111213 Young people come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00264-00111303-00111803 We not only present our plays, but young people also come 1Lzlgf3m11u-00265-00111803-00112021 and do their rehearsals. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00266-00112210-00112899 In other places, their work is undermined, they are not allowed 1Lzlgf3m11u-00267-00112899-00113069 to perform. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00268-00113069-00113454 Only commercial or professional plays are allowed. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00269-00113454-00113610 So these people don't have a place, they don't know where 1Lzlgf3m11u-00270-00113610-00113711 to go. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00271-00113711-00113885 They are graduates. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00272-00113982-00114408 So, it's profitable in the sense of democratizing the theatre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00273-00114408-00114754 we are working hard to achieve that. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00274-00114830-00115691 We have mistakenly thought that in order to do theatre and be 1Lzlgf3m11u-00275-00115691-00116048 recognized we needed to perform in official places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00276-00116048-00116352 But there are no more official places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00277-00116425-00116934 So from an economic perspective, we're having difficulties. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00278-00117041-00117425 But it's profitable in the sense that young people come and do 1Lzlgf3m11u-00279-00117425-00117649 their presentations. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00280-00117649-00118155 In five years, we have presented 70 groups approximately. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00281-00118155-00118596 We've presented many plays, we've organized two festivals, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00282-00118704-00119447 and the aim is always to decentralize the theatre because 1Lzlgf3m11u-00283-00119447-00120314 we all suffer from...we suffer from the national illness 1Lzlgf3m11u-00284-00120314-00120786 of centralizing everything in Mexico, in D.F. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00285-00120786-00120942 In Monterrey, it's the same. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00286-00120942-00121252 Everybody performs and studies here. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00287-00121332-00121772 Monterrey is Nuevo León, and Nuevo León is big. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00288-00121772-00122472 So we're offering theatre and workshops in the faraway towns 1Lzlgf3m11u-00289-00122472-00122743 where there are a lot of people devoted not only to acting 1Lzlgf3m11u-00290-00122743-00122888 but also to music. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00291-00122888-00123700 In Nuevo León, people have outstanding aesthetic integrity. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00292-00123700-00123807 So now... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00293-00123807-00124229 - We're deviating from the question. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00294-00124229-00124405 - Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00295-00124522-00124875 So, it's not financially profitable but there is a lot 1Lzlgf3m11u-00296-00124875-00125485 of union and cohesion among the actors. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00297-00125564-00125702 - Thanks, David. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00298-00125726-00125943 The next question... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00299-00125964-00126270 Welcome, Lotería Theatre, who have just joined. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00300-00126270-00126622 We are making questions for each geographical region. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00301-00126622-00126999 The second question is for the Central region, where most 1Lzlgf3m11u-00302-00126999-00127210 of the theatrical activity takes place. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00303-00127210-00127603 Whoever would like to answer, what strategies have created 1Lzlgf3m11u-00304-00127603-00127975 audiences successfully in your place? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00305-00127975-00128343 The central region is where most of the theatrical activity takes 1Lzlgf3m11u-00306-00128343-00128517 place and so there's more labor offer. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00307-00128517-00128989 What strategies have created audiences successfully? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00308-00128989-00129205 Who would like to answer? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00309-00129731-00129976 Pedro, from Clandestino Theatre, we can't hear you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00310-00130111-00130344 - Hi, I'm Pedro González, from Clandestino Theatre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00311-00130344-00130539 my mic is on now. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00312-00130539-00131038 In Querétaro, we have a theatre advisory council, and we 1Lzlgf3m11u-00313-00131038-00131504 realized it was essential for all the independent troupes 1Lzlgf3m11u-00314-00131504-00132149 to write a common code, to join and think of strategies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00315-00132149-00132543 There are now several work meetings and one of the main 1Lzlgf3m11u-00316-00132543-00132892 concerns is how to create new audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00317-00132892-00133541 One of the many strategies being used in Querétaro state is 1Lzlgf3m11u-00318-00133541-00133847 sharing audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00319-00133847-00134203 In the case of Clandestino Theatre, Forum G, I also have 1Lzlgf3m11u-00320-00134203-00134390 the idea of decentralizing. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00321-00134390-00134935 I'm not in Querétaro but in a small adjacent town with the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00322-00134935-00135262 idea of taking the theatre to all communities and towns. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00323-00135262-00136103 So we've been visiting other theatres, theatres 1Lzlgf3m11u-00324-00136103-00136532 presenting comedies, for instance, and presenting 1Lzlgf3m11u-00325-00136532-00137034 plays with a similar style as their own to invite them to come 1Lzlgf3m11u-00326-00137034-00137315 to our theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00327-00137315-00137641 Likewise, in our theatres, we put the posters 1Lzlgf3m11u-00328-00137641-00137785 of their plays. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00329-00137785-00138287 I think that's the only strategy that is working, that I trust. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00330-00138287-00138648 It's about joining hands, joining efforts and not diving 1Lzlgf3m11u-00331-00138648-00138868 audiences but sharing them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00332-00139130-00139390 - Thanks, Pedro, from Clandestino Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00333-00139390-00139816 Anyone else in the central region would like to share what 1Lzlgf3m11u-00334-00139816-00140332 you've done for the creation of audiences? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00335-00140693-00141035 - Hi, I'm with Cedrus Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00336-00141035-00141299 We are in Pachuca. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00337-00141299-00142089 This is the second year we're issuing a call to join efforts 1Lzlgf3m11u-00338-00142089-00142427 with local and national troupes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00339-00142427-00142876 We invite them to be part of our program for the current 1Lzlgf3m11u-00340-00142876-00143586 year 2019, and join efforts in production and staging 1Lzlgf3m11u-00341-00143586-00143955 to achieve greater publicity and communication. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00342-00143955-00144252 The goal is to have a wider audience and make people get 1Lzlgf3m11u-00343-00144252-00144659 used to attending cultural events. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00344-00144755-00145688 This year in Pachucha most of the independent forums 1Lzlgf3m11u-00345-00145688-00146174 have closed, we're sort of survivors. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00346-00146268-00146794 The other theatres in Pachuca receive grants 1Lzlgf3m11u-00347-00146794-00146975 from the government. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00348-00146975-00147529 That's why most cultural events here are free of charge and it's 1Lzlgf3m11u-00349-00147529-00148134 very difficult to develop audiences willing to pay a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00350-00148134-00148402 ticket to a cultural event. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00351-00148402-00149002 So, creating synergy with other productions and groups has been 1Lzlgf3m11u-00352-00149002-00149465 helpful in creating audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00353-00149465-00149710 That's what I can share. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00354-00149921-00150168 - Thanks, Cedrus Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00355-00150168-00150290 - Here, Casota de Zapata. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00356-00150290-00150763 To answer your question, I think developing audiences is 1Lzlgf3m11u-00357-00150763-00150989 a complex task throughout the country. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00358-00150989-00151313 Here, what has worked for us is perseverance. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00359-00151313-00152127 We try to present plays for no less than a month and people are 1Lzlgf3m11u-00360-00152127-00152330 getting used to the fact that every Friday at 08:00 p.m. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00361-00152330-00152440 there's theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00362-00152440-00152608 But the situation is complex. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00363-00152608-00153002 I don't know the other colleagues, but in our case, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00364-00153002-00153232 we own our place, so we don't have to pay rent 1Lzlgf3m11u-00365-00153232-00153377 and that's a benefit. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00366-00153377-00153600 Otherwise, it would be impossible. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00367-00153600-00153953 So, we have been perseverant making people get used to the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00368-00153953-00154189 fact that every Friday we are open. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00369-00154189-00154332 That's been helpful. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00370-00154332-00154507 That's all. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00371-00154686-00154934 - Thanks, Casota de Zapata. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00372-00155010-00155216 So, the next question is... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00373-00155216-00155371 Sorry, Zenyazem. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00374-00155371-00155546 - Yes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00375-00155619-00156235 Well, we've thought of several strategies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00376-00156235-00156890 for developing audiences, and although we don't have the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00377-00156890-00157416 support of cultural policies, we've created various spaces. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00378-00157416-00157693 In many aspects, we're just beginning. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00379-00157785-00158121 In our coffee theatre, we don't just sell coffee, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00380-00158121-00158285 we sell the concept of the theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00381-00158359-00158780 From the menu to the place, which is a theme place... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00382-00158872-00159281 So, even if people is getting bored, we serve them a drink 1Lzlgf3m11u-00383-00159281-00159573 and we show them the theatre whether they like it or not. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00384-00159638-00160165 Another strategy has been convincing our colleagues to use 1Lzlgf3m11u-00385-00160165-00160282 this space. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00386-00160464-00160931 - We are open on Mondays through Sundays. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00387-00160931-00161415 So we've arranged a program with different drama styles for each 1Lzlgf3m11u-00388-00161415-00161860 day to introduce audiences to different ways of doing theatre 1Lzlgf3m11u-00389-00161860-00162880 and allow them to compare the different genres and styles. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00390-00162982-00163244 We also have two days in which we offer tutoring. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00391-00163244-00163790 Any kid in primary school, secondary school or university 1Lzlgf3m11u-00392-00163790-00164497 who needs to make a project on performing arts can come and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00393-00164497-00164862 receive tutorship free of charge. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00394-00164862-00165294 Sometimes, they become interested and come see 1Lzlgf3m11u-00395-00165294-00165420 the plays too. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00396-00165470-00165745 - It sounds easy, but it's a painstaking job. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00397-00165745-00166093 One person at a time. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00398-00166292-00166841 - Thanks to that, groups of students have come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00399-00166841-00167317 Maybe their project is related to Formula One but their 1Lzlgf3m11u-00400-00167317-00167498 presentation is oral. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00401-00167498-00167998 So we help them with techniques, theatrical techniques, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00402-00167998-00168332 and that creates a synergy between us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00403-00168332-00168974 In exchange, they give us spaces at universities 1Lzlgf3m11u-00404-00168974-00169401 from a communicative, marketing perspective. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00405-00169401-00169855 Our brand is showcased at universities and high schools 1Lzlgf3m11u-00406-00169855-00170092 by means of displays on their stands. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00407-00170092-00170969 So although we work with engineers, that allows us to be 1Lzlgf3m11u-00408-00170969-00171477 in contact with other groups. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00409-00171477-00171913 You may think we have nothing in common, but we have because 1Lzlgf3m11u-00410-00171913-00172367 we're human beings and we do theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00411-00172367-00172785 Basically, those have been our strategies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00412-00172785-00173415 We also have a mentions system. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00413-00173415-00174209 Performers working in other places are free 1Lzlgf3m11u-00414-00174209-00174474 to advertise them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00415-00174533-00175266 Here, we support them allowing them to show their posters, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00416-00175266-00175523 distribute flyers and so on. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00417-00175644-00175943 We are also a point of sale for plays presented 1Lzlgf3m11u-00418-00175943-00176120 in other theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00419-00176120-00176538 Some people get to know the place because they come to buy a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00420-00176538-00176712 ticket for another theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00421-00176865-00177224 Basically, that would be all, right? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00422-00177224-00177524 - Yes, we have other projects in mind. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00423-00177524-00177860 I see Lotería Theatre has joined the livestreaming. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00424-00177860-00178151 We are planning to meet other forums and troupes and see what 1Lzlgf3m11u-00425-00178151-00178292 we can do together. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00426-00178292-00178836 Everything is slow in Aguascalientes, but we're 1Lzlgf3m11u-00427-00178836-00179049 breaking stones where institutional presence 1Lzlgf3m11u-00428-00179049-00179207 is lacking. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00429-00179207-00179665 - I forgot to mention that people working at the coffee 1Lzlgf3m11u-00430-00179665-00179933 shop are troupers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00431-00179933-00180514 So if anyone has any doubts while ordering their coffee or 1Lzlgf3m11u-00432-00180514-00181124 tea or whatever, they can dialog with the trouper which results 1Lzlgf3m11u-00433-00181124-00181380 in very nice feedback. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00434-00181380-00182037 Moreover, since it's a very small place, after the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00435-00182037-00182574 play finishes, people can ask questions to the actors 1Lzlgf3m11u-00436-00182574-00182746 and actresses. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00437-00182746-00182940 That gives rise to dialogue. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00438-00182940-00183235 People feel comfortable, they learn and feel 1Lzlgf3m11u-00439-00183235-00183414 like coming back. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00440-00183532-00183836 - Let's say all the space is used to develop audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00441-00184107-00184374 - Thank you, Aguascalientes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00442-00184591-00184959 I can't hear you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00443-00184959-00185206 - Here, in Tamaulipas, I'd like to make a comment. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00444-00185237-00185358 - Sure. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00445-00185358-00185864 - As regards developing audiences, I want to share 1Lzlgf3m11u-00446-00185864-00186378 something that worked for us in the sense that the forum... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00447-00186378-00186504 - The volume is very low. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00448-00186504-00186844 Can you speak up? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00449-00186844-00187556 - The forum has tried to work not only with plays. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00450-00187556-00188182 We also present singers and musicians. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00451-00188182-00188482 We have a "Musical Thursday." 1Lzlgf3m11u-00452-00188482-00188951 That was the first non-theatrical performance 1Lzlgf3m11u-00453-00188951-00189254 we've included in the forum's program. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00454-00189254-00189532 As a result, people who were not used to attend cultural events 1Lzlgf3m11u-00455-00189532-00189681 started coming. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00456-00189746-00190416 Now we're sharing the space with groups that participate 1Lzlgf3m11u-00457-00190416-00190579 in roleplay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00458-00190579-00190858 I don't know if you know about them, they are 1Lzlgf3m11u-00459-00190858-00191035 cultural movements. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00460-00191035-00191645 Some people like roleplay, and activity that takes place 1Lzlgf3m11u-00461-00191645-00191840 all over the world, and they don't have any place 1Lzlgf3m11u-00462-00191840-00191969 for their gatherings. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00463-00192070-00192576 So, we've accepted social groups who join together for other 1Lzlgf3m11u-00464-00192576-00192831 interests than the theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00465-00192831-00193215 We tell them they can come for their monthly meetings and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00466-00193215-00193567 their events. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00467-00193567-00194259 That's how they get to know our space, people who consume other 1Lzlgf3m11u-00468-00194259-00194855 cultural products come and see the theatre, our program, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00469-00194855-00195332 and we make an exchange and reach audiences that wouldn't 1Lzlgf3m11u-00470-00195332-00195570 otherwise get to know us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00471-00195570-00196101 That strategy has worked for us, offering our space as a meeting 1Lzlgf3m11u-00472-00196101-00196669 point for people who don't have a place to gather. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00473-00196769-00197363 We know that the official cultural places available 1Lzlgf3m11u-00474-00197363-00197822 are huge, for 900 to 1000 people, they are too expensive, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00475-00197822-00198237 and sometimes governments only use them for the entertainment. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00476-00198237-00198702 Some people want to rehearse or work or simply meet with other 1Lzlgf3m11u-00477-00198702-00198978 aims that differ from the entertainment. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00478-00198978-00199602 That has been useful in reaching other people. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00479-00199602-00200076 I tell you this because it's nice having an exchange 1Lzlgf3m11u-00480-00200076-00200246 with people from other walks of life. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00481-00200419-00200633 - Thank you, Forum La columna. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00482-00200633-00200839 - May I say something about this topic? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00483-00201029-00201133 - Hi, there. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00484-00201133-00201253 - Yes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00485-00201372-00201820 - Here in Forum La Ceiba we have come up with several strategies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00486-00201820-00202190 to develop audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00487-00202190-00202767 We specifically work to integrate the community. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00488-00202767-00203527 Our community is not in the center of Morelia, it's near, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00489-00203527-00204399 and it has been stigmatized as a violent community. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00490-00204531-00204721 We are in Vasco de Quiroga. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00491-00204780-00205296 People in this community have been reluctant to come, mainly, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00492-00205296-00205512 due to the Catholic religion. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00493-00205567-00205991 What we're doing now is taking the theatre to the streets. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00494-00206046-00206579 We still present plays inside the forum, but we also go 1Lzlgf3m11u-00495-00206579-00207201 out on the streets with musical shows, we present the music 1Lzlgf3m11u-00496-00207201-00207507 of Cri cri or other artists with whom they identify. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00497-00207507-00208265 In this way, we don't interrupt their Catholic thinking 1Lzlgf3m11u-00498-00208265-00208399 and come closer to them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00499-00208399-00208765 They start to know us, they discover this is a meeting 1Lzlgf3m11u-00500-00208765-00209182 point too, somewhere they can come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00501-00209182-00209827 We've also carried out workshops for the women of the colony, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00502-00209896-00210520 and they saw this place as their home, as a place where they 1Lzlgf3m11u-00503-00210520-00210761 could express their feelings, they could tell how their 1Lzlgf3m11u-00504-00210761-00211415 husbands mistreated them and other male chauvinism issues. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00505-00211415-00211545 They feel free here. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00506-00211545-00212673 Now we have the project of visiting their homes and do oral 1Lzlgf3m11u-00507-00212673-00213430 narrations around the colony and invite them to come to the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00508-00213430-00213592 theatre and participate. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00509-00213592-00213860 And we also listen to them, it's not only 1Lzlgf3m11u-00510-00213860-00214304 one-way communication, but we can also learn a great 1Lzlgf3m11u-00511-00214304-00214619 deal from the people around us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00512-00214700-00215436 So we're making efforts to come closer to people. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00513-00215436-00215948 Troupers know each other, they know where we are, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00514-00215948-00216669 they know we are open and they can come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00515-00216669-00217313 We also support ourselves with certain rates. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00516-00217389-00218006 And if there are any groups, as our colleague said earlier, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00517-00218006-00218409 anyone needing a place to meet who don't have money, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00518-00218409-00218587 we make an exchange. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00519-00218654-00219347 We give them the physical space and they give us toilet paper, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00520-00219347-00219827 for instance, basic things, cleaning products. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00521-00219827-00220457 They have also shot some short films here 1Lzlgf3m11u-00522-00220457-00221084 and they have taken our picture in return. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00523-00221084-00221693 We not necessarily use money, sometimes we just 1Lzlgf3m11u-00524-00221693-00221846 exchange things. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00525-00221846-00222507 That's what we're doing so that both parts find it easier. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00526-00222564-00222713 That's all I wanted to say. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00527-00222817-00223112 - Thanks, Forum La Ceiba. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00528-00223192-00223555 Marco Antonio Vasconcelos has just joined us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00529-00223555-00224052 Please, tell us where you're from, how long have you been 1Lzlgf3m11u-00530-00224052-00224366 working and then we will listen to AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00531-00224965-00225204 The mic is on mute, Marco Antonio. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00532-00226300-00226420 - [Marco] Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00533-00226507-00226626 Good day everybody. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00534-00226626-00226816 It's still daytime here. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00535-00226816-00227130 We are in the Pacific area, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00536-00227130-00227263 Cabo San Lucas. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00537-00227305-00227891 Forum Vasconcelos started on March 27, 2010. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00538-00228030-00228680 I was the first and only independent forum 1Lzlgf3m11u-00539-00228680-00228939 in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00540-00229030-00229699 There are no independent forums similar to ours in this state. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00541-00229937-00230755 We have nine years offering dance, theatre, music, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00542-00230755-00231232 mainly contemporary dance. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00543-00231330-00231478 - Thanks, Marco Antonio. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00544-00231478-00231795 Lotería Theatre, please, say your name, your state 1Lzlgf3m11u-00545-00231795-00232006 and how long have you been open. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00546-00232684-00232964 - Sorry, are you asking me or someone else? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00547-00232964-00233248 - Lotería Theatre. - Okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00548-00233313-00233904 - Lotería Theatre, your mic is on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00549-00233951-00234353 Or we can continue with AndamioSteatro and their 1Lzlgf3m11u-00550-00234353-00234555 comments on developing audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00551-00234635-00235184 - We use many of the strategies mentioned by Tamaulipas 1Lzlgf3m11u-00552-00235184-00235445 and Morelia, and I think they're important. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00553-00235492-00236049 Our program is interdisciplinary, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00554-00236049-00236471 we invite everybody, not only to do theatre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00555-00236471-00236933 mainly young people, anyone who comes to AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00556-00236933-00237095 Our place is available. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00557-00237095-00237463 This has helped develop new audiences, since each group, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00558-00237463-00238079 each presentation, each concert, dancing activities, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00559-00238079-00238585 collective activities, they bring their own audience. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00560-00238585-00239082 Another useful strategy has been working with the community, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00561-00239082-00239275 as our colleague from Morelia was telling. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00562-00239275-00239646 We're inventing things all the time. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00563-00239646-00239992 Our last project was called "Urban Art." 1Lzlgf3m11u-00564-00239992-00240644 It was about recovering public spaces through the theatre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00565-00240644-00240935 ecology, sports, and painting. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00566-00241111-00241735 We scheduled a two-month program in a public space located in a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00567-00241735-00242048 vulnerable community near our theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00568-00242048-00242226 It's been very important. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00569-00242226-00243049 Working with children helped us come closer to the families 1Lzlgf3m11u-00570-00243049-00243429 because we have planned activities for women, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00571-00243429-00243568 but they didn't come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00572-00243568-00243861 We did activities for the young, but they didn't come. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00573-00243861-00244407 However, through children, we've worked in the colony, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00574-00244407-00245071 with the families and we've been able to develop audiences. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00575-00245071-00245642 We've been able to work on topics such as the mistreatment 1Lzlgf3m11u-00576-00245642-00246164 of women, in child abuse prevention. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00577-00246164-00246611 Because we believe that the theatre... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00578-00246611-00246941 I mean, we do theatre, but the theatre must have a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00579-00246941-00247218 social function. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00580-00247363-00247986 From that on, we organized a festival called "The moons 1Lzlgf3m11u-00581-00247986-00248174 of Urano, Shakespeare in the desert." 1Lzlgf3m11u-00582-00248174-00248859 As our colleague from Morelia said, we learn a lot and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00583-00248859-00249046 showcase what we do at the same time. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00584-00249046-00249362 That's been helpful. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00585-00249362-00250085 Also, universities are a hotbed of audiences we should 1Lzlgf3m11u-00586-00250085-00250218 always consider. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00587-00250309-00250530 That's all, thank you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00588-00250606-00250715 - Thanks, AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00589-00250715-00251295 Please, when we're not speaking, we put our mic on mute. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00590-00251295-00251632 Lotería Theatre, are you ready to introduce yourselves? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00591-00251632-00251918 - Do you hear me? Yes? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00592-00251918-00252200 I'm having trouble with the microphone. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00593-00252200-00252364 Can you hear me okay? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00594-00252548-00252833 - Yes, we can hear you okay. - Great. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00595-00252833-00253354 Lotería Theatre, in Aguascalientes, has been working 1Lzlgf3m11u-00596-00253354-00253522 since August 2014. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00597-00253522-00254239 We rent a studio for production, rehearsal, storage. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00598-00254239-00254728 People have slowly accepted our space to make 1Lzlgf3m11u-00599-00254728-00255397 their presentations, we have a fairly wide audience, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00600-00255397-00255942 and although the forum is small, with a full capacity 1Lzlgf3m11u-00601-00255942-00256710 of 45 people, our presentations are well received. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00602-00256710-00257173 We try to attract our audience while we are promoting 1Lzlgf3m11u-00603-00257173-00257729 our plays, both inside and outside the forum, when we have 1Lzlgf3m11u-00604-00257729-00258219 presentations in other public places, schools, companies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00605-00258340-00259052 We have a client base and we invite them to all the plays 1Lzlgf3m11u-00606-00259052-00259205 we present. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00607-00259205-00259576 We also have the support of the theatrical community to inform 1Lzlgf3m11u-00608-00259576-00260101 about our plays. I think something important our 1Lzlgf3m11u-00609-00260101-00260662 colleagues have mentioned is the need to form a community 1Lzlgf3m11u-00610-00260662-00260846 among troupers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00611-00260846-00261317 They can also use this space, we open our doors so that they 1Lzlgf3m11u-00612-00261317-00261665 can present their plays, rehearse, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00613-00261665-00262013 do screen tests, shootings. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00614-00262098-00262752 All this allowed us to keep the place active without having 1Lzlgf3m11u-00615-00262752-00263340 to worry about the rent. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00616-00263340-00264026 We not only keep the place as somewhere to present a play 1Lzlgf3m11u-00617-00264026-00264968 but also somewhere to work and rehearse 1Lzlgf3m11u-00618-00264968-00265382 without demanding a fee. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00619-00265382-00265819 As our colleague from Morelia was saying, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00620-00265819-00266774 we are open to making an exchange, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00621-00266774-00267218 to receive something meaningful and simple, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00622-00267218-00268365 like supplies for the forum, or water, or collaboration 1Lzlgf3m11u-00623-00268365-00268695 to pay the electricity. That's been helpful. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00624-00268695-00269250 We are growing and I think we can become stronger, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00625-00269315-00269875 especially to reinforce the meaning of an independent space, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00626-00269875-00270269 self-managed and self-sustainable, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00627-00270269-00270662 given the fact that government policies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00628-00270662-00270932 doesn't have the intention of opening 1Lzlgf3m11u-00629-00270932-00271206 places like this but they would rather close them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00630-00271206-00271606 In Aguascalientes, in the last 20 or 30 years, we've lost some 1Lzlgf3m11u-00631-00271606-00272026 public places administered by the official sector. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00632-00272026-00272796 Those institutions rest in the knowledge that independent 1Lzlgf3m11u-00633-00272796-00273111 spaces are appearing. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00634-00273111-00273508 We think these spaces are necessary too, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00635-00273508-00273694 but they should have financial support. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00636-00273694-00274471 We keep on working hard and covering the need of audiences 1Lzlgf3m11u-00637-00274471-00274718 for going to the theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00638-00274946-00275130 - Thanks, Lotería Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00639-00275130-00275502 The last question is for the South. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00640-00275502-00275753 Only one person will answer. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00641-00275753-00276240 People from the South region, do you think that managing 1Lzlgf3m11u-00642-00276240-00276640 an independent theatre is an act of resistance? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00643-00276640-00276878 Yes, no, why? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00644-00277194-00277462 Anyone from the South... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00645-00278448-00278552 - Hi. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00646-00278552-00278799 Pedro González, from Clandestino Theatre. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00647-00278799-00279262 Sure, doing independent theatre is an act of resistance, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00648-00279262-00280006 it's an act of perseverance, it's about finding the right 1Lzlgf3m11u-00649-00280006-00280595 people to help us grow as a theatrical collective, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00650-00280595-00280923 but also through state strategies that are 1Lzlgf3m11u-00651-00280923-00281248 being implemented, as the International Day 1Lzlgf3m11u-00652-00281248-00281596 of the Theatre, where there were 21 performances. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00653-00281596-00282140 It was interesting to see that the public was asked 1Lzlgf3m11u-00654-00282140-00282297 to collaborate with MXN$20. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00655-00282355-00282829 It was voluntary but not so cheap. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00656-00282971-00283474 We cannot keep on offering cultural events for free, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00657-00283474-00283704 shows for free. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00658-00283704-00284739 The theatre is valuable, it's capable of redeeming souls, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00659-00284739-00285043 but it has a cost too. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00660-00285043-00285371 So, while developing audiences and in order to survive, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00661-00285371-00286145 we have to teach people that the theatre has a price. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00662-00286430-00286803 - Thank you, Pedro, from Clandestino Theater. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00663-00286803-00287146 We will continue with a series of questions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00664-00287146-00287476 Anyone can answer this time. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00665-00287941-00288436 What could we do as a community so that cultural public policies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00666-00288436-00289116 recognize and support the independent theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00667-00289116-00289645 What can we do as a community so that public policies recognize 1Lzlgf3m11u-00668-00289645-00289848 the independent theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00669-00289848-00290068 Anyone can answer. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00670-00290068-00290283 Go ahead, Forum La Columna. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00671-00290522-00290849 - One of the things is what we're doing right now, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00672-00290849-00291068 join together. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00673-00291355-00291448 What happened? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00674-00291448-00291646 - AndamioSteatro, and then Forum La Columna. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00675-00291719-00292026 - One of the things is what we're doing right now, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00676-00292026-00292377 joining together, get to know each other, what we're doing. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00677-00292377-00292795 We share a lot of similarities and I'm sure we can work 1Lzlgf3m11u-00678-00292795-00292989 from them. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00679-00293055-00293392 I think we must tackle the issue of legislation. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00680-00293595-00294387 It's our duty, and as creators, we have set that aside. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00681-00294502-00295388 It's a tedious, boring task for us, but I think we should deal 1Lzlgf3m11u-00682-00295388-00295902 with it, work for our rights as writers, to access health, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00683-00295902-00296231 be treated as professionals... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00684-00296231-00296556 We're professionals but we don't live as such. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00685-00296595-00297222 We should all undertake the task of investigating the public 1Lzlgf3m11u-00686-00297222-00297798 policies of our country, of our States and form a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00687-00297798-00298699 community to achieve the laws we need. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00688-00298699-00299277 I think all of us, as independent theatres, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00689-00299277-00299929 when we want to present a play, we have to ask the city council 1Lzlgf3m11u-00690-00299929-00300251 for permission, civil protection comes in, and it's not wrong 1Lzlgf3m11u-00691-00300251-00300582 for them to come, but we cannot be treated in the same way 1Lzlgf3m11u-00692-00300582-00300916 as other institutions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00693-00301032-00302123 We are serving the community, we generate cultural policies 1Lzlgf3m11u-00694-00302123-00302448 the State has not been able to generate. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00695-00302448-00302808 So, on the one hand, what we're doing now. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00696-00302808-00303361 On the other hand, dealing with this tedious task of finding 1Lzlgf3m11u-00697-00303361-00303644 out what's available for us artists and creators, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00698-00303644-00304260 and to bet that...not bet, demand our rights. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00699-00304496-00304706 - Thank you, AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00700-00304706-00304884 Now, La Columna. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00701-00304979-00305394 - Following what our colleage was just saying... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00702-00305433-00305554 - I hear you very low. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00703-00305554-00305791 Can you speak up but without the microphone? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00704-00305791-00306122 Because it collects the ambient noises too. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00705-00306188-00306293 - Can you hear me? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00706-00306293-00306499 - Yes, a little bit louder. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00707-00306720-00307296 - I think the most important thing as a group right now is 1Lzlgf3m11u-00708-00307296-00307924 to acquire legal personality and become spokespeople 1Lzlgf3m11u-00709-00307924-00308051 before the State. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00710-00308145-00308675 This attempt to form a network will have to be officialized 1Lzlgf3m11u-00711-00308675-00308961 through legal means, through an association, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00712-00308961-00309342 like our colleagues from the southeast region and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00713-00309342-00310165 their network, and be able to speak before the State. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00714-00310178-00310541 The State is an entity without a face. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00715-00310541-00310792 Even though we speak with officials, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00716-00310792-00311094 we are dealing with an entity. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00717-00311094-00311583 It doesn't have a face but many faces. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00718-00311583-00312073 Just as each of us is the face of a forum 1Lzlgf3m11u-00719-00312073-00312367 with a certain reality. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00720-00312367-00313451 This gathering must lead us to organize legally and become 1Lzlgf3m11u-00721-00313451-00314206 spokespeople so that our voices are acknowledged beyond any 1Lzlgf3m11u-00722-00314206-00314419 specific demands. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00723-00314419-00315259 As artists, we need to start a dialogue with the authorities 1Lzlgf3m11u-00724-00315259-00315686 and engage the community because we're on the right path. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00725-00315888-00316181 - Thank you, Forum La Columna. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00726-00316181-00316692 The next question is, What do we need or what are we 1Lzlgf3m11u-00727-00316692-00317287 missing to create a national network of independent theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00728-00317355-00317787 To give you some context, Guadalajara, Yucatán and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00729-00317787-00318275 Mexico City are the only three places with a local network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00730-00318275-00318487 of independent theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00731-00318545-00319049 So, what do we need to create a national network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00732-00319049-00319300 of independent theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00733-00320227-00321101 - I think the first step would be to identify those 1Lzlgf3m11u-00734-00321101-00321953 independent places, recognize each other as such and device a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00735-00321953-00322904 directory for the directors of each theatre to start exchanging 1Lzlgf3m11u-00736-00322904-00323129 artistic products. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00737-00323184-00324003 I think we should devise a directory with all the necessary 1Lzlgf3m11u-00738-00324003-00324561 curricula as regards the forums and the directors so that each 1Lzlgf3m11u-00739-00324561-00324824 director can have the information of all 1Lzlgf3m11u-00740-00324824-00325514 independent theatres, like a map with the geographical 1Lzlgf3m11u-00741-00325514-00325676 location of each theatre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00742-00325676-00326016 and what means of transport are available. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00743-00326016-00326638 One of our main difficulties is the lack of transportation. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00744-00326761-00327225 You can arrive by plane and by ship, but you can't arrive 1Lzlgf3m11u-00745-00327225-00327711 by bus unless you want to go to Tijuana, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00746-00327711-00328193 and from there it's 28 hours to Cabo San Lucas. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00747-00328263-00329071 So, I think we need a directory with a map 1Lzlgf3m11u-00748-00329071-00329528 to identify ourselves, recognize ourselves 1Lzlgf3m11u-00749-00329528-00329907 and from there start working in collaboration. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00750-00330154-00330410 - Thanks, Marco Antonio Vasconcelos. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00751-00330410-00330955 From the 43 people I spoke with from all around Mexico, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00752-00330955-00331440 those 43 theatres are in the World Theatre Map. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00753-00331440-00331564 You can check them up. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00754-00331564-00331941 I showed you your theatres profiles. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00755-00331941-00332538 There are 43 places, representing all the States 1Lzlgf3m11u-00756-00332538-00333240 in Mexico, except the states of Tlaxcala, Guanajuato, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00757-00333240-00333519 and Tabasco. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00758-00333519-00334043 It was impossible to find representatives in those places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00759-00334043-00334313 The rest of the Mexican States 1Lzlgf3m11u-00760-00334313-00334557 are included in the World Theatre Map. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00761-00334624-00335061 Anyone else would like to say what we need to form a national 1Lzlgf3m11u-00762-00335061-00335269 network of independent theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00763-00335269-00335444 Tapanco, Yucatán? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00764-00335444-00335721 - Yes, I think that... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00765-00335777-00336049 - Tapanco Yucatán wanted to say something first. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00766-00336049-00336231 Then we will listen to AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00767-00336231-00336453 - Thanks, Mariela. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00768-00336637-00336837 I agree with everything that has been said. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00769-00336837-00337283 I think it's exciting to see so many places 1Lzlgf3m11u-00770-00337283-00337652 with common interests. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00771-00337652-00338366 If we want to create a national network I think that although we 1Lzlgf3m11u-00772-00338366-00338549 need to institutionalize it and figure out our relationship 1Lzlgf3m11u-00773-00338549-00339032 with the State, we need to see the internal relationships we 1Lzlgf3m11u-00774-00339032-00339602 can develop and create specific projects so as not to ideologize 1Lzlgf3m11u-00775-00339602-00340128 the working logic and avoid any institutional or public battles 1Lzlgf3m11u-00776-00340128-00340350 that exceed us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00777-00340350-00340556 We should look at it from a social, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00778-00340556-00340918 public perspective...sorry, private perspective and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00779-00340918-00341224 from there generate specific strategies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00780-00341224-00341665 If we start with concrete strategies and actions, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00781-00341665-00341987 the network will follow as a consequence. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00782-00341987-00342630 If we push the creation of a network a priori, we may 1Lzlgf3m11u-00783-00342630-00342829 force things. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00784-00342829-00343565 This gathering of theaters' representatives makes me part 1Lzlgf3m11u-00785-00343565-00344178 of a network, and we can start planning an infinite number 1Lzlgf3m11u-00786-00344178-00344301 of projects. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00787-00344301-00344995 Finally, the National Theatre Congress led to an initiative, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00788-00344995-00345228 which is the creation of the national directory 1Lzlgf3m11u-00789-00345228-00345357 of the theatrical community. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00790-00345357-00345512 The initiative is in progress 1Lzlgf3m11u-00791-00345512-00345777 and soon we will see the results. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00792-00345777-00346452 So I invite you and all the representatives here 1Lzlgf3m11u-00793-00346452-00346811 to participate and access this information. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00794-00346811-00347359 This directory will show a map of people and places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00795-00347359-00347842 I invite anyone who didn't know about it to join. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00796-00347842-00348292 I will include the link on the chat. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00797-00348292-00348478 Thanks, that's all. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00798-00348592-00348967 - Thank you, Bryan Caballero. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00799-00348967-00349343 AndamioSteatro wanted to make a comment? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00800-00349343-00349515 - Yes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00801-00349515-00349778 I agree with all the ideas shared. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00802-00349778-00350047 I think it's one step at a time. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00803-00350047-00350304 We cannot expect to do everything at once. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00804-00350304-00350900 It's useful to know about the World Theatre Map, about the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00805-00350900-00351163 directory of tha National Theatre Congress. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00806-00351163-00351644 We don't usually have access to those things. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00807-00351717-00352147 I think it's important that each of us commits to the network 1Lzlgf3m11u-00808-00352147-00352641 in our own States, that would be the first step. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00809-00352641-00352952 Maybe some of us already have contacts, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00810-00352952-00353222 we are already working on it. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00811-00353316-00353806 Then we should continue at a regional level, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00812-00353806-00354144 in Baja California and the countries of the north. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00813-00354526-00354749 That would make things easier. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00814-00354805-00355288 Another important aspect is how we can use the institutions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00815-00355288-00355405 In what sense? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00816-00355405-00355935 Sometimes, we have performances in other States, and I feel 1Lzlgf3m11u-00817-00355935-00357358 with what we're doing today, we will be able to embrace 1Lzlgf3m11u-00818-00357358-00357976 those performances, those dance shows and so on. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00819-00358121-00358753 I'm always amazed at what circuses do, or people 1Lzlgf3m11u-00820-00358753-00358888 doing clown. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00821-00358888-00359585 They say, "I will go to China," or "I will go to Yucatán. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00822-00359585-00359784 Who is working in a circus there?" 1Lzlgf3m11u-00823-00359784-00360057 And they are strong in solidarity. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00824-00360057-00360632 That's what we should learn from other disciplines, to be more 1Lzlgf3m11u-00825-00360632-00360941 generous with our places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00826-00360941-00361194 No matter the quality. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00827-00361359-00361710 Quality is important, but Imean, in the end, the public decides 1Lzlgf3m11u-00828-00361710-00362020 if the show is interesting or not. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00829-00362020-00362304 To sum up, I would start with the States, then the regions, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00830-00362304-00362702 the way in which we use the sets and the other aspects that have 1Lzlgf3m11u-00831-00362702-00362824 been mentioned. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00832-00363016-00363223 - Thank you, AndamioSteatro. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00833-00363252-00363436 Finally... Oh, okay. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00834-00363554-00363841 - I want to speak about a different subject. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00835-00363841-00364359 Actually, I want to speak about public policies, especially, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00836-00364359-00364680 here in Michoacán, in Morelia. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00837-00364753-00365285 More or less one month, one month and a half ago...since 1Lzlgf3m11u-00838-00365285-00365705 the cultural places are not included in the city council 1Lzlgf3m11u-00839-00365705-00366068 catalog because it's very expensive to pay the licenses 1Lzlgf3m11u-00840-00366068-00366776 and it's hard to pay the same as the big institutions, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00841-00366776-00367198 our theatres are reduced, for 40, 50 audience members, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00842-00367198-00367511 sometimes less, so together with the local Secretariat 1Lzlgf3m11u-00843-00367511-00367643 for Culture, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00844-00367643-00368147 which is under the charge of Dr. Cardiela Amezcua, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00845-00368147-00368651 maybe you want to take note and learn 1Lzlgf3m11u-00846-00368651-00369180 about this process we're undergoing, she met the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00847-00369180-00369864 city council, she's also working with the other secretariats, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00848-00369952-00370455 I'm not acquainted with those topics, but we're working to be 1Lzlgf3m11u-00849-00370455-00370967 included in a local catalog. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00850-00370967-00371421 Various cultural places have been registered, places 1Lzlgf3m11u-00851-00371421-00372096 dedicated to theatre, to dance, bars or coffee shops that 1Lzlgf3m11u-00852-00372096-00372984 present play, different cultural places under the institutions 1Lzlgf3m11u-00853-00372984-00373207 with the purpose of being acknowledged as cultural places. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00854-00373207-00373963 That will allow us to receive federal support, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00855-00373963-00374348 private support, and so on. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00856-00374348-00374939 It's down to each place to decide whether it will receive 1Lzlgf3m11u-00857-00374939-00375085 certain support or not. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00858-00375085-00375526 It's a slow process, but it's underway. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00859-00375526-00376698 So, if you can start working in the same way in your States and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00860-00376698-00377243 go to your secretariats of culture saying, "We're not 1Lzlgf3m11u-00861-00377243-00377717 included in any institutional catalog but we'd like to be 1Lzlgf3m11u-00862-00377717-00378064 included," you can approach them just as we're doing it here 1Lzlgf3m11u-00863-00378064-00378250 in Morelia. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00864-00378250-00378633 I just wanted to mention that possibility. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00865-00378846-00379173 - Thank you, Forum La Ceiba for your comment. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00866-00379173-00379992 To sum up, does anyone want to ask anything to anybody else now 1Lzlgf3m11u-00867-00379992-00380350 that we're all here? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00868-00380350-00380687 That was the last point on our list. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00869-00380687-00381054 Does anyone want to ask about what's been mentioned? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00870-00381138-00381396 If not, we'll finish here. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00871-00381396-00381631 Does anybody have any questions? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00872-00382475-00382655 - We, Aguascalientes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00873-00382655-00382833 - Sure, go ahead. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00874-00382890-00383494 - I would like to know if you would be willing to organize a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00875-00383494-00383992 festival in our theatres, at a national level. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00876-00383992-00384633 We would somehow provide accommodation 1Lzlgf3m11u-00877-00384633-00384768 for our colleagues. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00878-00384768-00385260 In this way, we could organize a national festival. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00879-00385611-00386026 - I think it's not very clear. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00880-00386080-00386487 Organizing a festival in our theatres? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00881-00386487-00386648 - That's right. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00882-00386809-00387095 - Well, if the other coordinators are interested, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00883-00387095-00387552 the 43 theatres appear in the World Theatre Map. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00884-00387552-00388050 There are links to their Facebook pages, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00885-00388050-00388321 their phone numbers. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00886-00388417-00388648 We could make a proposal. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00887-00388754-00389120 Being 43 independent theatres, we could do 1Lzlgf3m11u-00888-00389120-00389260 something interesting. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00889-00389486-00389904 Yes, David Gómez, and we will finish the session. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00890-00389904-00390028 - I would like to ask. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00891-00390028-00390545 I think it would be interesting to organize a national festival, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00892-00390545-00391012 but now that we've identified each other, at least within the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00893-00391012-00391504 same region, we could form a corridor among Tamaulipas, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00894-00391504-00392005 Nuevo León, I don't know if Coahuila is present... We could 1Lzlgf3m11u-00895-00392005-00392782 start creating a network to get to know each other better and 1Lzlgf3m11u-00896-00392782-00393527 then start thinking on larger cultural policies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00897-00393577-00393928 I'm talking to the coordinators of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00898-00393928-00394077 and Nuevo León. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00899-00394500-00394815 - [inaudible] is also part of the North. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00900-00394901-00395087 - Sure, yes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00901-00395087-00395234 Chihuahua. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00902-00395234-00395377 - Chihuahua. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00903-00395377-00395590 It's been a pleasure. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00904-00395590-00395733 We've come to the end of this session. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00905-00395733-00396207 Anybody has something very important to say 1Lzlgf3m11u-00906-00396207-00396521 before finishing? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00907-00396521-00396683 If not... 1Lzlgf3m11u-00908-00396700-00396804 Anyone? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00909-00396854-00396951 No? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00910-00397011-00397172 - Me. - Sure, sorry. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00911-00397172-00397958 - I think we shouldn't forget the fact that we're 1Lzlgf3m11u-00912-00397958-00398696 private enterprises, and together we could demand the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00913-00398696-00399220 legislative power not to subsidize us but to support us 1Lzlgf3m11u-00914-00399220-00399566 and give us a special qualification. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00915-00399575-00399981 I don't think we need to be a civil association, but we need 1Lzlgf3m11u-00916-00399981-00400227 to join like we're joined now. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00917-00400296-00400877 We need to study at a local and a national level because I don't 1Lzlgf3m11u-00918-00400877-00401028 find it so complex. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00919-00401154-00401477 Ten years ago, you needed to be a civil association, A, B, C, D, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00920-00401477-00402190 etc., X, Y, and now there are other pressures. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00921-00402190-00402746 I think if we are on the same page, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00922-00402746-00403056 we can achieve some changes. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00923-00403056-00403915 We can start getting support locally and then at a 1Lzlgf3m11u-00924-00403915-00404470 national level. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00925-00404518-00405036 In my experience, in other countries, independent theatres 1Lzlgf3m11u-00926-00405036-00405419 are supported by public institutions. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00927-00405419-00405648 They don't make any difference, and the more theatres, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00928-00405648-00405768 the better. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00929-00406011-00406178 - Thank you, Zenyazen. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00930-00406178-00406371 - I would like to say something, I don't know if that's possible. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00931-00406371-00406693 Do we have time? - Sure, one last comment. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00932-00406693-00407351 - Well, we already identified the North, the Centre, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00933-00407351-00407525 and the South. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00934-00407642-00408122 For us, it's important to be identified as the Pacific. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00935-00408216-00408684 People seem to forget the Pacific exists. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00936-00408756-00409166 This is an important region, everything enters the country 1Lzlgf3m11u-00937-00409166-00409319 through here. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00938-00409319-00409882 The Asian market arrives in the Pacific. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00939-00409938-00410517 So, we need to be recognized as the Pacific area. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00940-00410517-00410750 We're in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00941-00410814-00411279 People consider only the North, the Centre, and the South 1Lzlgf3m11u-00942-00411279-00411481 as part of the country, and they forget 1Lzlgf3m11u-00943-00411481-00411604 about this region. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00944-00411604-00412314 I also think we should plan another session to discuss the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00945-00412314-00412948 active economies within the independent theatres. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00946-00412948-00413596 We should also analyze the term "independent." 1Lzlgf3m11u-00947-00413678-00414357 I've heard many places have governmental support as well 1Lzlgf3m11u-00948-00414357-00415011 as federal, state and local subsidies, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00949-00415011-00415508 so how independent are we? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00950-00415568-00415912 Are we going from being independent to being subsidized 1Lzlgf3m11u-00951-00415912-00416039 by the government? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00952-00416039-00416391 We need to analyze those terms. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00953-00416443-00416965 Personally, in the next session, I'd like to tackle the issue 1Lzlgf3m11u-00954-00416965-00417110 of economies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00955-00417110-00417871 Here, we have a trickle-down economy that allows us 1Lzlgf3m11u-00956-00417871-00418184 to maintain the project. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00957-00418382-00418646 We are Forum Vasconcelos, Casa de la Danza. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00958-00418646-00419109 I would like to know how do the other theatres manage 1Lzlgf3m11u-00959-00419109-00419335 their economies. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00960-00419335-00419688 How do they manage to pay their water, electricity, telephone, 1Lzlgf3m11u-00961-00419688-00419891 and infrastructure? 1Lzlgf3m11u-00962-00419972-00420299 Not necessarily thinking of programs. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00963-00420299-00420584 Programs involve other aspects. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00964-00420584-00420727 Thank you. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00965-00420890-00421074 - Thanks, Marco Antonio. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00966-00421074-00421752 I've just written down that I will look for the 43 theatres 1Lzlgf3m11u-00967-00421752-00422195 I incorporated to the World Theatre Map to support the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00968-00422195-00422374 project on the theatre directory. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00969-00422374-00422788 Bryan Caballero included the link to that project. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00970-00422788-00423235 This could lead to the creation of a network, step by step. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00971-00423294-00424006 This dialogue has been recorded for other colleagues who 1Lzlgf3m11u-00972-00424006-00424132 couldn't join us. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00973-00424132-00424341 You can also watch it again. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00974-00424341-00424819 It will be uploaded in HowlRound so that you can keep in contact. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00975-00424878-00425354 We will also write down a research paper with all the 1Lzlgf3m11u-00976-00425354-00425859 answers I've received from all the colleagues. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00977-00425959-00426262 The essay will be posted at HowlRound. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00978-00426325-00426736 It's been a pleasure for me speaking with each of you 1Lzlgf3m11u-00979-00426736-00427283 and joining this community which will hopefully persevere 1Lzlgf3m11u-00980-00427283-00427531 and will create synergy. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00981-00427595-00427991 This session has come to an end. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00982-00427991-00428325 Thank you, that would be all. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00983-00428396-00428643 Thank you very much for joining today. 1Lzlgf3m11u-00984-00428816-00428947 See you! 1MQYFKpcFoY-00000-00000972-00001280 Hello and welcome to an FPGA vision video. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00001-00001408-00001718 Here we'll have a look at the FPGA implementation 1MQYFKpcFoY-00002-00001729-00001894 of our spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00003-00001971-00002278 And we start with a block diagram. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00004-00002355-00002739 The data input is the red, green, blue video signal. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00005-00002790-00003251 And this is converted with the random generator into spikes. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00006-00003353-00003686 The spike trains go into neurons in hidden layer 1MQYFKpcFoY-00007-00003763-00003916 and output layer. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00008-00003968-00004352 And then we have output processing to generate from the spikes 1MQYFKpcFoY-00009-00004358-00004684 of the output neurons the red, green, blue output image. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00010-00004801-00005333 The design is coded in VHDL by a student of our university, Mr. Niederberger. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00011-00005360-00005499 And it's available on GitHub. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00012-00005597-00005978 Before we have a look at the code there's one important thing to consider. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00013-00006083-00006512 The spiking neural network uses 64 cycles for 1 output. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00014-00006557-00007091 However, we use our setup with a video input where we have 1 input per cycle. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00015-00007168-00007321 How do we match that? 1MQYFKpcFoY-00016-00007338-00007824 Well, we take 64 input values and generate 1 output value. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00017-00007837-00008009 This is a simplification, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00018-00008019-00008601 but it's a very good approach to illustrate working of the spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00019-00008627-00009164 We will see the effect in the output of the spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00020-00009267-00009446 This is the level of the design, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00021-00009497-00009728 We have clock input, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00022-00009753-00010112 video input with sync signals and red, green, blue. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00023-00010188-00010624 We have video output with sync signals and again red, green, blue. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00024-00010700-00010982 Then we have internal signals and constants. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00025-00011110-00011366 The control block delays the sync signals. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00026-00011494-00011699 And then we have a random generator 1MQYFKpcFoY-00027-00011724-00012262 to convert between the integer values of red, green, blue to spikes. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00028-00012288-00012492 This is here is the submodule. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00029-00012503-00012800 This is the entity. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00030-00012876-00013056 Then we have a random generator. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00031-00013184-00013619 And now we compare the integer red, green, blue value 1MQYFKpcFoY-00032-00013670-00013798 with the the random value. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00033-00013849-00014305 And if the integer value is larger than the random value, we generate a spike. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00034-00014323-00014530 And thereby we get a spike train. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00035-00014822-00015149 The spike train goes into the different neurones 1MQYFKpcFoY-00036-00015158-00015513 Here is the hidden neuron 0, neuron 1, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00037-00015590-00016128 And he again we find the parameters from training and normalization. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00038-00016166-00016819 So these are the values we got from the algorithm of the previous lecture. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00039-00017003-00017146 More hidden nodes. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00040-00017200-00017356 And here the output nodes. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00041-00017361-00017971 Again, these parameters have been generated by training and normalization. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00042-00018176-00018585 The output of the output neurons, is accumulated. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00043-00018662-00019020 And if the value is larger than the threshold 1MQYFKpcFoY-00044-00019046-00019609 we output a blue value, a yellow value, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00045-00019660-00020070 or if we have not detected enough spikes we output a black value. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00046-00020249-00020454 Also we have a look now at the neuron. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00047-00020531-00020812 This is the entity again. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00048-00020864-00021248 With the weights that we give to the neuron. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00049-00021273-00021478 Here are the spikes at the input. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00050-00021529-00022169 And if there is a spike, we select the corresponding weight, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00051-00022274-00022399 for all the inputs 1MQYFKpcFoY-00052-00022409-00022937 We have an adder tree that sums up all these different weights plus the bias. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00053-00023065-00023347 And here we have an accumulator for the values. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00054-00023526-00023884 If the value of the accumulator is larger than the threshold, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00055-00023910-00024089 we generate an output spike, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00056-00024115-00024448 and we subtract the threshold from the accumulator. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00057-00024601-00024857 This design can be implemented on an FPGA 1MQYFKpcFoY-00058-00024883-00025292 and we have a remote-lab to provide you an experimentation environment. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00059-00025472-00025777 In this video I will have a look at the simulation 1MQYFKpcFoY-00060-00025780-00026086 because this allows us a much better view 1MQYFKpcFoY-00061-00026111-00026419 of the internal operation of the spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00062-00026521-00026803 The testbench is also provided on GitHub. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00063-00026879-00027223 And it requires a test image as an input file. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00064-00027289-00027596 Using the VLC player we take a snapshot of one image. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00065-00027708-00028211 Then we take IrfanView to convert that image into the PPM format, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00066-00028262-00028569 portable pixel map with ASCII encoding. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00067-00028646-00028902 This gives a text file with RGB values, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00068-00028927-00029209 that is suitable to be read by the testbench. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00069-00029311-00029823 For simulation we use Questa which is free with the Intel FPGA starter edition. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00070-00029849-00030028 And we generate a new project, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00071-00030105-00030412 we include all the source code files and compile them, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00072-00030489-00030694 and then we simulate the testbench. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00073-00030796-00031027 The testbench generates an output image 1MQYFKpcFoY-00074-00031052-00031411 and the overlay of the input image shows 1MQYFKpcFoY-00075-00031436-00031923 that the network correctly identifies the blue 1MQYFKpcFoY-00076-00031948-00032102 and yellow road signs. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00077-00032204-00032537 The design works with frames of 64 cycles. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00078-00032614-00033311 Therefore we get 1 output value for 64 consecutive input pixel in a row. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00079-00033382-00033740 Here we can see that detection is at the threshold 1MQYFKpcFoY-00080-00033791-00034175 the road sign partly overlaps the 64 cycle block 1MQYFKpcFoY-00081-00034227-00034585 so that sometimes we have a detection, sometimes not. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00082-00034644-00034943 For analysis of the simulation 1MQYFKpcFoY-00083-00034969-00035302 we have a look at the detection of the blue region 1MQYFKpcFoY-00084-00035353-00035788 and we see that the right block is one line above 1MQYFKpcFoY-00085-00035839-00036070 the detection of the left block. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00086-00036121-00036315 We will see that in a minute. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00087-00036351-00036611 Now look at the waveforms 1MQYFKpcFoY-00088-00036613-00036966 to understand the internal working of the spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00089-00037068-00037299 We go back to the Questa simulator. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00090-00037324-00037759 Simulation has completed and we reformat the screen 1MQYFKpcFoY-00091-00037811-00037990 to see more of the waveform. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00092-00038150-00038697 We see input data, output data and we jump to the start, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00093-00038775-00039102 to find the first edge of the blue output- 1MQYFKpcFoY-00094-00039108-00039209 Here we have it. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00095-00039219-00039482 And we see that the output is generated 1MQYFKpcFoY-00096-00039485-00039884 because we have a number of spikes on the neuron. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00097-00039910-00040191 There are no spikes here, so no blue output, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00098-00040268-00040627 Let's jump to the next occurrence, this is the second line, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00099-00040678-00041164 where we have two frames with 255 blue output. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00100-00041190-00041360 Here is another blue frame, 1MQYFKpcFoY-00101-00041393-00041795 so these are the blue regions we saw earlier in the output image. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00102-00041828-00042223 And here we see corresponding spikes on the output neuron. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00103-00042278-00042591 So this gives you an idea how to analyze 1MQYFKpcFoY-00104-00042601-00043046 the behaviour of the spiking neural network with the simulator. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00105-00043128-00043436 So now you have the code to train and implement 1MQYFKpcFoY-00106-00043456-00043707 a spiking neural network on an FPGA. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00107-00043785-00044111 Because we need 64 cycles for 1 output value 1MQYFKpcFoY-00108-00044134-00044480 we do not meet the real-time requirements for video processing. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00109-00044531-00044747 But the design is a very good example 1MQYFKpcFoY-00110-00044753-00045043 of the internal workings of a spiking neural network. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00111-00045094-00045308 So I hope you enjoyed the videos. 1MQYFKpcFoY-00112-00045329-00045435 Thanks for watching. 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00000-00000027-00000218 hahaha this looks so bad :-( 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00001-00000637-00001325 Hope you all enjoyed! Hi bitches, my name is Frederic. Still got the F**KING SHOES . Look they're still perfect💋 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00002-00001325-00001973 I don't want to hear anyone say acrylic paint doesn't work. And once again all it takes is one, I make one TINI miniscule 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00003-00002131-00002828 *wHisPeR*>> microscopic... Comment about misspelling my name. You see it, you see it. Yeah, don't forget it now let's just say you guys are 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00004-00002884-00003309 sick and twisted. AND you make me laugh my ass off, so I guess that's a thing now. 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00005-00003311-00003809 My name is flaxseed for today. Those of you who follow my Instagram already know this but I...*DRAMATIC PAUSE?* 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00006-00003868-00004520 Like to dabble in make up sometimes, not the scandals or taking advantage of your fans kind of thing. 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00007-00004521-00004562 no 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00008-00004562-00005075 I just, I like makeup but people say I look better in makeup on and I don't know about the shady comment or not 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00009-00005076-00005577 I am deciding to take offence though right now this moment. So we're gonna do some makeup. 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00010-00005577-00006158 And yes, this is what you see gotta stay on brand here. Okay. Now you're probably thinking "WhAt's inSidSE YoUr GaY 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00011-00006217-00006881 SaTchel", FredEriC? My only pair of lashes once again on brand, I am on brand beauty guru style ;) 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00012-00006943-00007331 and my friend gave me this Urban Decay eyeshadow that is really pretty and I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00013-00007534-00007803 Something is dying outside beauty guru style 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00014-00007803-00007965 and I wanted to 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00015-00007965-00008447 Make a whole look based off of this here are some pallets and this is my mom's mirror see on this side 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00016-00008447-00008879 it's just a regular magnifying mirror, but on this side, it just shows every 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00017-00008938-00009414 Insecurity you have every pore that you didn't know existed and I just have some eye brushes. So 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00018-00009496-00009707 Let's do an eye look. This is not I repeat 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00019-00009707-00010301 This is not a tutorial and that goes for everything on my channel. It is your loss if you decide to follow me. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00020-00010489-00010826 God this is really close only. Hold on give me a second 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00021-00010972-00011172 Hello. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00022-00011200-00011400 I didn't see you there Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00023-00011532-00012011 Like can't be a beauty guru. So we're first gonna start off with the elf Manford matte 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00024-00012067-00012632 Eyeshadow now, I'm gonna take my morphe brush use this code in the description if you want 10% off your order 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00025-00012735-00012973 This is probably why I don't get sponsorships either 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00026-00012984-00013538 Okay, but being serious, we're gonna take this color and listen for those of us with a mono lid 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00027-00013538-00014266 You already know the struggle it is to make anything work. Well, we basically want to start off by making a 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00028-00014337-00014537 lid color and for me 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00029-00014577-00015035 my lid is very small that is kind of the problem I run into because 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00030-00015044-00015386 Although it. Looks like I have a lot on here if I look at you like this 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00031-00015507-00015772 There's nothing there's nothing so, you know 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00032-00016002-00016399 Keep in mind I'm not a beauty guru. So like don't expect this to be good 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00033-00016400-00016883 Really really don't get this shit out of the way. See this is why I do bangs. Otherwise, I look bald 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00034-00016883-00017327 I really don't know what this camera is doing right now, but it is not making it look good 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00035-00017354-00017596 Where did I just do it only by looking at the camera? Okay 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00036-00017597-00018013 Now we're gonna bring it out like here I think you know to create that 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00037-00018171-00018371 Crease 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00038-00018714-00019427 Not beauty guru style. Okay. I survived next up. We're gonna take this beautiful packing brush and we're gonna put this purple shade on 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00039-00019479-00019679 the 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00040-00019689-00019878 UH 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00041-00019878-00020483 You'll just see once again, I'm not a beauty guru. Do not expect me to use the language. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00042-00020679-00021016 Honey just start, why do you watch me honestly? 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00043-00021078-00021716 Apologies to every sister that is watching this right now. I'm sorry. You have to watch this wing it out. Mm-hmm. That's 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00044-00021770-00021917 a little dramatic 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00045-00021917-00022358 Yeah, let's erase that mistake. Yeah, this is still not looking too good. Oh God 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00046-00022419-00023063 Blending brush fix my problems fix it, please. This is fixable. This is 100% fixable 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00047-00023063-00023452 I just I just need a neutral shade. That's all. That's all. I need just a neutral shade 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00048-00023526-00023726 Underneath this is what we call 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00049-00023790-00024122 Attempting to fix my problems. Yeah. Yeah. I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00050-00024222-00024551 Mm-hmm. I think that worked. Please get out of the fucking way. I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00051-00024693-00025016 Didn't wax my eyebrows. I'm sorry. You have to deal with that 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00052-00025092-00025198 Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00053-00025198-00025446 No, well, let's please not do this again 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00054-00025467-00025995 It looks like I got punched in the face and I get it. That's a look for some people, but it's not my look 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00055-00025995-00026336 I can fix this. I can win a hundred percent fix this 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00056-00026337-00026810 All right, so I adjusted the colors of this video to make a look a little bit more accurate 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00057-00026811-00027024 So I think it looks a little less Bruzzi now 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00058-00027024-00027602 Let me first see what this color looks like on my skin using my amazing beauty guru 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00059-00027700-00027966 Vocabulary, I would say this is like a duochrome 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00060-00028020-00028526 Purple green or spell this shit as you can see it looks like that 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00061-00028527-00028932 So let's just hope that this turns out right also that's on my arm now 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00062-00028932-00029549 So one thing I never understood when doing makeup how the hell do you suddenly just get a blended? 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00063-00029550-00030161 Look, I just need you to be less of this. Okay, so water is not an efficient way of doing this either 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00064-00030316-00030491 Hmm I'm gonna get some coconut oil 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00065-00030491-00031193 I'll be back coconut oil and q-tips and cotton pads should be able to get rid of all of my problems 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00066-00031222-00031670 And help me find a boyfriend see how much I was supposed to do. That's right children 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00067-00031670-00031836 I too have a too much gene 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00068-00031836-00032418 Like jenna Marbles if I just wipe this all away then there that's how big it was supposed to be now 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00069-00032418-00032919 Let's see if I can replicate that on this side. I don't think any other reading guru has to deal with 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00070-00033001-00033662 Unevenness, I'm not like other beauty. Gurus guys. What? Okay. I may have just shaved off a wing 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00071-00033663-00033905 So take number two, we're gonna put purple 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00072-00033966-00034391 Right around there and take Brown and void it up here Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00073-00034471-00034953 Seamless shook a sickening what other terms do beauty gurus overused? 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00074-00034953-00035576 Maybe I went a little too liberal on this side. Remember we must stay conservative by the way, that's not fall out 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00075-00035577-00036197 that's called getting four hours of sleep and we're gonna emphasize that even more because I'm putting that into my waterline Oh, 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00076-00036622-00037376 Fall out. Oh my god. Very dramatic very quickly. Oh, that's my waterline. No, I'm not ready for that yet. Oh, 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00077-00037503-00038270 Okay, I'm just gonna keep blending until this looks normal ish. I'm going to stab this purple until eventually wants to show up 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00078-00038271-00038471 What am I doing? 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00079-00038482-00039126 This looks so bad. You know what? I'm realizing. There's fucking coconut oil on here, and I can't get it to off 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00080-00039127-00039366 See that one spot. That's why oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00081-00039487-00040062 This is kind of fun though. For those of you who ever said a head skill and makeup. You're fucking wrong. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00082-00040300-00040872 The Lord is testing me today. How do I always end up blending into my eyebrow? Hmm. Hmm 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00083-00040936-00041294 Yeah, it still looks shit from farther away. You know, we're gonna start this over again 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00084-00041353-00041850 Glossy lid anyone fun fact coconut oil is amazing and getting rid of eye makeup 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00085-00041988-00042593 There's a pimple forming on my eyelid at this very moment. It looks like shit. Okay back to the beginning 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00086-00042594-00043188 We're gonna take a new purple dough all I'm gonna do it's fucking pound this onto my eye 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00087-00043219-00043769 Okay, see those little stubs. We need to blend that. You know, I think I've been at this for an hour and like 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00088-00044028-00044228 Come on y'all we knew it took I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00089-00044476-00045071 Don't know my mom just called me pretty you know, what if I keep looking at myself. I'm just never gonna finish this 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00090-00045072-00045291 so, let's see if this can cover all our problems and 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00091-00045358-00045633 Oh my why did I think that was a mirror? Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00092-00045787-00046188 It's actually pretty too bad it can't be paired with something that's pretty so look 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00093-00046188-00046502 It's really pretty and then I look at you and it disappears really pretty 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00094-00046669-00046901 Okay, excuse me, what what 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00095-00047137-00047337 That was my eye again, uh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00096-00047446-00047646 All out 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00097-00047668-00047851 Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00098-00047851-00048377 my god, that's actually really satisfying except not when you get it every goddamn where else 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00099-00048609-00049205 You know what if you can't figure out a way to blend your stuff out just make the most cut 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00100-00049272-00049595 Editorial look you can and then call that your makeup 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00101-00049696-00049896 Exactly. There we go 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00102-00049918-00050666 Perfect. Now you might think this is the easy way of getting out it is I'm fully aware of that and I'm also fully aware 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00103-00050666-00051086 That this coconut oil about a room this nose. That's okay. It's for the video 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00104-00051109-00051702 here's the extent of all the things I used there is quite an amount of coconut oil gone, but you know, 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00105-00051721-00052416 We're not even done because I had eyeliner to do all I know is that if you blink you ruin everything you've ever made 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00106-00052422-00052692 Yeah, I guess drawing classes do huh? But out 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00107-00052835-00053164 Like I was saying before so really interrupted I guess 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00108-00053252-00053700 Learning to draw a little bit does have its benefits? I almost forgot inner corner highlight 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00109-00053786-00053986 green color right here, maybe oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00110-00054311-00054925 I just did that while looking on my tiny ass viewfinder. Okay, what's next lashes? I have a pair of 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00111-00054983-00055258 scarlet number eight from Hoonah Beauty 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00112-00055330-00055764 Yeah, so they're a little too big. I'm gonna cut off just a little bit of it, you know, just a small 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00113-00055913-00056113 Conservative amount. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00114-00056242-00056880 It smells not good it smells like a perm I'm really scared now Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00115-00057295-00057840 Oh God Oh No, wait curved inner corner, please. Yay 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00116-00057886-00058519 Ah, she's a woman. Hello, boys. Let's put the other one on. Oh that has a lot more glue on it 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00117-00058642-00059298 Thank you pretty and the reason why I didn't put on mascara is because there's nothing to the mascara on watch any YouTube video 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00118-00059299-00059725 I have no eyelashes. They're visible ready. Ready ready beauty guru pose 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00119-00059948-00060457 Wait, I have a lipstick I can use wait. I have a lipstick I can use wait. I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00120-00060779-00061327 Have this silvery blue lipstick. I'm not that anything with so, let's see if I can't you know 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00121-00061441-00061695 Do that thick batches. Oh 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00122-00061952-00062152 That's a little bit over whining 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00123-00062225-00062829 What happened to that bottom lip? Um, I'm gonna fix that real quick with some more coconut oil 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00124-00063014-00063507 You know make this look really extra if I packed shimmer in the middle of this I 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00125-00063658-00064074 Take that back forget everything I said about that. Okay. So this is the final look 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00126-00064310-00064513 I feel like a drag queen right now 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00127-00064513-00064983 All this Gaugin wanted wants to be able to blend it turns out doing the opposite helps for me 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00128-00064983-00065484 Oh, well, I've been filming way too long. So if you enjoy this feel like leave a comment down below about 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00129-00065564-00066186 Your opinion of my makeup subscribe for more videos every Saturday Sunday or Wednesdays less Thursday, so I'm not procrastinating 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00130-00066202-00066909 I want you to hit the notification belt because my eyes are really hurting right now and you need to pity them 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00131-00066913-00067113 Alright, I love you guys and everything is less than three 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00132-00067369-00067569 Now it is time 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00133-00068522-00068722 Where they 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00134-00069173-00069640 Round - why is it burning me? 1Ouhqp3OsR4-00135-00069890-00070090 Hope you all enjoyed 1RpmOQoXXKy-00000-00000450-00000652 Do I really have to cite everything? 1RpmOQoXXKy-00001-00000652-00001056 Basically, yes! If it's not your idea in your own words, cite it! 1RpmOQoXXKy-00002-00001068-00001244 When in doubt, cite it! 1RpmOQoXXKy-00003-00001244-00001722 Besides citing the obvious ones like books, articles, and websites, you must also cite 1RpmOQoXXKy-00004-00001722-00002068 unusual sources like videos, audio, speeches or lectures, 1RpmOQoXXKy-00005-00002068-00002440 graphics or charts, data sets, pictures, or other artwork. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00006-00002440-00002602 Well, what do I NOT cite? 1RpmOQoXXKy-00007-00002602-00002836 You do not have to cite a few things. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00008-00002836-00003128 If you conducted the original research yourself, 1RpmOQoXXKy-00009-00003128-00003497 then you are the creator of that information, so you don't have to cite it. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00010-00003497-00003760 This would include conducting your own survey, 1RpmOQoXXKy-00011-00003760-00004200 or your own analysis of a poem, measuring results in a lab or in the field. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00012-00004202-00004660 Another example is if you are talking about your own personal, lived experiences. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00013-00004660-00005101 Finally, you don't have to cite information that is common knowledge. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00014-00005101-00005354 But what is common knowledge exactly? 1RpmOQoXXKy-00015-00005354-00005792 Well, many people think it’s “what most people already know about a topic” 1RpmOQoXXKy-00016-00005792-00005950 but that’s too vague. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00017-00005950-00006531 A formal definition is “generally undisputed facts circulating freely” about a topic. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00018-00006531-00007018 One way to think about this is, if you could find it easily in 3 or so reputable sources, 1RpmOQoXXKy-00019-00007018-00007190 then it’s common knowledge. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00020-00007190-00007609 Oh, so for example, most people probably wouldn’t know off the top of their heads 1RpmOQoXXKy-00021-00007609-00007948 what is the strongest earthquake ever recorded in North America. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00022-00007948-00008452 But I could look it up in any print reference encyclopedia or in the U.S. Geological Survey 1RpmOQoXXKy-00023-00008452-00008948 webpage, and they would all say it was the 9.2-magnitude quake in Alaska in 1964. 1RpmOQoXXKy-00024-00008948-00009130 So that's common knowledge! 1RpmOQoXXKy-00025-00009130-00009264 Very good! 1RpmOQoXXKy-00026-00009264-00009504 Let’s test your understanding of common knowledge next. 1S5h09qI9_A-00000-00000420-00000766 Most recently, as a logistics officer, we just got back from a deployment 1S5h09qI9_A-00001-00000766-00001074 to Okinawa for the unit deployment program 18.2. 1S5h09qI9_A-00002-00001074-00001664 So I was responsible to the CO for getting all the personnel, equipment, 1S5h09qI9_A-00003-00001664-00002080 and aircraft to and from the theater of operations. 1S5h09qI9_A-00004-00002080-00002492 I've deployed three times all out of Riverside, the March Air Reserve Base, 1S5h09qI9_A-00005-00002492-00002948 but when I was lieutenant I didn't know everything that went into people bused up there. 1S5h09qI9_A-00006-00002948-00003286 For food, for all the cargo, and equipment that you have to take. 1S5h09qI9_A-00007-00003286-00003510 If you had that capability at Camp Pendleton, 1S5h09qI9_A-00008-00003510-00003992 at the air station, you're gonna cut a lot of logistical support requirements from external agencies. 1S5h09qI9_A-00009-00003992-00004190 You're also going to save a lot of time. 1S5h09qI9_A-00010-00004212-00004660 With this airplane global mobility is now within reach and quickly. 1S5h09qI9_A-00011-00004660-00004822 No longer do you guys (Marines) 1S5h09qI9_A-00012-00004822-00005426 have to wait for the loading on the ships or trains or anything like that. We can be here. 1S5h09qI9_A-00013-00005426-00005666 And especially here on the west coast. 1S5h09qI9_A-00014-00005666-00006488 We have three bases that are C-17 capable of almost the same qualifications and capabilities, 1S5h09qI9_A-00015-00006488-00007054 but we can be here with rapid global mobility at your beck and call. 1Sutk1imAMo-00000-00001090-00001433 The next point: The telencephalon 1Sutk1imAMo-00001-00001446-00001853 Also called the cerebrum. 1Sutk1imAMo-00002-00001986-00002523 The telencephalon is the large, outer part of the brain. 1Sutk1imAMo-00003-00002523-00002939 A very deep median groove, 1Sutk1imAMo-00004-00002939-00003276 the longitudinal fissure, 1Sutk1imAMo-00005-00003293-00003629 separates the right and left hemispheres 1Sutk1imAMo-00006-00003660-00003843 from each other. 1Sutk1imAMo-00007-00003903-00004143 At the bottom of this fissure, 1Sutk1imAMo-00008-00004156-00004360 the hemispheres are connected 1Sutk1imAMo-00009-00004360-00004546 by a thick bundle 1Sutk1imAMo-00010-00004546-00004700 of nerve fibers 1Sutk1imAMo-00011-00004700-00005060 called the corpus callosum. 1Sutk1imAMo-00012-00005239-00005446 The cerebral cortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00013-00005446-00005766 and the basal ganglia belong to the telencephalon. 1Sutk1imAMo-00014-00005766-00005953 So we have a cortical 1Sutk1imAMo-00015-00005953-00006373 and a subcortical part of telencephalon. 1Sutk1imAMo-00016-00006476-00006743 Both cerebral hemispheres 1Sutk1imAMo-00017-00006743-00006886 are composed 1Sutk1imAMo-00018-00006886-00007173 of an outer gray matter 1Sutk1imAMo-00019-00007173-00007416 thrown into folds. 1Sutk1imAMo-00020-00007483-00007613 We call them 1Sutk1imAMo-00021-00007613-00007790 gyri. 1Sutk1imAMo-00022-00007833-00008103 Each cerebral hemisphere 1Sutk1imAMo-00023-00008103-00008220 is devided 1Sutk1imAMo-00024-00008220-00008290 into 1Sutk1imAMo-00025-00008290-00008466 the frontal, 1Sutk1imAMo-00026-00008529-00008700 the parietal, 1Sutk1imAMo-00027-00008700-00008850 the occiptal, 1Sutk1imAMo-00028-00008903-00008986 temporal, 1Sutk1imAMo-00029-00008986-00009090 and 1Sutk1imAMo-00030-00009106-00009270 insular lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00031-00009276-00009326 via 1Sutk1imAMo-00032-00009326-00009616 sulci and fissures. 1Sutk1imAMo-00033-00009736-00009923 The central sulcus 1Sutk1imAMo-00034-00009943-00010046 seperates 1Sutk1imAMo-00035-00010046-00010156 the frontal 1Sutk1imAMo-00036-00010226-00010379 and the parietal lobe. 1Sutk1imAMo-00037-00010450-00010556 The lateral 1Sutk1imAMo-00038-00010556-00010663 cerebral 1Sutk1imAMo-00039-00010663-00010786 sulcus 1Sutk1imAMo-00040-00010813-00010893 also named 1Sutk1imAMo-00041-00010893-00011103 Sylvian fissure 1Sutk1imAMo-00042-00011193-00011340 demarcates 1Sutk1imAMo-00043-00011340-00011456 the temporal lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00044-00011456-00011613 from the frontal 1Sutk1imAMo-00045-00011613-00011823 and parietal lobe. 1Sutk1imAMo-00046-00011913-00012123 The frontal lobe contains 1Sutk1imAMo-00047-00012123-00012190 the 1Sutk1imAMo-00048-00012190-00012450 precentral gyrus, 1Sutk1imAMo-00049-00012503-00012570 which 1Sutk1imAMo-00050-00012570-00012983 constitutes the primary motor region of the brain. 1Sutk1imAMo-00051-00013023-00013243 The part of the frontal lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00052-00013243-00013359 that lies 1Sutk1imAMo-00053-00013359-00013616 in front of the motor areas 1Sutk1imAMo-00054-00013630-00013933 - called the PFC - 1Sutk1imAMo-00055-00013933-00014040 is involved 1Sutk1imAMo-00056-00014040-00014296 in making plans for action 1Sutk1imAMo-00057-00014296-00014453 and movement, 1Sutk1imAMo-00058-00014453-00014676 anticipation oft things 1Sutk1imAMo-00059-00014676-00015133 that may- ... at will or maybe could happen. 1Sutk1imAMo-00060-00015206-00015363 Problem solving, 1Sutk1imAMo-00061-00015363-00015519 regulation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00062-00015519-00015613 working memory 1Sutk1imAMo-00063-00015613-00015706 and speech. 1Sutk1imAMo-00064-00015950-00016119 The parietal lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00065-00016119-00016456 receives somatic sensory impulses 1Sutk1imAMo-00066-00016456-00016569 from the skin, 1Sutk1imAMo-00067-00016569-00016716 the muscles 1Sutk1imAMo-00068-00016716-00016833 and the joints 1Sutk1imAMo-00069-00016843-00016966 and integrates 1Sutk1imAMo-00070-00016966-00017166 sensory information 1Sutk1imAMo-00071-00017166-00017463 of different modalities. 1Sutk1imAMo-00072-00017519-00017703 The occipital lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00073-00017703-00017806 is 1Sutk1imAMo-00074-00017933-00018033 involved 1Sutk1imAMo-00075-00018033-00018163 with vision. 1Sutk1imAMo-00076-00018180-00018346 The temporal lobe 1Sutk1imAMo-00077-00018346-00018446 is involved 1Sutk1imAMo-00078-00018446-00018590 with hearing, 1Sutk1imAMo-00079-00018590-00018733 language 1Sutk1imAMo-00080-00018733-00018896 and memory. 1Sutk1imAMo-00081-00018980-00019086 Not visible 1Sutk1imAMo-00082-00019086-00019240 from the surface 1Sutk1imAMo-00083-00019240-00019356 of the cerebrum 1Sutk1imAMo-00084-00019356-00019433 is 1Sutk1imAMo-00085-00019433-00019636 the insular lobe. 1Sutk1imAMo-00086-00019636-00020000 It can be seen only by separating the frontal 1Sutk1imAMo-00087-00020069-00020140 and 1Sutk1imAMo-00088-00020140-00020273 parietal lobes 1Sutk1imAMo-00089-00020273-00020440 from the temporal lobe. 1Sutk1imAMo-00090-00020526-00020583 Today, 1Sutk1imAMo-00091-00020583-00020686 the insula 1Sutk1imAMo-00092-00020686-00020826 is considered 1Sutk1imAMo-00093-00020826-00020890 as 1Sutk1imAMo-00094-00020890-00021203 the interoceptive cortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00095-00021243-00021380 Here is the place 1Sutk1imAMo-00096-00021380-00021576 where interoception 1Sutk1imAMo-00097-00021576-00021659 (that means 1Sutk1imAMo-00098-00021659-00021809 the processing 1Sutk1imAMo-00099-00021809-00022069 of bodily stimuli) 1Sutk1imAMo-00100-00022123-00022223 helps 1Sutk1imAMo-00101-00022223-00022340 generating 1Sutk1imAMo-00102-00022340-00022523 feelings. 1Sutk1imAMo-00103-00022573-00022656 Driven 1Sutk1imAMo-00104-00022656-00022823 by impulses 1Sutk1imAMo-00105-00022823-00022903 coming 1Sutk1imAMo-00106-00022903-00023109 from the enter body. 1Sutk1imAMo-00107-00023136-00023246 The insula 1Sutk1imAMo-00108-00023246-00023356 is seen 1Sutk1imAMo-00109-00023356-00023623 as a limbic part of the cortex. 1Sutk1imAMo-00110-00023643-00023880 What does this mean? 1Sutk1imAMo-00111-00023963-00024266 The cerebral cortex of the human brain 1Sutk1imAMo-00112-00024286-00024450 can histologically 1Sutk1imAMo-00113-00024450-00024590 be subdivided 1Sutk1imAMo-00114-00024623-00024713 into 1Sutk1imAMo-00115-00024713-00024906 two major parts: 1Sutk1imAMo-00116-00024959-00025143 the isocortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00117-00025143-00025283 and the allocortex. 1Sutk1imAMo-00118-00025350-00025476 The isocortex, 1Sutk1imAMo-00119-00025476-00025533 which 1Sutk1imAMo-00120-00025533-00025880 represents over 90% of the cortex, 1Sutk1imAMo-00121-00025880-00026039 is characterized 1Sutk1imAMo-00122-00026039-00026133 by its 1Sutk1imAMo-00123-00026133-00026493 six-layered structure. 1Sutk1imAMo-00124-00026493-00026813 It is made of six layers. 1Sutk1imAMo-00125-00026946-00027083 The allocortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00126-00027143-00027283 shows a regionally 1Sutk1imAMo-00127-00027323-00027403 variable 1Sutk1imAMo-00128-00027403-00027643 laminar pattern. 1Sutk1imAMo-00129-00027810-00027930 All we see 1Sutk1imAMo-00130-00027953-00028110 on the surface 1Sutk1imAMo-00131-00028183-00028339 is isocortex. 1Sutk1imAMo-00132-00028380-00028606 In order to see the Allocortex, 1Sutk1imAMo-00133-00028606-00028719 we have to look 1Sutk1imAMo-00134-00028746-00028810 at the 1Sutk1imAMo-00135-00028810-00028946 medial 1Sutk1imAMo-00136-00028946-00029019 side 1Sutk1imAMo-00137-00029019-00029096 of 1Sutk1imAMo-00138-00029096-00029223 the hemisphere. 1Sutk1imAMo-00139-00029476-00029719 The here shown Allocortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00140-00029719-00029853 is the core 1Sutk1imAMo-00141-00029889-00029956 of the 1Sutk1imAMo-00142-00029996-00030096 so named 1Sutk1imAMo-00143-00030133-00030203 cortical 1Sutk1imAMo-00144-00030233-00030300 part 1Sutk1imAMo-00145-00030300-00030483 of limbic system. 1Sutk1imAMo-00146-00030553-00030619 The insula 1Sutk1imAMo-00147-00030619-00030726 also 1Sutk1imAMo-00148-00030726-00031000 has allocortical parts. 1Sutk1imAMo-00149-00031016-00031189 We want to take a look 1Sutk1imAMo-00150-00031286-00031523 at another two important areas 1Sutk1imAMo-00151-00031523-00031700 of the Allocortex: 1Sutk1imAMo-00152-00031743-00031869 the amygdala 1Sutk1imAMo-00153-00031869-00032026 and the hippocampus. 1Sutk1imAMo-00154-00032260-00032353 First 1Sutk1imAMo-00155-00032406-00032480 the 1Sutk1imAMo-00156-00032510-00032656 amygdala! 1Sutk1imAMo-00157-00032800-00033246 I think everybody knows this part of the brain. 1Sutk1imAMo-00158-00033306-00033543 The amygdala has been associated 1Sutk1imAMo-00159-00033543-00033753 with a variety of functions 1Sutk1imAMo-00160-00033783-00033883 including 1Sutk1imAMo-00161-00033883-00033966 arousal, 1Sutk1imAMo-00162-00034073-00034173 attention, 1Sutk1imAMo-00163-00034219-00034319 motivation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00164-00034406-00034563 various forms 1Sutk1imAMo-00165-00034563-00034836 of conditioned responses, 1Sutk1imAMo-00166-00034880-00034989 but also 1Sutk1imAMo-00167-00034989-00035150 with fear 1Sutk1imAMo-00168-00035150-00035313 and anxiety. 1Sutk1imAMo-00169-00035380-00035760 How does the amygdala work? 1Sutk1imAMo-00170-00035816-00035916 Let me give you 1Sutk1imAMo-00171-00035950-00036060 an example: 1Sutk1imAMo-00172-00036136-00036323 If a sound occurs 1Sutk1imAMo-00173-00036323-00036483 right before 1Sutk1imAMo-00174-00036483-00036716 something painful happens, 1Sutk1imAMo-00175-00036760-00036906 the amygdala 1Sutk1imAMo-00176-00036906-00037033 associates 1Sutk1imAMo-00177-00037100-00037219 that sound 1Sutk1imAMo-00178-00037266-00037460 with the painful event 1Sutk1imAMo-00179-00037523-00037653 and then 1Sutk1imAMo-00180-00037653-00037780 that sound 1Sutk1imAMo-00181-00037780-00037906 will later 1Sutk1imAMo-00182-00037906-00037996 trigger 1Sutk1imAMo-00183-00037996-00038323 a protective defense response. 1Sutk1imAMo-00184-00038380-00038453 So 1Sutk1imAMo-00185-00038453-00038603 it is creating 1Sutk1imAMo-00186-00038603-00038676 that 1Sutk1imAMo-00187-00038676-00038800 what is called 1Sutk1imAMo-00188-00038800-00039083 the Pavlovian association. 1Sutk1imAMo-00189-00039223-00039353 That means 1Sutk1imAMo-00190-00039353-00039506 that the amygdala 1Sutk1imAMo-00191-00039506-00039716 has a role in fear, 1Sutk1imAMo-00192-00039733-00039850 but it is not 1Sutk1imAMo-00193-00039850-00039936 the one 1Sutk1imAMo-00194-00039936-00040173 that often is described. 1Sutk1imAMo-00195-00040316-00040703 It’s role in fear is more fundamental. 1Sutk1imAMo-00196-00040719-00040806 Driven 1Sutk1imAMo-00197-00040806-00041113 by threat detection the amygdala 1Sutk1imAMo-00198-00041113-00041286 starts a set 1Sutk1imAMo-00199-00041286-00041723 of outputs result in the body activation. 1Sutk1imAMo-00200-00041800-00042150 (heart function, blood pressure, breathing) 1Sutk1imAMo-00201-00042260-00042400 and secretion 1Sutk1imAMo-00202-00042400-00042656 of neuromodulaters 1Sutk1imAMo-00203-00042656-00042856 like norepinephrine 1Sutk1imAMo-00204-00042913-00043050 and hormones 1Sutk1imAMo-00205-00043050-00043250 such as cortisol. 1Sutk1imAMo-00206-00043300-00043483 These processes 1Sutk1imAMo-00207-00043483-00043726 alert the organism! 1Sutk1imAMo-00208-00043726-00043986 Attention systems in the cortex 1Sutk1imAMo-00209-00043986-00044283 guide the perceptual search 1Sutk1imAMo-00210-00044283-00044406 for an explanation 1Sutk1imAMo-00211-00044453-00044826 for the highly aroused state. 1Sutk1imAMo-00212-00044903-00045030 The capturing 1Sutk1imAMo-00213-00045030-00045230 of the environmental stimuli 1Sutk1imAMo-00214-00045289-00045389 is added 1Sutk1imAMo-00215-00045416-00045473 by 1Sutk1imAMo-00216-00045550-00045636 retrieval 1Sutk1imAMo-00217-00045683-00045810 of memories. 1Sutk1imAMo-00218-00046026-00046239 If the stimuli are known 1Sutk1imAMo-00219-00046239-00046469 sources of danger, 1Sutk1imAMo-00220-00046469-00046633 “fear” schema 1Sutk1imAMo-00221-00046633-00046746 are retrieved 1Sutk1imAMo-00222-00046746-00046906 from memory. 1Sutk1imAMo-00223-00047016-00047276 Like Joseph LeDoux told us, 1Sutk1imAMo-00224-00047360-00047533 the feeling of “fear” 1Sutk1imAMo-00225-00047613-00047719 results 1Sutk1imAMo-00226-00047750-00047880 when the outcome 1Sutk1imAMo-00227-00047880-00048116 of these various processes 1Sutk1imAMo-00228-00048203-00048413 (amygdala and body activation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00229-00048413-00048530 attention, 1Sutk1imAMo-00230-00048530-00048610 perception, 1Sutk1imAMo-00231-00048610-00048703 memory) 1Sutk1imAMo-00232-00048743-00049053 when all this come together in consciousness 1Sutk1imAMo-00233-00049100-00049206 and compel 1Sutk1imAMo-00234-00049239-00049519 one to feel “fear”. 1Sutk1imAMo-00235-00049713-00049993 So it is much more complicated 1Sutk1imAMo-00236-00050030-00050256 than we usual hear. 1Sutk1imAMo-00237-00050523-00050646 The next 1Sutk1imAMo-00238-00050646-00050753 step: 1Sutk1imAMo-00239-00050786-00050939 the hippocampus! 1Sutk1imAMo-00240-00051103-00051223 the hippocampus 1Sutk1imAMo-00241-00051223-00051376 plays a role 1Sutk1imAMo-00242-00051376-00051743 in the detection of new surroundings, 1Sutk1imAMo-00243-00051806-00051963 occurrences 1Sutk1imAMo-00244-00051963-00052126 and stimuli. 1Sutk1imAMo-00245-00052189-00052586 It is involved in declarative memory; 1Sutk1imAMo-00246-00052670-00052763 memories 1Sutk1imAMo-00247-00052763-00052960 that can be stated 1Sutk1imAMo-00248-00052960-00053060 verbally 1Sutk1imAMo-00249-00053083-00053236 such as facts 1Sutk1imAMo-00250-00053236-00053366 and figures. 1Sutk1imAMo-00251-00053450-00053686 All the stories of my life 1Sutk1imAMo-00252-00053736-00053956 that I can tell you, 1Sutk1imAMo-00253-00053956-00054153 are only available 1Sutk1imAMo-00254-00054153-00054279 because 1Sutk1imAMo-00255-00054279-00054433 my Hippcoampus 1Sutk1imAMo-00256-00054433-00054570 has made them 1Sutk1imAMo-00257-00054610-00054696 part 1Sutk1imAMo-00258-00054696-00055003 of the long-term memory. 1Sutk1imAMo-00259-00055116-00055363 Another very important function 1Sutk1imAMo-00260-00055363-00055533 of the Hippocampus 1Sutk1imAMo-00261-00055533-00055589 is 1Sutk1imAMo-00262-00055589-00055736 the Inhibtion 1Sutk1imAMo-00263-00055736-00055970 of the stress-axis. 1Sutk1imAMo-00264-00092820-00093400 The next part of the brain: the cerebellum 1Sutk1imAMo-00265-00093400-00093726 The cerebellum is usually associated 1Sutk1imAMo-00266-00093726-00094046 with coordination of movements. 1Sutk1imAMo-00267-00094046-00094239 But it has become clear 1Sutk1imAMo-00268-00094239-00094376 that the cerebellum 1Sutk1imAMo-00269-00094376-00094813 not only is involved in the performance of movements 1Sutk1imAMo-00270-00094813-00095020 but also in learning 1Sutk1imAMo-00271-00095020-00095396 how these movement have to be executed. 1Sutk1imAMo-00272-00095396-00095539 Finally, 1Sutk1imAMo-00273-00095539-00096056 apart from its impact on controlling the motor systems, 1Sutk1imAMo-00274-00096056-00096353 cerebellar involvement 1Sutk1imAMo-00275-00096353-00096473 in cognitive 1Sutk1imAMo-00276-00096473-00096823 and affective aspects of brain functions 1Sutk1imAMo-00277-00096823-00097266 have also been absorved. 1Sutk1imAMo-00278-00097460-00097589 The next point: 1Sutk1imAMo-00279-00097589-00097789 the diencephalon. 1Sutk1imAMo-00280-00097789-00097983 The diencephalon is lodged 1Sutk1imAMo-00281-00097983-00098076 between 1Sutk1imAMo-00282-00098076-00098256 the brainstem 1Sutk1imAMo-00283-00098256-00098350 and 1Sutk1imAMo-00284-00098350-00098663 the cerebral hemispheres. 1Sutk1imAMo-00285-00098679-00098889 The most important parts 1Sutk1imAMo-00286-00098889-00099076 of dienceaphalon 1Sutk1imAMo-00287-00099076-00099286 are the thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00288-00099286-00099573 and the hypothalamus. 1Sutk1imAMo-00289-00099616-00099726 The thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00290-00099726-00099943 is the largest component 1Sutk1imAMo-00291-00099943-00100210 of the diencephalon. 1Sutk1imAMo-00292-00100210-00100313 The thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00293-00100313-00100363 is 1Sutk1imAMo-00294-00100363-00100513 the gateway 1Sutk1imAMo-00295-00100513-00100856 to the cerebral cortex. 1Sutk1imAMo-00296-00100879-00100986 That means, 1Sutk1imAMo-00297-00100986-00101063 all 1Sutk1imAMo-00298-00101063-00101166 major 1Sutk1imAMo-00299-00101166-00101389 sensory pathways, 1Sutk1imAMo-00300-00101389-00101646 except the olfactory, 1Sutk1imAMo-00301-00101646-00101903 relay in the thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00302-00101903-00102089 before ascending 1Sutk1imAMo-00303-00102089-00102179 to 1Sutk1imAMo-00304-00102179-00102320 the cortex. 1Sutk1imAMo-00305-00102416-00102570 The thalamus also 1Sutk1imAMo-00306-00102570-00102650 has 1Sutk1imAMo-00307-00102650-00102846 important connections 1Sutk1imAMo-00308-00102846-00102963 with the limbic, 1Sutk1imAMo-00309-00102963-00103073 the visceral , 1Sutk1imAMo-00310-00103073-00103209 the visual, 1Sutk1imAMo-00311-00103209-00103320 the motoric 1Sutk1imAMo-00312-00103320-00103413 and the 1Sutk1imAMo-00313-00103413-00103603 consciousness system. 1Sutk1imAMo-00314-00103603-00103709 Therefore, 1Sutk1imAMo-00315-00103709-00103800 lesions 1Sutk1imAMo-00316-00103800-00103933 in the thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00317-00103933-00104016 result 1Sutk1imAMo-00318-00104016-00104140 in sensory 1Sutk1imAMo-00319-00104140-00104276 and motor 1Sutk1imAMo-00320-00104276-00104450 disturbances, 1Sutk1imAMo-00321-00104473-00104700 as well as disturbances 1Sutk1imAMo-00322-00104700-00104886 in alertness, 1Sutk1imAMo-00323-00104886-00105026 vision, 1Sutk1imAMo-00324-00105026-00105123 pain 1Sutk1imAMo-00325-00105123-00105353 and behavior. 1Sutk1imAMo-00326-00105476-00105653 The hypothalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00327-00105653-00105766 is located 1Sutk1imAMo-00328-00105766-00105990 below the thalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00329-00105990-00106150 and right above 1Sutk1imAMo-00330-00106150-00106326 the brain stem. 1Sutk1imAMo-00331-00106506-00106743 It plays an important role 1Sutk1imAMo-00332-00106743-00106979 in the autonomic nervous system 1Sutk1imAMo-00333-00106979-00107293 as well as in the endocrine system. 1Sutk1imAMo-00334-00107353-00107559 The hyopothalamus 1Sutk1imAMo-00335-00107559-00107690 controls: 1Sutk1imAMo-00336-00107690-00107863 the release of hormones, 1Sutk1imAMo-00337-00107893-00108083 the body temperature, 1Sutk1imAMo-00338-00108083-00108356 the food and water intake, 1Sutk1imAMo-00339-00108356-00108516 the sexual behavior, 1Sutk1imAMo-00340-00108536-00108793 the circadian rhythm 1Sutk1imAMo-00341-00108873-00108940 and 1Sutk1imAMo-00342-00108940-00109136 the stress reaction 1Sutk1imAMo-00343-00109136-00109203 through 1Sutk1imAMo-00344-00109203-00109363 the norepinephrine 1Sutk1imAMo-00345-00109363-00109546 and the cortisol-system. 1Sutk1imAMo-00346-00116850-00117003 Welcome 1Sutk1imAMo-00347-00117003-00117170 to „Encephalon“. 1Sutk1imAMo-00348-00117170-00117503 Welcome to our „Brainworld“. 1Sutk1imAMo-00349-00117503-00117990 Michelangelo`s obsession with the human body 1Sutk1imAMo-00350-00117990-00118726 was driven by the hope of capturing the meaning of the human existence 1Sutk1imAMo-00351-00118726-00118963 through the representation 1Sutk1imAMo-00352-00118963-00119229 of a perfect human body. 1Sutk1imAMo-00353-00119229-00119556 More than 500 years later 1Sutk1imAMo-00354-00119556-00119776 we also consider 1Sutk1imAMo-00355-00119776-00119946 the structure 1Sutk1imAMo-00356-00119946-00120203 of the brain 1Sutk1imAMo-00357-00120203-00120593 and explore its functions for a better 1Sutk1imAMo-00358-00120593-00120753 understanding 1Sutk1imAMo-00359-00120753-00120913 of ourselves. 1Sutk1imAMo-00360-00120913-00121266 Based on genetic coding 1Sutk1imAMo-00361-00121266-00121546 and epigenetic modulation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00362-00121546-00122016 the brain stores all important events 1Sutk1imAMo-00363-00122016-00122220 of our life 1Sutk1imAMo-00364-00122220-00122423 and establishes 1Sutk1imAMo-00365-00122423-00122573 its structure. 1Sutk1imAMo-00366-00122573-00123083 The architecture of our neuronal connections 1Sutk1imAMo-00367-00123083-00123396 reflects our lived life. 1Sutk1imAMo-00368-00123396-00124006 It is experience that has become structure. 1Sutk1imAMo-00369-00124006-00124426 our brain gives us awareness 1Sutk1imAMo-00370-00124426-00124606 of or ourselves. 1Sutk1imAMo-00371-00124606-00124856 Every perception, 1Sutk1imAMo-00372-00124856-00125143 creative thought and feeling 1Sutk1imAMo-00373-00125143-00125613 is developed by this magnificent organ 1Sutk1imAMo-00374-00125613-00125920 of course, in interaction with 1Sutk1imAMo-00375-00125920-00126186 the world around us. 1Sutk1imAMo-00376-00126186-00126816 The brain makes up about two percent of a human's body weight, 1Sutk1imAMo-00377-00126816-00127013 but consumes 1Sutk1imAMo-00378-00127013-00127300 25 and more percent 1Sutk1imAMo-00379-00127300-00127520 of the available energy. 1Sutk1imAMo-00380-00127520-00127750 This makes clear 1Sutk1imAMo-00381-00127750-00128173 why the most important task of the brain 1Sutk1imAMo-00382-00128173-00128396 is to ensure 1Sutk1imAMo-00383-00128396-00128876 the physiological homeostasis of the organism. 1Sutk1imAMo-00384-00128990-00129706 Anatomists conceptually divide the brain into four major parts: 1Sutk1imAMo-00385-00129706-00129956 the brainstem, 1Sutk1imAMo-00386-00129956-00130193 the cerebellum, 1Sutk1imAMo-00387-00130193-00130366 the diencephalon 1Sutk1imAMo-00388-00130366-00130826 and the telencephalon, also called cerebrum. 1Sutk1imAMo-00389-00130950-00131263 We start with the brainstem. 1Sutk1imAMo-00390-00131263-00131736 The brainstem consists of the medulla oblongata, 1Sutk1imAMo-00391-00131736-00131883 the pons 1Sutk1imAMo-00392-00131883-00132106 and the midbrain 1Sutk1imAMo-00393-00132106-00132403 also called mesencephalon. 1Sutk1imAMo-00394-00132403-00132856 Most nuclei of the cranial nerves 1Sutk1imAMo-00395-00132856-00133093 are found in the brainstem, 1Sutk1imAMo-00396-00133093-00133593 connecting the brainstem with the periphery. 1Sutk1imAMo-00397-00133593-00134309 The second group of nuclei in the brainstem is the reticular formation. 1Sutk1imAMo-00398-00134309-00134679 Organized in four columns, 1Sutk1imAMo-00399-00134679-00135206 the reticular formation is involved in motor control, 1Sutk1imAMo-00400-00135206-00135403 sleep regulation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00401-00135403-00135853 control of respiratory and cardiovascular system. 1Sutk1imAMo-00402-00135853-00136293 It also contains centers for swallowing, 1Sutk1imAMo-00403-00136293-00136586 eye movement and 1Sutk1imAMo-00404-00136586-00136740 arousal. 1Sutk1imAMo-00405-00136740-00137843 Another brainstem area, that serves autonomic regulation is the Periqueductal gray. 1Sutk1imAMo-00406-00137843-00138303 It is placed 1Sutk1imAMo-00407-00138303-00138470 in the midbrain 1Sutk1imAMo-00408-00138470-00138976 and it is involved in pain modulation, 1Sutk1imAMo-00409-00138976-00139390 threat triggert activation and 1Sutk1imAMo-00410-00139390-00139936 defensive behavior, when the threat is to strong. 1Sutk1imAMo-00411-00139936-00140420 All this means, that the brainstem controls 1Sutk1imAMo-00412-00140420-00140856 life supporting autonomic functions. 1Sutk1imAMo-00413-00140856-00141056 Far away 1Sutk1imAMo-00414-00141056-00141220 from consciousness, 1Sutk1imAMo-00415-00141220-00141606 survival is assured here. 1TP5KtZHrqg-00000-00002409-00002862 Hello wellcome to my youtube channel dont forget to subscribe guys 1U3qmp5hAKo-00000-00000008-00000616 i have a transit in paris that is 19 hours long yup since i'm comfortable and cozy right here i 1U3qmp5hAKo-00001-00000616-00001112 do have a little airport hotel cabin which i'm going to show in a little bit here i wanted to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00002-00001112-00001632 use this time to make this video and talk about travel restrictions to and from morocco during 1U3qmp5hAKo-00003-00001632-00002144 the pandemic and share with you my experience what documents i needed what type of tests for kovit 19 1U3qmp5hAKo-00004-00002144-00002680 i had to provide and all of the little struggles that i had throughout the way going from the us to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00005-00002680-00003224 morocco and then from morocco back to the us but first i really want to show you this place because 1U3qmp5hAKo-00006-00003224-00003936 it's so very cool this is my first time staying in a airport hotel cabin and i think it's a great way 1U3qmp5hAKo-00007-00003936-00005784 to just relax and get prepared then ready for the next leg of the journey let's take a look let's go 1U3qmp5hAKo-00008-00006360-00006968 this is the bed it is a queen size bed and you may not see or think that it's uh 1U3qmp5hAKo-00009-00006968-00007808 tall enough but i'm just gonna go in here press this there we go there is a little 1U3qmp5hAKo-00010-00007808-00008440 lamp over there and a little table you just have some dinner or you have something to eat just pull 1U3qmp5hAKo-00011-00008568-00009032 and there you go you've got a table you can slide the the bed back all the way up so this is where 1U3qmp5hAKo-00012-00009032-00009576 i had a meal earlier and there's a tv up there you probably have to ask for the remote control 1U3qmp5hAKo-00013-00009576-00010280 and there are all type of outlets here usb hdmi euro plug and typical american outlets 1U3qmp5hAKo-00014-00010280-00010832 that i'm using right here to charge my camera battery and then i've got my drink up there 1U3qmp5hAKo-00015-00010832-00011488 waiting for me and there's a mirror next to the bed there's a lamp over there so 1U3qmp5hAKo-00016-00011488-00012008 that's a queen size bed it's pretty comfortable i was laying there earlier and then right here i 1U3qmp5hAKo-00017-00012008-00012648 have all of my luggage bags whatsoever there's a mirror right here that is very handy dandy 1U3qmp5hAKo-00018-00012648-00013368 and then that is my favorite part the shower and the bathroom can you guys imagine how comfortable 1U3qmp5hAKo-00019-00013368-00014016 and nice it is just to be able to take a shower in the middle of your journey ah so very refreshing 1U3qmp5hAKo-00020-00014016-00014640 so i've got my makeup and my toiletry they do have a hair dryer in case you need it and then right 1U3qmp5hAKo-00021-00014640-00015360 there they give you obviously towels and they have some shampoo and body wash and to be fair 1U3qmp5hAKo-00022-00015360-00015919 the water was warm it was very comfortable and nice shower and i honestly can't ask for more 1U3qmp5hAKo-00023-00015919-00016568 and then they also have curtains here when you want to sleep in case you know you just want to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00024-00016568-00017096 have this area separated from the shower and the bathroom all you have to do is pull the curtains 1U3qmp5hAKo-00025-00017096-00018120 and voila for this little tiny airport cabin i had to pay 125 euros they do have the lounge 1U3qmp5hAKo-00026-00018120-00018888 area where we had access to coffee and water and we can purchase snacks i know 125 euros for one 1U3qmp5hAKo-00027-00018888-00019512 night in an airport is not ideal price wise but i know that this is my opportunity to relax and 1U3qmp5hAKo-00028-00019512-00020160 be ready for tomorrow so i did not really mind paying this amount but anyway now that me showing 1U3qmp5hAKo-00029-00020160-00020848 you my place for the night is out of the way let's talk about travel restrictions to and from morocco 1U3qmp5hAKo-00030-00020848-00021320 first thing when you want to travel to morocco before you plan anything make sure that you 1U3qmp5hAKo-00031-00021320-00022040 are clear to go this is specifically for no moroccan citizens or non-nationals of morocco 1U3qmp5hAKo-00032-00022040-00022528 when i was flying from the u.s to morocco i'm a dual citizen i had my american passport and my 1U3qmp5hAKo-00033-00022528-00023256 moroccan passport i was told in the airport that no moroccan nationals are not allowed to enter 1U3qmp5hAKo-00034-00023312-00023856 morocco especially during this holiday season and that this restriction is planned to be lifted 1U3qmp5hAKo-00035-00023856-00024592 around mid january 2021 so what i'm trying to tell you even though morocco started opening up slowly 1U3qmp5hAKo-00036-00024592-00025216 to tourists and tourism activities there are some rules changing every now and then so make sure if 1U3qmp5hAKo-00037-00025216-00025783 you are american make sure that you go to us.gov the link in the description box and read about the 1U3qmp5hAKo-00038-00025783-00026312 latest restrictions and latest rules and make sure that you are clear to go to morocco 1U3qmp5hAKo-00039-00026312-00026856 if you are clear and you're good to go or if you are a citizen of morocco you're going back to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00040-00026856-00027272 travel or visit friends and family obviously the one thing that you are thinking about 1U3qmp5hAKo-00041-00027272-00027992 is your test results or covet 19 test results now it's very mandatory in order for you to travel 1U3qmp5hAKo-00042-00027992-00028736 and to enter morocco to have a negative covey 19 pcr test and they are very particular about 1U3qmp5hAKo-00043-00028736-00029327 the type of the test so even before entering to morocco when you are just leaving the u.s and 1U3qmp5hAKo-00044-00029327-00029976 you're checking in you are going to be asked for results of your covet 19 test and it has 1U3qmp5hAKo-00045-00029976-00030592 to clearly state your first and last name and the type of the test being a pcr test 1U3qmp5hAKo-00046-00030592-00031232 so when you take the test it has to be taken 72 hours before departures and you have to make 1U3qmp5hAKo-00047-00031232-00031824 sure that the results are in your hand before you check in so i was thinking before i travel 1U3qmp5hAKo-00048-00031824-00032400 to morocco that probably even if my results are not out yet i can probably travel by the time i 1U3qmp5hAKo-00049-00032400-00032944 get to morocco i should be good to go but that is not going to work because right when you check in 1U3qmp5hAKo-00050-00032944-00033424 and all the way until you arrive to morocco everyone's going to be asking you to show them 1U3qmp5hAKo-00051-00033424-00033936 either the document if you have it printed or you have to show them on your phone so that's number 1U3qmp5hAKo-00052-00033936-00034472 one thing that you have to worry about the second thing if you are traveling to morocco you have to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00053-00034472-00034976 fill a travel declaration form i am going to leave the link in the description box if you 1U3qmp5hAKo-00054-00034976-00035520 want to print it and fill it ahead of time this way you are definitely going to save a lot of time 1U3qmp5hAKo-00055-00035520-00035968 waiting on the line and getting things squared away so that travel declaration form they're going 1U3qmp5hAKo-00056-00035968-00036480 to ask you some rudimentary information about you where you're going are you experiencing any 1U3qmp5hAKo-00057-00036480-00036992 symptoms and so on if you don't have the form with you if you don't have it printed for one 1U3qmp5hAKo-00058-00036992-00037488 reason or the other although i think you should when you arrive to morocco there will be a stand 1U3qmp5hAKo-00059-00037488-00038072 with a lot of forms for people to grab and fill but just a tip so that you can save some time 1U3qmp5hAKo-00060-00038072-00038744 so that's number two now depending on what airline you are flying with there might be some rules here 1U3qmp5hAKo-00061-00038744-00039376 and there but for me for example i flew with air france so when i was in the plane they provided 1U3qmp5hAKo-00062-00039376-00040040 us with some forms for the airline to collect and these forms uh require some information about us 1U3qmp5hAKo-00063-00040040-00040624 the seat that you were in the flight number and so on so that form they gave it to us on board 1U3qmp5hAKo-00064-00040624-00041064 we filled it and then they collected it towards the end when you're in the airplane 1U3qmp5hAKo-00065-00041064-00041536 obviously every airline has different rules but it seems like most of them or the majority of 1U3qmp5hAKo-00066-00041536-00042200 airlines agree on wearing the face mask and it's being mandatory the one thing that i noticed 1U3qmp5hAKo-00067-00042200-00042928 i was actually wearing a cloth face covering and i was asked to switch to a surgical mask i did not 1U3qmp5hAKo-00068-00042928-00043480 have one handy so they provided me with two and they asked me to change it every three hours and 1U3qmp5hAKo-00069-00043480-00043992 just to be on the safe side for me personally just because i wanted to make sure that i'm not taking 1U3qmp5hAKo-00070-00043992-00044632 anything home to my parents or family i was wearing on top of my surgical mask i was wearing a 1U3qmp5hAKo-00071-00044632-00045160 face shield i'm also going to leave a link in the description box if you guys are curious to to grab 1U3qmp5hAKo-00072-00045160-00045616 one i grabbed a pair of two from amazon and and i liked it i think it worked just fine other than 1U3qmp5hAKo-00073-00045616-00046248 that when it comes to food and drinks with the air france for example they were providing their 1U3qmp5hAKo-00074-00046248-00046840 regular services i didn't feel like there was a huge difference i needed food i had food i needed 1U3qmp5hAKo-00075-00046840-00047352 water i had water it was very straightforward so that's pretty much it for flying from the us 1U3qmp5hAKo-00076-00047352-00047920 to morocco when i arrived to morocco obviously again they are going to ask you for the travel 1U3qmp5hAKo-00077-00047920-00048400 declaration form that i was talking about earlier and they're going to ask you for a pcr test and 1U3qmp5hAKo-00078-00048400-00049064 you should be go to get in now when you enter to morocco depending on what time of the year 1U3qmp5hAKo-00079-00049064-00049528 there are a couple of things that you have to be aware of when i arrived to morocco there was 1U3qmp5hAKo-00080-00049528-00050304 a curfew in effect from 9 00 p.m to 6 a.m and you do have to follow and abide by the rules otherwise 1U3qmp5hAKo-00081-00050304-00051056 you are going to be fine restaurants coffee shops cafes they do close 8 p.m so you really have to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00082-00051056-00051584 hustle your way before 9 pm just to make sure that you get to either your hotel or the place you are 1U3qmp5hAKo-00083-00051584-00052104 staying because you don't want any conflicts with authorities and when it comes to conflicts 1U3qmp5hAKo-00084-00052104-00052616 with authorities i was going to say and i wrote about it in one of my articles in the website 1U3qmp5hAKo-00085-00052616-00053055 also the link in the description box in which i talk about the importance especially if you are 1U3qmp5hAKo-00086-00053055-00053640 going to morocco as a tourist to either go with the travel agency or a guide it's going to be 1U3qmp5hAKo-00087-00053640-00054136 very beneficial especially right now during this time of uncertainties 1U3qmp5hAKo-00088-00054136-00054744 it's really nice to have a backup or someone to stand for you in case anything goes wrong really 1U3qmp5hAKo-00089-00054744-00055320 i mean even if you get infected god forbid you will have some support and you will have someone 1U3qmp5hAKo-00090-00055320-00055984 who is going to take care of you wearing a face mask is mandatory you have to wear it in public 1U3qmp5hAKo-00091-00055984-00056432 when you go to businesses if you are walking in the street and even in the car which i found to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00092-00056432-00056928 be a little bit weird so even traveling with my family in a car we were wearing 1U3qmp5hAKo-00093-00056928-00057704 masks if you are not wearing a face mask you are going to be fined 300 dirhams that is about 35 1U3qmp5hAKo-00094-00057704-00058272 u.s dollars so make sure to follow the rules and then the last thing to think about when 1U3qmp5hAKo-00095-00058272-00058936 you are in morocco is traveling from one city to the other or from one region to the other 1U3qmp5hAKo-00096-00058936-00059624 there are some areas of the country if you are traveling you have to have a written authorization 1U3qmp5hAKo-00097-00059624-00060296 from the authorities stating your first and last name and why you are traveling so this is 1U3qmp5hAKo-00098-00060296-00060840 a very tricky rule for me for example when i was in my hometown and i would want to travel to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00099-00060840-00061808 marrakech for the airport i would have to have a form that says that i am traveling for xyz purpose 1U3qmp5hAKo-00100-00061808-00062391 and that has to be issues by the authorities so you really have to be very particular 1U3qmp5hAKo-00101-00062391-00063055 and ask around and make sure that you are aware of what's expected from you and when we were driving 1U3qmp5hAKo-00102-00063055-00063688 from my hometown safi to marrakech we were stopped at least three times by the police and they asked 1U3qmp5hAKo-00103-00063688-00064184 for that particular form and we had to show it to them so these are just a couple of things that i 1U3qmp5hAKo-00104-00064184-00064744 wanted to share with you so that you have an idea of what to expect and so you know what questions 1U3qmp5hAKo-00105-00064744-00065255 you have to ask so i hope that you guys found this to be useful and if you do have any questions 1U3qmp5hAKo-00106-00065255-00065752 please do let me know in a comment i will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge 1U3qmp5hAKo-00107-00065752-00066328 and if you did find this video to be useful please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00108-00066328-00067024 the channel my name is habiba this is trekking pals and love traveling hiking back i am starting 1U3qmp5hAKo-00109-00067024-00067568 to get a little bit thirsty here so i'm gonna grab myself some water and i'm gonna go get a bite to 1U3qmp5hAKo-00110-00067568-00069232 eat and i will talk to you guys very very soon take care everyone i was on a plane in california 1V_2CVhvRi4-00000-00000228-00000412 Hi. I'm Bunty Avieson, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00001-00000416-00000744 a senior research fellow at University of Sydney. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00002-00000748-00001132 This project is in partnership with Royal University of Bhutan, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00003-00001136-00001524 and is funded by an Australian Research Council grant. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00004-00001704-00001960 The Wiki-Bhutan project. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00005-00001964-00002340 This aims to help Bhutanese become Wikipedia editors to create 1V_2CVhvRi4-00006-00002344-00002756 an editing community so that Bhutanese can 1V_2CVhvRi4-00007-00002760-00003176 1, influence the ways in which they are represented on English Wikipedia. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00008-00003180-00003336 Because at the moment, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00009-00003340-00003752 Bhutanese content is mostly written by foreigners, often referencing 1V_2CVhvRi4-00010-00003756-00004348 Lonely Planet instead of local, documented, lived experience. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00011-00004352-00004824 2, to develop the Dzongkha Wikipedia site, which can be used as a cultural 1V_2CVhvRi4-00012-00004828-00005336 counterpoint offering pushback to the colonialism of English Wikipedia, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00013-00005340-00005668 which presents a westernised view of Bhutan, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00014-00005672-00006084 whereas the Dzongkha site can offer an alternative space for Bhutanese 1V_2CVhvRi4-00015-00006088-00006559 to determine their own cultural narratives without interference. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00016-00006564-00007028 And 3, to join the global knowledge movement that is Wikimedia. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00017-00007320-00007684 As well as bringing greater ethnic diversity and better representation 1V_2CVhvRi4-00018-00007688-00008204 from Asia, Bhutan's unique worldview reflects its strong morality. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00019-00008208-00008592 They have embraced digital media in ways that reflect their 1V_2CVhvRi4-00020-00008596-00008936 oral traditions, so I am particularly interested in how 1V_2CVhvRi4-00021-00008940-00009472 they may choose to use audio and video on the Dzongkha site. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00022-00009476-00009636 This is a bit about Bhutan. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00023-00009744-00010020 It has a population less than a million. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00024-00010024-00010176 Oral culture. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00025-00010180-00010608 English Wikipedia is Bhutan's seventh most visited site. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00026-00010612-00011016 And it has a small, unknown Dzongkha site. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00027-00011260-00011444 The project. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00028-00011448-00011832 So it's an action participation project. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00029-00011836-00012196 I'm not Bhutanese, and I'm aware of the sensitivities 1V_2CVhvRi4-00030-00012200-00012544 that that brings as an outside researcher. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00031-00012548-00012884 To ensure that I conduct this research in culturally appropriate 1V_2CVhvRi4-00032-00012888-00013476 ways, firstly I established a consultation committee to guide me 1V_2CVhvRi4-00033-00013480-00013691 and to be a sounding board. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00034-00013696-00014219 Secondly, I partnered with the Royal University of Bhutan, and thirdly 1V_2CVhvRi4-00035-00014224-00015040 I accessed a series of civic groups to be participants in workshops. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00036-00015044-00015308 Myself, I don't speak Dzongkha, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00037-00015312-00015584 which may sound counterintuitive for this research, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00038-00015588-00015840 but which I consider highly appropriate. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00039-00015844-00016163 I don't think I should be participating on the Dzongkha site. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00040-00016168-00016416 I am only an observer. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00041-00016600-00017196 In 2019 I undertook pilot training with Dzongkha editors to understand 1V_2CVhvRi4-00042-00017200-00017560 best practices for approaching workshops. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00043-00017564-00017980 This should then have been followed up in March 2020 with the first 1V_2CVhvRi4-00044-00017984-00018420 group of high school teachers, but then Covid struck. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00045-00018424-00018856 So, unable to travel to Bhutan, this year I have pivoted to working with 1V_2CVhvRi4-00046-00018860-00019212 the Bhutanese community in Canberra. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00047-00019216-00019696 About 4,000 Bhutanese live in our national capital, and they're mostly 1V_2CVhvRi4-00048-00019700-00020328 here with their families undertaking tertiary studies at the universities. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00049-00020332-00020772 We held two workshops, which were very successful, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00050-00020776-00021012 albeit a very small cohort. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00051-00021260-00021440 So this is looking at the dashboard. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00052-00021444-00021912 You can see six editors, 17 articles edited as to date, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00053-00021916-00022380 so within three months, more than 17,000 views of the work they did. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00054-00022528-00022880 But there have been considerable challenges. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00055-00022884-00023144 Firstly, the advantages. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00056-00023148-00023536 Being in Australia, they're in an English-speaking context, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00057-00023540-00023936 which makes it easier to conduct English workshops. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00058-00023940-00024328 They're in a university environment. They're highly educated. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00059-00024332-00024872 They understand referencing, they are articulate and they are many of them 1V_2CVhvRi4-00060-00024876-00025088 experts in their fields. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00061-00025092-00025516 Because of this growing population of Bhutanese in Australia, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00062-00025520-00025783 a Bhutanese ambassador has been appointed, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00063-00025788-00026080 and he's terribly supportive of the project. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00064-00026083-00026492 There is a lively and generous Australian Wikimedia community 1V_2CVhvRi4-00065-00026495-00026836 who are happy to arrive and just turn up and help, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00066-00026839-00027108 and it's certainly closer for me. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00067-00027112-00027395 The disadvantages, however, are significant. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00068-00027400-00027608 The Bhutanese in Canberra are busy. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00069-00027612-00027932 Just keeping up with the pace of life here 1V_2CVhvRi4-00070-00027936-00028256 means they're busy working and studying. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00071-00028260-00028760 I miss the structural framework that I'd put in place, which gave me 1V_2CVhvRi4-00072-00028764-00029164 access into the Bhutanese community in a particular way. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00073-00029364-00029595 But a very interesting challenge has been that 1V_2CVhvRi4-00074-00029600-00029952 two of the participants are the experts in their field. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00075-00029956-00030408 For them to work on pages on Covid in Bhutan, or to work on language 1V_2CVhvRi4-00076-00030412-00030848 in Bhutan does actually mean referencing their own written journal 1V_2CVhvRi4-00077-00030852-00031392 articles, which clearly produces issues around conflict of interest. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00078-00031395-00031644 So the next step is to go to Bhutan, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00079-00031648-00031852 which I'm hoping to do as soon as possible, 1V_2CVhvRi4-00080-00031856-00032152 and pick up where the project was there 1V_2CVhvRi4-00081-00032156-00032639 while also working now with the Australian-based Wikipedians. 1V_2CVhvRi4-00082-00032644-00032808 That's it. Thank you. 1Yj500TfU9y-00000-00000000-00000729 I worked in a children's hospital for several years and loved working there, 1Yj500TfU9y-00001-00000729-00001163 but I saw a lot of the family situations that were present in a lot of the 1Yj500TfU9y-00002-00001163-00001647 children's lives then decided to go to law school instead and have some kind of 1Yj500TfU9y-00003-00001647-00002133 focus in medical law. Right now I practice mostly workers comp and 1Yj500TfU9y-00004-00002133-00002691 personal injury. I think my background in medicine really helps me not only 1Yj500TfU9y-00005-00002691-00003033 understand medical records and the medical problems that our clients are 1Yj500TfU9y-00006-00003033-00003702 undergoing, but it also gives me a feeling of empathy for our clients, you 1Yj500TfU9y-00007-00003702-00004191 know? I have been on the side of taking care of them while they are injured in a 1Yj500TfU9y-00008-00004191-00004512 medical setting, and now I'm taking care of them while they're injured in a legal 1Yj500TfU9y-00009-00004512-00005139 setting. The firm gets involved with the community a lot. I personally am involved 1Yj500TfU9y-00010-00005139-00005718 with the program called Reading Partners, which provides tutoring to elementary 1Yj500TfU9y-00011-00005718-00006267 school-age children. I'm active in that organization, and the firm is very active 1Yj500TfU9y-00012-00006267-00006712 in several organizations in the Charleston community. 1Yj500TfU9y-00013-00006867-00007443 Many times when a client is injured in, whether it be a car accident, or a work 1Yj500TfU9y-00014-00007443-00007968 injury, they don't know what to do and they're scared. And at the Steinberg Law 1Yj500TfU9y-00015-00007968-00008499 Firm, we have been in business for over 90 years helping people just like you 1Yj500TfU9y-00016-00008499-00008934 that have been injured, and we have many many years of combined experience and 1Yj500TfU9y-00017-00008934-00009356 are here to help you and guide you through the process. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00000-00000186-00000729 Profound features a powerful and customizable search engine that helps you target the exact 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00001-00000729-00000876 information you need. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00002-00000876-00001254 Let’s take a closer look at how it works. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00003-00001254-00001723 There are multiple ways to search for market research reports on Profound. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00004-00001723-00002061 A quick and easy method is by browsing. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00005-00002061-00002623 You can search for reports by industries, locations, and publishers. 1ZYeUoyiT_8-00006-00002623-00003181 Industries and locations may be sorted by category or by 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that are currently used to 1iLFSJxZAGE-00003-00003486-00004010 promote sustainability in the furniture industry, becoming essential tools for the transformation 1iLFSJxZAGE-00004-00004047-00004325 towards a circular industry model. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00005-00004325-00004864 The module is divided into 5 units that cover the different applications that are implemented 1iLFSJxZAGE-00006-00004864-00005328 in the furniture industry with the aim of achieving a more sustainable industry. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00007-00005376-00005634 The 5 units are: 1iLFSJxZAGE-00008-00005634-00005914 1. Introduction to ecodesign 1iLFSJxZAGE-00009-00005914-00006126 2. Environmental management 1iLFSJxZAGE-00010-00006130-00006390 3. Communicating sustainability through ecolabels 1iLFSJxZAGE-00011-00006406-00006840 4. Tools for a circular company 1iLFSJxZAGE-00012-00006840-00007226 5. Case studies 1iLFSJxZAGE-00013-00007568-00008034 In this first unit you will understand what ecodesign is, its different stages and what 1iLFSJxZAGE-00014-00008034-00008221 it provides to a company. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00015-00008222-00008810 There is a growing demand in society for more sustainable and eco-friendly products. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00016-00008848-00009298 Ecodesign is a systematic incorporation of environmental aspects into product design, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00017-00009376-00009770 with the aim to reduce its impact through its entire life cycle. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00018-00009770-00010418 Therefore, its application implies in most cases an increase in competitiveness and boosts 1iLFSJxZAGE-00019-00010418-00010796 companies to let them stand out from its competitors. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00020-00011312-00011840 At the end of this unit you will be able to identify environmental aspects of the company 1iLFSJxZAGE-00021-00011840-00012393 and know general principles of the most important Quality and Environmental certifications. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00022-00012393-00012913 The main standards and regulations that apply in this sector are the well-known standards 1iLFSJxZAGE-00023-00012913-00013734 ISO 9001 of Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 on Environmental Management Systems, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00024-00013734-00014486 the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), and ISO 14006, the Ecodesign certification. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00025-00014610-00015094 These certifications accredit companies with a seal of quality that verifies the adequate 1iLFSJxZAGE-00026-00015094-00015594 management and implication for the environment and the quality of all their processes. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00027-00016140-00016634 In this third unit you will learn green communication tools based on the different ecolabels for 1iLFSJxZAGE-00028-00016638-00016760 furniture products. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00029-00016836-00017454 Environmental labelling or ecolabels is a set of voluntary tools that try to stimulate 1iLFSJxZAGE-00030-00017454-00018044 the demand for products and services with lower environmental loads. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00031-00018044-00018549 Ecolabels offer relevant information about the life cycle of a product or service to 1iLFSJxZAGE-00032-00018549-00018902 satisfy the demand for environmental information by buyers. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00033-00018902-00019369 According to ISO 14.020 there are three types of ecolabels. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00034-00019369-00019940 In unit 5.3 you will learn their main characteristics, and the most applied to the furniture and 1iLFSJxZAGE-00035-00019940-00020094 wood industry. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00036-00020686-00021131 In this unit you will learn what the main sustainable tools for furniture products are, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00037-00021131-00021736 their benefits, how to implement and evaluate them: product lifecycle, the environmental 1iLFSJxZAGE-00038-00021736-00022056 product declaration and the carbon footprint. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00039-00022122-00022674 Thanks to these tools the environmental impact of a company or a product may be evaluated, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00040-00022674-00023179 facilitating the implementation of actions in specific production processes to reduce 1iLFSJxZAGE-00041-00023179-00023309 its impact. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00042-00023309-00023840 Moreover, in this unit we will have a first approach to circular indicators. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00043-00023840-00024358 These indicators will provide companies with a methodology and tools to assess how well 1iLFSJxZAGE-00044-00024358-00024844 a product or company performs in the context of a circular economy. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00045-00025422-00025998 In this last unit you will have the opportunity to know real implementation cases of the different 1iLFSJxZAGE-00046-00025998-00026314 tools and applications studied in previous units. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00047-00026336-00027042 Thus, this unit tackles how different furniture companies have implemented principles of ecodesign, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00048-00027060-00027333 got an ecolabel for a product, 1iLFSJxZAGE-00049-00027333-00027938 or how a company managed to get a specific Quality and Environmental Certification 1iLFSJxZAGE-00050-00027950-00028335 Now, you can continue with the first unit of module 5. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00051-00028335-00028929 I hope you will enjoy and improve your knowledge on how to get a more sustainable and circular 1iLFSJxZAGE-00052-00028929-00029045 furniture company. 1iLFSJxZAGE-00053-00029045-00029163 Let´s get started! 1jma51Lzv9u-00000-00000009-00000163 - My name is Chris Keller. 1jma51Lzv9u-00001-00000163-00000400 I'm a product developer and frequent developer 1jma51Lzv9u-00002-00000400-00000579 at the the Lawrence Hall of Science. 1jma51Lzv9u-00003-00000579-00000770 Our latest app from the Lawrence Hall of Science 1jma51Lzv9u-00004-00000770-00000996 is called DIY Human Body. 1jma51Lzv9u-00005-00000996-00001218 It is the third app in DIY series of apps that 1jma51Lzv9u-00006-00001218-00001472 feature hands-on science activities for kids. 1jma51Lzv9u-00007-00001472-00001830 The first app was DIY Nano, all about Nano technology 1jma51Lzv9u-00008-00001830-00002068 and the second was DIY Sun Science. 1jma51Lzv9u-00009-00002068-00002327 Each of these apps feature about a dozen hands-on 1jma51Lzv9u-00010-00002327-00002534 science activities that use common household 1jma51Lzv9u-00011-00002534-00002763 items that kids can do on their own, with their 1jma51Lzv9u-00012-00002763-00003032 parents, or can be used by teachers inside 1jma51Lzv9u-00013-00003032-00003159 and outside of school. 1jma51Lzv9u-00014-00003159-00003412 The activities in DIY Human Body help kids 1jma51Lzv9u-00015-00003412-00003635 answer questions like "What keeps your blood 1jma51Lzv9u-00016-00003635-00003778 "moving in one direction?" 1jma51Lzv9u-00017-00003778-00004072 "How do your lungs pull in and push out air?" 1jma51Lzv9u-00018-00004072-00004277 You can also make models of human organs, 1jma51Lzv9u-00019-00004277-00004527 make a centrifuge replica that tests the contents 1jma51Lzv9u-00020-00004527-00004760 of artificial blood, you can also learn about 1jma51Lzv9u-00021-00004760-00004936 the fluids and chemicals your body produces 1jma51Lzv9u-00022-00004936-00005074 that keep you healthy. 1jma51Lzv9u-00023-00005074-00005294 One activity lets kids build an artificial 1jma51Lzv9u-00024-00005294-00005514 lung using a plastic model, balloon, 1jma51Lzv9u-00025-00005514-00005645 and disposable glove. 1jma51Lzv9u-00026-00005645-00005924 Each activity includes materials list, 1jma51Lzv9u-00027-00005924-00006154 safety notes, step-by-step instructions, 1jma51Lzv9u-00028-00006154-00006337 and detailed explanation. 1jma51Lzv9u-00029-00006337-00006552 We also include videos within the app that 1jma51Lzv9u-00030-00006552-00006739 further explain how different parts of the 1jma51Lzv9u-00031-00006739-00006915 body work and what they do. 1jma51Lzv9u-00032-00006915-00007173 Some of these videos also offer insight 1jma51Lzv9u-00033-00007173-00007386 into staying healthy and various health 1jma51Lzv9u-00034-00007386-00007569 issues that kids face today. 1jma51Lzv9u-00035-00007569-00007770 The app was funded through a generous grant 1jma51Lzv9u-00036-00007770-00007952 from the National Institutes of Health. 1jma51Lzv9u-00037-00007952-00008161 It's available for both the iPad and the 1jma51Lzv9u-00038-00008161-00008453 iPhone, and best of all, it's free. 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00000-00000040-00000560 the department of energy has adjusted their sear testing on air conditioners and heat pumps to more 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00001-00000560-00001248 accurately reflect what's going on inside homes across america new m1 testing procedures are going 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00002-00001248-00002104 to force today's 2022-14 seer systems down to 13.4 in 2023 rendering it inadequate for use in america 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00003-00002776-00003447 what's being amended fan off delays on the air handler blower motors limiting the area of the 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00004-00003447-00004128 evaporator coils being tested raising the external static pressure level to almost real world levels 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00005-00004200-00004704 the method for how they test and calculate heat performance on heat pumps and a better 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00006-00004704-00005312 testing methodology for variable speed systems a little bit about the term m1 you know how you 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00007-00005312-00006176 make a multi-level list for a document like an hri standard like one we are the doe and we have the 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00008-00006176-00007040 authority to blah blah blah a blah blah blah b all the way down to m which is the style of testing 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00009-00007040-00007848 before 2023 and then m has a number under it m1 the new style of testing that we're moving to the 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00010-00007848-00008416 department of energy has regulated residential air conditioning and heat pump efficiencies since 1992 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00011-00008488-00009000 an average-sized home can use over 2000 kilowatt hours of electricity each year 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00012-00009000-00009608 causing the average power plant to emit around 3 500 pounds of carbon dioxide and 31 pounds 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00013-00009608-00010240 of sulfur dioxide into the air we finally got everyone to realize that systems today use 25 to 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00014-00010240-00010944 50 percent less energy than those installed just 20 and 30 years ago the doe did that by increasing 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00015-00010944-00011480 the required minimum see ratings of systems and doing so through a strict testing process 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00016-00011544-00012312 just since 1992 we've gone from a minimum 10 seer mandate to 2006 upgrading the minimum rating to 13 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00017-00012312-00012976 seer 10 years later in 2015 every state in the southwest and southeast were required to step 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00018-00012976-00013560 it up to 14 seer minimum efficiency since the summers are more intense there so here we are 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00019-00013560-00014096 seven years later faced with higher standards actually it's understandable that the doe wants 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00020-00014096-00014632 to bring the standard of testing to meet real world situations and the upgraded technology of 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00021-00014632-00015247 the equipment being used in today's systems after all doing this increases overall efficiency again 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00022-00015247-00015856 by another seven percent by switching to the m1 testing which is why distributors with today's 14 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00023-00015856-00016544 seer systems will not even be able to sell those units after january 1st 2023 heat pumps have a 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00024-00016544-00017120 little different rule as far as what can be used and for how long but they'll still have to meet 15 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00025-00017120-00017728 seer two after they all sell off it's just that 14 seer air conditioners will dwindle away probably 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00026-00017728-00018368 by september or october because distributors can't just send back the old units right they have to 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00027-00018368-00019040 time their inventory just perfectly so that they don't have any 14 series units by january 1st 2023 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00028-00019104-00019760 from what i can see in the southwest and the southeast one and a half to two and a half three 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00029-00019760-00020312 and three and a half ton split systems will be required to have a fifteen seer two minimum 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00030-00020312-00020888 northern states that are at thirteen seer now will be at fourteen seer two while southern four 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00031-00020888-00021464 and five time unit minimums will be fourteen and a half seer ii northern units will still be required 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00032-00021464-00022136 to meet that 14 co2 all heat pump efficiencies will be required to meet 15 seer two after 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00033-00022136-00023008 january 1st 2023 so what you're going to see is 2022's m standard 16 seer systems and technology 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00034-00023008-00023672 become the new minimum standard since they'll be rated 15.2 under the new m1 style of testing 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00035-00023672-00024168 that means the new minimum tier system is going to become even more expensive than the current 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00036-00024168-00024864 14 sears which increased about 25 percent since the beginning of kovid in 2022 let me know your 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00037-00024864-00025256 thoughts on this if this is your first time watching our channel please click subscribe 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00038-00025256-00025608 down here on the bottom right and if you click that little bell next to it you'll be notified 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00039-00025608-00026064 of all of our videos as they come out thanks so much for watching we'll see you on the next video 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00040-00026168-00026520 you're watching fox family heating and air don't forget to subscribe 1ld0zsY7LpQ-00041-00026520-00026783 and check out more of our videos by clicking on the right side of the screen 1l8QpdhkZVc-00000-00000789-00001028 [Nathan] Oh hello there! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00001-00001028-00001174 You startled me a little bit. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00002-00001195-00001356 Just working on a few uh, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00003-00001370-00001529 finishing touches, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00004-00001607-00001732 Whoa! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00005-00001746-00001882 To my latest invention here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00006-00002573-00002830 Give me a second. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00007-00002855-00003118 Zoom in on the coordinates. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00008-00003675-00003776 Bam! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00009-00003801-00004112 All right, looks like it should be ready to test out. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00010-00004398-00004720 There's really only one way to see if this is working, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00011-00004720-00004906 Little nervous about it but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00012-00004926-00005260 Just going to reach out and put my hands on the portal. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00013-00005892-00006244 This wasn't supposed to happen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00014-00006300-00006540 Where in the world am I? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00015-00006740-00006984 How did my clothes change? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00016-00007048-00007248 Where's my office? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00017-00007248-00007644 Umm, what's going on here? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00018-00007644-00007884 Hello! Anybody? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00019-00012420-00012690 I sure hope this is working now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00020-00012690-00013102 I was trying to go back to the time of Christ, but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00021-00013153-00013502 doesn't look like my time machine wants to do that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00022-00013502-00013788 So I don't know. I'm going to keep working on it though. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00023-00013788-00014068 In the meantime, while I'm working on it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00024-00014068-00014391 Let me share some of the stuff I learned in my research. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00025-00014488-00014716 [Narrator] And it came to pass in those days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00026-00014716-00014991 that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00027-00014993-00015208 That all the world should be taxed. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00028-00015213-00015616 And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00029-00015619-00015805 And all went to be taxed, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00030-00015808-00015988 everyone into his own city. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00031-00015990-00016297 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00032-00016300-00016582 out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00033-00016585-00016908 unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00034-00016910-00017200 because he was of the house and lineage of David. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00035-00017203-00017551 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00036-00017555-00017708 being great with child. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00037-00017758-00018078 [Nathan] Joseph and Mary had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00038-00018078-00018427 A trip from anywhere from 65 to 120 miles, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00039-00018427-00018627 depending on the route taken. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00040-00018627-00018966 Traveling in a straight line it's around 65 miles. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00041-00018966-00019346 However, it's extremely unlikely that they traveled in a straight line. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00042-00019346-00019546 Mountains and unfriendly people, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00043-00019546-00019746 plus the road wasn't perfectly straight. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00044-00019746-00020117 Traveling on roads tends to be faster, safer and easier. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00045-00020117-00020408 For comparison we have several vehicles, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00046-00020408-00020708 all traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00047-00020708-00021137 Keep in mind, this is all calculated without any sleeping, or potty breaks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00048-00021137-00021546 Also Mary, being pregnant, couldn't travel as fast as usual. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00049-00022800-00023215 If I could just figure out, where I was, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00050-00023215-00023415 or when I was, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00051-00023545-00023900 I could maybe figure out if Mary and Joseph had a donkey or not, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00052-00023900-00024300 or if they traveled by themselves or in a caravan. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00053-00024335-00024855 but as it stands, I'm in the middle, or should I say 1l8QpdhkZVc-00054-00024855-00025320 the middle of the height of some random mountain. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00055-00025320-00025590 and I uh, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00056-00025645-00025970 kinda am wearing some weird robe thing. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00057-00025989-00026435 that I've never worn before. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00058-00026435-00026635 It's all very disconcerting. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00059-00026714-00026945 Ya, if I could figure out where I was, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00060-00026945-00027222 and when I was, and could get myself to where I need to be, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00061-00027224-00027575 and the time I need to be. I could figure all these things out. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00062-00027575-00027873 But as it stands, your guess is as good as mine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00063-00027873-00028073 I will tell you one thing though, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00064-00028073-00028273 Walking on these mountain trails, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00065-00028364-00028735 for maybe a mile, maybe, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00066-00028735-00028888 my feet have blisters. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00067-00028970-00029095 I'm a scientist, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00068-00029095-00029337 I work in an office, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00069-00029337-00029620 In my spare time I tinker on a time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00070-00029704-00029911 I'm not used to this heat. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00071-00029911-00030239 Though I must say, this robe thing, is pretty cool. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00072-00030286-00030555 [Narrator] And so it was, that, while they were there, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00073-00030555-00030800 the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00074-00030804-00031037 And she brought forth her firstborn son, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00075-00031044-00031231 and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00076-00031235-00031362 and laid him in a manger, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00077-00031366-00031613 because there was no room for them in the inn. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00078-00031664-00031977 [Nathan] So while in Bethlehem, Mary delivered her firstborn. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00079-00031977-00032276 The city was crowded, as I'm sure you can imagine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00080-00032276-00032505 There were a lot of people there for the census. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00081-00032544-00032852 So many in fact that there wasn't any space for them to stay. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00082-00032852-00033273 It was the custom to open your house to strangers, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00083-00033300-00033620 but there were just so many people in the city of Bethlehem, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00084-00033620-00033877 that there was absolutely no space left. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00085-00033877-00034414 The "Classic" view of Joseph running around, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00086-00034414-00034614 the night they arrived in Bethlehem, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00087-00034614-00034822 looking for someplace for Mary to give birth 1l8QpdhkZVc-00088-00034825-00035322 is probably not really true. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00089-00035380-00035577 [Narrator] Κατάλυμα 1l8QpdhkZVc-00090-00035577-00036042 An in, lodging place, eating room, dinning room. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00091-00036060-00036300 Used in the King James Version 1l8QpdhkZVc-00092-00036300-00036765 its translated as guest chamber twice, and inn once. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00093-00037831-00038331 [Nathan] So Joseph looked, but he really couldn't find anyplace for them to stay, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00094-00038442-00038628 until he found this. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00095-00038682-00039077 It's a stable, okay, someplace for animals to stay. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00096-00039077-00039308 Really, it's nothing to turn your nose at, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00097-00039308-00039508 come on, lets take a look inside. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00098-00039651-00039845 When there was no other place to stay. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00099-00039845-00040045 I'm sure this was pretty inviting. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00100-00040045-00040268 Plus, it was private. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00101-00040268-00040571 Mary was going to be having a baby, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00102-00040571-00040774 When you're in that type of situation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00103-00040774-00041050 privacy takes on a new level of importance. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00104-00041050-00041326 Plus, as you look around 1l8QpdhkZVc-00105-00041326-00041532 you'll notice it's dry, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00106-00041532-00041732 there's a roof on top of us, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00107-00041732-00042157 which is dirt actually, 'cause we're in a hill, right now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00108-00042258-00042416 You're protected from the elements. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00109-00043010-00043053 Now this is much better than being out in the open, in a field someplace. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00110-00043166-00043410 You're safe inside a stable, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00111-00043420-00043784 much safer than in a random field someplace. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00112-00043864-00044211 [Narrator] And there were in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00113-00044215-00044431 keeping watch over their flock by night. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00114-00044444-00044708 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00115-00044715-00044940 and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00116-00044946-00045106 and they were sore afraid. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00117-00045113-00045271 And the angel said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00118-00045273-00045440 Fear not: for, behold, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00119-00045444-00045648 I bring you good tidings of great joy, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00120-00045653-00045808 which shall be to all people. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00121-00045820-00046186 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00122-00046191-00046331 which is Christ the Lord. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00123-00046335-00046553 And this shall be a sign unto you; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00124-00046557-00046835 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00125-00046842-00046966 lying in a manger. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00126-00046975-00047468 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00127-00047480-00047640 Glory to God in the highest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00128-00047640-00047911 and on earth peace, good will toward men. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00129-00047924-00048064 And it came to pass, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00130-00048068-00048331 as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00131-00048346-00048551 the shepherds said one to another, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00132-00048562-00048793 Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00133-00048800-00049040 and see this thing which is come to pass, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00134-00049046-00049253 which the Lord hath made known unto us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00135-00049264-00049411 And they cake with Haste, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00136-00049413-00049557 and found Mary, and Joseph, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00137-00049562-00049780 and the babe lying in a manger. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00138-00049882-00050144 [Narrator] Angels are the messengers of God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00139-00050144-00050335 We don't really know what they look like, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00140-00050335-00050760 though the Bible does give vague descriptions of some angels in a few spots. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00141-00050815-00051205 They are spiritual beings, so they can travel through physical objects, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00142-00051207-00051553 and have the ability to appear in the likeness of humans. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00143-00051553-00051816 Angels don't marry, and aren't born, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00144-00051816-00052016 so there are no "baby" angels. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00145-00052016-00052344 [Nathan] And so it was that the shepherds came and found Mary, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00146-00052344-00052473 and Joseph, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00147-00052473-00052802 and baby Jesus, just as the angels had said. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00148-00052916-00053226 [Narrator] Shepherds were looked down upon at the time of Christ. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00149-00053226-00053622 Being considered incompetent they were denied civil rights. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00150-00053697-00054113 Buying wool, milk or even a kid from a shepherd was forbidden 1l8QpdhkZVc-00151-00054113-00054313 because it could be stolen property. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00152-00054382-00054722 The Mishnah Judaisms written record of the oral law 1l8QpdhkZVc-00153-00054722-00055004 refers to shepherds in belittling terms. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00154-00055004-00055337 At one point even saying, nobody should feel obligated 1l8QpdhkZVc-00155-00055337-00055644 to rescue a shepherd who has fallen into a pit. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00156-00056797-00057362 [Nathan] I am really starting to think this time machine is a terrible idea. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00157-00057362-00057575 I mean seriously, a biker dude. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00158-00057575-00058053 What's the deal, why, just why? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00159-00058053-00058357 Nothing in the code says anything about 1l8QpdhkZVc-00160-00058357-00058762 adaptively changing peoples clothing to circumstances, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00161-00058762-00058973 and I'm five inches tall! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00162-00058973-00059153 in somebody's living room, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00163-00059153-00059373 I hope they don't walk in and step on me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00164-00059446-00059753 A tree towering miles above me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00165-00059753-00060141 I mean, I'm as short as their nativity scene characters, this is terrible. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00166-00060416-00060626 I really don't like this one bit. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00167-00061126-00061420 hmm, something is amiss here, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00168-00061420-00061664 I can't quite put my finger on it though. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00169-00061664-00061864 We've got the stable, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00170-00061864-00062040 Mary and Joseph, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00171-00062040-00062282 baby Jesus, the shepherds, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00172-00062282-00062482 the animals. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00173-00062482-00062682 Wait a minute, the Magi! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00174-00062682-00062892 The magi shouldn't be here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00175-00062892-00063320 The Magi didn't see baby Jesus 'til almost two years later, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00176-00063320-00063520 here's how I know. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00177-00063520-00063800 [Narrator] And this shall be a sign unto you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00178-00063826-00064107 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00179-00064109-00064251 lying in a manger. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00180-00064292-00064416 When they had heard the king, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00181-00064416-00064616 they departed; and, lo, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00182-00064616-00064816 the star, which they saw in the east, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00183-00064816-00064921 went before them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00184-00064921-00065200 till it came and stood over where the young child was. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00185-00065267-00065463 [Nathan] Did you notice the difference in the words, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00186-00065463-00065663 babe, and young child? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00187-00065752-00065978 Why would they be translated as such? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00188-00065978-00066292 Well back in the sixteen hundreds, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00189-00066292-00066541 early sixteen hundreds, when the King James was translated, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00190-00066578-00066756 they were going from original texts, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00191-00066777-00066948 which in this case, were in Greek. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00192-00066962-00067319 To determine what's really meant by these scriptures, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00193-00067319-00067619 we need to go, dig back into those manuscripts, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00194-00067624-00067771 and look at the original Greek words 1l8QpdhkZVc-00195-00067771-00068000 look at the translations to those Greek words, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00196-00068000-00068388 and then we can find out what the authors of these two books 1l8QpdhkZVc-00197-00068388-00068756 really meant when they used the words that they used, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00198-00068756-00069137 and we can get an idea of why the translators used the words that they used when they translated. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00199-00069137-00069425 So let's take a look at those Greek words right now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00200-00069425-00069625 [Narrator] Brephos 1l8QpdhkZVc-00201-00069652-00069835 An unborn child 1l8QpdhkZVc-00202-00069835-00070161 embryo, a fetus, a newborn child, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00203-00070161-00070361 an infant, a babe. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00204-00070361-00070601 Used in the King James Version 1l8QpdhkZVc-00205-00070608-00070873 its translated into babe five times, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00206-00070873-00071113 child once, infant once, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00207-00071113-00071323 and young child once. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00208-00071441-00071608 Paidion 1l8QpdhkZVc-00209-00071640-00071880 A young child, a little boy, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00210-00071880-00072161 a little girl, infants, children, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00211-00072161-00072417 little ones, an infant, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00212-00072417-00072728 of a male child just recently born 1l8QpdhkZVc-00213-00072728-00072920 of a more advanced child, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00214-00072920-00073089 of a mature child. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00215-00073089-00073289 Used in the King James Version 1l8QpdhkZVc-00216-00073289-00073630 its translated into child twenty-five times, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00217-00073630-00073830 little child twelve times, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00218-00073830-00074030 young child ten times, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00219-00074030-00074230 and damsel three times. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00220-00074288-00074587 [Nathan] We can further deduce that the Magi saw the baby Jesus 1l8QpdhkZVc-00221-00074587-00074924 much later than the night he was born, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00222-00074924-00075305 by looking at some additional texts in the book of Matthew. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00223-00075305-00075656 [Narrator] Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00224-00075660-00075910 was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00225-00075913-00076188 and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00226-00076193-00076385 and in all the coasts thereof, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00227-00076401-00076571 from two years old and under, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00228-00076572-00076952 according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00229-00077062-00077249 [Nathan] Oh, hey guys. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00230-00077264-00077595 I just, uh, pushed those magi into the other corner of the room, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00231-00077595-00077896 I figured, they don't belong in the nativity scene, why keep them here? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00232-00078030-00078180 It was harder then you might think. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00233-00078180-00078468 I'm only five inches tall, those guys are as tall as I am. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00234-00078468-00078652 I had to push these things. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00235-00078652-00078849 I'm not really sure what they were made out of. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00236-00078849-00079238 I kinda thought they were like plaster, or clay, but, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00237-00079238-00079480 being this small it's really hard to tell. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00238-00079480-00079747 The texture in everything that I'm used to 1l8QpdhkZVc-00239-00079747-00079947 being almost six feet, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00240-00079947-00080192 just, things don't 1l8QpdhkZVc-00241-00080280-00080468 they don't compose the same I guess. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00242-00080468-00080643 I don't know, but anyways 1l8QpdhkZVc-00243-00080643-00080891 as I was pushing them, I noticed something a little odd. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00244-00080891-00081091 There was three of them, right? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00245-00081091-00081328 and you're, okay so what? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00246-00081328-00081499 it was the magi, there's always three. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00247-00081499-00081640 Ya but why? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00248-00081640-00081873 The Bible never actually tells us 1l8QpdhkZVc-00249-00081873-00082073 how many magi there were. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00250-00082270-00082460 And when they were come into the house, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00251-00082460-00082688 they saw the young child with Mary his mother, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00252-00082691-00082905 and fell down, and worshiped him: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00253-00082913-00083097 and when they had opened their treasures, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00254-00083099-00083267 they presented unto him gifts; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00255-00083268-00083515 gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00256-00083971-00084160 Well I know what I'm giving him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00257-00084160-00084360 I've got a time machine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00258-00084360-00084659 it doesn't work right, but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00259-00084659-00084928 hey, He's Jesus, He can probably fix it for me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00260-00084928-00085075 and I'll give him twenty bucks, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00261-00085075-00085332 standard gift for a baby, twenty bucks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00262-00085624-00085939 I'd give him the gold, and the frankincense and the myrrh. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00263-00085939-00086211 I don't have the money, I'm strapped for cash. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00264-00086248-00086699 My time machine uses mega-watts of electricity every single day. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00265-00086699-00086899 I can barely pay the bills. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00266-00087092-00087328 I'd give more if I could, but I just can't, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00267-00087328-00087528 I don't have that kind of cash. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00268-00087753-00088025 but, two gifts 1l8QpdhkZVc-00269-00088025-00088225 a time machine, and twenty dollars. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00270-00088414-00088574 I just thought of something, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00271-00088646-00088779 I'm giving two gifts, right? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00272-00088779-00088979 time machine, and twenty bucks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00273-00088979-00089209 The magi gave three gifts, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00274-00089214-00089379 gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00275-00089422-00089617 There could have just been one magi 1l8QpdhkZVc-00276-00089617-00089817 who gave all three 1l8QpdhkZVc-00277-00089817-00090017 or two, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00278-00090017-00090368 and one of them gave two, and one gave one. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00279-00090368-00090536 there could have been a half- 1l8QpdhkZVc-00280-00090536-00090736 there could have been a few thousand, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00281-00090736-00091004 and there was just only three gifts that were given. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00282-00091004-00091224 but massive quantities of those three. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00283-00091329-00091614 This sheds an entirely new light on the situation. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00284-00091614-00091814 There could have been millions! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00285-00091814-00092022 Okay, I'm probably getting a little carried away. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00286-00092084-00092280 but just because there were three gifts, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00287-00092280-00092636 is no reason to think there were only three magi. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00288-00093271-00093544 White Christmas??? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00289-00094008-00094151 Ya, that's 1l8QpdhkZVc-00290-00094215-00094500 The Bible doesn't say anything about a white Christmas. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00291-00094655-00094957 If I'm remembering my geography right, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00292-00095088-00095295 Bethlehem 1l8QpdhkZVc-00293-00095331-00095551 usually doesn't get a lot of snow. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00294-00095564-00095853 Maybe like one snowfall a year. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00295-00095880-00096282 What are the odds it would have snowed when Jesus was born? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00296-00096508-00096626 Okay, I know 1l8QpdhkZVc-00297-00096626-00096860 A lot of people like to look at the Romans as being 1l8QpdhkZVc-00298-00096860-00097242 these mean, nasty, cruel, evil guys. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00299-00097357-00097657 and sure, they probably were, but they weren't stupid. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00300-00097704-00097933 Okay, if you're going to have a taxation 1l8QpdhkZVc-00301-00097933-00098088 where you're taxing people that hate you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00302-00098088-00098288 that don't like that you're ruling over them 1l8QpdhkZVc-00303-00098308-00098596 you're not going to do it in the winter, when weather is bad for traveling. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00304-00098596-00098811 Because there is going to be a greater likelihood, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00305-00098811-00098990 that there will be more people who don't go 1l8QpdhkZVc-00306-00098990-00099116 and get registered for this taxation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00307-00099116-00099316 which means less revenue for you. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00308-00099316-00099465 You're holding this taxation for a reason, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00309-00099465-00099665 because you want money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00310-00099665-00100105 So you hold it at a time, even if it's not the most beneficial time for you. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00311-00100225-00100409 You say, these people hate us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00312-00100409-00100568 They don't want to give us their money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00313-00100568-00100726 If we hold this thing in the winter, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00314-00100726-00100884 there's fewer people that are going to travel, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00315-00100884-00101084 because the weather is bad. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00316-00101084-00101374 So we're going to hold it when the weather is nice for traveling. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00317-00101374-00101643 even though that might mean putting it off for six months. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00318-00101643-00101787 We're going to do this in in the summer, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00319-00101787-00101886 when the weather is good, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00320-00101886-00102020 people aren't planting their crops, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00321-00102020-00102155 they're not harvesting their crops. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00322-00102155-00102398 They have nothing to do but wait for their crops to grow. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00323-00102398-00102533 and while they are waiting for their crops 1l8QpdhkZVc-00324-00102533-00102680 they can go to their hometown, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00325-00102680-00102820 they can register for taxation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00326-00102820-00103061 they can get taxed, we can get their money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00327-00103091-00103364 then they can go back and harvest their crops once it's fall. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00328-00103408-00103552 But we got the money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00329-00103552-00103700 ya, we had to wait a little bit longer, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00330-00103700-00103875 but we got it, and that's what's important, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00331-00103875-00104075 because we want the money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00332-00104201-00104384 The Romans weren't stupid. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00333-00104408-00104611 They had brains, and they used them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00334-00104614-00104803 They conquered most of the world. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00335-00104881-00105057 They weren't stupid. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00336-00105083-00105353 They were just mean, and cruel and nasty, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00337-00105475-00105715 but hey, who isn't, come on, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00338-00105724-00106034 The entire world of unsaveds are mean, cruel, and nasty. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00339-00106046-00106270 That's what life is, without Christ. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00340-00106304-00106492 I think we covered all the important topics, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00341-00106548-00106678 I am going, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00342-00106678-00106878 to try, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00343-00106878-00107025 and I hope it works 1l8QpdhkZVc-00344-00107025-00107225 to teleport back to my time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00345-00107225-00107425 and get to my lab. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00346-00107425-00107625 I've no idea how long that's going to take. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00347-00107654-00107920 But I'm hoping at some point to get there. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00348-00107920-00108120 Once I get back to my lab, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00349-00108140-00108324 I'm definitely going to eat something, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00350-00108324-00108476 'cause I am starving. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00351-00108476-00108676 This time machine doesn't take away your hunger, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00352-00108676-00108876 even though it magically changes your clothes. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00353-00108992-00109126 Design who made this thing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00354-00109126-00109326 what was he thinking? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00355-00109326-00109452 Anyways 1l8QpdhkZVc-00356-00109480-00109670 Grab a bite to eat. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00357-00109670-00109870 Gotta shave. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00358-00109870-00110070 Gotta shower. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00359-00110136-00110285 That's about it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00360-00110285-00110529 and then work on this time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00361-00110529-00110783 Try and get these bugs out of the system. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00362-00110783-00111057 Someplace there's got to be some malicious code, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00363-00111057-00111339 that somebody injected into my mySQL database. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00364-00111339-00111539 attack or something. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00365-00111646-00111790 I gotta fix that, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00366-00111790-00111990 and then we will be off, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00367-00111990-00112190 to umm, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00368-00112190-00112390 ya, the next part 1l8QpdhkZVc-00369-00112390-00112577 which after His birth 1l8QpdhkZVc-00370-00112577-00112777 of course is going to be His life. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00371-00112777-00112926 So His life and ministry 1l8QpdhkZVc-00372-00112926-00113094 that's what we're going to be looking at next, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00373-00113094-00113369 as soon as I get this time machine back up in shipshape. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00374-00113369-00113496 and as soon as I get some food myself, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00375-00113496-00113696 and like I said, shave and shower, and all that fun stuff. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00376-00113696-00113864 So I will see you then. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00377-00113864-00114210 which for your case will only be a matter of seconds. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00378-00114248-00114438 Me on the other hand, it could be a few weeks, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00379-00114438-00114678 before I get this time machine functioning as it should. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00380-00114713-00115004 but, as soon as it does, I will be back, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00381-00115072-00115232 and we'll have some more fun, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00382-00115232-00115432 do some more gallivanting around. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00383-00115432-00115658 and we're going to learn a whole lot more in part two. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00384-00115696-00116042 Hey everyone, got out of that jam we were in a minute ago. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00385-00116050-00116335 Actually snuck into a hospital. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00386-00116404-00116742 Ya that's right, we're kinda trespassing right now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00387-00116742-00116942 Don't let anybody know. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00388-00117008-00117244 Behind me we've got a height chart, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00389-00117308-00117498 and an old fashioned scale. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00390-00117520-00117883 Pretty sure this isn't used any more, so I'm not too worried about getting caught. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00391-00118006-00118244 Now that we've covered the birth of Christ, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00392-00118264-00118516 we're going to move on to look at his life. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00393-00118538-00118666 I kinda thought this was fitting, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00394-00118666-00118806 you know, a scale, a growth chart. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00395-00118806-00119054 Talking about, you know, obviously he's still young now, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00396-00119054-00119254 He's growing up. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00397-00119254-00119588 What more fitting than like, the children's ward in a hospital. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00398-00119624-00119724 so 1l8QpdhkZVc-00399-00119724-00119924 (footsteps in the distance) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00400-00119924-00120156 I gotta get going, I hear somebody coming. I'll be right back. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00401-00120290-00120620 I honestly didn't expect there to be anybody in that hospital, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00402-00120620-00120820 it's old and run down, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00403-00120820-00121020 maybe it was somebody just like me, snooping around. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00404-00121020-00121226 Oh ya, and I forgot to mention 1l8QpdhkZVc-00405-00121246-00121446 time machine is not working either, so 1l8QpdhkZVc-00406-00121446-00121740 no telling how much we'll be using that. I'll do what I can but, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00407-00121798-00121958 not so sure. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00408-00121958-00122158 (Door open) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00409-00122242-00122350 (Door slam) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00410-00122576-00122896 (Car starting) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00411-00122896-00123220 [Narrator] And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00412-00123220-00123530 filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00413-00123585-00123682 [Nathan] We really 1l8QpdhkZVc-00414-00123682-00123966 don't know a whole lot about Jesus' young childhood. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00415-00123966-00124344 I mean, the first we read about him in the Bible is when he is 12 years old. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00416-00124482-00124674 [Narrator] And when he was twelve years old, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00417-00124674-00124958 they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00418-00124958-00125264 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00419-00125264-00125532 the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00420-00125532-00125770 and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00421-00125770-00126064 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00422-00126064-00126478 went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfold,and acquaintance. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00423-00126478-00126678 And whey they found him not, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00424-00126678-00126956 they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00425-00127011-00127382 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00426-00127424-00127846 sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00427-00127874-00128202 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00428-00128228-00128464 And when they saw him, they were amazed: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00429-00128464-00128856 and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00430-00128856-00129144 behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00431-00129172-00129320 And he said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00432-00129320-00129496 How is it that ye sought me? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00433-00129496-00129792 wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00434-00129883-00130256 [Narrator] The temple was a reconstruction of monolithic proportion. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00435-00130290-00130542 It took about forty-six years to build, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00436-00130542-00130742 and was made of marble and gold. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00437-00130742-00131059 Ten-thousand skilled laborers worked on the project, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00438-00131059-00131186 give or take a few. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00439-00131232-00131408 The actual temple building 1l8QpdhkZVc-00440-00131408-00131796 was only about nineteen percent of the entire complex. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00441-00131866-00132192 The hub of religious worship and ceremony for the Jews 1l8QpdhkZVc-00442-00132192-00132484 was destroyed by the Romans in seventy A.D. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00443-00132484-00132770 When the Jews rebel against the Roman empire. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00444-00133062-00133380 [Nathan] I've been scouring these manuscripts for WEEKS! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00445-00133380-00133580 and weeks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00446-00133636-00133860 And there is without a doubt, no record 1l8QpdhkZVc-00447-00133878-00134058 of Jesus' young life anywhere. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00448-00134150-00134446 The next I can find about Him is His baptism. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00449-00134576-00134804 [Narrator] And it came to pass in those days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00450-00134804-00135034 that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00451-00135034-00135266 and was baptized of John in Jordan. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00452-00135288-00135552 And straightway coming up out of the water, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00453-00135552-00135928 he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00454-00135980-00136208 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00455-00136208-00136550 Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00456-00136728-00136950 [Narrator] John was Jesus' second cousin. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00457-00136950-00137186 and was about six months older than Jesus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00458-00137296-00137612 Luke called him a voice crying in the wilderness. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00459-00137662-00137850 He didn't wear fancy clothes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00460-00137860-00138232 unless you consider camels hair and a leather girdle fancy. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00461-00138366-00138554 His food wasn't fancy either, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00462-00138570-00138908 Locust a relative of the grasshopper and wild honey. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00463-00138970-00139368 He got the name John the Baptist because of the baptizing he did. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00464-00139562-00139918 Locust are herbivorous bugs, meaning they eat plants. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00465-00139980-00140204 They have a life span of only a few months. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00466-00140204-00140578 and can grown from half an inch all the way up to three inches long. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00467-00140604-00140842 Locusts start off as grasshoppers, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00468-00140842-00141118 and then, when their rear legs get bumped around, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00469-00141118-00141278 they release serotonin, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00470-00141278-00141546 A chemical that makes their muscles grow larger, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00471-00141546-00141940 increases their appetite, and changes them into destructive locust. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00472-00141960-00142492 With the right conditions they can fly sixty to one hundred miles in one day. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00473-00142532-00142968 [Nathan] The first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00474-00142968-00143160 I'm going to try and replicate that, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00475-00143160-00143360 with a little help from my time machine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00476-00143392-00143598 and this vial of hydrogen hydroxide. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00477-00143650-00143932 [Narrator] And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00478-00143932-00144132 and the mother of Jesus was there: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00479-00144132-00144434 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00480-00144464-00144618 And when they wanted wine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00481-00144618-00144818 the mother of Jesus saith unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00482-00144818-00144930 They have no wine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00483-00144930-00145290 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00484-00145290-00145476 mine hour is not yet come. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00485-00145476-00145676 His mother saith unto the servants, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00486-00145700-00145956 Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00487-00145988-00146250 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00488-00146250-00146488 after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00489-00146488-00146716 containing two or three firkins apiece. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00490-00146716-00146900 Jesus saith unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00491-00146900-00147100 Fill the waterpots with water. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00492-00147100-00147274 And they filled them up to the brim. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00493-00147274-00147424 And he saith unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00494-00147424-00147700 Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00495-00147700-00147816 And they bare it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00496-00147838-00148182 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00497-00148182-00148354 and knew not whence it was: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00498-00148354-00148574 but the servants which drew the water knew; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00499-00148574-00148792 the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00500-00148792-00148908 And saith unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00501-00148908-00149202 Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00502-00149202-00149522 and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00503-00149522-00149804 but thou hast kept the good wine until now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00504-00149846-00150200 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00505-00150200-00150424 and manifested forth his glory; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00506-00150424-00150624 and his disciples believed on him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00507-00150784-00151190 [Narrator] Miracles go against the established constitution and course of things 1l8QpdhkZVc-00508-00151190-00151390 They break the laws of nature. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00509-00151432-00151804 A supernatural power, God, is behind every miracle. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00510-00151872-00152012 [Nathan] All systems go. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00511-00152012-00152334 All I've got to do is tap on this bright orange button. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00512-00152334-00152516 (Explosion and shattering glass.) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00513-00152516-00152716 So ya, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00514-00152716-00152916 that went well. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00515-00153276-00153492 I think I need to leave the miracles up to God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00516-00153492-00154054 I've realized as a man, I am woefully unfit for the task. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00517-00154054-00154154 Well, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00518-00154154-00154354 It's a good thing I always carry a broom with me, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00519-00154354-00154602 'cause this is going to take a while to clean up. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00520-00154714-00154876 (Sweeping glass) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00521-00154876-00155076 See you guys in an hour or two. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00522-00155076-00155248 (Sweeping glass) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00523-00155248-00155448 I've reprogrammed my time machine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00524-00155448-00155658 now instead it creates a 1l8QpdhkZVc-00525-00155658-00155974 virtual, 3D, explorable world. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00526-00156040-00156244 It's going to be a lot safer than the time machine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00527-00156244-00156330 I hope. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00528-00156360-00156540 A lot less power consuming, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00529-00156588-00156692 I hope. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00530-00156692-00156892 and it will at least work? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00531-00156906-00157006 I hope. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00532-00157060-00157238 So ya, a lot of hoping here, but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00533-00157398-00157622 I'm pretty confident in this one. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00534-00157622-00157778 So I know what you're thinking, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00535-00157778-00157960 What's with the dress shirt? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00536-00157960-00158210 No, not trying to be fancy here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00537-00158210-00158410 Just trying to blend in with the lo-cal-s. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00538-00158532-00158756 ya, digital world, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00539-00158756-00158956 there are no locals. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00540-00158976-00159180 Well that was a wasted twenty bucks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00541-00159222-00159500 This digital reconstruction of the temple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00542-00159500-00159862 is something like what Jesus saw when he came to the temple for the passover. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00543-00159872-00160106 Save of course for the fact 1l8QpdhkZVc-00544-00160106-00160306 that well, it wasn't digital, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00545-00160306-00160760 and it was teaming with people, and animals. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00546-00160796-00161106 I don't know about you, but I want to go exploring. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00547-00161106-00161338 So Imma catch you later. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00548-00161566-00161720 This is pretty cool. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00549-00161928-00162082 To think, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00550-00162082-00162524 that I programmed this, and it actually works. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00551-00162572-00163240 Never once did I realize how ginormous the temple actu 1l8QpdhkZVc-00552-00163240-00163290 (Alarm) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00553-00163292-00163596 Uh-oh, that's not a good sound. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00554-00163962-00164202 Segment Fault, system restore in... 1l8QpdhkZVc-00555-00164202-00164270 NO! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00556-00164270-00164404 please wait. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00557-00164404-00164490 NO! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00558-00164490-00164690 What do I do? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00559-00164778-00164952 There's got to be some way. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00560-00164952-00165218 Someway, somehow. No I can't let this restore. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00561-00165218-00165418 It's going to restore back to the time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00562-00165418-00165732 The time machine that didn't work, that was all wonky. It's going to kill me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00563-00165798-00166102 How Do I Stop This? Noo-oo-oo 1l8QpdhkZVc-00564-00166102-00166302 No! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00565-00166510-00166708 What can I do? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00566-00166812-00167316 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00567-00167320-00167594 [Meteorologist] Coming up from the other direction we have a warm front. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00568-00167594-00167794 Now the two are going to collide 1l8QpdhkZVc-00569-00167794-00167876 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00570-00167876-00168110 [News Announcer] was thusly moribund. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00571-00168110-00168272 and in other news, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00572-00168272-00168628 Today, St. Francis has been plagued by sudden disappearances. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00573-00168628-00168934 citizens abruptly changing clothes, without their knowledge, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00574-00168938-00169184 and sundry other bizarre happenstances, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00575-00169184-00169474 revolving around a young man traveling around the city, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00576-00169474-00169648 and supposedly time, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00577-00169648-00169976 recording himself using a portable HD camcorder. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00578-00169976-00170208 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00579-00170274-00170452 [Nathan] Whewa! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00580-00170452-00170704 So where am I again? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00581-00170784-00170960 It's a world of white. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00582-00171108-00171258 How do I get out of here? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00583-00171376-00171540 Where do I go to? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00584-00171690-00171922 I hear voices in the distance, but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00585-00172164-00172280 I see nothing. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00586-00172280-00172480 Just white. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00587-00172480-00172778 A field and a world of white. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00588-00172826-00173020 Whoa 1l8QpdhkZVc-00589-00173110-00173354 I see one of those goofy portal things. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00590-00173354-00173506 I guess that's where 1l8QpdhkZVc-00591-00173506-00173724 Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!! Whoa Whoa!!! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00592-00173790-00174008 Hundreds, thousands 1l8QpdhkZVc-00593-00174008-00174296 Everywhere portals, where do I go? where do I go? what do I do? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00594-00174422-00174586 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00595-00175018-00175346 [Narrator] Many years ago, about two thousand, to be exact 1l8QpdhkZVc-00596-00175346-00175726 there lived a man, his name was Zacchaeus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00597-00175726-00176118 Zacchaeus was a tiny little man, and a tax collector. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00598-00176118-00176560 People didn't really like tax collectors, as they often stole money. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00599-00176595-00176841 One day Zacchaeus went for a walk, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00600-00176907-00177346 as he was walking he bumped into a huge crowd of people. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00601-00177395-00177899 He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but it wasn't long before he did. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00602-00177932-00178221 Jesus was in the middle of that crowd. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00603-00178257-00178657 Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, but just wasn't tall enough. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00604-00178711-00178978 Zacchaeus really wanted to see Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00605-00178978-00179390 and suddenly remembered a tall tree, just down the rode. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00606-00179452-00179826 He climbed the tree, and not a moment too soon, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00607-00179846-00180124 for the crowd was soon surging past. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00608-00180165-00180460 When Jesus got beneath the tree he stopped. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00609-00180460-00180805 and said, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00610-00180805-00181081 for to day I must abide at thy house. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00611-00181159-00181528 Zacchaeus climbed out of that tree just as fast as he could. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00612-00181528-00181755 and brought Jesus to his house. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00613-00181772-00182208 Zacchaeus told Jesus that he was going to give half of his goods away to the poor, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00614-00182208-00182524 and restore anything he had stolen four times. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00615-00182592-00182873 Jesus was pleased with Zacchaeus' actions and said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00616-00182873-00183136 "This day is salvation come to this house, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00617-00183136-00183454 forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00618-00183494-00184043 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." 1l8QpdhkZVc-00619-00184106-00184472 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00620-00185700-00186800 (Loud Cicadas) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00621-00187660-00187953 [Nathan] I'm lost! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00622-00187970-00188064 Again 1l8QpdhkZVc-00623-00188064-00188598 Stupid time machine idea is nothing but a pain in the neck. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00624-00188884-00189018 I don't know where I am. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00625-00189018-00189218 Fortunately I've got water. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00626-00189248-00189534 I don't know how long this is going to last, don't know if I can drink that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00627-00189594-00189762 I look awful. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00628-00189830-00190152 Haven't been to the barber in who know how long. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00629-00190250-00190518 If and when I ever get back, I'm destroying this time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00630-00190580-00190872 This is terrible! Not at all how it was supposed to happen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00631-00191140-00191316 Somebody must have hijacked my code. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00632-00191350-00191462 They must have. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00633-00191526-00191710 This is just ridiculous. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00634-00191782-00191936 I don't even know. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00635-00191936-00192174 I'm too mad to even talk. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00636-00192196-00192354 I've got to find my way out of here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00637-00192656-00192787 [John] Well, that's two fish. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00638-00193043-00193250 [Pirate 1] Hey, kid, can we borrow your net? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00639-00193250-00193468 [John] Ah, what?! What the heck, dude! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00640-00193468-00193861 [Pirate 2] Seriously, give us the net! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00641-00193924-00194176 [John] Ugh! Why don't you go ask some other guy for his net? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00642-00194176-00194376 [Pirate 1] Be quiet and give us the net. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00643-00194376-00194589 [John] Fine! Gosh! It's at the end of the dock! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00644-00194589-00195247 [Pirate 1] Have fun fishing, kid. Oh, wait. You don't have a net anymore! Harr harr harr! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00645-00195247-00195332 [John] Ugh! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00646-00195859-00196331 [Guy] Hey! You! I need your help! Those guys stole my toaster! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00647-00196331-00196465 Help! Please! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00648-00196465-00196593 [John] Ugh, get out of my life! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00649-00196773-00196884 [Guy] Jerk! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00650-00197284-00197454 [John] Hey, Hazarmaveth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00651-00197536-00197634 [Hazarmaveth] Hey, John! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00652-00197634-00197755 [John] I need some bread! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00653-00197755-00198027 [Hazarmaveth] There should be some on the counter. Why are you so upset? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00654-00198027-00198227 [John] Ugh! Some guys stole my net. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00655-00198227-00198636 Plus, when I get home, my dad's going to kill me cause I only got a couple fish. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00656-00198636-00198780 [Hazarmaveth] That's not good. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00657-00198780-00198855 [John] Yeah, I know...? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00658-00198855-00199049 [Hazarmaveth's Dad] Hey, Hazarmaveth! I need some help up here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00659-00199049-00199222 [Hazarmaveth] I gotta go. You wanna come? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00660-00199222-00199311 [John] Whatevs. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00661-00199311-00199556 [Hazarmaveth's Dad] I need you to watch the front while I put the rolls away. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00662-00199556-00199694 [Hazarmaveth] Alright. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00663-00199959-00200326 [Hungry Guy] Hey, do you guys have some food I can buy? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00664-00200326-00200437 [Hazarmaveth] Food? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00665-00200437-00200918 [Hungry Guy] I've had this stomach ache for the past couple days and I hear food is supposed to be good for that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00666-00200918-00201079 [Hazarmaveth] You want some bread? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00667-00201079-00201279 [Hungry Guy] Yeah, gimme me some bread! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00668-00201279-00201449 [Hazarmaveth] Alright, what kind of bread do you want? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00669-00201449-00202058 [Hungry Guy] Like the kind that you eat. You know, you put it down your mouth, and you make you happy inside. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00670-00202058-00202418 [John] Dude, he has like seven kinds of bread. You gotta be more specific than that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00671-00202418-00202726 [Hungry Guy] Okay, I guess I'll keep looking then. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00672-00202896-00203119 [Random Guy] Hey! I just heard that Jesus is coming here! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00673-00203119-00203319 He's about to show up on the old docks. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00674-00203358-00203544 [Hazarmaveth] Did you hear that?! Jesus is coming! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00675-00203544-00203744 [John] Dude, who's this Jesus character anyways? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00676-00203744-00203978 [Hazarmaveth] He's an amazing guy who's like healing people from diseases 1l8QpdhkZVc-00677-00203978-00204078 and turning water into wine! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00678-00204078-00204468 And Jonathan told me he has an unlimited supply of bacon that he distributes to anyone who donates to the Jonathan Shop! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00679-00204482-00204682 [John] Nice! But what's your point? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00680-00204682-00204902 [Hazarmaveth] Don't you see? This guy could totally give me an arm! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00681-00204902-00205102 [John] Gimme a break, Hazarmaveth! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00682-00205102-00205271 You can't just snap an arm on someone. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00683-00205271-00205523 That would be like a gorilla with no limbs, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00684-00205523-00205748 and he tried to just glue them back on with bananas! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00685-00205823-00206030 [Hazarmaveth] Well, I believe he can heal me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00686-00206073-00206236 Dad, can I go to see Jesus? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00687-00206236-00206530 [Hazarmaveth's Dad] Well, I don't want you to go by yourself, and I need to watch this place. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00688-00206530-00206660 [Hazarmaveth] Oh, no! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00689-00206660-00206817 Wait, will you come with me? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00690-00206817-00206912 [John] I guess. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00691-00206912-00207112 [Hazarmaveth] Yes! Come on! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00692-00207732-00207942 [Peter] Hey, Bartholomew are you okay? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00693-00207942-00208312 [Bartholomew] Man, Peter, we should have brought some food along. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00694-00208312-00208619 I need a cheeseburger right about now. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00695-00208619-00208744 (Amiable chatter) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00696-00208744-00208988 [Bartholomew] What's that? Oh, no! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00697-00208988-00209080 [Peter] They found us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00698-00209098-00210280 (Excited chatter.) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00699-00210280-00210444 [Jesus] Come to me... 1l8QpdhkZVc-00700-00210444-00210567 [John] Do you see Him? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00701-00210567-00210726 [Hazarmaveth] Uh, indeed, I think so. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00702-00210726-00210944 [Jesus] My yoke is easy and my burden is light. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00703-00210944-00211338 [John] Wow, he has eggs too. Breakfast at his house must be intense! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00704-00211364-00211471 [Hazarmaveth] Come on! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00705-00211471-00211560 [John] Hey! What are you doing?! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00706-00211560-00211688 [Hazarmaveth] I'm gonna get my arm! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00707-00211688-00211804 [John] Wait! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00708-00211804-00211960 [Hazarmaveth] Master! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00709-00211960-00212350 [Jesus] Hello, young Hazarmaveth. What do you want? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00710-00212350-00212550 [Hazarmaveth] Master, I would like to have my arm again. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00711-00212550-00212954 [Jesus] Small boy of great faith! Go and sin no more. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00712-00212954-00213096 [Crowd] Whoa! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00713-00213096-00213296 [John] Bro! Don't be that guy... 1l8QpdhkZVc-00714-00213350-00213417 [Hazarmaveth] What? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00715-00213417-00213686 [John] Whoa! Seriously? You just got like a new arm! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00716-00213686-00213934 [Hazarmaveth] Yes! Jesus gave it to me! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00717-00213952-00214073 [John] Dude! How'd he do that? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00718-00214073-00214248 [Hazarmaveth] Wait! I didn't even say 'thank you!' 1l8QpdhkZVc-00719-00214288-00214426 Uh, can I get through, sir? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00720-00214426-00214856 [Man] Yeah, everyone wants to do that. Wait your turn, boy! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00721-00214856-00215136 [Peter] The Master said He wanted us to feed these people. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00722-00215186-00215321 [Judas] Hey, Thaddeus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00723-00215321-00215426 [Thaddeus] What is it, Judas? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00724-00215426-00215614 [Judas] Do you think the Master's gone crazy? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00725-00215628-00215930 There aren't enough grocery stores around to feed this many people! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00726-00215973-00216226 [Hazarmaveth] Ugh! I just got healed, and I didn't even thank Jesus 1l8QpdhkZVc-00727-00216226-00216494 or give Him any food or anything. I am so selfish! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00728-00216536-00216688 [John] How could Jesus heal you? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00729-00216710-00216921 [Hazarmaveth] Wait, you should give Jesus your food! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00730-00216950-00217150 [John] Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hazarmaveth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00731-00217150-00217402 my food wouldn't even make it on the value menu! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00732-00217402-00217612 [Hazarmaveth] John, God doesn't care if you give lots of food. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00733-00217612-00217734 He cares about a willing heart! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00734-00217734-00217992 God is using this Guy to do His work, and He wants you to help out. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00735-00218019-00218312 [John] But how in the world could God use this microscopic amount of food? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00736-00218312-00218840 [Hazarmaveth] John, Israel is a small nation, but how did we defeat the Egyptians and the Canaanites and all those other people? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00737-00218840-00218996 [John] Well, God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00738-00218996-00219460 [Hazarmaveth] Indeed, you just give Him what you have and He'll take it from there. He can use anybody to do anything. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00739-00219460-00219716 [John] Why doesn't He just create food out of like nothing? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00740-00219721-00219982 [Hazarmaveth] He totally could, but He wants to give the privilege of helping out. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00741-00219982-00220223 [John] I guess it would be pretty beast to help God out. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00742-00220223-00220434 [Hazarmaveth] Indeed it would be. Now come on. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00743-00220434-00220590 Excuse us, sir. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00744-00220604-00220790 [Man] Boy, I told you.... 1l8QpdhkZVc-00745-00220921-00221182 [Judas] Thaddeus, I'm getting sick of the Master's riff-raff! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00746-00221182-00221421 [John] Hey! If you guys want, you can have my food. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00747-00221434-00221930 [Thaddeus] N00b! You couldn't feed a beggar with those crumbs, let alone a crowd of like infinity. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00748-00222232-00222302 [Crowd] Whoa! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00749-00222302-00222464 [Jesus] Go and sin no more. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00750-00222512-00222671 Bring the boy to me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00751-00222671-00223046 [Judas] What? Is He going to give each person like an atom of food? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00752-00223046-00223276 [John] Master, here are a few fish and loaves for You to use. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00753-00223276-00223436 [Jesus] Good boy. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00754-00223576-00223740 [John] Wow, that actually felt pretty legit. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00755-00223762-00224350 [Judas] Was that some kind of a joke, boy? It wasn't very funny. Get out of here, fool! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00756-00224350-00224482 [John] I wanna stay for lunch. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00757-00224482-00224826 [Judas] Hah! You just gave your lunch away, you little... 1l8QpdhkZVc-00758-00224826-00225098 [James] Sssh! The Master's about to give thanks for the food! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00759-00225098-00225188 [John] Aw, snap! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00760-00225188-00225360 [Crowd] Sssssssh! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00761-00225412-00226094 [Jesus] Father, thank You for this food You've provided, and for these people who have come to hear Your message. Amen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00762-00226094-00226200 Amen! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00763-00226200-00226344 Pass the food around. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00764-00226406-00226596 [Thaddeus] I guess the first row's pretty lucky. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00765-00226596-00227252 (Peckish chatter) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00766-00227314-00228032 [Champion Eater] Mm! Nom! Nom! Nom! HMM?! SLURP! MMMM! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00767-00228110-00228216 [British Guy] How rude! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00768-00228221-00228309 [Judas] I hate miracles. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00769-00228436-00228694 [Disciple] Hey, the food's back here. Hey, the food's back here! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00770-00228694-00229436 [Hungry Guy] NOM-nom-nom! Mmmm! I totally just done got healed! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00771-00229436-00229636 [Hazarmaveth] See, I told you this would happen! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00772-00229636-00229752 [John] Wow! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00773-00229752-00229952 [Hazarmaveth] God can use anyone to do anything! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00774-00229952-00230104 [John] High five me, bro! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00775-00230104-00230196 [Hazarmaveth] Indeed! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00776-00230196-00230300 [John] Aagh! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00777-00230300-00230580 [John] AAAGH!!! (Splash) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00778-00230580-00230826 [Hazarmaveth] Maybe I should have started with a handshake. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00779-00231200-00231498 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00780-00231536-00231836 [Nathan] If I can interject for just about a minute here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00781-00231862-00232050 First of all I have no idea what just happened. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00782-00232050-00232488 That was the craziest, video? I guess I've ever seen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00783-00232488-00232778 I don't know if that was real life or What that was, it was weird. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00784-00232778-00232896 Well 1l8QpdhkZVc-00785-00232896-00233219 As it was playing it reminded me of the Bible 1l8QpdhkZVc-00786-00233219-00233419 and 1l8QpdhkZVc-00787-00233419-00233708 Jesus feeding the five thousand, and the little boy bringing his lunch. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00788-00233708-00234084 So I looked it up real quick on my portable device here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00789-00234084-00234367 and, spot on, it was right. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00790-00234367-00234706 I mean there was no fish shop mentioned, there were no pirates, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00791-00234790-00235006 there was a lot of weird little things about it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00792-00235086-00235317 Pink world too, ya, I totally realize that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00793-00235317-00235517 it matches up with my bracelet nicely though. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00794-00235698-00235826 I don't know. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00795-00235826-00236002 Don't know how it got there. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00796-00236044-00236271 again the time machine is kinda weird. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00797-00236348-00236632 It just does things how it shouldn't. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00798-00236666-00236904 Maybe how it's suppo.. I don't know. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00799-00236930-00237032 But 1l8QpdhkZVc-00800-00237066-00237226 We'll see what happens. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00801-00237226-00237323 Umm 1l8QpdhkZVc-00802-00237458-00237698 I mean, quite honestly, as long as it keeps, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00803-00237806-00238069 playing these weird things that are biblical, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00804-00238069-00238306 I, I'm okay with it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00805-00238306-00238506 I mean I'd like to be in control 1l8QpdhkZVc-00806-00238506-00238646 and to get back to my lab and all. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00807-00238650-00238698 but 1l8QpdhkZVc-00808-00238856-00239228 It's teaching Bible truths, I can't really say too much against it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00809-00239248-00239500 (Static) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00810-00239500-00239700 (Footsteps) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00811-00239700-00239900 (Door opening) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00812-00239900-00240100 Uhhh 1l8QpdhkZVc-00813-00240517-00240608 Hoo-oo-o 1l8QpdhkZVc-00814-00241088-00241223 Sure is good to be back. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00815-00241326-00241464 ah, the lab. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00816-00241536-00241682 Not sure why my, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00817-00241682-00241882 Time machine couldn't. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00818-00241882-00242221 drop me off right here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00819-00242221-00242712 instead of in the middle of the parking lot. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00820-00243069-00243273 Man I look like a mess. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00821-00243684-00243800 I need to go clean up. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00822-00243971-00244296 and then on to dismantling the time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00823-00244296-00244496 for good. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00824-00244496-00244823 Alright, so step one is, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00825-00244823-00245023 disabling 1l8QpdhkZVc-00826-00245023-00245223 the computer. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00827-00245319-00245558 Lets see 1l8QpdhkZVc-00828-00245882-00245990 ummm 1l8QpdhkZVc-00829-00246066-00246186 What was my quit? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00830-00246186-00246260 Quit? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00831-00246260-00246390 noo, exit? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00832-00246398-00246546 noo, kill? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00833-00246617-00246717 End? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00834-00246717-00246876 Finish? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00835-00246876-00247076 Stop!? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00836-00247152-00247432 I don't remember. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00837-00247646-00247804 How did we exit this. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00838-00247830-00248023 Close program? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00839-00248300-00248442 Terminate? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00840-00248690-00248928 Please stop for me? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00841-00249004-00249210 I don't think I made it that convoluted. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00842-00249248-00249440 It was something pretty easy. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00843-00249476-00249904 There's a universal stop command for Linux based systems. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00844-00249904-00250104 That's what this is. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00845-00250276-00250426 Control C 1l8QpdhkZVc-00846-00250623-00250796 I believe. Let's try it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00847-00250852-00251023 Oh ya! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00848-00251023-00251223 It worked! 1l8QpdhkZVc-00849-00251223-00251423 System is offline. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00850-00251521-00251680 For starters, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00851-00251680-00251880 I'm just going to unplug a few things, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00852-00251880-00252080 don't want to electrocute myself here. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00853-00252300-00252598 I'm pretty sure every tinkerer worth their salt has one of these. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00854-00252652-00252856 It looks like a radio right? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00855-00252856-00253056 Works like a radio, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00856-00253056-00253256 The backside though, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00857-00253256-00253480 secret detonating 1l8QpdhkZVc-00858-00253519-00253694 remote switch 1l8QpdhkZVc-00859-00253808-00254066 four stage, there are four switches you have to flip. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00860-00254066-00254266 Have to do them in the correct sequence too. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00861-00254266-00254580 sends a signal to the remote explosive unit, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00862-00254580-00254721 at the time machine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00863-00254721-00254921 takes about five minutes for that to warm up. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00864-00254921-00255084 Once it's warmed up, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00865-00255094-00255171 it explodes. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00866-00255171-00255371 So lets see, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00867-00255371-00255571 super secret sequence. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00868-00255792-00255898 There we go. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00869-00256558-00256796 It's a bittersweet moment. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00870-00256880-00257180 All the blood sweet and tears that I poured in. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00871-00257336-00257776 They'll be gone in about five minutes. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00872-00257898-00258262 It really is pretty sad, but it's what I have to do. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00873-00258367-00258658 It was going chaotic on me. I don't know what happened. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00874-00258760-00259034 But I couldn't let it destroy the world. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00875-00259292-00259438 I'm doing the right thing. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00876-00260286-00260576 (Explosion) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00877-00260576-00260776 (Boulder crushing blocks.) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00878-00260826-00261206 (Explosion and nuclear fire.) 1l8QpdhkZVc-00879-00261230-00261442 After silently weeping for a few days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00880-00261442-00261642 I got over my sadness and realized 1l8QpdhkZVc-00881-00261642-00261769 I had a film to finish. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00882-00261792-00262071 I pulled together what little money I had, and booked a flight. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00883-00262071-00262318 Before I knew it I was standing in the holy land, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00884-00262318-00262518 visa and permit in hand, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00885-00262518-00262718 ready to do some filming. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00886-00264432-00264734 This brings us to the third and final part of this documentary. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00887-00264756-00265004 Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00888-00265004-00265286 See Jesus came to this earth to die, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00889-00265286-00265504 to triumph over death and Satan, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00890-00265504-00265786 and to repair the relationship between God and us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00891-00265818-00266062 [Narrator] He is despised and rejected of men, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00892-00266062-00266328 a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00893-00266368-00266612 and we hid as it were our faces from him; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00894-00266612-00266920 he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00895-00266920-00267292 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00896-00267292-00267514 yet we did esteem him stricken, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00897-00267514-00267730 smitten of God, and afflicted. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00898-00267744-00268006 But he was wounded for our transgressions, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00899-00268006-00268206 he was bruised for our iniquities: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00900-00268206-00268466 the chastisement of our peace was upon him; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00901-00268466-00268696 and with his stripes we are healed. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00902-00268696-00268948 All we like sheep have gone astray; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00903-00268948-00269190 we have turned every one to his own way; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00904-00269190-00269520 and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00905-00269530-00269758 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00906-00269758-00269950 yet he opened not his mouth: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00907-00269950-00270150 he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00908-00270150-00270388 and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00909-00270398-00270614 so he openeth not his mouth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00910-00270614-00270864 He was taken from prison and from judgment: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00911-00270864-00271096 and who shall declare his generation? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00912-00271136-00271386 for he was cut off out of the land of the living: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00913-00271408-00271698 for the transgression of my people was he stricken. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00914-00271722-00271932 And he made his grave with the wicked, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00915-00271932-00272132 and with the rich in his death; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00916-00272132-00272320 because he had done no violence, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00917-00272320-00272534 neither was any deceit in his mouth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00918-00272558-00272774 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00919-00272774-00272974 he hath put him to grief: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00920-00272974-00273262 when though shalt make his soul an offering for sin, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00921-00273262-00273426 he shall see hi seed, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00922-00273426-00273574 he shall prolong his days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00923-00273574-00273832 and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00924-00273850-00274180 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00925-00274202-00274540 by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00926-00274540-00274720 for he shall bear their iniquities. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00927-00274746-00275048 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00928-00275048-00275300 and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00929-00275300-00275564 because he hath poured out his soul unto death: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00930-00275564-00275828 and he was numbered with the transgressors; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00931-00275828-00275992 and he bare the sin of many, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00932-00275992-00276240 and made intercession for the transgressors. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00933-00276276-00276574 [Nathan] Many thousands of years before Jesus came to the earth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00934-00276574-00276832 Isaiah prophesied how he would come, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00935-00276832-00277056 and be killed for us, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00936-00277056-00277256 take our punishment. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00937-00277256-00277456 This part of the story, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00938-00277468-00277730 really begins, at the last supper. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00939-00277780-00277990 [Narrator] The came the day of unleavened bread, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00940-00277990-00278176 when the passover must be killed. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00941-00278176-00278392 And he sent Peter and John, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00942-00278392-00278656 Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00943-00278656-00278812 And they said unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00944-00278812-00278996 Where wilt thou that we prepare? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00945-00278996-00279134 And he said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00946-00279134-00279390 Behold, when ye are entering into the city, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00947-00279390-00279698 there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; 1l8QpdhkZVc-00948-00279698-00279972 follow him into the house where he entereth in. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00949-00279972-00280192 And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00950-00280208-00280374 The Master saith unto thee, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00951-00280374-00280520 Where is the guestchamber, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00952-00280520-00280768 where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00953-00280806-00281108 And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00954-00281108-00281288 there make ready. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00955-00281344-00281772 [Nathan] So Peter and John found everything exactly as Jesus said it would be. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00956-00281772-00281944 Big surprise, Right? 1l8QpdhkZVc-00957-00281960-00282216 and, they prepared everything for the passover meal. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00958-00282414-00282698 [Narrator] The passover was celebrated as an observance 1l8QpdhkZVc-00959-00282698-00283000 of the Lord's passing over the Jews in Egypt. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00960-00283000-00283180 when he slew all the firstborn. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00961-00283180-00283510 It was also one of the three pilgrimage festivals. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00962-00283522-00283860 All Jews were expect to travel to the temple in Jerusalem. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00963-00283860-00284020 to observe the passover. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00964-00284060-00284310 The passover lasted seven days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00965-00284310-00284484 forbade consuming chametz 1l8QpdhkZVc-00966-00284484-00284768 and required the removal of all chametz. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00967-00284866-00285086 The passover was established by God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00968-00285086-00285320 being the basis for the Hebrew calendar, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00969-00285346-00285744 and occurs on the first full moon after the spring equinox. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00970-00285872-00286206 [Nathan] There were certain specific foods that were eaten for the passover. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00971-00286206-00286488 Matzah, a flat bread made of flour and water, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00972-00286488-00286688 the passover lamb, and wine. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00973-00286688-00286860 or un-fermented grape juice, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00974-00286860-00287060 depending on who you are getting facts from. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00975-00287060-00287196 [Narrator] And he said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00976-00287196-00287584 With desire I have desire to eat this passover with you before I suffer: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00977-00287620-00287936 For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00978-00287936-00288180 until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00979-00288180-00288428 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00980-00288428-00288726 and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00981-00288740-00288854 For I say unto you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00982-00288854-00289084 I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00983-00289084-00289298 until the kingdom of God shall come. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00984-00289322-00289574 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00985-00289574-00289748 and gave unto them, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00986-00289748-00289978 This is my body which is given for you: 1l8QpdhkZVc-00987-00289978-00290172 this do in remembrance of me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00988-00290172-00290460 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00989-00290484-00290746 This cup is the new testament in my blood, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00990-00290746-00290916 which is shed for you. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00991-00290966-00291270 [Narrator] Most churches have communion the first week of every month, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00992-00291284-00291518 though they generally read a portion of scripture 1l8QpdhkZVc-00993-00291518-00291700 from first Corinthians eleven. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00994-00291758-00291998 Communion is just a way of remembering, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00995-00291998-00292172 even a celebration, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00996-00292178-00292288 of the last supper. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00997-00292288-00292592 and what Jesus did for us in giving his body to be broken, 1l8QpdhkZVc-00998-00292592-00292806 and his blood to be spilled in our place. 1l8QpdhkZVc-00999-00292868-00293034 So while eating the supper, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01000-00293034-00293256 Jesus made it known 1l8QpdhkZVc-01001-00293256-00293600 that he knew that one of them would betray him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01002-00293674-00293788 [Narrator] But, behold, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01003-00293788-00294126 the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01004-00294126-00294346 And truly the Son of man goeth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01005-00294346-00294486 as it was determined: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01006-00294486-00294816 but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed! 1l8QpdhkZVc-01007-00294908-00295296 [Nathan] The betrayal wasn't some last minute kinda thing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01008-00295324-00295548 Judas had talked this over with the high priest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01009-00295548-00295734 had bartered Jesus' life 1l8QpdhkZVc-01010-00295734-00295934 for Thirty pieces of silver. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01011-00296022-00296304 [Narrator] Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01012-00296304-00296584 went unto the chief priests, and said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01013-00296584-00296732 What will ye give me, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01014-00296732-00296904 and I will deliver him unto you? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01015-00296904-00297234 And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01016-00297234-00297588 And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01017-00297758-00297998 [Nathan] Jesus knew who was going to betray Him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01018-00297998-00298148 He knew when, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01019-00298148-00298348 He knew how it was going to happen, He knew it all. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01020-00298348-00298548 He is God, so He's all knowing. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01021-00298548-00298854 So when He told Judas, that which though doest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01022-00298854-00299032 do quickly. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01023-00299052-00299340 the other disciples, had no idea what he meant. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01024-00299358-00299524 Judas did though, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01025-00299524-00299672 and he left. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01026-00299672-00299844 Shortly thereafter 1l8QpdhkZVc-01027-00299844-00300060 Jesus, and the rest of the disciples, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01028-00300060-00300366 left the room, and headed out for the mount of olives. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01029-00300456-00300642 Of course it would have been dark, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01030-00300652-00300770 but this is how I figure, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01031-00300770-00300988 if it's dark you can't see 1l8QpdhkZVc-01032-00300988-00301188 this gorgeous landscape behind me. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01033-00301206-00301530 What's the point of coming out to the garden of Gethsemane if you can't see it anyways. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01034-00301530-00301730 and I figured, well on the other hand 1l8QpdhkZVc-01035-00301730-00301912 say I do come out when it's dark, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01036-00301932-00302124 I've got to bring lights, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01037-00302134-00302260 Power. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01038-00302286-00302494 I don't know how I would power these, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01039-00302494-00302732 really bright, you know, huge lights, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01040-00302732-00302884 that don't make noise. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01041-00302884-00303060 I thought a generator, but I 1l8QpdhkZVc-01042-00303060-00303276 can't use a generator its going to make too much noise. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01043-00303298-00303466 You wouldn't hear me, you'd hear generators. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01044-00303466-00303760 Who wants to listen to generators in the background powering the lights? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01045-00303760-00304010 So, I just opted instead to film, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01046-00304010-00304316 in the daylight, when you can actually see the gorgeous garden. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01047-00304316-00304600 Jesus and his disciples frequented the garden a lot. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01048-00304600-00304800 So Judas knew, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01049-00304800-00305042 their favorite spots, where they liked to go, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01050-00305042-00305170 to be alone, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01051-00305170-00305318 where they liked to go to talk, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01052-00305318-00305490 where they liked to go to do these different things. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01053-00305490-00305674 Judas knew that, he was part of the twelve. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01054-00305674-00306016 He knew Jesus habits and what kind of places he went to in the garden. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01055-00306026-00306240 depending on his mood and what was going on. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01056-00306280-00306466 Judas had gone to the temple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01057-00306466-00306700 where he got a band of men and officers, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01058-00306700-00306850 which he now led 1l8QpdhkZVc-01059-00306850-00306982 to this very place. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01060-00307050-00307618 [Narrator] Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and pharisees, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01061-00307618-00307952 cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01062-00307952-00308112 Jesus therefore, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01063-00308112-00308330 knowing all things that should come upon him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01064-00308330-00308530 went forth, and said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01065-00308530-00308662 Whom seek ye? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01066-00308672-00308916 They answered him Jesus of Nazareth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01067-00308916-00309086 Jesus saith unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01068-00309086-00309178 I am he. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01069-00309178-00309398 And Judas also, which betrayed him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01070-00309398-00309520 stood with them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01071-00309520-00309830 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01072-00309830-00310054 they went backward, and fell to the ground. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01073-00310072-00310268 Then asked he them again, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01074-00310268-00310382 Whom seek ye? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01075-00310382-00310602 And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01076-00310602-00310926 Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01077-00310926-00311200 if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01078-00311272-00311540 That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01079-00311540-00311832 Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01080-00311870-00312172 [Nathan] The character of Jesus really shines though here, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01081-00312172-00312388 he knows exactly what this band wanted, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01082-00312388-00312588 who they wanted, why they were coming 1l8QpdhkZVc-01083-00312588-00312738 and yet what does he do? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01084-00312738-00313082 He asks that his disciples may be allowed to go peacefully. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01085-00313082-00313282 We also see the shock, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01086-00313282-00313482 of this band of 1l8QpdhkZVc-01087-00313482-00313646 rough, tough, guys. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01088-00313646-00313846 They literally fall backwards, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01089-00313846-00314046 when Jesus tells them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01090-00314046-00314218 I'm the one you're looking for. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01091-00314282-00314526 They fell out of their sandals, they were so surprised. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01092-00314526-00314778 its probable no one had ever said that before. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01093-00314778-00314880 I mean come on, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01094-00314880-00315080 you have a band of guys coming to arrest you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01095-00315152-00315498 ultimately kill you, of course most cases you wouldn't know that. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01096-00315498-00315734 and you tell them, oh ya, I'm the guy you're looking for. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01097-00315734-00315918 Take me, let these other guys go. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01098-00315918-00316064 no you deny it, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01099-00316068-00316248 you say, phshe, I'm not the one you want, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01100-00316248-00316380 you're looking for somebody else, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01101-00316442-00316586 clearly you have the wrong person. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01102-00316586-00316894 ya, you need to find the right guy, but I'm not him so. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01103-00316894-00317156 tally-ho and then you run off real quick. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01104-00317202-00317460 [Narrator] Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01105-00317460-00317660 and smote the high priest's servant, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01106-00317660-00317822 and cut off his right ear. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01107-00317822-00318012 The servant'sname was Malchus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01108-00318012-00318212 Then said Jesus unto Peter, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01109-00318212-00318412 Put up thy sword into the sheath: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01110-00318412-00318612 the cup which my Father hath given me, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01111-00318612-00318760 shall I not drink it? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01112-00318792-00319130 Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01113-00319130-00319240 and bound him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01114-00319304-00319808 [Nathan] I learned a few things before flunking out of film school 1l8QpdhkZVc-01115-00319808-00319956 uh, Anyways 1l8QpdhkZVc-01116-00319956-00320206 One is every successful blockbuster movie, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01117-00320206-00320352 A high speed chase, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01118-00320352-00320568 number two, it's got a pretty girl. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01119-00320568-00320768 Number three there is a fight scene. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01120-00320768-00320972 and more often than not there is an additional fourth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01121-00320972-00321100 thrown in for good measure, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01122-00321100-00321290 just some explosions, some pyro. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01123-00321290-00321502 That kind of fun stuff, everybody loves explosions and pyro. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01124-00321502-00321648 So I thought in this film 1l8QpdhkZVc-01125-00321648-00321794 I've got one of those nailed. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01126-00321794-00321994 I've got a really cool fight scene. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01127-00322052-00322226 Volunteers these days, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01128-00322284-00322572 Seems they're not too keen about getting their ear cut off. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01129-00322620-00322854 So, there goes the fight scene. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01130-00322892-00323170 Sorry everybody, was really hopping I could 1l8QpdhkZVc-01131-00323170-00323440 Recruit some people from off the street who wouldn't mind coming out here, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01132-00323440-00323586 one with a sword, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01133-00323586-00323772 one wearing a little robe, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01134-00323772-00323972 the kinda thing like they wore back then, bathrobes. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01135-00323972-00324172 and the one guy just had to cut the other guys ear off. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01136-00324172-00324280 EASY! 1l8QpdhkZVc-01137-00324280-00324466 ya turns out not! 1l8QpdhkZVc-01138-00324510-00324578 hu 1l8QpdhkZVc-01139-00324578-00324818 Volunteers these days, what are they thinking? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01140-00324864-00325040 So Malchus' ear, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01141-00325082-00325232 cut right off. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01142-00325232-00325412 But it was put back on, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01143-00325412-00325568 no more than a minute later, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01144-00325568-00325644 by Jesus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01145-00325692-00325940 Even though these guys were coming out to arrest him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01146-00325940-00326140 Jesus had compassion on them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01147-00326140-00326264 and He literally, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01148-00326264-00326464 picked up Malchus' bloody ear 1l8QpdhkZVc-01149-00326490-00326638 put it back on his head, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01150-00326638-00326784 and healed him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01151-00326818-00327058 If that's not love, I don't know what is. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01152-00327168-00327416 [Narrator] And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01153-00327416-00327562 and cut off his right ear. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01154-00327562-00327722 And Jesus answered and said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01155-00327722-00327868 Suffer ye thus far. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01156-00327868-00328068 And he touched his ear, and healed him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01157-00328082-00328286 Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01158-00328286-00328536 and captains of the temple, and the elders, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01159-00328536-00328692 which were come against him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01160-00328692-00328968 Be ye come out, as against a thief, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01161-00328968-00329144 with swords and staves? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01162-00329144-00329358 When I was daily with you in the temple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01163-00329358-00329584 ye stretched forth no hands against me: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01164-00329594-00329722 but this is your hour, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01165-00329722-00329922 and the power of darkness. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01166-00329922-00330072 [Nathan] Disgusting, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01167-00330072-00330228 yet beautiful, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01168-00330228-00330428 disgusting because, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01169-00330428-00330812 He was holding, a bloody warm ear. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01170-00330840-00331012 But beautiful, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01171-00331012-00331258 because even though these men were coming out to arrest him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01172-00331258-00331420 and ultimately kill him 1l8QpdhkZVc-01173-00331420-00331620 he still had compassion on them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01174-00331620-00331920 He still wanted the best for them, He still madly love them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01175-00331920-00332104 and he still healed 1l8QpdhkZVc-01176-00332104-00332304 Malchus' ear 1l8QpdhkZVc-01177-00332422-00332640 We need to backtrack a bit, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01178-00332654-00332864 I got a little caught up in the story, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01179-00332892-00333052 and I missed some things. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01180-00333066-00333304 After arriving in the garden with his disciples, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01181-00333304-00333420 sans Judas, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01182-00333420-00333582 Jesus told them, to pray, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01183-00333582-00333768 that they enter not into temptation. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01184-00333768-00333856 then, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01185-00333856-00334056 removed himself about a stones cast, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01186-00334056-00334214 and prayed himself. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01187-00334232-00334546 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01188-00334546-00334752 and kneeled down, and prayed, Saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01189-00334752-00334944 Father, if thou be willing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01190-00334944-00335096 remove this cup from me: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01191-00335096-00335366 nevertheless not my will, but thin, be done. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01192-00335416-00335664 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01193-00335664-00335792 strengthening him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01194-00335792-00336102 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01195-00336102-00336532 and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01196-00336556-00336798 [Nathan] Jesus knew, what was going on. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01197-00336816-00337080 He knew that soon he was going to be tried and condemned, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01198-00337080-00337232 whipped, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01199-00337386-00337488 and crucified. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01200-00337578-00337960 His flesh didn't want to go through that kind of torture. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01201-00337960-00338160 So as he prayed, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01202-00338160-00338360 He begged His Father 1l8QpdhkZVc-01203-00338360-00338560 but somehow 1l8QpdhkZVc-01204-00338560-00338720 Someway! 1l8QpdhkZVc-01205-00338720-00338956 He might not have to go through this. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01206-00338966-00339132 but as he prayed, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01207-00339132-00339270 He asked, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01208-00339270-00339540 not my will, but thine be done. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01209-00339594-00339780 The high priests house wasn't just, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01210-00339780-00339980 open to everyone. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01211-00339980-00340156 so most of our accounts are from John, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01212-00340156-00340356 who actually knew the high priest. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01213-00340458-00340684 [Narrator] and Simon Peter followed Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01214-00340684-00340834 and so did another disciple: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01215-00340834-00341076 that disciple was known unto the high priest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01216-00341076-00341358 and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01217-00341384-00341636 But Peter stood at the door without. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01218-00341636-00341850 Then went out that other disciple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01219-00341850-00342030 which was known unto the high priest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01220-00342030-00342226 and spake unto her that kept the door, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01221-00342226-00342364 and brought in Peter. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01222-00342364-00342544 [Nathan] Jesus' trial, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01223-00342544-00342726 if we can call it that, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01224-00342726-00342948 broke numerous laws 1l8QpdhkZVc-01225-00343008-00343350 but so great was the religious leaders hate for him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01226-00343350-00343550 that they didn't care. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01227-00343580-00343696 Early in the morning, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01228-00343696-00343854 before many people were awake, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01229-00343854-00344072 the religious leaders took Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01230-00344072-00344312 from the high priests house, to the hall of judgment. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01231-00344330-00344618 Now their actions here are kinda humorous, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01232-00344618-00344942 and we got to take a look at what John records for us, in the Bible. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01233-00344942-00345320 [Narrator] Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01234-00345320-00345436 and it was early; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01235-00345436-00345672 and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01236-00345672-00345822 lest they should be defiled; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01237-00345822-00346022 but that they might eat the passover. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01238-00346048-00346180 [Nathan] Do you see that? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01239-00346180-00346370 the religious leaders wouldn't go 1l8QpdhkZVc-01240-00346370-00346646 into the judgment hall because that would "defile" them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01241-00346674-00346918 However the secret trial in the middle of night, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01242-00346918-00347092 that was completely against their law, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01243-00347092-00347248 they had no problem with. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01244-00347264-00347556 Pilate actually had to come out and talk to the religious leaders, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01245-00347556-00347756 as they wouldn't enter the judgment hall. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01246-00347756-00347938 He, like any good judge, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01247-00347938-00348138 asked what the condemned had done. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01248-00348158-00348408 [Narrator] Pilate then went out unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01249-00348408-00348664 What accusation bring ye against this man? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01250-00348664-00348826 They answered and said unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01251-00348826-00349002 If he were not a malefactor, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01252-00349002-00349228 we would not have delivered him up unto thee. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01253-00349228-00349428 Then said Pilate unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01254-00349428-00349708 Take he him, and judge him according to your law. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01255-00349708-00349908 The Jews therefore said unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01256-00349908-00350174 It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01257-00350196-00350432 That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01258-00350432-00350528 which he spake, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01259-00350528-00350748 signifying what death he should die. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01260-00350794-00351032 Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01261-00351032-00351236 and called Jesus, and said unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01262-00351236-00351436 Art thou the King of the Jews? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01263-00351436-00351606 Jesus answered him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01264-00351618-00351822 Sayest thou this thing of thyself, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01265-00351822-00352012 or did others tell it thee of me? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01266-00352012-00352256 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01267-00352272-00352632 Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01268-00352632-00352768 what hast thou done? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01269-00352768-00352892 Jesus answered, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01270-00352892-00353092 My kingdom is not of this world: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01271-00353092-00353254 if my kingdom were of this world, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01272-00353254-00353394 then would my servants fight, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01273-00353394-00353594 that I should not be delivered to the Jews: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01274-00353594-00353830 but now is my kingdom not from hence. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01275-00353830-00354018 Pilate therefore said unto him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01276-00354022-00354172 Art thou a king then? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01277-00354172-00354302 Jesus answered, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01278-00354302-00354474 Thou sayest that I am a king. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01279-00354474-00354632 To this end was I born, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01280-00354632-00354852 and for this cause came I into the world, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01281-00354852-00355060 that I should bear witness unto the truth. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01282-00355080-00355346 Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01283-00355346-00355546 Pilate saith unto him 1l8QpdhkZVc-01284-00355546-00355656 What is truth? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01285-00355656-00355816 And when he had said this, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01286-00355816-00355976 he went out again unto the Jews, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01287-00355976-00356092 and saith unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01288-00356100-00356336 I find in him no fault at all. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01289-00356336-00356612 [Nathan] It's really no surprise that Pilate found no fault in Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01290-00356612-00356812 being perfect and sinless. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01291-00356812-00356914 Jesus that is, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01292-00356914-00357114 Pilate was just a man, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01293-00357114-00357334 and a sinner, as are you and I. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01294-00357410-00357616 Pilate wanted to keep the Jews happy, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01295-00357616-00357836 I mean, the last thing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01296-00357840-00357954 any leader wants, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01297-00357954-00358126 especially a foreign one, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01298-00358126-00358326 is any reason for insurrection. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01299-00358450-00358594 [Narrator] But ye have a custom, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01300-00358594-00358878 that I should release unto you one at the passover: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01301-00358878-00359194 will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01302-00359194-00359448 Then cried they all again, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01303-00359448-00359674 Not this man, but Barabbas. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01304-00359674-00359854 Now Barabbas was a robber. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01305-00359854-00360104 [Narrator] Pilate could have kept Jesus from being killed, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01306-00360104-00360416 but again, he wanted to keep the people happy. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01307-00360436-00360622 [Narrator] Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01308-00360622-00360752 and scourged him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01309-00360752-00360974 And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01310-00360974-00361116 and put it on his head, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01311-00361116-00361292 and they put on him a purple robe, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01312-00361292-00361556 And said, Hail, King of the Jews! 1l8QpdhkZVc-01313-00361556-00361756 and they smote him with their hands. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01314-00361756-00361956 Pilate therefore went forth again, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01315-00361958-00362080 and saith unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01316-00362080-00362314 Behold, I bring him forth to you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01317-00362314-00362582 that ye may know that I find no fault in him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01318-00362792-00363074 [Narrator] Scourging was performed with a Roman flagrum 1l8QpdhkZVc-01319-00363074-00363308 Sometimes times called a flagellum. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01320-00363308-00363644 Which is slightly similar to a cat-o-nine-tails. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01321-00363664-00363906 However the ends of the lashes were tipped 1l8QpdhkZVc-01322-00363906-00364156 with small bone or rock fragments. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01323-00364178-00364490 It was not uncommon for a person to die from blood loss. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01324-00364504-00364762 and infection after receiving a scourging. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01325-00364806-00365054 It's said that sometimes the flagrum was dipped 1l8QpdhkZVc-01326-00365054-00365390 in fresh goats blood, being used to promote infection. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01327-00365430-00365832 Roman flagrums could have from three to twelve straps. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01328-00365832-00366094 Scourging was an extreme way to get 1l8QpdhkZVc-01329-00366094-00366238 people to tell the truth, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01330-00366250-00366570 or what the torturers wanted to hear anyways. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01331-00366678-00366928 [Nathan] Pilate was convinced that Jesus had done nothing wrong, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01332-00366928-00367184 and was guilty of nothing warranting death. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01333-00367184-00367384 So he called for water, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01334-00367384-00367624 and washed his hands, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01335-00367624-00367892 symbolizing that he was innocent 1l8QpdhkZVc-01336-00367892-00368092 of this mans death. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01337-00368092-00368372 [Narrator] When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01338-00368372-00368590 but that rather a tumult was made, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01339-00368590-00368692 he took water, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01340-00368692-00368934 and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01341-00368934-00369218 I am innocent of the blood of this just person: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01342-00369218-00369360 see ye to it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01343-00369360-00369590 Then answered all the people, and said 1l8QpdhkZVc-01344-00369590-00369860 His blood be on us, and on our children. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01345-00369962-00370152 [Nathan] Pilate had Jesus scourged, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01346-00370158-00370420 but that didn't appease the religious leaders 1l8QpdhkZVc-01347-00370420-00370582 they wanted him crucified, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01348-00370582-00370666 so, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01349-00370666-00370924 after calling for water and washing his hands, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01350-00370924-00371188 Pilate commanded that it be done as they wanted. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01351-00371314-00371502 Initially Jesus was carrying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01352-00371502-00371740 Well, more dragging the cross. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01353-00371760-00371960 but after the scourging he received, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01354-00371960-00372172 and the blood he'd lost from the crown of thorns. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01355-00372172-00372466 He physically didn't have the strength to carry on. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01356-00372626-00372826 [Narrator] Crosses were made out of wood, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01357-00372826-00373010 rough cut, and rugged, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01358-00373010-00373232 because they were used for killing people, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01359-00373232-00373378 they weren't made comfortable, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01360-00373378-00373578 because they were made to be torturous. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01361-00373608-00373896 Depending on the age of the wood of the cross, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01362-00373896-00374256 it could have weighed from one to two hundred pounds. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01363-00374302-00374450 The Roman Empire 1l8QpdhkZVc-01364-00374450-00374662 borrowed the idea from the Phoenicians, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01365-00374662-00374928 who borrowed it from some other group, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01366-00374928-00375244 we're not exactly sure who first came up with the idea. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01367-00375320-00375520 [Nathan] The Roman soldiers pressed Simon, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01368-00375520-00375720 a Syrian 1l8QpdhkZVc-01369-00375720-00375962 into service and made him carry Jesus' cross. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01370-00375962-00376348 Now Jesus wasn't the only man being crucified that day, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01371-00376348-00376548 there were two others, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01372-00376584-00376890 [Narrator] And there were also two other, malefactors, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01373-00376898-00377066 led with him to be put to death. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01374-00377114-00377290 And when they were come to the place, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01375-00377290-00377442 which is called Calvary, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01376-00377442-00377728 there they crucified him, and the malefactors, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01377-00377728-00377970 one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01378-00378082-00378208 [Narrator] Crucifixion, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01379-00378208-00378408 the cruelest way to die, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01380-00378408-00378634 nobody was spared from this horror, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01381-00378648-00378976 men, women, children, and even infants 1l8QpdhkZVc-01382-00378976-00379228 met their death via crucifixion. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01383-00379270-00379510 This was the torture of tortures. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01384-00379510-00379726 nails were driven through the hands and feet, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01385-00379736-00379966 Though they were places in such location 1l8QpdhkZVc-01386-00379966-00380144 so that they didn't pierce the bones 1l8QpdhkZVc-01387-00380144-00380344 but rather went between them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01388-00380396-00380760 The condemned hung on their nails until they died. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01389-00380870-00381156 [Nathan] Jesus was crucified between two common criminals, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01390-00381156-00381318 one on the left side, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01391-00381318-00381466 and one on the right. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01392-00381466-00381684 While hanging on their respective crosses 1l8QpdhkZVc-01393-00381684-00382000 the criminals and Jesus had an interesting conversation. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01394-00382100-00382386 [Narrator] And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01395-00382386-00382752 saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01396-00382804-00383042 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01397-00383044-00383200 Dost not thou fear God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01398-00383200-00383436 seeing thou are in the same condemnation? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01399-00383456-00383608 And we indeed justly; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01400-00383608-00383860 for we receive the due reward of our deeds: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01401-00383860-00384116 but this man hath done nothing amiss. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01402-00384116-00384278 And he said unto Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01403-00384278-00384356 Lord, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01404-00384356-00384616 remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01405-00384616-00384816 And Jesus said unto him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01406-00384816-00384994 Verily I say unto thee, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01407-00384994-00385300 To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01408-00385330-00385528 [Nathan] Jesus had a sign on the cross, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01409-00385528-00385666 above his head, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01410-00385670-00385854 written in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01411-00385854-00385936 and it read, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01412-00385936-00386318 Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews 1l8QpdhkZVc-01413-00386452-00386606 [Narrator] And Pilate wrote a title, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01414-00386606-00386754 and put it on the cross. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01415-00386754-00386874 And the writing was, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01416-00386874-00387152 Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01417-00387152-00387410 This title then read many of the Jews: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01418-00387410-00387730 for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01419-00387730-00388024 and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01420-00388056-00388284 Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01421-00388284-00388484 Write no, The King of the Jews; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01422-00388484-00388616 but that he said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01423-00388616-00388786 I am the King of the Jews. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01424-00388786-00388910 Pilate answered, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01425-00388910-00389110 What I have written I have written. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01426-00389210-00389534 [Nathan] So Jesus and the two criminals were hanging on their crosses. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01427-00389534-00389684 waiting to die, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01428-00389684-00389934 when suddenly, around the sixth hour, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01429-00389934-00390150 Bam! it got dark. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01430-00390150-00390324 and it stayed that way, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01431-00390324-00390552 for three hours. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01432-00390720-00391014 [Narrator] And around the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01433-00391014-00391338 saying, ELi, Eli, lama sabachthani? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01434-00391338-00391452 that is to say, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01435-00391452-00391734 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01436-00391734-00391934 Some of them that stood there, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01437-00391934-00392100 when they heard that, said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01438-00392100-00392318 This man calleth for Elias. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01439-00392318-00392508 And straightway one of them ran, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01440-00392508-00392746 and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01441-00392746-00393002 and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01442-00393002-00393146 The rest said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01443-00393146-00393524 Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01444-00393572-00393890 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01445-00393890-00394048 yielded up the ghost. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01446-00394048-00394498 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01447-00394498-00394742 and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01448-00394742-00394878 And the graves were opened; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01449-00394878-00395138 and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01450-00395138-00395382 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01451-00395382-00395542 and went into the holy city, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01452-00395542-00395724 and appeared unot many. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01453-00395724-00395958 [Nathan] The temple veil was, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01454-00395986-00396202 torn in two when Jesus died, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01455-00396202-00396474 as if torn by an invisible hand. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01456-00396486-00396928 [Narrator] The temple veil separated the holy of holies from the holy place. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01457-00396956-00397266 Only the high priest could visit the holy of holies, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01458-00397266-00397442 and only once a year. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01459-00397442-00397720 records vary on the size of the veil, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01460-00397720-00398176 but Josephus said it was sixty feet tall, and four inches thick. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01461-00398256-00398488 the veil was torn from top to bottom, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01462-00398488-00398814 and signified that we no longer needed the high priest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01463-00398814-00399014 to make atonement for our sins, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01464-00399014-00399314 but that we could come directly to God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01465-00399412-00399678 [Nathan] It's funny how the Jews could kill a righteous man, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01466-00399678-00399878 and in the same day, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01467-00399878-00400176 worry about bodies hanging on the cross for the Sabbath. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01468-00400250-00400384 Anyways 1l8QpdhkZVc-01469-00400384-00400706 they went and asked Pilate if they couldn't get the criminals legs broken, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01470-00400706-00400906 and have them taken away. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01471-00400964-00401116 [Narrator] The Jews therefore 1l8QpdhkZVc-01472-00401116-00401290 because it was the preparation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01473-00401290-00401622 that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01474-00401622-00401858 for that Sabbath day was an high day, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01475-00401882-00402188 besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01476-00402188-00402388 and that they might be taken away. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01477-00402388-00402536 Then came the soldiers, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01478-00402536-00402696 and brake the legs of the first, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01479-00402696-00402942 and of the other which was crucified with him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01480-00402962-00403236 [Nathan] breaking the legs of people might sound odd, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01481-00403236-00403456 they're already being crucified, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01482-00403456-00403690 they're dying, why break their legs? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01483-00403726-00403872 Well breaking their legs, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01484-00403872-00404170 causes all their body's weight to hang on their arms, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01485-00404170-00404370 which pulls on muscles in the chest, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01486-00404370-00404656 which connect to the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01487-00404656-00404856 Essentially breaking their legs, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01488-00404856-00405196 causes them to suffocate, and die a whole lot faster. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01489-00405310-00405648 [Narrator] But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01490-00405648-00405800 they brake not his legs: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01491-00405814-00406098 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01492-00406098-00406336 and forthwith came there out blood and water. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01493-00406336-00406536 And he that saw it bare record, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01494-00406536-00406676 and his record is true: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01495-00406676-00406876 and he knoweth that he saith true, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01496-00406876-00407020 that ye might believe. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01497-00407020-00407162 For these things were done, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01498-00407162-00407330 that the scripture should be fulfilled, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01499-00407330-00407530 A bone of him shall not be broken. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01500-00407576-00407812 And again another scripture saith, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01501-00407812-00408078 They shall look on him whom they pierced. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01502-00408132-00408546 [Nathan] this totally debunks the idea that Jesus' bones were broken when he was crucified. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01503-00408546-00408746 They didn't smash his leg bones, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01504-00408746-00409068 His hand bones weren't shattered when they nailed him to the cross. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01505-00409068-00409284 Not a bone of his body was broken, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01506-00409284-00409500 it's what the bible says people, come on. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01507-00409614-00409772 So Jesus was dead, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01508-00409812-00410164 The priests wanted his body off the cross before the morning, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01509-00410164-00410400 'cause it was coming up upon the sabbath quickly. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01510-00410400-00410566 and there was a man 1l8QpdhkZVc-01511-00410566-00410734 who wanted Jesus' body. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01512-00410800-00411043 [Narrator] and after this Joseph of Arimathaea, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01513-00411043-00411210 being a disciple of Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01514-00411210-00411410 but secretly for fear of the Jews, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01515-00411410-00411722 besought Pilae that he might take away the body of Jesus: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01516-00411726-00411854 and Pilate gave him leave. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01517-00411882-00412150 He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01518-00412150-00412364 And there came also Nicodemus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01519-00412364-00412564 which at the first came toJjesus by night, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01520-00412588-00412820 and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01521-00412820-00413020 about an hundred pound weight. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01522-00413043-00413272 Then took they the body of Jesus, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01523-00413272-00413542 and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01524-00413542-00413742 as the manner of the Jews is to bury. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01525-00413742-00414076 Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01526-00414076-00414276 and in the garden a new sepulcher, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01527-00414276-00414476 wherein was never man yet laid. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01528-00414476-00414884 There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' preparation day; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01529-00414884-00415084 for the sepulcher was nigh at hand. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01530-00415084-00415306 [Nathan] So Jesus' body was in the grave, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01531-00415306-00415470 and had been all day. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01532-00415470-00415670 the Priests and Pharisees were worried, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01533-00415670-00415870 that some of Jesus' followers might come and 1l8QpdhkZVc-01534-00415870-00416092 take the body, and claim that he had risen, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01535-00416092-00416218 as He said He would. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01536-00416218-00416516 [Narrator] Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01537-00416516-00416834 the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01538-00416842-00417220 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01539-00417220-00417356 while he was yet alive, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01540-00417356-00417578 After three days I will rise again. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01541-00417578-00417947 Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01542-00417962-00418266 lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01543-00418266-00418382 and say unto the people, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01544-00418382-00418534 He is risen from the dead: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01545-00418534-00418804 so the last error shall be worse than the first. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01546-00418804-00418964 Pilate said unto them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01547-00418964-00419180 Ye have a watch: go your way, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01548-00419180-00419346 make it as sure as ye can. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01549-00419346-00419628 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01550-00419628-00419897 sealing the stone, and setting a watch. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01551-00419939-00420266 [Nathan] Pilate gave a watch, which is nothing more than a group of soldiers, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01552-00420266-00420466 to guard over the tomb, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01553-00420466-00420684 make sure no one came in and stole the body, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01554-00420684-00420884 or messed with the tomb in general. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01555-00420884-00421132 Nobody messed with Roman soldiers. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01556-00421132-00421332 They were the best of the best. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01557-00421332-00421635 If you messed with them, you didn't live to tell about it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01558-00421662-00422024 The Roman guard was probably ten to thirty highly trained soldiers. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01559-00422024-00422314 Now one thing you gotta know about Roman guards is, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01560-00422314-00422484 they didn't desert their post for anything. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01561-00422484-00422760 A Roman soldier that; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01562-00422760-00422918 put down his weapons, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01563-00422918-00423170 fell asleep, or deserted his post, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01564-00423170-00423370 while on guard duty, was executed. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01565-00423424-00423630 This is why the Roman soldiers 1l8QpdhkZVc-01566-00423630-00423830 were such a formidable foe, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01567-00423830-00423989 it was their strict rules, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01568-00423989-00424360 and their complete adherence to their commanders orders. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01569-00424443-00424604 [Narrator] In the end of the sabbath, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01570-00424604-00424908 as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01571-00424908-00425284 came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01572-00425284-00425514 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01573-00425514-00425742 for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01574-00425746-00425972 and came and rolled back the stone from the door, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01575-00425972-00426072 and sat upon it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01576-00426072-00426258 His countenance was like lightning, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01577-00426258-00426458 and his raiment white as snow: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01578-00426458-00426722 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01579-00426722-00426862 and became as dead men. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01580-00426862-00427116 And the angel answered and said unto the women, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01581-00427116-00427235 Fear not ye: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01582-00427235-00427524 for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01583-00427524-00427806 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01584-00427806-00428068 Come, see te place where the Lord lay. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01585-00428068-00428464 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01586-00428464-00428772 and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01587-00428772-00428938 there shall ye see him: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01588-00428938-00429110 lo, I have told you. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01589-00429110-00429488 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01590-00429488-00429774 and did run to bring his disciples word. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01591-00429826-00429952 [Nathan] Guys, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01592-00429952-00430210 Jesus, rose from the dead, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01593-00430210-00430410 He's alive evermore. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01594-00430410-00430582 seated at the right hand of God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01595-00430582-00430782 making intercession for us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01596-00430782-00430926 Death has been defeated. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01597-00430926-00431170 The grave couldn't hold him down. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01598-00431304-00431560 The story of the disciples stealing the body, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01599-00431560-00431876 was made up by the priests, and their counsel. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01600-00431920-00432138 [Narrator] Now when they were going, behold, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01601-00432138-00432338 some of the watch came into the city, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01602-00432338-00432662 and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01603-00432693-00432926 And when they were assembled with the elders, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01604-00432926-00433066 and had taken counsel, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01605-00433066-00433322 they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying 1l8QpdhkZVc-01606-00433322-00433600 Say ye, His disciples came by night, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01607-00433600-00433784 and stole him away while we slept. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01608-00433784-00434010 And if this come to the governor's ears, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01609-00434010-00434210 we will persuade him, and secure you. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01610-00434210-00434368 So they took the money, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01611-00434368-00434496 and did as they were taught: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01612-00434496-00434868 and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01613-00434928-00435254 [Nathan] This video project has been a ton of fun, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01614-00435254-00435454 So glad you guys could stick around, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01615-00435454-00435654 but you know what, it's not over yet 1l8QpdhkZVc-01616-00435654-00435854 After Jesus rose, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01617-00435854-00436126 He appeared to His disciples numerous times. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01618-00436218-00436610 [Narrator] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01619-00436610-00436956 how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01620-00436956-00437080 and that he was buried, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01621-00437080-00437400 and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01622-00437400-00437624 And that he was seen of Cephas, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01623-00437624-00437797 then of the twelve: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01624-00437797-00438212 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01625-00438212-00438476 of whom the greater part remain unto this present, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01626-00438482-00438635 but some are fallen asleep. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01627-00438778-00439032 [Nathan] Before Jesus left this earth to go into heaven, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01628-00439032-00439232 He left us this one final command. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01629-00439356-00439639 [Narrator] Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01630-00439639-00439870 baptizing them in the name of the Father, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01631-00439874-00440068 and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01632-00440068-00440454 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01633-00440454-00440680 and, lo, I am with you alway, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01634-00440680-00440880 even unto the end of the world. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01635-00440880-00441080 Amen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01636-00441080-00441280 So Jesus lived a sinless life, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01637-00441280-00441480 He was crucified and buried, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01638-00441480-00441626 then rose from the dead, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01639-00441626-00441800 and ascended into heaven. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01640-00441800-00442064 [Narrator] And he led them out as far as to Bethany, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01641-00442064-00442224 and he lifted up his hands, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01642-00442224-00442324 and blessed them. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01643-00442324-00442576 And it came to pass, while he blessed them, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01644-00442576-00442856 he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01645-00442856-00443224 And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy: 1l8QpdhkZVc-01646-00443224-00443424 And were continually in the temple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01647-00443424-00443592 praising and blessing God. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01648-00443592-00443716 Amen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01649-00443716-00443916 [Nathan] The you have it, the life of Christ. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01650-00443916-00444116 We looked at his birth 1l8QpdhkZVc-01651-00444116-00444316 his life, his death, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01652-00444316-00444516 and finally his resurrection. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01653-00444516-00444768 We've seen how he payed the price for our sin, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01654-00444770-00445030 however, unless you take it to heart, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01655-00445030-00445302 knowing it won't do you a bit of good. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01656-00445302-00445502 Jesus made it clear that there's 1l8QpdhkZVc-01657-00445502-00445702 no way to come to the Father but through Him. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01658-00445702-00445902 He said that we had to, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01659-00445902-00446102 become as a small child, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01660-00446102-00446500 making it clear that it was absolutely nothing that we could do, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01661-00446500-00446635 or have done. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01662-00446635-00447047 But instead was entirely everything that he has done for us. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01663-00447088-00447302 Salvation is a free gift, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01664-00447302-00447582 but like all gifts, we must accept it. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01665-00447582-00447782 Say I have a gift for you, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01666-00447842-00448062 if you don't accept it, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01667-00448062-00448262 does it really do you any good? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01668-00448360-00448585 is it really even yours? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01669-00448728-00449096 If there is one verse that sums up the entire of the gospels, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01670-00449096-00449296 in fact, the entire Bible, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01671-00449296-00449564 it would have to be John three sixteen. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01672-00449564-00449793 For God so loved the world, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01673-00449793-00449993 that He gave his only begotten son, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01674-00449993-00450296 that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01675-00450296-00450554 but have everlasting life. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01676-00450554-00450754 It's really that simple, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01677-00450754-00451026 just put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01678-00451026-00451312 Carrying on to the next verse we read, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01679-00451393-00451678 For God sent not his son into the world, to condemn the world, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01680-00451678-00452008 but that the world, through him, might be saved. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01681-00452008-00452293 God doesn't want to see anyone perish, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01682-00452343-00452562 He doesn't want anybody going to hell. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01683-00452562-00452843 in second Peter three nine we read this. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01684-00452950-00453406 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01685-00453406-00453632 but is longsuffering toward us-ward, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01686-00453632-00453832 not willing that any should perish, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01687-00453832-00454032 but that all should come to repentance. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01688-00454032-00454185 However, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01689-00454202-00454432 God won't let the unholy into heaven, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01690-00454432-00454632 and we've all sinned, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01691-00454632-00454832 as we read in Romans three twenty-three. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01692-00454832-00455002 For all have sinned, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01693-00455002-00455216 and come short of the glory of God; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01694-00455216-00455416 even our good, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01695-00455416-00455550 in God's eyes, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01696-00455550-00455750 is not good, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01697-00455750-00456016 as we read in Isaiah sixty-four six. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01698-00456030-00456318 But we are all as an unclean thing, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01699-00456318-00456680 and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01700-00456680-00456880 and we all do fade as a leaf; 1l8QpdhkZVc-01701-00456880-00457080 and our iniquities, like the wind, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01702-00457080-00457280 have taken us away. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01703-00457280-00457606 No amount of our "good" 1l8QpdhkZVc-01704-00457606-00457806 can ever get us into heaven. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01705-00457806-00458006 God's on another level, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01706-00458006-00458206 and our good, doesn't match up. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01707-00458206-00458496 Jesus stepped in and saved us, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01708-00458496-00458758 by becoming the payment for our sins. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01709-00458758-00458989 the propitiation. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01710-00459024-00459243 We read in first John four ten. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01711-00459243-00459443 Herein is love, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01712-00459443-00459600 not that we loved God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01713-00459600-00459722 but that he loved us, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01714-00459722-00460110 and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01715-00460152-00460380 So what's a propitiation you ask? 1l8QpdhkZVc-01716-00460380-00460664 Well luckily I've got a really helpful staff, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01717-00460664-00460789 and they left me notes. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01718-00460797-00460996 around, here we go. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01719-00461058-00461296 The act of appeasing the wrath, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01720-00461296-00461496 and obtaining the favor, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01721-00461496-00461696 of an offended person. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01722-00461696-00461864 Our sin offended God, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01723-00461864-00462026 all of our sinfulness, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01724-00462026-00462193 vileness and evilness, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01725-00462193-00462516 was just offensive to His perfect and holy self, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01726-00462516-00462738 and that's why we couldn't get into heaven. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01727-00462810-00463020 however Jesus stepped in, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01728-00463020-00463220 took our place on the cross, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01729-00463220-00463358 died for our sins, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01730-00463358-00463520 took our punishment, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01731-00463520-00463856 and he restored that relationship between God and ourselves. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01732-00463856-00464012 and now through him, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01733-00464012-00464238 we have access to heaven, once more. 1l8QpdhkZVc-01734-00464238-00464496 If you'd like to talk to somebody about salvation, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01735-00464496-00464714 please call our friends at 1l8QpdhkZVc-01736-00464714-00464989 1-888-633-3446 1l8QpdhkZVc-01737-00464989-00465312 or alternately you can send us an email, 1l8QpdhkZVc-01738-00465312-00465668 prayer at thebibleanimated.com 1mI6N2e06do-00000-00000052-00000744 Farming in Canterbury has its challenges. The weather can be extreme and soil conditions vary greatly across the region. 1mI6N2e06do-00001-00000792-00001376 So minimising inputs and focusing on sustainability while keeping production up can be a huge task. 1mI6N2e06do-00002-00001428-00001720 Let's take a look at how one farmer is taking up the challenge. 1mI6N2e06do-00003-00002052-00002604 Mum and Dad bought this property, 50 years next June. So, I've been here most of my life. 1mI6N2e06do-00004-00002652-00003092 When we came it was a very run down place that needed a lot of attention. 1mI6N2e06do-00005-00003156-00003800 The guy that lived here before used to do a lot of hunting with hares and under the trees there used to be a lot of gin bottles and other things. 1mI6N2e06do-00006-00004084-00004360 It was a huge change from where we are today. 1mI6N2e06do-00007-00004520-00004760 Mostly we're only limited by our imagination. 1mI6N2e06do-00008-00005252-00005656 Our drivers as a family have been to do the best with what we've had. 1mI6N2e06do-00009-00005708-00006216 We've got lots of variability on this farm. If you drive up the Methven highway and you'll see some nice soils. 1mI6N2e06do-00010-00006264-00006640 We've got a little bit of that, but we've also got a lot of light soils. 1mI6N2e06do-00011-00006688-00007331 So we had to manage things a lot more carefully than some of the guys with really good soils. It's not very forgiving here at all. 1mI6N2e06do-00012-00007380-00007940 We did a yield map out of a combine harvester, and ran it through a computer to make a profit map. 1mI6N2e06do-00013-00007984-00008648 And we were losing money in certain areas, I'm of Scottish heritage and that didn't sit well, so we needed to fix that. 1mI6N2e06do-00014-00008780-00009216 When you've got lots of variability in the soil you've got different potential in different areas. 1mI6N2e06do-00015-00009264-00009936 We know that some areas will grow 8 tonne to the hectare, some 12, some 14 and some 16 of a wheat crop. 1mI6N2e06do-00016-00009984-00010648 And that's great, but actually you only need to put on the appropriate amount of fertiliser to grow the 8 tonne or the 12 or whatever. 1mI6N2e06do-00017-00010696-00011248 So, by mapping the soil, knowing where the variability is and looking at what the potential is. 1mI6N2e06do-00018-00011296-00012220 We've said, over there we put on 150kg and there we put on 200kg and there 250kg, so we absolutely get the right amount of input as a base fertiliser. 1mI6N2e06do-00019-00012268-00012784 Then we're also looking at the variability in the field through the growing season. 1mI6N2e06do-00020-00012824-00013516 With satellite imagery and we've got our own sensors and drones, to look at what we can do in different areas. 1mI6N2e06do-00021-00013672-00014700 Weather forecasting is hugely important for us, we've got 35 zones that measure soil moisture and we've got irrigators that put different amounts of water in different places 1mI6N2e06do-00022-00014747-00015516 By getting really accurate weather forecasts would mean that we can choose to apply irrigation or not. 1mI6N2e06do-00023-00015563-00016108 It's hugely important, hugely valuable for us as a decision making tool. 1mI6N2e06do-00024-00016232-00016784 For most of that technology we will get a return on investment within 12 months, if not 24. 1mI6N2e06do-00025-00016832-00017336 So that's a pretty good investment. If you buy a new tractor it's no different to the last one. 1mI6N2e06do-00026-00017384-00017936 It might look good, it might be comfortable, it might be efficient but where's the real benefit? 1mI6N2e06do-00027-00017984-00018500 Precision agriculture is about doing the right thing in the right place at the right time and in the right way. 1mI6N2e06do-00028-00018548-00019080 And only putting on the right amount of inputs. There's a whole raft of different ways to look at that. 1mI6N2e06do-00029-00019132-00019996 But for me it doesn't matter whether it's economic or environmental sustainability, reducing our carbon footprint is another way to look at it. 1mI6N2e06do-00030-00020044-00020632 But all of them have the same outcome, so whichever way you look at it you'll end up using the same technology. 1mI6N2e06do-00031-00020752-00021464 We've got a dairy operation next door on 330 hectares, we're milking around 1000 cows. 1mI6N2e06do-00032-00021516-00022516 It gives us some flexibility, we did it for diversity. That soil type was lighter - more in keeping with pastoral farming than straight cropping. 1mI6N2e06do-00033-00022564-00022956 The techniques that we use here equally fit on the dairy farm. 1mI6N2e06do-00034-00023108-00023900 This isn't about arable, it's not about dairy, it's not about sheep and beef, horticulture, viticulture. It fits across all sectors. 1mI6N2e06do-00035-00024144-00024604 We still need to make the decisions about what we put on, so it's not about artificial intelligence. 1mI6N2e06do-00036-00024652-00024876 It's actually about farmer intelligence. 1mI6N2e06do-00037-00024928-00025488 We're trying to make the most appropriate decision to grow the crop in the most appropriate way. 1mI6N2e06do-00038-00025532-00026012 To give us the best financial outcome and the best environmental sustainability. 1mI6N2e06do-00039-00026208-00026995 So doing the right thing in the right place at the right time is how Craige is reducing his environmental impact, while maintaining productivity. 1mI6N2e06do-00040-00027044-00027583 He maps the variability and potential of his soils, so he can plant the right crops in the right places. 1mI6N2e06do-00041-00027636-00028408 Then he uses sensors and forecasts to work out exactly when, where and how much nitrogen fertiliser and water are needed to achieve the best yields. 1mI6N2e06do-00042-00028456-00029020 Craige says investment in all that carefully chosen technology has paid off within 12 to 24 months. 1mI6N2e06do-00043-00029068-00029727 He recognises that his hi-tech approach might not work everywhere, but he says being open to the possibilities is key. 1mI6N2e06do-00044-00029792-00030408 Remember to visit www.agmatters.nz for more videos and ideas to help you reduce emissions and farm more sustainably. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00000-00000083-00000233 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00001-00000233-00000433 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00002-00000457-00000694 VIRGINIA GOVERNOR TERRY MCAULIFFE SIGNED A BILL 1nEyzvd1eRU-00003-00000694-00000894 ESTABLISHING THE VIRGINIA MILITARY MEDICS AND 1nEyzvd1eRU-00004-00000894-00000994 CORPSMEN PROGRAM. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00005-00001041-00001261 THE PROGRAM ALLOWS ACTIVE DUTY MEDICAL PERSONNEL 1nEyzvd1eRU-00006-00001261-00001488 CURRENTLY PARTICIPATING TO EARN LICENSES OR 1nEyzvd1eRU-00007-00001488-00001705 CREDENTIALS RECOGNIZED BY CIVILIAN HEALTH CARE 1nEyzvd1eRU-00008-00001705-00001805 ORGANIZATIONS. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00009-00001878-00002125 THE P-8 POSEIDON, ONE OF THE NAVY'S NEWEST AIRCRAFT 1nEyzvd1eRU-00010-00002125-00002362 AND CURRENTLY REPLACING THE P-3 ORION, 1nEyzvd1eRU-00011-00002362-00002562 ARRIVED AT COOPERATIVE SECURITY LOCATION 1nEyzvd1eRU-00012-00002562-00002676 COMALAPA, EL SALVADOR. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00013-00002676-00002946 THE AIRCRAFT IS CAPABLE OF RECONNAISSANCE WHILE 1nEyzvd1eRU-00014-00002946-00003149 CONDUCTING LONG RANGE MARITIME AND LITTORAL 1nEyzvd1eRU-00015-00003149-00003253 OPERATIONS. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00016-00003253-00003580 PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP 2016 ARRIVED IN LEGAZPI, 1nEyzvd1eRU-00017-00003580-00003686 PHILIPPINES. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00018-00003686-00003887 WHILE IN LEGAZPI PARTICIPANTS WILL WORK 1nEyzvd1eRU-00019-00003887-00004094 WITH CIVILIAN AND MILITARY LEADERSHIP TO CONDUCT A 1nEyzvd1eRU-00020-00004094-00004314 HUMANITARIAN AND DISASTER RELIEF SEMINAR, 1nEyzvd1eRU-00021-00004314-00004514 COOPERATIVE HEALTH ENGAGEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE 1nEyzvd1eRU-00022-00004514-00004744 PROVINCE, AND ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND 1nEyzvd1eRU-00023-00004744-00004944 RENOVATION PROJECTS AT LOCAL SCHOOLS. 1nEyzvd1eRU-00024-00004944-00005145 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND 1nEyzvd1eRU-00025-00005145-00005345 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. 20q4JIUJEFI-00000-00000712-00000780 >> Professor Perez: Hey! 20q4JIUJEFI-00001-00000837-00001004 This is Professor Perez again. 20q4JIUJEFI-00002-00001026-00001320 Today, we're going to look at the distributive property. 20q4JIUJEFI-00003-00001363-00001795 Now we've looked at it before when we introduced it, but now we're going to use it 20q4JIUJEFI-00004-00001795-00002008 in some problems that are a bit more involved. 20q4JIUJEFI-00005-00002042-00002215 And of course, we've got to get Charlie out. 20q4JIUJEFI-00006-00002233-00002517 He better be ready to go! 20q4JIUJEFI-00007-00002604-00002703 Charlie, what are you doing over there? 20q4JIUJEFI-00008-00002703-00002791 Quit fooling around! 20q4JIUJEFI-00009-00002827-00002976 We're doing the distributive property. 20q4JIUJEFI-00010-00002976-00002992 >> Charlie: What? 20q4JIUJEFI-00011-00003028-00003050 Huh? 20q4JIUJEFI-00012-00003080-00003166 >> Professor Perez: Yeah, that's right! 20q4JIUJEFI-00013-00003175-00003573 Now, remember, you don't learn this now, you can always come back and do it... 20q4JIUJEFI-00014-00003599-00003616 >> Charlie: What? 20q4JIUJEFI-00015-00003635-00003732 >> Professor Perez: Next semester! 20q4JIUJEFI-00016-00003732-00004037 Uh-huh! All right, here we go, right there, Charlie. 20q4JIUJEFI-00017-00004094-00004688 Now, we have negative 3 times the quantity x plus 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00018-00004688-00004976 Order of Operations says we're supposed to do the parenthesis first, 20q4JIUJEFI-00019-00004976-00005537 but you cannot add x plus 4...unless you'd like to repeat the class...with him. 20q4JIUJEFI-00020-00005577-00005595 >> Charlie: What? 20q4JIUJEFI-00021-00005613-00005807 >> Professor Perez: So, what we have to do, 20q4JIUJEFI-00022-00005807-00006094 is we have to use the distributive property, Charlie. 20q4JIUJEFI-00023-00006269-00006777 We're going to distribute that negative 3 by multiplication into the parenthesis. 20q4JIUJEFI-00024-00006817-00007207 And so, we have negative 3 times x, which is negative 3x, 20q4JIUJEFI-00025-00007263-00007726 and plus a negative 3 times 4, which is a negative 12. 20q4JIUJEFI-00026-00007852-00008157 And remember, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting, 20q4JIUJEFI-00027-00008186-00008432 so our answer is negative 3x subtract 12. 20q4JIUJEFI-00028-00008481-00008726 And I know there's some of you that can skip that middle step, 20q4JIUJEFI-00029-00008760-00009114 but as long as you can explain why, you're fine, and I'm just showing you why. 20q4JIUJEFI-00030-00009189-00009352 Okay, let's do another problem. 20q4JIUJEFI-00031-00009352-00009776 So, here's one of those problems where people like to use a shortcut, but before we talk 20q4JIUJEFI-00032-00009776-00009971 about the shortcut, let me go through the steps. 20q4JIUJEFI-00033-00010039-00010393 Okay, again, we're supposed to do parenthesis first, but we can't do it, 20q4JIUJEFI-00034-00010429-00010706 so we're going to distribute that 3 through. 20q4JIUJEFI-00035-00010815-00011233 Now, a lot of people like to view that subtract 3 as a negative 3. 20q4JIUJEFI-00036-00011266-00011798 You can, because remember, adding a negative 3 is the same as subtracting 3. 20q4JIUJEFI-00037-00011849-00012249 And so, if we bring down the 2, we can distribute that negative 3 through, 20q4JIUJEFI-00038-00012310-00012975 and say negative 3 times x is negative 3x and negative times 4 is a negative 12, right? 20q4JIUJEFI-00039-00013015-00013558 And remember, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting, or you can visualize it 20q4JIUJEFI-00040-00013558-00013854 as distributing a 1 through the parenthesis. 20q4JIUJEFI-00041-00013895-00014208 And you get 2 subtract 3x subtract 12. 20q4JIUJEFI-00042-00014288-00014525 Now, I know, some of those...some 20q4JIUJEFI-00043-00014525-00014860 of you say those two middle steps maybe throw you off a little bit 20q4JIUJEFI-00044-00014860-00015035 because you are used to just using the shortcut. 20q4JIUJEFI-00045-00015073-00015265 So, if we take that out, that's fine. 20q4JIUJEFI-00046-00015305-00015684 Some of you can go straight from that step to there, and that's really where we're working to. 20q4JIUJEFI-00047-00015729-00016228 You can do that as long as you can explain it somebody as to why you can do that. 20q4JIUJEFI-00048-00016308-00016947 So, once we get through that then, we look at our like terms, 2 subtract 12, right? 20q4JIUJEFI-00049-00017090-00017600 Which is negative 10 subtract 3x, or we generally put the variable first, 20q4JIUJEFI-00050-00017657-00017928 and we have negative 3x subtract 10. 20q4JIUJEFI-00051-00017963-00018422 Any answer...either of those two answers is correct. 20q4JIUJEFI-00052-00018437-00018734 Now, let's do it the fast way, or the Kung-Fu way. 20q4JIUJEFI-00053-00018857-00019154 Some of you say, oh, 2 subtract 3 times x plus 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00054-00019154-00019697 Well, it's 2, and then immediately you go, negative 3 times x is a negative 3x, yes, 20q4JIUJEFI-00055-00019697-00020203 because you're subtracting 3x, and negative 3 times a positive 4 is negative 12 20q4JIUJEFI-00056-00020203-00020274 and there it is. 20q4JIUJEFI-00057-00020328-00020587 You end up with the exact same answer as we had before. 20q4JIUJEFI-00058-00020587-00020913 So, as long as you can explain it, you can do it. 20q4JIUJEFI-00059-00020936-00021382 Remember, you have to know what you're doing before you can start Kung-Fu-ing. 20q4JIUJEFI-00060-00021395-00021608 Anyway, here we go, Charlie. 20q4JIUJEFI-00061-00021672-00021985 3 plus 4, times 3x plus 1, Charlie. 20q4JIUJEFI-00062-00021999-00022627 Okay, now, we're going to distribute that plus 4, through the parenthesis, 4 times 3x is? 20q4JIUJEFI-00063-00022683-00022732 >> Charlie: 12x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00064-00022740-00022870 >> Professor Perez: And 4 times 1? 20q4JIUJEFI-00065-00022911-00022949 >> Charlie: 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00066-00022949-00023005 >> Professor Perez: There you go. 20q4JIUJEFI-00067-00023051-00023613 Now combine our like terms, generally we'll bring our variable first, and what's 3 plus 4? 20q4JIUJEFI-00068-00023667-00023693 >> Charlie: 7. 20q4JIUJEFI-00069-00023693-00023731 >> Professor Perez: 7. 20q4JIUJEFI-00070-00023738-00023811 And there you go. 20q4JIUJEFI-00071-00023821-00023921 12x plus 7. 20q4JIUJEFI-00072-00024084-00024874 Here we go, now, we have 2 times the quantity x subtract 1 plus 3 times x plus 1. 20q4JIUJEFI-00073-00024903-00025104 Remember, we can't do the parenthesis first, 20q4JIUJEFI-00074-00025131-00025399 but we have to do the multiplications before we do the addition, 20q4JIUJEFI-00075-00025438-00025803 and so our multiplication requires the distributive property. 20q4JIUJEFI-00076-00025855-00026250 So we go, 2 times x, and then we'll do 2 times a negative 1. 20q4JIUJEFI-00077-00026282-00026769 And then we'll do a positive times x and a positive 3 times 1. 20q4JIUJEFI-00078-00026809-00027532 And so, here we go, 2x subtract 2, plus 3x plus 3. 20q4JIUJEFI-00079-00027547-00027634 You getting this, Charlie? 20q4JIUJEFI-00080-00027721-00027927 Yeah, you better get it, or you're gonna get it! 20q4JIUJEFI-00081-00027927-00028426 Anyway, here we go, Charlie, let's combine our like terms, we have the 2x and the 3x, 20q4JIUJEFI-00082-00028483-00028958 and the negative 2 and the plus 3, and so what's 2x plus 3x, Charlie? 20q4JIUJEFI-00083-00028999-00029053 >> Charlie: 5x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00084-00029110-00029214 >> Professor Perez: Negative 2 plus 3? 20q4JIUJEFI-00085-00029256-00029286 >> Charlie: 1. 20q4JIUJEFI-00086-00029286-00029510 >> Professor Perez: Very nice and go ahead and box your answer. 20q4JIUJEFI-00087-00029539-00029609 There you go. 20q4JIUJEFI-00088-00029670-00029809 Let's do another one. 20q4JIUJEFI-00089-00029884-00030065 Here we go, Charlie, now don't get scared. 20q4JIUJEFI-00090-00030181-00030419 We're going to do the same procedure that we've been using. 20q4JIUJEFI-00091-00030458-00030847 We're going to take the 2 times the 2x and the 2 times the negative 1, 20q4JIUJEFI-00092-00030888-00031420 and the negative 4 times a 3x and the negative 4 times a negative 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00093-00031420-00031737 Okay, now, Charlie, 2 times 2x... 20q4JIUJEFI-00094-00031737-00031804 >> Charlie: Is 4x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00095-00031877-00031976 >> Professor Perez: Is 4x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00096-00032047-00032175 Now, 2 times a negative 1? 20q4JIUJEFI-00097-00032188-00032467 Is negative 2. 20q4JIUJEFI-00098-00032467-00032583 Negative 4 times 3x? 20q4JIUJEFI-00099-00032609-00032670 >> Charlie: 12x... 20q4JIUJEFI-00100-00032670-00032759 >> Professor Perez: Negative 12x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00101-00032759-00032782 >> Charlie: Negative. 20q4JIUJEFI-00102-00032782-00032975 >> Professor Perez: And negative 4 times negative 1 is... 20q4JIUJEFI-00103-00032975-00033036 >> Charlie: Plus 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00104-00033036-00033080 >> Professor Perez: Is plus 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00105-00033080-00033438 It works. Remember, those negative numbers, we're visualizing them 20q4JIUJEFI-00106-00033438-00033656 as being adding negative numbers. 20q4JIUJEFI-00107-00033667-00033806 So you kind of got to think about that. 20q4JIUJEFI-00108-00033806-00033901 That's why this works. 20q4JIUJEFI-00109-00033932-00034480 And now, remember, Order of Operations says to go left to right, but we can get around that 20q4JIUJEFI-00110-00034480-00035115 by visualizing everything as being added and so our like terms are our 4x and a negative 12x, 20q4JIUJEFI-00111-00035188-00035426 and a negative 2 and a positive 4. 20q4JIUJEFI-00112-00035461-00035785 And now, Charlie, what's 4x plus a negative 12x? 20q4JIUJEFI-00113-00035827-00035900 >> Charlie: Negative 8x. 20q4JIUJEFI-00114-00035932-00036121 >> Professor Perez: And a negative 2 plus 4? 20q4JIUJEFI-00115-00036166-00036209 >> Charlie: Plus 2. 20q4JIUJEFI-00116-00036262-00036392 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there Charlie! 20q4JIUJEFI-00117-00036477-00036701 Our answer is negative 8x plus 2. 20q4JIUJEFI-00118-00036784-00037327 And that is our lecture on the distributive property, so, keep up, keep working, 20q4JIUJEFI-00119-00037342-00037663 and keep doing your homework and we'll see you again soon! 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00000-00000338-00000576 Hi, BoGooGa here. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00001-00000576-00001044 I want to show you traditional Korean wrestling, Ssireum. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00002-00001402-00002210 This episode features a match between female foreign students from Morocco and Neatherlands. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00003-00002290-00002684 Chahrazad is a foreign studennt from Morocco, 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00004-00002684-00003250 and is majoring in computer science at Chung-Ang University. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00005-00003982-00004394 Wietske is a foreign studennt from Neatherlands, 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00006-00004406-00004860 and is majoring in Internationl Studies at Hanyang University. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00007-00006398-00007322 As is tradition, both athletes bow to each other before entering the ring as a sign of mutual respect. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00008-00008236-00008862 Before the round begins, both athletes grab each other's belts, which are called sapa. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00009-00008892-00009206 Chahrazad(차흐라자드) is wearing the blue sapa. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00010-00009206-00009488 Wietske(위츠커) is wearing the red sapa. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00011-00009516-00009822 Chahrazad(차흐라자드) attempt "Bat Da ri". 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00012-00011682-00011992 "Bat Da ri" again and wins the first round. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00013-00015332-00015634 Chahrazad(차흐라자드) attempt "Bat Da ri". 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00014-00015794-00016052 "Bat Da ri" again and wins. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00015-00016494-00016814 There are 3 rounds per match. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00016-00016814-00017336 Whoever wins 2 rounds first, proceeds in the tournament. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00017-00018340-00018640 As is tradition and rule, 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00018-00018640-00019210 both opponents bow to each other before leaving the ring, as a sign of respect. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00019-00019308-00019822 After winning two rounds, Chahrazad(차흐라자드) proceeds to the quarterfinals. 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00020-00019894-00020252 Thank you for watching, see you next time! 2qLGMKGyZ7Y-00021-00020310-00020624 구독과 조아요 부탁 드려요! 제발~ ^^ 2rMTAHqk49U-00000-00000843-00001092 what advice do you have for us at Khan 2rMTAHqk49U-00001-00001092-00001369 Academy we're doing really great 2rMTAHqk49U-00002-00001369-00001525 yeah that's wrong if you have advice for 2rMTAHqk49U-00003-00001525-00002122 me no no well yeah I mean it seems like 2rMTAHqk49U-00004-00002122-00002253 you're doing they're doing an amazing 2rMTAHqk49U-00005-00002253-00002343 job 2rMTAHqk49U-00006-00002343-00002568 we're really super leveraged you know I 2rMTAHqk49U-00007-00002568-00002716 mean obvious mall team and you're having 2rMTAHqk49U-00008-00002716-00002875 a dramatic effect on half these people 2rMTAHqk49U-00009-00002875-00003118 don't even work here so like it's even 2rMTAHqk49U-00010-00003118-00003343 yeah right it's right so it's I think 2rMTAHqk49U-00011-00003343-00003680 very impressive thing you're doing to 2rMTAHqk49U-00012-00003680-00004053 spread knowledge and and understanding 2rMTAHqk49U-00013-00004053-00004219 you know throughout the world the 2rMTAHqk49U-00014-00004219-00004503 universe assumes you if you hold up your 2rMTAHqk49U-00015-00004503-00004578 end of the bargain 2rMTAHqk49U-00016-00004578-00004867 yeah yeah I mean it's actually kind of 2rMTAHqk49U-00017-00004867-00005124 funny like you know if you're like what 2rMTAHqk49U-00018-00005124-00005310 is it occasionally basically downloading 2rMTAHqk49U-00019-00005310-00005573 data and algorithms into your brain and 2rMTAHqk49U-00020-00005573-00005976 it's it's actually amazingly bad in 2rMTAHqk49U-00021-00005976-00006126 conventional education because like it 2rMTAHqk49U-00022-00006126-00006454 shouldn't be like this huge tour so 2rMTAHqk49U-00023-00006454-00006988 you're making it way way better but I 2rMTAHqk49U-00024-00006988-00007170 mean I think I think a lot of things 2rMTAHqk49U-00025-00007170-00007279 that I would say it you've probably 2rMTAHqk49U-00026-00007279-00007675 heard a hundred times and in effect are 2rMTAHqk49U-00027-00007675-00007912 if not doing like the more you can 2rMTAHqk49U-00028-00007912-00008341 gamify the process of learning the 2rMTAHqk49U-00029-00008341-00008653 better like for my kids I do not have to 2rMTAHqk49U-00030-00008653-00008797 encourage them to play video games yeah 2rMTAHqk49U-00031-00008797-00008989 okay yeah I'd like pry them from their 2rMTAHqk49U-00032-00008989-00009319 hands like crack yes yes like drop that 2rMTAHqk49U-00033-00009319-00009615 crack needle yeah 2rMTAHqk49U-00034-00010029-00010390 so it's yeah it's it's it's the degree 2rMTAHqk49U-00035-00010390-00010639 that you can make somehow learning like 2rMTAHqk49U-00036-00010639-00010993 a game it's better and I think 2rMTAHqk49U-00037-00010993-00011158 unfortunately like a lot of education is 2rMTAHqk49U-00038-00011158-00011263 very vaudvillian 2rMTAHqk49U-00039-00011263-00011656 at you've got someone standing up there 2rMTAHqk49U-00040-00011656-00011875 kind of lecturing at people and they've 2rMTAHqk49U-00041-00011875-00012019 done the same lecture twenty years in a 2rMTAHqk49U-00042-00012019-00012250 row and they're excited about it and 2rMTAHqk49U-00043-00012250-00012463 that lack of enthusiasm you know is 2rMTAHqk49U-00044-00012463-00012676 conveyed to the students that they're 2rMTAHqk49U-00045-00012676-00012847 not very excited about it I don't know 2rMTAHqk49U-00046-00012847-00013009 why they're there like why are we 2rMTAHqk49U-00047-00013009-00013140 learning this stuff we don't even know 2rMTAHqk49U-00048-00013140-00013320 why in fact I think a lot of things 2rMTAHqk49U-00049-00013320-00013426 people learn probably there's no point 2rMTAHqk49U-00050-00013426-00013698 in learning them because it that they 2rMTAHqk49U-00051-00013698-00013876 never use them in the future because 2rMTAHqk49U-00052-00013876-00014040 who's gonna launch a rocket into space I 2rMTAHqk49U-00053-00014040-00014209 mean that's just like yeah exactly that 2rMTAHqk49U-00054-00014209-00014524 never happens well you have to say like 2rMTAHqk49U-00055-00014524-00014728 people I think don't stand back and say 2rMTAHqk49U-00056-00014728-00014746 well 2rMTAHqk49U-00057-00014746-00014944 why are we teaching people these things 2rMTAHqk49U-00058-00014944-00015181 and we should tell them probably why 2rMTAHqk49U-00059-00015181-00015355 we're teaching those things because a 2rMTAHqk49U-00060-00015355-00015505 lot of kids just in school kinda puzzled 2rMTAHqk49U-00061-00015505-00016015 as to why they're there I think and I 2rMTAHqk49U-00062-00016015-00016132 think if you can explain the why of 2rMTAHqk49U-00063-00016132-00016375 things then that makes a huge difference 2rMTAHqk49U-00064-00016375-00016525 to people's motivation 2rMTAHqk49U-00065-00016525-00016738 yeah then they understand the understan 2rMTAHqk49U-00066-00016738-00017104 purpose yeah so think that's pretty 2rMTAHqk49U-00067-00017104-00017341 important and just make make it 2rMTAHqk49U-00068-00017341-00017485 entertaining but I think just in general 2rMTAHqk49U-00069-00017485-00017626 like a conventional education should be 2rMTAHqk49U-00070-00017626-00017770 massively overhauled I'm sure you very 2rMTAHqk49U-00071-00017770-00018034 much agree with that but yeah 2rMTAHqk49U-00072-00018034-00018286 I mean that knowledge is I sometimes 2rMTAHqk49U-00073-00018286-00018550 users like we've seen but like Batman 2rMTAHqk49U-00074-00018550-00018820 like the Chris Nolan movie like the 2rMTAHqk49U-00075-00018820-00018958 recent one and it's pretty freakin 2rMTAHqk49U-00076-00018958-00019006 awesome 2rMTAHqk49U-00077-00019006-00019282 right and you've got incredible special 2rMTAHqk49U-00078-00019282-00019662 effects great script multiple takes 2rMTAHqk49U-00079-00019662-00020077 amazing actors and great sound and it's 2rMTAHqk49U-00080-00020077-00020533 very it's very engaging but if you would 2rMTAHqk49U-00081-00020533-00020746 instead say okay that even if you had 2rMTAHqk49U-00082-00020746-00020857 the same script so at least it's the 2rMTAHqk49U-00083-00020857-00021064 same script and you said okay now that 2rMTAHqk49U-00084-00021064-00021277 script instead of having movies we're 2rMTAHqk49U-00085-00021277-00021460 gonna have does that that script 2rMTAHqk49U-00086-00021460-00021661 performed by the local town troupe right 2rMTAHqk49U-00087-00021661-00021883 okay and and so every in every small 2rMTAHqk49U-00088-00021883-00022030 town in America if movies didn't exist 2rMTAHqk49U-00089-00022030-00022276 they would have to then recreate the 2rMTAHqk49U-00090-00022276-00022426 Dark Knight right you know with like 2rMTAHqk49U-00091-00022426-00022630 home like home so in costumes yes and 2rMTAHqk49U-00092-00022630-00023026 like you know just the stage and not 2rMTAHqk49U-00093-00023026-00023224 giving their lines quite and not really 2rMTAHqk49U-00094-00023224-00023401 looking like you know the kid the people 2rMTAHqk49U-00095-00023401-00023740 in the movie and and no special effects 2rMTAHqk49U-00096-00023740-00024358 at everything I mean I would suck that's 2rMTAHqk49U-00097-00024358-00024958 right yeah that's indication that's so 2rMTAHqk49U-00098-00024958-00025156 so with that and and I polished all of 2rMTAHqk49U-00099-00025156-00025288 you guys for hogging up all the time 2rMTAHqk49U-00100-00025288-00025387 because obviously I could talk for hours 2rMTAHqk49U-00101-00025387-00025664 about this stuff 2s2Z91jzm2I-00000-00000482-00000918 The making of customary IHL raises specific problems. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00001-00001011-00001308 One of the major debates has focused 2s2Z91jzm2I-00002-00001308-00001794 on whose practice is relevant for the determination of customary IHL. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00003-00001988-00002560 As mentioned above, state practice is one of the two constitutive elements of IHL. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00004-00002694-00002880 What about non-state actors? 2s2Z91jzm2I-00005-00002996-00003636 This is a crucial issue since some non-state actors play a significant role in armed conflicts. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00006-00003779-00004266 Those include armed groups and the International Committee of the Red Cross. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00007-00004402-00004944 No one argues that the practice of armed groups can contribute to the emergence of rules 2s2Z91jzm2I-00008-00004944-00005124 that would bind states. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00009-00005216-00005854 But could the practice of armed groups be relevant to the formation of customary rules 2s2Z91jzm2I-00010-00005854-00006218 that bind themselves and other armed groups? 2s2Z91jzm2I-00011-00006420-00006944 Some authors and international tribunals, including the ICTY, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00012-00006944-00007281 have already relied on the practice of armed groups 2s2Z91jzm2I-00013-00007281-00007808 as evidence of the formation of a customary rule applicable to them. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00014-00008118-00008688 However, if we examine the logical foundations of this claim, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00015-00008688-00009298 we can see that it implies that armed groups have an international legal personality 2s2Z91jzm2I-00016-00009298-00009706 and a state-like capacity to create international law. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00017-00009950-00010236 These are very controversial claims. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00018-00010392-00011032 States are strongly opposed to the recognition of such a personality and capacity, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00019-00011032-00011446 while legal scholarship is divided on these questions. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00020-00011628-00011886 The majority of scholars are reluctant 2s2Z91jzm2I-00021-00011886-00012340 to give those groups any capacity to make international law, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00022-00012340-00012940 even if they admit that the groups have a form of international legal personality. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00023-00013168-00013702 In addition, it has been argued that if armed groups can create customary IHL 2s2Z91jzm2I-00024-00013702-00014210 then this may lead to a regression of the current applicable IHL 2s2Z91jzm2I-00025-00014210-00014622 given the inhumane practices of some of those groups. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00026-00014810-00015362 There are therefore several obstacles against including the practice of armed groups 2s2Z91jzm2I-00027-00015362-00016112 in the types of evidence that are considered relevant for the formation of customary IHL rules, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00028-00016112-00016564 even if those rules are only applicable to armed groups. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00029-00016872-00017310 Contrary to armed groups, it is generally admitted that 2s2Z91jzm2I-00030-00017310-00018022 the International Committee of the Red Cross has an international legal personality. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00031-00018190-00018910 The ICRC has a number of specific tasks assigned to it under IHL conventions 2s2Z91jzm2I-00032-00018910-00019130 and its practice is clearly relevant 2s2Z91jzm2I-00033-00019130-00019566 in shaping the customary rules that affect the performance of its tasks. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00034-00019756-00020074 May that practice also count as relevant practice 2s2Z91jzm2I-00035-00020074-00020436 for the formation of customary norms applicable to the States? 2s2Z91jzm2I-00036-00020626-00021092 An affirmative answer has been given by the ICRC itself 2s2Z91jzm2I-00037-00021092-00021296 which has considered (and I quote) 2s2Z91jzm2I-00038-00021452-00021632 "official ICRC statements, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00039-00021632-00021894 in particular appeals and memoranda 2s2Z91jzm2I-00040-00021894-00022206 on respect for international humanitarian law, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00041-00022206-00022450 as relevant practice 2s2Z91jzm2I-00042-00022450-00022806 because the ICRC has international legal personality 2s2Z91jzm2I-00043-00022806-00023120 and because it has received an official mandate 2s2Z91jzm2I-00044-00023120-00023492 from States to work for the faithful application 2s2Z91jzm2I-00045-00023493-00024004 of international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts 2s2Z91jzm2I-00046-00024004-00024388 and to prepare any development thereof". 2s2Z91jzm2I-00047-00024556-00024956 Yet, this remains highly controversial. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00048-00025082-00025836 It is generally admitted that the ICRC practice may contribute to the formation of customary IHL, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00049-00025836-00026318 but in an indirect way by influencing State practice. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00050-00026483-00026730 The ICRC can influence state practice, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00051-00026730-00027186 thus contributing to the development of customary IHL, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00052-00027186-00027532 mainly by triggering State's reaction 2s2Z91jzm2I-00053-00027532-00027748 with regard to its actions. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00054-00027927-00028350 It may also secure more particular concessions, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00055-00028350-00028636 by pressing for the incorporation of its studies 2s2Z91jzm2I-00056-00028636-00028983 on IHL in national instruments, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00057-00028983-00029366 such as military manuals or national legislation. 2s2Z91jzm2I-00058-00029545-00029704 I now invite you to read 2s2Z91jzm2I-00059-00029704-00030102 an excerpt of the ICTY decision in the Tadic case, 2s2Z91jzm2I-00060-00030102-00030308 which goes in that sense. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00000-00000003-00000563 - So Fix and Flip is not really a good strategy for investment in Dubai as of now 2s5PnCkq7KY-00001-00000564-00000999 - and we have plenty of multifamily properties. Don't worry about it. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00002-00001714-00001804 - Hi everyone! 2s5PnCkq7KY-00003-00001804-00002250 - I want to discuss with you today multifamily properties in Dubai 2s5PnCkq7KY-00004-00002272-00002600 - and one strategy, one investment strategy. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00005-00002658-00003229 - So when I receive a request from somebody that they want to buy a multifamily property 2s5PnCkq7KY-00006-00003229-00003856 - I understand that they were doing research and they watched some videos related to the real estate in the United States 2s5PnCkq7KY-00007-00003856-00004392 - because over there they separate properties in the single-family property and the multifamily properties 2s5PnCkq7KY-00008-00004408-00004730 - and it's two different strategies of investment. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00009-00004908-00005392 - So it's easy to understand what is a single-family property. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00010-00005392-00005832 - It's where one family can live and usually, it's a villa. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00011-00005998-00006392 - People who are looking for the multifamily properties, sometimes they get confused. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00012-00006392-00006614 - They don't understand what exactly it is. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00013-00006652-00007258 - So an example of the multifamily property is just a building with the apartments. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00014-00007258-00007870 - So basically 90% of the properties that I am selling is a multifamily property. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00015-00007870-00008200 - It's a building with a lot of units where a lot of families can live in. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00016-00008204-00008714 - The only difference is that in states they have small multifamily properties 2s5PnCkq7KY-00017-00008714-00009130 - where like two, three or four families can stay. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00018-00009148-00009644 - In Dubai, we have it on a little bit bigger scale 2s5PnCkq7KY-00019-00009644-00010062 - but they do exist and don't get confused when you are searching for the multifamily property 2s5PnCkq7KY-00020-00010064-00010276 - and you cannot find anything in Dubai 2s5PnCkq7KY-00021-00010276-00010566 - because we are not using this terminology over here. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00022-00010570-00011064 - Another famous investment strategy that you can find online 2s5PnCkq7KY-00023-00011064-00011534 - and that is related to the United States it's called "Fix and Flip" 2s5PnCkq7KY-00024-00011558-00011690 - And what does it mean? 2s5PnCkq7KY-00025-00011690-00012262 - It means that you're buying a unit, you are making some upgrades over there and you sell it for a higher price. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00026-00012266-00012856 - In Dubai still, it's difficult to use this strategy for investment. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00027-00012912-00013416 - Once again because Dubai is not that old and we don't have that many old properties 2s5PnCkq7KY-00028-00013416-00013966 - where you can change something and make a big difference in the resale. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00029-00013966-00014194 - Even if you take a look at The Springs ... 2s5PnCkq7KY-00030-00014256-00014806 - even there you will not see big returns on invested money in the upgrades. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00031-00014890-00015256 - You can change the kitchen, tiles bathroom, but still, 2s5PnCkq7KY-00032-00015256-00015726 - I don't think it's a good and very profitable investment strategy. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00033-00015726-00016032 - If you are buying it for yourself ... yes, obviously you can do it 2s5PnCkq7KY-00034-00016032-00016362 - and yes, you will sell it higher than your neighbor 2s5PnCkq7KY-00035-00016368-00016932 - but it should not be done in my opinion purely for the investment purpose. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00036-00016932-00017318 - And I have by the way a video with my friend who lives in The Springs 2s5PnCkq7KY-00037-00017318-00017596 - and he has done there fantastic upgrades. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00038-00017596-00017962 - You can take a look most probably it'll be interesting for you. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00039-00017972-00018576 - So Fix and Flip is not really a good strategy for investment in Dubai as of now 2s5PnCkq7KY-00040-00018576-00018994 - and we have plenty of multifamily properties don't worry about it. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00041-00018996-00019410 - Let me know if you have any questions about this terminology 2s5PnCkq7KY-00042-00019410-00019654 - and I'll be happy to answer them in the comments below. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00043-00019654-00019834 - Thank you, and I'll see you in the next video. 2s5PnCkq7KY-00044-00019834-00019890 - Goodbye! 2u5Da9cvMa0-00000-00000551-00000924 What is the most important thing for teachers to understand about teaching listening? 2u5Da9cvMa0-00001-00000924-00001331 Well first, I think we should acknowledge that, no matter whether you are listening 2u5Da9cvMa0-00002-00001331-00001813 to something in your own language or in English, listening can be hard. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00003-00001813-00002298 Cultural and linguistic differences between speakers and listeners can lead to listeners 2u5Da9cvMa0-00004-00002298-00002492 missing the speaker’s message. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00005-00002492-00003041 In a lecture, for example, students can miss the main point when it is stated at the beginning 2u5Da9cvMa0-00006-00003041-00003473 if they are prepared for a discussion leading up to the main point. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00007-00003473-00003932 Or students can get lost in the details in a lecture if they do not recognize the language 2u5Da9cvMa0-00008-00003932-00004221 used to signal important information. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00009-00004221-00004830 So, we need to talk about the organization of information and those linguistic clues 2u5Da9cvMa0-00010-00004830-00005060 in class with our students. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00011-00005060-00005616 A second important thing teachers should know is that there are active listening skills 2u5Da9cvMa0-00012-00005616-00006173 that can be taught, so we should make time in our classes to teach these skills. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00013-00006173-00006590 One important listening skill to teach is how to pay attention. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00014-00006590-00007056 Even if a person physically hears something, unless they attend to the message, they may 2u5Da9cvMa0-00015-00007056-00007384 not “hear” the information. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00016-00007384-00007813 People naturally listen selectively because there is so much to listen to. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00017-00007813-00008337 And also, noise, both external and internal, can distract from listening. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00018-00008337-00008896 Car horns, construction work, a loud radio, or people talking in the next room can affect 2u5Da9cvMa0-00019-00008896-00009172 what people hear. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00020-00009172-00009602 Internal distractions can also affect what listeners hear. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00021-00009602-00010072 Internal distractions come from thinking about a test the next day, worrying about what another 2u5Da9cvMa0-00022-00010072-00010540 person is thinking, or just planning what to say next. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00023-00010540-00011314 A third thing teachers should know is the two main types of listening skills: top-down 2u5Da9cvMa0-00024-00011314-00011664 and bottom-up listening skills. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00025-00011664-00012107 Top-down skills help students to understand main ideas by predicting what they will hear 2u5Da9cvMa0-00026-00012107-00012730 from what they know, what they are hearing, and other cues in the environment. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00027-00012730-00013028 Visual cues typically provide good support. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00028-00013028-00013703 Overall, successful top-down listening gives students that big picture. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00029-00013703-00014186 Bottom-up listening skills help students to de-code information based on the vocabulary 2u5Da9cvMa0-00030-00014186-00014691 and grammar as well as clues in the discourse. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00031-00014691-00015272 Top-down and bottom listening skills work together for successful listening. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00032-00015272-00015890 I use free videos from Ted-Ed on the internet in class to teach students top-down and bottom-up 2u5Da9cvMa0-00033-00015890-00016234 listening with a three-part activity. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00034-00016234-00016751 The three parts are pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00035-00016751-00017348 First for the pre-listening part, I have a class discussion on key vocabulary or relevant 2u5Da9cvMa0-00036-00017348-00017604 grammar points that they will hear. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00037-00017604-00017986 Based on the title and description of the talk, I have them predict what the speaker 2u5Da9cvMa0-00038-00017986-00018227 will say about the topic. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00039-00018227-00018798 Then, in the while-listening part, I stop the video every couple of minutes and ask 2u5Da9cvMa0-00040-00018798-00019287 them to summarize to their partner what the speaker has said so far. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00041-00019287-00019706 This is a good time to also talk with the whole class about words and phrases that they 2u5Da9cvMa0-00042-00019706-00020093 heard but didn’t understand. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00043-00020093-00020587 In the post-listening part, I ask them to summarize the speaker’s main message and 2u5Da9cvMa0-00044-00020587-00020879 provide their opinion on the topic. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00045-00020879-00021390 They can also share their understanding with their partner or with the class. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00046-00021390-00021926 I invite them to ask questions about the content or about the language used in the talk. 2u5Da9cvMa0-00047-00021926-00022554 Overall, the three-parts become a seamless activity for teaching listening with a purpose, 2u5Da9cvMa0-00048-00022554-00022878 using both top-down and bottom-up processing skills. 2xUwGvcxIk4-00000-00000000-00000167 you need different people 2xUwGvcxIk4-00001-00000177-00000401 i.e. you need people different than yourself 2xUwGvcxIk4-00002-00000411-00000626 you're perfect in many areas 2xUwGvcxIk4-00003-00000636-00000747 and you've also got weaknesses 2xUwGvcxIk4-00004-00000757-00000944 and people around compensate for your deficiencies 2xUwGvcxIk4-00005-00000955-00001142 e.g. I enjoy changes 2xUwGvcxIk4-00006-00001152-00001307 and all seems possible to me 2xUwGvcxIk4-00007-00001317-00001602 so usually, to my restructuring projects 2xUwGvcxIk4-00008-00001612-00001753 I invite consultants 2xUwGvcxIk4-00009-00001763-00002050 watching the situation with more distance and criticism 2xUwGvcxIk4-00010-00002055-00002296 thanks to that we are careful in reaching conclusions 2xUwGvcxIk4-00011-00002306-00002500 and the changes are performed with zest 2xUwGvcxIk4-00012-00002510-00002763 I also know a humble entrepreneur 2xUwGvcxIk4-00013-00002773-00002997 sensitive to the needs of the customers 2xUwGvcxIk4-00014-00003007-00003304 who entered a bigger markets just when 2xUwGvcxIk4-00015-00003314-00003522 joined forces with another businessman 2xUwGvcxIk4-00016-00003532-00003719 who was so much focused on his goals 2xUwGvcxIk4-00017-00003729-00003938 that used to disappoint people on his way 2xUwGvcxIk4-00018-00003948-00004126 and now their business has got two legs 2xUwGvcxIk4-00019-00004136-00004402 joined focuses on relations and tasks 2xUwGvcxIk4-00020-00004402-00004643 look around at your coworkers 2xUwGvcxIk4-00021-00004643-00004934 is there anybody who's got what you're missing? 2xUwGvcxIk4-00022-00004944-00005136 if not, then quickly find such a person 2xUwGvcxIk4-00023-00005146-00005433 you'd be annoyed by his behavior and way of speaking 2xUwGvcxIk4-00024-00005443-00005579 but after you get used to each other 2xUwGvcxIk4-00025-00005589-00005758 and watch personal borders in the relationship 2xUwGvcxIk4-00026-00005768-00005962 then you're the strongest team on earth 2xUwGvcxIk4-00027-00005972-00006160 and what'd happen 2xUwGvcxIk4-00028-00006170-00006422 is called synergy 2xUwGvcxIk4-00029-00006520-00006715 must boss be able to anything? 2xUwGvcxIk4-00030-00006715-00006905 it's a trap, in which they often fall into 2xUwGvcxIk4-00031-00006915-00007021 how can you get out of it? 2xUwGvcxIk4-00032-00007021-00007228 focus on your talents 2xUwGvcxIk4-00033-00007238-00007479 discover that what you are made 2xUwGvcxIk4-00034-00007489-00007599 and to do that more 2xUwGvcxIk4-00035-00007609-00007820 and who will do what we do not like? 2xUwGvcxIk4-00036-00007830-00008085 we are bosses to have our teams 2xUwGvcxIk4-00037-00008095-00008491 and thus discover the talents of team members 2xUwGvcxIk4-00038-00008501-00008937 divide tasks so that everyone can work in the field of own strengths 2xUwGvcxIk4-00039-00008947-00009039 could you give an example? 2zg2TOzz26A-00001-00035075-00036278 have a 2zg2TOzz26A-00002-00036278-00037586 nice 2zg2TOzz26A-00003-00037586-00039938 day 2zg2TOzz26A-00004-00039938-00041005 this is so nice 2zg2TOzz26A-00005-00041005-00041105 thank you very much 2zg2TOzz26A-00006-00041105-00041205 um 2zg2TOzz26A-00007-00041205-00041305 disability 2zg2TOzz26A-00008-00041305-00041956 foreign 2zg2TOzz26A-00010-00046287-00046387 foreign 2zg2TOzz26A-00011-00046387-00046487 thank you 2zg2TOzz26A-00012-00046487-00047956 foreign 2zg2TOzz26A-00013-00047956-00048058 hmm 2zg2TOzz26A-00014-00048058-00049352 [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00015-00049352-00050522 come on 2zg2TOzz26A-00016-00050522-00050622 foreign 2zg2TOzz26A-00017-00050622-00051286 oh [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00018-00051286-00051974 [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00019-00051974-00052808 thank you 2zg2TOzz26A-00020-00052808-00052908 oh 2zg2TOzz26A-00021-00052908-00054248 [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00022-00054248-00055164 come on [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00023-00055164-00055280 [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00024-00055280-00055380 foreign 2zg2TOzz26A-00025-00055380-00055510 [Applause] 2zg2TOzz26A-00026-00055510-00055610 thank you buddy 2zg2TOzz26A-00027-00055610-00055710 goodness 2zg2TOzz26A-00028-00055710-00055810 [Music] 2zg2TOzz26A-00029-00055810-00055810 [Music] 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00000-00000016-00000616 Many small businesses don’t get success they want from advertising due to availability of 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00001-00000616-00001328 very little resources. The results are simply flat due to lack of good ideas for improvements. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00002-00001440-00002039 Whether the ads are put in a local newspaper or are printed in the famous periodical or posted 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00003-00002039-00002464 on a website, the money invested should gain the desired outcome. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00004-00002568-00003104 There are some common mistakes small businesses and professional service providers do when 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00005-00003104-00003640 designing and posting the advertisement, which leads to the failure of the advertisement. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00006-00003744-00004384 Bigger is better is believed in by many. That’s exactly what some of the small firms think when 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00007-00004384-00004976 they want to advertise their product. They think bigger and select a medium where they 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00008-00004976-00005704 need to invest a lot of money, but do not reach the targeted market. Like if a company specializes 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00009-00005704-00006240 in designing diet plans and want to help out people who had disappointing results from their 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00010-00006240-00006872 individual diet plans, and the company chooses to advertise a full page in the local paper 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00011-00006872-00007359 instead of running advertisement in a health magazine, obviously not many of 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00012-00007359-00007944 the dieters will notice the advertisement and the advertisement doesn’t get the desired attention. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00013-00008040-00008624 So the point is to come up with the best campaign, which will increase the probability of the ad 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00014-00008624-00009144 getting viewed and the right customers trying to buy the product or sign up for the service. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00015-00009256-00009840 Studies and research can be carried out on the market and targeted audience can be narrowed down. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00016-00009944-00010600 Once getting the list of newspapers, magazines and magazines meant for the customers in mind, 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00017-00010600-00011048 find out how many readers they have and the cost they ask for posting the ad. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00018-00011168-00011744 Special deals are offered by them from time to time and can only be found by watchful eye. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00019-00011848-00012544 It is estimated that everyday people are subjected to around three thousand commercials. That is 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00020-00012544-00013063 a huge number and if someone desires to be noticed, he should certainly be different. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00021-00013176-00013616 Not only the services and product sold should be unique in the market, 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00022-00013616-00014328 so should be the advertisement. For example, if a business selling mattresses says, “We sell 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00023-00014328-00014919 mattresses”, it will not make a statement and will be passed off as any other mattress advertisement. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00024-00015016-00015600 But if they say, “Our mattresses are of the finest quality”, it will make the advertisement 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00025-00015600-00016184 stand out in the crowd. Other catch lines are “Are you suffering from back pain? 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00026-00016240-00016816 Probably you must try our mattresses “, are more specific and will catch the fancy of the people 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00027-00016816-00017488 who are suffering from back pains since a long time. The advertisement should also focus on 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00028-00017488-00017976 the uniqueness of the product and how it is better compared to the competitors’ product. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00029-00018080-00018640 Focusing on the problems of the customers and giving a solution for them, is what a customer 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00030-00018640-00019328 demands. A customer does not buy a product; he buys benefits in the form of a product. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00031-00019432-00019880 The real value of the product should be realized and a clear picture of it 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00032-00019880-00020296 should be presented to the customer so he will be able to relate with the product. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00033-00020400-00020856 If the advertisement doesn’t specify the solution it can provide, 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00034-00020856-00021536 the customers will never know of it. So focusing on the customers problem is what some ads miss. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00035-00021600-00022128 The last thing missing in most of the advertisement is motivation for the customers. 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00036-00022232-00022848 If the advertiser has designed the advertisement and the customer had read the advertisement, 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00037-00022848-00023384 all efforts and money invested will be wasted if he doesn’t get up and do something about 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00038-00023384-00024056 it. It shouldn’t be assumed that the customer knows what to do; instead the advertisement 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00039-00024056-00024656 should influence the mind of the customer and should tell him what to do. Call of action is 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00040-00024656-00025216 the final job of the advertisement. It should call for information, or visiting 2_5pd-o5Y7I-00041-00025216-00026783 the store or even visiting the online store. The message should sound confident and clear. 2Drysim0iIk-00000-00000035-00000325 Today we will be talking about venomous species 2Drysim0iIk-00001-00000325-00000543 and in particular about venomous snakes. 2Drysim0iIk-00002-00000543-00001028 Vasco's Video blog #6: Evolution and distribution of venomous species. 2Drysim0iIk-00003-00001054-00001280 This is actually a video response to a video 2Drysim0iIk-00004-00001280-00001593 made by Derek from Veritasium a few days ago. 2Drysim0iIk-00005-00001594-00001855 And he was asking like some other people 2Drysim0iIk-00006-00001856-00002119 why it looks like that venomous species 2Drysim0iIk-00007-00002119-00002332 are more common on hot countries. 2Drysim0iIk-00008-00002332-00002637 I really think you should check out the original video over here. 2Drysim0iIk-00009-00002637-00002744 Its really cool. 2Drysim0iIk-00010-00002744-00003027 Derek starts of the video by showing a map 2Drysim0iIk-00011-00003028-00003382 which shows the hot areas on this earth and the cold ones. 2Drysim0iIk-00012-00003382-00003878 And then he also made a map indicating the number of venomous species per country. 2Drysim0iIk-00013-00003878-00004048 However, the problem with this approach 2Drysim0iIk-00014-00004048-00004553 the data is not normalised for the total number of species found in each country. 2Drysim0iIk-00015-00004554-00005061 Because the general trend, from the poles to the equator, you will find more and more species 2Drysim0iIk-00016-00005060-00005322 so the biodiversity is increasing. 2Drysim0iIk-00017-00005323-00005602 This of cause is not the case for all regions 2Drysim0iIk-00018-00005603-00005936 so in a desert you wound find so much animals. 2Drysim0iIk-00019-00005935-00006079 But its a gerneral trend. 2Drysim0iIk-00020-00006081-00006290 As Derek later points out in his video 2Drysim0iIk-00021-00006291-00006843 there is no real trend with temperature and the number of venomous species found in a country. 2Drysim0iIk-00022-00006844-00007285 However I still would like to criticise some problems with this approach. 2Drysim0iIk-00023-00007285-00007607 One big issue is the counting by country borders, 2Drysim0iIk-00024-00007609-00008090 If you just count the number of venomous inside one particular country. 2Drysim0iIk-00025-00008089-00008556 because the distribution of a species goes across the border of contries. 2Drysim0iIk-00026-00008556-00008938 If you want to find a trend in the distribution of venomous species 2Drysim0iIk-00027-00008938-00009253 you should rather look at climate zones. 2Drysim0iIk-00028-00009254-00009744 So as you see here on the map you have the tropics and deserts and tundra and so on. 2Drysim0iIk-00029-00009745-00009902 And most of the time 2Drysim0iIk-00030-00009903-00010359 species have a specific habitat that lies somewhere in those regions, 2Drysim0iIk-00031-00010357-00010676 or you might even want to break it down further in more detail. 2Drysim0iIk-00032-00010675-00011172 By looking at those climate regions you might be able to find a trend at all. 2Drysim0iIk-00033-00011173-00011409 I'm not sure if someone has really done this, 2Drysim0iIk-00034-00011408-00011750 but I think it might be worth a try to do some research on this. 2Drysim0iIk-00035-00011750-00012115 I think the biggest challenge if you want to do some research on this 2Drysim0iIk-00036-00012115-00012539 would be to get reliable data, and also you need to have quite a lot of data. 2Drysim0iIk-00037-00012537-00012887 Another problem is, if you count the number of different species 2Drysim0iIk-00038-00012889-00013572 I would say you should rather take a look at the number of independent evolutions of venomous species. 2Drysim0iIk-00039-00013573-00013983 For example if we have one snake and it evolves a very strong venom 2Drysim0iIk-00040-00013984-00014427 it might have an advantage compared to other non venomous snakes. 2Drysim0iIk-00041-00014429-00015094 Our one venomous "hero" snake will flurish and expand its range across a big landscape 2Drysim0iIk-00042-00015094-00015548 and then it might happen that this species might split into several species 2Drysim0iIk-00043-00015550-00016137 if you differentiate into different niches and you have some evolutionary factors going on. 2Drysim0iIk-00044-00016138-00016544 So this could have happened a few million years ago or even longer. 2Drysim0iIk-00045-00016544-00016961 And today we take a look and we find 5 snake species, 2Drysim0iIk-00046-00016963-00017179 who have all evolved this venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00047-00017179-00017482 But in fact it was just one ancestor species. 2Drysim0iIk-00048-00017484-00017949 So we really should take a look at the relatedness of the venomous species 2Drysim0iIk-00049-00017951-00018204 and see if they all have one common (venomous) ancestor 2Drysim0iIk-00050-00018204-00018731 because then I would rather count them as "one" rather than 5 different venomous species. 2Drysim0iIk-00051-00018733-00018960 Because once you have evolved a venom 2Drysim0iIk-00052-00018960-00019421 its quite easy to radiate and split into different species. 2Drysim0iIk-00053-00019421-00019736 I would take a look at the species histories 2Drysim0iIk-00054-00019738-00020108 and look for points where the venom has actually evolved. 2Drysim0iIk-00055-00020108-00020795 This way we might be able to find some ecosystem where venomous species are more likely to evolve 2Drysim0iIk-00056-00020795-00021480 and we can find the mechanisms that lead to those evolutions more frequently, if there are any at all. 2Drysim0iIk-00057-00021482-00022093 In the last part of the video Derek is talking with experts about snakes in Australia. 2Drysim0iIk-00058-00022097-00022400 They were wondering why some snakes are really venomous 2Drysim0iIk-00059-00022400-00022865 so if you get bitten you very certain will die, and some 2Drysim0iIk-00060-00022867-00023458 are just not so venomous, so if they bite you it hurts but you will survive for sure. 2Drysim0iIk-00061-00023458-00023758 So how can it be that some snakes are very venomous 2Drysim0iIk-00062-00023757-00024147 and some others are not, and they live in the same area. 2Drysim0iIk-00063-00024151-00024655 I think that the snake and predator interaction could be the answer to this question. 2Drysim0iIk-00064-00024655-00025005 We have here our venomous snake ant its predator. 2Drysim0iIk-00065-00025005-00025303 Lets just assume its a fox for example. 2Drysim0iIk-00066-00025303-00025591 And now they will engage in a dramatic fight 2Drysim0iIk-00067-00025591-00025812 and there are basically two options: 2Drysim0iIk-00068-00025814-00026178 The venomous snake will manage to bite the fox 2Drysim0iIk-00069-00026178-00026564 and the fox will die because the snake is very venomous 2Drysim0iIk-00070-00026566-00026828 or the fox will eat the snake. 2Drysim0iIk-00071-00026828-00027093 But if we now take a look at the same situation 2Drysim0iIk-00072-00027095-00027348 with the snake that is not very venomous. 2Drysim0iIk-00073-00027348-00027726 If this one bites you, it just hurts a lot. 2Drysim0iIk-00074-00027726-00027972 It can go two ways again: 2Drysim0iIk-00075-00027974-00028586 First the fox can still eat you, because you as a snake are not skilled enough to defend your self. 2Drysim0iIk-00076-00028586-00028999 But if you are a very good snake, you might be able to bite the fox. 2Drysim0iIk-00077-00028998-00029436 Now the fox will be in a lot of pain, but hey, it will survive. 2Drysim0iIk-00078-00029437-00029924 But I think foxes are quit clever, so this one fox that you have bitten 2Drysim0iIk-00079-00029924-00030351 he will be for sure remembering that you are a very nasty snake 2Drysim0iIk-00080-00030355-00030695 to attack you can result in a lot of pain, so 2Drysim0iIk-00081-00030695-00030964 I think maybe next time he will avoid you. 2Drysim0iIk-00082-00030963-00031189 So by not killing of you predator 2Drysim0iIk-00083-00031189-00031568 you introduce some kind of learning effect into our fox. 2Drysim0iIk-00084-00031570-00032225 I think after a few engagements the fox will quickly learn that its not worth attacking you as a snake. 2Drysim0iIk-00085-00032224-00032553 The big problem is however if you are very venomous 2Drysim0iIk-00086-00032553-00032807 that the fox has no chance to learn 2Drysim0iIk-00087-00032806-00033131 he will eat you or he will die. 2Drysim0iIk-00088-00033131-00033460 Of cause a lot of factors play into those interactions 2Drysim0iIk-00089-00033460-00033784 and this is dramatically oversimplified. 2Drysim0iIk-00090-00033784-00034169 If this system works for you as a not so much venomous snake 2Drysim0iIk-00091-00034169-00034429 depends of cause on your predators. 2Drysim0iIk-00092-00034431-00034775 And it even could benefit you as a non venomous snake. 2Drysim0iIk-00093-00034777-00035073 Because some predators might avoid all snakes 2Drysim0iIk-00094-00035073-00035395 and not differenciate between different kind of snakes. 2Drysim0iIk-00095-00035397-00035580 The next strange thing was, 2Drysim0iIk-00096-00035582-00036052 Why would a snake that is venomous actually lose its venom 2Drysim0iIk-00097-00036052-00036273 and became a non venomous snake? 2Drysim0iIk-00098-00036277-00036917 Because you would think its kind of advantageous and you don't have a lot of cost producing the venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00099-00036921-00037207 So why would a snake evolve this way? 2Drysim0iIk-00100-00037209-00037424 Because they talked in the video about 2Drysim0iIk-00101-00037426-00038013 how a lot of snakes in Australia are now non venomous but had venomous ancestors. 2Drysim0iIk-00102-00038012-00038388 I think the answer to this problem is relatively simple. 2Drysim0iIk-00103-00038387-00038917 You can afford to louse your venom if you don't have the problem with predators. 2Drysim0iIk-00104-00038916-00039307 Or maybe you change your behaviour or your home range 2Drysim0iIk-00105-00039307-00039822 or you change some factor that allows you to survive even if you are not venomous. 2Drysim0iIk-00106-00039827-00040703 This could be the case for example, if the predators around you avoid all snakes completely because of your venomous friends. 2Drysim0iIk-00107-00040703-00041352 However its not like snakes choose to not be venomous any more, this of cause has to evolve. 2Drysim0iIk-00108-00041354-00041870 And the thing with venom, even if its not very costly you still need to produce you venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00109-00041870-00042471 And for that you need a blue print, like a cookbook that tells you how to make this delicious venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00110-00042473-00043091 And every snake is very lucky to have blue prints to produce the venom, and this is the DNA. 2Drysim0iIk-00111-00043091-00043826 I would assume that quite a lot of different pathways and enzymes are needed to create these venoms. 2Drysim0iIk-00112-00043830-00044190 And the big problem is, that if something in the pathway mutates 2Drysim0iIk-00113-00044190-00044465 that you can't maintain the pathways any more 2Drysim0iIk-00114-00044465-00044835 so its kind of an error in your enzyme and it stops working. 2Drysim0iIk-00115-00044835-00045381 So if you have a mutation on the wrong point in your DNA you will lose your venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00116-00045381-00045656 This is kind of a problem if you need your venom. 2Drysim0iIk-00117-00045658-00046289 If you have predators that are attacking you, and you really need to be a venomous snake to defend against them. 2Drysim0iIk-00118-00046293-00046531 However if you don't have this pressure 2Drysim0iIk-00119-00046531-00046890 if you don't have the pressure by predators or some other factors 2Drysim0iIk-00120-00046890-00047146 to really keep your poisonousness 2Drysim0iIk-00121-00047150-00047573 mutations in genes responsible for your venom pathways 2Drysim0iIk-00122-00047577-00047758 will really quickly laed 2Drysim0iIk-00123-00047760-00047949 to a non venomous snake. 2Drysim0iIk-00124-00047953-00048505 So those were just some ideas, some hypothesis that might explain the patterns we find. 2Drysim0iIk-00125-00048505-00048869 Or maybe I'm completely wrong, I'm not a snake expert. 2Drysim0iIk-00126-00048871-00049115 But make sure to let me know in the comments below 2Drysim0iIk-00127-00049115-00049487 what you think about it or maybe post you own theories 2Drysim0iIk-00128-00049487-00049981 As always, thanks for watching. I see you next time. Bye bye. 2Drysim0iIk-00129-00049983-00050432 Next week I will be talking about dinosaurs and why they went extinct 2Drysim0iIk-00130-00050432-00050938 however I can only do this if I can get behind the paywall of the magazine Science, 2Drysim0iIk-00131-00050937-00051281 because there was a nice paper published a few days ago 2Drysim0iIk-00132-00051283-00051602 and I need to se if I can get a hold of it some how. 2Drysim0iIk-00133-00051603-00051814 So until next week, bye bye! 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00000-00000040-00000660 Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday shave of the day! Hey Eric here with Adventures 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00001-00000660-00001204 In Wet Shaving and welcome back if this is your first time here your interesting 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00002-00001204-00001657 learning how to straight razor shave go ahead and hit that subscribe button then 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00003-00001657-00002125 click on the bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos that way 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00004-00002125-00002803 you won't miss a thing now tonight I started with Proraso green and this is 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00005-00002803-00003504 the pre-shave this is eucalyptus and menthol wonderful absolutely fabulous 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00006-00003504-00004348 one of my favorite and then for our razor tonight I am using my zy 430 and 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00007-00004348-00005148 now this is just a wonderful razor that's faux wood that is probably a half 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00008-00005148-00005955 hollow and it is a fine shaver yes it is now for our soap tonight 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00009-00005955-00006498 we're using Proraso green this is going to be a Totally Proraso 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00010-00006498-00007663 green shave yes it is alright now for a brush we're using the Omega 10098 all 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00011-00007663-00008305 right now of course I had that soap blooming so we're going to pour that off and 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00012-00008305-00008743 I'm gonna put that on a pre-shave as well you know anything you can do to 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00013-00008743-00009426 help your pre-shave and hydrate those whiskers is good 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00014-00010475-00011814 all right there we go okay now if the rest of water around that brush or at 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00015-00011814-00012417 least most of it all right yeah there you go we're gonna load up that for us 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00016-00012417-00013094 so we made it to Wednesday how you doing I hope you are well and 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00017-00013094-00013526 the world's treat me good and you're in high spirits yep 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00018-00013526-00014108 and hopefully the weather is doing okay wherever it is you are as well 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00019-00014108-00014859 but anyway tell me about your shaves how these shades been hopefully you're 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00020-00014859-00015636 having good shakes yeah yeah that is always good you know and maybe even 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00021-00015636-00016625 great shades right yeah all right so we're getting there on loading this up 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00022-00016625-00017559 now for the question of the day here it is all right why shave with a straight 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00023-00017559-00018291 razor all right go ahead in the comments leave me your answer because I'm really 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00024-00018291-00018672 interested in this one I want to know what you think 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00025-00018672-00019092 why shave with a straight razor that's it question of the day 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00026-00019092-00020109 all right now I think we should be fine one that so so let me get that bowl 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00027-00020109-00021435 cleaned up yeah we'll go from there all right yeah put that extra would get her 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00028-00021435-00022401 to think oh it is eucalyptus and menthol nice nice I really like it they do I 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00029-00022401-00023179 like the combination we this look at that oh yeah let's get 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00030-00023179-00024868 our lather on all right nice okay yeah so it's the midweek shave Wednesday 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00031-00024868-00025537 shape of the day wonderful Wednesday mm-hmm yeah that means we're halfway 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00032-00025537-00025845 through the week now much closer to the weekend 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00033-00025845-00026877 nice oh wow you're right yeah making a mess this handles a little 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00034-00026877-00028633 slippery today paresseux is a panel based soap and it is slick enough 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00035-00028633-00028964 without a doubt 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00036-00030141-00031052 there we go yeah let me just try to dry the handle off just a little bit 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00037-00031052-00032038 hopefully that will help we will see on the next pass all right so this is Pat's 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00038-00032038-00032790 one which is primarily with the grain let's do it 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00039-00033858-00036122 now this is the blade we refreshed the other day with chromebox in a strop so 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00040-00036122-00036771 you click right up here I will go ahead and link that video for you so you can 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00041-00036771-00037115 check it out all right 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00042-00044315-00045306 nice yep good so really is in wonderful combination really enjoyed the yep 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00043-00045306-00045557 mental 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00044-00050951-00051835 all right nice now just to let you know I do shape of the day videos on 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00045-00051835-00052697 Wednesdays and Sundays so check those out all right that way you'll know the 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00046-00052697-00052990 schedule okay 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00047-00061590-00062563 right now for me the reason why I shave with the straight razor is I used to 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00048-00062563-00063154 shave all the time with a electric razor and just it never worked for me really 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00049-00063154-00063907 well and I tried de and it was okay but I want to do something different so I 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00050-00063907-00064750 went with the straight razor yeah for me it was a no-brainer but it's something I 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00051-00064750-00065241 just enjoy and I thought it'd be a great hobby as well 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00052-00066783-00067846 Ron ass one complete I also seem to be able to get better shave with a straight 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00053-00067846-00068889 razor yeah I don't know about you but that's what it works for me oh nice 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00054-00068889-00070831 alright good pass really good pass yeah okay yeah that's two I also do his 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00055-00070831-00071665 straight razor edge Friday specials on the first and third Friday of every 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00056-00071665-00072436 month so go ahead and check those out as well and you can also find a whole bunch 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00057-00072436-00073111 of those in the description of this video and you know I've got playlists 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00058-00073111-00073629 and and all of that so you can find something that you really interested in 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00059-00073629-00074055 and check it out yeah 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00060-00076058-00077060 the antastic lather really is okay now this is past two which is primarily 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00061-00077060-00077606 going to be cross the ground my neck here against screen here and against the 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00062-00077606-00077992 grain on my cheeks all right 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00063-00079256-00079462 you 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00064-00079481-00079687 you 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00065-00085356-00086807 here we go nice hi now we're switching hands get this other side 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00066-00091039-00091907 looks like I made a hit a little bump so let's just put some soap on that I'll 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00067-00091907-00092950 take care of that yep no big deal you're right 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00068-00094390-00094596 you 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00069-00095589-00096489 yeah it looks like I probably missed where that spot was there we go that 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00070-00096489-00096992 should get enough that I'll take care of it 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00071-00098512-00099150 nice okay well when that menthol is brilliant 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00072-00099150-00099699 really enjoy that you have a nice menthol here 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00073-00099699-00100347 my girl there's nose switching hands again 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00074-00110220-00111064 nice okay did that razor cleaned off 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00075-00113047-00114077 yeah that's a really good shape alright now I'll get that cleaned off see how a 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00076-00114077-00115006 bit oh yeah oh that's nice 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00077-00115039-00116219 yeah those cheeks are right where we need them yep that's good all right now 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00078-00116219-00117047 time for the half pass now that's gonna be my jaw line in my neck okay now I 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00079-00117047-00117704 have found I do not need the three pass shave I can get away with the two and a 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00080-00117704-00118496 half my cheeks are good and I don't need to go there so now what we're gonna do 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00081-00118496-00119519 this is going to mainly be excuse me a against the grain all right 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00082-00119519-00120211 yeah it's gonna do it for me yeah it's gonna I'm going to get as good a shape 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00083-00120211-00121447 as I need or probably even walk better and it'll be perfect now let's do this 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00084-00128976-00130205 oh very nice oh yeah very nice very nice preaching preaching 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00085-00130908-00131115 you 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00086-00135251-00136083 nice and now this is weight of the blade only two by the way you don't need to 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00087-00136083-00136334 force that 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00088-00137874-00138292 let that blade do all the work 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00089-00139609-00140257 and just stretch there you go another shave and the books yes sir 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00090-00140257-00141337 nice let's go ahead and get that washed off mmm oh yeah oh very nice very very 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00091-00141337-00143587 nice good chef Wow all right so now Ellie everywhere go ahead and dry that 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00092-00143587-00144504 off nice nice all right now for aftershave lotion 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00093-00144504-00145422 tonight we're using paresseux green it's a totally / a so green shave yes it is 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00094-00145422-00147148 excellent so now somebody and and this is good Wow excellent Nellie you keep 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00095-00147148-00147751 stop there you could we're not going through but you could all right 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00096-00147751-00148522 I am going to top this off with paresseux green and this is the bomb and 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00097-00148522-00149467 it is excellent I like bombs and I think they really do a good job on the skin so 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00098-00149467-00150696 we're gonna top off with that that's how we're going to finish oh nice 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00099-00150717-00151393 it just finishes off that skin so wonderfully alright hey thank you so 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00100-00151393-00151855 much for stopping by really appreciate in all you do for me click right up here 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00101-00151855-00152329 to see a full shave from pre shaved post shave everything in-between 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00102-00152329-00152800 all right click here to see my latest video click 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00103-00152800-00153259 the video especially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00104-00153259-00153667 comment share this video with your friends have a great shave and a good 2FJ_6rd1OZM-00105-00153667-00154290 day and I will see you next time on adventures in wet shaving 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00000-00000443-00001023 we've often heard the word terroir terroir is a French term for sense of 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00001-00001023-00001952 place and the uniqueness that a site might give a particular variety in in in 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00002-00001952-00002463 difference of flavor profiles or chemical differences there and this 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00003-00002463-00003081 comes after hundreds if not thousands of years of winemaking in similar sites and 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00004-00003081-00003468 Zinfandel is really unique in California and I firmly believe this I've been 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00005-00003468-00004157 making Zinfandel since about 2000 my mentors were actually on the Zap board 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00006-00004157-00004598 and they told me if we're not gonna make good wine why bother but this is what 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00007-00004598-00005096 makes Zinfandel great but Zinfandel has a long history in California it's been 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00008-00005096-00005519 planted in California since the 1850s it's one of California's original 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00009-00005519-00006005 varieties and in Wow we haven't been making wine here for thousands of years 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00010-00006005-00006332 we have been making wine here for a hundred and fifty years and Zinfandel is 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00011-00006332-00006831 one of these unique varieties that has been planted throughout California in 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00012-00006831-00007365 different regions of California that do Express different characters based on 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00013-00007365-00007829 the sights that it has grown whether this translates directly to tell waar 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00014-00007829-00008354 I'm just a humble winemaker and it's my opinion I will and there's a researcher 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00015-00008354-00008754 I will more classify those as differences terroir takes many many 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00016-00008754-00009303 years to to understand that develop in California's history with Zinfandel I 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00017-00009303-00009782 think we're approaching some of that some of those milestones 2G6Fd1d3n5u-00018-00009852-00010057 you 2GYdU6acbXk-00000-00001304-00001918 Hi, my name is Spencer Jardine and this tutorial today is talking about how to 2GYdU6acbXk-00001-00001918-00002308 find a book on the shelves how to check it out and how to return it when you're 2GYdU6acbXk-00002-00002308-00003204 done when you come to use the computers in the library make sure that you use 2GYdU6acbXk-00003-00003204-00003603 your ISU ID number and last name to log in first thing you'd want to do is 2GYdU6acbXk-00004-00003603-00004185 to come to that ISU home page isu.edu/library then you can use the 2GYdU6acbXk-00005-00004185-00004596 catalog here's a tab that says books and more and if you click search it takes 2GYdU6acbXk-00006-00004596-00004962 you into the catalog if I were interested in learning more about face 2GYdU6acbXk-00007-00004962-00005748 book I could enter a keyword such as Facebook and if I scroll down I can look 2GYdU6acbXk-00008-00005748-00006376 at the titles that come up if I wanted to check this book out Facebook for 2GYdU6acbXk-00009-00006376-00006886 dummies I would need to look at the library location it says it's on the 2GYdU6acbXk-00010-00006886-00007351 second floor make sure to look at the status the status will tell you if a 2GYdU6acbXk-00011-00007351-00007804 book is not checked out and if it says not checked out that means it should be 2GYdU6acbXk-00012-00007804-00008326 on the shelf it also need to write down the call number TK five one zero five 2GYdU6acbXk-00013-00008326-00008929 point eight eight dot eight two for 2008 and then it could go to the second floor 2GYdU6acbXk-00014-00008929-00009249 and find it there 2GYdU6acbXk-00015-00009370-00009879 make sure to write down the call number so you don't forget it 2GYdU6acbXk-00016-00010011-00010544 in the stairwell on the second floor you can look at the map to orient yourself 2GYdU6acbXk-00017-00010544-00011050 this can help you know where you need to go to find your book the books are 2GYdU6acbXk-00018-00011050-00011554 organized by topic and then they're given call numbers the call numbers are 2GYdU6acbXk-00019-00011554-00012100 organized alphabetically from A to Z so make sure to look at the labels on the 2GYdU6acbXk-00020-00012100-00012695 tops of the ceilings and on the columns here are the t's let's turn left to find 2GYdU6acbXk-00021-00012695-00013363 the T case and then look at the range of call numbers on at the end of each set 2GYdU6acbXk-00022-00013363-00013738 of she'll call number ranges will help you know what shelf you need to look at 2GYdU6acbXk-00023-00013738-00014333 remember our call number is TK five one zero five so that's the number we need 2GYdU6acbXk-00024-00014333-00014713 to find in the set of range numbers 2GYdU6acbXk-00025-00014840-00015556 I'll make sure to look at the labels on the edges of the books okay here it is 2GYdU6acbXk-00026-00015556-00016379 let's go check it out at the circulation desk remember you have to have your ISU 2GYdU6acbXk-00027-00016379-00016729 ID card to check out books 2GYdU6acbXk-00028-00016880-00017414 all undergraduate students can check out 35 books at a time you can also renew 2GYdU6acbXk-00029-00017414-00018856 books twice return the book or renew it online before the due date 2GYdU6acbXk-00030-00020637-00020843 you 2H7UtOPKDVM-00000-00000000-00000360 COLD BREW IS NOT ICED COFFEE 2IyQn_b9Av0-00000-00000007-00000490 If style with ease was a human being, it would definitely be Pusha T. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00001-00000490-00001054 When you start listening to his new record "It's almost dry" at first it seems like Pusha's 2IyQn_b9Av0-00002-00001054-00001212 playing it way too safe. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00003-00001212-00001905 He sticks to his usual formula, delivers classic coke bars and apart from a couple of new artists 2IyQn_b9Av0-00004-00001905-00002509 he brings his frequent collaborators with whom he has been working for a decade. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00005-00002509-00003002 But once you stop comparing this project to Daytona and accept it in its entity, you'll 2IyQn_b9Av0-00006-00003002-00003550 get the point..."It's almost dry" is an exhibition of Pusha T's development, his discography 2IyQn_b9Av0-00007-00003550-00003752 turning points and career peaks. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00008-00003752-00004374 Hello, rap children, now Rappostle is breakin down It's almost dry. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00009-00004374-00005350 - Half-Pharell, half Kanye production embodies different eras and different approaches, which 2IyQn_b9Av0-00010-00005350-00005593 have been proven through the years. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00011-00005593-00006187 Since 1994 Pharrell Williams was the main producer for Clipse, duo consisting of Pusha 2IyQn_b9Av0-00012-00006187-00006378 T and his brother Malice. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00013-00006378-00007359 With Pharrell Pusha earned first Billboard number 1 single, got signed to a label and 2IyQn_b9Av0-00014-00007359-00007573 co-wroted Mcdonalds jingle. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00015-00007573-00008164 Percussion-heavy and full of memorable guitar riffs Pharrell's production became a household 2IyQn_b9Av0-00016-00008164-00008419 name. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00017-00008419-00009143 It's easy to distinguish his work on the new project: hard-hitting drums have familiar 2IyQn_b9Av0-00018-00009143-00009568 groovy patterns and spacey synths make the melodies sound futuristic. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00019-00009568-00011270 Pharell's beats are simultaneously tensed and laid back which gave Pusha space for experiments 2IyQn_b9Av0-00020-00011270-00011954 with his voice cadences and let him use his charisma in full 2IyQn_b9Av0-00021-00011954-00012954 On the other hand there is Kanye West who has been helping Pusha to establish his solo 2IyQn_b9Av0-00022-00012954-00013129 career since 2010. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00023-00013129-00013663 Kanye let him shine on iconic Runaway and solely produced critically acclaimed project 2IyQn_b9Av0-00024-00013663-00013763 Daytona. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00025-00013763-00014372 On the contrary of Pharell's composing style Kanye's approach is similar to collage technique. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00026-00014372-00015019 Through chopping samples Ye blends the genres and transforms classic soul records into earworm 2IyQn_b9Av0-00027-00015019-00016476 tunes, or makes them act as choruses on their own . 2IyQn_b9Av0-00028-00016476-00016995 Compared to Daytona Kanye's production on a new project is more subtle but it's definitely 2IyQn_b9Av0-00029-00016995-00017109 a highlight here. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00030-00017109-00018297 With "Just so you remember" Kanye delivers an epic villain theme song which also reminds 2IyQn_b9Av0-00031-00018297-00018926 us of Pusha's eternal love for weird percussion joints. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00032-00018926-00019658 He's also featured on a couple of tracks, but the real shining moment for Kanye on a 2IyQn_b9Av0-00033-00019658-00020481 record is Diet coke. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00034-00020481-00020981 Built upon catchy piano loop and Fat Joe vocal samples this instrumental was actually made 2IyQn_b9Av0-00035-00020981-00021163 20 years ago. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00036-00021163-00021750 That's why it feels like a classic coke rap cut of Raekwon's Only built 4 cuban links, 2IyQn_b9Av0-00037-00021750-00022333 beloved by Pusha. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00038-00022333-00022928 Somehow even after a decade Pusha still manages to make his coke rap sound entertaining, full 2IyQn_b9Av0-00039-00022928-00024303 of double entendres and funny comparisons. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00040-00024303-00024763 Pusha's previous collab with Kanye and Cudi "Feel the love" was the strongest release 2IyQn_b9Av0-00041-00024763-00025693 of energy and unlike high anticipation I didn’t like "rock n roll" much. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00042-00025693-00026207 Kanye's verse seemed poorly mixed and low-effort, Cudi's chorus and Beyonce sample wasn’t 2IyQn_b9Av0-00043-00026207-00026832 to my taste. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00044-00026832-00027319 There are also Don Toliver and Lil Uzi who never collabed with Pusha before. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00045-00027319-00027864 They definitely refreshed the sound, but sadly their parts took the majority of timing and 2IyQn_b9Av0-00046-00027864-00028669 Pusha became a feature on his own track. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00047-00028669-00030214 As a strong lyricist Pusha T finds worthy ally in a figure of Jay Z. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00048-00030214-00030639 Previously he wrote brilliant guest verse on "Drug dealers anonymous" and on now he 2IyQn_b9Av0-00049-00030639-00031302 dived into introspection on "Neck and Wrist", giving clever respond to criticisisms of his 2IyQn_b9Av0-00050-00031302-00031677 lifestyle. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00051-00031677-00032252 Sonically and contextually suprising moment on the whole record is "I pray for you" featuring 2IyQn_b9Av0-00052-00032252-00032441 Labrinth and Pusha' brother. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00053-00032441-00033052 Supported by gospel production Malice speaks on his conversion to christianity and leaving 2IyQn_b9Av0-00054-00033052-00033582 a rap game without being defeated. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00055-00033582-00034463 Pusha's reminiscence about Clipse era and rapping about his newborn son makes "I pray 2IyQn_b9Av0-00056-00034463-00034956 for you" his most personal record to date. 2IyQn_b9Av0-00057-00034956-00035835 You may like it more or less than Daytona or any Clipse project but It's almost dry 2IyQn_b9Av0-00058-00035835-00036449 contains all at once and perfectly shows consistency and longevity of Pusha T. 2LsveXFkPgo-00000-00000050-00000509 So the landing force for Exercise TALISMAN SABER about 800, mainly soldiers 2LsveXFkPgo-00001-00000509-00000800 shows in this exercise that we have reached a very 2LsveXFkPgo-00002-00000800-00001260 significant capability milestone as part of an amphibiously capable army. 2LsveXFkPgo-00003-00001260-00001580 Our soldiers have the ability to insert into secure 2LsveXFkPgo-00004-00001580-00001880 objectives on land from ships at sea. 2LsveXFkPgo-00005-00001880-00002140 That's a very difficult and complex thing to do 2LsveXFkPgo-00006-00002140-00002400 but that comes at the end of many years of 2LsveXFkPgo-00007-00002400-00002760 capability decisions and development to get to a point 2LsveXFkPgo-00008-00002760-00002990 where on this exercise we'll be able to achieve an 2LsveXFkPgo-00009-00002990-00003400 Amphibious Ready Unit capability milestone for the Australian Defence Force. 2LsveXFkPgo-00010-00003429-00003732 We've got a platform now that can deliver quite a 2LsveXFkPgo-00011-00003732-00004130 significant amount of both air mobile operations at the 2LsveXFkPgo-00012-00004130-00004530 same time that can actually deliver surface enablers. 2LsveXFkPgo-00013-00004530-00004880 In previous times we haven't had that ability 2LsveXFkPgo-00014-00004880-00005270 so what it means is that you have that true principle of 2LsveXFkPgo-00015-00005270-00005620 amphibious operations which is flexibility 2LsveXFkPgo-00016-00005620-00005944 and the ability to project power from the sea. 2LsveXFkPgo-00017-00006020-00006470 With something that I think we all feel very, very proud to be part of. 2LsveXFkPgo-00018-00006470-00006820 We are now able to conduct this at a scale and a complexity that 2LsveXFkPgo-00019-00006820-00007090 would not have been foreseen just a few years ago. 2LsveXFkPgo-00020-00007090-00007450 So for us to be able to launch this operation on D-Day 2LsveXFkPgo-00021-00007450-00007780 we all feel that we're part of something very special. 2NE8hlz9Hko-00000-00000936-00001525 Another thing that I have actually seen with barbers... most of the time they are using 2NE8hlz9Hko-00001-00001525-00002009 little strokes. And that's actually really good, but if you learn to use the whole blade, 2NE8hlz9Hko-00002-00002009-00002442 it's going to be better for your hand. You're going to cover more surface area, you're going 2NE8hlz9Hko-00003-00002442-00003043 to use the entire blade, and it's going to feel more natural to your hand because if 2NE8hlz9Hko-00004-00003043-00003603 you think about it, if you're going up and down, up and down, that's a lot of stress 2NE8hlz9Hko-00005-00003603-00004294 on your wrist and on your fingers. If you start by doing one small stroke, and then 2NE8hlz9Hko-00006-00004294-00004748 the second one or third one will be more of a semi-circle, you're going to cover more 2NE8hlz9Hko-00007-00004748-00005655 of that area, and it's going to be better for you. It's going to feel natural. The client 2NE8hlz9Hko-00008-00005655-00006084 is not going to think that you're going over too many times. So once again, you clean the 2NE8hlz9Hko-00009-00006084-00006668 area and then you turn it, and that actually is going to be better for you to remove more 2NE8hlz9Hko-00010-00006668-00006768 hair faster. 2NE8hlz9Hko-00011-00006768-00007283 Okay, basically, I'm going to show you, on my face, how to do it. You have to understand 2NE8hlz9Hko-00012-00007283-00007834 that this is the biggest, the more open surface. So when you come down, you clean up a little 2NE8hlz9Hko-00013-00007834-00008582 bit and then you turn it. And that actually covers about one-third, or actually half of 2NE8hlz9Hko-00014-00008582-00009229 the face. And then, the second one is from here, through this area. So you cut from here 2NE8hlz9Hko-00015-00009229-00009995 out a little bit, and then you come this way. So by doing those two movements, it's going 2NE8hlz9Hko-00016-00009995-00010459 to cover more area. It's going to feel more soft for the client. You're going to be more 2NE8hlz9Hko-00017-00010459-00011079 in control because, think about it, the more you put on it (once again, it goes back to 2NE8hlz9Hko-00018-00011079-00011524 delivering a more comfortable shave) the more you're doing it, you're putting more pressure 2NE8hlz9Hko-00019-00011524-00011928 and you're removing more layers of dead cells. So once again, it's better just to clean up 2NE8hlz9Hko-00020-00011928-00012504 where you're going to be starting, and then you go with a long stroke. And that's one 2NE8hlz9Hko-00021-00012504-00013064 of the reasons, also, that you have to use a high-quality razor because you cannot accomplish 2NE8hlz9Hko-00022-00013064-00013569 that... The cheap ones are not heavy, they are not sharp enough, so you have to understand 2NE8hlz9Hko-00023-00013569-00013979 that using the right product and the right technique, it's actually better in the long 2NE8hlz9Hko-00024-00013979-00014004 run. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00000-00000000-00001100 use case, repository, interface, presenter, stroller. If you never heard these words, the code is not as clean as you think. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00001-00001900-00002700 Hello people and welcome to a new episode about Flutter. In today's chapter we are going to start to see a little what is Clean Architecture applied to Flutter. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00002-00002700-00003800 Clean Architecture is an architecture pattern proposed by Uncle Bob Martin, who has as premise to structure our code in layers that will interact with each other. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00003-00003800-00004700 The main goal is to be able to have a code that is easy to reuse, extend and above all to test automatically. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00004-00004700-00006500 To apply this pattern, we are going to take the See You Here application, which does not have any architecture applied, no pattern at all, and we are going to try to see how we could take an application that is a total disaster from the point of view of architecture to something that we can test and extend much more easily. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00005-00006500-00006700 Let's go to the code. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00006-00006700-00008100 To start a little with this, we are going to see what we had. We had an application that we have in the lib folder. We are going to close the Android ID that we have already fixed and the tests that for now we are not going to write. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00007-00008100-00010200 This application had several screens that are represented by all the files that end in a script under screen. We had the mail, which was the entry point. We had some accessory classes like this IF and we had some providers like the notification providers to receive notifications and be able to react to changes. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00008-00010200-00011300 As you can see, I do not have any particular order. I have everything thrown in the lib folder. We are going to solve that a little too. And let's see, for example, the main.dart. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00009-00011300-00013900 We can see that within the same classes we have the initializations of Firebase, we have ball bags within our main code. We see that we have another service here that is not in a separate file and within our login screen, which is a screen that we do not have separate either, we have logic of how to log in with Google, how to log in anonymously. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00010-00013900-00016000 Everything is very mixed and then we go to the part of creating parties. We can see that when the button is pressed to create the party, we have here the logic to communicate with Firebase. If we want to migrate from Firebase to another storage it would be complicated because we have all Firebase throughout our application. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00011-00016000-00017300 If we want to reuse this logic at another point we would have to copy and paste. We have several things to improve and if we wanted to try all this it would be quite complicated. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00012-00017300-00018700 The first thing we would have to do is decide what we are going to do with the structure of our project. This structure will allow us to know where we are going to put each file that we are creating and in turn know what the purpose of those files is. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00013-00018700-00021300 There are different ways of doing this depending on the size of the project. We could have, for example, in a small project like this we could have a screens folder with all the screens, a UI folder with all the common interface elements, a presenters folder with the presenters, a use case folder with the use cases, a model folder with the data models, etc. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00014-00021300-00022500 But as the project grows, that starts to get small. If we have an application with 150 screens, our screens folder would have 150 files, so that becomes a bit tedious to maintain. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00015-00022500-00025200 The other way to organize it is usually by feature or by feature that we are developing, so in the case of our application we could have a subfolder for the welcome part, a folder for the login part, a folder for the party creation part and a folder for the join to a party part. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00016-00025200-00026500 And for such a small project, that structure seems like too many folders, the folders do not cost money, the folders do not cost space, therefore I am going to go for that because in the long term it always seems to me that it is more maintainable. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00017-00026500-00028900 So the first thing we are going to do is that this no longer has much to do with green architecture, but it is a good practice, we are going to create several folders, we are going to create a folder called create party, another one called join party, login, another one called maps and another one called welcome. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00018-00028900-00031700 Once we have our folders, we are simply going to move the code that corresponds to each of the folders. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00019-00031700-00033500 The main, I cannot move it directly because the main has a bit of a mix that is the welcome or in this case that is called myapp, so we are going to separate it by hand, we are going to go to welcome and create a new file. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00020-00033500-00033900 We are going to make it call welcome screen. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00021-00033900-00035000 And we are going to make this the myapp, the myapp reaches here. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00022-00035000-00036800 Now we have to import all the things that use this. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00023-00036800-00038100 And in login screen we are going to leave it for the last, since we have to move it from the place too, we import that and we are almost there. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00024-00038100-00039600 We are going to change the name, now it is going to be called welcome screen and we are going to update the names of the states so that it coincides. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00025-00039600-00040600 Here we have our welcome screen, here at the beginning we can directly use our welcome screen. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00026-00040600-00042700 And now our login screen with its state, we are going to take it to another file that will be in the login folder and it will be called login screen. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00027-00042700-00043700 Again we have to cut all the things that we are using so that this does not have more errors. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00028-00043700-00044700 We eliminate all the login screen errors, we are now going to move what we have left here, which is this login service, to a new folder. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00029-00044700-00046100 Since we already have a service and a provider, we are going to take the opportunity to create some extra folders, we are going to do services and we are going to create another one called providers. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00030-00046100-00048300 If suddenly we find that in these services and providers folders we are getting lost or we are getting confused with the screens of our features, what we can do is create another subfolder that is called features and within features we can move all the features that we were creating so far. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00031-00048300-00049800 And in this way we can separate as in a first level saying these are features of the application, these are services that are going to use the features, these are providers that are going to be used in the application and so on. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00032-00049800-00051100 We are going to move the provider within providers and we are going to create a last folder called UI and we are going to move the common elements of UI that our application has. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00033-00051100-00052500 We are going to correct the imports of all the things that changed place and the refactor of Visual Studio Code could not catch. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00034-00052500-00053700 We are going to eliminate all the imports that are no longer used here because things moved, it is a little cleaner and we do not know what things we have to fix. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00035-00053700-00054300 We can come here to the problems tab and we can fix the problems as we find them. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00036-00054300-00056100 Most of the things we are going to have are import things, this is deprecated, we are going to change it by the equivalent which is an elevated button since we are and here we import the map screen and adjust all the routes that are necessary. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00037-00056100-00057200 Once we have no more errors we can finish with the suggestions of the things that are deprecated. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00038-00057200-00057600 The list is deprecated, we would have to use the literal. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00039-00057600-00058300 There we have all our code and if we are going to analyze it now and compare it with what we had at the beginning. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00040-00058300-00059500 Now if someone downloads our project and opens our lib folder, you will see that it has a main that simply... no, wait, we needed to move the service. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00041-00059500-00061000 Now if someone opens our folder for the first time, you will see a main file where you will see that the welcome screen will run in a file that has almost no code, before it was a movie the amount of lines of code that was here. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00042-00061000-00062100 We see that a singleton is registered for the login service that will be used later by the rest of the application, in this case we use getip to make a dependency injection. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00043-00062100-00062500 And then we see that we have several folders, features, providers, services and UI. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00044-00062500-00063400 In UI we have widgets that are used in the rest of the application, in service we have for now only the login service. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00045-00063400-00064800 In providers we have the provider of notifications and then we have features where for each directory we have the screen of that feature. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00046-00064800-00066100 At first this will seem that it does not make much sense because we have a folder, a file, but now as we add more files and we start to clean the logic, you will see that this will have more and more meaning. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00047-00066100-00066700 We have a lot of refactoring, so before continuing with nothing, let's see if the application really continues to run. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00048-00066700-00067100 We have errors. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00049-00067100-00067300 I missed correcting that import. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00050-00067300-00067600 Let's see if the application continues to run. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00051-00067600-00067900 The application is being installed. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00052-00067900-00068500 If everything goes well, we should see the welcome screen. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00053-00068500-00069000 Perfect, and we can go to create a party and we see the google maps. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00054-00069000-00069200 The application is running, we did not break anything. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00055-00069200-00070400 We are going to make a commit in the version control, so we have the changes in an incremental way and it is easier to go back if we have any failures in the future. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00056-00070400-00071600 The next thing would be to start separating our logic to be able to decouple the business logic, which is basically what our special application does. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00057-00071600-00072200 Of the tools we use, which in this case would be to separate our internal logic from Firebase. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00058-00072200-00072400 Why do we want to do this? 2OjKt4GS_9u-00059-00072400-00073500 For example, if tomorrow Firebase becomes very expensive and we want to create our own services and our entire application depends on Firebase, it will be very expensive to make the complete change. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00060-00073500-00074400 Now, if we have the Firebase code isolated in a portion of our code, we can make the change and try it much more easily. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00061-00074400-00074800 We are going to start with something easy, such as our service. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00062-00074800-00076400 If we see our service now, what it is doing is basically depending on Firebase out to get the current user, to do a signing with user and password or to do an anonymous signing or to do the sign out. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00063-00076400-00077400 All this is always returned to a user, that this user is a class that is inside the Firebase package, as you can see in this line. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00064-00077400-00079300 And the problem with doing that is that if tomorrow we want to change to a user that is, for example, in Microsoft Cloud or Azure, or if we want to switch to using something related to Google Cloud without Firebase or our own backend, 2OjKt4GS_9u-00065-00079300-00080000 we are going to have this user scattered throughout the application and it will be very difficult to change it. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00066-00080000-00081000 So what we would have to do is create our own user and then make a conversion from the Firebase user to our user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00067-00081000-00082400 This gives us the advantage that we will be able to change from where we get the data, but our application, as it will work with our internal user, does not have to change in the future. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00068-00082400-00082500 How would we do that? 2OjKt4GS_9u-00069-00082500-00084000 Well, we are going to start by creating a new folder within Service, where we are going to create a folder called Models and within Models we are going to create our own user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00070-00084000-00085100 Now when we have classes that are called so similar, it can become a problem, but now we are going to see that Dart gives us tools to avoid those confusions. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00071-00085100-00086300 Within the Model folder we are going to start by creating our user.dart file, we are going to have a user class that is called the same as that of Firebase, it is a coincidence, it could not be the case. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00072-00086300-00087600 Now we are going to see how to work with the two classes without getting confused and we are going to say that this has a user ID and a name, which are the things we are going to need. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00073-00087600-00088600 We are going to create a constructor for these two variables and we are going to do it with non-positional arguments. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00074-00088600-00089700 Well, now we have this user and we want to use it within our class, but since we have this import, this user is reading it from this file. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00075-00089700-00091400 Therefore, to this import we are going to add what is called an alias and we are going to say that this is Firebase Authentication and we are going to import this user from the Models and Users folder. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00076-00091400-00093100 And now the distance is Firebase, we are going to access it as fa.firebase and now all accesses to Firebase Auth we are going to do it with the fa. because now all these calls are in a different namespace. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00077-00093100-00094300 What we have left now are some errors that we see that it tells us that we have to return a user of ours, but this user is another user, that is, it is another class of user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00078-00094300-00095500 Now what we have to generate is a class that allows us to map from the class of Firebase to the class of user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00079-00095500-00097700 For that we can do it in different ways, I am going to create within the service a class called FirebaseUserMapper and here we are going to generate an extension function. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00080-00097700-00099700 Now this user I want it to be an extension, here it has to be extension and here what we are going to do is that all the messages, all the methods that we add in UserMapper are going to be accessible from any instance of the FirebaseUser class. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00081-00099700-00101300 Now what we are going to have to import is our user, but in this case we are going to have to put an alias again to be able to use it. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00082-00101300-00103500 So we want to make a function that returns a user of ours and for that we are going to have to make our user and we are going to call the constructor and tell it that the userId is going to be 10.uid 2OjKt4GS_9u-00083-00103500-00104300 and we are going to say that the name is going to be equal to 10.displayName. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00084-00104300-00105600 So when someone calls this function on a FirebaseUser object, what it is going to do is return a user of our application that has the initialized data equal to what the user of Firebase has. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00085-00105600-00107600 Now we can come to our login and directly call toSeeYouHereUser, we import, we just created the currentUser, now we are converting this currentUser to our user and now this is going to return correctly. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00086-00107600-00108600 We do the same in each place we use the user and now our class has no error. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00087-00108600-00109000 Now that we have fixed our service, we are going to see how to fix the rest of the application. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00088-00109000-00110800 If we go here to the problem part, we see that here it tells me that the currentUser is of an incorrect type, that is because here we surely have Firebase imported, we are going to take it out and what we are going to do is import our own user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00089-00110800-00113500 As you can see here it says ServicesModelsUser.data, surely now we have a lot of Firebase errors because Firebase should not be here, now later we are going to take it out, but to solve it we are going to use the same trick that we just used in our service, we are going to import it with an alias and we are going to modify all the calls that fail to use the alias. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00090-00113500-00114300 That would be to put F to all the calls that were failing. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00091-00114300-00115100 Again, all this is happening because we are using our classes wrong. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00092-00115100-00117300 As we can see here we are not even using the login service, for some reason I never used it, I have it up here, let's see if we can see it quickly because here I do use it, but for some reason I am not taking this message into account. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00093-00117300-00119400 Ok, it has something to do with the Google account link and Sanonimus is another thing that we have to add to our user, let's see now our user is the user of SeeYouHere, let's add the attribute and therefore we are going to update the mapper. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00094-00119400-00120700 Now that we have that user corrected, what we are going to have to do temporarily, this is not a name, I am using the service but I am mixing it, then we are going to make a refactor of that. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00095-00120700-00123600 That was not the display name, it is the name, I save the user well, this is the name, I could have used the same name, this result urrentuser. This is not going to work for now until we do the refactor so we are going to comment on it because this is waiting for our user to be a Firebase user and be able to link it with a Google account because it is the part where we made an anonymous user become a real user. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00096-00123600-00125100 We are going to leave that deactivated for now and here we are going to put user ID, user ID, we have another error, we are going to do a test, we are going to see what happens if we have to compile the application again and we are going to see where it is failing. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00097-00125100-00127700 The application is installing back, it means that our code is still working, we are going to see what happens now with the user's login detection, it continues to detect that I am logged in, surely as anonymous, we are going to exit, we are going to enter as anonymous, there I was able to enter as anonymous and all my code is still working. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00098-00127700-00130100 As I said before, the difference is that now my user, every time I refer to this user, now my user is a generic user that does not depend on the backend, I could change to any other authentication provider that exists in the world 2OjKt4GS_9u-00099-00130100-00131900 and the only thing I would have to do is change how my login service works and how my mapper works, the rest of the application is totally disconnected and disconnected, which is good because it now allows me to test my login service regardless of firmware. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00100-00131900-00134000 Let's get out of context these little issues that are not fixed yet, but that is the main goal of everything we are doing. As for everything we do incrementally, we are going to add all these changes and leave it ready for the next step. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00101-00134000-00136000 To the self-improvised people, I have 23 minutes of video and I still have like 30 more, so I stay super long, I'm going to cut it into two parts, now you can edit the first part and the second part will be uploaded between Saturday and Tuesday depending on when I finish editing it. 2OjKt4GS_9u-00102-00136000-00137400 So don't forget to subscribe, hit the bell so you don't miss the second part and thank you very much for getting here. See you! 2P-yTemUFO4-00000-00000388-00000847 [Instructor] This is our third case study of rock crystal, 2P-yTemUFO4-00001-00000847-00001260 and we are moving to the Carolingian Empire. 2P-yTemUFO4-00002-00001260-00001545 Carolingian means that we're referring 2P-yTemUFO4-00003-00001545-00001910 to the empire of Charlemagne and his heirs 2P-yTemUFO4-00004-00001910-00002217 in the eighth and ninth centuries. 2P-yTemUFO4-00005-00002217-00002545 Charlemagne and some of his predecessors 2P-yTemUFO4-00006-00002545-00003045 managed to unify most of the Frankish lands 2P-yTemUFO4-00007-00003206-00003706 into a united kingdom, and in fact, they managed to take 2P-yTemUFO4-00008-00003807-00004216 most of Western Europe as one single empire. 2P-yTemUFO4-00009-00004216-00004716 What you see here is Charlemagne being depicted on a coin. 2P-yTemUFO4-00010-00004861-00005167 And he's shown in a very Roman manner, 2P-yTemUFO4-00011-00005167-00005654 with Latin describing him as Carolus Imperator Augustus, 2P-yTemUFO4-00012-00005855-00006189 referring to him very much like he's a Roman emperor. 2P-yTemUFO4-00013-00006189-00006481 And on the tiny equestrian portrait, 2P-yTemUFO4-00014-00006481-00006790 this is a small portrait of either Charlemagne 2P-yTemUFO4-00015-00006790-00007064 or one of his descendants on horseback, 2P-yTemUFO4-00016-00007064-00007404 and it's modeled after a Roman predecessor, 2P-yTemUFO4-00017-00007404-00007716 a famous portrait of Marcus Aurelius. 2P-yTemUFO4-00018-00007716-00008014 So what Charlemagne and his heirs were trying to do 2P-yTemUFO4-00019-00008014-00008354 was they were trying to recreate the Roman Empire 2P-yTemUFO4-00020-00008354-00008706 but in a new Christian context. 2P-yTemUFO4-00021-00008859-00009122 I mentioned that Charlemagne and his heirs 2P-yTemUFO4-00022-00009122-00009604 managed to unite much of Western Europe together. 2P-yTemUFO4-00023-00009604-00009891 Charlemagne inherited the darkest area 2P-yTemUFO4-00024-00009891-00010091 in blue that you see here. 2P-yTemUFO4-00025-00010091-00010425 And then he conquered the areas 2P-yTemUFO4-00026-00010425-00010864 in a slightly lighter blue up to the year 814. 2P-yTemUFO4-00027-00010864-00011331 He also, through diplomacy and other means, 2P-yTemUFO4-00028-00011331-00011703 managed to have tributary provinces, 2P-yTemUFO4-00029-00011703-00012101 those are in yellow, and he conducted talks 2P-yTemUFO4-00030-00012101-00012417 with the Byzantine Empire in green. 2P-yTemUFO4-00031-00012417-00012790 Now, after the death of his grandson, Charles, 2P-yTemUFO4-00032-00012790-00013127 or after the death of his son Louis the Pious, 2P-yTemUFO4-00033-00013127-00013381 his kingdom ended up being split up between 2P-yTemUFO4-00034-00013381-00013643 Charles the Bald, Lothar, and Louis the German, 2P-yTemUFO4-00035-00013643-00013801 his three grandsons. 2P-yTemUFO4-00036-00013801-00014301 And so this Carolingian Empire doesn't live very long, 2P-yTemUFO4-00037-00014316-00014681 but it had a very tremendous impact on art 2P-yTemUFO4-00038-00014681-00014865 and architecture, as we'll see. 2P-yTemUFO4-00039-00014974-00015272 The Carolingians prized gemstones, 2P-yTemUFO4-00040-00015272-00015540 and rock crystal, interestingly enough, 2P-yTemUFO4-00041-00015540-00015777 was considered to be one of the most 2P-yTemUFO4-00042-00015777-00016097 precious jewels by the Carolingians. 2P-yTemUFO4-00043-00016097-00016504 And we're going to be looking at a couple of examples 2P-yTemUFO4-00044-00016504-00017004 of large scale rounded gems that were in the possession 2P-yTemUFO4-00045-00017222-00017603 of wealthy members of the Carolingian Empire, 2P-yTemUFO4-00046-00017737-00018191 probably bishops or landed nobility, 2P-yTemUFO4-00047-00018191-00018651 perhaps even some of the kings themselves. 2P-yTemUFO4-00048-00018744-00019107 Here's the first of the two gemstones we're going to study 2P-yTemUFO4-00049-00019107-00019607 and it's roughly about the size of a computer mouse, 2P-yTemUFO4-00050-00019755-00020002 to give you some idea. 2P-yTemUFO4-00051-00020002-00020143 It's a little bit more rounded 2P-yTemUFO4-00052-00020143-00020298 than your typical computer mouse, 2P-yTemUFO4-00053-00020298-00020587 but about in that same scale. 2P-yTemUFO4-00054-00020587-00020974 And you might recall from your readings 2P-yTemUFO4-00055-00020974-00021474 the importance of symbolism in the Middle Ages 2P-yTemUFO4-00056-00021522-00021922 for rock crystal, and the fact that some scholars 2P-yTemUFO4-00057-00021922-00022422 compared rock crystal to the body of Christ, 2P-yTemUFO4-00058-00022456-00022956 that it was pure, and heavenly in nature. 2P-yTemUFO4-00059-00023033-00023283 So look back at some of those readings. 2P-yTemUFO4-00060-00023283-00023727 And this I think can explain the fact that many of these 2P-yTemUFO4-00061-00023727-00024066 surviving crystals from the Carolingian period 2P-yTemUFO4-00062-00024066-00024323 feature the crucifixion of Christ. 2P-yTemUFO4-00063-00024323-00024528 You can see him here, he's flanked 2P-yTemUFO4-00064-00024528-00024946 by the Virgin Mary, his mother, on one side. 2P-yTemUFO4-00065-00024946-00025282 And on the other side, by John the Evangelist, 2P-yTemUFO4-00066-00025282-00025601 they're mourning at the, at the base of the cross. 2P-yTemUFO4-00067-00025601-00025925 You can see the serpent from the Temptation 2P-yTemUFO4-00068-00025925-00026132 curled up at the base of the cross. 2P-yTemUFO4-00069-00026132-00026472 And then the cross is flanked by the sun and the moon. 2P-yTemUFO4-00070-00026693-00026927 Here's kind of an interesting closeup that I took 2P-yTemUFO4-00071-00026927-00027347 when I was at the British Museum examining this object. 2P-yTemUFO4-00072-00027347-00027766 These are objects that are flat on one side, 2P-yTemUFO4-00073-00027766-00028102 and then completely rounded on the other side. 2P-yTemUFO4-00074-00028102-00028602 So it's as if you cut apart, maybe cut an egg shape in half. 2P-yTemUFO4-00075-00028745-00029008 And what's interesting is that it's the flat side 2P-yTemUFO4-00076-00029008-00029508 that received the engraving by the Carolingian engraver. 2P-yTemUFO4-00077-00029514-00029944 And the rounded side simply reflects that engraving. 2P-yTemUFO4-00078-00029944-00030367 What we're looking at here is the image of the engraving 2P-yTemUFO4-00079-00030367-00030847 from the back of the stone coming through to the front here. 2P-yTemUFO4-00080-00030847-00031083 And because of the nature of rock crystal 2P-yTemUFO4-00081-00031083-00031487 and the curvature here, that flat image 2P-yTemUFO4-00082-00031487-00031845 is actually magnified when we see it 2P-yTemUFO4-00083-00031845-00032142 in the rounded shape of the crystal. 2P-yTemUFO4-00084-00032142-00032335 And you'll be able to see that a little bit 2P-yTemUFO4-00085-00032335-00032531 more clearly in the next slide. 2P-yTemUFO4-00086-00032647-00032879 Here you're seeing our first rock crystal 2P-yTemUFO4-00087-00032879-00033134 along with the one we're going to look at next. 2P-yTemUFO4-00088-00033134-00033461 So that's my hand in a surgical glove 2P-yTemUFO4-00089-00033461-00033697 holding the first one, and you can see 2P-yTemUFO4-00090-00033697-00034052 it's about the size of like an optical mouse. 2P-yTemUFO4-00091-00034143-00034604 And if you take a look at it, you can see in this view 2P-yTemUFO4-00092-00034604-00035004 that the engraving doesn't actually fill 2P-yTemUFO4-00093-00035004-00035333 the entire surface of this crystal. 2P-yTemUFO4-00094-00035333-00035721 But when you see it with the curvature, 2P-yTemUFO4-00095-00035721-00035948 it gives the optical illusion 2P-yTemUFO4-00096-00035948-00036167 of completely filling that space. 2P-yTemUFO4-00097-00036167-00036445 And you get the same effect on the much larger 2P-yTemUFO4-00098-00036445-00036724 crystal that you see on the right. 2P-yTemUFO4-00099-00036724-00037050 Here we're looking at a couple of pretty fascinating views. 2P-yTemUFO4-00100-00037050-00037390 On the left, you're seeing the rock crystal 2P-yTemUFO4-00101-00037390-00037823 from the front with the engraving that's on the flat side, 2P-yTemUFO4-00102-00037823-00038209 the back, coming through and being magnified 2P-yTemUFO4-00103-00038209-00038515 on the curved surface that we see. 2P-yTemUFO4-00104-00038515-00038883 If you look on the right, we're actually looking here 2P-yTemUFO4-00105-00038883-00039256 at the flat side, the backside of this crystal. 2P-yTemUFO4-00106-00039256-00039639 And here you can compare these drawings side by side, 2P-yTemUFO4-00107-00039639-00040049 these engravings, and see that on the backside, 2P-yTemUFO4-00108-00040049-00040363 it's actually quite a good deal smaller. 2P-yTemUFO4-00109-00040363-00040560 You don't have that magnification 2P-yTemUFO4-00110-00040560-00040887 from the crystal that acts on the other side. 2P-yTemUFO4-00111-00040887-00041245 You can also see some of the actual workmanship, 2P-yTemUFO4-00112-00041353-00041853 and some bits of chips here and there on the rock crystal. 2P-yTemUFO4-00113-00041861-00042273 But I think you can appreciate the level of detail 2P-yTemUFO4-00114-00042273-00042591 and really beautiful workmanship by the artist 2P-yTemUFO4-00115-00042591-00042801 if you look at these two images. 2P-yTemUFO4-00116-00042801-00043021 And we'll look a little bit more at technique 2P-yTemUFO4-00117-00043021-00043176 in the next couple slides. 2P-yTemUFO4-00118-00043326-00043594 This is one of my favorite views of this piece, 2P-yTemUFO4-00119-00043594-00043865 that I took when I was at the British Museum. 2P-yTemUFO4-00120-00043865-00044138 And here, again, we're looking at the curved 2P-yTemUFO4-00121-00044138-00044415 side of the crystal, you can tell that very easily. 2P-yTemUFO4-00122-00044415-00044733 But look at how the angle of the camera, 2P-yTemUFO4-00123-00044733-00044954 the angle that we're looking at this from, 2P-yTemUFO4-00124-00044954-00045339 has skewed the image and sort of moved 2P-yTemUFO4-00125-00045339-00045529 everything over to one side. 2P-yTemUFO4-00126-00045529-00045929 Again, that's that effect, that magnifying effect 2P-yTemUFO4-00127-00045929-00046167 of the crystal working on it. 2P-yTemUFO4-00128-00046306-00046538 We're back to the actual engraved side, 2P-yTemUFO4-00129-00046538-00046779 and I want to point out a few things. 2P-yTemUFO4-00130-00046779-00047078 First, you can see small scratches, 2P-yTemUFO4-00131-00047078-00047505 particularly around the edges of the cross. 2P-yTemUFO4-00132-00047505-00047852 And those are where the Carolingian artist 2P-yTemUFO4-00133-00047852-00048260 who created this initially sketched in the design, 2P-yTemUFO4-00134-00048260-00048760 probably using a tool that had a very sharp point, 2P-yTemUFO4-00135-00048779-00049001 maybe a little chip of diamond 2P-yTemUFO4-00136-00049001-00049438 embedded into a piece of wood or held very tightly 2P-yTemUFO4-00137-00049438-00049925 in like metal tweezers, and kind of bound in place. 2P-yTemUFO4-00138-00049925-00050276 So we have those little lines here and there. 2P-yTemUFO4-00139-00050276-00050701 And then to do the actual engraving, 2P-yTemUFO4-00140-00050701-00050993 they used a bow drill, just like the bow drills 2P-yTemUFO4-00141-00050993-00051254 we've been talking about with other works of art 2P-yTemUFO4-00142-00051254-00051712 in this particular unit, like the cylinder seals. 2P-yTemUFO4-00143-00051712-00052022 But the difference was that instead of using a bow drill 2P-yTemUFO4-00144-00052022-00052419 with a flat grinding wheel that would have sort of cut 2P-yTemUFO4-00145-00052419-00052919 lines in and had to be moved in order to create curvature, 2P-yTemUFO4-00146-00053124-00053595 curved lines, here we have a drill bit, 2P-yTemUFO4-00147-00053595-00053751 a bit more like what you would see 2P-yTemUFO4-00148-00053751-00054161 on a Dremel tool today, with a rounded head. 2P-yTemUFO4-00149-00054161-00054563 And they would use different sizes of rounded heads, 2P-yTemUFO4-00150-00054563-00055063 and use those to grind the sort of semicircular grooves 2P-yTemUFO4-00151-00055207-00055454 into the rock crystal. 2P-yTemUFO4-00152-00055454-00055841 And if you take a look at Christ's body for example, 2P-yTemUFO4-00153-00055841-00056316 at his musculature in his arms and his chest area, 2P-yTemUFO4-00154-00056316-00056641 you can see where different sizes of wheels 2P-yTemUFO4-00155-00056641-00057141 have been used, or different sizes of tips have been used. 2P-yTemUFO4-00156-00057282-00057645 And how they've been sort of moved around 2P-yTemUFO4-00157-00057645-00058086 to give the overall impression of musculature. 2P-yTemUFO4-00158-00058276-00058614 I want to finish with this particular image, 2P-yTemUFO4-00159-00058614-00058882 which shows me holding each one 2P-yTemUFO4-00160-00058882-00059292 of these rock crystal gemstones. 2P-yTemUFO4-00161-00059292-00059578 And objects like this might have been 2P-yTemUFO4-00162-00059578-00059919 worn around the neck as amulets or hung up, 2P-yTemUFO4-00163-00059919-00060419 but they're also of a size that really invites handling. 2P-yTemUFO4-00164-00060544-00060969 These were meant to be held and touched and contemplated. 2P-yTemUFO4-00165-00060969-00061314 And the reason I'm bringing in the views here, 2P-yTemUFO4-00166-00061314-00061702 where you can see the blue of the gloves that I was wearing 2P-yTemUFO4-00167-00061702-00062076 is that when you pick up a piece of rock crystal, 2P-yTemUFO4-00168-00062076-00062373 suddenly it takes on the color 2P-yTemUFO4-00169-00062373-00062660 of whatever you're using to pick it up. 2P-yTemUFO4-00170-00062660-00062975 So if you're using just your hands, your flesh, 2P-yTemUFO4-00171-00062975-00063220 suddenly it becomes flesh colored. 2P-yTemUFO4-00172-00063220-00063554 And remember, in works like this, 2P-yTemUFO4-00173-00063554-00064009 the subject matter is the Incarnation of Christ, 2P-yTemUFO4-00174-00064009-00064473 the flesh of Christ being sacrificed on the cross. 2P-yTemUFO4-00175-00064473-00064973 Rock crystal was compared to Christ's flesh in its purity. 2P-yTemUFO4-00176-00065032-00065532 And we have a second reminder of the flesh of Christ 2P-yTemUFO4-00177-00065545-00065896 and his suffering and sacrifice in the crucifixion 2P-yTemUFO4-00178-00065896-00066184 when objects like this would be picked up 2P-yTemUFO4-00179-00066184-00066528 and suddenly take on the color and texture 2P-yTemUFO4-00180-00066528-00066926 and even magnify the viewer's flesh for them. 2SZCAwLJk6o-00000-00000074-00000274 Hello. Welcome to Studi0 Kitchen. 2SZCAwLJk6o-00001-00000274-00000604 Today, we will show to you how to make rustic style chicken stock. 2SZCAwLJk6o-00002-00000604-00000714 Let's make to recipe. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00000-00001876-00002177 My parents met and married in Saigon. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00001-00002177-00002821 The warfare was nearing their town, so they were forced to flee towards safety. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00002-00002821-00003429 They were voyaging to the United States, finally settling in Minnesota in 1975. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00003-00003429-00004026 I constantly put myself in my mother’s position. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00004-00004026-00004752 What would have it been like to get married at twenty, move away from home, everything 2TeAVO1cm1u-00005-00004752-00005697 you knew, to a completely new country, learn a new language, and having your first child? 2TeAVO1cm1u-00006-00005697-00006343 Even though I don’t know the whole story, I continue to navigate two cultures myself. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00007-00006343-00006778 I am the youngest of three, all born and raised in Minnesota. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00008-00006778-00007355 Growing up, I struggled with fitting in when it came to my parents being immigrants. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00009-00007355-00008050 I knew I was an odd duck but I couldn’t grasp why I wasn’t allowed to spend the 2TeAVO1cm1u-00010-00008050-00008658 night at a friend’s house, why my parents didn’t volunteer at school, nor why my parents 2TeAVO1cm1u-00011-00008658-00009051 refused to help me with my homework. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00012-00009051-00009679 Eventually, I used my “exotic culture” to my advantage in school. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00013-00009679-00010193 I seized every opportunity to talk about Vietnam. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00014-00010193-00010577 In 2004, we took a family trip to Vietnam. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00015-00010577-00011136 I got to meet my mother’s family that she left behind. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00016-00011136-00011798 I created a memory book and I wrote to my best friend. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00017-00011798-00012292 When we were leaving the airport, my parents told me to go first. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00018-00012292-00012667 They wanted to see if my family would recognize us. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00019-00012667-00013116 They actually said “You look American. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00020-00013116-00013326 Maybe they won’t know it’s you.” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00021-00013326-00013595 “But don’t we send pictures?” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00022-00013595-00014022 Then I heard someone yell: “There’s Hạnh! 2TeAVO1cm1u-00023-00014022-00014238 She looks just like the pictures!” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00024-00014238-00014436 I turned to my mom. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00025-00014436-00014608 “See? I told you.” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00027-00014844-00015041 We made a trip to Suối Tiên. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00028-00015043-00015265 It’s like a theme park. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00029-00015265-00015429 Are there rides? 2TeAVO1cm1u-00030-00015429-00015604 One rollercoaster. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00031-00015604-00016048 Joe and I wanted to go on it, but we didn’t have time. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00032-00016048-00016329 We were there for the fruit festival. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00033-00016329-00016856 There were really creative sculptures entirely made of fruit and rocks. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00034-00016856-00017318 We went to the beach, Vung Tau. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00035-00017318-00018010 Swimming in the ocean is fun until cousins throw and rub wet sand all over your body 2TeAVO1cm1u-00036-00018010-00018440 and shower you with gifts of seashells. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00037-00018440-00019043 During our break my cousins asked me “Phai chi la nguoi viet nam hay la nguoi my?” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00038-00019043-00019170 (“Are you Vietnamese or American?”) 2TeAVO1cm1u-00039-00019170-00019270 “Chi chua biet!” 2TeAVO1cm1u-00040-00019270-00019370 (“I don’t know yet!”) 2TeAVO1cm1u-00041-00019370-00019764 We established that I am mixed. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00042-00019764-00020343 I told my cousins I’ll come back to visit after I marry. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00043-00020343-00020579 Ten years later, I am married. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00044-00020579-00020979 My husband also hopes to learn Vietnamese, and we’ll visit Vietnam together. 2TeAVO1cm1u-00045-00020979-00021459 Now, whenever I am asked, I am first generation Vietnamese American. 2TTm_e9rhs4-00000-00000035-00000559 Hello Universe members, back on your favorite channel, namely anime Universe. 2TTm_e9rhs4-00001-00000559-00001142 On this occasion, I will do a review on one of the anime, which I think is no less solid 2TTm_e9rhs4-00002-00001142-00001242 than the previous content. 2TTm_e9rhs4-00003-00001242-00001875 this received a rating of 6.89 from the audience and was worked on directly by a studio called 2TTm_e9rhs4-00004-00001875-00001975 showten. 2TTm_e9rhs4-00005-00001975-00002547 In my personal opinion, for that rating, it is enough because in my opinion, the animation 2TTm_e9rhs4-00006-00002547-00003066 of this anime is not very good compared to the animated anime that I usually watch, but 2TTm_e9rhs4-00007-00003066-00004018 those who make anime this gets a plus point is the storyline is good for the farm itself 2TTm_e9rhs4-00008-00004018-00005093 it tells about there are two men and women who studied at the same school they used to 2TTm_e9rhs4-00009-00005093-00005646 be pictured were childhood friends in a village where the woman was the daughter of a rich 2TTm_e9rhs4-00010-00005646-00005991 merchant while the man was son of a farmer during his childhood 19 2TTm_e9rhs4-00011-00005991-00006387 suddenly the woman found a magazine while playing at the man's house. 2TTm_e9rhs4-00012-00006387-00007270 your opinion and for those of you who want to watch the anime the link is in the comments 2TTm_e9rhs4-00013-00007270-00008167 column Thank you all greetings anime Universe 2UgSbxhZEYM-00000-00001916-00002135 Ahoi! It's me at the dyno again! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00001-00002184-00003009 I'll have to apologise for coughing and sneezing a bit, but the plot remains, cars are on the dyno. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00002-00003025-00003309 And this time, Egon Kaur is visiting me! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00003-00003392-00003467 Hello Egon! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00004-00003517-00003583 Hello! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00005-00003608-00004185 Usually you bring me rally cars, but this time it's a rallycross car! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00006-00004185-00004409 Other than the missing headlights and a co-driver seat... 2UgSbxhZEYM-00007-00004409-00004501 It's basically the same! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00008-00004684-00005100 Rear wheel drive, you usually bring all wheel drive cars. This time a RWD car. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00009-00005175-00005450 Is this a Touring-class car? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00010-00005450-00005633 Touring-class indeed, and it's naturally aspirated. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00011-00005658-00006526 A N/A Touring-class car. Kaido built the engine for this, he came to take a look if we're doing the correct things with this engine. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00012-00006559-00007475 But I think we're happy with the results, because if you have a raw car, as I understand you built this during the holidays and even the whole last night you were building it 2UgSbxhZEYM-00013-00007475-00007958 and it's been a constant building, so being able to finish the session is quite something. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00014-00008100-00008701 Kaido said, that he'd be happy with 270-275hp, we made 271.8hp. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00015-00008751-00008834 So it's in the zone. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00016-00008834-00009475 It's in the zone, he said to me that it has 2 humps before it starts to live, we did have those 2 humps. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00017-00009525-00010251 And at high RPMs, it holds power up to 8200rpm. It holds, so the engine department is all okay. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00018-00010251-00010518 Now, as I understand, you're not done. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00019-00010518-00010767 Yeah, it isn't quite finished yet. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00020-00010817-00011175 We needed to get the engine tuned so we could do the rest of the stuff. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00021-00011175-00011667 You'll get to finish the wiring and tinker with the other stuff, it needs some bolts and nuts tightened, that's completely okay. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00022-00011700-00012283 You asked if we could delay the dyno time a bit, but I don't have any free dyno times to offer. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00023-00012283-00012926 It went greatly, we got to get it completed enough during the holidays and now we can finish the rest of the assembly. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00024-00012926-00013034 When does the season start? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00025-00013067-00013142 At the end of the month. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00026-00013267-00014050 At the end of April. But alright, let's see how it went with another rallycross car, a red EVO came here. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00027-00014050-00014834 It didn't have any less problems, didn't have less worries, but it's also already driving, so I'll show you that video too. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00028-00014834-00015300 And we'll head to the track to see how they're all doing together, so stay tuned! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00029-00015300-00015367 Bye! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00030-00019242-00019309 Hello! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00031-00019350-00019417 Hi! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00032-00021700-00021800 It finally runs? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00033-00021892-00021950 I guess so. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00034-00021950-00022008 It sure does! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00035-00024501-00025184 So! I've left the workshop for a bit, but in the background, a huge repair is taking place. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00036-00025267-00025492 Or adjusting I should say. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00037-00025767-00025883 Who recognizes the car? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00038-00025958-00026058 It used to be yellow. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00039-00026383-00026491 So guys, what are you up to? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00040-00026585-00026734 We're adjusting the clutch. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00041-00026859-00027842 Great! I've actually already started with the tuning, or with the pre-season adjusting and checking over things, and it turned out that the clutch was slipping a bit at the maximum power. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00042-00027842-00028525 So, I can tell you as a secret, that this car belongs to Arvo Kask, who plans to win the 2023 Estonian rallycross season in this. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00043-00028651-00029018 Of course, that is not up to me, that's up to him. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00044-00029301-00029451 Can you press the pedal? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00045-00029451-00029544 Yeah. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00046-00030425-00030558 Is this an EVO 6 chassis? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00047-00030558-00030709 yes, EVO 6 indeed. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00048-00030809-00031009 That's the rally guy dream! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00049-00031217-00031967 As I understood, it has front suspension off an EVO 9, all of the drivetrain has been replaced with stronger parts compared to last year. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00050-00031967-00032734 I've been tuning this car for 2-3 years now, and a constant problem has been the drivetrain giving in. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00051-00032734-00033934 Of course, the driver is a bit more agressive than your regular rallycross driver too, so those parts just weren't meant for that kind of power. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00052-00034033-00034984 And now those parts have been changed out, so let's see what happens. If it survives on the dyno, we'll probably see it in a couple of days at a test day. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00053-00035434-00035551 Are you optimistic right now? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00054-00035584-00035659 Of course! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00055-00035825-00035990 If there's no way, there's still a way. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00056-00036042-00036367 Are you trying to adjust the clutch free play right now? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00057-00036367-00036425 Yes. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00058-00037134-00037892 Look what a privilege! He has 4 guys with him, everyone is adjusting the clutch, they'll probably get it done eventually, so I'll keep you updated. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00059-00037892-00038791 I'll wait until the first adjustments have been made, then I'll get some load on it again and see if it slips. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00060-00041384-00042308 So, we got to run it a bit, and it turned out that the clutch is completely toast, so the adjusting won't help it out. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00061-00042383-00042608 What are the plans? A new and better clutch is coming? 2UgSbxhZEYM-00062-00042641-00042733 Definitely! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00063-00042833-00043126 Look at this guy here, he's laughing through the tears. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00064-00043226-00043376 But oh well, that's motorsport. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00065-00043459-00043925 The correct guys are going to find a clutch from behind the counter for me and we'll get it on! 2UgSbxhZEYM-00066-00043925-00044666 I hope that the clutch deal will get sorted quickly, because we've tried on some cars... Anyway I'll show what we've measured. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00067-00044666-00045526 We measured from the wheels. 460hp, but that's not the correct number. A completely wrong torque figure too, since the clutch slipped 2UgSbxhZEYM-00068-00045526-00046025 and as soon as the power came on at 3000rpm, it shot up to redline, so there's no point in looking at that data. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00069-00046059-00046583 But we got enough data to see, that at 5000rpm and upwards the fuel and boost tables were at the target. 2UgSbxhZEYM-00070-00046616-00047301 Nothing was clunking or rumbling, I got to do the flat foot shifts. And that's it! A new clutch and let's try again! 2ZEEo64J0AY-00000-00000000-00000650 Welcome to TechSoup Talks. This is Integrating Social Media into Your Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00001-00000650-00001000 My name is Kami Griffiths. And I would like to welcome Allen Gunn the Executive Director 2ZEEo64J0AY-00002-00001000-00001500 of Aspiration Tech. I would also like to thank ReadyTalk for sponsoring this Webinar series. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00003-00001500-00001860 So Allen, or as he likes to go by Gunner, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00004-00001860-00002150 would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself and Aspiration? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00005-00002160-00002680 Gunner: Absolutely, thanks so much Kami. I do run an organization called Aspiration. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00006-00002680-00003170 We exist to help nonprofits be more effective in their use of technology. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00007-00003180-00003540 We love to coach organizations in best practices when you're doing Websites, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00008-00003540-00004070 social media, online campaigning, or just about anything that has to do with anything online. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00009-00004070-00004540 We operate San Francisco Nonprofit Technology Center here at 10th and Mission. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00010-00004540-00004850 And it is a delight to be on this call. Thank you so much Kami. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00011-00004860-00005070 Kami: Oh, my pleasure. It is always great having you. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00012-00005070-00005280 So why don't we quickly go over the agenda? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00013-00005290-00005580 Gunner: Why don't we do that? Excellent. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00014-00005580-00005990 So we want to divide this call into three phases. And I will apologize in advance 2ZEEo64J0AY-00015-00005990-00006330 that it is a lot of information. Kami and I are in discussions 2ZEEo64J0AY-00016-00006330-00006740 about how we might create additional webinars to drill deeper on some of the materials, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00017-00006740-00007030 but as we have got the call structured, we really want to raise awareness 2ZEEo64J0AY-00018-00007030-00007430 about core best practices, and invite questions and follow-up learning. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00019-00007430-00007900 The first part of the agenda is going to focus on what I will lovingly call Housekeeping 2.0, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00020-00007900-00008430 just the basics of managing your social media real estate online, and how to actually physically, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00021-00008430-00009050 at sort of a piece of Web real estate by piece of Web real estate level, link things together. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00022-00009050-00009410 Then I want to talk for little bit about conceptualizing the role 2ZEEo64J0AY-00023-00009420-00009930 of different online channels when you are talking about social media in conjunction 2ZEEo64J0AY-00024-00009930-00010430 with your Website. So how do you conceptualize the role of Facebook, the role of Twitter, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00025-00010430-00010990 the role of your Website, your e-mail lists and your blog? What are good conceptual models 2ZEEo64J0AY-00026-00011000-00011280 for making sure you understand how to complement those 2ZEEo64J0AY-00027-00011280-00011570 in a way that is effective across all channels? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00028-00011570-00011830 And finally, we will talk about some best practices. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00029-00011840-00012240 And this is the area where we will just touch on them, and not go as deep as we might go 2ZEEo64J0AY-00030-00012240-00012600 in a longer format meeting, but give people an idea of some of these processes 2ZEEo64J0AY-00031-00012600-00012969 and best practices that you can follow to sort of automate some of this stuff 2ZEEo64J0AY-00032-00012980-00013269 and integrate it into your organizational process. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00033-00013269-00013669 Kami: Excellent. So let's just jump in. Where do we get started? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00034-00013680-00014150 Gunner: Great, great question. So I call this the necessary disclaimer slide, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00035-00014150-00014550 but I think it is always important to explicitly state all of the things that we are about to cover 2ZEEo64J0AY-00036-00014550-00014940 are predicated on the assumption that an organization already has 2ZEEo64J0AY-00037-00014940-00015240 an overall communication strategy, and process. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00038-00015240-00015719 In simple terms, that means that you know how you describe your organization and your work, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00039-00015719-00016060 and you have got that sort of agreed-upon within your staff and stakeholder network. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00040-00016069-00016590 You know what you are trying to achieve in your overall communications, and also online. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00041-00016590-00017110 And -- and this is the one where I wink and act like everybody has this one; very few people do -- 2ZEEo64J0AY-00042-00017110-00017540 you have well defined processes for creating and posting online content. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00043-00017540-00017760 We will talk more about that later. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00044-00017760-00018250 In that context you would then want to do your social media plan where you define 2ZEEo64J0AY-00045-00018250-00018800 your concrete goals for online engagement, both overall, and per program or per campaign area. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00046-00018990-00019310 Moving along to the next slide... 2ZEEo64J0AY-00047-00019310-00019790 When it comes to what I'll lovingly call Housekeeping 2.0, first and foremost 2ZEEo64J0AY-00048-00019790-00020230 if you are thinking about moving into social media even if you don't think you'll go there soon, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00049-00020240-00020690 it is important to go ahead and reserve the online real estate that you anticipate using, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00050-00020690-00021230 so that others, especially opponents or people who you do not like can't reserve it on your behalf, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00051-00021230-00021450 and use it to other than your best end. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00052-00021460-00021860 So if you think you might use Facebook, you think you might use Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00053-00021860-00022300 or My Space, go ahead and get accounts on there, so that you can request the user names 2ZEEo64J0AY-00054-00022300-00022720 that you desire on the services that allow you to request a user name. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00055-00022720-00023170 Some services like Facebook require you to get a minimum number of fans or followers 2ZEEo64J0AY-00056-00023170-00023590 before you can ask for a user name. That is a process worth starting now. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00057-00023590-00024050 If you are just maintaining these sites, make sure to log in every 60 to 90 days 2ZEEo64J0AY-00058-00024060-00024460 just to give a pulse to that account, maybe do a minor update just so they know 2ZEEo64J0AY-00059-00024460-00024800 that you have not abandoned that account. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00060-00024800-00025230 And as important as anything else, don't forget to keep your domain names up-to-date. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00061-00025230-00025789 And a particular best practice, if you have a dot-org domain address it is always a best practice 2ZEEo64J0AY-00062-00025800-00026239 to purchase the variants that are dot-net and dot-com, so that people you don't like, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00063-00026239-00026639 including squatters and spammers can't grab those from you and direct traffic 2ZEEo64J0AY-00064-00026639-00026880 to look-alike sites or things you don't want. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00065-00026889-00027339 A key point is to make them look like a family, so strive for naming consistency. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00066-00027339-00027710 You can pick your user name on Twitter. You can pick your name on sites like YouTube. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00067-00027720-00028020 You want to make those user names be the same. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00068-00028020-00028489 And a best practice is to have that user name when possible, match your domain name. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00069-00028500-00029139 So we are AspirationTech.org. We have a Twitter account; Twitter.com/AspirationTech. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00070-00029139-00029520 Our Facebook account is Facebook.com/AspirationTech. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00071-00029520-00030030 The belief is that you want to make your Twitter and Facebook and other online account names 2ZEEo64J0AY-00072-00030030-00030320 guessable based on your domain name. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00073-00030320-00030780 You want to also, when you set up your Twitter or your Facebook, or any of those other accounts, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00074-00030780-00031130 use consistent branding. Use the same organizational logo. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00075-00031139-00031589 Where tag lines are an option, use the same organizational tag line and language 2ZEEo64J0AY-00076-00031589-00032310 so that you are able site-to-site, and channel-to-channel to look like one coordinated brand. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00077-00032310-00032639 Kami: Very good ideas to set us up. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00078-00032639-00032960 So after we set these accounts up, what happens next? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00079-00032960-00033430 Gunner: Great question. One thing that we really encourage people to take the time to do 2ZEEo64J0AY-00080-00033430-00033850 in the mad rush to be hip, and cool, and totally socially media tricked out, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00081-00033850-00034310 people sometimes forget to consider which online audiences they are trying to reach. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00082-00034310-00034610 So what you want to do is really do some discussion in your organization 2ZEEo64J0AY-00083-00034620-00035020 about who you are trying to reach. Is it a youth audience? Is it a business audience? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00084-00035020-00035390 Is it a political audience? Is it a senior, or older audience? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00085-00035400-00035840 And then talk about which channels seem most appropriate. If you are trying to reach teenagers, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00086-00035840-00036180 it is still conventional wisdom that My Space is a little bit better than Facebook 2ZEEo64J0AY-00087-00036190-00036640 though that opinion changes day-to-day. But in general, you want to pick one or two channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00088-00036640-00037130 to focus on, and integrate those channels into what we call your publishing workflow, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00089-00037140-00037420 the way that you publish information online. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00090-00037420-00037980 We recommend as you start using Facebook, or start using Twitter, keep simple metrics. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00091-00037980-00038410 What we do at Aspiration each week is we take an accounting of how many Facebook followers 2ZEEo64J0AY-00092-00038420-00038790 we have, how many Twitter followers we have, as well as our Website traffic. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00093-00038790-00039230 And you want to track that over time to see if it's really trending upward consistently. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00094-00039230-00039760 If you are on Twitter, and you have gone from 1 follower a month ago, to 2 followers today, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00095-00039770-00040200 that is useful data to tell you that Twitter is not being a particularly active channel for you. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00096-00040200-00040630 Whereas, if you are on Twitter and you have gone from 10 a month ago to 100 this week, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00097-00040630-00041030 and you feel like you are going to keep that rate going, that is very useful data to let you know 2ZEEo64J0AY-00098-00041030-00041370 your time is being well spent developing that channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00099-00041370-00041810 And you want to see where people respond. If you are tweeting on Twitter 2ZEEo64J0AY-00100-00041810-00042010 which is a phrase I have never gotten used to saying, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00101-00042020-00042490 or otherwise on Facebook publishing updates, you want to see if people are responding. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00102-00042490-00043010 You want to see if people are re-tweeting your tweets, or responding to your Facebook updates. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00103-00043010-00043300 In general, what you are trying to discern as you start to integrate these channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00104-00043300-00043840 into your online strategy is what propagates. Are different channels more active for you 2ZEEo64J0AY-00105-00043850-00044410 and are different kinds of messages that you put out in those channels more likely to be re-tweeted 2ZEEo64J0AY-00106-00044410-00044760 or forwarded or otherwise generate activity? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00107-00044760-00045080 Kami: So how can we track all of these accounts? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00108-00045080-00045300 Gunner: That's a great question. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00109-00045300-00045700 One of the things we really, really recommend is that an organization keep an inventory 2ZEEo64J0AY-00110-00045700-00046140 of online venues, and that includes an account and organizational owner 2ZEEo64J0AY-00111-00046140-00046790 per online channel. So you should have a spreadsheet that lists your Twitter account 2ZEEo64J0AY-00112-00046800-00047160 and who is in charge of that, your Facebook account and who is in charge of that. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00113-00047160-00047630 In some orgs it is always the same person, other organizations it is never the same person. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00114-00047630-00047980 But it is really good to keep an inventory of all of the online venues. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00115-00047980-00048430 A best practice -- don't store the passwords in there, but do store renewal dates 2ZEEo64J0AY-00116-00048440-00048800 where those are relevant for such things as domain names so that you are being intentional 2ZEEo64J0AY-00117-00048800-00049150 about maintaining your online real estate through one tracking document, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00118-00049160-00049370 or one tracking information source. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00119-00049370-00049690 A best practice, and this is something we feel really strongly about, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00120-00049690-00050400 a mistake organizations make is taking individual staff mailing addresses, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00121-00050410-00050740 and making those the contact addresses for the accounts. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00122-00050740-00051170 So if I am Gunner@AspirationTech.org, it is not a best practice 2ZEEo64J0AY-00123-00051170-00051620 for the organizational Facebook account to have that e-mail address as the contact. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00124-00051620-00051910 It should instead be Facebook@AspirationTech. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00125-00051920-00052240 On our Twitter account we use Twitter@AspirationTech. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00126-00052240-00052579 And a best practice there is those aliases go to more than one staff member. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00127-00052579-00052950 They go to the owner of that account or the maintainer of that account, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00128-00052950-00053360 as well as our operations manager, so if one of us is out of the office or sick, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00129-00053360-00053729 someone else is able to get access to that account. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00130-00053729-00054120 Kami: So folks want to hear about how to integrate social media into their Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00131-00054129-00054329 So can you talk to me about that? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00132-00054329-00054600 Gunner: Absolutely. So let's talk about what I called earlier 2ZEEo64J0AY-00133-00054600-00054900 the Housekeeping 2.0 of linking the real estate. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00134-00054900-00055379 Certainly on all the social media accounts that you have, you are able to specify a URL 2ZEEo64J0AY-00135-00055379-00055750 associated with your account. You want to make sure that those all link back 2ZEEo64J0AY-00136-00055750-00056200 to your main organizational page. So from Twitter, from Facebook you want to make sure 2ZEEo64J0AY-00137-00056200-00056500 that those all link back to your main organizational page. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00138-00056500-00056979 You also want to update on a Website that has what we call page templates. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00139-00056979-00057360 If you are publishing your Website in what is called a template-based fashion, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00140-00057360-00057790 and that may sound technical, but what I mean is if you have a content management system, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00141-00057790-00058170 if you are running something like Plone, or Drupal, or Joomla, or WordPress, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00142-00058170-00058520 you should be able to update the page template or templates, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00143-00058520-00058760 to link to your social media channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00144-00058770-00059270 Now it is a best practice to put it with the e-mail sign-up area, and have it above the fold 2ZEEo64J0AY-00145-00059270-00059640 which is to say visible before people have to scroll on the page. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00146-00059640-00060029 You also want to link to appropriate accounts from your contacts page. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00147-00060029-00060440 Imagine that people might want to contact you via Facebook or contact you via Twitter 2ZEEo64J0AY-00148-00060440-00060890 instead of e-mail or phone, the things they did back when I was a younger person. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00149-00060900-00061460 And you can potentially link from staff pages to staff Twitter and Facebook accounts, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00150-00061460-00061790 but that is a longer conversation, because organizations should really have 2ZEEo64J0AY-00151-00061790-00062220 a very intentional conversation about whether or not you want to blow the lines 2ZEEo64J0AY-00152-00062220-00062540 between staff channels and organizational channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00153-00062550-00063060 While that is beyond the scope of this call, it is a critical topic to have on your organizational radar 2ZEEo64J0AY-00154-00063060-00063460 as you try to figure out your overall social media strategy. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00155-00063540-00063920 Let's take a look at some examples of the way that Aspiration does this. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00156-00063920-00064320 And I am not saying that we are super perfect in the way that we do it, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00157-00064320-00064750 but we are experimenting and trying to put this stuff out there in a way that really does 2ZEEo64J0AY-00158-00064750-00065129 represent what we think are the best practices for nonprofit Webpages. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00159-00065140-00065500 We've already got an e-mail sign up area on our Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00160-00065500-00066020 What we simply did was add this "Follow Us" block above that, where we link to our Facebook, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00161-00066020-00066390 our Twitter, our Flickr, and our YouTube accounts with the idea being; 2ZEEo64J0AY-00162-00066390-00066800 we'll meet you wherever you want us to meet you. And people can click on those 2ZEEo64J0AY-00163-00066800-00067280 and follow us or fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and otherwise become aware 2ZEEo64J0AY-00164-00067280-00067780 of those channels that we are publishing on, instead of just coming to our Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00165-00067780-00068310 In addition, if you are sending out e-mail using a template, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00166-00068310-00068730 so if you are using a tool like Vertical Response, or Constant Contact, or Democracy in Action, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00167-00068730-00069070 all of those tools let you create templates for sending out e-mail. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00168-00069070-00069500 It is critical that you integrate your social media links into your e-mail templates, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00169-00069500-00069880 so that as you are sending out e-mail messages you are again conveying the message 2ZEEo64J0AY-00170-00069880-00070300 that you can be reached on these other channels. So the same exact block that you saw 2ZEEo64J0AY-00171-00070300-00070840 from our Website, but we have put here on the right side on the top of our e-mail template. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00172-00070840-00071170 And one last visual before we get back to bullet point land -- 2ZEEo64J0AY-00173-00071180-00071640 I think it is a matter of personal preference. I don't think you want to force all staff members 2ZEEo64J0AY-00174-00071640-00072160 to do this, but it is really nice to add the relevant links to the signature of your e-mail message 2ZEEo64J0AY-00175-00072160-00072630 so that people can know that you are available on Twitter, and Facebook, and other channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00176-00072630-00072920 when they look at an e-mail message that they have gotten from you. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00177-00072920-00073290 This particular message was a very in-depth conversation between Kami and myself 2ZEEo64J0AY-00178-00073300-00073630 regarding the the syllabus for this particular call. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00179-00073630-00074170 Kami: Excellent. So you have explained how to integrate, now what? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00180-00074170-00074580 Gunner: Great. Once you have got that under control now you get to the hard part. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00181-00074590-00074900 So yeah, you've got the housekeeping taken care of. You've created the accounts. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00182-00074900-00075140 You've decided on which ones you want to try to animate. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00183-00075150-00075430 How do you coordinate the different channels to get maximum effect? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00184-00075430-00075900 You need to understand the role of each channel, really understand the different purposes 2ZEEo64J0AY-00185-00075900-00076220 and value for each channel. And to do that we recommend 2ZEEo64J0AY-00186-00076220-00076800 three specific best practice processes that have served us extremely well. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00187-00076810-00077210 The first is message calendaring. And that is the shocking, shocking assertion 2ZEEo64J0AY-00188-00077210-00077700 that you should actually plan what you're going to say online weeks, or oh my goodness, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00189-00077700-00078130 months in advance so as to follow a structured narrative arc. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00190-00078130-00078340 And I will talk more about that in just a second. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00191-00078350-00078700 Secondly, we recommend a thing called a publishing matrix. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00192-00078700-00079180 And that is a very fancy phrase for having a spreadsheet where you track 2ZEEo64J0AY-00193-00079190-00079700 the different types of online content that you publish, a newsletter, an event announcement, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00194-00079700-00080170 an action alert, anything that you might publish, a white paper, any document, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00195-00080180-00080610 anything that you are already putting out over e-mail or Web, you want to enumerate 2ZEEo64J0AY-00196-00080610-00081170 the different types of content that you publish. And then in each column of that spreadsheet 2ZEEo64J0AY-00197-00081170-00081580 put the different channels you publish to, and what you would do in each channel 2ZEEo64J0AY-00198-00081580-00081980 for each type of content. I'll revisit that concept in just a minute. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00199-00081980-00082290 And lastly, the notion of social media dashboarding, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00200-00082290-00082770 or setting up a listening station, there are excellent free online tools 2ZEEo64J0AY-00201-00082770-00083200 that let you track the propagation of your Twitter messages, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00202-00083200-00083660 let you see how well you are being mentioned online in blogs, in blog comments, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00203-00083670-00084100 on random Webpages. So we recommend setting up a social media dash board 2ZEEo64J0AY-00204-00084100-00084630 so that you can find out if this stuff is actually reaching people, or generating online activity. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00205-00084630-00085000 And again, more on that in just a minute. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00206-00085080-00085350 Moving on to the next slide... 2ZEEo64J0AY-00207-00085350-00085670 When you are talking about the different roles for different channels, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00208-00085680-00086120 the question is do you model those channels as a spectrum of communications options? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00209-00086120-00086440 And that is to say that there are different messages that are appropriate 2ZEEo64J0AY-00210-00086440-00086840 for different channels. Some channels are friendlier with frequent messaging, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00211-00086840-00087280 other channels you want to show restraint and message less, e-mail being an example 2ZEEo64J0AY-00212-00087280-00087480 of a channel you don't want to overuse. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00213-00087480-00087790 You can have different tone and voice in the respective channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00214-00087790-00088260 I'll say more about that in a minute. And you also will find that your time and labor investment, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00215-00088260-00088820 versus -- oops, there is an acronym -- return on investment is a critical thing to consider, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00216-00088820-00089270 due to social media channels can take up a lot of time without necessarily delivering 2ZEEo64J0AY-00217-00089270-00089660 near term results. And so I'll talk about that in just a second. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00218-00089670-00089990 Moving on down the line... 2ZEEo64J0AY-00219-00089990-00090540 So you can start slowly and ramp up in thinking about these roles for the different channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00220-00090540-00091000 One arc that we like you to consider is start by treating things like Facebook and Twitter 2ZEEo64J0AY-00221-00091010-00091240 as simple announcement services. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00222-00091240-00091710 If there is a new publication, if you are having an event, if you just won a major victory 2ZEEo64J0AY-00223-00091710-00092040 as a campaigning organization, just use Facebook and Twitter 2ZEEo64J0AY-00224-00092050-00092380 as a simple announcement service where you make the announcement 2ZEEo64J0AY-00225-00092380-00092880 and link back to your Website to the page that gives further information on the topic. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00226-00092880-00093250 From there, you can move to a slightly more engaged strategy, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00227-00093250-00093610 what we call a light weight communication channel where you are sharing 2ZEEo64J0AY-00228-00093620-00094120 more frequent updates, perhaps actually trying to engage in dialogue with your users online 2ZEEo64J0AY-00229-00094120-00094580 to see if there's a pulse, to see if people actually want to be working in that channel 2ZEEo64J0AY-00230-00094580-00094900 with you on your programmatic areas. If that happens, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00231-00094910-00095420 heaven forbid that spark lights a metaphorical fire, then you can talk about whether or not 2ZEEo64J0AY-00232-00095420-00095920 your Facebook page, or your Twitter account can become anything resembling a collaborative hub. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00233-00095920-00096390 An example of that we use Flicker, the picture sharing site as a collaborative hub 2ZEEo64J0AY-00234-00096390-00096940 at our events. People who take pictures at Aspiration events, can upload them to Flicker, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00235-00096940-00097510 tag them with our Aspiration Tech tag, and then those pictures actually feed into our Website 2ZEEo64J0AY-00236-00097510-00098090 and feed a library of event pictures that we utilize in any number of communication situations. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00237-00098090-00098470 And finally, oh my goodness, all of the above has transpired. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00238-00098470-00098800 You are getting traction. It feels like your time is well spent. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00239-00098800-00099220 Then it is time to talk about whether or not you might want to move to what I phrase as 2ZEEo64J0AY-00240-00099220-00099680 an immersive community engagement sphere. What the heck do I mean by that? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00241-00099680-00100240 If you've really got a passionate online audience in your Facebook space, in your My Space space, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00242-00100250-00100790 in any number of other online channels, and you have staff resources to really push energy 2ZEEo64J0AY-00243-00100790-00101230 and time into that, you can do some very, very impressive things in those spaces. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00244-00101240-00101720 An example of an organization that does that very impressively, Students for a Free Tibet, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00245-00101720-00102200 a group that is working on the Tibetan freedom issue. They do a brilliant job 2ZEEo64J0AY-00246-00102200-00102780 of keeping their Facebook account as a Central place for the student target demographic 2ZEEo64J0AY-00247-00102780-00103080 to engage, to get updates, and to share information. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00248-00103090-00103370 And they really get more value out of that than their primary Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00249-00103370-00103650 at least in certain campaign situations. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00250-00103650-00104159 From there let's move to some of this spectrum stuff that I alluded to earlier. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00251-00104170-00104630 One way to think about these different channels is to arrange them as I have on this slide 2ZEEo64J0AY-00252-00104630-00105080 as a spectrum, and consider how they differ accross different lenses. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00253-00105080-00105490 So when it comes to target audience, one thing to think about is that your Website 2ZEEo64J0AY-00254-00105500-00106000 has a fairly anonymous component to it. Most people find that the majority of traffic 2ZEEo64J0AY-00255-00106000-00106359 to your Website comes from search engines such as Google. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00256-00106359-00106800 So you have potential supporters, people learning about your work in your organization, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00257-00106800-00107130 or people who had the poor fortune to type in words that match your pages, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00258-00107130-00107600 but have no interest in what you are doing, landing anonymously on your Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00259-00107600-00107950 So the target audience there can be thought of as really general public, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00260-00107950-00108330 and people that we would like to get interested in what we do. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00261-00108330-00108840 As you move from right to left on this spectrum, you change your target audience. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00262-00108840-00109330 E-mail is a less anonymous channel, because people have given you their e-mail addresses 2ZEEo64J0AY-00263-00109330-00109740 one way or another. So they've signal that they are willing to let you communicate with them, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00264-00109750-00110040 and consequently, the target audience are folks who are familiar 2ZEEo64J0AY-00265-00110040-00110340 to a greater or lesser degree with your work. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00266-00110350-00110770 Blogging takes that a step further. With blogging people have subscribed to your blog. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00267-00110770-00111150 They read your posts, and they may in fact comment and interact with you. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00268-00111159-00111480 And Facebook and Twitter, that is where it is getting down right intimate, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00269-00111480-00111900 because Facebook and Twitter users are quite comfortable with a daily update, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00270-00111909-00112250 or multiple updates per day. And people that are on those channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00271-00112250-00112680 often want continuous information and details about your work. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00272-00112680-00113020 If you are doing a direct action where you are actually on the ground somewhere 2ZEEo64J0AY-00273-00113020-00113490 some day tweeting every 15 or 30 minutes to say, things are going great. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00274-00113490-00113909 We've got 500 people here. That is the kind of way that you can use those channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00275-00113920-00114320 without fear of offending the people listening, because they know the deal. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00276-00114320-00114570 They know those channels are higher frequency channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00277-00114580-00115050 And the target audience for those channels is ready to know about what you are doing. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00278-00115050-00115550 Let's take it to a different lens. If you buy this spectrum idea that I am lying down, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00279-00115550-00116120 then next we can talk about tone and voice. In the same sense that your target audiences differ 2ZEEo64J0AY-00280-00116120-00116630 from channel-to-channel, the tone and voice with which you address them also differs. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00281-00116640-00117059 When you are writing content for your Website, and to a large degree for your e-mail messages, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00282-00117059-00117470 you are what I call the first person plural "We" or "The Org." 2ZEEo64J0AY-00283-00117470-00117759 And it kind of sounds like you're puffing out your chest as you talk -- 2ZEEo64J0AY-00284-00117770-00118230 "We the organization would like you the recipient to know that this is what we are doing." 2ZEEo64J0AY-00285-00118230-00118590 And while different orgs may have different tones, you are effectively speaking 2ZEEo64J0AY-00286-00118590-00118820 in a relatively formal construct. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00287-00118830-00119430 Blogging is a bridge in this regard. Blogs tend to be much more personal, much more first person, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00288-00119430-00119970 and include much more, shall we say, subjective content. Phrases like I think, we think, we believe, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00289-00119970-00120550 we know, are much more colloquial than the kind of language you will find on the About Us page 2ZEEo64J0AY-00290-00120559-00120759 of most nonprofit Websites. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00291-00120759-00121270 And as you move into Facebook and Twitter channels, it is critical that you model 2ZEEo64J0AY-00292-00121280-00121859 those channels as dialogues with other people as opposed to more anonymous conversation. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00293-00121859-00122290 So if you want an example of a worst practice, an example of putting the wrong tone and voice 2ZEEo64J0AY-00294-00122290-00122750 into a channel, we've seen organizations paste entire press releases 2ZEEo64J0AY-00295-00122750-00123300 into their Facebook status updates. That is a worst practice, because instead of saying hey, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00296-00123300-00123770 we just dropped a press release. Check it out at this link which would be the kind of tone 2ZEEo64J0AY-00297-00123780-00124190 you might put in your Facebook channel. Pasting six or seven paragraphs of text 2ZEEo64J0AY-00298-00124190-00124600 is basically saying I don't really care who gets this. I am just doing my job 2ZEEo64J0AY-00299-00124600-00124830 and sticking this content on this channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00300-00124830-00125190 So we strongly encourage people to think of the tone and voice in the context of the channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00301-00125200-00125620 And in this spectrum, as you move to the left you are thinking much more personal, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00302-00125620-00126100 much more intimate tone like you are talking to a friend, like you're talking to someone who really, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00303-00126100-00126359 really specifically cares about what you do. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00304-00126359-00126680 But wait, there's more! 2ZEEo64J0AY-00305-00126680-00127300 In addition, to the tone and the audience issues, there is the question of which channels do I use 2ZEEo64J0AY-00306-00127300-00127740 for which kinds of messages? With your Website, you will usually your Website 2ZEEo64J0AY-00307-00127740-00128030 and your e-mail for what we call planned messaging. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00308-00128030-00128290 So you know you're going to do a press release next week. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00309-00128290-00128570 You know you are going to send out an e-mail newsletter at the end of the month. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00310-00128580-00129050 And those tend to have measured narratives. Those channels can be used for "urgent alerts" 2ZEEo64J0AY-00311-00129050-00129530 or "intentional asks" as well, but suffice it to say those tools are best used in what we call 2ZEEo64J0AY-00312-00129530-00129730 sort of slow motion planning mode. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00313-00129740-00130150 But as you move to the left you may send out a latebreaking e-mail alert 2ZEEo64J0AY-00314-00130150-00130700 if you've got latebreaking news. A blog which you can publish to daily, can be used for very, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00315-00130700-00131140 very up to the minute types of messaging. And as you get into the Twitter and Facebook space, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00316-00131150-00131580 you can get a little bit more diverse in what you put out there; latebreaking news, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00317-00131580-00131850 real-time updates that I mentioned earlier. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00318-00131850-00132280 Teasers, on our Facebook or Twitter channel it is totally cool to say something like hey, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00319-00132280-00132600 we've got a big announcement coming out next Friday, stay tuned! 2ZEEo64J0AY-00320-00132610-00133030 And sometimes we refer to those as "flirts," ways to get people curious or engaged 2ZEEo64J0AY-00321-00133030-00133300 in what you are doing, and curious to find out more. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00322-00133300-00133650 And on those channels you can also do "opportunistic asks." 2ZEEo64J0AY-00323-00133660-00134120 Tie a tweet, or tie a Facebook update to a current event that has just happened 2ZEEo64J0AY-00324-00134120-00134590 that helps you drive interest to your organization based on people's recognition 2ZEEo64J0AY-00325-00134590-00134880 of your association with some current event. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00326-00134880-00135360 For instance an example I would use there , the horrible -- if I may editorialize -- 2ZEEo64J0AY-00327-00135360-00135780 decision by the Supreme Court to allow unlimited spending by corporations 2ZEEo64J0AY-00328-00135790-00136350 with an opportunity for a number of campaigning organizations to hop on their Facebook 2ZEEo64J0AY-00329-00136350-00136750 and Twitter accounts and really drum up righteous indignation immediately 2ZEEo64J0AY-00330-00136750-00137250 about the fact that the Supreme Court had given corporations all of this additional power 2ZEEo64J0AY-00331-00137250-00137460 in the American political process. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00332-00137460-00137800 People who hopped on Twitter, and hopped on Facebook right in that moment, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00333-00137800-00138200 got other people re-tweeting and forwarding their Facebook updates. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00334-00138200-00138680 And generated activity around those channels in a way that would not be nearly as effective 2ZEEo64J0AY-00335-00138680-00139020 just updating your Website with a statement saying we are very disappointed 2ZEEo64J0AY-00336-00139020-00139310 in the fact that this has happened. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00337-00139320-00139670 Moving along as I look at the clock and try to make sure I don't run over, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00338-00139670-00139930 here is where it gets interesting. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00339-00139930-00140460 And this is honestly, the grounds for its own Webinar, because it's such a nuanced topic. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00340-00140470-00140970 Organizations who are already online with a Website and one or more e-mail lists 2ZEEo64J0AY-00341-00140970-00141630 are used to having almost total control of brand. What I mean by that is, the general public 2ZEEo64J0AY-00342-00141630-00142130 cannot update your Website. You might allow comments. You are able to moderate those, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00343-00142130-00142530 but in general, your Website is a fairly one directional communications channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00344-00142540-00142990 E-mail lists, the very same thing. When you send out a monthly newsletter 2ZEEo64J0AY-00345-00142990-00143340 rare is the organization that treats that as a discussion list, because most people 2ZEEo64J0AY-00346-00143340-00143750 would unsubscribe quickly if that kind of noise started happening. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00347-00143750-00144290 But as you think of that control of message, and brand in the blog channels, Facebook and Twitter, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00348-00144290-00144780 it gets complicated, because when you are blogging, commenting is a critical component 2ZEEo64J0AY-00349-00144780-00145290 of a successful blogging strategy. And when people comment, they don't always stay 2ZEEo64J0AY-00350-00145290-00145670 on message, and they don't always reflect the best values of your organization. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00351-00145680-00146290 So some things that appear in comments on your blog may threaten your sense of brand austerity, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00352-00146290-00146560 may threaten your sense of organizational identity. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00353-00146570-00147000 So we strongly encourage people to be intentional about having a good comment policy, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00354-00147000-00147520 and understanding how to share that control of message with your blogging audience. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00355-00147520-00147920 Facebook and Twitter take it a step further, because your Facebook updates, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00356-00147920-00148520 and your tweets get mixed in on a per user basis with whatever else they are following. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00357-00148520-00149150 So your "save the turtle" tweet might be in between a "pave the planet" tweet, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00358-00149160-00149500 and a "I just bought a Hummer latest model" tweet 2ZEEo64J0AY-00359-00149500-00149940 which one could say are not consistent messages around a "save the turtles" message. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00360-00149950-00150420 So as you move into the social media space, there really is an interesting kind 2ZEEo64J0AY-00361-00150420-00151090 of organizational analysis, hand wrenching kind of reflection on how much you are able 2ZEEo64J0AY-00362-00151090-00151670 to let go a little bit of your message, let go a little bit of your brand, and invite others to participate 2ZEEo64J0AY-00363-00151670-00151940 in the way that you communicate online. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00364-00151950-00152240 A couple more, and we will be done with this spectrum exercise. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00365-00152240-00152530 Frequency of messaging, I don't think I need to say much here. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00366-00152530-00153030 Websites, you could update your Website every day. Unless you are a news oriented organization, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00367-00153040-00153420 we don't think that is the best use of your time, much better to pour that energy 2ZEEo64J0AY-00368-00153420-00153900 into e-mail messages, blog posts, and social media updates that reach audiences 2ZEEo64J0AY-00369-00153900-00154150 in a more dynamic and immediate fashion. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00370-00154150-00154580 And when you talk Facebook and Twitter, as I mentioned earlier, you can do those updates 2ZEEo64J0AY-00371-00154580-00155130 almost as often as you want, as long as you are not just making worthless noise. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00372-00155130-00155600 Time and labor investment, this is the scary one. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00373-00155610-00156050 One of the things that is really weird about social media is that social media channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00374-00156050-00156540 can expand to fill available time like no other online technology. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00375-00156540-00157010 And so with Website and e-mail, you can know what your time and labor investments are 2ZEEo64J0AY-00376-00157010-00157420 based on past patterns. You know how much time it takes you to do a Website update. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00377-00157420-00157930 You know how much time it takes to put together and execute an e-mail fundraising appeal. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00378-00157930-00158480 So moving over to the Facebook and Twitter side, as I said earlier there is sort of an arc 2ZEEo64J0AY-00379-00158490-00158910 of how you use those channels. But if you look at an organization like the Humane Society 2ZEEo64J0AY-00380-00158910-00159520 who I find to be very impressive in that they are a quote/unquote "old school, institutional, nonprofit," 2ZEEo64J0AY-00381-00159520-00160120 they've got a full time social media person, and she is fantastic. She spends a lot of time, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00382-00160120-00160680 pretty much a 24/7 kind of commitment engaging people on their Twitter and Facebook channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00383-00160680-00161220 And she even checks those on the weekend. She is committed to the cause as one might say. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00384-00161220-00161610 Now I am not saying that every organization should follow that level of investment, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00385-00161620-00161990 but this is something organizations should be intentional about discussing 2ZEEo64J0AY-00386-00161990-00162460 as they explore social media integration with their Website, because you really do want 2ZEEo64J0AY-00387-00162460-00162830 to set allocations of what is appropriate Facebook and Twitter time, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00388-00162830-00163250 what is appropriate blogging time, and balance that against appropriate e-mail, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00389-00163250-00163520 and Website time and labor investment. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00390-00163530-00164000 And finally, the one I mentioned earlier with an acronym fumble, return on investment. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00391-00164000-00164330 With your Website and your e-mail again, it is knowable. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00392-00164330-00164680 People when they send out an e-mail fundraising appeal, can say things like yeah, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00393-00164680-00165190 last year we got $4000 in our end of year appeal. We are hoping to get $5000 this time. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00394-00165200-00165640 But when it comes to Twitter and Facebook, the return on investment is still largely unknown, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00395-00165640-00166030 and to that extent something that you have to research for yourself. It is uneven, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00396-00166030-00166490 and it is subject to change. It is just important to name those things and invite organizations 2ZEEo64J0AY-00397-00166500-00167110 to consider them as they work to integrate social media into their Web processes. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00398-00167110-00167660 Kami: Wow, that was incredible. Thank you so much. My head is spinning. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00399-00167660-00167990 And so those of you who might think wow, this is a lot of information, you will be getting 2ZEEo64J0AY-00400-00167990-00168310 this Power Point later. So if you want to go through and review this later 2ZEEo64J0AY-00401-00168310-00168550 the slides will be available. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00402-00168550-00169070 So Gunner, how can this be coordinated in an optimal fashion? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00403-00169070-00169630 Gunner: Excellent. Great question, and again, I want to echo the apology that we are covering 2ZEEo64J0AY-00404-00169630-00170060 a lot of ground here. The goal of this call is to really inspire people to consider these concepts, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00405-00170060-00170330 and we apologize we don't have time to drill all the way down. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00406-00170340-00170760 But that said, the next three slides are talking about processes that we think 2ZEEo64J0AY-00407-00170760-00171120 really make your online efforts sustainable. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00408-00171120-00171630 Message calendaring, is addressing the rhetorical question of how often and how far in advance 2ZEEo64J0AY-00409-00171630-00172100 do you schedule online messages? And, do you message with a narrative art? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00410-00172110-00172510 Do you design your e-mail messages so that they tell a story over time 2ZEEo64J0AY-00411-00172510-00173130 and engage your online audience in the narrative so they feel more a part of the work that you do? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00412-00173130-00173530 If you put together a messaging calendar -- and what I mean when I say messaging calendar, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00413-00173540-00173900 is that you actually are using Exchange or using a Google calendar, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00414-00173900-00174310 or using whatever innovational electronic calendaring technology. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00415-00174310-00174750 Track your messaging arcs by saying, this week we are going to do an education piece. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00416-00174750-00174970 Next week we are going to do an action alert. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00417-00174970-00175190 The week after that we are going to announce our event. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00418-00175190-00175610 The week after that we are going to do an exposé piece on this corrupt politician. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00419-00175620-00176110 That is a messaging arc which allows you to discuss how you advance the story 2ZEEo64J0AY-00420-00176110-00176550 in each piece of online communication. You sustain messaging that way. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00421-00176550-00176930 You also coordinate your internal processes so that different campaigns 2ZEEo64J0AY-00422-00176940-00177380 or different program areas of an organization do not step on one another. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00423-00177380-00177960 Finally, calendars allow you to avoid what we call list fatigue when it comes to channels like e-mail, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00424-00177960-00178240 because unintentional messaging, what we call 2ZEEo64J0AY-00425-00178240-00178720 sensitive artiste spur of the moment e-mail messaging can lead to spamming, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00426-00178720-00178980 can lead to over sending to your messaging lists. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00427-00178980-00179490 But if you plan your message calendaring in advance, you can avoid that list fatigue 2ZEEo64J0AY-00428-00179490-00179980 and have the left organizational hand know what the right organizational hand is doing 2ZEEo64J0AY-00429-00179980-00180190 from message to message. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00430-00180200-00180570 The next process that we strongly recommend organizations consider 2ZEEo64J0AY-00431-00180570-00181040 is what we call a publishing matrix. Do you have an integrated way for deciding 2ZEEo64J0AY-00432-00181040-00181310 which messages go to which online channels? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00433-00181310-00181750 Some stuff is just a tweet. Other stuff only belongs on your Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00434-00181750-00182210 probably does not warrant a tweet or a Facebook update. And to that extent the question is, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00435-00182220-00182640 do you think intentionally about the different types of content that you publish? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00436-00182640-00182960 What do you do when you do a press release? What do you do with a newsletter, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00437-00182960-00183270 an event announcement, a blog post and so forth? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00438-00183270-00183740 A publishing matrix then, is the idea that when you are putting together your online planning, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00439-00183740-00184360 each row in this matrix can be a type of content; a press release, a newsletter, a blog post. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00440-00184370-00184850 And each column as I mentioned earlier, can be an online channel; your Website, your e-mail list 2ZEEo64J0AY-00441-00184850-00185310 or lists, your blog or blogs, your Facebook and Twitter accounts. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00442-00185310-00185690 And for each type of content, which type of channels do you actually publish on 2ZEEo64J0AY-00443-00185690-00185890 in a coordinated example? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00444-00185890-00186450 In that teeny tiny font at the bottom of the page is the link to the Aspiration publishing matrix. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00445-00186450-00186960 It is a little bit dense, and I apologize for that. We have a lot of channels, and a lot of content sites. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00446-00186960-00187430 But it gives you an idea of how we have our communications process automated. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00447-00187430-00187890 On the next slide I've got a picture of that -- well, how shall I say it -- 2ZEEo64J0AY-00448-00187890-00188320 unwieldy and not necessarily aesthetically pleasing matrix. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00449-00188320-00188810 But you see that when we announce an Aspiration event, we hit every channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00450-00188820-00189180 When we announce a San Francisco Nonprofit Technology Center event 2ZEEo64J0AY-00451-00189180-00189760 we only hit a couple of channels, the Website, do a blog post, maybe a LinkedIn update, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00452-00189770-00190080 but we don't hit channels where we don't think it is relevant. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00453-00190080-00190430 If you look down a little further on the page, when we do a new publication, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00454-00190430-00190860 we hit everywhere. When we do a press release, we only hit certain channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00455-00190860-00191270 So this is an example of our publishing matrix. And again, it is available on our Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00456-00191280-00191630 and available under creative commons, so you can take it and modify it 2ZEEo64J0AY-00457-00191630-00191910 and use a similar model to your own ends. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00458-00191930-00192380 Last process before we get to final things, we recommend that you consider using 2ZEEo64J0AY-00459-00192380-00192890 a social media dashboard. And a big tip of the hat to Amy Sample Ward who at NetSquared 2ZEEo64J0AY-00460-00192890-00193330 has taught us a lot about how to do social media listening, and social media dashboarding. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00461-00193330-00193900 There is a range of tools that let's you track how you are being mentioned online. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00462-00193910-00194540 iGoogle is sort of a low end of the curve. Netvibes is the tool that we use, netvibes.com and it's free. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00463-00194540-00195000 Radian6 for you organizations that have excessive communications budgets. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00464-00195000-00195390 Radian6 is a pricy option, but a very powerful tool for tracking. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00465-00195390-00195850 The dashboard tools let you track key words. Where is your organization's name 2ZEEo64J0AY-00466-00195860-00196300 or acronym getting mentioned? Where are your campaign and issue key words, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00467-00196300-00196650 or your staff's names getting mentioned? Which blogs are you getting mentioned on? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00468-00196650-00196880 Who is commenting on stuff that you are doing? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00469-00196890-00197360 You can also track targets of your campaigns or programmatic work. Track your opponents. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00470-00197360-00197730 Track decision-makers that you are trying to get engaged in your issues. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00471-00197730-00198140 The bottom line is that these messaging dashboards allow you to see if your messaging 2ZEEo64J0AY-00472-00198140-00198610 is propagating, and in certain situations like blog comment threads 2ZEEo64J0AY-00473-00198610-00198950 to find out what the reactions are. See if people are responding favorably, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00474-00198960-00199430 or if they are not responding favorably, know that, and give yourself an opportunity 2ZEEo64J0AY-00475-00199430-00199890 to dive into that comment thread and offer the organizational perspective. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00476-00199890-00200330 The next slide is just a screenshot of Aspiration's social media dashboard. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00477-00200330-00200910 And again, this is available publicly at Netvibes.com/AspirationTech, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00478-00200910-00201270 you can see what our public dashboard looks like. And we will put that link in the resources 2ZEEo64J0AY-00479-00201270-00201690 after this call. But it is just our simple way of knowing what people are saying about us 2ZEEo64J0AY-00480-00201700-00202030 on Facebook, on Twitter, and so forth, in one place 2ZEEo64J0AY-00481-00202030-00202410 without having to go to 74 different Webpages. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00482-00202420-00202880 And that Kami, is the set of practices that we recommend. We wish we had time to go deeper, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00483-00202880-00203320 but at least people have a rough idea of the kind of processes they can ultimately sustain 2ZEEo64J0AY-00484-00203320-00203620 integrating social media into your Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00485-00203630-00204020 Kami: Well, thank you Gunner. Is there anything else that we should know about? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00486-00204020-00204480 Gunner: Well, I'm glad you asked. One of the things I always feel is critical to say 2ZEEo64J0AY-00487-00204490-00204910 on a call like this, we often in the nonprofit sector as we focus on budget line items 2ZEEo64J0AY-00488-00204910-00205460 called software and hardware, forget to remember that data is our digital power. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00489-00205460-00205960 Information is what you are really, really focusing on when you do any online anything. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00490-00205960-00206430 And so we strongly encourage people to think about their online social media, and Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00491-00206440-00207190 and e-mail efforts as a curation of data model as opposed to a use of technology model. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00492-00207190-00207690 Technology is a vessel which conveys data into the future. Technologies will come and go. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00493-00207690-00208019 Data, properly maintained is here for the long run. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00494-00208030-00208480 So five themes we like to hit on, as an organization make sure that you have actually 2ZEEo64J0AY-00495-00208480-00208969 enumerated all of the places you have got data, all of the online accounts, all of the databases, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00496-00208980-00209350 all of the places you have information, and treat that as a universe. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00497-00209350-00209710 Treat that as a collective whole as you do your communications planning 2ZEEo64J0AY-00498-00209710-00209960 and your organizational IT planning. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00499-00209969-00210440 I sound like a parrot here, but if you could see me I would be wagging my pointer finger. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00500-00210440-00210710 Have a complete and sustainable back up process, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00501-00210710-00211180 and that includes getting your backups off-site, so that if your building burns down, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00502-00211180-00211800 or you get hit by aliens shooting laser beams at your building, you don't lose all your data. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00503-00211800-00212180 That by extension leads into the idea of keeping control of your data. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00504-00212190-00212700 Where you have remotely hosted data on a salesforce.com platform, Democracy in Action, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00505-00212700-00213110 any hosted data, make sure that you are making local backups on a regular basis. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00506-00213110-00213490 This can be automated, and does not have to require a lot of staff time. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00507-00213490-00214080 Also confirm with your data that you can migrate it if you decide the tool is no longer relevant. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00508-00214080-00214450 Services like Facebook and Twitter -- to use the technical term -- kind of suck, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00509-00214450-00214880 because they deliberately make it difficult to migrate that contact information. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00510-00214880-00215300 But a good e-mail newsletter tool like Vertical Response, or Constant Contact, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00511-00215300-00215719 Democracy in Action, has export options. And you should verify in advance, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00512-00215719-00216219 whenever you take on a new communications channel that you hopefully have export 2ZEEo64J0AY-00513-00216219-00216730 and migration options if you decide that that tool is no longer the right tool for your organization. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00514-00216740-00217110 And finally, when you think about data, and you think about online communications 2ZEEo64J0AY-00515-00217110-00217440 in all of these channels, remember you need a good privacy policy 2ZEEo64J0AY-00516-00217440-00217940 where you honor the privacy of your users, and assert your own expectations of privacy 2ZEEo64J0AY-00517-00217950-00218450 as an organization working for social change. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00518-00218550-00219280 In addition, really, really encourage people to be intentional about unifying your online identity. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00519-00219290-00219790 Some people will create their organizational blog at my-org-dot-WordPress-dot-com. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00520-00219790-00220210 That's a really bad model, because then you are married to WordPress. You want to route 2ZEEo64J0AY-00521-00220219-00220710 as much engagement online as possible through domain names that you control. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00522-00220710-00221319 So much better to have blog-dot-my-org-dot-org, than blog-dot-WordPress-dot-com, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00523-00221319-00221619 so that when you decide to change blog technologies, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00524-00221619-00221919 you don't need to change blog addresses. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00525-00221919-00222510 Also presume that Facebook and Twitter are, shall we say, metaphorical flashes in the pan, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00526-00222510-00222980 and one need look no further back in the dust bin of online history than Friendster 2ZEEo64J0AY-00527-00222990-00223430 to see what it looks like to see an online community fade away into irrelevance. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00528-00223430-00223869 So we strongly encourage you to really be intentional about maintaining an online identity 2ZEEo64J0AY-00529-00223869-00224550 behind addresses that you control, not addresses that somebody else controls. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00530-00224550-00225019 Kami: Alright. Before we jump into Q&A, which we have a bunch of questions, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00531-00225030-00225290 let's do a quick summary. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00532-00225290-00225850 Gunner: Well, first and foremost the thing that I started out with lovingly called Housekeeping 2.0, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00533-00225850-00226260 get the real estate reserved in advance. Configure your online channels to advertise 2ZEEo64J0AY-00534-00226260-00226690 and link to one another. And be intentional about treating them as a collective whole. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00535-00226690-00227160 You want, in doing that, to understand the purpose and the norms of each channel, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00536-00227160-00227590 and it is very helpful to refer to some of those spectrum diagrams that we went over, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00537-00227590-00228000 so that as you decide how you will use Facebook, and you decide how you will use your blog, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00538-00228000-00228380 or your Twitter account, that you have a sense of the purpose and the voice 2ZEEo64J0AY-00539-00228380-00228640 and the tone that you use in those channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00540-00228640-00229010 We strongly recommend that you follow the best practices that we've mentioned. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00541-00229019-00229350 I will apologize for the 15th time that we only touched on those briefly. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00542-00229350-00229950 And at the end of the day, think about it as a data exercise, and think about how are we amassing, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00543-00229950-00230630 how is our organization amassing a digital data set that we can leverage to have impact 2ZEEo64J0AY-00544-00230630-00231280 and organizational success moving forward independent of any specific technology. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00545-00231280-00231740 Kami: Alright, questions. There are about 50 of them here waiting. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00546-00231750-00232040 I am going to start with a question from Pat. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00547-00232040-00232440 Do you think it is necessary to also keep domains dot-info, dot-US? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00548-00232440-00232740 Do you see these domains growing into common use in the future. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00549-00232740-00233119 Gunner: Super great question, my general answer is; no, not at all. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00550-00233119-00233590 I think it is per organization. So if you are working on US policy, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00551-00233590-00234150 then it is probably worth having a dot-US address. But just to give you the Aspiration policy 2ZEEo64J0AY-00552-00234150-00234550 and we -- I am embarrassed how many domains we have. We maintain about 25 different domains 2ZEEo64J0AY-00553-00234550-00235010 for different purposes, but we just maintain dot-com, dot-net, and dot-org, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00554-00235019-00235350 except in very specific exception cases. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00555-00235350-00235710 Kami: And Kathy has a question. Can you talk about privacy policies and statements, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00556-00235710-00236200 if and when they are needed? You had mentioned them when uploading pictures to Flickr. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00557-00236200-00236440 Are there privacy concerns? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00558-00236440-00236919 Gunner: Great question. The first answer is, privacy policies are always needed. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00559-00236919-00237560 Let's start with your Website. It is do it rigor that you have a privacy policy on your Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00560-00237569-00238069 and that you follow it. So we strongly encourage every organization to have a privacy policy. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00561-00238069-00238669 Feel free to take a look at the AspirationTech.org privacy policy. We share everything we do, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00562-00238669-00239100 so if you want to jack our privacy policy and adapt it to your needs, that's a good move 2ZEEo64J0AY-00563-00239100-00239369 though we always recommend that you consult a lawyer. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00564-00239369-00239780 For sites like Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook, it gets more complicated, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00565-00239780-00240350 because there the privacy policy of the service provider is the preeminent privacy policy. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00566-00240350-00240890 And to put a cynical spin on this, Twitter and Facebook are in the privacy invasion business. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00567-00240900-00241419 Their whole goal in being viable businesses is to blur the distinctions between the individual 2ZEEo64J0AY-00568-00241419-00241840 and the community. And so what we encourage organizations to do there is to consider ways 2ZEEo64J0AY-00569-00241840-00242319 in which they might be at risk of violating the privacy of people that are collaborating 2ZEEo64J0AY-00570-00242319-00242580 with them in those channels, and avoid doing that. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00571-00242580-00243119 So in particular, when you are using Twitter, or when you are doing other online communications, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00572-00243130-00243500 Twitter allows you to do direct messaging. You need to remember that depending 2ZEEo64J0AY-00573-00243500-00243869 on how things are set up, other people can see your direct messages on Twitter. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00574-00243880-00244210 Don't put anything sensitive or private in a Twitter direct message, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00575-00244210-00244660 because it is one way or another likely to be seen by eyes that you did not intend. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00576-00244660-00245040 So it is a phenomenal question. We don't have great answers for channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00577-00245040-00245519 in the social media realm, but it is critical that for your Website and your blog, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00578-00245530-00246040 you have privacy policies. And in addition when you send out e-mails there is a privacy policy link, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00579-00246040-00246530 and that you never ever, ever, ever, give your e-mail addresses to anybody else ever. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00580-00246540-00246869 That may sound extreme, but it is just never okay for an organization 2ZEEo64J0AY-00581-00246869-00247369 to ship a bunch of e-mail addresses to another organization under any circumstances. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00582-00247369-00247680 And I know that there are people out on this call that might argue with that extreme statement. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00583-00247680-00248040 That's our policy on good e-mail privacy practice. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00584-00248040-00248550 Kami: And Faith has a question and a comment. I am very blunt, but entertaining 2ZEEo64J0AY-00585-00248550-00248990 on my Twitter account, especially about politics. Should I have a live Twitter feed on my Website? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00586-00249000-00249280 I don't want to sensor myself on Twitter. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00587-00249280-00249640 Gunner: That's a great question, and it gets back to the audience analysis. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00588-00249650-00250240 If you feel that your Twitter account is edgy, and you feel that you don't want to take the risk 2ZEEo64J0AY-00589-00250240-00250580 of looking edgy on your Website, then no. Keep them separate. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00590-00250580-00250969 That is part of the beauty of having different channels is that you really can convey 2ZEEo64J0AY-00591-00250969-00251340 different personalities and different tones in those different channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00592-00251340-00251869 So yes, technologically it is quite straightforward to pull in a feed of your latest tweets 2ZEEo64J0AY-00593-00251869-00252330 into your Website, but if you are concerned that that tone might not align properly 2ZEEo64J0AY-00594-00252330-00252860 with your Website's editorial tone, then it is just fine and dandy to keep those completely separate 2ZEEo64J0AY-00595-00252869-00253380 or to do the lighter weight thing of linking to your Twitter feed from your Website, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00596-00253380-00253860 but not in the Website content intimating the nature of the content on that channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00597-00253860-00254430 Because in the Twitter context people are very tolerant and in fact, deeply appreciate edgy, blunt, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00598-00254430-00255080 and otherwise "bringing it" tone and attitude in a way that Websites can't necessarily do, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00599-00255080-00255450 because again, most of your Website traffic is an anonymous audience 2ZEEo64J0AY-00600-00255460-00255740 that is not familiar with the work that you do. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00601-00255740-00256110 Kami: And a couple of people have asked about LinkedIn and where does it fit 2ZEEo64J0AY-00602-00256110-00256410 in a nonprofit social media strategy? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00603-00256410-00256850 Gunner: That is a superb question, and one that we sort of subtly invited by showing 2ZEEo64J0AY-00604-00256860-00257269 our publishing matrix, and the fact that LinkedIn is one of the channels that we think about. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00605-00257269-00257690 LinkedIn is complicated in the following way. LinkedIn does not have the concept 2ZEEo64J0AY-00606-00257700-00258150 of an organizational account. It is strictly for individuals who want to shmooze, network, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00607-00258150-00258530 and have a place to send their resume out gratuitously when they are looking for work. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00608-00258530-00259030 What we believe is that you can use LinkedIn in an opportunistic limited way 2ZEEo64J0AY-00609-00259040-00259340 when you need to get the word out to that network. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00610-00259340-00259840 But since it has to go through a person account, you need to have a conversation with your staff 2ZEEo64J0AY-00611-00259850-00260260 to see how they feel about using their LinkedIn accounts for that purpose. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00612-00260260-00260680 In my case, I have a LinkedIn account. I've had the same job for six years, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00613-00260690-00261269 and I don't plan on changing. So I am able to use LinkedIn as a de facto organizational channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00614-00261269-00261840 And all I use it for is their question feature is something that I jack to announce events. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00615-00261840-00262300 So the question I will pose to my 500, or however many hundred LinkedIn connections I have is, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00616-00262300-00262800 can you help us spread the word about Aspiration's Nonprofit Software Development Summit? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00617-00262800-00263240 And I have had great results with people actually responding to that, and spreading the word 2ZEEo64J0AY-00618-00263240-00263620 through their Facebook, through their LinkedIn, through their Twitter in ways that really were a 2ZEEo64J0AY-00619-00263620-00263930 nice augmentations of our own Facebook and Twitter efforts. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00620-00263930-00264280 So long story short, LinkedIn can have a role, but it is problematic 2ZEEo64J0AY-00621-00264290-00264560 because of the fact that you need to go through individual accounts. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00622-00264560-00264850 And you need to make sure that you have a clear delineation 2ZEEo64J0AY-00623-00264860-00265270 of how the organization and the individual account relate. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00624-00265270-00265570 Kami: And Lynette's question is how do you feel about inundating people 2ZEEo64J0AY-00625-00265580-00265950 who might be subscribed to multiple channels, with the same info? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00626-00265950-00266470 Gunner: Super great question. My general philosophy is, people are intelligent 2ZEEo64J0AY-00627-00266470-00266860 and they know when they are getting more information from you than they want, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00628-00266870-00267220 so you basically want to take it on a per channel basis. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00629-00267220-00267800 When you send out e-mail it is a best practice, 12 to 24 hours after sending a message, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00630-00267800-00268170 presuming that you have a tool that gives reporting and statistics, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00631-00268180-00268610 you should study the unsubscribe rate. And if you see a higher unsubscribed rate 2ZEEo64J0AY-00632-00268610-00269050 with frequent messaging, that is a clue that you probably are sending too many e-mails 2ZEEo64J0AY-00633-00269060-00269360 to your e-mail list or sub lists. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00634-00269360-00269700 That said, with things like a blog it is virtually impossible 2ZEEo64J0AY-00635-00269700-00270190 as long as you are publishing meaningful content, it's virtually impossible to over publish on a blog. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00636-00270200-00270760 I've seen it done, but not in the nonprofit sector. And in Facebook and Twitter land again, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00637-00270760-00270960 frequent updates are the norm. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00638-00270970-00271340 And so to the question, if someone is on more than one of those channels 2ZEEo64J0AY-00639-00271340-00271720 it is important for you to have distinct voice in each channel 2ZEEo64J0AY-00640-00271730-00272040 so it doesn't sound like you are droning channel to channel. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00641-00272040-00272400 But if you use a blog post to talk about an upcoming event, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00642-00272400-00272710 but also tweet and Facebook it, that is a best practice. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00643-00272710-00273020 And the key is to make sure that you use the appropriate format. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00644-00273020-00273380 In Twitter and Facebook it should be a one liner with a link to more event info. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00645-00273390-00273780 Whereas in a blog post you can go deep and talk about the goals and the vision of the event, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00646-00273780-00274180 or the speakers, or the participants, and really do a more engaging job of describing 2ZEEo64J0AY-00647-00274180-00274580 what that event is about. That is the kind of differentiation that we encourage 2ZEEo64J0AY-00648-00274580-00274800 with the idea being that if somebody is getting everything that they need 2ZEEo64J0AY-00649-00274800-00275120 on Twitter and Facebook, they know how to unsubscribe from your blog, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00650-00275130-00275500 they know how to unsubscribe from the channels that are more than they want. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00651-00275500-00275950 A final note on that, we do encourage people to be very intentional about trying 2ZEEo64J0AY-00652-00275950-00276360 to get as many e-mail addresses as you can, because e-mail addresses 2ZEEo64J0AY-00653-00276360-00276870 are the most persistent contact information that you have online. Organizations that depend 2ZEEo64J0AY-00654-00276870-00277360 primarily on Facebook or Twitter are setting themselves up for a world of hurt 2ZEEo64J0AY-00655-00277360-00277810 if those services ever get acquired and change their terms, go out of business. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00656-00277820-00278260 Twitter has yet to make a lot of money, so while everyone is confident that it will get acquired 2ZEEo64J0AY-00657-00278260-00278780 some day, it is also entirely possible that Twitter will just run out of gas two or four years from now. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00658-00278790-00279310 And so those kinds of channels, those connections should be treated as more transient, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00659-00279310-00279740 and efforts should be made to get people in those channels on your mailing lists 2ZEEo64J0AY-00660-00279740-00280140 through any number of cynical mechanisms, including petitions and other ways 2ZEEo64J0AY-00661-00280140-00280500 of having people say yes I agree, and here is my e-mail address. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00662-00280500-00280880 Because as you are trying to balance your messaging in the different channels, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00663-00280880-00281340 the e-mail one is the one that most likely will be your long-term most valuable channel 2ZEEo64J0AY-00664-00281340-00281870 in a general sense. It's certainly entertainment depending on people doing work in for instance 2ZEEo64J0AY-00665-00281870-00282220 youth contexts. You can make a strong counter argument that the social networks 2ZEEo64J0AY-00666-00282220-00282460 are at least as valuable. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00667-00282460-00282770 Kami: And Linda had a question about government agencies. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00668-00282780-00283090 She would like to know how government agencies are using social media, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00669-00283090-00283540 and any references would be helpful. So do you have any suggestions or examples 2ZEEo64J0AY-00670-00283540-00283820 of how government agencies are using social media? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00671-00283830-00284130 Gunner: That's a great question. I don't off the top of my head. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00672-00284130-00284390 Kami, when you and I put together the resources page afterwards, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00673-00284390-00284730 I will see if I can Google up anything, because I have certainly heard it discussed before. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00674-00284740-00285270 It's super complicated because -- and again, I don't know which government department 2ZEEo64J0AY-00675-00285270-00285620 or type of work you are talking about, whether you are actually talking about US government 2ZEEo64J0AY-00676-00285620-00286090 or a quasigovernmental organization. But the issues there to my understanding 2ZEEo64J0AY-00677-00286090-00286540 are much more institutional and outside the scope of this set of process points, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00678-00286540-00286910 because so often what you are most constrained by in social media, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00679-00286910-00287300 and we have seen this working with certain institutional clients in our work, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00680-00287300-00287770 is imagine an organization where you have a three week approval chain for a tweet. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00681-00287780-00288160 That's pretty mind blowing, but that's actually standard operating procedure 2ZEEo64J0AY-00682-00288160-00288660 in risk averse organizations that do not want unauthorized communications going out. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00683-00288660-00288950 So it is a superb question; I wish I had a better answer. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00684-00288950-00289500 Kami: Okay, and Kate wants to know where you got your Facebook icon for your Website. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00685-00289510-00290010 Gunner: Okay, I'm going to say this on record. We jack them just like everybody else does. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00686-00290010-00290440 I am proud to be a board member of the Ruckus Society which is an organization 2ZEEo64J0AY-00687-00290450-00290700 that trains activists in nonviolent social disobedience. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00688-00290700-00291080 They had an artist do a nice treatment of Facebook and Twitter icons. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00689-00291080-00291450 And we just rolled on over there and with their kind permission copy and pasted those 2ZEEo64J0AY-00690-00291450-00292080 into our own graphical formats. In general, and I am saying this with my lawyer hat off, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00691-00292080-00292500 reuse of Facebook and Twitter icons online is a de facto standard. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00692-00292500-00292940 I'm not saying it is right, but it is certainly the norm. So if you find ones that you like 2ZEEo64J0AY-00693-00292940-00293370 on a Website, you can do two things. You can copy paste them and probably not get in trouble, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00694-00293370-00293810 but I know that all the lawyers on this call are squirming on easily in their seats as I say that. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00695-00293810-00294300 Or the better practice, contact the organizations whose site it is and say hey, would it be okay 2ZEEo64J0AY-00696-00294300-00294720 if we reuse your Twitter and Facebook icons. Most of those services to my knowledge 2ZEEo64J0AY-00697-00294720-00295130 don't have a page where you can download blessed icons from them, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00698-00295150-00295520 though some organizations do. And actually, that is a homework assignment for me, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00699-00295520-00295910 because I am going to go verify and see if any of those organizations, Facebook, Twitter, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00700-00295910-00296460 YouTube, etc. have in fact got pages where there are appropriate use icons available. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00701-00296460-00296770 But to my knowledge, I have not seen those on those main sites. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00702-00296790-00297320 Kami: Okay, and James wants to know if it is okay to use your slides and audio 2ZEEo64J0AY-00703-00297330-00297870 for presentations inside their organization. It is okay from my point of view from TechSoup 2ZEEo64J0AY-00704-00297870-00298410 to use this entire presentation. So Gunner, do they have your blessing to use your slides? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00705-00298410-00298750 Gunner: I am jumping up and down with glee in a metaphorical sense. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00706-00298750-00299220 Everything that Aspiration publishes is published under creative commons license. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00707-00299230-00299830 We strongly encourage reuse, adaptation, you can mash it up. You can rearrange the slides. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00708-00299830-00300190 You can add stuff. And all we ask is that you acknowledge where it came from 2ZEEo64J0AY-00709-00300190-00300470 and we are deeply grateful for that acknowledgment. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00710-00300470-00300910 Kami: Excellent. And Bryan wants to know how do you monitor how many people have looked 2ZEEo64J0AY-00711-00300910-00301410 at your Facebook group page other than the number of group friends you have? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00712-00301420-00301770 Gunner: You know, that's a good question. Off the top of my head I don't remember 2ZEEo64J0AY-00713-00301770-00302220 if they are currently giving those statistics out. One of the frustrating things in Facebook 2ZEEo64J0AY-00714-00302230-00302760 is that the functionality of group pages is a subset of the functionality of person pages. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00715-00302760-00303210 So I will have to check with our social media person Matt Garcia to find out. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00716-00303210-00303480 And again, I think if there is an answer to that we can put it on the research page, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00717-00303480-00303800 but it is not something that we are currently tracking, so I don't think that information 2ZEEo64J0AY-00718-00303810-00304100 is readily available from Facebook. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00719-00304100-00304500 Kami: And Morris would like to know about putting social media information on one's business card. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00720-00304510-00304690 Do you recommend that? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00721-00304690-00304960 Gunner: Great question. I think I will answer conditionally, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00722-00304960-00305480 on the condition of who you give your business card to. So yes, if you are tweeting aggressively 2ZEEo64J0AY-00723-00305490-00305820 and that is a channel that is really valuable for you, or for your Facebook channel 2ZEEo64J0AY-00724-00305820-00306180 has really reached a critical mass where you know it's going to be something you maintain 2ZEEo64J0AY-00725-00306180-00306620 for the length of the life of your box of business cards, heck yeah. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00726-00306620-00307030 If there is room and it doesn't look to scwunched, I think that's a best practice. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00727-00307030-00307430 The counter argument is that by putting your Website address people should be able 2ZEEo64J0AY-00728-00307440-00307760 if you have followed the best practice that puts your Twitter, Facebook, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00729-00307760-00308190 and other social media links above the fold on all pages, people should be able to come 2ZEEo64J0AY-00730-00308190-00308520 to your Website and self-select in to those channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00731-00308520-00308910 So if I were a conservative organization where staff members only get business cards 2ZEEo64J0AY-00732-00308910-00309320 once every five years, I would think twice or three times about putting those links on there. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00733-00309320-00309720 But if you are an organization where you push a box of business cards every month, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00734-00309720-00310120 and social media is really an integrated part of your online communications strategy, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00735-00310130-00310670 heck yeah, go for it! And maybe even put teeny tiny versions of the "F" and the "T" icons 2ZEEo64J0AY-00736-00310670-00311230 so people actually visually get the clue that that is what they're looking at on the business card. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00737-00311230-00311770 Kami: And another question, how can I share info on Facebook via my own page, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00738-00311770-00312210 my organization's home page and our cause page without being redundant? 2ZEEo64J0AY-00739-00312210-00312650 Gunner: That's a great question. My answer is perhaps not exactly a simple one. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00740-00312660-00313010 But it gets back to treating each one of those as a separate channel, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00741-00313010-00313490 considering to what degree the audiences overlap or are distinct and separate, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00742-00313500-00314070 and then making appropriate decisions. So if you have three different online channels, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00743-00314070-00314420 a personal Facebook page, an online Facebook page, and a causes page, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00744-00314420-00314740 it gets back to that publishing matrix that we talked about earlier. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00745-00314740-00315150 For different types of content think about which channels are appropriate. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00746-00315160-00315650 If it is a super important announcement that everybody needs to see put that in one place, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00747-00315650-00316070 but if it is a minor update on your cause, just put it on your cause page. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00748-00316070-00316450 If it is a minor update or an update that is strictly about the organization -- you know 2ZEEo64J0AY-00749-00316450-00317020 organization "X" hires new executive director. This is a wonderful hire. We are super proud. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00750-00317030-00317550 I would just put that on the org page, not on the causes page. But the key thing is to come at it 2ZEEo64J0AY-00751-00317550-00318060 in a publishing matrix process where you abstract the types of content that you are publishing, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00752-00318060-00318630 and then think intentionally about which types of content belong on which channels. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00753-00318660-00318970 Kami: Well, that is all the time we have for questions. Thank you Gunner. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00754-00318970-00319410 I am just going to throw up this resources page quickly. And remember we are sending 2ZEEo64J0AY-00755-00319420-00319750 this Power Point out to you so you can access all these links. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00756-00319750-00320230 And if your question wasn't answered, I apologize, but we do have a follow-up forums 2ZEEo64J0AY-00757-00320230-00320480 that you can post your question in that Gunner will be checking out. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00758-00320480-00320930 Here is a link that will make its way to you in the follow-up message as well. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00759-00320930-00321260 For those of you who are new to TechSoup and only know us by our webinars, 2ZEEo64J0AY-00760-00321270-00321740 we also have articles, and community forums, and we post upcoming events, and we have 2ZEEo64J0AY-00761-00321740-00322290 donated software from companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, and 36 other vendors. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00762-00322300-00322890 So we have a ton of webinars coming up, really excited to be offering these webinars. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00763-00322890-00323520 So checkout our Website for a listing of these and how you can register. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00764-00323520-00323900 Then next week learn how TechSoup can help your organization. We have offered this one 2ZEEo64J0AY-00765-00323900-00324320 twice before, but we always find more people are interested in participating. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00766-00324320-00324780 Talking about VoIP I'll learn some new things on that one. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00767-00324780-00325260 And then talking about After the Crash: Tips on Data Recovery. That will be the end of February. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00768-00325260-00325770 And then Creating a Successful Computer Refurbishing program the beginning of March. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00769-00325780-00326220 So again, I would like to thank ReadyTalk for making these webinars free and available 2ZEEo64J0AY-00770-00326220-00326680 to nonprofits and libraries. And ReadyTalk helps nonprofits and libraries in the US and Canada 2ZEEo64J0AY-00771-00326680-00327040 reach geographically dispersed areas and increase collaboration through their 2ZEEo64J0AY-00772-00327040-00327360 audio conferencing and Web conferencing services. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00773-00327370-00327710 Again I would like to thank Gunner for his fantastic presentation. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00774-00327710-00327920 Thank you, thank you, thank you Gunner. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00775-00327920-00328220 Gunner: Thank you Kami. And if anybody has questions feel free to call us. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00776-00328220-00328520 Kami: Fantastic, and be sure to complete the postevent survey. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00777-00328530-00328750 I'd like to thank Becky for helping out on the chat. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00778-00328750-00329170 And have a great day, and join us on another TechSoup Talks. Have a great day. Bye-bye. 2ZEEo64J0AY-00779-00329180-00329480 Gunner: Bye-bye. 2cj55DWR0pu-00000-00000019-00000550 The Human Experience Inside the Humanities at Stanford University 2cj55DWR0pu-00001-00000550-00002022 Humanexperience.stanford.edu 2cj55DWR0pu-00002-00002022-00002475 I want to preface this by repeating something I said quite a bit this summer, which is I've 2cj55DWR0pu-00003-00002475-00002977 always had this fantasy, or I've long had this fantasy of sitting in for Charlie Rose. 2cj55DWR0pu-00004-00002977-00003740 So I want to thank Ellen Woods for making my dream come true.And the first thing I have 2cj55DWR0pu-00005-00003740-00004305 to say is we corresponded a little bit as we started talking about this panel, so last 2cj55DWR0pu-00006-00004305-00004640 night was the first time that I met Eric and Mark in person. 2cj55DWR0pu-00007-00004640-00005225 But I didn't realize you two have never met in person either before then. 2cj55DWR0pu-00008-00005225-00005454 We met last night for the first time. 2cj55DWR0pu-00009-00005454-00005554 Yes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00010-00005554-00006318 So I want to start by giving some background information...helping introduce and set the 2cj55DWR0pu-00011-00006318-00006720 stage for how this collaboration came to happen. 2cj55DWR0pu-00012-00006720-00007103 Mark, can you tell me a little bit about your background - where did you do your graduate 2cj55DWR0pu-00013-00007103-00007545 work and when were you with the IHUM program? 2cj55DWR0pu-00014-00007545-00008439 I came here in 2001 and was here until 2003 and I came here from Michigan State University, 2cj55DWR0pu-00015-00008439-00008904 so my dissertation was turned in by my advisor as I was driving out here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00016-00008904-00009459 So it was immediately from the doctoral program directly here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00017-00009459-00010082 And before that I did my field in Roman History and Hellenistic History as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00018-00010082-00010627 And then I did an MA at the University of South Carolina in Late Antiquity. 2cj55DWR0pu-00019-00010627-00011345 So that's the - I pretty much came here right after, or right during the completion of my 2cj55DWR0pu-00020-00011345-00011445 degree. 2cj55DWR0pu-00021-00011445-00011545 Right. 2cj55DWR0pu-00022-00011545-00011645 And how many years were you with IHUM? 2cj55DWR0pu-00023-00011645-00011749 Two years, yes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00024-00011749-00012245 Right before the third year regretfully in a lot of ways, but we'll talk in a bit... 2cj55DWR0pu-00025-00012245-00012646 It's hard to leave, but when opportunity knocks, right? 2cj55DWR0pu-00026-00012646-00012874 How about you, Eric? 2cj55DWR0pu-00027-00012874-00013841 I was here the very first year, '97-'98 and I still remember getting the letter for - it 2cj55DWR0pu-00028-00013841-00014365 was a letter, it wasn't an email, from Ian Morris . My wife was in Greece leading the 2cj55DWR0pu-00029-00014365-00014906 summer session at the American school and we got a notice from Ian saying come on home 2cj55DWR0pu-00030-00014906-00015059 and then for the summer come on out to California. 2cj55DWR0pu-00031-00015059-00015423 We were jumping around screaming, we were so excited that they thought something had 2cj55DWR0pu-00032-00015423-00015590 gone wrong in our apartment. 2cj55DWR0pu-00033-00015590-00015938 So, it was absolutely wonderful. 2cj55DWR0pu-00034-00015938-00016707 My background - I actually grew up in California and did undergrad at Dartmouth, Master's at 2cj55DWR0pu-00035-00016707-00017382 Yale, Ph.D. at Penn in ancient history and my specialty is contacts in the ancient world, 2cj55DWR0pu-00036-00017382-00018014 mostly between Western and Eastern Mediterranean, so I actually fit perfectly into the course 2cj55DWR0pu-00037-00018014-00018608 that Ian Morris was teaching at the time, which then became Ancient Empires. 2cj55DWR0pu-00038-00018608-00019226 So, but coming here, we see this as the big break. 2cj55DWR0pu-00039-00019226-00019712 I had been adjuncting since '91. 2cj55DWR0pu-00040-00019712-00020292 In fact, in '97 before I got here I gave a paper at a conference about 7 years in the 2cj55DWR0pu-00041-00020292-00020973 life of an adjunct, in which I just put all my woes out there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00042-00020973-00021617 At the time I was teaching at six universities in one semester and earning less than $20,000, 2cj55DWR0pu-00043-00021617-00022151 and called myself a "Roads Scholar" because I was on the road all the time. 2cj55DWR0pu-00044-00022151-00022745 But coming here, I was only here for one year because Diane, my wife, had a position at 2cj55DWR0pu-00045-00022745-00023134 Cincinnati and she took a leave of absence to come out with me so we were only here for 2cj55DWR0pu-00046-00023134-00023234 one year. 2cj55DWR0pu-00047-00023234-00023732 We went back to Cincinnati and soon thereafter I got the first job offer I'd ever gotten 2cj55DWR0pu-00048-00023732-00023904 at GW and went off. 2cj55DWR0pu-00049-00023904-00024403 And it's now been 11 years and I'm the chair of the department, the head of the institute, 2cj55DWR0pu-00050-00024403-00024873 basically everything I knew I could do but nobody was giving me a shot to do it, came 2cj55DWR0pu-00051-00024873-00025243 true because I suddenly had teaching at Stanford on my resume. 2cj55DWR0pu-00052-00025243-00025474 And they figured I must be okay. 2cj55DWR0pu-00053-00025474-00025992 So with this, we say that IHUM was my big break, absolutely. 2cj55DWR0pu-00054-00025992-00026660 You mentioned Ian Morris and I know he played a role in the serendipity of you writing together. 2cj55DWR0pu-00055-00026660-00027230 But how did working with Ian Morris impact your experience in IHUM? 2cj55DWR0pu-00056-00027230-00027823 I'll just say that Ian sends his regret that he's in Hong Kong, so he did really want to 2cj55DWR0pu-00057-00027823-00027957 be here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00058-00027957-00028613 And I'll start out and jump in, but I think what, Ian inspired me immediately. 2cj55DWR0pu-00059-00028613-00029067 I didn't know it at the time, but he was using the IHUM experience thinking through some 2cj55DWR0pu-00060-00029067-00029568 of the ideas for the book has recently come out, "Why the West Rules for Now." 2cj55DWR0pu-00061-00029568-00030234 So it's very rare among ancient historians in the circles that I worked within to ask 2cj55DWR0pu-00062-00030234-00030362 such huge questions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00063-00030362-00030819 You know, how does the ancient world relate to now and not to just take this in terms 2cj55DWR0pu-00064-00030819-00031277 of Western traditions, not just look at it in a very focused sense that way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00065-00031277-00031963 And so he was asking questions about inequality across space and time, modern versus ancient, 2cj55DWR0pu-00066-00031963-00032102 and finding the roots in the ancient world. 2cj55DWR0pu-00067-00032102-00032506 And I had never seen an ancient historian work at that level, raising those types of 2cj55DWR0pu-00068-00032506-00032642 questions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00069-00032642-00033162 And so his lectures, as we were talking about a little bit last night, we both try very 2cj55DWR0pu-00070-00033162-00033658 hard to emulate him in a lot of ways because this was students on the edge of their seats 2cj55DWR0pu-00071-00033658-00034356 and how many hundreds in the larger lecture halls and not so we can say the cliches of 2cj55DWR0pu-00072-00034356-00034797 the passion and knowledge all of that, but just that this type of huge questions that 2cj55DWR0pu-00073-00034797-00035270 ancient historians find ridiculous to ask, and he was asking them and having great fun 2cj55DWR0pu-00074-00035270-00035370 with it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00075-00035370-00035470 And the students just loved it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00076-00035470-00035995 And so, that's what I've taken away from that teaching is to try to raise the big questions 2cj55DWR0pu-00077-00035995-00036320 as well and talk a little bit more about that in current teaching. 2cj55DWR0pu-00078-00036320-00036711 And it was the same for me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00079-00036711-00037290 When Ian was teaching basically the ancient world course at the time I remember saying 2cj55DWR0pu-00080-00037290-00037549 to him somebody really needs to write a textbook for this course. 2cj55DWR0pu-00081-00037549-00037859 And, lo and behold, who knew later we would do it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00082-00037859-00038462 But I still use Ian as a role model, absolutely. 2cj55DWR0pu-00083-00038462-00038931 The way he could come in twice a week for 50 minutes and just, like you said, mesmerize 2cj55DWR0pu-00084-00038931-00039064 the students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00085-00039064-00039612 And now I find myself in my classroom, my classes will range from 15 students to 138. 2cj55DWR0pu-00086-00039612-00040052 I've got right now in Intro to Archeology, 138 students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00087-00040052-00040557 And finally, I have two TAs for the first time who are running their own discussion 2cj55DWR0pu-00088-00040557-00040905 sessions, so I get to be in. 2cj55DWR0pu-00089-00040905-00041424 I get to come in twice a week for 75 minutes and entertain and then leave the rest of it 2cj55DWR0pu-00090-00041424-00041673 to the TAs, so like finally I'm Ian. 2cj55DWR0pu-00091-00041673-00041972 Oh, My God, it's only taken ten years. 2cj55DWR0pu-00092-00041972-00042401 But everything that I used here will get to other things we taught. 2cj55DWR0pu-00093-00042401-00042922 I mean, part of the IHUM experience was teaching stuff I had never studied, which was a real 2cj55DWR0pu-00094-00042922-00043071 growing experience. 2cj55DWR0pu-00095-00043071-00043527 But, to be here and to be with one of the people who's still cutting edge and with this 2cj55DWR0pu-00096-00043527-00044147 how the West was run, it shows that he was thinking about huge topics even way back when. 2cj55DWR0pu-00097-00044147-00044488 So it's very much a learning experience for us, I think both of us. 2cj55DWR0pu-00098-00044488-00045390 You say you've got two TAs now...do you find that your relationships with the people you 2cj55DWR0pu-00099-00045390-00045773 are teaching with, are these graduate students or lecturers? 2cj55DWR0pu-00100-00045773-00046488 Do you find that your relationship with Ian or the way you worked with Ian and the way 2cj55DWR0pu-00101-00046488-00046588 you worked with IHUM informed? 2cj55DWR0pu-00102-00046588-00047036 Yes, even though it's been more than 10 years since I was in their position I still remember 2cj55DWR0pu-00103-00047036-00047136 that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00104-00047136-00047609 And the way that I was treated at IHUM is the way I treat them. 2cj55DWR0pu-00105-00047609-00048202 They are, you know, real people with talents and trying to make use of them. 2cj55DWR0pu-00106-00048202-00048774 Yeah, I don't have graduate students but I'd say that from day one, just to piggyback on 2cj55DWR0pu-00107-00048774-00049249 this, that Ian's sense of reality within the group was something that we all very much 2cj55DWR0pu-00108-00049249-00049349 appreciated. 2cj55DWR0pu-00109-00049349-00050055 There was no, it was not down, we just all shared ideas and had a great time in our meetings. 2cj55DWR0pu-00110-00050055-00050627 But there was more than that too, the whole IHUM group, I remember the people, we were 2cj55DWR0pu-00111-00050627-00051067 there together the first year, you know, and others I can see you in the audience, it's 2cj55DWR0pu-00112-00051067-00051240 just absolutely wonderful. 2cj55DWR0pu-00113-00051240-00051441 And some of us have stayed in touch. 2cj55DWR0pu-00114-00051441-00051611 It's been a bonding experience. 2cj55DWR0pu-00115-00051611-00051915 Two years ago somebody came walking down the hall at GW and said, "Hey, how ya doing?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00116-00051915-00052017 And I'm like, "Good. 2cj55DWR0pu-00117-00052017-00052117 Who are you?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00118-00052117-00052455 And he says, "You don't know me, but I was IHUM 6 years after you." 2cj55DWR0pu-00119-00052455-00052692 And I'm like, "Oh, my God, let's go to lunch." 2cj55DWR0pu-00120-00052692-00053009 And so there's been this camaraderie, a group within a group. 2cj55DWR0pu-00121-00053009-00053496 And even the ancient historians, we know most of the people who came after us - Heather, 2cj55DWR0pu-00122-00053496-00054021 Rebecca and Emma and Rob and it's kind of handing on the torch, you know, "Oh, you worked 2cj55DWR0pu-00123-00054021-00054450 with Ian and then you worked with the other Ian." 2cj55DWR0pu-00124-00054450-00054757 So it's been an experience for a generation now. 2cj55DWR0pu-00125-00054757-00054859 That's great. 2cj55DWR0pu-00126-00054859-00055012 So, I'm curious. 2cj55DWR0pu-00127-00055012-00055505 Aside from Ancient Empires, what other IHUM courses did you teach? 2cj55DWR0pu-00128-00055505-00055815 I did Finding Voices, Forging Selves. 2cj55DWR0pu-00129-00055815-00056429 I don't know that anyone else in here taught the same time I did with Hester and Herbie. 2cj55DWR0pu-00130-00056429-00056916 And so I did that one for one of the terms. 2cj55DWR0pu-00131-00056916-00057482 And I guess really learned how to teach a text that I talked to several of you about 2cj55DWR0pu-00132-00057482-00058055 just last night - Apuleius, The Golden Ass, [??] - the most easy texts to teach and at 2cj55DWR0pu-00133-00058055-00058304 the same time one of the most hard and difficult texts to teach. 2cj55DWR0pu-00134-00058304-00058555 And we had a great time in there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00135-00058555-00059166 I was also teaching Virginia Wolf's To the Lighthouse, which was a wonderful stretch 2cj55DWR0pu-00136-00059166-00059266 for an ancient historian. 2cj55DWR0pu-00137-00059266-00059366 I mean the T.S. 2cj55DWR0pu-00138-00059366-00059664 Elliott and that I could deal with, but the Virginia Wolf, that was, of course, as we 2cj55DWR0pu-00139-00059664-00059900 all know, these things stretched us quite a bit. 2cj55DWR0pu-00140-00059900-00060338 And the other one was The Origins: Contested Identities. 2cj55DWR0pu-00141-00060338-00060792 Again, I don't see anyone who taught that at the same time with the other Ian Hodder 2cj55DWR0pu-00142-00060792-00061005 and Michael Shanks. 2cj55DWR0pu-00143-00061005-00061558 I think one of my best memories from that course was just the way that both of them 2cj55DWR0pu-00144-00061558-00061821 as lecturers that were complete opposites. 2cj55DWR0pu-00145-00061821-00062270 I mean Ian Hodder would come in with the old fashioned projector. 2cj55DWR0pu-00146-00062270-00062644 This was not, I mean refusing to use Power Point, I don't know what he does now, somebody 2cj55DWR0pu-00147-00062644-00063008 can enlighten me on this, but the old projector where he would literally have the sheet of 2cj55DWR0pu-00148-00063008-00063594 paper and hand-written, and going down like this, and would talk in a very low tone. 2cj55DWR0pu-00149-00063594-00064279 People who know his work are actually sometimes shocked by the difference between Ian on paper 2cj55DWR0pu-00150-00064279-00064471 and as the lecturer. 2cj55DWR0pu-00151-00064471-00065027 But in spite of all of that, again the students were actually mesmerized by his lectures. 2cj55DWR0pu-00152-00065027-00065499 So, often in reading his notes the students just hung on every word. 2cj55DWR0pu-00153-00065499-00066119 Then Michael Shanks, on the other hand, every lecture he gave had to have movies going on 2cj55DWR0pu-00154-00066119-00066721 behind him as he spoke and complete theater in the best sense of the term. 2cj55DWR0pu-00155-00066721-00066947 Total opposites, but very effective ways of communicating. 2cj55DWR0pu-00156-00066947-00067520 And I'd love to get into this now with discussions that probably happened at a lot of colleges, 2cj55DWR0pu-00157-00067520-00067768 the luddites versus the technology people or whatever. 2cj55DWR0pu-00158-00067768-00068270 And it just seems to be so ridiculous that on one level I've seen both work so well - the 2cj55DWR0pu-00159-00068270-00068713 people who are just not into using the technology constantly and those who use if very effectively. 2cj55DWR0pu-00160-00068713-00069372 So both of them as real teachers and communicating which far transcended any of the media they 2cj55DWR0pu-00161-00069372-00069588 were using or the approach they were taking. 2cj55DWR0pu-00162-00069588-00069858 And so I also, one thing I'll just share with you. 2cj55DWR0pu-00163-00069858-00070313 Origins actually helped me get my first job but I didn't know it at the time, I learned 2cj55DWR0pu-00164-00070313-00071037 this several years later, that a dean in my college I'm at was wanting to put together 2cj55DWR0pu-00165-00071037-00071566 an interdisciplinary origins course, which brought together natural scientists and philosophers 2cj55DWR0pu-00166-00071566-00072002 and theologians and historians, in fact together, and discussed some of these types of issues. 2cj55DWR0pu-00167-00072002-00072308 They didn't tell me this at the time because the dean had it in his mind and it wasn't 2cj55DWR0pu-00168-00072308-00072799 getting too far with several other constituents, we'll say, in the college. 2cj55DWR0pu-00169-00072799-00073142 And then as soon as I got there they say okay, you taught this class Origins, would you like 2cj55DWR0pu-00170-00073142-00073445 to do this and I said, "No, I do not want to teach that." 2cj55DWR0pu-00171-00073445-00073708 And so then they asked me for several more years - "No." 2cj55DWR0pu-00172-00073708-00074144 And so finally they said "Would you like to teach this course in January in the Galapagos 2cj55DWR0pu-00173-00074144-00074244 Islands?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00174-00074244-00074350 It was a great experience. 2cj55DWR0pu-00175-00074350-00074450 I loved it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00176-00074450-00074858 And I'm teaching every other January now. 2cj55DWR0pu-00177-00074858-00075492 In terms of what I taught since I was only here one year I only had a chance to teach 2cj55DWR0pu-00178-00075492-00075855 one other and to be perfectly honest I couldn't remember what it was. 2cj55DWR0pu-00179-00075855-00076274 I remember what I taught but I couldn't remember the name of it, so I'm glad you have the old 2cj55DWR0pu-00180-00076274-00076739 course catalogs because I went over this morning and looked - Great Works...Great Works. 2cj55DWR0pu-00181-00076739-00077181 How could I forget that with Cheri in charge of it? 2cj55DWR0pu-00182-00077181-00077961 Now I remember teaching Toni Morris's Beloved which, for an ancient historian, that's a 2cj55DWR0pu-00183-00077961-00078061 stretch. 2cj55DWR0pu-00184-00078061-00078181 But I got so much out of it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00185-00078181-00078313 It was absolutely amazing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00186-00078313-00078771 And that was perhaps the highlight of that fall career - or the fall quarter for me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00187-00078771-00079383 And I remember sitting out with the students outside one day and just going around talking 2cj55DWR0pu-00188-00079383-00079483 about it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00189-00079483-00079690 And that, for me, epitomized the whole experience. 2cj55DWR0pu-00190-00079690-00080093 For one thing, Stanford students, as I tell mine today, Stanford students are the brightest 2cj55DWR0pu-00191-00080093-00080237 I've ever taught. 2cj55DWR0pu-00192-00080237-00080671 But to be out there in the sunshine in this gorgeous weather, to be talking about Beloved, 2cj55DWR0pu-00193-00080671-00081158 evoking the imagery and trying to really get at the nuances was just absolutely amazing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00194-00081158-00081706 And that was my first couple of weeks here, I hadn't even gotten to my Ancient Empires. 2cj55DWR0pu-00195-00081706-00081911 It was absolutely amazing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00196-00081911-00082439 You both mentioned that the schools that you are currently teaching at - you're at Grove 2cj55DWR0pu-00197-00082439-00082731 City College, as I mentioned, which is a small school. 2cj55DWR0pu-00198-00082731-00083276 I had two cousins who attended Grove City, and you're at George Washington. 2cj55DWR0pu-00199-00083276-00083781 Can you tell me a little bit about where you're teaching, what your students are like, what 2cj55DWR0pu-00200-00083781-00084148 you're institution is like and how IHUM prepared you for that? 2cj55DWR0pu-00201-00084148-00084776 Sure, you have the Grove City College is about 50 miles north of Pittsburgh, a small liberal 2cj55DWR0pu-00202-00084776-00084906 arts school, about 2500 students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00203-00084906-00085355 And actually, one of the comments I was going to make in our discussion this morning, which 2cj55DWR0pu-00204-00085355-00085974 maybe we could back to some of that as well, actually my best students in my required humanities 2cj55DWR0pu-00205-00085974-00086199 course are the engineers. 2cj55DWR0pu-00206-00086199-00086560 And I'm not just talking performance, I'm talking across the board in really embracing 2cj55DWR0pu-00207-00086560-00086660 the material. 2cj55DWR0pu-00208-00086660-00087096 So I have a very different type of experience with that because in many cases they follow 2cj55DWR0pu-00209-00087096-00087377 up to take Iliad and the Odyssey independent studies with me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00210-00087377-00087801 So I have a different type of maybe the small liberal arts college, might have some different 2cj55DWR0pu-00211-00087801-00088278 type of situation than some of you might have had with that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00212-00088278-00088955 The school I teach at is loosely affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA. 2cj55DWR0pu-00213-00088955-00089348 But there's no faith statement for faculty or students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00214-00089348-00089929 But it does have, it does have a bit more of an evangelical flavor perhaps among the 2cj55DWR0pu-00215-00089929-00090049 student body. 2cj55DWR0pu-00216-00090049-00090451 That doesn't go across the board but I'd say, you know, compared to some liberal arts schools 2cj55DWR0pu-00217-00090451-00090831 you might have that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00218-00090831-00091389 Our biggest challenge right now as an institution - and listening to Andy I was shocked by some 2cj55DWR0pu-00219-00091389-00091902 of the challenges you're facing as well - but, I mean for us, when I got there our acceptance 2cj55DWR0pu-00220-00091902-00092119 rate of students was about 30%. 2cj55DWR0pu-00221-00092119-00092219 Now it's at about 60%. 2cj55DWR0pu-00222-00092219-00093132 So over the course, it's a selective school and I have about 120-150 students per semester. 2cj55DWR0pu-00223-00093132-00093304 Four different courses. 2cj55DWR0pu-00224-00093304-00093535 Thankfully, I had, again, IHUM. 2cj55DWR0pu-00225-00093535-00093912 These are my crib notes, some of these are the lectures there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00226-00093912-00094440 But 150-160 students per semester. 2cj55DWR0pu-00227-00094440-00095201 But generally speaking, very hard working, often very engaged, smart students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00228-00095201-00095342 And I do enjoy it there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00229-00095342-00095952 There's, of course, the ups and downs but I'm on film so I'll give you something of 2cj55DWR0pu-00230-00095952-00096344 the whitewashed version of what it's like teaching in a small liberal arts college. 2cj55DWR0pu-00231-00096344-00096572 But that's been my experience so far. 2cj55DWR0pu-00232-00096572-00096803 I get to know the students very well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00233-00096803-00097036 How about you? 2cj55DWR0pu-00234-00097036-00097709 Well, winding up at GW after having taught at I think eleven different institutions, 2cj55DWR0pu-00235-00097709-00098178 one of the things that I found out is that most of the students are students no matter 2cj55DWR0pu-00236-00098178-00098278 where they are. 2cj55DWR0pu-00237-00098278-00098650 They've got the same problems, same pressures as we mentioned this morning. 2cj55DWR0pu-00238-00098650-00099004 At GW I feel very much at home. 2cj55DWR0pu-00239-00099004-00099339 Not only are my colleagues very good, but I was actually born there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00240-00099339-00099711 Literally, I was born at GW Hospital. 2cj55DWR0pu-00241-00099711-00099951 That's actually how I knew I got the job. 2cj55DWR0pu-00242-00099951-00100314 I gave my job talk and then they would say "Here's Eric Cline coming here for Cincinnati," 2cj55DWR0pu-00243-00100314-00100570 and I said, "Thank you very much, it's nice to be back." 2cj55DWR0pu-00244-00100570-00100802 And they all looked at me because they had never met me before. 2cj55DWR0pu-00245-00100802-00101213 And I told them 40 years ago I was born across the street and they started laughing and I 2cj55DWR0pu-00246-00101213-00101402 thought, "I've got this job!" 2cj55DWR0pu-00247-00101402-00101552 Sure enough, it happened. 2cj55DWR0pu-00248-00101552-00102149 So I'm very much right at home there, but also it's very good for someone who's come 2cj55DWR0pu-00249-00102149-00102556 out of IHUM and an interdisciplinary background. 2cj55DWR0pu-00250-00102556-00103153 Because my department that I'm now the Chair with, we teach not only ancient history but 2cj55DWR0pu-00251-00103153-00103809 also some archeology, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. 2cj55DWR0pu-00252-00103809-00104216 So the name of the department has been changed a couple times and I was able just now to 2cj55DWR0pu-00253-00104216-00104362 change it again last year. 2cj55DWR0pu-00254-00104362-00104767 We are now the Department of Classical and Semitic Languages and Civilizations. 2cj55DWR0pu-00255-00104767-00105277 Which, for me, this is exactly what I do but also what I think everyone should do in the 2cj55DWR0pu-00256-00105277-00105714 ancient world where you're not just a classics department, you're not just a near east department. 2cj55DWR0pu-00257-00105714-00106278 Of course we stole the name from Harvard and UCLA and Chicago and such which have Semitic 2cj55DWR0pu-00258-00106278-00106379 Languages. 2cj55DWR0pu-00259-00106379-00106690 We just added classics there as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00260-00106690-00107132 And it's been very rewarding to watch things grow. 2cj55DWR0pu-00261-00107132-00107602 I give you one example...I'm the archeology advisor and when they asked me a year after 2cj55DWR0pu-00262-00107602-00108024 I got there, back in 2001, would I be the advisor I said, "Well, I don't know. 2cj55DWR0pu-00263-00108024-00108246 How many majors are there in archeology?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00264-00108246-00108740 And they said there were eight and I said "Eight per year?" and they said "No, eight!" 2cj55DWR0pu-00265-00108740-00109092 This is a school who admits 2500 people per year. 2cj55DWR0pu-00266-00109092-00109280 Like okay, eight majors is fine. 2cj55DWR0pu-00267-00109280-00109661 We now have between 15-20 per year. 2cj55DWR0pu-00268-00109661-00110272 So you can make tremendous strides just using what you've learned at IHUM and everywhere 2cj55DWR0pu-00269-00110272-00110372 else. 2cj55DWR0pu-00270-00110372-00110472 So it's not actually me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00271-00110472-00110854 Anybody else could snatch them from that position and teach them, so with the proper training 2cj55DWR0pu-00272-00110854-00110954 it's possible. 2cj55DWR0pu-00273-00110954-00111223 I'm having a grand old time there, needless to say. 2cj55DWR0pu-00274-00111223-00111323 Thanks a lot. 2cj55DWR0pu-00275-00111323-00111871 So you're at different institutions, you did not teach at IHUM together, you did not meet 2cj55DWR0pu-00276-00111871-00112189 in the physical world until last night. 2cj55DWR0pu-00277-00112189-00112514 How did you come to write a book together? 2cj55DWR0pu-00278-00112514-00112805 I'm not sure. 2cj55DWR0pu-00279-00112805-00112977 I'll take a stab at that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00280-00112977-00113983 A year or two after I left here I approached Ian Morris with the idea of turning the Ancient 2cj55DWR0pu-00281-00113983-00114179 Empires class into a textbook. 2cj55DWR0pu-00282-00114179-00114519 There's a whole series of reasons I wanted to do that and we might come back to that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00283-00114519-00115098 So I approached him with the idea and he was enthusiastic about it from the start. 2cj55DWR0pu-00284-00115098-00115566 So he gave full permission to go full steam ahead with that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00285-00115566-00116583 And then I approached Cambridge with a proposal and they immediately said they liked the idea, 2cj55DWR0pu-00286-00116583-00117311 the large question this is raising, if there's a real need for this among the colleges that 2cj55DWR0pu-00287-00117311-00117465 have ancient world classes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00288-00117465-00117807 A lot of people complain about not having a textbook they like that raises the type 2cj55DWR0pu-00289-00117807-00117947 of questions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00290-00117947-00118466 They said a textbook like this, we'd like to have a team working on this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00291-00118466-00118854 I'm a late Roman historian specifically, we want a team working on this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00292-00118854-00119483 So I went back to Ian and told him about this and immediately he said no doubt about this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00293-00119483-00119799 Eric Cline is who you're going to want to work with on this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00294-00119799-00120327 He'll bring in the Bronze Age, he'll bring in every era and expertise up to where yours 2cj55DWR0pu-00295-00120327-00120658 really starts in a real defensible way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00296-00120658-00121060 And so I just sent an email out of the blue to Eric. 2cj55DWR0pu-00297-00121060-00121163 I have all these, by the way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00298-00121163-00121663 I've read them over a little bit in refreshing for this, but I just said "You don't know 2cj55DWR0pu-00299-00121663-00121926 who I am," but I just mentioned the name Ian Morris, IHUM. 2cj55DWR0pu-00300-00121926-00122301 He got back and said "I've got several other projects I'm working on right now. 2cj55DWR0pu-00301-00122301-00122401 Give me some time." 2cj55DWR0pu-00302-00122401-00122983 And I think it took maybe about another day - about 12 hours later he's back saying "Yes, 2cj55DWR0pu-00303-00122983-00123192 this looks like a great idea." 2cj55DWR0pu-00304-00123192-00123374 And he'll talk about this later, I'm sure. 2cj55DWR0pu-00305-00123374-00123803 But he had done collaborative work before and had a very clear idea in his mind about 2cj55DWR0pu-00306-00123803-00123989 what kinds of things are involved in this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00307-00123989-00124528 We sent the proposal back to Cambridge and they said, "Yes, this is exactly what we want." 2cj55DWR0pu-00308-00124528-00124691 And we took off from there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00309-00124691-00125175 And we've had several times I've been in the DC area in the summer and wanted to meet Eric 2cj55DWR0pu-00310-00125175-00125604 and I would write him an email and he's say, "I'd love to meet up, but I'm going to be 2cj55DWR0pu-00311-00125604-00125717 in Israel excavating for the summer." 2cj55DWR0pu-00312-00125717-00125983 So that's kind of been a pattern over several summers. 2cj55DWR0pu-00313-00125983-00126739 So we've made the effort in that way, but it was certainly delightful last night to 2cj55DWR0pu-00314-00126739-00127239 meet somebody you've been working together on a project together collectively for some 2cj55DWR0pu-00315-00127239-00127339 time. 2cj55DWR0pu-00316-00127339-00127539 But that's my side of things. 2cj55DWR0pu-00317-00127539-00127975 And it's funny, too, because I had to Google him before I got here to make sure I recognized 2cj55DWR0pu-00318-00127975-00128101 him. 2cj55DWR0pu-00319-00128101-00128353 It worked. 2cj55DWR0pu-00320-00128353-00128578 Your picture does you justice. 2cj55DWR0pu-00321-00128578-00129376 What Mark doesn't realize is that in the intervening 12 hours I had contacted Ian and said "Ian, 2cj55DWR0pu-00322-00129376-00129677 I think you need to write this with Mark." 2cj55DWR0pu-00323-00129677-00130158 And Ian had written back saying "No, I already told him you would do it." 2cj55DWR0pu-00324-00130158-00130570 So I wanted to double-check with Ian that he wouldn't be the one as he was busy. 2cj55DWR0pu-00325-00130570-00130857 Now we know he was on his own projects. 2cj55DWR0pu-00326-00130857-00131378 So once I had the green light from Ian to say yes to this, then I got back and said 2cj55DWR0pu-00327-00131378-00131795 yes and we were off and running with Ian's blessing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00328-00131795-00132342 If any of you take a look at the book, then we're indebted to any number of IHUMers who 2cj55DWR0pu-00329-00132342-00132748 helped us out with chapters of either before we started writing or drawing, and so the 2cj55DWR0pu-00330-00132748-00133891 dedication is, correct me if I'm wrong, "Dedicated to our families, to our students, past, present 2cj55DWR0pu-00331-00133891-00134363 and future, and to the whole IHUM gang." 2cj55DWR0pu-00332-00134363-00134623 Because this is a whole IHUM project. 2cj55DWR0pu-00333-00134623-00134963 It's like getting up for the Oscars saying "I couldn't have done this without the team." 2cj55DWR0pu-00334-00134963-00135252 That's pretty much it, we couldn't have done it without the team. 2cj55DWR0pu-00335-00135252-00136025 So, anyway it was very interesting working long distance and Mark is going to be modest 2cj55DWR0pu-00336-00136025-00136596 here, but the whole project was Mark's idea and Mark did 90% of the work. 2cj55DWR0pu-00337-00136596-00136974 He did all the writing, he did all the research. 2cj55DWR0pu-00338-00136974-00137410 When I joined it was mostly just to fine tune and to edit and to make sure the Near Eastern 2cj55DWR0pu-00339-00137410-00137685 part that I knew about was correct. 2cj55DWR0pu-00340-00137685-00137987 So it's all his basically. 2cj55DWR0pu-00341-00137987-00138511 I came into it, not at the last moment, we did put the project together, but I regard 2cj55DWR0pu-00342-00138511-00138919 this as Mark's book that I helped out on if you want to put it that way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00343-00138919-00139328 And it's only through marketing at Cambridge, who I got really annoyed at, that my name 2cj55DWR0pu-00344-00139328-00139428 is on first. 2cj55DWR0pu-00345-00139428-00139701 It should be his name that's on first absolutely. 2cj55DWR0pu-00346-00139701-00139801 It's all of his. 2cj55DWR0pu-00347-00139801-00140251 But this is where you run up against marketing for the big presses as they have their own 2cj55DWR0pu-00348-00140251-00140504 ideas of - we didn't pick the cover photo. 2cj55DWR0pu-00349-00140504-00140685 I'm not sure... 2cj55DWR0pu-00350-00140685-00141195 The only thing we did say was "Don't use something Roman." 2cj55DWR0pu-00351-00141195-00141489 It's Roman..can you get more Roman than that? 2cj55DWR0pu-00352-00141489-00141589 Exactly. 2cj55DWR0pu-00353-00141589-00142217 So they picked the cover photo, they basically picked the title, the final result, they picked 2cj55DWR0pu-00354-00142217-00142820 the order of the authors, I mean it was pretty much out of our hands in a way, which was 2cj55DWR0pu-00355-00142820-00143033 rather unique for me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00356-00143033-00143271 But the collaboration process could not have been easier. 2cj55DWR0pu-00357-00143271-00143899 I mean, I'll write a book with you any day. 2cj55DWR0pu-00358-00143899-00144296 And I've done a number of other collaborative projects also, but most of them I'm face-to-face 2cj55DWR0pu-00359-00144296-00144800 with people who are co-directors of the excavations. 2cj55DWR0pu-00360-00144800-00145197 But this is not the only time I've written a book not having met the person. 2cj55DWR0pu-00361-00145197-00145388 In fact this is the second time. 2cj55DWR0pu-00362-00145388-00145928 The other one I've now written two books with her and have yet to meet her. 2cj55DWR0pu-00363-00145928-00146314 But in that case it's rather interesting because she's a children's author. 2cj55DWR0pu-00364-00146314-00146728 And I was put together with her when Oxford was putting together "The World in Ancient 2cj55DWR0pu-00365-00146728-00147078 Times" series and she and I did ancient Egypt together. 2cj55DWR0pu-00366-00147078-00147615 And what I did was feed here the facts and she then wrote it for young adults - for sixth 2cj55DWR0pu-00367-00147615-00147758 graders in fact. 2cj55DWR0pu-00368-00147758-00148302 And the whole idea was to aim it at California and Texas. 2cj55DWR0pu-00369-00148302-00148728 So we got along so well and I thought that she did such a good job that afterward she 2cj55DWR0pu-00370-00148728-00148933 said, "What else shall we do?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00371-00148933-00149139 And I said, "Well, we need to do a book on Troy." 2cj55DWR0pu-00372-00149139-00149494 She was like great, and we did a book on the Trojan War and she pitched it to all of her 2cj55DWR0pu-00373-00149494-00149594 contacts. 2cj55DWR0pu-00374-00149594-00150176 Lo and behold we wrote the young adults book called, Digging for Troy, which came out last 2cj55DWR0pu-00375-00150176-00150276 year. 2cj55DWR0pu-00376-00150276-00150376 Wonderful little book. 2cj55DWR0pu-00377-00150376-00150754 She did most of it, I fed her the facts and all that and, again, I've never met her. 2cj55DWR0pu-00378-00150754-00151020 And at this point I'm a little afraid to. 2cj55DWR0pu-00379-00151020-00151120 What if we don't get along? 2cj55DWR0pu-00380-00151120-00151497 I mean, fortunately Mark and I seem to be getting along. 2cj55DWR0pu-00381-00151497-00151715 Anyway, this is what's going to happen more and more. 2cj55DWR0pu-00382-00151715-00152263 This is the Internet age, the connection and the speed. 2cj55DWR0pu-00383-00152263-00152697 I mean, we would go back and forth on a chapter in under a week, back and forth and back and 2cj55DWR0pu-00384-00152697-00152797 forth. 2cj55DWR0pu-00385-00152797-00153172 Previously there would be letters that would take six months to go back and forth. 2cj55DWR0pu-00386-00153172-00153472 So I think we're actually going to see more of this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00387-00153472-00153572 And it works. 2cj55DWR0pu-00388-00153572-00153684 It's easy, you know. 2cj55DWR0pu-00389-00153684-00154084 And now you can Skype, you can email, you can do instant video messaging, whatever. 2cj55DWR0pu-00390-00154084-00154361 I think it's just going to get more. 2cj55DWR0pu-00391-00154361-00154784 I want to go back to the book you mentioned on as you were making this connection to start 2cj55DWR0pu-00392-00154784-00155317 your collaboration both of you had reached out to Ian Morris and he got you into the 2cj55DWR0pu-00393-00155317-00155673 project and helped bring the two of you together. 2cj55DWR0pu-00394-00155673-00156161 And of course we know that now Ian Morris is writing his own book, which is also based 2cj55DWR0pu-00395-00156161-00156285 on Ancient Empires. 2cj55DWR0pu-00396-00156285-00156924 And the third time that I taught Ancient Empires - we talked about this a little bit last night 2cj55DWR0pu-00397-00156924-00157411 - I was in Ian's office and I saw the box of his book and I said, "How come we're not 2cj55DWR0pu-00398-00157411-00157639 using your book for the class?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00399-00157639-00157923 And he's like, "I don't want to use my book for the class." 2cj55DWR0pu-00400-00157923-00159033 So my next question for you is, what was the reasoning that went into deciding to write 2cj55DWR0pu-00401-00159033-00159634 a textbook for this kind of course, and how is writing a book, or how's composing this 2cj55DWR0pu-00402-00159634-00160308 book, which is essentially a textbook, based on teaching a class different from writing 2cj55DWR0pu-00403-00160308-00160971 a book which is sort of based on a long period of cumulative research into a period of historical 2cj55DWR0pu-00404-00160971-00161071 trajectories? 2cj55DWR0pu-00405-00161071-00161404 Well, see, I think it's different at every level. 2cj55DWR0pu-00406-00161404-00161504 Not just the proposal. 2cj55DWR0pu-00407-00161504-00161984 By the way, if anyone's interested I did bring copies of our initial proposal to Cambridge. 2cj55DWR0pu-00408-00161984-00162452 It's not often that you see what a proposal looks like for a textbook and it's not the 2cj55DWR0pu-00409-00162452-00162735 same format as you getting a monograph published. 2cj55DWR0pu-00410-00162735-00163216 So if any would like to see that I've got some copies up here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00411-00163216-00163823 But I think one of the things we're trying to accomplish in this is it's a very untextbooky 2cj55DWR0pu-00412-00163823-00164015 textbook. 2cj55DWR0pu-00413-00164015-00164747 And so it's drawing on the large questions that IHUM raises, which is our starting point 2cj55DWR0pu-00414-00164747-00164882 here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00415-00164882-00165248 It's not really a monograph, it's not really a textbook, but there is a strong theme and 2cj55DWR0pu-00416-00165248-00165444 argument going through the whole thing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00417-00165444-00166124 And so I would love to see it starting maybe something of a paradigm shift toward this 2cj55DWR0pu-00418-00166124-00166224 type of writing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00419-00166224-00166609 Because I found the students actually engage with this a heck of a lot better than they 2cj55DWR0pu-00420-00166609-00167055 do the huge textbook which is trying to be comprehensive. 2cj55DWR0pu-00421-00167055-00167484 The type of thing you hate assigning in classes, the things your students hate you assigning 2cj55DWR0pu-00422-00167484-00167928 in classes, in large classes you feel you have to sometimes because you don't want to 2cj55DWR0pu-00423-00167928-00168105 go into all the details. 2cj55DWR0pu-00424-00168105-00168722 And so from the get-go I think we wanted this to be something which is going to be used 2cj55DWR0pu-00425-00168722-00168853 in classes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00426-00168853-00169375 Which is quite literally taking the IHUM experience and the questions, the type of questions raised 2cj55DWR0pu-00427-00169375-00169696 here, and putting it out in a larger setting. 2cj55DWR0pu-00428-00169696-00170428 So I don't think there was really any other genre that we could work with it other than 2cj55DWR0pu-00429-00170428-00170563 textbook, but it's not really a textbook. 2cj55DWR0pu-00430-00170563-00171286 So there're several differences we might come to along those lines as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00431-00171286-00171671 And so that's, I don't know if you want to jump in at this point - 2cj55DWR0pu-00432-00171671-00172237 Yeah, I was reading on the airplane coming here and I got about four chapters in and 2cj55DWR0pu-00433-00172237-00172376 I went - you know this is pretty good. 2cj55DWR0pu-00434-00172376-00172760 This will make a very good textbook. 2cj55DWR0pu-00435-00172760-00173191 It will not only make a good textbook for an introductory course on the ancient world, 2cj55DWR0pu-00436-00173191-00173548 which I have taught before, but also for upper level seminars. 2cj55DWR0pu-00437-00173548-00173827 Because you can come at it from a couple different levels. 2cj55DWR0pu-00438-00173827-00174296 But it's not just throwing facts at the students, like they did in Western Civ when I had to 2cj55DWR0pu-00439-00174296-00174534 teach it 38 times in 5 years. 2cj55DWR0pu-00440-00174534-00174932 This is throwing facts at them with a purpose. 2cj55DWR0pu-00441-00174932-00175354 Each chapter begins with three or four questions that we're asking them to think about while 2cj55DWR0pu-00442-00175354-00175636 they are reading it, but it's also, as Mark said, it's thematic. 2cj55DWR0pu-00443-00175636-00176233 It's the IEMP going through where there's a theme to the whole book. 2cj55DWR0pu-00444-00176233-00176909 And you're looking at it as a way to investigating the past and asking and answering specific 2cj55DWR0pu-00445-00176909-00177315 questions, and seeing if there's a cycle, if there's a rise and fall and exactly what's 2cj55DWR0pu-00446-00177315-00177415 going on. 2cj55DWR0pu-00447-00177415-00177596 So there's a method to the madness. 2cj55DWR0pu-00448-00177596-00177926 You're not just learning the facts to regurgitate them on the test. 2cj55DWR0pu-00449-00177926-00178316 You are learning them so you can actually answer questions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00450-00178316-00178710 But also, as I said, this is an answer to those saying why should we study history, 2cj55DWR0pu-00451-00178710-00178896 why should we study humanities. 2cj55DWR0pu-00452-00178896-00179221 Because you want to be an educated citizen of the world, right? 2cj55DWR0pu-00453-00179221-00179472 You need to know what Socrates said, what he thought. 2cj55DWR0pu-00454-00179472-00179719 You need to know what Plato did or you're not going to understand. 2cj55DWR0pu-00455-00179719-00180111 People get up on the floor of the Senate every year and quote the ancient authors. 2cj55DWR0pu-00456-00180111-00180427 And if you don't know them, you're not that educated. 2cj55DWR0pu-00457-00180427-00180616 Now that's not here or there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00458-00180616-00181083 It doesn't mean you can't go into business and make millions, but to be an educated citizen 2cj55DWR0pu-00459-00181083-00181215 of the world you do need these. 2cj55DWR0pu-00460-00181215-00181553 This is why humanities is important, right? 2cj55DWR0pu-00461-00181553-00181972 And I think that this textbook is one way to get towards that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00462-00181972-00182105 There's a reason for it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00463-00182105-00182784 Some of the key themes we're exploring in here are definitions of freedom, order, justice 2cj55DWR0pu-00464-00182784-00183513 and one of the things, one of the most enjoyable parts of the whole project, is imagining how 2cj55DWR0pu-00465-00183513-00183921 students are going to engage with these types of large questions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00466-00183921-00184423 In a completely different way than polarized political discussions they are used to. 2cj55DWR0pu-00467-00184423-00184915 It opens up the frame of discussion, I would say, quite broadly. 2cj55DWR0pu-00468-00184915-00185142 So that was what we pitched to the marketers as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00469-00185142-00185787 This is going to have students talking about justice, order and freedom more so than, you 2cj55DWR0pu-00470-00185787-00185970 know, "Who was Ashurbanipal?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00471-00185970-00186328 Either that's going to be there, like I said, these things have to be there, that's in there 2cj55DWR0pu-00472-00186328-00186428 as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00473-00186428-00186528 That's actually pretty fascinating right there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00474-00186528-00186628 Very fascinating. 2cj55DWR0pu-00475-00186628-00186728 Yes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00476-00186728-00187165 You say Ashurbanipal and all three of those lean forward a little bit. 2cj55DWR0pu-00477-00187165-00187685 But to talk about what Ashurbanipal did in context of what did it mean for freedom and 2cj55DWR0pu-00478-00187685-00187844 justice and all that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00479-00187844-00188538 Ashurbanipal was a Syrian King way back when. 2cj55DWR0pu-00480-00188538-00189229 So it seems to me that the practice that I guess, what I hear you talking about this 2cj55DWR0pu-00481-00189229-00189975 sort of argumentation and the sort of nuance, it feels discussion-sectiony to me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00482-00189975-00190688 Can you tell us a little bit about connecting the experience of teaching with the practice 2cj55DWR0pu-00483-00190688-00190797 of writing something together? 2cj55DWR0pu-00484-00190797-00191750 What do you think is the key to harmoniously collaborating or teaching? 2cj55DWR0pu-00485-00191750-00192308 One thing I want to respond to the first part here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00486-00192308-00192670 Several weeks back the marketers, just before this came out, the marketers from Cambridge 2cj55DWR0pu-00487-00192670-00193210 contacted us and we had about a 45-minute discussion in terms of how we're going to 2cj55DWR0pu-00488-00193210-00193333 pitch this book, who's is it going to go to. 2cj55DWR0pu-00489-00193333-00193817 This is very different from monograph publishing, to talk with the whole marketing team. 2cj55DWR0pu-00490-00193817-00194295 And to your first point about this - this feels discussion/section. 2cj55DWR0pu-00491-00194295-00194773 You know most of the time that an ancient world class is taught it's not going to be 2cj55DWR0pu-00492-00194773-00195087 taught in discussion sections per se. 2cj55DWR0pu-00493-00195087-00195579 And so really what we imagine with this book is, even in lecture - even, you know, professor 2cj55DWR0pu-00494-00195579-00195800 giving a lecture arguing with the book. 2cj55DWR0pu-00495-00195800-00196124 So we get to where that discussion is going on with the students. 2cj55DWR0pu-00496-00196124-00196528 We make it pretty small comparatively for an ancient history survey, which are often 2cj55DWR0pu-00497-00196528-00196736 five, six, seven hundred pages. 2cj55DWR0pu-00498-00196736-00197001 So they can have time to go read a lot of sources. 2cj55DWR0pu-00499-00197001-00197296 It's debate and argument all the way through. 2cj55DWR0pu-00500-00197296-00197611 Now thankfully that was not true of our experience together. 2cj55DWR0pu-00501-00197611-00198227 Our experience together was very harmonious, I think, in terms of the collaboration of 2cj55DWR0pu-00502-00198227-00198327 this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00503-00198327-00199064 I'm trying to remember of interpretive, where some of the interpretive differences and issues 2cj55DWR0pu-00504-00199064-00199494 might have come up a little bit in a more - I know that, of course, the earlier chapters 2cj55DWR0pu-00505-00199494-00200095 on the Bronze Age, there's much more - since you had indicated - reworking the whole framework 2cj55DWR0pu-00506-00200095-00200484 of chapters and that type of thing, which I think worked extremely well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00507-00200484-00201216 But as far as our collaboration and working together, it was an extremely harmonious process. 2cj55DWR0pu-00508-00201216-00201316 That's my recollection of it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00509-00201316-00201659 I'm trying to think of some interpretive issues that we might have struggled with for a little 2cj55DWR0pu-00510-00201659-00201759 bit and - 2cj55DWR0pu-00511-00201759-00202253 There aren't that many you can have. 2cj55DWR0pu-00512-00202253-00202873 Even so, we would gently say to each other, and I would say that's the key - civility. 2cj55DWR0pu-00513-00202873-00203403 When I was reading something and I disagreed with it, I would write back a very gentle 2cj55DWR0pu-00514-00203403-00203858 note, "I think you might want to consider to say it this way," rather than "I can't 2cj55DWR0pu-00515-00203858-00204108 believe you were so stupid as to say this," you know. 2cj55DWR0pu-00516-00204108-00204575 Not that I ever thought that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00517-00204575-00205065 But really to say, you know, there's an alternate way maybe you might consider this, or something 2cj55DWR0pu-00518-00205065-00205165 like that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00519-00205165-00205648 And that's the same in team teaching as well, not just team writing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00520-00205648-00205883 But everybody's got their own opinion. 2cj55DWR0pu-00521-00205883-00206289 There's only so much you can do with the facts, you really can't change what happened in antiquity. 2cj55DWR0pu-00522-00206289-00206711 You can change your interpretation of it and everybody has their own interpretation and 2cj55DWR0pu-00523-00206711-00206910 they may well be welcome to it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00524-00206910-00207085 But at least to be open to it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00525-00207085-00207305 And that's going to come up in class as well. 2cj55DWR0pu-00526-00207305-00207867 So my policy, for example, in class, whether I'm using my textbook or not is never to say, 2cj55DWR0pu-00527-00207867-00208026 "No, you're wrong," to a student. 2cj55DWR0pu-00528-00208026-00208231 I would say, "Well, that's interesting. 2cj55DWR0pu-00529-00208231-00208603 Not that I agree with it, but it's interesting." 2cj55DWR0pu-00530-00208603-00208703 And go on. 2cj55DWR0pu-00531-00208703-00209173 So I'm going to be using this textbook as I do in most cases, to have a great discussion-based 2cj55DWR0pu-00532-00209173-00209273 class. 2cj55DWR0pu-00533-00209273-00209660 Greek history, Roman History, ancient world, you don't just have to throw the facts out 2cj55DWR0pu-00534-00209660-00210042 at them, but to get them to talk about it they're going to learn the facts along the 2cj55DWR0pu-00535-00210042-00210142 way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00536-00210142-00210396 And so I thought this was a really useful way to get at this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00537-00210396-00210792 But again, you have to be very civil in the class. 2cj55DWR0pu-00538-00210792-00211413 And anybody who's done team teaching, which is all of us, knows the importance of civility 2cj55DWR0pu-00539-00211413-00211671 in any type of meeting. 2cj55DWR0pu-00540-00211671-00212071 You talked about the difference, and thank you for bringing the book proposal, I didn't 2cj55DWR0pu-00541-00212071-00212259 think to ask that - that's great. 2cj55DWR0pu-00542-00212259-00212842 The difference between publishing this kind of work as opposed to publishing a monograph 2cj55DWR0pu-00543-00212842-00213357 or as opposed to publishing your doctoral dissertation, can you talk a little bit about 2cj55DWR0pu-00544-00213357-00213706 those differences - about how it's different? 2cj55DWR0pu-00545-00213706-00213806 Is it Carlos? 2cj55DWR0pu-00546-00213806-00214127 I think Carlos mentioned data. 2cj55DWR0pu-00547-00214127-00214407 This is a first type of what I had to go to. 2cj55DWR0pu-00548-00214407-00214811 I had to find out very specifically to give it to, to get to Cambridge. 2cj55DWR0pu-00549-00214811-00214954 How many people are using this style? 2cj55DWR0pu-00550-00214954-00215203 How many people teach in ancient history survey? 2cj55DWR0pu-00551-00215203-00215544 So kind of the initial phase of research really was getting out there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00552-00215544-00215869 How many classes are there out there that could feasibly use this? 2cj55DWR0pu-00553-00215869-00216029 What textbooks are they using? 2cj55DWR0pu-00554-00216029-00216425 So it was just charts, you know, just kind of putting that together to say here's what's 2cj55DWR0pu-00555-00216425-00216619 actually happening in the classroom. 2cj55DWR0pu-00556-00216619-00216921 So, yeah, I'll admit, I hate gathering data. 2cj55DWR0pu-00557-00216921-00217305 So your point, that's one of the big things I'm taking away from that session earlier 2cj55DWR0pu-00558-00217305-00217717 that's still coming through my mind, I hope comes back over and over again, is asking 2cj55DWR0pu-00559-00217717-00218055 up what we say and I could have told them anything about the usefulness. 2cj55DWR0pu-00560-00218055-00218644 In the grand scheme of things this book so important because, and as a textbook division, 2cj55DWR0pu-00561-00218644-00219102 you know, this would not have even - it would have been rejected immediately. 2cj55DWR0pu-00562-00219102-00219609 What they wanted to know - the data, the market, is this going to be marketable, who's going 2cj55DWR0pu-00563-00219609-00220025 to buy it, and beyond just - of course everyone has to fill out the marketing questionnaire 2cj55DWR0pu-00564-00220025-00220186 for a monograph. 2cj55DWR0pu-00565-00220186-00220590 But here it was at a much higher level, pitched at a much higher level. 2cj55DWR0pu-00566-00220590-00221182 And they really wanted to know, yeah, who, what, when, where, do you have other colleagues 2cj55DWR0pu-00567-00221182-00221354 who expressed an interest in this? 2cj55DWR0pu-00568-00221354-00221577 Who are they, can we contact them to talk about it? 2cj55DWR0pu-00569-00221577-00221916 So it was very market-driven in a way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00570-00221916-00222432 I don't think that, not at the level that at least the first monograph I did was certainly 2cj55DWR0pu-00571-00222432-00222890 not in this same old -- so that was the first type of thing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00572-00222890-00223546 There's a great difference between types of books you're writing and the proposals. 2cj55DWR0pu-00573-00223546-00223802 Each one, obviously, is different. 2cj55DWR0pu-00574-00223802-00224281 But I would say there's a difference between turning your dissertation into a monograph, 2cj55DWR0pu-00575-00224281-00224531 that's one scholarly source. 2cj55DWR0pu-00576-00224531-00224925 There's another writing textbooks, so you have to know the writing books for a popularizing 2cj55DWR0pu-00577-00224925-00225044 audience. 2cj55DWR0pu-00578-00225044-00225384 And each of these are very different and the proposals are very different. 2cj55DWR0pu-00579-00225384-00225842 And the questions the editors and the marketing team ask are very different. 2cj55DWR0pu-00580-00225842-00226098 And you have to justify them in very different ways. 2cj55DWR0pu-00581-00226098-00226571 So, for example, the scholarly ones, they are not usually asking what's the market out 2cj55DWR0pu-00582-00226571-00226935 there, they're asking if you got a subvention to help them publish it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00583-00226935-00227131 If you've got a ...? 2cj55DWR0pu-00584-00227131-00227454 Subvention, can you give $5,000 towards the publication? 2cj55DWR0pu-00585-00227454-00227696 And then we're only going to publish 700. 2cj55DWR0pu-00586-00227696-00228302 And that's that, as opposed to other ones where they say well, how much of an advance 2cj55DWR0pu-00587-00228302-00228446 do you want? 2cj55DWR0pu-00588-00228446-00228710 And we can only publish 10,000, is that okay? 2cj55DWR0pu-00589-00228710-00229265 You know, so it's very, very different, but the questions they ask then come down on one 2cj55DWR0pu-00590-00229265-00229583 hand quite different; on the other hand quite similar. 2cj55DWR0pu-00591-00229583-00229794 Because in the end they don't want to go broke. 2cj55DWR0pu-00592-00229794-00230046 They also want to know that you're respected. 2cj55DWR0pu-00593-00230046-00230556 That they're hiring somebody whose opinion matters and that's going to do good research. 2cj55DWR0pu-00594-00230556-00231117 So in all the different proposals there are a couple of things that remain the same. 2cj55DWR0pu-00595-00231117-00231298 And yet they're each very different. 2cj55DWR0pu-00596-00231298-00231815 I remember one where I turned in a proposal and the editor said with kind of a sneer, 2cj55DWR0pu-00597-00231815-00232417 "We are not X press," I won't name them, but they said, "You need to up your writing." 2cj55DWR0pu-00598-00232417-00232691 I said, "Really, because I just dumbed it down from the other one." 2cj55DWR0pu-00599-00232691-00232938 And they were like, "No, we are not that press." 2cj55DWR0pu-00600-00232938-00233038 And so it goes. 2cj55DWR0pu-00601-00233038-00233569 You have to judge not only the ultimate audience, but the audience at the presses as to whether 2cj55DWR0pu-00602-00233569-00233669 it's going to get accepted or not. 2cj55DWR0pu-00603-00233669-00233956 And then you have to be willing to go with the flow. 2cj55DWR0pu-00604-00233956-00234336 I mean everybody has their job and when they send it out to the reviewers, like they asked 2cj55DWR0pu-00605-00234336-00234644 us for the names of three reviewers, got sent out. 2cj55DWR0pu-00606-00234644-00234923 We still don't know who the reviewers were. 2cj55DWR0pu-00607-00234923-00235296 But it's the reviewers job to come back being critical. 2cj55DWR0pu-00608-00235296-00235853 And then it's our job to respond to the criticism in order to show that yes, we respect what 2cj55DWR0pu-00609-00235853-00235953 they have to say. 2cj55DWR0pu-00610-00235953-00236329 But we're still convinced that we're right, so we're going to go on that way. 2cj55DWR0pu-00611-00236329-00236465 So, everybody's got a role. 2cj55DWR0pu-00612-00236465-00236681 And then it continues right through the writing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00613-00236681-00237152 The editors and copy editors are each getting paid to do a job and you've got to respect 2cj55DWR0pu-00614-00237152-00237252 that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00615-00237252-00237581 And you can't get all high and mighty and say, "My writing is sacrosanct, you can't 2cj55DWR0pu-00616-00237581-00237682 touch it." 2cj55DWR0pu-00617-00237682-00238010 But no, these editors are pretty good and they know what they're doing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00618-00238010-00238351 And they might not be specialists in their field, but they've edited 50 other books, 2cj55DWR0pu-00619-00238351-00238525 so go with it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00620-00238525-00238625 Be receptive. 2cj55DWR0pu-00621-00238625-00239139 And you know what, it's probably going to make your book better, which it did. 2cj55DWR0pu-00622-00239139-00239607 This is the perfect segue into my next question before we open it up, which is what advice 2cj55DWR0pu-00623-00239607-00240271 do you have for other IHUM fellows or former IHUM fellows who are interested in doing this 2cj55DWR0pu-00624-00240271-00240919 sort of collaborative writing, in coming together and working on producing something based on 2cj55DWR0pu-00625-00240919-00241098 the experience of teaching? 2cj55DWR0pu-00626-00241098-00241716 I'd say at an obvious and basic level to ummm, if you had a great experience with a team 2cj55DWR0pu-00627-00241716-00242413 of fellows, you maybe haven't been in contact with them and maybe this very setting is facilitating 2cj55DWR0pu-00628-00242413-00242525 that, why not? 2cj55DWR0pu-00629-00242525-00243109 Look at some of that being there, I mean when I was here there was a different setup of 2cj55DWR0pu-00630-00243109-00243242 courses and all that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00631-00243242-00243651 Why not get in contact with these, a group of the people and say why not? 2cj55DWR0pu-00632-00243651-00244280 Why can't we take that course that many people put a lot of thought and effort into and it 2cj55DWR0pu-00633-00244280-00244523 had its time at Stanford, that's fine. 2cj55DWR0pu-00634-00244523-00244866 It's not being taught anymore for whatever reason - faculty availability, whatever - and 2cj55DWR0pu-00635-00244866-00245373 now let's get that course, that approach. 2cj55DWR0pu-00636-00245373-00245505 Let's get that out there a little more broadly. 2cj55DWR0pu-00637-00245505-00246073 So I would say that the IHUM fellows is really the first, the really obvious place, that 2cj55DWR0pu-00638-00246073-00246389 it's going to have to start there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00639-00246389-00246908 And yeah, I would love to see that type of thing because we all put so much into the 2cj55DWR0pu-00640-00246908-00247008 discussions. 2cj55DWR0pu-00641-00247008-00247407 I just got to hear last night about how much was put into IHUM even before it had its beginnings 2cj55DWR0pu-00642-00247407-00247782 with its conversations over the courses of so many years and all that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00643-00247782-00247923 Why not? 2cj55DWR0pu-00644-00247923-00248153 Why not take this type of thing out there. 2cj55DWR0pu-00645-00248153-00248784 And let me just put one fear that I don't know how much this applies to many in here, 2cj55DWR0pu-00646-00248784-00249225 but when I started on this project I did not have tenure. 2cj55DWR0pu-00647-00249225-00249769 And Beatrice Rehl, she's the famous classical editor, editor of classics at Cambridge, she 2cj55DWR0pu-00648-00249769-00250423 called me and said, "You realize that this particular book might not count for tenure 2cj55DWR0pu-00649-00250423-00250523 decision?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00650-00250523-00250765 And I had to explain to her a little about the nature of my institution. 2cj55DWR0pu-00651-00250765-00250998 I published a book. 2cj55DWR0pu-00652-00250998-00251226 Fifty percent of the faculty where I teach don't. 2cj55DWR0pu-00653-00251226-00251466 You know, they define themselves as a teaching college. 2cj55DWR0pu-00654-00251466-00251714 That's not going to be an issue in my tenure decision. 2cj55DWR0pu-00655-00251714-00252217 So, I don't know how much that applies to anyone else here, but I felt I really did 2cj55DWR0pu-00656-00252217-00252627 have a little bit more leeway because I wasn't getting the monograph out, first monograph 2cj55DWR0pu-00657-00252627-00252892 from the dissertation, getting the next one out. 2cj55DWR0pu-00658-00252892-00253523 I really loved this project and so I didn't want to have to be going off on another research 2cj55DWR0pu-00659-00253523-00253807 project at this time just for the sake of getting tenure. 2cj55DWR0pu-00660-00253807-00254239 And so for me I guess it was a little bit easier than I realize it's going to be in 2cj55DWR0pu-00661-00254239-00254846 some programs where you can't just thumb your nose at the whole tenure process at a large 2cj55DWR0pu-00662-00254846-00254946 research institution. 2cj55DWR0pu-00663-00254946-00255046 You can't do it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00664-00255046-00255408 And so maybe a team that has that combination of people and different kinds of backgrounds 2cj55DWR0pu-00665-00255408-00255811 where you're, people maybe in the small liberal arts college where I teach at might get the 2cj55DWR0pu-00666-00255811-00255965 whole project going. 2cj55DWR0pu-00667-00255965-00256564 And they will put a good bit into the formative side of this whereas somebody going through 2cj55DWR0pu-00668-00256564-00257151 the tenure process doesn't have the time or the energy to be able to do all of that right 2cj55DWR0pu-00669-00257151-00257251 then. 2cj55DWR0pu-00670-00257251-00257580 So a collaborative project, Eric mentioned, doesn't have to be 50/50. 2cj55DWR0pu-00671-00257580-00257908 It doesn't have to be 60/40. 2cj55DWR0pu-00672-00257908-00258421 I think that what was added to this book in readability, again Eric's being modest saying 2cj55DWR0pu-00673-00258421-00258521 90% mine. 2cj55DWR0pu-00674-00258521-00258838 I mean he says it's readable - thanks, Eric, it's readable. 2cj55DWR0pu-00675-00258838-00258938 It's not me. 2cj55DWR0pu-00676-00258938-00259696 I'm trained to write in monograph constipated style, but that's, I think a combination of 2cj55DWR0pu-00677-00259696-00260131 different people maybe on the same teaching team, different backgrounds who can bring 2cj55DWR0pu-00678-00260131-00260626 in not just we'll say, kind of the energy and expertise, but also they're at different 2cj55DWR0pu-00679-00260626-00260911 places, different stages and all of that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00680-00260911-00261365 I think that would be great if more people could take advantage out there, more people 2cj55DWR0pu-00681-00261365-00261569 take advantage of the whole IHUM thing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00682-00261569-00261696 Because so much has gone into that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00683-00261696-00262003 And to see a course that's gone, right, it doesn't have to, I mean here's a course I 2cj55DWR0pu-00684-00262003-00262502 hope that's just going to keep on making the questions or still going to be there at the 2cj55DWR0pu-00685-00262502-00262854 small colleges, at other colleges. 2cj55DWR0pu-00686-00262854-00263331 Maybe I'm sounding a little bit too much like an IHUM evangelist, perhaps, but at all events 2cj55DWR0pu-00687-00263331-00263547 that the type of thing I think is exciting. 2cj55DWR0pu-00688-00263547-00263713 I'd like to see that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00689-00263713-00264130 So - the idea is that we take what we did here at Stanford and IHUM and disseminate 2cj55DWR0pu-00690-00264130-00264285 it to the rest of the world. 2cj55DWR0pu-00691-00264285-00264417 Because it worked pretty well here. 2cj55DWR0pu-00692-00264417-00264826 If it works here well it should work pretty well everywhere else and that's a new way 2cj55DWR0pu-00693-00264826-00264941 of looking at it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00694-00264941-00265324 But yes, some of the things that Mark said are very relevant. 2cj55DWR0pu-00695-00265324-00265558 And not just of the tenure process. 2cj55DWR0pu-00696-00265558-00265983 As you go along, I mean, I'm finding this right now going up for full professor, they're 2cj55DWR0pu-00697-00265983-00266114 now saying, what have you done? 2cj55DWR0pu-00698-00266114-00266214 What was solo? 2cj55DWR0pu-00699-00266214-00266365 What was co-authored? 2cj55DWR0pu-00700-00266365-00266628 What's a textbook and what is a monograph? 2cj55DWR0pu-00701-00266628-00266931 And that still it resonates -- it's not going to stop. 2cj55DWR0pu-00702-00266931-00267354 So you have to, but I've kind of done what you do, but you know what, I going to do the 2cj55DWR0pu-00703-00267354-00267723 projects that I'm interested in, that I love, because that's where my passion is. 2cj55DWR0pu-00704-00267723-00267823 And you what? 2cj55DWR0pu-00705-00267823-00268095 It you guys don't like it, well in that case I'm in trouble, right? 2cj55DWR0pu-00706-00268095-00268335 Because they're like sure, and what have you solo authored. 2cj55DWR0pu-00707-00268335-00268859 I'm like ohhhhh, so this is going to be something to keep in mind. 2cj55DWR0pu-00708-00268859-00269213 On the other hand, working in collaboration really does work. 2cj55DWR0pu-00709-00269213-00269624 And they don't have to be, say you're writing a history textbook, one of your co-authors 2cj55DWR0pu-00710-00269624-00269861 doesn't have to be a history person. 2cj55DWR0pu-00711-00269861-00270235 They can be an English person who is very good at writing. 2cj55DWR0pu-00712-00270235-00270601 Because one thing that we've got, not just our profession but others, where we're very 2cj55DWR0pu-00713-00270601-00270969 good usually at writing for our peers, our colleagues. 2cj55DWR0pu-00714-00270969-00271332 But I give it to my father and he's like, "I have no idea what you're talking about. 2cj55DWR0pu-00715-00271332-00271548 Can't you write it so I'll understand it?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00716-00271548-00272083 And that's where bringing in a collaborator can say, "Wow, now put what I've done into 2cj55DWR0pu-00717-00272083-00272647 English so either my grandmother can understand it or a student can understand it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00718-00272647-00272958 And that's where it's very hard to do it yourself. 2cj55DWR0pu-00719-00272958-00273393 Because you can't take a step back, somebody else takes it and goes off and running, right? 2cj55DWR0pu-00720-00273393-00273499 So we did that pretty well on this. 2cj55DWR0pu-00721-00273499-00273876 And this children's author that I worked with, she did extremely well because she's like 2cj55DWR0pu-00722-00273876-00274083 here's what you have to do for a 12-year old. 2cj55DWR0pu-00723-00274083-00274398 Like wow, there's no way I could have ever write like that. 2cj55DWR0pu-00724-00274398-00274684 It's a special way to do it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00725-00274684-00274806 You mentioned the family connection. 2cj55DWR0pu-00726-00274806-00274934 I'll just through this out there real quick. 2cj55DWR0pu-00727-00274934-00275414 Before I came here I was having a conversation with my parents who have never understood. 2cj55DWR0pu-00728-00275414-00275760 I'm first generation in terms of going to college. 2cj55DWR0pu-00729-00275760-00275900 My parents didn't go to college. 2cj55DWR0pu-00730-00275900-00276246 My first monograph they got three pages in and you know, sort of like, "What were you 2cj55DWR0pu-00731-00276246-00276346 doing all that time?" 2cj55DWR0pu-00732-00276346-00276803 And they just - but then this one they read and they said, "Mark, we understand what you're 2cj55DWR0pu-00733-00276803-00276903 doing." 2cj55DWR0pu-00734-00276903-00277208 And they said, "Now this inspires us to go back and read your first one because we think 2cj55DWR0pu-00735-00277208-00277433 we're going to understand a little bit more about how you think now." 2cj55DWR0pu-00736-00277433-00277907 So I think, you know, just in terms of that was sort of exciting across generations. 2cj55DWR0pu-00737-00277907-00278401 And if that can happen outside of that with others who might not be reading this type 2cj55DWR0pu-00738-00278401-00278799 of thing, I think it can be a segue into it. 2cj55DWR0pu-00739-00278799-00278989 Thank you so much. 2elXyO4nlnY-00000-00000063-00000382 Hawke Commercial Filmmaking 2elXyO4nlnY-00001-00000382-00000551 - Yeah, am I in the right spot? 2elXyO4nlnY-00002-00000656-00000789 - Kind of a cool tie. 2elXyO4nlnY-00003-00000982-00001227 Hi everyone, Rich here. We've been quite busy during these crazy, crazy, 2elXyO4nlnY-00004-00001493-00001793 crazy times, and haven't sent out a newsletter 2elXyO4nlnY-00005-00001793-00002047 or posted much social media stuff, 2elXyO4nlnY-00006-00002047-00002155 but if you're interested, 2elXyO4nlnY-00007-00002155-00002396 below are some things we've been working on. 2elXyO4nlnY-00008-00002396-00002632 Or you can go to news.hawke.tv 2elXyO4nlnY-00009-00002632-00002802 to read about them. 2elXyO4nlnY-00010-00002802-00003030 I mainly wanted to let you know, as of today, 2elXyO4nlnY-00011-00003030-00003171 I have a new phone number. 2elXyO4nlnY-00012-00003171-00003370 This is both for the UK and the USA. 2elXyO4nlnY-00013-00003370-00003553 I actually don't remember what the numbers are, 2elXyO4nlnY-00014-00003553-00003833 so here is the US number on the screen. 2elXyO4nlnY-00015-00003833-00004083 617.888.4218 2elXyO4nlnY-00016-00004354-00004575 And here's the UK number on the screen. 2elXyO4nlnY-00017-00004575-00004825 073803 46976 2elXyO4nlnY-00018-00005120-00005261 I hope you are well, 2elXyO4nlnY-00019-00005261-00005480 and I look forward to working with, 2elXyO4nlnY-00020-00005480-00005775 chatting with, and connecting with you again soon. 2elXyO4nlnY-00021-00005775-00006025 (email video@hawke.tv for more info) 2elXyO4nlnY-00022-00006331-00006513 Hi everyone, Rich here. 2elXyO4nlnY-00023-00006513-00006751 We've been pretty busy during these, blah, blah, blah. 2elXyO4nlnY-00024-00006873-00007127 I hope you're, (mouth trilling) 2elXyO4nlnY-00025-00007127-00007402 (sharp exhaling) 2elXyO4nlnY-00026-00007592-00007767 This is so difficult. 2elXyO4nlnY-00027-00007859-00008116 I hope you're well, and I look forward to working with, 2elXyO4nlnY-00028-00008116-00008497 chatting with, and connecting with you again soon (chuckles) 2elXyO4nlnY-00029-00008497-00008592 I'm so bad at this. 2elXyO4nlnY-00030-00008685-00008781 Can you do it one more time? 2elXyO4nlnY-00031-00008781-00008867 I almost got it. 2elXyO4nlnY-00032-00008964-00009123 (chuckles) 2elXyO4nlnY-00033-00009123-00009223 All right, one more. 2elXyO4nlnY-00034-00009502-00009706 (laughing) 2elXyO4nlnY-00035-00009706-00010056 All right, let's do the different hats, I guess. 2elXyO4nlnY-00036-00010056-00010198 I hope you're well and I look forward 2elXyO4nlnY-00037-00010198-00010348 to working with, chatting with, 2elXyO4nlnY-00038-00010348-00010528 and connecting with you again soon. 2elXyO4nlnY-00039-00010852-00011098 I really am (chuckles) 2elXyO4nlnY-00040-00011337-00011636 So bloody close! 2elXyO4nlnY-00041-00011636-00011894 www.hawke.tv 2ffwjh8nV6u-00000-00000075-00000330 So you’re having a night in with friends, and you decide to order a pizza. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00001-00000330-00000745 You’re going to get the biggest pizza available and then split the cheque evenly. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00002-00000745-00001111 But when the pizza guy comes, you realize the none of you have cash and he’s not going 2ffwjh8nV6u-00003-00001111-00001250 to split the cheque for you. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00004-00001250-00001427 So, what do you do? 2ffwjh8nV6u-00005-00001427-00001848 Well, the answer’s pretty simple for most of us: one of you pays for the pizza, everyone 2ffwjh8nV6u-00006-00001848-00002045 else transfers them money. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00007-00002045-00002453 This form of transaction is called “peer-to-peer” transaction and it’s becomes increasingly 2ffwjh8nV6u-00008-00002453-00002601 popular in North America. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00009-00002601-00003252 Over the past ten years, instances peer-to-peer transaction have gone up exponentially. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00010-00003252-00003536 But some have started to question if it’s actually safe to use. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00011-00003536-00004082 This week’s episode of Digital Tattoo’s Digital Finance series is all about peer-to-peer 2ffwjh8nV6u-00012-00004082-00004412 transaction. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00013-00004412-00005089 Peer-to-peer transactions are covered under the umbrella of e-commerce in Canada and simply 2ffwjh8nV6u-00014-00005089-00005466 involve the transfer of funds from one individual to another. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00015-00005466-00005818 That being said, the process by which this actually works is incredibly opaque. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00016-00005818-00006303 Paypal, one of Canada’s largest peer-to-peer transaction vendors, says that it’s the 2ffwjh8nV6u-00017-00006303-00006768 simplest way to send, receive, and request money from your family and friends. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00018-00006768-00007017 They also say that it has “bank-level” security. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00019-00007017-00007378 But is that really true? 2ffwjh8nV6u-00020-00007378-00007859 Coinciding with the rise in peer-to-peer transactions has been a rise in transfer fraud. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00021-00007859-00008269 In April 2018, The New York Times reported that a payment system called Zelle, which 2ffwjh8nV6u-00022-00008269-00008808 was used by eighteen banks in the United States, had been subject to mass transfer fraud. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00023-00008808-00009312 The PWC’s financial crimes unit says that one of the banks that was using Zelle had 2ffwjh8nV6u-00024-00009312-00009647 a 90% fraud rate in their client transactions. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00025-00009647-00010043 Despite all of that, Zelle said that the problem was “under control”. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00026-00010043-00010714 A little closer to home, CTV reported that in 2015, a Calgary couple had $20,000 stolen 2ffwjh8nV6u-00027-00010714-00010986 from their account by e-transfer fraudsters. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00028-00010986-00011207 So how do these breaches happen? 2ffwjh8nV6u-00029-00011207-00011722 Sometimes criminals log into a service provider account and steal money themselves, other 2ffwjh8nV6u-00030-00011722-00012143 times, the victims are coerced into sending over their account information or have it 2ffwjh8nV6u-00031-00012143-00012303 stolen from them. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00032-00012303-00012718 Regardless of the popularity of the service that you’re using, or its ties to traditional 2ffwjh8nV6u-00033-00012718-00013209 banking institutions, remember that all e-commerce needs to be approached cautiously. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00034-00013209-00013675 Even large banking institutions can fall prey to common fraud tactics. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00035-00013675-00015686 Follow these tips by the United States Federal Trade Commission: 2ffwjh8nV6u-00036-00015686-00016058 As with all digital experiences, a little caution never hurts. 2ffwjh8nV6u-00037-00016058-00016129 Until next time. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00000-00000018-00000219 When it comes to your morning routine as a parent, 2fipX0XY4Xo-00001-00000219-00000342 every second counts. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00002-00000342-00000471 Lunches have to be packed. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00003-00000471-00000588 Breakfast has to be made. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00004-00000588-00000744 And there is no time to waste. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00005-00000744-00001032 If you find yourself frustrated while waiting for hot water. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00006-00001032-00001314 A circulating pump is a luxury you didn't know you needed. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00007-00001314-00001455 This is one of my favorite products. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00008-00001455-00001620 Because you get steamy hot water in just seconds. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00009-00001621-00001784 That's right, Katie. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00010-00001784-00001953 If you're constantly waiting on hot water. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00011-00001953-00002172 A circulating pump may be exactly what you need. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00012-00002172-00002259 At United Plumbing, 2fipX0XY4Xo-00013-00002259-00002400 we want you to make the best decision 2fipX0XY4Xo-00014-00002400-00002568 when it comes to the plumbing in your home. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00015-00002568-00002751 And to us, that starts with education. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00016-00002751-00002958 We always want our customers to be knowledgeable. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00017-00002958-00003093 That means we'll even walk you through 2fipX0XY4Xo-00018-00003093-00003258 how to fix your own plumbing mishaps. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00019-00003258-00003450 So before you call someone else for an estimate. 2fipX0XY4Xo-00020-00003450-00003725 Call United Plumbing for answers. 2fWwwgfked8-00000-00000000-00000500 Welcome to Spoken tutorial on Inserting images in LibreOffice Calc. 2fWwwgfked8-00001-00000600-00000800 In this tutorial we will learn the following: 2fWwwgfked8-00002-00000900-00001200 Inserting an image file into a document. 2fWwwgfked8-00003-00001300-00001800 For eg - jpeg, png or bmp. 2fWwwgfked8-00004-00001900-00002700 Here we are using, Ubuntu Linux version 10.04 and LibreOffice Suite version 3.3.4 2fWwwgfked8-00005-00002800-00003800 Images can be added into a spreadsheet by, Inserting an image file directly From a graphics program, With the help of a clipboard or From the gallery. 2fWwwgfked8-00006-00003900-00004200 We will discuss each one of them in detail. 2fWwwgfked8-00007-00004300-00004700 Let us open our “Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods” spreadsheet. 2fWwwgfked8-00008-00004800-00005000 First, let us select sheet 2. 2fWwwgfked8-00009-00005100-00005300 We will insert images in this sheets. 2fWwwgfked8-00010-00005400-00005800 It is a good practice to select a cell and then insert pictures. 2fWwwgfked8-00011-00005900-00006500 If an image is already stored on your computer, you can insert it by first clicking on “Insert” 2fWwwgfked8-00012-00006600-00006900 and then “Picture” and selecting “From File”. 2fWwwgfked8-00013-00007000-00007300 Now locate the image you want to insert. 2fWwwgfked8-00014-00007400-00007900 I have already stored some images on the Desktop in a folder named “Images”. 2fWwwgfked8-00015-00008000-00008300 So, I will choose “Image1”. 2fWwwgfked8-00016-00008400-00008700 We will see the name of the image in the “Location” field . 2fWwwgfked8-00017-00008800-00009000 Click on the “Open” button 2fWwwgfked8-00018-00009100-00009700 Observe that the image appears in the spreadsheet. <pause> 2fWwwgfked8-00019-00009800-00010100 Let us insert another picture by Linking it. 2fWwwgfked8-00020-00010200-00010400 First let us select a new cell. 2fWwwgfked8-00021-00010500-00011400 Now, let’s click on “Insert” and “Picture” and select “From File”. Let us select another image. 2fWwwgfked8-00022-00011500-00011700 Now click on “Image 2”. 2fWwwgfked8-00023-00011800-00012400 To link the image to your document, check the “Link”option and click “Open”. 2fWwwgfked8-00024-00012500-00013000 In the dialog box that appears, click on “Keep Link” button. 2fWwwgfked8-00025-00013100-00013400 The picture is now linked to the file. 2fWwwgfked8-00026-00013500-00013600 Linking 2fWwwgfked8-00027-00013700-00014200 When we link a file: First, it reduces the size of the spreadsheet when it is saved 2fWwwgfked8-00028-00014300-00014600 Since our spreadsheet does not contain the image. 2fWwwgfked8-00029-00014700-00015100 Second, it enables the user to modify both the files separately. 2fWwwgfked8-00030-00015200-00015800 Any changes made to the image file, Will be reflected in the linked image In the spreadsheet. 2fWwwgfked8-00031-00015900-00016500 Let us change the color of Image 2, which is linked to the file to greyscale. 2fWwwgfked8-00032-00016600-00016900 I am using the picture editor GIMP to edit this picture. 2fWwwgfked8-00033-00017000-00017300 You can use any editor that is installed on your machine. 2fWwwgfked8-00034-00017400-00018000 First let’s save and close "Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods" 2fWwwgfked8-00035-00018100-00018300 Next, go to the images folder. 2fWwwgfked8-00036-00018400-00018500 Select "Image 2". 2fWwwgfked8-00037-00018600-00018900 Now, right-click and select Open with GIMP. 2fWwwgfked8-00038-00019000-00019200 Image 2 opens in GIMP. 2fWwwgfked8-00039-00019300-00019700 Now let us change the picture from color to greyscale. 2fWwwgfked8-00040-00019800-00020100 Now, let’s save and close the image. 2fWwwgfked8-00041-00020200-00020500 Let us open the Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods. 2fWwwgfked8-00042-00020600-00020900 Image 2 is now displayed in greyscale. 2fWwwgfked8-00043-00021000-00021900 However, one major Disadvantage of linking the file is that, Whenever you want to send this spreadsheet to a different computer or user, 2fWwwgfked8-00044-00022000-00022300 You will have to send both, the spreadsheet as well as the image file. 2fWwwgfked8-00045-00022400-00023100 Which means, you will always have to keep track of the location where you are storing both the files. 2fWwwgfked8-00046-00023200-00023700 Let’s move this image to the right of the spreadsheet 2fWwwgfked8-00047-00023800-00024400 Another method of inserting images into a spreadsheet is by dragging it from its folder 2fWwwgfked8-00048-00024500-00024800 where you have stored the image and dropping it on your spreadsheet. 2fWwwgfked8-00049-00024900-00025100 Let us drag and drop an image. 2fWwwgfked8-00050-00025200-00025800 Now drag and drop the image file directly into your spreadsheet wherever you want to place it. 2fWwwgfked8-00051-00025900-00026200 You will see that the image gets inserted into your document. 2fWwwgfked8-00052-00026300-00026800 Let’s undo this change by pressing CTRL and Z. 2fWwwgfked8-00053-00026900-00027300 Now let us link the image using the drag and drop method. 2fWwwgfked8-00054-00027400-00027900 This is easy too! Just press and hold the “Control” and “Shift” keys 2fWwwgfked8-00055-00028000-00028300 while dragging the image into the spreadsheet. 2fWwwgfked8-00056-00028400-00028700 The image file is now linked to the document. 2fWwwgfked8-00057-00028800-00029300 Let’s save this Calc file by pressing CTRL and S keys together. 2fWwwgfked8-00058-00029400-00029700 Now let’s close this file. 2fWwwgfked8-00059-00029800-00030100 Now let’s go to the folder where the image is located. 2fWwwgfked8-00060-00030200-00031100 Let’s rename the image “Image 3.jpg”, that we inserted in the file to “Image4.jpg”. 2fWwwgfked8-00061-00031200-00031700 Now open the “Personal Finance Tracker.ods” file again. 2fWwwgfked8-00062-00031800-00032100 You see that the linked image is no longer visible! 2fWwwgfked8-00063-00032200-00032400 The linked path shows an error! 2fWwwgfked8-00064-00032500-00032700 Let us delete this link. 2fWwwgfked8-00065-00032800-00033100 Pause this tutorial and do this assignment. 2fWwwgfked8-00066-00033200-00033700 Insert an image as a link in a Calc sheet, save and close it. 2fWwwgfked8-00067-00033800-00034200 Now, go the folder where the image is stored and delete the image. 2fWwwgfked8-00068-00034300-00034800 Open and check if the image is still visible in the Calc file. 2fWwwgfked8-00069-00034900-00035200 Now paste the image back into the image folder. 2fWwwgfked8-00070-00035300-00035600 Check if the image is visible in the Calc file. 2fWwwgfked8-00071-00035700-00036100 Notice a new toolbar just below the “Standard” toolbar. 2fWwwgfked8-00072-00036200-00036300 This is the “Picture” toolbar. 2fWwwgfked8-00073-00036400-00037200 The “Filter” button at the top left of the “Picture” toolbar gives several options to change the look of the image. 2fWwwgfked8-00074-00037300-00037700 Let’s undo this by pressing CTRL and Z. 2fWwwgfked8-00075-00037800-00038500 The “Graphics mode” button has options to change the image into grayscale, black-and-white or as a watermark. 2fWwwgfked8-00076-00038600-00039100 There are other options on the “Picture” toolbar which we will cover later. 2fWwwgfked8-00077-00039200-00039600 Next we will learn how to insert image from a clipboard. 2fWwwgfked8-00078-00039700-00040300 One can copy images stored on the clipboard, from one LibreOffice spreadsheet to another. 2fWwwgfked8-00079-00040400-00040900 Lets create a new spreadsheet and name it as “abc.ods”. 2fWwwgfked8-00080-00041000-00041200 This is our target document. 2fWwwgfked8-00081-00041300-00041800 We already have an image in our “Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods” file. 2fWwwgfked8-00082-00041900-00042100 This is our source document. 2fWwwgfked8-00083-00042200-00042500 Now select the image from the source file which is to be copied. 2fWwwgfked8-00084-00042600-00043000 Press “CTRL” and “C” keys together to copy the image. 2fWwwgfked8-00085-00043100-00043400 The image is now saved on the clipboard. 2fWwwgfked8-00086-00043500-00044000 Now switch to the target document, which is “abc.ods”. 2fWwwgfked8-00087-00044100-00044700 Select the location where you wish to place your saved image in “abc.ods”. 2fWwwgfked8-00088-00044800-00045400 Now press “CTRL” and “V” keys together to insert the image into the document. 2fWwwgfked8-00089-00045500-00046100 We see that the image is inserted into our target file. 2fWwwgfked8-00090-00046200-00046700 Now we will learn how to insert images directly from the Calc Gallery. 2fWwwgfked8-00091-00046800-00047300 “Gallery” has image as well as sounds which you can insert into your spreadsheet. 2fWwwgfked8-00092-00047400-00047600 Let’s see how to do this. 2fWwwgfked8-00093-00047700-00048000 Click on the “Gallery” icon in the standard toolbar. 2fWwwgfked8-00094-00048100-00048800 Alternately, click on “Tools” option in the menu bar and then click on “Gallery” to open it. 2fWwwgfked8-00095-00048900-00049700 Now go through the images which the “Gallery” provides and click on the image you want to insert into your document. 2fWwwgfked8-00096-00049800-00050500 Drag the image from the “Gallery” and drop it into the spreadsheet where you want to insert it. 2fWwwgfked8-00097-00050600-00051300 You see that the image gets inserted into our “Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods” file. 2fWwwgfked8-00098-00051400-00051800 This brings us to the end of this spoken tutorial on 'LibreOffice Calc'. 2fWwwgfked8-00099-00051900-00052500 To summarise, we learned how to- Insert an image file into a spreadsheet in many different ways 2fWwwgfked8-00100-00052600-00053100 like From a file From the clipboard or From the gallery 2fWwwgfked8-00101-00053200-00053400 Watch the video available at the following link 2fWwwgfked8-00102-00053500-00053700 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project 2fWwwgfked8-00103-00053800-00054200 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it 2fWwwgfked8-00104-00054300-00054700 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials. 2fWwwgfked8-00105-00054800-00055100 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test 2fWwwgfked8-00106-00055200-00055800 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org 2fWwwgfked8-00107-00055900-00056200 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project 2fWwwgfked8-00108-00056300-00057000 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India 2fWwwgfked8-00109-00057100-00058000 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro 2fWwwgfked8-00110-00058100-00058600 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd Thanks for joining 2gvqsCv-3MU-00000-00000000-00000144 YO ANTONIO 2gvqsCv-3MU-00001-00000144-00000236 I'm b a k 2gvqsCv-3MU-00002-00000294-00000412 from prison 2gvqsCv-3MU-00003-00000412-00000550 how boutcha whip me up a fresh 2gvqsCv-3MU-00004-00000550-00000620 C H O C C Y M I L K 2gvqsCv-3MU-00005-00000620-00000746 *sounds from the pit of hell* 2gvqsCv-3MU-00006-00000746-00000946 hO cApItO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00000-00000010-00000060 OTHER MEASURES, BUT THE G.O.P. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00001-00000060-00000066 OTHER MEASURES, BUT THE G.O.P. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00002-00000066-00000230 OTHER MEASURES, BUT THE G.O.P. SUED HIM INSTEAD. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00003-00000230-00000236 OTHER MEASURES, BUT THE G.O.P. SUED HIM INSTEAD. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00004-00000236-00000380 OTHER MEASURES, BUT THE G.O.P. SUED HIM INSTEAD. >>> A NEW BUSINESS HAS OPENED 2hxClcvg1Ao-00005-00000380-00000387 SUED HIM INSTEAD. >>> A NEW BUSINESS HAS OPENED 2hxClcvg1Ao-00006-00000387-00000520 SUED HIM INSTEAD. >>> A NEW BUSINESS HAS OPENED ITS DOORS IN BRAINERD AS THEY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00007-00000520-00000527 >>> A NEW BUSINESS HAS OPENED ITS DOORS IN BRAINERD AS THEY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00008-00000527-00000697 >>> A NEW BUSINESS HAS OPENED ITS DOORS IN BRAINERD AS THEY SET OUT TO HELP WOMEN. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00009-00000697-00000704 ITS DOORS IN BRAINERD AS THEY SET OUT TO HELP WOMEN. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00010-00000704-00000864 ITS DOORS IN BRAINERD AS THEY SET OUT TO HELP WOMEN. LUNA WOMEN'S WELLNESS AND BIRTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00011-00000864-00000870 SET OUT TO HELP WOMEN. LUNA WOMEN'S WELLNESS AND BIRTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00012-00000870-00000984 SET OUT TO HELP WOMEN. LUNA WOMEN'S WELLNESS AND BIRTH CENTER IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00013-00000984-00000990 LUNA WOMEN'S WELLNESS AND BIRTH CENTER IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00014-00000990-00001104 LUNA WOMEN'S WELLNESS AND BIRTH CENTER IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE AREA. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00015-00001104-00001111 CENTER IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE AREA. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00016-00001111-00001398 CENTER IS THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE AREA. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00017-00001398-00001404 IN THE AREA. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00018-00001404-00001558 IN THE AREA. SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: UP UNTIL NOW, THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00019-00001558-00001564 SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: UP UNTIL NOW, THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00020-00001564-00001775 SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THAT STORY. >> Reporter: UP UNTIL NOW, THE NEAREST BIRTHING CENTER WAS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00021-00001775-00001781 >> Reporter: UP UNTIL NOW, THE NEAREST BIRTHING CENTER WAS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00022-00001781-00001855 >> Reporter: UP UNTIL NOW, THE NEAREST BIRTHING CENTER WAS 70 MILES AWAY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00023-00001855-00001861 NEAREST BIRTHING CENTER WAS 70 MILES AWAY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00024-00001861-00002098 NEAREST BIRTHING CENTER WAS 70 MILES AWAY. FOR OWNER AND MIDWIFE NICOLE, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00025-00002098-00002105 70 MILES AWAY. FOR OWNER AND MIDWIFE NICOLE, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00026-00002105-00002255 70 MILES AWAY. FOR OWNER AND MIDWIFE NICOLE, THIS JUST WASN'T ACCEPTABLE. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00027-00002255-00002262 FOR OWNER AND MIDWIFE NICOLE, THIS JUST WASN'T ACCEPTABLE. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00028-00002262-00002399 FOR OWNER AND MIDWIFE NICOLE, THIS JUST WASN'T ACCEPTABLE. SHE KNEW THE WOMEN IN THE AREA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00029-00002399-00002405 THIS JUST WASN'T ACCEPTABLE. SHE KNEW THE WOMEN IN THE AREA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00030-00002405-00002625 THIS JUST WASN'T ACCEPTABLE. SHE KNEW THE WOMEN IN THE AREA NEEDED A PLACE TO BRIDGE THE GAP 2hxClcvg1Ao-00031-00002625-00002632 SHE KNEW THE WOMEN IN THE AREA NEEDED A PLACE TO BRIDGE THE GAP 2hxClcvg1Ao-00032-00002632-00002812 SHE KNEW THE WOMEN IN THE AREA NEEDED A PLACE TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN HOSPITAL AND HOME BIRTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00033-00002812-00002819 NEEDED A PLACE TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN HOSPITAL AND HOME BIRTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00034-00002819-00002986 NEEDED A PLACE TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN HOSPITAL AND HOME BIRTH >> THAT CAN BE A LITTLE SCARY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00035-00002986-00002992 BETWEEN HOSPITAL AND HOME BIRTH >> THAT CAN BE A LITTLE SCARY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00036-00002992-00003126 BETWEEN HOSPITAL AND HOME BIRTH >> THAT CAN BE A LITTLE SCARY AND NERVE RACKING FOR KIDS WHERE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00037-00003126-00003133 >> THAT CAN BE A LITTLE SCARY AND NERVE RACKING FOR KIDS WHERE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00038-00003133-00003273 >> THAT CAN BE A LITTLE SCARY AND NERVE RACKING FOR KIDS WHERE MOM AND DAD TAKE OFF AND THEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00039-00003273-00003279 AND NERVE RACKING FOR KIDS WHERE MOM AND DAD TAKE OFF AND THEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00040-00003279-00003429 AND NERVE RACKING FOR KIDS WHERE MOM AND DAD TAKE OFF AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BRING HOME 2hxClcvg1Ao-00041-00003429-00003436 MOM AND DAD TAKE OFF AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BRING HOME 2hxClcvg1Ao-00042-00003436-00003586 MOM AND DAD TAKE OFF AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BRING HOME THIS NEW BABY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00043-00003586-00003593 ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BRING HOME THIS NEW BABY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00044-00003593-00003660 ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BRING HOME THIS NEW BABY. WHEREAS HERE, THEY HAVE THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00045-00003660-00003666 THIS NEW BABY. WHEREAS HERE, THEY HAVE THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00046-00003666-00003800 THIS NEW BABY. WHEREAS HERE, THEY HAVE THE OPTION OF HAVING THEIR KIDS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00047-00003800-00003807 WHEREAS HERE, THEY HAVE THE OPTION OF HAVING THEIR KIDS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00048-00003807-00003943 WHEREAS HERE, THEY HAVE THE OPTION OF HAVING THEIR KIDS PRESENT AT VISITS, UNDERSTANDING 2hxClcvg1Ao-00049-00003943-00003950 OPTION OF HAVING THEIR KIDS PRESENT AT VISITS, UNDERSTANDING 2hxClcvg1Ao-00050-00003950-00004054 OPTION OF HAVING THEIR KIDS PRESENT AT VISITS, UNDERSTANDING WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00051-00004054-00004060 PRESENT AT VISITS, UNDERSTANDING WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00052-00004060-00004227 PRESENT AT VISITS, UNDERSTANDING WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE PREGNANCY, PARTICIPATING IN THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00053-00004227-00004234 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE PREGNANCY, PARTICIPATING IN THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00054-00004234-00004294 WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE PREGNANCY, PARTICIPATING IN THE CARE. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00055-00004294-00004300 PREGNANCY, PARTICIPATING IN THE CARE. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00056-00004300-00004437 PREGNANCY, PARTICIPATING IN THE CARE. LITTLE ONES REALLY LIKE TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00057-00004437-00004444 CARE. LITTLE ONES REALLY LIKE TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00058-00004444-00004604 CARE. LITTLE ONES REALLY LIKE TO MEASURE MOM'S BELLY AND HELP 2hxClcvg1Ao-00059-00004604-00004611 LITTLE ONES REALLY LIKE TO MEASURE MOM'S BELLY AND HELP 2hxClcvg1Ao-00060-00004611-00004697 LITTLE ONES REALLY LIKE TO MEASURE MOM'S BELLY AND HELP LISTEN TO THE BABY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00061-00004697-00004704 MEASURE MOM'S BELLY AND HELP LISTEN TO THE BABY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00062-00004704-00004848 MEASURE MOM'S BELLY AND HELP LISTEN TO THE BABY. >> Reporter: AT LUNA, FAMILIES 2hxClcvg1Ao-00063-00004848-00004854 LISTEN TO THE BABY. >> Reporter: AT LUNA, FAMILIES 2hxClcvg1Ao-00064-00004854-00004971 LISTEN TO THE BABY. >> Reporter: AT LUNA, FAMILIES ARE WELCOME TO THE BIRTH AND TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00065-00004971-00004978 >> Reporter: AT LUNA, FAMILIES ARE WELCOME TO THE BIRTH AND TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00066-00004978-00005061 >> Reporter: AT LUNA, FAMILIES ARE WELCOME TO THE BIRTH AND TO BE INVOLVED THROUGHOUT THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00067-00005061-00005068 ARE WELCOME TO THE BIRTH AND TO BE INVOLVED THROUGHOUT THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00068-00005068-00005135 ARE WELCOME TO THE BIRTH AND TO BE INVOLVED THROUGHOUT THE PROCESS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00069-00005135-00005141 BE INVOLVED THROUGHOUT THE PROCESS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00070-00005141-00005248 BE INVOLVED THROUGHOUT THE PROCESS. >> QUALITY OF CARE THAT I 2hxClcvg1Ao-00071-00005248-00005255 PROCESS. >> QUALITY OF CARE THAT I 2hxClcvg1Ao-00072-00005255-00005375 PROCESS. >> QUALITY OF CARE THAT I RECEIVED AND THE EDUCATION THAT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00073-00005375-00005382 >> QUALITY OF CARE THAT I RECEIVED AND THE EDUCATION THAT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00074-00005382-00005518 >> QUALITY OF CARE THAT I RECEIVED AND THE EDUCATION THAT I RECEIVED TO MAKE INFORMED 2hxClcvg1Ao-00075-00005518-00005525 RECEIVED AND THE EDUCATION THAT I RECEIVED TO MAKE INFORMED 2hxClcvg1Ao-00076-00005525-00005668 RECEIVED AND THE EDUCATION THAT I RECEIVED TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS FOR MYSELF REALLY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00077-00005668-00005675 I RECEIVED TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS FOR MYSELF REALLY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00078-00005675-00005852 I RECEIVED TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS FOR MYSELF REALLY CHANGED MY ATTITUDE NOT ONLY ON 2hxClcvg1Ao-00079-00005852-00005859 DECISIONS FOR MYSELF REALLY CHANGED MY ATTITUDE NOT ONLY ON 2hxClcvg1Ao-00080-00005859-00006056 DECISIONS FOR MYSELF REALLY CHANGED MY ATTITUDE NOT ONLY ON LABOR AND DELIVERY, BUT THROUGH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00081-00006056-00006062 CHANGED MY ATTITUDE NOT ONLY ON LABOR AND DELIVERY, BUT THROUGH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00082-00006062-00006202 CHANGED MY ATTITUDE NOT ONLY ON LABOR AND DELIVERY, BUT THROUGH SO MANY ASPECTS OF WHO I AM. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00083-00006202-00006209 LABOR AND DELIVERY, BUT THROUGH SO MANY ASPECTS OF WHO I AM. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00084-00006209-00006403 LABOR AND DELIVERY, BUT THROUGH SO MANY ASPECTS OF WHO I AM. >> Reporter: IT'S STILL UNSURE, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00085-00006403-00006409 SO MANY ASPECTS OF WHO I AM. >> Reporter: IT'S STILL UNSURE, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00086-00006409-00006633 SO MANY ASPECTS OF WHO I AM. >> Reporter: IT'S STILL UNSURE, NICOLE IS THERE TO HELP FIND THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00087-00006633-00006639 >> Reporter: IT'S STILL UNSURE, NICOLE IS THERE TO HELP FIND THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00088-00006639-00006726 >> Reporter: IT'S STILL UNSURE, NICOLE IS THERE TO HELP FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE CARE OPTION FOR 2hxClcvg1Ao-00089-00006726-00006733 NICOLE IS THERE TO HELP FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE CARE OPTION FOR 2hxClcvg1Ao-00090-00006733-00006916 NICOLE IS THERE TO HELP FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE CARE OPTION FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00091-00006916-00006923 BEST POSSIBLE CARE OPTION FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00092-00006923-00007016 BEST POSSIBLE CARE OPTION FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL. >> HELPING WOMEN UNDERSTAND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00093-00007016-00007023 THAT INDIVIDUAL. >> HELPING WOMEN UNDERSTAND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00094-00007023-00007200 THAT INDIVIDUAL. >> HELPING WOMEN UNDERSTAND THEIR OPTIONS AND THEIR CHOICES, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00095-00007200-00007207 >> HELPING WOMEN UNDERSTAND THEIR OPTIONS AND THEIR CHOICES, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00096-00007207-00007367 >> HELPING WOMEN UNDERSTAND THEIR OPTIONS AND THEIR CHOICES, AND SOMETIMES THAT INCLUDES NOT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00097-00007367-00007373 THEIR OPTIONS AND THEIR CHOICES, AND SOMETIMES THAT INCLUDES NOT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00098-00007373-00007487 THEIR OPTIONS AND THEIR CHOICES, AND SOMETIMES THAT INCLUDES NOT DOING WHAT I RECOMMEND AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00099-00007487-00007494 AND SOMETIMES THAT INCLUDES NOT DOING WHAT I RECOMMEND AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00100-00007494-00007537 AND SOMETIMES THAT INCLUDES NOT DOING WHAT I RECOMMEND AND THAT'S OKAY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00101-00007537-00007544 DOING WHAT I RECOMMEND AND THAT'S OKAY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00102-00007544-00007901 DOING WHAT I RECOMMEND AND THAT'S OKAY. BECAUSE, AGAIN, IT'S PART OF 2hxClcvg1Ao-00103-00007901-00007907 THAT'S OKAY. BECAUSE, AGAIN, IT'S PART OF 2hxClcvg1Ao-00104-00007907-00007984 THAT'S OKAY. BECAUSE, AGAIN, IT'S PART OF MIDWIFE FREE BIRTH. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00105-00007984-00007991 BECAUSE, AGAIN, IT'S PART OF MIDWIFE FREE BIRTH. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00106-00007991-00008118 BECAUSE, AGAIN, IT'S PART OF MIDWIFE FREE BIRTH. IT'S A JOINT DECISION. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00107-00008118-00008124 MIDWIFE FREE BIRTH. IT'S A JOINT DECISION. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00108-00008124-00008271 MIDWIFE FREE BIRTH. IT'S A JOINT DECISION. EVERY PLAN OF CARE HAS TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00109-00008271-00008278 IT'S A JOINT DECISION. EVERY PLAN OF CARE HAS TO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00110-00008278-00008405 IT'S A JOINT DECISION. EVERY PLAN OF CARE HAS TO REFLECT WHAT THE PATIENT IS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00111-00008405-00008411 EVERY PLAN OF CARE HAS TO REFLECT WHAT THE PATIENT IS 2hxClcvg1Ao-00112-00008411-00008585 EVERY PLAN OF CARE HAS TO REFLECT WHAT THE PATIENT IS WILLING, CAPABLE AND ABLE TO DO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00113-00008585-00008591 REFLECT WHAT THE PATIENT IS WILLING, CAPABLE AND ABLE TO DO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00114-00008591-00008715 REFLECT WHAT THE PATIENT IS WILLING, CAPABLE AND ABLE TO DO >> Reporter: THE NAME LUNA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00115-00008715-00008722 WILLING, CAPABLE AND ABLE TO DO >> Reporter: THE NAME LUNA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00116-00008722-00008878 WILLING, CAPABLE AND ABLE TO DO >> Reporter: THE NAME LUNA COMES FROM THE WORD MOON, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00117-00008878-00008885 >> Reporter: THE NAME LUNA COMES FROM THE WORD MOON, 2hxClcvg1Ao-00118-00008885-00009035 >> Reporter: THE NAME LUNA COMES FROM THE WORD MOON, MEANING THAT THESE LADIES WILL 2hxClcvg1Ao-00119-00009035-00009042 COMES FROM THE WORD MOON, MEANING THAT THESE LADIES WILL 2hxClcvg1Ao-00120-00009042-00009169 COMES FROM THE WORD MOON, MEANING THAT THESE LADIES WILL HELP TAKE CARE OF THE WOMEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00121-00009169-00009175 MEANING THAT THESE LADIES WILL HELP TAKE CARE OF THE WOMEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00122-00009175-00009392 MEANING THAT THESE LADIES WILL HELP TAKE CARE OF THE WOMEN GOING THROUGH MANY PHASES, NOT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00123-00009392-00009399 HELP TAKE CARE OF THE WOMEN GOING THROUGH MANY PHASES, NOT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00124-00009399-00009476 HELP TAKE CARE OF THE WOMEN GOING THROUGH MANY PHASES, NOT JUST PREGNANCY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00125-00009476-00009482 GOING THROUGH MANY PHASES, NOT JUST PREGNANCY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00126-00009482-00009629 GOING THROUGH MANY PHASES, NOT JUST PREGNANCY. >> I THINK LUNA IS A GREAT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00127-00009629-00009636 JUST PREGNANCY. >> I THINK LUNA IS A GREAT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00128-00009636-00009773 JUST PREGNANCY. >> I THINK LUNA IS A GREAT COMMUNITY ASSET HERE IN BRAINERD 2hxClcvg1Ao-00129-00009773-00009779 >> I THINK LUNA IS A GREAT COMMUNITY ASSET HERE IN BRAINERD 2hxClcvg1Ao-00130-00009779-00010006 >> I THINK LUNA IS A GREAT COMMUNITY ASSET HERE IN BRAINERD AND WE OFFER A LOT OF EDUCATION 2hxClcvg1Ao-00131-00010006-00010013 COMMUNITY ASSET HERE IN BRAINERD AND WE OFFER A LOT OF EDUCATION 2hxClcvg1Ao-00132-00010013-00010393 COMMUNITY ASSET HERE IN BRAINERD AND WE OFFER A LOT OF EDUCATION ON ALL ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00133-00010393-00010400 AND WE OFFER A LOT OF EDUCATION ON ALL ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00134-00010400-00010660 AND WE OFFER A LOT OF EDUCATION ON ALL ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE INCLUDING OB/GYN AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00135-00010660-00010667 ON ALL ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE INCLUDING OB/GYN AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00136-00010667-00010837 ON ALL ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE INCLUDING OB/GYN AND PREVENTIVE CARE AND EDUCATION. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00137-00010837-00010844 CARE INCLUDING OB/GYN AND PREVENTIVE CARE AND EDUCATION. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00138-00010844-00010987 CARE INCLUDING OB/GYN AND PREVENTIVE CARE AND EDUCATION. I FEEL LIKE THAT WILL BRING A 2hxClcvg1Ao-00139-00010987-00010994 PREVENTIVE CARE AND EDUCATION. I FEEL LIKE THAT WILL BRING A 2hxClcvg1Ao-00140-00010994-00011124 PREVENTIVE CARE AND EDUCATION. I FEEL LIKE THAT WILL BRING A LOT TO OUR COMMUNITY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00141-00011124-00011131 I FEEL LIKE THAT WILL BRING A LOT TO OUR COMMUNITY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00142-00011131-00011257 I FEEL LIKE THAT WILL BRING A LOT TO OUR COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: WOMEN CAN ALSO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00143-00011257-00011264 LOT TO OUR COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: WOMEN CAN ALSO 2hxClcvg1Ao-00144-00011264-00011431 LOT TO OUR COMMUNITY. >> Reporter: WOMEN CAN ALSO COME TO LUNA FOR CARE IN OTHER 2hxClcvg1Ao-00145-00011431-00011438 >> Reporter: WOMEN CAN ALSO COME TO LUNA FOR CARE IN OTHER 2hxClcvg1Ao-00146-00011438-00011644 >> Reporter: WOMEN CAN ALSO COME TO LUNA FOR CARE IN OTHER AREAS, SUCH AS THYROID, BLOOD 2hxClcvg1Ao-00147-00011644-00011651 COME TO LUNA FOR CARE IN OTHER AREAS, SUCH AS THYROID, BLOOD 2hxClcvg1Ao-00148-00011651-00011815 COME TO LUNA FOR CARE IN OTHER AREAS, SUCH AS THYROID, BLOOD PRESSURE AND TRANSGENDER NEEDS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00149-00011815-00011821 AREAS, SUCH AS THYROID, BLOOD PRESSURE AND TRANSGENDER NEEDS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00150-00011821-00011948 AREAS, SUCH AS THYROID, BLOOD PRESSURE AND TRANSGENDER NEEDS. ALTHOUGH SO FAR THEY ARE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00151-00011948-00011955 PRESSURE AND TRANSGENDER NEEDS. ALTHOUGH SO FAR THEY ARE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00152-00011955-00012078 PRESSURE AND TRANSGENDER NEEDS. ALTHOUGH SO FAR THEY ARE SURPRISED BY WHAT PATIENTS ARE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00153-00012078-00012085 ALTHOUGH SO FAR THEY ARE SURPRISED BY WHAT PATIENTS ARE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00154-00012085-00012278 ALTHOUGH SO FAR THEY ARE SURPRISED BY WHAT PATIENTS ARE COMING THROUGH THEIR DOORS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00155-00012278-00012285 SURPRISED BY WHAT PATIENTS ARE COMING THROUGH THEIR DOORS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00156-00012285-00012419 SURPRISED BY WHAT PATIENTS ARE COMING THROUGH THEIR DOORS. >> WE REALLY THOUGHT THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00157-00012419-00012425 COMING THROUGH THEIR DOORS. >> WE REALLY THOUGHT THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00158-00012425-00012519 COMING THROUGH THEIR DOORS. >> WE REALLY THOUGHT THE DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WE WOULD SEE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00159-00012519-00012525 >> WE REALLY THOUGHT THE DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WE WOULD SEE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00160-00012525-00012692 >> WE REALLY THOUGHT THE DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WE WOULD SEE THE MOST OF RIGHT NOW WAS SORT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00161-00012692-00012699 DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WE WOULD SEE THE MOST OF RIGHT NOW WAS SORT 2hxClcvg1Ao-00162-00012699-00012879 DEMOGRAPHIC THAT WE WOULD SEE THE MOST OF RIGHT NOW WAS SORT OF ABOUT 18 TO 30 RANGE, AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00163-00012879-00012886 THE MOST OF RIGHT NOW WAS SORT OF ABOUT 18 TO 30 RANGE, AND 2hxClcvg1Ao-00164-00012886-00013099 THE MOST OF RIGHT NOW WAS SORT OF ABOUT 18 TO 30 RANGE, AND WE'VE HAD A FAIR NUMBER OF WOMEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00165-00013099-00013106 OF ABOUT 18 TO 30 RANGE, AND WE'VE HAD A FAIR NUMBER OF WOMEN 2hxClcvg1Ao-00166-00013106-00013176 OF ABOUT 18 TO 30 RANGE, AND WE'VE HAD A FAIR NUMBER OF WOMEN OVER 45. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00167-00013176-00013183 WE'VE HAD A FAIR NUMBER OF WOMEN OVER 45. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00168-00013183-00013373 WE'VE HAD A FAIR NUMBER OF WOMEN OVER 45. >> Reporter: THE LADIES AT LUNA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00169-00013373-00013380 OVER 45. >> Reporter: THE LADIES AT LUNA 2hxClcvg1Ao-00170-00013380-00013583 OVER 45. >> Reporter: THE LADIES AT LUNA ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE TO GROW 2hxClcvg1Ao-00171-00013583-00013590 >> Reporter: THE LADIES AT LUNA ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE TO GROW 2hxClcvg1Ao-00172-00013590-00013803 >> Reporter: THE LADIES AT LUNA ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND, MOST 2hxClcvg1Ao-00173-00013803-00013810 ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND, MOST 2hxClcvg1Ao-00174-00013810-00013883 ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, EDUCATE THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00175-00013883-00013890 THEIR BUSINESS AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, EDUCATE THE 2hxClcvg1Ao-00176-00013890-00013970 THEIR BUSINESS AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00177-00013970-00013977 IMPORTANTLY, EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00178-00013977-00014224 IMPORTANTLY, EDUCATE THE COMMUNITY. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00179-00014224-00014230 COMMUNITY. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH 2hxClcvg1Ao-00180-00014230-00014324 COMMUNITY. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00181-00014324-00014330 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. 2hxClcvg1Ao-00182-00014330-00014417 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: LUNA IS CURRENTLY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00183-00014417-00014424 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: LUNA IS CURRENTLY 2hxClcvg1Ao-00184-00014424-00014477 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: LUNA IS CURRENTLY WORKING WITH THE MAJOR INSURANCE 2k266PGFvOE-00000-00000015-00000174 Welcome to the Crypto Minute. 2k266PGFvOE-00001-00000177-00000390 The Weekend's releasing Blinding Lights as an NFT 2k266PGFvOE-00002-00000393-00000576 . DOGE and SHIB are two of the most talked about 2k266PGFvOE-00003-00000576-00000741 cryptos this year. Woof! 2k266PGFvOE-00004-00000741-00000911 Iran halts crypto mining to save energy for the 2k266PGFvOE-00005-00000911-00001350 winter. So there's like no chance we're getting 2k266PGFvOE-00006-00001353-00001530 a $100K by the end of the year. No. 2k266PGFvOE-00007-00001530-00001775 Even below $4K, 80% of ETH holders are in profit. 2k266PGFvOE-00008-00001776-00001988 US Bank is launching a Bitcoin custody service. 2k266PGFvOE-00009-00001989-00002211 Someone screenshot this and tweet it. 2k266PGFvOE-00010-00002211-00002358 So many airdrops lately. 2k266PGFvOE-00011-00002358-00002535 Turkey is preparing to launch crypto legislation. 2k266PGFvOE-00012-00002535-00002715 Well, adoption of the Lightning Network is really 2k266PGFvOE-00013-00002715-00002894 accelerating. 2k266PGFvOE-00014-00002894-00003038 I guess Blockbuster might come back as a 2k266PGFvOE-00015-00003038-00003167 decentralized streaming service. 2k266PGFvOE-00016-00003170-00003397 Global search for NFTs just passed crypto. 2k266PGFvOE-00017-00003397-00003569 And global search for Web 3.0 just had an all-time 2k266PGFvOE-00018-00003569-00003827 high. Microstrategy bought the, you know. 2k266PGFvOE-00019-00003827-00004046 Only 1.3 million Bitcoin left circulating on 2k266PGFvOE-00020-00004046-00004247 crypto exchanges. Maxwell was found guilty. 2k266PGFvOE-00021-00004247-00004427 The Patriots quarterback gifted Bitcoin to his 2k266PGFvOE-00022-00004427-00004553 entire offensive line this year. 2k266PGFvOE-00023-00004560-00004739 Miami nightclub E11EVEN bought a Bored Ape. 2k266PGFvOE-00024-00004745-00004919 Pretty sure the SOS airdrop was everyone's 2k266PGFvOE-00025-00004919-00005045 favorite Christmas present this year. 2k266PGFvOE-00026-00005048-00005288 Only diamond hands are allowed to like this video 2k266PGFvOE-00027-00005342-00005534 . Keep stacking and I'll see you next year. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00000-00000000-00000504 hi guys welcome back to Colour Freak Cosmetics TV my name is Maricella and i'm the founder and 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00001-00000504-00000968 CEO of Colour Freak Cosmetics, please do not click away just yet ! because i really 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00002-00000968-00001692 want to take you guys on this journey with me and uh yeah let's get into it ! 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00003-00005480-00005992 hi guys my name is Maricella and i'm the Founder and CEO of Colour Freak Cosmetics, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00004-00005992-00006264 i'm based in the Netherlands and i'm a mom of two. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00005-00006608-00006959 I got a lot of love for finance, dancing 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00006-00006959-00007512 and extremely in insanely in love with formulating cosmetics and everything about it. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00007-00007800-00008576 In my free time i like to dance, um... work out, spend a lot of time with my family, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00008-00008576-00009284 Netflix and visit a lot of countries to eat new food LOL. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00009-00009608-00010232 If somebody would say something about me, uh.. it would be 'she's really loyal and uh as soon as 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00010-00010232-00010976 she starts with something she is unstoppable!' Can you tell us how it all started ? well um 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00011-00010976-00011900 it all started somewhere in between March and April 2018, I've lost my nine-to-five job, it 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00012-00012000-00012448 got me to a point that i didn't even want to be here on this planet anymore it was 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00013-00012448-00013328 a really really bad bad time for me at that point. Um... I visited a lot of therapists 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00014-00013328-00013919 doctors but nobody could help me in that beginning of the time.... 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00015-00014063-00014768 yeah nothing worked really nothing worked. I really lost my inner self a little bit...a 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00016-00014768-00015600 little bit like a lot of myself ! I, I really lost it. On the other hand i had a lot of free time in 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00017-00015600-00016456 my hands that i could use to find myself back as a person, as a mom, as a wife as... 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00018-00016576-00017192 yeah a human being as well. Normally you're working, your days are full and I had nothing 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00019-00017192-00017944 to do and couldn't find anything that fitted me at that time, so I started to 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00020-00018200-00018480 watch more YouTube video's and 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00021-00018624-00019240 fill up my time with things that I liked. At that moment i took that time 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00022-00019480-00019800 to go to the to the gym exercise more, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00023-00019800-00020440 do more things with my kids but... yeah to be honest nothing really helped. I felt 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00024-00020728-00021312 unhappy and stuck, eventually i stopped taking therapy and focused on myself, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00025-00021456-00022224 and with all that time left i thought that i might do creative stuff, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00026-00022296-00023048 productive / creative stuff that i could do in the meantime that i'm resting and focusing 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00027-00023048-00023984 on myself. And that's what i did so basically after three months i start to order books that 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00028-00024048-00025136 explained to me the logic-ness of the cosmetic regulation because it was not logic for me at all 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00029-00025296-00025968 i needed to find a book that could... that i could understand in my own language without 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00030-00026056-00026824 reading the book when in formulas and um...only people who graduated 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00031-00026824-00027832 could read that type of stuff, so i was definitely prepared and after that i started going to 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00032-00027895-00029064 labs, order raw materials, um... and also bumped into some crazy things because i had no plan... 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00033-00029127-00030168 uh and i was still finding out my way what to do and... um during that time i realized that some 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00034-00030168-00030880 things i wasted my time at that moment with... um and some things I can, i could take with me 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00035-00030880-00031495 to this journey to the end, and one of those things where like study the raw materials. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00036-00031832-00032424 So basically i was at a certain point that means i had to order a mini stove, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00037-00032424-00033336 order my raw materials for example, my beeswax my mica powders, making sure it came from a good 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00038-00033336-00034192 factory that matches the regulations from Europe, the cosmetic regulations, after that it was only 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00039-00034272-00034984 logic for me to start with a problem that i wanted to fix. And during my dancing career i 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00040-00035080-00035968 always used colourful makeup but the makeup that i used never showed on photos that good so i 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00041-00035968-00036632 was really disappointed at several brands that i was trying to use.. uh during my dancing career, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00042-00036768-00037696 and i wanted to fix that... um so i placed my.. uh stability of the colors and long lastingness 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00043-00037696-00038336 and everything up front so i tried to make my colors stabled, that was my first thing that i 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00044-00038336-00039016 wanted to do stable colors, I uh remember that i was writing down what kind of colors I wanted...uh 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00045-00039016-00039720 what kind of colors people use, uh... place it together, hear people's opinions about it and 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00046-00039832-00040784 after that i had a lot of colors made but picked out certain colors that uh...everybody would like. 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00047-00041304-00041864 So basically i had three requirements that were very very very important for me, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00048-00041976-00042760 for example first i wanted to make sure my formulas are really pigmented, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00049-00042760-00043528 highly pigmented visibly pigmented and second thing was that i really wanted my formulas to be 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00050-00043528-00044152 also for the people who have hypersensitive skin.. uh and wit that saying i'm meaning like, 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00051-00044272-00044992 um..normally we would go to a vegan store but, normal cosmetics should be for hypersensitive skin 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00052-00044992-00045616 as well, the third uh... thing that was on my list was the smell of cosmetics, if you look at a 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00053-00045616-00046192 color and you think, ''oh that would be nice'' it should be smell.. smelling nice as well, so um... 2m7Qwf9Ofnk-00054-00046392-00047784 these three things came together and, um.. created a little bit of colour freak cosmetics. 2m8zAPHcAHy-00000-00000000-00000050 The largest freestanding aquarium 2m8zAPHcAHy-00001-00000050-00000100 in the world, standing at 82 feet 2m8zAPHcAHy-00002-00000100-00000150 high in the Radisson Blu Hotel was 2m8zAPHcAHy-00003-00000150-00000200 destroyed by an explosion killing over 2m8zAPHcAHy-00004-00000200-00000250 1,500 tropical fish in 2m8zAPHcAHy-00005-00000250-00000300 1 million liters of water 34huD9qIPNu-00000-00000047-00000405 at the end of this video you'll know how to check to see at the library has 34huD9qIPNu-00001-00000405-00000570 access to an article 34huD9qIPNu-00002-00000570-00000720 from citation 34huD9qIPNu-00003-00000720-00001015 say you want to find this article from a works 34huD9qIPNu-00004-00001015-00001179 cited list 34huD9qIPNu-00005-00001179-00001557 the most effective way to see if the library and has this is to check to see 34huD9qIPNu-00006-00001557-00001948 if the library has access to the journal that it's published 34huD9qIPNu-00007-00001948-00002414 in this case that is CEU political science journal 34huD9qIPNu-00008-00002414-00002723 so i'm gonna copy the journal title 34huD9qIPNu-00009-00002723-00003059 and pasted into the search box 34huD9qIPNu-00010-00003059-00003132 now I'll 34huD9qIPNu-00011-00003132-00003444 click on options to read full text only 34huD9qIPNu-00012-00003444-00003889 and I can choose any of the databases that have the date I'm looking for 34huD9qIPNu-00013-00003889-00004368 remember its two thousand twelve 34huD9qIPNu-00014-00004368-00004493 volume seven 34huD9qIPNu-00015-00004493-00004639 issue number one 34huD9qIPNu-00016-00004639-00004850 while here 34huD9qIPNu-00017-00004850-00005270 remembered that's my title between non-intervention 34huD9qIPNu-00018-00005270-00005406 so 34huD9qIPNu-00019-00005406-00005574 i'm going to make this 34huD9qIPNu-00020-00005574-00005786 third selection here i like the 34huD9qIPNu-00021-00005786-00006245 Ebsco interface 34huD9qIPNu-00022-00006245-00006758 and it's connecting me to the database political science complete and within 34huD9qIPNu-00023-00006758-00007039 that the publication details for 34huD9qIPNu-00024-00007039-00007215 our internal CEU 34huD9qIPNu-00025-00007215-00007401 political science journal 34huD9qIPNu-00026-00007401-00007627 I'm going to use the dates 34huD9qIPNu-00027-00007627-00007971 over here to scroll down to find number seven 34huD9qIPNu-00028-00007971-00008170 issue number one 34huD9qIPNu-00029-00008170-00008578 and within here we get fourteen results 34huD9qIPNu-00030-00008722-00008824 the title should leap out at you 34huD9qIPNu-00031-00008824-00009279 here it is, between non-intervention 34huD9qIPNu-00032-00009279-00009530 in there is the full text PDF 34huD9qIPNu-00033-00009530-00009683 so you now know 34huD9qIPNu-00034-00009683-00009956 to check to see the library has access to an article 34huD9qIPNu-00035-00009956-00010122 start protecting the journal title 35OXAk-II5I-00000-00000163-00001012 >> ACLU stands for the American Civil Liberties Union. 35OXAk-II5I-00001-00001053-00002374 The ACLU is an organization that defends Americans' basic rights by filing lawsuits 35OXAk-II5I-00002-00002389-00003668 and by trying to encourage lawmakers to pass laws that defend the rights of people, 35OXAk-II5I-00003-00003677-00004709 such as deaf and hard of hearing individuals, immigrants, members within the LGBTQ community, 35OXAk-II5I-00004-00004795-00005300 members of different races, and women. 37OvXX481fk-00000-00000041-00000281 Adolescence is a time of transition. 37OvXX481fk-00001-00000281-00000683 Physical and social changes create the opportunity for new experiences. 37OvXX481fk-00002-00000683-00001074 But they can also leave teens vulnerable to emotional and behavioral problems. 37OvXX481fk-00003-00001074-00001587 That’s led to the development of social and emotional learning programs. 37OvXX481fk-00004-00001587-00002016 SEL programs delivered in school settings foster skills that help students navigate 37OvXX481fk-00005-00002016-00002543 their changing world—skills like recognizing the effects of emotions on behavior, asking 37OvXX481fk-00006-00002543-00002730 for help, and maintaining healthy relationships. 37OvXX481fk-00007-00002730-00003075 Little research, however, has been done on how effective SEL programs truly are, especially 37OvXX481fk-00008-00003075-00003336 those that use a universal learning approach. 37OvXX481fk-00009-00003336-00003846 To address that gap, researchers recently examined a popular SEL program designed for 37OvXX481fk-00010-00003846-00004040 middle school students. 37OvXX481fk-00011-00004040-00004569 Short for Speaking to the Potential, Ability, and Resilience Inside Every Kid, the SPARK 37OvXX481fk-00012-00004569-00005195 Pre-Teen Mentoring curriculum is a classroom-based SEL program designed to reduce risk factors, 37OvXX481fk-00013-00005195-00005732 build resiliency, promote emotional well-being, and facilitate school success in youth ages 37OvXX481fk-00014-00005732-00005896 10 to 13. 37OvXX481fk-00015-00005896-00006456 Using group activities, discussions, and games, SPARK facilitators teach 12 one-hour lessons 37OvXX481fk-00016-00006456-00006791 over the course of 12 to 13 weeks. 37OvXX481fk-00017-00006791-00007158 Researchers examined social and emotional competencies of students who received the 37OvXX481fk-00018-00007158-00007634 SPARK curriculum compared with students who did not receive the curriculum. 37OvXX481fk-00019-00007634-00008026 Students were from schools where a substantial number of students are considered economically 37OvXX481fk-00020-00008026-00008208 disadvantaged. 37OvXX481fk-00021-00008208-00008592 Students completed a questionnaire before the SPARK curriculum was delivered and after 37OvXX481fk-00022-00008592-00008781 the final lessons. 37OvXX481fk-00023-00008781-00009284 Their responses indicated that 85% of students experienced a positive change in their knowledge 37OvXX481fk-00024-00009284-00009811 of the SPARK curriculum, versus 41% of students who did not receive the curriculum. 37OvXX481fk-00025-00009811-00010317 A separate scale was used to measure facilitators’ ability to faithfully deliver the SPARK curriculum. 37OvXX481fk-00026-00010317-00010710 The average rating was 99.5%. 37OvXX481fk-00027-00010710-00011115 Beyond the ability to grasp the concepts of the SPARK curriculum, the questionnaire also 37OvXX481fk-00028-00011115-00011384 explored behavioral outcomes. 37OvXX481fk-00029-00011384-00011832 Students who received the SPARK curriculum showed significant increases in their communication, 37OvXX481fk-00030-00011832-00012245 problem-solving, and decision-making skills compared with those who did not receive the 37OvXX481fk-00031-00012245-00012402 SPARK curriculum. 37OvXX481fk-00032-00012402-00012742 They also showed improvements in their ability to understand the connection between their 37OvXX481fk-00033-00012742-00013058 thoughts and emotions and manage how they respond to their emotions. 37OvXX481fk-00034-00013058-00013158 While both schools reflected a diverse student population, the fact that they were recruited 37OvXX481fk-00035-00013158-00013258 from the same school district limits the generalizability of these findings. 37OvXX481fk-00036-00013258-00013358 And because students were assessed over a relatively short time, the long-term effects 37OvXX481fk-00037-00013358-00013458 of the SPARK curriculum are unclear. 37OvXX481fk-00038-00013458-00013616 Overall, the findings suggest that the SPARK Pre-Teen Mentoring curriculum could be an 37OvXX481fk-00039-00013616-00013894 important part of schools’ universal support system. 37OvXX481fk-00040-00013894-00014406 A universal approach to social and emotional learning can foster an environment where students 37OvXX481fk-00041-00014406-00014836 experience positive academic, psychosocial, and mental health outcomes. 38KVnKriTDQ-00000-00000112-00000688 Back in the 1700s, Adam Smith was the first person to formalize a model of international 38KVnKriTDQ-00001-00000688-00000788 trade. 38KVnKriTDQ-00002-00000788-00001248 Smith figured out that if countries specialized in producing those items where they had absolute 38KVnKriTDQ-00003-00001248-00001782 advantage (absolute advantage means that your country can produce the good the lower resource 38KVnKriTDQ-00004-00001782-00002276 cost than other countries in production), and purchased items where they had an absolute 38KVnKriTDQ-00005-00002276-00002598 disadvantage in production, they be better off. 38KVnKriTDQ-00006-00002598-00003131 So if Country A could produce food using less labor than Country B, and Country B could 38KVnKriTDQ-00007-00003131-00003599 produce furniture using less labor than Country A, then it will be mutually beneficial for 38KVnKriTDQ-00008-00003599-00003757 the countries to trade with each other. 38KVnKriTDQ-00009-00003757-00004255 About 100 years later, David Ricardo pointed out a flaw in the model: he argued that while 38KVnKriTDQ-00010-00004255-00004788 England, let's say, had absolute advantage in most types of products (that is, England 38KVnKriTDQ-00011-00004788-00005353 could produce most items using fewer resources), it could still gain by specializing in production 38KVnKriTDQ-00012-00005353-00005792 according to comparative advantage, rather than absolute advantage. 38KVnKriTDQ-00013-00005792-00006231 Comparative advantage means that your country can produce at the lowest indirect, or opportunity 38KVnKriTDQ-00014-00006231-00006331 cost. 38KVnKriTDQ-00015-00006331-00006759 I saw an example several years ago, in Todd Buccholz’s From Here Economy, that has become 38KVnKriTDQ-00016-00006759-00007148 my absolute favorite for illustrating the different types of productive advantages, 38KVnKriTDQ-00017-00007148-00007495 and the resulting trade patterns: he uses Gilligan's Island. 38KVnKriTDQ-00018-00007495-00007824 In his example, the world is like Gilligan's Island. 38KVnKriTDQ-00019-00007824-00008339 On the island, the only two people who seem to produce anything are the Skipper and Gilligan. 38KVnKriTDQ-00020-00008339-00008709 Because their group is marooned on an island, Gilligan and Skipper need to provide for the 38KVnKriTDQ-00021-00008709-00009182 basic necessities for their five passengers: food and shelter (inexplicably, the passengers 38KVnKriTDQ-00022-00009182-00009528 all seem to have enough clothing to last for years, even though it was supposed to be a 38KVnKriTDQ-00023-00009528-00009647 three-hour pleasure cruise). 38KVnKriTDQ-00024-00009647-00010039 Since they’re on island, it's natural that they’ll be eating lot of fish dinners and 38KVnKriTDQ-00025-00010039-00010315 then, they’ll also need to build huts for shelter. 38KVnKriTDQ-00026-00010315-00010732 To build a single hut -- framing it, adding walls, thatching the roof -- Skipper needs 38KVnKriTDQ-00027-00010732-00010845 20 hours. 38KVnKriTDQ-00028-00010845-00011285 Gilligan, on the other hand, is not very competent; he tends to knock the hut over a time or two 38KVnKriTDQ-00029-00011285-00011706 before completion, and takes 45 hours to finish a hut. 38KVnKriTDQ-00030-00011706-00012090 Skipper came get down to the lagoon, catch enough fish for seven people, come back, clean 38KVnKriTDQ-00031-00012090-00012424 the fish and cook the fish dinner in 10 hours. 38KVnKriTDQ-00032-00012424-00012524 Gilligan? 38KVnKriTDQ-00033-00012524-00012925 He falls into the lagoon, loses his equipment, and initially burns the dinner, taking 15 38KVnKriTDQ-00034-00012925-00013225 hours total to produce an edible fish dinner. 38KVnKriTDQ-00035-00013225-00013655 One more piece of information I'm going to need, here: how many resources do each of 38KVnKriTDQ-00036-00013655-00013872 our producers have to work with? 38KVnKriTDQ-00037-00013872-00014313 Well, Skipper is a pretty average guy, working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year (he takes 38KVnKriTDQ-00038-00014313-00014756 the occasional week’s vacation on the other side of the island to unwind), for a total 38KVnKriTDQ-00039-00014756-00014911 of 2000 hours. 38KVnKriTDQ-00040-00014911-00015331 Gilligan, on the other hand, isn’t as skilled as the Skipper at producing, but he’s got 38KVnKriTDQ-00041-00015331-00015663 a good heart and will work extra hard until he makes things right. 38KVnKriTDQ-00042-00015663-00016024 In the end, Gilligan works 3600 hours per year. 38KVnKriTDQ-00043-00016024-00016405 Think about it: isn’t that the way things work in the real world? 38KVnKriTDQ-00044-00016405-00016792 Which countries are more like the Skipper -- skilled labor, but not as much of it -- and 38KVnKriTDQ-00045-00016792-00017211 which countries are more like Gilligan, with lots of unskilled labor? 38KVnKriTDQ-00046-00017211-00017711 OK, in terms of who should be producing which product, what would Adam Smith say? 38KVnKriTDQ-00047-00017711-00018327 Remember, Smith thought that specialization should be dictated by who has absolute advantage, 38KVnKriTDQ-00048-00018327-00018675 that is, who can produce at the lowest resource cost. 38KVnKriTDQ-00049-00018675-00019267 In this case, Skipper actually produces both items using less labor hours, so he has absolute 38KVnKriTDQ-00050-00019267-00019460 advantage in both products. 38KVnKriTDQ-00051-00019460-00019803 Smith would say that Skipper should produce both products. 38KVnKriTDQ-00052-00019803-00019911 What should Gilligan do? 38KVnKriTDQ-00053-00019911-00020290 Well, he can’t really hurt anyone, if he sits in his own little corner of the island 38KVnKriTDQ-00054-00020290-00020512 and produces both as well. 38KVnKriTDQ-00055-00020512-00020994 Let's say that the two producers each split their resources – time -- evenly among the 38KVnKriTDQ-00056-00020994-00021159 two products. 38KVnKriTDQ-00057-00021159-00021594 Skipper will spend 1000 hours on hut building and 1000 hours on fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00058-00021594-00022045 In the end, Skipper builds 50 huts and creates 100 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00059-00022045-00022709 In the meantime, Gilligan will spend 1800 hours on hut building, and 1800 hours on fishing. 38KVnKriTDQ-00060-00022709-00023241 Ultimately, he will build 40 huts and create 120 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00061-00023241-00023895 In total, the overall island production between the two producers is 90 huts, and 220 fish 38KVnKriTDQ-00062-00023895-00023995 dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00063-00023995-00024273 Now, what would David Ricardo say? 38KVnKriTDQ-00064-00024273-00024762 Remember, Ricardo thought that specialization should be dictated by who has the comparative 38KVnKriTDQ-00065-00024762-00025285 advantage -- that is, who can produce at the lowest opportunity cost (you can go back to 38KVnKriTDQ-00066-00025285-00025644 Episode 8 if you need a refresher on opportunity cost). 38KVnKriTDQ-00067-00025644-00025967 How do we know where the comparative advantage lies? 38KVnKriTDQ-00068-00025967-00026491 Well, let's start by taking a look at Skipper: every hut he builds takes 20 hours; had he 38KVnKriTDQ-00069-00026491-00026932 used the 20 hours on fishing, he could have produced 2 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00070-00026932-00027566 So Skipper's opportunity cost of producing one hut is that he sacrifices 2 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00071-00027566-00027717 What about Gilligan? 38KVnKriTDQ-00072-00027717-00028287 He takes 45 hours to build a hut, in which time he could've produced 3 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00073-00028287-00028714 This means that Skipper has comparative advantage in hut production. 38KVnKriTDQ-00074-00028714-00029141 Now, some of you might be thinking, “Well of course Skipper has comparative advantage 38KVnKriTDQ-00075-00029141-00029363 -- he's better at everything!” 38KVnKriTDQ-00076-00029363-00029757 This is not necessarily true; let's look at fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00077-00029757-00030457 To produce a fish dinner takes the Skipper 10 hours, or he sacrifices 1/2 of a hut. 38KVnKriTDQ-00078-00030457-00030947 Gilligan takes 15 hours, but he sacrifices only 1/3 of a hut. 38KVnKriTDQ-00079-00030947-00031531 Gilligan actually has the comparative advantage in fishing, because he sacrifices less, or 38KVnKriTDQ-00080-00031531-00031806 has the lowest opportunity cost. 38KVnKriTDQ-00081-00031806-00032325 According to Ricardo, Skipper should devote himself and his resources solely to producing 38KVnKriTDQ-00082-00032325-00032425 huts. 38KVnKriTDQ-00083-00032425-00033006 If he uses all 2000 hours on hut production, he can produce a total of 100 huts. 38KVnKriTDQ-00084-00033006-00033612 Gilligan uses all of his resources for fishing, and can produce 240 fish dinners. 38KVnKriTDQ-00085-00033612-00033971 What do you notice about total island production? 38KVnKriTDQ-00086-00033971-00034537 Specialization according to comparative advantage yields total output of 100 huts and 240 fish 38KVnKriTDQ-00087-00034537-00035175 dinners, compared to the 90 huts and 220 fish dinners that are produced when following specialization 38KVnKriTDQ-00088-00035175-00035412 according to absolute advantage. 38KVnKriTDQ-00089-00035412-00035737 What does this mean in the real world? 38KVnKriTDQ-00090-00035737-00036199 Specialization according to comparative advantage leads to increased global production, which 38KVnKriTDQ-00091-00036199-00036524 means better living standards for everyone. 38KVnKriTDQ-00092-00036524-00036625 NEXT TIME: Trade restrictions TRANSCRIPT EPISODE 34: COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE 3tJQIzOrpDu-00000-00000106-00000377 >> They said that you can't fight billionaires' money in elections. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00001-00000377-00000775 We said we'd fight fire with fire. You brought the flame. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00002-00000775-00001286 They said corruption wasn't an issue. We said corruption was the only issue 3tJQIzOrpDu-00003-00001286-00001680 and almost 13,000 of you agreed with us enough to pledge. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00004-00001680-00002057 They said it couldn't be done. We said we'd do it in a month 3tJQIzOrpDu-00005-00002057-00002229 and you did it in two weeks. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00006-00002229-00002414 They say a lot of things. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00007-00002414-00002642 We think they're excuses. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00008-00002642-00002924 And what you do now can prove them all wrong. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00009-00002924-00003229 We are a SuperPAC powered by citizens. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00010-00003229-00003604 Citizens who have finally had enough of crony capitalism 3tJQIzOrpDu-00011-00003604-00003869 political favors and bought elections. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00012-00003869-00004077 We raised $1 million. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00013-00004077-00004570 Not from millionaires or billionaires, but from ordinary -- extraordinary -- Americans 3tJQIzOrpDu-00014-00004570-00004906 and we're going to keep going. By Independence Day 3tJQIzOrpDu-00015-00004906-00005146 we're going to raise another $5 million dollars. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00016-00005146-00005576 Maybe Congress is bought and sold. Maybe we lost our Republic. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00017-00005576-00005880 But with your help we're going to get it back. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00018-00005880-00006356 We are the MAYDAY PAC. And this is still America. 3tJQIzOrpDu-00019-00006426-00006884 THANKS TO SUZANNE GRUBB FOR TRANSCRIBING THESE CAPTIONS! 3vlDyy-vn1g-00000-00000280-00000630 So let's talk about the impact cycle and why planning is so important. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00001-00000747-00000979 You've identified your specific social courses 3vlDyy-vn1g-00002-00000980-00001153 and you know what your target groups need. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00003-00001169-00001366 Drawing on your organization’s vision, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00004-00001369-00001678 you've established your project objectives and your approach. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00005-00001716-00002136 In order to achieve project objectives, you need inputs to realize outputs. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00006-00002168-00002440 And once your target group starts using these outputs, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00007-00002467-00002720 you know that outcomes are not far away. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00008-00002860-00003024 In the next step, these outcomes 3vlDyy-vn1g-00009-00003030-00003257 can contribute to changes at a societal level, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00010-00003275-00003392 and this is impact. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00011-00003500-00003744 These changes give rise to new needs and objectives. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00012-00003752-00003956 So the impact cycle begins again. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00013-00003990-00004436 This is why planning and adjusting are part of an ongoing process in a project. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00014-00004508-00004736 Using a logic model can help you with this. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00015-00004804-00004993 Let's take a look at the logic model. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00016-00005083-00005204 Using a logic model 3vlDyy-vn1g-00017-00005209-00005553 can show you how to develop your project objectives more effectively, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00018-00005556-00005819 especially since you already know who your target groups are. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00019-00005854-00006209 Now, even if you know that your project, in practice, is affecting change, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00020-00006240-00006523 it’s still worth checking to make sure that it's plausible. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00021-00006672-00006846 Logic models have several benefits, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00022-00006857-00007112 they can help you develop impact targets for each step 3vlDyy-vn1g-00023-00007136-00007262 and they can also help you 3vlDyy-vn1g-00024-00007273-00007542 ask the right questions for your impact analysis. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00025-00007622-00007750 Finally, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00026-00007785-00008041 logic models can help you communicate your good plan 3vlDyy-vn1g-00027-00008043-00008209 to funders and stakeholders. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00028-00008297-00008457 When developing a logic model, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00029-00008462-00008651 it's important to start by thinking from the end 3vlDyy-vn1g-00030-00008656-00008772 and working backwards. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00031-00008803-00008963 This means you start with impact 3vlDyy-vn1g-00032-00008969-00009174 and then move to input and resources. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00033-00009196-00009510 The thing is you want to develop your targeted social impact 3vlDyy-vn1g-00034-00009512-00009859 without worrying about the constraints of resources or any other issues. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00035-00009916-00010227 You want to give yourself the freedom to just develop ideas. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00036-00010289-00010624 So at each stage in planning, you need to determine what needs to be done 3vlDyy-vn1g-00037-00010636-00010923 and what needs to take place in order to achieve your results. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00038-00010929-00011161 So, for example, if you want to reduce youth unemployment, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00039-00011168-00011380 you need to first ask what needs to happen. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00040-00011427-00011548 Youths need more jobs. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00041-00011584-00011755 But in order for that to happen, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00042-00011784-00012132 they need to be able to submit better high-quality applications. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00043-00012174-00012484 And so you repeat this for each step in the results staircase, 3vlDyy-vn1g-00044-00012489-00012924 and when you're done, you have a very clear idea of what your project needs to do 3vlDyy-vn1g-00045-00012948-00013089 to achieve its objectives. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00046-00013169-00013400 Don't forget, impact-oriented planning 3vlDyy-vn1g-00047-00013408-00013644 means rethinking your planning on a regular basis. 3vlDyy-vn1g-00048-00013673-00013883 You can do this over and over again. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00000-00000484-00000914 Have you ever tried to envision the shape that a plate will take under load? 3xj3uJnWVRo-00001-00001002-00001112 Being able to do so 3xj3uJnWVRo-00002-00001112-00001374 is important for understanding how plates work. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00003-00001496-00001620 It is also important 3xj3uJnWVRo-00004-00001620-00001950 for identifying regions with high curvature and moment, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00005-00001989-00002272 and points of maximum deflection. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00006-00002424-00002560 We designed this model 3xj3uJnWVRo-00007-00002560-00002868 to help students better understand plate deflection. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00008-00002940-00003180 Let's use it to investigate a square plate 3xj3uJnWVRo-00009-00003180-00003310 with simple supports, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00010-00003340-00003592 as indicated by these dashed lines. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00011-00003729-00003978 The white grid makes it easy to see the shape 3xj3uJnWVRo-00012-00003978-00004318 that the plate will take as it is loaded. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00013-00004318-00004460 As you can see, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00014-00004460-00004782 the curvature is positive like a smile, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00015-00004782-00005090 everywhere, and in both directions. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00016-00005090-00005363 You can also see that the maximum deflection 3xj3uJnWVRo-00017-00005364-00005742 occurs at the center of the plate. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00018-00006130-00006360 If we now clamp one of the edges 3xj3uJnWVRo-00019-00006360-00006578 (denoted by the solid line), 3xj3uJnWVRo-00020-00006578-00006909 we discover a negative moment (like a frown) 3xj3uJnWVRo-00021-00006909-00007095 along the clamped edge. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00022-00007172-00007338 The same thing would happen 3xj3uJnWVRo-00023-00007338-00007472 if one end of a beam 3xj3uJnWVRo-00024-00007472-00007702 were changed from a simple support 3xj3uJnWVRo-00025-00007702-00008014 to a clamped support. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00026-00008052-00008350 A simply-supported plate that spans two bays 3xj3uJnWVRo-00027-00008350-00008490 takes this shape, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00028-00008490-00008968 and it exhibits both positive and negative curvatures. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00029-00009088-00009286 If we remove the center support, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00030-00009286-00009486 we get a rectangular plate, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00031-00009486-00009768 and it takes this shape under load. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00032-00009894-00010226 Notice how the curvature across the width of the plate 3xj3uJnWVRo-00033-00010226-00010668 remains nearly constant until you get near its ends. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00034-00010668-00011008 Notice, too, that the curvature in the long direction 3xj3uJnWVRo-00035-00011008-00011400 is nearly zero except near the ends. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00036-00011540-00011814 If we remove one of the end supports, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00037-00011814-00012056 the plate deflects like this, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00038-00012056-00012274 and removing the other end support, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00039-00012276-00012462 produces this result. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00040-00012488-00012894 Notice how bending occurs in only one direction. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00041-00012978-00013274 If a slab is curved in only one direction, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00042-00013274-00013466 the load must be carried entirely 3xj3uJnWVRo-00043-00013466-00013716 by stresses in that direction, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00044-00013716-00014050 and it is called a one-way slab. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00045-00014050-00014213 If the supports caused a plate 3xj3uJnWVRo-00046-00014213-00014397 to curve in both directions, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00047-00014397-00014612 we have a two-way slab. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00048-00014612-00014816 Carrying of the load is then shared 3xj3uJnWVRo-00049-00014816-00015060 by stresses in the two directions, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00050-00015060-00015362 and deflection is reduced. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00051-00015446-00015738 Floors in buildings are often supported by columns. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00052-00015738-00016016 as, in this model system. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00053-00016016-00016184 As you can see, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00054-00016184-00016398 the deflection pattern is quite different 3xj3uJnWVRo-00055-00016398-00016488 from that of a plate 3xj3uJnWVRo-00056-00016488-00016754 that is supported along its edges. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00057-00016824-00017064 And here is a column-supported plate 3xj3uJnWVRo-00058-00017064-00017264 that spans two bays. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00059-00017362-00017690 Suppose we had a floor with an overhang. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00060-00017690-00018096 How do you think it would deform? 3xj3uJnWVRo-00061-00018096-00018618 Here is what the model shows us. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00062-00018670-00019152 Just for fun, here is one more design we can build with the model. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00063-00019152-00019574 Can you understand why the plate takes the shape it does? 3xj3uJnWVRo-00064-00019724-00020062 Understanding plate curvature is especially important 3xj3uJnWVRo-00065-00020062-00020374 in the design of concrete floor slabs. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00066-00020374-00020562 The reason is that concrete -- 3xj3uJnWVRo-00067-00020562-00020771 like the blocks in this model -- 3xj3uJnWVRo-00068-00020772-00021164 cannot be relied on to carry tension. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00069-00021164-00021524 Consequently, steel reinforcing must be incorporated 3xj3uJnWVRo-00070-00021524-00021868 any place that tension could arise. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00071-00021868-00022060 And that includes the tension side 3xj3uJnWVRo-00072-00022060-00022366 of any regions where bending occurs. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00073-00022366-00022490 That is why it is important to know 3xj3uJnWVRo-00074-00022490-00022822 the direction and degree of bending 3xj3uJnWVRo-00075-00022822-00023156 at every point in a plate. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00076-00023286-00023538 You might be wondering about the weigh scales 3xj3uJnWVRo-00077-00023538-00023772 that are part of the plate bending kit. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00078-00023810-00024068 They allow you to investigate how load is transferred 3xj3uJnWVRo-00079-00024068-00024256 to supporting columns 3xj3uJnWVRo-00080-00024256-00024422 and beams. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00081-00024422-00024776 They can also help you to understand tributary areas, 3xj3uJnWVRo-00082-00024776-00025056 a topic we don't have time to discuss here. 3xj3uJnWVRo-00083-00025144-00025512 Thanks for watching! 3B0z6sTDQZ0-00000-00000000-00000730 My name is Jeff :D 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00000-00001247-00001648 Are you looking for an advance rate that adds production value to your videos? 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00001-00001668-00001697 Well, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00002-00001697-00002172 today I will introduce you to the beast cage for the iPhone 13 acts 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00003-00002192-00002607 a perfect companion that will take your mobile videos to the next level. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00004-00002648-00003048 I will show you how to set it up and how we can use it to instantly make better 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00005-00003074-00003123 videos. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00006-00003123-00003496 Keep in mind that all products mentioned will be in the video description below. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00007-00003506-00003836 Now I have done a video in the past talking about the BCAs, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00008-00003854-00004215 but for the iPhone 12 pro max, if you haven't check it out, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00009-00004231-00004655 I highly recommend you go watch it as I really go in depth and also gives you a 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00010-00004655-00005139 good understanding of how you can use the B cage for professional mobile shoots. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00011-00005163-00005443 I will leave a link in the video description as well. Now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00012-00005443-00005823 before I show you how to set up the iPhone 13 per max with the B cage, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00013-00005833-00006091 let me explain to you why you should use a rig. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00014-00006109-00006578 The main purpose of using a camera rig is to expand the setup of your camera. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00015-00006592-00006870 The beast cage comes with one quarter screw holes, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00016-00006908-00007094 and acultural Mount over here. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00017-00007144-00007618 And this allows you to Mount it on a tripod and also add different accessories, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00018-00007637-00008058 such as a light or a microphone that will help increase the overall video 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00019-00008069-00008420 quality. I've tested out different smartphone rigs in the past. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00020-00008439-00008785 And what I like about the beast cage is its compatibility. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00021-00008823-00009205 I'm not only able to Mount BS, grip lenses, uh, and filters, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00022-00009205-00009681 but also other brands such as the ones from sand mark that I have as it comes 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00023-00009681-00009845 with different mounting plates. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00024-00009845-00010241 Another benefit I see when using the beast cage is that it protects the iPhone 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00025-00010244-00010600 from a dam. It, when it accidentally falls, now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00026-00010600-00010892 it also adds way to the camera. And additionally, with the grip, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00027-00010920-00011168 I can get even smoother handheld shots. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00028-00011202-00011600 The great part about having a rig is that you can customize it to your liking, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00029-00011634-00012056 to fit your shooting needs. And it's also extremely easy to set up. Now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00030-00012056-00012288 let me show you how it's done on the back of the cage. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00031-00012288-00012687 There is a quick locking cover by simply pressing the button over here. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00032-00012689-00012887 You can remove the cover within seconds. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00033-00012913-00013191 Then place your iPhone 30 per max inside the cage. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00034-00013213-00013638 You'll notice that it fits perfectly then put back the cover and close it so 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00035-00013638-00014047 that you hear the clicking sound select the Mount plate needed for the lens you 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00036-00014047-00014203 want to attach to the rig. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00037-00014218-00014686 I'll be using the M 37 lens Mount since I will be attaching these scripts on 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00038-00014686-00014778 amorphic lens, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00039-00014793-00015206 make sure to loosen the screw on the side so that you can insert the plate. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00040-00015237-00015654 This quick release Mount system allows me to instantly swap between any lens 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00041-00015654-00016134 Mount plate or simply use the buildin lens depending on how I place the Mount 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00042-00016155-00016466 plate. I can attach the lens either to the, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00043-00016478-00016777 build it in standard wide angle lens, or if I turn it around, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00044-00016803-00017093 use it with the telephoto lens. So as you can see, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00045-00017123-00017313 BCR put a lot of thought into this cage. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00046-00017343-00017653 Now make sure to tighten the knob so that the lens won't fall off. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00047-00017673-00017788 I additionally got the grip, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00048-00017789-00018168 which I can screw onto the side to better support the camera. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00049-00018202-00018604 And this is how this simple handheld setup would look like with the iPhone 13 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00050-00018606-00019060 pro max using the beast cage and the amorphic lens. And yeah, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00051-00019068-00019428 I used the setup during my trip to these Swiss ELs together with my friend 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00052-00019428-00019720 Gabriel, to capture some cinematic footages. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00053-00019740-00020227 I got some amazing handheld shots with it and also use it with the Zion M three 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00054-00020241-00020435 GI that worked really great. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00055-00020469-00020803 The possibilities to customize the rig are almost endless, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00056-00020841-00021243 but for running gun shooting, this simple setup works great. Now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00057-00021243-00021611 how can you use the B cage to improve your videos? Like I mentioned before, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00058-00021617-00021803 by attaching different accessories, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00059-00021829-00022246 you can get my much more out of your videos when filming a talking head video. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00060-00022256-00022339 For example, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00061-00022340-00022766 you can attach a microphone using the cultural mouth to instantly get better 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00062-00022767-00023126 audio quality instead of using the internal mic. Also, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00063-00023126-00023314 when shooting in low light conditions, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00064-00023328-00023726 having additional lights to bright up your face will make your talking head 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00065-00023726-00023838 video look much better. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00066-00023876-00024337 So this how it looks like using the beast cage with different accessories 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00067-00024337-00024813 attached on it, I have the shotgun mic and I have a small L E D light. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00068-00024818-00025245 Let's now compare it using just the iPhone without, uh, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00069-00025245-00025417 additional accessories attached. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00070-00025435-00025801 So this is how it would look like using just the iPhone. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00071-00025835-00026112 You're listening to the internal, no, Mike, right now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00072-00026145-00026480 I'm only using a natural light without additional light. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00073-00026522-00027016 And you will probably notice that my face is a bit darker than before, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00074-00027045-00027539 but I find having a microphone and a light will definitely improve your 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00075-00027540-00027700 video quality overall. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00076-00027722-00028151 So the B cage for the AFL 30 pro max costs around $150. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00077-00028205-00028299 Now, if you're starting out, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00078-00028299-00028795 there's certainly cheaper options such as the Uzi uric pro for around $30 that 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00079-00028795-00028877 will do the job. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00080-00028877-00029243 But if you're looking for a more professional setup where you want to have full 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00081-00029243-00029619 customization freedom, the beast cage allows you to do that. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00082-00029645-00030091 Plus with the option to add different lenses makes this rig more cost of 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00083-00030106-00030438 effective. It also gives a professional impression to the client. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00084-00030468-00030766 And if you make money shooting videos with your iPhone, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00085-00030818-00031174 then this is a great return in investment. Now I wanna know from you, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00086-00031174-00031662 what you think of this beast cage, is it worth getting for the iPhone 13? 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00087-00031664-00031914 Promax let me know in the comment section below. Now, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00088-00031914-00032208 if you want to learn more head over to smartphone, filmmaking.com, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00089-00032208-00032341 which is my online course. 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00090-00032383-00032773 If you want to learn how to shoot professional videos with your smartphone, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00091-00032793-00033201 I will also show you what accessories you need to get so that you can produce 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00092-00033212-00033533 high quality videos for yourself. So with that said, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00093-00033547-00033693 let me know if you have any questions, 3D7xCnQ8KQ0-00094-00033710-00034001 thank you so much for watching and I will see you the next time. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00000-00000497-00000990 Hi I'm Bryan May in the Cal OES newsroom. The headlines for this long Presidential 3DXyKwzP2oY-00001-00000990-00001409 Day weekend are rather ominous. Hazardous travel conditions, whiteout conditions, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00002-00001409-00001919 road closures, we have weather that will be impacting all of California, so we 3DXyKwzP2oY-00003-00001919-00002292 want to discuss what that means to you and your potential travel plans. Coming 3DXyKwzP2oY-00004-00002292-00002625 up on this long weekend we'll talk to both the California Highway Patrol but 3DXyKwzP2oY-00005-00002625-00002958 we begin first with the National Weather Service and I'm joined by Julie 3DXyKwzP2oY-00006-00002958-00003327 Malingowski meteorologist with the National Weather Service at the western 3DXyKwzP2oY-00007-00003327-00003594 regional headquarters. Really first of all thank you so much for taking time 3DXyKwzP2oY-00008-00003594-00003989 today to speak with us, let's just talk about the forecast and what we're seeing 3DXyKwzP2oY-00009-00003989-00004416 all across California for these next few days. You bet Bryan, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00010-00004416-00004887 so across Northern California this weekend the main hazard will be the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00011-00004887-00005321 snowfall that's gonna impact a lot of the state and actually not not just 3DXyKwzP2oY-00012-00005321-00005712 Northern but also Southern California so the big thing to know this weekend is 3DXyKwzP2oY-00013-00005712-00006393 that we are expecting showers and the snow level will be decreasing from about 3DXyKwzP2oY-00014-00006393-00006978 2500 feet across Northern California to about 1,000 feet by Sunday morning so as 3DXyKwzP2oY-00015-00006978-00007428 the weekend progresses that snow level is really going to drop pretty far into 3DXyKwzP2oY-00016-00007428-00007917 the valleys. And Julie this we've had some dry winters in the past but this is 3DXyKwzP2oY-00017-00007917-00008375 really typical of what we should be seeing this time of year right? Yes the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00018-00008375-00008861 reservoirs across California are definitely filling up as as this recent 3DXyKwzP2oY-00019-00008861-00009332 rainfall has brought a lot of rain to the Sierras and the other mountains of 3DXyKwzP2oY-00020-00009332-00009738 California. Southern California we know the risk is great in some of the burn 3DXyKwzP2oY-00021-00009738-00010014 scar areas can you give us kind of the forecast for what it looks like down 3DXyKwzP2oY-00022-00010014-00010532 south. You bet yeah down south it's gonna be a very similar situation in Northern 3DXyKwzP2oY-00023-00010532-00011184 California, we're not expecting any major problems or any problems on the burn 3DXyKwzP2oY-00024-00011184-00011553 scars in Southern California or Northern California for that matter this weekend 3DXyKwzP2oY-00025-00011553-00011985 that's snow level as it drops throughout the weekend it will also impact Southern 3DXyKwzP2oY-00026-00011985-00012543 California and that will impact the grapevine corridor along I-5 as well, so 3DXyKwzP2oY-00027-00012543-00013131 a lot of the burns such as the Holy and the Cranston fires are going to see snow 3DXyKwzP2oY-00028-00013131-00013585 on them instead of rain this time weekend. Julie so much of what we do at 3DXyKwzP2oY-00029-00013585-00013924 the emergency services level is predicated on what happens with the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00030-00013924-00014260 weather, we know that you guys at the National Weather Service are monitoring 3DXyKwzP2oY-00031-00014260-00014575 this and in contact with the state constantly, just talk about that 3DXyKwzP2oY-00032-00014575-00014962 collaboration and the information that you're sharing with the state all the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00033-00014962-00015556 time right now. So we here at Western Region headquarters, we are providing 3DXyKwzP2oY-00034-00015556-00015994 daily briefings to the Cal OES State Warning Center and those are in by 9 3DXyKwzP2oY-00035-00015994-00016426 a.m. every day and we also have our local offices which are 24/7 and they 3DXyKwzP2oY-00036-00016426-00016855 are providing those localized details and keeping an eye on the forecast as it 3DXyKwzP2oY-00037-00016855-00017365 progresses over time. Julie, we hear the term the "Atmospheric River" that's been 3DXyKwzP2oY-00038-00017365-00017866 thrown around lately, what does that mean to us? So the Atmospheric River is a term 3DXyKwzP2oY-00039-00017866-00018484 for a long and narrow region in the atmosphere and it stems from the tropics 3DXyKwzP2oY-00040-00018484-00018877 up to the mid latitudes and it transports water vapor outside of the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00041-00018877-00019573 tropics towards mainland US, so it tends to bring an extended period of rain or 3DXyKwzP2oY-00042-00019573-00019975 precipitation to the west coast, so we have been seeing those conditions over 3DXyKwzP2oY-00043-00019975-00020578 the past week and thanks to the muchly beneficial water across the state of 3DXyKwzP2oY-00044-00020578-00021076 California. We mentioned them the muchly beneficial water across California, we've 3DXyKwzP2oY-00045-00021076-00021472 been in drought conditions for several years up until now, are we changed, we 3DXyKwzP2oY-00046-00021472-00021793 turn the corner, is this ending the drought or is this way too soon to say 3DXyKwzP2oY-00047-00021793-00022243 something like that? It is a little soon talk about how the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00048-00022243-00022648 recent rains are impacting the drought conditions, a drought does take into 3DXyKwzP2oY-00049-00022648-00023158 effect a lot of different variables so it's not just dependent on the recent 3DXyKwzP2oY-00050-00023158-00023595 rainfall. Bottom line for residents, still conserve, don't go crazy just because we 3DXyKwzP2oY-00051-00023595-00023926 are getting some good rain right now right? Yes that's correct. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00052-00023926-00024270 Julie Malingowski with the National Weather Service, thank you so much for 3DXyKwzP2oY-00053-00024270-00024541 joining us, giving us an update and letting us know what we can expect this 3DXyKwzP2oY-00054-00024541-00025036 coming weekend, thank you Julie. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00055-00025231-00025616 All right, so now that we know the wet weather and the snowy weather is coming 3DXyKwzP2oY-00056-00025616-00025982 to California let's talk more about what that does and the impacts it'll have for 3DXyKwzP2oY-00057-00025982-00026347 those of you who are hitting the road this long weekend. Joining us now Officer 3DXyKwzP2oY-00058-00026347-00026647 Ian Hoey with the California Highway Patrol, Officer Hoey, first of all 3DXyKwzP2oY-00059-00026647-00026993 thanks for joining us I appreciate it, let's talk about driving conditions and 3DXyKwzP2oY-00060-00026993-00027322 I want to start really in the higher elevations where there's a lot of snow 3DXyKwzP2oY-00061-00027322-00027782 on the ground and more coming, what do people need to know? You need to be 3DXyKwzP2oY-00062-00027782-00028118 prepared before you travel so please make sure that you check either Cal 3DXyKwzP2oY-00063-00028118-00028469 Trans or CHP websites to see what the conditions are, where you're gonna be 3DXyKwzP2oY-00064-00028469-00028913 traveling to, if you don't have the quick Maps app which is a Cal Trans app it's 3DXyKwzP2oY-00065-00028913-00029324 available on both the Android and Apple platforms, it's a free download and it 3DXyKwzP2oY-00066-00029324-00029719 will have active CHP incidence road closures, areas of chain control, it even 3DXyKwzP2oY-00067-00029719-00030197 has some traffic cameras witching you real-time, obviously don't do that while 3DXyKwzP2oY-00068-00030197-00030533 you're driving, you want to make sure your car is in good condition prior to 3DXyKwzP2oY-00069-00030533-00030911 leaving, make sure that your tire tread depth is good, your windshield wipers are 3DXyKwzP2oY-00070-00030911-00031205 operating properly, if you need to replace those wiper blades now is the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00071-00031205-00031607 time, make sure your windows are clean inside and out your headlights are 3DXyKwzP2oY-00072-00031607-00031949 cleared off, make sure your headlights are working if you're gonna be traveling 3DXyKwzP2oY-00073-00031949-00032318 and you hit inclement weather whether it's rain there's snow and you need your 3DXyKwzP2oY-00074-00032318-00032681 windshield wipers on. You are required to have your headlights on-that doesn't 3DXyKwzP2oY-00075-00032681-00032947 mean your daytime running lights-that means your headlights, that way your 3DXyKwzP2oY-00076-00032947-00033377 taillights activate as well you want to be seen front and rear. Remember to slow 3DXyKwzP2oY-00077-00033377-00033916 down for conditions, obey the people at the chain control closures, you are 3DXyKwzP2oY-00078-00033916-00034196 required to have chains with you even if you're not going to need them, if you're 3DXyKwzP2oY-00079-00034196-00034672 traveling to chain control areas, also if you do have chains on your vehicle or 3DXyKwzP2oY-00080-00034672-00035128 you don't it doesn't matter if you're in chain control area, you are subject to 3DXyKwzP2oY-00081-00035128-00035456 those minimized speed limits, so even if you're in an area and you have 3DXyKwzP2oY-00082-00035456-00035815 four-wheel drive if you're within chain control please obey those reduced speed 3DXyKwzP2oY-00083-00035815-00036182 limits, there's a reason for that. You also want to have warm clothing, blankets 3DXyKwzP2oY-00084-00036182-00036541 with you, drinking water, food should you get stuck somewhere. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00085-00036541-00036859 Make sure your tank of gas is full in your vehicle and make sure you have a 3DXyKwzP2oY-00086-00036859-00037232 fully charged cell phone. If you need help please call 9-1-1 we will be there, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00087-00037232-00037565 but remember our response times are going to be delayed because we're 3DXyKwzP2oY-00088-00037565-00037907 helping a lot of people out there and same goes with tow trucks as well. You 3DXyKwzP2oY-00089-00037907-00038120 speak about those response times, I know you were 3DXyKwzP2oY-00090-00038120-00038441 respond to a lot of spinouts in the higher country during this kind of element, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00091-00038441-00038927 what's the most common mistake you see people make? People drive too fast 3DXyKwzP2oY-00092-00038927-00039299 for the conditions, you may think that you're cruising along just fine but 3DXyKwzP2oY-00093-00039299-00039644 there's ice, there's snow, there are conditions that you may not expect. You 3DXyKwzP2oY-00094-00039644-00039986 can come around a turn and somebody's disabled in the roadway, applying your 3DXyKwzP2oY-00095-00039986-00040382 brakes in icy or snowy conditions you have a lot more distance that you're 3DXyKwzP2oY-00096-00040382-00040834 gonna require to stop so keep that in mind, just think about, you know, you 3DXyKwzP2oY-00097-00040834-00041210 yourself, your personal safety with the safety of the people traveling with you 3DXyKwzP2oY-00098-00041210-00041618 and the other motorists on the roadway. Let's talk now about some of the 3DXyKwzP2oY-00099-00041618-00041930 conditions that could happen and we could see down in the lower elevations a 3DXyKwzP2oY-00100-00041930-00042266 lot of rain, flooding which could especially in the South area can happen 3DXyKwzP2oY-00101-00042266-00042743 so quickly if people see standing water up ahead what do they need to know? 3DXyKwzP2oY-00102-00042743-00043358 If you see standing water, you don't know how deep it is, moving water can very 3DXyKwzP2oY-00103-00043358-00043724 quickly overcome your vehicle, only requires about two feet of water to 3DXyKwzP2oY-00104-00043724-00044141 actually be lifted up and moved so think that, take that into consideration you 3DXyKwzP2oY-00105-00044141-00044483 don't know how deep that water is, we don't want to have to come rescue you. I 3DXyKwzP2oY-00106-00044483-00044732 mean we will if we have to, but we really don't want to put you in that situation. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00107-00044732-00045230 Don't put yourself in that situation, don't travel into into any kind of 3DXyKwzP2oY-00108-00045230-00045629 standing water whether it looks like it's running or not. If it's if it's in 3DXyKwzP2oY-00109-00045629-00046049 the roadway there's a reason for it, see if you can safely turn around, if not, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00110-00046049-00046418 call for help, we'll get somebody out there, we'll determine whether or not 3DXyKwzP2oY-00111-00046418-00046946 it's safe to travel through. Getting stuck in the middle of moving water is a 3DXyKwzP2oY-00112-00046946-00047393 very very dangerous situation and it can claim your life. We're all in a 3DXyKwzP2oY-00113-00047393-00047774 rush but I guess this is a good weekend to say give yourself ample time whether 3DXyKwzP2oY-00114-00047774-00048209 you're going high country or down in the valley right? Absolutely, you know we 3DXyKwzP2oY-00115-00048209-00048443 don't want to tell you not to go somewhere but if you need to go 3DXyKwzP2oY-00116-00048443-00048854 somewhere and need to travel this weekend during the storms, please be 3DXyKwzP2oY-00117-00048854-00049199 careful, think about where you're going, think about the safety of not only 3DXyKwzP2oY-00118-00049199-00049505 yourself and your passengers but the other motorists on the roadway. Like I 3DXyKwzP2oY-00119-00049505-00049865 said, just slow down, take your time, give yourself plenty of extra time to get 3DXyKwzP2oY-00120-00049865-00050327 where you're going and that's that's all I can really offer. Officer Ian Hoey 3DXyKwzP2oY-00121-00050327-00050591 with the California Highway Patrol, thank you very much for that great advice. 3DXyKwzP2oY-00122-00050591-00051014 Again, if you are traveling make sure that you monitor your local media as you 3DXyKwzP2oY-00123-00051014-00051371 just heard, have provisions with you, give yourself plenty of time, 3DXyKwzP2oY-00124-00051371-00051713 drive slow, slow it down, if you're traveling on this long weekend. For all 3DXyKwzP2oY-00125-00051713-00052357 of us here at Cal OES I'm Bryan May, thanks for joining us. 3GcDgbMyoqu-00000-00000584-00001280 thinking of past in the future you know can you just tell us how you stay grounded nowadays you 3GcDgbMyoqu-00001-00001280-00001944 know stay in the present moment i stay grounded to me by meditating on god's name and worshiping god 3GcDgbMyoqu-00002-00001944-00002640 and always being you know having the remembrance of presence of god and i stay grounded by training 3GcDgbMyoqu-00003-00002784-00003432 daily studying not wasting the time and just constantly trying to refocus my mind 3GcDgbMyoqu-00004-00003432-00003832 in the present moment constantly keep writing down my to-do lists 3GcDgbMyoqu-00005-00003896-00004568 so i don't forget anything always keep a to-do list around handy uh in order to make sure that 3GcDgbMyoqu-00006-00004568-00005104 whatever i tell someone i'm gonna do i get it done whatever my deadlines are i get it done 3GcDgbMyoqu-00007-00005104-00005504 whatever i need to get it do i get it done so that way it's out of my head it's on the paper 3GcDgbMyoqu-00008-00005504-00006104 i have to worry about forgetting it so i keep referring to it you know long term i always last 3GcDgbMyoqu-00009-00006104-00006608 couple years i've been using new year's eve just to be in a crib and envision i i vision 3GcDgbMyoqu-00010-00006608-00007272 what i want for my life daily i ask myself very often like what do you really want out of life 3GcDgbMyoqu-00011-00007376-00007792 what is the life that i really wanted i've been doing that for years now so i've visualized 3GcDgbMyoqu-00012-00007944-00008656 what it is i'm trying to create and then i'm also fluid in in terms of as things come along 3GcDgbMyoqu-00013-00008776-00009240 you know i just stay fluid in what life gives me and what life doesn't certain times doors 3GcDgbMyoqu-00014-00009240-00009872 get shut down i just submit to god's will and it always works out and i always have patience 3GcDgbMyoqu-00015-00009872-00010392 so i stay grounded by submitting to god's will training training martial arts helped me ground 3GcDgbMyoqu-00016-00010392-00010936 i want to improve my discipline of meditation to be even more grounded improve my breathing 3GcDgbMyoqu-00017-00010992-00011400 be conscious of my breath be conscious of my posture i've been trying to work on my 3GcDgbMyoqu-00018-00011400-00012152 posture more those are the types of things i do to stay grounded if you can list any recommendations 3GcDgbMyoqu-00019-00012152-00012912 on any books that you recommend movies films music resources that you like to you know just call out 3GcDgbMyoqu-00020-00012912-00013472 that has helped you along the way so my my biggest resource i would say is your own inner self 3GcDgbMyoqu-00021-00013600-00014144 and i would say instead of reading a whole bunch of books write a book i would say what's your 3GcDgbMyoqu-00022-00014144-00014432 thoughts instead of everybody telling you what their thoughts are what do you think 3GcDgbMyoqu-00023-00014640-00014912 i was saying instead of instead of watching a movie make a move 3GcDgbMyoqu-00024-00015047-00015784 yeah i live a movie my life is a movie i'm busy making movies like for real like you know that's 3GcDgbMyoqu-00025-00015784-00016400 how that's really what i'm on like instead of listening to music you know how many rappers can 3GcDgbMyoqu-00026-00016400-00016984 i really feel what they talking about 100 i'm real big on the message not saying that there's none 3GcDgbMyoqu-00027-00017104-00017744 but i'd rather make music than listen to music for real for real i like those old-school hindi movies 3GcDgbMyoqu-00028-00017856-00018528 the ones where the people like the ancestors used to be like they used to be honorable man 3GcDgbMyoqu-00029-00018528-00019304 they would like yo india man they use it's like movies with warrior they got warriors love stories 3GcDgbMyoqu-00030-00019304-00020152 and saints that's the background so you have a king i mean and he is a love story and then 3GcDgbMyoqu-00031-00020152-00020888 he's a warrior too there's this movie called moglai azam joe there's these movies man these 3GcDgbMyoqu-00032-00020888-00021560 are indian classics yo the prince took his dad like listen the prince and it's supposed 3GcDgbMyoqu-00033-00021560-00022240 to be a true story too the prince took his dad to war behind the woman that he loved 3GcDgbMyoqu-00034-00022488-00023360 he created a whole incolable revolution because he was the prince right he fell in love with the 3GcDgbMyoqu-00035-00023360-00024048 with debate basic servant so he was going to be the king he wanted to marry the servant 3GcDgbMyoqu-00036-00024048-00024424 the king was like no you can't do that because you can't make a servant into a queen 3GcDgbMyoqu-00037-00024680-00025000 and he was like well i'm the prince i get to choose my wife 3GcDgbMyoqu-00038-00025328-00025920 and i know how deep love could be like young man like i understood like you know he was like 3GcDgbMyoqu-00039-00026016-00026472 nah so he did a whole revolution he tried to take his dad to war behind that 3GcDgbMyoqu-00040-00026552-00027127 ended up losing the battle and all that man it's just interesting stuff 3GcDgbMyoqu-00041-00027272-00027904 like i like that type of stories um those classic like you know where you live by your code of honor 3GcDgbMyoqu-00042-00027904-00028760 and but i've i've ultimately realized that now i wouldn't take my my family to work for 3GcDgbMyoqu-00043-00028927-00029583 love even though i know how deep it could be you got to do the right thing 3GcDgbMyoqu-00044-00030400-00030408 you 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Hello Ruby! 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00001-00000400-00000500 In this tutorial we will learn 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00002-00000600-00000700 What is Ruby? 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00003-00000800-00000900 Features 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00004-00000900-00001100 RubyGems & Help on Ruby 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00005-00001200-00001300 Installation 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00006-00001300-00001400 Running Ruby code 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00007-00001500-00001600 Commenting 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00008-00001600-00001800 Difference between puts and print 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00009-00001900-00002600 Here we are using Ubuntu Linux version 12.04 Ruby 1.9.3 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00010-00002700-00002900 To follow this tutorial you must be connected to internet. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00011-00003000-00003600 You must have knowledge of using Terminal and Text editor in Linux. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00012-00003700-00003900 Now I will explain what is Ruby. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00013-00004000-00004300 Ruby is an object-oriented, interpreted scripting language. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00014-00004400-00004700 It is dynamic, open source programming language. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00015-00004800-00005300 It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00016-00005400-00005600 Now let us see some features of Ruby. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00017-00005700-00005800 Ruby is highly portable. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00018-00005900-00006300 Ruby program runs in any operating system. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00019-00006400-00007000 Variables in Ruby have no datatype, such as in Smalltalk, BASIC or Python. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00020-00007100-00007300 It supports automatic memory management. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00021-00007400-00007600 Ruby is free format language. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00022-00007700-00008000 You can start writing your program from any line and column. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00023-00008100-00008500 Ruby is used for developing Internet and Intra-net applications. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00024-00008600-00009000 One of the most important feature of Ruby is RubyGems. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00025-00009100-00009500 RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby programming language. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00026-00009600-00010100 It provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00027-00010200-00010500 You can create and publish your own gems. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00028-00010600-00011000 For more information on RubyGems visit the following link. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00029-00011100-00011400 To get more help on Ruby you can visit the links shown. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00030-00011500-00011800 You can install Ruby using the Ubuntu Software Centre. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00031-00011900-00012600 For more information on Ubuntu Software Centre, please refer to the Ubuntu Linux Tutorials on this website. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00032-00012700-00013100 Other methods for installing Ruby are as shown in this slide. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00033-00013200-00013500 'Ruby code can be executed in 3 ways 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00034-00013600-00013700 Command line 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00035-00013700-00013800 Interactive Ruby 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00036-00013900-00014000 As a 'file 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00037-00014000-00014200 We will go through each method of execution. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00038-00014300-00014700 First let us see how to execute the Hello World code from command line. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00039-00014800-00015200 Open a terminal by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00040-00015300-00015600 A terminal window appears on your screen. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00041-00015700-00015706 Type the command 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00042-00015800-00016900 ruby space hyphen e space within single quotes puts space then within double quotes Hello World and 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00043-00017000-00017200 Press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00044-00017300-00017500 We get the output as Hello World. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00045-00017600-00017900 puts command is used to print the output on the terminal. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00046-00018000-00018500 The hyphen e flag allows only a single line of code to be executed. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00047-00018600-00019000 Multiple hyphen e flags can be used to execute multiple line commands. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00048-00019100-00019200 Lets try this out 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00049-00019300-00019700 Now press the up Arrow key to get the previous command and 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00050-00019800-00020900 Type space hyphen e space within single quotes puts space 1+2 and 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00051-00021000-00021100 Press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00052-00021200-00021500 We get the output as Hello World and 3. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00053-00021600-00021700 Let's switch back to our slide 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00054-00021800-00022100 We will now learn about Interactive Ruby. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00055-00022200-00022700 Interactive Ruby allows the execution of Ruby commands with immediate response. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00056-00022800-00023200 You can run Ruby statements and examine the output and return values. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00057-00023300-00023600 For older version of Ruby, install irb separately. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00058-00023700-00024200 Now let us execute our Ruby code through irb. Go to the terminal 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00059-00024300-00024500 Typeirb and Press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00060-00024600-00024800 to launch the Interactive Ruby 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00061-00024900-00025800 Type puts space within double quotes Hello World and press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00062-00025900-00026100 We get the output as Hello World. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00063-00026200-00026400 And We get the return value as nil. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00064-00026500-00027000 To exit from irb type exit and press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00065-00027100-00027300 You can also run Ruby program from a file. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00066-00027400-00027800 You can use any text editor of your choice to write the code. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00067-00027900-00028400 I am using gedit text editor. Let me switch to gedit text editor 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00068-00028500-00029300 Now, type puts space within double quotes Hello World 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00069-00029400-00029800 Lets learn how to add multiple line or block comments. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00070-00029900-00030000 Before the puts command 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00071-00030100-00030500 Type, equal to begin and press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00072-00030600-00030900 'Equal to begin is used to start the comment. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00073-00031000-00031200 Type the comments that you wish to add. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00074-00031300-00031900 I will type My first Ruby program 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00075-00032000-00032100 and Press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00076-00032200-00032900 Then type This code will print helloworld and Press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00077-00033000-00033100 Now type equal to end 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00078-00033200-00033600 equal to end is used to end the multiple line comments. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00079-00033700-00034000 Comments are useful to understand the flow of program. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00080-00034100-00034400 It is useful for documentation. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00081-00034500-00034900 Now, let us save the file by clicking on the Save button. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00082-00035000-00035200 It is a good practice to save the file frequently. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00083-00035300-00035600 The Save As dialog box appears on your screen. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00084-00035700-00036000 Browse the location where you want to save the file. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00085-00036100-00036500 On 'Desktop, I will create a folder named rubyprogram. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00086-00036600-00036900 We will save the file inside this folder. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00087-00037000-00037300 In the Name text-box, type the name that you wish to add. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00088-00037400-00037600 I will type hello.rb 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00089-00037700-00038000 Dot rb extension is given to a Ruby file 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00090-00038100-00038700 Then click on Save button to save the file. So the file is saved now. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00091-00038800-00039100 To execute the code, go to the terminal. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00092-00039200-00039400 Lets clear the terminal first. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00093-00039500-00039800 Make sure that you are in the directory where your Ruby file is present. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00094-00039900-00040600 Remember that we are in the home directory. We need to go to the subdirectory rubyprogram. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00095-00040700-00041900 To do so, type cd space Desktop/rubyprogram and press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00096-00042000-00042900 Let's execute the file . Type ruby space hello dot rb and press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00097-00043000-00043200 We get the output HelloWorld. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00098-00043300-00043700 Now let me demonstrate the difference between puts and print statement. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00099-00043800-00044100 We will try this out using irb 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00100-00044200-00045000 Before that we need to go back to the home directory.To do so type cd and press Enter 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00101-00045100-00045800 Now type irb and Press Enter to launch the Interactive Ruby. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00102-00045900-00046900 Type puts space within double quotes Hello comma within double quotes World 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00103-00047000-00047400 Here comma is used to join the two puts command together. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00104-00047500-00047600 Now press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00105-00047700-00048200 We get the output Hello World, but on separate lines. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00106-00048300-00048500 Now let's try the same thing with print. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00107-00048600-00048800 Press up arrow key to get the previous command 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00108-00048900-00049300 Replace puts with print and Press Enter. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00109-00049400-00049800 We get the output as Hello World but on the same line. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00110-00049900-00050600 The keyword puts adds a newline to the end of the output. The keyword print does not. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00111-00050700-00051000 The keyword print outputs only what we have provided. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00112-00051100-00051600 This brings us to the end of this Spoken Tutorial. Let us switch back to our slides. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00113-00051700-00051800 In this tutorial we have learnt 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00114-00051900-00052000 About Ruby 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00115-00052100-00052200 Installation 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00116-00052200-00052300 Execution of Ruby code 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00117-00052400-00052900 Adding multiple comments using =begin and =end 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00118-00053000-00053200 Difference between puts and print 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00119-00053300-00053400 As an assignment 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00120-00053500-00053700 Write a program to print your name and age 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00121-00053800-00054000 We used multiple line comments in this tutorial 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00122-00054100-00054300 Try to give single line comment 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00123-00054400-00054600 Watch the video available at the following link. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00124-00054700-00054900 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00125-00055000-00055400 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00126-00055500-00055600 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team: 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00127-00055700-00055900 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00128-00056000-00056300 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00129-00056400-00056900 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00130-00057000-00057300 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of Talk to a Teacher project. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00131-00057400-00058000 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00132-00058100-00058400 More information on this Mission is available at below link 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00133-00058500-00058900 This is Afrin Pinjari from IIT Bombay, signing off. 3Ho1h7BS6EY-00134-00059000-00059500 Thank you for watching. 3HvpmkR23N0-00000-00000045-00000256 Dr. Takashi Kamei. 3HvpmkR23N0-00001-00000256-00000763 How can we implement a thorium molten salt reactor? Before this March, I thought what 3HvpmkR23N0-00002-00000763-00001524 I should say at this conference; but we had a very huge earthquake, so I decided to change 3HvpmkR23N0-00003-00001524-00002089 the title of my presentation, "Japan Revival Strategy by Thorium Molten Salt Reactors." 3HvpmkR23N0-00004-00002089-00002677 Before starting my talk, I'd like to say thank you to all US people and, of course, to the 3HvpmkR23N0-00005-00002677-00003800 world people. They are of much help. We are very damaged, and still there are many people 3HvpmkR23N0-00006-00003800-00004789 under a very heavy situation, but, myself, I am not injured, anyway, because I'm living 3HvpmkR23N0-00007-00004789-00005589 700 km away from Fukushima and earthquake site. Anyway, I'd like to thank you all. 3HvpmkR23N0-00008-00005589-00006281 I'm carrying my own study and research at the university, in Kyoto, focusing on sustainability, 3HvpmkR23N0-00009-00006281-00007002 global warming, or climate change. This is still a very big challenge, not only for Japan, 3HvpmkR23N0-00010-00007002-00007759 but also for the world. 40% of carbon dioxide comes from power generation in the world. 3HvpmkR23N0-00011-00007759-00008367 The second point is the transportation sector. Nearly 20% of carbon dioxide in the world 3HvpmkR23N0-00012-00008367-00008824 comes from automobiles; of course, gasoline cars or diesel cars. 3HvpmkR23N0-00013-00008824-00009572 We know that to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from the world activity of human beings, 3HvpmkR23N0-00014-00009572-00010322 we have to think about both power generation and transportation. China is the largest carbon 3HvpmkR23N0-00015-00010322-00011168 dioxide emitting country. They're now emitting about 21% of carbon dioxide in the world. 3HvpmkR23N0-00016-00011168-00011821 The second is the US, with nearly 20%. Japan also emits a large amount of carbon dioxide, 3HvpmkR23N0-00017-00011821-00012525 but the percentage is maybe 4.5% in the world. 3HvpmkR23N0-00018-00012525-00013301 This is a big challenge for the world. For us. Is there a solution? I think yes. We need 3HvpmkR23N0-00019-00013301-00014031 clean energy, which does not emit carbon dioxide, but, of course, it must be a safe one. We 3HvpmkR23N0-00020-00014031-00014919 had a huge earthquake, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant exploded because of the 3HvpmkR23N0-00021-00014919-00015569 damage of the earthquake, so we have to find a way. 3HvpmkR23N0-00022-00015569-00015847 The answer will be the thorium molten salt reactor. 3HvpmkR23N0-00023-00015847-00016483 A thorium molten salt reactor contains two fuels. One of them is, of course, thorium. 3HvpmkR23N0-00024-00016483-00017254 Just before my talk, Dr. LeBlanc made a very good lecture in order to know what is good 3HvpmkR23N0-00025-00017254-00017873 with thorium. But, roughly speaking, thorium itself has these advantages 3HvpmkR23N0-00026-00017873-00018489 It does not emit carbon dioxide, we need to produce electricity; and it can be obtained 3HvpmkR23N0-00027-00018489-00019116 from the mining of rare earth materials. Its amount is very huge in the world. 3HvpmkR23N0-00028-00019116-00019697 Unfortunately, Japan doesn't have a lot of thorium. This is a nuclear fuel, so it produces 3HvpmkR23N0-00029-00019697-00020417 radioactive waste, but the amount is very small compared to uranium usage. There will 3HvpmkR23N0-00030-00020417-00021225 be a lot of discussion, but thorium utilization is not so good for nuclear weapons. 3HvpmkR23N0-00031-00021225-00022028 These are the advantages of thorium utilization. The reason why I talk about thorium, thorium 3HvpmkR23N0-00032-00022028-00022745 can be used, of course, in light water reactors. The US private company Lightbridge -- is anybody 3HvpmkR23N0-00033-00022745-00023626 coming from Lightbridge? No? OK. Anyway, I love light water reactors, even though we 3HvpmkR23N0-00034-00023626-00024443 had a big accident in Japan, because a light water reactor is established technology, and 3HvpmkR23N0-00035-00024443-00025289 nearly 400 nuclear power plants based on the light water reactor are now operating in the 3HvpmkR23N0-00036-00025289-00025580 world, and they produce electricity for the world. 3HvpmkR23N0-00037-00025580-00026337 Thorium can be used as a fuel a lot. Many Japanese people are concerned and worry about 3HvpmkR23N0-00038-00026337-00026869 the use of light water reactors in the world, because they're saying that there will be 3HvpmkR23N0-00039-00026869-00027583 earthquakes also in the world. If you look at this picture, the small black dots indicate 3HvpmkR23N0-00040-00027583-00027808 the points of huge earthquakes. 3HvpmkR23N0-00041-00027808-00028458 If you look at the blue circles in this map, there are many places where there are no earthquakes. 3HvpmkR23N0-00042-00028458-00029162 For example, in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia, we cannot find any dot of the earthquake. 3HvpmkR23N0-00043-00029162-00029819 In the northern part of Africa, we don't have any earthquakes. And here in the US -- we 3HvpmkR23N0-00044-00029819-00030391 are now in Washington -- the most part of the US does not have huge earthquakes. 3HvpmkR23N0-00045-00030391-00031038 Of course, in California, there are many earthquakes. We have to take care of this. In Europe, not 3HvpmkR23N0-00046-00031038-00031866 many earthquakes. But Japan, can you find Japan in this map? Japan is covered with a 3HvpmkR23N0-00047-00031866-00032918 lot of earthquakes. Once an earthquake hits a nuclear power plant, it is possible to come 3HvpmkR23N0-00048-00032918-00033819 to a big accident. But I'd like to inform you about one thing. Today, we are facing 3HvpmkR23N0-00049-00033819-00034640 the accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but the nearest power plant to 3HvpmkR23N0-00050-00034640-00034991 this earthquake was the Onagawa nuclear power plant. 3HvpmkR23N0-00051-00034991-00035591 This is a different electricity company in Japan. But the Onagawa nuclear power plant, 3HvpmkR23N0-00052-00035591-00036437 of course, was shut down when the earthquake hit the nuclear power plant, and the core 3HvpmkR23N0-00053-00036437-00037519 of the emergency cooling is safely operated. Now, more than 300 people are escaping the 3HvpmkR23N0-00054-00037519-00038256 additional attack of the earthquake, and they are now living at this Onagawa nuclear power 3HvpmkR23N0-00055-00038256-00038418 plant site. 3HvpmkR23N0-00056-00038418-00039083 I like to say that if the light water reactor is correctly operated, it's still safe even 3HvpmkR23N0-00057-00039083-00039841 in the case of an earthquake. I also like to say that Japan should think about the use 3HvpmkR23N0-00058-00039841-00040338 of thorium molten salt reactors. This is a rough sketch of how a thorium molten salt 3HvpmkR23N0-00059-00040338-00040662 reactor will act when it is hit by the earthquake. 3HvpmkR23N0-00060-00040662-00041224 Maybe the cooling of the core will be stopped and the temperature will increase, but the 3HvpmkR23N0-00061-00041224-00041849 freeze valve will open, and, automatically, the fuel will drain to the lower tank. And 3HvpmkR23N0-00062-00041849-00042584 we don't need any external voltage in order to drive these actions, so this is very safe. 3HvpmkR23N0-00063-00042584-00043344 What do we have to think about the influence of radioactive materials on human beings? 3HvpmkR23N0-00064-00043344-00044099 Of course, the alpha rays, the beta rays, and the gamma rays will influence the human 3HvpmkR23N0-00065-00044099-00045147 body, but it comes from the radioactive materials. Yes, it is possible that the tank will break 3HvpmkR23N0-00066-00045147-00045930 and the fuel salt will come out, but at room temperature it becomes solid or freeze; and 3HvpmkR23N0-00067-00045930-00046762 most of the radioactive materials we've kept inside of this frozen fuel salt, and that 3HvpmkR23N0-00068-00046762-00047406 means that the radioactive materials will be kept inside this frozen salt. 3HvpmkR23N0-00069-00047406-00048080 Yes, it is true. Radio gamma rays, or something like that, will be emitted to the outside, 3HvpmkR23N0-00070-00048080-00048902 but the range will be limited to the few hundred meters, not kilometers. Few hundred meters. 3HvpmkR23N0-00071-00048902-00049663 It will be possible to people not to come near this site. After the accident of the 3HvpmkR23N0-00072-00049663-00050241 Fukishima Daiichi nuclear power plant, what can Japan do? On left-hand side there is a 3HvpmkR23N0-00073-00050241-00050933 map of Japan, and the big red circles indicate nuclear power plants. We have several nuclear 3HvpmkR23N0-00074-00050933-00051217 power plants which have a huge electricity capacity. 3HvpmkR23N0-00075-00051217-00051987 For example, the Tokyo electric company owns a nuclear power plant in Fukishima; it is 3HvpmkR23N0-00076-00051987-00053010 about 700 GW, and once this site is attacked by a huge earthquake, all of this power generation 3HvpmkR23N0-00077-00053010-00053876 is stopped at once. If we constructed a future design over the electric supply in Japan, 3HvpmkR23N0-00078-00053876-00054548 right on the side it would be a new concept. The small, safe power reactors will be scattered 3HvpmkR23N0-00079-00054548-00054732 in the whole run of Japan. 3HvpmkR23N0-00080-00054732-00055392 It is possible that one of them will be hit and stopped by an earthquake, but it will 3HvpmkR23N0-00081-00055392-00056172 be limited to lose merely 100 MW if we implement the small-size nuclear power plant, something 3HvpmkR23N0-00082-00056172-00056882 like the thorium molten salt reactor. Its economy must fit the available one. If the 3HvpmkR23N0-00083-00056882-00057637 reactor becomes small size, we don't need to use the sea water to cool the reactor core. 3HvpmkR23N0-00084-00057637-00058288 If thorium molten salt reactor becomes small, maybe we can use air to cool the reactor core. 3HvpmkR23N0-00085-00058288-00058882 I have been talked about the advantage of the thorium itself, and the molten salt reactor, 3HvpmkR23N0-00086-00058882-00059584 but, then, we have to think how we can achieve the implementation of thorium. At the moment, 3HvpmkR23N0-00087-00059584-00060227 the technology to utilize thorium is established in light water reactors or heavy water reactors 3HvpmkR23N0-00088-00060227-00060824 in Canada. It will be possible to start to use thorium in these reactors, but, maybe, 3HvpmkR23N0-00089-00060824-00061454 in the meantime, 10 years from now, or 15 years, a molten salt reactor will be a very 3HvpmkR23N0-00090-00061454-00061594 good candidate. 3HvpmkR23N0-00091-00061594-00062130 Much longer time, maybe the actuator-driven system or some other will be available. But, 3HvpmkR23N0-00092-00062130-00062720 in any case, we have to think that thorium does not contain fissile isotope. 3HvpmkR23N0-00093-00062720-00063312 In order to fire a thorium molten salt reactor or other reactors, we have to prepare not 3HvpmkR23N0-00094-00063312-00063882 only the thorium, but also the fissile. Right now, we are using uranium for fuel in light 3HvpmkR23N0-00095-00063882-00064524 water reactors or heavy water reactors, like CANDU. Once we put uranium in these reactors, 3HvpmkR23N0-00096-00064524-00064997 we can produce plutonium. The yellow circles indicate the production of plutonium. At the 3HvpmkR23N0-00097-00064997-00065910 moment, in Japan, in case, Japan is going to use plutonium in a first breed of reactors, 3HvpmkR23N0-00098-00065910-00066281 but we can modify our policy of energies. 3HvpmkR23N0-00099-00066281-00066919 If this plutonium can be fed to thorium reactors like light water reactors, or thorium heavy 3HvpmkR23N0-00100-00066919-00067452 water reactors, it will be possible. Of course, there will be the opportunity to directly 3HvpmkR23N0-00101-00067452-00068337 feed this plutonium to thorium molten salt reactors. And once a thorium light water reactor, 3HvpmkR23N0-00102-00068337-00068978 or heavy water reactor, or molten salt reactor, is operated, uranium-233 comes out. And this 3HvpmkR23N0-00103-00068978-00069662 can be fed as a fissile isotope for thorium neutralization for the next generation. 3HvpmkR23N0-00104-00069662-00070465 Roughly speaking, the supply of plutonium coming from the uranium cycle, supply of the 3HvpmkR23N0-00105-00070465-00071105 uranium-233, is still very limited. Maybe, in a long future, some direct production of 3HvpmkR23N0-00106-00071105-00071775 uranium-233 from thorium will be needed. In the beginning of my talk, I talked about global 3HvpmkR23N0-00107-00071775-00072135 warming, and the transportation sector is very important. 3HvpmkR23N0-00108-00072135-00073015 In Japan, Toyota, or Nissan, or Honda, they are now going to supply hybrid cars, or electric 3HvpmkR23N0-00109-00073015-00073657 vehicles, and, in order to fabricate these vehicles, which are different from a gasoline 3HvpmkR23N0-00110-00073657-00074339 car, or a Diesel cars, the key element is, of course, rare earths. For example, neodymium 3HvpmkR23N0-00111-00074339-00075039 or dysprosium are used to make a permanent magnet take, which is used for electric motors. 3HvpmkR23N0-00112-00075042-00075788 97% of the rare earths is produced from China. It is not so apparent to be said to the world, 3HvpmkR23N0-00113-00075788-00076408 but, at the same time, over thorium mining processing, thorium is acquired. 3HvpmkR23N0-00114-00076408-00077198 If Japan wants to leave the chain of China in the supply of rare earths, Japan has to 3HvpmkR23N0-00115-00077198-00077843 go to other countries, like Vietnam, or India, of course, sometimes Brazil. But the problem 3HvpmkR23N0-00116-00077843-00078580 is thorium, because thorium is a radioactive material, and if we don't take care of thorium, 3HvpmkR23N0-00117-00078580-00079387 it becomes the environment hazard. Sometimes the people living around this place will be 3HvpmkR23N0-00118-00079387-00080288 healthy injured. But, if thorium is used as nuclear fuel, this problem will be solved. 3HvpmkR23N0-00119-00080288-00080789 Once the thorium is fed to a thorium reactor, and sometimes plutonium will be fed to the 3HvpmkR23N0-00120-00080789-00081364 reactor, of course at the same time, it produces electricity, and this electricity will be 3HvpmkR23N0-00121-00081364-00082087 fed to driving hybrid or electric vehicles. Thorium is not the problem, but the solution, 3HvpmkR23N0-00122-00082087-00082450 especially for Japan, and maybe, I think, for the US too. 3HvpmkR23N0-00123-00082450-00083025 How much can we implement the thorium molten salt reactor? This is a global case, not only 3HvpmkR23N0-00124-00083025-00083694 the Japanese case. This design of the molten salt reactor is thermal, and graphite the 3HvpmkR23N0-00125-00083694-00083825 usage. 3HvpmkR23N0-00126-00083825-00084415 Calibration will be different if we applied fast reactor or much other design. The black 3HvpmkR23N0-00127-00084415-00084927 dotted line indicates electricity capacity of uranium light water reactors. We are now 3HvpmkR23N0-00128-00084927-00085741 using nearly 370 GW in the world. For each increase based on predictions by IAEA, the 3HvpmkR23N0-00129-00085741-00086407 cover will be like this. Based on this implementation capacity of uranium usage, the spent nuclear 3HvpmkR23N0-00130-00086407-00086739 fuel that will be produced is indicated by the red line. 3HvpmkR23N0-00131-00086739-00087228 It is very easy to see that, if spent nuclear fuel coming from the uranium usage is not 3HvpmkR23N0-00132-00087228-00087829 used, it exceeds to a very large amount; but once this is used for thorium molten salt 3HvpmkR23N0-00133-00087829-00088408 reactors, the amount of spent nuclear fuel will decrease very rapidly. But the implemented 3HvpmkR23N0-00134-00088408-00089022 capacity of thorium molten salt reactors, based on only the supply of plutonium coming 3HvpmkR23N0-00135-00089022-00089644 from uranium usage, is very limited. Even though we utilize uranium-233 coming from 3HvpmkR23N0-00136-00089644-00089976 plutonium thorium molten salt reactors, it's still limited. 3HvpmkR23N0-00137-00089976-00090948 The total capacity will be 300 GW around 2050. It is still very small. If uranium light water 3HvpmkR23N0-00138-00090948-00091512 reactors do not expand their capacity in the next 40 years, capacity of thorium molten 3HvpmkR23N0-00139-00091512-00092328 salt reactors will be about 258 GW in 2050. This is still very small. 3HvpmkR23N0-00140-00092328-00093000 Yesterday, when we visited the Congress people, John told us that we don't make an enemy. 3HvpmkR23N0-00141-00093000-00093843 [laughs] OK? I'd like to say that thorium neutralization is very important, but uranium 3HvpmkR23N0-00142-00093843-00094623 usage is still important. If we think about global warming or the global scale. 3HvpmkR23N0-00143-00094623-00095152 This is my document, which I wrote in a popular newspaper in Japan. This is the English version. 3HvpmkR23N0-00144-00095152-00095708 Look at the website. You can find it still. Thorium neutralization will be still limited, 3HvpmkR23N0-00145-00095708-00096460 even though it is used in the global scale. It means that thorium production is very huge 3HvpmkR23N0-00146-00096460-00097162 in the world, but the consumption of thorium is still limited. It means there will be a 3HvpmkR23N0-00147-00097162-00097992 stockpile of thorium. If this thorium is not used, it comes to the environmental hazard. 3HvpmkR23N0-00148-00097992-00098455 This is just a concept, and maybe I will be able to talk in detail about this concept 3HvpmkR23N0-00149-00098455-00099023 in the next conference. In Japan I wrote this kind of work. This is, I'm sorry, only in 3HvpmkR23N0-00150-00099023-00099632 Japanese, but I wish that I can be able to publish some English version in the near future. 3HvpmkR23N0-00151-00099632-00100243 Thank you for the opportunity to talk here. Thank you very much. 3J66dO8R2zc-00000-00000000-00000500 www.theadvocacynet.com 3KnQDYGvYpU-00000-00000016-00000291 How to sell your home in seven easy steps. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00001-00000291-00000574 I'm Danielle Scott with Keller Williams Realty. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00002-00000574-00000787 Step two, pricing your home. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00003-00000787-00001022 Unfortunately, your home is only worth 3KnQDYGvYpU-00004-00001022-00001184 what buyers are willing to pay, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00005-00001184-00001506 so you need to be objective about your home's value. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00006-00001506-00001621 I know you've made memories 3KnQDYGvYpU-00007-00001621-00001973 and those sentimental ties could cloud your judgment, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00008-00001973-00002319 so we need to stick to the facts as much as possible 3KnQDYGvYpU-00009-00002319-00002611 when we talk about how much your home could sell for. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00010-00002611-00002965 I will create a comparative market analysis, or CMA. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00011-00002965-00003309 This report compares your home to other homes near you 3KnQDYGvYpU-00012-00003309-00003615 that are similar in size, have similar features, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00013-00003615-00003943 and are either on the market or have sold in recent months. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00014-00003943-00004254 This comparison allows us to more accurately predict 3KnQDYGvYpU-00015-00004254-00004440 what buyers will pay for your home. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00016-00004440-00004759 Your CMA will offer several pages of information, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00017-00004759-00005047 including photos and a map of the properties 3KnQDYGvYpU-00018-00005047-00005222 included in the analysis. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00019-00005222-00005407 I will take as much time as you need 3KnQDYGvYpU-00020-00005407-00005582 to walk you through the results 3KnQDYGvYpU-00021-00005582-00005927 so you understand exactly how your home stacks up 3KnQDYGvYpU-00022-00005927-00006052 against the competition. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00023-00006052-00006234 With this information in hand, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00024-00006234-00006447 we will set a competitive price 3KnQDYGvYpU-00025-00006447-00006798 that's based on fact, not emotion. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00026-00006798-00006981 Once we've set the list price, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00027-00006981-00007300 we'll need to establish your timeline for going active. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00028-00007300-00007547 Come back next time, when we discuss the timeline 3KnQDYGvYpU-00029-00007547-00007732 leading up to your for sale date. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00030-00007732-00007976 Remember, when you do what you love, 3KnQDYGvYpU-00031-00007976-00008151 people love what you do. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00032-00008151-00008288 I'm Danielle Scott. 3KnQDYGvYpU-00033-00008288-00008704 Let's make it a great home buying and selling day. 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00000-00000008-00000552 In this video I'm going to share four awesome objects in the night sky to try photographing 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00001-00000552-00001392 untracked meaning just a camera on a fixed tripod like this and why four well one for each season of 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00002-00001392-00002032 the year and this is actually something that I love about astrophotography is how closely it's 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00003-00002032-00002640 tied to the seasons it's just really cool to think about us traveling around the sun on our spaceship 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00004-00002640-00003152 earth with a different view onto the universe depending on which part of the orbit we're in 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00005-00003152-00003647 now of course there are also differences on what you'll see in the night sky depending on 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00006-00003647-00004280 where exactly on earth you live and so keep in mind for this video i'm sharing uh you know my 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00007-00004280-00004760 experience and i live in the northern hemisphere at around 42 degrees north of the equator 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00008-00004832-00005440 after a bit more research into this maybe i'll make a part two for uh southern hemisphere folks 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00009-00005520-00006000 anyways let's dive in and let's start with summer as we're right in the middle of it right now 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00010-00006000-00006480 and my suggestion for the middle of summer is the constellation cygnus and there are a few 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00011-00006480-00007095 reasons number one it'll be up most of the night number two of all the constellations it's the one 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00012-00007095-00007648 that's most jam-packed full of large interesting nebulae like the north america and pelican which 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00013-00007648-00008232 are just east of the bright star deneb and the seder butterfly just off the bright star seder 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00014-00008232-00008720 and it does help to have a modified camera to pick these nebulae up because they're mostly hydrogen 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00015-00008720-00009136 but even if you don't pick the nebula up you know really well it's still an interesting 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00016-00009136-00009608 constellation to photograph because it's one of the few constellations that i think really looks 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00017-00009608-00010384 like its namesake cygnus being latin for swan and i can always really imagine the long outstretched 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00018-00010384-00010880 wings and the long neck when i'm looking at it either in the night sky or in a photograph in 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00019-00010880-00011408 the late summer but especially in the autumn is when i turn to the andromeda galaxy and 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00020-00011408-00011896 other than the magellanic clouds which are are only visible in the southern hemisphere andromeda 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00021-00011896-00012448 is the largest galaxy in terms of angular diameter in the night sky it's over three degrees across 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00022-00012448-00013072 which means uh it would be like six full moons across the the tricky part even though it's big 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00023-00013072-00013712 is that andromeda is very bright in the core and much fainter in the spiral arms where the hotter 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00024-00013712-00014263 blue stars live it also takes a bit of practice with andromeda to actually find the galaxy because 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00025-00014263-00014928 it's not particularly close to any really bright stars but if you make an imaginary line um from 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00026-00014928-00015416 mirak which is one of the brightest stars in the andromeda constellation through moo andromedae 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00027-00015416-00015872 this will this will lead you to the galaxy if you don't mind the cold weather the winter is 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00028-00015872-00016344 actually a great time for astrophotography is we usually get excellent transparency and the nights 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00029-00016344-00016888 are quite a bit longer giving us more time to set up and under the stars and and take our photos 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00030-00016888-00017440 and it also gives us the return of one of the best constellations for astrophotographers which 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00031-00017440-00018088 is orion home to the orion nebula but also many other beautiful nebulae and just like cygnus the 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00032-00018088-00018640 constellation of orion as a whole makes a great photo um here's one i took this was even without 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00033-00018640-00019176 a tripod i just had the camera and lens propped up on the ground with some rocks at a dark site 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00034-00019248-00019824 and that huge red nebula uh is called barnard's loop my choice for spring is the milky way core 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00035-00019824-00020392 area with many beautiful bright nebulae such as the lagoon and triffid and this might ruffle some 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00036-00020392-00020936 feathers as typically astrophotographers call spring galaxy season due to all the galaxies 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00037-00020936-00021488 that are only visible in the spring but the thing is i can't think of any of these galaxies in the 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00038-00021488-00022096 spring that really make a good choice to shoot untracked just on a tripod so instead i'd suggest 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00039-00022096-00022560 just staying up late to shoot the milky way i've shot it as early as march in the early morning 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00040-00022560-00023120 hours but by april and may it becomes much more approachable as the course starts rising earlier 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00041-00023120-00023672 and earlier in the night and if you successfully shot andromeda galaxy and the orion nebula i think 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00042-00023672-00024328 the lagoon nebula should be the third on your list whether it's spring or summer as it's relatively 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00043-00024328-00024840 easy to find in the constellation sagittarius and it's nice and bright and it even comes with 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00044-00024840-00025456 a companion in the trifid nebula just to show you how bright this area of sky is here is a single 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00045-00025456-00026168 untracked 1.3 second exposure at iso 6400 and 200 millimeter focal length and of course it's a bit 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00046-00026168-00026648 noisy but stacking a few hundred photos together will take care of that and you can clearly see 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00047-00026648-00027312 that there's lots of nice detail here so to wrap up my picks are cygnus in the summer andromeda in 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00048-00027312-00027936 the autumn orion in the winter and sagittarius in the spring and all of these are approachable 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00049-00027936-00028600 untracked at a wide variety of focal lengths from wide angle to more telephoto i hope you enjoyed 3p7p7f2Ex1I-00050-00028600-00029392 the latest edition of this five minute friday it's been Nico Carver nebulaphotos.com Clear skies! 3PD9lK6hHCk-00000-00000000-00000159 See that boy right there 3PD9lK6hHCk-00001-00000277-00000477 he's so cute 3PD9lK6hHCk-00002-00000477-00000640 Are you Nyjah Huston???😚 3PD9lK6hHCk-00003-00000640-00000761 dafu* 3PD9lK6hHCk-00004-00000804-00001004 Can I get on? ... oh .. ok 3PD9lK6hHCk-00005-00001004-00001069 oh my god 3PD9lK6hHCk-00006-00001069-00001130 oh my god x2 3PD9lK6hHCk-00007-00001130-00001180 oh my god x3 3PD9lK6hHCk-00008-00001360-00001560 That was .. Raaaad 🤯 3PD9lK6hHCk-00009-00002183-00002326 Oh my gaawd I got that 3PD9lK6hHCk-00010-00002326-00002377 Lemme see . lemme see 3PD9lK6hHCk-00011-00002559-00002759 "She needs some milk" 3PLn1fODSqA-00000-00001869-00002149 Welcome back to my 3D printer build log. 3PLn1fODSqA-00001-00002149-00002620 Today, I'll mount the bed, fix the arm joints, add the bed height sensor and perform yet 3PLn1fODSqA-00002-00002620-00002770 another test run. 3PLn1fODSqA-00003-00002770-00003134 The print bed finally arrived, along with the silicone heater, the print surface and 3PLn1fODSqA-00004-00003134-00003288 some mounting material. 3PLn1fODSqA-00005-00003288-00003729 I'll use these standard aluminium corner pieces to mount the bed, but before that, I'll have 3PLn1fODSqA-00006-00003729-00004112 to glue the silicone heater to the bed because the mounting screws actually reach through 3PLn1fODSqA-00007-00004112-00004341 holes in the heater mat. 3PLn1fODSqA-00008-00004341-00004726 I'm not yet mounting the actual print surface - that will have to wait until I'm confident 3PLn1fODSqA-00009-00004726-00004993 I won't be crashing the nozzle into it. 3PLn1fODSqA-00010-00004993-00005151 Now for the mounting brackets. 3PLn1fODSqA-00011-00005151-00005574 I'm using three sets of two corner pieces mounted at an angle of 90 degrees. 3PLn1fODSqA-00012-00005574-00005960 First, I have to get rid of one of these alignment dimples on each of the pieces. 3PLn1fODSqA-00013-00005960-00006405 A simple file takes care of that in no time, and I've read somewhere that wetting the file 3PLn1fODSqA-00014-00006405-00006805 with ethanol makes it easier to remove the aluminium from the file afterwards. 3PLn1fODSqA-00015-00006805-00008090 Seems to work for me. 3PLn1fODSqA-00016-00008090-00008343 Now I can screw the two corner pieces together. 3PLn1fODSqA-00017-00008343-00008743 The remaining dimples on each side prevent the pieces from rotating against each other, 3PLn1fODSqA-00018-00008743-00009360 which is really convenient. 3PLn1fODSqA-00019-00009360-00009587 This is the mounting set that came with the build plate. 3PLn1fODSqA-00020-00009587-00009969 I'm screwing it to the brackets before mounting them on the frame because the screws will 3PLn1fODSqA-00021-00009969-00010550 be awkward to reach later on. 3PLn1fODSqA-00022-00010550-00010782 Now I can mount the brackets to the frame. 3PLn1fODSqA-00023-00010782-00011165 It's actually not that easy to get the positions right, but watching me fiddling around to 3PLn1fODSqA-00024-00011165-00011595 get this adjusted is rather boring, so let's move on. 3PLn1fODSqA-00025-00011595-00011699 And here is the print bed. 3PLn1fODSqA-00026-00011699-00012043 For some reasons, the holes are not only countersunk, but also tapped. 3PLn1fODSqA-00027-00012043-00013120 Anyway, if the brackets are positioned correctly, it's easy to screw it in place. 3PLn1fODSqA-00028-00013120-00013272 Now for the arm joints. 3PLn1fODSqA-00029-00013272-00013741 My earlier approach of pressing UHMW discs into the magnets turned out to be a bad idea 3PLn1fODSqA-00030-00013741-00014047 since it allowed for lots of play in the joints. 3PLn1fODSqA-00031-00014047-00014534 So after removing the discs, I placed three narrow strips of UHMW tape into each of the 3PLn1fODSqA-00032-00014534-00014634 magnets. 3PLn1fODSqA-00033-00014634-00015287 Pro tip: Use non-magnetic pincers for this. 3PLn1fODSqA-00034-00015287-00015686 Holding the strips in place with a steel ball, I bent and cut the overhanging pieces flush 3PLn1fODSqA-00035-00015686-00016047 with the magnet side. 3PLn1fODSqA-00036-00016047-00016478 And here are the upgraded joints - much better. 3PLn1fODSqA-00037-00016478-00016800 Next up - the Mini Differential Infrared Height Sensor by David Crocker. 3PLn1fODSqA-00038-00016800-00017317 I've printed a small enclosure for this sensor, and in order for it to fit, I've already replaced 3PLn1fODSqA-00039-00017317-00017509 the straight connectors with angled ones. 3PLn1fODSqA-00040-00017509-00017921 Two screws will hold the board in place, and two magnets in the tabs will hold the sensor 3PLn1fODSqA-00041-00017921-00018165 to the effector, making it easily swappable. 3PLn1fODSqA-00042-00018165-00018563 The magnets are pressed into place, and the sensor board has some guide rails inside the 3PLn1fODSqA-00043-00018563-00019431 enclosure to prevent it from tilting to an angle. 3PLn1fODSqA-00044-00019431-00019608 Now for another testing effector. 3PLn1fODSqA-00045-00019608-00020028 I'm still waiting for some components for a real 3D printing effector setup, but in 3PLn1fODSqA-00046-00020028-00020486 the meantime, I've printed this effector that holds a pen which can be fixed with a screw. 3PLn1fODSqA-00047-00020486-00020888 As usual, it requires six steel balls glued to the underside. 3PLn1fODSqA-00048-00020888-00021363 Let's skip the gluing, tapping and mounting and move on to the next interesting bit. 3PLn1fODSqA-00049-00021363-00021612 Here is how the height sensor is fitted to the effector. 3PLn1fODSqA-00050-00021612-00022053 There are two iron screws that the magnets hold on to and that can be used for fine tuning. 3PLn1fODSqA-00051-00022053-00022410 Another thing I didn't record was me fiddling with the configuration and getting the bed 3PLn1fODSqA-00052-00022410-00022510 leveled. 3PLn1fODSqA-00053-00022510-00022896 It wasn't particularly hard, but it isn't particularly entertaining to watch either. 3PLn1fODSqA-00054-00022896-00023283 Now we've got a pen mounted in the effector - let's see what we can do with this. 3PLn1fODSqA-00055-00023283-00023681 The following part of the video is not sped up in any way so that you can get a good impression 3PLn1fODSqA-00056-00023681-00023859 of the actual movement speed. 3PLn1fODSqA-00057-00023859-00024241 I've also tried to capture the sound of the printer running, so let's lower the background 3PLn1fODSqA-00058-00024241-00025287 music volume a bit. 3PLn1fODSqA-00059-00025287-00025679 I'm using the Retraction Vertical Lift setting in my slicer to have the printer lift the 3PLn1fODSqA-00061-00039571-00039878 And that's it for today - leaving you with a seasonal impression and the knowledge that 3PLn1fODSqA-00062-00039878-00040162 this video should have been uploaded two weeks earlier. 3PLn1fODSqA-00063-00040162-00040262 Whatever. 3PLn1fODSqA-00064-00040262-00040577 If you have any comments, please leave them below, and if you liked the video, please 3PLn1fODSqA-00065-00040577-00040721 give it a thumbs up. 3PLn1fODSqA-00066-00040721-00040944 And please subscribe to get notified of new videos. 3PLn1fODSqA-00067-00040944-00041041 See you later!