U-AU8ZVTkWc-00000-00000053-00000437 cesium IUPAC spelling or cesium American U-AU8ZVTkWc-00001-00000438-00000605 spelling is a chemical element with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00002-00000606-00000947 symbol sees an atomic number 55 it is a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00003-00000948-00001181 soft silvery gold alkali metal with a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00004-00001182-00001477 melting point of 28.5 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00005-00001478-00001772 83.3 degrees Fahrenheit which makes it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00006-00001773-00001970 one of only five elemental metals that U-AU8ZVTkWc-00007-00001971-00002175 are liquid at or near room temperature U-AU8ZVTkWc-00008-00002176-00002390 cesium has physical and chemical U-AU8ZVTkWc-00009-00002391-00002600 properties similar to those of rubidium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00010-00002601-00002888 and potassium the most reactive of all U-AU8ZVTkWc-00011-00002889-00003113 metals it is pyrophoric and reacts with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00012-00003114-00003443 water even at minus 116 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00013-00003444-00003851 minus 177 degrees Fahrenheit it is the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00014-00003852-00004031 least electronegative element with a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00015-00004032-00004231 value of zero point seven nine on the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00016-00004232-00004502 Pauling scale it has only one stable U-AU8ZVTkWc-00017-00004503-00004919 isotope cesium 133 cesium is mined U-AU8ZVTkWc-00018-00004920-00005117 mostly from Pulu site while the Radio U-AU8ZVTkWc-00019-00005118-00005504 isotopes especially cesium 137 efficient U-AU8ZVTkWc-00020-00005505-00005668 product are extracted from waste U-AU8ZVTkWc-00021-00005669-00006008 produced by nuclear reactors the German U-AU8ZVTkWc-00022-00006009-00006209 chemist Robert Bunsen and physicist U-AU8ZVTkWc-00023-00006210-00006439 Gustav Kirchhoff discovered cesium in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00024-00006440-00006689 1860 by the newly developed method of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00025-00006690-00007001 flame spectroscopy the first small-scale U-AU8ZVTkWc-00026-00007002-00007244 applications for cesium were as a getter U-AU8ZVTkWc-00027-00007245-00007528 in vacuum tubes and in photoelectric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00028-00007529-00007903 cells in 1967 acting on Einsteins proof U-AU8ZVTkWc-00029-00007904-00008033 that the speed of light is the most U-AU8ZVTkWc-00030-00008034-00008249 constant dimension in the universe the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00031-00008250-00008464 International System of Units used two U-AU8ZVTkWc-00032-00008465-00008660 specific wave counts from an emission U-AU8ZVTkWc-00033-00008661-00008953 spectrum of cesium 133 to code to find U-AU8ZVTkWc-00034-00008954-00009064 the second in the meter U-AU8ZVTkWc-00035-00009065-00009341 since then caesium has been widely used U-AU8ZVTkWc-00036-00009342-00009685 in highly accurate atomic clocks since U-AU8ZVTkWc-00037-00009686-00009959 the 1990s the largest application of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00038-00009960-00010169 element has been as caesium formate for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00039-00010170-00010346 drilling fluids but it has a range of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00040-00010347-00010510 applications in the production of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00041-00010511-00010714 electricity in electronics and in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00042-00010715-00011053 chemistry the radioactive isotope cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00043-00011054-00011374 137 has a half-life of about 30 years U-AU8ZVTkWc-00044-00011375-00011542 and is used in medical applications U-AU8ZVTkWc-00045-00011543-00011885 industrial gauges and hydrology non U-AU8ZVTkWc-00046-00011886-00012103 radioactive cesium compounds are only U-AU8ZVTkWc-00047-00012104-00012305 mildly toxic but the pure metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00048-00012306-00012530 tendency to react explosively with water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00049-00012531-00012716 means that caesium is considered a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00050-00012717-00012886 hazardous material and the Radio U-AU8ZVTkWc-00051-00012887-00013091 isotopes present a significant health U-AU8ZVTkWc-00052-00013091-00013333 and ecological hazard in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00053-00013334-00013807 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00054-00013808-00014359 topic characteristics U-AU8ZVTkWc-00055-00014360-00014697 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00056-00014698-00015253 topic physical properties U-AU8ZVTkWc-00057-00015254-00015508 cesium is the softest element it has a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00058-00015509-00015844 hardness of 0.2 maus it is a very U-AU8ZVTkWc-00059-00015845-00016066 ductile pale metal which darkens in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00060-00016068-00016336 presence of trace amounts of oxygen when U-AU8ZVTkWc-00061-00016337-00016528 in the presence of mineral oil where it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00062-00016529-00016747 is best kept during transport it loses U-AU8ZVTkWc-00063-00016748-00016922 its metallic luster and takes on a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00064-00016923-00017197 duller gray appearance it has a melting U-AU8ZVTkWc-00065-00017198-00017450 point of 28.5 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00066-00017451-00017611 eighty-three point three degrees U-AU8ZVTkWc-00067-00017612-00017800 Fahrenheit making it one of the few U-AU8ZVTkWc-00068-00017801-00017972 elemental metals that are liquid near U-AU8ZVTkWc-00069-00017973-00018233 room temperature mercury is the only U-AU8ZVTkWc-00070-00018234-00018422 elemental metal with a known melting U-AU8ZVTkWc-00071-00018423-00018703 point lower than cesium in addition the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00072-00018704-00019025 metal has a rather low boiling point 641 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00073-00019026-00019352 degrees Celsius 1180 six degrees U-AU8ZVTkWc-00074-00019353-00019528 Fahrenheit the lowest of all metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00075-00019529-00019822 other than mercury it's compounds burn U-AU8ZVTkWc-00076-00019823-00020134 with a blue or violet color caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00077-00020135-00020324 forms alloys with the other alkali U-AU8ZVTkWc-00078-00020325-00020642 metals gold and mercury amalgams at U-AU8ZVTkWc-00079-00020643-00021006 temperatures below 650 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00080-00021007-00021224 1202 degrees Fahrenheit U-AU8ZVTkWc-00081-00021225-00021394 it does not alloy with cobalt iron U-AU8ZVTkWc-00082-00021395-00021680 molybdenum nickel platinum tantalum or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00083-00021681-00021958 tungsten it forms well-defined inter U-AU8ZVTkWc-00084-00021959-00022196 metallic compounds with antimony gallium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00085-00022197-00022358 indium and thorium which are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00086-00022359-00022612 photosensitive it mixes with all the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00087-00022613-00022834 other alkali metals except lithium the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00088-00022835-00023111 alloy with a molar distribution of 41% U-AU8ZVTkWc-00089-00023112-00023503 caesium 47% potassium and 12% sodium has U-AU8ZVTkWc-00090-00023504-00023686 the lowest melting point of any known U-AU8ZVTkWc-00091-00023687-00023980 metal alloy at minus 78 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00092-00023981-00024319 minus 108 degrees Fahrenheit a few U-AU8ZVTkWc-00093-00024320-00024608 amalgams have been studied CSH g2 is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00094-00024609-00024803 black with a purple metallic luster U-AU8ZVTkWc-00095-00024804-00025081 while CS hg is golden coloured also with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00096-00025082-00025286 a metallic luster the golden color of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00097-00025287-00025453 caesium comes from the decreasing U-AU8ZVTkWc-00098-00025454-00025643 frequency of light required to excite U-AU8ZVTkWc-00099-00025644-00025849 electrons of the alkali metals as the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00100-00025850-00026095 group is descended for lithium through U-AU8ZVTkWc-00101-00026096-00026279 rubidium this frequency is in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00102-00026280-00026354 ultraviolet U-AU8ZVTkWc-00103-00026355-00026564 but for cesium it enters the blue violet U-AU8ZVTkWc-00104-00026564-00026762 end of the spectrum in other words the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00105-00026763-00026981 plasmonic frequency of the alkali metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00106-00026982-00027179 becomes lower from lithium to caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00107-00027180-00027452 thus caesium transmits and partially U-AU8ZVTkWc-00108-00027452-00027652 absorbs violet light preferentially U-AU8ZVTkWc-00109-00027653-00027799 while other colors having lower U-AU8ZVTkWc-00110-00027800-00027958 frequency are reflected U-AU8ZVTkWc-00111-00027959-00028242 hence it appears yellowish U-AU8ZVTkWc-00112-00028243-00028567 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00113-00028568-00028920 topic chemical properties U-AU8ZVTkWc-00114-00028922-00029111 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00115-00029112-00029393 cesium metal is highly reactive in very U-AU8ZVTkWc-00116-00029394-00029669 pyrophoric it ignites spontaneously in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00117-00029670-00029879 air and reacts explosively with water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00118-00029880-00030104 even at low temperatures more so than U-AU8ZVTkWc-00119-00030105-00030302 the other alkali metals first group of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00120-00030303-00030602 the periodic table it reacts with solid U-AU8ZVTkWc-00121-00030603-00030820 water at temperatures as low as minus U-AU8ZVTkWc-00122-00030821-00031244 116 degrees Celsius minus 177 degrees U-AU8ZVTkWc-00123-00031245-00031469 Fahrenheit because of this high U-AU8ZVTkWc-00124-00031470-00031733 reactivity cesium metal is classified as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00125-00031734-00032000 a hazardous material it is stored and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00126-00032001-00032229 shipped in dry saturated hydrocarbons U-AU8ZVTkWc-00127-00032230-00032495 such as mineral oil it can be handled U-AU8ZVTkWc-00128-00032496-00032735 only under inert gas such as argon U-AU8ZVTkWc-00129-00032736-00033029 however a cesium water explosion is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00130-00033030-00033230 often less powerful than a sodium water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00131-00033231-00033416 explosion with a similar amount of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00132-00033417-00033689 sodium this is because cesium explodes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00133-00033690-00033869 instantly upon contact with water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00134-00033870-00034073 leaving little time for hydrogen to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00135-00034074-00034335 accumulate cesium can be stored in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00136-00034336-00034577 vacuum sealed borosilicate glass ampules U-AU8ZVTkWc-00137-00034578-00034808 in quantities of more than about 100 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00138-00034809-00035141 grams 3.5 ounces cesium is shipped in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00139-00035142-00035330 hermetically sealed stainless steel U-AU8ZVTkWc-00140-00035331-00035537 containers the chemistry of caesium is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00141-00035538-00035729 similar to that of other alkali metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00142-00035730-00035957 in particular rubidium the element above U-AU8ZVTkWc-00143-00035958-00036260 cesium in the periodic table as expected U-AU8ZVTkWc-00144-00036261-00036479 for an alkali metal the only common U-AU8ZVTkWc-00145-00036480-00036794 oxidation state is plus one some small U-AU8ZVTkWc-00146-00036795-00036992 differences arise from the fact that it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00147-00036993-00037179 has a higher atomic mass and is more U-AU8ZVTkWc-00148-00037180-00037343 electropositive than other non U-AU8ZVTkWc-00149-00037344-00037664 radioactive alkali metals caesium is the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00150-00037665-00037871 most electropositive chemical element U-AU8ZVTkWc-00151-00037872-00038148 the cesium ion is also larger and less U-AU8ZVTkWc-00152-00038149-00038426 hard than those of the lighter alkali U-AU8ZVTkWc-00153-00038427-00038915 metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00154-00038916-00039422 topic compounds U-AU8ZVTkWc-00155-00039423-00039665 most cesium compounds contain the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00156-00039666-00039896 element as the cation C's Plus which U-AU8ZVTkWc-00157-00039897-00040106 binds ionic lead to a wide variety of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00158-00040107-00040418 anions one noteworthy exception as the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00159-00040419-00040676 case ID and ion C's - and others are the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00160-00040677-00040919 several sub oxides c-section on oxides U-AU8ZVTkWc-00161-00040920-00041255 below salts of C's plus are usually U-AU8ZVTkWc-00162-00041256-00041459 colourless unless the anion itself is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00163-00041460-00041717 coloured many of the simple salts are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00164-00041718-00041894 hygroscopic but less so than the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00165-00041895-00042092 corresponding salts of lighter alkali U-AU8ZVTkWc-00166-00042093-00042410 metals the phosphate acetate carbonate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00167-00042411-00042722 halides oxide nitrate and sulfate salts U-AU8ZVTkWc-00168-00042723-00043016 are water-soluble double salts are often U-AU8ZVTkWc-00169-00043017-00043229 less soluble and the low solubility of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00170-00043230-00043469 caesium aluminium sulfate is exploited U-AU8ZVTkWc-00171-00043470-00043748 in refining seas from ores the double U-AU8ZVTkWc-00172-00043749-00044057 salt with antimony such as CSS b CL for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00173-00044058-00044354 bismuth cadmium copper iron and lead are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00174-00044355-00044660 also poorly soluble cesium hydroxide C U-AU8ZVTkWc-00175-00044661-00045035 Soh is hygroscopic and strongly basic it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00176-00045036-00045200 rapidly etches the surface of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00177-00045201-00045536 semiconductors such as silicon C Soh has U-AU8ZVTkWc-00178-00045537-00045746 been previously regarded by chemists as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00179-00045747-00046034 the strongest base reflecting the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00180-00046035-00046220 relatively weak attraction between the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00181-00046221-00046493 large C's plus ion and O - it is indeed U-AU8ZVTkWc-00182-00046494-00046688 the strongest Arrhenius base but a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00183-00046689-00046883 number of compounds that do not dissolve U-AU8ZVTkWc-00184-00046884-00047105 in water such as n butyl lithium and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00185-00047106-00047344 sodium amide are more basic a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00186-00047345-00047609 stoichiometric mixture of caesium and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00187-00047610-00047819 gold will react to form yellow caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00188-00047820-00048182 or I'd C's + o- upon heating the or I'd U-AU8ZVTkWc-00189-00048183-00048407 an ion here behaves as a pseudo halogen U-AU8ZVTkWc-00190-00048408-00048632 the compound reacts violently with water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00191-00048633-00048938 yielding caesium hydroxide metallic gold U-AU8ZVTkWc-00192-00048939-00049187 and hydrogen gas in liquid ammonia it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00193-00049188-00049394 can be reacted with a caesium specific U-AU8ZVTkWc-00194-00049395-00049601 ion exchange resin to produce tetra U-AU8ZVTkWc-00195-00049602-00049835 methyl ammonium or I'd the analogous U-AU8ZVTkWc-00196-00049836-00050084 platinum compound red caesium platon I'd U-AU8ZVTkWc-00197-00050085-00050375 C's to PT contains the platen I died on U-AU8ZVTkWc-00198-00050376-00051000 that behaves as a pseudo Cal Sojin U-AU8ZVTkWc-00199-00051001-00051452 topic complexes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00200-00051453-00051792 like all metal cations cease plus forms U-AU8ZVTkWc-00201-00051794-00052035 complexes with lewis bases in solution U-AU8ZVTkWc-00202-00052036-00052309 because of its large size C's plus U-AU8ZVTkWc-00203-00052310-00052516 usually adopts coordination numbers U-AU8ZVTkWc-00204-00052516-00052735 greater than six the number typical for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00205-00052736-00053011 the smaller alkali metal cations this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00206-00053012-00053170 difference is apparent in the eight U-AU8ZVTkWc-00207-00053171-00053410 coordination of cesium chloride this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00208-00053411-00053611 high coordination number and softness U-AU8ZVTkWc-00209-00053612-00053845 tendency to form covalent bonds are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00210-00053846-00054073 properties exploited in separating C's U-AU8ZVTkWc-00211-00054074-00054250 plus from other cations in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00212-00054251-00054565 remediation of nuclear wastes where 137 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00213-00054566-00054778 C's plus must be separated from large U-AU8ZVTkWc-00214-00054779-00055441 amounts of non radioactive k+ U-AU8ZVTkWc-00215-00055442-00056159 topic halides caesium fluoride CSF is a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00216-00056160-00056366 hygroscopic white solid that is widely U-AU8ZVTkWc-00217-00056366-00056579 used in organofluorine chemistry as a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00218-00056579-00056873 source of fluoride and ions cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00219-00056874-00057079 fluoride has the halide structure which U-AU8ZVTkWc-00220-00057080-00057332 means that the C's + + f- pack in a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00221-00057333-00057539 cubic closest packed array as do not U-AU8ZVTkWc-00222-00057540-00057799 plus and Cl minus in sodium chloride U-AU8ZVTkWc-00223-00057800-00058066 notably caesium and fluorine have the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00224-00058067-00058271 lowest and highest electronegativities U-AU8ZVTkWc-00225-00058272-00058441 respectively among all the known U-AU8ZVTkWc-00226-00058442-00058754 elements caesium chloride caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00227-00058754-00058952 chloride crystallizes in the simple U-AU8ZVTkWc-00228-00058953-00059237 cubic crystal system also called the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00229-00059238-00059516 caesium chloride structure this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00230-00059516-00059711 structural motif is composed of a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00231-00059712-00059924 primitive cubic lattice with a two atom U-AU8ZVTkWc-00232-00059925-00060054 basis each with an Eightfold U-AU8ZVTkWc-00233-00060055-00060320 coordination the chloride atoms lie upon U-AU8ZVTkWc-00234-00060321-00060482 the lattice points at the edges of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00235-00060483-00060679 cube while the cesium atoms lie in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00236-00060680-00060926 holes in the center of the cubes this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00237-00060927-00061097 structure is shared with cesium bromide U-AU8ZVTkWc-00238-00061098-00061403 and CSI and many other compounds that do U-AU8ZVTkWc-00239-00061404-00061736 not contain C's in contrast most other U-AU8ZVTkWc-00240-00061737-00061916 alkaline halides have the sodium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00241-00061916-00062210 chloride sodium chloride structure the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00242-00062211-00062408 cesium chloride structure is preferred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00243-00062409-00062667 because C's plus has an ionic radius of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00244-00062669-00063522 174 p.m. and Cl minus 181 p.m. U-AU8ZVTkWc-00245-00063523-00064004 topic oxides U-AU8ZVTkWc-00246-00064004-00064222 more so than the other alkali metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00247-00064223-00064490 caesium forms numerous binary compounds U-AU8ZVTkWc-00248-00064491-00064768 with oxygen when caesium burns in air U-AU8ZVTkWc-00249-00064769-00065026 the superoxide caesium oxide is the main U-AU8ZVTkWc-00250-00065027-00065471 product the normal caesium oxide caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00251-00065472-00065707 oxide forms yellow orange hexagonal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00252-00065708-00065909 crystals and is the only oxide of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00253-00065910-00066187 anti cadmium chloride type it vaporizes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00254-00066188-00066590 at 250 degrees Celsius 482 degrees U-AU8ZVTkWc-00255-00066591-00066809 Fahrenheit and decomposes to caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00256-00066810-00067048 metal in the peroxide caesium oxide at U-AU8ZVTkWc-00257-00067049-00067332 temperatures above 400 degrees Celsius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00258-00067333-00067691 752 degrees Fahrenheit in addition to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00259-00067692-00067910 the super oxide in the ozonide caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00260-00067911-00068116 oxide several brightly colored sub U-AU8ZVTkWc-00261-00068117-00068374 oxides have also been studied these U-AU8ZVTkWc-00262-00068375-00068629 include caesium oxide cesium oxide U-AU8ZVTkWc-00263-00068630-00069016 cesium oxide cesium oxide dark green CSO U-AU8ZVTkWc-00264-00069017-00069290 caesium oxide as well as cesium oxide U-AU8ZVTkWc-00265-00069291-00069560 the latter may be heated in a vacuum to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00266-00069561-00069892 generate caesium oxide binary compounds U-AU8ZVTkWc-00267-00069893-00070144 with sulfur selenium and tellurium also U-AU8ZVTkWc-00268-00070145-00070636 exist U-AU8ZVTkWc-00269-00070637-00071137 topic isotopes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00270-00071138-00071474 cesium has 39 known isotopes ranging and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00271-00071475-00071714 mass number ie number of nucleons in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00272-00071715-00072161 nucleus from 112 to 151 several of these U-AU8ZVTkWc-00273-00072162-00072365 are synthesized from lighter elements by U-AU8ZVTkWc-00274-00072366-00072575 the slow Neutron capture process as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00275-00072576-00072827 process inside old stars and by the art U-AU8ZVTkWc-00276-00072828-00073154 process in supernova explosions the only U-AU8ZVTkWc-00277-00073155-00073559 stable cesium isotope is 133 C's with 78 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00278-00073560-00073862 neutrons although it has a large nuclear U-AU8ZVTkWc-00279-00073863-00074117 spin seven-halves plus nuclear magnetic U-AU8ZVTkWc-00280-00074118-00074327 resonance studies can use this isotope U-AU8ZVTkWc-00281-00074328-00074525 at a resonating frequency of eleven U-AU8ZVTkWc-00282-00074526-00074854 point seven megahertz the radioactive U-AU8ZVTkWc-00283-00074855-00075161 135 C's has a very long half-life of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00284-00075162-00075425 about 2.3 million years longest of all U-AU8ZVTkWc-00285-00075426-00075851 radioactive isotopes of cesium 137 CS U-AU8ZVTkWc-00286-00075852-00076193 and 134 C's have half-lives of 30 and 2 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00287-00076194-00076643 years respectively 137cs decomposes to a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00288-00076644-00077018 short-lived 137 MBA by beta decay and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00289-00077019-00077321 then to non radioactive barium while 134 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00290-00077322-00077635 C's transforms into 134 bought directly U-AU8ZVTkWc-00291-00077636-00078040 the isotopes with mass numbers of 129 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00292-00078041-00078539 131 132 and 136 have half-lives between U-AU8ZVTkWc-00293-00078540-00078719 a day in two weeks while most of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00294-00078720-00078917 other isotopes have half-lives from a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00295-00078918-00079118 few seconds to fractions of a second at U-AU8ZVTkWc-00296-00079119-00079448 least 21 metastable nuclear isomers U-AU8ZVTkWc-00297-00079449-00079796 exist other than 134 mcs with a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00298-00079797-00080036 half-life of just under 3 hours all are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00299-00080037-00080252 very unstable and decay with half-lives U-AU8ZVTkWc-00300-00080253-00080570 of a few minutes or less the isotope 135 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00301-00080571-00080753 C's is one of the long-lived fission U-AU8ZVTkWc-00302-00080754-00080960 products of uranium produced in nuclear U-AU8ZVTkWc-00303-00080961-00081055 reactors U-AU8ZVTkWc-00304-00081056-00081332 however this fission product yield is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00305-00081333-00081527 reduced in most reactors because the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00306-00081528-00081875 predecessor 135 Z is a potent Neutron U-AU8ZVTkWc-00307-00081876-00082085 poison and frequently transmutes to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00308-00082086-00082487 stable 136 Z before it can decay to 135 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00309-00082488-00082979 C's the beta decay from 137cs to 137 MBA U-AU8ZVTkWc-00310-00082980-00083314 as a strong emission of gamma radiation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00311-00083315-00083621 137cs and 90 senior are the principal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00312-00083622-00083816 medium lived products of nuclear fission U-AU8ZVTkWc-00313-00083817-00084026 and the prime sources of radioactivity U-AU8ZVTkWc-00314-00084027-00084263 from spent nuclear fuel after several U-AU8ZVTkWc-00315-00084264-00084459 years of cooling lasting several hundred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00316-00084460-00084747 years those two isotopes are the largest U-AU8ZVTkWc-00317-00084748-00084980 source of residual radioactivity in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00318-00084981-00085256 area of the Chernobyl disaster because U-AU8ZVTkWc-00319-00085257-00085484 of the low capture rate disposing of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00320-00085485-00085757 137cs through Neutron capture is not U-AU8ZVTkWc-00321-00085758-00085985 feasible and the only current solution U-AU8ZVTkWc-00322-00085986-00086180 is to allow it to decay over time almost U-AU8ZVTkWc-00323-00086181-00086379 all caesium produced from nuclear U-AU8ZVTkWc-00324-00086380-00086559 fission comes from the beta decay of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00325-00086560-00086778 originally more neutron-rich fission U-AU8ZVTkWc-00326-00086779-00086942 products passing through various U-AU8ZVTkWc-00327-00086943-00087234 isotopes of iodine and xenon because U-AU8ZVTkWc-00328-00087235-00087447 iodine and xenon are volatile and can U-AU8ZVTkWc-00329-00087448-00087635 diffuse through nuclear fuel or air U-AU8ZVTkWc-00330-00087636-00087903 radioactive cesium is often created far U-AU8ZVTkWc-00331-00087904-00088146 from the original site efficient with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00332-00088147-00088400 nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s U-AU8ZVTkWc-00333-00088401-00088730 through the 1980s 137cs was released U-AU8ZVTkWc-00334-00088731-00088916 into the atmosphere and returned to the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00335-00088917-00089091 surface of the earth as a component of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00336-00089092-00089393 radioactive fallout it is a ready marker U-AU8ZVTkWc-00337-00089394-00089541 of the movement of soil and sediment U-AU8ZVTkWc-00338-00089542-00090135 from those times U-AU8ZVTkWc-00339-00090136-00090415 topic occurrence U-AU8ZVTkWc-00340-00090416-00090624 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00341-00090625-00090876 cesium is a relatively rare element U-AU8ZVTkWc-00342-00090877-00091065 estimated to average three parts per U-AU8ZVTkWc-00343-00091066-00091215 million in the Earth's crust U-AU8ZVTkWc-00344-00091216-00091506 it is the 45th most abundant element in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00345-00091507-00091773 the 36th among the metals nevertheless U-AU8ZVTkWc-00346-00091774-00092007 it is more abundant than such elements U-AU8ZVTkWc-00347-00092008-00092274 as antimony cadmium tin and tungsten and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00348-00092275-00092490 two orders of magnitude more abundant U-AU8ZVTkWc-00349-00092491-00092736 than mercury and silver it is 3.3 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00350-00092737-00092943 percent as abundant as rubidium with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00351-00092944-00093077 which it is closely associated U-AU8ZVTkWc-00352-00093078-00093348 chemically due to its large ionic radius U-AU8ZVTkWc-00353-00093349-00093597 caesium is one of the incompatible U-AU8ZVTkWc-00354-00093598-00093876 elements during magma crystallization U-AU8ZVTkWc-00355-00093877-00094104 caesium is concentrated in the liquid U-AU8ZVTkWc-00356-00094105-00094401 phase and crystallizes last therefore U-AU8ZVTkWc-00357-00094402-00094605 the largest deposits of caesium are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00358-00094606-00094812 zoned pegmatite or bodies formed by this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00359-00094813-00095112 enrichment process because caesium does U-AU8ZVTkWc-00360-00095113-00095325 not substitute for potassium as readily U-AU8ZVTkWc-00361-00095326-00095541 as rubidium the alkali evaporite U-AU8ZVTkWc-00362-00095542-00095862 minerals sylvite KCl and karna light kmg U-AU8ZVTkWc-00363-00095863-00096378 CL 3 6 h2o may contain only 0.002% U-AU8ZVTkWc-00364-00096379-00096741 caesium consequently ceases found in few U-AU8ZVTkWc-00365-00096742-00096990 minerals percentage amounts of caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00366-00096991-00097222 may be found in Beryl B 3 aluminium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00367-00097223-00097560 metal silicate and Avogadro k C's bf for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00368-00097561-00097893 up to 15 WT % caesium oxide in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00369-00097894-00098202 closely related mineral posited a C's b2 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00370-00098203-00098622 li aluminium silicide Oh 18 up to 8.4 WT U-AU8ZVTkWc-00371-00098623-00098872 % caesium oxide in the rare mineral U-AU8ZVTkWc-00372-00098873-00099340 London ight C's k al 4 B 4 B b1 2 O 2 8 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00373-00099341-00099516 and less in the more widespread wrote U-AU8ZVTkWc-00374-00099517-00099822 azide the only economically important or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00375-00099823-00100080 for cesium is Pulu site C's aluminium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00376-00100081-00100315 silicide o 6 which is found in a few U-AU8ZVTkWc-00377-00100316-00100476 places around the world in zone U-AU8ZVTkWc-00378-00100477-00100680 pegmatite associated with the more U-AU8ZVTkWc-00379-00100681-00100872 commercially important lithium minerals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00380-00100873-00101130 lepidolite and pet alight within the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00381-00101131-00101361 pegmatite the large grain size and the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00382-00101362-00101529 strong separation of the minerals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00383-00101530-00101757 results in high-grade ore for mining one U-AU8ZVTkWc-00384-00101758-00101937 of the world's most significant and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00385-00101938-00102159 richest sources of cesium as the tanco U-AU8ZVTkWc-00386-00102160-00102368 mine at burnick lake in manitoba canada U-AU8ZVTkWc-00387-00102369-00102693 estimated to contain 350 thousand metric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00388-00102694-00102925 tons of Palouse i tour representing more U-AU8ZVTkWc-00389-00102926-00103113 than 2/3 of the world's reserve base U-AU8ZVTkWc-00390-00103114-00103399 although the stoichiometric content of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00391-00103400-00103629 cesium in Pulu site as forty two point U-AU8ZVTkWc-00392-00103630-00103863 six percent pure Pulu site samples from U-AU8ZVTkWc-00393-00103864-00104007 this deposit contain U-AU8ZVTkWc-00394-00104008-00104224 about 34 percent caesium while the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00395-00104225-00104619 average content is 24 WT % commercial U-AU8ZVTkWc-00396-00104620-00104841 Pulu site contains more than 19 percent U-AU8ZVTkWc-00397-00104842-00105141 caesium the vaquita pegmatite deposit in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00398-00105142-00105360 Zimbabwe is mined for its pet alight but U-AU8ZVTkWc-00399-00105361-00105558 it also contains a significant amount of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00400-00105559-00105823 Palouse it-- another notable source of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00401-00105824-00106014 pellucid is in the caribou bizerta U-AU8ZVTkWc-00402-00106015-00106276 Namibia at the present rate of world U-AU8ZVTkWc-00403-00106277-00106489 mine production of five to ten metric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00404-00106490-00106689 tons per year reserves will last for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00405-00106690-00107286 thousands of years U-AU8ZVTkWc-00406-00107288-00107794 topic production U-AU8ZVTkWc-00407-00107795-00108049 mining and refining pellucid or as a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00408-00108050-00108261 selective process and is conducted on a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00409-00108263-00108463 smaller scale than for most other metals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00410-00108464-00108754 the ore is crushed and sorted but not U-AU8ZVTkWc-00411-00108755-00108986 usually concentrated and then ground U-AU8ZVTkWc-00412-00108988-00109258 cesium is then extracted from Pulu site U-AU8ZVTkWc-00413-00109258-00109468 primarily by three methods acid U-AU8ZVTkWc-00414-00109469-00109696 digestion alkaline decomposition and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00415-00109697-00109915 direct reduction in the acid digestion U-AU8ZVTkWc-00416-00109916-00110160 the silicate Pulu site rock is dissolved U-AU8ZVTkWc-00417-00110161-00110364 with strong acids such as hydrochloric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00418-00110365-00110896 HCL sulfuric h2so4 hydrobromic hbr or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00419-00110897-00111265 hydrofluoric hf acids with hydrochloric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00420-00111266-00111505 acid a mixture of soluble chlorides is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00421-00111506-00111697 produced and the insoluble chloride U-AU8ZVTkWc-00422-00111698-00111909 double salts of caesium are precipitated U-AU8ZVTkWc-00423-00111910-00112156 as caesium antimony chloride C's for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00424-00112157-00112405 antimony 7 chloride cesium iodine U-AU8ZVTkWc-00425-00112406-00112734 chloride C's 2 ICL or cesium hexa cloris U-AU8ZVTkWc-00426-00112735-00113191 or 8 C's 2 c e CL 6 after separation the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00427-00113192-00113377 pure precipitated double salt is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00428-00113378-00113608 decomposed and pure caesium chloride is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00429-00113608-00113826 precipitated by evaporating the water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00430-00113827-00114115 the sulfuric acid method yields the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00431-00114116-00114319 insoluble double salt directly as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00432-00114320-00114823 caesium alum C Sal so4 2 1 2 h2o the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00433-00114824-00115063 aluminium sulfate component is converted U-AU8ZVTkWc-00434-00115064-00115303 to insoluble aluminium oxide by roasting U-AU8ZVTkWc-00435-00115304-00115498 the alum with carbon and the resulting U-AU8ZVTkWc-00436-00115499-00115686 product is leached with water to yield a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00437-00115688-00115915 caesium sulfate solution roasting Pulu U-AU8ZVTkWc-00438-00115916-00116131 site with calcium carbonate in calcium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00439-00116132-00116299 chloride yields insoluble calcium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00440-00116300-00116565 silicates and soluble caesium chloride U-AU8ZVTkWc-00441-00116566-00116869 leaching with water or dilute ammonia NH U-AU8ZVTkWc-00442-00116870-00117159 4 o H yields a dilute chloride caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00443-00117160-00117430 chloride solution this solution can be U-AU8ZVTkWc-00444-00117431-00117625 evaporated to produce cesium chloride U-AU8ZVTkWc-00445-00117626-00117861 are transformed into caesium alum or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00446-00117863-00118138 cesium carbonate though not commercially U-AU8ZVTkWc-00447-00118139-00118354 feasible the or can be directly reduced U-AU8ZVTkWc-00448-00118355-00118584 with potassium sodium or calcium in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00449-00118585-00118777 vacuum can produce caesium metal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00450-00118778-00118981 directly most of the mind caesium as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00451-00118982-00119227 salts is directly converted into caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00452-00119228-00119515 form 8 HC o o- C's plus 4 applications U-AU8ZVTkWc-00453-00119516-00119818 such as oil drilling to supply the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00454-00119819-00120036 developing market Cabot corporation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00455-00120038-00120307 built a production plant in 1997 at the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00456-00120308-00120553 tanco mine near burnick Lake in Manitoba U-AU8ZVTkWc-00457-00120554-00120816 with a capacity of 12,000 barrels U-AU8ZVTkWc-00458-00120817-00121102 1900 cubic meters per year of caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00459-00121103-00121133 for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00460-00121134-00121403 solution the primary smaller scale U-AU8ZVTkWc-00461-00121404-00121623 commercial compounds of cesium or cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00462-00121624-00121827 chloride and nitrate alternatively U-AU8ZVTkWc-00463-00121828-00122031 cesium metal may be obtained from the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00464-00122032-00122258 purified compounds derived from the or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00465-00122258-00122532 cesium chloride and the other cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00466-00122533-00122777 halides can be reduced at 700 to 800 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00467-00122778-00123018 degrees Celsius one thousand two hundred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00468-00123019-00123243 ninety two to one thousand four hundred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00469-00123244-00123456 seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00470-00123457-00123675 calcium or barium and cesium metal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00471-00123676-00123918 distilled from the result in the same U-AU8ZVTkWc-00472-00123919-00124101 way the illuminate carbonate or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00473-00124102-00124316 hydroxide may be reduced by magnesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00474-00124317-00124541 the metal can also be isolated by U-AU8ZVTkWc-00475-00124542-00124778 electrolysis of fused caesium cyanide U-AU8ZVTkWc-00476-00124779-00125139 CSC n exceptionally pure and gas free U-AU8ZVTkWc-00477-00125140-00125331 cesium can be produced by three hundred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00478-00125332-00125571 ninety degrees Celsius seven hundred U-AU8ZVTkWc-00479-00125572-00125765 thirty-four degrees Fahrenheit thermal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00480-00125766-00126006 decomposition of cesium azide cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00481-00126007-00126177 nitride which can be produced from U-AU8ZVTkWc-00482-00126178-00126348 aqueous caesium sulphate and barium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00483-00126349-00126702 azide in vacuum applications caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00484-00126703-00126924 dichromate can be reacted with zirconium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00485-00126925-00127109 to produce pure caesium metal without U-AU8ZVTkWc-00486-00127110-00127391 other gaseous products caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00487-00127392-00127664 dichromate plus two Z are two C's plus U-AU8ZVTkWc-00488-00127665-00128007 two zirconium oxide plus CR 2 O 3 the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00489-00128008-00128181 price of ninety-nine point eight percent U-AU8ZVTkWc-00490-00128182-00128520 pure caesium metal basis in 2009 was U-AU8ZVTkWc-00491-00128521-00128858 about $10 per gram $280 per ounce U-AU8ZVTkWc-00492-00128859-00129024 but the compounds are significantly U-AU8ZVTkWc-00493-00129025-00129582 cheaper U-AU8ZVTkWc-00494-00129583-00130085 topic history U-AU8ZVTkWc-00495-00130086-00130398 in 1860 Robert Bunsen and Gustav U-AU8ZVTkWc-00496-00130399-00130593 Kirchhoff discovered cesium in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00497-00130594-00130796 mineral water from Durkheim Germany U-AU8ZVTkWc-00498-00130797-00131043 because of the bright blue lines in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00499-00131044-00131228 emission spectrum they derived the name U-AU8ZVTkWc-00500-00131229-00131421 from the Latin word cz as' meaning U-AU8ZVTkWc-00501-00131422-00131733 sky-blue cesium was the first element to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00502-00131734-00131925 be discovered with a spectroscope which U-AU8ZVTkWc-00503-00131926-00132077 had been invented by Bunsen and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00504-00132078-00132294 Kirchhoff only a year previously to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00505-00132295-00132578 obtain a pure sample of cesium 44,000 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00506-00132579-00132999 liters 9700 M cow 12,000 u.s. gal of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00507-00133000-00133200 mineral water had to be evaporated to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00508-00133201-00133529 yield 240 kilograms 530 pounds of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00509-00133530-00133821 concentrated salt solution the alkaline U-AU8ZVTkWc-00510-00133822-00134022 earth metals were precipitated either as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00511-00134023-00134256 sulfates or oxalates leaving the alkali U-AU8ZVTkWc-00512-00134257-00134511 metal in the solution after conversion U-AU8ZVTkWc-00513-00134512-00134697 to the nitrates and extraction with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00514-00134698-00134895 ethanol a sodium free mixture was U-AU8ZVTkWc-00515-00134896-00135168 obtained from this mixture the lithium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00516-00135169-00135383 was precipitated by ammonium carbonate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00517-00135384-00135651 potassium rubidium and cesium form U-AU8ZVTkWc-00518-00135652-00135843 insoluble salts with chloroplatinic acid U-AU8ZVTkWc-00519-00135844-00136095 but these salts show a slight difference U-AU8ZVTkWc-00520-00136096-00136316 in solubility in hot water and the less U-AU8ZVTkWc-00521-00136317-00136521 soluble cesium and rubidium hexa U-AU8ZVTkWc-00522-00136522-00136913 chloroplatinic C's R b2 PT CL six were U-AU8ZVTkWc-00523-00136914-00137116 obtained by fractional crystallization U-AU8ZVTkWc-00524-00137117-00137397 after reduction of the hexa chloride and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00525-00137398-00137576 eight with hydrogen caesium and rubidium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00526-00137577-00137777 were separated by the difference in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00527-00137778-00137946 solubility of their carbonates in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00528-00137947-00138347 alcohol the process yielded 9.2 grams U-AU8ZVTkWc-00529-00138348-00138723 0.32 ounces of rubidium chloride and 7.3 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00530-00138724-00138794 grams U-AU8ZVTkWc-00531-00138795-00139131 0.26 ounces of caesium chloride from the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00532-00139132-00139383 initial 44,000 liters of mineral water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00533-00139384-00139577 from the cesium chloride the two U-AU8ZVTkWc-00534-00139578-00139785 scientists estimated the atomic weight U-AU8ZVTkWc-00535-00139786-00140136 of the new element at 120 3.35 compared U-AU8ZVTkWc-00536-00140137-00140441 to the currently accepted 1 of 100 32.9 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00537-00140442-00140726 they tried to generate Elemental cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00538-00140727-00140931 by electrolysis of molten cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00539-00140932-00141116 chloride but instead of a metal they U-AU8ZVTkWc-00540-00141117-00141318 obtained a blue homogeneous substance U-AU8ZVTkWc-00541-00141319-00141551 which neither under the naked eye nor U-AU8ZVTkWc-00542-00141552-00141716 under the microscope showed the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00543-00141717-00141974 slightest trace of metallic substance as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00544-00141975-00142251 a result they assigned it as a sub U-AU8ZVTkWc-00545-00142252-00142572 chloride caesium chloride in reality the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00546-00142573-00142788 product was probably a colloidal mixture U-AU8ZVTkWc-00547-00142789-00143037 of the metal and cesium chloride the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00548-00143038-00143259 electrolysis of the aqueous solution of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00549-00143260-00143467 chloride with a mercury cathode U-AU8ZVTkWc-00550-00143468-00143644 - cesium amalgam which readily U-AU8ZVTkWc-00551-00143645-00143854 decomposed under the aqueous conditions U-AU8ZVTkWc-00552-00143855-00144103 the pure metal was eventually isolated U-AU8ZVTkWc-00553-00144104-00144313 by the German chemist Carl Soderberg U-AU8ZVTkWc-00554-00144314-00144532 while working on his doctorate with Kaku U-AU8ZVTkWc-00555-00144533-00144868 lay and Bunsen in 1882 he produced U-AU8ZVTkWc-00556-00144869-00145096 caesium metal by electrolyzing caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00557-00145097-00145306 cyanide avoiding the problems with the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00558-00145307-00145528 chloride historically the most important U-AU8ZVTkWc-00559-00145529-00145738 use for caesium has been in research and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00560-00145739-00145942 development primarily in chemical and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00561-00145943-00146251 electrical fields very few applications U-AU8ZVTkWc-00562-00146252-00146542 existed for caesium until the 1920s when U-AU8ZVTkWc-00563-00146543-00146767 it came into use in radio vacuum tubes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00564-00146768-00146974 where it had two functions as a getter U-AU8ZVTkWc-00565-00146975-00147160 it removed excess oxygen after U-AU8ZVTkWc-00566-00147161-00147352 manufacture and as a coating on the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00567-00147353-00147511 heated cathode it increased the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00568-00147512-00147799 electrical conductivity caesium was not U-AU8ZVTkWc-00569-00147800-00147976 recognized as a high-performance U-AU8ZVTkWc-00570-00147977-00148269 industrial metal until the 1950s U-AU8ZVTkWc-00571-00148270-00148537 applications for non radioactive cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00572-00148538-00148710 included photoelectric cells U-AU8ZVTkWc-00573-00148711-00148987 photomultiplier tubes optical components U-AU8ZVTkWc-00574-00148988-00149143 of infrared spectrophotometer z' U-AU8ZVTkWc-00575-00149144-00149383 catalysts for several organic reactions U-AU8ZVTkWc-00576-00149384-00149587 crystals for scintillation counters and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00577-00149588-00149865 in magnetohydrodynamic power generators U-AU8ZVTkWc-00578-00149866-00150148 caesium also was and still is used as a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00579-00150149-00150400 source of positive ions in secondary ion U-AU8ZVTkWc-00580-00150401-00150847 mass spectrometry Sims since 1967 the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00581-00150848-00151060 international system of measurements has U-AU8ZVTkWc-00582-00151061-00151249 based the primary unit of time the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00583-00151250-00151522 second on the properties of caesium the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00584-00151523-00151795 International System of Units si defines U-AU8ZVTkWc-00585-00151796-00152256 the second as the duration of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00586-00152257-00152599 9,192,631,770 cycles at the microwave U-AU8ZVTkWc-00587-00152600-00152755 frequency of the spectral line U-AU8ZVTkWc-00588-00152756-00152941 corresponding to the transition between U-AU8ZVTkWc-00589-00152942-00153148 two hyperfine energy levels of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00590-00153149-00153538 ground state of caesium 133 the 13th U-AU8ZVTkWc-00591-00153539-00153700 General Conference on weights and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00592-00153701-00154033 measures of 1967 defined a second as the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00593-00154034-00154792 duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00594-00154793-00155029 microwave light absorbed or emitted by U-AU8ZVTkWc-00595-00155030-00155362 the hyperfine transition of caesium 133 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00596-00155363-00155614 atoms in their ground state undisturbed U-AU8ZVTkWc-00597-00155615-00155964 by external fields U-AU8ZVTkWc-00598-00155965-00156316 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00599-00156317-00156857 topic applications U-AU8ZVTkWc-00600-00156858-00157196 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00601-00157197-00157778 topic petroleum exploration U-AU8ZVTkWc-00602-00157779-00158015 the largest present-day use of non U-AU8ZVTkWc-00603-00158016-00158264 radioactive cesium is in cesium for meit U-AU8ZVTkWc-00604-00158265-00158462 drilling fluids for the extractive oil U-AU8ZVTkWc-00605-00158463-00158771 industry aqueous solutions of cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00606-00158772-00159164 form 8 HC oo - C's + made by reacting U-AU8ZVTkWc-00607-00159165-00159440 cesium hydroxide with formic acid were U-AU8ZVTkWc-00608-00159441-00159701 developed in the mid-1990s for uses oil U-AU8ZVTkWc-00609-00159702-00159974 well drilling and completion fluids the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00610-00159975-00160148 function of a drilling fluid as to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00611-00160149-00160334 lubricate drill bits to bring rock U-AU8ZVTkWc-00612-00160335-00160499 cuttings to the surface and to maintain U-AU8ZVTkWc-00613-00160500-00160667 pressure on the formation during U-AU8ZVTkWc-00614-00160668-00160946 drilling of the well completion fluids U-AU8ZVTkWc-00615-00160947-00161123 assists the emplacement of control U-AU8ZVTkWc-00616-00161124-00161309 hardware after drilling but prior to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00617-00161310-00161486 production by maintaining the pressure U-AU8ZVTkWc-00618-00161487-00161714 the high density of the caesium form 8 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00619-00161715-00162059 brine up to 2.3 grams per CC or nineteen U-AU8ZVTkWc-00620-00162060-00162260 point two pounds per gallon coupled with U-AU8ZVTkWc-00621-00162261-00162443 the relatively benign nature of most U-AU8ZVTkWc-00622-00162444-00162701 cesium compounds reduces the requirement U-AU8ZVTkWc-00623-00162702-00162947 for toxic high-density suspended solids U-AU8ZVTkWc-00624-00162948-00163172 in the drilling fluid a significant U-AU8ZVTkWc-00625-00163173-00163334 technological engineering an U-AU8ZVTkWc-00626-00163335-00163589 environmental advantage unlike the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00627-00163590-00163784 components of many other heavy liquids U-AU8ZVTkWc-00628-00163785-00163970 cesium formate is relatively U-AU8ZVTkWc-00629-00163971-00164249 environment-friendly caesium formate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00630-00164250-00164453 brine can be blended with potassium and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00631-00164454-00164648 sodium for mates to decrease the density U-AU8ZVTkWc-00632-00164649-00164924 of the fluids to that of water 1.0 grams U-AU8ZVTkWc-00633-00164925-00165226 per cc or 8.3 pounds per gallon U-AU8ZVTkWc-00634-00165227-00165500 furthermore it is biodegradable and may U-AU8ZVTkWc-00635-00165501-00165707 be recycled which is important in view U-AU8ZVTkWc-00636-00165708-00165989 of its high cost about $4,000 per barrel U-AU8ZVTkWc-00637-00165990-00166340 in 2001 alkali for mates are safe to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00638-00166341-00166538 handle and do not damage the producing U-AU8ZVTkWc-00639-00166539-00166712 formation or downhole metals as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00640-00166713-00166904 corrosive alternative high-density U-AU8ZVTkWc-00641-00166905-00167129 brines such as zinc bromide zinc bromide U-AU8ZVTkWc-00642-00167130-00167405 solutions sometimes do they also require U-AU8ZVTkWc-00643-00167406-00168127 less cleanup and reduce disposal costs U-AU8ZVTkWc-00644-00168128-00168464 topic atomic clocks U-AU8ZVTkWc-00645-00168465-00168653 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00646-00168654-00168920 cesium based atomic clocks used the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00647-00168921-00169109 electromagnetic transitions in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00648-00169110-00169430 hyperfine structure of cesium 133 atoms U-AU8ZVTkWc-00649-00169431-00169688 as a reference point the first accurate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00650-00169689-00169939 cesium clock was built by lewis Essen in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00651-00169940-00170195 1955 at the National Physical Laboratory U-AU8ZVTkWc-00652-00170196-00170534 in the UK cesium clocks have improved U-AU8ZVTkWc-00653-00170535-00170708 over the past half-century and are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00654-00170709-00170890 regarded as the most accurate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00655-00170891-00171155 realization of a unit that mankind has U-AU8ZVTkWc-00656-00171156-00171419 yet achieved these clocks measure U-AU8ZVTkWc-00657-00171420-00171617 frequency with an error of two to three U-AU8ZVTkWc-00658-00171618-00171902 parts in 1014 which corresponding to an U-AU8ZVTkWc-00659-00171903-00172142 accuracy of two nanoseconds per day or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00660-00172143-00172487 one second in 1.4 million years the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00661-00172488-00172670 latest versions are more accurate than U-AU8ZVTkWc-00662-00172671-00172940 one part in ten fifteen about one second U-AU8ZVTkWc-00663-00172941-00173249 in 20 million years the cesium standard U-AU8ZVTkWc-00664-00173250-00173435 is the primary standard for standards U-AU8ZVTkWc-00665-00173436-00173597 compliant time and frequency U-AU8ZVTkWc-00666-00173598-00173885 measurements cesium clocks regulate the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00667-00173886-00174062 timing of cell phone networks in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00668-00174063-00174578 Internet U-AU8ZVTkWc-00669-00174579-00175113 topic SI units U-AU8ZVTkWc-00670-00175114-00175413 it is currently 2018 being proposed by U-AU8ZVTkWc-00671-00175414-00175575 the International Committee for weights U-AU8ZVTkWc-00672-00175576-00175848 and measures cipm that the second symbol U-AU8ZVTkWc-00673-00175849-00176094 asked the SI unit of time be defined U-AU8ZVTkWc-00674-00176095-00176301 using the fixed numerical value of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00675-00176302-00176541 cesium frequency DNC's the unperturbed U-AU8ZVTkWc-00676-00176542-00176766 ground state hyperfine transition U-AU8ZVTkWc-00677-00176767-00177516 frequency of the cesium 133 atom U-AU8ZVTkWc-00678-00177517-00178148 topic electric power and electronics U-AU8ZVTkWc-00679-00178149-00178428 cesium vapor thermionic generators are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00680-00178429-00178617 low-power devices that convert heat U-AU8ZVTkWc-00681-00178618-00178911 energy to electrical energy in the two U-AU8ZVTkWc-00682-00178912-00179154 electrode vacuum tube converter cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00683-00179155-00179355 neutralizes the space charge near the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00684-00179356-00179553 cathode and enhances the current flow U-AU8ZVTkWc-00685-00179554-00179775 caesium is also important for its photo U-AU8ZVTkWc-00686-00179776-00179985 emissive properties converting light to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00687-00179986-00180219 electron flow it is used in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00688-00180220-00180450 photoelectric cells because cesium based U-AU8ZVTkWc-00689-00180451-00180627 cathodes such as the inter metallic U-AU8ZVTkWc-00690-00180628-00180915 compound k2 caesium antimonide have a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00691-00180916-00181113 low threshold voltage for emission of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00692-00181114-00181371 electrons the range of photo emissive U-AU8ZVTkWc-00693-00181372-00181596 devices using caesium include optical U-AU8ZVTkWc-00694-00181597-00181797 character recognition devices U-AU8ZVTkWc-00695-00181798-00182046 photomultiplier tubes and video camera U-AU8ZVTkWc-00696-00182047-00182355 tubes nevertheless germanium rubidium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00697-00182356-00182670 selenium silicon tellurium and several U-AU8ZVTkWc-00698-00182671-00182844 other elements can be substituted for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00699-00182845-00183075 cesium in photosensitive materials U-AU8ZVTkWc-00700-00183076-00183393 caesium iodide CSI bromide cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00701-00183394-00183702 bromide and cesium fluoride CSF crystals U-AU8ZVTkWc-00702-00183703-00183846 are employed for scintillators in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00703-00183847-00184044 scintillation counters widely used in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00704-00184045-00184224 mineral exploration and particle physics U-AU8ZVTkWc-00705-00184225-00184461 research to detect gamma and x-ray U-AU8ZVTkWc-00706-00184462-00184767 radiation being a heavy element cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00707-00184768-00184962 provides good stopping power with better U-AU8ZVTkWc-00708-00184963-00185268 detection cesium compounds may provide a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00709-00185269-00185520 faster response CSF and be less U-AU8ZVTkWc-00710-00185521-00185913 hygroscopic CSI caesium vapour is used U-AU8ZVTkWc-00711-00185914-00186150 in many common magnetometers the element U-AU8ZVTkWc-00712-00186151-00186321 is used as an internal standard in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00713-00186322-00186597 spectrophotometry like other alkali U-AU8ZVTkWc-00714-00186598-00186819 metals caesium has a great affinity for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00715-00186820-00187149 oxygen and is used as a getter in vacuum U-AU8ZVTkWc-00716-00187150-00187395 tubes other uses of the metal include U-AU8ZVTkWc-00717-00187396-00187629 high-energy lasers vapour glow lamps and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00718-00187630-00188221 vapour rectifiers U-AU8ZVTkWc-00719-00188222-00188801 topic centrifugation fluids U-AU8ZVTkWc-00720-00188802-00189071 the high density of the cesium ion makes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00721-00189072-00189304 solutions of cesium chloride cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00722-00189305-00189541 sulfate and cesium tri fluoro acetate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00723-00189542-00189866 C's o to CCF three useful in molecular U-AU8ZVTkWc-00724-00189867-00190064 biology for density gradient U-AU8ZVTkWc-00725-00190065-00190354 ultracentrifugation this technology is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00726-00190355-00190589 used primarily in the isolation of viral U-AU8ZVTkWc-00727-00190590-00190816 particles sub cellular organelles and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00728-00190817-00191006 fractions and nucleic acids from U-AU8ZVTkWc-00729-00191007-00191611 biological samples U-AU8ZVTkWc-00730-00191612-00192191 topic chemical and medical use U-AU8ZVTkWc-00731-00192192-00192475 relatively few chemical applications use U-AU8ZVTkWc-00732-00192476-00192733 cesium doping with cesium compounds U-AU8ZVTkWc-00733-00192734-00192937 enhances the effectiveness of several U-AU8ZVTkWc-00734-00192938-00193135 metal ion catalysts for chemical U-AU8ZVTkWc-00735-00193136-00193312 synthesis such as acrylic acid U-AU8ZVTkWc-00736-00193313-00193585 anthraquinone ethylene oxide methanol U-AU8ZVTkWc-00737-00193586-00193815 Dalek and hydrant styrene methyl U-AU8ZVTkWc-00738-00193816-00193999 methacrylate monomers and various U-AU8ZVTkWc-00739-00194000-00194299 olefins it is also used in the catalytic U-AU8ZVTkWc-00740-00194300-00194545 conversion of sulfur dioxide into sulfur U-AU8ZVTkWc-00741-00194546-00194725 trioxide in the production of sulfuric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00742-00194726-00195015 acid cesium fluoride enjoys a niche use U-AU8ZVTkWc-00743-00195016-00195250 in organic chemistry as a base and as an U-AU8ZVTkWc-00744-00195251-00195564 anhydrous source of fluoride ion cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00745-00195565-00195804 salts sometimes replaced potassium or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00746-00195805-00196063 sodium salts in organic synthesis such U-AU8ZVTkWc-00747-00196064-00196285 as cyclization esterification and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00748-00196286-00196576 polymerization caesium has also been U-AU8ZVTkWc-00749-00196577-00196774 used in thermal luminescent radiation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00750-00196775-00197044 dosimetry TLD when exposed to radiation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00751-00197045-00197277 it acquires crystal defects that when U-AU8ZVTkWc-00752-00197278-00197449 heated revert with emission of light U-AU8ZVTkWc-00753-00197450-00197719 proportionate to the received dose thus U-AU8ZVTkWc-00754-00197720-00197872 measuring the light pulse with a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00755-00197873-00198046 photomultiplier tube can allow the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00756-00198047-00198238 accumulated radiation dose to be U-AU8ZVTkWc-00757-00198239-00198773 quantified U-AU8ZVTkWc-00758-00198774-00199554 topic nuclear and isotope applications U-AU8ZVTkWc-00759-00199555-00199826 caesium-137 as a radioisotope commonly U-AU8ZVTkWc-00760-00199827-00200027 used as a gamma emitter in industrial U-AU8ZVTkWc-00761-00200028-00200312 applications its advantages include a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00762-00200313-00200513 half-life of roughly 30 years its U-AU8ZVTkWc-00763-00200514-00200693 availability from the nuclear fuel cycle U-AU8ZVTkWc-00764-00200694-00201020 and having 137 ba as a stable end U-AU8ZVTkWc-00765-00201021-00201308 product the high water solubility is a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00766-00201309-00201529 disadvantage which makes it incompatible U-AU8ZVTkWc-00767-00201530-00201734 with large pool irradiate errs for food U-AU8ZVTkWc-00768-00201735-00202025 and medical supplies it has been used in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00769-00202026-00202216 agriculture cancer treatment and the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00770-00202217-00202465 sterilization of food sewage sludge and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00771-00202466-00202790 surgical equipment radioactive isotopes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00772-00202791-00203012 of cesium and radiation devices were U-AU8ZVTkWc-00773-00203013-00203191 used in the medical field to treat U-AU8ZVTkWc-00774-00203192-00203402 certain types of cancer but emergence of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00775-00203403-00203564 better alternatives and the use of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00776-00203565-00203783 water-soluble caesium chloride in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00777-00203784-00203990 sources which could create wide-ranging U-AU8ZVTkWc-00778-00203991-00204190 contamination gradually put some of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00779-00204191-00204490 these cesium sources out of use cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00780-00204491-00204785 137 has been employed in a variety of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00781-00204786-00204967 industrial measurement gauges including U-AU8ZVTkWc-00782-00204969-00205240 moisture density leveling and thickness U-AU8ZVTkWc-00783-00205241-00205516 gauges it has also been used in well U-AU8ZVTkWc-00784-00205517-00205684 logging devices for measuring the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00785-00205685-00205898 electron density of the rock formations U-AU8ZVTkWc-00786-00205898-00206059 which is analogous to the bulk density U-AU8ZVTkWc-00787-00206060-00206413 of the formations cesium 137 has been U-AU8ZVTkWc-00788-00206414-00206648 used in hydrologic studies analogous to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00789-00206648-00206848 those with tritium has a daughter U-AU8ZVTkWc-00790-00206850-00207059 product of fish and bomb testing from U-AU8ZVTkWc-00791-00207060-00207364 the 1950s through the mid-1980s cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00792-00207365-00207589 137 was released into the atmosphere U-AU8ZVTkWc-00793-00207590-00207817 where it was absorbed readily into U-AU8ZVTkWc-00794-00207819-00208069 solution known year-to-year variation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00795-00208071-00208304 within that period allows correlation U-AU8ZVTkWc-00796-00208305-00208682 with soil and sediment layers cesium 134 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00797-00208683-00209030 and to a lesser extent cesium 135 have U-AU8ZVTkWc-00798-00209031-00209234 also been used in hydrology to measure U-AU8ZVTkWc-00799-00209235-00209440 the cesium output by the nuclear power U-AU8ZVTkWc-00800-00209441-00209675 industry while they are less prevalent U-AU8ZVTkWc-00801-00209676-00210077 than either cesium 133 or cesium 137 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00802-00210078-00210305 these bellwether isotopes are produced U-AU8ZVTkWc-00803-00210306-00210971 solely from anthropogenic sources U-AU8ZVTkWc-00804-00210973-00211335 topic other uses U-AU8ZVTkWc-00805-00211336-00211485 you U-AU8ZVTkWc-00806-00211486-00211719 cesium and mercury were used as a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00807-00211719-00211946 propellant in early ion engines designed U-AU8ZVTkWc-00808-00211948-00212156 for spacecraft propulsion on very long U-AU8ZVTkWc-00809-00212157-00212376 interplanetary or extra planetary U-AU8ZVTkWc-00810-00212377-00212691 missions the fuel was ionized by contact U-AU8ZVTkWc-00811-00212692-00212910 with a charged tungsten electrode but U-AU8ZVTkWc-00812-00212911-00213090 corrosion by caesium on spacecraft U-AU8ZVTkWc-00813-00213091-00213327 components has pushed development in the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00814-00213328-00213552 direction of inert gas propellants such U-AU8ZVTkWc-00815-00213553-00213756 as xenon which are easier to handle in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00816-00213757-00213969 ground-based tests and do less potential U-AU8ZVTkWc-00817-00213969-00214271 damage to the spacecraft xenon was used U-AU8ZVTkWc-00818-00214273-00214404 in the experimental spacecraft U-AU8ZVTkWc-00819-00214405-00214696 deep-space 1 launched in 1998 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00820-00214698-00214950 nevertheless field emission electric U-AU8ZVTkWc-00821-00214951-00215157 propulsion thrusters that accelerate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00822-00215158-00215373 liquid metal ions such as cesium have U-AU8ZVTkWc-00823-00215373-00215586 been built caesium nitrate is used as an U-AU8ZVTkWc-00824-00215587-00215811 oxidizer and pyrotechnic colorant to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00825-00215812-00216057 burn silicon in infrared flares such as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00826-00216058-00216288 the Lu 19 flare because it emits much of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00827-00216289-00216494 its light in the near-infrared spectrum U-AU8ZVTkWc-00828-00216494-00216738 caesium is used to reduce the radar U-AU8ZVTkWc-00829-00216739-00217005 signature of exhaust plumes in the sr-71 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00830-00217006-00217353 blackbird military aircraft caesium and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00831-00217354-00217544 rubidium have been added as a carbonate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00832-00217546-00217742 to glass because they reduce electrical U-AU8ZVTkWc-00833-00217744-00217953 conductivity and improve stability and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00834-00217954-00218130 durability of fiber optics and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00835-00218131-00218451 night-vision devices caesium fluoride or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00836-00218452-00218673 cesium aluminium fluoride are used in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00837-00218673-00218913 fluxes formulated for brazing aluminium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00838-00218914-00219080 alloys that contain magnesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00839-00219081-00219414 magnetohydrodynamic MHD power generating U-AU8ZVTkWc-00840-00219415-00219588 systems were researched but failed to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00841-00219589-00219882 gain widespread acceptance caesium metal U-AU8ZVTkWc-00842-00219883-00220059 has also been considered as the working U-AU8ZVTkWc-00843-00220060-00220281 fluid in high-temperature Rankine cycle U-AU8ZVTkWc-00844-00220282-00220536 turbo electric generators caesium salts U-AU8ZVTkWc-00845-00220537-00220701 have been evaluated as anti-shock U-AU8ZVTkWc-00846-00220702-00220905 reagents following the administration of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00847-00220906-00221144 our Cenacle drugs because of their U-AU8ZVTkWc-00848-00221146-00221342 effect on heart rhythms however they are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00849-00221344-00221567 less likely to be used than potassium or U-AU8ZVTkWc-00850-00221569-00221844 rubidium salts they have also been used U-AU8ZVTkWc-00851-00221844-00222162 to treat epilepsy cesium 133 can be U-AU8ZVTkWc-00852-00222163-00222317 laser cooled and used to probe U-AU8ZVTkWc-00853-00222319-00222540 fundamental and technological problems U-AU8ZVTkWc-00854-00222541-00222816 in quantum physics it has a particularly U-AU8ZVTkWc-00855-00222817-00223050 convenient Fischbach spectrum to enable U-AU8ZVTkWc-00856-00223051-00223251 studies of ultracold atoms requiring U-AU8ZVTkWc-00857-00223252-00223892 tunable interactions U-AU8ZVTkWc-00858-00223892-00224507 topic health and safety hazards U-AU8ZVTkWc-00859-00224508-00224771 non radioactive cesium compounds are U-AU8ZVTkWc-00860-00224771-00225011 only mildly toxic and non radioactive U-AU8ZVTkWc-00861-00225012-00225173 cesium is not a significant U-AU8ZVTkWc-00862-00225173-00225473 environmental hazard because biochemical U-AU8ZVTkWc-00863-00225473-00225694 processes can confuse and substitute U-AU8ZVTkWc-00864-00225696-00225944 cesium with potassium excess cesium can U-AU8ZVTkWc-00865-00225944-00226198 lead to hypokalemia arrhythmia and acute U-AU8ZVTkWc-00866-00226200-00226471 cardiac arrest but such amounts would U-AU8ZVTkWc-00867-00226473-00226685 not ordinarily be encountered in natural U-AU8ZVTkWc-00868-00226686-00226979 sources the median lethal dose ld50 for U-AU8ZVTkWc-00869-00226980-00227282 cesium chloride in mice as 2.3 grams per U-AU8ZVTkWc-00870-00227283-00227510 kilogram which is comparable to the ld50 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00871-00227511-00227738 values of potassium chloride and sodium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00872-00227739-00228011 chloride the principle use of non U-AU8ZVTkWc-00873-00228012-00228266 radioactive cesium as a caesium formate U-AU8ZVTkWc-00874-00228267-00228479 in petroleum drilling fluids because it U-AU8ZVTkWc-00875-00228480-00228667 is much less toxic than alternatives U-AU8ZVTkWc-00876-00228669-00228896 though it is more costly cesium metal is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00877-00228896-00229091 one of the most reactive elements and is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00878-00229092-00229265 highly explosive in the presence of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00879-00229266-00229544 water the hydrogen gas produced by the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00880-00229544-00229723 reaction is heated by the thermal energy U-AU8ZVTkWc-00881-00229725-00229931 released at the same time causing U-AU8ZVTkWc-00882-00229932-00230189 ignition and a violent explosion this U-AU8ZVTkWc-00883-00230190-00230396 can occur with other alkali metals but U-AU8ZVTkWc-00884-00230396-00230621 caesium is so potent that this explosive U-AU8ZVTkWc-00885-00230621-00230813 reaction can be triggered even by cold U-AU8ZVTkWc-00886-00230814-00230855 water U-AU8ZVTkWc-00887-00230856-00231035 it is highly pyrophoric the auto U-AU8ZVTkWc-00888-00231036-00231283 ignition temperature of caesium is minus U-AU8ZVTkWc-00889-00231284-00231551 116 degrees Celsius and it ignites U-AU8ZVTkWc-00890-00231552-00231758 explosively in air to form caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00891-00231759-00232085 hydroxide and various oxides caesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00892-00232086-00232310 hydroxide has a very strong base and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00893-00232311-00232555 will rapidly corrode glass the isotopes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00894-00232556-00232937 134 and 137 are present in the biosphere U-AU8ZVTkWc-00895-00232938-00233135 in small amounts from human activities U-AU8ZVTkWc-00896-00233136-00233446 differing by location Radio caesium does U-AU8ZVTkWc-00897-00233448-00233660 not accumulate in the body as readily as U-AU8ZVTkWc-00898-00233661-00233858 other fission products such as radio U-AU8ZVTkWc-00899-00233859-00234212 iodine and radio strontium about 10% of U-AU8ZVTkWc-00900-00234213-00234437 absorbed radio caesium washes out of the U-AU8ZVTkWc-00901-00234438-00234626 body relatively quickly in sweat and U-AU8ZVTkWc-00902-00234627-00234994 urine the remaining 90% has a biological U-AU8ZVTkWc-00903-00234996-00235382 half-life between 50 and 150 days Radio U-AU8ZVTkWc-00904-00235383-00235613 caesium follows potassium and tends to U-AU8ZVTkWc-00905-00235614-00235817 accumulate in plant tissues including U-AU8ZVTkWc-00906-00235817-00236105 fruits and vegetables plants vary widely U-AU8ZVTkWc-00907-00236106-00236330 in the absorption of cesium sometimes U-AU8ZVTkWc-00908-00236331-00236582 displaying great resistance to it it is U-AU8ZVTkWc-00909-00236583-00236821 also well documented that mushrooms from U-AU8ZVTkWc-00910-00236823-00237046 contaminated forests accumulate radio U-AU8ZVTkWc-00911-00237048-00237380 cesium cesium 137 in the fungal spore U-AU8ZVTkWc-00912-00237381-00237788 carps accumulation of cesium 137 in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00913-00237789-00237884 lakes has been a U-AU8ZVTkWc-00914-00237885-00238034 rate concern after the Chernobyl U-AU8ZVTkWc-00915-00238035-00238331 disaster experiments with dogs showed U-AU8ZVTkWc-00916-00238332-00238688 that a single dose of 3.8 military's 140 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00917-00238689-00239003 mega Beckles 4.1 micrograms of cesium U-AU8ZVTkWc-00918-00239004-00239317 137 per kilogram is lethal within three U-AU8ZVTkWc-00919-00239319-00239486 weeks smaller amounts may cause U-AU8ZVTkWc-00920-00239487-00239794 infertility in cancer the International U-AU8ZVTkWc-00921-00239796-00240023 Atomic Energy Agency and other sources U-AU8ZVTkWc-00922-00240023-00240248 have warned that radioactive materials U-AU8ZVTkWc-00923-00240248-00240560 such as cesium 137 could be used in U-AU8ZVTkWc-00924-00240561-00240848 radiological dispersion devices or dirty U-AU8ZVTkWc-00925-00240848-00241423 bombs U-AU8ZVTkWc-00926-00241425-00241958 topic C also U-AU8ZVTkWc-00927-00241959-00242241 boy Anja accident a major radioactive U-AU8ZVTkWc-00928-00242242-00242541 contamination incident in 1987 involving U-AU8ZVTkWc-00929-00242542-00242975 cesium 137 kramatorsk radiological U-AU8ZVTkWc-00930-00242976-00243278 accident another C's 137 incident U-AU8ZVTkWc-00931-00243279-00243677 between 1980 to 1989 a Sarah Knox U-AU8ZVTkWc-00932-00243678-00244017 accident a cesium 137 contamination U-AU8ZVTkWc-00933-00244017-00244325 accident in 1998 U-AU8ZVTkWc-00934-00244326-00244669 equals equals notes UB7gJy0NzWM-00000-00000024-00000182 every once in a while there's an nft UB7gJy0NzWM-00001-00000183-00000399 project that comes along and absolutely UB7gJy0NzWM-00002-00000400-00000647 blows away expectations and yet you UB7gJy0NzWM-00003-00000648-00000815 might look at that same project and UB7gJy0NzWM-00004-00000816-00001062 wonder how did that sell out in four UB7gJy0NzWM-00005-00001063-00001207 minutes it doesn't even seem that UB7gJy0NzWM-00006-00001208-00001374 different from everything else that's UB7gJy0NzWM-00007-00001375-00001574 out there today i don't get it well UB7gJy0NzWM-00008-00001575-00001751 today i want to help you answer that UB7gJy0NzWM-00009-00001752-00001926 question we're going to take a deep dive UB7gJy0NzWM-00010-00001927-00002087 into one of these projects that being UB7gJy0NzWM-00011-00002088-00002310 azuki and figure out exactly what UB7gJy0NzWM-00012-00002311-00002495 happened and why it blew up the way that UB7gJy0NzWM-00013-00002496-00002679 it did my name is trent canelli i'm a UB7gJy0NzWM-00014-00002680-00002855 web 3 marketing strategist and this is UB7gJy0NzWM-00015-00002856-00003047 the best place to learn about web 3 the UB7gJy0NzWM-00016-00003048-00003311 metaverse nfts and how to market it all UB7gJy0NzWM-00017-00003311-00003422 so that sounds good to you and you're UB7gJy0NzWM-00018-00003423-00003583 excited make sure you like this video UB7gJy0NzWM-00019-00003584-00003727 subscribe to my channel if you're into UB7gJy0NzWM-00020-00003728-00003870 it comment to let me know what you UB7gJy0NzWM-00021-00003871-00004006 thought when you were first introduced UB7gJy0NzWM-00022-00004007-00004199 to this project i would love to get your UB7gJy0NzWM-00023-00004200-00004438 reactions to this project and let's get UB7gJy0NzWM-00024-00004439-00004615 started UB7gJy0NzWM-00025-00004616-00004799 okay so what happened why are we even UB7gJy0NzWM-00026-00004800-00004935 talking about this project well on UB7gJy0NzWM-00027-00004936-00005215 january 12th of this year 2022 chiru UB7gJy0NzWM-00028-00005216-00005502 labs released 8 700 nft art characters UB7gJy0NzWM-00029-00005503-00005711 for sale and sold out in four minutes UB7gJy0NzWM-00030-00005712-00005895 this resulted in around 29 million UB7gJy0NzWM-00031-00005896-00006079 dollars in revenue and boosted them to UB7gJy0NzWM-00032-00006080-00006231 the top of the leaderboard as the UB7gJy0NzWM-00033-00006232-00006446 all-time most successful launches have UB7gJy0NzWM-00034-00006447-00006639 ever happened with nfts this is even UB7gJy0NzWM-00035-00006640-00006798 over the top of really popular and UB7gJy0NzWM-00036-00006800-00007006 well-known projects like board api club UB7gJy0NzWM-00037-00007008-00007175 and what's really significant here is UB7gJy0NzWM-00038-00007176-00007367 that this collection came long after UB7gJy0NzWM-00039-00007368-00007503 some of those most well-known UB7gJy0NzWM-00040-00007504-00007727 collections had already brought nfts to UB7gJy0NzWM-00041-00007728-00007910 the forefront and helped everybody in UB7gJy0NzWM-00042-00007911-00008055 the world kind of understand what they UB7gJy0NzWM-00043-00008056-00008399 were and long after the peak in nft UB7gJy0NzWM-00044-00008400-00008639 sales so what did they do to drive so UB7gJy0NzWM-00045-00008640-00008783 much interest when the rest of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00046-00008784-00008959 market was starting to falter let's UB7gJy0NzWM-00047-00008960-00009151 break it down first let's talk about the UB7gJy0NzWM-00048-00009152-00009391 branding so branding is the public face UB7gJy0NzWM-00049-00009392-00009551 that you put on your business or your UB7gJy0NzWM-00050-00009552-00009774 influencer brand or whatever and nfts UB7gJy0NzWM-00051-00009775-00009935 are no exception here branding is an UB7gJy0NzWM-00052-00009936-00010159 enormous part of the game from the look UB7gJy0NzWM-00053-00010160-00010367 and feel of the project to interesting UB7gJy0NzWM-00054-00010368-00010574 things that it offers all of these UB7gJy0NzWM-00055-00010575-00010759 involve branding so let's go deeper on UB7gJy0NzWM-00056-00010760-00010999 this specific aspects of branding that UB7gJy0NzWM-00057-00011000-00011238 really worked with azuki first up is art UB7gJy0NzWM-00058-00011239-00011414 quality so i've said it before art UB7gJy0NzWM-00059-00011415-00011623 quality matters it is so important to UB7gJy0NzWM-00060-00011624-00011823 put effort into the look and feel of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00061-00011824-00012038 project and it matters because the art UB7gJy0NzWM-00062-00012039-00012159 is what people are going to see and UB7gJy0NzWM-00063-00012160-00012414 react to first in an nft brand just like UB7gJy0NzWM-00064-00012415-00012567 with a website most people are going to UB7gJy0NzWM-00065-00012568-00012703 look at the quality of your art and UB7gJy0NzWM-00066-00012704-00012879 they're gonna make a gut decision within UB7gJy0NzWM-00067-00012880-00013055 just a few seconds about whether they UB7gJy0NzWM-00068-00013056-00013271 think it's good or not and if they don't UB7gJy0NzWM-00069-00013272-00013438 think it's good if they don't like that UB7gJy0NzWM-00070-00013440-00013622 art quality they're gone and you're UB7gJy0NzWM-00071-00013623-00013807 never gonna see them again if you take UB7gJy0NzWM-00072-00013808-00013958 some time to look at these pieces you UB7gJy0NzWM-00073-00013959-00014135 can clearly see the effort that's been UB7gJy0NzWM-00074-00014136-00014303 put into them they're beautifully UB7gJy0NzWM-00075-00014304-00014511 detailed and unique they stand out UB7gJy0NzWM-00076-00014512-00014703 amongst other art projects and even UB7gJy0NzWM-00077-00014704-00014911 other anime style art projects because UB7gJy0NzWM-00078-00014912-00015183 they are meticulously created the colors UB7gJy0NzWM-00079-00015184-00015415 are vibrant and bold the characters come UB7gJy0NzWM-00080-00015416-00015599 to life even if you know nothing about UB7gJy0NzWM-00081-00015600-00015799 them the art is just it's really really UB7gJy0NzWM-00082-00015800-00016015 strong in this case the next branding UB7gJy0NzWM-00083-00016016-00016175 decision they made is their trait so UB7gJy0NzWM-00084-00016176-00016343 traits are an awesome way to build UB7gJy0NzWM-00085-00016344-00016503 rarity into your nfts if you're UB7gJy0NzWM-00086-00016504-00016719 unfamiliar with traits here is a brief UB7gJy0NzWM-00087-00016720-00016943 primer on how they work in art nft UB7gJy0NzWM-00088-00016944-00017158 traits are the individual pieces of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00089-00017159-00017422 nft that may appear over and over across UB7gJy0NzWM-00090-00017423-00017622 different instances of this mft UB7gJy0NzWM-00091-00017623-00017863 collection so for example glasses or a UB7gJy0NzWM-00092-00017864-00018055 sword or even the shape of the mouth UB7gJy0NzWM-00093-00018056-00018230 could be considered traits because they UB7gJy0NzWM-00094-00018231-00018439 kind of repeat over time and this is UB7gJy0NzWM-00095-00018440-00018639 significant because for most of the nfc UB7gJy0NzWM-00096-00018640-00018886 are created nowadays they aren't 10 000 UB7gJy0NzWM-00097-00018887-00019111 individually created and drawn pieces UB7gJy0NzWM-00098-00019112-00019279 instead there's several different traits UB7gJy0NzWM-00099-00019280-00019439 that have been drawn and that are then UB7gJy0NzWM-00100-00019440-00019655 algorithmically assembled into an art UB7gJy0NzWM-00101-00019656-00019855 piece so you might have ten thousand art UB7gJy0NzWM-00102-00019856-00020055 pieces yes but someone didn't stand UB7gJy0NzWM-00103-00020056-00020230 there and draw every single one of them UB7gJy0NzWM-00104-00020231-00020439 they drew the mouth they drew the sword UB7gJy0NzWM-00105-00020440-00020622 they drew all the other traits and they UB7gJy0NzWM-00106-00020623-00020863 had a program put that together which UB7gJy0NzWM-00107-00020864-00021055 means that you can make some of those UB7gJy0NzWM-00108-00021056-00021294 traits rarer than others in that UB7gJy0NzWM-00109-00021295-00021558 algorithm and azuki took the traits game UB7gJy0NzWM-00110-00021559-00021791 to a whole different level there are 12 UB7gJy0NzWM-00111-00021792-00022047 traits on the azuki project and eight UB7gJy0NzWM-00112-00022048-00022247 options for each of those traits at a UB7gJy0NzWM-00113-00022248-00022463 minimum which adds an incredible depth UB7gJy0NzWM-00114-00022464-00022639 to the characters very few of them are UB7gJy0NzWM-00115-00022640-00022807 going to have more than two traits in UB7gJy0NzWM-00116-00022808-00022991 common making them look and feel UB7gJy0NzWM-00117-00022992-00023214 original and different every single time UB7gJy0NzWM-00118-00023215-00023439 this is a huge reason for their success UB7gJy0NzWM-00119-00023440-00023622 because people who want certain traits UB7gJy0NzWM-00120-00023623-00023807 have to look even closer for them which UB7gJy0NzWM-00121-00023808-00024014 adds a rarity factor and increases that UB7gJy0NzWM-00122-00024015-00024199 demand the next branding decision that UB7gJy0NzWM-00123-00024200-00024414 was made is about their utility so nft UB7gJy0NzWM-00124-00024415-00024599 utilities are the things that come with UB7gJy0NzWM-00125-00024600-00024847 the nft so beyond the art what is the UB7gJy0NzWM-00126-00024848-00025007 buyer getting maybe you get special UB7gJy0NzWM-00127-00025008-00025199 access to the creator access to UB7gJy0NzWM-00128-00025200-00025383 educational material entering into real UB7gJy0NzWM-00129-00025384-00025622 world events that sort of stuff more and UB7gJy0NzWM-00130-00025623-00025783 more that utility is something that UB7gJy0NzWM-00131-00025783-00026022 really really makes a project and while UB7gJy0NzWM-00132-00026023-00026199 i can't say they've done anything really UB7gJy0NzWM-00133-00026200-00026431 original here they have offered a lot of UB7gJy0NzWM-00134-00026432-00026623 things that you see in other projects i UB7gJy0NzWM-00135-00026624-00026783 can say that they've packaged that UB7gJy0NzWM-00136-00026783-00026999 offering very well right now they're UB7gJy0NzWM-00137-00027000-00027207 offering some kind of boilerplate stuff UB7gJy0NzWM-00138-00027208-00027487 live events streetwear collabs access to UB7gJy0NzWM-00139-00027488-00027774 other nft drops etc but they've subtly UB7gJy0NzWM-00140-00027775-00027990 teased the idea of their own metabours UB7gJy0NzWM-00141-00027991-00028158 and in doing so they're building that UB7gJy0NzWM-00142-00028160-00028351 anticipation in the reader that the UB7gJy0NzWM-00143-00028352-00028551 utility is going to go way beyond what's UB7gJy0NzWM-00144-00028552-00028751 already on offer into some really UB7gJy0NzWM-00145-00028752-00028951 amazing perks if they just hold on so UB7gJy0NzWM-00146-00028952-00029055 what that's going to do is that's going UB7gJy0NzWM-00147-00029056-00029302 to encourage that buy and hold mentality UB7gJy0NzWM-00148-00029304-00029511 and not just the buy and flip mentality UB7gJy0NzWM-00149-00029512-00029718 and you want some of each right you want UB7gJy0NzWM-00150-00029719-00029862 people to buy and hold because you want UB7gJy0NzWM-00151-00029863-00030039 them to be invested in your project and UB7gJy0NzWM-00152-00030039-00030246 you want that value to increase overall UB7gJy0NzWM-00153-00030247-00030470 as a result of people buying and holding UB7gJy0NzWM-00154-00030472-00030670 but you also want people to buy and flip UB7gJy0NzWM-00155-00030672-00030799 so that we continue to see that the UB7gJy0NzWM-00156-00030800-00030990 project is moving and growing so you UB7gJy0NzWM-00157-00030991-00031207 need both of those and if you can get UB7gJy0NzWM-00158-00031208-00031383 people to want to stay on and hold on UB7gJy0NzWM-00159-00031383-00031527 for the next thing for the next UB7gJy0NzWM-00160-00031527-00031751 metaverse or whatever that buy and hold UB7gJy0NzWM-00161-00031752-00031902 mentality is really going to make the UB7gJy0NzWM-00162-00031903-00032095 difference so when it comes to the basic UB7gJy0NzWM-00163-00032095-00032279 build out of the nft they're looking UB7gJy0NzWM-00164-00032280-00032446 pretty good right they got that branding UB7gJy0NzWM-00165-00032447-00032639 unlocked but let's talk about a few UB7gJy0NzWM-00166-00032639-00032774 extra things that they did really UB7gJy0NzWM-00167-00032775-00032974 quickly that have kind of helped them to UB7gJy0NzWM-00168-00032975-00033135 boost themselves over the wall and get UB7gJy0NzWM-00169-00033136-00033318 them towards that sellout because that UB7gJy0NzWM-00170-00033319-00033527 nft world is really busy right so to UB7gJy0NzWM-00171-00033528-00033735 stand out something extra is always UB7gJy0NzWM-00172-00033736-00033918 going to be helpful so let's first talk UB7gJy0NzWM-00173-00033919-00034087 about innovation what unique and UB7gJy0NzWM-00174-00034088-00034302 innovative things are they doing to push UB7gJy0NzWM-00175-00034303-00034574 users to make a purchase right now well UB7gJy0NzWM-00176-00034575-00034815 first cheerer labs who again owns suzuki UB7gJy0NzWM-00177-00034816-00035023 has released an open source software to UB7gJy0NzWM-00178-00035024-00035262 mint multiple nfts at a low transaction UB7gJy0NzWM-00179-00035263-00035439 cost this was a software that they UB7gJy0NzWM-00180-00035440-00035574 developed for the release of their own UB7gJy0NzWM-00181-00035575-00035751 collection but they've released it to UB7gJy0NzWM-00182-00035752-00035983 the public on github for completely free UB7gJy0NzWM-00183-00035984-00036159 so what they've done here is they've UB7gJy0NzWM-00184-00036160-00036327 released it for free they've allowed UB7gJy0NzWM-00185-00036328-00036535 other people to come use this software UB7gJy0NzWM-00186-00036536-00036718 which has allowed people to become aware UB7gJy0NzWM-00187-00036719-00036862 of true labs which has built up the UB7gJy0NzWM-00188-00036863-00037102 brand of cheerio labs which is then by UB7gJy0NzWM-00189-00037103-00037318 consequence built up the brand of azuki UB7gJy0NzWM-00190-00037319-00037527 built more interest into the project and UB7gJy0NzWM-00191-00037528-00037655 more people are going to come and look UB7gJy0NzWM-00192-00037656-00037879 at it and potentially buy so this is an UB7gJy0NzWM-00193-00037880-00038079 incredible idea for goodwill and UB7gJy0NzWM-00194-00038080-00038287 building interest the next point of UB7gJy0NzWM-00195-00038288-00038502 innovation is gaming so if you check UB7gJy0NzWM-00196-00038503-00038630 their mind map under the heading UB7gJy0NzWM-00197-00038631-00038759 metaverse you're going to see that they UB7gJy0NzWM-00198-00038760-00038967 have in their plans the intention to UB7gJy0NzWM-00199-00038968-00039151 fractionalize one of their nfts in the UB7gJy0NzWM-00200-00039152-00039351 collection into coins which is then UB7gJy0NzWM-00201-00039352-00039615 going to be used with their game now i UB7gJy0NzWM-00202-00039616-00039751 want to say that they've called this a UB7gJy0NzWM-00203-00039752-00039902 metaverse even though it's a game i'm UB7gJy0NzWM-00204-00039903-00040071 going to editorialize for a second i'm UB7gJy0NzWM-00205-00040072-00040207 going to tell you that i really don't UB7gJy0NzWM-00206-00040208-00040471 like that because people confuse games UB7gJy0NzWM-00207-00040472-00040630 and meta verses all the time anyway but UB7gJy0NzWM-00208-00040631-00040839 they're two totally different things you UB7gJy0NzWM-00209-00040840-00041023 shouldn't call a game a metaverse and UB7gJy0NzWM-00210-00041024-00041183 you shouldn't call a metaverse a game UB7gJy0NzWM-00211-00041184-00041383 because they are not the same thing but UB7gJy0NzWM-00212-00041384-00041527 nonetheless the possibilities that UB7gJy0NzWM-00213-00041528-00041679 they've added here are really UB7gJy0NzWM-00214-00041680-00041887 interesting by adding this game not UB7gJy0NzWM-00215-00041888-00042055 metaverse and then finally for this UB7gJy0NzWM-00216-00042056-00042239 section let's discuss their website if UB7gJy0NzWM-00217-00042240-00042399 you want to know why this matters check UB7gJy0NzWM-00218-00042400-00042615 out this video i talked all about nf2 UB7gJy0NzWM-00219-00042616-00042846 websites there the website here stands UB7gJy0NzWM-00220-00042847-00043071 far and above anything else that i've UB7gJy0NzWM-00221-00043072-00043318 seen on an nft website out there today UB7gJy0NzWM-00222-00043319-00043511 if you just go to the website the first UB7gJy0NzWM-00223-00043512-00043623 thing that's going to happen is you're UB7gJy0NzWM-00224-00043624-00043807 going to understand right away what UB7gJy0NzWM-00225-00043808-00044023 azuki is you're going to go okay i get UB7gJy0NzWM-00226-00044024-00044167 this right and then you're going to UB7gJy0NzWM-00227-00044168-00044351 quickly see how interactive it is and UB7gJy0NzWM-00228-00044352-00044487 when you're interacting with this UB7gJy0NzWM-00229-00044488-00044662 website and moving through this website UB7gJy0NzWM-00230-00044663-00044862 and using all of the little things that UB7gJy0NzWM-00231-00044863-00045030 they've set up to make it really easy to UB7gJy0NzWM-00232-00045031-00045239 understand stuff you're drawn into that UB7gJy0NzWM-00233-00045240-00045495 story even without a lot of prose about UB7gJy0NzWM-00234-00045496-00045687 what the story is with azuki and you end UB7gJy0NzWM-00235-00045688-00045911 up spending just so much time there UB7gJy0NzWM-00236-00045912-00046215 their bounce rate has got to be so low UB7gJy0NzWM-00237-00046216-00046399 and with advanced filters for traits and UB7gJy0NzWM-00238-00046400-00046583 a really easy to navigate gallery of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00239-00046584-00046815 entire collection it's really clear why UB7gJy0NzWM-00240-00046816-00047007 this is going to draw people in which is UB7gJy0NzWM-00241-00047008-00047158 what you're trying to do anyway right UB7gJy0NzWM-00242-00047159-00047343 you want people to be so blown away by UB7gJy0NzWM-00243-00047344-00047574 your nft that they can't wait to be part UB7gJy0NzWM-00244-00047575-00047774 of your community okay so with all that UB7gJy0NzWM-00245-00047775-00047935 under our belt let's turn the sale UB7gJy0NzWM-00246-00047936-00048183 itself what made the sale such a success UB7gJy0NzWM-00247-00048184-00048399 i mean most nft's sales aren't really UB7gJy0NzWM-00248-00048400-00048615 that successful most of them don't sell UB7gJy0NzWM-00249-00048616-00048799 out right and this one sold out in four UB7gJy0NzWM-00250-00048800-00049023 minutes so what happened well first they UB7gJy0NzWM-00251-00049024-00049183 understood the trends at the time of UB7gJy0NzWM-00252-00049184-00049351 their release and really continuing UB7gJy0NzWM-00253-00049352-00049567 until today there was a strong desire to UB7gJy0NzWM-00254-00049568-00049823 buy anime style nfts so by releasing UB7gJy0NzWM-00255-00049824-00050055 them with an anime style look and feel UB7gJy0NzWM-00256-00050056-00050223 they really gave themselves a huge UB7gJy0NzWM-00257-00050224-00050407 advantage next is their tendency to UB7gJy0NzWM-00258-00050408-00050551 spread themselves across multiple UB7gJy0NzWM-00259-00050552-00050743 platforms so most nfts are going to sell UB7gJy0NzWM-00260-00050744-00050935 on a single platform which could even UB7gJy0NzWM-00261-00050936-00051095 just be their website you can check out UB7gJy0NzWM-00262-00051096-00051294 this video for more details on platforms UB7gJy0NzWM-00263-00051295-00051494 just to kind of get a feel there azuki UB7gJy0NzWM-00264-00051495-00051630 and this is likely because they mint it UB7gJy0NzWM-00265-00051632-00051870 ahead of time released on openc and UB7gJy0NzWM-00266-00051871-00052079 looks rare at the same time this gave UB7gJy0NzWM-00267-00052079-00052279 their release a much wider net to cast UB7gJy0NzWM-00268-00052279-00052430 and increase the likelihood of them UB7gJy0NzWM-00269-00052432-00052607 selling out and then finally this is UB7gJy0NzWM-00270-00052608-00052823 probably the most fascinating so i saved UB7gJy0NzWM-00271-00052824-00053030 this for last they used a dutch auction UB7gJy0NzWM-00272-00053032-00053238 on release day followed by a mint list UB7gJy0NzWM-00273-00053239-00053438 followed by a public sale so i really UB7gJy0NzWM-00274-00053439-00053623 believe that this had a huge impact on UB7gJy0NzWM-00275-00053624-00053823 their sales so here's how this all works UB7gJy0NzWM-00276-00053824-00053982 first they launched a dutch auction this UB7gJy0NzWM-00277-00053983-00054159 is an auction style that reduces the UB7gJy0NzWM-00278-00054160-00054391 price over time so long as that nft UB7gJy0NzWM-00279-00054391-00054582 isn't purchased so they've got 10 000 UB7gJy0NzWM-00280-00054583-00054807 nfts up for dutch auction you'll see UB7gJy0NzWM-00281-00054808-00054966 some that are purchased right away UB7gJy0NzWM-00282-00054967-00055135 followed by more after a few minutes UB7gJy0NzWM-00283-00055136-00055375 which increases the range of prices some UB7gJy0NzWM-00284-00055376-00055542 being that one ethereum on first UB7gJy0NzWM-00285-00055544-00055863 purchase and others being down to 0.5 or UB7gJy0NzWM-00286-00055864-00056142 0.2 or or whatever now after their dutch UB7gJy0NzWM-00287-00056144-00056279 auction reduced the price of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00288-00056279-00056559 remaining nfts to .15 ethereum the mint UB7gJy0NzWM-00289-00056560-00056735 list phase started so a mint list is UB7gJy0NzWM-00290-00056736-00056919 also known as a white list i talked all UB7gJy0NzWM-00291-00056920-00057079 about white lists in this video which UB7gJy0NzWM-00292-00057079-00057247 you can check out to learn more this UB7gJy0NzWM-00293-00057248-00057503 phase gave mint list members 48 hours to UB7gJy0NzWM-00294-00057504-00057703 mint at that point the launch went UB7gJy0NzWM-00295-00057704-00057894 public so anybody else could come in UB7gJy0NzWM-00296-00057895-00058063 here and make a purchase of that point UB7gJy0NzWM-00297-00058064-00058238 so what happened is those first two UB7gJy0NzWM-00298-00058239-00058471 stages left the public watching all of UB7gJy0NzWM-00299-00058472-00058654 these sales happening not being able to UB7gJy0NzWM-00300-00058655-00058799 be in being on the other side of the UB7gJy0NzWM-00301-00058800-00058966 fence and salivating at the UB7gJy0NzWM-00302-00058967-00059215 possibilities so that they wanted to buy UB7gJy0NzWM-00303-00059216-00059430 the second that the nft became available UB7gJy0NzWM-00304-00059432-00059550 they wanted to make sure that they were UB7gJy0NzWM-00305-00059551-00059703 able to get the one that they were most UB7gJy0NzWM-00306-00059704-00059919 interested in hence that extremely fast UB7gJy0NzWM-00307-00059920-00060126 sales cycle and this frenzy also helped UB7gJy0NzWM-00308-00060127-00060263 the secondary market which has been UB7gJy0NzWM-00309-00060264-00060447 strong to this day so there you go UB7gJy0NzWM-00310-00060448-00060647 there's a deep dive into azuki i think UB7gJy0NzWM-00311-00060648-00060879 there is a lot to learn here hopefully UB7gJy0NzWM-00312-00060879-00061047 this opened your eyes to a lot of those UB7gJy0NzWM-00313-00061048-00061223 possibilities i really think that UB7gJy0NzWM-00314-00061224-00061382 building a strong brand around your UB7gJy0NzWM-00315-00061383-00061638 collection has an enormous effect i UB7gJy0NzWM-00316-00061639-00061823 really think if you take nothing else UB7gJy0NzWM-00317-00061824-00062023 you need to really study their brand to UB7gJy0NzWM-00318-00062024-00062166 understand how you can apply it to your UB7gJy0NzWM-00319-00062167-00062326 own collection so let me know if this UB7gJy0NzWM-00320-00062327-00062519 was helpful what you think about azuki UB7gJy0NzWM-00321-00062520-00062630 i'd love to know what you thought before UB7gJy0NzWM-00322-00062632-00062815 this video and then again after this UB7gJy0NzWM-00323-00062816-00062975 video after we've had this deep dive UB7gJy0NzWM-00324-00062976-00063166 conversation so that we can understand UB7gJy0NzWM-00325-00063167-00063287 it a little bit more and why it was UB7gJy0NzWM-00326-00063288-00063454 successful otherwise make sure you like UB7gJy0NzWM-00327-00063455-00063591 this video subscribe to my channel if UB7gJy0NzWM-00328-00063591-00063719 you're into it and i will catch you in UB7gJy0NzWM-00329-00063720-00063991 the next one UBp4PmrlVqQ-00000-00000263-00000390 okay UBp4PmrlVqQ-00001-00000391-00000663 what's up guys sorry for the video it's UBp4PmrlVqQ-00002-00000664-00000815 a little bit late because i UBp4PmrlVqQ-00003-00000816-00001199 getting messed up with this one last day UBp4PmrlVqQ-00004-00001200-00001558 yeah today was the last test of this mod UBp4PmrlVqQ-00005-00001559-00001934 and yes the car finally finally released UBp4PmrlVqQ-00006-00001935-00002175 at gta inside you can check the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00007-00002176-00002263 description UBp4PmrlVqQ-00008-00002264-00002607 for more info UBp4PmrlVqQ-00009-00002608-00002847 but before that you must watch this UBp4PmrlVqQ-00010-00002848-00002942 video till end UBp4PmrlVqQ-00011-00002943-00003222 because i saw you how to installing the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00012-00003223-00003422 handling for this car UBp4PmrlVqQ-00013-00003423-00003727 and i don't want to get you guys UBp4PmrlVqQ-00014-00003728-00004070 getting messed up with your phone UBp4PmrlVqQ-00015-00004071-00004719 because my mods i don't know what it is UBp4PmrlVqQ-00016-00004720-00004967 by the way i put all of the mods that i UBp4PmrlVqQ-00017-00004968-00005135 use on the description UBp4PmrlVqQ-00018-00005136-00005351 but make sure with your phone spec if UBp4PmrlVqQ-00019-00005352-00005686 you want getting messed up again UBp4PmrlVqQ-00020-00005687-00005879 and yes make sure you guys create some UBp4PmrlVqQ-00021-00005880-00006111 backup files UBp4PmrlVqQ-00022-00006112-00006318 okay first thing to do before testing UBp4PmrlVqQ-00023-00006319-00006439 mica UBp4PmrlVqQ-00024-00006440-00006751 you guys check the redmi txt on the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00025-00006752-00006823 folder UBp4PmrlVqQ-00026-00006823-00007055 before it's selling and then you guys UBp4PmrlVqQ-00027-00007056-00007240 will get my custom handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00028-00007241-00007359 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00029-00007359-00007614 and then before you guys pass my UBp4PmrlVqQ-00030-00007615-00007687 handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00031-00007688-00007919 you must change the original handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00032-00007920-00008142 data just like this UBp4PmrlVqQ-00033-00008143-00008383 your change the transmission data max UBp4PmrlVqQ-00034-00008384-00008763 velocity from UBp4PmrlVqQ-00035-00008764-00008974 1.0299 UBp4PmrlVqQ-00036-00008975-00009231 then copy my handling and pass to the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00037-00009232-00009342 original handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00038-00009343-00009735 from file data and handling cfg UBp4PmrlVqQ-00039-00009736-00009999 you guys can open it with a notepad from UBp4PmrlVqQ-00040-00010000-00010183 your pc UBp4PmrlVqQ-00041-00010184-00010559 and copy those data and paste to the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00042-00010560-00010791 original super gtn link UBp4PmrlVqQ-00043-00010792-00011078 just like this as you can see on the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00044-00011079-00011342 screen UBp4PmrlVqQ-00045-00011343-00011703 but if your game sorry if your game UBp4PmrlVqQ-00046-00011704-00011846 crashed after doing the data UBp4PmrlVqQ-00047-00011847-00011959 installation UBp4PmrlVqQ-00048-00011960-00012119 you guys can install the handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00049-00012120-00012327 automatically by replacing my UBp4PmrlVqQ-00050-00012328-00012646 gta handling that i put upon the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00051-00012647-00013055 redmi txt on the folder guys UBp4PmrlVqQ-00052-00013056-00013335 after that install the car and enjoy the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00053-00013336-00013444 game UBp4PmrlVqQ-00054-00013444-00014166 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00055-00014168-00014486 yeah as you can see uh UBp4PmrlVqQ-00056-00014487-00014807 right now you can see how i drive UBp4PmrlVqQ-00057-00014808-00015175 without the dual zo4 UBp4PmrlVqQ-00058-00015176-00015511 or gamepad yes UBp4PmrlVqQ-00059-00015512-00016015 i have to use a camera UBp4PmrlVqQ-00060-00016016-00016375 on my uh well UBp4PmrlVqQ-00061-00016376-00016750 on my phone yeah because uh UBp4PmrlVqQ-00062-00016751-00017158 my phone screen is too little for my UBp4PmrlVqQ-00063-00017159-00018039 big finger UBp4PmrlVqQ-00064-00018040-00018319 it's so simple if you guys do the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00065-00018320-00018399 tutorial UBp4PmrlVqQ-00066-00018400-00018735 correctly and do what i said on this UBp4PmrlVqQ-00067-00018736-00018903 video UBp4PmrlVqQ-00068-00018904-00019230 okay let's use my dress software and UBp4PmrlVqQ-00069-00019231-00019683 compare the original handling versus my UBp4PmrlVqQ-00070-00019684-00019964 handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00072-00023884-00024532 so UBp4PmrlVqQ-00073-00024533-00025730 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00074-00025731-00028083 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00075-00028083-00028481 big UBp4PmrlVqQ-00077-00034732-00036483 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00078-00036484-00037883 so UBp4PmrlVqQ-00079-00037884-00039283 oh UBp4PmrlVqQ-00080-00039284-00040345 yes UBp4PmrlVqQ-00081-00040346-00040683 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00082-00040684-00041465 it's UBp4PmrlVqQ-00083-00041466-00042701 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00084-00042702-00043651 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00085-00043652-00043868 [Applause] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00086-00043869-00044982 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00087-00044983-00047501 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00088-00047502-00047762 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00089-00047763-00048030 [Applause] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00090-00048031-00049035 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00091-00049036-00049134 [Applause] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00092-00049135-00051882 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00093-00051883-00052503 oh UBp4PmrlVqQ-00094-00052504-00052942 as you can see on the previous video UBp4PmrlVqQ-00095-00052944-00053166 the different before and after i changed UBp4PmrlVqQ-00096-00053167-00053294 the handling UBp4PmrlVqQ-00097-00053295-00053511 and yes on the second test video a UBp4PmrlVqQ-00098-00053512-00053703 couple days ago you can see how UBp4PmrlVqQ-00099-00053704-00054023 i struggling when drive this car UBp4PmrlVqQ-00100-00054024-00054359 it's so hard to control when i using UBp4PmrlVqQ-00101-00054360-00054711 the original handling from UBp4PmrlVqQ-00102-00054712-00055150 gta original yeah UBp4PmrlVqQ-00103-00055151-00055471 yes this is how i drive when i UBp4PmrlVqQ-00104-00055472-00055775 using my drug sofa while using UBp4PmrlVqQ-00105-00055776-00056119 a cinematic camera and yes take a look UBp4PmrlVqQ-00106-00056120-00056230 at that UBp4PmrlVqQ-00107-00056232-00056742 so fast and i can't control it UBp4PmrlVqQ-00108-00056744-00057079 yeah god damn it let's change the UBp4PmrlVqQ-00109-00057079-00057254 track UBp4PmrlVqQ-00110-00057254-00057526 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00111-00057527-00057894 and i don't know when i'll make another UBp4PmrlVqQ-00112-00057895-00058375 project and yes UBp4PmrlVqQ-00113-00058376-00058766 maybe i will make some skin project UBp4PmrlVqQ-00114-00058767-00059071 or maybe i will be creating my UBp4PmrlVqQ-00115-00059072-00059494 nissan silvia or f22 UBp4PmrlVqQ-00116-00059495-00059766 and yeah i saw i will make a tutorial UBp4PmrlVqQ-00117-00059767-00059959 about installing a racetrack UBp4PmrlVqQ-00118-00059960-00060191 that i use on this video the willow UBp4PmrlVqQ-00119-00060191-00060263 spring UBp4PmrlVqQ-00120-00060264-00060575 oh UBp4PmrlVqQ-00121-00060576-00061087 the wheel of spring racetrack UBp4PmrlVqQ-00122-00061088-00061953 god damn it this car UBp4PmrlVqQ-00123-00061954-00062526 [Music] UBp4PmrlVqQ-00124-00062527-00062830 yeah take a look at this track UBp4PmrlVqQ-00125-00062832-00064047 just like a nascar UBp4PmrlVqQ-00126-00064048-00064311 this is how sorry this is why i had UBp4PmrlVqQ-00127-00064312-00064630 cinematic camera UBp4PmrlVqQ-00128-00064632-00064919 maybe this is the end for this video UBp4PmrlVqQ-00129-00064920-00065023 just like i said UBp4PmrlVqQ-00130-00065024-00065294 before i'll make another project or UBp4PmrlVqQ-00131-00065295-00065479 fixing my old car UBp4PmrlVqQ-00132-00065479-00065782 named uh nissan sofia UBp4PmrlVqQ-00133-00065783-00066499 and see you again soon on my ps4 UBp4PmrlVqQ-00134-00066500-00066800 bye UDmu10U8rr4-00000-00000385-00001285 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00001-00001286-00002414 ha baby not me that's UDmu10U8rr4-00002-00002415-00003672 the squares the tea is Caesar UDmu10U8rr4-00003-00003672-00004364 you UDmu10U8rr4-00004-00004365-00004583 the story UDmu10U8rr4-00005-00004584-00004950 I UDmu10U8rr4-00007-00008386-00009114 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00008-00009115-00010688 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00009-00010689-00011389 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00010-00011390-00012118 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00011-00012119-00012527 [Music] UDmu10U8rr4-00012-00012528-00012977 we have a think tank we're here to think UDmu10U8rr4-00013-00012978-00013428 and reason and try and establish some UDmu10U8rr4-00014-00013429-00013878 sire some kind of police of truth in as UDmu10U8rr4-00015-00013879-00014153 much as we can you know for me certainly UDmu10U8rr4-00016-00014154-00014385 my motto is we're here to experience or UDmu10U8rr4-00017-00014386-00014600 my meaning of life we had to experience UDmu10U8rr4-00018-00014601-00014825 from that experience we are learning UDmu10U8rr4-00019-00014826-00015050 from that learning we share what we UDmu10U8rr4-00020-00015051-00015311 learn from that experience learning and UDmu10U8rr4-00021-00015312-00015741 sharing we grow and the ultimate goal is UDmu10U8rr4-00022-00015741-00016050 to move on to a new paradigm of UDmu10U8rr4-00023-00016051-00016922 experience learning and growth UDmu10U8rr4-00024-00016923-00019497 you UDmu10U8rr4-00025-00019498-00020401 hortence UDmu10U8rr4-00026-00020402-00020741 you UDmu10U8rr4-00027-00020742-00021256 [Music] UDrdfpgsl_k-00000-00000034-00000705 [Music] UDrdfpgsl_k-00001-00000706-00000983 we're from Los Angeles and I never had a UDrdfpgsl_k-00002-00000984-00001223 yard and so I always wanted the yard for UDrdfpgsl_k-00003-00001224-00001442 the kids a lot of times I try to build UDrdfpgsl_k-00004-00001443-00001661 something and just kind of go with it I UDrdfpgsl_k-00005-00001662-00001943 don't really have any plans in the 32 UDrdfpgsl_k-00006-00001944-00002201 years we've been here he has planted UDrdfpgsl_k-00007-00002202-00002441 every single tree on the lot he's UDrdfpgsl_k-00008-00002442-00002717 growing every blade of grass he's put UDrdfpgsl_k-00009-00002718-00003077 every Rock in this yard he went out to UDrdfpgsl_k-00010-00003078-00003295 the desert collected all the lava rocks UDrdfpgsl_k-00011-00003296-00003536 he's done every single thing by himself UDrdfpgsl_k-00012-00003536-00003743 the only thing I take credit for is the UDrdfpgsl_k-00013-00003744-00004100 flowers by the fountain I kind of did it UDrdfpgsl_k-00014-00004101-00004364 a color combination where I'd put like UDrdfpgsl_k-00015-00004365-00004652 all the white chrysanthemums together UDrdfpgsl_k-00016-00004653-00005024 and then the pink and purple and white UDrdfpgsl_k-00017-00005025-00005294 together it's really pretty in the fall UDrdfpgsl_k-00018-00005295-00005446 [Music] UDrdfpgsl_k-00019-00005447-00005834 and I really like raised planters raised UDrdfpgsl_k-00020-00005835-00006176 planters will do so much for a yard all UDrdfpgsl_k-00021-00006177-00006368 you have to do is gather some rocks and UDrdfpgsl_k-00022-00006369-00006538 fill it in with dirt instead of getting UDrdfpgsl_k-00023-00006539-00006980 rid of the dirt make a planter one of my UDrdfpgsl_k-00024-00006981-00007139 daughter's was gonna get married so I UDrdfpgsl_k-00025-00007140-00007309 always thought it'd be cool to have her UDrdfpgsl_k-00026-00007311-00007445 married out here so I built a little UDrdfpgsl_k-00027-00007445-00007652 deck out there you went out there and UDrdfpgsl_k-00028-00007653-00007845 built that in the middle of winter and UDrdfpgsl_k-00029-00007847-00008108 our oldest daughter got married back UDrdfpgsl_k-00030-00008109-00008357 here and we've had seven weddings back UDrdfpgsl_k-00031-00008358-00008858 here you know all of a sudden I just UDrdfpgsl_k-00032-00008859-00009058 kind of always wanted a little bar and UDrdfpgsl_k-00033-00009059-00009338 it started out small and then I added on UDrdfpgsl_k-00034-00009339-00009596 to it the upstairs was added on later as UDrdfpgsl_k-00035-00009597-00009824 kind of a bet for my kids that I UDrdfpgsl_k-00036-00009825-00010139 wouldn't do it and the spiral staircase UDrdfpgsl_k-00037-00010140-00010360 is the same thing all the Virginia UDrdfpgsl_k-00038-00010361-00010619 Creeper he started with a small plant UDrdfpgsl_k-00039-00010620-00010843 and it grew up to the crow UDrdfpgsl_k-00040-00010844-00011161 Nass yeah it's just kind of a labor of UDrdfpgsl_k-00041-00011162-00011329 love I guess somebody comes and they UDrdfpgsl_k-00042-00011330-00011539 hang something out and we we sit here UDrdfpgsl_k-00043-00011540-00011692 and have a couple drinks and everybody UDrdfpgsl_k-00044-00011693-00011926 just visits and it's it's my by far UDrdfpgsl_k-00045-00011927-00012187 that's my favorite part the bar we have UDrdfpgsl_k-00046-00012188-00012576 had a lot of events here and we've just UDrdfpgsl_k-00047-00012577-00012918 really enjoyed you know our backyard UDrdfpgsl_k-00048-00012919-00013655 [Music] UDrdfpgsl_k-00049-00013656-00013862 you UDNdGq5OyGu-00000-00000289-00001108 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00001-00001109-00003695 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00002-00003696-00004539 is UDNdGq5OyGu-00003-00004540-00005057 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00004-00005058-00005631 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00005-00005632-00005896 is UDNdGq5OyGu-00007-00009227-00010256 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00008-00010257-00011078 [Laughter] UDNdGq5OyGu-00009-00011079-00011263 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00010-00011264-00011614 foreign UDNdGq5OyGu-00011-00011615-00012470 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00012-00012471-00012963 yes UDNdGq5OyGu-00013-00012965-00014216 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00014-00014218-00015279 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00015-00015280-00015566 foreign UDNdGq5OyGu-00016-00015568-00016783 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00017-00016784-00016983 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00018-00016984-00017062 a UDNdGq5OyGu-00019-00017063-00017613 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00021-00021009-00021358 [Music] UDNdGq5OyGu-00022-00021359-00021659 uh UIF4AhwS5uM-00000-00000456-00001423 um UIF4AhwS5uM-00001-00001424-00002702 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00002-00002703-00003406 you know UIF4AhwS5uM-00003-00003407-00003946 yay UIF4AhwS5uM-00004-00003947-00004695 [Applause] UIF4AhwS5uM-00005-00004696-00005274 right UIF4AhwS5uM-00006-00005275-00007212 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00007-00007213-00007870 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00008-00007872-00008152 um UIF4AhwS5uM-00009-00008153-00009006 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00010-00009007-00009558 foreign UIF4AhwS5uM-00011-00009559-00010871 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00012-00010872-00011167 do UIF4AhwS5uM-00013-00011168-00012551 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00014-00012552-00013140 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00015-00013141-00013708 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00016-00013709-00013921 [Laughter] UIF4AhwS5uM-00017-00013922-00015063 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00018-00015063-00015215 what UIF4AhwS5uM-00019-00015216-00016297 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00020-00016299-00016394 [Applause] UIF4AhwS5uM-00021-00016395-00017415 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00022-00017416-00017801 first UIF4AhwS5uM-00023-00017802-00019407 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00024-00019408-00020303 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00025-00020304-00022727 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00026-00022728-00024184 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00027-00024185-00024855 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00028-00024856-00025026 wow UIF4AhwS5uM-00029-00025027-00025351 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00030-00025352-00025383 [Applause] UIF4AhwS5uM-00031-00025384-00025639 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00032-00025639-00026714 hmm UIF4AhwS5uM-00033-00026716-00026992 [Applause] UIF4AhwS5uM-00034-00026993-00027623 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00035-00027624-00028270 foreign UIF4AhwS5uM-00036-00028272-00030210 hmm UIF4AhwS5uM-00037-00030211-00032654 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00038-00032655-00033401 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00039-00033402-00033631 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00040-00033632-00033828 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00042-00037382-00037774 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00043-00037775-00037883 feel the UIF4AhwS5uM-00044-00037884-00038673 tape you see cola UIF4AhwS5uM-00045-00038674-00039862 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00046-00039863-00040463 so UIF4AhwS5uM-00047-00040464-00042109 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00048-00042110-00042423 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00049-00042424-00043572 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00050-00043573-00044718 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00051-00044719-00044858 hello UIF4AhwS5uM-00052-00044859-00045287 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00053-00045288-00046630 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00054-00046631-00047405 what UIF4AhwS5uM-00055-00047406-00048983 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00056-00048984-00049943 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00057-00049944-00050098 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00058-00050099-00051678 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00059-00051679-00052275 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00060-00052276-00052611 la la la la UIF4AhwS5uM-00061-00052612-00053607 la la la la UIF4AhwS5uM-00062-00053608-00054209 laughs UIF4AhwS5uM-00063-00054210-00056335 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00064-00056336-00056516 laughs UIF4AhwS5uM-00065-00056517-00058750 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00066-00058751-00059157 oh UIF4AhwS5uM-00067-00059158-00060319 [Music] UIF4AhwS5uM-00068-00060320-00061266 hello UIF4AhwS5uM-00069-00061266-00062389 [Music] UpEx0pF5Eey-00000-00000084-00000321 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00001-00000322-00000441 [Music] UpEx0pF5Eey-00002-00000442-00000874 [Applause] UpEx0pF5Eey-00003-00000875-00003640 [Music] UpEx0pF5Eey-00004-00003642-00006304 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00005-00006305-00007348 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00006-00007350-00010078 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00008-00014322-00017093 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00010-00020148-00020855 intellect knowledge UpEx0pF5Eey-00011-00020856-00021005 energy UpEx0pF5Eey-00012-00021006-00022085 is UpEx0pF5Eey-00013-00022086-00024880 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00014-00024881-00027539 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00015-00027539-00028519 foreign UpEx0pF5Eey-00016-00028520-00029068 [Music] UpEx0pF5Eey-00017-00029069-00030923 energy UpEx0pF5Eey-00018-00030924-00031458 percentage UpEx0pF5Eey-00019-00031460-00032158 remain 10 percent energy UpEx0pF5Eey-00020-00032160-00032462 you know UOQjWhxCgBg-00000-00000000-00000611 I said it before the midsize sedan UOQjWhxCgBg-00001-00000612-00000904 category is a contentious one look at UOQjWhxCgBg-00002-00000905-00001193 all these cars even with such a pact UOQjWhxCgBg-00003-00001194-00001345 field one cars managed to establish UOQjWhxCgBg-00004-00001346-00001558 itself as a serious contender in recent UOQjWhxCgBg-00005-00001559-00002234 years UOQjWhxCgBg-00006-00002235-00002504 besides value one key contributor to the UOQjWhxCgBg-00007-00002505-00002696 Sonata success has been it's designed UOQjWhxCgBg-00008-00002697-00002834 specifically the shape of the UOQjWhxCgBg-00009-00002835-00003085 sixth-generation car in latest forum UOQjWhxCgBg-00010-00003086-00003314 Hyundai has dialed back the flare just a UOQjWhxCgBg-00011-00003315-00003503 bit creating a shape that's less garish UOQjWhxCgBg-00012-00003504-00003785 but still expressive inside the tone is UOQjWhxCgBg-00013-00003786-00004964 even more restrained UOQjWhxCgBg-00014-00004965-00005177 there's certainly more daring interiors UOQjWhxCgBg-00015-00005178-00005378 in the midsize sedan category and if you UOQjWhxCgBg-00016-00005379-00005582 look around this could be softer could UOQjWhxCgBg-00017-00005583-00005726 be softer here where you put your elbow UOQjWhxCgBg-00018-00005727-00005927 but there's a simplicity that I like UOQjWhxCgBg-00019-00005928-00006152 about the Hyundai Sonata interior if UOQjWhxCgBg-00020-00006153-00006299 that's not enough for you it's also UOQjWhxCgBg-00021-00006300-00006695 really big front and rear headroom in UOQjWhxCgBg-00022-00006695-00006920 the Sonata matches or exceeds Headroom UOQjWhxCgBg-00023-00006920-00007123 in the honda accord while total legroom UOQjWhxCgBg-00024-00007125-00007286 is within half an inch of the absurdly UOQjWhxCgBg-00025-00007287-00007526 leg accommodating volkswagen passat and UOQjWhxCgBg-00026-00007527-00007754 back the sonata sports a nearly flat UOQjWhxCgBg-00027-00007755-00008042 floor that along with 56.1 inches of hip UOQjWhxCgBg-00028-00008043-00008276 space enables legitimate three-person UOQjWhxCgBg-00029-00008277-00008537 seating do the math and passenger volume UOQjWhxCgBg-00030-00008538-00008785 is a generous 106.1 cubic feet UOQjWhxCgBg-00031-00008786-00009065 supplemented by 16.3 cubic feet of trunk UOQjWhxCgBg-00032-00009066-00009293 space resulting in a big enough cabin UOQjWhxCgBg-00033-00009294-00009488 that the EPA actually categorizes the UOQjWhxCgBg-00034-00009489-00010130 Sonata as a large car spaciousness is UOQjWhxCgBg-00035-00010131-00010289 great but how does all this roomy UOQjWhxCgBg-00036-00010290-00010627 mid-sized goodness feel in motion UOQjWhxCgBg-00037-00010628-00010868 when it comes to ride quality the UOQjWhxCgBg-00038-00010869-00011015 Hyundai Sonata believe that you should UOQjWhxCgBg-00039-00011016-00011252 feel the road just not too much of it UOQjWhxCgBg-00040-00011253-00011537 it's like salt on your macaroni and UOQjWhxCgBg-00041-00011538-00011738 cheese just a little bit just the taste UOQjWhxCgBg-00042-00011739-00012023 but not too much it's a stupid way of UOQjWhxCgBg-00043-00012024-00012782 saying it right she's fine UOQjWhxCgBg-00044-00012783-00013055 if the standard 2.4 liter 4 cylinder UOQjWhxCgBg-00045-00013056-00013290 seems inadequate then consider the UOQjWhxCgBg-00046-00013291-00013578 sonata sport to point o tea with a more UOQjWhxCgBg-00047-00013579-00013841 powerful 2-liter turbocharged engine may UOQjWhxCgBg-00048-00013843-00014130 see or suspension tuning larger 12.6 UOQjWhxCgBg-00049-00014131-00014334 inch front brakes and a dual pinion UOQjWhxCgBg-00050-00014335-00014526 electric power steering rack said to UOQjWhxCgBg-00051-00014527-00014769 offer more natural steering feel but not UOQjWhxCgBg-00052-00014769-00014916 quite twenty-nine thousand dollar 2 UOQjWhxCgBg-00053-00014916-00015119 point 0 T is a more thrilling package UOQjWhxCgBg-00054-00015120-00015411 and making sure on lookers know you take UOQjWhxCgBg-00055-00015412-00015594 driving seriously at least for someone UOQjWhxCgBg-00056-00015594-00015810 piloting a sensible family sedan the 2 UOQjWhxCgBg-00057-00015811-00016019 point 0 T also boasts sporty or exterior UOQjWhxCgBg-00058-00016020-00016311 styling sporty 18-inch alloy wheels and UOQjWhxCgBg-00059-00016312-00016594 a sport of your steering wheel it's 40 UOQjWhxCgBg-00060-00016595-00016905 both e 2.4 liter and the 2-liter UOQjWhxCgBg-00061-00016906-00017142 turbocharged engines feature a manually UOQjWhxCgBg-00062-00017143-00017330 shiftable 6-speed automatic transmission UOQjWhxCgBg-00063-00017331-00017691 in contrast the Sonata eco trim utilizes UOQjWhxCgBg-00064-00017692-00017913 a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission UOQjWhxCgBg-00065-00017914-00018099 that's paired with a 1.6 litre UOQjWhxCgBg-00066-00018100-00018342 turbocharged 4-cylinder the powertrain UOQjWhxCgBg-00067-00018343-00018588 combo helps the eco add a few mpg to the UOQjWhxCgBg-00068-00018589-00018872 standard sonatas mid 20s city and mid UOQjWhxCgBg-00069-00018873-00019116 30s highway fuel economy figures they UOQjWhxCgBg-00070-00019117-00019242 certainly appreciate improved fuel UOQjWhxCgBg-00071-00019243-00019449 economy but in our experience the eCos UOQjWhxCgBg-00072-00019450-00019647 dual clutch transmission isn't as UOQjWhxCgBg-00073-00019648-00020382 refined to some of its competitors UOQjWhxCgBg-00074-00020383-00020634 speaking of competitors there are many UOQjWhxCgBg-00075-00020635-00021012 the Chevy Malibu nissan altima mazda 6 UOQjWhxCgBg-00076-00021013-00021330 and subaru legacy all come to mind amid UOQjWhxCgBg-00077-00021331-00021501 be highly competitive midsize sedan UOQjWhxCgBg-00078-00021502-00021714 category the hyundai sonata is a value UOQjWhxCgBg-00079-00021715-00021939 handily undercutting base prices for the UOQjWhxCgBg-00080-00021940-00022179 honda accord ford fusion and toyota UOQjWhxCgBg-00081-00022180-00022398 camry and it's not a sub twenty-two UOQjWhxCgBg-00082-00022399-00022545 thousand dollar base price including UOQjWhxCgBg-00083-00022546-00022719 destination doesn't mean it's poorly UOQjWhxCgBg-00084-00022720-00022935 equipped either standard gear includes UOQjWhxCgBg-00085-00022936-00023211 LED running lights Bluetooth 16-inch UOQjWhxCgBg-00086-00023212-00023424 alloy wheels steering wheel audio and UOQjWhxCgBg-00087-00023425-00023592 cruise controls a six-speaker audio UOQjWhxCgBg-00088-00023593-00023826 system with USB and auxiliary jacks and UOQjWhxCgBg-00089-00023827-00024060 seven airbags including a driver's side UOQjWhxCgBg-00090-00024061-00024866 knee airbag UOQjWhxCgBg-00091-00024867-00025052 climb your way to the higher trims and UOQjWhxCgBg-00092-00025053-00025258 option packages and ventilated front UOQjWhxCgBg-00093-00025259-00025529 seats heated front and rear seats heated UOQjWhxCgBg-00094-00025530-00025739 steering wheel rear sunshades a UOQjWhxCgBg-00095-00025739-00025943 panoramic sunroof and a 5-inch UOQjWhxCgBg-00096-00025944-00026125 touchscreen or plus-sized eight-inch UOQjWhxCgBg-00097-00026126-00026327 touchscreen navigation system could be UOQjWhxCgBg-00098-00026327-00026558 yours also reserved for limited and UOQjWhxCgBg-00099-00026558-00026810 sport to point OT trims are dynamic UOQjWhxCgBg-00100-00026811-00026939 cruise control with stop start UOQjWhxCgBg-00101-00026939-00027158 capability lane departure warning and UOQjWhxCgBg-00102-00027158-00027439 forward collision alert load up a sonata UOQjWhxCgBg-00103-00027441-00027614 limited and you can expect to spend a UOQjWhxCgBg-00104-00027614-00027764 little more than thirty two thousand UOQjWhxCgBg-00105-00027764-00028094 dollars midsize sedan shoppers are faced UOQjWhxCgBg-00106-00028095-00028333 with a vast array of choices the honda UOQjWhxCgBg-00107-00028335-00028511 accord and Nissan Altima are comfortable UOQjWhxCgBg-00108-00028512-00028736 and accommodating toyota camry has a UOQjWhxCgBg-00109-00028737-00028921 reputation for reliability and looks UOQjWhxCgBg-00110-00028922-00029156 cool the Ford Fusion looks cool too and UOQjWhxCgBg-00111-00029157-00029362 offers compelling features while the UOQjWhxCgBg-00112-00029363-00029558 mazda 6 is an absolute pleasure to drive UOQjWhxCgBg-00113-00029558-00029812 depending on your taste any one of these UOQjWhxCgBg-00114-00029813-00029983 sedans could be the right choice but UOQjWhxCgBg-00115-00029985-00030170 before closing the deal it might be wise UOQjWhxCgBg-00116-00030170-00030344 to check out Hyundai's midsize sedan UOQjWhxCgBg-00117-00030345-00030587 offering for yourself I wouldn't call UOQjWhxCgBg-00118-00030588-00030754 the seventh generation hyundai sonata UOQjWhxCgBg-00119-00030755-00030992 game-changing slam dunk you'd be a UOQjWhxCgBg-00120-00030993-00031252 to buy some other car car but with its UOQjWhxCgBg-00121-00031254-00031517 style value cool features and well sort UOQjWhxCgBg-00122-00031518-00031667 of driving dynamics the Hyundai Sonata UOQjWhxCgBg-00123-00031668-00031856 it's a midsize sedan that you really UOQjWhxCgBg-00125-00035774-00035980 you UQGC-TflFd0-00000-00000000-00000292 a quantum system is a portion of the UQGC-TflFd0-00001-00000293-00000509 whole universe environment or physical UQGC-TflFd0-00002-00000509-00000626 world which has taken under UQGC-TflFd0-00003-00000627-00000848 consideration to make analysis or to UQGC-TflFd0-00004-00000849-00001033 study for quantum mechanics pertaining UQGC-TflFd0-00005-00001034-00001220 to the wave particle duality in that UQGC-TflFd0-00006-00001221-00001502 system everything outside this system ie UQGC-TflFd0-00007-00001503-00001712 environment is studied only to observe UQGC-TflFd0-00008-00001713-00001979 its effects on the system a quantum UQGC-TflFd0-00009-00001980-00002192 system involves the wavefunction and its UQGC-TflFd0-00010-00002193-00002390 constituents such as the momentum and UQGC-TflFd0-00011-00002391-00002549 wavelength of the way for which wave UQGC-TflFd0-00012-00002550-00003188 function is being defined UQGC-TflFd0-00013-00003189-00003721 topic see also UQGC-TflFd0-00014-00003722-00004107 quantum to state quantum system UQGC-TflFd0-00015-00004108-00004542 nonlinear system dynamical system UQGC-TflFd0-00016-00004543-00004917 thermodynamic system physical system UQGC-TflFd0-00017-00004918-00005362 quantum state quantum number ground UQGC-TflFd0-00018-00005363-00005881 state excited state energy levels to UQGC-TflFd0-00019-00005882-00006205 generate energy levels UbF3bAeKeXE-00000-00000119-00000254 hey there UbF3bAeKeXE-00001-00000256-00000455 subscribe to my channel UbF3bAeKeXE-00002-00000456-00001016 and also press this bell icon UbF3bAeKeXE-00004-00006431-00006640 you UbIkYQOlshc-00000-00000720-00001174 scene in the case of s2 equals 0 29 21 UbIkYQOlshc-00001-00001175-00001423 the numeral 29 ought to be seen just at UbIkYQOlshc-00002-00001424-00001655 the vertical line parting the columns UbIkYQOlshc-00003-00001655-00001934 all numbers in p322 start at the parting UbIkYQOlshc-00004-00001935-00002039 lines UbIkYQOlshc-00005-00002039-00002326 free space in the numbers 33 or 35 can UbIkYQOlshc-00006-00002327-00002567 be also clearly seen in the rows 11th or UbIkYQOlshc-00007-00002568-00002807 10th spectively the old black and white UbIkYQOlshc-00008-00002808-00003047 picture of p322 in the UbIkYQOlshc-00009-00003048-00003263 primary article has unreadable left UbIkYQOlshc-00010-00003264-00003415 broken edge UbIkYQOlshc-00011-00003415-00003599 so readers were obliged to believe the UbIkYQOlshc-00012-00003600-00003806 lucky persons who had opportunity to see UbIkYQOlshc-00013-00003807-00004159 the original tablet piece p322 triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00014-00004160-00004399 for the simplest integers x equals two UbIkYQOlshc-00015-00004400-00004583 and three are similar to the well-known UbIkYQOlshc-00016-00004584-00004863 triangle with integer sides three four UbIkYQOlshc-00017-00004864-00005031 five used fidel and etienne of UbIkYQOlshc-00018-00005032-00005238 perpendiculars in ancient building or UbIkYQOlshc-00019-00005239-00005479 surveying the two triangles are only UbIkYQOlshc-00020-00005480-00005727 mutually turned in a chord UbIkYQOlshc-00021-00005728-00005943 number x equals 2 provides a steep UbIkYQOlshc-00022-00005944-00006327 triangle s equals 0 45 less than 1 while UbIkYQOlshc-00023-00006328-00006399 the UbIkYQOlshc-00024-00006400-00006614 the number 3 corresponds to a gentle UbIkYQOlshc-00025-00006615-00006991 slope s equals 1 20 greater than 1. the UbIkYQOlshc-00026-00006992-00007183 exact boundary between the steep and UbIkYQOlshc-00027-00007184-00007414 mild slope of diagonal is determined by UbIkYQOlshc-00028-00007415-00007646 the diagonal in the unit square with its UbIkYQOlshc-00029-00007647-00007895 unit width and length s equals h equals UbIkYQOlshc-00030-00007895-00008159 1 or by the square of the diagonal d2 UbIkYQOlshc-00031-00008159-00008510 equals 12 plus 12 is equal to 2. UbIkYQOlshc-00032-00008511-00008710 the boundary lies between the row and UbIkYQOlshc-00033-00008711-00008935 equals 9 with the bold number UbIkYQOlshc-00034-00008936-00009263 x equals 2 24 and the row north equals UbIkYQOlshc-00035-00009264-00009542 10 with the magenta number x equals 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00036-00009543-00009791 30. the latter allows to replace the UbIkYQOlshc-00037-00009792-00010119 exact condition 0 s 1 for the width of UbIkYQOlshc-00038-00010120-00010351 steep triangle by a simpler though less UbIkYQOlshc-00039-00010352-00010727 precise condition 1 x 2 30 for the UbIkYQOlshc-00040-00010728-00011014 generating number x thus when selecting UbIkYQOlshc-00041-00011015-00011255 x the last condition allows to decide UbIkYQOlshc-00042-00011256-00011471 without further computation whether a UbIkYQOlshc-00043-00011472-00011678 calculated triangle will be steep or UbIkYQOlshc-00044-00011679-00011910 mild it certainly saves useless UbIkYQOlshc-00045-00011911-00012127 calculations and time to compile the UbIkYQOlshc-00046-00012128-00012463 table at least steep diagonal d2 equals UbIkYQOlshc-00047-00012464-00012742 one fifty nine zero zero fifteen this to UbIkYQOlshc-00048-00012743-00013038 the diagonal of the square d2 equals 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00049-00013039-00013311 is in the ninth triangle n equals 9 UbIkYQOlshc-00050-00013312-00013694 calculated for the number x equals 2 24. UbIkYQOlshc-00051-00013695-00013999 the steepest diagonal d2 equals 1 is in UbIkYQOlshc-00052-00014000-00014271 the first n equals one of the triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00053-00014272-00014566 is zero with s equals zero calculated UbIkYQOlshc-00054-00014568-00014838 for x equals one such a triangle was UbIkYQOlshc-00055-00014840-00015150 certainly a mystery for old babylonians UbIkYQOlshc-00056-00015151-00015279 everything depended on their UbIkYQOlshc-00057-00015280-00015479 interpretation of zero whether it was UbIkYQOlshc-00058-00015480-00015663 something awfully small or something UbIkYQOlshc-00059-00015663-00015999 non-existent nu not in sumerian trust in UbIkYQOlshc-00060-00016000-00016222 steep triangles is natural because their UbIkYQOlshc-00061-00016223-00016375 width sets have the upper and lower UbIkYQOlshc-00062-00016376-00016719 limit 0 s 1. the limits are also in the UbIkYQOlshc-00063-00016720-00017071 corresponding numbers 1 x 2 30. UbIkYQOlshc-00064-00017072-00017271 triangles with a mild slope are limited UbIkYQOlshc-00065-00017272-00017430 only from their lower side by the UbIkYQOlshc-00066-00017431-00017822 intervals 1s and 2 30x so an upper limit UbIkYQOlshc-00067-00017823-00018119 of the number x is not known in advance UbIkYQOlshc-00068-00018120-00018283 it will lead to many useless UbIkYQOlshc-00069-00018284-00018494 calculations it is sufficient to UbIkYQOlshc-00070-00018495-00018694 determine only steep triangles since UbIkYQOlshc-00071-00018695-00018903 mild ones can be obtained a simple UbIkYQOlshc-00072-00018904-00019214 turning of the steep triangles besides s UbIkYQOlshc-00073-00019215-00019471 d h equals one of calculated unit UbIkYQOlshc-00074-00019472-00019694 triangles of interest to builders UbIkYQOlshc-00075-00019695-00019927 old babylonian builders did not know an UbIkYQOlshc-00076-00019928-00020127 angle as an arc of unit circle but they UbIkYQOlshc-00077-00020128-00020303 could measure it as a side of unit UbIkYQOlshc-00078-00020304-00020503 triangle they measured the slope of UbIkYQOlshc-00079-00020504-00020743 walls or embankments as a deviation s UbIkYQOlshc-00080-00020744-00020943 from the vertical or horizontal line in UbIkYQOlshc-00081-00020944-00021286 the unit length h equals 1k us a slope s UbIkYQOlshc-00082-00021287-00021535 eagle in sumerian represents a ratio UbIkYQOlshc-00083-00021536-00021719 between the width s and the length h of UbIkYQOlshc-00084-00021720-00021927 a right angle triangle determine the UbIkYQOlshc-00085-00021928-00022230 inclination of the wall diagonal d the UbIkYQOlshc-00086-00022231-00022383 ancient builder would have used the UbIkYQOlshc-00087-00022384-00022503 formulation UbIkYQOlshc-00088-00022504-00022894 ena us 1k us sag 16 ccs angle equals in UbIkYQOlshc-00089-00022895-00023175 the length 1 cubit the width 16 fingers UbIkYQOlshc-00090-00023176-00023439 is the slope it is in agreement with the UbIkYQOlshc-00091-00023440-00023694 tablet ybc 4673 UbIkYQOlshc-00092-00023695-00023855 since the width s can serve as an UbIkYQOlshc-00093-00023856-00024119 inclination rate the formulation is also UbIkYQOlshc-00094-00024120-00024303 included in the headings of the column s UbIkYQOlshc-00095-00024304-00024486 with s of a unit triangle changes UbIkYQOlshc-00096-00024487-00024678 continuously with the slope of diagonal UbIkYQOlshc-00097-00024679-00024839 d therefore it is suitable for UbIkYQOlshc-00098-00024840-00025055 measurements in building and surveying UbIkYQOlshc-00099-00025056-00025278 just opposite the similar triangles with UbIkYQOlshc-00100-00025279-00025662 integer sides s d h change irritably so UbIkYQOlshc-00101-00025663-00025862 they cannot be applied for measurements UbIkYQOlshc-00102-00025863-00026014 with the exception of the well-known UbIkYQOlshc-00103-00026016-00026414 triplet 3 4 5 but they can help using UbIkYQOlshc-00104-00026416-00026695 the relation 11 to square the sides of a UbIkYQOlshc-00105-00026695-00026951 similar unit triangle because the length UbIkYQOlshc-00106-00026952-00027374 1k us qubit is small around one half m UbIkYQOlshc-00107-00027375-00027711 the measuring unit triangles example 0 UbIkYQOlshc-00108-00027712-00028199 45 1 15 1 in kus do not guarantee a UbIkYQOlshc-00109-00028200-00028414 sufficient accuracy of the inclination UbIkYQOlshc-00110-00028416-00028639 measurements in surveying UbIkYQOlshc-00111-00028639-00028846 a higher precision can be achieved by a UbIkYQOlshc-00112-00028847-00029231 similar 60 times 1 0 0 larger triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00113-00029232-00029646 with sides 45 115 100 UbIkYQOlshc-00114-00029647-00029958 k us where one zero zero k u s almost UbIkYQOlshc-00115-00029960-00030270 equal to 30 m the tablet clinton 322 is UbIkYQOlshc-00116-00030272-00030551 compiled extension of the standard table UbIkYQOlshc-00117-00030552-00030918 of reciprocals the tablet p322 comprises UbIkYQOlshc-00118-00030919-00031183 15 steep triangles but only two of them UbIkYQOlshc-00119-00031183-00031479 one tih and 11th author of p322 wanted UbIkYQOlshc-00120-00031480-00031679 to generate a more detailed table of the UbIkYQOlshc-00121-00031680-00031943 triangles rectangles which had been UbIkYQOlshc-00122-00031944-00032158 calculated using only the reciprocal UbIkYQOlshc-00123-00032160-00032318 pairs from the standard table of UbIkYQOlshc-00124-00032319-00032511 reciprocals obtain further steep UbIkYQOlshc-00125-00032512-00032790 triangles the author of p322 had to UbIkYQOlshc-00126-00032791-00032959 extend the standard table by new UbIkYQOlshc-00127-00032960-00033231 reciprocal pairs x y with numbers x from UbIkYQOlshc-00128-00033232-00033518 the interval 1 less than or equal to x 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00129-00033519-00033823 30 such numbers x equals p q 1 are UbIkYQOlshc-00130-00033824-00034031 produced by division of a greater number UbIkYQOlshc-00131-00034032-00034318 p by a smaller q in today's terms UbIkYQOlshc-00132-00034319-00034535 numbers x represent improper fractions UbIkYQOlshc-00133-00034536-00034671 with p q UbIkYQOlshc-00134-00034672-00034935 furthermore dividing one numerator p by UbIkYQOlshc-00135-00034936-00035151 different denominators q several UbIkYQOlshc-00136-00035152-00035407 fractions x equals p q and consequently UbIkYQOlshc-00137-00035408-00035655 several triangles can be determined to UbIkYQOlshc-00138-00035656-00035887 minimize a computational time it was UbIkYQOlshc-00139-00035888-00036127 necessary to choose the simplest single UbIkYQOlshc-00140-00036128-00036343 digit denominator one less than or equal UbIkYQOlshc-00141-00036344-00036646 to q one zero zero of course the UbIkYQOlshc-00142-00036647-00036935 numerator p might be also two digital if UbIkYQOlshc-00143-00036936-00037151 the simple numbers p q are from the UbIkYQOlshc-00144-00037152-00037351 standard table then a calculation of the UbIkYQOlshc-00145-00037352-00037590 improper fraction x equals p q and its UbIkYQOlshc-00146-00037591-00037823 reciprocal y equals q p was within a UbIkYQOlshc-00147-00037824-00038102 scribe routine the standard table shows UbIkYQOlshc-00148-00038103-00038502 that the denominator q has 25 views 1 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00149-00038503-00038783 54 and the numerator p could have 40 UbIkYQOlshc-00150-00038784-00039255 figures 1 2 4 0 0 0 from these figures UbIkYQOlshc-00151-00039256-00039574 25 times 40 is equal to 1 000 fractions UbIkYQOlshc-00152-00039575-00039807 can be assembled including UbIkYQOlshc-00153-00039808-00040239 41 plus times times times plus 40 25 UbIkYQOlshc-00154-00040240-00040683 equals 39 plus 15 25 2 equals UbIkYQOlshc-00155-00040684-00041023 675 improper fractions x equals p q 1. UbIkYQOlshc-00156-00041024-00041255 if a squad calculated the fractions x UbIkYQOlshc-00157-00041256-00041487 for a given denominator q and gradually UbIkYQOlshc-00158-00041488-00041735 increased numerators p q until he found UbIkYQOlshc-00159-00041736-00041943 an invalid fraction x greater than or UbIkYQOlshc-00160-00041944-00042262 equal to 2 30 then all his results UbIkYQOlshc-00161-00042263-00042599 except the last one were correct however UbIkYQOlshc-00162-00042600-00042951 many of the correct results x2 30 were UbIkYQOlshc-00163-00042952-00043167 calculated in vain because they were UbIkYQOlshc-00164-00043168-00043374 equal to the results already obtained UbIkYQOlshc-00165-00043375-00043671 before for the other smaller values of UbIkYQOlshc-00166-00043672-00043830 denominators q UbIkYQOlshc-00167-00043831-00044079 namely a gradual increase of denominator UbIkYQOlshc-00168-00044080-00044639 q 2q 3q for q 5q leads to an independent UbIkYQOlshc-00169-00044640-00044918 increase of numerator p 2p UbIkYQOlshc-00170-00044919-00045327 3p for p 5p but the value of a fraction UbIkYQOlshc-00171-00045328-00045623 x equals p divided by q is equal to 2p UbIkYQOlshc-00172-00045624-00045943 divided by 2q is equal to 3p divided by UbIkYQOlshc-00173-00045944-00046262 3q equals 5p divided by 5q does not UbIkYQOlshc-00174-00046263-00046446 change by this proportional increase of UbIkYQOlshc-00175-00046447-00046711 the numerator and denominator to avoid UbIkYQOlshc-00176-00046712-00046927 the useless calculation of fractions x UbIkYQOlshc-00177-00046928-00047167 with the same value it is necessary to UbIkYQOlshc-00178-00047168-00047407 exclude the numerators and denominators UbIkYQOlshc-00179-00047408-00047735 with the common divisors 2 3 or 5. UbIkYQOlshc-00180-00047736-00047918 finding a common divisor was for a UbIkYQOlshc-00181-00047919-00048183 squiber known operation used also at the UbIkYQOlshc-00182-00048184-00048390 parallel factorization of sides of a UbIkYQOlshc-00183-00048391-00048630 unit triangle the gradual elimination of UbIkYQOlshc-00184-00048631-00048862 unsuitable pairs p q with a common UbIkYQOlshc-00185-00048863-00049071 divisor and the subsequent calculation UbIkYQOlshc-00186-00049072-00049286 of fractions from suitable pairs until UbIkYQOlshc-00187-00049287-00049511 the first invalid fraction is found x UbIkYQOlshc-00188-00049512-00049758 greater than or equal to 2 30 save a UbIkYQOlshc-00189-00049759-00050007 time and material the elimination of a UbIkYQOlshc-00190-00050008-00050295 fraction is faster than its calculation UbIkYQOlshc-00191-00050296-00050567 moreover excluded or invalid fractions UbIkYQOlshc-00192-00050568-00050774 need not be stored for further UbIkYQOlshc-00193-00050775-00051046 processing the numerator pth of the UbIkYQOlshc-00194-00051047-00051238 first invalid fraction UbIkYQOlshc-00195-00051239-00051558 x equals pthq greater than or equal to 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00196-00051559-00051799 30 represents the threshold numerator UbIkYQOlshc-00197-00051800-00052070 for a given denominator q all fractions UbIkYQOlshc-00198-00052071-00052326 p q greater than or equal to p t h q are UbIkYQOlshc-00199-00052327-00052575 invalid as they give mild triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00200-00052576-00052791 calculation of improper fractions using UbIkYQOlshc-00201-00052791-00052991 criteria of the common divisor and UbIkYQOlshc-00202-00052991-00053207 slightly modified invalid fraction x UbIkYQOlshc-00203-00053208-00053415 greater than or equal to 2 x less than UbIkYQOlshc-00204-00053416-00053711 or equal to 4 instead of numbers p q UbIkYQOlshc-00205-00053712-00053926 from the standard table all regular UbIkYQOlshc-00206-00053927-00054223 numbers p less than or equal to 2 15 and UbIkYQOlshc-00207-00054224-00054750 q 1 0 0 including the numbers 136 148 UbIkYQOlshc-00208-00054751-00055254 205 208 251 the regular sexagesimal UbIkYQOlshc-00209-00055255-00055479 number x has a finite reciprocal number UbIkYQOlshc-00210-00055479-00055599 one x UbIkYQOlshc-00211-00055600-00055815 such number can be written in the form x UbIkYQOlshc-00212-00055816-00056023 equals to a three b five c where UbIkYQOlshc-00213-00056024-00056366 exponents a b c are integers however UbIkYQOlshc-00214-00056367-00056615 apart from the 2 0 5 the additional UbIkYQOlshc-00215-00056616-00056838 numbers are eliminated as unsuitable for UbIkYQOlshc-00216-00056839-00057094 calculation of improper fractions UbIkYQOlshc-00217-00057095-00057287 so they do not influence the final UbIkYQOlshc-00218-00057288-00057463 extension of the standard table of UbIkYQOlshc-00219-00057464-00057726 reciprocal three a disadvantage of the UbIkYQOlshc-00220-00057727-00057959 criterion of invalid fraction x greater UbIkYQOlshc-00221-00057960-00058166 than or equal to two thirty is in UbIkYQOlshc-00222-00058167-00058350 wasting time with calculation of the UbIkYQOlshc-00223-00058351-00058526 invalid fraction and in the useless UbIkYQOlshc-00224-00058527-00058799 elimination of u n suitable pairs p q UbIkYQOlshc-00225-00058800-00059023 before the threshold numerator pth is UbIkYQOlshc-00226-00059024-00059263 reached useless operations can be UbIkYQOlshc-00227-00059264-00059471 avoided when the criterion x greater UbIkYQOlshc-00228-00059472-00059742 than or equal to 2 30 is replaced with a UbIkYQOlshc-00229-00059744-00059935 condition for the maximum appropriate UbIkYQOlshc-00230-00059936-00060087 fractions max UbIkYQOlshc-00231-00060088-00060503 x equals pq smax equals pmax q equals 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00232-00060504-00060815 30. moreover the last condition can be UbIkYQOlshc-00233-00060816-00061038 substituted for simpler criterion for UbIkYQOlshc-00234-00061039-00061487 the maximum numerator pmax equals 2 30q UbIkYQOlshc-00235-00061488-00061894 pq 12 a maximum numerator pmax can be UbIkYQOlshc-00236-00061895-00062091 calculated in advance so the UbIkYQOlshc-00237-00062091-00062415 eliminations of unsuitable pairs p q and UbIkYQOlshc-00238-00062416-00062638 calculation of searched fractions x stop UbIkYQOlshc-00239-00062639-00062959 below the maximum value pmax there is no UbIkYQOlshc-00240-00062960-00063135 need to continue the elimination till UbIkYQOlshc-00241-00063136-00063438 the threshold numerator pth pmax will be UbIkYQOlshc-00242-00063439-00063679 reached a modified criterion of the UbIkYQOlshc-00243-00063679-00063966 maximum numerator p2 eventually the UbIkYQOlshc-00244-00063967-00064247 numbers x equals pq calculated from UbIkYQOlshc-00245-00064248-00064438 single-digit denominators q and UbIkYQOlshc-00246-00064439-00064638 numerators p from the interval UbIkYQOlshc-00247-00064639-00064942 12 are shown here's p q themselves are UbIkYQOlshc-00248-00064944-00065159 from the standard table only the magenta UbIkYQOlshc-00249-00065160-00065567 numerators e equals 1 and 2 0 5 been UbIkYQOlshc-00250-00065568-00065759 determined additionally in an effort to UbIkYQOlshc-00251-00065760-00066006 find fractions x with extreme numerators UbIkYQOlshc-00252-00066007-00066079 p UbIkYQOlshc-00253-00066080-00066319 sorting of all calculated fractions x in UbIkYQOlshc-00254-00066320-00066487 decreasing order gives them the order UbIkYQOlshc-00255-00066488-00066959 number n sum of denominators q 6 10 30 UbIkYQOlshc-00256-00066960-00067447 36 48 produced no fraction x also the UbIkYQOlshc-00257-00067448-00067750 greatest denominator q equals 54 failed UbIkYQOlshc-00258-00067751-00068063 as 25 possible numerators p greater than UbIkYQOlshc-00259-00068064-00068319 54 from the standard table to be UbIkYQOlshc-00260-00068320-00068567 eliminated in an attempt to obtain the UbIkYQOlshc-00261-00068568-00068799 widest possible spectrum of triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00262-00068800-00069038 the author of p322 tried to find a UbIkYQOlshc-00263-00069039-00069279 numerator which could not be emanated UbIkYQOlshc-00264-00069280-00069463 the numerator p cannot have a common UbIkYQOlshc-00265-00069464-00069750 divisor with the denominator q equals 54 UbIkYQOlshc-00266-00069751-00069950 equals 2.33 UbIkYQOlshc-00267-00069951-00070238 only such numerators are the multiples UbIkYQOlshc-00268-00070239-00070606 of the number 5 p equals 5 52 is equal UbIkYQOlshc-00269-00070607-00071094 to 25 53 is equal to 205 or 54 is equal UbIkYQOlshc-00270-00071095-00071455 to 1025 due to the additional condition UbIkYQOlshc-00271-00071456-00071831 12 for the denominator q equals 54 only UbIkYQOlshc-00272-00071832-00072271 the numerators 54 p 215 can occur in UbIkYQOlshc-00273-00072272-00072471 this range there is the only regular UbIkYQOlshc-00274-00072472-00072799 numerator p equals 5 times 25 is equal UbIkYQOlshc-00275-00072800-00073143 to 205 with its finite reciprocal one p UbIkYQOlshc-00276-00073144-00073479 equals one-fifth one-twenty-fifth equals UbIkYQOlshc-00277-00073480-00073791 zero zero zero twenty-eight forty-eight UbIkYQOlshc-00278-00073792-00074038 of course the numerator two zero five UbIkYQOlshc-00279-00074039-00074215 could be also found by a method of UbIkYQOlshc-00280-00074216-00074462 trials and errors it is worthwhile to UbIkYQOlshc-00281-00074463-00074671 mention that the pair of the reciprocal UbIkYQOlshc-00282-00074672-00075050 relative numbers 53 is equal to 205 and UbIkYQOlshc-00283-00075051-00075415 123 is equal to 2848 served in the old UbIkYQOlshc-00284-00075416-00075803 babylonian tablet cbs 1215 UbIkYQOlshc-00285-00075804-00076231 10201 and um 29.1 3.21 from nipper the UbIkYQOlshc-00286-00076232-00076455 base for calculation of new reciprocal UbIkYQOlshc-00287-00076456-00076687 pairs beyond the standard table UbIkYQOlshc-00288-00076688-00076862 it is questionable whether the author of UbIkYQOlshc-00289-00076863-00077199 p322 knew these tablets or their copies UbIkYQOlshc-00290-00077200-00077406 considering the divisors of numerators UbIkYQOlshc-00291-00077407-00077623 and denominators the following three UbIkYQOlshc-00292-00077624-00077979 showed numerators pth 53 equals UbIkYQOlshc-00293-00077980-00078462 20535 equals for 0 3 or 27 equals 208 UbIkYQOlshc-00294-00078463-00078631 being calculated and shown yellow UbIkYQOlshc-00295-00078632-00078871 denoted parameters opt to compare UbIkYQOlshc-00296-00078872-00079055 calculation demands by the different UbIkYQOlshc-00297-00079056-00079375 criteria the maximum numerator pmax or UbIkYQOlshc-00298-00079376-00079687 the threshold value pt in this case UbIkYQOlshc-00299-00079688-00079926 n235 is the number of eliminated UbIkYQOlshc-00300-00079927-00080182 fractions x whose denominator q and UbIkYQOlshc-00301-00080183-00080511 numerator p from the interval q p p m a UbIkYQOlshc-00302-00080512-00080919 x equals 2 30 q have a common divisor 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00303-00080920-00081175 3 or 5. vintage is the number of UbIkYQOlshc-00304-00081176-00081399 uselessly checked numerators p from the UbIkYQOlshc-00305-00081400-00081671 interval pmax less than or equal to p UbIkYQOlshc-00306-00081672-00081975 less than or equal to p the condition 12 UbIkYQOlshc-00307-00081976-00082303 for the maximum numerator pmax equals 2 UbIkYQOlshc-00308-00082304-00082662 30q reduces the number 675 of improper UbIkYQOlshc-00309-00082663-00082935 fractions x equals p q one to one nine UbIkYQOlshc-00310-00082936-00083238 one equals one five two plus thirty nine UbIkYQOlshc-00311-00083239-00083423 from which a checking of common divisors UbIkYQOlshc-00312-00083424-00083759 eliminates 152 and the remained 39 UbIkYQOlshc-00313-00083760-00084006 fractions x can later on produce 39 UbIkYQOlshc-00314-00084007-00084167 steep triangles UbIkYQOlshc-00315-00084168-00084367 calculation of mild triangles should be UbIkYQOlshc-00316-00084368-00084526 more demanding because it would need to UbIkYQOlshc-00317-00084527-00084691 check not UbIkYQOlshc-00318-00084692-00085035 191.484 equals 675 UbIkYQOlshc-00319-00085036-00085462 191 from the 675 possible fractions x UbIkYQOlshc-00320-00085463-00085703 using the threshold numerator pth as a UbIkYQOlshc-00321-00085704-00085943 criterion increases the number of UbIkYQOlshc-00322-00085944-00086279 uselessly checked numerators p by 281 UbIkYQOlshc-00323-00086280-00086535 and in vein calculated fractions x with UbIkYQOlshc-00324-00086536-00087750 the threshold numerators by 14. UbIkYQOlshc-00325-00087751-00087960 you Uc9WozxDFi4-00000-00000014-00000367 the biopharmaceutical a suffocation Uc9WozxDFi4-00001-00000368-00000680 system is a system to differentiate the Uc9WozxDFi4-00002-00000681-00000970 drugs on the basis of the solubility and Uc9WozxDFi4-00003-00000971-00001270 permeability this system restricts the Uc9WozxDFi4-00004-00001271-00001495 prediction using the parameters Uc9WozxDFi4-00005-00001496-00001818 solubility and intestinal permeability Uc9WozxDFi4-00006-00001819-00002152 the solubility classification is based Uc9WozxDFi4-00007-00002153-00002516 on a United States pharmacopoeia USP Uc9WozxDFi4-00008-00002517-00002923 aperture the intestinal permeability Uc9WozxDFi4-00009-00002924-00003197 classification is based on a comparison Uc9WozxDFi4-00010-00003198-00003578 to the intravenous injection all those Uc9WozxDFi4-00011-00003579-00003901 factors are highly important because 85% Uc9WozxDFi4-00012-00003902-00004204 of the most sold drugs in the United Uc9WozxDFi4-00013-00004205-00005061 States and Europe orally administered Uc9WozxDFi4-00014-00005062-00005736 topic bcs classes Uc9WozxDFi4-00015-00005737-00006029 according to the biopharmaceutical Uc9WozxDFi4-00016-00006030-00006336 classification system BCS drug Uc9WozxDFi4-00017-00006337-00006609 substances are classified to four Uc9WozxDFi4-00018-00006611-00006867 classes upon the solubility in Uc9WozxDFi4-00019-00006868-00007298 permeability class 1 high permeability Uc9WozxDFi4-00020-00007300-00007987 high solubility example meta prole those Uc9WozxDFi4-00021-00007988-00008238 compounds are well absorbed and their Uc9WozxDFi4-00022-00008239-00008477 absorption rate is usually higher than Uc9WozxDFi4-00023-00008478-00008998 excretion class 2 high permeability low Uc9WozxDFi4-00024-00008999-00009493 solubility example glib Enka might be Uc9WozxDFi4-00025-00009494-00009820 Kalu 2 might ezetimibe paracetamol a Uc9WozxDFi4-00026-00009821-00010239 scoffer nak the bioavailability of those Uc9WozxDFi4-00027-00010240-00010507 products is limited by the solvation Uc9WozxDFi4-00028-00010508-00010926 rate a correlation between the in vivo Uc9WozxDFi4-00029-00010927-00011166 bioavailability and the in-vitro Uc9WozxDFi4-00030-00011167-00011635 salvation can be found class 3 low Uc9WozxDFi4-00031-00011636-00012127 permeability high solubility example Uc9WozxDFi4-00032-00012128-00012565 Scimitar dean the absorption is limited Uc9WozxDFi4-00033-00012566-00012835 by the permeation rate but the drug is Uc9WozxDFi4-00034-00012836-00013255 solvated very fast if the formulation Uc9WozxDFi4-00035-00013256-00013511 does not change the permeability or Uc9WozxDFi4-00036-00013512-00013828 gastrointestinal duration time then Uc9WozxDFi4-00037-00013829-00014280 class 1 criteria can be applied class Uc9WozxDFi4-00038-00014281-00014780 for low permeability low solubility Uc9WozxDFi4-00039-00014781-00015232 example by phone as all those compounds Uc9WozxDFi4-00040-00015233-00015663 have a poor bioavailability usually they Uc9WozxDFi4-00041-00015665-00015853 are not well absorbed over the Uc9WozxDFi4-00042-00015854-00016147 intestinal mucosa and a high variability Uc9WozxDFi4-00043-00016147-00016835 is expected Uc9WozxDFi4-00044-00016836-00017570 topic definitions the drugs are Uc9WozxDFi4-00045-00017571-00017882 classified in BCS on the basis of Uc9WozxDFi4-00046-00017883-00018376 solubility permeability and dissolution Uc9WozxDFi4-00047-00018377-00018689 solubility class boundaries are based on Uc9WozxDFi4-00048-00018690-00018878 the highest dose strength of an Uc9WozxDFi4-00049-00018879-00019217 immediate release product a drug is Uc9WozxDFi4-00050-00019218-00019466 considered highly soluble when the Uc9WozxDFi4-00051-00019467-00019856 highest dose strength is soluble in 250 Uc9WozxDFi4-00052-00019857-00020138 milliliters or less of aqueous media Uc9WozxDFi4-00053-00020139-00020606 over the phone range of 1 to 7.5 the Uc9WozxDFi4-00054-00020607-00020993 volume estimate of 250 milliliters is Uc9WozxDFi4-00055-00020994-00021281 derived from typical bioequivalence Uc9WozxDFi4-00056-00021282-00021514 study protocols that prescribe Uc9WozxDFi4-00057-00021515-00021773 administration of a drug product to Uc9WozxDFi4-00058-00021774-00022069 fasting human volunteers with a glass of Uc9WozxDFi4-00059-00022070-00022514 water permeability class boundaries are Uc9WozxDFi4-00060-00022515-00022763 based indirectly on the extent of Uc9WozxDFi4-00061-00022764-00023069 absorption of a drug substance in humans Uc9WozxDFi4-00062-00023070-00023324 and directly on the measurement of rates Uc9WozxDFi4-00063-00023325-00023644 of mass transfer across human intestinal Uc9WozxDFi4-00064-00023645-00024025 membrane alternatively non-human systems Uc9WozxDFi4-00065-00024026-00024341 capable of predicting drug absorption in Uc9WozxDFi4-00066-00024342-00024608 humans can be used such as in vitro Uc9WozxDFi4-00067-00024609-00024929 culture methods a drug substance is Uc9WozxDFi4-00068-00024930-00025169 considered highly permeable when the Uc9WozxDFi4-00069-00025170-00025427 extent of absorption in humans is Uc9WozxDFi4-00070-00025428-00025747 determined to be 90% or more of the Uc9WozxDFi4-00071-00025748-00025975 administered dose based on a mass Uc9WozxDFi4-00072-00025976-00026288 balance determination or in comparison Uc9WozxDFi4-00073-00026289-00026683 to an intravenous dose for dissolution Uc9WozxDFi4-00074-00026685-00026960 class boundaries an immediate release Uc9WozxDFi4-00075-00026961-00027269 product is considered rapidly dissolving Uc9WozxDFi4-00076-00027270-00027548 when no less than 85 percent of the Uc9WozxDFi4-00077-00027549-00027785 labeled amount of the drug substance Uc9WozxDFi4-00078-00027786-00028136 dissolves within 15 minutes using USP Uc9WozxDFi4-00079-00028137-00028529 dissolution apparatus one at 100 RPM or Uc9WozxDFi4-00080-00028530-00028988 apparatus 2 at 50 rpm in a volume of 900 Uc9WozxDFi4-00081-00028989-00029225 milliliters or less in the following Uc9WozxDFi4-00082-00029226-00029717 media 0.1 n HCl or simulated gastric Uc9WozxDFi4-00083-00029718-00030214 fluid or ph 4.5 buffer and ph 6.8 Uc9WozxDFi4-00084-00030216-00031052 buffer or simulated intestinal fluid Uc9WozxDFi4-00085-00031052-00031664 topic see also Uc9WozxDFi4-00086-00031664-00032189 ADME partition coefficient Uc9WozxDFi4-00087-00032189-00032777 bioavailability drug metabolism first Uc9WozxDFi4-00088-00032778-00033638 pass effect polar surface area IV IVC UiZMjQqvTB4-00000-00000000-00000430 foreign UiZMjQqvTB4-00003-00010046-00010296 thank you UiZMjQqvTB4-00004-00010297-00011245 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00005-00011246-00011532 thank you UiZMjQqvTB4-00006-00011533-00013136 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00008-00018680-00018899 thank you UiZMjQqvTB4-00009-00018900-00019262 foreign UiZMjQqvTB4-00010-00019263-00019834 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00011-00019835-00020586 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00012-00020587-00020920 thank you UiZMjQqvTB4-00013-00020921-00022163 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00014-00022164-00022386 stranded UiZMjQqvTB4-00015-00022387-00023555 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00016-00023556-00024121 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00017-00024122-00024367 thank you UiZMjQqvTB4-00018-00024368-00025249 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00019-00025250-00026302 [Music] UiZMjQqvTB4-00020-00026304-00026612 [Music] UkCuJsk3IeM-00000-00000062-00000305 solidarity polish solid earnest UkCuJsk3IeM-00001-00000306-00000559 pronounced Slee daren't listen full name UkCuJsk3IeM-00002-00000560-00000790 independent self-governing labor union UkCuJsk3IeM-00003-00000791-00001148 solidarity knees allez nice Amazon nice UkCuJsk3IeM-00004-00001149-00001420 wheels exa wah dah we solid or Gnostic UkCuJsk3IeM-00005-00001421-00001805 he's Alain Sam Indians evj Zeke za v d-v UkCuJsk3IeM-00006-00001805-00002063 Slee dark is a polish labor union that UkCuJsk3IeM-00007-00002064-00002267 was founded on the 17th of September UkCuJsk3IeM-00008-00002268-00002485 1980 at the Lenin shipyard under the UkCuJsk3IeM-00009-00002486-00002738 leadership of Lech Walesa it was the UkCuJsk3IeM-00010-00002739-00002933 first trade union in a Warsaw Pact UkCuJsk3IeM-00011-00002934-00003104 country that was not controlled by a UkCuJsk3IeM-00012-00003105-00003395 communist party its membership peaked at UkCuJsk3IeM-00013-00003396-00003647 10 million members at its September 1981 UkCuJsk3IeM-00014-00003647-00003886 Congress which constituted one-third of UkCuJsk3IeM-00015-00003887-00004088 the total working age population of UkCuJsk3IeM-00016-00004089-00004352 Poland in the 1980s solidarity was a UkCuJsk3IeM-00017-00004353-00004574 broad anti-bureaucratic social movement UkCuJsk3IeM-00018-00004575-00004775 using the methods of civil resistance to UkCuJsk3IeM-00019-00004776-00004972 advance the causes of workers rights and UkCuJsk3IeM-00020-00004973-00005240 social change the government attempted UkCuJsk3IeM-00021-00005241-00005456 to destroy the Union by imposing martial UkCuJsk3IeM-00022-00005457-00005681 law in Poland which lasted from December UkCuJsk3IeM-00023-00005682-00006029 1981 to July 1983 and was followed by UkCuJsk3IeM-00024-00006030-00006184 several years of political repression UkCuJsk3IeM-00025-00006185-00006493 from the 8th of October 1982 but in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00026-00006494-00006664 end it was forced to negotiate with UkCuJsk3IeM-00027-00006665-00006953 solidarity in the union's clandestine UkCuJsk3IeM-00028-00006954-00007151 years Pope John Paul the 2nd in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00029-00007152-00007364 United States provided significant UkCuJsk3IeM-00030-00007365-00007570 financial support estimated to be as UkCuJsk3IeM-00031-00007572-00007798 much as 50 million u.s. dollars the UkCuJsk3IeM-00032-00007800-00007948 roundtable talks between the government UkCuJsk3IeM-00033-00007950-00008210 and the Solidarity led opposition led to UkCuJsk3IeM-00034-00008211-00008546 semi free elections in 1989 by the end UkCuJsk3IeM-00035-00008547-00008785 of August a solidarity led coalition UkCuJsk3IeM-00036-00008786-00009103 government was formed in December 1990 UkCuJsk3IeM-00037-00009104-00009326 Walesa was elected president of Poland UkCuJsk3IeM-00038-00009327-00009587 since then solidarity has become a more UkCuJsk3IeM-00039-00009588-00009848 traditional liberal trade union its UkCuJsk3IeM-00040-00009849-00010130 membership had dropped to 680,000 by UkCuJsk3IeM-00041-00010131-00010769 2010 and 400,000 by 2011 UkCuJsk3IeM-00042-00010770-00011212 topic history UkCuJsk3IeM-00043-00011213-00011506 in the 1970s Poland's government raised UkCuJsk3IeM-00044-00011507-00011806 food prices while wages stagnated this UkCuJsk3IeM-00045-00011807-00012091 and other stresses led to the June 1976 UkCuJsk3IeM-00046-00012092-00012292 protests and subsequent government UkCuJsk3IeM-00047-00012293-00012583 crackdown on dissent the court the ROP UkCuJsk3IeM-00048-00012584-00012844 CIO and other groups began to form UkCuJsk3IeM-00049-00012844-00013021 underground networks to monitor and UkCuJsk3IeM-00050-00013022-00013276 oppose the government's behavior labor UkCuJsk3IeM-00051-00013277-00013477 unions formed an important part of this UkCuJsk3IeM-00052-00013478-00013744 network in 1979 the Polish economy UkCuJsk3IeM-00053-00013744-00013941 shrank for the first time since World UkCuJsk3IeM-00054-00013943-00014272 War two by 2% the foreign debt reached UkCuJsk3IeM-00055-00014272-00014560 around 18 billion dollars by 1984 UkCuJsk3IeM-00056-00014561-00014782 participation in the illegal trade union UkCuJsk3IeM-00057-00014783-00014959 and awhile antonovitch was fired from UkCuJsk3IeM-00058-00014960-00015178 work at the Gdansk shipyard on the 7th UkCuJsk3IeM-00059-00015179-00015457 of August 1985 months before she was due UkCuJsk3IeM-00060-00015458-00015718 to retire this management decision UkCuJsk3IeM-00061-00015719-00015919 enraged the workers of the shipyard who UkCuJsk3IeM-00062-00015919-00016122 staged a strike action on the 14th of UkCuJsk3IeM-00063-00016123-00016321 August defending a nagual antonovitch UkCuJsk3IeM-00064-00016322-00016582 and demanding her return Ana will let UkCuJsk3IeM-00065-00016583-00016830 Nava channel ena pinkowski transformed a UkCuJsk3IeM-00066-00016831-00017044 strike over bread-and-butter issues into UkCuJsk3IeM-00067-00017045-00017239 a solidarity strike in sympathy with UkCuJsk3IeM-00068-00017240-00017490 strikes on other establishments UkCuJsk3IeM-00069-00017491-00017749 solidarity emerged on the 31st of August UkCuJsk3IeM-00070-00017750-00018022 1980 in Gdansk at the Lenin shipyards UkCuJsk3IeM-00071-00018023-00018187 when the communist government of Poland UkCuJsk3IeM-00072-00018188-00018364 signed the agreement allowing for its UkCuJsk3IeM-00073-00018365-00018712 existence on the 17th of September 1980 UkCuJsk3IeM-00074-00018713-00018919 over 20 inter Factory founding UkCuJsk3IeM-00075-00018920-00019099 committees of free trade unions merged UkCuJsk3IeM-00076-00019100-00019275 at the Congress into one national UkCuJsk3IeM-00077-00019276-00019597 organization and as a zz solidarity it UkCuJsk3IeM-00078-00019598-00019780 officially registered on the 10th of UkCuJsk3IeM-00079-00019781-00020059 November 1980 Walesa and others formed a UkCuJsk3IeM-00080-00020060-00020250 broad anti Soviet social movement UkCuJsk3IeM-00081-00020251-00020449 ranging from people associated with the UkCuJsk3IeM-00082-00020450-00020602 Catholic Church to members of the UkCuJsk3IeM-00083-00020603-00020928 anti-soviet left solidarity advocated UkCuJsk3IeM-00084-00020929-00021165 nonviolence in its members activities in UkCuJsk3IeM-00085-00021166-00021478 september 1981 solidarities first UkCuJsk3IeM-00086-00021479-00021694 national Congress elected Walesa as a UkCuJsk3IeM-00087-00021695-00021892 president and adopted a Republican UkCuJsk3IeM-00088-00021893-00022156 program though self-governing Republic UkCuJsk3IeM-00089-00022157-00022411 the government attempted to destroy the UkCuJsk3IeM-00090-00022412-00022644 Union with the martial law of 1981 and UkCuJsk3IeM-00091-00022645-00022852 several years of repression but in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00092-00022853-00023038 end it had to start negotiating with the UkCuJsk3IeM-00093-00023039-00023344 Union in Poland the roundtable talks UkCuJsk3IeM-00094-00023345-00023521 between the government and solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00095-00023522-00023725 led opposition led to semi free UkCuJsk3IeM-00096-00023726-00024075 elections in 1989 by the end of August a UkCuJsk3IeM-00097-00024076-00024294 solidarity led coalition government was UkCuJsk3IeM-00098-00024295-00024537 formed and in December Tati's mazowiecki UkCuJsk3IeM-00099-00024538-00024713 was elected prime minister UkCuJsk3IeM-00100-00024714-00025064 since 1989 solidarity has become a more UkCuJsk3IeM-00101-00025065-00025232 traditional trade union and had UkCuJsk3IeM-00102-00025233-00025394 relatively little impact on the UkCuJsk3IeM-00103-00025395-00025580 political scene of Poland in the early UkCuJsk3IeM-00104-00025581-00026024 1990s a political arm founded in 1996 as UkCuJsk3IeM-00105-00026025-00026282 solidarity electoral action oz won the UkCuJsk3IeM-00106-00026283-00026564 parliamentary election in 1997 but lost UkCuJsk3IeM-00107-00026564-00026897 the following 2001 election currently as UkCuJsk3IeM-00108-00026898-00027143 a political party solidarity has little UkCuJsk3IeM-00109-00027144-00027652 influence on modern Polish politics UkCuJsk3IeM-00110-00027654-00028244 topic Catholic social teaching UkCuJsk3IeM-00111-00028245-00028523 in solicitude aurait socialize a major UkCuJsk3IeM-00112-00028524-00028697 document of catholic social teaching UkCuJsk3IeM-00113-00028698-00029014 pope john paul ii identifies the concept UkCuJsk3IeM-00114-00029016-00029183 of solidarity with the poor and UkCuJsk3IeM-00115-00029183-00029393 marginalized as a constitutive element UkCuJsk3IeM-00116-00029394-00029612 of the gospel and human participation in UkCuJsk3IeM-00117-00029613-00029831 the common good the roman catholic UkCuJsk3IeM-00118-00029832-00030050 church under the leadership of pope john UkCuJsk3IeM-00119-00030051-00030305 paul ii was a very powerful supporter of UkCuJsk3IeM-00120-00030306-00030467 the union and was greatly responsible UkCuJsk3IeM-00121-00030468-00030598 for its success UkCuJsk3IeM-00122-00030599-00030883 Alessa who himself publicly displayed UkCuJsk3IeM-00123-00030885-00031076 catholic piety confirmed the Pope's UkCuJsk3IeM-00124-00031077-00031339 influence saying the Holy Father through UkCuJsk3IeM-00125-00031341-00031538 his meetings demonstrated how numerous UkCuJsk3IeM-00126-00031539-00031902 we were he told us not to be afraid in UkCuJsk3IeM-00127-00031904-00032177 addition the priests Jersey populace cow UkCuJsk3IeM-00128-00032177-00032360 who regularly gave sermons to the UkCuJsk3IeM-00129-00032361-00032549 striking workers was eventually killed UkCuJsk3IeM-00130-00032550-00032702 by the communist regime for his UkCuJsk3IeM-00131-00032702-00032978 association with solidarity Polish UkCuJsk3IeM-00132-00032979-00033128 workers themselves were closely UkCuJsk3IeM-00133-00033129-00033338 associated with the church which can be UkCuJsk3IeM-00134-00033339-00033494 seen in the photographs taken during UkCuJsk3IeM-00135-00033495-00033809 strikes in the 1980s on the walls of UkCuJsk3IeM-00136-00033810-00033983 several factories portraits of the UkCuJsk3IeM-00137-00033984-00034187 Virgin Mary or John Paul the second were UkCuJsk3IeM-00138-00034188-00034574 visible in 2017 solidarity backed a UkCuJsk3IeM-00139-00034575-00034781 proposal to in-state blue laws that UkCuJsk3IeM-00140-00034782-00034964 would prohibit Sunday shopping the move UkCuJsk3IeM-00141-00034965-00035249 supported by Polish bishops a 20-18 new UkCuJsk3IeM-00142-00035250-00035471 Polish law banning almost all trade on UkCuJsk3IeM-00143-00035472-00035669 Sundays has taken effect with large UkCuJsk3IeM-00144-00035670-00035879 supermarkets and most other retailers UkCuJsk3IeM-00145-00035880-00036077 closed for the first time since liberal UkCuJsk3IeM-00146-00036078-00036248 shopping laws were introduced in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00147-00036249-00036584 1990s the Law and Justice Party whose UkCuJsk3IeM-00148-00036585-00036785 lawmakers passed the legislation with UkCuJsk3IeM-00149-00036786-00036944 the support of Prime Minister Matteo UkCuJsk3IeM-00150-00036945-00037352 schmira V a key UkCuJsk3IeM-00151-00037353-00037896 topic influence abroad UkCuJsk3IeM-00152-00037897-00038139 the survival of solidarity was an UkCuJsk3IeM-00153-00038140-00038382 unprecedented event not only in Poland a UkCuJsk3IeM-00154-00038383-00038628 satellite state of the USSR ruled in UkCuJsk3IeM-00155-00038629-00038862 practice by a one-party communist regime UkCuJsk3IeM-00156-00038863-00039093 but the whole of the Eastern Bloc it UkCuJsk3IeM-00157-00039094-00039297 meant a break in the hard-line stance of UkCuJsk3IeM-00158-00039298-00039453 the Communist Polish United Workers UkCuJsk3IeM-00159-00039454-00039750 Party which had bloody ended a 1970 UkCuJsk3IeM-00160-00039751-00039963 protest with machine gun fire killing UkCuJsk3IeM-00161-00039964-00040224 over 30 and injuring over 1,000 and the UkCuJsk3IeM-00162-00040225-00040422 broader Soviet communist regime in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00163-00040423-00040610 eastern bloc which had quelled both the UkCuJsk3IeM-00164-00040611-00040938 1956 Hungarian Uprising in the 1968 UkCuJsk3IeM-00165-00040939-00041255 Prague Spring with Soviet led invasions UkCuJsk3IeM-00166-00041256-00041463 solidarities influence led to the UkCuJsk3IeM-00167-00041464-00041631 intensification and spread of UkCuJsk3IeM-00168-00041632-00041832 anti-communist ideals and movements UkCuJsk3IeM-00169-00041833-00041976 throughout the countries of the Eastern UkCuJsk3IeM-00170-00041977-00042123 Bloc weakening their communist UkCuJsk3IeM-00171-00042124-00042369 governments as a result of the round UkCuJsk3IeM-00172-00042370-00042546 table agreement between the Polish UkCuJsk3IeM-00173-00042547-00042717 government and the Solidarity LED UkCuJsk3IeM-00174-00042718-00042924 opposition elections were held in Poland UkCuJsk3IeM-00175-00042925-00043215 on the 4th of June 1989 in which the UkCuJsk3IeM-00176-00043216-00043362 opposition were allowed to field UkCuJsk3IeM-00177-00043363-00043563 candidates against the Communist Party UkCuJsk3IeM-00178-00043564-00043806 the first free elections in any Soviet UkCuJsk3IeM-00179-00043807-00044085 bloc country a new upper chamber the UkCuJsk3IeM-00180-00044086-00044250 Senate was created in the Polish UkCuJsk3IeM-00181-00044251-00044484 Parliament and all of its 100 seats were UkCuJsk3IeM-00182-00044485-00044682 contestable in the election as well as UkCuJsk3IeM-00183-00044683-00044886 1/3 of the seats in the more important UkCuJsk3IeM-00184-00044887-00045240 lower chamber the same solidarity one 99 UkCuJsk3IeM-00185-00045241-00045561 of the 100 Senate seats and all 161 UkCuJsk3IeM-00186-00045562-00045828 contestable seats in the same a victory UkCuJsk3IeM-00187-00045829-00045990 that also triggered a chain reaction UkCuJsk3IeM-00188-00045991-00046248 across the Soviet Union satellite states UkCuJsk3IeM-00189-00046249-00046445 leading to almost entirely peaceful UkCuJsk3IeM-00190-00046446-00046680 anti-communist revolutions in Central UkCuJsk3IeM-00191-00046681-00046821 and Eastern Europe known as the UkCuJsk3IeM-00192-00046822-00047124 revolutions of 1989 Jesse and Luo Dao or UkCuJsk3IeM-00193-00047125-00047334 why oh snaa ob wat allah which ended in UkCuJsk3IeM-00194-00047335-00047529 the overthrow of each moscow imposed UkCuJsk3IeM-00195-00047530-00047733 regime and ultimately to the dissolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00196-00047734-00048137 of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s UkCuJsk3IeM-00197-00048138-00048345 given the union's support from many UkCuJsk3IeM-00198-00048346-00048564 Western governments relations with trade UkCuJsk3IeM-00199-00048565-00048761 unions in capitalist countries could be UkCuJsk3IeM-00200-00048762-00049052 complicated for example during the UK UkCuJsk3IeM-00201-00049053-00049380 miners strike of 1984-85 Walesa said UkCuJsk3IeM-00202-00049381-00049595 that the miners should fight but with UkCuJsk3IeM-00203-00049596-00049912 common sense not with destruction UkCuJsk3IeM-00204-00049913-00050192 instead of Margaret Thatcher with such a UkCuJsk3IeM-00205-00050193-00050442 wise and brave woman Britain will find a UkCuJsk3IeM-00206-00050443-00050789 solution to the strike however David you UkCuJsk3IeM-00207-00050790-00050985 stirs up Sookie the president of Upper UkCuJsk3IeM-00208-00050986-00051210 Silesia solidarity voiced his support of UkCuJsk3IeM-00209-00051211-00051419 the striking miners neither the British UkCuJsk3IeM-00210-00051420-00051669 government mounted police charges nor UkCuJsk3IeM-00211-00051670-00051885 its truncheon blows any more than the UkCuJsk3IeM-00212-00051886-00052142 Polish une des tanks or rifle fire can UkCuJsk3IeM-00213-00052144-00052331 break our common will to struggle for a UkCuJsk3IeM-00214-00052332-00052662 better future for the working class this UkCuJsk3IeM-00215-00052663-00052829 was despite the fact that Arthur UkCuJsk3IeM-00216-00052830-00052994 Scargill president of the British UkCuJsk3IeM-00217-00052995-00053199 National Union of Mineworkers had been UkCuJsk3IeM-00218-00053200-00053421 highly critical of solidarity condemning UkCuJsk3IeM-00219-00053422-00053691 it as an anti socialist organization UkCuJsk3IeM-00220-00053691-00053886 which desires the overthrow of a UkCuJsk3IeM-00221-00053887-00054246 socialist state in late 2008 several UkCuJsk3IeM-00222-00054247-00054444 Democratic opposition groups in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00223-00054445-00054648 Russian Federation formed a solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00224-00054649-00054846 movement in the United States the UkCuJsk3IeM-00225-00054847-00055079 American solidarity party formerly the UkCuJsk3IeM-00226-00055080-00055307 Christian Democratic Party USA a UkCuJsk3IeM-00227-00055308-00055517 Christian Democratic political party UkCuJsk3IeM-00228-00055519-00055757 attributes its namesake to solidarity in UkCuJsk3IeM-00229-00055758-00056042 a 2011 essay the Jacobin spirit in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00230-00056044-00056276 American magazine Jacobin philosopher UkCuJsk3IeM-00231-00056277-00056525 Slava jiseok called solid earnest one of UkCuJsk3IeM-00232-00056526-00056724 the free spaces at a distance from state UkCuJsk3IeM-00233-00056725-00056942 power that used defensive violence to UkCuJsk3IeM-00234-00056944-00057218 protect itself from state control th UkCuJsk3IeM-00235-00057219-00057467 notion of defensive violence runs in the UkCuJsk3IeM-00236-00057469-00058021 vein of ideas postulated by Alain Badiou UkCuJsk3IeM-00237-00058022-00058279 topic secular philosophical UkCuJsk3IeM-00238-00058279-00058673 underpinnings UkCuJsk3IeM-00239-00058674-00058919 although Leszek kholokov skis works were UkCuJsk3IeM-00240-00058920-00059116 officially banned in Poland and he lived UkCuJsk3IeM-00241-00059117-00059366 outside the country from the late 1960s UkCuJsk3IeM-00242-00059366-00059537 the philosophers ideas nonetheless UkCuJsk3IeM-00243-00059538-00059774 exerted an influence on the Solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00244-00059775-00060053 movement underground copies of his books UkCuJsk3IeM-00245-00060054-00060236 and essays shaped the opinions of the UkCuJsk3IeM-00246-00060237-00060587 Polish intellectual opposition his 1971 UkCuJsk3IeM-00247-00060588-00060776 essay theses on hope and hopelessness UkCuJsk3IeM-00248-00060777-00061010 which suggested that self organized UkCuJsk3IeM-00249-00061011-00061235 social groups could gradually expand the UkCuJsk3IeM-00250-00061236-00061405 spheres of civil society in a UkCuJsk3IeM-00251-00061407-00061607 totalitarian state helped inspire the UkCuJsk3IeM-00252-00061608-00061859 dissident movements of the 1970s that UkCuJsk3IeM-00253-00061860-00062063 led to the creation of solidarity and UkCuJsk3IeM-00254-00062064-00062261 provided a philosophical underpinning UkCuJsk3IeM-00255-00062262-00062537 for the movement Kolakowski later UkCuJsk3IeM-00256-00062538-00062807 described solidarity as perhaps the UkCuJsk3IeM-00257-00062808-00063047 closest to the working-class revolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00258-00063048-00063307 that Karl Marx had predicted in the mid UkCuJsk3IeM-00259-00063308-00063655 1800s ironically however solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00260-00063657-00063841 featured many elements contrary to UkCuJsk3IeM-00261-00063842-00064115 socialism as conceived by Marx workers UkCuJsk3IeM-00262-00064116-00064373 organized against the exploiters that is UkCuJsk3IeM-00263-00064374-00064661 to say the state and this solitary UkCuJsk3IeM-00264-00064662-00064940 example of a working-class revolution if UkCuJsk3IeM-00265-00064941-00065167 even this may be counted was directed UkCuJsk3IeM-00266-00065169-00065387 against a socialist state and carried UkCuJsk3IeM-00267-00065388-00065594 out under the sign of the Cross with the UkCuJsk3IeM-00268-00065595-00066081 blessing of the Pope UkCuJsk3IeM-00269-00066082-00066607 topic organization UkCuJsk3IeM-00270-00066608-00066841 the union was officially founded on the UkCuJsk3IeM-00271-00066842-00067150 17th of September 1980 the union supreme UkCuJsk3IeM-00272-00067151-00067366 powers were vested in a legislative body UkCuJsk3IeM-00273-00067367-00067632 the convention of Delegates zjz D UkCuJsk3IeM-00274-00067633-00067932 delegate al the executive branch was the UkCuJsk3IeM-00275-00067933-00068146 national coordinating Commission Crayola UkCuJsk3IeM-00276-00068147-00068335 Co Mesilla poor Azumi whattcha later UkCuJsk3IeM-00277-00068336-00068542 renamed the National Commission coma SIA UkCuJsk3IeM-00278-00068543-00068613 Crayola UkCuJsk3IeM-00279-00068614-00068838 the Union had a regional structure UkCuJsk3IeM-00280-00068839-00069063 comprising thirty-eight regions region UkCuJsk3IeM-00281-00069064-00069313 and two districts Oh Craig at its UkCuJsk3IeM-00282-00069314-00069511 highest the union had over 10 million UkCuJsk3IeM-00283-00069512-00069732 members which became the largest union UkCuJsk3IeM-00284-00069733-00069946 membership in the world during the UkCuJsk3IeM-00285-00069947-00070194 Communist era the 38 regional delegates UkCuJsk3IeM-00286-00070195-00070381 were arrested and jailed when martial UkCuJsk3IeM-00287-00070382-00070575 law came into effect on the 13th of UkCuJsk3IeM-00288-00070576-00070840 December 1981 under general voice check UkCuJsk3IeM-00289-00070841-00071179 Jerusalem your prison term the UkCuJsk3IeM-00290-00071180-00071347 high-ranking members of the Union were UkCuJsk3IeM-00291-00071348-00071550 offered one-way trips to any country UkCuJsk3IeM-00292-00071551-00071731 accepting them including Canada the UkCuJsk3IeM-00293-00071732-00071929 United States and nations in the Middle UkCuJsk3IeM-00294-00071930-00072328 East solidarity was organized as an UkCuJsk3IeM-00295-00072329-00072538 industrial union or more specifically UkCuJsk3IeM-00296-00072539-00072766 according to the one big union principle UkCuJsk3IeM-00297-00072767-00072937 along the lines of the Industrial UkCuJsk3IeM-00298-00072938-00073113 Workers of the world in the spanish UkCuJsk3IeM-00299-00073114-00073338 confederation nacional del trabajo UkCuJsk3IeM-00300-00073339-00073576 workers in every trade were organized by UkCuJsk3IeM-00301-00073577-00073828 region rather than by craft in 2010 UkCuJsk3IeM-00302-00073829-00074156 solidarity had more than 400,000 members UkCuJsk3IeM-00303-00074157-00074382 National Commission of independent UkCuJsk3IeM-00304-00074383-00074611 self-governing trade union is located in UkCuJsk3IeM-00305-00074612-00074815 Gdansk and is composed of delegates from UkCuJsk3IeM-00306-00074816-00075334 regional general congresses UkCuJsk3IeM-00307-00075335-00075786 pick regional structure UkCuJsk3IeM-00308-00075787-00076061 solidarity is divided into thirty seven UkCuJsk3IeM-00309-00076062-00076282 regions and the territorial structure to UkCuJsk3IeM-00310-00076283-00076474 a large degree reflects the shape of UkCuJsk3IeM-00311-00076475-00076786 Polish voivodeships established in 1975 UkCuJsk3IeM-00312-00076787-00077068 in an old in 1998 see administrative UkCuJsk3IeM-00313-00077069-00077256 division of People's Republic of Poland UkCuJsk3IeM-00314-00077257-00077716 the regions are Gdansk based in Gdansk UkCuJsk3IeM-00315-00077717-00078100 warmia Masuria based in Olsen lblack UkCuJsk3IeM-00316-00078101-00078469 based in lblack Lower Silesia based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00317-00078470-00078911 wrote swath pilla based in pilla Western UkCuJsk3IeM-00318-00078912-00079231 Pomerania based in stretching land of UkCuJsk3IeM-00319-00079232-00079592 Lodz based in Lodz Czestochowa based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00320-00079593-00079922 Czestochowa land of Sandomierz based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00321-00079923-00080234 stella wala pluck cut know based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00322-00080235-00080592 pluck lesser Poland based in Krakow UkCuJsk3IeM-00323-00080593-00080996 Opel's elisa based in opal seashore UkCuJsk3IeM-00324-00080997-00081317 based in kasha allen Sluss based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00325-00081318-00081641 Sluss Zeeland agora based in Zeeland UkCuJsk3IeM-00326-00081642-00081709 agora UkCuJsk3IeM-00327-00081710-00082068 huggbees Kinsey based in bielsko Biela UkCuJsk3IeM-00328-00082069-00082436 Coenen based in conan southern Greater UkCuJsk3IeM-00329-00082437-00082750 Poland based in Kalish potlatch eeeh UkCuJsk3IeM-00330-00082751-00083074 based in Bialystok counter Cao based UkCuJsk3IeM-00331-00083075-00083399 encounter Cao tribunal Sookie quia via UkCuJsk3IeM-00332-00083400-00083593 and dobbers in land based in Willick UkCuJsk3IeM-00333-00083594-00083726 Loic UkCuJsk3IeM-00334-00083727-00084089 Carpathia based in krosno land of jesh UkCuJsk3IeM-00335-00084090-00084422 off based in jesh off turin based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00336-00084423-00084722 turin solis is a goal be based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00337-00084723-00085096 Katowice land of radom based in radom UkCuJsk3IeM-00338-00085097-00085505 Greater Poland based in Poznan Corzo UkCuJsk3IeM-00339-00085506-00085856 based in Gore's áwill kopalski Holycross UkCuJsk3IeM-00340-00085857-00086135 based in keels Middle East UkCuJsk3IeM-00341-00086136-00086462 based in Lublin bid gosht based in bid UkCuJsk3IeM-00342-00086463-00086887 gosht jelenia góra based in jelenia góra UkCuJsk3IeM-00343-00086888-00087299 Leszno based in Leszno Chelm based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00344-00087300-00087617 chome chome izzle' jaroslaw based in UkCuJsk3IeM-00345-00087618-00088076 sham Isel masovia based in warsaw Copper UkCuJsk3IeM-00346-00088077-00088503 Basin based in Legnica UkCuJsk3IeM-00347-00088504-00089062 topic network of key factories UkCuJsk3IeM-00348-00089063-00089313 the network of solidarity branches of UkCuJsk3IeM-00349-00089314-00089521 the key factories of Poland was created UkCuJsk3IeM-00350-00089522-00089896 on the 14th of April 1981 in Gdansk it UkCuJsk3IeM-00351-00089897-00090109 was made of representatives of 17 UkCuJsk3IeM-00352-00090110-00090274 factories each stood for the most UkCuJsk3IeM-00353-00090275-00090480 important Factory of every voivodeship UkCuJsk3IeM-00354-00090481-00090862 of the pre-1970 straighted division of UkCuJsk3IeM-00355-00090863-00091119 people's republic of poland however UkCuJsk3IeM-00356-00091120-00091356 there were two exceptions there was no UkCuJsk3IeM-00357-00091357-00091516 representative of the castle and UkCuJsk3IeM-00358-00091517-00091737 voivodeship and the Katowice voivodeship UkCuJsk3IeM-00359-00091738-00092272 was represented by two factories UkCuJsk3IeM-00360-00092273-00092730 topic chairman UkCuJsk3IeM-00361-00092731-00093291 Lech Walesa 1982 91 Marian kersek Leske UkCuJsk3IeM-00362-00093292-00093549 1991 to 2002 UkCuJsk3IeM-00363-00093550-00094072 Janusz neotec 2002 to 10 Peter Duda 2010 UkCuJsk3IeM-00364-00094073-00094469 present UkCuJsk3IeM-00365-00094470-00095009 topic see also UkCuJsk3IeM-00366-00095010-00095457 1981 warning strike in Poland 1988 UkCuJsk3IeM-00367-00095458-00095861 Polish strikes the 31st of August 1982 UkCuJsk3IeM-00368-00095862-00096150 demonstrations in Poland civil UkCuJsk3IeM-00369-00096151-00096447 resistance conference of Solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00370-00096448-00096729 support organizations European UkCuJsk3IeM-00371-00096730-00097091 solidarity center fighting solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00372-00097092-00097707 mr. Z bzd roj 1980 strikes June 1976 UkCuJsk3IeM-00373-00097708-00098276 protests Lublin 1980 strikes Polish 1970 UkCuJsk3IeM-00374-00098277-00098607 protests Polish legislative election UkCuJsk3IeM-00375-00098608-00099032 1989 then garyun Solidarity movement UkCuJsk3IeM-00376-00099033-00099438 solid earnest summer 1981 hunger UkCuJsk3IeM-00377-00099439-00099868 demonstrations in Pelin UkCuJsk3IeM-00378-00099869-00100431 topic references UkCuJsk3IeM-00379-00100432-00100946 topic further reading UkCuJsk3IeM-00380-00100947-00101318 Dahmer Gregory G 2016 empowering UkCuJsk3IeM-00381-00101319-00101585 revolution America Poland and the end of UkCuJsk3IeM-00382-00101586-00101921 the Cold War Dodd Mead is B and nine UkCuJsk3IeM-00383-00101922-00102194 seven eight one four six nine six two UkCuJsk3IeM-00384-00102195-00102650 nine eight one oh earring er Robert 1982 UkCuJsk3IeM-00385-00102651-00102892 strike for freedom the story of Lech UkCuJsk3IeM-00386-00102893-00103166 Walesa and polish solidarity the UkCuJsk3IeM-00387-00103167-00103458 University of North Carolina press ISBN UkCuJsk3IeM-00388-00103459-00104027 o3 9608 oh six five Oh God iris IDs bout UkCuJsk3IeM-00389-00104028-00104291 two thousand two the Polish revolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00390-00104292-00104692 solidarity yale university press ISBN Oh UkCuJsk3IeM-00391-00104693-00105009 three hundred oh nine five six eight six UkCuJsk3IeM-00392-00105010-00105422 Garton ash Timothy 2012 solidarity with UkCuJsk3IeM-00393-00105423-00105689 solidarity Western European trade unions UkCuJsk3IeM-00394-00105690-00106042 and the Polish crisis 1982 1982 UkCuJsk3IeM-00395-00106043-00106483 Lexington books ISBN 978 oh seven three UkCuJsk3IeM-00396-00106484-00106765 nine one five zero seven one nine UkCuJsk3IeM-00397-00106766-00107177 Kaminsky Mary cam 2004 games prisoners UkCuJsk3IeM-00398-00107178-00107522 play princeton university press ISBN o UkCuJsk3IeM-00399-00107523-00107866 six nine one one one seven two one seven UkCuJsk3IeM-00400-00107867-00107986 Kenny UkCuJsk3IeM-00401-00107988-00108305 Patrick 2003 a carnival of revolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00402-00108306-00108650 Central Europe 1989 princeton university UkCuJsk3IeM-00403-00108651-00109343 press ISBN 0 2 691 1 1 6 to 7 X Kenny UkCuJsk3IeM-00404-00109344-00109694 Patrick 2006 the burdens of freedom Zed UkCuJsk3IeM-00405-00109695-00110050 books limited ISBN one eight four two UkCuJsk3IeM-00406-00110051-00110666 77662 to cubic Jan 1994 the power of UkCuJsk3IeM-00407-00110667-00110870 symbols against the symbols of power the UkCuJsk3IeM-00408-00110871-00111085 rise of solidarity and the fall of state UkCuJsk3IeM-00409-00111086-00111368 socialism in Poland the Pennsylvania UkCuJsk3IeM-00410-00111369-00111880 State University ISBN Oh 271 oh 108 43 UkCuJsk3IeM-00411-00111881-00112250 Leger Robert from solidarity to shock UkCuJsk3IeM-00412-00112251-00112568 therapy British foreign policy towards UkCuJsk3IeM-00413-00112569-00112750 Poland under the Thatcher government UkCuJsk3IeM-00414-00112751-00113204 1980 to 1990 contemporary British UkCuJsk3IeM-00415-00113205-00113461 history 30 number 1 2016 UkCuJsk3IeM-00416-00113463-00113989 99 to 118 Matt Ania Elzbieta 2009 UkCuJsk3IeM-00417-00113990-00114323 performative democracy paradigm is UkCuJsk3IeM-00418-00114324-00114661 bien 1 billion 594 million five hundred UkCuJsk3IeM-00419-00114663-00115108 sixteen thousand 561 Oh si UkCuJsk3IeM-00420-00115109-00115475 mary-jane 2003 solidarity and contention UkCuJsk3IeM-00421-00115476-00115763 networks of Polish opposition University UkCuJsk3IeM-00422-00115764-00116093 of Minnesota press ISBN oh eight one six UkCuJsk3IeM-00423-00116094-00116444 six three eight seven four eight Aust UkCuJsk3IeM-00424-00116445-00116756 David 2005 the defeat of solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00425-00116757-00116981 anger and politics in post-communist UkCuJsk3IeM-00426-00116982-00117281 Europe eBook cornell university press UkCuJsk3IeM-00427-00117282-00117638 ISBN oh eight oh one four four three one UkCuJsk3IeM-00428-00117639-00118121 eight oh pen shana 2005 solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00429-00118122-00118322 secret the women who defeated communism UkCuJsk3IeM-00430-00118323-00118582 in Poland University of Michigan press UkCuJsk3IeM-00431-00118583-00119098 ISBN o 472 one one three eight five two UkCuJsk3IeM-00432-00119099-00119546 Purdue William D 1995 paradox have UkCuJsk3IeM-00433-00119547-00119774 changed the rise and fall of solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00434-00119775-00120128 in the new Poland Prager Greenwood ISBN UkCuJsk3IeM-00435-00120129-00120391 oh two seven five nine five two nine UkCuJsk3IeM-00436-00120392-00120733 five nine Pope John Paul the second UkCuJsk3IeM-00437-00120734-00120991 solicitude Oh ray socialized on Vatican UkCuJsk3IeM-00438-00120992-00121402 website Stannis kiss jadwiga 1984 UkCuJsk3IeM-00439-00121403-00121643 Poland's self-limiting Revolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00440-00121644-00121891 Princeton University Press UkCuJsk3IeM-00441-00121892-00122213 smaller Alexander self-limiting UkCuJsk3IeM-00442-00122214-00122489 Revolution Paul in nineteen seventy two UkCuJsk3IeM-00443-00122490-00122716 eighty nine in Adam Roberts and Timothy UkCuJsk3IeM-00444-00122717-00122999 Garton ash EDS civil resistance and UkCuJsk3IeM-00445-00123000-00123191 power politics the experience of UkCuJsk3IeM-00446-00123192-00123383 non-violent action from Gandhi to the UkCuJsk3IeM-00447-00123383-00123622 present Oxford Oxford University Press UkCuJsk3IeM-00448-00123623-00124181 2009 ISBN 978 oh one nine nine five five UkCuJsk3IeM-00449-00124182-00124774 two oh one six 1sz poorer Michael 2014 UkCuJsk3IeM-00450-00124775-00125021 solidarity the great workers strike of UkCuJsk3IeM-00451-00125022-00125513 1980 Lexington books ISBN 978 oh seven UkCuJsk3IeM-00452-00125514-00125794 three nine one nine two eight oh one UkCuJsk3IeM-00453-00125795-00126203 Weigel George 1992 the final revolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00454-00126204-00126401 the resistance Church and the collapse UkCuJsk3IeM-00455-00126402-00126671 of communism oxford university press UkCuJsk3IeM-00456-00126672-00127073 ISBN oh one nine five one six six six UkCuJsk3IeM-00457-00127074-00127517 four seven UkCuJsk3IeM-00458-00127518-00128004 topic external links UkCuJsk3IeM-00459-00128005-00128365 official website presentation on the UkCuJsk3IeM-00460-00128366-00128686 solidarity phenomenon phase the polish UkCuJsk3IeM-00461-00128687-00128918 trade union solidarity in the European UkCuJsk3IeM-00462-00128919-00129241 idea of freedom solidarity 25th UkCuJsk3IeM-00463-00129242-00129529 anniversary press Center who is Anna UkCuJsk3IeM-00464-00129530-00129733 well antonovitch a documentary film UkCuJsk3IeM-00465-00129734-00130024 about solidarity Catherine cannon UkCuJsk3IeM-00466-00130025-00130193 collection of Joanna why huh UkCuJsk3IeM-00467-00130194-00130583 papers MSS 8081 at L Tom Perry special UkCuJsk3IeM-00468-00130583-00130800 collections Brigham Young University UkCuJsk3IeM-00469-00130801-00131076 contains materials about white UkCuJsk3IeM-00470-00131077-00131379 participation in the Solidarity movement UkCuJsk3IeM-00471-00131380-00131638 international conference from solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00472-00131639-00131926 to freedom advice for East German UkCuJsk3IeM-00473-00131927-00132103 propagandists on how to deal with the UkCuJsk3IeM-00474-00132104-00132358 Solidarity movement the birth of UkCuJsk3IeM-00475-00132359-00132770 solidarity on BBC solidarity freedom and UkCuJsk3IeM-00476-00132771-00133128 economical crisis in Poland 1980-81 UkCuJsk3IeM-00477-00133129-00133339 solid earnest collection at the UkCuJsk3IeM-00478-00133340-00133670 libertarian communist library solid or UkCuJsk3IeM-00479-00133671-00133825 gnostic from Gdansk to military UkCuJsk3IeM-00480-00133826-00134033 repression by calling Barker and Cara UkCuJsk3IeM-00481-00134034-00134302 Weber nineteen eighty two arch UkCuJsk3IeM-00482-00134303-00134512 Paddington how American unions help UkCuJsk3IeM-00483-00134513-00134833 solidarity win motion for a resolution UkCuJsk3IeM-00484-00134834-00135068 the European Parliament on the 25th UkCuJsk3IeM-00485-00135069-00135262 anniversary of solidarity and its UkCuJsk3IeM-00486-00135263-00135586 message for Europe solidarity lost by UkCuJsk3IeM-00487-00135587-00135908 Daniel singer in Polish Solidarity UkCuJsk3IeM-00488-00135909-00136118 Center Foundation Fund Asia centrum UkCuJsk3IeM-00489-00136119-00136411 solid Aaron a she a simple way to learn UkCuJsk3IeM-00490-00136412-00136615 an old song a radio program about the UkCuJsk3IeM-00491-00136616-00136931 song Marie the anthem of solid earn ask UkCuJsk3IeM-00492-00136932-00137350 in Russian with English transcript UmzM8FFHxPc-00000-00000087-00002349 [Music] UmzM8FFHxPc-00001-00002350-00005095 [Music] UmzM8FFHxPc-00002-00005096-00005283 so UmzM8FFHxPc-00003-00005284-00007046 [Music] UmzM8FFHxPc-00004-00007047-00007256 you VoriqDNKoK0-00000-00000000-00000206 a topical solution to help protect an VoriqDNKoK0-00001-00000206-00000467 aid in your skin's natural healing I'm VoriqDNKoK0-00002-00000468-00001437 in check out this new product VoriqDNKoK0-00003-00001438-00001723 thaumaturgic bio mist is great for all VoriqDNKoK0-00004-00001725-00001957 ages from my husband's cuts and scrapes VoriqDNKoK0-00005-00001959-00002188 to our daughters scars and boo-boos VoriqDNKoK0-00006-00002189-00002456 thaumaturgic bio mist is a great VoriqDNKoK0-00007-00002457-00002752 solution for anything to heal faster VoriqDNKoK0-00008-00002753-00003041 this spray is odorless and painless VoriqDNKoK0-00009-00003042-00003229 which is always a plus VoriqDNKoK0-00010-00003230-00003472 for on-the-go convenience thaumaturgic VoriqDNKoK0-00011-00003473-00003800 by honest fits right in your purse this VoriqDNKoK0-00012-00003801-00004034 skincare product is truly one of the VoriqDNKoK0-00013-00004035-00004286 safest things you will find in a bottle VoriqDNKoK0-00014-00004287-00004463 make sure to check out this awesome VoriqDNKoK0-00015-00004464-00004654 skincare product today I'll leave a link VoriqDNKoK0-00016-00004655-00004804 below in the description on where you VoriqDNKoK0-00017-00004805-00004994 can find it make sure to connect with me VoriqDNKoK0-00018-00004995-00005222 on snapchat make sure and give this VoriqDNKoK0-00019-00005223-00005518 video click thumbs up subscribe share VoriqDNKoK0-00020-00005519-00005713 with your friends come and say hi to me VoriqDNKoK0-00021-00005714-00005900 on other social networks and I'll see VoriqDNKoK0-00022-00005901-00006232 you back here next week VoJiueLI-80-00000-00000000-00000642 [Music] VoJiueLI-80-00001-00000643-00000950 [Music] VoJiueLI-80-00002-00000951-00001270 hello and welcome to the episode 26 of VoJiueLI-80-00003-00001271-00001335 waterfall VoJiueLI-80-00004-00001336-00001663 day i am your host simon mass VoJiueLI-80-00005-00001664-00001895 some of today's highlights included the VoJiueLI-80-00006-00001896-00002055 writing of a new song VoJiueLI-80-00007-00002056-00002295 an acoustic performance for a friend and VoJiueLI-80-00008-00002296-00002447 a bright idea VoJiueLI-80-00009-00002448-00002815 let's see on the 26th of VoJiueLI-80-00010-00002816-00003150 january 1961 the beatles featuring pete VoJiueLI-80-00011-00003151-00003270 bass on drums VoJiueLI-80-00012-00003271-00003527 played the little land town hall in VoJiueLI-80-00013-00003528-00003647 liverpool VoJiueLI-80-00014-00003647-00003886 it was their third visit to the venue VoJiueLI-80-00015-00003887-00004095 after the sensational return VoJiueLI-80-00016-00004096-00004359 from their first hamburg trip in VoJiueLI-80-00017-00004360-00004419 december VoJiueLI-80-00018-00004420-00004854 1960 in 1962 VoJiueLI-80-00019-00004855-00005047 the cavern club in liverpool hosted VoJiueLI-80-00020-00005048-00005254 another double feature for the lads VoJiueLI-80-00021-00005255-00005511 with pete best still on drums with a VoJiueLI-80-00022-00005512-00005599 lunch time VoJiueLI-80-00023-00005600-00005886 and an evening concert having honored VoJiueLI-80-00024-00005887-00006070 their engagement with the cavern VoJiueLI-80-00025-00006071-00006343 the beatles rushed to the tower ballroom VoJiueLI-80-00026-00006344-00006446 in wallacea VoJiueLI-80-00027-00006447-00006710 to perform at another event this time VoJiueLI-80-00028-00006711-00006855 put on by promoter VoJiueLI-80-00029-00006856-00007206 sam leach another busy night VoJiueLI-80-00030-00007208-00007527 in 1963 with the beatles engaged VoJiueLI-80-00031-00007528-00007831 in two different venues first VoJiueLI-80-00032-00007831-00008087 they performed at the el rio club in VoJiueLI-80-00033-00008088-00008214 macclesfield VoJiueLI-80-00034-00008215-00008414 the concert had been rescheduled from VoJiueLI-80-00035-00008415-00008695 the original 19th of january date VoJiueLI-80-00036-00008696-00008951 the beatles shared the bill with wayne VoJiueLI-80-00037-00008952-00009023 fontana VoJiueLI-80-00038-00009024-00009367 and the jets another curiosity is that VoJiueLI-80-00039-00009368-00009583 it was in the backstage of this venue VoJiueLI-80-00040-00009584-00009791 that john lennon and paul mccartney VoJiueLI-80-00041-00009792-00010095 started writing their song misery VoJiueLI-80-00042-00010096-00010295 their idea was to give the song to helen VoJiueLI-80-00043-00010296-00010414 shapiro who VoJiueLI-80-00044-00010415-00010663 they would have met in the coming week VoJiueLI-80-00045-00010664-00010791 during their first VoJiueLI-80-00046-00010792-00011142 uk tour for the second engagement of the VoJiueLI-80-00047-00011143-00011191 day VoJiueLI-80-00048-00011192-00011599 the band had to drive south for 21 miles VoJiueLI-80-00049-00011600-00011903 about 34 kilometers to reach the king's VoJiueLI-80-00050-00011904-00011967 hall VoJiueLI-80-00051-00011968-00012274 in stroke on trend according to VoJiueLI-80-00052-00012275-00012391 beatlesbible.com VoJiueLI-80-00053-00012392-00012583 the only thing to make the performance VoJiueLI-80-00054-00012584-00012759 stand out from the others in the same VoJiueLI-80-00055-00012760-00012830 period VoJiueLI-80-00056-00012831-00013151 was a one-off cover of wall cryrin a VoJiueLI-80-00057-00013152-00013199 song VoJiueLI-80-00058-00013200-00013494 by the rooftop singers then number one VoJiueLI-80-00059-00013495-00013686 in the united states VoJiueLI-80-00060-00013687-00013975 the beatles would never cover it again VoJiueLI-80-00061-00013976-00014130 since we're talking about VoJiueLI-80-00062-00014131-00014391 beatlesbible.com please notice that the VoJiueLI-80-00063-00014391-00014655 website says that it was the king's hall VoJiueLI-80-00064-00014656-00014758 backstage VoJiueLI-80-00065-00014759-00015030 that saw the birth of misery but i tend VoJiueLI-80-00066-00015031-00015247 to side with beatles historian mark VoJiueLI-80-00067-00015247-00015494 lewison's version of the story VoJiueLI-80-00068-00015495-00015758 being a composer myself i think it's not VoJiueLI-80-00069-00015759-00015966 likely that lennon and mccartney VoJiueLI-80-00070-00015968-00016199 started writing at the end of a long VoJiueLI-80-00071-00016200-00016350 night of work VoJiueLI-80-00072-00016351-00016575 it would also be unlikely that the VoJiueLI-80-00073-00016576-00016775 writing took place before VoJiueLI-80-00074-00016776-00016999 the stroke on trend performance since VoJiueLI-80-00075-00017000-00017215 the band had to drive to the venue VoJiueLI-80-00076-00017216-00017511 probably not at a leisurely pace having VoJiueLI-80-00077-00017512-00017807 had another engagement beforehand VoJiueLI-80-00078-00017808-00018007 naturally everything is possible VoJiueLI-80-00079-00018008-00018255 although i think it's highly unlikely VoJiueLI-80-00080-00018256-00018286 that VoJiueLI-80-00081-00018287-00018607 beatlesbible.com is correct VoJiueLI-80-00082-00018608-00018958 in 1964 the beatles performed for yet VoJiueLI-80-00083-00018959-00019047 another night VoJiueLI-80-00084-00019048-00019263 during the residency at the olympia VoJiueLI-80-00085-00019264-00019422 theater in paris VoJiueLI-80-00086-00019423-00019775 france one year later VoJiueLI-80-00087-00019776-00020143 in 1965 george martin broke a bone in VoJiueLI-80-00088-00020144-00020230 his foot VoJiueLI-80-00089-00020231-00020455 while on holiday with the lennon's and VoJiueLI-80-00090-00020456-00020614 his girlfriend in saint VoJiueLI-80-00091-00020615-00020935 moritz switzerland unable to ski VoJiueLI-80-00092-00020936-00021183 after the injury martin was treated by VoJiueLI-80-00093-00021184-00021407 lennon with an acoustic performance of a VoJiueLI-80-00094-00021408-00021550 song he had written VoJiueLI-80-00095-00021551-00021871 recently having the provisional title of VoJiueLI-80-00096-00021872-00021950 this bird VoJiueLI-80-00097-00021951-00022278 has flown this was later renamed VoJiueLI-80-00098-00022279-00022607 norwegian wood let's move VoJiueLI-80-00099-00022608-00022911 to 1969 to find the beatles working in VoJiueLI-80-00100-00022912-00023086 the studio with billy preston VoJiueLI-80-00101-00023087-00023430 despite being a sunday it had been quite VoJiueLI-80-00102-00023431-00023663 a while since the band had worked both VoJiueLI-80-00103-00023664-00023807 days in a weekend VoJiueLI-80-00104-00023808-00023999 but the approaching of february which VoJiueLI-80-00105-00024000-00024199 would mark the end of the availability VoJiueLI-80-00106-00024200-00024319 of ring of star VoJiueLI-80-00107-00024320-00024558 forced them to rush to complete the get VoJiueLI-80-00108-00024559-00024727 back project VoJiueLI-80-00109-00024728-00024919 the session began with the arrival of VoJiueLI-80-00110-00024920-00025071 ringo and george VoJiueLI-80-00111-00025072-00025399 the latter performed isn't it a let it VoJiueLI-80-00112-00025400-00025558 down and win the window VoJiueLI-80-00113-00025559-00025878 acoustically after that he helped VoJiueLI-80-00114-00025879-00026127 ringo with the composition of octopus's VoJiueLI-80-00115-00026127-00026231 garden VoJiueLI-80-00116-00026232-00026462 when the others arrived the band focused VoJiueLI-80-00117-00026463-00026551 on larry b VoJiueLI-80-00118-00026552-00026790 and the london winding road with paulo VoJiueLI-80-00119-00026791-00026870 piano VoJiueLI-80-00120-00026872-00027207 john on bass and preston on oregon VoJiueLI-80-00121-00027208-00027551 then the band recorded a second shorter VoJiueLI-80-00122-00027552-00027614 version VoJiueLI-80-00123-00027616-00027958 of digit this was the version used both VoJiueLI-80-00124-00027960-00028255 on the prototype get back master tapes VoJiueLI-80-00125-00028256-00028358 and on the larry b VoJiueLI-80-00126-00028360-00028623 album but it was abbreviated in both VoJiueLI-80-00127-00028624-00028727 cases VoJiueLI-80-00128-00028727-00029023 the 12 minute 25 second recording was VoJiueLI-80-00129-00029024-00029102 faded out VoJiueLI-80-00130-00029104-00029423 after 8 minutes and 27 seconds for VoJiueLI-80-00131-00029424-00029646 johnsy's prototype releases VoJiueLI-80-00132-00029647-00029935 and was heard on larry b with an edit VoJiueLI-80-00133-00029936-00029999 lasting VoJiueLI-80-00134-00030000-00030335 less than a minute apart from the usual VoJiueLI-80-00135-00030336-00030470 array of covers VoJiueLI-80-00136-00030472-00030783 jams and like the session was memorable VoJiueLI-80-00137-00030783-00030862 for two VoJiueLI-80-00138-00030863-00031199 other details the visit of linda eastman VoJiueLI-80-00139-00031200-00031231 and VoJiueLI-80-00140-00031232-00031567 her baby daughter header and according VoJiueLI-80-00141-00031568-00031695 to mark lewison VoJiueLI-80-00142-00031695-00031967 the fact that at some point somewhere at VoJiueLI-80-00143-00031968-00032023 apple VoJiueLI-80-00144-00032024-00032270 proposed that the beatles could have an VoJiueLI-80-00145-00032272-00032446 unannounced live performance VoJiueLI-80-00146-00032447-00032774 on the roof of the apple office building VoJiueLI-80-00147-00032775-00032967 the performance was meant to give a VoJiueLI-80-00148-00032968-00033231 climaxing conclusion to the getback VoJiueLI-80-00149-00033232-00033559 film the fact that many people VoJiueLI-80-00150-00033560-00033895 later claimed to have had the idea first VoJiueLI-80-00151-00033896-00034207 is a testament of how well received it VoJiueLI-80-00152-00034208-00034343 was VoJiueLI-80-00153-00034344-00034655 finally during the evening glenn jones VoJiueLI-80-00154-00034656-00034935 worked to a mix down of some songs from VoJiueLI-80-00155-00034936-00035015 the sessions VoJiueLI-80-00156-00035016-00035311 during another 90-minute shift at the VoJiueLI-80-00157-00035312-00035527 olympic sound studios VoJiueLI-80-00158-00035528-00035999 again all details have been lost VoJiueLI-80-00159-00036000-00036351 on this date in 1970 ringo starr VoJiueLI-80-00160-00036352-00036671 and his wife marine flew from london to VoJiueLI-80-00161-00036672-00036767 los angeles VoJiueLI-80-00162-00036768-00037007 to attend the premiere of the magic VoJiueLI-80-00163-00037008-00037087 christian VoJiueLI-80-00164-00037088-00037374 the latest film featuring ringo and the VoJiueLI-80-00165-00037375-00037423 one VoJiueLI-80-00166-00037424-00037659 which he started shooting in february VoJiueLI-80-00167-00037660-00037823 1969. VoJiueLI-80-00168-00037824-00038102 on the same day john lennon having left VoJiueLI-80-00169-00038103-00038335 denmark with his wife yoko on the VoJiueLI-80-00170-00038336-00038462 previous day VoJiueLI-80-00171-00038463-00038702 arrived in paris and was interviewed by VoJiueLI-80-00172-00038703-00038823 reuters VoJiueLI-80-00173-00038824-00039079 the interview at the couple's hilton VoJiueLI-80-00174-00039080-00039159 hotel VoJiueLI-80-00175-00039160-00039423 was not terribly memorable with lennon VoJiueLI-80-00176-00039424-00039471 giving VoJiueLI-80-00177-00039472-00039718 short and grumpy replies to questions VoJiueLI-80-00178-00039719-00039887 about the peace campaign VoJiueLI-80-00179-00039888-00040230 and further plans by the beatles VoJiueLI-80-00180-00040231-00040502 this concludes another episode of what a VoJiueLI-80-00181-00040503-00040551 fab VoJiueLI-80-00182-00040552-00040839 day if you liked it you might want to VoJiueLI-80-00183-00040840-00041023 check the previous ones out VoJiueLI-80-00184-00041024-00041487 or visit www.simonmass.com VoJiueLI-80-00185-00041488-00041767 support to find ways to support my VoJiueLI-80-00186-00041768-00041862 efforts VoJiueLI-80-00187-00041863-00042158 even without spending a penny in VoJiueLI-80-00188-00042159-00042239 addition VoJiueLI-80-00189-00042240-00042479 in the episode description you'll find a VoJiueLI-80-00190-00042480-00042655 bibliography of the show VoJiueLI-80-00191-00042656-00042911 with amazon affiliate links that you can VoJiueLI-80-00192-00042912-00043118 use to support the podcast with your VoJiueLI-80-00193-00043119-00043207 shopping VoJiueLI-80-00194-00043208-00043471 and the link to a list of all the songs VoJiueLI-80-00195-00043472-00043567 tried out VoJiueLI-80-00196-00043568-00043823 however briefly during the get back VoJiueLI-80-00197-00043824-00043958 sessions VoJiueLI-80-00198-00043959-00044223 for the moment i wish you a good day and VoJiueLI-80-00199-00044224-00045184 a fab continuation V15cK5WZ1jY-00000-00000112-00000423 and i believe we are live V15cK5WZ1jY-00001-00000424-00000599 yay V15cK5WZ1jY-00002-00000600-00000847 quick check here V15cK5WZ1jY-00003-00000848-00001062 sorry guys i'm a little bit late because V15cK5WZ1jY-00004-00001063-00001327 i gotta shave how to shave because V15cK5WZ1jY-00005-00001328-00001462 i was talking to hope V15cK5WZ1jY-00006-00001463-00001647 it's like i look at myself V15cK5WZ1jY-00007-00001648-00001807 that's kind of scrappy oh my gosh you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00008-00001807-00002142 not even that bad V15cK5WZ1jY-00009-00002143-00002502 so wait uh let me share this out V15cK5WZ1jY-00010-00002503-00002871 uh to a few people on my page and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00011-00002872-00003199 we'll start V15cK5WZ1jY-00012-00003200-00003375 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00013-00003376-00003495 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00014-00003496-00003703 if you guys can hear us V15cK5WZ1jY-00015-00003704-00003935 um message us say hey we can hear you V15cK5WZ1jY-00016-00003936-00004206 guys or just say hey you know you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00017-00004207-00004486 from uh cali we got um V15cK5WZ1jY-00018-00004487-00004631 jean mong V15cK5WZ1jY-00019-00004632-00004847 on the line already what's up buddy V15cK5WZ1jY-00020-00004848-00005031 we got you guys V15cK5WZ1jY-00021-00005032-00005070 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00022-00005071-00005222 [Music] V15cK5WZ1jY-00023-00005223-00005447 from saint paul all right V15cK5WZ1jY-00024-00005448-00005551 see V15cK5WZ1jY-00025-00005552-00005683 what's going on V15cK5WZ1jY-00026-00005684-00005838 too V15cK5WZ1jY-00027-00005839-00006070 how's your sausage business going V15cK5WZ1jY-00028-00006071-00006270 yeah dude how are you doing V15cK5WZ1jY-00029-00006271-00006623 how's that how's minnesota up there V15cK5WZ1jY-00030-00006623-00006767 it was still right V15cK5WZ1jY-00031-00006768-00006887 people still V15cK5WZ1jY-00032-00006888-00007375 stealing stuff up there too V15cK5WZ1jY-00033-00007376-00007598 and hope uh hopes from V15cK5WZ1jY-00034-00007600-00007878 milwaukee rocky wisconsin yep V15cK5WZ1jY-00035-00007879-00008087 that's where i'm at how's crime over V15cK5WZ1jY-00036-00008088-00008287 there is is it pretty bad V15cK5WZ1jY-00037-00008288-00008510 yeah every single day V15cK5WZ1jY-00038-00008511-00008759 are you dodging dodging V15cK5WZ1jY-00039-00008760-00008927 i'm just home V15cK5WZ1jY-00040-00008928-00009095 i just stay home V15cK5WZ1jY-00041-00009096-00009295 yeah avoid the trouble V15cK5WZ1jY-00042-00009296-00009510 gotcha gotcha V15cK5WZ1jY-00043-00009511-00009887 so we got we got 19 we all you guys 23 V15cK5WZ1jY-00044-00009888-00010063 of you guys thanks for watching wow V15cK5WZ1jY-00045-00010064-00010335 that's great thanks for coming guys V15cK5WZ1jY-00046-00010336-00010551 so we're just going to do a little uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00047-00010552-00010742 sharing here and then we'll get we'll V15cK5WZ1jY-00048-00010743-00010919 get going with the show so thank you V15cK5WZ1jY-00049-00010920-00011110 guys for joining any comments any V15cK5WZ1jY-00050-00011111-00011295 questions for hope V15cK5WZ1jY-00051-00011296-00011551 you know go ahead and comment below and V15cK5WZ1jY-00052-00011552-00011767 we'll take it from there uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00053-00011768-00011887 just V15cK5WZ1jY-00054-00011888-00012214 do this share here V15cK5WZ1jY-00055-00012215-00012446 and then we'll go V15cK5WZ1jY-00056-00012447-00012614 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00057-00012615-00012838 how's the weather is it uh getting V15cK5WZ1jY-00058-00012839-00012958 cooler V15cK5WZ1jY-00059-00012959-00013038 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00060-00013039-00013238 here and there like especially at night V15cK5WZ1jY-00061-00013240-00013422 but in the morning V15cK5WZ1jY-00062-00013423-00013630 during the dates V15cK5WZ1jY-00063-00013631-00013775 pretty hot V15cK5WZ1jY-00064-00013776-00014094 i bet it's really hot down in florida V15cK5WZ1jY-00065-00014095-00014438 oh yeah it says it says like 97 or V15cK5WZ1jY-00066-00014440-00014719 something or 95 but it's like the index V15cK5WZ1jY-00067-00014719-00014919 is like yeah she's more hotter than that V15cK5WZ1jY-00068-00014919-00015143 so like you made everything so it's like V15cK5WZ1jY-00069-00015144-00015319 uh you know so V15cK5WZ1jY-00070-00015319-00015511 i could not live in florida that's way V15cK5WZ1jY-00071-00015512-00015783 too hot V15cK5WZ1jY-00072-00015784-00016094 um so yeah usually you know us people we V15cK5WZ1jY-00073-00016095-00016230 usually just V15cK5WZ1jY-00074-00016231-00016447 stay inside because we get that going V15cK5WZ1jY-00075-00016448-00016599 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00076-00016600-00016830 um yeah that's how it is in florida we V15cK5WZ1jY-00077-00016831-00017079 just we stay inside we we go from the V15cK5WZ1jY-00078-00017080-00017222 car to the house V15cK5WZ1jY-00079-00017223-00017343 and that's it V15cK5WZ1jY-00080-00017344-00017486 and then if we really want to go to the V15cK5WZ1jY-00081-00017487-00017719 beach and stuff we go there for like you V15cK5WZ1jY-00082-00017720-00017943 know a couple minutes or 30 minutes or V15cK5WZ1jY-00083-00017944-00018086 so because he's staying longer you get V15cK5WZ1jY-00084-00018087-00018175 burnt V15cK5WZ1jY-00085-00018176-00018283 oh V15cK5WZ1jY-00086-00018284-00018550 yeah and then that's it V15cK5WZ1jY-00087-00018551-00018799 you go out sunbathe for like a few V15cK5WZ1jY-00088-00018800-00018935 a few minutes and then that's it you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00089-00018936-00019119 you're done so V15cK5WZ1jY-00090-00019120-00019286 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00091-00019287-00019414 sharing V15cK5WZ1jY-00092-00019415-00019743 all right let's just get on sharing V15cK5WZ1jY-00093-00019744-00020230 we get a few people hey um hi guys V15cK5WZ1jY-00094-00020231-00020391 so proud of you sweetie is that your V15cK5WZ1jY-00095-00020392-00020807 auntie V15cK5WZ1jY-00096-00020808-00021094 and kim V15cK5WZ1jY-00097-00021095-00021422 maybe could be yo V15cK5WZ1jY-00098-00021423-00021607 thanks for from white bear all right V15cK5WZ1jY-00099-00021608-00021750 white bear we got white bear in the V15cK5WZ1jY-00100-00021751-00021839 house V15cK5WZ1jY-00101-00021840-00022007 let's represent see how many people are V15cK5WZ1jY-00102-00022008-00022222 from wisconsin V15cK5WZ1jY-00103-00022223-00022327 folks V15cK5WZ1jY-00104-00022328-00022494 she's from milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00105-00022495-00022686 let's see how many wisconsin folks V15cK5WZ1jY-00106-00022687-00022950 will represent and say hey you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00107-00022951-00023207 i'm here in wisconsin comment your city V15cK5WZ1jY-00108-00023208-00023399 we got a hey chang what's going on from V15cK5WZ1jY-00109-00023400-00023542 fresno V15cK5WZ1jY-00110-00023543-00023767 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00111-00023768-00023950 chang's got an awesome business going on V15cK5WZ1jY-00112-00023951-00024142 we're gonna we're gonna do a show on one V15cK5WZ1jY-00113-00024143-00024407 of his business uh maybe this week or V15cK5WZ1jY-00114-00024408-00024583 maybe next week so V15cK5WZ1jY-00115-00024584-00024686 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00116-00024687-00024878 he's still driving V15cK5WZ1jY-00117-00024879-00025135 driving that truck in california V15cK5WZ1jY-00118-00025136-00025283 oh she's from V15cK5WZ1jY-00119-00025284-00025503 chicago uh hope V15cK5WZ1jY-00120-00025504-00025687 uh zod and V15cK5WZ1jY-00121-00025688-00025862 probably he has from chicago V15cK5WZ1jY-00122-00025863-00026014 how do you see these comments i can't V15cK5WZ1jY-00123-00026016-00026279 really see them i'm just oh it's on the V15cK5WZ1jY-00124-00026280-00026551 moon hustlers page so yeah i'm on the V15cK5WZ1jY-00125-00026552-00026683 live V15cK5WZ1jY-00126-00026683-00027143 oh it's probably going slow for me V15cK5WZ1jY-00127-00027144-00027351 so yeah angel i think angel is your V15cK5WZ1jY-00128-00027352-00027535 sister yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00129-00027536-00027711 she's from chicago and you should toggle V15cK5WZ1jY-00130-00027712-00027823 people V15cK5WZ1jY-00131-00027824-00028087 love to hear chicago that's actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00132-00028088-00028229 where i'm from V15cK5WZ1jY-00133-00028230-00028558 [Laughter] V15cK5WZ1jY-00134-00028560-00028774 julie says he's from new york V15cK5WZ1jY-00135-00028775-00028911 right V15cK5WZ1jY-00136-00028912-00029174 uh julie is actually from california oh V15cK5WZ1jY-00137-00029175-00029287 okay V15cK5WZ1jY-00138-00029288-00029662 one of our legendary seniors V15cK5WZ1jY-00139-00029663-00030055 and we got yang yang from wisconsin V15cK5WZ1jY-00140-00030056-00030287 so yeah he's in the house you just wake V15cK5WZ1jY-00141-00030288-00030518 up i think uh you're just waking up to V15cK5WZ1jY-00142-00030519-00030727 do your bakery business right now right V15cK5WZ1jY-00143-00030727-00030990 is that where you just woke up i think V15cK5WZ1jY-00144-00030991-00031207 he does his bakery during the night V15cK5WZ1jY-00145-00031208-00031318 shift V15cK5WZ1jY-00146-00031319-00031407 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00147-00031408-00031662 all right i think i'm shared out i think V15cK5WZ1jY-00148-00031663-00031927 let's start um let me pull up my notes V15cK5WZ1jY-00149-00031927-00032079 man V15cK5WZ1jY-00150-00032080-00032287 remember what show we're on it's been so V15cK5WZ1jY-00151-00032288-00032607 long sorry guys uh you know had a lot V15cK5WZ1jY-00152-00032608-00032767 stuff going on V15cK5WZ1jY-00153-00032768-00033062 business-wise family-wise kovid so this V15cK5WZ1jY-00154-00033063-00033367 is our first show back in a long time so V15cK5WZ1jY-00155-00033368-00033518 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00156-00033519-00033639 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00157-00033640-00033846 let's get going all right so i think V15cK5WZ1jY-00158-00033847-00033971 this is show V15cK5WZ1jY-00159-00033972-00034279 26 let me just make sure V15cK5WZ1jY-00160-00034280-00034479 man if i had this right V15cK5WZ1jY-00161-00034480-00034790 let me just go to my events here V15cK5WZ1jY-00162-00034791-00035007 yep this is 26. V15cK5WZ1jY-00163-00035008-00035399 hit it 26 yep show 26 hustling at age V15cK5WZ1jY-00164-00035400-00035679 19. so we got an awesome guest today her V15cK5WZ1jY-00165-00035680-00035846 name is hope V15cK5WZ1jY-00166-00035847-00036127 out of uh milwaukee right yep from V15cK5WZ1jY-00167-00036128-00036239 milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00168-00036240-00036430 so just curious what do you how do they V15cK5WZ1jY-00169-00036431-00036774 say milwaukee like is it milawake or you V15cK5WZ1jY-00170-00036775-00037055 gotta take milwaukee or um V15cK5WZ1jY-00171-00037056-00037223 i only been walking for a while but it's V15cK5WZ1jY-00172-00037224-00037439 been so long just people V15cK5WZ1jY-00173-00037440-00037662 hey V15cK5WZ1jY-00174-00037663-00037855 i've never really heard it said like V15cK5WZ1jY-00175-00037856-00038127 that but i i think mostly people who are V15cK5WZ1jY-00176-00038128-00038367 from milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00177-00038368-00038495 milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00178-00038496-00038735 milwaukee milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00179-00038736-00038887 meiwaki V15cK5WZ1jY-00180-00038888-00039039 some people yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00181-00039040-00039287 i know V15cK5WZ1jY-00182-00039288-00039543 awesome awesome so uh welcome to the V15cK5WZ1jY-00183-00039544-00039846 show hey we we love this right you love V15cK5WZ1jY-00184-00039847-00040007 we love to hear about entrepreneurs and V15cK5WZ1jY-00185-00040008-00040287 stuff like that and you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00186-00040288-00040471 i find i mean you're like a young V15cK5WZ1jY-00187-00040472-00040727 entrepreneur so you're like what we call V15cK5WZ1jY-00188-00040728-00040983 like a young hustler young V15cK5WZ1jY-00189-00040984-00041239 young hustler so we want you you to come V15cK5WZ1jY-00190-00041240-00041455 on the show and say hey what V15cK5WZ1jY-00191-00041456-00041727 what what was your mindset i mean at 19 V15cK5WZ1jY-00192-00041728-00041918 right you're 19 right yes V15cK5WZ1jY-00193-00041919-00042183 so i i mean i remember when i was 19 i V15cK5WZ1jY-00194-00042184-00042374 was just like a cashier and you know i V15cK5WZ1jY-00195-00042375-00042471 was like V15cK5WZ1jY-00196-00042472-00042646 i never think about like doing a V15cK5WZ1jY-00197-00042647-00042846 business or anything like that so we V15cK5WZ1jY-00198-00042847-00042999 want you to come on maybe you can V15cK5WZ1jY-00199-00043000-00043223 inspire some younger folks or we just V15cK5WZ1jY-00200-00043224-00043390 want to say hey V15cK5WZ1jY-00201-00043391-00043583 you know what inspire you to be like a V15cK5WZ1jY-00202-00043584-00043839 like a business or entrepreneur so V15cK5WZ1jY-00203-00043840-00044023 um yeah tell us a little about yourself V15cK5WZ1jY-00204-00044024-00044374 first um okay well i V15cK5WZ1jY-00205-00044375-00044639 well i was born in like chicago illinois V15cK5WZ1jY-00206-00044640-00044790 and then um V15cK5WZ1jY-00207-00044791-00044958 probably around V15cK5WZ1jY-00208-00044959-00045246 like 2011 i moved to milwaukee and we V15cK5WZ1jY-00209-00045247-00045495 went to hmong school and then that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00210-00045496-00045727 where i met a lot of hmong friends got V15cK5WZ1jY-00211-00045728-00045911 to know more about the hmong culture and V15cK5WZ1jY-00212-00045912-00046015 everything V15cK5WZ1jY-00213-00046016-00046311 and so that was really nice um V15cK5WZ1jY-00214-00046312-00046567 and uh right now since i'm done with V15cK5WZ1jY-00215-00046568-00046839 high school i'm at uw milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00216-00046840-00046990 um i'm studying for business V15cK5WZ1jY-00217-00046991-00047255 administration for human resources V15cK5WZ1jY-00218-00047256-00047471 um so that's part of one reason why i V15cK5WZ1jY-00219-00047472-00047718 kind of wanted to go into making my own V15cK5WZ1jY-00220-00047719-00047958 business um V15cK5WZ1jY-00221-00047959-00048167 and i'm a twin V15cK5WZ1jY-00222-00048168-00048446 i'm the youngest of a twin V15cK5WZ1jY-00223-00048447-00048615 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00224-00048616-00048790 how does that work like V15cK5WZ1jY-00225-00048791-00048862 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00226-00048863-00049062 so which one came out first V15cK5WZ1jY-00227-00049063-00049302 my sister did yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00228-00049303-00049495 and then there's me V15cK5WZ1jY-00229-00049496-00049671 but they say that they say that the V15cK5WZ1jY-00230-00049672-00049855 youngest twin is always the older one V15cK5WZ1jY-00231-00049856-00050215 because they let the other one go first V15cK5WZ1jY-00232-00050216-00050518 okay gotcha so V15cK5WZ1jY-00233-00050519-00050815 so we'll get this out she she is my V15cK5WZ1jY-00234-00050816-00050967 niece right V15cK5WZ1jY-00235-00050968-00051302 no we're cousins my cousin sorry dude V15cK5WZ1jY-00236-00051303-00051430 i think this V15cK5WZ1jY-00237-00051432-00051575 i just think of this kind of stuff sorry V15cK5WZ1jY-00238-00051576-00051742 so she is my cousin let's get this out V15cK5WZ1jY-00239-00051744-00051975 of the way but she is awesome i mean the V15cK5WZ1jY-00240-00051976-00052199 white her mindset and stuff so V15cK5WZ1jY-00241-00052200-00052407 i want to just get out of the way so i V15cK5WZ1jY-00242-00052408-00052591 act like i'm i'm like i don't know her V15cK5WZ1jY-00243-00052591-00052775 but yeah i do kind of know her but i V15cK5WZ1jY-00244-00052776-00052991 wanted just to let her you know talk V15cK5WZ1jY-00245-00052991-00053254 about her her you know her V15cK5WZ1jY-00246-00053255-00053575 feel so yeah so um we talked about V15cK5WZ1jY-00247-00053576-00053719 you're you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00248-00053720-00054023 you and your sister are twins and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00249-00054024-00054191 you are you in college V15cK5WZ1jY-00250-00054191-00054526 yes i am in college i am i'm studying uw V15cK5WZ1jY-00251-00054527-00054638 milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00252-00054639-00054975 uh-huh yeah and hr was what you were V15cK5WZ1jY-00253-00054976-00055230 talking about yep hr is what i'm aiming V15cK5WZ1jY-00254-00055232-00055326 for V15cK5WZ1jY-00255-00055327-00055438 okay cool V15cK5WZ1jY-00256-00055439-00055647 and i mean what are you currently doing V15cK5WZ1jY-00257-00055648-00055871 right now like primary job or anything V15cK5WZ1jY-00258-00055872-00056015 like that or V15cK5WZ1jY-00259-00056016-00056303 so in the beginning of march i actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00260-00056304-00056430 applied for V15cK5WZ1jY-00261-00056432-00056766 job campuses jobs on campus so i was V15cK5WZ1jY-00262-00056767-00057015 actually um hired as a V15cK5WZ1jY-00263-00057016-00057223 human resource assistant V15cK5WZ1jY-00264-00057224-00057503 and also a V15cK5WZ1jY-00265-00057504-00057694 a office assistant V15cK5WZ1jY-00266-00057695-00058030 but because of covid um i was kind of V15cK5WZ1jY-00267-00058032-00058191 laid off V15cK5WZ1jY-00268-00058191-00058271 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00269-00058272-00058479 yeah i'm currently unemployed but i do V15cK5WZ1jY-00270-00058479-00058735 have this business aside so V15cK5WZ1jY-00271-00058736-00058975 it's pretty okay now V15cK5WZ1jY-00272-00058976-00059150 isn't that amazing V15cK5WZ1jY-00273-00059151-00059399 yeah you have something to fall back on V15cK5WZ1jY-00274-00059400-00059630 yeah that's so amazing is it were you V15cK5WZ1jY-00275-00059632-00059815 nervous at all when you got laid off is V15cK5WZ1jY-00276-00059816-00059950 it i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00277-00059951-00060119 being laid off at V15cK5WZ1jY-00278-00060120-00060454 you know 19 it's it's pretty pretty like V15cK5WZ1jY-00279-00060455-00060671 rare right V15cK5WZ1jY-00280-00060672-00060766 did it V15cK5WZ1jY-00281-00060767-00060879 did it V15cK5WZ1jY-00282-00060879-00061006 i mean what was your emotions when you V15cK5WZ1jY-00283-00061007-00061271 got laid off i was like wow like i don't V15cK5WZ1jY-00284-00061272-00061503 even know like what should i even do V15cK5WZ1jY-00285-00061504-00061742 like just aside from my business and i V15cK5WZ1jY-00286-00061744-00061894 was really aiming for getting more V15cK5WZ1jY-00287-00061895-00062030 experience in V15cK5WZ1jY-00288-00062032-00062238 you know human resources because for V15cK5WZ1jY-00289-00062239-00062399 that job i would be doing almost V15cK5WZ1jY-00290-00062400-00062582 everything i'm not really just assistant V15cK5WZ1jY-00291-00062583-00062775 i'm actually the hr V15cK5WZ1jY-00292-00062776-00063015 but you know i was still in training for V15cK5WZ1jY-00293-00063016-00063254 both of those jobs and then they're like V15cK5WZ1jY-00294-00063255-00063519 you know what um student employees are V15cK5WZ1jY-00295-00063520-00063854 not allowed to come in anymore so V15cK5WZ1jY-00296-00063855-00064079 i was like oh okay V15cK5WZ1jY-00297-00064079-00064191 but so V15cK5WZ1jY-00298-00064191-00064454 so did you do the whole um V15cK5WZ1jY-00299-00064455-00064687 you know unemployment thing as well V15cK5WZ1jY-00300-00064688-00064950 i tried but because i think i didn't V15cK5WZ1jY-00301-00064951-00065119 have enough days V15cK5WZ1jY-00302-00065120-00065335 working there they didn't really do V15cK5WZ1jY-00303-00065336-00065471 anything so V15cK5WZ1jY-00304-00065472-00065559 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00305-00065560-00065647 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00306-00065648-00065950 so then now i was like oh so did you so V15cK5WZ1jY-00307-00065951-00066135 what happened after did you V15cK5WZ1jY-00308-00066136-00066399 went looking for another job or what's V15cK5WZ1jY-00309-00066400-00066535 what's the plan now i was actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00310-00066536-00066743 holding because i didn't want to have V15cK5WZ1jY-00311-00066744-00067038 another job while i had like the human V15cK5WZ1jY-00312-00067039-00067311 resources and my other jobs so i've been V15cK5WZ1jY-00313-00067312-00067615 holding off but i just emailed them like V15cK5WZ1jY-00314-00067616-00067823 a couple days ago to see how fall V15cK5WZ1jY-00315-00067824-00067975 semester is going to be and they said V15cK5WZ1jY-00316-00067976-00068231 most likely they're not going to have me V15cK5WZ1jY-00317-00068232-00068543 um into work anymore so V15cK5WZ1jY-00318-00068544-00068903 i'm looking for other jobs too right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00319-00068904-00069126 okay how's that going V15cK5WZ1jY-00320-00069127-00069431 it's all right it's slowly getting there V15cK5WZ1jY-00321-00069432-00069703 is it is it a tough market right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00322-00069704-00069847 it is yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00323-00069848-00070031 yeah yeah it is yeah that's what that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00324-00070032-00070255 what everybody's saying um that i'm V15cK5WZ1jY-00325-00070256-00070535 talking to so i just wanted people to V15cK5WZ1jY-00326-00070536-00070615 know V15cK5WZ1jY-00327-00070616-00070991 that it's it's hard so you know when you V15cK5WZ1jY-00328-00070992-00071223 when you rely on that job you gotta have V15cK5WZ1jY-00329-00071224-00071406 some sort of something like a backup V15cK5WZ1jY-00330-00071407-00071575 plan and this is awesome what you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00331-00071576-00071694 doing because you have a backup plan V15cK5WZ1jY-00332-00071695-00071782 right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00333-00071783-00072031 um like a like a side hustle when you V15cK5WZ1jY-00334-00072032-00072247 when you had your primary business or V15cK5WZ1jY-00335-00072248-00072447 you had your primary income which is V15cK5WZ1jY-00336-00072448-00072655 what like assistant you said hr V15cK5WZ1jY-00337-00072656-00072782 assistant V15cK5WZ1jY-00338-00072783-00073038 and then now like then your secondary V15cK5WZ1jY-00339-00073039-00073206 income was V15cK5WZ1jY-00340-00073207-00073382 kind of like this particular business V15cK5WZ1jY-00341-00073383-00073543 that we're going to talk about right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00342-00073544-00073838 so that's awesome so now are you i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00343-00073839-00073943 i don't know V15cK5WZ1jY-00344-00073944-00074199 if it's enough but we'll dig into it so V15cK5WZ1jY-00345-00074200-00074479 so what is what is the side hustle that V15cK5WZ1jY-00346-00074480-00074687 you got into and you know tell us about V15cK5WZ1jY-00347-00074688-00074991 it yeah so i actually have a online V15cK5WZ1jY-00348-00074992-00075319 business i sell cosmetics it's called hx V15cK5WZ1jY-00349-00075320-00075575 cosmetics um ajax for hopefully V15cK5WZ1jY-00350-00075576-00075750 obviously but i thought it was a very V15cK5WZ1jY-00351-00075751-00075926 catchy name because V15cK5WZ1jY-00352-00075927-00076175 you know it kind of rhymes you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00353-00076176-00076287 but um V15cK5WZ1jY-00354-00076288-00076471 yeah i started V15cK5WZ1jY-00355-00076472-00076823 you know planning my my business since V15cK5WZ1jY-00356-00076824-00077079 last december-ish V15cK5WZ1jY-00357-00077080-00077279 because my dad was like teaching me like V15cK5WZ1jY-00358-00077280-00077399 you know what you should start your own V15cK5WZ1jY-00359-00077400-00077543 business like V15cK5WZ1jY-00360-00077544-00077687 you know there are so many great V15cK5WZ1jY-00361-00077688-00077847 opportunities out there if you do and V15cK5WZ1jY-00362-00077848-00078062 i'm like yeah that's so true you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00363-00078063-00078231 2020 is going to be my year i'm going to V15cK5WZ1jY-00364-00078232-00078606 start 2020. so i opened um my business V15cK5WZ1jY-00365-00078607-00078711 in V15cK5WZ1jY-00366-00078712-00078999 um january i V15cK5WZ1jY-00367-00079000-00079191 created my website and everything and i V15cK5WZ1jY-00368-00079192-00079503 created it through wix V15cK5WZ1jY-00369-00079504-00079743 and i just you know did self design i V15cK5WZ1jY-00370-00079744-00079999 just used whatever they provided all the V15cK5WZ1jY-00371-00080000-00080167 tools that they had V15cK5WZ1jY-00372-00080168-00080262 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00373-00080263-00080415 and you know i V15cK5WZ1jY-00374-00080416-00080735 really used facebook um business pages V15cK5WZ1jY-00375-00080736-00081071 as a you know as a help to kind of build V15cK5WZ1jY-00376-00081072-00081455 up my websites and viewers and you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00377-00081456-00081623 so yeah um V15cK5WZ1jY-00378-00081624-00081799 that's what i do i sell V15cK5WZ1jY-00379-00081800-00081982 i started off with selling lashes V15cK5WZ1jY-00380-00081983-00082182 because there's a lot of girls who like V15cK5WZ1jY-00381-00082183-00082543 lashes right right and then i started to V15cK5WZ1jY-00382-00082544-00082823 like contacts and makeup palettes makeup V15cK5WZ1jY-00383-00082824-00082967 brushes V15cK5WZ1jY-00384-00082968-00083223 yeah right slowly go in V15cK5WZ1jY-00385-00083224-00083406 okay so we'll we'll dig into that in a V15cK5WZ1jY-00386-00083407-00083543 bit so let's start with that V15cK5WZ1jY-00387-00083544-00083791 entrepreneurship part right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00388-00083792-00084006 you had that in did you have that in you V15cK5WZ1jY-00389-00084007-00084262 or were you motivated by your dad V15cK5WZ1jY-00390-00084263-00084487 i mean i had it in me too i was V15cK5WZ1jY-00391-00084488-00084638 i was always dreaming of like you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00392-00084639-00084894 creating something of my own like a V15cK5WZ1jY-00393-00084895-00085135 brand of my own or V15cK5WZ1jY-00394-00085136-00085350 i always thought of something near that V15cK5WZ1jY-00395-00085351-00085559 i was like maybe i'll design stuff for V15cK5WZ1jY-00396-00085560-00085662 people who V15cK5WZ1jY-00397-00085663-00085911 you know sell makeup or maybe i'll just V15cK5WZ1jY-00398-00085912-00086087 advertise for people who have makeup but V15cK5WZ1jY-00399-00086088-00086294 i never really pictured like maybe i V15cK5WZ1jY-00400-00086295-00086455 could just do it on my own so i'm like V15cK5WZ1jY-00401-00086456-00086662 you know what i'll just do it on my own V15cK5WZ1jY-00402-00086663-00086887 so yeah that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00403-00086888-00087055 one thing okay cool V15cK5WZ1jY-00404-00087056-00087247 so then your dad was like hey why don't V15cK5WZ1jY-00405-00087248-00087326 you V15cK5WZ1jY-00406-00087327-00087495 why don't you try something V15cK5WZ1jY-00407-00087496-00087623 [Music] V15cK5WZ1jY-00408-00087624-00087855 you know something V15cK5WZ1jY-00409-00087856-00088135 by yourself did he did he V15cK5WZ1jY-00410-00088136-00088294 did he helped you at all or were you V15cK5WZ1jY-00411-00088295-00088462 just like i'm gonna take it i'm gonna V15cK5WZ1jY-00412-00088463-00088687 run with it uh he helped me a little V15cK5WZ1jY-00413-00088688-00088855 like you know giving me advice like you V15cK5WZ1jY-00414-00088856-00089015 know what you could just start an item V15cK5WZ1jY-00415-00089016-00089350 that moves and then go with that because V15cK5WZ1jY-00416-00089351-00089518 that's how that's how you're gonna grow V15cK5WZ1jY-00417-00089519-00089671 with that too V15cK5WZ1jY-00418-00089672-00089918 so was like i think cosmetics does move V15cK5WZ1jY-00419-00089919-00090143 because you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00420-00090144-00090359 girls these days they like cosmetics and V15cK5WZ1jY-00421-00090360-00090535 everything V15cK5WZ1jY-00422-00090536-00090735 they can never get enough V15cK5WZ1jY-00423-00090736-00090918 right right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00424-00090919-00091062 so i'm trying to V15cK5WZ1jY-00425-00091063-00091271 so he said those guys just joined we got V15cK5WZ1jY-00426-00091272-00091591 a hope from uh milwaukee wisconsin uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00427-00091592-00091750 give us a shout out tell us where you V15cK5WZ1jY-00428-00091751-00091918 guys are at i'm trying to click on i V15cK5WZ1jY-00429-00091919-00092062 don't know if you guys see it but i'm V15cK5WZ1jY-00430-00092063-00092271 clicking on she knew just to say hey V15cK5WZ1jY-00431-00092272-00092518 he's representing north carolina we got V15cK5WZ1jY-00432-00092519-00092694 angel representing chicago do you guys V15cK5WZ1jY-00433-00092695-00092871 see that at all V15cK5WZ1jY-00434-00092872-00093071 i'm gonna check to see if the tools are V15cK5WZ1jY-00435-00093072-00093191 working here V15cK5WZ1jY-00436-00093192-00093335 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00437-00093336-00093591 angel says he's from appleton V15cK5WZ1jY-00438-00093592-00093847 uh but but let us know uh yang says he's V15cK5WZ1jY-00439-00093848-00094182 from wiscons wisconsin oh yeah wisconsin V15cK5WZ1jY-00440-00094183-00094262 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00441-00094263-00094511 curses he's from appleton let us know V15cK5WZ1jY-00442-00094512-00094726 where you guys are from so give us a V15cK5WZ1jY-00443-00094727-00094950 shout out so we all know you know so see V15cK5WZ1jY-00444-00094951-00095126 what you know where you guys are all V15cK5WZ1jY-00445-00095127-00095215 from V15cK5WZ1jY-00446-00095216-00095487 uh but we got hope from milwaukee V15cK5WZ1jY-00447-00095488-00095703 and she's just uh we we just want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00448-00095704-00095918 know what what motivate her to start her V15cK5WZ1jY-00449-00095919-00096135 own business and she basically said you V15cK5WZ1jY-00450-00096136-00096303 know it was already in her right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00451-00096304-00096494 you're in you want to do something and V15cK5WZ1jY-00452-00096495-00096799 your dad kind of came along and kind of V15cK5WZ1jY-00453-00096800-00096935 bumped you just a little bit and now V15cK5WZ1jY-00454-00096936-00097118 you're doing your stuff V15cK5WZ1jY-00455-00097119-00097406 that's awesome um V15cK5WZ1jY-00456-00097407-00097574 i mean did you had V15cK5WZ1jY-00457-00097575-00097879 this big vision saying hey you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00458-00097880-00098159 this is going to be huge or wait what's V15cK5WZ1jY-00459-00098160-00098359 i mean tell us about it like i mean what V15cK5WZ1jY-00460-00098360-00098471 was going on V15cK5WZ1jY-00461-00098472-00098679 that's my goal like i want i want it to V15cK5WZ1jY-00462-00098680-00098862 be huge one day and eventually i want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00463-00098863-00099111 go towards like other things like skin V15cK5WZ1jY-00464-00099112-00099367 care or like um V15cK5WZ1jY-00465-00099368-00099718 you know other kind of cosmetics or V15cK5WZ1jY-00466-00099719-00099855 beauty V15cK5WZ1jY-00467-00099856-00099967 you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00468-00099968-00100167 yeah so yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00469-00100168-00100262 but V15cK5WZ1jY-00470-00100263-00100543 okay so i mean how did you how big of V15cK5WZ1jY-00471-00100544-00100750 how big did you want us to get you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00472-00100751-00101031 like or is this a side hustle like hey V15cK5WZ1jY-00473-00101032-00101167 you know i'm getting some V15cK5WZ1jY-00474-00101168-00101262 just V15cK5WZ1jY-00475-00101263-00101511 income along the side and and hr is my V15cK5WZ1jY-00476-00101512-00101782 thing you know down the road V15cK5WZ1jY-00477-00101783-00102062 i mean i want it to be big and i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00478-00102063-00102279 it's good to have a you know degree in V15cK5WZ1jY-00479-00102280-00102518 something as well but i do want this to V15cK5WZ1jY-00480-00102519-00102758 be like my main priority throughout the V15cK5WZ1jY-00481-00102759-00102847 way V15cK5WZ1jY-00482-00102848-00103142 um so that's why i am slowly growing and V15cK5WZ1jY-00483-00103143-00103278 i hope that does V15cK5WZ1jY-00484-00103279-00103510 continue in the future V15cK5WZ1jY-00485-00103511-00103702 and i do i do see it still growing in V15cK5WZ1jY-00486-00103703-00103894 the future if like V15cK5WZ1jY-00487-00103895-00104094 in like 10 years V15cK5WZ1jY-00488-00104095-00104382 yeah that's awesome so cool yeah so V15cK5WZ1jY-00489-00104383-00104751 um i mean it's it's good because i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00490-00104752-00104919 i don't know you can take this really V15cK5WZ1jY-00491-00104920-00104999 far V15cK5WZ1jY-00492-00105000-00105207 like really quick V15cK5WZ1jY-00493-00105208-00105399 or you can just say hey i want to do the V15cK5WZ1jY-00494-00105400-00105607 school thing i want to get my degree V15cK5WZ1jY-00495-00105608-00105799 and then you know use it as a side V15cK5WZ1jY-00496-00105800-00106007 hustle and then it becomes you know you V15cK5WZ1jY-00497-00106008-00106134 get your degree V15cK5WZ1jY-00498-00106135-00106358 you know and then you do a second stream V15cK5WZ1jY-00499-00106359-00106527 which is this and then you get two V15cK5WZ1jY-00500-00106528-00106766 incomes coming all at once so V15cK5WZ1jY-00501-00106767-00106895 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00502-00106896-00107183 uh yeah so uh that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00503-00107183-00107375 that's that's cool i mean is that is V15cK5WZ1jY-00504-00107376-00107551 that where you want i mean are you just V15cK5WZ1jY-00505-00107552-00107719 trying to figure it out you know like V15cK5WZ1jY-00506-00107720-00107934 which was gonna be like which is going V15cK5WZ1jY-00507-00107935-00108278 to work or you're just like V15cK5WZ1jY-00508-00108279-00108447 what's going through you well i think i V15cK5WZ1jY-00509-00108448-00108663 am still trying to figure it out as well V15cK5WZ1jY-00510-00108664-00108958 but i do want it to go big V15cK5WZ1jY-00511-00108959-00109271 but it really do does depend on the V15cK5WZ1jY-00512-00109272-00109534 future too as well but i i for sure want V15cK5WZ1jY-00513-00109535-00109783 to go big um but i also want to have a V15cK5WZ1jY-00514-00109783-00109966 degree on the side i V15cK5WZ1jY-00515-00109967-00110254 you know if i do not work as hr i'll V15cK5WZ1jY-00516-00110255-00110502 most likely work towards this business V15cK5WZ1jY-00517-00110503-00110683 most of the time V15cK5WZ1jY-00518-00110683-00110934 gotcha all right so let's talk about V15cK5WZ1jY-00519-00110935-00111095 this business right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00520-00111096-00111302 uh let's see here's a few questions here V15cK5WZ1jY-00521-00111303-00111423 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00522-00111424-00111527 man V15cK5WZ1jY-00523-00111528-00111983 so many questions uh people just talking V15cK5WZ1jY-00524-00111983-00112127 back and forth we got a few people V15cK5WZ1jY-00525-00112128-00112447 saying hi uh see here she says angel V15cK5WZ1jY-00526-00112448-00112734 said hey can you speak in hmong V15cK5WZ1jY-00527-00112735-00112919 but V15cK5WZ1jY-00528-00112920-00113151 but nothing not right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00529-00113152-00113310 angel i might have a problem speaking V15cK5WZ1jY-00530-00113311-00113583 i'm home you know no just kidding so uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00531-00113583-00113839 we'll stick to english for now uh but V15cK5WZ1jY-00532-00113840-00114023 she's dusty good V15cK5WZ1jY-00533-00114024-00114271 hmong right so i mean she don't think V15cK5WZ1jY-00534-00114272-00114423 she has a problem with that V15cK5WZ1jY-00535-00114424-00114607 yeah um V15cK5WZ1jY-00536-00114608-00114702 i can't V15cK5WZ1jY-00537-00114703-00114883 but i just i'm not V15cK5WZ1jY-00538-00114883-00115134 comfortable so michael says hey he's V15cK5WZ1jY-00539-00115135-00115310 going to get into cosmetic business so V15cK5WZ1jY-00540-00115311-00115423 mike if you've got any questions go V15cK5WZ1jY-00541-00115424-00115590 ahead and comment below V15cK5WZ1jY-00542-00115591-00115727 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00543-00115728-00115951 see here my son needs to watch this so V15cK5WZ1jY-00544-00115952-00116151 archie says hit my son hey archie how V15cK5WZ1jY-00545-00116152-00116447 old is your son you know let us know um V15cK5WZ1jY-00546-00116448-00116695 we got a few to see them we gotta we got V15cK5WZ1jY-00547-00116696-00116919 a sacramento california V15cK5WZ1jY-00548-00116920-00117031 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00549-00117032-00117254 pantheon says hey flora representing all V15cK5WZ1jY-00550-00117255-00117447 right and we got minnesota representing V15cK5WZ1jY-00551-00117448-00117631 we got brooklyn center V15cK5WZ1jY-00552-00117632-00117983 new zealand here uh from wyoming william V15cK5WZ1jY-00553-00117983-00118502 james from new zealand huh okay awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-00554-00118503-00118654 all right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00555-00118655-00118831 so tell us so V15cK5WZ1jY-00556-00118832-00119158 uh what is it hx cosmetics right so you V15cK5WZ1jY-00557-00119159-00119439 went ahead and built your own V15cK5WZ1jY-00558-00119440-00119631 website yes V15cK5WZ1jY-00559-00119632-00119927 wix and tell us about wigs what is it V15cK5WZ1jY-00560-00119928-00120214 um so wix it is a platform that actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00561-00120215-00120543 helps you create websites so it can be V15cK5WZ1jY-00562-00120544-00120775 from like you know selling items V15cK5WZ1jY-00563-00120776-00120919 actually you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00564-00120920-00121063 contacting V15cK5WZ1jY-00565-00121064-00121190 customers V15cK5WZ1jY-00566-00121191-00121271 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00567-00121272-00121575 so i just started off with that um V15cK5WZ1jY-00568-00121576-00121831 it's pretty nice you know i use i use a V15cK5WZ1jY-00569-00121832-00122078 plan with them so i do pay monthly for V15cK5WZ1jY-00570-00122079-00122166 that V15cK5WZ1jY-00571-00122167-00122286 it's like 20 V15cK5WZ1jY-00572-00122288-00122447 27 28 V15cK5WZ1jY-00573-00122448-00122678 a month 28 dollars a month V15cK5WZ1jY-00574-00122679-00122927 and um with that V15cK5WZ1jY-00575-00122928-00123007 you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00576-00123008-00123207 with that plan i'm actually able to see V15cK5WZ1jY-00577-00123208-00123399 you know what kind of viewers are coming V15cK5WZ1jY-00578-00123400-00123575 into my website so if you're on this V15cK5WZ1jY-00579-00123576-00123758 live right now i'm getting a bunch of V15cK5WZ1jY-00580-00123759-00124007 you know clicks on to my website too as V15cK5WZ1jY-00581-00124008-00124207 well oh wow but you can do it in real V15cK5WZ1jY-00582-00124208-00124486 life yes i do i it pops up and also V15cK5WZ1jY-00583-00124488-00124678 tells me where they're from and like V15cK5WZ1jY-00584-00124679-00124886 what um V15cK5WZ1jY-00585-00124888-00125095 where what page they're on on my website V15cK5WZ1jY-00586-00125096-00125366 as well which is awesome um it also V15cK5WZ1jY-00587-00125367-00125583 tells me what kind of like um V15cK5WZ1jY-00588-00125583-00125783 what kind of where they're where they're V15cK5WZ1jY-00589-00125783-00126007 from and like how often they come on as V15cK5WZ1jY-00590-00126008-00126095 well V15cK5WZ1jY-00591-00126096-00126166 and V15cK5WZ1jY-00592-00126167-00126383 yeah it's pretty it's pretty cool i like V15cK5WZ1jY-00593-00126383-00126534 the tools on it V15cK5WZ1jY-00594-00126535-00126831 so so it's uh hx customatic so let me V15cK5WZ1jY-00595-00126832-00127014 just copy this link and i'll put on V15cK5WZ1jY-00596-00127015-00127158 there so you guys can see what looks V15cK5WZ1jY-00597-00127159-00127599 like uh hs oops i guess V15cK5WZ1jY-00598-00127600-00127766 here i'm just typing that one click V15cK5WZ1jY-00599-00127767-00128343 www.hxcosmeticx.com V15cK5WZ1jY-00600-00128344-00129078 and i'll put show V15cK5WZ1jY-00601-00129079-00129151 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-00602-00129152-00129295 i hope you guys see that you guys see V15cK5WZ1jY-00603-00129296-00129375 that V15cK5WZ1jY-00604-00129376-00129551 are you seeing that well V15cK5WZ1jY-00605-00129552-00129686 yes i do V15cK5WZ1jY-00606-00129688-00129863 wow V15cK5WZ1jY-00607-00129864-00130095 hx cosmetics so if you guys want to see V15cK5WZ1jY-00608-00130096-00130302 her products on there uh that's awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-00609-00130303-00130486 so you go on there you you create the V15cK5WZ1jY-00610-00130488-00130575 site V15cK5WZ1jY-00611-00130576-00130854 um and you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00612-00130855-00131054 i mean does it take V15cK5WZ1jY-00613-00131055-00131343 long to create this stuff i mean um it's V15cK5WZ1jY-00614-00131344-00131575 actually pretty easy i probably took V15cK5WZ1jY-00615-00131576-00131878 about like two days to or like V15cK5WZ1jY-00616-00131879-00132111 at most five hours to put everything all V15cK5WZ1jY-00617-00132112-00132351 together um okay including all the V15cK5WZ1jY-00618-00132352-00132527 pictures of my products and everything V15cK5WZ1jY-00619-00132528-00132775 like that and all the descriptions V15cK5WZ1jY-00620-00132776-00133111 um my inventory for it as well so V15cK5WZ1jY-00621-00133112-00133335 okay cool all right so you so you get V15cK5WZ1jY-00622-00133336-00133527 that done and then let's talk about the V15cK5WZ1jY-00623-00133528-00133727 products right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00624-00133728-00133854 how did you get the products is it V15cK5WZ1jY-00625-00133855-00133975 something that you V15cK5WZ1jY-00626-00133976-00134207 you picked or V15cK5WZ1jY-00627-00134208-00134366 most of the products are the ones that i V15cK5WZ1jY-00628-00134367-00134614 picked yes and i do customize them with V15cK5WZ1jY-00629-00134615-00134863 like you know my own brand with my own V15cK5WZ1jY-00630-00134864-00134975 stickers V15cK5WZ1jY-00631-00134976-00135063 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00632-00135064-00135319 i get my products from vendors um there V15cK5WZ1jY-00633-00135320-00135478 are a lot of vendors out there that you V15cK5WZ1jY-00634-00135479-00135727 know sell a lot of you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00635-00135728-00135895 wholesale prices V15cK5WZ1jY-00636-00135896-00136102 yeah which you know i talk to every you V15cK5WZ1jY-00637-00136103-00136335 know supplier to see if they're V15cK5WZ1jY-00638-00136336-00136511 you know able to work with me and if i'm V15cK5WZ1jY-00639-00136512-00136687 able to work with them and they're all V15cK5WZ1jY-00640-00136688-00136863 really nice too so V15cK5WZ1jY-00641-00136864-00137031 there's a lot of vendors out there that V15cK5WZ1jY-00642-00137032-00137239 you could talk to about you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00643-00137240-00137487 starting these products V15cK5WZ1jY-00644-00137488-00137759 so g so you're actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00645-00137760-00137911 going out to vendors i mean are you just V15cK5WZ1jY-00646-00137912-00138127 googling them i mean googling them V15cK5WZ1jY-00647-00138128-00138319 you're just V15cK5WZ1jY-00648-00138320-00138527 how are you finding them are you just on V15cK5WZ1jY-00649-00138528-00138719 the web searching for like hey i want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00650-00138720-00138966 i want this particular product and V15cK5WZ1jY-00651-00138967-00139271 how does that work i mean yeah i do um V15cK5WZ1jY-00652-00139272-00139599 but i also look through like um V15cK5WZ1jY-00653-00139600-00139831 places out of the country like china so V15cK5WZ1jY-00654-00139832-00140127 like um aliexpress is a big one and ali V15cK5WZ1jY-00655-00140128-00140254 baba V15cK5WZ1jY-00656-00140255-00140431 those are really good if you want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00657-00140432-00140607 hustle V15cK5WZ1jY-00658-00140608-00140823 wow because they have a bunch of things V15cK5WZ1jY-00659-00140824-00140999 they don't just have cosmetics but they V15cK5WZ1jY-00660-00141000-00141271 also have like electronics clothing V15cK5WZ1jY-00661-00141272-00141495 you name it and everything V15cK5WZ1jY-00662-00141496-00141751 that they just create and sell V15cK5WZ1jY-00663-00141752-00141831 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00664-00141832-00141951 in your head you're going i want V15cK5WZ1jY-00665-00141952-00142159 cosmetics right so you're you're just V15cK5WZ1jY-00666-00142160-00142375 targeting stuff that you like is that V15cK5WZ1jY-00667-00142376-00142575 right or are you how do you come up with V15cK5WZ1jY-00668-00142576-00142702 your products V15cK5WZ1jY-00669-00142703-00142790 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00670-00142791-00142959 well i started off with doing a lot of V15cK5WZ1jY-00671-00142960-00143111 makeup videos and i'm like you know what V15cK5WZ1jY-00672-00143112-00143351 i should also um V15cK5WZ1jY-00673-00143352-00143495 do like um V15cK5WZ1jY-00674-00143496-00143607 you know something that relates with V15cK5WZ1jY-00675-00143608-00143919 beauty too so that's why i did do beauty V15cK5WZ1jY-00676-00143920-00144119 because of some things that i've already V15cK5WZ1jY-00677-00144120-00144231 started V15cK5WZ1jY-00678-00144232-00144351 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00679-00144352-00144519 and i do feel like that is something V15cK5WZ1jY-00680-00144520-00144711 that a lot of girls see like on V15cK5WZ1jY-00681-00144712-00144943 instagram it's always just like you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00682-00144944-00145071 promoting V15cK5WZ1jY-00683-00145072-00145295 all their businesses of like products V15cK5WZ1jY-00684-00145296-00145471 and everything so that's why i thought V15cK5WZ1jY-00685-00145472-00145735 it kind of moves with like cosmetics V15cK5WZ1jY-00686-00145736-00145935 okay V15cK5WZ1jY-00687-00145936-00146199 but as far as choosing the products V15cK5WZ1jY-00688-00146200-00146319 you're choosing the stuff that you just V15cK5WZ1jY-00689-00146320-00146519 like right or do you use often or are V15cK5WZ1jY-00690-00146520-00146839 you going hey i see that V15cK5WZ1jY-00691-00146840-00147039 there's these eyelashes that everybody V15cK5WZ1jY-00692-00147040-00147278 has been buying that i want to get and V15cK5WZ1jY-00693-00147279-00147511 maybe i can market for more money is V15cK5WZ1jY-00694-00147512-00147687 that i mean is there a mindset to that V15cK5WZ1jY-00695-00147688-00147871 or you're just saying hey you know i'm V15cK5WZ1jY-00696-00147872-00148071 just picking this because i like it V15cK5WZ1jY-00697-00148072-00148375 um no i do pick things that are you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00698-00148376-00148559 good to sell but i would also pick V15cK5WZ1jY-00699-00148560-00148759 things that people like um V15cK5WZ1jY-00700-00148760-00148975 so like for example this makeup palette V15cK5WZ1jY-00701-00148976-00149207 that i have let me show you V15cK5WZ1jY-00702-00149208-00149287 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00703-00149288-00149559 um so i like more of natural looks like V15cK5WZ1jY-00704-00149560-00149751 this this is one of my makeup palettes V15cK5WZ1jY-00705-00149752-00149854 from V15cK5WZ1jY-00706-00149855-00150175 hx cosmetics um but i also chose like V15cK5WZ1jY-00707-00150176-00150366 really poppy ones which i really don't V15cK5WZ1jY-00708-00150367-00150526 play with these colors but a lot of V15cK5WZ1jY-00709-00150527-00150839 people do like colorful um you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00710-00150840-00151295 makeup so i do select things that are V15cK5WZ1jY-00711-00151296-00151519 to my customer's liking V15cK5WZ1jY-00712-00151520-00151719 oh okay yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00713-00151720-00151926 all right all right so i mean all right V15cK5WZ1jY-00714-00151927-00152102 so you so let's say you you found V15cK5WZ1jY-00715-00152103-00152302 something so again what do you do you V15cK5WZ1jY-00716-00152303-00152454 just reach out to the vendor you just V15cK5WZ1jY-00717-00152455-00152647 what is it like an email or you like you V15cK5WZ1jY-00718-00152648-00152799 call them or how does that work um so V15cK5WZ1jY-00719-00152800-00153047 mostly it's their phone number they V15cK5WZ1jY-00720-00153048-00153399 mostly use whatsapp or um V15cK5WZ1jY-00721-00153400-00153599 they just use email as well so they do V15cK5WZ1jY-00722-00153600-00153831 cop contact me through email V15cK5WZ1jY-00723-00153832-00154143 okay as well yep so then you message V15cK5WZ1jY-00724-00154144-00154366 them hey i want V15cK5WZ1jY-00725-00154367-00154702 to be or i will be i'm looking at these V15cK5WZ1jY-00726-00154703-00154814 i don't know V15cK5WZ1jY-00727-00154815-00154895 three V15cK5WZ1jY-00728-00154896-00155159 3d mink lashes and i was wondering if i V15cK5WZ1jY-00729-00155160-00155414 could see your um catalog or your V15cK5WZ1jY-00730-00155415-00155614 inventory of to see what kind of things V15cK5WZ1jY-00731-00155615-00155911 that you guys like or that you guys have V15cK5WZ1jY-00732-00155912-00156190 and then sometimes um they would respond V15cK5WZ1jY-00733-00156191-00156390 fast and they'll just show me all the V15cK5WZ1jY-00734-00156391-00156583 things that they have and then i'll just V15cK5WZ1jY-00735-00156584-00156790 pick and pick and pick which ones i i V15cK5WZ1jY-00736-00156791-00157119 like see that will actually sell and V15cK5WZ1jY-00737-00157120-00157343 yeah um some of them they actually do V15cK5WZ1jY-00738-00157344-00157687 customize my things like for example V15cK5WZ1jY-00739-00157688-00157951 um this one i customized V15cK5WZ1jY-00740-00157952-00158087 this V15cK5WZ1jY-00741-00158088-00158278 but then yeah it's a little cute and V15cK5WZ1jY-00742-00158279-00158463 then it has like the lashes in it as V15cK5WZ1jY-00743-00158464-00158551 well V15cK5WZ1jY-00744-00158552-00158743 so you're talking about the the box V15cK5WZ1jY-00745-00158744-00158951 itself they customize it for you V15cK5WZ1jY-00746-00158952-00159031 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00747-00159032-00159239 oh wow is it is there a cost to that or V15cK5WZ1jY-00748-00159240-00159502 is like yeah it is an additional cost V15cK5WZ1jY-00749-00159503-00159647 yeah yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00750-00159648-00159847 awesome so V15cK5WZ1jY-00751-00159848-00160095 all right so let me let's let's get V15cK5WZ1jY-00752-00160096-00160311 let's get to it so how do you negotiate V15cK5WZ1jY-00753-00160312-00160519 are you just saying V15cK5WZ1jY-00754-00160520-00160654 yeah so V15cK5WZ1jY-00755-00160655-00160911 um actually most of the time their V15cK5WZ1jY-00756-00160912-00161166 prices are final so V15cK5WZ1jY-00757-00161167-00161423 it's mostly dependent by their the V15cK5WZ1jY-00758-00161424-00161623 quantity you're trying to get so it's V15cK5WZ1jY-00759-00161624-00161759 mostly minimum V15cK5WZ1jY-00760-00161760-00161999 quantity of like 50. V15cK5WZ1jY-00761-00162000-00162119 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00762-00162120-00162423 there are some that are like 500 V15cK5WZ1jY-00763-00162424-00162654 but i mostly go towards 50 V15cK5WZ1jY-00764-00162655-00162863 or less to see because i don't want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00765-00162864-00163063 get something that i don't really think V15cK5WZ1jY-00766-00163064-00163166 would sell V15cK5WZ1jY-00767-00163167-00163287 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00768-00163288-00163495 but yeah i do try like when i first V15cK5WZ1jY-00769-00163496-00163695 started i did test out some products i V15cK5WZ1jY-00770-00163696-00163935 didn't really buy a big quantity of them V15cK5WZ1jY-00771-00163936-00164119 because i want to see if it's good and V15cK5WZ1jY-00772-00164120-00164278 able to sell first V15cK5WZ1jY-00773-00164279-00164454 so it's always good to do that if you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00774-00164455-00164687 a small business if you want to look at V15cK5WZ1jY-00775-00164688-00164919 products you want to you know sell out V15cK5WZ1jY-00776-00164920-00165159 you want to buy items V15cK5WZ1jY-00777-00165160-00165366 in a small quantity first V15cK5WZ1jY-00778-00165367-00165678 see if it's pretty good to move and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00779-00165679-00165823 grow big V15cK5WZ1jY-00780-00165824-00165943 after that V15cK5WZ1jY-00781-00165944-00166054 awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-00782-00166055-00166207 that's good so you're testing you're V15cK5WZ1jY-00783-00166208-00166431 you're test marking you're testing the V15cK5WZ1jY-00784-00166432-00166751 market to see what's appealing to people V15cK5WZ1jY-00785-00166752-00166943 right so V15cK5WZ1jY-00786-00166944-00167102 that's awesome so i mean how many V15cK5WZ1jY-00787-00167103-00167335 products do you have so far right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00788-00167336-00167583 oh gosh i have V15cK5WZ1jY-00789-00167584-00167766 all sorts of lashes V15cK5WZ1jY-00790-00167767-00168023 i have contacts lipsticks V15cK5WZ1jY-00791-00168024-00168447 um the dip eyebrow um pump heads V15cK5WZ1jY-00792-00168448-00168638 with glasses V15cK5WZ1jY-00793-00168639-00168807 um i have V15cK5WZ1jY-00794-00168808-00169247 the i have like lash um V15cK5WZ1jY-00795-00169248-00169351 lash V15cK5WZ1jY-00796-00169352-00170135 oh V15cK5WZ1jY-00797-00170136-00170438 um use this to clip the lashes on and V15cK5WZ1jY-00798-00170439-00170623 then you could just put it on your eyes V15cK5WZ1jY-00799-00170624-00170838 okay V15cK5WZ1jY-00800-00170839-00171126 yeah i can't think of it right now V15cK5WZ1jY-00801-00171127-00171390 and then i have um these V15cK5WZ1jY-00802-00171391-00171671 palettes so i showed you some of them V15cK5WZ1jY-00803-00171672-00171814 this one yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00804-00171815-00171911 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00805-00171912-00172095 i have names for all of them you guys V15cK5WZ1jY-00806-00172096-00172302 could check it out on my page but i do V15cK5WZ1jY-00807-00172303-00172463 like these palettes because they are V15cK5WZ1jY-00808-00172464-00172678 pigmented and i like the shimmers in V15cK5WZ1jY-00809-00172679-00172799 them as well V15cK5WZ1jY-00810-00172800-00172902 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00811-00172903-00173295 i have only like i have two um brushes V15cK5WZ1jY-00812-00173296-00173495 brush sets this one it comes with a V15cK5WZ1jY-00813-00173496-00173607 marble V15cK5WZ1jY-00814-00173608-00173735 brush V15cK5WZ1jY-00815-00173736-00173854 pouch V15cK5WZ1jY-00816-00173855-00174078 right and then these are the lip glosses V15cK5WZ1jY-00817-00174079-00174271 that i was talking about they're very V15cK5WZ1jY-00818-00174272-00174559 nice it's smooth onto your lips V15cK5WZ1jY-00819-00174560-00174759 i have about five colors V15cK5WZ1jY-00820-00174760-00174983 you guys can check them out V15cK5WZ1jY-00821-00174984-00175263 and then i also have a um V15cK5WZ1jY-00822-00175264-00175471 a makeup highlighter this one is like a V15cK5WZ1jY-00823-00175472-00175631 liquid highlighter so you just put it on V15cK5WZ1jY-00824-00175632-00175847 your hand and that like um it will V15cK5WZ1jY-00825-00175848-00176054 shimmer and then you just fully like put V15cK5WZ1jY-00826-00176055-00176390 it onto your face as a highlighter V15cK5WZ1jY-00827-00176391-00176711 and then i have these contact lenses V15cK5WZ1jY-00828-00176712-00176959 these sold out really quick i'm going to V15cK5WZ1jY-00829-00176960-00177159 have to buy some more because V15cK5WZ1jY-00830-00177160-00177278 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00831-00177279-00177463 a lot of people like it that was one V15cK5WZ1jY-00832-00177464-00177687 thing i do want to know like okay so V15cK5WZ1jY-00833-00177688-00177926 what's your best product right now yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00834-00177927-00178047 um so V15cK5WZ1jY-00835-00178048-00178231 actually it started off with my lashes V15cK5WZ1jY-00836-00178232-00178478 my lashes they were selling out um but V15cK5WZ1jY-00837-00178479-00178687 then when i started bringing in contacts V15cK5WZ1jY-00838-00178688-00178895 color contacts people started buying V15cK5WZ1jY-00839-00178896-00179071 that a lot more so V15cK5WZ1jY-00840-00179072-00179166 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00841-00179167-00179438 i say contacts and lashes are my biggest V15cK5WZ1jY-00842-00179439-00179599 hit products V15cK5WZ1jY-00843-00179600-00179911 oh okay so then i'm sure uh well let's V15cK5WZ1jY-00844-00179912-00180135 stop here right so we've got tons of V15cK5WZ1jY-00845-00180136-00180311 comments here you know we might have to V15cK5WZ1jY-00846-00180312-00180559 go back and do like a like a like a fast V15cK5WZ1jY-00847-00180560-00180863 round so you can answer these but V15cK5WZ1jY-00848-00180864-00181071 but uh thanks you guys for giving her a V15cK5WZ1jY-00849-00181072-00181335 shout out uh i mean we got people from V15cK5WZ1jY-00850-00181336-00181495 sac V15cK5WZ1jY-00851-00181496-00181790 uh see here east woodbury V15cK5WZ1jY-00852-00181791-00182078 uh green bay in the house V15cK5WZ1jY-00853-00182079-00182263 uh guys give her a shout out let us know V15cK5WZ1jY-00854-00182264-00182535 where you guys are from we got james V15cK5WZ1jY-00855-00182536-00182759 point V15cK5WZ1jY-00856-00182760-00183119 wow this is great there's a lot V15cK5WZ1jY-00857-00183120-00183263 let's see here V15cK5WZ1jY-00858-00183264-00183454 man you guys have any questions you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00859-00183455-00183590 or just give her a shout out just like V15cK5WZ1jY-00860-00183591-00183935 hey you know from i'm from like jay from V15cK5WZ1jY-00861-00183936-00184071 michigan V15cK5WZ1jY-00862-00184072-00184263 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00863-00184264-00184471 come on V15cK5WZ1jY-00864-00184472-00184663 let's see here V15cK5WZ1jY-00865-00184664-00184999 will be V15cK5WZ1jY-00866-00185000-00185175 okay your chain goes uh do you V15cK5WZ1jY-00867-00185176-00185423 distribute it out to yourself or have V15cK5WZ1jY-00868-00185424-00185614 another company package everything for V15cK5WZ1jY-00869-00185615-00185743 you let's do let's just do a quick V15cK5WZ1jY-00870-00185744-00185902 question couple questions here and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00871-00185903-00186007 we don't V15cK5WZ1jY-00872-00186008-00186166 you know we can kind of go for their V15cK5WZ1jY-00873-00186167-00186359 does that do you see that question yes V15cK5WZ1jY-00874-00186360-00186647 so i yeah so like drop V15cK5WZ1jY-00875-00186648-00186878 drop shipping i don't do that i actually V15cK5WZ1jY-00876-00186879-00187047 buy everything i actually keep all the V15cK5WZ1jY-00877-00187048-00187223 products to myself V15cK5WZ1jY-00878-00187224-00187375 and um V15cK5WZ1jY-00879-00187376-00187566 and then once i do get an order i V15cK5WZ1jY-00880-00187567-00187807 actually like you know put my logos my V15cK5WZ1jY-00881-00187808-00188095 stickers and then i um actually package V15cK5WZ1jY-00882-00188096-00188287 package it out myself V15cK5WZ1jY-00883-00188288-00188390 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00884-00188391-00188638 so so you have it on hand and then you V15cK5WZ1jY-00885-00188639-00188814 ship it out that's awesome i mean i V15cK5WZ1jY-00886-00188815-00188990 don't know if that's a good thing or i V15cK5WZ1jY-00887-00188991-00189166 mean i know some people V15cK5WZ1jY-00888-00189167-00189366 do that drop [__] thing i don't know how V15cK5WZ1jY-00889-00189367-00189607 efficient that is but that's great i V15cK5WZ1jY-00890-00189608-00189775 actually like doing that because it's V15cK5WZ1jY-00891-00189776-00189950 actually really fun to like put V15cK5WZ1jY-00892-00189951-00190111 everything all together V15cK5WZ1jY-00893-00190112-00190263 and then you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00894-00190264-00190447 i really want to see people who open my V15cK5WZ1jY-00895-00190448-00190638 packages and be like oh i really want to V15cK5WZ1jY-00896-00190639-00190919 see their reaction sometimes V15cK5WZ1jY-00897-00190920-00191214 so with love with love from you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00898-00191215-00191526 hands-on from you yeah that's awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-00899-00191527-00191726 um i see here V15cK5WZ1jY-00900-00191727-00191999 uh assuming smart startups at the V15cK5WZ1jY-00901-00192000-00192238 universe um let's go some of the V15cK5WZ1jY-00902-00192239-00192487 questions before uh before we move on so V15cK5WZ1jY-00903-00192488-00192695 one of the questions uh matthew V15cK5WZ1jY-00904-00192696-00192775 lee V15cK5WZ1jY-00905-00192776-00192919 says you know where do you get your V15cK5WZ1jY-00906-00192920-00193199 funds you like to start right V15cK5WZ1jY-00907-00193200-00193366 so i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00908-00193367-00193599 you're 19 year old year old V15cK5WZ1jY-00909-00193600-00193895 you know you just lost your job you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00910-00193896-00194095 so how do you V15cK5WZ1jY-00911-00194096-00194343 um so what i did was i actually started V15cK5WZ1jY-00912-00194344-00194647 working since 16 i've been saving up um V15cK5WZ1jY-00913-00194648-00194807 so most of the money came from my V15cK5WZ1jY-00914-00194808-00195126 savings but um also from my supportive V15cK5WZ1jY-00915-00195127-00195271 family so V15cK5WZ1jY-00916-00195272-00195423 you know my parents they really support V15cK5WZ1jY-00917-00195424-00195678 me on this too um especially during this V15cK5WZ1jY-00918-00195679-00195966 time because of covet and unemployment V15cK5WZ1jY-00919-00195967-00196054 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00920-00196055-00196319 say like from my parents and from my V15cK5WZ1jY-00921-00196320-00196454 savings V15cK5WZ1jY-00922-00196455-00196750 so yeah awesome so yeah so parents and V15cK5WZ1jY-00923-00196751-00196999 you know savings uh that's that's that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00924-00197000-00197159 great i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-00925-00197160-00197295 i mean i don't remember having savings V15cK5WZ1jY-00926-00197296-00197695 when i was 19. so that's awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-00927-00197696-00197838 yeah yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00928-00197839-00198095 so yes oh so you bought that yourself V15cK5WZ1jY-00929-00198096-00198231 what is it they take credit cards you V15cK5WZ1jY-00930-00198232-00198407 send it to them and you get those stuff V15cK5WZ1jY-00931-00198408-00198559 right and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00932-00198560-00198823 so let's talk about profit rise right V15cK5WZ1jY-00933-00198824-00198935 so V15cK5WZ1jY-00934-00198936-00199143 uh so let's say let's talk about like V15cK5WZ1jY-00935-00199144-00199287 what was your biggest well one of your V15cK5WZ1jY-00936-00199288-00199550 biggest product your contacts right V15cK5WZ1jY-00937-00199551-00199719 your contacts about one of the contacts V15cK5WZ1jY-00938-00199720-00199959 like how much are the contacts V15cK5WZ1jY-00939-00199960-00200263 so for contacts i bought like one box of V15cK5WZ1jY-00940-00200264-00200454 these for two dollars V15cK5WZ1jY-00941-00200455-00200726 and then i sold them for like V15cK5WZ1jY-00942-00200727-00200926 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00943-00200927-00201071 let me see V15cK5WZ1jY-00944-00201072-00201287 i gotta double check sorry V15cK5WZ1jY-00945-00201288-00201454 six dollars each V15cK5WZ1jY-00946-00201455-00201559 so then V15cK5WZ1jY-00947-00201560-00201695 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00948-00201696-00202007 um i really tried to aim to like um you V15cK5WZ1jY-00949-00202008-00202335 know keep the price V15cK5WZ1jY-00950-00202336-00202607 low so then i can so then you know i V15cK5WZ1jY-00951-00202608-00202871 could help others as well so V15cK5WZ1jY-00952-00202872-00203095 oh so you're just you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00953-00203096-00203343 uh yeah so that's that's considerate V15cK5WZ1jY-00954-00203344-00203487 right so you're just trying to say hey V15cK5WZ1jY-00955-00203488-00203726 you know you're not trying to milk them V15cK5WZ1jY-00956-00203727-00203838 right yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-00957-00203839-00203926 you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00958-00203927-00204175 it's it's a decent price and V15cK5WZ1jY-00959-00204176-00204311 how do you how do you do shipping is V15cK5WZ1jY-00960-00204312-00204454 that including shipping or how does that V15cK5WZ1jY-00961-00204455-00204647 work um so shipping V15cK5WZ1jY-00962-00204648-00204823 uh i do V15cK5WZ1jY-00963-00204823-00205055 i do pay for the shipping if it's over V15cK5WZ1jY-00964-00205056-00205255 35 of their purchase V15cK5WZ1jY-00965-00205256-00205510 but if it's under 35 they do they pay V15cK5WZ1jY-00966-00205511-00205686 for their own shipping it's like five V15cK5WZ1jY-00967-00205687-00205846 dollars for shipping V15cK5WZ1jY-00968-00205848-00206062 okay so yeah all right cool so that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00969-00206063-00206358 that's a pretty good profit margin so V15cK5WZ1jY-00970-00206359-00206486 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00971-00206487-00206655 wow V15cK5WZ1jY-00972-00206656-00207282 huh maybe i should start changing my V15cK5WZ1jY-00973-00207283-00207686 investments i mean you're good V15cK5WZ1jY-00974-00207687-00207814 that is like V15cK5WZ1jY-00975-00207815-00207990 what is that 200 V15cK5WZ1jY-00976-00207991-00208223 return almost i think that's V15cK5WZ1jY-00977-00208223-00208406 two dollars you buy for two dollars and V15cK5WZ1jY-00978-00208407-00208582 you're selling it for like V15cK5WZ1jY-00979-00208583-00208846 six dollars man that's like two four six V15cK5WZ1jY-00980-00208848-00209166 yeah wow that's that's crazy and then V15cK5WZ1jY-00981-00209167-00209471 are you doing like as far as like V15cK5WZ1jY-00982-00209471-00209775 uh marketing how are you marketing this V15cK5WZ1jY-00983-00209776-00209863 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00984-00209864-00209998 well i do have a V15cK5WZ1jY-00985-00210000-00210279 business page on facebook and i do like V15cK5WZ1jY-00986-00210280-00210503 um take pictures or V15cK5WZ1jY-00987-00210504-00210823 i have people like my customers you know V15cK5WZ1jY-00988-00210823-00211023 post photos and i feature them so then V15cK5WZ1jY-00989-00211023-00211167 it kind of shows out like all the V15cK5WZ1jY-00990-00211167-00211327 products too as well V15cK5WZ1jY-00991-00211328-00211479 um V15cK5WZ1jY-00992-00211480-00211703 so yeah okay cool V15cK5WZ1jY-00993-00211704-00211982 so let me go back to uh just trying to V15cK5WZ1jY-00994-00211983-00212142 i have so many comments here let me go V15cK5WZ1jY-00995-00212144-00212310 back and uh let's just hit some of these V15cK5WZ1jY-00996-00212311-00212431 out so V15cK5WZ1jY-00997-00212432-00212648 i think um V15cK5WZ1jY-00998-00212650-00212798 [Music] V15cK5WZ1jY-00999-00212800-00213071 i think boa says hey i love your V15cK5WZ1jY-01000-00213071-00213287 products so it looks like that person is V15cK5WZ1jY-01001-00213288-00213431 bought V15cK5WZ1jY-01002-00213432-00213567 four V15cK5WZ1jY-01003-00213567-00213742 how do you mark your products aside from V15cK5WZ1jY-01004-00213744-00213958 your website so michael goes how do you V15cK5WZ1jY-01005-00213959-00214103 market your products aside from your V15cK5WZ1jY-01006-00214104-00214239 website so V15cK5WZ1jY-01007-00214240-00214446 i think we talked about that a little V15cK5WZ1jY-01008-00214448-00214606 about this right you V15cK5WZ1jY-01009-00214607-00214767 on facebook V15cK5WZ1jY-01010-00214767-00214879 right V15cK5WZ1jY-01011-00214880-00215063 yeah yes i do V15cK5WZ1jY-01012-00215064-00215415 and is that all V15cK5WZ1jY-01013-00215416-00215751 instagram tick tock V15cK5WZ1jY-01014-00215752-00215846 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01015-00215848-00215927 i V15cK5WZ1jY-01016-00215928-00216158 i go everywhere V15cK5WZ1jY-01017-00216159-00216351 wow okay V15cK5WZ1jY-01018-00216352-00216575 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01019-00216576-00216863 fast uh micro research V15cK5WZ1jY-01020-00216864-00217063 angel says market research did you do V15cK5WZ1jY-01021-00217064-00217431 any market research at all V15cK5WZ1jY-01022-00217432-00217751 um i did a little research V15cK5WZ1jY-01023-00217752-00218046 um and i did well V15cK5WZ1jY-01024-00218048-00218191 just a little V15cK5WZ1jY-01025-00218192-00218367 how much yeah yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01026-00218367-00218551 okay so i mean i think you're kind of V15cK5WZ1jY-01027-00218552-00218671 just based on what you like and V15cK5WZ1jY-01028-00218671-00218846 hopefully other people like right is V15cK5WZ1jY-01029-00218848-00219134 that kind of weird V15cK5WZ1jY-01030-00219135-00219231 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01031-00219232-00219542 how how much was the V15cK5WZ1jY-01032-00219544-00219751 logo i can barely read this V15cK5WZ1jY-01033-00219752-00219910 my logo V15cK5WZ1jY-01034-00219911-00220182 so for my lash logo V15cK5WZ1jY-01035-00220183-00220279 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01036-00220280-00220582 well it actually came all together so it V15cK5WZ1jY-01037-00220583-00220967 was like a package deal so i bought like V15cK5WZ1jY-01038-00220967-00221142 i think V15cK5WZ1jY-01039-00221144-00221334 i bought about like V15cK5WZ1jY-01040-00221335-00221591 six i bought 60 cases V15cK5WZ1jY-01041-00221592-00221675 for V15cK5WZ1jY-01042-00221676-00221831 160. V15cK5WZ1jY-01043-00221832-00221991 so V15cK5WZ1jY-01044-00221992-00222079 if V15cK5WZ1jY-01045-00222080-00222246 to do the math and all the shipping and V15cK5WZ1jY-01046-00222248-00222375 everything i mean they didn't really V15cK5WZ1jY-01047-00222376-00222615 give me a price of how much the um V15cK5WZ1jY-01048-00222616-00222919 the logo was um V15cK5WZ1jY-01049-00222919-00223006 so V15cK5WZ1jY-01050-00223007-00223231 yeah but it does it does include mostly V15cK5WZ1jY-01051-00223232-00223351 it's about like V15cK5WZ1jY-01052-00223352-00223687 20 dollars to print a label onto your V15cK5WZ1jY-01053-00223688-00223791 products V15cK5WZ1jY-01054-00223792-00224167 yeah it's never really less or more V15cK5WZ1jY-01055-00224167-00224334 20 or 30. V15cK5WZ1jY-01056-00224335-00224591 if they really really want to make money V15cK5WZ1jY-01057-00224592-00224815 they'll probably do like 40. V15cK5WZ1jY-01058-00224816-00225094 oh okay so you say product like all the V15cK5WZ1jY-01059-00225096-00225279 like if you buy them bulk you're saying V15cK5WZ1jY-01060-00225280-00225479 that they'll print it on all the V15cK5WZ1jY-01061-00225480-00225831 products right mm-hmm yes oh okay cool V15cK5WZ1jY-01062-00225832-00226015 so give you kind of gives you your own V15cK5WZ1jY-01063-00226016-00226223 brand branding i guess V15cK5WZ1jY-01064-00226223-00226415 yeah right so cool V15cK5WZ1jY-01065-00226416-00226742 uh see bar goes hey keep up the hustle V15cK5WZ1jY-01066-00226744-00226934 thank you V15cK5WZ1jY-01067-00226935-00227110 victoria says green bay you guys have V15cK5WZ1jY-01068-00227111-00227271 any questions uh message her or just V15cK5WZ1jY-01069-00227271-00227494 give her a shout out uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01070-00227496-00227646 awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01071-00227648-00228063 awesome young entrepreneur here V15cK5WZ1jY-01072-00228064-00228334 uh adam goes have your customer reviews V15cK5WZ1jY-01073-00228335-00228767 with a video opening or a promotion V15cK5WZ1jY-01074-00228767-00229119 that's a good idea adam that is um i do V15cK5WZ1jY-01075-00229119-00229303 i do have like thank you letters and it V15cK5WZ1jY-01076-00229304-00229503 does say like share a photo and like you V15cK5WZ1jY-01077-00229504-00229639 know V15cK5WZ1jY-01078-00229640-00229934 tag us and we can like feature you um V15cK5WZ1jY-01079-00229935-00230151 just so that we can kind of see like V15cK5WZ1jY-01080-00230152-00230471 what the products looks like on others V15cK5WZ1jY-01081-00230471-00230758 um but customer reviews as videos yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01082-00230759-00230927 that would be great too i could probably V15cK5WZ1jY-01083-00230928-00231231 reach out some of my customers right now V15cK5WZ1jY-01084-00231232-00231351 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01085-00231352-00231663 uh see lulu says V15cK5WZ1jY-01086-00231664-00231894 great passion that was great to gain V15cK5WZ1jY-01087-00231896-00231998 experience V15cK5WZ1jY-01088-00232000-00232382 your business is awesome great thanks V15cK5WZ1jY-01089-00232383-00232503 changos V15cK5WZ1jY-01090-00232504-00232687 what's your V15cK5WZ1jY-01091-00232688-00233031 what's your on the scaling V15cK5WZ1jY-01092-00233032-00233223 i wish i can uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01093-00233223-00233367 oh what's your plan on scaling your V15cK5WZ1jY-01094-00233367-00233534 business bigger it's kind of weird like V15cK5WZ1jY-01095-00233535-00233791 my uh this this bar that i had to click V15cK5WZ1jY-01096-00233792-00234046 on whenever i put it my mouse over it V15cK5WZ1jY-01097-00234048-00234255 covers it up so sorry chang so what's V15cK5WZ1jY-01098-00234256-00234423 your plan on scaling your business V15cK5WZ1jY-01099-00234423-00234646 bigger so do you have a plan or are you V15cK5WZ1jY-01100-00234648-00234863 just kind of going with the flow V15cK5WZ1jY-01101-00234864-00235046 um right now i'm going with the flow V15cK5WZ1jY-01102-00235048-00235263 because um V15cK5WZ1jY-01103-00235264-00235494 kovid and it's kind of slow right now V15cK5WZ1jY-01104-00235496-00235742 but um i am planning on bringing more V15cK5WZ1jY-01105-00235744-00236023 products in like um more contacts V15cK5WZ1jY-01106-00236023-00236175 especially and V15cK5WZ1jY-01107-00236176-00236423 more items that kind of draw people in V15cK5WZ1jY-01108-00236423-00236582 and V15cK5WZ1jY-01109-00236583-00236742 so yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01110-00236744-00236998 i am trying to brainstorm more of like V15cK5WZ1jY-01111-00237000-00237287 products so it can you know grow bigger V15cK5WZ1jY-01112-00237288-00237406 gotcha V15cK5WZ1jY-01113-00237407-00237631 gotcha uh and V15cK5WZ1jY-01114-00237632-00237831 you guys are awesome man i mean i'm V15cK5WZ1jY-01115-00237832-00237958 reading some of this and you guys V15cK5WZ1jY-01116-00237959-00238142 there's a lot of motivation here you V15cK5WZ1jY-01117-00238144-00238342 know i like archie says you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01118-00238344-00238567 car covert has not slowed down spending V15cK5WZ1jY-01119-00238567-00238846 keep up keep hustling so that's awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01120-00238848-00239087 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01121-00239088-00239727 uh saigon sell as high as you can V15cK5WZ1jY-01122-00239728-00239879 i have tried that V15cK5WZ1jY-01123-00239880-00240206 i yeah i have but um i do see other V15cK5WZ1jY-01124-00240207-00240446 businesses that sell very high V15cK5WZ1jY-01125-00240448-00240679 and sometimes i feel like V15cK5WZ1jY-01126-00240680-00240855 they are a little too high V15cK5WZ1jY-01127-00240856-00241030 but i mean it is nice too and i am V15cK5WZ1jY-01128-00241031-00241239 planning on selling a little higher too V15cK5WZ1jY-01129-00241240-00241471 as well like so like V15cK5WZ1jY-01130-00241471-00241687 like uh like a contact like what's the V15cK5WZ1jY-01131-00241688-00241910 highs you see in it it has V15cK5WZ1jY-01132-00241911-00242071 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01133-00242071-00242271 i haven't really seen four contacts but V15cK5WZ1jY-01134-00242271-00242479 mostly for like lashes it'll be from V15cK5WZ1jY-01135-00242480-00242679 like 27 V15cK5WZ1jY-01136-00242680-00242815 to like V15cK5WZ1jY-01137-00242816-00243015 15 V15cK5WZ1jY-01138-00243016-00243215 which is a little pretty high too for V15cK5WZ1jY-01139-00243216-00243455 like one set of lashes V15cK5WZ1jY-01140-00243456-00243639 so like i mean how much are you buying V15cK5WZ1jY-01141-00243640-00243927 it for like your your best one V15cK5WZ1jY-01142-00243928-00244158 my best seller ones they i buy them for V15cK5WZ1jY-01143-00244159-00244319 like two dollars and i sell them for V15cK5WZ1jY-01144-00244319-00244567 like i sold them before about like ten V15cK5WZ1jY-01145-00244567-00244742 or ten dollars V15cK5WZ1jY-01146-00244744-00244839 jeez V15cK5WZ1jY-01147-00244840-00244958 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01148-00244959-00245255 holy cow this business is it's breaking V15cK5WZ1jY-01149-00245256-00245646 in that's crazy yes it is like i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-01150-00245648-00245846 i've been seeing a lot of um small V15cK5WZ1jY-01151-00245848-00246142 businesses for like cosmetics now too V15cK5WZ1jY-01152-00246144-00246510 so yeah i mean i see him on i see him on V15cK5WZ1jY-01153-00246511-00246734 my facebook feeds and my instagram feeds V15cK5WZ1jY-01154-00246735-00246855 but i V15cK5WZ1jY-01155-00246856-00247151 i'm a guy so i just V15cK5WZ1jY-01156-00247152-00247342 go fast away V15cK5WZ1jY-01157-00247344-00247591 yeah but yeah that i i'm seeing the V15cK5WZ1jY-01158-00247592-00247791 numbers here and these numbers are V15cK5WZ1jY-01159-00247792-00248110 outrageously crazy so that's awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01160-00248111-00248342 yeah i mean but even if you're a guy you V15cK5WZ1jY-01161-00248344-00248519 could still shop for your significant V15cK5WZ1jY-01162-00248519-00248975 other or someone you know you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01163-00248976-00249279 not true hustler right here guys V15cK5WZ1jY-01164-00249280-00249527 right there trying to get us guys to you V15cK5WZ1jY-01165-00249528-00249742 know buy for a wife and girlfriend and V15cK5WZ1jY-01166-00249744-00249910 stuff like that's awesome so yeah that's V15cK5WZ1jY-01167-00249911-00250071 great you're hustling right here that's V15cK5WZ1jY-01168-00250071-00250398 how we want us guys or our you know our V15cK5WZ1jY-01169-00250400-00250591 movement to be you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01170-00250592-00251063 so yeah that's awesome um V15cK5WZ1jY-01171-00251064-00251230 yeah says would you consider finding V15cK5WZ1jY-01172-00251231-00251503 people to help you market your products V15cK5WZ1jY-01173-00251504-00251798 yeah so um i did contact some people to V15cK5WZ1jY-01174-00251800-00252046 be like my brand ambassadors like to V15cK5WZ1jY-01175-00252048-00252423 brand out my um lashes um V15cK5WZ1jY-01176-00252423-00252575 and i do consider doing that in the V15cK5WZ1jY-01177-00252576-00252775 future as well so V15cK5WZ1jY-01178-00252776-00252871 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01179-00252871-00253015 okay cool V15cK5WZ1jY-01180-00253016-00253239 all right so what was what's so i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-01181-00253240-00253367 we'll go back to the questions here so V15cK5WZ1jY-01182-00253367-00253623 what's the biggest obstacle that you see V15cK5WZ1jY-01183-00253623-00253751 you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01184-00253752-00253792 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01185-00253792-00254046 [Music] V15cK5WZ1jY-01186-00254048-00254279 is it just selling or V15cK5WZ1jY-01187-00254280-00254406 i'd say V15cK5WZ1jY-01188-00254407-00254727 just selling yeah but then i do get like V15cK5WZ1jY-01189-00254728-00254998 a lot of website viewers and everything V15cK5WZ1jY-01190-00255000-00255127 like that V15cK5WZ1jY-01191-00255128-00255255 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01192-00255256-00255446 well yeah there's yeah it's mostly just V15cK5WZ1jY-01193-00255448-00255606 selling V15cK5WZ1jY-01194-00255607-00255710 gotcha V15cK5WZ1jY-01195-00255711-00255887 and i did notice when i went on your V15cK5WZ1jY-01196-00255888-00256030 site let me go back and put your site V15cK5WZ1jY-01197-00256031-00256158 back up here V15cK5WZ1jY-01198-00256159-00256255 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01199-00256256-00256415 it was pretty cool when you designed it V15cK5WZ1jY-01200-00256416-00256734 pretty well um thanks V15cK5WZ1jY-01201-00256735-00256967 you uh you did V15cK5WZ1jY-01202-00256967-00257198 uh you did the capture so when they come V15cK5WZ1jY-01203-00257200-00257398 in they put in their information and V15cK5WZ1jY-01204-00257400-00257582 like their emails and stuff like that V15cK5WZ1jY-01205-00257583-00257751 yep that is V15cK5WZ1jY-01206-00257752-00258055 cool so then you can follow up on those V15cK5WZ1jY-01207-00258056-00258127 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01208-00258128-00258455 all those subscribers or like during V15cK5WZ1jY-01209-00258456-00258671 special events like V15cK5WZ1jY-01210-00258671-00258806 back to school V15cK5WZ1jY-01211-00258807-00258998 you know stuff like that i mean i think V15cK5WZ1jY-01212-00259000-00259151 i me saw you have a back to V15cK5WZ1jY-01213-00259152-00259375 sale going on right now yeah so i V15cK5WZ1jY-01214-00259376-00259598 actually do have a back-to-school sale V15cK5WZ1jY-01215-00259600-00259871 um it's just gonna it's gonna end V15cK5WZ1jY-01216-00259871-00260175 on september 18 2020 V15cK5WZ1jY-01217-00260176-00260558 um so you get 25 off your whole entire V15cK5WZ1jY-01218-00260559-00260767 purchase if you buy from us V15cK5WZ1jY-01219-00260767-00260910 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01220-00260911-00261110 you just you just have to use the code V15cK5WZ1jY-01221-00261111-00261398 school 2020. um but you know what V15cK5WZ1jY-01222-00261400-00261558 there's also another sale going on for V15cK5WZ1jY-01223-00261559-00261727 you guys who are watching V15cK5WZ1jY-01224-00261728-00261967 um i did do another discount so it's V15cK5WZ1jY-01225-00261967-00262199 going to be 45 off um you just have to V15cK5WZ1jY-01226-00262200-00262463 use the code hmong hustlers so we know V15cK5WZ1jY-01227-00262464-00262734 that you did you did come from us V15cK5WZ1jY-01228-00262735-00262943 and so yeah just use the code hmong V15cK5WZ1jY-01229-00262944-00263134 health stairs and you'll get 45 off your V15cK5WZ1jY-01230-00263135-00263295 entire purchase V15cK5WZ1jY-01231-00263296-00263527 so thanks for watching guys awesome guys V15cK5WZ1jY-01232-00263528-00263710 that is smart that's straight up V15cK5WZ1jY-01233-00263711-00263951 hustling guys so what she's doing she's V15cK5WZ1jY-01234-00263952-00264134 she's trying to capture the market she's V15cK5WZ1jY-01235-00264135-00264351 trying to see what uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01236-00264352-00264671 what you know her audience right so V15cK5WZ1jY-01237-00264672-00264887 now you know who's watching who's you V15cK5WZ1jY-01238-00264888-00265182 know who's out yeah you know during this V15cK5WZ1jY-01239-00265183-00265358 particular you know so then you can V15cK5WZ1jY-01240-00265359-00265582 offer some sort of you know so that's V15cK5WZ1jY-01241-00265583-00265679 awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01242-00265680-00265910 uh i see a few questions man dude you V15cK5WZ1jY-01243-00265911-00266015 are V15cK5WZ1jY-01244-00266016-00266319 this is me yeah this is so awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01245-00266320-00266534 how are you learning these strategies V15cK5WZ1jY-01246-00266535-00266710 are you like on youtube learning these V15cK5WZ1jY-01247-00266711-00266839 strategies i mean this is something that V15cK5WZ1jY-01248-00266840-00266951 you don't V15cK5WZ1jY-01249-00266952-00267087 i mean i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-01250-00267088-00267303 mostly i just think of them and then i V15cK5WZ1jY-01251-00267304-00267695 do do research online too as well yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01252-00267696-00267887 and i tell you why i tell you why i say V15cK5WZ1jY-01253-00267888-00268087 this because i spent like V15cK5WZ1jY-01254-00268088-00268247 like V15cK5WZ1jY-01255-00268248-00268455 a thousand dollars learning how to do V15cK5WZ1jY-01256-00268456-00268663 like like a funnel i don't know you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01257-00268664-00268910 where funnel is or how to capture you V15cK5WZ1jY-01258-00268911-00269087 know customers and stuff like that V15cK5WZ1jY-01259-00269088-00269223 you're already doing that kind of stuff V15cK5WZ1jY-01260-00269224-00269382 and you're not V15cK5WZ1jY-01261-00269383-00269534 i mean V15cK5WZ1jY-01262-00269535-00269695 you're not paying for it V15cK5WZ1jY-01263-00269696-00269847 so like that's what i'm saying like V15cK5WZ1jY-01264-00269848-00269975 you're kind of like you're just kind of V15cK5WZ1jY-01265-00269976-00270167 figuring this out so that's amazing you V15cK5WZ1jY-01266-00270168-00270282 know V15cK5WZ1jY-01267-00270283-00270439 so V15cK5WZ1jY-01268-00270440-00270663 kudos to you uh let's go back to the V15cK5WZ1jY-01269-00270664-00271079 questions V15cK5WZ1jY-01270-00271080-00271391 thanks for the comments guys V15cK5WZ1jY-01271-00271392-00271479 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01272-00271480-00271823 archie you're funny so you have you the V15cK5WZ1jY-01273-00271824-00272015 tony's tony tran says you have good V15cK5WZ1jY-01274-00272016-00272119 margins V15cK5WZ1jY-01275-00272120-00272295 um i guess they're saying i guess they V15cK5WZ1jY-01276-00272296-00272447 are familiar with your V15cK5WZ1jY-01277-00272448-00272871 your business here i would buy 200 oh rt V15cK5WZ1jY-01278-00272872-00273143 you're hilarious what is your current V15cK5WZ1jY-01279-00273144-00273543 prospect to buyer conversion percentage V15cK5WZ1jY-01280-00273544-00273734 man i don't even know what that means V15cK5WZ1jY-01281-00273735-00274023 you know what he's not there no V15cK5WZ1jY-01282-00274024-00274199 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01283-00274200-00274351 yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01284-00274352-00274679 go ahead i guess we're saying is V15cK5WZ1jY-01285-00274680-00274782 how do you V15cK5WZ1jY-01286-00274783-00274903 how much V15cK5WZ1jY-01287-00274904-00275079 when you talk to people or you're you're V15cK5WZ1jY-01288-00275080-00275287 pulling people in V15cK5WZ1jY-01289-00275288-00275575 how are you what's your success rate for V15cK5WZ1jY-01290-00275576-00275751 them to buy something V15cK5WZ1jY-01291-00275752-00275847 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01292-00275848-00276358 i'd say probably like V15cK5WZ1jY-01293-00276359-00276599 50 V15cK5WZ1jY-01294-00276600-00276743 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01295-00276744-00276943 i mean when i talk to people it's mostly V15cK5WZ1jY-01296-00276944-00277175 on social media like you know there's a V15cK5WZ1jY-01297-00277176-00277334 sale going on or these are my new V15cK5WZ1jY-01298-00277335-00277599 products um i do get like you know some V15cK5WZ1jY-01299-00277600-00277734 people you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01300-00277735-00277887 making purchases and everything like V15cK5WZ1jY-01301-00277888-00278079 that and then others V15cK5WZ1jY-01302-00278080-00278358 you know they just look and view um so V15cK5WZ1jY-01303-00278359-00278575 yeah because my business is mostly you V15cK5WZ1jY-01304-00278576-00278871 know e-commerce so i don't really talk V15cK5WZ1jY-01305-00278872-00279023 or um V15cK5WZ1jY-01306-00279024-00279230 anything like that V15cK5WZ1jY-01307-00279231-00279439 oh okay yeah all right V15cK5WZ1jY-01308-00279440-00279558 all right V15cK5WZ1jY-01309-00279559-00279734 so yeah guys uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01310-00279735-00279919 at last we're getting close to the end V15cK5WZ1jY-01311-00279920-00280151 hours if you get any questions uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01312-00280152-00280351 comment below we'll go ahead and uh go V15cK5WZ1jY-01313-00280352-00280487 through some sort of lightning round and V15cK5WZ1jY-01314-00280488-00280695 just answer those questions uh let us V15cK5WZ1jY-01315-00280696-00280951 get give us a shout out uh so we know V15cK5WZ1jY-01316-00280952-00281119 where you guys are from V15cK5WZ1jY-01317-00281120-00281406 uh she's looking for wisconsin folks to V15cK5WZ1jY-01318-00281407-00281671 see how many wisconsin folks are on this V15cK5WZ1jY-01319-00281672-00281782 on this V15cK5WZ1jY-01320-00281783-00282175 yeah on this live right here so um yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01321-00282176-00282391 so let's uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01322-00282392-00282663 so how do people get ahold of you V15cK5WZ1jY-01323-00282664-00282934 okay so i do have the website and you V15cK5WZ1jY-01324-00282935-00283143 can actually text me on there with the V15cK5WZ1jY-01325-00283144-00283382 chat um so there's a there's an V15cK5WZ1jY-01326-00283383-00283647 automatic chat but um if you do message V15cK5WZ1jY-01327-00283648-00283855 me i do get the notification V15cK5WZ1jY-01328-00283856-00283951 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01329-00283952-00284199 you can also email me it is also on my V15cK5WZ1jY-01330-00284200-00284439 webpage it's V15cK5WZ1jY-01331-00284440-00284743 um the beauty but then with the e with V15cK5WZ1jY-01332-00284744-00285095 the three instead of the e and beauty V15cK5WZ1jY-01333-00285096-00285575 xo gmail.com i can also comment that V15cK5WZ1jY-01334-00285576-00285719 for you and you can probably highlight V15cK5WZ1jY-01335-00285720-00285943 that if you like oh we'll put it in the V15cK5WZ1jY-01336-00285944-00286151 in the show notes okay yeah yeah yeah V15cK5WZ1jY-01337-00286152-00286375 yeah so we can do that or i think you V15cK5WZ1jY-01338-00286376-00286610 can just go to this to the V15cK5WZ1jY-01339-00286611-00286823 hxcosmetics.com and they can just V15cK5WZ1jY-01340-00286824-00286967 message you from there right yep it will V15cK5WZ1jY-01341-00286968-00287119 be on the bottom of the page if you like V15cK5WZ1jY-01342-00287120-00287295 to email me V15cK5WZ1jY-01343-00287296-00287479 or on contact V15cK5WZ1jY-01344-00287480-00287599 page V15cK5WZ1jY-01345-00287600-00287887 and uh you can you can contact her V15cK5WZ1jY-01346-00287888-00288087 through facebook which we tagged her V15cK5WZ1jY-01347-00288088-00288358 already on there uh check out her site V15cK5WZ1jY-01348-00288359-00288519 uh i forgot V15cK5WZ1jY-01349-00288520-00288630 you say V15cK5WZ1jY-01350-00288631-00288799 you get tons or V15cK5WZ1jY-01351-00288800-00289006 tons of products on there already right V15cK5WZ1jY-01352-00289007-00289127 yes i do V15cK5WZ1jY-01353-00289128-00289463 and i am planning to you know bring more V15cK5WZ1jY-01354-00289464-00289703 that's awesome and then if you guys want V15cK5WZ1jY-01355-00289704-00289903 you guys just came in V15cK5WZ1jY-01356-00289904-00290103 and looking for some sort of discounts V15cK5WZ1jY-01357-00290104-00290367 phone discounts put in hmong hustlers on V15cK5WZ1jY-01358-00290368-00290630 there she'll give you a discount yeah 45 V15cK5WZ1jY-01359-00290631-00290895 off for your purchase V15cK5WZ1jY-01360-00290896-00291006 awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01361-00291007-00291247 thanks hope yeah thanks V15cK5WZ1jY-01362-00291248-00291551 are there makeups for dudes V15cK5WZ1jY-01363-00291552-00291815 there are i mean it it could be the you V15cK5WZ1jY-01364-00291816-00291927 know V15cK5WZ1jY-01365-00291928-00292127 it could be like anything to be honest V15cK5WZ1jY-01366-00292128-00292358 guys can use the makeup that i sell V15cK5WZ1jY-01367-00292359-00292719 it's really up to you V15cK5WZ1jY-01368-00292720-00292975 archie you can buy the girl ones and V15cK5WZ1jY-01369-00292976-00293199 make that V15cK5WZ1jY-01370-00293200-00293615 your makeup too right for dudes V15cK5WZ1jY-01371-00293616-00293934 all right so guys i mean just V15cK5WZ1jY-01372-00293935-00294127 uh thanks for you know just coming here V15cK5WZ1jY-01373-00294128-00294295 just giving her a little motivation and V15cK5WZ1jY-01374-00294296-00294519 i see a lot of uh motivation V15cK5WZ1jY-01375-00294520-00294599 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01376-00294600-00294782 comments here uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01377-00294783-00295039 yeah hey hope i know thank you awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01378-00295040-00295167 this is V15cK5WZ1jY-01379-00295168-00295334 this is this great info that you're V15cK5WZ1jY-01380-00295335-00295558 supplying and hopefully you're inspiring V15cK5WZ1jY-01381-00295559-00295799 like young entrepreneurs as well V15cK5WZ1jY-01382-00295800-00296095 uh it's awesome that you are you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01383-00296096-00296271 you know you're looking for a job well V15cK5WZ1jY-01384-00296272-00296463 you're you're shooting for some sort of V15cK5WZ1jY-01385-00296464-00296599 job but you have some sort of side V15cK5WZ1jY-01386-00296600-00296830 business along the way too so you don't V15cK5WZ1jY-01387-00296831-00297079 get trapped like you know if you lose V15cK5WZ1jY-01388-00297080-00297230 that job V15cK5WZ1jY-01389-00297231-00297358 you know you have something to pick up V15cK5WZ1jY-01390-00297359-00297510 from you know and this is your side V15cK5WZ1jY-01391-00297511-00297879 hustle uh that's great um V15cK5WZ1jY-01392-00297880-00297999 so V15cK5WZ1jY-01393-00298000-00298167 uh V15cK5WZ1jY-01394-00298168-00298415 i i'm gonna stop here with the questions V15cK5WZ1jY-01395-00298416-00298710 and and if you can can you come back and V15cK5WZ1jY-01396-00298711-00298854 just answer some of them down the road V15cK5WZ1jY-01397-00298855-00299054 yeah yeah i could actually yeah that'd V15cK5WZ1jY-01398-00299055-00299254 be awesome and then you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01399-00299255-00299375 coming close V15cK5WZ1jY-01400-00299376-00299575 to the hour so we do have a few things V15cK5WZ1jY-01401-00299576-00299830 to to wrap up and say you know one last V15cK5WZ1jY-01402-00299831-00300047 segment of the show is that we usually V15cK5WZ1jY-01403-00300048-00300175 ask all our V15cK5WZ1jY-01404-00300176-00300334 guests is that V15cK5WZ1jY-01405-00300335-00300543 if you had a billion dollars V15cK5WZ1jY-01406-00300544-00300799 what would you do with it V15cK5WZ1jY-01407-00300800-00300999 if i had a billion dollars i would V15cK5WZ1jY-01408-00301000-00301247 definitely you know invest more on this V15cK5WZ1jY-01409-00301248-00301599 but i do also invest on stocks too my V15cK5WZ1jY-01410-00301600-00301879 brother adam brought me into it so i do V15cK5WZ1jY-01411-00301880-00302182 want to invest on stocks too um V15cK5WZ1jY-01412-00302183-00302295 maybe V15cK5WZ1jY-01413-00302296-00302391 you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01414-00302392-00302575 give a treat to my parents because my V15cK5WZ1jY-01415-00302576-00302791 parents you know they raised me well so V15cK5WZ1jY-01416-00302792-00303023 i'll probably give them some money too V15cK5WZ1jY-01417-00303024-00303206 but a billion dollars that's a lot i V15cK5WZ1jY-01418-00303207-00303519 would love that V15cK5WZ1jY-01419-00303520-00303758 but that's just just just to open your V15cK5WZ1jY-01420-00303759-00304023 mind and say hey you know what can i do V15cK5WZ1jY-01421-00304024-00304279 you know without without money you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01422-00304280-00304567 have to worry about money and i guess V15cK5WZ1jY-01423-00304568-00304791 the answer is you're taking that money V15cK5WZ1jY-01424-00304792-00304910 and you're basically going to try to V15cK5WZ1jY-01425-00304911-00305110 multiply that money to get more money V15cK5WZ1jY-01426-00305111-00305223 yeah you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01427-00305224-00305582 that's pretty much V15cK5WZ1jY-01428-00305583-00305830 so that's pretty much it guys you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01429-00305831-00306047 uh on the show we talk about money right V15cK5WZ1jY-01430-00306048-00306143 so there's V15cK5WZ1jY-01431-00306144-00306327 the rules of money is you know you make V15cK5WZ1jY-01432-00306328-00306430 money V15cK5WZ1jY-01433-00306431-00306591 you save money and then you just V15cK5WZ1jY-01434-00306592-00306775 multiply money and that's basically you V15cK5WZ1jY-01435-00306776-00306854 know V15cK5WZ1jY-01436-00306855-00307023 she's trying to do is just take you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01437-00307024-00307134 a billion dollars she's trying to V15cK5WZ1jY-01438-00307135-00307375 multiply that to to more money so that's V15cK5WZ1jY-01439-00307376-00307479 awesome V15cK5WZ1jY-01440-00307480-00307671 um V15cK5WZ1jY-01441-00307672-00307823 let me see if there's any uh more last V15cK5WZ1jY-01442-00307824-00308110 thing what's this V15cK5WZ1jY-01443-00308111-00308367 william says he's just trying to get V15cK5WZ1jY-01444-00308368-00308591 ahead V15cK5WZ1jY-01445-00308592-00308727 william says V15cK5WZ1jY-01446-00308728-00308934 william says at 19 V15cK5WZ1jY-01447-00308935-00309382 he was still playing video games V15cK5WZ1jY-01448-00309383-00309606 all right guys so hope hey thanks for V15cK5WZ1jY-01449-00309607-00309782 coming on the show yeah thanks for V15cK5WZ1jY-01450-00309783-00309967 having me i'm actually so glad that you V15cK5WZ1jY-01451-00309968-00310254 have this because like people do contact V15cK5WZ1jY-01452-00310255-00310406 me like oh my god what do you do how'd V15cK5WZ1jY-01453-00310407-00310599 you start your business so it's actually V15cK5WZ1jY-01454-00310600-00310871 really nice that you have this too V15cK5WZ1jY-01455-00310872-00311134 and you know show the support of all the V15cK5WZ1jY-01456-00311135-00311415 all the other hmong businesses so it's V15cK5WZ1jY-01457-00311416-00311510 nice V15cK5WZ1jY-01458-00311511-00311710 it's just just motivation to me it's V15cK5WZ1jY-01459-00311711-00311863 great that you're you're doing this and V15cK5WZ1jY-01460-00311864-00312095 hopefully you inspire other younger V15cK5WZ1jY-01461-00312096-00312351 younger folks like i said at 19 i was V15cK5WZ1jY-01462-00312352-00312591 that i was i was not doing anything so V15cK5WZ1jY-01463-00312592-00312782 kudos to you for doing this V15cK5WZ1jY-01464-00312783-00313023 uh any last words V15cK5WZ1jY-01465-00313024-00313230 um thank you so much for you know V15cK5WZ1jY-01466-00313231-00313510 watching and joining us um and if you V15cK5WZ1jY-01467-00313511-00313815 didn't hear there is a 45 off if you are V15cK5WZ1jY-01468-00313816-00314006 watching this um you just have to use V15cK5WZ1jY-01469-00314007-00314263 the code hmong hull slurs V15cK5WZ1jY-01470-00314264-00314527 and yeah you'll get 45 off for your V15cK5WZ1jY-01471-00314528-00314734 whole entire purchase V15cK5WZ1jY-01472-00314735-00314871 all right yep V15cK5WZ1jY-01473-00314872-00315071 all right guys so uh you guys have a V15cK5WZ1jY-01474-00315072-00315310 good night and uh like we said always V15cK5WZ1jY-01475-00315311-00315510 keep hustling all right all right bye V15cK5WZ1jY-01476-00315511-00315679 guys V15cK5WZ1jY-01477-00315680-00315980 bye V1RAivweP1o-00000-00000048-00000353 hi guys V1RAivweP1o-00001-00000354-00000569 I hope you are fine V1RAivweP1o-00002-00000570-00000797 this is me Mr none V1RAivweP1o-00003-00000798-00001019 today I'm here to discuss about V1RAivweP1o-00004-00001019-00001229 confidence V1RAivweP1o-00005-00001230-00001397 that's why V1RAivweP1o-00006-00001398-00001577 I want to tell you about confidence V1RAivweP1o-00007-00001578-00001810 because most of people they worried V1RAivweP1o-00008-00001811-00002026 about confidence how to improve our V1RAivweP1o-00009-00002027-00002381 confidence V1RAivweP1o-00010-00002382-00002729 so first of all what is confidence V1RAivweP1o-00011-00002730-00002975 confidence means V1RAivweP1o-00012-00002976-00003299 or having beliefs in ourselves that is V1RAivweP1o-00013-00003300-00003467 confidence V1RAivweP1o-00014-00003468-00003725 and if I tell about confident in my own V1RAivweP1o-00015-00003726-00004031 word so confidence means you speak in V1RAivweP1o-00016-00004032-00004222 front of people or in front of huge V1RAivweP1o-00017-00004223-00004451 people or even in front of friends V1RAivweP1o-00018-00004452-00004720 without invitation without family with V1RAivweP1o-00019-00004721-00005099 doubtful Chinese and that is confidence V1RAivweP1o-00020-00005100-00005320 there are two types people in all over V1RAivweP1o-00021-00005321-00005525 the world V1RAivweP1o-00022-00005526-00005891 the first types of people are dead they V1RAivweP1o-00023-00005892-00006161 have confidence they do everything with V1RAivweP1o-00024-00006162-00006395 confidence don't they don't feel shy V1RAivweP1o-00025-00006396-00006641 they don't irritate V1RAivweP1o-00026-00006642-00007019 why because they have confidence V1RAivweP1o-00027-00007020-00007234 and if at all about other types of V1RAivweP1o-00028-00007236-00007463 people V1RAivweP1o-00029-00007464-00007798 they don't have confidence the fear the V1RAivweP1o-00030-00007800-00007955 easy dead while doing something even V1RAivweP1o-00031-00007956-00008260 they sit with friends they can't speak V1RAivweP1o-00032-00008261-00008507 why because due to the lack of V1RAivweP1o-00033-00008508-00008728 confidence they don't have they don't V1RAivweP1o-00034-00008729-00009167 have confidence V1RAivweP1o-00035-00009168-00009431 success is weaker which moves on the V1RAivweP1o-00036-00009432-00009671 wheel called hard work but the journey V1RAivweP1o-00037-00009672-00009991 is impossible with dark fuel called V1RAivweP1o-00038-00009992-00010145 self-confidence V1RAivweP1o-00039-00010146-00010417 so friends V1RAivweP1o-00040-00010418-00010660 self-confidence is so essential in our V1RAivweP1o-00041-00010661-00010973 life V1RAivweP1o-00042-00010974-00011231 most of people they worry about V1RAivweP1o-00043-00011232-00011627 confidence how to improve our confidence V1RAivweP1o-00044-00011628-00011956 so friends we can improve our confidence V1RAivweP1o-00045-00011957-00012214 when we do something more and more more V1RAivweP1o-00046-00012215-00012406 and more then we can improve our V1RAivweP1o-00047-00012407-00012844 confidence definitely V1RAivweP1o-00048-00012845-00013102 and if for example if I tell about V1RAivweP1o-00049-00013103-00013288 students V1RAivweP1o-00050-00013290-00013571 so most of students like that V1RAivweP1o-00051-00013572-00013883 they don't have confidence that the fear V1RAivweP1o-00052-00013884-00014051 they detect while doing something even V1RAivweP1o-00053-00014052-00014261 when they they don't go up on the stage V1RAivweP1o-00054-00014262-00014357 why V1RAivweP1o-00055-00014358-00014638 because due to the lack of confidence V1RAivweP1o-00056-00014640-00014855 and and the other side they think like V1RAivweP1o-00057-00014856-00015155 that if I make a mistake if I forget my V1RAivweP1o-00058-00015156-00015341 speech upon the stage V1RAivweP1o-00059-00015341-00015557 so what will I do in the time my friend V1RAivweP1o-00060-00015558-00015808 said to me oh you did what did you do V1RAivweP1o-00061-00015809-00016480 you have a meta 35 mistake V1RAivweP1o-00062-00016481-00016691 it's mean that you don't have confidence V1RAivweP1o-00063-00016692-00016919 don't think about your friend V1RAivweP1o-00064-00016920-00017177 and people what they can uh what they V1RAivweP1o-00065-00017178-00017465 think about you V1RAivweP1o-00066-00017466-00017675 think about yourself V1RAivweP1o-00067-00017676-00017891 when you think about your friend or V1RAivweP1o-00068-00017892-00018191 people what they think about you so you V1RAivweP1o-00069-00018192-00018557 can't improve yourself V1RAivweP1o-00070-00018558-00018821 so think yourself V1RAivweP1o-00071-00018822-00019055 I can you think like that I can do V1RAivweP1o-00072-00019056-00019421 everything they can do I can do yes if V1RAivweP1o-00073-00019422-00019649 you go up on the stage and anywhere if V1RAivweP1o-00074-00019650-00019949 you I mean give presentation and so if V1RAivweP1o-00075-00019950-00020189 you make a mistake if you forget your V1RAivweP1o-00076-00020190-00020285 speech V1RAivweP1o-00077-00020286-00020536 so okay it doesn't matter it's not a big V1RAivweP1o-00078-00020537-00020680 deal V1RAivweP1o-00079-00020681-00020897 it's not mean that you leave studying V1RAivweP1o-00080-00020898-00021094 when you make a mistake you listening V1RAivweP1o-00081-00021095-00021364 you you leave speaking with your friends V1RAivweP1o-00082-00021365-00021785 it's not I mean that it's mean that V1RAivweP1o-00083-00021786-00022199 you try try try the man thing V1RAivweP1o-00084-00022200-00022391 yes you make a mistake it doesn't matter V1RAivweP1o-00085-00022392-00022583 because to do a mistake is not a mistake V1RAivweP1o-00086-00022584-00022853 to repeat a mistake is called a mistake V1RAivweP1o-00087-00022854-00023128 so don't worry about mistake because you V1RAivweP1o-00088-00023129-00023394 now you are in the beginner level and V1RAivweP1o-00089-00023395-00023771 you can make a mistake V1RAivweP1o-00090-00023772-00024149 you can forget your speech okay it V1RAivweP1o-00091-00024150-00024436 doesn't matter but try try the man thing V1RAivweP1o-00092-00024437-00024683 the more successful people how they V1RAivweP1o-00093-00024684-00024964 succeeded they succeeded like that they V1RAivweP1o-00094-00024965-00025313 work hard V1RAivweP1o-00095-00025314-00025834 they didn't used to give up V1RAivweP1o-00096-00025835-00026050 they had confidence V1RAivweP1o-00097-00026051-00026279 that's why I think about those people V1RAivweP1o-00098-00026280-00026668 who succeed in their life V1RAivweP1o-00099-00026669-00026902 then you realize that V1RAivweP1o-00100-00026904-00027058 who I am V1RAivweP1o-00101-00027060-00027299 so you are so important you can improve V1RAivweP1o-00102-00027300-00027443 your confidence V1RAivweP1o-00103-00027444-00027905 when you do something more and more V1RAivweP1o-00104-00027906-00028139 so friends this was my V1RAivweP1o-00105-00028139-00028451 opinion about confidence how to improve V1RAivweP1o-00106-00028452-00028690 our confidence so I hope you understand V1RAivweP1o-00107-00028691-00029123 where you are and if you if you cut my V1RAivweP1o-00108-00029124-00029224 point V1RAivweP1o-00109-00029225-00029729 so please like my video and comment V1RAivweP1o-00110-00029730-00030011 on my video that V1RAivweP1o-00111-00030012-00030340 how was my video and inshallah if you V1RAivweP1o-00112-00030341-00030562 like this video so inshallah I will make V1RAivweP1o-00113-00030563-00031102 more video about English and fluency and V1RAivweP1o-00114-00031104-00031255 as well as V1RAivweP1o-00115-00031256-00031558 pronunciation so inshallah will tell you V1RAivweP1o-00116-00031560-00031745 so if you V1RAivweP1o-00117-00031745-00032087 comment on this video how a video and if V1RAivweP1o-00118-00032088-00032452 you want some more video so I'm ready to V1RAivweP1o-00119-00032453-00032729 share with you so thank you so much all V1RAivweP1o-00120-00032730-00033103 of you take care and see you tomorrow V3BSvvgzQcY-00000-00000527-00000726 well welcome everybody today to the V3BSvvgzQcY-00001-00000727-00000919 community college consortium for open V3BSvvgzQcY-00002-00000919-00001095 educational resources V3BSvvgzQcY-00003-00001096-00001399 spring 2021 webinar on k-12 and V3BSvvgzQcY-00004-00001400-00001527 community college V3BSvvgzQcY-00005-00001528-00001830 collaborations with oer my name is V3BSvvgzQcY-00006-00001832-00001982 matthew bloom i'm english faculty at V3BSvvgzQcY-00007-00001984-00002159 scottsdale community college and i'll be V3BSvvgzQcY-00008-00002160-00002391 moderating the webinar today so thank V3BSvvgzQcY-00009-00002392-00002575 you very much for joining us V3BSvvgzQcY-00010-00002576-00002767 we have a really wonderful panel before V3BSvvgzQcY-00011-00002768-00002895 we get started we have a couple of V3BSvvgzQcY-00012-00002896-00002999 things to say first of V3BSvvgzQcY-00013-00003000-00003215 all uh we will have some time towards V3BSvvgzQcY-00014-00003215-00003406 the end of the webinar today to address V3BSvvgzQcY-00015-00003407-00003551 questions that happen to come up in the V3BSvvgzQcY-00016-00003552-00003783 chat so please be sure to V3BSvvgzQcY-00017-00003784-00003983 uh feel free to use the chat if you have V3BSvvgzQcY-00018-00003984-00004183 questions and we might even V3BSvvgzQcY-00019-00004184-00004447 address some of those as we go as well V3BSvvgzQcY-00020-00004448-00004495 and V3BSvvgzQcY-00021-00004496-00004695 uh other than that i also wanted to just V3BSvvgzQcY-00022-00004696-00004822 say generally what we are going to do V3BSvvgzQcY-00023-00004823-00004959 which is first of all talk V3BSvvgzQcY-00024-00004960-00005111 very briefly about community college V3BSvvgzQcY-00025-00005112-00005254 consortium for open educational V3BSvvgzQcY-00026-00005255-00005422 resources for those of you who may not V3BSvvgzQcY-00027-00005423-00005702 uh know too much about the organization V3BSvvgzQcY-00028-00005703-00005743 um V3BSvvgzQcY-00029-00005744-00005927 we'll do some very brief introductions V3BSvvgzQcY-00030-00005928-00006070 and we have a panel discussion V3BSvvgzQcY-00031-00006071-00006318 focused on a short a small number of V3BSvvgzQcY-00032-00006319-00006431 questions that we think V3BSvvgzQcY-00033-00006431-00006606 will yield i think pretty interesting V3BSvvgzQcY-00034-00006608-00006823 discussion about what we should be V3BSvvgzQcY-00035-00006823-00007031 you know keeping in mind when we think V3BSvvgzQcY-00036-00007031-00007206 about the work that community V3BSvvgzQcY-00037-00007208-00007431 colleges higher education in general can V3BSvvgzQcY-00038-00007431-00007559 be doing with k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-00039-00007559-00007742 to support open education and student V3BSvvgzQcY-00040-00007743-00007878 learning V3BSvvgzQcY-00041-00007879-00008031 and at the end of course we'll talk V3BSvvgzQcY-00042-00008031-00008199 about some of the other upcoming events V3BSvvgzQcY-00043-00008200-00008231 and V3BSvvgzQcY-00044-00008232-00008483 webinars happening and give you some V3BSvvgzQcY-00045-00008484-00008574 opportunities to V3BSvvgzQcY-00046-00008575-00008910 contact us we have a a really great V3BSvvgzQcY-00047-00008911-00009031 diverse panel um V3BSvvgzQcY-00048-00009032-00009295 here today um a number of people from V3BSvvgzQcY-00049-00009296-00009519 louisiana who have worked on projects V3BSvvgzQcY-00050-00009520-00009639 and i will give them the opportunity to V3BSvvgzQcY-00051-00009640-00009799 introduce themselves in a minute and V3BSvvgzQcY-00052-00009800-00009919 also V3BSvvgzQcY-00053-00009920-00010078 a couple of folks who have been working V3BSvvgzQcY-00054-00010079-00010319 on um have had some opportunity to V3BSvvgzQcY-00055-00010320-00010527 collaborate and work together V3BSvvgzQcY-00056-00010528-00010831 in southern california um and as i said V3BSvvgzQcY-00057-00010832-00011006 um i will be moderating but i'm gonna do V3BSvvgzQcY-00058-00011007-00011223 my best to let these brilliant folks V3BSvvgzQcY-00059-00011224-00011263 talk V3BSvvgzQcY-00060-00011264-00011399 uh because they really i think have a V3BSvvgzQcY-00061-00011400-00011535 lot of really interesting things to V3BSvvgzQcY-00062-00011536-00011606 share V3BSvvgzQcY-00063-00011607-00011831 so first of all as promised um the V3BSvvgzQcY-00064-00011832-00011983 community college consortium for open V3BSvvgzQcY-00065-00011984-00012119 education or resources V3BSvvgzQcY-00066-00012120-00012423 is kind of a regional node of oe global V3BSvvgzQcY-00067-00012424-00012606 which is the which is a global V3BSvvgzQcY-00068-00012607-00012742 organization V3BSvvgzQcY-00069-00012743-00013015 dedicated to supporting open education V3BSvvgzQcY-00070-00013016-00013086 initiatives V3BSvvgzQcY-00071-00013087-00013519 and advocacy and what ccc oer primarily V3BSvvgzQcY-00072-00013519-00013743 does is expand as it says here awareness V3BSvvgzQcY-00073-00013744-00013830 and access to V3BSvvgzQcY-00074-00013831-00014135 oer by supporting various V3BSvvgzQcY-00075-00014136-00014375 member institutions as well as the V3BSvvgzQcY-00076-00014376-00014503 community at large V3BSvvgzQcY-00077-00014504-00014655 we offer a lot of professional V3BSvvgzQcY-00078-00014656-00014815 development we support V3BSvvgzQcY-00079-00014816-00015086 faculty we support the institutions in V3BSvvgzQcY-00080-00015087-00015143 general V3BSvvgzQcY-00081-00015144-00015407 and we also try to support oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00082-00015408-00015503 leadership V3BSvvgzQcY-00083-00015504-00015758 across primarily north america and of V3BSvvgzQcY-00084-00015759-00015855 course all of that V3BSvvgzQcY-00085-00015856-00016199 is um you know based on the idea of V3BSvvgzQcY-00086-00016200-00016471 fostering uh student equity and success V3BSvvgzQcY-00087-00016472-00016647 and as i said it's primarily north V3BSvvgzQcY-00088-00016648-00016815 america mostly the united states we have V3BSvvgzQcY-00089-00016816-00017150 91 member institutions across 35 states V3BSvvgzQcY-00090-00017151-00017407 um you can see there's at least one V3BSvvgzQcY-00091-00017408-00017550 above the border there V3BSvvgzQcY-00092-00017551-00017767 but um so we encourage you to check it V3BSvvgzQcY-00093-00017768-00017855 out and if you V3BSvvgzQcY-00094-00017856-00018111 are interested in more information about V3BSvvgzQcY-00095-00018112-00018327 ccc oer then you'll have the uh there V3BSvvgzQcY-00096-00018328-00018479 will be some contact information at the V3BSvvgzQcY-00097-00018480-00018679 end that you can feel free to use V3BSvvgzQcY-00098-00018680-00018839 so what i want to do right now is i want V3BSvvgzQcY-00099-00018840-00018991 to go ahead and pass this over i don't V3BSvvgzQcY-00100-00018992-00019135 want to waste any time because V3BSvvgzQcY-00101-00019136-00019263 getting into the discussion is the most V3BSvvgzQcY-00102-00019264-00019463 important thing i want to pass this on V3BSvvgzQcY-00103-00019464-00019535 to V3BSvvgzQcY-00104-00019536-00019775 uh some folks over in louisiana amelia V3BSvvgzQcY-00105-00019776-00020030 brister emily frank and terry galloway V3BSvvgzQcY-00106-00020031-00020335 so that they can talk about their V3BSvvgzQcY-00107-00020336-00020414 experiences V3BSvvgzQcY-00108-00020415-00020550 in collaboration and introduce V3BSvvgzQcY-00109-00020551-00020878 themselves i will stop the share V3BSvvgzQcY-00110-00020879-00021255 so you can take it away V3BSvvgzQcY-00111-00021256-00021519 thank you matthew um pleasure to be here V3BSvvgzQcY-00112-00021520-00021575 today V3BSvvgzQcY-00113-00021576-00021878 thank you for the invitation to join V3BSvvgzQcY-00114-00021879-00022103 um my name is terry galloway i'm the V3BSvvgzQcY-00115-00022104-00022247 associate commissioner V3BSvvgzQcY-00116-00022248-00022583 and executive director for lewis V3BSvvgzQcY-00117-00022584-00022855 joined by emily and amelia as matthew V3BSvvgzQcY-00118-00022856-00022958 noted V3BSvvgzQcY-00119-00022959-00023191 and we're going to speak with you today V3BSvvgzQcY-00120-00023192-00023303 about lewis's V3BSvvgzQcY-00121-00023304-00023671 open textbooks pilot grant it's titled V3BSvvgzQcY-00122-00023672-00024030 interactive oer for dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00123-00024031-00024294 and we'll briefly cover the purpose of V3BSvvgzQcY-00124-00024295-00024439 the grant describe some of the V3BSvvgzQcY-00125-00024440-00024711 activities and expected outcomes V3BSvvgzQcY-00126-00024712-00024999 and amelia in particular is going to V3BSvvgzQcY-00127-00025000-00025135 shine some light V3BSvvgzQcY-00128-00025136-00025350 on the challenges and obstacles in V3BSvvgzQcY-00129-00025351-00025527 connecting the dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00130-00025528-00025622 stakeholders V3BSvvgzQcY-00131-00025623-00025983 in k-12 and higher ed V3BSvvgzQcY-00132-00025983-00026311 and then we'll wrap up by describing V3BSvvgzQcY-00133-00026312-00026574 some early steps for taking to mitigate V3BSvvgzQcY-00134-00026575-00026927 those challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-00135-00026927-00027118 so we'll move forward so i just want to V3BSvvgzQcY-00136-00027119-00027302 situate the work here with some V3BSvvgzQcY-00137-00027304-00027502 information about louis we are a V3BSvvgzQcY-00138-00027504-00027646 statewide academic V3BSvvgzQcY-00139-00027647-00027967 library consortium in louisiana V3BSvvgzQcY-00140-00027968-00028318 um you may be interested to know that V3BSvvgzQcY-00141-00028319-00028558 within our membership we have a V3BSvvgzQcY-00142-00028560-00028727 community college system V3BSvvgzQcY-00143-00028727-00028983 the louisiana community and technical V3BSvvgzQcY-00144-00028983-00029167 college system V3BSvvgzQcY-00145-00029168-00029479 there are 11 community colleges within V3BSvvgzQcY-00146-00029480-00029599 that system that are V3BSvvgzQcY-00147-00029600-00029911 members of lewis and we also have a V3BSvvgzQcY-00148-00029912-00029990 couple of V3BSvvgzQcY-00149-00029991-00030255 two-year institutions that are outside V3BSvvgzQcY-00150-00030256-00030455 of the community and technical college V3BSvvgzQcY-00151-00030456-00030623 system V3BSvvgzQcY-00152-00030624-00030831 so this is just a description of what V3BSvvgzQcY-00153-00030832-00030967 lewis provides V3BSvvgzQcY-00154-00030968-00031302 to the state historically and then we'll V3BSvvgzQcY-00155-00031303-00031383 move forward V3BSvvgzQcY-00156-00031383-00031623 and just note that our affordable V3BSvvgzQcY-00157-00031624-00031743 learning program V3BSvvgzQcY-00158-00031744-00032070 which we launched in 2015 V3BSvvgzQcY-00159-00032072-00032335 was designed to reduce the cost of V3BSvvgzQcY-00160-00032336-00032535 textbooks to students in a couple of V3BSvvgzQcY-00161-00032536-00032735 ways V3BSvvgzQcY-00162-00032736-00033062 one is reducing or eliminating materials V3BSvvgzQcY-00163-00033063-00033431 with procuring licensed resources that's V3BSvvgzQcY-00164-00033432-00033559 our affordable V3BSvvgzQcY-00165-00033560-00033918 component and then we also V3BSvvgzQcY-00166-00033919-00034231 have a mature program in supporting V3BSvvgzQcY-00167-00034232-00034518 open educational resources through V3BSvvgzQcY-00168-00034519-00034727 professional development programs as V3BSvvgzQcY-00169-00034728-00034790 well as V3BSvvgzQcY-00170-00034791-00035039 providing incentives to faculty for V3BSvvgzQcY-00171-00035040-00035111 redesign V3BSvvgzQcY-00172-00035112-00035415 projects so since we started V3BSvvgzQcY-00173-00035416-00035687 our work we've been able to track V3BSvvgzQcY-00174-00035688-00035967 through our institutions over 26 million V3BSvvgzQcY-00175-00035968-00036151 dollars in savings V3BSvvgzQcY-00176-00036152-00036487 let's move forward so V3BSvvgzQcY-00177-00036488-00036679 building on the success of those V3BSvvgzQcY-00178-00036680-00036871 programs we submitted a grant V3BSvvgzQcY-00179-00036872-00037046 application to the united states V3BSvvgzQcY-00180-00037047-00037255 department of education for the open V3BSvvgzQcY-00181-00037256-00037495 textbooks program which i imagine many V3BSvvgzQcY-00182-00037496-00037695 of you are familiar with V3BSvvgzQcY-00183-00037696-00037999 um and to distinguish our application V3BSvvgzQcY-00184-00038000-00038318 we pursued the dual enrollment niche V3BSvvgzQcY-00185-00038319-00038639 emphasizing the overlap between V3BSvvgzQcY-00186-00038640-00038887 high enrollment general education V3BSvvgzQcY-00187-00038888-00039015 courses V3BSvvgzQcY-00188-00039016-00039262 and how they are typically offered as V3BSvvgzQcY-00189-00039263-00039439 dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00190-00039440-00039743 we also had a dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00191-00039744-00040015 state created legislatively created dual V3BSvvgzQcY-00192-00040016-00040211 enrollment task force that was V3BSvvgzQcY-00193-00040212-00040327 simultaneously V3BSvvgzQcY-00194-00040328-00040646 examining dual enrollment policy and V3BSvvgzQcY-00195-00040647-00040695 they V3BSvvgzQcY-00196-00040696-00040935 actually made a recommendation that oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00197-00040936-00041174 be integrated into dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00198-00041175-00041399 in the maximum extent possible so the V3BSvvgzQcY-00199-00041400-00041623 grant was really an opportunity for us V3BSvvgzQcY-00200-00041624-00041830 to think about alignment of program V3BSvvgzQcY-00201-00041831-00041887 goals V3BSvvgzQcY-00202-00041888-00042223 between these two groups so V3BSvvgzQcY-00203-00042224-00042518 a couple of notes here um why dual V3BSvvgzQcY-00204-00042519-00042671 enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00205-00042672-00042879 you may know a bit about this already V3BSvvgzQcY-00206-00042880-00042983 about how V3BSvvgzQcY-00207-00042984-00043255 post-secondary success is linked to V3BSvvgzQcY-00208-00043256-00043415 students being able to V3BSvvgzQcY-00209-00043416-00043707 pursue college and high school credit V3BSvvgzQcY-00210-00043708-00043879 simultaneously V3BSvvgzQcY-00211-00043880-00044287 and students are 10 percent more likely V3BSvvgzQcY-00212-00044288-00044367 to complete V3BSvvgzQcY-00213-00044368-00044615 a bachelor's degree than a comparison V3BSvvgzQcY-00214-00044616-00044687 group V3BSvvgzQcY-00215-00044688-00044911 if they experience dual enrollment and V3BSvvgzQcY-00216-00044912-00044999 that jumps up to V3BSvvgzQcY-00217-00045000-00045258 12 percent for students who are V3BSvvgzQcY-00218-00045259-00045374 first-generation V3BSvvgzQcY-00219-00045375-00045695 students so it is V3BSvvgzQcY-00220-00045696-00045958 a successful avenue to ensure V3BSvvgzQcY-00221-00045959-00046071 post-secondary V3BSvvgzQcY-00222-00046072-00046407 success however as we found in our state V3BSvvgzQcY-00223-00046408-00046711 there's a participation gap V3BSvvgzQcY-00224-00046712-00046911 an equity gap in dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00225-00046912-00047135 participation meaning that minority V3BSvvgzQcY-00226-00047136-00047230 students V3BSvvgzQcY-00227-00047231-00047518 end up having less access to a program V3BSvvgzQcY-00228-00047519-00047711 that's been proven to bolster V3BSvvgzQcY-00229-00047712-00048071 student persistence in college so V3BSvvgzQcY-00230-00048072-00048311 as we looked at this grant we narrowed V3BSvvgzQcY-00231-00048312-00048430 our focus to V3BSvvgzQcY-00232-00048431-00048758 25 courses with very high V3BSvvgzQcY-00233-00048759-00049111 d f or withdraw or d f or withdrawal so V3BSvvgzQcY-00234-00049112-00049271 dfw rates V3BSvvgzQcY-00235-00049272-00049535 for students for minority students and V3BSvvgzQcY-00236-00049536-00049783 also those that had a high capacity V3BSvvgzQcY-00237-00049784-00050015 to be utilized in a dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00238-00050016-00050183 setting V3BSvvgzQcY-00239-00050184-00050486 let's go forward V3BSvvgzQcY-00240-00050487-00050790 so the strategy was effective and we won V3BSvvgzQcY-00241-00050791-00051030 on behalf of our board of regents which V3BSvvgzQcY-00242-00051031-00051246 lewis is a part of this two million V3BSvvgzQcY-00243-00051247-00051550 dollar grant to bring oer into those 25 V3BSvvgzQcY-00244-00051551-00051670 courses V3BSvvgzQcY-00245-00051671-00051902 and we'll be working over the next three V3BSvvgzQcY-00246-00051903-00052063 years with librarians V3BSvvgzQcY-00247-00052064-00052414 and faculty on these course design teams V3BSvvgzQcY-00248-00052415-00052719 to build 25 redeployable V3BSvvgzQcY-00249-00052720-00052975 oer-based courses for both general V3BSvvgzQcY-00250-00052976-00053071 education V3BSvvgzQcY-00251-00053072-00053399 and dual enrollment purposes emily's V3BSvvgzQcY-00252-00053400-00053654 going to do a deep dive into what that V3BSvvgzQcY-00253-00053655-00053782 experience will V3BSvvgzQcY-00254-00053783-00054054 look like highlighting the faculty and V3BSvvgzQcY-00255-00054055-00054319 librarian roles V3BSvvgzQcY-00256-00054320-00054679 and sharing some information V3BSvvgzQcY-00257-00054679-00055182 about how we plan to make it interactive V3BSvvgzQcY-00258-00055183-00055519 jump forward here in the meantime here's V3BSvvgzQcY-00259-00055520-00055703 our thoughts about V3BSvvgzQcY-00260-00055704-00056047 course outcomes across these V3BSvvgzQcY-00261-00056048-00056391 25 courses we have a general V3BSvvgzQcY-00262-00056391-00056742 dfw rate of 26 34 V3BSvvgzQcY-00263-00056744-00057054 for minority um and then as you can see V3BSvvgzQcY-00264-00057055-00057359 it's a successful program for V3BSvvgzQcY-00265-00057360-00057623 dual enrollment with those dfw rates V3BSvvgzQcY-00266-00057624-00057807 dropping to 10 V3BSvvgzQcY-00267-00057808-00058063 when we can get students enrolled in V3BSvvgzQcY-00268-00058064-00058142 those V3BSvvgzQcY-00269-00058144-00058638 programs V3BSvvgzQcY-00270-00058639-00058959 okay so emily tell us what this entails V3BSvvgzQcY-00271-00058960-00059247 yes thank you terry so um as as i've V3BSvvgzQcY-00272-00059248-00059423 been introduced i'm emily frank V3BSvvgzQcY-00273-00059424-00059711 i also work with louis as the affordable V3BSvvgzQcY-00274-00059712-00059879 learning administrator V3BSvvgzQcY-00275-00059879-00060087 and prior to being with lewis i was an V3BSvvgzQcY-00276-00060088-00060254 academic librarian V3BSvvgzQcY-00277-00060255-00060591 so my experience is um very much higher V3BSvvgzQcY-00278-00060591-00060711 ed V3BSvvgzQcY-00279-00060712-00061023 based but to speak to this grant V3BSvvgzQcY-00280-00061024-00061375 specifically as terry introduced V3BSvvgzQcY-00281-00061376-00061663 we will be working collaboratively with V3BSvvgzQcY-00282-00061664-00061919 teams across the state V3BSvvgzQcY-00283-00061920-00062294 on these 25 courses i'm going to V3BSvvgzQcY-00284-00062295-00062630 pinpoint a couple of things that are V3BSvvgzQcY-00285-00062632-00062799 part of our focus V3BSvvgzQcY-00286-00062800-00063142 with this work first is that we are V3BSvvgzQcY-00287-00063144-00063438 working on a very structured approach V3BSvvgzQcY-00288-00063439-00063750 uh working with our librarians who are V3BSvvgzQcY-00289-00063751-00063903 on these teams V3BSvvgzQcY-00290-00063904-00064206 to um have them be leaders with their V3BSvvgzQcY-00291-00064207-00064294 cohort V3BSvvgzQcY-00292-00064295-00064591 in building capacity and confidence V3BSvvgzQcY-00293-00064591-00064647 around V3BSvvgzQcY-00294-00064648-00065030 oer oer in their subject area V3BSvvgzQcY-00295-00065032-00065294 copyright creative commons licensing the V3BSvvgzQcY-00296-00065295-00065382 types of V3BSvvgzQcY-00297-00065383-00065631 skills and knowledge that we think of as V3BSvvgzQcY-00298-00065632-00065775 being foundational V3BSvvgzQcY-00299-00065776-00065991 to the work of adapting adopting V3BSvvgzQcY-00300-00065992-00066191 creating oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00301-00066192-00066482 we will be engaging multiple V3BSvvgzQcY-00302-00066483-00066623 stakeholders V3BSvvgzQcY-00303-00066624-00066831 this project will be working with V3BSvvgzQcY-00304-00066832-00067063 faculty from all of our systems V3BSvvgzQcY-00305-00067064-00067375 in the state from across the state V3BSvvgzQcY-00306-00067376-00067663 and with academic librarians bringing V3BSvvgzQcY-00307-00067664-00067759 them together V3BSvvgzQcY-00308-00067760-00068079 in collaboration it's using a strategy V3BSvvgzQcY-00309-00068080-00068199 that we've used V3BSvvgzQcY-00310-00068200-00068511 in the past in louisiana to V3BSvvgzQcY-00311-00068512-00068703 successfully bring together a community V3BSvvgzQcY-00312-00068704-00068815 of practice V3BSvvgzQcY-00313-00068816-00069135 at a distance around oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00314-00069136-00069503 and core to this idea of multiple V3BSvvgzQcY-00315-00069504-00069775 stakeholders is the idea that no one is V3BSvvgzQcY-00316-00069776-00069894 going it alone V3BSvvgzQcY-00317-00069895-00070319 in this work we will be bringing folks V3BSvvgzQcY-00318-00070320-00070647 with various backgrounds skill sets um V3BSvvgzQcY-00319-00070648-00070926 experience to the table and collectively V3BSvvgzQcY-00320-00070927-00071262 they'll be working on these projects V3BSvvgzQcY-00321-00071263-00071543 another key piece is having different V3BSvvgzQcY-00322-00071544-00071606 layers V3BSvvgzQcY-00323-00071607-00071967 of support what we've designed will V3BSvvgzQcY-00324-00071968-00072343 scaffold training and have training V3BSvvgzQcY-00325-00072344-00072703 run um you know continuously throughout V3BSvvgzQcY-00326-00072704-00072823 this work V3BSvvgzQcY-00327-00072824-00073031 to help ensure that we are able to V3BSvvgzQcY-00328-00073032-00073143 advance V3BSvvgzQcY-00329-00073144-00073503 some key aims of this project and also V3BSvvgzQcY-00330-00073504-00073806 bring success to the project so some of V3BSvvgzQcY-00331-00073807-00073855 those V3BSvvgzQcY-00332-00073856-00074175 key aims include bringing V3BSvvgzQcY-00333-00074176-00074503 accessibility and dei diversity equity V3BSvvgzQcY-00334-00074504-00074647 and inclusion V3BSvvgzQcY-00335-00074648-00075023 principles in throughout part of these V3BSvvgzQcY-00336-00075024-00075375 layers of support include bringing rebus V3BSvvgzQcY-00337-00075376-00075687 the education nonprofit based in canada V3BSvvgzQcY-00338-00075688-00075871 to this work they'll be leading some V3BSvvgzQcY-00339-00075872-00075991 workshops V3BSvvgzQcY-00340-00075992-00076191 and bringing their oer publishing V3BSvvgzQcY-00341-00076192-00076438 process experience V3BSvvgzQcY-00342-00076439-00076662 to to our participants through those V3BSvvgzQcY-00343-00076663-00076767 workshops V3BSvvgzQcY-00344-00076768-00076943 and sharing best practices and V3BSvvgzQcY-00345-00076944-00077126 techniques V3BSvvgzQcY-00346-00077127-00077423 we want to make sure that our outcomes V3BSvvgzQcY-00347-00077424-00077479 are V3BSvvgzQcY-00348-00077480-00077662 accessible that the content and V3BSvvgzQcY-00349-00077663-00077782 materials V3BSvvgzQcY-00350-00077783-00078159 can be accessed used and understood by V3BSvvgzQcY-00351-00078160-00078294 any learner V3BSvvgzQcY-00352-00078295-00078623 and so for that we're striving to have V3BSvvgzQcY-00353-00078624-00079015 an inclusive process that makes use of V3BSvvgzQcY-00354-00079016-00079262 inclusive accessible tools and V3BSvvgzQcY-00355-00079263-00079431 technology V3BSvvgzQcY-00356-00079432-00079735 and so we'll be leveraging press books V3BSvvgzQcY-00357-00079736-00080015 and h5p specifically the elements that V3BSvvgzQcY-00358-00080016-00080087 can be made V3BSvvgzQcY-00359-00080088-00080431 accessible for learners and finally V3BSvvgzQcY-00360-00080432-00080671 you know we still find ourselves in a V3BSvvgzQcY-00361-00080672-00080775 pandemic V3BSvvgzQcY-00362-00080776-00081055 we're still working from a variety of V3BSvvgzQcY-00363-00081056-00081182 locations V3BSvvgzQcY-00364-00081183-00081487 and so this work will span the state V3BSvvgzQcY-00365-00081488-00081767 and be virtual work and so for that V3BSvvgzQcY-00366-00081768-00081894 we're working on V3BSvvgzQcY-00367-00081895-00082143 ensuring we have multiple ways for our V3BSvvgzQcY-00368-00082144-00082303 teams to engage V3BSvvgzQcY-00369-00082304-00082647 both synchronously and asynchronously V3BSvvgzQcY-00370-00082648-00082838 and offering that support through a V3BSvvgzQcY-00371-00082839-00082950 variety of V3BSvvgzQcY-00372-00082951-00083206 platforms given the dynamics that we're V3BSvvgzQcY-00373-00083207-00083279 all V3BSvvgzQcY-00374-00083280-00083623 facing still so just to V3BSvvgzQcY-00375-00083624-00083918 hone in a bit um closer on a couple of V3BSvvgzQcY-00376-00083919-00083999 things V3BSvvgzQcY-00377-00084000-00084238 so as i mentioned we have the academic V3BSvvgzQcY-00378-00084239-00084487 librarians involved in the project V3BSvvgzQcY-00379-00084488-00084771 this is an overview of what their V3BSvvgzQcY-00380-00084772-00084982 responsibilities will include V3BSvvgzQcY-00381-00084983-00085191 they'll be leading the training V3BSvvgzQcY-00382-00085192-00085438 supporting a curation process V3BSvvgzQcY-00383-00085439-00085743 and overall acting as project managers V3BSvvgzQcY-00384-00085744-00085967 with their teams so doing things like V3BSvvgzQcY-00385-00085968-00086223 affirming scope providing direction V3BSvvgzQcY-00386-00086224-00086462 helping to set timeline and task V3BSvvgzQcY-00387-00086463-00086791 monitoring um team achievement and then V3BSvvgzQcY-00388-00086792-00087079 helping to identify and clear roadblocks V3BSvvgzQcY-00389-00087080-00087406 to success and we also have those V3BSvvgzQcY-00390-00087407-00087718 five teaching faculty on each team V3BSvvgzQcY-00391-00087719-00087967 working towards these outcomes or V3BSvvgzQcY-00392-00087968-00088071 deliverables V3BSvvgzQcY-00393-00088072-00088326 and ultimately the goal here is to V3BSvvgzQcY-00394-00088327-00088431 create V3BSvvgzQcY-00395-00088432-00088662 learning materials in this in the V3BSvvgzQcY-00396-00088663-00088926 context of a redeployable open course V3BSvvgzQcY-00397-00088927-00089094 and for those learning material V3BSvvgzQcY-00398-00089095-00089231 materials to be V3BSvvgzQcY-00399-00089232-00089655 flexible accessible and inclusive V3BSvvgzQcY-00400-00089656-00090118 so now i'll turn it over to amelia V3BSvvgzQcY-00401-00090119-00090511 hello everyone um it's great to be here V3BSvvgzQcY-00402-00090512-00090582 today V3BSvvgzQcY-00403-00090583-00090935 i am amelia brister i'm the director of V3BSvvgzQcY-00404-00090936-00091135 library and learning resources for V3BSvvgzQcY-00405-00091136-00091199 louisiana V3BSvvgzQcY-00406-00091200-00091623 delta community college i have V3BSvvgzQcY-00407-00091624-00091926 over 12 years of experience as a teacher V3BSvvgzQcY-00408-00091927-00092206 and librarian in k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-00409-00092207-00092415 and i'm also one of the librarian V3BSvvgzQcY-00410-00092416-00092599 cohorts for the dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00411-00092600-00092982 grant and i was asked to join today V3BSvvgzQcY-00412-00092983-00093206 to discuss some of the obstacles and V3BSvvgzQcY-00413-00093207-00093287 challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-00414-00093288-00093591 that we might face with this grant V3BSvvgzQcY-00415-00093592-00093894 in order for it to be successful in V3BSvvgzQcY-00416-00093895-00094167 our high schools so the first thing i V3BSvvgzQcY-00417-00094168-00094279 would like to talk about V3BSvvgzQcY-00418-00094280-00094582 is advocates V3BSvvgzQcY-00419-00094583-00094943 for district adoption many districts use V3BSvvgzQcY-00420-00094944-00095135 curriculum coordinators and committees V3BSvvgzQcY-00421-00095136-00095343 to identify and adopt curriculum V3BSvvgzQcY-00422-00095344-00095679 at the k-12 level so i think it's very V3BSvvgzQcY-00423-00095680-00095831 important to note V3BSvvgzQcY-00424-00095832-00096150 that these committees need to be made V3BSvvgzQcY-00425-00096151-00096238 aware V3BSvvgzQcY-00426-00096239-00096647 of oers in order for V3BSvvgzQcY-00427-00096648-00097079 us to be able to penetrate that world V3BSvvgzQcY-00428-00097080-00097391 so we need to identify advocates V3BSvvgzQcY-00429-00097392-00097774 for the oers V3BSvvgzQcY-00430-00097775-00098038 such as librarians librarians would be V3BSvvgzQcY-00431-00098039-00098199 an invaluable resource V3BSvvgzQcY-00432-00098200-00098543 that we can tap into by letting them V3BSvvgzQcY-00433-00098544-00098631 know that V3BSvvgzQcY-00434-00098632-00098950 the oers are there and V3BSvvgzQcY-00435-00098951-00099150 then they can go back and demonstrate to V3BSvvgzQcY-00436-00099151-00099303 their faculty V3BSvvgzQcY-00437-00099304-00099591 the value of those resources and the V3BSvvgzQcY-00438-00099592-00099823 faculty can then advocate within V3BSvvgzQcY-00439-00099824-00100174 the schools and within the committees V3BSvvgzQcY-00440-00100175-00100423 and even the larger community parents V3BSvvgzQcY-00441-00100424-00100606 and the school board V3BSvvgzQcY-00442-00100607-00101143 to get these resources adopted V3BSvvgzQcY-00443-00101144-00101447 scripted text is another V3BSvvgzQcY-00444-00101448-00101774 obstacle that i see that we might need V3BSvvgzQcY-00445-00101775-00102006 to address V3BSvvgzQcY-00446-00102007-00102223 there has been a shift in the last five V3BSvvgzQcY-00447-00102224-00102350 to ten years V3BSvvgzQcY-00448-00102351-00102623 to move to scripted text teachers have V3BSvvgzQcY-00449-00102624-00102775 very little autonomy V3BSvvgzQcY-00450-00102776-00103006 in our state for selecting instructional V3BSvvgzQcY-00451-00103007-00103223 materials V3BSvvgzQcY-00452-00103224-00103502 and scripted text can be good and it can V3BSvvgzQcY-00453-00103503-00103630 be bad V3BSvvgzQcY-00454-00103631-00103871 teachers don't have to go out and find V3BSvvgzQcY-00455-00103872-00103958 the materials V3BSvvgzQcY-00456-00103959-00104118 and spend a lot of time putting the V3BSvvgzQcY-00457-00104119-00104278 lesson together V3BSvvgzQcY-00458-00104279-00104478 all the material is already there for V3BSvvgzQcY-00459-00104479-00104630 them V3BSvvgzQcY-00460-00104631-00104951 but that raises some questions will the V3BSvvgzQcY-00461-00104952-00105054 lack of V3BSvvgzQcY-00462-00105055-00105358 scripted text in the oer resources that V3BSvvgzQcY-00463-00105359-00105519 we are putting together V3BSvvgzQcY-00464-00105520-00105678 is that going to be an obstacle for V3BSvvgzQcY-00465-00105679-00105886 students since the students are V3BSvvgzQcY-00466-00105888-00106247 so used to seeing that scripted text V3BSvvgzQcY-00467-00106248-00106534 and many scripted texts are spiralizing V3BSvvgzQcY-00468-00106535-00106599 text which V3BSvvgzQcY-00469-00106600-00106951 means they reinforce skills V3BSvvgzQcY-00470-00106952-00107102 that the students have previously V3BSvvgzQcY-00471-00107103-00107366 learned so V3BSvvgzQcY-00472-00107367-00107727 would it be beneficial to put V3BSvvgzQcY-00473-00107728-00108063 that structure into our oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00474-00108064-00108351 text in order for our students to be V3BSvvgzQcY-00475-00108352-00108695 more successful V3BSvvgzQcY-00476-00108696-00109054 and the last thing is the digital divide V3BSvvgzQcY-00477-00109055-00109334 and traditionally the digital divide has V3BSvvgzQcY-00478-00109335-00109583 been connectivity issues V3BSvvgzQcY-00479-00109583-00109783 but i have noticed over the last few V3BSvvgzQcY-00480-00109783-00109999 years that it has shifted V3BSvvgzQcY-00481-00110000-00110254 also to technical challenges for our V3BSvvgzQcY-00482-00110255-00110519 students V3BSvvgzQcY-00483-00110520-00110871 and i noted here a word versus google V3BSvvgzQcY-00484-00110872-00110927 docs V3BSvvgzQcY-00485-00110928-00111231 versus pdfs and i'll explain a little V3BSvvgzQcY-00486-00111232-00111327 more about that V3BSvvgzQcY-00487-00111328-00111631 on the next slide V3BSvvgzQcY-00488-00111632-00111863 but i did want to note that some V3BSvvgzQcY-00489-00111864-00112134 instructors expect assignments turned V3BSvvgzQcY-00490-00112135-00112583 in using microsoft word but students V3BSvvgzQcY-00491-00112583-00112910 in some k-12 schools V3BSvvgzQcY-00492-00112911-00113254 only have access to chromebooks so V3BSvvgzQcY-00493-00113255-00113502 that leaves the teachers librarians and V3BSvvgzQcY-00494-00113503-00113631 the students V3BSvvgzQcY-00495-00113632-00113990 scrambling to figure out how to convert V3BSvvgzQcY-00496-00113991-00114302 these documents or how to provide V3BSvvgzQcY-00497-00114303-00114695 access to say microsoft word V3BSvvgzQcY-00498-00114696-00114958 at the high school level when the V3BSvvgzQcY-00499-00114959-00115039 college V3BSvvgzQcY-00500-00115040-00115351 or university instructors expect V3BSvvgzQcY-00501-00115352-00115639 a document turned in in a different V3BSvvgzQcY-00502-00115640-00115886 format V3BSvvgzQcY-00503-00115888-00116223 making oers downloadable has V3BSvvgzQcY-00504-00116224-00116375 reduced some of the strain of V3BSvvgzQcY-00505-00116376-00116566 connectivity over the V3BSvvgzQcY-00506-00116567-00116871 past year and i will say V3BSvvgzQcY-00507-00116872-00117190 within the last year schools have V3BSvvgzQcY-00508-00117191-00117519 put a lot of funding into lessening the V3BSvvgzQcY-00509-00117520-00117607 connectivity V3BSvvgzQcY-00510-00117608-00117839 issue for the students and they are V3BSvvgzQcY-00511-00117840-00118110 supplying hot spots for those students V3BSvvgzQcY-00512-00118111-00118551 so we have addressed the connectivity V3BSvvgzQcY-00513-00118552-00118654 issue V3BSvvgzQcY-00514-00118655-00118839 now the technical challenges is V3BSvvgzQcY-00515-00118840-00119286 definitely something we need to address V3BSvvgzQcY-00516-00119288-00119590 if we can move to the next slide that's V3BSvvgzQcY-00517-00119591-00119966 it V3BSvvgzQcY-00518-00119967-00120183 some high schools are more equipped V3BSvvgzQcY-00519-00120183-00120295 through staffing V3BSvvgzQcY-00520-00120296-00120519 to better handle dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00521-00120520-00120647 programs V3BSvvgzQcY-00522-00120648-00120951 and this is an example of two schools in V3BSvvgzQcY-00523-00120952-00121127 the same district V3BSvvgzQcY-00524-00121128-00121431 roughly the same size that handle V3BSvvgzQcY-00525-00121432-00121734 dual enrollment within the school V3BSvvgzQcY-00526-00121735-00122047 completely different V3BSvvgzQcY-00527-00122048-00122495 as you can see as i go through this list V3BSvvgzQcY-00528-00122496-00122710 there is no standardized way for the V3BSvvgzQcY-00529-00122711-00122927 schools in this district to offer dual V3BSvvgzQcY-00530-00122928-00123158 enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00531-00123159-00123551 so it's really a challenge for our high V3BSvvgzQcY-00532-00123552-00123743 schools V3BSvvgzQcY-00533-00123744-00124039 to overcome some of these obstacles so V3BSvvgzQcY-00534-00124040-00124231 i've broken these two schools down into V3BSvvgzQcY-00535-00124232-00124302 campus a V3BSvvgzQcY-00536-00124303-00124623 and campus b and V3BSvvgzQcY-00537-00124624-00124958 campus a foresaw some of the V3BSvvgzQcY-00538-00124959-00125207 challenges and they addressed the V3BSvvgzQcY-00539-00125208-00125286 challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-00540-00125288-00125623 of dual enrollment programs and oers V3BSvvgzQcY-00541-00125624-00125863 by advocating with the university to be V3BSvvgzQcY-00542-00125864-00126063 a satellite campus so they could use V3BSvvgzQcY-00543-00126064-00126223 their own high school instructors to V3BSvvgzQcY-00544-00126224-00126454 teach materials V3BSvvgzQcY-00545-00126455-00126847 while campus b did not and they still V3BSvvgzQcY-00546-00126848-00127127 use the university instructors for their V3BSvvgzQcY-00547-00127128-00127310 students V3BSvvgzQcY-00548-00127311-00127671 campus a V3BSvvgzQcY-00549-00127672-00127958 sets its own course schedule because it V3BSvvgzQcY-00550-00127959-00128158 is considered a satellite campus they V3BSvvgzQcY-00551-00128159-00128390 have the autonomy to do that V3BSvvgzQcY-00552-00128391-00128671 while campus b relying on the university V3BSvvgzQcY-00553-00128672-00128831 instructors V3BSvvgzQcY-00554-00128832-00129039 teach on the university schedule which V3BSvvgzQcY-00555-00129040-00129223 means the students receive instruction V3BSvvgzQcY-00556-00129224-00129351 three days a week V3BSvvgzQcY-00557-00129352-00129671 as opposed to five days a week following V3BSvvgzQcY-00558-00129672-00130063 the university schedule V3BSvvgzQcY-00559-00130064-00130366 on campus a students usually supply V3BSvvgzQcY-00560-00130367-00130399 their V3BSvvgzQcY-00561-00130400-00130710 own devices they don't have to but this V3BSvvgzQcY-00562-00130711-00130902 particular school V3BSvvgzQcY-00563-00130903-00131214 actually encourages it so the students V3BSvvgzQcY-00564-00131215-00131559 do and those V3BSvvgzQcY-00565-00131560-00131878 who do not have their own devices at V3BSvvgzQcY-00566-00131879-00131999 campus a V3BSvvgzQcY-00567-00132000-00132175 receive additional support from V3BSvvgzQcY-00568-00132176-00132414 instructors on how to manipulate V3BSvvgzQcY-00569-00132415-00132766 documents into an accepted format V3BSvvgzQcY-00570-00132767-00133054 campus b the students rely heavily on V3BSvvgzQcY-00571-00133055-00133278 school supplied chromebooks which limits V3BSvvgzQcY-00572-00133279-00133487 the types of documents that students can V3BSvvgzQcY-00573-00133488-00133687 use V3BSvvgzQcY-00574-00133688-00133878 students rely heavily on librarians V3BSvvgzQcY-00575-00133879-00134054 within the high school to offer V3BSvvgzQcY-00576-00134055-00134199 technical support for V3BSvvgzQcY-00577-00134200-00134487 converting documents created on V3BSvvgzQcY-00578-00134488-00134759 chromebooks V3BSvvgzQcY-00579-00134760-00134990 into a format accepted by instructors V3BSvvgzQcY-00580-00134991-00135207 such as microsoft word V3BSvvgzQcY-00581-00135208-00135431 and after talking to the librarian at V3BSvvgzQcY-00582-00135432-00135599 campus b V3BSvvgzQcY-00583-00135600-00136023 there's quite a bit of frustration V3BSvvgzQcY-00584-00136024-00136495 at that school because the instructors V3BSvvgzQcY-00585-00136496-00136751 do not incorporate lessons on how to V3BSvvgzQcY-00586-00136752-00136927 convert those documents for their V3BSvvgzQcY-00587-00136928-00137127 students V3BSvvgzQcY-00588-00137128-00137439 on campus a V3BSvvgzQcY-00589-00137440-00137671 the textbooks and any materials are V3BSvvgzQcY-00590-00137672-00137871 supplied to the students V3BSvvgzQcY-00591-00137872-00138151 through funding that the school provides V3BSvvgzQcY-00592-00138152-00138199 while V3BSvvgzQcY-00593-00138200-00138502 campus b textbooks are not provided and V3BSvvgzQcY-00594-00138503-00138775 any dual enrollment classes students are V3BSvvgzQcY-00595-00138776-00139054 required to purchase the textbook V3BSvvgzQcY-00596-00139055-00139271 so this is definitely an area of V3BSvvgzQcY-00597-00139272-00139647 opportunity for this grant V3BSvvgzQcY-00598-00139648-00140087 campus a both schools face frustration V3BSvvgzQcY-00599-00140088-00140439 i'm sorry for both campus a and campus b V3BSvvgzQcY-00600-00140440-00140719 both campuses face frustration with V3BSvvgzQcY-00601-00140720-00140790 access V3BSvvgzQcY-00602-00140791-00141063 to campus and library resources due to V3BSvvgzQcY-00603-00141064-00141143 ip V3BSvvgzQcY-00604-00141144-00141447 address restrictions and since the V3BSvvgzQcY-00605-00141448-00141623 students do not have V3BSvvgzQcY-00606-00141624-00141999 a student id or a lola number V3BSvvgzQcY-00607-00142000-00142287 they have a very hard time accessing the V3BSvvgzQcY-00608-00142288-00142526 resources provided by the school V3BSvvgzQcY-00609-00142527-00142935 by the universities V3BSvvgzQcY-00610-00142936-00143190 learning management system is also a V3BSvvgzQcY-00611-00143191-00143414 challenge for both of these V3BSvvgzQcY-00612-00143415-00143751 schools campus a has V3BSvvgzQcY-00613-00143752-00143966 figured out a way to allow their V3BSvvgzQcY-00614-00143967-00144159 students because they are a satellite V3BSvvgzQcY-00615-00144160-00144343 campus of the university V3BSvvgzQcY-00616-00144344-00144607 they have figured out a way to allow V3BSvvgzQcY-00617-00144608-00144783 their students to submit V3BSvvgzQcY-00618-00144784-00145078 through google classroom while campus b V3BSvvgzQcY-00619-00145079-00145366 is still V3BSvvgzQcY-00620-00145367-00145711 trying to figure that one out V3BSvvgzQcY-00621-00145712-00145863 the learning management system is the V3BSvvgzQcY-00622-00145864-00146135 same as the university so students V3BSvvgzQcY-00623-00146136-00146359 while their high school classes they V3BSvvgzQcY-00624-00146360-00146535 have to submit documents V3BSvvgzQcY-00625-00146536-00146871 using google docs for the university V3BSvvgzQcY-00626-00146872-00147135 it's blackboard so there's a little bit V3BSvvgzQcY-00627-00147136-00147207 of technical V3BSvvgzQcY-00628-00147208-00147702 issue there V3BSvvgzQcY-00629-00147703-00148014 the last thing is on campus a V3BSvvgzQcY-00630-00148015-00148223 the instructors who are also high school V3BSvvgzQcY-00631-00148224-00148439 teachers in the school V3BSvvgzQcY-00632-00148440-00148687 take time to review materials covered by V3BSvvgzQcY-00633-00148688-00148871 the end of course testing V3BSvvgzQcY-00634-00148872-00149047 to ensure that students are also V3BSvvgzQcY-00635-00149048-00149326 prepared for the testing season V3BSvvgzQcY-00636-00149327-00149639 they put a whole nine weeks into V3BSvvgzQcY-00637-00149640-00149831 reviewing that material V3BSvvgzQcY-00638-00149832-00150071 whereas campus b instructors at the V3BSvvgzQcY-00639-00150072-00150254 university have complete control over V3BSvvgzQcY-00640-00150255-00150383 the curriculum V3BSvvgzQcY-00641-00150384-00150695 and may not heavily focus on those V3BSvvgzQcY-00642-00150696-00150951 end of course testing and as we all know V3BSvvgzQcY-00643-00150952-00151078 the high schools V3BSvvgzQcY-00644-00151079-00151414 focus a lot on the standardized test V3BSvvgzQcY-00645-00151415-00151671 so there's lots of challenges and opport V3BSvvgzQcY-00646-00151672-00151854 and lots of opportunity V3BSvvgzQcY-00647-00151855-00152102 um for this grant to be successful and i V3BSvvgzQcY-00648-00152103-00152247 think as we V3BSvvgzQcY-00649-00152248-00152599 move forward and address these concerns V3BSvvgzQcY-00650-00152600-00152887 i i know that that we can definitely V3BSvvgzQcY-00651-00152888-00153063 overcome these V3BSvvgzQcY-00652-00153064-00153647 emily i'm going to turn it back to you V3BSvvgzQcY-00653-00153648-00153878 oh uh actually i'm going to take over V3BSvvgzQcY-00654-00153879-00154023 here so V3BSvvgzQcY-00655-00154024-00154343 amelia set up a lot of the challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-00656-00154344-00154695 um and so within the grant we have V3BSvvgzQcY-00657-00154696-00154911 structured some opportunities to V3BSvvgzQcY-00658-00154912-00155102 collaborate we certainly have not V3BSvvgzQcY-00659-00155103-00155175 addressed V3BSvvgzQcY-00660-00155176-00155463 every challenge um and hopefully today V3BSvvgzQcY-00661-00155464-00155526 we can have V3BSvvgzQcY-00662-00155527-00155702 discussion about how you all are V3BSvvgzQcY-00663-00155703-00155990 addressing some of these challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-00664-00155991-00156319 in terms of digital divide V3BSvvgzQcY-00665-00156320-00156623 since the pandemic we have put in place V3BSvvgzQcY-00666-00156624-00156823 a digital inclusion V3BSvvgzQcY-00667-00156824-00157151 task force in our state um V3BSvvgzQcY-00668-00157152-00157478 and under this digital inclusion task V3BSvvgzQcY-00669-00157479-00157735 force we've developed a plan V3BSvvgzQcY-00670-00157736-00158047 um was to treat strategic priorities V3BSvvgzQcY-00671-00158048-00158375 for digital inclusion including faculty V3BSvvgzQcY-00672-00158376-00158590 professional development V3BSvvgzQcY-00673-00158591-00158895 enhancing digital literacy and also V3BSvvgzQcY-00674-00158896-00159063 addressing technology V3BSvvgzQcY-00675-00159064-00159343 infrastructure so in this way we hope to V3BSvvgzQcY-00676-00159344-00159599 advance V3BSvvgzQcY-00677-00159600-00159831 to really reduce the digital divide in V3BSvvgzQcY-00678-00159832-00159951 terms of skills V3BSvvgzQcY-00679-00159952-00160231 and access to devices and broadband V3BSvvgzQcY-00680-00160232-00160495 particularly in our rural and low-income V3BSvvgzQcY-00681-00160496-00160766 populations V3BSvvgzQcY-00682-00160767-00161159 we were awarded a fcc grant in louisiana V3BSvvgzQcY-00683-00161160-00161454 of 342 million dollars to expand V3BSvvgzQcY-00684-00161455-00161687 high-speed internet access in rural V3BSvvgzQcY-00685-00161688-00161766 communities V3BSvvgzQcY-00686-00161767-00162071 and 175 000 homes V3BSvvgzQcY-00687-00162072-00162407 and businesses though implementation for V3BSvvgzQcY-00688-00162408-00162495 that program V3BSvvgzQcY-00689-00162496-00162983 is expected to span a 10-year period V3BSvvgzQcY-00690-00162984-00163335 as emilia mentioned having the right V3BSvvgzQcY-00691-00163336-00163654 presence of leadership and stakeholders V3BSvvgzQcY-00692-00163655-00163743 within V3BSvvgzQcY-00693-00163744-00164095 the high school community is a V3BSvvgzQcY-00694-00164096-00164343 critical piece and so the dual V3BSvvgzQcY-00695-00164344-00164414 enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00696-00164415-00164775 task force is a V3BSvvgzQcY-00697-00164776-00165071 very important part of this membership V3BSvvgzQcY-00698-00165072-00165271 on the statewide task force was V3BSvvgzQcY-00699-00165272-00165551 established by legislative resolution V3BSvvgzQcY-00700-00165552-00165887 and includes designees V3BSvvgzQcY-00701-00165888-00166223 folks of the you know just some job V3BSvvgzQcY-00702-00166224-00166278 titles V3BSvvgzQcY-00703-00166279-00166535 executive director of the school board V3BSvvgzQcY-00704-00166536-00166678 association V3BSvvgzQcY-00705-00166679-00166859 executive director of school V3BSvvgzQcY-00706-00166860-00167102 superintendents V3BSvvgzQcY-00707-00167103-00167438 we have the association of V3BSvvgzQcY-00708-00167439-00167823 public charter schools representative V3BSvvgzQcY-00709-00167824-00168159 involved as well as higher education V3BSvvgzQcY-00710-00168160-00168478 representatives so um through things V3BSvvgzQcY-00711-00168479-00168814 like a fast forward program which V3BSvvgzQcY-00712-00168815-00169151 will bring um an associate's V3BSvvgzQcY-00713-00169152-00169471 degree and meaningful work experience V3BSvvgzQcY-00714-00169472-00169895 into the 11th and 12th grade classroom V3BSvvgzQcY-00715-00169896-00170263 will be you know connecting these V3BSvvgzQcY-00716-00170264-00170590 communities in a meaningful way V3BSvvgzQcY-00717-00170591-00170799 and then the last piece and this is V3BSvvgzQcY-00718-00170800-00170926 perspective worse V3BSvvgzQcY-00719-00170927-00171278 work for lewis is addressing this idea V3BSvvgzQcY-00720-00171279-00171575 of connecting the pipeline we are V3BSvvgzQcY-00721-00171576-00171663 currently V3BSvvgzQcY-00722-00171664-00172038 pursuing additional funding to develop V3BSvvgzQcY-00723-00172039-00172399 and share a model for connecting post V3BSvvgzQcY-00724-00172400-00172702 secondary and post-secondary um V3BSvvgzQcY-00725-00172703-00173023 representatives within a library context V3BSvvgzQcY-00726-00173024-00173359 so looking at um some V3BSvvgzQcY-00727-00173360-00173719 research on how to best address V3BSvvgzQcY-00728-00173720-00174054 the collaboration between school and V3BSvvgzQcY-00729-00174055-00174407 academic librarian communities which we V3BSvvgzQcY-00730-00174408-00174775 have not tackled to date V3BSvvgzQcY-00731-00174776-00175063 and which we think is very critical in V3BSvvgzQcY-00732-00175064-00175159 terms of V3BSvvgzQcY-00733-00175160-00175495 enhancing our capacity to support oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00734-00175496-00175823 projects especially in the dual V3BSvvgzQcY-00735-00175824-00175895 enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00736-00175896-00176295 context V3BSvvgzQcY-00737-00176296-00176783 go forward to our last slide i think V3BSvvgzQcY-00738-00176784-00177014 this is just what we are tracking in V3BSvvgzQcY-00739-00177015-00177159 terms of success V3BSvvgzQcY-00740-00177160-00177478 obviously savings to students on V3BSvvgzQcY-00741-00177479-00177831 textbooks this project is V3BSvvgzQcY-00742-00177832-00178190 designed to promote widespread V3BSvvgzQcY-00743-00178191-00178519 adoption within our state and beyond V3BSvvgzQcY-00744-00178520-00178838 to achieve a statewide goal of universal V3BSvvgzQcY-00745-00178839-00179263 access to dual enrollment opportunities V3BSvvgzQcY-00746-00179264-00179607 as we mentioned before equity is V3BSvvgzQcY-00747-00179608-00180007 critical here and reducing the dfw V3BSvvgzQcY-00748-00180008-00180319 percentage through um thoughtful V3BSvvgzQcY-00749-00180320-00180671 course redesign and then of course um V3BSvvgzQcY-00750-00180672-00180990 we all want to do this again V3BSvvgzQcY-00751-00180991-00181295 hopefully this is the first of 25 V3BSvvgzQcY-00752-00181296-00181590 courses and we can replicate this for V3BSvvgzQcY-00753-00181591-00182083 the remainder of our dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00754-00182084-00182535 experiences V3BSvvgzQcY-00755-00182536-00182695 okay we're going to turn it back to V3BSvvgzQcY-00756-00182696-00183007 matthew V3BSvvgzQcY-00757-00183008-00183199 excellent thank you so much for all of V3BSvvgzQcY-00758-00183200-00183375 the detail about this really exciting V3BSvvgzQcY-00759-00183376-00183447 project and V3BSvvgzQcY-00760-00183448-00183566 and i think that it's really going to V3BSvvgzQcY-00761-00183567-00183838 have the potential to V3BSvvgzQcY-00762-00183839-00184111 uh you know impact a lot of students and V3BSvvgzQcY-00763-00184112-00184319 i think that's really exciting so V3BSvvgzQcY-00764-00184320-00184671 um we'll have the opportunity to uh V3BSvvgzQcY-00765-00184672-00184823 maybe address some more questions about V3BSvvgzQcY-00766-00184824-00185063 that specific project a little bit later V3BSvvgzQcY-00767-00185064-00185231 but for now i would like to go ahead and V3BSvvgzQcY-00768-00185232-00185535 turn this over to a couple of V3BSvvgzQcY-00769-00185536-00185847 our other guests here so V3BSvvgzQcY-00770-00185848-00186023 first we have christina ishmael who's V3BSvvgzQcY-00771-00186024-00186190 senior research fellow for teaching V3BSvvgzQcY-00772-00186191-00186471 learning and technology at new america V3BSvvgzQcY-00773-00186472-00186743 and uh along with her we also i guess V3BSvvgzQcY-00774-00186744-00186878 i'll just go ahead and let you christina V3BSvvgzQcY-00775-00186879-00186943 take over V3BSvvgzQcY-00776-00186944-00187143 and um and then we also have dan V3BSvvgzQcY-00777-00187144-00187302 mcdowell who's V3BSvvgzQcY-00778-00187303-00187487 gonna say a few words as well so go V3BSvvgzQcY-00779-00187488-00187614 ahead awesome V3BSvvgzQcY-00780-00187615-00187831 thank you all so much hi everyone my V3BSvvgzQcY-00781-00187832-00187990 name is christina ishmael my partners V3BSvvgzQcY-00782-00187991-00188087 are she and her V3BSvvgzQcY-00783-00188088-00188295 joining you all from tacoma washington V3BSvvgzQcY-00784-00188296-00188487 on the traditional lands of coast salish V3BSvvgzQcY-00785-00188488-00188631 and pywala peoples V3BSvvgzQcY-00786-00188632-00188854 i want to pay my respects to elders both V3BSvvgzQcY-00787-00188855-00188990 past and present so thank you for V3BSvvgzQcY-00788-00188991-00189150 allowing me to do so V3BSvvgzQcY-00789-00189151-00189511 um in my work at new america where i've V3BSvvgzQcY-00790-00189512-00189678 served as a fellow and full-time V3BSvvgzQcY-00791-00189679-00189863 employee and all the things V3BSvvgzQcY-00792-00189864-00190071 um in the past five years was really a V3BSvvgzQcY-00793-00190072-00190247 follow-up to the project that i led at V3BSvvgzQcY-00794-00190248-00190423 the us department of education V3BSvvgzQcY-00795-00190424-00190663 on their work around open educational V3BSvvgzQcY-00796-00190664-00190766 resources V3BSvvgzQcY-00797-00190767-00190966 which is how dan and i know one another V3BSvvgzQcY-00798-00190967-00191119 and have been able to work together over V3BSvvgzQcY-00799-00191120-00191278 the past five to six years and so i'm V3BSvvgzQcY-00800-00191279-00191375 excited to hear V3BSvvgzQcY-00801-00191376-00191678 um from him specifically and i'll give V3BSvvgzQcY-00802-00191679-00191807 you a little preview as far as some of V3BSvvgzQcY-00803-00191808-00191919 the work that we've been doing V3BSvvgzQcY-00804-00191920-00192087 at new america if we can go to the next V3BSvvgzQcY-00805-00192088-00192311 slide uh V3BSvvgzQcY-00806-00192312-00192526 really what what it comes down to and V3BSvvgzQcY-00807-00192527-00192695 and what you heard from terry and emily V3BSvvgzQcY-00808-00192696-00192895 and amelia was around this building V3BSvvgzQcY-00809-00192896-00193007 awareness V3BSvvgzQcY-00810-00193008-00193207 so what i was excited to hear about V3BSvvgzQcY-00811-00193208-00193375 whenever we first got together V3BSvvgzQcY-00812-00193376-00193711 in in this group was louisiana got the V3BSvvgzQcY-00813-00193712-00194007 got the award from ed um but hoping to V3BSvvgzQcY-00814-00194008-00194159 connect all the dots with V3BSvvgzQcY-00815-00194160-00194319 the department of education there as V3BSvvgzQcY-00816-00194320-00194583 well because louisiana brought together V3BSvvgzQcY-00817-00194584-00194799 teachers from all across the state V3BSvvgzQcY-00818-00194800-00195054 um about six years ago to actually write V3BSvvgzQcY-00819-00195055-00195223 their own curriculum and it's all openly V3BSvvgzQcY-00820-00195224-00195319 licensed V3BSvvgzQcY-00821-00195320-00195575 um which is really exciting to to hear V3BSvvgzQcY-00822-00195576-00195695 and to see so it's all V3BSvvgzQcY-00823-00195696-00196023 ela english language arts and V3BSvvgzQcY-00824-00196024-00196175 i saw that we have someone here from V3BSvvgzQcY-00825-00196176-00196375 xanadu which is really great to see V3BSvvgzQcY-00826-00196376-00196550 because xanadu is a V3BSvvgzQcY-00827-00196551-00196807 perfect partner in this whole project um V3BSvvgzQcY-00828-00196808-00196983 for the k-12 side V3BSvvgzQcY-00829-00196984-00197271 um but anyway our work really is around V3BSvvgzQcY-00830-00197272-00197366 building awareness V3BSvvgzQcY-00831-00197367-00197614 um as was mentioned most curriculum V3BSvvgzQcY-00832-00197615-00197750 folks in school districts don't know V3BSvvgzQcY-00833-00197751-00197926 that oer is an option V3BSvvgzQcY-00834-00197927-00198126 and we're so entrenched in tradition V3BSvvgzQcY-00835-00198127-00198278 when it comes to V3BSvvgzQcY-00836-00198279-00198423 curriculum in general that we call the V3BSvvgzQcY-00837-00198424-00198566 publishing companies and say send us V3BSvvgzQcY-00838-00198567-00198719 your newest and best V3BSvvgzQcY-00839-00198720-00198983 and don't look at other options given V3BSvvgzQcY-00840-00198984-00199143 the pandemic we're actually V3BSvvgzQcY-00841-00199144-00199366 seeing a lot of people turning to of V3BSvvgzQcY-00842-00199367-00199550 course digital resources because we need V3BSvvgzQcY-00843-00199551-00199671 to access them V3BSvvgzQcY-00844-00199672-00199847 but oer tends to be something that V3BSvvgzQcY-00845-00199848-00200047 populates when you do V3BSvvgzQcY-00846-00200048-00200271 searches now which is great and so we do V3BSvvgzQcY-00847-00200272-00200447 that through storytelling V3BSvvgzQcY-00848-00200448-00200614 we're doing a lot of curriculum V3BSvvgzQcY-00849-00200615-00200823 conversations around how we can leverage V3BSvvgzQcY-00850-00200824-00200959 oer to be more V3BSvvgzQcY-00851-00200960-00201111 inclusive and representative of our V3BSvvgzQcY-00852-00201112-00201366 student population uh we have designed V3BSvvgzQcY-00853-00201367-00201526 some professional learning content both V3BSvvgzQcY-00854-00201527-00201726 at new america and with our partners at V3BSvvgzQcY-00855-00201727-00201902 iste the international society for V3BSvvgzQcY-00856-00201903-00201983 technology V3BSvvgzQcY-00857-00201984-00202247 in education ceta the state ed tech V3BSvvgzQcY-00858-00202248-00202454 directors association and others V3BSvvgzQcY-00859-00202455-00202647 and then of course we're keeping a pulse V3BSvvgzQcY-00860-00202648-00202783 on our policy V3BSvvgzQcY-00861-00202784-00202999 um because that is what we do as a think V3BSvvgzQcY-00862-00203000-00203175 tank which is what new america V3BSvvgzQcY-00863-00203176-00203287 technically is V3BSvvgzQcY-00864-00203288-00203471 um in case you haven't heard of us but V3BSvvgzQcY-00865-00203472-00203607 we look at both the federal V3BSvvgzQcY-00866-00203608-00203823 and the state level kind of policies and V3BSvvgzQcY-00867-00203824-00204038 then of course we try to find some V3BSvvgzQcY-00868-00204039-00204247 more local or district based policies V3BSvvgzQcY-00869-00204248-00204366 that we can lift up V3BSvvgzQcY-00870-00204367-00204575 so when i hear dual enrollment i'm V3BSvvgzQcY-00871-00204576-00204702 excited to know that V3BSvvgzQcY-00872-00204703-00204886 um that this is happening that these V3BSvvgzQcY-00873-00204887-00205062 conversations are happening i am V3BSvvgzQcY-00874-00205063-00205366 myself a uh i guess someone who V3BSvvgzQcY-00875-00205367-00205606 graduated from a dual enrollment program V3BSvvgzQcY-00876-00205607-00205694 in phoenix V3BSvvgzQcY-00877-00205696-00205855 so matthew and i have had this V3BSvvgzQcY-00878-00205856-00205998 conversation before V3BSvvgzQcY-00879-00206000-00206223 um i was able to start my my V3BSvvgzQcY-00880-00206223-00206334 undergraduate V3BSvvgzQcY-00881-00206335-00206566 career at arizona state as a sophomore V3BSvvgzQcY-00882-00206567-00206838 because i had enough credits to do so V3BSvvgzQcY-00883-00206839-00207119 thanks to the community college kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-00884-00207119-00207175 system V3BSvvgzQcY-00885-00207176-00207438 in in phoenix which is incredible uh it V3BSvvgzQcY-00886-00207439-00207614 is not always called dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00887-00207615-00207734 sometimes it's called concurrent V3BSvvgzQcY-00888-00207735-00207879 enrollment which is also important to V3BSvvgzQcY-00889-00207880-00207934 note V3BSvvgzQcY-00890-00207935-00208310 um and it varies wildly V3BSvvgzQcY-00891-00208311-00208542 like so many things um across the V3BSvvgzQcY-00892-00208544-00208671 country so V3BSvvgzQcY-00893-00208671-00208927 um like you kind of saw the the school a V3BSvvgzQcY-00894-00208928-00208982 and school b V3BSvvgzQcY-00895-00208983-00209158 i really appreciated that slide amelia V3BSvvgzQcY-00896-00209159-00209351 because there are so many discrepancies V3BSvvgzQcY-00897-00209352-00209414 even between V3BSvvgzQcY-00898-00209415-00209527 school districts that it's really V3BSvvgzQcY-00899-00209528-00209815 important to note whether the teacher is V3BSvvgzQcY-00900-00209816-00210079 a district based teacher or a community V3BSvvgzQcY-00901-00210080-00210263 college based teacher it V3BSvvgzQcY-00902-00210264-00210463 fluctuates and my former state of V3BSvvgzQcY-00903-00210464-00210631 nebraska where i taught V3BSvvgzQcY-00904-00210632-00210863 um you had to have a master's degree in V3BSvvgzQcY-00905-00210864-00211015 order to be considered for V3BSvvgzQcY-00906-00211016-00211182 a concurrent or a dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-00907-00211183-00211327 position again V3BSvvgzQcY-00908-00211328-00211510 it varies wildly so we just try to keep V3BSvvgzQcY-00909-00211511-00211663 a pulse on all of these things and be V3BSvvgzQcY-00910-00211664-00211879 able to share that back with the field V3BSvvgzQcY-00911-00211880-00212127 um one other big and kind of significant V3BSvvgzQcY-00912-00212128-00212319 thing that i want to bring up is that we V3BSvvgzQcY-00913-00212319-00212671 have a project site that we continue to V3BSvvgzQcY-00914-00212671-00212887 curate and develop so that is on the V3BSvvgzQcY-00915-00212888-00213023 next slide V3BSvvgzQcY-00916-00213023-00213198 and i realize that you all will get V3BSvvgzQcY-00917-00213200-00213367 access to these slides because V3BSvvgzQcY-00918-00213367-00213655 it's actually hyperlinked um but this V3BSvvgzQcY-00919-00213656-00213782 will give you access to V3BSvvgzQcY-00920-00213783-00214182 the new america project site here V3BSvvgzQcY-00921-00214183-00214446 which has information on what this work V3BSvvgzQcY-00922-00214448-00214615 has looked like in the k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-00923-00214616-00214831 kind of system over the past five to six V3BSvvgzQcY-00924-00214832-00215006 years more or less V3BSvvgzQcY-00925-00215007-00215206 um a map of school districts across the V3BSvvgzQcY-00926-00215207-00215375 country that are using oer V3BSvvgzQcY-00927-00215376-00215534 and if we could identify their content V3BSvvgzQcY-00928-00215535-00215687 area or grade level we try to capture V3BSvvgzQcY-00929-00215688-00215846 that as well and then V3BSvvgzQcY-00930-00215848-00216031 the thing that we're asked most often is V3BSvvgzQcY-00931-00216032-00216191 where do you even start the search and V3BSvvgzQcY-00932-00216192-00216382 so there's a curated list of resources V3BSvvgzQcY-00933-00216383-00216487 to get started V3BSvvgzQcY-00934-00216488-00216639 as well as a curated list of V3BSvvgzQcY-00935-00216640-00216831 professional learning resources V3BSvvgzQcY-00936-00216832-00217110 so um there are many many more things V3BSvvgzQcY-00937-00217111-00217303 that we can do in this space and i am V3BSvvgzQcY-00938-00217304-00217503 thrilled to be joining you all today to V3BSvvgzQcY-00939-00217504-00217606 talk more about it V3BSvvgzQcY-00940-00217607-00218094 dan it's your turn V3BSvvgzQcY-00941-00218096-00218423 okay thank you uh my name is dan V3BSvvgzQcY-00942-00218423-00218582 mcdowell i'm the director of learning V3BSvvgzQcY-00943-00218583-00218679 and innovation V3BSvvgzQcY-00944-00218680-00218855 in the grossmont union high school V3BSvvgzQcY-00945-00218856-00219015 district and we are V3BSvvgzQcY-00946-00219016-00219239 just east of san diego we're about 20 V3BSvvgzQcY-00947-00219240-00219351 minutes V3BSvvgzQcY-00948-00219352-00219598 from the beach and about 10 minutes from V3BSvvgzQcY-00949-00219600-00219823 san diego state university if you uh V3BSvvgzQcY-00950-00219823-00220063 if you know san diego at all and we've V3BSvvgzQcY-00951-00220064-00220134 been V3BSvvgzQcY-00952-00220135-00220487 uh in this sort of oer space for V3BSvvgzQcY-00953-00220488-00220742 uh since 2015 and that's when we were V3BSvvgzQcY-00954-00220744-00220871 introduced to V3BSvvgzQcY-00955-00220871-00221063 uh to the idea through the go open V3BSvvgzQcY-00956-00221064-00221303 movement uh that was really an offshoot V3BSvvgzQcY-00957-00221304-00221527 of the future ready movement that was a V3BSvvgzQcY-00958-00221528-00221655 k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-00959-00221656-00221951 uh modernization uh you know i could i V3BSvvgzQcY-00960-00221952-00222015 could spend V3BSvvgzQcY-00961-00222016-00222158 the rest of the time talking about that V3BSvvgzQcY-00962-00222159-00222375 but uh really just sort of V3BSvvgzQcY-00963-00222376-00222598 you know we were looking at a few V3BSvvgzQcY-00964-00222600-00222694 different things one V3BSvvgzQcY-00965-00222696-00222839 more technology was getting into V3BSvvgzQcY-00966-00222840-00223015 teachers hands but their textbooks were V3BSvvgzQcY-00967-00223016-00223206 still where the content lived V3BSvvgzQcY-00968-00223207-00223463 uh teachers were also kind of abandoning V3BSvvgzQcY-00969-00223464-00223623 their textbooks that they still gave out V3BSvvgzQcY-00970-00223623-00223742 to students instead of V3BSvvgzQcY-00971-00223744-00223998 you instead just pulling everything they V3BSvvgzQcY-00972-00224000-00224134 can off the internet V3BSvvgzQcY-00973-00224135-00224294 without necessarily vetting what they V3BSvvgzQcY-00974-00224296-00224479 were what they were doing V3BSvvgzQcY-00975-00224480-00224775 we also really wanted to shift our focus V3BSvvgzQcY-00976-00224776-00224863 to V3BSvvgzQcY-00977-00224864-00225015 kind of a change in instructional V3BSvvgzQcY-00978-00225016-00225231 practices to better engage students and V3BSvvgzQcY-00979-00225232-00225279 better V3BSvvgzQcY-00980-00225280-00225567 make sure all our students were learning V3BSvvgzQcY-00981-00225567-00225598 and V3BSvvgzQcY-00982-00225600-00225903 also start looking at uh our V3BSvvgzQcY-00983-00225904-00226103 our resources especially within our ela V3BSvvgzQcY-00984-00226104-00226215 and social science V3BSvvgzQcY-00985-00226216-00226503 classes representative of our community V3BSvvgzQcY-00986-00226504-00226542 uh V3BSvvgzQcY-00987-00226544-00226879 and and the united states as a whole so V3BSvvgzQcY-00988-00226880-00227119 that sort of got us into this uh into V3BSvvgzQcY-00989-00227119-00227287 this world we did a lot of work we've V3BSvvgzQcY-00990-00227288-00227494 done a lot of work within science V3BSvvgzQcY-00991-00227496-00227719 in fact we do not have science textbooks V3BSvvgzQcY-00992-00227719-00228006 anymore all our science materials are V3BSvvgzQcY-00993-00228007-00228279 our oer and they've been board adopted V3BSvvgzQcY-00994-00228280-00228358 and uh V3BSvvgzQcY-00995-00228359-00228503 you know we've bought a handful of like V3BSvvgzQcY-00996-00228504-00228727 high-level science books but really V3BSvvgzQcY-00997-00228728-00229006 haven't bought anything uh anything new V3BSvvgzQcY-00998-00229007-00229167 as far as the textbook is concerned V3BSvvgzQcY-00999-00229167-00229239 instead V3BSvvgzQcY-01000-00229240-00229406 we've spent that money it's not just V3BSvvgzQcY-01001-00229407-00229575 like free money i'm sure our business V3BSvvgzQcY-01002-00229576-00229806 person is bummed about that but uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01003-00229807-00230055 it's been more about uh reallocating so V3BSvvgzQcY-01004-00230056-00230215 we're investing in our teachers who are V3BSvvgzQcY-01005-00230216-00230319 doing this work V3BSvvgzQcY-01006-00230319-00230463 we're investing in some supplemental V3BSvvgzQcY-01007-00230464-00230606 resources because there are still things V3BSvvgzQcY-01008-00230607-00230694 they're there we V3BSvvgzQcY-01009-00230696-00230934 invested in an lms as opposed to just V3BSvvgzQcY-01010-00230935-00231087 using the free tools that are out there V3BSvvgzQcY-01011-00231088-00231231 there's lots of things that we V3BSvvgzQcY-01012-00231232-00231551 reallocated repurpose the uh the money V3BSvvgzQcY-01013-00231552-00231631 for V3BSvvgzQcY-01014-00231632-00231942 now uh you know sort of looking at this V3BSvvgzQcY-01015-00231944-00232119 uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01016-00232119-00232358 this connection with uh dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-01017-00232359-00232519 and community colleges we are V3BSvvgzQcY-01018-00232519-00232671 just in the beginning of that my V3BSvvgzQcY-01019-00232671-00232919 district uh we do not have a V3BSvvgzQcY-01020-00232919-00233142 robust dual enrollment program in fact V3BSvvgzQcY-01021-00233144-00233271 we do not have a dual V3BSvvgzQcY-01022-00233271-00233391 enrollment program we have some V3BSvvgzQcY-01023-00233392-00233606 concurrent enrollments so students who V3BSvvgzQcY-01024-00233607-00233782 are enrolled at both schools at the same V3BSvvgzQcY-01025-00233783-00233846 time V3BSvvgzQcY-01026-00233848-00234015 the high school and the colleges but not V3BSvvgzQcY-01027-00234016-00234175 a lot of crossover V3BSvvgzQcY-01028-00234176-00234431 other than my son bringing his asl V3BSvvgzQcY-01029-00234432-00234575 course that he took for his foreign V3BSvvgzQcY-01030-00234576-00234734 language course to his counselor so he V3BSvvgzQcY-01031-00234735-00234879 can get a through g V3BSvvgzQcY-01032-00234880-00235191 you know things like that uh and there V3BSvvgzQcY-01033-00235192-00235382 are certainly lots of challenges V3BSvvgzQcY-01034-00235383-00235598 including associations on both sides of V3BSvvgzQcY-01035-00235600-00235742 the both sides of the house and V3BSvvgzQcY-01036-00235744-00235894 administrations on both sides of the V3BSvvgzQcY-01037-00235896-00236031 house there's really four groups of V3BSvvgzQcY-01038-00236032-00236142 negotiation V3BSvvgzQcY-01039-00236144-00236455 negotiating that's going on V3BSvvgzQcY-01040-00236456-00236775 but we you know in the next couple years V3BSvvgzQcY-01041-00236776-00236991 i'm relatively new to this position it's V3BSvvgzQcY-01042-00236992-00237119 my second year V3BSvvgzQcY-01043-00237119-00237279 in this position and one of the things V3BSvvgzQcY-01044-00237280-00237431 that that i'm V3BSvvgzQcY-01045-00237432-00237582 started on last year and then i've been V3BSvvgzQcY-01046-00237583-00237703 put and hold a little bit because of V3BSvvgzQcY-01047-00237704-00237767 covin V3BSvvgzQcY-01048-00237767-00237958 uh is building that that dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-01049-00237959-00238134 program with our local community college V3BSvvgzQcY-01050-00238135-00238255 so grossmont V3BSvvgzQcY-01051-00238256-00238519 uh and cuyamaca community colleges uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01052-00238519-00238623 are are in our V3BSvvgzQcY-01053-00238623-00238855 in our uh in our neighborhood and uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01054-00238856-00239023 we've been we've been having some V3BSvvgzQcY-01055-00239023-00239239 ongoing conversations about that and i V3BSvvgzQcY-01056-00239240-00239398 see the oer work V3BSvvgzQcY-01057-00239400-00239606 really helping support that because V3BSvvgzQcY-01058-00239607-00239727 ultimately uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01059-00239728-00239991 our or you know either our students V3BSvvgzQcY-01060-00239992-00240110 aren't gonna our dual enrollment V3BSvvgzQcY-01061-00240111-00240223 students are not going to be buying V3BSvvgzQcY-01062-00240223-00240319 books V3BSvvgzQcY-01063-00240319-00240558 so we want to make sure that that uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01064-00240559-00240663 that we are V3BSvvgzQcY-01065-00240664-00240855 getting the most bang for our buck and V3BSvvgzQcY-01066-00240856-00241015 investing in V3BSvvgzQcY-01067-00241016-00241239 the instructional practices of our of V3BSvvgzQcY-01068-00241240-00241398 our teachers both the community college V3BSvvgzQcY-01069-00241400-00241582 teachers who work on our campuses and V3BSvvgzQcY-01070-00241583-00241703 our own teachers who work for the V3BSvvgzQcY-01071-00241704-00241823 community colleges V3BSvvgzQcY-01072-00241823-00242094 teaching on their on their behalf so um V3BSvvgzQcY-01073-00242096-00242223 i think we're going to have get into a V3BSvvgzQcY-01074-00242223-00242375 little bit more details uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01075-00242376-00242598 in some some discussions but that's sort V3BSvvgzQcY-01076-00242600-00242687 of the V3BSvvgzQcY-01077-00242688-00243015 uh you know the gist of of what what i V3BSvvgzQcY-01078-00243016-00243558 do and i think why i'm here V3BSvvgzQcY-01079-00243559-00243758 excellent thank you christina and dan V3BSvvgzQcY-01080-00243759-00243975 both for um giving us all those details V3BSvvgzQcY-01081-00243976-00244103 as well and you're right yes we're going V3BSvvgzQcY-01082-00244104-00244223 to get into some discussion V3BSvvgzQcY-01083-00244223-00244494 here we are looking at um about 20 V3BSvvgzQcY-01084-00244496-00244598 minutes left V3BSvvgzQcY-01085-00244600-00244871 total and as you can see these questions V3BSvvgzQcY-01086-00244871-00244942 probably V3BSvvgzQcY-01087-00244944-00245230 would on their own take up an additional V3BSvvgzQcY-01088-00245231-00245415 hour or even more V3BSvvgzQcY-01089-00245416-00245567 um and one of the ways that i kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01090-00245567-00245782 wanted to preface this entire discussion V3BSvvgzQcY-01091-00245783-00245919 um and maybe i should have said this at V3BSvvgzQcY-01092-00245919-00246142 the beginning of the webinar today V3BSvvgzQcY-01093-00246144-00246294 is that you know we don't we're not V3BSvvgzQcY-01094-00246296-00246455 really approaching this um V3BSvvgzQcY-01095-00246456-00246598 with the sense that we have all the V3BSvvgzQcY-01096-00246600-00246823 answers i think a lot of this is V3BSvvgzQcY-01097-00246823-00247006 very much i love christine's response to V3BSvvgzQcY-01098-00247007-00247151 that the shaking of the head V3BSvvgzQcY-01099-00247152-00247406 um yeah th this is really in a sense a V3BSvvgzQcY-01100-00247407-00247542 discussion that i would love to hear V3BSvvgzQcY-01101-00247544-00247598 from V3BSvvgzQcY-01102-00247600-00247839 obviously our panelists but but all of V3BSvvgzQcY-01103-00247840-00247934 you out there V3BSvvgzQcY-01104-00247935-00248119 you know who are participating as V3BSvvgzQcY-01105-00248119-00248367 attendees you know please feel free to V3BSvvgzQcY-01106-00248367-00248542 share some of your ideas and experiences V3BSvvgzQcY-01107-00248544-00248703 in the chat as well because we would V3BSvvgzQcY-01108-00248704-00248839 really like to know how V3BSvvgzQcY-01109-00248840-00249006 you are answering or what kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01110-00249007-00249134 answers you have for these questions or V3BSvvgzQcY-01111-00249135-00249223 some ideas that V3BSvvgzQcY-01112-00249223-00249439 you might be trying to implement in your V3BSvvgzQcY-01113-00249440-00249582 um local area V3BSvvgzQcY-01114-00249583-00249758 um because so much of this work needs to V3BSvvgzQcY-01115-00249759-00249927 be done and like the question at the end V3BSvvgzQcY-01116-00249928-00250087 what needs to happen to get this work V3BSvvgzQcY-01117-00250088-00250263 started kind of betrays V3BSvvgzQcY-01118-00250264-00250479 well it similarly to what had happened V3BSvvgzQcY-01119-00250480-00250623 in the chat earlier V3BSvvgzQcY-01120-00250623-00250751 rules like wait a minute what does that V3BSvvgzQcY-01121-00250752-00250910 term mean you know there's there's V3BSvvgzQcY-01122-00250911-00251055 sometimes such disconnect V3BSvvgzQcY-01123-00251056-00251415 uh between uh higher ed and a12 V3BSvvgzQcY-01124-00251416-00251671 and for some reason you know we have V3BSvvgzQcY-01125-00251671-00251734 difficulty V3BSvvgzQcY-01126-00251735-00251894 bridging that disconnect and it doesn't V3BSvvgzQcY-01127-00251896-00252094 really make sense for there to be a V3BSvvgzQcY-01128-00252096-00252198 disconnect because V3BSvvgzQcY-01129-00252200-00252367 there should be consistency or there V3BSvvgzQcY-01130-00252367-00252591 should be you know it is in a sense a V3BSvvgzQcY-01131-00252592-00252767 kind of pipeline right so V3BSvvgzQcY-01132-00252767-00252975 um anyway these are the questions why V3BSvvgzQcY-01133-00252976-00253119 are these kinds of collaborations V3BSvvgzQcY-01134-00253119-00253223 important either for V3BSvvgzQcY-01135-00253223-00253471 k-12 institutions uh or higher ed or V3BSvvgzQcY-01136-00253471-00253542 both V3BSvvgzQcY-01137-00253544-00253758 you know what specific considerations V3BSvvgzQcY-01138-00253759-00253903 should those of us in higher education V3BSvvgzQcY-01139-00253904-00254046 keep in mind when working with V3BSvvgzQcY-01140-00254048-00254327 k-12 systems how does this kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01141-00254328-00254487 collaborative work benefit the broader V3BSvvgzQcY-01142-00254488-00254623 open education community either V3BSvvgzQcY-01143-00254623-00254815 nationally or internationally V3BSvvgzQcY-01144-00254816-00254982 what kind of collaborations might be V3BSvvgzQcY-01145-00254983-00255134 most valuable to foster in the near V3BSvvgzQcY-01146-00255135-00255303 future and in the context V3BSvvgzQcY-01147-00255304-00255455 you know thinking about covid remote V3BSvvgzQcY-01148-00255456-00255623 learning in general or or V3BSvvgzQcY-01149-00255623-00255846 focus on equity and diversity and V3BSvvgzQcY-01150-00255848-00255942 inclusiveness V3BSvvgzQcY-01151-00255944-00256079 and then finally what needs to happen to V3BSvvgzQcY-01152-00256080-00256263 get this work started so this is kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01153-00256264-00256487 like a nebula of questions here and i'm V3BSvvgzQcY-01154-00256488-00256534 going to V3BSvvgzQcY-01155-00256535-00256823 stop screen sharing um and if we can V3BSvvgzQcY-01156-00256823-00256975 copy i'll try to copy and paste the V3BSvvgzQcY-01157-00256976-00257094 questions in the chat so that everybody V3BSvvgzQcY-01158-00257096-00257271 has quick access to them but i want to V3BSvvgzQcY-01159-00257271-00257398 stop screen sharing so that we can V3BSvvgzQcY-01160-00257400-00257519 actually see V3BSvvgzQcY-01161-00257519-00257727 and focus on the panelists so let's go V3BSvvgzQcY-01162-00257728-00257871 with the first question first and i V3BSvvgzQcY-01163-00257871-00258039 don't know who wants to jump in but V3BSvvgzQcY-01164-00258040-00258287 why is this important maybe this is you V3BSvvgzQcY-01165-00258288-00258398 know an obvious V3BSvvgzQcY-01166-00258400-00258598 answer or maybe not why are these kinds V3BSvvgzQcY-01167-00258600-00258751 of collaborations important V3BSvvgzQcY-01168-00258752-00258910 either for k-12 institutions higher ed V3BSvvgzQcY-01169-00258911-00259863 or both V3BSvvgzQcY-01170-00259864-00260094 i'll just jump in quickly and say that V3BSvvgzQcY-01171-00260096-00260271 the the data shows that V3BSvvgzQcY-01172-00260271-00260639 um providing early access to college V3BSvvgzQcY-01173-00260640-00260815 experiences V3BSvvgzQcY-01174-00260816-00261182 in high school really promotes V3BSvvgzQcY-01175-00261183-00261430 you know attainment of some sort of V3BSvvgzQcY-01176-00261431-00261679 credential V3BSvvgzQcY-01177-00261680-00261942 after high school so it's an effective V3BSvvgzQcY-01178-00261944-00262071 strategy V3BSvvgzQcY-01179-00262071-00262391 in helping students V3BSvvgzQcY-01180-00262392-00262847 fulfill their you know post high school V3BSvvgzQcY-01181-00262848-00263319 goals in life V3BSvvgzQcY-01182-00263320-00263599 yeah i can follow up on that and say um V3BSvvgzQcY-01183-00263600-00263751 for me these collaborations are V3BSvvgzQcY-01184-00263752-00263934 important because V3BSvvgzQcY-01185-00263935-00264215 i have many blind spots in this space V3BSvvgzQcY-01186-00264216-00264279 you know V3BSvvgzQcY-01187-00264280-00264495 hearing amelia speak about her V3BSvvgzQcY-01188-00264496-00264687 experience in louisiana V3BSvvgzQcY-01189-00264688-00264887 is enlightening for me because my V3BSvvgzQcY-01190-00264888-00265039 experience has been V3BSvvgzQcY-01191-00265040-00265351 in higher ed so it's so informative to V3BSvvgzQcY-01192-00265352-00265630 have someone to collaborate with who can V3BSvvgzQcY-01193-00265631-00265758 shed light on that V3BSvvgzQcY-01194-00265759-00265910 and then another reason why V3BSvvgzQcY-01195-00265911-00266143 collaboration is important is because V3BSvvgzQcY-01196-00266144-00266375 you know in states like louisiana where V3BSvvgzQcY-01197-00266376-00266471 we have V3BSvvgzQcY-01198-00266472-00266719 high poverty low educational attainment V3BSvvgzQcY-01199-00266720-00266847 uneven access to V3BSvvgzQcY-01200-00266848-00267182 higher ed collaboration is essential V3BSvvgzQcY-01201-00267183-00267430 these are big issues V3BSvvgzQcY-01202-00267431-00267663 in louisiana in louisiana we have a V3BSvvgzQcY-01203-00267664-00267743 statewide V3BSvvgzQcY-01204-00267744-00267958 higher ed master plan and i was looking V3BSvvgzQcY-01205-00267959-00268095 at that yesterday and it was saying that V3BSvvgzQcY-01206-00268096-00268223 47 V3BSvvgzQcY-01207-00268224-00268463 of working age adults hold a high school V3BSvvgzQcY-01208-00268464-00268606 diploma or less V3BSvvgzQcY-01209-00268607-00268839 this is a real challenge for the state V3BSvvgzQcY-01210-00268840-00269006 in terms of V3BSvvgzQcY-01211-00269007-00269191 our achievement our prosperity of the V3BSvvgzQcY-01212-00269192-00269319 people and so V3BSvvgzQcY-01213-00269320-00269527 it's it's just essential that we have V3BSvvgzQcY-01214-00269528-00269655 all hands on deck V3BSvvgzQcY-01215-00269656-00269991 for this type of work V3BSvvgzQcY-01216-00269992-00270199 and and i'll just jump in there as well V3BSvvgzQcY-01217-00270200-00270334 i think we V3BSvvgzQcY-01218-00270335-00270623 we sort of have this college going uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01219-00270624-00270727 feeling V3BSvvgzQcY-01220-00270728-00271023 uh as high schools that is focused on ap V3BSvvgzQcY-01221-00271024-00271143 tests V3BSvvgzQcY-01222-00271144-00271382 and and i do do not necessarily as a V3BSvvgzQcY-01223-00271383-00271534 former ap world history V3BSvvgzQcY-01224-00271535-00271791 teacher uh which i got out of the game V3BSvvgzQcY-01225-00271792-00271879 because V3BSvvgzQcY-01226-00271880-00272095 it was it was it wasn't working for me V3BSvvgzQcY-01227-00272096-00272215 and for the students that i V3BSvvgzQcY-01228-00272216-00272534 that i uh that i that i had uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01229-00272535-00272887 that it's it's it's unrealistic to put V3BSvvgzQcY-01230-00272888-00273055 everything on a single high stakes test V3BSvvgzQcY-01231-00273056-00273223 and for students to do all this work V3BSvvgzQcY-01232-00273224-00273367 over the course of the year college V3BSvvgzQcY-01233-00273368-00273534 level work but then they V3BSvvgzQcY-01234-00273535-00273710 it just so happened i missed a V3BSvvgzQcY-01235-00273711-00273927 particular they did going into depth on V3BSvvgzQcY-01236-00273928-00274103 a particular topic or V3BSvvgzQcY-01237-00274104-00274279 they just had a bad day and all of a V3BSvvgzQcY-01238-00274280-00274455 sudden everything's riding on that that V3BSvvgzQcY-01239-00274456-00274623 single piece so this is V3BSvvgzQcY-01240-00274624-00274830 uh a sort of an alternative and and V3BSvvgzQcY-01241-00274831-00274999 there are you know i've been looking at V3BSvvgzQcY-01242-00275000-00275175 some dual enrollment programs that are V3BSvvgzQcY-01243-00275176-00275471 successful in in the area and their V3BSvvgzQcY-01244-00275472-00275615 students are walking out with V3BSvvgzQcY-01245-00275616-00275823 with a lot more credits than some of our V3BSvvgzQcY-01246-00275824-00275982 ap level students who've taken V3BSvvgzQcY-01247-00275983-00276134 every ap test and gone through all the V3BSvvgzQcY-01248-00276135-00276358 stress and also a father of a V3BSvvgzQcY-01249-00276359-00276575 of a student who took you know seven ap V3BSvvgzQcY-01250-00276576-00276791 tests and man that was unpleasant during V3BSvvgzQcY-01251-00276792-00276830 those V3BSvvgzQcY-01252-00276831-00277158 those those testing weeks right um V3BSvvgzQcY-01253-00277159-00277334 and so this is just an opportunity to V3BSvvgzQcY-01254-00277335-00277510 get students you know having some V3BSvvgzQcY-01255-00277511-00277599 success out of V3BSvvgzQcY-01256-00277600-00277910 in college courses uh and and also kind V3BSvvgzQcY-01257-00277911-00277943 of V3BSvvgzQcY-01258-00277944-00278182 be the high school classroom is that V3BSvvgzQcY-01259-00278183-00278295 bridge V3BSvvgzQcY-01260-00278296-00278551 to the community college or university V3BSvvgzQcY-01261-00278552-00278606 level V3BSvvgzQcY-01262-00278607-00278751 instead of like all of a sudden you're V3BSvvgzQcY-01263-00278752-00278887 you're in a whole different system it's V3BSvvgzQcY-01264-00278888-00278958 kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01265-00278959-00279151 uh going to give students that V3BSvvgzQcY-01266-00279152-00279375 in-between experience that i think V3BSvvgzQcY-01267-00279376-00279551 will help them be successful because a V3BSvvgzQcY-01268-00279552-00279671 lot of students get to college and they V3BSvvgzQcY-01269-00279672-00279871 don't know quite what to do with it V3BSvvgzQcY-01270-00279872-00280199 uh and whether again it's it's a it's a V3BSvvgzQcY-01271-00280200-00280343 community college or a V3BSvvgzQcY-01272-00280344-00280543 or a university four-year university and V3BSvvgzQcY-01273-00280544-00280647 it's important for us to V3BSvvgzQcY-01274-00280648-00280887 to kind of make that shift and the oer V3BSvvgzQcY-01275-00280888-00280951 materials V3BSvvgzQcY-01276-00280952-00281255 in in my view is that sort of V3BSvvgzQcY-01277-00281256-00281534 part of that bridge because oftentimes V3BSvvgzQcY-01278-00281535-00281647 when you get to the V3BSvvgzQcY-01279-00281648-00281943 the you know the get to get to college V3BSvvgzQcY-01280-00281944-00282103 one way or another it's all of a sudden V3BSvvgzQcY-01281-00282104-00282199 about content V3BSvvgzQcY-01282-00282200-00282471 and less about uh instruction and i V3BSvvgzQcY-01283-00282472-00282558 think i think V3BSvvgzQcY-01284-00282559-00282734 building strong instructional practices V3BSvvgzQcY-01285-00282735-00282967 which is i think a larger focus here in V3BSvvgzQcY-01286-00282968-00282999 in V3BSvvgzQcY-01287-00283000-00283310 the k-12 realm than it is uh in the V3BSvvgzQcY-01288-00283311-00283639 in the post-secondary realm uh would V3BSvvgzQcY-01289-00283640-00283895 will help students be successful uh once V3BSvvgzQcY-01290-00283896-00284063 they once they're out of high school and V3BSvvgzQcY-01291-00284064-00284119 beyond V3BSvvgzQcY-01292-00284120-00285495 so just a few a few thoughts i had V3BSvvgzQcY-01293-00285496-00285671 okay well thank you so much i think that V3BSvvgzQcY-01294-00285672-00285791 we can go ahead and move on to the V3BSvvgzQcY-01295-00285792-00285839 second V3BSvvgzQcY-01296-00285840-00286047 question here which is what specific V3BSvvgzQcY-01297-00286048-00286223 considerations should those of us in V3BSvvgzQcY-01298-00286224-00286375 higher education V3BSvvgzQcY-01299-00286376-00286599 keep in mind when working with k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-01300-00286600-00286887 systems V3BSvvgzQcY-01301-00286888-00287095 i'll go ahead and jump in for this one V3BSvvgzQcY-01302-00287096-00287295 if you don't mind V3BSvvgzQcY-01303-00287296-00287647 i think of course with all my background V3BSvvgzQcY-01304-00287648-00287751 in k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-01305-00287752-00288158 i'm pretty opinionated on this one V3BSvvgzQcY-01306-00288159-00288527 i think it's very important to consider V3BSvvgzQcY-01307-00288528-00288854 uh time management for schools V3BSvvgzQcY-01308-00288855-00289134 in the k-12 world is i mean there's just V3BSvvgzQcY-01309-00289135-00289334 never enough time to squeeze in all the V3BSvvgzQcY-01310-00289335-00289447 skills and V3BSvvgzQcY-01311-00289448-00289695 content that you want to put in there so V3BSvvgzQcY-01312-00289696-00289775 i think V3BSvvgzQcY-01313-00289776-00290095 that to make this um V3BSvvgzQcY-01314-00290096-00290391 very successful we have to focus on V3BSvvgzQcY-01315-00290392-00290510 demonstrating V3BSvvgzQcY-01316-00290511-00290927 uh practical ways like i think V3BSvvgzQcY-01317-00290928-00291239 heavy demonstration of how this is going V3BSvvgzQcY-01318-00291240-00291303 to save V3BSvvgzQcY-01319-00291304-00291639 time and be the easiest thing for you to V3BSvvgzQcY-01320-00291640-00291687 implement V3BSvvgzQcY-01321-00291688-00292030 in your classroom is going to V3BSvvgzQcY-01322-00292031-00292343 put us above and beyond when V3BSvvgzQcY-01323-00292344-00292647 um districts are making a choice of V3BSvvgzQcY-01324-00292648-00293006 are we going to shift to the oers V3BSvvgzQcY-01325-00293007-00293151 or are we going to stick with our V3BSvvgzQcY-01326-00293152-00293334 publishers V3BSvvgzQcY-01327-00293335-00293758 funding is another issue and V3BSvvgzQcY-01328-00293759-00293991 let's not get wrapped up in all the V3BSvvgzQcY-01329-00293992-00294127 fancy V3BSvvgzQcY-01330-00294128-00294295 ways of saying we're going to save you V3BSvvgzQcY-01331-00294296-00294479 money V3BSvvgzQcY-01332-00294480-00294710 say it in explicit terms so everyone V3BSvvgzQcY-01333-00294711-00294903 hears us loud and clear V3BSvvgzQcY-01334-00294904-00295287 this is going to to save funding V3BSvvgzQcY-01335-00295288-00295647 and then the power of relationships i V3BSvvgzQcY-01336-00295648-00295719 just V3BSvvgzQcY-01337-00295720-00295919 maybe it's because i'm in louisiana and V3BSvvgzQcY-01338-00295920-00296095 have been for years V3BSvvgzQcY-01339-00296096-00296406 but we build on relationships a lot of V3BSvvgzQcY-01340-00296407-00296551 our districts V3BSvvgzQcY-01341-00296552-00296751 talk to their counterparts and other V3BSvvgzQcY-01342-00296752-00297054 districts to see what they're doing V3BSvvgzQcY-01343-00297055-00297510 and that's where the adoptions come from V3BSvvgzQcY-01344-00297511-00297819 so if we can build on those V3BSvvgzQcY-01345-00297820-00298006 relationships V3BSvvgzQcY-01346-00298007-00298334 in order to break into that very V3BSvvgzQcY-01347-00298335-00298439 exclusive V3BSvvgzQcY-01348-00298440-00298806 k-12 club that's going to V3BSvvgzQcY-01349-00298807-00299551 to get our foot in the door V3BSvvgzQcY-01350-00299552-00299767 so building off of that i would just say V3BSvvgzQcY-01351-00299768-00299982 that k-12 is its own world V3BSvvgzQcY-01352-00299983-00300327 as we know and so is higher ed um it was V3BSvvgzQcY-01353-00300328-00300591 even evident earlier when uh when amy V3BSvvgzQcY-01354-00300592-00300815 asked what does scripted text mean V3BSvvgzQcY-01355-00300816-00301047 um scripted curriculum and we don't V3BSvvgzQcY-01356-00301048-00301175 always have the same language or the V3BSvvgzQcY-01357-00301176-00301375 same vocabulary um so that's really V3BSvvgzQcY-01358-00301376-00301567 important to know going into that V3BSvvgzQcY-01359-00301568-00301767 um i love what amelia just said around V3BSvvgzQcY-01360-00301768-00301919 funding you know we V3BSvvgzQcY-01361-00301920-00302079 when i was leading go open we talked V3BSvvgzQcY-01362-00302080-00302271 about saving districts money V3BSvvgzQcY-01363-00302272-00302503 um and then working with folks like dan V3BSvvgzQcY-01364-00302504-00302630 and other districts you're like V3BSvvgzQcY-01365-00302631-00302958 well it's a reallocation of funds V3BSvvgzQcY-01366-00302959-00303191 um because it really is making sure that V3BSvvgzQcY-01367-00303192-00303399 teachers are compensated for the time V3BSvvgzQcY-01368-00303400-00303551 energy and effort we're not asking them V3BSvvgzQcY-01369-00303552-00303823 to do this for free by any means V3BSvvgzQcY-01370-00303824-00304063 and so it is repurposing or reallocating V3BSvvgzQcY-01371-00304064-00304175 the funds that would be V3BSvvgzQcY-01372-00304176-00304358 traditionally just written to the V3BSvvgzQcY-01373-00304359-00304487 publishing companies V3BSvvgzQcY-01374-00304488-00304751 um it's also a deep investment in V3BSvvgzQcY-01375-00304752-00304879 professional learning V3BSvvgzQcY-01376-00304880-00305134 um because it requires it requires V3BSvvgzQcY-01377-00305135-00305303 teachers to dig into their own V3BSvvgzQcY-01378-00305304-00305551 content areas unpacking standards and V3BSvvgzQcY-01379-00305552-00305734 really prioritizing things V3BSvvgzQcY-01380-00305735-00305895 to make sure that there is a cohesive V3BSvvgzQcY-01381-00305896-00306215 scope and scope and sequence V3BSvvgzQcY-01382-00306216-00306399 and then finding the materials either V3BSvvgzQcY-01383-00306400-00306582 curating existing materials or being V3BSvvgzQcY-01384-00306583-00306758 able to create those materials V3BSvvgzQcY-01385-00306759-00306967 it also allows for flexibility when it V3BSvvgzQcY-01386-00306968-00307223 comes to how we approach it so when dan V3BSvvgzQcY-01387-00307224-00307334 was talking about the instructional V3BSvvgzQcY-01388-00307335-00307423 practices V3BSvvgzQcY-01389-00307424-00307606 we have the subject matter experts V3BSvvgzQcY-01390-00307607-00307743 really at the higher ed level V3BSvvgzQcY-01391-00307744-00307895 and that's really how like one school V3BSvvgzQcY-01392-00307896-00308110 district in tennessee approached this V3BSvvgzQcY-01393-00308111-00308167 work V3BSvvgzQcY-01394-00308168-00308375 where they worked with the the higher ed V3BSvvgzQcY-01395-00308376-00308575 institution that was in their community V3BSvvgzQcY-01396-00308576-00308767 as the smes or the subject matter V3BSvvgzQcY-01397-00308768-00308895 experts to V3BSvvgzQcY-01398-00308896-00309079 look at the content that the k-12 V3BSvvgzQcY-01399-00309080-00309215 district created V3BSvvgzQcY-01400-00309216-00309575 to ensure validity and quality and V3BSvvgzQcY-01401-00309576-00309671 everything like that V3BSvvgzQcY-01402-00309672-00309903 but then the teachers at the k-12 level V3BSvvgzQcY-01403-00309904-00310087 were the ones that were able to V3BSvvgzQcY-01404-00310088-00310303 you know implement and they did that V3BSvvgzQcY-01405-00310304-00310423 through a variety of V3BSvvgzQcY-01406-00310424-00310558 practices and maybe that was V3BSvvgzQcY-01407-00310559-00310734 project-based learning or inquiry-based V3BSvvgzQcY-01408-00310735-00310799 learning V3BSvvgzQcY-01409-00310800-00310958 and so that it wasn't more of that stand V3BSvvgzQcY-01410-00310959-00311119 and deliver or the the stage on the V3BSvvgzQcY-01411-00311120-00311215 stage model V3BSvvgzQcY-01412-00311216-00311399 um but they were able to get in there V3BSvvgzQcY-01413-00311400-00311599 and be as interactive as possible and V3BSvvgzQcY-01414-00311600-00311830 and possible co-creation with students V3BSvvgzQcY-01415-00311831-00311910 which is V3BSvvgzQcY-01416-00311911-00312047 one of our ultimate goals when we talk V3BSvvgzQcY-01417-00312048-00313143 about open education V3BSvvgzQcY-01418-00313144-00313295 great thank you so much and i know that V3BSvvgzQcY-01419-00313296-00313510 there are probably a lot of ideas i see V3BSvvgzQcY-01420-00313511-00313654 some talk in the chat right now and V3BSvvgzQcY-01421-00313655-00313799 again i just encourage anyone V3BSvvgzQcY-01422-00313800-00314047 to to chime in in the chat if you'd like V3BSvvgzQcY-01423-00314048-00314143 obviously we're V3BSvvgzQcY-01424-00314144-00314351 running short on time here but one uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01425-00314352-00314510 thing i do want to do is is V3BSvvgzQcY-01426-00314511-00314830 especially cover um the V3BSvvgzQcY-01427-00314831-00315158 the last two questions and so um let's V3BSvvgzQcY-01428-00315159-00315199 focus V3BSvvgzQcY-01429-00315200-00315382 on this next let's get the third one for V3BSvvgzQcY-01430-00315383-00315527 now because i think that that V3BSvvgzQcY-01431-00315528-00315679 might get us that's kind of like opening V3BSvvgzQcY-01432-00315680-00315839 up a can of worms like right how does V3BSvvgzQcY-01433-00315840-00315887 this V3BSvvgzQcY-01434-00315888-00316079 how does this like impact the world how V3BSvvgzQcY-01435-00316080-00316263 does this impact the larger advocacy V3BSvvgzQcY-01436-00316264-00316358 that we're trying to do V3BSvvgzQcY-01437-00316359-00316599 as as uh you know in open education as a V3BSvvgzQcY-01438-00316600-00316695 discipline V3BSvvgzQcY-01439-00316696-00316879 um so let's focus on the kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01440-00316880-00317030 practical things so what kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01441-00317031-00317206 collaborations i could see some of V3BSvvgzQcY-01442-00317207-00317358 some of what your experiences have V3BSvvgzQcY-01443-00317359-00317534 revealed to us so far but what kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01444-00317535-00317710 collaborations might be most valuable to V3BSvvgzQcY-01445-00317711-00317903 foster in the near future V3BSvvgzQcY-01446-00317904-00318215 um and along with that um let's see if V3BSvvgzQcY-01447-00318216-00318367 we can't address both these questions at V3BSvvgzQcY-01448-00318368-00318463 once potentially V3BSvvgzQcY-01449-00318464-00318671 what needs to happen to actually get V3BSvvgzQcY-01450-00318672-00318775 that kind of V3BSvvgzQcY-01451-00318776-00319254 collaboration happening V3BSvvgzQcY-01452-00319255-00319479 i'll i'll jump in and start off i think V3BSvvgzQcY-01453-00319480-00319663 just uh you know i think christina V3BSvvgzQcY-01454-00319664-00319943 alluded to it uh we need to understand V3BSvvgzQcY-01455-00319944-00320110 each other's worlds V3BSvvgzQcY-01456-00320111-00320310 you know and and i think we we spent a V3BSvvgzQcY-01457-00320311-00320454 lot of our time V3BSvvgzQcY-01458-00320455-00320743 uh actually sort of immediately falling V3BSvvgzQcY-01459-00320744-00320847 into the weeds of V3BSvvgzQcY-01460-00320848-00321047 of why things don't work or why what V3BSvvgzQcY-01461-00321048-00321182 would need to happen V3BSvvgzQcY-01462-00321183-00321423 instead of uh kind of getting that V3BSvvgzQcY-01463-00321424-00321575 understanding and then finding V3BSvvgzQcY-01464-00321576-00321799 finding where we could where we can meet V3BSvvgzQcY-01465-00321800-00321910 in between you know V3BSvvgzQcY-01466-00321911-00322230 in our oer oer work um V3BSvvgzQcY-01467-00322231-00322415 we partnered with actually our san diego V3BSvvgzQcY-01468-00322416-00322575 state university to help V3BSvvgzQcY-01469-00322576-00322830 vet some of our world history resources V3BSvvgzQcY-01470-00322831-00322887 and V3BSvvgzQcY-01471-00322888-00323039 and in retrospect actually it might have V3BSvvgzQcY-01472-00323040-00323191 been maybe better to go to our V3BSvvgzQcY-01473-00323192-00323447 our community college uh which are you V3BSvvgzQcY-01474-00323448-00323543 know even closer V3BSvvgzQcY-01475-00323544-00323847 than san diego state to us uh to to V3BSvvgzQcY-01476-00323848-00323951 maybe build that V3BSvvgzQcY-01477-00323952-00324191 that uh that bridge into into those V3BSvvgzQcY-01478-00324192-00324382 departments where some of our students V3BSvvgzQcY-01479-00324383-00324415 will V3BSvvgzQcY-01480-00324416-00324695 will ultimately ultimately end up and as V3BSvvgzQcY-01481-00324696-00324863 we look at uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01482-00324864-00325030 we've already done some collaboration in V3BSvvgzQcY-01483-00325031-00325263 our writing programs uh with with uh the V3BSvvgzQcY-01484-00325264-00325454 local community colleges to V3BSvvgzQcY-01485-00325455-00325695 uh make sure that our students you know V3BSvvgzQcY-01486-00325696-00325767 about 40 V3BSvvgzQcY-01487-00325768-00325943 of our students end up at our one of our V3BSvvgzQcY-01488-00325944-00326071 two community colleges V3BSvvgzQcY-01489-00326072-00326206 that they're successful when they go V3BSvvgzQcY-01490-00326207-00326391 into those writing programs right so V3BSvvgzQcY-01491-00326392-00326591 we're already starting to do that V3BSvvgzQcY-01492-00326592-00326919 on some levels we just need to deepen V3BSvvgzQcY-01493-00326920-00327030 that and then V3BSvvgzQcY-01494-00327031-00327191 and then formalize some of those V3BSvvgzQcY-01495-00327192-00327351 connections uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01496-00327352-00327543 to make sure that it goes beyond just V3BSvvgzQcY-01497-00327544-00328423 just our writing program V3BSvvgzQcY-01498-00328424-00328719 i think one just very basic thing that V3BSvvgzQcY-01499-00328720-00328823 has been an V3BSvvgzQcY-01500-00328824-00329103 unforeseen struggle for us is the idea V3BSvvgzQcY-01501-00329104-00329167 of V3BSvvgzQcY-01502-00329168-00329567 compensation and subcontracting V3BSvvgzQcY-01503-00329568-00330006 with 11th and 12th grade instructors we V3BSvvgzQcY-01504-00330007-00330319 got a mature way of doing that which V3BSvvgzQcY-01505-00330320-00330558 took quite a bit of time in louisiana as V3BSvvgzQcY-01506-00330559-00330791 well in order to fight to hire V3BSvvgzQcY-01507-00330792-00331127 and compensate college faculty V3BSvvgzQcY-01508-00331128-00331343 in bringing up project teams and V3BSvvgzQcY-01509-00331344-00331575 collaborative V3BSvvgzQcY-01510-00331576-00331919 ventures and ensuring that we're equally V3BSvvgzQcY-01511-00331920-00332023 compensating V3BSvvgzQcY-01512-00332024-00332303 high school instructors that has not V3BSvvgzQcY-01513-00332304-00332358 been an V3BSvvgzQcY-01514-00332359-00332630 easy feat to recruit to know the V3BSvvgzQcY-01515-00332631-00333006 communication outlets that should be V3BSvvgzQcY-01516-00333007-00333310 utilized to reach the right people and V3BSvvgzQcY-01517-00333311-00333399 then figuring V3BSvvgzQcY-01518-00333400-00333727 out what is the how do we compensate V3BSvvgzQcY-01519-00333728-00333806 them V3BSvvgzQcY-01520-00333807-00334071 um what's appropriate what's disallowed V3BSvvgzQcY-01521-00334072-00334151 and so V3BSvvgzQcY-01522-00334152-00334391 as speaking as an administrator it's V3BSvvgzQcY-01523-00334392-00334551 something that um V3BSvvgzQcY-01524-00334552-00334887 you know we have to tackle and get over V3BSvvgzQcY-01525-00334888-00335527 to move forward V3BSvvgzQcY-01526-00335528-00335678 i think one other thing to highlight V3BSvvgzQcY-01527-00335679-00335878 coming from the policy side of things V3BSvvgzQcY-01528-00335879-00336239 is um just recognizing V3BSvvgzQcY-01529-00336240-00336463 the term unprecedented being used so V3BSvvgzQcY-01530-00336464-00336630 much in the past year but V3BSvvgzQcY-01531-00336631-00336895 the unprecedented amount of dollars that V3BSvvgzQcY-01532-00336896-00337087 are coming to states right now V3BSvvgzQcY-01533-00337088-00337399 um they with the arpa funds the american V3BSvvgzQcY-01534-00337400-00337727 rescue plan funds that were signed into V3BSvvgzQcY-01535-00337728-00338023 into effect last month um millions and V3BSvvgzQcY-01536-00338024-00338175 millions of dollars V3BSvvgzQcY-01537-00338176-00338358 uh are coming to states and while there V3BSvvgzQcY-01538-00338359-00338495 is a certain percentage that is V3BSvvgzQcY-01539-00338496-00338734 earmarked for the state themselves V3BSvvgzQcY-01540-00338735-00338982 um to be able to do kind of innovative V3BSvvgzQcY-01541-00338983-00339087 practices and V3BSvvgzQcY-01542-00339088-00339406 thinking about um recovery of V3BSvvgzQcY-01543-00339407-00339710 potential learning and and i i avoid V3BSvvgzQcY-01544-00339711-00339839 saying learning loss because i don't V3BSvvgzQcY-01545-00339840-00339934 necessarily V3BSvvgzQcY-01546-00339935-00340223 enjoy that term but um how can they you V3BSvvgzQcY-01547-00340224-00340254 know V3BSvvgzQcY-01548-00340255-00340454 really focus on on that work at the V3BSvvgzQcY-01549-00340455-00340599 state level but then the rest of that V3BSvvgzQcY-01550-00340600-00340839 funding directly to the school districts V3BSvvgzQcY-01551-00340840-00341015 and so this is the time not only to V3BSvvgzQcY-01552-00341016-00341191 build awareness with states but also V3BSvvgzQcY-01553-00341192-00341351 with school districts to let them know V3BSvvgzQcY-01554-00341352-00341510 of how they could potentially spend that V3BSvvgzQcY-01555-00341511-00341591 money V3BSvvgzQcY-01556-00341592-00341830 and oer should certainly be considered V3BSvvgzQcY-01557-00341831-00341967 on that um because we V3BSvvgzQcY-01558-00341968-00342175 we fully recognize that publishers have V3BSvvgzQcY-01559-00342176-00342303 not been able to keep up with the V3BSvvgzQcY-01560-00342304-00342406 demands V3BSvvgzQcY-01561-00342407-00342639 of of remote learning or of distance V3BSvvgzQcY-01562-00342640-00342806 learning in this whole process V3BSvvgzQcY-01563-00342807-00342999 and so how could we potentially pitch V3BSvvgzQcY-01564-00343000-00343110 oer as V3BSvvgzQcY-01565-00343111-00343343 as one of the opportunities here or one V3BSvvgzQcY-01566-00343344-00343478 of our potential solutions V3BSvvgzQcY-01567-00343479-00343719 so it's important to keep again a keep a V3BSvvgzQcY-01568-00343720-00343806 pulse on V3BSvvgzQcY-01569-00343807-00344047 um the funding that would help make sure V3BSvvgzQcY-01570-00344048-00344343 that all of this happens in action V3BSvvgzQcY-01571-00344344-00344527 and and a quick quick response to that V3BSvvgzQcY-01572-00344528-00344671 as um V3BSvvgzQcY-01573-00344672-00344878 there are tons of vendors who are ready V3BSvvgzQcY-01574-00344879-00345063 to sell you anything V3BSvvgzQcY-01575-00345064-00345343 and uh i i i just don't answer my phone V3BSvvgzQcY-01576-00345344-00345510 anymore because it's almost always a V3BSvvgzQcY-01577-00345511-00345599 vendor V3BSvvgzQcY-01578-00345600-00345863 uh so if unless it's in-house you know i V3BSvvgzQcY-01579-00345864-00346063 can see if it's in-house uh V3BSvvgzQcY-01580-00346064-00346271 and and we also have to look at like the V3BSvvgzQcY-01581-00346272-00346447 silver lining of this year is so many V3BSvvgzQcY-01582-00346448-00346647 instructors at every level V3BSvvgzQcY-01583-00346648-00346895 have now done online teaching and V3BSvvgzQcY-01584-00346896-00346958 learning V3BSvvgzQcY-01585-00346959-00347110 and hopefully they're seeing what worked V3BSvvgzQcY-01586-00347111-00347327 and what didn't work uh and V3BSvvgzQcY-01587-00347328-00347606 but the level of expertise is is so much V3BSvvgzQcY-01588-00347607-00347687 further and V3BSvvgzQcY-01589-00347688-00347982 and and i can say within my district the V3BSvvgzQcY-01590-00347983-00348175 teachers who have been on the oer V3BSvvgzQcY-01591-00348176-00348503 bandwagon since 2015 thrived V3BSvvgzQcY-01592-00348504-00348719 this last year they thrived because they V3BSvvgzQcY-01593-00348720-00348887 were already sort of doing that V3BSvvgzQcY-01594-00348888-00349143 and now we have more believers who are V3BSvvgzQcY-01595-00349144-00349303 gonna who are gonna join us V3BSvvgzQcY-01596-00349304-00349527 as we as we you know we hit pause this V3BSvvgzQcY-01597-00349528-00349727 year because we just couldn't do it V3BSvvgzQcY-01598-00349728-00349967 uh but when we restart next year i'm V3BSvvgzQcY-01599-00349968-00350143 already having people who who were not V3BSvvgzQcY-01600-00350144-00350206 even involved V3BSvvgzQcY-01601-00350207-00350415 previously like i want to be involved V3BSvvgzQcY-01602-00350416-00350575 from here on out because they used the V3BSvvgzQcY-01603-00350576-00350678 resources V3BSvvgzQcY-01604-00350679-00350799 but because they weren't part of V3BSvvgzQcY-01605-00350800-00350958 building it they didn't it took them a V3BSvvgzQcY-01606-00350959-00351103 while to understand V3BSvvgzQcY-01607-00351104-00351263 and so and so i think that's something V3BSvvgzQcY-01608-00351264-00351439 we have to harness is V3BSvvgzQcY-01609-00351440-00351710 uh bringing uh you know bringing the V3BSvvgzQcY-01610-00351711-00351887 expertise that we got this year V3BSvvgzQcY-01611-00351888-00352095 the experience and the expertise that we V3BSvvgzQcY-01612-00352096-00352230 got this last year V3BSvvgzQcY-01613-00352231-00352454 and and also being able to trust our V3BSvvgzQcY-01614-00352455-00352543 instructors V3BSvvgzQcY-01615-00352544-00352967 some to help to help share that V3BSvvgzQcY-01616-00352968-00353263 i would like to add what dan said uh to V3BSvvgzQcY-01617-00353264-00353327 what dan V3BSvvgzQcY-01618-00353328-00353654 said about the vendors V3BSvvgzQcY-01619-00353655-00353943 in the districts that i have come from V3BSvvgzQcY-01620-00353944-00354039 bender is a V3BSvvgzQcY-01621-00354040-00354343 very bad word because they are just V3BSvvgzQcY-01622-00354344-00354406 constantly V3BSvvgzQcY-01623-00354407-00354678 calling um the people who make the V3BSvvgzQcY-01624-00354679-00354782 decisions V3BSvvgzQcY-01625-00354783-00355103 so i think another way to approach it V3BSvvgzQcY-01626-00355104-00355406 would be a valuable um goal V3BSvvgzQcY-01627-00355407-00355695 maybe to foster those relationships at a V3BSvvgzQcY-01628-00355696-00355854 grassroots level V3BSvvgzQcY-01629-00355855-00356215 with decision makers in the district and V3BSvvgzQcY-01630-00356216-00356487 to do that it's as simple as reaching V3BSvvgzQcY-01631-00356488-00356719 out to your 10 closest friends V3BSvvgzQcY-01632-00356720-00356951 and saying okay who in this district can V3BSvvgzQcY-01633-00356952-00357167 i talk to V3BSvvgzQcY-01634-00357168-00357454 and letting them put you in contact so V3BSvvgzQcY-01635-00357455-00357615 it's not a cold call V3BSvvgzQcY-01636-00357616-00357958 it's someone you know who has V3BSvvgzQcY-01637-00357959-00358263 already a relationship with the people V3BSvvgzQcY-01638-00358264-00358482 in the district who can make those V3BSvvgzQcY-01639-00358483-00358623 decisions V3BSvvgzQcY-01640-00358624-00358871 and just ask them for a virtual coffee V3BSvvgzQcY-01641-00358872-00359063 you know and respect their time take 10 V3BSvvgzQcY-01642-00359064-00359119 minutes V3BSvvgzQcY-01643-00359120-00359478 and pitch the oer V3BSvvgzQcY-01644-00359479-00359791 and the program i have found that you V3BSvvgzQcY-01645-00359792-00359975 get much farther with grassroots V3BSvvgzQcY-01646-00359976-00360151 relationships than V3BSvvgzQcY-01647-00360152-00360415 cold calls so i just wanted to put that V3BSvvgzQcY-01648-00360416-00360623 out there V3BSvvgzQcY-01649-00360624-00360871 well thank you very much and with that V3BSvvgzQcY-01650-00360872-00361006 with that final word i would just like V3BSvvgzQcY-01651-00361007-00361182 to thank everybody for coming today and V3BSvvgzQcY-01652-00361183-00361334 obviously we could keep talking about V3BSvvgzQcY-01653-00361335-00361519 this and this is just the beginning V3BSvvgzQcY-01654-00361520-00361687 i think of a lot of conversations that V3BSvvgzQcY-01655-00361688-00361830 need to happen so V3BSvvgzQcY-01656-00361831-00362015 um if you have uh if your questions V3BSvvgzQcY-01657-00362016-00362143 about the slides and stuff like that if V3BSvvgzQcY-01658-00362144-00362254 you've registered then you'll have V3BSvvgzQcY-01659-00362255-00362343 access to that V3BSvvgzQcY-01660-00362344-00362527 um afterwards so we do have some V3BSvvgzQcY-01661-00362528-00362678 webinars coming up you can check our V3BSvvgzQcY-01662-00362679-00362903 website uh april 14th V3BSvvgzQcY-01663-00362904-00363110 today may 12th and june 9th uh we have a V3BSvvgzQcY-01664-00363111-00363247 couple webinars coming up and V3BSvvgzQcY-01665-00363248-00363527 always please uh you can join the V3BSvvgzQcY-01666-00363528-00363743 community email is a great resource for V3BSvvgzQcY-01667-00363744-00363975 staying in the loop in terms of you know V3BSvvgzQcY-01668-00363976-00364191 a lot of discussions about new resources V3BSvvgzQcY-01669-00364192-00364343 and things like that V3BSvvgzQcY-01670-00364344-00364567 we have our edi blog posts and student V3BSvvgzQcY-01671-00364568-00364775 oer impact stories available V3BSvvgzQcY-01672-00364776-00364975 and um there's a lot of other V3BSvvgzQcY-01673-00364976-00365110 opportunities on the website so please V3BSvvgzQcY-01674-00365111-00365223 check it out and again thank you V3BSvvgzQcY-01675-00365224-00365334 everybody for coming V3BSvvgzQcY-01676-00365335-00365783 and have a great day V5deKED7p5o-00000-00000403-00002710 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00001-00002711-00003606 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00002-00003607-00005203 so V5deKED7p5o-00003-00005204-00006262 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00004-00006263-00006866 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00005-00006867-00007803 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00006-00007804-00009619 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00007-00009620-00010387 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00008-00010388-00012519 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00009-00012520-00013554 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00010-00013555-00014781 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00011-00014782-00015538 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00012-00015540-00016186 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00013-00016187-00018416 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00014-00018417-00019294 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00015-00019295-00020724 do V5deKED7p5o-00016-00020725-00023216 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00017-00023217-00024276 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00018-00024277-00024880 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00019-00024881-00025817 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00020-00025818-00027633 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00021-00027633-00028401 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00022-00028402-00030533 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00023-00030535-00031569 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00024-00031570-00032795 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00025-00032796-00033554 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00026-00033555-00034201 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00027-00034202-00036419 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00028-00036420-00038725 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00029-00038726-00041220 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00030-00041221-00042279 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00031-00042280-00042883 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00032-00042884-00043820 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00033-00043821-00045543 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00034-00045544-00046404 so V5deKED7p5o-00035-00046405-00048536 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00036-00048537-00049571 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00037-00049572-00050798 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00038-00050799-00051555 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00039-00051557-00052202 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00040-00052203-00053863 [Music] V5deKED7p5o-00041-00053864-00054072 you V74GykG0EGk-00000-00000068-00000428 hi YouTube I haven't made a new youtube V74GykG0EGk-00001-00000429-00000722 video for a long time but often I am V74GykG0EGk-00002-00000723-00001075 asked to buy my commenters you guys like V74GykG0EGk-00003-00001076-00001457 my videos thank you think so i'm going V74GykG0EGk-00004-00001458-00002126 to read a transcript today because i V74GykG0EGk-00005-00002127-00002377 don't want to UM and awe so much and I V74GykG0EGk-00006-00002378-00002558 have a habit of not editing my videos V74GykG0EGk-00007-00002559-00002968 what's so ever so i'm going to read my V74GykG0EGk-00008-00002969-00003245 transcript and you'll see why i've read V74GykG0EGk-00009-00003246-00003742 it by the end of it disability is V74GykG0EGk-00010-00003743-00004004 created when a human being cannot V74GykG0EGk-00011-00004004-00004274 participate or perform and a certain V74GykG0EGk-00012-00004275-00004535 system because of structural limitations V74GykG0EGk-00013-00004536-00004892 in the system for example a person V74GykG0EGk-00014-00004893-00005111 without use of their legs does happen to V74GykG0EGk-00015-00005112-00005311 be disabled from walking but in a V74GykG0EGk-00016-00005312-00005479 wheelchair they are perhaps only V74GykG0EGk-00017-00005480-00005704 disabled from entering a building or V74GykG0EGk-00018-00005705-00005924 being on the sidewalk if there is no V74GykG0EGk-00019-00005925-00006299 ramp or incline access then they are V74GykG0EGk-00020-00006300-00006589 enabled access regardless of certain V74GykG0EGk-00021-00006590-00006995 specific limitations however everything V74GykG0EGk-00022-00006995-00007226 and I mean everything that exists in V74GykG0EGk-00023-00007227-00007573 actuality is about or has or is produced V74GykG0EGk-00024-00007575-00008017 by certain specific limitations okay V74GykG0EGk-00025-00008018-00008252 this is really a general claim in my own V74GykG0EGk-00026-00008253-00008489 philosophy grab bag that makes sense V74GykG0EGk-00027-00008490-00008738 both in fundamental particle physics as V74GykG0EGk-00028-00008739-00008945 well as psychiatric disability V74GykG0EGk-00029-00008946-00009242 legislation the electrons exist in V74GykG0EGk-00030-00009243-00009521 certain specifically delimited orbital V74GykG0EGk-00031-00009522-00009808 shells you can look that up Niels Bohr I V74GykG0EGk-00032-00009809-00010096 am NOT allowed to work for the police as V74GykG0EGk-00033-00010097-00010474 an officer for numerous reasons come up V74GykG0EGk-00034-00010475-00010685 with some of your own maybe my V74GykG0EGk-00035-00010686-00011063 schizophrenia is not a made-up label get V74GykG0EGk-00036-00011064-00011338 it straight you may be wrongly labeled I V74GykG0EGk-00037-00011339-00011674 am schizophrenic okay I understood and V74GykG0EGk-00038-00011675-00011930 called myself schizophrenic on my own V74GykG0EGk-00039-00011931-00012181 without being diagnosed or called psycho V74GykG0EGk-00040-00012182-00013091 by anyone V74GykG0EGk-00041-00013091-00013428 you V74GykG0EGk-00042-00013429-00013655 yes I had been pulled weird on the V74GykG0EGk-00043-00013656-00013808 school playground for most of my life V74GykG0EGk-00044-00013809-00014063 however that did not preclude me from V74GykG0EGk-00045-00014065-00014405 going online the world wide web in 1999 V74GykG0EGk-00046-00014406-00014616 and reading a bunch of people V74GykG0EGk-00047-00014616-00014922 self-identify their schizophrenia I read V74GykG0EGk-00048-00014922-00015167 descriptions of experiences accounts of V74GykG0EGk-00049-00015168-00015402 delusions and hallucinations paranoia V74GykG0EGk-00050-00015403-00015774 and anxiety social difficulties and also V74GykG0EGk-00051-00015775-00015925 some traits I would even consider V74GykG0EGk-00052-00015926-00016142 beneficial with the right integration V74GykG0EGk-00053-00016143-00016487 and adoption and activities and social V74GykG0EGk-00054-00016488-00016703 groups that are enabling for me rather V74GykG0EGk-00055-00016704-00016944 than disabling which frankly speaking V74GykG0EGk-00056-00016945-00017147 are only the activities and social V74GykG0EGk-00057-00017148-00017342 groups which caused my symptoms to V74GykG0EGk-00058-00017343-00017714 spiral out intensely and harmfully V74GykG0EGk-00059-00017715-00018056 calling schizophrenia a mere label that V74GykG0EGk-00060-00018057-00018290 is just the delusion of a doctor's about V74GykG0EGk-00061-00018291-00018522 a straightforwardly foolish as saying it V74GykG0EGk-00062-00018523-00018856 is only and merely a biological switch I V74GykG0EGk-00063-00018857-00019167 have to youtube comments with the self V74GykG0EGk-00064-00019168-00019409 same sentiment that I found on the same V74GykG0EGk-00065-00019410-00019674 video about doubting delusions doubt V74GykG0EGk-00066-00019675-00020087 yourself too in my past videos that I V74GykG0EGk-00067-00020088-00020568 made kind of to address this information V74GykG0EGk-00068-00020569-00020855 of doubt and some of the comments of V74GykG0EGk-00069-00020856-00021075 this current video were kind of a V74GykG0EGk-00070-00021076-00021287 background comments in that other video V74GykG0EGk-00071-00021288-00021708 but anyway this is what Wolfgang JKD V74GykG0EGk-00072-00021709-00021956 said seven months ago I might have read V74GykG0EGk-00073-00021957-00022178 it a while ago but I just kind of V74GykG0EGk-00074-00022179-00022319 thought about it again when I looked at V74GykG0EGk-00075-00022320-00022686 it now I personally don't believe in V74GykG0EGk-00076-00022687-00022893 medical diagnosis especially for what V74GykG0EGk-00077-00022894-00023087 they call mental disabilities because I V74GykG0EGk-00078-00023088-00023300 was once in and out of mental hospitals V74GykG0EGk-00079-00023301-00024022 myself feeling crazy and helpless no I V74GykG0EGk-00080-00024023-00024308 just don't agree with this I don't agree V74GykG0EGk-00081-00024309-00024497 with it he kind of has a sentiment that V74GykG0EGk-00082-00024498-00024739 he wants like maybe there's something V74GykG0EGk-00083-00024740-00025031 well intended about a sentiment but it's V74GykG0EGk-00084-00025032-00025678 just not true like he might not have a V74GykG0EGk-00085-00025679-00026021 faith in like a like he might be like V74GykG0EGk-00086-00026022-00026408 something about medical diagnosis is not V74GykG0EGk-00087-00026409-00026685 important if it's not also able to V74GykG0EGk-00088-00026686-00026811 self-identify V74GykG0EGk-00089-00026812-00027362 but it's just not clear that mental V74GykG0EGk-00090-00027363-00027671 disability doesn't exist at all yeah I V74GykG0EGk-00091-00027672-00028104 don't get that and then mr. gawd kid who V74GykG0EGk-00092-00028105-00028461 said this that's a very similar comment V74GykG0EGk-00093-00028462-00028857 and the way I feel about it you have no V74GykG0EGk-00094-00028858-00029082 idea whether what you are saying makes V74GykG0EGk-00095-00029083-00029310 sense saying that I do not when I know V74GykG0EGk-00096-00029311-00029610 for a fact that schizophrenia is the V74GykG0EGk-00097-00029611-00029964 suppression of a DNA gtc a expression if V74GykG0EGk-00098-00029964-00030108 you are talking about schizoaffective V74GykG0EGk-00099-00030108-00030327 disorder then yes it is an over V74GykG0EGk-00100-00030327-00030635 activation of a DNA gtc a expression V74GykG0EGk-00101-00030636-00030887 once you know that your disorder comes V74GykG0EGk-00102-00030888-00031098 about for a very logical reason it is V74GykG0EGk-00103-00031099-00031479 easy to reconcile to ah this is nonsense V74GykG0EGk-00104-00031480-00031830 I think it's a troll maybe but not V74GykG0EGk-00105-00031831-00032004 exactly sure you might just really V74GykG0EGk-00106-00032005-00032258 believe that genetics is responsible for V74GykG0EGk-00107-00032260-00032708 everything and so he says that like yeah V74GykG0EGk-00108-00032710-00033168 oh I remember when we were talking when V74GykG0EGk-00109-00033169-00033390 I commented back and forth with this mr. V74GykG0EGk-00110-00033391-00033636 God kid in like four years ago or two V74GykG0EGk-00111-00033637-00033987 years ago or something up it was about V74GykG0EGk-00112-00033988-00034242 suppression and over activation and I V74GykG0EGk-00113-00034243-00034473 said something along the lines of some V74GykG0EGk-00114-00034474-00034727 of my traits are beneficial they're like V74GykG0EGk-00115-00034728-00035025 pluses not just deficit sir he said V74GykG0EGk-00116-00035026-00035277 there was just deficits in schizophrenia V74GykG0EGk-00117-00035278-00035508 and no additions or something like that V74GykG0EGk-00118-00035509-00035898 and this comment is just a part of its V74GykG0EGk-00119-00035899-00036243 like nonsense about DNA gtc a expression V74GykG0EGk-00120-00036244-00036446 and suppression and overactivation it's V74GykG0EGk-00121-00036447-00036792 very rhetorical and odd that he says V74GykG0EGk-00122-00036793-00037095 that's a fact it's just troll wish V74GykG0EGk-00123-00037096-00037374 anyway i'm going to leave off on this V74GykG0EGk-00124-00037375-00037629 quote from Thomas where guy head of V74GykG0EGk-00125-00037630-00038018 research at the Hat hands medical health V74GykG0EGk-00126-00038019-00038354 center at copenhagen university hospital V74GykG0EGk-00127-00038355-00038715 thomas work words were Georgia I don't V74GykG0EGk-00128-00038716-00038880 know how to spell or pronounce his last V74GykG0EGk-00129-00038881-00039120 name the study has made it clear that V74GykG0EGk-00130-00039121-00039360 schizophrenia is not a single or small V74GykG0EGk-00131-00039361-00039606 set of ailments but rather an extensive V74GykG0EGk-00132-00039607-00039839 and varied group of conditions which may V74GykG0EGk-00133-00039840-00040064 occur for completely different reasons V74GykG0EGk-00134-00040065-00040132 and V74GykG0EGk-00135-00040133-00040354 may have myriad ways of expressing V74GykG0EGk-00136-00040355-00040810 themselves that's about what I would V74GykG0EGk-00137-00040811-00041332 agree with ya thanks for watching tune V74GykG0EGk-00138-00041333-00041740 in next time peace V8BkIf74rgU-00000-00000261-00000526 [Music] V8BkIf74rgU-00001-00000527-00000726 thank you again to all of the amazing V8BkIf74rgU-00002-00000727-00000919 speakers and panelists for giving their V8BkIf74rgU-00003-00000919-00001095 time to share their experiences and V8BkIf74rgU-00004-00001096-00001383 insights with us i hope that you all are V8BkIf74rgU-00005-00001384-00001647 inspired to keep pushing progress in xr V8BkIf74rgU-00006-00001648-00001895 accessibility as we are V8BkIf74rgU-00007-00001896-00002079 so what's next tomorrow we'll be V8BkIf74rgU-00008-00002080-00002310 reconvening right here to dive deep into V8BkIf74rgU-00009-00002311-00002550 the future of xr accessibility we'll V8BkIf74rgU-00010-00002551-00002742 kick off with a showcase of the amazing V8BkIf74rgU-00011-00002743-00002958 project that our business cases for xr V8BkIf74rgU-00012-00002959-00003095 accessibility workstream has been V8BkIf74rgU-00013-00003096-00003270 working on for the past year V8BkIf74rgU-00014-00003271-00003431 then we'll assemble into our own deep V8BkIf74rgU-00015-00003432-00003615 dive groups to get to work on turning V8BkIf74rgU-00016-00003615-00003863 principles into into practice across a V8BkIf74rgU-00017-00003864-00004047 number of different topics V8BkIf74rgU-00018-00004047-00004206 deep dive groups will have in-depth V8BkIf74rgU-00019-00004207-00004399 guided conversations on topics ranging V8BkIf74rgU-00020-00004400-00004599 from immersive captions accessible V8BkIf74rgU-00021-00004600-00004831 online learning inclusive hackathons and V8BkIf74rgU-00022-00004832-00005111 funding opportunities to research policy V8BkIf74rgU-00023-00005112-00005454 ethics and equity in xr spaces V8BkIf74rgU-00024-00005455-00005647 deep guides and breakouts at past xr V8BkIf74rgU-00025-00005648-00005879 access symposia have led directly to new V8BkIf74rgU-00026-00005880-00006111 new collaborations new projects and V8BkIf74rgU-00027-00006112-00006254 impactful new results for our V8BkIf74rgU-00028-00006255-00006463 communities so we're really excited to V8BkIf74rgU-00029-00006464-00006646 see what comes out of those this year V8BkIf74rgU-00030-00006647-00006775 and we hope that if you have a great V8BkIf74rgU-00031-00006776-00006975 experience in a deep dive or if you meet V8BkIf74rgU-00032-00006976-00007142 some future collaborators or have an V8BkIf74rgU-00033-00007143-00007375 amazing idea that you'll bring that into V8BkIf74rgU-00034-00007376-00007567 your own work or your own advocacy or V8BkIf74rgU-00035-00007568-00007751 even lead an xr access workstream V8BkIf74rgU-00036-00007752-00007927 project of your own V8BkIf74rgU-00037-00007928-00008127 but the work doesn't end tomorrow as V8BkIf74rgU-00038-00008128-00008287 we've mentioned earlier today there are V8BkIf74rgU-00039-00008288-00008446 lots of ways for you and your V8BkIf74rgU-00040-00008447-00008614 organizations to help move xr V8BkIf74rgU-00041-00008615-00008807 accessibility forward whether that's V8BkIf74rgU-00042-00008808-00008983 through participating in a work stream V8BkIf74rgU-00043-00008984-00009206 donating or becoming a member there's V8BkIf74rgU-00044-00009207-00009359 still lots of work to be done and we V8BkIf74rgU-00045-00009360-00009574 can't do it without your help V8BkIf74rgU-00046-00009575-00009799 i'd like to wrap up today first with a V8BkIf74rgU-00047-00009800-00009959 thank you to all of our speakers V8BkIf74rgU-00048-00009960-00010206 moderators and panelists to our sponsors V8BkIf74rgU-00049-00010207-00010414 yahoo cornell tech and the partnership V8BkIf74rgU-00050-00010415-00010631 on employment and accessible technology V8BkIf74rgU-00051-00010632-00010871 to our supporters verizon and google and V8BkIf74rgU-00052-00010872-00011038 to everyone who has worked so hard on V8BkIf74rgU-00053-00011039-00011263 pulling together this fantastic event V8BkIf74rgU-00054-00011264-00011431 and finally to everyone who joined us V8BkIf74rgU-00055-00011432-00011655 today thank you and we hope that you'll V8BkIf74rgU-00056-00011656-00011863 each build on the questions solutions V8BkIf74rgU-00057-00011864-00011999 and calls to action that you've heard V8BkIf74rgU-00058-00012000-00012524 today to make xr more accessible for all Vu1fb2940NY-00000-00000278-00001084 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00001-00001085-00003979 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00002-00003981-00004617 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00003-00004618-00006762 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00004-00006763-00007001 Barbra Streisand Vu1fb2940NY-00005-00007002-00008423 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00006-00008424-00010574 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00007-00010575-00011458 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00008-00011459-00011819 [Music] Vu1fb2940NY-00009-00011820-00012351 [Applause] Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00000-00000000-00000238 hey my name is Rolando Figueroa I'm with Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00001-00000239-00000403 the military veterans peer network my Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00002-00000404-00000668 counterpart James Lambert and I would Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00003-00000669-00000828 like to invite you to our virtual peer Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00004-00000830-00001160 groups there will be every Tuesday at 6 Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00005-00001161-00001397 p.m. in these groups we will talk about Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00006-00001398-00001721 this whole Cove in 19 cities thoughts Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00007-00001722-00002192 and feelings on it and talk about Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00008-00002193-00002474 different coping strategies to help you Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00009-00002475-00002635 through this time also we will talk Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00010-00002636-00002858 about different resources out in the Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00011-00002859-00003165 community that have availability to help Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00012-00003166-00003428 if you would like to attend please feel Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00013-00003429-00003803 free to shoot me an email at Orlando Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00014-00003804-00004283 that's orl a nd o at Samaritan that's si Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00015-00004284-00004936 ma RI ta in - center.org thanks for Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00016-00004937-00005903 watching hope to hear from you soon Vv7gtzOJ60Y-00017-00005904-00006110 you VvlkAj37T68-00000-00000041-00000340 BYD co limited is a Chinese manufacturer VvlkAj37T68-00001-00000341-00000574 of automobiles battery-powered bicycles VvlkAj37T68-00002-00000575-00000805 buses forklifts rechargeable batteries VvlkAj37T68-00003-00000806-00000968 trucks etc with its corporate VvlkAj37T68-00004-00000969-00001220 headquarters in Shenzhen it has two VvlkAj37T68-00005-00001221-00001466 major subsidiaries byd automobile and VvlkAj37T68-00006-00001467-00001655 BYD electronic and was founded in VvlkAj37T68-00007-00001655-00002066 February 1995 PYD has grown to become a VvlkAj37T68-00008-00002067-00002207 major manufacturer of automobiles VvlkAj37T68-00009-00002208-00002483 battery-powered bicycles buses truck VvlkAj37T68-00010-00002484-00002692 forklift rechargeable batteries most VvlkAj37T68-00011-00002693-00002906 notably mobile phone batteries BYD VvlkAj37T68-00012-00002907-00003118 topped the 2010 bloomberg businessweek VvlkAj37T68-00013-00003119-00003308 tech 100 list a list of large VvlkAj37T68-00014-00003309-00003934 fast-growing tech companies VvlkAj37T68-00015-00003935-00004609 topic name the name BYD is an acronym VvlkAj37T68-00016-00004610-00004820 derived from the phrase build your VvlkAj37T68-00017-00004821-00005351 dreams VvlkAj37T68-00018-00005352-00006087 topic history founded in February 1995 VvlkAj37T68-00019-00006088-00006243 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock VvlkAj37T68-00020-00006244-00006609 Exchange on the 31st of July 2002 byd co VvlkAj37T68-00021-00006609-00006777 limited began as a rechargeable battery VvlkAj37T68-00022-00006778-00006987 factory competing in the Chinese market VvlkAj37T68-00023-00006988-00007581 against Japanese imports VvlkAj37T68-00024-00007581-00008230 topic early growth byd grew quickly VvlkAj37T68-00025-00008231-00008419 within 10 years capturing more than half VvlkAj37T68-00026-00008420-00008614 the world's mobile phone battery market VvlkAj37T68-00027-00008615-00008760 and becoming the largest Chinese VvlkAj37T68-00028-00008761-00008968 manufacturer and in the top 4 worldwide VvlkAj37T68-00029-00008969-00009201 of all types of rechargeable batteries VvlkAj37T68-00030-00009202-00009424 replacing work done by machines with VvlkAj37T68-00031-00009425-00009616 cheap local labour lowered costs and the VvlkAj37T68-00032-00009617-00009810 company began expanding beyond batteries VvlkAj37T68-00033-00009811-00009979 adding automobiles and mobile phone VvlkAj37T68-00034-00009980-00010485 components VvlkAj37T68-00035-00010486-00010988 topic automobiles VvlkAj37T68-00036-00010989-00011288 a year after the 2002 acquisition of sin VvlkAj37T68-00037-00011289-00011486 toin order mobile co limited byd VvlkAj37T68-00038-00011487-00011786 automobile co Limited was born one of VvlkAj37T68-00039-00011787-00012020 many Chinese automakers in 2010 it was VvlkAj37T68-00040-00012021-00012196 the sixth largest in terms of sales VvlkAj37T68-00041-00012197-00012449 volume seeking to utilize BYD battery VvlkAj37T68-00042-00012450-00012554 production resources VvlkAj37T68-00043-00012555-00012731 it sells electric cars in addition to VvlkAj37T68-00044-00012732-00013102 gasoline-powered models in late 2017 the VvlkAj37T68-00045-00013103-00013222 premier of the government of Ontario VvlkAj37T68-00046-00013224-00013481 Canada announced that BYD would open a VvlkAj37T68-00047-00013482-00013655 factory in the province to manufacture VvlkAj37T68-00048-00013656-00013877 electric vehicles other sources VvlkAj37T68-00049-00013878-00014051 indicated that the plant could open as VvlkAj37T68-00050-00014052-00014396 early as 2018 BYD already had a small VvlkAj37T68-00051-00014397-00014627 Canadian office in Windsor Ontario at VvlkAj37T68-00052-00014628-00015121 the time VvlkAj37T68-00053-00015122-00015700 topic mobile phone components VvlkAj37T68-00054-00015701-00015930 mobile phone components were added to VvlkAj37T68-00055-00015931-00016186 the BYD product line in the early 2000s VvlkAj37T68-00056-00016187-00016483 but this business byd electronic was VvlkAj37T68-00057-00016484-00017122 spun off in 2007 VvlkAj37T68-00058-00017123-00017783 topic corporate affairs the company has VvlkAj37T68-00059-00017784-00017936 its corporate headquarters in the ping VvlkAj37T68-00060-00017937-00018119 Chang new area in long gang district VvlkAj37T68-00061-00018120-00018395 Shenzhen Guangdong Province its North VvlkAj37T68-00062-00018396-00018548 American headquarters are in downtown VvlkAj37T68-00063-00018549-00018848 Los Angeles and BYD has sales offices in VvlkAj37T68-00064-00018849-00019416 various countries VvlkAj37T68-00065-00019417-00019933 topic innovation VvlkAj37T68-00066-00019934-00020150 the company has been recognized for VvlkAj37T68-00067-00020151-00020350 innovation for example it has developed VvlkAj37T68-00068-00020351-00020525 technologies that allow mobile phone VvlkAj37T68-00069-00020526-00020705 batteries to be made at room temperature VvlkAj37T68-00070-00020706-00020903 rather than inexpensive heated dry rooms VvlkAj37T68-00071-00020904-00021164 in 2010 Businessweek ranked byd the VvlkAj37T68-00072-00021165-00021325 eighth most innovative company in the VvlkAj37T68-00073-00021326-00021485 world and that same year saw Fast VvlkAj37T68-00074-00021486-00021725 Company ranking BYD as the 16th most VvlkAj37T68-00075-00021726-00022006 innovative in 2017 pv magazine has VvlkAj37T68-00076-00022007-00022205 awarded byd the top category of VvlkAj37T68-00077-00022206-00022388 innovation on its newly launched battery VvlkAj37T68-00078-00022389-00022592 storage system that advances progress in VvlkAj37T68-00079-00022593-00022822 three categories modularity charging and VvlkAj37T68-00080-00022823-00023492 discharging capacity and efficiency VvlkAj37T68-00081-00023493-00024138 topic subsidiaries the company has a VvlkAj37T68-00082-00024139-00024345 number of subsidiaries including byd VvlkAj37T68-00083-00024346-00025058 auto the following is an incomplete list VvlkAj37T68-00084-00025059-00025254 topic BYD VvlkAj37T68-00085-00025255-00025968 HK co limited trading in NiCd ni MH & VvlkAj37T68-00086-00025969-00026171 li-ion batteries and related products is VvlkAj37T68-00087-00026172-00026379 a wholly owned subsidiary of BYD co VvlkAj37T68-00088-00026380-00026574 limited that in turn wholly owns golden VvlkAj37T68-00089-00026575-00026850 link worldwide limited golden link VvlkAj37T68-00090-00026851-00027006 worldwide Limited is an investment VvlkAj37T68-00091-00027007-00027183 holding company incorporated in the VvlkAj37T68-00092-00027183-00027429 British Virgin Islands a wholly owned VvlkAj37T68-00093-00027430-00027558 subsidiary of BYD VvlkAj37T68-00094-00027558-00027780 HK co limited itself a wholly owned VvlkAj37T68-00095-00027781-00028092 subsidiary of BYD co limited as of 2007 VvlkAj37T68-00096-00028093-00028350 golden link held nearly 70% issued share VvlkAj37T68-00097-00028351-00028583 capital of BYD electronic international VvlkAj37T68-00098-00028585-00029092 coal imited VvlkAj37T68-00099-00029093-00029471 topic shenzhen BYD electronic parts co VvlkAj37T68-00100-00029472-00030053 limited production and sale of ni MH & VvlkAj37T68-00101-00030054-00030257 NiCd batteries hardware products VvlkAj37T68-00102-00030258-00030557 instruments and flexible printed circuit VvlkAj37T68-00103-00030558-00031176 boards are performed by this subsidiary VvlkAj37T68-00104-00031177-00031564 topic Shinzon BYD micro electronics co VvlkAj37T68-00105-00031564-00031918 limited VvlkAj37T68-00106-00031919-00032230 established in 2002 it is responsible VvlkAj37T68-00107-00032231-00032411 for the design production and sale of VvlkAj37T68-00108-00032412-00032614 ICS for use in the mobile phone industry VvlkAj37T68-00109-00032614-00032879 it is registered as a Sai no foreign VvlkAj37T68-00110-00032880-00033360 joint venture VvlkAj37T68-00111-00033361-00033754 topic Shinzon byd Daimler new technology VvlkAj37T68-00112-00033755-00034099 company VvlkAj37T68-00113-00034100-00034324 a joint venture with German Daimler AG VvlkAj37T68-00114-00034325-00034529 Denzil focuses on producing electric VvlkAj37T68-00115-00034530-00035193 vehicles that is qu the BYD brand name VvlkAj37T68-00116-00035194-00035392 topic BYD VvlkAj37T68-00117-00035393-00035839 electronic co limited VvlkAj37T68-00118-00035840-00036028 an investment holding company VvlkAj37T68-00119-00036029-00036616 incorporated in the Cayman Islands VvlkAj37T68-00120-00036617-00037317 topic byd electronic Hungary Kft VvlkAj37T68-00121-00037318-00037530 originally Mirai Hungary industrial VvlkAj37T68-00122-00037531-00037734 manufacturer limited and responsible for VvlkAj37T68-00123-00037735-00037905 the manufacture and sale of mobile VvlkAj37T68-00124-00037906-00038133 handset components BYD electronic VvlkAj37T68-00125-00038134-00038328 Hungary Kft was purchased from Mirai VvlkAj37T68-00126-00038329-00038508 industry co limited on the 12th of VvlkAj37T68-00127-00038509-00038823 February 2008 prior to the purchase it VvlkAj37T68-00128-00038824-00039457 manufactured handset housings for Nokia VvlkAj37T68-00129-00039458-00039770 topic for shenzhen way high-tech opto VvlkAj37T68-00130-00039771-00040271 electronic material co limited VvlkAj37T68-00131-00040272-00040467 a joint venture with fashion plastic VvlkAj37T68-00132-00040468-00040629 Group Co limited and BYD VvlkAj37T68-00133-00040630-00040914 HK co limited it manufactures material VvlkAj37T68-00134-00040915-00041330 ion exchange membranes topic production VvlkAj37T68-00135-00041331-00041552 bases and facilities byd has many VvlkAj37T68-00136-00041553-00041723 production bases including three VvlkAj37T68-00137-00041724-00041921 locations in Shenzhen one of which is on VvlkAj37T68-00138-00041922-00042158 the self-titled BYD Road simplified VvlkAj37T68-00139-00042159-00042357 Chinese by you dilute traditional VvlkAj37T68-00140-00042358-00042636 Chinese by you dilute pinyin BRD Luo in VvlkAj37T68-00141-00042637-00042795 ping Chang new district blond gang VvlkAj37T68-00142-00042796-00042998 district Shenzhen as well as sites in VvlkAj37T68-00143-00042999-00043211 hua Jiao Xiang XI and Shanghai Auto VvlkAj37T68-00144-00043212-00043415 production bases include an automobile VvlkAj37T68-00145-00043416-00043667 assembly line in Zion a k9 electric bus VvlkAj37T68-00146-00043668-00043886 manufacturing plant in Dalian a module VvlkAj37T68-00147-00043887-00044108 manufacturing plant in Beijing an R&D VvlkAj37T68-00148-00044109-00044327 centre inocent automobile assembly line VvlkAj37T68-00149-00044328-00044526 in Shenzhen and an R&D centre in VvlkAj37T68-00150-00044527-00044754 Shanghai us operations can be found in VvlkAj37T68-00151-00044755-00044939 Elk Grove Village Illinois and San VvlkAj37T68-00152-00044940-00045299 Francisco California BYD also acquired a VvlkAj37T68-00153-00045300-00045458 site for a future North American VvlkAj37T68-00154-00045459-00045662 headquarters in downtown Los Angeles and VvlkAj37T68-00155-00045663-00045848 has built and operates a manufacturing VvlkAj37T68-00156-00045849-00046079 plant in Lancaster California near Los VvlkAj37T68-00157-00046080-00046614 Angeles VvlkAj37T68-00158-00046615-00047281 topic legal disputes BYD was VvlkAj37T68-00159-00047282-00047488 unsuccessfully sued by Sony and Sanyo VvlkAj37T68-00160-00047489-00047764 for patent infringement Foxconn has also VvlkAj37T68-00161-00047765-00047926 brought a suit against the company for VvlkAj37T68-00162-00047927-00048491 the same reason VvlkAj37T68-00163-00048492-00049012 topic in the media VvlkAj37T68-00164-00049013-00049288 in September 2008 MidAmerican Energy VvlkAj37T68-00165-00049289-00049483 Holdings a subsidiary of Warren VvlkAj37T68-00166-00049484-00049630 Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc VvlkAj37T68-00167-00049631-00049801 invested about two hundred and thirty VvlkAj37T68-00168-00049802-00049990 million dollars for a 10 percent or nine VvlkAj37T68-00169-00049991-00050212 point eight nine percent share of byd at VvlkAj37T68-00170-00050213-00050799 $8 per share VvlkAj37T68-00171-00050800-00051735 topic see also BYD auto BYD electronic VvlkAj37T68-00172-00051736-00052264 BYD forklift BYD truck lithium iron VvlkAj37T68-00173-00052265-00052521 phosphate battery VvE5ixxPiCo-00000-00000150-00001008 [Music] VvE5ixxPiCo-00001-00001009-00001358 the discourses of Epictetus book 1 VvE5ixxPiCo-00002-00001359-00001697 chapter 20 our reason contemplates VvE5ixxPiCo-00003-00001698-00002087 itself every art and faculty contemplate VvE5ixxPiCo-00004-00002088-00002392 certain things especially when then it VvE5ixxPiCo-00005-00002393-00002615 is itself of the same kind with the VvE5ixxPiCo-00006-00002616-00002849 objects which it contemplates and must VvE5ixxPiCo-00007-00002850-00003182 of necessity contemplate itself also but VvE5ixxPiCo-00008-00003183-00003461 when it is of an unlike kind it cannot VvE5ixxPiCo-00009-00003461-00003761 come to place itself for instance the VvE5ixxPiCo-00010-00003761-00004043 shoemaker's art is employed on skins but VvE5ixxPiCo-00011-00004044-00004261 itself is entirely distinct from the VvE5ixxPiCo-00012-00004262-00004535 material of skins for this reason it VvE5ixxPiCo-00013-00004536-00004831 does not contemplate itself again the VvE5ixxPiCo-00014-00004832-00005056 grammarians art is employed about VvE5ixxPiCo-00015-00005057-00005363 articulate speech is then the art also VvE5ixxPiCo-00016-00005364-00005735 articulate speech by no means for this VvE5ixxPiCo-00017-00005736-00005915 reason it is not able to contemplate VvE5ixxPiCo-00018-00005916-00006209 itself now reason for what purpose has VvE5ixxPiCo-00019-00006210-00006448 it been given by nature for the right VvE5ixxPiCo-00020-00006450-00006589 use of appearances VvE5ixxPiCo-00021-00006590-00006853 what is it Denis self a system VvE5ixxPiCo-00022-00006854-00007156 combination of certain appearances so by VvE5ixxPiCo-00023-00007158-00007309 its nature it has a Faculty of VvE5ixxPiCo-00024-00007311-00007613 contemplating yourself also again sound VvE5ixxPiCo-00025-00007614-00007838 sense for the contemplation of what VvE5ixxPiCo-00026-00007839-00008071 things does it belong to us good and VvE5ixxPiCo-00027-00008072-00008389 evil and things which are neither what VvE5ixxPiCo-00028-00008390-00008708 is the den itself good and want of sense VvE5ixxPiCo-00029-00008709-00008819 what is it VvE5ixxPiCo-00030-00008820-00009128 evil do you see then that good sense VvE5ixxPiCo-00031-00009129-00009353 necessarily contemplates both itself and VvE5ixxPiCo-00032-00009354-00009605 the opposite for this reason it is VvE5ixxPiCo-00033-00009606-00009796 achieved in the first work of a VvE5ixxPiCo-00034-00009797-00010001 philosopher to examine appearances and VvE5ixxPiCo-00035-00010002-00010244 to distinguish them and to admit none VvE5ixxPiCo-00036-00010245-00010376 without examination VvE5ixxPiCo-00037-00010377-00010628 you see even in the matter of coin in VvE5ixxPiCo-00038-00010629-00010817 which our interest appears to be VvE5ixxPiCo-00039-00010818-00011087 somewhat concern how we have invented an VvE5ixxPiCo-00040-00011088-00011408 art and how many means the assayer uses VvE5ixxPiCo-00041-00011409-00011710 to try the value of coin decide the VvE5ixxPiCo-00042-00011711-00012059 touch to smell and lastly the herring he VvE5ixxPiCo-00043-00012060-00012266 throws a coin down and observes the VvE5ixxPiCo-00044-00012267-00012473 sound and he is not content with his VvE5ixxPiCo-00045-00012474-00012706 sounding once but through this great VvE5ixxPiCo-00046-00012707-00012991 attention he becomes a musician in like VvE5ixxPiCo-00047-00012992-00013166 manner where we think that to be VvE5ixxPiCo-00048-00013166-00013379 mistaken and not to be mistaken VvE5ixxPiCo-00049-00013380-00013610 makes a great difference there we apply VvE5ixxPiCo-00050-00013611-00013802 great attention to discovering these VvE5ixxPiCo-00051-00013803-00014057 things which can deceive but in the VvE5ixxPiCo-00052-00014058-00014291 matter of our miserable ruling faculty VvE5ixxPiCo-00053-00014291-00014525 yawning and sleeping sleeping we VvE5ixxPiCo-00054-00014526-00014765 carelessly omit every appearance for the VvE5ixxPiCo-00055-00014766-00015050 harm is not notice when then you would VvE5ixxPiCo-00056-00015051-00015257 know how careless you are with respect VvE5ixxPiCo-00057-00015258-00015527 to good and evil and how active with VvE5ixxPiCo-00058-00015528-00015674 respect to things which are indifferent VvE5ixxPiCo-00059-00015675-00015953 knives are gonna evil observe how you VvE5ixxPiCo-00060-00015954-00016147 were feel it with respect to being VvE5ixxPiCo-00061-00016149-00016349 deprived of the sight of the eyes and VvE5ixxPiCo-00062-00016350-00016592 how forth respect to being deceived and VvE5ixxPiCo-00063-00016593-00016829 you will discover that you are far from VvE5ixxPiCo-00064-00016830-00017063 feeling as you ought to do in relation VvE5ixxPiCo-00065-00017064-00017354 to good and evil but this is a matter VvE5ixxPiCo-00066-00017355-00017627 which requires much preparation and much VvE5ixxPiCo-00067-00017628-00017897 labour and study well then do you expect VvE5ixxPiCo-00068-00017898-00018110 to require the greatest of ours with VvE5ixxPiCo-00069-00018111-00018374 small labour and yet the chief doctrine VvE5ixxPiCo-00070-00018375-00018650 of philosophers is very brief if you VvE5ixxPiCo-00071-00018651-00018872 would know read xenos writings and you VvE5ixxPiCo-00072-00018873-00019127 will see for how few worries it requires VvE5ixxPiCo-00073-00019128-00019358 to say that man is n or object is to VvE5ixxPiCo-00074-00019359-00019571 follow the gasps and that the nature of VvE5ixxPiCo-00075-00019572-00019916 good is a proper use of appearances but VvE5ixxPiCo-00076-00019917-00020102 if you say what is God what is VvE5ixxPiCo-00077-00020103-00020312 appearance and what is particular and VvE5ixxPiCo-00078-00020313-00020561 what is universal nature then indeed VvE5ixxPiCo-00079-00020562-00020843 many words are necessary if then VvE5ixxPiCo-00080-00020844-00021038 Epicurus should come and say that the VvE5ixxPiCo-00081-00021039-00021299 good must be in the body in this case VvE5ixxPiCo-00082-00021300-00021575 also how many words become necessary and VvE5ixxPiCo-00083-00021576-00021743 we must be taught what is the leading VvE5ixxPiCo-00084-00021744-00022007 principle in us and the fundamental in VvE5ixxPiCo-00085-00022008-00022250 the substantial as it is not probable VvE5ixxPiCo-00086-00022251-00022444 that the good of a snail is in the shell VvE5ixxPiCo-00087-00022445-00022700 is a probable that the good of the man VvE5ixxPiCo-00088-00022701-00022952 is in the body but you yourself VvE5ixxPiCo-00089-00022953-00023165 Epicurus possess something better than VvE5ixxPiCo-00090-00023166-00023393 this what is that in you which VvE5ixxPiCo-00091-00023394-00023621 deliveries what is that which examines VvE5ixxPiCo-00092-00023622-00023843 everything what is that which forms a VvE5ixxPiCo-00093-00023844-00024071 judgment about the body itself that is VvE5ixxPiCo-00094-00024072-00024353 the principle part and why do you light VvE5ixxPiCo-00095-00024354-00024572 your lamp and labor for us and write so VvE5ixxPiCo-00096-00024573-00024791 many books is it that we may not be VvE5ixxPiCo-00097-00024792-00024997 ignorant of the truth who we are and VvE5ixxPiCo-00098-00024998-00025289 what we are with respect to you Duster VvE5ixxPiCo-00099-00025290-00026326 discussion requires many words VvE5ixxPiCo-00100-00026327-00026533 you VyMO0GHSYyg-00000-00000024-00000223 hi my name is sami i'm from oshkosh VyMO0GHSYyg-00001-00000224-00000415 wisconsin and this will be my first year VyMO0GHSYyg-00002-00000416-00000599 serving with the culture project i VyMO0GHSYyg-00003-00000600-00000774 joined this mission because i truly VyMO0GHSYyg-00004-00000775-00000975 believe that there is no greater need VyMO0GHSYyg-00005-00000976-00001215 than for young people in our society to VyMO0GHSYyg-00006-00001216-00001423 truly understand and believe in their VyMO0GHSYyg-00007-00001424-00001655 identity in christ it is absolutely a VyMO0GHSYyg-00008-00001655-00001807 message that i wish i could have heard VyMO0GHSYyg-00009-00001807-00001982 when i was in high school VyMO0GHSYyg-00010-00001984-00002207 but i'm so grateful now that i am able VyMO0GHSYyg-00011-00002208-00002463 to bring this message and this mission VyMO0GHSYyg-00012-00002464-00002742 to the young people in the high schools VyMO0GHSYyg-00013-00002743-00002958 that we're going to serve and eventually VyMO0GHSYyg-00014-00002959-00003142 this mission can reach young people all VyMO0GHSYyg-00015-00003143-00003476 over the world VyUmV5G5Tlk-00000-00000097-00002332 [Music] VyUmV5G5Tlk-00001-00002333-00002551 all right hey folks this video is VyUmV5G5Tlk-00002-00002552-00002729 sponsored by sportsmen guide so we give VyUmV5G5Tlk-00003-00002730-00002900 them a good shout out we show you their VyUmV5G5Tlk-00004-00002901-00003043 cool guy website which has got VyUmV5G5Tlk-00005-00003044-00003229 ammunition it's got blasters VyUmV5G5Tlk-00006-00003230-00003436 it's got hunting accessories gear VyUmV5G5Tlk-00007-00003438-00003715 military surplus all that jazz which is VyUmV5G5Tlk-00008-00003717-00003872 all super cool so go ahead and check VyUmV5G5Tlk-00009-00003872-00004081 them out and use my code for a discount VyUmV5G5Tlk-00010-00004082-00004270 let's roll the video here we go VyUmV5G5Tlk-00011-00004271-00004469 all right hey folks welcome back we're VyUmV5G5Tlk-00012-00004470-00004601 talking about how to set up your sling VyUmV5G5Tlk-00013-00004602-00004795 on your rifle if you set up a sling VyUmV5G5Tlk-00014-00004796-00005006 correctly your rifle is really gonna VyUmV5G5Tlk-00015-00005007-00005183 work for you the point of a sling is to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00016-00005184-00005390 hold it close to your body so that you VyUmV5G5Tlk-00017-00005391-00005579 don't have to have hands on I can work VyUmV5G5Tlk-00018-00005580-00005786 right here and be able to walk without VyUmV5G5Tlk-00019-00005787-00006008 my rifle slapping me in the knees and VyUmV5G5Tlk-00020-00006009-00006256 then the junk that's zero fun if you VyUmV5G5Tlk-00021-00006257-00006338 don't believe it VyUmV5G5Tlk-00022-00006339-00006520 just try it so a lot of single-point VyUmV5G5Tlk-00023-00006522-00006728 slings I despise because they were just VyUmV5G5Tlk-00024-00006729-00007025 designed by a feminist to hit you in the VyUmV5G5Tlk-00025-00007026-00007285 junk because they yeah anyway party on VyUmV5G5Tlk-00026-00007286-00007492 so two points sling is the way to go you VyUmV5G5Tlk-00027-00007493-00007645 don't want a bunch of excess and you VyUmV5G5Tlk-00028-00007647-00007817 also want one of these pull tabs right VyUmV5G5Tlk-00029-00007818-00008012 here that allows you to quickly loosen VyUmV5G5Tlk-00030-00008013-00008288 your sling and tighten your sling having VyUmV5G5Tlk-00031-00008289-00008516 the having the gun tight to you allows VyUmV5G5Tlk-00032-00008517-00008645 you to be able to work and if you wanted VyUmV5G5Tlk-00033-00008646-00008849 even closer you can flip your rifle over VyUmV5G5Tlk-00034-00008850-00009020 like this so it's even tighter so now I VyUmV5G5Tlk-00035-00009021-00009227 can work with my hands go hands on VyUmV5G5Tlk-00036-00009228-00009367 anything that I need to do and if I want VyUmV5G5Tlk-00037-00009368-00009623 even more flexibility I can pull my VyUmV5G5Tlk-00038-00009624-00009776 rifle over to one side and I can even VyUmV5G5Tlk-00039-00009777-00010024 run if I need to or transition to pistol VyUmV5G5Tlk-00040-00010025-00010378 do whatever I need to right furthermore VyUmV5G5Tlk-00041-00010379-00010660 when your rifle is properly put in the VyUmV5G5Tlk-00042-00010661-00010805 right position you can see where my VyUmV5G5Tlk-00043-00010806-00011045 rifle is just hanging the buttstock is VyUmV5G5Tlk-00044-00011046-00011210 already right next to the pocket of my VyUmV5G5Tlk-00045-00011211-00011324 shoulder and you're gonna think this is VyUmV5G5Tlk-00046-00011325-00011563 so cool because if all of a sudden I'm VyUmV5G5Tlk-00047-00011564-00011705 kind of like hanging out hey I'm VyUmV5G5Tlk-00048-00011706-00011873 chilling and all this wood oh no threat VyUmV5G5Tlk-00049-00011874-00012137 with one hand I can just pull my rifle VyUmV5G5Tlk-00050-00012138-00012349 up and watch what happens to this stop VyUmV5G5Tlk-00051-00012350-00012551 it's in the pocket of my shoulder VyUmV5G5Tlk-00052-00012552-00012785 already it's already right there which VyUmV5G5Tlk-00053-00012786-00013043 is super cool to be able to really VyUmV5G5Tlk-00054-00013044-00013294 quickly get on taro right there and so I VyUmV5G5Tlk-00055-00013295-00013376 don't have to ream VyUmV5G5Tlk-00056-00013377-00013532 mounted every time because it's already VyUmV5G5Tlk-00057-00013533-00013703 chilling in the pocket of my shoulder VyUmV5G5Tlk-00058-00013704-00013859 and that's awesome you'll want to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00059-00013860-00014036 tighten down your sling so when we're VyUmV5G5Tlk-00060-00014037-00014225 talking about sling length you want it VyUmV5G5Tlk-00061-00014226-00014561 as tight as you can get it to bring your VyUmV5G5Tlk-00062-00014562-00014702 gun close to your body while you can VyUmV5G5Tlk-00063-00014703-00014944 still pick your gun up and get a sight VyUmV5G5Tlk-00064-00014946-00015083 picture and when I do this this is VyUmV5G5Tlk-00065-00015084-00015287 pretty tight like almost like a guitar VyUmV5G5Tlk-00066-00015288-00015554 string right here so this isn't ideally VyUmV5G5Tlk-00067-00015555-00015701 how I want to fight this is for stowing VyUmV5G5Tlk-00068-00015702-00015965 rifle and if I feel like hey man I may VyUmV5G5Tlk-00069-00015966-00016133 have to get it on something doesn't feel VyUmV5G5Tlk-00070-00016134-00016271 right and I can go ahead and pull this VyUmV5G5Tlk-00071-00016272-00016526 tab loosen this up a little bit and I VyUmV5G5Tlk-00072-00016527-00016697 can have some room so that if I got down VyUmV5G5Tlk-00073-00016698-00016931 in the prone my rifle wouldn't be stuck VyUmV5G5Tlk-00074-00016932-00017093 up under me because the sling is too VyUmV5G5Tlk-00075-00017094-00017324 tight so right here this is how you be VyUmV5G5Tlk-00076-00017325-00017513 able to run and gun a little bit more VyUmV5G5Tlk-00077-00017514-00017762 but if I know for a fact of like dude so VyUmV5G5Tlk-00078-00017763-00017990 we're about to dance swim out of that VyUmV5G5Tlk-00079-00017991-00018116 sling and this is how you want to be VyUmV5G5Tlk-00080-00018117-00018299 able to do if you're all the way in your VyUmV5G5Tlk-00081-00018300-00018458 sling you can't even transition VyUmV5G5Tlk-00082-00018459-00018608 shoulders you can't do a lot of stuff VyUmV5G5Tlk-00083-00018609-00018829 and working around obstacles and VyUmV5G5Tlk-00084-00018830-00019118 different stuff like that it's real real VyUmV5G5Tlk-00085-00019119-00019244 and pertinent so you want to be able to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00086-00019245-00019394 swim out of your sling and now you'll be VyUmV5G5Tlk-00087-00019395-00019595 able to do those sexy shoulder VyUmV5G5Tlk-00088-00019596-00019811 transitions and a whole bunch of other VyUmV5G5Tlk-00089-00019812-00020108 retentions and kick back out all kinds VyUmV5G5Tlk-00090-00020109-00020273 of joy like that so anyway you got to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00091-00020274-00020453 set your slings up right for quick VyUmV5G5Tlk-00092-00020454-00020669 mounting of the rifle for being able to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00093-00020670-00020888 easily stow it so that you can work with VyUmV5G5Tlk-00094-00020889-00021098 your hands go hands on you can still VyUmV5G5Tlk-00095-00021099-00021377 mount your rifle and yeah there you go VyUmV5G5Tlk-00096-00021378-00021560 if you're interested in the sling like VyUmV5G5Tlk-00097-00021561-00021737 this and you need a good pull tab I'll VyUmV5G5Tlk-00098-00021738-00021905 have a link below with a bunch of VyUmV5G5Tlk-00099-00021906-00022085 different options and the very first one VyUmV5G5Tlk-00100-00022086-00022232 I'll include is this one it's the blue VyUmV5G5Tlk-00101-00022233-00022394 force gear Vickers sling and it's really VyUmV5G5Tlk-00102-00022395-00022442 awesome VyUmV5G5Tlk-00103-00022443-00022601 there's some other really good ones as VyUmV5G5Tlk-00104-00022602-00022766 well I'll include those below in the VyUmV5G5Tlk-00105-00022767-00022931 description for you so that you ensure VyUmV5G5Tlk-00106-00022932-00023219 you get the right thing as for one last VyUmV5G5Tlk-00107-00023220-00023483 thing you also don't want the sling to VyUmV5G5Tlk-00108-00023484-00023660 wrap around the back of the buttstock so VyUmV5G5Tlk-00109-00023661-00023872 it's not rubbing on your shoulder and VyUmV5G5Tlk-00110-00023873-00024191 compromising that good shouldering of VyUmV5G5Tlk-00111-00024192-00024380 the rifle otherwise with buckles or VyUmV5G5Tlk-00112-00024381-00024665 snaps or even a sling rolling over the VyUmV5G5Tlk-00113-00024666-00024968 outside it slides around it digs in its VyUmV5G5Tlk-00114-00024969-00025280 really bad bad juju also going around VyUmV5G5Tlk-00115-00025281-00025484 the buffer spring it's not ideal as well VyUmV5G5Tlk-00116-00025485-00025682 if you're trying to get a good cheek VyUmV5G5Tlk-00117-00025683-00025894 weld it can compromise that as well so I VyUmV5G5Tlk-00118-00025895-00026089 like to be able to run it somewhere down VyUmV5G5Tlk-00119-00026091-00026527 around here or around here here's VyUmV5G5Tlk-00120-00026529-00026770 another blaster right here and this one VyUmV5G5Tlk-00121-00026772-00026948 and most of my rifles have this VyUmV5G5Tlk-00122-00026949-00027191 configuration has a little QD detach VyUmV5G5Tlk-00123-00027192-00027383 I'll have links below for this as well VyUmV5G5Tlk-00124-00027383-00027575 but if your rifle comes with a little VyUmV5G5Tlk-00125-00027576-00027683 circle right there in the buttstock VyUmV5G5Tlk-00126-00027683-00027933 that's really good so on the outside VyUmV5G5Tlk-00127-00027935-00028270 you'll put it right there and that will VyUmV5G5Tlk-00128-00028272-00028607 allow you to sling your rifle and all VyUmV5G5Tlk-00129-00028608-00028799 this stuff is free and clear from your VyUmV5G5Tlk-00130-00028800-00028925 shoulder so when you come up into your VyUmV5G5Tlk-00131-00028926-00029144 shoulder none of that stuff's getting in VyUmV5G5Tlk-00132-00029145-00029458 the way right for the shouldering of the VyUmV5G5Tlk-00133-00029460-00029681 rifle so pretty good stuff right there VyUmV5G5Tlk-00134-00029682-00030062 this one is a VTAC sling I'm sorry yeah VyUmV5G5Tlk-00135-00030063-00030161 v-tach VyUmV5G5Tlk-00136-00030162-00030380 Baikal lamp so these are really cool too VyUmV5G5Tlk-00137-00030381-00030679 I'll provide a link below for you guys VyUmV5G5Tlk-00138-00030680-00030794 anyway VyUmV5G5Tlk-00139-00030795-00031058 train hard train smart get good gear I VyUmV5G5Tlk-00140-00031058-00031436 know there you go and that is the video VyUmV5G5Tlk-00141-00031437-00031613 thanks so much for tuning and everyone VyUmV5G5Tlk-00142-00031614-00031817 remember to subscribe a comment VyUmV5G5Tlk-00143-00031818-00032095 like all that stuff is fantastic Thank VyUmV5G5Tlk-00144-00032097-00032276 You sportsmen guide for sponsoring this VyUmV5G5Tlk-00145-00032277-00032468 video and everyone out there train hard VyUmV5G5Tlk-00146-00032469-00032825 train smart and we'll see you next time V_qU75aYODk-00000-00000000-00000262 look at me I pipes that are making me V_qU75aYODk-00001-00000263-00000936 hey guys welcome back and I am in paw V_qU75aYODk-00002-00000938-00001337 trends um if you hear background noise V_qU75aYODk-00003-00001338-00001702 that's either my friend uh on teamspeak V_qU75aYODk-00004-00001703-00002009 she is also questing in central Gondor V_qU75aYODk-00005-00002010-00002551 getting her quest points and so she but V_qU75aYODk-00006-00002552-00002917 yeah its core so she can do warband now V_qU75aYODk-00007-00002918-00003085 for what it's called the or bands but um V_qU75aYODk-00008-00003086-00003281 roving threats over there because V_qU75aYODk-00009-00003282-00003445 basically to be able to do roving V_qU75aYODk-00010-00003446-00003560 threats over there you have to finish V_qU75aYODk-00011-00003561-00003845 the quest in central Gondor but I'm V_qU75aYODk-00012-00003846-00004010 still here in tarrant I'm actually V_qU75aYODk-00013-00004011-00004241 supposed to use a rep accelerator to get V_qU75aYODk-00014-00004242-00004456 rep with dulla me off so I can craft V_qU75aYODk-00015-00004457-00004976 crap but I don't have any on this so V_qU75aYODk-00016-00004977-00005513 whatever and if you notice my jumpin V_qU75aYODk-00017-00005514-00005909 level is because I have been on the side V_qU75aYODk-00018-00005910-00006377 doing roving threats so that's why my V_qU75aYODk-00019-00006378-00006664 level is like that now and that's just V_qU75aYODk-00020-00006665-00006910 through roving threats ding a given V_qU75aYODk-00021-00006911-00007209 level rolling thread so now I finished V_qU75aYODk-00022-00007211-00007427 Tehran turn the end so now I guess V_qU75aYODk-00023-00007428-00007723 that's it Wow okay so travel to us lon V_qU75aYODk-00024-00007725-00007901 tier and speak with gun or where the V_qU75aYODk-00025-00007902-00008296 heck is Auslan whatever ok next town an V_qU75aYODk-00026-00008297-00008732 area where there is no stable so V_qU75aYODk-00027-00008733-00008914 basically it's another area that have to V_qU75aYODk-00028-00008915-00009089 rush and see these pigs these are the V_qU75aYODk-00029-00009090-00009323 pigs I prefer to have instead of the V_qU75aYODk-00030-00009324-00009764 ones they um they have an V_qU75aYODk-00031-00009765-00010317 whatever that area is V_qU75aYODk-00032-00010318-00010588 so after right there i did get myself a V_qU75aYODk-00033-00010589-00010777 goat i think it was like 30 gold or V_qU75aYODk-00034-00010778-00011937 something writing to us lawns here V_qU75aYODk-00035-00011938-00012660 so I am now here at us lawns here and I V_qU75aYODk-00036-00012661-00013085 don't you remember this challenge oh I V_qU75aYODk-00037-00013086-00013338 got something I am wanderer I guess V_qU75aYODk-00038-00013338-00013616 that's it so I gained something for I V_qU75aYODk-00039-00013616-00013971 don't know prosperity of West Condor to V_qU75aYODk-00040-00013972-00014133 exploration they take a file turbine V_qU75aYODk-00041-00014134-00014550 points or whatever finish nail and V_qU75aYODk-00042-00014551-00014891 accept the quest you have come out of 4 V_qU75aYODk-00043-00014891-00015315 22 22 whatever except talk to these V_qU75aYODk-00044-00015316-00015987 three people okay so I talked to this V_qU75aYODk-00045-00015988-00016316 guy V_qU75aYODk-00046-00016318-00017546 search over local west uh-huh V_qU75aYODk-00047-00017547-00017780 and increase the volume because I was V_qU75aYODk-00048-00017781-00018369 like I didn't hear anything so whatever V_qU75aYODk-00049-00018370-00018808 and get a horse V_qU75aYODk-00050-00018809-00019066 I and I'm missing something I guess I'm V_qU75aYODk-00051-00019067-00019402 supposed to go over here because I see V_qU75aYODk-00052-00019403-00019615 the ring on my mini map to go over here V_qU75aYODk-00053-00019616-00020071 to do something you do not see anything V_qU75aYODk-00054-00020072-00020269 unusual hero I guess that one is a V_qU75aYODk-00055-00020270-00020730 explore Chuck and I'm not supposed to go V_qU75aYODk-00056-00020731-00021085 talk to someone at the or check the V_qU75aYODk-00057-00021086-00021378 Overlook so which is outside I think if V_qU75aYODk-00058-00021379-00021700 outside i'm gonna go to see the beacon V_qU75aYODk-00059-00021701-00021892 first which oh whoa what is the ring V_qU75aYODk-00060-00021893-00022703 over here V_qU75aYODk-00061-00022704-00022913 what am I supposed to do here click mugs V_qU75aYODk-00062-00022914-00023405 or the Mozart for NAS Nasser Nessa so V_qU75aYODk-00063-00023406-00023605 the mugs I don't know is always remember V_qU75aYODk-00064-00023606-00024446 our in here Hey look okay oh cool so I V_qU75aYODk-00065-00024447-00025036 am in land rovol still um I have been V_qU75aYODk-00066-00025037-00025467 doing lots of dome of stars with my RK i V_qU75aYODk-00067-00025468-00026043 have done ruined city on my guard but I V_qU75aYODk-00068-00026044-00026462 don't really know enough people to be V_qU75aYODk-00069-00026463-00026814 going crazy non-stop farming on RC V_qU75aYODk-00070-00026816-00027101 because and also it's boring us crap V_qU75aYODk-00071-00027102-00027274 because I've done it already in V_qU75aYODk-00072-00027275-00027670 brandywine so I'm not really too V_qU75aYODk-00073-00027672-00028099 motivated on doing that however I do V_qU75aYODk-00074-00028100-00028402 want to gear up all the candy boo next V_qU75aYODk-00075-00028402-00028765 May RK is done basically uh then there's V_qU75aYODk-00076-00028766-00029018 now a five keep five slotted arm which I V_qU75aYODk-00077-00029019-00029248 don't think she actually requires it V_qU75aYODk-00078-00029249-00029576 it's mostly just look at me I pipes that V_qU75aYODk-00079-00029577-00029954 are making me I have a mic my guard is V_qU75aYODk-00080-00029955-00030212 fully five armor one might suppose over V_qU75aYODk-00081-00030213-00030545 here but my RK I don't think it's needed V_qU75aYODk-00082-00030545-00031027 um she has 25k morale and becomes 30km V_qU75aYODk-00083-00031028-00031321 morale when she has a there's a captain V_qU75aYODk-00084-00031322-00031499 in the group so I personally don't think V_qU75aYODk-00085-00031500-00031829 it's needed and why is there a ring up V_qU75aYODk-00086-00031830-00032049 here V_qU75aYODk-00087-00032050-00032388 but on candy blue my minstrels I might V_qU75aYODk-00088-00032389-00032664 have all five slot armor because when V_qU75aYODk-00089-00032664-00033126 I'm healing I don't want to die or I V_qU75aYODk-00090-00033127-00033288 don't know because I really haven't V_qU75aYODk-00091-00033289-00033891 healed um something like the most stars V_qU75aYODk-00092-00033892-00034490 I guess like I said in a year so yeah V_qU75aYODk-00093-00034491-00034731 what the heck I'm supposed to look look V_qU75aYODk-00094-00034732-00035381 look look look so annoying V_qU75aYODk-00095-00035382-00035834 I'm gonna walk really slow up there talk V_qU75aYODk-00096-00035835-00036799 to Bora dan look and the north V_qU75aYODk-00097-00036800-00037176 okay that's adla hon over the cool so V_qU75aYODk-00098-00037177-00037337 apparently i know i'm probably gonna end V_qU75aYODk-00099-00037338-00037695 up going over there so that's done now V_qU75aYODk-00100-00037696-00038385 i'm gonna go finish something horsey and V_qU75aYODk-00101-00038386-00038523 i'm supposed to go to go to the ring V_qU75aYODk-00102-00038524-00038946 over there search the Overlook at the V_qU75aYODk-00103-00038947-00039437 west of us lunch here okay but what's V_qU75aYODk-00104-00039438-00040449 this ring over here V_qU75aYODk-00105-00040450-00040644 I don't even know what I where I am at V_qU75aYODk-00106-00040645-00040824 the book but whenever I'm just gonna try V_qU75aYODk-00107-00040825-00041232 to get this V_qU75aYODk-00108-00041233-00041701 talk to where is it V_qU75aYODk-00109-00041702-00042058 oh I guess that was another search so I V_qU75aYODk-00110-00042059-00042274 did a difficult back to town so V_qU75aYODk-00111-00042275-00042427 apparently this whole thing's all about V_qU75aYODk-00112-00042428-00042818 just checking the area around this V_qU75aYODk-00113-00042819-00043636 village little town V_qU75aYODk-00114-00043637-00043900 draw the like little water towns or V_qU75aYODk-00115-00043901-00044190 whatever so now i'm going back to town V_qU75aYODk-00116-00044191-00044482 and turning these and pretty easy quest V_qU75aYODk-00117-00044483-00044758 just check this and that i do you have V_qU75aYODk-00118-00044759-00045106 to kill anything I just basically V_qU75aYODk-00119-00045107-00045358 observed so talk to this guy examined V_qU75aYODk-00120-00045359-00045985 the haystack yeah yeah yeah all I have V_qU75aYODk-00121-00045986-00046525 left and right click orders oak this V_qU75aYODk-00122-00046526-00046705 will be an annoying quest because the V_qU75aYODk-00123-00046706-00047032 spies are invisible so got to question V_qU75aYODk-00124-00047033-00047326 this guy and the course our spies will V_qU75aYODk-00125-00047327-00047661 be very annoying so I'll have to do that V_qU75aYODk-00126-00047662-00048085 probably next time but I know basically V_qU75aYODk-00127-00048086-00048270 that you have to walk really slow near V_qU75aYODk-00128-00048271-00048487 bushes and trees and usually they're V_qU75aYODk-00129-00048488-00048820 there you're a child they're hiding in V_qU75aYODk-00130-00048821-00049335 their hilarious V_qU75aYODk-00131-00049336-00049946 yeah yeah so basically yeah that's it V_qU75aYODk-00132-00049947-00050232 for this episode and that was a pretty V_qU75aYODk-00133-00050233-00050570 easy to quest and I will see you guys V_qU75aYODk-00134-00050571-00050742 next time so thanks for watching V_qU75aYODk-00135-00050743-00051200 subscribe share leave a comment follow V_qU75aYODk-00136-00051201-00051348 me on twitter if you want i do have V_qU75aYODk-00137-00051349-00051525 twitch as well it's all in the video V_qU75aYODk-00138-00051526-00051719 detail will check that out thanks guys V_qU75aYODk-00139-00051720-00051953 take care VBuFIH-vONy-00000-00000048-00000247 hello world lock picking dev here today VBuFIH-vONy-00001-00000248-00000847 i have a master number 530. VBuFIH-vONy-00002-00000848-00001007 what's up folks oh there we go master VBuFIH-vONy-00003-00001008-00001278 number 530 it has four pins VBuFIH-vONy-00004-00001279-00001591 it is as you can see repeatable and VBuFIH-vONy-00005-00001592-00001759 typically comes with VBuFIH-vONy-00006-00001760-00002118 no security pins in it let's uh VBuFIH-vONy-00007-00002119-00002239 go ahead and see if we can open this up VBuFIH-vONy-00008-00002240-00002350 real quick and i'll show you where i'm VBuFIH-vONy-00009-00002351-00002855 at VBuFIH-vONy-00010-00002856-00004215 i think to click out four VBuFIH-vONy-00011-00004216-00004551 oh we do VBuFIH-vONy-00012-00004552-00004735 in a really awkward position and i'll VBuFIH-vONy-00013-00004736-00004879 show you VBuFIH-vONy-00014-00004880-00005375 a picture VBuFIH-vONy-00015-00005376-00006351 here's four three VBuFIH-vONy-00016-00006352-00006759 one there we go and as you can see we VBuFIH-vONy-00017-00006759-00007055 have an open VBuFIH-vONy-00018-00007056-00007423 there we are that's a master 530 VBuFIH-vONy-00019-00007423-00007831 there it is here's the key VBuFIH-vONy-00020-00007831-00008087 i will go home and gut it for you in the VBuFIH-vONy-00021-00008088-00008223 meantime VBuFIH-vONy-00022-00008224-00008527 i am at spray falls at rainier national VBuFIH-vONy-00023-00008528-00008623 park VBuFIH-vONy-00024-00008624-00008846 see a nice big beautiful water fall in VBuFIH-vONy-00025-00008847-00008942 front of me VBuFIH-vONy-00026-00008943-00009119 and the beautiful rainbow that it's VBuFIH-vONy-00027-00009120-00009414 creating at the base of it VBuFIH-vONy-00028-00009415-00009663 let me stand up here please excuse any VBuFIH-vONy-00029-00009664-00009767 shakiness VBuFIH-vONy-00030-00009768-00010071 i'm on top of really VBuFIH-vONy-00031-00010072-00010527 sketchy position here there we go VBuFIH-vONy-00032-00010528-00012206 it's huge gorgeous VBuFIH-vONy-00033-00012207-00012542 and that way keeps going VBuFIH-vONy-00034-00012543-00012830 my gopro is another waterfall over that VBuFIH-vONy-00035-00012831-00013135 way somewhere VBuFIH-vONy-00036-00013136-00013311 so i'm gonna go try to fish that out VBuFIH-vONy-00037-00013312-00013527 here in a second VBuFIH-vONy-00038-00013528-00013919 it's ruined either way the first video i VBuFIH-vONy-00039-00013919-00013951 shot VBuFIH-vONy-00040-00013952-00014222 picking the slack here was on it so this VBuFIH-vONy-00041-00014223-00014415 is actually my second time back today VBuFIH-vONy-00042-00014416-00014727 to make sure we got it but anyway yeah VBuFIH-vONy-00043-00014728-00014855 this is spray falls VBuFIH-vONy-00044-00014856-00015150 at mount rainier national park and i VBuFIH-vONy-00045-00015151-00015463 will be home soon to get it for you VBuFIH-vONy-00046-00015463-00015607 all right we're back so let's go ahead VBuFIH-vONy-00047-00015608-00015766 and get in VBuFIH-vONy-00048-00015768-00017066 see just picked VBuFIH-vONy-00049-00017067-00018047 [Music] VBuFIH-vONy-00050-00018048-00018311 [Music] VBuFIH-vONy-00051-00018312-00018655 four pin core this is a VBuFIH-vONy-00052-00018656-00019007 crimped core so again i've did a video VBuFIH-vONy-00053-00019008-00019230 on crimped cores you gotta VBuFIH-vONy-00054-00019231-00019583 um you have to line the bottom of the VBuFIH-vONy-00055-00019584-00019967 uh keyway here with the crimp there VBuFIH-vONy-00056-00019968-00020575 so to do that we want to go about this VBuFIH-vONy-00057-00020576-00021550 i'll do it this way VBuFIH-vONy-00058-00021551-00022303 there we go VBuFIH-vONy-00059-00022304-00022711 there goes now VBuFIH-vONy-00060-00022712-00023719 now that can come out VBuFIH-vONy-00061-00023720-00024030 oh yeah i forgot my VBuFIH-vONy-00062-00024031-00024239 followers a little bit it doesn't quite VBuFIH-vONy-00063-00024240-00024422 fit so we have to use VBuFIH-vONy-00064-00024423-00024871 cardboard one that'll perform to it VBuFIH-vONy-00065-00024872-00025055 there is looks like it didn't work out VBuFIH-vONy-00066-00025056-00025191 too well so some of the top ends came VBuFIH-vONy-00067-00025192-00025358 out so i'll just VBuFIH-vONy-00068-00025359-00025783 pull this out so here we are here's all VBuFIH-vONy-00069-00025783-00026055 the top pins they flew everywhere VBuFIH-vONy-00070-00026056-00026502 they call standard VBuFIH-vONy-00071-00026504-00027023 bottom pins VBuFIH-vONy-00072-00027024-00028407 standard should be VBuFIH-vONy-00073-00028408-00028758 this last one there VBuFIH-vONy-00074-00028760-00029511 there we go VBuFIH-vONy-00075-00029512-00029887 so yeah see nothing too special there VBuFIH-vONy-00076-00029888-00030207 and there's our key for it all right VBuFIH-vONy-00077-00030208-00030439 everyone that was the VBuFIH-vONy-00078-00030439-00030774 master number 530. all right everyone VBuFIH-vONy-00079-00030775-00031136 thanks for watching VCxALAZLdCE-00000-00000127-00002428 [Music] VCxALAZLdCE-00001-00002429-00002642 what we're providing is the kind of VCxALAZLdCE-00002-00002643-00002945 alternative vision for the economy for VCxALAZLdCE-00003-00002946-00003239 housing and for society to work now is a VCxALAZLdCE-00004-00003240-00003404 brilliant time to get involved with VCxALAZLdCE-00005-00003404-00003560 coops and inform yourselves in what VCxALAZLdCE-00006-00003561-00003851 coops are and to start one when people VCxALAZLdCE-00007-00003852-00004015 feel that they don't have the power to VCxALAZLdCE-00008-00004017-00004274 make a difference cops are an example of VCxALAZLdCE-00009-00004275-00004526 you can do that you can take control of VCxALAZLdCE-00010-00004527-00004739 your workplace and do things a little VCxALAZLdCE-00011-00004740-00004858 bit differently VCxALAZLdCE-00012-00004859-00005710 [Music] VCxALAZLdCE-00013-00005711-00005824 you VCxALAZLdCE-00014-00005825-00006360 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00000-00000039-00000390 hello there kids it is i stray cat VCLbpPH9b5o-00001-00000391-00000559 the one and only coming to you with VCLbpPH9b5o-00002-00000560-00000847 another episode of cyberpunk 2077 VCLbpPH9b5o-00003-00000848-00001262 alrighty when we left off we had well VCLbpPH9b5o-00004-00001263-00001574 we had just gotten this car VCLbpPH9b5o-00005-00001575-00001807 after dealing with these criminals here VCLbpPH9b5o-00006-00001807-00001975 and uh apparently VCLbpPH9b5o-00007-00001976-00002239 the reported crime i almost forgot about VCLbpPH9b5o-00008-00002240-00002287 is VCLbpPH9b5o-00009-00002288-00002655 the sunken van VCLbpPH9b5o-00010-00002656-00002958 which is in the water i wasn't aware i VCLbpPH9b5o-00011-00002959-00003007 could get VCLbpPH9b5o-00012-00003008-00003343 into the water which is something VCLbpPH9b5o-00013-00003344-00003535 all right you can swim upwards with a or VCLbpPH9b5o-00014-00003536-00003703 down with b without access to air you VCLbpPH9b5o-00015-00003704-00003838 will begin to suffocate and receive VCLbpPH9b5o-00016-00003839-00003999 damage which can eventually lead to VCLbpPH9b5o-00017-00004000-00004283 death VCLbpPH9b5o-00018-00004284-00004502 no VCLbpPH9b5o-00019-00004503-00004838 all right well VCLbpPH9b5o-00020-00004839-00005151 go down a little bit and we'll get tiger VCLbpPH9b5o-00021-00005152-00005286 claws reinforced VCLbpPH9b5o-00022-00005287-00005683 tactical harness wow okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00023-00005684-00006095 uh we'll take that VCLbpPH9b5o-00024-00006096-00006478 take the weapon and the message VCLbpPH9b5o-00025-00006479-00006663 well girl you're gonna have to eat your VCLbpPH9b5o-00026-00006664-00006895 words i did it van runs like a dream you VCLbpPH9b5o-00027-00006895-00007039 just sit on the couch press the button VCLbpPH9b5o-00028-00007040-00007231 and off she goes press another and she VCLbpPH9b5o-00029-00007231-00007295 parks VCLbpPH9b5o-00030-00007295-00007551 can do a whole job without leaving home VCLbpPH9b5o-00031-00007552-00007710 just you wait soon enough you'll be VCLbpPH9b5o-00032-00007711-00007895 asking me to put one in VCLbpPH9b5o-00033-00007895-00008278 your ride aha yeah VCLbpPH9b5o-00034-00008279-00008559 about that also i didn't know you could VCLbpPH9b5o-00035-00008560-00008767 explore underwater that's VCLbpPH9b5o-00036-00008768-00009142 new holy [__] VCLbpPH9b5o-00037-00009143-00009471 okay it's pretty cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00038-00009472-00009710 all right and there's air that i VCLbpPH9b5o-00039-00009711-00009951 desperately needed VCLbpPH9b5o-00040-00009952-00010174 and i guess i get out with the little VCLbpPH9b5o-00041-00010175-00010310 ladders here VCLbpPH9b5o-00042-00010311-00010623 yeah okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00043-00010624-00011399 there we go off we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00044-00011400-00011719 did i miss something i did uncommon item VCLbpPH9b5o-00045-00011720-00011823 components well VCLbpPH9b5o-00046-00011824-00012142 now i got it and there's VCLbpPH9b5o-00047-00012143-00012683 shotgun ammo which would have been good VCLbpPH9b5o-00048-00012684-00012855 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00049-00012856-00013166 fair enough now i'm gonna take this new VCLbpPH9b5o-00050-00013168-00013335 car of ours which VCLbpPH9b5o-00051-00013336-00013679 technically isn't ours or new for that VCLbpPH9b5o-00052-00013680-00013727 matter VCLbpPH9b5o-00053-00013728-00014083 but i keep hitting that button VCLbpPH9b5o-00054-00014084-00014503 okay we're gonna go to this VCLbpPH9b5o-00055-00014504-00014807 uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00056-00014808-00014999 since apparently they both are going in VCLbpPH9b5o-00057-00015000-00015127 the same direction we'll just VCLbpPH9b5o-00058-00015128-00015343 take the path that way we'll leave the VCLbpPH9b5o-00059-00015344-00015438 bike behind VCLbpPH9b5o-00060-00015440-00016015 and we'll have jackie's bike is br VCLbpPH9b5o-00061-00016016-00016158 what's the phrase i'm looking for we'll VCLbpPH9b5o-00062-00016159-00016503 have it be our backup in case VCLbpPH9b5o-00063-00016504-00016758 of uh other vehicles being destroyed VCLbpPH9b5o-00064-00016759-00016911 because i don't want to damage VCLbpPH9b5o-00065-00016912-00017255 jackie's ride but at the same time i VCLbpPH9b5o-00066-00017256-00017567 seem to be damaging this one just fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00067-00017568-00018283 so yeah that's the main reason why VCLbpPH9b5o-00068-00018284-00018430 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00069-00018431-00018943 so far so good VCLbpPH9b5o-00070-00018944-00019543 trying to head to that one thing VCLbpPH9b5o-00071-00019544-00020167 what are they doing there VCLbpPH9b5o-00072-00020168-00020767 why are they there VCLbpPH9b5o-00073-00020768-00021127 i'm gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00074-00021128-00021607 see what's up with this VCLbpPH9b5o-00075-00021608-00021814 oh these are just police officers well VCLbpPH9b5o-00076-00021815-00021943 hi there VCLbpPH9b5o-00077-00021944-00022175 had enough of punks like you whoa whoa VCLbpPH9b5o-00078-00022176-00022278 whoa okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00079-00022279-00022567 now move along nice and i was just VCLbpPH9b5o-00080-00022568-00022614 curious VCLbpPH9b5o-00081-00022615-00023030 what you stopped here for jesus VCLbpPH9b5o-00082-00023031-00023391 damn bruh relax VCLbpPH9b5o-00083-00023392-00023758 all right well i'm on the wrong side of VCLbpPH9b5o-00084-00023759-00023935 the road it's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00085-00023936-00024471 it's fine i'll make it work VCLbpPH9b5o-00086-00024472-00024767 eventually i'll be able to cross over VCLbpPH9b5o-00087-00024768-00024911 let's see VCLbpPH9b5o-00088-00024912-00025422 right here told ya VCLbpPH9b5o-00089-00025423-00025758 okay well i just realized that VCLbpPH9b5o-00090-00025760-00026158 i kind of need to make that turn there VCLbpPH9b5o-00091-00026160-00026574 so there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00092-00026575-00026774 see little this is an assault in VCLbpPH9b5o-00093-00026775-00026887 progress VCLbpPH9b5o-00094-00026888-00028007 so VCLbpPH9b5o-00095-00028008-00028223 i have plenty of ammo for this so i VCLbpPH9b5o-00096-00028224-00029200 don't see why not VCLbpPH9b5o-00097-00029201-00029518 [Applause] VCLbpPH9b5o-00098-00029519-00030479 oh okay all right hi there VCLbpPH9b5o-00099-00030480-00030943 all right i need that ow ow jesus VCLbpPH9b5o-00100-00030944-00031527 are you now VCLbpPH9b5o-00101-00031527-00032102 can i just reload please jesus all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00102-00032103-00032790 there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00103-00032791-00033015 you have a very strong gun i should be VCLbpPH9b5o-00104-00033016-00033135 dealing with you VCLbpPH9b5o-00105-00033136-00033518 there we go ow VCLbpPH9b5o-00106-00033519-00033823 ow owie owl VCLbpPH9b5o-00107-00033824-00034446 okay oh geez hi there VCLbpPH9b5o-00108-00034447-00034807 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00109-00034808-00035471 how about finish that VCLbpPH9b5o-00110-00035472-00035783 there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00111-00035784-00035951 reduces the spread on some machine gun VCLbpPH9b5o-00112-00035952-00036215 and all rifle types about 27 VCLbpPH9b5o-00113-00036216-00036735 i didn't catch all of it it's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00114-00036736-00037102 what VCLbpPH9b5o-00115-00037103-00037551 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00116-00037552-00037762 and this was apparently what it was over VCLbpPH9b5o-00117-00037763-00037895 bioplastic VCLbpPH9b5o-00118-00037896-00038151 blood vessels increases health regen VCLbpPH9b5o-00119-00038152-00038351 outside of combat by two points per VCLbpPH9b5o-00120-00038352-00038990 second that's pretty good VCLbpPH9b5o-00121-00038991-00039239 read this gage okay you're never gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00122-00039240-00039311 believe this VCLbpPH9b5o-00123-00039312-00039518 that train we went to check out well VCLbpPH9b5o-00124-00039519-00039702 check this out it's stuff full of runner VCLbpPH9b5o-00125-00039703-00039846 gear inside VCLbpPH9b5o-00126-00039847-00040071 under the ceiling i mean we're talking VCLbpPH9b5o-00127-00040072-00040183 chips suits VCLbpPH9b5o-00128-00040184-00040471 cables all that [__] you feel me usable VCLbpPH9b5o-00129-00040472-00040527 though VCLbpPH9b5o-00130-00040528-00040727 brand [__] new like came from the VCLbpPH9b5o-00131-00040728-00040902 factory yesterday VCLbpPH9b5o-00132-00040903-00041158 okay i'll find a buyer don't know maybe VCLbpPH9b5o-00133-00041159-00041335 the voodoos VCLbpPH9b5o-00134-00041336-00041551 yeah not a big fan of those tombs but VCLbpPH9b5o-00135-00041552-00041679 that would be their sort of thing VCLbpPH9b5o-00136-00041680-00041951 worth a try okay all set pack up the VCLbpPH9b5o-00137-00041952-00041983 gear VCLbpPH9b5o-00138-00041984-00042430 send you the chords in a sec VCLbpPH9b5o-00139-00042431-00042735 all right well VCLbpPH9b5o-00140-00042736-00042958 got something a little special for me VCLbpPH9b5o-00141-00042959-00043215 now no jesus okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00142-00043216-00043483 another crusher this one's a little more VCLbpPH9b5o-00143-00043484-00043687 colorful VCLbpPH9b5o-00144-00043688-00043999 cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00145-00044000-00044351 another max dock take that VCLbpPH9b5o-00146-00044352-00044767 bounce back cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00147-00044768-00044974 rare upgrade components common item VCLbpPH9b5o-00148-00044975-00045127 components that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00149-00045128-00045767 by me fine by me VCLbpPH9b5o-00150-00045768-00046151 uh bounce back i'm fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00151-00046152-00046574 sold out of it VCLbpPH9b5o-00152-00046575-00046990 all right well might as well VCLbpPH9b5o-00153-00046991-00047855 pick up all their junk machete VCLbpPH9b5o-00154-00047856-00048183 their knife VCLbpPH9b5o-00155-00048184-00048527 that person just disappeared VCLbpPH9b5o-00156-00048528-00048695 i saw them for like half a second and VCLbpPH9b5o-00157-00048696-00048871 now they disappeared VCLbpPH9b5o-00158-00048872-00049383 okay well fair enough i guess VCLbpPH9b5o-00159-00049384-00049886 unity all you had was unity VCLbpPH9b5o-00160-00049887-00050095 that was doing that much damage to me VCLbpPH9b5o-00161-00050096-00050239 jesus VCLbpPH9b5o-00162-00050240-00050951 reinforced plastic fleets that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00163-00050952-00051302 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00164-00051303-00051542 what the what how did i miss this last VCLbpPH9b5o-00165-00051544-00051663 time VCLbpPH9b5o-00166-00051664-00051982 blade electrical damage mantis blades VCLbpPH9b5o-00167-00051983-00052023 deal VCLbpPH9b5o-00168-00052024-00052182 electrical damage due to the blade's VCLbpPH9b5o-00169-00052183-00052399 fast attack speed they can rapidly apply VCLbpPH9b5o-00170-00052400-00052591 shock very effective against drones VCLbpPH9b5o-00171-00052591-00052919 mechs and robots VCLbpPH9b5o-00172-00052920-00053215 i don't see why not i'm collecting a lot VCLbpPH9b5o-00173-00053216-00053566 of mods for my body VCLbpPH9b5o-00174-00053567-00053838 can i get into this no but can i get VCLbpPH9b5o-00175-00053839-00053919 into this VCLbpPH9b5o-00176-00053920-00054311 maybe VCLbpPH9b5o-00177-00054312-00054615 all right see if i can get up here ha ha VCLbpPH9b5o-00178-00054616-00055038 i can VCLbpPH9b5o-00179-00055039-00055350 oops can i please there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00180-00055351-00055503 thank you don't know why i didn't want VCLbpPH9b5o-00181-00055504-00055750 to let me do that before VCLbpPH9b5o-00182-00055751-00056159 jack into this what we got VCLbpPH9b5o-00183-00056160-00056766 um VCLbpPH9b5o-00184-00056767-00057071 oh uh [__] VCLbpPH9b5o-00185-00057072-00057238 well i didn't have a choice there kind VCLbpPH9b5o-00186-00057239-00057526 of put myself into a corner VCLbpPH9b5o-00187-00057527-00057759 didn't think of my next move properly VCLbpPH9b5o-00188-00057760-00057966 that was my bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00189-00057967-00058271 that's absolutely my mistake VCLbpPH9b5o-00190-00058272-00058599 well that truck is destroyed i can thank VCLbpPH9b5o-00191-00058600-00058759 my grenade for that VCLbpPH9b5o-00192-00058760-00058959 um where's my car that i drove in on VCLbpPH9b5o-00193-00058960-00059119 there it is VCLbpPH9b5o-00194-00059120-00059254 or at least i think that's the car i VCLbpPH9b5o-00195-00059255-00059423 drove in VCLbpPH9b5o-00196-00059424-00059742 ow VCLbpPH9b5o-00197-00059744-00060023 huh so this is supposed to be where i VCLbpPH9b5o-00198-00060024-00060063 can VCLbpPH9b5o-00199-00060064-00060430 sell and deposit weapons right VCLbpPH9b5o-00200-00060432-00060926 if i'm not holding on to them myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00201-00060927-00061103 well if it wasn't for the fact that i'm VCLbpPH9b5o-00202-00061104-00061342 going to go heavy into crafting VCLbpPH9b5o-00203-00061344-00061711 because apparently it's very useful uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00204-00061712-00062071 then i would be doing that but VCLbpPH9b5o-00205-00062072-00062335 keep hitting the wrong god button for VCLbpPH9b5o-00206-00062336-00062447 that VCLbpPH9b5o-00207-00062448-00062838 all right um VCLbpPH9b5o-00208-00062839-00063126 weapons we got that is far better than VCLbpPH9b5o-00209-00063127-00063215 the crusher i got VCLbpPH9b5o-00210-00063216-00063575 so bye-bye VCLbpPH9b5o-00211-00063576-00063942 this ain't too bad this unity had VCLbpPH9b5o-00212-00063944-00064223 thermal damage that explains why it was VCLbpPH9b5o-00213-00064224-00064271 causing VCLbpPH9b5o-00214-00064272-00064719 fire on my person VCLbpPH9b5o-00215-00064720-00064849 hmm um VCLbpPH9b5o-00216-00064850-00065471 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00217-00065472-00065735 this this one better than my current VCLbpPH9b5o-00218-00065736-00065911 shotgun it is VCLbpPH9b5o-00219-00065912-00066223 technically interesting VCLbpPH9b5o-00220-00066224-00066591 also does electrical damage VCLbpPH9b5o-00221-00066592-00066959 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00222-00066960-00067215 interesting don't care enough to keep it VCLbpPH9b5o-00223-00067216-00067543 but i mean it's interesting VCLbpPH9b5o-00224-00067544-00067926 there we go good enough this reinforced VCLbpPH9b5o-00225-00067927-00067991 plastic VCLbpPH9b5o-00226-00067992-00068279 fleets oh these are stronger than the VCLbpPH9b5o-00227-00068280-00068759 ones i used to have VCLbpPH9b5o-00228-00068760-00069206 ain't too bad get rid of that VCLbpPH9b5o-00229-00069207-00069679 then there was this which VCLbpPH9b5o-00230-00069680-00069943 tiger claws reinforced tactical harness VCLbpPH9b5o-00231-00069944-00070231 reduces damage from explosions VCLbpPH9b5o-00232-00070232-00070591 that ain't too bad might provide VCLbpPH9b5o-00233-00070592-00071031 good camo at a circus or amusement park VCLbpPH9b5o-00234-00071032-00071175 well i mean i just kind of want to see VCLbpPH9b5o-00235-00071176-00071367 what it looks like first yeah VCLbpPH9b5o-00236-00071368-00071671 no you you right with that that is a VCLbpPH9b5o-00237-00071672-00071894 hell of a look VCLbpPH9b5o-00238-00071895-00072287 okay get rid of that bye VCLbpPH9b5o-00239-00072288-00072647 all right paula my blend suit jacket VCLbpPH9b5o-00240-00072648-00072950 no frills no pockets no nonsense VCLbpPH9b5o-00241-00072951-00073494 nice be fine with that VCLbpPH9b5o-00242-00073495-00073815 all right cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00243-00073816-00074135 cool cool cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00244-00074136-00074519 and i'd say i'm good get into here VCLbpPH9b5o-00245-00074520-00074935 all right i ain't going to takamura but VCLbpPH9b5o-00246-00074936-00075135 i'm not also hitting the right button VCLbpPH9b5o-00247-00075136-00075326 that's kind of a thing i can't seem to VCLbpPH9b5o-00248-00075327-00075750 do thievery VCLbpPH9b5o-00249-00075751-00075999 who knows what you might find side job VCLbpPH9b5o-00250-00076000-00076199 is that won't make any major headlines VCLbpPH9b5o-00251-00076200-00076415 favors straightforward tasks and chance VCLbpPH9b5o-00252-00076416-00076711 encounters VCLbpPH9b5o-00253-00076712-00077047 well my vehicle's over there VCLbpPH9b5o-00254-00077048-00077375 it's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00255-00077376-00077759 okay away we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00256-00077760-00078135 man this thing handles really well VCLbpPH9b5o-00257-00078136-00078535 viliform huh well if i get a chance to VCLbpPH9b5o-00258-00078536-00078615 own one VCLbpPH9b5o-00259-00078616-00079247 i will definitely get one VCLbpPH9b5o-00260-00079248-00079511 all right this definitely handles very VCLbpPH9b5o-00261-00079512-00079591 well VCLbpPH9b5o-00262-00079592-00079943 i like it i like it a lot if only VCLbpPH9b5o-00263-00079944-00080262 i was good at driving VCLbpPH9b5o-00264-00080263-00080638 okay oh boy VCLbpPH9b5o-00265-00080639-00081282 that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00266-00081283-00082318 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00267-00082319-00082623 okay i'm kind of curious what's going on VCLbpPH9b5o-00268-00082624-00083215 over here VCLbpPH9b5o-00269-00083216-00083711 why VCLbpPH9b5o-00270-00083712-00084055 what the f that was weird VCLbpPH9b5o-00271-00084056-00084726 also let me see what's going on here VCLbpPH9b5o-00272-00084727-00085482 you seem like VCLbpPH9b5o-00273-00085483-00085615 hmm VCLbpPH9b5o-00274-00085616-00085911 all right all right i'll leave you alone VCLbpPH9b5o-00275-00085912-00086062 all right i'm just curious what's going VCLbpPH9b5o-00276-00086063-00086223 on here but VCLbpPH9b5o-00277-00086224-00087175 i was just curious VCLbpPH9b5o-00278-00087176-00087494 goes into the vehicle VCLbpPH9b5o-00279-00087495-00087950 with another person in it VCLbpPH9b5o-00280-00087951-00088223 i guess they're talking a deal of some VCLbpPH9b5o-00281-00088224-00088343 kind VCLbpPH9b5o-00282-00088344-00088759 best not to interrupt right VCLbpPH9b5o-00283-00088760-00089287 it's not my biz not my problem VCLbpPH9b5o-00284-00089288-00089438 don't know why i pulled out my gun at VCLbpPH9b5o-00285-00089439-00089682 the last second that was an oops daisy VCLbpPH9b5o-00286-00089683-00090023 but VCLbpPH9b5o-00287-00090024-00091082 all right there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00288-00091083-00091679 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00289-00091680-00092094 well i'm not seeing any other gang VCLbpPH9b5o-00290-00092095-00092255 activity around the bridge so we can VCLbpPH9b5o-00291-00092256-00092471 safely rule out any score settling VCLbpPH9b5o-00292-00092472-00092631 seems to me one of the male strummers VCLbpPH9b5o-00293-00092632-00092806 just had a bad day or dialed his VCLbpPH9b5o-00294-00092807-00093031 implants a little too high VCLbpPH9b5o-00295-00093032-00093271 hard to tell when it comes to them all i VCLbpPH9b5o-00296-00093272-00093455 know is the rest showed up at the wrong VCLbpPH9b5o-00297-00093456-00093591 time and had a VCLbpPH9b5o-00298-00093592-00093903 bloodbath ensuing i'm betting on VCLbpPH9b5o-00299-00093904-00093999 cyberpsychosis VCLbpPH9b5o-00300-00094000-00094191 even maelstrom's harshest welcomes don't VCLbpPH9b5o-00301-00094192-00094462 come close to this VCLbpPH9b5o-00302-00094463-00094631 well fair enough that also explains why VCLbpPH9b5o-00303-00094632-00094894 that guy ran into the [__] VCLbpPH9b5o-00304-00094895-00095247 wall and died VCLbpPH9b5o-00305-00095248-00095559 okay well v VCLbpPH9b5o-00306-00095560-00095791 something in north side just erupted and VCLbpPH9b5o-00307-00095792-00095974 apparently it's got male strummers VCLbpPH9b5o-00308-00095975-00096159 hauling ass out of there VCLbpPH9b5o-00309-00096160-00096682 see what's going on exactly and let me VCLbpPH9b5o-00310-00096683-00096879 know VCLbpPH9b5o-00311-00096880-00097182 i didn't necessarily mean to take the VCLbpPH9b5o-00312-00097183-00097431 vehicle just wanted to pull the guy out VCLbpPH9b5o-00313-00097432-00097799 and he got a flashbang grenade VCLbpPH9b5o-00314-00097800-00098703 interesting interesting VCLbpPH9b5o-00315-00098704-00099015 well i'm probably gonna need this VCLbpPH9b5o-00316-00099016-00099679 for this or this VCLbpPH9b5o-00317-00099680-00099982 nothing in here nope nothing in here VCLbpPH9b5o-00318-00099983-00100526 nope okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00319-00100527-00100879 well yeah this is uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00320-00100880-00101215 not looking good VCLbpPH9b5o-00321-00101216-00101494 unresponsive no pulse cause of death VCLbpPH9b5o-00322-00101495-00101759 shock and blood loss due to multiple VCLbpPH9b5o-00323-00101760-00102126 lacerations VCLbpPH9b5o-00324-00102127-00103375 okay take all of that VCLbpPH9b5o-00325-00103376-00103686 find the cyber psycho huh probably in VCLbpPH9b5o-00326-00103688-00103823 there somewhere VCLbpPH9b5o-00327-00103824-00104182 there's a machete VCLbpPH9b5o-00328-00104183-00104582 there is a drink VCLbpPH9b5o-00329-00104583-00104902 oh boy VCLbpPH9b5o-00330-00104903-00105095 shock and blood loss due to multiple VCLbpPH9b5o-00331-00105096-00105215 lacerations VCLbpPH9b5o-00332-00105216-00105599 again huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00333-00105600-00105831 i'm gonna craft some ammo real quick VCLbpPH9b5o-00334-00105832-00106015 just because i feel like i'm gonna need VCLbpPH9b5o-00335-00106016-00106095 it VCLbpPH9b5o-00336-00106096-00106478 uh also i wanna see what i need here VCLbpPH9b5o-00337-00106479-00106639 rare item components epic item VCLbpPH9b5o-00338-00106640-00106854 components and legendary item components VCLbpPH9b5o-00339-00106855-00106990 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00340-00106991-00107263 that's before i get upgraded to that VCLbpPH9b5o-00341-00107264-00107319 that ain't VCLbpPH9b5o-00342-00107320-00107678 too bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00343-00107679-00108054 huh okay uh anyway VCLbpPH9b5o-00344-00108055-00108783 ammo ammo amma ammo uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00345-00108783-00109248 i'm gonna make a little bit of that VCLbpPH9b5o-00346-00109249-00109607 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00347-00109608-00109943 20 why not VCLbpPH9b5o-00348-00109944-00110302 level up of a crafting nice VCLbpPH9b5o-00349-00110303-00110534 extra perk point well i can't turn that VCLbpPH9b5o-00350-00110535-00110710 down now can i VCLbpPH9b5o-00351-00110711-00111134 uh technical ability VCLbpPH9b5o-00352-00111135-00111510 uh i can't do anything with these VCLbpPH9b5o-00353-00111511-00111983 oh come on man VCLbpPH9b5o-00354-00111983-00112295 hoping for something engineering VCLbpPH9b5o-00355-00112296-00112510 explosion radius of grenades is visible VCLbpPH9b5o-00356-00112511-00112831 that would be great VCLbpPH9b5o-00357-00112832-00113231 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00358-00113232-00113463 drones mixing robots there's a 25 chance VCLbpPH9b5o-00359-00113464-00113815 of looting a weapon mod or attachment VCLbpPH9b5o-00360-00113816-00114166 that would be kind of nice would be VCLbpPH9b5o-00361-00114167-00114519 kind of nice indeed but let's put this VCLbpPH9b5o-00362-00114520-00114623 perk into something VCLbpPH9b5o-00363-00114624-00115031 else huh like breach protocol VCLbpPH9b5o-00364-00115032-00115083 um VCLbpPH9b5o-00365-00115084-00115902 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00366-00115903-00116239 oh yeah that would be nice increasing VCLbpPH9b5o-00367-00116240-00116463 how much money i get out of uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00368-00116464-00117039 access points VCLbpPH9b5o-00369-00117040-00118231 cool okay well VCLbpPH9b5o-00370-00118232-00118999 it's explosive another body VCLbpPH9b5o-00371-00119000-00119486 well hello VCLbpPH9b5o-00372-00119488-00120483 lily hein the valentinos VCLbpPH9b5o-00373-00120483-00121199 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00374-00121200-00121502 oh jesus okay ow wow VCLbpPH9b5o-00375-00121503-00121999 okay [__] me VCLbpPH9b5o-00376-00122000-00122599 he ran out VCLbpPH9b5o-00377-00122600-00123031 okay well boss fight VCLbpPH9b5o-00378-00123032-00123302 valentino not exactly how i expected to VCLbpPH9b5o-00379-00123303-00124983 spend this but okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00380-00124983-00125719 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00381-00125720-00126127 okay right there bud VCLbpPH9b5o-00382-00126128-00126383 threat detector automatically highlights VCLbpPH9b5o-00383-00126383-00126575 enemies who have detected you that'd be VCLbpPH9b5o-00384-00126576-00126654 nice VCLbpPH9b5o-00385-00126655-00127231 another igla farewell VCLbpPH9b5o-00386-00127232-00127407 tamara i've been trying to reach you VCLbpPH9b5o-00387-00127408-00127566 since they took me i know you're looking VCLbpPH9b5o-00388-00127567-00127719 and i know you'll find me eventually but VCLbpPH9b5o-00389-00127720-00127919 i don't know how to make it any easier VCLbpPH9b5o-00390-00127920-00128102 don't think i can get on the net i VCLbpPH9b5o-00391-00128103-00128231 should have listened to you VCLbpPH9b5o-00392-00128232-00128366 i should have listened when you taught VCLbpPH9b5o-00393-00128367-00128631 me how but now i [__] myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00394-00128632-00128902 honestly i don't think you'll i don't VCLbpPH9b5o-00395-00128903-00129007 even think you'll recognize VCLbpPH9b5o-00396-00129008-00129278 me if you saw me i know i don't just VCLbpPH9b5o-00397-00129279-00129431 stick a barrel down my throat and be VCLbpPH9b5o-00398-00129432-00129647 done with it i'm such a [__] monster VCLbpPH9b5o-00399-00129648-00129927 [__] me gang ain't taking me back not VCLbpPH9b5o-00400-00129928-00130086 without a bag over my head VCLbpPH9b5o-00401-00130088-00130375 i got these like tractor hands and VCLbpPH9b5o-00402-00130376-00130631 ugliest sin red eyes VCLbpPH9b5o-00403-00130632-00130847 all i can think of now is your tombs who VCLbpPH9b5o-00404-00130848-00130966 poisoned you to me VCLbpPH9b5o-00405-00130967-00131159 telling you not to get with a valentino VCLbpPH9b5o-00406-00131160-00131343 that he'll leave you for someone else VCLbpPH9b5o-00407-00131344-00131678 vanish without a word i'm gone and VCLbpPH9b5o-00408-00131679-00131871 they'll beat their chests and all VCLbpPH9b5o-00409-00131872-00132071 justified and tell you told you so but VCLbpPH9b5o-00410-00132072-00132271 couldn't be more wrong it's driving me VCLbpPH9b5o-00411-00132272-00132431 loco i feel my head's gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00412-00132432-00132711 explode in a million pieces i can feel VCLbpPH9b5o-00413-00132712-00132854 the pressure building and VCLbpPH9b5o-00414-00132855-00133014 building and building but i don't know VCLbpPH9b5o-00415-00133015-00133695 when it's gonna pop VCLbpPH9b5o-00416-00133696-00134543 well already then VCLbpPH9b5o-00417-00134544-00134863 that was not what i meant to do VCLbpPH9b5o-00418-00134864-00135278 by thee remember the media lies VCLbpPH9b5o-00419-00135279-00135631 yeah i knew that necessarily the most VCLbpPH9b5o-00420-00135632-00135751 truthful VCLbpPH9b5o-00421-00135752-00135919 uh open messages that's what i meant to VCLbpPH9b5o-00422-00135920-00136214 do VCLbpPH9b5o-00423-00136215-00136535 send reply a kid was a valentino not a VCLbpPH9b5o-00424-00136536-00136614 male strummer VCLbpPH9b5o-00425-00136615-00136790 borg fiends must have had an axe to VCLbpPH9b5o-00426-00136791-00136911 grind with him because i stuffed him VCLbpPH9b5o-00427-00136912-00137078 with implants like a [__] christmas VCLbpPH9b5o-00428-00137079-00137151 turkey VCLbpPH9b5o-00429-00137152-00137302 and just watched and waited for him to VCLbpPH9b5o-00430-00137303-00137559 blow some would happen VCLbpPH9b5o-00431-00137560-00137711 saying would happen to anyone chipped VCLbpPH9b5o-00432-00137712-00137902 that fast body didn't have time to VCLbpPH9b5o-00433-00137903-00138023 adjust to the wear VCLbpPH9b5o-00434-00138024-00138207 turned him psycho good thing he still VCLbpPH9b5o-00435-00138208-00138359 had a little self-control left VCLbpPH9b5o-00436-00138360-00139023 meant i could take him down quietly VCLbpPH9b5o-00437-00139024-00139214 wow looks like our guy didn't even have VCLbpPH9b5o-00438-00139215-00139351 to piss them off VCLbpPH9b5o-00439-00139352-00139559 while ago maelstrom put out word it was VCLbpPH9b5o-00440-00139560-00139775 looking for volunteers to test some new VCLbpPH9b5o-00441-00139776-00139854 wear VCLbpPH9b5o-00442-00139855-00140071 obviously no one stepped up so the borg VCLbpPH9b5o-00443-00140072-00140207 fox just started scooping VCLbpPH9b5o-00444-00140208-00140583 peeps up off the street jesus VCLbpPH9b5o-00445-00140584-00140751 valentino's been looking for this kid VCLbpPH9b5o-00446-00140752-00140935 for a while not to mention the runner VCLbpPH9b5o-00447-00140936-00141095 who swarmed the net with data fillers VCLbpPH9b5o-00448-00141096-00141271 trying to track him down VCLbpPH9b5o-00449-00141272-00141431 eventually he must have broken free and VCLbpPH9b5o-00450-00141432-00141566 fought for his life made the male VCLbpPH9b5o-00451-00141567-00141831 stormers reap to what they sow VCLbpPH9b5o-00452-00141832-00142026 whole thing backfired on them VCLbpPH9b5o-00453-00142027-00142199 spectacularly VCLbpPH9b5o-00454-00142200-00142390 good thing you managed to get him to go VCLbpPH9b5o-00455-00142391-00142607 down softly kid's still young maybe with VCLbpPH9b5o-00456-00142608-00142735 the right kind of help he can learn to VCLbpPH9b5o-00457-00142736-00142887 adapt to his new VCLbpPH9b5o-00458-00142888-00143543 condition VCLbpPH9b5o-00459-00143544-00143895 what's this got a quartz whoa VCLbpPH9b5o-00460-00143896-00144263 i'm getting different vehicles at her VCLbpPH9b5o-00461-00144264-00144431 got a quartz waiting to be checked out VCLbpPH9b5o-00462-00144432-00144639 fine machine well taken care of polished VCLbpPH9b5o-00463-00144640-00144702 to a shine VCLbpPH9b5o-00464-00144703-00144863 bottled off a certain gentleman who was VCLbpPH9b5o-00465-00144864-00145166 a little whacked when it came to cars VCLbpPH9b5o-00466-00145167-00145407 huffing and puffing in his garage day in VCLbpPH9b5o-00467-00145408-00145519 day out until VCLbpPH9b5o-00468-00145520-00145799 that is his wife filed for divorce cars VCLbpPH9b5o-00469-00145800-00145887 all had to go VCLbpPH9b5o-00470-00145888-00146159 to pay the legal fees well that sucks VCLbpPH9b5o-00471-00146160-00146254 for him VCLbpPH9b5o-00472-00146255-00146454 let me know if you're interested it does VCLbpPH9b5o-00473-00146455-00146599 look pretty good VCLbpPH9b5o-00474-00146600-00146807 it does look pretty good i'm not gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00475-00146808-00146990 lie VCLbpPH9b5o-00476-00146991-00147695 sports huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00477-00147696-00148014 oh so he is still alive VCLbpPH9b5o-00478-00148015-00148551 fair enough VCLbpPH9b5o-00479-00148552-00149119 sorry for you man VCLbpPH9b5o-00480-00149120-00149414 it's a hell of a way to have to deal VCLbpPH9b5o-00481-00149415-00149766 with all of that at once VCLbpPH9b5o-00482-00149767-00150047 there we go get all this good stuff i'll VCLbpPH9b5o-00483-00150048-00150078 take VCLbpPH9b5o-00484-00150079-00150583 that okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00485-00150584-00151671 well so far so good almost missed this VCLbpPH9b5o-00486-00151672-00152454 silencer nice and saratoga VCLbpPH9b5o-00487-00152455-00152814 not necessarily sure what to that means VCLbpPH9b5o-00488-00152815-00153214 but okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00489-00153215-00153775 oh another dead male stomach well VCLbpPH9b5o-00490-00153776-00154214 vinnie ray and herb payne VCLbpPH9b5o-00491-00154215-00154399 we loaded up rudolph with the chrome VCLbpPH9b5o-00492-00154400-00154559 today it had him spinning hard for a VCLbpPH9b5o-00493-00154560-00154783 while but now he's sleeping like a baby VCLbpPH9b5o-00494-00154784-00155054 man can you imagine the faces on those VCLbpPH9b5o-00495-00155055-00155166 on the VCLbpPH9b5o-00496-00155167-00155519 on the those tinos that's bad english VCLbpPH9b5o-00497-00155520-00155823 um bad translation i should say VCLbpPH9b5o-00498-00155824-00156007 uh when we roll him over to them like a VCLbpPH9b5o-00499-00156008-00156190 [__] trojan cyber horse VCLbpPH9b5o-00500-00156191-00156502 dude so [__] nova i'd wanna feed of VCLbpPH9b5o-00501-00156503-00156687 his optics to see him slice open those VCLbpPH9b5o-00502-00156688-00156863 meat bags live VCLbpPH9b5o-00503-00156864-00157078 by the way sending the latest equipment VCLbpPH9b5o-00504-00157079-00157231 let me know how our trojan's doing VCLbpPH9b5o-00505-00157232-00157423 because i want to install it myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00506-00157424-00157654 i installed some preem red karoshi's on VCLbpPH9b5o-00507-00157655-00157823 him not gonna lie he kind of looks like VCLbpPH9b5o-00508-00157824-00157926 one of us now VCLbpPH9b5o-00509-00157927-00158239 almost don't want to give him back VCLbpPH9b5o-00510-00158240-00158543 well you didn't have to boys VCLbpPH9b5o-00511-00158544-00158919 because uh kind of tore through you like VCLbpPH9b5o-00512-00158920-00159263 you were cotton candy VCLbpPH9b5o-00513-00159264-00159743 whoa a tech precision rifle VCLbpPH9b5o-00514-00159744-00160566 interesting interesting VCLbpPH9b5o-00515-00160567-00161614 take that VCLbpPH9b5o-00516-00161615-00161943 all right just making sure i loot every VCLbpPH9b5o-00517-00161944-00162102 little thing i can VCLbpPH9b5o-00518-00162103-00162335 which of course i'm going to it's kind VCLbpPH9b5o-00519-00162336-00162447 of my shtick VCLbpPH9b5o-00520-00162448-00162743 like yukimura again not as good as the VCLbpPH9b5o-00521-00162744-00162887 one i currently have VCLbpPH9b5o-00522-00162888-00163223 i don't think VCLbpPH9b5o-00523-00163224-00163607 can't be right can't be that good VCLbpPH9b5o-00524-00163608-00163871 i mean it is good just not that good VCLbpPH9b5o-00525-00163872-00164190 considering this is 154 and this is 122. VCLbpPH9b5o-00526-00164191-00164495 yeah it ain't that good VCLbpPH9b5o-00527-00164496-00164887 um this is the one i picked off the VCLbpPH9b5o-00528-00164888-00165063 valentino VCLbpPH9b5o-00529-00165064-00165231 this is the one i had prior i'm gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00530-00165232-00165495 destroy that VCLbpPH9b5o-00531-00165496-00166302 precision rifle VCLbpPH9b5o-00532-00166303-00166614 so these are basically sniper rifles VCLbpPH9b5o-00533-00166615-00166854 uh it's not as good as the other one i VCLbpPH9b5o-00534-00166855-00167014 have so screw it i'll just get rid of VCLbpPH9b5o-00535-00167015-00167095 that VCLbpPH9b5o-00536-00167096-00167575 and i'll get rid of this too that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00537-00167576-00168007 that's fine i think that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00538-00168008-00168335 hmm all right and shoes VCLbpPH9b5o-00539-00168336-00168702 shoes shoe shoes oh padded strappers VCLbpPH9b5o-00540-00168703-00169063 with aluminum inserts they're not pretty VCLbpPH9b5o-00541-00169064-00169207 and they're not practical VCLbpPH9b5o-00542-00169208-00169502 they're not much of anything well hey VCLbpPH9b5o-00543-00169503-00169743 it's still good VCLbpPH9b5o-00544-00169744-00170126 this is only slightly better than what VCLbpPH9b5o-00545-00170127-00170375 i currently got this has empty clothing VCLbpPH9b5o-00546-00170376-00170454 mods VCLbpPH9b5o-00547-00170455-00170883 which i do like VCLbpPH9b5o-00548-00170884-00171759 uh how's this look VCLbpPH9b5o-00549-00171760-00172283 screw that i'll up this later VCLbpPH9b5o-00550-00172284-00172614 okay so far so good VCLbpPH9b5o-00551-00172615-00172895 i look like a jackass with that hat i VCLbpPH9b5o-00552-00172896-00172966 look like an VCLbpPH9b5o-00553-00172967-00173295 absolute jackass with that hat VCLbpPH9b5o-00554-00173296-00173911 oh boy all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00555-00173912-00174278 oh didn't know that was explosive VCLbpPH9b5o-00556-00174279-00174614 it could have been useful key phrase VCLbpPH9b5o-00557-00174615-00174790 could have VCLbpPH9b5o-00558-00174791-00175166 this nope no idea VCLbpPH9b5o-00559-00175167-00175663 hmm VCLbpPH9b5o-00560-00175664-00176063 well VCLbpPH9b5o-00561-00176064-00176614 looted basically everything here i could VCLbpPH9b5o-00562-00176615-00177190 tri-layer steel occu set VCLbpPH9b5o-00563-00177191-00177687 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00564-00177688-00177919 i keep hitting that button when i mean VCLbpPH9b5o-00565-00177920-00177999 to hit this VCLbpPH9b5o-00566-00178000-00178766 one is that even what does this even do VCLbpPH9b5o-00567-00178767-00179078 ah VCLbpPH9b5o-00568-00179079-00179511 that's [__] goofy looking VCLbpPH9b5o-00569-00179512-00179878 i will i will take the armor hit VCLbpPH9b5o-00570-00179879-00180319 because that just looks so dumb VCLbpPH9b5o-00571-00180320-00180743 i say wearing that hat but VCLbpPH9b5o-00572-00180744-00181199 i have a fair point it looks stupid VCLbpPH9b5o-00573-00181200-00181519 it looks so dumb there's no way i'm VCLbpPH9b5o-00574-00181520-00181590 gonna be caught VCLbpPH9b5o-00575-00181591-00182223 dead wearing that for too long VCLbpPH9b5o-00576-00182224-00182551 okay well VCLbpPH9b5o-00577-00182552-00183207 here we are gonna take this VCLbpPH9b5o-00578-00183208-00183351 definitely not doing the thing with VCLbpPH9b5o-00579-00183352-00183543 takimura again that's not going to VCLbpPH9b5o-00580-00183544-00183599 happen VCLbpPH9b5o-00581-00183600-00183902 uh reported crime there's an assault in VCLbpPH9b5o-00582-00183903-00184063 progress VCLbpPH9b5o-00583-00184064-00184247 and then i guess i'll go to that VCLbpPH9b5o-00584-00184248-00184399 afterwards VCLbpPH9b5o-00585-00184400-00184790 oh that's the quartz oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00586-00184791-00185407 29th oh that ain't too bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00587-00185408-00185823 that ain't too bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00588-00185824-00186407 at least when it comes to cars VCLbpPH9b5o-00589-00186408-00186887 huh i'm considering it VCLbpPH9b5o-00590-00186888-00187190 i'm considering it i will say that much VCLbpPH9b5o-00591-00187191-00187695 i am considering it VCLbpPH9b5o-00592-00187696-00187900 all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00593-00187901-00188223 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00594-00188224-00188783 all right we'll uh get out here VCLbpPH9b5o-00595-00188784-00189102 hey buddy VCLbpPH9b5o-00596-00189103-00189447 all right it's a little a lot of it okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00597-00189448-00189702 i guess you're just a little out of it VCLbpPH9b5o-00598-00189703-00190047 that's fine by me VCLbpPH9b5o-00599-00190048-00191883 whoa okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00600-00191884-00192166 okay damn it i've missed all of my VCLbpPH9b5o-00601-00192167-00192726 starting shots because i had to move VCLbpPH9b5o-00602-00192727-00193263 all right well VCLbpPH9b5o-00603-00193264-00193463 all right well you are taking quite a VCLbpPH9b5o-00604-00193464-00193663 bit of shots VCLbpPH9b5o-00605-00193664-00193990 i'll give you that VCLbpPH9b5o-00606-00193991-00194735 ow all right well that hurt a little VCLbpPH9b5o-00607-00194736-00195654 all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00608-00195655-00196014 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00609-00196015-00196423 well i can do auto fire on this VCLbpPH9b5o-00610-00196424-00196590 weapon that's something nice at least i VCLbpPH9b5o-00611-00196591-00196943 can do come out VCLbpPH9b5o-00612-00196944-00197502 already ow ow ow VCLbpPH9b5o-00613-00197503-00197663 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00614-00197664-00198254 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00615-00198255-00198526 well are you well in that case i was VCLbpPH9b5o-00616-00198527-00199102 gonna warm up myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00617-00199103-00199854 well VCLbpPH9b5o-00618-00199855-00200166 that's unfortunate for the car so much VCLbpPH9b5o-00619-00200167-00200263 for uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00620-00200264-00200946 turning that back to the police VCLbpPH9b5o-00621-00200947-00201326 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00622-00201327-00201631 behind there VCLbpPH9b5o-00623-00201632-00201935 there we go you're gone VCLbpPH9b5o-00624-00201936-00203631 okay you're back here huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00625-00203632-00203899 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00626-00203900-00204135 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00627-00204136-00205303 where you at where'd you go VCLbpPH9b5o-00628-00205304-00205710 well there goes your head VCLbpPH9b5o-00629-00205711-00206206 commissioner falter and reggie loeb VCLbpPH9b5o-00630-00206207-00206606 okay reggie my boy got something VCLbpPH9b5o-00631-00206607-00206879 urgent sure i'm all ears we got a report VCLbpPH9b5o-00632-00206880-00207134 of a suspicious van and nid VCLbpPH9b5o-00633-00207135-00207398 taped up windows no plates drone images VCLbpPH9b5o-00634-00207400-00207558 show people inside VCLbpPH9b5o-00635-00207559-00207671 could have something to do with your VCLbpPH9b5o-00636-00207671-00207919 guys's case but you gotta act fast VCLbpPH9b5o-00637-00207919-00208086 understood we're on our way thanks VCLbpPH9b5o-00638-00208087-00208246 reggie knew i could count on you VCLbpPH9b5o-00639-00208248-00208423 it's an honor to serve alongside boys VCLbpPH9b5o-00640-00208423-00208686 like you thanks chief VCLbpPH9b5o-00641-00208687-00209310 wow VCLbpPH9b5o-00642-00209311-00209734 along with alexandre VCLbpPH9b5o-00643-00209735-00210063 zaitsova boys are on their way should be VCLbpPH9b5o-00644-00210064-00210303 like sitting ducks at a shooting range VCLbpPH9b5o-00645-00210304-00210527 okay we'll take care of it good thanks VCLbpPH9b5o-00646-00210528-00210646 nothing worse than a bunch of VCLbpPH9b5o-00647-00210648-00210855 brown-nosing go-getters VCLbpPH9b5o-00648-00210856-00211071 no prob you scratch my back i'll scratch VCLbpPH9b5o-00649-00211071-00211215 yours oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00650-00211216-00211639 so she wow commissioner VCLbpPH9b5o-00651-00211640-00211910 [__] threw them into an ambush on VCLbpPH9b5o-00652-00211911-00212127 purpose even VCLbpPH9b5o-00653-00212128-00212919 that's messed up VCLbpPH9b5o-00654-00212919-00213551 jesus VCLbpPH9b5o-00655-00213552-00213782 i pick up so much rifle ammo and i don't VCLbpPH9b5o-00656-00213783-00213958 use it VCLbpPH9b5o-00657-00213959-00214863 bloody knife interesting VCLbpPH9b5o-00658-00214864-00215239 well uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00659-00215240-00215671 could have been worse i guess VCLbpPH9b5o-00660-00215671-00215975 fanatic from maelstrom VCLbpPH9b5o-00661-00215976-00216631 well i mean VCLbpPH9b5o-00662-00216632-00217406 did get it taken care of technically VCLbpPH9b5o-00663-00217407-00217734 okay i feel like i'm missing something VCLbpPH9b5o-00664-00217735-00218006 but i don't know what VCLbpPH9b5o-00665-00218007-00218375 i thought that might have been it VCLbpPH9b5o-00666-00218376-00218567 did pick up a lot of other stuff from VCLbpPH9b5o-00667-00218567-00218775 those bodies as well VCLbpPH9b5o-00668-00218776-00219215 um let me check the inventory real quick VCLbpPH9b5o-00669-00219216-00219551 upper body VCLbpPH9b5o-00670-00219552-00219942 titanium pleated ballistic vest VCLbpPH9b5o-00671-00219944-00220231 huh reduces stamina consumption when VCLbpPH9b5o-00672-00220232-00220742 blocking melee attacks VCLbpPH9b5o-00673-00220744-00221255 any terrible shoes what we got VCLbpPH9b5o-00674-00221256-00221551 oh these aren't too bad these are the VCLbpPH9b5o-00675-00221552-00222015 same as these just without the VCLbpPH9b5o-00676-00222016-00222327 just without the uh mod slots VCLbpPH9b5o-00677-00222328-00222646 that ain't too bad those don't look too VCLbpPH9b5o-00678-00222648-00222863 bad at all little VCLbpPH9b5o-00679-00222864-00223255 kind of cyberpunk cowboy boot but i mean VCLbpPH9b5o-00680-00223256-00223558 nonetheless ain't too bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00681-00223559-00224082 okay uh the guns i've picked up the VCLbpPH9b5o-00682-00224083-00224255 newey VCLbpPH9b5o-00683-00224256-00224623 what is this uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00684-00224623-00225230 it's a power weapon VCLbpPH9b5o-00685-00225231-00225482 [Music] VCLbpPH9b5o-00686-00225483-00226134 hmm VCLbpPH9b5o-00687-00226135-00226463 has a very low number of attacks per VCLbpPH9b5o-00688-00226464-00226591 second but a very high VCLbpPH9b5o-00689-00226592-00227071 damage huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00690-00227071-00227846 i'm curious VCLbpPH9b5o-00691-00227848-00228519 the shotgun is better VCLbpPH9b5o-00692-00228519-00229167 technically VCLbpPH9b5o-00693-00229167-00229471 honestly i should just disassemble this VCLbpPH9b5o-00694-00229471-00230175 honestly i should VCLbpPH9b5o-00695-00230176-00230839 yeah okay and we'll destroy that VCLbpPH9b5o-00696-00230840-00231342 huh i'm just kind of curious VCLbpPH9b5o-00697-00231344-00231782 oh oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00698-00231783-00232231 oh that's a look oh that's a look VCLbpPH9b5o-00699-00232232-00232631 see how it feels when i'm shooting it VCLbpPH9b5o-00700-00232632-00233055 all right let me try it here oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00701-00233056-00233479 oh that's heavy oh that's VCLbpPH9b5o-00702-00233480-00234015 that's a heavy boy VCLbpPH9b5o-00703-00234016-00234751 a heavy heavy boy VCLbpPH9b5o-00704-00234752-00235071 that's for if i want to do it quick VCLbpPH9b5o-00705-00235071-00235310 and do a lot of damage when i'm doing it VCLbpPH9b5o-00706-00235311-00235494 quick VCLbpPH9b5o-00707-00235496-00235927 if i want to take them out asap VCLbpPH9b5o-00708-00235928-00236246 copperhead i keep doing VCLbpPH9b5o-00709-00236248-00236582 that i hate myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00710-00236583-00236998 ah rid of that VCLbpPH9b5o-00711-00237000-00237175 i'm gonna hold on to that gun for a VCLbpPH9b5o-00712-00237176-00237358 while i don't even VCLbpPH9b5o-00713-00237359-00237775 care that that might drain my pistol VCLbpPH9b5o-00714-00237776-00238015 ammo faster i can just craft more VCLbpPH9b5o-00715-00238016-00238319 i don't even care VCLbpPH9b5o-00716-00238319-00238671 i'll craft more right now VCLbpPH9b5o-00717-00238671-00239351 i don't even care VCLbpPH9b5o-00718-00239352-00239734 maybe about 35. that's fine VCLbpPH9b5o-00719-00239735-00240158 that's fine by me i will have VCLbpPH9b5o-00720-00240159-00240839 tons of ammo i don't even care VCLbpPH9b5o-00721-00240840-00241158 huh all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00722-00241159-00241687 oh i could switch which one VCLbpPH9b5o-00723-00241688-00242191 i go with on the fly oh that's cool VCLbpPH9b5o-00724-00242192-00242567 that's max dock bounce back VCLbpPH9b5o-00725-00242567-00243087 let's bounce back mark two VCLbpPH9b5o-00726-00243088-00243575 go with that and then frag grenade VCLbpPH9b5o-00727-00243576-00244487 recon grenade huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00728-00244488-00244903 interesting this is the VCLbpPH9b5o-00729-00244904-00245310 sticky version of the frag grenade VCLbpPH9b5o-00730-00245311-00245823 okay cool all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00731-00245823-00246510 okay oh these that's what i was missing VCLbpPH9b5o-00732-00246511-00246830 okay i was just missing looting some of VCLbpPH9b5o-00733-00246831-00247167 the bodies that was all it was VCLbpPH9b5o-00734-00247167-00247646 all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00735-00247648-00247830 i'm not gonna say it i'm not gonna say VCLbpPH9b5o-00736-00247831-00248006 it not even VCLbpPH9b5o-00737-00248007-00248551 going to say it uh this is VCLbpPH9b5o-00738-00248552-00248855 well a little better VCLbpPH9b5o-00739-00248856-00249287 not much better but a little better VCLbpPH9b5o-00740-00249288-00250198 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00741-00250200-00250534 but not enough for me to justify VCLbpPH9b5o-00742-00250535-00250967 holding on to it okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00743-00250967-00251334 and there's some sniper rifle ammo there VCLbpPH9b5o-00744-00251335-00251687 hiding too bad VCLbpPH9b5o-00745-00251688-00251998 okay well VCLbpPH9b5o-00746-00252000-00252415 i did the thing VCLbpPH9b5o-00747-00252416-00252806 with the uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00748-00252807-00253030 did the thing with them and i'm assuming VCLbpPH9b5o-00749-00253031-00253175 this is the car VCLbpPH9b5o-00750-00253176-00253471 we were looking at i could buy the VCLbpPH9b5o-00751-00253471-00253727 vehicle what and the hell is going on VCLbpPH9b5o-00752-00253728-00254087 back here VCLbpPH9b5o-00753-00254088-00254463 this i didn't see in the picture VCLbpPH9b5o-00754-00254464-00255079 this is a little weird VCLbpPH9b5o-00755-00255080-00255671 hey VCLbpPH9b5o-00756-00255671-00255903 i wouldn't say that's all that great VCLbpPH9b5o-00757-00255904-00256063 also where'd the car VCLbpPH9b5o-00758-00256064-00256598 i uh came in here with where'd that go VCLbpPH9b5o-00759-00256600-00257110 i have no idea well that sucks VCLbpPH9b5o-00760-00257111-00257479 car i came in with is no longer VCLbpPH9b5o-00761-00257480-00257887 available for me to find that sucks VCLbpPH9b5o-00762-00257888-00258406 like a lot oh man oh well VCLbpPH9b5o-00763-00258407-00258751 it's fine i guess it's fine okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00764-00258752-00259015 so new mission so that way i don't have VCLbpPH9b5o-00765-00259016-00259255 to go to takamura uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00766-00259256-00259615 the reported crime go there VCLbpPH9b5o-00767-00259616-00259951 sounds good to me sounds good to me VCLbpPH9b5o-00768-00259952-00260334 um VCLbpPH9b5o-00769-00260335-00260503 it seems to be going in the same VCLbpPH9b5o-00770-00260504-00260775 direction as the other thing is anyway VCLbpPH9b5o-00771-00260776-00261575 so that's fine i'll just sprint there VCLbpPH9b5o-00772-00261576-00262247 all right VCLbpPH9b5o-00773-00262248-00262430 now look at the time it is getting a VCLbpPH9b5o-00774-00262431-00262582 little close to the end of the episode VCLbpPH9b5o-00775-00262583-00262782 so i'll get over here VCLbpPH9b5o-00776-00262783-00263158 see what there is to see and then uh VCLbpPH9b5o-00777-00263159-00263527 probably end the episode yeah seems like VCLbpPH9b5o-00778-00263528-00263847 a good idea VCLbpPH9b5o-00779-00263848-00264471 huh VCLbpPH9b5o-00780-00264472-00264815 okay well go across since VCLbpPH9b5o-00781-00264816-00265343 y'all seem to be not doing anything VCLbpPH9b5o-00782-00265344-00266023 oh this VCLbpPH9b5o-00783-00266024-00266382 oh well how about that VCLbpPH9b5o-00784-00266383-00266687 wanted for murder of an ncpd officer VCLbpPH9b5o-00785-00266688-00267482 assault by mob VCLbpPH9b5o-00786-00267483-00267958 hmm VCLbpPH9b5o-00787-00267959-00268334 well i'm going to do VCLbpPH9b5o-00788-00268335-00269271 this real quick VCLbpPH9b5o-00789-00269272-00269582 i can't VCLbpPH9b5o-00790-00269583-00270006 you're kidding VCLbpPH9b5o-00791-00270007-00270375 there we go VCLbpPH9b5o-00792-00270376-00270743 okay well there we go there's that done VCLbpPH9b5o-00793-00270744-00271343 and now we reboot the optics VCLbpPH9b5o-00794-00271344-00272015 well hi there buddy VCLbpPH9b5o-00795-00272016-00272343 yeah about that oh boy VCLbpPH9b5o-00796-00272344-00272495 okay well i'm getting attacked from VCLbpPH9b5o-00797-00272496-00273082 multiple sides now VCLbpPH9b5o-00798-00273083-00273255 oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00799-00273256-00273567 oh i'm liking this gun oh i'm VCLbpPH9b5o-00800-00273568-00273871 loving this gun i love the look i love VCLbpPH9b5o-00801-00273872-00273991 the feel VCLbpPH9b5o-00802-00273992-00274519 i love the damage VCLbpPH9b5o-00803-00274520-00274823 all right silver wrap earrings sniper VCLbpPH9b5o-00804-00274824-00275055 rifle ammo VCLbpPH9b5o-00805-00275056-00275375 archive conversation VCLbpPH9b5o-00806-00275376-00275679 kawahara and soga okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00807-00275680-00275882 transports there mark the right VCLbpPH9b5o-00808-00275883-00275999 container VCLbpPH9b5o-00809-00276000-00276247 revere courier services will be by VCLbpPH9b5o-00810-00276248-00276399 tomorrow to pick it up VCLbpPH9b5o-00811-00276400-00276575 day after tomorrow it'll be across the VCLbpPH9b5o-00812-00276576-00277282 border alright on my way VCLbpPH9b5o-00813-00277283-00277447 well VCLbpPH9b5o-00814-00277448-00277815 turn that off for now man oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00815-00277816-00278134 man crank VCLbpPH9b5o-00816-00278135-00278510 and lance VCLbpPH9b5o-00817-00278511-00278727 cranking lance yo which container is it VCLbpPH9b5o-00818-00278728-00278887 how the [__] should i know VCLbpPH9b5o-00819-00278888-00279039 thought the plan was to get that intel VCLbpPH9b5o-00820-00279040-00279271 out of the tiger yeah well plan went VCLbpPH9b5o-00821-00279272-00279358 tits up VCLbpPH9b5o-00822-00279359-00279606 gonk attacked had to put him down so you VCLbpPH9b5o-00823-00279607-00279727 got no idea VCLbpPH9b5o-00824-00279728-00279895 no already gave you everything i had VCLbpPH9b5o-00825-00279896-00280087 from that contact but the stuff should VCLbpPH9b5o-00826-00280088-00280239 be there just look around VCLbpPH9b5o-00827-00280240-00280558 yeah great thanks VCLbpPH9b5o-00828-00280559-00281087 well VCLbpPH9b5o-00829-00281088-00281647 that uh went about as well as i expected VCLbpPH9b5o-00830-00281648-00281967 okay VCLbpPH9b5o-00831-00281968-00282295 i don't know why that flipped but VCLbpPH9b5o-00832-00282296-00282606 that's weird okay so look around for the VCLbpPH9b5o-00833-00282607-00282903 thing VCLbpPH9b5o-00834-00282904-00283175 that uh they were looking for try to VCLbpPH9b5o-00835-00283176-00283215 find VCLbpPH9b5o-00836-00283216-00283558 the marked container VCLbpPH9b5o-00837-00283559-00283927 eventually i'll get it right VCLbpPH9b5o-00838-00283928-00284303 and i'll get the stuff VCLbpPH9b5o-00839-00284304-00284671 which you know would be ideal anyway VCLbpPH9b5o-00840-00284672-00284839 it'll at least make up for the fact that VCLbpPH9b5o-00841-00284840-00285103 this was a very short mission VCLbpPH9b5o-00842-00285104-00285415 but this gun oh this gun oh VCLbpPH9b5o-00843-00285416-00285927 this gun is so good oh i love it to bits VCLbpPH9b5o-00844-00285928-00286110 i love it to bits i'm probably gonna run VCLbpPH9b5o-00845-00286111-00286319 this for like the entirety of my VCLbpPH9b5o-00846-00286320-00286591 time playing this game i don't even care VCLbpPH9b5o-00847-00286592-00286630 i VCLbpPH9b5o-00848-00286631-00287023 don't even care VCLbpPH9b5o-00849-00287024-00287279 at all okay i'm gonna keep looking VCLbpPH9b5o-00850-00287280-00287358 around VCLbpPH9b5o-00851-00287359-00287551 uh anyway in the meantime i'm gonna end VCLbpPH9b5o-00852-00287552-00287710 the episode because that was what i was VCLbpPH9b5o-00853-00287711-00287815 going to do so VCLbpPH9b5o-00854-00287816-00287982 now i'm going to do it thank y'all so VCLbpPH9b5o-00855-00287983-00288454 much for watching click subscribe VCLbpPH9b5o-00856-00288455-00288606 let's try that again thank you all so VCLbpPH9b5o-00857-00288607-00288719 much for watching click the subscribe VCLbpPH9b5o-00858-00288720-00288830 button if you like these videos and you VCLbpPH9b5o-00859-00288831-00288943 want to see more click the like button VCLbpPH9b5o-00860-00288944-00289063 if you like this particular video VCLbpPH9b5o-00861-00289064-00289175 and sharing comments scribbling more VCLbpPH9b5o-00862-00289176-00289303 people into this community we can talk VCLbpPH9b5o-00863-00289304-00289391 about the games we're playing together VCLbpPH9b5o-00864-00289392-00289591 and i will see y'all in the next episode VCLbpPH9b5o-00865-00289592-00289782 this has been the one the only stray cat VCLbpPH9b5o-00866-00289783-00289967 playing games and VCLbpPH9b5o-00867-00289968-00290327 trying to uh more or less level myself VCLbpPH9b5o-00868-00290328-00290527 up get some missions taken care of and VCLbpPH9b5o-00869-00290528-00290743 so far doing pretty good VCLbpPH9b5o-00870-00290744-00291047 and also got a cool ass pistol which i'm VCLbpPH9b5o-00871-00291048-00291254 going to be running for a good god damn VCLbpPH9b5o-00872-00291255-00291358 long time i'm gonna VCLbpPH9b5o-00873-00291359-00291551 be trying to keep it with me as much as VCLbpPH9b5o-00874-00291552-00291671 i can VCLbpPH9b5o-00875-00291672-00292006 and uh yeah just VCLbpPH9b5o-00876-00292007-00292182 going through all the missions that i VCLbpPH9b5o-00877-00292183-00292382 can actually do VCLbpPH9b5o-00878-00292383-00292663 and uh eventually i'll do the whole VCLbpPH9b5o-00879-00292664-00292758 playing for time VCLbpPH9b5o-00880-00292759-00293015 thing it's gonna be a long time before i VCLbpPH9b5o-00881-00293016-00293167 do that because that's a long way into VCLbpPH9b5o-00882-00293168-00293351 the city and i have so many missions to VCLbpPH9b5o-00883-00293352-00293575 do before i get there VCLbpPH9b5o-00884-00293576-00294088 it's gonna take a while for you VCbxluIHcyY-00000-00000588-00000997 thank you VCbxluIHcyY-00001-00000998-00001378 okay so firstly uh apologies to all of VCbxluIHcyY-00002-00001379-00001570 you because I think with me on the stage VCbxluIHcyY-00003-00001571-00001859 your reach would have fallen to half VCbxluIHcyY-00004-00001860-00002051 right VCbxluIHcyY-00005-00002052-00002218 so um VCbxluIHcyY-00006-00002219-00002387 I was just having a chat with each one VCbxluIHcyY-00007-00002388-00002645 of them uh to understand uh how their VCbxluIHcyY-00008-00002646-00002921 lives are and how they deal with uh the VCbxluIHcyY-00009-00002922-00003107 vagaries of the business and how they're VCbxluIHcyY-00010-00003108-00003317 dealing with creating content and how VCbxluIHcyY-00011-00003318-00003454 they end up creating that entire VCbxluIHcyY-00012-00003455-00003869 quantities right so before we get to the VCbxluIHcyY-00013-00003870-00004235 content side let's first start with what VCbxluIHcyY-00014-00004236-00004570 an ad maker looks at this entire piece VCbxluIHcyY-00015-00004571-00004727 and how VCbxluIHcyY-00016-00004728-00005002 um you know ad making has changed over VCbxluIHcyY-00017-00005003-00005399 the last three four years VCbxluIHcyY-00018-00005400-00005609 um I think one of the first things that VCbxluIHcyY-00019-00005610-00005825 uh any AD maker VCbxluIHcyY-00020-00005826-00006088 firstly one big truth bomb that I want VCbxluIHcyY-00021-00006089-00006365 to put it out there I don't think brands VCbxluIHcyY-00022-00006366-00006514 are doing it right when it comes to VCbxluIHcyY-00023-00006515-00006748 influencer marketing so VCbxluIHcyY-00024-00006750-00007060 death nail let's let's start there VCbxluIHcyY-00025-00007061-00007283 well VCbxluIHcyY-00026-00007284-00007469 the second thing is VCbxluIHcyY-00027-00007470-00007720 um when the agency comes to Brands and VCbxluIHcyY-00028-00007722-00007984 says let's look for VCbxluIHcyY-00029-00007986-00008327 an influencer who does ABC listen to VCbxluIHcyY-00030-00008328-00008614 them because in the back end what we VCbxluIHcyY-00031-00008615-00008914 have done is we figured out which Voice VCbxluIHcyY-00032-00008915-00009124 works for the brand and which Voice VCbxluIHcyY-00033-00009125-00009424 works for the product because what we do VCbxluIHcyY-00034-00009425-00009695 at our end is figure out whether the VCbxluIHcyY-00035-00009696-00009971 influencer fits in the category of let's VCbxluIHcyY-00036-00009972-00010156 say your lab rat wherein VCbxluIHcyY-00037-00010157-00010409 no offense meant elaborate wherein they VCbxluIHcyY-00038-00010410-00010685 are trying stuff out and the experience VCbxluIHcyY-00039-00010686-00010906 some of them trying stuff out actually VCbxluIHcyY-00040-00010907-00011123 means something to the audience VCbxluIHcyY-00041-00011124-00011435 or an expert who's tried stuff out and VCbxluIHcyY-00042-00011436-00011717 has an expert opinion on on it VCbxluIHcyY-00043-00011718-00011999 or an evangelist who's somewhere in the VCbxluIHcyY-00044-00012000-00012238 middle but is giving you a lifestyle VCbxluIHcyY-00045-00012239-00012527 sort of an uh opinion about it VCbxluIHcyY-00046-00012528-00012755 so we've done that due diligence so VCbxluIHcyY-00047-00012756-00013013 listen to us before you want to make it VCbxluIHcyY-00048-00013013-00013151 an ad so yeah VCbxluIHcyY-00049-00013152-00013403 thank you so with that I'll start with VCbxluIHcyY-00050-00013404-00013613 viraj right VCbxluIHcyY-00051-00013613-00013841 um what is it like being an influencer VCbxluIHcyY-00052-00013841-00014027 what are the insecurities that you face VCbxluIHcyY-00053-00014028-00014380 how do you go about your VCbxluIHcyY-00054-00014381-00014633 life how was the recognition changed VCbxluIHcyY-00055-00014634-00014963 your life it is just normal VCbxluIHcyY-00056-00014963-00015101 like VCbxluIHcyY-00057-00015102-00016321 I think it's hyped very much VCbxluIHcyY-00058-00016322-00016553 for example if I make videos everywhere VCbxluIHcyY-00059-00016554-00016744 where I go so if I make videos on my VCbxluIHcyY-00060-00016745-00016961 locality areas they don't give a little VCbxluIHcyY-00061-00016962-00017167 bit VCbxluIHcyY-00062-00017168-00017369 but the thing is VCbxluIHcyY-00063-00017370-00017603 this this is possibly the society has VCbxluIHcyY-00064-00017604-00017777 given in to us we are living our life VCbxluIHcyY-00065-00017778-00017927 and the thing is we started as a passion VCbxluIHcyY-00066-00017928-00018583 and still has passion for us VCbxluIHcyY-00067-00018584-00018797 because the thing is people have VCbxluIHcyY-00068-00018798-00019043 expectations around us we feel it's a VCbxluIHcyY-00069-00019044-00019307 responsibility but I've as of now a baby VCbxluIHcyY-00070-00019308-00019513 I have still make like made it possible VCbxluIHcyY-00071-00019514-00019763 it is my passion and I will continue as VCbxluIHcyY-00072-00019764-00019883 a passion only I don't want to take VCbxluIHcyY-00073-00019884-00020234 stress on me VCbxluIHcyY-00074-00020235-00020347 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00075-00020348-00020650 like for me I don't know about you guys VCbxluIHcyY-00076-00020651-00020830 but for me it is the same thing and it VCbxluIHcyY-00077-00020831-00021035 will be the same thing that's how people VCbxluIHcyY-00078-00021036-00021233 like it and that's how I have noticed VCbxluIHcyY-00079-00021234-00021377 that that's how audience connect to us VCbxluIHcyY-00080-00021378-00021697 because VCbxluIHcyY-00081-00021698-00021971 whatever we do it it is all our natural VCbxluIHcyY-00082-00021972-00022193 things like this is why also what you VCbxluIHcyY-00083-00022194-00022505 said sir it is great because we have we VCbxluIHcyY-00084-00022506-00022636 have built an audience for ourselves VCbxluIHcyY-00085-00022637-00022847 right and when a brand comes to us VCbxluIHcyY-00086-00022848-00023141 giving their expertise or for our VCbxluIHcyY-00087-00023142-00023419 audience I feel like VCbxluIHcyY-00088-00023420-00023717 like they don't know only what is what VCbxluIHcyY-00089-00023718-00023878 they are talking about you guys are VCbxluIHcyY-00090-00023879-00024064 talking like there are jargons there are VCbxluIHcyY-00091-00024065-00024935 logos yes VCbxluIHcyY-00092-00024936-00025211 they come to us for their pastimes they VCbxluIHcyY-00093-00025212-00026056 come to us VCbxluIHcyY-00094-00026057-00026237 that's what I feel it's a very important VCbxluIHcyY-00095-00026238-00026452 point that you touched upon as the VCbxluIHcyY-00096-00026454-00026705 difference between an ad and an VCbxluIHcyY-00097-00026706-00026957 influencer post right so I'm sure that VCbxluIHcyY-00098-00026958-00027089 each one of you would have had different VCbxluIHcyY-00099-00027089-00027257 experiences and you each one of you VCbxluIHcyY-00100-00027258-00027389 would have had your own learning curve VCbxluIHcyY-00101-00027389-00027551 in terms of how do you handle those uh VCbxluIHcyY-00102-00027552-00027785 issues Simone I'll come to you say ask VCbxluIHcyY-00103-00027786-00028018 uh how do you deal with something like VCbxluIHcyY-00104-00028019-00028205 this because the space in which you VCbxluIHcyY-00105-00028206-00028402 operate in uh there's a whole lot of VCbxluIHcyY-00106-00028404-00028702 expectation when it comes to brands uh VCbxluIHcyY-00107-00028704-00028931 you know giving you a give using you for VCbxluIHcyY-00108-00028932-00029135 a certain uh pattern in terms of how VCbxluIHcyY-00109-00029136-00029339 they would want the post to be VCbxluIHcyY-00110-00029339-00029507 right VCbxluIHcyY-00111-00029508-00029752 um good afternoon everyone VCbxluIHcyY-00112-00029754-00030046 so you know like we were discussing VCbxluIHcyY-00113-00030047-00030527 outside I feel like I am so tired of VCbxluIHcyY-00114-00030527-00030749 explaining this time and time again to VCbxluIHcyY-00115-00030750-00031024 Brands and agencies that do you want me VCbxluIHcyY-00116-00031025-00031324 as we discuss to be your model or do you VCbxluIHcyY-00117-00031325-00031529 want me to be the Creator that I am and VCbxluIHcyY-00118-00031530-00031708 create content for my followers first VCbxluIHcyY-00119-00031710-00032014 decide that if you want me to just be a VCbxluIHcyY-00120-00032016-00032290 model and you want to boost this ad on VCbxluIHcyY-00121-00032291-00032458 YouTube and you don't care about what VCbxluIHcyY-00122-00032460-00032602 kind of Engagement I'm Gonna Give You VCbxluIHcyY-00123-00032603-00032915 cool give me this hardcore script with VCbxluIHcyY-00124-00032916-00033101 where these clothes sneeze like this VCbxluIHcyY-00125-00033102-00033473 breed like this okay but when you want VCbxluIHcyY-00126-00033474-00033683 to reach my audience and want my VCbxluIHcyY-00127-00033684-00033887 engagement then you have to let me do it VCbxluIHcyY-00128-00033888-00034174 my way no one knows my audience like I VCbxluIHcyY-00129-00034175-00034396 do or for everyone sitting here no one I VCbxluIHcyY-00130-00034397-00034631 mean we know our audience best so if VCbxluIHcyY-00131-00034632-00034793 you're working with a Creator learn how VCbxluIHcyY-00132-00034794-00035057 to trust the Creator or then decide that VCbxluIHcyY-00133-00035058-00035273 this is an ad we don't care about the VCbxluIHcyY-00134-00035274-00035452 engagement we want to boost this it's VCbxluIHcyY-00135-00035453-00035627 different and then later don't come to VCbxluIHcyY-00136-00035628-00035789 us crying about why our engagement so VCbxluIHcyY-00137-00035790-00036029 low because it's going to be it's not VCbxluIHcyY-00138-00036030-00036311 going to do well and that's the truth so VCbxluIHcyY-00139-00036312-00036545 yeah shlok I'll come to you because you VCbxluIHcyY-00140-00036546-00036718 handle an entirely different category VCbxluIHcyY-00141-00036719-00037331 right and VCbxluIHcyY-00142-00037332-00037624 and for the category that you handle uh VCbxluIHcyY-00143-00037625-00037751 obviously the vagaries are different VCbxluIHcyY-00144-00037752-00037937 expectations are different so how do you VCbxluIHcyY-00145-00037938-00038146 deal with something like this VCbxluIHcyY-00146-00038147-00038405 ideally with it quite simply VCbxluIHcyY-00147-00038406-00038796 um I think I don't look at VCbxluIHcyY-00148-00038797-00039823 the brands and the influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00149-00039824-00040168 or influencers versus audience I think VCbxluIHcyY-00150-00040169-00040249 um VCbxluIHcyY-00151-00040250-00040577 essentially what he's trying to do is VCbxluIHcyY-00152-00040578-00040840 um serve the audience uh they are trying VCbxluIHcyY-00153-00040841-00041137 to do it in different way of products VCbxluIHcyY-00154-00041138-00041818 but at the end of audience VCbxluIHcyY-00155-00041819-00042515 but VCbxluIHcyY-00156-00042516-00042755 as a creator VCbxluIHcyY-00157-00042756-00043043 what we try to do is we try to serve the VCbxluIHcyY-00158-00043044-00043201 audience best VCbxluIHcyY-00159-00043202-00043523 serving under we can include a brand and VCbxluIHcyY-00160-00043524-00043824 increase that value just say for example VCbxluIHcyY-00161-00043825-00044155 examples up on says VCbxluIHcyY-00162-00044156-00044467 there's a lot of times sponsored videos VCbxluIHcyY-00163-00044468-00044765 and people look forward to sponsored VCbxluIHcyY-00164-00044766-00045073 videos VCbxluIHcyY-00165-00045074-00045637 and I don't know uh VCbxluIHcyY-00166-00045638-00045911 so let's take something for example just VCbxluIHcyY-00167-00045912-00046211 say we make a video about key VCbxluIHcyY-00168-00046212-00047095 smartphones manufacturers VCbxluIHcyY-00169-00047096-00047374 so when we execute that concept of VCbxluIHcyY-00170-00047375-00047507 audience VCbxluIHcyY-00172-00051047-00053603 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00173-00053604-00053891 I know we realize key VCbxluIHcyY-00174-00053891-00054203 I think understanding right VCbxluIHcyY-00175-00054204-00054516 um VCbxluIHcyY-00176-00054517-00054754 when you're working with influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00177-00054755-00055007 it's not just like you said it's not VCbxluIHcyY-00178-00055008-00055307 like working with models it's essay VCbxluIHcyY-00179-00055308-00055687 um it has to be a collaborative effort VCbxluIHcyY-00180-00055688-00055925 because at the end the brand and the VCbxluIHcyY-00181-00055926-00056159 influencers are working together so I VCbxluIHcyY-00182-00056160-00056380 feel when it is a collaboration between VCbxluIHcyY-00183-00056382-00056566 the influencer and the brand and they VCbxluIHcyY-00184-00056567-00057409 both understand VCbxluIHcyY-00185-00057410-00057797 but I think that works really well and VCbxluIHcyY-00186-00057798-00058037 uh that's what we try to do at the end I VCbxluIHcyY-00187-00058038-00058361 just see us and the brands in the same VCbxluIHcyY-00188-00058362-00058804 boat or an audience VCbxluIHcyY-00189-00058805-00059015 yeah it's a very interesting uh take VCbxluIHcyY-00190-00059016-00059176 it's interesting perspective that you VCbxluIHcyY-00191-00059177-00059326 bring about I think thank you for that VCbxluIHcyY-00192-00059327-00059591 so a lot of people were in this room VCbxluIHcyY-00193-00059591-00059830 today right VCbxluIHcyY-00194-00059832-00060011 um would also like to understand because VCbxluIHcyY-00195-00060012-00060179 a whole lot of us sitting on the other VCbxluIHcyY-00196-00060179-00060449 side are sitting on the side where you VCbxluIHcyY-00197-00060450-00060641 were before right you're on the VCbxluIHcyY-00198-00060641-00060779 corporate side and then you became an VCbxluIHcyY-00199-00060779-00061013 influencer right how has life changed VCbxluIHcyY-00200-00061014-00061180 for you and what does it take for say VCbxluIHcyY-00201-00061182-00061511 some of us to cross this side VCbxluIHcyY-00202-00061512-00062051 I can VCbxluIHcyY-00203-00062052-00062515 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00204-00062516-00062957 I'm in media and entertainment so VCbxluIHcyY-00205-00062958-00063635 inherently uh VCbxluIHcyY-00206-00063636-00063742 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00207-00063744-00065605 um VCbxluIHcyY-00208-00065606-00065837 what are you talking about VCbxluIHcyY-00209-00065838-00065969 but then VCbxluIHcyY-00210-00065970-00066250 um the way it was received and within VCbxluIHcyY-00211-00066251-00066473 like six months I had only 15 000 VCbxluIHcyY-00212-00066474-00066761 followers but they were my people they VCbxluIHcyY-00213-00066762-00067432 were there to watch the yeah VCbxluIHcyY-00214-00067433-00067738 till the pandemic hit and that one VCbxluIHcyY-00215-00067739-00067932 teacher video went viral VCbxluIHcyY-00216-00067933-00068287 influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00217-00068288-00068525 just doing it for fun VCbxluIHcyY-00219-00073670-00074026 this brand association with influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00220-00074027-00074388 is a unique Revenue model VCbxluIHcyY-00221-00074389-00074638 earlier when I was doing this for fun VCbxluIHcyY-00222-00074639-00074813 people are watching and saying hey I VCbxluIHcyY-00223-00074814-00074944 liked you VCbxluIHcyY-00224-00074945-00075109 um VCbxluIHcyY-00225-00075110-00075376 I was still waking up at seven o'clock VCbxluIHcyY-00226-00075377-00075563 going to nine o'clock shift and shooting VCbxluIHcyY-00227-00075564-00076662 the entire day then coming back of him VCbxluIHcyY-00228-00076663-00077259 but I think all of you agree VCbxluIHcyY-00229-00077260-00077802 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00230-00077803-00078853 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00231-00078854-00079350 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00232-00079351-00079762 right so that's how I think awesome so VCbxluIHcyY-00233-00079763-00080176 there are two I should I say ancillary VCbxluIHcyY-00234-00080177-00080441 questions to it one is that VCbxluIHcyY-00235-00080442-00080638 there is also this entire thing about VCbxluIHcyY-00236-00080639-00080843 shelf life of an influencer their VCbxluIHcyY-00237-00080844-00081041 influencer coming up every single day VCbxluIHcyY-00238-00081042-00081215 they knew bunch of people creating new VCbxluIHcyY-00239-00081216-00081406 content getting you know a lot of VCbxluIHcyY-00240-00081407-00081593 followers and stuff like that arshi will VCbxluIHcyY-00241-00081594-00081731 start with you and then go to Nishant VCbxluIHcyY-00242-00081732-00081923 how do you handle this entire thing VCbxluIHcyY-00243-00081924-00082294 about uh the insecurity of being an VCbxluIHcyY-00244-00082295-00082456 influencer and the fact that there's so VCbxluIHcyY-00245-00082457-00082600 many people coming in and stuff like VCbxluIHcyY-00246-00082601-00082805 that VCbxluIHcyY-00247-00082806-00083221 I believe one thing in life VCbxluIHcyY-00248-00083222-00083735 to be honest and uh I mean uh VCbxluIHcyY-00249-00083736-00083999 at the first place I never wanted to be VCbxluIHcyY-00250-00084000-00084259 an influencer to be honest reality VCbxluIHcyY-00251-00084260-00084587 influence my followers and I ended up VCbxluIHcyY-00252-00084588-00084815 being in this side this side VCbxluIHcyY-00253-00084816-00084982 and VCbxluIHcyY-00254-00084983-00085229 obviously Instagram algorithm and VCbxluIHcyY-00255-00085230-00085519 Instagram VCbxluIHcyY-00256-00085520-00085841 you you you really don't don't have to VCbxluIHcyY-00257-00085842-00086093 like worry about or kitne logary and VCbxluIHcyY-00258-00086094-00086338 just put in your efforts and like do VCbxluIHcyY-00259-00086339-00086537 what you like doing because I have been VCbxluIHcyY-00260-00086538-00086794 in this that cycle where I was thinking VCbxluIHcyY-00261-00086795-00087023 what is not working for me you know VCbxluIHcyY-00262-00087024-00087167 constant thought and I was discussing VCbxluIHcyY-00263-00087168-00087394 with them as well that a literally very VCbxluIHcyY-00264-00087395-00087532 theoretical topic VCbxluIHcyY-00265-00087533-00087749 but I was discussing with my therapist VCbxluIHcyY-00266-00087750-00088073 and I mean it had got to me to the this VCbxluIHcyY-00267-00088074-00088379 extent but now what I feel and what I do VCbxluIHcyY-00268-00088380-00088511 is that VCbxluIHcyY-00269-00088512-00089244 I just put up what I want to put up up VCbxluIHcyY-00270-00089245-00089500 so that's how I take it like I don't VCbxluIHcyY-00271-00089501-00089647 really care about VCbxluIHcyY-00272-00089648-00089975 influences it is out there with everyone VCbxluIHcyY-00273-00089976-00090161 everyone has the phone and everyone can VCbxluIHcyY-00274-00090162-00090412 become an influencer sub creative and so VCbxluIHcyY-00275-00090413-00090605 you can't really like think about key VCbxluIHcyY-00276-00090606-00091162 right you know VCbxluIHcyY-00277-00091163-00091456 I have a point of view on this uh uh VCbxluIHcyY-00278-00091457-00091825 this Panic conversation uh about VCbxluIHcyY-00279-00091826-00092056 influencers sort of losing their VCbxluIHcyY-00280-00092057-00092261 following as their growing older I feel VCbxluIHcyY-00281-00092262-00092459 like that comes in only when you're VCbxluIHcyY-00282-00092460-00092717 thinking of influencers as a means to VCbxluIHcyY-00283-00092718-00092993 sell but I don't think any uh of course VCbxluIHcyY-00284-00092994-00093268 it it gives people Revenue but then VCbxluIHcyY-00285-00093269-00093556 I don't think anyone who's an authentic VCbxluIHcyY-00286-00093557-00093832 influencer looks at themselves as VCbxluIHcyY-00287-00093833-00094037 someone who will sell so as they're VCbxluIHcyY-00288-00094038-00094223 growing older Their audience is growing VCbxluIHcyY-00289-00094224-00094517 older Their audience is also uh you know VCbxluIHcyY-00290-00094518-00094726 creating different life experiences so VCbxluIHcyY-00291-00094727-00094894 there's loyalty there's faith when it VCbxluIHcyY-00292-00094895-00095129 comes to that right if there is a brand VCbxluIHcyY-00293-00095130-00095350 that has run out of the influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00294-00095351-00095506 Ambit there is a new brand that will VCbxluIHcyY-00295-00095507-00095723 come in and which will make place for VCbxluIHcyY-00296-00095724-00096053 that I mean there there is stuff that as VCbxluIHcyY-00297-00096054-00096305 advertisers we sell to 80 years old 80 VCbxluIHcyY-00298-00096306-00096617 year olds and 100 year olds so I don't VCbxluIHcyY-00299-00096618-00096853 think there will be a time where VCbxluIHcyY-00300-00096854-00097181 you as an influencer will be out of VCbxluIHcyY-00301-00097182-00097403 running unless you're thinking yourself VCbxluIHcyY-00302-00097404-00097649 of yourself only as a channel to sell VCbxluIHcyY-00303-00097650-00097738 right VCbxluIHcyY-00304-00097739-00098256 yeah sure I I take it as um VCbxluIHcyY-00305-00098257-00098500 what are you doing what are you doing up VCbxluIHcyY-00306-00098501-00098675 your game VCbxluIHcyY-00307-00098676-00098960 um VCbxluIHcyY-00308-00098961-00099247 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00309-00099248-00099562 I can't start doing things which others VCbxluIHcyY-00310-00099563-00099700 are doing VCbxluIHcyY-00311-00099701-00100961 um VCbxluIHcyY-00312-00100962-00101159 this isn't coming to you so the thing is VCbxluIHcyY-00313-00101160-00101297 that uh VCbxluIHcyY-00314-00101298-00101471 when there is so many influencers coming VCbxluIHcyY-00315-00101472-00101638 obviously there is when we sit on the VCbxluIHcyY-00316-00101639-00101776 brand side right so there's this thing VCbxluIHcyY-00317-00101777-00101964 saying constantly VCbxluIHcyY-00318-00101965-00102023 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00319-00102024-00102103 um VCbxluIHcyY-00320-00102104-00102413 right there's too much price that an VCbxluIHcyY-00321-00102414-00102551 influencer is quoting can you do VCbxluIHcyY-00322-00102552-00102701 something about it can you reduce the VCbxluIHcyY-00323-00102702-00102899 cost can you do it but I also know that VCbxluIHcyY-00324-00102900-00103036 there is all there's other side of the VCbxluIHcyY-00325-00103038-00103253 story right so why don't you share your VCbxluIHcyY-00326-00103254-00103397 side of the story in terms of what VCbxluIHcyY-00327-00103398-00103606 happens when you actually say that this VCbxluIHcyY-00328-00103607-00103877 is a point below which I I won't do this VCbxluIHcyY-00329-00103878-00103978 thing VCbxluIHcyY-00330-00103979-00104554 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00331-00104555-00105483 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00332-00105484-00107188 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00333-00107189-00107573 [Laughter] VCbxluIHcyY-00334-00107574-00110081 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00335-00110082-00110716 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00336-00110717-00111493 so now I look at every dealers VCbxluIHcyY-00337-00111494-00113693 and if it's the product or the brand is VCbxluIHcyY-00338-00113694-00114023 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00339-00114024-00115375 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00340-00115376-00115763 because you feel like a brand VCbxluIHcyY-00341-00115764-00116178 then we lower our costs VCbxluIHcyY-00342-00116179-00116783 I have this thing is VCbxluIHcyY-00343-00116783-00117365 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00344-00117366-00120095 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00345-00120096-00120989 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00348-00129083-00129293 if you can't interact with your audience VCbxluIHcyY-00349-00129294-00129484 in a second no they'll slowly okay right VCbxluIHcyY-00350-00129485-00129695 there are so many advances they'll be VCbxluIHcyY-00351-00129696-00129851 like VCbxluIHcyY-00352-00129852-00130354 right VCbxluIHcyY-00353-00130355-00130636 I've genuinely started asking clients VCbxluIHcyY-00354-00130638-00130889 this piece that you're asking us to make VCbxluIHcyY-00355-00130890-00131135 would you watch it if you weren't forced VCbxluIHcyY-00356-00131136-00131309 would you watch it VCbxluIHcyY-00357-00131310-00131699 as a consumer would you watch it VCbxluIHcyY-00358-00131700-00132040 100 of The Times They Are zipped VCbxluIHcyY-00359-00132041-00132371 because they think that an ad is equal VCbxluIHcyY-00360-00132372-00132647 to an influencer's content and that's VCbxluIHcyY-00361-00132648-00132827 one of the biggest policies out there VCbxluIHcyY-00362-00132828-00133027 that's VCbxluIHcyY-00363-00133028-00133235 like whenever there's a brand I directly VCbxluIHcyY-00364-00133236-00135957 talk to the brand sometimes foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00365-00135958-00136333 [Laughter] VCbxluIHcyY-00366-00136334-00136564 no no that's the idea I think that's the VCbxluIHcyY-00367-00136565-00136799 idea okay so the other thing is that we VCbxluIHcyY-00368-00136800-00137135 discussed this thing is there a line VCbxluIHcyY-00369-00137136-00137495 where you which you draw and Seiki these VCbxluIHcyY-00370-00137496-00137728 are the things that I would not do VCbxluIHcyY-00371-00137729-00137939 are there any guidelines that you laid VCbxluIHcyY-00372-00137940-00138227 for yourself or any brands or categories VCbxluIHcyY-00373-00138228-00138383 I'll not say brand sorry that's the VCbxluIHcyY-00374-00138384-00138545 wrong word to use here now is there any VCbxluIHcyY-00375-00138546-00138695 categories that you would say I would VCbxluIHcyY-00376-00138696-00138904 not like to do this VCbxluIHcyY-00377-00138905-00139102 or Beyond this it's going to affect my VCbxluIHcyY-00378-00139103-00139289 genuine followers so I wouldn't want to VCbxluIHcyY-00379-00139290-00140261 approach on this um VCbxluIHcyY-00380-00140262-00140873 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00381-00140874-00143345 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00382-00143346-00143590 because like we built a community we VCbxluIHcyY-00383-00143591-00143801 build our own Niche we it's like we are VCbxluIHcyY-00384-00143802-00143981 like a family member to them now they VCbxluIHcyY-00385-00143982-00144269 watches us every day in their life like VCbxluIHcyY-00386-00144270-00144485 it starts from our stories and videos VCbxluIHcyY-00387-00144486-00144635 and it ends also on our stories VCbxluIHcyY-00388-00144636-00145069 interviews so whenever they come tonight VCbxluIHcyY-00389-00145070-00145325 I try to avoid to this because it VCbxluIHcyY-00390-00145326-00145481 doesn't fall into mind like right now VCbxluIHcyY-00391-00145482-00145663 I'm into spray of gaining my weight VCbxluIHcyY-00392-00145664-00146014 randomly so I'll promote food brands but VCbxluIHcyY-00393-00146015-00146195 sometimes if I'm not I'm like if I would VCbxluIHcyY-00394-00146196-00146783 say VCbxluIHcyY-00395-00146784-00147131 what about you VCbxluIHcyY-00396-00147132-00147478 so uh there are certain brands as in VCbxluIHcyY-00397-00147479-00147790 like coach time I said no to them VCbxluIHcyY-00398-00147791-00148001 because I personally don't smoke and I VCbxluIHcyY-00399-00148002-00148337 would not want to promote smoking and uh VCbxluIHcyY-00400-00148338-00148711 not uh VCbxluIHcyY-00401-00148712-00149069 uh I have looked at certain people you VCbxluIHcyY-00402-00149070-00149599 know like Instagram YouTube celebrities VCbxluIHcyY-00403-00149600-00149957 we really look up to certain people so I VCbxluIHcyY-00404-00149958-00150637 be very conscious VCbxluIHcyY-00405-00150638-00150923 I personally don't put it up right VCbxluIHcyY-00406-00150924-00151085 that's the fine line for me and VCbxluIHcyY-00407-00151086-00151235 obviously money VCbxluIHcyY-00408-00151236-00151481 if you pay me less I won't do it right VCbxluIHcyY-00409-00151482-00151619 so when you were talking something VCbxluIHcyY-00410-00151620-00151835 interesting because as a mom influencer VCbxluIHcyY-00411-00151836-00152045 there's a whole lot of demand that you VCbxluIHcyY-00412-00152046-00152207 you're that you'd probably get and both VCbxluIHcyY-00413-00152208-00152573 of you actually right of getting your uh VCbxluIHcyY-00414-00152574-00152723 you know getting your family also inside VCbxluIHcyY-00415-00152724-00153040 so does that bother you is there a point VCbxluIHcyY-00416-00153041-00153233 where you say okay only these categories VCbxluIHcyY-00417-00153234-00153413 or these kind of products that I would VCbxluIHcyY-00418-00153414-00153707 like my uh children or my immediate VCbxluIHcyY-00419-00153708-00153983 family members also to be coming in so VCbxluIHcyY-00420-00153984-00154247 you know what when I started I was also VCbxluIHcyY-00421-00154248-00154571 a very new mother my son was five days VCbxluIHcyY-00422-00154572-00154739 old VCbxluIHcyY-00423-00154740-00155069 um in fact it is postpartum depression VCbxluIHcyY-00424-00155070-00155381 that actually I was a full-time fashion VCbxluIHcyY-00425-00155382-00155554 designer running a very successful label VCbxluIHcyY-00426-00155555-00155699 selling globally VCbxluIHcyY-00427-00155700-00155945 and then my son was born and you know my VCbxluIHcyY-00428-00155946-00156083 dog passed away in the same week and VCbxluIHcyY-00429-00156084-00156376 there was just trauma in my brain and my VCbxluIHcyY-00430-00156377-00156587 easiest way to kind of VCbxluIHcyY-00431-00156588-00156671 um VCbxluIHcyY-00432-00156672-00156911 vent was through this platform called VCbxluIHcyY-00433-00156912-00157216 Instagram and I just started like VCbxluIHcyY-00434-00157217-00157409 literally sharing my deepest darkest VCbxluIHcyY-00435-00157410-00157714 thoughts and I started getting an VCbxluIHcyY-00436-00157715-00157925 audience who started resonating with it VCbxluIHcyY-00437-00157926-00158093 and saying I felt this too I did this VCbxluIHcyY-00438-00158094-00158483 too so that's how it started now VCbxluIHcyY-00439-00158484-00158723 um will I still talk about random VCbxluIHcyY-00440-00158724-00158926 products when it comes to me which I may VCbxluIHcyY-00441-00158927-00159185 or may not use yes the truth is yes VCbxluIHcyY-00442-00159186-00159551 with the hashtag ad but when it comes to VCbxluIHcyY-00443-00159552-00159940 my kids I never till date have worked VCbxluIHcyY-00444-00159941-00160228 with a single brand in the food space or VCbxluIHcyY-00445-00160229-00160499 the skincare space for children that I VCbxluIHcyY-00446-00160500-00160726 have not tried and tested on my children VCbxluIHcyY-00447-00160727-00160943 first because that is a moral VCbxluIHcyY-00448-00160944-00161243 responsibility I am super mindful about VCbxluIHcyY-00449-00161244-00161531 the food my kids eat about what goes on VCbxluIHcyY-00450-00161532-00161716 their skin so I feel like it's just VCbxluIHcyY-00451-00161717-00161878 going to be really bad karma to tell VCbxluIHcyY-00452-00161879-00162052 people to use something that I'm not VCbxluIHcyY-00453-00162053-00162281 using on my kids so that's where I draw VCbxluIHcyY-00454-00162282-00162533 the line and of course money VCbxluIHcyY-00455-00162534-00162689 um if you're not going to pay me and if VCbxluIHcyY-00456-00162690-00163075 you don't know my worth then peace okay VCbxluIHcyY-00457-00163076-00163475 yeah so in my case my son has rarely VCbxluIHcyY-00458-00163476-00163781 featured on my Instagram page uh the VCbxluIHcyY-00459-00163782-00163943 teacher video that I made the good VCbxluIHcyY-00460-00163944-00164213 morning is the cute voice was his so VCbxluIHcyY-00461-00164214-00165044 teacher videos VCbxluIHcyY-00462-00165045-00166116 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00463-00166117-00166789 like there was an education VCbxluIHcyY-00464-00166790-00167152 but it was for preschoolers my son is VCbxluIHcyY-00465-00167153-00167495 already 11. so I told them I cannot use VCbxluIHcyY-00466-00167496-00167728 him right so that's where I told him VCbxluIHcyY-00467-00167729-00169081 clearly I'll look like a fool VCbxluIHcyY-00468-00169082-00169390 it's up to him if he gets convinced he VCbxluIHcyY-00469-00169391-00169535 can become a part of that video VCbxluIHcyY-00470-00169536-00169823 otherwise it's I'm I'm very selfish I VCbxluIHcyY-00471-00169824-00170633 want to be seen myself VCbxluIHcyY-00472-00170634-00170885 I just have to add to that I'm now VCbxluIHcyY-00473-00170886-00171095 speaking on behalf of every single VCbxluIHcyY-00474-00171096-00171263 Creator who is a parent VCbxluIHcyY-00475-00171264-00171683 our children are not trained monkeys who VCbxluIHcyY-00476-00171684-00171826 are going to cough according to your VCbxluIHcyY-00477-00171827-00172013 script and sneeze according to your VCbxluIHcyY-00478-00172014-00172276 script it's not possible so whenever you VCbxluIHcyY-00479-00172277-00172469 are coming with a baby product and you VCbxluIHcyY-00480-00172470-00172631 want to incorporate our children in it VCbxluIHcyY-00481-00172632-00172973 our children deserve their fair share of VCbxluIHcyY-00482-00172974-00173290 pay too which luckily Brands now pay us VCbxluIHcyY-00483-00173291-00173561 thank God for that and most importantly VCbxluIHcyY-00484-00173562-00173837 you have to understand that please only VCbxluIHcyY-00485-00173838-00174076 allow somebody who's a parent from your VCbxluIHcyY-00486-00174077-00174395 team to converse with us because when a VCbxluIHcyY-00487-00174396-00174652 23 year old boy tells me that what is VCbxluIHcyY-00488-00174653-00174859 this VCbxluIHcyY-00489-00174860-00175061 I'm like bro VCbxluIHcyY-00490-00175062-00175271 first go hang out with a three-year-old VCbxluIHcyY-00491-00175272-00175469 child then come to me and tell me and VCbxluIHcyY-00492-00175470-00175589 then you'll at least understand what a VCbxluIHcyY-00493-00175590-00175726 three-year-old is capable of because VCbxluIHcyY-00494-00175727-00175852 they want three-year-olds to give VCbxluIHcyY-00495-00175853-00176021 dialogues and I'm like it's not VCbxluIHcyY-00496-00176022-00176225 happening so we have to keep it real and VCbxluIHcyY-00497-00176226-00176423 treat children the way children are VCbxluIHcyY-00498-00176424-00176663 meant to be treated right so every kid VCbxluIHcyY-00499-00176664-00176987 is different like I am an outgoing VCbxluIHcyY-00500-00176988-00177190 personality I can make friends easily my VCbxluIHcyY-00501-00177191-00177521 son is shy he doesn't want to say lying VCbxluIHcyY-00502-00177522-00177816 on the camera VCbxluIHcyY-00503-00177817-00178114 you want me to perform in it then might VCbxluIHcyY-00504-00178115-00178711 as well get an actor right VCbxluIHcyY-00505-00178712-00179021 you've been very calm so just let me VCbxluIHcyY-00506-00179022-00179231 start with you so there is India that is VCbxluIHcyY-00507-00179232-00179464 Bharat So you you're talking about how VCbxluIHcyY-00508-00179465-00179788 do you reach the dietary tire for cities VCbxluIHcyY-00509-00179789-00180040 do you use different platforms is there VCbxluIHcyY-00510-00180041-00180178 a strategy that you have saying VCbxluIHcyY-00511-00180179-00180347 Instagram is for certain certain kind of VCbxluIHcyY-00512-00180348-00180599 audience whereas other platforms is for VCbxluIHcyY-00513-00180600-00180778 the other kind of audience or how do you VCbxluIHcyY-00514-00180779-00180887 create the content how do you VCbxluIHcyY-00515-00180888-00181037 disseminate the content in different VCbxluIHcyY-00516-00181038-00181157 platforms VCbxluIHcyY-00517-00181158-00181426 I think India is a very interesting VCbxluIHcyY-00518-00181427-00181840 market and it is a very powerful Market VCbxluIHcyY-00519-00181841-00181931 um VCbxluIHcyY-00521-00187994-00188290 and I think it is very similar just say VCbxluIHcyY-00522-00188291-00190188 um VCbxluIHcyY-00523-00190189-00190523 I believe it is like um VCbxluIHcyY-00524-00190524-00192863 creators VCbxluIHcyY-00527-00202127-00202511 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00528-00202512-00202883 they create for tier 3 tier 4 and they VCbxluIHcyY-00529-00202884-00203345 optimize it for tier one and uh tier two VCbxluIHcyY-00530-00203346-00203533 um and VCbxluIHcyY-00531-00203534-00203928 gen Z I think VCbxluIHcyY-00532-00203929-00204593 reality is this room uh only or maybe VCbxluIHcyY-00533-00204594-00205434 um VCbxluIHcyY-00534-00205435-00205727 I realized India is very different the VCbxluIHcyY-00535-00205728-00206008 coffee cultural diversity so I think VCbxluIHcyY-00536-00206009-00208644 India is VCbxluIHcyY-00537-00208646-00208984 so I think this will have time for one VCbxluIHcyY-00538-00208985-00209194 last question right and then I'd want VCbxluIHcyY-00539-00209196-00209381 each one of you in no specific order of VCbxluIHcyY-00540-00209382-00209717 course to uh react to this as to what do VCbxluIHcyY-00541-00209717-00209951 you think would be the future of this VCbxluIHcyY-00542-00209952-00210275 say two years from now Beyond this too VCbxluIHcyY-00543-00210276-00210467 so you can start anybody can start and VCbxluIHcyY-00544-00210467-00210832 it will go on from there VCbxluIHcyY-00545-00210833-00212044 is VCbxluIHcyY-00546-00212046-00213810 um VCbxluIHcyY-00547-00213811-00214103 yeah I think same for me I think it I VCbxluIHcyY-00548-00214104-00214325 think I'm in this thing since seven VCbxluIHcyY-00549-00214326-00214571 years now that I was a part of filter VCbxluIHcyY-00550-00214571-00214805 copy and then I moved to my own thing VCbxluIHcyY-00551-00214806-00214894 and VCbxluIHcyY-00552-00214896-00215305 like okay VCbxluIHcyY-00553-00215306-00215596 but good part is that uh this is the VCbxluIHcyY-00554-00215598-00216296 integration VCbxluIHcyY-00555-00216296-00216703 [Applause] VCbxluIHcyY-00556-00216704-00216929 and Kiara VCbxluIHcyY-00557-00216930-00217229 so whatever comes I take it sne and VCbxluIHcyY-00558-00217230-00217421 whenever there's a new platform we enjoy VCbxluIHcyY-00559-00217421-00217529 that platform we learned that person VCbxluIHcyY-00560-00217530-00217819 because VCbxluIHcyY-00561-00217819-00218075 but it's a very big platform as you as VCbxluIHcyY-00562-00218076-00218332 he said to here too VCbxluIHcyY-00563-00218333-00218556 so you don't have to be a second VCbxluIHcyY-00564-00218557-00218801 we did everything because that's how VCbxluIHcyY-00565-00218802-00221616 audiences foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00566-00221617-00221892 [Laughter] VCbxluIHcyY-00567-00221894-00222169 yeah so VCbxluIHcyY-00568-00222169-00222842 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00569-00222844-00222958 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00570-00222959-00225203 evolutions VCbxluIHcyY-00571-00225204-00226642 or opportunities VCbxluIHcyY-00572-00226642-00229201 [Music] VCbxluIHcyY-00573-00229202-00230398 good looking videos VCbxluIHcyY-00574-00230400-00230625 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00575-00230626-00231592 [Laughter] VCbxluIHcyY-00576-00231594-00231773 have you guys seen uh watch the movie VCbxluIHcyY-00577-00231773-00231905 Incredibles VCbxluIHcyY-00578-00231906-00232192 um Pixar there's this really interesting VCbxluIHcyY-00579-00232194-00232523 line that the villain says the villain VCbxluIHcyY-00580-00232523-00232775 sort of wants everyone to be a superhero VCbxluIHcyY-00581-00232776-00233039 because when everyone's a superhero no VCbxluIHcyY-00582-00233040-00233279 one is VCbxluIHcyY-00583-00233280-00233579 the positive side of it is what's VCbxluIHcyY-00584-00233580-00233753 happening with the democratization of VCbxluIHcyY-00585-00233754-00233944 the platforms is everyone has the VCbxluIHcyY-00586-00233946-00234034 platform VCbxluIHcyY-00587-00234035-00234382 I feel like not in the near future but VCbxluIHcyY-00588-00234383-00234760 in the in the distant future VCbxluIHcyY-00589-00234761-00235121 the idea of the influencer will morph VCbxluIHcyY-00590-00235121-00235487 and um there will be so many influencers VCbxluIHcyY-00591-00235488-00235684 that there won't be an influencer VCbxluIHcyY-00592-00235685-00236027 anymore what that will turn into is a VCbxluIHcyY-00593-00236028-00236339 Creator model right so ads will stop VCbxluIHcyY-00594-00236340-00236742 working and what what works as ads today VCbxluIHcyY-00595-00236744-00237106 will become Creator content tomorrow and VCbxluIHcyY-00596-00237107-00237310 that's the stuff that and this is again VCbxluIHcyY-00597-00237311-00237569 a very very uh subjective point of view VCbxluIHcyY-00598-00237569-00237875 I see I foresee that happening to Brands VCbxluIHcyY-00599-00237876-00238234 tomorrow the the and and I make this uh VCbxluIHcyY-00600-00238235-00238534 analogy very often where I say what we VCbxluIHcyY-00601-00238535-00238696 are doing today in terms of marketing VCbxluIHcyY-00602-00238698-00238877 ads that's VCbxluIHcyY-00603-00238878-00239231 um an elevator pitch versus what Creator VCbxluIHcyY-00604-00239232-00239453 economies and Creator marketing and and VCbxluIHcyY-00605-00239454-00239596 content marketing and influencer VCbxluIHcyY-00606-00239598-00239860 marketing what that does is like a VCbxluIHcyY-00607-00239861-00240082 really good date because you're pulling VCbxluIHcyY-00608-00240083-00240275 the person in and you're inviting them VCbxluIHcyY-00609-00240276-00240491 for an experience that's where VCbxluIHcyY-00610-00240492-00240767 everything will move to that's my POV VCbxluIHcyY-00611-00240767-00241156 I'll also add a little bit of my opinion VCbxluIHcyY-00612-00241157-00241487 I feel key um VCbxluIHcyY-00613-00241488-00241679 kuch influences VCbxluIHcyY-00614-00241680-00241884 um would become brands VCbxluIHcyY-00615-00241885-00242092 influencers would create their own VCbxluIHcyY-00616-00242094-00242410 products uh company services and some VCbxluIHcyY-00617-00242411-00242758 have also done that and it has been very VCbxluIHcyY-00618-00242759-00242908 very successful because free VCbxluIHcyY-00619-00242909-00243184 distribution and VCbxluIHcyY-00620-00243185-00243425 it would create billion dollar brands in VCbxluIHcyY-00621-00243426-00243582 a matter of six months or something VCbxluIHcyY-00622-00243583-00243941 because the top influencers can do that VCbxluIHcyY-00623-00243942-00244139 right now and I have seen people do it VCbxluIHcyY-00624-00244140-00244258 I've talked to people who have done it VCbxluIHcyY-00625-00244259-00244355 right VCbxluIHcyY-00626-00244356-00244715 um and a lot of Brands would become VCbxluIHcyY-00627-00244716-00244931 creators they would come into the VCbxluIHcyY-00628-00244932-00245113 content space and they would figure out VCbxluIHcyY-00629-00245114-00245332 and they would become creators VCbxluIHcyY-00630-00245333-00245753 themselves and um I think is VCbxluIHcyY-00631-00245754-00248446 foreign VCbxluIHcyY-00632-00248448-00248681 power packed influences thank you so VCbxluIHcyY-00633-00248682-00248948 much thank you VDzJIKlta7I-00000-00000027-00001702 [Music] VDzJIKlta7I-00001-00001703-00002071 i welcome you all for this session VDzJIKlta7I-00002-00002072-00002247 in this session we will continue the VDzJIKlta7I-00003-00002248-00002534 discussion on linear measuring VDzJIKlta7I-00004-00002535-00002734 instruments VDzJIKlta7I-00005-00002735-00002926 we will discuss about VDzJIKlta7I-00006-00002927-00003183 the dial indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00007-00003184-00003415 dial test indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00008-00003415-00003599 digital indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00009-00003600-00003935 digital and dial thickness indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00010-00003936-00004283 digital depth gauge and universal VDzJIKlta7I-00011-00004284-00004663 caliper now first let us discuss about VDzJIKlta7I-00012-00004664-00004838 dial indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00013-00004839-00005070 this figure shows VDzJIKlta7I-00014-00005071-00005151 a VDzJIKlta7I-00015-00005152-00005511 commonly used dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00016-00005512-00005791 i can see the VDzJIKlta7I-00017-00005792-00006070 various parts of the dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00018-00006071-00006183 this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00019-00006184-00006414 basil and basil lock VDzJIKlta7I-00020-00006415-00006591 and this is the dial VDzJIKlta7I-00021-00006592-00007070 we have a bigger dial and a smaller dial VDzJIKlta7I-00022-00007072-00007167 the VDzJIKlta7I-00023-00007168-00007383 resolution of VDzJIKlta7I-00024-00007384-00007559 this VDzJIKlta7I-00025-00007559-00007903 dial is 0.01 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00026-00007904-00008095 and for each VDzJIKlta7I-00027-00008095-00008374 revolution of the big pointer this small VDzJIKlta7I-00028-00008375-00008639 pointer will move by one digit one VDzJIKlta7I-00029-00008640-00008807 graduation VDzJIKlta7I-00030-00008808-00008991 so the range of VDzJIKlta7I-00031-00008992-00009223 this measuring instrument is zero to VDzJIKlta7I-00032-00009224-00009478 five millimeter with resolution of zero VDzJIKlta7I-00033-00009479-00009678 point zero one millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00034-00009679-00009967 now there are limit hands we can set VDzJIKlta7I-00035-00009968-00010151 these limit hands VDzJIKlta7I-00036-00010152-00010423 for upper and lower limit of the to set VDzJIKlta7I-00037-00010424-00010687 the tolerances whenever VDzJIKlta7I-00038-00010688-00010983 the pointer goes beyond the limits VDzJIKlta7I-00039-00010984-00011223 then the work piece can be rejected so VDzJIKlta7I-00040-00011224-00011335 this can be VDzJIKlta7I-00041-00011336-00011583 used for limit gauging purpose for VDzJIKlta7I-00042-00011584-00011759 comparing the VDzJIKlta7I-00043-00011760-00011935 dimension of the workpiece VDzJIKlta7I-00044-00011936-00012223 with the VDzJIKlta7I-00045-00012224-00012374 nominal value VDzJIKlta7I-00046-00012375-00012623 and this is the stem and plunger and VDzJIKlta7I-00047-00012624-00013022 this is a carbide contact point VDzJIKlta7I-00048-00013023-00013255 most of the parts are made out of high VDzJIKlta7I-00049-00013256-00013358 strength VDzJIKlta7I-00050-00013359-00013647 stainless steel so that it will be VDzJIKlta7I-00051-00013647-00013791 rigid VDzJIKlta7I-00052-00013791-00014038 and it will be VDzJIKlta7I-00053-00014040-00014422 sturdy VDzJIKlta7I-00054-00014423-00014671 now what are the specifications of dial VDzJIKlta7I-00055-00014672-00014847 indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00056-00014847-00015127 now these dial indicators are available VDzJIKlta7I-00057-00015128-00015311 to work in normal working condition as VDzJIKlta7I-00058-00015312-00015558 well as in the VDzJIKlta7I-00059-00015559-00015727 in the condition where there is splash VDzJIKlta7I-00060-00015728-00015919 of coolants uh VDzJIKlta7I-00061-00015919-00016127 coolant so waterproof type are also VDzJIKlta7I-00062-00016128-00016238 available VDzJIKlta7I-00063-00016240-00016463 and back plunger type are also available VDzJIKlta7I-00064-00016464-00016630 in some cases VDzJIKlta7I-00065-00016631-00016830 ah we have to use VDzJIKlta7I-00066-00016831-00017071 the dial indicator wherein the plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00067-00017072-00017319 is at the back VDzJIKlta7I-00068-00017320-00017735 and then there's long stroke VDzJIKlta7I-00069-00017736-00017911 dial indicators are available with the VDzJIKlta7I-00070-00017912-00018199 range of 0 to 300 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00071-00018200-00018447 and the dial size VDzJIKlta7I-00072-00018448-00018791 can be 31 to 36 mm for a VDzJIKlta7I-00073-00018792-00019022 very compact dial indicator where space VDzJIKlta7I-00074-00019023-00019327 is not available such compact VDzJIKlta7I-00075-00019328-00019607 dial type indicators can be used and VDzJIKlta7I-00076-00019608-00019758 large diameter VDzJIKlta7I-00077-00019759-00019839 dial VDzJIKlta7I-00078-00019840-00020094 also they are also available with 92 VDzJIKlta7I-00079-00020095-00020607 millimeter diameter for easy reading VDzJIKlta7I-00080-00020608-00020686 now VDzJIKlta7I-00081-00020687-00020807 you can see VDzJIKlta7I-00082-00020808-00021186 the graduations are available in 0.01 mm VDzJIKlta7I-00083-00021187-00021511 0.001 mm with a range of VDzJIKlta7I-00084-00021512-00021791 10 millimeter 5 millimeter 1 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00085-00021792-00022055 like that and in bracket we have VDzJIKlta7I-00086-00022056-00022327 indicated range per revolution VDzJIKlta7I-00087-00022328-00022686 so per revolution is the range is one VDzJIKlta7I-00088-00022687-00022855 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00089-00022856-00023135 and then accuracy of these VDzJIKlta7I-00090-00023136-00023214 the VDzJIKlta7I-00091-00023215-00023358 dial indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00092-00023359-00023671 the overall accuracy is about 13 microns VDzJIKlta7I-00093-00023672-00023942 for this particular VDzJIKlta7I-00094-00023943-00024039 range VDzJIKlta7I-00095-00024040-00024358 and it for 0.001 VDzJIKlta7I-00096-00024359-00024478 graduation VDzJIKlta7I-00097-00024479-00024735 the overall accuracy will be VDzJIKlta7I-00098-00024736-00025142 5 micrometer and repeatability will be VDzJIKlta7I-00099-00025143-00025519 like 0.5 micrometer 3 micrometer VDzJIKlta7I-00100-00025520-00025743 so depending upon our requirement we VDzJIKlta7I-00101-00025744-00025967 have to select the appropriate VDzJIKlta7I-00102-00025968-00026414 dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00103-00026416-00026445 now VDzJIKlta7I-00104-00026447-00026574 [Music] VDzJIKlta7I-00105-00026575-00026879 there are different types of VDzJIKlta7I-00106-00026880-00026990 contact VDzJIKlta7I-00107-00026991-00027118 point plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00108-00027119-00027287 ends are available VDzJIKlta7I-00109-00027288-00027558 like ball point and shell point VDzJIKlta7I-00110-00027560-00027718 spherical point VDzJIKlta7I-00111-00027719-00027974 conical point knife edge so depending VDzJIKlta7I-00112-00027975-00028190 upon the application we have to select VDzJIKlta7I-00113-00028191-00028446 the proper VDzJIKlta7I-00114-00028447-00028718 contact point for example say we have a VDzJIKlta7I-00115-00028719-00028879 very narrow VDzJIKlta7I-00116-00028880-00029367 groove like this VDzJIKlta7I-00117-00029368-00029607 so we have narrow glue like this in such VDzJIKlta7I-00118-00029608-00029951 cases we may have to go for knife adjust VDzJIKlta7I-00119-00029952-00030174 knife edge type so that it will enter VDzJIKlta7I-00120-00030175-00030439 into the groove comfortably VDzJIKlta7I-00121-00030439-00030583 so similarly VDzJIKlta7I-00122-00030583-00030883 the spherical type say VDzJIKlta7I-00123-00030883-00031070 the VDzJIKlta7I-00124-00031072-00031246 contact point will be like this with VDzJIKlta7I-00125-00031247-00031590 larger radius and when the work pieces VDzJIKlta7I-00126-00031591-00031983 are VDzJIKlta7I-00127-00031983-00032174 pushed differently sideways VDzJIKlta7I-00128-00032175-00032423 then such a spherical type of indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00129-00032424-00032518 will be VDzJIKlta7I-00130-00032519-00032695 very useful VDzJIKlta7I-00131-00032695-00032846 also there are VDzJIKlta7I-00132-00032847-00033127 liver type indicators which we will be VDzJIKlta7I-00133-00033128-00033655 discussing after some time VDzJIKlta7I-00134-00033656-00033902 then let us see the construction of the VDzJIKlta7I-00135-00033903-00034279 dial indicator we can see this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00136-00034280-00034567 measuring spindle or plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00137-00034568-00034774 there are built-in VDzJIKlta7I-00138-00034775-00034862 rack VDzJIKlta7I-00139-00034863-00035199 in the spindle and you can also see the VDzJIKlta7I-00140-00035200-00035302 pinion VDzJIKlta7I-00141-00035303-00035415 so VDzJIKlta7I-00142-00035416-00035607 when the plunger moves VDzJIKlta7I-00143-00035608-00035846 this pinion will also move and there is VDzJIKlta7I-00144-00035847-00036167 a set of gear train this pinion is fixed VDzJIKlta7I-00145-00036168-00036383 to the bigger gear and this is in VDzJIKlta7I-00146-00036384-00036711 contact in mesh with other smaller like VDzJIKlta7I-00147-00036712-00036951 this there is a train of VDzJIKlta7I-00148-00036952-00037079 gear so VDzJIKlta7I-00149-00037080-00037287 the displacement gets VDzJIKlta7I-00150-00037288-00037430 amplified VDzJIKlta7I-00151-00037431-00037535 so now VDzJIKlta7I-00152-00037536-00037862 see this dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00153-00037863-00038102 one thing is uh it senses very small VDzJIKlta7I-00154-00038103-00038327 distances of the order of maybe VDzJIKlta7I-00155-00038328-00038551 point zero zero one millimeter or point VDzJIKlta7I-00156-00038552-00038687 zero one millimeter very small VDzJIKlta7I-00157-00038688-00038830 displacement which VDzJIKlta7I-00158-00038831-00039007 we cannot sense VDzJIKlta7I-00159-00039008-00039271 so this type of dial indicated senses VDzJIKlta7I-00160-00039272-00039583 the very small displacements as well as VDzJIKlta7I-00161-00039584-00039887 it amplifies like for for example 100 VDzJIKlta7I-00162-00039888-00040167 times 200 times 300 times it amplifies VDzJIKlta7I-00163-00040168-00040423 and finally at the pointer depending VDzJIKlta7I-00164-00040424-00040662 upon the pointer length also we get some VDzJIKlta7I-00165-00040663-00040902 magnification so in the dial we can VDzJIKlta7I-00166-00040903-00041087 comfortably not do the reading for VDzJIKlta7I-00167-00041088-00041374 example if the VDzJIKlta7I-00168-00041375-00041583 plunger moves by point zero one VDzJIKlta7I-00169-00041584-00041774 millimeter the VDzJIKlta7I-00170-00041775-00041967 pointer will move by approximately one VDzJIKlta7I-00171-00041968-00042135 point five to two millimeter so finally VDzJIKlta7I-00172-00042136-00042287 we get VDzJIKlta7I-00173-00042288-00042558 magnification of 100 or 200 VDzJIKlta7I-00174-00042559-00042871 times so that we can comfortably record VDzJIKlta7I-00175-00042872-00043135 the displacements VDzJIKlta7I-00176-00043136-00043423 now we have a spring here VDzJIKlta7I-00177-00043424-00043543 so when the VDzJIKlta7I-00178-00043544-00043823 work piece is removed the VDzJIKlta7I-00179-00043824-00044007 measuring spindle will come down because VDzJIKlta7I-00180-00044008-00044199 of this spring force VDzJIKlta7I-00181-00044200-00044383 we can also see there is a VDzJIKlta7I-00182-00044384-00045079 hair spring for balancing purpose VDzJIKlta7I-00183-00045080-00045255 now we have another VDzJIKlta7I-00184-00045256-00045479 dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00185-00045480-00045567 this VDzJIKlta7I-00186-00045568-00045758 measuring range is zero to one VDzJIKlta7I-00187-00045759-00046015 millimeter and the resolution is zero VDzJIKlta7I-00188-00046016-00046283 point zero zero two VDzJIKlta7I-00189-00046284-00046599 millimeter so for one VDzJIKlta7I-00190-00046600-00046799 complete revolution we can see here it VDzJIKlta7I-00191-00046800-00047230 is 0 to 100 and again 0 to 100 so for VDzJIKlta7I-00192-00047231-00047423 one complete revolution VDzJIKlta7I-00193-00047424-00047695 the smaller pointer will move by it will VDzJIKlta7I-00194-00047696-00048286 indicate 0.2 millimeter displacement VDzJIKlta7I-00195-00048287-00048455 now this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00196-00048456-00048623 we can see the mounting arrangement here VDzJIKlta7I-00197-00048624-00049062 at the back we have a VDzJIKlta7I-00198-00049063-00049183 hole VDzJIKlta7I-00199-00049184-00049367 is available so VDzJIKlta7I-00200-00049368-00049590 using this we can fix this dial VDzJIKlta7I-00201-00049591-00049758 indicator to the VDzJIKlta7I-00202-00049759-00049862 magnetic VDzJIKlta7I-00203-00049863-00050255 stand and we can do the necessary work VDzJIKlta7I-00204-00050256-00050518 now this shows dire indicator with VDzJIKlta7I-00205-00050519-00050711 magnetic stand VDzJIKlta7I-00206-00050712-00050974 i can see the magnetic stand VDzJIKlta7I-00207-00050975-00051287 and we can also see how the VDzJIKlta7I-00208-00051288-00051463 dial indicator is fixed to the magnetic VDzJIKlta7I-00209-00051464-00051590 stand VDzJIKlta7I-00210-00051591-00051799 now i will explain VDzJIKlta7I-00211-00051800-00052126 how to use the dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00212-00052127-00052390 for VDzJIKlta7I-00213-00052391-00052615 comparing the sizes of the workpiece VDzJIKlta7I-00214-00052616-00052726 that means VDzJIKlta7I-00215-00052727-00052942 the dial indicator is used as a VDzJIKlta7I-00216-00052944-00053071 comparator VDzJIKlta7I-00217-00053072-00053215 now this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00218-00053216-00053423 dial indicator dial of the dial VDzJIKlta7I-00219-00053424-00053775 indicator and then this is the stem VDzJIKlta7I-00220-00053776-00054015 so this stem is used for fixing the dial VDzJIKlta7I-00221-00054016-00054238 indicator to the stand VDzJIKlta7I-00222-00054239-00054447 now this is the plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00223-00054448-00054735 and this is the carbide tip of the VDzJIKlta7I-00224-00054736-00054942 plunger or spindle VDzJIKlta7I-00225-00054944-00055079 now VDzJIKlta7I-00226-00055079-00055230 this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00227-00055232-00055542 stand of dial indicator and this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00228-00055544-00055735 reference surface datum VDzJIKlta7I-00229-00055736-00055838 and VDzJIKlta7I-00230-00055839-00056103 now initially VDzJIKlta7I-00231-00056104-00056326 we should know what is the approximate VDzJIKlta7I-00232-00056327-00056638 thickness of the work piece and then VDzJIKlta7I-00233-00056639-00056887 we have to set the dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00234-00056888-00057111 ah for that the approximate size of the VDzJIKlta7I-00235-00057112-00057326 workpiece is 10 millimeter and i am VDzJIKlta7I-00236-00057327-00057887 taking a slip cage of 10 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00237-00057888-00058199 you can see the slip cage VDzJIKlta7I-00238-00058200-00058566 this is a 10 millimeter slip cage VDzJIKlta7I-00239-00058567-00058823 i am putting it on the datum surface VDzJIKlta7I-00240-00058824-00059279 after cleaning and then VDzJIKlta7I-00241-00059279-00059375 now VDzJIKlta7I-00242-00059376-00060126 i have to set the dial to read zero VDzJIKlta7I-00243-00060127-00060535 now it is reading the zero i just lift VDzJIKlta7I-00244-00060536-00060630 the VDzJIKlta7I-00245-00060632-00060975 spindle i will remove the VDzJIKlta7I-00246-00060976-00061142 slip cage VDzJIKlta7I-00247-00061144-00061359 and then i will put the work piece the VDzJIKlta7I-00248-00061360-00061623 thickness of whose VDzJIKlta7I-00249-00061624-00061806 thickness of this workpiece is to be VDzJIKlta7I-00250-00061807-00062047 measured i am keeping that VDzJIKlta7I-00251-00062048-00062206 on the datum surface VDzJIKlta7I-00252-00062207-00062766 now i have to take the reading so VDzJIKlta7I-00253-00062767-00063023 now when we lift the VDzJIKlta7I-00254-00063024-00063135 spindle VDzJIKlta7I-00255-00063136-00063406 it moves in the clockwise direction VDzJIKlta7I-00256-00063407-00063591 ok so now VDzJIKlta7I-00257-00063591-00063830 when we keep this workpiece now the VDzJIKlta7I-00258-00063832-00064111 dial indicator reading is the resolution VDzJIKlta7I-00259-00064112-00064447 is 0.01 mm so VDzJIKlta7I-00260-00064448-00064830 the dial indicator reading is 0.2 0.4 VDzJIKlta7I-00261-00064832-00064959 0.5 VDzJIKlta7I-00262-00064960-00065159 0.5 VDzJIKlta7I-00263-00065160-00065435 88 alpha VDzJIKlta7I-00264-00065436-00065623 0.59 VDzJIKlta7I-00265-00065624-00065743 so VDzJIKlta7I-00266-00065744-00065982 the VDzJIKlta7I-00267-00065983-00066247 size of the workpiece is VDzJIKlta7I-00268-00066248-00066438 0.59 VDzJIKlta7I-00269-00066439-00066575 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00270-00066576-00066838 greater than the slip case setting that VDzJIKlta7I-00271-00066839-00067143 means slip gauge setting is VDzJIKlta7I-00272-00067144-00067415 10 millimeter and size of the workpiece VDzJIKlta7I-00273-00067416-00067519 is great VDzJIKlta7I-00274-00067520-00067831 greater by an amount of VDzJIKlta7I-00275-00067832-00068159 0.59 millimeter so VDzJIKlta7I-00276-00068160-00068606 the thickness of this workpiece is 10.59 VDzJIKlta7I-00277-00068607-00068750 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00278-00068751-00068911 so like this we can VDzJIKlta7I-00279-00068912-00068999 use VDzJIKlta7I-00280-00069000-00069359 dial indicators as comparators VDzJIKlta7I-00281-00069360-00069535 for direct quantitative measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00282-00069536-00069679 within the range for example dial VDzJIKlta7I-00283-00069680-00069903 indicator is having 0 to 10 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00284-00069904-00070182 within that range we can use that we use VDzJIKlta7I-00285-00070183-00070375 this instrument for direct measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00286-00070376-00070575 so we can keep the work pieces VDzJIKlta7I-00287-00070576-00070799 ah below the plunger and between plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00288-00070800-00070894 and VDzJIKlta7I-00289-00070895-00071135 the datum surface the plunger will move VDzJIKlta7I-00290-00071136-00071326 up and it directly gives the reading VDzJIKlta7I-00291-00071327-00071494 whether it is two millimeter or five VDzJIKlta7I-00292-00071495-00071926 millimeter or eight millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00293-00071927-00072167 now what are the various applications of VDzJIKlta7I-00294-00072168-00072382 dial indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00295-00072383-00072582 so we VDzJIKlta7I-00296-00072583-00072894 discussed about this VDzJIKlta7I-00297-00072895-00073119 the it can be used for VDzJIKlta7I-00298-00073120-00073350 comparison purpose comparison of work VDzJIKlta7I-00299-00073351-00073647 pieces with the set VDzJIKlta7I-00300-00073648-00073782 level VDzJIKlta7I-00301-00073783-00074023 and then this can be used for setting VDzJIKlta7I-00302-00074024-00074231 fixtures say we want to set jigs and VDzJIKlta7I-00303-00074232-00074479 fixtures on the machine so whether it is VDzJIKlta7I-00304-00074480-00074694 properly fixed or not whether it is VDzJIKlta7I-00305-00074695-00074855 properly aligned or not for checking VDzJIKlta7I-00306-00074856-00074982 that we can VDzJIKlta7I-00307-00074983-00075326 use this and also for certain tests on VDzJIKlta7I-00308-00075327-00075462 various kinds of machine tools for VDzJIKlta7I-00309-00075463-00075679 example say we want to check whether VDzJIKlta7I-00310-00075680-00075903 this VDzJIKlta7I-00311-00075904-00076150 slides various slides like tile stock VDzJIKlta7I-00312-00076151-00076311 quill and saddles whether they are VDzJIKlta7I-00313-00076312-00076494 parallel VDzJIKlta7I-00314-00076495-00076655 parallel whether they have parallel VDzJIKlta7I-00315-00076656-00076823 movement with respect to axis or not or VDzJIKlta7I-00316-00076824-00076967 if there is error what is the amount of VDzJIKlta7I-00317-00076968-00077047 error VDzJIKlta7I-00318-00077048-00077279 and if there is run out of the spindle VDzJIKlta7I-00319-00077280-00077575 of lathe so we can check VDzJIKlta7I-00320-00077576-00077782 using the dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00321-00077783-00078055 so for alignment testing we can use this VDzJIKlta7I-00322-00078056-00078255 dial indicator also for backlash VDzJIKlta7I-00323-00078256-00078462 checking we can use the VDzJIKlta7I-00324-00078463-00078679 dial indicators and also for direct VDzJIKlta7I-00325-00078680-00079094 measurement this can be used VDzJIKlta7I-00326-00079095-00079311 now we will move to dial test VDzJIKlta7I-00327-00079312-00079431 indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00328-00079432-00079671 with universal swivel this is also known VDzJIKlta7I-00329-00079672-00079815 as lever VDzJIKlta7I-00330-00079816-00080255 type dial indicator we can see we have a VDzJIKlta7I-00331-00080256-00080567 dial here with the pointer we can have VDzJIKlta7I-00332-00080568-00080767 we can see the graduations VDzJIKlta7I-00333-00080768-00081006 the in this case graduations VDzJIKlta7I-00334-00081007-00081294 resolution is 0.01 mm VDzJIKlta7I-00335-00081295-00081623 and this is the lever VDzJIKlta7I-00336-00081624-00081815 lever of VDzJIKlta7I-00337-00081816-00082023 this indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00338-00082024-00082279 this can be used for VDzJIKlta7I-00339-00082280-00082606 alignment purpose or setting purpose or VDzJIKlta7I-00340-00082607-00082726 for VDzJIKlta7I-00341-00082727-00083031 comparison purpose so one arrangement is VDzJIKlta7I-00342-00083032-00083150 shown here VDzJIKlta7I-00343-00083151-00083567 the slip gauge of required height is VDzJIKlta7I-00344-00083568-00083759 used for initial setting VDzJIKlta7I-00345-00083760-00083975 this is set to zero vents for a for VDzJIKlta7I-00346-00083976-00084126 example forty millimeter slip they have VDzJIKlta7I-00347-00084127-00084399 kept and reading is adjusted to 0 and VDzJIKlta7I-00348-00084400-00084591 then we have to remove this and work VDzJIKlta7I-00349-00084592-00084806 pieces can be inserted and then readings VDzJIKlta7I-00350-00084807-00085159 can be in that case the high tickage VDzJIKlta7I-00351-00085160-00085382 scale will not will not be using only we VDzJIKlta7I-00352-00085383-00085582 will be reading the VDzJIKlta7I-00353-00085583-00085750 dial test indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00354-00085751-00086087 readings VDzJIKlta7I-00355-00086088-00086238 now VDzJIKlta7I-00356-00086239-00086606 this shows the another view of VDzJIKlta7I-00357-00086607-00086694 the VDzJIKlta7I-00358-00086695-00087006 dial test indicator this is the carbide VDzJIKlta7I-00359-00087007-00087135 tipped VDzJIKlta7I-00360-00087136-00087391 stylus now we can see here VDzJIKlta7I-00361-00087392-00087526 we have VDzJIKlta7I-00362-00087527-00087775 the working mechanism of VDzJIKlta7I-00363-00087776-00088071 dial test indicator this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00364-00088072-00088335 lever which will move like this VDzJIKlta7I-00365-00088336-00088575 so this will move VDzJIKlta7I-00366-00088576-00088855 to approximately ah some 30 degrees it VDzJIKlta7I-00367-00088856-00089079 can be set at any VDzJIKlta7I-00368-00089080-00089318 angle and then it can be it will swivel VDzJIKlta7I-00369-00089319-00089599 like this that is why it is known as VDzJIKlta7I-00370-00089600-00089782 universal VDzJIKlta7I-00371-00089783-00089991 swivel dial indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00372-00089992-00090111 and then VDzJIKlta7I-00373-00090112-00090399 this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00374-00090400-00090711 this lever is attached to the gear VDzJIKlta7I-00375-00090712-00090823 sector VDzJIKlta7I-00376-00090824-00091118 and then this is in mesh with pinion so VDzJIKlta7I-00377-00091119-00091311 when the lever moves like this VDzJIKlta7I-00378-00091312-00091431 oscillator VDzJIKlta7I-00379-00091432-00091711 tilts like this this gear sector will VDzJIKlta7I-00380-00091712-00092023 move and then pinion will rotate so this VDzJIKlta7I-00381-00092024-00092247 pinion is fixed to the VDzJIKlta7I-00382-00092248-00092382 crown gear VDzJIKlta7I-00383-00092383-00092487 pair VDzJIKlta7I-00384-00092488-00092767 so the VDzJIKlta7I-00385-00092768-00093015 this smaller crown gear will rotate like VDzJIKlta7I-00386-00093016-00093199 this and which is fixed to the pointer VDzJIKlta7I-00387-00093200-00093399 and pointer will move on the dial and we VDzJIKlta7I-00388-00093400-00093662 can take the reading VDzJIKlta7I-00389-00093663-00093935 so this is the working mechanism of VDzJIKlta7I-00390-00093936-00094055 dial test VDzJIKlta7I-00391-00094056-00094238 indicator and you can also see there is VDzJIKlta7I-00392-00094239-00094462 a bumper rubber VDzJIKlta7I-00393-00094463-00094726 bumper made out of rubber in case it VDzJIKlta7I-00394-00094727-00094999 moves beyond the limit so this VDzJIKlta7I-00395-00095000-00095238 lever will come and hit the bumper VDzJIKlta7I-00396-00095239-00095487 rubber bumper and it will prevent the VDzJIKlta7I-00397-00095488-00095935 damage to the internal mechanism VDzJIKlta7I-00398-00095936-00096143 now when we use these VDzJIKlta7I-00399-00096144-00096415 dial test indicators the angle between VDzJIKlta7I-00400-00096416-00096638 the work piece surface and the lever VDzJIKlta7I-00401-00096639-00096862 plays a major role we should always see VDzJIKlta7I-00402-00096863-00097031 that we should always try to minimize VDzJIKlta7I-00403-00097032-00097423 the angle between the lever and the VDzJIKlta7I-00404-00097424-00097679 workpiece surface otherwise VDzJIKlta7I-00405-00097680-00097823 the cosine VDzJIKlta7I-00406-00097824-00098038 errors will happen VDzJIKlta7I-00407-00098039-00098287 so that can be seen like this we have VDzJIKlta7I-00408-00098288-00098662 the workpiece surface VDzJIKlta7I-00409-00098663-00098871 and then we have this VDzJIKlta7I-00410-00098872-00099006 ball and VDzJIKlta7I-00411-00099007-00099326 lever VDzJIKlta7I-00412-00099327-00099479 so this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00413-00099480-00099662 axis VDzJIKlta7I-00414-00099663-00100111 this is the angle inclination theta VDzJIKlta7I-00415-00100112-00100359 now we always see the workpiece will be VDzJIKlta7I-00416-00100360-00100479 moving VDzJIKlta7I-00417-00100480-00100718 like this so when we insert the VDzJIKlta7I-00418-00100719-00100967 different work pieces so this will be VDzJIKlta7I-00419-00100968-00101143 the movement of the VDzJIKlta7I-00420-00101144-00101462 lever and we can also move the VDzJIKlta7I-00421-00101463-00101559 dial VDzJIKlta7I-00422-00101560-00101750 test indicator in this fashion so VDzJIKlta7I-00423-00101751-00101950 whatever be the the movement of VDzJIKlta7I-00424-00101951-00102174 indicator or workpiece we should see VDzJIKlta7I-00425-00102175-00102463 that this angle is always minimum so VDzJIKlta7I-00426-00102464-00103230 that cosine error effect is minimized VDzJIKlta7I-00427-00103231-00103423 now moving to the VDzJIKlta7I-00428-00103424-00103534 digital VDzJIKlta7I-00429-00103535-00103678 indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00430-00103679-00103839 now this shows VDzJIKlta7I-00431-00103840-00104086 an indicator and different VDzJIKlta7I-00432-00104088-00104286 functions are available like on off VDzJIKlta7I-00433-00104288-00104615 function and then hold function VDzJIKlta7I-00434-00104616-00104694 so VDzJIKlta7I-00435-00104695-00104895 and then the VDzJIKlta7I-00436-00104896-00105166 selection between the english system or VDzJIKlta7I-00437-00105167-00105302 metric system all those things are VDzJIKlta7I-00438-00105303-00105607 possible and then the data transmission VDzJIKlta7I-00439-00105608-00106047 data transfer is possible using rs 232c VDzJIKlta7I-00440-00106048-00106254 for transmitting the data to computer VDzJIKlta7I-00441-00106255-00106454 for statistical process VDzJIKlta7I-00442-00106455-00106607 control VDzJIKlta7I-00443-00106608-00106847 and then we can see here this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00444-00106848-00107095 stand dial indicator stand VDzJIKlta7I-00445-00107096-00107223 and the VDzJIKlta7I-00446-00107224-00107463 digital indicator digital indicator is VDzJIKlta7I-00447-00107464-00107790 fixed to the stand and then we can keep VDzJIKlta7I-00448-00107791-00108015 the work pieces here for measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00449-00108016-00108119 purpose VDzJIKlta7I-00450-00108120-00108775 so you can see the stand is very robust VDzJIKlta7I-00451-00108776-00109007 now what are the features of VDzJIKlta7I-00452-00109008-00109247 digital indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00453-00109248-00109463 now we can set the VDzJIKlta7I-00454-00109464-00109751 tolerance limits using that tolerance VDzJIKlta7I-00455-00109752-00109854 option VDzJIKlta7I-00456-00109855-00109943 and VDzJIKlta7I-00457-00109944-00110166 go and no go judgment is possible that VDzJIKlta7I-00458-00110167-00110407 means when we VDzJIKlta7I-00459-00110408-00110654 the digital indicator is used for VDzJIKlta7I-00460-00110655-00110839 checking the work pieces VDzJIKlta7I-00461-00110840-00110958 if the VDzJIKlta7I-00462-00110959-00111207 the dimension is within the limits it VDzJIKlta7I-00463-00111208-00111495 will say workpiece can be accepted by VDzJIKlta7I-00464-00111496-00111583 way of VDzJIKlta7I-00465-00111583-00111783 displaying the green color if the VDzJIKlta7I-00466-00111783-00111951 workpiece dimension is outside the limit VDzJIKlta7I-00467-00111952-00112119 tolerance limit it will VDzJIKlta7I-00468-00112120-00112343 that will be indicated by a color red VDzJIKlta7I-00469-00112344-00112615 color by the indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00470-00112616-00112863 another important and very interesting VDzJIKlta7I-00471-00112864-00113199 feature is remote control by a handheld VDzJIKlta7I-00472-00113200-00113454 controller the dial indicator may be at VDzJIKlta7I-00473-00113455-00113647 any place maybe 1 meter or 3 meter 10 VDzJIKlta7I-00474-00113648-00113943 meter away so that can be controlled by VDzJIKlta7I-00475-00113944-00114127 using remote VDzJIKlta7I-00476-00114128-00114334 control we need not have to go to VDzJIKlta7I-00477-00114335-00114486 near the indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00478-00114488-00114695 and we not have to physically touch the VDzJIKlta7I-00479-00114696-00114943 indicator for setting purpose VDzJIKlta7I-00480-00114944-00115327 and rs 232c interface is possible see VDzJIKlta7I-00481-00115328-00115599 since a remote control is possible VDzJIKlta7I-00482-00115600-00115815 zero setting and preseting without VDzJIKlta7I-00483-00115816-00115975 touching indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00484-00115976-00116199 is possible see normally what happens if VDzJIKlta7I-00485-00116200-00116327 this remote VDzJIKlta7I-00486-00116328-00116566 control option is not there for setting VDzJIKlta7I-00487-00116567-00116775 we have to go near the instrument and VDzJIKlta7I-00488-00116776-00116927 physically we have to touch the body of VDzJIKlta7I-00489-00116928-00117134 the indicator and we adjust the VDzJIKlta7I-00490-00117135-00117302 indicators so during that time the VDzJIKlta7I-00491-00117303-00117551 setting may change when we are doing the VDzJIKlta7I-00492-00117552-00117783 measurements of very very precise and VDzJIKlta7I-00493-00117783-00117886 maybe VDzJIKlta7I-00494-00117888-00118134 micron level measurements in that case VDzJIKlta7I-00495-00118135-00118439 that setting also we should maintain so VDzJIKlta7I-00496-00118440-00118654 if we physically touch the indicator the VDzJIKlta7I-00497-00118655-00118958 setting may get disturbed so our VDzJIKlta7I-00498-00118959-00119231 measurement may be VDzJIKlta7I-00499-00119232-00119366 there may be some error in the VDzJIKlta7I-00500-00119367-00119710 measurement since this remote control is VDzJIKlta7I-00501-00119711-00119958 available we can always use for very VDzJIKlta7I-00502-00119959-00120175 very accurate and precise VDzJIKlta7I-00503-00120176-00120519 when precise measurement is required VDzJIKlta7I-00504-00120520-00120783 and these digital indicators can be VDzJIKlta7I-00505-00120783-00121102 incorporated into measurement network VDzJIKlta7I-00506-00121103-00121319 maybe there are some 100 200 thousands VDzJIKlta7I-00507-00121320-00121599 of instruments are there all the data VDzJIKlta7I-00508-00121600-00121743 can be VDzJIKlta7I-00509-00121744-00121871 sent to the VDzJIKlta7I-00510-00121872-00122239 host computer for analysis purpose and VDzJIKlta7I-00511-00122240-00122343 these VDzJIKlta7I-00512-00122344-00122439 instruments VDzJIKlta7I-00513-00122440-00122639 can be networked into such such an VDzJIKlta7I-00514-00122640-00122758 arrangement VDzJIKlta7I-00515-00122759-00122951 and they are available in various ranges VDzJIKlta7I-00516-00122952-00123134 like zero to twenty five and zero to VDzJIKlta7I-00517-00123135-00123278 fifty millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00518-00123279-00123471 ah longer VDzJIKlta7I-00519-00123472-00123686 ranges are also possible with resolution VDzJIKlta7I-00520-00123688-00123763 of VDzJIKlta7I-00521-00123764-00124127 0.001 mm 0.01 mm with an accuracy VDzJIKlta7I-00522-00124128-00124766 measurement accuracy of 0.03 mm VDzJIKlta7I-00523-00124767-00125175 now these are digital thickness gauges VDzJIKlta7I-00524-00125176-00125375 so you can see there is a anvil and VDzJIKlta7I-00525-00125376-00125486 spindle VDzJIKlta7I-00526-00125488-00125702 and this will show the VDzJIKlta7I-00527-00125703-00125790 reading VDzJIKlta7I-00528-00125791-00125990 you know this there is no very vernier VDzJIKlta7I-00529-00125991-00126190 there is no VDzJIKlta7I-00530-00126191-00126439 directly it gives VDzJIKlta7I-00531-00126440-00126775 the digital display to lift VDzJIKlta7I-00532-00126776-00126999 the plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00533-00127000-00127166 to lift the plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00534-00127167-00127463 and to insert the workpiece we have VDzJIKlta7I-00535-00127464-00127654 the plunger lifting arrangement we have VDzJIKlta7I-00536-00127655-00127951 to hold this instrument VDzJIKlta7I-00537-00127952-00128231 and then using our thumb we can pull VDzJIKlta7I-00538-00128232-00128471 this so that plunger moves up and then VDzJIKlta7I-00539-00128472-00128678 we can insert the workpiece here VDzJIKlta7I-00540-00128679-00128951 and then the we have to release this VDzJIKlta7I-00541-00128952-00129054 lever VDzJIKlta7I-00542-00129055-00129254 and then the dial reading can be VDzJIKlta7I-00543-00129255-00129519 directly taken VDzJIKlta7I-00544-00129520-00129647 and there are VDzJIKlta7I-00545-00129648-00129951 various kinds of VDzJIKlta7I-00546-00129952-00130183 spindles and anvils interchangeable land VDzJIKlta7I-00547-00130183-00130414 wheels and spindles are available for VDzJIKlta7I-00548-00130415-00130543 various VDzJIKlta7I-00549-00130544-00130702 applications VDzJIKlta7I-00550-00130703-00130975 now the graduation VDzJIKlta7I-00551-00130976-00131259 it can be 0.01 mm or VDzJIKlta7I-00552-00131260-00131687 0.001 mm and range is 0 to 10 mm 0 to 12 VDzJIKlta7I-00553-00131688-00131839 mm they are available VDzJIKlta7I-00554-00131840-00132087 and these two picture show a VDzJIKlta7I-00555-00132088-00132278 dial type VDzJIKlta7I-00556-00132279-00132599 sheet metal thickness gauge again we VDzJIKlta7I-00557-00132600-00132711 have a VDzJIKlta7I-00558-00132712-00133071 lever here we have to hold this VDzJIKlta7I-00559-00133072-00133319 body in our VDzJIKlta7I-00560-00133320-00133478 hand and then we have to pull this and VDzJIKlta7I-00561-00133479-00133614 then we have to insert the work piece VDzJIKlta7I-00562-00133615-00133702 here VDzJIKlta7I-00563-00133703-00134007 and this will directly give the reading VDzJIKlta7I-00564-00134008-00134302 so in this case the graduation is 0.1 VDzJIKlta7I-00565-00134303-00134566 millimeter and range is zero to ten VDzJIKlta7I-00566-00134567-00134895 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00567-00134896-00135102 now what are the various applications of VDzJIKlta7I-00568-00135103-00135383 uh thickness gauges VDzJIKlta7I-00569-00135384-00135687 so it can be used for paper thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00570-00135688-00135935 measurement where see in that case we VDzJIKlta7I-00571-00135936-00136119 can use the very VDzJIKlta7I-00572-00136120-00136302 short range VDzJIKlta7I-00573-00136303-00136463 thickness gauges like zero to five VDzJIKlta7I-00574-00136464-00136614 millimeter thickness or zero to two VDzJIKlta7I-00575-00136615-00136719 means such VDzJIKlta7I-00576-00136720-00136951 zero to two millimeter thickness range VDzJIKlta7I-00577-00136952-00137054 ah such VDzJIKlta7I-00578-00137055-00137223 narrow range VDzJIKlta7I-00579-00137224-00137454 gauges are available so you can also use VDzJIKlta7I-00580-00137455-00137663 thickness gauges for VDzJIKlta7I-00581-00137664-00138063 measuring the convex VDzJIKlta7I-00582-00138064-00138431 lenses and concave lenses in such cases VDzJIKlta7I-00583-00138432-00138614 interchangeable land wheels VDzJIKlta7I-00584-00138615-00138943 and spindles will be of much use for VDzJIKlta7I-00585-00138944-00139239 example say we want to measure the VDzJIKlta7I-00586-00139240-00139727 convex lens like this VDzJIKlta7I-00587-00139728-00140078 so in that case we can use both VDzJIKlta7I-00588-00140079-00140327 flat VDzJIKlta7I-00589-00140328-00140575 anvil and flat VDzJIKlta7I-00590-00140576-00140743 spindle VDzJIKlta7I-00591-00140744-00140990 but when we want to measure the concave VDzJIKlta7I-00592-00140991-00141502 lens VDzJIKlta7I-00593-00141503-00141823 say we have a concave lens like this VDzJIKlta7I-00594-00141824-00142063 in that case ah VDzJIKlta7I-00595-00142064-00142359 we cannot use the flat VDzJIKlta7I-00596-00142360-00142559 anvil and flat VDzJIKlta7I-00597-00142560-00142783 plunger so there will be error VDzJIKlta7I-00598-00142784-00143175 so spherical type or bulb type VDzJIKlta7I-00599-00143176-00143351 plunger and ball type anvils are VDzJIKlta7I-00600-00143352-00143487 available VDzJIKlta7I-00601-00143488-00143702 so such things VDzJIKlta7I-00602-00143703-00143911 can be used also VDzJIKlta7I-00603-00143912-00144183 this can be used for tube thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00604-00144184-00144447 measurement for example VDzJIKlta7I-00605-00144448-00144751 so we have the flat VDzJIKlta7I-00606-00144752-00144895 plunger VDzJIKlta7I-00607-00144896-00145126 and then VDzJIKlta7I-00608-00145127-00145375 we can use a ball type VDzJIKlta7I-00609-00145376-00145551 anvil like this VDzJIKlta7I-00610-00145552-00145726 and then the VDzJIKlta7I-00611-00145727-00146295 tube can be inserted here VDzJIKlta7I-00612-00146296-00146551 i am inserting the tube and then we have VDzJIKlta7I-00613-00146552-00146711 to move the VDzJIKlta7I-00614-00146712-00146911 plunger down VDzJIKlta7I-00615-00146912-00147102 and then this will make contact and then VDzJIKlta7I-00616-00147103-00147414 we can directly take the reading VDzJIKlta7I-00617-00147415-00147678 and then narrow groove depth measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00618-00147679-00147783 is also VDzJIKlta7I-00619-00147784-00148223 possible say we have a very VDzJIKlta7I-00620-00148224-00148783 narrow groove like this VDzJIKlta7I-00621-00148784-00149007 say of two millimeter two point five VDzJIKlta7I-00622-00149008-00149263 millimeter groove VDzJIKlta7I-00623-00149264-00149502 so in such cases again we have to use a VDzJIKlta7I-00624-00149503-00149871 blade type VDzJIKlta7I-00625-00149872-00150271 plunger and anvil VDzJIKlta7I-00626-00150272-00150614 so which will comfortably go into VDzJIKlta7I-00627-00150615-00150814 the narrow groom so VDzJIKlta7I-00628-00150815-00151007 blade type plunger and animals they are VDzJIKlta7I-00629-00151008-00151239 available with thickness of 0.75 VDzJIKlta7I-00630-00151240-00151511 millimeter one millimeter 1.5 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00631-00151512-00151743 like that so appropriate blades we have VDzJIKlta7I-00632-00151744-00151999 to select and can be used for thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00633-00152000-00152743 measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00634-00152744-00152951 now what are the specifications of VDzJIKlta7I-00635-00152952-00153119 thickness gauges they are available in VDzJIKlta7I-00636-00153120-00153351 various ranges like 0 to 12 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00637-00153352-00153599 range 0 to 10 millimeter range VDzJIKlta7I-00638-00153600-00153835 and then resolutions of VDzJIKlta7I-00639-00153836-00154335 0.001 mm 0.01 mm and then they can offer VDzJIKlta7I-00640-00154336-00154654 the accuracy of plus or minus 3 microns VDzJIKlta7I-00641-00154655-00154878 plus or minus 20 microns so depending VDzJIKlta7I-00642-00154879-00155159 upon our requirement we can select the VDzJIKlta7I-00643-00155160-00155599 instrument and use it VDzJIKlta7I-00644-00155600-00155783 and then now move we will move to VDzJIKlta7I-00645-00155784-00156095 digital depth gauge VDzJIKlta7I-00646-00156096-00156199 ah VDzJIKlta7I-00647-00156200-00156414 now digital drive cages VDzJIKlta7I-00648-00156415-00156623 with very excellent features are VDzJIKlta7I-00649-00156624-00156887 available coolant proof VDzJIKlta7I-00650-00156888-00157119 digital depth gauges are available VDzJIKlta7I-00651-00157120-00157343 which can be used in very harsh VDzJIKlta7I-00652-00157344-00157575 machine shop environment VDzJIKlta7I-00653-00157576-00157911 and different VDzJIKlta7I-00654-00157912-00158199 ranges and different resolutions are VDzJIKlta7I-00655-00158200-00158407 possible and they are fitted with VDzJIKlta7I-00656-00158408-00158526 battery VDzJIKlta7I-00657-00158527-00158807 and battery life will be like 20 000 VDzJIKlta7I-00658-00158808-00159014 hours continuously we can use and VDzJIKlta7I-00659-00159015-00159335 recently solar type depth gauges are VDzJIKlta7I-00660-00159336-00159447 also VDzJIKlta7I-00661-00159448-00159607 available VDzJIKlta7I-00662-00159608-00159807 and VDzJIKlta7I-00663-00159808-00159919 so the VDzJIKlta7I-00664-00159920-00160047 where to VDzJIKlta7I-00665-00160048-00160207 put this uh VDzJIKlta7I-00666-00160208-00160319 moving VDzJIKlta7I-00667-00160320-00160519 rod with th this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00668-00160520-00160678 depth measuring rod VDzJIKlta7I-00669-00160679-00160975 so VDzJIKlta7I-00670-00160976-00161599 so this is the work piece VDzJIKlta7I-00671-00161600-00161766 and then we have to take this digital VDzJIKlta7I-00672-00161767-00162711 depth cage and we have to keep like this VDzJIKlta7I-00673-00162712-00162966 and then this rod will VDzJIKlta7I-00674-00162967-00163190 where to VDzJIKlta7I-00675-00163191-00163526 make the rod to move in VDzJIKlta7I-00676-00163527-00163719 and then the carbide tip will contact VDzJIKlta7I-00677-00163720-00163959 the bottom and then this indicator will VDzJIKlta7I-00678-00163960-00164190 directly give the reading and then VDzJIKlta7I-00679-00164191-00164390 extendable rods are also available VDzJIKlta7I-00680-00164391-00164678 depending upon the depth of hole or the VDzJIKlta7I-00681-00164679-00164895 height of the work pieces we can select VDzJIKlta7I-00682-00164896-00165175 appropriate extension rods and then we VDzJIKlta7I-00683-00165176-00165823 can fit them and we can use them VDzJIKlta7I-00684-00165824-00166190 now various kinds of VDzJIKlta7I-00685-00166191-00166390 depth gauges the digital duplications VDzJIKlta7I-00686-00166391-00166687 are available with the range of 0 to 150 VDzJIKlta7I-00687-00166688-00166838 millimeter zero to two hundred VDzJIKlta7I-00688-00166839-00167038 millimeter and zero to three hundred VDzJIKlta7I-00689-00167039-00167223 millimeter also available with VDzJIKlta7I-00690-00167224-00167454 resolution of zero point zero one mm and VDzJIKlta7I-00691-00167455-00167647 accuracy of plus or minus zero point VDzJIKlta7I-00692-00167648-00167823 zero two mm zero plus or minus zero VDzJIKlta7I-00693-00167824-00167983 point zero three mm VDzJIKlta7I-00694-00167984-00168290 and they can offer a repeatability of VDzJIKlta7I-00695-00168291-00168502 0.01 mm and VDzJIKlta7I-00696-00168503-00168847 repeatability of 0.01 mm VDzJIKlta7I-00697-00168848-00169175 they have a very good accuracy VDzJIKlta7I-00698-00169176-00169511 of plus or minus 0.02 mm VDzJIKlta7I-00699-00169512-00169783 and for this particular range the VDzJIKlta7I-00700-00169784-00170295 accuracy is plus or minus 0.03 mm now VDzJIKlta7I-00701-00170296-00170647 depth gauge VDzJIKlta7I-00702-00170648-00170966 attachment VDzJIKlta7I-00703-00170967-00171278 for vernier so some attachments are also VDzJIKlta7I-00704-00171279-00171559 available now we can see that VDzJIKlta7I-00705-00171560-00171863 sketch of depth gauge attachment now we VDzJIKlta7I-00706-00171864-00172014 can see here VDzJIKlta7I-00707-00172015-00172343 ah depth gauge ends different kinds of VDzJIKlta7I-00708-00172344-00172502 ends are available VDzJIKlta7I-00709-00172503-00172814 now this is a hook type end VDzJIKlta7I-00710-00172815-00173390 this is the VDzJIKlta7I-00711-00173391-00173743 the rod of the depth gauge and it is VDzJIKlta7I-00712-00173744-00174054 shaped like this hook type VDzJIKlta7I-00713-00174055-00174190 shape is there VDzJIKlta7I-00714-00174191-00174559 now say we have a hole of this this this VDzJIKlta7I-00715-00174560-00174735 shape in the workpiece VDzJIKlta7I-00716-00174736-00175038 now i want to measure the total depth so VDzJIKlta7I-00717-00175039-00175247 that is possible even with VDzJIKlta7I-00718-00175248-00175407 ordinary VDzJIKlta7I-00719-00175408-00175647 dial depth gauge or VDzJIKlta7I-00720-00175648-00175902 vernier caliper we can measure this VDzJIKlta7I-00721-00175903-00175990 now VDzJIKlta7I-00722-00175991-00176375 i want to know this thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00723-00176376-00176478 so this VDzJIKlta7I-00724-00176479-00176695 is not possible with our ordinary VDzJIKlta7I-00725-00176696-00176823 depth gauges VDzJIKlta7I-00726-00176824-00177159 so there this hook type VDzJIKlta7I-00727-00177160-00177423 depth gauge will be of much use now you VDzJIKlta7I-00728-00177424-00177678 can see here we have to move this VDzJIKlta7I-00729-00177679-00177926 depth gauge towards this end and then we VDzJIKlta7I-00730-00177927-00178254 have to lift this end so that this end VDzJIKlta7I-00731-00178255-00178438 comes in contact VDzJIKlta7I-00732-00178439-00178702 with the workpiece under surface inside VDzJIKlta7I-00733-00178703-00178990 surface and then we can directly VDzJIKlta7I-00734-00178991-00179254 read this depth d2 VDzJIKlta7I-00735-00179255-00179487 and sometimes we will be having a VDzJIKlta7I-00736-00179488-00179695 projection in the workpiece like this i VDzJIKlta7I-00737-00179696-00179975 want to get this VDzJIKlta7I-00738-00179976-00180278 dimension d3 if it is outside surface we VDzJIKlta7I-00739-00180279-00180471 can use the other instruments like VDzJIKlta7I-00740-00180472-00180799 vernier caliper or micrometer but now VDzJIKlta7I-00741-00180800-00181175 this is inside this projection is inside VDzJIKlta7I-00742-00181176-00181566 a deep hole so in such cases this hooked VDzJIKlta7I-00743-00181567-00181871 book hand will be of much use you can VDzJIKlta7I-00744-00181872-00182014 see here VDzJIKlta7I-00745-00182015-00182263 once we have to take reading here this VDzJIKlta7I-00746-00182264-00182551 surface of the hook will be in contact VDzJIKlta7I-00747-00182552-00182687 with this surface VDzJIKlta7I-00748-00182688-00182919 we have to take the reading and then it VDzJIKlta7I-00749-00182920-00183135 is moved like this then again we have to VDzJIKlta7I-00750-00183136-00183359 increase the depth and then now this VDzJIKlta7I-00751-00183360-00183614 upper surface will come in contact with VDzJIKlta7I-00752-00183615-00183838 the bottom surface of that projection VDzJIKlta7I-00753-00183839-00184038 so again we have to take the reading and VDzJIKlta7I-00754-00184039-00184359 then difference gives this thickness d3 VDzJIKlta7I-00755-00184360-00184543 so like this we can VDzJIKlta7I-00756-00184544-00184878 have different kinds of ends VDzJIKlta7I-00757-00184879-00185038 depending upon the application VDzJIKlta7I-00758-00185039-00185319 and then we can use VDzJIKlta7I-00759-00185320-00185543 now for ordinary VDzJIKlta7I-00760-00185544-00185823 vernier caliper or dial VDzJIKlta7I-00761-00185824-00185926 type VDzJIKlta7I-00762-00185927-00186047 depth gauge VDzJIKlta7I-00763-00186048-00186183 we can have a VDzJIKlta7I-00764-00186184-00186487 attachment depth gauge attachment for VDzJIKlta7I-00765-00186488-00186647 vernier caliper VDzJIKlta7I-00766-00186648-00186838 now you can see here VDzJIKlta7I-00767-00186839-00186919 the VDzJIKlta7I-00768-00186920-00187166 vernier caliper can be inserted there is VDzJIKlta7I-00769-00187167-00187414 a slot here or groove here VDzJIKlta7I-00770-00187415-00187687 so through that we can insert and then VDzJIKlta7I-00771-00187688-00187878 there is a screw we can VDzJIKlta7I-00772-00187879-00188126 clamp it and then we can use that VDzJIKlta7I-00773-00188127-00188407 complete assembly for depth measurement VDzJIKlta7I-00774-00188408-00188654 purpose so by using this attachment to VDzJIKlta7I-00775-00188655-00188863 the caliper we can comfortably measure VDzJIKlta7I-00776-00188864-00189083 the VDzJIKlta7I-00777-00189084-00189247 depths VDzJIKlta7I-00778-00189248-00189614 and also the dial type depth gauges are VDzJIKlta7I-00779-00189615-00189902 available with the range of 0 to 300 VDzJIKlta7I-00780-00189903-00190183 millimeter and resolution of 0.05 VDzJIKlta7I-00781-00190184-00190302 millimeter VDzJIKlta7I-00782-00190303-00190550 so depending upon our requirement we can VDzJIKlta7I-00783-00190551-00190687 select either VDzJIKlta7I-00784-00190688-00190966 vernier type depth gauge or dial type VDzJIKlta7I-00785-00190967-00191087 depth gauge VDzJIKlta7I-00786-00191088-00191343 or digital depth gauge VDzJIKlta7I-00787-00191344-00191559 so before we select the instrument we VDzJIKlta7I-00788-00191560-00191719 should make VDzJIKlta7I-00789-00191720-00191887 a survey of the instruments the VDzJIKlta7I-00790-00191888-00192095 economical aspect of that and what are VDzJIKlta7I-00791-00192096-00192254 the various features VDzJIKlta7I-00792-00192255-00192463 whether a coolant proof type is required VDzJIKlta7I-00793-00192464-00192695 or not so such things we have to what is VDzJIKlta7I-00794-00192696-00192863 the accuracy that is needed what is the VDzJIKlta7I-00795-00192864-00193063 resolution that is needed what kind of VDzJIKlta7I-00796-00193064-00193343 repeatability is expected so all such VDzJIKlta7I-00797-00193344-00193631 things we have to see before VDzJIKlta7I-00798-00193632-00193999 making a selection VDzJIKlta7I-00799-00194000-00194111 now VDzJIKlta7I-00800-00194112-00194375 we will move to a special type of VDzJIKlta7I-00801-00194376-00194590 caliper we have studied vernier caliper VDzJIKlta7I-00802-00194591-00194838 and different types of calipers inside VDzJIKlta7I-00803-00194839-00195102 caliper like that this is a very special VDzJIKlta7I-00804-00195103-00195326 universal caliper VDzJIKlta7I-00805-00195327-00195526 wherein we have the VDzJIKlta7I-00806-00195527-00195695 bar VDzJIKlta7I-00807-00195696-00195863 okay this is the main bar of the VDzJIKlta7I-00808-00195864-00195975 instrument VDzJIKlta7I-00809-00195976-00196223 on which VDzJIKlta7I-00810-00196224-00196526 we have VDzJIKlta7I-00811-00196527-00196799 measuring heads this is one VDzJIKlta7I-00812-00196800-00197007 anvil and this is another and this is VDzJIKlta7I-00813-00197008-00197150 the measuring head VDzJIKlta7I-00814-00197151-00197447 and this is the second anvil VDzJIKlta7I-00815-00197448-00197759 in the case of ordinary mechanical type VDzJIKlta7I-00816-00197760-00197999 vernier caliper what happens is there is VDzJIKlta7I-00817-00198000-00198238 one fixed joint then another VDzJIKlta7I-00818-00198239-00198423 moving jaw whereas here VDzJIKlta7I-00819-00198424-00198750 both these arms or jaws can be VDzJIKlta7I-00820-00198751-00198983 moved at a time so this can be moved in VDzJIKlta7I-00821-00198984-00199119 this fashion VDzJIKlta7I-00822-00199120-00199478 like this VDzJIKlta7I-00823-00199479-00199966 so this can be moved like this VDzJIKlta7I-00824-00199967-00200438 and this can also be moved VDzJIKlta7I-00825-00200439-00200631 now we can keep the work piece between VDzJIKlta7I-00826-00200632-00200766 these two and VDzJIKlta7I-00827-00200767-00201054 we can take the reading VDzJIKlta7I-00828-00201055-00201231 now multiple VDzJIKlta7I-00829-00201232-00201471 dimension measurement with inter see all VDzJIKlta7I-00830-00201472-00201566 these VDzJIKlta7I-00831-00201567-00201711 animals can VDzJIKlta7I-00832-00201712-00201966 the set of anvils are available VDzJIKlta7I-00833-00201967-00202166 depending upon our application we have VDzJIKlta7I-00834-00202167-00202343 we can change these animals and we can VDzJIKlta7I-00835-00202344-00202519 use it for example VDzJIKlta7I-00836-00202520-00202719 for the measurement of thickness for VDzJIKlta7I-00837-00202720-00202895 example say we have a work piece like VDzJIKlta7I-00838-00202896-00203111 this and we want to measure this VDzJIKlta7I-00839-00203112-00203407 thickness so in that case VDzJIKlta7I-00840-00203408-00203671 we can use two flat type VDzJIKlta7I-00841-00203672-00203783 anvils VDzJIKlta7I-00842-00203784-00204007 and say we want VDzJIKlta7I-00843-00204008-00204159 a VDzJIKlta7I-00844-00204160-00204543 tube or a pipe then one can be VDzJIKlta7I-00845-00204544-00204871 ah flat and one can be ball type or VDzJIKlta7I-00846-00204871-00205398 round disc type like this VDzJIKlta7I-00847-00205400-00205519 disc type VDzJIKlta7I-00848-00205519-00205806 ends VDzJIKlta7I-00849-00205807-00205934 so VDzJIKlta7I-00850-00205935-00206542 when we have both disk type ends VDzJIKlta7I-00851-00206544-00206719 so this can be used for measurement of VDzJIKlta7I-00852-00206719-00206831 thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00853-00206832-00207119 and as well as for measurement of VDzJIKlta7I-00854-00207119-00207294 pipe also we can VDzJIKlta7I-00855-00207296-00207638 measure VDzJIKlta7I-00856-00207639-00207871 is the pipe and this can be moved and it VDzJIKlta7I-00857-00207871-00208055 will make contact here and thickness can VDzJIKlta7I-00858-00208056-00208279 be measured VDzJIKlta7I-00859-00208280-00208479 and then the internal dimension VDzJIKlta7I-00860-00208480-00208682 measurement is also VDzJIKlta7I-00861-00208683-00209046 possible and then center distance ah VDzJIKlta7I-00862-00209048-00209262 is positive the distance between two VDzJIKlta7I-00863-00209263-00209462 holes so that center distance can be VDzJIKlta7I-00864-00209463-00209751 measured and then the distance VDzJIKlta7I-00865-00209752-00209998 from edge of the work piece VDzJIKlta7I-00866-00210000-00210094 to the VDzJIKlta7I-00867-00210096-00210294 center of the hole so that is also VDzJIKlta7I-00868-00210296-00210406 possible VDzJIKlta7I-00869-00210407-00210615 so one VDzJIKlta7I-00870-00210616-00210967 the anvil can be like spherical animal VDzJIKlta7I-00871-00210967-00211167 and another can be VDzJIKlta7I-00872-00211167-00211646 conical VDzJIKlta7I-00873-00211648-00211879 like this so we have to fix this VDzJIKlta7I-00874-00211880-00212279 spherical type here and animal type here VDzJIKlta7I-00875-00212280-00212567 and then using this combination we can VDzJIKlta7I-00876-00212567-00212958 find the edge to center of hole distance VDzJIKlta7I-00877-00212959-00213351 similarly if say we have two VDzJIKlta7I-00878-00213352-00213551 holes VDzJIKlta7I-00879-00213552-00213758 and we want the distance between the VDzJIKlta7I-00880-00213759-00213894 this center VDzJIKlta7I-00881-00213896-00214175 and this center in that case both VDzJIKlta7I-00882-00214176-00214446 conical type we should use so it will VDzJIKlta7I-00883-00214448-00214591 give directly the VDzJIKlta7I-00884-00214592-00214823 central distance so like this ah VDzJIKlta7I-00885-00214823-00215094 various kinds of measurements are VDzJIKlta7I-00886-00215096-00215358 possible and they are available with a VDzJIKlta7I-00887-00215359-00215534 wide range of VDzJIKlta7I-00888-00215535-00215758 even wide ranges like 0 to one fifty VDzJIKlta7I-00889-00215759-00215951 millimeter zero to three hundred VDzJIKlta7I-00890-00215952-00216127 millimeters with the resolution of point VDzJIKlta7I-00891-00216128-00216367 zero one point zero zero one with an VDzJIKlta7I-00892-00216367-00216631 accuracy of uh the two microns three VDzJIKlta7I-00893-00216632-00216758 microns VDzJIKlta7I-00894-00216759-00216863 so VDzJIKlta7I-00895-00216864-00217151 ah depending upon our requirement we can VDzJIKlta7I-00896-00217152-00217382 select this type of instrument all VDzJIKlta7I-00897-00217383-00217591 functions like hold function VDzJIKlta7I-00898-00217592-00217839 on off function and then VDzJIKlta7I-00899-00217840-00218223 conversion from inch to milliamp mm VDzJIKlta7I-00900-00218223-00218542 selection of inch system and mm VDzJIKlta7I-00901-00218544-00218719 select metric selection VDzJIKlta7I-00902-00218719-00218887 and then the VDzJIKlta7I-00903-00218888-00219351 data transfer possibility like rs232c VDzJIKlta7I-00904-00219352-00219703 port so all such things are available in VDzJIKlta7I-00905-00219704-00219903 this universal VDzJIKlta7I-00906-00219904-00220327 caliper VDzJIKlta7I-00907-00220328-00220519 now VDzJIKlta7I-00908-00220519-00220846 we will VDzJIKlta7I-00909-00220848-00221015 conclude this VDzJIKlta7I-00910-00221016-00221151 session VDzJIKlta7I-00911-00221152-00221351 in this session we studied about VDzJIKlta7I-00912-00221352-00221534 different kinds of VDzJIKlta7I-00913-00221535-00221694 dial indicators VDzJIKlta7I-00914-00221696-00221998 digital dial indicators then dial type VDzJIKlta7I-00915-00222000-00222198 dial indicators with very VDzJIKlta7I-00916-00222200-00222398 varied VDzJIKlta7I-00917-00222400-00222663 ranges varied resolution selectable VDzJIKlta7I-00918-00222664-00222951 resolutions and then we studied about a VDzJIKlta7I-00919-00222952-00223103 lever type VDzJIKlta7I-00920-00223104-00223479 dial indicator or a dial test indicator VDzJIKlta7I-00921-00223480-00223775 we also studied about thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00922-00223776-00223894 gauges VDzJIKlta7I-00923-00223896-00224063 and what are the features of thickness VDzJIKlta7I-00924-00224064-00224175 gauges VDzJIKlta7I-00925-00224176-00224279 and then what are the various VDzJIKlta7I-00926-00224280-00224487 applications of dial indicators we also VDzJIKlta7I-00927-00224488-00224719 discussed about universal caliper what VDzJIKlta7I-00928-00224719-00224934 are the various features of VDzJIKlta7I-00929-00224935-00225142 universal caliper VDzJIKlta7I-00930-00225144-00225406 so with this we will conclude this VDzJIKlta7I-00931-00225407-00225640 session thank you VDzJIKlta7I-00932-00225641-00226440 [Music] VDevheNfkI0-00000-00000096-00000311 and the personal branding is becoming VDevheNfkI0-00001-00000312-00000526 kind of a hot topic these days VDevheNfkI0-00002-00000527-00000767 to identify who you are and what you VDevheNfkI0-00003-00000768-00000871 represent so VDevheNfkI0-00004-00000872-00001127 why it is important and how can job VDevheNfkI0-00005-00001128-00001231 seekers VDevheNfkI0-00006-00001232-00001495 can start building their uh personal VDevheNfkI0-00007-00001496-00001671 brand online these days VDevheNfkI0-00008-00001672-00001807 yeah a lot of people in the working VDevheNfkI0-00009-00001807-00002014 world don't think that much about this VDevheNfkI0-00010-00002016-00002110 idea of personal VDevheNfkI0-00011-00002111-00002326 or professional brand and a personal VDevheNfkI0-00012-00002327-00002495 brand is nothing more than your VDevheNfkI0-00013-00002496-00002655 reputation your reputation among VDevheNfkI0-00014-00002656-00002871 colleagues reputation in the marketplace VDevheNfkI0-00015-00002872-00003087 and people don't realize it but whether VDevheNfkI0-00016-00003088-00003303 you are intentional about building that VDevheNfkI0-00017-00003304-00003367 brand VDevheNfkI0-00018-00003368-00003590 or not you have a personal brand you VDevheNfkI0-00019-00003592-00003767 have a reputation VDevheNfkI0-00020-00003768-00003943 among people that you work with and in VDevheNfkI0-00021-00003944-00004191 the marketplace so you might as well be VDevheNfkI0-00022-00004192-00004431 intentional about creating that brand VDevheNfkI0-00023-00004432-00004535 and creating that VDevheNfkI0-00024-00004536-00004783 reputation you know there's a myth out VDevheNfkI0-00025-00004784-00004854 there VDevheNfkI0-00026-00004855-00005063 that a lot of times people get promoted VDevheNfkI0-00027-00005064-00005215 or get jobs VDevheNfkI0-00028-00005216-00005399 entirely because of their skills or VDevheNfkI0-00029-00005400-00005527 their experience or things they've VDevheNfkI0-00030-00005528-00005599 accomplished VDevheNfkI0-00031-00005600-00005783 when really a lot of times it comes down VDevheNfkI0-00032-00005784-00005999 to who you know and the brand that VDevheNfkI0-00033-00006000-00006199 you've established that reputation VDevheNfkI0-00034-00006200-00006399 you know what people think of you and so VDevheNfkI0-00035-00006400-00006575 there are things you can do VDevheNfkI0-00036-00006576-00006998 to um to to create that brand to VDevheNfkI0-00037-00007000-00007151 improve what people think of you it's VDevheNfkI0-00038-00007152-00007351 it's about how you show up at work VDevheNfkI0-00039-00007352-00007527 how do you show up for your colleagues VDevheNfkI0-00040-00007528-00007719 what type of projects do you take on VDevheNfkI0-00041-00007720-00007878 how well do you collaborate with other VDevheNfkI0-00042-00007879-00008087 people uh that's inside your company VDevheNfkI0-00043-00008088-00008127 right VDevheNfkI0-00044-00008128-00008271 if you're going for job interviews how VDevheNfkI0-00045-00008272-00008414 do you show up for that how do you dress VDevheNfkI0-00046-00008415-00008551 how do you present yourself VDevheNfkI0-00047-00008552-00008751 how do you talk are you curious are you VDevheNfkI0-00048-00008752-00008927 interested in certain things VDevheNfkI0-00049-00008928-00009110 do you seem like you're energetic and VDevheNfkI0-00050-00009111-00009359 enthusiastic and eager to jump in VDevheNfkI0-00051-00009360-00009567 uh and do the work and then there's also VDevheNfkI0-00052-00009568-00009727 the brand that you can be building VDevheNfkI0-00053-00009728-00009942 in the marketplace are you creating VDevheNfkI0-00054-00009943-00010039 content on VDevheNfkI0-00055-00010040-00010238 linkedin or other social media channels VDevheNfkI0-00056-00010239-00010438 are you commenting and interacting VDevheNfkI0-00057-00010439-00010599 on other people's content because social VDevheNfkI0-00058-00010600-00010767 media is you know VDevheNfkI0-00059-00010768-00010919 some people hate it some people love it VDevheNfkI0-00060-00010920-00011110 i personally love it it's name of the VDevheNfkI0-00061-00011111-00011183 game right it's VDevheNfkI0-00062-00011184-00011391 it's the world that we live in and the VDevheNfkI0-00063-00011392-00011487 business world VDevheNfkI0-00064-00011488-00011710 revolves around it so you can partake in VDevheNfkI0-00065-00011711-00011887 that and how are you showing up VDevheNfkI0-00066-00011888-00012103 and are you sharing content doesn't have VDevheNfkI0-00067-00012104-00012231 to be original content it could be VDevheNfkI0-00068-00012232-00012374 articles that you've read books that VDevheNfkI0-00069-00012375-00012446 you've read VDevheNfkI0-00070-00012447-00012631 or um if you're watching this video VDevheNfkI0-00071-00012632-00012855 right now that maher posted you could VDevheNfkI0-00072-00012856-00013015 share this and say hey i just watched VDevheNfkI0-00073-00013016-00013094 this video VDevheNfkI0-00074-00013095-00013247 i'm really interested in this topic of VDevheNfkI0-00075-00013247-00013438 personal branding and then that VDevheNfkI0-00076-00013440-00013607 signals to other people that you're VDevheNfkI0-00077-00013608-00013775 learning you're curious VDevheNfkI0-00078-00013776-00013951 you know things about this particular VDevheNfkI0-00079-00013952-00014151 topic and i've talked to recruiters VDevheNfkI0-00080-00014152-00014294 about this i recruited i VDevheNfkI0-00081-00014295-00014583 i i quoted my friend adam posner who VDevheNfkI0-00082-00014584-00014783 runs the recruiting business in my book VDevheNfkI0-00083-00014784-00014958 about this and asked them like you know VDevheNfkI0-00084-00014959-00015086 when you're going out and looking at VDevheNfkI0-00085-00015087-00015158 candidates VDevheNfkI0-00086-00015159-00015294 and you look at their linkedin are you VDevheNfkI0-00087-00015295-00015558 just looking at their resume their cv VDevheNfkI0-00088-00015559-00015783 or are you also looking at things they VDevheNfkI0-00089-00015784-00015927 posted how they've interact with others VDevheNfkI0-00090-00015928-00015966 he said VDevheNfkI0-00091-00015968-00016158 absolutely we look at all those things VDevheNfkI0-00092-00016159-00016319 we take a holistic approach VDevheNfkI0-00093-00016319-00016535 because it's all part of the brand that VDevheNfkI0-00094-00016536-00016735 you're creating so think about that VDevheNfkI0-00095-00016736-00016863 whether you're building a business or VDevheNfkI0-00096-00016864-00017103 you're building a career that everything VDevheNfkI0-00097-00017104-00017263 you're doing out there how you interact VDevheNfkI0-00098-00017264-00017415 with people how you interact on social VDevheNfkI0-00099-00017416-00017486 media VDevheNfkI0-00100-00017487-00017743 it all is part of your brand that you're VDevheNfkI0-00101-00017744-00017911 building your reputation VDevheNfkI0-00102-00017912-00018150 and it informs and influences how people VDevheNfkI0-00103-00018151-00018271 think about you VDevheNfkI0-00104-00018272-00018471 and it could help you get that next job VDevheNfkI0-00105-00018472-00018694 or hurt you from getting that next job VDevheNfkI0-00106-00018695-00018927 i totally agree with you linked in VDevheNfkI0-00107-00018928-00018999 linkedin VDevheNfkI0-00108-00019000-00019167 creating content and personal branding VDevheNfkI0-00109-00019168-00019350 are the things that recruiters check VDevheNfkI0-00110-00019351-00019494 when they check your linkedin are you VDevheNfkI0-00111-00019495-00019647 active there what kind what can you VDevheNfkI0-00112-00019648-00019839 bring to the table why we VDevheNfkI0-00113-00019840-00020071 need to choose you or others that's all VDevheNfkI0-00114-00020072-00020183 the things that VDevheNfkI0-00115-00020184-00020439 job seekers need to do before applying VDevheNfkI0-00116-00020440-00020607 or doing applying for jobs VDevheNfkI0-00117-00020608-00020839 so thank you for that andy and for the VDevheNfkI0-00118-00020840-00020999 audience watching or listening if you VDevheNfkI0-00119-00021000-00021207 have any other tips in terms of personal VDevheNfkI0-00120-00021208-00021455 branding please leave comments below and VDevheNfkI0-00121-00021456-00021599 tune in next time for another great VDevheNfkI0-00122-00021600-00021912 question with andy VDbKZ3hJEDk-00000-00025812-00026209 I've seen you for a while almost every VDbKZ3hJEDk-00002-00030883-00031179 okay I'd like to call this meeting of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00003-00031180-00031335 the Zoning Board of Appeals site to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00004-00031336-00031386 order VDbKZ3hJEDk-00005-00031387-00031722 we have several agenda items I'm going VDbKZ3hJEDk-00006-00031723-00031970 to take one out of sequence because it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00007-00031972-00032225 should be a fairly quick disposition VDbKZ3hJEDk-00008-00032226-00032526 it's listed under 80 other under VDbKZ3hJEDk-00009-00032527-00032607 business VDbKZ3hJEDk-00010-00032608-00033204 and has to do in case 18 - 1617 Lunetta VDbKZ3hJEDk-00011-00033205-00033809 Lane where we granted a permit for a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00012-00033810-00034203 accessory apartment back on August 7th VDbKZ3hJEDk-00013-00034204-00034587 of 2018 and they are in here this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00014-00034588-00035148 evening requesting and extension we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00015-00035149-00035373 received a written request for that I'd VDbKZ3hJEDk-00016-00035374-00035902 like to read it into the record VDbKZ3hJEDk-00017-00035903-00036275 bye Steve Kate from sjk construction I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00018-00036276-00036491 would like to request an extension to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00019-00036492-00036707 the special permit granted for an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00020-00036708-00036982 accessory apartment at 17 Lynette Elaine VDbKZ3hJEDk-00021-00036983-00037256 as the new builder and owner of this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00022-00037257-00037505 property I expect to have the foundation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00023-00037506-00037922 completed by the expiration date but VDbKZ3hJEDk-00024-00037923-00038180 would like the extension as insurance in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00025-00038181-00038420 case the closing or permitting takes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00026-00038421-00038789 longer than they expected I do plan to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00027-00038790-00038996 attend the CPA meeting thank you steve VDbKZ3hJEDk-00028-00038997-00039671 king he also we also have a another demo VDbKZ3hJEDk-00029-00039672-00040181 on this case submitted to us stating due VDbKZ3hJEDk-00030-00040182-00040448 to health concerns with one of the miss VDbKZ3hJEDk-00031-00040449-00040766 and health partners we are requesting an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00032-00040767-00040982 extension on the special permit issued VDbKZ3hJEDk-00033-00040983-00041360 on October 3rd 2018 case number Ebola VDbKZ3hJEDk-00034-00041361-00041669 that Elaine we are in the process the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00035-00041670-00041933 project due to the aforementioned health VDbKZ3hJEDk-00036-00041934-00042377 concerns the extension of the permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00037-00042378-00042581 will allow us to proceed with the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00038-00042582-00042761 project your assistance is greatly VDbKZ3hJEDk-00039-00042762-00043106 appreciated thank you bill Lombard VDbKZ3hJEDk-00040-00043107-00043331 manager of SNL host VDbKZ3hJEDk-00041-00043332-00043719 LLC 10 Middlesex Avenue unit 1 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00042-00043720-00044100 in Massachusetts you're here VDbKZ3hJEDk-00043-00044101-00044262 representing them I guess I am VDbKZ3hJEDk-00044-00044263-00044535 bill Lombard as in that way could you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00045-00044536-00044691 just fill us in a little bit more before VDbKZ3hJEDk-00046-00044692-00045177 he s as you mentioned um to the health VDbKZ3hJEDk-00047-00045178-00045531 situation with my partner VDbKZ3hJEDk-00048-00045532-00045957 saw fit to sell a property gentleman VDbKZ3hJEDk-00049-00045958-00046200 approached us and going to take over the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00050-00046201-00046607 project continued it to get it done VDbKZ3hJEDk-00051-00046608-00047036 going for the extension special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00052-00047037-00047376 so what we had six months maybe a year VDbKZ3hJEDk-00053-00047377-00047878 extension that we could VDbKZ3hJEDk-00054-00047879-00048280 you have any question on board VDbKZ3hJEDk-00055-00048281-00048742 I just had a point of clarification I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00056-00048743-00048945 don't know if this would be for mark or VDbKZ3hJEDk-00057-00048946-00049490 Andrew were under five four seven four VDbKZ3hJEDk-00058-00049491-00049677 accessory apartment VDbKZ3hJEDk-00059-00049678-00049912 if channels there are conditions of any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00060-00049913-00050095 special permit for accessory apartments VDbKZ3hJEDk-00061-00050096-00050290 are satisfied within one year this issue VDbKZ3hJEDk-00062-00050291-00050542 is special permits shall be no in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00063-00050543-00050896 Florida now the special permit has VDbKZ3hJEDk-00064-00050897-00051160 always been issued to the individual who VDbKZ3hJEDk-00065-00051161-00051369 then VDbKZ3hJEDk-00066-00051370-00051573 creates accessory apartment and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00067-00051574-00051798 registers it but it would have to go VDbKZ3hJEDk-00068-00051799-00052045 through I has believed the building VDbKZ3hJEDk-00069-00052046-00052382 commissioner inspected before you get VDbKZ3hJEDk-00070-00052383-00052616 the permit to do something at the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00071-00052617-00052919 building permits the question here is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00072-00052920-00053249 when you're doing that you're changing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00073-00053250-00053604 the initial special equipment which was VDbKZ3hJEDk-00074-00053604-00053859 designated not to a site but to work VDbKZ3hJEDk-00075-00053860-00054116 individually and that would be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00076-00054117-00054457 transferred so I don't I'm not sure VDbKZ3hJEDk-00077-00054458-00054738 where to go from this particular VDbKZ3hJEDk-00078-00054739-00055200 situation I don't know what the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00079-00055201-00055556 legalities are how that is done never VDbKZ3hJEDk-00080-00055557-00055878 had one that was transferred to a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00081-00055879-00056316 different ownership prior to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00082-00056317-00056569 the building of the structure and the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00083-00056570-00056828 building of the accessory VDbKZ3hJEDk-00084-00056829-00057286 so that's my only question sounded VDbKZ3hJEDk-00085-00057287-00057560 rather to that mark VDbKZ3hJEDk-00086-00057561-00057791 if you defy to Andrew for two minutes so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00087-00057791-00058250 I can catch up then I didn't know I was VDbKZ3hJEDk-00088-00058251-00058640 gonna ask that question okay I believe VDbKZ3hJEDk-00089-00058641-00058838 there have been cases of it in the past VDbKZ3hJEDk-00090-00058839-00059177 and so it isn't acceptable maybe not at VDbKZ3hJEDk-00091-00059178-00059648 this point but MGL said it is acceptable VDbKZ3hJEDk-00092-00059649-00060077 transfer especially pink VDbKZ3hJEDk-00093-00060078-00060604 so if sorry it's all the special permits VDbKZ3hJEDk-00094-00060605-00060817 issued for an accessory department and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00095-00060819-00061403 then the solve a house it's not a new VDbKZ3hJEDk-00096-00061404-00061559 special permit the special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00097-00061560-00061832 transfers with the dwelling and then VDbKZ3hJEDk-00098-00061833-00061988 they have to notify the building VDbKZ3hJEDk-00099-00061989-00062116 inspector that's still going to be used VDbKZ3hJEDk-00100-00062117-00062390 in the same format and then any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00101-00062391-00062561 violations will course be taken care of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00102-00062562-00062915 that way so okay the original building VDbKZ3hJEDk-00103-00062916-00063378 inspector was issued to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00104-00063379-00063767 mm sales to personnel homes LLC right VDbKZ3hJEDk-00105-00063769-00064055 it's a corporation incorporation and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00106-00064057-00064611 that yet when they come to you for the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00107-00064612-00064788 building permit they have to record that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00108-00064789-00065046 now it hasn't been recorded because we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00109-00065047-00065247 haven't got that for you and the one VDbKZ3hJEDk-00110-00065248-00065448 year is expired so you're asking the one VDbKZ3hJEDk-00111-00065449-00065604 year study or the one year has not been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00112-00065605-00065966 explored yet well you fail with it but VDbKZ3hJEDk-00113-00065967-00066255 the point being we're asking for a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00114-00066256-00066735 transfer so you kind of do he's the new VDbKZ3hJEDk-00115-00066736-00067064 minute and a half so the point being is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00116-00067065-00067434 they SNL already has the special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00117-00067435-00067599 they're asking for an extension of that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00118-00067600-00067827 special permit which they may transfer VDbKZ3hJEDk-00119-00067828-00068180 in the future VDbKZ3hJEDk-00120-00068181-00068415 just like if a homeowner I have the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00121-00068416-00068565 special permit for accessory of climate VDbKZ3hJEDk-00122-00068566-00068904 if they sell the home right then that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00123-00068905-00069186 would transfer so the extension is is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00124-00069187-00069762 still to SNL home background yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00125-00069763-00070306 okay I'm a little bit lost in that but VDbKZ3hJEDk-00126-00070307-00070659 I'll go with uh whatever the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00127-00070660-00071018 recommendations are I just I I find it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00128-00071019-00071379 it's very difficult when you issue to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00129-00071380-00071796 one party and the party wants an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00130-00071797-00071969 extension which is basically saying you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00131-00071970-00072234 can't meet the deadline I mean you sell VDbKZ3hJEDk-00132-00072235-00072579 them so that you're selling it before it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00133-00072580-00072762 is finished so you're not transferring VDbKZ3hJEDk-00134-00072763-00073097 anything VDbKZ3hJEDk-00135-00073098-00073388 I don't I don't I don't know I'm not an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00136-00073389-00073493 attorney so I don't know how you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00137-00073494-00073706 transfer something that does not exist VDbKZ3hJEDk-00138-00073707-00074177 at the present time so it's almost the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00139-00074178-00074420 same thing if if SNL has it and they VDbKZ3hJEDk-00140-00074421-00074654 don't have a buyer for the home yet they VDbKZ3hJEDk-00141-00074655-00074861 still have the special permit and then VDbKZ3hJEDk-00142-00074862-00075104 the buyer of the home is getting the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00143-00075105-00075293 transfer of that special permit even VDbKZ3hJEDk-00144-00075294-00075446 though they're no party to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00145-00075447-00075623 procedures that when they got the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00146-00075624-00075928 original special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00147-00075929-00076508 so it's convoluted sideways it is it is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00148-00076509-00076709 and I hope we don't run any of any more VDbKZ3hJEDk-00149-00076710-00077067 of these VDbKZ3hJEDk-00150-00077068-00077411 IIIi yeah I think I understand it here VDbKZ3hJEDk-00151-00077412-00077649 basically it's just an extension to SNL VDbKZ3hJEDk-00152-00077650-00078015 the yellow letter that we've got which VDbKZ3hJEDk-00153-00078016-00078609 is from sjk construction really is not a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00154-00078610-00078834 party to the extension right now no VDbKZ3hJEDk-00155-00078835-00079011 there's no L is that right that's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00156-00079012-00079067 correct VDbKZ3hJEDk-00157-00079068-00079254 yeah SNL is getting the extension are VDbKZ3hJEDk-00158-00079255-00079406 there the original ones that were even a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00159-00079407-00079761 special price went up there and the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00160-00079762-00079986 other question I had now everything is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00161-00079987-00080246 still going to be built according to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00162-00080247-00080466 conditions of the special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00163-00080467-00080985 currently we want to get the special but VDbKZ3hJEDk-00164-00080986-00081149 some should happen if they don't buy VDbKZ3hJEDk-00165-00081150-00081392 right no way you so that something could VDbKZ3hJEDk-00166-00081393-00081630 happen down the road and this sale falls VDbKZ3hJEDk-00167-00081631-00081887 through and it may be another but we do VDbKZ3hJEDk-00168-00081888-00082055 have them right now in the contract if VDbKZ3hJEDk-00169-00082056-00082278 it keeps going well you know I'm not VDbKZ3hJEDk-00170-00082279-00082532 really yes they're gonna build the exact VDbKZ3hJEDk-00171-00082533-00083051 same house to sell same specs VDbKZ3hJEDk-00172-00083052-00083387 yeah I think I think the SJ ke leather VDbKZ3hJEDk-00173-00083388-00083588 provides context as to why you need the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00174-00083589-00083750 extension but I still look at it as you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00175-00083751-00083915 know it's SNL homes its original VDbKZ3hJEDk-00176-00083916-00084152 applicant the lettuce VDbKZ3hJEDk-00177-00084153-00084326 you know mentions health conditions and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00178-00084327-00084563 I receipt just you know giving the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00179-00084564-00084725 original applicants that one-year VDbKZ3hJEDk-00180-00084726-00084839 extension VDbKZ3hJEDk-00181-00084840-00085184 I don't think Seok is much in my view to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00182-00085185-00085707 do with VDbKZ3hJEDk-00183-00085708-00085965 the only question I have is you have a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00184-00085966-00086100 state of how long some extension you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00185-00086101-00086616 want only to get a year one year which VDbKZ3hJEDk-00186-00086617-00087000 is negotiable VDbKZ3hJEDk-00187-00087001-00087547 I will open it up for public comments I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00188-00087548-00087942 hear once comment on this case closed VDbKZ3hJEDk-00189-00087943-00088344 the public portion of this meeting and I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00190-00088345-00088587 would entertain a motion to accept a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00191-00088588-00089079 request for attention to what you some VDbKZ3hJEDk-00192-00089080-00089400 of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00193-00089401-00089623 second I'll second that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00194-00089624-00090259 all the favor for 0-0 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00195-00090260-00090875 right thank you gentlemen VDbKZ3hJEDk-00196-00090876-00091166 yeah I think I think you need something VDbKZ3hJEDk-00197-00091167-00091271 man VDbKZ3hJEDk-00198-00091272-00092368 you do you're gonna start doing that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00199-00092369-00093412 okay though I thought we were looking at VDbKZ3hJEDk-00200-00093413-00093662 was being taken away from us here their VDbKZ3hJEDk-00201-00093663-00094279 wording in decisions VDbKZ3hJEDk-00202-00094280-00094853 probably we can do that okay menu the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00203-00094854-00095318 draft of elastic section finding the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00204-00095319-00095787 letter in fact VDbKZ3hJEDk-00205-00095788-00096109 the next case we will take up this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00206-00096110-00097222 evening is thank you I will not read the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00207-00097223-00097461 public hearing as this case was opened VDbKZ3hJEDk-00208-00097462-00098308 back on chump it was extended its the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00209-00098309-00098751 third extension tonight VDbKZ3hJEDk-00210-00098752-00099255 petitioner has submitted a written VDbKZ3hJEDk-00211-00099256-00099981 request to us dated September 27th it is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00212-00099982-00100356 reading we have decided to withdraw our VDbKZ3hJEDk-00213-00100357-00100742 variance applications without prejudice VDbKZ3hJEDk-00214-00100743-00101031 thank you for helping us with this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00215-00101032-00101541 effort VDbKZ3hJEDk-00216-00101542-00102142 signed by who employed huh employed of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00217-00102143-00102247 hasni yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00218-00102248-00102640 Kim floor so we have a request before us VDbKZ3hJEDk-00219-00102641-00103102 to withdraw from this case without VDbKZ3hJEDk-00220-00103103-00103335 prejudice any discussions with anybody VDbKZ3hJEDk-00221-00103336-00103658 on the board on this one VDbKZ3hJEDk-00222-00103658-00104114 I thought that even if they have been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00223-00104115-00104420 present tonight he would not have gone VDbKZ3hJEDk-00224-00104421-00104777 forward the osmium we don't have build VDbKZ3hJEDk-00225-00104778-00105053 up five or four bullets so to have to be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00226-00105054-00105259 four out of four whether it be a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00227-00105260-00105638 variance or whatever TV record so it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00228-00105639-00105800 couldn't go forward now this is tracked VDbKZ3hJEDk-00229-00105801-00106298 down substantially I'm hoping that CPC VDbKZ3hJEDk-00230-00106299-00106738 and hand row and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00231-00106739-00107257 Julie can hopefully rectify some of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00232-00107258-00107811 these issues because I think we needed VDbKZ3hJEDk-00233-00107813-00108234 an adjustment or proposed adjustments VDbKZ3hJEDk-00234-00108235-00108714 before tell-tell meaning to modify the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00235-00108715-00109938 not just of this issue but I mean Oh VDbKZ3hJEDk-00236-00109939-00110289 the knowledge data motion to accept the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00237-00110290-00110493 petitioners request full withdrawal to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00238-00110494-00110852 pod case 19 of this code I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00239-00110853-00111258 without prejudice solved VDbKZ3hJEDk-00240-00111258-00113126 how second favorite boys all right VDbKZ3hJEDk-00241-00113127-00113404 the next case before us this evening is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00242-00113405-00114408 ace 19 - 19 - 59 1567 age Street VDbKZ3hJEDk-00243-00114409-00114715 this case was open and back of September VDbKZ3hJEDk-00244-00114716-00115492 for continued to see me remembers that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00245-00115493-00116034 review that pasted on nine four or the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00246-00116035-00116238 sajama myself mr. Redford VDbKZ3hJEDk-00247-00116239-00116604 release the other one was mr. Haack VDbKZ3hJEDk-00248-00116605-00116906 strim and he has not killed much so I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00249-00116907-00117342 think improvements in best the action of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00250-00117343-00118158 this tonight VDbKZ3hJEDk-00251-00118158-00118368 I think you indicated you wanna move VDbKZ3hJEDk-00252-00118369-00118557 forward with that at least to the point VDbKZ3hJEDk-00253-00118558-00118883 of getting through this thing I would I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00254-00118884-00119166 would remind people that when we use VDbKZ3hJEDk-00255-00119167-00119434 this thing back on the 4th of September VDbKZ3hJEDk-00256-00119435-00119907 it was continued so that we could refer VDbKZ3hJEDk-00257-00119908-00120352 the situation to town VDbKZ3hJEDk-00258-00120353-00120694 and town councilman necessary to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00259-00120695-00121027 determine how to handle it and what kind VDbKZ3hJEDk-00260-00121028-00121355 of a decision take VDbKZ3hJEDk-00261-00121356-00121775 to detain and we have I understand we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00262-00121776-00122227 have before us this evening they draft a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00263-00122228-00122540 decision which is my understanding VDbKZ3hJEDk-00264-00122541-00122858 firefire ahead that it was put together VDbKZ3hJEDk-00265-00122858-00123511 by who else to tell them Julie Mayer VDbKZ3hJEDk-00266-00123513-00124459 thien's I'm sorry to you so you can kind VDbKZ3hJEDk-00267-00124460-00124673 of walk us through what's transpired VDbKZ3hJEDk-00268-00124674-00124948 since then we'll get in on this thing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00269-00124949-00125231 certainly I think I will say that this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00270-00125232-00125516 was this draft was mailed around to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00271-00125517-00125816 board in advance of the meeting so we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00272-00125817-00126110 have had an opportunity VDbKZ3hJEDk-00273-00126111-00126417 do it okay thank you very much attorney VDbKZ3hJEDk-00274-00126418-00126582 Josh Latham here tonight on behalf of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00275-00126583-00126819 Stonegate construction I'm continuing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00276-00126820-00127053 our hearing from September 4th as you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00277-00127054-00127215 may recall during that hearing our VDbKZ3hJEDk-00278-00127216-00127407 presentation was requesting three VDbKZ3hJEDk-00279-00127408-00127665 alternative levels of relief the first VDbKZ3hJEDk-00280-00127666-00127917 was intentional variance the second was VDbKZ3hJEDk-00281-00127918-00128159 a special permit under 7.2 of the bylaws VDbKZ3hJEDk-00282-00128160-00128420 and the third was a determination I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00283-00128421-00128652 believe in the discussions that the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00284-00128653-00128880 board had last time that the sense was VDbKZ3hJEDk-00285-00128881-00129000 that the board was leaning towards the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00286-00129001-00129195 idea of a special permit over the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00287-00129196-00129389 concept of a variance or a determination VDbKZ3hJEDk-00288-00129390-00129723 in speaking with town staff we do really VDbKZ3hJEDk-00289-00129724-00129900 work cooperatively to come up with a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00290-00129901-00130167 proposed draft decision on the thesis of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00291-00130168-00130395 a special permit as opposed to a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00292-00130396-00130722 variance or determination really within VDbKZ3hJEDk-00293-00130723-00130934 that decision the concept being that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00294-00130935-00131082 there isn't a preexisting non-conforming VDbKZ3hJEDk-00295-00131083-00131346 use by way of this commercial parking VDbKZ3hJEDk-00296-00131347-00131643 area that extends within the S 15 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00297-00131644-00131832 district or just existed there for VDbKZ3hJEDk-00298-00131833-00132087 decades the idea that with the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00299-00132088-00132318 redevelopment of the a40 district VDbKZ3hJEDk-00300-00132319-00132494 portion of the site which is as of right VDbKZ3hJEDk-00301-00132495-00132819 to build a 24 unit residential apartment VDbKZ3hJEDk-00302-00132820-00133020 or condominium building that we would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00303-00133021-00133218 simply ask for this portion of the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00304-00133219-00133382 existing preexisting non-conforming VDbKZ3hJEDk-00305-00133383-00133641 commercial parking lot and storage area VDbKZ3hJEDk-00306-00133642-00133863 to become multi-family residential VDbKZ3hJEDk-00307-00133864-00134166 accessory parts instead the argument is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00308-00134167-00134444 thus that it's really less VDbKZ3hJEDk-00309-00134445-00134691 non-conforming than a commercial oil VDbKZ3hJEDk-00310-00134692-00134859 delivery company's parking and storage VDbKZ3hJEDk-00311-00134860-00135057 yard where you may have heavy trucks and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00312-00135058-00135246 other things stored back there this is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00313-00135247-00135372 actually more consistent with an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00314-00135373-00135660 estimate to use a residential use so on VDbKZ3hJEDk-00315-00135661-00136026 that basis the board would have to find VDbKZ3hJEDk-00316-00136027-00136326 that that use is not substantially more VDbKZ3hJEDk-00317-00136327-00136539 detrimental than the existing commercial VDbKZ3hJEDk-00318-00136540-00136741 use of that area VDbKZ3hJEDk-00319-00136742-00136951 making that finding you have the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00320-00136952-00137125 discretion to grant a special permit to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00321-00137126-00137404 allow us to change from the commercial VDbKZ3hJEDk-00322-00137405-00137652 use to the multifamily residential use VDbKZ3hJEDk-00323-00137653-00137890 deuce we're proposing is as shown on the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00324-00137891-00138022 plan that was submitted it's really VDbKZ3hJEDk-00325-00138023-00138313 within the area show and then it would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00326-00138314-00138589 be subject to CPD C and Conservation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00327-00138590-00138877 Commission to approve the design and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00328-00138878-00138985 layout of what that would look like VDbKZ3hJEDk-00329-00138986-00139309 within that area so that's really where VDbKZ3hJEDk-00330-00139310-00139546 we are at this point as to where this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00331-00139547-00139792 this draft came from and again we're VDbKZ3hJEDk-00332-00139793-00139987 here this evening with our engineer and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00333-00139988-00140098 the applicant to answer any questions VDbKZ3hJEDk-00334-00140099-00140185 that you have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00335-00140186-00140632 thank you I assume you've had the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00336-00140633-00140982 opportunity to go through this draft VDbKZ3hJEDk-00337-00140983-00141346 okay all right I am still on a copy now VDbKZ3hJEDk-00338-00141347-00141579 and read it as we speak VDbKZ3hJEDk-00339-00141580-00141811 aside from that you have any comments oh VDbKZ3hJEDk-00340-00141812-00141957 no I do not VDbKZ3hJEDk-00341-00141958-00142219 right Nick I'll start with you senator VDbKZ3hJEDk-00342-00142220-00142402 you brief comments hey I review the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00343-00142403-00142642 draft nothing really stuck have looks VDbKZ3hJEDk-00344-00142643-00142849 loose a few extra conditions and our VDbKZ3hJEDk-00345-00142850-00143158 typical conditions I agree that a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00346-00143159-00143377 special permit seems to be the best way VDbKZ3hJEDk-00347-00143378-00143554 to go I don't think the project's any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00348-00143555-00143758 more detrimental and I think it's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00349-00143759-00144936 consistent with neighbor character VDbKZ3hJEDk-00350-00144937-00145561 yeah I agree with mark I didn't have any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00351-00145562-00145795 markups on the draft as I read through VDbKZ3hJEDk-00352-00145796-00145936 it you told me he's nice to the burger VDbKZ3hJEDk-00353-00145937-00146395 job and I would agree that I I think the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00354-00146396-00146895 special permit is his strong argument VDbKZ3hJEDk-00355-00146896-00147328 through the bylaw Section seven point VDbKZ3hJEDk-00356-00147329-00147733 two in that it's a less intrusive use of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00357-00147734-00148195 the Apostle that's that that's now being VDbKZ3hJEDk-00358-00148196-00148429 used commercially it'll be now being VDbKZ3hJEDk-00359-00148430-00148792 used residential Edith Hawking and I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00360-00148793-00149155 certainly believe that it will not be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00361-00149156-00149374 substantially more detrimental and I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00362-00149375-00149581 think a key word there is substantial it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00363-00149582-00149731 will not be substantially more VDbKZ3hJEDk-00364-00149732-00150198 detrimental than what's there now what I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00365-00150199-00150424 would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00366-00150425-00150637 but with the special permit under VDbKZ3hJEDk-00367-00150638-00151082 Section 7.2 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00368-00151083-00151258 you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00369-00151259-00151821 I concur also manner to board members VDbKZ3hJEDk-00370-00151822-00152490 however presented to us by we were VDbKZ3hJEDk-00371-00152491-00152695 asking were you were asking for 12 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00372-00152696-00152995 additional spaces 12 additional spaces VDbKZ3hJEDk-00373-00152996-00153745 have been left out on this nation and I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00374-00153746-00154014 think along with since we are going to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00375-00154015-00154518 address the architectural as well as the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00376-00154519-00154798 site plan that you proposed initially VDbKZ3hJEDk-00377-00154799-00155079 probably need to go back to that insert VDbKZ3hJEDk-00378-00155080-00155399 that 12 additional parking spaces VDbKZ3hJEDk-00379-00155400-00155637 necessarily come until I have but I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00380-00155638-00156193 think that's much more of an appropriate VDbKZ3hJEDk-00381-00156194-00156585 use of the property and it certainly VDbKZ3hJEDk-00382-00156586-00157134 would as offset substantially being less VDbKZ3hJEDk-00383-00157135-00157578 interference not to both the neighbors VDbKZ3hJEDk-00384-00157579-00157942 as well as the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00385-00157943-00158446 as well as the traffic flow on 28 but I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00386-00158447-00158860 would like to see that 12th inserted VDbKZ3hJEDk-00387-00158861-00159043 back in to the set of plans that we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00388-00159044-00159325 originally talked about less last time VDbKZ3hJEDk-00389-00159326-00159573 we met VDbKZ3hJEDk-00390-00159574-00159750 but we haven't changed the plans that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00391-00159751-00159948 way we have not changed the plans last VDbKZ3hJEDk-00392-00159949-00160299 812 so the plans to reflect 12 within VDbKZ3hJEDk-00393-00160300-00160506 the area that we're discussing the only VDbKZ3hJEDk-00394-00160507-00160650 reason that we didn't list the condition VDbKZ3hJEDk-00395-00160651-00160809 of the number was that when we know we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00396-00160810-00161061 go to see PDC and with conservation and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00397-00161062-00161240 we as I know that with me that's what VDbKZ3hJEDk-00398-00161241-00161508 bothers me a little bit the 12 might VDbKZ3hJEDk-00399-00161509-00162002 become 24 and then we have not the same VDbKZ3hJEDk-00400-00162003-00162178 set of conditions that the Board VDbKZ3hJEDk-00401-00162179-00162732 reviewed and I assume that the planning VDbKZ3hJEDk-00402-00162733-00163122 staff right I mean you haven't been its VDbKZ3hJEDk-00403-00163123-00163470 dressing as yet but I don't want that to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00404-00163471-00163668 get to a situation where that becomes a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00405-00163669-00164235 an issue for contention moment from our VDbKZ3hJEDk-00406-00164236-00164421 perspective we'd have no objection to no VDbKZ3hJEDk-00407-00164422-00164690 more than 12 we know it might end up VDbKZ3hJEDk-00408-00164691-00164946 being less but we and we also recognize VDbKZ3hJEDk-00409-00164947-00165176 if we do get a permission or approval VDbKZ3hJEDk-00410-00165177-00165423 from CBC and it requires more we would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00411-00165424-00165563 have to come back to this board at that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00412-00165564-00165759 time and at that point you'd still have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00413-00165760-00165977 to either adjust this permit or deny us VDbKZ3hJEDk-00414-00165978-00166261 so if 12 is a half worth that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00415-00166262-00167066 don't watch for us okay VDbKZ3hJEDk-00416-00167067-00167259 are you suggesting putting that as a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00417-00167260-00167716 condition and everything it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00418-00167717-00167923 I would have no problem with no more VDbKZ3hJEDk-00419-00167924-00168464 than growth rather than putting 12 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00420-00168465-00168883 special diet VDbKZ3hJEDk-00421-00168884-00169296 I was just loosely they were referencing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00422-00169297-00169686 the documentation that was reviewed with VDbKZ3hJEDk-00423-00169687-00170873 us in the night VDbKZ3hJEDk-00424-00170874-00171201 the petition makes the area to bikini VDbKZ3hJEDk-00425-00171202-00171863 one VDbKZ3hJEDk-00426-00171864-00172154 so so maybe like maybe we just take that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00427-00172155-00172328 first condition and when we make VDbKZ3hJEDk-00428-00172329-00172676 reference to the plan you just indicate VDbKZ3hJEDk-00429-00172677-00173025 that the plan shows 12 spaces and that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00430-00173026-00173607 first okay VDbKZ3hJEDk-00431-00173608-00174187 - better chance to review it now VDbKZ3hJEDk-00432-00174188-00174647 yeah I have no comments that I mean I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00433-00174648-00175019 don't want to muddy the waters all I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00434-00175020-00175322 want to say is that what a zone and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00435-00175323-00175621 standpoint that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00436-00175622-00175846 the multiple pocket lot is not an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00437-00175847-00176218 accessory use in as 15 so as 15 zones of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00438-00176219-00176479 single-family zones which means pocket VDbKZ3hJEDk-00439-00176480-00176764 for one two three cars so that's my only VDbKZ3hJEDk-00440-00176765-00177022 comment but it's not to mean that I'm VDbKZ3hJEDk-00441-00177023-00177226 against the project it's just a matter VDbKZ3hJEDk-00442-00177227-00177704 of fact or point of order VDbKZ3hJEDk-00443-00177705-00177887 did you say that one more time mark I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00444-00177888-00178157 was just disrupted by I forgot what I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00445-00178158-00178574 said I just want to say you know just VDbKZ3hJEDk-00446-00178575-00178854 for the record that in my opinion a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00447-00178855-00179177 multiple parking space lot in a ness15 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00448-00179178-00179416 zone is not permitted as 15 zone a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00449-00179417-00179762 single-family housing so it's not VDbKZ3hJEDk-00450-00179763-00179963 excessively used to an S 15 zone VDbKZ3hJEDk-00451-00179964-00180166 he may be excessively used to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00452-00180167-00180566 proposed use in the a40 is not for the s VDbKZ3hJEDk-00453-00180567-00180863 15 but I'm not against it I'm just VDbKZ3hJEDk-00454-00180864-00181346 clarifying VDbKZ3hJEDk-00455-00181347-00181715 yeah I think in this particular case VDbKZ3hJEDk-00456-00181716-00182178 correctly for misleading your warning VDbKZ3hJEDk-00457-00182179-00182352 but I think in this particular case were VDbKZ3hJEDk-00458-00182353-00182586 looking at it that this has been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00459-00182587-00182955 grandfathered by the commercial use that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00460-00182956-00183345 was using that area now and we're going VDbKZ3hJEDk-00461-00183346-00183525 we're looking at it as the less VDbKZ3hJEDk-00462-00183526-00183831 intensive use with rosetta stone yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00463-00183832-00184305 okay well we haven't changed the zoning VDbKZ3hJEDk-00464-00184306-00184614 with just a higher special permit up to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00465-00184615-00185202 12 I said we just leave it at that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00466-00185203-00185280 that's right VDbKZ3hJEDk-00467-00185281-00185784 sure thank you I would like that this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00468-00185785-00186156 time to open up this case to public VDbKZ3hJEDk-00469-00186157-00186384 comment as anyone here wish to comment VDbKZ3hJEDk-00470-00186385-00186644 on this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00471-00186645-00186859 and seeing no one wanted to do that I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00472-00186860-00187043 will close that portion of the case is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00473-00187044-00187507 there any further comment from the board VDbKZ3hJEDk-00474-00187508-00187873 okay I we and it is written in the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00475-00187874-00188069 decision here is obviously this is going VDbKZ3hJEDk-00476-00188070-00188485 to have to be modified a bit because VDbKZ3hJEDk-00477-00188486-00188693 they're going to have to if the special VDbKZ3hJEDk-00478-00188694-00188972 permit goes forth but we have to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00479-00188973-00189206 withdraw the request of the variance as VDbKZ3hJEDk-00480-00189207-00189518 noted in the decision I think that poor VDbKZ3hJEDk-00481-00189519-00189814 or determinate for Detroit and also the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00482-00189815-00189979 determination I don't know if that has VDbKZ3hJEDk-00483-00189980-00190162 to be put you on that request for a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00484-00190163-00190406 determination VDbKZ3hJEDk-00485-00190407-00190534 there's three things that they VDbKZ3hJEDk-00486-00190535-00190765 originally asked for technically it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00487-00190766-00191045 shakes up well should have done yeah and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00488-00191046-00191236 I think it can all just be added to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00489-00191237-00191500 same decision exactly at the tail end VDbKZ3hJEDk-00490-00191501-00191783 yeah and we would make the request that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00491-00191784-00191851 the board VDbKZ3hJEDk-00492-00191852-00192025 I reckon has our request to withdraw the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00493-00192026-00192265 variance and the determination petitions VDbKZ3hJEDk-00494-00192266-00192499 without prejudice much more effective VDbKZ3hJEDk-00495-00192500-00192706 all be ported to the I think that is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00496-00192707-00193021 absolute many yeah I think it can be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00497-00193022-00193321 modified very easily just add those VDbKZ3hJEDk-00498-00193322-00193606 thanks in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00499-00193607-00193940 we could keep it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00500-00193941-00194198 move on this shoe right they had the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00501-00194199-00194363 addition on the changes that have been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00502-00194364-00194606 proposed to examine see is there any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00503-00194607-00194864 other for comment comment for the board VDbKZ3hJEDk-00504-00194865-00195158 and I'll entertain a motion to accept VDbKZ3hJEDk-00505-00195159-00195707 this draft decision with conditions to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00506-00195708-00196712 be added and I can host aw or okay no I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00507-00196713-00197021 what I would do is I would move to grant VDbKZ3hJEDk-00508-00197022-00197264 you know from the special permit not the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00509-00197265-00197569 decision but grant a special permit VDbKZ3hJEDk-00510-00197570-00197993 through the applicant under Section 7.2 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00511-00197994-00198325 of the reading bylaws is ordered to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00512-00198326-00198946 construct up to the 12 car parking area VDbKZ3hJEDk-00513-00198947-00199505 outside the or in the as 15 zone as VDbKZ3hJEDk-00514-00199506-00199903 depicted on the plan so noted they're VDbKZ3hJEDk-00515-00199904-00200252 looking for the playing references and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00516-00200253-00200675 yeah the plan reference being the Zoning VDbKZ3hJEDk-00517-00200676-00200813 Board of Appeals plan prepared by VDbKZ3hJEDk-00518-00200814-00201059 Hancock Associates Stampin dated August VDbKZ3hJEDk-00519-00201060-00201454 6 2019 parking loaded driveways VDbKZ3hJEDk-00520-00201455-00201719 accessory to the proposed multifamily VDbKZ3hJEDk-00521-00201720-00202040 residences of the 8th Water District VDbKZ3hJEDk-00522-00202041-00202410 portion of the property VDbKZ3hJEDk-00523-00202411-00202861 so that's up to 12 spaces on that is a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00524-00202862-00203041 SP speed zone VDbKZ3hJEDk-00525-00203042-00203356 so if we get in will modify the animal VDbKZ3hJEDk-00526-00203357-00205012 never will get a more find I think VDbKZ3hJEDk-00527-00205013-00206111 thank you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00528-00206112-00207151 oh good night thank you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00529-00207152-00207421 Josh rehab I shall send us fans you know VDbKZ3hJEDk-00530-00207421-00209842 the other planets yes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00531-00209842-00210082 that's probably the one you want to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00534-00223642-00224033 all right last case the forest this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00535-00224034-00224646 evening is 19-23 11 that Nugent lanes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00536-00224646-00225501 you are have submitted an application VDbKZ3hJEDk-00537-00225502-00225760 to a work that you're probably VDbKZ3hJEDk-00538-00225761-00226409 gonna read the legal bonus VDbKZ3hJEDk-00539-00226410-00226622 sending water pills will hold a public VDbKZ3hJEDk-00540-00226623-00226769 hearing in the Select board's meeting VDbKZ3hJEDk-00541-00226770-00227037 room at townhall 16 Wall Street very VDbKZ3hJEDk-00542-00227038-00227273 Massachusetts on Wednesday October 2nd VDbKZ3hJEDk-00543-00227274-00227637 the 7:00 p.m. the application of Brian VDbKZ3hJEDk-00544-00227638-00228107 learned it for some chapter 40 a section VDbKZ3hJEDk-00545-00228108-00228312 9 for a special permit of the reading VDbKZ3hJEDk-00546-00228313-00228509 zoning bylaw section of seven forty VDbKZ3hJEDk-00547-00228510-00228719 seven point three and seven point three VDbKZ3hJEDk-00548-00228720-00229076 point two to construct a new covered VDbKZ3hJEDk-00549-00229077-00229502 front porch with a non-conforming front VDbKZ3hJEDk-00550-00229503-00229788 yard setback taught to an existing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00551-00229789-00229962 non-conforming dwelling on the property VDbKZ3hJEDk-00552-00229963-00230190 located at 11th region two plain and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00553-00230191-00230490 Reading Massachusetts unless there's an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00554-00230491-00230645 objection I will dispense with the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00555-00230646-00230819 reading of the abundance list except to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00556-00230820-00231012 say that dividers are notified us were VDbKZ3hJEDk-00557-00231013-00231317 the following select board votes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00558-00231319-00231506 Department building Department Health VDbKZ3hJEDk-00559-00231507-00231758 Department engineering division members VDbKZ3hJEDk-00560-00231759-00231950 cessation services Court of Appeals VDbKZ3hJEDk-00561-00231951-00232188 Dunkirk Fire Department conservation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00562-00232189-00232244 commission's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00563-00232245-00232648 sessions office at CPD C as well as the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00564-00232649-00232877 running boards awake Phil and Phil are VDbKZ3hJEDk-00565-00232878-00233036 treading stone a woman and Willie VDbKZ3hJEDk-00566-00233037-00233261 I swear before this borders take another VDbKZ3hJEDk-00567-00233262-00233446 oh so if you'd like to speak you stand VDbKZ3hJEDk-00568-00233448-00233558 and raise your right hand VDbKZ3hJEDk-00569-00233559-00233891 I swear the testimony given by before VDbKZ3hJEDk-00570-00233892-00234050 this book to the truth all truths about VDbKZ3hJEDk-00571-00234051-00234284 the truth I do I do VDbKZ3hJEDk-00572-00234285-00234635 okay thank you you must be Brian large I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00573-00234636-00234827 am and we turn the floor all over you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00574-00234828-00235160 and tell us what you want to do here so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00575-00235161-00235471 I am here to request permission to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00576-00235471-00235727 essentially make a design change to an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00577-00235728-00235904 existing project that's already been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00578-00235905-00236186 approved I was here about two months ago VDbKZ3hJEDk-00579-00236187-00236501 for special permit to build an addition VDbKZ3hJEDk-00580-00236502-00236842 onto my home in doing so we've made a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00581-00236844-00237140 minor late design change or we're going VDbKZ3hJEDk-00582-00237141-00237461 to move our entrance way from where it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00583-00237462-00237769 is now to the right so we're gonna VDbKZ3hJEDk-00584-00237771-00238055 remove a platform step and put in a new VDbKZ3hJEDk-00585-00238056-00238376 four by six step we're here requesting VDbKZ3hJEDk-00586-00238377-00238538 permission to do that and the reason VDbKZ3hJEDk-00587-00238539-00238709 we're here requesting permission I'm VDbKZ3hJEDk-00588-00238710-00238886 here requesting permission is because VDbKZ3hJEDk-00589-00238887-00239323 the house itself sits in non conformance VDbKZ3hJEDk-00590-00239325-00239627 to the existing 20 foot setback if you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00591-00239628-00239936 recall we described this previously VDbKZ3hJEDk-00592-00239937-00240233 where we the house was actually there VDbKZ3hJEDk-00593-00240234-00240346 before the road VDbKZ3hJEDk-00594-00240348-00240854 Nugent Lane so where were somewhat VDbKZ3hJEDk-00595-00240855-00241239 by that by that initial design from I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00596-00241240-00241571 believe the early 1990s and we were told VDbKZ3hJEDk-00597-00241573-00241812 that even this minor change would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00598-00241813-00242167 require a special permit approval to to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00599-00242169-00242391 basically move the front stairway so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00600-00242392-00242585 we're going to remove a platform step VDbKZ3hJEDk-00601-00242586-00242835 which shows on these two plot plan and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00602-00242836-00243135 put a four by six step to the right so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00603-00243136-00243287 we're gonna change the entranceway VDbKZ3hJEDk-00604-00243288-00243600 there's really no major changed a lot VDbKZ3hJEDk-00605-00243601-00244023 coverage and it is no more detrimental VDbKZ3hJEDk-00606-00244023-00244305 than the existing non-conformities on VDbKZ3hJEDk-00607-00244306-00244596 the property so we are requesting VDbKZ3hJEDk-00608-00244596-00244833 permission to do that and again the work VDbKZ3hJEDk-00609-00244834-00245166 itself the addition in the permit has VDbKZ3hJEDk-00610-00245167-00245403 already been granted this is somewhat of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00611-00245404-00246019 a Lane Lane design changes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00612-00246021-00246284 the smart I agree with everything you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00613-00246285-00247367 said I think the applicant and mark make VDbKZ3hJEDk-00614-00247369-00247998 a strong case okay that's it I do VDbKZ3hJEDk-00615-00247998-00248381 actually strongly I think no I see at VDbKZ3hJEDk-00616-00248382-00248534 one point you were twenty two feet away VDbKZ3hJEDk-00617-00248535-00248717 from the street on the river spree VDbKZ3hJEDk-00618-00248719-00248898 current to the front your property and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00619-00248898-00249353 you lose all your setback VDbKZ3hJEDk-00620-00249354-00250109 so I'd still be doing comics better yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00621-00250110-00250607 I would inspector I don't see any issue VDbKZ3hJEDk-00622-00250608-00250964 with this certainly will not be any more VDbKZ3hJEDk-00623-00250965-00251174 detrimental to the neighborhood and I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00624-00251175-00251412 believe it would fall under Title I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00625-00251413-00251963 Section seven point three point two in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00626-00251964-00252134 order to basically what they don't VDbKZ3hJEDk-00627-00252135-00252497 reload cating the front door and a four VDbKZ3hJEDk-00628-00252498-00252860 by six step they're certainly not in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00629-00252861-00253144 Crete a you know based on the plans etc VDbKZ3hJEDk-00630-00253145-00253512 there's certainly not increase in any VDbKZ3hJEDk-00631-00253513-00253892 more of the nonconformity that's already VDbKZ3hJEDk-00632-00253893-00254204 there VDbKZ3hJEDk-00633-00254205-00254908 I don't have a problem with it I mean VDbKZ3hJEDk-00634-00254909-00255160 I think I think you had mentioned that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00635-00255161-00255526 you're you're mortified as you're VDbKZ3hJEDk-00636-00255527-00255826 putting the proposal together you've VDbKZ3hJEDk-00637-00255827-00256051 modified a little bit that required VDbKZ3hJEDk-00638-00256052-00256459 you're moving need to do real so by VDbKZ3hJEDk-00639-00256460-00256804 doing that we're seeing in the original VDbKZ3hJEDk-00640-00256805-00257182 construction plans though and it's not VDbKZ3hJEDk-00641-00257183-00257302 going to be any more detrimental than VDbKZ3hJEDk-00642-00257303-00257719 what's there it knows VDbKZ3hJEDk-00643-00257719-00258178 so here this point clarification you've VDbKZ3hJEDk-00644-00258179-00258384 already started the previous approved VDbKZ3hJEDk-00645-00258385-00258571 construction you've taken out that one VDbKZ3hJEDk-00646-00258571-00258848 garage and you're making that into a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00647-00258850-00259104 mudroom or something okay and this is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00648-00259105-00259398 that door there's a door there that's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00649-00259400-00259830 the door you're talking about yes so we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00650-00259831-00260413 we are is we just essentially what we're VDbKZ3hJEDk-00651-00260414-00260569 asking for us to be able to put a step VDbKZ3hJEDk-00652-00260569-00260800 there right so that doors the instep VDbKZ3hJEDk-00653-00260801-00260971 yeah and that's the four by six step VDbKZ3hJEDk-00654-00260971-00261246 that was added to the plot plan the door VDbKZ3hJEDk-00655-00261248-00261507 exists now the door was approved as part VDbKZ3hJEDk-00656-00261508-00261753 of the original project and plans VDbKZ3hJEDk-00657-00261754-00261981 submitted we want to put a covered step VDbKZ3hJEDk-00658-00261982-00262200 there and in doing so where we were VDbKZ3hJEDk-00659-00262201-00262423 essentially going to remove the existing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00660-00262424-00262624 platform staff new in the existing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00661-00262625-00262944 entrance that's to the left of that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00662-00262945-00263178 but the door to your to your point the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00663-00263179-00263421 mudroom and the door was part of the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00664-00263422-00263694 existing application and plans submitted VDbKZ3hJEDk-00665-00263695-00264174 back actually case nights 1955 ago VDbKZ3hJEDk-00666-00264175-00264327 that's correct and that makes it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00667-00264328-00264492 complies with one of the conditions of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00668-00264493-00264758 the accessory partners they actually VDbKZ3hJEDk-00669-00264759-00264963 have a couple permits going on now VDbKZ3hJEDk-00670-00264964-00265203 one is to remodel the existing on to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00671-00265204-00265353 create the new mudroom and while the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00672-00265354-00265569 existing garage and they got a special VDbKZ3hJEDk-00673-00265570-00265743 permit from the new for the new garage VDbKZ3hJEDk-00674-00265744-00266375 and now this another one baby steps VDbKZ3hJEDk-00675-00266376-00266825 all right I will open it open it up the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00676-00266826-00266975 public opinion and since there's no word VDbKZ3hJEDk-00677-00266976-00267725 here I'll close it right away I can make VDbKZ3hJEDk-00678-00267726-00267992 a motion on this one I moved to grant VDbKZ3hJEDk-00679-00267993-00268409 the petitioner Ryan learned it a special VDbKZ3hJEDk-00680-00268410-00268904 permit under Section 7.0 7.3 it 7.32 to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00681-00268905-00269093 construct a new cover front porch with a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00682-00269094-00269334 with a non-conforming front yard setback VDbKZ3hJEDk-00683-00269335-00269564 onto an existing non-conformance VDbKZ3hJEDk-00684-00269565-00269858 dwelling at the property located at 11 VDbKZ3hJEDk-00685-00269859-00270284 Nugent Lane in the running mass as shown VDbKZ3hJEDk-00686-00270285-00270572 on the certified plot and plan prepared VDbKZ3hJEDk-00687-00270573-00271019 and certified by Sullivan engineering VDbKZ3hJEDk-00688-00271020-00271283 Debbie John Sullivan nobody'd the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00689-00271284-00271856 revised plot plan due to 9 9 19 special VDbKZ3hJEDk-00690-00271857-00271958 permit is subject to the following VDbKZ3hJEDk-00691-00271959-00272219 editions a petition especially to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00692-00272220-00272408 building inspector certified plot plant VDbKZ3hJEDk-00693-00272409-00272591 of the proposed structure in the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00694-00272592-00272747 proposed Federation plans prior to the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00695-00272748-00272906 issuance of a fundraiser permit for the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00696-00272907-00273143 work the perdition is final construction VDbKZ3hJEDk-00697-00273144-00273302 plans of the new structure shall be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00698-00273303-00273395 submitted to the building inspector VDbKZ3hJEDk-00699-00273396-00273701 along with the as-built foundation plans VDbKZ3hJEDk-00700-00273702-00273863 prior to the issuance of a building VDbKZ3hJEDk-00701-00273864-00274103 permit and the as-built plans showing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00702-00274104-00274238 the completed construction saw be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00703-00274239-00274426 submitted to the building inspector VDbKZ3hJEDk-00704-00274427-00274615 immediately after the work is concluded VDbKZ3hJEDk-00705-00274616-00274798 and prior to issuance of an occupancy VDbKZ3hJEDk-00706-00274799-00275566 per second per second sir VDbKZ3hJEDk-00707-00275567-00275830 all in favor VDbKZ3hJEDk-00709-00280489-00281559 I'll write it up in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00710-00281560-00282722 thank you thank you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00711-00282723-00283593 thank you thank you two three maybe a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00712-00283594-00283793 couple of sets of minutes before VDbKZ3hJEDk-00713-00283794-00284531 September 30 this first time we've seen VDbKZ3hJEDk-00714-00284532-00284876 these awareness yes I'll get drafts or VDbKZ3hJEDk-00715-00284877-00285837 an email or anything no first date first VDbKZ3hJEDk-00716-00285838-00286038 time yeah yeah I was going to suggest VDbKZ3hJEDk-00717-00286039-00286280 that we maybe you want to take a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00718-00286281-00286724 homeless retain come back I've told the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00719-00286725-00286938 sixteenth with our comments check all VDbKZ3hJEDk-00720-00286939-00287219 right that's my transmission VDbKZ3hJEDk-00721-00287220-00288120 yes you want to put about each other why VDbKZ3hJEDk-00722-00288121-00288567 are we having the meantime VDbKZ3hJEDk-00723-00288568-00289314 sixteen on the sixteenth you will have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00724-00289315-00289603 to continue it so you will notice you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00725-00289604-00289876 did not get any packets for this October VDbKZ3hJEDk-00726-00289877-00290254 16th meeting because one most of the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00727-00290255-00290545 cases are continuations 104 a Salem VDbKZ3hJEDk-00728-00290546-00290857 Street which we expected will either VDbKZ3hJEDk-00729-00290858-00291274 continue again or draw we've been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00730-00291275-00291571 working with them offline to see what we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00731-00291572-00291796 can work out Mike and Julie have been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00732-00291797-00292012 doing that they're pretty close I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00733-00292013-00292390 believe to an agreement 26 Green will be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00734-00292391-00292648 here as a continuation you've got the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00735-00292649-00292837 little beer which I love like Daddy that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00736-00292838-00292993 there we have too many continued work VDbKZ3hJEDk-00737-00292994-00293332 she's young so they will be here you got VDbKZ3hJEDk-00738-00293333-00293737 those latest plans I believe of us the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00739-00293738-00294121 September 4th meeting I want to say VDbKZ3hJEDk-00740-00294122-00294376 those packets I'm gonna have to go back VDbKZ3hJEDk-00741-00294377-00294585 and look at mine because I don't think I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00742-00294586-00294874 remember getting I got yeah those are VDbKZ3hJEDk-00743-00294875-00295000 package that was distributed to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00744-00295001-00295234 September yeah I kept mine did everybody VDbKZ3hJEDk-00745-00295235-00295408 everybody keep their I have been VDbKZ3hJEDk-00746-00295409-00295585 truthful if you don't we'll have to kiss VDbKZ3hJEDk-00747-00295586-00295834 her foot for what was this now it's Main VDbKZ3hJEDk-00748-00295835-00296071 Street Main Street I think I have it all VDbKZ3hJEDk-00749-00296072-00296521 yeah I think I kept mine yeah I have the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00750-00296522-00296818 two notices and I think did you pack at VDbKZ3hJEDk-00751-00296819-00297052 all yeah I think I'm all set if you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00752-00297053-00297200 don't have time VDbKZ3hJEDk-00753-00297201-00297491 if you don't have it I know there I'll VDbKZ3hJEDk-00754-00297492-00297653 check and see what take care I'll email VDbKZ3hJEDk-00755-00297654-00298222 them is he'll see you guys we have that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00756-00298223-00298658 believe one final check through at the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00757-00298659-00298960 photic members on journey city on Street VDbKZ3hJEDk-00758-00298961-00299312 yeah when would it was Salem yep and it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00759-00299313-00299894 course s Green is true yep and then you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00760-00299895-00300134 will have 101 Willow Street which is an VDbKZ3hJEDk-00761-00300135-00300454 appeal of the CPVC site plan review VDbKZ3hJEDk-00762-00300455-00300965 decision similar to Meadow Brook that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00763-00300966-00301234 you saw earlier this year I believe the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00764-00301235-00301814 golf club appealed over the site plan VDbKZ3hJEDk-00765-00301815-00302153 you don't have plans for that because I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00766-00302154-00302450 have not heard back from the applicant VDbKZ3hJEDk-00767-00302451-00302933 the ability talent as of yet we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00768-00302934-00303179 scheduled it because Austin prep needs VDbKZ3hJEDk-00769-00303180-00303539 to move forward if they are approved for VDbKZ3hJEDk-00770-00303540-00304079 these plans so I asked the appellant for VDbKZ3hJEDk-00771-00304080-00304388 the site plans the memo is from the town VDbKZ3hJEDk-00772-00304389-00304628 engineer from planning from conservation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00773-00304629-00304853 that were all reviewed at the site plan VDbKZ3hJEDk-00774-00304854-00305447 review discussion by CPVC have not heard VDbKZ3hJEDk-00775-00305448-00305876 back so I am as of right now not sure VDbKZ3hJEDk-00776-00305877-00306260 what to expect on the 16th but we look VDbKZ3hJEDk-00777-00306261-00306677 out forward as if it were a hearing the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00778-00306678-00307178 sound report exam so that was an appeal VDbKZ3hJEDk-00779-00307179-00307847 based on the to see it was the CPVC VDbKZ3hJEDk-00780-00307848-00308066 decision they have a new number of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00781-00308067-00308386 factors for the reason of their appeal VDbKZ3hJEDk-00782-00308387-00308647 closely related to what looked like VDbKZ3hJEDk-00783-00308648-00308966 environmental concerns so I'm not sure VDbKZ3hJEDk-00784-00308967-00309257 what happened to the conservation order VDbKZ3hJEDk-00785-00309258-00309509 of conditions that was not appealed VDbKZ3hJEDk-00786-00309510-00309941 if you know if it's not appealed so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00787-00309942-00310187 so as you're really saying is that once VDbKZ3hJEDk-00788-00310188-00310340 the weather likely we're looking for VDbKZ3hJEDk-00789-00310341-00310799 another continuance I will get back to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00790-00310800-00311225 you on that because Austin prep seems to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00791-00311226-00311435 find they have no crowns as we have not VDbKZ3hJEDk-00792-00311436-00311621 heard back from your pellets I don't VDbKZ3hJEDk-00793-00311622-00311822 know what that means if we don't get a VDbKZ3hJEDk-00794-00311823-00312209 request for a continuance so I have to I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00795-00312210-00312404 believe Town Council will be there to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00796-00312405-00312733 help guide us on how to proceed is this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00797-00312734-00313067 well my question would be if the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00798-00313068-00313399 petitioner does request the continuance VDbKZ3hJEDk-00799-00313400-00314000 is the has Austin prep have any standing VDbKZ3hJEDk-00800-00314001-00314375 to move that forward for us to hear that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00801-00314376-00314659 Austin prep really has no say it would VDbKZ3hJEDk-00802-00314660-00314900 be a mutual agreement between you in the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00803-00314901-00315140 appellate Austin Prefecture we'll be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00804-00315141-00315572 here just to state their case and what VDbKZ3hJEDk-00805-00315573-00315746 they went through and all the review in VDbKZ3hJEDk-00806-00315747-00316106 there engineer but they would not have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00807-00316107-00316313 any say on if you guys elected to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00808-00316314-00316675 continue the case or not I believe so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00809-00316676-00316889 so are these scheduled so we're gonna VDbKZ3hJEDk-00810-00316890-00317198 hear we're gonna hear something back and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00811-00317199-00317470 if the appellant is I am sure Austin VDbKZ3hJEDk-00812-00317471-00317771 will be South Jersey to protect their VDbKZ3hJEDk-00813-00317772-00318219 case VDbKZ3hJEDk-00814-00318220-00318483 that's that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00815-00318484-00318762 I will set I can forward because of its VDbKZ3hJEDk-00816-00318763-00319032 public records filed with Todd Clark I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00817-00319033-00319404 can forward the actual field decision VDbKZ3hJEDk-00818-00319405-00319806 and ther grounds for such that's all I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00819-00319807-00320227 have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00820-00320228-00320919 and on staff writing decisions leading VDbKZ3hJEDk-00821-00320920-00321152 explored right now as of right now there VDbKZ3hJEDk-00822-00321153-00321600 are no changes but we are exploring the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00823-00321601-00321822 potential and the idea of it because we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00824-00321823-00322149 understand your concerns and the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00825-00322150-00322389 turnover that could potentially happen VDbKZ3hJEDk-00826-00322390-00322767 and forum issues not that we've had VDbKZ3hJEDk-00827-00322768-00323252 warmer issues but it is being explored VDbKZ3hJEDk-00828-00323253-00323603 so I've drafted templates for myself to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00829-00323604-00324131 explore but I still have to get approval VDbKZ3hJEDk-00830-00324132-00324455 by my higher-ups because they are on VDbKZ3hJEDk-00831-00324456-00324801 vacation so I was about nothing has VDbKZ3hJEDk-00832-00324802-00325143 changed until further notice and tonight VDbKZ3hJEDk-00833-00325144-00325505 ghost show Julie's into Jean and then VDbKZ3hJEDk-00834-00325506-00326006 she would want some VDbKZ3hJEDk-00835-00326007-00326404 see what happens VDbKZ3hJEDk-00836-00326405-00326824 so you're gonna write up the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00837-00326825-00326939 continuation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00838-00326940-00327253 yeah the extension has measurement and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00839-00327254-00327569 mainstream and what all based Reis VDbKZ3hJEDk-00840-00327570-00327707 already thought that started the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00841-00327708-00327923 mainsheet is done sorry I will edit that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00842-00327924-00328301 yeah and reflect that as you have VDbKZ3hJEDk-00843-00328302-00328622 amended and let you know and that is VDbKZ3hJEDk-00844-00328623-00329166 done a forward to final to VDbKZ3hJEDk-00845-00329167-00329490 I would I I can help on the extension VDbKZ3hJEDk-00846-00329491-00329634 request like they said that can be VDbKZ3hJEDk-00847-00329635-00329928 either forward the Redeemer okay I'll VDbKZ3hJEDk-00848-00329929-00330132 forward the previous extension just say VDbKZ3hJEDk-00849-00330133-00330621 I have something to work off of and you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00850-00330622-00330960 had made the motion to grant phrase the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00851-00330961-00331248 new Ram you'll get new history yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00852-00331249-00331542 urgently Indian now as far as the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00853-00331543-00331998 withdrawal about president that probably VDbKZ3hJEDk-00854-00331999-00332139 should write a few too fast Walker's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00855-00332140-00332328 drive which is withdrawn without VDbKZ3hJEDk-00856-00332329-00332664 prejudice if you make that motion up no VDbKZ3hJEDk-00857-00332665-00333053 John made the motion I believe VDbKZ3hJEDk-00858-00333054-00334032 I think I seconded it problem VDbKZ3hJEDk-00859-00334033-00334444 right though VDbKZ3hJEDk-00860-00334445-00334654 Oh keep it simple keep it simple yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00861-00334655-00335218 y'all show this oh yeah yeah I mean VDbKZ3hJEDk-00862-00335219-00335484 total belch there's a you want minutes VDbKZ3hJEDk-00863-00335485-00335760 before the hearings you want them email VDbKZ3hJEDk-00864-00335761-00336118 to you try to you know them before the VDbKZ3hJEDk-00865-00336119-00336780 hearing taking with you that you got it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00866-00336781-00337156 yeah I mean nothing more to talk about VDbKZ3hJEDk-00867-00337157-00337402 I'll entertain a motion to adjourn so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00868-00337403-00337453 moved VDbKZ3hJEDk-00869-00337454-00337921 I'll second Oh favor VDbKZ3hJEDk-00870-00337922-00338165 Hey VDbKZ3hJEDk-00871-00338166-00338517 they wouldn't listen to what business we VDbKZ3hJEDk-00872-00338518-00338688 can't transaction with anything ahem VDbKZ3hJEDk-00873-00338689-00339681 yeah so I need to talk to Kyle and try VDbKZ3hJEDk-00874-00339682-00340011 to and I have tried I have come on she's VDbKZ3hJEDk-00875-00340012-00340197 like four or five turns in a row that he VDbKZ3hJEDk-00876-00340198-00340424 hasn't believe this is oh yeah oh yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00877-00340425-00340689 and I know he was thinking about you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00878-00340690-00340920 know right because of his workload and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00879-00340921-00341151 ranging in if he would at least get back VDbKZ3hJEDk-00880-00341152-00341322 to me that you've only been a few VDbKZ3hJEDk-00881-00341323-00341616 hearings that would be appreciated but I VDbKZ3hJEDk-00882-00341617-00341823 have had no correspondence I shot VDbKZ3hJEDk-00883-00341824-00342003 multiple emails I have phone called VDbKZ3hJEDk-00884-00342004-00342312 Amanda his phone call we have had no VDbKZ3hJEDk-00885-00342313-00342609 reply so I do not know where that stands VDbKZ3hJEDk-00886-00342610-00342858 and I am not a hundred percent sure of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00887-00342859-00343215 the protocol of how to move forward if VDbKZ3hJEDk-00888-00343216-00343888 he wishes to step down or not so VDbKZ3hJEDk-00889-00343889-00344068 I'm just gonna think it maybe these are VDbKZ3hJEDk-00890-00344069-00344206 will help to make a decision VDbKZ3hJEDk-00891-00344207-00344419 that's a can't just leave it open that VDbKZ3hJEDk-00892-00344420-00344584 doesn't ever show up VDbKZ3hJEDk-00893-00344585-00344818 I can't leave it open I didn't attend VDbKZ3hJEDk-00894-00344819-00345016 yet like I said ya know the best of VDbKZ3hJEDk-00895-00345017-00345439 support it's not actually a distant town VDbKZ3hJEDk-00896-00345440-00345910 manager yes email or something from this VDbKZ3hJEDk-00897-00345911-00346138 isn't our manager well VDbKZ3hJEDk-00898-00346139-00346477 to see probably appropriate so let's eat VDbKZ3hJEDk-00899-00346478-00346867 that's about what you two for five yeah VDbKZ3hJEDk-00900-00346868-00347119 so into gene that's back from vacation VDbKZ3hJEDk-00901-00347120-00347389 we're hoping to discuss it with her and VDbKZ3hJEDk-00902-00347390-00347586 how to move forward VDbKZ3hJEDk-00903-00347587-00348019 why would be after next week so this may VDbKZ3hJEDk-00904-00348020-00348238 happen agenda through October sixteenth VDbKZ3hJEDk-00905-00348239-00349359 hearing okay after next week thank you VDbKZ3hJEDk-00906-00349360-00349744 very good thank you all thank you didn't VDbKZ3hJEDk-00907-00349745-00350173 what - like too hot for guys you know VDbKZ3hJEDk-00908-00350174-00350857 you know being in at least two hours it VDbKZ3hJEDk-00909-00350858-00351166 goes to it sometimes VFPJ30aCIDE-00000-00000182-00000476 you probably say I love you or I miss VFPJ30aCIDE-00001-00000476-00001033 you all the time occasionally I hate you VFPJ30aCIDE-00002-00001034-00001298 but when was the last time you said I VFPJ30aCIDE-00003-00001299-00001925 trust you governments and businesses VFPJ30aCIDE-00004-00001926-00002234 expect us to trust them every day and it VFPJ30aCIDE-00005-00002235-00002509 might be a small word but it means big VFPJ30aCIDE-00006-00002510-00002951 things I know I'm going to be safe I VFPJ30aCIDE-00007-00002952-00003151 [Music] VFPJ30aCIDE-00008-00003152-00003578 know this will be good to eat I know my VFPJ30aCIDE-00009-00003579-00004010 money's secure when we deal with someone VFPJ30aCIDE-00010-00004011-00004263 face to face we know what Trust is VFPJ30aCIDE-00011-00004264-00004704 it's a handshake it's a conversation VFPJ30aCIDE-00012-00004705-00005126 it's a reputation but what makes us VFPJ30aCIDE-00013-00005127-00005431 trust companies online when we hand over VFPJ30aCIDE-00014-00005432-00005615 our credit card details VFPJ30aCIDE-00015-00005616-00005993 when we tell a stranger our address when VFPJ30aCIDE-00016-00005994-00006173 we commit ourselves to a complicated VFPJ30aCIDE-00017-00006174-00006638 contract as the digital economy spreads VFPJ30aCIDE-00018-00006639-00006830 around the world more and more VFPJ30aCIDE-00019-00006831-00007019 organizations are asking us to trust VFPJ30aCIDE-00020-00007020-00007405 them more and more with our memories VFPJ30aCIDE-00021-00007406-00007898 with our data with our identity and we VFPJ30aCIDE-00022-00007898-00008054 need to know that when we click and VFPJ30aCIDE-00023-00008055-00008261 commit there's someone who's keeping an VFPJ30aCIDE-00024-00008262-00008453 eye on what's happening behind the VFPJ30aCIDE-00025-00008454-00008717 scenes making sure we've really got VFPJ30aCIDE-00026-00008718-00008975 choices sharing the benefits for VFPJ30aCIDE-00027-00008976-00009335 everyone because a digital economy based VFPJ30aCIDE-00028-00009336-00009699 on trust means more access more VFPJ30aCIDE-00029-00009700-00010892 participation more innovation VFPJ30aCIDE-00030-00010893-00011099 you VHi4Rzqr3aU-00000-00000950-00001250 thank you VI349wjeUpo-00000-00000016-00000254 hi guys so it's been a while since my VI349wjeUpo-00001-00000256-00000335 last video VI349wjeUpo-00002-00000336-00000703 but here i am back and better than ever VI349wjeUpo-00003-00000704-00000927 actually to be honest i'm really tired i VI349wjeUpo-00004-00000927-00001111 just came from a six-year-old's birthday VI349wjeUpo-00005-00001112-00001174 party VI349wjeUpo-00006-00001175-00001535 so you know how that goes anyway VI349wjeUpo-00007-00001536-00001879 the the second video in VI349wjeUpo-00008-00001880-00002191 learning how to adapt exercise VI349wjeUpo-00009-00002192-00002495 for someone with a muscle disease we're VI349wjeUpo-00010-00002496-00002599 talking about VI349wjeUpo-00011-00002600-00002902 adapt which is the acronym that i use VI349wjeUpo-00012-00002903-00003118 to explain how to learn how to adapt VI349wjeUpo-00013-00003119-00003438 exercises to you and your needs VI349wjeUpo-00014-00003439-00003695 and the first one was a for accessible VI349wjeUpo-00015-00003696-00003847 go check it out if you haven't watched VI349wjeUpo-00016-00003847-00003975 it yet VI349wjeUpo-00017-00003976-00004303 and now we are on d for VI349wjeUpo-00018-00004304-00004670 doable is it doable what do i mean like VI349wjeUpo-00019-00004671-00004775 that by that VI349wjeUpo-00020-00004776-00005183 well is the exercise feasible to you VI349wjeUpo-00021-00005184-00005463 can you do it can you do the move the VI349wjeUpo-00022-00005464-00005518 technique VI349wjeUpo-00023-00005519-00005854 properly if you're not doing something VI349wjeUpo-00024-00005855-00005951 properly VI349wjeUpo-00025-00005952-00006183 it doesn't matter if you can do it one VI349wjeUpo-00026-00006184-00006302 way or another way VI349wjeUpo-00027-00006303-00006583 if you don't have proper form you want VI349wjeUpo-00028-00006584-00006742 to be very careful because there are VI349wjeUpo-00029-00006743-00006951 ways you can hurt yourself VI349wjeUpo-00030-00006952-00007175 and some others if you're not doing it VI349wjeUpo-00031-00007176-00007255 properly VI349wjeUpo-00032-00007256-00007455 you might not be getting any benefit VI349wjeUpo-00033-00007456-00007591 from it VI349wjeUpo-00034-00007592-00007910 so it's just it totally depends on the VI349wjeUpo-00035-00007911-00007991 exercise VI349wjeUpo-00036-00007992-00008223 and what it is that you're doing and how VI349wjeUpo-00037-00008224-00008327 you're doing it VI349wjeUpo-00038-00008328-00008607 so you want to look at all kind of all VI349wjeUpo-00039-00008608-00008855 those things are you doing it properly VI349wjeUpo-00040-00008856-00009055 as properly as you can are you getting VI349wjeUpo-00041-00009056-00009278 any benefit from doing it even if you VI349wjeUpo-00042-00009279-00009495 are not doing it properly VI349wjeUpo-00043-00009496-00009671 actually let's back up are you going to VI349wjeUpo-00044-00009672-00009855 hurt yourself if you're not able to do VI349wjeUpo-00045-00009856-00010006 it properly VI349wjeUpo-00046-00010007-00010319 and third are you getting any benefit um VI349wjeUpo-00047-00010320-00010503 from doing it the way you're doing it if VI349wjeUpo-00048-00010504-00010687 you can't do it properly VI349wjeUpo-00049-00010688-00010887 so those are all things that you want to VI349wjeUpo-00050-00010888-00011071 look into VI349wjeUpo-00051-00011072-00011399 to make sure that you can do it VI349wjeUpo-00052-00011400-00011663 and then also it's important to set VI349wjeUpo-00053-00011664-00011735 goals VI349wjeUpo-00054-00011736-00012063 but like i said before in accessibility VI349wjeUpo-00055-00012064-00012327 you don't want to be setting a goal for VI349wjeUpo-00056-00012328-00012487 running five miles if you're someone VI349wjeUpo-00057-00012488-00012638 that can't even walk right now VI349wjeUpo-00058-00012639-00012999 because that's very out of reach it's a VI349wjeUpo-00059-00013000-00013055 very VI349wjeUpo-00060-00013056-00013455 very high standard goal and VI349wjeUpo-00061-00013456-00013615 if you know anything about goal setting VI349wjeUpo-00062-00013616-00013951 you want to set achievable goals VI349wjeUpo-00063-00013952-00014319 so yeah aim high but make sure they're VI349wjeUpo-00064-00014319-00014391 achievable VI349wjeUpo-00065-00014391-00014599 so even like if you have a really really VI349wjeUpo-00066-00014600-00014775 high goal start with a small goal first VI349wjeUpo-00067-00014776-00014983 work up to that and then get to those VI349wjeUpo-00068-00014984-00015135 bigger goals or if you VI349wjeUpo-00069-00015136-00015303 like really really want to jump for that VI349wjeUpo-00070-00015304-00015503 bigger goal okay go ahead and write it VI349wjeUpo-00071-00015504-00015550 down VI349wjeUpo-00072-00015551-00015791 set that big goal but then make sure you VI349wjeUpo-00073-00015791-00015879 you write down VI349wjeUpo-00074-00015880-00016127 smaller goals and a plan for how you're VI349wjeUpo-00075-00016128-00016358 going to reach those goals too VI349wjeUpo-00076-00016359-00016671 that's what i mean when i say doable VI349wjeUpo-00077-00016672-00016927 only other thing i can think of right VI349wjeUpo-00078-00016928-00016999 now to VI349wjeUpo-00079-00017000-00017215 tell you guys i know a lot of you have VI349wjeUpo-00080-00017216-00017335 been asking about VI349wjeUpo-00081-00017336-00017599 my experience with arista plan i'm still VI349wjeUpo-00082-00017600-00017727 taking it VI349wjeUpo-00083-00017728-00018079 i still like it better than spina raza VI349wjeUpo-00084-00018080-00018271 you know i'm gonna do a separate video VI349wjeUpo-00085-00018272-00018479 and talk more about that VI349wjeUpo-00086-00018480-00018767 but anyway i hope you all are enjoying VI349wjeUpo-00087-00018768-00018822 this VI349wjeUpo-00088-00018823-00019111 enjoying this like exercise how to adapt VI349wjeUpo-00089-00019112-00019191 exercise VI349wjeUpo-00090-00019192-00019383 for you or for someone with muscle VI349wjeUpo-00091-00019384-00019639 disease i hope it's helping let me know VI349wjeUpo-00092-00019640-00019871 comment like is this helping you is it VI349wjeUpo-00093-00019872-00020143 not yeah just leave a comment below VI349wjeUpo-00094-00020144-00020294 if you do like these please go ahead VI349wjeUpo-00095-00020295-00020494 subscribe and VI349wjeUpo-00096-00020495-00020694 i'll see you next time have a great week VI349wjeUpo-00097-00020695-00020944 everybody VI4p5O2iyg0-00001-00005625-00006100 how does she sign up hi Dom emmalin ha VI4p5O2iyg0-00002-00006101-00006497 boy insulted by the mansion has a VI4p5O2iyg0-00003-00006498-00006788 strange beauty to it but all such places VI4p5O2iyg0-00004-00006789-00008020 must eventually come to ruin VI4p5O2iyg0-00005-00008022-00008707 ha ha ha Atkins a holiday Hawkins alarm VI4p5O2iyg0-00006-00008708-00009104 manager roses for tonight Dillard ah VI4p5O2iyg0-00007-00009105-00009302 yeah chicks classic format your Lara VI4p5O2iyg0-00008-00009303-00009503 veins or Sun fortnight you you love VI4p5O2iyg0-00009-00009504-00010691 squash our ganache it's time to pay for VI4p5O2iyg0-00010-00010692-00010760 what you've done VI4p5O2iyg0-00011-00010761-00011030 and maybe I can find Sokoloff all all VI4p5O2iyg0-00012-00011031-00011591 done all done the eject all optical VI4p5O2iyg0-00013-00011592-00012116 arena ODI Jack all armed sheriff's that VI4p5O2iyg0-00014-00012117-00012500 I know the address okazaki-san show VI4p5O2iyg0-00015-00012501-00012847 purpose ie VI4p5O2iyg0-00016-00012849-00013219 means whatever so I just gotta sit chalk VI4p5O2iyg0-00017-00013221-00013913 cheese VI4p5O2iyg0-00018-00013913-00015611 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00019-00015612-00016399 which VI4p5O2iyg0-00020-00016400-00017104 I beat you pot I never see you oh come VI4p5O2iyg0-00021-00017105-00017658 on pile of ash a fill-up VI4p5O2iyg0-00022-00017659-00018337 Elena I checked you hi there I would VI4p5O2iyg0-00023-00018338-00020467 build something like this and why VI4p5O2iyg0-00024-00020468-00020875 I'm carrying gin - but you must know VI4p5O2iyg0-00025-00020876-00021191 that I invite you to continue stranger VI4p5O2iyg0-00026-00021192-00021475 just come upstairs meet with me VI4p5O2iyg0-00027-00021476-00022039 face-to-face to the upper hall let's VI4p5O2iyg0-00028-00022040-00023333 play back after the final field test VI4p5O2iyg0-00029-00023334-00024519 that did come into the galleries like VI4p5O2iyg0-00031-00028137-00028774 study tomorrow VI4p5O2iyg0-00032-00028775-00029517 you VI4p5O2iyg0-00033-00029518-00029827 now that I see you I've worked out who VI4p5O2iyg0-00034-00029827-00030235 you are not a hired cutthroat your VI4p5O2iyg0-00035-00030236-00030402 clothes are too fine VI4p5O2iyg0-00036-00030404-00030912 err aristocratic drill seeker closer VI4p5O2iyg0-00037-00030913-00031219 you've trained with weapons formerly but VI4p5O2iyg0-00038-00031220-00031441 you're not a salon fencer there's a bit VI4p5O2iyg0-00039-00031442-00031800 of back-alley VI4p5O2iyg0-00040-00031801-00032154 all that and you have your father's eyes VI4p5O2iyg0-00041-00032155-00032677 your Imperial Majesty welcome lady emily VI4p5O2iyg0-00042-00032677-00033070 kaldwin impressive gin - then you must VI4p5O2iyg0-00043-00033071-00033549 also know why I'm here VI4p5O2iyg0-00044-00033550-00033880 or maybe you're after washed up anton VI4p5O2iyg0-00045-00033881-00034153 sokolov comfortably residing in the VI4p5O2iyg0-00046-00034154-00034510 assessment chamber by the way VI4p5O2iyg0-00047-00034511-00034762 come find me until whatever it is music VI4p5O2iyg0-00048-00034763-00035116 but if you fall I'll have your body VI4p5O2iyg0-00051-00046518-00046688 it'll wake up on its own if a fight VI4p5O2iyg0-00052-00046689-00046892 breaks out they're blind but they can VI4p5O2iyg0-00054-00051825-00053403 playback for combat VI4p5O2iyg0-00055-00053404-00055556 enemy VI4p5O2iyg0-00056-00055557-00057580 mine is yours VI4p5O2iyg0-00057-00057582-00059521 [Applause] VI4p5O2iyg0-00058-00059522-00060035 unauthorized presence VI4p5O2iyg0-00059-00060036-00061863 payback for combat protocols VI4p5O2iyg0-00060-00061864-00063145 playback for unambiguous enemy VI4p5O2iyg0-00062-00067873-00069598 playback for combat protocols VI4p5O2iyg0-00063-00069599-00071349 I'm sure VI4p5O2iyg0-00064-00071350-00071992 payback for unambiguous enemy triggering VI4p5O2iyg0-00065-00071993-00073092 electric discharge stand clear VI4p5O2iyg0-00066-00073093-00073867 two alternative tactical hold VI4p5O2iyg0-00067-00073868-00074575 combat protocols VI4p5O2iyg0-00069-00078008-00079382 being destroyed triggering electrostatic VI4p5O2iyg0-00070-00079383-00081080 discharge stand clear VI4p5O2iyg0-00071-00081081-00081356 better safe than sorry tweeting through VI4p5O2iyg0-00072-00081357-00082429 alternative tactical ho VI4p5O2iyg0-00074-00086461-00086788 be careful this was devised to test the VI4p5O2iyg0-00076-00090719-00091783 1000 attentions VI4p5O2iyg0-00077-00091784-00092035 the machine includes here and nothing VI4p5O2iyg0-00078-00092036-00092422 further is amiss playback indicates VI4p5O2iyg0-00079-00092423-00092841 criminal profile combat protocols meet VI4p5O2iyg0-00080-00092842-00093336 the machine has entered combat VI4p5O2iyg0-00081-00093337-00093657 triggering electrostatic discharge stand VI4p5O2iyg0-00082-00093658-00096184 clear VI4p5O2iyg0-00083-00096185-00096960 and hearing combat state VI4p5O2iyg0-00084-00096961-00098889 okay VI4p5O2iyg0-00085-00098890-00099913 the machine has lost its quarry VI4p5O2iyg0-00086-00099914-00100724 don't you play back suckle off sir come VI4p5O2iyg0-00087-00100725-00101140 some be is that young emily kaldwin VI4p5O2iyg0-00088-00101141-00101437 husband save your strength I came to VI4p5O2iyg0-00089-00101438-00101690 take you out of here Jen - has bigger VI4p5O2iyg0-00090-00101691-00101978 plans than you know an army of his VI4p5O2iyg0-00091-00101979-00102493 clockwork soldiers would be the end I'm VI4p5O2iyg0-00092-00102494-00103336 going to visit Jen - - old friend VI4p5O2iyg0-00093-00103338-00103517 but the man VI4p5O2iyg0-00094-00103518-00104596 eat children smoother VI4p5O2iyg0-00095-00104597-00104872 if this place the machine is recharging VI4p5O2iyg0-00096-00104873-00105706 magnetic coil VI4p5O2iyg0-00097-00105707-00105884 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00098-00105885-00106229 Richard share VI4p5O2iyg0-00099-00106230-00107506 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00100-00107507-00108013 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00101-00108014-00109646 the Diagnostic playback loop VI4p5O2iyg0-00102-00109647-00109926 you'll be safer in the carriage cigar VI4p5O2iyg0-00104-00113594-00114604 general attention state VI4p5O2iyg0-00105-00114605-00114869 payback for an ambiguous enemy VI4p5O2iyg0-00106-00114870-00116141 triggering electrostatic discharge a VI4p5O2iyg0-00107-00116142-00116584 system llamo me the shittest tropics and VI4p5O2iyg0-00108-00116585-00116867 he is me on the loose Sonia horrible VI4p5O2iyg0-00109-00116868-00118019 card on the table VI4p5O2iyg0-00110-00118020-00118987 I've amaryllis federal protection state VI4p5O2iyg0-00111-00118988-00119291 body is discovered triggering VI4p5O2iyg0-00112-00119292-00121753 electrostatic discharge stand clear VI4p5O2iyg0-00113-00121754-00124447 she is experiencing certain routine VI4p5O2iyg0-00115-00129061-00130303 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00116-00130304-00131665 my machine you free them VI4p5O2iyg0-00117-00131666-00133524 I never lush yes VI4p5O2iyg0-00118-00133525-00133852 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00119-00133853-00134104 you know it's playback after the final VI4p5O2iyg0-00120-00134105-00135162 field test VI4p5O2iyg0-00121-00135163-00135968 charging magnetic coil VI4p5O2iyg0-00122-00135969-00137415 coming VI4p5O2iyg0-00123-00137416-00139881 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00124-00139882-00140304 triggering in the crafting beneath the VI4p5O2iyg0-00127-00147502-00147625 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00128-00147626-00148049 Zhora me Mom VI4p5O2iyg0-00129-00148050-00148516 oh my god VI4p5O2iyg0-00130-00148517-00150447 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00131-00150448-00151244 Ishta bet almost VI4p5O2iyg0-00132-00151245-00151637 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00133-00151638-00151914 compiled on the electrical discharge VI4p5O2iyg0-00134-00151915-00152208 from my clock works VI4p5O2iyg0-00135-00152209-00154605 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00136-00154606-00155697 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00137-00155698-00156025 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00138-00156026-00156893 even almost some type agile VI4p5O2iyg0-00139-00156894-00159788 I get you now VI4p5O2iyg0-00140-00159789-00161746 but I'm not so old Roger VI4p5O2iyg0-00141-00161747-00164195 ah the space behind the walls VI4p5O2iyg0-00142-00164196-00164888 so this is how FAR's VI4p5O2iyg0-00143-00164889-00165082 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00144-00165083-00167339 the materials will show falada VI4p5O2iyg0-00145-00167340-00168759 you have no right to be a stranger VI4p5O2iyg0-00146-00168760-00170092 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00147-00170093-00170423 the pleasure of the set into motion from VI4p5O2iyg0-00148-00170424-00170794 the bright red bird cosmos - your last VI4p5O2iyg0-00150-00173992-00174307 well you know my go out label bamboo I'm VI4p5O2iyg0-00151-00174308-00174624 a Simon wallet VI4p5O2iyg0-00152-00174625-00174895 let me get Tom what I called off my VI4p5O2iyg0-00153-00174896-00174979 medication VI4p5O2iyg0-00154-00174980-00175315 Tom question Asia ah the space behind VI4p5O2iyg0-00155-00175316-00177216 the walls VI4p5O2iyg0-00156-00177217-00179375 so this is how it works VI4p5O2iyg0-00157-00179376-00179622 you think of these prices the man VI4p5O2iyg0-00158-00179623-00179888 wouldn't keep us waiting there's only a VI4p5O2iyg0-00159-00179889-00181293 lush special kinda unique I'd watch VI4p5O2iyg0-00160-00181294-00181435 works VI4p5O2iyg0-00161-00181436-00181654 I happen to know you've doubled your VI4p5O2iyg0-00162-00181655-00181894 fortune since the Duke took over the VI4p5O2iyg0-00163-00181895-00182197 silver mines low wages means higher VI4p5O2iyg0-00164-00182198-00182497 profits but it's my time that's precious VI4p5O2iyg0-00165-00182498-00183001 I'm not used to waiting when was the VI4p5O2iyg0-00166-00183002-00183226 last time someone had me waiting for VI4p5O2iyg0-00167-00183227-00183468 more than an hour can't remember it's VI4p5O2iyg0-00168-00183469-00183805 almost titillating a peacock works did VI4p5O2iyg0-00169-00183806-00183904 you say there girl VI4p5O2iyg0-00170-00183905-00185415 it's a numbered set we're moving at last VI4p5O2iyg0-00171-00185416-00186970 have you heard around this time Emily VI4p5O2iyg0-00172-00186971-00188793 I'm tired of waiting for Jin das VI4p5O2iyg0-00173-00188794-00189791 [Music] VI4p5O2iyg0-00174-00189792-00190004 sometimes I think he'd be better if the VI4p5O2iyg0-00177-00198004-00200913 my work would be distorted by VI4p5O2iyg0-00180-00219196-00221090 I'm friends VI4p5O2iyg0-00181-00221091-00221398 their salvation even with personal VI4p5O2iyg0-00182-00221400-00221498 chance VI4p5O2iyg0-00183-00221500-00221956 gonna shrink Sara Qaeda VI4p5O2iyg0-00184-00221957-00222479 - not good VM8qh5jdVvQ-00000-00000568-00000695 hello VM8qh5jdVvQ-00001-00000696-00000894 ladies and gentlemen and what does this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00002-00000896-00001023 today i'm going to be showing you my VM8qh5jdVvQ-00003-00001024-00001199 current evolving skies master set VM8qh5jdVvQ-00004-00001200-00001295 progress VM8qh5jdVvQ-00005-00001296-00001478 well before we get started i'd like to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00006-00001479-00001695 thank first 50 subscribers who have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00007-00001696-00001926 helped me reach my mini master VM8qh5jdVvQ-00008-00001927-00002236 thank you very much and i appreciate you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00009-00002237-00002463 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00010-00002464-00002639 i wasn't sure what binder wants to use VM8qh5jdVvQ-00011-00002640-00002855 at first but since this is a master set VM8qh5jdVvQ-00012-00002856-00003055 i've bought master bull could only be VM8qh5jdVvQ-00013-00003056-00003191 fitting VM8qh5jdVvQ-00014-00003192-00003431 so without further scooby doo let's get VM8qh5jdVvQ-00015-00003432-00003654 into the first page VM8qh5jdVvQ-00016-00003654-00003919 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00017-00003920-00004111 on the first page guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00018-00004112-00004253 you'll see the course type VM8qh5jdVvQ-00019-00004254-00004367 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00020-00004368-00004495 so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00021-00004496-00004727 originally i was gonna do VM8qh5jdVvQ-00022-00004728-00004838 one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00023-00004839-00004951 per VM8qh5jdVvQ-00024-00004952-00005254 like regular and one reverse VM8qh5jdVvQ-00025-00005255-00005391 so the verse would have been at the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00026-00005392-00005559 front the regular would have been at the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00027-00005560-00005638 back VM8qh5jdVvQ-00028-00005639-00005838 but then i did some calculating and a VM8qh5jdVvQ-00029-00005839-00006167 bit of VM8qh5jdVvQ-00030-00006168-00006391 testing VM8qh5jdVvQ-00031-00006392-00006518 to see VM8qh5jdVvQ-00032-00006519-00006663 a good layout VM8qh5jdVvQ-00033-00006664-00006806 that could VM8qh5jdVvQ-00034-00006808-00007031 fit the binder properly VM8qh5jdVvQ-00035-00007031-00007110 and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00036-00007111-00007327 what i ended up with is gonna be VM8qh5jdVvQ-00037-00007328-00007542 a good looking binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00038-00007543-00007727 which i'll show you at the end VM8qh5jdVvQ-00039-00007728-00007919 there was the three options i had that VM8qh5jdVvQ-00040-00007920-00008271 option and then there was the option of VM8qh5jdVvQ-00041-00008272-00008374 putting them VM8qh5jdVvQ-00042-00008375-00008487 double VM8qh5jdVvQ-00043-00008488-00008646 like one two VM8qh5jdVvQ-00044-00008647-00008823 regular reverse VM8qh5jdVvQ-00045-00008824-00009014 regular reverse reverse vs and stuff VM8qh5jdVvQ-00046-00009015-00009303 like that which is what i've done now VM8qh5jdVvQ-00047-00009304-00009495 and then there was the option of just VM8qh5jdVvQ-00048-00009496-00009695 putting all the regulars VM8qh5jdVvQ-00049-00009696-00009935 at the front the front VM8qh5jdVvQ-00050-00009936-00010287 and then the v's a lot the v-max is the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00051-00010288-00010503 secret rares that's the one and so on at VM8qh5jdVvQ-00052-00010504-00010638 the back VM8qh5jdVvQ-00053-00010639-00010719 but VM8qh5jdVvQ-00054-00010720-00010855 in the end i thought this one will work VM8qh5jdVvQ-00055-00010856-00011046 out better so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00056-00011047-00011319 all right let's get into it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00057-00011320-00011631 that's the first page complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00058-00011632-00011878 and then second or third page VM8qh5jdVvQ-00059-00011879-00012255 this i think is leafy on leafy and v-max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00060-00012256-00012487 and i will also sleeve them VM8qh5jdVvQ-00061-00012488-00012646 in the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00062-00012647-00012991 pink and purple VM8qh5jdVvQ-00063-00012991-00013366 evolving skies elite trainer box leaves VM8qh5jdVvQ-00064-00013368-00013615 the reason for that is because for some VM8qh5jdVvQ-00065-00013616-00013822 reason VM8qh5jdVvQ-00066-00013823-00014007 without the sleeves the cards slide out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00067-00014008-00014143 so they end up VM8qh5jdVvQ-00068-00014144-00014311 right there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00069-00014312-00014430 on the edge VM8qh5jdVvQ-00070-00014431-00014599 so if i put sleeves they'll be a bit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00071-00014600-00014815 tighter and it won't slide out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00072-00014816-00015238 moving on to the next page VM8qh5jdVvQ-00073-00015240-00015397 eyes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00074-00015399-00015663 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00075-00015663-00015886 victini hollow reversal VM8qh5jdVvQ-00076-00015887-00016463 corona i think and the reverses VM8qh5jdVvQ-00077-00016464-00016583 next page VM8qh5jdVvQ-00078-00016584-00016758 the water VM8qh5jdVvQ-00079-00016759-00017191 i think gyarados gary gyarados v-max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00080-00017192-00017463 and then what was that one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00081-00017464-00017671 i completely forgot what that one is and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00082-00017672-00017919 then that one's ludicrous reverse follow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00083-00017920-00018191 it took me so long just to get this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00084-00018192-00018375 this was the only thing i needed left to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00085-00018376-00018521 complete the regular VM8qh5jdVvQ-00086-00018522-00019063 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00087-00019064-00019303 and i'm moving on this page is complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00088-00019304-00019558 looks beautiful VM8qh5jdVvQ-00089-00019559-00019855 place it on v place on vmax hopefully VM8qh5jdVvQ-00090-00019856-00020007 this is showing up on camera properly VM8qh5jdVvQ-00091-00020008-00020286 and nicely for you guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00092-00020287-00020599 so that's one watt page complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00093-00020600-00020775 and then the electric which only two VM8qh5jdVvQ-00094-00020776-00021143 more which is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00095-00021144-00021527 what is that again VM8qh5jdVvQ-00096-00021528-00021886 i've completely forgotten what that is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00097-00021887-00022039 and i think that one there is jolteon VM8qh5jdVvQ-00098-00022040-00022196 v-max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00099-00022197-00022471 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00100-00022472-00022671 or georgie on vmax and then this one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00101-00022672-00022878 would be i don't remember what your VM8qh5jdVvQ-00102-00022879-00023007 idiot VM8qh5jdVvQ-00103-00023008-00023278 this page is done VM8qh5jdVvQ-00104-00023279-00023442 moving on to the psychics VM8qh5jdVvQ-00105-00023443-00023575 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00106-00023576-00023678 so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00107-00023679-00024091 immortal reverse strikers or vmax VM8qh5jdVvQ-00108-00024092-00024350 rejected hello all my sidekicks i think VM8qh5jdVvQ-00109-00024351-00024511 are complete i just need one more i'll VM8qh5jdVvQ-00110-00024512-00024601 show you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00111-00024602-00024758 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00112-00024759-00025167 let's be on let's not remax VM8qh5jdVvQ-00113-00025168-00025342 this page is complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00114-00025343-00025878 all my psych is pretty much all complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00115-00025879-00026055 and then this is the page so it's the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00116-00026056-00026455 martial reverse holo that i need VM8qh5jdVvQ-00117-00026456-00027135 and then the fighting type VM8qh5jdVvQ-00118-00027136-00027414 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00119-00027416-00027727 seismitoad reverse VM8qh5jdVvQ-00120-00027727-00028127 and then like black and rock v max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00121-00028127-00028306 umbreon v-max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00122-00028307-00028462 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00123-00028463-00028711 the darkness energy the darkness VM8qh5jdVvQ-00124-00028712-00028927 types VM8qh5jdVvQ-00125-00028927-00029399 orbital v-max the robot reverse VM8qh5jdVvQ-00126-00029400-00029846 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00127-00029847-00030039 and then the dragon types more or less VM8qh5jdVvQ-00128-00030039-00030239 this page complete anyway i think i need VM8qh5jdVvQ-00129-00030239-00030502 like one more dragon type as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00130-00030503-00030790 elements rayquaza requires a v-max the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00131-00030791-00030951 algo VM8qh5jdVvQ-00132-00030952-00031119 order not even VM8qh5jdVvQ-00133-00031120-00031487 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00134-00031488-00031870 so i need you not two more VM8qh5jdVvQ-00135-00031872-00032095 four more VM8qh5jdVvQ-00136-00032095-00032831 double reverse i need VM8qh5jdVvQ-00137-00032832-00033262 and then here's the colorless types VM8qh5jdVvQ-00138-00033263-00033683 mostly complete just need a vigor VM8qh5jdVvQ-00139-00033684-00033943 off and italian flame and then the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00140-00033944-00034183 trainers i think i still need a few VM8qh5jdVvQ-00141-00034184-00034527 bunny crystal cave VM8qh5jdVvQ-00142-00034528-00034735 i need ray han VM8qh5jdVvQ-00143-00034736-00035086 all of the flying dragon rubber gloves VM8qh5jdVvQ-00144-00035087-00035407 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00145-00035408-00035630 scroll of the fan dragon and then the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00146-00035631-00035855 rest i have and then that's where the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00147-00035856-00036111 regular set stops right there treasure VM8qh5jdVvQ-00148-00036112-00036399 any treasure energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00149-00036400-00036559 so that's why i chose to do it the way i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00150-00036560-00036751 did it just so they can end there so the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00151-00036752-00036895 next page VM8qh5jdVvQ-00152-00036896-00037135 is all starting with full arts and i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00153-00037136-00037343 went with a janky setup of VM8qh5jdVvQ-00154-00037344-00037559 putting paper with named VM8qh5jdVvQ-00155-00037560-00037735 so that i can so i don't i don't have to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00156-00037736-00037927 count like VM8qh5jdVvQ-00157-00037928-00038102 one two three four just to know where to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00158-00038103-00038423 put it please i'd have the paper there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00159-00038424-00038599 and i can just slide the card take out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00160-00038600-00038783 the paper slide the card in VM8qh5jdVvQ-00161-00038784-00038983 so first one i've got is leafy on full VM8qh5jdVvQ-00162-00038984-00039183 art traveling and full of VM8qh5jdVvQ-00163-00039184-00039424 face and full up VM8qh5jdVvQ-00164-00039425-00040415 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00165-00040416-00040871 pull up VM8qh5jdVvQ-00166-00040872-00041351 and then moving on to the secret rares VM8qh5jdVvQ-00167-00041352-00041511 oh do you feel VM8qh5jdVvQ-00168-00041512-00041646 very harmful VM8qh5jdVvQ-00169-00041647-00041790 yeah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00170-00041791-00041879 so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00171-00041880-00042007 two of the followers will end up on the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00172-00042008-00042207 secret rare page but doesn't matter it's VM8qh5jdVvQ-00173-00042208-00042423 fine starting with the first secret away VM8qh5jdVvQ-00174-00042424-00042823 leafy on leafy and v mac rainbow rare VM8qh5jdVvQ-00175-00042824-00043111 lee from vms or trevenant and my VM8qh5jdVvQ-00176-00043112-00043358 favorite so far in this binder is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00177-00043359-00043799 glyceron v-max VM8qh5jdVvQ-00178-00043800-00044055 i will put a link in the description and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00179-00044056-00044246 probably a VM8qh5jdVvQ-00180-00044247-00044390 card right there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00181-00044391-00044687 up there there right there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00182-00044688-00044927 to this video it's the last it's the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00183-00044928-00045127 video before this one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00184-00045128-00045399 epic pause guys epic pause you don't VM8qh5jdVvQ-00185-00045400-00045695 want to miss this one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00186-00045696-00045943 that was from that po actually order VM8qh5jdVvQ-00187-00045944-00046039 all the ones that you're going to see VM8qh5jdVvQ-00188-00046040-00046246 from here on from this glacier VM8qh5jdVvQ-00189-00046247-00046462 was pulled from that video so that says VM8qh5jdVvQ-00190-00046463-00046655 something VM8qh5jdVvQ-00191-00046656-00046895 zombie on v-max put from that video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00192-00046896-00047127 garbador pull from that video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00193-00047128-00047271 the relay don't pull from that video so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00194-00047272-00047623 there's four secret rares in that video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00195-00047624-00047935 so well i've done vmax old art VM8qh5jdVvQ-00196-00047936-00048135 pulled from that video as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00197-00048136-00048374 overall it wasn't that was somewhere VM8qh5jdVvQ-00198-00048375-00048495 else VM8qh5jdVvQ-00199-00048496-00048671 then it was overpowered like two of them VM8qh5jdVvQ-00200-00048672-00048967 in that video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00201-00048968-00049239 and then moving on to my gold cards the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00202-00049240-00049471 pave full face card VM8qh5jdVvQ-00203-00049472-00049630 fairfield stadium poured in my last VM8qh5jdVvQ-00204-00049631-00049743 video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00205-00049744-00050023 darkness energy which ends VM8qh5jdVvQ-00206-00050024-00050367 on the steel energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00207-00050368-00050871 and then on the last page i have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00208-00050872-00051167 hopefully you can see it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00209-00051168-00051479 the evolution 10 promo cards one two and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00210-00051479-00051750 three flareon vapor and jojo this is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00211-00051751-00051990 going to be for the pre-release mojo VM8qh5jdVvQ-00212-00051991-00052302 pre-release legendary birds so i don't VM8qh5jdVvQ-00213-00052303-00052607 know what order did they come in bought VM8qh5jdVvQ-00214-00052608-00052791 more tres zapdos VM8qh5jdVvQ-00215-00052791-00053071 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00216-00053072-00053150 you know VM8qh5jdVvQ-00217-00053151-00053335 my mind just VM8qh5jdVvQ-00218-00053336-00053415 and then bombed VM8qh5jdVvQ-00219-00053416-00053591 are the exclusive ones that you get in VM8qh5jdVvQ-00220-00053591-00053766 the pre-release as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00221-00053767-00053991 is it on the screen there you go VM8qh5jdVvQ-00222-00053991-00054199 non-hollow elder ghost non-hollow reggie VM8qh5jdVvQ-00223-00054200-00054494 lucky non-holland is a robot VM8qh5jdVvQ-00224-00054495-00054863 that guys is my binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00225-00054864-00055142 current progress so i'm not missing two VM8qh5jdVvQ-00226-00055144-00055463 i mean i think i've got VM8qh5jdVvQ-00227-00055464-00055638 how many have i got i can't remember the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00228-00055639-00055823 number of but off my top of the top of VM8qh5jdVvQ-00229-00055824-00056326 my head but i know that i need 69 VM8qh5jdVvQ-00230-00056327-00056487 left from the set VM8qh5jdVvQ-00231-00056488-00056691 before complete VM8qh5jdVvQ-00232-00056692-00056823 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00233-00056824-00056991 and that's not including reverse rares VM8qh5jdVvQ-00234-00056991-00057350 reverse hollows so 69 VM8qh5jdVvQ-00235-00057351-00057511 for VM8qh5jdVvQ-00236-00057512-00057911 old thoughts pull ups rainbow res VM8qh5jdVvQ-00237-00057912-00058119 and these VM8qh5jdVvQ-00238-00058120-00058279 and then the rest all i need is reverse VM8qh5jdVvQ-00239-00058279-00058423 hollows VM8qh5jdVvQ-00240-00058424-00058511 yeah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00241-00058512-00058679 so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00242-00058679-00059007 all in all good i've opened VM8qh5jdVvQ-00243-00059008-00059287 i could say VM8qh5jdVvQ-00244-00059288-00059542 i've opened three booster boxes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00245-00059544-00059711 two half booster boxes or four booster VM8qh5jdVvQ-00246-00059712-00059935 boxes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00247-00059936-00060247 a case of sleeves random packs VM8qh5jdVvQ-00248-00060248-00060623 the promo stuff VM8qh5jdVvQ-00249-00060624-00060766 so i've opened VM8qh5jdVvQ-00250-00060767-00060999 quite a few and this is my progress so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00251-00061000-00061279 far VM8qh5jdVvQ-00252-00061279-00061671 and without further scooby doo guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00253-00061672-00062247 time to get into the pack openings VM8qh5jdVvQ-00254-00062248-00062391 so i'm gonna set up and i'll be right VM8qh5jdVvQ-00255-00062391-00062526 back VM8qh5jdVvQ-00256-00062527-00062726 and we are back guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00257-00062727-00062863 so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00258-00062864-00063087 i have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00259-00063088-00063399 three more evolution tins VM8qh5jdVvQ-00260-00063400-00063559 and then VM8qh5jdVvQ-00261-00063560-00063791 i have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00262-00063791-00063942 dammit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00263-00063944-00064199 three extra evolving skies booster packs VM8qh5jdVvQ-00264-00064200-00064423 and the random darkness of blues with VM8qh5jdVvQ-00265-00064424-00064630 the jaws of map VM8qh5jdVvQ-00266-00064632-00064871 this would be nothing anyway so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00267-00064872-00065030 let me just crack these flareon things VM8qh5jdVvQ-00268-00065032-00065166 open give you the cold cause i'm not VM8qh5jdVvQ-00269-00065167-00065303 going to show you the contents because i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00270-00065304-00065479 already showed you it all on a video VM8qh5jdVvQ-00271-00065479-00065735 link in the description VM8qh5jdVvQ-00272-00065736-00065926 so let me crack into these VM8qh5jdVvQ-00273-00065927-00066355 i'll be right back VM8qh5jdVvQ-00274-00066356-00069111 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00275-00069112-00069415 all right guys so i've sorted them out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00276-00069416-00069575 i'm going to start with sword and shield VM8qh5jdVvQ-00277-00069576-00069759 battle stars chilling rain of course VM8qh5jdVvQ-00278-00069760-00069975 leave the best for last VM8qh5jdVvQ-00279-00069976-00070143 and i'm not going to bring out the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00280-00070144-00070319 crystal poke ball VM8qh5jdVvQ-00281-00070320-00070543 until i get to evolving these guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00282-00070544-00070823 so without further scooby doo VM8qh5jdVvQ-00283-00070824-00071126 let's get into the first holding shield VM8qh5jdVvQ-00284-00071127-00071535 pack VM8qh5jdVvQ-00285-00071536-00071719 i'm honestly not expecting anything from VM8qh5jdVvQ-00286-00071720-00072391 this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00287-00072392-00072662 fire energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00288-00072663-00072806 double VM8qh5jdVvQ-00289-00072807-00073007 aurora energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00290-00073008-00074326 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00291-00074327-00074455 let me see if i can pronounce this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00292-00074456-00074535 problem VM8qh5jdVvQ-00293-00074536-00074711 stone jonah v VM8qh5jdVvQ-00294-00074712-00074862 hopefully i did VM8qh5jdVvQ-00295-00074863-00075447 not bad a v for the first hit wow cool VM8qh5jdVvQ-00296-00075448-00075759 it was yeah i should leave it recipe VM8qh5jdVvQ-00297-00075760-00075919 and because i didn't think i was going VM8qh5jdVvQ-00298-00075920-00076103 to get any pools i didn't bring out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00299-00076104-00076223 sleeves VM8qh5jdVvQ-00300-00076224-00076375 give me one second guys you know the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00301-00076376-00076535 charizards for these ones i'm going to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00302-00076536-00076782 bring out the evolution ones for VM8qh5jdVvQ-00303-00076783-00076975 my women's guys obviously if i have been VM8qh5jdVvQ-00304-00076976-00077119 getting anything VM8qh5jdVvQ-00305-00077120-00077326 what but these ones VM8qh5jdVvQ-00306-00077327-00077543 are VM8qh5jdVvQ-00307-00077544-00077831 but we can leave that right here for now VM8qh5jdVvQ-00308-00077832-00078183 always holding shoes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00309-00078184-00079143 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00310-00079144-00079359 fire energy again VM8qh5jdVvQ-00311-00079360-00079462 wacky VM8qh5jdVvQ-00312-00079463-00079582 big chum VM8qh5jdVvQ-00313-00079583-00079823 right on VM8qh5jdVvQ-00314-00079824-00079926 rupee VM8qh5jdVvQ-00315-00079927-00080038 piglet VM8qh5jdVvQ-00316-00080039-00080599 odin gossip reverse mencino VM8qh5jdVvQ-00317-00080600-00080703 and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00318-00080704-00081039 a professor's research VM8qh5jdVvQ-00319-00081040-00081871 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00320-00081872-00082087 only a few more days until i mean VM8qh5jdVvQ-00321-00082088-00082359 celebrations guys after this video i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00322-00082360-00082550 still VM8qh5jdVvQ-00323-00082551-00082647 have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00324-00082648-00082959 hopefully two more booster boxes coming VM8qh5jdVvQ-00325-00082960-00083175 for two more booster boxes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00326-00083176-00083359 but i think before those celebrations VM8qh5jdVvQ-00327-00083360-00083582 should probably come as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00328-00083583-00083759 so hopefully i'll have some celebrations VM8qh5jdVvQ-00329-00083760-00083903 content coming VM8qh5jdVvQ-00330-00083904-00084055 on release VM8qh5jdVvQ-00331-00084056-00084271 due to my internet speeds and youtube VM8qh5jdVvQ-00332-00084272-00084511 processing i'll have it out on release VM8qh5jdVvQ-00333-00084512-00084726 day but i'll try to get it out for you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00334-00084727-00084937 as soon as possible VM8qh5jdVvQ-00335-00084938-00085071 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00336-00085072-00085318 right home VM8qh5jdVvQ-00337-00085319-00085718 reverse bit blog and a more pickle VM8qh5jdVvQ-00338-00085719-00085806 oh VM8qh5jdVvQ-00339-00085807-00085918 one hit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00340-00085919-00086071 or VM8qh5jdVvQ-00341-00086072-00086279 golden shield VM8qh5jdVvQ-00342-00086280-00086438 face it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00343-00086439-00086943 moving on about styles VM8qh5jdVvQ-00344-00086944-00087191 um about styles VM8qh5jdVvQ-00345-00087192-00087462 old cards are based apart right VM8qh5jdVvQ-00346-00087463-00087862 or did they VM8qh5jdVvQ-00347-00087863-00088006 yes they are VM8qh5jdVvQ-00348-00088007-00088711 there's a call card VM8qh5jdVvQ-00349-00088712-00088894 fire energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00350-00088895-00089159 rapid style mustard bruno VM8qh5jdVvQ-00351-00089160-00089279 glasgow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00352-00089280-00089399 relish VM8qh5jdVvQ-00353-00089400-00089615 the pogo tamiya VM8qh5jdVvQ-00354-00089616-00089726 epic VM8qh5jdVvQ-00355-00089727-00089847 number VM8qh5jdVvQ-00356-00089848-00090038 catabol VM8qh5jdVvQ-00357-00090039-00090401 and the stone jonah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00358-00090402-00090943 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00359-00090944-00091135 how is your VM8qh5jdVvQ-00360-00091136-00091318 current monitor set golden guys if you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00361-00091319-00091600 are collecting for your master set VM8qh5jdVvQ-00362-00091601-00091831 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00363-00091832-00092167 have you pulled anything great VM8qh5jdVvQ-00364-00092168-00092655 all your chase cards VM8qh5jdVvQ-00365-00092656-00092979 oh crap oh god it's backwards VM8qh5jdVvQ-00366-00092980-00093238 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00367-00093239-00093382 but this will have nothing in it i might VM8qh5jdVvQ-00368-00093383-00093591 as well just skip it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00369-00093592-00093815 yeah wow fire energy again what is going VM8qh5jdVvQ-00370-00093816-00094031 on VM8qh5jdVvQ-00371-00094032-00094294 rice balls people scroll fish VM8qh5jdVvQ-00372-00094295-00094662 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00373-00094663-00094774 bro VM8qh5jdVvQ-00374-00094775-00094959 don't join again as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00375-00094960-00095282 let me know down in the comments below VM8qh5jdVvQ-00376-00095283-00095599 guys what your paws have been like VM8qh5jdVvQ-00377-00095600-00096038 you're enjoying the step VM8qh5jdVvQ-00378-00096039-00096262 how much you've been VM8qh5jdVvQ-00379-00096263-00096399 on the set VM8qh5jdVvQ-00380-00096400-00096615 i oh this one's gonna be a hit i already VM8qh5jdVvQ-00381-00096616-00096950 spotted as well so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00382-00096951-00097191 i can tell this one is going to be a hit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00383-00097192-00097494 yep VM8qh5jdVvQ-00384-00097495-00097743 lightning energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00385-00097744-00097926 you can go VM8qh5jdVvQ-00386-00097927-00098135 also if you're enjoying the content guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00387-00098136-00098279 i'd very much appreciate if you could VM8qh5jdVvQ-00388-00098280-00098526 leave a like subscribe and notifications VM8qh5jdVvQ-00389-00098527-00098711 on VM8qh5jdVvQ-00390-00098712-00099023 help me reach my next milestone VM8qh5jdVvQ-00391-00099024-00099343 level wall and let's go VM8qh5jdVvQ-00392-00099344-00100518 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00393-00100519-00100894 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00394-00100895-00101055 strike i think i've got a single strike VM8qh5jdVvQ-00395-00101056-00101223 i should use i should feel like no other VM8qh5jdVvQ-00396-00101224-00101311 one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00397-00101312-00101455 wow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00398-00101456-00101559 wow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00399-00101560-00101750 oh nice VM8qh5jdVvQ-00400-00101751-00101959 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00401-00101960-00102167 yeah i'm sure i've got the single strike VM8qh5jdVvQ-00402-00102168-00102430 i should do in my VM8qh5jdVvQ-00403-00102431-00102572 nice VM8qh5jdVvQ-00404-00102573-00102702 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00405-00102703-00102927 all right so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00406-00102928-00103142 battle stars was in a dud so at least VM8qh5jdVvQ-00407-00103143-00103271 one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00408-00103272-00103551 well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00409-00103552-00103839 what so far there's a box VM8qh5jdVvQ-00410-00103840-00104086 or one per set anyway VM8qh5jdVvQ-00411-00104088-00104518 yeah let's go chilling ring this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00412-00104519-00104702 you guys just saw it up VM8qh5jdVvQ-00413-00104703-00105143 this pack is open VM8qh5jdVvQ-00414-00105144-00105375 this pack is open the mother just opened VM8qh5jdVvQ-00415-00105376-00105527 it from the top VM8qh5jdVvQ-00416-00105528-00105710 look how easy that was VM8qh5jdVvQ-00417-00105711-00105878 um VM8qh5jdVvQ-00418-00105879-00106023 do i want to put it from VM8qh5jdVvQ-00419-00106024-00106390 this one here VM8qh5jdVvQ-00420-00106391-00107183 and chilling rain's cold should be here VM8qh5jdVvQ-00421-00107183-00107366 fire energy again VM8qh5jdVvQ-00422-00107367-00107519 i should guess the energy and just say VM8qh5jdVvQ-00423-00107520-00107647 fire all the time VM8qh5jdVvQ-00424-00107648-00108069 and i chose spiro energy peony VM8qh5jdVvQ-00425-00108070-00108878 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00426-00108879-00109078 so that's one hit per set so far we'll VM8qh5jdVvQ-00427-00109079-00109207 almost dropped it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00428-00109208-00109534 tornado v i actually like this card VM8qh5jdVvQ-00429-00109535-00109695 well i think there's there's a full-out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00430-00109696-00109831 version right VM8qh5jdVvQ-00431-00109832-00110047 i prefer the full-out version but VM8qh5jdVvQ-00432-00110048-00110390 grenade is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00433-00110391-00110758 one of my favorite pokemon i guess VM8qh5jdVvQ-00434-00110759-00110943 very nice very nice VM8qh5jdVvQ-00435-00110944-00111519 so that goes for chilling rain VM8qh5jdVvQ-00436-00111520-00111682 i just realized i'm mixed up there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00437-00111683-00111815 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00438-00111816-00113399 is this one open nope VM8qh5jdVvQ-00439-00113400-00113566 psychic energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00440-00113567-00113734 old cemetery VM8qh5jdVvQ-00441-00113735-00114095 impact energy oregon electrics healing VM8qh5jdVvQ-00442-00114096-00114334 learning slow poke popping VM8qh5jdVvQ-00443-00114335-00114486 a mask VM8qh5jdVvQ-00444-00114488-00114751 reverse coughing and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00445-00114752-00115231 a slurper VM8qh5jdVvQ-00446-00115232-00115463 i think VM8qh5jdVvQ-00447-00115464-00115671 of all of these packs that like in terms VM8qh5jdVvQ-00448-00115672-00115854 of chilling rain packs that i've opened VM8qh5jdVvQ-00449-00115855-00115919 in VM8qh5jdVvQ-00450-00115920-00116199 um special collection boxes and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00451-00116200-00116631 stuff like that that's my first hit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00452-00116632-00116815 and chilling rain VM8qh5jdVvQ-00453-00116816-00116951 the only hit i've ever got in chilling VM8qh5jdVvQ-00454-00116952-00117223 rain wow though it really is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00455-00117224-00117399 from what i've seen VM8qh5jdVvQ-00456-00117400-00117714 chilling pain VM8qh5jdVvQ-00457-00117715-00119119 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00458-00119120-00119383 and the warring yeah wow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00459-00119383-00119575 at least so far one of each and then one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00460-00119576-00119951 pull up nice VM8qh5jdVvQ-00461-00119952-00120390 all right moving on VM8qh5jdVvQ-00462-00120391-00120627 but i see the darkness to blaze the last VM8qh5jdVvQ-00463-00120628-00120807 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00464-00120808-00120975 nah let's go with this one for some VM8qh5jdVvQ-00465-00120976-00121239 darkness at least VM8qh5jdVvQ-00466-00121240-00121883 one pack magic i doubt VM8qh5jdVvQ-00467-00121883-00122214 it yep definitely not one pack magic VM8qh5jdVvQ-00468-00122215-00123014 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00469-00123015-00123207 fighting energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00470-00123208-00123383 a reveal VM8qh5jdVvQ-00471-00123383-00123614 purple patch poros VM8qh5jdVvQ-00472-00123615-00123943 and sage ushiwashi VM8qh5jdVvQ-00473-00123944-00124063 rookie d VM8qh5jdVvQ-00474-00124064-00124327 iron reverse mark VM8qh5jdVvQ-00475-00124328-00124647 it's excelle go external VM8qh5jdVvQ-00476-00124648-00124886 all right VM8qh5jdVvQ-00477-00124888-00124999 yeah i definitely wasn't expecting VM8qh5jdVvQ-00478-00125000-00125231 anything from that one anyway VM8qh5jdVvQ-00479-00125232-00125575 so moving on to evolving skies VM8qh5jdVvQ-00480-00125576-00125863 all right time to bring out VM8qh5jdVvQ-00481-00125864-00126125 the crystal poke ball VM8qh5jdVvQ-00482-00126126-00126623 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00483-00126624-00126783 christopher VM8qh5jdVvQ-00484-00126783-00126934 can i get anything VM8qh5jdVvQ-00485-00126935-00127166 that's a v and above VM8qh5jdVvQ-00486-00127167-00127522 for my binder collection something new VM8qh5jdVvQ-00487-00127523-00128327 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00488-00128328-00128407 nope VM8qh5jdVvQ-00489-00128408-00128647 i guess not VM8qh5jdVvQ-00490-00128648-00129014 i guess not guys this is going to be VM8qh5jdVvQ-00491-00129015-00129508 but that opening VM8qh5jdVvQ-00492-00129508-00130014 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00493-00130015-00130127 or VM8qh5jdVvQ-00494-00130128-00130254 it would be nice if i can get something VM8qh5jdVvQ-00495-00130255-00130463 new from a binder though VM8qh5jdVvQ-00496-00130464-00130631 so darkness energy all right let me move VM8qh5jdVvQ-00497-00130632-00130909 these up a little bit VM8qh5jdVvQ-00498-00130910-00131078 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00499-00131079-00131239 elemental badge VM8qh5jdVvQ-00500-00131240-00131399 shell one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00501-00131400-00131607 back VM8qh5jdVvQ-00502-00131608-00132014 pikachu VM8qh5jdVvQ-00503-00132015-00132423 reverse toy catcher VM8qh5jdVvQ-00504-00132424-00132559 i just went through my mind i don't VM8qh5jdVvQ-00505-00132560-00132743 remember if i got a toy catcher i'm sure VM8qh5jdVvQ-00506-00132744-00132902 i don't so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00507-00132903-00133095 there's something for the binder already VM8qh5jdVvQ-00508-00133096-00133247 poke bullets me VM8qh5jdVvQ-00509-00133248-00133631 and the shift tree VM8qh5jdVvQ-00510-00133632-00134239 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00511-00134240-00134423 but i did ask for a reason i bought so VM8qh5jdVvQ-00512-00134424-00134483 you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00513-00134484-00134647 know pocketbook technically hasn't VM8qh5jdVvQ-00514-00134648-00134919 actually lied to me yet VM8qh5jdVvQ-00515-00134920-00135295 oh VM8qh5jdVvQ-00516-00135296-00135439 metal energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00517-00135440-00135663 flipping sensor VM8qh5jdVvQ-00518-00135664-00136847 let me just VM8qh5jdVvQ-00519-00136848-00137119 make it reverse ribbon badge VM8qh5jdVvQ-00520-00137120-00137463 the one i need as well VM8qh5jdVvQ-00521-00137464-00137812 and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00522-00137813-00138102 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00523-00138103-00138263 this one i don't think i have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00524-00138264-00138359 i don't know VM8qh5jdVvQ-00525-00138360-00138731 do i have it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00526-00138732-00138911 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00527-00138912-00139271 damn it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00528-00139272-00139519 the glacier on vmax which is i'll take VM8qh5jdVvQ-00529-00139520-00139639 it VM8qh5jdVvQ-00530-00139640-00139735 but VM8qh5jdVvQ-00531-00139736-00140031 i mean i already have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00532-00140032-00140327 alright so this one up for instance is a VM8qh5jdVvQ-00533-00140328-00140743 double output point of charge obviously VM8qh5jdVvQ-00534-00140744-00141247 because it's not going in the binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00535-00141248-00141551 so collision VM8qh5jdVvQ-00536-00141552-00142172 let me just put a ribbon vegetable now VM8qh5jdVvQ-00537-00142173-00143071 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00538-00143072-00143311 come on pokemon don't do this to me VM8qh5jdVvQ-00539-00143312-00143566 don't do me like that VM8qh5jdVvQ-00540-00143567-00143735 water energy VM8qh5jdVvQ-00541-00143736-00143902 dummy mountains VM8qh5jdVvQ-00542-00143903-00144752 bulldog VM8qh5jdVvQ-00543-00144753-00145078 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00544-00145079-00145814 holo VM8qh5jdVvQ-00545-00145815-00145943 parts left VM8qh5jdVvQ-00546-00145944-00146126 these are the ones from the random i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00547-00146127-00146863 think VM8qh5jdVvQ-00548-00146864-00147023 these are the random three double and i VM8qh5jdVvQ-00549-00147024-00147319 think so yeah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00550-00147320-00147695 synergy robondi fluffy viral VM8qh5jdVvQ-00551-00147696-00147823 gossip flower VM8qh5jdVvQ-00552-00147824-00148207 beavers VM8qh5jdVvQ-00553-00148208-00148311 naked VM8qh5jdVvQ-00554-00148312-00148607 reversed rainbow VM8qh5jdVvQ-00555-00148608-00149190 think i need that one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00556-00149191-00149447 i feel like i've got this one though VM8qh5jdVvQ-00557-00149448-00149639 i feel like i've got this one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00558-00149640-00149878 and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00559-00149879-00150054 yes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00560-00150055-00150639 something new VM8qh5jdVvQ-00561-00150640-00150839 pokemon VM8qh5jdVvQ-00562-00150840-00150878 lyre VM8qh5jdVvQ-00563-00150879-00150990 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00564-00150991-00151422 ambient v-max oh my days yes VM8qh5jdVvQ-00565-00151423-00151735 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00566-00151736-00151887 something new for the binder guys all VM8qh5jdVvQ-00567-00151888-00152111 right i need to bring out the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00568-00152112-00152343 oh yeah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00569-00152344-00152551 oh yeah VM8qh5jdVvQ-00570-00152552-00152887 beautiful beautiful beautiful VM8qh5jdVvQ-00571-00152888-00153143 i'm beyond vmax guys so we've got two VM8qh5jdVvQ-00572-00153144-00153390 evolution e maxes from the e max the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00573-00153391-00153590 v-max is from this VM8qh5jdVvQ-00574-00153591-00153814 and this one's going towards the binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00575-00153815-00153943 the collection VM8qh5jdVvQ-00576-00153944-00154151 but look at the center angle look how VM8qh5jdVvQ-00577-00154152-00154414 often is there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00578-00154415-00154607 disgusting VM8qh5jdVvQ-00579-00154608-00154966 all i need now VM8qh5jdVvQ-00580-00154967-00155126 is VM8qh5jdVvQ-00581-00155127-00155311 the ambien VM8qh5jdVvQ-00582-00155312-00155439 is there an ambient fallout yeah there VM8qh5jdVvQ-00583-00155440-00155566 is oh sorry VM8qh5jdVvQ-00584-00155567-00156220 arm VM8qh5jdVvQ-00585-00156221-00157119 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00586-00157120-00157266 come on VM8qh5jdVvQ-00587-00157267-00158137 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00588-00158138-00159678 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00589-00159679-00160447 reverse jump love and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00590-00160448-00162155 last part guys last perk um VM8qh5jdVvQ-00591-00162156-00162519 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00592-00162520-00162751 roman lady VM8qh5jdVvQ-00593-00162752-00162878 and the cool VM8qh5jdVvQ-00594-00162879-00163214 tip VM8qh5jdVvQ-00595-00163215-00163319 they know VM8qh5jdVvQ-00596-00163320-00163590 marie VM8qh5jdVvQ-00597-00163591-00163838 reverse i don't need it and the high VM8qh5jdVvQ-00598-00163839-00164095 dragon holo VM8qh5jdVvQ-00599-00164096-00164423 and that ends it so guys VM8qh5jdVvQ-00600-00164424-00164719 not too bad to be honest not too bad VM8qh5jdVvQ-00601-00164720-00165896 we have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00602-00165897-00166543 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00603-00166544-00166903 this one's a female VM8qh5jdVvQ-00604-00166904-00167047 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00605-00167048-00167335 tornadoes v from chilling rain VM8qh5jdVvQ-00606-00167336-00167471 and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00607-00167472-00167678 we have VM8qh5jdVvQ-00608-00167679-00167959 my favorite evolution and then one to VM8qh5jdVvQ-00609-00167960-00168223 add to the binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00610-00168224-00168663 so my poke will lie to me this time but VM8qh5jdVvQ-00611-00168664-00168831 at least i got something new for the VM8qh5jdVvQ-00612-00168832-00169071 binder VM8qh5jdVvQ-00613-00169072-00169247 and that's it for the video guys if you VM8qh5jdVvQ-00614-00169248-00169431 stuck with me to the end VM8qh5jdVvQ-00615-00169432-00169575 if you enjoyed the video please leave a VM8qh5jdVvQ-00616-00169576-00169831 like subscribe turn notifications on and VM8qh5jdVvQ-00617-00169832-00170023 i'll see you on on the next one VM8qh5jdVvQ-00618-00170024-00170181 hopefully celebrations VM8qh5jdVvQ-00619-00170182-00171447 [Music] VM8qh5jdVvQ-00620-00171448-00171655 you VOac93hfY_k-00002-00006815-00007034 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00003-00007036-00007870 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00005-00010911-00011249 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00006-00011250-00014086 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00007-00014087-00015515 um VOac93hfY_k-00008-00015516-00015825 okay VOac93hfY_k-00009-00015826-00016450 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00010-00016451-00016630 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00011-00016631-00017420 um VOac93hfY_k-00012-00017421-00018661 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00013-00018662-00018953 a year VOac93hfY_k-00014-00018954-00019686 um okay VOac93hfY_k-00015-00019687-00020317 is VOac93hfY_k-00016-00020318-00020514 automatically VOac93hfY_k-00018-00023659-00024787 let's see VOac93hfY_k-00019-00024788-00025555 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00020-00025556-00025739 I said VOac93hfY_k-00022-00029038-00031224 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00023-00031225-00031523 thank you VOac93hfY_k-00024-00031524-00031723 thank you VOac93hfY_k-00025-00031724-00032843 so much VOac93hfY_k-00026-00032844-00034312 right VOac93hfY_k-00027-00034313-00036461 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00028-00036462-00036952 good VOac93hfY_k-00029-00036953-00038101 um VOac93hfY_k-00030-00038102-00038477 that's right okay so what they are VOac93hfY_k-00031-00038478-00040985 saying yeah VOac93hfY_k-00032-00040986-00042071 and the answers also okay VOac93hfY_k-00033-00042072-00043061 goodness VOac93hfY_k-00035-00046512-00047039 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00036-00047040-00047069 um VOac93hfY_k-00037-00047070-00047201 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00038-00047202-00048605 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00039-00048606-00049706 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00040-00049707-00050739 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00041-00050740-00051707 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00042-00051708-00052738 yes VOac93hfY_k-00043-00052739-00053338 yes VOac93hfY_k-00044-00053339-00053711 power VOac93hfY_k-00046-00057745-00059507 you know VOac93hfY_k-00047-00059508-00060374 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00048-00060375-00062842 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00049-00062844-00063035 hmm VOac93hfY_k-00050-00063036-00063947 there's a home burning weapons okay VOac93hfY_k-00051-00063948-00064961 now foreign VOac93hfY_k-00052-00064962-00065681 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00053-00065682-00065950 okay VOac93hfY_k-00054-00065951-00068546 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00055-00068547-00069821 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00056-00069822-00070319 good VOac93hfY_k-00057-00070320-00070547 baby VOac93hfY_k-00058-00070548-00070766 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00059-00070767-00072694 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00060-00072695-00073319 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00061-00073320-00073517 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00062-00073518-00075461 okay VOac93hfY_k-00063-00075462-00076009 may not total control okay VOac93hfY_k-00064-00076010-00076237 okay VOac93hfY_k-00065-00076238-00076450 that's right VOac93hfY_k-00066-00076451-00077938 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00067-00077939-00079691 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00070-00087677-00088870 mm-hmm VOac93hfY_k-00071-00088871-00089011 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00072-00089012-00090135 yeah foreign VOac93hfY_k-00073-00090136-00091438 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00074-00091439-00092869 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00076-00096245-00098873 yes VOac93hfY_k-00077-00098874-00099856 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00079-00103028-00103902 foreign foreign VOac93hfY_k-00080-00103903-00106774 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00081-00106775-00107110 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00085-00117582-00120173 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00086-00120174-00122554 Academy VOac93hfY_k-00087-00122555-00125027 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00088-00125028-00126623 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00089-00126624-00127529 secretary VOac93hfY_k-00090-00127530-00129502 [Applause] VOac93hfY_k-00091-00129503-00131189 um VOac93hfY_k-00094-00137208-00138287 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00098-00150029-00152764 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00099-00152765-00153194 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00100-00153195-00153995 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00103-00160536-00163463 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00104-00163464-00166363 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00106-00170198-00170381 before VOac93hfY_k-00107-00170382-00173243 so far as well done and yes VOac93hfY_k-00108-00173244-00173452 come April VOac93hfY_k-00109-00173453-00173914 below VOac93hfY_k-00110-00173915-00176045 already VOac93hfY_k-00111-00176046-00176266 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00112-00176267-00176723 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00113-00176724-00179261 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00114-00179262-00179764 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00117-00186612-00189328 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00118-00189329-00189725 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00119-00189726-00192688 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00120-00192689-00195281 Academy VOac93hfY_k-00121-00195282-00197561 before VOac93hfY_k-00122-00197562-00197951 you know VOac93hfY_k-00123-00197952-00198701 quality VOac93hfY_k-00124-00198702-00199021 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00125-00199022-00199670 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00126-00199671-00201221 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00127-00201222-00202385 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00128-00202386-00202811 power VOac93hfY_k-00129-00202812-00205127 [Applause] VOac93hfY_k-00130-00205128-00205960 silent VOac93hfY_k-00132-00210109-00210389 oh okay VOac93hfY_k-00133-00210390-00211310 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00134-00211311-00213665 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00138-00225521-00228256 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00139-00228257-00229314 difference VOac93hfY_k-00140-00229315-00230308 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00141-00230309-00233248 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00142-00233250-00233446 get that VOac93hfY_k-00143-00233448-00236008 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00144-00236009-00237401 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00145-00237402-00238144 difference VOac93hfY_k-00146-00238146-00240017 is VOac93hfY_k-00147-00240017-00240755 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00149-00243848-00245051 you know okay VOac93hfY_k-00150-00245052-00247463 okay VOac93hfY_k-00151-00247464-00249005 anyway VOac93hfY_k-00152-00249006-00250210 s VOac93hfY_k-00153-00250211-00250696 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00154-00250698-00251134 I don't know VOac93hfY_k-00155-00251135-00253234 um VOac93hfY_k-00156-00253235-00253792 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00158-00257316-00260032 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00159-00260033-00260675 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00160-00260676-00261296 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00161-00261296-00262582 [Applause] VOac93hfY_k-00162-00262583-00263917 [Music] VOac93hfY_k-00163-00263918-00264113 the great powers VOac93hfY_k-00164-00264114-00266939 yes VOac93hfY_k-00165-00266940-00269680 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00166-00269681-00270371 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00168-00273785-00273997 Harry VOac93hfY_k-00169-00273998-00275165 [Applause] VOac93hfY_k-00170-00275166-00276701 my channel VOac93hfY_k-00171-00276702-00277030 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00175-00287496-00289652 foreign VOac93hfY_k-00176-00289653-00289968 [Music] VRMTX1gZuTg-00000-00000156-00000623 [Music] VRMTX1gZuTg-00001-00000624-00000868 when you search the medical literature VRMTX1gZuTg-00002-00000869-00001210 for studies on berries papers like this VRMTX1gZuTg-00003-00001211-00001709 pop up a blueberry muffin rash or VRMTX1gZuTg-00004-00001710-00002052 pictures of strawberry tongues or as a VRMTX1gZuTg-00005-00002053-00002431 way to describe stool appearance those VRMTX1gZuTg-00006-00002432-00002704 stools truly resembling currant jelly VRMTX1gZuTg-00007-00002705-00003024 are not very common what is it with VRMTX1gZuTg-00008-00003025-00003229 pathologists love affair with food VRMTX1gZuTg-00009-00003229-00003595 terminology the grossest of which may be VRMTX1gZuTg-00010-00003596-00003919 the way amoeba chest infections are VRMTX1gZuTg-00011-00003920-00004152 described where you spit up pus that VRMTX1gZuTg-00012-00004153-00004540 looks like anchovy sauce which sounds VRMTX1gZuTg-00013-00004541-00004831 gross even without the pus there are VRMTX1gZuTg-00014-00004832-00005070 actual Studies on berry supplementation VRMTX1gZuTg-00015-00005071-00005275 like how they can mitigate the negative VRMTX1gZuTg-00016-00005276-00005554 effects of a high saturated fat died on VRMTX1gZuTg-00017-00005555-00005866 the brain and behavior but that was in VRMTX1gZuTg-00018-00005867-00006127 mice may be a better way to mitigate VRMTX1gZuTg-00019-00006128-00006384 would be to not feed your pet mouse a VRMTX1gZuTg-00020-00006385-00006694 stick of butter in the first place then VRMTX1gZuTg-00021-00006695-00006931 there are studies on proprietary berry VRMTX1gZuTg-00022-00006931-00007129 based nutraceutical supplements VRMTX1gZuTg-00023-00007130-00007291 purported to improve cognitive VRMTX1gZuTg-00024-00007292-00007648 performance see how there's steeper rise VRMTX1gZuTg-00025-00007648-00007993 in the supplement group old hats will VRMTX1gZuTg-00026-00007994-00008326 instantly recognize this as the timeless VRMTX1gZuTg-00027-00008327-00008572 trick featured in the 1950s classic VRMTX1gZuTg-00028-00008573-00008893 howdah lie with statistics see how they VRMTX1gZuTg-00029-00008894-00009292 don't start the y-axis at 0 that's to VRMTX1gZuTg-00030-00009293-00009604 inflate the appearance correct the graph VRMTX1gZuTg-00031-00009605-00009811 and you can see the effect doesn't quite VRMTX1gZuTg-00032-00009812-00010228 look so impressive there are studies of VRMTX1gZuTg-00033-00010229-00010522 actual berries on actual humans but when VRMTX1gZuTg-00034-00010523-00010696 they're funded by berry industry trade VRMTX1gZuTg-00035-00010697-00010933 groups you get studies like this an VRMTX1gZuTg-00036-00010934-00011182 afternoon snack of berries reduces VRMTX1gZuTg-00037-00011183-00011473 subsequent energy intake great but VRMTX1gZuTg-00038-00011474-00011911 that's compared to candy strawberries VRMTX1gZuTg-00039-00011912-00012054 raspberries blackberries blueberries VRMTX1gZuTg-00040-00012055-00012391 fantastic compared to a handful of jelly VRMTX1gZuTg-00041-00012392-00012607 babies which are just like coated gummy VRMTX1gZuTg-00042-00012608-00012969 bears - berries offer so little that you VRMTX1gZuTg-00043-00012971-00013144 have to compare them to candy to make VRMTX1gZuTg-00044-00013144-00013375 them look good VRMTX1gZuTg-00045-00013376-00013569 there was that famous Harvard study I VRMTX1gZuTg-00046-00013570-00013788 did a video about where berry eating VRMTX1gZuTg-00047-00013790-00014031 appeared to delay brain aging by up to VRMTX1gZuTg-00048-00014032-00014221 two and a half years but you don't know VRMTX1gZuTg-00049-00014222-00014538 if it's cause and effect until you put VRMTX1gZuTg-00050-00014540-00014755 it to the test and blueberry VRMTX1gZuTg-00051-00014756-00014977 supplementation was able to improve VRMTX1gZuTg-00052-00014978-00015199 memory and older adults in just 12 weeks VRMTX1gZuTg-00053-00015200-00015513 time but that was feeding them up to 6 VRMTX1gZuTg-00054-00015515-00015886 cups of wild blueberries a day now this VRMTX1gZuTg-00055-00015887-00016113 was a proof-of-concept pilot study just VRMTX1gZuTg-00056-00016115-00016453 see if they get any effect right we just VRMTX1gZuTg-00057-00016454-00016650 didn't have any studies using more VRMTX1gZuTg-00058-00016651-00017230 realistic doses until now how about just VRMTX1gZuTg-00059-00017231-00017478 a cup of day of blueberries they found VRMTX1gZuTg-00060-00017479-00017658 that the addition of easily achievable VRMTX1gZuTg-00061-00017659-00017818 quantities of blueberries to the diets VRMTX1gZuTg-00062-00017819-00018139 of older adults can improve some aspects VRMTX1gZuTg-00063-00018140-00018353 of cognition like long-term memory in VRMTX1gZuTg-00064-00018354-00018580 terms of the number of errors the VRMTX1gZuTg-00065-00018581-00018916 placebo group got worse the blueberry VRMTX1gZuTg-00066-00018917-00019158 group got better VRMTX1gZuTg-00067-00019159-00019441 you can even correlate the cognitive VRMTX1gZuTg-00068-00019442-00019600 improvements with enhanced brain VRMTX1gZuTg-00069-00019601-00019864 activation using fancy brain scan VRMTX1gZuTg-00070-00019865-00020097 technology to actually visualize the VRMTX1gZuTg-00071-00020098-00020236 improved blood flow to those same VRMTX1gZuTg-00072-00020237-00020425 regions of the brain caused by the VRMTX1gZuTg-00073-00020426-00020767 blueberry consumption does it work in VRMTX1gZuTg-00074-00020768-00021084 kids too blueberry treatments have shown VRMTX1gZuTg-00075-00021085-00021277 positive effects on cognition in both VRMTX1gZuTg-00076-00021278-00021505 rats and adult humans but do these VRMTX1gZuTg-00077-00021506-00021756 benefits transfer to children human VRMTX1gZuTg-00078-00021757-00021990 children how about a randomized VRMTX1gZuTg-00079-00021991-00022147 double-blind placebo-controlled study VRMTX1gZuTg-00080-00022148-00022378 comparing about a couple blueberries to VRMTX1gZuTg-00081-00022379-00022844 two cups to 0 cups what did they find VRMTX1gZuTg-00082-00022845-00023080 cognitive performance improvements VRMTX1gZuTg-00083-00023081-00023293 across all measures and VRMTX1gZuTg-00084-00023294-00023608 the more berries the better and this VRMTX1gZuTg-00085-00023609-00023844 wasn't after 12 weeks of eating berries VRMTX1gZuTg-00086-00023845-00024230 but within hours of just a single VRMTX1gZuTg-00087-00024231-00024414 blueberry meal VRMTX1gZuTg-00088-00024415-00024675 sounds like a good breakfast any day our VRMTX1gZuTg-00089-00024676-00025522 kids are having their exams VRMTX1gZuTg-00090-00025523-00026627 [Music] VRMTX1gZuTg-00091-00026629-00026835 you VSgD1PWNLm0-00000-00000006-00000316 how heartbreaking was it to see that the VSgD1PWNLm0-00001-00000317-00000545 victim had been brutally murdered in the VSgD1PWNLm0-00002-00000546-00001241 presence of her children VSgD1PWNLm0-00003-00001242-00001504 the hard thing for me was what were they VSgD1PWNLm0-00004-00001505-00001757 remember for the rest of their lives VSgD1PWNLm0-00005-00001757-00001997 a boy kept saying that they had put VSgD1PWNLm0-00006-00001998-00002242 tissues in mommy's owies VSgD1PWNLm0-00007-00002243-00002905 I thought my God this is hell VSgD1PWNLm0-00008-00002906-00003155 she was on her back VSgD1PWNLm0-00009-00003156-00003454 and there was blood all over VSgD1PWNLm0-00010-00003455-00003725 jet Hunter wounds to her upper chest and VSgD1PWNLm0-00011-00003726-00003856 neck area VSgD1PWNLm0-00012-00003857-00004493 and it appeared to be a sexual assault VSgD1PWNLm0-00013-00004494-00004703 you're up pretty good and she landed up VSgD1PWNLm0-00014-00004704-00005033 in the hospital for a couple days VSgD1PWNLm0-00015-00005034-00005225 she obviously was too afraid to come VSgD1PWNLm0-00016-00005226-00005441 forward because he was capable of VSgD1PWNLm0-00017-00005442-00005801 hurting her VSgD1PWNLm0-00018-00005802-00006106 says I could never do that to Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00019-00006107-00006334 unless there's a videotape of the actual VSgD1PWNLm0-00020-00006335-00006593 crime happening these are hard to prove VSgD1PWNLm0-00021-00006594-00006719 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00022-00006720-00006964 ever see VSgD1PWNLm0-00023-00006965-00007337 that night no but I remember a lot of VSgD1PWNLm0-00024-00007338-00007541 what I lost VSgD1PWNLm0-00025-00007542-00007781 at three years old my life changed VSgD1PWNLm0-00026-00007781-00008247 forever that day VSgD1PWNLm0-00027-00008248-00008728 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00028-00008729-00009101 hi I'm Paula Zahn tonight we're on the VSgD1PWNLm0-00029-00009102-00009401 case in Denver Colorado it was here in VSgD1PWNLm0-00030-00009402-00009664 the mile high city that a terrifying VSgD1PWNLm0-00031-00009665-00009953 mystery began with the murder of Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00032-00009954-00010306 Herrera the loving mother was brutalized VSgD1PWNLm0-00033-00010307-00010559 while her two children were just steps VSgD1PWNLm0-00034-00010560-00010649 away VSgD1PWNLm0-00035-00010650-00010901 as the investigation began more VSgD1PWNLm0-00036-00010902-00011117 devastating details of the homicide VSgD1PWNLm0-00037-00011118-00011374 quickly surfaced the evidence had VSgD1PWNLm0-00038-00011375-00011585 pointed police toward a suspect Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00039-00011586-00011974 knew and trusted but no matter how close VSgD1PWNLm0-00040-00011975-00012233 detectives came to identify her killer VSgD1PWNLm0-00041-00012234-00012527 it appeared that lies might help him VSgD1PWNLm0-00042-00012528-00012971 evade just 27 1984. VSgD1PWNLm0-00043-00012972-00013277 it was just afternoon when Denver's VSgD1PWNLm0-00044-00013278-00013721 9-1-1 Dispatch Center got a frantic call VSgD1PWNLm0-00045-00013722-00013985 the woman on the line said she was a VSgD1PWNLm0-00046-00013986-00014338 salesperson for Avon and was extremely VSgD1PWNLm0-00047-00014340-00014621 concerned about the safety of one of her VSgD1PWNLm0-00048-00014622-00015119 customers 23 year old Gail Herrera VSgD1PWNLm0-00049-00015119-00015341 why was she so worried the phone was VSgD1PWNLm0-00050-00015341-00015557 answered by a young boy and when asked VSgD1PWNLm0-00051-00015558-00015701 for the mom he said she can't come to VSgD1PWNLm0-00052-00015702-00016169 the poem VSgD1PWNLm0-00053-00016169-00016486 caught the salesperson off guard VSgD1PWNLm0-00054-00016487-00017033 he said next terrified her VSgD1PWNLm0-00055-00017034-00017357 the sales rep was stunned VSgD1PWNLm0-00056-00017358-00017639 sinned in silence as the child told her VSgD1PWNLm0-00057-00017640-00017975 that his name was PJ and that he was VSgD1PWNLm0-00058-00017976-00018250 taking care of his younger sister VSgD1PWNLm0-00059-00018251-00018521 he even explained how he had tried to VSgD1PWNLm0-00060-00018522-00018713 help his mother VSgD1PWNLm0-00061-00018714-00019000 PJ told her that he was putting tissues VSgD1PWNLm0-00062-00019001-00019786 in mommy's owies VSgD1PWNLm0-00063-00019787-00020069 sales rep that something terrible had VSgD1PWNLm0-00064-00020070-00020230 happened VSgD1PWNLm0-00065-00020231-00020717 9-1-1 dispatcher agreed VSgD1PWNLm0-00066-00020718-00020939 he immediately immedi sent a patrol car VSgD1PWNLm0-00067-00020940-00021185 out to Gale prep and her husband were VSgD1PWNLm0-00068-00021186-00021586 the first to arrive VSgD1PWNLm0-00069-00021587-00021827 were they able to open the front door no VSgD1PWNLm0-00070-00021828-00022007 the front door was secured and they VSgD1PWNLm0-00071-00022008-00022307 could not make an entry through it VSgD1PWNLm0-00072-00022308-00022511 the couple could see that the living VSgD1PWNLm0-00073-00022512-00022883 room was in complete disarray with PJ's VSgD1PWNLm0-00074-00022884-00023267 one-year-old sister sitting on the floor VSgD1PWNLm0-00075-00023268-00023477 the couple spoke with the young boy VSgD1PWNLm0-00076-00023478-00023650 through the window VSgD1PWNLm0-00077-00023651-00023849 he kept reiterating that she was dead VSgD1PWNLm0-00078-00023850-00024113 and saying that they had put tissues in VSgD1PWNLm0-00079-00024114-00024611 mommy's wounds VSgD1PWNLm0-00080-00024612-00024839 then we're still processing the VSgD1PWNLm0-00081-00024840-00025055 gut-wrenching words of a three-year-old VSgD1PWNLm0-00082-00025056-00025325 when an officer to back away from the VSgD1PWNLm0-00083-00025326-00025643 home while he secured the scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00084-00025644-00025889 continued gun drawn to make sure that VSgD1PWNLm0-00085-00025889-00026111 there was no suspect in the home VSgD1PWNLm0-00086-00026112-00026333 as he made his way through the back door VSgD1PWNLm0-00087-00026333-00026608 he immediately noticed the first VSgD1PWNLm0-00088-00026610-00026920 evidence of a crime VSgD1PWNLm0-00089-00026922-00027137 he noticed that the deadbolt was missing VSgD1PWNLm0-00090-00027138-00027268 from the door VSgD1PWNLm0-00091-00027269-00027761 the hook and latch was broken VSgD1PWNLm0-00092-00027762-00028462 priority VSgD1PWNLm0-00093-00028463-00028745 had the suspect fled yes suspect was VSgD1PWNLm0-00094-00028745-00028895 gone VSgD1PWNLm0-00095-00028895-00029158 near the master bedroom he discovered VSgD1PWNLm0-00096-00029160-00029387 Gail's lifeless bodies VSgD1PWNLm0-00097-00029388-00029614 Phil Herrera discovered she was VSgD1PWNLm0-00098-00029616-00029777 partially in the bedroom and partially VSgD1PWNLm0-00099-00029777-00030064 out into a hallway she was on her back VSgD1PWNLm0-00100-00030066-00030329 and there was a blood all over VSgD1PWNLm0-00101-00030330-00030557 East on the dried blood around VSgD1PWNLm0-00102-00030558-00030779 detectives believed she had been dead VSgD1PWNLm0-00103-00030780-00031114 for some time and the severity of her VSgD1PWNLm0-00104-00031116-00031331 wounds made it clear she had been VSgD1PWNLm0-00105-00031332-00031720 murdered VSgD1PWNLm0-00106-00031722-00031973 the officer backed out of the crime VSgD1PWNLm0-00107-00031974-00032399 scene and called for homicide detectives VSgD1PWNLm0-00108-00032400-00032573 when you were dispatched to the scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00109-00032574-00032849 you came as a veteran homicide VSgD1PWNLm0-00110-00032850-00033209 investigator described to me what you VSgD1PWNLm0-00111-00033210-00033412 took note of When you entered the home VSgD1PWNLm0-00112-00033413-00033749 it appeared to me to be a sexual assault VSgD1PWNLm0-00113-00033750-00034012 and the sheer violence of the attack VSgD1PWNLm0-00114-00034013-00034307 resonated with every member of law VSgD1PWNLm0-00115-00034308-00034595 enforcement at the scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00116-00034596-00034745 it must have been heartbreaking to walk VSgD1PWNLm0-00117-00034746-00035002 into the home seeing these two young VSgD1PWNLm0-00118-00035003-00035327 children knowing that they had been at VSgD1PWNLm0-00119-00035328-00035746 the house when their mother was murdered VSgD1PWNLm0-00120-00035747-00036052 they were very disturbed by that scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00121-00036053-00036262 the little girl didn't even have a VSgD1PWNLm0-00122-00036263-00036665 diaper on they were there by themselves VSgD1PWNLm0-00123-00036666-00036839 there was Furniture knocked over VSgD1PWNLm0-00124-00036840-00037211 cushions off the couch VSgD1PWNLm0-00125-00037212-00037451 there was food all over the place I VSgD1PWNLm0-00126-00037452-00037631 guess the kids had tried to feed VSgD1PWNLm0-00127-00037632-00037787 themselves VSgD1PWNLm0-00128-00037788-00038249 try to open hungry looking for food VSgD1PWNLm0-00129-00038250-00038512 sure just how long VSgD1PWNLm0-00130-00038513-00038849 long children had been in the Home Alone VSgD1PWNLm0-00131-00038850-00039221 mother's lifeless body VSgD1PWNLm0-00132-00039222-00039502 but that wasn't even the most agonizing VSgD1PWNLm0-00133-00039503-00039905 questions detectives needed to ask VSgD1PWNLm0-00134-00039906-00040193 the hard thing for me and viewing this VSgD1PWNLm0-00135-00040194-00040517 was what have these children seen what VSgD1PWNLm0-00136-00040518-00040643 would they remember for the rest of VSgD1PWNLm0-00137-00040644-00041062 their lives VSgD1PWNLm0-00138-00041063-00041393 officers already VSgD1PWNLm0-00139-00041394-00041765 with young PJ might be the key to VSgD1PWNLm0-00140-00041766-00042957 solving the mystery VSgD1PWNLm0-00141-00042958-00043402 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00142-00043403-00043649 when homicide detective Pete Diaz VSgD1PWNLm0-00143-00043650-00043895 arrived at the crime scene he searched VSgD1PWNLm0-00144-00043896-00044123 the house for evidence that might help VSgD1PWNLm0-00145-00044124-00044680 explain how the attack unfolded VSgD1PWNLm0-00146-00044681-00045179 could you get any sense of how long she VSgD1PWNLm0-00147-00045180-00045412 had been lying there she was very cold VSgD1PWNLm0-00148-00045413-00045623 and stiff to the touch she'd been there VSgD1PWNLm0-00149-00045624-00045796 a long time VSgD1PWNLm0-00150-00045797-00046145 and even his cursory examination made it VSgD1PWNLm0-00151-00046146-00046229 clear VSgD1PWNLm0-00152-00046230-00046427 she had several puncture wounds to her VSgD1PWNLm0-00153-00046428-00046685 upper chest and neck area and it looked VSgD1PWNLm0-00154-00046686-00047458 like strangulation marks to her neck VSgD1PWNLm0-00155-00047459-00047665 the doctor from the coroner's office VSgD1PWNLm0-00156-00047666-00047915 confirmed the detective's initial VSgD1PWNLm0-00157-00047916-00048179 observations he examined her and VSgD1PWNLm0-00158-00048180-00048455 accounted for punchers VSgD1PWNLm0-00159-00048456-00048658 punctures through the blouse-matched VSgD1PWNLm0-00160-00048659-00049049 punctures to the body VSgD1PWNLm0-00161-00049050-00049696 was trans VSgD1PWNLm0-00162-00049697-00050051 meanwhile detectives videotaped a VSgD1PWNLm0-00163-00050052-00050321 walkthrough of the home and crime scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00164-00050322-00050596 investigators and we might have been VSgD1PWNLm0-00165-00050597-00050861 able to get a print but the dusting VSgD1PWNLm0-00166-00050862-00051101 failed to reveal a clue VSgD1PWNLm0-00167-00051102-00051280 there was no fingerprints on anything VSgD1PWNLm0-00168-00051282-00051751 that would help with the investigation VSgD1PWNLm0-00169-00051752-00052085 CSI did collect several cigarette Buds VSgD1PWNLm0-00170-00052086-00052342 and samples of blood found near Gail's VSgD1PWNLm0-00171-00052344-00052541 body for testing VSgD1PWNLm0-00172-00052541-00052835 police were close to being finished when VSgD1PWNLm0-00173-00052836-00053380 Gail's husband Phil suddenly appeared VSgD1PWNLm0-00174-00053382-00053591 did you see Phil when he arrived at the VSgD1PWNLm0-00175-00053591-00053879 house yes I did he was a passenger in a VSgD1PWNLm0-00176-00053879-00054047 pickup truck that's when he learned what VSgD1PWNLm0-00177-00054048-00054232 had happened and he immediately came out VSgD1PWNLm0-00178-00054233-00054454 of the truck and just ran at a full VSgD1PWNLm0-00179-00054455-00055403 Sprint to the home trying to get in VSgD1PWNLm0-00180-00055404-00055866 back into VSgD1PWNLm0-00181-00055867-00056159 investigators noted how distraught and VSgD1PWNLm0-00182-00056160-00056500 devastated he appeared VSgD1PWNLm0-00183-00056501-00056813 was there the possibility that he was VSgD1PWNLm0-00184-00056814-00057041 putting on a show for investigators VSgD1PWNLm0-00185-00057041-00057269 absolutely that's always something that VSgD1PWNLm0-00186-00057270-00057419 you have to look at was this guy really VSgD1PWNLm0-00187-00057420-00057875 being for real is it just an act VSgD1PWNLm0-00188-00057876-00058115 Phil Herrera VSgD1PWNLm0-00189-00058116-00058363 Russian to be reunited with his children VSgD1PWNLm0-00190-00058364-00058691 detective spoke with Gail's family to VSgD1PWNLm0-00191-00058691-00058944 learn more about the yuck VSgD1PWNLm0-00192-00058945-00059291 her brother Gary will never forget those VSgD1PWNLm0-00193-00059291-00059471 dark moments VSgD1PWNLm0-00194-00059472-00059842 I thought my God this is hell I just VSgD1PWNLm0-00195-00059844-00060082 could not believe it I even fell down on VSgD1PWNLm0-00196-00060083-00060299 one knee just trying to get myself VSgD1PWNLm0-00197-00060300-00060863 together VSgD1PWNLm0-00198-00060864-00061132 Gail had been the youngest of four VSgD1PWNLm0-00199-00061133-00061379 siblings their father died when they VSgD1PWNLm0-00200-00061379-00061649 were young and that loss made them VSgD1PWNLm0-00201-00061650-00061842 closer as a family VSgD1PWNLm0-00202-00061844-00062182 her older sister Glinda lived only a few VSgD1PWNLm0-00203-00062183-00062321 blocks away VSgD1PWNLm0-00204-00062322-00062657 the two had been Inseparable their whole VSgD1PWNLm0-00205-00062658-00062807 lives VSgD1PWNLm0-00206-00062808-00063039 we were always together VSgD1PWNLm0-00207-00063040-00063250 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00208-00063251-00063803 as a beautiful strong loving woman VSgD1PWNLm0-00209-00063804-00064282 my sister and my very very best friend VSgD1PWNLm0-00210-00064283-00064487 as a mother VSgD1PWNLm0-00211-00064488-00064865 Gail was a sign of perfection she took a VSgD1PWNLm0-00212-00064866-00065266 lot of pride in herself her kids her VSgD1PWNLm0-00213-00065267-00065363 home VSgD1PWNLm0-00214-00065364-00066163 her life VSgD1PWNLm0-00215-00066164-00066550 Gail also took pride in her work she VSgD1PWNLm0-00216-00066551-00066899 sold her homemade burritos all over town VSgD1PWNLm0-00217-00066900-00067138 she used to go around with her coolers VSgD1PWNLm0-00218-00067139-00067493 and sell made plans to expand Beyond her VSgD1PWNLm0-00219-00067494-00067661 Tiny Kitchen VSgD1PWNLm0-00220-00067662-00067859 she was looking forward to getting that VSgD1PWNLm0-00221-00067860-00068075 food truck which I thought was really VSgD1PWNLm0-00222-00068076-00068213 great VSgD1PWNLm0-00223-00068214-00068506 what made Gail so special she was just VSgD1PWNLm0-00224-00068507-00068723 always so funny she'd come up with these VSgD1PWNLm0-00225-00068724-00068999 quirky moves and sayings and it'd just VSgD1PWNLm0-00226-00069000-00069098 gets you laughing VSgD1PWNLm0-00227-00069099-00069509 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00228-00069510-00069779 but Gary's Treasured Memories of his VSgD1PWNLm0-00229-00069780-00070097 vibrant sister now had to be juxtaposed VSgD1PWNLm0-00230-00070098-00070594 against the pain of identifying her body VSgD1PWNLm0-00231-00070595-00070882 that was probably VSgD1PWNLm0-00232-00070883-00071188 the hardest thing ever in my life VSgD1PWNLm0-00233-00071189-00071994 to see her that way out there VSgD1PWNLm0-00234-00071995-00072256 detectives hope they could ease that VSgD1PWNLm0-00235-00072257-00072544 Pain by quickly bringing Gail's killer VSgD1PWNLm0-00236-00072545-00072856 to Justice VSgD1PWNLm0-00237-00072857-00073187 and their first step was to review her VSgD1PWNLm0-00238-00073188-00073385 autopsy report VSgD1PWNLm0-00239-00073386-00073576 because of depth was a result of VSgD1PWNLm0-00240-00073577-00074243 multiple stab ones and strangulation VSgD1PWNLm0-00241-00074244-00074506 the massive injuries along with the VSgD1PWNLm0-00242-00074507-00074765 bruising on her neck arms and groin VSgD1PWNLm0-00243-00074766-00075071 indicated that Gail had desperately VSgD1PWNLm0-00244-00075072-00075263 fought for her life VSgD1PWNLm0-00245-00075264-00075569 but in the end her attacker made certain VSgD1PWNLm0-00246-00075570-00075815 that wounds or the strangulation could VSgD1PWNLm0-00247-00075816-00075994 have ended her life what kind of Rage VSgD1PWNLm0-00248-00075995-00076247 would prompt you to do something else VSgD1PWNLm0-00249-00076248-00076535 it was Overkill is just to make sure the VSgD1PWNLm0-00250-00076536-00076762 person is dead VSgD1PWNLm0-00251-00076763-00077003 the report also confirmed what VSgD1PWNLm0-00252-00077004-00077315 investigators had suspected VSgD1PWNLm0-00253-00077316-00077549 was there evidence of a sexual assault VSgD1PWNLm0-00254-00077550-00077717 the coroner's office did do a sex VSgD1PWNLm0-00255-00077718-00078750 assault kit and they found semen VSgD1PWNLm0-00256-00078751-00079271 material was nowhere near as helpful VSgD1PWNLm0-00257-00079272-00079571 still the crime scene evidence and the VSgD1PWNLm0-00258-00079572-00079817 autopsy report did help investigators VSgD1PWNLm0-00259-00079818-00080147 had been a crime of passion committed by VSgD1PWNLm0-00260-00080148-00080435 someone Gail knew and trusted VSgD1PWNLm0-00261-00080436-00080662 this person was not wanting to just kill VSgD1PWNLm0-00262-00080663-00080831 this person VSgD1PWNLm0-00263-00080832-00081269 this person was mad about something VSgD1PWNLm0-00264-00081270-00081581 and that meant the investigation into VSgD1PWNLm0-00265-00081582-00081917 Gail herrera's murder would start close VSgD1PWNLm0-00266-00081918-00082829 to home VSgD1PWNLm0-00267-00082830-00083311 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00268-00083312-00083687 police believed that Gail Herrera had VSgD1PWNLm0-00269-00083688-00083944 been targeted by a killer who wanted her VSgD1PWNLm0-00270-00083945-00084023 death VSgD1PWNLm0-00271-00084024-00084317 the port a name at the top of their VSgD1PWNLm0-00272-00084318-00084509 suspect list VSgD1PWNLm0-00273-00084510-00084688 what did one of the officers on the VSgD1PWNLm0-00274-00084689-00084971 scene tell detectives about having been VSgD1PWNLm0-00275-00084972-00085205 to the Herrera home before he had been VSgD1PWNLm0-00276-00085206-00085379 to that house before on domestic VSgD1PWNLm0-00277-00085380-00085894 violence calls VSgD1PWNLm0-00278-00085895-00086206 in fact he said during his most recent VSgD1PWNLm0-00279-00086207-00086494 visit to the home Gail had been packing VSgD1PWNLm0-00280-00086495-00086765 up her things to move out VSgD1PWNLm0-00281-00086766-00087076 she was ready to leave her husband Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00282-00087077-00087323 Herrera VSgD1PWNLm0-00283-00087324-00087611 what was Gail's relationship like with VSgD1PWNLm0-00284-00087612-00087923 Phil I witnessed several arguments that VSgD1PWNLm0-00285-00087924-00088249 they got into it got rocky VSgD1PWNLm0-00286-00088250-00088493 Gail had tried to keep her marital VSgD1PWNLm0-00287-00088494-00088787 problems a secret but those closest to VSgD1PWNLm0-00288-00088788-00089087 her had slowly become aware of just how VSgD1PWNLm0-00289-00089088-00089447 bad the situation really was VSgD1PWNLm0-00290-00089448-00089776 did Gail ever talk to you about things VSgD1PWNLm0-00291-00089777-00090065 having turned physically violent she VSgD1PWNLm0-00292-00090066-00090238 didn't have to tell us we could see it VSgD1PWNLm0-00293-00090239-00090575 there was one episode I know VSgD1PWNLm0-00294-00090576-00090881 that he he beat her up pretty good and VSgD1PWNLm0-00295-00090882-00091091 she landed up in the hospital for a VSgD1PWNLm0-00296-00091092-00091391 couple days VSgD1PWNLm0-00297-00091392-00091656 there was one particular incident where VSgD1PWNLm0-00298-00091657-00092026 apparently Gail was pushed from a moving VSgD1PWNLm0-00299-00092027-00092393 car by Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00300-00092394-00092735 blaming the Gale had jumped out of the VSgD1PWNLm0-00301-00092736-00092861 car VSgD1PWNLm0-00302-00092862-00093161 and the investigation ended when Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00303-00093162-00093455 refused to press charges VSgD1PWNLm0-00304-00093456-00093773 was Phil Herrera ever charged with VSgD1PWNLm0-00305-00093774-00094397 domestic violence VSgD1PWNLm0-00306-00094398-00094799 but follow ing the incident Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00307-00094800-00095062 she even asked a police officer to make VSgD1PWNLm0-00308-00095063-00095279 sure nothing happened to her while she VSgD1PWNLm0-00309-00095280-00095453 packed VSgD1PWNLm0-00310-00095454-00095729 and then just three weeks before a VSgD1PWNLm0-00311-00095730-00095932 murder she agreed to give her marriage VSgD1PWNLm0-00312-00095933-00096287 another chance and moved back in with VSgD1PWNLm0-00313-00096288-00096394 Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00314-00096395-00096641 the sequence of events made fill we VSgD1PWNLm0-00315-00096642-00096850 always go to the one that is the most VSgD1PWNLm0-00316-00096851-00097300 obvious VSgD1PWNLm0-00317-00097301-00097559 Gail's family had little doubt that VSgD1PWNLm0-00318-00097560-00097756 investigators were moving in the right VSgD1PWNLm0-00319-00097757-00098105 direction her brother even confronted VSgD1PWNLm0-00320-00098106-00098332 Phil face to face VSgD1PWNLm0-00321-00098333-00098611 nice as well Phil did you have anything VSgD1PWNLm0-00322-00098612-00098915 anything to do with this VSgD1PWNLm0-00323-00098916-00099161 and he just started crying like a little VSgD1PWNLm0-00324-00099162-00099418 baby he says I know that may be hard for VSgD1PWNLm0-00325-00099419-00099605 you to believe but I could never do that VSgD1PWNLm0-00326-00099606-00100126 to Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00327-00100127-00100343 when investigators brought Gail's VSgD1PWNLm0-00328-00100344-00100576 husband in for questioning Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00329-00100577-00100931 maintained his innocence he had been the VSgD1PWNLm0-00330-00100932-00101135 night before Phil had worked for the VSgD1PWNLm0-00331-00101136-00101362 railroad said he was on a job up in VSgD1PWNLm0-00332-00101363-00101561 Wyoming which is quite a ways from VSgD1PWNLm0-00333-00101562-00102029 Denver VSgD1PWNLm0-00334-00102030-00102406 he didn't even have access to a car VSgD1PWNLm0-00335-00102407-00102610 he said that he had actually caught a VSgD1PWNLm0-00336-00102611-00102928 ride back to Denver with a co-worker and VSgD1PWNLm0-00337-00102929-00103123 when they got to his house VSgD1PWNLm0-00338-00103124-00103378 investigators were already at the scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00339-00103379-00103684 was there anyone who could back up his VSgD1PWNLm0-00340-00103685-00103871 Alibi yes there were there were several VSgD1PWNLm0-00341-00103872-00104177 people actually VSgD1PWNLm0-00342-00104178-00104404 divs were skeptical VSgD1PWNLm0-00343-00104405-00104603 was it possible for him to have left VSgD1PWNLm0-00344-00104604-00105004 Wyoming killed Gail and then gotten back VSgD1PWNLm0-00345-00105005-00105190 could have committed the crime and then VSgD1PWNLm0-00346-00105191-00105425 turned right around and went back and VSgD1PWNLm0-00347-00105426-00105563 I've been there in the morning when VSgD1PWNLm0-00348-00105564-00105947 everybody woke up VSgD1PWNLm0-00349-00105948-00106252 that put investigators into a very VSgD1PWNLm0-00350-00106253-00106643 difficult position VSgD1PWNLm0-00351-00106644-00106949 to speak with PJ Herrera to find out if VSgD1PWNLm0-00352-00106950-00107231 the child had seen his father commit the VSgD1PWNLm0-00353-00107232-00107452 crime what are the couple's VSgD1PWNLm0-00354-00107453-00107716 three-year-old son say had happened that VSgD1PWNLm0-00355-00107717-00108016 night he didn't say that a man came in VSgD1PWNLm0-00356-00108017-00108340 and he tried to help his mom VSgD1PWNLm0-00357-00108341-00108725 PJ's account was disturbing he insisted VSgD1PWNLm0-00358-00108726-00109199 he had seen the Killer attack his mother VSgD1PWNLm0-00359-00109200-00109373 this friends VSgD1PWNLm0-00360-00109374-00109601 mentioned the name Eddie the person was VSgD1PWNLm0-00361-00109602-00110023 a friend of his dads VSgD1PWNLm0-00362-00110024-00110351 but none of Gail's Inner Circle knew it VSgD1PWNLm0-00363-00110352-00110513 had him who was friends with Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00364-00110514-00110836 Herrera we never came up with an Eddie VSgD1PWNLm0-00365-00110838-00111143 the name was not familiar to anyone VSgD1PWNLm0-00366-00111144-00111419 to investigators were forced to put the VSgD1PWNLm0-00367-00111420-00111658 traumatized boy's story on the back VSgD1PWNLm0-00368-00111659-00112078 burner VSgD1PWNLm0-00369-00112079-00112354 detectives focused on creating a VSgD1PWNLm0-00370-00112355-00112925 timeline of Gail's final moments VSgD1PWNLm0-00371-00112926-00113219 when was the last time anyone saw Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00372-00113220-00113602 alive just after 11 Sarah was married to VSgD1PWNLm0-00373-00113603-00113921 Phil's brother and lived next door she VSgD1PWNLm0-00374-00113922-00114125 said although it was late she was VSgD1PWNLm0-00375-00114126-00114383 worried because Phil had told her that VSgD1PWNLm0-00376-00114383-00114695 Gail wasn't answering their phone VSgD1PWNLm0-00377-00114696-00114947 Sarah walked over and knocked on the VSgD1PWNLm0-00378-00114948-00115169 couple's front door VSgD1PWNLm0-00379-00115170-00115552 KO answered she seemed out of sorts VSgD1PWNLm0-00380-00115553-00116045 Gil was nervous acting strange she asked VSgD1PWNLm0-00381-00116046-00116219 why she had not answered her phone and VSgD1PWNLm0-00382-00116220-00117113 she said she had been sleeping VSgD1PWNLm0-00383-00117114-00117395 this morning when Phil was supposed to VSgD1PWNLm0-00384-00117396-00117557 get home VSgD1PWNLm0-00385-00117558-00117713 Sarah said in my kitchen I gotta VSgD1PWNLm0-00386-00117714-00117869 straightened my kitchen up and she VSgD1PWNLm0-00387-00117870-00118054 thought that was very weird VSgD1PWNLm0-00388-00118055-00118313 police wondered if there was a reason VSgD1PWNLm0-00389-00118314-00118673 why Gail had been acting so strangely VSgD1PWNLm0-00390-00118674-00118907 could it have been connected to the VSgD1PWNLm0-00391-00118908-00119225 Savage crime that take place just a few VSgD1PWNLm0-00392-00119226-00119422 hours later VSgD1PWNLm0-00393-00119423-00120403 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00394-00120404-00120781 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00395-00120782-00121186 police now knew that Gail Herrera was VSgD1PWNLm0-00396-00121188-00121534 alive at 11 a night before her body was VSgD1PWNLm0-00397-00121535-00121727 found VSgD1PWNLm0-00398-00121728-00121990 after and within six hours of that VSgD1PWNLm0-00399-00121991-00122502 meeting with her sister-in-law VSgD1PWNLm0-00400-00122503-00122813 as detectives did a deep dive into VSgD1PWNLm0-00401-00122814-00123034 reports of anything unusual that VSgD1PWNLm0-00402-00123035-00123299 happened during that time frame they VSgD1PWNLm0-00403-00123300-00123647 uncovered a critical new clue VSgD1PWNLm0-00404-00123648-00123952 an unidentified caller to their 9-1-1 VSgD1PWNLm0-00405-00123953-00124486 Dispatch Center shortly after midnight VSgD1PWNLm0-00406-00124488-00124786 the transcript of the caller's words was VSgD1PWNLm0-00407-00124788-00124986 chilling VSgD1PWNLm0-00408-00124988-00125260 yes I just had someone break into my VSgD1PWNLm0-00409-00125261-00125423 house okay I'll connect you with the VSgD1PWNLm0-00410-00125424-00125758 police hold on Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00411-00125759-00126036 put it VSgD1PWNLm0-00412-00126038-00126358 and the dispatcher had no way of VSgD1PWNLm0-00413-00126359-00126557 offering assistance VSgD1PWNLm0-00414-00126558-00126736 was there any way to trace that call VSgD1PWNLm0-00415-00126738-00127084 there was no way to praise the call VSgD1PWNLm0-00416-00127085-00127669 there's nothing they could do VSgD1PWNLm0-00417-00127670-00128045 as frighting as it sounded interrupted VSgD1PWNLm0-00418-00128046-00128375 calls are common at a 9-1-1 Dispatch VSgD1PWNLm0-00419-00128376-00128465 Center VSgD1PWNLm0-00420-00128466-00128801 most times the caller simply decided to VSgD1PWNLm0-00421-00128802-00128975 hang up on their own VSgD1PWNLm0-00422-00128976-00129275 but as police looked at this call in the VSgD1PWNLm0-00423-00129276-00129599 context of Gail herrera's timeline they VSgD1PWNLm0-00424-00129600-00129875 feared they had just heard a recording VSgD1PWNLm0-00425-00129876-00130204 of her final words VSgD1PWNLm0-00426-00130205-00130636 look for a lead within the Frantic play VSgD1PWNLm0-00427-00130638-00130877 whatever was going on there the lady was VSgD1PWNLm0-00428-00130878-00131219 frayed and screaming and saying Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00429-00131220-00131471 don't Charlie don't and then don't cut VSgD1PWNLm0-00430-00131472-00131597 off VSgD1PWNLm0-00431-00131598-00132454 Charlie Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00432-00132455-00132749 detectives asked Gail's family to listen VSgD1PWNLm0-00433-00132750-00133085 to the recording hoping to confirm their VSgD1PWNLm0-00434-00133086-00133354 Theory did you recognize the voice I VSgD1PWNLm0-00435-00133355-00133787 recognized her voice VSgD1PWNLm0-00436-00133788-00134002 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00437-00134003-00134285 once detectives were certain that the VSgD1PWNLm0-00438-00134286-00134890 call had in fact been made who's Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00439-00134891-00135202 once again those closest to Gales VSgD1PWNLm0-00440-00135203-00135497 struggled to provide an answer VSgD1PWNLm0-00441-00135498-00135821 did anyone in Gail's life know who VSgD1PWNLm0-00442-00135822-00136019 Charlie could be Phil her husband VSgD1PWNLm0-00443-00136020-00136319 thought it could be Chuck who Wilson who VSgD1PWNLm0-00444-00136320-00136931 is the guy that they all knew VSgD1PWNLm0-00445-00136932-00137195 Charles Wilson was a friend of Phil's VSgD1PWNLm0-00446-00137196-00137345 from high school VSgD1PWNLm0-00447-00137346-00137578 he had even lived with Gail and Phil VSgD1PWNLm0-00448-00137579-00137807 before the couple had gotten married VSgD1PWNLm0-00449-00137808-00138154 but Phil was puzzled no one not even VSgD1PWNLm0-00450-00138155-00138623 Gale called Charles Wilson Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00451-00138624-00138916 's couldn't dismiss the lead so easily VSgD1PWNLm0-00452-00138917-00139199 they quickly brought Charles Wilson in VSgD1PWNLm0-00453-00139200-00139366 for questioning VSgD1PWNLm0-00454-00139367-00139535 what did Wilson say when he was VSgD1PWNLm0-00455-00139536-00139799 questioned about Gail's murder that he VSgD1PWNLm0-00456-00139800-00139978 was out at a bar with one of his friends VSgD1PWNLm0-00457-00139979-00140428 he came home between 8 30 and 9 o'clock VSgD1PWNLm0-00458-00140429-00140801 and went to bed about 10 o'clock at his VSgD1PWNLm0-00459-00140802-00141233 home VSgD1PWNLm0-00460-00141234-00141569 Wilson was adamant he had nothing to do VSgD1PWNLm0-00461-00141570-00141851 with Gail's murder he provided two VSgD1PWNLm0-00462-00141852-00142163 witnesses his wife and a friend to back VSgD1PWNLm0-00463-00142164-00142337 up his account VSgD1PWNLm0-00464-00142338-00142673 could his wife verify that he was in VSgD1PWNLm0-00465-00142674-00143123 fact home that night she said VSgD1PWNLm0-00466-00143124-00143452 in most case detectives are skept VSgD1PWNLm0-00467-00143453-00143747 so close to a suspect providing an alibi VSgD1PWNLm0-00468-00143748-00144137 but Wilson's wife was a well-known state VSgD1PWNLm0-00469-00144138-00144563 employee with a reputation for honesty VSgD1PWNLm0-00470-00144564-00144839 she was a upstanding citizen there was VSgD1PWNLm0-00471-00144840-00145066 no reason that the detectives could VSgD1PWNLm0-00472-00145067-00145787 prove that she was not telling the truth VSgD1PWNLm0-00473-00145788-00146128 still detective Diaz double checked her VSgD1PWNLm0-00474-00146129-00146351 story with a friend Wilson had been out VSgD1PWNLm0-00475-00146352-00146483 with that night VSgD1PWNLm0-00476-00146484-00146747 although he verified Wilson's timeline VSgD1PWNLm0-00477-00146748-00146951 he said they have been drinking at a bar VSgD1PWNLm0-00478-00146952-00147245 that was just was intrigued and couldn't VSgD1PWNLm0-00479-00147246-00147557 shake the feeling that Wilson was hiding VSgD1PWNLm0-00480-00147558-00147821 something he got a search warrant for VSgD1PWNLm0-00481-00147822-00147928 his home VSgD1PWNLm0-00482-00147929-00148187 what were you looking for when you VSgD1PWNLm0-00483-00148188-00148421 searched Wilson's home VSgD1PWNLm0-00484-00148422-00148673 any weapons that might have been used we VSgD1PWNLm0-00485-00148674-00148889 took every knife in that home the VSgD1PWNLm0-00486-00148890-00149128 investigators found several that looked VSgD1PWNLm0-00487-00149129-00149387 promising but none matched the staff VSgD1PWNLm0-00488-00149388-00149704 rooms on Gail herrera's body VSgD1PWNLm0-00489-00149705-00149975 did you end up finding anything that VSgD1PWNLm0-00490-00149976-00150281 tied him to Gail herrera's murder no we VSgD1PWNLm0-00491-00150282-00150461 checked for blood on clothing we VSgD1PWNLm0-00492-00150462-00150677 couldn't find any physical evidence that VSgD1PWNLm0-00493-00150678-00151121 would connect him VSgD1PWNLm0-00494-00151122-00151402 at that point 9-1-1 call VSgD1PWNLm0-00495-00151403-00151654 using his name VSgD1PWNLm0-00496-00151655-00151861 Charlie Charlie VSgD1PWNLm0-00497-00151862-00152159 and his friend placed him in the area at VSgD1PWNLm0-00498-00152160-00152651 the time VSgD1PWNLm0-00499-00152652-00152795 his evidence to the VSgD1PWNLm0-00500-00152796-00153119 Peter who saw the case as weak and VSgD1PWNLm0-00501-00153120-00153323 purely circumstantial VSgD1PWNLm0-00502-00153324-00153576 he pointed to Wilson seemingly VSgD1PWNLm0-00503-00153577-00153875 unimpeachable Alibi and the lack of VSgD1PWNLm0-00504-00153876-00154151 physical evidence placing Chuck at the VSgD1PWNLm0-00505-00154152-00154343 scene VSgD1PWNLm0-00506-00154344-00154757 he also believed the 9-1-1 call wasn't VSgD1PWNLm0-00507-00154758-00155087 enough to convince a jury VSgD1PWNLm0-00508-00155088-00155363 enough discrepancy there that he was VSgD1PWNLm0-00509-00155364-00155621 afraid he got off then we couldn't retry VSgD1PWNLm0-00510-00155622-00156340 him VSgD1PWNLm0-00511-00156341-00156599 Prosecutor's decision I was frustrated VSgD1PWNLm0-00512-00156600-00156821 unless there's a videotape of the actual VSgD1PWNLm0-00513-00156822-00157078 crime happening yes these are hard to VSgD1PWNLm0-00514-00157079-00157559 prove but they are provable VSgD1PWNLm0-00515-00157560-00157733 but the price VSgD1PWNLm0-00516-00157734-00157919 was final VSgD1PWNLm0-00517-00157920-00158435 Charles Wilson was released from custody VSgD1PWNLm0-00518-00158436-00158645 Simpson moved out of the state with his VSgD1PWNLm0-00519-00158646-00158957 wife and never answered questions from VSgD1PWNLm0-00520-00158958-00159281 detectives again VSgD1PWNLm0-00521-00159282-00159563 let's go from there when inactive they VSgD1PWNLm0-00522-00159564-00159875 just lay dormant the lack of answers was VSgD1PWNLm0-00523-00159876-00160163 incredibly painful VSgD1PWNLm0-00524-00160164-00160457 they vowed to never give up searching VSgD1PWNLm0-00525-00160458-00160613 for the truth VSgD1PWNLm0-00526-00160614-00160913 we just gotta keep our faith in God that VSgD1PWNLm0-00527-00160914-00161123 he's going to put us in a place that we VSgD1PWNLm0-00528-00161124-00161273 need to be VSgD1PWNLm0-00529-00161274-00162293 to get this guy caught VSgD1PWNLm0-00530-00162294-00162778 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00531-00162779-00163031 the Gail Herrera murder investigation VSgD1PWNLm0-00532-00163032-00163343 sat on a shelf Gathering dust for four VSgD1PWNLm0-00533-00163344-00163595 years VSgD1PWNLm0-00534-00163596-00163907 during that time her two smokes behind VSgD1PWNLm0-00535-00163908-00164057 them VSgD1PWNLm0-00536-00164058-00164278 the blessing is that they can't remember VSgD1PWNLm0-00537-00164279-00164585 what happened VSgD1PWNLm0-00538-00164586-00164795 but that doesn't mean they have VSgD1PWNLm0-00539-00164796-00164987 forgotten Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00540-00164988-00165214 what Memories do you have of your mother VSgD1PWNLm0-00541-00165215-00165425 just very small memories here and there VSgD1PWNLm0-00542-00165426-00165695 of you know a kiss goodbye or the room VSgD1PWNLm0-00543-00165696-00166001 that we shared together VSgD1PWNLm0-00544-00166002-00166325 what was that like for you to grow up VSgD1PWNLm0-00545-00166326-00166613 without her it was hard there's a lot of VSgD1PWNLm0-00546-00166614-00166847 things that a mother teaches her son and VSgD1PWNLm0-00547-00166848-00167111 I didn't have any of that VSgD1PWNLm0-00548-00167112-00167411 PJ's sister Michelle had even less of VSgD1PWNLm0-00549-00167412-00167681 her mother to hold on to she was just a VSgD1PWNLm0-00550-00167682-00168011 year old that fateful morning VSgD1PWNLm0-00551-00168012-00168257 I had to live with the painful Whispers VSgD1PWNLm0-00552-00168258-00168683 that continued to divide her family were VSgD1PWNLm0-00553-00168684-00168959 you aware that your father was living VSgD1PWNLm0-00554-00168960-00169240 under a cloud of Suspicion absolutely VSgD1PWNLm0-00555-00169241-00169576 and I found a letter that my grandmother VSgD1PWNLm0-00556-00169577-00169859 had wrote it talked about her suspicions VSgD1PWNLm0-00557-00169860-00170171 of my dad VSgD1PWNLm0-00558-00170172-00170471 no one had any answers and I think a lot VSgD1PWNLm0-00559-00170472-00170645 of that side of the family we thought my VSgD1PWNLm0-00560-00170646-00170760 dad had something to do with it VSgD1PWNLm0-00561-00170761-00171173 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00562-00171174-00171473 herrera's murder may have remained an VSgD1PWNLm0-00563-00171474-00171707 unsolved case if it weren't for VSgD1PWNLm0-00564-00171708-00171940 Detective Joe demon who had been VSgD1PWNLm0-00565-00171941-00172187 encouraged to reopen the investigation VSgD1PWNLm0-00566-00172188-00172378 because they used to work in the VSgD1PWNLm0-00567-00172379-00172589 homicide unit do you have a case that VSgD1PWNLm0-00568-00172590-00172769 you think could have been solved a case VSgD1PWNLm0-00569-00172770-00173063 that just bothers you VSgD1PWNLm0-00570-00173064-00173339 nearly all of his retired colleagues VSgD1PWNLm0-00571-00173340-00173681 mentioned the Gale Herrera murder VSgD1PWNLm0-00572-00173682-00174040 their deep desire to see it solve LED VSgD1PWNLm0-00573-00174041-00174293 detective Demotte to read the massive VSgD1PWNLm0-00574-00174294-00174616 case File those reports convinced him VSgD1PWNLm0-00575-00174617-00174964 that his investigation should begin at VSgD1PWNLm0-00576-00174965-00175289 the same spot where the original one had VSgD1PWNLm0-00577-00175290-00175601 stalled by taking a hard look VSgD1PWNLm0-00578-00175602-00175919 at Charles Wilson VSgD1PWNLm0-00579-00175920-00176159 and that process quickly became even VSgD1PWNLm0-00580-00176160-00176416 more urgent when he found out that VSgD1PWNLm0-00581-00176417-00176752 literally similar crime VSgD1PWNLm0-00582-00176753-00177137 he was arrested in New Mexico for a VSgD1PWNLm0-00583-00177138-00177790 sexual assault VSgD1PWNLm0-00584-00177791-00178090 Parker of Wilson's who told detectives VSgD1PWNLm0-00585-00178091-00178366 that he had arrived at her house drunk VSgD1PWNLm0-00586-00178367-00178783 claiming he was having car trouble VSgD1PWNLm0-00587-00178784-00179099 investigators listened in silence as the VSgD1PWNLm0-00588-00179100-00179561 young woman told them what happened next VSgD1PWNLm0-00589-00179562-00179843 within a few minutes he grabbed her arms VSgD1PWNLm0-00590-00179844-00180364 and forced her upstairs in the house VSgD1PWNLm0-00591-00180365-00180683 surrender saying he was going to the VSgD1PWNLm0-00592-00180684-00180904 bedroom and then he just saw it at her VSgD1PWNLm0-00593-00180905-00181576 sexually VSgD1PWNLm0-00594-00181577-00181861 when Wilson was arrested for the crime VSgD1PWNLm0-00595-00181862-00182309 he immediately denied the allegation VSgD1PWNLm0-00596-00182310-00182609 said that he was home with his wife at VSgD1PWNLm0-00597-00182610-00182849 the time this occurred we of course then VSgD1PWNLm0-00598-00182850-00182999 spoke to the wife VSgD1PWNLm0-00599-00183000-00183214 and she said yes he was here in bed with VSgD1PWNLm0-00600-00183215-00183904 me VSgD1PWNLm0-00601-00183905-00184181 Wilson's wife had used nearly the same VSgD1PWNLm0-00602-00184182-00184487 words in her Alibi for Wilson on the VSgD1PWNLm0-00603-00184488-00184825 night of Gail herrera's murder VSgD1PWNLm0-00604-00184826-00185093 that she was lying VSgD1PWNLm0-00605-00185094-00185452 how firmly did you believe that Wilson's VSgD1PWNLm0-00606-00185453-00185723 wife would be the key to your solving VSgD1PWNLm0-00607-00185724-00185975 the case she obviously was afraid of him VSgD1PWNLm0-00608-00185976-00186143 too afraid to come forward because he VSgD1PWNLm0-00609-00186144-00186616 was capable of hurting her VSgD1PWNLm0-00610-00186617-00186904 but once Wilson was behind bars for his VSgD1PWNLm0-00611-00186905-00187145 attack on the woman in New Mexico VSgD1PWNLm0-00612-00187146-00187445 de mats on opportunity to convince VSgD1PWNLm0-00613-00187446-00187733 Wilson's wife that this was her last VSgD1PWNLm0-00614-00187734-00188116 chance to come clean and his plan worked VSgD1PWNLm0-00615-00188117-00188428 she told investigators that she had been VSgD1PWNLm0-00616-00188429-00188693 forced to cover for her husband since VSgD1PWNLm0-00617-00188694-00189004 the morning after Gail herrera's murder VSgD1PWNLm0-00618-00189005-00189281 committed that she had lied he had not VSgD1PWNLm0-00619-00189282-00189575 come home that night at all obviously VSgD1PWNLm0-00620-00189576-00190175 that blew his alibi VSgD1PWNLm0-00621-00190176-00190487 and from Wilson's wife removed one of VSgD1PWNLm0-00622-00190488-00190811 detective demotte's biggest hurdles VSgD1PWNLm0-00623-00190812-00191099 but he knew he needed more to get an VSgD1PWNLm0-00624-00191100-00191357 arrest warrant I thought well let's go VSgD1PWNLm0-00625-00191358-00191531 back over all the evidence and see what VSgD1PWNLm0-00626-00191532-00191849 we can find he discovered that in the VSgD1PWNLm0-00627-00191850-00192113 rape kit taken from Gail Herrera there VSgD1PWNLm0-00628-00192114-00192371 was biological evidence VSgD1PWNLm0-00629-00192372-00192875 and in 1995 almost 11 years after Kale's VSgD1PWNLm0-00630-00192876-00193223 murder a DNA profile was obtained it VSgD1PWNLm0-00631-00193224-00193645 results of the testing it was a match VSgD1PWNLm0-00632-00193646-00193966 prosecutors finally had enough to charge VSgD1PWNLm0-00633-00193967-00194278 37 year old Charles Wilson with the VSgD1PWNLm0-00634-00194279-00195340 Savage crime VSgD1PWNLm0-00635-00195341-00195581 to sit down with members of Gail's VSgD1PWNLm0-00636-00195582-00195875 family and tell them VSgD1PWNLm0-00637-00195876-00196138 that murder charges were about to be VSgD1PWNLm0-00638-00196139-00196373 filed well it's very gratifying I knew VSgD1PWNLm0-00639-00196374-00196631 nothing was going to bring back Gail but VSgD1PWNLm0-00640-00196632-00196973 this is something that they needed VSgD1PWNLm0-00641-00196974-00197687 my mother has been Vindicated her babies VSgD1PWNLm0-00642-00197688-00198011 Charles Wilson was extradited back to VSgD1PWNLm0-00643-00198012-00198378 Colorado to stand trial VSgD1PWNLm0-00644-00198379-00198754 Gail's children PJ and Michelle who were VSgD1PWNLm0-00645-00198755-00198976 teenagers at the time sat in the VSgD1PWNLm0-00646-00198977-00199235 courtroom's front row VSgD1PWNLm0-00647-00199236-00199523 what was it like to face Wilson I wanted VSgD1PWNLm0-00648-00199524-00199666 to look him in the eye but he didn't VSgD1PWNLm0-00649-00199667-00199985 care it was just like An Empty Soul now VSgD1PWNLm0-00650-00199986-00200314 remorse in his eyes no care about what VSgD1PWNLm0-00651-00200315-00200585 he'd done who he's affected whose lives VSgD1PWNLm0-00652-00200586-00200716 he changed VSgD1PWNLm0-00653-00200717-00200993 my mother and I stopped holding each VSgD1PWNLm0-00654-00200994-00201497 other's hands and praying VSgD1PWNLm0-00655-00201498-00201838 and those prayers VSgD1PWNLm0-00656-00201839-00202102 the verdict made a shattered family VSgD1PWNLm0-00657-00202103-00202276 whole VSgD1PWNLm0-00658-00202277-00202576 we were United in this hidden Justice VSgD1PWNLm0-00659-00202577-00202852 when that word guilty came out VSgD1PWNLm0-00660-00202853-00203752 I mean we we all just started crying VSgD1PWNLm0-00661-00203753-00204143 at sentencing Michelle Herrera gave an VSgD1PWNLm0-00662-00204144-00204473 impassioned victim's impact statement VSgD1PWNLm0-00663-00204474-00204731 once I was finished reading VSgD1PWNLm0-00664-00204732-00204964 my statement VSgD1PWNLm0-00665-00204965-00205277 I was looking out at Chuck Wilson and he VSgD1PWNLm0-00666-00205278-00205992 flipped me off VSgD1PWNLm0-00667-00205994-00206525 the cruel a monster VSgD1PWNLm0-00668-00206526-00206969 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00669-00206969-00207281 the judge handed the convicted sexual VSgD1PWNLm0-00670-00207282-00207629 predator the maximum sentence life VSgD1PWNLm0-00671-00207630-00208458 without the possibility of parole VSgD1PWNLm0-00672-00208459-00208805 no one knows for sure how the attack on VSgD1PWNLm0-00673-00208806-00209146 Gail Herrera unfolded but detectives VSgD1PWNLm0-00674-00209148-00209503 have a theory VSgD1PWNLm0-00675-00209504-00209692 thank you VSgD1PWNLm0-00676-00209694-00209963 he knew that Phil was out of town and I VSgD1PWNLm0-00677-00209964-00210269 felt that he was an attack Gail I should VSgD1PWNLm0-00678-00210269-00210775 try to call 9-1-1 VSgD1PWNLm0-00679-00210776-00210925 [Applause] VSgD1PWNLm0-00680-00210926-00211271 he was going to have Guild with or VSgD1PWNLm0-00681-00211271-00211517 without her consent VSgD1PWNLm0-00682-00211517-00211841 following the assault Wilson decided to VSgD1PWNLm0-00683-00211842-00212081 silence the only witness who could VSgD1PWNLm0-00684-00212082-00213151 identify him VSgD1PWNLm0-00685-00213152-00213544 Wilson's conviction marked the end of a VSgD1PWNLm0-00686-00213546-00213773 long and painful Journey for Gail's VSgD1PWNLm0-00687-00213773-00213889 family VSgD1PWNLm0-00688-00213890-00214242 my mom did not die VSgD1PWNLm0-00689-00214244-00214606 knowing that someone was out there VSgD1PWNLm0-00690-00214607-00214854 that did this to her baby VSgD1PWNLm0-00691-00214855-00215032 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00692-00215033-00215596 my mom lived to see the day that VSgD1PWNLm0-00693-00215598-00215956 person that was responsible could VSgD1PWNLm0-00694-00215957-00216317 serve Justice for what they did to Gail VSgD1PWNLm0-00695-00216317-00216671 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00696-00216671-00216910 bought all of Gail's loved ones would VSgD1PWNLm0-00697-00216911-00217282 happily trade Justice for more time with VSgD1PWNLm0-00698-00217283-00217505 the vibrant loving young woman they lost VSgD1PWNLm0-00699-00217506-00217889 in a senseless act of violence VSgD1PWNLm0-00700-00217890-00218242 what did Wilson take away from your VSgD1PWNLm0-00701-00218244-00218477 whole family he took all the you don't VSgD1PWNLm0-00702-00218478-00218673 get that back when this happens VSgD1PWNLm0-00703-00218675-00218929 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00704-00218930-00219263 I keep my Mom's memory alive being the VSgD1PWNLm0-00705-00219264-00219517 best mother that I can be to my children VSgD1PWNLm0-00706-00219517-00219869 showing them how a mother's love feels VSgD1PWNLm0-00707-00219869-00220121 and always supporting them in every VSgD1PWNLm0-00708-00220121-00220523 aspect of their life VSgD1PWNLm0-00709-00220523-00220703 do you believe she's still watching over VSgD1PWNLm0-00710-00220704-00221039 you I know she is every day I know she VSgD1PWNLm0-00711-00221040-00221248 is my dad packed away a few years ago VSgD1PWNLm0-00712-00221250-00221423 and I know they're both up there VSgD1PWNLm0-00713-00221423-00221735 I'm watching the rest now VSgD1PWNLm0-00714-00221736-00222575 [Music] VSgD1PWNLm0-00715-00222576-00222917 Will's DNA can be connected to other VSgD1PWNLm0-00716-00222917-00223103 unsolved crimes VSgD1PWNLm0-00717-00223104-00223396 I'm Paula Zahn please join us again next VSgD1PWNLm0-00718-00223398-00223829 time when we're back on the case VSgD1PWNLm0-00719-00223830-00224105 how would you characterize what Sylvia's VSgD1PWNLm0-00720-00224106-00224287 father walked into VSgD1PWNLm0-00721-00224288-00224548 it was terrible she had perusing all VSgD1PWNLm0-00722-00224550-00224777 over her body she was sexually assaulted VSgD1PWNLm0-00723-00224778-00225071 I've seen a lot of murder cases but VSgD1PWNLm0-00724-00225071-00225542 the brutality is unparalleled