EFmqbtY39-M-00000-00000064-00000359 hello welcome to the video where we will EFmqbtY39-M-00001-00000360-00000630 talk about the bluetooth qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00002-00000631-00000862 in this section we will cover the launch EFmqbtY39-M-00003-00000863-00001103 studio which will guide you through the EFmqbtY39-M-00004-00001104-00001327 bluetooth qualification process it is EFmqbtY39-M-00005-00001328-00001527 therefore a kind of application on EFmqbtY39-M-00006-00001528-00001782 bluetooth.com which is designed to EFmqbtY39-M-00007-00001784-00002023 facilitate the whole process from EFmqbtY39-M-00008-00002023-00002279 assigning the project through testing to EFmqbtY39-M-00009-00002280-00002550 receiving a certificate of qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00010-00002551-00002799 notice that all included information is EFmqbtY39-M-00011-00002800-00003071 also available on bluetooth.com EFmqbtY39-M-00012-00003072-00003303 the so called launch studio also EFmqbtY39-M-00013-00003304-00003543 contains help and everything is very EFmqbtY39-M-00014-00003544-00003686 well described EFmqbtY39-M-00015-00003688-00003911 let's take a closer look at the whole EFmqbtY39-M-00016-00003911-00004215 process basically you follow the tabs EFmqbtY39-M-00017-00004216-00004519 and the predefined forms and checkboxes EFmqbtY39-M-00018-00004520-00004822 the forms differ with regards to the two EFmqbtY39-M-00019-00004823-00005031 basic cases that we have already EFmqbtY39-M-00020-00005032-00005279 mentioned in the previous video it is a EFmqbtY39-M-00021-00005280-00005479 question of whether the qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00022-00005480-00005775 requires testing or not so for the first EFmqbtY39-M-00023-00005776-00005967 we will go through the path without the EFmqbtY39-M-00024-00005968-00006215 required testing in the launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00025-00006216-00006470 the first step is project basics and we EFmqbtY39-M-00026-00006472-00006742 have selected qualification with no EFmqbtY39-M-00027-00006743-00006895 required testing EFmqbtY39-M-00028-00006895-00007119 we already discussed before but we can EFmqbtY39-M-00029-00007120-00007446 highlight it here to remind this path is EFmqbtY39-M-00030-00007447-00007678 intended for members using previously EFmqbtY39-M-00031-00007679-00007846 qualified bluetooth and product or EFmqbtY39-M-00032-00007847-00008078 subsystem product type without any EFmqbtY39-M-00033-00008079-00008399 design changes it means you are using EFmqbtY39-M-00034-00008400-00008607 another member's previously qualified EFmqbtY39-M-00035-00008608-00008846 bluetooth and products or subsystems in EFmqbtY39-M-00036-00008847-00009071 your product with no changes or EFmqbtY39-M-00037-00009072-00009319 additions to the bluetooth design EFmqbtY39-M-00038-00009320-00009542 purchasing a bluetooth product EFmqbtY39-M-00039-00009543-00009814 manufactured by a third party and EFmqbtY39-M-00040-00009815-00010110 distributing it with your organization's EFmqbtY39-M-00041-00010111-00010391 name or logo creating combinations EFmqbtY39-M-00042-00010392-00010663 involving only previously qualified EFmqbtY39-M-00043-00010664-00010887 bluetooth and products or subsystems EFmqbtY39-M-00044-00010888-00011142 without any design changes EFmqbtY39-M-00045-00011143-00011406 and the form offers several boxes where EFmqbtY39-M-00046-00011407-00011623 you can fill in the basics of your EFmqbtY39-M-00047-00011624-00011942 project it is a name of your project EFmqbtY39-M-00048-00011943-00012199 if it is reference qualified design EFmqbtY39-M-00049-00012200-00012510 enter the qdid for the design on which EFmqbtY39-M-00050-00012511-00012759 you are basing your project EFmqbtY39-M-00051-00012760-00013102 search for the id in launch studio or if EFmqbtY39-M-00052-00013103-00013247 you are not sure EFmqbtY39-M-00053-00013247-00013486 ask your supplier EFmqbtY39-M-00054-00013487-00013758 now several details stated in product EFmqbtY39-M-00055-00013759-00013894 declaration EFmqbtY39-M-00056-00013895-00014207 you specify these items in the form EFmqbtY39-M-00057-00014208-00014447 listing date enter the date you want EFmqbtY39-M-00058-00014447-00014711 your declaration listed in the bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00059-00014712-00014919 product listing database EFmqbtY39-M-00060-00014919-00015222 it must not be later than 90 days after EFmqbtY39-M-00061-00015223-00015543 the date you submit your project through EFmqbtY39-M-00062-00015544-00015679 launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00063-00015680-00015911 details of your organization's product EFmqbtY39-M-00064-00015912-00016119 incorporating this bluetooth design EFmqbtY39-M-00065-00016119-00016230 including EFmqbtY39-M-00066-00016231-00016407 for product full name EFmqbtY39-M-00067-00016408-00016686 add the name for category enter the EFmqbtY39-M-00068-00016687-00016894 category which best represents your EFmqbtY39-M-00069-00016895-00017183 product choose the list of options for EFmqbtY39-M-00070-00017184-00017535 product website enter the url EFmqbtY39-M-00071-00017536-00017830 for publish date enter the date you want EFmqbtY39-M-00072-00017831-00018030 the following product information to be EFmqbtY39-M-00073-00018031-00018191 available in the bluetooth product EFmqbtY39-M-00074-00018192-00018543 listing database no later than 90 days EFmqbtY39-M-00075-00018544-00018814 after the date you submit your project EFmqbtY39-M-00076-00018815-00019094 name product number category EFmqbtY39-M-00077-00019095-00019439 subset id if applicable publish date EFmqbtY39-M-00078-00019440-00019622 product description EFmqbtY39-M-00079-00019623-00019894 this is also associated with payment for EFmqbtY39-M-00080-00019895-00020039 the id EFmqbtY39-M-00081-00020040-00020263 it is part of the process and without EFmqbtY39-M-00082-00020264-00020567 this the did will not be issued EFmqbtY39-M-00083-00020568-00020855 thus you have to pay declaration fee EFmqbtY39-M-00084-00020856-00021030 after the payment you will receive a EFmqbtY39-M-00085-00021031-00021327 declaration id the declaration fee EFmqbtY39-M-00086-00021328-00021630 amount depends on your membership level EFmqbtY39-M-00087-00021631-00021886 declaration fee cannot be refundable so EFmqbtY39-M-00088-00021887-00022327 pay attention that unused did expires in EFmqbtY39-M-00089-00022328-00022486 12 months EFmqbtY39-M-00090-00022487-00022743 then attach this declaration id to your EFmqbtY39-M-00091-00022744-00022999 project and we are almost done with this EFmqbtY39-M-00092-00023000-00023094 case EFmqbtY39-M-00093-00023095-00023335 the rest is only verification and EFmqbtY39-M-00094-00023336-00023455 submitting EFmqbtY39-M-00095-00023456-00023735 thus in tab review and submit EFmqbtY39-M-00096-00023736-00024030 for the project status section confirm EFmqbtY39-M-00097-00024031-00024286 that all project status items are marked EFmqbtY39-M-00098-00024287-00024527 as complete for the project details EFmqbtY39-M-00099-00024528-00024622 section EFmqbtY39-M-00100-00024623-00024903 verify that all information is correct EFmqbtY39-M-00101-00024904-00025142 including your organization's contact EFmqbtY39-M-00102-00025143-00025286 information EFmqbtY39-M-00103-00025287-00025542 for the complete the project and submit EFmqbtY39-M-00104-00025543-00025846 product to qualification section EFmqbtY39-M-00105-00025847-00026118 read and select the checkboxes and enter EFmqbtY39-M-00106-00026119-00026383 a signature to complete the listing EFmqbtY39-M-00107-00026383-00026614 so for the second we will go through the EFmqbtY39-M-00108-00026616-00026879 path with required testing in the launch EFmqbtY39-M-00109-00026880-00026990 studio EFmqbtY39-M-00110-00026991-00027207 the second scenario concerns the EFmqbtY39-M-00111-00027208-00027407 qualification process with required EFmqbtY39-M-00112-00027408-00027527 testing EFmqbtY39-M-00113-00027527-00027839 this process is rather longer so a few EFmqbtY39-M-00114-00027839-00028079 slides more but we will go them through EFmqbtY39-M-00115-00028080-00028246 quickly EFmqbtY39-M-00116-00028247-00028439 this path is intended for members EFmqbtY39-M-00117-00028439-00028631 creating a new bluetooth design or EFmqbtY39-M-00118-00028632-00028862 modifying previously wi-fi bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00119-00028863-00029118 designs use this path if you are EFmqbtY39-M-00120-00029119-00029343 creating a new design or combination EFmqbtY39-M-00121-00029344-00029607 that doesn't involve only previously EFmqbtY39-M-00122-00029608-00029783 qualified bluetooth and products or EFmqbtY39-M-00123-00029783-00029951 subsystems EFmqbtY39-M-00124-00029952-00030167 altering a previously qualified EFmqbtY39-M-00125-00030168-00030407 bluetooth design by changing the core EFmqbtY39-M-00126-00030408-00030711 configuration functionality but also if EFmqbtY39-M-00127-00030712-00030902 you are going to qualify a design that EFmqbtY39-M-00128-00030903-00031118 uses a previously qualified bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00129-00031119-00031358 component product type EFmqbtY39-M-00130-00031360-00031631 similarly as for process with no EFmqbtY39-M-00131-00031632-00031870 required testing a couple of project EFmqbtY39-M-00132-00031872-00032151 basics are needed here for project name EFmqbtY39-M-00133-00032152-00032439 fill a name for your project for EFmqbtY39-M-00134-00032439-00032702 previously qualified design used in the EFmqbtY39-M-00135-00032703-00032990 qualification enter any qualified design EFmqbtY39-M-00136-00032991-00033295 ids of the component product type or any EFmqbtY39-M-00137-00033296-00033615 other qdids which you are modifying and EFmqbtY39-M-00138-00033616-00033911 incorporating into your project EFmqbtY39-M-00139-00033912-00034318 for the tcrl version default is selected EFmqbtY39-M-00140-00034319-00034551 for product types choose the bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00141-00034552-00034879 product type for your qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00142-00034880-00035118 if applicable enter controller core EFmqbtY39-M-00143-00035119-00035271 configuration EFmqbtY39-M-00144-00035272-00035599 and if applicable enter also host core EFmqbtY39-M-00145-00035600-00035735 configuration EFmqbtY39-M-00146-00035736-00035927 layer selection EFmqbtY39-M-00147-00035928-00036102 you need to be familiar with these EFmqbtY39-M-00148-00036103-00036407 matters but i think you can handle it EFmqbtY39-M-00149-00036408-00036687 there is also a link to help so for EFmqbtY39-M-00150-00036688-00036918 layer selection indicate the layers EFmqbtY39-M-00151-00036919-00037230 involved in your design in this section EFmqbtY39-M-00152-00037231-00037623 then there are a tab ics selection EFmqbtY39-M-00153-00037624-00037967 let's remember what ics is EFmqbtY39-M-00154-00037968-00038262 it is abbreviation for implementation EFmqbtY39-M-00155-00038263-00038455 conformance statements EFmqbtY39-M-00156-00038456-00038630 basically you select the particular EFmqbtY39-M-00157-00038631-00038927 product capabilities for each layer EFmqbtY39-M-00158-00038928-00039279 it is an extensive list the completion EFmqbtY39-M-00159-00039280-00039567 is made by checkboxes and it is for EFmqbtY39-M-00160-00039568-00039727 knowledgeable user EFmqbtY39-M-00161-00039728-00039927 this table also contains additional EFmqbtY39-M-00162-00039928-00040190 information as well as consistency check EFmqbtY39-M-00163-00040191-00040287 button EFmqbtY39-M-00164-00040288-00040495 which verifies whether the selected EFmqbtY39-M-00165-00040496-00040774 configuration is set correctly with EFmqbtY39-M-00166-00040775-00041079 respect to the selected features EFmqbtY39-M-00167-00041080-00041351 so select the correct features involved EFmqbtY39-M-00168-00041352-00041590 in your design the consistency check EFmqbtY39-M-00169-00041591-00041862 tool within launch studio will help EFmqbtY39-M-00170-00041863-00042102 guide you to resolving any invite EFmqbtY39-M-00171-00042103-00042462 combinations of ics selections EFmqbtY39-M-00172-00042463-00042695 if you are unable to resolve consistency EFmqbtY39-M-00173-00042696-00042967 check invalids in your project and you EFmqbtY39-M-00174-00042968-00043183 feel that a launch studio may be in EFmqbtY39-M-00175-00043184-00043279 error EFmqbtY39-M-00176-00043280-00043543 you may file a test specification EFmqbtY39-M-00177-00043544-00043662 erratum EFmqbtY39-M-00178-00043663-00044007 once your tse is approved you can submit EFmqbtY39-M-00179-00044008-00044246 your project with the consistency check EFmqbtY39-M-00180-00044247-00044535 invalids for manual approval EFmqbtY39-M-00181-00044536-00044790 as father tab is a testing EFmqbtY39-M-00182-00044791-00045046 here you can download test plan EFmqbtY39-M-00183-00045047-00045279 it consists of list of the required EFmqbtY39-M-00184-00045280-00045479 tests for your design which was EFmqbtY39-M-00185-00045480-00045887 generated based upon your inputs before EFmqbtY39-M-00186-00045888-00046087 it is an excel file EFmqbtY39-M-00187-00046088-00046495 for exporting ics download pts file EFmqbtY39-M-00188-00046496-00046751 this can be imported in the profile EFmqbtY39-M-00189-00046752-00046999 tuning suit in order to conduct EFmqbtY39-M-00190-00047000-00047199 qualification testing EFmqbtY39-M-00191-00047200-00047367 test documentation EFmqbtY39-M-00192-00047368-00047615 in following tab you can upload the test EFmqbtY39-M-00193-00047616-00047751 evidence EFmqbtY39-M-00194-00047752-00048046 also completed test plan as required by EFmqbtY39-M-00195-00048047-00048255 the prd document EFmqbtY39-M-00196-00048256-00048430 the next step is about product EFmqbtY39-M-00197-00048431-00048583 declaration EFmqbtY39-M-00198-00048584-00048783 you are asked to fill in particular EFmqbtY39-M-00199-00048784-00049023 information about the design EFmqbtY39-M-00200-00049024-00049343 so for design details enter information EFmqbtY39-M-00201-00049344-00049535 for the specific design you are EFmqbtY39-M-00202-00049536-00049807 qualifying including the design name EFmqbtY39-M-00203-00049808-00049943 model number EFmqbtY39-M-00204-00049944-00050118 design description EFmqbtY39-M-00205-00050119-00050367 hardware and software version listing EFmqbtY39-M-00206-00050368-00050471 date EFmqbtY39-M-00207-00050472-00050790 wi-fi certification id and reference EFmqbtY39-M-00208-00050791-00050935 integration notes EFmqbtY39-M-00209-00050936-00051214 notice that the listing date is the date EFmqbtY39-M-00210-00051215-00051390 you want your declaration listed EFmqbtY39-M-00211-00051391-00051623 publicly in launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00212-00051624-00051870 this date is limited to 90 days after EFmqbtY39-M-00213-00051871-00052111 the date you submit your project in EFmqbtY39-M-00214-00052112-00052263 launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00215-00052264-00052542 we are getting to product declaration EFmqbtY39-M-00216-00052544-00052759 if you are using or combining a EFmqbtY39-M-00217-00052760-00052966 previously qualified bluetooth end EFmqbtY39-M-00218-00052967-00053263 product or subsystem product type with EFmqbtY39-M-00219-00053264-00053511 your new design you should enter the EFmqbtY39-M-00220-00053512-00053823 qdid in the reference qualify design EFmqbtY39-M-00221-00053824-00053926 field EFmqbtY39-M-00222-00053927-00054111 for product listing EFmqbtY39-M-00223-00054112-00054326 list all the products and product EFmqbtY39-M-00224-00054327-00054575 details that use this design in EFmqbtY39-M-00225-00054576-00054823 combination with any reference bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00226-00054824-00055071 and product or subsystem you entered in EFmqbtY39-M-00227-00055072-00055230 the previous section EFmqbtY39-M-00228-00055232-00055503 including product name id product EFmqbtY39-M-00229-00055504-00055815 category product website publish date EFmqbtY39-M-00230-00055816-00056159 description and model number notice that EFmqbtY39-M-00231-00056160-00056423 the publish date is the date you want EFmqbtY39-M-00232-00056424-00056623 your product information to be made EFmqbtY39-M-00233-00056624-00056742 public EFmqbtY39-M-00234-00056744-00057079 in launch studio this date can be no EFmqbtY39-M-00235-00057079-00057319 later than 90 days after the date you EFmqbtY39-M-00236-00057320-00057519 submit your project in launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00237-00057520-00057791 then okay similarly as for EFmqbtY39-M-00238-00057791-00058087 first scenario pay a declaration fee EFmqbtY39-M-00239-00058088-00058359 you will receive a declaration id the EFmqbtY39-M-00240-00058360-00058615 declaration fee amount depends on your EFmqbtY39-M-00241-00058616-00058919 organization's membership level EFmqbtY39-M-00242-00058920-00059215 declaration fees are not refundable EFmqbtY39-M-00243-00059216-00059503 it means that unused declaration ids EFmqbtY39-M-00244-00059504-00059807 expire in 12 months from the date of EFmqbtY39-M-00245-00059808-00060047 issuance unless used to complete a EFmqbtY39-M-00246-00060048-00060438 project and submit it for qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00247-00060439-00060806 for available declaration ids section EFmqbtY39-M-00248-00060807-00061119 select an available did to attach to EFmqbtY39-M-00249-00061120-00061438 your project if no declaration ids are EFmqbtY39-M-00250-00061439-00061694 available pay a declaration fee in the EFmqbtY39-M-00251-00061695-00061894 section above to be issued a new EFmqbtY39-M-00252-00061895-00062142 declaration id EFmqbtY39-M-00253-00062144-00062366 and this is the last step EFmqbtY39-M-00254-00062367-00062615 just to review it and submit EFmqbtY39-M-00255-00062616-00062838 for the project status section confirm EFmqbtY39-M-00256-00062839-00063087 that all project status items are marked EFmqbtY39-M-00257-00063088-00063335 as complete for the project details EFmqbtY39-M-00258-00063336-00063591 section verify that all information is EFmqbtY39-M-00259-00063591-00063687 correct EFmqbtY39-M-00260-00063688-00063894 including your organization's contact EFmqbtY39-M-00261-00063895-00064150 information for the complete the project EFmqbtY39-M-00262-00064151-00064391 and submit product for qualification EFmqbtY39-M-00263-00064391-00064703 section read and select the checkboxes EFmqbtY39-M-00264-00064704-00064991 and enter a signature to complete the EFmqbtY39-M-00265-00064991-00065166 listing EFmqbtY39-M-00266-00065167-00065703 and a short example for stn32wb5mmg EFmqbtY39-M-00267-00065704-00065975 get your membership account first EFmqbtY39-M-00268-00065976-00066415 go to the launchstudio.bluetooth.com EFmqbtY39-M-00269-00066416-00066591 hit the button start the bluetooth EFmqbtY39-M-00270-00066592-00066838 qualification process EFmqbtY39-M-00271-00066839-00067175 enter a name of project and qdid by EFmqbtY39-M-00272-00067176-00067506 clicking on listing search enter sde EFmqbtY39-M-00273-00067507-00067775 microelectronics in searching bar and EFmqbtY39-M-00274-00067776-00068111 find the sdn 32wb5mmg EFmqbtY39-M-00275-00068112-00068223 in the list EFmqbtY39-M-00276-00068224-00068703 you should get qdid170767 EFmqbtY39-M-00277-00068704-00069038 this you put in the required field EFmqbtY39-M-00278-00069039-00069303 then you will select the rfi EFmqbtY39-M-00279-00069304-00069831 your own or from stn32wb5mmg EFmqbtY39-M-00280-00069832-00070055 tcrl version EFmqbtY39-M-00281-00070056-00070350 product type likely and product EFmqbtY39-M-00282-00070351-00070615 controller core configuration for EFmqbtY39-M-00283-00070616-00070894 example elite controller host core EFmqbtY39-M-00284-00070895-00071255 controller for example le host EFmqbtY39-M-00285-00071256-00071423 then select layers EFmqbtY39-M-00286-00071424-00071662 there are predefined checkboxes linked EFmqbtY39-M-00287-00071663-00072031 to the stm module let them be or select EFmqbtY39-M-00288-00072032-00072191 your preferences EFmqbtY39-M-00289-00072192-00072550 hit the button save and continue to ics EFmqbtY39-M-00290-00072551-00072767 selection EFmqbtY39-M-00291-00072768-00073087 in ics selection tab you can check all EFmqbtY39-M-00292-00073088-00073382 required capabilities and layers or if EFmqbtY39-M-00293-00073383-00073575 enough let it be EFmqbtY39-M-00294-00073576-00073862 you must now hit the consistency check EFmqbtY39-M-00295-00073863-00073967 button EFmqbtY39-M-00296-00073968-00074150 it helps you to solve all EFmqbtY39-M-00297-00074151-00074303 inconsistencies EFmqbtY39-M-00298-00074304-00074647 you may use select all mandatory ics to EFmqbtY39-M-00299-00074648-00074879 select the mandatory ones EFmqbtY39-M-00300-00074880-00075182 by the inconsistencies help you can EFmqbtY39-M-00301-00075183-00075367 solve all of them EFmqbtY39-M-00302-00075368-00075711 when all ics are resolved you can go EFmqbtY39-M-00303-00075712-00075982 next by button save and continue to EFmqbtY39-M-00304-00075983-00076135 testing EFmqbtY39-M-00305-00076136-00076343 you get to the testing tab where your EFmqbtY39-M-00306-00076344-00076559 test plan can be downloaded EFmqbtY39-M-00307-00076560-00076806 in this listing you get know EFmqbtY39-M-00308-00076807-00077055 if some additional testing is necessary EFmqbtY39-M-00309-00077056-00077382 or not or if you entered incorrect data EFmqbtY39-M-00310-00077383-00077606 would push you to make a testing EFmqbtY39-M-00311-00077607-00078047 download by button export ics your ics EFmqbtY39-M-00312-00078048-00078375 to conduct your qualification testing EFmqbtY39-M-00313-00078376-00078703 in testing documentation tab upload all EFmqbtY39-M-00314-00078704-00078975 testing evidence by button at test EFmqbtY39-M-00315-00078976-00079150 evidence EFmqbtY39-M-00316-00079151-00079455 when ready hit save and continue in the EFmqbtY39-M-00317-00079456-00079631 product declaration tab EFmqbtY39-M-00318-00079632-00079862 fill in all required fields concerning EFmqbtY39-M-00319-00079863-00080047 your design and version EFmqbtY39-M-00320-00080048-00080391 then hit the button save and continue EFmqbtY39-M-00321-00080392-00080655 now you have to pay declaration fee EFmqbtY39-M-00322-00080656-00080926 when paid continue with save and EFmqbtY39-M-00323-00080927-00081038 continue EFmqbtY39-M-00324-00081039-00081255 on review tab you have to resolve all EFmqbtY39-M-00325-00081256-00081543 project status alerts to go further EFmqbtY39-M-00326-00081544-00081759 and then you must check the boxes to EFmqbtY39-M-00327-00081760-00081950 confirm the statements EFmqbtY39-M-00328-00081951-00082175 the last is to click on signature EFmqbtY39-M-00329-00082176-00082447 confirm and complete project EFmqbtY39-M-00330-00082448-00082735 we got to the end now you should be able EFmqbtY39-M-00331-00082736-00082959 to work better with launch studio EFmqbtY39-M-00332-00082960-00083175 thank you for watching hope you enjoyed EFmqbtY39-M-00333-00083176-00083399 the video and see you next time EFmqbtY39-M-00334-00083400-00083700 goodbye EFDPqx9aO-o-00000-00000053-00000403 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00001-00000404-00000649 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00002-00000650-00000904 hello everyone and welcome to another EFDPqx9aO-o-00003-00000905-00001127 episode of shanka show stories about EFDPqx9aO-o-00004-00001128-00001639 life in the Soviet Union EFDPqx9aO-o-00005-00001639-00001937 you are a [__] agent all of your EFDPqx9aO-o-00006-00001938-00002141 pictures are [__] your arguments too EFDPqx9aO-o-00007-00002142-00002518 look inequality owned USA USSR was a EFDPqx9aO-o-00008-00002519-00002687 young country developing you would be EFDPqx9aO-o-00009-00002688-00002915 better than China is today you were an EFDPqx9aO-o-00010-00002916-00003131 anti-communist just accept it brother EFDPqx9aO-o-00011-00003132-00003340 the opportunities you claim are nothing EFDPqx9aO-o-00012-00003342-00003586 compared to millions of Americans and EFDPqx9aO-o-00013-00003588-00003886 are not in Russia because migrated USSR EFDPqx9aO-o-00014-00003888-00004115 gave you everything hypocritical scumbag EFDPqx9aO-o-00015-00004116-00004295 in today's video we're going to take a EFDPqx9aO-o-00016-00004296-00004486 look at very instant book which was EFDPqx9aO-o-00017-00004487-00004817 published in Moscow in 1926 and it's EFDPqx9aO-o-00018-00004818-00005299 called EFDPqx9aO-o-00019-00005300-00005633 it's your home so this book will kind of EFDPqx9aO-o-00020-00005634-00005831 help us to expand the topic that I EFDPqx9aO-o-00021-00005832-00006265 started in my recent video and covered EFDPqx9aO-o-00022-00006266-00006701 secret when we talk about 1946 when EFDPqx9aO-o-00023-00006702-00007025 Stalin canceled commissary arts and EFDPqx9aO-o-00024-00007026-00007228 everything got renamed back into the EFDPqx9aO-o-00025-00007229-00007625 Ministries so between 1917 and 1946 EFDPqx9aO-o-00026-00007626-00007864 there really was no ministers in the EFDPqx9aO-o-00027-00007865-00008201 Soviet Union only people commissars and EFDPqx9aO-o-00028-00008202-00008405 as you may know Soviets always liked EFDPqx9aO-o-00029-00008406-00008719 abbreviations so no one was saying EFDPqx9aO-o-00030-00008720-00008987 people's commissar they were just saying EFDPqx9aO-o-00031-00008988-00009101 narcom EFDPqx9aO-o-00032-00009102-00009274 so there could be in English like EFDPqx9aO-o-00033-00009275-00009653 peepcom people's commissar pipcom narcom EFDPqx9aO-o-00034-00009654-00009971 okay now we can take a look at your peep EFDPqx9aO-o-00035-00009972-00010235 comms at your home book and learn more EFDPqx9aO-o-00036-00010236-00011513 about narcoma Nar com prose is EFDPqx9aO-o-00037-00011514-00011867 people's commissary of education so peep EFDPqx9aO-o-00038-00011868-00011987 come add EFDPqx9aO-o-00039-00011988-00012346 he takes care that you're not gonna be a EFDPqx9aO-o-00040-00012347-00012533 fool it's kind of interesting because a EFDPqx9aO-o-00041-00012534-00012857 word durag it's kind of pretty rude term EFDPqx9aO-o-00042-00012858-00013055 it's a little bit stronger than full EFDPqx9aO-o-00043-00013056-00013385 it's not exactly an idiot but it's uh EFDPqx9aO-o-00044-00013386-00013751 between full and idiot and the guy holds EFDPqx9aO-o-00045-00013752-00014251 in his hand so that's like ABC book not EFDPqx9aO-o-00046-00014252-00014521 comprosis EFDPqx9aO-o-00047-00014522-00014885 and now boys and girls let's learn who's EFDPqx9aO-o-00048-00014886-00015211 this guy EFDPqx9aO-o-00049-00015212-00015636 hello comrade my name is Anatoli EFDPqx9aO-o-00050-00015637-00015958 lunacharski and I used to be a narcom EFDPqx9aO-o-00051-00015959-00016303 pros from 1917 till EFDPqx9aO-o-00052-00016304-00016583 1929. well first of all I must say that EFDPqx9aO-o-00053-00016584-00016817 artists did a pretty good job the EFDPqx9aO-o-00054-00016818-00017050 picture and the photo matches pretty EFDPqx9aO-o-00055-00017051-00017477 good so Anatoly lunacharski he was born EFDPqx9aO-o-00056-00017478-00017855 in 1875 in paltawa Ukraine EFDPqx9aO-o-00057-00017856-00018250 he became narcom of Education in 1917 EFDPqx9aO-o-00058-00018251-00018550 and worked at that position for 12 years EFDPqx9aO-o-00059-00018551-00018808 he never was a part of any inner party EFDPqx9aO-o-00060-00018809-00019121 struggle that was going on in the 20s he EFDPqx9aO-o-00061-00019122-00019393 was removed from his position in 1929 EFDPqx9aO-o-00062-00019394-00019630 worked for a while as a director of EFDPqx9aO-o-00063-00019631-00019894 language and literature Institute in EFDPqx9aO-o-00064-00019895-00020189 September of 1933 he was assigned as EFDPqx9aO-o-00065-00020190-00020507 ambassador to Spain and usually during EFDPqx9aO-o-00066-00020508-00020794 Stalin rule if someone would be assigned EFDPqx9aO-o-00067-00020795-00021041 to the role of Ambassador that's the EFDPqx9aO-o-00068-00021042-00021286 first sign of trouble you've been EFDPqx9aO-o-00069-00021287-00021569 removed from quite higher position down EFDPqx9aO-o-00070-00021570-00021743 to being ambassador EFDPqx9aO-o-00071-00021744-00022078 and that's the first bad sign next but EFDPqx9aO-o-00072-00022079-00022264 he never made it to Spain he died from EFDPqx9aO-o-00073-00022265-00022564 the heart attack in France his body was EFDPqx9aO-o-00074-00022565-00022900 cremated right away and he was only 58 EFDPqx9aO-o-00075-00022901-00023261 years old Anatoly lunacharski narcom EFDPqx9aO-o-00076-00023262-00023641 Pros draft EFDPqx9aO-o-00077-00023642-00024289 Ed EFDPqx9aO-o-00078-00024290-00024664 peep come of Health Department EFDPqx9aO-o-00079-00024665-00024971 he is watching over you at home and on EFDPqx9aO-o-00080-00024972-00025192 the street so you're gonna be a strong EFDPqx9aO-o-00081-00025193-00025517 kid not the wet chicken boys and girls EFDPqx9aO-o-00082-00025518-00025889 and this is Nikolai simaska he was born EFDPqx9aO-o-00083-00025889-00026489 in 1874 from 1918 till 1930 he worked as EFDPqx9aO-o-00084-00026489-00026837 a narcom of drama people come inside of EFDPqx9aO-o-00085-00026838-00026920 Health EFDPqx9aO-o-00086-00026922-00027364 he died in 1949 of age of 74 and he EFDPqx9aO-o-00087-00027366-00027731 became famous for semashka system which EFDPqx9aO-o-00088-00027732-00027995 is a system of social hygiene and guess EFDPqx9aO-o-00089-00027995-00028199 what I just learned that you can learn EFDPqx9aO-o-00090-00028200-00028499 more about symasco model in Wikipedia EFDPqx9aO-o-00091-00028500-00028774 the simaska model is a single-payer EFDPqx9aO-o-00092-00028775-00029039 healthcare system where Healthcare is EFDPqx9aO-o-00093-00029039-00029357 free for everyone unlike the beverage EFDPqx9aO-o-00094-00029358-00029668 model where National Healthcare is EFDPqx9aO-o-00095-00029669-00029879 funded through special taxation of the EFDPqx9aO-o-00096-00029880-00030143 population the health care in simaska EFDPqx9aO-o-00097-00030144-00030383 model is funded from the national budget EFDPqx9aO-o-00098-00030383-00030701 the model is named after Nikolai simaska EFDPqx9aO-o-00099-00030702-00031314 Soviet people's commissar of Health Care EFDPqx9aO-o-00100-00031316-00032005 is EFDPqx9aO-o-00101-00032006-00032381 people's commissar of Agriculture his EFDPqx9aO-o-00102-00032382-00032771 walking thinking one thought about your EFDPqx9aO-o-00103-00032772-00033227 land that land will give you every day a EFDPqx9aO-o-00104-00033228-00033485 slice of bread ladies and gentlemen let EFDPqx9aO-o-00105-00033486-00033712 me introduce you to Alexander Smirnoff EFDPqx9aO-o-00106-00033713-00034061 he was born in 1878 in the family of EFDPqx9aO-o-00107-00034062-00034487 peasants had no education between 1923 EFDPqx9aO-o-00108-00034488-00034967 in 1928 he was narcom of agriculture EFDPqx9aO-o-00109-00034968-00035446 he was shot in 1938 for creating and EFDPqx9aO-o-00110-00035447-00035729 participating in a counter-revolutionary EFDPqx9aO-o-00111-00035730-00035974 organization he was one of those EFDPqx9aO-o-00112-00035975-00036277 so-called story about shiriki old EFDPqx9aO-o-00113-00036278-00036605 Bolsheviks that Stalin was killing off EFDPqx9aO-o-00114-00036606-00038190 in 1937 and 1938 Nar com trude EFDPqx9aO-o-00115-00038191-00038645 of Labor holding his hands codex zacon EFDPqx9aO-o-00116-00038646-00039065 of atrujia labor rules and Regulation EFDPqx9aO-o-00117-00039066-00039418 and what is narcam through job he is EFDPqx9aO-o-00118-00039419-00039701 watching everywhere from every angle EFDPqx9aO-o-00119-00039702-00040102 that no one and nowhere will ever treat EFDPqx9aO-o-00120-00040103-00040396 you bad while you're working so Narcan EFDPqx9aO-o-00121-00040397-00040637 trude peep calm lab EFDPqx9aO-o-00122-00040638-00041039 name was Vasily Schmidt he was born in EFDPqx9aO-o-00123-00041040-00041459 1886 he was German by nationality had a EFDPqx9aO-o-00124-00041460-00041680 four-year trade school degree EFDPqx9aO-o-00125-00041681-00042090 he worked as Narcan trude from 1918 to EFDPqx9aO-o-00126-00042091-00042365 1928 so looks like almost everyone EFDPqx9aO-o-00127-00042366-00042659 worked for about 10 to 12 years EFDPqx9aO-o-00128-00042660-00043135 in 1937 he received 10 years in prison EFDPqx9aO-o-00129-00043136-00043517 but his sentence was changed the next EFDPqx9aO-o-00130-00043518-00045690 year in 1938 he was shot EFDPqx9aO-o-00131-00045691-00046085 of postal and Telegraph service from EFDPqx9aO-o-00132-00046086-00046379 Egypt to Siberia from the all the EFDPqx9aO-o-00133-00046380-00046655 corners of the Earth in the moment he EFDPqx9aO-o-00134-00046656-00046865 will tell you what's going on in the EFDPqx9aO-o-00135-00046866-00047249 world so who was narcom projectile his EFDPqx9aO-o-00136-00047250-00047508 name was Ivan smirnov as as you see EFDPqx9aO-o-00137-00047509-00047758 resemblance is quite striking as well EFDPqx9aO-o-00138-00047759-00047968 Ivan smyrnov deserves a separate video EFDPqx9aO-o-00139-00047969-00048257 because he was a huge part of Bolshevik EFDPqx9aO-o-00140-00048258-00048539 movement he was born in 1881 in the EFDPqx9aO-o-00141-00048540-00048815 family of peasants he became a Bolshevik EFDPqx9aO-o-00142-00048816-00049121 in 1903 so he one of those old EFDPqx9aO-o-00143-00049122-00049462 Bolsheviks she was arrested by Tsar EFDPqx9aO-o-00144-00049463-00049768 government seven times spent six years EFDPqx9aO-o-00145-00049769-00050057 in prison and four years in Siberian EFDPqx9aO-o-00146-00050058-00050357 Exile where he actually met and spent EFDPqx9aO-o-00147-00050358-00050615 some time with Stalin he worked as a EFDPqx9aO-o-00148-00050616-00050879 narcom projectile people commissary of EFDPqx9aO-o-00149-00050880-00051185 Postal Service and Telegraph from 1923 EFDPqx9aO-o-00150-00051186-00051461 till 1927. right before he took that EFDPqx9aO-o-00151-00051462-00051785 position in the spring of 1922 Smirnoff EFDPqx9aO-o-00152-00051786-00051946 was another candidate during the EFDPqx9aO-o-00153-00051947-00052169 election on the position of General EFDPqx9aO-o-00154-00052170-00052396 Secretary of Central Committee of EFDPqx9aO-o-00155-00052397-00052673 Bolshevik party so he was an alternative EFDPqx9aO-o-00156-00052674-00052942 to illusive Stalin and he lost that EFDPqx9aO-o-00157-00052944-00053188 election so who knows which direction EFDPqx9aO-o-00158-00053189-00053573 would country go if Ivan Smirnoff not EFDPqx9aO-o-00159-00053574-00053723 the worship Stalin would become a EFDPqx9aO-o-00160-00053724-00054035 general secretary back in 1922. Ivan EFDPqx9aO-o-00161-00054036-00054247 smirnova actually had a nickname EFDPqx9aO-o-00162-00054248-00054497 siberskillenion of Siberian Lenin among EFDPqx9aO-o-00163-00054498-00054863 his comrades but in 1921 he took a EFDPqx9aO-o-00164-00054864-00055163 Trotsky side during the argument EFDPqx9aO-o-00165-00055164-00055432 in labor union discussion between lien EFDPqx9aO-o-00166-00055433-00055565 and Trotsky EFDPqx9aO-o-00167-00055566-00055835 and that was a black mark for him he was EFDPqx9aO-o-00168-00055836-00056176 expelled from the party in 1927 and EFDPqx9aO-o-00169-00056177-00056549 later in 1931 he was arrested because he EFDPqx9aO-o-00170-00056550-00056885 expressed his doubts in Kal Ho's EFDPqx9aO-o-00171-00056886-00057088 Collective farm system as a member of EFDPqx9aO-o-00172-00057089-00057347 so-called left opposition he spent five EFDPqx9aO-o-00173-00057348-00057742 years in prison between 1931 till 1936 EFDPqx9aO-o-00174-00057744-00058054 and then in 1936 as a part of first EFDPqx9aO-o-00175-00058055-00058409 Moscow process he was executed it looks EFDPqx9aO-o-00176-00058410-00058637 like comrade Stalin really hated this EFDPqx9aO-o-00177-00058638-00058882 guy because besides executing one EFDPqx9aO-o-00178-00058883-00059191 smirnov himself also his daughter Olga EFDPqx9aO-o-00179-00059191-00059488 got first three years of labor camps EFDPqx9aO-o-00180-00059489-00059819 between 1933 and 1936 then she was EFDPqx9aO-o-00181-00059820-00060191 executed in November of 1936. his first EFDPqx9aO-o-00182-00060191-00060365 five Rosa EFDPqx9aO-o-00183-00060366-00060725 spent five years in labor camps 1933 EFDPqx9aO-o-00184-00060726-00061037 1938 and they got shot then she got shot EFDPqx9aO-o-00185-00061038-00061294 in May of 1938. his second wife EFDPqx9aO-o-00186-00061295-00061685 Alexandra spent in labor camps time EFDPqx9aO-o-00187-00061686-00062165 between 1933 till 1956 so 23 years so EFDPqx9aO-o-00188-00062166-00062423 looks like she got a 25-year term in EFDPqx9aO-o-00189-00062424-00062680 labor camps and she was freed EFDPqx9aO-o-00190-00062682-00063113 his girlfriend was shot in 1941. this is EFDPqx9aO-o-00191-00063114-00063430 how much Ivan Smirnoff was Thorn in the EFDPqx9aO-o-00192-00063432-00063703 Stalin's side okay moving along EFDPqx9aO-o-00193-00063704-00063865 narcomput EFDPqx9aO-o-00194-00063866-00064837 is EFDPqx9aO-o-00195-00064838-00065100 you probably already guessed that EFDPqx9aO-o-00196-00065101-00065453 narcomput is people commissar of EFDPqx9aO-o-00197-00065454-00065669 Transportation well this short poem kind EFDPqx9aO-o-00198-00065670-00065843 of hard to translate that pretty much EFDPqx9aO-o-00199-00065844-00066100 says from the bottom of his heart he EFDPqx9aO-o-00200-00066101-00066353 feels bad for your feet and without EFDPqx9aO-o-00201-00066354-00066682 troubles or worries the train or the EFDPqx9aO-o-00202-00066683-00066917 steamboat will take you wherever you EFDPqx9aO-o-00203-00066918-00067126 want to go peoples commissar of EFDPqx9aO-o-00204-00067127-00067511 Transportation name was Yan ruzutak and EFDPqx9aO-o-00205-00067512-00067753 it's not Russian name obviously Yan EFDPqx9aO-o-00206-00067754-00068099 rootsutag he was actually a Latvian born EFDPqx9aO-o-00207-00068100-00068488 in 1887. he got only two years of school EFDPqx9aO-o-00208-00068489-00068765 so not much education but he was another EFDPqx9aO-o-00209-00068766-00069041 old Bolshevik he became a member of EFDPqx9aO-o-00210-00069042-00069413 Bolshevik party in 1905. Yan rodotak EFDPqx9aO-o-00211-00069414-00069826 worked as a narcom put from 1924 till EFDPqx9aO-o-00212-00069827-00070288 1930 for six years in May of 1937 he was EFDPqx9aO-o-00213-00070289-00070609 arrested for leading anti-soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00214-00070610-00070979 nationalist Latvian organization and for EFDPqx9aO-o-00215-00070980-00071261 being a saboteur and a spy he was EFDPqx9aO-o-00216-00071262-00071526 executed in July of EFDPqx9aO-o-00217-00071527-00071975 1938. narcom India people's commissar of EFDPqx9aO-o-00218-00071976-00072253 Foreign Affairs EFDPqx9aO-o-00219-00072254-00072985 is EFDPqx9aO-o-00220-00072986-00073325 token without a break from mosque about EFDPqx9aO-o-00221-00073326-00073667 the whole planet Earth in order that all EFDPqx9aO-o-00222-00073668-00074038 the country quietly lived in peace with EFDPqx9aO-o-00223-00074039-00074344 you so narcom and yell people come Asar EFDPqx9aO-o-00224-00074345-00074597 on Foreign Affairs was Georgie chichirin EFDPqx9aO-o-00225-00074598-00074831 and I find it thank you that he actually EFDPqx9aO-o-00226-00074832-00075119 is wearing red army uniform while doing EFDPqx9aO-o-00227-00075120-00075569 their job he was born in 1872 EFDPqx9aO-o-00228-00075570-00075838 and he actually was the guy who signed EFDPqx9aO-o-00229-00075839-00076067 breast a peace agreement with Germany EFDPqx9aO-o-00230-00076068-00076444 back in 1918 and also he signed a secret EFDPqx9aO-o-00231-00076445-00076703 rapal agreement with Germany back in EFDPqx9aO-o-00232-00076704-00077069 1922 that's what was agreement between EFDPqx9aO-o-00233-00077070-00077279 Soviet Union and Germany for the secret EFDPqx9aO-o-00234-00077280-00077537 military cooperation he was people's EFDPqx9aO-o-00235-00077538-00077729 Commissary for foreign affairs between EFDPqx9aO-o-00236-00077730-00078173 1918 and 1930. he has to be relieved due EFDPqx9aO-o-00237-00078174-00078497 to the poor health in July of 1930 maybe EFDPqx9aO-o-00238-00078498-00078750 he felt or something is coming EFDPqx9aO-o-00239-00078751-00079067 apparently Molotov asks Stalin to remove EFDPqx9aO-o-00240-00079068-00079469 chichirin and in the age of 64 he died EFDPqx9aO-o-00241-00079470-00079638 in July EFDPqx9aO-o-00242-00079639-00080069 1936. supposedly died due to the poor EFDPqx9aO-o-00243-00080070-00080623 health conditions EFDPqx9aO-o-00244-00080624-00081529 people's commissar of trade EFDPqx9aO-o-00245-00081530-00081832 this rhyme is actually funny so narcam EFDPqx9aO-o-00246-00081833-00082193 torg he always wrinkles his forehead so EFDPqx9aO-o-00247-00082194-00082456 that means he's always racking his brain EFDPqx9aO-o-00248-00082457-00082853 in order that on land or on the sea you EFDPqx9aO-o-00249-00082854-00083081 won't get screwed so like for by your EFDPqx9aO-o-00250-00083082-00083267 business partners and this is children's EFDPqx9aO-o-00251-00083268-00083615 book so narcam torg was you may EFDPqx9aO-o-00252-00083616-00083932 recognize the guy Lev kaminev he was EFDPqx9aO-o-00253-00083933-00084125 born in 1883 EFDPqx9aO-o-00254-00084126-00084400 he is one of the old Bolsheviks and one EFDPqx9aO-o-00255-00084401-00084731 of the Lenin's closest allies he held EFDPqx9aO-o-00256-00084732-00085000 that position for only six months in EFDPqx9aO-o-00257-00085001-00085288 1826 and that was enough for him to EFDPqx9aO-o-00258-00085289-00085421 become EFDPqx9aO-o-00259-00085422-00085732 a part of this book fun fact was Lev EFDPqx9aO-o-00260-00085733-00086062 kaminev who suggested to elect Stalin as EFDPqx9aO-o-00261-00086063-00086285 a general secretary of bolshevik's party EFDPqx9aO-o-00262-00086286-00086656 and back in 1922 he also joined forces EFDPqx9aO-o-00263-00086657-00086926 with Zenovia of and Stalin during the EFDPqx9aO-o-00264-00086927-00087179 power of struggle against Leon Trotsky EFDPqx9aO-o-00265-00087180-00087611 still he was arrested in 1935. he got EFDPqx9aO-o-00266-00087612-00087875 five years of prison then another 10 EFDPqx9aO-o-00267-00087876-00088103 years of prison were added to it but EFDPqx9aO-o-00268-00088104-00088282 apparently it wasn't enough for comrade EFDPqx9aO-o-00269-00088283-00088387 Stalin EFDPqx9aO-o-00270-00088388-00088750 was part of the first Moscow trial and EFDPqx9aO-o-00271-00088751-00089111 he was shot on August 25th 1936. this EFDPqx9aO-o-00272-00089112-00089626 one is different Zam narcom torg the EFDPqx9aO-o-00273-00089627-00089917 Mystique EFDPqx9aO-o-00274-00089918-00090203 so that's like a vice EFDPqx9aO-o-00275-00090204-00090425 people's comma social like vice EFDPqx9aO-o-00276-00090426-00090888 president this is vice commissar Le EFDPqx9aO-o-00277-00090889-00091500 chibians EFDPqx9aO-o-00278-00091501-00091871 for you without the rest he travels the EFDPqx9aO-o-00279-00091872-00092118 whole world he's buying in different EFDPqx9aO-o-00280-00092119-00092393 countries all the things that Soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00281-00092394-00092711 Union doesn't have the position of Zam EFDPqx9aO-o-00282-00092712-00093143 Kom torg was held by Aaron shaneman from EFDPqx9aO-o-00283-00093144-00093497 1920 to 1929 EFDPqx9aO-o-00284-00093498-00093797 later he became a chairman of the State EFDPqx9aO-o-00285-00093798-00094067 Bank of the Soviet Union and he was EFDPqx9aO-o-00286-00094068-00094217 actually the one who introduced EFDPqx9aO-o-00287-00094218-00094511 so-called chirwansi so golden EFDPqx9aO-o-00288-00094512-00094967 10 Ruble coins and paper money EFDPqx9aO-o-00289-00094968-00095326 in October of 1939 on his trip to United EFDPqx9aO-o-00290-00095327-00095681 Kingdom he refused to come back Aaron EFDPqx9aO-o-00291-00095682-00096011 shaneman died in London in 1944 at the EFDPqx9aO-o-00292-00096012-00096268 age of 60 probably due to the poor EFDPqx9aO-o-00293-00096269-00096775 health EFDPqx9aO-o-00294-00096776-00097014 people's commissar of finances EFDPqx9aO-o-00295-00097015-00097723 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00296-00097724-00098081 he is a friend of every Ruble and with EFDPqx9aO-o-00297-00098082-00098400 every Copic out there in order that your EFDPqx9aO-o-00298-00098401-00098782 pocket would make a kachin noise just EFDPqx9aO-o-00299-00098783-00099535 like silver does it's hard to translate EFDPqx9aO-o-00300-00099536-00099947 a real name Gersh brilliant he was born EFDPqx9aO-o-00301-00099948-00100385 in 1888 in a held position of narcanfin EFDPqx9aO-o-00302-00100386-00100859 from 1923 till 1926. he supported EFDPqx9aO-o-00303-00100860-00101117 introduction of golden shervonids and he EFDPqx9aO-o-00304-00101118-00101362 also was against their collectivization EFDPqx9aO-o-00305-00101363-00101632 he was arrested in 1936 as a member of EFDPqx9aO-o-00306-00101633-00101879 anti-soviet Trotsky Center and was EFDPqx9aO-o-00307-00101880-00102076 sentenced to 10-year in prison EFDPqx9aO-o-00308-00102077-00102401 in May of 1939 so three years later he EFDPqx9aO-o-00309-00102402-00102630 was killed in prison EFDPqx9aO-o-00310-00102631-00102997 used EFDPqx9aO-o-00311-00102998-00103866 peoples commissar of Justice EFDPqx9aO-o-00312-00103867-00104227 it is EFDPqx9aO-o-00313-00104228-00104525 watching all over the country with his EFDPqx9aO-o-00314-00104526-00104836 both eyes that no one will treat you EFDPqx9aO-o-00315-00104838-00105119 wrong and you won't treat anyone else EFDPqx9aO-o-00316-00105120-00105383 wrong so people's commissar of justice EFDPqx9aO-o-00317-00105383-00105575 department and the Soviet Union was EFDPqx9aO-o-00318-00105576-00106078 Dmitry kurski he was born in 1874. he EFDPqx9aO-o-00319-00106079-00106469 was also so-called old Bolshevik he held EFDPqx9aO-o-00320-00106470-00106954 that position from 1918 until 1928 so EFDPqx9aO-o-00321-00106955-00107243 for 10 years in 1928 he was removed the EFDPqx9aO-o-00322-00107244-00107458 reposition of narcam used and was sent EFDPqx9aO-o-00323-00107459-00107747 to Italy and he was Ambassador in Italy EFDPqx9aO-o-00324-00107748-00108166 from 1928 to 1932 Upon returning to EFDPqx9aO-o-00325-00108167-00108640 Moscow in 1932 he committed a suicide at EFDPqx9aO-o-00326-00108641-00108863 the age of 58. he didn't want to wait EFDPqx9aO-o-00327-00108864-00109031 what's going to happen next we're not EFDPqx9aO-o-00328-00109032-00109234 done yet with people's commissaries but EFDPqx9aO-o-00329-00109235-00109433 it's obvious already that it was a quite EFDPqx9aO-o-00330-00109433-00109631 a dangerous position most of these EFDPqx9aO-o-00331-00109632-00109901 people got the position during the EFDPqx9aO-o-00332-00109902-00110152 Lenin's rule in the early days of Soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00333-00110153-00110447 Russia Soviet Union was created later in EFDPqx9aO-o-00334-00110448-00110921 1922 and sometimes around 1928 1932 EFDPqx9aO-o-00335-00110922-00111190 that's where giant shift was happening EFDPqx9aO-o-00336-00111191-00111407 in the upper echelon of the Soviet Union EFDPqx9aO-o-00337-00111408-00111719 and cobrant Stalin became cleaning up EFDPqx9aO-o-00338-00111720-00111958 all the old Bolsheviks and sent him to EFDPqx9aO-o-00339-00111959-00112325 Gulag or to the wall to be shot period EFDPqx9aO-o-00340-00112326-00112873 so EFDPqx9aO-o-00341-00112874-00113183 vice president of the Council of the EFDPqx9aO-o-00342-00113183-00113719 people's commissars periods of narcon EFDPqx9aO-o-00343-00113720-00114307 universe EFDPqx9aO-o-00344-00114308-00114713 he is here he is there he has a lot of EFDPqx9aO-o-00345-00114714-00114983 work to do he measures everything by EFDPqx9aO-o-00346-00114983-00115519 himself in order to you live better EFDPqx9aO-o-00347-00115520-00115913 he was born in 1881 he was the fifth kid EFDPqx9aO-o-00348-00115914-00116134 in a peasant family so he had pretty EFDPqx9aO-o-00349-00116135-00116416 rough Uprising he became a revolutionary EFDPqx9aO-o-00350-00116417-00116693 in college and he joined the Russian EFDPqx9aO-o-00351-00116694-00117004 Social Democratic revolutionary party in EFDPqx9aO-o-00352-00117005-00117389 1898 so he was only 19 years old and EFDPqx9aO-o-00353-00117390-00117671 then during a split in 1903 he joined EFDPqx9aO-o-00354-00117672-00117940 the Bolsheviks Alexia rickel held a lot EFDPqx9aO-o-00355-00117941-00118133 of important positions in the Soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00356-00118133-00118397 government he was a second premier year EFDPqx9aO-o-00357-00118398-00118733 of the Soviet Union between 1924 and EFDPqx9aO-o-00358-00118733-00119051 1930 he was a chairman of the Council of EFDPqx9aO-o-00359-00119052-00119249 people's commissaries of the Russian EFDPqx9aO-o-00360-00119250-00119669 Federation from 1924 to 1929 he was a EFDPqx9aO-o-00361-00119670-00119884 chairman of Council of Labor and defense EFDPqx9aO-o-00362-00119885-00120389 between 1926 in 1930 later he became a EFDPqx9aO-o-00363-00120390-00120569 people's commissary of posts and EFDPqx9aO-o-00364-00120570-00120934 telegraphs between 1831 and 1936. in EFDPqx9aO-o-00365-00120935-00121234 February of 1937 right at the meeting of EFDPqx9aO-o-00366-00121235-00121445 the Central Comedy he was arrested EFDPqx9aO-o-00367-00121446-00121708 together with Nikolai buharim and in EFDPqx9aO-o-00368-00121709-00122002 March 1938 he was found guilty of EFDPqx9aO-o-00369-00122003-00122352 treason and executed since I used EFDPqx9aO-o-00370-00122353-00123834 all Union Elder EFDPqx9aO-o-00371-00123835-00124078 quite interesting term was not an EFDPqx9aO-o-00372-00124079-00124252 official position it's actually more EFDPqx9aO-o-00373-00124253-00124531 like a I don't know nickname almost EFDPqx9aO-o-00374-00124532-00124834 means all Soviets so all over the Soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00375-00124835-00125057 Union and statista it's like an elder EFDPqx9aO-o-00376-00125058-00125357 but technically he was the president of EFDPqx9aO-o-00377-00125358-00125669 Soviet Russia and later Soviet Union in EFDPqx9aO-o-00378-00125670-00125897 His official position was chairman of EFDPqx9aO-o-00379-00125898-00126184 the central executive committee Mikhail EFDPqx9aO-o-00380-00126185-00126460 Ivanovic if you're concern about EFDPqx9aO-o-00381-00126461-00126725 something don't give too much thought EFDPqx9aO-o-00382-00126726-00127054 just go to Colleen and at once and ask EFDPqx9aO-o-00383-00127055-00127451 for his advice that's why he is the EFDPqx9aO-o-00384-00127452-00127745 elder all Union Elder Miguel kalinian EFDPqx9aO-o-00385-00127746-00128063 was born in 1875. he was a Soviet EFDPqx9aO-o-00386-00128064-00128345 politician and another example of the EFDPqx9aO-o-00387-00128346-00128627 Russian old Bolshevik he served as a EFDPqx9aO-o-00388-00128628-00128897 head of State as I mentioned earlier and EFDPqx9aO-o-00389-00128898-00129157 he actually managed to survive under EFDPqx9aO-o-00390-00129158-00129643 Stalin's Rule and he passed away in 1946 EFDPqx9aO-o-00391-00129644-00129989 from cancer fun fact well not really fun EFDPqx9aO-o-00392-00129990-00130243 fact Stalin still arrested his wife EFDPqx9aO-o-00393-00130244-00130607 ikachirina back in 1938 on charges of EFDPqx9aO-o-00394-00130608-00130901 being a trotsky's and she received 15 EFDPqx9aO-o-00395-00130902-00131213 years in labor camps and Mikhail EFDPqx9aO-o-00396-00131214-00131531 kalinian still remained in power and he EFDPqx9aO-o-00397-00131532-00131759 agreed with that sentencing after death EFDPqx9aO-o-00398-00131760-00132095 of Mikhail Kalin in 1946 several large EFDPqx9aO-o-00399-00132096-00132401 Russian cities were renamed to honor his EFDPqx9aO-o-00400-00132402-00132701 name the famous One kalinian grad which EFDPqx9aO-o-00401-00132702-00133054 used to be called koenigsberg and old EFDPqx9aO-o-00402-00133055-00133409 Russian city of TV became a kalinian EFDPqx9aO-o-00403-00133410-00133678 later was renamed back to TV Mikhail EFDPqx9aO-o-00404-00133679-00133954 Kalin had an interesting look that it's EFDPqx9aO-o-00405-00133955-00134219 really confused him with Leon Trotsky EFDPqx9aO-o-00406-00134220-00134404 which I did in one of my earliest videos EFDPqx9aO-o-00407-00134405-00134645 and he also looked like a guy from caves EFDPqx9aO-o-00408-00134646-00135011 C logo well my friends we are done with EFDPqx9aO-o-00409-00135012-00135311 the review of 1926 Soviet children's EFDPqx9aO-o-00410-00135312-00135564 book EFDPqx9aO-o-00411-00135565-00135857 your people's commissaries at your home EFDPqx9aO-o-00412-00135858-00136078 I hope you enjoyed this video thank you EFDPqx9aO-o-00413-00136079-00136252 so much if you made all the way till the EFDPqx9aO-o-00414-00136253-00136451 end it was probably another long and EFDPqx9aO-o-00415-00136452-00136625 boring video that some people enjoy EFDPqx9aO-o-00416-00136626-00136852 thank you so much please don't forget to EFDPqx9aO-o-00417-00136853-00137033 subscribe share with your friends and EFDPqx9aO-o-00418-00137034-00137237 we'll talk to you soon the sudanya EFDPqx9aO-o-00419-00137238-00137614 goodbye EFDPqx9aO-o-00420-00137615-00138481 foreign EFDPqx9aO-o-00421-00138482-00139025 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00422-00139026-00139282 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00423-00139283-00140990 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00424-00140991-00141079 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00425-00141080-00141989 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00426-00141990-00142332 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00427-00142333-00142436 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00428-00142437-00142704 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00429-00142705-00142850 thank you EFDPqx9aO-o-00430-00142851-00143290 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00431-00143291-00143387 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00432-00143388-00143667 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00433-00143668-00143800 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00434-00143801-00144083 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00435-00144084-00144454 laughs EFDPqx9aO-o-00436-00144455-00144530 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00437-00144531-00144689 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00438-00144690-00145836 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00439-00145837-00145923 [Applause] EFDPqx9aO-o-00440-00145924-00146585 [Music] EFDPqx9aO-o-00441-00146586-00146745 everything EFDPqx9aO-o-00442-00146746-00147829 [Music] EIjW6zZLLRo-00000-00000041-00000353 how everyone Osiris way is the nature in EIjW6zZLLRo-00001-00000354-00000831 cage and welcome to my channel EIjW6zZLLRo-00002-00000832-00001635 [Music] EIjW6zZLLRo-00003-00001636-00001868 today I'm going to answer a question EIjW6zZLLRo-00004-00001869-00002084 that I get asked a lot which is can I EIjW6zZLLRo-00005-00002085-00002483 force up my children to see me the EIjW6zZLLRo-00006-00002484-00002681 dynamics that I tend to work with are EIjW6zZLLRo-00007-00002682-00002942 around parental alienation where her EIjW6zZLLRo-00008-00002943-00003199 child has been psychologically EIjW6zZLLRo-00009-00003200-00003631 manipulated to reject the parent and so EIjW6zZLLRo-00010-00003632-00003925 when we talk about forcing the child EIjW6zZLLRo-00011-00003926-00004270 what we're saying is this child has been EIjW6zZLLRo-00012-00004271-00004786 manipulated to reject you but as part of EIjW6zZLLRo-00013-00004787-00005170 their survival mechanism they have to EIjW6zZLLRo-00014-00005171-00005444 refuse to come and see you they have to EIjW6zZLLRo-00015-00005445-00005729 refuse contacts even if it is in a court EIjW6zZLLRo-00016-00005730-00006181 order so just a few different ways we EIjW6zZLLRo-00017-00006182-00006307 can look at this so the first one is EIjW6zZLLRo-00018-00006308-00006685 legally legally yes you can force your EIjW6zZLLRo-00019-00006686-00006869 child to see you it's in a court order a EIjW6zZLLRo-00020-00006870-00007283 legal document however the reality of EIjW6zZLLRo-00021-00007284-00007481 that is much more difficult so there's EIjW6zZLLRo-00022-00007481-00007829 there's a moral level of that is is it EIjW6zZLLRo-00023-00007830-00008266 morally correct and ethically correct to EIjW6zZLLRo-00024-00008267-00008683 force a child who is a victim in this EIjW6zZLLRo-00025-00008684-00009062 and is struggling and is feeling high EIjW6zZLLRo-00026-00009063-00009362 anxiety because they're being made to EIjW6zZLLRo-00027-00009363-00009649 choose between both of you with that EIjW6zZLLRo-00028-00009650-00009887 basically with a gun against their head EIjW6zZLLRo-00029-00009888-00010313 and so they have no choice but to reject EIjW6zZLLRo-00030-00010314-00010643 you and forcing them not to reject you EIjW6zZLLRo-00031-00010644-00010980 just cause them an awful lot of anxiety EIjW6zZLLRo-00032-00010981-00011249 at the same this is in cases where the EIjW6zZLLRo-00033-00011250-00011521 other parent does not support contact EIjW6zZLLRo-00034-00011522-00011777 although they say they do what goes on EIjW6zZLLRo-00035-00011778-00011957 behind the scenes they definitely do not EIjW6zZLLRo-00036-00011958-00012410 support contact and the other angle for EIjW6zZLLRo-00037-00012411-00012758 that is practically I mean younger EIjW6zZLLRo-00038-00012759-00012991 children are much easier you can EIjW6zZLLRo-00039-00012992-00013216 literally pick them up and take them EIjW6zZLLRo-00040-00013218-00013433 with you not to say that they won't kick EIjW6zZLLRo-00041-00013434-00013901 off and cry and kick out at you because EIjW6zZLLRo-00042-00013902-00014174 their survival instinct is kicking in EIjW6zZLLRo-00043-00014175-00014630 that fear response of I know the I'm EIjW6zZLLRo-00044-00014631-00014763 feeling very anxious EIjW6zZLLRo-00045-00014765-00014961 and I've been conditioned to think that EIjW6zZLLRo-00046-00014962-00015136 you're the one who creates this anxiety EIjW6zZLLRo-00047-00015137-00015400 in me so of course I don't want to be EIjW6zZLLRo-00048-00015401-00015561 with you because you're the reason I EIjW6zZLLRo-00049-00015562-00015850 feel like this but actually it's the EIjW6zZLLRo-00050-00015851-00016017 person that they're saying they want to EIjW6zZLLRo-00051-00016018-00016425 stay with so although you is what you EIjW6zZLLRo-00052-00016426-00016636 zero normally what I find is even with EIjW6zZLLRo-00053-00016637-00016858 children who do have that response they EIjW6zZLLRo-00054-00016859-00017152 do kick off and I'm talking some up to EIjW6zZLLRo-00055-00017153-00017544 the age of 10 or 11 teenagers and those EIjW6zZLLRo-00056-00017545-00017925 children will kick off but actually once EIjW6zZLLRo-00057-00017926-00018142 them away from the person that's EIjW6zZLLRo-00058-00018143-00018414 creating the anxiety not you the other EIjW6zZLLRo-00059-00018415-00018675 parent they calm down straight away they EIjW6zZLLRo-00060-00018676-00018808 can happen within minutes it can EIjW6zZLLRo-00061-00018809-00018955 actually be like the flicking of a EIjW6zZLLRo-00062-00018956-00019261 switch it's part of the performance that EIjW6zZLLRo-00063-00019262-00019519 they feel they have to put on they have EIjW6zZLLRo-00064-00019520-00019696 to show the other parent that they EIjW6zZLLRo-00065-00019697-00019917 really don't want to go with you because EIjW6zZLLRo-00066-00019918-00020103 they know that's what's expected of them EIjW6zZLLRo-00067-00020104-00020311 they know that that means that they'll EIjW6zZLLRo-00068-00020312-00020503 get their needs and that is best as they EIjW6zZLLRo-00069-00020504-00020784 possibly can in that environment but as EIjW6zZLLRo-00070-00020785-00021039 soon as they're away from that they fall EIjW6zZLLRo-00071-00021040-00021369 back into normal the hard part is as you EIjW6zZLLRo-00072-00021370-00021489 getting them away EIjW6zZLLRo-00073-00021490-00021736 you'll get children that is much easier EIjW6zZLLRo-00074-00021737-00021946 the teenagers however that's a lot EIjW6zZLLRo-00075-00021947-00022314 harder because physically you can't move EIjW6zZLLRo-00076-00022315-00022549 them because they're bigger maybe as big EIjW6zZLLRo-00077-00022550-00022908 as you and and they will shout and they EIjW6zZLLRo-00078-00022909-00023092 will scream and it's a lot more vocal EIjW6zZLLRo-00079-00023093-00023578 and actually it do look good Anu it adds EIjW6zZLLRo-00080-00023579-00024012 to that and adds to the narrative that EIjW6zZLLRo-00081-00024013-00024478 the ex has created which is you're the EIjW6zZLLRo-00082-00024479-00024655 problem and if you're trying to force a EIjW6zZLLRo-00083-00024656-00024834 teenager out so anyone who's looking EIjW6zZLLRo-00084-00024835-00025059 yeah that looks pretty harsh isn't there EIjW6zZLLRo-00085-00025060-00025249 that looks but it was quite a Buse it EIjW6zZLLRo-00086-00025250-00025636 and so for teenagers it's a lot harder EIjW6zZLLRo-00087-00025637-00026115 to force them ting so what do you do do EIjW6zZLLRo-00088-00026116-00026356 you walk away do you keep letting this EIjW6zZLLRo-00089-00026357-00026715 happen do you kind of give in to the EIjW6zZLLRo-00090-00026716-00027070 demands well in my book my advice would EIjW6zZLLRo-00091-00027070-00027133 be EIjW6zZLLRo-00092-00027133-00027442 in my experience it then would be the EIjW6zZLLRo-00093-00027443-00027811 time to seek therapeutic intervention to EIjW6zZLLRo-00094-00027812-00028204 ask the court to look at counselling EIjW6zZLLRo-00095-00028205-00028582 between you and the child to explore why EIjW6zZLLRo-00096-00028583-00028890 they are rejecting you to explore how EIjW6zZLLRo-00097-00028891-00029332 you can work towards bringing that EIjW6zZLLRo-00098-00029333-00029508 relationship back together EIjW6zZLLRo-00099-00029510-00029737 now obviously the ex isn't going to want EIjW6zZLLRo-00100-00029738-00030033 that to happen but part of this is EIjW6zZLLRo-00101-00030033-00030385 helping the child to show that you still EIjW6zZLLRo-00102-00030386-00030615 want to have a relationship with them EIjW6zZLLRo-00103-00030616-00030846 because if you walk away what happens in EIjW6zZLLRo-00104-00030847-00031132 the background is the other parent then EIjW6zZLLRo-00105-00031133-00031282 it starts going to say I told you didn't EIjW6zZLLRo-00106-00031283-00031510 if they didn't love you clearly they're EIjW6zZLLRo-00107-00031511-00031729 there other families more important or EIjW6zZLLRo-00108-00031730-00031975 you're just not that important to them EIjW6zZLLRo-00109-00031976-00032208 don't worry I'll look after you I'm here EIjW6zZLLRo-00110-00032210-00032502 for you so it just adds to that EIjW6zZLLRo-00111-00032503-00032760 narrative whereas if you keep providing EIjW6zZLLRo-00112-00032761-00032996 solutions and keep looking at ways to EIjW6zZLLRo-00113-00032997-00033325 talk to them communicate keep those EIjW6zZLLRo-00114-00033326-00033727 lines open eventually the child will EIjW6zZLLRo-00115-00033728-00034215 have their own realization and see seek EIjW6zZLLRo-00116-00034216-00034435 you out now I don't know when that would EIjW6zZLLRo-00117-00034436-00034515 happen EIjW6zZLLRo-00118-00034516-00034756 obviously the faster that you are able EIjW6zZLLRo-00119-00034757-00035154 to reach a point of acceptance and EIjW6zZLLRo-00120-00035155-00035455 realize that this is about the children EIjW6zZLLRo-00121-00035456-00035674 and it's about keeping those lines of EIjW6zZLLRo-00122-00035675-00035950 communication it's not jumping in and EIjW6zZLLRo-00123-00035951-00036148 responding in the way your ex wants you EIjW6zZLLRo-00124-00036149-00036421 to which is to get angry just to drag EIjW6zZLLRo-00125-00036422-00036640 them which is to look like you are EIjW6zZLLRo-00126-00036641-00036874 controlling them that's what they want EIjW6zZLLRo-00127-00036875-00037099 because like I say to an observer that's EIjW6zZLLRo-00128-00037100-00037330 exactly what it would look like but EIjW6zZLLRo-00129-00037331-00037579 quickly you are able to offer solutions EIjW6zZLLRo-00130-00037580-00038020 which are child focused the faster you EIjW6zZLLRo-00131-00038021-00038410 feel better and then that breaks down a EIjW6zZLLRo-00132-00038411-00038596 lot of the other narrative around this EIjW6zZLLRo-00133-00038597-00038980 as well I hope you found that useful we EIjW6zZLLRo-00134-00038981-00039205 are releasing I'll get court ready EIjW6zZLLRo-00135-00039206-00039540 program which covers more like this in EIjW6zZLLRo-00136-00039541-00039676 depth it helps you with that EIjW6zZLLRo-00137-00039677-00040132 step-by-step process of rewriting the EIjW6zZLLRo-00138-00040133-00040290 narrative that the ex is set EIjW6zZLLRo-00139-00040291-00040566 not playing into there now it said not EIjW6zZLLRo-00140-00040567-00040806 being baited managing your own emotions EIjW6zZLLRo-00141-00040807-00041106 I will put details of the course in the EIjW6zZLLRo-00142-00041107-00041439 description and and it is on/off for at EIjW6zZLLRo-00143-00041440-00041604 the moment as well given the times that EIjW6zZLLRo-00144-00041605-00041880 we are in if you've got any questions do EIjW6zZLLRo-00145-00041881-00042108 i unpoppable oh if you've got video EIjW6zZLLRo-00146-00042109-00042312 ideas things that you want me to cover EIjW6zZLLRo-00147-00042313-00042645 but again pop the below and I will cover EIjW6zZLLRo-00148-00042646-00042867 them in forthcoming videos but take care EIjW6zZLLRo-00149-00042868-00043203 of yourself stay safe they stay home and EIjW6zZLLRo-00150-00043204-00044331 save lives take care everyone bye bye EIjW6zZLLRo-00151-00044332-00044877 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00001-00006405-00006475 [Applause] EI-753L3SlQ-00002-00006476-00006542 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00003-00006543-00006777 [Applause] EI-753L3SlQ-00004-00006778-00008312 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00007-00020199-00020745 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00008-00020746-00023686 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00011-00039396-00040208 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00012-00040209-00041257 y'all get tight EI-753L3SlQ-00013-00041258-00042785 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00014-00042786-00043127 Danyelle EI-753L3SlQ-00015-00043128-00043417 what I'm not giving up EI-753L3SlQ-00016-00043418-00044036 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00017-00044037-00044166 y-you-you EI-753L3SlQ-00018-00044167-00044771 paperless EI-753L3SlQ-00020-00049285-00049429 [Applause] EI-753L3SlQ-00022-00053254-00053649 [Applause] EI-753L3SlQ-00025-00061599-00064470 [Music] EI-753L3SlQ-00026-00064471-00065384 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00000-00000008-00000407 i think so yes okay EKU_X56LRv8-00001-00000408-00000767 okay EKU_X56LRv8-00002-00000768-00001062 uh welcome everyone to this uh public EKU_X56LRv8-00003-00001063-00001191 discussion EKU_X56LRv8-00004-00001192-00001478 uh marking hijab uh on his death EKU_X56LRv8-00005-00001479-00001759 anniversary today and EKU_X56LRv8-00006-00001760-00001982 a discussion on the question of EKU_X56LRv8-00007-00001984-00002063 resources EKU_X56LRv8-00008-00002064-00002247 indigenous rights and livelihoods in EKU_X56LRv8-00009-00002248-00002455 northwest india EKU_X56LRv8-00010-00002456-00002783 from collective we thought of organizing EKU_X56LRv8-00011-00002784-00003031 a series of events on remembering our EKU_X56LRv8-00012-00003032-00003183 revolutionary legacy EKU_X56LRv8-00013-00003184-00003590 of on from 26th to 28th september 26th EKU_X56LRv8-00014-00003592-00003886 being the death anniversary of his and EKU_X56LRv8-00015-00003887-00003951 28th EKU_X56LRv8-00016-00003952-00004215 being the birth anniversary of bhagat EKU_X56LRv8-00017-00004216-00004559 singh and the death EKU_X56LRv8-00018-00004560-00004886 so as a part of that today we are here EKU_X56LRv8-00019-00004887-00004919 with EKU_X56LRv8-00020-00004920-00005215 uh dolly kitcon who is an anthropologist EKU_X56LRv8-00021-00005216-00005327 in EKU_X56LRv8-00022-00005328-00005591 the university of melbourne uh we are EKU_X56LRv8-00023-00005592-00005702 here with EKU_X56LRv8-00024-00005703-00005895 sarun bhartia who is from the riot EKU_X56LRv8-00025-00005896-00006143 collective and aku ching gangbang who is EKU_X56LRv8-00026-00006144-00006295 a musician EKU_X56LRv8-00027-00006296-00006742 and with info talkies and they'll be EKU_X56LRv8-00028-00006743-00007270 discussing these issues with us EKU_X56LRv8-00029-00007272-00007670 we are celebrating and remembering hitam EKU_X56LRv8-00030-00007672-00008119 erawood's legacy today because uh EKU_X56LRv8-00031-00008120-00008503 for a brief introduction he was from uh EKU_X56LRv8-00032-00008504-00008831 manipur and he was a communist political EKU_X56LRv8-00033-00008832-00009095 activist and cultural EKU_X56LRv8-00034-00009096-00009391 from uh manipur who organized EKU_X56LRv8-00035-00009392-00009535 extensively EKU_X56LRv8-00036-00009536-00009806 throughout his life he organized EKU_X56LRv8-00037-00009807-00009951 peasants on EKU_X56LRv8-00038-00009952-00010127 different questions against both the EKU_X56LRv8-00039-00010128-00010367 british rule and EKU_X56LRv8-00040-00010368-00010551 the feudal system of oppression and EKU_X56LRv8-00041-00010552-00010814 exploitation which existed EKU_X56LRv8-00042-00010815-00011187 in his time and he was imprisoned in EKU_X56LRv8-00043-00011188-00011310 1938 EKU_X56LRv8-00044-00011311-00011551 and including his imprisonment he EKU_X56LRv8-00045-00011552-00011710 actually met EKU_X56LRv8-00046-00011711-00012078 communist leaders and activists EKU_X56LRv8-00047-00012079-00012423 in a while in prison and through that EKU_X56LRv8-00048-00012424-00012767 association he also developed a leaning EKU_X56LRv8-00049-00012768-00012974 towards a certain kind of progressive EKU_X56LRv8-00050-00012975-00013279 politics after which for a long period EKU_X56LRv8-00051-00013280-00013599 of his life he spent organizing among EKU_X56LRv8-00052-00013600-00013815 peasants and the mo and the toiling EKU_X56LRv8-00053-00013816-00013919 masses EKU_X56LRv8-00054-00013919-00014358 and uh towards the end of his life EKU_X56LRv8-00055-00014359-00014671 after the independent india is also EKU_X56LRv8-00056-00014672-00014855 being formed he EKU_X56LRv8-00057-00014856-00015030 actually contested elections he was an EKU_X56LRv8-00058-00015031-00015158 elected mla EKU_X56LRv8-00059-00015159-00015422 as well but the group he belonged to the EKU_X56LRv8-00060-00015423-00015575 group he helped firm was EKU_X56LRv8-00061-00015576-00015911 outlawed and in independent india and EKU_X56LRv8-00062-00015912-00016183 uh the last years of his life he spent EKU_X56LRv8-00063-00016184-00016215 in EKU_X56LRv8-00064-00016216-00016543 exile and was ultimately murdered in EKU_X56LRv8-00065-00016544-00016967 1951 so we are remembering his EKU_X56LRv8-00066-00016968-00017303 legacy today because these questions of EKU_X56LRv8-00067-00017304-00017630 a kind of unequal relationship EKU_X56LRv8-00068-00017631-00017991 that's been imposed on what we EKU_X56LRv8-00069-00017992-00018207 speak of as north east india has EKU_X56LRv8-00070-00018208-00018358 continued EKU_X56LRv8-00071-00018359-00018607 and persisted since that time till er EKU_X56LRv8-00072-00018608-00018791 today with different EKU_X56LRv8-00073-00018792-00018991 variations different histories but there EKU_X56LRv8-00074-00018992-00019135 is also been a EKU_X56LRv8-00075-00019136-00019414 continuity of exploitation and EKU_X56LRv8-00076-00019415-00019567 extraction these questions have EKU_X56LRv8-00077-00019568-00019655 persisted EKU_X56LRv8-00078-00019656-00019943 uh just in the past few months during EKU_X56LRv8-00079-00019944-00020175 the forward 19 crisis we've seen EKU_X56LRv8-00080-00020176-00020350 different kinds of policies being EKU_X56LRv8-00081-00020351-00020486 adopted by this EKU_X56LRv8-00082-00020487-00020791 uh current regime uh EKU_X56LRv8-00083-00020792-00020999 using the present crisis and EKU_X56LRv8-00084-00021000-00021214 steamrolling policies EKU_X56LRv8-00085-00021215-00021543 and projects in the region which EKU_X56LRv8-00086-00021544-00021783 both disturb the resources and EKU_X56LRv8-00087-00021784-00021983 biodiversity of the region and also EKU_X56LRv8-00088-00021984-00022214 obviously have an impact on the question EKU_X56LRv8-00089-00022215-00022430 of livelihood and people's EKU_X56LRv8-00090-00022431-00022735 daily lives from the bang valley EKU_X56LRv8-00091-00022736-00023007 hydropower project being approved to EKU_X56LRv8-00092-00023008-00023191 coal mining being approved in the EKU_X56LRv8-00093-00023192-00023399 part by elephant reserve to the EKU_X56LRv8-00094-00023400-00023614 explosion in the bajan oil field which EKU_X56LRv8-00095-00023615-00023663 we saw EKU_X56LRv8-00096-00023664-00023967 all of these incidents have just EKU_X56LRv8-00097-00023968-00024175 happened in the past few months EKU_X56LRv8-00098-00024176-00024391 and it's clearly an indication of a EKU_X56LRv8-00099-00024392-00024630 long-standing history EKU_X56LRv8-00100-00024631-00025086 of relations which have been unequal EKU_X56LRv8-00101-00025087-00025335 and there was also simultaneously been EKU_X56LRv8-00102-00025336-00025535 resistance against the same EKU_X56LRv8-00103-00025536-00025790 and resistance and struggle for a better EKU_X56LRv8-00104-00025791-00025887 kind EKU_X56LRv8-00105-00025888-00026343 of society and a livelihood system of EKU_X56LRv8-00106-00026344-00026711 living for people and it is that EKU_X56LRv8-00107-00026712-00027046 history also that people look looking at EKU_X56LRv8-00108-00027047-00027223 the EKU_X56LRv8-00109-00027224-00027535 likelihoods and indigenous rights memory EKU_X56LRv8-00110-00027536-00027927 of good so with that i would like EKU_X56LRv8-00111-00027927-00028220 to today this is uh EKU_X56LRv8-00112-00028220-00028535 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00113-00028536-00028935 austria of melbourne and EKU_X56LRv8-00114-00028936-00029151 extensively with the question of uh the EKU_X56LRv8-00115-00029152-00029439 politics of resource extraction EKU_X56LRv8-00116-00029439-00029751 social political dimensions that has had EKU_X56LRv8-00117-00029752-00030111 the effects it has had so i would like EKU_X56LRv8-00118-00030112-00030199 her to EKU_X56LRv8-00119-00030200-00031270 begin with her presentation EKU_X56LRv8-00120-00031272-00031583 um hello i have EKU_X56LRv8-00121-00031583-00031807 very good friends here i can see and EKU_X56LRv8-00122-00031808-00032127 also EKU_X56LRv8-00123-00032127-00032527 others so i'm very happy to be EKU_X56LRv8-00124-00032527-00032758 on board this uh collective i would like EKU_X56LRv8-00125-00032760-00032902 to thank the collective EKU_X56LRv8-00126-00032903-00033199 shambhavi and uh all the friends here EKU_X56LRv8-00127-00033200-00033302 who invited EKU_X56LRv8-00128-00033303-00033639 me uh to be part of this celebration EKU_X56LRv8-00129-00033640-00033999 and remembrance i am zooming in from EKU_X56LRv8-00130-00034000-00034302 melbourne here in australia so as i EKU_X56LRv8-00131-00034303-00034631 share my thoughts about my journey EKU_X56LRv8-00132-00034632-00034895 with resource extraction and what i have EKU_X56LRv8-00133-00034896-00034983 been up to EKU_X56LRv8-00134-00034984-00035327 all these years i would like to begin by EKU_X56LRv8-00135-00035328-00035567 acknowledging that i am on the lands of EKU_X56LRv8-00136-00035568-00035767 the world injury people who have been EKU_X56LRv8-00137-00035768-00036015 custodians of this land for thousands of EKU_X56LRv8-00138-00036016-00036207 years and i acknowledge and give my EKU_X56LRv8-00139-00036208-00036374 respects to EKU_X56LRv8-00140-00036375-00036655 elders past and present on whose land i EKU_X56LRv8-00141-00036656-00036759 work and i EKU_X56LRv8-00142-00036760-00037102 live today EKU_X56LRv8-00143-00037103-00037590 i was very uh humbled that i'm invited EKU_X56LRv8-00144-00037591-00037711 for EKU_X56LRv8-00145-00037712-00037918 remembering and celebrating the life of EKU_X56LRv8-00146-00037919-00038118 hijab airport EKU_X56LRv8-00147-00038119-00038455 this is both usual and a little unusual EKU_X56LRv8-00148-00038456-00038695 because i come from the north east where EKU_X56LRv8-00149-00038696-00038951 in terms of EKU_X56LRv8-00150-00038952-00039239 nationalism and ethnicity and who should EKU_X56LRv8-00151-00039240-00039399 speak for which leader EKU_X56LRv8-00152-00039400-00039759 and who should be passed is at times EKU_X56LRv8-00153-00039760-00040087 very clearly demarcated EKU_X56LRv8-00154-00040088-00040374 um there are voices i come from EKU_X56LRv8-00155-00040375-00040559 netherlands and there are voices EKU_X56LRv8-00156-00040560-00040767 who keep saying that only nagas are EKU_X56LRv8-00157-00040768-00041015 allowed to do research and write about EKU_X56LRv8-00158-00041016-00041574 nadas and no other people should do that EKU_X56LRv8-00159-00041575-00041902 in a say in a way we invite EKU_X56LRv8-00160-00041903-00042271 and we say that weaknesses EKU_X56LRv8-00161-00042272-00042702 ultimately are EKU_X56LRv8-00162-00042703-00042974 and also acts of solidarity that go the EKU_X56LRv8-00163-00042975-00043174 longest way EKU_X56LRv8-00164-00043175-00043495 so today as i come on board to remember EKU_X56LRv8-00165-00043496-00043799 and celebrate hijab erapod i would say EKU_X56LRv8-00166-00043800-00043879 that EKU_X56LRv8-00167-00043880-00044158 we are also breaking tradition because EKU_X56LRv8-00168-00044159-00044295 usually it would be just EKU_X56LRv8-00169-00044296-00044599 people from manipur EKU_X56LRv8-00170-00044600-00044839 that to the valley who would come and EKU_X56LRv8-00171-00044840-00044927 speak about EKU_X56LRv8-00172-00044928-00045271 this wonderful amazing leader EKU_X56LRv8-00173-00045272-00045623 three young people collective EKU_X56LRv8-00174-00045624-00045871 are making a difference and this is EKU_X56LRv8-00175-00045872-00046007 where EKU_X56LRv8-00176-00046008-00046407 during a pandemic where we are all EKU_X56LRv8-00177-00046408-00046599 locked inside in different parts of the EKU_X56LRv8-00178-00046600-00046927 world i see hope EKU_X56LRv8-00179-00046928-00047374 this spirit of solidarity emerging EKU_X56LRv8-00180-00047375-00047607 in that spirit i would like to also call EKU_X56LRv8-00181-00047608-00047679 upon EKU_X56LRv8-00182-00047680-00048062 my my naga friends brothers and sisters EKU_X56LRv8-00183-00048063-00048223 that the next time we EKU_X56LRv8-00184-00048224-00048479 celebrate piso the next time we EKU_X56LRv8-00185-00048480-00048655 celebrate kodam EKU_X56LRv8-00186-00048656-00048911 uh the next time we celebrate the the EKU_X56LRv8-00187-00048912-00048999 lives of EKU_X56LRv8-00188-00049000-00049374 pope hazarika it should be neighbors EKU_X56LRv8-00189-00049375-00049567 it should be collectives it should be EKU_X56LRv8-00190-00049568-00049743 people from all over the world EKU_X56LRv8-00191-00049744-00050151 who are invited to rejoice in this EKU_X56LRv8-00192-00050152-00050646 life from 1896 to 1951 it's EKU_X56LRv8-00193-00050647-00051055 fascinating i would say a modern day EKU_X56LRv8-00194-00051056-00051135 communist EKU_X56LRv8-00195-00051136-00051470 simbad who went all around from still EKU_X56LRv8-00196-00051471-00051558 head EKU_X56LRv8-00197-00051559-00051982 mobilizing the non-smith tea workers EKU_X56LRv8-00198-00051983-00052342 writing being part of dramas being part EKU_X56LRv8-00199-00052344-00052535 of the theatre world EKU_X56LRv8-00200-00052536-00052991 when you look at his life EKU_X56LRv8-00201-00052991-00053350 time in 1932 he started EKU_X56LRv8-00202-00053351-00053687 a magazine which was a handwritten EKU_X56LRv8-00203-00053688-00053879 magazine and i look at that and i said EKU_X56LRv8-00204-00053879-00053935 never EKU_X56LRv8-00205-00053936-00054191 never mess around the state should have EKU_X56LRv8-00206-00054191-00054342 known you can never mess around with EKU_X56LRv8-00207-00054344-00054503 somebody who starts a handwritten EKU_X56LRv8-00208-00054504-00054759 magazine at any point in their life EKU_X56LRv8-00209-00054760-00055030 and i think that is the spirit of both EKU_X56LRv8-00210-00055032-00055126 restlessness EKU_X56LRv8-00211-00055127-00055463 and of power that he lived EKU_X56LRv8-00212-00055464-00055966 life he died EKU_X56LRv8-00213-00055967-00056271 according to sources EKU_X56LRv8-00214-00056272-00056591 he died along the foothills of the tango EKU_X56LRv8-00215-00056591-00056663 village EKU_X56LRv8-00216-00056664-00057007 in burma and i wondered at his EKU_X56LRv8-00217-00057008-00057482 life how is it that i can talk about EKU_X56LRv8-00218-00057483-00057815 this magnificent personality EKU_X56LRv8-00219-00057816-00058142 and how is it that we can EKU_X56LRv8-00220-00058144-00058415 perhaps claim his spirit not only within EKU_X56LRv8-00221-00058416-00058494 the valleys EKU_X56LRv8-00222-00058495-00058775 of manipur but across the region and EKU_X56LRv8-00223-00058776-00058871 beyond EKU_X56LRv8-00224-00058872-00059087 how is it that today we can come EKU_X56LRv8-00225-00059088-00059191 together EKU_X56LRv8-00226-00059191-00059494 from this small EKU_X56LRv8-00227-00059495-00059807 which is often described as remote EKU_X56LRv8-00228-00059808-00060126 underdeveloped and yet talk about EKU_X56LRv8-00229-00060127-00060630 big personalities who dreamt big um EKU_X56LRv8-00230-00060632-00061063 i would like to perhaps then EKU_X56LRv8-00231-00061064-00061406 take the landscape where he last EKU_X56LRv8-00232-00061407-00061703 spent his time on earth the foothills EKU_X56LRv8-00233-00061704-00061935 and draw a connection to my field site EKU_X56LRv8-00234-00061936-00062087 as an anthropologist EKU_X56LRv8-00235-00062088-00062279 that's where i ended up doing my field EKU_X56LRv8-00236-00062279-00062542 work as a phd EKU_X56LRv8-00237-00062544-00062847 student that's where even when i was in EKU_X56LRv8-00238-00062848-00062942 the long EKU_X56LRv8-00239-00062944-00063182 world i was attracted to what is it EKU_X56LRv8-00240-00063183-00063303 about the foothills EKU_X56LRv8-00241-00063304-00063687 that attracts us the northeast region of EKU_X56LRv8-00242-00063688-00064071 india it's all divided between the hills EKU_X56LRv8-00243-00064072-00064430 and the valleys it's very very clearly EKU_X56LRv8-00244-00064432-00064535 demarcated EKU_X56LRv8-00245-00064536-00064782 for instance nagaland is known as a hill EKU_X56LRv8-00246-00064783-00064863 state EKU_X56LRv8-00247-00064864-00065087 as some parts of it a greater part of it EKU_X56LRv8-00248-00065088-00065287 known as the brahmaputra valley EKU_X56LRv8-00249-00065288-00065663 what do these divisions both landscape EKU_X56LRv8-00250-00065664-00066119 memory tell us about a past EKU_X56LRv8-00251-00066120-00066343 and as an international politics i began EKU_X56LRv8-00252-00066344-00066423 to unearth EKU_X56LRv8-00253-00066424-00066623 a colonial past and it was only through EKU_X56LRv8-00254-00066624-00066750 resource extraction EKU_X56LRv8-00255-00066751-00067071 that i began to see a different world i EKU_X56LRv8-00256-00067072-00067206 started my EKU_X56LRv8-00257-00067207-00067494 journey as an activist from delhi EKU_X56LRv8-00258-00067495-00067623 university EKU_X56LRv8-00259-00067624-00067863 i lived in india vihar with many many EKU_X56LRv8-00260-00067864-00067999 lovely friends EKU_X56LRv8-00261-00068000-00068335 and this invitation after a long time EKU_X56LRv8-00262-00068336-00068535 brought very fond memories because when EKU_X56LRv8-00263-00068536-00068703 i was a student EKU_X56LRv8-00264-00068704-00069047 in the university our rock star here aku EKU_X56LRv8-00265-00069048-00069382 was a student in a school and the first EKU_X56LRv8-00266-00069383-00069511 time i saw him EKU_X56LRv8-00267-00069512-00070038 he had come to visit his auntie EKU_X56LRv8-00268-00070039-00070382 prabha and he was a high school boy EKU_X56LRv8-00269-00070383-00070606 and he was learning how to play the EKU_X56LRv8-00270-00070607-00070791 guitar around that time so he wouldn't EKU_X56LRv8-00271-00070792-00070919 talk to us perhaps EKU_X56LRv8-00272-00070920-00071119 he would just face the wall and see but EKU_X56LRv8-00273-00071120-00071311 that was the cosmopolitan world that we EKU_X56LRv8-00274-00071312-00071367 came from EKU_X56LRv8-00275-00071368-00071606 as young activist in delhi university EKU_X56LRv8-00276-00071607-00071759 that is EKU_X56LRv8-00277-00071760-00071982 the world first time we were invited to EKU_X56LRv8-00278-00071983-00072167 celebrate actually the life of hijab EKU_X56LRv8-00279-00072168-00072271 airport and EKU_X56LRv8-00280-00072272-00072503 pretty pretty much around this time the EKU_X56LRv8-00281-00072504-00072671 26th of september EKU_X56LRv8-00282-00072672-00072959 i remember direct i remember i remember EKU_X56LRv8-00283-00072960-00073159 kishan and all the friends actually who EKU_X56LRv8-00284-00073160-00073191 would EKU_X56LRv8-00285-00073192-00073606 cook cook sinju who would make sinju EKU_X56LRv8-00286-00073607-00073959 and in in in some versatility EKU_X56LRv8-00287-00073960-00074247 and that's the spirit perhaps that i was EKU_X56LRv8-00288-00074248-00074335 very much EKU_X56LRv8-00289-00074336-00074647 um drawn to as i thought about this EKU_X56LRv8-00290-00074648-00074726 collective EKU_X56LRv8-00291-00074727-00074926 this evening so it is with a lot of fun EKU_X56LRv8-00292-00074927-00075087 memories and solidarity EKU_X56LRv8-00293-00075088-00075319 that i come to you all perhaps not so EKU_X56LRv8-00294-00075320-00075550 much to talk about my individual journey EKU_X56LRv8-00295-00075551-00075687 and the book EKU_X56LRv8-00296-00075688-00075991 that i've written or in terms of EKU_X56LRv8-00297-00075992-00076367 my research but to perhaps contextualize EKU_X56LRv8-00298-00076368-00076494 that even the book EKU_X56LRv8-00299-00076495-00076847 even the extractive journey that i EKU_X56LRv8-00300-00076848-00077223 embarked on which i took was a gift EKU_X56LRv8-00301-00077224-00077526 from an activist friend who died and i EKU_X56LRv8-00302-00077527-00077703 see this very clearly that EKU_X56LRv8-00303-00077704-00078071 the book that i ended up writing um EKU_X56LRv8-00304-00078072-00078319 this one living with oil and coal this EKU_X56LRv8-00305-00078320-00078471 is this is the EKU_X56LRv8-00306-00078472-00078735 u.s press there is now an indian edition EKU_X56LRv8-00307-00078736-00078879 from yoda so please EKU_X56LRv8-00308-00078880-00079119 look at the saudi arabian indian rupees EKU_X56LRv8-00309-00079120-00079447 and i said it very clearly that this EKU_X56LRv8-00310-00079448-00079719 gift this book and the and the stories EKU_X56LRv8-00311-00079720-00079919 that i write here is a gift from from an EKU_X56LRv8-00312-00079920-00080031 activist friend EKU_X56LRv8-00313-00080032-00080415 who lost his life in 2007. he lived EKU_X56LRv8-00314-00080416-00080703 all his life along the foothills of EKU_X56LRv8-00315-00080704-00080919 assam in nagaland in a small coal EKU_X56LRv8-00316-00080920-00081311 mining village called galaki and EKU_X56LRv8-00317-00081312-00081575 the militarized nature of the landscape EKU_X56LRv8-00318-00081576-00081631 along with EKU_X56LRv8-00319-00081632-00081823 armed forces special spark under which EKU_X56LRv8-00320-00081824-00081967 we live EKU_X56LRv8-00321-00081968-00082231 eventually took its life the central EKU_X56LRv8-00322-00082232-00082326 industrial EKU_X56LRv8-00323-00082327-00082559 forces which were guarding the oil rigs EKU_X56LRv8-00324-00082560-00082759 and the tea plantations EKU_X56LRv8-00325-00082760-00082935 saw him as a suspicious character who EKU_X56LRv8-00326-00082936-00083175 was returning from a naga village EKU_X56LRv8-00327-00083176-00083406 one night late after a meeting with the EKU_X56LRv8-00328-00083407-00083526 naga elders EKU_X56LRv8-00329-00083527-00083838 and killed him along with his friend the EKU_X56LRv8-00330-00083839-00083887 third EKU_X56LRv8-00331-00083888-00084082 person who was traveling with them was EKU_X56LRv8-00332-00084083-00084255 injured and EKU_X56LRv8-00333-00084256-00084638 and that's how in a sense i began to see EKU_X56LRv8-00334-00084639-00084862 how violence the central industrial EKU_X56LRv8-00335-00084863-00084967 thing under EKU_X56LRv8-00336-00084968-00085271 of star wars and it is in his death EKU_X56LRv8-00337-00085272-00085526 that i began to see even after years of EKU_X56LRv8-00338-00085527-00085647 actually campaigning EKU_X56LRv8-00339-00085648-00085799 against the repeal of armed forces EKU_X56LRv8-00340-00085800-00086006 specials per act till that time as a EKU_X56LRv8-00341-00086007-00086191 young activist i only saw EKU_X56LRv8-00342-00086192-00086518 i only saw bodies tortured bodies or EKU_X56LRv8-00343-00086519-00086671 disappeared bodies EKU_X56LRv8-00344-00086672-00086823 in a sense of the effects of EKU_X56LRv8-00345-00086824-00087079 militarization it took the death EKU_X56LRv8-00346-00087080-00087375 of an active activist of his friend EKU_X56LRv8-00347-00087376-00087487 injuries EKU_X56LRv8-00348-00087488-00087862 that in my becoming as an anthropologist EKU_X56LRv8-00349-00087863-00088031 writing about the landscape and EKU_X56LRv8-00350-00088032-00088391 militarization and resource extraction EKU_X56LRv8-00351-00088392-00088494 did i see EKU_X56LRv8-00352-00088495-00088726 the vastness and the depth of her EKU_X56LRv8-00353-00088727-00088871 militarization EKU_X56LRv8-00354-00088872-00089087 actually at the heart of it also EKU_X56LRv8-00355-00089088-00089223 constitutes EKU_X56LRv8-00356-00089224-00089479 militarizing the resources and and EKU_X56LRv8-00357-00089480-00089582 everything that EKU_X56LRv8-00358-00089583-00090047 we hold dear to our heart EKU_X56LRv8-00359-00090048-00090375 what do i do in my book living with oil EKU_X56LRv8-00360-00090376-00090438 and cold EKU_X56LRv8-00361-00090439-00090943 i am basically a storyteller EKU_X56LRv8-00362-00090944-00091247 i am very sense that as EKU_X56LRv8-00363-00091248-00091438 i was being trained to become an EKU_X56LRv8-00364-00091439-00091750 anthropologist EKU_X56LRv8-00365-00091751-00092167 method that i was trying to EKU_X56LRv8-00366-00092168-00092494 trying to this is also so EKU_X56LRv8-00367-00092495-00092879 perhaps i would say you know in my 40s EKU_X56LRv8-00368-00092880-00093135 rediscovering my my tribal heritage my EKU_X56LRv8-00369-00093136-00093271 indigenous heritage EKU_X56LRv8-00370-00093272-00093487 of storytelling which is very very EKU_X56LRv8-00371-00093488-00093533 central EKU_X56LRv8-00372-00093534-00093735 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00373-00093736-00094015 i am first generation and i never grew EKU_X56LRv8-00374-00094016-00094087 up with books EKU_X56LRv8-00375-00094088-00094335 in the house with with stories or with EKU_X56LRv8-00376-00094336-00094559 fables or with folk tales it was only EKU_X56LRv8-00377-00094560-00094774 really a lot of word of word of mouth EKU_X56LRv8-00378-00094775-00094918 stories EKU_X56LRv8-00379-00094919-00095159 that in a way impacted me and my values EKU_X56LRv8-00380-00095160-00095374 of who i am as i was growing up EKU_X56LRv8-00381-00095375-00095767 so as i began to see the landscape EKU_X56LRv8-00382-00095768-00096111 of oil and tea in the foothills of assam EKU_X56LRv8-00383-00096112-00096423 and also in nagaland i began to draw EKU_X56LRv8-00384-00096424-00096655 upon that strength and that spirit of EKU_X56LRv8-00385-00096656-00096759 storytelling EKU_X56LRv8-00386-00096760-00096967 and i thought that that would in a way EKU_X56LRv8-00387-00096968-00097143 help you to tell a story that was EKU_X56LRv8-00388-00097144-00097335 important EKU_X56LRv8-00389-00097336-00097503 it's up to you as readers to pick up EKU_X56LRv8-00390-00097504-00097647 this book read EKU_X56LRv8-00391-00097648-00097903 you can critique it i'll be very happy EKU_X56LRv8-00392-00097904-00098087 because the idea and the process of EKU_X56LRv8-00393-00098088-00098311 writing a book is that EKU_X56LRv8-00394-00098312-00098574 as a writer i speak that another person EKU_X56LRv8-00395-00098575-00098638 who writes EKU_X56LRv8-00396-00098639-00098879 should write a better book than this and EKU_X56LRv8-00397-00098880-00099094 it's in that spirit that i offer EKU_X56LRv8-00398-00099095-00099350 i would also like to bring attention to EKU_X56LRv8-00399-00099351-00099582 the EKU_X56LRv8-00400-00099583-00099799 oil spill which has been happening since EKU_X56LRv8-00401-00099800-00099967 june EKU_X56LRv8-00402-00099968-00100191 and i say that very clearly that we need EKU_X56LRv8-00403-00100192-00100479 to continue to amplify the voice because EKU_X56LRv8-00404-00100480-00100694 right now as activists right now as EKU_X56LRv8-00405-00100695-00100926 people be displaced from the oil spill EKU_X56LRv8-00406-00100927-00101135 from that landscape of bhagjan EKU_X56LRv8-00407-00101136-00101318 comes up and talks about it it is EKU_X56LRv8-00408-00101319-00101462 perhaps those of us EKU_X56LRv8-00409-00101463-00101694 listening on facebook those of us EKU_X56LRv8-00410-00101695-00101894 zooming in here EKU_X56LRv8-00411-00101895-00102135 to think about the the largeness and the EKU_X56LRv8-00412-00102136-00102223 depth EKU_X56LRv8-00413-00102224-00102478 and and the violent nature of what EKU_X56LRv8-00414-00102479-00102630 extraction is doing to us EKU_X56LRv8-00415-00102631-00102886 i have written an essay called toxic EKU_X56LRv8-00416-00102888-00102975 ecologies EKU_X56LRv8-00417-00102976-00103118 which are very happy to share that it's EKU_X56LRv8-00418-00103119-00103278 been translated in sms EKU_X56LRv8-00419-00103279-00103702 it should come out um and EKU_X56LRv8-00420-00103703-00104151 have done there is actually to give a EKU_X56LRv8-00421-00104152-00104406 a historical um grounding about EKU_X56LRv8-00422-00104407-00104558 extraction in the region EKU_X56LRv8-00423-00104559-00104758 so i'll stop my sharing here and i'll EKU_X56LRv8-00424-00104759-00104943 give time to my other friends because EKU_X56LRv8-00425-00104944-00105119 i'm trying to hear what our lovely EKU_X56LRv8-00426-00105120-00105166 friend EKU_X56LRv8-00427-00105167-00105678 tarun has to say a trailblazing riot EKU_X56LRv8-00428-00105679-00105847 collective team member and also a EKU_X56LRv8-00429-00105848-00106110 filmmaker and our dear dear aku is here EKU_X56LRv8-00430-00106111-00106495 so thank you very much EKU_X56LRv8-00431-00106496-00106823 oh uh EKU_X56LRv8-00432-00106824-00107151 thanks uh i guess uh after first round EKU_X56LRv8-00433-00107152-00107310 of uh EKU_X56LRv8-00434-00107311-00107575 the when once the second speaker is also EKU_X56LRv8-00435-00107576-00107751 done we'll come back to a lot of things EKU_X56LRv8-00436-00107752-00107863 you've raised EKU_X56LRv8-00437-00107864-00108263 uh as well EKU_X56LRv8-00438-00108264-00108447 then as the next speaker i would like to EKU_X56LRv8-00439-00108448-00108671 call aku gangnam who is uh EKU_X56LRv8-00440-00108672-00109015 with the m-file talkies and i would like EKU_X56LRv8-00441-00109016-00109166 him EKU_X56LRv8-00442-00109167-00109351 uh to speak he'll speak a little bit EKU_X56LRv8-00443-00109352-00109671 about hidden about himself EKU_X56LRv8-00444-00109672-00109886 uh the other like the larger theme of EKU_X56LRv8-00445-00109888-00109999 the discussion today EKU_X56LRv8-00446-00110000-00110702 so if you can EKU_X56LRv8-00447-00110703-00111031 uh hello can you hear me EKU_X56LRv8-00448-00111032-00111415 yes EKU_X56LRv8-00449-00111416-00111847 okay EKU_X56LRv8-00450-00111848-00112127 and i don't think i'm an expert on this EKU_X56LRv8-00451-00112128-00112215 you know EKU_X56LRv8-00452-00112216-00112502 topic and the theme that delhi EKU_X56LRv8-00453-00112503-00112647 collective chose EKU_X56LRv8-00454-00112648-00113007 and thanks to collective for having us EKU_X56LRv8-00455-00113008-00113063 and it's EKU_X56LRv8-00456-00113064-00113483 uh it's always wonderful to listen to EKU_X56LRv8-00457-00113483-00113799 dolly and EKU_X56LRv8-00458-00113800-00114263 we have come a long way since 1999 EKU_X56LRv8-00459-00114264-00114566 and uh we also have tarun actually tarun EKU_X56LRv8-00460-00114567-00114895 is someone that EKU_X56LRv8-00461-00114896-00115239 i uh how i was introduced to EKU_X56LRv8-00462-00115240-00115647 some of the poets of manipur from 1960s EKU_X56LRv8-00463-00115648-00115975 it was through uh i think what he called EKU_X56LRv8-00464-00115976-00116190 some sort of a paper or article that EKU_X56LRv8-00465-00116191-00116390 tarun wrote EKU_X56LRv8-00466-00116391-00116558 a long time ago i think he was in EKU_X56LRv8-00467-00116559-00116766 mid-2000 uh EKU_X56LRv8-00468-00116767-00116951 i'm still thankful to him for that EKU_X56LRv8-00469-00116952-00117119 because we grew up EKU_X56LRv8-00470-00117120-00117295 you know in manipur i grew up in manipur EKU_X56LRv8-00471-00117296-00117495 but i never got to know EKU_X56LRv8-00472-00117496-00117719 the poets you know that i am now very EKU_X56LRv8-00473-00117720-00117815 close to EKU_X56LRv8-00474-00117816-00118007 they have actually become my friends and EKU_X56LRv8-00475-00118008-00118119 uh EKU_X56LRv8-00476-00118120-00118358 thanks to taran for that and i'm looking EKU_X56LRv8-00477-00118359-00118566 forward to listen to tarun EKU_X56LRv8-00478-00118567-00119134 uh it's uh i think it's a EKU_X56LRv8-00479-00119135-00119463 great time to celebrate uh EKU_X56LRv8-00480-00119464-00119790 a personality like example in this times EKU_X56LRv8-00481-00119791-00119831 you know EKU_X56LRv8-00482-00119832-00120054 where you have you know fascism you know EKU_X56LRv8-00483-00120055-00120166 rising EKU_X56LRv8-00484-00120167-00120383 you know the time to you know control EKU_X56LRv8-00485-00120383-00120551 your resources you know EKU_X56LRv8-00486-00120552-00120902 trying to take over indigenous land EKU_X56LRv8-00487-00120903-00121199 uh it's good to remind us that you know EKU_X56LRv8-00488-00121200-00121414 we were once you know guarded by EKU_X56LRv8-00489-00121415-00121807 leaders like izumi raport and um EKU_X56LRv8-00490-00121808-00122063 but sadly i mean we still have uh you EKU_X56LRv8-00491-00122064-00122119 know EKU_X56LRv8-00492-00122120-00122366 lots of issues but we are lack of EKU_X56LRv8-00493-00122367-00122671 leaders like isabella about you know EKU_X56LRv8-00494-00122672-00122934 i know you know in manipur we haven't EKU_X56LRv8-00495-00122935-00123054 had EKU_X56LRv8-00496-00123055-00123283 i i think it's been 65 years that we EKU_X56LRv8-00497-00123283-00123431 lost her EKU_X56LRv8-00498-00123432-00123710 but you know we still need to study his EKU_X56LRv8-00499-00123711-00123863 work i mean there are so many things EKU_X56LRv8-00500-00123864-00123966 that we haven't EKU_X56LRv8-00501-00123967-00124366 covered you know you know EKU_X56LRv8-00502-00124367-00124558 even when you google he's a mirage you EKU_X56LRv8-00503-00124559-00124702 won't get just EKU_X56LRv8-00504-00124703-00124847 there's you know here and there are some EKU_X56LRv8-00505-00124848-00125071 beats you know in wikipedia and here and EKU_X56LRv8-00506-00125072-00125175 there so but EKU_X56LRv8-00507-00125176-00125358 there are lots of things uh that needs EKU_X56LRv8-00508-00125359-00125527 to be done uh you know EKU_X56LRv8-00509-00125528-00125839 special research from the research side EKU_X56LRv8-00510-00125840-00125966 now i don't know how many people have EKU_X56LRv8-00511-00125967-00126166 done but i have been uh EKU_X56LRv8-00512-00126167-00126366 you know hearing about you know about uh EKU_X56LRv8-00513-00126367-00126599 since my uh EKU_X56LRv8-00514-00126600-00126871 you know my maternal grandfather was a EKU_X56LRv8-00515-00126872-00127047 hardcore uh EKU_X56LRv8-00516-00127048-00127358 you know iraq fan and he was a communist EKU_X56LRv8-00517-00127359-00127575 he i don't know how far it is true but EKU_X56LRv8-00518-00127576-00127702 my grandfather EKU_X56LRv8-00519-00127703-00128078 he you know when when before iraq EKU_X56LRv8-00520-00128079-00128510 went underground uh in in late 40s EKU_X56LRv8-00521-00128511-00128863 uh he said that he said meal with iraq EKU_X56LRv8-00522-00128864-00129183 you know that kind of thing so much EKU_X56LRv8-00523-00129183-00129334 about iraq you know EKU_X56LRv8-00524-00129335-00129671 what has been part of the you know story EKU_X56LRv8-00525-00129672-00129799 that i grew up with you know EKU_X56LRv8-00526-00129800-00130086 listening to uh stories from my EKU_X56LRv8-00527-00130088-00130190 grandfather EKU_X56LRv8-00528-00130191-00130423 so my grandfather would put his you know EKU_X56LRv8-00529-00130424-00130590 photo frame next to EKU_X56LRv8-00530-00130591-00130927 uh you know what and you know lennon EKU_X56LRv8-00531-00130928-00131214 on this uh he was a hardcore communist EKU_X56LRv8-00532-00131215-00131383 so so i will EKU_X56LRv8-00533-00131384-00131773 uh i have been traveling across EKU_X56LRv8-00534-00131774-00132087 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00535-00132088-00132407 the history and roots of EKU_X56LRv8-00536-00132408-00132647 uh you know the manipuri diaspora in EKU_X56LRv8-00537-00132648-00132727 assam EKU_X56LRv8-00538-00132728-00132959 especially in barack valley and surma EKU_X56LRv8-00539-00132960-00133047 valley yes EKU_X56LRv8-00540-00133048-00133390 which is now currently you know slate EKU_X56LRv8-00541-00133391-00133478 and EKU_X56LRv8-00542-00133479-00133790 parts of tripura so there EKU_X56LRv8-00543-00133791-00134119 when i go uh you know i was i'm very EKU_X56LRv8-00544-00134120-00134343 lucky to meet this guy EKU_X56LRv8-00545-00134344-00134847 a cultural activist named aksharam EKU_X56LRv8-00546-00134848-00135119 he's he's someone who started this uh EKU_X56LRv8-00547-00135120-00135335 bangladesh manipulation EKU_X56LRv8-00548-00135336-00135639 you know way back in 1970s just after EKU_X56LRv8-00549-00135640-00135847 pakistan uh you know east pakistan you EKU_X56LRv8-00550-00135848-00136031 know became bangladesh EKU_X56LRv8-00551-00136032-00136319 so uh he's someone that who took a you EKU_X56LRv8-00552-00136320-00136351 know EKU_X56LRv8-00553-00136352-00136823 very keen interest on irabor's life EKU_X56LRv8-00554-00136824-00137078 and and he he said many stories you know EKU_X56LRv8-00555-00137079-00137159 how EKU_X56LRv8-00556-00137160-00137327 you know what got out of the select EKU_X56LRv8-00557-00137328-00137502 prison you know how he EKU_X56LRv8-00558-00137503-00137823 uh worked with the youth there EKU_X56LRv8-00559-00137824-00138054 and then even it seemed that he wrote EKU_X56LRv8-00560-00138055-00138183 plays and dramas in EKU_X56LRv8-00561-00138184-00138439 uh bengali where the the bengali EKU_X56LRv8-00562-00138440-00138502 students EKU_X56LRv8-00563-00138503-00138783 the youth they would you know later you EKU_X56LRv8-00564-00138784-00138831 know EKU_X56LRv8-00565-00138832-00139111 use his uh script and then you know they EKU_X56LRv8-00566-00139112-00139287 will travel together and play EKU_X56LRv8-00567-00139288-00139566 this uh place you know in in several EKU_X56LRv8-00568-00139567-00139654 institutions EKU_X56LRv8-00569-00139655-00139959 back then and uh to me EKU_X56LRv8-00570-00139960-00140447 uh you know god had EKU_X56LRv8-00571-00140448-00140751 a true artist with all the you know EKU_X56LRv8-00572-00140752-00141102 uh quality and talents uh you know and EKU_X56LRv8-00573-00141103-00141383 and and a revolutionary with the right EKU_X56LRv8-00574-00141384-00141566 vision you know EKU_X56LRv8-00575-00141567-00141775 to look forward you know for a EKU_X56LRv8-00576-00141776-00141935 collective society EKU_X56LRv8-00577-00141936-00142263 and uh i i think man i think EKU_X56LRv8-00578-00142264-00142463 it's all available uh you know what you EKU_X56LRv8-00579-00142464-00142719 call the information on your award EKU_X56LRv8-00580-00142720-00142943 and i don't know how much i should talk EKU_X56LRv8-00581-00142944-00143095 about him EKU_X56LRv8-00582-00143096-00143399 but uh i i would like to mention uh EKU_X56LRv8-00583-00143400-00143783 one particular point where EKU_X56LRv8-00584-00143784-00144239 you know we have this uh call in dupilan EKU_X56LRv8-00585-00144240-00144590 the first uh women's war happened in EKU_X56LRv8-00586-00144591-00144695 1904 EKU_X56LRv8-00587-00144696-00144935 1904 and then the second one happened in EKU_X56LRv8-00588-00144936-00145119 1939 so i would EKU_X56LRv8-00589-00145120-00145487 talk a bit about 1939 uh this the pilar EKU_X56LRv8-00590-00145488-00145623 we call it EKU_X56LRv8-00591-00145624-00145966 so uh it was a time that uh EKU_X56LRv8-00592-00145967-00146231 the the maharashtra you know uh make EKU_X56LRv8-00593-00146232-00146431 policies with the with the british EKU_X56LRv8-00594-00146432-00146695 rulers you know in manipur and and and EKU_X56LRv8-00595-00146696-00146871 the middlemen like you know the the EKU_X56LRv8-00596-00146872-00147087 marwari businessmen were taking care of EKU_X56LRv8-00597-00147088-00147143 the EKU_X56LRv8-00598-00147144-00147431 you know the economy you know and and EKU_X56LRv8-00599-00147432-00147463 the EKU_X56LRv8-00600-00147464-00148014 indiscriminate export of rice EKU_X56LRv8-00601-00148015-00148359 that actually led to a famine like EKU_X56LRv8-00602-00148360-00148511 situation in manipur EKU_X56LRv8-00603-00148512-00148719 and this women's are actually the ones EKU_X56LRv8-00604-00148720-00148983 who work in the fields you know EKU_X56LRv8-00605-00148984-00149326 who harvest petty you know and and EKU_X56LRv8-00606-00149327-00149671 they were not able to you know EKU_X56LRv8-00607-00149672-00149895 get what what what what what they you EKU_X56LRv8-00608-00149896-00150054 know actually harvested EKU_X56LRv8-00609-00150055-00150343 because everything was sent off so in uh EKU_X56LRv8-00610-00150344-00150447 it's believed in EKU_X56LRv8-00611-00150448-00150766 it was december 12th 1939 the women came EKU_X56LRv8-00612-00150767-00150814 out EKU_X56LRv8-00613-00150815-00151014 you know educating against uh you know EKU_X56LRv8-00614-00151015-00151223 the marwari businessman EKU_X56LRv8-00615-00151224-00151463 against the monarch against uh you know EKU_X56LRv8-00616-00151464-00151623 the the british rulers EKU_X56LRv8-00617-00151624-00151951 so that uh iran EKU_X56LRv8-00618-00151952-00152214 was not there on that day actually but EKU_X56LRv8-00619-00152215-00152447 uh he came back from kashar and then EKU_X56LRv8-00620-00152448-00152583 gave a long speech EKU_X56LRv8-00621-00152584-00152887 it seems and then uh he was arrested EKU_X56LRv8-00622-00152888-00153231 you know and then and then sent to uh EKU_X56LRv8-00623-00153232-00153463 silly you know because he the the the EKU_X56LRv8-00624-00153464-00153607 government the the EKU_X56LRv8-00625-00153608-00153759 the what do you call the money pushed EKU_X56LRv8-00626-00153760-00153887 that bar we're actually scared of EKU_X56LRv8-00627-00153888-00153951 keeping him EKU_X56LRv8-00628-00153952-00154254 in manipur because you know people were EKU_X56LRv8-00629-00154255-00154535 uh starting to support him you know it EKU_X56LRv8-00630-00154536-00154575 could EKU_X56LRv8-00631-00154576-00154863 cause uh certain revolution back then EKU_X56LRv8-00632-00154864-00155047 and then he was sent to select prison EKU_X56LRv8-00633-00155048-00155359 and i was told i think tarun will EKU_X56LRv8-00634-00155360-00155614 talk about this you know about the jail EKU_X56LRv8-00635-00155615-00155711 uh EKU_X56LRv8-00636-00155712-00156023 uh episode uh so so i think he became EKU_X56LRv8-00637-00156024-00156175 very good friends with the EKU_X56LRv8-00638-00156176-00156423 communist leader uh you know haman EKU_X56LRv8-00639-00156424-00156543 gobiswas EKU_X56LRv8-00640-00156544-00156799 and then there are stories about uh you EKU_X56LRv8-00641-00156800-00156951 know how they became friends and then EKU_X56LRv8-00642-00156952-00157119 travel together to EKU_X56LRv8-00643-00157120-00157383 you know after they got out together you EKU_X56LRv8-00644-00157384-00157551 know how they traveled to shelter and EKU_X56LRv8-00645-00157552-00157623 then EKU_X56LRv8-00646-00157624-00157871 hide in the certain houses in suture and EKU_X56LRv8-00647-00157872-00157935 also EKU_X56LRv8-00648-00157936-00158302 this i uh got to know EKU_X56LRv8-00649-00158303-00158607 more from rangili biswas she's the EKU_X56LRv8-00650-00158608-00158711 daughter of EKU_X56LRv8-00651-00158712-00158887 hemongo biswas so she has been EKU_X56LRv8-00652-00158888-00159054 extensively uh EKU_X56LRv8-00653-00159055-00159335 doing research on hamongo bill schwarz EKU_X56LRv8-00654-00159336-00159431 and EKU_X56LRv8-00655-00159432-00159695 we got to you know we got started you EKU_X56LRv8-00656-00159696-00159823 know talking about EKU_X56LRv8-00657-00159824-00160102 my experience you know about labor you EKU_X56LRv8-00658-00160103-00160166 know which i EKU_X56LRv8-00659-00160167-00160390 um my experience in select listening to EKU_X56LRv8-00660-00160391-00160551 all the stories to all the elders and EKU_X56LRv8-00661-00160552-00160735 then she also started sharing so we EKU_X56LRv8-00662-00160736-00160887 started sending EKU_X56LRv8-00663-00160888-00161102 you know emails and also and it's EKU_X56LRv8-00664-00161103-00161351 actually like EKU_X56LRv8-00665-00161352-00161735 talk uh but still uh EKU_X56LRv8-00666-00161736-00162063 there was a what we call a huge bonding EKU_X56LRv8-00667-00162064-00162175 between these two EKU_X56LRv8-00668-00162176-00162483 you know leaders and even i believe EKU_X56LRv8-00669-00162484-00162854 uh this EKU_X56LRv8-00670-00162855-00163166 wonderful long poem called sentinel EKU_X56LRv8-00671-00163167-00163463 of the frontier like you know the wise EKU_X56LRv8-00672-00163464-00163599 men of the EKU_X56LRv8-00673-00163600-00163943 eastern eastern frontier and this is a EKU_X56LRv8-00674-00163944-00164383 book of poem uh which was published EKU_X56LRv8-00675-00164384-00164766 in 1987 this it has all the poems EKU_X56LRv8-00676-00164767-00165087 which uh era both wrote in in silly EKU_X56LRv8-00677-00165088-00165278 prison you know when he was there EKU_X56LRv8-00678-00165279-00165654 from 1939 to 1943 EKU_X56LRv8-00679-00165655-00165847 yeah so it's again like you know we need EKU_X56LRv8-00680-00165848-00165983 to it it EKU_X56LRv8-00681-00165984-00166335 needs to be translated you know so that EKU_X56LRv8-00682-00166336-00166654 people can know EKU_X56LRv8-00683-00166655-00166990 more of this wonderful you know EKU_X56LRv8-00684-00166991-00167359 hero and uh EKU_X56LRv8-00685-00167360-00167614 uh before all this happened uh you know EKU_X56LRv8-00686-00167615-00167687 he EKU_X56LRv8-00687-00167688-00167966 formed this uh what do you call nikhil EKU_X56LRv8-00688-00167967-00168871 hindu manipuri EKU_X56LRv8-00689-00168872-00169311 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00690-00169312-00169583 actually what happened was this was the EKU_X56LRv8-00691-00169584-00169775 establishment uh you know this EKU_X56LRv8-00692-00169776-00170087 this this uh massaba uh which actually EKU_X56LRv8-00693-00170088-00170287 you know talked about social reformation EKU_X56LRv8-00694-00170288-00170399 you know through EKU_X56LRv8-00695-00170400-00170711 various uh you know activities so so in EKU_X56LRv8-00696-00170712-00171014 manipur back then in 1930s it was EKU_X56LRv8-00697-00171015-00171295 like what we call very hinduise you know EKU_X56LRv8-00698-00171296-00171590 in manipur we have this thing called EKU_X56LRv8-00699-00171591-00171838 uh you know we put some sort of percent EKU_X56LRv8-00700-00171839-00171966 and i don't know what we call and EKU_X56LRv8-00701-00171967-00172183 we call it chandon here so you put it EKU_X56LRv8-00702-00172184-00172311 you know and then EKU_X56LRv8-00703-00172312-00172559 people who put chandon uh you know you EKU_X56LRv8-00704-00172560-00172647 have to pay EKU_X56LRv8-00705-00172648-00172943 you know to this brahma you know as it EKU_X56LRv8-00706-00172944-00173023 takes you know EKU_X56LRv8-00707-00173024-00173311 for doing that you know for so this kind EKU_X56LRv8-00708-00173312-00173511 of thing you know this this massaba EKU_X56LRv8-00709-00173512-00173719 uh you know both started it the king was EKU_X56LRv8-00710-00173720-00173878 also a pattern of this EKU_X56LRv8-00711-00173879-00174207 uh establishment and they actually tried EKU_X56LRv8-00712-00174208-00174390 to remove this kind of thing and then EKU_X56LRv8-00713-00174391-00174495 much later EKU_X56LRv8-00714-00174496-00174799 elaborate remove the term hindu from EKU_X56LRv8-00715-00174800-00174878 this hindu EKU_X56LRv8-00716-00174879-00175231 nikkei into manipuri so EKU_X56LRv8-00717-00175232-00175487 he removed hindu and then i i think he EKU_X56LRv8-00718-00175488-00175726 himself was again later thrown out of EKU_X56LRv8-00719-00175727-00176007 this same group and and from the stair EKU_X56LRv8-00720-00176008-00176038 bar EKU_X56LRv8-00721-00176039-00176287 also because he got to you know EKU_X56LRv8-00722-00176288-00176478 radicalized and then he got EKU_X56LRv8-00723-00176479-00176831 he he became a communist and all and uh EKU_X56LRv8-00724-00176832-00177175 so i i'm sure that would uh EKU_X56LRv8-00725-00177176-00177454 you know fill up my this thing and then EKU_X56LRv8-00726-00177455-00177566 uh EKU_X56LRv8-00727-00177567-00177919 like dolly said you know EKU_X56LRv8-00728-00177920-00178190 to me i want to look at his you know EKU_X56LRv8-00729-00178191-00178247 artist EKU_X56LRv8-00730-00178248-00178535 uh what he called as a writer uh he's EKU_X56LRv8-00731-00178536-00178663 someone who started EKU_X56LRv8-00732-00178664-00178863 the manipulation he was the first EKU_X56LRv8-00733-00178864-00178999 general secretary of EKU_X56LRv8-00734-00179000-00179326 you know secretary in 1935 and EKU_X56LRv8-00735-00179327-00179607 secretary perez is still a very active EKU_X56LRv8-00736-00179608-00179671 uh EKU_X56LRv8-00737-00179672-00179895 organization in manipur when it comes to EKU_X56LRv8-00738-00179896-00180054 you know literature EKU_X56LRv8-00739-00180055-00180278 and then how they have been you know EKU_X56LRv8-00740-00180279-00180375 safeguarding EKU_X56LRv8-00741-00180376-00180575 the literature from you know from from EKU_X56LRv8-00742-00180576-00180751 early 20th century EKU_X56LRv8-00743-00180752-00181078 and there's so much EKU_X56LRv8-00744-00181079-00181319 so many things that we can talk about EKU_X56LRv8-00745-00181320-00181414 this EKU_X56LRv8-00746-00181415-00181678 person and EKU_X56LRv8-00747-00181679-00181887 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00748-00181888-00182254 so i would like to uh you know EKU_X56LRv8-00749-00182255-00182583 go to the contemporary thing that EKU_X56LRv8-00750-00182584-00182983 you know about the contemporary issue EKU_X56LRv8-00751-00182984-00183199 so as i say like you know we let EKU_X56LRv8-00752-00183200-00183302 leadership EKU_X56LRv8-00753-00183303-00183647 you know leaders who can lead the public EKU_X56LRv8-00754-00183648-00183911 you know to the right way i i believe EKU_X56LRv8-00755-00183912-00183966 you know EKU_X56LRv8-00756-00183967-00184295 assam in some way have uh someone like EKU_X56LRv8-00757-00184296-00184575 you know akil gogo you know who EKU_X56LRv8-00758-00184576-00184807 took people forward who takes people EKU_X56LRv8-00759-00184808-00184911 forward and EKU_X56LRv8-00760-00184912-00185207 uh to me the importance of iraq is you EKU_X56LRv8-00761-00185208-00185254 know EKU_X56LRv8-00762-00185255-00185447 it's he's not just important to the EKU_X56LRv8-00763-00185448-00185575 manipuri you know EKU_X56LRv8-00764-00185576-00185950 how he worked across barack valley EKU_X56LRv8-00765-00185951-00186119 and then he even you know contested EKU_X56LRv8-00766-00186120-00186263 election uh you know in EKU_X56LRv8-00767-00186264-00186566 in kassad you know he lost it but EKU_X56LRv8-00768-00186567-00186975 he was i i i think even in censor EKU_X56LRv8-00769-00186976-00187166 many people the non-money police you EKU_X56LRv8-00770-00187167-00187326 know still celebrate his EKU_X56LRv8-00771-00187327-00187638 you know life and work and people talk EKU_X56LRv8-00772-00187639-00187847 very highly of him and EKU_X56LRv8-00773-00187848-00188223 it needs to be you know for me i am like EKU_X56LRv8-00774-00188224-00188254 a EKU_X56LRv8-00775-00188255-00188431 you know what you call netcomer in the EKU_X56LRv8-00776-00188432-00188631 scene i don't know i'm just trying and EKU_X56LRv8-00777-00188632-00188775 starting to EKU_X56LRv8-00778-00188776-00189150 learn things about his mirrorboard and EKU_X56LRv8-00779-00189151-00189454 so um if you you know EKU_X56LRv8-00780-00189455-00189783 uh when i talk about you know lacking EKU_X56LRv8-00781-00189784-00189878 leaders EKU_X56LRv8-00782-00189879-00190146 uh you know uh EKU_X56LRv8-00783-00190147-00190295 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00784-00190296-00190463 we see people you know we have very EKU_X56LRv8-00785-00190464-00190695 promising people among us but EKU_X56LRv8-00786-00190696-00190919 somehow i don't know you know they don't EKU_X56LRv8-00787-00190920-00190979 have the EKU_X56LRv8-00788-00190980-00191143 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00789-00191144-00191302 what do you call it the vision you know EKU_X56LRv8-00790-00191303-00191526 to look forward to a certain EKU_X56LRv8-00791-00191527-00191943 future so like like uh i can you know EKU_X56LRv8-00792-00191944-00192175 and what what the regime right now does EKU_X56LRv8-00793-00192176-00192295 is like you know EKU_X56LRv8-00794-00192296-00192495 not just this regime i think to the EKU_X56LRv8-00795-00192496-00192607 northeastern people EKU_X56LRv8-00796-00192608-00192926 whether it's a it's it's a you know EKU_X56LRv8-00797-00192927-00193283 it's it's a lotus or or what you call EKU_X56LRv8-00798-00193284-00193359 this palm EKU_X56LRv8-00799-00193360-00193550 is the same thing you know for us EKU_X56LRv8-00800-00193551-00193711 because you look at you know EKU_X56LRv8-00801-00193712-00193878 you talk about you know militarization EKU_X56LRv8-00802-00193879-00194063 in in in this you know EKU_X56LRv8-00803-00194064-00194343 resource expression and all so so EKU_X56LRv8-00804-00194344-00194463 there's a you know EKU_X56LRv8-00805-00194464-00194783 very consistent way to you know how they EKU_X56LRv8-00806-00194784-00194959 try to grab the land EKU_X56LRv8-00807-00194960-00195287 because first you have kfcsp you know EKU_X56LRv8-00808-00195288-00195511 you you militarize the land first you EKU_X56LRv8-00809-00195512-00195638 know and then EKU_X56LRv8-00810-00195639-00195863 they you know the the government here EKU_X56LRv8-00811-00195864-00196047 here are like puppets you know EKU_X56LRv8-00812-00196048-00196271 they will sign mou with the you know EKU_X56LRv8-00813-00196272-00196359 with the with the EKU_X56LRv8-00814-00196360-00196623 with the masters and then they will send EKU_X56LRv8-00815-00196624-00196743 all this EKU_X56LRv8-00816-00196744-00196959 you know private limited you know uh you EKU_X56LRv8-00817-00196960-00197143 know mining companies and then they will EKU_X56LRv8-00818-00197144-00197263 take away your EKU_X56LRv8-00819-00197264-00197566 your resources and all and now look at EKU_X56LRv8-00820-00197567-00197631 caa EKU_X56LRv8-00821-00197632-00197975 you know citizens you know first EKU_X56LRv8-00822-00197976-00198247 you kill the people you know take away EKU_X56LRv8-00823-00198248-00198319 the land EKU_X56LRv8-00824-00198320-00198526 and the resources and then you want to EKU_X56LRv8-00825-00198527-00198759 send you want to send you know outsiders EKU_X56LRv8-00826-00198760-00198831 to your land EKU_X56LRv8-00827-00198832-00199207 you know it's a complete you know idea EKU_X56LRv8-00828-00199208-00199526 i mean it's a it's a tactics to clean EKU_X56LRv8-00829-00199527-00199687 the you know wipe out EKU_X56LRv8-00830-00199688-00200007 the entire you know place you know our EKU_X56LRv8-00831-00200008-00200447 indigenous land so i think EKU_X56LRv8-00832-00200448-00200647 here in this point you know that's why i EKU_X56LRv8-00833-00200648-00200854 want to i say i keep saying that EKU_X56LRv8-00834-00200855-00201087 there's no people who can actually uh EKU_X56LRv8-00835-00201088-00201159 who are EKU_X56LRv8-00836-00201160-00201359 leading us in the right way and that EKU_X56LRv8-00837-00201360-00201511 it's high time that you know EKU_X56LRv8-00838-00201512-00201750 we talk uh you know personality like EKU_X56LRv8-00839-00201751-00201878 zamira board EKU_X56LRv8-00840-00201879-00202135 because they had a vision you know i'm EKU_X56LRv8-00841-00202136-00202247 just talking i'm not just EKU_X56LRv8-00842-00202248-00202463 not just talking about manipur but at EKU_X56LRv8-00843-00202464-00202631 large you know uh you know how EKU_X56LRv8-00844-00202632-00202871 you know he mobilized the peasants and EKU_X56LRv8-00845-00202872-00202943 barack EKU_X56LRv8-00846-00202944-00203199 you know he had some you know balls to EKU_X56LRv8-00847-00203200-00203278 do that EKU_X56LRv8-00848-00203279-00203583 and then to this uh generation ours EKU_X56LRv8-00849-00203584-00203838 you know we are so like you know what we EKU_X56LRv8-00850-00203839-00203935 call uh EKU_X56LRv8-00851-00203936-00204126 guarded by our four walls and the EKU_X56LRv8-00852-00204127-00204278 geographical boundaries EKU_X56LRv8-00853-00204279-00204599 you know uh you know we're just EKU_X56LRv8-00854-00204600-00204831 we become you know selfish and you know EKU_X56LRv8-00855-00204832-00204934 we don't see you know EKU_X56LRv8-00856-00204935-00205246 how we can reach out our hands you know EKU_X56LRv8-00857-00205248-00205551 to my neighbors or you know EKU_X56LRv8-00858-00205552-00205719 i don't know i think dolly explained it EKU_X56LRv8-00859-00205719-00205886 very well you know when when you know EKU_X56LRv8-00860-00205887-00206119 assange celebrates EKU_X56LRv8-00861-00206119-00206351 you know we should we should be part of EKU_X56LRv8-00862-00206352-00206438 it and then EKU_X56LRv8-00863-00206439-00206631 that's how we respect each other you EKU_X56LRv8-00864-00206632-00206919 know taking care of each other EKU_X56LRv8-00865-00206919-00207382 and i think that's all i wanted to say EKU_X56LRv8-00866-00207383-00207462 thank you EKU_X56LRv8-00867-00207463-00207903 somebody you can take over EKU_X56LRv8-00868-00207904-00208246 uh thanks a lot taco i think uh EKU_X56LRv8-00869-00208248-00208527 the kind of history of uh hija miragor's EKU_X56LRv8-00870-00208528-00208590 own EKU_X56LRv8-00871-00208591-00208823 life and struggles and the history of EKU_X56LRv8-00872-00208823-00208982 organizing that you spoke EKU_X56LRv8-00873-00208983-00209462 about it really EKU_X56LRv8-00874-00209463-00209719 does lead us to the fact that even today EKU_X56LRv8-00875-00209719-00209846 there is a need to link EKU_X56LRv8-00876-00209848-00210015 the question of resources the question EKU_X56LRv8-00877-00210016-00210231 of identity with the question of EKU_X56LRv8-00878-00210232-00210471 how a truly federal structure can EKU_X56LRv8-00879-00210471-00210679 operate in the present time EKU_X56LRv8-00880-00210680-00210879 and these are all questions still that EKU_X56LRv8-00881-00210880-00210998 need to be EKU_X56LRv8-00882-00211000-00211263 resolved through organizing and that's EKU_X56LRv8-00883-00211264-00211463 why figures like hijab EKU_X56LRv8-00884-00211464-00211767 are still important and EKU_X56LRv8-00885-00211767-00211991 actually i mean there's a need for i EKU_X56LRv8-00886-00211992-00212167 mean perhaps once this EKU_X56LRv8-00887-00212167-00212471 say the book of poems is translated and EKU_X56LRv8-00888-00212471-00212671 other kinds of literature also is EKU_X56LRv8-00889-00212671-00212775 available EKU_X56LRv8-00890-00212776-00213023 it would actually be really amazing for EKU_X56LRv8-00891-00213023-00213198 everyone to read EKU_X56LRv8-00892-00213200-00213494 the kind of work he was doing at that EKU_X56LRv8-00893-00213496-00213671 point of time EKU_X56LRv8-00894-00213671-00213910 because a lot is actually like you said EKU_X56LRv8-00895-00213911-00214151 there's bits and pieces available EKU_X56LRv8-00896-00214152-00214310 which i was also going through in the EKU_X56LRv8-00897-00214311-00214503 process of like while speaking to EKU_X56LRv8-00898-00214504-00214710 everyone for EKU_X56LRv8-00899-00214711-00214958 and today but there's a lot more that i EKU_X56LRv8-00900-00214959-00215151 would also and we would all EKU_X56LRv8-00901-00215152-00215558 like to perhaps read so that EKU_X56LRv8-00902-00215559-00215910 can be found even from past EKU_X56LRv8-00903-00215911-00216215 experiences while all obviously situated EKU_X56LRv8-00904-00216216-00216542 firmly in the present but uh EKU_X56LRv8-00905-00216544-00216887 yeah that would be a good thing i guess EKU_X56LRv8-00906-00216888-00216958 i mean i'm EKU_X56LRv8-00907-00216959-00217310 just wondering if this i mean we can EKU_X56LRv8-00908-00217311-00217719 discuss that later on that note uh EKU_X56LRv8-00909-00217719-00218055 i also want to call tarun EKU_X56LRv8-00910-00218056-00218279 to give his comments and speak about his EKU_X56LRv8-00911-00218280-00218487 america and other EKU_X56LRv8-00912-00218488-00218798 communist leaders of that time period EKU_X56LRv8-00913-00218800-00219119 uh as well who EKU_X56LRv8-00914-00219119-00219327 some answers to the questions we are EKU_X56LRv8-00915-00219328-00219439 faced with uh EKU_X56LRv8-00916-00219440-00219734 today in continuity with questions that EKU_X56LRv8-00917-00219735-00220127 have remained from the past so EKU_X56LRv8-00918-00220128-00221206 i don't know if you can join them EKU_X56LRv8-00919-00221207-00221455 thank you collective for putting EKU_X56LRv8-00920-00221456-00221582 together this EKU_X56LRv8-00921-00221583-00221894 uh panel itself it's always fascinating EKU_X56LRv8-00922-00221896-00221998 to listen to EKU_X56LRv8-00923-00222000-00222431 dolly who anything i read by her is a EKU_X56LRv8-00924-00222432-00222494 kind of EKU_X56LRv8-00925-00222496-00222846 education for me in terms of EKU_X56LRv8-00926-00222848-00223094 trying to understand the region and aku EKU_X56LRv8-00927-00223096-00223198 obviously EKU_X56LRv8-00928-00223200-00223503 for the kind of music EKU_X56LRv8-00929-00223504-00223831 path breaking music in some senses EKU_X56LRv8-00930-00223832-00224103 in the region as well as i always say EKU_X56LRv8-00931-00224104-00224303 subcontinent i don't try to say india EKU_X56LRv8-00932-00224304-00224751 because i EKU_X56LRv8-00933-00224752-00225175 it's a uh this event is an important EKU_X56LRv8-00934-00225176-00225800 event in the sense that EKU_X56LRv8-00935-00225801-00226191 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-00936-00226192-00226487 you know the history of leftist EKU_X56LRv8-00937-00226488-00226694 emancipatory vision EKU_X56LRv8-00938-00226696-00227094 is a long one in northeast and it EKU_X56LRv8-00939-00227096-00227406 is really a footnote to the history of EKU_X56LRv8-00940-00227407-00227663 indian left emancipatory vision and EKU_X56LRv8-00941-00227664-00227734 that's EKU_X56LRv8-00942-00227735-00228015 that's why someone like whose life in EKU_X56LRv8-00943-00228016-00228134 some ways EKU_X56LRv8-00944-00228135-00228615 is a kind of a draws out a contour EKU_X56LRv8-00945-00228616-00228919 of the kind of ways in which progressive EKU_X56LRv8-00946-00228919-00229063 movements EKU_X56LRv8-00947-00229064-00229542 have started or can be for instance EKU_X56LRv8-00948-00229544-00229798 if you heard raku and he gave you a very EKU_X56LRv8-00949-00229800-00229982 interesting EKU_X56LRv8-00950-00229983-00230167 shot but you know where he always he EKU_X56LRv8-00951-00230167-00230342 talked about some of the key moments in EKU_X56LRv8-00952-00230344-00230503 his life EKU_X56LRv8-00953-00230504-00230782 um you know from a you know a social EKU_X56LRv8-00954-00230783-00231079 reformer EKU_X56LRv8-00955-00231080-00231294 who joins communist party of india and EKU_X56LRv8-00956-00231296-00231519 even becomes a candidate for communist EKU_X56LRv8-00957-00231519-00231719 party of india and celcher EKU_X56LRv8-00958-00231719-00232110 but decides to move away from communist EKU_X56LRv8-00959-00232111-00232215 party of india EKU_X56LRv8-00960-00232216-00232439 and that's the you know last three years EKU_X56LRv8-00961-00232440-00232558 of his life EKU_X56LRv8-00962-00232559-00232815 is quite important in the sense that to EKU_X56LRv8-00963-00232816-00232998 understand EKU_X56LRv8-00964-00233000-00233215 what that emancipatory vision in EKU_X56LRv8-00965-00233216-00233494 northeast looks like EKU_X56LRv8-00966-00233496-00233782 a person from shillong a very well known EKU_X56LRv8-00967-00233783-00233998 historian nakasi historian who wrote in EKU_X56LRv8-00968-00234000-00234094 khasi EKU_X56LRv8-00969-00234096-00234287 he used to have a very interesting EKU_X56LRv8-00970-00234288-00234503 formula about whenever he used to talk EKU_X56LRv8-00971-00234504-00234598 about EKU_X56LRv8-00972-00234600-00234894 shillong or khasi hills for instance he EKU_X56LRv8-00973-00234896-00234942 said EKU_X56LRv8-00974-00234944-00235263 for people in here it has been a history EKU_X56LRv8-00975-00235264-00235558 of from british india to bharat india EKU_X56LRv8-00976-00235559-00235871 and unless until we understand these two EKU_X56LRv8-00977-00235871-00236167 ends of the colonial experience in the EKU_X56LRv8-00978-00236167-00236255 region EKU_X56LRv8-00979-00236256-00236479 we are not going to arrive anywhere so EKU_X56LRv8-00980-00236480-00236671 for instance if you look at EKU_X56LRv8-00981-00236671-00237103 iraba EKU_X56LRv8-00982-00237104-00237294 rightly pointed out but he becomes an EKU_X56LRv8-00983-00237296-00237406 mla EKU_X56LRv8-00984-00237407-00237746 in the assembly which was part of the EKU_X56LRv8-00985-00237748-00237991 independent manipur EKU_X56LRv8-00986-00237992-00238327 and he refuses he actually when india EKU_X56LRv8-00987-00238328-00238687 takes over nx's manipur EKU_X56LRv8-00988-00238688-00238903 by communist party of india which EKU_X56LRv8-00989-00238904-00239015 accepts EKU_X56LRv8-00990-00239016-00239367 this annexation iraq refuses to do that EKU_X56LRv8-00991-00239367-00239671 and he actually EKU_X56LRv8-00992-00239671-00239871 he dies on the foothills in the camps of EKU_X56LRv8-00993-00239871-00240231 the burmese communist party EKU_X56LRv8-00994-00240232-00240551 and this is something which EKU_X56LRv8-00995-00240552-00240882 has happened many times in northeast EKU_X56LRv8-00996-00240883-00241391 where certain progressive people EKU_X56LRv8-00997-00241392-00241630 who come from the region who in many EKU_X56LRv8-00998-00241631-00241903 cases tribal communist leaders EKU_X56LRv8-00999-00241904-00242215 themselves at variance with EKU_X56LRv8-01000-00242216-00242558 the indian national left movements EKU_X56LRv8-01001-00242559-00242863 who try to appropriate movements in the EKU_X56LRv8-01002-00242864-00243015 northeast EKU_X56LRv8-01003-00243016-00243246 in the larger narrative of progressive EKU_X56LRv8-01004-00243248-00243398 internationalism EKU_X56LRv8-01005-00243400-00243558 if you look at someone like bishnu rabha EKU_X56LRv8-01006-00243559-00243806 for instance who also gets appropriated EKU_X56LRv8-01007-00243807-00243919 by asami's EKU_X56LRv8-01008-00243919-00244167 elite and you know is declared a EKU_X56LRv8-01009-00244167-00244375 nationalist leader EKU_X56LRv8-01010-00244376-00244575 but someone like him his tribal identity EKU_X56LRv8-01011-00244576-00244679 is almost forgotten EKU_X56LRv8-01012-00244680-00244991 ira both is celebrated by cpi for EKU_X56LRv8-01013-00244992-00245158 instance EKU_X56LRv8-01014-00245159-00245494 as a person who is a patient leader EKU_X56LRv8-01015-00245496-00245671 but he's never you know they always EKU_X56LRv8-01016-00245671-00246063 forget to point out that he's also EKU_X56LRv8-01017-00246064-00246271 fighting for self-determination of EKU_X56LRv8-01018-00246271-00246439 manipur EKU_X56LRv8-01019-00246440-00246782 but irabert's life as i said is not EKU_X56LRv8-01020-00246783-00246982 only about like iran for instance is EKU_X56LRv8-01021-00246983-00247151 being appropriated by a certain kind of EKU_X56LRv8-01022-00247152-00247446 manipuri nationalist narrative also EKU_X56LRv8-01023-00247448-00247742 if you look at arabic's life his arrival EKU_X56LRv8-01024-00247744-00248046 at a leftist emancipatory vision EKU_X56LRv8-01025-00248048-00248455 starts off by questioning his own EKU_X56LRv8-01026-00248456-00248655 internal you know his community's own EKU_X56LRv8-01027-00248656-00248863 internal oppressions EKU_X56LRv8-01028-00248864-00249198 and if my formula for instance EKU_X56LRv8-01029-00249200-00249503 for what what i think EKU_X56LRv8-01030-00249504-00249751 is a progressive voice in the region is EKU_X56LRv8-01031-00249752-00249863 are two EKU_X56LRv8-01032-00249864-00250191 one is which is which acknowledges EKU_X56LRv8-01033-00250192-00250494 this shift from one colonization which EKU_X56LRv8-01034-00250496-00250527 is EKU_X56LRv8-01035-00250528-00250710 british india to another form of EKU_X56LRv8-01036-00250711-00250910 colonization which is bharat india EKU_X56LRv8-01037-00250911-00251287 to acknowledge and other is EKU_X56LRv8-01038-00251288-00251655 people who people who question EKU_X56LRv8-01039-00251656-00251975 their own oppressions EKU_X56LRv8-01040-00251976-00252182 for instance movements in khasi hills EKU_X56LRv8-01041-00252183-00252351 for instance led by women EKU_X56LRv8-01042-00252352-00252551 who questioned the patriarchy within the EKU_X56LRv8-01043-00252552-00252671 region or EKU_X56LRv8-01044-00252671-00252975 in nagaland or in assam which you know EKU_X56LRv8-01045-00252976-00253182 like vishnu rabha was not only fighting EKU_X56LRv8-01046-00253183-00253310 against EKU_X56LRv8-01047-00253311-00253527 you know british colonialism he was EKU_X56LRv8-01048-00253528-00253646 fighting against EKU_X56LRv8-01049-00253648-00253887 who would actually ask me uppercast EKU_X56LRv8-01050-00253888-00254191 caste hindu jamindars you know so EKU_X56LRv8-01051-00254192-00254494 this con if there is going to be EKU_X56LRv8-01052-00254496-00254806 and i'm and i uh unlike i slightly EKU_X56LRv8-01053-00254807-00254894 disagree with EKU_X56LRv8-01054-00254896-00255142 aku i think that i'm an optimist in that EKU_X56LRv8-01055-00255144-00255230 sense EKU_X56LRv8-01056-00255231-00255551 that all around the region there are EKU_X56LRv8-01057-00255552-00255855 people who are EKU_X56LRv8-01058-00255856-00256182 questioning their or what you can say EKU_X56LRv8-01059-00256183-00256398 they're washing their dirty linen in EKU_X56LRv8-01060-00256400-00256598 public EKU_X56LRv8-01061-00256600-00256751 because they'd realize that the EKU_X56LRv8-01062-00256752-00256903 liberation EKU_X56LRv8-01063-00256904-00257294 which they seek from a colonial rule EKU_X56LRv8-01064-00257296-00257471 will not be a liberation if that EKU_X56LRv8-01065-00257471-00257682 liberation is not also an internal EKU_X56LRv8-01066-00257683-00257830 liberation EKU_X56LRv8-01067-00257831-00258127 liberation within within that larger EKU_X56LRv8-01068-00258128-00258255 narrative whether it's assamese EKU_X56LRv8-01069-00258256-00258327 nationalism EKU_X56LRv8-01070-00258328-00258551 or a manipuri nationalism or a khasi EKU_X56LRv8-01071-00258552-00258630 nationalism EKU_X56LRv8-01072-00258631-00259006 or any of that kind you cannot EKU_X56LRv8-01073-00259007-00259334 be substituting uh one form of EKU_X56LRv8-01074-00259335-00259503 nationalism by another form of EKU_X56LRv8-01075-00259504-00259646 nationalism and i think there are EKU_X56LRv8-01076-00259648-00259798 movements like that EKU_X56LRv8-01077-00259800-00259975 someone like akhil is a good example of EKU_X56LRv8-01078-00259976-00260215 that you know akhil is not a defender of EKU_X56LRv8-01079-00260216-00260423 assamese nationalism he's talking of EKU_X56LRv8-01080-00260423-00260510 pageantry EKU_X56LRv8-01081-00260511-00260806 and pageantry is not necessarily for by EKU_X56LRv8-01082-00260807-00260975 by him defined in such EKU_X56LRv8-01083-00260976-00261334 narrow sense so EKU_X56LRv8-01084-00261335-00261646 someone like hijab or vishnu rabha or EKU_X56LRv8-01085-00261648-00261791 dashradev EKU_X56LRv8-01086-00261792-00262039 or darlington dem pepe there are legions EKU_X56LRv8-01087-00262040-00262182 of leaders EKU_X56LRv8-01088-00262183-00262439 who have been part of the left movement EKU_X56LRv8-01089-00262440-00262615 or who have tried to imagine left EKU_X56LRv8-01090-00262616-00262695 movement EKU_X56LRv8-01091-00262696-00262951 or left emancipating vision in their own EKU_X56LRv8-01092-00262952-00263119 terms EKU_X56LRv8-01093-00263120-00263327 in their own community terms in their EKU_X56LRv8-01094-00263328-00263519 own geographical terms EKU_X56LRv8-01095-00263520-00263767 uh you know so that is something which EKU_X56LRv8-01096-00263768-00263967 we will have to do and i think that EKU_X56LRv8-01097-00263968-00264247 you know we need to be celebrating much EKU_X56LRv8-01098-00264248-00264358 more EKU_X56LRv8-01099-00264359-00264695 of uh you know these figures uh EKU_X56LRv8-01100-00264696-00264910 you know in the region as well as EKU_X56LRv8-01101-00264911-00265063 outside the region i don't think people EKU_X56LRv8-01102-00265064-00265230 outside the region even EKU_X56LRv8-01103-00265231-00265534 acknowledge that northeast has had uh EKU_X56LRv8-01104-00265535-00265734 movements which are you know EKU_X56LRv8-01105-00265735-00265975 beyond nationalistic movement in that EKU_X56LRv8-01106-00265976-00266079 sense EKU_X56LRv8-01107-00266080-00266382 you know like if you look at um EKU_X56LRv8-01108-00266383-00266710 you know 40s uh EKU_X56LRv8-01109-00266711-00266927 many movements even for instance naga EKU_X56LRv8-01110-00266928-00267087 nationalist movement EKU_X56LRv8-01111-00267088-00267303 has had close relationship with the EKU_X56LRv8-01112-00267304-00267558 communists EKU_X56LRv8-01113-00267559-00267806 uh people there are you know they EKU_X56LRv8-01114-00267807-00267967 because communists at that time EKU_X56LRv8-01115-00267968-00268382 especially communist party of india was EKU_X56LRv8-01116-00268383-00268606 not necessarily caught up in defending EKU_X56LRv8-01117-00268607-00268758 indian nation EKU_X56LRv8-01118-00268759-00268927 they defended the right of EKU_X56LRv8-01119-00268928-00269103 self-determination and iran EKU_X56LRv8-01120-00269104-00269295 said a very nice thing when the EKU_X56LRv8-01121-00269296-00269455 communist party of india leaders said EKU_X56LRv8-01122-00269456-00269551 that why are you EKU_X56LRv8-01123-00269552-00269727 you know why are you going underground EKU_X56LRv8-01124-00269728-00269903 now EKU_X56LRv8-01125-00269904-00270175 vision is that i will have a socialist EKU_X56LRv8-01126-00270176-00270287 manipur EKU_X56LRv8-01127-00270288-00270543 and that socialist manipur will have a EKU_X56LRv8-01128-00270544-00270703 relationship with a socialist EKU_X56LRv8-01129-00270704-00270927 india i am not going to be part of an EKU_X56LRv8-01130-00270928-00271087 india which is unfree EKU_X56LRv8-01131-00271088-00271351 even vishnu rava said when he you know EKU_X56LRv8-01132-00271352-00271415 led EKU_X56LRv8-01133-00271416-00271630 this major violent uprising in the EKU_X56LRv8-01134-00271631-00271767 foothills of EKU_X56LRv8-01135-00271768-00272175 khasi hills from belton onwards EKU_X56LRv8-01136-00272176-00272551 and he said that this freedom 1940s the EKU_X56LRv8-01137-00272552-00272655 15th august EKU_X56LRv8-01138-00272656-00272823 is a fake freedom only thing we have EKU_X56LRv8-01139-00272824-00273119 changed is the color of the skin EKU_X56LRv8-01140-00273120-00273382 and those questions are still important EKU_X56LRv8-01141-00273383-00273519 and those questions are still being EKU_X56LRv8-01142-00273520-00273639 fought about EKU_X56LRv8-01143-00273640-00273910 in various different parts of the region EKU_X56LRv8-01144-00273911-00274103 so EKU_X56LRv8-01145-00274104-00274399 i thought that this is something which i EKU_X56LRv8-01146-00274400-00274655 also wanted to ask dolly after reading EKU_X56LRv8-01147-00274656-00274791 her book EKU_X56LRv8-01148-00274792-00275095 and and then i will EKU_X56LRv8-01149-00275096-00275487 like to you know come to aku to uh EKU_X56LRv8-01150-00275488-00275751 tony what do you think in terms of how EKU_X56LRv8-01151-00275752-00276071 the indian and colonial extractive EKU_X56LRv8-01152-00276072-00276223 industries work EKU_X56LRv8-01153-00276224-00276551 what do you think is its relationship to EKU_X56LRv8-01154-00276552-00276879 class EKU_X56LRv8-01155-00276880-00277230 formations in these societies EKU_X56LRv8-01156-00277231-00277830 the class formation within EKU_X56LRv8-01157-00277831-00278406 somebody can i respond EKU_X56LRv8-01158-00278407-00278591 very good that's a very good question EKU_X56LRv8-01159-00278592-00278806 and i always say that you know when EKU_X56LRv8-01160-00278807-00279110 when um people EKU_X56LRv8-01161-00279111-00279423 um tribal societies EKU_X56LRv8-01162-00279424-00279710 come up with this very magnanimous EKU_X56LRv8-01163-00279711-00279879 phrase you know we are we are an EKU_X56LRv8-01164-00279880-00280471 egalitarian society um my EKU_X56LRv8-01165-00280472-00280727 appeal to you is that figure out who's EKU_X56LRv8-01166-00280728-00280863 seeing that EKU_X56LRv8-01167-00280864-00281052 if it's somebody who's coming from EKU_X56LRv8-01168-00281053-00281239 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-01169-00281240-00281457 getting off from a toyota corolla or a EKU_X56LRv8-01170-00281458-00281782 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-01171-00281783-00282063 high wall same then i think we have to EKU_X56LRv8-01172-00282064-00282199 think twice EKU_X56LRv8-01173-00282200-00282543 about internal class systems surely EKU_X56LRv8-01174-00282544-00282743 i think that's a very question when it EKU_X56LRv8-01175-00282744-00282887 comes to resource extraction EKU_X56LRv8-01176-00282888-00283087 and also when it comes to what i say EKU_X56LRv8-01177-00283088-00283310 larger than the conflict economy right EKU_X56LRv8-01178-00283311-00283471 because when you think about extraction EKU_X56LRv8-01179-00283472-00283630 and the conflict economy in the region i EKU_X56LRv8-01180-00283631-00283727 think EKU_X56LRv8-01181-00283728-00283903 there are amazing examples both from EKU_X56LRv8-01182-00283904-00284054 latin america and from the continent of EKU_X56LRv8-01183-00284055-00284254 africa and somebody like mahmoud EKU_X56LRv8-01184-00284255-00284479 has written a lot in terms of either the EKU_X56LRv8-01185-00284480-00284591 class formation EKU_X56LRv8-01186-00284592-00284815 i i would still say that you know tarun EKU_X56LRv8-01187-00284816-00284967 your EKU_X56LRv8-01188-00284968-00285175 your question actually in a way i think EKU_X56LRv8-01189-00285176-00285303 links to this EKU_X56LRv8-01190-00285304-00285623 entire very very colonial and very very EKU_X56LRv8-01191-00285624-00285791 simplistic way of looking at tribal EKU_X56LRv8-01192-00285792-00285991 societies in india right EKU_X56LRv8-01193-00285992-00286310 um and and i i i talk EKU_X56LRv8-01194-00286311-00286503 about when i talk about inequality and EKU_X56LRv8-01195-00286504-00286751 poverty and structural violence surely EKU_X56LRv8-01196-00286752-00287063 right i'm also talking about both from EKU_X56LRv8-01197-00287064-00287334 people within who are who are in a way EKU_X56LRv8-01198-00287335-00287543 perpetrating that it's very important to EKU_X56LRv8-01199-00287544-00287623 understand EKU_X56LRv8-01200-00287624-00287806 and the fact that in my book i talk EKU_X56LRv8-01201-00287807-00288047 about call extraction in dagolan should EKU_X56LRv8-01202-00288048-00288406 make itself clear that outsiders or EKU_X56LRv8-01203-00288407-00288582 non-nadas have no EKU_X56LRv8-01204-00288583-00288791 according to article 371 a of the indian EKU_X56LRv8-01205-00288792-00288943 constitution within land EKU_X56LRv8-01206-00288944-00289215 and what happens to resources within its EKU_X56LRv8-01207-00289216-00289430 nagas themselves who get into this kind EKU_X56LRv8-01208-00289431-00289487 of EKU_X56LRv8-01209-00289488-00289815 um i would say this kind of nexus EKU_X56LRv8-01210-00289816-00290103 um the second point that i wanted to say EKU_X56LRv8-01211-00290104-00290206 is also that where EKU_X56LRv8-01212-00290207-00290447 is that money going and what's happening EKU_X56LRv8-01213-00290448-00290654 and actually that is the EKU_X56LRv8-01214-00290655-00290910 uh when we talk about transformation you EKU_X56LRv8-01215-00290911-00291030 have this big guys EKU_X56LRv8-01216-00291031-00291271 you know we look at five-year election EKU_X56LRv8-01217-00291272-00291871 uh i EKU_X56LRv8-01218-00291872-00292047 families and how we know that some of EKU_X56LRv8-01219-00292048-00292223 the most powerful people EKU_X56LRv8-01220-00292224-00292430 are actually in a relating to that EKU_X56LRv8-01221-00292431-00292615 arunachal pradesh as well since we are EKU_X56LRv8-01222-00292616-00292758 talking about coal extraction and EKU_X56LRv8-01223-00292759-00292847 extraction EKU_X56LRv8-01224-00292848-00293263 um in the northeast EKU_X56LRv8-01225-00293264-00293454 the story that i tell in my book taron EKU_X56LRv8-01226-00293455-00293703 is this the big players that get away EKU_X56LRv8-01227-00293704-00293871 with it where increasing number of EKU_X56LRv8-01228-00293872-00294063 villagers become landless because they EKU_X56LRv8-01229-00294064-00294215 have to sell their land EKU_X56LRv8-01230-00294216-00294406 so that coal is extracted and police EKU_X56LRv8-01231-00294407-00294615 explore there they become landless and EKU_X56LRv8-01232-00294616-00294775 that's in a way related to the second EKU_X56LRv8-01233-00294776-00294887 book that i've written EKU_X56LRv8-01234-00294888-00295079 leaving the land that increasingly EKU_X56LRv8-01235-00295080-00295223 there's nothing you can do with the land EKU_X56LRv8-01236-00295224-00295343 it's getting poison EKU_X56LRv8-01237-00295344-00295639 it's been deforested you know it's it's EKU_X56LRv8-01238-00295640-00295791 in a way being extracted EKU_X56LRv8-01239-00295792-00296103 out of everything so so as EKU_X56LRv8-01240-00296104-00296447 as tribal people become become poor EKU_X56LRv8-01241-00296448-00296703 where do they go it's the second story EKU_X56LRv8-01242-00296704-00296887 that i said in my second book but in EKU_X56LRv8-01243-00296888-00297119 terms of internal transformation of EKU_X56LRv8-01244-00297120-00297271 the the division between the rich and EKU_X56LRv8-01245-00297272-00297430 the poor is so stunned EKU_X56LRv8-01246-00297431-00297734 that even in terms of the anger and in EKU_X56LRv8-01247-00297735-00297927 terms of the impunity that i talk about EKU_X56LRv8-01248-00297928-00298079 that the rich can get away with EKU_X56LRv8-01249-00298080-00298279 is a reality and i think we have to talk EKU_X56LRv8-01250-00298280-00298479 about this you see a very important EKU_X56LRv8-01251-00298480-00298543 thing EKU_X56LRv8-01252-00298544-00298719 because i was also realizing that and EKU_X56LRv8-01253-00298720-00298895 when we talk about the tribal rich EKU_X56LRv8-01254-00298896-00299047 let's not forget how they are also EKU_X56LRv8-01255-00299048-00299215 connected to the valley we have EKU_X56LRv8-01256-00299216-00299447 two very special guys in the northeast EKU_X56LRv8-01257-00299448-00299543 region of india EKU_X56LRv8-01258-00299544-00299719 uh you know the the infall valley and EKU_X56LRv8-01259-00299720-00299879 the brahmaputra valley EKU_X56LRv8-01260-00299880-00300215 when it comes to the tribal elites EKU_X56LRv8-01261-00300216-00300551 do a weapon the the khasi elite the naga EKU_X56LRv8-01262-00300552-00300647 elite EKU_X56LRv8-01263-00300648-00300991 the the the the chili EKU_X56LRv8-01264-00300992-00301223 will be very tied up at the level of EKU_X56LRv8-01265-00301224-00301439 family at the level of networks EKU_X56LRv8-01266-00301440-00301751 so if you do not belong to that circle EKU_X56LRv8-01267-00301752-00301999 and they are very clued into that then EKU_X56LRv8-01268-00302000-00302191 the the info valley and also the EKU_X56LRv8-01269-00302192-00302399 brahmaputra elite circles right EKU_X56LRv8-01270-00302400-00302606 so if you are not tied into that you EKU_X56LRv8-01271-00302607-00302895 don't exist within that world EKU_X56LRv8-01272-00302896-00303151 about elite perhaps the naga elite EKU_X56LRv8-01273-00303152-00303319 themselves look at here they EKU_X56LRv8-01274-00303320-00303519 look at look look at the marriages and EKU_X56LRv8-01275-00303520-00303630 look at the world EKU_X56LRv8-01276-00303631-00303934 right that they are part of that it's so EKU_X56LRv8-01277-00303935-00303999 easy that EKU_X56LRv8-01278-00304000-00304303 it's so smooth so in a way by that what EKU_X56LRv8-01279-00304304-00304454 i'm also signifying EKU_X56LRv8-01280-00304455-00304599 is that when you talk about the elite EKU_X56LRv8-01281-00304600-00304799 worlds they're actually in a sense EKU_X56LRv8-01282-00304800-00305023 learning from one another they're in a EKU_X56LRv8-01283-00305024-00305143 sense i think EKU_X56LRv8-01284-00305144-00305463 growing in network that's something EKU_X56LRv8-01285-00305464-00305687 as an anthropologist has been EKU_X56LRv8-01286-00305688-00305782 fascinating EKU_X56LRv8-01287-00305783-00306079 because you scratch the elite world you EKU_X56LRv8-01288-00306080-00306143 just EKU_X56LRv8-01289-00306144-00306471 remove the facade right of this elite EKU_X56LRv8-01290-00306472-00306551 world that EKU_X56LRv8-01291-00306552-00306743 you know they can make it on their own EKU_X56LRv8-01292-00306744-00306895 it's all alive EKU_X56LRv8-01293-00306896-00307110 tarun and here it goes here it goes for EKU_X56LRv8-01294-00307111-00307271 people who are listening and all EKU_X56LRv8-01295-00307272-00307479 do a mapping because when it comes to EKU_X56LRv8-01296-00307480-00307599 resource extraction EKU_X56LRv8-01297-00307600-00307910 especially in the valley we have to look EKU_X56LRv8-01298-00307911-00308047 at the t societies right EKU_X56LRv8-01299-00308048-00308191 we have to look at the plantation EKU_X56LRv8-01300-00308192-00308358 families EKU_X56LRv8-01301-00308359-00308639 and i often wonder that people and EKU_X56LRv8-01302-00308640-00308887 children from the oil and tea world EKU_X56LRv8-01303-00308888-00309079 and the way that they've propagated the EKU_X56LRv8-01304-00309080-00309319 idea of class and the idea of aesthetics EKU_X56LRv8-01305-00309320-00309447 and the idea of what EKU_X56LRv8-01306-00309448-00309679 what constitutes culture has been in a EKU_X56LRv8-01307-00309680-00310047 way fascinating EKU_X56LRv8-01308-00310048-00310215 uh they grow up in the tea plantations EKU_X56LRv8-01309-00310216-00310382 but of course right it's high culture EKU_X56LRv8-01310-00310383-00310510 they don't talk about like what i'm EKU_X56LRv8-01311-00310511-00310575 called EKU_X56LRv8-01312-00310576-00310727 food they have no idea what the EKU_X56LRv8-01313-00310728-00311279 plantation laborers are eating EKU_X56LRv8-01314-00311280-00311510 surely and that was why i also made sure EKU_X56LRv8-01315-00311511-00311679 that i made a 10 minute short EKU_X56LRv8-01316-00311680-00311830 documentary with bamboo shoot and where EKU_X56LRv8-01317-00311831-00311967 it's coming from right EKU_X56LRv8-01318-00311968-00312279 because at the core of it when you talk EKU_X56LRv8-01319-00312280-00312454 about elite elite culture EKU_X56LRv8-01320-00312455-00312654 what is the center of it because if you EKU_X56LRv8-01321-00312655-00312782 talk about production EKU_X56LRv8-01322-00312783-00312943 in nagaland and if you talk about what EKU_X56LRv8-01323-00312944-00313191 we are eating it's really so dangerous EKU_X56LRv8-01324-00313192-00313375 that right now we have propagated the EKU_X56LRv8-01325-00313376-00313519 idea of naga cuisine EKU_X56LRv8-01326-00313520-00314182 where we don't even produce enough EKU_X56LRv8-01327-00314183-00314303 and then we are saying you know it's EKU_X56LRv8-01328-00314304-00314471 part of naga cuisine so i think it's in EKU_X56LRv8-01329-00314472-00314606 a sense related to very EKU_X56LRv8-01330-00314607-00314999 very much the miracle what do we produce EKU_X56LRv8-01331-00315000-00315206 and i would love in fact i would love it EKU_X56LRv8-01332-00315207-00315423 if of course someone can help us EKU_X56LRv8-01333-00315424-00315667 figure out the speech that he made in EKU_X56LRv8-01334-00315668-00315934 1939 during the second lupilado what did EKU_X56LRv8-01335-00315935-00316134 he say that speech would be fascinating EKU_X56LRv8-01336-00316135-00316206 because today EKU_X56LRv8-01337-00316207-00316423 my last point is that it is related to EKU_X56LRv8-01338-00316424-00316567 the food sovereignty movement that we EKU_X56LRv8-01339-00316568-00316663 are talking about EKU_X56LRv8-01340-00316664-00316887 it is eventually related to that and EKU_X56LRv8-01341-00316888-00317095 thank god that during the pandemic EKU_X56LRv8-01342-00317096-00317230 everyone is aware that you know whether EKU_X56LRv8-01343-00317231-00317399 we have enough to eat or not enough to EKU_X56LRv8-01344-00317400-00317430 eat EKU_X56LRv8-01345-00317431-00317647 so everything is being heightened so i EKU_X56LRv8-01346-00317648-00317758 think that's important EKU_X56LRv8-01347-00317759-00318006 so that's my roundabout way of your EKU_X56LRv8-01348-00318007-00318215 question thank you tarun as always EKU_X56LRv8-01349-00318216-00318630 for your provocative questions so aku EKU_X56LRv8-01350-00318631-00318854 is picking up from dolly's thing about EKU_X56LRv8-01351-00318855-00318934 the EKU_X56LRv8-01352-00318935-00319239 you know rise of this new elite EKU_X56LRv8-01353-00319240-00319534 you know which has close relationship EKU_X56LRv8-01354-00319535-00319623 with EKU_X56LRv8-01355-00319624-00319903 you know big families you know marwadi EKU_X56LRv8-01356-00319904-00319975 capital EKU_X56LRv8-01357-00319976-00320206 all that kind of thing do you think that EKU_X56LRv8-01358-00320207-00320382 uh sometimes EKU_X56LRv8-01359-00320383-00320695 um EKU_X56LRv8-01360-00320696-00321023 movements in the region um EKU_X56LRv8-01361-00321024-00321295 try to hide this class contradiction EKU_X56LRv8-01362-00321296-00321551 within EKU_X56LRv8-01363-00321552-00321863 uh EKU_X56LRv8-01364-00321864-00322310 i think so but what i feel is EKU_X56LRv8-01365-00322311-00322630 the the elite class EKU_X56LRv8-01366-00322631-00323006 often tries to you know uh EKU_X56LRv8-01367-00323007-00323271 try to act like you know they want to be EKU_X56LRv8-01368-00323272-00323351 there you know EKU_X56LRv8-01369-00323352-00323703 in individuals in this woman but but in EKU_X56LRv8-01370-00323704-00323854 fact actually they are the ones that we EKU_X56LRv8-01371-00323855-00323927 need to fight EKU_X56LRv8-01372-00323928-00324215 first you know i mean i mean that's how EKU_X56LRv8-01373-00324216-00324782 i feel EKU_X56LRv8-01374-00324783-00325223 i don't know i can't get you no EKU_X56LRv8-01375-00325224-00325479 in which sense you know fight them first EKU_X56LRv8-01376-00325480-00325543 how EKU_X56LRv8-01377-00325544-00325903 do you no because EKU_X56LRv8-01378-00325904-00326175 they need to be exposed they need to be EKU_X56LRv8-01379-00326176-00326375 you know they need to be taught because EKU_X56LRv8-01380-00326376-00326599 in infall you know of course uh i am EKU_X56LRv8-01381-00326600-00326734 friends with you know EKU_X56LRv8-01382-00326735-00326958 all kinds of people i'm a musician you EKU_X56LRv8-01383-00326959-00327110 know i interact with EKU_X56LRv8-01384-00327111-00327295 you know the risk class the elite class EKU_X56LRv8-01385-00327296-00327487 you know i get to work with the EKU_X56LRv8-01386-00327488-00327710 you know with the people you know who i EKU_X56LRv8-01387-00327711-00327903 organize you know things EKU_X56LRv8-01388-00327904-00328239 so i came across many people you know EKU_X56LRv8-01389-00328240-00328527 who actually you know tried to get you EKU_X56LRv8-01390-00328528-00328575 know EKU_X56LRv8-01391-00328576-00329239 things from both sides EKU_X56LRv8-01392-00329240-00329615 so it's very uh you know you to be very EKU_X56LRv8-01393-00329616-00329806 scared about things that you want and EKU_X56LRv8-01394-00329807-00330030 especially for someone who EKU_X56LRv8-01395-00330031-00330223 uh you know who has been part of a EKU_X56LRv8-01396-00330224-00330375 movement or something like that EKU_X56LRv8-01397-00330376-00330647 because in manipur you know the elites EKU_X56LRv8-01398-00330648-00330830 will be part of the movement also you EKU_X56LRv8-01399-00330831-00330887 know EKU_X56LRv8-01400-00330888-00331087 and then again and then again you know EKU_X56LRv8-01401-00331088-00331271 they will get the perks of being the EKU_X56LRv8-01402-00331272-00331630 you know brat or uh so this is EKU_X56LRv8-01403-00331631-00331951 uh so so you need to have a very uh EKU_X56LRv8-01404-00331952-00332199 what they call it i mean for me i'm very EKU_X56LRv8-01405-00332200-00332295 careful about EKU_X56LRv8-01406-00332296-00332551 who i do events with and who i when i EKU_X56LRv8-01407-00332552-00332599 perform EKU_X56LRv8-01408-00332600-00332823 and then what kind of you know money i EKU_X56LRv8-01409-00332824-00332934 get you know EKU_X56LRv8-01410-00332935-00333127 i mean for example like i organize a EKU_X56LRv8-01411-00333128-00333271 festival you know EKU_X56LRv8-01412-00333272-00333454 from whom i take money and all this is EKU_X56LRv8-01413-00333455-00333575 like you know for me EKU_X56LRv8-01414-00333576-00333823 i'm very careful you know i want to be EKU_X56LRv8-01415-00333824-00334015 the collaborator with this EKU_X56LRv8-01416-00334016-00334682 people and you know EKU_X56LRv8-01417-00334683-00335006 questions EKU_X56LRv8-01418-00335007-00335710 the audience somebody EKU_X56LRv8-01419-00335711-00335975 oh i mean uh if other people who have EKU_X56LRv8-01420-00335976-00336054 also joined EKU_X56LRv8-01421-00336055-00336310 if they have comments or questions who EKU_X56LRv8-01422-00336311-00336423 are joined here EKU_X56LRv8-01423-00336424-00336767 on uh this thing EKU_X56LRv8-01424-00336768-00337278 uh otherwise i think one of the most EKU_X56LRv8-01425-00337279-00337575 like important or whatever memorable EKU_X56LRv8-01426-00337576-00337895 things you also said was that uh EKU_X56LRv8-01427-00337896-00338239 even though uh like as you pointed out EKU_X56LRv8-01428-00338240-00338623 that uh hijab is talking about EKU_X56LRv8-01429-00338624-00338967 an independent uh EKU_X56LRv8-01430-00338968-00339151 is also at the same time saying that it EKU_X56LRv8-01431-00339152-00339295 has to be a socialist EKU_X56LRv8-01432-00339296-00339471 manipur which has relations with the EKU_X56LRv8-01433-00339472-00339623 socialist EKU_X56LRv8-01434-00339624-00339975 uh in india which EKU_X56LRv8-01435-00339976-00340282 i think uh does get lost in the kinds of EKU_X56LRv8-01436-00340283-00340503 uh EKU_X56LRv8-01437-00340504-00340671 does get lost when that kind of EKU_X56LRv8-01438-00340672-00340847 emancipatory vision i guess EKU_X56LRv8-01439-00340848-00341215 is missing that what kind of EKU_X56LRv8-01440-00341216-00341471 uh society or state we actually want to EKU_X56LRv8-01441-00341472-00341623 build EKU_X56LRv8-01442-00341624-00342006 becomes a secondary uh concern but EKU_X56LRv8-01443-00342007-00342206 to have a socialist manipur in relation EKU_X56LRv8-01444-00342207-00342358 with socialist india is EKU_X56LRv8-01445-00342359-00342710 actually a brilliant way of uh EKU_X56LRv8-01446-00342711-00343015 vision across and it would actually EKU_X56LRv8-01447-00343016-00344319 be lovely if one EKU_X56LRv8-01448-00344320-00344606 itself is something that's quite i mean EKU_X56LRv8-01449-00344607-00344982 uh EKU_X56LRv8-01450-00344983-00345303 some and it's like uh as you said like EKU_X56LRv8-01451-00345304-00345606 uh i mean while we are holding this EKU_X56LRv8-01452-00345607-00345967 uh we also want to extend our solidarity EKU_X56LRv8-01453-00345968-00346063 to EKU_X56LRv8-01454-00346064-00346415 uh all political prisoners EKU_X56LRv8-01455-00346416-00346743 as well who have precisely been EKU_X56LRv8-01456-00346744-00346951 imprisoned because they are raising all EKU_X56LRv8-01457-00346952-00347282 these questions EKU_X56LRv8-01458-00347283-00347558 uh and they're linking together EKU_X56LRv8-01459-00347559-00347710 different struggles EKU_X56LRv8-01460-00347711-00347991 uh and building a kind of mass movement EKU_X56LRv8-01461-00347992-00348134 along these lines EKU_X56LRv8-01462-00348135-00348551 which kind of uh encapsulates that EKU_X56LRv8-01463-00348552-00348903 uh emancipatory vision which you also EKU_X56LRv8-01464-00348904-00349223 spoke about EKU_X56LRv8-01465-00349224-00349575 look at one EKU_X56LRv8-01466-00349576-00349975 question that we don't these elites seem EKU_X56LRv8-01467-00349976-00350134 to be similar to the EKU_X56LRv8-01468-00350135-00350471 to the dionists uh who ruled EKU_X56LRv8-01469-00350472-00350799 europe at one time is one question EKU_X56LRv8-01470-00350800-00351030 that we've uh called to the dynasties EKU_X56LRv8-01471-00351031-00351175 who ruled you out of it one time EKU_X56LRv8-01472-00351176-00351503 that's true question EKU_X56LRv8-01473-00351504-00352287 if anyone wants to uh respond to that EKU_X56LRv8-01474-00352288-00352527 like what exactly are these networks of EKU_X56LRv8-01475-00352528-00352854 elites that EKU_X56LRv8-01476-00352855-00353310 were being spoken about i guess uh EKU_X56LRv8-01477-00353311-00353575 dolly is always pressed should go to a EKU_X56LRv8-01478-00353576-00353687 dolly EKU_X56LRv8-01479-00353688-00354282 for ethnic or religion EKU_X56LRv8-01480-00354283-00355710 um EKU_X56LRv8-01481-00355711-00355854 which becomes a very important EKU_X56LRv8-01482-00355855-00356015 conversation um EKU_X56LRv8-01483-00356016-00356287 one of perhaps the realities that we can EKU_X56LRv8-01484-00356288-00356327 keep EKU_X56LRv8-01485-00356328-00356463 in mind as we're looking at the EKU_X56LRv8-01486-00356464-00356682 northeast like i said it's also EKU_X56LRv8-01487-00356683-00356799 liturgization EKU_X56LRv8-01488-00356800-00357119 right the history of militarization EKU_X56LRv8-01489-00357120-00357527 uh the violence and and in a sense EKU_X56LRv8-01490-00357528-00357854 how do we make sense of power and power EKU_X56LRv8-01491-00357855-00358127 networks that come up during this time EKU_X56LRv8-01492-00358128-00358358 and what i would do is actually give you EKU_X56LRv8-01493-00358359-00358471 that question EKU_X56LRv8-01494-00358472-00358719 so if you're thinking about power EKU_X56LRv8-01495-00358720-00358871 networks in a region EKU_X56LRv8-01496-00358872-00359254 like the northeast or even kashmir EKU_X56LRv8-01497-00359255-00359558 um think about it what constitutes EKU_X56LRv8-01498-00359559-00359799 such kind of networks to operate and EKU_X56LRv8-01499-00359800-00360087 those elites to operate uh they are EKU_X56LRv8-01500-00360088-00360447 very how can i say um yeah so i think EKU_X56LRv8-01501-00360448-00360615 these are important questions i can i EKU_X56LRv8-01502-00360616-00360775 can go on about this EKU_X56LRv8-01503-00360776-00361063 but but but perhaps it's it's not too EKU_X56LRv8-01504-00361064-00361191 it's not true i EKU_X56LRv8-01505-00361192-00361478 think you know i i am a i how can i say EKU_X56LRv8-01506-00361479-00361663 i you know i'm an anthropologist and EKU_X56LRv8-01507-00361664-00361878 i'm first generation and i feel that EKU_X56LRv8-01508-00361879-00362006 very much at EKU_X56LRv8-01509-00362007-00362215 a personal level my my parents both EKU_X56LRv8-01510-00362216-00362406 parents didn't go to university EKU_X56LRv8-01511-00362407-00362663 um and and so i'm i'm the first one in EKU_X56LRv8-01512-00362664-00362799 the family to do to do EKU_X56LRv8-01513-00362800-00363134 a then a phd you know to be a teacher EKU_X56LRv8-01514-00363135-00363463 and so when i look around the note is i EKU_X56LRv8-01515-00363464-00363663 feel it very very much even in a EKU_X56LRv8-01516-00363664-00363823 personal way because EKU_X56LRv8-01517-00363824-00364095 i i work in australia as you all know i EKU_X56LRv8-01518-00364096-00364303 go back to india for my research EKU_X56LRv8-01519-00364304-00364639 and i see how easy it is for people EKU_X56LRv8-01520-00364640-00364895 from from really that that class circle EKU_X56LRv8-01521-00364896-00365015 to just give me EKU_X56LRv8-01522-00365016-00365327 a call and say you know my my my son or EKU_X56LRv8-01523-00365328-00365551 my daughter wants to go to the us to the EKU_X56LRv8-01524-00365552-00365599 uk EKU_X56LRv8-01525-00365600-00365919 how how should they do it and and EKU_X56LRv8-01526-00365920-00366310 and i for for me as a teacher i'm very EKU_X56LRv8-01527-00366311-00366358 very EKU_X56LRv8-01528-00366359-00366630 uh clear if a student wants to talk to EKU_X56LRv8-01529-00366631-00366878 me they talk to me directly right EKU_X56LRv8-01530-00366879-00367167 but then i also realized that certain EKU_X56LRv8-01531-00367168-00367206 things EKU_X56LRv8-01532-00367207-00367534 operate in that way in that world EKU_X56LRv8-01533-00367535-00367847 that i'm not part of uh what i EKU_X56LRv8-01534-00367848-00368015 find offensive perhaps because my EKU_X56LRv8-01535-00368016-00368239 parents never did that EKU_X56LRv8-01536-00368240-00368558 i my parents never did that then and and EKU_X56LRv8-01537-00368559-00368775 in a way i think i operate within a very EKU_X56LRv8-01538-00368776-00368839 different EKU_X56LRv8-01539-00368840-00369151 constellation my like EKU_X56LRv8-01540-00369152-00369463 who said who i who i hang out with is EKU_X56LRv8-01541-00369464-00369510 very EKU_X56LRv8-01542-00369511-00369806 important for me right because i am not EKU_X56LRv8-01543-00369807-00369991 interested in the single star EKU_X56LRv8-01544-00369992-00370278 or the stardom right you are a star you EKU_X56LRv8-01545-00370279-00370503 shine bright you die your dust nothing EKU_X56LRv8-01546-00370504-00370543 but EKU_X56LRv8-01547-00370544-00370767 when you are part of a constellation of EKU_X56LRv8-01548-00370768-00370967 really a political vision and where you EKU_X56LRv8-01549-00370968-00371119 are going in a journey EKU_X56LRv8-01550-00371120-00371430 the constellations have a story to tell EKU_X56LRv8-01551-00371431-00371871 and the charge both perhaps EKU_X56LRv8-01552-00371872-00372054 they tell us about the past we are EKU_X56LRv8-01553-00372055-00372302 talking about hijab mirapod in a sense EKU_X56LRv8-01554-00372303-00372582 of the universe that he traversed that EKU_X56LRv8-01555-00372583-00372710 the universe and the EKU_X56LRv8-01556-00372711-00372910 and the networks that he could reach on EKU_X56LRv8-01557-00372911-00373158 to so perhaps the idea of elite EKU_X56LRv8-01558-00373159-00373415 elitism needs to be looked at within EKU_X56LRv8-01559-00373416-00373527 that as well EKU_X56LRv8-01560-00373528-00373695 if we pigeonholed all these EKU_X56LRv8-01561-00373696-00373927 conversations to say that that family or EKU_X56LRv8-01562-00373928-00374015 this family EKU_X56LRv8-01563-00374016-00374167 and i think what we end up doing is we EKU_X56LRv8-01564-00374168-00374334 end up badmouthing it EKU_X56LRv8-01565-00374335-00374519 that means our political vision is quite EKU_X56LRv8-01566-00374520-00374751 narrow right we are going to go above EKU_X56LRv8-01567-00374752-00374863 that and see that EKU_X56LRv8-01568-00374864-00375054 what is it that these networks do to EKU_X56LRv8-01569-00375055-00375271 survive and how do they survive EKU_X56LRv8-01570-00375272-00375558 and what is it that in our political who EKU_X56LRv8-01571-00375559-00375647 is talking about EKU_X56LRv8-01572-00375648-00375878 the one is talking about the one perhaps EKU_X56LRv8-01573-00375879-00376030 the collective is listening to EKU_X56LRv8-01574-00376031-00376223 why is it that in this consideration of EKU_X56LRv8-01575-00376224-00376463 conversation we are trying to do EKU_X56LRv8-01576-00376464-00376839 and how is it angry that it is reflected EKU_X56LRv8-01577-00376840-00377095 in our lives in what we do together and EKU_X56LRv8-01578-00377096-00377295 i think that is the key that we need to EKU_X56LRv8-01579-00377296-00377510 think about EKU_X56LRv8-01580-00377511-00377734 that is the key and for me i deeply EKU_X56LRv8-01581-00377735-00377823 deeply feel it EKU_X56LRv8-01582-00377824-00378063 like i said as a first generation EKU_X56LRv8-01583-00378064-00378215 university student EKU_X56LRv8-01584-00378216-00378687 um i i see how how things operate back EKU_X56LRv8-01585-00378688-00378782 home EKU_X56LRv8-01586-00378783-00378991 and so yeah and so i think that the EKU_X56LRv8-01587-00378992-00379095 struggle continues EKU_X56LRv8-01588-00379096-00379247 um you know so thank you for the EKU_X56LRv8-01589-00379248-00379663 question i'll stop you EKU_X56LRv8-01590-00379664-00380023 um thank you uh there was another EKU_X56LRv8-01591-00380024-00380239 thing that i personally also wanted to EKU_X56LRv8-01592-00380240-00380343 know uh EKU_X56LRv8-01593-00380344-00380567 because i was reading a bit about his EKU_X56LRv8-01594-00380568-00380791 america's lives uh EKU_X56LRv8-01595-00380792-00381119 as well uh before we organize this but EKU_X56LRv8-01596-00381120-00381358 as everyone's pointed out the literature EKU_X56LRv8-01597-00381359-00381527 available especially like in EKU_X56LRv8-01598-00381528-00381863 english is quite little but EKU_X56LRv8-01599-00381864-00382247 so the exact kind of organizing he did EKU_X56LRv8-01600-00382248-00382487 is not really coming across in the stuff EKU_X56LRv8-01601-00382488-00382630 i did EKU_X56LRv8-01602-00382631-00382878 so i mean there's a broad historical EKU_X56LRv8-01603-00382879-00383006 trajectory one can see EKU_X56LRv8-01604-00383007-00383358 like there's the nubilen moment and he EKU_X56LRv8-01605-00383359-00383582 takes some inspiration from that his EKU_X56LRv8-01606-00383583-00383734 journey after that EKU_X56LRv8-01607-00383735-00383958 and the various moments at which he has EKU_X56LRv8-01608-00383959-00384230 persecuted imprisoned exile EKU_X56LRv8-01609-00384231-00384615 just moments but the like real uh EKU_X56LRv8-01610-00384616-00384815 like the stuff of organizing what EKU_X56LRv8-01611-00384816-00385078 exactly he was doing EKU_X56LRv8-01612-00385079-00385310 was organizing around if anyone could EKU_X56LRv8-01613-00385311-00385463 just uh EKU_X56LRv8-01614-00385464-00385767 speak a little on that EKU_X56LRv8-01615-00385768-00386006 for everyone who's joined as well EKU_X56LRv8-01616-00386007-00386215 because this was something we were all EKU_X56LRv8-01617-00386216-00386639 like it would be interesting to read but EKU_X56LRv8-01618-00386640-00386975 sadly it's not available so easily so EKU_X56LRv8-01619-00386976-00387127 because there's a period of his life EKU_X56LRv8-01620-00387128-00387295 where he is actually not EKU_X56LRv8-01621-00387296-00387654 in multiple israel israel and outside EKU_X56LRv8-01622-00387655-00387902 manipur so what is he doing in that time EKU_X56LRv8-01623-00387903-00388063 period and EKU_X56LRv8-01624-00388064-00388375 uh yeah because EKU_X56LRv8-01625-00388376-00388623 there's only a broad historical just EKU_X56LRv8-01626-00388624-00388830 that EKU_X56LRv8-01627-00388831-00389134 uh so if anyone wants to just EKU_X56LRv8-01628-00389135-00390006 go over that briefly EKU_X56LRv8-01629-00390007-00390199 aku actually has been working on a EKU_X56LRv8-01630-00390200-00390399 fascinating journey of EKU_X56LRv8-01631-00390400-00390758 manipuri diaspora and actually if EKU_X56LRv8-01632-00390759-00391006 outside manipur is obviously not EKU_X56LRv8-01633-00391007-00391199 restricted to that diaspora but that EKU_X56LRv8-01634-00391200-00391463 raspura is very interesting in the sense EKU_X56LRv8-01635-00391464-00391606 of EKU_X56LRv8-01636-00391607-00391895 groups of people he starts organizing so EKU_X56LRv8-01637-00391896-00392063 there are manipuri presents EKU_X56LRv8-01638-00392064-00392343 or tenants actually who work on jamin EKU_X56LRv8-01639-00392344-00392487 you know or EKU_X56LRv8-01640-00392488-00392687 they rent out land from bengali EKU_X56LRv8-01641-00392688-00392806 jamindars EKU_X56LRv8-01642-00392807-00393175 in um sylhet and mammon singh EKU_X56LRv8-01643-00393176-00393478 in kachar so he organizes them EKU_X56LRv8-01644-00393479-00393719 so they're you know as part of krishak EKU_X56LRv8-01645-00393720-00393902 sabha kind of a thing but EKU_X56LRv8-01646-00393903-00394230 he also organizes tea garden labor EKU_X56LRv8-01647-00394231-00394582 and one of the things actually when we EKU_X56LRv8-01648-00394583-00394758 are looking at extractive EKU_X56LRv8-01649-00394759-00395063 industries and you know and the EKU_X56LRv8-01650-00395064-00395295 emancipatory visions in northeast EKU_X56LRv8-01651-00395296-00395558 some of the first rebellions or EKU_X56LRv8-01652-00395559-00395663 insurrections EKU_X56LRv8-01653-00395664-00395958 have happened in plantation economy for EKU_X56LRv8-01654-00395959-00396054 instance or EKU_X56LRv8-01655-00396055-00396334 oil the famous big boy oil strike EKU_X56LRv8-01656-00396335-00396519 everyone talks about EKU_X56LRv8-01657-00396520-00396791 that first big bombay textile mill EKU_X56LRv8-01658-00396792-00396910 strike but EKU_X56LRv8-01659-00396911-00397134 it actually the boy oil mills track EKU_X56LRv8-01660-00397135-00397271 strike predates that EKU_X56LRv8-01661-00397272-00397502 so he's part of organizing he he EKU_X56LRv8-01662-00397503-00397734 actually goes to even EKU_X56LRv8-01663-00397735-00398039 you know he helps trade unionists in big EKU_X56LRv8-01664-00398040-00398215 boy because there are manipuri workers EKU_X56LRv8-01665-00398216-00398287 there EKU_X56LRv8-01666-00398288-00398606 he tries to organize unions of tea EKU_X56LRv8-01667-00398607-00398847 garden labor and that's a very famous EKU_X56LRv8-01668-00398848-00399134 uh movement by them where they actually EKU_X56LRv8-01669-00399135-00399191 have two EKU_X56LRv8-01670-00399192-00399510 or three tea gardens in ba in kachar EKU_X56LRv8-01671-00399511-00399847 workers leave the tea garden and go away EKU_X56LRv8-01672-00399848-00399967 that's the EKU_X56LRv8-01673-00399968-00400143 actually these tea gardens are shut down EKU_X56LRv8-01674-00400144-00400375 for two years and erabot is a big leader EKU_X56LRv8-01675-00400376-00400447 of that EKU_X56LRv8-01676-00400448-00400687 but along with his he's in in some EKU_X56LRv8-01677-00400688-00400854 senses he's not a leader who just EKU_X56LRv8-01678-00400855-00401151 merely organizes he also has you know EKU_X56LRv8-01679-00401152-00401358 he's a cultural figure he dances he EKU_X56LRv8-01680-00401359-00401399 plays EKU_X56LRv8-01681-00401400-00401710 music you know mango bishwa says EKU_X56LRv8-01682-00401711-00401863 fascination EKU_X56LRv8-01683-00401864-00402295 with um someone like is this he's a EKU_X56LRv8-01684-00402296-00402606 classic combination which uh you know a EKU_X56LRv8-01685-00402607-00402839 hindu bengali or hindu bihari or a hindu EKU_X56LRv8-01686-00402840-00403078 indian or a you know EKU_X56LRv8-01687-00403079-00403247 cannot understand where there are EKU_X56LRv8-01688-00403248-00403471 divisions of labor here is a guy who can EKU_X56LRv8-01689-00403472-00403606 go and give a speech EKU_X56LRv8-01690-00403607-00403791 he can sit in a meeting and he can get EKU_X56LRv8-01691-00403792-00404047 up and dance EKU_X56LRv8-01692-00404048-00404278 is known to dance he organizes a dance EKU_X56LRv8-01693-00404279-00404502 troupe and you know the famous nitrakuna EKU_X56LRv8-01694-00404503-00404599 conference EKU_X56LRv8-01695-00404600-00404878 of kisan sabha his troop where he's EKU_X56LRv8-01696-00404879-00405087 dancing himself EKU_X56LRv8-01697-00405088-00405487 and playing the drums so in robert's EKU_X56LRv8-01698-00405488-00405702 life outside manipur is equally EKU_X56LRv8-01699-00405703-00405830 fascinating and it's so EKU_X56LRv8-01700-00405831-00406047 sad that there's no work on him you know EKU_X56LRv8-01701-00406048-00406143 in that sense EKU_X56LRv8-01702-00406144-00406439 there's no interesting biography and i EKU_X56LRv8-01703-00406440-00406487 think EKU_X56LRv8-01704-00406488-00406823 it's important that we write EKU_X56LRv8-01705-00406824-00407015 a kind of not a geography but a EKU_X56LRv8-01706-00407016-00407199 political biography of era EKU_X56LRv8-01707-00407200-00407367 we have to write a political biography EKU_X56LRv8-01708-00407368-00407558 of vishnu rabha we have to write a EKU_X56LRv8-01709-00407559-00407678 political EKU_X56LRv8-01710-00407679-00407982 biography of dashra dev there are people EKU_X56LRv8-01711-00407983-00408023 you know EKU_X56LRv8-01712-00408024-00408230 who are not written about but iran's EKU_X56LRv8-01713-00408231-00408415 work EKU_X56LRv8-01714-00408416-00408591 in the kind of person he is is a EKU_X56LRv8-01715-00408592-00408751 fascinating thing he's a political EKU_X56LRv8-01716-00408752-00408951 person he's a cultural person EKU_X56LRv8-01717-00408952-00409254 he's you know he knows about he's a uh EKU_X56LRv8-01718-00409255-00409591 vernacular ethnographer he writes about EKU_X56LRv8-01719-00409592-00409830 maithi culture he writes about he writes EKU_X56LRv8-01720-00409831-00409959 textbooks so it's like a EKU_X56LRv8-01721-00409960-00410174 you know he's all in one kind of a EKU_X56LRv8-01722-00410175-00410334 figure you know and we can't escape him EKU_X56LRv8-01723-00410335-00410814 that's why EKU_X56LRv8-01724-00410815-00411222 uh thanks a lot uh one last EKU_X56LRv8-01725-00411223-00411478 kind of comment that came on the page EKU_X56LRv8-01726-00411479-00411718 was not to a question per se EKU_X56LRv8-01727-00411719-00412047 was about the fact that uh gradually EKU_X56LRv8-01728-00412047-00412326 uh across the political spectrum people EKU_X56LRv8-01729-00412327-00412543 are actually discovering figures like EKU_X56LRv8-01730-00412543-00412918 uh era but uh but EKU_X56LRv8-01731-00412919-00413270 probably in isolation from his entire EKU_X56LRv8-01732-00413271-00413487 ideology i mean even the state EKU_X56LRv8-01733-00413488-00413655 celebrates EKU_X56LRv8-01734-00413656-00413887 from that to like all across the EKU_X56LRv8-01735-00413888-00413982 spectrum EKU_X56LRv8-01736-00413983-00414326 or historical figures are being EKU_X56LRv8-01737-00414327-00414687 but uh it's i guess just a question EKU_X56LRv8-01738-00414688-00414934 in some sense uh it's just a comment in EKU_X56LRv8-01739-00414935-00415014 some senses EKU_X56LRv8-01740-00415015-00415318 and not an entire question per se EKU_X56LRv8-01741-00415319-00415487 but yeah what would you have to say EKU_X56LRv8-01742-00415488-00415678 about that how does one remember EKU_X56LRv8-01743-00415679-00416063 figures without their entire ideology EKU_X56LRv8-01744-00416064-00416599 uh being remembered as well EKU_X56LRv8-01745-00416600-00416999 i guess um EKU_X56LRv8-01746-00417000-00417199 that's a that's a very good question and EKU_X56LRv8-01747-00417200-00417983 it and that's why EKU_X56LRv8-01748-00417984-00418414 [Music] EKU_X56LRv8-01749-00418415-00418682 process of sanitizing history EKU_X56LRv8-01750-00418683-00418807 accountable EKU_X56LRv8-01751-00418808-00418991 right so if we have to say that certain EKU_X56LRv8-01752-00418992-00419134 figures are given certain colors EKU_X56LRv8-01753-00419135-00419399 separate colors white colors red colors EKU_X56LRv8-01754-00419400-00419655 and certain figures are so sanitized in EKU_X56LRv8-01755-00419656-00419718 a way EKU_X56LRv8-01756-00419719-00419927 that they are extracted once again the EKU_X56LRv8-01757-00419928-00420039 word extracted EKU_X56LRv8-01758-00420039-00420295 and their places heroes what does it say EKU_X56LRv8-01759-00420296-00420495 about the state project EKU_X56LRv8-01760-00420496-00420751 right and so like i said when i came on EKU_X56LRv8-01761-00420752-00420918 board this evening i was very very EKU_X56LRv8-01762-00420919-00421135 nostalgic because this is something that EKU_X56LRv8-01763-00421135-00421510 a lot of my very EKU_X56LRv8-01764-00421512-00421687 friends from manipur celebrated of the EKU_X56LRv8-01765-00421688-00421910 names that i named two of them EKU_X56LRv8-01766-00421912-00422239 have passed on uh bless their souls um EKU_X56LRv8-01767-00422239-00422422 and so in a way i think EKU_X56LRv8-01768-00422423-00422631 this is a project then right this is a EKU_X56LRv8-01769-00422632-00422807 project even for the collective how do EKU_X56LRv8-01770-00422808-00422918 you take on EKU_X56LRv8-01771-00422919-00423255 uh if you know that aku um EKU_X56LRv8-01772-00423256-00423559 ardirus aku here is not a he's a trained EKU_X56LRv8-01773-00423560-00423743 scientist he's a trained physicist EKU_X56LRv8-01774-00423743-00423951 don't forget he has a he has a phd in EKU_X56LRv8-01775-00423952-00424127 physics and a postdoc in physics EKU_X56LRv8-01776-00424128-00424335 the fact that he's doing a music project EKU_X56LRv8-01777-00424335-00424518 the fact that he's creating the poetry EKU_X56LRv8-01778-00424519-00424551 of EKU_X56LRv8-01779-00424552-00424863 teleport aku is one of our heroes who EKU_X56LRv8-01780-00424864-00425070 will go down in history pretty much EKU_X56LRv8-01781-00425071-00425263 you know as a person of science as a EKU_X56LRv8-01782-00425264-00425479 person of music EKU_X56LRv8-01783-00425480-00425831 a composer uh you know a a a EKU_X56LRv8-01784-00425832-00426047 collaborator with with activists a EKU_X56LRv8-01785-00426047-00426135 visionary EKU_X56LRv8-01786-00426135-00426470 and perhaps what are thoughts like EKU_X56LRv8-01787-00426471-00426775 beyond after a point when it comes to EKU_X56LRv8-01788-00426776-00426855 ideas EKU_X56LRv8-01789-00426856-00427087 and visions of justice and visions of EKU_X56LRv8-01790-00427088-00427222 emancipation EKU_X56LRv8-01791-00427223-00427670 no discipline no boundaries can hold you EKU_X56LRv8-01792-00427671-00428047 and we see that from every revolutionary EKU_X56LRv8-01793-00428047-00428279 viktor hara whether it's you know this EKU_X56LRv8-01794-00428280-00428359 this EKU_X56LRv8-01795-00428360-00428751 modern day chinese or i would name women EKU_X56LRv8-01796-00428752-00428903 as well right whether it's alexander EKU_X56LRv8-01797-00428904-00429007 colonel thai EKU_X56LRv8-01798-00429008-00429310 rosa luxembourg tara zedkins you look at EKU_X56LRv8-01799-00429312-00429414 their lives the EKU_X56LRv8-01800-00429415-00429639 fact that a particular after a EKU_X56LRv8-01801-00429639-00429839 particular kind of engaging with these EKU_X56LRv8-01802-00429839-00430175 issues you break boundaries and it's the EKU_X56LRv8-01803-00430176-00430439 boundary of the mind right to say that EKU_X56LRv8-01804-00430439-00430622 all right i'm just going to talk about EKU_X56LRv8-01805-00430623-00430863 this idea because it doesn't fall within EKU_X56LRv8-01806-00430864-00430999 the principle so i'm not going to talk EKU_X56LRv8-01807-00431000-00431127 about that idea EKU_X56LRv8-01808-00431128-00431543 and perhaps what purpose life shows us EKU_X56LRv8-01809-00431543-00431766 is really the bridging of your point EKU_X56LRv8-01810-00431767-00431895 when it comes to ideas EKU_X56LRv8-01811-00431896-00432214 ideas of justice or vision EKU_X56LRv8-01812-00432215-00432487 and your question then somebody perhaps EKU_X56LRv8-01813-00432488-00432614 i'll give it back to you to the EKU_X56LRv8-01814-00432615-00432822 collective because we are your guests EKU_X56LRv8-01815-00432823-00433135 is that how do you as part of the EKU_X56LRv8-01816-00433135-00433270 collective EKU_X56LRv8-01817-00433271-00433535 carry on with that how do you i don't EKU_X56LRv8-01818-00433535-00433639 know your discipline EKU_X56LRv8-01819-00433639-00433847 but maybe perhaps a scholar of EKU_X56LRv8-01820-00433847-00433943 literature EKU_X56LRv8-01821-00433943-00434303 um you know or perhaps a biologist EKU_X56LRv8-01822-00434304-00434518 how do you then cross over and look at EKU_X56LRv8-01823-00434519-00434622 theater right EKU_X56LRv8-01824-00434623-00434887 as something that can also change lives EKU_X56LRv8-01825-00434888-00435007 and be part of EKU_X56LRv8-01826-00435008-00435239 perhaps this this process of justice EKU_X56LRv8-01827-00435239-00435351 that we are seeking EKU_X56LRv8-01828-00435352-00435663 and i think to celebrate EKU_X56LRv8-01829-00435664-00435887 purple is for us to actually get out of EKU_X56LRv8-01830-00435888-00436014 our comfort zone EKU_X56LRv8-01831-00436015-00436199 it's for me to get out of my comfort EKU_X56LRv8-01832-00436200-00436375 zone to say that oh my lord EKU_X56LRv8-01833-00436376-00436591 how does he do theater and how does he EKU_X56LRv8-01834-00436592-00436783 how does he publish a handwritten EKU_X56LRv8-01835-00436784-00437175 handwritten magazine EKU_X56LRv8-01836-00437176-00437483 and is to understand eventually this EKU_X56LRv8-01837-00437484-00437814 restlessness sense of the human spirit EKU_X56LRv8-01838-00437815-00438079 as they strive towards understanding a EKU_X56LRv8-01839-00438080-00438159 just EKU_X56LRv8-01840-00438160-00438510 future he died young he died 51 EKU_X56LRv8-01841-00438512-00438687 he died of typhoid he died in the EKU_X56LRv8-01842-00438688-00438910 foothills like toronto say EKU_X56LRv8-01843-00438912-00439247 the camp of the burmese communist EKU_X56LRv8-01844-00439247-00439687 party uh how did he begin to understand EKU_X56LRv8-01845-00439688-00439927 i think aku has with his music by going EKU_X56LRv8-01846-00439928-00440110 around kachar silet EKU_X56LRv8-01847-00440112-00440414 and i think we are going to follow him EKU_X56LRv8-01848-00440415-00440622 and in the compositions that he does EKU_X56LRv8-01849-00440623-00440887 in the stories that he has collected EKU_X56LRv8-01850-00440888-00441151 that also becomes perhaps our chanting EKU_X56LRv8-01851-00441152-00441470 and our our journey along with that so EKU_X56LRv8-01852-00441471-00441663 so i think this is a very very important EKU_X56LRv8-01853-00441664-00441822 conversation that EKU_X56LRv8-01854-00441823-00442383 we are having EKU_X56LRv8-01855-00442384-00442687 thanks a lot and perhaps we'll have aku EKU_X56LRv8-01856-00442688-00442822 again soon EKU_X56LRv8-01857-00442823-00443231 uh one day with uh probably a cultural EKU_X56LRv8-01858-00443232-00443303 performance EKU_X56LRv8-01859-00443304-00443607 as well he's been doing actually i'd EKU_X56LRv8-01860-00443608-00443883 suggested it EKU_X56LRv8-01861-00443884-00444095 earlier but EKU_X56LRv8-01862-00444096-00444422 yeah i mean we could have a cultural EKU_X56LRv8-01863-00444423-00444479 event EKU_X56LRv8-01864-00444480-00444663 which places the politics and the EKU_X56LRv8-01865-00444664-00444870 history of the struggle EKU_X56LRv8-01866-00444871-00445191 as well in a different kind of form EKU_X56LRv8-01867-00445192-00445527 uh as well because important to EKU_X56LRv8-01868-00445528-00445847 uh remember all aspects of the organizer EKU_X56LRv8-01869-00445847-00446318 and activists that was EKU_X56LRv8-01870-00446319-00446631 on that note i guess i also want to EKU_X56LRv8-01871-00446632-00446670 thank EKU_X56LRv8-01872-00446671-00447014 everyone who's joined today uh EKU_X56LRv8-01873-00447015-00447343 thank you for all questions your EKU_X56LRv8-01874-00447343-00447422 comments EKU_X56LRv8-01875-00447423-00447687 uh the insights that you've provided EKU_X56LRv8-01876-00447688-00447822 from collective we've EKU_X56LRv8-01877-00447823-00448143 uh tried to do this event EKU_X56LRv8-01878-00448143-00448463 so perhaps as uh that comment was also EKU_X56LRv8-01879-00448464-00448535 posted EKU_X56LRv8-01880-00448535-00448814 uh recover from history of figure which EKU_X56LRv8-01881-00448815-00448927 has not EKU_X56LRv8-01882-00448928-00449343 perhaps been uh celebrated or remembered EKU_X56LRv8-01883-00449343-00449695 in the entirety of his uh work EKU_X56LRv8-01884-00449696-00449966 on the 28th also we'll be having a EKU_X56LRv8-01885-00449967-00450031 propane EKU_X56LRv8-01886-00450032-00450239 uh as i have mentioned in the beginning EKU_X56LRv8-01887-00450239-00450414 it's bhagat singh's birth anniversary EKU_X56LRv8-01888-00450415-00450647 and shankar go and yogis EKU_X56LRv8-01889-00450647-00450895 actually both of whom were also EKU_X56LRv8-01890-00450896-00451191 historical EKU_X56LRv8-01891-00451192-00451503 twists and revolutionaries so EKU_X56LRv8-01892-00451504-00451679 on that note i just want to thank EKU_X56LRv8-01893-00451680-00451855 everyone and EKU_X56LRv8-01894-00451856-00452135 thanks for joining and in solidarity EKU_X56LRv8-01895-00452135-00452310 with everyone who's EKU_X56LRv8-01896-00452312-00452655 been imprisoned for similarly raising uh EKU_X56LRv8-01897-00452656-00452903 questions that airport was also raising EKU_X56LRv8-01898-00452904-00452999 for EKU_X56LRv8-01899-00453000-00453431 uh having their own enhanced revisions EKU_X56LRv8-01900-00453432-00453614 uh we want to thank everyone and EKU_X56LRv8-01901-00453615-00453751 conclude this EKU_X56LRv8-01902-00453752-00453927 event today on behalf of collective i EKU_X56LRv8-01903-00453928-00454110 just want to thank EKU_X56LRv8-01904-00454112-00454431 all the speakers again uh yeah EKU_X56LRv8-01905-00454432-00455422 that's all thank you so much EKU_X56LRv8-01906-00455423-00456143 all right thank you EMFVqVn1TJY-00000-00000179-00000759 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00001-00000760-00001007 yeah i see your screen EMFVqVn1TJY-00002-00001008-00001311 i see your screen EMFVqVn1TJY-00003-00001312-00002142 okay EMFVqVn1TJY-00004-00002143-00002415 are you ready for star EMFVqVn1TJY-00005-00002416-00002599 yeah EMFVqVn1TJY-00006-00002600-00002883 this presentation was so EMFVqVn1TJY-00007-00002884-00003110 right yeah EMFVqVn1TJY-00008-00003111-00003367 okay thank you i'm sorry EMFVqVn1TJY-00009-00003368-00003622 oh folks first EMFVqVn1TJY-00010-00003623-00003870 i'd like to say thank you to the you EMFVqVn1TJY-00011-00003871-00004206 become asia 2021 EMFVqVn1TJY-00012-00004207-00004463 organized for giving me chance to talk EMFVqVn1TJY-00013-00004464-00004631 here EMFVqVn1TJY-00014-00004632-00004743 here EMFVqVn1TJY-00015-00004744-00005263 i am going to talk about my experience EMFVqVn1TJY-00016-00005264-00005454 how open source EMFVqVn1TJY-00017-00005455-00005638 helped me survive EMFVqVn1TJY-00018-00005639-00005941 in panama special EMFVqVn1TJY-00019-00005942-00006247 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00020-00006248-00006375 this is me EMFVqVn1TJY-00021-00006376-00006687 i was a faculty of sports science EMFVqVn1TJY-00022-00006688-00006895 educated student in EMFVqVn1TJY-00023-00006895-00007301 jakarta state university EMFVqVn1TJY-00024-00007302-00008487 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00025-00008488-00008759 i was general manager of automation to a EMFVqVn1TJY-00026-00008760-00009014 travel company a year ago EMFVqVn1TJY-00027-00009015-00009367 a certified tour leader and now EMFVqVn1TJY-00028-00009368-00009735 i'm a virtual seminar organizer in EMFVqVn1TJY-00029-00009736-00009919 arnold studio EMFVqVn1TJY-00030-00009920-00010103 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00031-00010104-00010399 uh feel free to contact me to email all EMFVqVn1TJY-00032-00010400-00011167 telecom EMFVqVn1TJY-00033-00011168-00011367 yeah i will begin with a little EMFVqVn1TJY-00034-00011368-00011586 flashback before the family EMFVqVn1TJY-00035-00011587-00011959 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00036-00011960-00012374 these are some trips organized by EMFVqVn1TJY-00037-00012375-00012695 ottoman tour and travel EMFVqVn1TJY-00038-00012696-00012902 back then was nice EMFVqVn1TJY-00039-00012903-00013175 no second distinction or EMFVqVn1TJY-00040-00013176-00013951 was ever protocol EMFVqVn1TJY-00041-00013952-00014166 also EMFVqVn1TJY-00042-00014168-00014558 the travel requirement and policy also EMFVqVn1TJY-00043-00014559-00015471 quite easy to complete EMFVqVn1TJY-00044-00015472-00015847 and here EMFVqVn1TJY-00045-00015847-00016063 depending on EMFVqVn1TJY-00046-00016063-00016222 we all know EMFVqVn1TJY-00047-00016223-00016503 how it feels like EMFVqVn1TJY-00048-00016504-00016655 everything EMFVqVn1TJY-00049-00016656-00016919 is not the same as before EMFVqVn1TJY-00050-00016920-00017494 right EMFVqVn1TJY-00051-00017495-00017630 we try to EMFVqVn1TJY-00052-00017631-00017886 adapt EMFVqVn1TJY-00053-00017887-00017975 this EMFVqVn1TJY-00054-00017976-00018550 wireless special tools for our company EMFVqVn1TJY-00055-00018551-00018830 two audience according EMFVqVn1TJY-00056-00018831-00019253 to have pringle in academy EMFVqVn1TJY-00057-00019254-00019471 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00058-00019472-00019663 also EMFVqVn1TJY-00059-00019664-00019839 this one EMFVqVn1TJY-00060-00019840-00020119 we work with other business to hold EMFVqVn1TJY-00061-00020120-00020350 virtual tour and EMFVqVn1TJY-00062-00020351-00020703 give some ticket promotion EMFVqVn1TJY-00063-00020704-00021199 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00064-00021200-00021327 and you know EMFVqVn1TJY-00065-00021328-00021622 someone who i remember EMFVqVn1TJY-00066-00021623-00021758 one of EMFVqVn1TJY-00067-00021759-00021886 guardian's EMFVqVn1TJY-00068-00021887-00022078 famous first EMFVqVn1TJY-00069-00022079-00022247 survivor EMFVqVn1TJY-00070-00022248-00022414 of the figures EMFVqVn1TJY-00071-00022415-00022535 well EMFVqVn1TJY-00072-00022536-00022903 i am not a fan of him but i think this EMFVqVn1TJY-00073-00022904-00023311 class really fit to our situation now EMFVqVn1TJY-00074-00023312-00023535 all about the ability to EMFVqVn1TJY-00075-00023536-00024567 adapt to some neutral conditions EMFVqVn1TJY-00076-00024568-00024791 the fact is EMFVqVn1TJY-00077-00024792-00024894 over EMFVqVn1TJY-00078-00024895-00024983 than EMFVqVn1TJY-00079-00024984-00025327 70 percent of international tourism EMFVqVn1TJY-00080-00025328-00025646 declined in 2020 EMFVqVn1TJY-00081-00025647-00026006 and my company was one of them EMFVqVn1TJY-00082-00026007-00026295 because we focus on international travel EMFVqVn1TJY-00083-00026295-00026386 and tourism EMFVqVn1TJY-00084-00026387-00026518 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00085-00026519-00026807 travel and tourism is indeed among the EMFVqVn1TJY-00086-00026808-00027031 most effective sectors EMFVqVn1TJY-00087-00027032-00027190 because global EMFVqVn1TJY-00088-00027191-00027295 travel EMFVqVn1TJY-00089-00027295-00027646 restitution EMFVqVn1TJY-00090-00027647-00027870 and EMFVqVn1TJY-00091-00027872-00028046 and then EMFVqVn1TJY-00092-00028047-00028262 we study that EMFVqVn1TJY-00093-00028263-00028407 things have EMFVqVn1TJY-00094-00028408-00028887 gone out of our control and completion EMFVqVn1TJY-00095-00028888-00029343 and EMFVqVn1TJY-00096-00029344-00029487 it is EMFVqVn1TJY-00097-00029488-00029783 not wise to maintain the company EMFVqVn1TJY-00098-00029783-00030102 if we could not profit EMFVqVn1TJY-00099-00030103-00030399 effectively right this is the beginning EMFVqVn1TJY-00100-00030400-00030567 of my episode EMFVqVn1TJY-00101-00030568-00031799 to try the best surviving depending EMFVqVn1TJY-00102-00031800-00031951 the thing is EMFVqVn1TJY-00103-00031952-00032046 uh EMFVqVn1TJY-00104-00032047-00032358 the first thing is a selling product EMFVqVn1TJY-00105-00032360-00032543 here EMFVqVn1TJY-00106-00032544-00032895 i use my practical graphic design and EMFVqVn1TJY-00107-00032896-00033271 photo retouch to do the edge EMFVqVn1TJY-00108-00033272-00033631 and that's why i escaped and gave on my EMFVqVn1TJY-00109-00033632-00033927 best buddies EMFVqVn1TJY-00110-00033928-00033999 i EMFVqVn1TJY-00111-00034000-00034111 try to EMFVqVn1TJY-00112-00034112-00034518 sell products like food and electronics EMFVqVn1TJY-00113-00034519-00034743 and it's not easy EMFVqVn1TJY-00114-00034744-00034990 yet not too difficult to sell this EMFVqVn1TJY-00115-00034991-00035118 product EMFVqVn1TJY-00116-00035119-00035559 especially if you know your market EMFVqVn1TJY-00117-00035560-00035655 but EMFVqVn1TJY-00118-00035656-00035927 since i am newer to product selling is EMFVqVn1TJY-00119-00035928-00036015 still EMFVqVn1TJY-00120-00036016-00036287 challenging because sometimes we are EMFVqVn1TJY-00121-00036288-00036430 what i think EMFVqVn1TJY-00122-00036431-00036583 is EMFVqVn1TJY-00123-00036584-00036951 and potential EMFVqVn1TJY-00124-00036952-00038118 they are not sold as i have predicted EMFVqVn1TJY-00125-00038119-00038367 and the next is virtual seminar EMFVqVn1TJY-00126-00038368-00038518 organizer EMFVqVn1TJY-00127-00038519-00038743 this is uh totally EMFVqVn1TJY-00128-00038744-00039023 different yeah totally new for me EMFVqVn1TJY-00129-00039024-00039159 i have EMFVqVn1TJY-00130-00039160-00039343 never organized EMFVqVn1TJY-00131-00039344-00039655 one before depending EMFVqVn1TJY-00132-00039656-00039735 but EMFVqVn1TJY-00133-00039736-00039862 then EMFVqVn1TJY-00134-00039863-00040183 due to the need already i forced myself EMFVqVn1TJY-00135-00040184-00040295 to learn EMFVqVn1TJY-00136-00040296-00040551 something new EMFVqVn1TJY-00137-00040552-00040743 here obvious EMFVqVn1TJY-00138-00040744-00041087 studio is my new box and i like it very EMFVqVn1TJY-00139-00041088-00041318 much EMFVqVn1TJY-00140-00041319-00041679 but what i just learned i'm joining EMFVqVn1TJY-00141-00041680-00041918 android studios EMFVqVn1TJY-00142-00041919-00042095 as this is the EMFVqVn1TJY-00143-00042096-00042383 focused in future submitter and EMFVqVn1TJY-00144-00042384-00042535 graphic design EMFVqVn1TJY-00145-00042536-00042718 with oh yes i EMFVqVn1TJY-00146-00042719-00042990 organized weekly even EMFVqVn1TJY-00147-00042991-00043311 virtual samir about elderly EMFVqVn1TJY-00148-00043312-00043662 and sometimes personally hiding even EMFVqVn1TJY-00149-00043663-00044030 like usual graduation all like reading EMFVqVn1TJY-00150-00044031-00044335 and the image right one EMFVqVn1TJY-00151-00044336-00044630 here is the spiritual graduation EMFVqVn1TJY-00152-00044631-00045175 different yeah EMFVqVn1TJY-00153-00045176-00046295 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00154-00046296-00046607 all right and this one is the EMFVqVn1TJY-00155-00046608-00046927 weekly virtual similar i have said EMFVqVn1TJY-00156-00046928-00047046 before EMFVqVn1TJY-00157-00047047-00047199 and EMFVqVn1TJY-00158-00047200-00047462 so many people get used to online EMFVqVn1TJY-00159-00047463-00047686 spinner even the EMFVqVn1TJY-00160-00047687-00048367 elders EMFVqVn1TJY-00161-00048368-00048623 okay talk about the opportunities and EMFVqVn1TJY-00162-00048624-00048830 the next question is EMFVqVn1TJY-00163-00048831-00049279 what are the other opportunities EMFVqVn1TJY-00164-00049280-00049639 i will share two kinds of it based on EMFVqVn1TJY-00165-00049640-00050511 what i learned and i have it EMFVqVn1TJY-00166-00050512-00050711 this first one is EMFVqVn1TJY-00167-00050712-00051102 primary needs sectors EMFVqVn1TJY-00168-00051103-00051230 food EMFVqVn1TJY-00169-00051232-00051382 groceries EMFVqVn1TJY-00170-00051383-00051670 help products like master or hand EMFVqVn1TJY-00171-00051671-00051830 sanitizers EMFVqVn1TJY-00172-00051832-00052087 also delivery service EMFVqVn1TJY-00173-00052088-00052319 are now become EMFVqVn1TJY-00174-00052320-00052550 our daily needs EMFVqVn1TJY-00175-00052551-00052815 just if you could provide one EMFVqVn1TJY-00176-00052816-00053142 then do it as long as you have prepared EMFVqVn1TJY-00177-00053144-00053647 and ready to complete the others EMFVqVn1TJY-00178-00053648-00054047 one thing you need to know is you are EMFVqVn1TJY-00179-00054048-00054120 competing EMFVqVn1TJY-00180-00054121-00054238 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00181-00054239-00054454 so you can't sell EMFVqVn1TJY-00182-00054455-00054542 high EMFVqVn1TJY-00183-00054544-00054887 unless you have something different EMFVqVn1TJY-00184-00054888-00055135 based on my experience EMFVqVn1TJY-00185-00055136-00055359 selling for the EMFVqVn1TJY-00186-00055360-00055671 food product is a bit risky EMFVqVn1TJY-00187-00055672-00055791 because EMFVqVn1TJY-00188-00055791-00056150 if we can't store the food in the right EMFVqVn1TJY-00189-00056151-00056279 way EMFVqVn1TJY-00190-00056279-00056591 the product will be spotted and we will EMFVqVn1TJY-00191-00056591-00056823 lose it because EMFVqVn1TJY-00192-00056824-00057230 we can't sell our consumer EMFVqVn1TJY-00193-00057232-00057511 i also have to find something different EMFVqVn1TJY-00194-00057512-00057823 or give added value to the product which EMFVqVn1TJY-00195-00057824-00058047 is not easy because EMFVqVn1TJY-00196-00058048-00058738 some people just want the cheap product EMFVqVn1TJY-00197-00058739-00059254 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00198-00059255-00059471 the next one is EMFVqVn1TJY-00199-00059472-00059679 online sectors EMFVqVn1TJY-00200-00059679-00060054 this is what i have been doing for now EMFVqVn1TJY-00201-00060055-00060314 as virtual event organizer EMFVqVn1TJY-00202-00060315-00060447 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00203-00060448-00060766 since almost organization or community EMFVqVn1TJY-00204-00060767-00060959 during on an event EMFVqVn1TJY-00205-00060960-00061550 the central still potential EMFVqVn1TJY-00206-00061551-00061911 you could try to approach those who have EMFVqVn1TJY-00207-00061912-00062294 been using it maybe offering some school EMFVqVn1TJY-00208-00062295-00062606 for fierce school graduation or late EMFVqVn1TJY-00209-00062607-00062830 reading to your friend EMFVqVn1TJY-00210-00062832-00063206 other online business like online course EMFVqVn1TJY-00211-00063207-00063447 content creation EMFVqVn1TJY-00212-00063448-00063671 and social EMFVqVn1TJY-00213-00063672-00064047 media marketing are also racing due to EMFVqVn1TJY-00214-00064048-00064215 the academy EMFVqVn1TJY-00215-00064216-00064252 so EMFVqVn1TJY-00216-00064253-00064415 [Music] EMFVqVn1TJY-00217-00064416-00064815 the prominent potential are still high EMFVqVn1TJY-00218-00064816-00064950 even EMFVqVn1TJY-00219-00064951-00065223 after the pending EMFVqVn1TJY-00220-00065224-00065366 i'm sure EMFVqVn1TJY-00221-00065367-00065655 these are still needed because not EMFVqVn1TJY-00222-00065656-00065975 people raising the effective EMFVqVn1TJY-00223-00065976-00067071 and impactful of owning sector EMFVqVn1TJY-00224-00067072-00067479 okay that's all thank you feel free to EMFVqVn1TJY-00225-00067480-00068068 discuss or share your thoughts thank you ENXkMnUqSbc-00000-00000043-00000449 Hardy Judaism Hebrew hardy Hardy IPA chi ENXkMnUqSbc-00001-00000450-00000707 ad also spelled charity plural Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00002-00000708-00000941 or charity is a broad spectrum of groups ENXkMnUqSbc-00003-00000942-00001112 within Orthodox Judaism all ENXkMnUqSbc-00004-00001113-00001333 characterized by a rejection of modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00005-00001334-00001612 secular culture its members are often ENXkMnUqSbc-00006-00001613-00001817 referred to as strictly Orthodox or ENXkMnUqSbc-00007-00001818-00002030 ultra-orthodox in English although the ENXkMnUqSbc-00008-00002030-00002342 term ultra-orthodox is considered ENXkMnUqSbc-00009-00002343-00002515 pejorative by many of its adherents ENXkMnUqSbc-00010-00002516-00002758 Haredim regard themselves as the most ENXkMnUqSbc-00011-00002759-00002948 religiously authentic group of Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00012-00002949-00003133 although this claim is contested by ENXkMnUqSbc-00013-00003134-00003335 other streams Haredi Judaism as a ENXkMnUqSbc-00014-00003336-00003572 reaction to societal changes including ENXkMnUqSbc-00015-00003572-00003779 emancipation the Haskalah movement ENXkMnUqSbc-00016-00003779-00003884 derived from the Enlightenment ENXkMnUqSbc-00017-00003885-00004178 acculturation secularization religious ENXkMnUqSbc-00018-00004179-00004385 reform in all its forms from mild to ENXkMnUqSbc-00019-00004386-00004597 extreme the rise of the Jewish national ENXkMnUqSbc-00020-00004598-00004883 movements etc in contrast to modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00021-00004884-00005099 Orthodox Judaism which hastened to ENXkMnUqSbc-00022-00005100-00005281 embrace modernity the approach of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00023-00005282-00005456 Haredim was to maintain a steadfast ENXkMnUqSbc-00024-00005457-00005686 adherence both to Jewish law and custom ENXkMnUqSbc-00025-00005687-00005867 by segregating themselves from modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00026-00005868-00006163 society however there are many Hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-00027-00006164-00006308 communities in which getting a ENXkMnUqSbc-00028-00006309-00006514 professional degree or establishing a ENXkMnUqSbc-00029-00006515-00006709 business has encouraged and contact ENXkMnUqSbc-00030-00006711-00006926 exists between Haredi and non Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00031-00006927-00007130 Jews as well as between Haredim and ENXkMnUqSbc-00032-00007131-00007321 non-jews Haredi communities are ENXkMnUqSbc-00033-00007322-00007562 primarily found in Israel North America ENXkMnUqSbc-00034-00007563-00007802 and Western Europe their estimated ENXkMnUqSbc-00035-00007803-00008042 global population currently numbers 1.5 ENXkMnUqSbc-00036-00008043-00008371 to 1.8 million and due to a virtual ENXkMnUqSbc-00037-00008372-00008555 absence of interfaith marriage and a ENXkMnUqSbc-00038-00008556-00008708 high birthrate their numbers are growing ENXkMnUqSbc-00039-00008709-00008992 rapidly their numbers have also been ENXkMnUqSbc-00040-00008993-00009170 boosted by a substantial number of ENXkMnUqSbc-00041-00009171-00009416 secular Jews adopting a Haredi lifestyle ENXkMnUqSbc-00042-00009417-00009957 as part of the baal-teshuva movement ENXkMnUqSbc-00043-00009958-00010427 topic terminology ENXkMnUqSbc-00044-00010428-00010691 the term most commonly used by outsiders ENXkMnUqSbc-00045-00010692-00010864 including most American news ENXkMnUqSbc-00046-00010865-00011264 organizations is ultra Orthodox Judaism ENXkMnUqSbc-00047-00011265-00011507 Hillel halkan suggests the origins of ENXkMnUqSbc-00048-00011508-00011774 the term may date to the 1950s a period ENXkMnUqSbc-00049-00011775-00011942 in which Hardy survivors of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00050-00011943-00012131 Holocaust first began arriving in ENXkMnUqSbc-00051-00012132-00012344 America Haredi is a modern Hebrew ENXkMnUqSbc-00052-00012345-00012538 adjective derived from the biblical verb ENXkMnUqSbc-00053-00012539-00012703 here'd which appears in the book of ENXkMnUqSbc-00054-00012704-00012991 Isaiah 66 to 2 it's plural Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00055-00012992-00013294 appears in Isaiah chapter 66 verse 5 and ENXkMnUqSbc-00056-00013295-00013631 is translated as one who trembles at the ENXkMnUqSbc-00057-00013632-00013832 Word of God the word connotes an ENXkMnUqSbc-00058-00013833-00014087 uninspired fear and anxiety to perform ENXkMnUqSbc-00059-00014088-00014258 the will of God and is used to describe ENXkMnUqSbc-00060-00014259-00014528 staunchly Orthodox Jews similar to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00061-00014529-00014735 definition used by the Christian Quakers ENXkMnUqSbc-00062-00014736-00014872 and to distinguish them from other ENXkMnUqSbc-00063-00014873-00015128 Orthodox Jews the word Haredi is often ENXkMnUqSbc-00064-00015129-00015338 used in the Jewish Diaspora in place of ENXkMnUqSbc-00065-00015338-00015662 the term ultra-orthodox which many view ENXkMnUqSbc-00066-00015663-00015887 is inaccurate or offensive it being seen ENXkMnUqSbc-00067-00015888-00016085 as a derogatory term suggesting ENXkMnUqSbc-00068-00016086-00016316 extremism English language alternatives ENXkMnUqSbc-00069-00016316-00016466 that have been proposed include ENXkMnUqSbc-00070-00016467-00016936 fervently orthodox strictly Orthodox or ENXkMnUqSbc-00071-00016937-00017275 traditional orthodoxy others however ENXkMnUqSbc-00072-00017276-00017503 dispute the characterization of the term ENXkMnUqSbc-00073-00017504-00017771 as pejorative Arielle Goldman a ENXkMnUqSbc-00074-00017772-00018005 professor at Columbia University notes ENXkMnUqSbc-00075-00018006-00018209 that the term simply serves a practical ENXkMnUqSbc-00076-00018210-00018410 purpose to distinguish a specific part ENXkMnUqSbc-00077-00018411-00018587 of the Orthodox community and is not ENXkMnUqSbc-00078-00018588-00018844 meant as pejorative others such as ENXkMnUqSbc-00079-00018845-00019066 Samuel Heilmann criticized terms such as ENXkMnUqSbc-00080-00019067-00019506 ultra-orthodox and traditional Orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-00081-00019507-00019769 arguing that they misidentify Haredim is ENXkMnUqSbc-00082-00019770-00019969 more authentically orthodox than others ENXkMnUqSbc-00083-00019970-00020180 as opposed to adopting customs and ENXkMnUqSbc-00084-00020181-00020375 practices that reflect their desire to ENXkMnUqSbc-00085-00020376-00020546 separate from the outside world the ENXkMnUqSbc-00086-00020547-00020672 community has sometimes been ENXkMnUqSbc-00087-00020673-00020981 characterized as traditional Orthodox in ENXkMnUqSbc-00088-00020982-00021194 country distinction to the modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00089-00021195-00021392 orthodox the other major branch of ENXkMnUqSbc-00090-00021393-00021622 orthodox judaism not to be confused with ENXkMnUqSbc-00091-00021623-00021830 the movement represented by union for ENXkMnUqSbc-00092-00021831-00022021 traditional judaism which is even more ENXkMnUqSbc-00093-00022022-00022355 modern than the modern orthodox Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00094-00022356-00022574 Jews also use other terms to refer to ENXkMnUqSbc-00095-00022575-00022865 themselves common Yiddish words include ENXkMnUqSbc-00096-00022866-00023236 ydn Jews orally Kawai IDN virtuous Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00097-00023237-00023494 Ben Torah literally son of the Torah ENXkMnUqSbc-00098-00023495-00023860 from pious and Hainish home-like ENXkMnUqSbc-00099-00023861-00024064 our crowd ENXkMnUqSbc-00100-00024065-00024352 in Israel Haredi Jews are sometimes also ENXkMnUqSbc-00101-00024353-00024594 called by the derogatory slang words DOS ENXkMnUqSbc-00102-00024595-00024835 plural dosam that mimics the traditional ENXkMnUqSbc-00103-00024836-00025050 Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00104-00025051-00025264 Hebrew word datum meaning religious and ENXkMnUqSbc-00105-00025265-00025536 more rarely blacks skirm ENXkMnUqSbc-00106-00025537-00025717 a reference to the black clothes they ENXkMnUqSbc-00107-00025718-00025939 typically wear a related informal term ENXkMnUqSbc-00108-00025939-00026316 used in English as black hat ENXkMnUqSbc-00109-00026317-00026497 you ENXkMnUqSbc-00110-00026498-00027002 topic history ENXkMnUqSbc-00111-00027004-00027255 according to its adherence the forebears ENXkMnUqSbc-00112-00027256-00027423 of the contemporary Haredim were the ENXkMnUqSbc-00113-00027424-00027606 traditionalists of Eastern Europe who ENXkMnUqSbc-00114-00027607-00027849 fought against modernization indeed ENXkMnUqSbc-00115-00027850-00028044 adherence see their beliefs as part of ENXkMnUqSbc-00116-00028045-00028214 an unbroken tradition dating from the ENXkMnUqSbc-00117-00028216-00028358 revelation at Sinai ENXkMnUqSbc-00118-00028360-00028662 however most historians of Orthodoxy ENXkMnUqSbc-00119-00028663-00028893 consider Haredi Judaism in its modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00120-00028894-00029106 incarnation to date back no earlier than ENXkMnUqSbc-00121-00029107-00029292 the start of the 20th century for ENXkMnUqSbc-00122-00029293-00029458 centuries before Jewish emancipation ENXkMnUqSbc-00123-00029460-00029676 European Jews were forced to live in ENXkMnUqSbc-00124-00029677-00029856 ghettos where Jewish culture and ENXkMnUqSbc-00125-00029857-00030026 religious observance were preserved ENXkMnUqSbc-00126-00030027-00030276 change began in the wake of the Age of ENXkMnUqSbc-00127-00030277-00030441 Enlightenment when some European ENXkMnUqSbc-00128-00030442-00030600 liberals sought to include the Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00129-00030601-00030819 population in the emerging empires and ENXkMnUqSbc-00130-00030820-00031068 nation-states the influence of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00131-00031069-00031236 Haskalah movement Jewish enlightenment ENXkMnUqSbc-00132-00031237-00031533 was also evidence supporters of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00133-00031533-00031739 Haskalah held that Judaism must change ENXkMnUqSbc-00134-00031741-00031902 in keeping with the social changes ENXkMnUqSbc-00135-00031902-00032157 around them other Jews insisted on ENXkMnUqSbc-00136-00032158-00032310 strict adherence to halakha ENXkMnUqSbc-00137-00032311-00032633 Jewish law and custom in Germany the ENXkMnUqSbc-00138-00032635-00032844 opponents of reform rallied to Samson ENXkMnUqSbc-00139-00032845-00033039 Raphael Hirsch who led a secession from ENXkMnUqSbc-00140-00033040-00033270 German Jewish communal organizations to ENXkMnUqSbc-00141-00033271-00033462 form a strictly Orthodox movement with ENXkMnUqSbc-00142-00033463-00033624 its own network of synagogues and ENXkMnUqSbc-00143-00033625-00033888 schools his approach was to accept the ENXkMnUqSbc-00144-00033889-00034095 tools of modern scholarship and apply ENXkMnUqSbc-00145-00034096-00034359 them in defense of Orthodoxy in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00146-00034360-00034548 Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth including ENXkMnUqSbc-00147-00034549-00034728 areas traditionally considered ENXkMnUqSbc-00148-00034729-00034947 Lithuanian Jews true to traditional ENXkMnUqSbc-00149-00034948-00035145 values gathered under the banner of a ENXkMnUqSbc-00150-00035146-00035406 good Oslo maemunah Israel Moses Ophir ENXkMnUqSbc-00151-00035407-00035643 was opposed to any philosophical social ENXkMnUqSbc-00152-00035644-00035832 or practical change to customary ENXkMnUqSbc-00153-00035833-00036132 Orthodox practice thus he did not allow ENXkMnUqSbc-00154-00036133-00036327 any secular studies to be added to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00155-00036328-00036531 curriculum of his Pressburg yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-00156-00036532-00036783 so first student Moshe shaked together ENXkMnUqSbc-00157-00036784-00036990 with Sophie's sons Shimon and Samuel ENXkMnUqSbc-00158-00036991-00037209 Benjamin took an active role in arguing ENXkMnUqSbc-00159-00037210-00037479 against the reform movement others such ENXkMnUqSbc-00160-00037480-00037713 as Hillel Lichtenstein advocated an even ENXkMnUqSbc-00161-00037714-00037958 more stringent position for Orthodoxy a ENXkMnUqSbc-00162-00037959-00038235 major historic event was the meltdown ENXkMnUqSbc-00163-00038236-00038448 after the universal Israelite Congress ENXkMnUqSbc-00164-00038449-00038883 of 1868 to 1869 in passed in an attempt ENXkMnUqSbc-00165-00038884-00039105 to unify all streams of Judaism under ENXkMnUqSbc-00166-00039106-00039336 one Constitution the Orthodox offered ENXkMnUqSbc-00167-00039337-00039525 the Shulchan Aruch as the ruling code of ENXkMnUqSbc-00168-00039526-00039801 law and observance this was dismissed by ENXkMnUqSbc-00169-00039802-00039975 the reformists leading many Orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-00170-00039976-00040221 rabbis to resign from the Congress and ENXkMnUqSbc-00171-00040222-00040403 form their own social and political ENXkMnUqSbc-00172-00040404-00040685 oops Feng gariand jury split into two ENXkMnUqSbc-00173-00040686-00040904 major institutionally sectarian groups ENXkMnUqSbc-00174-00040905-00041066 Orthodox and Neil Locke ENXkMnUqSbc-00175-00041067-00041327 however some communities refused to join ENXkMnUqSbc-00176-00041328-00041486 either of the groups calling themselves ENXkMnUqSbc-00177-00041487-00041855 status quo Schick demonstrated support ENXkMnUqSbc-00178-00041856-00042152 in 1877 for the separatist policies of ENXkMnUqSbc-00179-00042153-00042446 Samson Raphael Hirsch in Germany chicks ENXkMnUqSbc-00180-00042447-00042644 own son was enrolled in the hildesheimer ENXkMnUqSbc-00181-00042645-00042854 rabbinical seminary that taught secular ENXkMnUqSbc-00182-00042855-00043028 studies and was headed by Azrael ENXkMnUqSbc-00183-00043029-00043292 hildesheimer Hirsch however did not ENXkMnUqSbc-00184-00043293-00043460 reciprocate and expressed astonishment ENXkMnUqSbc-00185-00043461-00043682 at chicks Holika contortions in ENXkMnUqSbc-00186-00043683-00043841 condemning even those status quo ENXkMnUqSbc-00187-00043842-00044024 communities that clearly adhere de ENXkMnUqSbc-00188-00044025-00044324 Holika Lichtenstein opposed hildesheimer ENXkMnUqSbc-00189-00044325-00044522 and his son Hirsch hildesheimer as they ENXkMnUqSbc-00190-00044523-00044684 made use of the German language in ENXkMnUqSbc-00191-00044685-00044852 sermons from the pulpit and seemed to ENXkMnUqSbc-00192-00044853-00045079 sway to the direction of modern Zionism ENXkMnUqSbc-00193-00045080-00045347 Shimon Sofer was somewhat more lenient ENXkMnUqSbc-00194-00045348-00045530 than Liechtenstein on the use of German ENXkMnUqSbc-00195-00045531-00045743 in sermons allowing so only if it was a ENXkMnUqSbc-00196-00045744-00045935 medium for keeping cordial relations ENXkMnUqSbc-00197-00045936-00046223 with the various governments likewise he ENXkMnUqSbc-00198-00046224-00046415 allowed extracurricular studies of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00199-00046416-00046616 gymnasium for students whose rabbinical ENXkMnUqSbc-00200-00046617-00046784 positions would be recognized by the ENXkMnUqSbc-00201-00046785-00047000 governments stipulating the necessity to ENXkMnUqSbc-00202-00047001-00047156 prove the strict adherence to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00203-00047157-00047339 god-fearing standards per individual ENXkMnUqSbc-00204-00047340-00047729 case in 1912 the world a good at Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00205-00047730-00047921 was founded to differentiate itself from ENXkMnUqSbc-00206-00047922-00048113 the Torah nationalists Mizrachi and ENXkMnUqSbc-00207-00048114-00048419 secular Zionist organizations it was ENXkMnUqSbc-00208-00048420-00048617 dominated by the Hasidic rebels and ENXkMnUqSbc-00209-00048618-00048953 lithuanian rabbis in Rosh Yeshiva a good ENXkMnUqSbc-00210-00048954-00049133 innominate addres Buy's who were elected ENXkMnUqSbc-00211-00049134-00049313 as representatives in the Polish ENXkMnUqSbc-00212-00049314-00049529 government same such as mayor Shapiro ENXkMnUqSbc-00213-00049530-00049826 and Yitzhak mayor Levin not all Hasidic ENXkMnUqSbc-00214-00049827-00050012 factions joined the a good at Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00215-00050013-00050240 remaining independent such as machs ek ENXkMnUqSbc-00216-00050241-00050543 headed of Galicia in 1919 Yosef higham ENXkMnUqSbc-00217-00050544-00050759 son Infeld in Yitzchak yerucham dis ENXkMnUqSbc-00218-00050760-00050966 confounded the etta Hatcher itis as part ENXkMnUqSbc-00219-00050967-00051137 of a Gouda 'the Israel in then Mandate ENXkMnUqSbc-00220-00051138-00051536 Palestine in 1924 a good at Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00221-00051537-00051779 obtained 75 percent of the votes in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00222-00051779-00051971 Kahala elections the Orthodox community ENXkMnUqSbc-00223-00051972-00052291 pulled some 16,000 of a total 90,000 at ENXkMnUqSbc-00224-00052292-00052661 the neset Israel in 1929 but son Infeld ENXkMnUqSbc-00225-00052662-00052862 lobbied Sir John Chancellor the High ENXkMnUqSbc-00226-00052863-00053036 Commissioner for separate representation ENXkMnUqSbc-00227-00053037-00053266 in the Palestine communities ordinance ENXkMnUqSbc-00228-00053267-00053498 from that of the nesaf Israel he ENXkMnUqSbc-00229-00053499-00053666 explained that the Agulhas israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00230-00053666-00053789 community would co-op ENXkMnUqSbc-00231-00053790-00053978 with the valet you me and the National ENXkMnUqSbc-00232-00053979-00054176 Jewish Council in matters pertaining to ENXkMnUqSbc-00233-00054177-00054374 the municipality but sought to protect ENXkMnUqSbc-00234-00054375-00054572 its religious convictions independently ENXkMnUqSbc-00235-00054573-00054832 the community petitioned the permanent ENXkMnUqSbc-00236-00054833-00054974 mandates Commission of the League of ENXkMnUqSbc-00237-00054975-00055262 Nations on this issue the one community ENXkMnUqSbc-00238-00055263-00055457 principle was victorious despite their ENXkMnUqSbc-00239-00055458-00055634 opposition but this is seen as the ENXkMnUqSbc-00240-00055635-00055816 creation of the hardy community in ENXkMnUqSbc-00241-00055817-00056003 Israel separate from the other Modern ENXkMnUqSbc-00242-00056004-00056300 Orthodox and zionist movements in 1932 ENXkMnUqSbc-00243-00056301-00056594 sun Infeld was succeeded by Yosef tzvi ENXkMnUqSbc-00244-00056595-00056807 de schinsky a disciple of the Sheva ENXkMnUqSbc-00245-00056808-00057023 topher one of the grandchildren of Moses ENXkMnUqSbc-00246-00057024-00057311 Ophir dusky promised to build up a ENXkMnUqSbc-00247-00057312-00057521 strong Jewish orthodoxy at peace with ENXkMnUqSbc-00248-00057522-00057682 the other Jewish communities and the ENXkMnUqSbc-00249-00057683-00058088 non-jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00250-00058089-00058549 topic post-holocaust ENXkMnUqSbc-00251-00058550-00058789 in general the present-day Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00252-00058790-00059016 population originated from two distinct ENXkMnUqSbc-00253-00059017-00059308 post-holocaust waves the vast majority ENXkMnUqSbc-00254-00059309-00059536 of Hasidic and litva communities were ENXkMnUqSbc-00255-00059537-00059770 destroyed during the Holocaust though ENXkMnUqSbc-00256-00059771-00059938 his siddik customs have largely been ENXkMnUqSbc-00257-00059939-00060151 preserved the customs of Lithuanian ENXkMnUqSbc-00258-00060152-00060337 Jewry including its unique hebrew ENXkMnUqSbc-00259-00060338-00060640 pronunciation have been almost lost lit ENXkMnUqSbc-00260-00060641-00060792 wysz customs are still preserved ENXkMnUqSbc-00261-00060794-00061009 primarily by the few older jews who were ENXkMnUqSbc-00262-00061010-00061228 born in lithuania prior to the holocaust ENXkMnUqSbc-00263-00061229-00061591 in the decade or so after 1945 there was ENXkMnUqSbc-00264-00061591-00061786 a strong drive to revive and maintain ENXkMnUqSbc-00265-00061787-00061999 these lifestyles by some notable Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00266-00062000-00062269 leaders the Chazz Enosh was particularly ENXkMnUqSbc-00267-00062270-00062476 prominent in the early days of the State ENXkMnUqSbc-00268-00062477-00062707 of Israel ah her own coat allure ENXkMnUqSbc-00269-00062708-00062929 established many of the hardy schools in ENXkMnUqSbc-00270-00062929-00063124 yeshivas in the United States and Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00271-00063125-00063361 and Joel Teitelbaum had a significant ENXkMnUqSbc-00272-00063362-00063604 impact on revitalizing Hasidic jury as ENXkMnUqSbc-00273-00063604-00063780 well as many of the Jews who fled ENXkMnUqSbc-00274-00063782-00064048 Hungary during 1956 revolution who ENXkMnUqSbc-00275-00064049-00064264 became followers of his Satmar dynasty ENXkMnUqSbc-00276-00064265-00064477 and became the largest Hasidic group in ENXkMnUqSbc-00277-00064478-00064528 the world ENXkMnUqSbc-00278-00064529-00064771 these Haredim would typically only have ENXkMnUqSbc-00279-00064772-00064909 maintained a connection with other ENXkMnUqSbc-00280-00064910-00065212 religious family members as such those ENXkMnUqSbc-00281-00065213-00065416 growing up in such families have little ENXkMnUqSbc-00282-00065416-00065701 or no contact with non Haredim the ENXkMnUqSbc-00283-00065702-00065910 second wave began in the 1970s ENXkMnUqSbc-00284-00065911-00066151 associated with the religious revival of ENXkMnUqSbc-00285-00066152-00066337 the so called baal-teshuva movement ENXkMnUqSbc-00286-00066338-00066502 although most of the newly religious ENXkMnUqSbc-00287-00066503-00066706 become Orthodox and not necessarily ENXkMnUqSbc-00288-00066707-00067000 fully Hardy the formation and spread of ENXkMnUqSbc-00289-00067001-00067225 the Sephardic Haredi lifestyle movement ENXkMnUqSbc-00290-00067226-00067504 also began in the 1980s by ovadia yosef ENXkMnUqSbc-00291-00067505-00067720 alongside the establishment of the Shas ENXkMnUqSbc-00292-00067721-00068083 party in 1984 this led many Sephardi ENXkMnUqSbc-00293-00068084-00068284 Jews to adopt the clothing and culture ENXkMnUqSbc-00294-00068285-00068455 of the Lithuanian Haredim though it had ENXkMnUqSbc-00295-00068456-00068623 no historical basis in their own ENXkMnUqSbc-00296-00068624-00068884 tradition many yeshivas were also ENXkMnUqSbc-00297-00068885-00069052 established specifically for new ENXkMnUqSbc-00298-00069053-00069271 adopters of the hardy Way of life the ENXkMnUqSbc-00299-00069272-00069475 original hardy population has been ENXkMnUqSbc-00300-00069476-00069661 instrumental in the expansion of their ENXkMnUqSbc-00301-00069662-00069853 lifestyle though criticisms have been ENXkMnUqSbc-00302-00069854-00070045 made of discrimination towards the later ENXkMnUqSbc-00303-00070046-00070240 adopters of the hardy lifestyle in ENXkMnUqSbc-00304-00070241-00070432 shidduchim matchmaking in the school ENXkMnUqSbc-00305-00070433-00070771 system ENXkMnUqSbc-00306-00070772-00071353 topic practices and beliefs ENXkMnUqSbc-00307-00071354-00071635 Haredi Judaism is not an institutionally ENXkMnUqSbc-00308-00071636-00071845 cohesive or homogeneous group but ENXkMnUqSbc-00309-00071846-00072073 comprises a diversity of spiritual and ENXkMnUqSbc-00310-00072074-00072313 cultural orientations generally divided ENXkMnUqSbc-00311-00072314-00072538 into a broad range of Hasidic sects lit ENXkMnUqSbc-00312-00072539-00072715 VEISHEA Sheva streams from Eastern ENXkMnUqSbc-00313-00072716-00072922 Europe an oriental Sephardic Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00314-00072923-00073144 these groups often differ significantly ENXkMnUqSbc-00315-00073145-00073329 from one another in their specific ENXkMnUqSbc-00316-00073330-00073600 ideologies and lifestyles as well as the ENXkMnUqSbc-00317-00073601-00073777 degree of stringency in religious ENXkMnUqSbc-00318-00073778-00073957 practice rigidity of religious ENXkMnUqSbc-00319-00073958-00074191 philosophy an isolation from the general ENXkMnUqSbc-00320-00074192-00074392 culture that they maintain the majority ENXkMnUqSbc-00321-00074393-00074560 of the Haredim worldwide live in ENXkMnUqSbc-00322-00074561-00074743 neighborhoods in which reside mostly ENXkMnUqSbc-00323-00074744-00074935 other Haredim the practices and beliefs ENXkMnUqSbc-00324-00074936-00075094 of Haredi Jews which have been ENXkMnUqSbc-00325-00075095-00075396 interpreted as homophobic misogynistic ENXkMnUqSbc-00326-00075397-00075727 intolerant and isolationist can bring ENXkMnUqSbc-00327-00075728-00075913 them into conflict with modern liberal ENXkMnUqSbc-00328-00075914-00076222 values in 2018 a Haredi school in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00329-00076223-00076483 United Kingdom was rated as inadequate ENXkMnUqSbc-00330-00076484-00076696 by the office for standards in education ENXkMnUqSbc-00331-00076697-00076930 after repeated complaints were raised ENXkMnUqSbc-00332-00076931-00077122 about the censoring of textbooks and ENXkMnUqSbc-00333-00077123-00077362 exam papers mentioning homosexuality ENXkMnUqSbc-00334-00077363-00077611 containing examples of women socialising ENXkMnUqSbc-00335-00077612-00077776 with men pictures showing women's ENXkMnUqSbc-00336-00077777-00077992 shoulders and legs and information that ENXkMnUqSbc-00337-00077993-00078451 contradicts a creationist worldview ENXkMnUqSbc-00338-00078452-00079014 topic life style and family ENXkMnUqSbc-00339-00079015-00079305 Haredi life like orthodox jewish life in ENXkMnUqSbc-00340-00079306-00079623 general is very family centered boys and ENXkMnUqSbc-00341-00079624-00079803 girls attend separate schools and ENXkMnUqSbc-00342-00079804-00080001 proceed to higher torah study in a ENXkMnUqSbc-00343-00080002-00080199 yeshiva or seminary respectively ENXkMnUqSbc-00344-00080200-00080432 starting anywhere between the ages of 13 ENXkMnUqSbc-00345-00080433-00080742 and 18 a significant proportion of young ENXkMnUqSbc-00346-00080743-00080919 men remain in yeshiva until their ENXkMnUqSbc-00347-00080920-00081087 marriage which is usually arranged ENXkMnUqSbc-00348-00081088-00081300 through facilitated dating after ENXkMnUqSbc-00349-00081301-00081366 marriage ENXkMnUqSbc-00350-00081367-00081567 many hardy men continue their Torah ENXkMnUqSbc-00351-00081568-00081873 studies in a kollel studying and secular ENXkMnUqSbc-00352-00081874-00082074 institutions is often discouraged ENXkMnUqSbc-00353-00082075-00082269 although educational facilities for ENXkMnUqSbc-00354-00082270-00082470 vocational training in a hardy framework ENXkMnUqSbc-00355-00082471-00082755 do exist in the United States in Europe ENXkMnUqSbc-00356-00082756-00082982 the majority of Haredi males are active ENXkMnUqSbc-00357-00082983-00083262 in the workforce for various reasons in ENXkMnUqSbc-00358-00083263-00083463 Israel around half of their members do ENXkMnUqSbc-00359-00083464-00083637 not work and most of those who do are ENXkMnUqSbc-00360-00083638-00083846 not officially a part of the workforce ENXkMnUqSbc-00361-00083847-00084107 Haredi families and Orthodox Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00362-00084108-00084324 families in general are usually much ENXkMnUqSbc-00363-00084325-00084555 larger than non Orthodox Jewish families ENXkMnUqSbc-00364-00084556-00084744 with as many as 12 or more children ENXkMnUqSbc-00365-00084745-00084987 Hardy Jews are typically opposed to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00366-00084988-00085176 viewing of television and films and the ENXkMnUqSbc-00367-00085177-00085369 reading of secular newspapers and books ENXkMnUqSbc-00368-00085370-00085644 there has been a strong campaign against ENXkMnUqSbc-00369-00085645-00085821 the internet and Internet enabled mobile ENXkMnUqSbc-00370-00085822-00086025 phones without filters have also been ENXkMnUqSbc-00371-00086026-00086344 banned by leading rabbis in May 2012 ENXkMnUqSbc-00372-00086345-00086622 40,000 Haredim gathered at City field a ENXkMnUqSbc-00373-00086623-00086829 baseball park in New York City to ENXkMnUqSbc-00374-00086830-00086994 discuss the dangers of unfiltered ENXkMnUqSbc-00375-00086995-00087255 Internet the event was organized by the ENXkMnUqSbc-00376-00087256-00087476 I said hey kilos Leto har Hammett chain ENXkMnUqSbc-00377-00087477-00087648 the internet has been allowed for ENXkMnUqSbc-00378-00087649-00087888 business purposes so long as filters are ENXkMnUqSbc-00379-00087889-00088339 installed ENXkMnUqSbc-00380-00088340-00088685 dress ENXkMnUqSbc-00381-00088686-00088925 the standard mode of dress for males of ENXkMnUqSbc-00382-00088926-00089141 the Lithuanian stream as a black suit in ENXkMnUqSbc-00383-00089142-00089225 a white shirt ENXkMnUqSbc-00384-00089226-00089465 headgear includes black fedora or ENXkMnUqSbc-00385-00089466-00089696 Hamburg hats with black skull caps under ENXkMnUqSbc-00386-00089697-00089984 their hats pre-war lithuanian yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-00387-00089985-00090215 students however also wore light colored ENXkMnUqSbc-00388-00090216-00090440 suits along with beige or grey hats ENXkMnUqSbc-00389-00090441-00090692 beards are common among Haredi jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00390-00090693-00090920 men and most Hasidic males will never be ENXkMnUqSbc-00391-00090921-00091187 clean-shaven women adhere to the laws of ENXkMnUqSbc-00392-00091188-00091418 modest dress and wear long skirts and ENXkMnUqSbc-00393-00091419-00091640 sleeves high necklines and if married ENXkMnUqSbc-00394-00091641-00091934 some form of hair covering hardy women ENXkMnUqSbc-00395-00091935-00092126 never wear trousers although a small ENXkMnUqSbc-00396-00092127-00092354 minority do wear pajama trousers within ENXkMnUqSbc-00397-00092355-00092543 the home at night over the years it has ENXkMnUqSbc-00398-00092544-00092765 become popular among some hardy women to ENXkMnUqSbc-00399-00092766-00092921 wear wigs that are more attractive than ENXkMnUqSbc-00400-00092922-00093095 their own hair drawing criticism from ENXkMnUqSbc-00401-00093096-00093290 some more conservative hardy rabbis ENXkMnUqSbc-00402-00093291-00093533 mainstream Sephardi hardy rabbi ovadia ENXkMnUqSbc-00403-00093534-00093716 yosef forbade the wearing of wigs ENXkMnUqSbc-00404-00093717-00093805 altogether ENXkMnUqSbc-00405-00093806-00094082 hardy women often dress more freely and ENXkMnUqSbc-00406-00094083-00094289 casually within the home as long as the ENXkMnUqSbc-00407-00094290-00094466 body remains covered in accordance with ENXkMnUqSbc-00408-00094467-00094886 the halacha more modernized hardy women ENXkMnUqSbc-00409-00094887-00095060 are somewhat more lenient in matters of ENXkMnUqSbc-00410-00095061-00095249 their dress and some follow the latest ENXkMnUqSbc-00411-00095250-00095438 trends and fashions while conforming to ENXkMnUqSbc-00412-00095439-00095678 the halaqa non lithuanian Hasidic men ENXkMnUqSbc-00413-00095679-00095864 and women differ from the lithuanian ENXkMnUqSbc-00414-00095865-00096038 stream by having a much more specific ENXkMnUqSbc-00415-00096039-00096227 dress code the most obvious difference ENXkMnUqSbc-00416-00096228-00096425 for men being the full-length suit ENXkMnUqSbc-00417-00096426-00096674 jacket reco on weekdays and the fur hat ENXkMnUqSbc-00418-00096675-00096908 stri Mille and silk caftan Vicki Sh on ENXkMnUqSbc-00419-00096909-00097226 the Sabbath liberal Jewish scholar Dalia ENXkMnUqSbc-00420-00097227-00097409 Marks has suggested that hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-00421-00097410-00097616 indulgence in matters of modesty is in ENXkMnUqSbc-00422-00097617-00098046 itself excessive and thus not modest ENXkMnUqSbc-00423-00098047-00098201 you ENXkMnUqSbc-00424-00098202-00098703 topic neighborhoods ENXkMnUqSbc-00425-00098704-00098958 Haredi neighborhoods tend to be safe in ENXkMnUqSbc-00426-00098959-00099201 israel the entrances to some of the most ENXkMnUqSbc-00427-00099202-00099396 extreme hardy neighborhoods are fitted ENXkMnUqSbc-00428-00099397-00099588 with signs asking that modest clothing ENXkMnUqSbc-00429-00099589-00099834 be worn some areas are known to have ENXkMnUqSbc-00430-00099835-00100155 modesty patrols and people dressed in ENXkMnUqSbc-00431-00100156-00100359 ways perceived as a modest may suffer ENXkMnUqSbc-00432-00100360-00100569 harassment and advertisements featuring ENXkMnUqSbc-00433-00100570-00100785 scantily dressed models may be targeted ENXkMnUqSbc-00434-00100786-00101034 for vandalism these concerns are also ENXkMnUqSbc-00435-00101035-00101223 addressed through public lobbying and ENXkMnUqSbc-00436-00101224-00101517 legal avenues in Rio de Janeiro during ENXkMnUqSbc-00437-00101518-00101715 the week-long Rio Carnival many Orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-00438-00101716-00101931 Jews feel compelled to leave the town ENXkMnUqSbc-00439-00101932-00102090 due to the immodest exposure of ENXkMnUqSbc-00440-00102091-00102458 participants in 2001 Haredi campaigners ENXkMnUqSbc-00441-00102459-00102678 in Jerusalem succeeded in persuading the ENXkMnUqSbc-00442-00102679-00102840 egg bus company to get all their ENXkMnUqSbc-00443-00102841-00103034 advertisements approved by a special ENXkMnUqSbc-00444-00103035-00103343 committee by 2011 egged had gradually ENXkMnUqSbc-00445-00103344-00103556 removed all the sad verts which featured ENXkMnUqSbc-00446-00103557-00103743 women in response to their continuous ENXkMnUqSbc-00447-00103744-00103998 defacement a court order which stated ENXkMnUqSbc-00448-00103999-00104226 such action was discriminatory led to ENXkMnUqSbc-00449-00104227-00104430 eggs decision not to feature people at ENXkMnUqSbc-00450-00104431-00104739 all neither male nor female depictions ENXkMnUqSbc-00451-00104740-00104909 of certain other creatures such as ENXkMnUqSbc-00452-00104910-00105126 aliens were also banned in order not to ENXkMnUqSbc-00453-00105127-00105444 offend Haredi sensibilities Haredi Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00454-00105445-00105651 also campaign against other types of ENXkMnUqSbc-00455-00105652-00105843 advertising which promote activities ENXkMnUqSbc-00456-00105844-00106065 they deem offensive or inappropriate to ENXkMnUqSbc-00457-00106066-00106278 honor the Shabbat most state-run buses ENXkMnUqSbc-00458-00106279-00106572 in Israel do not run on Saturdays in a ENXkMnUqSbc-00459-00106573-00106811 similar vein Haredi Jews in Israel have ENXkMnUqSbc-00460-00106813-00106947 demanded that the roads in their ENXkMnUqSbc-00461-00106948-00107124 neighborhoods be closed on Saturdays ENXkMnUqSbc-00462-00107125-00107321 vehicular traffic being viewed as an ENXkMnUqSbc-00463-00107322-00107619 intolerable provocation upon their ENXkMnUqSbc-00464-00107620-00107808 religious lifestyle see driving on ENXkMnUqSbc-00465-00107808-00108129 Shabbat in Jewish law in most cases the ENXkMnUqSbc-00466-00108130-00108297 authorities granted permission after ENXkMnUqSbc-00467-00108298-00108509 Haredi petitioning and demonstrations ENXkMnUqSbc-00468-00108510-00108693 some of them including fierce clashes ENXkMnUqSbc-00469-00108694-00108897 between Haredim and secular counter ENXkMnUqSbc-00470-00108898-00109080 demonstrators and violence against ENXkMnUqSbc-00471-00109081-00109461 police and motorists ENXkMnUqSbc-00472-00109463-00109995 topic gender separation ENXkMnUqSbc-00473-00109996-00110277 while Jewish modesty law requires gender ENXkMnUqSbc-00474-00110278-00110465 separation under various circumstances ENXkMnUqSbc-00475-00110466-00110684 observers have contended that there is a ENXkMnUqSbc-00476-00110685-00110861 growing trend among some groups of ENXkMnUqSbc-00477-00110863-00111059 Hasidic Haredi Jews to extend its ENXkMnUqSbc-00478-00111060-00111252 observance to the public arena in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00479-00111253-00111492 Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel New York ENXkMnUqSbc-00480-00111493-00111683 an entrance signed asks visitors to ENXkMnUqSbc-00481-00111684-00111966 maintain gender separation in all public ENXkMnUqSbc-00482-00111967-00112275 areas and the bus stops have separate ENXkMnUqSbc-00483-00112276-00112545 waiting areas for men and women in new ENXkMnUqSbc-00484-00112546-00112794 square another Hasidic and clave men and ENXkMnUqSbc-00485-00112795-00112983 women are expected to walk on opposite ENXkMnUqSbc-00486-00112983-00113283 sides of the road in Israel residents of ENXkMnUqSbc-00487-00113283-00113475 may asurim were banned from erecting a ENXkMnUqSbc-00488-00113476-00113679 street barrier dividing men and women ENXkMnUqSbc-00489-00113680-00113850 during the nightly week-long Sukkot ENXkMnUqSbc-00490-00113851-00114075 festivities and street signs requesting ENXkMnUqSbc-00491-00114076-00114264 that women avoid certain pavements in ENXkMnUqSbc-00492-00114265-00114423 Beit Shemesh have been repeatedly ENXkMnUqSbc-00493-00114424-00114720 removed by the municipality since 1973 ENXkMnUqSbc-00494-00114721-00114975 buses catering for Haredi Jews running ENXkMnUqSbc-00495-00114976-00115158 from Rockland County in Brooklyn into ENXkMnUqSbc-00496-00115158-00115334 Manhattan have had separate areas for ENXkMnUqSbc-00497-00115335-00115533 men and women allowing passengers to ENXkMnUqSbc-00498-00115533-00115815 conduct onboard prayer services although ENXkMnUqSbc-00499-00115816-00116007 the lines are privately operated they ENXkMnUqSbc-00500-00116008-00116261 serve the general public and in 2011 the ENXkMnUqSbc-00501-00116263-00116427 set up was challenged on grounds of ENXkMnUqSbc-00502-00116428-00116604 discrimination and the arrangement was ENXkMnUqSbc-00503-00116605-00116958 deemed illegal during 2010 to 2012 there ENXkMnUqSbc-00504-00116958-00117110 was much public debate in Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00505-00117111-00117354 surrounding the existence of segregated ENXkMnUqSbc-00506-00117355-00117591 Haredi Mehadrin bus lines whose policy ENXkMnUqSbc-00507-00117592-00117789 calls for both men and women to stay in ENXkMnUqSbc-00508-00117790-00117975 their respective areas men in the front ENXkMnUqSbc-00509-00117976-00118158 of the bus and women in the rear of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00510-00118158-00118344 bus following an altercation which ENXkMnUqSbc-00511-00118345-00118527 occurred after a woman refused to move ENXkMnUqSbc-00512-00118528-00118698 to the rear of the bus to sit among the ENXkMnUqSbc-00513-00118699-00118989 women a subsequent Court ruling stated ENXkMnUqSbc-00514-00118990-00119183 that while voluntary segregation should ENXkMnUqSbc-00515-00119184-00119447 be allowed forced separation is unlawful ENXkMnUqSbc-00516-00119448-00119748 Israeli national airline eLAL has agreed ENXkMnUqSbc-00517-00119749-00119952 to provide gender separated flights to ENXkMnUqSbc-00518-00119953-00120282 cater for Haredi requirements education ENXkMnUqSbc-00519-00120283-00120461 in the Haredi community is strictly ENXkMnUqSbc-00520-00120463-00120747 segregated by sex the education for boys ENXkMnUqSbc-00521-00120748-00120951 is primarily focused on the study of ENXkMnUqSbc-00522-00120952-00121167 Jewish scriptures such as the Torah and ENXkMnUqSbc-00523-00121168-00121383 Talmud while girls obtained studies both ENXkMnUqSbc-00524-00121383-00121590 in Jewish education as well as broader ENXkMnUqSbc-00525-00121591-00121890 secular subjects in 2012 a better safe ENXkMnUqSbc-00526-00121891-00122097 than sorry book aimed at Haredi Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00527-00122098-00122253 children was published with some ENXkMnUqSbc-00528-00122254-00122814 controversy as it contains both sexist ENXkMnUqSbc-00529-00122815-00123355 topic newspapers and publications ENXkMnUqSbc-00530-00123356-00123619 in pre-war Poland the agouti Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00531-00123620-00123808 published its own Yiddish language paper ENXkMnUqSbc-00532-00123808-00124195 dossier - tag blat in 1950 the agooo de ENXkMnUqSbc-00533-00124196-00124383 started printing homo dia a Hebrew ENXkMnUqSbc-00534-00124384-00124666 language Israeli daily Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00535-00124667-00124828 publications tend to shield their ENXkMnUqSbc-00536-00124829-00124972 readership from objectionable material ENXkMnUqSbc-00537-00124973-00125190 and perceive themselves as a ENXkMnUqSbc-00538-00125191-00125409 counterculture desisting from ENXkMnUqSbc-00539-00125410-00125634 advertising secular entertainment and ENXkMnUqSbc-00540-00125635-00125917 events the editorial policy of a Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00541-00125918-00126103 newspaper is determined by a rabbinical ENXkMnUqSbc-00542-00126104-00126313 board and every Edition is checked by a ENXkMnUqSbc-00543-00126314-00126595 rabbinical censor a strict policy of ENXkMnUqSbc-00544-00126596-00126808 modesty as characteristic of the Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00545-00126808-00126994 press and pictures of women are usually ENXkMnUqSbc-00546-00126995-00127378 not printed in 2009 the Israeli daily ENXkMnUqSbc-00547-00127379-00127576 ated naman doctored an Israeli cabinet ENXkMnUqSbc-00548-00127577-00127789 photograph replacing two female ENXkMnUqSbc-00549-00127790-00128020 ministers with images of men and in 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-00550-00128021-00128314 the bacon imagine pixelated the faces of ENXkMnUqSbc-00551-00128315-00128500 women appearing in a photograph of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00552-00128501-00128773 Warsaw Ghetto the mainstream Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00553-00128774-00129004 political party shops also refrains from ENXkMnUqSbc-00554-00129005-00129253 publishing female images no coverage is ENXkMnUqSbc-00555-00129254-00129514 given to serious crime violence sex or ENXkMnUqSbc-00556-00129515-00129727 drugs and little coverage is given to ENXkMnUqSbc-00557-00129728-00129945 non-orthodox streams of Judaism ENXkMnUqSbc-00558-00129946-00130311 inclusion of immoral content is avoided ENXkMnUqSbc-00559-00130313-00130509 and when publication of such stories as ENXkMnUqSbc-00560-00130510-00130597 a necessity ENXkMnUqSbc-00561-00130598-00130855 they are often written ambiguously the ENXkMnUqSbc-00562-00130856-00131050 Haredi press generally takes a non ENXkMnUqSbc-00563-00131051-00131269 Zionist stance and gives more coverage ENXkMnUqSbc-00564-00131270-00131437 to issues which concern the Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00565-00131438-00131653 community such as the drafting of girls ENXkMnUqSbc-00566-00131654-00131830 in yeshiva students into the Army ENXkMnUqSbc-00567-00131831-00132069 autopsies and Shabbat observance in ENXkMnUqSbc-00568-00132070-00132360 Israel it portrays the secular world as ENXkMnUqSbc-00569-00132361-00132661 spitefully anti-semitic and describes ENXkMnUqSbc-00570-00132662-00132925 secular youth as mindless immoral ENXkMnUqSbc-00571-00132926-00133252 drugged and unspeakably lewd such ENXkMnUqSbc-00572-00133253-00133441 attacks have led to horror the editors ENXkMnUqSbc-00573-00133442-00133657 being warned about libelous provocations ENXkMnUqSbc-00574-00133658-00133861 while the Haredi press is extensive and ENXkMnUqSbc-00575-00133862-00134074 varied in Israel only around half the ENXkMnUqSbc-00576-00134075-00134272 Haredi population reads newspapers ENXkMnUqSbc-00577-00134273-00134629 around 10% read secular newspapers while ENXkMnUqSbc-00578-00134630-00134898 40% do not read any newspaper at all ENXkMnUqSbc-00579-00134899-00135322 according to a 2007 survey 27% read the ENXkMnUqSbc-00580-00135323-00135532 weekend Friday edition of homo dia and ENXkMnUqSbc-00581-00135533-00135967 26% the aided naman in 2006 the most ENXkMnUqSbc-00582-00135968-00136177 read Haredi magazine in Israel was the ENXkMnUqSbc-00583-00136178-00136474 mishpucha weekly which sold 110,000 ENXkMnUqSbc-00584-00136475-00136791 copies ENXkMnUqSbc-00585-00136792-00137298 topic technology ENXkMnUqSbc-00586-00137299-00137520 in the modern era of the internet and ENXkMnUqSbc-00587-00137521-00137727 cell phones it can be confusing on what ENXkMnUqSbc-00588-00137728-00137901 would be considered kosher and what ENXkMnUqSbc-00589-00137902-00138165 wouldn't the hardy leaders have at times ENXkMnUqSbc-00590-00138166-00138369 suggested a ban on the internet as well ENXkMnUqSbc-00591-00138370-00138651 as any internet capable device their ENXkMnUqSbc-00592-00138652-00138822 reasoning being that the immense amount ENXkMnUqSbc-00593-00138823-00138993 of information can be corrupting and ENXkMnUqSbc-00594-00138994-00139125 with the ability to use the internet ENXkMnUqSbc-00595-00139126-00139350 with no observation from the community ENXkMnUqSbc-00596-00139351-00139497 can lead to individuation ENXkMnUqSbc-00597-00139498-00139758 however these presented reasons by the ENXkMnUqSbc-00598-00139759-00139944 Haredi leaders could be influenced by a ENXkMnUqSbc-00599-00139945-00140157 general fear of the loss of young Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00600-00140158-00140429 members banning the internet for Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00601-00140430-00140619 Jews could be a detriment to possible ENXkMnUqSbc-00602-00140620-00140837 economic uses from Jewish businesses ENXkMnUqSbc-00603-00140838-00141120 some Hardy businessman utilized the ENXkMnUqSbc-00604-00141121-00141273 internet throughout the week but they ENXkMnUqSbc-00605-00141274-00141495 still observe Shabbat in every aspect by ENXkMnUqSbc-00606-00141496-00141708 not accepting or processing orders from ENXkMnUqSbc-00607-00141709-00141966 Friday evening to Saturday evening they ENXkMnUqSbc-00608-00141967-00142140 utilized the Internet under strict ENXkMnUqSbc-00609-00142141-00142383 filters and guidelines although Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00610-00142384-00142560 leaders have been unsuccessful in their ENXkMnUqSbc-00611-00142561-00142754 attempts of banning internet use they ENXkMnUqSbc-00612-00142755-00142934 have influenced the world of technology ENXkMnUqSbc-00613-00142935-00143223 the kosher cellphone was introduced to ENXkMnUqSbc-00614-00143224-00143415 the Jewish public with the sole ability ENXkMnUqSbc-00615-00143416-00143676 to call other phones it was unable to ENXkMnUqSbc-00616-00143677-00143879 utilize the internet text other phones ENXkMnUqSbc-00617-00143880-00144183 and had no camera feature in fact a ENXkMnUqSbc-00618-00144184-00144381 kosher phone plan was created with ENXkMnUqSbc-00619-00144382-00144573 decreased rates for kosher to kosher ENXkMnUqSbc-00620-00144574-00145010 calls to encourage community ENXkMnUqSbc-00621-00145011-00145527 topic news hotlines ENXkMnUqSbc-00622-00145528-00145782 News hotlines are an important source of ENXkMnUqSbc-00623-00145783-00146040 news in the Haredi world since many ENXkMnUqSbc-00624-00146041-00146217 Haredim do not listen to the radio or ENXkMnUqSbc-00625-00146218-00146442 have access to the Internet even if they ENXkMnUqSbc-00626-00146443-00146598 read newspapers they are left with ENXkMnUqSbc-00627-00146599-00146813 little or no access to breaking news ENXkMnUqSbc-00628-00146814-00147072 news hotlines were formed to fill this ENXkMnUqSbc-00629-00147073-00147291 gap and many have expanded to additional ENXkMnUqSbc-00630-00147292-00147579 fields over time currently many news ENXkMnUqSbc-00631-00147580-00147753 lines provide rabbinic lectures ENXkMnUqSbc-00632-00147754-00147957 entertainment business advice and ENXkMnUqSbc-00633-00147958-00148155 similar services in addition to their ENXkMnUqSbc-00634-00148156-00148340 primary function of reporting the news ENXkMnUqSbc-00635-00148341-00148620 many Hasidic sects maintain their own ENXkMnUqSbc-00636-00148621-00148842 hotlines where relevant internal news is ENXkMnUqSbc-00637-00148843-00149037 reported and the group's perspective can ENXkMnUqSbc-00638-00149038-00149325 be advocated for in the Israeli Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00639-00149326-00149523 community there are dozens of prominent ENXkMnUqSbc-00640-00149524-00149583 hotlines ENXkMnUqSbc-00641-00149584-00149862 in both Yiddish and Hebrew some Hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-00642-00149863-00150066 hotlines have played significant public ENXkMnUqSbc-00643-00150067-00150414 roles ENXkMnUqSbc-00644-00150415-00150921 topic in Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00645-00150922-00151506 topic attitudes towards Zionism ENXkMnUqSbc-00646-00151507-00151727 while most Haredim were opposed to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00647-00151728-00151935 establishment of the State of Israel and ENXkMnUqSbc-00648-00151936-00152106 heard him mostly still do not celebrate ENXkMnUqSbc-00649-00152107-00152334 its National Independence Day or other ENXkMnUqSbc-00650-00152335-00152532 state instituted holidays there were ENXkMnUqSbc-00651-00152533-00152663 many who through their considerable ENXkMnUqSbc-00652-00152664-00152849 weight in support of the nascent state ENXkMnUqSbc-00653-00152850-00153024 the chief political division among ENXkMnUqSbc-00654-00153025-00153171 Haredim has been in their approach to ENXkMnUqSbc-00655-00153172-00153468 the State of Israel while ideologically ENXkMnUqSbc-00656-00153469-00153713 non-zionist the United Torah Judaism ENXkMnUqSbc-00657-00153714-00153936 Alliance comprising a good at Israel and ENXkMnUqSbc-00658-00153937-00154083 Degel Hodari and the umbrella ENXkMnUqSbc-00659-00154084-00154311 organizations world a Goethe 'the Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00660-00154312-00154487 and a good at Israel of America ENXkMnUqSbc-00661-00154488-00154679 represent a moderate and pragmatic ENXkMnUqSbc-00662-00154680-00154877 stance of cooperation with the State of ENXkMnUqSbc-00663-00154878-00155049 Israel and participation in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00664-00155050-00155327 political system utj has been a ENXkMnUqSbc-00665-00155328-00155516 participant in numerous coalition ENXkMnUqSbc-00666-00155517-00155699 government's seeking to influence state ENXkMnUqSbc-00667-00155700-00155888 and society in a more religious ENXkMnUqSbc-00668-00155889-00156074 direction and maintain welfare and ENXkMnUqSbc-00669-00156075-00156353 religious funding policies Haredim who ENXkMnUqSbc-00670-00156354-00156549 are more stridently and ease iana store ENXkMnUqSbc-00671-00156550-00156747 under the umbrella of Etta Hatcher itis ENXkMnUqSbc-00672-00156748-00156999 who reject participation in politics and ENXkMnUqSbc-00673-00157000-00157139 state funding of its affiliated ENXkMnUqSbc-00674-00157140-00157361 institutions in country distinction to a ENXkMnUqSbc-00675-00157362-00157637 Goethe affiliated institutions net ENXkMnUqSbc-00676-00157638-00157853 soiree Carta is a very small activist ENXkMnUqSbc-00677-00157854-00158075 organization of anti Zionist Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00678-00158076-00158259 whose controversial activities have been ENXkMnUqSbc-00679-00158260-00158450 strongly condemned including by other ENXkMnUqSbc-00680-00158451-00158709 anti Zionist Haredim neither main ENXkMnUqSbc-00681-00158710-00158903 political party has the support in ENXkMnUqSbc-00682-00158904-00159050 numbers to elect a majority government ENXkMnUqSbc-00683-00159051-00159294 and so they both rely on support from ENXkMnUqSbc-00684-00159295-00159618 the Haredi parties in recent years some ENXkMnUqSbc-00685-00159619-00159822 Reb is affiliated with the Goethe Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00686-00159823-00160032 such as the Sadiq or Arriba Avraham ENXkMnUqSbc-00687-00160033-00160236 Yaakov Friedman have taken more hardline ENXkMnUqSbc-00688-00160237-00160475 stances on security settlements and ENXkMnUqSbc-00689-00160476-00160743 disengagement EOS represents a party and ENXkMnUqSbc-00690-00160744-00160940 Mizrahi here'd him and while having many ENXkMnUqSbc-00691-00160941-00161162 points in common with Ashkenazi Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00692-00161163-00161286 differs from them by its more ENXkMnUqSbc-00693-00161287-00161462 enthusiastic support for the State of ENXkMnUqSbc-00694-00161463-00161854 Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00695-00161855-00162271 topic divorce ENXkMnUqSbc-00696-00162272-00162526 divorces among Haredim are increasing in ENXkMnUqSbc-00697-00162527-00162731 Israel when the divorce is linked to one ENXkMnUqSbc-00698-00162732-00162934 spouse leaving the community the one who ENXkMnUqSbc-00699-00162935-00163109 chooses to leave is often shunned from ENXkMnUqSbc-00700-00163110-00163283 his or her communities and forced to ENXkMnUqSbc-00701-00163284-00163469 abandon their children as most courts ENXkMnUqSbc-00702-00163470-00163607 prefer keeping children in an ENXkMnUqSbc-00703-00163608-00163868 established status quo the Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00704-00163869-00164050 communities with the highest growth of ENXkMnUqSbc-00705-00164051-00164335 divorce rate in Israel in 2017 were Beit ENXkMnUqSbc-00706-00164336-00164791 aural it in Kiryat Malachi ENXkMnUqSbc-00707-00164792-00165287 topic education ENXkMnUqSbc-00708-00165288-00165656 between 2007 and 2017 the number of ENXkMnUqSbc-00709-00165657-00165881 Haredim studying in higher education had ENXkMnUqSbc-00710-00165882-00166082 risen from one thousand to ten thousand ENXkMnUqSbc-00711-00166083-00166400 eight hundred in 2007 the chemical was ENXkMnUqSbc-00712-00166401-00166586 established to become an investor in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00713-00166587-00166808 sector's social and economic development ENXkMnUqSbc-00714-00166809-00167005 and provide opportunities for employment ENXkMnUqSbc-00715-00167006-00167261 through the philanthropy of Leo no way ENXkMnUqSbc-00716-00167262-00167459 of London later joined by the Wolfson ENXkMnUqSbc-00717-00167460-00167651 family of New York and Le horn from ENXkMnUqSbc-00718-00167652-00167909 Brazil chemic has facilitated academic ENXkMnUqSbc-00719-00167910-00168182 and vocational training with a 22 ENXkMnUqSbc-00720-00168183-00168362 million dollars budget including ENXkMnUqSbc-00721-00168363-00168530 government funding chemic provides ENXkMnUqSbc-00722-00168531-00168728 individualized career assessment ENXkMnUqSbc-00723-00168729-00168965 academic or vocational scholarships and ENXkMnUqSbc-00724-00168966-00169163 job placement for the entire Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00725-00169164-00169448 population in Israel the foundation is ENXkMnUqSbc-00726-00169449-00169655 managed by specialists who coming from ENXkMnUqSbc-00727-00169656-00169808 the Haredi sector themselves are ENXkMnUqSbc-00728-00169809-00169991 familiar with the community's needs and ENXkMnUqSbc-00729-00169992-00170312 sensitivities by April 2014 ENXkMnUqSbc-00730-00170313-00170567 more than 17,000 800 Haredim have ENXkMnUqSbc-00731-00170568-00170768 received the services of chemic and more ENXkMnUqSbc-00732-00170769-00171053 than 7,500 have or continue to receive ENXkMnUqSbc-00733-00171054-00171221 monthly scholarships to fund their ENXkMnUqSbc-00734-00171222-00171563 academic or vocational studies from 500 ENXkMnUqSbc-00735-00171564-00171749 graduates the net benefits to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00736-00171750-00171932 government would be 80 point 8 million ENXkMnUqSbc-00737-00171933-00172172 NIS if they work for one year five ENXkMnUqSbc-00738-00172173-00172361 hundred seventy two point three million ENXkMnUqSbc-00739-00172362-00172676 NIS if they work for five years and 2.8 ENXkMnUqSbc-00740-00172677-00172913 billion and is discounted if they work ENXkMnUqSbc-00741-00172914-00173108 for 30 years the council for higher ENXkMnUqSbc-00742-00173109-00173351 education announced in 2012 that it was ENXkMnUqSbc-00743-00173352-00173630 investing NIS 180 million over the ENXkMnUqSbc-00744-00173631-00173777 following five years to establish ENXkMnUqSbc-00745-00173778-00174026 appropriate frameworks for the education ENXkMnUqSbc-00746-00174027-00174203 of Haredim focusing on specific ENXkMnUqSbc-00747-00174204-00174506 professions the largest Haredi campus in ENXkMnUqSbc-00748-00174507-00174755 israel as the Haredi campus the academic ENXkMnUqSbc-00749-00174756-00175186 college ona ENXkMnUqSbc-00750-00175187-00175605 pick military ENXkMnUqSbc-00751-00175606-00175821 upon the establishment of the State of ENXkMnUqSbc-00752-00175822-00176082 Israel in 1948 the nation's population ENXkMnUqSbc-00753-00176083-00176340 of military-aged Haredi males were ENXkMnUqSbc-00754-00176341-00176553 exempted from the universal conscription ENXkMnUqSbc-00755-00176554-00176835 into the Israel Defense Forces IDF under ENXkMnUqSbc-00756-00176836-00177033 the Toronto u minuto arrangement which ENXkMnUqSbc-00757-00177034-00177231 officially granted deferred entry into ENXkMnUqSbc-00758-00177232-00177453 the IDF for yeshiva students but in ENXkMnUqSbc-00759-00177454-00177636 practice allowed young Haredi men to ENXkMnUqSbc-00760-00177637-00177843 serve for a significantly reduced period ENXkMnUqSbc-00761-00177844-00178056 of time or bypass military service ENXkMnUqSbc-00762-00178057-00178335 altogether at that time only a small ENXkMnUqSbc-00763-00178336-00178572 group of roughly 400 individuals was ENXkMnUqSbc-00764-00178573-00178755 affected since due to the historic ENXkMnUqSbc-00765-00178756-00178989 opposition of Haredi Judaism to Zionism ENXkMnUqSbc-00766-00178990-00179237 the population of Haredim was very low ENXkMnUqSbc-00767-00179238-00179505 however the Haredim are estimated to now ENXkMnUqSbc-00768-00179506-00179745 make up 6 to 10% of Israel's Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00769-00179746-00179937 population and their absence from the ENXkMnUqSbc-00770-00179938-00180198 IDF often attract significant resentment ENXkMnUqSbc-00771-00180199-00180468 from Israel's secular majority the most ENXkMnUqSbc-00772-00180469-00180663 common criticisms of the exemption ENXkMnUqSbc-00773-00180664-00180951 policy are the Haredim can work in those ENXkMnUqSbc-00774-00180952-00181149 2 to 3 years of their lives in which ENXkMnUqSbc-00775-00181150-00181365 they do not serve in the IDF while most ENXkMnUqSbc-00776-00181366-00181593 soldiers at the IDF are usually paid ENXkMnUqSbc-00777-00181594-00181923 anywhere between $80 - 250 a month in ENXkMnUqSbc-00778-00181924-00182094 addition to clothing and lodging ENXkMnUqSbc-00779-00182095-00182373 all the while Haredi yeshiva students ENXkMnUqSbc-00780-00182374-00182565 receive significant monthly funds and ENXkMnUqSbc-00781-00182566-00182847 payments for their religious studies the ENXkMnUqSbc-00782-00182848-00183063 Haredim if they so choose can study at ENXkMnUqSbc-00783-00183064-00183297 that time while a certain amount of ENXkMnUqSbc-00784-00183298-00183525 Haredim have enlisted in the IDF every ENXkMnUqSbc-00785-00183526-00183714 year in recent decades the Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00786-00183715-00183936 usually reject the concept and practice ENXkMnUqSbc-00787-00183937-00184328 of IDF service contentions include ENXkMnUqSbc-00788-00184329-00184541 a yeshiva student is equal to or more ENXkMnUqSbc-00789-00184542-00184733 important than a soldier in the IDF ENXkMnUqSbc-00790-00184734-00184937 because he keeps Jewish tradition alive ENXkMnUqSbc-00791-00184938-00185144 and prays for the people of Israel to be ENXkMnUqSbc-00792-00185145-00185450 safe the army is not conducive to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00793-00185451-00185695 Haredi lifestyle it is regarded as a ENXkMnUqSbc-00794-00185696-00186043 state-sponsored quagmire of promiscuity ENXkMnUqSbc-00795-00186044-00186323 Israel conscripts both men and women and ENXkMnUqSbc-00796-00186324-00186527 often groups them together in military ENXkMnUqSbc-00797-00186528-00186722 activities the tirado you minuto ENXkMnUqSbc-00798-00186723-00186911 arrangement was enshrined in the Tal law ENXkMnUqSbc-00799-00186912-00187223 that came in force in 2002 the High ENXkMnUqSbc-00800-00187224-00187415 Court of Justice later ruled that it ENXkMnUqSbc-00801-00187416-00187571 could not be extended in its current ENXkMnUqSbc-00802-00187572-00187910 form beyond August 2012 a replacement ENXkMnUqSbc-00803-00187911-00188141 was expected the Israel Defense Forces ENXkMnUqSbc-00804-00188142-00188453 IDF was however experiencing a shortage ENXkMnUqSbc-00805-00188454-00188639 of personnel and there were pressures to ENXkMnUqSbc-00806-00188640-00188843 reduce the scope of the Toronto o minuto ENXkMnUqSbc-00807-00188844-00189059 exemption the Shahar program also known ENXkMnUqSbc-00808-00189060-00189292 as Sheila Haredim ultra-orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-00809-00189293-00189665 integration allows Hardy men aged 22 to ENXkMnUqSbc-00810-00189666-00189911 26 to serve in the Army for about a year ENXkMnUqSbc-00811-00189912-00190136 and a half at the beginning of their ENXkMnUqSbc-00812-00190137-00190331 service they study mathematics in ENXkMnUqSbc-00813-00190332-00190508 English which are not well covered in ENXkMnUqSbc-00814-00190509-00190781 hardy schools the program is partly ENXkMnUqSbc-00815-00190782-00190925 aimed at encouraging hearty ENXkMnUqSbc-00816-00190926-00191132 participation in the workforce after ENXkMnUqSbc-00817-00191133-00191414 military service however not all ENXkMnUqSbc-00818-00191415-00191627 beneficiaries seem to be Haredim over ENXkMnUqSbc-00819-00191628-00191876 the years as many as 1000 Haredi Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00820-00191877-00192068 have chosen to volunteer to serve in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00821-00192069-00192329 IDF in a hardy Jewish unit the metzia ENXkMnUqSbc-00822-00192330-00192545 Hooda battalion also known as Nahal ENXkMnUqSbc-00823-00192546-00192845 Hardy the vast majority of hardy men ENXkMnUqSbc-00824-00192846-00193076 however continued to receive deferments ENXkMnUqSbc-00825-00193077-00193301 from military service in March 2014 ENXkMnUqSbc-00826-00193302-00193562 Israel's parliament approved legislation ENXkMnUqSbc-00827-00193563-00193748 to end exemptions from military service ENXkMnUqSbc-00828-00193749-00194036 for Haredi seminary students the bill ENXkMnUqSbc-00829-00194037-00194294 was passed by 65 votes to 1 and an ENXkMnUqSbc-00830-00194295-00194450 amendment allowing civilian national ENXkMnUqSbc-00831-00194451-00194738 service by 67 to 1 there has been much ENXkMnUqSbc-00832-00194739-00194942 uproar in Haredi society following ENXkMnUqSbc-00833-00194943-00195146 actions towards Haredi conscription ENXkMnUqSbc-00834-00195147-00195389 while some Haredim see this is a great ENXkMnUqSbc-00835-00195390-00195626 social and economic opportunity others ENXkMnUqSbc-00836-00195627-00195806 including leading rabbis among them ENXkMnUqSbc-00837-00195807-00196070 strongly opposed this move among the ENXkMnUqSbc-00838-00196071-00196229 extreme Haredim there have been some ENXkMnUqSbc-00839-00196230-00196517 more severe reactions several Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00840-00196518-00196673 leaders have threatened that Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00841-00196674-00196853 populations would leave the country if ENXkMnUqSbc-00842-00196854-00197099 forced to enlist others have fuelled ENXkMnUqSbc-00843-00197100-00197321 public incitement against seculars and ENXkMnUqSbc-00844-00197322-00197546 national religious jews and specifically ENXkMnUqSbc-00845-00197547-00197717 against politicians year ENXkMnUqSbc-00846-00197718-00197915 rapid and Naftali Bennett who support ENXkMnUqSbc-00847-00197916-00198161 and promote Hardy enlistment some ENXkMnUqSbc-00848-00198162-00198344 Haredim have taken to threatening fellow ENXkMnUqSbc-00849-00198345-00198518 Haredim who agreed to enlist to the ENXkMnUqSbc-00850-00198519-00198683 point of physically attacking some of ENXkMnUqSbc-00851-00198684-00198969 them ENXkMnUqSbc-00852-00198970-00199452 topic employment ENXkMnUqSbc-00853-00199453-00199842 as of 2012 it was estimated that 37% of ENXkMnUqSbc-00854-00199843-00200121 hardy men and 49% of hardy women in ENXkMnUqSbc-00855-00200122-00200379 Israel were employed the more recent ENXkMnUqSbc-00856-00200380-00200526 figures from the Central Bureau of ENXkMnUqSbc-00857-00200527-00200733 Statistics on employment rates place ENXkMnUqSbc-00858-00200734-00200928 Haredi women at sixty nine point three ENXkMnUqSbc-00859-00200929-00201213 percent comparable to 71 percent for the ENXkMnUqSbc-00860-00201214-00201411 women's national figure while the number ENXkMnUqSbc-00861-00201412-00201612 of working hardy men has increased to ENXkMnUqSbc-00862-00201613-00201810 forty four point five percent it is ENXkMnUqSbc-00863-00201811-00201981 still fall far below the eighty one ENXkMnUqSbc-00864-00201982-00202218 point five percent of men nationwide the ENXkMnUqSbc-00865-00202219-00202461 Trajan burg committee charged in 2011 ENXkMnUqSbc-00866-00202462-00202686 with drafting proposals for economic and ENXkMnUqSbc-00867-00202687-00202860 social change called among other things ENXkMnUqSbc-00868-00202861-00203064 for increasing employment among the ENXkMnUqSbc-00869-00203065-00203373 Haredi population its proposals included ENXkMnUqSbc-00870-00203374-00203613 encouraging military or national service ENXkMnUqSbc-00871-00203614-00203808 and offering college prep courses for ENXkMnUqSbc-00872-00203809-00204012 volunteers creating more employment ENXkMnUqSbc-00873-00204013-00204162 centers targeting hair demand ENXkMnUqSbc-00874-00204163-00204381 experimental matriculation prep courses ENXkMnUqSbc-00875-00204382-00204657 after yeshiva hours the committee also ENXkMnUqSbc-00876-00204658-00204828 called for increasing the number of ENXkMnUqSbc-00877-00204829-00205035 Haredi students receiving technical ENXkMnUqSbc-00878-00205036-00205214 training through the industry trade and ENXkMnUqSbc-00879-00205215-00205404 labor ministry and forcing Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00880-00205405-00205569 schools to carry out standardized ENXkMnUqSbc-00881-00205569-00205739 testing as is done at other public ENXkMnUqSbc-00882-00205740-00206025 schools it is estimated that half as ENXkMnUqSbc-00883-00206026-00206202 many of the Haredi community are in ENXkMnUqSbc-00884-00206203-00206394 employment as the rest of population ENXkMnUqSbc-00885-00206394-00206655 this has led to increasing financial ENXkMnUqSbc-00886-00206656-00206723 deprevation ENXkMnUqSbc-00887-00206725-00206969 and 50% of children within the community ENXkMnUqSbc-00888-00206971-00207126 live below the poverty line ENXkMnUqSbc-00889-00207127-00207375 this puts strain on each family the ENXkMnUqSbc-00890-00207376-00207613 community and often the Israeli economy ENXkMnUqSbc-00891-00207614-00207888 the demographic trend indicates the ENXkMnUqSbc-00892-00207889-00208086 community will constitute an increasing ENXkMnUqSbc-00893-00208087-00208248 percentage of the population and ENXkMnUqSbc-00894-00208248-00208500 consequently Israel faces an economic ENXkMnUqSbc-00895-00208501-00208656 challenge in the years ahead due to ENXkMnUqSbc-00896-00208657-00208946 fewer people in the labor force a report ENXkMnUqSbc-00897-00208948-00209121 commissioned by the Treasury found that ENXkMnUqSbc-00898-00209121-00209348 the Israeli economy may lose more than 6 ENXkMnUqSbc-00899-00209350-00209571 billion shekels annually as a result of ENXkMnUqSbc-00900-00209571-00209742 low Haredi participation in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00901-00209742-00210081 workforce the OECD in a 2010 report ENXkMnUqSbc-00902-00210082-00210327 stated that Haredi families are ENXkMnUqSbc-00903-00210328-00210531 frequently jobless or are one earner ENXkMnUqSbc-00904-00210532-00210876 families in low paid employment poverty ENXkMnUqSbc-00905-00210877-00211136 rates are around 60 percent for Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-00906-00211137-00211383 according to data released by Central ENXkMnUqSbc-00907-00211384-00211608 Bureau of Statistics employment rate in ENXkMnUqSbc-00908-00211609-00211806 the Haredi sector increased by seven ENXkMnUqSbc-00909-00211807-00212154 percent in two years 2009 to 2011 as of ENXkMnUqSbc-00910-00212155-00212417 2017 according to an Israeli Finance ENXkMnUqSbc-00911-00212419-00212667 Ministry study the Haredi participation ENXkMnUqSbc-00912-00212667-00212838 rate in the labor force has ENXkMnUqSbc-00913-00212839-00213110 one percent compared to 89% for the rest ENXkMnUqSbc-00914-00213111-00213607 of Israeli Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-00915-00213608-00214000 other issues ENXkMnUqSbc-00916-00214001-00214240 the Haredim are relatively materially ENXkMnUqSbc-00917-00214241-00214444 poor compared to other Israelis but ENXkMnUqSbc-00918-00214444-00214657 represent an important market sector due ENXkMnUqSbc-00919-00214658-00214915 to their bloc purchasing habits for this ENXkMnUqSbc-00920-00214916-00215134 reason some companies and organizations ENXkMnUqSbc-00921-00215135-00215353 in Israel refrain from including women ENXkMnUqSbc-00922-00215354-00215548 or other images deemed a modest in their ENXkMnUqSbc-00923-00215548-00215769 advertisements to avoid hearty consumer ENXkMnUqSbc-00924-00215771-00216109 boycotts more than 50% of Haredim live ENXkMnUqSbc-00925-00216110-00216331 below the poverty line compared with 15% ENXkMnUqSbc-00926-00216332-00216598 of the rest of the population their ENXkMnUqSbc-00927-00216598-00216817 families are also larger with Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00928-00216817-00217021 women having an average of 6 point 7 ENXkMnUqSbc-00929-00217021-00217192 children while the average Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-00930-00217192-00217486 Israeli woman has 3 children families ENXkMnUqSbc-00931-00217487-00217657 with many children often receive ENXkMnUqSbc-00932-00217658-00217855 economic support through governmental ENXkMnUqSbc-00933-00217856-00218062 child allowances government assistance ENXkMnUqSbc-00934-00218063-00218298 in housing as well as specific funds by ENXkMnUqSbc-00935-00218300-00218482 their own community institutions in ENXkMnUqSbc-00936-00218483-00218704 recent years there has been a process of ENXkMnUqSbc-00937-00218705-00218898 reconciliation in an attempt to merge ENXkMnUqSbc-00938-00218900-00219133 Hardy Jews with Israeli society although ENXkMnUqSbc-00939-00219134-00219371 employment discrimination is widespread ENXkMnUqSbc-00940-00219373-00219637 Haredi Jews such as satirist Kobi ENXkMnUqSbc-00941-00219638-00219865 areally publicist Sahara Blau and ENXkMnUqSbc-00942-00219866-00220048 politician Yisrael eichler write ENXkMnUqSbc-00943-00220048-00220305 regularly to leading Israeli newspapers ENXkMnUqSbc-00944-00220306-00220531 another important factor in the ENXkMnUqSbc-00945-00220532-00220729 reconciliation process has been the ENXkMnUqSbc-00946-00220730-00220998 activities of zakah a hardy organization ENXkMnUqSbc-00947-00221000-00221200 known for providing emergency medical ENXkMnUqSbc-00948-00221201-00221362 attention at the scene of suicide ENXkMnUqSbc-00949-00221363-00221575 bombings and Yad Sarah the largest ENXkMnUqSbc-00950-00221576-00221776 national volunteer organization in ENXkMnUqSbc-00951-00221777-00222096 Israel established in 1977 by former ENXkMnUqSbc-00952-00222098-00222358 Haredi mayor of Jerusalem riilu Polanski ENXkMnUqSbc-00953-00222359-00222652 it is estimated that Yad Sarah saves the ENXkMnUqSbc-00954-00222653-00222931 country's economy an estimated 320 ENXkMnUqSbc-00955-00222932-00223135 million dollars in hospital fees and ENXkMnUqSbc-00956-00223136-00223652 long-term care costs each year ENXkMnUqSbc-00957-00223653-00224116 topic population ENXkMnUqSbc-00958-00224117-00224394 due to its imprecise definition lack of ENXkMnUqSbc-00959-00224396-00224604 data collection and rapid change over ENXkMnUqSbc-00960-00224605-00224808 time estimates of the global Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-00961-00224809-00225003 population are difficult to measure and ENXkMnUqSbc-00962-00225004-00225207 may significantly underestimate the true ENXkMnUqSbc-00963-00225208-00225346 number of Haredim due to their ENXkMnUqSbc-00964-00225346-00225565 reluctance to participate in surveys and ENXkMnUqSbc-00965-00225566-00225889 censuses one estimate given in 2011 ENXkMnUqSbc-00966-00225890-00226110 stated there were approximately 1.3 ENXkMnUqSbc-00967-00226111-00226414 million Haredi Jews globally studies ENXkMnUqSbc-00968-00226415-00226603 have shown a very high growth rate with ENXkMnUqSbc-00969-00226604-00227009 a large young population ENXkMnUqSbc-00970-00227010-00227488 topic Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-00971-00227489-00227775 Israel has the largest hearty population ENXkMnUqSbc-00972-00227776-00228006 while Haredim made up just nine point ENXkMnUqSbc-00973-00228007-00228169 nine percent of the Israeli population ENXkMnUqSbc-00974-00228169-00228567 in 2009 with 750 thousand out of 7 ENXkMnUqSbc-00975-00228569-00229029 million 550 2,100 by 2014 that figure ENXkMnUqSbc-00976-00229030-00229335 had risen to 11.1% with nine hundred ten ENXkMnUqSbc-00977-00229336-00229516 thousand five hundred heard him out of a ENXkMnUqSbc-00978-00229517-00229725 total Israeli population of 8 million ENXkMnUqSbc-00979-00229726-00229923 one hundred eighty three thousand four ENXkMnUqSbc-00980-00229925-00230242 hundred according to a December 2017 ENXkMnUqSbc-00981-00230242-00230433 study conducted by the Israeli democracy ENXkMnUqSbc-00982-00230434-00230689 Institute the number of Haredi Jews in ENXkMnUqSbc-00983-00230690-00231006 Israel exceeded 1 million in 2017 making ENXkMnUqSbc-00984-00231007-00231337 up 12% of the population in Israel by ENXkMnUqSbc-00985-00231338-00231592 2030 the Haredi Jewish community is ENXkMnUqSbc-00986-00231592-00231807 projected to make up 16 percent of the ENXkMnUqSbc-00987-00231808-00232123 total population and by 2060 5 one-third ENXkMnUqSbc-00988-00232123-00232317 of the Israeli population the number of ENXkMnUqSbc-00989-00232319-00232553 Haredi Jews in Israel is rising rapidly ENXkMnUqSbc-00990-00232554-00232873 the number of children per woman is 6.2 ENXkMnUqSbc-00991-00232873-00233055 and the share of Haredim among those ENXkMnUqSbc-00992-00233056-00233275 under the age of 20 was sixteen point ENXkMnUqSbc-00993-00233276-00233512 three percent in 2009 twenty nine ENXkMnUqSbc-00994-00233513-00233896 percent of Jews in 1992 out of a total ENXkMnUqSbc-00995-00233896-00234231 of 1,500,000 Orthodox Jews worldwide ENXkMnUqSbc-00996-00234232-00234534 about 550 thousand were Haredi half of ENXkMnUqSbc-00997-00234535-00234790 them in Israel the vast majority of ENXkMnUqSbc-00998-00234791-00235098 Haredi Jews are Ashkenazi however some ENXkMnUqSbc-00999-00235100-00235305 twenty percent of the Haredi population ENXkMnUqSbc-01000-00235306-00235462 are thought to belong to the Sephardic ENXkMnUqSbc-01001-00235463-00235767 Haredi stream in recent decades Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01002-00235769-00235974 society has grown due to the addition of ENXkMnUqSbc-01003-00235975-00236181 a religious population that identifies ENXkMnUqSbc-01004-00236182-00236430 with the Shas movement the extent of ENXkMnUqSbc-01005-00236431-00236638 people leaving the Haredi population is ENXkMnUqSbc-01006-00236639-00236898 extremely low the Israeli Central Bureau ENXkMnUqSbc-01007-00236900-00237129 of Statistics forecasts that the Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01008-00237130-00237381 population of Israel will number 1.1 ENXkMnUqSbc-01009-00237382-00237541 million in 2019 ENXkMnUqSbc-01010-00237542-00237783 it is also projected that the number of ENXkMnUqSbc-01011-00237784-00238048 Haredim in 2050 9 may be between two ENXkMnUqSbc-01012-00238048-00238242 point seven three and five point eight ENXkMnUqSbc-01013-00238244-00238428 four million of an estimated total ENXkMnUqSbc-01014-00238429-00238671 number of Israeli Jews between six point ENXkMnUqSbc-01015-00238673-00238857 zero nine and nine point nine five ENXkMnUqSbc-01016-00238858-00239116 million large Israeli Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01017-00239117-00239352 concentrations include Jerusalem Bnei ENXkMnUqSbc-01018-00239353-00239598 Brak Modi'in alit Bottari Lindt beit ENXkMnUqSbc-01019-00239600-00239869 shemesh Kiryat year Reem Ashdod Rock ENXkMnUqSbc-01020-00239869-00240201 Azzam Safed and el odd to Haredi cities ENXkMnUqSbc-01021-00240202-00240716 cassis and Harish are planned ENXkMnUqSbc-01022-00240717-00241176 topic United States ENXkMnUqSbc-01023-00241177-00241413 the United States has the second-largest ENXkMnUqSbc-01024-00241414-00241635 hearty population which has a growth ENXkMnUqSbc-01025-00241636-00241923 rate on pace to double every 20 years in ENXkMnUqSbc-01026-00241923-00242294 2000 there were 360,000 Haredi Jews in ENXkMnUqSbc-01027-00242296-00242508 the u.s. 7.2 percent of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01028-00242509-00242748 approximately 5 million Jews in the US ENXkMnUqSbc-01029-00242748-00243048 by 2006 demographers estimate the number ENXkMnUqSbc-01030-00243048-00243213 had grown to four hundred sixty-eight ENXkMnUqSbc-01031-00243214-00243661 thousand or nine point four percent ENXkMnUqSbc-01032-00243662-00244144 topic New York City ENXkMnUqSbc-01033-00244146-00244408 most american hardy jews live in the ENXkMnUqSbc-01034-00244409-00244892 Greater New York metropolitan area ENXkMnUqSbc-01035-00244894-00245248 topic Brooklyn ENXkMnUqSbc-01036-00245250-00245473 the largest centers of Haredi and ENXkMnUqSbc-01037-00245475-00245666 Hasidic life in New York are found in ENXkMnUqSbc-01038-00245667-00246038 Brooklyn in 1988 it was estimated that ENXkMnUqSbc-01039-00246039-00246329 there are between 40,000 and 57,000 ENXkMnUqSbc-01040-00246330-00246503 Haredim in the Williamsburg neighborhood ENXkMnUqSbc-01041-00246504-00246701 of Brooklyn New York Hassidim most ENXkMnUqSbc-01042-00246702-00246967 belonging to Satmar the Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-01043-00246969-00247127 population in the Borough Park ENXkMnUqSbc-01044-00247128-00247328 neighborhood of Brooklyn estimated at ENXkMnUqSbc-01045-00247329-00247700 70,000 in 1983 is also mostly hearty and ENXkMnUqSbc-01046-00247701-00247976 also mostly Hasidic the bub of his ENXkMnUqSbc-01047-00247977-00248165 Siddim are the largest single block that ENXkMnUqSbc-01048-00248166-00248444 mainly live in Borough Park Crown ENXkMnUqSbc-01049-00248444-00248579 Heights is the home base of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01050-00248580-00248789 worldwide Habad Lubavitch movement with ENXkMnUqSbc-01051-00248790-00249005 its network of sh lucha m-- emissaries ENXkMnUqSbc-01052-00249006-00249236 heading Habad houses throughout the ENXkMnUqSbc-01053-00249237-00249517 jewish world the Flatbush Midwood ENXkMnUqSbc-01054-00249519-00249707 Kensington Marine Park Brooklyn ENXkMnUqSbc-01055-00249708-00249929 neighborhoods have tens of thousands of ENXkMnUqSbc-01056-00249930-00250208 Haredi Jews they are also the Centers ENXkMnUqSbc-01057-00250209-00250388 for the major non Hasidic Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01058-00250389-00250604 yeshivas such as yeshiva Torah votos ENXkMnUqSbc-01059-00250605-00250856 yeshiva rabbi high in Berlin Mir yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-01060-00250857-00251051 as well as a string of similar smaller ENXkMnUqSbc-01061-00251052-00251317 yeshivas the Torah vote is in hi in ENXkMnUqSbc-01062-00251319-00251537 Berlin yeshivas allow some students to ENXkMnUqSbc-01063-00251538-00251759 attend college and university presently ENXkMnUqSbc-01064-00251760-00251963 at Toro College and previously at ENXkMnUqSbc-01065-00251964-00252275 Brooklyn College ENXkMnUqSbc-01066-00252276-00252710 topic Queens ENXkMnUqSbc-01067-00252711-00252950 the New York City borough of Queens is ENXkMnUqSbc-01068-00252951-00253146 home to a growing hearty population ENXkMnUqSbc-01069-00253146-00253310 mainly affiliated with the yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-01070-00253311-00253550 chaffetz hyomin yeshivas Ohr HaChaim in ENXkMnUqSbc-01071-00253551-00253791 Kew Gardens hills in yeshiva char Hodari ENXkMnUqSbc-01072-00253792-00254051 in Kew Gardens many of the students ENXkMnUqSbc-01073-00254052-00254265 attend Queens College there are major ENXkMnUqSbc-01074-00254266-00254498 yeshivas and communities of Haredi Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01075-00254499-00254742 in Far Rockaway such as yeshivah of Far ENXkMnUqSbc-01076-00254742-00254917 Rockaway and a number of others ENXkMnUqSbc-01077-00254919-00255162 Hasidic stability exist in these ENXkMnUqSbc-01078-00255163-00255387 communities as well mostly catering to ENXkMnUqSbc-01079-00255388-00255569 Haredi Jews who follow his siddik ENXkMnUqSbc-01080-00255571-00255741 customs while living a little shore ENXkMnUqSbc-01081-00255742-00255939 Modern Orthodox cultural lifestyle ENXkMnUqSbc-01082-00255940-00256184 although small Hasidic enclaves do exist ENXkMnUqSbc-01083-00256185-00256389 such as in the Bayswater section of Far ENXkMnUqSbc-01084-00256390-00256803 Rockaway ENXkMnUqSbc-01085-00256804-00257096 Manhattan ENXkMnUqSbc-01086-00257098-00257340 one of the oldest hardy communities in ENXkMnUqSbc-01087-00257341-00257538 New York is on the Lower East Side home ENXkMnUqSbc-01088-00257539-00257805 to the missive to tiffith Jerusalem the ENXkMnUqSbc-01089-00257806-00258059 yeshiva rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch and ENXkMnUqSbc-01090-00258060-00258258 call added Jeshurun are home to Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01091-00258259-00258655 Jews in Washington Heights ENXkMnUqSbc-01092-00258656-00259144 Topic Hudson Valley ENXkMnUqSbc-01093-00259146-00259394 the Hudson Valley north of New York City ENXkMnUqSbc-01094-00259394-00259589 has the most rapidly growing hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-01095-00259590-00259763 communities such as the Hasidic ENXkMnUqSbc-01096-00259764-00259979 communities in Kiryas Joel of Satmar ENXkMnUqSbc-01097-00259980-00260183 Hasidim and new square of the spur a ENXkMnUqSbc-01098-00260184-00260483 vast community of Haredi Jews lives in ENXkMnUqSbc-01099-00260484-00260937 the Monsey New York area ENXkMnUqSbc-01100-00260938-00261434 topic Long Island New York ENXkMnUqSbc-01101-00261435-00261698 the yeshiva show or Yosha together with ENXkMnUqSbc-01102-00261698-00261857 many synagogues in the Lawrence ENXkMnUqSbc-01103-00261858-00262013 neighborhood and other Five Towns ENXkMnUqSbc-01104-00262014-00262208 neighborhoods such as Woodmere and ENXkMnUqSbc-01105-00262209-00262277 Cedarhurst ENXkMnUqSbc-01106-00262278-00262708 have attracted many Haredi Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01107-00262709-00263183 topic New Jersey ENXkMnUqSbc-01108-00263184-00263420 there are significant hardy communities ENXkMnUqSbc-01109-00263421-00263627 in Lakewood New Jersey home to the ENXkMnUqSbc-01110-00263628-00263858 largest non Hasidic Lithuanian yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-01111-00263859-00264089 in America Beth medrash guvo ha ENXkMnUqSbc-01112-00264090-00264347 there are also sizable communities in ENXkMnUqSbc-01113-00264348-00264560 Passaic and Edison where a branch of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01114-00264561-00264773 rabbi Jacob Joseph yeshiva opened in ENXkMnUqSbc-01115-00264774-00265136 1982 there is also a community of Syrian ENXkMnUqSbc-01116-00265137-00265322 Jews favorable to the Haredim in their ENXkMnUqSbc-01117-00265323-00265722 midst and deal New Jersey ENXkMnUqSbc-01118-00265723-00266179 topic Maryland ENXkMnUqSbc-01119-00266180-00266425 Baltimore Maryland is home to a large ENXkMnUqSbc-01120-00266426-00266698 hearty population the major yeshiva is ENXkMnUqSbc-01121-00266699-00266998 yeshivas ner years roll founded in 1933 ENXkMnUqSbc-01122-00266999-00267193 with thousands of alumni and their ENXkMnUqSbc-01123-00267194-00267253 families ENXkMnUqSbc-01124-00267254-00267550 ner yisroel is also a Maryland state ENXkMnUqSbc-01125-00267551-00267745 accredited college and has agreements ENXkMnUqSbc-01126-00267746-00267989 with Johns Hopkins University Towson ENXkMnUqSbc-01127-00267990-00268195 University Loyola College in Maryland ENXkMnUqSbc-01128-00268196-00268466 University of Baltimore and University ENXkMnUqSbc-01129-00268467-00268672 of Maryland Baltimore County allowing ENXkMnUqSbc-01130-00268673-00268846 undergraduate students to take night ENXkMnUqSbc-01131-00268847-00268999 courses at these colleges and ENXkMnUqSbc-01132-00269000-00269182 universities in a variety of academic ENXkMnUqSbc-01133-00269183-00269489 fields the agreement also allows the ENXkMnUqSbc-01134-00269490-00269698 students to receive academic credits for ENXkMnUqSbc-01135-00269699-00269990 their religious studies Silver Spring ENXkMnUqSbc-01136-00269991-00270208 Maryland and its environs is home to a ENXkMnUqSbc-01137-00270209-00270440 growing hardy community mostly of highly ENXkMnUqSbc-01138-00270441-00270625 educated and skilled professionals ENXkMnUqSbc-01139-00270626-00270823 working for the United States government ENXkMnUqSbc-01140-00270824-00271051 in various capacities most residing in ENXkMnUqSbc-01141-00271052-00271267 Kemp mill white oak and Woodside and ENXkMnUqSbc-01142-00271268-00271456 many of its children attend the Achieva ENXkMnUqSbc-01143-00271457-00271691 of Greater Washington and yeshivas NER Y ENXkMnUqSbc-01144-00271692-00272114 Israel in Baltimore ENXkMnUqSbc-01145-00272115-00272728 topic California Los Angeles is home to ENXkMnUqSbc-01146-00272729-00272942 many Hassidim and Hardy Jews who are not ENXkMnUqSbc-01147-00272943-00273253 Hasidic most live in the Pico Robertson ENXkMnUqSbc-01148-00273254-00273473 and the Fairfax Fairfax Avenue La Brea ENXkMnUqSbc-01149-00273474-00273830 Avenue areas ENXkMnUqSbc-01150-00273831-00274297 Topic Illinois ENXkMnUqSbc-01151-00274298-00274547 Chicago is home to the Haredi tell Xie ENXkMnUqSbc-01152-00274548-00274772 xiè of Chicago with many other Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-01153-00274773-00275178 living in the city ENXkMnUqSbc-01154-00275179-00275597 topic Colorado ENXkMnUqSbc-01155-00275598-00275831 Denver is home to a large hearty ENXkMnUqSbc-01156-00275832-00276071 population of Ashkenazi origin dating ENXkMnUqSbc-01157-00276072-00276413 back to the early 1920s the Hardy Denver ENXkMnUqSbc-01158-00276414-00276658 Westside Jewish community adheres to lit ENXkMnUqSbc-01159-00276659-00276926 vacations lithuanian and has several ENXkMnUqSbc-01160-00276927-00277100 congregations located within their ENXkMnUqSbc-01161-00277101-00277410 communities ENXkMnUqSbc-01162-00277411-00277901 Topic Massachusetts ENXkMnUqSbc-01163-00277902-00278183 Boston and Brookline Massachusetts have ENXkMnUqSbc-01164-00278184-00278390 the largest hearty populations in New ENXkMnUqSbc-01165-00278391-00278737 England ENXkMnUqSbc-01166-00278738-00279008 topic Ohio ENXkMnUqSbc-01167-00279009-00279153 you ENXkMnUqSbc-01168-00279154-00279381 one of the oldest Hardy Lithuanian ENXkMnUqSbc-01169-00279382-00279600 yeshivas tell Xie Shiva transplanted ENXkMnUqSbc-01170-00279601-00280163 itself to Cleveland in 1941 ENXkMnUqSbc-01171-00280164-00280608 topic united kingdom ENXkMnUqSbc-01172-00280609-00280929 in 1998 the Haredi population in the ENXkMnUqSbc-01173-00280930-00281124 Jewish community of the United Kingdom ENXkMnUqSbc-01174-00281125-00281331 was estimated at twenty-seven thousand ENXkMnUqSbc-01175-00281332-00281625 thirteen percent of affiliated Jews the ENXkMnUqSbc-01176-00281626-00281817 largest communities are located in ENXkMnUqSbc-01177-00281818-00282033 London particularly Stamford Hill in ENXkMnUqSbc-01178-00282034-00282201 Salford and Prestwich in Greater ENXkMnUqSbc-01179-00282202-00282573 Manchester and in Gateshead a 2007 study ENXkMnUqSbc-01180-00282574-00282777 asserted that three out of four British ENXkMnUqSbc-01181-00282778-00282957 Jewish births were Hardy who then ENXkMnUqSbc-01182-00282958-00283131 accounted for seventeen percent of ENXkMnUqSbc-01183-00283132-00283350 British Jews forty five thousand five ENXkMnUqSbc-01184-00283351-00283497 hundred out of around two hundred ENXkMnUqSbc-01185-00283498-00283779 seventy five thousand another study in ENXkMnUqSbc-01186-00283780-00283986 2010 established that there were nine ENXkMnUqSbc-01187-00283987-00284214 thousand forty nine Hardy households in ENXkMnUqSbc-01188-00284215-00284364 the UK which would account for a ENXkMnUqSbc-01189-00284365-00284622 population of nearly 53 thousand four ENXkMnUqSbc-01190-00284623-00284787 hundred or twenty percent of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01191-00284788-00285018 community the Board of Deputies of ENXkMnUqSbc-01192-00285019-00285213 British Jews has predicted that the ENXkMnUqSbc-01193-00285214-00285387 Haredi community will become the largest ENXkMnUqSbc-01194-00285388-00285606 group in Anglo jury within the next ENXkMnUqSbc-01195-00285607-00285810 three decades in comparison with the ENXkMnUqSbc-01196-00285811-00286050 national average of 2.4 children per ENXkMnUqSbc-01197-00286051-00286263 family Haredi families have an average ENXkMnUqSbc-01198-00286264-00286563 of five nine children and consequently ENXkMnUqSbc-01199-00286564-00286779 the population distribution is heavily ENXkMnUqSbc-01200-00286780-00287061 biased to the under twenty year olds by ENXkMnUqSbc-01201-00287062-00287379 2006 membership of hardy synagogues had ENXkMnUqSbc-01202-00287380-00287649 doubled since 1990 an investigation by ENXkMnUqSbc-01203-00287650-00287841 the independent in 2014 ENXkMnUqSbc-01204-00287842-00288054 reported that more than 1,000 children ENXkMnUqSbc-01205-00288055-00288231 in hardy communities were attending ENXkMnUqSbc-01206-00288232-00288414 illegal schools where secular knowledge ENXkMnUqSbc-01207-00288415-00288618 is banned and they learn only religious ENXkMnUqSbc-01208-00288619-00288816 texts meaning they leave school with no ENXkMnUqSbc-01209-00288817-00289038 qualifications and often unable to speak ENXkMnUqSbc-01210-00289039-00289377 any English ENXkMnUqSbc-01211-00289378-00289856 topic elsewhere ENXkMnUqSbc-01212-00289857-00290171 about 25,000 Haredim live in the Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-01213-00290172-00290285 community of France ENXkMnUqSbc-01214-00290286-00290507 mostly Sephardi Jews of North African ENXkMnUqSbc-01215-00290508-00290750 descent important communities are ENXkMnUqSbc-01216-00290751-00290990 located in Paris Strasbourg and Lyon ENXkMnUqSbc-01217-00290991-00291239 other important communities mostly of ENXkMnUqSbc-01218-00291240-00291470 Ashkenazi Jews are the Antwerp community ENXkMnUqSbc-01219-00291471-00291644 in Belgium as well as in the Swiss ENXkMnUqSbc-01220-00291645-00291848 communities of Zurich and Basel and in ENXkMnUqSbc-01221-00291849-00292094 the Dutch community in Amsterdam there ENXkMnUqSbc-01222-00292095-00292319 is also a hardy community in Vienna in ENXkMnUqSbc-01223-00292320-00292571 the Jewish community of Austria other ENXkMnUqSbc-01224-00292572-00292760 countries with significant Hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-01225-00292761-00292982 populations include Canada with large ENXkMnUqSbc-01226-00292983-00293171 Haredi centres in Montreal and Toronto ENXkMnUqSbc-01227-00293172-00293477 South Africa primarily in Johannesburg ENXkMnUqSbc-01228-00293478-00293689 and Australia centered in Melbourne ENXkMnUqSbc-01229-00293690-00293945 Hasidic communities also exist in ENXkMnUqSbc-01230-00293946-00294026 Argentina ENXkMnUqSbc-01231-00294027-00294242 especially in Buenos Aires and to a ENXkMnUqSbc-01232-00294243-00294473 lesser extent in Brazil primarily in ENXkMnUqSbc-01233-00294474-00294931 South Paola ENXkMnUqSbc-01234-00294932-00295515 topic passed rabbinical leaders ENXkMnUqSbc-01235-00295516-00295728 the baal shem tov eighteenth-century ENXkMnUqSbc-01236-00295729-00296091 founder of Hasidism the Vilna gown of ENXkMnUqSbc-01237-00296092-00296454 lithuania hi I'm Wolle Jian 19th century ENXkMnUqSbc-01238-00296455-00296760 founder of the Lithuanian yeshiva those ENXkMnUqSbc-01239-00296761-00297027 is Sofer 18th 19th century leader of ENXkMnUqSbc-01240-00297028-00297366 Eastern European ultra-orthodox Yisrael ENXkMnUqSbc-01241-00297367-00297684 mayor Kagan the chaffetz hiam Avraham ENXkMnUqSbc-01242-00297685-00297924 Mordecai altar third ger Arriba driving ENXkMnUqSbc-01243-00297925-00298107 force behind a good as his role in ENXkMnUqSbc-01244-00298108-00298401 poland moshe feinstein one of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01245-00298402-00298596 foremost Halleck ik authorities for much ENXkMnUqSbc-01246-00298597-00298763 of the 20th century ENXkMnUqSbc-01247-00298764-00299049 Avraham Yeshayahu Carol its leader of ENXkMnUqSbc-01248-00299050-00299400 Haredim in Israel Eleazar shot leader of ENXkMnUqSbc-01249-00299401-00299598 the lithuanian community of Haredim in ENXkMnUqSbc-01250-00299599-00299913 israel ah her own Kotler founder of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01251-00299914-00300216 Lakewood yeshivas in America ovadia ENXkMnUqSbc-01252-00300217-00300512 yosef leader of israeli Sephardi Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-01253-00300513-00300768 Yosef Shalom Alya chef leader of ENXkMnUqSbc-01254-00300769-00301002 Israel's non Hasidic Ashkenazi Haredim ENXkMnUqSbc-01255-00301003-00301332 until 2012 our own Yehuda leaves ENXkMnUqSbc-01256-00301333-00301932 Steinman non Hasidic Lithuanian Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01257-00301933-00302166 topic present leadership and ENXkMnUqSbc-01258-00302167-00302577 organizations ENXkMnUqSbc-01259-00302578-00303064 topic rabbis ENXkMnUqSbc-01260-00303065-00303472 David Lau Israeli Ashkenazi Jews yitzak ENXkMnUqSbc-01261-00303473-00303732 Joseph Israeli Sephardi Jews hi I'm ENXkMnUqSbc-01262-00303733-00303960 Kenny EV ski non Hasidic Lithuanian ENXkMnUqSbc-01263-00303961-00304305 juice Yaakov Rea alter heads the ger ENXkMnUqSbc-01264-00304306-00304543 Hasidic dynasty the largest Hasidic ENXkMnUqSbc-01265-00304544-00304976 group in Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-01266-00304977-00305440 topic groups ENXkMnUqSbc-01267-00305441-00305682 World of Goo tooth Israel including a ENXkMnUqSbc-01268-00305683-00305958 goethe 'the israel of america major ENXkMnUqSbc-01269-00305959-00306207 Hasidic groups including bells Bubba ENXkMnUqSbc-01270-00306208-00306526 Boyan breslov Chabad Lubavitch ger ENXkMnUqSbc-01271-00306527-00306787 Satmar and vision 'it's ENXkMnUqSbc-01272-00306788-00306955 Etta Hatcher itis representing ENXkMnUqSbc-01273-00306956-00307168 anti-zionist Haredi groups in and around ENXkMnUqSbc-01274-00307169-00307489 Jerusalem including Satmar dusky told o ENXkMnUqSbc-01275-00307490-00307735 za her own told Jose Brahimi it's Chuck ENXkMnUqSbc-01276-00307736-00308002 Mishka knows Horan a-- brisk and a ENXkMnUqSbc-01277-00308003-00308287 section of other litva shared him told ENXkMnUqSbc-01278-00308288-00308497 Jose Shirin organization for Russian ENXkMnUqSbc-01279-00308498-00308844 Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01280-00308845-00309443 topic Israeli political parties ENXkMnUqSbc-01281-00309444-00309725 Shas representing Mizrahi and Sephardic ENXkMnUqSbc-01282-00309726-00310079 Haredim United Torah Judaism Alliance ENXkMnUqSbc-01283-00310080-00310388 representing Ashkenazi haired him a good ENXkMnUqSbc-01284-00310389-00310651 at Yisrael representing Hasidic Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01285-00310652-00310928 Degel Hodari representing lithuanian ENXkMnUqSbc-01286-00310929-00311276 jews uba's Jew 10 representing Orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-01287-00311277-00311477 Jewish women and the Orthodox Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-01288-00311478-00311871 feminist movement ENXkMnUqSbc-01289-00311872-00312452 topic controversies ENXkMnUqSbc-01290-00312453-00312910 topic shunning ENXkMnUqSbc-01291-00312911-00313156 women and men that decide to leave hardy ENXkMnUqSbc-01292-00313157-00313319 communities are often shunned and ENXkMnUqSbc-01293-00313320-00313493 pressured or forced to abandon their ENXkMnUqSbc-01294-00313494-00313873 children ENXkMnUqSbc-01295-00313874-00314478 topic pedophilia and sexual abuse cases ENXkMnUqSbc-01296-00314479-00314787 cases of pedophilia sexual violence --is ENXkMnUqSbc-01297-00314788-00315006 assaults and abuses against women and ENXkMnUqSbc-01298-00315007-00315210 children occur in roughly the same rates ENXkMnUqSbc-01299-00315211-00315393 in hardy communities as in the general ENXkMnUqSbc-01300-00315394-00315624 population they are rarely discussed or ENXkMnUqSbc-01301-00315625-00315768 reported to the authorities and ENXkMnUqSbc-01302-00315769-00315960 frequently downplayed by members of the ENXkMnUqSbc-01303-00315961-00316325 communities ENXkMnUqSbc-01304-00316326-00316988 topic see also relationships between ENXkMnUqSbc-01305-00316989-00317330 Jewish religious movements schisms among ENXkMnUqSbc-01306-00317331-00317495 the Jews hashtag has Siddim and ENXkMnUqSbc-01307-00317496-00317884 mitnagdim ENXkMnUqSbc-01308-00317885-00318399 topic references ENXkMnUqSbc-01309-00318400-00318942 topic bibliography ENXkMnUqSbc-01310-00318943-00319329 that Netsky Leora 2011 how Judaism ENXkMnUqSbc-01311-00319330-00319518 became a religion an introduction to ENXkMnUqSbc-01312-00319519-00319757 modern Jewish thought princeton ENXkMnUqSbc-01313-00319758-00320193 university press ISBN nine trillion 781 ENXkMnUqSbc-01314-00320194-00320376 billion four hundred million eight ENXkMnUqSbc-01315-00320377-00320555 hundred thirty nine thousand seven ENXkMnUqSbc-01316-00320556-00320952 hundred eleven anonymous BBC April 3rd ENXkMnUqSbc-01317-00320953-00321395 2009 papers alter Israel cabinet photo ENXkMnUqSbc-01318-00321396-00321843 BBC retrieved the 7th of August 2013 ben ENXkMnUqSbc-01319-00321844-00322197 yehuda Nachman 2010 theocratic democracy ENXkMnUqSbc-01320-00322198-00322413 the social construction of religious and ENXkMnUqSbc-01321-00322414-00322682 secular extremism oxford university ENXkMnUqSbc-01322-00322683-00322998 press ISBN nine trillion seven hundred ENXkMnUqSbc-01323-00322999-00323262 eighty billion 199 million eight hundred ENXkMnUqSbc-01324-00323263-00323489 thirteen thousand two hundred thirty ENXkMnUqSbc-01325-00323490-00323943 brown Mick February 25th 2011 inside the ENXkMnUqSbc-01326-00323944-00324107 private world of London's ultra-orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-01327-00324108-00324450 Jews The Daily Telegraph retrieved the ENXkMnUqSbc-01328-00324451-00324618 second of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01329-00324619-00325007 Bryant Clifton DD 2012 the handbook of ENXkMnUqSbc-01330-00325008-00325272 deviant behavior Rutledge International ENXkMnUqSbc-01331-00325273-00325818 handbooks crc press ISBN 1 billion 134 ENXkMnUqSbc-01332-00325819-00326295 million 15,000 577 Chad Caen Sascha ENXkMnUqSbc-01333-00326296-00326645 Nathan cassis Josh November 4th 2011 ENXkMnUqSbc-01334-00326646-00326949 outside New York City sex is separated ENXkMnUqSbc-01335-00326950-00327213 on state-funded bus New York world and ENXkMnUqSbc-01336-00327214-00327447 the Jewish daily forward retrieved the ENXkMnUqSbc-01337-00327448-00327615 second of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01338-00327616-00328026 Cowan Asher süßer Barnard 2000 Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-01339-00328027-00328251 and the politics of Jewish identity the ENXkMnUqSbc-01340-00328252-00328692 secular religious impasse JHU press is B ENXkMnUqSbc-01341-00328693-00329042 & O 801 eight six three four five seven ENXkMnUqSbc-01342-00329043-00329523 Cohen yo L 2012 mikvah news god Jews in ENXkMnUqSbc-01343-00329524-00329727 the media religion and Israel's media ENXkMnUqSbc-01344-00329728-00330005 route Lidge Jewish Studies Series route ENXkMnUqSbc-01345-00330006-00330642 Lidge PP 77 to 95 ISBN 1 billion 136 ENXkMnUqSbc-01346-00330643-00330801 million three hundred thirty-eight ENXkMnUqSbc-01347-00330802-00331149 thousand five hundred eighty six - FSK ENXkMnUqSbc-01348-00331150-00331566 arnold sheskin ira m 2012 american ENXkMnUqSbc-01349-00331567-00331958 jewish yearbook 2012 springer ISBN nine ENXkMnUqSbc-01350-00331959-00332330 trillion 789 billion four hundred mm ENXkMnUqSbc-01351-00332331-00332885 750 2047 editing er Yair April 21st 2011 ENXkMnUqSbc-01352-00332886-00333162 for surveys yield different totals for ENXkMnUqSbc-01353-00333163-00333447 Haredi population Haaretz retrieved the ENXkMnUqSbc-01354-00333448-00333750 second of August 2013 editing er year ENXkMnUqSbc-01355-00333751-00334128 September 23rd 2011 Israel's dead sea to ENXkMnUqSbc-01356-00334129-00334296 get its first gender divided beach ENXkMnUqSbc-01357-00334297-00334637 Haaretz retrieved the 7th of august 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01358-00334638-00335108 gram David Vulcan Daniel June 2008 ENXkMnUqSbc-01359-00335109-00335360 population trends among Britons strictly ENXkMnUqSbc-01360-00335361-00335658 Orthodox Jews PDF Board of Deputies ENXkMnUqSbc-01361-00335659-00335949 archived from the original PDF on the ENXkMnUqSbc-01362-00335950-00336309 23rd of October 2013 retrieved the 9th ENXkMnUqSbc-01363-00336310-00336471 of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01364-00336472-00336812 Graham David Vulcan Daniel made 2010 ENXkMnUqSbc-01365-00336813-00337041 synagogue membership in the United ENXkMnUqSbc-01366-00337042-00337422 Kingdom in 2010 PDF Institute for Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-01367-00337423-00337634 policy research and Board of Deputies ENXkMnUqSbc-01368-00337635-00337926 archived from the original PDF on the ENXkMnUqSbc-01369-00337927-00338295 22nd of July 2011 retrieved the 9th of ENXkMnUqSbc-01370-00338296-00338726 August 2013 Harris Ian Charles 1992 ENXkMnUqSbc-01371-00338727-00338967 contemporary religions a world guide ENXkMnUqSbc-01372-00338968-00339528 lungmen current affairs ISBN 978 o58 208 ENXkMnUqSbc-01373-00339529-00339785 six nine five one hani ENXkMnUqSbc-01374-00339786-00340131 christine October 19 2011 at front of ENXkMnUqSbc-01375-00340132-00340347 Brooklyn bus a clash of religious and ENXkMnUqSbc-01376-00340348-00340668 women's rights New York Times retrieved ENXkMnUqSbc-01377-00340669-00340974 the second of August 2013 Heller Moshe ENXkMnUqSbc-01378-00340975-00341304 August 6 2012 Beit Shemesh signs ENXkMnUqSbc-01379-00341305-00341568 excluding women still up Yeti Authority ENXkMnUqSbc-01380-00341569-00341838 retrieved the 6th of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01381-00341839-00342195 Hoffman Seymour 2011 two are better than ENXkMnUqSbc-01382-00342196-00342417 one case studies a brief effective ENXkMnUqSbc-01383-00342418-00342924 therapy Mondial ISBN nine trillion 780 1 ENXkMnUqSbc-01384-00342925-00343575 billion 595 million 690 1965 Melman ENXkMnUqSbc-01385-00343576-00343944 Yossi 1992 the new Israelis an intimate ENXkMnUqSbc-01386-00343945-00344255 view of a changing people Carroll pub Co ENXkMnUqSbc-01387-00344256-00344658 ISBN nine trillion 781 billion five ENXkMnUqSbc-01388-00344659-00345125 hundred fifty nine million 720 1295 ENXkMnUqSbc-01389-00345126-00345543 Heilmann Samuel C 2002 Haredim in the ENXkMnUqSbc-01390-00345544-00345696 public square in ENXkMnUqSbc-01391-00345697-00346056 Allen L licked Robert a sarna Jonathan D ENXkMnUqSbc-01392-00346057-00346314 Jewish polity in American civil society ENXkMnUqSbc-01393-00346315-00346503 communal agencies and religious ENXkMnUqSbc-01394-00346504-00346718 movements in the American public sphere ENXkMnUqSbc-01395-00346719-00347124 Rowman and Littlefield is B and O 7 4 - ENXkMnUqSbc-01396-00347125-00347697 5 - 1 - 2 - Ilan Shahar July 12 2012 the ENXkMnUqSbc-01397-00347698-00347937 myth of Hardy moral authority Haredi ENXkMnUqSbc-01398-00347938-00348168 Judaism isn't our forefathers religion ENXkMnUqSbc-01399-00348169-00348383 but a radical and dangerous new cult ENXkMnUqSbc-01400-00348384-00348672 Horrocks retrieved the 2nd of august ENXkMnUqSbc-01401-00348673-00349167 2013 landau david 1993 piety and power ENXkMnUqSbc-01402-00349168-00349380 the world of Jewish fundamentalism ENXkMnUqSbc-01403-00349381-00349689 Secker & Warburg ISBN nine trillion ENXkMnUqSbc-01404-00349690-00350019 seven hundred eighty billion 436 million ENXkMnUqSbc-01405-00350020-00350217 two hundred forty one thousand five ENXkMnUqSbc-01406-00350218-00350547 hundred sixty-seven pinter abraham june ENXkMnUqSbc-01407-00350548-00350874 24th 2010 alderman should face facts ENXkMnUqSbc-01408-00350875-00351117 the Jewish Chronicle retrieved the 9th ENXkMnUqSbc-01409-00351118-00351261 of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01410-00351262-00351705 Rosenberg Oz October 16 2011 Israel High ENXkMnUqSbc-01411-00351706-00351924 Court upholds ban on Sukkot gender ENXkMnUqSbc-01412-00351925-00352146 segregation in Jerusalem Haaretz ENXkMnUqSbc-01413-00352147-00352494 retrieved the 7th of August 2013 char ENXkMnUqSbc-01414-00352495-00352875 kenski IRA 1996 religion and public ENXkMnUqSbc-01415-00352876-00353142 policy rituals of conflict religion ENXkMnUqSbc-01416-00353143-00353390 politics and public policy in Israel ENXkMnUqSbc-01417-00353391-00353859 lynne rienner ISBN nine trillion 780 1 ENXkMnUqSbc-01418-00353860-00354413 billion 555 million 876 thousand 784 ENXkMnUqSbc-01419-00354414-00354819 Sharon Jeremy April 10 2012 mayushii ENXkMnUqSbc-01420-00354820-00355040 Reem not enforcing gender separation ENXkMnUqSbc-01421-00355041-00355332 Jerusalem Post retrieved the 7th of ENXkMnUqSbc-01422-00355333-00355449 August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01423-00355450-00355787 Stadler Nurit 2009 yeshiva ENXkMnUqSbc-01424-00355788-00356025 fundamentalism piety gender and ENXkMnUqSbc-01425-00356026-00356261 resistance in the ultra-orthodox world ENXkMnUqSbc-01426-00356262-00356778 NYU press P 4 ISBN nine trillion seven ENXkMnUqSbc-01427-00356779-00357084 hundred eighty billion 814 million seven ENXkMnUqSbc-01428-00357085-00357234 hundred forty thousand four hundred ENXkMnUqSbc-01429-00357235-00357606 ninety one star surd Susan 2001 ENXkMnUqSbc-01430-00357607-00357834 replaying the rape of Dyna women's ENXkMnUqSbc-01431-00357835-00358100 bodies in Israeli cultural discourse in ENXkMnUqSbc-01432-00358101-00358398 Frankl jonathan jews and gender the ENXkMnUqSbc-01433-00358399-00358653 challenge to hierarchy Oxford University ENXkMnUqSbc-01434-00358654-00358757 Press ENXkMnUqSbc-01435-00358758-00359081 is B&O one nine five three four nine ENXkMnUqSbc-01436-00359082-00359248 seven seven six ENXkMnUqSbc-01437-00359249-00359613 tesslar yitzak March 28 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01438-00359614-00359876 Haredi weekly sensors female Holocaust ENXkMnUqSbc-01439-00359877-00360155 victims yet Eathorne earth retrieved the ENXkMnUqSbc-01440-00360156-00360347 7th of August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01441-00360348-00360695 Weintraub Aviva 2002 poultry in motion ENXkMnUqSbc-01442-00360696-00360947 the Jewish atonement ritual of kapoor's ENXkMnUqSbc-01443-00360948-00361346 in Abramovich Ilana Galvan Sean Jews of ENXkMnUqSbc-01444-00361347-00361587 Brooklyn Brandeis Series in American ENXkMnUqSbc-01445-00361588-00361921 Jewish history culture and life UPN II ENXkMnUqSbc-01446-00361922-00362405 ISBN nine trillion 780 1 billion 584 ENXkMnUqSbc-01447-00362406-00362600 million six hundred fifty thousand ENXkMnUqSbc-01448-00362601-00363045 thirty four wise Yaakov July 23rd 2007 ENXkMnUqSbc-01449-00363046-00363264 majority of Jews will be ultra-orthodox ENXkMnUqSbc-01450-00363265-00363590 by 2050 University of Manchester ENXkMnUqSbc-01451-00363591-00363929 retrieved the 9th of August 2013 Wynne ENXkMnUqSbc-01452-00363930-00364368 Jones Jonathan November 26 2006 is this ENXkMnUqSbc-01453-00364369-00364550 the last generation of British Jews ENXkMnUqSbc-01454-00364551-00364839 Daily Telegraph retrieved the 9th of ENXkMnUqSbc-01455-00364840-00364979 August 2013 ENXkMnUqSbc-01456-00364980-00365402 Zev Elif Naomi October 28 2011 sex ENXkMnUqSbc-01457-00365403-00365660 segregation spreads among Orthodox buses ENXkMnUqSbc-01458-00365661-00365862 public sidewalks and streets split ENXkMnUqSbc-01459-00365863-00366120 between men and women the Jewish daily ENXkMnUqSbc-01460-00366121-00366335 forward retrieved the second of August ENXkMnUqSbc-01461-00366336-00366797 2013 Hirshman yechezkel 2007 one above ENXkMnUqSbc-01462-00366798-00367031 and seven below a consumers guide to ENXkMnUqSbc-01463-00367032-00367253 Orthodox Judaism from the perspective of ENXkMnUqSbc-01464-00367254-00367631 the chair Edom Mazo publishers ISBN nine ENXkMnUqSbc-01465-00367632-00368096 trillion 789 billion 657 million three ENXkMnUqSbc-01466-00368097-00368273 hundred forty-four thousand three ENXkMnUqSbc-01467-00368274-00368383 hundred eighty-five ENXkMnUqSbc-01468-00368384-00368648 topic external links Benjamin Brown ENXkMnUqSbc-01469-00368649-00368882 Orthodox Judaism in the Blackwell ENXkMnUqSbc-01470-00368883-00369345 companion to Judaism 2001 Haredi and ENXkMnUqSbc-01471-00369346-00369666 Technology Hasidic and Haredi Jewish ENXkMnUqSbc-01472-00369667-00369942 population growth math of the main ENXkMnUqSbc-01473-00369943-00370325 Haredi communities in Jerusalem ESEG5-14N1c-00000-00000023-00000248 through cosa marie and as a historian ESEG5-14N1c-00001-00000249-00000467 graphical and archaeological term ESEG5-14N1c-00002-00000468-00000647 composed of the names of the Thracians ESEG5-14N1c-00003-00000648-00000919 and the Sumerians it refers to eighth to ESEG5-14N1c-00004-00000921-00001124 seventh century BC cultures that are ESEG5-14N1c-00005-00001125-00001310 linked in Eastern Central Europe and in ESEG5-14N1c-00006-00001311-00001589 the area west of the Black Sea Paul ESEG5-14N1c-00007-00001590-00001880 rynek in 1925 postulated a North ESEG5-14N1c-00008-00001880-00002072 Thracian summary and cultural sphere ESEG5-14N1c-00009-00002073-00002270 north rakish kimra sure culture crease ESEG5-14N1c-00010-00002271-00002452 overlapping with the younger hallstatt ESEG5-14N1c-00011-00002453-00002708 culture of the eastern alps the term ESEG5-14N1c-00012-00002709-00002939 trackhoe sumerian draco Kumaresh was ESEG5-14N1c-00013-00002940-00003098 first introduced by romanian ESEG5-14N1c-00014-00003099-00003331 archaeologist and historian ion Nestor ESEG5-14N1c-00015-00003332-00003736 in the 1930s it reflects a migration ESEG5-14N1c-00016-00003736-00003983 estancia in the archaeology of the first ESEG5-14N1c-00017-00003984-00004184 half of the 20th century to equate ESEG5-14N1c-00018-00004185-00004391 material archaeology with historical ESEG5-14N1c-00019-00004392-00004652 ethnicities Nestor intended to suggest ESEG5-14N1c-00020-00004653-00004870 that there was a historical migration of ESEG5-14N1c-00021-00004871-00005056 Sumerians into Eastern Europe from the ESEG5-14N1c-00022-00005057-00005240 area of the former shrub nut culture ESEG5-14N1c-00023-00005241-00005395 perhaps triggered by the Scythian ESEG5-14N1c-00024-00005396-00005558 expansion at the beginning of the ESEG5-14N1c-00025-00005559-00005983 European Iron Age this migration estoy ESEG5-14N1c-00026-00005984-00006290 invasion Asteria assuming that the ESEG5-14N1c-00027-00006291-00006457 development of the mature hallstatt ESEG5-14N1c-00028-00006458-00006683 culture hallstatt see was triggered by a ESEG5-14N1c-00029-00006684-00006878 Sumerian invasion was the scholarly ESEG5-14N1c-00030-00006879-00007273 mainstream until the 1980s in the 1980s ESEG5-14N1c-00031-00007275-00007549 and 1990s more systematic studies of the ESEG5-14N1c-00032-00007550-00007730 artifacts revealed a more gradual ESEG5-14N1c-00033-00007731-00007924 development over the period covering the ESEG5-14N1c-00034-00007925-00008114 ninth to seventh centuries so that the ESEG5-14N1c-00035-00008115-00008438 term through Sumerian is now rather used ESEG5-14N1c-00036-00008439-00008588 by convention and does not necessarily ESEG5-14N1c-00037-00008589-00008816 imply a direct connection with either ESEG5-14N1c-00038-00008817-00009078 the Thracians or the Sumerians ESEG5-14N1c-00039-00009079-00009284 archaeologically dracco Sumerian ESEG5-14N1c-00040-00009285-00009491 artifacts consist of grave goods and ESEG5-14N1c-00041-00009492-00009716 hoards the artifacts labeled throw ESEG5-14N1c-00042-00009717-00009956 Sumerian all belonged to a category of ESEG5-14N1c-00043-00009957-00010166 upper class luxury objects like weapons ESEG5-14N1c-00044-00010167-00010391 horse tacks and jewelry and they are ESEG5-14N1c-00045-00010392-00010580 recovered only from a small percentage ESEG5-14N1c-00046-00010581-00010820 of graves of the period they are metal ESEG5-14N1c-00047-00010821-00011108 usually bronze items particularly parts ESEG5-14N1c-00048-00011109-00011306 of horse tacks found in a later infield ESEG5-14N1c-00049-00011307-00011503 context but without local urn field ESEG5-14N1c-00050-00011504-00011762 predecessors for their type they appear ESEG5-14N1c-00051-00011763-00011951 rather to spread from the koban culture ESEG5-14N1c-00052-00011952-00012121 of the caucasus in northern georgia ESEG5-14N1c-00053-00012122-00012317 which together with the shrubner culture ESEG5-14N1c-00054-00012318-00012524 blends into the 9th to 7th centuries ESEG5-14N1c-00055-00012525-00012688 priests it the internal Gorica and ESEG5-14N1c-00056-00012689-00012971 navarchus cultures by the 7th century ESEG5-14N1c-00057-00012972-00013199 Bracco sumerian objects are spread ESEG5-14N1c-00058-00013200-00013397 further west over most of eastern and ESEG5-14N1c-00059-00013397-00013577 Central Europe locations of fines ESEG5-14N1c-00060-00013578-00013766 reaching to Denmark and Eastern Prussia ESEG5-14N1c-00061-00013766-00013943 in the north into Lake Zurich in the ESEG5-14N1c-00062-00013944-00014164 West together with these bronze ESEG5-14N1c-00063-00014165-00014402 artefacts earliest iron items appear ESEG5-14N1c-00064-00014403-00014578 assuring in the European iron age ESEG5-14N1c-00065-00014579-00014761 corresponding to the protocol to ESEG5-14N1c-00066-00014762-00015327 expansion from the hallstatt culture ESEG5-14N1c-00067-00015328-00015763 pick references ESEG5-14N1c-00068-00015763-00016051 three coke Kim or three coke cameras ESEG5-14N1c-00069-00016052-00016378 sure form increase in hoops Edie reelect ESEG5-14N1c-00070-00016379-00016600 seconded Germany Chennault ERTMS contain ESEG5-14N1c-00071-00016601-00017211 volume 16 Walter de Gruyter 2517 - 519 ESEG5-14N1c-00072-00017212-00017563 johannes kz topless the Sumerians their ESEG5-14N1c-00073-00017564-00017797 origins movements and their difficulties ESEG5-14N1c-00074-00017798-00018181 in Gocha RC squads a Alexandre Avram ESEG5-14N1c-00075-00018182-00018442 James Hargreaves EDS the danube ian ESEG5-14N1c-00076-00018443-00018631 lands between the black aegean and ESEG5-14N1c-00077-00018632-00018904 Adriatic seas 7th century BC 10th ESEG5-14N1c-00078-00018905-00019119 century AD proceedings of the fifth ESEG5-14N1c-00079-00019120-00019306 International Congress on Black Sea ESEG5-14N1c-00080-00019307-00019633 antiquities Belgrade 17 to 21 September ESEG5-14N1c-00081-00019634-00019717 2013 ESEG5-14N1c-00082-00019718-00020377 Archy oppress archeology 2015 119 to 123 ESEG5-14N1c-00083-00020378-00020716 Dornan Sabu unfeminine he illogic ESEG5-14N1c-00084-00020717-00020962 controversy dela in Sep you tool Epis ESEG5-14N1c-00085-00020963-00021211 'if you Louie denter girl gonna receive ESEG5-14N1c-00086-00021212-00021523 alga Kultura simmer Jana ESEG5-14N1c-00087-00021524-00021745 a controversial archaeological ESEG5-14N1c-00088-00021746-00021973 phenomenon of the early iron age between ESEG5-14N1c-00089-00021974-00022171 the mouths of the Danube and the Volga ESEG5-14N1c-00090-00022172-00022561 the Sumerian culture Romanian journal of ESEG5-14N1c-00091-00022562-00022831 archaeology mm in Romanian online ESEG5-14N1c-00092-00022832-00023032 version with bibliography English ESEG5-14N1c-00093-00023033-00023439 abstract ESEG5-14N1c-00094-00023440-00023976 topic external links ESEG5-14N1c-00095-00023977-00024429 the 307 bronze German ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00000-00000003-00000512 it was a quick video on adding a card ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00001-00000513-00001136 and also adding an end screen now you go ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00002-00001137-00001445 to your YouTube channel you can click on ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00003-00001446-00002051 on your icon here where it says here my ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00004-00002052-00002537 channel this will give you your creator ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00005-00002538-00002709 studio ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00006-00002710-00003306 your creator studio ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00007-00003307-00003556 now I'm gonna go into the last video ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00008-00003557-00004061 that I just uploaded I'm taking you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00009-00004061-00004424 behind the scenes here we're going to go ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00010-00004425-00004697 into my lap that I just uploaded and ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00011-00004698-00005356 edit that okay the first thing I wanted ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00012-00005357-00006748 to show you is art ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00013-00006748-00007277 I'm just gonna social order recipe here ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00014-00007278-00007514 I'm just gonna go do it by the YouTube ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00015-00007515-00007973 way right now which is a record um ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00016-00007973-00008279 now before we do that you want to make ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00017-00008280-00008535 sure where you want it ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00018-00008536-00008837 like for instance I've already added ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00019-00008838-00009344 three cards here as you can see right ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00020-00009345-00009799 there and this will show up right here ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00021-00009800-00010259 and these are my cards but I am going to ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00022-00010260-00010774 take these cards out so that I can show ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00023-00010775-00011048 you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00024-00011049-00011645 how to add a card so I'm just going to ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00025-00011646-00012257 go back into at part here create a video ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00026-00012258-00012569 or playlist and I'm not quite sure all ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00027-00012570-00012818 the ones that I had there but I'm going ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00028-00012819-00013697 to um that one up I'm not sure if I've ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00029-00013697-00013907 actually have there anything I don't ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00030-00013908-00014416 have a duplicate yes I wrong one ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00031-00014418-00014711 okay okay so I'm gonna put that one up ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00032-00014712-00015172 there okay so now I have three cards ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00033-00015172-00015527 you're the one that I just added and the ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00034-00015528-00015778 two and this will show up on my video ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00035-00015779-00016084 approximately right there which is ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00036-00016085-00016543 within the last 20 seconds of the video ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00037-00016544-00017394 so that is adding card now n screens and ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00038-00017395-00017702 energy-efficient I'm going to show you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00039-00017703-00018436 how to add elements ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00040-00018437-00020382 - Adam now we want it to go in a place ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00041-00020383-00020652 okay so I'm going to add an element ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00042-00020653-00021048 right there um again here we go with a ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00043-00021049-00021114 playlist ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00044-00021115-00021459 I'm gonna go best for the viewer you can ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00045-00021460-00021807 also do your most recent upload or you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00046-00021808-00022269 could choose a video or playlist and I'm ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00047-00022270-00023037 right now doing best for the viewer okay ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00048-00023038-00023364 so it's gonna play all that way now if ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00049-00023365-00023673 you wanted to add another element you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00050-00023674-00023985 have to make sure that your elements do ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00051-00023986-00024312 not overlap each other so that you have ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00052-00024313-00024555 this space there I'm going to click add ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00053-00024556-00024930 another element and I'm going to create ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00054-00024931-00025436 a subscribe ok so now as you see there ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00055-00025437-00025802 it does not overlap there so it can be ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00056-00025804-00026507 saved however I will show you a mistake ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00057-00026508-00027114 say I was here and I tried to add an ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00058-00027114-00027804 element say I wanted to add a ok my most ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00059-00027805-00028301 recent upload ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00060-00028302-00028604 okay even though it looks like I've ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00061-00028605-00028997 added it you will see it here that you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00062-00028998-00029695 can't save it so this element can not be ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00063-00029697-00030020 added there I may be able to add it in ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00064-00030020-00030467 here if I bring it down between these ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00065-00030468-00031241 two but ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00066-00031242-00031544 I think that's too much right now to ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00067-00031545-00031907 have all in one place so I am going to ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00068-00031908-00032522 just delete it and take it out and now I ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00069-00032523-00033351 can see ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00070-00033352-00033783 all changes are saved okay in this video ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00071-00033784-00034005 as well I think I'm going to show you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00072-00034006-00034893 about the enhancements now if you want ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00073-00034894-00036021 to use our Creative Commons video where ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00074-00036022-00036483 you can for the fake faces or a custom ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00075-00036484-00036839 blurring now this does take a little bit ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00076-00036840-00037164 of time and I'm not really gonna go into ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00077-00037165-00037421 it just showing you this is how you trim ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00078-00037422-00037887 your video sometimes you don't want an ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00079-00037888-00038160 end part showing or it may be something ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00080-00038161-00038370 at the beginning I wouldn't suggest ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00081-00038371-00038532 doing that in the middle because you'll ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00082-00038533-00039143 you will lose your video so basically ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00083-00039144-00039362 that is your enhancements now if you ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00084-00039363-00039927 wanted to go into your okay now this ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00085-00039928-00040520 means if you yes ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00086-00040521-00041196 yes we're going to be making instead of ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00087-00041197-00041546 you talking okay you can actually use ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00088-00041547-00042483 one of these or whichever one you want ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00089-00042484-00043037 you buy artists by nearby mood by ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00090-00043038-00043496 duration say we were going by duration ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00091-00043497-00043718 and I wanted it to be between two and ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00092-00043719-00044199 three minutes long so I could pick any ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00093-00044200-00044414 of these songs you can use anything just ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00094-00044415-00044742 click Add to your video and save the ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00095-00044743-00045702 changes okay so that's basically just ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00096-00045703-00046170 doing a little bit of tweaking and I ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00097-00046171-00046514 hope this has helped you out bye and ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00098-00046515-00046754 don't forget to Like and subscribe ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00099-00046755-00047249 because that's important okay have a ETV8Fv2Cq4u-00100-00047250-00047481 good day EVYBIIgyyz0-00000-00000064-00000142 okay EVYBIIgyyz0-00001-00000143-00000335 what did i do so far to launch my EVYBIIgyyz0-00002-00000336-00000607 fashion label i have set up this tiktok EVYBIIgyyz0-00003-00000608-00000878 account to document the process i have EVYBIIgyyz0-00004-00000880-00001183 set up an instagram account these videos EVYBIIgyyz0-00005-00001184-00001454 go to insta stories and then i save them EVYBIIgyyz0-00006-00001455-00001751 as highlights my friend friend juliana EVYBIIgyyz0-00007-00001752-00002063 inventor of anthem threads taught me how EVYBIIgyyz0-00008-00002064-00002487 to add a link to my bio in tiktok so EVYBIIgyyz0-00009-00002488-00002750 basically i had to change my private EVYBIIgyyz0-00010-00002751-00003102 account to business accounts and EVYBIIgyyz0-00011-00003103-00003438 then i'm able to add a link to my bio i EVYBIIgyyz0-00012-00003439-00003631 don't have a website link yet i don't EVYBIIgyyz0-00013-00003632-00003919 know what my product is yet EVYBIIgyyz0-00014-00003920-00004206 and yesterday i figured out that i only EVYBIIgyyz0-00015-00004207-00004454 can add a link to my value when i have 1 EVYBIIgyyz0-00016-00004455-00004679 000 followers on tick tock EVYBIIgyyz0-00017-00004680-00004911 so i need all your help please give me EVYBIIgyyz0-00018-00004912-00005127 your love on this journey please follow EVYBIIgyyz0-00019-00005128-00005406 my journey so that we can add this link EVYBIIgyyz0-00020-00005407-00005615 which i don't have yet as soon as EVYBIIgyyz0-00021-00005616-00006019 possible to the bayonne EWCaW6vfaKu-00000-00000371-00000774 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00001-00000775-00001062 most importantly consider the technique EWCaW6vfaKu-00002-00001063-00001278 of performing air squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00003-00001279-00001535 did you forget about the warm-up EWCaW6vfaKu-00004-00001536-00001887 warming up the muscles is very important EWCaW6vfaKu-00005-00001888-00002159 starting position feet shoulder width EWCaW6vfaKu-00006-00002160-00002407 apart depending on the setting of the EWCaW6vfaKu-00007-00002408-00002702 feet the back is straight EWCaW6vfaKu-00008-00002703-00002926 the toes and knees are strictly in the EWCaW6vfaKu-00009-00002927-00003222 same plane they touch the imaginary wall EWCaW6vfaKu-00010-00003223-00003390 right in front of you EWCaW6vfaKu-00011-00003392-00003790 look straight ahead hands spread apart EWCaW6vfaKu-00012-00003792-00004022 kept straight in front of you or crossed EWCaW6vfaKu-00013-00004023-00004263 in the lock in front of the chest on EWCaW6vfaKu-00014-00004264-00004591 inspiration we go down slightly moving EWCaW6vfaKu-00015-00004592-00004838 the lower back back to the lowest point EWCaW6vfaKu-00016-00004839-00005047 on an exhale EWCaW6vfaKu-00017-00005048-00005311 we rise to the starting position EWCaW6vfaKu-00018-00005312-00005535 air squats are an indispensable EWCaW6vfaKu-00019-00005536-00005751 attribute of any crossfit training EWCaW6vfaKu-00020-00005752-00005863 program EWCaW6vfaKu-00021-00005864-00006111 what does this buzzword mean EWCaW6vfaKu-00022-00006112-00006343 crossfit is a high interval training EWCaW6vfaKu-00023-00006344-00006591 that includes elements of gymnastics EWCaW6vfaKu-00024-00006592-00006887 aerobics strength training kettlebear EWCaW6vfaKu-00025-00006888-00007119 lifting stretching and other types of EWCaW6vfaKu-00026-00007120-00007351 physical activity EWCaW6vfaKu-00027-00007352-00007623 air squats are simple body weight squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00028-00007623-00007814 with no added weight EWCaW6vfaKu-00029-00007815-00008078 they are also called air squat or squat EWCaW6vfaKu-00030-00008079-00008199 squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00031-00008200-00008455 the exercise is present in the warm-up EWCaW6vfaKu-00032-00008456-00008695 complex of any workout EWCaW6vfaKu-00033-00008696-00008983 it helps to warm up the muscles master EWCaW6vfaKu-00034-00008984-00009223 the correct technique for doing squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00035-00009224-00009495 and develop endurance EWCaW6vfaKu-00036-00009496-00009751 the main feature of the exercise is its EWCaW6vfaKu-00037-00009752-00010031 airiness it is performed exclusively EWCaW6vfaKu-00038-00010032-00010238 with its own weight EWCaW6vfaKu-00039-00010239-00010559 that is why in fact the classic squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00040-00010560-00010878 in this case are called air squats EWCaW6vfaKu-00041-00010879-00011119 if you correctly perform the air squat EWCaW6vfaKu-00042-00011120-00011335 technique you will use the following EWCaW6vfaKu-00043-00011336-00011663 muscle groups big buttock anterior and EWCaW6vfaKu-00044-00011664-00012006 posterior thighs biceps femoris calf EWCaW6vfaKu-00045-00012007-00012374 muscles back muscles of the lower leg EWCaW6vfaKu-00046-00012375-00012599 musculature of the back and presses EWCaW6vfaKu-00048-00017551-00018519 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00049-00018520-00019119 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00050-00019120-00019508 do EWCaW6vfaKu-00051-00019509-00020808 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00053-00027148-00027799 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00055-00034545-00035512 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00056-00035513-00036164 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00057-00036165-00037801 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00059-00044141-00044792 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00062-00060979-00062879 [Music] EWCaW6vfaKu-00063-00062879-00063088 you EZgmYxxBrZE-00000-00000180-00001918 [Music] EZgmYxxBrZE-00001-00001919-00002134 frank herbert's work in the june series EZgmYxxBrZE-00002-00002135-00002455 was as r.j ellis noted symptomatic of EZgmYxxBrZE-00003-00002456-00002671 the developing awareness of ecology EZgmYxxBrZE-00004-00002672-00002942 during the 1950s and 60s EZgmYxxBrZE-00005-00002943-00003191 this ecological awareness took on an EZgmYxxBrZE-00006-00003192-00003438 apocalyptic tone as shown in the works EZgmYxxBrZE-00007-00003439-00003670 which heavily influenced frank herbert EZgmYxxBrZE-00008-00003671-00003943 especially carson's silent spring and EZgmYxxBrZE-00009-00003944-00004191 paul sears where there is life EZgmYxxBrZE-00010-00004192-00004454 the ecological bandwagon was on the move EZgmYxxBrZE-00011-00004455-00004663 and much of herbert's motivations about EZgmYxxBrZE-00012-00004664-00004870 his theme of the dangerous hero EZgmYxxBrZE-00013-00004871-00005135 hijacking this movement came from his EZgmYxxBrZE-00014-00005136-00005367 increasing awareness of the subject and EZgmYxxBrZE-00015-00005368-00005599 especially the tone environmentalism was EZgmYxxBrZE-00016-00005600-00005718 taking EZgmYxxBrZE-00017-00005719-00006022 fear is the mind killer is enshrined in EZgmYxxBrZE-00018-00006023-00006231 the philosophy of paula treaties and EZgmYxxBrZE-00019-00006232-00006486 central to herbert's own concerns over EZgmYxxBrZE-00020-00006487-00006798 society mindlessly following individuals EZgmYxxBrZE-00021-00006800-00006975 who use those fears for their own EZgmYxxBrZE-00022-00006976-00007103 advancement EZgmYxxBrZE-00023-00007104-00007295 herbert was certainly not the first to EZgmYxxBrZE-00024-00007295-00007527 offer concerns about ecology and science EZgmYxxBrZE-00025-00007528-00007719 fiction one of the most popular EZgmYxxBrZE-00026-00007720-00007942 environmental trends in science fiction EZgmYxxBrZE-00027-00007943-00008223 up until the 1960s albeit one that EZgmYxxBrZE-00028-00008224-00008423 continues today was that of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00029-00008424-00008687 ecological disaster novel of which there EZgmYxxBrZE-00030-00008688-00008935 are numerous examples amongst quality EZgmYxxBrZE-00031-00008936-00009135 science fiction and the broader pulp EZgmYxxBrZE-00032-00009136-00009255 works EZgmYxxBrZE-00033-00009256-00009478 the ecological disaster followed in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00034-00009479-00009671 mood of the thames valley disaster EZgmYxxBrZE-00035-00009672-00009927 novels of the late 19th century which EZgmYxxBrZE-00036-00009928-00010199 included works such as w.d hayes the EZgmYxxBrZE-00037-00010200-00010391 doom of the great city EZgmYxxBrZE-00038-00010392-00010671 robert bars the doom of london richard EZgmYxxBrZE-00039-00010672-00010887 jeffries is after london EZgmYxxBrZE-00040-00010888-00011087 and grant allen's the thames valley EZgmYxxBrZE-00041-00011088-00011238 catastrophe EZgmYxxBrZE-00042-00011239-00011383 many of these novels featured EZgmYxxBrZE-00043-00011384-00011623 apocalyptic scenarios on a localized EZgmYxxBrZE-00044-00011624-00011887 scale often by means of some natural EZgmYxxBrZE-00045-00011888-00012103 environmental disaster of biblical EZgmYxxBrZE-00046-00012104-00012246 proportions EZgmYxxBrZE-00047-00012247-00012519 h.g wells is the war of the worlds EZgmYxxBrZE-00048-00012520-00012735 follows very much in this vein EZgmYxxBrZE-00049-00012736-00012943 describing how the martians rampage EZgmYxxBrZE-00050-00012944-00013166 through the thames valley area and is EZgmYxxBrZE-00051-00013168-00013343 described by the novel's narrator in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00052-00013344-00013575 form of a travelogue as the martians EZgmYxxBrZE-00053-00013576-00013799 attack the more interesting aspects of EZgmYxxBrZE-00054-00013800-00014022 the london landscape EZgmYxxBrZE-00055-00014023-00014247 the martians representing man in a EZgmYxxBrZE-00056-00014247-00014527 higher evolved form are of course the EZgmYxxBrZE-00057-00014528-00014751 destructive element here but it is the EZgmYxxBrZE-00058-00014752-00015007 arrival of a plant from mars the red EZgmYxxBrZE-00059-00015008-00015199 wheat that seems to cause the most EZgmYxxBrZE-00060-00015200-00015422 damage to the earth overwhelming the EZgmYxxBrZE-00061-00015423-00015719 local indigenous flora the suggestion is EZgmYxxBrZE-00062-00015719-00015950 that the plants cover the world of mars EZgmYxxBrZE-00063-00015951-00016207 and are what create its red hue EZgmYxxBrZE-00064-00016208-00016447 interpretations vary on its purpose but EZgmYxxBrZE-00065-00016448-00016615 the obvious which i believe is that the EZgmYxxBrZE-00066-00016616-00016847 red weed is part of the invasion and is EZgmYxxBrZE-00067-00016848-00017111 used to help terraform the earth into a EZgmYxxBrZE-00068-00017112-00017350 world habitable for the martians EZgmYxxBrZE-00069-00017351-00017558 in the end the plants succumb to the EZgmYxxBrZE-00070-00017559-00017783 earth's bacteria just like the martian EZgmYxxBrZE-00071-00017784-00018047 invaders but they do however represent a EZgmYxxBrZE-00072-00018048-00018327 very real environmental threat EZgmYxxBrZE-00073-00018328-00018519 one notable science fiction work which EZgmYxxBrZE-00074-00018520-00018775 has a number of similarities to june was EZgmYxxBrZE-00075-00018776-00019086 george r sturtz earth abides EZgmYxxBrZE-00076-00019087-00019279 stewart's novel of life in america EZgmYxxBrZE-00077-00019280-00019447 following the devastation of human EZgmYxxBrZE-00078-00019448-00019735 beings by an apocalyptic plague bears EZgmYxxBrZE-00079-00019736-00019903 little relationship to june on the EZgmYxxBrZE-00080-00019904-00020119 surface but it does feature some EZgmYxxBrZE-00081-00020120-00020335 stylistic modes that make similarities EZgmYxxBrZE-00082-00020336-00020622 between the two works more apparent EZgmYxxBrZE-00083-00020623-00020799 earth abides features a number of EZgmYxxBrZE-00084-00020800-00020983 documents intersecting the narrative EZgmYxxBrZE-00085-00020984-00021222 that discuss the history of mankind from EZgmYxxBrZE-00086-00021223-00021447 the event of the plague and represent EZgmYxxBrZE-00087-00021448-00021639 almost a backward narrative of human EZgmYxxBrZE-00088-00021640-00021847 civilization EZgmYxxBrZE-00089-00021848-00022014 this is reminiscent of the various EZgmYxxBrZE-00090-00022015-00022207 historical documents that inform the EZgmYxxBrZE-00091-00022208-00022383 reader in the june series EZgmYxxBrZE-00092-00022384-00022550 providing them almost with a sense of EZgmYxxBrZE-00093-00022551-00022767 prescience or future history of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00094-00022768-00022919 narrative EZgmYxxBrZE-00095-00022920-00023103 the story follows the tale of ish EZgmYxxBrZE-00096-00023104-00023303 williams a graduate student who EZgmYxxBrZE-00097-00023304-00023486 seemingly survives the devastating EZgmYxxBrZE-00098-00023487-00023639 plague because of a snakebite he EZgmYxxBrZE-00099-00023640-00023886 receives while researching his thesis EZgmYxxBrZE-00100-00023887-00024150 entitled the ecology of the black creek EZgmYxxBrZE-00101-00024151-00024271 area EZgmYxxBrZE-00102-00024272-00024471 ish begins to travel and observes the EZgmYxxBrZE-00103-00024472-00024719 new quiet world based on his training EZgmYxxBrZE-00104-00024720-00024903 occasionally finding small pockets of EZgmYxxBrZE-00105-00024904-00025047 humanity EZgmYxxBrZE-00106-00025048-00025278 ish noting how some of the survivors he EZgmYxxBrZE-00107-00025279-00025478 occasionally meets are failing to cope EZgmYxxBrZE-00108-00025479-00025734 with this post-apocalyptic world fears EZgmYxxBrZE-00109-00025735-00025958 for humanity's survival EZgmYxxBrZE-00110-00025960-00026158 he eventually settles down and marries a EZgmYxxBrZE-00111-00026160-00026358 woman he meets called m EZgmYxxBrZE-00112-00026360-00026543 and helps find a community that EZgmYxxBrZE-00113-00026544-00026831 functions as a tribal society EZgmYxxBrZE-00114-00026832-00027079 as the years pass ish attempts to EZgmYxxBrZE-00115-00027080-00027311 educate and instill old world knowledge EZgmYxxBrZE-00116-00027312-00027551 into the new generation being born who EZgmYxxBrZE-00117-00027552-00027727 are moving further and further away from EZgmYxxBrZE-00118-00027727-00027918 the civilization that came before the EZgmYxxBrZE-00119-00027919-00028055 plague EZgmYxxBrZE-00120-00028056-00028295 eventually he is revered as the last EZgmYxxBrZE-00121-00028295-00028590 american alive from the old civilization EZgmYxxBrZE-00122-00028591-00028823 and he realizes that the old world has EZgmYxxBrZE-00123-00028824-00029031 truly gone wondering if the new human EZgmYxxBrZE-00124-00029032-00029246 society can survive EZgmYxxBrZE-00125-00029247-00029431 the character of ish can be looked at EZgmYxxBrZE-00126-00029432-00029646 almost as a failed messiah EZgmYxxBrZE-00127-00029647-00029846 similar to paul atreides EZgmYxxBrZE-00128-00029847-00030039 earth abides in its intervening EZgmYxxBrZE-00129-00030039-00030231 historical documents takes on a EZgmYxxBrZE-00130-00030232-00030470 pseudo-religious tone at times and EZgmYxxBrZE-00131-00030472-00030727 carries its tale of apocalyptic disaster EZgmYxxBrZE-00132-00030727-00030967 with a reasoned balance of optimism and EZgmYxxBrZE-00133-00030968-00031095 pessimism EZgmYxxBrZE-00134-00031095-00031311 the tribe in reverting to the primitive EZgmYxxBrZE-00135-00031312-00031527 tools such as bows and arrows rather EZgmYxxBrZE-00136-00031527-00031711 than the existing firearms which are no EZgmYxxBrZE-00137-00031712-00031943 longer reliable are learning the skills EZgmYxxBrZE-00138-00031944-00032102 they need to survive in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00139-00032103-00032343 post-apocalypse world EZgmYxxBrZE-00140-00032344-00032527 this makes them reminiscent of an EZgmYxxBrZE-00141-00032527-00032807 inversion of the fremen in june EZgmYxxBrZE-00142-00032808-00032983 whereas the freeman lose their ability EZgmYxxBrZE-00143-00032984-00033183 to live within the environment after the EZgmYxxBrZE-00144-00033184-00033390 ecology of arrakis changes EZgmYxxBrZE-00145-00033391-00033574 the generation that follows ish are EZgmYxxBrZE-00146-00033575-00033702 learning the skills they need to EZgmYxxBrZE-00147-00033703-00033927 interact with their environment when all EZgmYxxBrZE-00148-00033928-00034159 of humanity's technological achievements EZgmYxxBrZE-00149-00034160-00034423 are slowly fading despite balancing the EZgmYxxBrZE-00150-00034424-00034639 pessimism of a post-apocalyptic world EZgmYxxBrZE-00151-00034640-00034855 with the optimism of a new generation of EZgmYxxBrZE-00152-00034856-00035087 human beings learning to adapt to a new EZgmYxxBrZE-00153-00035088-00035318 environment stewart's future world is EZgmYxxBrZE-00154-00035319-00035559 left for the reader to imagine EZgmYxxBrZE-00155-00035560-00035774 within that ambiguity there is a seed of EZgmYxxBrZE-00156-00035775-00036007 doubt in the reader's mind which creates EZgmYxxBrZE-00157-00036008-00036239 an anxiety that is identifiable with EZgmYxxBrZE-00158-00036240-00036439 alice's viewpoint of apocalyptic EZgmYxxBrZE-00159-00036440-00036599 ecologism EZgmYxxBrZE-00160-00036600-00036895 however like june earth abides is EZgmYxxBrZE-00161-00036896-00037151 fiction and therefore can be instructive EZgmYxxBrZE-00162-00037152-00037374 to the reader without creating any real EZgmYxxBrZE-00163-00037375-00037559 sense of fear EZgmYxxBrZE-00164-00037560-00037783 this apocalyptic ecologism develops EZgmYxxBrZE-00165-00037784-00038079 throughout the 1960s and works like EZgmYxxBrZE-00166-00038080-00038335 silent spring and where there is life EZgmYxxBrZE-00167-00038336-00038583 are clearly indicative of this EZgmYxxBrZE-00168-00038584-00038815 they also clearly show the anxiety being EZgmYxxBrZE-00169-00038816-00039015 generated by such environmental EZgmYxxBrZE-00170-00039016-00039207 activists in the general public EZgmYxxBrZE-00171-00039208-00039423 consciousness and the emerging green EZgmYxxBrZE-00172-00039424-00039567 movement EZgmYxxBrZE-00173-00039568-00039862 ecological writing of the 1970s however EZgmYxxBrZE-00174-00039863-00040062 is much more representative of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00175-00040063-00040359 effect of this environmental anxiety EZgmYxxBrZE-00176-00040360-00040543 the collective environmental message EZgmYxxBrZE-00177-00040544-00040727 being produced during this time is one EZgmYxxBrZE-00178-00040728-00041079 of pessimism and apocalyptic doom EZgmYxxBrZE-00179-00041080-00041335 the early 1970s sees a number of such EZgmYxxBrZE-00180-00041336-00041495 works appearing EZgmYxxBrZE-00181-00041496-00041718 one such text first published in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00182-00041719-00042071 ecologist was a blueprint for survival EZgmYxxBrZE-00183-00042072-00042327 the ecologist had been created in 1970 EZgmYxxBrZE-00184-00042328-00042535 as a magazine to allow academics to EZgmYxxBrZE-00185-00042536-00042727 publish radical works on a number of EZgmYxxBrZE-00186-00042728-00042927 ecological topics EZgmYxxBrZE-00187-00042928-00043246 in january of 1972 an entire edition was EZgmYxxBrZE-00188-00043247-00043527 dedicated to a blueprint for survival EZgmYxxBrZE-00189-00043528-00043735 later published in book form the same EZgmYxxBrZE-00190-00043736-00043862 year EZgmYxxBrZE-00191-00043863-00044039 the text begins with a statement of EZgmYxxBrZE-00192-00044040-00044230 support from a range of scientists of EZgmYxxBrZE-00193-00044231-00044439 the day before commencing with an EZgmYxxBrZE-00194-00044440-00044607 introduction presenting the need for EZgmYxxBrZE-00195-00044608-00044807 change in modern life EZgmYxxBrZE-00196-00044808-00044990 in continuing with the traditions of EZgmYxxBrZE-00197-00044991-00045239 environmental works of the period it is EZgmYxxBrZE-00198-00045240-00045479 suitably apocalyptic in tone EZgmYxxBrZE-00199-00045480-00045846 the opening statement is as follows EZgmYxxBrZE-00200-00045847-00046071 the principal defect of the industrial EZgmYxxBrZE-00201-00046072-00046358 way of life with its ethos of expansion EZgmYxxBrZE-00202-00046359-00046671 is that it is not sustainable its EZgmYxxBrZE-00203-00046672-00046846 termination within the lifetime of EZgmYxxBrZE-00204-00046847-00047167 someone born today is inevitable EZgmYxxBrZE-00205-00047168-00047399 the apocalyptic tone and anxiety for the EZgmYxxBrZE-00206-00047400-00047574 reader is therefore right from the EZgmYxxBrZE-00207-00047575-00047846 offset before going on to examine such EZgmYxxBrZE-00208-00047847-00048079 topics as the destruction of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00209-00048080-00048383 ecosystem crop failure overuse of EZgmYxxBrZE-00210-00048384-00048662 resources and ultimately the collapse of EZgmYxxBrZE-00211-00048663-00048895 society itself EZgmYxxBrZE-00212-00048896-00049167 the solution presented in a blueprint EZgmYxxBrZE-00213-00049168-00049430 for survival is one of a reductionist EZgmYxxBrZE-00214-00049431-00049711 tribal society not altogether different EZgmYxxBrZE-00215-00049712-00049927 from that presented in stuart's earth EZgmYxxBrZE-00216-00049928-00050071 abides EZgmYxxBrZE-00217-00050072-00050286 that is to say small agrarian EZgmYxxBrZE-00218-00050287-00050407 communities with little EZgmYxxBrZE-00219-00050408-00050646 industrialization under removal from EZgmYxxBrZE-00220-00050647-00050918 central authority are seen as an ideal EZgmYxxBrZE-00221-00050919-00051143 means by which humanity may survive the EZgmYxxBrZE-00222-00051144-00051375 impending disaster EZgmYxxBrZE-00223-00051376-00051607 the need for social change is impacted EZgmYxxBrZE-00224-00051608-00051814 upon the reader by a reinforcement of EZgmYxxBrZE-00225-00051815-00052102 the apocalyptic tone ever suggestive EZgmYxxBrZE-00226-00052103-00052335 that if such change does not occur EZgmYxxBrZE-00227-00052336-00052607 humanity will muddle our way to EZgmYxxBrZE-00228-00052608-00052799 extinction EZgmYxxBrZE-00229-00052800-00053094 another key text to impact on the 1970s EZgmYxxBrZE-00230-00053095-00053335 social awareness of ecological problems EZgmYxxBrZE-00231-00053336-00053559 was the limits to growth a report EZgmYxxBrZE-00232-00053560-00053742 created for the club of rome's project EZgmYxxBrZE-00233-00053744-00053982 on the predicaments of humanity EZgmYxxBrZE-00234-00053983-00054159 the club of rome was formed in april EZgmYxxBrZE-00235-00054160-00054311 1968 EZgmYxxBrZE-00236-00054312-00054494 and was essentially a collection of EZgmYxxBrZE-00237-00054495-00054766 prominent ecologists economists EZgmYxxBrZE-00238-00054767-00055199 scientists industrialists and educators EZgmYxxBrZE-00239-00055200-00055430 the authors of this report were donella EZgmYxxBrZE-00240-00055432-00055735 h meadows dennis l meadows jurgen EZgmYxxBrZE-00241-00055736-00056119 randers and william w barrons iii EZgmYxxBrZE-00242-00056120-00056319 the purpose of the report was to model a EZgmYxxBrZE-00243-00056320-00056471 number of global trends that were of EZgmYxxBrZE-00244-00056472-00056694 concern to the club of rome and did so EZgmYxxBrZE-00245-00056695-00056854 using the world three computer EZgmYxxBrZE-00246-00056855-00057054 simulation model EZgmYxxBrZE-00247-00057055-00057247 the purpose of this was to investigate EZgmYxxBrZE-00248-00057248-00057538 five key areas namely accelerating EZgmYxxBrZE-00249-00057539-00057782 industrialization rapid population EZgmYxxBrZE-00250-00057783-00058071 growth widespread malnutrition depletion EZgmYxxBrZE-00251-00058072-00058287 of non-renewable resources and a EZgmYxxBrZE-00252-00058288-00058526 deteriorating environment EZgmYxxBrZE-00253-00058527-00058735 the world 3 model was essentially a EZgmYxxBrZE-00254-00058736-00058919 simplified mathematical computer EZgmYxxBrZE-00255-00058920-00059038 modeling system EZgmYxxBrZE-00256-00059039-00059271 inappropriately used to represent five EZgmYxxBrZE-00257-00059272-00059615 incredibly complex and dynamic systems EZgmYxxBrZE-00258-00059616-00059799 the conclusion of the report is that all EZgmYxxBrZE-00259-00059800-00060071 five of these modeled areas of concern EZgmYxxBrZE-00260-00060072-00060311 are increasing exponentially and EZgmYxxBrZE-00261-00060312-00060503 advocates limiting growth to create a EZgmYxxBrZE-00262-00060504-00060719 sustainable equilibrium EZgmYxxBrZE-00263-00060720-00060959 if this is not done on a global scale EZgmYxxBrZE-00264-00060960-00061166 then humanity will reach the limits of EZgmYxxBrZE-00265-00061167-00061399 growth on planet earth within the next EZgmYxxBrZE-00266-00061400-00061606 100 years EZgmYxxBrZE-00267-00061607-00061823 once again we have an ecological report EZgmYxxBrZE-00268-00061824-00062023 that recognizes sufficient trends in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00269-00062024-00062247 environment and mankind's interactions EZgmYxxBrZE-00270-00062248-00062342 with it EZgmYxxBrZE-00271-00062344-00062606 to provide a stark pessimistic and EZgmYxxBrZE-00272-00062607-00062830 apocalyptic tone to its readership EZgmYxxBrZE-00273-00062832-00063006 before offering solutions to the EZgmYxxBrZE-00274-00063007-00063303 problems in question the club of rome's EZgmYxxBrZE-00275-00063304-00063566 report in the limits to growth dolls EZgmYxxBrZE-00276-00063567-00063766 present a number of possible solutions EZgmYxxBrZE-00277-00063767-00063911 to the results created by their EZgmYxxBrZE-00278-00063912-00064126 simplified computer model and they EZgmYxxBrZE-00279-00064127-00064382 differ from a blueprint for survival in EZgmYxxBrZE-00280-00064383-00064623 that they advocate a global response and EZgmYxxBrZE-00281-00064624-00064815 the need to see responsible development EZgmYxxBrZE-00282-00064816-00065030 of third world countries EZgmYxxBrZE-00283-00065032-00065263 despite these differences we still see EZgmYxxBrZE-00284-00065264-00065582 here the need for anxiety and fear to EZgmYxxBrZE-00285-00065583-00065791 motivate the public into avoiding the EZgmYxxBrZE-00286-00065792-00066103 forthcoming environmental apocalypse EZgmYxxBrZE-00287-00066104-00066326 another work again in the same year as EZgmYxxBrZE-00288-00066327-00066647 these reports was only one earth the EZgmYxxBrZE-00289-00066648-00066894 care and maintenance of a small planet EZgmYxxBrZE-00290-00066895-00067255 by barbara mary ward and renee dubois EZgmYxxBrZE-00291-00067256-00067526 only one earth was created for the 1972 EZgmYxxBrZE-00292-00067527-00067719 united nations conference on the human EZgmYxxBrZE-00293-00067720-00067982 environment held in stockholm EZgmYxxBrZE-00294-00067983-00068311 in may of 1971 dr renee dubois was EZgmYxxBrZE-00295-00068312-00068511 commissioned by maurice f strong the EZgmYxxBrZE-00296-00068512-00068735 then secretary general of the conference EZgmYxxBrZE-00297-00068736-00069047 to chair a group of 152 scientific and EZgmYxxBrZE-00298-00069048-00069238 intellectual experts who would EZgmYxxBrZE-00299-00069239-00069535 contribute as consultants to the report EZgmYxxBrZE-00300-00069536-00069782 the report is then authored by wards and EZgmYxxBrZE-00301-00069783-00070015 dubois but the result of a much larger EZgmYxxBrZE-00302-00070016-00070271 collaborative effort primarily of EZgmYxxBrZE-00303-00070272-00070471 concern to the report is the world of EZgmYxxBrZE-00304-00070472-00070750 mankind seen as a separate created EZgmYxxBrZE-00305-00070751-00070999 environment that is distinct and at odds EZgmYxxBrZE-00306-00071000-00071262 with that of the natural world EZgmYxxBrZE-00307-00071263-00071438 the introduction of the report notes EZgmYxxBrZE-00308-00071439-00071671 some of the criticisms made at the time EZgmYxxBrZE-00309-00071672-00071887 some saying it as pessimistic and others EZgmYxxBrZE-00310-00071888-00072062 as optimistic EZgmYxxBrZE-00311-00072063-00072223 this is certainly a trend of these EZgmYxxBrZE-00312-00072224-00072471 ecological writings the pessimism EZgmYxxBrZE-00313-00072472-00072679 creating the anxiety to then allow the EZgmYxxBrZE-00314-00072680-00072919 advocacy of a philosophical approach EZgmYxxBrZE-00315-00072920-00073126 which will optimistically allow humanity EZgmYxxBrZE-00316-00073127-00073406 to survive the impounding disaster EZgmYxxBrZE-00317-00073407-00073567 one such comment appearing in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00318-00073568-00073767 introduction even makes the comparison EZgmYxxBrZE-00319-00073768-00074006 of fear-mongering to rachel carson's EZgmYxxBrZE-00320-00074007-00074182 silent spring EZgmYxxBrZE-00321-00074183-00074350 some of the consultants feel that the EZgmYxxBrZE-00322-00074351-00074567 general tone of only one earth is far EZgmYxxBrZE-00323-00074568-00074775 too pessimistic and they see no EZgmYxxBrZE-00324-00074776-00074991 justification in reporting on the EZgmYxxBrZE-00325-00074992-00075182 present state of the world as if it were EZgmYxxBrZE-00326-00075183-00075494 a fair story one of them indeed sees in EZgmYxxBrZE-00327-00075495-00075750 the style all the defects he violently EZgmYxxBrZE-00328-00075751-00075975 objects to in rachel carson's silent EZgmYxxBrZE-00329-00075976-00076359 spring emotional and non-factual EZgmYxxBrZE-00330-00076360-00076615 like the club of rome's report only one EZgmYxxBrZE-00331-00076616-00076911 earth focuses on five key topics namely EZgmYxxBrZE-00332-00076912-00077126 the current state of the world science EZgmYxxBrZE-00333-00077127-00077335 issues such as nuclear power the EZgmYxxBrZE-00334-00077336-00077559 development of high technology the EZgmYxxBrZE-00335-00077560-00077782 developing world and the planetary EZgmYxxBrZE-00336-00077783-00077911 biosphere EZgmYxxBrZE-00337-00077912-00078135 the report does emphasize the need for EZgmYxxBrZE-00338-00078136-00078415 stewardship and sometimes views mankind EZgmYxxBrZE-00339-00078416-00078631 in more religious overtones than as a EZgmYxxBrZE-00340-00078632-00078911 scientific exercise but the end result EZgmYxxBrZE-00341-00078912-00079047 is the same EZgmYxxBrZE-00342-00079048-00079294 the ability of humanity to survive is EZgmYxxBrZE-00343-00079295-00079550 brought into question especially in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00344-00079551-00079823 light of the nuclear arms race EZgmYxxBrZE-00345-00079824-00080062 similarly to the club of rome's report EZgmYxxBrZE-00346-00080063-00080287 there is no suggestion of technological EZgmYxxBrZE-00347-00080288-00080511 abandonment or the need to regress into EZgmYxxBrZE-00348-00080512-00080791 tribal society but rather the emphasis EZgmYxxBrZE-00349-00080792-00081167 on global cooperation and responsibility EZgmYxxBrZE-00350-00081168-00081391 interestingly enough the report comments EZgmYxxBrZE-00351-00081392-00081606 at the end of this will happen in almost EZgmYxxBrZE-00352-00081607-00081831 pseudo-science fiction tones EZgmYxxBrZE-00353-00081832-00082006 noting that there is not a planetary EZgmYxxBrZE-00354-00082007-00082375 authority or indeed loyalty EZgmYxxBrZE-00355-00082376-00082606 but the idea of authority and energy and EZgmYxxBrZE-00356-00082607-00082847 resources to support their policies seem EZgmYxxBrZE-00357-00082848-00083231 strange visionary and utopian at present EZgmYxxBrZE-00358-00083232-00083462 simply because world institutions are EZgmYxxBrZE-00359-00083463-00083703 not backed by any sense of planetary EZgmYxxBrZE-00360-00083704-00083943 community and commitment EZgmYxxBrZE-00361-00083944-00084167 the tone of the report in only one earth EZgmYxxBrZE-00362-00084168-00084447 is to an extent slightly more optimistic EZgmYxxBrZE-00363-00084448-00084638 and more rational than those mentioned EZgmYxxBrZE-00364-00084639-00084903 above as it is mitigated perhaps a EZgmYxxBrZE-00365-00084904-00085111 little unusually with a degree of EZgmYxxBrZE-00366-00085112-00085391 christian optimism suggesting planetary EZgmYxxBrZE-00367-00085392-00085591 community and love may well help us EZgmYxxBrZE-00368-00085592-00085782 solve our problems EZgmYxxBrZE-00369-00085783-00085950 nevertheless it too carries the EZgmYxxBrZE-00370-00085951-00086167 pessimism of an impending ecological EZgmYxxBrZE-00371-00086168-00086406 disaster brought about by humanity's EZgmYxxBrZE-00372-00086407-00086694 misuse of science technology and the EZgmYxxBrZE-00373-00086695-00086911 environment itself EZgmYxxBrZE-00374-00086912-00087118 as such it follows the trend ellis EZgmYxxBrZE-00375-00087119-00087326 describes inherent to apocalyptic EZgmYxxBrZE-00376-00087327-00087623 ecologism fear generating pessimism EZgmYxxBrZE-00377-00087624-00087791 followed by solutions that create EZgmYxxBrZE-00378-00087792-00088062 optimism with just enough doubt to EZgmYxxBrZE-00379-00088063-00088282 maintain EZgmYxxBrZE-00380-00088283-00088438 anxiety EZgmYxxBrZE-00381-00088439-00088567 is beautiful EZgmYxxBrZE-00382-00088568-00088847 a study of economics as if people EZgmYxxBrZE-00383-00088848-00089126 mattered by ernst frederick schumacher EZgmYxxBrZE-00384-00089127-00089311 the german-born economist and EZgmYxxBrZE-00385-00089312-00089638 statistician provides a series of essays EZgmYxxBrZE-00386-00089639-00089847 structured into four categories EZgmYxxBrZE-00387-00089848-00090047 namely the modern world EZgmYxxBrZE-00388-00090048-00090318 resources the third world and EZgmYxxBrZE-00389-00090319-00090575 organization and ownership EZgmYxxBrZE-00390-00090576-00090782 schumacher looks at the problems arising EZgmYxxBrZE-00391-00090783-00090982 from modern day production systems EZgmYxxBrZE-00392-00090983-00091199 created by developments over the recent EZgmYxxBrZE-00393-00091200-00091455 centuries by philosophical and religious EZgmYxxBrZE-00394-00091456-00091655 attitudes which are connected with EZgmYxxBrZE-00395-00091656-00091959 mankind's attitude to nature EZgmYxxBrZE-00396-00091960-00092182 schumacher views natural resources in EZgmYxxBrZE-00397-00092183-00092471 terms of economics as not being defined EZgmYxxBrZE-00398-00092472-00092782 as part of income but rather as part of EZgmYxxBrZE-00399-00092783-00093167 natural capital and therefore finite EZgmYxxBrZE-00400-00093168-00093391 again in the trend of the ecological EZgmYxxBrZE-00401-00093392-00093647 catastrophe he presents the notion that EZgmYxxBrZE-00402-00093648-00093887 people are waking up to these realities EZgmYxxBrZE-00403-00093888-00094182 which may threaten life itself EZgmYxxBrZE-00404-00094183-00094462 and questions why terms such as EZgmYxxBrZE-00405-00094463-00094782 pollution ecology and environment are EZgmYxxBrZE-00406-00094783-00094974 suddenly coming into prominence in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00407-00094975-00095255 general public's awareness EZgmYxxBrZE-00408-00095256-00095455 schumacher's solutions to the looming EZgmYxxBrZE-00409-00095456-00095679 problems lie to a degree in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00410-00095680-00095950 developments of small technologies and EZgmYxxBrZE-00411-00095951-00096126 an improvement of the way of life for EZgmYxxBrZE-00412-00096127-00096294 mankind EZgmYxxBrZE-00413-00096295-00096599 his concept of buddhist economics stands EZgmYxxBrZE-00414-00096600-00096806 opposed to the levels of consumption in EZgmYxxBrZE-00415-00096807-00097087 modern capitalist societies where more EZgmYxxBrZE-00416-00097088-00097279 is better and the level of consumption EZgmYxxBrZE-00417-00097280-00097479 dictates the level of individual EZgmYxxBrZE-00418-00097480-00097638 happiness EZgmYxxBrZE-00419-00097639-00097879 such a modern economic viewpoint looks EZgmYxxBrZE-00420-00097880-00098118 at labor as merely a means to an end to EZgmYxxBrZE-00421-00098119-00098374 generate income and therefore a cost of EZgmYxxBrZE-00422-00098375-00098550 doing business EZgmYxxBrZE-00423-00098551-00098718 schumacher states that the buddhist EZgmYxxBrZE-00424-00098719-00098918 viewpoint of economics from this EZgmYxxBrZE-00425-00098919-00099159 perspective has a different attitude to EZgmYxxBrZE-00426-00099160-00099415 work in that it will give a man a chance EZgmYxxBrZE-00427-00099416-00099694 to utilize and develop his faculties to EZgmYxxBrZE-00428-00099695-00099911 enable him to overcome his ego EZgmYxxBrZE-00429-00099912-00100118 centeredness by joining with other EZgmYxxBrZE-00430-00100119-00100367 people in a common task and to bring EZgmYxxBrZE-00431-00100368-00100582 forth the goods and services needed for EZgmYxxBrZE-00432-00100583-00100838 a becoming existence EZgmYxxBrZE-00433-00100839-00101094 to schumacher modern economic attitudes EZgmYxxBrZE-00434-00101095-00101294 view the ownership and consumption of EZgmYxxBrZE-00435-00101295-00101591 goods as a means to an end and a way in EZgmYxxBrZE-00436-00101592-00101806 which one can tally and measure the EZgmYxxBrZE-00437-00101807-00101967 standard of living EZgmYxxBrZE-00438-00101968-00102215 modern economics to schumacher is unable EZgmYxxBrZE-00439-00102216-00102430 to distinguish between renewable and EZgmYxxBrZE-00440-00102431-00102718 non-renewable resources merely seeing EZgmYxxBrZE-00441-00102719-00102951 all things as the sole end and purpose EZgmYxxBrZE-00442-00102952-00103190 of all economic activity EZgmYxxBrZE-00443-00103191-00103494 small is beautiful proposes a rational EZgmYxxBrZE-00444-00103495-00103758 and conservative approach to consumption EZgmYxxBrZE-00445-00103759-00103966 something which ideally uses the least EZgmYxxBrZE-00446-00103967-00104118 amount of resources EZgmYxxBrZE-00447-00104119-00104351 least effort and the least destruction EZgmYxxBrZE-00448-00104352-00104663 to attain the best possible output EZgmYxxBrZE-00449-00104664-00104823 understanding the difference between EZgmYxxBrZE-00450-00104824-00105063 resources which are finite natural EZgmYxxBrZE-00451-00105064-00105351 capital and those which are renewable is EZgmYxxBrZE-00452-00105352-00105590 essential to buddhist economics and EZgmYxxBrZE-00453-00105591-00105815 strongly urges the necessity for local EZgmYxxBrZE-00454-00105816-00106063 production of local resources for local EZgmYxxBrZE-00455-00106064-00106215 needs EZgmYxxBrZE-00456-00106216-00106454 schumacher's work combines the ideal use EZgmYxxBrZE-00457-00106455-00106695 of technology with a proper ethos EZgmYxxBrZE-00458-00106696-00106983 towards consumption of resources EZgmYxxBrZE-00459-00106983-00107215 through this he expresses the need to EZgmYxxBrZE-00460-00107216-00107407 realize that certain resources are EZgmYxxBrZE-00461-00107408-00107623 finite and irreplaceable EZgmYxxBrZE-00462-00107624-00107807 combined with the idea that damage to EZgmYxxBrZE-00463-00107808-00108110 nature is not sustainable either EZgmYxxBrZE-00464-00108111-00108327 schumacher's tone takes a stand against EZgmYxxBrZE-00465-00108328-00108583 human greed as the major problem of our EZgmYxxBrZE-00466-00108583-00108678 time EZgmYxxBrZE-00467-00108679-00108910 and that our environmental concerns are EZgmYxxBrZE-00468-00108911-00109134 emerging from the consequences of that EZgmYxxBrZE-00469-00109135-00109271 greed EZgmYxxBrZE-00470-00109272-00109543 considerably less fearful in tone small EZgmYxxBrZE-00471-00109544-00109766 is beautiful nevertheless dolls conclude EZgmYxxBrZE-00472-00109767-00109966 with a dire apocalyptic warning in the EZgmYxxBrZE-00473-00109967-00110215 epilogue warning as it dolls of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00474-00110216-00110415 threat that unless you seek first the EZgmYxxBrZE-00475-00110416-00110695 kingdom of god these other things which EZgmYxxBrZE-00476-00110696-00110990 you also need will cease to be available EZgmYxxBrZE-00477-00110991-00111134 to you EZgmYxxBrZE-00478-00111135-00111271 there is a great deal in these EZgmYxxBrZE-00479-00111272-00111454 ecological works that we can see being EZgmYxxBrZE-00480-00111455-00111719 represented in herbert's june series EZgmYxxBrZE-00481-00111720-00111878 unfortunately the tone of this EZgmYxxBrZE-00482-00111879-00112166 apocalyptic ecology seems to be a means EZgmYxxBrZE-00483-00112167-00112334 of garnering public attention and EZgmYxxBrZE-00484-00112335-00112527 approval for the concerns of the growing EZgmYxxBrZE-00485-00112528-00112799 environmental movement of the time EZgmYxxBrZE-00486-00112800-00113078 as ellis notes the june series is EZgmYxxBrZE-00487-00113079-00113302 mapping fictionally the discursive modes EZgmYxxBrZE-00488-00113303-00113566 within which the ecological debate about EZgmYxxBrZE-00489-00113567-00113863 america's future was being conducted EZgmYxxBrZE-00490-00113864-00114095 as such perhaps one of the reasons for EZgmYxxBrZE-00491-00114096-00114358 the enduring attention it receives is EZgmYxxBrZE-00492-00114359-00114590 because as much as it too may be a EZgmYxxBrZE-00493-00114591-00114823 long-term representation of apocalyptic EZgmYxxBrZE-00494-00114824-00114951 ecology EZgmYxxBrZE-00495-00114952-00115143 through the medium of science fiction a EZgmYxxBrZE-00496-00115144-00115407 different tone is generated EZgmYxxBrZE-00497-00115408-00115654 the june series and george r stewart's EZgmYxxBrZE-00498-00115655-00115951 earth abides alike are able to present EZgmYxxBrZE-00499-00115952-00116110 these growing ecological and EZgmYxxBrZE-00500-00116111-00116302 environmental concerns through EZgmYxxBrZE-00501-00116303-00116575 entertainment removing the anxiety and EZgmYxxBrZE-00502-00116576-00116775 fear that ecological writing was EZgmYxxBrZE-00503-00116776-00117095 instilling on the wider general public EZgmYxxBrZE-00504-00117096-00117334 the success of june owes much to the EZgmYxxBrZE-00505-00117335-00117527 developing popular awareness of EZgmYxxBrZE-00506-00117528-00117786 environmental issues emerging out of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00507-00117788-00117958 1960s EZgmYxxBrZE-00508-00117959-00118166 june stands apart from many other works EZgmYxxBrZE-00509-00118167-00118343 of science fiction which feature EZgmYxxBrZE-00510-00118344-00118663 environmental disasters rather than any EZgmYxxBrZE-00511-00118664-00118919 real observation or exploration of EZgmYxxBrZE-00512-00118920-00119239 ecological and environmental issues EZgmYxxBrZE-00513-00119240-00119534 however the continued success of june EZgmYxxBrZE-00514-00119535-00119775 despite initially being rejected by so EZgmYxxBrZE-00515-00119776-00120015 many publishers has led to further EZgmYxxBrZE-00516-00120016-00120239 developments in science fiction and EZgmYxxBrZE-00517-00120240-00120414 meant that the ecological science EZgmYxxBrZE-00518-00120415-00120639 fiction novel has been allowed to grow EZgmYxxBrZE-00519-00120640-00120886 up maturing in a manner that shows it EZgmYxxBrZE-00520-00120888-00121095 has left behind its environmental EZgmYxxBrZE-00521-00121096-00121375 catastrophe predecessors EZgmYxxBrZE-00522-00121376-00121623 june's popular and critical success as a EZgmYxxBrZE-00523-00121624-00121871 work of ecological science fiction has EZgmYxxBrZE-00524-00121872-00122063 opened the door for other authors to EZgmYxxBrZE-00525-00122064-00122271 explore contemporary environmental EZgmYxxBrZE-00526-00122272-00122551 issues in a more considered fashion EZgmYxxBrZE-00527-00122552-00122751 other than the apocalyptic natural EZgmYxxBrZE-00528-00122752-00122902 disaster EZgmYxxBrZE-00529-00122903-00123127 such works surely include sherry s EZgmYxxBrZE-00530-00123128-00123319 tapper's grass EZgmYxxBrZE-00531-00123320-00123623 kim stanley robinson's mars trilogy and EZgmYxxBrZE-00532-00123624-00123823 the orange county trilogy EZgmYxxBrZE-00533-00123824-00124095 adam roberts's salt and joan EZgmYxxBrZE-00534-00124096-00124407 slanzewski's own response to june itself EZgmYxxBrZE-00535-00124408-00124631 a door into ocean EZgmYxxBrZE-00536-00124632-00124847 much of a door into ocean reflects my EZgmYxxBrZE-00537-00124848-00125110 responses to frank herbert's june and to EZgmYxxBrZE-00538-00125111-00125366 ursula le guins the word for world is EZgmYxxBrZE-00539-00125367-00125510 forest EZgmYxxBrZE-00540-00125511-00125751 june depicts a world covered entirely by EZgmYxxBrZE-00541-00125752-00126063 desert to a biologist the limitations of EZgmYxxBrZE-00542-00126064-00126247 such a world are clear EZgmYxxBrZE-00543-00126248-00126502 no desert ecosystem can exist without EZgmYxxBrZE-00544-00126503-00126734 moisture evaporated from ocean and EZgmYxxBrZE-00545-00126735-00126958 carried by air currents EZgmYxxBrZE-00546-00126959-00127143 it was a natural step to imagine the EZgmYxxBrZE-00547-00127144-00127414 opposite a world covered entirely by EZgmYxxBrZE-00548-00127415-00127502 water EZgmYxxBrZE-00549-00127503-00127702 which the earth may well have been early EZgmYxxBrZE-00550-00127703-00127919 in our planet's history EZgmYxxBrZE-00551-00127920-00128143 jun depicts several male-dominated EZgmYxxBrZE-00552-00128144-00128343 societies whose members scheme and EZgmYxxBrZE-00553-00128344-00128519 oppress one another EZgmYxxBrZE-00554-00128520-00128702 the psychology of the characters is EZgmYxxBrZE-00555-00128703-00128934 compelling and study of it was helpful EZgmYxxBrZE-00556-00128935-00129047 for me EZgmYxxBrZE-00557-00129048-00129310 nevertheless the societies in june are EZgmYxxBrZE-00558-00129311-00129558 all limited to those dominated by males EZgmYxxBrZE-00559-00129559-00129702 and violence EZgmYxxBrZE-00560-00129703-00129943 even the female benny jesuit use violent EZgmYxxBrZE-00561-00129944-00130166 means and direct most of their scheming EZgmYxxBrZE-00562-00130167-00130495 towards manipulation of males thus in EZgmYxxBrZE-00563-00130496-00130695 ocean i attempted to oppose the dune EZgmYxxBrZE-00564-00130696-00130934 concept by depicting ocean-dwelling EZgmYxxBrZE-00565-00130935-00131207 females in non-violent revolution who EZgmYxxBrZE-00566-00131208-00131471 succeed without losing their humanity as EZgmYxxBrZE-00567-00131472-00131683 paul and the freeman sadly EZgmYxxBrZE-00568-00131684-00132023 do slanzewski's viewpoint here presents EZgmYxxBrZE-00569-00132024-00132254 a critical stance of june in terms of EZgmYxxBrZE-00570-00132255-00132495 its accurate scientific depiction of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00571-00132496-00132702 ecology of arrakis EZgmYxxBrZE-00572-00132703-00132878 it is a viewpoint that fails to observe EZgmYxxBrZE-00573-00132879-00133087 the details of herbert's work and EZgmYxxBrZE-00574-00133088-00133302 looking at june itself as an isolated EZgmYxxBrZE-00575-00133303-00133511 text rather than part of a larger EZgmYxxBrZE-00576-00133512-00133702 intended sequence EZgmYxxBrZE-00577-00133703-00133895 from the very beginning of conceiving EZgmYxxBrZE-00578-00133896-00134183 june herbert's intent and conception was EZgmYxxBrZE-00579-00134184-00134359 to subvert the reader's viewpoint of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00580-00134360-00134599 hero and the messianic convulsions that EZgmYxxBrZE-00581-00134600-00134823 periodically overtake us EZgmYxxBrZE-00582-00134824-00135071 herbert spent some six years researching EZgmYxxBrZE-00583-00135072-00135295 june and the writing process took one EZgmYxxBrZE-00584-00135296-00135559 and a half years but from the outset the EZgmYxxBrZE-00585-00135560-00135790 whole story was conceived as a long EZgmYxxBrZE-00586-00135791-00136159 novel the whole trilogy as one book EZgmYxxBrZE-00587-00136160-00136399 during the writing of june herbert noted EZgmYxxBrZE-00588-00136400-00136599 the work was getting bigger and bigger EZgmYxxBrZE-00589-00136600-00136847 and at one point informed his agent EZgmYxxBrZE-00590-00136848-00137071 lerton blasingham that it might reach EZgmYxxBrZE-00591-00137072-00137263 over a million words EZgmYxxBrZE-00592-00137264-00137439 he finally started putting his worries EZgmYxxBrZE-00593-00137440-00137639 aside and worked from a bottom-up EZgmYxxBrZE-00594-00137640-00137839 approach determining where the story EZgmYxxBrZE-00595-00137840-00138039 needed to go and what he desired to EZgmYxxBrZE-00596-00138040-00138295 achieve with the final product EZgmYxxBrZE-00597-00138296-00138502 in doing this herbert said EZgmYxxBrZE-00598-00138503-00138727 i started building from the back where EZgmYxxBrZE-00599-00138728-00138887 does it have to go EZgmYxxBrZE-00600-00138888-00139111 so parts of children of june and june EZgmYxxBrZE-00601-00139112-00139335 messiah were already written before i EZgmYxxBrZE-00602-00139336-00139551 completed june EZgmYxxBrZE-00603-00139552-00139759 it is therefore necessary to always EZgmYxxBrZE-00604-00139760-00139999 examine the first june trilogy as a EZgmYxxBrZE-00605-00140000-00140239 collective whole rather than as separate EZgmYxxBrZE-00606-00140240-00140359 entities EZgmYxxBrZE-00607-00140360-00140614 if one does not do this as a number of EZgmYxxBrZE-00608-00140615-00140871 commentators have then they miss frank EZgmYxxBrZE-00609-00140872-00141143 herbert's very deliberate long-term EZgmYxxBrZE-00610-00141144-00141359 rhythm in june EZgmYxxBrZE-00611-00141360-00141566 the inversion of herbert's june series EZgmYxxBrZE-00612-00141567-00141839 truly begins with june messiah EZgmYxxBrZE-00613-00141840-00142039 where to our horror we discover that EZgmYxxBrZE-00614-00142040-00142326 paul muardi betries as emperor has EZgmYxxBrZE-00615-00142327-00142575 unleashed the fremen upon a jihad which EZgmYxxBrZE-00616-00142576-00142743 has resulted in the slaughter of EZgmYxxBrZE-00617-00142744-00142959 billions and the beginnings of what will EZgmYxxBrZE-00618-00142960-00143287 be in terms of ecological time a swift EZgmYxxBrZE-00619-00143288-00143511 and sudden transformation of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00620-00143512-00143799 environment of arrakis EZgmYxxBrZE-00621-00143800-00144031 slondzewski's view of the limitations of EZgmYxxBrZE-00622-00144032-00144287 herbert's arrakis as a fully realized EZgmYxxBrZE-00623-00144288-00144543 and plausible ecosystem is based on the EZgmYxxBrZE-00624-00144544-00144695 fact that the vast deserts of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00625-00144696-00144943 strange world cannot be conceived EZgmYxxBrZE-00626-00144944-00145190 without moisture if are operated from EZgmYxxBrZE-00627-00145191-00145487 ocean and carried by air currents EZgmYxxBrZE-00628-00145488-00145735 arakis is a world that has had its EZgmYxxBrZE-00629-00145736-00146054 original ecosystem fully transformed by EZgmYxxBrZE-00630-00146055-00146366 the arrival of an introduced species EZgmYxxBrZE-00631-00146367-00146566 and indeed in children of june we are EZgmYxxBrZE-00632-00146567-00146887 told by leto ii that it was once a wet EZgmYxxBrZE-00633-00146888-00147183 planet where now the white gypsum pans EZgmYxxBrZE-00634-00147184-00147535 are tested to bygone lakes and seas EZgmYxxBrZE-00635-00147536-00147790 in the first appendix of june entitled EZgmYxxBrZE-00636-00147791-00148047 the ecology of june there is much more EZgmYxxBrZE-00637-00148048-00148223 information readily available to the EZgmYxxBrZE-00638-00148224-00148519 reader and again slandzewski in her EZgmYxxBrZE-00639-00148520-00148719 above remarks seems unaware of its EZgmYxxBrZE-00640-00148720-00148854 content EZgmYxxBrZE-00641-00148855-00149071 in beginning his ecological surveys of EZgmYxxBrZE-00642-00149072-00149319 the planet's ecosystem when observing EZgmYxxBrZE-00643-00149320-00149511 from the air after being accidentally EZgmYxxBrZE-00644-00149512-00149671 blown off course EZgmYxxBrZE-00645-00149672-00149935 pardot kinds realizes that this desert EZgmYxxBrZE-00646-00149936-00150207 world was once a world that contained EZgmYxxBrZE-00647-00150208-00150431 much surface water EZgmYxxBrZE-00648-00150432-00150719 when the storm passed there was the pan EZgmYxxBrZE-00649-00150720-00150966 a giant oval depression some 300 EZgmYxxBrZE-00650-00150967-00151190 kilometers on the long axis EZgmYxxBrZE-00651-00151191-00151399 a glaring white surprise in the open EZgmYxxBrZE-00652-00151400-00151519 desert EZgmYxxBrZE-00653-00151520-00151726 kinds landed tasted the pan's EZgmYxxBrZE-00654-00151727-00151966 storm-cleaned surface EZgmYxxBrZE-00655-00151967-00152102 salt EZgmYxxBrZE-00656-00152103-00152190 now EZgmYxxBrZE-00657-00152191-00152326 he was certain EZgmYxxBrZE-00658-00152327-00152543 there had been open water on arrakis EZgmYxxBrZE-00659-00152544-00152671 once EZgmYxxBrZE-00660-00152672-00152871 he began re-examining the evidence of EZgmYxxBrZE-00661-00152872-00153102 the dry wells where trickles of water EZgmYxxBrZE-00662-00153103-00153319 had appeared and vanished never to EZgmYxxBrZE-00663-00153320-00153463 return EZgmYxxBrZE-00664-00153464-00153726 ecologically speaking there is more to EZgmYxxBrZE-00665-00153727-00153926 arrakis than meets the eye of the casual EZgmYxxBrZE-00666-00153927-00154135 observer and it is perhaps for this EZgmYxxBrZE-00667-00154136-00154423 reason alone that its popularity remains EZgmYxxBrZE-00668-00154424-00154711 undiminished despite lackluster interest EZgmYxxBrZE-00669-00154712-00154863 from the critical science fiction EZgmYxxBrZE-00670-00154864-00154990 community EZgmYxxBrZE-00671-00154991-00155247 slanzewski's distaste for violence in EZgmYxxBrZE-00672-00155248-00155614 june perpetuated as she sees it by male EZgmYxxBrZE-00673-00155615-00155823 orientated societies EZgmYxxBrZE-00674-00155824-00156039 and to a certain extent by the female EZgmYxxBrZE-00675-00156040-00156302 bernie jesuit also demonstrates a lack EZgmYxxBrZE-00676-00156303-00156566 of understanding of herbert's intent and EZgmYxxBrZE-00677-00156567-00156743 again a failure to examine the june EZgmYxxBrZE-00678-00156744-00156911 series as a whole EZgmYxxBrZE-00679-00156912-00157166 as a female school the barrier desert EZgmYxxBrZE-00680-00157167-00157375 are the main representation of women in EZgmYxxBrZE-00681-00157376-00157671 the imperium and with some exceptions EZgmYxxBrZE-00682-00157672-00157887 most female characters are members of EZgmYxxBrZE-00683-00157888-00158102 this secretive order EZgmYxxBrZE-00684-00158103-00158295 but again there is no consideration of EZgmYxxBrZE-00685-00158296-00158526 either the god emperor's all-female army EZgmYxxBrZE-00686-00158527-00158766 of fish speakers or the honored matres EZgmYxxBrZE-00687-00158767-00158999 from heretics of june and chapter heist EZgmYxxBrZE-00688-00159000-00159111 june EZgmYxxBrZE-00689-00159112-00159343 violence is not the key to understanding EZgmYxxBrZE-00690-00159344-00159607 paul atreides or the fremen and it is EZgmYxxBrZE-00691-00159608-00159759 interesting to note that zlonzowski EZgmYxxBrZE-00692-00159760-00159959 believes that both lose their humanity EZgmYxxBrZE-00693-00159960-00160119 because of it EZgmYxxBrZE-00694-00160120-00160343 in actuality the fremen are reduced to EZgmYxxBrZE-00695-00160344-00160647 their museum status because of the loss EZgmYxxBrZE-00696-00160648-00160887 of the harsh arrakis environment which EZgmYxxBrZE-00697-00160888-00161166 makes them soft and is a comment more on EZgmYxxBrZE-00698-00161167-00161423 the process of natural selection and the EZgmYxxBrZE-00699-00161424-00161663 conditions for the so-called survival of EZgmYxxBrZE-00700-00161664-00161854 the fittest EZgmYxxBrZE-00701-00161855-00162078 paul's failure as the quiz at saddarach EZgmYxxBrZE-00702-00162079-00162366 is not that he loses his humanity but EZgmYxxBrZE-00703-00162367-00162607 that he is actually incapable of losing EZgmYxxBrZE-00704-00162608-00162726 it EZgmYxxBrZE-00705-00162727-00162951 he is unable to bring about the golden EZgmYxxBrZE-00706-00162952-00163207 path that he initiates because a part of EZgmYxxBrZE-00707-00163208-00163471 him is incapable of inflicting so much EZgmYxxBrZE-00708-00163472-00163711 death and destruction on mankind but EZgmYxxBrZE-00709-00163712-00163935 fundamentally because he cannot give up EZgmYxxBrZE-00710-00163936-00164166 his humanity to do so EZgmYxxBrZE-00711-00164167-00164359 it is lato the second who truly EZgmYxxBrZE-00712-00164360-00164590 understands what terrible sacrifice is EZgmYxxBrZE-00713-00164591-00164831 required to create the golden path and EZgmYxxBrZE-00714-00164832-00165095 his symbiosis with the santrout creates EZgmYxxBrZE-00715-00165096-00165423 the inhuman transformation necessary to EZgmYxxBrZE-00716-00165424-00165735 see the evolutionary plan through EZgmYxxBrZE-00717-00165736-00165975 violence however is in one sense key to EZgmYxxBrZE-00718-00165976-00166135 understanding herbert's approach to EZgmYxxBrZE-00719-00166136-00166438 ecology in the june series believing as EZgmYxxBrZE-00720-00166439-00166663 he did that force was the key tool of EZgmYxxBrZE-00721-00166664-00166926 western man in dealing with any given EZgmYxxBrZE-00722-00166927-00167143 problem and especially in the general EZgmYxxBrZE-00723-00167144-00167351 terms of his approach to living and EZgmYxxBrZE-00724-00167352-00167638 interacting with his environment EZgmYxxBrZE-00725-00167639-00167823 we play the game today with counters EZgmYxxBrZE-00726-00167824-00168054 called money and we talk about laws of EZgmYxxBrZE-00727-00168055-00168359 supply and demand and so on EZgmYxxBrZE-00728-00168360-00168599 there is a law of supply and demand and EZgmYxxBrZE-00729-00168600-00168790 there is no problem which won't submit EZgmYxxBrZE-00730-00168791-00168926 to this approach EZgmYxxBrZE-00731-00168927-00169231 even the problem of our own ignorance EZgmYxxBrZE-00732-00169232-00169478 this assumption you see throws it out EZgmYxxBrZE-00733-00169479-00169735 the window right there because it is an EZgmYxxBrZE-00734-00169736-00169895 asinine assumption EZgmYxxBrZE-00735-00169896-00170095 and the basic fallacy of western man's EZgmYxxBrZE-00736-00170096-00170263 approach to living EZgmYxxBrZE-00737-00170264-00170454 now i'm not saying that we should EZgmYxxBrZE-00738-00170455-00170638 immediately drop this and adopt a EZgmYxxBrZE-00739-00170639-00170831 vedanta way of thinking EZgmYxxBrZE-00740-00170832-00171047 we need what i would call a science of EZgmYxxBrZE-00741-00171048-00171151 wisdom EZgmYxxBrZE-00742-00171152-00171487 the moral norm as i try to show in june EZgmYxxBrZE-00743-00171488-00171711 is something imposed upon people by EZgmYxxBrZE-00744-00171712-00171878 their environment EZgmYxxBrZE-00745-00171879-00172087 ethical law takes a step in another EZgmYxxBrZE-00746-00172088-00172326 direction and it says that i the EZgmYxxBrZE-00747-00172327-00172526 thinking animal see the logical EZgmYxxBrZE-00748-00172527-00172775 consequences of these moral actions and EZgmYxxBrZE-00749-00172776-00172999 maybe i'd better modify the moral law EZgmYxxBrZE-00750-00173000-00173287 slightly by a higher ethical law EZgmYxxBrZE-00751-00173288-00173471 june shows the conflict between EZgmYxxBrZE-00752-00173472-00173671 absolutes and the necessity of the EZgmYxxBrZE-00753-00173672-00173959 moment you might say it is an exercise EZgmYxxBrZE-00754-00173960-00174424 in showing up the fallacy of absolutism EZgmYxxBrZE-00755-00174425-00177183 [Music] EZgmYxxBrZE-00756-00177184-00177391 you EbyAfWmf5J8-00000-00000000-00000371 foreign EbyAfWmf5J8-00001-00000372-00001623 [Music] EbyAfWmf5J8-00002-00001623-00001867 nice to rest your EbyAfWmf5J8-00003-00001868-00002407 eyes and maybe go outside EbyAfWmf5J8-00004-00002408-00003242 grab a book and get some EbyAfWmf5J8-00005-00003243-00004247 [Music] EbyAfWmf5J8-00006-00004248-00004654 why not take a quick break EbyAfWmf5J8-00007-00004655-00004943 to the radio EbyAfWmf5J8-00008-00004944-00005318 of their chores to do their sleeves to EbyAfWmf5J8-00009-00005319-00005470 rake EbyAfWmf5J8-00010-00005471-00005969 from the old banjo EbyAfWmf5J8-00011-00005970-00006559 [Music] EbyAfWmf5J8-00012-00006559-00006710 [Music] EbyAfWmf5J8-00013-00006711-00007927 why not take a little quick break EbyAfWmf5J8-00014-00007928-00008549 please come back for more EbyAfWmf5J8-00015-00008550-00009248 [Music] EbUJIL6XUyU-00000-00000039-00000839 [Music] EbUJIL6XUyU-00001-00000840-00001023 there's a better way to shrink EbUJIL6XUyU-00002-00001024-00001374 labor costs try EbUJIL6XUyU-00003-00001375-00001688 when i work EdHAWa83-b8-00000-00002884-00004694 hello EdHAWa83-b8-00001-00004695-00005335 [Music] EdHAWa83-b8-00002-00005336-00005843 oh yes EdHAWa83-b8-00003-00005844-00006584 [Music] EdHAWa83-b8-00004-00006586-00008455 [Music] EdHAWa83-b8-00005-00008456-00008687 that did not happen uh that did not EdHAWa83-b8-00006-00008688-00008783 happen as you said EdHAWa83-b8-00007-00008784-00009119 the wreckage is skipping this call EdHAWa83-b8-00008-00009120-00009431 no no no that was nothing EdHAWa83-b8-00009-00009432-00009727 that was wrong it was wrong what she EdHAWa83-b8-00010-00009728-00009855 said it was wrong EdHAWa83-b8-00011-00009856-00010183 enrique they must keep it going and this EdHAWa83-b8-00012-00010184-00010399 was god that was going nowhere EdHAWa83-b8-00013-00010400-00010559 i could tell it was going nowhere EdHAWa83-b8-00014-00010560-00010719 rigable one day has nothing to do with EdHAWa83-b8-00015-00010720-00010887 this person he's never met this person EdHAWa83-b8-00016-00010888-00010983 he does not even EdHAWa83-b8-00017-00010984-00011255 he cannot tell from it from a person's EdHAWa83-b8-00018-00011256-00011406 voice if they are one person from the EdHAWa83-b8-00019-00011407-00011519 next EdHAWa83-b8-00020-00011520-00011727 of course ricky balbante's voice is very EdHAWa83-b8-00021-00011728-00011831 recognizable EdHAWa83-b8-00022-00011832-00012038 ricky barbante ricky babangi taking your EdHAWa83-b8-00023-00012039-00012214 coach who is this hello did i get in EdHAWa83-b8-00024-00012215-00012470 hello hello what are you doing what do EdHAWa83-b8-00025-00012471-00012519 you want EdHAWa83-b8-00026-00012520-00012822 hello where are you um EdHAWa83-b8-00027-00012823-00013063 where are you calling from i'm over in EdHAWa83-b8-00028-00013063-00013151 the states EdHAWa83-b8-00029-00013152-00013494 in what what room what room my bedroom EdHAWa83-b8-00030-00013495-00013630 my bedroom EdHAWa83-b8-00031-00013631-00013807 who are you what do you want what are EdHAWa83-b8-00032-00013808-00014383 you what is your job EdHAWa83-b8-00033-00014384-00014575 why do i care why tell me tell me what EdHAWa83-b8-00034-00014576-00014807 you care tell me what you care tell me EdHAWa83-b8-00035-00014808-00015030 tell me tell my audience tell us why to EdHAWa83-b8-00036-00015031-00015191 care about you what do you want EdHAWa83-b8-00037-00015191-00015375 who are you where are you from what is EdHAWa83-b8-00038-00015376-00015622 your what is your what do you need EdHAWa83-b8-00039-00015623-00015991 who is your god tell us tell us who you EdHAWa83-b8-00040-00015991-00016047 are EdHAWa83-b8-00041-00016047-00016230 tell us your views tell us your EdHAWa83-b8-00042-00016231-00016383 affiliations EdHAWa83-b8-00043-00016384-00016550 tell us so that we can get to know you EdHAWa83-b8-00044-00016551-00016686 because if we do not know you we do not EdHAWa83-b8-00045-00016687-00016750 care EdHAWa83-b8-00046-00016751-00016958 we must care we must care if we do not EdHAWa83-b8-00047-00016959-00017103 care then we do not listen EdHAWa83-b8-00048-00017104-00017319 and we do not listen then reggae EdHAWa83-b8-00049-00017320-00017415 belvante EdHAWa83-b8-00050-00017416-00017694 is out of a job so tell us what you know EdHAWa83-b8-00051-00017695-00017830 tell us what you know tell us what you EdHAWa83-b8-00052-00017831-00017894 know now EdHAWa83-b8-00053-00017895-00018303 tell us what you know right now EdHAWa83-b8-00054-00018304-00018671 hello ah a dirt a dirt of a call EdHAWa83-b8-00055-00018672-00018886 a dirt of a car this keeps happening EdHAWa83-b8-00056-00018887-00019103 this is not right this is not fair EdHAWa83-b8-00057-00019104-00019294 the universe is against riggable one day EdHAWa83-b8-00058-00019295-00019918 today i do not i do not know what it is EdHAWa83-b8-00059-00019919-00020703 [Music] Ef9HaJjidQ0-00000-00000000-00000161 what a question yes a two-part question Ef9HaJjidQ0-00001-00000162-00000401 yeah my question is when do you look for Ef9HaJjidQ0-00002-00000401-00000647 your first employee and find continuous Ef9HaJjidQ0-00003-00000648-00000881 work for them and the next part is how Ef9HaJjidQ0-00004-00000882-00001000 much money do you put aside before Ef9HaJjidQ0-00005-00001001-00001664 hiring your first employee so toddler I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00006-00001664-00001832 mean that's a great question and again I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00007-00001832-00001946 see you've been I think liking Ef9HaJjidQ0-00008-00001947-00002176 commenting on the videos so I appreciate Ef9HaJjidQ0-00009-00002177-00002443 you doing that for being loyal and also Ef9HaJjidQ0-00010-00002444-00002555 it's in time getting value from the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00011-00002556-00002813 videos anytime you engage with the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00012-00002814-00003008 videos you or in otherwise anyone else Ef9HaJjidQ0-00013-00003009-00003146 in the community I definitely appreciate Ef9HaJjidQ0-00014-00003147-00003284 you guys doing that it shows that you Ef9HaJjidQ0-00015-00003285-00003461 guys are paying attention and that's Ef9HaJjidQ0-00016-00003461-00003556 something that I don't take for granted Ef9HaJjidQ0-00017-00003557-00003800 so to answer your question I would say Ef9HaJjidQ0-00018-00003801-00004061 that it depends on the stage of your Ef9HaJjidQ0-00019-00004061-00004211 business really and the resources that Ef9HaJjidQ0-00020-00004212-00004565 you have when I start on business when I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00021-00004566-00004841 was doing my first 100k I used that Ef9HaJjidQ0-00022-00004842-00005033 money to basically fund marketing I was Ef9HaJjidQ0-00023-00005034-00005131 the one-man army Ef9HaJjidQ0-00024-00005132-00005309 this is a long time it was more than Ef9HaJjidQ0-00025-00005310-00005510 five years ago and so I started to just Ef9HaJjidQ0-00026-00005511-00005693 do that and then I focused on generating Ef9HaJjidQ0-00027-00005694-00005888 that cash flow generating that revenue Ef9HaJjidQ0-00028-00005889-00006050 learning the experiences and the lessons Ef9HaJjidQ0-00029-00006051-00006277 and then when I got to a point where I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00030-00006278-00006634 think I was at I was doing about about Ef9HaJjidQ0-00031-00006636-00006803 almost out of million dollars it was Ef9HaJjidQ0-00032-00006804-00006959 nine hundred thousand dollars and in the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00033-00006959-00007127 business that's when I started building Ef9HaJjidQ0-00034-00007128-00007328 a remote team so the remote team I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00035-00007329-00007448 started bring on people that had years Ef9HaJjidQ0-00036-00007448-00007639 of experience that would help me execute Ef9HaJjidQ0-00037-00007640-00007867 on certain points because at that point Ef9HaJjidQ0-00038-00007868-00007970 you know you got to question yourself Ef9HaJjidQ0-00039-00007970-00008141 like at a certain point when you want to Ef9HaJjidQ0-00040-00008142-00008345 grow your business we think that we can Ef9HaJjidQ0-00041-00008346-00008519 do it all but you know the biggest Ef9HaJjidQ0-00042-00008520-00008666 businesses in the world if you're trying Ef9HaJjidQ0-00043-00008667-00008789 to build it you can't build it on your Ef9HaJjidQ0-00044-00008790-00008981 own you need a team and the team is the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00045-00008982-00009139 most important thing you need them to be Ef9HaJjidQ0-00046-00009140-00009269 able to assist you on the path to Ef9HaJjidQ0-00047-00009270-00009512 building that business because you only Ef9HaJjidQ0-00048-00009513-00009794 had 24 hours a day right Jeff Bezos Bill Ef9HaJjidQ0-00049-00009795-00009971 Gates Warren Buffett they all 24 hours a Ef9HaJjidQ0-00050-00009972-00010196 day so how they grow in their business Ef9HaJjidQ0-00051-00010197-00010381 and even though they're super busy they Ef9HaJjidQ0-00052-00010382-00010534 delegate they have that people do Ef9HaJjidQ0-00053-00010535-00010748 specific things within the defined role Ef9HaJjidQ0-00054-00010749-00010901 so it really depends on your revenue Ef9HaJjidQ0-00055-00010902-00011108 your cash flow you have it the stage of Ef9HaJjidQ0-00056-00011109-00011164 your business Ef9HaJjidQ0-00057-00011165-00011387 where you want to get to I think when Ef9HaJjidQ0-00058-00011388-00011563 you're at the 500 thousand I made a Ef9HaJjidQ0-00059-00011564-00011734 mistake I should have hired earlier on Ef9HaJjidQ0-00060-00011735-00011984 like I would say a year or two years Ef9HaJjidQ0-00061-00011985-00012170 earlier on because I tried to do Ef9HaJjidQ0-00062-00012171-00012302 anything on my own because the money was Ef9HaJjidQ0-00063-00012303-00012496 coming in and whatnot but for me I would Ef9HaJjidQ0-00064-00012497-00012796 have hired build a team and focus on Ef9HaJjidQ0-00065-00012797-00012946 growing that because it would have been Ef9HaJjidQ0-00066-00012947-00013105 helped me grow even faster at certain Ef9HaJjidQ0-00067-00013106-00013277 point because don't try to do anything Ef9HaJjidQ0-00068-00013278-00013330 on you know Ef9HaJjidQ0-00069-00013331-00013466 you know especially at that point I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00070-00013466-00013606 think it's also time to revenue in your Ef9HaJjidQ0-00071-00013607-00013753 goals wall how big you want to build Ef9HaJjidQ0-00072-00013754-00013928 your business you wanna be able to have Ef9HaJjidQ0-00073-00013929-00014233 that team in place early on what was the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00074-00014234-00014633 second question so how do you find that Ef9HaJjidQ0-00075-00014634-00014800 continuous work for them is really it Ef9HaJjidQ0-00076-00014801-00014978 depends on your business right and if Ef9HaJjidQ0-00077-00014979-00015191 you have an e-commerce business there's Ef9HaJjidQ0-00078-00015191-00015341 definitely things that they need to do Ef9HaJjidQ0-00079-00015341-00015491 right you have marketing your sales you Ef9HaJjidQ0-00080-00015491-00015708 have customer service you have the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00081-00015709-00015911 operations of the business is usually Ef9HaJjidQ0-00082-00015912-00016136 only three core most important functions Ef9HaJjidQ0-00083-00016137-00016656 of a business marketing sales operations Ef9HaJjidQ0-00084-00016657-00016922 those are the three core fundamentals Ef9HaJjidQ0-00085-00016923-00017086 that you every business needs to have it Ef9HaJjidQ0-00086-00017087-00017249 as a matter of you're a huge company or Ef9HaJjidQ0-00087-00017250-00017450 you're a small one-person army you're Ef9HaJjidQ0-00088-00017451-00017627 usually revolving around those three Ef9HaJjidQ0-00089-00017628-00017830 areas in operations basically manes Ef9HaJjidQ0-00090-00017831-00018083 management or whatever so marketing Ef9HaJjidQ0-00091-00018084-00018347 sales operations / management you're Ef9HaJjidQ0-00092-00018348-00018524 flowing through between all three all Ef9HaJjidQ0-00093-00018525-00018725 the time back and forth so you need to Ef9HaJjidQ0-00094-00018726-00018908 bring on people that focus on developing Ef9HaJjidQ0-00095-00018909-00019075 those three things whether that's Ef9HaJjidQ0-00096-00019076-00019240 marketing it to attract people like Ef9HaJjidQ0-00097-00019241-00019417 digital marketing and sales to actually Ef9HaJjidQ0-00098-00019418-00019567 be able to generate that eat whether Ef9HaJjidQ0-00099-00019568-00019714 it's e-commerce your service business Ef9HaJjidQ0-00100-00019715-00019900 your SAS business doesn't matter an Ef9HaJjidQ0-00101-00019901-00020108 operation side you're building the team Ef9HaJjidQ0-00102-00020109-00020275 you're building the culture you're Ef9HaJjidQ0-00103-00020276-00020431 having these different operations on the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00104-00020432-00020627 financials is included in the operations Ef9HaJjidQ0-00105-00020628-00020821 side as well they're those things are Ef9HaJjidQ0-00106-00020822-00020989 super important so there's definitely a Ef9HaJjidQ0-00107-00020990-00021175 lot of areas in business businesses one Ef9HaJjidQ0-00108-00021176-00021334 of the most complex things that you can Ef9HaJjidQ0-00109-00021335-00021550 ever do in your life it's especially if Ef9HaJjidQ0-00110-00021551-00021671 you want to call a sport I would say Ef9HaJjidQ0-00111-00021672-00021861 it's the most complex sport so Ef9HaJjidQ0-00112-00021862-00022084 continuous work is not a problem Ef9HaJjidQ0-00113-00022085-00022396 it's finding the right people that can Ef9HaJjidQ0-00114-00022397-00022696 help you in those areas that fit with Ef9HaJjidQ0-00115-00022697-00022886 your core values that also are competent Ef9HaJjidQ0-00116-00022887-00023092 enough to be able to deliver because at Ef9HaJjidQ0-00117-00023093-00023203 certain points in the career when you Ef9HaJjidQ0-00118-00023204-00023353 bring on people it's not about having to Ef9HaJjidQ0-00119-00023354-00023471 continues work if they're doing the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00120-00023472-00023653 right work and at a certain point if Ef9HaJjidQ0-00121-00023654-00023821 you're evaluating them if they're doing Ef9HaJjidQ0-00122-00023822-00024002 the right thing within the defined role Ef9HaJjidQ0-00123-00024003-00024190 they're producing results for you right Ef9HaJjidQ0-00124-00024191-00024337 that's the most important thing at the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00125-00024338-00024475 same time are they enjoying the whole Ef9HaJjidQ0-00126-00024476-00024670 process so this is a lot of things I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00127-00024671-00024787 recommend watching the video that I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00128-00024788-00025039 recorded on building team and the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00129-00025040-00025165 building the culture when I have that Ef9HaJjidQ0-00130-00025166-00025456 video if I don't already so again thanks Ef9HaJjidQ0-00131-00025457-00025645 for asking the question I went longer Ef9HaJjidQ0-00132-00025646-00025906 than I expected but I wanted you to get Ef9HaJjidQ0-00133-00025907-00026268 a lot of value from it so Ef9HaJjidQ0-00134-00026269-00026439 how much money do you put aside before Ef9HaJjidQ0-00135-00026439-00026714 hiring your first employee alright so Ef9HaJjidQ0-00136-00026716-00026916 how much money you put aside from before Ef9HaJjidQ0-00137-00026917-00027132 you hire your person team member so Ef9HaJjidQ0-00138-00027133-00027216 that's another thing I don't like Ef9HaJjidQ0-00139-00027217-00027411 calling people employees i naming team Ef9HaJjidQ0-00140-00027412-00027525 members because they're working with you Ef9HaJjidQ0-00141-00027526-00027792 not working under you before you so the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00142-00027793-00027924 most important thing is you want to set Ef9HaJjidQ0-00143-00027925-00028047 aside I would say it depends on the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00144-00028048-00028208 position you're hiring for I would check Ef9HaJjidQ0-00145-00028210-00028433 market comparables and also at the same Ef9HaJjidQ0-00146-00028435-00028589 time you know again it depends on the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00147-00028591-00028733 role right someone that you pay and Ef9HaJjidQ0-00148-00028735-00028836 marketing is different for someone that Ef9HaJjidQ0-00149-00028837-00029088 you pay in in a financial specific Ef9HaJjidQ0-00150-00029089-00029358 position or they imagine level are they Ef9HaJjidQ0-00151-00029358-00029676 operations are they execution people are Ef9HaJjidQ0-00152-00029677-00029856 they marketing people what business are Ef9HaJjidQ0-00153-00029857-00030030 you in what stage you're in like if Ef9HaJjidQ0-00154-00030031-00030177 you're McDonald's and you're hiring Ef9HaJjidQ0-00155-00030177-00030414 someone to man the line for creating Ef9HaJjidQ0-00156-00030414-00030645 burgers and doing the tell you know at Ef9HaJjidQ0-00157-00030645-00030822 the front desk it's very different if Ef9HaJjidQ0-00158-00030823-00031017 you're let's say a consulting firm and Ef9HaJjidQ0-00159-00031018-00031149 you're bringing someone that's confident Ef9HaJjidQ0-00160-00031150-00031281 enough to speak with clients like a Ef9HaJjidQ0-00161-00031282-00031455 project manager or project coordinator Ef9HaJjidQ0-00162-00031456-00031677 or Account Executive or client success Ef9HaJjidQ0-00163-00031677-00031842 person it's very different depends on Ef9HaJjidQ0-00164-00031843-00032025 the role and then I would just do a Ef9HaJjidQ0-00165-00032026-00032199 Google search to find out you can find Ef9HaJjidQ0-00166-00032200-00032331 out a lot of people that are hiring on Ef9HaJjidQ0-00167-00032332-00032483 businesses and find out the prices I Ef9HaJjidQ0-00168-00032485-00032610 mean other prices but the actual Ef9HaJjidQ0-00169-00032611-00032850 salaries that the pain and what not and Ef9HaJjidQ0-00170-00032851-00033003 be able to find that benchmark and you Ef9HaJjidQ0-00171-00033004-00033111 got to see if they're a good fit as well Ef9HaJjidQ0-00172-00033112-00033270 so there's a lot of variables there but Ef9HaJjidQ0-00173-00033271-00033417 I hope it gives you that context to be Ef9HaJjidQ0-00174-00033418-00033612 able to you know a foundation for you to Ef9HaJjidQ0-00175-00033613-00033852 start for them so thanks again Tyler and Ef9HaJjidQ0-00176-00033853-00034005 or anybody that's done value for this Ef9HaJjidQ0-00177-00034006-00034131 video watching comment below what Ef9HaJjidQ0-00178-00034132-00034314 insights you got from this like this Ef9HaJjidQ0-00179-00034315-00034554 video subscribe and make sure you turn Ef9HaJjidQ0-00180-00034555-00034695 the bell notifications to get future Ef9HaJjidQ0-00181-00034696-00034881 notifications on these videos thanks for Ef9HaJjidQ0-00182-00034882-00034989 watching and I'll see you guys in the Ef9HaJjidQ0-00183-00034990-00035223 next one EhWDLRmZcMc-00000-00000020-00000430 [Music] EhWDLRmZcMc-00001-00000431-00000711 otan outreach and technical assistance EhWDLRmZcMc-00002-00000712-00001959 network EhWDLRmZcMc-00003-00001960-00002151 hello and welcome to this video about EhWDLRmZcMc-00004-00002152-00002423 the california el civics exchange and EhWDLRmZcMc-00005-00002424-00002599 how you can find instructional eel EhWDLRmZcMc-00006-00002600-00002958 civics materials for your classroom EhWDLRmZcMc-00007-00002959-00003191 first the el civics exchange website EhWDLRmZcMc-00008-00003192-00003754 address is elcivics.otan.us EhWDLRmZcMc-00009-00003755-00003979 e-l-c-i-v-i-c-s dot EhWDLRmZcMc-00010-00003979-00004375 o-t-a-n dot u-s EhWDLRmZcMc-00011-00004376-00004551 the part of the website that we will EhWDLRmZcMc-00012-00004552-00004806 review is publicly available to anyone EhWDLRmZcMc-00013-00004807-00004991 either in california or outside of EhWDLRmZcMc-00014-00004992-00005167 california EhWDLRmZcMc-00015-00005168-00005335 all of these materials are meant to be EhWDLRmZcMc-00016-00005336-00005486 available to those of you who are EhWDLRmZcMc-00017-00005487-00005806 working on el civics projects EhWDLRmZcMc-00018-00005807-00005951 let's walk through the features of the EhWDLRmZcMc-00019-00005952-00006215 el civics exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00020-00006216-00006431 we are looking at a laptop or desktop EhWDLRmZcMc-00021-00006431-00006623 view of the website EhWDLRmZcMc-00022-00006623-00006942 our site is also mobile responsive EhWDLRmZcMc-00023-00006943-00007127 if you switch over to your phone or EhWDLRmZcMc-00024-00007128-00007375 tablet you will get a slightly different EhWDLRmZcMc-00025-00007376-00007551 view of the exchange and the features EhWDLRmZcMc-00026-00007552-00007742 will appear in a different order than EhWDLRmZcMc-00027-00007743-00008014 they will on a laptop or desktop EhWDLRmZcMc-00028-00008015-00008231 however everything that we see here will EhWDLRmZcMc-00029-00008232-00008583 show up on your phone or tablet EhWDLRmZcMc-00030-00008584-00008783 the upper left hand corner you may EhWDLRmZcMc-00031-00008784-00009006 notice this little eye EhWDLRmZcMc-00032-00009007-00009159 click on the eye to turn on EhWDLRmZcMc-00033-00009160-00009351 accessibility features that you may want EhWDLRmZcMc-00034-00009352-00009583 to take advantage of EhWDLRmZcMc-00035-00009584-00009806 you can switch to grayscale color mode EhWDLRmZcMc-00036-00009807-00010046 make the font size larger highlight the EhWDLRmZcMc-00037-00010047-00010295 hyperlinks and more EhWDLRmZcMc-00038-00010296-00010495 you are toggling these features on and EhWDLRmZcMc-00039-00010496-00010846 off so for example if i select the large EhWDLRmZcMc-00040-00010847-00010999 font option EhWDLRmZcMc-00041-00011000-00011167 you should see everything get a little EhWDLRmZcMc-00042-00011168-00011503 bit bigger including the menu itself EhWDLRmZcMc-00043-00011504-00011774 select the normal font option EhWDLRmZcMc-00044-00011775-00011967 and it will return to the default font EhWDLRmZcMc-00045-00011968-00012142 size EhWDLRmZcMc-00046-00012143-00012678 click on the i again to close the menu EhWDLRmZcMc-00047-00012679-00012919 in the upper left hand corner EhWDLRmZcMc-00048-00012919-00013222 you will see the logo for the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00049-00013223-00013383 you can always click on the logo no EhWDLRmZcMc-00050-00013384-00013558 matter where you are in the exchange to EhWDLRmZcMc-00051-00013559-00013711 come back to the home page of the EhWDLRmZcMc-00052-00013712-00013838 website EhWDLRmZcMc-00053-00013840-00014207 the logo will appear on every screen EhWDLRmZcMc-00054-00014208-00014399 at the top of the page in the resources EhWDLRmZcMc-00055-00014400-00014503 section EhWDLRmZcMc-00056-00014504-00014655 we have included some additional EhWDLRmZcMc-00057-00014656-00014894 resources to orient you to california el EhWDLRmZcMc-00058-00014895-00015150 civics accessibility and creative EhWDLRmZcMc-00059-00015151-00015327 commons licensing which are all a part EhWDLRmZcMc-00060-00015328-00015527 of the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00061-00015528-00015671 visit this section of the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00062-00015672-00015871 periodically for other helpful materials EhWDLRmZcMc-00063-00015872-00016199 that become available in the future EhWDLRmZcMc-00064-00016200-00016391 click on the logo to return to the home EhWDLRmZcMc-00065-00016392-00016663 page EhWDLRmZcMc-00066-00016664-00016839 also at the top of the page you will see EhWDLRmZcMc-00067-00016840-00017199 a place to log into the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00068-00017200-00017430 this login feature will allow a user to EhWDLRmZcMc-00069-00017431-00017679 create an account on the website EhWDLRmZcMc-00070-00017680-00017855 the reason why you would log in is if EhWDLRmZcMc-00071-00017856-00018022 you want to submit materials from your EhWDLRmZcMc-00072-00018023-00018191 program EhWDLRmZcMc-00073-00018192-00018311 those steps are covered in the EhWDLRmZcMc-00074-00018312-00018503 guidelines for submission video in the EhWDLRmZcMc-00075-00018504-00018703 resources section EhWDLRmZcMc-00076-00018704-00018886 otherwise you do not need to log in to EhWDLRmZcMc-00077-00018887-00019047 come to the website and see what is EhWDLRmZcMc-00078-00019048-00019239 available EhWDLRmZcMc-00079-00019240-00019422 click on the logo again to return to the EhWDLRmZcMc-00080-00019423-00019750 home page EhWDLRmZcMc-00081-00019751-00019950 looking down the screen a little we have EhWDLRmZcMc-00082-00019951-00020599 an introduction to the exchange website EhWDLRmZcMc-00083-00020600-00020863 you can see what is available here and EhWDLRmZcMc-00084-00020864-00021111 also an explanation about licensing and EhWDLRmZcMc-00085-00021112-00021303 accessibility EhWDLRmZcMc-00086-00021304-00021583 below that you should see the blue begin EhWDLRmZcMc-00087-00021584-00021767 the instructional materials submission EhWDLRmZcMc-00088-00021768-00021967 process button EhWDLRmZcMc-00089-00021968-00022135 this is the place where you would start EhWDLRmZcMc-00090-00022136-00022319 in order to begin the submission of your EhWDLRmZcMc-00091-00022320-00022663 materials to the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00092-00022664-00022863 on the left hand side of the screen you EhWDLRmZcMc-00093-00022864-00023063 will see this menu for instructional EhWDLRmZcMc-00094-00023064-00023255 materials EhWDLRmZcMc-00095-00023256-00023439 these instructional materials follow the EhWDLRmZcMc-00096-00023440-00023671 organization of the competency areas for EhWDLRmZcMc-00097-00023672-00023911 california eel EhWDLRmZcMc-00098-00023912-00023975 casas civics EhWDLRmZcMc-00099-00023976-00024167 otan have organized everything on the EhWDLRmZcMc-00100-00024168-00024358 exchange according to how agencies in EhWDLRmZcMc-00101-00024359-00024711 california participate in el civics EhWDLRmZcMc-00102-00024712-00024871 el civics is different in different EhWDLRmZcMc-00103-00024872-00025014 states but this may look somewhat EhWDLRmZcMc-00104-00025015-00025214 familiar to you if you are from a state EhWDLRmZcMc-00105-00025215-00025527 outside of california EhWDLRmZcMc-00106-00025528-00025670 when you scroll down the page in the EhWDLRmZcMc-00107-00025672-00025831 middle you will see the instructional EhWDLRmZcMc-00108-00025832-00026039 materials again in a slightly different EhWDLRmZcMc-00109-00026039-00026407 view EhWDLRmZcMc-00110-00026408-00026590 we have these tiles here also with the EhWDLRmZcMc-00111-00026591-00026855 names of the competency areas and then a EhWDLRmZcMc-00112-00026856-00027031 little bit more information about how EhWDLRmZcMc-00113-00027032-00027287 many materials you would find in in any EhWDLRmZcMc-00114-00027288-00027623 one of these areas EhWDLRmZcMc-00115-00027624-00027814 on the left hand side of the screen EhWDLRmZcMc-00116-00027816-00028014 you can see a number of different ways EhWDLRmZcMc-00117-00028016-00028287 to search for materials EhWDLRmZcMc-00118-00028288-00028446 again remember that everything is EhWDLRmZcMc-00119-00028447-00028639 organized according to how agencies EhWDLRmZcMc-00120-00028639-00029023 participate in el civics in california EhWDLRmZcMc-00121-00029024-00029231 you can type in a civic objective or EhWDLRmZcMc-00122-00029232-00029399 co-op number EhWDLRmZcMc-00123-00029400-00029631 you can also search by keyword such as EhWDLRmZcMc-00124-00029632-00029974 employment doctor or school EhWDLRmZcMc-00125-00029975-00030214 if you scroll down a little bit more you EhWDLRmZcMc-00126-00030216-00030383 can search by level EhWDLRmZcMc-00127-00030383-00030551 and you can also check a number of EhWDLRmZcMc-00128-00030552-00030767 different levels EhWDLRmZcMc-00129-00030768-00030958 let's say back at your agency you have a EhWDLRmZcMc-00130-00030960-00031231 beginning level esl class so you might EhWDLRmZcMc-00131-00031232-00031414 be interested to see what is available EhWDLRmZcMc-00132-00031416-00031623 at both the beginning low and beginning EhWDLRmZcMc-00133-00031624-00031774 high levels EhWDLRmZcMc-00134-00031775-00032151 you can check both of these boxes EhWDLRmZcMc-00135-00032152-00032311 once you fill in the parameters you are EhWDLRmZcMc-00136-00032312-00032439 searching by EhWDLRmZcMc-00137-00032439-00032614 go ahead and click the blue search EhWDLRmZcMc-00138-00032616-00032799 button near the bottom EhWDLRmZcMc-00139-00032800-00032967 and then hopefully that should bring up EhWDLRmZcMc-00140-00032968-00033135 a wealth of materials that you can look EhWDLRmZcMc-00141-00033136-00033287 at EhWDLRmZcMc-00142-00033288-00033423 you can clear all of your search EhWDLRmZcMc-00143-00033424-00033639 components by clicking this red clear EhWDLRmZcMc-00144-00033640-00034079 all button at the bottom EhWDLRmZcMc-00145-00034080-00034287 at the very bottom EhWDLRmZcMc-00146-00034288-00034559 there is a green button that says EhWDLRmZcMc-00147-00034560-00034767 feedback EhWDLRmZcMc-00148-00034768-00034959 if you come to any place on the website EhWDLRmZcMc-00149-00034960-00035151 and you want to offer some feedback or EhWDLRmZcMc-00150-00035152-00035311 something does not look quite right or EhWDLRmZcMc-00151-00035312-00035487 something is misspelled or not working EhWDLRmZcMc-00152-00035488-00035599 correctly EhWDLRmZcMc-00153-00035600-00035767 you can always click on that feedback EhWDLRmZcMc-00154-00035768-00035927 button EhWDLRmZcMc-00155-00035928-00036135 it will open up a form EhWDLRmZcMc-00156-00036136-00036311 fill out that form and that form will EhWDLRmZcMc-00157-00036312-00036655 come to the casas and otn we will make EhWDLRmZcMc-00158-00036656-00036823 sure to respond to that feedback as EhWDLRmZcMc-00159-00036824-00037102 quickly as we can EhWDLRmZcMc-00160-00037103-00037311 click on the logo to return to the home EhWDLRmZcMc-00161-00037312-00037567 page EhWDLRmZcMc-00162-00037568-00037767 we hope that this video has oriented you EhWDLRmZcMc-00163-00037768-00038071 to the california el civics exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00164-00038072-00038246 if you have any questions or need more EhWDLRmZcMc-00165-00038247-00038462 information please complete the feedback EhWDLRmZcMc-00166-00038463-00038751 form and we will be in touch EhWDLRmZcMc-00167-00038752-00038974 thanks for watching and enjoy exploring EhWDLRmZcMc-00168-00038975-00040135 the exchange EhWDLRmZcMc-00169-00040136-00040344 you EkmVptPVIyy-00000-00000003-00000371 in mathematics the Babis kolaks Milgram EkmVptPVIyy-00001-00000372-00000578 theorem is a generalization of the EkmVptPVIyy-00002-00000579-00000808 famous lacs Milgram theorem which gives EkmVptPVIyy-00003-00000809-00001028 conditions under which a bilinear form EkmVptPVIyy-00004-00001029-00001349 can be inverted to show the existence EkmVptPVIyy-00005-00001350-00001598 and uniqueness of a weak solution to a EkmVptPVIyy-00006-00001599-00001898 given boundary value problem the result EkmVptPVIyy-00007-00001898-00002167 is named after the mathematicians Evo EkmVptPVIyy-00008-00002168-00002923 babushka Peter Lacs and Arthur Milgram EkmVptPVIyy-00009-00002924-00003551 topic background in the modern EkmVptPVIyy-00010-00003552-00003761 functional analytic approach to the EkmVptPVIyy-00011-00003761-00003988 study of partial differential equations EkmVptPVIyy-00012-00003989-00004172 one does not attempt to solve a given EkmVptPVIyy-00013-00004173-00004397 partial differential equation directly EkmVptPVIyy-00014-00004398-00004670 but by using the structure of the vector EkmVptPVIyy-00015-00004671-00004954 space of possible solutions eg a Sobel EkmVptPVIyy-00016-00004955-00005345 if space week P abstractly consider two EkmVptPVIyy-00017-00005346-00005588 real normed spaces U and V with their EkmVptPVIyy-00018-00005589-00005813 continuous dual spaces U and V EkmVptPVIyy-00019-00005814-00006193 respectively in many applications U is EkmVptPVIyy-00020-00006194-00006421 the space of possible solutions given EkmVptPVIyy-00021-00006422-00006623 some partial differential operator EkmVptPVIyy-00022-00006623-00006905 lambda u V and a specified element F EkmVptPVIyy-00023-00006906-00007163 element of V the objective is to find a EkmVptPVIyy-00024-00007164-00007828 u element of u such that lambda u equals EkmVptPVIyy-00025-00007829-00008401 F display style lambda u equals f EkmVptPVIyy-00026-00008402-00008692 however in the weak formulation this EkmVptPVIyy-00027-00008693-00008931 equation is only required to hold when EkmVptPVIyy-00028-00008932-00009245 tested against all other possible EkmVptPVIyy-00029-00009246-00009548 elements of V this testing is EkmVptPVIyy-00030-00009549-00009742 accomplished by means of a bilinear EkmVptPVIyy-00031-00009743-00010060 function B u times V R which encodes the EkmVptPVIyy-00032-00010061-00010285 differential operator lambda a weak EkmVptPVIyy-00033-00010286-00010520 solution to the problem is to find a u EkmVptPVIyy-00034-00010521-00011631 element of u such that B u V equals if V EkmVptPVIyy-00035-00011632-00012496 for all V element of V displaced I'll be EkmVptPVIyy-00036-00012497-00012894 v equals Langille FV Wrangell m box for EkmVptPVIyy-00037-00012896-00013294 all V in V the achievement of lakhs and EkmVptPVIyy-00038-00013294-00013566 Milgram in their 1954 result was to EkmVptPVIyy-00039-00013568-00013797 specify sufficient conditions for this EkmVptPVIyy-00040-00013799-00013996 weak formulation to have a unique EkmVptPVIyy-00041-00013997-00014251 solution that depends continuously upon EkmVptPVIyy-00042-00014252-00014503 the specified data MEF element of V it EkmVptPVIyy-00043-00014504-00014758 suffices that u equals V is a hilbert EkmVptPVIyy-00044-00014759-00015052 space that b is continuous and that b is EkmVptPVIyy-00045-00015053-00016050 strongly coercive IE b you you see you EkmVptPVIyy-00046-00016051-00016678 to display style B you you geq see you EkmVptPVIyy-00047-00016679-00017074 carrot to for some constant C greater EkmVptPVIyy-00048-00017075-00017386 than 0 in all u element of you for EkmVptPVIyy-00049-00017387-00017611 example in the solution of the Poisson EkmVptPVIyy-00050-00017612-00017844 equation on a bounded open domain Omega EkmVptPVIyy-00051-00017845-00018265 RN minus Delta u X equals F X X element EkmVptPVIyy-00052-00018266-00018646 of Omega u x equals 0 X element of Omega EkmVptPVIyy-00053-00018647-00018967 display style begin cases Delta u X EkmVptPVIyy-00054-00018968-00019408 equals F X and X in Omega u x equals 0 EkmVptPVIyy-00055-00019409-00019732 and x in partial omega end cases the EkmVptPVIyy-00056-00019733-00019960 space you could be taken to be the Sobel EkmVptPVIyy-00057-00019961-00020305 of space h o1 omega with dual h minus 1 EkmVptPVIyy-00058-00020306-00020605 omega the former is a subspace of the LP EkmVptPVIyy-00059-00020606-00020925 space v equals l to omega the bilinear EkmVptPVIyy-00060-00020926-00021219 form be associated to minus delta is the EkmVptPVIyy-00061-00021220-00021433 L 2 Omega inner product of the EkmVptPVIyy-00062-00021434-00021919 derivatives be u V equals Omega u XV xdx EkmVptPVIyy-00063-00021920-00022240 display style be u v equals int EkmVptPVIyy-00064-00022241-00022660 underscore omega nabla u XC do t nabla v EkmVptPVIyy-00065-00022661-00022980 x mathram DX EkmVptPVIyy-00066-00022981-00023242 hence the weak formulation of the EkmVptPVIyy-00067-00023243-00023494 Poisson equation given if element of L EkmVptPVIyy-00068-00023495-00023991 to Omega is to find u F such that Omega EkmVptPVIyy-00069-00023992-00025542 u F X V X D X equals Omega F EkmVptPVIyy-00070-00025543-00027257 X V X D X for all V element of H 0 1 EkmVptPVIyy-00071-00027258-00027717 Omega display style in underscore Omega EkmVptPVIyy-00072-00027718-00028161 nabla you underscore FX c do t nabla V X EkmVptPVIyy-00073-00028162-00028565 mathram DX equals in underscore Omega F EkmVptPVIyy-00074-00028566-00029027 X VX mathram DX M box for all V in H EkmVptPVIyy-00075-00029028-00029907 underscore 0 carrot 1 Omega topic EkmVptPVIyy-00076-00029908-00030633 statement of the theorem in 1971 Bob EkmVptPVIyy-00077-00030633-00030796 Oscar provided the following EkmVptPVIyy-00078-00030797-00031011 generalization of lakhs and Milgram's EkmVptPVIyy-00079-00031012-00031202 earlier result which begins by EkmVptPVIyy-00080-00031203-00031404 dispensing with the requirement that U EkmVptPVIyy-00081-00031405-00031793 and V be the same space let u & v be two EkmVptPVIyy-00082-00031794-00032114 real Hilbert spaces and let be u times V EkmVptPVIyy-00083-00032116-00032389 R be a continuous by linear functional EkmVptPVIyy-00084-00032391-00032714 suppose also that B is weakly coercive EkmVptPVIyy-00085-00032716-00032970 for some constant C greater than 0 and EkmVptPVIyy-00086-00032971-00034055 all you element of U sub V equals 1 b u EkmVptPVIyy-00087-00034056-00034842 v c you display style sup underscore v EkmVptPVIyy-00088-00034843-00035477 equals 1 b u v GE QC u and for all 0 EkmVptPVIyy-00089-00035478-00036046 does not equal the element of V sub u EkmVptPVIyy-00090-00036047-00037196 equals 1 B u V greater than 0 EkmVptPVIyy-00091-00037197-00037568 display style sub underscore u equals 1 EkmVptPVIyy-00092-00037569-00038052 B u V greater than 0 then for all F EkmVptPVIyy-00093-00038053-00038271 element of V there exists a unique EkmVptPVIyy-00094-00038272-00038568 solution u equals u F element of U to EkmVptPVIyy-00095-00038569-00038923 the week problem be EkmVptPVIyy-00096-00038924-00040240 you if V equals if V for all V element EkmVptPVIyy-00097-00040241-00040807 of V displaced I'll be u underscore F V EkmVptPVIyy-00098-00040808-00041200 equals Langille FV rangle mbox for all V EkmVptPVIyy-00099-00041201-00041602 in V moreover the solution depends EkmVptPVIyy-00100-00041603-00042135 continuously on the given datum you if EkmVptPVIyy-00101-00042136-00042850 one see if display style you underscore EkmVptPVIyy-00102-00042851-00043750 F le cube frac one see if topic EkmVptPVIyy-00103-00043751-00044608 see also lions Lacs Milgram theorem F02jL68bz8k-00000-00000296-00000407 hello everybody F02jL68bz8k-00001-00000408-00000582 my name is matt abbott i'm the new F02jL68bz8k-00002-00000583-00000782 development manager at write out loud F02jL68bz8k-00003-00000783-00000935 and we're launching this fundraising F02jL68bz8k-00004-00000936-00001143 campaign to help us to shape the new era F02jL68bz8k-00005-00001144-00001295 for write out loud F02jL68bz8k-00006-00001296-00001495 and thanks to one community and their F02jL68bz8k-00007-00001496-00001695 match match-up fund every pound up to 10 F02jL68bz8k-00008-00001696-00001823 grand will be doubled F02jL68bz8k-00009-00001823-00002030 so if we reach our 10 grand target we'll F02jL68bz8k-00010-00002032-00002215 have 20 grand in the new year F02jL68bz8k-00011-00002216-00002415 um the main thing we want to do is have F02jL68bz8k-00012-00002416-00002607 a core team of four part-time staff F02jL68bz8k-00013-00002608-00002679 members F02jL68bz8k-00014-00002680-00002942 who'll help us to put on more events and F02jL68bz8k-00015-00002943-00003158 more workshops viva online or F02jL68bz8k-00016-00003159-00003479 physical and create more content um F02jL68bz8k-00017-00003479-00003654 submit more funding applications and F02jL68bz8k-00018-00003655-00003838 basically expand what write out loud F02jL68bz8k-00019-00003839-00003927 already is F02jL68bz8k-00020-00003928-00004175 uh we want to support the post-covered F02jL68bz8k-00021-00004176-00004422 poetry community in kirkleese around the F02jL68bz8k-00022-00004423-00004479 uk F02jL68bz8k-00023-00004480-00004663 and further afield and your support can F02jL68bz8k-00024-00004664-00004886 help us to do that so please F02jL68bz8k-00025-00004887-00005151 pledge whatever you can afford to and F02jL68bz8k-00026-00005152-00005318 hopefully fingers crossed in the new F02jL68bz8k-00027-00005319-00005470 year will have 20 grand and that will F02jL68bz8k-00028-00005471-00005638 help to shape the new era F02jL68bz8k-00029-00005639-00005831 for right out loud we're nothing without F02jL68bz8k-00030-00005832-00005975 our users so F02jL68bz8k-00031-00005976-00006175 your support would mean the world please F02jL68bz8k-00032-00006176-00006318 get involved if you can do if you can't F02jL68bz8k-00033-00006319-00006446 afford to donate F02jL68bz8k-00034-00006447-00006695 please just share this page and i really F02jL68bz8k-00035-00006695-00006823 look forward to seeing what we can do F02jL68bz8k-00036-00006823-00006998 with write out loud over the next couple F02jL68bz8k-00037-00007000-00007095 of years F02jL68bz8k-00038-00007095-00007384 cheers F1uVIzhfj8I-00000-00000215-00000438 hello and welcome to my talk about the F1uVIzhfj8I-00001-00000440-00000607 crash reporting service used in F1uVIzhfj8I-00002-00000608-00000774 libreoffice F1uVIzhfj8I-00003-00000775-00001111 it is a pretty short talk it's uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00004-00001112-00001407 i try to stay pretty much on the F1uVIzhfj8I-00005-00001408-00001726 top level side of things and F1uVIzhfj8I-00006-00001727-00002023 the talk is structured like you see here F1uVIzhfj8I-00007-00002023-00002263 just short introduction as always F1uVIzhfj8I-00008-00002264-00002550 then from the most high level view into F1uVIzhfj8I-00009-00002551-00002887 a little bit more detail about how qa F1uVIzhfj8I-00010-00002888-00003118 can help with the whole F1uVIzhfj8I-00011-00003119-00003263 process and F1uVIzhfj8I-00012-00003264-00003503 showing some limitations and problems F1uVIzhfj8I-00013-00003504-00003686 that the current setup has F1uVIzhfj8I-00014-00003688-00003951 and then it's already time for credits F1uVIzhfj8I-00015-00003952-00004167 and things of prior work F1uVIzhfj8I-00016-00004168-00004470 and question time F1uVIzhfj8I-00017-00004471-00004783 so let's dive in with who i am F1uVIzhfj8I-00018-00004784-00005038 i'm christian lumayer i'm mostly known F1uVIzhfj8I-00019-00005039-00005238 by my nick that i use everywhere which F1uVIzhfj8I-00020-00005239-00005351 is clove F1uVIzhfj8I-00021-00005352-00005535 i work as a release engineer and F1uVIzhfj8I-00022-00005536-00005767 infrastructure administrator for the F1uVIzhfj8I-00023-00005768-00005943 document foundation F1uVIzhfj8I-00024-00005944-00006318 and have been with the project since its F1uVIzhfj8I-00025-00006319-00006567 creation and before that i was active in F1uVIzhfj8I-00026-00006568-00006806 the open office arc project so i have F1uVIzhfj8I-00027-00006808-00007159 been around long time and always on the F1uVIzhfj8I-00028-00007159-00007278 side or F1uVIzhfj8I-00029-00007279-00007551 or billboard side of things F1uVIzhfj8I-00030-00007552-00007887 i hang out on irc also with the nick F1uVIzhfj8I-00031-00007888-00007983 cloth F1uVIzhfj8I-00032-00007984-00008095 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00033-00008095-00008310 you see my email here clove at document F1uVIzhfj8I-00034-00008311-00008631 foundation arc is another way to contact F1uVIzhfj8I-00035-00008632-00008878 me F1uVIzhfj8I-00036-00008879-00009159 so to the actual uh topic of the talk F1uVIzhfj8I-00037-00009160-00009239 the F1uVIzhfj8I-00038-00009240-00009542 the libra office crash reporting service F1uVIzhfj8I-00039-00009543-00009646 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00040-00009647-00009903 on the high level it's just F1uVIzhfj8I-00041-00009904-00010087 the the first question that comes up is F1uVIzhfj8I-00042-00010088-00010278 why use a crash reporting service we F1uVIzhfj8I-00043-00010279-00010359 have F1uVIzhfj8I-00044-00010360-00010646 a framework of so many automated tests F1uVIzhfj8I-00045-00010647-00010823 already and for example we are using a F1uVIzhfj8I-00046-00010824-00011031 garrett for F1uVIzhfj8I-00047-00011032-00011127 for the F1uVIzhfj8I-00048-00011128-00011367 review process of patches F1uVIzhfj8I-00049-00011368-00011591 and each patch that is submitted to our F1uVIzhfj8I-00050-00011592-00011719 garrett system F1uVIzhfj8I-00051-00011720-00011838 is F1uVIzhfj8I-00052-00011839-00012151 tested on all platforms and F1uVIzhfj8I-00053-00012152-00012446 basically all our built-in F1uVIzhfj8I-00054-00012447-00012695 checks are run on each test F1uVIzhfj8I-00055-00012696-00012935 by running the build time tests in F1uVIzhfj8I-00056-00012936-00013366 addition to those tests that we have F1uVIzhfj8I-00057-00013368-00013591 we are using different static analysis F1uVIzhfj8I-00058-00013591-00013711 tools F1uVIzhfj8I-00059-00013712-00013886 like for example the one provided by F1uVIzhfj8I-00060-00013887-00014022 coverity F1uVIzhfj8I-00061-00014023-00014294 and others like for example the fussing F1uVIzhfj8I-00062-00014295-00014519 tools by google F1uVIzhfj8I-00063-00014519-00014735 and those already catch many problems we F1uVIzhfj8I-00064-00014736-00014983 have in our code without actually F1uVIzhfj8I-00065-00014984-00015175 hitting the end user F1uVIzhfj8I-00066-00015176-00015511 and we have also a pretty extensive set F1uVIzhfj8I-00067-00015512-00015815 of documents that we F1uVIzhfj8I-00068-00015816-00016071 run our import and export and reimport F1uVIzhfj8I-00069-00016072-00016294 basically round-trip tests on that F1uVIzhfj8I-00070-00016295-00016439 should F1uVIzhfj8I-00071-00016440-00016679 cover most of the F1uVIzhfj8I-00072-00016680-00016879 the problems with our import and export F1uVIzhfj8I-00073-00016880-00017111 filters and crashes F1uVIzhfj8I-00074-00017112-00017422 but of course even with all the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00075-00017423-00017591 systems we have in place we cannot F1uVIzhfj8I-00076-00017592-00017807 prevent a bugs from happening and F1uVIzhfj8I-00077-00017808-00018047 especially cannot cover all hardware F1uVIzhfj8I-00078-00018048-00018199 combinations and F1uVIzhfj8I-00079-00018200-00018479 certainly don't have the workflow of F1uVIzhfj8I-00080-00018480-00018758 each user covered for example different F1uVIzhfj8I-00081-00018759-00018903 order of operations can lead to F1uVIzhfj8I-00082-00018904-00019135 different results and that's why it's F1uVIzhfj8I-00083-00019136-00019335 important to have an F1uVIzhfj8I-00084-00019336-00019519 additional source of information F1uVIzhfj8I-00085-00019520-00019630 especially F1uVIzhfj8I-00086-00019631-00019758 for uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00087-00019759-00020071 disruptive bug like a like a crash that F1uVIzhfj8I-00088-00020072-00020463 could potentially lead to data loss F1uVIzhfj8I-00089-00020464-00020614 so uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00090-00020615-00020791 that's also the way F1uVIzhfj8I-00091-00020792-00021014 what we are using to build our crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00092-00021015-00021230 reporting service is basically google F1uVIzhfj8I-00093-00021231-00021486 pickpad everything hinges around the F1uVIzhfj8I-00094-00021487-00021758 google breakpad project F1uVIzhfj8I-00095-00021759-00022047 and this is the component that creates F1uVIzhfj8I-00096-00022048-00022311 the mint dump when libreoffice crashes F1uVIzhfj8I-00097-00022312-00022543 and is also used to basically unwind F1uVIzhfj8I-00098-00022544-00022799 that information back at the the server F1uVIzhfj8I-00099-00022800-00022991 level F1uVIzhfj8I-00100-00022992-00023239 and the benefit of using a tool like F1uVIzhfj8I-00101-00023240-00023550 brake pad it's that is that it allows F1uVIzhfj8I-00102-00023551-00023630 for F1uVIzhfj8I-00103-00023631-00023855 decoupling the debug information from F1uVIzhfj8I-00104-00023856-00024142 the application that you ship F1uVIzhfj8I-00105-00024143-00024247 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00106-00024248-00024439 and of course we also need a server to F1uVIzhfj8I-00107-00024440-00024686 collect the reports and for that we have F1uVIzhfj8I-00108-00024687-00024983 a small jungle web application F1uVIzhfj8I-00109-00024984-00025278 that collects the reports that are F1uVIzhfj8I-00110-00025279-00025614 coming in and also is used to basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00111-00025616-00025774 map the F1uVIzhfj8I-00112-00025775-00025974 the strip down information that is F1uVIzhfj8I-00113-00025975-00026143 created on the client side on the end F1uVIzhfj8I-00114-00026144-00026383 user side against the full set of F1uVIzhfj8I-00115-00026383-00026574 debugging symbols we keep on our server F1uVIzhfj8I-00116-00026575-00026687 so that F1uVIzhfj8I-00117-00026688-00026918 we have working F1uVIzhfj8I-00118-00026919-00027079 back traces and F1uVIzhfj8I-00119-00027080-00027255 basically pointers to the actual source F1uVIzhfj8I-00120-00027256-00027607 code after everything is processed F1uVIzhfj8I-00121-00027608-00027855 and we also have some integration F1uVIzhfj8I-00122-00027856-00028007 between the crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00123-00028008-00028270 reporting side and our baczilla F1uVIzhfj8I-00124-00028272-00028431 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00125-00028432-00028567 both F1uVIzhfj8I-00126-00028568-00028774 both the systems can cross-link to each F1uVIzhfj8I-00127-00028775-00029095 other and have pointers to the F1uVIzhfj8I-00128-00029095-00029327 to the to each other for further F1uVIzhfj8I-00129-00029327-00029527 information to provide steps to F1uVIzhfj8I-00130-00029527-00029727 reproduce to F1uVIzhfj8I-00131-00029727-00029958 hopefully attach sample documents if F1uVIzhfj8I-00132-00029960-00030231 those are necessary and yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00133-00030232-00030518 this is a big help in the process as i F1uVIzhfj8I-00134-00030519-00031014 will go to in a later stage in this talk F1uVIzhfj8I-00135-00031016-00031287 so if going a little bit further into F1uVIzhfj8I-00136-00031288-00031758 detail what is involved in F1uVIzhfj8I-00137-00031760-00032414 going a bit F1uVIzhfj8I-00138-00032416-00032614 a little bit more in detail oh that's F1uVIzhfj8I-00139-00032616-00032815 embarrassing the whole system F1uVIzhfj8I-00140-00032816-00033062 let's dive in what is actually involved F1uVIzhfj8I-00141-00033063-00033287 in providing a build so it can be F1uVIzhfj8I-00142-00033288-00033511 used as a tool for collecting crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00143-00033512-00033639 reports so F1uVIzhfj8I-00144-00033640-00033855 of course the first step is to create a F1uVIzhfj8I-00145-00033856-00034135 build that has the debugging information F1uVIzhfj8I-00146-00034136-00034367 in the first place so if you don't have F1uVIzhfj8I-00147-00034368-00034574 debugging symbols even if you have a F1uVIzhfj8I-00148-00034575-00034711 mini dump F1uVIzhfj8I-00149-00034712-00034911 it's more or less useless because F1uVIzhfj8I-00150-00034912-00035118 yeah yeah human brains cannot work with F1uVIzhfj8I-00151-00035119-00035351 pointers and there needs to be a way to F1uVIzhfj8I-00152-00035352-00035646 to unmangle this and F1uVIzhfj8I-00153-00035647-00035846 track it back to actual code functions F1uVIzhfj8I-00154-00035847-00035990 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00155-00035991-00036311 files and lines in those files for for F1uVIzhfj8I-00156-00036312-00036518 to be useful F1uVIzhfj8I-00157-00036519-00036679 so after the build is done with the F1uVIzhfj8I-00158-00036680-00036918 debug symbols the brake pads dump F1uVIzhfj8I-00159-00036919-00037246 symbols tools uh extracts them F1uVIzhfj8I-00160-00037247-00037399 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00161-00037400-00037623 basically converts them into a format F1uVIzhfj8I-00162-00037624-00037862 that is comment across the platforms and F1uVIzhfj8I-00163-00037863-00038311 this then is uploaded to the server and F1uVIzhfj8I-00164-00038312-00038502 allows the server to F1uVIzhfj8I-00165-00038503-00038767 to to unwind the F1uVIzhfj8I-00166-00038768-00038990 decimals back to their F1uVIzhfj8I-00167-00038991-00039215 human readable form basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00168-00039216-00039287 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00169-00039288-00039511 the debugging symbols are stripped from F1uVIzhfj8I-00170-00039512-00039695 the libra office that is shipped to the F1uVIzhfj8I-00171-00039696-00039807 end user F1uVIzhfj8I-00172-00039808-00040183 so it can be a relatively lean and F1uVIzhfj8I-00173-00040184-00040359 doesn't have to be bloated just because F1uVIzhfj8I-00174-00040360-00040607 of the debugging symbols F1uVIzhfj8I-00175-00040608-00040846 of course libreoffice is still a rather F1uVIzhfj8I-00176-00040847-00041174 large package but if it were F1uVIzhfj8I-00177-00041175-00041335 shipped with debugging services would be F1uVIzhfj8I-00178-00041336-00041623 multiple gigabytes in size F1uVIzhfj8I-00179-00041624-00041735 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00180-00041736-00042055 of course once libreoffice crashes F1uVIzhfj8I-00181-00042056-00042335 the brake pad tool creates a F1uVIzhfj8I-00182-00042336-00042599 basically a snapshot if you want F1uVIzhfj8I-00183-00042600-00042855 of this date that is F1uVIzhfj8I-00184-00042856-00043079 run currently and F1uVIzhfj8I-00185-00043080-00043295 we don't want anything that could F1uVIzhfj8I-00186-00043296-00043583 interrupt the current creation of this F1uVIzhfj8I-00187-00043584-00043695 state so F1uVIzhfj8I-00188-00043696-00043815 that's why F1uVIzhfj8I-00189-00043816-00044015 we don't try to do anything else but F1uVIzhfj8I-00190-00044016-00044255 just to create this mini dump so F1uVIzhfj8I-00191-00044256-00044343 the F1uVIzhfj8I-00192-00044344-00044574 interaction with the user whether to F1uVIzhfj8I-00193-00044575-00044799 report the crash or not F1uVIzhfj8I-00194-00044800-00045039 is all deferred to the next launch F1uVIzhfj8I-00195-00045040-00045262 in order to just not mess with the with F1uVIzhfj8I-00196-00045263-00045351 the F1uVIzhfj8I-00197-00045352-00045543 with the state of libreoffice after it F1uVIzhfj8I-00198-00045544-00045743 crashed F1uVIzhfj8I-00199-00045744-00045990 and so the the prompt that the user gets F1uVIzhfj8I-00200-00045991-00046174 looks like this and so basically a F1uVIzhfj8I-00201-00046175-00046439 simple confirmation dialogue F1uVIzhfj8I-00202-00046440-00046646 that for each crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00203-00046647-00046839 asks basically whether you really want F1uVIzhfj8I-00204-00046840-00047111 to send this information F1uVIzhfj8I-00205-00047112-00047351 and you can disable the reporting F1uVIzhfj8I-00206-00047352-00047543 globally in the options F1uVIzhfj8I-00207-00047544-00047718 then it will never ask and will never F1uVIzhfj8I-00208-00047719-00047958 send a report but if you have enabled F1uVIzhfj8I-00209-00047959-00048055 the F1uVIzhfj8I-00210-00048056-00048286 crash reporting in the options you will F1uVIzhfj8I-00211-00048287-00048518 still have the option to not send any F1uVIzhfj8I-00212-00048519-00048862 report on each occasion F1uVIzhfj8I-00213-00048863-00049127 and the dialog also has the option to F1uVIzhfj8I-00214-00049128-00049327 start libreoffice in safe mode in case F1uVIzhfj8I-00215-00049328-00049471 it's a problem that F1uVIzhfj8I-00216-00049472-00049790 is not tied to any actions but happens F1uVIzhfj8I-00217-00049791-00049951 every time you launch libreoffice so F1uVIzhfj8I-00218-00049952-00050111 it's another F1uVIzhfj8I-00219-00050112-00050439 feature that we have in here F1uVIzhfj8I-00220-00050440-00050735 and so the user then agrees to send the F1uVIzhfj8I-00221-00050736-00050935 report and F1uVIzhfj8I-00222-00050936-00051183 libreoffice sends the relatively small F1uVIzhfj8I-00223-00051184-00051390 minidum file it was created to the F1uVIzhfj8I-00224-00051391-00051511 server F1uVIzhfj8I-00225-00051512-00051766 and the server encodes cheats a little F1uVIzhfj8I-00226-00051767-00051999 bit by not processing it immediately but F1uVIzhfj8I-00227-00052000-00052190 just assigning an F1uVIzhfj8I-00228-00052191-00052414 a unique id to the crash report and F1uVIzhfj8I-00229-00052415-00052775 reports that back to libreoffice F1uVIzhfj8I-00230-00052776-00053094 and the user can use that link to go to F1uVIzhfj8I-00231-00053095-00053254 the crash report site F1uVIzhfj8I-00232-00053255-00053454 and from there it has uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00233-00053455-00053607 he usually them F1uVIzhfj8I-00234-00053608-00053759 have the option to F1uVIzhfj8I-00235-00053760-00053982 to create a bug report providing more F1uVIzhfj8I-00236-00053983-00054287 information about the crash itself F1uVIzhfj8I-00237-00054288-00054447 and hopefully all F1uVIzhfj8I-00238-00054448-00054663 reporters actually do this because this F1uVIzhfj8I-00239-00054664-00054919 having a having steps to reproduce a F1uVIzhfj8I-00240-00054920-00055159 problem is basically the F1uVIzhfj8I-00241-00055160-00055230 the F1uVIzhfj8I-00242-00055232-00055519 the most important thing that helps qa F1uVIzhfj8I-00243-00055520-00055766 in in processing and and judging the F1uVIzhfj8I-00244-00055767-00056166 importance of such a crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00245-00056167-00056342 and if you using F1uVIzhfj8I-00246-00056344-00056519 if you're using the functionality to F1uVIzhfj8I-00247-00056520-00056750 create a bug report we make sure to F1uVIzhfj8I-00248-00056751-00056950 automatically include the necessary F1uVIzhfj8I-00249-00056951-00057126 information so that F1uVIzhfj8I-00250-00057127-00057342 both the crash report inside can add a F1uVIzhfj8I-00251-00057344-00057582 link to the bug seller ticket as well as F1uVIzhfj8I-00252-00057583-00057799 having a link from from the bug seller F1uVIzhfj8I-00253-00057800-00058030 to the crash report F1uVIzhfj8I-00254-00058032-00058215 and yeah and with that information F1uVIzhfj8I-00255-00058216-00058463 hopefully qa has enough information or F1uVIzhfj8I-00256-00058464-00058759 at least is able to ask the reporter the F1uVIzhfj8I-00257-00058760-00058950 the person having the problem for more F1uVIzhfj8I-00258-00058951-00059207 information to further track down the F1uVIzhfj8I-00259-00059208-00059447 problem F1uVIzhfj8I-00260-00059448-00059582 and the dialogue F1uVIzhfj8I-00261-00059583-00059759 with the response basically looks like F1uVIzhfj8I-00262-00059760-00060023 this it's very simple it's just the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00263-00060024-00060206 link with the uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00264-00060207-00060487 the unique id that the user can visit F1uVIzhfj8I-00265-00060488-00060694 and of course hopefully they do and F1uVIzhfj8I-00266-00060695-00061175 provide more more details F1uVIzhfj8I-00267-00061176-00061638 and i said the uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00268-00061639-00061854 and to go back to what is actually F1uVIzhfj8I-00269-00061855-00062079 included in the limited minidumb i F1uVIzhfj8I-00270-00062079-00062271 clamps cleansed over it and said it's a F1uVIzhfj8I-00271-00062272-00062406 snapshot of F1uVIzhfj8I-00272-00062407-00062726 the state and yeah it includes the F1uVIzhfj8I-00273-00062727-00062935 uh the files that have loaded the F1uVIzhfj8I-00274-00062936-00063303 libraries and execute except it contain F1uVIzhfj8I-00275-00063304-00063542 contains the the files that were loaded F1uVIzhfj8I-00276-00063544-00063911 the libraries and executables F1uVIzhfj8I-00277-00063912-00064215 and it all contains all the threads and F1uVIzhfj8I-00278-00064216-00064415 the state of the processor registers and F1uVIzhfj8I-00279-00064416-00064599 the stack memory at the point of the F1uVIzhfj8I-00280-00064600-00064694 crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00281-00064695-00064959 and some then some additional meter F1uVIzhfj8I-00282-00064960-00065230 information like the processor F1uVIzhfj8I-00283-00065232-00065366 uh used to F1uVIzhfj8I-00284-00065367-00065631 to run the system the operating system F1uVIzhfj8I-00285-00065632-00065767 and version F1uVIzhfj8I-00286-00065768-00066015 and specifically for libreoffice we also F1uVIzhfj8I-00287-00066016-00066143 of course include the version of F1uVIzhfj8I-00288-00066144-00066319 libreoffice itself F1uVIzhfj8I-00289-00066320-00066543 and we are also interested in whether F1uVIzhfj8I-00290-00066544-00066823 opengl was enabled or not and F1uVIzhfj8I-00291-00066824-00066935 what the F1uVIzhfj8I-00292-00066936-00067175 driver for the graphic card was and what F1uVIzhfj8I-00293-00067176-00067399 version it impossible so we include this F1uVIzhfj8I-00294-00067400-00067623 as additional information in the F1uVIzhfj8I-00295-00067624-00068247 in the mini dump F1uVIzhfj8I-00296-00068248-00068503 so next we have the problem of F1uVIzhfj8I-00297-00068504-00068694 users report F1uVIzhfj8I-00298-00068695-00068943 the the crashes and what's next F1uVIzhfj8I-00299-00068944-00069223 and this is basically where qa team F1uVIzhfj8I-00300-00069224-00069438 comes into interplay F1uVIzhfj8I-00301-00069439-00069694 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00302-00069695-00069926 completely oversimplified qa's role is F1uVIzhfj8I-00303-00069927-00070006 to F1uVIzhfj8I-00304-00070007-00070199 monitor the crash reporting side and F1uVIzhfj8I-00305-00070200-00070367 have an eye on F1uVIzhfj8I-00306-00070368-00070447 on F1uVIzhfj8I-00307-00070448-00070687 on clusters of reports that are new that F1uVIzhfj8I-00308-00070688-00070871 indicate there was a regression F1uVIzhfj8I-00309-00070872-00071150 introduced in the latest version and F1uVIzhfj8I-00310-00071151-00071438 then going the next step further F1uVIzhfj8I-00311-00071439-00071679 create test cases or at least the F1uVIzhfj8I-00312-00071680-00071887 reproducible steps by steps and F1uVIzhfj8I-00313-00071888-00072223 step-by-step instructions to F1uVIzhfj8I-00314-00072224-00072367 make help tracking down the source of F1uVIzhfj8I-00315-00072368-00072567 the problem easier and of course to also F1uVIzhfj8I-00316-00072568-00072726 be able to verify F1uVIzhfj8I-00317-00072727-00072975 a fixer in the later stages of the F1uVIzhfj8I-00318-00072976-00073143 process F1uVIzhfj8I-00319-00073144-00073487 and this is a easier set than done of F1uVIzhfj8I-00320-00073488-00074015 course but F1uVIzhfj8I-00321-00074016-00074247 and this is easier said than done of F1uVIzhfj8I-00322-00074248-00074487 course but hopefully the information F1uVIzhfj8I-00323-00074488-00074647 given in the in the stack trace F1uVIzhfj8I-00324-00074648-00074838 regarding the the code was F1uVIzhfj8I-00325-00074839-00075094 that was affected as well as hopefully F1uVIzhfj8I-00326-00075095-00075343 having a bug report with some background F1uVIzhfj8I-00327-00075344-00075567 information about what the user did to F1uVIzhfj8I-00328-00075568-00075775 trigger the crash will make this a a F1uVIzhfj8I-00329-00075776-00076062 little easier F1uVIzhfj8I-00330-00076063-00076182 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00331-00076183-00076279 still F1uVIzhfj8I-00332-00076280-00076494 of course if you there is no F1uVIzhfj8I-00333-00076495-00076662 corresponding F1uVIzhfj8I-00334-00076663-00076871 bug report or even if the F1uVIzhfj8I-00335-00076872-00077103 if the source code information isn't F1uVIzhfj8I-00336-00077104-00077431 enough to to help track down the problem F1uVIzhfj8I-00337-00077432-00077671 or it doesn't give you an idea and F1uVIzhfj8I-00338-00077672-00077903 instead of trying to read hundreds or F1uVIzhfj8I-00339-00077904-00078126 thousands of lines of code you just want F1uVIzhfj8I-00340-00078127-00078255 to do the F1uVIzhfj8I-00341-00078256-00078462 practical brute force approach F1uVIzhfj8I-00342-00078463-00078759 you can use by bisecting and F1uVIzhfj8I-00343-00078760-00079006 and by bisecting is short for binary F1uVIzhfj8I-00344-00079007-00079262 bisecting and this just means that we F1uVIzhfj8I-00345-00079263-00079543 have a git repository with the binary F1uVIzhfj8I-00346-00079544-00079775 builds of libreoffice for all active F1uVIzhfj8I-00347-00079776-00079950 branches F1uVIzhfj8I-00348-00079951-00080215 and you can use the git bisect command F1uVIzhfj8I-00349-00080216-00080311 to F1uVIzhfj8I-00350-00080312-00080471 very quickly F1uVIzhfj8I-00351-00080472-00080759 track down a change that caused a change F1uVIzhfj8I-00352-00080760-00080999 in behavior basically and F1uVIzhfj8I-00353-00081000-00081182 without having to compile a whole F1uVIzhfj8I-00354-00081183-00081487 version of lib office between each step F1uVIzhfj8I-00355-00081488-00081599 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00356-00081600-00081838 the the benefit of is that you can track F1uVIzhfj8I-00357-00081839-00081943 down F1uVIzhfj8I-00358-00081944-00082103 a problem without F1uVIzhfj8I-00359-00082104-00082294 any knowledge about the code itself you F1uVIzhfj8I-00360-00082295-00082503 just need to a way to reproduce the F1uVIzhfj8I-00361-00082504-00082711 problem and then anyone with a little F1uVIzhfj8I-00362-00082712-00083038 disk space to host the repository F1uVIzhfj8I-00363-00083039-00083231 can basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00364-00083232-00083518 test one revision after the other and it F1uVIzhfj8I-00365-00083519-00083782 always basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00366-00083783-00084023 checks half of the remaining commits and F1uVIzhfj8I-00367-00084024-00084215 always of that half the other half so F1uVIzhfj8I-00368-00084216-00084487 it's it narrows down pretty quickly even F1uVIzhfj8I-00369-00084488-00084687 if the number of commits that you start F1uVIzhfj8I-00370-00084688-00084935 with is very large the number of steps F1uVIzhfj8I-00371-00084936-00085262 are probably is a 10 12 or 15 at most F1uVIzhfj8I-00372-00085263-00085479 in any case and then you have either a F1uVIzhfj8I-00373-00085480-00085806 single commit or a few commits that are F1uVIzhfj8I-00374-00085807-00085959 affected F1uVIzhfj8I-00375-00085960-00086159 and uh causing the problem and with that F1uVIzhfj8I-00376-00086160-00086326 information of course you can F1uVIzhfj8I-00377-00086327-00086567 have a look at who was doing this commit F1uVIzhfj8I-00378-00086568-00086823 so what were they trying to fix most F1uVIzhfj8I-00379-00086824-00086999 often they're not they have an old pack F1uVIzhfj8I-00380-00087000-00087175 report assigned to it F1uVIzhfj8I-00381-00087176-00087262 with F1uVIzhfj8I-00382-00087263-00087494 the intent to fix this pack and of F1uVIzhfj8I-00383-00087495-00087759 course having that information makes it F1uVIzhfj8I-00384-00087760-00087935 easier to judge what F1uVIzhfj8I-00385-00087936-00088135 other actions might have caused the F1uVIzhfj8I-00386-00088136-00088318 regression from him F1uVIzhfj8I-00387-00088319-00088662 for the the regression to happen F1uVIzhfj8I-00388-00088663-00088775 and yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00389-00088776-00089006 after you have tracked down the problem F1uVIzhfj8I-00390-00089007-00089262 using a buy bisector repository F1uVIzhfj8I-00391-00089263-00089479 even if not knowing what the problem is F1uVIzhfj8I-00392-00089480-00089671 itself you have someone who committed F1uVIzhfj8I-00393-00089672-00089838 code touching the area and this of F1uVIzhfj8I-00394-00089839-00090087 course is a hint F1uVIzhfj8I-00395-00090088-00090335 who to poke basically who to nag about F1uVIzhfj8I-00396-00090336-00090559 the problem or who to ask for more F1uVIzhfj8I-00397-00090560-00090982 insight and this helps a great ways to F1uVIzhfj8I-00398-00090983-00091191 to further proceed in getting a fixed F1uVIzhfj8I-00399-00091192-00091359 done for this F1uVIzhfj8I-00400-00091360-00091550 particular problem F1uVIzhfj8I-00401-00091551-00091623 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00402-00091624-00091911 qa while not necessarily doing the F1uVIzhfj8I-00403-00091912-00092023 actual fix F1uVIzhfj8I-00404-00092024-00092191 is pretty F1uVIzhfj8I-00405-00092192-00092487 good at providing test cases to prevent F1uVIzhfj8I-00406-00092488-00092711 the regression from happening again F1uVIzhfj8I-00407-00092712-00092943 of course this depends on on the type of F1uVIzhfj8I-00408-00092944-00093231 problem but if it's a problem with the F1uVIzhfj8I-00409-00093232-00093431 file format for example it's easy to F1uVIzhfj8I-00410-00093432-00093671 just add a sample file to the the code F1uVIzhfj8I-00411-00093672-00093935 and check that the problem doesn't occur F1uVIzhfj8I-00412-00093936-00094215 anymore F1uVIzhfj8I-00413-00094216-00094326 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00414-00094327-00094591 next on some problems or limitations F1uVIzhfj8I-00415-00094592-00094791 with our current F1uVIzhfj8I-00416-00094792-00095055 deployment basically and F1uVIzhfj8I-00417-00095056-00095215 it's hard to say whether it's really a F1uVIzhfj8I-00418-00095216-00095503 problem or not but of course people F1uVIzhfj8I-00419-00095504-00095838 don't update to the current version F1uVIzhfj8I-00420-00095839-00096006 at least not as frequent as we would F1uVIzhfj8I-00421-00096007-00096335 like them to do and thus we have lots of F1uVIzhfj8I-00422-00096336-00096503 reports coming in F1uVIzhfj8I-00423-00096504-00096638 that are F1uVIzhfj8I-00424-00096639-00096862 from people using old versions of lira F1uVIzhfj8I-00425-00096863-00097143 office with a problems reporting F1uVIzhfj8I-00426-00097144-00097223 uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00427-00097224-00097367 that were already fixed in current F1uVIzhfj8I-00428-00097368-00097494 versions so F1uVIzhfj8I-00429-00097495-00097815 this of course kind of skews the F1uVIzhfj8I-00430-00097816-00098206 the the overview towards old crashes F1uVIzhfj8I-00431-00098207-00098399 because yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00432-00098400-00098582 the user base of new versions is F1uVIzhfj8I-00433-00098583-00098838 relatively low or starts growing as time F1uVIzhfj8I-00434-00098839-00099111 goes on and the old versions are the F1uVIzhfj8I-00435-00099112-00099271 ones with the problems that are not yet F1uVIzhfj8I-00436-00099272-00099391 fixed so F1uVIzhfj8I-00437-00099392-00099606 they're just looking at the raw numbers F1uVIzhfj8I-00438-00099607-00099759 doesn't give you an indication what is F1uVIzhfj8I-00439-00099760-00099887 really happening with the current F1uVIzhfj8I-00440-00099888-00100023 version F1uVIzhfj8I-00441-00100024-00100159 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00442-00100160-00100399 the libreoffice crash reporting website F1uVIzhfj8I-00443-00100400-00100687 has some filtering options at least the F1uVIzhfj8I-00444-00100688-00100926 starting page allows you to have a quick F1uVIzhfj8I-00445-00100927-00101206 overview of how many reports were F1uVIzhfj8I-00446-00101207-00101494 were committed for each version F1uVIzhfj8I-00447-00101495-00101711 that is of interest basically the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00448-00101712-00101903 final release versions F1uVIzhfj8I-00449-00101904-00102191 and then has an overview of those F1uVIzhfj8I-00450-00102192-00102335 versions F1uVIzhfj8I-00451-00102336-00102575 of the reports assigned to that version F1uVIzhfj8I-00452-00102576-00102799 but if you go deeper then you have all F1uVIzhfj8I-00453-00102800-00103039 reports from all versions so the F1uVIzhfj8I-00454-00103040-00103206 the the filtering F1uVIzhfj8I-00455-00103207-00103471 capabilities of the django a web app F1uVIzhfj8I-00456-00103472-00103799 could need some love to make it more F1uVIzhfj8I-00457-00103800-00103942 more usable to F1uVIzhfj8I-00458-00103943-00104110 be able to exclude versions from the F1uVIzhfj8I-00459-00104111-00104286 listings for example or just focus on F1uVIzhfj8I-00460-00104288-00104502 one single version to check whether it F1uVIzhfj8I-00461-00104503-00104582 was F1uVIzhfj8I-00462-00104583-00104895 fixed in an in an rc for example and not F1uVIzhfj8I-00463-00104896-00105023 just F1uVIzhfj8I-00464-00105024-00105263 in the the main code line version for F1uVIzhfj8I-00465-00105264-00105383 example F1uVIzhfj8I-00466-00105383-00105686 and so far we also didn't remove any old F1uVIzhfj8I-00467-00105688-00105871 reports from the F1uVIzhfj8I-00468-00105872-00106151 crash reporting database or of course it F1uVIzhfj8I-00469-00106152-00106366 grew quite large over the years F1uVIzhfj8I-00470-00106367-00106502 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00471-00106503-00106783 why i don't have any immediate plans to F1uVIzhfj8I-00472-00106783-00107031 to clear out the old entries at some F1uVIzhfj8I-00473-00107032-00107247 point i probably have to do it to keep F1uVIzhfj8I-00474-00107248-00107486 the size manageable and to F1uVIzhfj8I-00475-00107488-00107599 to keep the F1uVIzhfj8I-00476-00107600-00107886 the the database query times F1uVIzhfj8I-00477-00107888-00108351 in a on a recent reasonable level F1uVIzhfj8I-00478-00108352-00108439 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00479-00108440-00108663 another limitation is that it's only F1uVIzhfj8I-00480-00108664-00108919 available for windows and linux F1uVIzhfj8I-00481-00108920-00109134 but of course mac users are F1uVIzhfj8I-00482-00109135-00109423 relatively a small user base compared to F1uVIzhfj8I-00483-00109424-00109695 windows as well linux user base is small F1uVIzhfj8I-00484-00109696-00109871 compared to windows users F1uVIzhfj8I-00485-00109872-00109975 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00486-00109976-00110239 i don't think it matters too much to not F1uVIzhfj8I-00487-00110240-00110519 have mac os in there F1uVIzhfj8I-00488-00110520-00110654 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00489-00110655-00110919 windows crashes and linux crashes alone F1uVIzhfj8I-00490-00110920-00110990 are F1uVIzhfj8I-00491-00110991-00111199 enough to to deal with basically there F1uVIzhfj8I-00492-00111200-00111486 is no lack of reports coming in F1uVIzhfj8I-00493-00111488-00111615 but F1uVIzhfj8I-00494-00111616-00111783 another limitation is of course that it F1uVIzhfj8I-00495-00111783-00111934 only works when you have the F1uVIzhfj8I-00496-00111935-00112199 corresponding debug information on the F1uVIzhfj8I-00497-00112200-00112351 server side F1uVIzhfj8I-00498-00112352-00112431 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00499-00112432-00112702 this then in turns means that it's only F1uVIzhfj8I-00500-00112703-00112966 available for bills that are done by by F1uVIzhfj8I-00501-00112967-00113271 tdf by me basically and F1uVIzhfj8I-00502-00113272-00113558 only for the alpha beta rc candidates F1uVIzhfj8I-00503-00113559-00113695 basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00504-00113696-00113871 but none of the F1uVIzhfj8I-00505-00113872-00114102 of the tender boxes or daily builds have F1uVIzhfj8I-00506-00114103-00114302 this integration and don't have the F1uVIzhfj8I-00507-00114303-00114599 crash reporting enabled F1uVIzhfj8I-00508-00114600-00114727 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00509-00114728-00115007 this is basically the technical side of F1uVIzhfj8I-00510-00115008-00115215 the limitations or problems F1uVIzhfj8I-00511-00115216-00115431 and of course there's the other aspect F1uVIzhfj8I-00512-00115432-00115710 that i already touched upon that F1uVIzhfj8I-00513-00115711-00116015 not all users go through the process of F1uVIzhfj8I-00514-00116016-00116143 filing F1uVIzhfj8I-00515-00116144-00116351 new information F1uVIzhfj8I-00516-00116352-00116558 especially if they don't have a bugzilla F1uVIzhfj8I-00517-00116559-00116734 account already if this is a big hurdle F1uVIzhfj8I-00518-00116735-00116823 for them F1uVIzhfj8I-00519-00116824-00116943 so they F1uVIzhfj8I-00520-00116944-00117239 either don't even visit the site to file F1uVIzhfj8I-00521-00117240-00117478 a bug report or F1uVIzhfj8I-00522-00117479-00117678 they stop there and don't proceed F1uVIzhfj8I-00523-00117679-00117990 further and also those who do actually F1uVIzhfj8I-00524-00117991-00118239 file a report it's not clear whether F1uVIzhfj8I-00525-00118240-00118471 they can provide enough information to F1uVIzhfj8I-00526-00118472-00118607 have a F1uVIzhfj8I-00527-00118608-00118871 half steps to reproduce the problem F1uVIzhfj8I-00528-00118872-00119351 so still a lot of the burden is on qa F1uVIzhfj8I-00529-00119352-00119623 volunteers to basically track it down F1uVIzhfj8I-00530-00119624-00119854 try to find a way to reproduce it F1uVIzhfj8I-00531-00119855-00120047 try to find a developer who can have a F1uVIzhfj8I-00532-00120048-00120447 look and what's wrong and F1uVIzhfj8I-00533-00120448-00120710 yeah it's just a as it goes with all F1uVIzhfj8I-00534-00120711-00120958 problems people either complain loudly F1uVIzhfj8I-00535-00120959-00121151 about it or they stay silent and F1uVIzhfj8I-00536-00121152-00121343 complain about it F1uVIzhfj8I-00537-00121344-00121502 with their neighbors but not to report F1uVIzhfj8I-00538-00121503-00121807 it and there's no real easy solution to F1uVIzhfj8I-00539-00121808-00122014 fix all this because either you make it F1uVIzhfj8I-00540-00122015-00122247 so easy that every spam bot can abuse F1uVIzhfj8I-00541-00122248-00122486 your system or you have some login F1uVIzhfj8I-00542-00122488-00122734 system in place that scares people away F1uVIzhfj8I-00543-00122735-00122847 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00544-00122848-00123078 yeah it's always a F1uVIzhfj8I-00545-00123079-00123310 balance you have to take and F1uVIzhfj8I-00546-00123311-00123543 yeah we have enough reports coming in F1uVIzhfj8I-00547-00123544-00123751 that i think are now F1uVIzhfj8I-00548-00123752-00124031 reasonable to act upon even if F1uVIzhfj8I-00549-00124032-00124214 not everyone can F1uVIzhfj8I-00550-00124215-00124495 can add a comment and of course having a F1uVIzhfj8I-00551-00124496-00124686 comment system that allows everyone to F1uVIzhfj8I-00552-00124688-00124934 comment also gets into the F1uVIzhfj8I-00553-00124935-00125151 data regulation problems because then F1uVIzhfj8I-00554-00125152-00125310 you have no control F1uVIzhfj8I-00555-00125311-00125566 about what is filed and how people would F1uVIzhfj8I-00556-00125567-00125847 access access this information and how F1uVIzhfj8I-00557-00125848-00126095 it's shared so having a system that has F1uVIzhfj8I-00558-00126096-00126439 its own management library makes it a F1uVIzhfj8I-00559-00126440-00126743 little easier F1uVIzhfj8I-00560-00126744-00127039 and this basically is it already for the F1uVIzhfj8I-00561-00127040-00127302 pre-recorded portion of the talk F1uVIzhfj8I-00562-00127303-00127534 i'll have enough time for questions i F1uVIzhfj8I-00563-00127535-00127751 think but of course i don't want to F1uVIzhfj8I-00564-00127752-00127999 leave without giving thanks and credits F1uVIzhfj8I-00565-00128000-00128166 by credit is due F1uVIzhfj8I-00566-00128167-00128263 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00567-00128264-00128407 most from it is F1uVIzhfj8I-00568-00128408-00128599 marcus mohart and morgy F1uVIzhfj8I-00569-00128600-00128943 he basically uh did create the system F1uVIzhfj8I-00570-00128944-00129039 back F1uVIzhfj8I-00571-00129040-00129358 for libreoffice 5.2 i think it was 2016 F1uVIzhfj8I-00572-00129359-00129431 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00573-00129432-00129583 quite a F1uVIzhfj8I-00574-00129583-00129839 couple years back he did the bulk of the F1uVIzhfj8I-00575-00129840-00130134 integration and wrote the jungle rep and F1uVIzhfj8I-00576-00130135-00130447 taking some inspiration from socorro F1uVIzhfj8I-00577-00130448-00130671 the the tool that mozilla F1uVIzhfj8I-00578-00130672-00130895 was using for their back reporting F1uVIzhfj8I-00579-00130896-00131351 and also nobia jibbu had a lot of F1uVIzhfj8I-00580-00131352-00131599 work done in the infrasight of things he F1uVIzhfj8I-00581-00131600-00131943 was basically uh setting up garrett and F1uVIzhfj8I-00582-00131944-00132071 other F1uVIzhfj8I-00583-00132072-00132447 double related stuff back in the day F1uVIzhfj8I-00584-00132448-00132719 and then there was also ricardo mario F1uVIzhfj8I-00585-00132720-00132878 cathy and F1uVIzhfj8I-00586-00132879-00133159 i sorry i probably butchered the name F1uVIzhfj8I-00587-00133160-00133366 ibq estemia F1uVIzhfj8I-00588-00133367-00133583 contributing to the server side of F1uVIzhfj8I-00589-00133584-00133854 things back in the day and yeah of F1uVIzhfj8I-00590-00133855-00134031 course all wouldn't be possible without F1uVIzhfj8I-00591-00134032-00134278 having vape the brake pad utility F1uVIzhfj8I-00592-00134279-00134471 available F1uVIzhfj8I-00593-00134472-00134727 so uh have a link there to their main F1uVIzhfj8I-00594-00134728-00134959 repository and of course the links to F1uVIzhfj8I-00595-00134960-00135190 our crusher parting site and the F1uVIzhfj8I-00596-00135191-00135631 and our purcha F1uVIzhfj8I-00597-00135632-00135831 and yeah basically F1uVIzhfj8I-00598-00135832-00136111 now i'm ready to take questions F1uVIzhfj8I-00599-00136112-00136351 and switch over to some live mode and F1uVIzhfj8I-00600-00136352-00136575 maybe can do some live demos if F1uVIzhfj8I-00601-00136576-00136831 necessary F1uVIzhfj8I-00602-00136832-00137023 and of course uh thanks to all the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00603-00137024-00137375 sponsors making this conference possible F1uVIzhfj8I-00604-00137376-00137759 thanks F1uVIzhfj8I-00605-00137760-00137999 i saw a question on the room regarding F1uVIzhfj8I-00606-00138000-00138135 back traces not F1uVIzhfj8I-00607-00138136-00138278 being resolved F1uVIzhfj8I-00608-00138279-00138495 against the symbols and this was a F1uVIzhfj8I-00609-00138496-00138814 problem with the symbol extraction step F1uVIzhfj8I-00610-00138815-00139087 so the dump assumes process F1uVIzhfj8I-00611-00139088-00139366 did frequently segfault when processing F1uVIzhfj8I-00612-00139367-00139678 the symbols for windows 64-bit and our F1uVIzhfj8I-00613-00139679-00139783 tooling F1uVIzhfj8I-00614-00139784-00140063 didn't bother to check for any error F1uVIzhfj8I-00615-00140064-00140239 during this processing F1uVIzhfj8I-00616-00140240-00140407 and this has F1uVIzhfj8I-00617-00140408-00140695 meanwhile been fixed and it should F1uVIzhfj8I-00618-00140696-00140911 resolve the symbols again so it was a F1uVIzhfj8I-00619-00140912-00141199 problem that the debugging information F1uVIzhfj8I-00620-00141200-00141447 on the server to unwind the symbols F1uVIzhfj8I-00621-00141448-00141702 wasn't complete and yeah but for current F1uVIzhfj8I-00622-00141703-00141863 versions it should be F1uVIzhfj8I-00623-00141864-00141943 uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00624-00141944-00142247 all all in the good and F1uVIzhfj8I-00625-00142248-00142414 of course the F1uVIzhfj8I-00626-00142415-00142639 old original reports are not resolved F1uVIzhfj8I-00627-00142640-00142735 but F1uVIzhfj8I-00628-00142736-00142935 even reports for old versions should now F1uVIzhfj8I-00629-00142936-00143166 be resolved again since i F1uVIzhfj8I-00630-00143167-00143439 also updated or re-uploaded F1uVIzhfj8I-00631-00143440-00143654 the the debugging information for old F1uVIzhfj8I-00632-00143655-00145775 versions F1uVIzhfj8I-00633-00145776-00145911 and yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00634-00145912-00146135 to add on that the problem still happens F1uVIzhfj8I-00635-00146136-00146431 so uh the dump sims to still seg falls F1uVIzhfj8I-00636-00146432-00146663 frequently while processing the F1uVIzhfj8I-00637-00146664-00146878 the symbols but it's just F1uVIzhfj8I-00638-00146879-00147095 retried until it F1uVIzhfj8I-00639-00147096-00147326 does succeed for this given F1uVIzhfj8I-00640-00147327-00147607 dll or xfile and proceed to the next one F1uVIzhfj8I-00641-00147608-00147726 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00642-00147727-00147902 running it multiple times until it F1uVIzhfj8I-00643-00147903-00148135 succeeds so i didn't really bother F1uVIzhfj8I-00644-00148136-00148319 finding out why it crashes or how the F1uVIzhfj8I-00645-00148320-00148511 crash can prevent it as long as the F1uVIzhfj8I-00646-00148512-00148663 result F1uVIzhfj8I-00647-00148664-00148831 of the offer F1uVIzhfj8I-00648-00148832-00149071 of this of a successful run F1uVIzhfj8I-00649-00149072-00149287 gives the same result all the time so F1uVIzhfj8I-00650-00149288-00149502 i'm confident that the data is correct F1uVIzhfj8I-00651-00149503-00149743 if it's if it works and only have to F1uVIzhfj8I-00652-00149744-00150383 rerun it when when the process segments F1uVIzhfj8I-00653-00150384-00150614 and maybe just to show the F1uVIzhfj8I-00654-00150615-00150854 the crash reporting site as it is now F1uVIzhfj8I-00655-00150855-00151087 basically on the landing page you're F1uVIzhfj8I-00656-00151088-00151231 seeing the F1uVIzhfj8I-00657-00151232-00151439 the number of uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00658-00151440-00151678 crashes submitted per versions F1uVIzhfj8I-00659-00151679-00151895 and so the different colored lines F1uVIzhfj8I-00660-00151896-00152039 represent a single version of F1uVIzhfj8I-00661-00152040-00152231 libreoffice and you see that F1uVIzhfj8I-00662-00152232-00152590 around 400 to 600 reports are coming in F1uVIzhfj8I-00663-00152591-00152759 per version and of course you see the F1uVIzhfj8I-00664-00152760-00152895 slow rising F1uVIzhfj8I-00665-00152896-00153095 lines at the bottom that is the new F1uVIzhfj8I-00666-00153096-00153359 releases that slowly gather F1uVIzhfj8I-00667-00153360-00153526 a user base and F1uVIzhfj8I-00668-00153527-00153823 still most of the reports are F1uVIzhfj8I-00669-00153824-00153990 from old versions if you're actually F1uVIzhfj8I-00670-00153991-00154175 using it i'm not sure whether you can F1uVIzhfj8I-00671-00154176-00154271 see the F1uVIzhfj8I-00672-00154272-00154519 mouse however in in the screen share F1uVIzhfj8I-00673-00154520-00154766 they actually you should get a breakdown F1uVIzhfj8I-00674-00154767-00155047 of the versions and the number of F1uVIzhfj8I-00675-00155048-00155199 submitted crashes F1uVIzhfj8I-00676-00155200-00155311 at that F1uVIzhfj8I-00677-00155312-00155614 specific date F1uVIzhfj8I-00678-00155615-00155847 and if you go to the uh version select F1uVIzhfj8I-00679-00155848-00156054 on you can select for example F1uVIzhfj8I-00680-00156055-00156295 the 7162 F1uVIzhfj8I-00681-00156296-00156671 basically this is the 716 final release F1uVIzhfj8I-00682-00156672-00156863 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00683-00156864-00157054 yeah it's a little bit slow for me right F1uVIzhfj8I-00684-00157055-00157311 now the the demo effect okay F1uVIzhfj8I-00685-00157312-00157543 now that you see a listing of the crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00686-00157544-00157719 reports and the signatures F1uVIzhfj8I-00687-00157720-00158014 uh for the uh specific versions so F1uVIzhfj8I-00688-00158015-00158231 for example here you see a skier related F1uVIzhfj8I-00689-00158232-00158311 one F1uVIzhfj8I-00690-00158312-00158654 that is happening or was reported seven F1uVIzhfj8I-00691-00158655-00158790 to four times F1uVIzhfj8I-00692-00158791-00159095 for for for windows in the last seven F1uVIzhfj8I-00693-00159096-00159287 days so the time frame can be chosen at F1uVIzhfj8I-00694-00159288-00159407 the top F1uVIzhfj8I-00695-00159408-00159599 and if you click on that you would get F1uVIzhfj8I-00696-00159600-00159735 to the F1uVIzhfj8I-00697-00159736-00159887 number of uh F1uVIzhfj8I-00698-00159888-00160087 individual submissions F1uVIzhfj8I-00699-00160088-00160247 and you can click on one to get F1uVIzhfj8I-00700-00160248-00160407 basically the F1uVIzhfj8I-00701-00160408-00160551 the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00702-00160552-00160854 stack trace more available so you see F1uVIzhfj8I-00703-00160855-00161111 the function signature and the the F1uVIzhfj8I-00704-00161112-00161335 source code file where it happens F1uVIzhfj8I-00705-00161336-00161590 and also the cross-linking to the F1uVIzhfj8I-00706-00161591-00161735 boxilla F1uVIzhfj8I-00707-00161736-00161887 and clicking on that F1uVIzhfj8I-00708-00161888-00162007 gives you F1uVIzhfj8I-00709-00162008-00162159 the buckle port where you can see the F1uVIzhfj8I-00710-00162160-00162414 history basically and it turns out it F1uVIzhfj8I-00711-00162415-00162631 was an optimization F1uVIzhfj8I-00712-00162632-00163007 that uses processor features the avx F1uVIzhfj8I-00713-00163008-00163135 instructions F1uVIzhfj8I-00714-00163136-00163247 despite F1uVIzhfj8I-00715-00163248-00163463 not checking for actually support on the F1uVIzhfj8I-00716-00163464-00163566 hardware F1uVIzhfj8I-00717-00163567-00163678 and F1uVIzhfj8I-00718-00163679-00163926 it was fixed pretty quickly then and F1uVIzhfj8I-00719-00163927-00164159 it's fixed for seven one F1uVIzhfj8I-00720-00164160-00164271 seven F1uVIzhfj8I-00721-00164272-00164519 and four seven two branches and F1uVIzhfj8I-00722-00164520-00164607 yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00723-00164608-00164687 or F1uVIzhfj8I-00724-00164688-00164847 just showing at the top the information F1uVIzhfj8I-00725-00164848-00165038 that the crash reporting side would add F1uVIzhfj8I-00726-00165039-00165111 so F1uVIzhfj8I-00727-00165112-00165311 this pack was five from crash report and F1uVIzhfj8I-00728-00165312-00165487 there you have the idea F1uVIzhfj8I-00729-00165488-00165702 the id of the crash and this can be used F1uVIzhfj8I-00730-00165703-00165871 to go back to the crash reporting site F1uVIzhfj8I-00731-00165872-00165975 to see it F1uVIzhfj8I-00732-00165976-00166135 and yeah F1uVIzhfj8I-00733-00166136-00166414 this is basically the for you collect we F1uVIzhfj8I-00734-00166415-00166687 have the version of libreoffice the id F1uVIzhfj8I-00735-00166688-00166759 that F1uVIzhfj8I-00736-00166760-00167054 this is used to uniquely identify the F1uVIzhfj8I-00737-00167055-00167151 crash F1uVIzhfj8I-00738-00167152-00167407 the processor architecture the operating F1uVIzhfj8I-00739-00167408-00167726 system and the operating system version F1uVIzhfj8I-00740-00167727-00168252 and yeah this is basically all this and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00000-00000017-00000292 the asteroid belt is the circumstellar F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00001-00000293-00000548 disk in the solar system located roughly F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00002-00000549-00000736 between the orbits of the planets Mars F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00003-00000737-00001045 and Jupiter it is occupied by numerous F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00004-00001046-00001225 irregularly shaped bodies called F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00005-00001226-00001556 asteroids or minor planets the asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00006-00001557-00001763 belt is also termed the main asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00007-00001764-00001984 belt or main belt to distinguish it from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00008-00001985-00002227 other asteroid populations in the solar F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00009-00002228-00002467 system such as near-earth asteroids and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00010-00002468-00002780 Trojan asteroids about half the mass of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00011-00002781-00002945 the belt is contained in the four F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00012-00002946-00003251 largest asteroids Ceres Vesta Pallas and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00013-00003252-00003547 hygeia the total mass of the asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00014-00003548-00003754 belt is approximately four percent that F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00015-00003755-00003995 of the moon or 22 percent that of Pluto F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00016-00003996-00004238 and roughly twice that of Pluto's moon F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00017-00004239-00004541 Charon whose diameter is 1,200 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00018-00004542-00004922 kilometers Ceres the asteroid belts only F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00019-00004923-00005236 dwarf planet is about 950 kilometers in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00020-00005237-00005300 diameter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00021-00005301-00005554 whereas for vesta - Pallas and ten F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00022-00005555-00005792 hygeia have main diameters of less than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00023-00005793-00006104 600 kilometers the remaining bodies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00024-00006105-00006284 range down to the size of a dust F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00025-00006285-00006605 particle the asteroid material is so F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00026-00006606-00006778 thinly distributed that numerous F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00027-00006779-00006989 unmanned spacecraft have traversed it F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00028-00006990-00007277 without incident nonetheless collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00029-00007278-00007498 between large asteroids do occur and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00030-00007500-00007712 these can produce an asteroid family F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00031-00007713-00007898 whose members have similar orbital F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00032-00007898-00008137 characteristics and compositions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00033-00008138-00008384 individual asteroids within the asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00034-00008385-00008612 belt are categorized by their spectra F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00035-00008613-00008780 with most falling into three basic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00036-00008781-00009074 groups carbonaceous c-type silicate F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00037-00009075-00009406 s-type and metal rich M type the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00038-00009407-00009626 asteroid belt formed from the primordial F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00039-00009627-00009931 solar nebula as a group of planetesimals F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00040-00009932-00010205 planetesimals are the smaller precursors F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00041-00010206-00010442 of the protoplanets between Mars and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00042-00010443-00010508 Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00043-00010509-00010760 however gravitational perturbations from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00044-00010761-00010985 Jupiter imbued the protoplanets with too F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00045-00010986-00011185 much orbital energy for them to accrete F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00046-00011186-00011471 into a planet collisions became too F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00047-00011472-00011663 violent and instead of fusing together F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00048-00011664-00011876 the planetesimals and most of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00049-00011877-00012278 protoplanets shattered as a result 99.9 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00050-00012279-00012496 percent of the asteroid belts original F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00051-00012497-00012745 mass was lost in the first 100 million F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00052-00012746-00013052 years of the solar system's history some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00053-00013053-00013232 fragments eventually found their way F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00054-00013233-00013391 into the inner solar system F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00055-00013391-00013613 leading to meteorite impacts with the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00056-00013613-00013928 inner planets asteroid orbits continue F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00057-00013929-00014113 to be appreciably perturbed whenever F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00058-00014115-00014327 their period of revolution about the Sun F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00059-00014328-00014555 forms an orbital resonance with Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00060-00014556-00014852 at these orbital distances a Kirkwood F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00061-00014853-00015038 gap occurs as they are swept into other F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00062-00015038-00015284 orbits classes of small solar system F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00063-00015285-00015440 bodies in other regions are the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00064-00015441-00015629 near-earth objects the Centaurs F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00065-00015630-00015812 The Creeper belt objects the scattered F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00066-00015813-00015974 disc objects the said noids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00067-00015975-00016330 and the Oort cloud objects on the 22nd F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00068-00016331-00016484 of January 2014 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00069-00016485-00016712 ESA scientists reported the detection F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00070-00016713-00016961 for the first definitive time of water F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00071-00016962-00017216 vapor on Ceres the largest object in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00072-00017217-00017528 asteroid belt the detection was made by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00073-00017529-00017759 using the far infrared abilities of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00074-00017760-00018047 Herschel Space Observatory the finding F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00075-00018048-00018242 was unexpected because comets not F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00076-00018243-00018458 asteroids are typically considered to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00077-00018459-00018844 sprout jetson plumes according to one of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00078-00018845-00019007 the scientists the lines are becoming F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00079-00019008-00019238 more and more blurred between comets and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00080-00019239-00020341 asteroids topic history of observation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00081-00020342-00020759 in 1596 Johannes Kepler predicted F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00082-00020760-00020960 between Mars and Jupiter I place a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00083-00020961-00021209 planet in his Mysterium cosmography cim F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00084-00021210-00021494 while analyzing Tycho Brahe his data F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00085-00021495-00021703 Kepler thought that there was two larger F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00086-00021704-00021872 gap between the orbits of Mars and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00087-00021873-00022135 Jupiter in an anonymous footnote to his F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00088-00022136-00022406 1766 translation of Charles bonnets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00089-00022407-00022586 contemplation de leur nature the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00090-00022587-00022793 astronomer Johann Daniel Tisha's of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00091-00022794-00022997 Wittenberg noted an apparent pattern in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00092-00022998-00023122 the layout of the planets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00093-00023123-00023422 if one began a numerical sequence at F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00094-00023423-00023927 zero then included 3 6 12 24 48 etc F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00095-00023928-00024155 doubling each time and added 4 to each F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00096-00024156-00024413 number and divided by 10 this produced a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00097-00024414-00024625 remarkably close approximation to the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00098-00024626-00024809 radii of the orbits of the known planets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00099-00024810-00024989 as measured in astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00100-00024990-00025253 provided one allowed for a missing F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00101-00025254-00025574 planet equivalent to 24 in the sequence F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00102-00025575-00025809 between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00103-00025810-00026239 48 in his footnote Tisha's declared but F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00104-00026241-00026446 should the lord architect have left that F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00105-00026447-00026687 space empty not at all F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00106-00026688-00026770 when F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00107-00026772-00027052 I am Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00108-00027054-00027248 the planet's orbit matched the law F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00109-00027249-00027497 almost perfectly leading astronomers to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00110-00027498-00027662 conclude that there had to be a planet F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00111-00027663-00027839 between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00112-00027839-00028270 On January 1st 1801 Giuseppe Piazzi F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00113-00028272-00028532 chair of astronomy at the University of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00114-00028533-00028805 Palermo Sicily found a tiny moving F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00115-00028806-00029002 object in an orbit with exactly the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00116-00029004-00029285 radius predicted by this pattern he F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00117-00029286-00029614 dubbed it series after the Roman goddess F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00118-00029616-00029831 of the harvest and patron of Sicily F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00119-00029832-00030070 Piazza initially believed it to be a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00120-00030072-00030308 comet but it's lack of a coma suggested F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00121-00030308-00030479 it was a planet thus the aforementioned F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00122-00030480-00030731 pattern now known as the tshis bode law F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00123-00030732-00030958 predicted the semi-major axis of all F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00124-00030960-00031183 eight planets of the time Mercury Venus F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00125-00031185-00031481 Earth Mars Ceres Jupiter Saturn and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00126-00031482-00031783 Uranus fifteen months later F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00127-00031785-00031988 Heinrich Albers discovered a second F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00128-00031989-00032314 object in the same region Pallas unlike F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00129-00032316-00032515 the other known planets series and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00130-00032516-00032711 Pallas remained points of light even F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00131-00032712-00032851 under the highest telescope F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00132-00032852-00033098 magnifications instead of resolving into F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00133-00033099-00033392 disks apart from their rapid movement F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00134-00033393-00033575 they appeared indistinguishable from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00135-00033576-00033983 stars accordingly in 1802 William F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00136-00033984-00034196 Herschel suggested they be placed into a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00137-00034197-00034577 separate category named asteroids after F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00138-00034578-00034867 the Greek asteroids meaning star like F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00139-00034868-00035162 upon completing a series of observations F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00140-00035163-00035395 of series and Pallas he concluded F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00141-00035396-00035660 neither the appellation of planets nor F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00142-00035661-00035864 that of comets can with any propriety of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00143-00035865-00036171 language be given to these two stars F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00144-00036172-00036479 they resemble small stars so much as F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00145-00036480-00036661 hardly to be distinguished from them F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00146-00036662-00036953 from this their asteroid Allah pearance F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00147-00036954-00037139 if I take my name and call them F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00148-00037140-00037385 asteroids reserving for myself however F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00149-00037386-00037586 the liberty of changing that name if F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00150-00037587-00037802 another more expressive of their nature F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00151-00037803-00038156 should occur by 1807 further F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00152-00038157-00038393 investigation revealed two new objects F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00153-00038394-00038702 in the region Juno and Vesta the burning F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00154-00038703-00038912 of Lillian tile in the Napoleonic Wars F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00155-00038913-00039101 where the main body of work had been F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00156-00039102-00039287 done brought this first period of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00157-00039288-00039524 discovery to a close despite Herschel's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00158-00039525-00039698 coinage for several decades that F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00159-00039699-00039883 remained common practice to refer to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00160-00039884-00040100 these objects as planets and to prefix F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00161-00040101-00040160 their name F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00162-00040161-00040342 with numbers representing their date of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00163-00040343-00040607 discovery one Series two palace three F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00164-00040608-00040762 Juno four Vesta F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00165-00040763-00041152 however in 1845 astronomers detected a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00166-00041153-00041386 fifth object five Estrella and shortly F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00167-00041387-00041608 thereafter new objects were found at an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00168-00041609-00041885 accelerating rate counting them among F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00169-00041886-00042029 the planets became increasingly F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00170-00042030-00042311 cumbersome eventually they were dropped F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00171-00042312-00042527 from the planet list as first suggested F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00172-00042528-00042745 by Alexander von Humboldt in the early F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00173-00042746-00042961 1850s and Herschel's choice of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00174-00042962-00043289 nomenclature asteroids gradually came F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00175-00043290-00043505 into common use the discovery of Neptune F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00176-00043506-00043814 in 1846 led to the discrediting of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00177-00043815-00044054 tshis bode law in the eyes of scientists F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00178-00044055-00044224 because its orbit was nowhere near the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00179-00044225-00044533 predicted position to date there is no F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00180-00044534-00044755 scientific explanation for the law and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00181-00044756-00044977 astronomers consensus regards it as a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00182-00044978-00045280 coincidence the expression asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00183-00045281-00045592 came into use in the very early 1850s F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00184-00045593-00045811 although it is hard to pinpoint who F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00185-00045812-00046076 coined the term the first english use F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00186-00046077-00046358 seems to be in the 1850 translation by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00187-00046359-00046664 EC OTA of Alexander von Humboldt cosmos F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00188-00046665-00047048 and the regular appearance about the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00189-00047049-00047324 13th of November and the 11th of August F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00190-00047325-00047587 of shooting stars which probably form F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00191-00047588-00047851 part of a belt of asteroids intersecting F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00192-00047852-00048017 the Earth's orbit and moving with F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00193-00048018-00048349 planetary velocity another early F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00194-00048350-00048542 appearance occurred in Robert James F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00195-00048543-00048721 Mane's a guide to the knowledge of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00196-00048722-00048989 heavens the orbits of the asteroids are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00197-00048990-00049267 placed in a wide belt of space extending F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00198-00049268-00049696 between the extremes of the American F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00199-00049697-00049915 astronomer Benjamin pierce seems to have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00200-00049916-00050107 adopted that terminology and to have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00201-00050108-00050368 been one of its promoters 100 asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00202-00050369-00050662 had been located by mid 186 8 and in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00203-00050663-00050874 1891 the introduction of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00204-00050875-00051139 astrophotography by max wolf accelerated F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00205-00051140-00051345 the rate of discovery still further a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00206-00051346-00051667 total of 1,000 asteroids had been found F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00207-00051669-00052189 by 1921 10,000 by 1981 and 100,000 by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00208-00052190-00052574 2000 modern asteroids survey systems now F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00209-00052575-00052825 use automated means to locate new minor F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00210-00052826-00053536 planets in ever increasing quantities F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00211-00053537-00054214 topic origin F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00212-00054215-00054382 you F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00213-00054383-00055132 topic formation in 1802 shortly after F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00214-00055133-00055357 discovering Palace Olbers suggested to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00215-00055358-00055546 Hershel that series and palace were F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00216-00055547-00055747 fragments of a much larger planet that F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00217-00055748-00055963 once occupied the Mars Jupiter region F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00218-00055964-00056173 this planet having suffered an internal F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00219-00056174-00056394 explosion or a cometary impact many F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00220-00056395-00056676 million years before the large amount of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00221-00056677-00056856 energy required to destroy a planet F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00222-00056857-00057057 combined with the belts low combined F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00223-00057058-00057291 mass which is only about four percent of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00224-00057292-00057487 the mass of the moon do not support the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00225-00057488-00057796 hypothesis further the significant F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00226-00057797-00057961 chemical differences between the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00227-00057962-00058198 asteroids become difficult to explain if F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00228-00058199-00058462 they come from the same planet as of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00229-00058463-00058566 2018 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00230-00058567-00058762 a study was released from researchers at F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00231-00058763-00058972 the University of Florida that found the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00232-00058973-00059166 asteroid belt was created from the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00233-00059167-00059350 remnants of several ancient planets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00234-00059351-00059521 instead of a singular planet a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00235-00059522-00059766 hypothesis to the asteroid belt creation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00236-00059767-00059998 is that in general in the solar system a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00237-00059999-00060199 planetary formation is thought to have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00238-00060200-00060426 occurred via a process comparable to the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00239-00060427-00060666 long-standing nebula hypothesis a cloud F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00240-00060667-00060867 of interstellar dust and gas collapsed F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00241-00060869-00061084 under the influence of gravity to form a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00242-00061085-00061291 rotating disk of material that then F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00243-00061291-00061476 further condensed to form the Sun and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00244-00061477-00061755 planets during the first few million F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00245-00061757-00061966 years of the solar system's history an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00246-00061966-00062191 accretion process of sticky collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00247-00062191-00062367 caused the clumping of small particles F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00248-00062369-00062704 which gradually increased in size once F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00249-00062704-00062907 the clumps reached sufficient mass they F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00250-00062908-00063066 could draw in other bodies through F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00251-00063067-00063259 gravitational attraction and become F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00252-00063260-00063511 planetesimals this gravitational F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00253-00063512-00063732 accretion led to the formation of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00254-00063733-00064075 planets planetesimals within the region F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00255-00064076-00064254 which would become the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00256-00064255-00064479 were too strongly perturbed by Jupiter's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00257-00064480-00064779 gravity to form a planet instead they F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00258-00064780-00064992 continued to orbit the Sun as before F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00259-00064994-00065290 occasionally colliding in regions where F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00260-00065291-00065479 the average velocity of the collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00261-00065479-00065647 was too high the shattering of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00262-00065648-00065836 planetesimals tended to dominate over F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00263-00065837-00066067 accretion preventing the formation of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00264-00066068-00066381 planet sized bodies orbital resonances F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00265-00066382-00066576 occurred where the orbital period of an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00266-00066577-00066750 object in the belt formed an integer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00267-00066751-00066937 fraction of the orbital period of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00268-00066938-00067143 jupiter perturbing the object into a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00269-00067144-00067342 different orbit the region lying between F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00270-00067343-00067581 the orbits of Mars and Jupiter contains F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00271-00067582-00067756 many such orbital resonance F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00272-00067757-00068068 as as Jupiter migrated inward following F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00273-00068069-00068275 its formation these resonances would F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00274-00068276-00068449 have swept across the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00275-00068450-00068650 dynamically exciting the region's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00276-00068651-00068806 population and increasing their F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00277-00068807-00069022 velocities relative to each other during F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00278-00069023-00069232 the early history of the solar system F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00279-00069233-00069439 the asteroids melted to some degree F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00280-00069440-00069619 allowing elements within them to be F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00281-00069620-00069844 partially or completely differentiated F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00282-00069845-00070141 by mass some of the progenitor bodies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00283-00070142-00070345 may even have undergone periods of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00284-00070346-00070573 explosive volcanism and formed magma F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00285-00070574-00070885 oceans however because of the relatively F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00286-00070886-00071110 small size of the bodies the period of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00287-00071111-00071344 melting was necessarily brief compared F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00288-00071345-00071524 to the much larger planets and had F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00289-00071525-00071788 generally ended about 4.5 billion years F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00290-00071789-00072007 ago in the first tens of millions of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00291-00072008-00072391 years of formation in August 2007 a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00292-00072392-00072613 study of zircon crystals in an Antarctic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00293-00072614-00072832 meteorite believed to have originated F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00294-00072833-00073045 from Vesta suggested that it and by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00295-00073046-00073252 extension the rest of the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00296-00073253-00073474 had formed rather quickly within 10 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00297-00073475-00073654 million years of the solar system's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00298-00073655-00074812 origin topic evolution the asteroids are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00299-00074813-00075016 not samples of the primordial solar F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00300-00075017-00075250 system they have undergone considerable F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00301-00075251-00075417 evolution since their formation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00302-00075418-00075673 including internal heating in the first F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00303-00075674-00075907 few tens of millions of years surface F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00304-00075908-00076126 melting from impacts space weathering F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00305-00076127-00076384 from radiation and bombardment by micro F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00306-00076385-00076666 meteorites although some scientists F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00307-00076667-00076858 refer to the asteroids as residual F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00308-00076859-00076960 planetesimals F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00309-00076961-00077176 other scientists consider them distinct F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00310-00077177-00077395 the current asteroid belt is believed to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00311-00077396-00077593 contain only a small fraction of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00312-00077594-00077878 mass of the primordial belt computer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00313-00077879-00078091 simulations suggest that the original F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00314-00078092-00078292 asteroid belt may have contained the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00315-00078293-00078565 mass equivalent to the earth primarily F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00316-00078566-00078735 because of gravitational perturbations F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00317-00078736-00079012 most of the material was ejected from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00318-00079013-00079222 the belt within about 1 million year of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00319-00079223-00079522 formation leaving behind less than 0.1% F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00320-00079523-00079813 of the original mass since their F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00321-00079814-00080032 formation the size distribution of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00322-00080033-00080242 asteroid belt has remained relatively F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00323-00080243-00080467 stable there has been no significant F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00324-00080468-00080653 increase or decrease in the typical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00325-00080654-00080851 dimensions of the main belt asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00326-00080852-00081061 the four-to-one orbital resonance with F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00327-00081062-00081151 Jupiter at a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00328-00081152-00081487 radius 2.06 astronomical units can be F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00329-00081488-00081646 considered the inner boundary of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00330-00081647-00081973 asteroid belt perturbations by Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00331-00081974-00082204 send bodies strained there into unstable F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00332-00082205-00082450 orbits most bodies formed within the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00333-00082451-00082678 radius of this gap were swept up by Mars F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00334-00082679-00082924 which has an affiliate at 1.67 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00335-00082925-00083170 astronomical units or ejected by its F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00336-00083171-00083395 gravitational perturbations in the early F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00337-00083396-00083707 history of the solar system the hungaria F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00338-00083708-00083911 asteroids like closer to the Sun than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00339-00083912-00084082 the four to one resonance but are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00340-00084083-00084274 protected from disruption by their high F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00341-00084275-00084496 inclination when the asteroid belt was F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00342-00084497-00084664 first formed the temperatures at a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00343-00084665-00084940 distance of 2.7 astronomical units from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00344-00084941-00085264 the Sun formed a snow line below the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00345-00085265-00085510 freezing point of water planetesimals F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00346-00085511-00085738 formed beyond this radius were able to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00347-00085739-00086149 accumulate ice in 2006 it was announced F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00348-00086150-00086380 that a population of comets had been F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00349-00086381-00086554 discovered within the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00350-00086555-00086752 beyond the snow line which may have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00351-00086753-00086941 provided a source of water for Earth's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00352-00086942-00087247 oceans according to some models there F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00353-00087248-00087427 was insufficient outgassing of water F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00354-00087428-00087643 during the Earth's formative period to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00355-00087644-00087880 form the oceans requiring an external F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00356-00087881-00088566 source such as a cometary bombardment F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00357-00088567-00089245 topic characteristics contrary to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00358-00089246-00089479 popular imagery the asteroid belt is F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00359-00089480-00089743 mostly empty the asteroids are spread F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00360-00089744-00089938 over such a large volume that it would F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00361-00089939-00090118 be improbable to reach an asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00362-00090119-00090355 without aiming carefully nonetheless F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00363-00090356-00090601 hundreds of thousands of asteroids are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00364-00090602-00090790 currently known and the total number F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00365-00090791-00091009 ranges in the millions or more depending F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00366-00091010-00091330 on the lower size cutoff over 200 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00367-00091331-00091501 asteroids are known to be larger than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00368-00091502-00091738 100 kilometers and a survey in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00369-00091739-00091948 infrared wavelengths has shown that the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00370-00091949-00092239 asteroid belt has between 700,000 and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00371-00092240-00092527 1.7 million asteroids with a diameter of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00372-00092528-00092809 one kilometer or more the apparent F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00373-00092810-00092962 magnitudes of most of the known F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00374-00092963-00093238 asteroids are between 11 and 19 with the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00375-00093239-00093505 median at about 16 the total mass of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00376-00093506-00093703 asteroid belt is estimated to be between F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00377-00093704-00093991 two point eight times 1021 and three F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00378-00093992-00094327 point two times 1021 kilograms which is F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00379-00094328-00094522 just four percent of the mass of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00380-00094523-00094876 moon the four largest objects series for F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00381-00094877-00095158 Vesta to Palace and ten hygeia account F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00382-00095159-00095350 for half of the belts total mask with F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00383-00095351-00095584 almost one third accounted for by series F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00384-00095585-00096718 alone topic composition the current belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00385-00096719-00096946 consists primarily of three categories F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00386-00096947-00097186 of asteroids sea type or carbonaceous F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00387-00097187-00097435 asteroids S type or silicate asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00388-00097436-00097752 and M type or metallic asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00389-00097753-00097987 carbonaceous asteroids as their name F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00390-00097988-00098266 suggests are carbon rich they dominate F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00391-00098267-00098464 the asteroid belts outer regions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00392-00098465-00098818 together they comprise over 75% of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00393-00098819-00099091 visible asteroids they are redder in hue F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00394-00099092-00099295 than the other asteroids and have a very F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00395-00099296-00099616 low albedo their surface composition is F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00396-00099617-00099799 similar to carbonaceous chondrite F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00397-00099800-00100081 meteorites chemically their spectra F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00398-00100082-00100285 match the primordial composition of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00399-00100286-00100495 early solar system with only the lighter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00400-00100496-00100849 elements and volatiles removed s-type F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00401-00100850-00101083 silicate rich asteroids are more common F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00402-00101084-00101239 toward the inner region of the belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00403-00101240-00101542 within 2.5 astronomical units of the Sun F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00404-00101543-00101833 the spectra of their surfaces reveal the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00405-00101834-00102043 presence of silicates and some metal but F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00406-00102044-00102286 no significant carbonaceous compounds F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00407-00102287-00102558 this indicates that their materials have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00408-00102559-00102751 been significantly modified from their F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00409-00102752-00102976 primordial composition probably through F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00410-00102977-00103233 melting and Reformation they have a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00411-00103234-00103465 relatively high albedo and form about F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00412-00103466-00103860 17% of the total asteroid population M F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00413-00103861-00104208 type metal-rich asteroids form about 10% F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00414-00104209-00104428 of the total population their spectra F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00415-00104429-00104695 resembled that of iron nickel some are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00416-00104696-00104839 believed to have formed from the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00417-00104840-00105033 metallic cores of differentiated F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00418-00105034-00105234 progenitor bodies that were disrupted F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00419-00105235-00105514 through collision however there are also F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00420-00105515-00105733 some silicate compounds that can produce F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00421-00105733-00106057 a similar appearance for example the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00422-00106058-00106357 large M type asteroid 22 Calliope does F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00423-00106358-00106570 not appear to be primarily composed of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00424-00106571-00106840 metal within the asteroid belt the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00425-00106841-00107065 number distribution of M type asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00426-00107066-00107377 peaks at a semi-major axis of about 2.7 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00427-00107378-00107692 astronomical units it is not yet clear F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00428-00107693-00107922 whether all M types are compositionally F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00429-00107923-00108114 similar or whether it is a label for F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00430-00108115-00108311 several varieties which do not fit F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00431-00108313-00108681 neatly into the main CNS classes one F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00432-00108682-00108873 mystery of the asteroid belt is the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00433-00108874-00109131 relative rarity of V type or basaltic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00434-00109132-00109470 asteroids theories of asteroid formation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00435-00109471-00109677 predict that objects the size of Vesta F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00436-00109678-00109890 or larger should form crusts and mantels F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00437-00109891-00110049 which would be composed mainly of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00438-00110050-00110265 basaltic rock resulting in more than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00439-00110266-00110475 half of all asteroids being composed F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00440-00110476-00110810 either of basalt or olivine observations F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00441-00110811-00111090 however suggests that 99% of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00442-00111091-00111344 predicted basaltic material is missing F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00443-00111345-00111696 until 2001 most basaltic bodies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00444-00111697-00111888 discovered in the asteroid belt were F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00445-00111889-00112085 believed to originate from the asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00446-00112086-00112374 Vesta hence their name V type however F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00447-00112375-00112746 the discovery of the asteroid 1459 magna F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00448-00112747-00112934 revealed a slightly different chemical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00449-00112935-00113121 composition from the other basaltic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00450-00113122-00113303 asteroids discovered until then F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00451-00113304-00113579 suggesting a different origin this F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00452-00113580-00113810 hypothesis was reinforced by the further F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00453-00113811-00114126 discovery in 2007 of two asteroids in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00454-00114127-00114594 the outer belt 7470 tuku mercury and 105 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00455-00114595-00114990 37 1 9 9 1 ry 16 with a differing F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00456-00114991-00115200 basaltic composition that could not have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00457-00115201-00115494 originated from Vesta these latter two F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00458-00115495-00115743 are the only V type asteroids discovered F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00459-00115744-00115883 in the outer belt to date the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00460-00115884-00116108 temperature of the asteroid belt varies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00461-00116109-00116370 with the distance from the Sun for dust F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00462-00116371-00116571 particles within the belt typical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00463-00116572-00116871 temperatures range from 200 K minus 73 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00464-00116872-00117174 degrees Celsius at 2.2 astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00465-00117175-00117608 units down to 165 K minus 108 degrees F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00466-00117609-00117888 Celsius at 3.2 astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00467-00117889-00118119 however due to rotation the surface F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00468-00118120-00118316 temperature of an asteroid can vary F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00469-00118317-00118535 considerably as the sides of alternately F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00470-00118536-00118773 exposed to solar radiation and then to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00471-00118774-00119532 the stellar background topic main-belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00472-00119533-00119889 comets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00473-00119890-00120172 several otherwise unremarkable bodies in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00474-00120173-00120372 the outer belt show cometary activity F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00475-00120373-00120633 because their orbits cannot be explained F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00476-00120634-00120829 through the capture of classical comets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00477-00120830-00120988 it is thought that many of the outer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00478-00120989-00121198 asteroids may be icy with the ice F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00479-00121199-00121393 occasionally exposed to sublimation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00480-00121394-00121690 through small impacts main-belt comets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00481-00121691-00121903 may have been a major source of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00482-00121904-00122077 Earth's oceans because the deuterium F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00483-00122078-00122353 hydrogen ratio is too low for classical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00484-00122354-00123024 comets to have been the principal source F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00485-00123025-00123688 topic orbits most asteroids within the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00486-00123689-00123850 asteroid belt have orbital F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00487-00123851-00124039 eccentricities of less than zero point F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00488-00124040-00124303 four and an inclination of less than 30 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00489-00124304-00124615 degrees the orbital distribution of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00490-00124616-00124816 asteroids reaches a maximum at an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00491-00124817-00125034 eccentricity of around zero point zero F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00492-00125035-00125266 seven and an inclination below four F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00493-00125267-00125578 degrees thus although a typical asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00494-00125579-00125800 has a relatively circular orbit and lies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00495-00125801-00125985 near the plane of the ecliptic some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00496-00125986-00126199 asteroid orbits can be highly eccentric F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00497-00126200-00126411 or travel well outside the ecliptic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00498-00126413-00126754 plane sometimes the term main-belt is F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00499-00126755-00126973 used to refer only to the more compact F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00500-00126974-00127231 core region where the greatest F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00501-00127232-00127501 concentration of bodies is found this F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00502-00127502-00127714 lies between the strong four to one and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00503-00127715-00128022 two to one Kirkwood gaps at 2.06 and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00504-00128023-00128341 3.27 astronomical units and at orbital F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00505-00128342-00128647 eccentricity is less than roughly 0.33 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00506-00128648-00128869 along with orbital inclinations below F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00507-00128870-00129363 about 20 degrees as of 2006 this core F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00508-00129364-00129721 region contained 93% of all discovered F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00509-00129722-00129901 and numbered minor planets within the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00510-00129902-00130282 solar system the JPL small body database F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00511-00130283-00130615 lists over 670,000 known main belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00512-00130616-00131188 asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00513-00131189-00131800 topic kirkwood gaps the semi-major axis F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00514-00131801-00132010 of an asteroid is used to describe the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00515-00132011-00132214 dimensions of its orbit around the Sun F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00516-00132215-00132403 and its value determines the minor F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00517-00132404-00132784 planets orbital period in 1866 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00518-00132785-00132958 Daniel Kirkwood announced the discovery F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00519-00132959-00133201 of gaps in the distances of these bodies F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00520-00133202-00133495 orbits from the Sun they were located in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00521-00133496-00133660 positions where their period of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00522-00133661-00133864 revolution about the Sun was an integer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00523-00133865-00134088 fraction of Jupiter's orbital period F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00524-00134089-00134344 Kirkwood proposed that the gravitational F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00525-00134345-00134563 perturbations of the planet led to the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00526-00134564-00134779 removal of asteroids from these orbits F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00527-00134780-00134959 when the mean orbital period of an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00528-00134960-00135163 asteroid is an integer fraction of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00529-00135164-00135391 orbital period of Jupiter a main motion F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00530-00135392-00135646 resonance with the gas giant is created F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00531-00135647-00135799 that is sufficient to perturb an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00532-00135800-00136035 asteroid to new orbital elements F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00533-00136036-00136303 asteroids that become located in the gap F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00534-00136304-00136489 orbits either prime or de Leeuw because F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00535-00136490-00136690 of the migration of Jupiter's orbit or F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00536-00136691-00136909 due to prior perturbations or collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00537-00136910-00137083 are gradually nudged into different F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00538-00137084-00137265 random orbits with a larger or smaller F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00539-00137266-00137668 semi-major axis the gaps are not seen in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00540-00137669-00137875 a simple snapshot of the locations of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00541-00137876-00138070 the asteroids at any one time because F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00542-00138071-00138310 asteroid orbits are elliptical and many F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00543-00138311-00138517 asteroids still cross through the radii F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00544-00138518-00138814 corresponding to the gaps the actual F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00545-00138815-00139024 spatial density of asteroids in these F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00546-00139025-00139225 gaps does not differ significantly from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00547-00139226-00139432 the neighboring regions the main gaps F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00548-00139433-00139828 occur at the 3 2 1 5 2 to 7 to 3 and 2 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00549-00139829-00140077 to 1 main motion resonances with Jupiter F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00550-00140078-00140398 an asteroid in the 3 to 1 Kirkwood gap F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00551-00140399-00140596 would orbit the Sun three times for each F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00552-00140597-00140902 Jovian orbit for instance weaker F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00553-00140903-00141100 resonances occur at other semi-major F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00554-00141101-00141361 axis values with fewer asteroids found F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00555-00141362-00141670 than nearby for example an 8 to 3 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00556-00141671-00141838 resonance for asteroids with a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00557-00141839-00142135 semi-major axis of 2.7 one astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00558-00142136-00142396 units the main or core population of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00559-00142397-00142642 asteroid belt is sometimes divided into F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00560-00142643-00142840 three zones based on the most prominent F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00561-00142841-00143191 Kirkwood gaps Zona lies between the four F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00562-00143192-00143530 to one resonance 2.06 astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00563-00143531-00143770 and three to one resonance 2.5 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00564-00143771-00143908 astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00565-00143909-00144253 Kirkwood gaps zone 2 continues from the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00566-00144254-00144448 end of zone eye out to the 5/2 2 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00567-00144449-00144559 resonance gap 2 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00568-00144560-00144915 point eight to astronomical units zone F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00569-00144916-00145096 three extends from the outer edge of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00570-00145097-00145315 Zone two to the two-to-one resonance gap F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00571-00145316-00145549 three point two eight astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00572-00145550-00145777 the asteroid belt may also be divided F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00573-00145778-00145969 into the inner and outer belt with the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00574-00145970-00146173 inner belt formed by asteroids orbiting F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00575-00146174-00146362 nearer to Mars than the three-to-one F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00576-00146363-00146604 Kirkwood gap two point five astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00577-00146605-00146812 units and the outer belt formed by those F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00578-00146813-00147061 asteroids closer to Jupiter's orbit some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00579-00147062-00147223 authors subdivide the inner and outer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00580-00147224-00147427 belts at the two-to-one resonance gap F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00581-00147428-00147649 three point three astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00582-00147650-00147852 whereas others suggest in a middle and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00583-00147853-00148651 outer belts also see diagram topic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00584-00148652-00149253 collisions the high population of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00585-00149254-00149470 asteroid belt makes for a very active F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00586-00149471-00149640 environment where collisions between F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00587-00149641-00149841 asteroids occur frequently on F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00588-00149842-00150153 astronomical timescales collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00589-00150154-00150354 between main belt bodies with a mean F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00590-00150355-00150603 radius of 10 kilometers are expected to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00591-00150604-00150826 occur about once every 10 million years F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00592-00150827-00151128 a collision may fragment an asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00593-00151129-00151372 into numerous smaller pieces leading to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00594-00151373-00151638 the formation of a new asteroid family F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00595-00151639-00151902 conversely collisions that occur at low F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00596-00151903-00152127 relative speeds may also join two F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00597-00152128-00152415 asteroids after more than four billion F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00598-00152416-00152650 years of such processes the members of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00599-00152651-00152821 the asteroid belt now bear little F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00600-00152822-00153087 resemblance to the original population F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00601-00153088-00153343 along with the asteroid bodies the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00602-00153344-00153583 asteroid belt also contains bands of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00603-00153584-00153832 dust with particle radii of up to a few F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00604-00153833-00154144 hundred micrometers this fine material F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00605-00154145-00154341 is produced at least in part from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00606-00154342-00154561 collisions between asteroids and by the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00607-00154562-00154786 impact of micro meteorites upon the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00608-00154787-00155089 asteroids due to the Poynting robertson F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00609-00155090-00155262 effect the pressure of solar radiation F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00610-00155263-00155548 causes this dust to slowly spiral inward F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00611-00155549-00155734 toward the Sun the combination of this F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00612-00155735-00155971 fine asteroid dust as well as ejected F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00613-00155972-00156226 cometary material produces the zodiacal F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00614-00156227-00156504 light this faint auroral glow can be F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00615-00156505-00156673 viewed at night extending from the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00616-00156674-00156874 direction of the Sun along the plane of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00617-00156875-00157159 the ecliptic asteroid particles that F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00618-00157160-00157336 produce the visible zodiacal light F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00619-00157337-00157628 average about 40 micro meters in radius F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00620-00157629-00157928 the typical lifetimes of Maine belts are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00621-00157929-00158290 cloud particles are about 700,000 years F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00622-00158291-00158594 thus to maintain the bands of dust new F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00623-00158595-00158789 particles must be steadily produced F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00624-00158790-00159065 within the asteroid belt it was once F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00625-00159066-00159239 thought that collisions of asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00626-00159240-00159482 form a major component of the zodiacal F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00627-00159483-00159797 light however computer simulations by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00628-00159798-00160091 Nez Vani and colleagues attributed 85% F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00629-00160092-00160250 of the zodiacal light dust to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00630-00160251-00160487 fragmentations of Jupiter family comets F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00631-00160488-00160655 rather than to comets and collisions F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00632-00160656-00160892 between asteroids in the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00633-00160893-00161246 at most 10% of the dust is attributed to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00634-00161247-00162422 the asteroid belt topic meteorites some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00635-00162423-00162629 of the debris from collisions can form F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00636-00162630-00162788 meteoroids that enter the Earth's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00637-00162789-00163043 atmosphere are the 50 thousand F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00638-00163044-00163373 meteorites found on earth to date 99.8% F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00639-00163374-00163601 are believed to have originated in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00640-00163602-00164768 asteroid belt topic families and groups F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00641-00164769-00165119 in 1918 the Japanese astronomer kyotsugu F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00642-00165120-00165377 Hirayama noticed that the orbits of some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00643-00165378-00165593 of the asteroids had similar parameters F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00644-00165594-00165848 forming families or groups approximately F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00645-00165849-00166013 one-third of the asteroids in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00646-00166014-00166223 asteroid belt are members of an asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00647-00166224-00166517 family these share similar orbital F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00648-00166518-00166742 elements such as semi-major axis F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00649-00166743-00166997 eccentricity and orbital inclination as F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00650-00166998-00167216 well as similar spectral features all of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00651-00167217-00167405 which indicate a common origin in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00652-00167406-00167672 breakup of a larger body graphical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00653-00167673-00167870 displays of these elements for members F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00654-00167871-00168113 of the asteroid belt show concentrations F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00655-00168114-00168296 indicating the presence of an asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00656-00168297-00168602 family there are about twenty to thirty F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00657-00168603-00168830 associations that are almost certainly F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00658-00168831-00169157 asteroid families additional groupings F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00659-00169158-00169333 have been found that a less certain F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00660-00169334-00169616 asteroid families can be confirmed when F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00661-00169617-00169802 the members display common spectral F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00662-00169803-00170099 features smaller associations of F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00663-00170100-00170362 asteroids are called groups or clusters F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00664-00170363-00170615 some of the most prominent families in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00665-00170616-00170815 the asteroid belt in order of increasing F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00666-00170816-00171119 semi-major axes are the flora u Noma F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00667-00171120-00171467 Coronis AOC and Themis families the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00668-00171468-00171680 flora family one of the largest with F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00669-00171681-00171902 more than 800 known members may have F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00670-00171903-00172088 formed from a collision less than 1 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00671-00172089-00172433 billion year ago the largest asteroid to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00672-00172434-00172658 be a true member of a family as opposed F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00673-00172659-00172865 to an interloper in the case of series F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00674-00172866-00173119 with the gabion family is 4 Vesta the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00675-00173120-00173399 Vesta family is believed to have formed F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00676-00173400-00173615 as the result of a crater forming impact F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00677-00173616-00173930 on Vesta likewise the head meteorites F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00678-00173931-00174179 may also have originated from Vesta as a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00679-00174180-00174404 result of this collision three prominent F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00680-00174405-00174599 bands of dust have been found within the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00681-00174600-00174707 asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00682-00174708-00174932 these have similar orbital inclinations F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00683-00174933-00175058 as the AOS F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00684-00175059-00175316 coronis and Themis asteroid families and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00685-00175317-00175529 so are possibly associated with those F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00686-00175530-00175772 groupings the main belt evolution after F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00687-00175773-00175949 the late heavy bombardment was very F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00688-00175950-00176174 likely affected by the passages of large F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00689-00176175-00176408 centers and trans-neptunian objects F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00690-00176409-00176774 tierno's centaurs and T nos that reach F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00691-00176775-00176975 the inner solar system can modify the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00692-00176976-00177194 orbits of main-belt asteroids though F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00693-00177195-00177401 only if their mass is of the order of 10 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00694-00177402-00177692 - 9 m for single encounters or one order F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00695-00177693-00177863 less in case of multiple Close F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00696-00177864-00178083 Encounters F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00697-00178084-00178313 centaurs and tierno's are unlikely to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00698-00178314-00178502 have significantly dispersed young F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00699-00178503-00178727 asteroid families in the main belt but F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00700-00178728-00178872 they can have perturbed some old F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00701-00178873-00179172 asteroid families current main belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00702-00179173-00179414 asteroids that originated as centers or F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00703-00179415-00179634 trans-neptunian objects may lie in the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00704-00179635-00179837 outer belt with short life time of less F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00705-00179838-00180060 than 4 million years most likely between F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00706-00180061-00180348 2.8 and three point two astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00707-00180349-00180558 units at larger eccentricities than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00708-00180559-00181296 typical of main-belt asteroid topic F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00709-00181297-00181862 periphery skirting the inner edge of the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00710-00181863-00182181 belt ranging between 1.78 and 2.0 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00711-00182182-00182358 astronomical units with a mean F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00712-00182359-00182654 semi-major axis of 1.9 astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00713-00182655-00182883 units is the hungaria family of minor F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00714-00182884-00183147 planets they are named after the main F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00715-00183148-00183515 member 434 Hungaria the group contains F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00716-00183516-00183902 at least 52 named asteroids the hungaria F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00717-00183903-00184143 group is separated from the main body by F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00718-00184144-00184337 the four to one Kirkwood gap and their F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00719-00184338-00184616 orbits have a high inclination some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00720-00184617-00184799 members belong to the Mars crossing F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00721-00184800-00185036 category of asteroids and gravitational F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00722-00185037-00185228 perturbations by Mars are likely a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00723-00185229-00185426 factor in reducing the total population F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00724-00185427-00185643 of this group another high inclination F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00725-00185644-00185849 group in the inner part of the asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00726-00185850-00186149 belt is the foe seer family these are F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00727-00186150-00186386 composed primarily of s-type asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00728-00186387-00186618 whereas the neighboring Hungaria family F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00729-00186619-00186941 includes Samee types the FO see a family F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00730-00186942-00187328 orbit between 2.25 and 2.5 astronomical F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00731-00187329-00187632 units from the Sun skirting the outer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00732-00187633-00187838 edge of the asteroid belt is the cyber F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00733-00187839-00188168 group orbiting between 3.3 and 3.5 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00734-00188169-00188322 astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00735-00188323-00188631 these have a 7 - 4 orbital resonance F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00736-00188632-00188879 with Jupiter the hilde family orbit F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00737-00188880-00189236 between 3.5 and 4.2 astronomical units F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00738-00189237-00189461 and have relatively circular orbits and F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00739-00189462-00189693 a stable 3 - 2 orbital resonance with F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00740-00189694-00189986 Jupiter there are few asteroids beyond F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00741-00189987-00190301 4.2 astronomical units until Jupiter's F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00742-00190302-00190596 orbit here the two families of Trojan F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00743-00190597-00190802 asteroids can be found which at least F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00744-00190803-00191019 four objects larger than one kilometer F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00745-00191020-00191216 are approximately as numerous as the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00746-00191217-00191854 asteroids of the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00747-00191855-00192507 topic new families some asteroid F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00748-00192508-00192704 families have formed recently in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00749-00192705-00192989 astronomical terms the Karen cluster F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00750-00192990-00193245 apparently formed about 5.7 million F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00751-00193246-00193434 years ago from a collision with a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00752-00193435-00193715 progenitor asteroid 33 kilometers in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00753-00193716-00194031 radius the Veritas family formed about F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00754-00194032-00194331 8.3 million years ago evidence includes F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00755-00194332-00194562 interplanetary dust recovered from ocean F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00756-00194563-00194622 sediment F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00757-00194623-00194820 more recently the de Chirico stir F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00758-00194821-00194994 appears to have formed about five F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00759-00194995-00195164 hundred and thirty thousand years ago F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00760-00195165-00195345 from a collision with a main-belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00761-00195346-00195645 asteroid the age estimate is based on F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00762-00195646-00195837 the probability of the members having F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00763-00195838-00196008 their current orbits rather than from F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00764-00196009-00196308 any physical evidence however this F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00765-00196309-00196506 cluster may have been a source for some F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00766-00196507-00196814 zodiacal dust material other recent F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00767-00196815-00197037 cluster formations such as the Ioannina F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00768-00197038-00197276 cluster see one to five million years F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00769-00197277-00197511 ago may have provided additional sources F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00770-00197512-00198628 of this asteroid dust topic exploration F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00771-00198629-00198906 the first spacecraft to traverse the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00772-00198907-00199137 asteroid belt was pioneer 10 which F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00773-00199138-00199378 entered the region on the 16th of July F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00774-00199379-00199727 1972 at the time there was some concern F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00775-00199728-00199932 that the debris in the belt would pose a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00776-00199933-00200136 hazard to the spacecraft but it has F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00777-00200137-00200339 since been safely traversed by twelve F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00778-00200340-00200670 spacecraft without incident pioneer 11 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00779-00200671-00200925 voyagers 1 and 2 and Ulysses passed F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00780-00200926-00201093 through the belt without imaging any F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00781-00201094-00201569 asteroids Galileo imaged 951 gaspra in F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00782-00201570-00202221 1991 and 243 ADA in 1993 near image 253 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00783-00202222-00202640 Mathilde in 1997 and landed on 433 eros F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00784-00202641-00203148 in February 2001 Cassini imaged 2685 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00785-00203149-00203639 mazurski in 2000 stardust imaged 5535 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00786-00203640-00203962 anna frank in 2002 new horizons image F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00787-00203963-00204771 130 2524 APL in 2006 rosetta image 2867 F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00788-00204772-00204838 steins F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00789-00204839-00205180 in September 2008 and 21 latisha in July F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00790-00205181-00205475 2010 and dawn orbited Vesta between July F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00791-00205476-00205792 2011 and September 2012 and has orbited F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00792-00205794-00206137 series since March 2015 on its way to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00793-00206138-00206407 Jupiter Juno traversed the asteroid belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00794-00206408-00206710 without collecting science data due to F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00795-00206711-00206926 the low density of materials within the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00796-00206927-00206962 belt F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00797-00206963-00207127 the odds of a probe running into an F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00798-00207128-00207326 asteroid are now estimated at less than F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00799-00207327-00207575 one in 1 billion most belt asteroids F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00800-00207576-00207800 image to date have come from brief flyby F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00801-00207801-00208033 opportunities by probes headed for other F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00802-00208034-00208384 targets only the dawn NIR and Hayabusa F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00803-00208385-00208601 missions have studied asteroids for a F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00804-00208602-00208804 protracted period in orbit and at the F1ctvxdZ7Cc-00805-00208805-00209402 surface equals equals see also F45s1fc2T-U-00000-00000704-00000999 all right F45s1fc2T-U-00001-00001000-00001215 hey welcome everybody thank you so much F45s1fc2T-U-00002-00001216-00001366 to coming to our open mic F45s1fc2T-U-00003-00001367-00001550 our pandemic poetry and open mic night F45s1fc2T-U-00004-00001551-00001767 tonight we're going to get started in F45s1fc2T-U-00005-00001768-00001918 just a few minutes we have a lot of F45s1fc2T-U-00006-00001919-00002039 people still joining F45s1fc2T-U-00007-00002039-00002367 so we're going to give it just a minute F45s1fc2T-U-00008-00002368-00002558 or two more F45s1fc2T-U-00009-00002559-00002718 and i want to make a special note that F45s1fc2T-U-00010-00002719-00002902 we are recording this program F45s1fc2T-U-00011-00002903-00003150 so if anyone is concerned and doesn't F45s1fc2T-U-00012-00003151-00003206 want F45s1fc2T-U-00013-00003207-00003535 their face to be in the video just make F45s1fc2T-U-00014-00003536-00003615 sure that you F45s1fc2T-U-00015-00003615-00003838 um disable your video you just press the F45s1fc2T-U-00016-00003839-00003999 little stop video button at the bottom F45s1fc2T-U-00017-00004000-00004319 of your screen F45s1fc2T-U-00018-00004320-00004622 and um you can mute your audio F45s1fc2T-U-00019-00004623-00004847 in the meantime until we get to the F45s1fc2T-U-00020-00004848-00004967 point where F45s1fc2T-U-00021-00004968-00005518 we're gonna have the open mic F45s1fc2T-U-00022-00005519-00005767 just to let you know we are recording F45s1fc2T-U-00023-00005768-00005870 and we have started F45s1fc2T-U-00024-00005871-00006079 recording stuff be starting in just a F45s1fc2T-U-00025-00006080-00006359 minute F45s1fc2T-U-00026-00006360-00006567 my man elemento and his hip hop song F45s1fc2T-U-00027-00006568-00006783 about long beach called 1888 he had that F45s1fc2T-U-00028-00006784-00006823 sign F45s1fc2T-U-00029-00006823-00007046 that song that went up he said um make F45s1fc2T-U-00030-00007047-00007191 this money outside of town and bring it F45s1fc2T-U-00031-00007192-00007606 back down to long beach F45s1fc2T-U-00032-00007608-00007774 any type of human can be found when F45s1fc2T-U-00033-00007775-00008167 you're moving around long beach F45s1fc2T-U-00034-00008168-00008327 one of my favorite long beach centric F45s1fc2T-U-00035-00008328-00008663 songs 1888 F45s1fc2T-U-00036-00008664-00008983 all right okay F45s1fc2T-U-00037-00008984-00009183 good afternoon ladies and gentlemen my F45s1fc2T-U-00038-00009184-00009359 name is angela scott F45s1fc2T-U-00039-00009360-00009542 and i am the library assistant here at F45s1fc2T-U-00040-00009543-00009687 the billie jean king F45s1fc2T-U-00041-00009688-00009839 main library's miller special F45s1fc2T-U-00042-00009840-00010103 collections room on behalf of our senior F45s1fc2T-U-00043-00010104-00010287 librarian of collection services jade F45s1fc2T-U-00044-00010288-00010383 wheeler F45s1fc2T-U-00045-00010384-00010574 our special collections librarian jeff F45s1fc2T-U-00046-00010575-00010791 whalen and all the staff here at the F45s1fc2T-U-00047-00010792-00010942 long beach public library F45s1fc2T-U-00048-00010943-00011103 i'd like to welcome you to the first F45s1fc2T-U-00049-00011104-00011310 online event of the miller room spoken F45s1fc2T-U-00050-00011311-00011351 word F45s1fc2T-U-00051-00011352-00011606 spoken art series celebrating poetry and F45s1fc2T-U-00052-00011607-00011783 the spoken word F45s1fc2T-U-00053-00011784-00011983 today we are very pleased to present F45s1fc2T-U-00054-00011984-00012110 this very special F45s1fc2T-U-00055-00012111-00012342 end of the year pandemic poetry and open F45s1fc2T-U-00056-00012343-00012574 mic night program with mike songston and F45s1fc2T-U-00057-00012575-00012678 friends F45s1fc2T-U-00058-00012679-00012846 this is one of a series of poetry F45s1fc2T-U-00059-00012847-00012974 programs that will be presented F45s1fc2T-U-00060-00012975-00013119 periodically in the miller room F45s1fc2T-U-00061-00013119-00013222 throughout the year F45s1fc2T-U-00062-00013223-00013407 in addition to our local history lecture F45s1fc2T-U-00063-00013408-00013655 series our art of nature lecture series F45s1fc2T-U-00064-00013656-00013958 our poetry and fiction writing workshops F45s1fc2T-U-00065-00013959-00014199 musical performance programs book club F45s1fc2T-U-00066-00014200-00014311 short story reading group F45s1fc2T-U-00067-00014312-00014535 art programming and so much more please F45s1fc2T-U-00068-00014536-00014791 keep an eye on our lbpl calendar website F45s1fc2T-U-00069-00014791-00014966 for upcoming events and we hope you'll F45s1fc2T-U-00070-00014968-00015135 join us again for more of these special F45s1fc2T-U-00071-00015136-00015391 programs as they become available F45s1fc2T-U-00072-00015391-00015583 now while we have you all here we'd also F45s1fc2T-U-00073-00015584-00015783 like to mention some new online programs F45s1fc2T-U-00074-00015784-00015999 coming to the miller room in january F45s1fc2T-U-00075-00016000-00016303 on saturday january 23rd from 2 30 to 4 F45s1fc2T-U-00076-00016304-00016375 p.m F45s1fc2T-U-00077-00016376-00016543 please join us for our next miller room F45s1fc2T-U-00078-00016544-00016655 book club meeting which will be F45s1fc2T-U-00079-00016656-00016735 featuring F45s1fc2T-U-00080-00016736-00016911 a variety of short stories from various F45s1fc2T-U-00081-00016912-00017135 authors so if you're limited on time but F45s1fc2T-U-00082-00017136-00017263 want to start reading more as one of F45s1fc2T-U-00083-00017264-00017391 your new year's resolutions F45s1fc2T-U-00084-00017392-00017583 consider joining our book club and short F45s1fc2T-U-00085-00017584-00017694 story reading group F45s1fc2T-U-00086-00017695-00017894 the book club currently meets online via F45s1fc2T-U-00087-00017895-00018094 zoom and is limited to a maximum of 10 F45s1fc2T-U-00088-00018095-00018263 to 12 people per meeting F45s1fc2T-U-00089-00018264-00018583 so pre-registration rsvps are necessary F45s1fc2T-U-00090-00018584-00018727 for more information or to join the F45s1fc2T-U-00091-00018728-00018927 miller room book club's email list F45s1fc2T-U-00092-00018928-00019155 please visit our lbpl website at F45s1fc2T-U-00093-00019156-00019271 lbpl.org F45s1fc2T-U-00094-00019272-00019471 and check out our calendar of events you F45s1fc2T-U-00095-00019472-00019671 can also call the main library for more F45s1fc2T-U-00096-00019672-00019855 information or message me in the live F45s1fc2T-U-00097-00019856-00019894 chat F45s1fc2T-U-00098-00019895-00020047 after our program today if you have more F45s1fc2T-U-00099-00020048-00020286 questions i'd also like to mention our F45s1fc2T-U-00100-00020287-00020478 next big local history lecture series F45s1fc2T-U-00101-00020479-00020591 and book talk program F45s1fc2T-U-00102-00020592-00020943 on saturday january 30th from 3 to 4 p.m F45s1fc2T-U-00103-00020944-00021199 this program is entitled when water was F45s1fc2T-U-00104-00021200-00021278 everywhere F45s1fc2T-U-00105-00021279-00021583 a novel view of life in early california F45s1fc2T-U-00106-00021584-00021775 and will be presented by local author F45s1fc2T-U-00107-00021776-00021886 barbara crane F45s1fc2T-U-00108-00021887-00022030 you'll see long beach and southern F45s1fc2T-U-00109-00022031-00022271 california as it looked 200 years ago F45s1fc2T-U-00110-00022272-00022519 portrayed in miss crane's award-winning F45s1fc2T-U-00111-00022520-00022727 historical novel entitled when water was F45s1fc2T-U-00112-00022728-00022855 everywhere F45s1fc2T-U-00113-00022856-00023071 through historic maps photos short F45s1fc2T-U-00114-00023072-00023263 readings our local landscape will be F45s1fc2T-U-00115-00023264-00023407 re-envisioned F45s1fc2T-U-00116-00023408-00023550 through the eyes of the people who once F45s1fc2T-U-00117-00023551-00023767 lived here american immigrants F45s1fc2T-U-00118-00023768-00024111 mexican california's tongva gabriellino F45s1fc2T-U-00119-00024112-00024175 indians F45s1fc2T-U-00120-00024176-00024439 and spanish padres will all come to life F45s1fc2T-U-00121-00024440-00024663 in this richly imagined past F45s1fc2T-U-00122-00024664-00024839 so please keep an eye on our website and F45s1fc2T-U-00123-00024840-00025078 calendar to sign up for the zoom program F45s1fc2T-U-00124-00025079-00025263 it'll be going up on our website next F45s1fc2T-U-00125-00025264-00025422 week for advanced sign ups F45s1fc2T-U-00126-00025423-00025599 and stay tuned for other programs that F45s1fc2T-U-00127-00025600-00025750 will be rolling out in the next few F45s1fc2T-U-00128-00025751-00025878 months F45s1fc2T-U-00129-00025879-00026078 now getting back to our program for F45s1fc2T-U-00130-00026079-00026311 today it is our pleasure to once again F45s1fc2T-U-00131-00026312-00026487 welcome and introduce our featured F45s1fc2T-U-00132-00026488-00026646 speaker this afternoon F45s1fc2T-U-00133-00026647-00026967 mike songston aka mike the poet F45s1fc2T-U-00134-00026968-00027183 mike was born at saint mary's hospital F45s1fc2T-U-00135-00027183-00027343 right here in long beach and is a third F45s1fc2T-U-00136-00027344-00027414 generation F45s1fc2T-U-00137-00027416-00027655 la native who has lived his entire life F45s1fc2T-U-00138-00027656-00027814 in los angeles county F45s1fc2T-U-00139-00027816-00028031 he grew up riding his bike around el F45s1fc2T-U-00140-00028032-00028239 dorado park and down the san gabriel F45s1fc2T-U-00141-00028239-00028367 river F45s1fc2T-U-00142-00028368-00028583 through east long beach following his F45s1fc2T-U-00143-00028583-00028862 graduation from ucla in 1997 F45s1fc2T-U-00144-00028863-00029174 he's published over 500 essays and poems F45s1fc2T-U-00145-00029175-00029358 and his poetry celebrates southern F45s1fc2T-U-00146-00029360-00029607 california history and geography F45s1fc2T-U-00147-00029608-00029823 mike has an interdisciplinary master of F45s1fc2T-U-00148-00029824-00030014 arts in english and history F45s1fc2T-U-00149-00030016-00030207 and his prose and poetry has been F45s1fc2T-U-00150-00030208-00030407 included in programs with the mayor's F45s1fc2T-U-00151-00030408-00030470 office F45s1fc2T-U-00152-00030472-00030727 the los angeles public libraries made in F45s1fc2T-U-00153-00030727-00030862 la series F45s1fc2T-U-00154-00030863-00031111 grand park the music center and the F45s1fc2T-U-00155-00031112-00031311 friends of the los angeles river F45s1fc2T-U-00156-00031312-00031518 he's taught at cal state los angeles F45s1fc2T-U-00157-00031519-00031702 southwest college and is currently a F45s1fc2T-U-00158-00031703-00031902 professor at woodbury university in the F45s1fc2T-U-00159-00031903-00032070 san fernando valley F45s1fc2T-U-00160-00032072-00032231 in addition to writing poetry and F45s1fc2T-U-00161-00032232-00032414 performing across the southland F45s1fc2T-U-00162-00032416-00032623 he enjoys sharing his gifts and talents F45s1fc2T-U-00163-00032624-00032758 as a poet scholar F45s1fc2T-U-00164-00032760-00032911 and mentor with hundreds of young F45s1fc2T-U-00165-00032912-00033190 writers across southern california F45s1fc2T-U-00166-00033191-00033390 a number of pieces in his book letters F45s1fc2T-U-00167-00033391-00033502 to my city F45s1fc2T-U-00168-00033503-00033718 also celebrate long beach sites like F45s1fc2T-U-00169-00033719-00033823 cambodia town F45s1fc2T-U-00170-00033824-00034071 bixby knowles north long beach and rotor F45s1fc2T-U-00171-00034072-00034167 row F45s1fc2T-U-00172-00034168-00034390 mr songson's essays have been recognized F45s1fc2T-U-00173-00034391-00034599 by the los angeles press club and he's F45s1fc2T-U-00174-00034600-00034662 published F45s1fc2T-U-00175-00034663-00034990 widely with kcet the academy of american F45s1fc2T-U-00176-00034991-00035071 pilots F45s1fc2T-U-00177-00035072-00035279 poets and writers magazines and dozens F45s1fc2T-U-00178-00035280-00035471 of other publications F45s1fc2T-U-00179-00035472-00035646 in today's program mike will be F45s1fc2T-U-00180-00035647-00035799 presenting a lively reading and F45s1fc2T-U-00181-00035800-00035983 performance of his own poetry F45s1fc2T-U-00182-00035984-00036143 as well as hosting our end of the year F45s1fc2T-U-00183-00036144-00036343 open mic with a few special guests and F45s1fc2T-U-00184-00036344-00036471 anyone interested F45s1fc2T-U-00185-00036472-00036655 in reflecting and sharing their thoughts F45s1fc2T-U-00186-00036656-00036927 on life 2020 and the pandemic the new F45s1fc2T-U-00187-00036928-00036974 year F45s1fc2T-U-00188-00036975-00037279 or whatever moves you during today's F45s1fc2T-U-00189-00037280-00037367 program F45s1fc2T-U-00190-00037368-00037543 if you'd like to sign up for the public F45s1fc2T-U-00191-00037544-00037759 open mic portions of the program F45s1fc2T-U-00192-00037760-00037983 please type your name in the chat and F45s1fc2T-U-00193-00037984-00038118 let us know that you'd like to do a F45s1fc2T-U-00194-00038119-00038207 reading F45s1fc2T-U-00195-00038208-00038439 open mic will be first come first served F45s1fc2T-U-00196-00038440-00038607 so please sign up early and we'll F45s1fc2T-U-00197-00038608-00038839 announce your names as time permits F45s1fc2T-U-00198-00038840-00038990 if you don't want your video to show F45s1fc2T-U-00199-00038991-00039167 during the reading please just make sure F45s1fc2T-U-00200-00039168-00039335 to leave your video disabled at the F45s1fc2T-U-00201-00039336-00039535 bottom of your screen F45s1fc2T-U-00202-00039536-00039711 otherwise you can turn your video on so F45s1fc2T-U-00203-00039712-00039839 the audience can see you while you're F45s1fc2T-U-00204-00039840-00039967 reading F45s1fc2T-U-00205-00039968-00040151 at the end of the program if there's F45s1fc2T-U-00206-00040152-00040351 time we'll also have a q a F45s1fc2T-U-00207-00040352-00040559 that will be moderated through our chat F45s1fc2T-U-00208-00040560-00040727 if you have any questions please type F45s1fc2T-U-00209-00040728-00040807 them into the chat F45s1fc2T-U-00210-00040808-00041015 bar and you'll also see the chat button F45s1fc2T-U-00211-00041016-00041190 button at the bottom of your screen F45s1fc2T-U-00212-00041191-00041318 and you can type and submit your F45s1fc2T-U-00213-00041319-00041543 questions there mike and his guests will F45s1fc2T-U-00214-00041544-00041727 answer questions as time permits F45s1fc2T-U-00215-00041728-00041958 the program will officially end at 5 30 F45s1fc2T-U-00216-00041959-00042135 pm if you need to leave F45s1fc2T-U-00217-00042136-00042295 but you're welcome to stay and continue F45s1fc2T-U-00218-00042296-00042495 asking questions via chat until F45s1fc2T-U-00219-00042496-00042815 5 45 we'll also be sending out an email F45s1fc2T-U-00220-00042816-00043046 soon with a link to the archived video F45s1fc2T-U-00221-00043047-00043183 recording of this program F45s1fc2T-U-00222-00043184-00043367 so you can also watch it later at your F45s1fc2T-U-00223-00043368-00043558 leisure F45s1fc2T-U-00224-00043559-00043758 finally as i mentioned earlier we are F45s1fc2T-U-00225-00043759-00043927 recording this program today so if you F45s1fc2T-U-00226-00043928-00044055 don't want your face to be seen in the F45s1fc2T-U-00227-00044056-00044174 video during the program F45s1fc2T-U-00228-00044175-00044367 please make sure to disable your video F45s1fc2T-U-00229-00044368-00044567 feed by clicking on the stop video F45s1fc2T-U-00230-00044568-00044767 button at the bottom of your screen F45s1fc2T-U-00231-00044768-00044879 you'll still be able to see the F45s1fc2T-U-00232-00044880-00045055 presentation but we just won't be able F45s1fc2T-U-00233-00045056-00045151 to see you F45s1fc2T-U-00234-00045152-00045295 so if you're having difficulty with your F45s1fc2T-U-00235-00045296-00045479 audio or video please let us know in the F45s1fc2T-U-00236-00045480-00045711 chat so we can assist you remotely F45s1fc2T-U-00237-00045712-00045927 so thank you again for joining us today F45s1fc2T-U-00238-00045928-00046023 everyone F45s1fc2T-U-00239-00046024-00046255 and without further ado ladies and F45s1fc2T-U-00240-00046256-00046343 gentlemen F45s1fc2T-U-00241-00046344-00046590 the miller room is pleased to present F45s1fc2T-U-00242-00046591-00046783 our very special guests F45s1fc2T-U-00243-00046784-00047183 mike the poet and friends F45s1fc2T-U-00244-00047184-00047471 thank you very much angela long beach F45s1fc2T-U-00245-00047472-00047527 yeah F45s1fc2T-U-00246-00047528-00047758 hey it's really great to see everybody F45s1fc2T-U-00247-00047759-00047902 and i want to tell you a story about a F45s1fc2T-U-00248-00047903-00048086 year and a half ago i was driving down F45s1fc2T-U-00249-00048087-00048335 the 17 and i exited broadway F45s1fc2T-U-00250-00048336-00048623 and as i went east on broadway i looked F45s1fc2T-U-00251-00048624-00048774 to my right and saw a beautiful brand F45s1fc2T-U-00252-00048775-00048846 new building F45s1fc2T-U-00253-00048847-00049023 and i was like you know what is that and F45s1fc2T-U-00254-00049024-00049255 i i circled back around F45s1fc2T-U-00255-00049256-00049446 and i saw the sign yeah coming up F45s1fc2T-U-00256-00049447-00049630 opening the brand new billie jean king F45s1fc2T-U-00257-00049631-00049846 library in long beach and F45s1fc2T-U-00258-00049847-00050030 billie jean king of course was the great F45s1fc2T-U-00259-00050031-00050167 tennis star who F45s1fc2T-U-00260-00050168-00050446 um who went to paulie high school and F45s1fc2T-U-00261-00050447-00050623 she also by the way went to cal state la F45s1fc2T-U-00262-00050624-00050839 interestingly enough they've named a sp F45s1fc2T-U-00263-00050840-00051158 a location after a long at cal state l.a F45s1fc2T-U-00264-00051159-00051270 as well but F45s1fc2T-U-00265-00051271-00051526 uh the billie jean king new library is F45s1fc2T-U-00266-00051527-00051735 gorgeous it is a really beautiful F45s1fc2T-U-00267-00051736-00051830 library F45s1fc2T-U-00268-00051832-00052087 and i immediately got in touch with them F45s1fc2T-U-00269-00052088-00052246 and i did a reading for my book letters F45s1fc2T-U-00270-00052247-00052407 to my city about a year ago shortly F45s1fc2T-U-00271-00052408-00052566 after the library opened in early F45s1fc2T-U-00272-00052567-00052687 january F45s1fc2T-U-00273-00052688-00052959 and so as 2020 nobody foresaw the F45s1fc2T-U-00274-00052960-00053150 pandemic of course in january F45s1fc2T-U-00275-00053151-00053454 so here we are ending 2020 and F45s1fc2T-U-00276-00053455-00053630 what a better way to close out the year F45s1fc2T-U-00277-00053632-00053782 at the very beautiful library that i F45s1fc2T-U-00278-00053783-00053919 started at so F45s1fc2T-U-00279-00053920-00054142 uh i'm gonna do a poem right now but F45s1fc2T-U-00280-00054144-00054319 then i'm gonna try to get up as many F45s1fc2T-U-00281-00054320-00054494 poets as possible we're gonna start off F45s1fc2T-U-00282-00054495-00054719 with a few special guests F45s1fc2T-U-00283-00054720-00054887 and then we're going to try to get up as F45s1fc2T-U-00284-00054888-00055030 many folks as possible F45s1fc2T-U-00285-00055032-00055215 so this is really about the community F45s1fc2T-U-00286-00055216-00055415 and about sharing space and F45s1fc2T-U-00287-00055416-00055591 build the bridge lay down the bricks F45s1fc2T-U-00288-00055591-00055791 fill in the ridges stack the sticks feed F45s1fc2T-U-00289-00055791-00055950 the fire consider the cost take it up F45s1fc2T-U-00290-00055951-00056254 higher the city is ours F45s1fc2T-U-00291-00056255-00056423 all right folks so i'm gonna read a poem F45s1fc2T-U-00292-00056424-00056582 right now F45s1fc2T-U-00293-00056583-00056847 um this poem is called parallel parking F45s1fc2T-U-00294-00056848-00057142 on memory lane F45s1fc2T-U-00295-00057144-00057447 born in long beach in 1974 sooner than F45s1fc2T-U-00296-00057448-00057694 later my parents divorced my mom shut F45s1fc2T-U-00297-00057695-00057847 the door and went back to work F45s1fc2T-U-00298-00057848-00058150 teaching elementary in north long beach F45s1fc2T-U-00299-00058151-00058407 my dad moved out to orange county a few F45s1fc2T-U-00300-00058408-00058591 years later over to arizona F45s1fc2T-U-00301-00058591-00058871 every few sundays he came over grease F45s1fc2T-U-00302-00058872-00059079 was the word my sister on roller skates F45s1fc2T-U-00303-00059079-00059359 we lived in cerritos in a tracked house F45s1fc2T-U-00304-00059360-00059542 my grandparents lived in long beach just F45s1fc2T-U-00305-00059544-00059815 south down the 605 freeway west of el F45s1fc2T-U-00306-00059816-00059991 dorado park F45s1fc2T-U-00307-00059991-00060175 we saw them almost every single day F45s1fc2T-U-00308-00060176-00060350 summer evening suppers in the backyard F45s1fc2T-U-00309-00060351-00060630 we barbecued and then had some mores F45s1fc2T-U-00310-00060632-00060894 saturday bike rides with my grandfather F45s1fc2T-U-00311-00060895-00061071 sunday morning drives with my father F45s1fc2T-U-00312-00061072-00061263 friday night tv with my grandma the F45s1fc2T-U-00313-00061264-00061647 sears catalog for my pajamas F45s1fc2T-U-00314-00061648-00061894 original rituals that make a family F45s1fc2T-U-00315-00061895-00062063 homemade vegetable soup in the late F45s1fc2T-U-00316-00062064-00062247 afternoon i was riding shotgun in my F45s1fc2T-U-00317-00062248-00062519 mom's blue malibu F45s1fc2T-U-00318-00062520-00062703 driving to seal beach south on seal F45s1fc2T-U-00319-00062704-00062935 beach los cerritos wetlands with willow F45s1fc2T-U-00320-00062936-00063094 thickets F45s1fc2T-U-00321-00063095-00063326 trees versus technology my childhood F45s1fc2T-U-00322-00063327-00063519 sanctuary my sister running cross F45s1fc2T-U-00323-00063520-00063591 country F45s1fc2T-U-00324-00063591-00063838 i peddled across la county buying F45s1fc2T-U-00325-00063839-00064023 baseball cards in hawaiian gardens F45s1fc2T-U-00326-00064024-00064175 whenever i close my eyes i'm still F45s1fc2T-U-00327-00064176-00064279 riding F45s1fc2T-U-00328-00064279-00064535 bundled up after el nino rain parallel F45s1fc2T-U-00329-00064536-00064711 parking on memory lane F45s1fc2T-U-00330-00064712-00064959 i memorized facts looking at maps F45s1fc2T-U-00331-00064960-00065038 driving down F45s1fc2T-U-00332-00065039-00065647 the llamo brings it all back F45s1fc2T-U-00333-00065648-00065799 driving down zalam what brings it all F45s1fc2T-U-00334-00065800-00065959 back folks you know how these streets F45s1fc2T-U-00335-00065960-00066111 are and before the freeways the streets F45s1fc2T-U-00336-00066112-00066294 were the freeways artesia boulevard was F45s1fc2T-U-00337-00066295-00066375 the 91 F45s1fc2T-U-00338-00066376-00066599 san fernando road was the five sepulveda F45s1fc2T-U-00339-00066600-00066791 was the 405. F45s1fc2T-U-00340-00066792-00067119 um olympic boulevard was 10th street F45s1fc2T-U-00341-00067120-00067438 and imperial highway was the 105. so F45s1fc2T-U-00342-00067439-00067567 this is how we do it F45s1fc2T-U-00343-00067568-00067750 live and direct it's beautiful to see F45s1fc2T-U-00344-00067751-00067871 everybody and F45s1fc2T-U-00345-00067872-00068071 i'll tell you what i'm going to do i F45s1fc2T-U-00346-00068072-00068326 have five special guests F45s1fc2T-U-00347-00068327-00068631 who are going to do short sets of about F45s1fc2T-U-00348-00068632-00068799 two pieces each and then we're gonna F45s1fc2T-U-00349-00068800-00069015 start bringing up the open mic so F45s1fc2T-U-00350-00069016-00069223 whenever i host these open mics i do my F45s1fc2T-U-00351-00069224-00069415 best to get everybody up so we're really F45s1fc2T-U-00352-00069416-00069543 we're about community service we're F45s1fc2T-U-00353-00069544-00069726 trying to get everybody up F45s1fc2T-U-00354-00069727-00069919 but um right off the bat our very first F45s1fc2T-U-00355-00069920-00070119 special guest when i first did a gig in F45s1fc2T-U-00356-00070120-00070199 long beach F45s1fc2T-U-00357-00070200-00070526 uh in january at the library i saw one F45s1fc2T-U-00358-00070527-00070606 of this woman F45s1fc2T-U-00359-00070607-00070879 i saw her poem hung up like a painting F45s1fc2T-U-00360-00070880-00071087 in the library itself F45s1fc2T-U-00361-00071088-00071335 and she's organizes a lot of great F45s1fc2T-U-00362-00071336-00071455 readings in long beach she's an F45s1fc2T-U-00363-00071456-00071582 award-winning teacher she wants F45s1fc2T-U-00364-00071583-00071726 something called the emerging voices F45s1fc2T-U-00365-00071727-00071799 fellowship F45s1fc2T-U-00366-00071800-00072038 and so she's an award-winning poet and i F45s1fc2T-U-00367-00072039-00072199 couldn't think of a better person to F45s1fc2T-U-00368-00072200-00072343 start off this reading with F45s1fc2T-U-00369-00072344-00072623 than this woman because she's doing some F45s1fc2T-U-00370-00072624-00072750 really wonderful work F45s1fc2T-U-00371-00072751-00073062 and as i said i saw her poem that was uh F45s1fc2T-U-00372-00073063-00073223 displayed in the library like it was a F45s1fc2T-U-00373-00073224-00073406 painting so without further ado can we F45s1fc2T-U-00374-00073407-00073823 give it up for miss nancy lynne wu F45s1fc2T-U-00375-00073824-00074126 hi everyone oh mike it's uh great to see F45s1fc2T-U-00376-00074127-00074182 you F45s1fc2T-U-00377-00074183-00074438 and to see everyone here and to see a F45s1fc2T-U-00378-00074439-00074511 photograph F45s1fc2T-U-00379-00074512-00074823 of the miller room um F45s1fc2T-U-00380-00074824-00075126 thank you so much um okay whoo F45s1fc2T-U-00381-00075127-00075375 going first let me just pull up a poem F45s1fc2T-U-00382-00075376-00075503 here real quick F45s1fc2T-U-00383-00075504-00075791 because that is a thing i should have F45s1fc2T-U-00384-00075792-00075950 available to me F45s1fc2T-U-00385-00075951-00076262 um okay F45s1fc2T-U-00386-00076263-00076582 so i'm gonna start with a poem that F45s1fc2T-U-00387-00076583-00076919 um i wrote during you know this F45s1fc2T-U-00388-00076920-00077238 quarantine time um F45s1fc2T-U-00389-00077239-00077494 this is right now it's called cafe F45s1fc2T-U-00390-00077495-00077567 gazelle F45s1fc2T-U-00391-00077568-00077855 so i know we're in long beach anybody uh F45s1fc2T-U-00392-00077856-00078047 anybody know this great F45s1fc2T-U-00393-00078048-00078319 uh italian restaurant on second street F45s1fc2T-U-00394-00078320-00078543 called cafe gazelle F45s1fc2T-U-00395-00078544-00078806 maybe not anyway it's real good i wrote F45s1fc2T-U-00396-00078807-00079015 a poem about it during the time when F45s1fc2T-U-00397-00079016-00079287 um you know we're allowed to go out and F45s1fc2T-U-00398-00079288-00079511 sit outside in a restaurant she did one F45s1fc2T-U-00399-00079512-00079726 time so this is called um F45s1fc2T-U-00400-00079727-00080126 cafe gazelle okay two white cloth F45s1fc2T-U-00401-00080127-00080206 napkins F45s1fc2T-U-00402-00080207-00080447 are brought to the table laid down with F45s1fc2T-U-00403-00080448-00080575 care F45s1fc2T-U-00404-00080576-00080903 a pair of paper placemats are set and F45s1fc2T-U-00405-00080904-00081023 smoothed F45s1fc2T-U-00406-00081024-00081326 the waiter's eyes black pyramids above F45s1fc2T-U-00407-00081327-00081447 his mask F45s1fc2T-U-00408-00081448-00081735 following the arrangement of spoons F45s1fc2T-U-00409-00081736-00081806 knives F45s1fc2T-U-00410-00081807-00082126 and dinner forks salad forks we wait and F45s1fc2T-U-00411-00082127-00082255 watch F45s1fc2T-U-00412-00082256-00082559 one gray parking meter guards this thin F45s1fc2T-U-00413-00082560-00082911 strip of tables outside bulbous gargoyle F45s1fc2T-U-00414-00082912-00083126 eyes staring down the small F45s1fc2T-U-00415-00083127-00083462 crowd empty of coins listening in F45s1fc2T-U-00416-00083463-00083694 on the light chatter and gently clanking F45s1fc2T-U-00417-00083695-00083831 plates F45s1fc2T-U-00418-00083832-00084223 this is a celebration we put our phones F45s1fc2T-U-00419-00084224-00084287 away and F45s1fc2T-U-00420-00084288-00084559 talk of our accomplishments he passed a F45s1fc2T-U-00421-00084560-00084703 certification exam F45s1fc2T-U-00422-00084704-00084991 i completed a three-week festival of F45s1fc2T-U-00423-00084992-00085150 cleaning F45s1fc2T-U-00424-00085151-00085382 the chef's silhouette hovers behind F45s1fc2T-U-00425-00085383-00085494 large glass F45s1fc2T-U-00426-00085495-00085855 windows someone is always lingering F45s1fc2T-U-00427-00085856-00086167 near the door fake candles flicker and F45s1fc2T-U-00428-00086168-00086382 cheap plastic lanterns F45s1fc2T-U-00429-00086383-00086694 spaced evenly among hand sanitizers F45s1fc2T-U-00430-00086695-00087006 and what could be fake greenery flowing F45s1fc2T-U-00431-00087007-00087231 vines and succulents pulsing out of F45s1fc2T-U-00432-00087232-00087447 wicker baskets F45s1fc2T-U-00433-00087448-00087759 hearts of artichoke materialize on F45s1fc2T-U-00434-00087760-00087887 ceramic F45s1fc2T-U-00435-00087888-00088199 onion soup delicate and buttery F45s1fc2T-U-00436-00088200-00088535 disappears beet salad dressed in F45s1fc2T-U-00437-00088536-00088847 startling pinkness gone F45s1fc2T-U-00438-00088848-00089167 we sit quietly looking F45s1fc2T-U-00439-00089168-00089462 i think i see the tiny shadow of a fairy F45s1fc2T-U-00440-00089463-00089655 on the makeshift railing F45s1fc2T-U-00441-00089656-00089903 the waiters care for us bring us chicken F45s1fc2T-U-00442-00089904-00090191 armagnac and clam linguine F45s1fc2T-U-00443-00090192-00090462 a lion's face flashes in the perfectly F45s1fc2T-U-00444-00090463-00090759 crumbled snow of parmesan F45s1fc2T-U-00445-00090760-00091150 our water glasses are never half empty F45s1fc2T-U-00446-00091151-00091479 finally a tray of rainbow cakes appears F45s1fc2T-U-00447-00091480-00091638 before us F45s1fc2T-U-00448-00091639-00091991 we choose we linger in the foggy mist of F45s1fc2T-U-00449-00091992-00092031 not F45s1fc2T-U-00450-00092032-00092406 yet cold then float home full as the F45s1fc2T-U-00451-00092407-00092455 moon F45s1fc2T-U-00452-00092456-00092782 overhead ripening remembering how the F45s1fc2T-U-00453-00092783-00092838 cake F45s1fc2T-U-00454-00092839-00093471 was yellow too and lustrous F45s1fc2T-U-00455-00093472-00093847 so nancy thank you F45s1fc2T-U-00456-00093848-00094247 thank you one more yeah F45s1fc2T-U-00457-00094248-00094638 let me um let me pick one F45s1fc2T-U-00458-00094639-00095047 real quick okay i'll do this one F45s1fc2T-U-00459-00095048-00095359 um so like F45s1fc2T-U-00460-00095360-00095767 maybe some of us i um F45s1fc2T-U-00461-00095768-00095999 you know we're just at home and i have F45s1fc2T-U-00462-00096000-00096167 dreams of traveling F45s1fc2T-U-00463-00096168-00096471 so this is called uh somewhere F45s1fc2T-U-00464-00096472-00096823 in montana maybe F45s1fc2T-U-00465-00096824-00097247 um one i have pockets of questions F45s1fc2T-U-00466-00097248-00097567 spilling out answers to nothing like do F45s1fc2T-U-00467-00097568-00097703 dogs in space F45s1fc2T-U-00468-00097704-00097982 still kick in their sleep what's the F45s1fc2T-U-00469-00097983-00098206 plot of land at 50 000 F45s1fc2T-U-00470-00098207-00098591 feet cost how many saints will fit F45s1fc2T-U-00471-00098592-00098974 in the heaven of tomorrow endlessly F45s1fc2T-U-00472-00098975-00099326 i am plagued the pleasure of thought F45s1fc2T-U-00473-00099327-00099687 decays imagine how easy it would be F45s1fc2T-U-00474-00099688-00100023 to destroy the entire known universe in F45s1fc2T-U-00475-00100024-00100343 pursuit of the perfect paperclip F45s1fc2T-U-00476-00100344-00100671 polar bears are not a high priority for F45s1fc2T-U-00477-00100672-00100743 whom F45s1fc2T-U-00478-00100744-00101079 i'll show them who am i kidding though F45s1fc2T-U-00479-00101080-00101367 my long hot baths don't give a damn i F45s1fc2T-U-00480-00101368-00101599 sleep with my phone in my hand F45s1fc2T-U-00481-00101600-00101999 do something save the post office F45s1fc2T-U-00482-00102000-00102318 glossy marbles tumble out my socket lost F45s1fc2T-U-00483-00102319-00102463 in the red orange F45s1fc2T-U-00484-00102464-00102863 amber hues of confusion everyone F45s1fc2T-U-00485-00102864-00103199 you disagree with is right in some way F45s1fc2T-U-00486-00103200-00103471 so i knock logic against faith and keep F45s1fc2T-U-00487-00103472-00103582 the winners F45s1fc2T-U-00488-00103583-00103775 how much is an impression worth these F45s1fc2T-U-00489-00103776-00103894 days F45s1fc2T-U-00490-00103895-00104118 how about an hourglass shaped like a rat F45s1fc2T-U-00491-00104119-00104382 skull trickling coal F45s1fc2T-U-00492-00104383-00104647 therefore kneeling on a fault line i've F45s1fc2T-U-00493-00104648-00104934 taken nonsense of my mate for life F45s1fc2T-U-00494-00104935-00105166 it beats trying to decipher the slobber F45s1fc2T-U-00495-00105167-00105447 of suits on screen talking bottom lines F45s1fc2T-U-00496-00105448-00105727 we're going to elope zoom and leave the F45s1fc2T-U-00497-00105728-00106110 world of presidential equations behind F45s1fc2T-U-00498-00106111-00106343 some people just aren't cut out for the F45s1fc2T-U-00499-00106344-00106551 straight lines of the city F45s1fc2T-U-00500-00106552-00106783 all of us bumping along and beeping at F45s1fc2T-U-00501-00106783-00107078 each other blowing darts and secrets F45s1fc2T-U-00502-00107079-00107383 where we're going there won't be sirens F45s1fc2T-U-00503-00107383-00107734 or dishwashers just bunkers of books and F45s1fc2T-U-00504-00107735-00107847 lounge chairs F45s1fc2T-U-00505-00107848-00108119 trickling rivers of translucent water F45s1fc2T-U-00506-00108120-00108407 and a slowness that starts to feel like F45s1fc2T-U-00507-00108408-00108519 being wrapped in F45s1fc2T-U-00508-00108520-00108878 fresh butter we might know we're headed F45s1fc2T-U-00509-00108879-00108983 for the oven F45s1fc2T-U-00510-00108983-00109358 and adorn our lips with rosemary F45s1fc2T-U-00511-00109359-00109695 the place i call home is dried up and F45s1fc2T-U-00512-00109696-00109823 burning F45s1fc2T-U-00513-00109824-00110199 i want simplicity i want to be the rodeo F45s1fc2T-U-00514-00110200-00110302 i think i F45s1fc2T-U-00515-00110303-00110671 am equal parts open spaces to roam F45s1fc2T-U-00516-00110672-00110999 and a coin slot bucking machine F45s1fc2T-U-00517-00111000-00111302 why montana a friend of a friend F45s1fc2T-U-00518-00111303-00111558 said something about quail and a pillow F45s1fc2T-U-00519-00111559-00111686 of stars F45s1fc2T-U-00520-00111688-00111902 my eyeballs are footballs i want to F45s1fc2T-U-00521-00111903-00112190 throw like a lasso around the grandeur F45s1fc2T-U-00522-00112191-00112358 of ellipses F45s1fc2T-U-00523-00112359-00112695 what kind of adventure is this after all F45s1fc2T-U-00524-00112696-00113071 i was born into a world of language F45s1fc2T-U-00525-00113072-00113351 we have everything we need my truest F45s1fc2T-U-00526-00113352-00113478 lover and i F45s1fc2T-U-00527-00113479-00113815 hocus pocus blabbling baloney jibber and F45s1fc2T-U-00528-00113816-00113863 junk F45s1fc2T-U-00529-00113864-00114215 we can make anything up and lose sense F45s1fc2T-U-00530-00114216-00114447 of the difference between a scarecrow F45s1fc2T-U-00531-00114448-00114695 and a balloon animal F45s1fc2T-U-00532-00114696-00115078 nothing's at stake no one is forgetting F45s1fc2T-U-00533-00115079-00115239 the holocaust F45s1fc2T-U-00534-00115240-00115566 we will all live forever F45s1fc2T-U-00535-00115567-00115878 the edges of the cornfield start to F45s1fc2T-U-00536-00115879-00115999 wiggle F45s1fc2T-U-00537-00116000-00116351 a body left out here won't be found for F45s1fc2T-U-00538-00116352-00116495 days F45s1fc2T-U-00539-00116496-00116863 when circus clowns circle overhead F45s1fc2T-U-00540-00116864-00117175 we play dead and then book it back to F45s1fc2T-U-00541-00117176-00117334 the bus station F45s1fc2T-U-00542-00117335-00117975 yanking furiously staring through glass F45s1fc2T-U-00543-00117976-00118223 okay those are both kind of long so F45s1fc2T-U-00544-00118224-00118295 thank you for F45s1fc2T-U-00545-00118296-00118607 listening um thank you mike appreciate F45s1fc2T-U-00546-00118608-00118678 it F45s1fc2T-U-00547-00118679-00118895 thank you nancy thank you thank you very F45s1fc2T-U-00548-00118896-00119031 much F45s1fc2T-U-00549-00119032-00119158 and what real quick what's the name of F45s1fc2T-U-00550-00119159-00119286 that writer's group in long beach you F45s1fc2T-U-00551-00119288-00119463 have F45s1fc2T-U-00552-00119464-00119863 uh i have a few over the years um F45s1fc2T-U-00553-00119864-00120078 we uh had the long beach literary arts F45s1fc2T-U-00554-00120079-00120254 center i think they're still going F45s1fc2T-U-00555-00120255-00120463 they're a non-profit they're moving F45s1fc2T-U-00556-00120464-00120647 towards nonprofit right now F45s1fc2T-U-00557-00120648-00120958 and i actually run a poetry workshop F45s1fc2T-U-00558-00120959-00121134 called surprise the line which F45s1fc2T-U-00559-00121135-00121334 i'm building the website i'm about to F45s1fc2T-U-00560-00121335-00121502 launch so um F45s1fc2T-U-00561-00121503-00121719 yeah if anyone's interested in poetry F45s1fc2T-U-00562-00121720-00121886 workshops F45s1fc2T-U-00563-00121888-00122054 maybe i'll i'll put a link in the F45s1fc2T-U-00564-00122055-00122175 description put a link in the chat for F45s1fc2T-U-00565-00122176-00122310 sure yeah and you know what folks we're F45s1fc2T-U-00566-00122311-00122478 really all about building communities so F45s1fc2T-U-00567-00122479-00122543 like i F45s1fc2T-U-00568-00122544-00122702 definitely want folks to connect in the F45s1fc2T-U-00569-00122703-00122895 chat and um F45s1fc2T-U-00570-00122896-00123039 not only check each other's work out or F45s1fc2T-U-00571-00123040-00123239 whatever but uh you know sign up for F45s1fc2T-U-00572-00123240-00123358 writing workshops and the nice thing F45s1fc2T-U-00573-00123359-00123478 about zoom F45s1fc2T-U-00574-00123479-00123695 is that anybody anywhere can do it and F45s1fc2T-U-00575-00123696-00123814 um this F45s1fc2T-U-00576-00123815-00123999 this next poet i'm going to bring up F45s1fc2T-U-00577-00124000-00124143 he's a great man he's got a lot of F45s1fc2T-U-00578-00124144-00124214 charisma F45s1fc2T-U-00579-00124215-00124495 he's award-winning poet he always brings F45s1fc2T-U-00580-00124496-00124614 great energy F45s1fc2T-U-00581-00124615-00124758 and he and i have been talking about how F45s1fc2T-U-00582-00124759-00124927 zoom has leveled the playing field and F45s1fc2T-U-00583-00124928-00125119 he does a lot of work mentoring young F45s1fc2T-U-00584-00125120-00125286 writers and teen writers and F45s1fc2T-U-00585-00125288-00125495 what he likes about zoom is that both he F45s1fc2T-U-00586-00125496-00125686 and i are the kind of people that we've F45s1fc2T-U-00587-00125688-00125990 we've driven our students around and F45s1fc2T-U-00588-00125991-00126134 gone all over town but now he doesn't F45s1fc2T-U-00589-00126135-00126319 have to run around town and pick up all F45s1fc2T-U-00590-00126320-00126454 his students he just tells them F45s1fc2T-U-00591-00126455-00126734 to log on on zooming emails so you guys F45s1fc2T-U-00592-00126735-00126919 this is a great dude he's my man can we F45s1fc2T-U-00593-00126920-00127319 give it up for marcus omari F45s1fc2T-U-00594-00127320-00127575 mute i'm mute i'm mute i'm mute we're F45s1fc2T-U-00595-00127576-00127783 good we're good on vocals everybody F45s1fc2T-U-00596-00127783-00127943 thumbs up just like my students thumbs F45s1fc2T-U-00597-00127944-00128108 up everybody can hear me all right F45s1fc2T-U-00598-00128108-00128399 [Music] F45s1fc2T-U-00599-00128400-00128671 all right well thank you um mike for the F45s1fc2T-U-00600-00128672-00128751 invitation F45s1fc2T-U-00601-00128752-00129078 and um gosh it's just so amazing to see F45s1fc2T-U-00602-00129079-00129390 everyone's faces here um a few familiar F45s1fc2T-U-00603-00129391-00129478 faces F45s1fc2T-U-00604-00129479-00129799 um few new faces but F45s1fc2T-U-00605-00129800-00130007 listen we can take all the faces we can F45s1fc2T-U-00606-00130008-00130207 get right now on this second or third or F45s1fc2T-U-00607-00130208-00130254 fourth F45s1fc2T-U-00608-00130255-00130399 stay at home order i don't even know F45s1fc2T-U-00609-00130400-00130575 what we're on right now F45s1fc2T-U-00610-00130576-00130743 um but it's just a blessing to be with F45s1fc2T-U-00611-00130744-00131014 you all so let me just F45s1fc2T-U-00612-00131015-00131414 drop into a few pieces and be on F45s1fc2T-U-00613-00131415-00132478 be on my way F45s1fc2T-U-00614-00132479-00132647 we would ask that all those present F45s1fc2T-U-00615-00132648-00132790 please remove your hearts before F45s1fc2T-U-00616-00132791-00133127 entering this bridal chamber F45s1fc2T-U-00617-00133128-00133263 we would ask that all those present F45s1fc2T-U-00618-00133264-00133535 please remove your hearts F45s1fc2T-U-00619-00133536-00133935 slide them off like tormented slippers F45s1fc2T-U-00620-00133936-00134343 silver ruby gold glass F45s1fc2T-U-00621-00134344-00134654 or otherwise shed them off F45s1fc2T-U-00622-00134655-00134959 like monstrous aboriginal masks exposing F45s1fc2T-U-00623-00134960-00135311 eroding parietal art inscribed in winter F45s1fc2T-U-00624-00135312-00135654 equinox autumn solstice F45s1fc2T-U-00625-00135655-00136014 or otherwise behold them aloft like F45s1fc2T-U-00626-00136015-00136143 star-crossed sage F45s1fc2T-U-00627-00136144-00136383 smoldering omen of icarus smudging F45s1fc2T-U-00628-00136384-00136590 amber-faced ecliptic moons F45s1fc2T-U-00629-00136591-00136799 flamed out benediction of the phoenix F45s1fc2T-U-00630-00136800-00136999 ruined albeit blessed to fall out of F45s1fc2T-U-00631-00137000-00137071 favor F45s1fc2T-U-00632-00137072-00137390 out of flight out of heaven and berean F45s1fc2T-U-00633-00137391-00137463 ether F45s1fc2T-U-00634-00137464-00137847 or otherwise a man either way F45s1fc2T-U-00635-00137848-00138047 a man we would ask all those present to F45s1fc2T-U-00636-00138048-00138239 please remove their hearts F45s1fc2T-U-00637-00138240-00138414 snatch them back to the chronicles from F45s1fc2T-U-00638-00138415-00138614 whence they came F45s1fc2T-U-00639-00138615-00138807 bind them by the seat of their souls to F45s1fc2T-U-00640-00138808-00139054 the tear-stained precipice cast them F45s1fc2T-U-00641-00139055-00139247 deep into the foes of the earth to rot F45s1fc2T-U-00642-00139248-00139407 amongst the flesh of other stillborn F45s1fc2T-U-00643-00139408-00139487 demigods F45s1fc2T-U-00644-00139488-00139647 now somebody turn to your neighbor F45s1fc2T-U-00645-00139648-00139814 somebody turn to your zoom neighbor and F45s1fc2T-U-00646-00139815-00139895 say neighbor F45s1fc2T-U-00647-00139896-00140087 please remove your hearts and open your F45s1fc2T-U-00648-00140088-00140207 minds if you would uh F45s1fc2T-U-00649-00140208-00140431 turn back to the book on broken promises F45s1fc2T-U-00650-00140432-00140551 turn back i say F45s1fc2T-U-00651-00140552-00140863 turn back to chapter 13 verse 8 exhale F45s1fc2T-U-00652-00140864-00140943 when you have it F45s1fc2T-U-00653-00140944-00141143 all hail when you have it exhale when F45s1fc2T-U-00654-00141144-00141302 you have it all hell when you have it F45s1fc2T-U-00655-00141303-00141527 shall we begin F45s1fc2T-U-00656-00141528-00141735 shall we begin with a tale of she F45s1fc2T-U-00657-00141736-00141999 mahogany cyrene of rose red hair who F45s1fc2T-U-00658-00142000-00142199 carries a palestinian touch F45s1fc2T-U-00659-00142200-00142439 genteel sting refreshes my memory like F45s1fc2T-U-00660-00142440-00142631 bumblebees and chrysanthemums F45s1fc2T-U-00661-00142632-00142839 she is crouched in heroin position F45s1fc2T-U-00662-00142840-00143014 beneath the stone table F45s1fc2T-U-00663-00143015-00143175 bow bent back and strung with the F45s1fc2T-U-00664-00143176-00143366 remaining locks of our own hair F45s1fc2T-U-00665-00143367-00143599 the rest of which the rest of which went F45s1fc2T-U-00666-00143600-00143671 to temple F45s1fc2T-U-00667-00143672-00143911 the rest of which went overseas the rest F45s1fc2T-U-00668-00143912-00144119 of which is being sold off slots and F45s1fc2T-U-00669-00144120-00144319 right now at cold war prices to women F45s1fc2T-U-00670-00144320-00144399 who are busy doing F45s1fc2T-U-00671-00144400-00144551 battle with the images themselves in the F45s1fc2T-U-00672-00144552-00144775 mirror daily but through the looking F45s1fc2T-U-00673-00144776-00144951 glass she is yemaya F45s1fc2T-U-00674-00144952-00145151 face pointed to its face painted with F45s1fc2T-U-00675-00145152-00145302 soil and pomegranate F45s1fc2T-U-00676-00145303-00145502 listening for echoes of her epilogue in F45s1fc2T-U-00677-00145503-00145711 the sea searching for the scent of F45s1fc2T-U-00678-00145712-00145871 salvation in the air F45s1fc2T-U-00679-00145872-00146078 fading into visions of a crown in the F45s1fc2T-U-00680-00146079-00146183 surf bleeding F45s1fc2T-U-00681-00146184-00146487 out in the shadows of the altar aching F45s1fc2T-U-00682-00146488-00146926 for one last shot shall we begin F45s1fc2T-U-00683-00146927-00147166 shall we begin with the tale of he F45s1fc2T-U-00684-00147167-00147254 alchemist of F45s1fc2T-U-00685-00147255-00147583 earth sand and stone of washed face and F45s1fc2T-U-00686-00147584-00147775 of rinsed mouth who with the touch of F45s1fc2T-U-00687-00147776-00147847 his hand F45s1fc2T-U-00688-00147848-00148095 healed a splintered mermaid's fin and lo F45s1fc2T-U-00689-00148096-00148239 she was a butterfly F45s1fc2T-U-00690-00148240-00148454 scaling skies in perfect pitch with a F45s1fc2T-U-00691-00148455-00148551 green eyed son F45s1fc2T-U-00692-00148552-00148743 who had also come to the palace in the F45s1fc2T-U-00693-00148744-00148959 desert dragging the severed head of the F45s1fc2T-U-00694-00148960-00149151 purple unicorn in tow F45s1fc2T-U-00695-00149152-00149423 a sacrifice to reality a prelude of F45s1fc2T-U-00696-00149424-00149575 imaginations feast F45s1fc2T-U-00697-00149576-00149790 we shall pick our teeth clean tonight F45s1fc2T-U-00698-00149791-00149990 excavate golden calf meat from our F45s1fc2T-U-00699-00149991-00150063 molars F45s1fc2T-U-00700-00150064-00150254 water the earth with our saliva and F45s1fc2T-U-00701-00150255-00150383 whisky spittle F45s1fc2T-U-00702-00150384-00150607 please remove your hearts sharpen your F45s1fc2T-U-00703-00150608-00150863 tears and fashion a spear from the spine F45s1fc2T-U-00704-00150864-00151095 of the first dream that turned its back F45s1fc2T-U-00705-00151096-00151447 on you open your minds if you would F45s1fc2T-U-00706-00151448-00151695 your unheralded superheroes teeter on a F45s1fc2T-U-00707-00151696-00151871 ledge 12 stories up F45s1fc2T-U-00708-00151872-00152126 capes of fear rung as blindfolds over F45s1fc2T-U-00709-00152127-00152214 their eyes F45s1fc2T-U-00710-00152215-00152383 ready to step out on the faith that has F45s1fc2T-U-00711-00152384-00152623 eluded them please remove your heart F45s1fc2T-U-00712-00152624-00152839 open your minds if you would turn back F45s1fc2T-U-00713-00152840-00152943 to the book on F45s1fc2T-U-00714-00152944-00153231 broken promises turn back i say chapter F45s1fc2T-U-00715-00153232-00153319 13 F45s1fc2T-U-00716-00153320-00153543 verse 8 turn back to the book on lost F45s1fc2T-U-00717-00153544-00153735 children turn back i say F45s1fc2T-U-00718-00153736-00153999 chapter 6 verse 11. turn back to the F45s1fc2T-U-00719-00154000-00154151 book on new beginnings F45s1fc2T-U-00720-00154152-00154487 turn back i say chapter 1 verse 1 F45s1fc2T-U-00721-00154488-00154743 chapter 1 verse 1 all hail when you have F45s1fc2T-U-00722-00154744-00154911 it exhale when you have it F45s1fc2T-U-00723-00154912-00155126 exhale when you have it all hail when F45s1fc2T-U-00724-00155127-00155335 you have it exhale when you have it F45s1fc2T-U-00725-00155336-00155695 all hail when you have it shall we begin F45s1fc2T-U-00726-00155696-00155999 shall we begin in the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00727-00156000-00156111 beginning and the beginning in the F45s1fc2T-U-00728-00156112-00156214 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00729-00156215-00156326 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00730-00156327-00156439 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00731-00156440-00156543 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00732-00156544-00156654 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00733-00156655-00156759 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00734-00156760-00156854 beginning and the beginning and the F45s1fc2T-U-00735-00156855-00156966 beginning ends beginning in the F45s1fc2T-U-00736-00156967-00156999 beginning F45s1fc2T-U-00737-00157000-00157302 was the word F45s1fc2T-U-00738-00157303-00157631 and it came bright and shimmering and F45s1fc2T-U-00739-00157632-00157878 flowed forth from your estuary F45s1fc2T-U-00740-00157879-00158283 of the mouth of dawn it came before F45s1fc2T-U-00741-00158284-00158399 forgiveness F45s1fc2T-U-00742-00158400-00158678 before forgiveness there was acceptance F45s1fc2T-U-00743-00158679-00158743 before F45s1fc2T-U-00744-00158744-00159190 acceptance there came my iron and F45s1fc2T-U-00745-00159191-00159535 wood before iron and wood F45s1fc2T-U-00746-00159536-00159847 i don't know it's hard to say F45s1fc2T-U-00747-00159848-00160214 rain maybe rain and stars F45s1fc2T-U-00748-00160215-00160695 and dreams and bang F45s1fc2T-U-00749-00160696-00161054 that's the first one F45s1fc2T-U-00750-00161055-00161263 that's me snapping myself since it's so F45s1fc2T-U-00751-00161264-00161362 quiet up in here F45s1fc2T-U-00752-00161363-00161726 [Laughter] F45s1fc2T-U-00753-00161727-00162031 um let me shuffle along um again F45s1fc2T-U-00754-00162032-00162335 such a blessing to just just to share F45s1fc2T-U-00755-00162336-00162526 man and get the energy out that's right F45s1fc2T-U-00756-00162527-00162687 i mean doing yeah if you guys can see F45s1fc2T-U-00757-00162688-00162831 man i'm rocking the hell out of this F45s1fc2T-U-00758-00162832-00162887 chair F45s1fc2T-U-00759-00162888-00163039 i'm used to just standing and getting F45s1fc2T-U-00760-00163040-00163271 all that energy out so um F45s1fc2T-U-00761-00163272-00163654 it feels good to be here F45s1fc2T-U-00762-00163655-00164038 uh this is for a friend of mine F45s1fc2T-U-00763-00164039-00164375 it's that scene where the one you let F45s1fc2T-U-00764-00164376-00164519 get by F45s1fc2T-U-00765-00164520-00164847 drives off into the sunrise blowing F45s1fc2T-U-00766-00164848-00165102 kisses and putting up peace signs F45s1fc2T-U-00767-00165103-00165387 backwards house your inside walk you ass F45s1fc2T-U-00768-00165388-00165559 peculiar smile F45s1fc2T-U-00769-00165560-00165814 not worth the straightening of purpose F45s1fc2T-U-00770-00165815-00165966 hangs F45s1fc2T-U-00771-00165967-00166359 slant fades F45s1fc2T-U-00772-00166360-00166607 like or as faith and stained glass F45s1fc2T-U-00773-00166608-00166783 shiloh baptist shepherds F45s1fc2T-U-00774-00166784-00167151 it's that scene F45s1fc2T-U-00775-00167152-00167502 too late F45s1fc2T-U-00776-00167503-00167831 full stop it's that scene F45s1fc2T-U-00777-00167832-00168135 three motionless emotionless isolated F45s1fc2T-U-00778-00168136-00168335 interests into post-meridian saturday F45s1fc2T-U-00779-00168336-00168511 kneeling before broken F45s1fc2T-U-00780-00168512-00168814 bermuda linen harbors treading time in F45s1fc2T-U-00781-00168815-00168999 the wake of waters of a ghost ship of F45s1fc2T-U-00782-00169000-00169063 grief F45s1fc2T-U-00783-00169064-00169287 waiting ankles in and out of the hour on F45s1fc2T-U-00784-00169288-00169502 her soft fugitive scent of her bath F45s1fc2T-U-00785-00169503-00169726 and her body casting out consciousness F45s1fc2T-U-00786-00169727-00169823 baited on a fur F45s1fc2T-U-00787-00169824-00170119 faith that squirms reeling in only only F45s1fc2T-U-00788-00170120-00170359 to reel in infantile dreams of matter F45s1fc2T-U-00789-00170360-00170590 lake lullaby meowing camels hitchhiking F45s1fc2T-U-00790-00170591-00170735 up pch F45s1fc2T-U-00791-00170736-00170983 of water gypsies wailing pisces parables F45s1fc2T-U-00792-00170984-00171183 beats just south of andromeda F45s1fc2T-U-00793-00171184-00171399 of someone delicate as glass boned by F45s1fc2T-U-00794-00171400-00171647 the balmy breath of serenity F45s1fc2T-U-00795-00171648-00171854 shattering on the scent of sincerity F45s1fc2T-U-00796-00171855-00172102 discovering invulnerability in the chaos F45s1fc2T-U-00797-00172103-00172223 of death in the F45s1fc2T-U-00798-00172224-00172575 stillness of being only F45s1fc2T-U-00799-00172576-00172911 someone something special only F45s1fc2T-U-00800-00172912-00173343 something to someone not only being F45s1fc2T-U-00801-00173344-00173654 someone special something as F45s1fc2T-U-00802-00173655-00173975 art is or not just F45s1fc2T-U-00803-00173976-00174287 art is not this we F45s1fc2T-U-00804-00174288-00174511 royal tears crowning the lips of wine F45s1fc2T-U-00805-00174512-00174711 glasses art not we this F45s1fc2T-U-00806-00174712-00175014 oil and ash fish rib and rain scorched F45s1fc2T-U-00807-00175015-00175199 earth and exodus bread and bane F45s1fc2T-U-00808-00175200-00175390 lime in the coconut pansies and F45s1fc2T-U-00809-00175391-00175575 rosemary's for the insane F45s1fc2T-U-00810-00175576-00175854 a breath held for needful things and F45s1fc2T-U-00811-00175855-00175975 when in need F45s1fc2T-U-00812-00175976-00176190 plenty of love to breathe in this F45s1fc2T-U-00813-00176191-00176407 portrait of dreams this art F45s1fc2T-U-00814-00176408-00176783 is we it's that scene F45s1fc2T-U-00815-00176784-00177095 where the one you let get by drives off F45s1fc2T-U-00816-00177096-00177278 into the sunrise F45s1fc2T-U-00817-00177279-00177526 blowing kisses and putting up peace F45s1fc2T-U-00818-00177527-00177711 signs F45s1fc2T-U-00819-00177712-00178166 and seeing does it F45s1fc2T-U-00820-00178167-00178478 marcus omari yeah give it up for marcus F45s1fc2T-U-00821-00178479-00178735 you guys F45s1fc2T-U-00822-00178736-00178966 he always sparks it man always thank you F45s1fc2T-U-00823-00178967-00179526 marcus always dynamite bro F45s1fc2T-U-00824-00179527-00179735 man well folks we're gonna keep the heat F45s1fc2T-U-00825-00179736-00179887 on you know i know it's been a little F45s1fc2T-U-00826-00179888-00180087 bit frosty for southern california so we F45s1fc2T-U-00827-00180088-00180183 got you here F45s1fc2T-U-00828-00180184-00180495 and uh this next man i'm gonna bring up F45s1fc2T-U-00829-00180496-00180654 every time i turn around he's publishing F45s1fc2T-U-00830-00180655-00180799 another poem he's F45s1fc2T-U-00831-00180800-00180990 i sometimes wonder if the man sleeps he F45s1fc2T-U-00832-00180991-00181159 writes a lot and he's always writing F45s1fc2T-U-00833-00181160-00181375 some heat and he cracks me up recently F45s1fc2T-U-00834-00181376-00181511 about this one with F45s1fc2T-U-00835-00181512-00181671 these guys fighting over an amazon F45s1fc2T-U-00836-00181672-00181838 package so this man can hit you with the F45s1fc2T-U-00837-00181839-00181990 sublime but he can also hit you with F45s1fc2T-U-00838-00181991-00182087 some comedy F45s1fc2T-U-00839-00182088-00182287 and he's just a really thoughtful dude F45s1fc2T-U-00840-00182288-00182511 and he's the right way is kevin ridgeway F45s1fc2T-U-00841-00182512-00183702 give it up for my man kevin ridge F45s1fc2T-U-00842-00183703-00184095 can you hear me we can hear you F45s1fc2T-U-00843-00184096-00184390 excellent okay this poem i'm going to F45s1fc2T-U-00844-00184391-00184551 open with is called F45s1fc2T-U-00845-00184552-00185031 the death of the coppertone girl F45s1fc2T-U-00846-00185032-00185478 the billboard stood above interstate 5 F45s1fc2T-U-00847-00185479-00185783 it featured a pretty cartoon girl F45s1fc2T-U-00848-00185784-00186102 with her bikini bottoms pulled down F45s1fc2T-U-00849-00186103-00186407 in a mechanical tug of war with a F45s1fc2T-U-00850-00186408-00186511 deranged F45s1fc2T-U-00851-00186512-00186887 cartoon dog which showed off the tan F45s1fc2T-U-00852-00186888-00186959 line F45s1fc2T-U-00853-00186960-00187359 of her pale derriere she lost one of her F45s1fc2T-U-00854-00187360-00187535 legs during a storm F45s1fc2T-U-00855-00187536-00187823 that left the dog decapitated and with F45s1fc2T-U-00856-00187824-00187959 less of an appetite F45s1fc2T-U-00857-00187960-00188350 for bikinis they both stood there until F45s1fc2T-U-00858-00188351-00188478 the bitter end F45s1fc2T-U-00859-00188479-00188743 when they disappeared and the sign F45s1fc2T-U-00860-00188744-00188878 turned into a large F45s1fc2T-U-00861-00188879-00189295 ad that read shop at walmart F45s1fc2T-U-00862-00189296-00189495 which forced me to grieve the loss of F45s1fc2T-U-00863-00189496-00189783 the first woman i fell in love with F45s1fc2T-U-00864-00189784-00190702 and could not save F45s1fc2T-U-00865-00190703-00191295 all right um F45s1fc2T-U-00866-00191296-00191831 i'm wearing something from my book F45s1fc2T-U-00867-00191832-00192375 called kamikaze summer F45s1fc2T-U-00868-00192376-00192654 early that last june of school i F45s1fc2T-U-00869-00192655-00192919 received dozens of get well soon letters F45s1fc2T-U-00870-00192920-00193190 from classmates in response to a week F45s1fc2T-U-00871-00193191-00193287 earlier F45s1fc2T-U-00872-00193288-00193478 when i swallowed a bottle of sleeping F45s1fc2T-U-00873-00193479-00193743 pills that landed me in an adolescent F45s1fc2T-U-00874-00193744-00193990 psychiatric ward F45s1fc2T-U-00875-00193991-00194214 flowers many great big stuffed animals F45s1fc2T-U-00876-00194215-00194502 waiting at the front hospital desk F45s1fc2T-U-00877-00194503-00194814 i cannot remember much about that day F45s1fc2T-U-00878-00194815-00195047 other than all the revisions my suicide F45s1fc2T-U-00879-00195048-00195223 letter went through F45s1fc2T-U-00880-00195224-00195495 and i nearly lost my nerve with brian F45s1fc2T-U-00881-00195496-00195575 wilson F45s1fc2T-U-00882-00195576-00195814 singing on top of a teenage symphony to F45s1fc2T-U-00883-00195815-00195911 god F45s1fc2T-U-00884-00195912-00196150 that made me dwell too much on small F45s1fc2T-U-00885-00196151-00196319 tragedies F45s1fc2T-U-00886-00196320-00196526 and my brother flew out from new york F45s1fc2T-U-00887-00196527-00196790 city not knowing what to say F45s1fc2T-U-00888-00196791-00197023 while my teachers all felt sorry for me F45s1fc2T-U-00889-00197024-00197095 enough F45s1fc2T-U-00890-00197096-00197375 to pass me without completing my final F45s1fc2T-U-00891-00197376-00197526 exams F45s1fc2T-U-00892-00197527-00197759 and rumors that i was disfigured in my F45s1fc2T-U-00893-00197760-00197919 feeble attempt at death F45s1fc2T-U-00894-00197920-00198263 were quashed when i marched with a class F45s1fc2T-U-00895-00198264-00198623 of over 400 students at our commencement F45s1fc2T-U-00896-00198624-00198895 still breathing but just another lonely F45s1fc2T-U-00897-00198896-00199223 name they announced that hot afternoon F45s1fc2T-U-00898-00199224-00199431 that echoed off the bleachers of their F45s1fc2T-U-00899-00199432-00199607 football stadium F45s1fc2T-U-00900-00199608-00199871 before it rocketed beyond the clouds to F45s1fc2T-U-00901-00199872-00200463 the outer limits of uncertainty F45s1fc2T-U-00902-00200464-00200807 kevin thank you thank you F45s1fc2T-U-00903-00200808-00201007 that bungalow behind you bro california F45s1fc2T-U-00904-00201008-00201119 bungalow F45s1fc2T-U-00905-00201120-00201383 um kevin thank you man i always love F45s1fc2T-U-00906-00201384-00201511 your work and F45s1fc2T-U-00907-00201512-00201671 i love it how you you write about F45s1fc2T-U-00908-00201672-00201799 something you'll be talking about F45s1fc2T-U-00909-00201800-00201975 atlantic and 10th street and i'm like yo F45s1fc2T-U-00910-00201976-00202166 i was born in atlanta content street F45s1fc2T-U-00911-00202167-00202502 so that's the truth F45s1fc2T-U-00912-00202503-00202702 kevin and thank you brother um give it F45s1fc2T-U-00913-00202703-00202871 up for kevin thank you F45s1fc2T-U-00914-00202872-00203126 thank you man thank you thank you thank F45s1fc2T-U-00915-00203127-00203287 you man appreciate it F45s1fc2T-U-00916-00203288-00203623 thank you thank you F45s1fc2T-U-00917-00203624-00203814 um folks all right we're gonna i'm F45s1fc2T-U-00918-00203815-00203999 trying to like i said we're gonna keep F45s1fc2T-U-00919-00204000-00204183 it moving um this next man F45s1fc2T-U-00920-00204184-00204375 up is an award-winning poet and F45s1fc2T-U-00921-00204376-00204519 professor F45s1fc2T-U-00922-00204520-00204702 and just a great dude and he's taught me F45s1fc2T-U-00923-00204703-00204855 a lot and we take a lot of F45s1fc2T-U-00924-00204856-00205023 fun missions together we go eat some F45s1fc2T-U-00925-00205023-00205223 lunch together we'll take a walk along F45s1fc2T-U-00926-00205223-00205271 the F45s1fc2T-U-00927-00205271-00205575 great wall of los angeles and he teaches F45s1fc2T-U-00928-00205576-00205758 me a lot of things this is my homeboy F45s1fc2T-U-00929-00205759-00206679 alan aquino F45s1fc2T-U-00930-00206680-00206934 let me make sure that everyone oh okay F45s1fc2T-U-00931-00206935-00206990 so F45s1fc2T-U-00932-00206991-00207190 everyone can hear me okay i just want to F45s1fc2T-U-00933-00207191-00207494 be sure you're doing great i think F45s1fc2T-U-00934-00207496-00207694 thank you very much um i'm just gonna F45s1fc2T-U-00935-00207696-00207862 read one piece and uh F45s1fc2T-U-00936-00207863-00208071 it's it's uh it's i'll just say that's a F45s1fc2T-U-00937-00208071-00208310 very self-explanatory um F45s1fc2T-U-00938-00208311-00208590 kind of commentary editorial about uh F45s1fc2T-U-00939-00208591-00208734 what's going on in the world F45s1fc2T-U-00940-00208735-00209023 and uh it is thematically appropriate to F45s1fc2T-U-00941-00209023-00209190 our you know event here today so i'm F45s1fc2T-U-00942-00209191-00209519 just going to jump right into it F45s1fc2T-U-00943-00209519-00210198 to put it plainly i survived F45s1fc2T-U-00944-00210200-00210415 a severe corona experience spans a dozen F45s1fc2T-U-00945-00210416-00210710 plus nights from november 16th onward F45s1fc2T-U-00946-00210711-00210903 the first two nights i can't smell F45s1fc2T-U-00947-00210904-00211055 anything not even the vapor burn of F45s1fc2T-U-00948-00211056-00211239 rubbing alcohol and there's a tingle in F45s1fc2T-U-00949-00211240-00211327 my shoulders F45s1fc2T-U-00950-00211328-00211655 so i know the check is in the mail F45s1fc2T-U-00951-00211656-00211894 night three onward i sweat as if i'd run F45s1fc2T-U-00952-00211896-00212087 two miles and yet i'm shivering as if F45s1fc2T-U-00953-00212088-00212327 i'm neck deep in ice water F45s1fc2T-U-00954-00212328-00212551 my muscles ache as sudden sporadic F45s1fc2T-U-00955-00212552-00212694 cramps hit me F45s1fc2T-U-00956-00212696-00212982 like knives in random places my palms my F45s1fc2T-U-00957-00212983-00213055 ribs F45s1fc2T-U-00958-00213056-00213671 my foot my F45s1fc2T-U-00959-00213671-00213887 stomach they're covered with ants F45s1fc2T-U-00960-00213888-00214079 luckily i can more or less control my F45s1fc2T-U-00961-00214080-00214255 breath and i don't have a migraine but F45s1fc2T-U-00962-00214256-00214351 nonetheless F45s1fc2T-U-00963-00214352-00214551 my head feels like a swollen water F45s1fc2T-U-00964-00214552-00214782 balloon and i can't sleep unless i take F45s1fc2T-U-00965-00214783-00214871 at least F45s1fc2T-U-00966-00214871-00215206 a double dose of advil of course i'd F45s1fc2T-U-00967-00215207-00215367 love to eat but my stomach F45s1fc2T-U-00968-00215367-00215631 assures me that i'm going to puke aside F45s1fc2T-U-00969-00215632-00215871 from a mini box of raisins i avoid solid F45s1fc2T-U-00970-00215871-00215927 food F45s1fc2T-U-00971-00215928-00216223 for days i force down a vitamins F45s1fc2T-U-00972-00216223-00216351 cocktail twice a day F45s1fc2T-U-00973-00216352-00216623 chased by gallons of water every time i F45s1fc2T-U-00974-00216623-00217158 swallow F45s1fc2T-U-00975-00217159-00217382 insides rattle with anger arrow is F45s1fc2T-U-00976-00217383-00217591 frigid my clothes and bed sheets are F45s1fc2T-U-00977-00217592-00217687 saturated F45s1fc2T-U-00978-00217688-00217871 i sink into uneven naps like a F45s1fc2T-U-00979-00217871-00218046 hibernating laptop F45s1fc2T-U-00980-00218048-00218334 i close my eyes and breathe i meditate F45s1fc2T-U-00981-00218335-00218503 and pray in the darkness F45s1fc2T-U-00982-00218504-00218791 and every night feels like i'm F45s1fc2T-U-00983-00218792-00218871 performing F45s1fc2T-U-00984-00218871-00219206 the roman exorcism on myself even though F45s1fc2T-U-00985-00219207-00219391 my covet symptoms might be considered F45s1fc2T-U-00986-00219392-00219471 mild F45s1fc2T-U-00987-00219471-00219831 they are a formidable demon F45s1fc2T-U-00988-00219832-00219998 there's a moment during the height of my F45s1fc2T-U-00989-00220000-00220151 delirium when i call F45s1fc2T-U-00990-00220152-00220727 out to my long disease F45s1fc2T-U-00991-00220728-00220958 cognitive of what i am doing there's a F45s1fc2T-U-00992-00220959-00221119 corner of my consciousness that F45s1fc2T-U-00993-00221119-00221327 literally articulates F45s1fc2T-U-00994-00221328-00221567 dude you're talking aloud to dead people F45s1fc2T-U-00995-00221567-00221703 but it's okay F45s1fc2T-U-00996-00221704-00222046 say that [__] at one point i'm laughing F45s1fc2T-U-00997-00222048-00222206 aloud as if the three of us F45s1fc2T-U-00998-00222207-00222439 shared a joke i don't remember F45s1fc2T-U-00999-00222440-00222534 everything i said F45s1fc2T-U-01000-00222535-00222694 but i remember uttering something along F45s1fc2T-U-01001-00222696-00222894 the lines of anyway F45s1fc2T-U-01002-00222896-00223110 i'll be home soon okay can't wait to see F45s1fc2T-U-01003-00223111-00223239 you F45s1fc2T-U-01004-00223240-00223551 i confess i had a sense that i could die F45s1fc2T-U-01005-00223552-00224082 of a brain enema or just stop F45s1fc2T-U-01006-00224083-00224287 breathing F45s1fc2T-U-01007-00224288-00224423 but the thought of dying doesn't scare F45s1fc2T-U-01008-00224423-00224591 me so it's just fear of pain F45s1fc2T-U-01009-00224592-00224910 and the unknown in fact my fever F45s1fc2T-U-01010-00224911-00225223 makes me feel more annoyed and angry i F45s1fc2T-U-01011-00225223-00225334 hate how people F45s1fc2T-U-01012-00225335-00225606 still don't mask up and just carry on as F45s1fc2T-U-01013-00225607-00225767 if the world is not in danger F45s1fc2T-U-01014-00225767-00225982 i pray those arrogant folks get lessons F45s1fc2T-U-01015-00225983-00226079 in humility F45s1fc2T-U-01016-00226080-00226319 i hate how warped their priorities are F45s1fc2T-U-01017-00226319-00226471 as if the reality of what i F45s1fc2T-U-01018-00226471-00226623 and millions of others are literally F45s1fc2T-U-01019-00226623-00226879 enduring is just a mild inconvenience F45s1fc2T-U-01020-00226880-00227031 that they can sidestep F45s1fc2T-U-01021-00227032-00227310 people are simply not taking this F45s1fc2T-U-01022-00227311-00227415 pandemic F45s1fc2T-U-01023-00227416-00227879 siri actually enough F45s1fc2T-U-01024-00227880-00228023 because the only thing that'll piss me F45s1fc2T-U-01025-00228023-00228255 off more than coronavirus itself F45s1fc2T-U-01026-00228256-00228406 is an avalanche of condescending F45s1fc2T-U-01027-00228407-00228646 comments and pointless questions F45s1fc2T-U-01028-00228648-00229039 but no matter amidst my silence F45s1fc2T-U-01029-00229040-00229287 by thanksgiving evening my fever and F45s1fc2T-U-01030-00229288-00229494 cough simmer down F45s1fc2T-U-01031-00229496-00229751 i feel some strength returning and i F45s1fc2T-U-01032-00229752-00229823 turn F45s1fc2T-U-01033-00229823-00230134 a little more hopeful by sunday the 29th F45s1fc2T-U-01034-00230135-00230279 i'm happy to hold down F45s1fc2T-U-01035-00230280-00230679 a normal meal i must say F45s1fc2T-U-01036-00230680-00231279 that meditation F45s1fc2T-U-01037-00231280-00231519 enables me to mention a motion picture F45s1fc2T-U-01038-00231519-00231694 and that is how i babystep F45s1fc2T-U-01039-00231696-00231927 through this ordeal without despairing F45s1fc2T-U-01040-00231928-00232158 or losing my marbles F45s1fc2T-U-01041-00232159-00232391 pain strikes me but i will let the pain F45s1fc2T-U-01042-00232392-00232463 go F45s1fc2T-U-01043-00232464-00232710 and not waste a moment resenting it it F45s1fc2T-U-01044-00232711-00232863 arrives and leaves F45s1fc2T-U-01045-00232864-00233103 and i simply breathe and keep moving F45s1fc2T-U-01046-00233104-00233279 forth one step F45s1fc2T-U-01047-00233280-00233615 one moment at a time now please F45s1fc2T-U-01048-00233616-00233727 understand F45s1fc2T-U-01049-00233728-00233982 that i do mask up and i am quite F45s1fc2T-U-01050-00233983-00234079 sanitary F45s1fc2T-U-01051-00234080-00234798 and extremely cautious F45s1fc2T-U-01052-00234800-00234975 and yet i nonetheless caught strength of F45s1fc2T-U-01053-00234976-00235198 will nothing you can say or think or do F45s1fc2T-U-01054-00235200-00235382 will change what happened to me F45s1fc2T-U-01055-00235383-00235671 all i will say is i am lucky to be alive F45s1fc2T-U-01056-00235671-00235703 no F45s1fc2T-U-01057-00235704-00235958 human being deserves this disease which F45s1fc2T-U-01058-00235959-00236103 absolutely does not F45s1fc2T-U-01059-00236104-00236415 discriminate and so F45s1fc2T-U-01060-00236416-00236775 i will continue to rest and recover F45s1fc2T-U-01061-00236776-00236991 i will continue to get up and work F45s1fc2T-U-01062-00236992-00237239 because i am not finished with this F45s1fc2T-U-01063-00237240-00237367 world F45s1fc2T-U-01064-00237367-00237663 i pray for humanity i believe we are all F45s1fc2T-U-01065-00237664-00237846 being called F45s1fc2T-U-01066-00237848-00238215 to be F45s1fc2T-U-01067-00238216-00238446 be our best and i do believe global F45s1fc2T-U-01068-00238448-00238615 battle unlike any we've ever known F45s1fc2T-U-01069-00238616-00238839 i believe that the strength we need is F45s1fc2T-U-01070-00238840-00239055 all around us F45s1fc2T-U-01071-00239056-00239391 so thank you all for listening F45s1fc2T-U-01072-00239392-00239598 peace and one love and please take care F45s1fc2T-U-01073-00239600-00239823 of yourselves F45s1fc2T-U-01074-00239823-00240182 hey give it up for alan aquino man F45s1fc2T-U-01075-00240183-00240527 thank you alan thank you alan F45s1fc2T-U-01076-00240528-00240998 love you bro i'm so glad you're here man F45s1fc2T-U-01077-00241000-00241167 alan did a reading with me folks in the F45s1fc2T-U-01078-00241167-00241303 middle of that and he didn't even tell F45s1fc2T-U-01079-00241304-00241455 me until afterwards that he had the F45s1fc2T-U-01080-00241456-00241606 virus F45s1fc2T-U-01081-00241607-00241871 helen is a hardcore stoic trooper he hit F45s1fc2T-U-01082-00241871-00241998 me like a week later when he was F45s1fc2T-U-01083-00242000-00242134 recovering he's like hey man i didn't F45s1fc2T-U-01084-00242135-00242279 tell you but that reading you did on the F45s1fc2T-U-01085-00242280-00242534 20th man i F45s1fc2T-U-01086-00242535-00242910 man alan yeah F45s1fc2T-U-01087-00242911-00243055 yeah there are there are a couple of F45s1fc2T-U-01088-00243056-00243271 other uh some of you here who joined our F45s1fc2T-U-01089-00243271-00243375 last reading on F45s1fc2T-U-01090-00243376-00243575 november 20th and i was actually quite F45s1fc2T-U-01091-00243576-00243694 sick F45s1fc2T-U-01092-00243696-00243934 during that reading but i managed to F45s1fc2T-U-01093-00243935-00244006 play it off F45s1fc2T-U-01094-00244007-00244287 uh but you know anyway well thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01095-00244288-00244510 all for your kind attention F45s1fc2T-U-01096-00244511-00244719 man great job alan thank you man that's F45s1fc2T-U-01097-00244719-00244919 allen aquino folks give it up for alan F45s1fc2T-U-01098-00244919-00244958 man F45s1fc2T-U-01099-00244959-00245303 allen is the dude thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01100-00245304-00245639 man man oh man um well we're gonna we're F45s1fc2T-U-01101-00245640-00245975 gonna keep it moving in our next poet up F45s1fc2T-U-01102-00245976-00246191 he's a true blue angelino man he really F45s1fc2T-U-01103-00246192-00246367 knows a city and he can talk to you F45s1fc2T-U-01104-00246367-00246558 about neighborhood history and redlining F45s1fc2T-U-01105-00246559-00246791 and restrictive housing covenants F45s1fc2T-U-01106-00246792-00247039 and just authentic authentic angelino F45s1fc2T-U-01107-00247040-00247110 ish man F45s1fc2T-U-01108-00247111-00247391 he's jt to la storyteller g rest knows F45s1fc2T-U-01109-00247392-00247551 he's got a great blog and this dude is a F45s1fc2T-U-01110-00247552-00247791 prolific writer give it up for my man jt F45s1fc2T-U-01111-00247792-00249510 the la story teller F45s1fc2T-U-01112-00249511-00249791 hello hello can you hear me yes yes we F45s1fc2T-U-01113-00249792-00249967 can hear you F45s1fc2T-U-01114-00249967-00250239 thanks so much for your poetic words F45s1fc2T-U-01115-00250240-00250303 everyone F45s1fc2T-U-01116-00250304-00250639 and i am honored to F45s1fc2T-U-01117-00250640-00250839 participate in this really special end F45s1fc2T-U-01118-00250840-00250991 of the year event with you all F45s1fc2T-U-01119-00250992-00251182 and i'm just going to share one poem F45s1fc2T-U-01120-00251183-00251310 that i've been F45s1fc2T-U-01121-00251311-00251567 working on it may or may not be finished F45s1fc2T-U-01122-00251567-00251655 but F45s1fc2T-U-01123-00251656-00251951 i would love to just get it out to you F45s1fc2T-U-01124-00251952-00251982 all F45s1fc2T-U-01125-00251983-00252303 and and just put it down for for for F45s1fc2T-U-01126-00252304-00252382 this open mic F45s1fc2T-U-01127-00252383-00252623 today oh elizabeth goemon it's great to F45s1fc2T-U-01128-00252623-00252782 see you too talk to you soon F45s1fc2T-U-01129-00252783-00253263 okay this is called american F45s1fc2T-U-01130-00253264-00253575 american removal begins with a language F45s1fc2T-U-01131-00253576-00253839 it starts with indians as uncivilized F45s1fc2T-U-01132-00253840-00253942 savages F45s1fc2T-U-01133-00253944-00254151 it expands with black civilization F45s1fc2T-U-01134-00254152-00254423 deemed as n-words and three-fifths F45s1fc2T-U-01135-00254423-00254630 it proliferates with providence but only F45s1fc2T-U-01136-00254631-00254775 for aryan destiny F45s1fc2T-U-01137-00254776-00255030 by the millions and american removal F45s1fc2T-U-01138-00255031-00255223 embraces its robes with an indian F45s1fc2T-U-01139-00255223-00255351 removal act F45s1fc2T-U-01140-00255352-00255591 followed by a war on dirty mexicans F45s1fc2T-U-01141-00255592-00255839 followed by a chinese exclusion act F45s1fc2T-U-01142-00255840-00256071 followed by filipinos as n-words F45s1fc2T-U-01143-00256071-00256206 followed by japs keep F45s1fc2T-U-01144-00256207-00256519 moving american removal tests its first F45s1fc2T-U-01145-00256519-00256719 psas with public enemies F45s1fc2T-U-01146-00256719-00256982 hobos tramps and vagrants but ultimately F45s1fc2T-U-01147-00256983-00257167 settles for black and brown youth as F45s1fc2T-U-01148-00257167-00257463 gangs it then settles its it then sews F45s1fc2T-U-01149-00257464-00257727 its modern seeds with a red line F45s1fc2T-U-01150-00257728-00257951 redline maps delineate our colors F45s1fc2T-U-01151-00257952-00258182 separating undesirables and subversive F45s1fc2T-U-01152-00258183-00258382 racial elements from homogeneous F45s1fc2T-U-01153-00258383-00258719 single-family white homes until a war to F45s1fc2T-U-01154-00258719-00258919 end all wars that is F45s1fc2T-U-01155-00258919-00259182 two atom bombs dropped on japs but none F45s1fc2T-U-01156-00259183-00259487 on german nazis or italian fascists F45s1fc2T-U-01157-00259488-00259719 after the war it grows to include F45s1fc2T-U-01158-00259719-00259823 un-american F45s1fc2T-U-01159-00259823-00260055 black radicals and communist hippies F45s1fc2T-U-01160-00260056-00260223 into its lexicon F45s1fc2T-U-01161-00260223-00260471 once these begin to ring hollow american F45s1fc2T-U-01162-00260471-00260694 removal reinvigorates itself F45s1fc2T-U-01163-00260696-00260927 black drugs and gangs black welfare F45s1fc2T-U-01164-00260928-00261006 queens F45s1fc2T-U-01165-00261007-00261327 and latinx and asian immigrant invasions F45s1fc2T-U-01166-00261328-00261534 it then sanctifies itself calling on F45s1fc2T-U-01167-00261535-00261719 property owners to revolt F45s1fc2T-U-01168-00261719-00261919 followed by national publication on a F45s1fc2T-U-01169-00261919-00262151 generation of new super predators F45s1fc2T-U-01170-00262152-00262406 predators followed by calls to save our F45s1fc2T-U-01171-00262407-00262471 state F45s1fc2T-U-01172-00262472-00262655 followed by english only for our F45s1fc2T-U-01173-00262656-00262791 children F45s1fc2T-U-01174-00262792-00263055 at the dawn of the 21st century american F45s1fc2T-U-01175-00263056-00263295 removal finds still new lifeblood F45s1fc2T-U-01176-00263296-00263543 global war on muslims as terrorists F45s1fc2T-U-01177-00263544-00263630 extremists F45s1fc2T-U-01178-00263631-00263919 and once again radical a generation F45s1fc2T-U-01179-00263920-00263967 later F45s1fc2T-U-01180-00263968-00264239 it relishes in good people on both sides F45s1fc2T-U-01181-00264240-00264375 [__] countries F45s1fc2T-U-01182-00264376-00264679 stand back and stand by and on F45s1fc2T-U-01183-00264680-00264871 but when you ask american removal about F45s1fc2T-U-01184-00264872-00265055 a million bodies burned by drones in the F45s1fc2T-U-01185-00265056-00265287 global south since 2001 F45s1fc2T-U-01186-00265288-00265487 or when you ask american removal about F45s1fc2T-U-01187-00265488-00265687 its uniforms shooting down black men F45s1fc2T-U-01188-00265688-00265958 women and children when you ask american F45s1fc2T-U-01189-00265959-00266151 removal about the forced sterilization F45s1fc2T-U-01190-00266152-00266358 of incarcerated latino women F45s1fc2T-U-01191-00266359-00266551 or when you ask american removal about F45s1fc2T-U-01192-00266552-00266751 the gentrification of our neighborhoods F45s1fc2T-U-01193-00266752-00266919 it's homeless cleanups even as police F45s1fc2T-U-01194-00266920-00267151 patrol new hotels around the corners F45s1fc2T-U-01195-00267152-00267358 when you ask american removal if it may F45s1fc2T-U-01196-00267359-00267575 dignify those it's uprooted with only so F45s1fc2T-U-01197-00267576-00267767 much as an acknowledgement F45s1fc2T-U-01198-00267768-00268103 all you get is silence american removal F45s1fc2T-U-01199-00268104-00268175 concludes F45s1fc2T-U-01200-00268176-00268551 with a silence F45s1fc2T-U-01201-00268552-00268863 thank you everyone hey folks that's F45s1fc2T-U-01202-00268864-00269239 jimmy resnos aka jt la story teller aka F45s1fc2T-U-01203-00269240-00269375 jimbo times F45s1fc2T-U-01204-00269376-00269855 uh great job jt thank you bro F45s1fc2T-U-01205-00269856-00270087 and my man is always blogging and he he F45s1fc2T-U-01206-00270088-00270310 writes poems he writes essays F45s1fc2T-U-01207-00270311-00270503 check him out man he's doing really F45s1fc2T-U-01208-00270504-00270663 great work and he's writing a lot right F45s1fc2T-U-01209-00270664-00270758 now about not just F45s1fc2T-U-01210-00270759-00271047 east hollywood but the intersection of F45s1fc2T-U-01211-00271048-00271263 pico union macarthur park historic F45s1fc2T-U-01212-00271264-00271495 filipino town little armenia thai town F45s1fc2T-U-01213-00271496-00271639 korea town F45s1fc2T-U-01214-00271640-00271799 and he's tying it all together and he's F45s1fc2T-U-01215-00271800-00271967 going to bring you the history and and F45s1fc2T-U-01216-00271968-00272623 connect the generations thank you jt F45s1fc2T-U-01217-00272624-00272775 and also manny makes some really dope F45s1fc2T-U-01218-00272776-00272934 hoodies and i got one for my daughter F45s1fc2T-U-01219-00272935-00273175 and she she's rocking it los F45s1fc2T-U-01220-00273176-00273519 um yeah man those quintos check it out F45s1fc2T-U-01221-00273520-00273910 make some cool masks too thank you jt F45s1fc2T-U-01222-00273911-00274055 all right well folks we're just going to F45s1fc2T-U-01223-00274056-00274182 keep it moving and you know what here's F45s1fc2T-U-01224-00274183-00274287 the thing i F45s1fc2T-U-01225-00274288-00274551 i pride myself on getting everybody up F45s1fc2T-U-01226-00274552-00274727 so if everyone can do me a favor F45s1fc2T-U-01227-00274728-00274967 everyone that reads if you can keep it F45s1fc2T-U-01228-00274968-00275134 to just under about three minutes that F45s1fc2T-U-01229-00275135-00275375 way because we have about 13 14 people F45s1fc2T-U-01230-00275376-00275534 here and i want to get everybody up i F45s1fc2T-U-01231-00275535-00275679 want to hear everybody F45s1fc2T-U-01232-00275680-00275910 so um i love your eight-minute poems F45s1fc2T-U-01233-00275911-00276047 people but if you cannot F45s1fc2T-U-01234-00276048-00276223 don't bring an eight-minute poem today F45s1fc2T-U-01235-00276224-00276343 if you got you've got an eight-minute F45s1fc2T-U-01236-00276344-00276495 joint rock it next time F45s1fc2T-U-01237-00276496-00276655 um today if you can keep it to about F45s1fc2T-U-01238-00276656-00276871 three minutes that would be fantastic F45s1fc2T-U-01239-00276872-00277039 just because i want to get everybody up F45s1fc2T-U-01240-00277040-00277191 and you know i love everybody we love F45s1fc2T-U-01241-00277192-00277343 everybody equally so we're trying to get F45s1fc2T-U-01242-00277344-00277399 everybody F45s1fc2T-U-01243-00277400-00277727 up so on that note um but tell you what F45s1fc2T-U-01244-00277728-00277847 our next point i'm going to bring up F45s1fc2T-U-01245-00277848-00277975 she's fantastic F45s1fc2T-U-01246-00277976-00278158 she does a lot of programming and she's F45s1fc2T-U-01247-00278159-00278343 a poet and she does some organizing in F45s1fc2T-U-01248-00278344-00278455 orange county F45s1fc2T-U-01249-00278456-00278799 at the museo a great museum and i did a F45s1fc2T-U-01250-00278800-00279030 poetry program with her and marcus F45s1fc2T-U-01251-00279031-00279255 just last month and she's awesome can we F45s1fc2T-U-01252-00279256-00279551 give it up for natalie elaine F45s1fc2T-U-01253-00279552-00279910 hello hello hello F45s1fc2T-U-01254-00279911-00280167 to all the creators on the line hi F45s1fc2T-U-01255-00280168-00280534 marcus how are you F45s1fc2T-U-01256-00280535-00280855 um just i'll keep it moving quick and F45s1fc2T-U-01257-00280856-00281151 fast i am a southern girl i'm actually F45s1fc2T-U-01258-00281152-00281287 here in texas right now F45s1fc2T-U-01259-00281288-00281503 but i currently reside in orange county F45s1fc2T-U-01260-00281504-00281639 california i've been there about two F45s1fc2T-U-01261-00281640-00281719 years F45s1fc2T-U-01262-00281720-00282039 so i'm also a yoga instructor so F45s1fc2T-U-01263-00282040-00282367 let's get going and um although i didn't F45s1fc2T-U-01264-00282368-00282582 kind of go with the whole pandemic thing F45s1fc2T-U-01265-00282583-00282679 but i guess F45s1fc2T-U-01266-00282680-00282903 overall uh you could think of it as a F45s1fc2T-U-01267-00282904-00283039 way of F45s1fc2T-U-01268-00283040-00283303 evolving through this pandemic so uh F45s1fc2T-U-01269-00283304-00283558 this is a piece i wrote a long time ago F45s1fc2T-U-01270-00283559-00283615 but F45s1fc2T-U-01271-00283616-00283895 nonetheless here it goes evolutional F45s1fc2T-U-01272-00283896-00284023 woman F45s1fc2T-U-01273-00284024-00284327 she has everything i need to know the F45s1fc2T-U-01274-00284328-00284447 green garden F45s1fc2T-U-01275-00284448-00284782 full of flawless red flowers she is F45s1fc2T-U-01276-00284783-00285103 graced with a gorgeous garment F45s1fc2T-U-01277-00285104-00285399 unbreakable black bold beautiful F45s1fc2T-U-01278-00285400-00285639 intuitive and strong F45s1fc2T-U-01279-00285640-00285958 the matriarch the stabilizer the earth's F45s1fc2T-U-01280-00285959-00286134 backbone F45s1fc2T-U-01281-00286135-00286439 unbreakable black bold blessed F45s1fc2T-U-01282-00286440-00286751 and beautiful she is graced with a F45s1fc2T-U-01283-00286752-00286934 gorgeous garment F45s1fc2T-U-01284-00286935-00287271 charming and cheerful and full F45s1fc2T-U-01285-00287272-00287551 of boisterous stability from the F45s1fc2T-U-01286-00287552-00287710 beginning she excels F45s1fc2T-U-01287-00287711-00288063 determined to survive in her womb F45s1fc2T-U-01288-00288064-00288358 the seed of millions through the ages F45s1fc2T-U-01289-00288359-00288527 she will provide F45s1fc2T-U-01290-00288528-00288879 she is unfazed by obstacles perpetual F45s1fc2T-U-01291-00288880-00289239 in her drive kings and queens F45s1fc2T-U-01292-00289240-00289558 of all royalty alike are inherently F45s1fc2T-U-01293-00289559-00289919 in her bloodline the green garden F45s1fc2T-U-01294-00289920-00290230 full of flawless red flowers F45s1fc2T-U-01295-00290231-00290534 unbreakable black bold F45s1fc2T-U-01296-00290535-00290910 blessed and beautiful she is graced with F45s1fc2T-U-01297-00290911-00291103 a gorgeous garment F45s1fc2T-U-01298-00291104-00291430 against all odds she presses on F45s1fc2T-U-01299-00291431-00291782 not a moment does her love wane her aura F45s1fc2T-U-01300-00291783-00292103 of invincibility her spirit of strong F45s1fc2T-U-01301-00292104-00292230 will F45s1fc2T-U-01302-00292231-00292543 her disposition of i will succeed F45s1fc2T-U-01303-00292544-00292847 regardless of the mountainous hills F45s1fc2T-U-01304-00292848-00293167 she is black unbreakable bold F45s1fc2T-U-01305-00293168-00293558 and beautiful the green garden F45s1fc2T-U-01306-00293559-00293863 full of flawless red flowers F45s1fc2T-U-01307-00293864-00294158 she is graced with a gorgeous garment F45s1fc2T-U-01308-00294159-00294471 her strength personified from birth F45s1fc2T-U-01309-00294472-00294782 she is the matriarch the unbreakable F45s1fc2T-U-01310-00294783-00295182 black bold and beautiful the backbone F45s1fc2T-U-01311-00295183-00295495 of the earth F45s1fc2T-U-01312-00295496-00295663 hey give it up for natalie elaine thank F45s1fc2T-U-01313-00295664-00295847 you natalie you F45s1fc2T-U-01314-00295848-00296223 thank you thank you yeah and the museo F45s1fc2T-U-01315-00296224-00296471 um put the link in the about the museo F45s1fc2T-U-01316-00296472-00296582 museum because you're doing a lot of F45s1fc2T-U-01317-00296583-00296782 really great programming over there F45s1fc2T-U-01318-00296783-00297039 yes we have events coming up starting F45s1fc2T-U-01319-00297040-00297247 the first of the year uh every quarter F45s1fc2T-U-01320-00297248-00297471 so i'll definitely be looking for um F45s1fc2T-U-01321-00297472-00297575 creatives F45s1fc2T-U-01322-00297576-00297839 to uh join me if they like so definitely F45s1fc2T-U-01323-00297840-00297999 i'll put that information in F45s1fc2T-U-01324-00298000-00298254 the uh in the link below and my F45s1fc2T-U-01325-00298255-00298351 information F45s1fc2T-U-01326-00298352-00298495 that way you can just reach out to me F45s1fc2T-U-01327-00298496-00298703 directly if you'd like thank you so much F45s1fc2T-U-01328-00298704-00298903 natalie give it away thank you mike F45s1fc2T-U-01329-00298904-00299271 thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01330-00299272-00299495 hey folks we really pride ourselves on F45s1fc2T-U-01331-00299496-00299767 three generations on the same page F45s1fc2T-U-01332-00299768-00299919 three generations on the same stage all F45s1fc2T-U-01333-00299920-00300134 the ancestors on the same page F45s1fc2T-U-01334-00300135-00300303 this next poet i'm gonna bring up right F45s1fc2T-U-01335-00300304-00300543 now he sometimes moonlights a santa F45s1fc2T-U-01336-00300544-00300615 claus F45s1fc2T-U-01337-00300616-00300806 he's kind of tired because he hit two F45s1fc2T-U-01338-00300807-00300958 two billion homes the other night but he F45s1fc2T-U-01339-00300959-00301151 was just on a recent commercial playing F45s1fc2T-U-01340-00301152-00301487 old saint nick and he's always hilarious F45s1fc2T-U-01341-00301488-00301687 he they call him brotherly love F45s1fc2T-U-01342-00301688-00301887 and he's got he's got some history and F45s1fc2T-U-01343-00301888-00302054 he's an old friend of mine F45s1fc2T-U-01344-00302055-00302482 guys give it up for the one and only F45s1fc2T-U-01345-00302483-00303391 back F45s1fc2T-U-01346-00303392-00303751 you're still muted lee oh hang on F45s1fc2T-U-01347-00303752-00304103 no we gotcha oh you got me now F45s1fc2T-U-01348-00304104-00304399 you're good okay it's great to be here F45s1fc2T-U-01349-00304400-00304599 great to see hear all of you and to see F45s1fc2T-U-01350-00304600-00304791 all of you F45s1fc2T-U-01351-00304792-00305095 this is called the power of never the F45s1fc2T-U-01352-00305096-00305175 ache F45s1fc2T-U-01353-00305176-00305551 is deep or is it the frustration F45s1fc2T-U-01354-00305552-00305879 angst pushing uselessly F45s1fc2T-U-01355-00305880-00306230 for something that cannot be F45s1fc2T-U-01356-00306231-00306543 the way you want it to be it can't F45s1fc2T-U-01357-00306544-00306703 happen F45s1fc2T-U-01358-00306704-00307167 acceptance of that is impossible F45s1fc2T-U-01359-00307168-00307558 the power of never F45s1fc2T-U-01360-00307559-00307927 nevertheless make it happen F45s1fc2T-U-01361-00307928-00308295 this is why we have our own little F45s1fc2T-U-01362-00308296-00308663 universes even if you want it F45s1fc2T-U-01363-00308664-00309015 and it can't happen it still F45s1fc2T-U-01364-00309016-00309430 is happening in your head F45s1fc2T-U-01365-00309431-00309799 it's part of you already you won't F45s1fc2T-U-01366-00309800-00310206 let it go congratulations F45s1fc2T-U-01367-00310207-00310454 you can envision how good life would be F45s1fc2T-U-01368-00310455-00310575 with it F45s1fc2T-U-01369-00310576-00310863 if only things could be the way you see F45s1fc2T-U-01370-00310864-00310951 it F45s1fc2T-U-01371-00310952-00311406 a perfect spot like a perfect phone call F45s1fc2T-U-01372-00311407-00311727 everything and everyone F45s1fc2T-U-01373-00311728-00312175 complying F45s1fc2T-U-01374-00312176-00312695 this one's called never again is now F45s1fc2T-U-01375-00312696-00312934 the disgusting sight of concentration F45s1fc2T-U-01376-00312935-00313151 camps in the us F45s1fc2T-U-01377-00313152-00313399 again a genuine repeat as if as a F45s1fc2T-U-01378-00313400-00313495 country F45s1fc2T-U-01379-00313496-00313719 we haven't learned a thing we have a F45s1fc2T-U-01380-00313720-00313847 hard time always F45s1fc2T-U-01381-00313848-00314134 a struggle to make progress for human F45s1fc2T-U-01382-00314135-00314239 rights and against F45s1fc2T-U-01383-00314240-00314582 racism and sexism we can somehow F45s1fc2T-U-01384-00314583-00314919 justify these concentration camps F45s1fc2T-U-01385-00314920-00315206 or at least tolerate them otherwise the F45s1fc2T-U-01386-00315207-00315391 streets would be full of protests like F45s1fc2T-U-01387-00315392-00315487 in chile F45s1fc2T-U-01388-00315488-00315679 where the people hit the streets by the F45s1fc2T-U-01389-00315680-00315999 thousands just because the subway fares F45s1fc2T-U-01390-00316000-00316151 were raised F45s1fc2T-U-01391-00316152-00316447 in the u.s the streets could be full F45s1fc2T-U-01392-00316448-00316534 because F45s1fc2T-U-01393-00316535-00316767 immigrant children are being taken F45s1fc2T-U-01394-00316768-00316982 separated and even stolen from their F45s1fc2T-U-01395-00316983-00317071 parents F45s1fc2T-U-01396-00317072-00317406 and incarcerated locked up innocent F45s1fc2T-U-01397-00317407-00317510 children F45s1fc2T-U-01398-00317511-00317982 often in for-profit concentration camps F45s1fc2T-U-01399-00317983-00318151 only misuse F45s1fc2T-U-01400-00318152-00318582 and abuse can follow because the plan F45s1fc2T-U-01401-00318583-00318863 and the perceived need for the plan is F45s1fc2T-U-01402-00318864-00318951 wicked F45s1fc2T-U-01403-00318952-00319367 and concocted racist opportunistic F45s1fc2T-U-01404-00319368-00319671 criminal and fascist it's wrong for F45s1fc2T-U-01405-00319672-00319782 humanity F45s1fc2T-U-01406-00319783-00320063 for our survival we must learn to live F45s1fc2T-U-01407-00320064-00320175 together F45s1fc2T-U-01408-00320176-00320558 in peace motivated by more than greed F45s1fc2T-U-01409-00320559-00320871 personal gain and dominance F45s1fc2T-U-01410-00320872-00321191 the need to be top dog F45s1fc2T-U-01411-00321192-00321558 dominance american exceptionalism F45s1fc2T-U-01412-00321559-00321927 the great nation great again F45s1fc2T-U-01413-00321928-00322230 the race bait again like a big F45s1fc2T-U-01414-00322231-00322558 fish who hooked on the horror F45s1fc2T-U-01415-00322559-00322863 mega wannabe superior F45s1fc2T-U-01416-00322864-00323143 the minute you think you're superior you F45s1fc2T-U-01417-00323144-00323254 drop F45s1fc2T-U-01418-00323255-00323703 to mega inferior these kids are going to F45s1fc2T-U-01419-00323704-00323887 grow up one day F45s1fc2T-U-01420-00323888-00324182 remembering how you took them away put F45s1fc2T-U-01421-00324183-00324334 them in a cage F45s1fc2T-U-01422-00324335-00324719 a cage like animals a cake cake F45s1fc2T-U-01423-00324720-00325103 cage concentration camps F45s1fc2T-U-01424-00325104-00325415 for kids actual F45s1fc2T-U-01425-00325416-00325879 born children thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01426-00325880-00326023 and that's the leap back you guys give F45s1fc2T-U-01427-00326024-00326375 it up for lee man F45s1fc2T-U-01428-00326376-00326639 lead back man brotherly love thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01429-00326640-00326839 lee thank you lee F45s1fc2T-U-01430-00326840-00327191 enjoyed being here yeah man F45s1fc2T-U-01431-00327192-00327343 all right well we're gonna keep we're F45s1fc2T-U-01432-00327344-00327863 gonna keep it moving um this next man F45s1fc2T-U-01433-00327864-00327982 we're bringing up i met him out on F45s1fc2T-U-01434-00327983-00328199 hollywood boulevard we both uh F45s1fc2T-U-01435-00328200-00328382 gave some city tours and he can tell you F45s1fc2T-U-01436-00328383-00328567 about venice boulevard and he can tell F45s1fc2T-U-01437-00328568-00328719 you about the boardwalk and he can tell F45s1fc2T-U-01438-00328720-00328903 you about power 106 and he can tell you F45s1fc2T-U-01439-00328904-00329127 about what songs j dilla sampled F45s1fc2T-U-01440-00329128-00329575 this is my man armond kinnard F45s1fc2T-U-01441-00329576-00329758 how's everybody feeling can you hear me F45s1fc2T-U-01442-00329759-00329927 okay i don't know which mic whether it's F45s1fc2T-U-01443-00329928-00330127 this one or the webcam or what F45s1fc2T-U-01444-00330128-00330358 you're doing great excellent thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01445-00330359-00330478 for having me F45s1fc2T-U-01446-00330479-00330663 and for those of you that i know i wish F45s1fc2T-U-01447-00330664-00330823 i could hug you right now F45s1fc2T-U-01448-00330824-00330999 for those of you that i do not know i F45s1fc2T-U-01449-00331000-00331175 wish i could stand next to you and smell F45s1fc2T-U-01450-00331176-00331343 you right now F45s1fc2T-U-01451-00331344-00331710 that might come off strange but F45s1fc2T-U-01452-00331711-00331975 all right so i wrote these two today F45s1fc2T-U-01453-00331976-00332223 here we go first one F45s1fc2T-U-01454-00332224-00332495 walk forward into the distance leave the F45s1fc2T-U-01455-00332496-00332703 fears in your dust F45s1fc2T-U-01456-00332704-00333015 white mountains ahead clear spirit blow F45s1fc2T-U-01457-00333016-00333127 into me F45s1fc2T-U-01458-00333128-00333391 stepping forward under the blue rain F45s1fc2T-U-01459-00333392-00333630 makes la feel brand new F45s1fc2T-U-01460-00333631-00333927 hearts sing silent streets concrete F45s1fc2T-U-01461-00333928-00334143 jungle cables overhead F45s1fc2T-U-01462-00334144-00334439 the site of the awakening continues F45s1fc2T-U-01463-00334440-00334663 breath of love struggling to exist F45s1fc2T-U-01464-00334664-00334999 the soaring of birds watchers scoping F45s1fc2T-U-01465-00335000-00335103 and probing F45s1fc2T-U-01466-00335104-00335406 seeking and swooping sky blue F45s1fc2T-U-01467-00335407-00335782 freedom view all men repetitive steps F45s1fc2T-U-01468-00335783-00335878 one line F45s1fc2T-U-01469-00335879-00336134 along the trail of hope standing firm F45s1fc2T-U-01470-00336135-00336351 since my grandmother's birth F45s1fc2T-U-01471-00336352-00336623 elevation elevation of my vision i F45s1fc2T-U-01472-00336624-00336791 stretch my feeling of joy around the F45s1fc2T-U-01473-00336792-00336904 world to all men F45s1fc2T-U-01474-00336905-00337254 [Music] F45s1fc2T-U-01475-00337255-00337654 all right this uh second piece um F45s1fc2T-U-01476-00337655-00337863 the west boulevard bridge thank you at F45s1fc2T-U-01477-00337864-00337967 the west F45s1fc2T-U-01478-00337968-00338158 boulevard bridge i walked over it today F45s1fc2T-U-01479-00338159-00338375 and um this is the view that i got and F45s1fc2T-U-01480-00338376-00338734 this is for you guys F45s1fc2T-U-01481-00338735-00339087 get up get over get up get over F45s1fc2T-U-01482-00339088-00339375 feel your power ignite breathe in your F45s1fc2T-U-01483-00339376-00339495 birth right F45s1fc2T-U-01484-00339496-00339734 let the strength within you permeate no F45s1fc2T-U-01485-00339735-00339975 matter what around you agitates F45s1fc2T-U-01486-00339976-00340334 get up get over get up get over F45s1fc2T-U-01487-00340335-00340606 see what most do not see beyond your F45s1fc2T-U-01488-00340607-00340743 physical property F45s1fc2T-U-01489-00340744-00340999 vibrations shift from your thoughts F45s1fc2T-U-01490-00341000-00341239 alleviate all the negatives you caught F45s1fc2T-U-01491-00341240-00341575 get up go over get up go over F45s1fc2T-U-01492-00341576-00341927 create a new pattern draw a new image F45s1fc2T-U-01493-00341928-00342095 you're the only barrier that's in front F45s1fc2T-U-01494-00342096-00342278 of you free thought is the village F45s1fc2T-U-01495-00342279-00342558 allow your feeling to unmask only then F45s1fc2T-U-01496-00342559-00342734 will your joys last F45s1fc2T-U-01497-00342735-00343199 get up go over get up go over the bridge F45s1fc2T-U-01498-00343200-00343543 thank you get up get over that bri hey F45s1fc2T-U-01499-00343544-00343719 that west bridge is a beautiful bridge F45s1fc2T-U-01500-00343720-00343791 man F45s1fc2T-U-01501-00343792-00344119 yeah man folks if you're ever heading F45s1fc2T-U-01502-00344120-00344271 east on venice boulevard F45s1fc2T-U-01503-00344272-00344639 um and actually um it's F45s1fc2T-U-01504-00344640-00344847 west kind of connects like basically the F45s1fc2T-U-01505-00344848-00345054 crenshaw district to mid city huh F45s1fc2T-U-01506-00345055-00345334 yeah goes it goes over um venice F45s1fc2T-U-01507-00345335-00345406 boulevard F45s1fc2T-U-01508-00345407-00345743 the bridge actually so been ever since F45s1fc2T-U-01509-00345744-00345958 1933. F45s1fc2T-U-01510-00345959-00346199 wow you you catch some sunsets out there F45s1fc2T-U-01511-00346200-00346351 sometimes huh you go stand out there on F45s1fc2T-U-01512-00346352-00346495 the sunset or whatever F45s1fc2T-U-01513-00346496-00346710 absolutely it's a great view of the west F45s1fc2T-U-01514-00346711-00346878 from that bridge it's uh it was really F45s1fc2T-U-01515-00346879-00347030 beautiful today you know the day after F45s1fc2T-U-01516-00347031-00347551 rains all is well in l.a F45s1fc2T-U-01517-00347552-00347975 for a couple hours huh F45s1fc2T-U-01518-00347976-00348191 armand kennard folks that's he's always F45s1fc2T-U-01519-00348192-00348367 always golden thank you armand thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01520-00348368-00348543 love you guys thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01521-00348544-00348871 thank you man yeah man oh man all right F45s1fc2T-U-01522-00348872-00349063 well gosh we got we got a lot of heat F45s1fc2T-U-01523-00349064-00349110 here F45s1fc2T-U-01524-00349111-00349447 um let me see here you know what we're F45s1fc2T-U-01525-00349448-00349510 gonna bring F45s1fc2T-U-01526-00349511-00349654 we're gonna fly in a man right now all F45s1fc2T-U-01527-00349655-00349823 the way coming down from sacramento and F45s1fc2T-U-01528-00349824-00349991 he used to live on la and F45s1fc2T-U-01529-00349992-00350158 i would rock a poem about van ness and F45s1fc2T-U-01530-00350159-00350310 he would talk about he used to he used F45s1fc2T-U-01531-00350311-00350495 to teach in san pedro and he lived off F45s1fc2T-U-01532-00350496-00350663 van ness this is my man F45s1fc2T-U-01533-00350664-00351334 peter real F45s1fc2T-U-01534-00351335-00351487 oh man thank you so much everybody for F45s1fc2T-U-01535-00351488-00351663 having me thank you mike F45s1fc2T-U-01536-00351664-00351895 what's up mike what's up alan what's up F45s1fc2T-U-01537-00351896-00352015 jesse F45s1fc2T-U-01538-00352016-00352191 everybody else that i haven't met don't F45s1fc2T-U-01539-00352192-00352358 know great to see you thanks for having F45s1fc2T-U-01540-00352359-00352447 me F45s1fc2T-U-01541-00352448-00352791 i met my wife in long beach my daughter F45s1fc2T-U-01542-00352792-00352878 was born at F45s1fc2T-U-01543-00352879-00353182 10th and atlantic st mary's so i have F45s1fc2T-U-01544-00353183-00353415 great love for long beach F45s1fc2T-U-01545-00353416-00353647 uh in this poem here that she is my F45s1fc2T-U-01546-00353648-00353806 grandma F45s1fc2T-U-01547-00353807-00354143 and he is my grandpa it's called she was F45s1fc2T-U-01548-00354144-00354582 frank sinatra he was pericomo F45s1fc2T-U-01549-00354583-00354767 she was frank sinatra and he was F45s1fc2T-U-01550-00354768-00354934 pericomo F45s1fc2T-U-01551-00354935-00355215 they say that opposites attract their F45s1fc2T-U-01552-00355216-00355287 marriage F45s1fc2T-U-01553-00355288-00355695 exhibit a she yelled he spoke gravely F45s1fc2T-U-01554-00355696-00355854 yet warmly F45s1fc2T-U-01555-00355855-00356158 she's saying he hummed F45s1fc2T-U-01556-00356159-00356567 she groaned he sighed she exclaimed F45s1fc2T-U-01557-00356568-00357006 he explained she was demonstrative F45s1fc2T-U-01558-00357007-00357415 he demonstrated she cried F45s1fc2T-U-01559-00357416-00357847 he felt she loved loudly F45s1fc2T-U-01560-00357848-00358254 he loudly loved she was chairman of the F45s1fc2T-U-01561-00358255-00358327 board F45s1fc2T-U-01562-00358328-00358519 he was the humble son of humble F45s1fc2T-U-01563-00358520-00358703 beginnings F45s1fc2T-U-01564-00358704-00359015 she sold out arenas he made them demand F45s1fc2T-U-01565-00359016-00359039 an F45s1fc2T-U-01566-00359040-00359406 encore she was neon lights F45s1fc2T-U-01567-00359407-00359734 he was the back rooms of barber shops F45s1fc2T-U-01568-00359735-00360047 she was cocktails and glitz he was card F45s1fc2T-U-01569-00360048-00360287 games and beer F45s1fc2T-U-01570-00360288-00360703 she was loyalty he was loyalty F45s1fc2T-U-01571-00360704-00361054 perry and frank frank and perry F45s1fc2T-U-01572-00361055-00361623 can you imagine that duet in the sky F45s1fc2T-U-01573-00361624-00362182 that was that one F45s1fc2T-U-01574-00362183-00362551 and i've got one called letter to F45s1fc2T-U-01575-00362552-00362878 j on the day of her leaving for college F45s1fc2T-U-01576-00362879-00363087 letter to jay on the day of her leaving F45s1fc2T-U-01577-00363088-00363382 for college F45s1fc2T-U-01578-00363383-00363551 remember when i told you that you would F45s1fc2T-U-01579-00363552-00363710 see her again F45s1fc2T-U-01580-00363711-00363903 not just in doggy heaven but when you F45s1fc2T-U-01581-00363904-00364071 got older F45s1fc2T-U-01582-00364072-00364430 you won't remember when i told you F45s1fc2T-U-01583-00364431-00364719 that you know when you found the one you F45s1fc2T-U-01584-00364720-00364958 might not F45s1fc2T-U-01585-00364959-00365151 remember when i told you that a friend F45s1fc2T-U-01586-00365152-00365343 who used bad language was not a friend F45s1fc2T-U-01587-00365344-00365495 at all F45s1fc2T-U-01588-00365496-00365815 he might be remember when i told you F45s1fc2T-U-01589-00365816-00365999 that anyone who has to drink to have a F45s1fc2T-U-01590-00366000-00366278 good time is lying to himself F45s1fc2T-U-01591-00366279-00366582 he might not be remember when i told you F45s1fc2T-U-01592-00366583-00366878 that good things happen to good people F45s1fc2T-U-01593-00366879-00367206 they don't always remember when i told F45s1fc2T-U-01594-00367207-00367415 you that beauty is secondary to brains F45s1fc2T-U-01595-00367416-00367567 and heart F45s1fc2T-U-01596-00367568-00367791 it is but it may take you a while to F45s1fc2T-U-01597-00367792-00367991 figure it out F45s1fc2T-U-01598-00367992-00368151 remember when i told you that i married F45s1fc2T-U-01599-00368152-00368358 my best friend F45s1fc2T-U-01600-00368359-00368687 even best friends fight sometimes F45s1fc2T-U-01601-00368688-00368854 remember when i told you this would hurt F45s1fc2T-U-01602-00368855-00369063 me more than it would hurt you F45s1fc2T-U-01603-00369064-00369399 it did and it does and if it didn't it F45s1fc2T-U-01604-00369400-00369727 must have hurt you a whole hell of a lot F45s1fc2T-U-01605-00369728-00369887 remember when i told you that mommy and F45s1fc2T-U-01606-00369888-00370047 i loved each other so much that we F45s1fc2T-U-01607-00370048-00370319 couldn't live together anymore F45s1fc2T-U-01608-00370320-00370623 i lied remember when i told you that F45s1fc2T-U-01609-00370624-00370695 uncle sal F45s1fc2T-U-01610-00370696-00370895 didn't know any better but that's just F45s1fc2T-U-01611-00370896-00371103 the way he was raised to see people who F45s1fc2T-U-01612-00371104-00371278 are different as inferior F45s1fc2T-U-01613-00371279-00371767 that he couldn't help it he can help it F45s1fc2T-U-01614-00371768-00371919 remember when i told you that you must F45s1fc2T-U-01615-00371920-00372127 have a beautiful soul since the eyes are F45s1fc2T-U-01616-00372128-00372399 the windows to the soul F45s1fc2T-U-01617-00372400-00372678 daddy was right about some things F45s1fc2T-U-01618-00372679-00372806 remember when i told you that the F45s1fc2T-U-01619-00372807-00372895 homeless man F45s1fc2T-U-01620-00372896-00373087 was not mean just that life had been F45s1fc2T-U-01621-00373088-00373278 mean to him F45s1fc2T-U-01622-00373279-00373471 if life were a person it'd be going to F45s1fc2T-U-01623-00373472-00373663 hell F45s1fc2T-U-01624-00373664-00373830 remember when i told you that you make F45s1fc2T-U-01625-00373831-00374015 your own luck in life F45s1fc2T-U-01626-00374016-00374367 that god helps those who help themselves F45s1fc2T-U-01627-00374368-00374663 i'm sorry remember when i told you that F45s1fc2T-U-01628-00374664-00374830 no stranger could ever hurt you with F45s1fc2T-U-01629-00374831-00374982 words because daddy would never let F45s1fc2T-U-01630-00374983-00375175 anyone hurt you F45s1fc2T-U-01631-00375176-00375334 i wish i would have included family in F45s1fc2T-U-01632-00375335-00375582 my productive net F45s1fc2T-U-01633-00375583-00375734 remember when i told you but not until F45s1fc2T-U-01634-00375735-00375902 much later that it wasn't your fault F45s1fc2T-U-01635-00375903-00376095 that the milk messed up my keyboard that F45s1fc2T-U-01636-00376096-00376375 daddy had had a lot of stress at work F45s1fc2T-U-01637-00376376-00376534 that's how young women become battered F45s1fc2T-U-01638-00376535-00376687 wives F45s1fc2T-U-01639-00376688-00376823 remember when i told you that i would F45s1fc2T-U-01640-00376824-00376951 love you forever and always be your F45s1fc2T-U-01641-00376952-00377151 biggest fan F45s1fc2T-U-01642-00377152-00377351 i will and lord knows i have been and F45s1fc2T-U-01643-00377352-00377575 will continue to be F45s1fc2T-U-01644-00377576-00377895 and i hope that maybe one night when the F45s1fc2T-U-01645-00377896-00378063 party has died down F45s1fc2T-U-01646-00378064-00378302 and it's way too late and i've been F45s1fc2T-U-01647-00378303-00378454 asleep through the prime hours of a F45s1fc2T-U-01648-00378455-00378615 college student's night F45s1fc2T-U-01649-00378616-00378934 you will remember me my phone will ring F45s1fc2T-U-01650-00378935-00379182 and just like the first time i heard it F45s1fc2T-U-01651-00379183-00379415 your voice will make me cry F45s1fc2T-U-01652-00379416-00379823 and it'll make me smile F45s1fc2T-U-01653-00379824-00379943 thank you and i hope i didn't go too F45s1fc2T-U-01654-00379944-00380167 long mike hey that's my man peter real F45s1fc2T-U-01655-00380168-00380351 give it up for having me guys F45s1fc2T-U-01656-00380352-00380551 thank you thank you so much hey peter's F45s1fc2T-U-01657-00380552-00380758 got a really killer podcast F45s1fc2T-U-01658-00380759-00380999 chills at will podcast and i was on F45s1fc2T-U-01659-00381000-00381110 there last month F45s1fc2T-U-01660-00381111-00381302 and uh peter's doing a lot of really F45s1fc2T-U-01661-00381303-00381487 cool works different different things F45s1fc2T-U-01662-00381488-00381663 connecting dots and communities F45s1fc2T-U-01663-00381664-00381871 and uh does really cool projects with F45s1fc2T-U-01664-00381872-00382023 the students and has them writing poems F45s1fc2T-U-01665-00382024-00382215 about california so thank you peter F45s1fc2T-U-01666-00382216-00382534 always good to see you brother F45s1fc2T-U-01667-00382535-00382910 peter real all right um F45s1fc2T-U-01668-00382911-00383271 you know what let me see here um F45s1fc2T-U-01669-00383272-00383502 what we're going to bring up a woman F45s1fc2T-U-01670-00383503-00383710 who's really thoughtful and always does F45s1fc2T-U-01671-00383711-00383847 fantastic work F45s1fc2T-U-01672-00383848-00383999 can we give it up for miss lizbeth F45s1fc2T-U-01673-00384000-00384839 coyman F45s1fc2T-U-01674-00384840-00385054 hey you got me by surprise there i'm F45s1fc2T-U-01675-00385055-00385206 glad i'm prepared F45s1fc2T-U-01676-00385207-00385687 i'm gonna read something short F45s1fc2T-U-01677-00385688-00386039 if i fall silent today F45s1fc2T-U-01678-00386040-00386343 my hair will weave verses in silver F45s1fc2T-U-01679-00386344-00386615 strands in the white spaces between F45s1fc2T-U-01680-00386616-00386991 the black lines ellipses will weld my F45s1fc2T-U-01681-00386992-00387367 eyes round down the cobble streets of my F45s1fc2T-U-01682-00387368-00387695 face while question marks like F45s1fc2T-U-01683-00387696-00388015 ornaments will dangle from my earlobes F45s1fc2T-U-01684-00388016-00388375 attentive to the silences of others F45s1fc2T-U-01685-00388376-00388719 my tongue will edit the past F45s1fc2T-U-01686-00388720-00389047 mistakes of my actions the scar F45s1fc2T-U-01687-00389048-00389367 on my face will spell agony F45s1fc2T-U-01688-00389368-00389687 in all caps bolded F45s1fc2T-U-01689-00389688-00389958 letters will grow from the tips of my F45s1fc2T-U-01690-00389959-00390015 nails F45s1fc2T-U-01691-00390016-00390302 the freckles on my back will tell F45s1fc2T-U-01692-00390303-00390687 impossible stories of the tropical land F45s1fc2T-U-01693-00390688-00391078 that reds under my eyelids F45s1fc2T-U-01694-00391079-00391423 the keloid on my navel will zipper the F45s1fc2T-U-01695-00391424-00391487 wounds of F45s1fc2T-U-01696-00391488-00391823 birth with suture stitches the sweat F45s1fc2T-U-01697-00391824-00392078 under my breast and armpits F45s1fc2T-U-01698-00392079-00392375 will draw descriptions of the solitary F45s1fc2T-U-01699-00392376-00392447 roads i F45s1fc2T-U-01700-00392448-00392767 transit without making a sound like F45s1fc2T-U-01701-00392768-00393087 run on sentences in the social distances F45s1fc2T-U-01702-00393088-00393151 between F45s1fc2T-U-01703-00393152-00393527 us my knees will write F45s1fc2T-U-01704-00393528-00393854 prayers with thick chopsticks on the F45s1fc2T-U-01705-00393855-00393958 sidewalk F45s1fc2T-U-01706-00393959-00394271 punctuate them with each deformed F45s1fc2T-U-01707-00394272-00394654 pore of my skin if i fall F45s1fc2T-U-01708-00394655-00394975 silent today my body F45s1fc2T-U-01709-00394976-00395391 will speak for me F45s1fc2T-U-01710-00395392-00395606 that's it that's the point lizbeth F45s1fc2T-U-01711-00395607-00395799 coyman thank you thank you elizabeth F45s1fc2T-U-01712-00395800-00395999 thank you thank you thank you for F45s1fc2T-U-01713-00396000-00396351 calling me out F45s1fc2T-U-01714-00396352-00396623 oh it's just concerning always great to F45s1fc2T-U-01715-00396624-00396743 see you thank you so much F45s1fc2T-U-01716-00396744-00396934 thank you very much always a pleasure F45s1fc2T-U-01717-00396935-00397134 always a pleasure always a pleasure F45s1fc2T-U-01718-00397135-00397399 thank you thank you all right folks well F45s1fc2T-U-01719-00397400-00397527 we're going to keep it moving F45s1fc2T-U-01720-00397528-00397934 um our next poet uh is a surrealist poet F45s1fc2T-U-01721-00397935-00398102 and he and he's also close with my man F45s1fc2T-U-01722-00398103-00398263 will alexander who's one of my favorite F45s1fc2T-U-01723-00398264-00398382 poets we're going to give it up for my F45s1fc2T-U-01724-00398383-00399047 man d.c F45s1fc2T-U-01725-00399048-00399191 good evening good evening can you all F45s1fc2T-U-01726-00399192-00399415 hear me yes F45s1fc2T-U-01727-00399416-00399758 hear me and see me uh thanks for F45s1fc2T-U-01728-00399759-00400006 providing the space mike and thanks to F45s1fc2T-U-01729-00400007-00400191 all the poets who have read tonight thus F45s1fc2T-U-01730-00400192-00400367 far i appreciate it it's a blessing to F45s1fc2T-U-01731-00400368-00400551 share this space with y'all F45s1fc2T-U-01732-00400552-00400719 i'm reading a poem from my book called F45s1fc2T-U-01733-00400720-00400854 the longest bread F45s1fc2T-U-01734-00400855-00401263 it's called continuum F45s1fc2T-U-01735-00401264-00401543 as the oracle has indicated our atomic F45s1fc2T-U-01736-00401544-00401702 windows are not cut out for looking F45s1fc2T-U-01737-00401703-00401847 twice F45s1fc2T-U-01738-00401848-00402119 if you see a crime where you see my joy F45s1fc2T-U-01739-00402120-00402287 you will have no recompense from your F45s1fc2T-U-01740-00402288-00402567 past voices or their ages F45s1fc2T-U-01741-00402568-00402743 the pressure on the nuclear family to F45s1fc2T-U-01742-00402744-00402910 raise good customers has become F45s1fc2T-U-01743-00402911-00403095 explosive F45s1fc2T-U-01744-00403096-00403278 i would have phoned before just showing F45s1fc2T-U-01745-00403279-00403527 up but there were no amulets in your F45s1fc2T-U-01746-00403528-00403678 ears when the collection plate was F45s1fc2T-U-01747-00403679-00403854 passed around F45s1fc2T-U-01748-00403855-00404030 a new day is a new breath and night F45s1fc2T-U-01749-00404031-00404199 becomes a new reason to provoke the F45s1fc2T-U-01750-00404200-00404487 bones to prostration F45s1fc2T-U-01751-00404488-00404678 chimneys awaken crows like mourning in F45s1fc2T-U-01752-00404679-00404823 your wombs F45s1fc2T-U-01753-00404824-00405023 this is nowhere to rest the shadow after F45s1fc2T-U-01754-00405024-00405302 jousting with the year of the ram F45s1fc2T-U-01755-00405303-00405495 a light is a light is a voice for F45s1fc2T-U-01756-00405496-00405815 missing persons F45s1fc2T-U-01757-00405816-00406006 the dogs of war show their teeth at the F45s1fc2T-U-01758-00406007-00406263 floor of your dust factory F45s1fc2T-U-01759-00406264-00406527 the ears are bent towards old souls tied F45s1fc2T-U-01760-00406528-00406743 around telephone wire F45s1fc2T-U-01761-00406744-00406934 the crowds have gathered to watch al F45s1fc2T-U-01762-00406935-00407199 make these mountains new again F45s1fc2T-U-01763-00407200-00407415 voices of the dead make you feel alive F45s1fc2T-U-01764-00407416-00407575 and holy F45s1fc2T-U-01765-00407576-00407791 a moon and a moon in a room lit and F45s1fc2T-U-01766-00407792-00407934 flickering F45s1fc2T-U-01767-00407935-00408247 transmuted in a dream in a dream F45s1fc2T-U-01768-00408248-00408478 the crowbar in the mind or marigolds on F45s1fc2T-U-01769-00408479-00408639 the counter F45s1fc2T-U-01770-00408640-00408806 i've never forgotten anything of F45s1fc2T-U-01771-00408807-00409054 mountains or mad houses F45s1fc2T-U-01772-00409055-00409278 it is only worlds within worlds within F45s1fc2T-U-01773-00409279-00409439 worlds F45s1fc2T-U-01774-00409440-00409895 still the eyes refuse to speak F45s1fc2T-U-01775-00409896-00410239 thank you dc F45s1fc2T-U-01776-00410239-00410430 and that longest breath is a dope book F45s1fc2T-U-01777-00410431-00410718 man thank you mike i appreciate you man F45s1fc2T-U-01778-00410719-00411087 appreciate you man thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01779-00411088-00411326 knowledge right uh um what was that F45s1fc2T-U-01780-00411327-00411510 clothing line again F45s1fc2T-U-01781-00411512-00411926 oh uh almeida F45s1fc2T-U-01782-00411927-00412310 i'm actually i'm i'm rocking it tonight F45s1fc2T-U-01783-00412312-00412478 now maek um and you're you're part of F45s1fc2T-U-01784-00412479-00412614 one of the designers right you're part F45s1fc2T-U-01785-00412615-00412766 of the team with that F45s1fc2T-U-01786-00412767-00412982 yeah i was i was one of my best friends F45s1fc2T-U-01787-00412983-00413110 hussein he uh F45s1fc2T-U-01788-00413112-00413303 he he's he was the main designer and i F45s1fc2T-U-01789-00413304-00413566 was working with him for a few years F45s1fc2T-U-01790-00413567-00413887 of yeah man well gc thanks for all you F45s1fc2T-U-01791-00413888-00413951 do bro F45s1fc2T-U-01792-00413952-00414103 thank you so much mike appreciate you F45s1fc2T-U-01793-00414104-00414287 man give it up for dc folks F45s1fc2T-U-01794-00414288-00414559 yeah he had a cool blurb on his book F45s1fc2T-U-01795-00414560-00414759 from will alexander who F45s1fc2T-U-01796-00414760-00414951 is maybe the premier surrealist poet on F45s1fc2T-U-01797-00414952-00415063 the planet man F45s1fc2T-U-01798-00415064-00415382 um so dc is always great nice to see you F45s1fc2T-U-01799-00415383-00415487 dc F45s1fc2T-U-01800-00415488-00415766 um all right you know what this next F45s1fc2T-U-01801-00415767-00415943 poll we're going to bring up um where i F45s1fc2T-U-01802-00415943-00415999 teach is F45s1fc2T-U-01803-00416000-00416222 a place called woodbury university and F45s1fc2T-U-01804-00416223-00416414 we host an open mic there called verse F45s1fc2T-U-01805-00416415-00416559 come verse serve F45s1fc2T-U-01806-00416560-00416710 and this next young man has not only F45s1fc2T-U-01807-00416712-00416910 taken a couple classes with me but he is F45s1fc2T-U-01808-00416912-00416966 the host F45s1fc2T-U-01809-00416967-00417366 of the poetry event on campus that i um F45s1fc2T-U-01810-00417367-00417582 that i've helped uh start and produce F45s1fc2T-U-01811-00417583-00417782 and he's a fantastic dude he's always on F45s1fc2T-U-01812-00417783-00417943 top of these poems can we give it up for F45s1fc2T-U-01813-00417943-00418255 my man joshua jones F45s1fc2T-U-01814-00418256-00418487 appreciate you mike man appreciate being F45s1fc2T-U-01815-00418488-00418566 here F45s1fc2T-U-01816-00418567-00418870 um if you guys have somebody that you F45s1fc2T-U-01817-00418871-00418951 care about F45s1fc2T-U-01818-00418952-00419126 and that you hold down or you have F45s1fc2T-U-01819-00419127-00419310 somebody that cares about you and F45s1fc2T-U-01820-00419312-00419575 is holding you down always love and take F45s1fc2T-U-01821-00419576-00419839 care of them F45s1fc2T-U-01822-00419839-00420270 you give my F45s1fc2T-U-01823-00420271-00420679 heart peace the way you smile makes me F45s1fc2T-U-01824-00420680-00420839 feel at ease F45s1fc2T-U-01825-00420839-00421151 and you make me believe love is possible F45s1fc2T-U-01826-00421152-00421510 and you give my F45s1fc2T-U-01827-00421512-00421847 heart peace the way your breath hits the F45s1fc2T-U-01828-00421847-00422022 air and forms into word F45s1fc2T-U-01829-00422023-00422351 calms my anxieties and i desire to be F45s1fc2T-U-01830-00422352-00422647 right there in your heart as you hold me F45s1fc2T-U-01831-00422647-00422775 with your eyes F45s1fc2T-U-01832-00422776-00422983 there's no need to wonder where your F45s1fc2T-U-01833-00422984-00423103 love lies F45s1fc2T-U-01834-00423104-00423407 and you give my F45s1fc2T-U-01835-00423408-00423718 heart peace you make me feel like more F45s1fc2T-U-01836-00423719-00423910 than a man in ways that i'll never F45s1fc2T-U-01837-00423912-00424263 understand and i wish that my hand F45s1fc2T-U-01838-00424264-00424503 wasn't so small so i could love you more F45s1fc2T-U-01839-00424504-00424543 and F45s1fc2T-U-01840-00424543-00424910 i adore everything about you and you F45s1fc2T-U-01841-00424912-00425263 give my heart peace F45s1fc2T-U-01842-00425264-00425543 i sit down and feast on your majesty and F45s1fc2T-U-01843-00425543-00425799 i'm encapsulated by your radiance F45s1fc2T-U-01844-00425800-00426118 and i thank you for your patience F45s1fc2T-U-01845-00426119-00426447 and you give my F45s1fc2T-U-01846-00426447-00426783 heart peace you stole my heart like a F45s1fc2T-U-01847-00426784-00426951 thief and you eliminated my F45s1fc2T-U-01848-00426952-00427279 unbelief and i thank god my ribs F45s1fc2T-U-01849-00427280-00427670 are the best part of me and you give F45s1fc2T-U-01850-00427671-00428031 my heart peace i lay my head on your F45s1fc2T-U-01851-00428032-00428239 chest and the song of your heartbeat F45s1fc2T-U-01852-00428239-00428407 steals my breath F45s1fc2T-U-01853-00428408-00428631 the sound coming from your chest is my F45s1fc2T-U-01854-00428632-00428751 favorite song F45s1fc2T-U-01855-00428752-00428943 the way you hold on to me makes me F45s1fc2T-U-01856-00428943-00429118 realize that you love me F45s1fc2T-U-01857-00429119-00429366 and don't want me to go you show me that F45s1fc2T-U-01858-00429367-00429559 you love me F45s1fc2T-U-01859-00429560-00429751 that you show me that love is more than F45s1fc2T-U-01860-00429752-00429959 just a four-letter word F45s1fc2T-U-01861-00429960-00430199 it's more than a noun and a noun and F45s1fc2T-U-01862-00430200-00430351 deeper than a verb F45s1fc2T-U-01863-00430352-00430639 in fact it's a three-letter word it's F45s1fc2T-U-01864-00430639-00430751 you F45s1fc2T-U-01865-00430752-00431014 all that you are all that you represent F45s1fc2T-U-01866-00431015-00431255 time you spent pouring into me F45s1fc2T-U-01867-00431256-00431510 all that you are all that you be you F45s1fc2T-U-01868-00431512-00431695 embody love F45s1fc2T-U-01869-00431696-00432014 and i'm thankful you share it with me F45s1fc2T-U-01870-00432015-00432295 i'm not too proud to see that a woman F45s1fc2T-U-01871-00432296-00432407 like you is not F45s1fc2T-U-01872-00432408-00432775 found easily if only you existed F45s1fc2T-U-01873-00432776-00433095 in reality and were not something that i F45s1fc2T-U-01874-00433096-00433222 created F45s1fc2T-U-01875-00433223-00433599 a mere fallacy and i could be as happy F45s1fc2T-U-01876-00433600-00433935 as i pretend to be thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01877-00433935-00434527 joshua jones on that poem josh jones F45s1fc2T-U-01878-00434528-00434710 we have an event called verse come verse F45s1fc2T-U-01879-00434712-00434918 serve that we do every other tuesday F45s1fc2T-U-01880-00434919-00435175 usually from 12-1 at woodbury university F45s1fc2T-U-01881-00435176-00435383 we do it on F45s1fc2T-U-01882-00435384-00435583 ring central which is woodbury's version F45s1fc2T-U-01883-00435584-00435710 of zoom or whatever but F45s1fc2T-U-01884-00435712-00435887 we've had alan aquino as a guest we've F45s1fc2T-U-01885-00435888-00436103 had christopher siders as a guest F45s1fc2T-U-01886-00436104-00436335 we've had jt dla storyteller as a guest F45s1fc2T-U-01887-00436335-00436431 and if any of you are F45s1fc2T-U-01888-00436432-00436663 ever interested in being a guest and F45s1fc2T-U-01889-00436664-00436775 reading some poems for F45s1fc2T-U-01890-00436776-00437022 our students including josh and others F45s1fc2T-U-01891-00437023-00437287 uh holler please let me know because F45s1fc2T-U-01892-00437288-00437559 uh the students really enjoy hearing new F45s1fc2T-U-01893-00437560-00437607 people F45s1fc2T-U-01894-00437608-00437814 and it's just it's about exchange we F45s1fc2T-U-01895-00437815-00437943 love to get folks together F45s1fc2T-U-01896-00437943-00438270 so um yeah verse come verse serve and F45s1fc2T-U-01897-00438271-00438431 josh is the co-founder of that F45s1fc2T-U-01898-00438432-00438759 so all right well you know we are going F45s1fc2T-U-01899-00438760-00438903 to keep it moving um F45s1fc2T-U-01900-00438904-00439022 we're going to bring it up for a man F45s1fc2T-U-01901-00439023-00439255 who's coming out of monrovia california F45s1fc2T-U-01902-00439256-00439447 and he's he likes to build bridges and F45s1fc2T-U-01903-00439447-00439583 he's a thoughtful dude and F45s1fc2T-U-01904-00439584-00439759 he connected me to a great space in F45s1fc2T-U-01905-00439760-00439983 monrovia called espresso me kotora this F45s1fc2T-U-01906-00439984-00440166 is my man jesse tovar give it up for F45s1fc2T-U-01907-00440167-00440270 jesse F45s1fc2T-U-01908-00440271-00440559 well thank you mike for that i really F45s1fc2T-U-01909-00440560-00440791 appreciate that and uh hello p F45s1fc2T-U-01910-00440792-00441103 uh alan marcus and everyone else here F45s1fc2T-U-01911-00441104-00441343 hello miller miller room so i'm gonna F45s1fc2T-U-01912-00441343-00441447 read for you real quick F45s1fc2T-U-01913-00441447-00441687 is a post pandemic poem that has been F45s1fc2T-U-01914-00441688-00441759 published F45s1fc2T-U-01915-00441760-00442047 in um harvest international at cal poly F45s1fc2T-U-01916-00442047-00442127 pomona F45s1fc2T-U-01917-00442128-00442335 and it's titled when they grab a light F45s1fc2T-U-01918-00442335-00442503 beer F45s1fc2T-U-01919-00442504-00442703 when they grab a light beer together F45s1fc2T-U-01920-00442704-00442951 again they will sit together F45s1fc2T-U-01921-00442952-00443247 they won't share fries they will talk F45s1fc2T-U-01922-00443247-00443399 and they won't poke F45s1fc2T-U-01923-00443400-00443655 each other's arms they will laugh and F45s1fc2T-U-01924-00443656-00443751 they'll try F45s1fc2T-U-01925-00443752-00444070 their best not to touch their faces F45s1fc2T-U-01926-00444071-00444310 they will eat cashew cheese pizza F45s1fc2T-U-01927-00444312-00444375 together F45s1fc2T-U-01928-00444376-00444710 again before they go their separate ways F45s1fc2T-U-01929-00444712-00444975 they will say later instead of side F45s1fc2T-U-01930-00444976-00445022 hugging F45s1fc2T-U-01931-00445023-00445463 or bumping fist thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01932-00445464-00445783 jesse F45s1fc2T-U-01933-00445784-00446222 thank you jesse um F45s1fc2T-U-01934-00446223-00446527 do we still have shaprita um so pretty F45s1fc2T-U-01935-00446528-00446822 petra i'm here thanks preachy how you F45s1fc2T-U-01936-00446823-00446910 doing F45s1fc2T-U-01937-00446912-00447151 i'm doing great uh happy to have you F45s1fc2T-U-01938-00447152-00447351 here please share something F45s1fc2T-U-01939-00447352-00447695 okay um i'm a 15 year old a freshman in F45s1fc2T-U-01940-00447696-00447831 lupita's high school F45s1fc2T-U-01941-00447832-00448214 santa clara county uh my poem is well F45s1fc2T-U-01942-00448215-00448455 proposed pandemic it's named learned F45s1fc2T-U-01943-00448456-00448718 let me start we lived through so much we F45s1fc2T-U-01944-00448719-00448959 lost so many we got so many survivors we F45s1fc2T-U-01945-00448960-00449063 fought so many wars F45s1fc2T-U-01946-00449064-00449287 we fought for rights we questioned our F45s1fc2T-U-01947-00449288-00449455 morals we doubted our choices F45s1fc2T-U-01948-00449456-00449710 after so much we still doubt ourselves F45s1fc2T-U-01949-00449712-00449870 is it our capability is it our F45s1fc2T-U-01950-00449871-00450103 personality is it our opinions or is it F45s1fc2T-U-01951-00450104-00450383 us why do i let them choose me why am i F45s1fc2T-U-01952-00450384-00450422 still F45s1fc2T-U-01953-00450423-00450647 with them do i need their support or do F45s1fc2T-U-01954-00450647-00450759 they need mine F45s1fc2T-U-01955-00450760-00450951 if none of those matter how did i let F45s1fc2T-U-01956-00450952-00451079 them define me F45s1fc2T-U-01957-00451080-00451335 how did i let them label me i reflected F45s1fc2T-U-01958-00451335-00451566 on my actions i questioned my decisions F45s1fc2T-U-01959-00451567-00451766 i integrated with my past F45s1fc2T-U-01960-00451767-00451966 how did i miss this why did i believe F45s1fc2T-U-01961-00451967-00452207 grass on the other side is cleaner F45s1fc2T-U-01962-00452208-00452407 did they fool me so much that i lost my F45s1fc2T-U-01963-00452408-00452527 path or F45s1fc2T-U-01964-00452528-00452727 after so much consideration i finally F45s1fc2T-U-01965-00452728-00452847 found my path F45s1fc2T-U-01966-00452847-00453087 people gave me options memories showed F45s1fc2T-U-01967-00453088-00453191 me reality F45s1fc2T-U-01968-00453192-00453455 love gave me strength time let me think F45s1fc2T-U-01969-00453456-00453631 people leave footprints not make my F45s1fc2T-U-01970-00453632-00453703 future F45s1fc2T-U-01971-00453704-00453903 if they have made up my present it's F45s1fc2T-U-01972-00453904-00454087 about time to retract my path F45s1fc2T-U-01973-00454088-00454414 thank you that's it F45s1fc2T-U-01974-00454415-00454943 thank you so much thank you F45s1fc2T-U-01975-00454943-00455070 and you know what reading a piece F45s1fc2T-U-01976-00455071-00455303 already at 15 that's a fantastic sign i F45s1fc2T-U-01977-00455304-00455407 think i was 22 F45s1fc2T-U-01978-00455408-00455631 23 before i hit my first little open mic F45s1fc2T-U-01979-00455632-00455766 so um F45s1fc2T-U-01980-00455767-00455943 keep your foot on the gas keep it moving F45s1fc2T-U-01981-00455943-00456070 keep it moving for real F45s1fc2T-U-01982-00456071-00456375 fantastic F45s1fc2T-U-01983-00456376-00456607 um okay you know what we're gonna bring F45s1fc2T-U-01984-00456608-00456687 up um F45s1fc2T-U-01985-00456688-00456903 gentlemen i'm at cal state la this is my F45s1fc2T-U-01986-00456904-00457463 man doug ramone F45s1fc2T-U-01987-00457464-00457687 thanks mike hi everybody thank you for F45s1fc2T-U-01988-00457688-00457775 having me F45s1fc2T-U-01989-00457776-00457910 thank you for making some room for me F45s1fc2T-U-01990-00457912-00458127 tonight i'm going to read F45s1fc2T-U-01991-00458128-00458335 a pandemic piece i wrote back in the F45s1fc2T-U-01992-00458335-00458495 beginning of may F45s1fc2T-U-01993-00458496-00458775 i call it the new new normal and it F45s1fc2T-U-01994-00458776-00458959 should come with a parental advisory F45s1fc2T-U-01995-00458960-00459270 there is some profanity here F45s1fc2T-U-01996-00459271-00459591 one catastrophic worry after another F45s1fc2T-U-01997-00459592-00459807 a relentless stream of anxiety that F45s1fc2T-U-01998-00459808-00459927 spikes and drops F45s1fc2T-U-01999-00459928-00460199 as news reports narrate some new problem F45s1fc2T-U-02000-00460200-00460270 to add F45s1fc2T-U-02001-00460271-00460614 to our new new normal of the week F45s1fc2T-U-02002-00460615-00460887 it started with a pandemic then toilet F45s1fc2T-U-02003-00460888-00461022 paper shortages F45s1fc2T-U-02004-00461023-00461407 no hand sanitizer or wipes food supply F45s1fc2T-U-02005-00461408-00461535 disruptions F45s1fc2T-U-02006-00461535-00461814 meat shortages the threat of worldwide F45s1fc2T-U-02007-00461815-00462014 hunger and starvation F45s1fc2T-U-02008-00462015-00462399 economic collapse [__] murder hornets F45s1fc2T-U-02009-00462400-00462607 thousands of people protesting for black F45s1fc2T-U-02010-00462608-00462710 justice F45s1fc2T-U-02011-00462712-00463007 white militias on the streets propaganda F45s1fc2T-U-02012-00463008-00463255 spreading faster than the virus F45s1fc2T-U-02013-00463256-00463439 millions who believe this is all an F45s1fc2T-U-02014-00463439-00463718 overblown hoax governments coaxed up F45s1fc2T-U-02015-00463719-00463966 to expand their powers of surveillance F45s1fc2T-U-02016-00463967-00464159 and oppression F45s1fc2T-U-02017-00464160-00464447 the latter half being true worldwide F45s1fc2T-U-02018-00464447-00464607 isolation depression F45s1fc2T-U-02019-00464608-00464918 anxiety despair and it's only been two F45s1fc2T-U-02020-00464919-00465014 months F45s1fc2T-U-02021-00465015-00465375 two months what the [__] F45s1fc2T-U-02022-00465376-00465583 i write this as i sit on the toilet F45s1fc2T-U-02023-00465584-00465822 because like feces expelling the body F45s1fc2T-U-02024-00465823-00466110 i need to get this [__] out of my mind F45s1fc2T-U-02025-00466112-00466287 the news and social media F45s1fc2T-U-02026-00466288-00466591 flood me with toxins i need to filter F45s1fc2T-U-02027-00466592-00466783 out from useful information to keep F45s1fc2T-U-02028-00466784-00467135 up to date with what we face it all does F45s1fc2T-U-02029-00467135-00467318 more harm than good in higher doses F45s1fc2T-U-02030-00467319-00467591 regardless of filter F45s1fc2T-U-02031-00467592-00467766 you can't consume too much of this F45s1fc2T-U-02032-00467767-00467935 because you wind up with cerebral F45s1fc2T-U-02033-00467935-00468079 indigestion F45s1fc2T-U-02034-00468080-00468270 you wind up journaling on the toilet F45s1fc2T-U-02035-00468271-00468551 because you can't think of anything else F45s1fc2T-U-02036-00468552-00468814 you wipe you wind up having to wipe your F45s1fc2T-U-02037-00468815-00468879 tears F45s1fc2T-U-02038-00468880-00469135 among other things and you have to F45s1fc2T-U-02039-00469135-00469231 remind yourself F45s1fc2T-U-02040-00469232-00469503 daily hourly minute by minute to protect F45s1fc2T-U-02041-00469504-00469775 yourself not just from an airborne virus F45s1fc2T-U-02042-00469776-00470055 but from the contagion of anxiety panic F45s1fc2T-U-02043-00470056-00470255 propaganda and spin F45s1fc2T-U-02044-00470256-00470455 they're manufacturing our feelings and F45s1fc2T-U-02045-00470456-00470695 our thoughts and we have to nourish and F45s1fc2T-U-02046-00470696-00470943 protect ourselves from that too F45s1fc2T-U-02047-00470943-00471327 thank you everybody jesse F45s1fc2T-U-02048-00471328-00471679 thank you so much jesse folks jesse's F45s1fc2T-U-02049-00471680-00471870 doing a bunch of stuff at the espresso F45s1fc2T-U-02050-00471871-00471951 mikko torre F45s1fc2T-U-02051-00471952-00472270 hosting different events and so sorry F45s1fc2T-U-02052-00472271-00472399 for interrupting mike this is F45s1fc2T-U-02053-00472400-00472647 doug ramon oh doug doug doug you know F45s1fc2T-U-02054-00472647-00472727 what i knew that F45s1fc2T-U-02055-00472728-00472887 my bad dude you know what i'm i'm doing F45s1fc2T-U-02056-00472888-00473087 too many things right now um F45s1fc2T-U-02057-00473088-00473287 hey give it up man it's a busy night F45s1fc2T-U-02058-00473288-00473455 thank you thank you again F45s1fc2T-U-02059-00473456-00473631 thank you yeah thank you doug ramone and F45s1fc2T-U-02060-00473632-00473918 um man we got two more people but i want F45s1fc2T-U-02061-00473919-00474055 to try to get up one or two more people F45s1fc2T-U-02062-00474056-00474159 after that F45s1fc2T-U-02063-00474160-00474431 um we're gonna bring up a man who's a F45s1fc2T-U-02064-00474432-00475175 teacher from long beach bill young love F45s1fc2T-U-02065-00475176-00475535 can you hear me yeah F45s1fc2T-U-02066-00475535-00476047 you're coming in okay F45s1fc2T-U-02067-00476047-00477022 let me just change my view thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02068-00477023-00477239 it was the night before lockdown went F45s1fc2T-U-02069-00477239-00477375 all through the state F45s1fc2T-U-02070-00477376-00477599 that a human was stirring not even at F45s1fc2T-U-02071-00477600-00477710 the gate F45s1fc2T-U-02072-00477712-00477975 the masks were all hung neatly in a row F45s1fc2T-U-02073-00477976-00478118 in hopes that by daybreak F45s1fc2T-U-02074-00478119-00478399 they'd be ready to go the restauranteers F45s1fc2T-U-02075-00478400-00478631 were serving up their final call F45s1fc2T-U-02076-00478632-00478799 while customers were traversing F45s1fc2T-U-02077-00478800-00478943 throughout the mall F45s1fc2T-U-02078-00478943-00479151 and families in their outfits and i and F45s1fc2T-U-02079-00479152-00479255 my sweats F45s1fc2T-U-02080-00479256-00479470 had picked out our presents that would F45s1fc2T-U-02081-00479471-00479679 be sure bets F45s1fc2T-U-02082-00479680-00479863 when on the escalator below there F45s1fc2T-U-02083-00479864-00480031 occurred a loud noise F45s1fc2T-U-02084-00480032-00480247 we sprang from our seats and saw all the F45s1fc2T-U-02085-00480247-00480335 boys F45s1fc2T-U-02086-00480335-00480622 who were being chased so far from behind F45s1fc2T-U-02087-00480623-00480927 that it nearly blew our collective mind F45s1fc2T-U-02088-00480928-00481159 it seems that their faces were exposed F45s1fc2T-U-02089-00481160-00481262 to the world F45s1fc2T-U-02090-00481263-00481518 and officers in full force after them F45s1fc2T-U-02091-00481519-00481639 hurled F45s1fc2T-U-02092-00481639-00481855 and then the lad split up to avoid any F45s1fc2T-U-02093-00481856-00481951 tickets F45s1fc2T-U-02094-00481952-00482151 though dozens of cops resembled a F45s1fc2T-U-02095-00482152-00482303 thicket F45s1fc2T-U-02096-00482304-00482591 we were all fearful of said tumult below F45s1fc2T-U-02097-00482592-00482775 that pursuit of said lads F45s1fc2T-U-02098-00482776-00483087 might come to blow after blow but into F45s1fc2T-U-02099-00483088-00483183 their midst there F45s1fc2T-U-02100-00483184-00483479 hailed a red suit drone-powered he did F45s1fc2T-U-02101-00483480-00483687 most rapidly scoot F45s1fc2T-U-02102-00483688-00483999 on toyota on honda he shouted loudly F45s1fc2T-U-02103-00484000-00484327 on ford on chevy he repeated in glee F45s1fc2T-U-02104-00484328-00484599 on plymouth on subaru his voice again F45s1fc2T-U-02105-00484600-00484695 echoed F45s1fc2T-U-02106-00484696-00485047 on dodge on jeep as forward he strode F45s1fc2T-U-02107-00485047-00485318 to the freeway they went the lads did F45s1fc2T-U-02108-00485319-00485447 that away bent F45s1fc2T-U-02109-00485447-00485710 while santa yelled line up to what and F45s1fc2T-U-02110-00485712-00485783 all F45s1fc2T-U-02111-00485784-00486175 let us flee from this unsafe mall F45s1fc2T-U-02112-00486176-00486447 the cops stood still super amazed that F45s1fc2T-U-02113-00486447-00486607 their pursuit had become so F45s1fc2T-U-02114-00486608-00486959 totally crazed their sirens soon became F45s1fc2T-U-02115-00486960-00487103 such a roar F45s1fc2T-U-02116-00487104-00487447 even as each vehicle closed every door F45s1fc2T-U-02117-00487447-00487759 speed signs were ignored in the pursuit F45s1fc2T-U-02118-00487760-00487966 as the bearded one tossed out his F45s1fc2T-U-02119-00487967-00488127 sleigh's loot F45s1fc2T-U-02120-00488128-00488383 crashes were heard as patrol cars piled F45s1fc2T-U-02121-00488384-00488455 high F45s1fc2T-U-02122-00488456-00488791 and santa was heard to give a big sigh F45s1fc2T-U-02123-00488792-00489022 his drone-powered sleigh did suddenly F45s1fc2T-U-02124-00489023-00489087 lift F45s1fc2T-U-02125-00489088-00489422 all kitty-driven cars each was a gift F45s1fc2T-U-02126-00489423-00489710 into the air they flew like a flash as F45s1fc2T-U-02127-00489712-00489862 the pursuers gave up F45s1fc2T-U-02128-00489863-00490214 their last dash the children that night F45s1fc2T-U-02129-00490215-00490575 grinned ear to ear exposing their smiles F45s1fc2T-U-02130-00490576-00490751 without any fear F45s1fc2T-U-02131-00490752-00491039 because santa knew as did they that F45s1fc2T-U-02132-00491039-00491103 lives F45s1fc2T-U-02133-00491104-00491422 must be lived every day F45s1fc2T-U-02134-00491423-00491807 that xmas eve santa unlocked lockdown F45s1fc2T-U-02135-00491808-00492079 not to mention lock up and turned all F45s1fc2T-U-02136-00492080-00492199 that no F45s1fc2T-U-02137-00492200-00492543 into a positive yep a present F45s1fc2T-U-02138-00492543-00492918 twas to all humankind freedom from fear F45s1fc2T-U-02139-00492919-00493255 twas a remind rights sacrificed are F45s1fc2T-U-02140-00493256-00493407 rarely regained F45s1fc2T-U-02141-00493408-00493807 and thus humanity itself still remain F45s1fc2T-U-02142-00493808-00494127 so this holiday season may you have a F45s1fc2T-U-02143-00494128-00494214 reason F45s1fc2T-U-02144-00494215-00494518 to be safe however you see fit F45s1fc2T-U-02145-00494519-00495062 to be with your loved ones even a bit F45s1fc2T-U-02146-00495063-00495262 bill young love give it up for bill F45s1fc2T-U-02147-00495263-00495527 thank you bill F45s1fc2T-U-02148-00495528-00495775 our next quote i'm bringing up he just F45s1fc2T-U-02149-00495776-00496062 ran a venue for 20 years F45s1fc2T-U-02150-00496063-00496239 and he's mentored literally hundreds of F45s1fc2T-U-02151-00496239-00496583 poets a former high school teacher F45s1fc2T-U-02152-00496584-00496855 a man has worn a lot of hats he was on F45s1fc2T-U-02153-00496856-00497070 hbo deaf poetry jam back in the day F45s1fc2T-U-02154-00497071-00497327 and he's been a coach and he's just a F45s1fc2T-U-02155-00497328-00497455 man that got a lot of love and a F45s1fc2T-U-02156-00497456-00497647 fantastic to do with one of the freshest F45s1fc2T-U-02157-00497647-00497814 steps can we give it up for my man corey F45s1fc2T-U-02158-00497815-00498110 colfer aka best cap F45s1fc2T-U-02159-00498112-00498462 hello everybody um F45s1fc2T-U-02160-00498463-00498751 thank you very much mike for having me F45s1fc2T-U-02161-00498752-00498887 out here for having something like this F45s1fc2T-U-02162-00498888-00498983 being a part of this F45s1fc2T-U-02163-00498984-00499279 long beach library a lot of dope poets F45s1fc2T-U-02164-00499280-00499527 and storytellers i really needed this F45s1fc2T-U-02165-00499528-00499910 especially for the end of the 2020 year F45s1fc2T-U-02166-00499912-00500510 good poem good stories good company F45s1fc2T-U-02167-00500512-00500814 uh when the masks come off F45s1fc2T-U-02168-00500815-00501127 and the smiles come back F45s1fc2T-U-02169-00501128-00501470 and the kids start playing F45s1fc2T-U-02170-00501471-00501791 and their smiles come back F45s1fc2T-U-02171-00501792-00501999 and they're running again footballing F45s1fc2T-U-02172-00502000-00502103 again F45s1fc2T-U-02173-00502104-00502279 play grounding again clowning with F45s1fc2T-U-02174-00502280-00502518 friends let the sun shine in F45s1fc2T-U-02175-00502519-00502918 i told my seeds go in camp kofa again F45s1fc2T-U-02176-00502919-00503199 we go for the win like penny loafers F45s1fc2T-U-02177-00503200-00503495 when it's over we put dimes up in them F45s1fc2T-U-02178-00503496-00503710 throwing dimes in the bubble sun shining F45s1fc2T-U-02179-00503712-00503951 again ice cube triple double lakers F45s1fc2T-U-02180-00503952-00504087 winning again F45s1fc2T-U-02181-00504088-00504343 miami heat got beat by supersonics back F45s1fc2T-U-02182-00504343-00504422 then F45s1fc2T-U-02183-00504423-00504631 super powers on the hour chatted with F45s1fc2T-U-02184-00504632-00504822 bozeman in them F45s1fc2T-U-02185-00504823-00505022 took off his mask for the ass he was F45s1fc2T-U-02186-00505023-00505175 stronger than them F45s1fc2T-U-02187-00505176-00505359 he'll be a blast from our past he'll F45s1fc2T-U-02188-00505360-00505503 live longer and then F45s1fc2T-U-02189-00505504-00505679 there'll be a slew of black panthers up F45s1fc2T-U-02190-00505680-00505847 in oakland again F45s1fc2T-U-02191-00505847-00506262 i'm hoping again i hope for my friends F45s1fc2T-U-02192-00506263-00506431 i'm hopeful for the hopeless with F45s1fc2T-U-02193-00506432-00506575 hopelessly thin F45s1fc2T-U-02194-00506576-00506727 pockets full of mass now they're F45s1fc2T-U-02195-00506728-00506918 breathing again rainbow F45s1fc2T-U-02196-00506919-00507255 at the end we finally seen again i hope F45s1fc2T-U-02197-00507256-00507487 you wish i would win because i wish you F45s1fc2T-U-02198-00507488-00507599 would win F45s1fc2T-U-02199-00507600-00507831 don't want to see another sold out store F45s1fc2T-U-02200-00507832-00508014 of tissue again F45s1fc2T-U-02201-00508015-00508231 too many issues within i watched my F45s1fc2T-U-02202-00508232-00508495 fiscals up in it's like poverty and F45s1fc2T-U-02203-00508496-00508807 homelessness done tripled again F45s1fc2T-U-02204-00508808-00509159 furlough is a no-go i'm one layoff F45s1fc2T-U-02205-00509160-00509575 from them congress passed 600 what's the F45s1fc2T-U-02206-00509576-00509759 payoff for them F45s1fc2T-U-02207-00509760-00509935 when their masks come off we'll see them F45s1fc2T-U-02208-00509935-00510143 grinning again me and their men and F45s1fc2T-U-02209-00510143-00510327 women hella winning again F45s1fc2T-U-02210-00510328-00510687 i'm a constituent with advice for them F45s1fc2T-U-02211-00510688-00510943 if we ain't right then it shouldn't be F45s1fc2T-U-02212-00510943-00511103 right for them F45s1fc2T-U-02213-00511104-00511303 while we watch them swim we up here F45s1fc2T-U-02214-00511304-00511447 drowning again F45s1fc2T-U-02215-00511447-00511670 when the masks come off you'll see us F45s1fc2T-U-02216-00511671-00511935 frowning again F45s1fc2T-U-02217-00511935-00512239 thank you corey cofor aka best F45s1fc2T-U-02218-00512239-00512735 kept give it up for best kept thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02219-00512735-00512910 folks corey koffer started a mike and F45s1fc2T-U-02220-00512912-00513055 dim lights in F45s1fc2T-U-02221-00513056-00513391 september october of 2000 and i went on F45s1fc2T-U-02222-00513392-00513439 the first F45s1fc2T-U-02223-00513439-00513822 night and uh i originally met corey at F45s1fc2T-U-02224-00513823-00514087 the fly poet showcase before it was all F45s1fc2T-U-02225-00514088-00514270 before it was a showcase from flagpole F45s1fc2T-U-02226-00514271-00514695 was an open mic F45s1fc2T-U-02227-00514696-00514903 in uh santa monica man remember third F45s1fc2T-U-02228-00514904-00514999 street promenade F45s1fc2T-U-02229-00515000-00515447 yeah third street promenade uh 33 in the F45s1fc2T-U-02230-00515447-00515543 third and all that F45s1fc2T-U-02231-00515543-00515847 you know corey cover folks thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02232-00515847-00515903 mike F45s1fc2T-U-02233-00515904-00516079 thank you corey always fantastic happy F45s1fc2T-U-02234-00516080-00516343 new year king really good to see you bro F45s1fc2T-U-02235-00516343-00516766 yeah man um folks were um F45s1fc2T-U-02236-00516767-00517110 the last official poet we have um F45s1fc2T-U-02237-00517112-00517343 he just survived coven 19 similar to F45s1fc2T-U-02238-00517343-00517439 allen aquino F45s1fc2T-U-02239-00517439-00517710 and his story is similar uh uh with his F45s1fc2T-U-02240-00517712-00517855 own version but he went through it F45s1fc2T-U-02241-00517856-00517959 himself F45s1fc2T-U-02242-00517960-00518095 and he was the first student of mine to F45s1fc2T-U-02243-00518096-00518270 ever publish publish a book and he's F45s1fc2T-U-02244-00518271-00518462 published another one too and F45s1fc2T-U-02245-00518463-00518591 samantha's got a heart bigger than F45s1fc2T-U-02246-00518592-00518839 alaska and also texas F45s1fc2T-U-02247-00518839-00518983 and he knows more about underground F45s1fc2T-U-02248-00518984-00519135 hip-hop than probably anybody on the F45s1fc2T-U-02249-00519135-00519335 planet this is my man christopher james F45s1fc2T-U-02250-00519335-00519759 justice ciders F45s1fc2T-U-02251-00519760-00520031 yo yo yo what up what up can you hear me F45s1fc2T-U-02252-00520032-00520166 y'all gaming good F45s1fc2T-U-02253-00520167-00520575 yeah all right the show um F45s1fc2T-U-02254-00520576-00520903 uh yeah i'll explain the whole culver F45s1fc2T-U-02255-00520904-00521070 thing after after the piece uh F45s1fc2T-U-02256-00521071-00521279 so this piece is called unapologetic i F45s1fc2T-U-02257-00521280-00521407 hope y'all F45s1fc2T-U-02258-00521408-00521991 dig it and yeah F45s1fc2T-U-02259-00521992-00522295 god fed us breadcrumbs to live off a F45s1fc2T-U-02260-00522296-00522470 minimum F45s1fc2T-U-02261-00522471-00522775 rinsing off a black skin to be F45s1fc2T-U-02262-00522776-00523103 a white hill corinthians F45s1fc2T-U-02263-00523104-00523439 missed it from 66 virgins F45s1fc2T-U-02264-00523439-00523718 mary poppins still claims to be a F45s1fc2T-U-02265-00523719-00523822 [__] virgin F45s1fc2T-U-02266-00523823-00524110 mobile steering when over drunk all F45s1fc2T-U-02267-00524112-00524318 powers in red rum F45s1fc2T-U-02268-00524319-00524607 he remains unsung in the [__] F45s1fc2T-U-02269-00524608-00524711 patriarch F45s1fc2T-U-02270-00524712-00525014 while homophobia rise from the freaking F45s1fc2T-U-02271-00525015-00525143 graveyard F45s1fc2T-U-02272-00525144-00525543 i'll be tired y'all i'll be tired y'all F45s1fc2T-U-02273-00525544-00525783 seeing the same demons behind different F45s1fc2T-U-02274-00525784-00525870 faces F45s1fc2T-U-02275-00525871-00526103 anger issues with happiness while i F45s1fc2T-U-02276-00526104-00526175 chase it F45s1fc2T-U-02277-00526176-00526383 down these dark tunnels echo in that F45s1fc2T-U-02278-00526384-00526487 crash talk F45s1fc2T-U-02279-00526488-00526783 21 floating savage's whole red balloon F45s1fc2T-U-02280-00526784-00526959 sphere exhaust F45s1fc2T-U-02281-00526960-00527287 how much it costs how much it costs F45s1fc2T-U-02282-00527288-00527447 here's some tokens for some wise F45s1fc2T-U-02283-00527448-00527662 thoughts eating away your innocence F45s1fc2T-U-02284-00527663-00527870 dancing king sing some horrors making it F45s1fc2T-U-02285-00527871-00528039 hard to be vulnerable in this F45s1fc2T-U-02286-00528040-00528311 menstrual white folks don't get ivan F45s1fc2T-U-02287-00528312-00528462 image playing victim with good F45s1fc2T-U-02288-00528463-00528543 intentions F45s1fc2T-U-02289-00528544-00528718 immediately gunned at them as my male F45s1fc2T-U-02290-00528719-00528918 privilege attempting to rinse the tears F45s1fc2T-U-02291-00528919-00529143 off the blood of my sacrifices F45s1fc2T-U-02292-00529144-00529335 ripert in the fiction strange drip F45s1fc2T-U-02293-00529336-00529566 fruition at the root of us F45s1fc2T-U-02294-00529567-00529975 as children hands very raised and drunk F45s1fc2T-U-02295-00529976-00530055 and fake F45s1fc2T-U-02296-00530056-00530262 staggering diddy bops across johnny's F45s1fc2T-U-02297-00530263-00530462 playing double d's and a fight club F45s1fc2T-U-02298-00530463-00530655 holding three straw breaking bad greed F45s1fc2T-U-02299-00530656-00530855 and lust for 25 cents F45s1fc2T-U-02300-00530856-00531062 an extra quarter get you many men dying F45s1fc2T-U-02301-00531063-00531175 the paranoia F45s1fc2T-U-02302-00531176-00531359 ripping off the wings of macklemore F45s1fc2T-U-02303-00531360-00531599 vultures black boy fly no matter how F45s1fc2T-U-02304-00531600-00531711 controversial F45s1fc2T-U-02305-00531712-00531887 every time i've been in love i never F45s1fc2T-U-02306-00531888-00532111 been sober F45s1fc2T-U-02307-00532112-00532583 too afraid to be in love too afraid to F45s1fc2T-U-02308-00532584-00532766 burn these wrenches and use the ashes F45s1fc2T-U-02309-00532767-00532991 for comfort but i'm never too afraid to F45s1fc2T-U-02310-00532992-00533166 bring the [__] records when my F45s1fc2T-U-02311-00533167-00533295 name is spoken F45s1fc2T-U-02312-00533296-00533487 too afraid of change too much of the F45s1fc2T-U-02313-00533488-00533655 same as a groundhog F45s1fc2T-U-02314-00533656-00533895 inferior the mountain tops i died off F45s1fc2T-U-02315-00533896-00534143 caution as an imposter descendant rome F45s1fc2T-U-02316-00534144-00534462 and feminist ideology the toxicity of my F45s1fc2T-U-02317-00534463-00534766 intimacy wreaks a b-e-t uncut and F45s1fc2T-U-02318-00534767-00534966 holding caulfield's tip drills F45s1fc2T-U-02319-00534967-00535303 fetishizing conversations of the mud F45s1fc2T-U-02320-00535304-00535487 hope to be escorted to a different place F45s1fc2T-U-02321-00535488-00535670 amongst the touch because time and time F45s1fc2T-U-02322-00535671-00535735 again F45s1fc2T-U-02323-00535736-00535959 this world has not shown where i belong F45s1fc2T-U-02324-00535960-00536135 aside from entertainment F45s1fc2T-U-02325-00536136-00536351 where i pick my soul for the relation to F45s1fc2T-U-02326-00536352-00536518 your seed F45s1fc2T-U-02327-00536519-00536735 i'd rather live in sin if it meant to be F45s1fc2T-U-02328-00536736-00536862 authentic F45s1fc2T-U-02329-00536863-00537103 lies led to lynches to smoke image from F45s1fc2T-U-02330-00537104-00537311 false whistles that blow to avalanche F45s1fc2T-U-02331-00537312-00537462 tornadoes amongst the F45s1fc2T-U-02332-00537463-00537887 jumaji fable never raided by karen F45s1fc2T-U-02333-00537888-00538079 screaming towards bloodshed when it's F45s1fc2T-U-02334-00538080-00538287 not theirs leaking on the concrete F45s1fc2T-U-02335-00538288-00538511 dripping from batons covered by rubber F45s1fc2T-U-02336-00538512-00538759 bullets this the gill scout apocalypse F45s1fc2T-U-02337-00538760-00538799 of F45s1fc2T-U-02338-00538800-00539118 unrest poets now we can't get along F45s1fc2T-U-02339-00539119-00539366 if america gotta die for us to be free F45s1fc2T-U-02340-00539367-00539479 then [__] F45s1fc2T-U-02341-00539480-00540070 so long welcome to the terror dawn F45s1fc2T-U-02342-00540071-00540559 christopher james justice ciders F45s1fc2T-U-02343-00540560-00540895 oh um yeah wear a mask wear a mask F45s1fc2T-U-02344-00540896-00541222 uh please i almost didn't survive covet F45s1fc2T-U-02345-00541223-00541470 uh my respiratory system failed and i F45s1fc2T-U-02346-00541471-00541639 had pneumonia and i was in the hospital F45s1fc2T-U-02347-00541640-00541735 for a week F45s1fc2T-U-02348-00541736-00542127 so it's real please wear a mask F45s1fc2T-U-02349-00542128-00542495 and take care of yourselves love please F45s1fc2T-U-02350-00542496-00542814 love you chris folks i was sending text F45s1fc2T-U-02351-00542815-00542999 messages to chris like F45s1fc2T-U-02352-00543000-00543207 just sending you energy chris sending F45s1fc2T-U-02353-00543208-00543439 you know and um F45s1fc2T-U-02354-00543440-00543591 fortunately chris is right here and he's F45s1fc2T-U-02355-00543592-00543751 doing just fine now but F45s1fc2T-U-02356-00543752-00544047 man uh two two months ago right chris F45s1fc2T-U-02357-00544048-00544199 like less than two months ago F45s1fc2T-U-02358-00544200-00544455 yeah uh the week before my birthday in F45s1fc2T-U-02359-00544456-00544527 september F45s1fc2T-U-02360-00544528-00544918 uh to i i got exposed on the F45s1fc2T-U-02361-00544919-00545118 on the fifth tested positive on the F45s1fc2T-U-02362-00545119-00545262 ninth and F45s1fc2T-U-02363-00545263-00545503 went to the hospital on the 18th and F45s1fc2T-U-02364-00545504-00545751 came out the 25th F45s1fc2T-U-02365-00545752-00546095 man man oh man F45s1fc2T-U-02366-00546096-00546383 man well here's christopher siders man F45s1fc2T-U-02367-00546384-00546431 thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02368-00546432-00546751 thank you chris um we're just about at F45s1fc2T-U-02369-00546752-00546911 the end here but uh F45s1fc2T-U-02370-00546912-00547111 a couple of things i wanted to say um F45s1fc2T-U-02371-00547112-00547231 when the pandemic F45s1fc2T-U-02372-00547232-00547511 ends i'm gonna be doing quarterly events F45s1fc2T-U-02373-00547512-00547695 at and actually we're even going to keep F45s1fc2T-U-02374-00547696-00547814 doing them over zoom too F45s1fc2T-U-02375-00547815-00548103 but um at the long beach downtown public F45s1fc2T-U-02376-00548104-00548287 library the billie jean king library is F45s1fc2T-U-02377-00548288-00548479 a super beautiful space in the miller F45s1fc2T-U-02378-00548480-00548575 room F45s1fc2T-U-02379-00548576-00548775 the room and the space that is is F45s1fc2T-U-02380-00548776-00549007 sponsoring today's event F45s1fc2T-U-02381-00549008-00549270 is just a beautiful beautiful room and i F45s1fc2T-U-02382-00549271-00549439 i did a i did a reading there way back F45s1fc2T-U-02383-00549440-00549583 in january but i'm going to be doing F45s1fc2T-U-02384-00549584-00549703 quarterly events F45s1fc2T-U-02385-00549704-00549895 with them and i want to encourage you F45s1fc2T-U-02386-00549896-00550111 all to check out that library F45s1fc2T-U-02387-00550112-00550327 but also here in the chat i'm going to F45s1fc2T-U-02388-00550328-00550503 do one final poem is to kind of wrap F45s1fc2T-U-02389-00550504-00550639 this up right here but um here in the F45s1fc2T-U-02390-00550640-00550743 chat i wanted to say F45s1fc2T-U-02391-00550744-00550999 um please build bridges and connect with F45s1fc2T-U-02392-00551000-00551070 folks and get F45s1fc2T-U-02393-00551071-00551391 get email addresses or get web links um F45s1fc2T-U-02394-00551392-00551670 add each other on ig and you know F45s1fc2T-U-02395-00551671-00551799 twitter and everything F45s1fc2T-U-02396-00551800-00552111 else you know and uh as nancy just said F45s1fc2T-U-02397-00552112-00552335 poets are our tribe you know our tribe F45s1fc2T-U-02398-00552336-00552551 um the church of poetry right you know F45s1fc2T-U-02399-00552552-00552735 this is the this is it right here folks F45s1fc2T-U-02400-00552736-00552799 you know F45s1fc2T-U-02401-00552800-00553151 um so i was born in long beach so i have F45s1fc2T-U-02402-00553152-00553270 a i have a close connection to long F45s1fc2T-U-02403-00553271-00553399 beach so i always like to talk about F45s1fc2T-U-02404-00553400-00553518 that but i'm gonna just do a quick F45s1fc2T-U-02405-00553519-00553662 little final poem and F45s1fc2T-U-02406-00553663-00554022 and uh and that's it F45s1fc2T-U-02407-00554023-00554351 the 562. the 562 is a nexus F45s1fc2T-U-02408-00554352-00554551 a suburban urban cross section a small F45s1fc2T-U-02409-00554552-00554783 town big city affluent yet gritty F45s1fc2T-U-02410-00554784-00555014 the 562 is somewhere between hollywood F45s1fc2T-U-02411-00555015-00555127 and irvine F45s1fc2T-U-02412-00555128-00555366 santa monica and anaheim the 562 is a F45s1fc2T-U-02413-00555367-00555535 good time because its people are down to F45s1fc2T-U-02414-00555536-00555711 earth F45s1fc2T-U-02415-00555712-00555895 blessed by birth to be born where the F45s1fc2T-U-02416-00555896-00556095 vibes are warm catch that cool ocean F45s1fc2T-U-02417-00556096-00556295 breeze blowing in from the beach F45s1fc2T-U-02418-00556296-00556511 and the clouds they come from the south F45s1fc2T-U-02419-00556512-00556679 as the coastlines around the peninsula F45s1fc2T-U-02420-00556680-00556975 palace verdes the temperature is perfect F45s1fc2T-U-02421-00556976-00557159 this land was once marshlands and willow F45s1fc2T-U-02422-00557160-00557335 thickets intercepted by the la river but F45s1fc2T-U-02423-00557336-00557559 now surfers and grandparents kiki F45s1fc2T-U-02424-00557560-00557791 the 562 is all american multicultural F45s1fc2T-U-02425-00557792-00558022 folks from iowa to cambodia F45s1fc2T-U-02426-00558023-00558327 el salvador to ethiopia aviation okies F45s1fc2T-U-02427-00558328-00558495 in the aerospace industry F45s1fc2T-U-02428-00558496-00558670 and denizens of long beach grove to F45s1fc2T-U-02429-00558671-00558879 snoop dogg and sublime F45s1fc2T-U-02430-00558880-00559062 garage rockers and freestyle rhyme and F45s1fc2T-U-02431-00559063-00559183 on the streets of long beach you can F45s1fc2T-U-02432-00559184-00559270 find F45s1fc2T-U-02433-00559271-00559503 oil and signal hill broadway's F45s1fc2T-U-02434-00559504-00559695 alternative lifestyles art in the east F45s1fc2T-U-02435-00559696-00559887 village downtown lofts and rockabilly F45s1fc2T-U-02436-00559888-00559966 chillers F45s1fc2T-U-02437-00559967-00560262 and how many poly players are in the nfl F45s1fc2T-U-02438-00560263-00560462 from joe joe's to the prospector cohiba F45s1fc2T-U-02439-00560463-00560655 to the blue cafe drinking sangria on a F45s1fc2T-U-02440-00560656-00560791 hot day the bar flies F45s1fc2T-U-02441-00560792-00561031 from the 49er to belmont shore ferns to F45s1fc2T-U-02442-00561032-00561191 the v room F45s1fc2T-U-02443-00561192-00561359 and private parties used to get loose at F45s1fc2T-U-02444-00561360-00561599 the spruce goose the 562 is a window F45s1fc2T-U-02445-00561600-00561759 into the future with lots of history F45s1fc2T-U-02446-00561760-00561975 like the powerful earthquake of 33 the F45s1fc2T-U-02447-00561976-00562143 pike used to be the place to be F45s1fc2T-U-02448-00562144-00562327 and can we salute cameron diaz and her F45s1fc2T-U-02449-00562328-00562455 flavorful family F45s1fc2T-U-02450-00562456-00562679 respect to lakewood cerritos bellflower F45s1fc2T-U-02451-00562680-00562879 norwalk cudahy southgate compton to damn F45s1fc2T-U-02452-00562880-00562999 near bell gardens F45s1fc2T-U-02453-00563000-00563303 not to be confused 3-1-0 this is the 562 F45s1fc2T-U-02454-00563304-00563447 in the middle of socal but its own F45s1fc2T-U-02455-00563448-00563679 little world it's another beautiful day F45s1fc2T-U-02456-00563680-00563831 in el dorado park F45s1fc2T-U-02457-00563832-00564031 in the place of my birth and in the home F45s1fc2T-U-02458-00564032-00564735 of my heart this is the 5-6-2 F45s1fc2T-U-02459-00564736-00564895 thank you people thank you so much F45s1fc2T-U-02460-00564896-00565070 everybody um and you know what i'm F45s1fc2T-U-02461-00565071-00565270 going to turn it back over to angela our F45s1fc2T-U-02462-00565271-00565422 librarian in the miller room F45s1fc2T-U-02463-00565423-00565735 and um angela take it away well i just F45s1fc2T-U-02464-00565736-00565839 want to thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02465-00565840-00566022 everybody so much thank you to mike and F45s1fc2T-U-02466-00566023-00566166 to all of our special guests who have F45s1fc2T-U-02467-00566167-00566343 participated in our program tonight you F45s1fc2T-U-02468-00566344-00566503 guys have amazing vision F45s1fc2T-U-02469-00566504-00566814 voice emotion passion it's powerful F45s1fc2T-U-02470-00566815-00566951 it really moved me and i'm sure F45s1fc2T-U-02471-00566952-00567111 everybody can say the same thing here F45s1fc2T-U-02472-00567112-00567279 it's just been so inspiring and i want F45s1fc2T-U-02473-00567280-00567462 to thank you all again for joining us F45s1fc2T-U-02474-00567463-00567614 and all of our patrons in the community F45s1fc2T-U-02475-00567615-00567743 have been listening in and F45s1fc2T-U-02476-00567744-00567999 just sucking all of this up today um i F45s1fc2T-U-02477-00568000-00568103 want to also F45s1fc2T-U-02478-00568104-00568270 thank our library administration and F45s1fc2T-U-02479-00568271-00568510 staff friends of the library the lbpl F45s1fc2T-U-02480-00568511-00568814 foundation all of our contacts in the F45s1fc2T-U-02481-00568815-00568887 poet F45s1fc2T-U-02482-00568888-00569166 poetry community and elsewhere who have F45s1fc2T-U-02483-00569167-00569287 helped to get this F45s1fc2T-U-02484-00569288-00569510 out to everyone today and i hope that F45s1fc2T-U-02485-00569511-00569639 you'll um F45s1fc2T-U-02486-00569640-00569807 join us again in the future we have more F45s1fc2T-U-02487-00569808-00569966 upcoming programs um F45s1fc2T-U-02488-00569967-00570295 have a very safe healthy happy new year F45s1fc2T-U-02489-00570296-00570462 we're going to stick around for another F45s1fc2T-U-02490-00570463-00570727 10 minutes or so until about 5 45 and F45s1fc2T-U-02491-00570728-00570870 then we're going to have a hard stop of F45s1fc2T-U-02492-00570871-00570966 the program F45s1fc2T-U-02493-00570967-00571191 but um if you want to you know unmute F45s1fc2T-U-02494-00571192-00571422 yourselves and chat or ask any questions F45s1fc2T-U-02495-00571423-00571718 um michael takes some q a uh if anybody F45s1fc2T-U-02496-00571719-00571862 has anything they want to say feel free F45s1fc2T-U-02497-00571863-00571959 to do it now F45s1fc2T-U-02498-00571960-00572110 um but again thank you so much for F45s1fc2T-U-02499-00572111-00572270 joining us and uh F45s1fc2T-U-02500-00572271-00572575 take it away mike thanks everybody F45s1fc2T-U-02501-00572576-00572759 thank you everybody and um you know you F45s1fc2T-U-02502-00572760-00572927 like i said connect connect with some F45s1fc2T-U-02503-00572928-00573095 folks and um F45s1fc2T-U-02504-00573096-00573295 we really appreciate you all and thanks F45s1fc2T-U-02505-00573296-00573599 everybody and um fantastic job everyone F45s1fc2T-U-02506-00573600-00573983 thank you all right awesome F45s1fc2T-U-02507-00573984-00574207 did anybody have any questions or if you F45s1fc2T-U-02508-00574208-00574343 have any information you want to share F45s1fc2T-U-02509-00574344-00574503 in the chat go right ahead F45s1fc2T-U-02510-00574504-00574718 um i also have some information here i'm F45s1fc2T-U-02511-00574719-00574870 going to put up on the screen for F45s1fc2T-U-02512-00574871-00575191 um some of our guest poets earlier F45s1fc2T-U-02513-00575192-00575487 um if you want you can copy this F45s1fc2T-U-02514-00575488-00575614 information down F45s1fc2T-U-02515-00575615-00576055 as well F45s1fc2T-U-02516-00576056-00576431 um okay and uh F45s1fc2T-U-02517-00576432-00577087 can everybody see this i hope so F45s1fc2T-U-02518-00577088-00577422 all right um F45s1fc2T-U-02519-00577423-00577735 mike we had a few quick questions if F45s1fc2T-U-02520-00577736-00578151 you have a chance um F45s1fc2T-U-02521-00578152-00578383 uh some of the websites dedicated to F45s1fc2T-U-02522-00578384-00578455 poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02523-00578456-00578599 do you have any that you recommend in F45s1fc2T-U-02524-00578600-00578822 particular F45s1fc2T-U-02525-00578823-00579031 you know definitely the most popular F45s1fc2T-U-02526-00579032-00579195 poetry websites are like the poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02527-00579196-00579422 foundation.org and academy of american F45s1fc2T-U-02528-00579423-00579551 poets but F45s1fc2T-U-02529-00579552-00579783 there's a lot of great poetry websites F45s1fc2T-U-02530-00579784-00579887 and um F45s1fc2T-U-02531-00579888-00580103 anybody here that has a favorite poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02532-00580104-00580303 website type it into the chat F45s1fc2T-U-02533-00580304-00580575 because it's great to connect dots and a F45s1fc2T-U-02534-00580576-00580735 lot local sites there's a site called F45s1fc2T-U-02535-00580736-00580910 cultural weekly F45s1fc2T-U-02536-00580911-00581039 that's published four or five of the F45s1fc2T-U-02537-00581040-00581231 poets here with us today i think allen F45s1fc2T-U-02538-00581232-00581399 aquino and armand canard and chris F45s1fc2T-U-02539-00581400-00581566 ciders F45s1fc2T-U-02540-00581567-00581862 think nancy have been published on F45s1fc2T-U-02541-00581863-00581975 cultural weekly F45s1fc2T-U-02542-00581976-00582287 so um please if F45s1fc2T-U-02543-00582288-00582407 any of you have any favorite poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02544-00582408-00582599 websites type it into the chat and F45s1fc2T-U-02545-00582600-00582870 uh there is a great online poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02546-00582871-00582966 community F45s1fc2T-U-02547-00582967-00583566 anybody want to add anything to that F45s1fc2T-U-02548-00583567-00583766 yeah feel free to unmute yourselves guys F45s1fc2T-U-02549-00583767-00583883 if you have anything you want to F45s1fc2T-U-02550-00583884-00584551 contribute F45s1fc2T-U-02551-00584552-00584855 um let's see uh i'm F45s1fc2T-U-02552-00584856-00585159 organizing a poetry and pearls event F45s1fc2T-U-02553-00585160-00585343 series at my place cafe F45s1fc2T-U-02554-00585344-00585687 in pasadena california and on january F45s1fc2T-U-02555-00585688-00585783 8th um F45s1fc2T-U-02556-00585784-00586135 we're going to have um cal state long F45s1fc2T-U-02557-00586136-00586175 beach F45s1fc2T-U-02558-00586176-00586487 mfa graduate uh andrew liu uh read out F45s1fc2T-U-02559-00586488-00586559 of his uh F45s1fc2T-U-02560-00586560-00586870 thesis aka poetry collection so F45s1fc2T-U-02561-00586871-00587095 you can uh we would like for all of you F45s1fc2T-U-02562-00587096-00587199 guys to tune in it's going to be F45s1fc2T-U-02563-00587200-00587366 available on youtube i'll probably put F45s1fc2T-U-02564-00587367-00587503 the link to the youtube channel right F45s1fc2T-U-02565-00587504-00587559 here F45s1fc2T-U-02566-00587560-00587870 once i get it right now but that's my F45s1fc2T-U-02567-00587871-00588022 only announcement F45s1fc2T-U-02568-00588023-00588351 awesome thank you um F45s1fc2T-U-02569-00588352-00588479 is it there anybody else who has F45s1fc2T-U-02570-00588480-00588670 anything they want to contribute F45s1fc2T-U-02571-00588671-00588935 joshua um i had already put it in the F45s1fc2T-U-02572-00588936-00589103 chat but if you guys didn't see F45s1fc2T-U-02573-00589104-00589366 i'm um interning at the community with F45s1fc2T-U-02574-00589367-00589566 the community literature initiative F45s1fc2T-U-02575-00589567-00589831 at the sims poetry of library which is F45s1fc2T-U-02576-00589832-00589903 on um F45s1fc2T-U-02577-00589904-00590151 florence and fifth avenue here in F45s1fc2T-U-02578-00590152-00590231 englewood F45s1fc2T-U-02579-00590232-00590447 and we're looking for poetry books F45s1fc2T-U-02580-00590448-00590535 written by F45s1fc2T-U-02581-00590536-00590766 anybody um but we're trying to fill up F45s1fc2T-U-02582-00590767-00590943 our shelves for the black and latinx F45s1fc2T-U-02583-00590944-00591007 poets F45s1fc2T-U-02584-00591008-00591183 um i have some of you guys books some of F45s1fc2T-U-02585-00591184-00591303 the people here that i know have written F45s1fc2T-U-02586-00591304-00591455 books i've um already have them but if F45s1fc2T-U-02587-00591456-00591503 you F45s1fc2T-U-02588-00591504-00591735 have books sitting at home that are F45s1fc2T-U-02589-00591736-00591903 poetry books you would like to donate F45s1fc2T-U-02590-00591904-00591959 please F45s1fc2T-U-02591-00591960-00592191 you can contact me i'll put my email in F45s1fc2T-U-02592-00592192-00592310 in the description F45s1fc2T-U-02593-00592311-00592527 in the chat below or you can email the F45s1fc2T-U-02594-00592528-00592727 library's email and do that stuff or if F45s1fc2T-U-02595-00592728-00592887 you just want to donate financially F45s1fc2T-U-02596-00592888-00593143 we're trying to grow it's a it's a great F45s1fc2T-U-02597-00593144-00593231 organization F45s1fc2T-U-02598-00593232-00593631 run by um hiram sims um so please help F45s1fc2T-U-02599-00593632-00593687 out F45s1fc2T-U-02600-00593688-00594062 send information that would be great F45s1fc2T-U-02601-00594063-00594510 awesome F45s1fc2T-U-02602-00594511-00594662 i'm a student at the community F45s1fc2T-U-02603-00594663-00595083 literature initiative and i approve this F45s1fc2T-U-02604-00595084-00595447 message F45s1fc2T-U-02605-00595448-00595679 yeah just thank you everyone and and F45s1fc2T-U-02606-00595680-00595862 happy new year we've got a new year on F45s1fc2T-U-02607-00595863-00595966 the horizon F45s1fc2T-U-02608-00595967-00596303 years are still happening i know F45s1fc2T-U-02609-00596304-00596655 so much to look forward to um F45s1fc2T-U-02610-00596656-00597022 oh can i make an announcement yes F45s1fc2T-U-02611-00597023-00597247 um hey everyone my name my name is chris F45s1fc2T-U-02612-00597248-00597327 ciders uh F45s1fc2T-U-02613-00597328-00597766 just formerly introduced um myself um F45s1fc2T-U-02614-00597767-00598183 i just did uh our set poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02615-00598184-00598431 last night to raise money for uh F45s1fc2T-U-02616-00598432-00598566 dorothy's place F45s1fc2T-U-02617-00598567-00598814 it's a women's shelter in salinas F45s1fc2T-U-02618-00598815-00598910 california F45s1fc2T-U-02619-00598911-00599151 it's about five and a half six hours F45s1fc2T-U-02620-00599152-00599287 north from here F45s1fc2T-U-02621-00599288-00599631 in uh monterey county so if you F45s1fc2T-U-02622-00599632-00599975 i'm just asking if folks could uh please F45s1fc2T-U-02623-00599976-00600231 donate to dorothy's place because you F45s1fc2T-U-02624-00600232-00600335 know times are F45s1fc2T-U-02625-00600336-00600518 you know really hard with covet and F45s1fc2T-U-02626-00600519-00600743 whatnot we're just trying to F45s1fc2T-U-02627-00600744-00600966 you know really help out the community F45s1fc2T-U-02628-00600967-00601062 and i just F45s1fc2T-U-02629-00601063-00601407 typed out the uh the website link F45s1fc2T-U-02630-00601408-00601718 dorothy's place dot org in the in the F45s1fc2T-U-02631-00601719-00601775 chat F45s1fc2T-U-02632-00601776-00602070 so can you please donate whatever you F45s1fc2T-U-02633-00602071-00602110 can F45s1fc2T-U-02634-00602111-00602335 uh it will be greatly appreciated thank F45s1fc2T-U-02635-00602336-00602510 you F45s1fc2T-U-02636-00602511-00602847 thank you so much um F45s1fc2T-U-02637-00602848-00603079 mike we had a quick question um and i F45s1fc2T-U-02638-00603080-00603231 noticed that we did have some younger F45s1fc2T-U-02639-00603232-00603414 writers here today which i thought was F45s1fc2T-U-02640-00603415-00603543 really amazing F45s1fc2T-U-02641-00603544-00603862 um uh supreti i think was probably the F45s1fc2T-U-02642-00603863-00603991 youngest who F45s1fc2T-U-02643-00603992-00604199 joined us today and that was just F45s1fc2T-U-02644-00604200-00604366 fabulous so inspiring F45s1fc2T-U-02645-00604367-00604551 um what advice do you have for younger F45s1fc2T-U-02646-00604552-00604727 writers F45s1fc2T-U-02647-00604728-00604927 mike if you have any thoughts on that F45s1fc2T-U-02648-00604928-00605175 you can share F45s1fc2T-U-02649-00605176-00605343 well you can never read too much you F45s1fc2T-U-02650-00605344-00605503 know that's i guess that's the starting F45s1fc2T-U-02651-00605504-00605662 point is just reading a lot F45s1fc2T-U-02652-00605663-00605975 but um i always talk to um you know F45s1fc2T-U-02653-00605976-00606135 students about not only reading a lot F45s1fc2T-U-02654-00606136-00606303 but you know even just journaling every F45s1fc2T-U-02655-00606304-00606535 day and a lot of times journaling even F45s1fc2T-U-02656-00606536-00606639 if you're just journaling about your F45s1fc2T-U-02657-00606640-00606759 everyday life F45s1fc2T-U-02658-00606760-00606927 because writing is thinking and the more F45s1fc2T-U-02659-00606928-00607191 you write the better you'll be and so F45s1fc2T-U-02660-00607192-00607335 also you know writing gives you some F45s1fc2T-U-02661-00607336-00607551 good inner unity it gives you that F45s1fc2T-U-02662-00607552-00607814 helps you uh get the spiders out of the F45s1fc2T-U-02663-00607815-00607895 corners right F45s1fc2T-U-02664-00607896-00608310 you know yep F45s1fc2T-U-02665-00608311-00608839 all right okay i have something to say F45s1fc2T-U-02666-00608840-00609159 and i'm gonna echo mike's words like F45s1fc2T-U-02667-00609160-00609422 five years ago i ran into him in a in F45s1fc2T-U-02668-00609423-00609751 in one reading is keep showing up go as F45s1fc2T-U-02669-00609752-00610007 too many open mics as you can F45s1fc2T-U-02670-00610008-00610327 show your face don't be afraid to make F45s1fc2T-U-02671-00610328-00610431 mistakes F45s1fc2T-U-02672-00610432-00610662 don't be afraid to bomb the poem in F45s1fc2T-U-02673-00610663-00610822 front of the stage F45s1fc2T-U-02674-00610823-00611110 just do it just do it keep writing and F45s1fc2T-U-02675-00611111-00611143 keep F45s1fc2T-U-02676-00611144-00611431 showing up let people know who you are F45s1fc2T-U-02677-00611432-00611622 let people hear your words F45s1fc2T-U-02678-00611623-00611959 your who your words have value don't be F45s1fc2T-U-02679-00611960-00612303 afraid F45s1fc2T-U-02680-00612304-00612527 elizabeth you know what um it's so cool F45s1fc2T-U-02681-00612528-00612695 how many different events i've seen you F45s1fc2T-U-02682-00612696-00612751 at F45s1fc2T-U-02683-00612752-00612951 and um and you really always support F45s1fc2T-U-02684-00612952-00613079 folks i see you F45s1fc2T-U-02685-00613080-00613407 at people's book parties and i really F45s1fc2T-U-02686-00613408-00613510 appreciate how you F45s1fc2T-U-02687-00613511-00614047 how you really build community F45s1fc2T-U-02688-00614048-00614335 i started late so i have to start i have F45s1fc2T-U-02689-00614336-00614375 to be F45s1fc2T-U-02690-00614376-00614687 more aggressive F45s1fc2T-U-02691-00614688-00614943 but you know your dedication is is and F45s1fc2T-U-02692-00614944-00615055 uh you know what remember you told me F45s1fc2T-U-02693-00615056-00615214 about your 200 page thesis that you F45s1fc2T-U-02694-00615215-00615399 wrote about sony sanchez F45s1fc2T-U-02695-00615400-00615759 yes man elizabeth is a serious poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02696-00615760-00616039 i want to get down on some poetry you F45s1fc2T-U-02697-00616040-00616270 want to talk about the history of poetry F45s1fc2T-U-02698-00616271-00616510 uh she can talk to you about not just F45s1fc2T-U-02699-00616511-00616639 social justice but F45s1fc2T-U-02700-00616640-00616959 about um the history in the last F45s1fc2T-U-02701-00616960-00617310 50 60 70 years um F45s1fc2T-U-02702-00617311-00617591 yeah um i wrote about i when i was a F45s1fc2T-U-02703-00617592-00617870 young student in venezuela F45s1fc2T-U-02704-00617871-00618175 um i i had F45s1fc2T-U-02705-00618176-00618583 i was an english major in venezuela and F45s1fc2T-U-02706-00618584-00618951 i chose to write about african-american F45s1fc2T-U-02707-00618952-00618999 women F45s1fc2T-U-02708-00619000-00619318 writers and specifically about sonia F45s1fc2T-U-02709-00619319-00619431 sanchez F45s1fc2T-U-02710-00619432-00619775 so in venezuela you to do your be your F45s1fc2T-U-02711-00619776-00620118 your your bachelor's you don't do four F45s1fc2T-U-02712-00620119-00620310 years you do five years and at the end F45s1fc2T-U-02713-00620311-00620479 of the five years you have to F45s1fc2T-U-02714-00620480-00621062 produce a book and this is mine F45s1fc2T-U-02715-00621063-00621575 hey much respect much respect F45s1fc2T-U-02716-00621576-00621870 all right well it looks like we are just F45s1fc2T-U-02717-00621871-00622031 right at 5 45 F45s1fc2T-U-02718-00622032-00622214 and we've pretty much wrapped up our F45s1fc2T-U-02719-00622215-00622351 questions for now F45s1fc2T-U-02720-00622352-00622599 um thank you again everyone for joining F45s1fc2T-U-02721-00622600-00622822 us have a very safe healthy and happy F45s1fc2T-U-02722-00622823-00622975 new year we look forward to seeing you F45s1fc2T-U-02723-00622976-00623014 again F45s1fc2T-U-02724-00623015-00623207 soon more upcoming programs with the F45s1fc2T-U-02725-00623208-00623343 miller room and with the long beach F45s1fc2T-U-02726-00623344-00623479 public library F45s1fc2T-U-02727-00623480-00623710 so thanks again everyone and good night F45s1fc2T-U-02728-00623711-00623839 and thank you again mike F45s1fc2T-U-02729-00623840-00624070 and all the work that you put into this F45s1fc2T-U-02730-00624071-00624207 for us too F45s1fc2T-U-02731-00624208-00624391 um folks stay in touch and if anybody F45s1fc2T-U-02732-00624392-00624662 needs to email me mikepodla gmail.com F45s1fc2T-U-02733-00624663-00624855 but i mean let's reach out and connect F45s1fc2T-U-02734-00624856-00624935 dots and F45s1fc2T-U-02735-00624936-00625143 thank you angela thank you and looking F45s1fc2T-U-02736-00625144-00625303 forward to more events at the miller F45s1fc2T-U-02737-00625304-00625375 room F45s1fc2T-U-02738-00625376-00625679 yeah we're gonna have another poetry um F45s1fc2T-U-02739-00625680-00626087 open mic special program in um april F45s1fc2T-U-02740-00626088-00626327 yeah as well so we'll keep everybody F45s1fc2T-U-02741-00626328-00626414 informed F45s1fc2T-U-02742-00626415-00626670 happy new year everybody thank you we F45s1fc2T-U-02743-00626671-00626766 continued F45s1fc2T-U-02744-00626767-00627039 thank you so much everyone thank you F45s1fc2T-U-02745-00627040-00627175 happy new year F45s1fc2T-U-02746-00627176-00627447 all right happy new year thank you mike F45s1fc2T-U-02747-00627448-00627591 happy new year to all F45s1fc2T-U-02748-00627592-00628039 thank you bye come on F45s1fc2T-U-02749-00628040-00628318 all right thank you all right that was F45s1fc2T-U-02750-00628319-00628414 awesome F45s1fc2T-U-02751-00628415-00628903 much love yeah F45s1fc2T-U-02752-00628904-00629651 all right thanks again all right thank F45s1fc2T-U-02753-00629652-00629952 you F4I-HJSHdo4-00000-00000057-00000316 [Music] F4I-HJSHdo4-00001-00000317-00000911 foreign F4I-HJSHdo4-00002-00000911-00001235 Rich stats of secret stash media once F4I-HJSHdo4-00003-00001236-00001457 taught me that a lot of people are F4I-HJSHdo4-00004-00001458-00001697 intelligent but there's this special F4I-HJSHdo4-00005-00001698-00001997 Next Level intellect that few people F4I-HJSHdo4-00006-00001998-00002273 possess which basically allows them to F4I-HJSHdo4-00007-00002274-00002747 beautifully articulate complex ideas to F4I-HJSHdo4-00008-00002748-00002897 anyone F4I-HJSHdo4-00009-00002898-00003215 that person is Robin Lord F4I-HJSHdo4-00010-00003215-00003472 one of my all-time favorite talks of F4I-HJSHdo4-00011-00003473-00003731 dare I say the last 10 years was by F4I-HJSHdo4-00012-00003732-00003947 Robin at search love where he's so F4I-HJSHdo4-00013-00003947-00004354 gracefully showed the power of python in F4I-HJSHdo4-00014-00004355-00004588 Panda's data frames in comparison to F4I-HJSHdo4-00015-00004589-00004697 excel F4I-HJSHdo4-00016-00004698-00005002 Robin is a senior consultant at F4I-HJSHdo4-00017-00005003-00005302 distilled where focusing on unusual F4I-HJSHdo4-00018-00005303-00005597 questions and tricky answers is just F4I-HJSHdo4-00019-00005598-00005795 part of his job description so let's F4I-HJSHdo4-00020-00005796-00006300 give it up for Robin Lord F4I-HJSHdo4-00021-00006301-00006683 thank you F4I-HJSHdo4-00022-00006684-00006913 foreign F4I-HJSHdo4-00023-00006914-00007277 New York 1930s a little boy called Joe F4I-HJSHdo4-00024-00007278-00007409 is living with his parents in Brooklyn F4I-HJSHdo4-00025-00007409-00007648 during the Depression they're so poor F4I-HJSHdo4-00026-00007650-00007817 that they have to move at least once a F4I-HJSHdo4-00027-00007818-00007967 year because back then your landlord F4I-HJSHdo4-00028-00007968-00008087 would give you your first month of rent F4I-HJSHdo4-00029-00008088-00008231 free and that was the only way they F4I-HJSHdo4-00030-00008232-00008351 could survive F4I-HJSHdo4-00031-00008352-00008537 and yet at six Joe decides he wants to F4I-HJSHdo4-00032-00008538-00008849 become a lawyer so he works and he works F4I-HJSHdo4-00033-00008850-00009005 and when he gets older he takes day jobs F4I-HJSHdo4-00034-00009006-00009160 to pay for night school until he can F4I-HJSHdo4-00035-00009161-00009413 apply for Harvard and get in F4I-HJSHdo4-00036-00009414-00009617 and Harvard is one of the shining stars F4I-HJSHdo4-00037-00009618-00009809 of his class part of the Harvard Review F4I-HJSHdo4-00038-00009810-00010019 Piers tell stories about everyone else F4I-HJSHdo4-00039-00010020-00010228 in lectures furiously scribbling notes F4I-HJSHdo4-00040-00010229-00010642 while Joe sits and listens and absorbs F4I-HJSHdo4-00041-00010643-00010751 and comes out with thoughts and F4I-HJSHdo4-00042-00010752-00010895 arguments that hadn't occurred to anyone F4I-HJSHdo4-00043-00010896-00011092 else in the room F4I-HJSHdo4-00044-00011093-00011369 hiring season rolls around and when the F4I-HJSHdo4-00045-00011370-00011567 Dos settles just two people don't have a F4I-HJSHdo4-00046-00011568-00011909 job Joe is one F4I-HJSHdo4-00047-00011910-00012101 the firms were looking for people who F4I-HJSHdo4-00048-00012102-00012310 are smart and driven and well educated F4I-HJSHdo4-00049-00012311-00012473 job was all of these things but even if F4I-HJSHdo4-00050-00012474-00012617 you jump through all the Hoops they set F4I-HJSHdo4-00051-00012618-00012844 for you someone could take you into a F4I-HJSHdo4-00052-00012845-00013055 room and gently explain that the firm F4I-HJSHdo4-00053-00013056-00013199 couldn't possibly hire someone who's F4I-HJSHdo4-00054-00013200-00013349 Jewish F4I-HJSHdo4-00055-00013350-00013553 Joe ends up working for a much smaller F4I-HJSHdo4-00056-00013554-00013715 organization that has to take whatever F4I-HJSHdo4-00057-00013716-00013949 work comes through the door A lot of F4I-HJSHdo4-00058-00013950-00014153 that ends up being things like corporate F4I-HJSHdo4-00059-00014154-00014285 takeovers which are seen as too F4I-HJSHdo4-00060-00014286-00014549 uncivilized for the major firms F4I-HJSHdo4-00061-00014550-00014729 I'm sure this is a surprise to no one F4I-HJSHdo4-00062-00014730-00014975 but halfway through the 1900s things F4I-HJSHdo4-00063-00014976-00015244 change suddenly corporate takeovers are F4I-HJSHdo4-00064-00015245-00015383 big business F4I-HJSHdo4-00065-00015384-00015580 at this point Joe's one of the leading F4I-HJSHdo4-00066-00015581-00015815 experts in this field he helps his firm F4I-HJSHdo4-00067-00015816-00016013 grow from having just four lawyers to F4I-HJSHdo4-00068-00016013-00016361 over a thousand and people will hire The F4I-HJSHdo4-00069-00016362-00016486 Firm even if they're not going to use F4I-HJSHdo4-00070-00016487-00016697 anyone on the start F4I-HJSHdo4-00071-00016698-00016907 of the stern there's no risk of being in F4I-HJSHdo4-00072-00016908-00017086 an important meeting and finding F4I-HJSHdo4-00073-00017087-00017471 themselves arguing against Joe F4I-HJSHdo4-00074-00017472-00017771 Joseph from died named partner in the F4I-HJSHdo4-00075-00017772-00017969 fourth largest law firm in the world F4I-HJSHdo4-00076-00017970-00018185 and you could be asking yourself why is F4I-HJSHdo4-00077-00018186-00018407 he telling us this story but bear with F4I-HJSHdo4-00078-00018408-00018575 me my Point's coming the thing to F4I-HJSHdo4-00079-00018576-00018761 remember about Joe is yes he was smart F4I-HJSHdo4-00080-00018762-00019061 he was driven but most importantly F4I-HJSHdo4-00081-00019062-00019253 he was building up a set of skills that F4I-HJSHdo4-00082-00019254-00019433 nobody knew was going to be very F4I-HJSHdo4-00083-00019434-00019853 important he was able to surprise people F4I-HJSHdo4-00084-00019854-00019997 and that has a lot of parallels with F4I-HJSHdo4-00085-00019998-00020236 changes that happened in our industry so F4I-HJSHdo4-00086-00020237-00020405 for example when Joe was at his Peaks I F4I-HJSHdo4-00087-00020406-00020614 was the concept of brand we had this F4I-HJSHdo4-00088-00020615-00020855 idea that Brad has value even if we F4I-HJSHdo4-00089-00020856-00021022 can't measure it and some of the most F4I-HJSHdo4-00090-00021023-00021214 important brand building campaigns came F4I-HJSHdo4-00091-00021215-00021377 out around this time F4I-HJSHdo4-00092-00021378-00021611 a little while later a couple of small F4I-HJSHdo4-00093-00021612-00021899 organizations began work Google began F4I-HJSHdo4-00094-00021900-00022072 its quest to completely catalog the F4I-HJSHdo4-00095-00022073-00022307 internet Facebook began its quest to F4I-HJSHdo4-00096-00022308-00022553 completely catalog my aunt's means F4I-HJSHdo4-00097-00022554-00022703 and to begin with nobody really thought F4I-HJSHdo4-00098-00022704-00022877 much of these little companies and the F4I-HJSHdo4-00099-00022878-00023057 data they were offering F4I-HJSHdo4-00100-00023058-00023314 but as we know over time those companies F4I-HJSHdo4-00101-00023315-00023621 grew until they ain't so little anymore F4I-HJSHdo4-00102-00023622-00023753 and the people who've been playing F4I-HJSHdo4-00103-00023754-00023927 around in the background who knew how to F4I-HJSHdo4-00104-00023928-00024071 work with social media communities who F4I-HJSHdo4-00105-00024072-00024203 knew how to work with search engines F4I-HJSHdo4-00106-00024204-00024461 they had an advantage like Joe they were F4I-HJSHdo4-00107-00024462-00024707 able to surprise people F4I-HJSHdo4-00108-00024708-00024899 and around that time a lot of us kind of F4I-HJSHdo4-00109-00024900-00025097 locked away this concept of brand you F4I-HJSHdo4-00110-00025098-00025205 know why would we try to measure F4I-HJSHdo4-00111-00025206-00025439 something so big and messy when we know F4I-HJSHdo4-00112-00025440-00025558 how many people are searching for our F4I-HJSHdo4-00113-00025559-00025877 product how many people are going to see F4I-HJSHdo4-00114-00025877-00026027 the next tweet I sent how many people F4I-HJSHdo4-00115-00026027-00026458 land on my site and then convert F4I-HJSHdo4-00116-00026460-00026699 now things are changing again F4I-HJSHdo4-00117-00026700-00026939 so those little companies have become F4I-HJSHdo4-00118-00026939-00027077 some of the biggest monopolies we've F4I-HJSHdo4-00119-00027077-00027311 ever seen marketplaces are getting more F4I-HJSHdo4-00120-00027312-00027540 competitive costs going up to advertise F4I-HJSHdo4-00121-00027541-00027773 it's not enough to know how to get a F4I-HJSHdo4-00122-00027774-00028061 site crude and indexed when we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00123-00028062-00028408 working against Bayer moth companies F4I-HJSHdo4-00124-00028410-00028607 the days of quick wins are waning which F4I-HJSHdo4-00125-00028608-00028829 means that as seos we're more impacted F4I-HJSHdo4-00126-00028830-00028967 by the performance of the business and F4I-HJSHdo4-00127-00028968-00029279 the brand that we ever have been before F4I-HJSHdo4-00128-00029280-00029435 as an example F4I-HJSHdo4-00129-00029436-00029602 we can all agree that Moz is a very F4I-HJSHdo4-00130-00029604-00029801 successful company but in 2018 rad F4I-HJSHdo4-00131-00029802-00029987 fishkin gave a talk in which he said he F4I-HJSHdo4-00132-00029988-00030208 wishes he'd been able to measure moz's F4I-HJSHdo4-00133-00030210-00030377 product brand because he might have seen F4I-HJSHdo4-00134-00030377-00030551 competitors like sem Roshana trust F4I-HJSHdo4-00135-00030552-00030652 coming F4I-HJSHdo4-00136-00030654-00030911 likewise Tom Capper has shown that brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00137-00030912-00031096 correlates more strongly with rankings F4I-HJSHdo4-00138-00031097-00031337 than links to Maggie showed that in 2017 F4I-HJSHdo4-00139-00031338-00031649 2018 and in 2019 F4I-HJSHdo4-00140-00031650-00031823 now these talks at home particularly F4I-HJSHdo4-00141-00031824-00032027 hard for me because around that time I'd F4I-HJSHdo4-00142-00032027-00032255 started working with the APAC wing of a F4I-HJSHdo4-00143-00032256-00032452 global B2B company F4I-HJSHdo4-00144-00032453-00032699 it's our job to help 10 teams across 20 F4I-HJSHdo4-00145-00032700-00032909 countries 30 languages to perform in F4I-HJSHdo4-00146-00032910-00033071 Search and we started with a lot of the F4I-HJSHdo4-00147-00033072-00033262 usual stuff you know Tech Audits and F4I-HJSHdo4-00148-00033263-00033527 keyword research training and dashboards F4I-HJSHdo4-00149-00033528-00033724 we kicked off projects across Singapore F4I-HJSHdo4-00150-00033725-00033899 and Melbourne and Tokyo and every time F4I-HJSHdo4-00151-00033900-00034193 we did we asked what does marketing look F4I-HJSHdo4-00152-00034194-00034390 like for you F4I-HJSHdo4-00153-00034391-00034552 and the things we heard back were things F4I-HJSHdo4-00154-00034553-00034979 like blogging and emails and digital ads F4I-HJSHdo4-00155-00034980-00035183 but also things like F4I-HJSHdo4-00156-00035184-00035405 local country partners F4I-HJSHdo4-00157-00035406-00035662 small events opening new locations there F4I-HJSHdo4-00158-00035663-00035795 was a whole host of things that these F4I-HJSHdo4-00159-00035796-00035896 teams were doing that we weren't F4I-HJSHdo4-00160-00035897-00036046 contributing to at all and I was F4I-HJSHdo4-00161-00036047-00036221 impacting our metrics F4I-HJSHdo4-00162-00036222-00036443 we would see the organic conversions had F4I-HJSHdo4-00163-00036444-00036695 taken a dip and look into it and realize F4I-HJSHdo4-00164-00036696-00036862 that they dialed back events in that F4I-HJSHdo4-00165-00036863-00037073 territory and conversion rate across the F4I-HJSHdo4-00166-00037074-00037427 board had fallen or we'd see that we'd F4I-HJSHdo4-00167-00037428-00037595 started ranking for a couple of terms F4I-HJSHdo4-00168-00037596-00037793 particularly well and they would say F4I-HJSHdo4-00169-00037794-00037931 yeah we've been pushing those terms F4I-HJSHdo4-00170-00037932-00038093 quite a lot to our industry Partners we F4I-HJSHdo4-00171-00038094-00038237 think we're just getting interesting F4I-HJSHdo4-00172-00038238-00038417 links we're not seeing F4I-HJSHdo4-00173-00038418-00038645 we have competitors who are F4I-HJSHdo4-00174-00038646-00038812 experimenting with driving up specific F4I-HJSHdo4-00175-00038813-00039052 branded searches to improve their F4I-HJSHdo4-00176-00039053-00039437 rankings 35 of our traffic is branded so F4I-HJSHdo4-00177-00039438-00039646 even if everything else is looking good F4I-HJSHdo4-00178-00039647-00039815 it can still take a dive if Brandt Falls F4I-HJSHdo4-00179-00039816-00040001 and a lot of the stuff we're doing does F4I-HJSHdo4-00180-00040002-00040145 contribute to brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00181-00040146-00040295 you know none of us thinks that when we F4I-HJSHdo4-00182-00040296-00040493 write a blog post that's going to take F4I-HJSHdo4-00183-00040494-00040690 someone from I've never heard of them to F4I-HJSHdo4-00184-00040691-00040852 yeah I'll spend ten thousand dollars a F4I-HJSHdo4-00185-00040853-00041062 month please this kind of activity has F4I-HJSHdo4-00186-00041063-00041405 value because it contributes to brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00187-00041406-00041596 and initially we thought this is just a F4I-HJSHdo4-00188-00041597-00041837 funnel problem you know blog posts and F4I-HJSHdo4-00189-00041838-00042005 events that just very top of funnel will F4I-HJSHdo4-00190-00042006-00042239 improve our attribution and account for F4I-HJSHdo4-00191-00042240-00042496 them that way but attribution is very F4I-HJSHdo4-00192-00042497-00042743 hard to do it doesn't account for things F4I-HJSHdo4-00193-00042744-00043024 like offline events or uh people taking F4I-HJSHdo4-00194-00043025-00043168 a long time to decide about something F4I-HJSHdo4-00195-00043169-00043409 and it relies on things like cookies to F4I-HJSHdo4-00196-00043410-00043637 track users over time and we know that F4I-HJSHdo4-00197-00043638-00043829 browsers like Safari and Firefox are F4I-HJSHdo4-00198-00043830-00043990 targeting cookies so much they'd be F4I-HJSHdo4-00199-00043991-00044189 safer on Sesame Street F4I-HJSHdo4-00200-00044190-00044518 so our funnel is starting to erode F4I-HJSHdo4-00201-00044519-00044807 we're as seos more and more impacted by F4I-HJSHdo4-00202-00044808-00044945 brand we were bad at measuring it to F4I-HJSHdo4-00203-00044946-00045167 begin with and we're getting worse so at F4I-HJSHdo4-00204-00045168-00045280 this point I'm starting to feel a bit F4I-HJSHdo4-00205-00045281-00045455 hot under the collar right F4I-HJSHdo4-00206-00045456-00045773 but we look into it and we realize that F4I-HJSHdo4-00207-00045774-00045952 yeah we're facing some real challenges F4I-HJSHdo4-00208-00045953-00046180 as an industry but without knowing it F4I-HJSHdo4-00209-00046181-00046474 we're ready for them we've been building F4I-HJSHdo4-00210-00046475-00046768 up a set of skills and like Joe like the F4I-HJSHdo4-00211-00046769-00047021 upstarts of the 90s we're ready to F4I-HJSHdo4-00212-00047022-00047279 surprise some people F4I-HJSHdo4-00213-00047280-00047471 in this talk I'm going to take you F4I-HJSHdo4-00214-00047472-00047608 through my journey to measuring around F4I-HJSHdo4-00215-00047609-00047807 the way I do a broad way of getting F4I-HJSHdo4-00216-00047808-00048023 brand insight and a more granular F4I-HJSHdo4-00217-00048024-00048274 approach to get tactical brand info F4I-HJSHdo4-00218-00048275-00048418 now I knew this was information we F4I-HJSHdo4-00219-00048419-00048587 needed so I started by finding any guide F4I-HJSHdo4-00220-00048588-00048790 I could but they resulted in F4I-HJSHdo4-00221-00048791-00049067 frustratingly vague conclusions like you F4I-HJSHdo4-00222-00049068-00049307 have bad brand awareness in Japan spend F4I-HJSHdo4-00223-00049308-00049480 more money on brand advertising master F4I-HJSHdo4-00224-00049481-00049745 all relevant sales channels F4I-HJSHdo4-00225-00049746-00049979 I can't say this to my client they would F4I-HJSHdo4-00226-00049980-00050093 say F4I-HJSHdo4-00227-00050094-00050255 I asked you to help improve the F4I-HJSHdo4-00228-00050256-00050368 performance of my business and you're F4I-HJSHdo4-00229-00050369-00050512 telling me to get the attention of the F4I-HJSHdo4-00230-00050513-00050902 entirety of Japan F4I-HJSHdo4-00231-00050903-00051058 you realize someone constructed a F4I-HJSHdo4-00232-00051059-00051232 full-scale Godzilla in Tokyo and still F4I-HJSHdo4-00233-00051233-00051442 couldn't get anyone's attention F4I-HJSHdo4-00234-00051444-00051587 so we took a step back and we thought F4I-HJSHdo4-00235-00051588-00051826 okay what do we want here we want brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00236-00051827-00051976 interest data F4I-HJSHdo4-00237-00051977-00052211 and we could use surveys but the problem F4I-HJSHdo4-00238-00052212-00052463 with surveys is they're expensive they F4I-HJSHdo4-00239-00052464-00052642 take time and we can't ask everyone so F4I-HJSHdo4-00240-00052644-00052787 we're missing out on a bunch of data F4I-HJSHdo4-00241-00052788-00052973 what's more academics have said for F4I-HJSHdo4-00242-00052974-00053104 years that we can't always trust what F4I-HJSHdo4-00243-00053105-00053266 people write in surveys F4I-HJSHdo4-00244-00053267-00053519 so even if it's part of the picture our F4I-HJSHdo4-00245-00053520-00053771 data can't just be self-reported F4I-HJSHdo4-00246-00053772-00053969 what's more we need to be able to do a F4I-HJSHdo4-00247-00053970-00054179 competitor comparison so it's not enough F4I-HJSHdo4-00248-00054179-00054353 to be able to just say our brand is F4I-HJSHdo4-00249-00054354-00054461 strong F4I-HJSHdo4-00250-00054462-00054580 we have to be able to say you're F4I-HJSHdo4-00251-00054582-00054766 stronger than these people or weaker F4I-HJSHdo4-00252-00054767-00055066 than these people F4I-HJSHdo4-00253-00055067-00055307 now as seos for a while we've had a way F4I-HJSHdo4-00254-00055308-00055409 of knowing how many people are F4I-HJSHdo4-00255-00055410-00055541 interested in something F4I-HJSHdo4-00256-00055541-00055697 we ask Google F4I-HJSHdo4-00257-00055698-00055925 we know for example that Kanye West is a F4I-HJSHdo4-00258-00055926-00056141 very popular man and we know that Taylor F4I-HJSHdo4-00259-00056141-00056429 Swift is even more popular still F4I-HJSHdo4-00260-00056429-00056675 normally we can ask tools like stat and F4I-HJSHdo4-00261-00056676-00056921 Mars and semrush but they tend to report F4I-HJSHdo4-00262-00056922-00057130 at Country level and we know that brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00263-00057132-00057329 data brand interest in New York is not F4I-HJSHdo4-00264-00057329-00057550 the same as brand interest in Seattle so F4I-HJSHdo4-00265-00057551-00057779 we need a way to break that country up F4I-HJSHdo4-00266-00057779-00058073 and they also tend to report in blocks F4I-HJSHdo4-00267-00058074-00058253 of numbers so if we get results back F4I-HJSHdo4-00268-00058254-00058409 saying yeah you and all your competitors F4I-HJSHdo4-00269-00058410-00058625 get a thousand searches a month there's F4I-HJSHdo4-00270-00058626-00058757 not much to work with F4I-HJSHdo4-00271-00058758-00058925 so we need data that's not just F4I-HJSHdo4-00272-00058926-00059111 self-reported the Lesser to a competitor F4I-HJSHdo4-00273-00059112-00059291 comparison so we can't rely on things F4I-HJSHdo4-00274-00059291-00059471 like search console and gives us the F4I-HJSHdo4-00275-00059472-00059699 granular data to break up a country and F4I-HJSHdo4-00276-00059700-00059921 see the difference between brands now F4I-HJSHdo4-00277-00059922-00060173 this is a pretty tall order and as you F4I-HJSHdo4-00278-00060174-00060353 can probably guess I exhausted a lot of F4I-HJSHdo4-00279-00060354-00060497 my options before I turned to the free F4I-HJSHdo4-00280-00060498-00060809 tool I'm going to talk to you about now F4I-HJSHdo4-00281-00060810-00061007 as a warning when I put this on screen F4I-HJSHdo4-00282-00061008-00061144 you're probably going to think I'm a bit F4I-HJSHdo4-00283-00061145-00061349 of a that I've been wasting your F4I-HJSHdo4-00284-00061350-00061463 time F4I-HJSHdo4-00285-00061464-00061625 but honestly by the time we finish this F4I-HJSHdo4-00286-00061626-00061894 section I think you'll agree that F4I-HJSHdo4-00287-00061895-00062123 this tool is not being used to its full F4I-HJSHdo4-00288-00062124-00062261 potential and a lot of people are F4I-HJSHdo4-00289-00062262-00062573 missing out on valuable brand insight so F4I-HJSHdo4-00290-00062574-00062729 when I was putting when I was trying to F4I-HJSHdo4-00291-00062729-00062957 make head or tail of my client in APAC F4I-HJSHdo4-00292-00062958-00063280 we put their brand into Google Trends F4I-HJSHdo4-00293-00063282-00063544 this line shows the searches for my my F4I-HJSHdo4-00294-00063545-00063826 client in Google Trends in India over F4I-HJSHdo4-00295-00063827-00064042 the last 10 years F4I-HJSHdo4-00296-00064044-00064180 I didn't know anything about their F4I-HJSHdo4-00297-00064182-00064337 industry in India certainly nothing F4I-HJSHdo4-00298-00064338-00064576 about it 10 years ago but this tells me F4I-HJSHdo4-00299-00064577-00064726 a really clear story F4I-HJSHdo4-00300-00064727-00064913 we can also add in competitors and see F4I-HJSHdo4-00301-00064914-00065092 the red competitor started in the lead F4I-HJSHdo4-00302-00065094-00065273 and has lost that over time their F4I-HJSHdo4-00303-00065274-00065500 industry is getting more competitive the F4I-HJSHdo4-00304-00065501-00065753 yellow competitor was behind but over F4I-HJSHdo4-00305-00065754-00065975 the last two years they've taken the F4I-HJSHdo4-00306-00065976-00066076 lead F4I-HJSHdo4-00307-00066077-00066275 this also lets us zoom in on specific F4I-HJSHdo4-00308-00066276-00066544 activity so for example this Spike here F4I-HJSHdo4-00309-00066545-00066781 corresponds with a large influencer LED F4I-HJSHdo4-00310-00066782-00067050 uh conference they ran F4I-HJSHdo4-00311-00067051-00067306 this got a lot of press attention really F4I-HJSHdo4-00312-00067307-00067456 caught the eye of our team on the ground F4I-HJSHdo4-00313-00067457-00067661 but as we can see after that Spike F4I-HJSHdo4-00314-00067662-00067894 things kind of drop off and it's not F4I-HJSHdo4-00315-00067895-00068225 until later on when we see their graph F4I-HJSHdo4-00316-00068226-00068423 steadily Rising that's when they're F4I-HJSHdo4-00317-00068424-00068671 running a series of smaller ongoing F4I-HJSHdo4-00318-00068672-00069011 events scattered across the country F4I-HJSHdo4-00319-00069012-00069209 now we already had a big conference F4I-HJSHdo4-00320-00069210-00069431 planned we didn't cancel that course but F4I-HJSHdo4-00321-00069432-00069593 we made sure that from the off we F4I-HJSHdo4-00322-00069594-00069817 planned in a series of follow-up events F4I-HJSHdo4-00323-00069818-00070019 smaller targeting the people we really F4I-HJSHdo4-00324-00070020-00070294 want to talk to and before the covid F4I-HJSHdo4-00325-00070295-00070481 virus hit we were starting to see some F4I-HJSHdo4-00326-00070482-00070667 really nice changes in this graph and a F4I-HJSHdo4-00327-00070668-00070900 boost in organic search volume F4I-HJSHdo4-00328-00070901-00071176 now one problem we run into here is it's F4I-HJSHdo4-00329-00071177-00071332 not always clear exactly what the F4I-HJSHdo4-00330-00071333-00071567 competitor's done so we've added in this F4I-HJSHdo4-00331-00071568-00071819 green competitor now we can't pinpoint a F4I-HJSHdo4-00332-00071820-00072041 specific activity what's more the lines F4I-HJSHdo4-00333-00072042-00072179 are far enough apart that we run into F4I-HJSHdo4-00334-00072180-00072365 that same Godzilla problem how do we F4I-HJSHdo4-00335-00072366-00072538 make an entire country pay attention to F4I-HJSHdo4-00336-00072539-00072647 something else F4I-HJSHdo4-00337-00072648-00072844 well we don't we have to be more F4I-HJSHdo4-00338-00072845-00072982 tactical than that and that's where the F4I-HJSHdo4-00339-00072983-00073211 maps and Google Trends come into play so F4I-HJSHdo4-00340-00073212-00073403 this is exactly that same data searches F4I-HJSHdo4-00341-00073404-00073529 for these Brands but broken up at F4I-HJSHdo4-00342-00073530-00073703 territory level we can see the green F4I-HJSHdo4-00343-00073704-00073888 competitor is dominating and the deeper F4I-HJSHdo4-00344-00073889-00074093 the green the stronger a hold they have F4I-HJSHdo4-00345-00074094-00074356 we can also see percentage breakdowns by F4I-HJSHdo4-00346-00074357-00074579 territory so in Maharashtra for example F4I-HJSHdo4-00347-00074580-00074717 out of all the searches for these F4I-HJSHdo4-00348-00074718-00075106 competitors 75 are for the one inquiry F4I-HJSHdo4-00349-00075107-00075305 now one problem we run into here is not F4I-HJSHdo4-00350-00075306-00075461 every territory is worth the same amount F4I-HJSHdo4-00351-00075462-00075749 you know 50 of searches in one territory F4I-HJSHdo4-00352-00075750-00075881 can be worth the same as a hundred F4I-HJSHdo4-00353-00075882-00076031 percent in another F4I-HJSHdo4-00354-00076032-00076276 so we needed a way to know where's F4I-HJSHdo4-00355-00076277-00076397 valuable F4I-HJSHdo4-00356-00076398-00076679 and this is where we turn to census data F4I-HJSHdo4-00357-00076680-00076912 so every country seems to make Census F4I-HJSHdo4-00358-00076913-00077099 Data freely available and tell you F4I-HJSHdo4-00359-00077100-00077332 number of businesses based on location F4I-HJSHdo4-00360-00077333-00077626 and Industry and size or number of F4I-HJSHdo4-00361-00077627-00077806 people based on age and demographic so F4I-HJSHdo4-00362-00077807-00077969 if you have an idea of your target F4I-HJSHdo4-00363-00077970-00078323 market you can combine Census Data with F4I-HJSHdo4-00364-00078324-00078497 proportions of search to work out which F4I-HJSHdo4-00365-00078498-00078731 territories worth how much to your you F4I-HJSHdo4-00366-00078732-00078875 and your competitors F4I-HJSHdo4-00367-00078876-00079169 as an example Bangalore looks like a F4I-HJSHdo4-00368-00079170-00079319 good Target for us you know growing Tech F4I-HJSHdo4-00369-00079320-00079499 Hub but we could see that the green F4I-HJSHdo4-00370-00079500-00079661 competitor had been strong there for a F4I-HJSHdo4-00371-00079662-00079787 while it's actually their Global F4I-HJSHdo4-00372-00079788-00080015 headquarters and according to Census F4I-HJSHdo4-00373-00080016-00080141 Data there actually weren't that many F4I-HJSHdo4-00374-00080142-00080303 relevant businesses so even if we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00375-00080304-00080543 talking purely about branded organic F4I-HJSHdo4-00376-00080544-00080753 traffic F4I-HJSHdo4-00377-00080754-00080855 we're not getting the return on F4I-HJSHdo4-00378-00080856-00080975 investment F4I-HJSHdo4-00379-00080976-00081173 Mumbai on the other hand well the green F4I-HJSHdo4-00380-00081174-00081323 competitor was invested but they hadn't F4I-HJSHdo4-00381-00081324-00081503 always been strong F4I-HJSHdo4-00382-00081504-00081706 the Census Data showed there's lots of F4I-HJSHdo4-00383-00081707-00081881 valuable businesses there and lots of F4I-HJSHdo4-00384-00081882-00082037 small to medium businesses which we know F4I-HJSHdo4-00385-00082038-00082187 the green competitor doesn't cater F4I-HJSHdo4-00386-00082188-00082421 particularly well to so off the bat we F4I-HJSHdo4-00387-00082422-00082547 know that we can push out lots of F4I-HJSHdo4-00388-00082548-00082709 messaging about small to medium F4I-HJSHdo4-00389-00082710-00082871 businesses we can look at what people F4I-HJSHdo4-00390-00082872-00083111 are saying on social media and in press F4I-HJSHdo4-00391-00083112-00083326 around Mumbai to find out what matters F4I-HJSHdo4-00392-00083327-00083585 to them use that to generate content now F4I-HJSHdo4-00393-00083586-00083735 we start ranking for terms that people F4I-HJSHdo4-00394-00083736-00083849 are searching which is generating F4I-HJSHdo4-00395-00083850-00084065 organic traffic but also strategically F4I-HJSHdo4-00396-00084066-00084299 relevant organic traffic we can take F4I-HJSHdo4-00397-00084300-00084479 that content push it back out to press F4I-HJSHdo4-00398-00084480-00084653 they're going to cover it because it's F4I-HJSHdo4-00399-00084654-00084826 targeting the kind of things Their F4I-HJSHdo4-00400-00084827-00085000 audience are interested in so now we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00401-00085001-00085156 getting links and press attention and F4I-HJSHdo4-00402-00085157-00085282 organic traffic and cut through F4I-HJSHdo4-00403-00085283-00085523 everything feeds into each other F4I-HJSHdo4-00404-00085524-00085841 so Google Trends oft overlooked is a F4I-HJSHdo4-00405-00085842-00086026 really powerful source of brand Insight F4I-HJSHdo4-00406-00086027-00086315 it will give us an idea of the history F4I-HJSHdo4-00407-00086316-00086525 of a territory it will tell us whether F4I-HJSHdo4-00408-00086526-00086681 big events are working for us or our F4I-HJSHdo4-00409-00086682-00086812 competitors and it will help us find F4I-HJSHdo4-00410-00086813-00086999 valuable territories and narrow them F4I-HJSHdo4-00411-00087000-00087173 down with census data F4I-HJSHdo4-00412-00087174-00087394 but it's not perfect you know it doesn't F4I-HJSHdo4-00413-00087395-00087575 give us actual numbers we have to rely F4I-HJSHdo4-00414-00087576-00087773 on proportions out of 100 and using F4I-HJSHdo4-00415-00087774-00087959 Census Data it's not terribly F4I-HJSHdo4-00416-00087960-00088121 fine-grained you know we tend to work F4I-HJSHdo4-00417-00088122-00088325 with relatively large territories and we F4I-HJSHdo4-00418-00088326-00088553 only get Brand level data F4I-HJSHdo4-00419-00088554-00088805 and we know that a brand isn't just one F4I-HJSHdo4-00420-00088806-00088931 thing F4I-HJSHdo4-00421-00088932-00089218 so for example say we're looking at Sony F4I-HJSHdo4-00422-00089219-00089418 you could know Sony for PlayStation F4I-HJSHdo4-00423-00089419-00089735 headphones TVs batteries cameras dslrs F4I-HJSHdo4-00424-00089736-00089911 phones watches movies semiconductors or F4I-HJSHdo4-00425-00089912-00090215 multi-application cell sorted F4I-HJSHdo4-00426-00090216-00090382 so if we're thinking about what data we F4I-HJSHdo4-00427-00090383-00090556 want here maybe it's not just Brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00428-00090557-00090785 level data Maybe it's product specific F4I-HJSHdo4-00429-00090786-00090994 brand cut through F4I-HJSHdo4-00430-00090995-00091193 this is where my more granular approach F4I-HJSHdo4-00431-00091194-00091426 comes in and I was facing this problem F4I-HJSHdo4-00432-00091427-00091559 when I happened to talk to my colleague F4I-HJSHdo4-00433-00091560-00091811 Rich cotton who's a senior member of our F4I-HJSHdo4-00434-00091812-00092044 paid advertising team and he suggested F4I-HJSHdo4-00435-00092045-00092206 getting this information out of Google F4I-HJSHdo4-00436-00092207-00092321 ads F4I-HJSHdo4-00437-00092322-00092512 now we know when we're working with F4I-HJSHdo4-00438-00092513-00092681 Google ads we get lots of lovely data F4I-HJSHdo4-00439-00092682-00092867 like impression numbers how many times F4I-HJSHdo4-00440-00092868-00093082 people have seen our ads and impression F4I-HJSHdo4-00441-00093083-00093221 share F4I-HJSHdo4-00442-00093222-00093431 now Google calculates impression share F4I-HJSHdo4-00443-00093432-00093611 by looking at our targeting criteria F4I-HJSHdo4-00444-00093612-00093791 working out the total number of times we F4I-HJSHdo4-00445-00093792-00093959 could have been seen and then telling us F4I-HJSHdo4-00446-00093960-00094121 the proportion of times we were actually F4I-HJSHdo4-00447-00094122-00094235 seeing F4I-HJSHdo4-00448-00094236-00094391 so say for example we're bidding on F4I-HJSHdo4-00449-00094392-00094612 mattresses in Seattle and Google tells F4I-HJSHdo4-00450-00094613-00094781 us we've got a thousand Impressions and F4I-HJSHdo4-00451-00094782-00095026 50 impression share F4I-HJSHdo4-00452-00095027-00095309 from that we can estimate that we got 2 F4I-HJSHdo4-00453-00095310-00095668 000 searches for mattresses in that time F4I-HJSHdo4-00454-00095669-00095818 this is how we're going to get that more F4I-HJSHdo4-00455-00095819-00096065 granular data now if you know Google ads F4I-HJSHdo4-00456-00096066-00096256 you could be thinking can we really F4I-HJSHdo4-00457-00096257-00096431 believe impression share because F4I-HJSHdo4-00458-00096432-00096694 Google's really tweaked this formula say F4I-HJSHdo4-00459-00096695-00096832 we're bidding on mattresses but we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00460-00096833-00097037 not bidding high enough they'll remove a F4I-HJSHdo4-00461-00097038-00097187 bunch of searches from those impression F4I-HJSHdo4-00462-00097188-00097432 share calculations so it completely F4I-HJSHdo4-00463-00097433-00097606 throws off our numbers we end up having F4I-HJSHdo4-00464-00097607-00097823 to bid really high on really specific F4I-HJSHdo4-00465-00097824-00098021 mattress terms and it's not worth a F4I-HJSHdo4-00466-00098022-00098117 while F4I-HJSHdo4-00467-00098118-00098321 but in this case we're looking for brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00468-00098322-00098609 Insight which means two things first F4I-HJSHdo4-00469-00098610-00098800 we're willing to spend a little bit more F4I-HJSHdo4-00470-00098801-00099005 you know brand investigations can cost F4I-HJSHdo4-00471-00099006-00099173 tens of thousands of dollars and this is F4I-HJSHdo4-00472-00099174-00099467 way cheaper second because we're able to F4I-HJSHdo4-00473-00099468-00099671 be very specific with the searches we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00474-00099672-00099844 focusing on we can drive those costs F4I-HJSHdo4-00475-00099845-00100150 down until they don't really matter F4I-HJSHdo4-00476-00100151-00100487 now as you can guess product level brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00477-00100488-00100750 data is impossible to anonymize so I've F4I-HJSHdo4-00478-00100751-00100900 gone out and I've gathered data on F4I-HJSHdo4-00479-00100901-00101171 fashion brands across West Coast America F4I-HJSHdo4-00480-00101172-00101338 now you could be wondering does this guy F4I-HJSHdo4-00481-00101339-00101471 know anything about fashion in West F4I-HJSHdo4-00482-00101472-00101735 Coast America no I don't I don't work F4I-HJSHdo4-00483-00101736-00101950 with any of these Brands but when you're F4I-HJSHdo4-00484-00101951-00102071 doing this kind of analysis you will F4I-HJSHdo4-00485-00102072-00102281 have that context F4I-HJSHdo4-00486-00102282-00102430 so you get an idea of how I approach F4I-HJSHdo4-00487-00102431-00102839 this I bid on phrase match terms so the F4I-HJSHdo4-00488-00102840-00103103 exact phrases h m dresses J crew dresses F4I-HJSHdo4-00489-00103104-00103330 Zara dresses Zara maternity Uniqlo F4I-HJSHdo4-00490-00103331-00103636 bikini and a host of other besides I had F4I-HJSHdo4-00491-00103638-00103786 separate campaigns running in La F4I-HJSHdo4-00492-00103788-00104051 Vancouver Seattle and Portland F4I-HJSHdo4-00493-00104052-00104266 so I could get City level data and you F4I-HJSHdo4-00494-00104267-00104375 could be wondering F4I-HJSHdo4-00495-00104376-00104560 how much did all of this cost because F4I-HJSHdo4-00496-00104561-00104710 taking other people's branded traffic F4I-HJSHdo4-00497-00104711-00104903 gets expensive F4I-HJSHdo4-00498-00104904-00105053 but the thing to bear in mind here is we F4I-HJSHdo4-00499-00105054-00105251 don't want their traffic we want their F4I-HJSHdo4-00500-00105252-00105454 data so yeah it would be really F4I-HJSHdo4-00501-00105455-00105652 expensive for me Robin law to bid on F4I-HJSHdo4-00502-00105653-00105851 Zara sale and take their traffic which F4I-HJSHdo4-00503-00105852-00106115 is why when I was bidding on Zara sale I F4I-HJSHdo4-00504-00106116-00106319 drove all of that traffic straight to F4I-HJSHdo4-00505-00106320-00106493 Zara most of the time these Brands F4I-HJSHdo4-00506-00106494-00106643 weren't bidding on the terms themselves F4I-HJSHdo4-00507-00106644-00106852 I didn't want that traffic I didn't want F4I-HJSHdo4-00508-00106853-00106997 to take anything away from them all I F4I-HJSHdo4-00509-00106998-00107147 wanted to know is how many people are F4I-HJSHdo4-00510-00107148-00107489 searching Zara sale which meant that it F4I-HJSHdo4-00511-00107490-00107819 cost me just three cents per kilo per F4I-HJSHdo4-00512-00107820-00108113 day F4I-HJSHdo4-00513-00108114-00108365 so we don't have enough time to go F4I-HJSHdo4-00514-00108366-00108640 through all of the examples here but F4I-HJSHdo4-00515-00108641-00108893 we'll go through three and start with a F4I-HJSHdo4-00516-00108894-00109169 very simple graph so this is the total F4I-HJSHdo4-00517-00109170-00109343 number of searches for Zara addresses F4I-HJSHdo4-00518-00109344-00109607 across La Vancouver Seattle and Portland F4I-HJSHdo4-00519-00109608-00109804 during February this year F4I-HJSHdo4-00520-00109805-00110015 this is the total number of searches for F4I-HJSHdo4-00521-00110016-00110333 Zara addresses Zara jeans Zara pants in F4I-HJSHdo4-00522-00110333-00110483 those territories during February this F4I-HJSHdo4-00523-00110483-00110693 year this is Zara compared to F4I-HJSHdo4-00524-00110694-00110902 competitors now one thing we can see F4I-HJSHdo4-00525-00110903-00111227 from this graph is Zara is smashing it F4I-HJSHdo4-00526-00111228-00111383 they're getting way more product F4I-HJSHdo4-00527-00111383-00111575 specific searches than everyone else F4I-HJSHdo4-00528-00111576-00111784 but if we turn to Google Trends we can F4I-HJSHdo4-00529-00111785-00112060 see that Zara is doing well but their F4I-HJSHdo4-00530-00112061-00112234 brand search actually isn't that much F4I-HJSHdo4-00531-00112235-00112421 higher than everyone else so what could F4I-HJSHdo4-00532-00112422-00112565 be causing people to search for Zara F4I-HJSHdo4-00533-00112566-00112757 plus products so much more than everyone F4I-HJSHdo4-00534-00112758-00112984 else F4I-HJSHdo4-00535-00112985-00113147 what are the things that came up when I F4I-HJSHdo4-00536-00113148-00113393 was looking into this brand is the site F4I-HJSHdo4-00537-00113394-00113645 can be quite hard to use F4I-HJSHdo4-00538-00113646-00113849 so to break down what could be happening F4I-HJSHdo4-00539-00113850-00114083 here say someone's on the Zara site and F4I-HJSHdo4-00540-00114083-00114275 they're looking for dresses but they F4I-HJSHdo4-00541-00114276-00114466 find it quite difficult to use so F4I-HJSHdo4-00542-00114467-00114634 instead they just jump to Google and F4I-HJSHdo4-00543-00114635-00114821 search for Zara addresses instead get F4I-HJSHdo4-00544-00114822-00115043 the page they want the problem here is F4I-HJSHdo4-00545-00115044-00115210 they're passing through Google which is F4I-HJSHdo4-00546-00115211-00115336 a place where many people advertise F4I-HJSHdo4-00547-00115338-00115493 dresses and they could go to a F4I-HJSHdo4-00548-00115494-00115666 competitor which has lost sales in and F4I-HJSHdo4-00549-00115667-00115925 of itself what's more Google is seeing F4I-HJSHdo4-00550-00115926-00116123 someone loud on the Zara site not get F4I-HJSHdo4-00551-00116124-00116254 what they want come back to search F4I-HJSHdo4-00552-00116255-00116404 results quickly and go somewhere else F4I-HJSHdo4-00553-00116405-00116615 now it's controversial as to whether F4I-HJSHdo4-00554-00116616-00116831 Google uses this data directly in search F4I-HJSHdo4-00555-00116832-00117028 rankings but we do know that Google's F4I-HJSHdo4-00556-00117029-00117340 feeding more and more ux signals into F4I-HJSHdo4-00557-00117341-00117490 the search results they're rolling out F4I-HJSHdo4-00558-00117491-00117736 changes at the moment so even before we F4I-HJSHdo4-00559-00117738-00117893 look at competitor versus competitor F4I-HJSHdo4-00560-00117894-00118127 comparisons this gives Zara some data to F4I-HJSHdo4-00561-00118128-00118384 work with they if they see that their F4I-HJSHdo4-00562-00118385-00118571 generic branded search is roughly in F4I-HJSHdo4-00563-00118572-00118745 line with competitors but their product F4I-HJSHdo4-00564-00118746-00119057 specific search is much higher F4I-HJSHdo4-00565-00119058-00119225 that gives them a sign that maybe F4I-HJSHdo4-00566-00119226-00119452 something's broken in their ux they F4I-HJSHdo4-00567-00119453-00119669 could run surveys on people leaving the F4I-HJSHdo4-00568-00119670-00119777 site to see what they're struggling with F4I-HJSHdo4-00569-00119778-00119993 or use Twitter advanced search to reach F4I-HJSHdo4-00570-00119994-00120227 out to social media users find out what F4I-HJSHdo4-00571-00120228-00120340 they're struggling with when they say F4I-HJSHdo4-00572-00120341-00120539 the site is hard to use they can even F4I-HJSHdo4-00573-00120540-00120790 offer these people incentives to get F4I-HJSHdo4-00574-00120791-00120947 involved these are people who are F4I-HJSHdo4-00575-00120948-00121102 already tweeting about the brand who F4I-HJSHdo4-00576-00121103-00121271 care enough to care that the site is F4I-HJSHdo4-00577-00121272-00121469 hard to use so they're likely to get F4I-HJSHdo4-00578-00121470-00121595 their followers involved as well which F4I-HJSHdo4-00579-00121596-00121799 is free promotion we can also treat this F4I-HJSHdo4-00580-00121800-00122008 as kind of similar to a tech audit we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00581-00122009-00122171 rooting out systematic issues that could F4I-HJSHdo4-00582-00122172-00122423 be impacting performance so maybe this F4I-HJSHdo4-00583-00122424-00122627 helps improve our rankings over time F4I-HJSHdo4-00584-00122628-00122854 even if it doesn't it helps improve our F4I-HJSHdo4-00585-00122855-00123010 conversion rate which makes our organic F4I-HJSHdo4-00586-00123011-00123202 numbers look better anyway F4I-HJSHdo4-00587-00123203-00123383 but we didn't come here for brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00588-00123383-00123593 Insight we didn't come here for ux F4I-HJSHdo4-00589-00123594-00123863 insight we came here for brand data so F4I-HJSHdo4-00590-00123864-00124097 let's look at two of the biggest brands F4I-HJSHdo4-00591-00124098-00124354 we have h m and Zara at a product level F4I-HJSHdo4-00592-00124355-00124636 it's kind of clear that Zara is winning F4I-HJSHdo4-00593-00124638-00124895 across the board except F4I-HJSHdo4-00594-00124896-00125116 for a maternity F4I-HJSHdo4-00595-00125117-00125284 there are way more searches for H F4I-HJSHdo4-00596-00125285-00125489 maternity than Zara maternity which is F4I-HJSHdo4-00597-00125490-00125602 interesting given how much better F4I-HJSHdo4-00598-00125603-00125813 they're doing everywhere else now I F4I-HJSHdo4-00599-00125814-00125963 asked around a bit about this and F4I-HJSHdo4-00600-00125964-00126215 overwhelmingly the response I got was F4I-HJSHdo4-00601-00126216-00126466 yeah I'm not really surprised Zara F4I-HJSHdo4-00602-00126467-00126671 doesn't really do maternity F4I-HJSHdo4-00603-00126672-00126869 so that's that's kind of a boring thing F4I-HJSHdo4-00604-00126870-00127043 for our data to point out I suppose you F4I-HJSHdo4-00605-00127044-00127163 know people don't search for something F4I-HJSHdo4-00606-00127164-00127331 that someone doesn't do F4I-HJSHdo4-00607-00127332-00127571 so if we look at H M's maternity F4I-HJSHdo4-00608-00127572-00127721 category we see that they've got over F4I-HJSHdo4-00609-00127722-00127966 400 maternity products you know they've F4I-HJSHdo4-00610-00127967-00128195 invested heavily in it but if we look at F4I-HJSHdo4-00611-00128196-00128410 Zara's maternity category which they do F4I-HJSHdo4-00612-00128411-00128651 have we can see they've got over 200 F4I-HJSHdo4-00613-00128652-00128999 products so even if it's clear to us as F4I-HJSHdo4-00614-00129000-00129299 consumers that people wouldn't search F4I-HJSHdo4-00615-00129300-00129449 for Sarah maternity someone at Zara F4I-HJSHdo4-00616-00129450-00129604 disagrees F4I-HJSHdo4-00617-00129605-00129910 now if we just say Zara is doing worse F4I-HJSHdo4-00618-00129911-00130102 for maternity that gives them something F4I-HJSHdo4-00619-00130103-00130216 to work on but they're still trying to F4I-HJSHdo4-00620-00130217-00130397 change the opinions of the entire West F4I-HJSHdo4-00621-00130398-00130678 Coast about a topic which is a tall F4I-HJSHdo4-00622-00130679-00130913 order so let's bring that data down a F4I-HJSHdo4-00623-00130914-00131177 little bit more these are numbers of F4I-HJSHdo4-00624-00131178-00131428 searches for Zara maternity and H M F4I-HJSHdo4-00625-00131429-00131699 maternity across La Vancouver Seattle F4I-HJSHdo4-00626-00131700-00131849 and Portland F4I-HJSHdo4-00627-00131850-00132149 now one problem we run into here is even F4I-HJSHdo4-00628-00132150-00132347 though we can see Zara and H M are doing F4I-HJSHdo4-00629-00132348-00132611 best in LA and Vancouver we're looking F4I-HJSHdo4-00630-00132612-00132851 at cities of very different sizes so we F4I-HJSHdo4-00631-00132852-00133013 end up basically just tracking City size F4I-HJSHdo4-00632-00133014-00133177 with search volume F4I-HJSHdo4-00633-00133178-00133451 unless we bring in our old friend's F4I-HJSHdo4-00634-00133452-00133589 census data F4I-HJSHdo4-00635-00133590-00133769 so if we do something as simple as F4I-HJSHdo4-00636-00133770-00134027 divide these search volumes by the F4I-HJSHdo4-00637-00134028-00134213 number of people in a city we get kind F4I-HJSHdo4-00638-00134214-00134464 of per capita search number proportional F4I-HJSHdo4-00639-00134465-00134771 search now we can see that they're both F4I-HJSHdo4-00640-00134772-00134957 doing best in Vancouver F4I-HJSHdo4-00641-00134958-00135178 so maybe Zara starts thinking about F4I-HJSHdo4-00642-00135179-00135335 birth rates in Vancouver and whether F4I-HJSHdo4-00643-00135336-00135514 it's an area to Target F4I-HJSHdo4-00644-00135515-00135935 h m is doing second best in Portland now F4I-HJSHdo4-00645-00135936-00136204 Zara is doing worst in Portland so maybe F4I-HJSHdo4-00646-00136205-00136463 they decide this is an area we need to F4I-HJSHdo4-00647-00136464-00136613 focus on this is where we're losing out F4I-HJSHdo4-00648-00136614-00136781 the most F4I-HJSHdo4-00649-00136782-00137027 so in terms of Outreach they could focus F4I-HJSHdo4-00650-00137028-00137345 on Vancouver and Portland targeting mom F4I-HJSHdo4-00651-00137346-00137575 bloggers and press to drive up interest F4I-HJSHdo4-00652-00137576-00137819 that should increase interest in things F4I-HJSHdo4-00653-00137820-00137987 like their category Pages maybe get them F4I-HJSHdo4-00654-00137988-00138101 some links which should help them F4I-HJSHdo4-00655-00138102-00138323 improve their rankings they could also F4I-HJSHdo4-00656-00138324-00138551 do things like over bidding on maternity F4I-HJSHdo4-00657-00138552-00138773 terms with PPC because the value that F4I-HJSHdo4-00658-00138774-00138904 we're driving with these organic F4I-HJSHdo4-00659-00138905-00139097 sessions with these paid sessions yeah F4I-HJSHdo4-00660-00139098-00139277 short term we're getting sessions and F4I-HJSHdo4-00661-00139278-00139540 sales but we're also appearing in search F4I-HJSHdo4-00662-00139541-00139751 results and letting people know this is F4I-HJSHdo4-00663-00139752-00140051 something that we do we are an option so F4I-HJSHdo4-00664-00140052-00140285 it's going to have short-term impact on F4I-HJSHdo4-00665-00140286-00140578 organic sessions but also much longer F4I-HJSHdo4-00666-00140579-00140819 term impact on branded organic sessions F4I-HJSHdo4-00667-00140820-00141083 continuing to drive value F4I-HJSHdo4-00668-00141084-00141316 as a final example let's look at F4I-HJSHdo4-00669-00141317-00141581 anthropology and J crew they have F4I-HJSHdo4-00670-00141582-00141833 roughly similar overall branded search F4I-HJSHdo4-00671-00141834-00141989 and it's kind of a mixed bag when we F4I-HJSHdo4-00672-00141990-00142247 look at product until we focus on plus F4I-HJSHdo4-00673-00142248-00142337 size F4I-HJSHdo4-00674-00142338-00142511 there are far more searches for F4I-HJSHdo4-00675-00142512-00142714 anthropology plus size than J crew plus F4I-HJSHdo4-00676-00142715-00142925 size and to be fair anthropology really F4I-HJSHdo4-00677-00142926-00143051 puts in the effort you know they're F4I-HJSHdo4-00678-00143052-00143309 number one for plus size they have a F4I-HJSHdo4-00679-00143310-00143483 number of category Pages targeting plus F4I-HJSHdo4-00680-00143484-00143669 size searches which as I say Drive F4I-HJSHdo4-00681-00143670-00143866 organic sessions now and also change F4I-HJSHdo4-00682-00143867-00144113 minds they show a variety of body types F4I-HJSHdo4-00683-00144114-00144233 on their social media they sponsor F4I-HJSHdo4-00684-00144234-00144461 events like curvycon which let them have F4I-HJSHdo4-00685-00144462-00144689 models on the runway and pop-up shops F4I-HJSHdo4-00686-00144690-00144887 and got them featured in blogs they have F4I-HJSHdo4-00687-00144888-00145216 Instagram influencers with over 260 000 F4I-HJSHdo4-00688-00145217-00145385 followers talking about anthropology F4I-HJSHdo4-00689-00145386-00145583 plus size and it got them featured on F4I-HJSHdo4-00690-00145584-00145727 Good Morning America which has a morning F4I-HJSHdo4-00691-00145728-00146111 viewership of over 5 million F4I-HJSHdo4-00692-00146112-00146404 J crew on the other hand F4I-HJSHdo4-00693-00146405-00146627 we can look at by doing something as F4I-HJSHdo4-00694-00146628-00146927 simple as searching J crew plus size in F4I-HJSHdo4-00695-00146928-00147154 Google News that'll tell us how press F4I-HJSHdo4-00696-00147155-00147347 are talking about JCrew plus size and we F4I-HJSHdo4-00697-00147348-00147671 can use the tools function to filter to F4I-HJSHdo4-00698-00147672-00147881 a certain time period to see how that F4I-HJSHdo4-00699-00147882-00148025 changed over time F4I-HJSHdo4-00700-00148026-00148277 so for example in 2014 F4I-HJSHdo4-00701-00148278-00148619 we can see that J crew F4I-HJSHdo4-00702-00148620-00148799 aren't doing very well for plus size F4I-HJSHdo4-00703-00148800-00148913 searches F4I-HJSHdo4-00704-00148914-00149051 they're kind of getting slammed for the F4I-HJSHdo4-00705-00149052-00149314 focus on the lower end of the scale F4I-HJSHdo4-00706-00149315-00149621 now if we jump back to 2020 things have F4I-HJSHdo4-00707-00149622-00149843 kind of changed J crew are doing F4I-HJSHdo4-00708-00149844-00150131 considerably better F4I-HJSHdo4-00709-00150132-00150364 the brands the Publications that were F4I-HJSHdo4-00710-00150365-00150527 previously slamming them are now talking F4I-HJSHdo4-00711-00150528-00150743 about J crew as a brand that is changing F4I-HJSHdo4-00712-00150744-00150977 modern fashion and Lisa Greenwald their F4I-HJSHdo4-00713-00150978-00151163 Chief merchandising officer has promised F4I-HJSHdo4-00714-00151164-00151325 Shoppers can expect to see their F4I-HJSHdo4-00715-00151326-00151589 favorite stars in A Wider range of sizes F4I-HJSHdo4-00716-00151590-00151745 and that is what we see on the product F4I-HJSHdo4-00717-00151746-00151907 page you know there's a variety of sizes F4I-HJSHdo4-00718-00151908-00152164 on show the problem is the product page F4I-HJSHdo4-00719-00152165-00152471 itself doesn't make that very clear F4I-HJSHdo4-00720-00152472-00152675 what's more J.Crew have taken the F4I-HJSHdo4-00721-00152676-00152795 decision that F4I-HJSHdo4-00722-00152796-00152975 if someone's searching for dresses they F4I-HJSHdo4-00723-00152976-00153113 shouldn't have to search in a separate F4I-HJSHdo4-00724-00153114-00153335 plus size dresses page if you want to F4I-HJSHdo4-00725-00153336-00153533 dress go to our dresses page which I F4I-HJSHdo4-00726-00153534-00153671 think is fantastic but it means they F4I-HJSHdo4-00727-00153672-00153863 haven't got any plus size category pages F4I-HJSHdo4-00728-00153864-00154157 so if we search J crew plus size as we F4I-HJSHdo4-00729-00154158-00154445 see some people are we get an ad for the F4I-HJSHdo4-00730-00154446-00154685 home page resellers and then a 404 deals F4I-HJSHdo4-00731-00154686-00154828 page so we're probably losing traffic F4I-HJSHdo4-00732-00154829-00154919 here F4I-HJSHdo4-00733-00154920-00155099 what's more if we click on that ad for F4I-HJSHdo4-00734-00155100-00155278 the homepage the models there don't F4I-HJSHdo4-00735-00155279-00155519 really show a variety of body shapes if F4I-HJSHdo4-00736-00155520-00155740 we look at things like the Twitter or F4I-HJSHdo4-00737-00155741-00155939 Facebook ads Library we can also see F4I-HJSHdo4-00738-00155940-00156119 what kind of advertising J crew is F4I-HJSHdo4-00739-00156120-00156281 pushing out at the moment and again F4I-HJSHdo4-00740-00156282-00156473 there's a variety of styles but not F4I-HJSHdo4-00741-00156474-00156707 necessarily a variety of body types F4I-HJSHdo4-00742-00156708-00156940 so what can they do to address this F4I-HJSHdo4-00743-00156941-00157163 well they could start by looking at F4I-HJSHdo4-00744-00157164-00157378 territory level breakdown and see that F4I-HJSHdo4-00745-00157379-00157583 anthropology is doing best in Seattle F4I-HJSHdo4-00746-00157584-00157733 and LA F4I-HJSHdo4-00747-00157734-00158021 well that's a really clear Target for F4I-HJSHdo4-00748-00158022-00158266 them you know they can focus on press F4I-HJSHdo4-00749-00158267-00158525 and Outreach around Seattle and LA to F4I-HJSHdo4-00750-00158526-00158626 make sure that they're really getting F4I-HJSHdo4-00751-00158627-00158878 this cut through they could also F4I-HJSHdo4-00752-00158879-00159023 consider doing things like sponsoring F4I-HJSHdo4-00753-00159024-00159178 events there and definitely consider F4I-HJSHdo4-00754-00159179-00159359 sponsoring curvycon even though we don't F4I-HJSHdo4-00755-00159360-00159604 have data for West Coast America that F4I-HJSHdo4-00756-00159605-00159809 seems like a fantastic opportunity they F4I-HJSHdo4-00757-00159810-00160037 could also specifically Target those F4I-HJSHdo4-00758-00160038-00160252 territories with their social media ads F4I-HJSHdo4-00759-00160253-00160457 so that lets them get a lot more cut F4I-HJSHdo4-00760-00160458-00160625 through and lets them run a series of F4I-HJSHdo4-00761-00160626-00160871 tests on what's working because they're F4I-HJSHdo4-00762-00160872-00160990 focusing on smaller populations F4I-HJSHdo4-00763-00160991-00161195 everything gets cheaper they can do more F4I-HJSHdo4-00764-00161196-00161452 they can also again over bid on plus F4I-HJSHdo4-00765-00161453-00161735 size terms in PPC and they can create a F4I-HJSHdo4-00766-00161736-00161939 plus size category page I think it's F4I-HJSHdo4-00767-00161940-00162076 great that they don't want to segregate F4I-HJSHdo4-00768-00162077-00162257 Their audience but they can have a plus F4I-HJSHdo4-00769-00162258-00162454 size category page alongside the dresses F4I-HJSHdo4-00770-00162455-00162652 page that at the very least is going to F4I-HJSHdo4-00771-00162653-00162833 let them rank for J crew plus size which F4I-HJSHdo4-00772-00162834-00163037 is free traffic it's going to drive down F4I-HJSHdo4-00773-00163038-00163211 costs for their PPC and social F4I-HJSHdo4-00774-00163212-00163421 advertising it's an excuse to link to F4I-HJSHdo4-00775-00163422-00163613 that page from the home page so now they F4I-HJSHdo4-00776-00163614-00163769 can show different model Types on the F4I-HJSHdo4-00777-00163770-00164069 home page and now they've got a targeted F4I-HJSHdo4-00778-00164070-00164314 well linked to page targeting plus size F4I-HJSHdo4-00779-00164315-00164495 terms so they can start ranking F4I-HJSHdo4-00780-00164496-00164711 organically for those plus size terms F4I-HJSHdo4-00781-00164712-00164885 they can even decide to put a banner F4I-HJSHdo4-00782-00164886-00165095 right at the top of the page saying why F4I-HJSHdo4-00783-00165096-00165323 are you here you don't have to shop in a F4I-HJSHdo4-00784-00165324-00165473 separate category shop in our main F4I-HJSHdo4-00785-00165474-00165664 dresses page everything is there that's F4I-HJSHdo4-00786-00165665-00165857 turning a category page into a brand F4I-HJSHdo4-00787-00165858-00166073 statement which can get press interest F4I-HJSHdo4-00788-00166074-00166276 and links which will help them rank even F4I-HJSHdo4-00789-00166277-00166426 better which is getting them more F4I-HJSHdo4-00790-00166427-00166595 traffic which is changing Minds about F4I-HJSHdo4-00791-00166596-00166840 what what J crew does which drives them F4I-HJSHdo4-00792-00166841-00167021 branded traffic further down the line so F4I-HJSHdo4-00793-00167022-00167302 everything feeds into itself F4I-HJSHdo4-00794-00167303-00167476 so Google ads F4I-HJSHdo4-00795-00167477-00167747 will give us City level product level F4I-HJSHdo4-00796-00167748-00168011 data it will give us insight into how F4I-HJSHdo4-00797-00168012-00168143 people are interacting with the search F4I-HJSHdo4-00798-00168144-00168461 engine around our site to see if our ux F4I-HJSHdo4-00799-00168462-00168814 is broken it will it is paid I mean it F4I-HJSHdo4-00800-00168815-00169037 costs us some money not loads but some F4I-HJSHdo4-00801-00169038-00169252 which means that we can only really get F4I-HJSHdo4-00802-00169253-00169426 City level data otherwise it gets very F4I-HJSHdo4-00803-00169427-00169631 expensive and we don't get any historic F4I-HJSHdo4-00804-00169632-00169871 data like we do with Google Trends now F4I-HJSHdo4-00805-00169872-00170009 I've spoken to a lot about the kind of F4I-HJSHdo4-00806-00170010-00170231 things we can do with this data but I F4I-HJSHdo4-00807-00170232-00170393 haven't told you really much how to set F4I-HJSHdo4-00808-00170394-00170693 up the campaigns I've put out a bunch of F4I-HJSHdo4-00809-00170694-00170926 Fairly dry bullet points that you can go F4I-HJSHdo4-00810-00170927-00171125 through here that will tell you how to F4I-HJSHdo4-00811-00171126-00171395 get the results you want but by means of F4I-HJSHdo4-00812-00171396-00171533 wrap up F4I-HJSHdo4-00813-00171534-00171725 whether we're using Google Trends or F4I-HJSHdo4-00814-00171726-00171881 Google ads because they both have their F4I-HJSHdo4-00815-00171882-00172223 uses we can use this data to tell our F4I-HJSHdo4-00816-00172224-00172547 colleagues our bosses our companies what F4I-HJSHdo4-00817-00172548-00172702 to put on billboards and where to put F4I-HJSHdo4-00818-00172703-00172859 them when to judge ads by completely F4I-HJSHdo4-00819-00172860-00173014 different metrics what newspapers to F4I-HJSHdo4-00820-00173015-00173159 Target social media to invest in F4I-HJSHdo4-00821-00173160-00173357 influencers to reach out to emails to F4I-HJSHdo4-00822-00173358-00173573 send when to judge organic sessions by F4I-HJSHdo4-00823-00173574-00173795 completely different metrics everything F4I-HJSHdo4-00824-00173796-00174052 up to informing our Five-Year Plan which F4I-HJSHdo4-00825-00174053-00174185 will help us give our customers what F4I-HJSHdo4-00826-00174186-00174335 they want rather than just what they F4I-HJSHdo4-00827-00174336-00174509 know us for F4I-HJSHdo4-00828-00174510-00174754 this is always to give your company F4I-HJSHdo4-00829-00174755-00174935 direction if you're head of marketing F4I-HJSHdo4-00830-00174936-00175078 I've given you data your competitors F4I-HJSHdo4-00831-00175079-00175337 don't have if you're head of SEO I've F4I-HJSHdo4-00832-00175338-00175547 given you a way to start expanding your F4I-HJSHdo4-00833-00175548-00175751 role owning these strategic F4I-HJSHdo4-00834-00175752-00175937 conversations F4I-HJSHdo4-00835-00175938-00176123 they're impacting your team already as F4I-HJSHdo4-00836-00176124-00176321 it is this is just a way for you to get F4I-HJSHdo4-00837-00176322-00176561 credit for all that hard work F4I-HJSHdo4-00838-00176562-00176747 but the most important thing here isn't F4I-HJSHdo4-00839-00176748-00176975 here are some tricks in Google ads here F4I-HJSHdo4-00840-00176976-00177119 are some tricks in Google Trends the F4I-HJSHdo4-00841-00177120-00177352 most important thing here is none of F4I-HJSHdo4-00842-00177353-00177514 this is new to us F4I-HJSHdo4-00843-00177515-00177713 this is looking at what people are F4I-HJSHdo4-00844-00177714-00177809 searching F4I-HJSHdo4-00845-00177810-00177988 figuring out why we're not appearing and F4I-HJSHdo4-00846-00177989-00178126 doing better F4I-HJSHdo4-00847-00178127-00178409 that's our day-to-day that is our skill F4I-HJSHdo4-00848-00178410-00178564 set F4I-HJSHdo4-00849-00178565-00178876 we are facing some real challenges as an F4I-HJSHdo4-00850-00178877-00179104 industry F4I-HJSHdo4-00851-00179105-00179326 but we're not just ready for them we're F4I-HJSHdo4-00852-00179327-00179590 made for them F4I-HJSHdo4-00853-00179591-00179926 so let's go surprise some people F4I-HJSHdo4-00854-00179927-00180034 thank you F4I-HJSHdo4-00855-00180035-00181350 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00000-00000005-00000671 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00001-00000672-00000828 so F6QTno9Itq8-00002-00000830-00002102 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00003-00002103-00002270 do you think F6QTno9Itq8-00004-00002271-00003590 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00005-00003592-00003822 so F6QTno9Itq8-00006-00003824-00004999 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00007-00005000-00005150 so F6QTno9Itq8-00008-00005151-00006446 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00009-00006447-00006590 do F6QTno9Itq8-00010-00006591-00007915 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00011-00007916-00010591 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00012-00010592-00010922 so F6QTno9Itq8-00013-00010923-00011702 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00014-00011703-00014388 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00015-00014390-00014783 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00016-00014784-00015230 so F6QTno9Itq8-00017-00015231-00016113 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00018-00016115-00016286 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00019-00016287-00017629 so F6QTno9Itq8-00020-00017630-00019911 [Music] F6QTno9Itq8-00021-00019912-00020120 you F85sPz3qyOg-00000-00001832-00001918 aloha F85sPz3qyOg-00001-00001919-00002223 youtube this is your boy crypto roots F85sPz3qyOg-00002-00002224-00002375 and i'm back at it again F85sPz3qyOg-00003-00002376-00002607 with moto crypto game if F85sPz3qyOg-00004-00002608-00002775 you need the crypto mentorship if you F85sPz3qyOg-00005-00002776-00002926 want to learn more about blockchain F85sPz3qyOg-00006-00002927-00003102 decentralization cryptocurrency F85sPz3qyOg-00007-00003103-00003286 decentralized finance F85sPz3qyOg-00008-00003288-00003511 hit shiboya crypto roots at protonmail F85sPz3qyOg-00009-00003511-00003727 if you need a monero crypto miner for F85sPz3qyOg-00010-00003728-00003822 your cpu F85sPz3qyOg-00011-00003823-00004063 i got you hit me up if you need an F85sPz3qyOg-00012-00004064-00004238 ethereum domain name for your wallet i F85sPz3qyOg-00013-00004239-00004375 got you if you need a centralized F85sPz3qyOg-00014-00004376-00004502 website i got you if you need a F85sPz3qyOg-00015-00004503-00004670 multi-sig wallet for your family a F85sPz3qyOg-00016-00004671-00004822 business account i got you F85sPz3qyOg-00017-00004823-00004999 please forgive the chicken noises in the F85sPz3qyOg-00018-00005000-00005206 background i live in the jungle on a F85sPz3qyOg-00019-00005207-00005302 chicken farm F85sPz3qyOg-00020-00005303-00005502 and there are hella chickens and F85sPz3qyOg-00021-00005503-00005783 it's kind of early in the morning F85sPz3qyOg-00022-00005784-00006095 right people we back at it again i got F85sPz3qyOg-00023-00006096-00006254 another crypto gym F85sPz3qyOg-00024-00006255-00006614 potential crypto gym that i invested in F85sPz3qyOg-00025-00006615-00006855 and i took some time to do a bit more F85sPz3qyOg-00026-00006856-00007014 research i even had to talk to the F85sPz3qyOg-00027-00007015-00007239 developers and ask a few questions F85sPz3qyOg-00028-00007240-00007510 to uh really see um you know dig a F85sPz3qyOg-00029-00007511-00007614 little deeper F85sPz3qyOg-00030-00007615-00007806 and you know so far i feel pretty F85sPz3qyOg-00031-00007808-00008031 confident so i invested in i'm looking F85sPz3qyOg-00032-00008031-00008167 to invest more and i just want to share F85sPz3qyOg-00033-00008168-00008327 this project with you F85sPz3qyOg-00034-00008328-00008759 um i think it's very crucial that F85sPz3qyOg-00035-00008760-00008951 we catch these first of all crypto gyms F85sPz3qyOg-00036-00008952-00009214 early and that these gems are actually F85sPz3qyOg-00037-00009215-00009383 adding on and bringing benefit to the F85sPz3qyOg-00038-00009384-00009551 crypto community as a whole F85sPz3qyOg-00039-00009552-00009783 that they're not trying to copy or do F85sPz3qyOg-00040-00009784-00009910 the same thing or like F85sPz3qyOg-00041-00009911-00010119 you know so i like the the cryptos that F85sPz3qyOg-00042-00010120-00010246 are doing something new but it's F85sPz3qyOg-00043-00010247-00010455 absolutely needed and necessary F85sPz3qyOg-00044-00010456-00010855 and so that's why i invested in F85sPz3qyOg-00045-00010856-00011206 dether all right dth because your boy F85sPz3qyOg-00046-00011207-00011383 crypto was always on top of this F85sPz3qyOg-00047-00011384-00011599 crypto game i'm telling F85sPz3qyOg-00048-00011600-00011655 you F85sPz3qyOg-00049-00011656-00011951 i'm just on fire right now all F85sPz3qyOg-00050-00011952-00011999 right F85sPz3qyOg-00051-00012000-00012431 so dether if we look up dether F85sPz3qyOg-00052-00012432-00012783 my bad should have had this page loaded F85sPz3qyOg-00053-00012784-00013007 right it's already is that two cents so F85sPz3qyOg-00054-00013008-00013191 i'm not paying yeah it's cheap it's F85sPz3qyOg-00055-00013191-00013263 cheap F85sPz3qyOg-00056-00013263-00013479 but what value does it bring so all F85sPz3qyOg-00057-00013480-00013703 right it's erc20 token F85sPz3qyOg-00058-00013704-00013983 uh on the ethereum blockchain right it F85sPz3qyOg-00059-00013984-00014127 doesn't have a max supply F85sPz3qyOg-00060-00014128-00014375 okay okay all right it's still a small F85sPz3qyOg-00061-00014376-00014455 cap gym F85sPz3qyOg-00062-00014456-00014630 in my opinion now if we go to the F85sPz3qyOg-00063-00014631-00014791 website what is this F85sPz3qyOg-00064-00014791-00015103 it's an ethereum on-ramp and off-ramp F85sPz3qyOg-00065-00015104-00015383 from your cash to ethereum what are you F85sPz3qyOg-00066-00015384-00015511 talking about F85sPz3qyOg-00067-00015512-00015871 you literally become a pos a point of F85sPz3qyOg-00068-00015872-00015950 sale F85sPz3qyOg-00069-00015951-00016303 okay you can sell your cash for ethereum F85sPz3qyOg-00070-00016304-00016655 now let me explain to you why i think F85sPz3qyOg-00071-00016656-00016767 this is so dope F85sPz3qyOg-00072-00016768-00016943 but i'm gonna leave all the links in the F85sPz3qyOg-00073-00016944-00017135 description why i feel like this is F85sPz3qyOg-00074-00017136-00017343 could potentially be a great investment F85sPz3qyOg-00075-00017344-00017455 so F85sPz3qyOg-00076-00017456-00017686 what is deather app the dether app is F85sPz3qyOg-00077-00017687-00017894 your decentralized mobile application to F85sPz3qyOg-00078-00017895-00018071 buy and sell if F85sPz3qyOg-00079-00018072-00018375 locally with cash no bank account needed F85sPz3qyOg-00080-00018376-00018655 and no fees taken by us already ching F85sPz3qyOg-00081-00018656-00018894 ching no bank account no kfyc F85sPz3qyOg-00082-00018895-00019111 and they ain't taking no fees i'm F85sPz3qyOg-00083-00019112-00019294 already on board the centralized mobile F85sPz3qyOg-00084-00019295-00019335 app F85sPz3qyOg-00085-00019336-00019535 i'm already on board holla at me let me F85sPz3qyOg-00086-00019536-00019758 know fill me in with some old F85sPz3qyOg-00087-00019759-00020071 uh first launch on test net is in 2017 F85sPz3qyOg-00088-00020072-00020214 all right they've been in the game a few F85sPz3qyOg-00089-00020215-00020471 years the dether app creates a direct F85sPz3qyOg-00090-00020472-00020678 bridge between cash and ether F85sPz3qyOg-00091-00020679-00020855 with the stable release we have build a F85sPz3qyOg-00092-00020856-00021014 frictionless solution for individuals F85sPz3qyOg-00093-00021015-00021199 willing to trade crypto with others F85sPz3qyOg-00094-00021200-00021350 all right what can you do with the death F85sPz3qyOg-00095-00021351-00021543 app you can build your crypto portfolio F85sPz3qyOg-00096-00021544-00021599 so now F85sPz3qyOg-00097-00021600-00021822 it's it's a crypto wallet just in itself F85sPz3qyOg-00098-00021823-00021935 all right but F85sPz3qyOg-00099-00021936-00022183 you can buy you can use cash to purchase F85sPz3qyOg-00100-00022184-00022439 ethereum or any erc20 token F85sPz3qyOg-00101-00022440-00022655 in over 140 countries which i'm going to F85sPz3qyOg-00102-00022656-00022767 discuss later F85sPz3qyOg-00103-00022768-00023039 all right so you can sell cryptocurrency F85sPz3qyOg-00104-00023040-00023143 so you can tone your F85sPz3qyOg-00105-00023144-00023422 turn your phone into a mobile crypto atm F85sPz3qyOg-00106-00023423-00023599 and make money for it bro F85sPz3qyOg-00107-00023600-00023791 that's i'm all about that game i'm all F85sPz3qyOg-00108-00023792-00024014 about that making money online F85sPz3qyOg-00109-00024015-00024230 making money as i go and making money F85sPz3qyOg-00110-00024231-00024367 from my cell phone F85sPz3qyOg-00111-00024368-00024542 i currently already do that and i'm F85sPz3qyOg-00112-00024543-00024727 looking to level up and this may be F85sPz3qyOg-00113-00024728-00024807 potentially F85sPz3qyOg-00114-00024808-00025039 a good thing in the future right you can F85sPz3qyOg-00115-00025040-00025191 exchange crypto in a decentralized F85sPz3qyOg-00116-00025192-00025255 exchange so F85sPz3qyOg-00117-00025256-00025550 you can use it to swap erc 20 tokens and F85sPz3qyOg-00118-00025551-00025662 uh you can locate F85sPz3qyOg-00119-00025663-00025894 crypto shops around you all right as a F85sPz3qyOg-00120-00025895-00026070 means of payment so you can find shops F85sPz3qyOg-00121-00026072-00026255 that are willing to sell ethereum F85sPz3qyOg-00122-00026256-00026399 straight up you can just go and not want F85sPz3qyOg-00123-00026400-00026551 to buy any groceries i just want to buy F85sPz3qyOg-00124-00026552-00026631 some ethereum F85sPz3qyOg-00125-00026632-00026790 and you found that on on the map all F85sPz3qyOg-00126-00026791-00027023 right now here's the dope thing F85sPz3qyOg-00127-00027024-00027446 you can also own land you can own land F85sPz3qyOg-00128-00027447-00027639 what i'm saying is is you can buy the F85sPz3qyOg-00129-00027639-00027814 block F85sPz3qyOg-00130-00027816-00028031 you can buy up the block and once you F85sPz3qyOg-00131-00028032-00028231 buy up the block the zoning is based on F85sPz3qyOg-00132-00028232-00028390 geo hash all right F85sPz3qyOg-00133-00028391-00028631 geo hash coordinates all right that is F85sPz3qyOg-00134-00028632-00028855 uh putting on a smart contract so F85sPz3qyOg-00135-00028856-00029079 it has the geo hash location of the F85sPz3qyOg-00136-00029080-00029231 whole world and they're able to divide F85sPz3qyOg-00137-00029232-00029318 it in little F85sPz3qyOg-00138-00029319-00029599 sections and you can purchase uh F85sPz3qyOg-00139-00029600-00029751 purchase a block F85sPz3qyOg-00140-00029752-00030062 now that's the cool thing so F85sPz3qyOg-00141-00030063-00030287 i'm always looking for uh new F85sPz3qyOg-00142-00030288-00030487 investments in virtual real estate F85sPz3qyOg-00143-00030488-00030735 especially with uh decentralized ethers F85sPz3qyOg-00144-00030736-00030918 i'm always looking for a way to get F85sPz3qyOg-00145-00030919-00031023 ahead of the game F85sPz3qyOg-00146-00031024-00031174 to own some real estate and there's F85sPz3qyOg-00147-00031175-00031335 different forms of real estate F85sPz3qyOg-00148-00031336-00031567 to own other than just physical land so F85sPz3qyOg-00149-00031568-00031687 you can virtually F85sPz3qyOg-00150-00031688-00032111 own this block and what happens is F85sPz3qyOg-00151-00032112-00032423 is that you can it'll you'll be the only F85sPz3qyOg-00152-00032424-00032614 person selling ethereum that'll show up F85sPz3qyOg-00153-00032616-00032718 on the app F85sPz3qyOg-00154-00032719-00033031 so if somebody uh somebody wants to F85sPz3qyOg-00155-00033032-00033246 buy ethereum and that on that block they F85sPz3qyOg-00156-00033247-00033390 get pull up the app F85sPz3qyOg-00157-00033391-00033671 right and then so it operates like the F85sPz3qyOg-00158-00033672-00033839 uh hedgehog's F85sPz3qyOg-00159-00033840-00034039 hedgehog tax all right sorry about that F85sPz3qyOg-00160-00034040-00034199 it's a lot of information but it has to F85sPz3qyOg-00161-00034200-00034367 do with history and taxes F85sPz3qyOg-00162-00034368-00034662 essentially you own a zone geohash all F85sPz3qyOg-00163-00034663-00034711 right F85sPz3qyOg-00164-00034712-00034887 you pay licensing fees so you got to F85sPz3qyOg-00165-00034888-00035055 stake some dth F85sPz3qyOg-00166-00035056-00035239 in order to let them know like you for F85sPz3qyOg-00167-00035240-00035390 real like you really want to buy this F85sPz3qyOg-00168-00035391-00035423 right F85sPz3qyOg-00169-00035424-00035574 and then you got to pay taxes on the F85sPz3qyOg-00170-00035575-00035743 land you own right and then F85sPz3qyOg-00171-00035744-00035974 you're the zone owner all right uh an F85sPz3qyOg-00172-00035975-00036143 address which owns in the zona smart F85sPz3qyOg-00173-00036144-00036262 contract address has F85sPz3qyOg-00174-00036263-00036455 staked the licensing fees ownership F85sPz3qyOg-00175-00036456-00036646 benefits all right so the zone owner F85sPz3qyOg-00176-00036647-00036807 benefits when you own a zone F85sPz3qyOg-00177-00036808-00037007 the insurance of being the only seller F85sPz3qyOg-00178-00037008-00037143 present in that zone this is my F85sPz3qyOg-00179-00037144-00037262 block F85sPz3qyOg-00180-00037263-00037479 you will not show up you cannot sell F85sPz3qyOg-00181-00037480-00037695 etho my block homie F85sPz3qyOg-00182-00037696-00037902 the possibility of renting space to F85sPz3qyOg-00183-00037903-00038039 shops accepting crypto F85sPz3qyOg-00184-00038040-00038199 so you can rent that out you'd be like F85sPz3qyOg-00185-00038200-00038367 this is my block but if you want to sell F85sPz3qyOg-00186-00038368-00038527 ethereum you got to pay me F85sPz3qyOg-00187-00038528-00038702 right you can rent you can sell F85sPz3qyOg-00188-00038703-00038862 different you can own a block F85sPz3qyOg-00189-00038863-00039102 right and then different shops can be F85sPz3qyOg-00190-00039103-00039183 like yo F85sPz3qyOg-00191-00039184-00039351 i'll pay you to sell ethereum so you F85sPz3qyOg-00192-00039352-00039511 like collecting fees kind of like F85sPz3qyOg-00193-00039512-00039702 extortion fees in some way or taxes F85sPz3qyOg-00194-00039703-00039823 from all the people that are selling F85sPz3qyOg-00195-00039824-00040030 ethereum on your blog so F85sPz3qyOg-00196-00040031-00040215 how to own a zone i'll leave all these F85sPz3qyOg-00197-00040216-00040351 links in the description i'm just kind F85sPz3qyOg-00198-00040352-00040502 of giving you a rough overview F85sPz3qyOg-00199-00040503-00040702 but literally you can own this and then F85sPz3qyOg-00200-00040703-00040839 you'll be the only seller and then you F85sPz3qyOg-00201-00040840-00041007 can rent that out and have other sellers F85sPz3qyOg-00202-00041008-00041111 work for you F85sPz3qyOg-00203-00041112-00041495 right so also they have a reputation F85sPz3qyOg-00204-00041496-00041574 system F85sPz3qyOg-00205-00041575-00041751 so because now they also have F85sPz3qyOg-00206-00041752-00041951 peer-to-peer messaging apps so now you F85sPz3qyOg-00207-00041952-00041999 can be F85sPz3qyOg-00208-00042000-00042311 a reputable seller all right so you now F85sPz3qyOg-00209-00042312-00042383 you know why F85sPz3qyOg-00210-00042384-00042615 why have a reputation system help keeps F85sPz3qyOg-00211-00042616-00042807 users safe a rating system and reviews F85sPz3qyOg-00212-00042808-00042846 helps F85sPz3qyOg-00213-00042847-00043079 identify serious sellers and shops just F85sPz3qyOg-00214-00043080-00043174 like any other market F85sPz3qyOg-00215-00043175-00043423 just like any marketplace users can have F85sPz3qyOg-00216-00043424-00043551 a greater peace of mind knowing the F85sPz3qyOg-00217-00043552-00043679 seller has good reviews F85sPz3qyOg-00218-00043680-00043879 so instead of just really just randomly F85sPz3qyOg-00219-00043880-00044015 buying off somebody who probably you F85sPz3qyOg-00220-00044016-00044151 know stab you or somebody F85sPz3qyOg-00221-00044152-00044318 or something you could just have F85sPz3qyOg-00222-00044319-00044583 verified users or reputations just like F85sPz3qyOg-00223-00044584-00044695 uber you know so F85sPz3qyOg-00224-00044696-00044902 you can feel a bit safer transacting F85sPz3qyOg-00225-00044903-00045007 with these people because their F85sPz3qyOg-00226-00045008-00045151 reputations on the blockchain F85sPz3qyOg-00227-00045152-00045302 provides an environment for serious F85sPz3qyOg-00228-00045303-00045502 traders so uh you got a stake to be F85sPz3qyOg-00229-00045503-00045639 there so you you already know these F85sPz3qyOg-00230-00045640-00045790 people are serious and they're invested F85sPz3qyOg-00231-00045791-00045895 in what they're going to do F85sPz3qyOg-00232-00045896-00046102 before they make a buyer make a sell all F85sPz3qyOg-00233-00046103-00046374 right so gross sellers trade networks by F85sPz3qyOg-00234-00046375-00046574 amassing positive feedback the more F85sPz3qyOg-00235-00046575-00046662 feedback that F85sPz3qyOg-00236-00046663-00046879 the more networks and referrals you get F85sPz3qyOg-00237-00046880-00047071 so the reputation system is a big F85sPz3qyOg-00238-00047072-00047246 upgrade to this app F85sPz3qyOg-00239-00047247-00047535 now they also have all so not only that F85sPz3qyOg-00240-00047536-00047623 you can uh F85sPz3qyOg-00241-00047624-00047902 add any or any erc20 so you you don't F85sPz3qyOg-00242-00047903-00048046 just have to sell ethereum you could F85sPz3qyOg-00243-00048047-00048127 sell bat F85sPz3qyOg-00244-00048128-00048327 you could sell ocean you could sell rwa F85sPz3qyOg-00245-00048328-00048615 you could hustle any erc20 token dude F85sPz3qyOg-00246-00048616-00048790 and it does the background on F85sPz3qyOg-00247-00048791-00048967 uniswap um F85sPz3qyOg-00248-00048968-00049118 with you you don't even have to worry F85sPz3qyOg-00249-00049119-00049295 about all that but seriously F85sPz3qyOg-00250-00049296-00049551 this is why this is what we need in my F85sPz3qyOg-00251-00049552-00049686 opinion F85sPz3qyOg-00252-00049687-00049990 for um crypto mass adoption F85sPz3qyOg-00253-00049991-00050190 not everyone can get a bank account like F85sPz3qyOg-00254-00050191-00050367 straight up like i live in mexico and F85sPz3qyOg-00255-00050368-00050527 trying to bring that up it's like F85sPz3qyOg-00256-00050528-00050783 no people only use cash straight up and F85sPz3qyOg-00257-00050784-00051039 this is india china like a lot of places F85sPz3qyOg-00258-00051040-00051382 they mainly use cash so why skip the F85sPz3qyOg-00259-00051383-00051575 banks and skip the kyc and skip the F85sPz3qyOg-00260-00051576-00051702 exchanges do F85sPz3qyOg-00261-00051703-00052023 like be able to on board people to this F85sPz3qyOg-00262-00052024-00052175 ethereum ecosystem F85sPz3qyOg-00263-00052176-00052407 straight off the streets and let people F85sPz3qyOg-00264-00052408-00052559 know about this and like F85sPz3qyOg-00265-00052560-00052750 you this is how you bring on mass F85sPz3qyOg-00266-00052751-00052942 adoption in my opinion this is where you F85sPz3qyOg-00267-00052944-00053103 get in the streets F85sPz3qyOg-00268-00053104-00053391 and then start really educating people F85sPz3qyOg-00269-00053391-00053503 download this app F85sPz3qyOg-00270-00053504-00053750 uh you know and then within an hour or F85sPz3qyOg-00271-00053751-00053894 two they can be fully on board in F85sPz3qyOg-00272-00053895-00053950 exchange F85sPz3qyOg-00273-00053951-00054182 have a new source or a new viable source F85sPz3qyOg-00274-00054183-00054335 of income once they start teaching F85sPz3qyOg-00275-00054336-00054430 people about it F85sPz3qyOg-00276-00054432-00054647 so this is why i think death is F85sPz3qyOg-00277-00054648-00054830 potentially great investment it's still F85sPz3qyOg-00278-00054832-00054926 really cheap F85sPz3qyOg-00279-00054927-00055142 um i'm invested in it and i'm investing F85sPz3qyOg-00280-00055144-00055230 in the uh F85sPz3qyOg-00281-00055232-00055582 in the the liquidity pools sorry and F85sPz3qyOg-00282-00055583-00055766 i'm gonna leave a l i'm gonna show you F85sPz3qyOg-00283-00055767-00055942 the app they also have an app it's a F85sPz3qyOg-00284-00055944-00056135 progressive web app so it's not a native F85sPz3qyOg-00285-00056136-00056166 app F85sPz3qyOg-00286-00056167-00056423 so it's a little different now before i F85sPz3qyOg-00287-00056424-00056535 head out and i'm gonna show you the F85sPz3qyOg-00288-00056536-00056582 video F85sPz3qyOg-00289-00056583-00056935 there are some cons that i'm gonna F85sPz3qyOg-00290-00056936-00056982 mention F85sPz3qyOg-00291-00056983-00057382 okay so the con the biggest con to me F85sPz3qyOg-00292-00057383-00057671 is that on the front end app through the F85sPz3qyOg-00293-00057672-00057791 app F85sPz3qyOg-00294-00057791-00058119 i tried to want to buy a block in l.a F85sPz3qyOg-00295-00058120-00058247 you know i'm like i'm looking at prime F85sPz3qyOg-00296-00058248-00058447 time right you F85sPz3qyOg-00297-00058448-00058703 per you cannot purchase a block you F85sPz3qyOg-00298-00058704-00058935 can't purchase any land in america F85sPz3qyOg-00299-00058936-00059238 through the front end act i was very F85sPz3qyOg-00300-00059239-00059494 very disappointed they said over 140 F85sPz3qyOg-00301-00059495-00059615 countries i'm like yo if this is F85sPz3qyOg-00302-00059616-00059719 decentralized F85sPz3qyOg-00303-00059720-00060030 why does it matter well i talked to the F85sPz3qyOg-00304-00060032-00060223 developers and they said F85sPz3qyOg-00305-00060224-00060526 you can still buy land but you have to F85sPz3qyOg-00306-00060527-00060671 buy it through the smart contract F85sPz3qyOg-00307-00060672-00060775 protocol F85sPz3qyOg-00308-00060776-00061071 the lawyer advised them not to promote F85sPz3qyOg-00309-00061072-00061126 it F85sPz3qyOg-00310-00061127-00061430 on their front end website due to legal F85sPz3qyOg-00311-00061432-00061663 legal uh you know ramifications that F85sPz3qyOg-00312-00061664-00061799 they were advised not to post F85sPz3qyOg-00313-00061800-00061999 it but behind the scenes you can F85sPz3qyOg-00314-00062000-00062126 actually still own it F85sPz3qyOg-00315-00062127-00062254 through the smart contract because F85sPz3qyOg-00316-00062255-00062447 that's actually decentralized F85sPz3qyOg-00317-00062448-00062750 now so that was a con and uh F85sPz3qyOg-00318-00062751-00062935 sooner if they really want to get this F85sPz3qyOg-00319-00062936-00063094 really going they're going to have to F85sPz3qyOg-00320-00063095-00063335 be able to let people buy land in F85sPz3qyOg-00321-00063336-00063406 america F85sPz3qyOg-00322-00063407-00063606 through the front end app and not have F85sPz3qyOg-00323-00063607-00063759 to do all technical from the F85sPz3qyOg-00324-00063760-00063935 back end but who knows other projects F85sPz3qyOg-00325-00063936-00064166 can come out with that uh to do that F85sPz3qyOg-00326-00064167-00064391 but they're trying to avoid any any F85sPz3qyOg-00327-00064391-00064566 legal going on so F85sPz3qyOg-00328-00064567-00064735 that that is something to keep out for F85sPz3qyOg-00329-00064736-00064879 but that could be improved F85sPz3qyOg-00330-00064879-00065135 second is that the progressive web app F85sPz3qyOg-00331-00065136-00065326 is still a bit slow and it's still a bit F85sPz3qyOg-00332-00065327-00065415 clunky F85sPz3qyOg-00333-00065416-00065606 but i do appreciate the fact that they F85sPz3qyOg-00334-00065607-00065759 have a working product F85sPz3qyOg-00335-00065760-00065935 the fact that they have a working F85sPz3qyOg-00336-00065936-00066215 product i do appreciate and respect F85sPz3qyOg-00337-00066216-00066415 so you could already take advantage of F85sPz3qyOg-00338-00066416-00066567 this technology right now F85sPz3qyOg-00339-00066568-00066799 and i feel with the reputation system F85sPz3qyOg-00340-00066800-00067006 with the erc20 tokens like F85sPz3qyOg-00341-00067007-00067143 with the way things are going with F85sPz3qyOg-00342-00067144-00067367 ethereum this could really take off F85sPz3qyOg-00343-00067368-00067663 and it has a lot of potential um and F85sPz3qyOg-00344-00067664-00067726 it's been F85sPz3qyOg-00345-00067727-00067871 in my opinion i'm just letting you guys F85sPz3qyOg-00346-00067872-00068063 know about it you know that F85sPz3qyOg-00347-00068064-00068287 this could really go up so uh highlight F85sPz3qyOg-00348-00068288-00068438 your boy crypto roots for the mentorship F85sPz3qyOg-00349-00068439-00068519 i'm gonna leave F85sPz3qyOg-00350-00068520-00068823 a video uh that i recorded on my phone F85sPz3qyOg-00351-00068824-00068982 that's showing you the app a little bit F85sPz3qyOg-00352-00068983-00069126 alright so F85sPz3qyOg-00353-00069127-00069367 just put you on a game much love check F85sPz3qyOg-00354-00069368-00069471 out dth F85sPz3qyOg-00355-00069472-00069767 coin gecko uh and make cop a little bit F85sPz3qyOg-00356-00069768-00069855 still cheap so F85sPz3qyOg-00358-00079712-00079920 you F8QPVWohyeg-00000-00000096-00000318 with the launch one after F8QPVWohyeg-00001-00000319-00000647 another of the sub-orbital flights F8QPVWohyeg-00002-00000648-00001015 of virgin galactic and blue origin F8QPVWohyeg-00003-00001016-00001319 respectively of richard branson F8QPVWohyeg-00004-00001320-00001702 and jeff bezos there has been a lot of F8QPVWohyeg-00005-00001703-00002014 online and offline conversations F8QPVWohyeg-00006-00002016-00002350 around how society should F8QPVWohyeg-00007-00002351-00002710 look at these initiatives positively F8QPVWohyeg-00008-00002711-00003126 or negatively they do represent F8QPVWohyeg-00009-00003127-00003486 a good example to evaluate F8QPVWohyeg-00010-00003488-00003815 the interactions and the implications F8QPVWohyeg-00011-00003815-00004159 of allocating private wealth F8QPVWohyeg-00012-00004160-00004702 of driving common policy F8QPVWohyeg-00013-00004703-00004902 and that is what we are going to talk F8QPVWohyeg-00014-00004903-00005135 about today F8QPVWohyeg-00015-00005136-00005438 my name is david orban and this is the F8QPVWohyeg-00016-00005439-00005567 context F8QPVWohyeg-00017-00005568-00005929 season 4 episode 7 F8QPVWohyeg-00018-00005930-00006623 [Music] F8QPVWohyeg-00019-00006623-00006919 space exploration is fascinating and for F8QPVWohyeg-00020-00006920-00007055 many decades F8QPVWohyeg-00021-00007056-00007367 it was the exclusive purvey of F8QPVWohyeg-00022-00007368-00007703 nation states with the end of the cold F8QPVWohyeg-00023-00007704-00007846 war F8QPVWohyeg-00024-00007847-00008174 when the soviet union on one side F8QPVWohyeg-00025-00008175-00008614 and the united states on the other F8QPVWohyeg-00026-00008615-00008983 agreed to collaborate on the F8QPVWohyeg-00027-00008984-00009359 next generation space station F8QPVWohyeg-00028-00009360-00009719 the iss F8QPVWohyeg-00029-00009720-00010078 space tourism started F8QPVWohyeg-00030-00010079-00010383 not right away but for F8QPVWohyeg-00031-00010384-00010719 many years american F8QPVWohyeg-00032-00010720-00011071 entrepreneurs i remember specifically F8QPVWohyeg-00033-00011072-00011438 talking to bert rutan the F8QPVWohyeg-00034-00011439-00011791 inventor of the space F8QPVWohyeg-00035-00011792-00012303 plane today we call virgin galactic F8QPVWohyeg-00036-00012304-00012638 was complaining that F8QPVWohyeg-00037-00012639-00012983 the russians were better capitalists F8QPVWohyeg-00038-00012984-00013303 than the americans because you could buy F8QPVWohyeg-00039-00013304-00013703 a ticket to space from them F8QPVWohyeg-00040-00013704-00014135 and you couldn't buy it from nasa F8QPVWohyeg-00041-00014136-00014486 for many years uh F8QPVWohyeg-00042-00014487-00014894 you could spend between 10 and 20 F8QPVWohyeg-00043-00014895-00015079 million dollars and then the russians F8QPVWohyeg-00044-00015080-00015207 doubled the price F8QPVWohyeg-00045-00015208-00015583 2 to 40 million dollars and more F8QPVWohyeg-00046-00015584-00015903 in order to go to space and F8QPVWohyeg-00047-00015904-00016111 uh spend about a week on the F8QPVWohyeg-00048-00016112-00016335 international space station F8QPVWohyeg-00049-00016336-00016663 after a year's training in F8QPVWohyeg-00050-00016664-00017030 baikonur kazakhstan F8QPVWohyeg-00051-00017031-00017399 now this was done F8QPVWohyeg-00052-00017400-00017935 overall by very few people F8QPVWohyeg-00053-00017936-00018339 one of them the F8QPVWohyeg-00054-00018340-00018655 hungarian-american entrepreneur F8QPVWohyeg-00055-00018656-00019047 uh george somaji actually went F8QPVWohyeg-00056-00019048-00019399 twice but F8QPVWohyeg-00057-00019400-00019822 in total a handful of people F8QPVWohyeg-00058-00019823-00020311 however a little more than 10 years ago F8QPVWohyeg-00059-00020312-00020622 the effort started F8QPVWohyeg-00060-00020623-00021086 to develop companies F8QPVWohyeg-00061-00021087-00021414 besides the prime F8QPVWohyeg-00062-00021415-00021727 contractors of the F8QPVWohyeg-00063-00021728-00022055 nation-states space organizations F8QPVWohyeg-00064-00022056-00022550 boeing and lockheed on the american side F8QPVWohyeg-00065-00022551-00022943 ross cosmos on the and energia F8QPVWohyeg-00066-00022944-00023286 on the russian side F8QPVWohyeg-00067-00023287-00023599 and these private companies F8QPVWohyeg-00068-00023600-00023950 were aiming to do more F8QPVWohyeg-00069-00023951-00024263 than launch satellites they were F8QPVWohyeg-00070-00024264-00024622 aiming to bring space travel F8QPVWohyeg-00071-00024623-00024958 to many many more people F8QPVWohyeg-00072-00024959-00025367 hundreds thousands possibly millions F8QPVWohyeg-00073-00025368-00025711 or why not billions of people F8QPVWohyeg-00074-00025712-00026094 spacex is on the side in this because F8QPVWohyeg-00075-00026095-00026455 rather than space tourism F8QPVWohyeg-00076-00026456-00026683 part of the fundamental mission of F8QPVWohyeg-00077-00026683-00026831 spacex is F8QPVWohyeg-00078-00026832-00027143 colonizing mars and F8QPVWohyeg-00079-00027144-00027446 whether they will succeed or not it F8QPVWohyeg-00080-00027447-00027935 definitely means that they will not F8QPVWohyeg-00081-00027936-00028287 get distracted by F8QPVWohyeg-00082-00028288-00028743 bringing people in short F8QPVWohyeg-00083-00028744-00029127 entertainment rides F8QPVWohyeg-00084-00029127-00029462 on the other hand it is very much part F8QPVWohyeg-00085-00029463-00029951 of virgin galactics and blue origins F8QPVWohyeg-00086-00029952-00030335 business model both F8QPVWohyeg-00087-00030336-00030670 are a particular type of F8QPVWohyeg-00088-00030672-00031151 space company that rather than F8QPVWohyeg-00089-00031152-00031487 bringing people or satellites in F8QPVWohyeg-00090-00031488-00031958 orbit at least for the moment F8QPVWohyeg-00091-00031960-00032279 achieve the trajectories F8QPVWohyeg-00092-00032280-00032558 that do not complete an orbit around F8QPVWohyeg-00093-00032560-00032614 earth F8QPVWohyeg-00094-00032616-00033023 or more but after going F8QPVWohyeg-00095-00033024-00033479 up for about 100 kilometers F8QPVWohyeg-00096-00033480-00033855 they immediately go down and then F8QPVWohyeg-00097-00033856-00034159 land respectively uh F8QPVWohyeg-00098-00034160-00034615 virgin galactic as a as a plane F8QPVWohyeg-00099-00034616-00034798 on a runway and F8QPVWohyeg-00100-00034799-00034918 [Music] F8QPVWohyeg-00101-00034919-00035255 blue origin with F8QPVWohyeg-00102-00035256-00035599 the more traditional F8QPVWohyeg-00103-00035600-00035902 parachutes as far as the F8QPVWohyeg-00104-00035903-00036223 capsule bringing the human F8QPVWohyeg-00105-00036224-00036583 is concerned and the F8QPVWohyeg-00106-00036584-00036815 rocket thruster in the case of blue F8QPVWohyeg-00107-00036816-00036935 origin F8QPVWohyeg-00108-00036936-00037271 is capable of vertical F8QPVWohyeg-00109-00037272-00037711 landing so F8QPVWohyeg-00110-00037712-00038030 one of the questions around F8QPVWohyeg-00111-00038031-00038407 it is whether F8QPVWohyeg-00112-00038408-00038774 the billionaires funding these companies F8QPVWohyeg-00113-00038775-00039151 should do something else F8QPVWohyeg-00114-00039152-00039487 and a lot of people complaining about F8QPVWohyeg-00115-00039488-00039574 the fact F8QPVWohyeg-00116-00039575-00039879 that this money is F8QPVWohyeg-00117-00039880-00040295 wasted and it should be instead invested F8QPVWohyeg-00118-00040296-00040767 in eradicating hunger or poverty F8QPVWohyeg-00119-00040768-00041095 in my opinion have a F8QPVWohyeg-00120-00041096-00041527 complex relationship that that F8QPVWohyeg-00121-00041528-00041990 is is very important to explore F8QPVWohyeg-00122-00041991-00042271 but they haven't completed at least F8QPVWohyeg-00123-00042272-00042446 their exploration F8QPVWohyeg-00124-00042447-00042799 around these topics certainly F8QPVWohyeg-00125-00042800-00043111 uh hunger and poverty and F8QPVWohyeg-00126-00043112-00043455 and women's rights and a thousand F8QPVWohyeg-00127-00043456-00043823 other very important um F8QPVWohyeg-00128-00043824-00044118 challenges in in today's society around F8QPVWohyeg-00129-00044119-00044207 the world F8QPVWohyeg-00130-00044208-00044567 deserve attention and F8QPVWohyeg-00131-00044568-00044883 yes these deserve attention from F8QPVWohyeg-00132-00044884-00044999 billionaires F8QPVWohyeg-00133-00045000-00045327 as much as from people who have F8QPVWohyeg-00134-00045328-00045607 maybe no money but a lot of passion to F8QPVWohyeg-00135-00045608-00045799 give a lot of talent to dedicate F8QPVWohyeg-00136-00045800-00046111 to solving these and they can be F8QPVWohyeg-00137-00046112-00046295 entrepreneurs they can be F8QPVWohyeg-00138-00046296-00046535 investors they can be teachers and F8QPVWohyeg-00139-00046536-00046655 educators F8QPVWohyeg-00140-00046656-00047055 policy makers or people who have F8QPVWohyeg-00141-00047056-00047383 the muscle power of digging a well in F8QPVWohyeg-00142-00047384-00047702 in africa and coordinating the effort F8QPVWohyeg-00143-00047703-00048046 on the ground um now F8QPVWohyeg-00144-00048047-00048502 the principle of a given group of people F8QPVWohyeg-00145-00048503-00048799 telling another group of people what F8QPVWohyeg-00146-00048800-00048839 they F8QPVWohyeg-00147-00048840-00049230 should or shouldn't do is um F8QPVWohyeg-00148-00049231-00049599 a a a very old principle F8QPVWohyeg-00149-00049600-00049943 and uh depending on the number F8QPVWohyeg-00150-00049944-00050279 of uh the first or the second group F8QPVWohyeg-00151-00050280-00050567 well it is in any case a kind of a F8QPVWohyeg-00152-00050568-00050727 dictatorship F8QPVWohyeg-00153-00050728-00051079 so i am of the opinion that F8QPVWohyeg-00154-00051080-00051407 we can make F8QPVWohyeg-00155-00051408-00051790 certain goals and certain efforts F8QPVWohyeg-00156-00051791-00052207 popular and by making them popular F8QPVWohyeg-00157-00052208-00052423 they will attract the attention a lot of F8QPVWohyeg-00158-00052424-00052519 people F8QPVWohyeg-00159-00052520-00052807 they will attract resources and F8QPVWohyeg-00160-00052808-00052871 hopefully F8QPVWohyeg-00161-00052872-00053271 they will be solved hunger for example F8QPVWohyeg-00162-00053272-00053599 in most places in the world today F8QPVWohyeg-00163-00053600-00053926 is solved whenever there is hunger F8QPVWohyeg-00164-00053927-00054254 is not a question of a lack of food F8QPVWohyeg-00165-00054255-00054575 it is a question of lack of F8QPVWohyeg-00166-00054576-00054847 appropriate logistics lack of F8QPVWohyeg-00167-00054848-00054942 appropriate F8QPVWohyeg-00168-00054944-00055279 policy or actually the F8QPVWohyeg-00169-00055279-00055630 destruction wrote in a F8QPVWohyeg-00170-00055632-00055942 region by civil war F8QPVWohyeg-00171-00055944-00056326 and the consequences in the F8QPVWohyeg-00172-00056327-00056615 destruction of crops and disruption in F8QPVWohyeg-00173-00056616-00056679 uh F8QPVWohyeg-00174-00056679-00056919 transporting the crops from where they F8QPVWohyeg-00175-00056920-00056999 grow F8QPVWohyeg-00176-00057000-00057487 for uh to where they must be eaten F8QPVWohyeg-00177-00057488-00057911 now the F8QPVWohyeg-00178-00057912-00058182 people who complain about billionaires F8QPVWohyeg-00179-00058183-00058230 miss F8QPVWohyeg-00180-00058232-00058542 spending their money F8QPVWohyeg-00181-00058544-00058847 have a very powerful tool F8QPVWohyeg-00182-00058848-00059199 if they live in a democracy they F8QPVWohyeg-00183-00059200-00059559 should elect representatives F8QPVWohyeg-00184-00059560-00059903 who approve legislation F8QPVWohyeg-00185-00059904-00060287 to tax the billionaires and then the F8QPVWohyeg-00186-00060288-00060606 money appropriated by the state F8QPVWohyeg-00187-00060607-00060911 through taxation can be F8QPVWohyeg-00188-00060912-00061271 dedicated to those F8QPVWohyeg-00189-00061272-00061575 challenges that these people feel F8QPVWohyeg-00190-00061576-00061911 are deserving rather than F8QPVWohyeg-00191-00061912-00062191 based on the individual and independent F8QPVWohyeg-00192-00062191-00062503 decision of those billionaires F8QPVWohyeg-00193-00062504-00062847 the other immediately available F8QPVWohyeg-00194-00062848-00063126 uh opportunity that each of these people F8QPVWohyeg-00195-00063127-00063215 have F8QPVWohyeg-00196-00063216-00063550 obviously is just F8QPVWohyeg-00197-00063551-00063847 rolling up their sleeves and dedicating F8QPVWohyeg-00198-00063848-00063975 their lives F8QPVWohyeg-00199-00063976-00064335 to solving those issues that are F8QPVWohyeg-00200-00064336-00064663 very dear to them now F8QPVWohyeg-00201-00064664-00065023 even in those cases by the very F8QPVWohyeg-00202-00065024-00065247 definition or the very description of F8QPVWohyeg-00203-00065248-00065399 what i just mentioned F8QPVWohyeg-00204-00065400-00065782 dedicating their lives to a goal F8QPVWohyeg-00205-00065783-00066015 well they will make choices as well for F8QPVWohyeg-00206-00066016-00066150 example F8QPVWohyeg-00207-00066151-00066503 they will dedicate themselves to women's F8QPVWohyeg-00208-00066504-00066863 rights which will necessarily F8QPVWohyeg-00209-00066864-00067191 ignore the plight of hungry F8QPVWohyeg-00210-00067192-00067543 poor males now i am exaggerating F8QPVWohyeg-00211-00067544-00067863 obviously but what i want to highlight F8QPVWohyeg-00212-00067864-00068167 is that each of us F8QPVWohyeg-00213-00068168-00068519 decide each of us listen each of us F8QPVWohyeg-00214-00068520-00069015 learn and we go on our journeys F8QPVWohyeg-00215-00069016-00069350 now the question F8QPVWohyeg-00216-00069351-00069655 of whether these F8QPVWohyeg-00217-00069656-00069975 initiatives of space tourism F8QPVWohyeg-00218-00069976-00070359 are worth it is a question that is F8QPVWohyeg-00219-00070360-00070511 easily answered F8QPVWohyeg-00220-00070512-00070935 by the market and on the surface F8QPVWohyeg-00221-00070936-00071206 it would look like that these are going F8QPVWohyeg-00222-00071207-00071287 to be F8QPVWohyeg-00223-00071288-00071631 lucrative businesses both virgin F8QPVWohyeg-00224-00071632-00071711 galactic F8QPVWohyeg-00225-00071712-00072071 and blue origin have received a lot of F8QPVWohyeg-00226-00072072-00072135 bookings F8QPVWohyeg-00227-00072136-00072423 from people who want to experience F8QPVWohyeg-00228-00072424-00072550 weightlessness F8QPVWohyeg-00229-00072551-00072935 who want to be able uh to be in the F8QPVWohyeg-00230-00072936-00073255 as of now still very exclusive F8QPVWohyeg-00231-00073256-00073591 class of astronauts even though F8QPVWohyeg-00232-00073592-00073894 earning it from a very F8QPVWohyeg-00233-00073895-00074255 cozy and comfy uh voyage F8QPVWohyeg-00234-00074256-00074559 of let's say half an hour at most F8QPVWohyeg-00235-00074560-00074862 uh rather than through a year-long F8QPVWohyeg-00236-00074863-00075182 grueling training in in in F8QPVWohyeg-00237-00075183-00075543 kazakhstan or F8QPVWohyeg-00238-00075544-00075879 an entire life dedicated to becoming an F8QPVWohyeg-00239-00075880-00076111 astronaut or a cosmonaut of the F8QPVWohyeg-00240-00076112-00076535 old style of the old definition F8QPVWohyeg-00241-00076536-00077082 so we don't know um for how long F8QPVWohyeg-00242-00077083-00077479 uh richard branson and jeff bezos will F8QPVWohyeg-00243-00077480-00077815 fund their hobby F8QPVWohyeg-00244-00077816-00078223 of space both can afford F8QPVWohyeg-00245-00078224-00078567 that for a long time for sure F8QPVWohyeg-00246-00078568-00078871 and whether F8QPVWohyeg-00247-00078872-00079255 the companies will become public maybe F8QPVWohyeg-00248-00079256-00079591 so that we can look at their books more F8QPVWohyeg-00249-00079592-00079759 in detail understanding F8QPVWohyeg-00250-00079760-00080119 if they are profitable or not for now F8QPVWohyeg-00251-00080120-00080399 certainly they are not profitable they F8QPVWohyeg-00252-00080400-00080462 are losing F8QPVWohyeg-00253-00080463-00080871 billions and billions of dollars F8QPVWohyeg-00254-00080872-00081294 and then the next question is F8QPVWohyeg-00255-00081295-00081582 is this something that will have F8QPVWohyeg-00256-00081583-00081703 possibly F8QPVWohyeg-00257-00081704-00081926 uh regardless of this short-term F8QPVWohyeg-00258-00081927-00082111 evaluation of the market F8QPVWohyeg-00259-00082112-00082511 some positive impact on the world in F8QPVWohyeg-00260-00082512-00082838 general so F8QPVWohyeg-00261-00082839-00083167 the question F8QPVWohyeg-00262-00083168-00083567 of uh technological F8QPVWohyeg-00263-00083568-00084087 um progress that derives from F8QPVWohyeg-00264-00084088-00084455 these kinds of endeavors is F8QPVWohyeg-00265-00084456-00084887 undoubtedly uh positive F8QPVWohyeg-00266-00084888-00085262 the answer is known uh these kinds of F8QPVWohyeg-00267-00085263-00085494 research and development bring F8QPVWohyeg-00268-00085495-00085647 innovation that F8QPVWohyeg-00269-00085648-00086094 spreads out and the ability to launch F8QPVWohyeg-00270-00086095-00086462 and then land rockets is huge for F8QPVWohyeg-00271-00086463-00086831 many different kinds of initiatives F8QPVWohyeg-00272-00086832-00087159 imagine the possibility of F8QPVWohyeg-00273-00087160-00087550 rapidly delivering not a missile F8QPVWohyeg-00274-00087551-00087959 with an atomic bomb but F8QPVWohyeg-00275-00087960-00088335 some dearly needed supplies F8QPVWohyeg-00276-00088336-00088694 in a remote region in a matter F8QPVWohyeg-00277-00088695-00089079 of hours anywhere on the planet F8QPVWohyeg-00278-00089080-00089503 that is what now we can do with F8QPVWohyeg-00279-00089504-00089967 rockets that land vertically F8QPVWohyeg-00280-00089968-00090303 imagine what we can F8QPVWohyeg-00281-00090304-00090847 achieve with the ability to bring F8QPVWohyeg-00282-00090848-00091294 in microgravity experiments F8QPVWohyeg-00283-00091295-00091638 that um cost F8QPVWohyeg-00284-00091639-00091926 a hundred thousand dollars rather than F8QPVWohyeg-00285-00091927-00092047 millions F8QPVWohyeg-00286-00092048-00092447 in so many applications in in so many F8QPVWohyeg-00287-00092448-00092526 different F8QPVWohyeg-00288-00092527-00092759 areas and yes there will be a lot of F8QPVWohyeg-00289-00092760-00092847 people F8QPVWohyeg-00290-00092848-00093191 who will jump on the opportunity of F8QPVWohyeg-00291-00093192-00093394 uh taking advantage of this F8QPVWohyeg-00292-00093395-00093703 infrastructure that is being built F8QPVWohyeg-00293-00093704-00094038 not for space tourism but for other F8QPVWohyeg-00294-00094039-00094471 types of initiatives F8QPVWohyeg-00295-00094472-00094782 the last question F8QPVWohyeg-00296-00094783-00095135 is if you care about space exploration F8QPVWohyeg-00297-00095136-00095447 if these are part of what we would call F8QPVWohyeg-00298-00095448-00095838 space exploration and the answer there F8QPVWohyeg-00299-00095839-00096126 is today absolutely not they are not F8QPVWohyeg-00300-00096127-00096311 part of it they are not pushing it F8QPVWohyeg-00301-00096312-00096647 forward F8QPVWohyeg-00302-00096648-00097062 there i would say that F8QPVWohyeg-00303-00097063-00097511 the agencies of nation states F8QPVWohyeg-00304-00097512-00097911 have a clear advantage if you want F8QPVWohyeg-00305-00097912-00098303 to design and launch a probe F8QPVWohyeg-00306-00098304-00098838 to the next planet or a farther planet F8QPVWohyeg-00307-00098839-00099326 or study a comet or an asteroid F8QPVWohyeg-00308-00099327-00099743 you will definitely need the resources F8QPVWohyeg-00309-00099744-00100118 of the space agency of F8QPVWohyeg-00310-00100119-00100438 the united states russia china F8QPVWohyeg-00311-00100439-00100759 india japan the european space F8QPVWohyeg-00312-00100760-00101079 agency and well probably F8QPVWohyeg-00313-00101080-00101423 not many more even though F8QPVWohyeg-00314-00101424-00101767 the number is increasing uh the united F8QPVWohyeg-00315-00101768-00101815 arab F8QPVWohyeg-00316-00101816-00102238 emirates launched F8QPVWohyeg-00317-00102239-00102606 deeper space exploration F8QPVWohyeg-00318-00102607-00102975 missions recently as well spacex F8QPVWohyeg-00319-00102976-00103278 if successful with its F8QPVWohyeg-00320-00103279-00103639 starship initiative will have certainly F8QPVWohyeg-00321-00103640-00103910 demonstrated the ability to push the F8QPVWohyeg-00322-00103911-00104063 boundaries F8QPVWohyeg-00323-00104064-00104423 into deep space exploration F8QPVWohyeg-00324-00104424-00104742 at the same level as the national space F8QPVWohyeg-00325-00104743-00105063 agencies and alongside F8QPVWohyeg-00326-00105064-00105399 their mission of colonizing mars at that F8QPVWohyeg-00327-00105400-00105454 point F8QPVWohyeg-00328-00105455-00105702 they will be able to decide what else to F8QPVWohyeg-00329-00105703-00105807 do F8QPVWohyeg-00330-00105808-00106119 they already said that starship will F8QPVWohyeg-00331-00106120-00106423 also implement earth-bound F8QPVWohyeg-00332-00106424-00106734 transportation networks and these are F8QPVWohyeg-00333-00106735-00107039 very likely to profoundly impact if not F8QPVWohyeg-00334-00107040-00107234 even destroy F8QPVWohyeg-00335-00107235-00107566 intercontinental F8QPVWohyeg-00336-00107567-00107966 airplane modes of transportation F8QPVWohyeg-00337-00107967-00108302 but they can also decide to F8QPVWohyeg-00338-00108303-00108607 start exploring asteroids F8QPVWohyeg-00339-00108608-00109039 and other planets and we will see F8QPVWohyeg-00340-00109040-00109286 in my opinion the debate that has been F8QPVWohyeg-00341-00109288-00109366 born F8QPVWohyeg-00342-00109367-00109599 after the flights of virgin galactic and F8QPVWohyeg-00343-00109600-00109702 blue origin F8QPVWohyeg-00344-00109703-00110063 is useful the policy F8QPVWohyeg-00345-00110064-00110423 of diminishing wealth F8QPVWohyeg-00346-00110424-00110758 inequality should be done F8QPVWohyeg-00347-00110759-00111286 before the fact and not after the fact F8QPVWohyeg-00348-00111288-00111607 now that these billionaires have these F8QPVWohyeg-00349-00111608-00111807 resources available F8QPVWohyeg-00350-00111808-00112166 and they decided to dedicate F8QPVWohyeg-00351-00112167-00112510 some of these resources to bri F8QPVWohyeg-00352-00112511-00112902 build their space programs F8QPVWohyeg-00353-00112903-00113247 for tourism and more F8QPVWohyeg-00354-00113248-00113575 i still believe that it is a net F8QPVWohyeg-00355-00113576-00113975 positive and i congratulate F8QPVWohyeg-00356-00113976-00114310 virgin galactic and blue origin for F8QPVWohyeg-00357-00114311-00114615 their success and i'm looking forward F8QPVWohyeg-00358-00114616-00114966 to see what the next steps are going to F8QPVWohyeg-00359-00114967-00115015 be F8QPVWohyeg-00360-00115016-00115295 i am personally very passionate about F8QPVWohyeg-00361-00115296-00115399 space F8QPVWohyeg-00362-00115400-00115727 and i am happy that there are F8QPVWohyeg-00363-00115728-00116054 new initiatives alongside F8QPVWohyeg-00364-00116055-00116263 those that we already know of nation F8QPVWohyeg-00365-00116264-00116454 states and spacex F8QPVWohyeg-00366-00116455-00116702 that are successful and successfully F8QPVWohyeg-00367-00116703-00116863 pushing the boundaries F8QPVWohyeg-00368-00116864-00118086 of what we can achieve F8QPVWohyeg-00369-00118088-00118296 you FrEJfJWf8PM-00000-00000006-00000214 welcome to juice made easy are you one FrEJfJWf8PM-00001-00000215-00000361 of our viewers who really love sour FrEJfJWf8PM-00002-00000362-00000527 candies or maybe this is your first FrEJfJWf8PM-00003-00000528-00000748 video and in case hey how you doing FrEJfJWf8PM-00004-00000749-00001019 well we have the perfect shot for you FrEJfJWf8PM-00005-00001019-00001748 it's called the peach tart to build the FrEJfJWf8PM-00006-00001748-00001880 peach tart you'll start with three FrEJfJWf8PM-00007-00001880-00002128 quarters of an ounce of peach schnapps FrEJfJWf8PM-00008-00002129-00002324 next you'll add three quarters of an FrEJfJWf8PM-00009-00002325-00002624 ounce of fresh lime juice and obviously FrEJfJWf8PM-00010-00002625-00002840 this is where to get the tart cap that FrEJfJWf8PM-00011-00002841-00003119 off into shaker tin full of ice and give FrEJfJWf8PM-00012-00003120-00003463 it a quick shake straining to the shot FrEJfJWf8PM-00013-00003464-00004172 glass of your choice and there you have FrEJfJWf8PM-00014-00004173-00004411 the peach tart now if this is a little FrEJfJWf8PM-00015-00004412-00004552 too tart for you you can always change FrEJfJWf8PM-00016-00004553-00004768 the ratio to one ounce of peach schnapps FrEJfJWf8PM-00017-00004769-00004997 and only half an ounce of fresh lime FrEJfJWf8PM-00018-00004998-00005379 juice hey Mike why did the orange stop FrEJfJWf8PM-00019-00005380-00005923 because it ran out of juice I don't FrEJfJWf8PM-00020-00005924-00006087 think so I just told it to you today FrEJfJWf8PM-00021-00006088-00006670 yeah see he never listens thanks so much FrEJfJWf8PM-00022-00006671-00006842 for watching please be sure to LIKE FrEJfJWf8PM-00023-00006843-00007009 subscribe and click on the Bell icon so FrEJfJWf8PM-00024-00007011-00007142 you'll be notified any time we release a FrEJfJWf8PM-00025-00007143-00007328 new video and if you have any shots FrEJfJWf8PM-00026-00007329-00007544 cocktails mocktails etc that you'd love FrEJfJWf8PM-00027-00007545-00007727 to see on our show please be sure to FrEJfJWf8PM-00028-00007728-00008086 leave a comment below Cheers Ftii8nfHRWo-00000-00000008-00000223 how can you show confidence in a crowd Ftii8nfHRWo-00001-00000224-00000318 part one hi Ftii8nfHRWo-00002-00000319-00000495 i'm dr joe isaac if we're meeting for Ftii8nfHRWo-00003-00000496-00000655 the first time say you're invited to a Ftii8nfHRWo-00004-00000656-00000823 social or work event first Ftii8nfHRWo-00005-00000824-00001054 arrive earlier than majority second Ftii8nfHRWo-00006-00001055-00001199 after you parked and you're walking to Ftii8nfHRWo-00007-00001200-00001391 the place don't walk like this Ftii8nfHRWo-00008-00001392-00001574 and this is bad too walk with your Ftii8nfHRWo-00009-00001575-00001807 shoulders and arms by your side Ftii8nfHRWo-00010-00001807-00002047 chest is up and head is up three women Ftii8nfHRWo-00011-00002048-00002134 for every man Ftii8nfHRWo-00012-00002135-00002375 one for his heart one for his mind and Ftii8nfHRWo-00013-00002376-00002623 one for his body and often the last one Ftii8nfHRWo-00014-00002624-00002775 wins both the heart Ftii8nfHRWo-00015-00002776-00003007 and the mind not my words completely Ftii8nfHRWo-00016-00003008-00003238 disagree maybe guys but not real men Ftii8nfHRWo-00017-00003239-00003335 what do you believe Ftii8nfHRWo-00018-00003336-00003631 how can you show confidence in the crowd Ftii8nfHRWo-00019-00003632-00003679 part Ftii8nfHRWo-00020-00003679-00003854 two when you make an eye contact with Ftii8nfHRWo-00021-00003855-00003990 someone build Ftii8nfHRWo-00022-00003992-00004422 your smile slowly something like this Ftii8nfHRWo-00023-00004423-00004631 three when you are approaching the seats Ftii8nfHRWo-00024-00004632-00004759 don't sit down Ftii8nfHRWo-00025-00004760-00005038 direct the people to sit down if you're Ftii8nfHRWo-00026-00005039-00005222 directing the people to sit down that Ftii8nfHRWo-00027-00005223-00005479 makes you and makes them feel that Ftii8nfHRWo-00028-00005480-00005567 you're at control Ftii8nfHRWo-00029-00005568-00005806 dr joe what's your best advice for the Ftii8nfHRWo-00030-00005807-00005895 young ones Ftii8nfHRWo-00031-00005896-00006111 you can choose to be comfortable now and Ftii8nfHRWo-00032-00006112-00006254 struggle later Ftii8nfHRWo-00033-00006255-00006567 or do the work now get qualified now Ftii8nfHRWo-00034-00006568-00006775 and be comfortable later no lady Ftii8nfHRWo-00035-00006776-00006895 irrespective of her Ftii8nfHRWo-00036-00006895-00007142 age or culture can resist a real man Ftii8nfHRWo-00037-00007143-00007327 that strives for what he wants Ftii8nfHRWo-00038-00007328-00007559 confident enough to express his own Ftii8nfHRWo-00039-00007559-00007710 weakness and generous Ftii8nfHRWo-00040-00007711-00007951 not just with his money and time but Ftii8nfHRWo-00041-00007952-00008095 also with his emotions Ftii8nfHRWo-00042-00008095-00008327 three reasons why a guy would ghost you Ftii8nfHRWo-00043-00008328-00008423 and inspired by Ftii8nfHRWo-00044-00008424-00008719 this place where the iconic opera house Ftii8nfHRWo-00045-00008720-00008767 is just Ftii8nfHRWo-00046-00008768-00008951 behind me this lady talking on the phone Ftii8nfHRWo-00047-00008952-00009183 to a guy and the guy was completely Ftii8nfHRWo-00048-00009184-00009367 unresponsive reason number three Ftii8nfHRWo-00049-00009368-00009614 the emotional roller coaster when the Ftii8nfHRWo-00050-00009615-00009678 ladies Ftii8nfHRWo-00051-00009679-00009910 are making two frequent changes up and Ftii8nfHRWo-00052-00009911-00010078 down right and left ladies Ftii8nfHRWo-00053-00010079-00010223 give them the stability they will give Ftii8nfHRWo-00054-00010224-00010391 you what you want follow for part two Ftii8nfHRWo-00055-00010392-00010631 what's the answer for that now some Ftii8nfHRWo-00056-00010632-00010823 people might say two plus three or four Ftii8nfHRWo-00057-00010824-00011014 plus one or five plus zero Ftii8nfHRWo-00058-00011015-00011183 it's that time when you realize that Ftii8nfHRWo-00059-00011184-00011335 there's so many sides Ftii8nfHRWo-00060-00011336-00011614 to being right is the time you actually Ftii8nfHRWo-00061-00011615-00011655 grow Ftii8nfHRWo-00062-00011656-00011887 three reasons why a guy would ghost you Ftii8nfHRWo-00063-00011888-00012103 reason number two the suffocation Ftii8nfHRWo-00064-00012104-00012342 effect not allowing him to be on his own Ftii8nfHRWo-00065-00012343-00012519 and solve his problem if you give him Ftii8nfHRWo-00066-00012520-00012631 adequate space Ftii8nfHRWo-00067-00012632-00012799 you will get what you want follow for Ftii8nfHRWo-00068-00012800-00012943 the next part number one Ftii8nfHRWo-00069-00012944-00013071 if you've missed the previous parts Ftii8nfHRWo-00070-00013072-00013286 check my profile the selfish Ftii8nfHRWo-00071-00013287-00013535 devil when you put yourself as his Ftii8nfHRWo-00072-00013536-00013686 priority on your own Ftii8nfHRWo-00073-00013687-00013983 lead him to put you as priority on his Ftii8nfHRWo-00074-00013984-00014295 own you'll get what you want Fu33CKv9NWQ-00000-00000000-00000202 foreign Fu33CKv9NWQ-00001-00000204-00001464 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00002-00001465-00003229 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00003-00003229-00004241 it is Fu33CKv9NWQ-00004-00004242-00004466 foreign Fu33CKv9NWQ-00005-00004467-00005119 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00006-00005120-00005665 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00007-00005666-00006631 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00008-00006633-00009274 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00009-00009275-00009478 foreign Fu33CKv9NWQ-00010-00009479-00012263 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00011-00012264-00013030 you are Fu33CKv9NWQ-00012-00013031-00013853 perfect Fu33CKv9NWQ-00013-00013854-00014486 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00014-00014487-00015360 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00015-00015361-00017657 [Music] Fu33CKv9NWQ-00016-00017658-00017784 foreign Fu33CKv9NWQ-00017-00017785-00019254 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00000-00000000-00000711 [Applause] FvEvR3xzd0A-00001-00000712-00001066 ah FvEvR3xzd0A-00002-00001067-00002807 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00003-00002808-00003254 oh FvEvR3xzd0A-00004-00003256-00004490 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00005-00004491-00005615 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00006-00005616-00006052 right FvEvR3xzd0A-00007-00006053-00007719 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00008-00007720-00007911 are you talking about today FvEvR3xzd0A-00009-00007912-00008235 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00010-00008236-00008297 [Applause] FvEvR3xzd0A-00011-00008298-00008676 [Music] FvEvR3xzd0A-00012-00008677-00008693 [Applause] FvEvR3xzd0A-00014-00015040-00015532 it FvEvR3xzd0A-00015-00015533-00016835 [Music] FyU60Pp6CzU-00000-00000056-00000326 Hildegard of Bingen German Hildegard von FyU60Pp6CzU-00001-00000327-00000590 Bingen Ladin Hildegard is bingen psious FyU60Pp6CzU-00002-00000591-00001028 1098 217 September 11 79 also known as FyU60Pp6CzU-00003-00001029-00001247 st. Hildegard and Sybil of the Rhine was FyU60Pp6CzU-00004-00001248-00001433 a German Benedictine Abbess writer FyU60Pp6CzU-00005-00001434-00001700 composer philosopher Christian mystic FyU60Pp6CzU-00006-00001701-00002002 visionary and polymath she is considered FyU60Pp6CzU-00007-00002003-00002213 to be the founder of scientific Natural FyU60Pp6CzU-00008-00002214-00002447 History in Germany Hildegard was elected FyU60Pp6CzU-00009-00002448-00002723 magistrate by her fellow nuns in 11:36 FyU60Pp6CzU-00010-00002724-00002921 she founded the monasteries of Rupert's FyU60Pp6CzU-00011-00002922-00003322 Berg in 1150 and I began in 1165 one of FyU60Pp6CzU-00012-00003323-00003547 her works as a composer the Ordo virtue FyU60Pp6CzU-00013-00003548-00003734 'dom is an early example of liturgical FyU60Pp6CzU-00014-00003735-00003956 drama and arguably the oldest surviving FyU60Pp6CzU-00015-00003957-00004090 morality play FyU60Pp6CzU-00016-00004092-00004370 she wrote theological botanical and FyU60Pp6CzU-00017-00004371-00004561 medicinal texts as well as letters FyU60Pp6CzU-00018-00004562-00004793 liturgical songs and poems while FyU60Pp6CzU-00019-00004794-00005006 supervising miniature illuminations in FyU60Pp6CzU-00020-00005007-00005170 the Rupert's burg manuscript of her FyU60Pp6CzU-00021-00005171-00005474 first work skivvies she is also noted FyU60Pp6CzU-00022-00005475-00005633 for the invention of a constructed FyU60Pp6CzU-00023-00005634-00005838 language known as lingua ignitor FyU60Pp6CzU-00024-00005839-00006061 although the history of her formal FyU60Pp6CzU-00025-00006062-00006268 consideration is complicated she has FyU60Pp6CzU-00026-00006269-00006472 been recognized as a saint by branches FyU60Pp6CzU-00027-00006473-00006626 of the Roman Catholic Church for FyU60Pp6CzU-00028-00006627-00006941 centuries on the 7th of October 2012 FyU60Pp6CzU-00029-00006942-00007163 Pope Benedict the 16th named her a FyU60Pp6CzU-00030-00007164-00007781 Doctor of the Church FyU60Pp6CzU-00031-00007783-00008313 topic biography FyU60Pp6CzU-00032-00008314-00008599 Hildegarde was born around the year 1098 FyU60Pp6CzU-00033-00008600-00008878 although the exact date is uncertain her FyU60Pp6CzU-00034-00008879-00009064 parents were MEC tiled of mercs hymen FyU60Pp6CzU-00035-00009065-00009251 ahead and Hilda Bert of Burma shine a FyU60Pp6CzU-00036-00009252-00009458 family of the free lower nobility in the FyU60Pp6CzU-00037-00009459-00009608 service of the count Megan heart of FyU60Pp6CzU-00038-00009609-00009902 Spawn hime sickly from birth Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00039-00009903-00010055 is traditionally considered their FyU60Pp6CzU-00040-00010056-00010241 youngest and tenth child although there FyU60Pp6CzU-00041-00010242-00010430 are records of only seven older siblings FyU60Pp6CzU-00042-00010431-00010730 in her Vita Hildegard states that from a FyU60Pp6CzU-00043-00010731-00010913 very young age she had experienced FyU60Pp6CzU-00044-00010914-00011442 visions FyU60Pp6CzU-00045-00011443-00011964 topic monastic life FyU60Pp6CzU-00046-00011965-00012213 perhaps because of Hildegard's visions FyU60Pp6CzU-00047-00012214-00012420 or as a method of political positioning FyU60Pp6CzU-00048-00012421-00012642 or both Hildegard's parents offered her FyU60Pp6CzU-00049-00012643-00012795 as a knob late to the Benedictine FyU60Pp6CzU-00050-00012796-00012963 monastery at the disavowed and burned FyU60Pp6CzU-00051-00012963-00013143 which had been recently reformed in the FyU60Pp6CzU-00052-00013144-00013356 Palatinate forest the date of FyU60Pp6CzU-00053-00013357-00013560 Hildegard's enclosure at the monastery FyU60Pp6CzU-00054-00013561-00013836 is the subject of debate her Vita says FyU60Pp6CzU-00055-00013837-00014019 she was professed with an older woman FyU60Pp6CzU-00056-00014019-00014232 Yuda the daughter of count Stefan two of FyU60Pp6CzU-00057-00014233-00014499 Spahn Heim at the age of eight however FyU60Pp6CzU-00058-00014500-00014694 you'd estate of enclosure as known to FyU60Pp6CzU-00059-00014694-00014928 have been in 1112 when Hildegard would FyU60Pp6CzU-00060-00014929-00015207 have been 14 their vows were received by FyU60Pp6CzU-00061-00015208-00015425 Bishop Otto bamberg on All Saints Day FyU60Pp6CzU-00062-00015426-00015747 1112 some scholars speculate that FyU60Pp6CzU-00063-00015747-00015966 Hildegard was placed in the care of Yuda FyU60Pp6CzU-00064-00015966-00016125 at the age of eight and the two women FyU60Pp6CzU-00065-00016126-00016313 were then enclosed together six years FyU60Pp6CzU-00066-00016315-00016551 later in any case Hildegard and Yuda FyU60Pp6CzU-00067-00016552-00016707 were enclosed together at the December FyU60Pp6CzU-00068-00016708-00016887 and formed the core of a growing FyU60Pp6CzU-00069-00016888-00017076 community of women attached to the male FyU60Pp6CzU-00070-00017077-00017397 monastery Judah was also a visionary and FyU60Pp6CzU-00071-00017398-00017586 thus attracted many followers who came FyU60Pp6CzU-00072-00017587-00017844 to visit her at the cloister Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00073-00017845-00018015 tells us that Yuda taught her to read FyU60Pp6CzU-00074-00018016-00018192 and write but that she was unlearned and FyU60Pp6CzU-00075-00018193-00018333 therefore incapable of teaching FyU60Pp6CzU-00076-00018334-00018554 Hildegard sound biblical interpretation FyU60Pp6CzU-00077-00018555-00018822 the written record of the life of Yuda FyU60Pp6CzU-00078-00018823-00019017 indicates that Hildegard probably FyU60Pp6CzU-00079-00019018-00019197 assisted her in reciting the Psalms FyU60Pp6CzU-00080-00019198-00019335 working in the garden and other FyU60Pp6CzU-00081-00019336-00019587 handiwork and tending to the sick this FyU60Pp6CzU-00082-00019588-00019767 might have been a time when Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00083-00019768-00019914 learned how to play the ten string FyU60Pp6CzU-00084-00019915-00020232 psaltery Vollmar a frequent visitor may FyU60Pp6CzU-00085-00020233-00020397 have taught Hildegard simple ssam FyU60Pp6CzU-00086-00020398-00020672 notation the time she studied music FyU60Pp6CzU-00087-00020673-00020802 could have been the beginning of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00088-00020803-00021024 compositions she would later create upon FyU60Pp6CzU-00089-00021025-00021282 you disdain 11:36 Hildegard was FyU60Pp6CzU-00090-00021283-00021486 unanimously elected as magista of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00091-00021487-00021786 community by her fellow nuns abbot Kuno FyU60Pp6CzU-00092-00021787-00021996 of disavowed and Berg asked Hildegard to FyU60Pp6CzU-00093-00021997-00022065 be Prioress FyU60Pp6CzU-00094-00022066-00022250 which would be under his authority FyU60Pp6CzU-00095-00022251-00022472 Hildegard however wanted more FyU60Pp6CzU-00096-00022473-00022668 independence for herself and her nuns FyU60Pp6CzU-00097-00022669-00022860 and asked abbot Kuno to allow them to FyU60Pp6CzU-00098-00022861-00023109 move to Rupert's Berg this was to be a FyU60Pp6CzU-00099-00023110-00023292 move towards poverty from a stone FyU60Pp6CzU-00100-00023293-00023490 complex that was well established to a FyU60Pp6CzU-00101-00023491-00023766 temporary dwelling place when the abbot FyU60Pp6CzU-00102-00023767-00023946 declined Hildegard's proposition FyU60Pp6CzU-00103-00023947-00024122 Hildegard went over his head and FyU60Pp6CzU-00104-00024123-00024300 received the approval of archbishop FyU60Pp6CzU-00105-00024301-00024603 henry the first of Mainz abbot Kuno did FyU60Pp6CzU-00106-00024604-00024803 not relent until Hildegard was stricken FyU60Pp6CzU-00107-00024804-00024990 by an illness that kept her paralyzed FyU60Pp6CzU-00108-00024991-00025203 and unable to move from her bed an event FyU60Pp6CzU-00109-00025204-00025332 that she attributed to God FyU60Pp6CzU-00110-00025333-00025509 unhappiness that are not following his FyU60Pp6CzU-00111-00025510-00025664 orders to move her nuns to a new FyU60Pp6CzU-00112-00025666-00025932 location in Rupert's burg it was only FyU60Pp6CzU-00113-00025933-00026102 when the abbot himself could not move FyU60Pp6CzU-00114-00026104-00026292 Hildegard that he decided to grant the FyU60Pp6CzU-00115-00026293-00026577 nuns their own monastery Hildegard and FyU60Pp6CzU-00116-00026577-00026787 about 20 nuns thus moved to the st. FyU60Pp6CzU-00117-00026788-00027054 Rupert's burg monastery in 1150 where FyU60Pp6CzU-00118-00027055-00027261 Vollmar served as Provost as well as FyU60Pp6CzU-00119-00027262-00027633 Hildegard's confessor inscribe in 1165 FyU60Pp6CzU-00120-00027633-00027876 Hildegard founded a second monastery for FyU60Pp6CzU-00121-00027877-00028158 her nuns at ibegin before Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00122-00028158-00028364 death a problem arose with the clergy of FyU60Pp6CzU-00123-00028366-00028674 Mainz a man buried in Rupert's burg had FyU60Pp6CzU-00124-00028675-00028854 died after excommunication from the FyU60Pp6CzU-00125-00028855-00029127 church therefore the clergy wanted to FyU60Pp6CzU-00126-00029127-00029351 remove his body from the sacred ground FyU60Pp6CzU-00127-00029352-00029570 Hildegard did not accept this idea FyU60Pp6CzU-00128-00029572-00029783 replying that it was a sin and that the FyU60Pp6CzU-00129-00029785-00029973 man had been reconciled to the church at FyU60Pp6CzU-00130-00029974-00030545 the time of his death FyU60Pp6CzU-00131-00030547-00031026 topic visions FyU60Pp6CzU-00132-00031027-00031294 Hildegarde said that she first saw the FyU60Pp6CzU-00133-00031295-00031558 shade of the Living Light at the age of FyU60Pp6CzU-00134-00031558-00031762 three and by the age of five she began FyU60Pp6CzU-00135-00031763-00031972 to understand that she was experiencing FyU60Pp6CzU-00136-00031973-00032257 visions she used the term Visio the FyU60Pp6CzU-00137-00032258-00032527 Latin for vision to describe this FyU60Pp6CzU-00138-00032527-00032737 feature of her experience and recognized FyU60Pp6CzU-00139-00032738-00032890 that it was a gift that she could not FyU60Pp6CzU-00140-00032891-00033172 explain to others Hildegard explained FyU60Pp6CzU-00141-00033173-00033343 that she saw all things in the light of FyU60Pp6CzU-00142-00033344-00033526 God through the five senses sight FyU60Pp6CzU-00143-00033527-00033895 hearing taste smell and touch Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00144-00033896-00034054 was hesitant to share her visions FyU60Pp6CzU-00145-00034055-00034285 confiding only to Yuda who in turn told FyU60Pp6CzU-00146-00034286-00034498 Vollmar Hildegard's tutor and later FyU60Pp6CzU-00147-00034499-00034753 secretary throughout her life she FyU60Pp6CzU-00148-00034754-00034951 continued to have many visions and in FyU60Pp6CzU-00149-00034952-00035263 11:41 at the age of 42 Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00150-00035264-00035434 received a vision she believed to be an FyU60Pp6CzU-00151-00035435-00035671 instruction from God to write down that FyU60Pp6CzU-00152-00035672-00035953 which you see in here still hesitant to FyU60Pp6CzU-00153-00035954-00036157 record her visions Hildegard became FyU60Pp6CzU-00154-00036158-00036370 physically ill the illustrations FyU60Pp6CzU-00155-00036371-00036556 recorded in the book of savea's were FyU60Pp6CzU-00156-00036557-00036748 visions that Hildegard experienced FyU60Pp6CzU-00157-00036749-00036898 causing her great suffering and FyU60Pp6CzU-00158-00036899-00037192 tribulations in her first theological FyU60Pp6CzU-00159-00037193-00037522 text skivvy as' know the ways Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00160-00037523-00037780 describes her struggle within but I FyU60Pp6CzU-00161-00037781-00037924 though I saw and heard these things FyU60Pp6CzU-00162-00037925-00038155 refused to write for a long time through FyU60Pp6CzU-00163-00038156-00038362 doubt and bad opinion and the diversity FyU60Pp6CzU-00164-00038363-00038565 of human words not with stubbornness but FyU60Pp6CzU-00165-00038566-00038806 in the exercise of humility until laid FyU60Pp6CzU-00166-00038807-00039021 low by the scourge of God I fell upon a FyU60Pp6CzU-00167-00039022-00039226 bed of sickness then compelled at last FyU60Pp6CzU-00168-00039227-00039433 by many illnesses and by the witness of FyU60Pp6CzU-00169-00039434-00039631 a certain noble maiden of good conduct FyU60Pp6CzU-00170-00039632-00039808 the nun Richard is Vance tada FyU60Pp6CzU-00171-00039809-00039973 and of that man whom I had secretly FyU60Pp6CzU-00172-00039974-00040180 sought and found as mentioned above I FyU60Pp6CzU-00173-00040181-00040426 set my hand to the writing while I was FyU60Pp6CzU-00174-00040427-00040621 doing it I sensed as I mentioned before FyU60Pp6CzU-00175-00040622-00040815 the deep profundity of scriptural FyU60Pp6CzU-00176-00040816-00041023 exposition and raising myself from FyU60Pp6CzU-00177-00041024-00041203 illness by the strength I received I FyU60Pp6CzU-00178-00041204-00041398 brought this work to a close though just FyU60Pp6CzU-00179-00041399-00041654 barely in 10 years FyU60Pp6CzU-00180-00041655-00041846 and I spoke and wrote these things not FyU60Pp6CzU-00181-00041847-00042026 by the invention of my heart or that of FyU60Pp6CzU-00182-00042027-00042218 any other person but is by the secret FyU60Pp6CzU-00183-00042219-00042398 mysteries of God I heard and received FyU60Pp6CzU-00184-00042399-00042644 them in the heavenly places and again I FyU60Pp6CzU-00185-00042645-00042836 heard a voice from heaven saying to me FyU60Pp6CzU-00186-00042837-00043148 cry out therefore and right thus it was FyU60Pp6CzU-00187-00043149-00043499 between November 11 47 in February 11 48 FyU60Pp6CzU-00188-00043500-00043715 at the Synod in Trier that Pope Eugenius FyU60Pp6CzU-00189-00043716-00043982 heard about Hildegard's writings it was FyU60Pp6CzU-00190-00043983-00044144 from this that she received papal FyU60Pp6CzU-00191-00044145-00044321 approval to document her visions as FyU60Pp6CzU-00192-00044322-00044519 revelations from the Holy Spirit giving FyU60Pp6CzU-00193-00044520-00044819 her instant credence on the 17th of FyU60Pp6CzU-00194-00044820-00045140 September 11 79 when Hildegard died her FyU60Pp6CzU-00195-00045141-00045329 sisters claimed they saw two streams of FyU60Pp6CzU-00196-00045330-00045539 light appear in the skies and cross over FyU60Pp6CzU-00197-00045540-00046148 the room where she was dying FyU60Pp6CzU-00198-00046149-00046742 topic vitas sanctae Hildegard Asst FyU60Pp6CzU-00199-00046743-00047011 Hildegard's hagiography vita sanctae FyU60Pp6CzU-00200-00047012-00047214 Hildegard s was compiled by the monk FyU60Pp6CzU-00201-00047215-00047364 theoderic uh vector neck after FyU60Pp6CzU-00202-00047365-00047599 Hildegard's death he included the FyU60Pp6CzU-00203-00047600-00047862 hagiographical work libellous or little FyU60Pp6CzU-00204-00047863-00048124 book begun by godfrey of disavowed and FyU60Pp6CzU-00205-00048125-00048342 burke godfrey had died before he was FyU60Pp6CzU-00206-00048343-00048601 able to complete his work we bird of gem FyU60Pp6CzU-00207-00048602-00048762 blue was invited to finish the work FyU60Pp6CzU-00208-00048763-00048936 however he had to return to his FyU60Pp6CzU-00209-00048937-00049158 monastery with the project unfinished FyU60Pp6CzU-00210-00049159-00049446 theoderic utilized sources gwee bert had FyU60Pp6CzU-00211-00049447-00050074 left behind to complete the vita FyU60Pp6CzU-00212-00050075-00050391 topic works FyU60Pp6CzU-00213-00050392-00050586 you FyU60Pp6CzU-00214-00050587-00050833 Hildegard's works include three great FyU60Pp6CzU-00215-00050834-00051088 volumes of visionary theology a variety FyU60Pp6CzU-00216-00051089-00051283 of musical compositions for use in FyU60Pp6CzU-00217-00051284-00051511 liturgy as well as the musical morality FyU60Pp6CzU-00218-00051512-00051673 play or doe virtue 'dom one of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00219-00051674-00051937 largest bodies of letters nearly 400 to FyU60Pp6CzU-00220-00051938-00052126 survive from the Middle Ages addressed FyU60Pp6CzU-00221-00052127-00052333 to correspondence ranging from Pope's to FyU60Pp6CzU-00222-00052334-00052516 Emperor's to Abbot's and Abbas's and FyU60Pp6CzU-00223-00052516-00052720 including records of many of the sermons FyU60Pp6CzU-00224-00052721-00052945 she preached in the eleven 60s and 11 FyU60Pp6CzU-00225-00052946-00053212 70s two volumes of material on natural FyU60Pp6CzU-00226-00053213-00053428 medicine and cures an invented language FyU60Pp6CzU-00227-00053429-00053579 called the lingua egg not a unknown FyU60Pp6CzU-00228-00053580-00053866 language and various minor works FyU60Pp6CzU-00229-00053866-00054100 including a gospel commentary and to FyU60Pp6CzU-00230-00054101-00054349 works of hagiography several manuscripts FyU60Pp6CzU-00231-00054350-00054499 of her works were produced during her FyU60Pp6CzU-00232-00054500-00054691 lifetime including the illustrated FyU60Pp6CzU-00233-00054691-00054879 Rupert's burg manuscript of her first FyU60Pp6CzU-00234-00054880-00055183 major work skivvy as' lost since 1945 FyU60Pp6CzU-00235-00055184-00055404 the den der Mann codex which contains FyU60Pp6CzU-00236-00055405-00055600 one version of her musical works and FyU60Pp6CzU-00237-00055601-00055786 againt manuscript which was the first FyU60Pp6CzU-00238-00055787-00056004 fair copy made for editing of her final FyU60Pp6CzU-00239-00056005-00056197 theological work the library of Endora FyU60Pp6CzU-00240-00056198-00056442 ma Purim at the end of her life and FyU60Pp6CzU-00241-00056444-00056641 probably under her initial guidance all FyU60Pp6CzU-00242-00056641-00056827 of her works were edited and gathered FyU60Pp6CzU-00243-00056828-00057516 into the single recent codex manuscript FyU60Pp6CzU-00244-00057516-00058080 topic visionary theology FyU60Pp6CzU-00245-00058082-00058330 Hildegard's most significant works were FyU60Pp6CzU-00246-00058332-00058544 her three volumes of visionary theology FyU60Pp6CzU-00247-00058545-00058946 skivvy as' know the ways composed 1142 FyU60Pp6CzU-00248-00058947-00059291 to 11:51 library demerit or book of FyU60Pp6CzU-00249-00059291-00059612 life's merits or book of the rewards of FyU60Pp6CzU-00250-00059613-00060059 life composed 11:58 to 1163 & Liber FyU60Pp6CzU-00251-00060060-00060304 divinorum a Purim book of divine works FyU60Pp6CzU-00252-00060305-00060655 also known as the operation day on God's FyU60Pp6CzU-00253-00060657-00061325 activity composed 1163 quarters - 1172 FyU60Pp6CzU-00254-00061326-00061700 or 1174 in these volumes the last of FyU60Pp6CzU-00255-00061701-00061867 which was completed when she was well FyU60Pp6CzU-00256-00061869-00062116 into her 70s Hildegard first describes FyU60Pp6CzU-00257-00062117-00062312 each vision whose details are often FyU60Pp6CzU-00258-00062313-00062474 strange and enigmatic and then FyU60Pp6CzU-00259-00062475-00062687 interprets their theological contents in FyU60Pp6CzU-00260-00062688-00062816 the words of the voice of the Living FyU60Pp6CzU-00261-00062816-00063307 Light FyU60Pp6CzU-00262-00063308-00063776 topic skivvies FyU60Pp6CzU-00263-00063777-00063983 the composition of the first work FyU60Pp6CzU-00264-00063984-00064202 skivvies was triggered by the insistence FyU60Pp6CzU-00265-00064203-00064403 of her visionary experiences in about FyU60Pp6CzU-00266-00064404-00064765 1140 - when she was already 43 years old FyU60Pp6CzU-00267-00064766-00065033 perceiving a divine command to write FyU60Pp6CzU-00268-00065034-00065300 down what you see in here Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00269-00065301-00065447 began to record her visionary FyU60Pp6CzU-00270-00065448-00065720 experiences skivvy is is structured into FyU60Pp6CzU-00271-00065721-00065951 three parts of unequal length the first FyU60Pp6CzU-00272-00065952-00066185 part six visions chronicles the order of FyU60Pp6CzU-00273-00066186-00066407 God's creation the creation and fall of FyU60Pp6CzU-00274-00066408-00066563 Adam and Eve the structure of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00275-00066564-00066767 universe famously described as the shape FyU60Pp6CzU-00276-00066768-00067061 of an egg the relationship between body FyU60Pp6CzU-00277-00067062-00067271 and soul God's relationship to his FyU60Pp6CzU-00278-00067272-00067427 people through the synagogue and the FyU60Pp6CzU-00279-00067428-00067721 choirs of angels the second part seven FyU60Pp6CzU-00280-00067722-00067883 visions describes the order of FyU60Pp6CzU-00281-00067884-00068051 redemption the coming of Christ the FyU60Pp6CzU-00282-00068052-00068255 Redeemer the Trinity the church is the FyU60Pp6CzU-00283-00068256-00068408 Bride of Christ and the mother of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00284-00068409-00068642 faithful in Baptism and Confirmation the FyU60Pp6CzU-00285-00068643-00068807 orders of the church Christ's sacrifice FyU60Pp6CzU-00286-00068808-00069020 on the cross and the Eucharist and the FyU60Pp6CzU-00287-00069021-00069263 fight against the devil finally the FyU60Pp6CzU-00288-00069264-00069407 third part thirteen visions FyU60Pp6CzU-00289-00069408-00069587 recapitulates the history of salvation FyU60Pp6CzU-00290-00069588-00069833 told in the first two parts symbolized FyU60Pp6CzU-00291-00069834-00069979 as a building adorned with various FyU60Pp6CzU-00292-00069980-00070268 allegorical figures and virtues it FyU60Pp6CzU-00293-00070269-00070460 concludes with the symphony of heaven an FyU60Pp6CzU-00294-00070461-00070661 early version of Hildegard's musical FyU60Pp6CzU-00295-00070662-00070964 compositions portions of the uncompleted FyU60Pp6CzU-00296-00070965-00071171 work were read aloud to pope eugenius FyU60Pp6CzU-00297-00071172-00071453 the third at the synod of Trier in 11:48 FyU60Pp6CzU-00298-00071454-00071645 after which he sent Hildegard a letter FyU60Pp6CzU-00299-00071646-00071882 with his blessing this blessing was FyU60Pp6CzU-00300-00071883-00072083 later construed as papal approval for FyU60Pp6CzU-00301-00072084-00072236 all of Hildegard's wide-ranging FyU60Pp6CzU-00302-00072237-00072527 theological activities towards the end FyU60Pp6CzU-00303-00072528-00072716 of her life Hildegard commissioned a FyU60Pp6CzU-00304-00072717-00072941 richly decorated manuscript of skivvy as FyU60Pp6CzU-00305-00072942-00073139 the rupert's burg codex although the FyU60Pp6CzU-00306-00073140-00073298 original has been lost since its FyU60Pp6CzU-00307-00073299-00073522 evacuation to Dresden for safekeeping in FyU60Pp6CzU-00308-00073523-00073784 1945 its images are preserved in a FyU60Pp6CzU-00309-00073785-00074494 hand-painted facsimile from the 1920s FyU60Pp6CzU-00310-00074495-00075039 topic liber vitae merit Orem FyU60Pp6CzU-00311-00075040-00075255 in her second volume of visionary FyU60Pp6CzU-00312-00075256-00075612 theology composed between 11:58 and 1163 FyU60Pp6CzU-00313-00075613-00075813 after she had moved her community of FyU60Pp6CzU-00314-00075814-00076007 nuns into independence at the rupert's FyU60Pp6CzU-00315-00076008-00076203 bergen bingin Hildegard tackled the FyU60Pp6CzU-00316-00076204-00076376 moral life in the form of dramatic FyU60Pp6CzU-00317-00076377-00076557 confrontations between the virtues and FyU60Pp6CzU-00318-00076558-00076842 the vices she had already explored this FyU60Pp6CzU-00319-00076843-00077061 area in her musical morality play or FyU60Pp6CzU-00320-00077062-00077268 dough virtue demand the look of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00321-00077269-00077526 rewards of life takes up that place FyU60Pp6CzU-00322-00077527-00077793 characteristic themes each vice although FyU60Pp6CzU-00323-00077794-00077961 ultimately depicted as ugly and FyU60Pp6CzU-00324-00077962-00078176 grotesque nevertheless offers alluring FyU60Pp6CzU-00325-00078177-00078345 seductive speeches that attempt to FyU60Pp6CzU-00326-00078346-00078516 entice the unwary soul into their FyU60Pp6CzU-00327-00078517-00078798 clutches standing in our defense however FyU60Pp6CzU-00328-00078799-00079007 are the sober voices of the virtues FyU60Pp6CzU-00329-00079008-00079197 powerfully confronting every vicious FyU60Pp6CzU-00330-00079198-00079404 deception amongst the works innovations FyU60Pp6CzU-00331-00079405-00079581 as one of the earliest descriptions of FyU60Pp6CzU-00332-00079582-00079773 purgatory as the place where each soul FyU60Pp6CzU-00333-00079774-00079932 would have to work off its debts after FyU60Pp6CzU-00334-00079933-00080187 death before entering heaven Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00335-00080188-00080394 descriptions of the possible punishments FyU60Pp6CzU-00336-00080395-00080520 there are often gruesome and grotesque FyU60Pp6CzU-00337-00080521-00080766 which emphasize the works moral and FyU60Pp6CzU-00338-00080767-00080964 pastoral purpose as a practical guide to FyU60Pp6CzU-00339-00080965-00081153 the life of true penance and proper FyU60Pp6CzU-00340-00081154-00081659 virtue FyU60Pp6CzU-00341-00081660-00082226 topic LIBOR divinorum Opera FyU60Pp6CzU-00342-00082227-00082488 Hildegard's last and grandest visionary FyU60Pp6CzU-00343-00082489-00082689 work had its genesis in one of the few FyU60Pp6CzU-00344-00082690-00082887 times she experienced something like an FyU60Pp6CzU-00345-00082888-00083163 ecstatic loss of consciousness as she FyU60Pp6CzU-00346-00083164-00083355 described it in an autobiographical FyU60Pp6CzU-00347-00083356-00083592 passage included in her Vita sometime in FyU60Pp6CzU-00348-00083593-00083829 about eleven sixty-three she received an FyU60Pp6CzU-00349-00083830-00084129 extraordinary mystical vision in which FyU60Pp6CzU-00350-00084130-00084375 was revealed the sprinkling drops of FyU60Pp6CzU-00351-00084376-00084636 sweet rain that John the Evangelist FyU60Pp6CzU-00352-00084637-00084831 experienced when he wrote in the FyU60Pp6CzU-00353-00084832-00085090 beginning was the word FyU60Pp6CzU-00354-00085091-00085417 John chapter one verse one Hildegarde FyU60Pp6CzU-00355-00085418-00085591 perceived that this word was the key to FyU60Pp6CzU-00356-00085592-00085906 the work of God of which humankind is FyU60Pp6CzU-00357-00085907-00086116 the pinnacle the book of divine works FyU60Pp6CzU-00358-00086117-00086320 therefore became in many ways an FyU60Pp6CzU-00359-00086321-00086539 extended explication of the prologue to FyU60Pp6CzU-00360-00086540-00086737 John's Gospel the ten visions of this FyU60Pp6CzU-00361-00086738-00086965 works three parts are cosmic in scale to FyU60Pp6CzU-00362-00086966-00087127 illustrate various ways of understanding FyU60Pp6CzU-00363-00087128-00087355 the relationship between God and His FyU60Pp6CzU-00364-00087356-00087634 creation often that relationship is FyU60Pp6CzU-00365-00087635-00087868 established by grand allegorical female FyU60Pp6CzU-00366-00087869-00088099 figures representing divine love Caritas FyU60Pp6CzU-00367-00088100-00088408 or wisdom Sapientia the first vision FyU60Pp6CzU-00368-00088409-00088624 opens the work with a salvo of poetic FyU60Pp6CzU-00369-00088625-00088834 and visionary images swirling about to FyU60Pp6CzU-00370-00088835-00089032 characterize God's dynamic activity FyU60Pp6CzU-00371-00089033-00089200 within the scope of his work within the FyU60Pp6CzU-00372-00089201-00089473 history of salvation the remaining three FyU60Pp6CzU-00373-00089474-00089674 visions of the first part introduced the FyU60Pp6CzU-00374-00089675-00089884 famous image of a human being standing FyU60Pp6CzU-00375-00089885-00090046 astride the spheres that make up the FyU60Pp6CzU-00376-00090047-00090214 universe and detailed the intricate FyU60Pp6CzU-00377-00090215-00090379 relationships between the human as FyU60Pp6CzU-00378-00090380-00090600 microcosm and the universe's macrocosm FyU60Pp6CzU-00379-00090601-00090871 this culminates in the final chapter of FyU60Pp6CzU-00380-00090872-00091087 part 1 vision for with Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00381-00091088-00091273 commentary on the prologue to John's FyU60Pp6CzU-00382-00091274-00091588 Gospel John chapter 1 verses 1 to 14 a FyU60Pp6CzU-00383-00091589-00091780 direct rumination on the meaning of in FyU60Pp6CzU-00384-00091781-00092080 the beginning was the word FyU60Pp6CzU-00385-00092081-00092326 the single vision that comprises the FyU60Pp6CzU-00386-00092327-00092485 whole of part two stretches that FyU60Pp6CzU-00387-00092486-00092650 rumination back to the opening of FyU60Pp6CzU-00388-00092651-00092887 Genesis and forms an extended commentary FyU60Pp6CzU-00389-00092888-00093073 on the seven days of the creation of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00390-00093074-00093357 world told in Genesis chapter 1 - 2 - 3 FyU60Pp6CzU-00391-00093358-00093649 this commentary interprets each day of FyU60Pp6CzU-00392-00093650-00093847 creation in three ways literal or FyU60Pp6CzU-00393-00093848-00094039 cosmological allegorical or FyU60Pp6CzU-00394-00094040-00094267 ecclesiological ie related to the FyU60Pp6CzU-00395-00094268-00094429 church's history and moral or FyU60Pp6CzU-00396-00094430-00094651 topological ie related to the souls FyU60Pp6CzU-00397-00094652-00094924 growth in virtue finally the five FyU60Pp6CzU-00398-00094925-00095119 visions of the third part take up again FyU60Pp6CzU-00399-00095120-00095290 the building imagery of skivvies to FyU60Pp6CzU-00400-00095291-00095485 describe the course of salvation history FyU60Pp6CzU-00401-00095486-00095800 the final vision 3.5 contains FyU60Pp6CzU-00402-00095801-00096010 Hildegard's longest and most detailed FyU60Pp6CzU-00403-00096011-00096193 prophetic program of the life of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00404-00096194-00096397 church from her own daisa womanish FyU60Pp6CzU-00405-00096398-00096607 weakness through to the coming and FyU60Pp6CzU-00406-00096608-00097251 ultimate downfall of the Antichrist FyU60Pp6CzU-00407-00097252-00097728 topic music FyU60Pp6CzU-00408-00097729-00097987 attention in recent decades two women of FyU60Pp6CzU-00409-00097988-00098163 the medieval church has led to a great FyU60Pp6CzU-00410-00098164-00098382 deal of popular interest in Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00411-00098383-00098656 music in addition to the Ordo virtue FyU60Pp6CzU-00412-00098657-00098938 'dom 69 musical compositions each with FyU60Pp6CzU-00413-00098939-00099160 its own original poetic text survived FyU60Pp6CzU-00414-00099161-00099351 and at least four other texts are known FyU60Pp6CzU-00415-00099352-00099535 though their musical notation has been FyU60Pp6CzU-00416-00099536-00099757 lost this is one of the largest FyU60Pp6CzU-00417-00099758-00100001 repertoire is among medieval composers FyU60Pp6CzU-00418-00100002-00100231 one of her better known works FyU60Pp6CzU-00419-00100232-00100447 Ordo virtue 'dom play of the virtues is FyU60Pp6CzU-00420-00100448-00100741 a morality play it is uncertain when FyU60Pp6CzU-00421-00100742-00100930 some of Hildegard's compositions were FyU60Pp6CzU-00422-00100931-00101131 composed though the Ordo virtue thomas FyU60Pp6CzU-00423-00101132-00101287 thought to have been composed as early FyU60Pp6CzU-00424-00101288-00101644 as 1151 the morality play consists of FyU60Pp6CzU-00425-00101645-00101878 monophonic melodies for the anima human FyU60Pp6CzU-00426-00101879-00102172 soul and sixteen virtues there is also FyU60Pp6CzU-00427-00102173-00102439 one speaking part for the devil scholars FyU60Pp6CzU-00428-00102440-00102606 assert that the role of the devil would FyU60Pp6CzU-00429-00102607-00102754 have been played by Vollmar while FyU60Pp6CzU-00430-00102755-00102904 Hildegard's nuns would have played the FyU60Pp6CzU-00431-00102905-00103092 parts of anima and the virtues in FyU60Pp6CzU-00432-00103093-00103252 addition to the Ordo virtue 'dom FyU60Pp6CzU-00433-00103253-00103489 Hildegard composed many liturgical songs FyU60Pp6CzU-00434-00103490-00103678 that were collected into a cycle called FyU60Pp6CzU-00435-00103679-00103854 the symphonia our mony a celestial FyU60Pp6CzU-00436-00103855-00104071 revelation of the songs from the FyU60Pp6CzU-00437-00104072-00104263 symphonia are set to Hildegard zone FyU60Pp6CzU-00438-00104264-00104503 texts and range from anti-fans hymns and FyU60Pp6CzU-00439-00104504-00104821 sequences to respond Suri's her music is FyU60Pp6CzU-00440-00104822-00105001 described as monophonic that is FyU60Pp6CzU-00441-00105002-00105223 consisting of exactly one melodic line FyU60Pp6CzU-00442-00105224-00105514 it's style is characterized by soaring FyU60Pp6CzU-00443-00105515-00105684 melodies that can push the boundaries of FyU60Pp6CzU-00444-00105685-00105877 the more staid ranges of traditional FyU60Pp6CzU-00445-00105878-00106168 Gregorian chant though Hildegard's music FyU60Pp6CzU-00446-00106169-00106329 is often thought to stand outside the FyU60Pp6CzU-00447-00106330-00106576 normal practices of monophonic monastic FyU60Pp6CzU-00448-00106577-00106738 chant current researchers are also FyU60Pp6CzU-00449-00106739-00106954 exploring ways in which it may be viewed FyU60Pp6CzU-00450-00106955-00107131 in comparison with her contemporaries FyU60Pp6CzU-00451-00107132-00107401 such as her man is contractive another FyU60Pp6CzU-00452-00107402-00107602 feature of Hildegard's music that both FyU60Pp6CzU-00453-00107603-00107818 reflects 12th century evolutions of FyU60Pp6CzU-00454-00107819-00107998 chant and pushes those evolutions FyU60Pp6CzU-00455-00107999-00108166 further as that it is highly melismatic FyU60Pp6CzU-00456-00108167-00108416 often with recurrent melodic units FyU60Pp6CzU-00457-00108417-00108708 scholars such as Margo Fassler Marianne FyU60Pp6CzU-00458-00108709-00108936 Richert Fowle and Beverly Lomer also FyU60Pp6CzU-00459-00108938-00109075 note the intimate relationship between FyU60Pp6CzU-00460-00109076-00109282 music and text in Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00461-00109283-00109468 compositions whose rhetorical features FyU60Pp6CzU-00462-00109469-00109672 are often more distinct than is common FyU60Pp6CzU-00463-00109673-00109918 in 12th century chant as with all FyU60Pp6CzU-00464-00109919-00110068 medieval chant notation FyU60Pp6CzU-00465-00110069-00110290 Hildegard's music lacks any indication FyU60Pp6CzU-00466-00110291-00110479 of tempo or rhythm the surviving FyU60Pp6CzU-00467-00110480-00110685 manuscripts employ late German style FyU60Pp6CzU-00468-00110686-00111016 notation which uses very ornamental news FyU60Pp6CzU-00469-00111017-00111158 the reverence for the Virgin Mary FyU60Pp6CzU-00470-00111158-00111364 reflected in music shows how deeply FyU60Pp6CzU-00471-00111365-00111559 influenced and inspired Hildegard of FyU60Pp6CzU-00472-00111560-00111722 Bingen and her community were by the FyU60Pp6CzU-00473-00111723-00111940 Virgin Mary in the Saints the definition FyU60Pp6CzU-00474-00111941-00112234 of veridia is or greenness is an earthly FyU60Pp6CzU-00475-00112235-00112411 expression of the heavenly in an FyU60Pp6CzU-00476-00112412-00112702 integrity that overcomes dualisms this FyU60Pp6CzU-00477-00112703-00112898 greenness or power of life appears FyU60Pp6CzU-00478-00112899-00113120 frequently in Hildegard's works despite FyU60Pp6CzU-00479-00113121-00113314 Hildegard self-professed view that her FyU60Pp6CzU-00480-00113315-00113495 compositions have his object the praise FyU60Pp6CzU-00481-00113496-00113693 of God one scholar has asserted that FyU60Pp6CzU-00482-00113694-00113884 Hildegard made a close association FyU60Pp6CzU-00483-00113885-00114100 between music and the female body and FyU60Pp6CzU-00484-00114101-00114358 her musical compositions according to FyU60Pp6CzU-00485-00114359-00114574 him the poetry and music of Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00486-00114575-00114770 symphonia would therefore be concerned FyU60Pp6CzU-00487-00114771-00114976 with the anatomy of female desire thus FyU60Pp6CzU-00488-00114977-00115177 described as a phonic or pertaining to FyU60Pp6CzU-00489-00115178-00115384 Sappho connecting her to a history of FyU60Pp6CzU-00490-00115385-00115976 female rhetorician x' FyU60Pp6CzU-00491-00115977-00116623 topic scientific and medicinal writings FyU60Pp6CzU-00492-00116624-00116873 Hildegard's medicinal and scientific FyU60Pp6CzU-00493-00116874-00117008 writings though thematically FyU60Pp6CzU-00494-00117009-00117224 complimentary to her ideas about nature FyU60Pp6CzU-00495-00117225-00117408 expressed in her visionary works are FyU60Pp6CzU-00496-00117408-00117582 different in focus and scope FyU60Pp6CzU-00497-00117583-00117795 neither claimed to be rooted in her FyU60Pp6CzU-00498-00117796-00117977 visionary experience in its divine FyU60Pp6CzU-00499-00117978-00118238 authority rather they spring from her FyU60Pp6CzU-00500-00118239-00118415 experience helping in and then leading FyU60Pp6CzU-00501-00118416-00118589 the monasteries herbal garden and FyU60Pp6CzU-00502-00118590-00118790 infirmary as well as the theoretical FyU60Pp6CzU-00503-00118791-00118968 information she likely gained through FyU60Pp6CzU-00504-00118969-00119099 her wide-ranging reading in the FyU60Pp6CzU-00505-00119100-00119348 monasteries library as she gained FyU60Pp6CzU-00506-00119349-00119568 practical skills in diagnosis prognosis FyU60Pp6CzU-00507-00119569-00119808 and treatment she combined physical FyU60Pp6CzU-00508-00119808-00119975 treatment of physical diseases with FyU60Pp6CzU-00509-00119976-00120224 holistic methods centered on spiritual FyU60Pp6CzU-00510-00120225-00120452 healing she became well known for her FyU60Pp6CzU-00511-00120453-00120645 healing powers involving practical FyU60Pp6CzU-00512-00120646-00120839 application of tinctures herbs and FyU60Pp6CzU-00513-00120840-00121091 precious stones she combined these FyU60Pp6CzU-00514-00121092-00121262 elements with a theological notion FyU60Pp6CzU-00515-00121263-00121472 ultimately derived from Genesis all FyU60Pp6CzU-00516-00121473-00121658 things put on earth or for the use of FyU60Pp6CzU-00517-00121659-00121898 humans in addition to her hands-on FyU60Pp6CzU-00518-00121899-00122106 experience she also gained medical FyU60Pp6CzU-00519-00122107-00122271 knowledge including elements of her FyU60Pp6CzU-00520-00122272-00122474 humoral theory from traditional Latin FyU60Pp6CzU-00521-00122475-00122694 texts Hildegard cataloged both her FyU60Pp6CzU-00522-00122695-00122960 theory and practice in two works the FyU60Pp6CzU-00523-00122961-00123197 first physica contains nine books that FyU60Pp6CzU-00524-00123198-00123396 describe the scientific and medicinal FyU60Pp6CzU-00525-00123397-00123659 properties of various plants stones fish FyU60Pp6CzU-00526-00123660-00123827 reptiles and animals FyU60Pp6CzU-00527-00123828-00124107 the second Kazi at curiae is an FyU60Pp6CzU-00528-00124108-00124298 exploration of the human body its FyU60Pp6CzU-00529-00124299-00124482 connections to the rest of the natural FyU60Pp6CzU-00530-00124483-00124649 world and the causes and cures of FyU60Pp6CzU-00531-00124650-00124956 various diseases Hildegard documented FyU60Pp6CzU-00532-00124957-00125169 various medical practices in these books FyU60Pp6CzU-00533-00125170-00125360 including the use of bleeding and home FyU60Pp6CzU-00534-00125361-00125633 remedies for many common ailments she FyU60Pp6CzU-00535-00125634-00125816 also explains remedies for common FyU60Pp6CzU-00536-00125817-00126026 agricultural injuries such as burns FyU60Pp6CzU-00537-00126027-00126308 fractures dislocations and cuts FyU60Pp6CzU-00538-00126308-00126527 Hildegard may have used the books to FyU60Pp6CzU-00539-00126528-00126783 teach assistance at the monastery these FyU60Pp6CzU-00540-00126783-00126972 books are historically significant FyU60Pp6CzU-00541-00126973-00127146 because they show areas of medieval FyU60Pp6CzU-00542-00127147-00127310 medicine that were not well documented FyU60Pp6CzU-00543-00127311-00127523 because their practitioners mainly women FyU60Pp6CzU-00544-00127524-00127794 rarely wrote in Latin her writings were FyU60Pp6CzU-00545-00127795-00128019 commentated on by Milani Lipinski a FyU60Pp6CzU-00546-00128020-00128204 Polish scientist in addition to its FyU60Pp6CzU-00547-00128205-00128462 wealth of practical evidence Kazi @qa is FyU60Pp6CzU-00548-00128463-00128663 also noteworthy for its organizational FyU60Pp6CzU-00549-00128664-00128919 scheme it's first part sets the work FyU60Pp6CzU-00550-00128920-00129104 within the context of the creation of FyU60Pp6CzU-00551-00129105-00129311 the cosmos and then humanity as its FyU60Pp6CzU-00552-00129312-00129497 summit and the constant interplay of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00553-00129498-00129683 human person as microcosm both FyU60Pp6CzU-00554-00129684-00129854 physically and spiritually with the FyU60Pp6CzU-00555-00129855-00129986 macrocosm of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00556-00129987-00130280 informs all of Hildegard's approach her FyU60Pp6CzU-00557-00130281-00130463 hallmark is to emphasize the vital FyU60Pp6CzU-00558-00130464-00130724 connection between the green health of FyU60Pp6CzU-00559-00130725-00130913 the natural world in the holistic health FyU60Pp6CzU-00560-00130914-00131159 of the human person veridia is or FyU60Pp6CzU-00561-00131160-00131348 greening power was thought to sustain FyU60Pp6CzU-00562-00131349-00131543 human beings and could be manipulated by FyU60Pp6CzU-00563-00131544-00131741 adjusting the balance of elements within FyU60Pp6CzU-00564-00131742-00131987 a person thus when she approached FyU60Pp6CzU-00565-00131988-00132191 medicine as a type of gardening it was FyU60Pp6CzU-00566-00132192-00132506 not just as an analogy rather Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00567-00132507-00132686 understood the plants and elements of FyU60Pp6CzU-00568-00132687-00132890 the garden as direct counterparts to the FyU60Pp6CzU-00569-00132891-00133061 humors and elements within the human FyU60Pp6CzU-00570-00133062-00133280 body whose imbalance led to illness and FyU60Pp6CzU-00571-00133281-00133337 disease FyU60Pp6CzU-00572-00133338-00133505 thus the nearly three hundred chapters FyU60Pp6CzU-00573-00133506-00133718 of the second book of Kazi at cure a FyU60Pp6CzU-00574-00133719-00134009 explored the etiology or causes of FyU60Pp6CzU-00575-00134010-00134257 disease as well as human sexuality FyU60Pp6CzU-00576-00134258-00134624 psychology and physiology in this FyU60Pp6CzU-00577-00134625-00134834 section she gives specific instructions FyU60Pp6CzU-00578-00134835-00134999 for bleeding based on various factors FyU60Pp6CzU-00579-00135000-00135227 including gender the phase of the moon FyU60Pp6CzU-00580-00135228-00135419 bleeding is best done when moon is FyU60Pp6CzU-00581-00135420-00135626 waning the place of disease use veins FyU60Pp6CzU-00582-00135627-00135833 near diseased organ of body part or FyU60Pp6CzU-00583-00135834-00136064 prevention big veins in arms and how FyU60Pp6CzU-00584-00136065-00136226 much blood to take described in FyU60Pp6CzU-00585-00136227-00136448 imprecise measurements like the amount FyU60Pp6CzU-00586-00136449-00136670 that a thirsty person can swallow in one FyU60Pp6CzU-00587-00136671-00136741 gulp FyU60Pp6CzU-00588-00136742-00137018 she even includes bleeding instructions FyU60Pp6CzU-00589-00137019-00137252 for animals to keep them healthy in the FyU60Pp6CzU-00590-00137253-00137444 third and fourth sections Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00591-00137445-00137636 describes treatments for malignant and FyU60Pp6CzU-00592-00137637-00137858 minor problems and diseases according to FyU60Pp6CzU-00593-00137859-00138032 the humoral theory again including FyU60Pp6CzU-00594-00138033-00138287 information on animal health the fifth FyU60Pp6CzU-00595-00138288-00138488 section is about diagnosis and prognosis FyU60Pp6CzU-00596-00138489-00138728 which includes instructions to check the FyU60Pp6CzU-00597-00138729-00138976 patient's blood pulse urine and stool FyU60Pp6CzU-00598-00138977-00139250 finally the sixth section documents a FyU60Pp6CzU-00599-00139251-00139457 lunar horoscope to provide an additional FyU60Pp6CzU-00600-00139458-00139670 means of prognosis for both disease and FyU60Pp6CzU-00601-00139671-00139829 other medical conditions such as FyU60Pp6CzU-00602-00139830-00140057 conception and the outcome of pregnancy FyU60Pp6CzU-00603-00140058-00140351 for example she indicates that a waxing FyU60Pp6CzU-00604-00140352-00140561 moon is good for human conception and is FyU60Pp6CzU-00605-00140562-00140762 also good for sowing seeds for plants FyU60Pp6CzU-00606-00140763-00140972 sowing seeds as the plant equivalent of FyU60Pp6CzU-00607-00140973-00141272 conception elsewhere Hildegard is even FyU60Pp6CzU-00608-00141273-00141425 said to have stressed the value of FyU60Pp6CzU-00609-00141426-00141618 boiling drinking water in an attempt to FyU60Pp6CzU-00610-00141619-00141797 prevent infection as Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00611-00141798-00141973 elaborates the medical and scientific FyU60Pp6CzU-00612-00141974-00142238 relationship between the human microcosm FyU60Pp6CzU-00613-00142239-00142436 and the macrocosm of the universe she FyU60Pp6CzU-00614-00142437-00142640 often focuses on interrelated patterns FyU60Pp6CzU-00615-00142641-00142940 of four the four elements fire air water FyU60Pp6CzU-00616-00142941-00143219 and earth the Four Seasons the four FyU60Pp6CzU-00617-00143220-00143323 humors the FyU60Pp6CzU-00618-00143324-00143509 war zones of the earth in the four major FyU60Pp6CzU-00619-00143510-00143845 winds although she inherited the basic FyU60Pp6CzU-00620-00143846-00144052 framework of humoral theory from ancient FyU60Pp6CzU-00621-00144053-00144100 medicine FyU60Pp6CzU-00622-00144101-00144256 Hildegard's conception of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00623-00144257-00144448 hierarchical inter balance of the four FyU60Pp6CzU-00624-00144449-00144691 humors blood phlegm black bile and FyU60Pp6CzU-00625-00144692-00144889 yellow bile was unique based on their FyU60Pp6CzU-00626-00144890-00145296 correspondence to superior and inferior FyU60Pp6CzU-00627-00145297-00145600 elements blood and phlegm corresponding FyU60Pp6CzU-00628-00145601-00145903 to the celestial elements of fire and FyU60Pp6CzU-00629-00145904-00146116 air and the two biles corresponding to FyU60Pp6CzU-00630-00146117-00146410 the terrestrial elements of water and FyU60Pp6CzU-00631-00146411-00146605 earth Hildegard understood the FyU60Pp6CzU-00632-00146606-00146773 disease-causing imbalance of these FyU60Pp6CzU-00633-00146774-00146938 humors to result from the improper FyU60Pp6CzU-00634-00146939-00147214 dominance of the subordinate humors this FyU60Pp6CzU-00635-00147215-00147427 disharmony reflects that introduced by FyU60Pp6CzU-00636-00147428-00147616 Adam and Eve in the fall which for FyU60Pp6CzU-00637-00147617-00147805 Hildegard marked the indelible entrance FyU60Pp6CzU-00638-00147806-00147994 of disease and humoral imbalance into FyU60Pp6CzU-00639-00147995-00148344 humankind as she writes in Kazi at qac FyU60Pp6CzU-00640-00148345-00148741 42 it happens that certain men suffered FyU60Pp6CzU-00641-00148742-00148957 diverse illnesses this comes from the FyU60Pp6CzU-00642-00148958-00149122 phlegm which is superabundant within FyU60Pp6CzU-00643-00149123-00149350 them for if man had remained in paradise FyU60Pp6CzU-00644-00149351-00149512 he would not have had the flag Motta FyU60Pp6CzU-00645-00149513-00149722 within his body from which many evils FyU60Pp6CzU-00646-00149723-00149893 proceeded but his flesh would have been FyU60Pp6CzU-00647-00149894-00150046 whole and without dark humor FyU60Pp6CzU-00648-00150047-00150325 Lavar however because he consented to FyU60Pp6CzU-00649-00150326-00150520 evil and relinquished good he was made FyU60Pp6CzU-00650-00150521-00150670 into a likeness of the earth which FyU60Pp6CzU-00651-00150671-00150886 produces good and useful herbs as well FyU60Pp6CzU-00652-00150887-00151105 as bad in useless ones and which has in FyU60Pp6CzU-00653-00151106-00151399 itself both good and evil moistures from FyU60Pp6CzU-00654-00151400-00151591 tasting evil the blood of the sons of FyU60Pp6CzU-00655-00151592-00151795 Adam was turned into the poison of semen FyU60Pp6CzU-00656-00151796-00151942 out of which the sons of man are FyU60Pp6CzU-00657-00151943-00152161 begotten and therefore their flesh is FyU60Pp6CzU-00658-00152162-00152443 ulcerated and permeable to disease these FyU60Pp6CzU-00659-00152444-00152644 sores and openings create a certain FyU60Pp6CzU-00660-00152645-00152863 storm and smoky moisture in men from FyU60Pp6CzU-00661-00152864-00153085 which the phlegmatic arise and coagulate FyU60Pp6CzU-00662-00153086-00153232 which then introduced diverse FyU60Pp6CzU-00663-00153233-00153514 infirmities to the human body all this FyU60Pp6CzU-00664-00153515-00153700 arose from the first evil which man FyU60Pp6CzU-00665-00153701-00153904 began at the start because if Adam had FyU60Pp6CzU-00666-00153905-00154084 remained in paradise he would have had FyU60Pp6CzU-00667-00154085-00154222 the sweetest health and the best FyU60Pp6CzU-00668-00154223-00154408 dwelling place just as the strongest FyU60Pp6CzU-00669-00154409-00154606 balsam amidst the best odor but on the FyU60Pp6CzU-00670-00154607-00154783 contrary man now has within himself FyU60Pp6CzU-00671-00154784-00155507 poison and phlegm and diverse illnesses FyU60Pp6CzU-00672-00155508-00155807 topic lingua Ignasi and invented FyU60Pp6CzU-00673-00155808-00156186 alphabet FyU60Pp6CzU-00674-00156187-00156448 Hildegarde also invented an alternative FyU60Pp6CzU-00675-00156449-00156661 alphabet the text of her writing and FyU60Pp6CzU-00676-00156662-00156893 compositions reveals Hildegard's use of FyU60Pp6CzU-00677-00156894-00157090 this form of modified medieval latin FyU60Pp6CzU-00678-00157091-00157324 encompassing many invented conflated and FyU60Pp6CzU-00679-00157325-00157597 abridged words because of her inventions FyU60Pp6CzU-00680-00157598-00157774 of words for her lyrics and use of a FyU60Pp6CzU-00681-00157775-00157997 constructed script many con langurs look FyU60Pp6CzU-00682-00157998-00158197 upon her as a medieval precursor FyU60Pp6CzU-00683-00158198-00158449 scholars believe that Hildegard used her FyU60Pp6CzU-00684-00158450-00158587 lingua aghhhhhh Mata to increase FyU60Pp6CzU-00685-00158588-00159246 solidarity among her nuns FyU60Pp6CzU-00686-00159247-00159773 topic significance FyU60Pp6CzU-00687-00159774-00160116 you FyU60Pp6CzU-00688-00160117-00160655 topic during her lifetime FyU60Pp6CzU-00689-00160656-00160853 Maddox claims that it is likely FyU60Pp6CzU-00690-00160854-00161066 Hildegard learned simple Latin and the FyU60Pp6CzU-00691-00161067-00161240 tenets of the Christian faith but was FyU60Pp6CzU-00692-00161241-00161441 not instructed in the seven liberal arts FyU60Pp6CzU-00693-00161442-00161657 which formed the basis of all education FyU60Pp6CzU-00694-00161658-00161819 for the learned classes in the Middle FyU60Pp6CzU-00695-00161820-00162062 Ages the Trivium of grammar dialectic FyU60Pp6CzU-00696-00162063-00162242 and rhetoric plus the quadrivium of FyU60Pp6CzU-00697-00162243-00162511 arithmetic geometry astronomy and music FyU60Pp6CzU-00698-00162512-00162767 the correspondence she kept with the FyU60Pp6CzU-00699-00162768-00162995 outside world both spiritual and social FyU60Pp6CzU-00700-00162996-00163226 transcended the cloister as a space of FyU60Pp6CzU-00701-00163227-00163409 spiritual confinement and served to FyU60Pp6CzU-00702-00163410-00163622 document Hildegard's grand style and FyU60Pp6CzU-00703-00163623-00163766 strict formatting of medieval FyU60Pp6CzU-00704-00163767-00163841 letter-writing FyU60Pp6CzU-00705-00163842-00164033 contributing to Christian European FyU60Pp6CzU-00706-00164034-00164216 rhetorical traditions Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00707-00164217-00164461 authorized herself as a theologian FyU60Pp6CzU-00708-00164462-00164723 through alternative rhetorical arts FyU60Pp6CzU-00709-00164724-00164912 Hildegard was creative in her FyU60Pp6CzU-00710-00164913-00165170 interpretation of theology she believed FyU60Pp6CzU-00711-00165171-00165320 that her monastery should exclude FyU60Pp6CzU-00712-00165321-00165488 novices who were not from the nobility FyU60Pp6CzU-00713-00165489-00165683 because she did not want her community FyU60Pp6CzU-00714-00165684-00165875 to be divided on the basis of social FyU60Pp6CzU-00715-00165876-00166217 status she also stated that woman may be FyU60Pp6CzU-00716-00166218-00166448 made from man but no man can be made FyU60Pp6CzU-00717-00166449-00166722 without a woman FyU60Pp6CzU-00718-00166723-00166916 because of church limitation on public FyU60Pp6CzU-00719-00166917-00167088 discursive rhetoric the medieval FyU60Pp6CzU-00720-00167089-00167277 rhetorical arts included preaching FyU60Pp6CzU-00721-00167278-00167460 letter writing poetry and the FyU60Pp6CzU-00722-00167461-00167718 encyclopedic tradition Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00723-00167719-00167931 participation in these arts speaks to FyU60Pp6CzU-00724-00167932-00168113 her significance as a female rhetorician FyU60Pp6CzU-00725-00168114-00168324 transcending bans on women's social FyU60Pp6CzU-00726-00168325-00168534 participation and interpretation of FyU60Pp6CzU-00727-00168535-00168791 Scripture the acceptance of public FyU60Pp6CzU-00728-00168792-00168990 preaching by woman even a well-connected FyU60Pp6CzU-00729-00168991-00169203 Abbess and acknowledged prophet does not FyU60Pp6CzU-00730-00169204-00169454 fit the stereotype of this time her FyU60Pp6CzU-00731-00169455-00169604 preaching was not limited to the FyU60Pp6CzU-00732-00169605-00169815 monasteries she preached publicly in FyU60Pp6CzU-00733-00169816-00170070 1160 in Germany New York route llege FyU60Pp6CzU-00734-00170071-00170469 2001 9 she conducted for preaching tours FyU60Pp6CzU-00735-00170470-00170646 throughout Germany speaking to both FyU60Pp6CzU-00736-00170647-00170886 clergy and laity in Chapter houses and FyU60Pp6CzU-00737-00170887-00171093 in public mainly denouncing clerical FyU60Pp6CzU-00738-00171094-00171285 corruption and calling for reform many FyU60Pp6CzU-00739-00171286-00171465 Abbot's and Abbas's asked her for FyU60Pp6CzU-00740-00171466-00171668 prayers and opinions on various matters FyU60Pp6CzU-00741-00171669-00171921 she traveled widely during her for FyU60Pp6CzU-00742-00171922-00172182 preaching tours she had several devoted FyU60Pp6CzU-00743-00172183-00172374 followers including gwee Burt of gem FyU60Pp6CzU-00744-00172375-00172548 blue who wrote to her frequently and FyU60Pp6CzU-00745-00172549-00172758 became her secretary after volmers death FyU60Pp6CzU-00746-00172759-00173129 in 1173 Hildegard also influenced FyU60Pp6CzU-00747-00173130-00173334 several monastic women exchanging FyU60Pp6CzU-00748-00173335-00173520 letters with Elisabeth of schönau a FyU60Pp6CzU-00749-00173521-00173787 nearby visionary Hildegard correspondent FyU60Pp6CzU-00750-00173788-00173990 with Pope's such as Eugene the third and FyU60Pp6CzU-00751-00173991-00174243 Anastasius the fourth statesmen such as FyU60Pp6CzU-00752-00174244-00174459 abbot sugar German Emperor's such as FyU60Pp6CzU-00753-00174460-00174657 Frederick the first Barbarossa and other FyU60Pp6CzU-00754-00174658-00174870 notable figures such as Saint Bernard of FyU60Pp6CzU-00755-00174871-00174921 Clairvaux FyU60Pp6CzU-00756-00174922-00175107 who advanced her work at the behest of FyU60Pp6CzU-00757-00175108-00175350 her abbot Kuno at the Synod of Trier in FyU60Pp6CzU-00758-00175351-00175749 1147 and 11:48 Hildegard of Bingen zhh FyU60Pp6CzU-00759-00175750-00175926 correspondence as an important component FyU60Pp6CzU-00760-00175927-00176568 of her literary output FyU60Pp6CzU-00761-00176569-00176925 topic beatification canonization and FyU60Pp6CzU-00762-00176926-00177464 recognition as a doctor of the church FyU60Pp6CzU-00763-00177465-00177702 Hildegarde was one of the first persons FyU60Pp6CzU-00764-00177703-00177870 for whom the roman canonization process FyU60Pp6CzU-00765-00177871-00178119 was officially applied but the process FyU60Pp6CzU-00766-00178120-00178287 took so long that for attempts at FyU60Pp6CzU-00767-00178288-00178488 canonization were not completed and she FyU60Pp6CzU-00768-00178489-00178602 remained at the level of her FyU60Pp6CzU-00769-00178603-00178839 beatification her name was nonetheless FyU60Pp6CzU-00770-00178840-00179082 taken up in the Roman Martyrology at the FyU60Pp6CzU-00771-00179083-00179235 end of the sixteenth century FyU60Pp6CzU-00772-00179236-00179552 her feast day is the 17th of September FyU60Pp6CzU-00773-00179553-00179718 numerous popes have referred to FyU60Pp6CzU-00774-00179719-00179954 Hildegard as a saint including pope john FyU60Pp6CzU-00775-00179955-00180246 paul ii and pope benedict xvi on the FyU60Pp6CzU-00776-00180247-00180543 10th of May 2012 Pope Benedict the 16th FyU60Pp6CzU-00777-00180544-00180728 extended the liturgical cult of Saint FyU60Pp6CzU-00778-00180729-00180929 Hildegard to the entire Catholic Church FyU60Pp6CzU-00779-00180930-00181151 in a process known as equivalent FyU60Pp6CzU-00780-00181152-00181413 canonization thus laying the groundwork FyU60Pp6CzU-00781-00181414-00181614 for naming her a Doctor of the Church on FyU60Pp6CzU-00782-00181615-00181959 the 7th of October 2012 the Feast of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00783-00181960-00182165 Holy Rosary the Pope named her a doctor FyU60Pp6CzU-00784-00182166-00182378 of the church the fourth woman of 35 FyU60Pp6CzU-00785-00182379-00182586 Saints given that title by the Roman FyU60Pp6CzU-00786-00182587-00182685 Catholic Church FyU60Pp6CzU-00787-00182686-00182985 he called her perennially relevant and FyU60Pp6CzU-00788-00182986-00183302 an authentic teacher of theology and a FyU60Pp6CzU-00789-00183303-00183558 profound scholar of natural science and FyU60Pp6CzU-00790-00183559-00183894 music Hildegard of Bingen also appears FyU60Pp6CzU-00791-00183895-00184062 in the calendar of saints of various FyU60Pp6CzU-00792-00184063-00184260 Anglican churches such as that of the FyU60Pp6CzU-00793-00184261-00184415 Church of England in which she is FyU60Pp6CzU-00794-00184416-00184690 commemorated on the 17th of September FyU60Pp6CzU-00795-00184691-00184944 Hildegard's parish and pilgrimage church FyU60Pp6CzU-00796-00184945-00185141 in Iping and near rudesheim houses her FyU60Pp6CzU-00797-00185142-00185670 relics FyU60Pp6CzU-00798-00185671-00186188 topic modern interest FyU60Pp6CzU-00799-00186189-00186458 in recent years Hildegard has become of FyU60Pp6CzU-00800-00186459-00186668 particular interest to feminist scholars FyU60Pp6CzU-00801-00186669-00186920 they note her reference to herself as a FyU60Pp6CzU-00802-00186921-00187103 member of the weaker sex and her rather FyU60Pp6CzU-00803-00187104-00187388 constant belittling of women Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00804-00187389-00187583 frequently referred to herself as an FyU60Pp6CzU-00805-00187584-00187790 unlearned woman completely incapable of FyU60Pp6CzU-00806-00187791-00188102 biblical exegesis such a statement on FyU60Pp6CzU-00807-00188103-00188162 her part FyU60Pp6CzU-00808-00188163-00188353 however worked to her advantage because FyU60Pp6CzU-00809-00188354-00188510 it made her statements that all of her FyU60Pp6CzU-00810-00188511-00188699 writings and music came from visions of FyU60Pp6CzU-00811-00188700-00188888 the divine more believable therefore FyU60Pp6CzU-00812-00188889-00189062 giving Hildegard the authority to speak FyU60Pp6CzU-00813-00189063-00189266 in a time and place where few women were FyU60Pp6CzU-00814-00189267-00189545 permitted a voice Hildegard used her FyU60Pp6CzU-00815-00189546-00189701 voice to amplify the church's FyU60Pp6CzU-00816-00189702-00189881 condemnation of institutional corruption FyU60Pp6CzU-00817-00189882-00190262 in particular simony Hildegard has also FyU60Pp6CzU-00818-00190263-00190451 become a figure of reverence within the FyU60Pp6CzU-00819-00190452-00190661 contemporary New Age movement mostly FyU60Pp6CzU-00820-00190662-00190871 because of her holistic and natural view FyU60Pp6CzU-00821-00190872-00191053 of healing as well as her status as a FyU60Pp6CzU-00822-00191054-00191297 mystic though her medical writings were FyU60Pp6CzU-00823-00191298-00191489 long neglected and then studied without FyU60Pp6CzU-00824-00191490-00191681 reference to their context she was the FyU60Pp6CzU-00825-00191682-00191900 inspiration for dr. Gottfried Hertz cos FyU60Pp6CzU-00826-00191901-00192190 Hildegard Medicine and as the namesake FyU60Pp6CzU-00827-00192191-00192386 for June boys Tillman's Hildegard FyU60Pp6CzU-00828-00192387-00192602 networked a healing center that focuses FyU60Pp6CzU-00829-00192603-00192790 on a holistic approach to wellness and FyU60Pp6CzU-00830-00192791-00192971 brings together people interested in FyU60Pp6CzU-00831-00192972-00193160 exploring the links between spirituality FyU60Pp6CzU-00832-00193161-00193487 the arts and healing her reputation as a FyU60Pp6CzU-00833-00193488-00193690 medicinal writer and healer was also FyU60Pp6CzU-00834-00193691-00193886 used by early feminists to argue for FyU60Pp6CzU-00835-00193887-00194131 women's rights to attend medical schools FyU60Pp6CzU-00836-00194132-00194363 Hildegard's reincarnation has been FyU60Pp6CzU-00837-00194364-00194672 debated since 1924 when Austrian mystic FyU60Pp6CzU-00838-00194673-00194858 Rudolf Steiner lectured that a none of FyU60Pp6CzU-00839-00194859-00195035 her description was the past life of FyU60Pp6CzU-00840-00195036-00195224 Russian poet philosopher Vladimir FyU60Pp6CzU-00841-00195225-00195296 Soloviev FyU60Pp6CzU-00842-00195297-00195466 whose Sophie Anik visions are often FyU60Pp6CzU-00843-00195467-00195752 compared to Hildegard's Sophie ologist FyU60Pp6CzU-00844-00195753-00195928 Robert Powell writes that hermetic FyU60Pp6CzU-00845-00195929-00196103 astrology proves the match while FyU60Pp6CzU-00846-00196104-00196289 mystical communities in Hildegard's FyU60Pp6CzU-00847-00196290-00196472 lineage include that of artist Karl FyU60Pp6CzU-00848-00196473-00196637 Schroeder is studied by Columbia FyU60Pp6CzU-00849-00196638-00196826 sociologist Courtney bender and FyU60Pp6CzU-00850-00196827-00197039 supported by reincarnation researchers FyU60Pp6CzU-00851-00197040-00197252 Walter Sam Q and Kevin Ryerson FyU60Pp6CzU-00852-00197253-00197423 recordings and performances of FyU60Pp6CzU-00853-00197424-00197621 Hildegard's music have gained critical FyU60Pp6CzU-00854-00197622-00197887 praise and popularity since 1979 FyU60Pp6CzU-00855-00197888-00198253 see discography listed below the FyU60Pp6CzU-00856-00198254-00198440 following modern musical works are FyU60Pp6CzU-00857-00198441-00198620 directly linked to Hildegard and her FyU60Pp6CzU-00858-00198621-00198956 music or texts sophia goo Badu Lena FyU60Pp6CzU-00859-00198957-00199145 house den vision in der Hildegard von FyU60Pp6CzU-00860-00199146-00199445 Bingen for contra alto solo after a text FyU60Pp6CzU-00861-00199446-00199565 of Hildegard of Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00862-00199566-00199937 1994 Peter Yan scens Hildegard von FyU60Pp6CzU-00863-00199938-00200006 Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00864-00200007-00200255 a musical in ten scenes text you FyU60Pp6CzU-00865-00200256-00200654 director 1997 Teela medic Mon its FyU60Pp6CzU-00866-00200655-00200912 builder natch Hildegard von Bingen 12 FyU60Pp6CzU-00867-00200913-00201152 songs for mezzo soprano clarinet and FyU60Pp6CzU-00868-00201153-00201566 piano 1997 David Lynch with Jocelyn FyU60Pp6CzU-00869-00201567-00201806 Montgomery Lux Vivian's Living Light the FyU60Pp6CzU-00870-00201807-00202135 music of Hildegard von Bingen 1998 FyU60Pp6CzU-00871-00202136-00202442 alloys Albrecht Hildegard von Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00872-00202443-00202676 a liturgical play with texts and music FyU60Pp6CzU-00873-00202677-00202796 by Hildegard of Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00874-00202797-00203192 1998 Christopher Thea finatus rainbow FyU60Pp6CzU-00875-00203193-00203558 body for orchestra 2000 lid Gerstenmaier FyU60Pp6CzU-00876-00203559-00203861 Oh splendid Hema Gemma for alto solo and FyU60Pp6CzU-00877-00203862-00204062 organ text by Hildegard of Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00878-00204063-00204470 2011 Wolfgang saucing Division secunda FyU60Pp6CzU-00879-00204471-00204769 for double choir and percussion 2011 FyU60Pp6CzU-00880-00204770-00205015 Devendra Banhart for Hildegard von FyU60Pp6CzU-00881-00205016-00205348 Bingen single from the 2013 album mala FyU60Pp6CzU-00882-00205348-00205601 gordon hamilton the trillion souls FyU60Pp6CzU-00883-00205602-00205829 quotes Hildegard's o igni Spiritist FyU60Pp6CzU-00884-00205830-00206003 artwork the dinner party features a FyU60Pp6CzU-00885-00206004-00206255 place setting for Hildegard in space the FyU60Pp6CzU-00886-00206256-00206555 minor planet 898 Hildegard is named for FyU60Pp6CzU-00887-00206556-00206786 her in film Hildegard has been portrayed FyU60Pp6CzU-00888-00206787-00206965 by Patricia Rutledge in a BBC FyU60Pp6CzU-00889-00206966-00207229 documentary called Hildegard of Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00890-00207230-00207614 1994 by Angela Malina in Barbarossa 2009 FyU60Pp6CzU-00891-00207615-00207766 and by Barbara Sakawa FyU60Pp6CzU-00892-00207767-00207977 in the film vision directed by Margaret FyU60Pp6CzU-00893-00207978-00208208 von Trotta Hildegard was the subject of FyU60Pp6CzU-00894-00208209-00208487 a 2012 fictionalized biographic novel FyU60Pp6CzU-00895-00208488-00208696 illuminations by Mary Surratt the plant FyU60Pp6CzU-00896-00208698-00208898 Gina's Hildegard iya is named after her FyU60Pp6CzU-00897-00208898-00209081 because of her contributions to herbal FyU60Pp6CzU-00898-00209082-00209339 medicine Hildegard makes an appearance FyU60Pp6CzU-00899-00209340-00209615 in the baby-sitters club number 101 FyU60Pp6CzU-00900-00209616-00209816 Claudia key she middle school dropped FyU60Pp6CzU-00901-00209817-00210044 out by nm Martin when Anna Stevenson FyU60Pp6CzU-00902-00210044-00210236 dresses his Hildegard for Halloween a FyU60Pp6CzU-00903-00210237-00210503 feature documentary film the unruly FyU60Pp6CzU-00904-00210504-00210740 mystic Saint Hildegard was released by FyU60Pp6CzU-00905-00210741-00210941 American director Michael M County in FyU60Pp6CzU-00906-00210942-00211536 2014 FyU60Pp6CzU-00907-00211537-00212091 topic bibliography FyU60Pp6CzU-00908-00212092-00212362 topic primary sources editions of FyU60Pp6CzU-00909-00212363-00212557 Hildegard's work shielded artists bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-00910-00212558-00212863 --ss opera menorah - edited by CP evans FyU60Pp6CzU-00911-00212864-00213187 j diploid s Moens mm bach ke Gartner FyU60Pp6CzU-00912-00213188-00213412 Corpus Christi and NorAm continuation FyU60Pp6CzU-00913-00213413-00213784 medievalists eccm 226 a turned-out FyU60Pp6CzU-00914-00213785-00214162 rebels 2015 ISBN nine seven eight two FyU60Pp6CzU-00915-00214163-00214375 five oh three five four eight three FyU60Pp6CzU-00916-00214376-00214663 seven one Hildegard is Vince's opera FyU60Pp6CzU-00917-00214664-00214957 menorah edited by H Feist C Evans BM FyU60Pp6CzU-00918-00214958-00215308 Kinsel C music be Newman P drunk Corpus FyU60Pp6CzU-00919-00215309-00215473 Christi and NorAm continuation FyU60Pp6CzU-00920-00215473-00215916 medievalists eccm 226 turned out rebels FyU60Pp6CzU-00921-00215917-00216262 2007 ISBN nine seven eight two five oh FyU60Pp6CzU-00922-00216263-00216478 three oh five two six one eight FyU60Pp6CzU-00923-00216479-00216798 Hildegard s Bingen says work band IV FyU60Pp6CzU-00924-00216800-00217066 leader symphony a edited by barbara FyU60Pp6CzU-00925-00217067-00217354 stool Mayer Boren ur Const fare log 2012 FyU60Pp6CzU-00926-00217355-00217660 ISBN nine seven eight three eight seven FyU60Pp6CzU-00927-00217661-00218019 oh seven one two six three one leader FyU60Pp6CzU-00928-00218021-00218380 Otto Muller ver lag Salzburg 1969 modern FyU60Pp6CzU-00929-00218381-00218587 edition in adapted square notation FyU60Pp6CzU-00930-00218588-00218791 marianne Richert foul Hildegard von FyU60Pp6CzU-00931-00218792-00219144 Bingen symphonia eight volumes complete FyU60Pp6CzU-00932-00219146-00219346 edition of the symphonia chance Bryn FyU60Pp6CzU-00933-00219346-00219671 Mawr Hildegard publishing company 1990 FyU60Pp6CzU-00934-00219673-00220039 piata Hildegard his cause at cure EDL FyU60Pp6CzU-00935-00220040-00220381 moulin yet berlin academi ver lag 2003 FyU60Pp6CzU-00936-00220382-00220714 epistle areum pars prima ixc edited by l FyU60Pp6CzU-00937-00220715-00220917 van Acker corpus Christian Orem FyU60Pp6CzU-00938-00220919-00221242 continuation medievalist ccc m91 a FyU60Pp6CzU-00939-00221242-00221551 turned-out rebels 1991 epistolary FyU60Pp6CzU-00940-00221552-00221908 impairs Secunda xci CCL are edited by el FyU60Pp6CzU-00941-00221909-00222112 van Acker Corpus Christi and Orem FyU60Pp6CzU-00942-00222113-00222421 continuation media evilest ccc m91 a FyU60Pp6CzU-00943-00222421-00222760 turned-out rebels 1993 epistolary FyU60Pp6CzU-00944-00222761-00223150 umpires terrace c clicc CXC edited by L FyU60Pp6CzU-00945-00223151-00223342 van Acker and M Clay's hack Muller FyU60Pp6CzU-00946-00223342-00223579 Corpus Christi and Orem continuation FyU60Pp6CzU-00947-00223580-00223759 media valasek CIB FyU60Pp6CzU-00948-00223760-00224061 turned out repple x' 2001 skivvy as' a FyU60Pp6CzU-00949-00224062-00224410 pure cotter a car laverra's EDS corpus FyU60Pp6CzU-00950-00224411-00224739 christi and norm scholars version Vols FyU60Pp6CzU-00951-00224740-00225142 4343 a turned-out rebels 2003 library FyU60Pp6CzU-00952-00225142-00225463 demerit Orem a Carla Vera said FyU60Pp6CzU-00953-00225464-00225667 Corpus Christi and NorAm continuation FyU60Pp6CzU-00954-00225667-00226005 medievalists eccm 90 turned out rebels FyU60Pp6CzU-00955-00226006-00226398 1995 LIBOR divinorum a Purim a Durrell's FyU60Pp6CzU-00956-00226400-00226698 and P drunk EDS Corpus Christi and Orem FyU60Pp6CzU-00957-00226700-00226990 continuation meeting evilest CCC m92 FyU60Pp6CzU-00958-00226991-00227344 turned out repens 1996 Hildegard of FyU60Pp6CzU-00959-00227344-00227592 Bingen to hagiographies Vita sancti FyU60Pp6CzU-00960-00227594-00227821 repartee confessori vita sancti dice FyU60Pp6CzU-00961-00227821-00228160 Abadi episcopal ed and trans Hugh Feist FyU60Pp6CzU-00962-00228161-00228396 and Christopher P Evans Dallas medieval FyU60Pp6CzU-00963-00228398-00228640 texts and translations eleven Leuven and FyU60Pp6CzU-00964-00228641-00228916 Paris Peters 2010 Hildegard of Bingen 's FyU60Pp6CzU-00965-00228917-00229162 unknown language in addition translation FyU60Pp6CzU-00966-00229163-00229558 and discussion ed Sarah higly 2007 the FyU60Pp6CzU-00967-00229559-00229765 entire recent codex glossary with FyU60Pp6CzU-00968-00229766-00229915 additions from the berlin ms FyU60Pp6CzU-00969-00229916-00230164 translations into english and extensive FyU60Pp6CzU-00970-00230165-00230346 commentary early manuscripts of FyU60Pp6CzU-00971-00230348-00230575 Hildegard's works Wiesbaden Heche lands FyU60Pp6CzU-00972-00230576-00230866 bibliothèque ms two recent codex or FyU60Pp6CzU-00973-00230867-00231256 Wiesbaden codex ce1180 285 tender man FyU60Pp6CzU-00974-00231257-00231484 Belgium Street Peters and Polly's of FyU60Pp6CzU-00975-00231485-00231979 ditch Cod 9 villa render codex C 1170 FyU60Pp6CzU-00976-00231980-00232296 475th Leipzig University Library FyU60Pp6CzU-00977-00232298-00232941 st. Thomas 371 Paris bibl NAT ms 11:39 FyU60Pp6CzU-00978-00232942-00233257 Munchen university library ms to FyU60Pp6CzU-00979-00233258-00233839 infinity 156 FyU60Pp6CzU-00980-00233840-00234346 topic other sources FyU60Pp6CzU-00981-00234348-00234648 Friedrich Wilhelm emil roth glassy FyU60Pp6CzU-00982-00234648-00234948 Hildegard s in Elias Steinmeier and FyU60Pp6CzU-00983-00234948-00235227 Edouard severs EDS die Alto Duchin FyU60Pp6CzU-00984-00235228-00235604 Glosson volume 3 Zurich Weidman 1895 FyU60Pp6CzU-00985-00235605-00236190 1965 PP 392 404 an elect Asante FyU60Pp6CzU-00986-00236191-00236460 Hildegard s in an elective sacra vol 8 FyU60Pp6CzU-00987-00236461-00236676 edited by Gen Baptist Petra Monte FyU60Pp6CzU-00988-00236677-00237251 Cassino 1882 petrology latina vol 197 FyU60Pp6CzU-00989-00237252-00237681 1855 explanation regularly s Benedict FyU60Pp6CzU-00990-00237682-00238067 eye explanation balaiah sathana see FyU60Pp6CzU-00991-00238067-00238494 homely Al VIII and evangelio him an FyU60Pp6CzU-00992-00238494-00238833 idiot coalesce T's ignite a lingua come FyU60Pp6CzU-00993-00238834-00239151 verse Ian a latina library divinorum a FyU60Pp6CzU-00994-00239152-00239644 Purim simplices hominis 1163 - 73 74 FyU60Pp6CzU-00995-00239646-00240173 library demerit Oram 11 58 to 63 libri FyU60Pp6CzU-00996-00240175-00240537 simplices at composite' medicina physica FyU60Pp6CzU-00997-00240538-00240726 sieves subtility tim diverse arum FyU60Pp6CzU-00998-00240727-00240977 naturam creature arum libri know'm FyU60Pp6CzU-00999-00240978-00241490 skivvy is seu v Sione's 1141 251 FyU60Pp6CzU-01000-00241491-00241798 solutions trig into octo question 'm FyU60Pp6CzU-01001-00241800-00242544 Tractatus dis Acra mento alterus FyU60Pp6CzU-01002-00242544-00243071 topic see also FyU60Pp6CzU-01003-00243071-00243352 discography of Hildegard of Bingen FyU60Pp6CzU-01004-00243353-00243704 timeline of women in science equals FyU60Pp6CzU-01005-00243705-00243971 equals notes Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00000-00000097-00000578 500 subs why did Bradley 800 now or Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00001-00000579-00000872 something at home I don't understand why Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00002-00000873-00001048 are they here Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00003-00001049-00001587 why is anybody here you need to know Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00004-00001588-00002442 tell them I need to tell whoa whoa it's Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00005-00002443-00002713 Master Eve some man cave this is a nice Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00006-00002714-00002917 chair mastery thanks for giving me a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00007-00002918-00003147 nice one yeah you're welcome Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00008-00003148-00003367 that's not my chair oh boy you steel Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00009-00003368-00003709 chairs anyways welcome to the 500 sub-q Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00010-00003710-00004174 a video with mr iose apparently that was Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00011-00004175-00004359 not planned yeah you got questions for Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00012-00004360-00004536 me I guess I don't I guess that's how Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00013-00004537-00004588 this works Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00014-00004589-00004788 master 'if you bet you have questions Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00015-00004789-00005170 for you yeah if you were to quit Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00016-00005171-00005570 youtubing and start another hobby what Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00017-00005571-00006216 dying cool um how are you how hard is it Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00018-00006217-00006543 for you to come up with content I mean Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00019-00006544-00006727 it's not really that difficult because Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00020-00006728-00006892 I'm the kind of person to draw Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00021-00006893-00007108 inspiration from literally everything I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00022-00007109-00007375 see whether that be YouTube or just real Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00023-00007376-00007614 life circumstances or you know shower Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00024-00007615-00007884 thoughts you like dogs I do like dogs Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00025-00007886-00008106 I'm a cat person though was my question Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00026-00008107-00008299 erased yeah I raised all of my negative Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00027-00008300-00008770 comments totally what video or type of Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00028-00008771-00009213 video would you never make and probably Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00029-00009214-00009438 a diss track so mess we've do we have it Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00030-00009439-00009559 on record that you're not gonna make a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00031-00009560-00009880 district no comment what is your opinion Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00032-00009881-00010105 on the new super smash game I'm not a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00033-00010106-00010281 huge a Nintendo fan but I really like Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00034-00010282-00010527 Super Smash Brothers with friends so I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00035-00010528-00010660 think it'll be fun Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00036-00010661-00010956 will you get to 1 million subscribers Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00037-00010957-00011266 one day my answer yes boy do I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00038-00011267-00011517 personally think that I honestly don't Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00039-00011518-00011674 know I tend to have a negative bias Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00040-00011675-00011838 against myself and because of that I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00041-00011839-00012019 don't think most of my content is that Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00042-00012020-00012234 great especially my older videos I'm Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00043-00012235-00012420 proud of my newer videos though that's Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00044-00012421-00012612 for sure so like Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00045-00012613-00012834 like maybe in the future because I'm not Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00046-00012835-00013035 planning on quitting anytime soon or Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00047-00013036-00013440 ever so eventually yeah but I don't Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00048-00013441-00013641 think any time soon if you were stuck on Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00049-00013641-00013905 a deserted island with no food or Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00050-00013906-00014124 resources to gather would you rather eat Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00051-00014125-00014588 your arm or your leg I would eat my arm Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00052-00014590-00014793 because I kind of need to legs to walk Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00053-00014794-00015099 this channel deserves way more subs yeah Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00054-00015100-00015213 a lot of people have been saying that Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00055-00015213-00015336 recently and it makes me really happy Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00056-00015337-00015530 how long do you think it will take to Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00057-00015531-00015983 reach 700 subs well we're at 800 now so Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00058-00015984-00016296 yeah what is your least favorite part of Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00059-00016297-00016677 making a youtube video captioning videos Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00060-00016678-00017121 I hate manually captioning videos it is Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00061-00017122-00017397 the worst masteries I think or on the Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00062-00017398-00017697 same boat nobody likes to caption videos Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00063-00017698-00017925 if you could give orders to Disney what Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00064-00017926-00018102 would the orders be that they would Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00065-00018103-00018380 create a Kingdom Hearts section in Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00066-00018381-00018636 Disney World if you could have a voucher Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00067-00018637-00018872 to get any artists group to make music Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00068-00018873-00019035 for your channel or just a song Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00069-00019036-00019247 dedicated to you who would you spend it Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00070-00019248-00019602 on and what would it be about slash Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00071-00019603-00019836 sound like I would want eleventy-seven Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00072-00019837-00020202 to make me a musical intro do you have a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00073-00020203-00020412 girlfriend will you do a video with her Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00074-00020413-00020597 the answers still no if you scam a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00075-00020598-00020865 scammer is that wrong well yes cuz I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00076-00020866-00021056 believe that you shouldn't render evil Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00077-00021057-00021237 for evil so if somebody hits you you Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00078-00021238-00021390 shouldn't hit him back just because they Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00079-00021391-00021528 hate you cuz that ain't the right thing Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00080-00021529-00021753 to do you know you should love everybody Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00081-00021754-00021936 no matter if they hurt you or not would Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00082-00021937-00022205 rather live on island full of dinosaurs Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00083-00022206-00022578 or do normal videos or do cringy YT Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00084-00022579-00022833 videos every day recorded in 12:40 P Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00085-00022834-00022980 obviously I would want to live on a Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00086-00022981-00023181 dinosaur island and then I would vlog it Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00087-00023182-00023355 and then I would get him million Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00088-00023356-00023565 subscribers cuz nobody else has that Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00089-00023566-00023874 content except me so world hunger give Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00090-00023875-00024125 poor people food what do you think the Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00091-00024126-00024363 most prevalent mental fallacies are in Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00092-00024364-00024846 the modern age depression you are an eye Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00093-00024847-00024950 witness to a crime Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00094-00024951-00025218 a man has robbed the bank but instead of Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00095-00025219-00025461 keeping the money for himself he donates Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00096-00025462-00025781 it to a poor orphanage that can now Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00097-00025782-00025859 afford to Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00098-00025860-00026150 need clothes and care for children you Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00099-00026151-00026364 know who committed a crime if you go to Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00100-00026364-00026574 the authorities with information there's Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00101-00026575-00026736 a good chance the money will be returned Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00102-00026737-00026973 to the bank leaving a lot kids in need Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00103-00026974-00027233 what do you do it seems like by the Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00104-00027234-00027383 sounds of it that the money's already Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00105-00027384-00027587 spent it's like you you've done it you Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00106-00027588-00027890 go into jail mate oh but then somebody Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00107-00027891-00028324 would hate me for the rest of their life Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00108-00028325-00028565 the right thing is always the right Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00109-00028566-00029074 thing where is Hannah Marie's comment Oh Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00110-00029075-00029417 roasted yeah Hannah Marie where are you Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00111-00029418-00029701 where's your comment I was expecting I Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00112-00029702-00030099 was expecting a comment from you where's Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00113-00030100-00030405 the common thing for water to subscribe Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00114-00030406-00030662 if you're new press that bell for Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00115-00030663-00030839 notifications check out in Mariah's Fz9Mj4bHyuA-00116-00030840-00031127 Channel FzqL8fHSWjy-00000-00001492-00002188 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00001-00002189-00002883 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00002-00002884-00003918 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00003-00003919-00004283 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00004-00004284-00005497 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00005-00005498-00005683 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00006-00005684-00006117 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00007-00006118-00007083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00008-00007084-00007315 oh FzqL8fHSWjy-00009-00007316-00008214 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00010-00008215-00009062 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00011-00009063-00009883 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00012-00009884-00010117 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00013-00010118-00011142 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00014-00011143-00011401 i am FzqL8fHSWjy-00015-00011402-00012412 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00016-00012413-00012683 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00017-00012684-00013343 oh FzqL8fHSWjy-00018-00013344-00014083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00019-00014084-00015009 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00020-00015010-00016529 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00021-00016530-00016983 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00022-00016984-00018607 a FzqL8fHSWjy-00023-00018608-00019343 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00024-00019344-00020048 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00025-00020049-00020675 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00026-00020676-00021083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00027-00021084-00021495 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00028-00021496-00022483 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00029-00022484-00022707 my FzqL8fHSWjy-00030-00022708-00023607 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00031-00023608-00023883 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00032-00023884-00024170 oh FzqL8fHSWjy-00033-00024171-00024822 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00034-00024823-00025283 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00035-00025284-00025629 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00036-00025630-00026495 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00037-00026495-00028083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00038-00028083-00028269 my FzqL8fHSWjy-00039-00028270-00028948 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00040-00028949-00029483 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00041-00029483-00029877 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00042-00029879-00030883 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00043-00030883-00031389 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00044-00031389-00031970 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00045-00031970-00032283 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00046-00032283-00032544 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00047-00032545-00034087 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00048-00034088-00034600 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00049-00034601-00035083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00050-00035084-00035363 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00051-00035364-00036487 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00052-00036488-00037116 is FzqL8fHSWjy-00053-00037117-00037862 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00054-00037863-00039283 right FzqL8fHSWjy-00055-00039284-00039803 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00056-00039804-00040683 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00057-00040684-00041087 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00058-00041088-00042083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00059-00042084-00042779 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00060-00042780-00042913 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00061-00042914-00043483 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00062-00043484-00044387 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00063-00044388-00044887 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00064-00044888-00046544 a foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00065-00046545-00046878 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00066-00046879-00047535 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00067-00047536-00047683 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00068-00047684-00048457 is FzqL8fHSWjy-00069-00048458-00049083 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00070-00049084-00050483 is FzqL8fHSWjy-00071-00050484-00051882 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00072-00051883-00052538 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00073-00052539-00053616 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00074-00053616-00054580 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00075-00054582-00056082 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00076-00056083-00056694 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00077-00056695-00057482 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00078-00057483-00058355 i FzqL8fHSWjy-00079-00058357-00058882 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00080-00058883-00059342 is FzqL8fHSWjy-00081-00059344-00061682 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00082-00061683-00062165 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00083-00062166-00062467 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00084-00062469-00063082 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00085-00063083-00064482 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00086-00064483-00065004 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00087-00065005-00065882 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00088-00065883-00066350 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00089-00066351-00067989 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00090-00067990-00068682 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00091-00068683-00069629 i FzqL8fHSWjy-00092-00069630-00070564 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00093-00070565-00071254 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00094-00071255-00071482 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00095-00071483-00072010 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00096-00072011-00072882 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00097-00072883-00073021 a FzqL8fHSWjy-00098-00073022-00074282 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00099-00074283-00074530 is FzqL8fHSWjy-00100-00074531-00075335 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00101-00075336-00076248 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00102-00076249-00076960 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00103-00076961-00077769 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00104-00077770-00078482 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00105-00078483-00078590 i FzqL8fHSWjy-00106-00078591-00078815 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00107-00078816-00079401 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00108-00079402-00079882 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00109-00079883-00080083 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00110-00080084-00081011 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00111-00081012-00081919 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00112-00081920-00082682 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00113-00082683-00083577 foreign FzqL8fHSWjy-00114-00083578-00084735 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00115-00084736-00085224 [Applause] FzqL8fHSWjy-00116-00085225-00085487 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00117-00085488-00085919 my FzqL8fHSWjy-00118-00085920-00086771 [Music] FzqL8fHSWjy-00119-00086772-00087072 oh FzIAnZlCkTE-00000-00000066-00000471 Charles Wayne Reese CBE FRS FRS see the FzIAnZlCkTE-00001-00000472-00000822 15th of October 1927 to the 21st of FzIAnZlCkTE-00002-00000823-00001107 September 2006 was a British organic FzIAnZlCkTE-00003-00001108-00001655 chemist FzIAnZlCkTE-00004-00001657-00002239 topic early life and education FzIAnZlCkTE-00005-00002240-00002549 Rhys was born in Egypt but educated in FzIAnZlCkTE-00006-00002550-00002827 England at Farnham Grammar School after FzIAnZlCkTE-00007-00002828-00003031 three years as a laboratory technician FzIAnZlCkTE-00008-00003032-00003247 at the Royal aircraft establishment he FzIAnZlCkTE-00009-00003248-00003406 went to University College at FzIAnZlCkTE-00010-00003407-00003620 Southampton later the University of FzIAnZlCkTE-00011-00003621-00003902 Southampton where he graduated in 1950 FzIAnZlCkTE-00012-00003903-00004214 he took his PhD there with Professor a FzIAnZlCkTE-00013-00004215-00004414 Albert of the Australian National FzIAnZlCkTE-00014-00004415-00005143 University at Euston Road London FzIAnZlCkTE-00015-00005144-00005640 topic career FzIAnZlCkTE-00016-00005641-00005856 he was then appointed assistant lecturer FzIAnZlCkTE-00017-00005857-00006165 at Birkbeck College London in 1955 FzIAnZlCkTE-00018-00006166-00006360 moving in at the bottom as Professor FzIAnZlCkTE-00019-00006361-00006555 Derek Barton moved out at the top to FzIAnZlCkTE-00020-00006556-00006770 take up the Regius chair in Glasgow FzIAnZlCkTE-00021-00006770-00007059 after two years at Birkbeck dr. Reece FzIAnZlCkTE-00022-00007059-00007272 moved to King's College London where he FzIAnZlCkTE-00023-00007273-00007602 spent eight years as lecturer reader he FzIAnZlCkTE-00024-00007603-00007791 collaborated for several years with FzIAnZlCkTE-00025-00007792-00008034 professor Donald Holroyd hay on various FzIAnZlCkTE-00026-00008034-00008352 aspects of heterocyclic chemistry he was FzIAnZlCkTE-00027-00008353-00008529 appointed to his first chair at the FzIAnZlCkTE-00028-00008530-00008844 University of Leicester in 1965 and four FzIAnZlCkTE-00029-00008845-00009035 years later moved to the University of FzIAnZlCkTE-00030-00009036-00009234 Liverpool as professor of organic FzIAnZlCkTE-00031-00009235-00009537 chemistry and in 1977 he succeeded FzIAnZlCkTE-00032-00009538-00009738 professor George Wallace Kenter there as FzIAnZlCkTE-00033-00009739-00009927 Heath Harrison professor of organic FzIAnZlCkTE-00034-00009928-00010271 chemistry in 1978 he was appointed FzIAnZlCkTE-00035-00010272-00010491 Hoffman professor of organic chemistry FzIAnZlCkTE-00036-00010492-00010728 at Imperial College London and remained FzIAnZlCkTE-00037-00010729-00011057 there until his retirement in 1993 FzIAnZlCkTE-00038-00011058-00011295 professor Reiss research interests FzIAnZlCkTE-00039-00011296-00011502 ranged widely over mechanistic and FzIAnZlCkTE-00040-00011503-00011799 synthetic organic chemistry much of his FzIAnZlCkTE-00041-00011800-00011988 work was concerned with heterocyclic FzIAnZlCkTE-00042-00011989-00012221 chemistry particularly the synthesis and FzIAnZlCkTE-00043-00012222-00012477 chemistry of new heterocyclic rings with FzIAnZlCkTE-00044-00012478-00012671 an emphasis on aromatic and anti FzIAnZlCkTE-00045-00012672-00012894 aromatic rings and the role of reactive FzIAnZlCkTE-00046-00012894-00013144 intermediates in heterocyclic chemistry FzIAnZlCkTE-00047-00013146-00013365 recently he had been working on FzIAnZlCkTE-00048-00013366-00013611 heterocyclic systems with unusually high FzIAnZlCkTE-00049-00013612-00013815 proportions of nitrogen and sulfur FzIAnZlCkTE-00050-00013816-00014151 hetero atoms he published about 480 FzIAnZlCkTE-00051-00014152-00014413 papers in the scientific literature FzIAnZlCkTE-00052-00014415-00014658 professor Reiss was the president of the FzIAnZlCkTE-00053-00014659-00014880 Royal Society of Chemistry from July FzIAnZlCkTE-00054-00014881-00015237 1992 for two years he has served on its FzIAnZlCkTE-00055-00015238-00015447 Council and many boards and committees FzIAnZlCkTE-00056-00015447-00015654 at various times he was chair of the FzIAnZlCkTE-00057-00015655-00015866 publication and information board for FzIAnZlCkTE-00058-00015868-00016110 four years he was president of the FzIAnZlCkTE-00059-00016111-00016377 Perkin division of the RSC and president FzIAnZlCkTE-00060-00016378-00016569 of the chemistry Association for the FzIAnZlCkTE-00061-00016570-00016878 Advancement of science amongst the many FzIAnZlCkTE-00062-00016879-00017112 and diverse contributions to chemistry FzIAnZlCkTE-00063-00017113-00017337 he made his two papers describing the FzIAnZlCkTE-00064-00017338-00017529 brilliantly conceived generation of FzIAnZlCkTE-00065-00017530-00017802 benzene and one 8-d hydro naphthalene by FzIAnZlCkTE-00066-00017803-00018063 the lead IV acetate oxidation of an FzIAnZlCkTE-00067-00018064-00018264 amino heterocycles are considered FzIAnZlCkTE-00068-00018265-00018588 classic papers from this era he died on FzIAnZlCkTE-00069-00018589-00018855 the 21st of September 2006 of FzIAnZlCkTE-00070-00018856-00019479 undisclosed causes FzIAnZlCkTE-00071-00019480-00020051 topic Awards & honors FzIAnZlCkTE-00072-00020052-00020312 he was the Royal Society of chemistry's FzIAnZlCkTE-00073-00020313-00020615 Tilden lecturer in 1974 and the pedlar FzIAnZlCkTE-00074-00020616-00020897 lecturer in 1984 and received the first FzIAnZlCkTE-00075-00020898-00021188 RSC award in heterocyclic chemistry in FzIAnZlCkTE-00076-00021189-00021422 1980 and the international award in FzIAnZlCkTE-00077-00021423-00021794 heterocyclic chemistry in 1995 he was FzIAnZlCkTE-00078-00021795-00022004 elected a fellow of the Royal Society FzIAnZlCkTE-00079-00022005-00022417 FRS in 1974 he was awarded an honorary FzIAnZlCkTE-00080-00022418-00022744 DSC by the University of Leicester in FzIAnZlCkTE-00081-00022745-00023039 1994 and a CBE in the New Year's Honours FzIAnZlCkTE-00082-00023040-00023414 List in 1995 FAxqSEMRglu-00000-00000335-00001143 [Music] FAxqSEMRglu-00001-00001144-00001270 good morning FAxqSEMRglu-00002-00001271-00001447 i'm kevin hooker with ward realty FAxqSEMRglu-00003-00001448-00001679 services and today FAxqSEMRglu-00004-00001680-00002007 joseph and dylan have stopped by to talk FAxqSEMRglu-00005-00002007-00002239 with us about home inspections FAxqSEMRglu-00006-00002240-00002479 what what you do with what they do with FAxqSEMRglu-00007-00002480-00002671 you know home inspection why you need a FAxqSEMRglu-00008-00002672-00002807 home inspection FAxqSEMRglu-00009-00002808-00003166 kind of what to expect with a report and FAxqSEMRglu-00010-00003167-00003303 so FAxqSEMRglu-00011-00003304-00003511 big way guys well home inspection is FAxqSEMRglu-00012-00003511-00003670 very important um FAxqSEMRglu-00013-00003671-00003911 for new houses as well as old houses FAxqSEMRglu-00014-00003911-00004095 we're looking for life health and safety FAxqSEMRglu-00015-00004096-00004295 issues things that cost large amounts of FAxqSEMRglu-00016-00004296-00004591 money as we go through even new houses FAxqSEMRglu-00017-00004592-00004919 we found issues with like broken trusses FAxqSEMRglu-00018-00004920-00005199 most builders are very reputable however FAxqSEMRglu-00019-00005200-00005422 with a second set of eyes to go through FAxqSEMRglu-00020-00005423-00005727 to make sure things as you had planned FAxqSEMRglu-00021-00005728-00005967 the newer houses we do a 17 system FAxqSEMRglu-00022-00005968-00006111 inspection FAxqSEMRglu-00023-00006112-00006383 so we start on the roof walk the roof FAxqSEMRglu-00024-00006384-00006670 go into the attic test all the hvac FAxqSEMRglu-00025-00006672-00006823 carbon fixtures make sure that FAxqSEMRglu-00026-00006823-00007046 everything's working today or during the FAxqSEMRglu-00027-00007047-00007359 time of inspection um we can't tell FAxqSEMRglu-00028-00007359-00007574 what the future holds but we can't tell FAxqSEMRglu-00029-00007575-00007791 you what's gonna happen or what the FAxqSEMRglu-00030-00007792-00007983 systems were doing at the time of FAxqSEMRglu-00031-00007984-00008199 inspection um we try to alleviate as FAxqSEMRglu-00032-00008200-00008495 much stress as possible for the buyers FAxqSEMRglu-00033-00008496-00008710 as we go through um FAxqSEMRglu-00034-00008711-00008927 we encourage buyers to show up to attend FAxqSEMRglu-00035-00008928-00009103 the inspection towards the end FAxqSEMRglu-00036-00009104-00009342 and most inspections the ladies in the FAxqSEMRglu-00037-00009343-00009614 office schedule uh one hour for every FAxqSEMRglu-00038-00009615-00009799 thousand square feet okay and that kind FAxqSEMRglu-00039-00009800-00009974 of gives you a general idea how long the FAxqSEMRglu-00040-00009975-00010119 inspection will take usually we're there FAxqSEMRglu-00041-00010120-00010391 about two hours two to three three hours FAxqSEMRglu-00042-00010392-00010638 is our typical okay unless it's bigger FAxqSEMRglu-00043-00010639-00010927 or older um we are small so we get all FAxqSEMRglu-00044-00010928-00011078 those little tight looks and FAxqSEMRglu-00045-00011079-00011303 yeah that's important yes very important FAxqSEMRglu-00046-00011304-00011471 because we go where nobody else wants to FAxqSEMRglu-00047-00011472-00011727 go yeah and it's uh FAxqSEMRglu-00048-00011728-00011903 nobody likes going in those spots and FAxqSEMRglu-00049-00011904-00012014 usually FAxqSEMRglu-00050-00012015-00012214 that's where a lot of the issues occur FAxqSEMRglu-00051-00012215-00012455 yeah and i know from doing showing FAxqSEMRglu-00052-00012456-00012623 myself usually FAxqSEMRglu-00053-00012624-00012894 buyers we don't crawl into the attic we FAxqSEMRglu-00054-00012895-00013127 don't crawl under the house we just walk FAxqSEMRglu-00055-00013128-00013271 through and look at look at it in FAxqSEMRglu-00056-00013272-00013527 general and then outside FAxqSEMRglu-00057-00013528-00013711 and it you know and then if we like it FAxqSEMRglu-00058-00013712-00013991 we go from there correct yeah um so also FAxqSEMRglu-00059-00013991-00014294 um there's ancillary services um we FAxqSEMRglu-00060-00014295-00014558 recommend a radon is very common in the FAxqSEMRglu-00061-00014559-00014847 area so we do recommend um testing for FAxqSEMRglu-00062-00014847-00015111 radon it's a two-day test we'll put a FAxqSEMRglu-00063-00015112-00015399 box a unit in the house and then bring FAxqSEMRglu-00064-00015400-00015630 it and test tested you want to talk FAxqSEMRglu-00065-00015631-00015838 about termites termites are very FAxqSEMRglu-00066-00015840-00016015 interesting creatures FAxqSEMRglu-00067-00016016-00016303 we go into crawl spaces basements FAxqSEMRglu-00068-00016304-00016543 anything that we might find them around FAxqSEMRglu-00069-00016544-00016735 the exterior of the house FAxqSEMRglu-00070-00016736-00016935 mulch beds are FAxqSEMRglu-00071-00016936-00017199 normally typical for termites we find FAxqSEMRglu-00072-00017200-00017383 them occasionally in there FAxqSEMRglu-00073-00017384-00017591 but especially crawl spaces because FAxqSEMRglu-00074-00017592-00017799 those are the areas that people don't FAxqSEMRglu-00075-00017800-00018039 want to get into like he had said FAxqSEMRglu-00076-00018040-00018255 so that's whenever we come into play and FAxqSEMRglu-00077-00018256-00018399 get in every nook and cranny to make FAxqSEMRglu-00078-00018400-00018583 sure that there's no term lights or FAxqSEMRglu-00079-00018584-00018735 signs of termites FAxqSEMRglu-00080-00018736-00018919 molds and allergens are also a good FAxqSEMRglu-00081-00018920-00019063 thing to test FAxqSEMRglu-00082-00019064-00019150 because FAxqSEMRglu-00083-00019151-00019263 molds FAxqSEMRglu-00084-00019264-00019527 we when we digest food because molds FAxqSEMRglu-00085-00019528-00019719 kind of broadcast okay FAxqSEMRglu-00086-00019720-00019975 crawl spaces in low and wet areas it FAxqSEMRglu-00087-00019976-00020158 lands on the origins of facebook these FAxqSEMRglu-00088-00020159-00020383 are floor joists you kind of land on it FAxqSEMRglu-00089-00020384-00020527 and then the spores land on it and FAxqSEMRglu-00090-00020528-00020767 digest the wood okay so then you can FAxqSEMRglu-00091-00020768-00020991 have some major FAxqSEMRglu-00092-00020992-00021335 major damage yeah report um when i when FAxqSEMRglu-00093-00021336-00021558 i or when the buyer gets it what's it FAxqSEMRglu-00094-00021559-00021703 going to look like our reports are FAxqSEMRglu-00095-00021704-00021958 computer generated um usually it's FAxqSEMRglu-00096-00021959-00022255 between 35 and 50 pages okay um if it's FAxqSEMRglu-00097-00022256-00022567 100 house we have had i'm up to 115 FAxqSEMRglu-00098-00022568-00022822 pages yeah digital pictures are included FAxqSEMRglu-00099-00022823-00023150 and then we also um put a summary first FAxqSEMRglu-00100-00023151-00023311 and a good thing about how everything FAxqSEMRglu-00101-00023312-00023439 can be fixed FAxqSEMRglu-00102-00023440-00023655 sure with uh you know our jobs to tell FAxqSEMRglu-00103-00023656-00023878 you problems so we always tell our we FAxqSEMRglu-00104-00023879-00024103 encourage our clients to attend FAxqSEMRglu-00105-00024104-00024303 our job to tell your problems so we're FAxqSEMRglu-00106-00024304-00024511 going to tell you problems right we try FAxqSEMRglu-00107-00024512-00024758 not to scare everybody to death but you FAxqSEMRglu-00108-00024759-00024886 know we're going to find FAxqSEMRglu-00109-00024887-00025014 if there's something FAxqSEMRglu-00110-00025015-00025222 we think if we don't find things we're FAxqSEMRglu-00111-00025223-00025367 not doing our job FAxqSEMRglu-00112-00025368-00025447 so FAxqSEMRglu-00113-00025448-00025687 from a time of that i call FAxqSEMRglu-00114-00025688-00025846 about how long does it take to get one FAxqSEMRglu-00115-00025847-00025974 scheduled FAxqSEMRglu-00116-00025975-00026150 and then about how long does it take FAxqSEMRglu-00117-00026151-00026351 before i get my report spring time is FAxqSEMRglu-00118-00026352-00026599 usually the busiest season um with that FAxqSEMRglu-00119-00026600-00026767 uh usually we're scheduled within the FAxqSEMRglu-00120-00026768-00026943 week um FAxqSEMRglu-00121-00026944-00027087 following the other times usually it's FAxqSEMRglu-00122-00027088-00027262 two or three days okay depending on your FAxqSEMRglu-00123-00027263-00027414 schedule and the ladies in the office FAxqSEMRglu-00124-00027416-00027614 they're always glad to help and we're a FAxqSEMRglu-00125-00027616-00027783 one-stop shop that means you call the FAxqSEMRglu-00126-00027783-00027967 office and the ladies will take care of FAxqSEMRglu-00127-00027968-00028190 everything scheduling once okay all FAxqSEMRglu-00128-00028191-00028383 right what's your what's your number uh FAxqSEMRglu-00129-00028383-00028527 our number is our office number is FAxqSEMRglu-00130-00028527-00029046 812-945-7478 FAxqSEMRglu-00131-00029047-00029287 and i'm with board realty my number is FAxqSEMRglu-00132-00029288-00029695 502-396-499 FAxqSEMRglu-00133-00029695-00029887 love to talk to you about a house i know FAxqSEMRglu-00134-00029888-00030070 these guys are excited to get to inspect FAxqSEMRglu-00135-00030072-00030158 the house FAxqSEMRglu-00136-00030160-00030255 so FAxqSEMRglu-00137-00030256-00030627 hope to see you soon thank you thank you FAxqSEMRglu-00138-00030627-00031158 [Music] FAxqSEMRglu-00139-00031160-00031368 you FA_tkMpaapk-00000-00000003-00000265 hey guys what is up to me Stella and FA_tkMpaapk-00001-00000266-00000515 today my graduation vlog right now I'm FA_tkMpaapk-00002-00000516-00000839 at the gym and do my graduation practice FA_tkMpaapk-00003-00000840-00001108 right now at a LLL start the actual FA_tkMpaapk-00004-00001109-00001361 graduation not sure if the graduations FA_tkMpaapk-00005-00001362-00001651 gonna be outside or in the gym but FA_tkMpaapk-00006-00001652-00001871 hopefully outside because I really want FA_tkMpaapk-00007-00001872-00001967 to graduate FA_tkMpaapk-00009-00005151-00006645 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00010-00006645-00008528 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00011-00008529-00008883 hey guys I'm back so I got back from my FA_tkMpaapk-00012-00008884-00009084 graduation practice and the reason why FA_tkMpaapk-00013-00009085-00009237 I'm outside because it's so loud in FA_tkMpaapk-00014-00009238-00009599 there you know so 6:30 I'm gonna be FA_tkMpaapk-00015-00009600-00009834 there to my graduation so it's gonna be FA_tkMpaapk-00016-00009835-00010095 really early and someone to like do my FA_tkMpaapk-00017-00010096-00010332 makeup and do my hair and everything FA_tkMpaapk-00018-00010333-00010581 else you get idea okay during the FA_tkMpaapk-00019-00010582-00010740 graduation practice we got messed up FA_tkMpaapk-00020-00010741-00010985 with the lining and getting a diploma FA_tkMpaapk-00021-00010986-00011316 handshaking there's a light la la going FA_tkMpaapk-00022-00011317-00011505 on sorry I didn't do much of the talking FA_tkMpaapk-00023-00011506-00011709 most of my vlogs but hopefully I might FA_tkMpaapk-00024-00011710-00011895 talk to some or I'm just telling you FA_tkMpaapk-00025-00011896-00012037 right now FA_tkMpaapk-00026-00012038-00012885 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00027-00012886-00013247 my friend her on her YouTube channel FA_tkMpaapk-00028-00013247-00013838 low like Lola she's awesome one day FA_tkMpaapk-00029-00013840-00014526 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00030-00014527-00015646 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00031-00015647-00017624 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00032-00017625-00020042 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00033-00020043-00022017 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00034-00022018-00023347 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00035-00023348-00023696 hey guys I'm already dressed up ready I FA_tkMpaapk-00036-00023697-00024044 got my hair curl and makeup I think Lola FA_tkMpaapk-00037-00024045-00024242 and Ashley for this so thank my sister FA_tkMpaapk-00038-00024243-00024446 for letting me this dress barring it FA_tkMpaapk-00039-00024447-00024704 guys so sorry I couldn't talk much but FA_tkMpaapk-00040-00024705-00024914 I'm here the gymnasium right now ready FA_tkMpaapk-00041-00024915-00025123 to be graduated FA_tkMpaapk-00043-00028432-00028489 [Applause] FA_tkMpaapk-00044-00028489-00031056 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00045-00031057-00031664 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00046-00031665-00032115 hey guys it's me back again this is the FA_tkMpaapk-00047-00032116-00032254 after graduation FA_tkMpaapk-00048-00032255-00032661 we're here in Applebee's to eat you guys FA_tkMpaapk-00049-00032662-00032937 actually and I'm the youngest leg today FA_tkMpaapk-00050-00032938-00033235 of the century Russia I'm reading your FA_tkMpaapk-00051-00033236-00033417 read only cost more than you'll pick FA_tkMpaapk-00052-00033418-00033495 wait FA_tkMpaapk-00053-00033496-00033933 Brent hey I'm at a hobo today FA_tkMpaapk-00054-00033934-00034311 there she is photo look at her go smelly FA_tkMpaapk-00055-00034312-00034662 shoe Jim one graduating charity read my FA_tkMpaapk-00056-00034663-00034992 up guys come on looks so pretty I didn't FA_tkMpaapk-00057-00034993-00035198 make I did her hair hit me up you know FA_tkMpaapk-00058-00035199-00035544 thank you anyways bye FA_tkMpaapk-00059-00035545-00035998 go check Lola's and Ashley channel and FA_tkMpaapk-00060-00035999-00036861 vastly hugged on it only down FA_tkMpaapk-00061-00036862-00037080 description so go check it out they're FA_tkMpaapk-00062-00037081-00037454 really awesome so home go home and see FA_tkMpaapk-00063-00037455-00038186 [Laughter] FA_tkMpaapk-00064-00038187-00038718 wonderful you went to somewhat stolen FA_tkMpaapk-00065-00038719-00038967 I never just roll out in cash you're FA_tkMpaapk-00066-00038968-00039501 taller than a legs I didn't see that FA_tkMpaapk-00067-00039502-00039735 hey guys I'm back from Applebee's got FA_tkMpaapk-00068-00039736-00039882 all dressed soft comfortable clothes FA_tkMpaapk-00069-00039883-00040107 because I feel kind of fat and you know FA_tkMpaapk-00070-00040108-00040392 and I know it's not been so long but I'm FA_tkMpaapk-00071-00040393-00040614 just gonna say it so thank you for the FA_tkMpaapk-00072-00040615-00040845 journey of my high school year or my FA_tkMpaapk-00073-00040846-00041184 school years and blah and you get the FA_tkMpaapk-00074-00041185-00041232 idea FA_tkMpaapk-00075-00041233-00041541 but anyway very hard to let me look back FA_tkMpaapk-00076-00041542-00041823 from your childhood and till now you're FA_tkMpaapk-00077-00041824-00042108 an adult and like I didn't have a good FA_tkMpaapk-00078-00042109-00042207 childhood FA_tkMpaapk-00079-00042208-00042555 okay I was very sad and lonely I didn't FA_tkMpaapk-00080-00042556-00042714 have friends right now I'm gonna make FA_tkMpaapk-00081-00042715-00042993 things right I am gonna try to make FA_tkMpaapk-00082-00042994-00043128 friends more in the future FA_tkMpaapk-00083-00043129-00043379 you know I suffered through my autism FA_tkMpaapk-00084-00043380-00043797 social anxiety and depressions which I FA_tkMpaapk-00085-00043798-00044007 told you that in my depression story FA_tkMpaapk-00086-00044008-00044274 video and like I was having a hard time FA_tkMpaapk-00087-00044275-00044514 like senior what year I just couldn't FA_tkMpaapk-00088-00044515-00044766 deal with it like you know I'm tired of FA_tkMpaapk-00089-00044767-00045204 all the hatred trail and like I just FA_tkMpaapk-00090-00045205-00045387 don't I didn't even want that but most FA_tkMpaapk-00091-00045388-00045696 of my time I'm going to go to Community FA_tkMpaapk-00092-00045697-00045759 College FA_tkMpaapk-00093-00045760-00045921 I'm nothing about if I should do it this FA_tkMpaapk-00094-00045922-00046436 year or next year but maybe I don't know FA_tkMpaapk-00095-00046437-00046763 I'm so glad that my sister's friends and FA_tkMpaapk-00096-00046764-00047081 my sister and my family my parents and FA_tkMpaapk-00097-00047082-00047339 my graduation and I got so happy to FA_tkMpaapk-00098-00047340-00047588 receive my diploma well I have no other FA_tkMpaapk-00099-00047589-00047999 words I would say my own speeches look FA_tkMpaapk-00100-00048000-00048239 towards the positive things that has FA_tkMpaapk-00101-00048240-00048439 happened a little bit further and FA_tkMpaapk-00102-00048440-00048701 there'll be some really good people if FA_tkMpaapk-00103-00048702-00048875 there's some bad people who just don't FA_tkMpaapk-00104-00048876-00049169 talk to them you know like by a friend FA_tkMpaapk-00105-00049170-00049427 who actually cares about you who's FA_tkMpaapk-00106-00049428-00049652 really your friend not someone who FA_tkMpaapk-00107-00049653-00049880 actually a portrayal or act like your FA_tkMpaapk-00108-00049881-00050147 stranger because that's the worst friend FA_tkMpaapk-00109-00050148-00050378 that you could ever had cuz love their FA_tkMpaapk-00110-00050379-00050665 which well not leather this I guess card FA_tkMpaapk-00111-00050666-00051221 from well my sis Frankie I heard and I'm FA_tkMpaapk-00112-00051222-00051302 gonna open it FA_tkMpaapk-00113-00051303-00051792 see what she got me oh it's this little FA_tkMpaapk-00114-00051794-00052151 card that congrats on your next chapter FA_tkMpaapk-00115-00052152-00052792 yes not sure FA_tkMpaapk-00116-00052793-00053306 yo what's up Tremont I'm reading what's FA_tkMpaapk-00117-00053307-00053591 in here congrats on passing high school FA_tkMpaapk-00118-00053592-00053772 I know you'll have an amazing future FA_tkMpaapk-00119-00053773-00054017 ahead of you it's gonna be sad not FA_tkMpaapk-00120-00054018-00054297 seeing you at lunch halls and bathrooms FA_tkMpaapk-00121-00054298-00054668 bathrooms but I'll see you on your house FA_tkMpaapk-00122-00054669-00054776 all the time FA_tkMpaapk-00123-00054777-00055004 but hey you keep doing what you are FA_tkMpaapk-00124-00055005-00055307 always doing and you'll become an even FA_tkMpaapk-00125-00055308-00055475 more amazing person FA_tkMpaapk-00126-00055476-00055751 Congrats could cheer her she ladies FA_tkMpaapk-00127-00055752-00055872 spell my name FA_tkMpaapk-00128-00055873-00056628 see I went trim Mon oh also you guys FA_tkMpaapk-00129-00056629-00056942 wondering my real name is cha Mon Bui FA_tkMpaapk-00130-00056943-00057354 but I intended my stage name Stella FA_tkMpaapk-00131-00057354-00057615 because she stuff people I have hard FA_tkMpaapk-00132-00057616-00057881 time like pronouncing my name I get like FA_tkMpaapk-00133-00057882-00058391 tram in or try it this time because it's FA_tkMpaapk-00134-00058392-00058574 the end of year I was just like you know FA_tkMpaapk-00135-00058575-00058734 real what's my actual name FA_tkMpaapk-00136-00058735-00058971 oh just still call me Stella I prefer FA_tkMpaapk-00137-00058972-00059180 that because I don't want you FA_tkMpaapk-00138-00059181-00059321 pronouncing my name FA_tkMpaapk-00139-00059322-00059663 and I know other things to hide I'll see FA_tkMpaapk-00140-00059664-00059884 you guys in the next video FA_tkMpaapk-00141-00059885-00060300 [Music] FA_tkMpaapk-00142-00060301-00060825 [Applause] FA_tkMpaapk-00143-00060826-00061198 [Music] FB93VxhbRk8-00000-00000008-00000247 hi it's Lou and I want to ask you a FB93VxhbRk8-00001-00000248-00000624 question is your financial future and FB93VxhbRk8-00002-00000625-00000954 your security worth investing one day FB93VxhbRk8-00003-00000955-00001183 well I hope your answer is yes because I FB93VxhbRk8-00004-00001184-00001411 already know the answer for me it has FB93VxhbRk8-00005-00001412-00001680 definitely been worth the investment of FB93VxhbRk8-00006-00001682-00002034 time energy and resources in order to FB93VxhbRk8-00007-00002035-00002292 cause things like that to happen in my FB93VxhbRk8-00008-00002293-00002623 world I want to reveal exactly what can FB93VxhbRk8-00009-00002624-00002917 happen in your world as well so we are FB93VxhbRk8-00010-00002918-00003150 going to be together the entire day so FB93VxhbRk8-00011-00003151-00003397 we can work together for this great FB93VxhbRk8-00012-00003397-00003715 opportunity that's coming your way so FB93VxhbRk8-00013-00003715-00004165 you and me that's us together all day FB93VxhbRk8-00014-00004166-00004411 and it's going to take all day for me to FB93VxhbRk8-00015-00004412-00004729 reveal both the financial success and FB93VxhbRk8-00016-00004730-00004986 the security that we're gonna do so I'm FB93VxhbRk8-00017-00004987-00005191 looking forward to seeing you there yeah FB93VxhbRk8-00018-00005192-00005416 baby FC8zDaSM158-00000-00000006-00000286 thank you there are many different FC8zDaSM158-00001-00000287-00000515 thoughts running through my head I'm not FC8zDaSM158-00002-00000516-00000701 gonna talk about Suresh yet and tell you FC8zDaSM158-00003-00000702-00000919 some of those thoughts the first thing FC8zDaSM158-00004-00000921-00001320 is who put me after Suresh as a speaker FC8zDaSM158-00005-00001321-00001634 the second thing is they say in public FC8zDaSM158-00006-00001635-00001847 speaking you should always be aware of FC8zDaSM158-00007-00001848-00002249 the context and the audience so let me FC8zDaSM158-00008-00002250-00002615 reflect my awareness of you first of all FC8zDaSM158-00009-00002616-00002774 I learned today that you're called FC8zDaSM158-00010-00002775-00003235 monters so what a wonderful name I also FC8zDaSM158-00011-00003236-00003488 learned in my short stay here you have FC8zDaSM158-00012-00003489-00004004 maple infused everything maple sugar FC8zDaSM158-00013-00004004-00004481 maple syrup maple bacon making maple FC8zDaSM158-00014-00004482-00004793 sausage and I like them all so that's FC8zDaSM158-00015-00004794-00005236 great I also note that I follow the main FC8zDaSM158-00016-00005237-00005620 event some sort of dessert portion of FC8zDaSM158-00017-00005621-00006036 this celebration and in public speaking FC8zDaSM158-00018-00006037-00006529 there is a Cardinal wool and that is the FC8zDaSM158-00019-00006530-00007009 mind can only absorb what the seat can FC8zDaSM158-00020-00007011-00007423 endure so I hope your endured just a FC8zDaSM158-00021-00007425-00007603 little bit longer they do give us time FC8zDaSM158-00022-00007604-00007823 constraint so it's only six minutes of FC8zDaSM158-00023-00007823-00007967 in doings on my part FC8zDaSM158-00024-00007968-00008369 I mean free of you on my part I also FC8zDaSM158-00025-00008370-00008567 want to tell you when I was listening to FC8zDaSM158-00026-00008568-00008864 the choir I was just really inspired FC8zDaSM158-00027-00008865-00009242 really touched it reminds me of FC8zDaSM158-00028-00009243-00009646 everything that is right a man who spent FC8zDaSM158-00029-00009647-00009964 his career his talents his energies in FC8zDaSM158-00030-00009965-00010231 terms of learning his discipline giving FC8zDaSM158-00031-00010232-00010466 back to the students building FC8zDaSM158-00032-00010467-00010810 institutions and partnerships a search FC8zDaSM158-00033-00010811-00011078 committee that worked really hard to FC8zDaSM158-00034-00011079-00011389 find the right person reminds me of FC8zDaSM158-00035-00011390-00011648 everything that is good because I think FC8zDaSM158-00036-00011649-00011995 a land-grant institution embraces that FC8zDaSM158-00037-00011996-00012305 mission and of course everything that is FC8zDaSM158-00038-00012306-00012754 hopeful my heart swells for suresh and FC8zDaSM158-00039-00012755-00013169 also for the University of Vermont FC8zDaSM158-00040-00013169-00013460 grateful that you have me here as part FC8zDaSM158-00041-00013461-00013762 of your celebration to mark a new FC8zDaSM158-00042-00013763-00014105 inflection point an inflection that FC8zDaSM158-00043-00014106-00014388 begins now with the leadership of Suresh FC8zDaSM158-00044-00014390-00014803 with new energies and probably new ways FC8zDaSM158-00045-00014804-00015215 to fulfill the very tall and noble FC8zDaSM158-00046-00015216-00015743 mission of a land-grant university no FC8zDaSM158-00047-00015744-00016085 doubt your search committee did a lot of FC8zDaSM158-00048-00016086-00016340 work and put in a lot of rigor in FC8zDaSM158-00049-00016341-00016736 reviewing Suresh you now acquainted with FC8zDaSM158-00050-00016737-00017063 this profile his prolific research and FC8zDaSM158-00051-00017064-00017540 grant patent commitment to teaching his FC8zDaSM158-00052-00017541-00017855 love for the Arts impressive growth and FC8zDaSM158-00053-00017856-00018116 research grants and a string of FC8zDaSM158-00054-00018117-00018362 recognition by colleagues in and outside FC8zDaSM158-00055-00018363-00018835 of Purdue but these considerations FC8zDaSM158-00056-00018836-00019199 impressive as they are now should we FC8zDaSM158-00057-00019200-00019484 seed into the background because the FC8zDaSM158-00058-00019485-00019991 focus is not about the past today we are FC8zDaSM158-00059-00019992-00020275 all here we're standing at the precipice FC8zDaSM158-00060-00020276-00020828 of the future and I would say in my mind FC8zDaSM158-00061-00020829-00021137 if I were you I think is natural to FC8zDaSM158-00062-00021138-00021749 wonder how Suresh will be worthy worthy FC8zDaSM158-00063-00021750-00022253 of you students faculty donors alumni FC8zDaSM158-00064-00022254-00022709 trustees how he will be worthy of your FC8zDaSM158-00065-00022710-00023171 collective accomplishments and how most FC8zDaSM158-00066-00023172-00023447 important he will be worthy of your FC8zDaSM158-00067-00023448-00023819 talents and your energies and not to FC8zDaSM158-00068-00023820-00024247 forget your aspirations both personal FC8zDaSM158-00069-00024248-00024764 and institutional how will you be better FC8zDaSM158-00070-00024765-00024997 off together FC8zDaSM158-00071-00024998-00025421 how will you jointly step up to make the FC8zDaSM158-00072-00025422-00025753 world more livable more prosperous and FC8zDaSM158-00073-00025754-00026194 more compassionate FC8zDaSM158-00074-00026195-00026830 value and values was Suresh bring as a FC8zDaSM158-00075-00026831-00027280 leader these questions really boil down FC8zDaSM158-00076-00027281-00027551 to the singular requirement for FC8zDaSM158-00077-00027552-00028007 leadership and I call that trust trust FC8zDaSM158-00078-00028008-00028549 around two dimensions where was suresh FC8zDaSM158-00079-00028550-00028924 lead you and how will he lead you FC8zDaSM158-00080-00028925-00029351 how will he create value from your work FC8zDaSM158-00081-00029352-00029807 and open doors that expand the impact FC8zDaSM158-00082-00029808-00030305 and the reach of your scholarship who is FC8zDaSM158-00083-00030306-00030745 Suresh as a person whose words and FC8zDaSM158-00084-00030747-00031145 actions as a leader can build up or tear FC8zDaSM158-00085-00031145-00031489 down people can enable or hinder FC8zDaSM158-00086-00031490-00031862 progress can energize or dampened FC8zDaSM158-00087-00031863-00032245 spirits let me take up these two FC8zDaSM158-00088-00032247-00032349 questions FC8zDaSM158-00089-00032350-00032933 where will suresh lead you I hope you FC8zDaSM158-00090-00032934-00033433 like to travel as you will surely cross FC8zDaSM158-00091-00033434-00033907 Geographic disciplinary cultural FC8zDaSM158-00092-00033908-00034655 boundaries Suresh will take you hu to FC8zDaSM158-00093-00034656-00034890 cross boundaries which divide FC8zDaSM158-00094-00034891-00035279 laboratories from seminar tables from FC8zDaSM158-00095-00035280-00035555 administrative Suites to the faculty FC8zDaSM158-00096-00035556-00036032 offices and student residences from gown FC8zDaSM158-00097-00036033-00036374 to town from Burlington to the rest of FC8zDaSM158-00098-00036375-00036733 Vermont and even the u.s. in the world FC8zDaSM158-00099-00036734-00037114 he will coax you beyond comfort zones FC8zDaSM158-00100-00037115-00037454 and make you venture across sectors to FC8zDaSM158-00101-00037455-00037733 build relationships between academia FC8zDaSM158-00102-00037734-00038177 government practitioners business and FC8zDaSM158-00103-00038178-00038708 civil society Suresh is simply unmatched FC8zDaSM158-00104-00038709-00039371 in connecting dots connecting dots FC8zDaSM158-00105-00039372-00039724 is the signature of Suresh leadership FC8zDaSM158-00106-00039725-00040136 this is an a boat him as a mechanical FC8zDaSM158-00107-00040137-00040499 engineer to harvest the largest growth FC8zDaSM158-00108-00040500-00040832 in the funding for the life sciences at FC8zDaSM158-00109-00040833-00041168 Purdue collaborating with the natural FC8zDaSM158-00110-00041169-00041467 and physical sciences engineering FC8zDaSM158-00111-00041468-00041734 veterinary medicine with other FC8zDaSM158-00112-00041735-00042050 universities in the state and with FC8zDaSM158-00113-00042051-00042532 multiple companies it is this same skill FC8zDaSM158-00114-00042533-00042863 and a certain bigness in the thinking FC8zDaSM158-00115-00042864-00043151 that brought about a highly productive FC8zDaSM158-00116-00043152-00043463 and multifaceted partnership between FC8zDaSM158-00117-00043464-00043792 Purdue University and my organization FC8zDaSM158-00118-00043793-00044231 Catholic Relief Services you see we FC8zDaSM158-00119-00044232-00044534 operate in one hundred of the poorest FC8zDaSM158-00120-00044535-00044873 and most vulnerable countries together FC8zDaSM158-00121-00044874-00045185 through new technologies and proven know FC8zDaSM158-00122-00045186-00045593 how we formulate holistic solutions to FC8zDaSM158-00123-00045594-00045910 address the economic social political FC8zDaSM158-00124-00045911-00046331 and technological drivers for long-term FC8zDaSM158-00125-00046332-00046595 sustained growth for the poorest in the FC8zDaSM158-00126-00046596-00046955 world Suresh vision FC8zDaSM158-00127-00046956-00047198 similarly underlies the joint FC8zDaSM158-00128-00047199-00047521 partnership between arequipa and Peru FC8zDaSM158-00129-00047522-00047842 and produce social scientists economists FC8zDaSM158-00130-00047843-00047959 agronomist FC8zDaSM158-00131-00047960-00048446 engineers teachers and so on to identify FC8zDaSM158-00132-00048447-00048830 ways to utilize mining revenues towards FC8zDaSM158-00133-00048831-00049202 a just and prosperous transition for the FC8zDaSM158-00134-00049203-00049679 Peruvian people this capacity is not FC8zDaSM158-00135-00049680-00050006 just about intellect is about personal FC8zDaSM158-00136-00050007-00050435 values and traits Suresh has an FC8zDaSM158-00137-00050436-00050671 appreciation for the contribution of FC8zDaSM158-00138-00050672-00050936 each person each discipline and each FC8zDaSM158-00139-00050937-00051404 organization he actively seeks out the FC8zDaSM158-00140-00051404-00051701 richer perspectives from many different FC8zDaSM158-00141-00051702-00051986 circles whether it is in people or in FC8zDaSM158-00142-00051987-00052301 disciplines because he believes that FC8zDaSM158-00143-00052302-00052698 would make us all better there is an FC8zDaSM158-00144-00052699-00053163 understanding of how much we can gain FC8zDaSM158-00145-00053164-00053486 and how powerful we are as a whole FC8zDaSM158-00146-00053487-00053985 rather than in parts so as own passion FC8zDaSM158-00147-00053986-00054321 and compassion inspire parties to come FC8zDaSM158-00148-00054322-00054675 together for common cause and for the FC8zDaSM158-00149-00054676-00054809 greater good FC8zDaSM158-00150-00054810-00055176 he has an innate wisdom that sees how we FC8zDaSM158-00151-00055177-00055682 can all win together because he works FC8zDaSM158-00152-00055683-00055913 for the good of the institutions and for FC8zDaSM158-00153-00055914-00056207 every partner involved people are FC8zDaSM158-00154-00056208-00056544 willing to come together and take on the FC8zDaSM158-00155-00056545-00057087 obstacles for his initiatives the people FC8zDaSM158-00156-00057088-00057524 who worked with Suresh described him as FC8zDaSM158-00157-00057525-00058151 delightfully demanding at his farewell FC8zDaSM158-00158-00058152-00058505 gathering our speakers remarked on his FC8zDaSM158-00159-00058507-00058791 ability to truly listen to them and FC8zDaSM158-00160-00058791-00059109 incorporate advice without getting FC8zDaSM158-00161-00059110-00059484 bogged down in decision paralysis he is FC8zDaSM158-00162-00059485-00059738 optimistic and at the same time FC8zDaSM158-00163-00059739-00060300 pragmatic he asks a lot and he gives a FC8zDaSM158-00164-00060301-00060842 lot his handshake is good and it is also FC8zDaSM158-00165-00060844-00061082 fortified by clear articulation of FC8zDaSM158-00166-00061083-00061404 objectives and systematic review of FC8zDaSM158-00167-00061404-00061856 progress - you might Vermont friends the FC8zDaSM158-00168-00061857-00062230 monitors I have two pieces of advice FC8zDaSM158-00169-00062232-00062594 first seek opportunities to work with FC8zDaSM158-00170-00062595-00062925 Suresh as people who have done so in the FC8zDaSM158-00171-00062926-00063278 past cannot hold back their gratitude FC8zDaSM158-00172-00063279-00063734 for how he empowered them supported them FC8zDaSM158-00173-00063735-00064055 drew out their strength and help them FC8zDaSM158-00174-00064057-00064479 transcend their own expectations Suresh FC8zDaSM158-00175-00064479-00064779 will make you better for your own FC8zDaSM158-00176-00064779-00065126 development for the University and for FC8zDaSM158-00177-00065127-00065667 Humanity my second piece of advice take FC8zDaSM158-00178-00065668-00065794 care of him FC8zDaSM158-00179-00065795-00066040 as I know he will give everything he has FC8zDaSM158-00180-00066041-00066409 to take care of you Goemon juice thank FC8zDaSM158-00181-00066410-00066631 you FCXwc_CohoU-00000-00000107-00000348 foreign FCXwc_CohoU-00001-00000349-00002437 [Music] FCXwc_CohoU-00002-00002438-00002758 good evening everybody and welcome to FCXwc_CohoU-00003-00002759-00003041 the venerable but vibey British library FCXwc_CohoU-00004-00003042-00003283 for this very special literary Salon FCXwc_CohoU-00005-00003284-00003586 celebrating the incomparable enigmatic FCXwc_CohoU-00006-00003588-00003970 Miss Jane Marple and beneath your feet FCXwc_CohoU-00007-00003971-00004222 are copies of every single Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-00008-00004223-00004409 Christie novel not just copies but the FCXwc_CohoU-00009-00004410-00004672 very very first editions some scribbled FCXwc_CohoU-00010-00004673-00004847 in by herself so just feel that Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-00011-00004848-00005135 energy surging up through your feet this FCXwc_CohoU-00012-00005136-00005285 evening and enjoy I have chosen an FCXwc_CohoU-00013-00005286-00005554 arsenic green tie especially for the FCXwc_CohoU-00014-00005555-00005801 occasion as did the head of the British FCXwc_CohoU-00015-00005802-00006041 Library without consulting me also FCXwc_CohoU-00016-00006042-00006233 wearing the Arctic green tie he will FCXwc_CohoU-00017-00006234-00006484 discover that his tie is poisoned FCXwc_CohoU-00018-00006486-00006784 by the end of the event so anyway in a FCXwc_CohoU-00019-00006786-00006917 minute you're gonna I'm gonna be joined FCXwc_CohoU-00020-00006918-00007205 by three very special guests before we FCXwc_CohoU-00021-00007206-00007384 begin please make sure that your phones FCXwc_CohoU-00022-00007386-00007642 are switched off or there will be a FCXwc_CohoU-00023-00007643-00007864 murder in the library FCXwc_CohoU-00024-00007865-00008092 I'll let you do that it's always so much FCXwc_CohoU-00025-00008093-00008249 more satisfying with Scottish people say FCXwc_CohoU-00026-00008250-00008363 murder FCXwc_CohoU-00027-00008364-00008746 much more fatal murder in the library FCXwc_CohoU-00028-00008747-00008981 so tonight is the much postponed FCXwc_CohoU-00029-00008982-00009221 long-awaited official return of Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00030-00009222-00009401 Marple in the brand new collection of 12 FCXwc_CohoU-00031-00009402-00009628 original Tales by some of the world's FCXwc_CohoU-00032-00009629-00009941 finest writers including Naomi Alderman FCXwc_CohoU-00033-00009942-00010199 Gene Kwok and Natalie Haynes and you can FCXwc_CohoU-00034-00010200-00010427 find more appearances to Naomi and FCXwc_CohoU-00035-00010428-00010649 Natalie on the salmon podcast FCXwc_CohoU-00036-00010650-00010889 each gripping new story takes FCXwc_CohoU-00037-00010890-00011051 inspiration from Christy's classic FCXwc_CohoU-00038-00011052-00011321 novels and presents our beloved sleuths FCXwc_CohoU-00039-00011322-00011591 with a brand new mystery to solve and as FCXwc_CohoU-00040-00011592-00011842 ever Miss Marple knows much more than FCXwc_CohoU-00041-00011843-00011981 she appears to FCXwc_CohoU-00042-00011982-00012214 Jane Marple as many of you will know was FCXwc_CohoU-00043-00012215-00012485 first into distributed in 1927 in the FCXwc_CohoU-00044-00012486-00012653 short story can anybody shout the title FCXwc_CohoU-00045-00012654-00012802 out before I read it FCXwc_CohoU-00046-00012803-00012941 the FCXwc_CohoU-00047-00012941-00013108 you're not as good you're not as FCXwc_CohoU-00048-00013109-00013247 hot as I thought you were the Tuesday FCXwc_CohoU-00049-00013247-00013457 night club uh she made her first FCXwc_CohoU-00050-00013458-00013613 appearance in a full-length novel in FCXwc_CohoU-00051-00013613-00013822 1930s the murder at the vicarage and she FCXwc_CohoU-00052-00013823-00014116 went on to appear in 12 novels and 20 FCXwc_CohoU-00053-00014118-00014507 short stories and she never aged a day FCXwc_CohoU-00054-00014508-00014729 I want to know about her moisturizer FCXwc_CohoU-00055-00014730-00014855 that is really what I want to know about FCXwc_CohoU-00056-00014856-00015101 she was supposedly based on Christie's FCXwc_CohoU-00057-00015102-00015263 grandmother and on her grandmother's FCXwc_CohoU-00058-00015263-00015515 friends although Christy wrote later on FCXwc_CohoU-00059-00015516-00015863 that Miss Marple was far more fussy and FCXwc_CohoU-00060-00015863-00016049 spinster-ish than my grandmother ever FCXwc_CohoU-00061-00016050-00016180 was FCXwc_CohoU-00062-00016181-00016469 it's nearly half a century since miss FCXwc_CohoU-00063-00016470-00016715 marple's last outing in fiction that was FCXwc_CohoU-00064-00016716-00016991 the novel published in 1976 so this FCXwc_CohoU-00065-00016992-00017279 collection is very welcome and as I say FCXwc_CohoU-00066-00017280-00017536 she's no older she's just as wise FCXwc_CohoU-00067-00017537-00017872 crime more than any other genre reflects FCXwc_CohoU-00068-00017873-00018065 the world that it's published into it FCXwc_CohoU-00069-00018066-00018275 reflects the world of the moment events FCXwc_CohoU-00070-00018276-00018550 of the day preoccupations and prejudices FCXwc_CohoU-00071-00018551-00018791 and the world has changed a lot since FCXwc_CohoU-00072-00018792-00019103 Miss Marple last appeared in 1976 and FCXwc_CohoU-00073-00019104-00019361 crime fiction has changed with it and FCXwc_CohoU-00074-00019362-00019607 partly because of it because Marple was FCXwc_CohoU-00075-00019608-00019894 such a pioneer as was Christie the FCXwc_CohoU-00076-00019895-00020129 character of Marple evolves across the FCXwc_CohoU-00077-00020130-00020393 novels and just as she's interpreted FCXwc_CohoU-00078-00020394-00020639 differently by each of the actresses who FCXwc_CohoU-00079-00020640-00020867 have played her but the human heart FCXwc_CohoU-00080-00020868-00021053 Remains the Same it has the same FCXwc_CohoU-00081-00021054-00021353 capacity for dark Deeds has the same FCXwc_CohoU-00082-00021354-00021622 capacity for lightness so we meet this FCXwc_CohoU-00083-00021623-00021917 icon again but she's somehow fresh FCXwc_CohoU-00084-00021918-00022144 and the new collection she spends a lot FCXwc_CohoU-00085-00022145-00022433 of time solving crime in Sussex I live FCXwc_CohoU-00086-00022434-00022607 in Sussex there is not that much crime FCXwc_CohoU-00087-00022608-00022811 there honestly it's a safe place to FCXwc_CohoU-00088-00022812-00022919 visit FCXwc_CohoU-00089-00022920-00023093 um but I do notice there's more of it in FCXwc_CohoU-00090-00023094-00023275 East Sussex than in West Sussex anyway FCXwc_CohoU-00091-00023276-00023686 she she takes tea at various vicarages FCXwc_CohoU-00092-00023687-00023933 in a bid to get away from all she FCXwc_CohoU-00093-00023934-00024143 escapes to America and the brilliantly FCXwc_CohoU-00094-00024144-00024407 titled myth Marple Takes Manhattan FCXwc_CohoU-00095-00024408-00024617 absolutely brilliant that's a story by FCXwc_CohoU-00096-00024618-00024899 Elisa Cole as she seeks son on the FCXwc_CohoU-00097-00024900-00025150 Amalfi Coast in Murder at the Villa Rosa FCXwc_CohoU-00098-00025151-00025414 by Ellie Griffiths as always we meet her FCXwc_CohoU-00099-00025415-00025733 very good friends who are a beat behind FCXwc_CohoU-00100-00025733-00025925 shall we say FCXwc_CohoU-00101-00025926-00026152 um and her artistic nephew Raymond who's FCXwc_CohoU-00102-00026154-00026345 doing very well with his novels one of FCXwc_CohoU-00103-00026345-00026573 them is being adapted on Broadway and FCXwc_CohoU-00104-00026574-00026770 she goes to stay with various school FCXwc_CohoU-00105-00026772-00027137 friends some more murderous than others FCXwc_CohoU-00106-00027138-00027424 and there is of course a fatally festive FCXwc_CohoU-00107-00027425-00027545 Christmas FCXwc_CohoU-00108-00027545-00027779 whenever she goes she takes a wee bag of FCXwc_CohoU-00109-00027780-00028043 knitting and a tangle of Suspicion and FCXwc_CohoU-00110-00028044-00028258 there may also be one or two or three FCXwc_CohoU-00111-00028260-00028607 snifters of Cherry Brandy so tonight are FCXwc_CohoU-00112-00028608-00028762 you Marvel super fans will have the FCXwc_CohoU-00113-00028763-00028943 chance to win a bundle of prizes I'm FCXwc_CohoU-00114-00028944-00029068 going to read out what they are we've FCXwc_CohoU-00115-00029069-00029267 got a full set of the reissued novels FCXwc_CohoU-00116-00029268-00029495 from Harper Collins so get yourself a FCXwc_CohoU-00117-00029495-00029764 new shelf a gorgeous silky queen of FCXwc_CohoU-00118-00029766-00030017 crime cushion designed by Karen mabon FCXwc_CohoU-00119-00030018-00030239 and a jigsaw which I have tried to do it FCXwc_CohoU-00120-00030239-00030412 is so fiendish I'm not sure she could FCXwc_CohoU-00121-00030413-00030599 actually finish it and it's got about a FCXwc_CohoU-00122-00030600-00030761 million pieces in it so it will see you FCXwc_CohoU-00123-00030762-00030911 through the winter so we've got a bundle FCXwc_CohoU-00124-00030912-00031181 of those for you in here in the room to FCXwc_CohoU-00125-00031182-00031451 win and a bundle for people online to FCXwc_CohoU-00126-00031452-00031595 win as well and all you have to do to FCXwc_CohoU-00127-00031595-00031835 enter is ask a question FCXwc_CohoU-00128-00031836-00031996 could it be any easier that's not a FCXwc_CohoU-00129-00031997-00032237 comment I will murder you for a comment FCXwc_CohoU-00130-00032238-00032531 you can ask a question and be picked so FCXwc_CohoU-00131-00032532-00032723 an extra warm welcome to you if this is FCXwc_CohoU-00132-00032724-00032968 your first literary Salon thank you so FCXwc_CohoU-00133-00032969-00033155 much for joining us FCXwc_CohoU-00134-00033156-00033340 um I've been hosting Salon since 2008 FCXwc_CohoU-00135-00033341-00033449 and I know that there are some people FCXwc_CohoU-00136-00033450-00033671 here tonight who've been to most of them FCXwc_CohoU-00137-00033672-00034085 in 2019 we added salons online so that FCXwc_CohoU-00138-00034086-00034289 you can join us at home and your jammies FCXwc_CohoU-00139-00034290-00034462 you might be in your jammies you might FCXwc_CohoU-00140-00034463-00034661 be dressed like for a cocktail party at FCXwc_CohoU-00141-00034662-00034817 the vicarage or a combination of the FCXwc_CohoU-00142-00034818-00035033 both and I did an event earlier this FCXwc_CohoU-00143-00035034-00035196 year and Annie Lennox was at it FCXwc_CohoU-00144-00035197-00035495 absolutely stunning she was on zoom and FCXwc_CohoU-00145-00035496-00035662 there she was to hear the makeup of FCXwc_CohoU-00146-00035663-00035873 ball blouse she was accepting an FCXwc_CohoU-00147-00035874-00036023 honor and I was just like oh my God it's FCXwc_CohoU-00148-00036024-00036233 Annie Lennox and when it was her turn to FCXwc_CohoU-00149-00036234-00036401 leave she closed her laptop and she FCXwc_CohoU-00150-00036402-00036557 didn't realize the camera was going to FCXwc_CohoU-00151-00036558-00036677 go down FCXwc_CohoU-00152-00036678-00037018 with the top of the the computer and we FCXwc_CohoU-00153-00037019-00037259 saw that she was wearing fluffy cow FCXwc_CohoU-00154-00037260-00037673 print pajama pants and some lovely mules FCXwc_CohoU-00155-00037674-00037829 um and I just loved it even more for FCXwc_CohoU-00156-00037830-00038129 that actually so anyway pastel on guests FCXwc_CohoU-00157-00038130-00038333 included this year Douglas Stewart Dolly FCXwc_CohoU-00158-00038334-00038579 olderton Maggie O'Farrell Jojo Moyes and FCXwc_CohoU-00159-00038580-00038765 satnam sangara and you can catch them FCXwc_CohoU-00160-00038766-00038993 all on our podcast and on our YouTube FCXwc_CohoU-00161-00038994-00039251 channel tonight's hashtag is Marple if FCXwc_CohoU-00162-00039252-00039551 you're tweeting it's also lit salon now FCXwc_CohoU-00163-00039552-00039809 before I welcome my guests some multiple FCXwc_CohoU-00164-00039810-00040049 super fans wanted to share the love rule FCXwc_CohoU-00165-00040050-00040643 VT FCXwc_CohoU-00166-00040644-00040829 I used to live in a tiny little village FCXwc_CohoU-00167-00040830-00041057 in northamptonshire on a bigger State FCXwc_CohoU-00168-00041058-00041339 and one of my neighbors rejoiced in the FCXwc_CohoU-00169-00041340-00041615 name of Nancy brains Nancy was retired FCXwc_CohoU-00170-00041616-00041812 had been in service of the big house her FCXwc_CohoU-00171-00041813-00042040 husband had worked on the estate and the FCXwc_CohoU-00172-00042041-00042233 little cottage overlooked the brook and FCXwc_CohoU-00173-00042234-00042437 the one Street in the village about 200 FCXwc_CohoU-00174-00042438-00042755 souls and Nancy would sit out on a bench FCXwc_CohoU-00175-00042756-00043079 and without much commentary or obvious FCXwc_CohoU-00176-00043080-00043374 interest just noted the coming of people FCXwc_CohoU-00177-00043375-00043721 every day the disruption to the pattern FCXwc_CohoU-00178-00043722-00043918 the tiny little kink in what you FCXwc_CohoU-00179-00043919-00044158 expected from that she had the most FCXwc_CohoU-00180-00044159-00044351 extraordinary ability to see into the FCXwc_CohoU-00181-00044352-00044518 reality of people's lives who they were FCXwc_CohoU-00182-00044519-00044777 and what they did and I often think of FCXwc_CohoU-00183-00044778-00044945 her when I do I think of Jane Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00184-00044946-00045130 with her BDI on the street of Saint Mary FCXwc_CohoU-00185-00045131-00045673 Mead gritty realism FCXwc_CohoU-00186-00045674-00046067 hi I'm Jean Kwok and I wrote a story FCXwc_CohoU-00187-00046068-00046390 from Marple called the Jade Empress in FCXwc_CohoU-00188-00046391-00046607 which Miss Marple goes on a cruise to FCXwc_CohoU-00189-00046608-00046858 Hong Kong and first one victim Falls FCXwc_CohoU-00190-00046859-00047189 then another until it's clear there's a FCXwc_CohoU-00191-00047190-00047458 murderer on board and no one can get off FCXwc_CohoU-00192-00047459-00047674 the ship FCXwc_CohoU-00193-00047675-00047957 I'm a first generation immigrant and so FCXwc_CohoU-00194-00047958-00048257 I grew up in an insular world my family FCXwc_CohoU-00195-00048258-00048490 was old-fashioned and very little FCXwc_CohoU-00196-00048491-00048785 penetrated that bubble around us but FCXwc_CohoU-00197-00048786-00049061 Agatha Christie was someone who somehow FCXwc_CohoU-00198-00049062-00049402 transcended that barrier of culture and FCXwc_CohoU-00199-00049403-00049523 language FCXwc_CohoU-00200-00049524-00049852 so when I was trying to learn English I FCXwc_CohoU-00201-00049853-00050074 naturally turned to Agatha Christie's FCXwc_CohoU-00202-00050075-00050327 books and I loved them FCXwc_CohoU-00203-00050328-00050602 when I was approached for this project I FCXwc_CohoU-00204-00050603-00050867 was very honored to have the opportunity FCXwc_CohoU-00205-00050868-00051136 to bring Miss Marple into an Asian world FCXwc_CohoU-00206-00051137-00051587 was very meaningful to me FCXwc_CohoU-00207-00051588-00051940 hi I'm Ruth Ware I was so honored to be FCXwc_CohoU-00208-00051941-00052108 asked to contribute a story to the FCXwc_CohoU-00209-00052109-00052408 Marple Anthology to me Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00210-00052409-00052642 is the queen of plotting and that FCXwc_CohoU-00211-00052644-00052876 satisfying moment at the end of every FCXwc_CohoU-00212-00052877-00053153 one of her books where the pieces click FCXwc_CohoU-00213-00053154-00053350 into place and all those little FCXwc_CohoU-00214-00053351-00053591 extraneous details that you thought were FCXwc_CohoU-00215-00053591-00053825 Justine building are revealed to be FCXwc_CohoU-00216-00053826-00054035 essential Clues to solving the mystery FCXwc_CohoU-00217-00054036-00054257 it's just the purest kind of reading FCXwc_CohoU-00218-00054258-00054532 pleasure I know and it's what I strive FCXwc_CohoU-00219-00054533-00054809 to do at the end of my own books and FCXwc_CohoU-00220-00054810-00055121 it's the pleasure that I try to give in FCXwc_CohoU-00221-00055122-00055366 my Miss Marvel's story miss marple's FCXwc_CohoU-00222-00055367-00055513 Christmas FCXwc_CohoU-00223-00055514-00055663 [Music] FCXwc_CohoU-00224-00055664-00055961 responsible for murderous tinsel and so FCXwc_CohoU-00225-00055962-00056104 we were going to be joined tonight by FCXwc_CohoU-00226-00056105-00056254 James Pritchard who is the great FCXwc_CohoU-00227-00056255-00056482 grandson of Agatha Christie and CEO of FCXwc_CohoU-00228-00056483-00056699 the Agatha Christie Estates but James is FCXwc_CohoU-00229-00056700-00056873 not well FCXwc_CohoU-00230-00056874-00057100 um however we have an extra guest who is FCXwc_CohoU-00231-00057101-00057263 going to be joining us FCXwc_CohoU-00232-00057264-00057449 um her name is albertu she's a FCXwc_CohoU-00233-00057450-00057641 bibliotherapist and the author of the FCXwc_CohoU-00234-00057641-00057880 novel cure she's also the salons in host FCXwc_CohoU-00235-00057882-00058054 bibliotherapist so she's going to join FCXwc_CohoU-00236-00058055-00058247 us in a moment talking about the joys of FCXwc_CohoU-00237-00058248-00058511 reading mystery and of cozy crime so in FCXwc_CohoU-00238-00058512-00058835 order my guests are literary goddess and FCXwc_CohoU-00239-00058836-00059459 creator of the women's prize Kate Moss FCXwc_CohoU-00240-00059460-00059704 the fiendishly brilliant Mega FCXwc_CohoU-00241-00059705-00059903 best-selling Christy Super Fan Lucy FCXwc_CohoU-00242-00059904-00060130 Foley FCXwc_CohoU-00243-00060132-00060497 and Oliver too FCXwc_CohoU-00244-00060498-00060682 [Applause] FCXwc_CohoU-00245-00060683-00060892 right then FCXwc_CohoU-00246-00060894-00061066 it's very lovely to have you all here FCXwc_CohoU-00247-00061067-00061337 got my grammar phone at the ready should FCXwc_CohoU-00248-00061338-00061588 we feel the need for a Charleston FCXwc_CohoU-00249-00061589-00061750 um Kate you're going to give us a FCXwc_CohoU-00250-00061751-00062099 reading from your story apparently FCXwc_CohoU-00251-00062100-00062554 um which is the mystery of the acid soil FCXwc_CohoU-00252-00062555-00062794 story set in Sussex a place you know FCXwc_CohoU-00253-00062795-00062969 well obviously well what we've just FCXwc_CohoU-00254-00062970-00063292 discovered is that we all live in Sussex FCXwc_CohoU-00255-00063294-00063461 um quite close to each other so we think FCXwc_CohoU-00256-00063462-00063730 we should be in Horsham rather than in FCXwc_CohoU-00257-00063732-00063880 London yeah well I'll just get the FCXwc_CohoU-00258-00063882-00064144 British library to move to Horsham I'm FCXwc_CohoU-00259-00064145-00064354 sure that that'll be fine so we couldn't FCXwc_CohoU-00260-00064355-00064553 hear anything you were saying back it FCXwc_CohoU-00261-00064554-00064703 was all flattering no I'm sure it was FCXwc_CohoU-00262-00064704-00064792 fantastic FCXwc_CohoU-00263-00064794-00065135 um so I don't know if you said what we FCXwc_CohoU-00264-00065136-00065375 were asked to do or anything about it no FCXwc_CohoU-00265-00065376-00065537 I haven't given them any of the stories FCXwc_CohoU-00266-00065538-00065794 of the rules or the setup or anything FCXwc_CohoU-00267-00065795-00065944 like that they just know that you're FCXwc_CohoU-00268-00065945-00066155 going to read them from from your short FCXwc_CohoU-00269-00066156-00066311 story you don't want me to do any of FCXwc_CohoU-00270-00066312-00066467 that now you want me to read this story FCXwc_CohoU-00271-00066468-00066665 just just read the story just read the FCXwc_CohoU-00272-00066666-00066917 story okay it's why you're here just FCXwc_CohoU-00273-00066918-00067150 read the story and then we'll chat about FCXwc_CohoU-00274-00067151-00067456 it uh yeah so um FCXwc_CohoU-00275-00067457-00067709 my story however FCXwc_CohoU-00276-00067710-00067997 um is set FCXwc_CohoU-00277-00067998-00068225 um after the end of the second world war FCXwc_CohoU-00278-00068226-00068411 and FCXwc_CohoU-00279-00068412-00068621 um at a moment that was a kind of FCXwc_CohoU-00280-00068622-00069013 Tipping Point in English Village Life FCXwc_CohoU-00281-00069014-00069323 which was that we all look back and of FCXwc_CohoU-00282-00069324-00069497 course we're all fighting for this now FCXwc_CohoU-00283-00069498-00069832 about how important the NHS was and how FCXwc_CohoU-00284-00069833-00070031 everybody would assume that it was a FCXwc_CohoU-00285-00070032-00070253 brilliant thing but actually within FCXwc_CohoU-00286-00070254-00070456 every small village and Community there FCXwc_CohoU-00287-00070457-00070649 were people who felt it was not a good FCXwc_CohoU-00288-00070650-00070823 thing and many of those people were FCXwc_CohoU-00289-00070824-00071050 doctors and I just thought that that FCXwc_CohoU-00290-00071051-00071194 moment of FCXwc_CohoU-00291-00071195-00071429 change really big social change would be FCXwc_CohoU-00292-00071430-00071615 quite fun to write a story so my story FCXwc_CohoU-00293-00071616-00071950 is set in fishfourn in Chichester in FCXwc_CohoU-00294-00071951-00072203 sort of 1948 1949. FCXwc_CohoU-00295-00072204-00072941 and I am where am I going to read from FCXwc_CohoU-00296-00072942-00073138 so you know the page reference I was FCXwc_CohoU-00297-00073139-00073391 given 320. yeah that turned out to be FCXwc_CohoU-00298-00073392-00073643 the proof not the book oh um but that FCXwc_CohoU-00299-00073644-00073775 doesn't matter really because I'm just FCXwc_CohoU-00300-00073776-00073900 going to read FCXwc_CohoU-00301-00073901-00074279 um a little bit from here instead so all FCXwc_CohoU-00302-00074280-00074494 you need to know that Miss Marple has FCXwc_CohoU-00303-00074495-00074699 gone to stay with her friend Emmeline FCXwc_CohoU-00304-00074700-00074981 strickert and Emeline strickert was a FCXwc_CohoU-00305-00074982-00075323 girl with Carrie Louise and Ruth that FCXwc_CohoU-00306-00075324-00075461 some of you will know from that FCXwc_CohoU-00307-00075462-00075700 particular Marvel novel and so I gave FCXwc_CohoU-00308-00075701-00075994 her an extra friend and it's clear that FCXwc_CohoU-00309-00075995-00076223 something is going rather wrong FCXwc_CohoU-00310-00076224-00076312 um there FCXwc_CohoU-00311-00076313-00076517 three quarters of an hour later Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00312-00076518-00076703 Marple and Emeline were standing outside FCXwc_CohoU-00313-00076704-00076871 the Bull's Head on the main road in FCXwc_CohoU-00314-00076872-00077129 Fishbourne the early morning clouds had FCXwc_CohoU-00315-00077130-00077332 burnt off and the sun was now quite FCXwc_CohoU-00316-00077333-00077656 Fierce and an intense Blue Sky FCXwc_CohoU-00317-00077657-00078023 Miss marple's face was somber FCXwc_CohoU-00318-00078024-00078305 are we any further along Jane FCXwc_CohoU-00319-00078306-00078467 oh I think so FCXwc_CohoU-00320-00078468-00078682 after all cases such as this are almost FCXwc_CohoU-00321-00078683-00078976 always the same I know in books it is FCXwc_CohoU-00322-00078977-00079235 generally the most unlikely person but I FCXwc_CohoU-00323-00079236-00079409 never find that rule applies in real FCXwc_CohoU-00324-00079410-00079588 life except FCXwc_CohoU-00325-00079589-00079811 except FCXwc_CohoU-00326-00079812-00080044 except it seems to me there is more to FCXwc_CohoU-00327-00080045-00080135 it FCXwc_CohoU-00328-00080136-00080447 Miss Marple frowned it's the sequence of FCXwc_CohoU-00329-00080448-00080693 things all running together there being FCXwc_CohoU-00330-00080694-00080926 two glasses and Mrs hands being FCXwc_CohoU-00331-00080927-00081179 dismissed from Cooper service FCXwc_CohoU-00332-00081180-00081437 emmeline's eyes were bright FCXwc_CohoU-00333-00081438-00081682 and what do you think FCXwc_CohoU-00334-00081683-00081941 the Dr pardon understood he had made a FCXwc_CohoU-00335-00081942-00082187 terrible mistake and regretted it and FCXwc_CohoU-00336-00082188-00082426 Cooper realized FCXwc_CohoU-00337-00082427-00082703 I can't begin to say I understand but it FCXwc_CohoU-00338-00082704-00083026 really is most exciting Miss marple's FCXwc_CohoU-00339-00083027-00083326 expression grew even more grave FCXwc_CohoU-00340-00083327-00083669 no Emmy murder isn't a thing to be taken FCXwc_CohoU-00341-00083670-00083885 lightly murder FCXwc_CohoU-00342-00083886-00084005 Emily FCXwc_CohoU-00343-00084006-00084173 Wales do you mean to say that Dr Barden FCXwc_CohoU-00344-00084174-00084419 was murdered oh I think so FCXwc_CohoU-00345-00084420-00084653 emeline's eyes grew wide shouldn't we FCXwc_CohoU-00346-00084654-00085025 tell someone having a suspicion is not FCXwc_CohoU-00347-00085026-00085282 the same as proof Miss Marple glance at FCXwc_CohoU-00348-00085283-00085511 her wristwatch I wonder if the Rector FCXwc_CohoU-00349-00085512-00085738 would forgive us for calling on him a FCXwc_CohoU-00350-00085739-00085906 little earlier than usual FCXwc_CohoU-00351-00085907-00086099 Emily no put her mouth FCXwc_CohoU-00352-00086100-00086315 then closed it again FCXwc_CohoU-00353-00086316-00086549 I will see if Williams might drive us FCXwc_CohoU-00354-00086550-00086753 he's by way of being the informal FCXwc_CohoU-00355-00086754-00087023 Village Taxi Service it's quite a step FCXwc_CohoU-00356-00087024-00087238 from here to the rectory FCXwc_CohoU-00357-00087239-00087419 she turned to knock on the door of a FCXwc_CohoU-00358-00087420-00087635 second Cottage in the same room FCXwc_CohoU-00359-00087636-00087994 oh I've remembered it was Williams who FCXwc_CohoU-00360-00087995-00088247 had the argument with Dr Barton FCXwc_CohoU-00361-00088248-00088631 so much the better said Miss Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00362-00088632-00089482 with a gleam in her sharp blue eyes FCXwc_CohoU-00363-00089483-00089717 but I was going to read very well there FCXwc_CohoU-00364-00089718-00089944 we go completely inexplicable who the FCXwc_CohoU-00365-00089945-00090088 characters were but they've got all the FCXwc_CohoU-00366-00090089-00090226 ingredients we've got we've got a FCXwc_CohoU-00367-00090227-00090532 vicarage we've got Faithful Servants FCXwc_CohoU-00368-00090533-00090659 yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00369-00090660-00090976 um class tension all of the kind of key FCXwc_CohoU-00370-00090977-00091282 you know key backgrounds elements for FCXwc_CohoU-00371-00091283-00091499 things to spark into life was that all FCXwc_CohoU-00372-00091500-00091768 there for you when you got the call did FCXwc_CohoU-00373-00091769-00091925 you think that's that's where I'm gonna FCXwc_CohoU-00374-00091926-00092044 do it FCXwc_CohoU-00375-00092045-00092387 no I've I think for me it was and I and FCXwc_CohoU-00376-00092388-00092626 I I'm sure Lucy feels the same and we've FCXwc_CohoU-00377-00092627-00092861 we've all done a few events with some of FCXwc_CohoU-00378-00092862-00093023 the other marpolites as we think of FCXwc_CohoU-00379-00093024-00093305 ourselves and I think everybody felt an FCXwc_CohoU-00380-00093306-00093575 enormous sense of responsibility that FCXwc_CohoU-00381-00093576-00093868 all of you and all of us love Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00382-00093869-00094115 Marple and we admire Agatha Christie the FCXwc_CohoU-00383-00094116-00094276 biggest selling author in world history FCXwc_CohoU-00384-00094277-00094606 yes um you know just extraordinary so FCXwc_CohoU-00385-00094607-00094829 and we were given quite tight guidelines FCXwc_CohoU-00386-00094830-00095087 which will will come back to FCXwc_CohoU-00387-00095088-00095291 but I think it was the sense of how FCXwc_CohoU-00388-00095292-00095482 could we write FCXwc_CohoU-00389-00095483-00095717 um a true version of Christie's Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00390-00095718-00096059 Marple that would also feel plausible FCXwc_CohoU-00391-00096060-00096418 and new and interesting yeah and for me FCXwc_CohoU-00392-00096419-00096629 I went back I think we all did this FCXwc_CohoU-00393-00096630-00096832 didn't we we uh you know we all lay FCXwc_CohoU-00394-00096833-00096976 around on sofas eating chocolates FCXwc_CohoU-00395-00096977-00097175 rereading all the 12 novels and all the FCXwc_CohoU-00396-00097176-00097343 short stories and saying this is work FCXwc_CohoU-00397-00097344-00097517 I'm working FCXwc_CohoU-00398-00097518-00097721 um but I found in several of the short FCXwc_CohoU-00399-00097722-00097937 stories I was looking for Clues there's FCXwc_CohoU-00400-00097938-00098200 a there are many Clues to who Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00401-00098201-00098435 Marple is in the novels and particularly FCXwc_CohoU-00402-00098436-00098765 the short stories so I discovered that FCXwc_CohoU-00403-00098766-00099029 Miss Marple had an uncle who was Canon FCXwc_CohoU-00404-00099030-00099250 at Chichester Cathedral many of you will FCXwc_CohoU-00405-00099251-00099461 know that I live outside Chichester and FCXwc_CohoU-00406-00099462-00099785 it's my hometown and so I thought ah so FCXwc_CohoU-00407-00099786-00100018 she could absolutely know that part of FCXwc_CohoU-00408-00100019-00100337 the world I then with a couple of the FCXwc_CohoU-00409-00100338-00100649 stories there are two occasions where FCXwc_CohoU-00410-00100650-00100882 she does not act FCXwc_CohoU-00411-00100883-00101159 and because she does not act somebody FCXwc_CohoU-00412-00101160-00101381 dies you mean because she doesn't take FCXwc_CohoU-00413-00101382-00101693 action because she's precisive yeah so I FCXwc_CohoU-00414-00101694-00102055 felt the Miss Marple that Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00415-00102056-00102365 created would never have forgiven FCXwc_CohoU-00416-00102366-00102640 herself for that her conscience for not FCXwc_CohoU-00417-00102641-00102940 having prevented a murder would be very FCXwc_CohoU-00418-00102941-00103258 significant and so that was really the FCXwc_CohoU-00419-00103259-00103492 driving force for my story The Mystery FCXwc_CohoU-00420-00103493-00103739 of the acid soil was the idea that she FCXwc_CohoU-00421-00103740-00104044 was saying I remember the time when I FCXwc_CohoU-00422-00104045-00104242 didn't do this what was the case that FCXwc_CohoU-00423-00104243-00104423 she that you sat in this room was it a FCXwc_CohoU-00424-00104424-00104621 spa hotel or somewhere like that yes it FCXwc_CohoU-00425-00104622-00104806 was a spa hotel where there's a lovely FCXwc_CohoU-00426-00104807-00105221 you know a you know good fellow well met FCXwc_CohoU-00427-00105222-00105484 you know that kind of Chap and a woman FCXwc_CohoU-00428-00105485-00105634 and she's gone off shopping and it's FCXwc_CohoU-00429-00105635-00105821 just before Christmas and I can't FCXwc_CohoU-00430-00105822-00105971 remember the name of the story which I FCXwc_CohoU-00431-00105972-00106234 should have obviously looked up um but FCXwc_CohoU-00432-00106235-00106534 but it's the one where the key FCXwc_CohoU-00433-00106535-00106799 um clue really is that the hatch doesn't FCXwc_CohoU-00434-00106800-00106990 fit on the head of the woman who's lying FCXwc_CohoU-00435-00106991-00107134 dead in the room and some of you will FCXwc_CohoU-00436-00107135-00107302 remember that it's one of the one of FCXwc_CohoU-00437-00107303-00107471 those early short stories FCXwc_CohoU-00438-00107472-00107789 and it was exactly that idea of a man FCXwc_CohoU-00439-00107790-00108083 who is very plausible and who is FCXwc_CohoU-00440-00108083-00108323 terribly friendly and his wife is a bit FCXwc_CohoU-00441-00108324-00108490 annoying and nobody really likes her FCXwc_CohoU-00442-00108491-00108869 very much and Jane Marple kind of Falls FCXwc_CohoU-00443-00108870-00109181 for that she's annoying the woman is FCXwc_CohoU-00444-00109182-00109415 annoying but at the same time she knows FCXwc_CohoU-00445-00109416-00109601 that of course the man can't be trusted FCXwc_CohoU-00446-00109602-00109840 and we know that she's always comparing FCXwc_CohoU-00447-00109841-00110063 everybody to somebody she knows and Mary FCXwc_CohoU-00448-00110064-00110458 Meade and so she she has all of those FCXwc_CohoU-00449-00110459-00110651 that that idea that we all know to be FCXwc_CohoU-00450-00110652-00111010 true that Big City Tiny Village People FCXwc_CohoU-00451-00111011-00111208 are very much the same FCXwc_CohoU-00452-00111209-00111419 you know you can you can spot a Roman FCXwc_CohoU-00453-00111420-00111701 and so I liked the idea my story is FCXwc_CohoU-00454-00111702-00112007 nobody knows there's been a crime FCXwc_CohoU-00455-00112008-00112252 and I also on because I'm that girl that FCXwc_CohoU-00456-00112253-00112457 always did her homework I took the you FCXwc_CohoU-00457-00112458-00112589 know one of the rules seriously about it FCXwc_CohoU-00458-00112590-00112751 would be lovely if there was a gardening FCXwc_CohoU-00459-00112752-00112913 theme yes and so I thought well FCXwc_CohoU-00460-00112914-00113086 obviously there has to be a gardening FCXwc_CohoU-00461-00113088-00113171 theme FCXwc_CohoU-00462-00113172-00113375 um and you're not a natural girl I am FCXwc_CohoU-00463-00113376-00113639 I'd sit in my garden uh which my husband FCXwc_CohoU-00464-00113640-00113801 and my mother-in-law in the old days FCXwc_CohoU-00465-00113802-00114595 looked after and drink wine yeah um FCXwc_CohoU-00466-00114596-00114952 under a tree like you know FCXwc_CohoU-00467-00114953-00115199 um Chardonnay Garden Chardonnay God no FCXwc_CohoU-00468-00115200-00115486 well a savlon no no you can't say that FCXwc_CohoU-00469-00115488-00115751 after trust no now we know that that was FCXwc_CohoU-00470-00115752-00115960 her triple um anyway so the point was FCXwc_CohoU-00471-00115961-00116158 that I thought that that would be very FCXwc_CohoU-00472-00116159-00116333 enjoyable as well but it was very much FCXwc_CohoU-00473-00116333-00116633 that idea of why I think Miss Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00474-00116633-00116927 matters so much that she is FCXwc_CohoU-00475-00116928-00117233 one of those very rare older women in FCXwc_CohoU-00476-00117233-00117454 literature who was there on her own FCXwc_CohoU-00477-00117455-00117683 terms she's not there as somebody's FCXwc_CohoU-00478-00117683-00117984 mother or wife or girlfriend FCXwc_CohoU-00479-00117985-00118445 she is happy as herself she has a very FCXwc_CohoU-00480-00118446-00118816 clear moral code and she has that thing FCXwc_CohoU-00481-00118817-00119147 that all older women know that you FCXwc_CohoU-00482-00119148-00119525 become invisible and she uses that as a FCXwc_CohoU-00483-00119526-00119771 way of being this Dynamic FCXwc_CohoU-00484-00119772-00120060 um Nemesis as we of course know the last FCXwc_CohoU-00485-00120061-00120323 written Marple novel although not the FCXwc_CohoU-00486-00120324-00120586 last published Marvel novel and so I FCXwc_CohoU-00487-00120588-00120923 wanted her to be active there are all FCXwc_CohoU-00488-00120924-00121043 sorts of things that are so interesting FCXwc_CohoU-00489-00121044-00121252 partly from the television FCXwc_CohoU-00490-00121253-00121475 um Joan Hickson is my television Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00491-00121476-00121613 and everybody has their own television FCXwc_CohoU-00492-00121614-00121865 marble but in fact when you read all the FCXwc_CohoU-00493-00121866-00122089 books and you go back to them she's tall FCXwc_CohoU-00494-00122090-00122345 and I never you know I don't never FCXwc_CohoU-00495-00122346-00122597 thinking but she's described always as FCXwc_CohoU-00496-00122598-00122969 tall and she's the first time she she FCXwc_CohoU-00497-00122970-00123083 appears FCXwc_CohoU-00498-00123083-00123347 she's my age FCXwc_CohoU-00499-00123348-00123601 28 yes FCXwc_CohoU-00500-00123602-00123923 29. yeah but but that's also really FCXwc_CohoU-00501-00123924-00124115 interesting isn't it age changes through FCXwc_CohoU-00502-00124116-00124486 and and because later in a later novel FCXwc_CohoU-00503-00124488-00124745 she's she's not far off 90 at one point FCXwc_CohoU-00504-00124746-00124997 well I mean she she does age within the FCXwc_CohoU-00505-00124998-00125219 novels and of course the one that kind FCXwc_CohoU-00506-00125220-00125399 of kicks it slightly out of the park is FCXwc_CohoU-00507-00125400-00125608 my favorite Marple which is sleeping FCXwc_CohoU-00508-00125609-00125957 murder which was written during the FCXwc_CohoU-00509-00125958-00126184 second world war she wrote a Marple and FCXwc_CohoU-00510-00126185-00126490 a pyro in case something happened to her FCXwc_CohoU-00511-00126491-00126707 and she couldn't close her character so FCXwc_CohoU-00512-00126708-00126971 she wrote curtains she wrote curtain for FCXwc_CohoU-00513-00126972-00127186 Poirot and she wrote Sleeping murder for FCXwc_CohoU-00514-00127188-00127415 Marple in case she died in case she died FCXwc_CohoU-00515-00127416-00127607 and couldn't close it for her character FCXwc_CohoU-00516-00127608-00127810 I love that she was thinking that that FCXwc_CohoU-00517-00127811-00128045 would be our greatest worry you know FCXwc_CohoU-00518-00128046-00128207 it's like the world has ended actually FCXwc_CohoU-00519-00128208-00128381 but it's right though we you know look FCXwc_CohoU-00520-00128382-00128483 for that comment it would have been FCXwc_CohoU-00521-00128483-00128704 devastating and that's why sleeping FCXwc_CohoU-00522-00128705-00128981 murder is out of sequence ah and so it FCXwc_CohoU-00523-00128982-00129160 set in the 30s and it's actually the FCXwc_CohoU-00524-00129161-00129328 most brilliant FCXwc_CohoU-00525-00129329-00129581 um recovered memory Story I mean where FCXwc_CohoU-00526-00129582-00129839 well before the times that that was you FCXwc_CohoU-00527-00129840-00130060 know but Nemesis is the last one so FCXwc_CohoU-00528-00130061-00130240 she's you know she's old and creakier FCXwc_CohoU-00529-00130241-00130504 Nemesis but in other earlier ones she FCXwc_CohoU-00530-00130505-00130775 physically stops the murderer not just FCXwc_CohoU-00531-00130776-00130919 because she's sitting there in the FCXwc_CohoU-00532-00130920-00131140 corner knitting and the Marple that we FCXwc_CohoU-00533-00131141-00131375 meet in the very first novel FCXwc_CohoU-00534-00131376-00131561 is not the marble we meet in the second FCXwc_CohoU-00535-00131562-00131819 novel no that's the thing she'd realize FCXwc_CohoU-00536-00131820-00132143 that that Miss Martha was somebody so FCXwc_CohoU-00537-00132144-00132293 she's part of what that she calls the FCXwc_CohoU-00538-00132294-00132490 old and she's a little bit more FCXwc_CohoU-00539-00132491-00132695 like that and slightly gossipy and then FCXwc_CohoU-00540-00132696-00132899 when she reappears in the next Marvel FCXwc_CohoU-00541-00132900-00133104 novel which is quite a few years later FCXwc_CohoU-00542-00133105-00133339 she's a more FCXwc_CohoU-00543-00133340-00133733 purposeful Dynamic hero than she was FCXwc_CohoU-00544-00133734-00133951 Lucy who's your favorite tally Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00545-00133952-00134254 Geraldine McEwen yeah oh actually I love FCXwc_CohoU-00546-00134255-00134399 her I just think she's got that you FCXwc_CohoU-00547-00134400-00134549 talked about The Gleam in her blue eyes FCXwc_CohoU-00548-00134550-00134777 I think she's got that wrinkle is she FCXwc_CohoU-00549-00134778-00134933 tall well she seems she projects FCXwc_CohoU-00550-00134934-00135095 tallness I always think of Geraldine FCXwc_CohoU-00551-00135096-00135287 McCune as being towering there's a sort FCXwc_CohoU-00552-00135288-00135640 of sprightliness about her and um FCXwc_CohoU-00553-00135641-00135869 the magic that I sort of see in in my FCXwc_CohoU-00554-00135870-00136151 Marple and she's quite Dynamic you know FCXwc_CohoU-00555-00136152-00136337 um so yeah she's got a lot about Ella FCXwc_CohoU-00556-00136338-00136535 who's your favorite I love Geraldine as FCXwc_CohoU-00557-00136536-00136763 well actually no yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00558-00136764-00137393 McEwen FCXwc_CohoU-00559-00137394-00137566 a fear of futility in fact Geraldine FCXwc_CohoU-00560-00137567-00137759 herself put her hand up at the back and FCXwc_CohoU-00561-00137760-00138037 hands up for Joan Hicks FCXwc_CohoU-00562-00138038-00138340 thank you oh yeah I'm just going to say FCXwc_CohoU-00563-00138341-00138527 mine's Angela lands before and FCXwc_CohoU-00564-00138528-00138719 everything but Angela Lansbury anybody FCXwc_CohoU-00565-00138720-00138971 knows just just we all hang we'll have FCXwc_CohoU-00566-00138972-00139216 drinks later we'll root of that later I FCXwc_CohoU-00567-00139217-00139433 think June wins the day there yeah and FCXwc_CohoU-00568-00139434-00139607 so just go back to your story you FCXwc_CohoU-00569-00139608-00139793 mentioned there about the NHS that's FCXwc_CohoU-00570-00139794-00139978 that this was an aspect of the story and FCXwc_CohoU-00571-00139979-00140104 lots of them as I said at the beginning FCXwc_CohoU-00572-00140105-00140339 crime brings and contemporary history FCXwc_CohoU-00573-00140340-00140495 more I think than any other sort of FCXwc_CohoU-00574-00140496-00140651 genre affection FCXwc_CohoU-00575-00140652-00140909 um and you've chosen the NHS you know FCXwc_CohoU-00576-00140910-00141119 anti-Semitism is the subject of another FCXwc_CohoU-00577-00141120-00141485 story partly and I did not realize at FCXwc_CohoU-00578-00141486-00141701 the time that doctors were so resistant FCXwc_CohoU-00579-00141702-00141904 to the setting up service and actually FCXwc_CohoU-00580-00141905-00142085 there was this idea that people would FCXwc_CohoU-00581-00142086-00142331 people wouldn't trust the NHS wait for FCXwc_CohoU-00582-00142332-00142535 it because they weren't paying for it no FCXwc_CohoU-00583-00142536-00142769 no that's right yeah yeah yeah and and FCXwc_CohoU-00584-00142770-00143075 also I think that there'd been FCXwc_CohoU-00585-00143076-00143314 there's so much you know I would say one FCXwc_CohoU-00586-00143315-00143585 of the great uh post-second World War FCXwc_CohoU-00587-00143586-00143740 novels obviously I would say this is FCXwc_CohoU-00588-00143741-00144071 Andrea Levy's small island and the the FCXwc_CohoU-00589-00144072-00144299 fact consequences obviously my wonderful FCXwc_CohoU-00590-00144300-00144466 parents are both gone now but granny FCXwc_CohoU-00591-00144467-00144701 Rosie who I care for is still very much FCXwc_CohoU-00592-00144702-00144928 around and FCXwc_CohoU-00593-00144929-00145157 all the focus is always on those years FCXwc_CohoU-00594-00145158-00145313 of the war FCXwc_CohoU-00595-00145314-00145613 but in a way the biggest seismic shift FCXwc_CohoU-00596-00145614-00145997 in society was at home after the war had FCXwc_CohoU-00597-00145998-00146333 finished with rationing and who you know FCXwc_CohoU-00598-00146334-00146561 that you know that famous line uh when FCXwc_CohoU-00599-00146562-00146735 Churchill was voted out where the FCXwc_CohoU-00600-00146736-00146993 Masters now and the sense that all of FCXwc_CohoU-00601-00146994-00147202 society was blowing up now I I don't FCXwc_CohoU-00602-00147203-00147407 know if anybody feels they could imagine FCXwc_CohoU-00603-00147408-00147577 what that would feel FCXwc_CohoU-00604-00147578-00147827 but you know that that kind of that FCXwc_CohoU-00605-00147828-00148049 Tipping Point yeah but also that's where FCXwc_CohoU-00606-00148050-00148264 Miss Marple and you know the friend I've FCXwc_CohoU-00607-00148265-00148511 invented for Emmeline strickett are so FCXwc_CohoU-00608-00148512-00148804 important because they are the anchoring FCXwc_CohoU-00609-00148805-00149045 of the old world to the present and FCXwc_CohoU-00610-00149046-00149290 potentially the future and so I wanted FCXwc_CohoU-00611-00149291-00149549 to you know my story is is a very much FCXwc_CohoU-00612-00149550-00149728 old-fashioned Agatha Christie short FCXwc_CohoU-00613-00149729-00149975 story it's a long short story I'm sorry FCXwc_CohoU-00614-00149976-00150281 Anna you know we were given a word like FCXwc_CohoU-00615-00150282-00150539 um obviously mine was you know not as FCXwc_CohoU-00616-00150540-00150754 short as it might have been but it was FCXwc_CohoU-00617-00150755-00151025 exactly that sense of okay what would FCXwc_CohoU-00618-00151026-00151228 someone like Miss Marple be feeling at FCXwc_CohoU-00619-00151229-00151469 this moment but because we jump with FCXwc_CohoU-00620-00151470-00151666 Marple no we have that you know the FCXwc_CohoU-00621-00151667-00151852 first novel and then we jump you know 10 FCXwc_CohoU-00622-00151853-00152063 years before we get the next one and a FCXwc_CohoU-00623-00152064-00152302 lot of them are in the 50s and 60s and FCXwc_CohoU-00624-00152303-00152464 Beyond yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00625-00152465-00152585 um and so I think that's one of the FCXwc_CohoU-00626-00152586-00152728 reasons I love sleeping murder so much FCXwc_CohoU-00627-00152729-00152897 because it's before the war and I think FCXwc_CohoU-00628-00152898-00153113 there's still that kind of tech texture FCXwc_CohoU-00629-00153114-00153443 of that type of England is it in your FCXwc_CohoU-00630-00153444-00153587 story or is it used to where you refer FCXwc_CohoU-00631-00153588-00153761 to as a late Victorian she refers to FCXwc_CohoU-00632-00153762-00153952 herself as it like I do I didn't FCXwc_CohoU-00633-00153953-00154126 remember that from the original original FCXwc_CohoU-00634-00154127-00154457 novels but I went back in it yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00635-00154458-00154673 it's very much part of our identity I FCXwc_CohoU-00636-00154674-00154816 think and you know my story she's got FCXwc_CohoU-00637-00154817-00155075 her smelling salts you know volatile FCXwc_CohoU-00638-00155076-00155226 yeah yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00639-00155227-00155609 and also I think that FCXwc_CohoU-00640-00155610-00155957 um she was the last generation FCXwc_CohoU-00641-00155958-00156347 Miss Marple Miss Marple who believed FCXwc_CohoU-00642-00156348-00156533 absolutely that their vision of the FCXwc_CohoU-00643-00156534-00156778 world was the vision of the world that FCXwc_CohoU-00644-00156779-00156952 there wasn't any ambivalence there FCXwc_CohoU-00645-00156953-00157133 wasn't any doubt FCXwc_CohoU-00646-00157134-00157295 um and that of course is what you need FCXwc_CohoU-00647-00157296-00157552 in a um and I would say an old-fashioned FCXwc_CohoU-00648-00157553-00157726 detective story which is that there is a FCXwc_CohoU-00649-00157727-00158111 moral code that it's wrong to murder FCXwc_CohoU-00650-00158112-00158302 um and that you FCXwc_CohoU-00651-00158303-00158513 um however unpopular it makes you you FCXwc_CohoU-00652-00158514-00158843 you stand up and be counted and so in FCXwc_CohoU-00653-00158844-00159149 mine I liked the idea that um FCXwc_CohoU-00654-00159150-00159347 nobody believed there'd been a murder FCXwc_CohoU-00655-00159348-00159454 and they certainly didn't believe FCXwc_CohoU-00656-00159455-00159683 there'd been two murders and now the FCXwc_CohoU-00657-00159684-00159923 goal was to prevent a second murder and FCXwc_CohoU-00658-00159924-00160169 all the way through all of Christie not FCXwc_CohoU-00659-00160170-00160349 just Marple but very particularly Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00660-00160350-00160631 doctors are very key FCXwc_CohoU-00661-00160632-00160871 um you know they they always appear the FCXwc_CohoU-00662-00160872-00161093 church is very key yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00663-00161094-00161273 um and you know there's another mention FCXwc_CohoU-00664-00161274-00161561 of you know her sister has been down in FCXwc_CohoU-00665-00161562-00161735 Sussex so I just thought well I'm going FCXwc_CohoU-00666-00161736-00162071 to put my Miss Marple in my home yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00667-00162072-00162304 and see how she gets on it's an FCXwc_CohoU-00668-00162305-00162502 absolutely terrific story I enjoyed it FCXwc_CohoU-00669-00162503-00162635 so much FCXwc_CohoU-00670-00162636-00162802 um and I want to ask you about the rules FCXwc_CohoU-00671-00162803-00162952 I actually asked both of you about about FCXwc_CohoU-00672-00162953-00163216 the rules what rules were you given FCXwc_CohoU-00673-00163217-00163469 about what you could do with Miss Jane FCXwc_CohoU-00674-00163470-00163693 Marple in your in your story FCXwc_CohoU-00675-00163694-00163847 well FCXwc_CohoU-00676-00163848-00164057 we were given FCXwc_CohoU-00677-00164058-00164278 I think really mostly really sensible FCXwc_CohoU-00678-00164279-00164507 rules yeah so you don't have to say that FCXwc_CohoU-00679-00164508-00164669 just because of editors no no no no no FCXwc_CohoU-00680-00164670-00165004 no no but actually I'm afraid yes FCXwc_CohoU-00681-00165005-00165178 um but it's not entirely come from the FCXwc_CohoU-00682-00165179-00165383 editor it's kind of possibly come from FCXwc_CohoU-00683-00165384-00165640 the advocacy estate but the first one FCXwc_CohoU-00684-00165641-00165893 was that RJ Marple could only exist FCXwc_CohoU-00685-00165894-00166169 within the time periods that she exists FCXwc_CohoU-00686-00166170-00166301 in Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00687-00166302-00166583 and I think that was a really good rule FCXwc_CohoU-00688-00166584-00166799 so you couldn't write Young marples from FCXwc_CohoU-00689-00166800-00167057 school yeah yeah okay and I think or a FCXwc_CohoU-00690-00167058-00167213 modern Miss Marple or a modern Miss FCXwc_CohoU-00691-00167214-00167452 Martin you know time perhaps Miss Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00692-00167453-00167945 2022 yeah yeah Miss Marple at the Rave FCXwc_CohoU-00693-00167946-00168102 um FCXwc_CohoU-00694-00168103-00168364 passing the smelling salt Road get a FCXwc_CohoU-00695-00168365-00168630 load of this going I'm on the train FCXwc_CohoU-00696-00168631-00168785 [Laughter] FCXwc_CohoU-00697-00168786-00169135 um FCXwc_CohoU-00698-00169136-00169385 brilliant can you imagine it would be FCXwc_CohoU-00699-00169386-00169607 very Arch yeah it'd be very hard and I FCXwc_CohoU-00700-00169608-00169757 would actually I would love to see what FCXwc_CohoU-00701-00169758-00169925 Agatha Christie would do with sort of FCXwc_CohoU-00702-00169926-00170087 modern technology because she was right FCXwc_CohoU-00703-00170088-00170254 at the Forefront to say forensics FCXwc_CohoU-00704-00170255-00170459 everything you know she knew her stuff FCXwc_CohoU-00705-00170460-00170633 so I think she'd have a lot of fun with FCXwc_CohoU-00706-00170634-00170921 sort of messages and email and you know FCXwc_CohoU-00707-00170922-00171209 air tags and all of that you totally FCXwc_CohoU-00708-00171210-00171395 Beyond panels with her no the two of you FCXwc_CohoU-00709-00171396-00171563 on those gorgeous Crying Pan I was FCXwc_CohoU-00710-00171564-00171833 talking about it I could see it no she FCXwc_CohoU-00711-00171834-00172061 wouldn't have enjoyed it and then other FCXwc_CohoU-00712-00172062-00172252 ones we had do you want to say some of FCXwc_CohoU-00713-00172253-00172487 the other ones no romantic interests FCXwc_CohoU-00714-00172488-00172709 yeah which again I really agree little FCXwc_CohoU-00715-00172710-00172883 sense okay is there a weft of any FCXwc_CohoU-00716-00172884-00173064 romantic interests FCXwc_CohoU-00717-00173065-00173285 I think FCXwc_CohoU-00718-00173286-00173489 very clear that that was not what she FCXwc_CohoU-00719-00173490-00173795 was really prior to Miss Marple every FCXwc_CohoU-00720-00173796-00173999 sort of female detective tended to be FCXwc_CohoU-00721-00174000-00174245 sort of young and there was always a FCXwc_CohoU-00722-00174246-00174437 romantic interest sort of um I think FCXwc_CohoU-00723-00174438-00174647 even Dorothy alceas FCXwc_CohoU-00724-00174648-00174797 um you know there was there was a FCXwc_CohoU-00725-00174798-00174976 romantic interest hanging around Harriet FCXwc_CohoU-00726-00174977-00175223 vane Harriet vane exactly FCXwc_CohoU-00727-00175224-00175421 um so I think she was very clear that FCXwc_CohoU-00728-00175422-00175552 she didn't want it to be Complicated by FCXwc_CohoU-00729-00175553-00175709 that because it's about her right it's FCXwc_CohoU-00730-00175710-00175895 not about her in relation to her to a FCXwc_CohoU-00731-00175896-00176249 man and also the idea that her character FCXwc_CohoU-00732-00176250-00176513 and purpose is not because the person FCXwc_CohoU-00733-00176514-00176776 she loved died in the war no it is FCXwc_CohoU-00734-00176777-00177004 because that's who she is so we do know FCXwc_CohoU-00735-00177005-00177190 from the novels and short stories that FCXwc_CohoU-00736-00177191-00177502 there were one or two uh gentlemen she FCXwc_CohoU-00737-00177503-00177743 quite liked when she was younger yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00738-00177744-00177899 because there's a reference in one of FCXwc_CohoU-00739-00177900-00178252 the stories to um you know she her FCXwc_CohoU-00740-00178253-00178504 father put an end to this and she cried FCXwc_CohoU-00741-00178505-00178654 for a day or some you know something FCXwc_CohoU-00742-00178655-00178876 like that but I thought that was a great FCXwc_CohoU-00743-00178877-00179063 one as well and that's actually one FCXwc_CohoU-00744-00179064-00179249 thing that you know I love the TV FCXwc_CohoU-00745-00179250-00179411 adaptations all of them but there's FCXwc_CohoU-00746-00179412-00179573 that's one thing that slightly irritates FCXwc_CohoU-00747-00179574-00179693 me because I think in one of them FCXwc_CohoU-00748-00179694-00179873 certainly in the Geraldine McEwen ones FCXwc_CohoU-00749-00179874-00180137 they they have this sort of backstory FCXwc_CohoU-00750-00180138-00180304 and this love interest and all of that FCXwc_CohoU-00751-00180305-00180419 and it's sort of and I think that's FCXwc_CohoU-00752-00180420-00180593 almost in the first one and that sort of FCXwc_CohoU-00753-00180594-00180790 puts her in the context of this sort of FCXwc_CohoU-00754-00180791-00180964 failed little lost yeah yeah totally FCXwc_CohoU-00755-00180965-00181237 it's so unnecessary FCXwc_CohoU-00756-00181238-00181595 grief or love yeah it could just be an FCXwc_CohoU-00757-00181596-00181816 independent person yeah and then we FCXwc_CohoU-00758-00181817-00182014 weren't allowed to have her meet Poirot FCXwc_CohoU-00759-00182015-00182326 yes oh she wasn't allowed to me no they FCXwc_CohoU-00760-00182327-00182537 they couldn't not even like glancingly FCXwc_CohoU-00761-00182538-00182831 Victoria Station quite tempting no FCXwc_CohoU-00762-00182832-00183119 Poirot well apparently Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00763-00183120-00183251 said they would never meet she would FCXwc_CohoU-00764-00183252-00183502 never have them meet because akuliporo FCXwc_CohoU-00765-00183503-00183785 was such an egoist he would hate being FCXwc_CohoU-00766-00183786-00184073 taught his job by an elderly woman FCXwc_CohoU-00767-00184074-00184228 um I think she'd cry into really kind of FCXwc_CohoU-00768-00184229-00184528 loathe him yeah that's right I mean that FCXwc_CohoU-00769-00184529-00184685 that's what's interesting is in a way FCXwc_CohoU-00770-00184686-00184895 there's more of Christy in ariadne FCXwc_CohoU-00771-00184896-00185081 Oliver than any of the other characters FCXwc_CohoU-00772-00185082-00185254 you know he was always dropping her FCXwc_CohoU-00773-00185255-00185452 apples and it is furious with her FCXwc_CohoU-00774-00185453-00185704 detective the Finn that she's never been FCXwc_CohoU-00775-00185705-00185926 to Finland and now she's stuck with him FCXwc_CohoU-00776-00185927-00186101 um so that was it and the last one was FCXwc_CohoU-00777-00186102-00186251 the thing about gardening which almost FCXwc_CohoU-00778-00186252-00186545 everybody else ignored oh well there is FCXwc_CohoU-00779-00186546-00186725 there is I'm trying to think there is a FCXwc_CohoU-00780-00186726-00186857 there is a bit of gardening in one of FCXwc_CohoU-00781-00186858-00187126 the other stories your character goes FCXwc_CohoU-00782-00187127-00187314 somewhere to visit a garden does she not FCXwc_CohoU-00783-00187315-00187619 she goes to visit some Japanese come to FCXwc_CohoU-00784-00187620-00187804 visit the Japanese maples and there's a FCXwc_CohoU-00785-00187805-00187966 sort of something about FCXwc_CohoU-00786-00187967-00188207 um the flowers that used to be dyed hats FCXwc_CohoU-00787-00188208-00188513 yes it's a bit tangential but is that FCXwc_CohoU-00788-00188514-00188813 Google is your friend I just need to be FCXwc_CohoU-00789-00188814-00188933 listening to Gardner's question time or FCXwc_CohoU-00790-00188934-00189161 become a sauvignon blanc Gardener like FCXwc_CohoU-00791-00189162-00189352 too many poisons those were the only FCXwc_CohoU-00792-00189353-00189593 limitations yes so not much that's not FCXwc_CohoU-00793-00189594-00189790 much actually no FCXwc_CohoU-00794-00189791-00190133 so if you didn't have limitations FCXwc_CohoU-00795-00190134-00190469 what would you do I'd have her meat um FCXwc_CohoU-00796-00190470-00190721 meet Poirot show him a thing or two I FCXwc_CohoU-00797-00190722-00190901 think it would be such fun because he'd FCXwc_CohoU-00798-00190902-00191188 hate it you can just imagine it yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00799-00191189-00191423 um so that would be great yeah what FCXwc_CohoU-00800-00191424-00191519 about you FCXwc_CohoU-00801-00191520-00191759 I would have really loved to have FCXwc_CohoU-00802-00191760-00192016 written her first world war story right FCXwc_CohoU-00803-00192017-00192395 because she's you know when we meet her FCXwc_CohoU-00804-00192396-00192569 she's FCXwc_CohoU-00805-00192570-00192893 in her 60s possibly beginning of 60s FCXwc_CohoU-00806-00192894-00193151 possibly later it's never quite clear FCXwc_CohoU-00807-00193152-00193516 um but that's a long time so we have FCXwc_CohoU-00808-00193517-00193811 lots of clues about FCXwc_CohoU-00809-00193812-00194087 where she went to school and her happy FCXwc_CohoU-00810-00194088-00194326 family let's finish school yeah and you FCXwc_CohoU-00811-00194327-00194447 know all of that and that's where I've FCXwc_CohoU-00812-00194448-00194626 given her Emmeline strickert and I you FCXwc_CohoU-00813-00194627-00194878 know I use um uh you know they do it FCXwc_CohoU-00814-00194879-00195052 with mirrors you know that those two FCXwc_CohoU-00815-00195053-00195359 American sisters and added Emmeline into FCXwc_CohoU-00816-00195360-00195581 that but the FCXwc_CohoU-00817-00195582-00195797 for her to have the character that she FCXwc_CohoU-00818-00195798-00195881 has FCXwc_CohoU-00819-00195882-00196157 and the principle that she has and the FCXwc_CohoU-00820-00196158-00196535 courage she has because at any moment if FCXwc_CohoU-00821-00196536-00196661 she's faced with somebody who has FCXwc_CohoU-00822-00196662-00196907 murdered other people she steps up now FCXwc_CohoU-00823-00196908-00197087 that is courageous I always find that FCXwc_CohoU-00824-00197088-00197297 terrifying I'm always genuinely fearful FCXwc_CohoU-00825-00197298-00197452 that she's gonna be FCXwc_CohoU-00826-00197453-00197626 umped off by the end you know there are FCXwc_CohoU-00827-00197627-00197764 moments in this book where you really FCXwc_CohoU-00828-00197765-00197963 think no no that's about to happen and I FCXwc_CohoU-00829-00197964-00198101 I would say you know one of the great FCXwc_CohoU-00830-00198102-00198352 scenes in that is is in a murder is FCXwc_CohoU-00831-00198353-00198545 announced which I think is another one FCXwc_CohoU-00832-00198546-00198754 of the great marbles FCXwc_CohoU-00833-00198755-00198978 um when you know she she actually FCXwc_CohoU-00834-00198979-00199276 confronts the the murderer doing murder FCXwc_CohoU-00835-00199277-00199571 essentially and and stops it so I would FCXwc_CohoU-00836-00199572-00199726 have loved to have written her in the FCXwc_CohoU-00837-00199727-00199895 first world war would that be a novel FCXwc_CohoU-00838-00199896-00200371 Novella a novel yeah a novel yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00839-00200372-00200602 unauthorized by the Crusty estate FCXwc_CohoU-00840-00200603-00201426 however FCXwc_CohoU-00841-00201427-00201778 yeah exactly when you read it you heard FCXwc_CohoU-00842-00201779-00202043 it here first I had this conversation FCXwc_CohoU-00843-00202044-00202240 with Ian ranking recently about rebirth FCXwc_CohoU-00844-00202241-00202547 um and and um rubus's story in Northern FCXwc_CohoU-00845-00202548-00202690 Ireland you know where he was uh yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00846-00202691-00202787 where he was you know in the military FCXwc_CohoU-00847-00202788-00203021 before he was a police officer and um FCXwc_CohoU-00848-00203022-00203195 and it's all there in that first novel FCXwc_CohoU-00849-00203196-00203411 and I think is it notes and Crosses or FCXwc_CohoU-00850-00203412-00203513 black and blue I can't remember what the FCXwc_CohoU-00851-00203514-00203657 first novel was called but I mean you FCXwc_CohoU-00852-00203658-00203788 know so it's all sort of there and I FCXwc_CohoU-00853-00203789-00203914 said you know do you never do you never FCXwc_CohoU-00854-00203915-00204095 want to write it and he said no I would FCXwc_CohoU-00855-00204096-00204311 like somebody else to write it but when FCXwc_CohoU-00856-00204312-00204628 I'm dead oh really um yeah so don't go FCXwc_CohoU-00857-00204629-00204773 bumping him off just so that you can FCXwc_CohoU-00858-00204774-00204916 write young readers but I thought that FCXwc_CohoU-00859-00204917-00205048 was really interesting that you know he FCXwc_CohoU-00860-00205050-00205210 didn't sort of I think that's what he FCXwc_CohoU-00861-00205211-00205408 said he didn't want to well I mean in a FCXwc_CohoU-00862-00205409-00205577 way the thing is we all start with our FCXwc_CohoU-00863-00205578-00205781 own characters FCXwc_CohoU-00864-00205782-00205990 um at the moment that we have the story FCXwc_CohoU-00865-00205991-00206207 to tell and what I've learned over all FCXwc_CohoU-00866-00206208-00206477 these years is that often readers have FCXwc_CohoU-00867-00206478-00206801 or not not a closer attachment to your FCXwc_CohoU-00868-00206802-00207119 characters but in a way have built them FCXwc_CohoU-00869-00207119-00207353 a much bigger story that sometimes you FCXwc_CohoU-00870-00207354-00207581 have so Joanna trollope once said to me FCXwc_CohoU-00871-00207582-00207766 said no the thing for me Katie is FCXwc_CohoU-00872-00207767-00208025 writing a novel is like standing on a FCXwc_CohoU-00873-00208026-00208162 railway station FCXwc_CohoU-00874-00208163-00208366 the train comes in FCXwc_CohoU-00875-00208367-00208582 you get into the carriage FCXwc_CohoU-00876-00208583-00208805 you spend the duration of your journey FCXwc_CohoU-00877-00208806-00209027 in the carriage with those people then FCXwc_CohoU-00878-00209028-00209201 you get off and the train goes on FCXwc_CohoU-00879-00209202-00209440 without you and I thought that was a FCXwc_CohoU-00880-00209441-00209692 beautiful description of how it feels to FCXwc_CohoU-00881-00209694-00209921 write a novel because often people say FCXwc_CohoU-00882-00209921-00210101 to me oh can't you write on this story FCXwc_CohoU-00883-00210102-00210467 of these characters or and I think FCXwc_CohoU-00884-00210467-00210682 no that the story that I was going to FCXwc_CohoU-00885-00210683-00210881 tell about them I've told yeah yeah you FCXwc_CohoU-00886-00210882-00211055 know I feel the same exactly the same FCXwc_CohoU-00887-00211056-00211175 way I feel exactly the same way I don't FCXwc_CohoU-00888-00211176-00211360 want to I ended it there for a reason FCXwc_CohoU-00889-00211361-00211594 yeah for whatever reason for me or for FCXwc_CohoU-00890-00211596-00211787 them and I don't want to go back there FCXwc_CohoU-00891-00211788-00211931 and I'd always find it interesting when FCXwc_CohoU-00892-00211932-00212158 people have this imagination they've got FCXwc_CohoU-00893-00212159-00212363 a life for your characters or a story or FCXwc_CohoU-00894-00212364-00212573 an after sometimes quite long you know FCXwc_CohoU-00895-00212573-00212753 or they've written a story themselves FCXwc_CohoU-00896-00212754-00212981 and it's very flattering but it's like I FCXwc_CohoU-00897-00212982-00213232 I can't do that that's for you to do you FCXwc_CohoU-00898-00213233-00213377 know it's the gift that you give them FCXwc_CohoU-00899-00213378-00213508 but it's probably I mean it's probably FCXwc_CohoU-00900-00213509-00213665 one of my favorite things about being an FCXwc_CohoU-00901-00213666-00213767 author though that these people that FCXwc_CohoU-00902-00213767-00213887 have lived inside your head you know FCXwc_CohoU-00903-00213888-00214079 these creations yeah suddenly people are FCXwc_CohoU-00904-00214080-00214187 talking about them as though they're FCXwc_CohoU-00905-00214188-00214331 real people and they believe in them FCXwc_CohoU-00906-00214332-00214534 it's like it's just wonderful you know FCXwc_CohoU-00907-00214535-00214696 it's something magical that happens they FCXwc_CohoU-00908-00214698-00214925 sort of transcend the page yeah no that FCXwc_CohoU-00909-00214926-00215141 it is incredible when that happens it is FCXwc_CohoU-00910-00215142-00215381 incredibly incredibly flattering FCXwc_CohoU-00911-00215382-00215621 um Ella I want to ask you are in-house FCXwc_CohoU-00912-00215621-00215771 bibliotherapist FCXwc_CohoU-00913-00215771-00215951 um so Ella prescribes fiction and FCXwc_CohoU-00914-00215952-00216160 non-fiction but mainly fiction for Life FCXwc_CohoU-00915-00216161-00216341 EOS is the author of a book called the FCXwc_CohoU-00916-00216342-00216539 novel cure possibly one of the best FCXwc_CohoU-00917-00216540-00216856 titles ever and and how often do you FCXwc_CohoU-00918-00216857-00217355 prescribe cresty or Marple and what for FCXwc_CohoU-00919-00217356-00217703 very frequently is the answer FCXwc_CohoU-00920-00217704-00218003 um though in a way it's something that I FCXwc_CohoU-00921-00218004-00218189 tend to prescribe FCXwc_CohoU-00922-00218190-00218405 in passing because because she's so well FCXwc_CohoU-00923-00218406-00218746 known that when I do prescriptions for FCXwc_CohoU-00924-00218748-00218944 clients then I'm normally trying to give FCXwc_CohoU-00925-00218946-00219196 them more obscure authors people that FCXwc_CohoU-00926-00219198-00219377 they wouldn't have thought of reading FCXwc_CohoU-00927-00219378-00219755 themselves but I will always say as I'm FCXwc_CohoU-00928-00219756-00219965 having a bibliotherapy session of course FCXwc_CohoU-00929-00219966-00220156 you need to read some Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00930-00220157-00220492 just for pure escapism or FCXwc_CohoU-00931-00220494-00220721 um because if you're having a reading FCXwc_CohoU-00932-00220721-00220967 rut and you haven't been able to read FCXwc_CohoU-00933-00220967-00221189 for a while Agatha Christie is your FCXwc_CohoU-00934-00221190-00221506 perfect writer to get back into reading FCXwc_CohoU-00935-00221507-00221729 and I've had so many conversations with FCXwc_CohoU-00936-00221730-00222023 clients around the world Hong Kong FCXwc_CohoU-00937-00222023-00222425 Sydney New York who have spent their FCXwc_CohoU-00938-00222426-00222701 last few years reading only Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-00939-00222702-00222977 Christie such as women who've been FCXwc_CohoU-00940-00222978-00223175 breastfeeding through the night and the FCXwc_CohoU-00941-00223176-00223355 only thing that they could read at that FCXwc_CohoU-00942-00223356-00223492 time was Agatha Christie because that FCXwc_CohoU-00943-00223494-00223708 was what kept them going between the FCXwc_CohoU-00944-00223709-00223955 early hours of two and five FCXwc_CohoU-00945-00223956-00224303 um also menopausal from men I think FCXwc_CohoU-00946-00224304-00224555 particularly benefit from Miss Marple FCXwc_CohoU-00947-00224556-00224848 because as you say she's one of those FCXwc_CohoU-00948-00224850-00225119 few women who actually FCXwc_CohoU-00949-00225119-00225629 are invisible yet doing something deeply FCXwc_CohoU-00950-00225630-00225941 important and amazing and there's so few FCXwc_CohoU-00951-00225942-00226229 great books for menopausal women out FCXwc_CohoU-00952-00226230-00226396 there and it's one of the questions I FCXwc_CohoU-00953-00226398-00226691 get most frequently from clients is FCXwc_CohoU-00954-00226692-00226913 really where are all the books for FCXwc_CohoU-00955-00226914-00227075 menopausal women I you know I want to FCXwc_CohoU-00956-00227076-00227417 read some interesting books uh that FCXwc_CohoU-00957-00227417-00227782 relate to me once I've had kids and done FCXwc_CohoU-00958-00227783-00228101 my career or whatever and there aren't FCXwc_CohoU-00959-00228102-00228334 that many books necessarily out there FCXwc_CohoU-00960-00228335-00228563 but Miss Marple is a great inspiration FCXwc_CohoU-00961-00228564-00228742 of course lots of people FCXwc_CohoU-00962-00228744-00228958 um learn English through Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00963-00228959-00229348 yes very true yes I think she's FCXwc_CohoU-00964-00229350-00229577 particularly in India I mean apparently FCXwc_CohoU-00965-00229578-00229805 that it's just kind of the first thing FCXwc_CohoU-00966-00229806-00230044 that people start to read well yes if FCXwc_CohoU-00967-00230046-00230189 not Harry Potter FCXwc_CohoU-00968-00230190-00230482 oh yeah maybe yeah well the wonderful um FCXwc_CohoU-00969-00230483-00230777 Gene Cook who wrote one of the stories FCXwc_CohoU-00970-00230778-00231001 um for the collection uh told me she FCXwc_CohoU-00971-00231002-00231334 Sheila English that's right Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-00972-00231335-00231419 Christie FCXwc_CohoU-00973-00231419-00231544 um because she was first generation FCXwc_CohoU-00974-00231546-00231881 Chinese immigrant to the states and she FCXwc_CohoU-00975-00231882-00232031 would literally sit on the train or sit FCXwc_CohoU-00976-00232032-00232241 in her family's business and kind of sit FCXwc_CohoU-00977-00232242-00232456 there with her you'd have such a FCXwc_CohoU-00978-00232457-00232631 particular such a particular way of FCXwc_CohoU-00979-00232632-00232837 speaking FCXwc_CohoU-00980-00232838-00233075 you know exactly how to behave at a FCXwc_CohoU-00981-00233076-00233303 Christmas drinks party in any part of FCXwc_CohoU-00982-00233304-00233506 yes or west sausage and you know a lot FCXwc_CohoU-00983-00233507-00233734 about poison yeah I know a lot about FCXwc_CohoU-00984-00233735-00233891 poison which of course because she FCXwc_CohoU-00985-00233892-00234160 worked you know and and during the War I FCXwc_CohoU-00986-00234161-00234317 mean it's incredible no I didn't know FCXwc_CohoU-00987-00234317-00234455 that about the learning English thing FCXwc_CohoU-00988-00234456-00234671 but the British Council do recommend or FCXwc_CohoU-00989-00234671-00234887 does recommend Agatha Christie books FCXwc_CohoU-00990-00234888-00235055 it's sort of like cultural soft power FCXwc_CohoU-00991-00235056-00235187 yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-00992-00235188-00235367 um so I'll just go back to the biblical FCXwc_CohoU-00993-00235367-00235571 therapy why is it that you think people FCXwc_CohoU-00994-00235571-00235927 derive such pleasure and are so kind of FCXwc_CohoU-00995-00235928-00236201 invested in these books FCXwc_CohoU-00996-00236202-00236687 I think she did invent archetypes of FCXwc_CohoU-00997-00236688-00237037 particular characters within her novels FCXwc_CohoU-00998-00237038-00237431 who still exist in our minds in so many FCXwc_CohoU-00999-00237432-00237792 future detective novels so there's um FCXwc_CohoU-01000-00237794-00238132 not just the great detectives Marple and FCXwc_CohoU-01001-00238133-00238481 Poirot but also the characters within FCXwc_CohoU-01002-00238482-00238834 the often big British country houses but FCXwc_CohoU-01003-00238835-00239171 kind of the dastardly Aristocrat FCXwc_CohoU-01004-00239171-00239308 um the FCXwc_CohoU-01005-00239309-00239615 um slightly potentially the very loyal FCXwc_CohoU-01006-00239616-00239963 servant and then maybe the very disloyal FCXwc_CohoU-01007-00239964-00240265 nephew Etc there's all these kind of FCXwc_CohoU-01008-00240266-00240617 great archetypes and we love those FCXwc_CohoU-01009-00240617-00240982 archetypes and we just we love that kind FCXwc_CohoU-01010-00240983-00241205 of certainty as Kate was saying earlier FCXwc_CohoU-01011-00241206-00241501 about the morality which eventually FCXwc_CohoU-01012-00241502-00241792 comes good in the end of the books and FCXwc_CohoU-01013-00241794-00242044 readers who I FCXwc_CohoU-01014-00242046-00242339 um prescribe them to and who've often FCXwc_CohoU-01015-00242340-00242596 read them as their first reads FCXwc_CohoU-01016-00242598-00242896 really go to them for Comfort I think FCXwc_CohoU-01017-00242898-00243108 for having that black and white FCXwc_CohoU-01018-00243109-00243365 certainty at the end of the book yeah I FCXwc_CohoU-01019-00243366-00243671 mean even though they're obviously not FCXwc_CohoU-01020-00243671-00243892 um happy not novels there's often FCXwc_CohoU-01021-00243894-00244056 terrible things happening within them FCXwc_CohoU-01022-00244057-00244421 Justice is done pretty much yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01023-00244421-00244582 um every time by the end of the book yes FCXwc_CohoU-01024-00244583-00244810 Miss Marple gets her man or woman or a FCXwc_CohoU-01025-00244811-00245051 combination thereof and you said they're FCXwc_CohoU-01026-00245052-00245225 about comfort and I'm interested in this FCXwc_CohoU-01027-00245226-00245519 idea so much talk right now about Cozy FCXwc_CohoU-01028-00245519-00245741 crime as a genre sort of kind of an FCXwc_CohoU-01029-00245742-00245963 oxymoron in a way you know when there's FCXwc_CohoU-01030-00245964-00246184 a very high body count in this book FCXwc_CohoU-01031-00246185-00246371 there are 12 stories there are many many FCXwc_CohoU-01032-00246371-00246544 more bodies FCXwc_CohoU-01033-00246546-00246815 um but you know books like FCXwc_CohoU-01034-00246816-00247025 um you know Richard calls Richard FCXwc_CohoU-01035-00247026-00247348 awesome lots of you know lots of sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01036-00247350-00247631 cozy loveliness not Whimsy or Twee but FCXwc_CohoU-01037-00247632-00247805 you know there is a kind of I think FCXwc_CohoU-01038-00247806-00248027 again a certainty isn't there that a FCXwc_CohoU-01039-00248028-00248117 comfort that comes from when FCXwc_CohoU-01040-00248117-00248369 everything's gonna work out yeah so now FCXwc_CohoU-01041-00248369-00248698 at this time of huge uncertain in every FCXwc_CohoU-01042-00248700-00248891 way around the world FCXwc_CohoU-01043-00248892-00249239 um I think there's that comfort of the FCXwc_CohoU-01044-00249240-00249455 the law or you know the Justice being FCXwc_CohoU-01045-00249456-00249701 done but also it's going back into FCXwc_CohoU-01046-00249702-00249946 another era and I think that is FCXwc_CohoU-01047-00249948-00250163 important in terms of nostalgia for the FCXwc_CohoU-01048-00250164-00250355 time and place yeah thinking about those FCXwc_CohoU-01049-00250356-00250589 parameters of not having a modern Miss FCXwc_CohoU-01050-00250590-00250798 Marple is actually going back to a time FCXwc_CohoU-01051-00250800-00250937 when FCXwc_CohoU-01052-00250938-00251141 um there were no mobile phones and there FCXwc_CohoU-01053-00251142-00251519 was no climate change on the horizon and FCXwc_CohoU-01054-00251519-00251717 um even politics might have seemed FCXwc_CohoU-01055-00251717-00251908 simpler perhaps anyway when you're FCXwc_CohoU-01056-00251909-00252094 reading yeah and also I think I think FCXwc_CohoU-01057-00252096-00252455 the the key thing about what is cozy FCXwc_CohoU-01058-00252456-00252653 crime now which Christie is but I I FCXwc_CohoU-01059-00252654-00253006 would say the the bigger issue is that FCXwc_CohoU-01060-00253007-00253277 in Thrillers the violence is on the page FCXwc_CohoU-01061-00253278-00253631 and often it's almost pornographic FCXwc_CohoU-01062-00253632-00253810 um in the level of description and FCXwc_CohoU-01063-00253811-00254039 sometimes you have to wonder FCXwc_CohoU-01064-00254040-00254303 do you need all of that whereas within FCXwc_CohoU-01065-00254304-00254392 Christmas and it's almost always FCXwc_CohoU-01066-00254394-00254548 violence against women almost always FCXwc_CohoU-01067-00254550-00254867 violence against women and with Christy FCXwc_CohoU-01068-00254867-00255223 it's about the puzzle it's not about FCXwc_CohoU-01069-00255223-00255539 let's show you how you shoot somebody or FCXwc_CohoU-01070-00255540-00255796 Poison Something it's about how it FCXwc_CohoU-01071-00255798-00256067 happened who did it why it happened so FCXwc_CohoU-01072-00256067-00256267 it's it's intellectual FCXwc_CohoU-01073-00256267-00256523 and satisfying because you're kind of FCXwc_CohoU-01074-00256523-00256775 always trying to beat uh beat the author FCXwc_CohoU-01075-00256776-00257027 as it were so it's it's a different kind FCXwc_CohoU-01076-00257028-00257273 of experience I would say because it is FCXwc_CohoU-01077-00257273-00257387 about the puzzle sorry you were going to FCXwc_CohoU-01078-00257388-00257567 see I'm going to be controversial here FCXwc_CohoU-01079-00257567-00257765 though and say I don't think Christie is FCXwc_CohoU-01080-00257766-00257927 cozy crime FCXwc_CohoU-01081-00257928-00258101 um I actually think Christy's a lot less FCXwc_CohoU-01082-00258102-00258292 cozy than for example Richard Osmond FCXwc_CohoU-01083-00258294-00258682 which I love love these books but um FCXwc_CohoU-01084-00258683-00258869 I think they're a cozy reading FCXwc_CohoU-01085-00258869-00259042 experience but I think that's different FCXwc_CohoU-01086-00259044-00259205 from the content FCXwc_CohoU-01087-00259206-00259421 um there's some real darkness there FCXwc_CohoU-01088-00259421-00259642 there's a lot of talk about evil in the FCXwc_CohoU-01089-00259644-00259889 market yeah you know Miss Marple one of FCXwc_CohoU-01090-00259890-00260044 the reasons that she's a great detective FCXwc_CohoU-01091-00260046-00260260 is because she has a mind like a sewer FCXwc_CohoU-01092-00260261-00260489 as someone says FCXwc_CohoU-01093-00260490-00260698 um you know she can conceive of some FCXwc_CohoU-01094-00260700-00260891 really dark stuff happening yeah and you FCXwc_CohoU-01095-00260892-00261017 know you look elsewhere in the Christie FCXwc_CohoU-01096-00261017-00261227 Cannon you look at a book like FCXwc_CohoU-01097-00261228-00261442 um crooked house FCXwc_CohoU-01098-00261444-00261641 don't want to spoiler anything but the FCXwc_CohoU-01099-00261642-00262006 yeah yeah that's a solution to that book FCXwc_CohoU-01100-00262007-00262234 um the perpetrator I mean it still feels FCXwc_CohoU-01101-00262235-00262619 taboo today I think yes okay yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01102-00262620-00262930 it still feels dark and you look at a FCXwc_CohoU-01103-00262931-00263129 book like and then there were none and FCXwc_CohoU-01104-00263130-00263315 there's really no Comfort to be found in FCXwc_CohoU-01105-00263316-00263506 the book you know it's Bleak and FCXwc_CohoU-01106-00263507-00263737 horrible and I love it for that FCXwc_CohoU-01107-00263738-00263975 so I think there's a really interesting FCXwc_CohoU-01108-00263976-00264173 thing because I think there is a code I FCXwc_CohoU-01109-00264174-00264377 think absolutely it's a cozy reading FCXwc_CohoU-01110-00264378-00264623 experience yeah because that's wonderful FCXwc_CohoU-01111-00264624-00264791 the world and the world might be FCXwc_CohoU-01112-00264792-00264953 nostalgic but the events and the FCXwc_CohoU-01113-00264954-00265099 Darkness yes FCXwc_CohoU-01114-00265100-00265432 from Paddington you know Lucy's sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01115-00265433-00265667 poking around in the family's Sepulcher FCXwc_CohoU-01116-00265668-00265882 it's really Gothic yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01117-00265883-00266123 um so even with it and then there were FCXwc_CohoU-01118-00266124-00266308 non-justice has done in a sense because FCXwc_CohoU-01119-00266309-00266569 all the people yes FCXwc_CohoU-01120-00266570-00266821 they've done terrible yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01121-00266822-00267232 so it is awful but and sort of moral is FCXwc_CohoU-01122-00267233-00267571 reasserted you know um FCXwc_CohoU-01123-00267572-00267827 and it's so interesting because you know FCXwc_CohoU-01124-00267828-00268097 she made the decision Christy FCXwc_CohoU-01125-00268098-00268475 um anybody who's read Curtin FCXwc_CohoU-01126-00268476-00268643 um and of course murder on the Orient FCXwc_CohoU-01127-00268644-00268895 Express those are the two moments where FCXwc_CohoU-01128-00268896-00269315 pyro steps away from the absolute FCXwc_CohoU-01129-00269316-00269579 that murder is wrong whatever whatever FCXwc_CohoU-01130-00269580-00269701 the reason FCXwc_CohoU-01131-00269702-00269897 they should be brought to Justice FCXwc_CohoU-01132-00269898-00270127 whereas Miss Marple never does never no FCXwc_CohoU-01133-00270128-00270382 because of the puzzle thing do you think FCXwc_CohoU-01134-00270383-00270665 that the bear rereading if if you know FCXwc_CohoU-01135-00270666-00270797 or do you think you've kind of Forgotten FCXwc_CohoU-01136-00270798-00270917 or you don't care about that point FCXwc_CohoU-01137-00270918-00271079 you're just along for the ride FCXwc_CohoU-01138-00271080-00271319 definitely great to reread if you're FCXwc_CohoU-01139-00271320-00271487 anything like me I've actually got a FCXwc_CohoU-01140-00271488-00271906 really bad memory for a lot so and I FCXwc_CohoU-01141-00271907-00272165 read most of my Agatha Christie's in my FCXwc_CohoU-01142-00272166-00272380 teens though I love going back to them FCXwc_CohoU-01143-00272381-00272830 now uh a couple of decades later and um FCXwc_CohoU-01144-00272831-00273232 completely 29 as well FCXwc_CohoU-01145-00273233-00273389 um and actually I recently read a FCXwc_CohoU-01146-00273390-00273610 brilliant book for True Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-01147-00273611-00273877 nerds called the forensics FCXwc_CohoU-01148-00273878-00274187 by Carla Valentine yeah which goes into FCXwc_CohoU-01149-00274188-00274499 immense detail about all the poisons and FCXwc_CohoU-01150-00274500-00274715 as you were saying shows you how she was FCXwc_CohoU-01151-00274716-00274943 really ahead of Chrissy was really ahead FCXwc_CohoU-01152-00274944-00275158 of the game with understanding forensics FCXwc_CohoU-01153-00275159-00275506 and it's so fascinating to analyze the FCXwc_CohoU-01154-00275507-00275789 plot through that lens of forensics FCXwc_CohoU-01155-00275790-00276047 because Carla Valentine knows her stuff FCXwc_CohoU-01156-00276048-00276371 because she's actually a um someone that FCXwc_CohoU-01157-00276372-00276605 looks after dead bodies someone that FCXwc_CohoU-01158-00276606-00276763 looks mortician FCXwc_CohoU-01159-00276764-00276971 really lovely way of describing a FCXwc_CohoU-01160-00276972-00277139 mortician someone that looks after dead FCXwc_CohoU-01161-00277140-00277284 body FCXwc_CohoU-01162-00277285-00277708 I'm a serial killer yeah exactly FCXwc_CohoU-01163-00277709-00277930 um is there a danger that this volume of FCXwc_CohoU-01164-00277931-00278075 poisons could be used as an instruction FCXwc_CohoU-01165-00278076-00278923 manual I mean how explicit is it FCXwc_CohoU-01166-00278924-00279269 my husband's uh students from his latest FCXwc_CohoU-01167-00279270-00279479 uh he teaches creative writing as a FCXwc_CohoU-01168-00279480-00279677 writer himself and I think and they gave FCXwc_CohoU-01169-00279678-00279887 him um a t-shirt to say thank you which FCXwc_CohoU-01170-00279888-00280060 said be careful otherwise I'll put you FCXwc_CohoU-01171-00280061-00280284 in my next novel FCXwc_CohoU-01172-00280285-00280756 be careful otherwise I'll poison you FCXwc_CohoU-01173-00280757-00280955 the things that you wanted to know I FCXwc_CohoU-01174-00280956-00281129 think um that harp wanted to know was FCXwc_CohoU-01175-00281130-00281308 how we were going to FCXwc_CohoU-01176-00281309-00281506 do our victim in because they didn't FCXwc_CohoU-01177-00281507-00281656 want us all to use poison I think they FCXwc_CohoU-01178-00281657-00281830 thought that's right we'd all do poison FCXwc_CohoU-01179-00281831-00281993 all right so you had to specify the FCXwc_CohoU-01180-00281994-00282221 means of death and the time of year yes FCXwc_CohoU-01181-00282222-00282389 which was a very you know because they FCXwc_CohoU-01182-00282390-00282539 didn't want because Miss Martin you've FCXwc_CohoU-01183-00282540-00282719 got one Christmas I couldn't do FCXwc_CohoU-01184-00282720-00282958 Christmas still Christmas no Ruth Ware FCXwc_CohoU-01185-00282959-00283127 got Christmas yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01186-00283128-00283306 um they didn't want everybody yeah sort FCXwc_CohoU-01187-00283307-00283487 of at the same time mine's in August FCXwc_CohoU-01188-00283488-00283684 which was not very fashionable it turned FCXwc_CohoU-01189-00283685-00283775 out FCXwc_CohoU-01190-00283776-00283997 um you know but I mean I think you know FCXwc_CohoU-01191-00283998-00284308 the thing about what we all did that we FCXwc_CohoU-01192-00284309-00284549 we weren't giving each other stories to FCXwc_CohoU-01193-00284550-00284729 start with we were asked to say what FCXwc_CohoU-01194-00284730-00284963 ours were going to be so that obviously FCXwc_CohoU-01195-00284964-00285256 the Publishers could have a proper Arc FCXwc_CohoU-01196-00285257-00285413 and it would be a good collection and FCXwc_CohoU-01197-00285414-00285556 that they then would have to decide what FCXwc_CohoU-01198-00285557-00285760 order to put them in but I think we all FCXwc_CohoU-01199-00285761-00285953 sat waiting to read each other's stories FCXwc_CohoU-01200-00285954-00286175 with as much excitement as we would have FCXwc_CohoU-01201-00286176-00286330 done if there'd been a new Christy FCXwc_CohoU-01202-00286331-00286571 manuscript you know we wanted to see FCXwc_CohoU-01203-00286572-00286756 what everybody had come up with yeah of FCXwc_CohoU-01204-00286757-00286973 course you did I mean they are there is FCXwc_CohoU-01205-00286974-00287237 a good range of murders a nice range of FCXwc_CohoU-01206-00287238-00287506 deaths and lovely range over Seasons as FCXwc_CohoU-01207-00287507-00287699 well should we talk a little bit about FCXwc_CohoU-01208-00287700-00287855 your story and then I'm going to read FCXwc_CohoU-01209-00287856-00288089 from your story because your voice is a FCXwc_CohoU-01210-00288090-00288208 wee bit gone FCXwc_CohoU-01211-00288209-00288389 um and I have an excuse just to listen FCXwc_CohoU-01212-00288390-00288605 to you FCXwc_CohoU-01213-00288606-00288749 um so to set the story up for us and FCXwc_CohoU-01214-00288750-00288880 then I'll read the bet that you've asked FCXwc_CohoU-01215-00288881-00289079 me to read so funny enough there are FCXwc_CohoU-01216-00289080-00289234 lots of parallels between our stories I FCXwc_CohoU-01217-00289235-00289432 realized because um Miss Marple is FCXwc_CohoU-01218-00289433-00289582 visiting an old friend an old school FCXwc_CohoU-01219-00289583-00289679 friend FCXwc_CohoU-01220-00289680-00290056 um Prudence in Sussex Sussex we both FCXwc_CohoU-01221-00290057-00290321 live in Sussex FCXwc_CohoU-01222-00290322-00290495 um in a place called Myanmar Travis FCXwc_CohoU-01223-00290496-00290734 which is normally a very well behaved FCXwc_CohoU-01224-00290735-00291143 you know small town Village small town FCXwc_CohoU-01225-00291144-00291425 um but on one night every year two weeks FCXwc_CohoU-01226-00291426-00291593 after Guy Fawkes Night they have their FCXwc_CohoU-01227-00291594-00291755 own sort of bonfire night-esque FCXwc_CohoU-01228-00291756-00291953 celebration which is very much inspired FCXwc_CohoU-01229-00291954-00292079 by I don't know if anyone's been to FCXwc_CohoU-01230-00292080-00292180 Lewis FCXwc_CohoU-01231-00292181-00292373 um to the bonfire night celebrations but FCXwc_CohoU-01232-00292374-00292595 I went and it was I mean you must go FCXwc_CohoU-01233-00292596-00292763 I've never gone because it never FCXwc_CohoU-01234-00292764-00293058 glorifies FCXwc_CohoU-01235-00293059-00293315 terrifying yeah so you actually went FCXwc_CohoU-01236-00293316-00293567 yeah it was that long hair you went to FCXwc_CohoU-01237-00293568-00293784 Lewis bonfire FCXwc_CohoU-01238-00293785-00294077 it is um and we got out we got our FCXwc_CohoU-01239-00294078-00294203 position right at the front you know FCXwc_CohoU-01240-00294204-00294353 because we wanted to see it all and then FCXwc_CohoU-01241-00294354-00294677 it got really kind of feral and wild and FCXwc_CohoU-01242-00294678-00294821 people were sort of shoving and pushing FCXwc_CohoU-01243-00294822-00295001 and they're all these lanterns I mean it FCXwc_CohoU-01244-00295002-00295306 was amazing it was wonderful you're like FCXwc_CohoU-01245-00295307-00295558 I loved it I loved it did you take the FCXwc_CohoU-01246-00295559-00295751 children with your or was it were you FCXwc_CohoU-01247-00295752-00295960 there on your own no me and my parents FCXwc_CohoU-01248-00295961-00296147 but I think they were like oh child you FCXwc_CohoU-01249-00296148-00296405 know it's an address but it's really FCXwc_CohoU-01250-00296406-00296597 um Pagan you know and yeah and the sort FCXwc_CohoU-01251-00296598-00296741 of History goes back centuries and FCXwc_CohoU-01252-00296742-00296860 they're really sort of different FCXwc_CohoU-01253-00296861-00297023 societies like the bottom of our FCXwc_CohoU-01254-00297024-00297239 societies um and I think it was actually FCXwc_CohoU-01255-00297240-00297587 after the um the processions when sort FCXwc_CohoU-01256-00297588-00297701 of everything's got a bit loose and FCXwc_CohoU-01257-00297702-00297875 everyone goes to their own bonfire that FCXwc_CohoU-01258-00297876-00298156 it felt really fraught you know and FCXwc_CohoU-01259-00298157-00298282 there are just sort of bangers going off FCXwc_CohoU-01260-00298283-00298469 in the streets and things I just really FCXwc_CohoU-01261-00298470-00298660 wanted to play with that and have this FCXwc_CohoU-01262-00298661-00298817 place that you know is this beautiful FCXwc_CohoU-01263-00298818-00298997 sort of Quake Village very much what we FCXwc_CohoU-01264-00298998-00299237 associate I think with the sort of image FCXwc_CohoU-01265-00299238-00299471 of Marple image of of Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-01266-00299472-00299830 and then have it turn really other and FCXwc_CohoU-01267-00299831-00300023 dark and sort of feral FCXwc_CohoU-01268-00300024-00300587 um is that my cue FCXwc_CohoU-01269-00300588-00300845 company yes FCXwc_CohoU-01270-00300846-00301084 oh I've got this yes I've got the FCXwc_CohoU-01271-00301085-00301513 Cardinals FCXwc_CohoU-01272-00301514-00301703 it's amazing FCXwc_CohoU-01273-00301704-00301877 um and the torched Liz trust this year FCXwc_CohoU-01274-00301878-00302099 as well yes yeah and the year I went it FCXwc_CohoU-01275-00302100-00302363 was Donald Trump it's on the Trump I FCXwc_CohoU-01276-00302364-00302453 think FCXwc_CohoU-01277-00302454-00302680 um and the bomb but um I should also say FCXwc_CohoU-01278-00302681-00302897 that Miss Marple and Prudence are doing FCXwc_CohoU-01279-00302898-00303029 a very kind of Miss Marvel and Prudence FCXwc_CohoU-01280-00303030-00303215 thing they're actually going to acquire FCXwc_CohoU-01281-00303216-00303491 rehearsal so you know they're this sort FCXwc_CohoU-01282-00303492-00303605 of Bastion of sort of Christian FCXwc_CohoU-01283-00303606-00303779 righteousness as Prudence says in the FCXwc_CohoU-01284-00303780-00303905 middle of all these sort of pagan FCXwc_CohoU-01285-00303906-00304060 goings-on and they're they're school FCXwc_CohoU-01286-00304061-00304234 friends but they're not the best offense FCXwc_CohoU-01287-00304235-00304421 they're not like you or two friends yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01288-00304422-00304715 it's like school friend but yeah and FCXwc_CohoU-01289-00304716-00304954 it's like well Prudence I mean you know FCXwc_CohoU-01290-00304955-00305273 she's yeah yeah okay so uh a few moments FCXwc_CohoU-01291-00305274-00305495 later they stepped out into the crisp FCXwc_CohoU-01292-00305496-00305747 November ear drawing their coats closely FCXwc_CohoU-01293-00305748-00306004 about them they were here they were FCXwc_CohoU-01294-00306005-00306245 confronted by a stream of masked figures FCXwc_CohoU-01295-00306246-00306437 marching past the front door to the FCXwc_CohoU-01296-00306438-00306665 house they were like something from a FCXwc_CohoU-01297-00306666-00306965 medieval painting demons and fiends come FCXwc_CohoU-01298-00306966-00307247 to carry the Sinners away the accurate FCXwc_CohoU-01299-00307248-00307432 scent of burning paraffin caught at the FCXwc_CohoU-01300-00307433-00307643 back of the throat several of them were FCXwc_CohoU-01301-00307644-00307973 beating drums all carried Lighty torches FCXwc_CohoU-01302-00307974-00308206 and several groups had hoisted Aloft FCXwc_CohoU-01303-00308207-00308495 life-sized papier-machy figures with FCXwc_CohoU-01304-00308496-00308789 hideously distorted features oversized FCXwc_CohoU-01305-00308790-00309101 heads and bulging eyes clad in the red FCXwc_CohoU-01306-00309102-00309479 robes and caps of Catholic Cardinals FCXwc_CohoU-01307-00309480-00309689 there was a strange hum of energy about FCXwc_CohoU-01308-00309690-00310019 them it felt dangerous even flammable as FCXwc_CohoU-01309-00310020-00310223 though any seconds the very air might FCXwc_CohoU-01310-00310224-00310553 ignite Miss Marple paused staring at FCXwc_CohoU-01311-00310554-00310865 once fascinated and repelled Prudence FCXwc_CohoU-01312-00310866-00311093 beckoned in her head girl manner taking FCXwc_CohoU-01313-00311094-00311393 no notice of the throne this way FCXwc_CohoU-01314-00311394-00311573 they had to push their way through the FCXwc_CohoU-01315-00311574-00311813 crowd several times Miss Marple felt FCXwc_CohoU-01316-00311814-00312047 herself jostled once she could have FCXwc_CohoU-01317-00312048-00312239 sworn that a hand reached out to give FCXwc_CohoU-01318-00312240-00312515 her a rather hard shove out the way and FCXwc_CohoU-01319-00312516-00312784 she struggled to regain her footing FCXwc_CohoU-01320-00312785-00313054 and didn't seem to matter a job to these FCXwc_CohoU-01321-00313055-00313258 people that there were two elderly women FCXwc_CohoU-01322-00313259-00313558 in their midst she heard the womb of the FCXwc_CohoU-01323-00313559-00313775 paraffin torches as they swayed above FCXwc_CohoU-01324-00313776-00314045 the masked heads felt the heat of the FCXwc_CohoU-01325-00314046-00314356 flames on her cheeks felt a little free FCXwc_CohoU-01326-00314357-00314639 zone of this quiet at being caught among FCXwc_CohoU-01327-00314640-00314915 these intent Anonymous figures who Moved FCXwc_CohoU-01328-00314916-00315304 as one like a herd or a marauding army FCXwc_CohoU-01329-00315305-00315556 I don't understand Miss Marple said to FCXwc_CohoU-01330-00315557-00315737 Prudence after they had managed to FCXwc_CohoU-01331-00315738-00315934 forward the flood of bodies and were FCXwc_CohoU-01332-00315935-00316084 standing on the other side of the road FCXwc_CohoU-01333-00316085-00316373 Guy Fawkes Night was two weeks ago they FCXwc_CohoU-01334-00316374-00316534 had a bonfire in the fields by Saint FCXwc_CohoU-01335-00316535-00316780 Mary meet Dr haydock contributed some FCXwc_CohoU-01336-00316781-00317015 Roman candles and Griselda Clement the FCXwc_CohoU-01337-00317016-00317230 Vicar's wife produced some sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01338-00317231-00317471 spiced wine what was it called something FCXwc_CohoU-01339-00317472-00317771 foreign Glu Vine yes that was it FCXwc_CohoU-01340-00317772-00318017 delicious perhaps a Touch Too Much FCXwc_CohoU-01341-00318018-00318256 cinnamon of course I didn't stay for FCXwc_CohoU-01342-00318257-00318569 long far too cold ah said couldn't but FCXwc_CohoU-01343-00318570-00318767 they do everything rather differently in FCXwc_CohoU-01344-00318768-00318977 me on Mile Travers a little like the FCXwc_CohoU-01345-00318978-00319289 Cornish tonight's Revels commemorate not FCXwc_CohoU-01346-00319290-00319499 the death of a band of Catholic Rebels FCXwc_CohoU-01347-00319500-00319793 but the emulation of 17 Protestant FCXwc_CohoU-01348-00319794-00320063 Martyrs at the Town cross it's why they FCXwc_CohoU-01349-00320064-00320267 burned the Cardinals the figurines you FCXwc_CohoU-01350-00320268-00320471 know I suppose you could say it's a sort FCXwc_CohoU-01351-00320472-00320830 of Revenge albeit 700 years later FCXwc_CohoU-01352-00320831-00321073 sorry several hundred years later FCXwc_CohoU-01353-00321074-00321341 Revenge said Miss Marple almost to FCXwc_CohoU-01354-00321342-00321634 herself revenge and settling of scores FCXwc_CohoU-01355-00321635-00321893 that's another thing one finds a great FCXwc_CohoU-01356-00321894-00322253 deal of in small out of the way places FCXwc_CohoU-01357-00322254-00322451 well though the score here is so many FCXwc_CohoU-01358-00322452-00322667 centuries old it's predominantly the FCXwc_CohoU-01359-00322668-00322847 youths of the town that are involved and FCXwc_CohoU-01360-00322848-00323129 let me tell you Prudence said casting a FCXwc_CohoU-01361-00323130-00323315 disapproving eye over the Revels FCXwc_CohoU-01362-00323316-00323525 religion has very little to do with it FCXwc_CohoU-01363-00323526-00323782 at all in fact it feels rather apt that FCXwc_CohoU-01364-00323783-00323932 we should be going to choir practice FCXwc_CohoU-01365-00323933-00324251 tonight we will form a Bastion of FCXwc_CohoU-01366-00324252-00324473 Christian righteousness in the midst of FCXwc_CohoU-01367-00324474-00324882 these Pagan goings on FCXwc_CohoU-01368-00324883-00325295 oh thank you but you always read my work FCXwc_CohoU-01369-00325296-00325523 you know what it's so lovely reading FCXwc_CohoU-01370-00325524-00325649 somebody else's work and getting FCXwc_CohoU-01371-00325650-00325804 Applause for and not having had to write FCXwc_CohoU-01372-00325805-00326056 myself it's just absolutely delicious FCXwc_CohoU-01373-00326057-00326303 anyway and it's it's a brilliant story FCXwc_CohoU-01374-00326304-00326543 and yet we've got Lewis in there sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01375-00326544-00326987 thinly thinly and she mentions uh Miss FCXwc_CohoU-01376-00326988-00327232 Marple mentions small places and three FCXwc_CohoU-01377-00327233-00327389 of your novels have been set in small FCXwc_CohoU-01378-00327390-00327593 places like a hunting lodge an Irish FCXwc_CohoU-01379-00327594-00327863 aisle and a Paris apartment what is the FCXwc_CohoU-01380-00327864-00328110 attraction for you to these confined FCXwc_CohoU-01381-00328111-00328553 environments well I love ring fencing my FCXwc_CohoU-01382-00328554-00328691 characters you know and putting them FCXwc_CohoU-01383-00328692-00328853 under the microscope and that's a really FCXwc_CohoU-01384-00328854-00329021 fun way of doing it FCXwc_CohoU-01385-00329022-00329201 um practically speaking FCXwc_CohoU-01386-00329202-00329375 um you kind of close off your circle of FCXwc_CohoU-01387-00329376-00329567 suspects so that's quite nice and FCXwc_CohoU-01388-00329568-00329729 convenient different in the Paris FCXwc_CohoU-01389-00329730-00329891 apartment because obviously I sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01390-00329892-00330034 wanted to have my cake and eat it so I FCXwc_CohoU-01391-00330035-00330275 wanted a prison apartment in the middle FCXwc_CohoU-01392-00330276-00330449 of a sort of bustling Metropolis but I FCXwc_CohoU-01393-00330450-00330671 also wanted this sense that when you FCXwc_CohoU-01394-00330672-00330832 shut that front gate FCXwc_CohoU-01395-00330833-00331013 it's like another world you've entered FCXwc_CohoU-01396-00331014-00331151 another world so in this sort of very FCXwc_CohoU-01397-00331152-00331421 Gothic sense the the apartment block is FCXwc_CohoU-01398-00331422-00331589 like this sort of Beast swallowing the FCXwc_CohoU-01399-00331590-00331708 character's hole it's like another FCXwc_CohoU-01400-00331709-00331906 character in the book FCXwc_CohoU-01401-00331907-00332201 um but I love all of that in the first FCXwc_CohoU-01402-00332202-00332458 two novels I loved seeing the way in FCXwc_CohoU-01403-00332459-00332656 which well no and all three novels FCXwc_CohoU-01404-00332657-00332771 actually but I think in the first two FCXwc_CohoU-01405-00332772-00333004 especially you have nature read in tooth FCXwc_CohoU-01406-00333005-00333173 and Claw and you have you're looking at FCXwc_CohoU-01407-00333174-00333382 the way in which that sort of infects FCXwc_CohoU-01408-00333383-00333532 the characters in a way and brings out FCXwc_CohoU-01409-00333533-00333749 sort of something latent and feral in FCXwc_CohoU-01410-00333750-00333941 them and I think of a folk horror like a FCXwc_CohoU-01411-00333942-00334084 sort of folk horror and I think that's FCXwc_CohoU-01412-00334085-00334253 what I was playing with FCXwc_CohoU-01413-00334254-00334541 in in this story you know how does this FCXwc_CohoU-01414-00334542-00334763 sort of night change people what does it FCXwc_CohoU-01415-00334764-00334991 bring out in you know these normal sort FCXwc_CohoU-01416-00334992-00335203 of normally sort of well FCXwc_CohoU-01417-00335204-00335489 well-behaved law-abiding you know towns FCXwc_CohoU-01418-00335490-00335747 people um who just rub along FCXwc_CohoU-01419-00335748-00336017 um day-to-day and again we're in a we're FCXwc_CohoU-01420-00336018-00336173 in a village setting so we've got you FCXwc_CohoU-01421-00336174-00336467 know class resentments Galore and FCXwc_CohoU-01422-00336468-00336767 assumptions about people obedient Maids FCXwc_CohoU-01423-00336768-00336989 disobedient Maids without giving the FCXwc_CohoU-01424-00336990-00337156 plot away tell us a bit more about who FCXwc_CohoU-01425-00337157-00337367 else is in the story well yeah I mean I FCXwc_CohoU-01426-00337368-00337504 think the um FCXwc_CohoU-01427-00337505-00337715 I think the moral of this story is sort FCXwc_CohoU-01428-00337716-00337823 of treat FCXwc_CohoU-01429-00337824-00338063 um your servants badly actual Peril you FCXwc_CohoU-01430-00338064-00338219 know it's sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01431-00338220-00338293 um FCXwc_CohoU-01432-00338294-00338591 so there's oh God I'm trying to think of FCXwc_CohoU-01433-00338592-00338758 a way not to spoiler it but there is FCXwc_CohoU-01434-00338759-00338932 definitely this sort of let's talk about FCXwc_CohoU-01435-00338933-00339137 our victim first of all shall we yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01436-00339138-00339521 who is she so she is a foreigner and I FCXwc_CohoU-01437-00339522-00339701 think that's a big part of it so she is FCXwc_CohoU-01438-00339702-00339880 newly arrived FCXwc_CohoU-01439-00339881-00340103 um in Myanmar Travis uh she's French FCXwc_CohoU-01440-00340104-00340301 she's the new choir mistress she's FCXwc_CohoU-01441-00340302-00340463 really put noses out of joint because FCXwc_CohoU-01442-00340464-00340637 she's sort of she's she's rather FCXwc_CohoU-01443-00340638-00340775 beautiful I imagine I was being rather FCXwc_CohoU-01444-00340776-00340949 beautiful and she's sort of displaced FCXwc_CohoU-01445-00340950-00341147 the old choir mistress you know and FCXwc_CohoU-01446-00341148-00341339 she's also she's she's really peed FCXwc_CohoU-01447-00341340-00341573 people off for other reasons um you know FCXwc_CohoU-01448-00341574-00341734 she she keeps her lights on at night FCXwc_CohoU-01449-00341735-00341873 because she's I mean a house is in the FCXwc_CohoU-01450-00341874-00342058 middle of the woods really so you know FCXwc_CohoU-01451-00342059-00342256 spooky place to be and she's upset the FCXwc_CohoU-01452-00342257-00342497 local bird watching Society FCXwc_CohoU-01453-00342498-00342641 um we're very concerned about screech FCXwc_CohoU-01454-00342642-00343108 owls screech owls they are um so so all FCXwc_CohoU-01455-00343109-00343282 of that but I think the main thing is FCXwc_CohoU-01456-00343283-00343493 that she's foreign so people are sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01457-00343494-00343619 deeply suspicious for her and I think FCXwc_CohoU-01458-00343620-00343780 that's something that Christy was sort FCXwc_CohoU-01459-00343781-00343919 of very interested in I mean you look at FCXwc_CohoU-01460-00343920-00344171 the character of pyro he's a he's a FCXwc_CohoU-01461-00344172-00344543 Belgian Refugee um originally um and so FCXwc_CohoU-01462-00344544-00344789 playing with that sort of otherness but FCXwc_CohoU-01463-00344790-00344908 it's so interesting that the collection FCXwc_CohoU-01464-00344909-00345034 does that in a way that's very FCXwc_CohoU-01465-00345035-00345173 contemporary because I think if you're FCXwc_CohoU-01466-00345174-00345299 reading some of the older stuff you're FCXwc_CohoU-01467-00345300-00345508 like whoa wait a minute this is how FCXwc_CohoU-01468-00345509-00345706 we're describing people then but of FCXwc_CohoU-01469-00345707-00345953 course that's then and this is now but FCXwc_CohoU-01470-00345954-00346241 you have to keep her in the then not in FCXwc_CohoU-01471-00346242-00346493 the now so you're you're thinking about FCXwc_CohoU-01472-00346494-00346780 the character uh in such a way as you FCXwc_CohoU-01473-00346781-00346937 know for her to be perceiving people's FCXwc_CohoU-01474-00346938-00347104 insiders and Outsiders without rejecting FCXwc_CohoU-01475-00347105-00347267 them because of who they are and that's FCXwc_CohoU-01476-00347268-00347410 an interesting conundrum as a writer FCXwc_CohoU-01477-00347411-00347627 yeah absolutely FCXwc_CohoU-01478-00347628-00347693 um FCXwc_CohoU-01479-00347694-00347884 I mean I think it's fair to say that FCXwc_CohoU-01480-00347885-00348089 there are some fairly dodgy attitudes in FCXwc_CohoU-01481-00348090-00348365 some of them I think we should say just FCXwc_CohoU-01482-00348366-00348491 just say that and then we could also say FCXwc_CohoU-01483-00348492-00348784 she's a wonderful writer so um but you FCXwc_CohoU-01484-00348785-00348958 know I think Miss Marple is they're not FCXwc_CohoU-01485-00348959-00349204 carried forward to this no they're not FCXwc_CohoU-01486-00349205-00349517 um but Miss Marple is very fair in a way FCXwc_CohoU-01487-00349518-00349684 she views people I think she's always FCXwc_CohoU-01488-00349685-00349841 been very fair and she takes people at FCXwc_CohoU-01489-00349842-00350032 face value you know and she listens to FCXwc_CohoU-01490-00350033-00350230 the servants and she listens to the FCXwc_CohoU-01491-00350231-00350410 people that are sort of on the fringes FCXwc_CohoU-01492-00350411-00350554 um and that's really one of her FCXwc_CohoU-01493-00350555-00350656 superpowers FCXwc_CohoU-01494-00350657-00350777 um so that's something I very much FCXwc_CohoU-01495-00350778-00351029 wanted to explore here she looks at who FCXwc_CohoU-01496-00351030-00351251 else this woman might have been as well FCXwc_CohoU-01497-00351252-00351479 as just being this sort of French choir FCXwc_CohoU-01498-00351480-00351628 mistress that sort of swunged in with FCXwc_CohoU-01499-00351629-00351815 her sort of beautiful bohemian scarfs FCXwc_CohoU-01500-00351816-00352145 and all of that um did the story come to FCXwc_CohoU-01501-00352146-00352313 you as one were you one of the people FCXwc_CohoU-01502-00352314-00352523 that the editor sort of told and you FCXwc_CohoU-01503-00352524-00352673 were like yes this is it or did you FCXwc_CohoU-01504-00352674-00352919 write your way through it no FCXwc_CohoU-01505-00352920-00353165 um I mean we had this Zoom chat with all FCXwc_CohoU-01506-00353166-00353395 of us on the zoo so exciting because FCXwc_CohoU-01507-00353396-00353603 really really right at the beginning FCXwc_CohoU-01508-00353604-00353854 she's so excited because I mean it was FCXwc_CohoU-01509-00353855-00354071 I'm so intimidating because so many of FCXwc_CohoU-01510-00354072-00354227 my sort of literary Heroes were like FCXwc_CohoU-01511-00354228-00354430 right there on the screen FCXwc_CohoU-01512-00354431-00354682 um Kate uh Ellie Griffith who I love I'm FCXwc_CohoU-01513-00354683-00354917 obsessed with her you talked about um FCXwc_CohoU-01514-00354918-00355127 you know women uh breastfeeding in the FCXwc_CohoU-01515-00355128-00355330 middle of the night and reading Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-01516-00355331-00355528 Christie that's what I did with Ellie FCXwc_CohoU-01517-00355529-00355708 Griffiths and the Ruth Galloway FCXwc_CohoU-01518-00355709-00355967 Mysteries just I looked forward to FCXwc_CohoU-01519-00355968-00356123 waking up in the middle of the night so FCXwc_CohoU-01520-00356124-00356332 I could read a bit more about Ruth and FCXwc_CohoU-01521-00356333-00356543 Nelson and all of that FCXwc_CohoU-01522-00356544-00356728 um so it was it was wonderful and really FCXwc_CohoU-01523-00356729-00356878 intimidating and then everyone talked FCXwc_CohoU-01524-00356879-00357101 through their stories and they all had a FCXwc_CohoU-01525-00357102-00357395 really wonderfully fully formed idea of FCXwc_CohoU-01526-00357396-00357623 what they were going to write I was just FCXwc_CohoU-01527-00357624-00357868 like I don't think I can swear FCXwc_CohoU-01528-00357869-00358003 [Music] FCXwc_CohoU-01529-00358004-00358289 so no um I think at that stage I was FCXwc_CohoU-01530-00358290-00358558 still very much in there oh I really FCXwc_CohoU-01531-00358559-00358739 honored to be asked but I don't feel FCXwc_CohoU-01532-00358740-00358915 worthy of this I've got to read FCXwc_CohoU-01533-00358916-00359195 everything you know every Miss Marvel FCXwc_CohoU-01534-00359196-00359417 watch all of the adaptations really FCXwc_CohoU-01535-00359418-00359621 enjoy it but also you know try and think FCXwc_CohoU-01536-00359622-00359849 my myself into her shoes FCXwc_CohoU-01537-00359850-00360082 um and only then did I feel FCXwc_CohoU-01538-00360083-00360365 sort of ready to ready to step into her FCXwc_CohoU-01539-00360366-00360491 shoes FCXwc_CohoU-01540-00360492-00360593 um FCXwc_CohoU-01541-00360594-00360719 but FCXwc_CohoU-01542-00360720-00360953 when I did the story all came together FCXwc_CohoU-01543-00360954-00361151 quite quickly I think FCXwc_CohoU-01544-00361152-00361349 um so I find that with short stories I FCXwc_CohoU-01545-00361350-00361504 can only ever write the actual short FCXwc_CohoU-01546-00361505-00361732 story in quite a short space of time FCXwc_CohoU-01547-00361733-00361882 um which might come as a surprise FCXwc_CohoU-01548-00361883-00362008 because I think I was the last to FCXwc_CohoU-01549-00362009-00362167 deliver as well FCXwc_CohoU-01550-00362168-00362482 should I write it quickly are too FCXwc_CohoU-01551-00362483-00362615 discreet to say anything but I think you FCXwc_CohoU-01552-00362616-00362947 will or they just said that so yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01553-00362948-00363227 in your life before you were a writer FCXwc_CohoU-01554-00363228-00363377 before all writers I've always been FCXwc_CohoU-01555-00363378-00363497 writers but in your life before you FCXwc_CohoU-01556-00363498-00363641 walked as a writer you were an editor FCXwc_CohoU-01557-00363642-00363851 and I wonder how that affects your FCXwc_CohoU-01558-00363852-00364115 writing process the way you the way you FCXwc_CohoU-01559-00364116-00364271 approach it FCXwc_CohoU-01560-00364272-00364606 I really naively thought it would make FCXwc_CohoU-01561-00364607-00364858 me a great editor of my homework and FCXwc_CohoU-01562-00364859-00365110 that it's emphasically not the case FCXwc_CohoU-01563-00365111-00365267 um but I think it's given me an FCXwc_CohoU-01564-00365268-00365549 understanding of the importance the huge FCXwc_CohoU-01565-00365550-00365663 importance of that editorial FCXwc_CohoU-01566-00365664-00365860 relationship um I have to say this FCXwc_CohoU-01567-00365861-00366130 because my editors on the front page but FCXwc_CohoU-01568-00366131-00366299 no I mean it's so important and really FCXwc_CohoU-01569-00366300-00366556 for me I hand in pretty rough first FCXwc_CohoU-01570-00366557-00366899 draft and so the book is really built FCXwc_CohoU-01571-00366900-00367097 you know in that kind of editing process FCXwc_CohoU-01572-00367098-00367258 you know I love writing that sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01573-00367259-00367463 messy first draft but it really comes FCXwc_CohoU-01574-00367464-00367756 together you know by about draft 17 or FCXwc_CohoU-01575-00367757-00367949 whatever it is oh really that many I FCXwc_CohoU-01576-00367950-00368117 don't know I mean there's 17 I mean FCXwc_CohoU-01577-00368118-00368260 Maggie Farrell I once interviewed her FCXwc_CohoU-01578-00368261-00368560 and she did 17 drafts I think of Hamner FCXwc_CohoU-01579-00368561-00368699 um and then of the more recent one you FCXwc_CohoU-01580-00368700-00368837 know all we need is three but I think FCXwc_CohoU-01581-00368838-00369053 she did see something like 16 or 17. FCXwc_CohoU-01582-00369054-00369245 well Maggie O'Farrell also said this FCXwc_CohoU-01583-00369246-00369358 wonderful thing because I'm a really FCXwc_CohoU-01584-00369359-00369580 wasteful writer so I write a lot of FCXwc_CohoU-01585-00369581-00369706 stuff that doesn't make it into the FCXwc_CohoU-01586-00369707-00369899 phone it doesn't make the final cut and FCXwc_CohoU-01587-00369900-00370030 she said this wonderful thing which I FCXwc_CohoU-01588-00370031-00370253 found very soothing which is that all of FCXwc_CohoU-01589-00370254-00370504 that sort of extra stuff all those FCXwc_CohoU-01590-00370505-00370727 Darlings you have to kill they need to FCXwc_CohoU-01591-00370728-00370997 be there because that's the scaffolding FCXwc_CohoU-01592-00370998-00371230 around hopefully your beautiful edifice FCXwc_CohoU-01593-00371231-00371387 that appears when it all falls away yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01594-00371388-00371597 no they're necessary necessary part of FCXwc_CohoU-01595-00371598-00371717 the process aren't they I mean they FCXwc_CohoU-01596-00371718-00371867 might never be published and it's not FCXwc_CohoU-01597-00371868-00371980 like they're in a door waiting to come FCXwc_CohoU-01598-00371981-00372173 up but they've done something to move FCXwc_CohoU-01599-00372174-00372454 the story forward to and to automate you FCXwc_CohoU-01600-00372455-00372665 as a writer feel like actually I didn't FCXwc_CohoU-01601-00372666-00372863 waste that waste that a day I might have FCXwc_CohoU-01602-00372864-00373030 wasted 500 words but I haven't wasted FCXwc_CohoU-01603-00373031-00373234 that a day because I got I understood FCXwc_CohoU-01604-00373235-00373343 something about it I understood FCXwc_CohoU-01605-00373344-00373528 something absolutely I unlocked FCXwc_CohoU-01606-00373529-00373708 something well I'd solved a puzzle yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01607-00373709-00373895 in an interview once you said that you FCXwc_CohoU-01608-00373896-00374128 didn't ever know who your killer was FCXwc_CohoU-01609-00374129-00374327 when you started out and it's so hard to FCXwc_CohoU-01610-00374328-00374501 believe when you your you know your FCXwc_CohoU-01611-00374502-00374741 books are so intricately plotted so how FCXwc_CohoU-01612-00374742-00374956 at what point do you do you realize FCXwc_CohoU-01613-00374957-00375191 until you change your mind yeah yeah so FCXwc_CohoU-01614-00375192-00375389 with each of the murder mysteries and it FCXwc_CohoU-01615-00375390-00375569 happened with this story as well FCXwc_CohoU-01616-00375570-00375803 um with each of my murder mysteries I've FCXwc_CohoU-01617-00375804-00375971 had a really clear idea of who done it FCXwc_CohoU-01618-00375972-00376078 at the beginning and I've started FCXwc_CohoU-01619-00376079-00376277 writing and then about a third of the FCXwc_CohoU-01620-00376278-00376378 way through FCXwc_CohoU-01621-00376379-00376523 suddenly had this sort of light bulb FCXwc_CohoU-01622-00376524-00376853 moment and I thought it's not them it's FCXwc_CohoU-01623-00376854-00377080 them and that's been such an exciting FCXwc_CohoU-01624-00377081-00377278 moment and I kind of live for those FCXwc_CohoU-01625-00377279-00377404 moments as a writer and that's actually FCXwc_CohoU-01626-00377405-00377543 why I don't FCXwc_CohoU-01627-00377544-00377734 you know I plot a little bit but I don't FCXwc_CohoU-01628-00377735-00377951 plot too rigid yeah because I want to I FCXwc_CohoU-01629-00377952-00378113 want to have those discoveries on the FCXwc_CohoU-01630-00378114-00378299 way yeah and is it the character that FCXwc_CohoU-01631-00378300-00378551 reveals themselves to you yes they sort FCXwc_CohoU-01632-00378552-00378658 of it's like almost like a little FCXwc_CohoU-01633-00378659-00378910 Whispering if they become themselves yes FCXwc_CohoU-01634-00378911-00379097 and then therefore they can only behave FCXwc_CohoU-01635-00379098-00379384 in character so obviously it couldn't be FCXwc_CohoU-01636-00379385-00379558 him it's got to be her yeah because FCXwc_CohoU-01637-00379559-00379745 they're all behaving in character once FCXwc_CohoU-01638-00379746-00379919 you start to write them then I really FCXwc_CohoU-01639-00379920-00380056 truly understood that for the first time FCXwc_CohoU-01640-00380057-00380237 writing it writing it over the origins FCXwc_CohoU-01641-00380238-00380410 of the expression n character and out of FCXwc_CohoU-01642-00380411-00380597 character you might want people to do FCXwc_CohoU-01643-00380598-00380819 things but they're not gonna if you do FCXwc_CohoU-01644-00380820-00380969 make them do them it's just gonna the FCXwc_CohoU-01645-00380970-00381125 reader's just gonna go this is FCXwc_CohoU-01646-00381126-00381304 there's no way that person would do that FCXwc_CohoU-01647-00381305-00381484 that's that's not who they are and FCXwc_CohoU-01648-00381485-00381677 you've made them who they are so you can FCXwc_CohoU-01649-00381678-00381784 kind of try and make them again FCXwc_CohoU-01650-00381785-00382030 differently but it's very very hard and FCXwc_CohoU-01651-00382031-00382234 when you're sort of 300 pages and as I FCXwc_CohoU-01652-00382235-00382427 am right now with the novel and fun hey FCXwc_CohoU-01653-00382428-00382573 that's good to me FCXwc_CohoU-01654-00382574-00382787 exactly what I want but I'm always FCXwc_CohoU-01655-00382788-00382960 fascinated by that are you are you a FCXwc_CohoU-01656-00382961-00383117 porter because yes no FCXwc_CohoU-01657-00383118-00383339 but your books are like that and they're FCXwc_CohoU-01658-00383340-00383639 so intricate exactly no but but no so I FCXwc_CohoU-01659-00383640-00383884 know the sort of book I'm writing FCXwc_CohoU-01660-00383885-00384113 I know the historical backdrop against FCXwc_CohoU-01661-00384114-00384449 which is happening yes and then and I FCXwc_CohoU-01662-00384450-00384653 know the kind of characters that are FCXwc_CohoU-01663-00384654-00384899 going to take the story forward and then FCXwc_CohoU-01664-00384900-00385295 I start and see where we go really yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01665-00385296-00385571 because for me I do three drafts and so FCXwc_CohoU-01666-00385572-00385799 the first draft three drafts as a rule FCXwc_CohoU-01667-00385800-00385919 like you're like I'm not going to do any FCXwc_CohoU-01668-00385920-00386153 more of that yeah absolutely I mean so FCXwc_CohoU-01669-00386154-00386351 so it you know the first draft is All In FCXwc_CohoU-01670-00386352-00386680 Motion it's okay let's write this and I FCXwc_CohoU-01671-00386681-00386878 work seven days a week until I've got a FCXwc_CohoU-01672-00386879-00387041 draft FCXwc_CohoU-01673-00387042-00387293 then I kind of sit back mostly I don't FCXwc_CohoU-01674-00387294-00387437 have enough time to sit back because I'm FCXwc_CohoU-01675-00387438-00387580 always late FCXwc_CohoU-01676-00387581-00387839 um and the second draft is all intellect FCXwc_CohoU-01677-00387840-00388103 so it's exactly that thing of FCXwc_CohoU-01678-00388104-00388343 this character doesn't work that scene FCXwc_CohoU-01679-00388344-00388601 is in the wrong place this story isn't FCXwc_CohoU-01680-00388602-00388858 delivering anything the mystery is too FCXwc_CohoU-01681-00388859-00389087 obscure it's too obvious or you know all FCXwc_CohoU-01682-00389088-00389284 of that kind of thing and then the third FCXwc_CohoU-01683-00389285-00389434 draft is writing the book as it should FCXwc_CohoU-01684-00389435-00389771 have been written in the first place FCXwc_CohoU-01685-00389772-00389980 you have to go on that journey I think FCXwc_CohoU-01686-00389981-00390119 you have to go on the journey and you FCXwc_CohoU-01687-00390120-00390347 and also it's like um FCXwc_CohoU-01688-00390348-00390623 you know in terms of the discovery for FCXwc_CohoU-01689-00390624-00390784 me and we were talking about this we're FCXwc_CohoU-01690-00390785-00391084 both you know up to the wire girls it's FCXwc_CohoU-01691-00391085-00391447 I need the fear of failure FCXwc_CohoU-01692-00391448-00391715 in order to access the thing that makes FCXwc_CohoU-01693-00391716-00392099 it my book right you know I'm 61 now I FCXwc_CohoU-01694-00392100-00392251 have never delivered a book on time FCXwc_CohoU-01695-00392252-00392675 [Laughter] FCXwc_CohoU-01696-00392676-00392897 um and it's just that you know I'm FCXwc_CohoU-01697-00392898-00393065 delivering my new novel in 10 days time FCXwc_CohoU-01698-00393066-00393337 but yet here I am you're a norm FCXwc_CohoU-01699-00393338-00393575 it won't be the whole novel that's for FCXwc_CohoU-01700-00393576-00393653 sure FCXwc_CohoU-01701-00393654-00393965 all of it and but it but it's clear that FCXwc_CohoU-01702-00393966-00394121 and I think you are the same aren't you FCXwc_CohoU-01703-00394122-00394378 Lucy that plenty of time FCXwc_CohoU-01704-00394379-00394534 to write this novel FCXwc_CohoU-01705-00394535-00394830 but it's like FCXwc_CohoU-01706-00394831-00395128 until the moment that it's not possible FCXwc_CohoU-01707-00395129-00395375 to deliver it on time and then at that FCXwc_CohoU-01708-00395376-00395651 moment that level of fear is what helps FCXwc_CohoU-01709-00395652-00395782 me access FCXwc_CohoU-01710-00395783-00395969 the adrenaline that needs to be on the FCXwc_CohoU-01711-00395970-00396149 page is this a new bonding Chambers book FCXwc_CohoU-01712-00396150-00396382 that's two intense it is yes and it's um FCXwc_CohoU-01713-00396383-00396527 I've been very flippantly and my FCXwc_CohoU-01714-00396528-00396647 Publishers keep telling me to stop FCXwc_CohoU-01715-00396648-00396815 saying this but um it's basically FCXwc_CohoU-01716-00396816-00397104 lesbian Pirates FCXwc_CohoU-01717-00397105-00397391 it's called the Ghost Ship FCXwc_CohoU-01718-00397392-00397577 um and you know but you know because FCXwc_CohoU-01719-00397578-00397930 it's that moment in the sequence where FCXwc_CohoU-01720-00397931-00398260 of course of course women FCXwc_CohoU-01721-00398261-00398501 disguise themselves as men why wouldn't FCXwc_CohoU-01722-00398502-00398782 they oh my God but all the complications FCXwc_CohoU-01723-00398783-00398939 that go with that FCXwc_CohoU-01724-00398940-00399215 um and they weren't you know lots of FCXwc_CohoU-01725-00399216-00399443 female pirates but were there were quite FCXwc_CohoU-01726-00399444-00399623 a lot there were enough of them to have FCXwc_CohoU-01727-00399624-00399952 hot lesbian sex under high seas very FCXwc_CohoU-01728-00399953-00400223 possibly quite oh no I'm not going to FCXwc_CohoU-01729-00400224-00400534 say wet and slippery because I was I was FCXwc_CohoU-01730-00400535-00400721 thinking of the ship but I realized that FCXwc_CohoU-01731-00400722-00400978 would have come out terribly badly FCXwc_CohoU-01732-00400979-00401189 um anyway no so I mean and there were FCXwc_CohoU-01733-00401190-00401345 you know there were there's lots of FCXwc_CohoU-01734-00401346-00401584 evidence of you know the the famous ones FCXwc_CohoU-01735-00401585-00401752 are much later than I'm writing Bonnie FCXwc_CohoU-01736-00401753-00401884 and Reed FCXwc_CohoU-01737-00401885-00402101 um but you know Pirates FCXwc_CohoU-01738-00402102-00402334 two women marrying each other and it was FCXwc_CohoU-01739-00402335-00402463 completely FCXwc_CohoU-01740-00402464-00402773 there it's all documented but of course FCXwc_CohoU-01741-00402774-00403084 it makes sense doesn't it so but I've FCXwc_CohoU-01742-00403085-00403223 read all of this this book has been FCXwc_CohoU-01743-00403224-00403487 ready to go for ages but yet yet it's FCXwc_CohoU-01744-00403488-00403697 about to be late I mean it it's just FCXwc_CohoU-01745-00403698-00403882 every time everything pleasure makes FCXwc_CohoU-01746-00403883-00404230 diamonds you know where are you at where FCXwc_CohoU-01747-00404231-00404477 are you where are you at with your next FCXwc_CohoU-01748-00404478-00406260 book FCXwc_CohoU-01749-00406261-00406571 oh God that's such a great question FCXwc_CohoU-01750-00406572-00406897 thank you for asking is it though FCXwc_CohoU-01751-00406898-00407206 you see this is why isn't it why I mean FCXwc_CohoU-01752-00407207-00407477 partly for me that I admire Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-01753-00407478-00407758 Christie so much the industry has just FCXwc_CohoU-01754-00407759-00407987 got on oh my goodness you know two books FCXwc_CohoU-01755-00407988-00408137 a year FCXwc_CohoU-01756-00408138-00408551 um 120 how many I don't know 100 no I FCXwc_CohoU-01757-00408552-00408960 think it's 77 novels isn't it 77. FCXwc_CohoU-01758-00408961-00409380 77 novels I mean I think a hundred FCXwc_CohoU-01759-00409381-00409637 9900 short stories FCXwc_CohoU-01760-00409638-00409780 um I mean it gets confusing because of FCXwc_CohoU-01761-00409781-00409943 course some of them are renamed and all FCXwc_CohoU-01762-00409943-00410087 of that kind of some of them appear in FCXwc_CohoU-01763-00410088-00410459 other forms yeah but I mean but she just FCXwc_CohoU-01764-00410460-00410741 did it yeah she just did it didn't make FCXwc_CohoU-01765-00410742-00410897 a fuss FCXwc_CohoU-01766-00410897-00411089 um you know that all of you you know you FCXwc_CohoU-01767-00411089-00411287 can only imagine can't you that campaign FCXwc_CohoU-01768-00411288-00411437 you know we've been lucky we've had some FCXwc_CohoU-01769-00411438-00411682 campaigns but that whole thing of a FCXwc_CohoU-01770-00411683-00411910 Christie for Christmas yeah um and it FCXwc_CohoU-01771-00411912-00412295 was just that inevitable set point of of FCXwc_CohoU-01772-00412296-00412547 people's reading life FCXwc_CohoU-01773-00412547-00412726 um and uh you know I admire that FCXwc_CohoU-01774-00412727-00412918 enormously that she just didn't there FCXwc_CohoU-01775-00412919-00413105 was nothing precious about it reading FCXwc_CohoU-01776-00413106-00413320 about her made me think about Walter FCXwc_CohoU-01777-00413321-00413597 Scott in that absolutely figures who FCXwc_CohoU-01778-00413597-00413776 redefined the way publishing happens FCXwc_CohoU-01779-00413777-00413987 here what's got the first writer to get FCXwc_CohoU-01780-00413988-00414137 an advantage to receive a literary FCXwc_CohoU-01781-00414138-00414395 advance and then you know to in that way FCXwc_CohoU-01782-00414396-00414616 become a name even though he had behind FCXwc_CohoU-01783-00414617-00414797 lots of other names and then you know FCXwc_CohoU-01784-00414797-00415030 Christy becoming this brand and the FCXwc_CohoU-01785-00415031-00415205 Christie for Christmas and the you know FCXwc_CohoU-01786-00415206-00415445 the calendar year revolving around the FCXwc_CohoU-01787-00415446-00415613 appearance of her and also you know the FCXwc_CohoU-01788-00415614-00415768 you know the story of Ryder Haggart FCXwc_CohoU-01789-00415769-00416039 which I I love because I love those FCXwc_CohoU-01790-00416039-00416255 old-fashioned adventure stories you and FCXwc_CohoU-01791-00416256-00416657 I both share Scott um uh as as a person FCXwc_CohoU-01792-00416658-00416872 but the idea that you know sitting with FCXwc_CohoU-01793-00416873-00417107 his brother on a train and sees this big FCXwc_CohoU-01794-00417108-00417293 advertisement I think for FCXwc_CohoU-01795-00417293-00417430 okay but it was full maybe for Treasure FCXwc_CohoU-01796-00417431-00417557 Island I can't remember what it was for FCXwc_CohoU-01797-00417558-00417749 and you know his brother basically said FCXwc_CohoU-01798-00417750-00417893 I bet you can't write a novel like that FCXwc_CohoU-01799-00417893-00418151 he said I can really and then we get FCXwc_CohoU-01800-00418152-00418313 King Solomon's mind and that one of the FCXwc_CohoU-01801-00418314-00418547 great advantages written in six weeks I FCXwc_CohoU-01802-00418547-00418920 think you've got time Lucy I haven't FCXwc_CohoU-01803-00418921-00419207 it was the same with Christy that she FCXwc_CohoU-01804-00419208-00419447 wrote her first novel because it was um FCXwc_CohoU-01805-00419447-00419591 her sister said to her about you can't FCXwc_CohoU-01806-00419592-00419879 write a detective novel you know I mean FCXwc_CohoU-01807-00419880-00420001 it you know FCXwc_CohoU-01808-00420002-00420293 it's double dare isn't it yeah I'm going FCXwc_CohoU-01809-00420293-00420413 to take some questions from people FCXwc_CohoU-01810-00420414-00420599 online but also from people FCXwc_CohoU-01811-00420600-00420749 um in the room so let's hope that our FCXwc_CohoU-01812-00420750-00420910 iPad FCXwc_CohoU-01813-00420912-00421325 um works okay here we go FCXwc_CohoU-01814-00421326-00421649 um so question for for all three of you FCXwc_CohoU-01815-00421650-00421793 but I'll go we'll go from we'll go from FCXwc_CohoU-01816-00421793-00421966 here what do you think is Miss marple's FCXwc_CohoU-01817-00421967-00422279 most enduring quality I misread that as FCXwc_CohoU-01818-00422280-00422422 endearing at first but we'll go for FCXwc_CohoU-01819-00422423-00422603 enduring FCXwc_CohoU-01820-00422604-00422855 I think that she well I mean Lucy said FCXwc_CohoU-01821-00422856-00423053 this really that she has FCXwc_CohoU-01822-00423054-00423305 a clear moral landscape that you know FCXwc_CohoU-01823-00423306-00423653 that whatever she finds out the decision FCXwc_CohoU-01824-00423654-00423810 will always be the same FCXwc_CohoU-01825-00423812-00424175 she she won't she'll feed or a favor no FCXwc_CohoU-01826-00424176-00424414 fear or favor yeah yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01827-00424415-00424577 stay the same FCXwc_CohoU-01828-00424578-00424775 gosh I'm trying to think was it enduring FCXwc_CohoU-01829-00424776-00424925 or endearing well I think we'll take it FCXwc_CohoU-01830-00424926-00425147 either because I misread it so I'm gonna FCXwc_CohoU-01831-00425147-00425368 say her most endearing quality I think FCXwc_CohoU-01832-00425369-00425591 is her sense of humor yeah because she FCXwc_CohoU-01833-00425592-00425783 really does even as she sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01834-00425784-00426041 underestimated and patronized by those FCXwc_CohoU-01835-00426042-00426216 around her it's a sort of almost FCXwc_CohoU-01836-00426217-00426466 austin-like quality to her I think in FCXwc_CohoU-01837-00426467-00426622 the way she sort of deals with these FCXwc_CohoU-01838-00426623-00426845 very patronizing men you know these I FCXwc_CohoU-01839-00426846-00427025 had a lot of fun with um the inspector FCXwc_CohoU-01840-00427026-00427259 uh my short story because he sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01841-00427260-00427493 models himself on this sort of Noir FCXwc_CohoU-01842-00427493-00427720 Heroes he's a Chandler hero he's a FCXwc_CohoU-01843-00427721-00427913 Chandler here and Chanda was so rude FCXwc_CohoU-01844-00427914-00428068 about Christy and the sort of English FCXwc_CohoU-01845-00428069-00428266 you know little quaint murder mystery FCXwc_CohoU-01846-00428267-00428393 and things FCXwc_CohoU-01847-00428393-00428555 um and she just sort of it's like water FCXwc_CohoU-01848-00428556-00428825 of a duck's back in fact she sort of she FCXwc_CohoU-01849-00428826-00429016 uses that to run rings around these FCXwc_CohoU-01850-00429017-00429287 people so and I love I love the humor in FCXwc_CohoU-01851-00429288-00429449 them I think that's a really funny FCXwc_CohoU-01852-00429450-00429605 moment where the inspector says to her FCXwc_CohoU-01853-00429606-00430001 can you hear me Madam and she's like yes FCXwc_CohoU-01854-00430002-00430135 yes FCXwc_CohoU-01855-00430135-00430355 but it's so brilliantly funny and FCXwc_CohoU-01856-00430356-00430510 there's also a really good bit in the FCXwc_CohoU-01857-00430512-00430720 Miss Marvel take Manhattan story where FCXwc_CohoU-01858-00430721-00430901 she's sitting in this American hotel but FCXwc_CohoU-01859-00430902-00431093 it's like an American version of the FCXwc_CohoU-01860-00431093-00431351 French furniture so basically like Trump FCXwc_CohoU-01861-00431352-00431572 Tower and she and she just she just FCXwc_CohoU-01862-00431573-00431722 can't deal with the headiestness of it FCXwc_CohoU-01863-00431723-00431872 anymore and she starts talking to the FCXwc_CohoU-01864-00431873-00432047 furniture and then decides that she's FCXwc_CohoU-01865-00432047-00432220 gonna go going to go on a very eventful FCXwc_CohoU-01866-00432221-00432418 shopping trip um it's brilliant she's FCXwc_CohoU-01867-00432419-00432533 very funny FCXwc_CohoU-01868-00432534-00432683 um okay so FCXwc_CohoU-01869-00432684-00432964 um here we go question from Jill Warnock FCXwc_CohoU-01870-00432965-00433270 does it take a woman to write a Marple FCXwc_CohoU-01871-00433271-00433595 story FCXwc_CohoU-01872-00433596-00433979 well this is oh I'm gonna say yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01873-00433980-00434314 I think it's just yeah I mean I I think FCXwc_CohoU-01874-00434315-00434501 I asked that question I don't know if FCXwc_CohoU-01875-00434502-00434777 you did I you know I asked yeah I did I FCXwc_CohoU-01876-00434778-00434933 wanted to know who else would have been FCXwc_CohoU-01877-00434934-00435029 asked FCXwc_CohoU-01878-00435030-00435299 um because I wanted to feel that it was FCXwc_CohoU-01879-00435300-00435485 a diverse group of writers and it would FCXwc_CohoU-01880-00435485-00435622 be different FCXwc_CohoU-01881-00435623-00435910 um but actually I did feel FCXwc_CohoU-01882-00435912-00436307 I hope that it's women so I was really FCXwc_CohoU-01883-00436308-00436541 pleased about that but do I believe that FCXwc_CohoU-01884-00436542-00436757 men can write brilliant women and yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01885-00436758-00437020 write brilliant men yes I do I think a FCXwc_CohoU-01886-00437021-00437320 writer who is worth her or his salt can FCXwc_CohoU-01887-00437321-00437572 write anybody that's true um and I I FCXwc_CohoU-01888-00437573-00437693 feel that very strongly because it's FCXwc_CohoU-01889-00437693-00437939 about imagination yeah imagination FCXwc_CohoU-01890-00437939-00438137 coupled with you know creative FCXwc_CohoU-01891-00438138-00438413 responsibility and why why you're doing FCXwc_CohoU-01892-00438414-00438605 it but Richard cools was in the video at FCXwc_CohoU-01893-00438606-00438755 the start of the year I mean he's a FCXwc_CohoU-01894-00438756-00438989 Marple Super Fan and when I told him you FCXwc_CohoU-01895-00438989-00439145 know I was I was I was doing this he was FCXwc_CohoU-01896-00439146-00439331 like why didn't I get asked to write a FCXwc_CohoU-01897-00439332-00439516 story not that he was better about it or FCXwc_CohoU-01898-00439517-00439703 it is in any way waiting under your bed FCXwc_CohoU-01899-00439704-00439943 Anna when you get home but like you know FCXwc_CohoU-01900-00439943-00440063 but but you know of course you went on FCXwc_CohoU-01901-00440064-00440195 and he's written his own you know FCXwc_CohoU-01902-00440196-00440429 Champion it's an absolutely brilliant um FCXwc_CohoU-01903-00440430-00440639 world that he's created there but you FCXwc_CohoU-01904-00440639-00440759 were saying earlier the publisher was FCXwc_CohoU-01905-00440760-00440963 saying oh there maybe another volume and FCXwc_CohoU-01906-00440964-00441191 it may it may men may be allowed to FCXwc_CohoU-01907-00441192-00441316 write but I think it's brilliant that FCXwc_CohoU-01908-00441317-00441647 it's a you know all women yeah and she FCXwc_CohoU-01909-00441647-00441868 that that is a very important part of FCXwc_CohoU-01910-00441869-00442201 marble yeah I would say that she has FCXwc_CohoU-01911-00442202-00442613 fashioned there were so many women who FCXwc_CohoU-01912-00442614-00442793 they were essentially told that their FCXwc_CohoU-01913-00442793-00443033 lives didn't matter because they were on FCXwc_CohoU-01914-00443034-00443141 their own FCXwc_CohoU-01915-00443142-00443489 and she is the literary example of I've FCXwc_CohoU-01916-00443489-00443729 got a great life you know you know that FCXwc_CohoU-01917-00443730-00443963 level she's very happy yeah so I think I FCXwc_CohoU-01918-00443964-00444113 I do think it was the right decision FCXwc_CohoU-01919-00444114-00444281 actually you described I think in an FCXwc_CohoU-01920-00444282-00444460 interview as a feminist icon or a famous FCXwc_CohoU-01921-00444462-00444743 hero she'd hate that though yeah no and FCXwc_CohoU-01922-00444743-00444881 this is the thing I think it was FCXwc_CohoU-01923-00444882-00445037 slightly tongue-in-cheek and you know FCXwc_CohoU-01924-00445038-00445229 the way these things imprint sort of get FCXwc_CohoU-01925-00445230-00445414 a little bit twisted FCXwc_CohoU-01926-00445415-00445655 um because she's not a feminist not a FCXwc_CohoU-01927-00445656-00445841 feminist she believes gentlemen needs a FCXwc_CohoU-01928-00445842-00446135 hard liquor sometimes absolutely but she FCXwc_CohoU-01929-00446135-00446422 you know I mean she she tells someone to FCXwc_CohoU-01930-00446423-00446603 make sure you look after your husband FCXwc_CohoU-01931-00446604-00446795 and cook for him you know and she's a FCXwc_CohoU-01932-00446796-00446957 bit disapproving of unmarried mothers FCXwc_CohoU-01933-00446958-00447107 you know I mean there are some sort of FCXwc_CohoU-01934-00447108-00447472 deeply Victorian traditionalist views FCXwc_CohoU-01935-00447473-00447803 um but you know this sort of idea of her FCXwc_CohoU-01936-00447804-00447985 kind of FCXwc_CohoU-01937-00447985-00448295 superpower being her invisibility all of FCXwc_CohoU-01938-00448296-00448445 that she's a woman was like you know all FCXwc_CohoU-01939-00448446-00448685 of that there's some lovely feminist FCXwc_CohoU-01940-00448685-00448960 stuff there even if she herself isn't FCXwc_CohoU-01941-00448962-00449063 necessarily I don't think Agatha FCXwc_CohoU-01942-00449064-00449393 Christie was was a feminist I mean she FCXwc_CohoU-01943-00449393-00449705 she needs to put on forms I I um learned FCXwc_CohoU-01944-00449706-00449891 this from Lucy worsley's brilliant book FCXwc_CohoU-01945-00449892-00450133 about her it's a great book um FCXwc_CohoU-01946-00450134-00450341 but she used to when when she was asked FCXwc_CohoU-01947-00450342-00450479 to fill in her occupation she would put FCXwc_CohoU-01948-00450480-00450737 housewife but I think there's also a FCXwc_CohoU-01949-00450738-00450922 playfulness yeah and I think there is FCXwc_CohoU-01950-00450923-00451097 this waffle as well and also do you know FCXwc_CohoU-01951-00451097-00451247 I I can't remember the name of the FCXwc_CohoU-01952-00451247-00451409 particular short story with one of the FCXwc_CohoU-01953-00451410-00451637 you know the Murder Club stories FCXwc_CohoU-01954-00451638-00451768 um when they're all telling the things FCXwc_CohoU-01955-00451769-00452027 but the actress Jane and at one moment FCXwc_CohoU-01956-00452028-00452272 she says we we ladies must stick FCXwc_CohoU-01957-00452273-00452560 together yes so she does solidarity yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01958-00452562-00452837 yeah yeah yeah I think a gay man would FCXwc_CohoU-01959-00452838-00453035 would write a really good um yes Marvel FCXwc_CohoU-01960-00453035-00453305 story though for those very reasons that FCXwc_CohoU-01961-00453306-00453557 uh Miss Marple is pretending to be one FCXwc_CohoU-01962-00453558-00453755 thing when she's actually another and FCXwc_CohoU-01963-00453756-00453887 perhaps FCXwc_CohoU-01964-00453888-00454270 um there are be a gay identifier volume FCXwc_CohoU-01965-00454271-00454516 I can really see the aggregate mistake FCXwc_CohoU-01966-00454517-00454657 going for this FCXwc_CohoU-01967-00454658-00454955 I'm totally into it I I'm totally into FCXwc_CohoU-01968-00454956-00455225 it I get exactly it's why it's it's the FCXwc_CohoU-01969-00455226-00455410 whole gay spy novel scene is white so FCXwc_CohoU-01970-00455412-00455620 it's so good FCXwc_CohoU-01971-00455621-00455993 um so uh a question going back to acting FCXwc_CohoU-01972-00455993-00456185 thinking about who would you have play FCXwc_CohoU-01973-00456185-00456359 Miss Marple today FCXwc_CohoU-01974-00456360-00456755 no if we're having a new Marple today I FCXwc_CohoU-01975-00456756-00456941 would have because in apparently because FCXwc_CohoU-01976-00456942-00457060 I read an interview with her very FCXwc_CohoU-01977-00457062-00457372 recently but I think she's a wonderful FCXwc_CohoU-01978-00457373-00457679 um actor and she has that kind of quirky FCXwc_CohoU-01979-00457680-00457841 thing I would have Anna Maxwell Martin FCXwc_CohoU-01980-00457842-00458099 well she's great because she would just FCXwc_CohoU-01981-00458100-00458260 it's a great show at the audience yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01982-00458262-00458513 it should be really great because she'd FCXwc_CohoU-01983-00458514-00458731 kind of be a modern version of slightly FCXwc_CohoU-01984-00458732-00458951 independent and outside of the FCXwc_CohoU-01985-00458952-00459251 mainstream not bothered about you know FCXwc_CohoU-01986-00459252-00459413 Miss Marvel's not bothered about what FCXwc_CohoU-01987-00459414-00459659 she looks like and how she behaves she's FCXwc_CohoU-01988-00459660-00459959 just is so she'd be mine FCXwc_CohoU-01989-00459960-00460241 I would have Leslie Manville but because FCXwc_CohoU-01990-00460242-00460379 she but she obviously seems so young but FCXwc_CohoU-01991-00460380-00460672 at the younger end of Marple in her in FCXwc_CohoU-01992-00460673-00460937 her when she was sort of 65. FCXwc_CohoU-01993-00460938-00461201 um just because I love her I just think FCXwc_CohoU-01994-00461202-00461399 she's wonderful um and I've just been FCXwc_CohoU-01995-00461400-00461531 watching I've asked you that question FCXwc_CohoU-01996-00461532-00461729 about any character new to God I'd have FCXwc_CohoU-01997-00461730-00462097 Leslie I'd have Leslie Manville FCXwc_CohoU-01998-00462097-00462539 Leslie Manville yeah FCXwc_CohoU-01999-00462539-00462814 Princess Margaret but I've been watching FCXwc_CohoU-02000-00462815-00463183 um the adaptation of The Magpie murders FCXwc_CohoU-02001-00463184-00463529 Anthony Horowitz is brilliant um sort of FCXwc_CohoU-02002-00463530-00463703 book within a book murder mystery within FCXwc_CohoU-02003-00463704-00463870 a murder mystery actually I think he FCXwc_CohoU-02004-00463871-00464009 could make but he could write a great FCXwc_CohoU-02005-00464010-00464237 marble but he did right okay an awful FCXwc_CohoU-02006-00464238-00464399 lot of the television adaptations were FCXwc_CohoU-02007-00464400-00464668 written by Anne yes yes so he's had you FCXwc_CohoU-02008-00464669-00464855 know homes he's done moriality yeah he's FCXwc_CohoU-02009-00464856-00465047 brilliant he's just this amazing FCXwc_CohoU-02010-00465047-00465268 ventriloquist yes you know as well as FCXwc_CohoU-02011-00465269-00465563 writing his own brilliant sort of but um FCXwc_CohoU-02012-00465564-00465820 she in that series you know she's a FCXwc_CohoU-02013-00465821-00466066 woman of a certain age who FCXwc_CohoU-02014-00466067-00466397 um you know is an unlikely detective FCXwc_CohoU-02015-00466397-00466631 um but it's sort of she's she's just FCXwc_CohoU-02016-00466632-00466918 brilliant um she's an amazing wardrobe FCXwc_CohoU-02017-00466919-00467122 we get we get that you love her we get FCXwc_CohoU-02018-00467123-00467260 that you love always remember who do you FCXwc_CohoU-02019-00467262-00467537 go for Ella I would nominate someone who FCXwc_CohoU-02020-00467538-00467735 not everyone will know who's called FCXwc_CohoU-02021-00467735-00467914 Sarah Malin who's a really fantastic FCXwc_CohoU-02022-00467915-00468220 actress she's in she actually is very FCXwc_CohoU-02023-00468221-00468551 often a forensic scientist in FCXwc_CohoU-02024-00468552-00468791 um murder mystery right FCXwc_CohoU-02025-00468792-00469001 um TV series there was one called All FCXwc_CohoU-02026-00469002-00469193 That Remains which is really fantastic FCXwc_CohoU-02027-00469193-00469366 she's kind of the passion coming up with FCXwc_CohoU-02028-00469367-00469522 and she's quite often wearing a white FCXwc_CohoU-02029-00469523-00469799 coat and being in the sidelines but FCXwc_CohoU-02030-00469800-00470122 she's a really great actor and she's FCXwc_CohoU-02031-00470123-00470441 tall and I think she'd get the comic FCXwc_CohoU-02032-00470442-00470747 element and the kind of feistiness at FCXwc_CohoU-02033-00470747-00470860 the same time you can't beat Joan FCXwc_CohoU-02034-00470862-00471191 Hickson I I'd Angela Lansbury I'm just FCXwc_CohoU-02035-00471192-00471353 going to say again and I would do FCXwc_CohoU-02036-00471354-00471635 Siobhan Redmond oh no that should be FCXwc_CohoU-02037-00471635-00471827 very good yeah FCXwc_CohoU-02038-00471828-00472025 um I think she's really into her for FCXwc_CohoU-02039-00472026-00472163 obvious reasons FCXwc_CohoU-02040-00472164-00472283 um okay so questions from the audience FCXwc_CohoU-02041-00472284-00472427 where I realized rapidly running out of FCXwc_CohoU-02042-00472428-00472739 time and uh gentlemen the person on the FCXwc_CohoU-02043-00472739-00472979 end yep you you won't just wait for the FCXwc_CohoU-02044-00472980-00473243 microphone it's going to get to you FCXwc_CohoU-02045-00473243-00473495 yeah thank you you're welcome because FCXwc_CohoU-02046-00473496-00473747 Miss Marvel's not a chief of police he's FCXwc_CohoU-02047-00473747-00473914 not a retired chief of police he's not FCXwc_CohoU-02048-00473915-00474160 an aristocrat she kind of starts as an FCXwc_CohoU-02049-00474162-00474353 inconvenience and because she becomes a FCXwc_CohoU-02050-00474354-00474563 necessity doesn't she is does that FCXwc_CohoU-02051-00474564-00474851 inform the structure of the story do you FCXwc_CohoU-02052-00474852-00475072 think for Miss Marple stories that's FCXwc_CohoU-02053-00475073-00475301 interesting yes absolutely because she FCXwc_CohoU-02054-00475302-00475564 has to she's always there either by FCXwc_CohoU-02055-00475565-00475787 invitation or on sufferance FCXwc_CohoU-02056-00475788-00475955 um and she doesn't necessarily have FCXwc_CohoU-02057-00475956-00476255 access to all the information and that's FCXwc_CohoU-02058-00476256-00476387 what's really interesting you mentioned FCXwc_CohoU-02059-00476388-00476668 the 450 um from Paddington that she's FCXwc_CohoU-02060-00476669-00476909 really outside of that story almost all FCXwc_CohoU-02061-00476910-00477053 of the story FCXwc_CohoU-02062-00477054-00477179 um you know she's just had to put FCXwc_CohoU-02063-00477180-00477310 somebody else in place because there's FCXwc_CohoU-02064-00477312-00477449 no way that she can get any of the FCXwc_CohoU-02065-00477450-00477766 information so it does make FCXwc_CohoU-02066-00477767-00478031 um these stories so different from FCXwc_CohoU-02067-00478032-00478210 almost every other one of the Golden Age FCXwc_CohoU-02068-00478212-00478457 crime I'm a big fan of Nyo Marsh well I FCXwc_CohoU-02069-00478458-00478679 do too I'm a really big fan of Dorothy FCXwc_CohoU-02070-00478680-00478931 Elsa as I'm a big fan of Josephine Tay FCXwc_CohoU-02071-00478932-00479164 and Marple is different you know because FCXwc_CohoU-02072-00479165-00479303 pyro is a police FCXwc_CohoU-02073-00479304-00479507 he's retired but he's a police officer FCXwc_CohoU-02074-00479508-00479729 and he's still in the system and she's FCXwc_CohoU-02075-00479730-00480166 is bizarrely the perennial outsider FCXwc_CohoU-02076-00480167-00480443 um I love 450 from Paddington yeah me FCXwc_CohoU-02077-00480443-00480575 too I just haven't read it the other day FCXwc_CohoU-02078-00480576-00480875 yes because she's like the spymaster FCXwc_CohoU-02079-00480876-00481055 yeah thinking about this she's sort of FCXwc_CohoU-02080-00481056-00481343 running her agent that's so cool FCXwc_CohoU-02081-00481343-00481414 um FCXwc_CohoU-02082-00481415-00481666 no I think yeah fascinating question I FCXwc_CohoU-02083-00481667-00481943 absolutely agree with Kate um you know I FCXwc_CohoU-02084-00481943-00482045 think FCXwc_CohoU-02085-00482046-00482279 the wonderful thing about her is she she FCXwc_CohoU-02086-00482280-00482435 talks to all the people that the police FCXwc_CohoU-02087-00482435-00482651 forget you know she's she's there on the FCXwc_CohoU-02088-00482652-00482933 edges as you said sort of having these FCXwc_CohoU-02089-00482934-00483191 conversations talking to the servants FCXwc_CohoU-02090-00483192-00483395 um and there's just something wonderful FCXwc_CohoU-02091-00483396-00483647 about that and and makes it feel really FCXwc_CohoU-02092-00483647-00483814 different in terms of texture and FCXwc_CohoU-02093-00483815-00484114 something I played with in my recent FCXwc_CohoU-02094-00484115-00484301 novel The Paris apartment you know I FCXwc_CohoU-02095-00484302-00484535 wanted a character who was like a sleuth FCXwc_CohoU-02096-00484535-00484697 in the novel FCXwc_CohoU-02097-00484697-00484949 um but is very much not a detective I FCXwc_CohoU-02098-00484950-00485147 mean she's got a huge mistrust to the FCXwc_CohoU-02099-00485147-00485320 police and sort of very much operates FCXwc_CohoU-02100-00485321-00485501 outside the law and doesn't have all the FCXwc_CohoU-02101-00485502-00485681 information you know has almost less FCXwc_CohoU-02102-00485682-00485927 information than you do as the reader FCXwc_CohoU-02103-00485928-00486064 but so she's got a lot stacked against FCXwc_CohoU-02104-00486065-00486281 her but still has to sort of survive on FCXwc_CohoU-02105-00486282-00486455 her wits it was a fun thing to do it was FCXwc_CohoU-02106-00486456-00486575 a fun exercise FCXwc_CohoU-02107-00486576-00486977 um hand up here yes at the front or just FCXwc_CohoU-02108-00486978-00487439 make the microphones coming to you FCXwc_CohoU-02109-00487439-00487601 thank you so much for this evening it's FCXwc_CohoU-02110-00487602-00487835 been wonderful discussion FCXwc_CohoU-02111-00487835-00488020 um I noted at the beginning you FCXwc_CohoU-02112-00488021-00488201 mentioned that Agatha Christie had FCXwc_CohoU-02113-00488202-00488537 written her endings for both Warrior and FCXwc_CohoU-02114-00488538-00488837 Marple in the second world war and just FCXwc_CohoU-02115-00488838-00488999 in case something happened to her and I FCXwc_CohoU-02116-00489000-00489275 was wondering what what her plan was for FCXwc_CohoU-02117-00489276-00489449 later in life if there was a sort of FCXwc_CohoU-02118-00489450-00489670 ending that she'd planned and how you FCXwc_CohoU-02119-00489671-00489977 guys were sort of FCXwc_CohoU-02120-00489978-00490181 if you were involved in sort of an end FCXwc_CohoU-02121-00490182-00490463 at all for Miss Marple clearly not but FCXwc_CohoU-02122-00490464-00490583 that's an interesting question I don't FCXwc_CohoU-02123-00490584-00490714 think you said that as part of your FCXwc_CohoU-02124-00490715-00490859 rules you weren't allowed to kill her FCXwc_CohoU-02125-00490860-00491075 presumably no that must have been a rule FCXwc_CohoU-02126-00491076-00491320 yeah presumably it was an Unwritten rule FCXwc_CohoU-02127-00491321-00491585 don't kill her it wouldn't have dared no FCXwc_CohoU-02128-00491585-00491710 it's a really interesting question FCXwc_CohoU-02129-00491712-00491866 because FCXwc_CohoU-02130-00491867-00492113 um the Marple that she wrote is much FCXwc_CohoU-02131-00492114-00492203 earlier FCXwc_CohoU-02132-00492204-00492418 I mean it you know in terms of how old FCXwc_CohoU-02133-00492419-00492670 Miss Marple is and when it probably sits FCXwc_CohoU-02134-00492671-00492839 in the sequence it's certainly set in FCXwc_CohoU-02135-00492839-00493120 the 30s rather than you know post-second FCXwc_CohoU-02136-00493121-00493420 World War and so the last Marple that FCXwc_CohoU-02137-00493421-00493709 Christy wrote is nemesis and she's an FCXwc_CohoU-02138-00493710-00494218 old woman then and she does what's FCXwc_CohoU-02139-00494219-00494405 required of her FCXwc_CohoU-02140-00494406-00494657 and that's the end we don't know what FCXwc_CohoU-02141-00494658-00494807 happened to Marvel whereas with a FCXwc_CohoU-02142-00494808-00495191 curtain the Prairie one she kills him um FCXwc_CohoU-02143-00495192-00495431 so it is very interesting and that's FCXwc_CohoU-02144-00495432-00495610 actually and there's always been a FCXwc_CohoU-02145-00495612-00495839 rather not romantic part of me but a FCXwc_CohoU-02146-00495839-00496085 Sentimental part of me that's thought FCXwc_CohoU-02147-00496085-00496438 really FCXwc_CohoU-02148-00496439-00496649 [Laughter] FCXwc_CohoU-02149-00496650-00497009 borrow enough now we're done with you FCXwc_CohoU-02150-00497010-00497159 we're done with you okay time for one FCXwc_CohoU-02151-00497160-00497327 more there's lots and lots of hands up FCXwc_CohoU-02152-00497328-00497501 question yes hold on one mistake and get FCXwc_CohoU-02153-00497502-00497968 a microphone to you around there FCXwc_CohoU-02154-00497969-00498377 no we'll get a microphone to you FCXwc_CohoU-02155-00498378-00498725 there you go it's on its way FCXwc_CohoU-02156-00498726-00498910 let's put you in there FCXwc_CohoU-02157-00498912-00499120 there you go no pressure on this FCXwc_CohoU-02158-00499121-00499655 question no FCXwc_CohoU-02159-00499656-00499913 do you think anyone will ever dare to FCXwc_CohoU-02160-00499914-00500470 write a Marple with dementia insight FCXwc_CohoU-02161-00500471-00500705 well I mean they they can't write a FCXwc_CohoU-02162-00500706-00500860 Marple without permission from the FCXwc_CohoU-02163-00500862-00501203 estate I mean so they they could FCXwc_CohoU-02164-00501204-00501383 um you know fanfiction yeah well FCXwc_CohoU-02165-00501384-00501616 Patricia Wentworth did this FCXwc_CohoU-02166-00501617-00501839 um the misilva Mysteries are essentially FCXwc_CohoU-02167-00501839-00502055 Marple I would say FCXwc_CohoU-02168-00502056-00502199 um that might be a slightly heretical FCXwc_CohoU-02169-00502200-00502439 thing to say I really enjoyed them but FCXwc_CohoU-02170-00502439-00502691 um you know Miss Silva is FCXwc_CohoU-02171-00502692-00502960 a version of Miss Marple and she clearly FCXwc_CohoU-02172-00502962-00503093 decided that she was just going to write FCXwc_CohoU-02173-00503093-00503279 her own version and they are really FCXwc_CohoU-02174-00503280-00503435 satisfying FCXwc_CohoU-02175-00503435-00503687 um and there are many similarities FCXwc_CohoU-02176-00503688-00503837 um I would say FCXwc_CohoU-02177-00503838-00504029 um but I can't imagine FCXwc_CohoU-02178-00504030-00504245 well I mean the estate might decide to FCXwc_CohoU-02179-00504246-00504545 commission Marple continuations but I I FCXwc_CohoU-02180-00504546-00504749 don't know I mean why would you do that FCXwc_CohoU-02181-00504750-00504935 yeah it's what I would feel why would FCXwc_CohoU-02182-00504935-00505091 you do that FCXwc_CohoU-02183-00505092-00505325 well I mean it's no no I mean it'd be FCXwc_CohoU-02184-00505326-00505522 interesting but I mean it can't even FCXwc_CohoU-02185-00505523-00505799 take away her agency it would but it FCXwc_CohoU-02186-00505800-00505997 would be interesting to see that process FCXwc_CohoU-02187-00505997-00506272 and to to see her holding on to or not FCXwc_CohoU-02188-00506273-00506416 holding on to things I think it's an FCXwc_CohoU-02189-00506417-00506555 interesting it's an interesting question FCXwc_CohoU-02190-00506556-00506860 to ask it's an interesting exercise yeah FCXwc_CohoU-02191-00506862-00507047 um but I mean I wouldn't I would FCXwc_CohoU-02192-00507047-00507275 struggle with that it'd be very hard to FCXwc_CohoU-02193-00507276-00507491 read like Elizabeth is missing though FCXwc_CohoU-02194-00507492-00507760 yes I was just thinking no but it's not FCXwc_CohoU-02195-00507762-00508066 that that's not a really important area FCXwc_CohoU-02196-00508067-00508372 to write about it really really is but I FCXwc_CohoU-02197-00508373-00508625 think it's I think it maybe I don't know FCXwc_CohoU-02198-00508626-00508822 because I I don't know I mean these guys FCXwc_CohoU-02199-00508823-00508985 you know from the Publishers know the FCXwc_CohoU-02200-00508985-00509170 estate really well and we don't at least FCXwc_CohoU-02201-00509171-00509291 I don't FCXwc_CohoU-02202-00509292-00509620 um but I think that protection of FCXwc_CohoU-02203-00509621-00509837 the person that Christy wanted her Miss FCXwc_CohoU-02204-00509838-00510010 Marvel to be in the world is really FCXwc_CohoU-02205-00510012-00510316 important and if you start to FCXwc_CohoU-02206-00510317-00510587 make her vanish which essentially that FCXwc_CohoU-02207-00510588-00510947 would be yeah um that would be it would FCXwc_CohoU-02208-00510947-00511139 be rather I don't know I would find that FCXwc_CohoU-02209-00511139-00511427 really sad I think actually I I do too I FCXwc_CohoU-02210-00511428-00511541 think it would be tragic but really FCXwc_CohoU-02211-00511542-00511745 interesting questions yeah yeah and I FCXwc_CohoU-02212-00511746-00511966 think there are loads of species in the FCXwc_CohoU-02213-00511967-00512201 stories and in the novels for other FCXwc_CohoU-02214-00512202-00512422 Adventures for other things to happen FCXwc_CohoU-02215-00512423-00512710 whether intentionally left by Christie FCXwc_CohoU-02216-00512712-00512909 as you know crumbs and breadcrumbs for FCXwc_CohoU-02217-00512910-00513059 herself in the future FCXwc_CohoU-02218-00513060-00513227 um or you know things that you know FCXwc_CohoU-02219-00513228-00513437 crevices that you can kind of um you FCXwc_CohoU-02220-00513438-00513622 know push away into and find you I mean FCXwc_CohoU-02221-00513623-00513772 there's a lot of biographical FCXwc_CohoU-02222-00513773-00513977 information about Marple yeah actually FCXwc_CohoU-02223-00513978-00514193 when when you're reading for to look for FCXwc_CohoU-02224-00514193-00514451 it yes didn't you find out yeah there's FCXwc_CohoU-02225-00514452-00514649 so many stories that you could tell that FCXwc_CohoU-02226-00514650-00514918 uh the Christie's put on the page that FCXwc_CohoU-02227-00514919-00515105 anybody if any of us were doing FCXwc_CohoU-02228-00515106-00515416 continuations you could write a version FCXwc_CohoU-02229-00515417-00515603 of a story that Christy has hinted at FCXwc_CohoU-02230-00515604-00515837 yes there's so many of them under there FCXwc_CohoU-02231-00515838-00516047 already exciting exciting exciting FCXwc_CohoU-02232-00516047-00516197 um so I know that you didn't all get to FCXwc_CohoU-02233-00516197-00516347 ask your questions if you want to ask FCXwc_CohoU-02234-00516347-00516491 some of them on Twitter FCXwc_CohoU-02235-00516492-00516712 um or in the signing afterwards um FCXwc_CohoU-02236-00516713-00516995 please uh please do that I have the FCXwc_CohoU-02237-00516996-00517331 names of our competition winners so our FCXwc_CohoU-02238-00517332-00517612 online winner is Emma Taylor so Emma FCXwc_CohoU-02239-00517613-00517901 please get in touch on Twitter or on FCXwc_CohoU-02240-00517902-00518075 Instagram so that we can send you your FCXwc_CohoU-02241-00518076-00518285 bundle of lovely things do get a new FCXwc_CohoU-02242-00518285-00518483 bookshelf put up for all your marples FCXwc_CohoU-02243-00518484-00518716 and our in-room Competition winner is FCXwc_CohoU-02244-00518717-00518975 Alfredo carpentetti so congratulations FCXwc_CohoU-02245-00518976-00519107 to Alfie did you want to put your hand FCXwc_CohoU-02246-00519108-00519418 up and identify yourself there you go FCXwc_CohoU-02247-00519419-00519641 um I do I think well Ripple of Applause FCXwc_CohoU-02248-00519642-00519851 for you there for doing nothing other FCXwc_CohoU-02249-00519852-00520001 than when FCXwc_CohoU-02250-00520002-00520270 um you can catch past salons on our FCXwc_CohoU-02251-00520271-00520487 podcast and which you can get via you FCXwc_CohoU-02252-00520488-00520660 the usual subscription routes or from FCXwc_CohoU-02253-00520662-00520855 our website FCXwc_CohoU-02254-00520856-00521057 www.electricsound.co.uk you can catch me FCXwc_CohoU-02255-00521058-00521207 and Kate blathering away on the big FCXwc_CohoU-02256-00521208-00521410 Scottish book club which is when I play FCXwc_CohoU-02257-00521412-00521560 we had a lovely time trying to get the FCXwc_CohoU-02258-00521562-00522089 world FCXwc_CohoU-02259-00522089-00522239 um uh I want to thank everyone who's FCXwc_CohoU-02260-00522239-00522472 helped me tonight happen it's a lot of FCXwc_CohoU-02261-00522473-00522659 people so it's Anna Harvey and the team FCXwc_CohoU-02262-00522660-00522910 at Harper Collins FCXwc_CohoU-02263-00522912-00523216 the Agatha Christie estate FCXwc_CohoU-02264-00523217-00523564 the British library and the literary FCXwc_CohoU-02265-00523565-00523864 Salon team so thank you to all of you as FCXwc_CohoU-02266-00523865-00524020 well for being here tonight and to my FCXwc_CohoU-02267-00524021-00524375 guests Kate Morse our number two and FCXwc_CohoU-02268-00524376-00524627 Lucy Foley and of course Miss Marco and FCXwc_CohoU-02269-00524628-00524748 Dame Agatha Christie FCXwc_CohoU-02270-00524749-00525302 [Applause] FCXwc_CohoU-02271-00525303-00527314 [Music]