EcTrnxT3O-o-00000-00000529-00000900 [ Intro Music ] EcTrnxT3O-o-00001-00000900-00001403 >> I've been getting a few questions on exactly how to set-up your project for the class. EcTrnxT3O-o-00002-00001403-00001851 Some people are doing multiple projects, but I want to show you the way that I've set it EcTrnxT3O-o-00003-00001851-00001951 up. EcTrnxT3O-o-00004-00001951-00002453 When we last looked at what I was doing in Aptana, we saw that I had Project 1 done. EcTrnxT3O-o-00005-00002453-00002852 Since then I've been working a bit and I'm going to show you how I'm going to set-up EcTrnxT3O-o-00006-00002852-00003128 a new project and each of these was set-up the same way. EcTrnxT3O-o-00007-00003128-00003686 Then I'm going to go back to index to add my new project once I've created it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00008-00003686-00004046 So I'm going to right-click and choose NEW, FOLDER. EcTrnxT3O-o-00009-00004046-00005480 I'm going to name my new folder "Project 8," and that gives me a new empty folder. EcTrnxT3O-o-00010-00005480-00005948 In each folder you'll see that I have at least one index file. EcTrnxT3O-o-00011-00005948-00006495 The reason that we're doing each project as a separate folder is that as we become more EcTrnxT3O-o-00012-00006495-00007043 and more advanced, we may have images, we'll have our index page, we will get to the point EcTrnxT3O-o-00013-00007043-00007533 where we have multiple pages, and we will have images and cascading style sheets. EcTrnxT3O-o-00014-00007533-00008161 So each project should have its own folder, no spaces in the names, and everything lowercase. EcTrnxT3O-o-00015-00008161-00009088 To add my file I'll choose NEW, FILE, and I will name it "index.html" and we'll make EcTrnxT3O-o-00016-00009088-00009603 sure that's going in my Project 8 folder and I'm going to hit FINISH. EcTrnxT3O-o-00017-00009603-00009743 Then I can double-click on it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00018-00009743-00010167 I've got a few things open here so I can close some of the other ones I'm working on and EcTrnxT3O-o-00019-00010167-00010267 I can just begin. EcTrnxT3O-o-00020-00010267-00010722 So I'm not going to go all the way through, but we're just going to put up a sample title EcTrnxT3O-o-00021-00010722-00011236 for this Project 8 file and we're going to add some other things to it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00022-00011236-00012096 So first, I have gone out and edited several images that I want in my file folder and so EcTrnxT3O-o-00023-00012096-00012825 I'm going to COPY each one of these just by dragging it into my folder. EcTrnxT3O-o-00024-00012825-00013151 There's obviously multiple ways to COPY and PASTE. EcTrnxT3O-o-00025-00013151-00013604 I'm kind of a fan of just finding my folder that I had. EcTrnxT3O-o-00026-00013604-00013999 I went out there and I edited these to be the size that I wanted and so I have them EcTrnxT3O-o-00027-00013999-00014437 all ready to go and I have them saved in a "forweb" folder. EcTrnxT3O-o-00028-00014437-00015013 So I can close that and now I've got everything right here the way I want it; I've got my EcTrnxT3O-o-00029-00015013-00015113 index page. EcTrnxT3O-o-00030-00015113-00016022 If I were going to do a cascading style sheet I would create that as well and I'd call it EcTrnxT3O-o-00031-00016022-00017081 "proj8.css" and then I could get started. EcTrnxT3O-o-00032-00017081-00017595 So of course in here...oops that's my CSS page; I want to go to my index page. EcTrnxT3O-o-00033-00017595-00018722 So in here I'm going to type in my DOCTYPE html. EcTrnxT3O-o-00034-00018722-00019464 And I'm going to go down to html page and I'm going to put in my title... EcTrnxT3O-o-00035-00019464-00020526 "Project 8: a table based site." EcTrnxT3O-o-00036-00020526-00021166 And that actually belongs in the head. EcTrnxT3O-o-00037-00021166-00022543 And then I will keep going from here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00038-00022543-00022841 Now I obviously am going to put a few more things in there. EcTrnxT3O-o-00039-00022841-00023593 I went to my CSS sheet; I'm going to put in my body, leave a few blank lines, and I'll EcTrnxT3O-o-00040-00023593-00025041 just put in a title here; I'll make it h1. EcTrnxT3O-o-00041-00025041-00025841 And that's pretty much it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00042-00025841-00026375 So I can SAVE this and test it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00043-00026375-00026836 Ok, I'm obviously going to do a lot more to this before you could actually see it but EcTrnxT3O-o-00044-00026836-00026991 I do want you to see one other thing. EcTrnxT3O-o-00045-00026991-00028052 Once I have images in here, I want to add my images. EcTrnxT3O-o-00046-00028052-00029533 It will actually bring up everything in the same folder so I could put in "field.png" EcTrnxT3O-o-00047-00029533-00029961 and I should put in my height and width, but I don't remember one; I'd have to actually EcTrnxT3O-o-00048-00029961-00030255 go check what they are. EcTrnxT3O-o-00049-00030255-00030899 That's really everything we've have to have; minimal. EcTrnxT3O-o-00050-00030899-00031036 There's obviously more to it than that. EcTrnxT3O-o-00051-00031036-00031702 I think it's really boring to watch me code and knowing somebody's watching even online EcTrnxT3O-o-00052-00031702-00031836 makes me more likely to have typos. EcTrnxT3O-o-00053-00031836-00032299 So I just have to SAVE it before I test it. EcTrnxT3O-o-00054-00032299-00032588 And there we go; my image is in here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00055-00032588-00033277 And now I would want to take this whole one and now this has been a little buggy for me. EcTrnxT3O-o-00056-00033277-00033691 I'm finding SYNCHRONIZE has been working better. EcTrnxT3O-o-00057-00033691-00034230 Now I did not create Project 8 out on C-Panel yet so this is probably going to bomb on me. EcTrnxT3O-o-00058-00034230-00034644 I'm having problems with Windows 8 in Aptana's upload. EcTrnxT3O-o-00059-00034644-00035191 Well look; it did work this time. EcTrnxT3O-o-00060-00035191-00036071 I probably should... EcTrnxT3O-o-00061-00036071-00036933 Let's SYNCHRONIZE because these already exist, so I shouldn't have to do anything there. EcTrnxT3O-o-00062-00036933-00037269 This has been a little buggy. EcTrnxT3O-o-00063-00037269-00037661 Everything up until Project 8 should actually exist in both places. EcTrnxT3O-o-00064-00037661-00039684 I may have to be through the C-Panel way of doing this. EcTrnxT3O-o-00065-00039684-00040922 [ Inaudible Background Noise ] EcTrnxT3O-o-00066-00040922-00042449 Ok, so let's see if this actually worked. EcTrnxT3O-o-00067-00042449-00043224 When I choose the TRANSFER FILES I should be able to see everything online and everything EcTrnxT3O-o-00068-00043224-00043324 there. EcTrnxT3O-o-00069-00043324-00043547 Project 8 did not transfer. EcTrnxT3O-o-00070-00043547-00044199 Let's try it that way. EcTrnxT3O-o-00071-00044199-00044812 And this is something that is just a bug in Windows 8. EcTrnxT3O-o-00072-00044812-00045836 I'm going to hit CANCEL here and I'm going to show you another way to do this. EcTrnxT3O-o-00073-00045836-00047675 Now my alternate way of doing this is to go through C-Panel. EcTrnxT3O-o-00074-00047675-00048716 And in C-Panel, you can actually just pull the stuff up from your computer. EcTrnxT3O-o-00075-00048716-00049130 This is not my preferred way to do this. EcTrnxT3O-o-00076-00049130-00049414 Typically in the past it's just been buggy with Windows 8. EcTrnxT3O-o-00077-00049414-00049536 Aptana has been great. EcTrnxT3O-o-00078-00049536-00049988 Right now my preference is to use Dreamweaver and I'd require it for the class because it EcTrnxT3O-o-00079-00049988-00050371 is better, but I don't want to make everybody spend 300 dollars and Aptana is doing everything EcTrnxT3O-o-00080-00050371-00050491 else perfectly. EcTrnxT3O-o-00081-00050491-00050833 And so I'm going to go into the webroot. EcTrnxT3O-o-00082-00050833-00051069 Make sure you're not in the FTP root. EcTrnxT3O-o-00083-00051069-00051301 That is a really common problem. EcTrnxT3O-o-00084-00051301-00051692 So I'm in public_html and I'm going to go to web105. EcTrnxT3O-o-00085-00051692-00051934 And then I can upload from here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00086-00051934-00052962 And so I can go find my which is just going to be in MyDocuments. EcTrnxT3O-o-00087-00052962-00053789 Not that one. EcTrnxT3O-o-00088-00053789-00055007 Ok, so here I have Project 8. EcTrnxT3O-o-00089-00055007-00055745 So I actually think what I'm going to need to do... EcTrnxT3O-o-00090-00055745-00056545 And see it's not going to let me...[inaudible]. EcTrnxT3O-o-00091-00056545-00056645 Nope. EcTrnxT3O-o-00092-00056645-00057625 So what I need to do here is go back to File Manager, close that, and I'll need to create EcTrnxT3O-o-00093-00057625-00058332 my file folder firs to so I'm going to do NEW FOLDER. EcTrnxT3O-o-00094-00058332-00059142 And then in the file folder, now I can go UPLOAD. EcTrnxT3O-o-00095-00059142-00061222 And then I can choose them one at a time, hit OPEN, and you'll notice it goes really EcTrnxT3O-o-00096-00061222-00061322 fast. EcTrnxT3O-o-00097-00061322-00061798 Unfortunately you'll have to do it one at a time by clicking on each one and pulling EcTrnxT3O-o-00098-00061798-00062202 them... EcTrnxT3O-o-00099-00062202-00062779 is really pretty easy. EcTrnxT3O-o-00100-00062779-00063826 Ok, now if I look here I can close this. EcTrnxT3O-o-00101-00063826-00064004 And in File Manager, I want to see if it's here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00102-00064004-00064345 I have to hit REFRESH. EcTrnxT3O-o-00103-00064345-00064979 So I'm going to back up, go to Project 8 and it's all here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00104-00064979-00066002 And I can go back to... EcTrnxT3O-o-00105-00066002-00066954 my web105 folder and it should be Project 8. EcTrnxT3O-o-00106-00066954-00067372 Now you'll notice that I actually have an index page going for the whole site. EcTrnxT3O-o-00107-00067372-00067660 Let's take a quick look at how I'm updating that. EcTrnxT3O-o-00108-00067660-00068488 So I'm going to close this and I'm going to go back to my major index_html. EcTrnxT3O-o-00109-00068488-00069536 And I put a little bit of CSS in here and so for each new one, I put then in as a bulleted EcTrnxT3O-o-00110-00069536-00069636 list. EcTrnxT3O-o-00111-00069636-00069736 I'll put another list item. EcTrnxT3O-o-00112-00069736-00070587 This is what I also like about Aptana; it will just let me go in and select my file EcTrnxT3O-o-00113-00070587-00070687 here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00114-00070687-00070850 It helps to avoid typos. EcTrnxT3O-o-00115-00070850-00071563 And my slash often referred to as a "back," index.html. EcTrnxT3O-o-00116-00071563-00072750 And I'm just going to need my closing tag and then "Project 8: Table Based site." EcTrnxT3O-o-00117-00072750-00073400 Now the thing is once these actually exist, typically the upload works perfectly when EcTrnxT3O-o-00118-00073400-00073500 it already exists. EcTrnxT3O-o-00119-00073500-00074062 I don't know why Aptana is funny about that, abut updating one that already exists...and EcTrnxT3O-o-00120-00074062-00074495 it will prove me wrong. EcTrnxT3O-o-00121-00074495-00074754 That makes me angry. EcTrnxT3O-o-00122-00074754-00075011 And that time it worked. EcTrnxT3O-o-00123-00075011-00075297 Ok, so now I can go back out here. EcTrnxT3O-o-00124-00075297-00075776 Again it doesn't show up until you hit REFRESH. EcTrnxT3O-o-00125-00075776-00076286 There we go and it takes me to my page. EcTrnxT3O-o-00126-00076286-00076676 So obviously this isn't my whole page for the table-based site, but that should show EcTrnxT3O-o-00127-00076676-00077031 you the process that I'm going through in creating. EcTrnxT3O-o-00128-00077031-00077244 Not every single line of code that I would put in. EcTrnxT3O-o-00129-00077244-00077439 Creating them and putting them online. EcTrnxT3O-o-00130-00077439-00078564 And then to hand them in, I would copy here and I would go to my REPLY in Canvas and I EcTrnxT3O-o-00131-00078564-00078676 would... EcTrnxT3O-o-00132-00078676-00079687 CNTRL-V, say something about it; "I love to code. EcTrnxT3O-o-00133-00079687-00079941 This is just practice." EcTrnxT3O-o-00134-00079941-00080445 POST my REPLY and I have handed in my Project. EcTrnxT3O-o-00135-00080445-00080855 So hopefully that's helping anybody who has any questions on process they should be using EcTrnxT3O-o-00136-00080855-00081066 while creating their pages. Edstl1pk7oA-00000-00000772-00001422 Major vehicle exchange presents 2016 Ford E350 Non-CDL Wheelchair Shuttle Bus For Sale. Edstl1pk7oA-00001-00001422-00001700 Stock number A 5 0 3 9. Edstl1pk7oA-00002-00001700-00002227 This used mini bus for sale has an accident free clean title one owner auto check report. Edstl1pk7oA-00003-00002227-00002740 It can accommodate up to 14 passengers plus driver and up to 2 wheelchair positions. Edstl1pk7oA-00004-00002740-00003261 MAJOR VEHICLE EXCHANGE HAS OVER 50 RECONDITIONED MINIBUSES, SHUTTLE BUSES AND PARA TRANSIT Edstl1pk7oA-00005-00003261-00003800 WHEELCHAIR VANS FOR SALE & READY FOR immediate DELIVERY anywhere across the USA & Canada. Edstl1pk7oA-00006-00003800-00004290 This is a FULLY RECONDITIONED AND DETAILED SHUTTLE BUS IDEAL FOR ADULT TRANSPORTATION, Edstl1pk7oA-00007-00004290-00004825 SENIOR TRANSPORT, RETIREMENT HOMES, ADULT DAYCARE, CHURCH, SHUTTLE BUSINESS, SCHOOL Edstl1pk7oA-00008-00004825-00004983 OR TEAM USE. Edstl1pk7oA-00009-00004983-00005362 The bus is in great condition and has been thoroughly reconditioned, checked and road Edstl1pk7oA-00010-00005362-00005480 tested. Edstl1pk7oA-00011-00005480-00005880 This bus is very clean, fully equipped and is ready for use. Edstl1pk7oA-00012-00005880-00006294 Its exterior has just been detailed and touched up for an excellent appearance & its interior Edstl1pk7oA-00013-00006294-00006533 looks great and is very comfortable. Edstl1pk7oA-00014-00006533-00006984 This bus provides Comfortable accommodations for all passengers, including ice-cold front Edstl1pk7oA-00015-00006984-00007306 and rear air conditioning and a rear heating unit for the colder months. Edstl1pk7oA-00016-00007306-00007643 It is Fully inspected and ready for immediate delivery. Edstl1pk7oA-00017-00007643-00007928 Test drives and inspections welcome! Edstl1pk7oA-00018-00007928-00008353 Its 5 speed automatic transmission with over drive shifts smoothly without hesitation and Edstl1pk7oA-00019-00008353-00008588 the drive train feels like new. Edstl1pk7oA-00020-00008588-00009130 Its seating arrangement is perfect for Adult Daycare, Disability Homes, Retirement Homes, Edstl1pk7oA-00021-00009130-00009389 Handicapped Mobility, Schools and much more. Edstl1pk7oA-00022-00009389-00009962 It is Equipped with an economical and dependable 6.8L V-10 Triton gas engine which delivers Edstl1pk7oA-00023-00009962-00010252 superb power and preformance under load. Edstl1pk7oA-00024-00010252-00010615 All mechanical functions are in excellent working condition and all fluids have been Edstl1pk7oA-00025-00010615-00010824 checked and changed as needed. Edstl1pk7oA-00026-00010824-00011242 This used wheelchair accessible minibus has numerous features like. Edstl1pk7oA-00027-00011242-00011602 Ford E-350 Super-Duty chassis. Edstl1pk7oA-00028-00011602-00011788 Exterior Auxiliary Lighting. Edstl1pk7oA-00029-00011788-00011935 Goshen Body. Edstl1pk7oA-00030-00011935-00012158 Tinted T-Slider Windows. Edstl1pk7oA-00031-00012158-00012400 BRAUN Electronic WHEELCHAIR LIFT. Edstl1pk7oA-00032-00012400-00012612 Electric Passenger Door. Edstl1pk7oA-00033-00012612-00012921 ANTI-LOCK BRAKES & Driver's Entrance Step. Edstl1pk7oA-00034-00012921-00013185 82,610 miles. Edstl1pk7oA-00035-00013185-00013326 Tilt Wheel. Edstl1pk7oA-00036-00013326-00013736 Advanced Fast Idle System & Wheelchair Safety Interlock system. Edstl1pk7oA-00037-00013736-00014119 NEW AM FM CD STEREO system with speakers throughout. Edstl1pk7oA-00038-00014119-00014603 HIGH CAPACITY FRONT & REAR AIR CONDITIONING AND a rear HEATing unit for the colder months. Edstl1pk7oA-00039-00014603-00015027 Stainless steel entry rails with vanity panels and Overhead Hand Rails. Edstl1pk7oA-00040-00015027-00015508 14 PASSENGER SEATS WITH SEAT BELTS, GRAB HANDLES AND ARMRESTS. Edstl1pk7oA-00041-00015508-00015774 Padded Interior with overhead lighting. Edstl1pk7oA-00042-00015774-00016081 Provision for up to 2 WHEELCHAIR POSITIONS. Edstl1pk7oA-00043-00016081-00016277 Automatic Wheelchair Restraints. Edstl1pk7oA-00044-00016277-00016469 Rubber Transit Floor. Edstl1pk7oA-00045-00016469-00016878 And finally the tires with New Chrome Wheel Simulators & rear mud flaps are in very good Edstl1pk7oA-00046-00016878-00017281 to excellent condition with a substantial amount of the tread remaining. Edstl1pk7oA-00047-00017281-00017812 For more information on our used wheelchair accessible minibuses for sale visit www dot Edstl1pk7oA-00048-00017812-00018379 get any bus dot com and call charlie at 516-333-7483 today!!! EeRX3Q4DFbc-00000-00001336-00002112 hello everyone and welcome to red united tv it's your boy ivorian spice back at it again EeRX3Q4DFbc-00001-00002112-00002784 with another match reaction guys and of course do remember to subscribe smash that like button guys EeRX3Q4DFbc-00002-00002784-00003311 if you are new and also remember to share because sharing i were in spice is caring EeRX3Q4DFbc-00003-00003311-00003728 and if you want to contribute to this channel you can always contribute via the EeRX3Q4DFbc-00004-00003728-00004384 link description via paypal and also join me on eight o'clock 805 on a monday night for your live EeRX3Q4DFbc-00005-00004464-00004864 session your live stream so you can send your super chat to help improve EeRX3Q4DFbc-00006-00004864-00005408 the quality content of this channel but guys yes yes yes it is what it is EeRX3Q4DFbc-00007-00005632-00006816 it is ivory coast one algeria one ah ivory coast all through to the next round EeRX3Q4DFbc-00008-00006816-00007600 top of the group in their competition seven points beating those scumbags algerian EeRX3Q4DFbc-00009-00007600-00008192 getting our revenge that we needed for a very long time yes algeria i haven't forgotten that EeRX3Q4DFbc-00010-00008192-00008848 you not tossed out in the previous african cup of nation and ivory coast took revenge and dismantled EeRX3Q4DFbc-00011-00008848-00009392 the algerians mahez is going home you're going back home to manchester city to play premier EeRX3Q4DFbc-00012-00009392-00009952 league football now arsenal unfortunately you cannot have pepe imagine that you cannot have EeRX3Q4DFbc-00013-00009952-00010504 by at this moment a similar i'm sorry kessie will be here for a bit longer EeRX3Q4DFbc-00014-00010504-00011080 because we are not going home and as i thought a game where i was worried because you know EeRX3Q4DFbc-00015-00011080-00011792 every coast is history with north african teams in these type of situations every coast always EeRX3Q4DFbc-00016-00011792-00012784 flop always struggle and do fail this time it was different every coast done exactly what we wanted EeRX3Q4DFbc-00017-00012863-00013440 finally the book got the ball running we're scoring goals we are creating chances EeRX3Q4DFbc-00018-00013440-00014056 ivory coast overall did exactly one more and i'm so happy remember guys smash that like button EeRX3Q4DFbc-00019-00014056-00014472 you have orange if you're happy about the result let me know exactly what you thought of today's EeRX3Q4DFbc-00020-00014472-00015112 game because it was fantastic yes performance wise ivory coast did well with the board today EeRX3Q4DFbc-00021-00015168-00015791 at times let's be real because so many times we were suspect but of course i've personally EeRX3Q4DFbc-00022-00015791-00016408 fought agriculture controlled the first half controlled the game attacked algeria and gave EeRX3Q4DFbc-00023-00016408-00017000 it to algeria we was all up in your face you know what we was there to steal your girls was there to EeRX3Q4DFbc-00024-00017000-00017648 break your hearts make you cry today and every course made a lot of algerians cry as soon as it EeRX3Q4DFbc-00025-00017648-00018384 was half time because agriculture took the lead as early as possible and frank kessie EeRX3Q4DFbc-00026-00018936-00019536 frank cassie opening the game opening the goal as well with nicholas pepe himself passing the EeRX3Q4DFbc-00027-00019536-00020064 ball to franck kessie with a good finish as well the pool finally finding his way because i've EeRX3Q4DFbc-00028-00020064-00020664 been on to kessie for a very long time guys and kessie finally he listened to me it was like my EeRX3Q4DFbc-00029-00020664-00021576 favourite part i know what he said last time but still i heard you your comment no he scored a goal EeRX3Q4DFbc-00030-00021704-00022312 making it one nil and then later on every cause at that moment that seri took off his chain the EeRX3Q4DFbc-00031-00022312-00022936 referee told seri they have taken for chain for blinding me i can't ref in this situation so okay EeRX3Q4DFbc-00032-00022936-00023344 so sorry went off the pitch you know just to give his um necklace why would mine EeRX3Q4DFbc-00033-00023344-00023912 well i mean sorry what ivory coast themselves was a man down set piece ivory coast don't EeRX3Q4DFbc-00034-00023912-00024648 really score these set pieces these days but i because sangara brilliant header making it two EeRX3Q4DFbc-00035-00024648-00025304 new and we was all in promise like we was all in heaven every culture was great the elephants were EeRX3Q4DFbc-00036-00026016-00026608 you get me when it was two new up half time we was in forensic you know oh EeRX3Q4DFbc-00037-00026680-00027360 i'm so happy guys i am so happy second off came every course came out stronger EeRX3Q4DFbc-00038-00027360-00027976 ready to actually kill algeria you would think that yes let's defend the second half by every EeRX3Q4DFbc-00039-00027976-00028576 cause in control of the game in the first 20 minutes pepe making it three nil beautiful goal EeRX3Q4DFbc-00040-00028576-00029336 hello passing it to him and pepe finishing stopped me in in the bottom left hand corner algeria EeRX3Q4DFbc-00041-00029336-00029712 was so damn crying they wanted to go they were drinking their tears EeRX3Q4DFbc-00042-00029712-00030216 they were drinking their tears they felt it they felt the salt in their mouth and they just thought EeRX3Q4DFbc-00043-00030392-00030880 ah get out of cameroon you always say your arabs in it it is what it isn't it EeRX3Q4DFbc-00044-00030880-00031616 but yes do you apologize if you're offended but yes i'm a happy eye for it of course yeah but yeah EeRX3Q4DFbc-00045-00031616-00032439 again i because after free no up and we're acting sloppy defensively i'm sure because of the manager EeRX3Q4DFbc-00046-00032439-00033024 made those changes that was needed but ivory coast himself yet sloppy passing as well not making EeRX3Q4DFbc-00047-00033024-00033728 the right passes to finish off algeria to make it for new algeria mr penalty which wasn't a penalty EeRX3Q4DFbc-00048-00033728-00034416 so yes karma mahrez would be going home pissed off that he didn't get us a goal today he didn't get EeRX3Q4DFbc-00049-00034416-00034944 that penalty it was just it was he hit the ball and you deserve that i'm so damn happy because EeRX3Q4DFbc-00050-00035000-00035480 i've already smashed that like button if you thought that he didn't deserve that penalty EeRX3Q4DFbc-00051-00035480-00036008 you know algeria eventually scored a goal my oh my it was gonna come anyway it was gonna happen EeRX3Q4DFbc-00052-00036104-00036864 but apart from that halal made it 4-1 but it was offside but it just sealed the field out and just EeRX3Q4DFbc-00053-00036864-00037528 showed how strong we are going forward as well every course got straight from death we're stacked EeRX3Q4DFbc-00054-00037528-00038000 we are stacked like a pack of pokemon cards out here get me yeah maybe we're out here EeRX3Q4DFbc-00055-00038000-00038648 picking pikachus and charizard you know and meep mewtwo's in that gosh we got them in our packs EeRX3Q4DFbc-00056-00038648-00039136 some of you guys don't have that you know you've got jigglypuff in them like that make people sleep EeRX3Q4DFbc-00057-00039136-00039912 and all that kind of stuff man but yes every course full-time free one forensic is nostalgia EeRX3Q4DFbc-00058-00039912-00040464 ivory ivorians are celebrating right now going into the next round facing another north african EeRX3Q4DFbc-00059-00040464-00041112 team which will be egypt remember that match today for me guys i want to go for frank kessie because EeRX3Q4DFbc-00060-00041112-00041600 i thought frank kassie done so well even though siri covered a lot the grass keepers what did EeRX3Q4DFbc-00061-00041600-00042000 well but frank kessie because i've been giving it to him he could have he scored a second goal that EeRX3Q4DFbc-00062-00042000-00042592 was also rude offside as well so yeah definitely him man in the match no donkey of the match i was EeRX3Q4DFbc-00063-00042592-00043248 pleased with everyone everyone pulled their weight in and did what they had to do but ivorians fans EeRX3Q4DFbc-00064-00043248-00043968 my voice les elephants again we need to beat egypt to get a revenge from what they gave to EeRX3Q4DFbc-00065-00043968-00044448 us in the past you know the finals egypt we're never going to forget about that EeRX3Q4DFbc-00066-00044448-00045056 you know so we have to beat egypt and knock out salah so he can get back to liverpool well yeah EeRX3Q4DFbc-00067-00045056-00045600 this has been your match reaction by ivory spice guys as always remember to follow the EeRX3Q4DFbc-00068-00045600-00046080 socials above there and of course also in the link description remember if you want to contribute EeRX3Q4DFbc-00069-00046144-00046720 send it send your contribution through paypal links in the description but it is what it is EeRX3Q4DFbc-00070-00046720-00047048 my mansion knight fans remember to subscribe my overall fans subscribe EeRX3Q4DFbc-00071-00047120-00047896 it is it remember to keep it united and let's have a fun remember to keep it you know what i mean EeRX3Q4DFbc-00072-00047896-00048912 elephants trunks i remember to keep it red united because i am out and i'm happy EgUVifLOo7u-00000-00000430-00000562 >> Now the other thing that's EgUVifLOo7u-00001-00000562-00000719 important is these Republicans EgUVifLOo7u-00002-00000719-00000910 are not just former Whigs. EgUVifLOo7u-00003-00000970-00001170 It's estimated about 20 percent EgUVifLOo7u-00004-00001222-00001540 of Fremont's voters came EgUVifLOo7u-00005-00001540-00001667 from Democrats. EgUVifLOo7u-00006-00001736-00001846 Northern Democrats EgUVifLOo7u-00007-00001846-00001952 who could not stomach the EgUVifLOo7u-00008-00001952-00002077 Kansas-Nebraska bill, EgUVifLOo7u-00009-00002077-00002201 could not stomach what they EgUVifLOo7u-00010-00002201-00002364 considered Southern control EgUVifLOo7u-00011-00002364-00002566 of the Democratic Party, are EgUVifLOo7u-00012-00002566-00002746 another significant faction EgUVifLOo7u-00013-00002780-00002909 in the Republican Party. EgUVifLOo7u-00014-00002970-00003336 So there's a kind of reshuffling EgUVifLOo7u-00015-00003336-00003480 of all the parties going on. EgUVifLOo7u-00016-00003480-00003567 The Whigs die. EgUVifLOo7u-00017-00003567-00003680 The Know-Nothings rise. EgUVifLOo7u-00018-00003680-00003791 The Republicans rise. EgUVifLOo7u-00019-00003845-00004065 The Democrats lose a significant EgUVifLOo7u-00020-00004065-00004323 part of their EgUVifLOo7u-00021-00004323-00004454 Northern electorate. EgUVifLOo7u-00022-00004525-00004717 And that is important also EgUVifLOo7u-00023-00004717-00005072 because their presence means EgUVifLOo7u-00024-00005072-00005227 again that the party has EgUVifLOo7u-00025-00005227-00005455 to focus on what holds all these EgUVifLOo7u-00026-00005455-00005554 factions together. EgUVifLOo7u-00027-00005625-00005731 What is the lowest EgUVifLOo7u-00028-00005731-00005829 common denominator? EgUVifLOo7u-00029-00005870-00006025 Opposition to the expansion EgUVifLOo7u-00030-00006025-00006085 of slavery. EgUVifLOo7u-00031-00006137-00006241 These Democrats believe EgUVifLOo7u-00032-00006241-00006461 in a low tariff, they believe EgUVifLOo7u-00033-00006461-00006673 in hard money instead EgUVifLOo7u-00034-00006673-00006887 of paper money, whatever. EgUVifLOo7u-00035-00006887-00007018 Now most of them believe EgUVifLOo7u-00036-00007018-00007109 in a homestead act; EgUVifLOo7u-00037-00007109-00007197 you can agree on that. EgUVifLOo7u-00038-00007197-00007434 But the Republican Party cannot EgUVifLOo7u-00039-00007452-00007595 become a party EgUVifLOo7u-00040-00007595-00007774 of a strong economic outlook EgUVifLOo7u-00041-00007813-00008002 because their different factions EgUVifLOo7u-00042-00008002-00008078 don't agree EgUVifLOo7u-00043-00008078-00008303 on what economic policy ought EgUVifLOo7u-00044-00008303-00008340 to be. EgUVifLOo7u-00045-00008340-00008454 The only thing they agree EgUVifLOo7u-00046-00008454-00008676 on is stopping the westward EgUVifLOo7u-00047-00008676-00008822 expansion of slavery. EgUVifLOo7u-00048-00008866-00009041 So these Democrats, EgUVifLOo7u-00049-00009056-00009150 they also bring EgUVifLOo7u-00050-00009150-00009282 into the party what you might EgUVifLOo7u-00051-00009282-00009422 call a kind EgUVifLOo7u-00052-00009422-00009525 of very strong EgUVifLOo7u-00053-00009525-00009699 Jacksonian unionism. EgUVifLOo7u-00054-00009790-00009942 Just as Jackson had stood EgUVifLOo7u-00055-00009942-00010064 up to South Carolina EgUVifLOo7u-00056-00010064-00010209 in the Nullification Crisis, EgUVifLOo7u-00057-00010209-00010345 threatened to send troops EgUVifLOo7u-00058-00010400-00010771 into South Carolina in 1833, EgUVifLOo7u-00059-00010807-00010978 these Democrats who identify EgUVifLOo7u-00060-00010978-00011142 when the Secession Crisis comes, EgUVifLOo7u-00061-00011142-00011349 they oppose compromise, they EgUVifLOo7u-00062-00011349-00011504 support the use of force. EgUVifLOo7u-00063-00011587-00011744 "Let's do what Andrew Jackson did." EgUVifLOo7u-00064-00011744-00011787 Whereas a lot EgUVifLOo7u-00065-00011787-00011974 of these conservative Whigs are EgUVifLOo7u-00066-00011974-00012150 going to be more willing EgUVifLOo7u-00067-00012150-00012316 to compromise. EgUVifLOo7u-00068-00012381-00012475 But the largest group EgUVifLOo7u-00069-00012475-00012628 in the Republican Party, I guess, EgUVifLOo7u-00070-00012628-00012843 is more moderate Whigs. EgUVifLOo7u-00071-00012843-00013097 People like John Sherman EgUVifLOo7u-00072-00013097-00013173 of Ohio. EgUVifLOo7u-00073-00013173-00013281 But the most important one EgUVifLOo7u-00074-00013281-00013388 of all of them is EgUVifLOo7u-00075-00013395-00013490 Abraham Lincoln. EgUVifLOo7u-00076-00013564-00013742 We will talk about him next week. EgUVifLOo7u-00077-00013742-00013931 But Lincoln is the spokesman EgUVifLOo7u-00078-00013931-00014142 of the moderate Republicans, EgUVifLOo7u-00079-00014211-00014347 which is the majority. EgUVifLOo7u-00080-00014347-00014512 There are Radicals, ex-Democrats. EgUVifLOo7u-00081-00014512-00014577 But the majority EgUVifLOo7u-00082-00014577-00014726 of these Republicans are these EgUVifLOo7u-00083-00014774-00014847 moderate Republicans. EgUVifLOo7u-00084-00014885-00015016 They are not radicals, EgUVifLOo7u-00085-00015043-00015267 but they again insist EgUVifLOo7u-00086-00015267-00015389 that the non-extension EgUVifLOo7u-00087-00015389-00015489 of slavery has got EgUVifLOo7u-00088-00015489-00015615 to be the one issue EgUVifLOo7u-00089-00015640-00016023 that holds the party together. EgUVifLOo7u-00090-00016067-00016402 So whether it's personal belief EgUVifLOo7u-00091-00016407-00016597 or political exigency, EgUVifLOo7u-00092-00016662-00016996 that becomes the dominant idea EgUVifLOo7u-00093-00016996-00017126 of the Republic Party: EgUVifLOo7u-00094-00017126-00017281 stopping the westward expansion EgUVifLOo7u-00095-00017281-00017332 of slavery. EgUVifLOo7u-00096-00017393-00017509 Now the first task EgUVifLOo7u-00097-00017509-00017760 of this new party is -- EgUVifLOo7u-00098-00017846-00017991 which is already underway EgUVifLOo7u-00099-00017991-00018111 in 1856 -- is EgUVifLOo7u-00100-00018111-00018304 to displace the Know-Nothings, EgUVifLOo7u-00101-00018345-00018526 or is to establish themselves EgUVifLOo7u-00102-00018526-00018878 as the main opposition party EgUVifLOo7u-00103-00018878-00018959 in the North, EgUVifLOo7u-00104-00019006-00019162 and then increasingly EgUVifLOo7u-00105-00019162-00019585 to divest the party of any tinge EgUVifLOo7u-00106-00019585-00019725 of nativism, particularly EgUVifLOo7u-00107-00019725-00019881 in the Old Northwest. EgUVifLOo7u-00108-00019998-00020155 Immigrant votes are very EgUVifLOo7u-00109-00020155-00020286 important -- or immigrant votes EgUVifLOo7u-00110-00020286-00020413 that are up for grabs: EgUVifLOo7u-00111-00020469-00020561 German votes, EgUVifLOo7u-00112-00020561-00020664 Scandinavian votes. EgUVifLOo7u-00113-00020664-00020733 They're not going to get a lot EgUVifLOo7u-00114-00020733-00020848 of these Irish votes EgUVifLOo7u-00115-00020861-00020968 in the Eastern cities, EgUVifLOo7u-00116-00020968-00021152 but in the West, you're not going EgUVifLOo7u-00117-00021152-00021351 to get very far in appealing EgUVifLOo7u-00118-00021351-00021484 to those immigrant voters EgUVifLOo7u-00119-00021484-00021646 if you start nominating EgUVifLOo7u-00120-00021646-00021962 Know-Nothings for office, EgUVifLOo7u-00121-00021998-00022323 etc. So as Ashworth notes, these EgUVifLOo7u-00122-00022341-00022575 issues of nativism, temperance, EgUVifLOo7u-00123-00022600-00022779 begin to lose their salience EgUVifLOo7u-00124-00022807-00023052 after 1856. EgUVifLOo7u-00125-00023104-00023230 And the necessity EgUVifLOo7u-00126-00023230-00023425 of attracting the foreign vote EgUVifLOo7u-00127-00023425-00023540 is very important. EgUVifLOo7u-00128-00023540-00023666 In fact, it's the Democrats EgUVifLOo7u-00129-00023666-00023861 who keep pushing those issues EgUVifLOo7u-00130-00023861-00023919 to the fore. EgUVifLOo7u-00131-00023919-00024012 It's the Democrats EgUVifLOo7u-00132-00024041-00024130 who keep accusing the EgUVifLOo7u-00133-00024130-00024192 Republicans EgUVifLOo7u-00134-00024192-00024319 of being anti-immigrant, EgUVifLOo7u-00135-00024319-00024479 of being anti-liquor. EgUVifLOo7u-00136-00024505-00024650 Because the Republicans want EgUVifLOo7u-00137-00024650-00024728 to talk about slavery. EgUVifLOo7u-00138-00024728-00024831 The Democrats want to talk EgUVifLOo7u-00139-00024831-00025001 about these ethnocultural issues EgUVifLOo7u-00140-00025034-00025261 as a way of creating division EgUVifLOo7u-00141-00025261-00025525 in Republican ranks. EgUVifLOo7u-00142-00025582-00025712 But maybe the most important EgUVifLOo7u-00143-00025712-00025779 thing is simply EgUVifLOo7u-00144-00025779-00026086 that this ideology of free labor EgUVifLOo7u-00145-00026086-00026192 and what goes along EgUVifLOo7u-00146-00026192-00026499 with it has a more pervasive EgUVifLOo7u-00147-00026499-00026654 appeal in the North. EgUVifLOo7u-00148-00026654-00026940 You might say the slave power is EgUVifLOo7u-00149-00026940-00027061 a better symbol EgUVifLOo7u-00150-00027061-00027191 than the Catholic Church EgUVifLOo7u-00151-00027256-00027531 of the dangers facing the EgUVifLOo7u-00152-00027531-00027650 future of free labor EgUVifLOo7u-00153-00027650-00027777 in Northern society. EgUVifLOo7u-00154-00027845-00028125 And indeed the Republican goal EgUVifLOo7u-00155-00028125-00028316 of promoting economic EgUVifLOo7u-00156-00028316-00028381 development EgUVifLOo7u-00157-00028381-00028573 and promoting free Western EgUVifLOo7u-00158-00028573-00028835 settlement requires immigration. EgUVifLOo7u-00159-00028924-00029039 They need immigrants EgUVifLOo7u-00160-00029107-00029251 to feed the growth EgUVifLOo7u-00161-00029251-00029445 of free labor society. EgUVifLOo7u-00162-00029445-00029561 So nativism EgUVifLOo7u-00163-00029561-00029731 and the Republican outlook are EgUVifLOo7u-00164-00029731-00029916 not really all that compatible EgUVifLOo7u-00165-00029916-00029978 with each other. EgUVifLOo7u-00166-00030097-00030452 By 1860, this free labor idea has EgUVifLOo7u-00167-00030452-00030603 triumphed in the North EgUVifLOo7u-00168-00030603-00030793 as the dominant outlook EgUVifLOo7u-00169-00030793-00030879 of that section. EgUVifLOo7u-00170-00030934-00031288 And after what I've said EgUVifLOo7u-00171-00031288-00031473 about it, you can understand why EgUVifLOo7u-00172-00031507-00031721 many Southerners saw this EgUVifLOo7u-00173-00031721-00031940 as a dire threat to the future EgUVifLOo7u-00174-00031940-00032067 of their society, EgUVifLOo7u-00175-00032155-00032515 and to understand both the road EgUVifLOo7u-00176-00032515-00032683 of the South to secession EgUVifLOo7u-00177-00032736-00032946 and the Northern willingness EgUVifLOo7u-00178-00032946-00033066 to fight in order EgUVifLOo7u-00179-00033066-00033190 to preserve the Union EgUVifLOo7u-00180-00033237-00033349 and defeat the South, EgUVifLOo7u-00181-00033349-00033448 and ultimately EgUVifLOo7u-00182-00033448-00033639 to destroy the institution EgUVifLOo7u-00183-00033639-00033717 of slavery. EgUVifLOo7u-00184-00033776-00033900 So let us stop there today. EgUVifLOo7u-00185-00033900-00033993 Next time we will look EgUVifLOo7u-00186-00034000-00034106 at James Buchanan; EgUVifLOo7u-00187-00034150-00034295 universally voted the worst EgUVifLOo7u-00188-00034302-00034441 president in American history. EgZfLbCoXIY-00000-00000145-00000362 hey.. In yoga class...LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00001-00000421-00000558 (This is the right way) EgZfLbCoXIY-00002-00000558-00000675 This is yuba cheese and... EgZfLbCoXIY-00003-00000675-00000846 This one is haha Cucumber haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00004-00000846-00000967 Don't shake it like that. EgZfLbCoXIY-00005-00001017-00001146 stop x2 haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00006-00001280-00001476 (When did you go there again?) EgZfLbCoXIY-00007-00002581-00002694 Rohan, what are you doing? EgZfLbCoXIY-00008-00002694-00002886 "Rohan looks so excited". EgZfLbCoXIY-00009-00002886-00003036 Where are you going today, Rohan? EgZfLbCoXIY-00010-00003036-00003211 (No, this place is...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00011-00003219-00003582 "Today, I'm leaving to live in Kyoto". EgZfLbCoXIY-00012-00003703-00004108 "I'll leave Sendai first and go to Osaka. EgZfLbCoXIY-00013-00004287-00004775 "I'm going to take a bus to Kyoto from Osaka Airport". EgZfLbCoXIY-00014-00005630-00006064 this one and then you give this to your mom, okay? EgZfLbCoXIY-00015-00006064-00006160 Yes! (Trust and leave it's up to you) EgZfLbCoXIY-00016-00006160-00006293 Go to your mom. EgZfLbCoXIY-00017-00006485-00006573 this one! EgZfLbCoXIY-00018-00006656-00006902 mama~ hey~!! EgZfLbCoXIY-00019-00006902-00007123 "Rohan is excited to give it to his mom". EgZfLbCoXIY-00020-00007215-00007307 this one! EgZfLbCoXIY-00021-00007307-00007586 Thank you. Rohan you so nice. EgZfLbCoXIY-00022-00007586-00007778 There's one more, Rohan. One more. EgZfLbCoXIY-00023-00007778-00007928 (I got caught...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00024-00007928-00008003 here! EgZfLbCoXIY-00025-00008003-00008204 Thank you~ (Touched) EgZfLbCoXIY-00026-00008262-00008537 huh huh I'm embarrassed.LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00027-00008587-00008796 Hug me. Thank you. EgZfLbCoXIY-00028-00008967-00009496 "I took a bus from Osaka Airport for an hour and 40 minutes to Kyoto". EgZfLbCoXIY-00029-00010627-00010931 "I'm on my way to the accommodation, a 5-minute walk from Kyoto Station". EgZfLbCoXIY-00030-00010931-00011131 Rohan, let's go! EgZfLbCoXIY-00031-00011131-00011302 Wow, it's a really old neighborhood. EgZfLbCoXIY-00032-00012308-00012733 "After passing the Kyoto-like street, I arrived at the dorm". EgZfLbCoXIY-00033-00012921-00013309 "You can check the dorm introduction video in the previous video". EgZfLbCoXIY-00034-00013309-00013580 "After unpacking, we went out to feel Kyoto". EgZfLbCoXIY-00035-00013855-00014080 (Oh, no! I fell down.) EgZfLbCoXIY-00036-00014080-00014210 (That's fake push-ups!!) EgZfLbCoXIY-00037-00014210-00014418 (Laughs) What is it? x6 EgZfLbCoXIY-00038-00014476-00014589 What is this? (Amazed) EgZfLbCoXIY-00039-00014589-00014768 What's going on, Yuka.LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00040-00014768-00014873 What is this? (Amazed) EgZfLbCoXIY-00041-00014873-00015006 he doing push-ups, but I can't believe it. EgZfLbCoXIY-00042-00015006-00015261 It hurt. Are you okay? EgZfLbCoXIY-00043-00015261-00015469 I'm the best at this. EgZfLbCoXIY-00044-00015728-00015915 It's so funny. EgZfLbCoXIY-00045-00015915-00016307 "Rohan’s first trip to Kyoto and my family's first trip to Kyoto". EgZfLbCoXIY-00046-00016412-00016545 Oh! It's close. x3 EgZfLbCoXIY-00047-00017117-00017488 Hey, the town itself is a little... (It's common Kyoto even in the back alley) EgZfLbCoXIY-00048-00017534-00017746 Dad... your hand! EgZfLbCoXIY-00049-00018022-00018155 Let's hold hands? EgZfLbCoXIY-00050-00018155-00018426 "I'm so happy when rohan holds my hand". EgZfLbCoXIY-00051-00018618-00018760 You guys! I... EgZfLbCoXIY-00052-00018760-00019144 Why are you so excited? (Rohan is excited because it's been a while since he traveled) EgZfLbCoXIY-00053-00019144-00019481 First of all, my family... Today is the first day in Tokyo. EgZfLbCoXIY-00054-00019481-00019682 It's not Tokyo. It's probably Kyoto. EgZfLbCoXIY-00055-00019682-00020120 I'm going to go eat now. Bye Bye EgZfLbCoXIY-00056-00020232-00020545 "At home after dinner..."" EgZfLbCoXIY-00057-00021171-00021383 (Is parenting supposed to be like this...?) EgZfLbCoXIY-00058-00021613-00021880 What are you doing, again? Again? Yes. EgZfLbCoXIY-00059-00021880-00022013 You keep saying no. EgZfLbCoXIY-00060-00022117-00022288 Do it like this. EgZfLbCoXIY-00061-00023185-00023356 again x2 again? EgZfLbCoXIY-00062-00023356-00023485 do it kawaii. EgZfLbCoXIY-00063-00023782-00024044 Hey, I don't want to do it right. It's too business-like. EgZfLbCoXIY-00064-00024044-00024282 (You're asking too much) EgZfLbCoXIY-00065-00024282-00024541 You have to do it like this. (Showing it in person...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00066-00024728-00024895 (do..dont..) EgZfLbCoXIY-00067-00024970-00025137 (Stop it, you bixxxs!) EgZfLbCoXIY-00068-00025221-00025487 "Sungchan’s birthday is similar to Sungchan’s birthday". EgZfLbCoXIY-00069-00025487-00025667 "Meguri brought a surprise gift". EgZfLbCoXIY-00070-00025733-00026092 "And the two who were touched". EgZfLbCoXIY-00071-00026163-00026597 "A self-happy birthday song that comes out of gratitude". EgZfLbCoXIY-00072-00027506-00027660 (Happy birthday, dad) EgZfLbCoXIY-00073-00027660-00027869 Good girl. Thank you. EgZfLbCoXIY-00074-00027869-00028244 It's hot. x3 The candle wax fell. EgZfLbCoXIY-00075-00028461-00028578 It's hot. x3 EgZfLbCoXIY-00076-00028749-00028949 toast~! EgZfLbCoXIY-00077-00029179-00029354 They're doing it again. EgZfLbCoXIY-00078-00029496-00029746 Thank you for the toast. EgZfLbCoXIY-00079-00029813-00029979 he satisfied lol EgZfLbCoXIY-00080-00029979-00030221 Don't use it (in the video). EgZfLbCoXIY-00081-00030221-00030438 It's weird to be next to him. EgZfLbCoXIY-00082-00030438-00030688 What is this? What are you doing? EgZfLbCoXIY-00083-00030688-00030759 putting it in. EgZfLbCoXIY-00084-00030759-00031001 You're putting it in? LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00085-00031001-00031143 there? haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00086-00031143-00031322 Do you know why it's bumpy? EgZfLbCoXIY-00087-00031356-00031606 I don't know. Think about it. EgZfLbCoXIY-00088-00031694-00031831 He's enjoying it. EgZfLbCoXIY-00089-00031860-00031956 You're the worst. EgZfLbCoXIY-00090-00031956-00032115 What do you really think? EgZfLbCoXIY-00091-00032115-00032390 Isn't this how you do it? Oh! EgZfLbCoXIY-00092-00032390-00032665 But smell it. LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00093-00032665-00032824 Oh, it's a pass. EgZfLbCoXIY-00094-00032824-00033062 Don't use this.LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00095-00033758-00034146 "While Rohan and Yuka are sleeping," EgZfLbCoXIY-00096-00034146-00034501 "Sungchan came out to buy simple breakfast and other necessities". EgZfLbCoXIY-00097-00035085-00035372 "Thanks to you, I can travel comfortably". EgZfLbCoXIY-00098-00036861-00037208 Kyoto... (It's been a while since I spoke.) EgZfLbCoXIY-00099-00037208-00037287 Let's go. EgZfLbCoXIY-00100-00038046-00038217 What is that? Walking... EgZfLbCoXIY-00101-00038567-00038751 I need to take a family picture. EgZfLbCoXIY-00102-00038813-00039034 Rohan, do you want me to listen to you?lol EgZfLbCoXIY-00103-00039034-00039280 I was in puberty earlier. No! EgZfLbCoXIY-00104-00039748-00039885 What do you think, Sungchan? EgZfLbCoXIY-00105-00039885-00040106 When I looked back, it was amazing. EgZfLbCoXIY-00106-00040407-00040582 The letters are... Wow. EgZfLbCoXIY-00107-00043101-00043493 It's good that business is going well here. EgZfLbCoXIY-00108-00043493-00043814 This is what I spent the most in Japan, right? (Busy buying amulets) EgZfLbCoXIY-00109-00043814-00044081 If you go in here, it'll take about two and a half hours? EgZfLbCoXIY-00110-00044081-00044469 Let's move back quickly.LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00111-00044469-00044623 Rohan~ (Suddenly going somewhere alone) EgZfLbCoXIY-00112-00044623-00044844 hey.. In yoga class...LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00113-00044903-00045149 (This is the right way) EgZfLbCoXIY-00114-00045149-00045270 What's wrong with him? EgZfLbCoXIY-00115-00045270-00045462 "Rohan keeps going somewhere alone". EgZfLbCoXIY-00116-00045462-00045624 Why did you go through puberty so early? EgZfLbCoXIY-00117-00045624-00045749 I don't know.. EgZfLbCoXIY-00118-00045749-00045983 "That day, Rohan needed some time alone." EgZfLbCoXIY-00119-00045983-00046300 Rohan, are you upset that you can't see shark?LOL (This situation is funny) EgZfLbCoXIY-00120-00046300-00046500 Did you want to see Rohan shark? EgZfLbCoXIY-00121-00046613-00046896 Rohan, sorry. Are you upset? EgZfLbCoXIY-00122-00046896-00047088 (Sigh... I hate the world) EgZfLbCoXIY-00123-00047305-00047555 Rohan, I'm sorry. Look. EgZfLbCoXIY-00124-00047555-00047697 sorry EgZfLbCoXIY-00125-00047822-00048047 (This situation is so funny) EgZfLbCoXIY-00126-00048156-00048502 Rohan, are you going to go there alone? It's a two-hour course. EgZfLbCoXIY-00127-00048502-00048686 This is really puberty. EgZfLbCoXIY-00128-00048686-00048911 (Not going is a fake) EgZfLbCoXIY-00129-00048911-00049099 It stopped a bit. EgZfLbCoXIY-00130-00049445-00049632 I met Yuka, too. EgZfLbCoXIY-00131-00049716-00049904 It's Double Yuka. EgZfLbCoXIY-00132-00049904-00050020 i hate this.. EgZfLbCoXIY-00133-00050020-00050266 You don't like it? Why? EgZfLbCoXIY-00134-00050266-00050387 That's the worst. EgZfLbCoXIY-00135-00050387-00050763 "So we had dinner together in Kyoto, Yuka 2's hometown". EgZfLbCoXIY-00136-00051247-00051659 "And I brought this puppy for Rohan who is going through puberty". EgZfLbCoXIY-00137-00051664-00051755 What's your name? EgZfLbCoXIY-00138-00051755-00052022 tsu tsu? tutu? chu chu? EgZfLbCoXIY-00139-00052381-00052552 Oh! What is this? EgZfLbCoXIY-00140-00052552-00052898 "Fortunately, Rohan seems to have warmed up". EgZfLbCoXIY-00141-00052998-00053261 "It's a day when men take care of their mothers who worked hard". EgZfLbCoXIY-00142-00053274-00053420 Your hands are messed up. EgZfLbCoXIY-00143-00053420-00053561 oh my EgZfLbCoXIY-00144-00053595-00053762 Why did you come so late? EgZfLbCoXIY-00145-00053762-00054129 "Yuka is taking good care of herself today". EgZfLbCoXIY-00146-00054129-00054441 "I think you got married well at times like this. EgZfLbCoXIY-00147-00054441-00054658 "And Rohan who takes care of me the most." EgZfLbCoXIY-00148-00054729-00054979 (It's just that he talks a lot.) EgZfLbCoXIY-00149-00055004-00055142 Aren't you a Thai lady?LOL EgZfLbCoXIY-00150-00055271-00055734 "Wrapping up a happy day with two men's care". EgZfLbCoXIY-00151-00057369-00057582 First of all, I... EgZfLbCoXIY-00152-00057582-00057782 Hot stone pot Napoli EgZfLbCoXIY-00153-00057782-00058166 "Rohan looks so happy today". EgZfLbCoXIY-00154-00058520-00058904 "You talk a lot and look happy. I don't think you're going through puberty today". EgZfLbCoXIY-00155-00059188-00059263 Is it yummy? EgZfLbCoXIY-00156-00059317-00059446 It's delicious. EgZfLbCoXIY-00157-00059605-00059734 Do you like Hamburg? EgZfLbCoXIY-00158-00060051-00060264 Wow, Rohan eats really well. EgZfLbCoXIY-00159-00060727-00060810 What's this? EgZfLbCoXIY-00160-00060831-00061115 Hamburger steak Hamburg. EgZfLbCoXIY-00161-00061115-00061398 (Hamburg is so delicious) EgZfLbCoXIY-00162-00061461-00061628 That's big. EgZfLbCoXIY-00163-00061628-00061820 Is this really Hamburg? EgZfLbCoXIY-00164-00061820-00062045 Thank you, God. EgZfLbCoXIY-00165-00062253-00062549 Rohan is becoming really mischievous. EgZfLbCoXIY-00166-00063079-00063559 "After this relaxing lunch, we going to the next location". EgZfLbCoXIY-00167-00063822-00063997 "And we're moving somewhere in a hurry". EgZfLbCoXIY-00168-00063997-00064130 Father! EgZfLbCoXIY-00169-00064130-00064439 "Yuka's parents will join the Kyoto trip today". EgZfLbCoXIY-00170-00064468-00064697 Rohan! (Meeting you after a long time) EgZfLbCoXIY-00171-00064697-00065014 They're ignoring us. (Can't you see us?)[Laughs] EgZfLbCoXIY-00172-00065014-00065177 "My parents only go straight to rohan” EgZfLbCoXIY-00173-00065177-00065319 Father, we are here, EgZfLbCoXIY-00174-00065319-00065373 Did you? EgZfLbCoXIY-00175-00067738-00067992 This is yuba cheese and... EgZfLbCoXIY-00176-00068013-00068264 This one is haha Cucumber haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00177-00068264-00068426 Don't shake it like that. EgZfLbCoXIY-00178-00068476-00068606 stop x2 haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00179-00068606-00068806 its looks like a weak man. EgZfLbCoXIY-00180-00068931-00069110 Don't do that. EgZfLbCoXIY-00181-00069144-00069214 Can I eat it? EgZfLbCoXIY-00182-00069748-00069840 Is it hot? EgZfLbCoXIY-00183-00069857-00069949 It's hot. EgZfLbCoXIY-00184-00070024-00070140 Mm, it's good. EgZfLbCoXIY-00185-00070416-00070624 Give it to Rohan, too. (You're the only one eating it) EgZfLbCoXIY-00186-00070816-00071041 It's good. I'm not kidding. EgZfLbCoXIY-00187-00071091-00071150 Is it yummy? EgZfLbCoXIY-00188-00071458-00071684 Yuba cheese is good. EgZfLbCoXIY-00189-00072017-00072305 Oh! I dropped it.I knew it. EgZfLbCoXIY-00190-00073081-00073160 It's going to be salty. EgZfLbCoXIY-00191-00073419-00073544 salty? yes EgZfLbCoXIY-00192-00073569-00073836 Then you eat it haha EgZfLbCoXIY-00193-00073836-00074023 salty? yes EgZfLbCoXIY-00194-00074299-00074353 its salty EgZfLbCoXIY-00195-00074607-00074674 its salty! EgZfLbCoXIY-00196-00074674-00074920 (Beautiful father and son trying to make concessions to each other) EgZfLbCoXIY-00197-00074920-00074995 daddy EgZfLbCoXIY-00198-00074995-00075187 (Stop it, I ate a lot...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00199-00075404-00075550 Salty? Yes, salty... EgZfLbCoXIY-00200-00075913-00076263 Mommy! (he call my grandmother Mommy) EgZfLbCoXIY-00201-00076263-00076488 Poppy! (Grandpa is called Poppy) EgZfLbCoXIY-00202-00076793-00076972 You look so cute. EgZfLbCoXIY-00203-00076972-00077414 Come to think of it, the cucumber was really salty earlier. EgZfLbCoXIY-00204-00077702-00077852 Isn't this cute? EgZfLbCoXIY-00205-00077852-00078036 Right, 400yen(4$) for adults. EgZfLbCoXIY-00206-00079300-00079575 Rohan's? (Buying another charm lol) EgZfLbCoXIY-00207-00080380-00080492 (A familiar voice coming from somewhere...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00208-00080626-00080968 (When did you go there again?) EgZfLbCoXIY-00209-00081719-00081860 (Somehow, a crazy man is here...) EgZfLbCoXIY-00210-00081860-00082319 I came to Kiyomizu Temple at a time when the sunset. EgZfLbCoXIY-00211-00082319-00082778 Is it my third time here? Before I met Yuka, EgZfLbCoXIY-00212-00082778-00083053 There were people who came with me before. EgZfLbCoXIY-00213-00083053-00083245 There were good memories. EgZfLbCoXIY-00214-00083245-00083433 It changes a lot every time I come here. EgZfLbCoXIY-00215-00083433-00083779 This part and people will change. (Husband will change today, too) EgZfLbCoXIY-00216-00083779-00084008 I think I can live in Kyoto. EgZfLbCoXIY-00217-00085059-00085460 "That was our Kyoto life for a week". EgZfLbCoXIY-00218-00085460-00085856 "A very relaxing and happy week in Kyoto". EgZfLbCoXIY-00219-00085856-00086252 "It's a good thing I came to Kyoto Marriage, too." EgZfLbCoXIY-00220-00086252-00086665 "Thank you for watching until the end". EgZfLbCoXIY-00221-00086665-00087053 "See you in the next video!" EkcyMHPrwxE-00000-00001026-00001384 Melissa Taylor Hi, everybody, so happy to have you back with EkcyMHPrwxE-00001-00001384-00002096 us this week for the audio teaching from our "Mom Set Free" Online Bible Study. I'm Melissa Taylor. EkcyMHPrwxE-00002-00002096-00002696 I'm on the team here at Proverbs 31 Ministries with the Online Bible Studies department and EkcyMHPrwxE-00003-00002696-00003360 I'm joined here again with the author of "Mom Set Free," Jeannie Cunnion. Hi, Jeannie. EkcyMHPrwxE-00004-00003360-00003920 Jeannie Cunnion Hi, y all. How are you? MT: Well, I am doing good and I'm so excited to EkcyMHPrwxE-00005-00003920-00004416 hear and talk about prayer today, because I know that's the message you're going to be sharing with EkcyMHPrwxE-00006-00004416-00005200 us. And so, you guys, moms, we had a tough one last week. We talked about suffering. And I think, EkcyMHPrwxE-00007-00005200-00005608 hey, right along in this week, we're going to talk about something that really, I would, I hate EkcyMHPrwxE-00008-00005608-00006344 to say, it comes in handy. That makes it sound so, kind of, on the surface and not important. I think EkcyMHPrwxE-00009-00006344-00006800 a lot of times we turn to prayer and say, "Oh, I've done everything else, I guess I'll pray." EkcyMHPrwxE-00010-00006872-00007744 But wow, there's a lot of freedom when you become a parent who prays and so, I'm excited EkcyMHPrwxE-00011-00007744-00008136 to hear from you and talk about that today. Jeannie Cunnion: Yeah, so we're talking about EkcyMHPrwxE-00012-00008136-00008680 the Freedom to Parent With Prayer, and I want to begin by confessing something. Because today, EkcyMHPrwxE-00013-00008784-00009424 while we talk about the power of prayer, you need to know that my default is problem solving, EkcyMHPrwxE-00014-00009480-00010120 that I am a problem solver. And that's what I do, I go straight to that kind of problem-solving mode EkcyMHPrwxE-00015-00010120-00010496 when my kids bring me, you know, a problem or I see something they're walking through, EkcyMHPrwxE-00016-00010496-00010944 I want to, I want to fix it; I want to problem solve it. So, I'm preaching to myself, EkcyMHPrwxE-00017-00010944-00011528 as I always am, when I say that we do our best parenting through prayer. EkcyMHPrwxE-00018-00011664-00012008 Oswald Chambers has a great quote about prayer. It's in his book, EkcyMHPrwxE-00019-00012008-00012616 "My Utmost for His Highest," and he says, "Prayer is the practice of drawing on the grace of God. EkcyMHPrwxE-00020-00012616-00013184 Don't say, 'I will endure this until I can get away and pray,' but pray now. Draw on the grace EkcyMHPrwxE-00021-00013184-00013928 of God in your moment of need. Prayer is the most normal and useful thing. It is not simply a reflex EkcyMHPrwxE-00022-00013928-00014608 action of your devotion to God. We are very slow to learn to draw on God's grace through prayer." EkcyMHPrwxE-00023-00014680-00015168 And that, I get that, right? Slow to learn to draw on God's grace through prayer; and yet, EkcyMHPrwxE-00024-00015263-00015984 prayer is the most powerful thing we can do for our kids. Our kids need us to be prayer warriors EkcyMHPrwxE-00025-00016056-00016808 more than they need us to be problem solvers. Because prayer gives us inexhaustible, EkcyMHPrwxE-00026-00016808-00017560 literally inexhaustible, access to God's peace and God's power, both of which we EkcyMHPrwxE-00027-00017560-00018104 desperately need in our mothering. But maybe you're listening today and you're thinking, EkcyMHPrwxE-00028-00018104-00018728 "Well, I'm a mom who doesn't know how to pray," or "I struggle with what to say." Or maybe you're in EkcyMHPrwxE-00029-00018728-00019416 a season where you feel particularly helpless or hopeless. I know that feeling. Maybe you, maybe EkcyMHPrwxE-00030-00019416-00019936 words fail you because you're so overwhelmed, and you're so under pressure that you don't even know EkcyMHPrwxE-00031-00019936-00020464 where to begin with your prayers. Or maybe you're worried that your doubts or your lack of faith EkcyMHPrwxE-00032-00020520-00021032 will hinder your prayers for your children. If you find yourself in any of those places, EkcyMHPrwxE-00033-00021032-00021416 I have encouraging news for you and for me today. And I want us to turn to Romans EkcyMHPrwxE-00034-00021640-00022064 8:26-28, and I'm actually going to read from "The Message" paraphrase today. EkcyMHPrwxE-00035-00022168-00022432 And this is what Paul writes, it says, "Meanwhile, EkcyMHPrwxE-00036-00022432-00023192 the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. EkcyMHPrwxE-00037-00023264-00024048 If we don't know how to pray, or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, EkcyMHPrwxE-00038-00024120-00024816 making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we EkcyMHPrwxE-00039-00024816-00025496 know ourselves. He knows our pregnant condition and keeps us present before God. That's why we EkcyMHPrwxE-00040-00025496-00026320 can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." EkcyMHPrwxE-00041-00026480-00027160 See, the assurance that Paul gives us in Romans 8 is that God's very Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who EkcyMHPrwxE-00042-00027160-00027760 knows us better than we know ourselves, who knows our children better than we know them. He takes EkcyMHPrwxE-00043-00027760-00028383 our cries for help, and He prays for us. I just think that's incredible. I think about times in my EkcyMHPrwxE-00044-00028383-00029080 life where I've been too overwhelmed, too tired, too worried and I think if you've ever felt the EkcyMHPrwxE-00045-00029080-00029688 pressure to get it all right in your prayer life I hope you take immense encouragement from this. EkcyMHPrwxE-00046-00029808-00030248 You can run to Him, you can be honest with Him, you can share your heart with Him, EkcyMHPrwxE-00047-00030248-00030800 you don't have to know exactly what to say or how to say it. Because here's the thing, EkcyMHPrwxE-00048-00030800-00031280 He isn't judging or critiquing your prayers, He's just so happy to hear your voice. EkcyMHPrwxE-00049-00031352-00032072 He's so happy to be the One that you run to, the One that you cling to, the One that you trust in, EkcyMHPrwxE-00050-00032072-00032656 and nobody listens better than Jesus. Now, of course, this isn't discounting the fact that EkcyMHPrwxE-00051-00032656-00033224 there are very real things we must do and very difficult problems we must solve, right? I mean, I EkcyMHPrwxE-00052-00033296-00033752 know that right now in my own life, there are very real things I have to do for my boys right EkcyMHPrwxE-00053-00033752-00034128 now. And there are very difficult problems that my husband and I have to help them sort out. EkcyMHPrwxE-00054-00034200-00034648 Nowhere in Scripture do we read "pray only," right? It never says, pray only. EkcyMHPrwxE-00055-00034648-00034904 MT: Right. Yeah. JC: But we are continually EkcyMHPrwxE-00056-00034904-00035416 reminded that this is the best place to start. And it is the best place to return. EkcyMHPrwxE-00057-00035504-00036024 So, as we navigate each one of the pressures that we're under as moms, and we do all the EkcyMHPrwxE-00058-00036024-00036664 things that God has called us to do as parents, we can do it with open hands and trusting hearts, EkcyMHPrwxE-00059-00036728-00037040 believing that God is sovereign, that He is good and that there is EkcyMHPrwxE-00060-00037040-00037536 grace upon grace for us and our kids. And so, to close today, I just want to EkcyMHPrwxE-00061-00037600-00038056 include another passage that encourages us to be praying moms, and I'm so excited about all EkcyMHPrwxE-00062-00038056-00038544 the other things we're going to study about the power of prayer in our parenting. But today I EkcyMHPrwxE-00063-00038544-00039568 want to conclude with James1:5, and it says, "Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who EkcyMHPrwxE-00064-00039568-00040408 gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and it will be given to him." Right? So how often do you EkcyMHPrwxE-00065-00040408-00041096 feel like you lack wisdom as a mom. You don't know what you're doing as a parent, right? You lack, EkcyMHPrwxE-00066-00041096-00041680 you lack wisdom, you need to make decisions on their behalf or for their benefit, and you're EkcyMHPrwxE-00067-00041680-00042157 going, "Lord, I just don't know what to do. I mean, I have my hand raised so high over here." EkcyMHPrwxE-00068-00042157-00042544 MT: Right. Me too. JC: And yet James tells us to ask God who gives EkcyMHPrwxE-00069-00042640-00043312 generously. He gives wisdom generously. He wants us to come and ask Him for wisdom. We... it's EkcyMHPrwxE-00070-00043312-00043896 just... I think it's wild, that we are invited to bring all of our worries, all of our fears EkcyMHPrwxE-00071-00043896-00044568 and burdens and pressures to our all-knowing and all-loving Father who loves to help. EkcyMHPrwxE-00072-00044568-00045104 He loves to give us wisdom. So, what in the world are we doing settling for anything less EkcyMHPrwxE-00073-00045168-00045624 than being prayer warriors for our kids. And I just want to remind us again, in closing, EkcyMHPrwxE-00074-00045704-00046240 yes, we have to be problem solvers, but more than anything, our kids need us to be prayer warriors EkcyMHPrwxE-00075-00046304-00046848 on their behalf. And then... and then we get to witness God working, right? That's the coolest EkcyMHPrwxE-00076-00046848-00047480 thing as moms, we get to witness God's power and God working through our prayers on their behalf, EkcyMHPrwxE-00077-00047480-00048024 doing more than we could ever ask or imagine, by the power that is at work within us. EkcyMHPrwxE-00078-00048024-00048712 MT: Yes. Oh, my goodness. And Jeannie, how awesome! Just in that verse from James 1:5, EkcyMHPrwxE-00079-00048776-00049376 which is another one that I love, because we can ask God questions, everybody. Okay? EkcyMHPrwxE-00080-00049376-00049664 JC: Umm Hmm MT: That's one thing I love EkcyMHPrwxE-00081-00049664-00050144 about our relationship with the Lord because it's unlike a relationship with anybody else. Because EkcyMHPrwxE-00082-00050216-00050992 if I'm honest, when I go out, or if I run into somebody I know, pretty much I'm doing great. EkcyMHPrwxE-00083-00050992-00051384 I'm going to have it all together, or at least kind of look like I do, unless it's someone that EkcyMHPrwxE-00084-00051384-00052128 I'm super close with, and I may not ask questions even when I have them. But with God, we're told EkcyMHPrwxE-00085-00052128-00052840 "Come as you are! You be you! I created you to be you and that's who I want you to be. And ask Me if EkcyMHPrwxE-00086-00052840-00053496 you need wisdom. And guess what? You just might, you're going to hear from Me. Spend time with EkcyMHPrwxE-00087-00053496-00054096 Me." And you know, as much as we want to solve those problems, I'm glad that you made the point. EkcyMHPrwxE-00088-00054096-00054488 It doesn't mean that we just sit down and pray and say, "Hey, Lord, would You take care of this?" EkcyMHPrwxE-00089-00054488-00055248 and we walk away. There are things, as parents, God has entrusted us to help to guide them and EkcyMHPrwxE-00090-00055360-00055696 solve problems that need our help, JC: Yeah EkcyMHPrwxE-00091-00055696-00056496 MT: But to be a prayer warrior for your child. You, all you moms, sometimes when you're there, EkcyMHPrwxE-00092-00056496-00056888 like Jeannie said, throwing your arms up in the air, like, "I don't know what to do." EkcyMHPrwxE-00093-00056888-00057584 Don't sit with that worry. Go to God, ask Him for wisdom. And the Word right here tells us, EkcyMHPrwxE-00094-00057640-00058200 "He's going to give to all generously and ungrudgingly." He's not even... EkcyMHPrwxE-00095-00058296-00058679 He's not even going to be like, "Oh, she's here asking for wisdom again," [laughter] you EkcyMHPrwxE-00096-00058679-00059464 know? So, I just think there is so much freedom to parent with prayer. So much. EkcyMHPrwxE-00097-00059632-00060120 Thank you, Jeannie, for encouraging us to be prayer warriors on our child's behalf, EkcyMHPrwxE-00098-00060120-00060640 and then we also get to be the witnesses who watch what God does in their lives. EkcyMHPrwxE-00099-00060640-00060991 JC: Yeah. So good. MT: Yes! Okay, y'all. We EkcyMHPrwxE-00100-00060991-00061472 have had six wonderful teachings together. And guess what? We're not done. We have one more EkcyMHPrwxE-00101-00061472-00061888 coming up next week and you really don't want to miss this last teaching that we have from EkcyMHPrwxE-00102-00061888-00062328 Jeannie Cunnion next week. Jeannie, so excited that we get to hear from you one more time. EkcyMHPrwxE-00103-00062384-00062608 JC: I can't wait. MT: Alright, so join us next EkcyMHPrwxE-00104-00062608-00063136 week. We're going to hear about the Freedom to Be Broken Together. Another tough topic, EkcyMHPrwxE-00105-00063136-00063848 but one that I know God has some good news for us in. So come back next week where we'll be hearing EkcyMHPrwxE-00106-00063848-00064584 more about the truth; and when you know the truth and live the truth, it changes everything! FoLzfIOG6IE-00000-00000184-00000443 Good day everyone, my name is Leosen. FoLzfIOG6IE-00001-00000443-00000928 And today I am going to be listing the top 5 most important features that you must have FoLzfIOG6IE-00002-00000928-00001410 in your Minecraft house, enjoy. FoLzfIOG6IE-00003-00001410-00001838 Number 5 traps: Wether it is hostile players or creepers, FoLzfIOG6IE-00004-00001838-00002086 none of them belong inside your house. FoLzfIOG6IE-00005-00002086-00002355 And traps are a great way to keep away both of those. FoLzfIOG6IE-00006-00002355-00002894 There are very different traps, some are which are very expensive, and cost a lot redstone. FoLzfIOG6IE-00007-00002894-00003535 while some does not even use redstone, they consits of like a carpet and a sign. FoLzfIOG6IE-00008-00003535-00003933 And this one that i built is an example of the more expensive ones that you can build. FoLzfIOG6IE-00009-00003933-00004312 It really does not kill anything, but it keeps all the monsters away from your door. FoLzfIOG6IE-00010-00004312-00004644 It does that by pulling up the stairs. FoLzfIOG6IE-00011-00004644-00005750 And 100% of the time, it works everytime. FoLzfIOG6IE-00012-00005750-00006078 But there are also very simple traps which are at least as effective. FoLzfIOG6IE-00013-00006078-00006563 A trap against invaders could really be the most important thing to have. FoLzfIOG6IE-00014-00006564-00007098 Who knows it might just save your house from [BOOM] FoLzfIOG6IE-00015-00007098-00007628 Number 4 a cobblestone generator: Cobblestone is not really seen as a valuable FoLzfIOG6IE-00016-00007628-00007728 block. FoLzfIOG6IE-00017-00007728-00008015 But in fact it is one of the blocks we use the most. FoLzfIOG6IE-00018-00008015-00008192 Go and check your own statistics right now. FoLzfIOG6IE-00019-00008192-00008535 I promise you, you will have used a lot of cobblestone. FoLzfIOG6IE-00020-00008535-00008974 Here is a large, effective cobblestone generator that I built into my basement. FoLzfIOG6IE-00021-00008974-00009481 The original design is made by the Youtuber ThirtyVirus, but i made some slight modifications FoLzfIOG6IE-00022-00009481-00009581 to it. FoLzfIOG6IE-00023-00009581-00009804 A link to his video will be in the description. FoLzfIOG6IE-00024-00009804-00010299 It produces around 138 cobblestone per minute, which is crazy much. FoLzfIOG6IE-00025-00010299-00010754 It is basically 5 cobblestone generators merged into 1. FoLzfIOG6IE-00026-00010754-00011057 And all the cobblestone, end up in a chest. FoLzfIOG6IE-00027-00011057-00011456 Number 3 a chicken farm with organic free-range chickens: FoLzfIOG6IE-00028-00011456-00011599 Ha ha ha! FoLzfIOG6IE-00029-00011599-00011735 They wish. FoLzfIOG6IE-00030-00011735-00012229 So this is compact fully automatic chicken farm that will both breed and cook the chicken FoLzfIOG6IE-00031-00012229-00012474 for you. FoLzfIOG6IE-00032-00012474-00012745 All you need to do is to put chickens in this box. FoLzfIOG6IE-00033-00012745-00013033 The more you have, the faster the food will be produced. FoLzfIOG6IE-00034-00013033-00013497 You can get them there by having seeds in your hand and making them follow you, your FoLzfIOG6IE-00035-00013497-00013597 minecraft hand that is. FoLzfIOG6IE-00036-00013597-00013910 All the cooked chicken will be collected into this chest. FoLzfIOG6IE-00037-00013910-00014386 This machine was designed by the Youtuber JB589. FoLzfIOG6IE-00038-00014386-00014572 Here I have built the machine into my house. FoLzfIOG6IE-00039-00014572-00014869 As you can see it takes up no space at all. FoLzfIOG6IE-00040-00014869-00015094 This is really must-have in your Minecraft house. FoLzfIOG6IE-00041-00015094-00015633 If you have this you will never ever have to worry about food again. FoLzfIOG6IE-00042-00015633-00016169 Number 2 An automatic furnace: Even a simple melter like this can save you FoLzfIOG6IE-00043-00016169-00016551 a lot of effort, especially if you need to melt a lot of materials. FoLzfIOG6IE-00044-00016551-00017153 Now there are many variations of an autmatic furnace, and this one is the most simple one FoLzfIOG6IE-00045-00017153-00017253 you can build. FoLzfIOG6IE-00046-00017253-00017503 But they all share the principle. FoLzfIOG6IE-00047-00017503-00018023 Simple put all the things you need to melt into one chest, and coal into a another one. FoLzfIOG6IE-00048-00018023-00018294 And then the machine will fix the rest for you. FoLzfIOG6IE-00049-00018294-00018670 Here's a faster and more complicated one that I built. FoLzfIOG6IE-00050-00018670-00019092 This video isn't really meant to be a building guide, so I'm not going to go into detail FoLzfIOG6IE-00051-00019092-00019223 about how to build it. FoLzfIOG6IE-00052-00019223-00019681 But that's alright because there are already too many guides on youtube how to build these. FoLzfIOG6IE-00053-00019681-00020149 So yeah, I defentily recommend that you build and automatic furnace, either a simple one FoLzfIOG6IE-00054-00020149-00020356 or a complicated one. FoLzfIOG6IE-00055-00020356-00020781 And yeah, my house burnt down when I was building the automatic furnace in my basement. FoLzfIOG6IE-00056-00020781-00021176 I have no idea how. FoLzfIOG6IE-00057-00021176-00022068 Number 1 A hidden chest room: There's nothing special about this room, right? FoLzfIOG6IE-00058-00022068-00022429 Actually, button. FoLzfIOG6IE-00059-00022429-00023034 If you are playing on singleplayer no one will try to steal from you. FoLzfIOG6IE-00060-00023034-00023403 But if you are playing on multiplayer, this is a really good thing to have. FoLzfIOG6IE-00061-00023403-00023886 On most servers your chests are looked to other players by some plugin. FoLzfIOG6IE-00062-00023886-00024107 But sometimes they are not. FoLzfIOG6IE-00063-00024107-00024389 And in those cases a room like this is a must-have. FoLzfIOG6IE-00064-00024389-00024864 And it's really important that you hide you button very well. FoLzfIOG6IE-00065-00024864-00025229 And also, to not hide you entrance at obvious places. FoLzfIOG6IE-00066-00025229-00025657 This will minimize the risk of some player accidentally finding your room when they are FoLzfIOG6IE-00067-00025657-00026076 looting your house. FoLzfIOG6IE-00068-00026076-00026372 Alright guys, that was all for this video. FoLzfIOG6IE-00069-00026372-00026570 Thank you a lot for watching. FoLzfIOG6IE-00070-00026570-00027257 I have some random crappy videos on my channel, but this one was the first serious on I've FoLzfIOG6IE-00071-00027257-00027366 made. FoLzfIOG6IE-00072-00027366-00027577 If you enjoyed it, please like. FoLzfIOG6IE-00073-00027577-00027931 And if you wanna see more videos like this about minecraft, please subscribe. FoLzfIOG6IE-00074-00027931-00028401 And also, I would greatly appreciate some feedback in the comments. FoLzfIOG6IE-00075-00028401-00028850 See you next time! F3JjGF3khVg-00000-00000000-00000540 Asian Palm Civet, also known as the common palm civet, is a small and nocturnal mammal F3JjGF3khVg-00001-00000540-00001019 found in Southeast Asia. It belongs to the family Viverridae, which includes several F3JjGF3khVg-00002-00001019-00001566 species of small carnivores. The Asian Palm Civet is famous for its unique diet and its F3JjGF3khVg-00003-00001566-00002034 contribution to the coffee industry. In this video, we will delve deeper into the world F3JjGF3khVg-00004-00002034-00002616 of Asian Palm Civets, including their physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, and more. F3JjGF3khVg-00005-00002616-00003072 The Asian Palm Civet is a small mammal with a slender body, short legs, F3JjGF3khVg-00006-00003072-00003606 and a long tail. It has a pointed snout and small ears. Its fur is brownish-gray with F3JjGF3khVg-00007-00003606-00004194 black spots and stripes. The Asian Palm Civet is a solitary animal and is mainly active at night. F3JjGF3khVg-00008-00004194-00004776 The Asian Palm Civet is an omnivore that eats a variety of foods. Its diet includes fruits, F3JjGF3khVg-00009-00004776-00005358 berries, insects, small mammals, birds, and reptiles. One of the unique things about F3JjGF3khVg-00010-00005358-00005838 the Asian Palm Civet's diet is its love for coffee cherries. It eats the cherries whole, F3JjGF3khVg-00011-00005838-00006258 and during digestion, the beans pass through the animal's digestive system, F3JjGF3khVg-00012-00006258-00006744 where they undergo chemical changes. The beans are then collected from the animal's droppings, F3JjGF3khVg-00013-00006744-00007362 cleaned, roasted, and sold as civet coffee. The Asian Palm Civet is a solitary and nocturnal F3JjGF3khVg-00014-00007362-00007866 animal that spends most of its time on trees. It has a prehensile tail that helps it climb F3JjGF3khVg-00015-00007866-00008394 trees and move between branches. During the day, the Asian Palm Civet sleeps in a den, F3JjGF3khVg-00016-00008394-00008910 which it makes in hollow trees or in other sheltered locations. The animal is territorial F3JjGF3khVg-00017-00008910-00009438 and marks its territory with its scent. The Asian Palm Civet is found in Southeast Asia, F3JjGF3khVg-00018-00009438-00010104 including Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. It lives in a variety of habitats, F3JjGF3khVg-00019-00010104-00010626 including rainforests, plantations, and suburban areas. The animal prefers F3JjGF3khVg-00020-00010626-00011046 areas with dense vegetation, as it provides cover and a source of food. F3JjGF3khVg-00021-00011046-00011640 The Asian Palm Civet is not currently classified as endangered, but its population is declining due F3JjGF3khVg-00022-00011640-00012204 to habitat loss, hunting, and the capture of wild animals for the coffee industry. In some areas, F3JjGF3khVg-00023-00012204-00012684 the Asian Palm Civet is considered a pest and is hunted by farmers for crop protection. F3JjGF3khVg-00024-00012684-00013230 The Asian Palm Civet is a unique and fascinating animal with many interesting characteristics. F3JjGF3khVg-00025-00013230-00013626 Its contribution to the coffee industry has brought it international attention, F3JjGF3khVg-00026-00013626-00014100 but it is important to remember that it is a wild animal that deserves protection and F3JjGF3khVg-00027-00014100-00014574 conservation. Understanding the Asian Palm Civet's behavior and habitat is essential F3JjGF3khVg-00028-00014574-00014976 to conserving the species and ensuring that it continues to thrive in the wild. F3YQMJZBmeo-00000-00000073-00000273 - THERE'S A SET OF HORMONES F3YQMJZBmeo-00001-00000280-00000553 THAT ARE DERIVED FROM AMINO ACIDS, F3YQMJZBmeo-00002-00000560-00000787 AND THESE ARE THEIR OWN CATEGORY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00003-00000794-00001211 AND ACTUALLY, HALF OF THEM HAVE A MECHANISM THAT'S SIMILAR F3YQMJZBmeo-00004-00001217-00001424 TO THE STEROID HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00005-00001431-00001724 AND HALF OF THEM HAVE A MECHANISM THAT'S SIMILAR F3YQMJZBmeo-00006-00001731-00002008 TO THE PEPTIDE HORMONES THAT WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT NEXT. F3YQMJZBmeo-00007-00002015-00002625 SO THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT MECHANISMS F3YQMJZBmeo-00008-00002632-00002882 OF ACTION, SO WE'RE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THOSE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00009-00002889-00003113 BUT I DO WANT TO TALK ABOUT WHICH HORMONES F3YQMJZBmeo-00010-00003119-00003246 FALL INTO THIS CATEGORY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00011-00003253-00003653 WE HAVE TWO PRIMARY AMINO ACIDS THAT ARE THE PRECURSORS F3YQMJZBmeo-00012-00003660-00004117 THAT GIVE RISE TO SOME SPECIFIC HORMONES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00013-00004124-00004250 ONE OF THEM IS TRYPTOPHAN. F3YQMJZBmeo-00014-00004257-00004474 TRYPTOPHAN IS THE ONE F3YQMJZBmeo-00015-00004481-00004841 THAT ERRONEOUSLY WE'VE ALL BEEN TOLD MAKES US FALL ASLEEP F3YQMJZBmeo-00016-00004848-00005111 AT THANKSGIVING AFTER WE EAT TURKEY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00017-00005118-00005358 APPARENTLY THIS IS NOT A TRUE STORY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00018-00005365-00005705 BUT TRYPTOPHAN, IF IT IS MODIFIED, F3YQMJZBmeo-00019-00005712-00005899 IT CAN BE USED TO PRODUCE MELATONIN, F3YQMJZBmeo-00020-00005905-00006042 WHICH IS A HORMONE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00021-00006049-00006356 NOW, SEROTONIN IS ALSO PRODUCED FROM TRYPTOPHAN, F3YQMJZBmeo-00022-00006362-00006696 BUT SEROTONIN IS A NEUROTRANSMITTER. F3YQMJZBmeo-00023-00006703-00007066 NOW, I'M GOING TO TELL THE NEXT LITTLE PIECE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00024-00007073-00007373 AND THAT PIECE IS GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT-- YOU KNOW WHAT? F3YQMJZBmeo-00025-00007380-00008037 SOMETIMES THE EDGES AROUND THE DEFINITIONS F3YQMJZBmeo-00026-00008044-00008318 OF NEUROTRANSMITTER VERSUS HORMONE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00027-00008324-00008665 SOMETIMES THE EDGES ARE, LIKE, SUPER BLURRY, F3YQMJZBmeo-00028-00008671-00008962 AND IN FACT, LIKE, REALLY BLURRY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00029-00008968-00009169 RIGHT NOW THEY'RE ABOUT TO GET REALLY BLURRY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00030-00009175-00009496 TRYPTOPHAN GIVES RISE TO MELATONIN. F3YQMJZBmeo-00031-00009502-00009816 TYROSINE IS AN AMINO ACID F3YQMJZBmeo-00032-00009823-00010490 THAT GIVES RISE TO TWO GROUPS OF AMINO ACID DERIVATIVE HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00033-00010497-00010757 AND THEY HAVE TWO DIFFERENT MECHANISMS. F3YQMJZBmeo-00034-00010764-00010990 SO ONE OF THE GROUPS ARE-- F3YQMJZBmeo-00035-00010997-00011337 THE WHOLE GROUP IS CALLED CATECHOLAMINES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00036-00011344-00011504 AND THE CATECHOLAMINES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00037-00011511-00011738 HOPEFULLY YOU LOOK AT THESE GUYS AND YOU'RE LIKE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00038-00011745-00011945 "WAIT A MINUTE. I'VE HEARD OF THOSE GUYS." F3YQMJZBmeo-00039-00011951-00012072 DOPAMINE IS ONE OF THEM. F3YQMJZBmeo-00040-00012078-00012412 NOW, IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE CHEMICALS, F3YQMJZBmeo-00041-00012419-00012592 YOU PROBABLY ARE GOING, "WAIT A MINUTE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00042-00012599-00012699 DOPAMINE?" F3YQMJZBmeo-00043-00012706-00012946 DOPAMINE IS A NEUROTRANSMITTER. F3YQMJZBmeo-00044-00012952-00013510 AND THEY ACTUALLY ARE REFERRING TO THESE GUYS AS NEURO HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00045-00013516-00013790 BECAUSE NOREPINEPHRINE AND EPINEPHRINE ARE F3YQMJZBmeo-00046-00013797-00014083 ALSO IN THIS CATEGORY. F3YQMJZBmeo-00047-00014090-00014591 BOTH OF THESE, ALL OF THESE, CAN ACT LIKE HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00048-00014597-00014831 BECAUSE THEY CAN BE DUMPED INTO THE BLOOD. F3YQMJZBmeo-00049-00014838-00015061 ACTUALLY, I DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S TRUE ABOUT DOPAMINE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00050-00015068-00015301 BUT IT IS TRUE ABOUT NOREPINEPHRINE AND EPINEPHRINE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00051-00015308-00015458 IF THEY'RE DUMPED INTO THE BLOOD, F3YQMJZBmeo-00052-00015465-00015628 THEY ACT LIKE HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00053-00015635-00015939 BUT THEY CAN ALSO ACT LIKE NEUROTRANSMITTERS. F3YQMJZBmeo-00054-00015945-00016286 AND IF THEY'RE TRANSMITTED ACROSS A SYNAPSE F3YQMJZBmeo-00055-00016292-00016473 TO A VERY SPECIFIC TARGET, F3YQMJZBmeo-00056-00016479-00016699 THEN THEY'RE CONSIDERED NEUROTRANSMITTERS. F3YQMJZBmeo-00057-00016706-00017043 SO TECHNICALLY, THE CATECHOLAMINES ARE-- F3YQMJZBmeo-00058-00017050-00017367 I CAN DO THIS. F3YQMJZBmeo-00059-00017373-00017754 TECHNICALLY THEY ARE NEURO HORMONES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00060-00017761-00017981 ALL RIGHT. F3YQMJZBmeo-00061-00017987-00018365 THEIR MECHANISM OF ACTION IS NOT THE SAME AS A STEROID HORMONE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00062-00018371-00018551 AND YOU COULD ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT THAT, F3YQMJZBmeo-00063-00018558-00019038 AND THAT WOULD BE A PHENOMENAL ESSAY QUESTION ON AN EXAM. F3YQMJZBmeo-00064-00019045-00019215 WHY, IF YOU HAD TO GUESS, F3YQMJZBmeo-00065-00019222-00019602 IF YOU HAD TO ARGUE AND DEFEND YOURSELF, F3YQMJZBmeo-00066-00019609-00019883 WHY WOULDN'T THESE GUYS HAVE THE MECHANISM F3YQMJZBmeo-00067-00019889-00020089 OF STEROID HORMONES? F3YQMJZBmeo-00068-00020096-00020346 PROBABLY THE FIRST THING YOU SHOULD THINK OF IS, "DUDE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00069-00020353-00020724 STEROID HORMONES ARE SLOW." F3YQMJZBmeo-00070-00020730-00021151 AND EPINEPHRINE AND NOREPINEPHRINE, REMEMBER, F3YQMJZBmeo-00071-00021157-00021461 THESE GUYS ARE INVOLVED IN A SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS RESPONSE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00072-00021468-00021654 THIS IS BASICALLY ADRENALINE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00073-00021661-00022172 AND IF THEIR ACTION WAS SLOW, YOU, MY FRIEND, F3YQMJZBmeo-00074-00022178-00022332 WOULD BE EATEN BY THE BEAR. F3YQMJZBmeo-00075-00022338-00022522 THAT WOULD BE TRAGIC. F3YQMJZBmeo-00076-00022529-00022846 SO THAT TELLS YOU RIGHT AWAY F3YQMJZBmeo-00077-00022852-00023083 THAT THE MECHANISM OF THE PEPTIDE HORMONES F3YQMJZBmeo-00078-00023089-00023263 THAT WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT NEXT, F3YQMJZBmeo-00079-00023269-00023573 THE MECHANISM IS FASTER F3YQMJZBmeo-00080-00023580-00023867 THAN THE MECHANISM OF THE STEROID HORMONES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00081-00023873-00024003 HOWEVER, F3YQMJZBmeo-00082-00024010-00024454 ALL OF OUR THYROID HORMONES ARE ALSO BUILT FROM TYROSINE, F3YQMJZBmeo-00083-00024461-00024868 AND ALL OF THEM HAVE THE MECHANISM F3YQMJZBmeo-00084-00024874-00025011 OF THE STEROID HORMONES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00085-00025018-00025428 SO A TOTALLY SAME PRECURSOR, F3YQMJZBmeo-00086-00025435-00025742 BUT A TOTALLY DIFFERENT MECHANISM. F3YQMJZBmeo-00087-00025748-00025875 PROBABLY A GOOD IDEA F3YQMJZBmeo-00088-00025882-00026116 TO REMEMBER BOTH OF THOSE DIFFERENT CATEGORIES. F3YQMJZBmeo-00089-00026122-00026329 NOW, LET'S LOOK AT OUR PEPTIDE HORMONES, F3YQMJZBmeo-00090-00026336-00026679 AND LEARN ABOUT THE MECHANISM OF ACTION FOR THOSE GUYS, F3YQMJZBmeo-00091-00026686-00026853 AND SOME CHARACTERISTICS THAT THEY HAVE. F3YQMJZBmeo-00092-00026860-00027190 AND THEN CONSIDER AGAIN, WHY IS IT BENEFICIAL F3YQMJZBmeo-00093-00027197-00027577 TO HAVE OUR ADRENALINE TYPE SUBSTANCES ACT IN THAT MANNER? F5E3f_OCANg-00000-00000031-00000830 In the Bible we often read the accounts of when God calls people. He called F5E3f_OCANg-00001-00000830-00001484 Abraham, He called Noah, Moses. The Old Testament is filled with passages F5E3f_OCANg-00002-00001484-00002118 describing different leaders, prophets, kings who were called by God for F5E3f_OCANg-00003-00002118-00002702 different reasons. Even in the New Testament we read of God calling Mary F5E3f_OCANg-00004-00002702-00003398 and Joseph, Elizabeth, John for special reasons. And then of course Jesus himself F5E3f_OCANg-00005-00003398-00004073 calling His Apostles to follow Him. Now some may think that since this time F5E3f_OCANg-00006-00004073-00004736 God no longer calls people like He did in the past but this is not so. F5E3f_OCANg-00007-00004736-00005139 Although the age of miraculous calling is passed F5E3f_OCANg-00008-00005139-00005850 the burning bush for Moses or the vision of Jesus that Paul had on the F5E3f_OCANg-00009-00005850-00006458 road to Damascus these miraculous ways of calling people to Himself, God still F5E3f_OCANg-00010-00006458-00007181 calls people through His word today. Now there are four calls revealed by F5E3f_OCANg-00011-00007181-00007863 scripture and each one is as genuine and divine today as the calls were in the F5E3f_OCANg-00012-00007863-00008283 past. So in my lesson this evening I'd like to share with you these F5E3f_OCANg-00013-00008283-00009165 four calls. The first call of course is the call to salvation the call to F5E3f_OCANg-00014-00009165-00009774 salvation Matthew 28 for example verse 18, "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, F5E3f_OCANg-00015-00009774-00010190 saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore F5E3f_OCANg-00016-00010190-00010578 and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father F5E3f_OCANg-00017-00010578-00011007 the Son the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, F5E3f_OCANg-00018-00011007-00011618 I am with you always, even to the end of the age." And there are a similar passage F5E3f_OCANg-00019-00011618-00012479 in Mark 16:15-16. So this here this first call this is a call made to every F5E3f_OCANg-00020-00012479-00013187 single person in the world. It is the call to believe in God and His Divine F5E3f_OCANg-00021-00013187-00013743 Son Jesus Christ, it is a call to accept His sacrifice as F5E3f_OCANg-00022-00013743-00014535 our own payment for sin, it is a call to express our belief by repenting of our F5E3f_OCANg-00023-00014535-00015216 sins and being baptized in the name of Jesus. It is not a spectacular call as F5E3f_OCANg-00024-00015216-00016110 calls go it's not a miraculous call we usually hear this call in a lesson from F5E3f_OCANg-00025-00016110-00016674 the preacher or maybe an invitation to church by a family member F5E3f_OCANg-00026-00016674-00017331 or a friend with the hope that that call will be made and heard. Perhaps a passage F5E3f_OCANg-00027-00017331-00017823 of Scripture that we read that touches us and draws us into the word makes us F5E3f_OCANg-00028-00017823-00018396 begin to think more seriously about our own salvation. And then of course there's F5E3f_OCANg-00029-00018396-00018999 the pulling of our conscience urging us to do the right thing to respond to the F5E3f_OCANg-00030-00018999-00019773 call to confess Christ to be baptized but the call to be saved is the most F5E3f_OCANg-00031-00019773-00020211 important message we will ever hear from anyone because it speaks to the F5E3f_OCANg-00032-00020211-00021018 condition of our souls for eternity and so it's the primary call. Some have asked F5E3f_OCANg-00033-00021018-00021561 me why did you become a preacher, what was the motivation? Well I F5E3f_OCANg-00034-00021561-00022248 became a Christian because I sincerely believed Romans 3:23 and 6:23 F5E3f_OCANg-00035-00022248-00022796 that without Jesus Christ people would go to hell forever and that meant me. F5E3f_OCANg-00036-00022796-00023235 Yeah it's funny how that works you're reading and it's always for everybody F5E3f_OCANg-00037-00023235-00023655 else wow those people better be saved hell is a terrible place and that all of F5E3f_OCANg-00038-00023655-00024047 a sudden I realized wait a minute that means me too. F5E3f_OCANg-00039-00024047-00024704 And so I responded because I really believed that God would judge and F5E3f_OCANg-00040-00024704-00025416 sinners were lost and I was one of those. Now I became a preacher because I F5E3f_OCANg-00041-00025416-00025944 believed what Paul said in Romans 1:20 that ignorance was F5E3f_OCANg-00042-00025944-00026631 not an excuse to be absolved of the demands of the gospel. The idea that F5E3f_OCANg-00043-00026631-00027168 people were lost and didn't know it, that haunted me until F5E3f_OCANg-00044-00027168-00027824 I decided that someone had to call them to salvation and why not it might as F5E3f_OCANg-00045-00027824-00028658 well be by me. For 2,000 years and until the end of time this first call to be F5E3f_OCANg-00046-00028658-00029181 saved has first been made by the Apostles and their disciples and then F5E3f_OCANg-00047-00029181-00029831 since then by every generation of Christians in this world. The call of the F5E3f_OCANg-00048-00029831-00030284 gospel is the first priority of the church and it is the first F5E3f_OCANg-00049-00030284-00030924 responsibility of each individual who hears the call to respond to this call F5E3f_OCANg-00050-00030924-00031790 with faith and obedience. The second call is the call to sanctification. If you F5E3f_OCANg-00051-00031790-00032250 have your Bibles I'll be going from one passage to another I Corinthians 6:9 F5E3f_OCANg-00052-00032250-00033215 Paul says, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not F5E3f_OCANg-00053-00033215-00033722 inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor F5E3f_OCANg-00054-00033722-00034380 idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the F5E3f_OCANg-00055-00034380-00035078 covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of F5E3f_OCANg-00056-00035078-00035828 God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but F5E3f_OCANg-00057-00035828-00036281 you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus F5E3f_OCANg-00058-00036281-00037050 Christ and in the Spirit of our God." The gospel of Christ calls us to believe F5E3f_OCANg-00059-00037050-00037652 and in believing we're united to Jesus and saved from the consequences of our F5E3f_OCANg-00060-00037652-00038421 sins. Our sins deserve punishment and Jesus suffers that punishment on the F5E3f_OCANg-00061-00038421-00038993 cross on our behalf so that we don't have to, but being saved from the F5E3f_OCANg-00062-00038993-00039503 consequences of our sin does not change the fact that we have a habit of sinning. F5E3f_OCANg-00063-00039503-00040056 A habit that is well engrained in our hearts and minds and lie F5E3f_OCANg-00064-00040056-00040608 style. On the day we're baptized our sins are washed away and we're F5E3f_OCANg-00065-00040608-00041133 saved, but on the very next day we continued to be the type of people we F5E3f_OCANg-00066-00041133-00042141 are right we continue to we continue to sin. In other words, baptism washes away F5E3f_OCANg-00067-00042141-00042747 our sins and saves us from hell but it doesn't change our character it doesn't F5E3f_OCANg-00068-00042747-00043515 change our habits the Holy Spirit helps us to do that. So in Acts 2:38 F5E3f_OCANg-00069-00043515-00043902 Peter says, "Repent and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for F5E3f_OCANg-00070-00043902-00044187 the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy F5E3f_OCANg-00071-00044187-00044729 Spirit." The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit begins, and here's my point F5E3f_OCANg-00072-00044729-00045309 through all the coughing and everything here's my point, the indwelling presence F5E3f_OCANg-00073-00045309-00046158 of the Holy Spirit begins the call to sanctification which is a draw to live a F5E3f_OCANg-00074-00046158-00046815 holy and pure life that is like Jesus Christ. Every time we are confronted with F5E3f_OCANg-00075-00046815-00047466 our sins, every time we become aware of a better way to act, each time we F5E3f_OCANg-00076-00047466-00048072 experience the desire to be more like Jesus we are hearing the call to F5E3f_OCANg-00077-00048072-00048789 sanctification. The word sanctify means to set apart it was an Old Testament F5E3f_OCANg-00078-00048789-00049287 word that referred to the holy things and the holy people that were set apart F5E3f_OCANg-00079-00049287-00049875 by God for special use: the temple, the priests, and so on and so forth. And so F5E3f_OCANg-00080-00049875-00050403 the gospel calls us to turn away from this belief and embrace Jesus Christ as F5E3f_OCANg-00081-00050403-00051162 our Lord. Sanctification is the call of the Holy Spirit to leave the habits and F5E3f_OCANg-00082-00051162-00051704 the sins and the attitudes of the world and embrace the character, the concern, F5E3f_OCANg-00083-00051704-00052407 and the quality of life demonstrated by Jesus Christ. And so the gospel calls us F5E3f_OCANg-00084-00052407-00053045 to be saved by believing in Jesus; sanctification calls upon us to remain F5E3f_OCANg-00085-00053045-00053895 saved by living like Jesus lived. And so the second call is a F5E3f_OCANg-00086-00053895-00054447 call to sanctification a call that we receive continually throughout our F5E3f_OCANg-00087-00054447-00055188 Christian lives. The third call, the third call is the call to service. Let's go F5E3f_OCANg-00088-00055188-00055734 back to Acts chapter two shall we, Luke writes, "Everyone kept feeling a F5E3f_OCANg-00089-00055734-00056180 sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. F5E3f_OCANg-00090-00056180-00056619 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; F5E3f_OCANg-00091-00056619-00057051 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with F5E3f_OCANg-00092-00057051-00057999 all, as anyone might have need." Another passage also in Romans chapter 12 Paul F5E3f_OCANg-00093-00057999-00058428 writes the following, "Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given F5E3f_OCANg-00094-00058428-00058926 to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly; if prophecy, according to F5E3f_OCANg-00095-00058926-00059589 the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, F5E3f_OCANg-00096-00059589-00060039 in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; F5E3f_OCANg-00097-00060039-00060696 he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." The old saying F5E3f_OCANg-00098-00060696-00061395 is true we have been saved in order to serve. Some however have the wrong idea F5E3f_OCANg-00099-00061395-00062001 about service, we don't serve in order to save ourselves, I mean the cross F5E3f_OCANg-00100-00062001-00062535 of Christ has accomplished all of that for us, we don't serve in order to make F5E3f_OCANg-00101-00062535-00063138 ourselves better people denying sin and self is what makes us better people. No, F5E3f_OCANg-00102-00063138-00063629 we serve God in Christ because it is our natural response to His kindness in F5E3f_OCANg-00103-00063629-00064332 calling us out of the world, we serve because Jesus served and this is the F5E3f_OCANg-00104-00064332-00064827 best way to demonstrate His love towards others and it's the best way we can F5E3f_OCANg-00105-00064827-00065334 demonstrate not only our love towards others but our love towards Christ. We F5E3f_OCANg-00106-00065334-00065925 serve in order to build the church and provide the resources to maintain the F5E3f_OCANg-00107-00065925-00066429 call that the church makes to all nations in order to be saved; everything F5E3f_OCANg-00108-00066429-00067098 is interconnected. Sanctification which is the purifying of our lives is F5E3f_OCANg-00109-00067098-00067797 to become like Jesus by avoiding the things that He avoided, service is to F5E3f_OCANg-00110-00067797-00068541 become like Jesus by doing the things that He did. Today the call to service is F5E3f_OCANg-00111-00068541-00069093 heard again in a variety of ways; every time the volunteers are called for F5E3f_OCANg-00112-00069093-00069513 I think him Mike and his announcements there there's got to be you know a F5E3f_OCANg-00113-00069513-00070200 request for all kinds of different people to serve. Wait it may have F5E3f_OCANg-00114-00070200-00070512 only been the announcements you know some people think well it's only the F5E3f_OCANg-00115-00070512-00070821 announcements you know it's not important we can keep I can finish my F5E3f_OCANg-00116-00070821-00071493 whatever I'm doing but the announcements are part of what's happening in the F5E3f_OCANg-00117-00071493-00072000 church. So all of us heard the call to service because there were so many F5E3f_OCANg-00118-00072000-00072600 requests for help for different areas of work in the church. Every time the F5E3f_OCANg-00119-00072600-00072993 phone rings for help, every time you see a need and realize you have the F5E3f_OCANg-00120-00072993-00073479 resources to fill that need, every time you experience F5E3f_OCANg-00121-00073479-00073989 the prompting of the Holy Spirit the the encouragement of the brethren the F5E3f_OCANg-00122-00073989-00074892 urge of your own conscience to say, here I am Lord send me. The call to service is F5E3f_OCANg-00123-00074892-00075600 seen by some unfortunately as a nuisance, an inconvenience, an expense something F5E3f_OCANg-00124-00075600-00076208 to avoid at all costs, that's because the call to sanctification has been ignored. F5E3f_OCANg-00125-00076208-00076983 Usually sinful Christians don't like the call to serve because they're F5E3f_OCANg-00126-00076983-00077724 too busy being involved in the world. For those who are purifying their lives the F5E3f_OCANg-00127-00077724-00078198 call to service is the opportunity to please God by offering something of F5E3f_OCANg-00128-00078198-00078828 ourselves to Him in the service of other people. For those who have answered the F5E3f_OCANg-00129-00078828-00079338 call to sanctification, the call to service is usually the answer to a F5E3f_OCANg-00130-00079338-00080078 prayer, usually that prayer is dear Lord show me what I can do, F5E3f_OCANg-00131-00080092-00080832 dear Lord reveal to me how I can be fruitful in Your kingdom, what do you F5E3f_OCANg-00132-00080832-00081505 want me to do Lord? When we make those kinds of prayers I'm very confident that F5E3f_OCANg-00133-00081505-00081919 the Lord answers those prayers and sometimes those prayers are being F5E3f_OCANg-00134-00081919-00082519 answered by the humble piece of paper called the announcements. We need to pay F5E3f_OCANg-00135-00082519-00083344 perhaps more attention to that part of the service in the future. For those as I F5E3f_OCANg-00136-00083344-00083704 said who have answered the call to sanctification the call to service is F5E3f_OCANg-00137-00083704-00084276 usually an answer to prayer and not something they feel guilty about or they F5E3f_OCANg-00138-00084276-00084976 don't need to do. And then the fourth call is the call to suffering, the call F5E3f_OCANg-00139-00084976-00085537 to suffering. Turn if you will to II Thessalonians please F5E3f_OCANg-00140-00085537-00086086 II Thessalonians Paul says, "This is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment F5E3f_OCANg-00141-00086086-00086682 so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you F5E3f_OCANg-00142-00086682-00087304 are suffering." and then in II Timothy again Paul writes, "It is a trustworthy F5E3f_OCANg-00143-00087304-00087967 statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will F5E3f_OCANg-00144-00087967-00088756 also reign with Him;" well endure what well endure suffering, "if we deny Him, He F5E3f_OCANg-00145-00088756-00089244 will also deny us;" I think most Christians are familiar with the ideas F5E3f_OCANg-00146-00089244-00089692 that we are called to be saved to be sanctified in other words to grow and F5E3f_OCANg-00147-00089692-00089994 mature in the character of Christ and called to be served. F5E3f_OCANg-00148-00089994-00090564 I think we're familiar with those ideas but so many are surprised F5E3f_OCANg-00149-00090564-00091206 even angry and depressed when as Christians they encounter opposition, F5E3f_OCANg-00150-00091206-00091954 inconvenience, trials, even persecution what a poor use of our spiritual F5E3f_OCANg-00151-00091954-00092755 energy when we see our sufferings as a waste of time, that's terrible. Some F5E3f_OCANg-00152-00092755-00093144 people think that being sick or losing our work or encountering opposition F5E3f_OCANg-00153-00093144-00093844 makes us lose our value as people, our value as Christians but Paul tells us F5E3f_OCANg-00154-00093844-00094513 that suffering all by itself regardless of the circumstances if done in the F5E3f_OCANg-00155-00094513-00095450 spirit of Christ is worthy of receiving our place in heaven. He says if we endure F5E3f_OCANg-00156-00095450-00096494 with Him, endure what? Endure suffering, we'll be with Him. He didn't say if F5E3f_OCANg-00157-00096494-00097025 we work hard, if we produce a lot, if we're on a lot of committees, if we.. which F5E3f_OCANg-00158-00097025-00097898 is alright, he just said if we endure if we endure suffering. It's not that we can F5E3f_OCANg-00159-00097898-00098425 trade in our pain for our salvation that's a work no flesh is justified by F5E3f_OCANg-00160-00098425-00099047 works, the point is that suffering in Christ is equal in value to service in F5E3f_OCANg-00161-00099047-00099731 Christ or sanctification in Christ. If what your life is about right now is F5E3f_OCANg-00162-00099731-00100558 suffering and struggle then that is what God has called you to for the moment. Try F5E3f_OCANg-00163-00100558-00101117 to see that in that framework and if suffering is what we have been called to F5E3f_OCANg-00164-00101117-00101695 at the moment then we must respond in faithfulness and obedience just like F5E3f_OCANg-00165-00101695-00102268 when we respond to salvation and sanctification or service because Jesus F5E3f_OCANg-00166-00102268-00102753 is also the Lord of suffering as well. F5E3f_OCANg-00167-00102840-00103432 Unfortunately as we grow older there's more suffering in our life suffering F5E3f_OCANg-00168-00103432-00103867 because our own bodies are not acting like they should like they did F5E3f_OCANg-00169-00103867-00104375 but also because we're losing loved ones and we see others that we care F5E3f_OCANg-00170-00104375-00104924 about who also may be sick and we think well I've lost my value I well I can't F5E3f_OCANg-00171-00104924-00105251 teach a class anymore if I'm not you know, I used to be able to do all the F5E3f_OCANg-00172-00105251-00105835 groundskeeping I can't do that anymore I don't have any stamina my back hurts my F5E3f_OCANg-00173-00105835-00106059 head hurts. F5E3f_OCANg-00174-00106233-00107051 Sometimes that's what we're called to, suffering, it's how we react to that F5E3f_OCANg-00175-00107051-00108358 suffering that makes it worth something to God. Now the calls come these four F5E3f_OCANg-00176-00108358-00108886 calls they come at different times and in different ways but they all have F5E3f_OCANg-00177-00108886-00109285 several things in common, let me just share those with you and the lesson will F5E3f_OCANg-00178-00109285-00110024 be yours. First of all they all come from God Himself, know that when the preacher F5E3f_OCANg-00179-00110024-00110605 calls you to repent and be baptized or urges you to be restored God Himself is F5E3f_OCANg-00180-00110605-00111113 calling you. I'm not allowing to myself or to Marty F5E3f_OCANg-00181-00111113-00112046 or Mike an importance that we don't have, but from this pulpit and from this F5E3f_OCANg-00182-00112046-00113075 word when we appeal to you and call on you to be saved or to be sanctified or F5E3f_OCANg-00183-00113075-00113945 to serve or to suffer in faithfulness it is God Himself through His word that is F5E3f_OCANg-00184-00113945-00114610 calling you. Know that when your heart desires to be right with Christ, God F5E3f_OCANg-00185-00114610-00115208 Himself is calling you, every time the word or the church or your conscience F5E3f_OCANg-00186-00115208-00115783 calls you to come to Christ or to come closer to Christ you have heard the F5E3f_OCANg-00187-00115783-00116666 voice of God calling you to that end. And so the first thing that all these calls F5E3f_OCANg-00188-00116666-00117042 have in common is that they all come from God Himself. F5E3f_OCANg-00189-00117042-00117869 Secondly, they are all calls for blessing or for cursing. There's a simple F5E3f_OCANg-00190-00117869-00118547 division and decision in each one of these calls, each respond will bring a F5E3f_OCANg-00191-00118547-00119290 blessing or will bring a curse. So the call to salvation well is either F5E3f_OCANg-00192-00119290-00119950 salvation or condemnation; the call of sanctification greater F5E3f_OCANg-00193-00119950-00120784 spirituality or greater carnality; the call to growth and serve is a call to F5E3f_OCANg-00194-00120784-00121556 grow in Christ or a call to die in Christ; the call of suffering will either F5E3f_OCANg-00195-00121556-00122461 bring us peace or turmoil, it depends on how we respond. You can't ignore the F5E3f_OCANg-00196-00122461-00123176 calls, you must choose and failing to choose properly is choosing to reject F5E3f_OCANg-00197-00123176-00123982 what God is offering. In the end each person will spend eternity either F5E3f_OCANg-00198-00123982-00124442 regretting or rejoicing the responses that they have made to all of these F5E3f_OCANg-00199-00124442-00124940 calls. And then thirdly another thing that all these calls have in common F5E3f_OCANg-00200-00124940-00125765 they're all urgent, the calling is gentle, the calling is insistent, and direct at F5E3f_OCANg-00201-00125765-00126548 times sometimes even dramatic but the call will not always be there. F5E3f_OCANg-00202-00126548-00127142 The call to be saved will stop abruptly when you die or when Jesus comes and the F5E3f_OCANg-00203-00127142-00127771 call to sanctification is extinguished as we continue in sin and worldliness. F5E3f_OCANg-00204-00127771-00128192 Some people get confused thinking that if their conscience does F5E3f_OCANg-00205-00128192-00128977 not bother them anymore when they sin it must mean that this is okay with God. I F5E3f_OCANg-00206-00129007-00129497 mean if your conscience doesn't bother you when you sin it means that God no F5E3f_OCANg-00207-00129497-00130174 longer controls you Satan does, that's what that means. F5E3f_OCANg-00208-00130174-00130810 The call to service if ignored will no longer find our ear, the call to F5E3f_OCANg-00209-00130810-00131389 suffering for Christ can be drowned out by our own anger and depression, F5E3f_OCANg-00210-00131389-00132014 each call must be answered now if we are to receive the blessings that are F5E3f_OCANg-00211-00132014-00132971 attached to each call. Everyday in a variety of ways God is calling each F5E3f_OCANg-00212-00132971-00133811 one of us every day, the question is are we listening, are we responding? Which F5E3f_OCANg-00213-00133811-00134552 call are you hearing today? Is the Lord calling you to be saved, is the Lord F5E3f_OCANg-00214-00134552-00135115 calling you to purify some aspect of your life to walk with Him more deeply F5E3f_OCANg-00215-00135115-00135713 than ever before is that the call, is God calling you to serve Him in some way F5E3f_OCANg-00216-00135713-00136232 that you never have before or with the new attitude perhaps even join this F5E3f_OCANg-00217-00136232-00136840 congregation if you haven't and serve with us, and is God calling your F5E3f_OCANg-00218-00136840-00137290 attention to the fact that your suffering is valuable to Him and that F5E3f_OCANg-00219-00137290-00138052 you should submit to it in faith and in patience? Let's never forget that God can F5E3f_OCANg-00220-00138052-00138961 tell time, we think somehow He doesn't know what time it is. F5E3f_OCANg-00221-00139053-00139838 God knows to the heartbeat when your suffering begins and when your suffering F5E3f_OCANg-00222-00139838-00140614 will end, He knows that, there's no need to pray about that particular thing, the F5E3f_OCANg-00223-00140614-00141190 prayer that we need is to help us be patient with His timetable that's always F5E3f_OCANg-00224-00141190-00141577 the difficult thing. We have our timetable this ought to be over here F5E3f_OCANg-00225-00141577-00141998 because I got to do this and then I got to do that and when we're suffering and F5E3f_OCANg-00226-00141998-00142376 when we're in a situation that's difficult and it's all uphill we have to F5E3f_OCANg-00227-00142376-00142792 give away you know we have to the first step in acceptance is to throw away our F5E3f_OCANg-00228-00142792-00143329 timetable and say okay Lord all right we're on your timetable please help me F5E3f_OCANg-00229-00143329-00144091 to be on your timetable help me to forget my own. And so whatever way that F5E3f_OCANg-00230-00144091-00144736 God is calling you or has called you today I encourage you to respond to Him. F5E3f_OCANg-00231-00144736-00145267 Some responses are private obviously in our own hearts when we say to the Lord F5E3f_OCANg-00232-00145267-00145915 yes Lord on this or that or whatever and some responses are public and if at this F5E3f_OCANg-00233-00145915-00146224 time you need to make a public response either to F5E3f_OCANg-00234-00146224-00146779 confess Christ to be baptized to confess sin and find forgiveness, F5E3f_OCANg-00235-00146779-00147280 whatever your response is a necessary tonight we encourage you to do F5E3f_OCANg-00236-00147280-00147798 that now as Mike leads us in our song of encouragement. F6uE3LM34Lu-00000-00000014-00000608 another exemple again this changed in the 18th century is the word for rabbit so it F6uE3LM34Lu-00001-00000608-00001314 used to be that in english the word for an adult rabbit was a cunny and the word for F6uE3LM34Lu-00002-00001314-00001877 a baby rabbit was a rabbit and so therefore you had the concept of a cunny rabbit and F6uE3LM34Lu-00003-00001877-00002415 a cunny rabbit would be a baby rabbit cunny rabbit = baby rabbit, which for some reason F6uE3LM34Lu-00004-00002415-00003016 became bunny, bunny rabbit because it was considered too rude and eventually because F6uE3LM34Lu-00005-00003016-00003632 bunny was known to be an amusing rhyme for cunny which was regarded as too rude, the F6uE3LM34Lu-00006-00003632-00004185 whole concept of cunny was dropped and bunny rabbit was dropped and it just became rabbit F6uE3LM34Lu-00007-00004185-00004506 and the bunny thing became preserved among children F9cvfKTJdQk-00000-00000450-00000658 From Obese F9cvfKTJdQk-00001-00000676-00000856 Become pretty F9cvfKTJdQk-00002-00000903-00001348 Getting married F9cvfKTJdQk-00003-00001370-00001623 Pregnancy F9cvfKTJdQk-00004-00001646-00001760 The 1: 1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan F9cvfKTJdQk-00005-00001786-00002218 Lifelong besties F9cvfKTJdQk-00006-00002318-00002762 Hi i'm Karen! Before I started on Cambridge program I was obese F9cvfKTJdQk-00007-00002810-00003170 with bad eating habits, gluttonous, work pressure F9cvfKTJdQk-00008-00003194-00003392 causing me putting on weight F9cvfKTJdQk-00009-00003422-00003650 my body size getting bigger and bigger F9cvfKTJdQk-00010-00003678-00004065 Menstrual irregularities causing my body get tired easily F9cvfKTJdQk-00011-00004086-00004296 gasp with staircase F9cvfKTJdQk-00012-00004336-00004686 I have tried many ways to lose weight F9cvfKTJdQk-00013-00004698-00005020 Such as increase my exercise and reducing food F9cvfKTJdQk-00014-00005044-00005350 I am exercising about 5 days a week F9cvfKTJdQk-00015-00005368-00005566 Get up in the morning to exercise F9cvfKTJdQk-00016-00005586-00005940 In the afternoon I was having EAT CLEAN DIET F9cvfKTJdQk-00017-00005958-00006092 Nothing worked F9cvfKTJdQk-00018-00006104-00006368 It lasted for 3 months but no results F9cvfKTJdQk-00019-00006386-00006556 Wanted to give up F9cvfKTJdQk-00020-00006570-00007152 Then my friend introduced a online weight loss product to me F9cvfKTJdQk-00021-00007180-00007642 I started to have side effects very soon after using it F9cvfKTJdQk-00022-00007666-00007840 I have heart palpation F9cvfKTJdQk-00023-00007858-00008078 I'm worried about my heart palpation problem F9cvfKTJdQk-00024-00008102-00008340 Immediately I stopped taking online weight loss products F9cvfKTJdQk-00025-00008360-00008740 I get to know Cambridge product from my cousin F9cvfKTJdQk-00026-00008758-00009106 I contacted my consultant Shirley Tsu F9cvfKTJdQk-00027-00009136-00009458 Started Cambridge program with brisk walking & light exercise F9cvfKTJdQk-00028-00009514-00009766 Shirley taught me how to use HDT Mobile for shaping F9cvfKTJdQk-00029-00009786-00010174 Easily without suffering hunger, I loose 12kg with Cambridge F9cvfKTJdQk-00030-00010192-00010558 I improve my skin condition and became more juicy F9cvfKTJdQk-00031-00010594-00010724 Face with radiant F9cvfKTJdQk-00032-00010742-00011046 I don't feel tired or urge to nap F9cvfKTJdQk-00033-00011078-00011314 I feel lighter when I travel F9cvfKTJdQk-00034-00011336-00011550 I can walk better without burden F9cvfKTJdQk-00035-00011564-00011784 And my collarbone becomes obvious F9cvfKTJdQk-00036-00011800-00012296 I get variety on clothing, I look good with any T-Shirt or jeans F9cvfKTJdQk-00037-00012364-00012868 In addition, I have my regular menstrual cycle F9cvfKTJdQk-00038-00012891-00013194 With regular menstrual cycle, I receive an unexpected surprise F9cvfKTJdQk-00039-00013222-00013422 Look at me, I conceive a Cambridge baby F9cvfKTJdQk-00040-00013432-00013904 During my pregnancy, I did not have any morning sickness F9cvfKTJdQk-00041-00013974-00014200 Because I did a detox ~Sole Source program F9cvfKTJdQk-00042-00014216-00014572 I feel healthier & energetic during pregnancy F9cvfKTJdQk-00043-00014596-00015484 Taking 1-2 sachets of Cambridge daily as nutrients supplement for me & my baby F9cvfKTJdQk-00044-00015500-00015782 Cambridge makes me feel energetic F9cvfKTJdQk-00045-00015790-00016018 I feel healthier F9cvfKTJdQk-00046-00016028-00016538 Every time when I look into the mirror, I felt my pregnancy look more beautiful F9cvfKTJdQk-00047-00016554-00016808 No acne on the face, the body is vigorous F9cvfKTJdQk-00048-00016840-00017016 Makes me feel great~ F9cvfKTJdQk-00049-00017050-00017500 I will continue to use Cambridge to maintain my nutrition after giving birth F9cvfKTJdQk-00050-00017524-00017722 With Cambridge 3 months postpartum I look lighter F9cvfKTJdQk-00051-00017740-00018244 Then I have a healthy body to accompany my children to grow up F9cvfKTJdQk-00052-00018262-00018496 Looking forward to become a hot mama~ FrdVNWAKoD0-00000-00000000-00000200 I am on the bus again. FrhA87MmYWA-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? FrhA87MmYWA-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer FrhA87MmYWA-00002-00000936-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is FrhA87MmYWA-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service FrhA87MmYWA-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else FrhA87MmYWA-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation FrhA87MmYWA-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii FrhA87MmYWA-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are FrhA87MmYWA-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now FrhA87MmYWA-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service Ft5POOk0m0Y-00000-00000928-00001454 Today, in respect of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Ft5POOk0m0Y-00001-00001512-00002767 Exactly 82 years ago in 1938, he died at exactly 9:05 am Ft5POOk0m0Y-00002-00002767-00004000 We will check his best 15 quotes and see what they mean in English Ft5POOk0m0Y-00003-00004000-00004576 Because we can not react to them in Turkish language Ft5POOk0m0Y-00004-00004576-00005440 We have heard a few of these quotes in school before...I know one Ft5POOk0m0Y-00005-00005440-00006360 "Peace at home, peace in the world"...That means I know two. "I am not commanding you to fight, I a commanding you to die" Ft5POOk0m0Y-00006-00006646-00007231 I don't know if they are gonna be part of his best quotes but we will see Ft5POOk0m0Y-00007-00007231-00008147 Ataturk still lives on in our minds, he lives on forever Ft5POOk0m0Y-00008-00008159-00008584 Let's get into the video Ft5POOk0m0Y-00009-00009570-00009864 I remember this Ft5POOk0m0Y-00010-00009969-00010416 when he was trying to fixwesternization Ft5POOk0m0Y-00011-00013008-00013152 That is still about secularism Ft5POOk0m0Y-00012-00013824-00015016 When he was trying to reform Turkey, The major things were Ft5POOk0m0Y-00013-00015080-00015791 secularism, technology,economy and all of that Ft5POOk0m0Y-00014-00015863-00016440 i think all these quotes arejust based on the things he did Ft5POOk0m0Y-00015-00016794-00017469 Maybe about the things he noticed were needed to be done Ft5POOk0m0Y-00016-00022008-00022853 To be honest, this is my favorite... Ft5POOk0m0Y-00017-00022853-00023464 I don't think a country should be ruled based on religion...I'm sorry some people may not like this Ft5POOk0m0Y-00018-00023520-00024367 i don't think a country should be ruled based onreligion...because in some places Ft5POOk0m0Y-00019-00024367-00025129 Religion puts some people in a box and affects the way they think Ft5POOk0m0Y-00020-00025272-00026537 It's okay to practice religion, but I think it should not interfere other realities of life Ft5POOk0m0Y-00021-00026537-00026783 Also you should not force it on other people Ft5POOk0m0Y-00022-00028553-00029583 The Turkish Army follow this word till today..."If you don't strike, we won't strike" Ft5POOk0m0Y-00023-00029583-00030358 That's true I remember Ft5POOk0m0Y-00024-00030504-00031120 That's a modern way of thinking Ft5POOk0m0Y-00025-00031120-00032389 He brought a difference between the old way and the new way Ft5POOk0m0Y-00026-00034561-00034761 So he means we have seen him Ft5POOk0m0Y-00027-00034761-00035841 You don't to see me Physically, once you understand my legacies, you have seen me Ft5POOk0m0Y-00028-00035952-00036155 So it means everyone has seen him, those who understand his legacies Ft5POOk0m0Y-00029-00036155-00036483 Some people even think he is the bad guy Ft5POOk0m0Y-00030-00036568-00037201 You know some people are against his ideas Ft5POOk0m0Y-00031-00039000-00039600 This was his last speech Ft5POOk0m0Y-00032-00039600-00039907 This is a fact Ft5POOk0m0Y-00033-00040868-00041536 He was so passionate about civilization Ft5POOk0m0Y-00034-00041808-00042217 it's actually a benefit right's a huge benefit Ft5POOk0m0Y-00035-00042608-00043112 But sorry, if not for Ataturk Ft5POOk0m0Y-00036-00043112-00043619 I can not imagine how Turkey would be now Ft5POOk0m0Y-00037-00043619-00044288 I might not be here now...We may not feel comfortable coming to a place where there is no secularism Ft5POOk0m0Y-00038-00044288-00045662 Also we may not be free to practice our religion Ft5POOk0m0Y-00039-00045662-00046296 Some people have tried to force their religion on me but not in an aggressive way Ft5POOk0m0Y-00040-00048885-00049190 What's that? I don't understand Ft5POOk0m0Y-00041-00049190-00050796 This was when he was trying to demolish the sultanate and caliphate Ft5POOk0m0Y-00042-00051000-00051288 This is what I remember Ft5POOk0m0Y-00043-00051512-00052058 I remember this in one of our Ataturk courses Ft5POOk0m0Y-00044-00052058-00052697 There was no "we work for" it was just directly "peace at home, peace in the world" Ft5POOk0m0Y-00045-00052728-00053380 I think this is probably the original one Ft5POOk0m0Y-00046-00055292-00056489 During this period, there were a lot of people that believed so much in religion, I wonder how he handled the pressure Ft5POOk0m0Y-00047-00056489-00057074 They probably saw him as the devil, but this is so true Ft5POOk0m0Y-00048-00057074-00058160 Imagine Japan, China and America, they all invested in science Ft5POOk0m0Y-00049-00058696-00059343 what's "Sheikhs"? They are also religions leaders Ft5POOk0m0Y-00050-00059742-00060854 70% of what he said is about civilization Ft5POOk0m0Y-00051-00062272-00062967 This is a leader, we watched this video...really? Ft5POOk0m0Y-00052-00062967-00063584 yes we reacted to a video where he said this before Ft5POOk0m0Y-00053-00065000-00065800 When he was fighting for gender equality Ft5POOk0m0Y-00054-00065800-00065959 He is truly a leader Ft5POOk0m0Y-00055-00068890-00069308 This sounds like a motivation speech Ft5POOk0m0Y-00056-00069496-00070072 This was when they were about to go into a war Ft5POOk0m0Y-00057-00070072-00070876 Maybe a final battle, this is actually a motivating quote Ft5POOk0m0Y-00058-00072432-00073829 Basically, everything I said should be verified with science Ft5POOk0m0Y-00059-00074344-00074888 There was nothing like science then, right? There was science...see the trains Ft5POOk0m0Y-00060-00074888-00076529 Weapons and artillery and cannons Ft5POOk0m0Y-00061-00076747-00077644 Just imagine they did not invest in science, will they be where they are today? Ft5POOk0m0Y-00062-00077644-00078709 I don't think so...It is impossible Ft5POOk0m0Y-00063-00078709-00079145 Imagine still fighting with swords and horses Ft5POOk0m0Y-00064-00079145-00079474 They won't even get near the enemy Ft5POOk0m0Y-00065-00079488-00079984 i think it's one of the things affecting our country Ft5POOk0m0Y-00066-00079984-00080734 The investment is going into their pockets...Ataturk made a great change Ft5POOk0m0Y-00067-00080734-00081516 Respect to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Ft5POOk0m0Y-00068-00082504-00083141 Those are Ataturk's best 15 quotes...what's your best quote? Ft5POOk0m0Y-00069-00083141-00083398 My best is the last one Ft5POOk0m0Y-00070-00083440-00084024 My best is the one when he talked about civilization Ft5POOk0m0Y-00071-00084272-00084684 He also talked about religion Ft5POOk0m0Y-00072-00084720-00085103 I think it was No. 13 Ft5POOk0m0Y-00073-00085103-00085895 You mean the one where he said "A ruler that rules with religion is a weak ruler"? Ft5POOk0m0Y-00074-00085895-00086565 His quote about gender equality stood out for me because it was only once Ft5POOk0m0Y-00075-00086565-00086781 I loved almost all of them Ft5POOk0m0Y-00076-00086848-00087266 The one that stood out for me was the equality quote Ft5POOk0m0Y-00077-00087266-00088384 Thanks for watching...Rest In Peace Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and till we see next time...Peace! FwTPX3JZ0oc-00000-00006966-00007330 This journey aims to be an encouraging glance to the future. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00001-00007344-00007758 <i>Although being used to living in a society for which only a gray future is expected </i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00002-00007973-00008342 <i>we are living a moment of social change that encouraged us to find out</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00003-00008358-00008612 <i>if the utopia we were hearing about was possible to create.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00004-00009096-00009336 <i>This journey is a research and an encounter,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00005-00009414-00009736 <i>a journey of researches and encounters,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00006-00009790-00010084 <i>based on our own concerns and questions,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00007-00010084-00010424 <i>and a journey of answers and ideas about a harmed planet</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00008-00010424-00010652 <i>and a reality that worries us.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00009-00011725-00012206 Since childhood, a dishonest way of life is imposed to us FwTPX3JZ0oc-00010-00012206-00012636 an atrocious one. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00011-00013004-00013458 We are facing one of capitalism's crisis, but we are also facing a mankind crisis. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00012-00013522-00013890 In this case we are facing a crisis of civilization FwTPX3JZ0oc-00013-00013890-00014297 A crisis in the most basic principles of human condition. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00014-00014500-00014824 People know the system we live in is completely in ruins and what they do is FwTPX3JZ0oc-00015-00014824-00015138 repaint the facade of it and make fun of those who are laying the groundwork to FwTPX3JZ0oc-00016-00015138-00015590 build a new house, because the one we have right now is falling apart. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00017-00016000-00016480 I think things can be done the right way and that in the long term only a system FwTPX3JZ0oc-00018-00016480-00016764 built the right way will survive. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00019-00016784-00017016 The system will self-regulate, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00020-00017016-00017386 it will collapse until we find something that works right and this FwTPX3JZ0oc-00021-00017386-00017628 will constantly evolve and change. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00022-00017690-00018066 That's why there will always be difficulties. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00023-00018066-00018570 It's a continuous fight, but we must fight toward what we like and believe in. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00024-00019210-00019678 Our species developed from animal to human because of our capacity to develop FwTPX3JZ0oc-00025-00019678-00020218 support and cooperate with each other. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00026-00020218-00020456 Other animal species have developed such skills FwTPX3JZ0oc-00027-00020456-00020760 but humans have developed them in an enormous way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00028-00020760-00020960 Our species is the most social one. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00029-00021290-00021700 Capitalism destroys what makes us human. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00030-00021891-00022380 Progress means moving forward, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00031-00022380-00022850 but, in order to know if we are moving forward FwTPX3JZ0oc-00032-00022850-00023168 the right way we need some references: Progress compared to what? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00033-00023168-00023520 The majority of society thought they were moving forward, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00034-00023520-00024038 thought the country was becoming more european, that infrastructures FwTPX3JZ0oc-00035-00024038-00024440 were being built, that the GDP was growing FwTPX3JZ0oc-00036-00024440-00024938 that it was easier to get access to education or a health service, that people were becoming richer... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00037-00024938-00025138 That meant progress. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00038-00025138-00025560 But what has actually happened is the opposite. We're moving backwards FwTPX3JZ0oc-00039-00025627-00026018 in terms of basic human life aspects. If we focus on these basic aspects, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00040-00026018-00026722 like the quality of social relationships, culture, the capacity of taking care of ourselves, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00041-00026766-00027050 relation with ecosystems and nature, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00042-00027050-00027452 which are the ones that would allow us to FwTPX3JZ0oc-00043-00027452-00027752 come up with an actual progress criteria, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00044-00027752-00027900 we have been moving backwards. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00045-00027950-00028282 The current system, capitalism, liberal-productivism FwTPX3JZ0oc-00046-00028282-00028594 brings us to the dilemma of growth. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00047-00028595-00028858 It can no longer grow because there aren't enough FwTPX3JZ0oc-00048-00028858-00029133 natural resources for all of us. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00049-00029202-00029389 but it cannot degrow because there is nothing FwTPX3JZ0oc-00050-00029432-00029744 worse than a degrowing growing economy: that's called a recession FwTPX3JZ0oc-00051-00029864-00030032 what is happening right now with the economic crisis. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00052-00030032-00030405 We need a new way to help us out from this dilemma. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00053-00030410-00030958 Growing more is ecologically impossible and a social recession is impossible FwTPX3JZ0oc-00054-00030958-00031144 because it's injustice. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00055-00031144-00031502 So we find two injustices to overcome: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00056-00031504-00031742 environmental injustice and social injustice. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00057-00031742-00032300 That's why capitalism is a system we must overcome FwTPX3JZ0oc-00058-00032300-00032656 one way or another, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00059-00032656-00033200 the best way to do so is by re-location FwTPX3JZ0oc-00060-00033200-00033600 which means practicing locally FwTPX3JZ0oc-00061-00033600-00034015 the changes that will one day take place in the global system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00062-00034038-00034518 There is a philosophical movement, which figures in the Constitution FwTPX3JZ0oc-00063-00034518-00034968 of Bolivia and that Uruguay President Mujica refers to, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00064-00034968-00035250 called "Philosophy of Good Life" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00065-00035250-00035528 and that is completely different FwTPX3JZ0oc-00066-00035528-00036072 to the way of life we are used to, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00067-00036072-00036272 and that doesn´t really make us happy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00068-00036272-00036900 A different way of life that entails a smoother relationship FwTPX3JZ0oc-00069-00036900-00037364 between humans and with the environment. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00070-00037364-00038084 I think this philosophical movement will be the one that is more preached about, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00071-00038084-00038570 since younger generations don´t want a future like the one we are passing on to them. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00072-00038570-00038790 They want something completely different. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00073-00040010-00040282 <i>After many hours on the road, we are arriving to Matavenero,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00074-00040362-00040684 <i>and ecovillage in the mountains of Valle del Bierzo.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00075-00040768-00041028 <i>In 1989, a group of people</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00076-00041028-00041248 <i>decided to rebuild the town,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00077-00041248-00041480 <i>which had been abandoned 20 years earlier.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00078-00042404-00043060 When people first got here about 22-23 years ago there was nothing here, barely a few trees. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00079-00043062-00043430 They started to work, started to live in tipis. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00080-00043482-00043866 And years after that, when I got here, they lived in houses. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00081-00043866-00044398 We started rebuilding the houses that were in ruins (the town had its land registry) FwTPX3JZ0oc-00082-00044436-00044828 whose owners we don´t know FwTPX3JZ0oc-00083-00045286-00045538 and who have never come back to tell me they used to live here. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00084-00045538-00045874 But some people have come back and have FwTPX3JZ0oc-00085-00045874-00046136 told us stuff like "I used to live there, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00086-00046136-00046356 and here lived this other person", etc. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00087-00046356-00046728 and when these people come back they are usually happy that there is life in town 'cause FwTPX3JZ0oc-00088-00046728-00047256 a lot of stories and lives have been spent here, broken lives and broken down houses FwTPX3JZ0oc-00089-00047256-00047800 and when they come back here after some years and see the situation, they really appreciate it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00090-00047800-00048268 It was great when people first got here FwTPX3JZ0oc-00091-00048268-00048740 'cause the town burnt down ten years earlier. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00092-00048740-00049236 The bushes and trees we have now weren't here, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00093-00049236-00049646 and they brought a lot of plants, medicinal plants, fruit trees, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00094-00049646-00049898 and they all grew and this FwTPX3JZ0oc-00095-00049898-00050305 is the result after 23 years. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00096-00050305-00050662 Decisions have always been made here through a deliberative assembly. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00097-00050662-00051204 There are no hierarchies and yet Matavenero is a legal town, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00098-00051204-00051698 with its neighborhood board, district, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00099-00051698-00052067 there is a Mayor,a burser, a vice-president, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00100-00052067-00052688 but that only works externally.Inside the town, the Mayor is just like everybody else FwTPX3JZ0oc-00101-00052688-00052986 Assemblies are not easy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00102-00052986-00053272 and when I went to see the assemblies that were organized for the 15M Movement FwTPX3JZ0oc-00103-00053272-00053752 I noticed they were just like ours: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00104-00054032-00054255 a lot of people trying to agree about something, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00105-00054255-00054774 which seems like something nice FwTPX3JZ0oc-00106-00054774-00055017 but is not easy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00107-00055017-00055438 That´s why in day-to-day life and after many years it's not easy, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00108-00055438-00055805 and one must do a personal inner effort FwTPX3JZ0oc-00109-00055805-00056104 to get around in this system, it's a highly elaborate one which FwTPX3JZ0oc-00110-00056104-00056554 requires a certain type of values FwTPX3JZ0oc-00111-00056554-00056805 and a certain capacity, and that´s not easy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00112-00056805-00057229 I came here because something didn´t feel right. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00113-00057229-00057714 I worked as a hair dresser for 6 years and came to a point where I thought FwTPX3JZ0oc-00114-00057714-00058114 What am I doing? What´s going on?... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00115-00058114-00058400 What am I going to do in life?, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00116-00058400-00058729 am I getting married, having kids... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00117-00058729-00058934 paying a mortgage? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00118-00059146-00059450 No, no. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00119-00059450-00059805 And then I came to visit a friend here FwTPX3JZ0oc-00120-00059805-00060196 and realized how special the town was, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00121-00060196-00060686 what interesting things they were talking about, self-sufficiency, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00122-00060686-00061294 about a group, about sharing, creating, utopia, about everything that could FwTPX3JZ0oc-00123-00061294-00061658 and can be done with collective strength. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00124-00061658-00062446 There was a boom, a euphoric moment in Matavenero FwTPX3JZ0oc-00125-00062446-00062924 I´m really glad I witnessed, when everything was possible. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00126-00062924-00063490 I came here 10 years ago. Back then I was a teacher FwTPX3JZ0oc-00127-00063490-00064128 in public schools and began learning FwTPX3JZ0oc-00128-00064128-00064405 about ecovillages in Spain. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00129-00064405-00064866 I met people who lived here in Matavenero and who told me about the project FwTPX3JZ0oc-00130-00064866-00065366 I wanted to experience what it is to work in a free school, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00131-00065366-00065660 with kids who are granted a different education FwTPX3JZ0oc-00132-00065660-00066210 and are living in a completely different environment. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00133-00066222-00066844 I quit my job, packed my bags and came here to live FwTPX3JZ0oc-00134-00066844-00067144 a new experience as a teacher. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00135-00067220-00067512 <i>Cuke tells us about a free school where the little ones</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00136-00067512-00067874 <i>apart from studying the basic subjects, learn about certain professions</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00137-00067874-00068162 <i>sand set their own goals.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00138-00068206-00068550 <i>Moreover,they learn about the environment and about nature,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00139-00068572-00069050 <i>ecological farming,construction, handcrafts, and even circus and music.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00140-00069150-00069512 <i>Some of these kids will leave and others, as many of them,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00141-00069512-00069712 <i>have done already, will be a part of the town´s economy.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00142-00070020-00070400 <i>Ecogolical farming, the common water system and solar energy</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00143-00070400-00070752 <i>are the main components of Matavenero´s self sufficiency.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00144-00070790-00071000 Comfort here is a side issue, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00145-00071150-00071596 but your life style here does not impact the outside. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00146-00071596-00072000 You have your own water, house, heat FwTPX3JZ0oc-00147-00072000-00072470 forests alive and have your wood, you have your solar system FwTPX3JZ0oc-00148-00072470-00072996 and water the plants with your own water. So there are no expenses. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00149-00072996-00073450 And people from the outside have to pay more and more FwTPX3JZ0oc-00150-00073450-00074080 and depend on somebody else. That is how we are more independent. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00151-00074100-00074530 What has saved us is that the "great progress" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00152-00074530-00075140 that was promised to people hasn´t reached our town. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00153-00075140-00075290 we don´t want roads to be built. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00154-00075290-00075590 Sometimes people come and ask "why don´t you want your ground paved?" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00155-00075648-00076272 A lot of times I go up and down town with the drums and the kids and it´s FwTPX3JZ0oc-00156-00076272-00076840 very tiring but if there were a road here I wouldn´t be living here. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00157-00076972-00077568 After some years you realize this is not an experiment, but a solid project. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00158-00077568-00078152 And you see people here in their late 20´s who were raised here, and you see 1 and 5 year olds. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00159-00078170-00078544 The Matavenero family is enormous FwTPX3JZ0oc-00160-00078600-00078958 and coming here has an effect on everyone. You come here for a certain time, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00161-00078958-00079280 a life time, a week, two months or as long as you want to. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00162-00079400-00079672 Whatever your choice is. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00163-00080620-00080890 <i>We are headed to a very different ecovillage now.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00164-00080906-00081190 <i>It is located a few meters away from the town of Valdepiélagos,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00165-00081190-00081432 <i>so inhabitants from both villages have a tight relationship.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00166-00081454-00081632 <i>The ecovillage was built in Madrid</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00167-00081632-00081974 <i>as a housing co-op in 1996,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00168-00082000-00082292 when a group of eco-sensible people<i></i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00169-00082292-00082620 <i>decided to unite and build this group of houses</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00170-00082620-00082908 <i>trying not to damage nature.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00171-00082980-00083432 <i>The group's efforts and their will to create a healthy</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00172-00083432-00083942 <i>environment resulted in a 30 house neighborhood</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00173-00083942-00084302 <i>based on environmental design and the use of green building materials.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00174-00084302-00084602 <i>Moreover, workshops are offered, like the ones that are a part of</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00175-00084602-00085010 <i>the "Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas de España" ecovillage network.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00176-00085030-00085280 The problem we have found with the land FwTPX3JZ0oc-00177-00085280-00085978 is that when it's coded, the price of it is very expensive, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00178-00085978-00086348 so it is an impasse,and since young people don't have money FwTPX3JZ0oc-00179-00086348-00086830 they're leaving to the Pyrenees where land costs less money. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00180-00086830-00087262 The land in the Community of Madrid is expensive, so there aren't many building projects FwTPX3JZ0oc-00181-00087262-00087784 and the people who are more eco-sensible are those who have less money, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00182-00087784-00088482 young people who don't have a lot of money. People who have money are now used to the system and not interested in all of this FwTPX3JZ0oc-00183-00088488-00088838 or say that these ideas are for young people and dreamers. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00184-00088838-00089200 Sometimes we don´t realize that we are focused on finishing our studies, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00185-00089200-00089586 getting a good job, earning 2,000 euros and thinking that that will make us happy for sure. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00186-00089586-00090046 There are other possibilities we have to stop to look at; FwTPX3JZ0oc-00187-00090046-00090452 maybe earning less money, but being in the environment you want to be in, doing the job you love, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00188-00090452-00090784 with the people you love, eating the food you want to eat. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00189-00090784-00091452 That's what a lot of young people who are leaving to the countryside have in mind right now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00190-00092156-00092836 <i>Between 1950 and 1975 the villagers migrated to the cities, and most of them were young.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00191-00092872-00093200 <i>They fled because of the economic crisis in rural areas,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00192-00093200-00093588 <i>because machinery was installed in farming and because work was demanded in the big cities.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00193-00093660-00093970 <i>Neo-ruralization or urban exodus</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00194-00093992-00094490 <i>means turning back to practices like farming, handicrafts and other traditional professions</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00195-00094510-00095028 <i>from the old towns that were abandoned and sum up to almost 3000 in Spain.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00196-00095226-00095784 <i>If each town was dwelled with 200 people, more than 500,000 people</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00197-00095784-00096208 <i>would have a house, and more tools to survive.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00198-00096352-00096664 <i>The encounters of Pobladores Rurales in Spain,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00199-00096664-00096906 <i>a rural dweller´s meeting,are proof of urban exodus increasing.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00200-00096940-00097594 What can we do about this? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00201-00097594-00098156 We either flee forward frantically like the government FwTPX3JZ0oc-00202-00098156-00098530 and financial institutions want us to do, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00203-00098538-00099142 or we figure out a new way to connect with the world, the environment and those around us. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00204-00099194-00099900 So the only way I identify with and consider the right one FwTPX3JZ0oc-00205-00099920-00100198 is the theory of degrowth, according to which we must FwTPX3JZ0oc-00206-00100198-00100546 reduce consumption and production drastically. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00207-00100610-00101362 Degrowth is not something new. It was born with political ecology 40 years ago. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00208-00101362-00101944 An economist said in the 70's that whoever believes in infinite growth FwTPX3JZ0oc-00209-00101944-00102294 on a finite planet is either mad or an economist. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00210-00102294-00102822 And things are the same nowadays. For instance, if the world's population FwTPX3JZ0oc-00211-00102822-00103428 lived as the Spanish population does, we would need three planets. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00212-00103470-00104100 Our planet does not have the resources needed to feed or lodge everyone FwTPX3JZ0oc-00213-00104100-00104509 if we all follow the same lifestyle that is followed in the West. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00214-00104520-00105098 It's ecologically impossible. That's what degrowth states: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00215-00105132-00105542 infinite growth on a finite planet is not possible. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00216-00105542-00106046 Therefore, we must trace out other ways of life FwTPX3JZ0oc-00217-00106046-00106620 to live happily on a finite planet and respect these ecological boundaries. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00218-00106656-00107102 We must disidentify with the ideas of consumption and happiness and wellbeing FwTPX3JZ0oc-00219-00107102-00107559 of consumption and happiness and wellbeing that have been given to us. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00220-00107559-00108150 The way to do so is by putting together our societies, taking on a more austere way of life FwTPX3JZ0oc-00221-00108150-00108802 and focusing on social life, job distribution, creative leisure, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00222-00108802-00109311 making many infrastructures smaller and regaining local life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00223-00109311-00109996 This theory must be understood in a context of nature and justice. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00224-00109996-00110326 You might say "life in the city is more comfortable than in the countryside". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00225-00110326-00110759 That's true in many cases, but it's more comfortable at the expense of destroying the planet FwTPX3JZ0oc-00226-00110759-00111334 and having an 80% world's population that's poor,extremely poor or starving. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00227-00111482-00112078 And we think that the steps we are FwTPX3JZ0oc-00228-00112078-00112446 taking by repopulating old towns FwTPX3JZ0oc-00229-00112446-00112546 are simple steps, but they are firm. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00230-00112546-00112808 Steps that are getting somewhere. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00231-00112808-00113230 Rural life has many purposes; reducing the impact on the environment FwTPX3JZ0oc-00232-00113230-00113880 reducing transportation infrastructures, relocalizing productive activity. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00233-00113880-00114474 We think that creative and liberating leisure is very important FwTPX3JZ0oc-00234-00114474-00115050 People who live in the countryside learn, at least I did, how the value FwTPX3JZ0oc-00235-00115050-00115483 of time changes during your first years here compared to the value of it in the city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00236-00115483-00116004 What us who are coming to live to the countryside must figure out is the way to contribute FwTPX3JZ0oc-00237-00116004-00116494 to each other in different ways and evolve in this attained independence. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00238-00116914-00117546 <i>We're discovering new ways to bring life back into these towns.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00239-00117546-00117833 <i>One of them is by squatting the abandoned ones. In Ibort and Aineto, in Huesca,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00240-00117833-00118370 <i>this procedure has been legalized through the association Artiboiran.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00241-00118661-00119155 <i>Salentinos, in León, had only two inhabitants when a family</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00242-00119155-00119528 <i>decided to buy and restore an old house here to settle.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00243-00120283-00120808 One of our goals is to regain life in town. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00244-00120840-00121468 This is not a commuter town, what we want is to bring back a traditional life style, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00245-00121468-00122611 farming, animal breeding and the way of life that was lost hastily. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00246-00122722-00123674 Although not based on the industrial farming way, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00247-00123674-00124338 but a different rural life style. That's what we need, among other things, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00248-00124338-00125254 I think it's necessary to return to the countryside, because it has been abandoned. It's being destroyed. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00249-00125254-00125756 And living in times of crisis is making people come back and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00250-00125806-00126461 that's how I think it should be, it's always been an option FwTPX3JZ0oc-00251-00126461-00126854 and I think it's what we need right now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00252-00127400-00127880 We do not know about the feeling of stress that has been growing in the cities over the past few years. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00253-00127918-00129004 Maybe we don't need things like going to see a psychologist so often. "You just go for a run". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00254-00129004-00130133 Of course, because it's a different lifestyle. We don't suffer from the shock they have been suffering from in the city and well, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00255-00130240-00131332 we now realize that's a perk. We also realize that the people from the city feel the need to ask FwTPX3JZ0oc-00256-00131365-00132108 themselves what they are doing there, and there is a different lifestyle that is possible, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00257-00132108-00132632 not so material or selfish... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00258-00132632-00133346 Clearly, small towns are in a better situation FwTPX3JZ0oc-00259-00133346-00133758 than they were 25 years ago. It's easier now than it was then. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00260-00133758-00134572 When we first got here we didn't have a possibility to have a computer, or to access the Internet. Or a road. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00261-00134572-00135080 People who come to towns nowadays do have an option to these things. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00262-00135080-00135992 People left the countryside 50 years ago because it was understood that the city could offer a better life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00263-00135992-00136630 The scenario was more free, life was flowing and was easier. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00264-00136666-00136918 I am affraid that today we must critically FwTPX3JZ0oc-00265-00136918-00137138 think this over because FwTPX3JZ0oc-00266-00137138-00137562 of the main economic problems,social exclusion, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00267-00137562-00138106 extreme exploitation in the urban system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00268-00138130-00138626 Degrowth entails "reruralization", FwTPX3JZ0oc-00269-00138626-00139326 which means reviewing the life in the city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00270-00139326-00139804 Transportation systems and railway speed are. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00271-00139804-00140160 clearly linked to city's getting bigger. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00272-00140160-00140966 These trains bring cities together turning the countryside into deserts. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00273-00140966-00141704 We must take this crisis as something positive to make us rethink about FwTPX3JZ0oc-00274-00141704-00142360 urban settlement,the industrial model, which I think has reached its limits. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00275-00142360-00142938 The countryside is there, its a choice and its crying for support. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00276-00147052-00147776 The project started many years ago.A group of young boys, that's what we still are, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00277-00147776-00148574 decided to buy some land and build simple houses FwTPX3JZ0oc-00278-00148600-00149082 and see what we could contribute with, common and not common ideas, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00279-00149082-00149716 keeping our own identity and some minimum respect and green criteria FwTPX3JZ0oc-00280-00149716-00150164 that could make relationships and projects work out. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00281-00150164-00150668 When people come and spend a month what we hope for is that people FwTPX3JZ0oc-00282-00150668-00151038 realize the difference between what they think and feel, what things we FwTPX3JZ0oc-00283-00151038-00151578 don't want in life and if they do want them they're going to have to digest FwTPX3JZ0oc-00284-00151578-00151860 it and change their point of view about it, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00285-00151860-00152642 because we are dragged into working,into banks, and into a lifestyle we're stuck with and that FwTPX3JZ0oc-00286-00152642-00153170 doesn't allow this. What I mean is the difference between the life we live and the ideal life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00287-00153170-00153420 It's one thing to imagine what would be okay and another thing is how we actually feel. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00288-00153420-00153842 <i>Among the workshops here for kids and adults</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00289-00153842-00154370 <i>there is green building, water and sewage treatment and renewable energy.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00290-00154520-00155210 <i>They also focus on social bonding through camps, group dynamics and emotion managing.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00291-00155210-00155740 <i>They´re also involved in taking care of the land, green growth and permaculture.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00292-00155818-00156538 Permaculture is a pun from permanent and culture; trying to create a culture which is permament in time. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00293-00156538-00157512 It takes information from a lot of techniques,combines them to design ecosystems, relationships and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00294-00157512-00158056 infrastructures. It's a whole philosphy about the idea of creating a permanent culture. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00295-00158090-00158674 Permaculture is understanding, observing the environment, reality. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00296-00158674-00159756 The way we see the world nowadays is inherited from the Reductionist position of Newton and Descartes, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00297-00159756-00160096 so we have a reducted point of view: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00298-00160096-00160694 we focused on the parts and broke apart from the context and the relationship with it all. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00299-00160694-00161228 This point of view has succeeded in the mechanical world FwTPX3JZ0oc-00300-00161228-00161948 but has failed in relation to living beings: polluted aquifers, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00301-00161948-00162430 intoxicated food systems, soil erosion‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00302-00162430-00163240 A large amount of problems, or environmental impact, that are threatening our livelihood. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00303-00163260-00163990 This was explained very well by Lynn Margulis when she said that was is waste for some is food for others, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00304-00163990-00164402 and that's what permaculture is based on: the flow of matter and energy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00305-00164402-00164830 Nowadays we see reality in either a linear or a Reduccionist perspective, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00306-00164830-00165246 so we have food and waste, and this waste must generate either FwTPX3JZ0oc-00307-00165246-00165588 work or pollution, and from the point of view of permaculture FwTPX3JZ0oc-00308-00165588-00166046 it's an opportunity, a resource. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00309-00166240-00166668 It's understanding how nature works in order to intervene in it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00310-00166668-00166900 Humans have tried to control it all FwTPX3JZ0oc-00311-00166900-00167066 and to teach nature how it should be. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00312-00167066-00167478 Capitalism is brutal in terms of extraction, production and consumption FwTPX3JZ0oc-00313-00167478-00167780 and through permaculture we try to follow nature's rhythm, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00314-00167780-00168226 a calmer one,that entails less consumption and is different. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00315-00168226-00168580 What we have here is a blend between permaculture and organic farming FwTPX3JZ0oc-00316-00168600-00169312 and we support biodiversity within our gardens FwTPX3JZ0oc-00317-00169312-00170012 and try to grow a rich ground like the one forests used to have, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00318-00170012-00170430 or still have and when there is a large biodiversity a healthy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00319-00170430-00170852 ecosystem is generated and we get good crops. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00320-00170852-00171344 Green building is based on 3 elements. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00321-00171344-00172078 The first one is, as I say, building according to the traditional way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00322-00172078-00172296 Why is the traditional way so important? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00323-00172296-00173012 Because of the use of local material: stone,wood, sand, lime, soil‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00324-00173012-00173380 all of which was used in a cooperative way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00325-00173420-00174116 The second one, which is probably the most trendy one right now is solar energy for panels, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00326-00174116-00174754 heating water, choose a good position for the house FwTPX3JZ0oc-00327-00174754-00175014 It's like designing a house to make it use as little energy as possible FwTPX3JZ0oc-00328-00175014-00175292 and make sure whatever energy that will be consumed will be a renewable one. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00329-00175292-00175798 The third principle and the most ignored one, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00330-00175798-00175954 which is the most important to me, is health; FwTPX3JZ0oc-00331-00175954-00176522 creating a healthy space by studying the land your building over and its geopathies; FwTPX3JZ0oc-00332-00176522-00176900 roundwater, faul or artificial alterations, electromagnetic fields, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00333-00176900-00177722 high voltage power lines, home appliances, toxic substances in construction materials. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00334-00177722-00178030 The idea is to build a healhy house. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00335-00178030-00178572 We like green roofs because we give back to the land the square meters we take away from it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00336-00178572-00179368 It doesn't mean that much here but if done in big cities, the more vegetation there is the more pollution FwTPX3JZ0oc-00337-00179368-00180032 it will suck in because of the way plants breathe and the surrounding areas will be refreshed. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00338-00180032-00180356 If the roof is well built with soil and correct insulation that FwTPX3JZ0oc-00339-00180356-00180900 acts like a thermal buffer the house will be warmer. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00340-00180944-00181420 The point is, how do we make these changes in a society that does not allow change? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00341-00181420-00181620 How to manage all these things at once? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00342-00181662-00182172 That's what scares us. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00343-00185332-00185806 <i>We are delving into France toward Mas de Beaulieu, logistic base of Earth and Humanism,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00344-00185806-00186100 <i>an ideology free association.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00345-00186272-00186860 <i>Its humanistic actions are aimed toward security and food safety,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00346-00186860-00187236 <i>to preserve population's autonomy and survival.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00347-00187560-00188124 <i>It was founded by Pierre Rhabi: farmer, politician, writer, French philosopher of Algerian descent</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00348-00188146-00188448 <i>and one of the main precursors of organic farming.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00349-00189448-00189824 <i>He promotes a society that shows more respect for people and the Earth,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00350-00189824-00190391 <i>by teaching organic farming through several courses helped by volunteers</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00351-00190391-00190986 <i>who come here to learn about organic farming, apiculture, compostage and phytodepuration.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00352-00191857-00192248 Most of the people we receive here have in mind that the consumerist FwTPX3JZ0oc-00353-00192248-00192917 way of life that society puts forward is not for them,and they're looking for something else. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00354-00193046-00193585 That's why I'm glad to be working here. Back in the 80's there weren't many alternatives FwTPX3JZ0oc-00355-00193585-00194168 I could find when I wanted to think things over. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00356-00194190-00195090 At last there are places like this, ecovillages, etc. where people can discover new ways to engage FwTPX3JZ0oc-00357-00195090-00195862 in other activities, a different way of life, regarding energy, nature, work or human beings. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00358-00195862-00196394 nature, work or human beings. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00359-00196394-00197145 We must redefine two matters: food quality and food independence FwTPX3JZ0oc-00360-00197145-00197761 About the quality of the food, there´s no doubt that they are now denatured, containing nothing. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00361-00197761-00198130 they are now denatured, containing nothing. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00362-00198130-00198454 And so we see so many health problems in society. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00363-00198454-00199098 We live in a world where the agricultural and food systems are controled by a few corporations FwTPX3JZ0oc-00364-00199098-00199558 that seek their own benefit before society's benefit. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00365-00199558-00199984 So although food production is abundant FwTPX3JZ0oc-00366-00199984-00200552 never in History has there been such a high Production, FAO estimates production FwTPX3JZ0oc-00367-00200552-00200884 for 12 billion people but FwTPX3JZ0oc-00368-00200884-00201288 still 1 out of every 7 people in the world are hungry. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00369-00201288-00201810 It's hard to get access to the food. There is no democracy in the agricultural and system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00370-00201810-00202216 The seed market is controlled by a few companies; FwTPX3JZ0oc-00371-00202216-00202717 Montsanto, Carshil, Dupont, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00372-00202717-00203266 which have created a private business with seeds FwTPX3JZ0oc-00373-00203266-00203530 so farmers need to pay to get access to them. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00374-00203530-00203894 Transgenic food has been genetically modified FwTPX3JZ0oc-00375-00203894-00204338 to suit the market and the agricultural industry's interests. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00376-00204338-00204808 It's the best example of food privatization. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00377-00204808-00205338 This entails that farmers depend on the agricultural industry to go own FwTPX3JZ0oc-00378-00205338-00205688 with farming because they need to buy the material from the corporations. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00379-00205688-00206276 Modifying genes can have consequences over our health, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00380-00206276-00206921 and it also pollutes other crops because of wind, pollination. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00381-00206921-00207448 Starting on the first step of the agricultural chain, production, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00382-00207448-00208142 we realize how intensive it is, and how it´s destroying agrodiversity. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00383-00208142-00208588 75% of agrodiversity has disappeared in the last 100 years, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00384-00208588-00209226 and all the food we eat is starting to look alike and many FwTPX3JZ0oc-00385-00209226-00209680 autochthonous and diverse varieties are disappearing, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00386-00209680-00210102 so what happens if the ones that are left are affected by a disease or plague? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00387-00210102-00210362 This also generates insecurity. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00388-00210362-00210714 Governments, big corporations don´t care about agrodiversity, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00389-00210714-00211286 they are interested in controlling a few variety of species, patenting them, privatizing them, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00390-00211286-00211836 making us pay for them and make them be the most productive ones in the market if it suits their interests. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00391-00211836-00212469 The sector that generates a biggest climate impact, according to certain reports, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00392-00212469-00213008 like the ones from the Greim Research Center, 55% of the greenhouse effect FwTPX3JZ0oc-00393-00213008-00213452 is due to the current food production, distribution and consumption system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00394-00213452-00213769 It´s an agricultural system where FwTPX3JZ0oc-00395-00213769-00214108 food travels thousands of kilometers before being a part of our meals, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00396-00214108-00214417 that promotes shopping in big supermarkets FwTPX3JZ0oc-00397-00214417-00214850 that are sometimes far away from the city FwTPX3JZ0oc-00398-00214850-00215160 and need to be accessed by car. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00399-00215160-00215646 So if we add up all of the factors that are a part of the current agricultural model FwTPX3JZ0oc-00400-00215646-00216416 we come to the conclusion that they impact climate change and the greenhouse effect directly. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00401-00216432-00217034 We need to redefine what biological Farming means, a true natural farming. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00402-00217119-00217784 Organic farming, Agrobiology and permaculture are the terms that best suit this definition. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00403-00217928-00218450 Then there is autonomous farming. A lot of people now want to produce FwTPX3JZ0oc-00404-00218450-00219152 what they eat instead of depending on others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00405-00219160-00219948 The global response to autonomy has been proven in Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, and now in Cameroon. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00406-00219948-00220456 Places where Earth and Humanism is involved, where there are actions that support local towns FwTPX3JZ0oc-00407-00220456-00220980 that are in charge of local provisions,that has allowed them to develop independent farming. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00408-00221000-00221423 It must be a close agricultural model, based on short commerce circuits FwTPX3JZ0oc-00409-00221423-00221978 where producers and consumers have direct contact FwTPX3JZ0oc-00410-00221978-00222330 creating solidarity between the countryside and the city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00411-00222330-00222848 It implies a different type of farming, where the land is taken care of FwTPX3JZ0oc-00412-00222848-00223558 and the rural world is protected and so are those whose lives depend on the countryside. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00413-00223558-00223971 It implies an agricultural model at the service of people FwTPX3JZ0oc-00414-00223971-00224223 that respect ecosystems, which is just FwTPX3JZ0oc-00415-00224223-00224828 the opposite of the agricultural and food systems we have nowadays. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00416-00224832-00225644 Thinking this over at a global scale is necessary to save the planet, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00417-00225644-00226080 but to take on a global concrete action we must act locally. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00418-00226166-00226712 We cannot preach about big ideas we have not practiced before. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00419-00226740-00227396 Therefore, action must start locally, on local, social life, nature life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00420-00227400-00228319 Finding autonomy, living with nature, and once we find the right way FwTPX3JZ0oc-00421-00228319-00228660 to work we can expand it outwards. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00422-00228728-00229082 Organic farming has its social part. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00423-00229123-00229690 Organic farming is a global concept where everyone has a place, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00424-00229719-00230186 humans,animals, nature and what FwTPX3JZ0oc-00425-00230267-00230788 you grow in the garden. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00426-00230788-00231363 Organic farming is how we live together, it´s not just our biological gardens, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00427-00231363-00231748 not just "I don´t pollute my land", it´s how we live with others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00428-00231838-00232473 Things are getting serious in the planet, land is deteriorating, forests are disappearing, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00429-00232473-00233106 the seas are polluted, radioactivity is a disaster. We must act fast. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00430-00233106-00233736 But there has been a huge change compared to 20 or 30 years ago,when nobody cared about this. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00431-00233786-00234082 I was 16 and it was the first years in the 80´s, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00432-00234082-00234664 we were just a few, they thought we were fools, crazy‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00433-00234684-00235176 Everybody was thinking in Wall Street, money, big cars... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00434-00235176-00235940 And we were talking about ecology, we were 1 out of 1,000 or 10,000. It was a lot more difficult. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00435-00235940-00236608 Now, at least, there are more people who start to think about it, and some of them start to act. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00436-00236617-00237112 The day this thoughts will be in the minds of a big crowd in society FwTPX3JZ0oc-00437-00237112-00237406 will be the day we will push politicians to act. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00438-00240000-00240408 Here we are in Couiza, in the Aude department. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00439-00240408-00241090 This organic farming fair is top quality. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00440-00241128-00242023 The theme of these two days is "Biodiversity in Resistance" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00441-00242108-00242608 and it´s very appropriate because biodiversity is endangered FwTPX3JZ0oc-00442-00242608-00243460 because of industrial farming, economic development, transgenic food and climate change. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00443-00252917-00253400 International trade is never "bio", FwTPX3JZ0oc-00444-00253400-00253826 it´s a mutual moral destruction between countries. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00445-00253826-00254490 Here, most people reject the concept "bio" in the supermarkets. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00446-00254490-00255026 It seems tough because everyone should have access to "bio" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00447-00255026-00255858 but if we let it get controlled by big distribution it´s going to be completely disfigured. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00448-00255858-00256346 The context, the ecological and social planning, is not that of bio. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00449-00256346-00257010 We must understand big projects, what they are planning under the pretext of saving biodiversity FwTPX3JZ0oc-00450-00257010-00258062 when what they are actually doing is preparing financial instruments FwTPX3JZ0oc-00451-00258062-00258940 to give a value to all the ecosystems in the stock market. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00452-00258980-00259506 Under the green economy motto corporations are trying to create and operation system FwTPX3JZ0oc-00453-00259506-00260226 around services that are almost ecological. They are building an economy, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00454-00260226-00261004 in which financial speculation is involved with natural services and resources. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00455-00261004-00261548 Just another way to make money. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00456-00261548-00262140 One of the new incorporations of Neoclassical Economics FwTPX3JZ0oc-00457-00262144-00262446 is to reduce the concept of "value" to the concept of "price". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00458-00262446-00263066 The only economic objects with a value in economy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00459-00263066-00263372 are those that can be expressed through a currency. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00460-00263372-00263885 What happens then is that there are many things that are necessary for a worthy life FwTPX3JZ0oc-00461-00263885-00264374 and cannot be translated into money. You can´t put price to the water cycle, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00462-00264374-00264866 to the Ozone Layer, photosynthesis or FwTPX3JZ0oc-00463-00264866-00265176 soil fertility. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00464-00265210-00265836 Speculation with the price of food, within the trades, buying crops that haven´t grown FwTPX3JZ0oc-00465-00265836-00266148 yet makes prices rise, and there are countries like Kenya, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00466-00266148-00266600 Mexico, Morocco, Tunisia, etc. that are going through incredible famine. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00467-00266600-00266930 The same thing happens with water, petroleum, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00468-00266930-00267254 the air, CO2 emissions, etc. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00469-00267254-00267616 So we are going into a phase where capitalism has reached its limit. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00470-00267670-00268152 The only things that capitalism considers are those that produce an economic value, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00471-00268152-00268542 and there are many things that don´t create it, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00472-00268542-00269130 and economic value rises at the expense of destruction. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00473-00269130-00269696 GDP goes up when a river is polluted FwTPX3JZ0oc-00474-00269696-00269920 because you have to spend money to clean it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00475-00269920-00270516 A crisis like the one of the ship Prestige, 10 years ago, made the GDP rise. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00476-00270516-00270986 A war makes GDP rise because of the weapons FwTPX3JZ0oc-00477-00270986-00271294 and material for war that is sold. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00478-00271294-00271962 The pharmaceutical industries, for example, don´t make money off of health, but off of disease. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00479-00271962-00272644 The only reference they use to measure is money, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00480-00272714-00273206 and this is used to decide where economy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00481-00273206-00273810 is headed so we create an invisible universe FwTPX3JZ0oc-00482-00273810-00274080 that currency can´t see but that is essential for life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00483-00274164-00274920 If we want an ecological and socially fair economy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00484-00274920-00275336 both at a local and a global scale, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00485-00275336-00276022 we must decrease energy and material consumption. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00486-00276022-00276322 For instance, let´s focus on the importance FwTPX3JZ0oc-00487-00276322-00277088 of social goods, education, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00488-00277088-00277818 health, culture, another type of agriculture, another time of common goods. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00489-00277818-00278238 There are things you can´t make money off. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00490-00278294-00278810 Capitalism can´t make these necessary activities work correctly. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00491-00279000-00279440 Sustainable growth, green growth, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00492-00279440-00280094 is an alibi not to change the pillars of the system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00493-00280130-00280578 Civilizations must wake up‚ cause there is a level of cynicism FwTPX3JZ0oc-00494-00280578-00281536 I have never seen before, taking advantage of this new awareness FwTPX3JZ0oc-00495-00281536-00282320 in society and the desire of so many people to save the Earth for future generations, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00496-00282320-00283598 to then use it for their own secret purpose. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00497-00283642-00284282 Because we are living beings FwTPX3JZ0oc-00498-00284358-00284862 and I think that the effect of nature´s destruction FwTPX3JZ0oc-00499-00284862-00285328 on us goes further than the rational mind, we can feel it in our body. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00500-00285328-00285932 Because a civilization that is sacrificing future generations FwTPX3JZ0oc-00501-00285932-00286298 does not even deserve being called a civilization. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00502-00287430-00287938 <i>Permablitz was created in Barcelona with the purpose to bring permaculture close to local action.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00503-00287972-00288292 <i>The aim is to integrate permaculture not only in a small context</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00504-00288292-00288756 <i>but also to convince farmers about its benefits.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00505-00288842-00289090 <i>The company is formed by a team of transdisciplinary experts,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00506-00289090-00289313 <i>each of them contributing with something different.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00507-00289314-00289610 <i>As they told us, they would summarize their work</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00508-00289610-00289810 <i>into something like a polyhedron with several faces.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00509-00289810-00290112 <i>One can´t see them on their own, but they can together.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00510-00290112-00290708 The youths who we call the "lost generation" are waiting to see FwTPX3JZ0oc-00511-00290708-00291328 which roll or tasks they have to undertake, what will bring meaning to their lives. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00512-00291372-00291784 I think young people respond in a positive way to regenerative farming, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00513-00291784-00292086 that works with permaculture and towns in transition. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00514-00292086-00292540 The youths respond positively to this because it brings meaning to their lives. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00515-00292540-00292944 For instance, our group of seven has lived that experience, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00516-00292944-00293480 feeling passion, being excited about it, because it is wonderful FwTPX3JZ0oc-00517-00293480-00293892 to re-become a part of life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00518-00293892-00294368 Worries, global problems that are FwTPX3JZ0oc-00519-00294368-00295018 not only a matter of economics, but also of sociology and ecology FwTPX3JZ0oc-00520-00295018-00295322 also load that energy and that will to do something. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00521-00295322-00295724 My attitude had always been reactive or passive. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00522-00295724-00295862 I always expected things to happen. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00523-00295888-00296350 If you have the idea of doing something, the capacity and the right attitude FwTPX3JZ0oc-00524-00296350-00296962 you can make things happen. This frame also promotes entrepreneurism. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00525-00296962-00297412 It´s not just the idea of one who has to take the lead and risk it, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00526-00297412-00297860 it is a global movement which is also easier to do. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00527-00297905-00298390 We have to break the tendency of having an idea, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00528-00298390-00298860 patenting it and sealing it so you can make money off of it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00529-00298860-00299448 What we are promoting and what we are working FwTPX3JZ0oc-00530-00299448-00299724 for is for knowledge to be accessible to everyone, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00531-00299724-00300156 so everybody can be empowered and be a part of it, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00532-00300156-00300700 to create a network and by doing so interchanging experiences. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00533-00300700-00301202 One of the goals is also to increase common goods and the life quality FwTPX3JZ0oc-00534-00301202-00301866 of not just a few, to distribute wealth equally, which connects with the distribution of knowledge. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00535-00301866-00302294 We were involved in environmental projects related with carbon sequestration, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00536-00302294-00302980 on how to fix the atmosphere´s problem through farming and afforestation FwTPX3JZ0oc-00537-00303016-00303456 and little by little we say how NGO FwTPX3JZ0oc-00538-00303456-00303828 depend on corporations and governments. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00539-00303828-00304272 So we were shocked, we did not agree with the economic model FwTPX3JZ0oc-00540-00304272-00304636 that is only ruled by profit, but we borrow money from them. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00541-00304706-00305050 We can get organized, generate value and wealth FwTPX3JZ0oc-00542-00305050-00305600 that will help us to consolidate this way of life, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00543-00305600-00306332 the hybrid between corporation and NGO that would be the model of economy or "company of common goods". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00544-00306348-00306676 Our purpose is to offer high quality or high value food systems, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00545-00306756-00307076 beyond ecological ones, at competitive prices FwTPX3JZ0oc-00546-00307100-00307626 that don´t destroy ecosystems and regenerated them instead. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00547-00307688-00308232 The idea is to get rid of the cliché that healthy or ecological products are expensive. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00548-00308272-00308620 <i>Thanks to them our curiosity about permaculture was increased.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00549-00308620-00308994 <i>We had doubts about what they said about taking permaculture to the big cities.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00550-00308994-00309312 <i>Up until then no one had told us this could be done,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00551-00309312-00309758 <i>and the places where we saw it was being practiced were far away from the city.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00552-00309758-00310098 <i>To convince us about it they explained</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00553-00310098-00310388 <i>the a case of permaculture being practiced in the city: Aquaponix.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00554-00310440-00310912 We didn´t have any examples of ways to produce these kind of spaces FwTPX3JZ0oc-00555-00310954-00311220 in the context of a city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00556-00311220-00311730 So we connected fish farming and growing vegetables. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00557-00311730-00312324 You have a fish tank on the bottom part, where the fish are, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00558-00312324-00312772 and on the top there is a waist-high table where the vegetables are. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00559-00312828-00313252 The water follows its own cycle, it rises by evaporation FwTPX3JZ0oc-00560-00313290-00313772 and the nutrients and minerals from the fish are absorbed FwTPX3JZ0oc-00561-00313772-00314432 by the plants, which get nurtured, grow, and the residues go back to the fish. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00562-00314468-00314744 So its a loop, a feedback system: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00563-00314782-00315082 what is residue for some,is food for others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00564-00315082-00315530 In the organic farming sector there has always been the idea that FwTPX3JZ0oc-00565-00315530-00316168 permaculture is for preppy hippies, or for those who have their own vegetable patch FwTPX3JZ0oc-00566-00316168-00316610 and that it only works in certain cases. We have to get rid of a lot of clichés FwTPX3JZ0oc-00567-00316610-00317194 and the first one is to think that permaculture is not going to "work here or there". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00568-00317194-00317802 For example, Darren Doherty in Australia is working with a million hectares using permaculture. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00569-00317802-00318312 In Mexico with 500 hectares of vegetables FwTPX3JZ0oc-00570-00318312-00318648 that have to be overseen by a plane. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00571-00318648-00319196 So how can people tell us that certain things can´t work? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00572-00319196-00319608 The thing is that they haven´t found the way to make it work. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00573-00320500-00320940 <i>In the cities where basic human needs are not guaranteed\i0}</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00574-00320940-00321302 <i>we wonder how to solve work and housing problems.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00575-00321356-00321702 <i>Regarding this issue, the need for a deep social change</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00576-00321702-00322152 <i>inevitably takes us to break the given legal rules,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00577-00322186-00322622 <i>to civil disobedience, a conscious, public and non violent</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00578-00322622-00322832 <i>way to rebel against the law.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00579-00322868-00323342 <i>Thoreau in 1849, set the basis of civil disobedience,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00580-00323342-00323748 <i>which inspired figures like Gandhi, Martin Luther King or Tolstoi.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00581-00323844-00324226 Civil disobedience has existed for many years FwTPX3JZ0oc-00582-00324226-00324840 in situations when a better society was trying to be created the laws that were considered to be more unfair FwTPX3JZ0oc-00583-00324840-00325162 were disobeyed to try to change them or make them better. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00584-00325162-00325572 For many of us this might be a new phase of disobedience when not a certain law is being disobeyed, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00585-00325572-00325988 but the whole system is. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00586-00325988-00326418 In this context we have promoted economic disobedience, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00587-00326418-00327066 that also suits the idea of ceasing to collaborate with the Government´s economy and with capitalism FwTPX3JZ0oc-00588-00327066-00327436 and focusing this collaboration to build alternatives. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00589-00327436-00328272 I think that it´s limiting to try to build alternatives by respecting what´s legal. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00590-00328272-00328896 Things have to be changed and replaced to create rights and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00591-00328896-00329362 values that generate social equality and justice. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00592-00329362-00329804 As time passes by we need more money for legal issues and to pay lawyers FwTPX3JZ0oc-00593-00329804-00330266 and that is clear proof that we don´t live in a legal system. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00594-00330266-00330736 And that is one of the areas that we have worked on the most in the Cooperativa Integral Catalana co-op, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00595-00330736-00331182 and also the use of judicial entities to protect self-management. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00596-00331182-00331656 <i>Enric Durán is up to date the biggest representative of this type of disobedience.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00597-00331656-00332276 <i>He promotes the Cooperativa Integral Catalana co-op, based on disobedience and self-management</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00598-00332276-00332646 <i>with the purpose to re-build society from its very basis and thoroughly.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00599-00332702-00333196 <i>Among the co-op´s principles there is interest in common goods, equity, social</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00600-00333196-00333504 <i>justice, equality, direct democracy and self-management.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00601-00333562-00334078 <i>It´s legal structure is a co-op with an intern producer and consumer market that</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00602-00334078-00334540 <i>use their own social coin to trade goods and services</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00603-00334540-00335046 <i>in a legal frame that protects them from banks and the State.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00604-00335146-00335940 When living in the city there are projects that can be done FwTPX3JZ0oc-00605-00335940-00336492 as an example and that are useful to connect alternatives to the people in the city, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00606-00336518-00336972 like what "Aurea Social" does here for instance or what "Can Masdeu" has been doing for years. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00607-00336992-00337472 And also projects that promote concrete alternatives like urban gardening, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00608-00337472-00338316 self-management, that generate work opportunities. The city is swarming with initiatives like these. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00609-00338316-00338702 Somehow, the Cooperativa Internacional Catalana co-op could not be understood FwTPX3JZ0oc-00610-00338702-00339116 without a relationship between what´s urban and what is rural and an interaction made at many levels. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00611-00339116-00339810 We can recycle more material sand take them to the countryside to make them more useful for green building, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00612-00339810-00340500 or cultivate them in the countryside and consume here in the city. That interaction is basic. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00613-00340500-00341142 There is a cost, and it's that at the end a lot of people who are in that internal process want to leave the city, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00614-00341142-00341782 and the question is how to keep a strong and compromised social FwTPX3JZ0oc-00615-00341782-00342210 base in the city, because the one we have is moving and settling FwTPX3JZ0oc-00616-00342210-00342864 These challenges are sometimes motivating projects in the city, like Aurea Social here, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00617-00342864-00343326 that keeps a network of strong people, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00618-00343326-00343648 some move away from the city, some are joining in, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00619-00343648-00344480 and by participating and creating a connection are making a deeper change in their life/life style. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00620-00344480-00345140 There is a lot of dynamism and also diversity in local zones. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00621-00345140-00345714 Self-employment co-operative projects in a lot of areas are being created, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00622-00345714-00346614 and communities, which are projects that are usually developed in rural areas are also being FwTPX3JZ0oc-00623-00346614-00347374 generated by people who leave the city and go to the countryside or people who have some experience in rural life FwTPX3JZ0oc-00624-00347374-00348264 and get together for new experiences. They hand over the land, or rent at a low price, or buy cooperatively FwTPX3JZ0oc-00625-00348264-00348880 and by doing so develop a community, and a self-sufficiency and self-employment project. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00626-00351258-00351914 Cooperativa Integral Catalana co-op tries to take some things from capitalism and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00627-00351914-00352752 integrate them into our own economic system, where we manage the tools instead of the banks or the government. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00628-00352788-00353348 Our co-op has connected organic farming producers and consumers, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00629-00353348-00353806 what we call ecoxarxas and we wanted to go further FwTPX3JZ0oc-00630-00353806-00354600 and try to produce other types of things for the co-ops´s partners and increase the number FwTPX3JZ0oc-00631-00354600-00355700 of services that capitalism supplies, trying to go further in organic farming and trying to produce different things. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00632-00355700-00356282 The idea was to solve two basic problems, with little money, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00633-00356282-00356500 for the youths: housing and employment. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00634-00356530-00357162 This is an inexpensive solution for housing, given the situation of housing right now, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00635-00357162-00357470 and it also creates the possibility of managing your own job FwTPX3JZ0oc-00636-00357470-00357996 because there is obviously not jobs where you can just get here and ask Hey, how much do you pay an hour? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00637-00357996-00358424 Instead you create your own job, which is complicated, but is a first step. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00638-00358424-00359156 "Cooperativa de Vivienda" means you buy the use of a house at a social, normal, accessible price. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00639-00359156-00359770 The idea is, that´s why it´s called eco-industrial, to carry out industrial productions that are ecological, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00640-00359770-00360400 in the frame of a social economy that does not result in people or resource exploitation, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00641-00360400-00360886 so the aim is to regain things that are respectful with people and resources. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00642-00360886-00361378 There is a possibility to cooperate, to be a lot of people who want to do this, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00643-00361378-00361788 not only us who are here but a lot of people out there that support us, people from the town. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00644-00361844-00362374 It´s the idea of society being more than individuals put together, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00645-00362374-00363188 we can do more being a group of 30 working together than being 30 people just doing things. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00646-00363188-00363692 What we are looking for is for more concerned people to come here, who are willing to learn FwTPX3JZ0oc-00647-00363692-00364172 and then create spaces that can generate more for the community. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00648-00364172-00364748 When managing such a big deal and doing things that are being done for the first time for many‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00649-00364748-00365270 you don´t have the training to restore industrial colonies FwTPX3JZ0oc-00650-00365270-00365672 We still don´t have it. We´re working on it, its a matter of time. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00651-00365672-00366122 We´re powerless about whats going on. I think that with projects like this FwTPX3JZ0oc-00652-00366122-00366564 and like many others, since there are so many going on, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00653-00366564-00366928 people are awakening and realizing FwTPX3JZ0oc-00654-00366928-00367270 that these types of projects FwTPX3JZ0oc-00655-00367270-00367788 are the ones that are going to fuel the change, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00656-00367788-00367904 it is a way of transition FwTPX3JZ0oc-00657-00368172-00368538 <i>Near the Valley of Collserola, in Barcelona, is Can Masdeu.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00658-00368538-00368822 <i>a project made of projects set into nature.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00659-00368822-00369416 <i>This former leper hospital was temporarily squatted in 2001 and became the roots of what we find here today.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00660-00369416-00370102 <i>The social center is managed by those who live in the building and the neighbors who carry out workshops and activities.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00661-00370102-00370586 <i>This interaction has lead, not only to a good relationship</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00662-00370586-00371045 <i>among neighbors, but also to keep the valley in good condition and to stop migration from the valley.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00663-00371238-00371548 It had been abandoned for 50 years before we came here, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00664-00371548-00371858 then squatted for the Rais In Tie International day FwTPX3JZ0oc-00665-00371918-00372442 about climate change, when not so many people were concerned about the issue, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00666-00372506-00372968 and a lot of people came here, most of them were not locals, and some of us were curious about social movements too. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00667-00373012-00373562 When it was squatted, the aim was to have a place to hold the meeting,that was all there was to it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00668-00373562-00374102 And after the first year, there was a small group of people who were FwTPX3JZ0oc-00669-00374102-00374516 focusing on this, and also people from the neighborhood, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00670-00374622-00375508 so people who were about 60, 70 or 80 years old started to interact FwTPX3JZ0oc-00671-00375576-00375990 with others who were there squatting. As a result of that interaction we now have FwTPX3JZ0oc-00672-00375990-00376294 social center, which is the public part FwTPX3JZ0oc-00673-00376294-00376606 that we manage with people from the outside but basically we do it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00674-00376606-00377028 The common vegetable farming works with a deliberative assembly FwTPX3JZ0oc-00675-00377028-00377524 and we carry out activities and interact with the neighbors as a group. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00676-00377524-00378002 Every Sunday 120 people come here, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00677-00378002-00378426 it´s one of the social centers that gathers more people to activities that aren´t parties. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00678-00378426-00378904 We manage a common economy with little money and basic needs are covered for. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00679-00379562-00379864 <i>Another squatted place in Madrid,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00680-00379864-00380278 <i>in the neighborhood of Moratalaz, is the Self-Managed Social Center Salamanquesa.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00681-00380278-00380914 <i>The project was created after the 15-M concentrations and follows the motto "a social center in every neighborhood".</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00682-00380914-00381298 <i>An old school was squatted in November 2012 in Moratalaz,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00683-00381298-00381488 <i>which had been forgotten by the City Hall,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00684-00381488-00381815 <i>and where educational projects are being carried out for the people in the neighborhood.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00685-00381834-00382358 The idea was to create a People´s University FwTPX3JZ0oc-00686-00382358-00382770 where everything that was offered was created by the group. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00687-00382770-00382946 Instead of having people come here because they are interested in what is being offered, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00688-00382946-00383318 a group of people who is interested in something in particular come here and build what they want to learn. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00689-00383318-00383794 From the first day we had a lot of visits of people eager to do things. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00690-00383794-00384218 We are working with social workers from our neighborhood FwTPX3JZ0oc-00691-00384218-00384730 who help families that don´t have enough economic resources, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00692-00384730-00385244 so they send the families to Salamanquesa and they can enjoy the free store, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00693-00385244-00386010 we give them food from the charity food bank network FwTPX3JZ0oc-00694-00386010-00386736 and they can access all of the activities which are free of cost. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00695-00386736-00387518 The basis are self-management, horizontality, solidarity, common work, colectivity, self-sufficiency, learning from others... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00696-00387518-00387776 creating another world, so to speak. We are used to living in a certain way, with rules, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00697-00387776-00388192 and this is breaking the rules, creating rules for us and ourselves, from our own thoughts. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00698-00388192-00388718 So it means breaking the basis and the perspective of the way we live, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00699-00388718-00389092 we think and we interact with others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00700-00389092-00389626 It´s a place to share, share with people, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00701-00389626-00390048 sharing time, enthusiasm, projects, ideas. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00702-00390048-00390526 Nowadays we all keep our heads down, are always in a hurry, minding our own business, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00703-00390526-00391394 and this is a place to relax, where we work a lot because there are a lot of things to do, but in a different way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00704-00391394-00391742 Or developing the space where we are, so it becomes the place we want it to be, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00705-00391742-00391998 because no one asks us about that, not even in the cities. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00706-00391998-00392344 You go into places and they are how they are FwTPX3JZ0oc-00707-00392344-00392668 and no one gives you the opportunity to build the places you are going to dwell in your city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00708-00392668-00393102 This school was abandoned, all the neighbors can tell you. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00709-00393102-00393868 The last investment made was to build higher fences so kids wouldn´t come in and play. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00710-00393868-00394458 So this is the abandonment, because that´s the name of it, of education. There are classes with 40 kids FwTPX3JZ0oc-00711-00394458-00394764 and other schools that are abandoned where a lot of activities FwTPX3JZ0oc-00712-00394764-00395138 can be carried out and instead are left to fall apart. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00713-00395138-00395392 People can get organized and do a bunch FwTPX3JZ0oc-00714-00395392-00395908 of things without obeying strict guidelines. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00715-00401056-00401754 In politics, since the Industrial Revolution, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00716-00401754-00402100 capitalism has been associated to democracy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00717-00402158-00402752 In short, economic liberalism and political liberalism have worked as one. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00718-00402752-00403402 More and more, we are abandoning democracy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00719-00403490-00404322 and heading toward oligarchy."Oligo" means that a few decide everything. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00720-00404322-00404834 I would say it´s the third crisis we´re in; the politic crisis. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00721-00404834-00405906 We think we live in democracy in the US, Spain, France, Germany, the UK... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00722-00405906-00406818 and we are actually heading toward oligarchy, and it´s goal is not to make society progress, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00723-00406818-00407496 or resolve the ecological crisis, or help the youths find a job, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00724-00407496-00407926 but "keeping our wealth and privilege". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00725-00407926-00408656 The responsibility is of these so called elites, of those who have power and refuse to change, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00726-00408656-00409226 while the signs of deterioration are becoming more and more obvious. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00727-00409322-00410320 And we could say two things: this oligarchy´s responsibility is bigger in the West, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00728-00410320-00410808 since the Western countries are richer and more powerful. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00729-00410808-00411814 But we can also analyze how the oligarchy in the emerging or poor countries FwTPX3JZ0oc-00730-00411814-00412730 behaving like in India, China, Brazil, South Africa‚ And very often we find the same interests, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00731-00412730-00413297 the same inequalities, and the same type of ecologic deterioration. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00732-00413350-00413872 The institutional way to face the ecological crisis FwTPX3JZ0oc-00733-00413884-00414318 is closed nowadays. That´s why we can´t but FwTPX3JZ0oc-00734-00414352-00415010 assume the other project,to set the groundwork, through FwTPX3JZ0oc-00735-00415010-00415470 self-management of autonomous spaces by truly believing that FwTPX3JZ0oc-00736-00415470-00415826 they will turn into an example that will encourage a part of society FwTPX3JZ0oc-00737-00415826-00416182 to not only support them, but to pressure the politicians. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00738-00416182-00416474 But I am afraid that our politicians FwTPX3JZ0oc-00739-00416474-00417004 are clearly subordinated to private interests and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00740-00417004-00417452 are oblivious to what the ecological crisis actually means. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00741-00417452-00418135 It seems that right now we are still able to turn to degrowth techniques FwTPX3JZ0oc-00742-00418135-00418766 voluntarily, we´re able to assume a certain type of FwTPX3JZ0oc-00743-00418766-00419472 behavior because we´ve predicted what´s coming our way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00744-00419472-00419776 But certainly, in a few years, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00745-00419820-00420460 assuming this type of behavior will not be a matter of choice, but an obligation, why? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00746-00420460-00421133 The word is "collapse". The longer it takes us to intervene, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00747-00421133-00421614 the more resources, efforts and energies we will need. That´s why its urgent to intervene now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00748-00421614-00422104 There are two different ways to perceive the way we must act FwTPX3JZ0oc-00749-00422104-00422643 to confront this collapse. The first one is pessimistic but realistic: FwTPX3JZ0oc-00750-00422643-00423258 we have no other choice but to wait until the moment everything collapses. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00751-00423258-00423785 Why? Because it´s the only way people will realize what their obligations are. Collapse is a bad adviser. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00752-00423785-00424388 If we get to the point of collapse it means that problems multiply and our capacity to overcome them decreases. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00753-00424388-00424952 What´s the other point of view? Mine: we must try to get out of capitalism. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00754-00424980-00425356 What does this mean?: building autonomous spaces FwTPX3JZ0oc-00755-00425356-00425835 with different rules than the ones that are imposed to us. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00756-00425860-00426346 It´s the project of a social and self-managed banking FwTPX3JZ0oc-00757-00426346-00426724 that does not work for profit or private wealth. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00758-00426724-00427202 That´s the project of the Cooperativa Integral Catalana co-op, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00759-00427202-00427718 which is related to the consumer groups that have emerged in many cities. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00760-00427718-00428125 It´s the project that hopefully will bloom from the work of many workers FwTPX3JZ0oc-00761-00428125-00428714 who decide to direct their bankrupt companies toward a self-managed regime. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00762-00428714-00429080 I think this is a project that must be assumed voluntarily, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00763-00429080-00429610 but I think we have no other choice but to build these autonomous spaces FwTPX3JZ0oc-00764-00429610-00430268 among other reasons to teach that things can be done in a different way. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00765-00430268-00430702 In this way and paradoxically, the old Libertarian project, a utopia, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00766-00430702-00431024 to build autonomous spaces is more realistic. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00767-00431024-00431432 It solves some of our problems here and now and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00768-00431432-00431862 I think more and more people are starting to realize this. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00769-00431862-00432322 I don´t dismiss that the institutional FwTPX3JZ0oc-00770-00432322-00432660 way can be used for futile arguments. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00771-00432660-00432964 The main concept here is direct democracy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00772-00432964-00433580 Politically, many things can be done, but also at the level where we are. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00773-00433580-00434062 Of course globally, at a worldwide level, for example, if we consider FwTPX3JZ0oc-00774-00434062-00434512 the great political Summits there´s not much to be done. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00775-00434512-00435006 Especially because we have big tendencies and blocks confronting each other. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00776-00435006-00435480 We've seen this in the latest climate change summits. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00777-00435480-00435839 No changes have been made and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00778-00435839-00436197 what has been decided is making things worse. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00779-00436197-00436650 Therefore I think that politics has a bigger impact at a local level. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00780-00436650-00437152 I think City Halls, and local organizations can carry out FwTPX3JZ0oc-00781-00437152-00437566 these proposals, these seeds,do. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00782-00437566-00438189 like for example the urban gardens, local currencies and organic farming. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00783-00443446-00443760 Graine de Jardin is a part of FwTPX3JZ0oc-00784-00443760-00443925 "Le jardin dans tous ses états" <i>(the Garden in all its States).</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00785-00443925-00444356 It's a national network and we work in the region of Ile de France. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00786-00444488-00445154 We help to create new shared vegetable patches and connect the existing associations FwTPX3JZ0oc-00787-00445154-00445592 by organizing picnics, doing concentrations FwTPX3JZ0oc-00788-00445592-00446270 and we are in contact with local administrations and their partners to create new vegetable patches. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00789-00446270-00446864 There are about 60 shared vegetable patches in Paris and more than 110 in Ile de France. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00790-00446864-00447518 Each one of them is managed differently, the association farms land FwTPX3JZ0oc-00791-00447518-00448360 that belongs to the City Hall but has been handed over to them. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00792-00448360-00449047 They decide what to do with the land, divide it in individual sections or keep it in one piece for collective use. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00793-00449108-00449772 People are interested in getting to know their neighbors in a city as crowded as Paris. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00794-00449772-00450832 They are usually alone and isolated at home, and there is a need to communicate FwTPX3JZ0oc-00795-00450832-00451224 with their neighbors, the ones who live in the house below, and to get involved in a local project. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00796-00451252-00451624 The activity in the garden attracts a lot of people. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00797-00451624-00452447 Some like to grow their own vegetables, they like to know where the tomatoes they're eating come from. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00798-00452447-00453676 There are people who visit and become more sensible about the use of chemicals in food, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00799-00453676-00454524 they're interested in the storage of our vegetables and our supermarkets, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00800-00454524-00454912 and some of them are not going to want to shop in the supermarket again. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00801-00454939-00455560 Our reclaim is to make life be less heavy going, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00802-00455560-00456160 and that the citizens take over public spaces, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00803-00456160-00456414 and to change mentalities a little bit too‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00804-00456414-00457035 In French culture landscape architects are the ones who develop FwTPX3JZ0oc-00805-00457035-00457456 green spaces, and the other citizens don't have a say in it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00806-00457456-00457984 Our wish is that people will have a say in the projects around them, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00807-00457984-00458300 in urban housing projects, or others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00808-00458300-00458916 And after that, the idea is to act in our own neighborhoods, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00809-00458916-00459560 to get involved in the work, and that's what's creating more and more respect in the neighborhoods right now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00810-00459560-00459920 When it comes to individuals or a group of citizens has started FwTPX3JZ0oc-00811-00459920-00460976 to take care of their gardens by, for instance, planting trees or taking care of parks, people have more respect FwTPX3JZ0oc-00812-00460976-00461496 Because they know that maybe it´s been their neighbors who have grown those tomatoes. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00813-00462082-00462702 <i>At the end of 2009, in the neighborhood of Lavapiés, Madrid, a course about new ways of squatting in urban spaces was taught.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00814-00462702-00463288 <i>For the course's last days, the city hall handed over a site that had been abandoned for 30 years.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00815-00463389-00463800 <i>The participants asked the neighbors what they would want to have in their neighborhood</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00816-00463800-00464274 <i>and they got many types of responses: a vegetable patch, a space for the children, a theatre,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00817-00464274-00464516 <i>in the end, a gathering place</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00818-00464516-00464980 <i>It was set up in a day and open to the neighbors, who welcomed the new spot immediately,</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00819-00464980-00465318 <i>but at the end of the course they had to give the keys back to the City Hall</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00820-00465318-00465839 <i>and the site was empty again. They didn't give up and squatted the place for 8 months</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00821-00465839-00466176 <i>until the City Hall's machines came in and destroyed it all.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00822-00466176-00466696 <i>The neighbors protested openly about it and got a petition</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00823-00466696-00466939 <i>signed and finally got the site handed over for their own use.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00824-00467002-00467460 I think that spaces like this one help to create kinder cities, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00825-00467460-00467935 another type of city, as I said before about managing public spaces. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00826-00467935-00468392 Besides you win back sites that had no value and were degraded, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00827-00468392-00468808 some of them were even marginal spaces that we have won back for the city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00828-00468808-00469328 From a landscape point of view, they bring nature into the city, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00829-00469328-00469778 apart from the social dimension that initiatives like this one has. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00830-00469778-00470230 Now look, in 3 years we have created this with our the neighbors' effort, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00831-00470230-00471170 who come here to give us their time, energy, creativity and put all their enthusiasm in it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00832-00471170-00471697 We proved that there are other ways to manage public spaces. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00833-00471697-00472320 Apart from this, from it being a green zone, which was lacking in the neighborhood, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00834-00472320-00472870 I think it´s a gathering place that creates social fabric. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00835-00472910-00473538 I think I have been a witness to how the project has grown. More people come here to connect with others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00836-00473538-00474239 At first, the vegetable patch is what attracts people, they want to participate to know what it means, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00837-00474239-00474764 to be in contact with nature, distinguish the types of vegetables, but in the end it's connecting with others, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00838-00474764-00475250 I mean, we have lost contact with our neighbors and this is a proposal FwTPX3JZ0oc-00839-00475250-00475512 regain contact with each other. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00840-00475512-00476039 I think these are spaces that help people to discover how creative FwTPX3JZ0oc-00841-00476039-00476800 they can be, cause the system makes us think we don't know how to do anything right and that FwTPX3JZ0oc-00842-00476800-00477466 each of us can only do certain things, but this is a way to express ourselves and to be creative. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00843-00477466-00477985 Y también ha aportado una zona de encuentro para niños muy importante,We've also provided a gathering space for children, which is very important, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00844-00477985-00478476 because there are not places to play and here there are two groups of "shared upbringing" because there aren't FwTPX3JZ0oc-00845-00478476-00478950 many nursery schools in the area and they're becoming more expensive FwTPX3JZ0oc-00846-00478950-00479350 and there are two groups here that work well in the seasons when we have good weather. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00847-00479350-00479843 The kids stay with 2 or 3 neighbors and the kids are playing in nature, which has nothing to do with being in an enclosed classroom FwTPX3JZ0oc-00848-00479843-00480578 and their parents can go on an errand or go do some papework they might need to do. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00849-00480578-00481000 We have vegetable patch activities, and a free bike repair shop. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00850-00481000-00481558 A lot of people come and fall in love with the place and suggest activities. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00851-00481558-00481924 There is an urban vegetable patch Network we´re in "Red de Huertos Urbanos de Madrid", FwTPX3JZ0oc-00852-00481924-00482456 and we see that proposals like this one are having more and more success. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00853-00482456-00483188 They started 4 or 5 years ago, there were 3, 4 or 5 in Madrid and now there are 40 urban vegetable patches. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00854-00483188-00484222 There's been a resurgence in urban farming and also in a social movement of citizens FwTPX3JZ0oc-00855-00484222-00484778 wanting to take over unused spaces and adapting them to their own needs. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00856-00484778-00485435 There are young people, and not so young, who would like to learn how to manage a farming ecosystem FwTPX3JZ0oc-00857-00485435-00486022 or how to produce. And that's easy if the spaces near the city are exposed. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00858-00486052-00486680 Nowadays‚ allow me to say, I was in Madrid 2 months ago and I saw FwTPX3JZ0oc-00859-00486680-00487012 a news article in "20 minutes" that quoted "Madrid Rio is green now", FwTPX3JZ0oc-00860-00487070-00487512 but it costs Madrilians 800,000 a month. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00861-00487600-00488080 So we have a green space, green space, that life creates and is FwTPX3JZ0oc-00862-00488130-00489166 maintained at a great cost.How can we turn this situation around in the near future? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00863-00489166-00489496 It's being done, for instance, in Noain, Pamplona. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00864-00489530-00490110 Public parks are not just recreational, leisure spaces to stroll FwTPX3JZ0oc-00865-00490110-00490506 around or do sports, they generate wealth. So if there is a person who wants to participate FwTPX3JZ0oc-00866-00490542-00491408 and be proactive in this organic farming paradigm, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00867-00491408-00492072 they must generate those social, cultural, and organic farming projects in the city. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00868-00494502-00494826 Social movements or alternatives in small communities‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00869-00494826-00495112 small scale is what makes it work. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00870-00495112-00495466 We talk about self-management, the co-op, self-employment, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00871-00495466-00495824 then it seems.that in Madrid or in a big city you can get lost FwTPX3JZ0oc-00872-00495824-00496322 but it´s quite the opposite. Madrid is a perfect example of all the alternatives that are going on right now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00873-00496322-00496792 And due to the crisis people are trying to make any kind of living. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00874-00496792-00497714 DecreceMadrid started in 2009, what we do is dissemination, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00875-00497757-00498342 mapping consumer groups, time banks, a shop with ecological products, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00876-00498342-00499043 a self-managed bike repair shop, etc. We try to do this through the Community of Madrid, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00877-00499043-00499374 but through other encounters and gatherings with others our map has grown FwTPX3JZ0oc-00878-00499374-00499830 and now most of the Iberian Peninsula is represented on it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00879-00499830-00500139 The other group we have is the documentation one; FwTPX3JZ0oc-00880-00500139-00500670 Decreteca, it´s like a library where we upload videos, pdf´s, documents, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00881-00500670-00500993 and all the documents we find about degrowth. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00882-00500993-00501322 The other group, the one I´m in, a group of meetings, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00883-00501322-00501896 is the "Caravana Decrecentista". This group started because people from outside the organization FwTPX3JZ0oc-00884-00501896-00502139 requested it, for instance people who wanted to start their own consumer group FwTPX3JZ0oc-00885-00502139-00502624 and didn´t know how.They contact us and we go there: hey, can you come this day and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00886-00502624-00503389 give us a talk about degrowth and after we do a workshop about how to create a consumer group? FwTPX3JZ0oc-00887-00503389-00503774 For me degrowth means consuming less for a better life. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00888-00503774-00504384 One of the basic practices is to think: what do I need, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00889-00504384-00504558 why and does it really make me happy FwTPX3JZ0oc-00890-00504664-00504878 Since we are living in a finite world FwTPX3JZ0oc-00891-00504878-00505297 we must learn how to self-limit because we cannot surpass FwTPX3JZ0oc-00892-00505297-00505730 the ecological limits of our planet. Therefore, self-limitation is FwTPX3JZ0oc-00893-00505730-00506285 a priority to attain a non growing world, and that entails an FwTPX3JZ0oc-00894-00506330-00506858 important democratic matter, how do we self-limit in a world FwTPX3JZ0oc-00895-00506858-00507293 where everyone thinks no one can self-limit? because freedom‚ FwTPX3JZ0oc-00896-00507293-00507535 If you want to buy 4 cars, you can actually but four cars. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00897-00507542-00507824 I think that degrowth makes people re-think some things FwTPX3JZ0oc-00898-00507872-00508530 and it makes you come to a conclusion like "okay, maybe an action in Madrid FwTPX3JZ0oc-00899-00508530-00508868 has a repercussion in different places of the world". FwTPX3JZ0oc-00900-00508868-00509370 It seems that Amnesty International and NGO´s will take care of it FwTPX3JZ0oc-00901-00509370-00509662 but no. We are all a part of the problem and the solution. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00902-00509662-00509943 We must reflect on FwTPX3JZ0oc-00903-00509943-00510738 why, for what and how we are producing, working and consuming. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00904-00510738-00511347 We must come together to define what we are producing, consuming and working on. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00905-00511347-00512042 In Bilbao, Madrid or Barcelona the changing process is more complicated FwTPX3JZ0oc-00906-00512042-00512500 because the social metabolisms are completely unsustainable. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00907-00512500-00513512 Just to get the idea, Bilbao needs 100 times its territory to sustain the way of life they are living there right now. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00908-00513628-00514243 Therefore we know, we are aware, that the change will be a long and hard process but it´s possible. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00909-00514243-00514656 How is it possible? By thinking in the long term and locally. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00910-00514656-00515139 We must re-learn how to grow and eat what we produce, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00911-00515139-00515704 because the crisis is going to be so hard and long that we will need to know how to do so. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00912-00515704-00516160 We´re being told that it´s just an economic crisis, but it´s a crisis of the System, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00913-00516160-00516550 a mentality crisis, an ecological, political and social crisis. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00914-00516550-00516918 It includes so much, and the economy is an important part of it but it´s not the only one. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00915-00516918-00517610 So, in the end, I embrace degrowth because it´s like opening your eyes and FwTPX3JZ0oc-00916-00517610-00518062 seeing reality and realizing that there are a lot of things FwTPX3JZ0oc-00917-00518062-00518382 that are right there and nobody cares about. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00918-00518382-00518788 We are minorities, both those who rule right now FwTPX3JZ0oc-00919-00518788-00519328 and us who are asking for, and building the change are all minorities. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00920-00519374-00520068 Are we becoming more and more? No doubt. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00921-00520132-00520668 There are also cases, as I said before, of people who don´t belong to any minority group but are doing exactly the same thing. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00922-00520710-00521166 For example, a man who wants to learn how to sew is making a change, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00923-00521218-00521714 a person who gains back a vegetable patch for his house is making a change. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00924-00521734-00522208 People who get together to buy a building and refurbish it ecologically FwTPX3JZ0oc-00925-00522208-00522526 like Cooperativa de Vivienda co-op does, are also making a change. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00926-00522580-00523084 And these are groups of people who are doing the same things, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00927-00523084-00523330 sand the groups are getting bigger and becoming more relevant. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00928-00523334-00524330 I think there are two ways opening up before us and I don´t know where we´re headed to. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00929-00524386-00525456 The first one, the pessimistic way, is the one capitalists and oligarchs are fighting to keep. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00930-00525456-00526318 And to do so they are becoming more authoritarian. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00931-00526318-00527376 Due to the ecological crisis it will be a challenge to find natural resources FwTPX3JZ0oc-00932-00527376-00528096 such as oil, gas, food, raw material, minerals... FwTPX3JZ0oc-00933-00528096-00528928 There will also be a tendency in countries ruled by oligarchies to go to war for natural resources. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00934-00528928-00529872 It all might evolve toward violence, toward dictatorial and authoritarian regimes, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00935-00529872-00530530 with wars and extreme right parties and growing tensions between countries. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00936-00530550-00531208 For instance in the US social violence is extreme FwTPX3JZ0oc-00937-00531208-00531760 and it´s supported by the extreme right mass media. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00938-00531864-00532356 In Europe there is an extreme right movement FwTPX3JZ0oc-00939-00532356-00532885 that is encouraged by the oligarchic parties. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00940-00532885-00533812 The other possible way is a collective awareness FwTPX3JZ0oc-00941-00533812-00534268 and there are also alternatives, possibilities to do things differently, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00942-00534268-00534604 by becoming aware that things are to be decided internationally. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00943-00534604-00535546 We can see that there are rebellions in a lot of places, a global rejection. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00944-00535546-00536424 For example, the Arab Spring in 2011, the Indignados in Spain, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00945-00536424-00536935 and also in France and the Occupy Wall Street in the US. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00946-00536935-00537428 There was a very important student movement in Chile FwTPX3JZ0oc-00947-00537428-00538644 blending ecological protests with student protests, supported by society. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00948-00538644-00539672 When the system dismembers many of our fellow citizens will feel lost FwTPX3JZ0oc-00949-00539672-00540200 and that is the moment when we must be able to say: there are alternatives. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00950-00540200-00541010 And we will be ready to make a proposal with them when the system is damaged. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00951-00541010-00541816 These are the two possibilities and we must prove that "another world is possible" FwTPX3JZ0oc-00952-00541816-00542455 according to this beautiful and righteous alternative proposal for the world. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00953-00543030-00543530 We have the ditches, we have the seeds and if we continue to work on it we will FwTPX3JZ0oc-00954-00543530-00544128 overcome the other system which is not sustainable, social or environmental. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00955-00544128-00544444 The life of a lot of people is being destroyed FwTPX3JZ0oc-00956-00544444-00545162 and the only place where you find hope to cope with something FwTPX3JZ0oc-00957-00545162-00545814 like this is when you are in contact with others. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00958-00545814-00546224 And you find the possibility to create a different world than the one we have today. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00959-00546224-00546494 I think that young people have to invent other things. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00960-00546494-00546830 You can´t stay in your room depressed watching TV. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00961-00546830-00547512 You have to go out, try some experiences, you know‚ risk it. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00962-00547512-00548136 I encourage people to come and see that a different way of life is possible, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00963-00548136-00548702 and not only here. They can visit other places or change small things in their lives FwTPX3JZ0oc-00964-00548702-00549298 to start to live in a more sustainable way, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00965-00549298-00549648 because the life we have been living up until now can´t go on, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00966-00549648-00549848 or at least that´s what the experts say. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00967-00549922-00550304 It´s like we´re locked up in a bubble, in our own problems FwTPX3JZ0oc-00968-00550304-00550794 and we don´t realize that we have to break our own bubble and the others‚ bubbles FwTPX3JZ0oc-00969-00550794-00551178 because the change will happen when we unite and become stronger. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00970-00551226-00551612 I think more people are aware and I hope it happens through a FwTPX3JZ0oc-00971-00551612-00552066 peaceful movement, civil disobedience, resistance, FwTPX3JZ0oc-00972-00552066-00552718 I mean resistance, not just not doing anything, but acting. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00973-00552718-00553132 And what I see is that violence always comes from the other side. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00974-00553210-00553706 I do trust it can happen and although I don´t know if I´ll get to see it FwTPX3JZ0oc-00975-00553706-00554142 but at least, while I live, I´ll be happy to know FwTPX3JZ0oc-00976-00554142-00554612 that I´m doing something that makes me worthy. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00977-00554612-00555434 It´s better to live life like this than being ashamed although your pockets are full of money. FwTPX3JZ0oc-00978-00556112-00556370 <i>Along the way we got rid of old ideas.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00979-00556398-00556856 <i>Our generation was brought up believing that an alternative to this system is not possible.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00980-00556900-00557252 <i>We were made to be used to seeing injustice, inequalityand destruction</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00981-00557252-00557574 <i>as a part of a world that cannot be changed.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00982-00557574-00557808 <i>Alternatives do exist.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00983-00557808-00558330 <i>Building a fair and equal society based on freedom and respect</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00984-00558330-00558545 <i>is now a challenge for us.</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00985-00558575-00558916 <i>A challenge that we must confront to come up with new ways</i> FwTPX3JZ0oc-00986-00558916-00559314 <i>and starting to look at the future again with hope.</i> FyvaT02-vhI-00000-00000166-00000639 In this video, we will look at the measurement instrument and several statistical concepts FyvaT02-vhI-00001-00000639-00000890 surrounding the act of measurement. FyvaT02-vhI-00002-00000890-00001346 This is part three in the Navigating Statistics in Research series. FyvaT02-vhI-00003-00001346-00001805 The method section takes a detailed view of the measurement instrument. FyvaT02-vhI-00004-00001805-00002432 That is, it shows or defines how the measurements are taken, and describes what tools are used FyvaT02-vhI-00005-00002432-00002656 to perform the measurements. FyvaT02-vhI-00006-00002656-00003218 There are numerous possible measurement instruments to use, including: physical measurements, FyvaT02-vhI-00007-00003218-00003811 such as using a ruler to measure length; conceptual methods of measuring, such as using a rubric FyvaT02-vhI-00008-00003811-00004596 or observation guide; measurement systems, such as sensor arrays or photographic systems; FyvaT02-vhI-00009-00004596-00005223 and procedural methods, such as surveys, questionnaires or focus groups. FyvaT02-vhI-00010-00005223-00005844 Details that may be included in this section include: physical means of obtaining measurements, FyvaT02-vhI-00011-00005844-00006554 the equipment used, circuits, spatial set-up of the system, data-collection files, software FyvaT02-vhI-00012-00006554-00006805 used to run the equipment etc. FyvaT02-vhI-00013-00006805-00007462 The reader also should be aware of issues that introduce bias into the data. FyvaT02-vhI-00014-00007462-00007706 Or errors into the analysis. FyvaT02-vhI-00015-00007706-00008320 These can be introduced by such diverse circumstances as: the resolution limits of the measurements; FyvaT02-vhI-00016-00008320-00008895 the sample size; the ways used for selecting respondents and for repeating measurements; FyvaT02-vhI-00017-00008895-00009445 the way the survey questions are asked; and confounding factors and influences that the FyvaT02-vhI-00018-00009445-00009727 authors may not have considered. FyvaT02-vhI-00019-00009727-00010346 Importantly, these can impact on what analysis method should be chosen, and whether the results FyvaT02-vhI-00020-00010346-00010490 are valid. FyvaT02-vhI-00021-00010490-00010934 When describing the measurement techniques, the author may include reasons for making FyvaT02-vhI-00022-00010934-00011567 specific decisions about the measurement methods and how the results were interpreted. FyvaT02-vhI-00023-00011567-00012089 Some of these decisions determine directly what sort of statistical analysis can be applied FyvaT02-vhI-00024-00012089-00012231 to the results. FyvaT02-vhI-00025-00012231-00012830 Other decisions address assumptions of the analysis techniques in order to ensure they FyvaT02-vhI-00026-00012830-00012930 are met. FyvaT02-vhI-00027-00012930-00013660 For example, the decision to randomize sample selection, or to use a grid to ensure an appropriate FyvaT02-vhI-00028-00013660-00013911 sample is selected. FyvaT02-vhI-00029-00013911-00014649 We will discuss a range of related issues include validity, accuracy, reliability and FyvaT02-vhI-00030-00014649-00014749 error. FyvaT02-vhI-00031-00014749-00015215 A measurement is valid if it measures what you actually set out to measure. FyvaT02-vhI-00032-00015215-00015719 Usually we want to ensure that the measurement instrument creates a reasonable measurement… FyvaT02-vhI-00033-00015719-00016271 …that it is within range, and that it has an appropriate resolution. FyvaT02-vhI-00034-00016271-00016644 But obtaining a valid measurement isn’t always straight forward. FyvaT02-vhI-00035-00016644-00016959 For example… …we know that air pressure changes as you FyvaT02-vhI-00036-00016959-00017465 go up in altitude, so we can use average air pressure to effectively measure the height FyvaT02-vhI-00037-00017465-00017573 above sea level. FyvaT02-vhI-00038-00017573-00018260 So, if two people, one in Perth and one in Brisbane, told us their current air pressure, FyvaT02-vhI-00039-00018260-00018616 we could probably tell which person has the higher altitude. FyvaT02-vhI-00040-00018616-00019282 But we could be wrong – weather also changes the air pressure, and this can affect the FyvaT02-vhI-00041-00019282-00019638 measurement by enough to give incorrect comparisons. FyvaT02-vhI-00042-00019638-00020055 Accuracy is the ability to obtain the correct measurement. FyvaT02-vhI-00043-00020055-00020742 An accurate ruler is one that correctly measures centimeters when it says it does – the ruler FyvaT02-vhI-00044-00020742-00021218 hasn’t been stretched, or cut off at the end, or warped in the middle. FyvaT02-vhI-00045-00021218-00021968 An accurate gun sight is one that will hit the bullseye when the cross-hairs say it will. FyvaT02-vhI-00046-00021968-00022568 Reliability is the ability to consistently obtain the same value over and again, when FyvaT02-vhI-00047-00022568-00022718 measuring an object. FyvaT02-vhI-00048-00022718-00023381 A gun sight may consistently cause the bullet to hit the top left corner of the target. FyvaT02-vhI-00049-00023381-00024029 Because it is consistent, this sight is reliable, even though it isn’t accurate. FyvaT02-vhI-00050-00024029-00024563 In research, there are two distinct families of error – measurement error and statistical FyvaT02-vhI-00051-00024563-00024688 error. FyvaT02-vhI-00052-00024688-00025229 Since every measurement system has error, the authors should state or determine measurement FyvaT02-vhI-00053-00025229-00025650 errors associated with any measurement device. FyvaT02-vhI-00054-00025650-00026262 Measurement error is usually quantified using the plus or minus symbol followed by a value FyvaT02-vhI-00055-00026262-00026808 and its units, such as plus or minus 0.7 Volts. FyvaT02-vhI-00056-00026808-00027480 Sometimes, instead of the plus or minus symbol, a value is put in brackets – this corresponds FyvaT02-vhI-00057-00027480-00027700 to the error. FyvaT02-vhI-00058-00027700-00028252 In some devices, the error changes with the size of the measurement, and a formula for FyvaT02-vhI-00059-00028252-00028526 the error is provided. FyvaT02-vhI-00060-00028526-00029288 Statistical error is defined as “the difference between the retained value and the true value.” FyvaT02-vhI-00061-00029288-00029820 It includes both bias and variations found in the sample or population. FyvaT02-vhI-00062-00029820-00030513 An example, shown here, is the sampling error, which is the statistical error of estimates FyvaT02-vhI-00063-00030513-00030613 of the mean. FyvaT02-vhI-00064-00030613-00031111 As we increase the size of the sample, the error in our estimate of the population mean FyvaT02-vhI-00065-00031111-00031298 decreases. FyvaT02-vhI-00066-00031298-00031907 This is the end of the third video in the Navigating Statistics in Research series. FyyGuiuTTYy-00000-00000682-00001331 Hi? Today, I'll draw a forsythia flower with acrylic paint on the discarded LP board. FyyGuiuTTYy-00001-00001331-00001846 The LP version is a long-playing record in English with 33 revolutions per minute FyyGuiuTTYy-00002-00001846-00002272 An old gramophone that took about 25 minutes to play on one side. FyyGuiuTTYy-00003-00002272-00002877 First, I painted Jetso two or three times to get acrylic paint well. FyyGuiuTTYy-00004-00002877-00003331 Sketch a forsythia flower cluster using Conte. FyyGuiuTTYy-00005-00003331-00003831 At first, I used a lot of water with a large brush FyyGuiuTTYy-00006-00003831-00004831 Widely color the parts that are the background of the flower. FyyGuiuTTYy-00007-00004831-00005325 And boldly draw a large chunk of yellow forsythia flowers. FyyGuiuTTYy-00008-00005325-00005825 Focusing on the dark part ... FyyGuiuTTYy-00009-00005825-00006325 The green part is a broad-leaved private tree. FyyGuiuTTYy-00010-00006325-00007825 Try using a knife to give it a slightly rough feel. FyyGuiuTTYy-00011-00007825-00008825 When drawing acrylic paintings opaquely It is recommended to color dark first. FyyGuiuTTYy-00012-00008825-00009750 And don't draw too partially at first Think and draw naturally. FyyGuiuTTYy-00013-00009750-00010525 Since acrylic paints act as a coating, not only ELPAN You can draw on any material such as paper, stone, glass, iron plate. FyyGuiuTTYy-00014-00010902-00011648 I still listen to LPs often, but I can't feel it in digital music. It has a natural analog sensibility. FyyGuiuTTYy-00015-00011648-00013147 I will appreciate the brush for a while ^^ FyyGuiuTTYy-00016-00021364-00022212 Work vertically on the easel, then spread it on the desk and do the second job. FyyGuiuTTYy-00017-00022212-00023712 It feels a bit different when looking vertically and looking down. FyyGuiuTTYy-00018-00023712-00024971 The lemon yellow color is used to express bright and bright forsythia flowers. FyyGuiuTTYy-00019-00024971-00026144 You don't have to describe too finely. Only the feeling of flowers is preserved. Too ... FyyGuiuTTYy-00020-00027144-00028389 It is a yellow-green color and expresses the leaves that come out after the flower has blossomed. FyyGuiuTTYy-00021-00036394-00037394 Clean up the background with a large brush ... FyyGuiuTTYy-00022-00039653-00040912 The details of the flower in front of the subject will be detailed little by little. FyyGuiuTTYy-00023-00040912-00041854 I'll just paint for a while ^^ FyyGuiuTTYy-00024-00057350-00057850 Almost finished ... FyyGuiuTTYy-00025-00057850-00058850 After completion, put it on the turntable and watch it. It feels good haha FyyGuiuTTYy-00026-00058850-00059350 The plate is broken, but it's so nice to relive the picture. ^^ FyyGuiuTTYy-00027-00059350-00060350 How was it? If you liked this video, please subscribe and like it ~~~ FyyGuiuTTYy-00028-00060350-00061845 Thank you. F_fzBjgUGMQ-00000-00000000-00000200 r7-7800x3d💥RDR 2💥 FEqFI_16Jn8-00000-00000022-00000491 Welcome to Philosophical Reactions, where we do the vital work of reviewing the earliest FEqFI_16Jn8-00001-00000491-00000735 issues of the world's oldest science journal! FEqFI_16Jn8-00002-00000735-00001367 This month we'll be looking at the return of the monstrous calf, silkworms, mercury mining FEqFI_16Jn8-00003-00001367-00001605 and microscopy! FEqFI_16Jn8-00004-00003007-00003702 The day is Munday, April 3, 1665, you're in a London coffeeshop, let's go. FEqFI_16Jn8-00005-00003702-00004105 First up we have a pair of articles: This is a slightly snippy letter from FEqFI_16Jn8-00006-00004105-00004637 Giovanni Domenico Cassini, an astronomer and namesake of the Cassini probe sent to Saturn some 300 FEqFI_16Jn8-00007-00004637-00004769 years later. FEqFI_16Jn8-00008-00004769-00005178 He is responding to the letter in issue 1 from Adrien Auzout and his predictions for FEqFI_16Jn8-00009-00005178-00005353 the path of a new comet. FEqFI_16Jn8-00010-00005353-00005837 "I have with the same method, whereby I find the motion of this Comet, easily found the FEqFI_16Jn8-00011-00005837-00006307 Principle of that Author's Ephemerides, which he then thought not fit to declare." FEqFI_16Jn8-00012-00006307-00006747 He goes on to say it's going around the Great Dog, in a circle so large that it looks like FEqFI_16Jn8-00013-00006747-00007031 a straight line. FEqFI_16Jn8-00014-00007031-00007529 This is immediately followed by a response: Auzout hits back, asserting that no, he actually FEqFI_16Jn8-00015-00007529-00007939 did the geometry based on observations long before it got anywhere close to the Great FEqFI_16Jn8-00016-00007939-00008039 Dog. FEqFI_16Jn8-00017-00008039-00008466 After some speculations about comets tending to enter our system through the sign of Libra, FEqFI_16Jn8-00018-00008466-00008714 he ends by getting a bit snippy himself. FEqFI_16Jn8-00019-00008714-00009075 He warns that the apparent brightness of the comet might have seemed to increase when he FEqFI_16Jn8-00020-00009075-00009400 said it should be decreasing, but that was just because of it passing in front of some FEqFI_16Jn8-00021-00009400-00009731 dim stars that a less careful observer might have missed. FEqFI_16Jn8-00022-00009731-00010219 "If Signoir Cassini hath observed it on those days that I have, he will be glad to find FEqFI_16Jn8-00023-00010219-00010608 the conformity of our Observations." FEqFI_16Jn8-00024-00010608-00011108 Fans of the Monstrous Calf will be glad to know its story isn't over yet. FEqFI_16Jn8-00025-00011108-00011600 More details have been sent to Mr. Boyle: The skin of the beast wasn't stony, just thick, FEqFI_16Jn8-00026-00011600-00011778 and its feet were like those of a dog. FEqFI_16Jn8-00027-00011778-00012401 The stone which it was found with is egg shaped, and a chunk is being sent by way of Oxford. FEqFI_16Jn8-00028-00012401-00012868 This is a long and fairly interesting description of a mercury mine in Friuli, which is now FEqFI_16Jn8-00029-00012868-00013354 part of Croatia but in 1665 had long been a Venetian territory. FEqFI_16Jn8-00030-00013354-00013829 The valley of the mine is described as being very green and lush, "which they there attribute FEqFI_16Jn8-00031-00013829-00014302 to the moistness of the mercury; how truly, I dispute not." FEqFI_16Jn8-00032-00014302-00014895 The mine is dedicated to Saint Barbara, patron saint of miners, military engineers, artillerymen, FEqFI_16Jn8-00033-00014895-00015227 and anyone else who might die a sudden and explosive death. FEqFI_16Jn8-00034-00015227-00015754 Powder magazines used to be called santabarbaras because of this, and Santa Barbara, California FEqFI_16Jn8-00035-00015754-00016204 was named that after an explorer survived a violent storm offshore there on the eve FEqFI_16Jn8-00036-00016204-00016440 of her saint's day. FEqFI_16Jn8-00037-00016440-00016623 Thanks, Wikipedia! FEqFI_16Jn8-00038-00016623-00017203 The mine is described as being 125 paces deep, with the note that their paces are "more than FEqFI_16Jn8-00039-00017203-00017760 5 of our feet". If you think the confusion over multiple unit systems is bad now, just imagine FEqFI_16Jn8-00040-00017760-00018199 trying to get anything done when every polity had their own system of units. FEqFI_16Jn8-00041-00018199-00018593 And even those kept changing over time, as the local nobles in charge of them kept shifting FEqFI_16Jn8-00042-00018593-00018865 the definitions to extract more in rent. FEqFI_16Jn8-00043-00018865-00019304 If you've ever wondered why setting up the metric system was part of the French Revolution, FEqFI_16Jn8-00044-00019304-00019405 that is why. FEqFI_16Jn8-00045-00019405-00019837 Metrology -- it's more important than you think! FEqFI_16Jn8-00046-00019837-00020474 The vein of mercury the mine is digging out sounds incredibly rich, with native mercury FEqFI_16Jn8-00047-00020474-00020937 visible as globules within the looser soil, as well as what sounds like cinnabar or some FEqFI_16Jn8-00048-00020937-00021137 other high quality ore. FEqFI_16Jn8-00049-00021137-00021562 After being hauled out of the mine, the mercury is extracted by means of washing through wire FEqFI_16Jn8-00050-00021562-00021767 screens of different sizes. FEqFI_16Jn8-00051-00021767-00022101 This is s hown in the first Philosophical Transactions diagram! FEqFI_16Jn8-00052-00022101-00022434 Too bad for anyone downstream of this operation, of course. FEqFI_16Jn8-00053-00022434-00022949 The output from this is then smelted in retorts, creating "ordinary mercury". But it was the FEqFI_16Jn8-00054-00022949-00023304 native mercury which was found in its pure metallic form that they were most excited FEqFI_16Jn8-00055-00023304-00023404 about. FEqFI_16Jn8-00056-00023404-00023763 The article calls it "virgin mercury", and apparently it was worth a lot more, being FEqFI_16Jn8-00057-00023763-00023887 considered higher quality. FEqFI_16Jn8-00058-00023887-00024352 We re still in the age of hermetic alchemy, remember, and mercury (along with sulphur FEqFI_16Jn8-00059-00024352-00024791 and salt) was considered to be one of the primary building blocks of the universe by FEqFI_16Jn8-00060-00024791-00024907 many. FEqFI_16Jn8-00061-00024907-00025468 The laborers are paid 6 or 7 pence a day, and "all of them in time (some later; some FEqFI_16Jn8-00062-00025468-00026019 sooner) become paralytick and dye hectick." The author describes meeting a man who had FEqFI_16Jn8-00063-00026019-00026407 been working there only 6 months who was so poisoned with mercury that he could tarnish FEqFI_16Jn8-00064-00026407-00026648 brass by putting it in his mouth. FEqFI_16Jn8-00065-00026648-00027198 He was "so paralytick, that he could not with both hands carry a Glass half full of Wine, FEqFI_16Jn8-00066-00027198-00027701 to his mouth without spilling it, though he loved it too well to throw it away." FEqFI_16Jn8-00067-00027701-00028241 The article ends with a description of a water-powered blower system in Tivoli, near Rome. FEqFI_16Jn8-00068-00028241-00028688 Instead of using water to turn a wheel to pump bellows, a stream of water flows over FEqFI_16Jn8-00069-00028688-00028987 one end of a pipe, as shown in the second diagram. FEqFI_16Jn8-00070-00028987-00029420 This looks like a basic Venturi effect, except the air should be going into the pipe, not FEqFI_16Jn8-00071-00029420-00029527 coming out of it. FEqFI_16Jn8-00072-00029527-00029929 I suspect the author just didn t listen to the explanation very closely, and assumed FEqFI_16Jn8-00073-00029929-00030135 it worked like normal bellows. FEqFI_16Jn8-00074-00030135-00030606 The fire wouldn't care which way the air is going, a draft is a draft, but it does seem like FEqFI_16Jn8-00075-00030606-00030922 the pipe would quickly get clogged with ash this way. FEqFI_16Jn8-00076-00030922-00031164 That's probably why this is such a novel approach. FEqFI_16Jn8-00077-00031164-00031576 It wasn't even mentioned in De Re Metallica that I could find -- and an idea had to be FEqFI_16Jn8-00078-00031576-00031847 pretty weird for Agricola not to mention it! FEqFI_16Jn8-00079-00031847-00032239 Maybe it was a new invention, but maybe it just didn't work very well in practice. FEqFI_16Jn8-00080-00032239-00032608 It must have needed quite a bit of quickly flowing water which could be more profitably FEqFI_16Jn8-00081-00032608-00032922 put to work turning machinery. FEqFI_16Jn8-00082-00032922-00033339 This is an account from a gentleman who is interested in sericulture in Virginia. FEqFI_16Jn8-00083-00033339-00033755 In the process he has discovered some things that might be of interest. FEqFI_16Jn8-00084-00033755-00034189 You can feed wilted leaves to silkworms if you soak them in water first. FEqFI_16Jn8-00085-00034189-00034597 Rank smells like tobacco do not bother silkworms. FEqFI_16Jn8-00086-00034597-00034775 Nor does thunder. FEqFI_16Jn8-00087-00034775-00035014 Nor does prickly holly. FEqFI_16Jn8-00088-00035014-00035480 He hopes to show that 2 crops of silk might be made in a single summer, but "my servants FEqFI_16Jn8-00089-00035480-00036056 have been remiss in what was ordered; I must crave your patience till next year." FEqFI_16Jn8-00090-00036056-00036481 This is a glowing and lengthy review of Robert Hooke's Micrographia. FEqFI_16Jn8-00091-00036481-00036953 Hooke was well known within the Society, as he was the Curator of Experiments, responsible FEqFI_16Jn8-00092-00036953-00037291 for arranging curious demonstrations at their meetings. FEqFI_16Jn8-00093-00037291-00037668 Unlike many members, he was not a gentleman with an independent income. FEqFI_16Jn8-00094-00037668-00038122 He had to work for his living, which made him in the eyes of some unfit to pursue science. FEqFI_16Jn8-00095-00038122-00038558 How could someone be properly objective, if they were constantly worried about money? FEqFI_16Jn8-00096-00038558-00038943 This concern would go away with the emergence of professional scientists over the next few FEqFI_16Jn8-00097-00038943-00039321 hundred years, but Hooke was one of the first. FEqFI_16Jn8-00098-00039321-00039812 Filled with gorgeous, otherworldly illustrations, Micrographia was the surprise popular science FEqFI_16Jn8-00099-00039812-00040005 best seller of the age. FEqFI_16Jn8-00100-00040005-00040452 And while fantastical, Hooke's illustrations mostly stand up very well compared with modern FEqFI_16Jn8-00101-00040452-00040572 imaging. FEqFI_16Jn8-00102-00040572-00041092 The patience needed must have been intense -- using a microscope today isn't easy, and FEqFI_16Jn8-00103-00041092-00041452 the primitive versions he would have been using were almost impossible. FEqFI_16Jn8-00104-00041452-00041884 Have you ever wondered why, if microscopes could do this in the late 17th century, the FEqFI_16Jn8-00105-00041884-00042328 image of a scientist using a microscope feels much more 19th century? FEqFI_16Jn8-00106-00042328-00042617 Because that's when more modern microscope designs were developed. FEqFI_16Jn8-00107-00042617-00043071 Before that, you basically had to be an obsessive genius like Robert Hooke to get much out of FEqFI_16Jn8-00108-00043071-00043180 them. FEqFI_16Jn8-00109-00043180-00043689 According to the review, Hooke is a good Baconian who knows "what advantage Experimental and FEqFI_16Jn8-00110-00043689-00044170 Mechanical knowledge hath over the Philosophy of discourse and disputation, and making it, FEqFI_16Jn8-00111-00044170-00044590 upon that account, his constant business to bring into that vast Treasury what portion FEqFI_16Jn8-00112-00044590-00045151 he can". However, a closer look at the book brings this somewhat into question. FEqFI_16Jn8-00113-00045151-00045587 There seems to be a tendency for books from this age to be particularly discursive, as FEqFI_16Jn8-00114-00045587-00046067 if the authors, given the opportunity to publish a book, wanted to cram in as many thoughts FEqFI_16Jn8-00115-00046067-00046184 as possible. FEqFI_16Jn8-00116-00046184-00046595 Hobbes' Leviathan is like that -- everyone remembers the political philosophy in the FEqFI_16Jn8-00117-00046595-00047068 first half, and forgets the lengthy Biblical exegesis attacking the Catholic church in FEqFI_16Jn8-00118-00047068-00047212 the second half. FEqFI_16Jn8-00119-00047212-00047656 Hooke's Micrographia is no different -- it is filled with glorious illustrations of the FEqFI_16Jn8-00120-00047656-00048128 microscopic world, but it gives almost as much space to a mechanical philosophy so complex FEqFI_16Jn8-00121-00048128-00048328 it rivals Decartes. FEqFI_16Jn8-00122-00048328-00048800 Based on the concepts of congruity and incongruity, it attempts to explain everything from capillary FEqFI_16Jn8-00123-00048800-00048991 effects to gravity. FEqFI_16Jn8-00124-00048991-00049499 This was quite controversial within the Society, though the review does not hint at that. FEqFI_16Jn8-00125-00049499-00049997 While his ideas were based somewhat on experimental results, Hooke seemed to be getting dangerously FEqFI_16Jn8-00126-00049997-00050524 close to the kind of ivory tower speculations which the entire Baconian experiment was supposed FEqFI_16Jn8-00127-00050524-00050640 to be against. FEqFI_16Jn8-00128-00050640-00051009 The fact that this would only be the second book the Society had published using the rare FEqFI_16Jn8-00129-00051009-00051363 power of their printing license only raised the stakes higher. FEqFI_16Jn8-00130-00051363-00051714 When permission was finally granted, it was with the stricture to make clear that the FEqFI_16Jn8-00131-00051714-00052042 Society was not endorsing his hypotheses. FEqFI_16Jn8-00132-00052042-00052377 The review first lists some of the things Hooke has microscoped. FEqFI_16Jn8-00133-00052377-00052773 Some of these are notable for the beauty of the illustrations, others for being fundamental FEqFI_16Jn8-00134-00052773-00053116 discoveries in their own right, such as that of cells. FEqFI_16Jn8-00135-00053116-00053563 Hooke saw these in samples of cork, and was the one to name them "cells", as they reminded FEqFI_16Jn8-00136-00053563-00053831 him of the small rooms monks live in. FEqFI_16Jn8-00137-00053831-00054373 Not letting himself be limited by the title, Hooke also included telescopic observations, FEqFI_16Jn8-00138-00054373-00054562 including a study of the moon's surface. FEqFI_16Jn8-00139-00054562-00054929 There are also descriptions of several inventions of his. FEqFI_16Jn8-00140-00054929-00055499 These include a barometer, a hygrometer, a thermometer, and "A New Engine for Grinding FEqFI_16Jn8-00141-00055499-00055966 Optick Glasses". This last one will be the subject of a future article, when our friend FEqFI_16Jn8-00142-00055966-00056557 in Paris, Adrien Auzout, takes offense as Hooke has never actually made such a thing. FEqFI_16Jn8-00143-00056557-00057004 The review ends with a hope that is straight out of The New Atlantis: "Lastly this Author FEqFI_16Jn8-00144-00057004-00057469 despairs not that there may be found many Mechanical Inventions to improve our Senses FEqFI_16Jn8-00145-00057469-00058006 of Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touchings, as well as we have improved that of Seeing by FEqFI_16Jn8-00146-00058006-00058181 Optick Glasses." FEqFI_16Jn8-00147-00058181-00058662 Hooke actually made some specific suggestions along these lines in the preface to Micrographia: FEqFI_16Jn8-00148-00058662-00059257 "...since the sense of smelling seems to be made by the swift passage of the Air (impregnated FEqFI_16Jn8-00149-00059257-00059753 with the steams and effluvia of several odorous Bodies) through the grisly meanders of the FEqFI_16Jn8-00150-00059753-00060088 Nose whose surfaces are cover'd with a very sensible nerve" FEqFI_16Jn8-00151-00060088-00060580 "...'tis not improbable, but that some contrivance, for making a great quantity of Air pass quick FEqFI_16Jn8-00152-00060580-00060962 through the Nose, might as much promote the sense of smelling" FEqFI_16Jn8-00153-00060962-00061414 I'm not sure this would work, but it sounds like a fun thing to try! FEqFI_16Jn8-00154-00061414-00061950 And that was Philosophical Transactions for Munday, April 3, 1665. FEqFI_16Jn8-00155-00061950-00062514 Tune in next month for a report on the properties of May-Dew, the dangers of subterraneous damp, FEqFI_16Jn8-00156-00062514-00062632 and a report on how to kill rattlesnakes. FGxzzgfiQIM-00000-00000776-00001655 good morning everybody j.r fisher here it is tuesday what's today's date the 11th 11th of may FGxzzgfiQIM-00001-00001655-00002328 can you believe that i mean last year at this time we were like in this i can't say the word that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00002-00002328-00002960 right we're not allowed to say that on youtube um we were in this illness worldwide uh and we still FGxzzgfiQIM-00003-00002960-00003544 are seriously and it started like what march of last year welcome everybody if you haven't FGxzzgfiQIM-00004-00003544-00004104 been here before i do a live streaming uh monday through friday actually monday through saturday FGxzzgfiQIM-00005-00004176-00004720 to help you guys start run and grow your online businesses and that's what we're doing but we FGxzzgfiQIM-00006-00004720-00005264 can't ignore the obvious can we james says i'm loud and clear he's got 81 james i've only got FGxzzgfiQIM-00007-00005264-00005912 71 going for you today at cloudy partly cloudy in 71 and you understand i told you the other day FGxzzgfiQIM-00008-00005912-00006544 may gray that's what it is in san diego may and june are two of our coldest months is that crazy FGxzzgfiQIM-00009-00006544-00007031 may and june we got may gray and june gloom and he's got that beautiful 81 degree weather FGxzzgfiQIM-00010-00007088-00007472 he's already smashed the like button which i need to remind everybody to do FGxzzgfiQIM-00011-00007472-00008016 hit that like button if you would guys it means so much to me don't forget to subscribe there's a FGxzzgfiQIM-00012-00008016-00008600 big subscribe button down there and ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're notified FGxzzgfiQIM-00013-00008600-00009176 each and every time i go live man i'm excited today today's a great day isn't today a great day FGxzzgfiQIM-00014-00009176-00009584 we're all alive we're all here we get to spend time with each other we get to share FGxzzgfiQIM-00015-00009584-00010288 information make a little money uh my promo's been just killing it on our canned meats we're FGxzzgfiQIM-00016-00010288-00010784 doing really well and if you don't know anything about me i own a company called survival cave FGxzzgfiQIM-00017-00010784-00011480 food let me put that in there um survival cave food google it FGxzzgfiQIM-00018-00011736-00012136 and if you google survival gate food you will get millions of hits FGxzzgfiQIM-00019-00012136-00012912 and paul says we got going on paul 55 well it's called hot springs why is it 55 FGxzzgfiQIM-00020-00012912-00013447 that sounds chilly to me hot springs with rain i appreciate you being here paul i really do uh FGxzzgfiQIM-00021-00013447-00013880 all you guys that show up here every day all you guys that comment all you guys that watch this FGxzzgfiQIM-00022-00013880-00014344 after it's live all the comments i get i got to get in there and answer comments today i've been FGxzzgfiQIM-00023-00014344-00014704 relaxed it's been a couple days since i've done that so i'm gonna get in there and get that done FGxzzgfiQIM-00024-00014776-00015240 today we're gonna talk about building an audience and uh five ways we can do it FGxzzgfiQIM-00025-00015240-00015863 uh paul says by the way the keyword influence video was great thank you tons of nuggets there FGxzzgfiQIM-00026-00015863-00016288 thank you so much paul that's very kind of you i appreciate that i also appreciate you telling FGxzzgfiQIM-00027-00016288-00016792 me i need to update my free course and i do i was sitting there talking to jessica last night paul FGxzzgfiQIM-00028-00016792-00017312 and i said you know paul's right he told me my free course is just not up to par and i've got FGxzzgfiQIM-00029-00017312-00017680 to work on that you're right i do have to work on that i got to put some more stuff in there what i FGxzzgfiQIM-00030-00017680-00018288 was thinking about doing actually is giving some people um an intro like the first two or three FGxzzgfiQIM-00031-00018288-00018720 modules to one of my other courses absolutely free and then if they want to continue on they can pay FGxzzgfiQIM-00032-00018816-00019176 but i was thinking about doing that i thought that would be pretty cool we've been uh FGxzzgfiQIM-00033-00019176-00019696 working on so many things guys last night i mean jessica has been working so hard for me FGxzzgfiQIM-00034-00019696-00020200 i understand when we get really busy survival k food she has to get all those orders processed FGxzzgfiQIM-00035-00020200-00020592 we got to get them over the warehouse we got to get our accounting done it's a lot of work FGxzzgfiQIM-00036-00020592-00021064 she's been working hard so i edited a few videos for last night to try to contribute which wasn't FGxzzgfiQIM-00037-00021064-00021712 much but it was something i could do right uh do you think we might discuss health uh if you live FGxzzgfiQIM-00038-00021712-00022288 without energy and have pain you won't be able to do your best will you you know what james you FGxzzgfiQIM-00039-00022288-00022904 are totally right and i would probably put your health at the top of any list i mean any list FGxzzgfiQIM-00040-00023000-00023504 um sean stevenson who um you know i got to meet and spend some time with i wouldn't say FGxzzgfiQIM-00041-00023504-00023984 we were close friends or anything but he was in a wheelchair he had brittle bone disease FGxzzgfiQIM-00042-00023984-00024376 and he exercised every day i mean he could barely move his body and he was trying to do FGxzzgfiQIM-00043-00024376-00024832 push-ups and sit-ups and whatever he could do with his body and i think that's the biggest FGxzzgfiQIM-00044-00024832-00025328 thing uh and not to get off track but you got me off track but i want to talk about it that's the FGxzzgfiQIM-00045-00025328-00025912 biggest thing is people don't appreciate that they can do things they think about all the things they FGxzzgfiQIM-00046-00025912-00026568 can't do uh you know sean always thought about the things he could do uh he was pretty amazing person FGxzzgfiQIM-00047-00026648-00027112 we were talking one day and i was saying you know that i spoke to groups and so did he and FGxzzgfiQIM-00048-00027112-00027664 he says well i'll always have you beat i said why is that he says because i'm more memorable i said FGxzzgfiQIM-00049-00027664-00028080 well yeah you are you know you're less than you know two feet tall or three feet tall and you're FGxzzgfiQIM-00050-00028080-00028552 in a wheelchair and you're scooting around on the stage and yes you are more memorable than me FGxzzgfiQIM-00051-00028552-00029264 you were totally right the content was great but you're much better now and is sears still around FGxzzgfiQIM-00052-00029320-00030056 that's a good question that is a really good question is sears still around let's check that FGxzzgfiQIM-00053-00030056-00030983 i want you you got me on that one i don't even know i'll see here um is sears still in business FGxzzgfiQIM-00054-00031327-00032032 let's see what they say paul they liquidated over the past decade uh FGxzzgfiQIM-00055-00032104-00032648 let's see here currently the last story is still in business FGxzzgfiQIM-00056-00032960-00033488 it says over a hundred of them are in their final days but that was in january FGxzzgfiQIM-00057-00033656-00034336 maybe they are gone you know there's one not too far from our house uh in escondido and uh it FGxzzgfiQIM-00058-00034336-00034968 looks like it's closed i know there was one at utc mall it's closed i think they're out of business FGxzzgfiQIM-00059-00034968-00035824 i think they are uh let's see here january 2021 um reports that it verified there FGxzzgfiQIM-00060-00035824-00036368 are just 60 sears and 32 wall marks still open so there's i guess there's a few open FGxzzgfiQIM-00061-00036496-00036928 sears was awesome they were for many years weren't they james and those of you and i'm going to get FGxzzgfiQIM-00062-00036928-00037336 on to building the audience a second but those of you who grew up that are a little bit older you FGxzzgfiQIM-00063-00037336-00037768 remember the sears catalog do you remember get the sears catalog and you get the christmas one with FGxzzgfiQIM-00064-00037768-00038320 all the toys oh my god it was amazing it was like this thick i mean it was something that i would FGxzzgfiQIM-00065-00038320-00038872 spend hours looking through uh we didn't have a whole lot of money but man i love looking through FGxzzgfiQIM-00066-00038872-00039432 there uh james says sean was awesome yeah he was he was a great guy like i said i was lucky enough FGxzzgfiQIM-00067-00039432-00039952 to spend some time with him and it was funny because when i met him he was in his wheelchair FGxzzgfiQIM-00068-00039952-00040512 obviously he's always in his wheelchair um but i reached out to shake his hand and he looked at FGxzzgfiQIM-00069-00040512-00041072 me and he went no he says bring it in bring it in he wouldn't give me a hug and that's what he FGxzzgfiQIM-00070-00041072-00041712 did he hugged people uh so sweet sweet person he really really was uh do you recommend to post on FGxzzgfiQIM-00071-00041824-00042256 our site oh what do you recommend to post on our sites you know i'm going to get into that right FGxzzgfiQIM-00072-00042256-00042816 now let's get into that first thing i'm going to tell you is if you want to make money online you FGxzzgfiQIM-00073-00042816-00043496 need to work for free what yes if you want to make money online you need to work for free now FGxzzgfiQIM-00074-00043576-00044104 i'm talking today about building an audience you can ask any questions you want but everybody is FGxzzgfiQIM-00075-00044104-00044528 thinking i need to find my audience i need to find my audience where's my audience i want to find my FGxzzgfiQIM-00076-00044528-00045144 audience it doesn't work that way you don't find your audience what you do is you go out and you FGxzzgfiQIM-00077-00045144-00045656 serve people you serve people i'm going to talk about several ways you can do that but you serve FGxzzgfiQIM-00078-00045656-00046176 people and they will find you that's basically how it works when you go out and serve people FGxzzgfiQIM-00079-00046176-00046640 when you go out and help people when you go out and do stuff for free like i'm doing right now FGxzzgfiQIM-00080-00046640-00047128 your audience will find you don't be thinking about what you need for you because everybody FGxzzgfiQIM-00081-00047128-00047720 thinks of wifm everybody knows what that is that's what's in it for me and if you're always out there FGxzzgfiQIM-00082-00047720-00048120 trying to get stuff for you and i was talking to my wife about that yesterday because she wants to FGxzzgfiQIM-00083-00048120-00048632 get to 25 000 subscribers on one of her channels um and she was saying that in her video and i said FGxzzgfiQIM-00084-00048632-00049152 don't say that i said you know talk about what you want to do for other people because that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00085-00049152-00049616 what they care about they don't care about if you have 25 000 subscribers they care about what they FGxzzgfiQIM-00086-00049616-00050392 get from you and that's what we got to remember as marketers uh sears wound up owned by kmart's FGxzzgfiQIM-00087-00050472-00050968 i think actually sears bought kmart uh is the way that worked i don't know i don't know it's it's FGxzzgfiQIM-00088-00050968-00051552 kind of like past me uh they suffered from bad management lowe's handles craftsman brands tools FGxzzgfiQIM-00089-00051552-00052136 that sears had yeah when i when i saw that um they sold their craftsman brand i knew they were FGxzzgfiQIM-00090-00052136-00052632 dead then because that was their brand i mean you can't you can't sell your brand who are you then FGxzzgfiQIM-00091-00052632-00053104 you don't identify as anything anymore everyone from my generation love sears FGxzzgfiQIM-00092-00053104-00053552 yeah and montgomery wards too i will bring that up i'm not trying to date myself but i spent a lot FGxzzgfiQIM-00093-00053552-00054120 of time at montgomery wards too i remember years and years and years ago i was much younger and i FGxzzgfiQIM-00094-00054120-00054648 was in my early 20s and i had a lot of debt and i went to montgomery wards and i needed a washer and FGxzzgfiQIM-00095-00054648-00055191 dryer and i didn't qualify uh to get the credit it was like six hundred dollars for the two of them FGxzzgfiQIM-00096-00055191-00055608 uh and i couldn't get the credit uh so i had a family member actually help us out FGxzzgfiQIM-00097-00055608-00056000 but i remember montgomery awards i do remember them too so this audience thing let's talk about FGxzzgfiQIM-00098-00056000-00056552 what's the first thing you can do first thing you can do is get your thoughts out there in a blog so FGxzzgfiQIM-00099-00056552-00057072 that's number one get your thoughts out there in a blog you need a website of some sort okay you need FGxzzgfiQIM-00100-00057072-00057608 a website of some sort you got to go somewhere and post your thoughts and that's why i think a FGxzzgfiQIM-00101-00057608-00058144 website is so good to have that i have cartridge and i have a website a matter of fact i have 50 FGxzzgfiQIM-00102-00058144-00058728 websites i have a bunch of websites but the point is um by doing that and getting your thoughts FGxzzgfiQIM-00103-00058728-00059160 out there somebody will find you they will it's going to take time this is not something you're FGxzzgfiQIM-00104-00059160-00059608 going to do in a week or a month or maybe even a year it's going to take time so that's the first FGxzzgfiQIM-00105-00059608-00060336 thing you can do is get your blog going the next thing you can do is go out and help people out FGxzzgfiQIM-00106-00060336-00061040 in social media so go to facebook this is number two go to facebook um go into groups that are FGxzzgfiQIM-00107-00061040-00061424 you know around what you do like you know i would go and i did this i went into groups FGxzzgfiQIM-00108-00061496-00062024 that talked about making money online and i would offer suggestions i would post videos about ways FGxzzgfiQIM-00109-00062024-00062560 that i made money online that could help somebody out so i actually use that social media out there FGxzzgfiQIM-00110-00062616-00063328 to get that job done the next thing you can do is you can offer free downloads this is number three FGxzzgfiQIM-00111-00063328-00063904 put together a pdf put together an infographic something that's gonna help people maybe it's FGxzzgfiQIM-00112-00063904-00064367 steps on how to build a website maybe it's steps on how to cook a roast maybe it's how FGxzzgfiQIM-00113-00064367-00064944 to you know sharpen knives whatever it is but number three is you gotta give this information FGxzzgfiQIM-00114-00064944-00065568 to help people out and if you do that and you know a lot of people say well i did a pdf and i didn't FGxzzgfiQIM-00115-00065568-00066232 get much out of it you did one huh you just did one yeah you did one you got to do more than one FGxzzgfiQIM-00116-00066232-00066784 um let's see here let me get to my other screen there we go and i think that's where FGxzzgfiQIM-00117-00066784-00067144 a lot of businesses fall short like sears you know we were talking about this a second ago FGxzzgfiQIM-00118-00067248-00067696 they didn't keep up with people they didn't do stuff for people their customer service faltered FGxzzgfiQIM-00119-00067696-00068296 their selection faltered um their displays looked old i mean it just didn't keep up with the times FGxzzgfiQIM-00120-00068384-00068800 uh and i i remember target uh and i'm up to number three guys just to keep FGxzzgfiQIM-00121-00068800-00069336 track of that i remember target years ago when i lived in san diego i would say in the late 80s FGxzzgfiQIM-00122-00069336-00069800 um they were just run down and gross there was just nothing to them and at that time target was FGxzzgfiQIM-00123-00069800-00070184 not even on the east coast uh and i would look in there i'm like this place is going to go out of FGxzzgfiQIM-00124-00070184-00070616 business it's just going to go out of business and then on the east coast they years and years later FGxzzgfiQIM-00125-00070616-00071128 when i was on the east coast they opened a target and it was cool i mean they had plastic carts FGxzzgfiQIM-00126-00071128-00071536 which i thought was cool because all the other carts were metal and they rolled nice and all FGxzzgfiQIM-00127-00071536-00072088 the displays were pretty and everything was that red tone in there and they had the big target dot FGxzzgfiQIM-00128-00072088-00072648 and i was like wow this is a different target but what they did was something that sears didn't do FGxzzgfiQIM-00129-00072648-00073120 is they kept up with the times they reinvented themselves which is what you gotta do constantly FGxzzgfiQIM-00130-00073120-00073624 you gotta constantly reinvent yourself if you think of actors and singers and all these people FGxzzgfiQIM-00131-00073624-00074000 who are really famous who've been around for many years they always reinvent themselves FGxzzgfiQIM-00132-00074000-00074544 i mean i think a snoop dogg stands out a lot in my mind man his longevity has been FGxzzgfiQIM-00133-00074544-00074992 amazing and most rappers i mean they're good for a few months maybe a year or two FGxzzgfiQIM-00134-00074992-00075568 uh snoop dogg has made himself relevant he went on cooking shows with you know martha stewart FGxzzgfiQIM-00135-00075568-00076216 he um he was actually the commentator for the last tysons fight he did different things he reinvented FGxzzgfiQIM-00136-00076216-00076816 himself he wasn't just a rapper you know so that's something else that you got to keep in mind that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00137-00076816-00077184 how a lot of these stores lost themselves let me look at some of your comments here FGxzzgfiQIM-00138-00077256-00077976 um while i agree i think you need to blend great content with marketing your brand true FGxzzgfiQIM-00139-00078056-00078720 uh buddy targeted his audience and built to 35 000 people in three months i switched to organic and FGxzzgfiQIM-00140-00078720-00079240 now at 103 000. wow that's good buddy i'm not i think that's the guy you told me about the other FGxzzgfiQIM-00141-00079240-00080000 day paul i'm not sure most companies that are gone had no engagement yeah yeah you're stealing my FGxzzgfiQIM-00142-00080000-00080608 number four you're stealing it uh met guy who was in charge of their social media campaigns really FGxzzgfiQIM-00143-00080696-00081408 my number four is engage with your audience engage with them okay when you start posting this stuff FGxzzgfiQIM-00144-00081408-00081864 when you start doing this free content when you start getting in these groups and facebook FGxzzgfiQIM-00145-00081936-00082744 engage okay if somebody ask a question by all means you need to answer it and i don't mean FGxzzgfiQIM-00146-00082744-00083512 answer it with yes or no you know i mean if somebody says to me you know uh let me think FGxzzgfiQIM-00147-00083512-00084136 what's the best price products to start with in e-commerce okay um i'm going to answer that and FGxzzgfiQIM-00148-00084136-00084480 then i'm going to follow up with a question and paul you've probably seen me do that FGxzzgfiQIM-00149-00084568-00085072 when somebody asks a question i may say well i think the best price is in that 10 to 20 dollar FGxzzgfiQIM-00150-00085072-00085584 range if it's a cold audience if it's a warm audience it could be a much higher priced item FGxzzgfiQIM-00151-00085656-00086256 tell me what is the type of items you're thinking about offering or is it a service and i'll give FGxzzgfiQIM-00152-00086256-00086680 you a different answer so i'm going to answer the question and then i'm going to respond back FGxzzgfiQIM-00153-00086680-00087096 with another question and the reason i'm going to do that is i want to keep the conversation going FGxzzgfiQIM-00154-00087096-00087600 and i want to help that person out but by asking another question i'm going to get another comment FGxzzgfiQIM-00155-00087600-00088384 um platforms whether it be facebook or youtube or twitter or whatever they reward you for engagement FGxzzgfiQIM-00156-00088456-00088936 so if you're getting a lot of comments and this is number four if you're getting a lot of comments FGxzzgfiQIM-00157-00088936-00089304 and you are not engaging you're not answering these people they're going to quit FGxzzgfiQIM-00158-00089304-00089800 sending you questions you know a lot of times i will have if you've done this i'll think about FGxzzgfiQIM-00159-00089800-00090272 commenting on a video and i'll see that they've got some comments down there and i'm thinking i FGxzzgfiQIM-00160-00090272-00090640 wonder if they even read these things because i don't want to waste my time if they don't FGxzzgfiQIM-00161-00090640-00091056 and what i'll do is i'll click on some of the comments that are already there to see the replies FGxzzgfiQIM-00162-00091056-00091560 to see if the original publisher ever replied to these people and if they didn't reply to these FGxzzgfiQIM-00163-00091560-00092040 people guess what i don't put any comment on their video they've lost engagement they lost engagement FGxzzgfiQIM-00164-00092040-00092560 because i've already checked them out i look to see if they're actually responding to people FGxzzgfiQIM-00165-00092560-00092840 if they're not responding people i feel like they don't even care FGxzzgfiQIM-00166-00092928-00093592 now i get it if you have a huge audience if you get thousands of comments on your videos FGxzzgfiQIM-00167-00093592-00094096 i understand you can't answer all of them i don't have that problem but i might one day FGxzzgfiQIM-00168-00094096-00094696 but here's something i do also understand you can answer some of them you can answer some of them FGxzzgfiQIM-00169-00094696-00095176 uh if you don't answer anybody on your blog if you don't answer anybody on your youtube channel FGxzzgfiQIM-00170-00095176-00095560 if you don't answer anybody who you know says something on twitter or whatever you're going to FGxzzgfiQIM-00171-00095560-00095952 lose your audience because they're going to look at you as somebody who doesn't really care and you FGxzzgfiQIM-00172-00095952-00096368 don't i mean obviously you don't care if you're not responding super important that you do that FGxzzgfiQIM-00173-00096520-00097016 let's see here snoop embrace marketing and definitely a student of marketing and publicity FGxzzgfiQIM-00174-00097016-00097416 yeah i mean you look at him and you go this guy just smokes pot he didn't care about anything FGxzzgfiQIM-00175-00097416-00097984 no he's a marketer no believe me snoop dogg is a marketer and there's a lot of people like him out FGxzzgfiQIM-00176-00097984-00098384 there i'm not saying he's the only one but he does come to mind because he's been around my FGxzzgfiQIM-00177-00098384-00098944 whole life he's like and he's still got long hair even though it starts like in the back of his head FGxzzgfiQIM-00178-00098944-00099480 and goes out i mean he's got like his forehead is like most of his head down uh but that's all of us FGxzzgfiQIM-00179-00099480-00099984 right all of us my forehead's getting pretty high too i can't say anything uh let's see here pennies FGxzzgfiQIM-00180-00099984-00100640 is going to be gone soon because their engagement sucks and they don't address the outcry about FGxzzgfiQIM-00181-00100640-00101208 bad customer service uh oh pennies oh yes yes the department store pay i thought you meant the coin FGxzzgfiQIM-00182-00101208-00101608 pennies and there's those are going to be gone too by the way um yeah pennies is probably the FGxzzgfiQIM-00183-00101608-00102320 next one on the list isn't it uh macy's is not far from there um i think saks fifth avenue is not far FGxzzgfiQIM-00184-00102320-00102992 from there i think bloomingdale's is not far from there a lot of those big box retailers even though FGxzzgfiQIM-00185-00102992-00103535 some of them had expensive stuff like saks fifth avenue had expensive stuff but so what if you're FGxzzgfiQIM-00186-00103535-00104032 if your engagement's not good with your people and if you know if they have a snooty attitude i FGxzzgfiQIM-00187-00104032-00104568 know on the east coast we had tallheimers and i'm curious how tallheimers is doing now tall armors FGxzzgfiQIM-00188-00104568-00105376 was a nice store uh and they really had upscale type stuff i wonder about them um let's see here FGxzzgfiQIM-00189-00105728-00106168 just reading some of the comments morehead what's up what's up what's up is what we're FGxzzgfiQIM-00190-00106168-00106600 doing today right we're helping people build their audience and we went through number four FGxzzgfiQIM-00191-00106600-00106959 and we're hitting on number five now number five is one of my favorites hang on one second FGxzzgfiQIM-00192-00107311-00107624 number five let me tell you a little bit about number five let's talk number five FGxzzgfiQIM-00193-00107704-00108320 number five is free number five is free number five you can reach the largest FGxzzgfiQIM-00194-00108320-00108752 audience in the world it's free and you can reach the largest audience in the world FGxzzgfiQIM-00195-00108888-00109504 number five takes persistence uh but number five can bring you the biggest following FGxzzgfiQIM-00196-00109504-00110072 you've ever seen in your life um number five can bring you more money than you can imagine FGxzzgfiQIM-00197-00110168-00110896 number five takes more time than all of these other things but it's the most rewarding one FGxzzgfiQIM-00198-00110896-00111256 number five will get you closer to your audience than you've ever been number five FGxzzgfiQIM-00199-00111256-00111824 we'll get you more engagement than you could ever imagine uh number five is something that FGxzzgfiQIM-00200-00111824-00112264 will be around for years and years to come in my estimation okay you never know what's going to FGxzzgfiQIM-00201-00112264-00113192 happen number five is still growing um way faster than all of the other social platforms way faster FGxzzgfiQIM-00202-00113248-00113824 number five is one of the most trusted things number five has more celebrities on it and it FGxzzgfiQIM-00203-00113824-00114368 has more regular people on it than anything else number five is the one i mean if you if you said FGxzzgfiQIM-00204-00114368-00114856 well i'm only gonna do one thing i'm not gonna do anything else i would pick number five that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00205-00114856-00115559 what i would do uh do you remember corvettes and two guys uh corvettes yeah matter of fact FGxzzgfiQIM-00206-00115559-00116008 in san diego they have a thing called the corvette diner uh and that was around in the beginning of FGxzzgfiQIM-00207-00116008-00117008 covid and let me just check it um let's see here corvette diner corvette diner san diego FGxzzgfiQIM-00208-00117224-00117872 see if they still have that uh and two guys i don't remember two guys no i don't know that one FGxzzgfiQIM-00209-00117872-00118472 that may have been you know it may have been a geographical thing um corvette diner looks FGxzzgfiQIM-00210-00118472-00119392 like they closed in san diego and there it is guys corvette diner is closed can you see that closed FGxzzgfiQIM-00211-00119504-00120000 there my camera finally focused in which was a pretty cool little place um FGxzzgfiQIM-00212-00120280-00121232 opens at 12 p.m wait wait wait maybe they're still in business let's see here let's see here FGxzzgfiQIM-00213-00121232-00121559 let me check one other spot here because corvette diner was really pretty cool FGxzzgfiQIM-00214-00121808-00121983 corvette diner FGxzzgfiQIM-00215-00122256-00122896 they are still in business it just it says close today that's really confusing why would you close FGxzzgfiQIM-00216-00122896-00123632 on a tuesday i don't know maybe they're business maybe they're not kind of hard to say but they FGxzzgfiQIM-00217-00123632-00124064 were owned by a small restaurant group here in san diego uh let's see here i'm getting ready FGxzzgfiQIM-00218-00124064-00124535 to reveal number five guys uh and if you think you know what number five is you're welcome i've been FGxzzgfiQIM-00219-00124535-00124968 giving you a lot of hints it's got the biggest audience it has the biggest reach it's growing FGxzzgfiQIM-00220-00124968-00125359 faster than any of it has more celebrities on it and it has more regular people on it FGxzzgfiQIM-00221-00125456-00125896 number five doesn't cost you any money to do it number five can get you more engagement FGxzzgfiQIM-00222-00125896-00126359 than anything else what is number five see if you can guess it um think you need to do a live FGxzzgfiQIM-00223-00126359-00127120 from a mall to show the empty spaces you think that'd be interesting i also do a cemetery because FGxzzgfiQIM-00224-00127120-00127911 that's where a field of dreams not fulfilled who dares wins he's right they say the best books FGxzzgfiQIM-00225-00127911-00128359 never written are in a cemetery everybody's got a book in them i don't care who you are FGxzzgfiQIM-00226-00128359-00128800 you know if you've lived you know into adulthood you've probably got a book in you already FGxzzgfiQIM-00227-00128856-00129376 or many books i think i've got many in me but i got to spend my time in so many different areas FGxzzgfiQIM-00228-00129376-00129880 and it's really kind of exciting to me because i've learned enough now about selling online FGxzzgfiQIM-00229-00129880-00130192 i remember years ago and i think i talked about this the other day i think it was like FGxzzgfiQIM-00230-00130192-00130848 2013 not that long ago i didn't know that much about marketing i mean i had made millions of FGxzzgfiQIM-00231-00130848-00131352 dollars online by then but i didn't really know what i need to know about marketing now i do so FGxzzgfiQIM-00232-00131352-00131720 back then i didn't if i didn't have sales i didn't know what to do about it now if i don't have sales FGxzzgfiQIM-00233-00131720-00132120 i know exactly what to do about it i know where i can go what i can do and how i can increase them FGxzzgfiQIM-00234-00132192-00133144 so that's very helpful uh let's see even chevrolet designed corvette for geezers by raising seat for FGxzzgfiQIM-00235-00133144-00133832 people who can afford it uh tuesday's slowest day in restaurants uh yeah it is yeah you're right FGxzzgfiQIM-00236-00133832-00134360 about that it is a slow dan restaurants paul um so maybe that's why the corvette diners it's close FGxzzgfiQIM-00237-00134360-00134832 today i don't know but that's a weird day because they were open seven days a week before uh what's FGxzzgfiQIM-00238-00134832-00135576 the thoughts me we uh just heard about them but not sure what they are about let me check this FGxzzgfiQIM-00239-00135576-00136096 paul me we i don't know me we if i don't know something i'm going to tell you something me we FGxzzgfiQIM-00240-00136312-00136712 me is an uplifting next generation social network FGxzzgfiQIM-00241-00136784-00137504 uh with awesome social features and no bs no ads no targeting no news feed manipulation mealy has FGxzzgfiQIM-00242-00137504-00137976 okay i'll have to check it out now the only thing that concerns me because there was a competitor FGxzzgfiQIM-00243-00137976-00138520 to facebook that asked me to join it a few years ago and it was the same thing it didn't you know FGxzzgfiQIM-00244-00138520-00139120 didn't have the ads it didn't you know manipulate the feed or any of that stuff but without ads FGxzzgfiQIM-00245-00139120-00139512 you can't make money uh and the number five thing i'm going to reveal to you just a second FGxzzgfiQIM-00246-00139512-00140080 nobody's guessed it yet i'm surprised you haven't but the the number five thing has ads FGxzzgfiQIM-00247-00140136-00140624 and i think you have to have ads you got to monetize i mean how do you keep a platform going FGxzzgfiQIM-00248-00140624-00141136 if you don't have income you've got to have income corvettes was founded by korean war FGxzzgfiQIM-00249-00141136-00141632 veterans on the east coast oh okay i didn't know about that one i didn't know about that at all FGxzzgfiQIM-00250-00141936-00142600 what's number five nobody has guessed what is number five guys you haven't figured out number FGxzzgfiQIM-00251-00142600-00143080 five yet you gotta figure out number five what is it guess guess guess this i mean i've made it so FGxzzgfiQIM-00252-00143080-00143688 painfully obvious what number five is it's the best it's the best way to build an audience bar FGxzzgfiQIM-00253-00143688-00144496 none what is number five the best way to build an audience oh my gosh it's so painfully obvious okay FGxzzgfiQIM-00254-00144496-00145024 um and i've used all the things that i'm talking about today every single one of them uh some i use FGxzzgfiQIM-00255-00145024-00145632 more than others um some i don't use now some i did use uh but number five i use now i use FGxzzgfiQIM-00256-00145632-00146104 number five almost every day now in fact i do use number five every day um but nobody's guessed what FGxzzgfiQIM-00257-00146104-00146592 it is nobody seems to know what number five is it's the most important way to build an audience FGxzzgfiQIM-00258-00146592-00147256 that you could possibly have and don't be scared of putting something that is wrong there it is FGxzzgfiQIM-00259-00147256-00147808 paul just got it it's youtube i'm doing it right now i'm doing it right now we are FGxzzgfiQIM-00260-00147808-00148344 talking to each other right now you guys are chatting there i'm putting up videos FGxzzgfiQIM-00261-00148344-00148872 they last forever right more celebrities are on youtube than anything else and more regular people FGxzzgfiQIM-00262-00148872-00149304 are on youtube than anything else matter of fact youtube has made celebrities out of more regular FGxzzgfiQIM-00263-00149304-00149880 people than anything else uh it is amazing you can reach the biggest audience it's not FGxzzgfiQIM-00264-00149880-00150288 costing me anything but my time to sit here and talk to you guys yeah okay there's a FGxzzgfiQIM-00265-00150288-00150928 camera there's a computer and all that good stuff but overall um youtube is going to get me more FGxzzgfiQIM-00266-00151056-00151680 traffic more interaction more audience more recognition i can help more people on youtube i FGxzzgfiQIM-00267-00151680-00152216 can do so much on youtube that i can't do anyplace else it doesn't mean i ignore all the other things FGxzzgfiQIM-00268-00152272-00152552 and paul didn't say carter yes i love cartoon that's a great marketing tool FGxzzgfiQIM-00269-00152656-00153264 but to build an audience to build an audience ain't nothing like uh youtube youtube nothing like FGxzzgfiQIM-00270-00153264-00154016 youtube youtube is freaking amazing youtube is the single best way to build an audience of anything FGxzzgfiQIM-00271-00154016-00154568 that's available to you if you just did youtube and you did nothing else if you just did youtube FGxzzgfiQIM-00272-00154568-00155112 you could build an audience you wouldn't need anything else you could just do it uh hi morad FGxzzgfiQIM-00273-00155112-00155712 happy to see you're joining us geezers i guess we are kind of geezers aren't we it is funny though FGxzzgfiQIM-00274-00155712-00156488 guys in my audience on youtube my audience is 18 to 34 and that is 86 percent of my audience 18 FGxzzgfiQIM-00275-00156488-00157272 to 34. and it varies a little bit every you know day by day um let's see here i am really surprised FGxzzgfiQIM-00276-00157272-00157736 that given the engagement here that you're not just blowing it up right now hey it takes time FGxzzgfiQIM-00277-00157736-00158120 and i don't really care you know i mean i do care i mean i want people to see it and all that stuff FGxzzgfiQIM-00278-00158120-00158704 um but it takes time you know youtube is a finicky thing um and you know we're growing and that's all FGxzzgfiQIM-00279-00158704-00159120 i care about you know every day i get up and we've got bigger audience and i've got more money coming FGxzzgfiQIM-00280-00159120-00159640 in and i've helped more people uh and all i care about is the forward movement would i like to see FGxzzgfiQIM-00281-00159640-00160168 you know 10 million subscribers sure who wouldn't i'd be a liar if i didn't i would like to see more FGxzzgfiQIM-00282-00160168-00160616 sure of course i would i'd be a liar if i said i didn't um but am i satisfied with the fact FGxzzgfiQIM-00283-00160616-00161120 that it is growing of course i am of course i am i love it um you know i've got videos that FGxzzgfiQIM-00284-00161120-00161608 get tens of thousands of views uh which some people never get that on their whole channel so FGxzzgfiQIM-00285-00161608-00162128 uh and i know it's because um i put out so much content i mean i put out a lot of FGxzzgfiQIM-00286-00162128-00162520 content uh and i don't know how many videos i have today you can probably look at my channel FGxzzgfiQIM-00287-00162584-00163048 but i know it's in excess of 900 and it's approaching a thousand videos uh and that FGxzzgfiQIM-00288-00163048-00163512 may be off-putting to some people because they say well my gosh you don't have 5 000 subscribers yet FGxzzgfiQIM-00289-00163512-00164112 and you got almost a thousand videos keep in mind the first i would say five six hundred weren't FGxzzgfiQIM-00290-00164112-00164520 that good they weren't good i didn't know what i was doing they were really short they were choppy FGxzzgfiQIM-00291-00164520-00164928 uh and i left them up there please don't go look at them uh but if you go back to my videos FGxzzgfiQIM-00292-00164928-00165400 and you sorted my oldest video you would see they aren't that good okay i wasn't good at it FGxzzgfiQIM-00293-00165400-00165968 i took time it takes time to do this stuff it takes time to get good i had to study it because i FGxzzgfiQIM-00294-00165968-00166536 did i i was doing what i thought would be good and that has nothing to do with reality what you think FGxzzgfiQIM-00295-00166536-00167176 people want has nothing to do with reality i mean you could be right oftentimes you're wrong FGxzzgfiQIM-00296-00167264-00167936 let's see uh i am really surprised okay think you need another book i do i have two started paul and FGxzzgfiQIM-00297-00167936-00168424 i've got a course that's almost finished and i'm working on all those things a little bit at a time FGxzzgfiQIM-00298-00168480-00169040 james green absolutely agree paul i'm also baffled while jr's channel isn't growing exponentially FGxzzgfiQIM-00299-00169040-00169632 because they don't they don't i mean the chances of that happening are almost minuscule if you FGxzzgfiQIM-00300-00169632-00170136 really look at the number of channels that there are on youtube uh over 90 of them don't have 100 FGxzzgfiQIM-00301-00170136-00170704 subscribers you know that's crazy over 90 percent uh and to get over a thousand subscribers it's FGxzzgfiQIM-00302-00170704-00171320 impossible almost to get to 100 000 subscribers or is it a million it's either a million or 100 000 FGxzzgfiQIM-00303-00171320-00171960 there's only 2 000 channels in the world that hit that benchmark that's pretty amazing i think it's FGxzzgfiQIM-00304-00171960-00172456 i think it's a million subscribers but still think about that only 2 000 channels hit a million and FGxzzgfiQIM-00305-00172456-00173032 i watched some that have 7 million 10 million 12 million um it's pretty amazing and it'd be great FGxzzgfiQIM-00306-00173032-00173512 to get there and one day i may one day i may not but the point is along the way i'm going to help FGxzzgfiQIM-00307-00173512-00174016 people and that's really what i really want to do you know i have money to live off now and my bills FGxzzgfiQIM-00308-00174016-00174456 are paid every month i mean how much money do you really need i mean i'm fed and i have shelter you FGxzzgfiQIM-00309-00174456-00174928 know how much house do you want to clean uh we're building a house in texas and it's too big for us FGxzzgfiQIM-00310-00174928-00175488 i know it is um you know i mean how much do you really need you just don't need much come on j.r FGxzzgfiQIM-00311-00175568-00176248 you have a fun time on this livestream i know it i do i do it does show i do have a good time on here FGxzzgfiQIM-00312-00176248-00176680 and i really appreciate all you guys i really really do and i want to remind everybody too FGxzzgfiQIM-00313-00176680-00177104 please subscribe to the channel that is something i need to tell you if that button down there is FGxzzgfiQIM-00314-00177104-00177544 red you need to click it turn it to gray and you also need to ring this bell turn it all FGxzzgfiQIM-00315-00177544-00178072 bell notifications so you're notified each and every time i go live or i upload a video it will FGxzzgfiQIM-00316-00178072-00178632 notify you that and i've been telling you guys something wrong i forgot i changed my schedule FGxzzgfiQIM-00317-00178632-00179160 my video uploads are sunday through thursday i've been telling you they were monday through friday FGxzzgfiQIM-00318-00179232-00179720 about eight nine months ago i changed that with my video editor and i i told him the other day i FGxzzgfiQIM-00319-00179720-00180136 said you forgot to put up a video on friday and i put one up because you didn't do it and he's like FGxzzgfiQIM-00320-00180136-00180672 well no you told me sunday through thursday i'm like oh my god i did i did tell him that and the FGxzzgfiQIM-00321-00180672-00181232 reason we did that was because the majority of my audience was on sunday through thursday so that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00322-00181232-00181768 why we switched that so if you want a video upload look for them sunday through thursday if you want FGxzzgfiQIM-00323-00181768-00182240 live videos that's monday through saturday where you can actually talk to me and you can ask me FGxzzgfiQIM-00324-00182240-00182720 questions um so yeah so that's what i got for you today i hope those five things helped you FGxzzgfiQIM-00325-00182720-00183208 out if you do those five things you will build an audience i've got some exciting stuff tomorrow and FGxzzgfiQIM-00326-00183208-00183560 i don't know if you guys notice but when you go to my channel when i schedule these lives i'll FGxzzgfiQIM-00327-00183560-00184024 have the subject matter on the name of the video um so you can look and see what's going to happen FGxzzgfiQIM-00328-00184024-00184496 wednesday thursday friday not saturday yet i don't have saturdays up yet but i'll have saturdays up FGxzzgfiQIM-00329-00184496-00185008 pretty soon uh and if you uh if you're interested the saturday ones i do send an email out so make FGxzzgfiQIM-00330-00185008-00185456 sure you get onto my email list and you'll know about the saturday ones i'll i usually email FGxzzgfiQIM-00331-00185456-00185904 you thursday friday and twice on saturday uh to remind you about the saturday one it's a little FGxzzgfiQIM-00332-00185904-00186472 bit bigger one sometimes i go a little bit longer i don't know why it's saturday i guess more people FGxzzgfiQIM-00333-00186472-00186872 can come to it i usually have a bigger audience on that one uh but these do well afterwards that's FGxzzgfiQIM-00334-00186872-00187360 all i care about uh is that people do get to it they get to see it they get to learn things FGxzzgfiQIM-00335-00187360-00187784 uh how's house coming along it's kind of all good but i didn't get any pictures last week paul FGxzzgfiQIM-00336-00187840-00188368 i have an agent and then i have the property i don't know what the guys call project manager FGxzzgfiQIM-00337-00188368-00188896 or something like that and i've had three project managers for each stage of the house and i think FGxzzgfiQIM-00338-00188896-00189336 any pictures i'm a little upset about that and the one guy i've got that's the project manager FGxzzgfiQIM-00339-00189336-00189784 now he doesn't do too good my my agent uh or sales rep i guess sales rep for the company FGxzzgfiQIM-00340-00189784-00190304 he's really good he'll go over there and do long videos um and i put together a long video of it FGxzzgfiQIM-00341-00190304-00190760 i just haven't posted it because it looks kind of like i'm showing off and i don't like doing that FGxzzgfiQIM-00342-00190760-00191480 um but my my video editor saw it uh because i put it on youtube it's a hidden video and he FGxzzgfiQIM-00343-00191480-00191888 says oh my god i sell your house and he says you look like a celebrity or something he says when FGxzzgfiQIM-00344-00191888-00192248 you move into the house you'll be a celebrity and what's funny is he's in the philippines FGxzzgfiQIM-00345-00192248-00192584 and i guess over there it's like if you have a nice house that's what makes you a celebrity it's FGxzzgfiQIM-00346-00192584-00193032 like that's the furthest thing that i ever want to be uh but uh it was very kind of him and he really FGxzzgfiQIM-00347-00193032-00193432 liked the house and he showed it to his wife and they liked it um and he's been with me going on FGxzzgfiQIM-00348-00193432-00193936 a couple of years now so you know we could talk about anything so that's that's the update on the FGxzzgfiQIM-00349-00193936-00194288 house i'll show you pictures real soon i know they got the cabinets in they were trying to FGxzzgfiQIM-00350-00194288-00194680 paint them they were supposed to put flooring in last week i don't know if they did or not FGxzzgfiQIM-00351-00194680-00195192 uh so obviously i know they put the frame up form for them for the driveway they were supposed to FGxzzgfiQIM-00352-00195192-00195728 pour the driveway don't know if that's done or not uh but i'll be looking forward to seeing that uh FGxzzgfiQIM-00353-00195728-00196136 paul says i'll message you later okay that's very cool i appreciate your messages paul i'm going to FGxzzgfiQIM-00354-00196136-00196488 get out of here guys you have a great day thank you so much for showing up today and i'll see FIvLZssa1yM-00000-00000640-00000740 Fan: JEA! FIvLZssa1yM-00001-00001044-00001154 It's my first time ever seeing a celebrity FIvLZssa1yM-00002-00001154-00001218 JEA: Oh really? FIvLZssa1yM-00003-00001368-00001494 JEA: Nice meeting you and have fun~ FIvLZssa1yM-00004-00001494-00001548 Where did you guys come from? FIvLZssa1yM-00005-00001554-00001654 Fan: From Daegu FIvLZssa1yM-00006-00001762-00001872 JEA: I really like Daegu! FIvLZssa1yM-00007-00001939-00002014 JEA: Have fun~ FIvLZssa1yM-00008-00002856-00003028 It was her first time seeing a celebrity FIvLZssa1yM-00009-00003050-00003238 JEA: And the celebrity was Jea! FIvLZssa1yM-00010-00003320-00003461 It's her lucky day 😉 FIvLZssa1yM-00011-00005572-00005724 Oh this place~ FIvLZssa1yM-00012-00005874-00006140 It's a sunglass shop that I filmed in FIvLZssa1yM-00013-00006384-00006540 I couldn't just pass by FIvLZssa1yM-00014-00006748-00006944 Jea actually loves sunglasses 😎 FIvLZssa1yM-00015-00007709-00007834 (They were hosting an event today - pure coincidence!) FIvLZssa1yM-00016-00008126-00008404 1st place & 2nd place winners get sunglasses! FIvLZssa1yM-00017-00008448-00008694 (Not sponsored!!! Pure coincidence!!) FIvLZssa1yM-00018-00008732-00008920 No one won 1st place today FIvLZssa1yM-00019-00008922-00009026 JEA: Really? :o FIvLZssa1yM-00020-00009194-00009284 (very tempted) FIvLZssa1yM-00021-00009476-00009810 Since there are two of us, I'm going to pick two, is that okay? FIvLZssa1yM-00022-00009822-00009984 I'll just take this one first FIvLZssa1yM-00023-00010572-00010672 Sorry for the mess! FIvLZssa1yM-00024-00010870-00011204 It's more entertaining for my channel if I win 1st place FIvLZssa1yM-00025-00011628-00011742 I'm too nervous FIvLZssa1yM-00026-00011876-00011976 My heart... FIvLZssa1yM-00027-00011995-00012095 My heart is beating too fast FIvLZssa1yM-00028-00013219-00013480 (Won 3rd place! The prize was glasses retainer) FIvLZssa1yM-00029-00013647-00013800 (Opening the second one!) FIvLZssa1yM-00030-00014530-00014586 Sir FIvLZssa1yM-00031-00014591-00014878 Excuse me sir, since you picked the first box can I just pick another one? 😂 FIvLZssa1yM-00032-00014930-00015032 (5 minutes ago...) FIvLZssa1yM-00033-00015032-00015297 JEA: "I'll just take this one first" FIvLZssa1yM-00034-00015490-00015700 You've won 3rd place, which isn't too far from 1st place FIvLZssa1yM-00035-00015700-00015836 (Won a bracelet & free drink) FIvLZssa1yM-00036-00016036-00016136 (No entertaining content for the channel...) FIvLZssa1yM-00037-00016352-00016558 Going to look around the place, since we're here FIvLZssa1yM-00038-00016754-00016966 I really fell in love with this one after trying it on! FIvLZssa1yM-00039-00017050-00017200 JEA: But your face is so small! FIvLZssa1yM-00040-00017330-00017420 I'm going to look at myself first FIvLZssa1yM-00041-00017792-00017886 No no no FIvLZssa1yM-00042-00017886-00018028 Not this one FIvLZssa1yM-00043-00018188-00018288 JEA: Do you have a bigger one? FIvLZssa1yM-00044-00018484-00018644 Did someone win?! FIvLZssa1yM-00045-00018660-00018818 (Somebody won the sunglasses!) FIvLZssa1yM-00046-00019378-00019672 When I picked out the one I gave you... FIvLZssa1yM-00047-00019672-00019972 there was something about the one next to it 😶 FIvLZssa1yM-00048-00020038-00020272 JEA: What~ But you picked out the wrong one for me! FIvLZssa1yM-00049-00021276-00021424 This one looks quite nice FIvLZssa1yM-00050-00021672-00021846 (Time to take a better look) FIvLZssa1yM-00051-00022321-00022613 This one. This is the one FIvLZssa1yM-00052-00022614-00022744 It's yours~ FIvLZssa1yM-00053-00022870-00022970 JEA: This one's pretty too FIvLZssa1yM-00054-00023032-00023178 Just buy everything FIvLZssa1yM-00055-00023328-00023508 It goes really well with your hair color! FIvLZssa1yM-00056-00023974-00024122 It actually looks really pretty FIvLZssa1yM-00057-00024208-00024356 JEA: I was surprised at myself too FIvLZssa1yM-00058-00024754-00024878 (moments before a shopping spree) FIvLZssa1yM-00059-00025760-00025864 JEA: What should I do.... FIvLZssa1yM-00060-00026056-00026204 My face is like a cat and a dog FIvLZssa1yM-00061-00026204-00026377 & a lion FIvLZssa1yM-00062-00027676-00027872 Time to show off those sunnies FIvLZssa1yM-00063-00028183-00028283 JEA: What should I do..? FIvLZssa1yM-00064-00028347-00028447 Just buy both~ FIvLZssa1yM-00065-00028483-00028718 I have the same one in multiple colors FIvLZssa1yM-00066-00028788-00028927 So it's like having different sunglasses FIvLZssa1yM-00067-00029014-00029177 JEA: Then do you want to buy this one for me? FIvLZssa1yM-00068-00029883-00030226 Are you and the other guy models? FIvLZssa1yM-00069-00030254-00030477 Yes we are model salespersons for today FIvLZssa1yM-00070-00030736-00030895 No wonder you're so pretty FIvLZssa1yM-00071-00030910-00031089 So Young Shim/Model FIvLZssa1yM-00072-00031152-00031252 You guys are pretty and good looking FIvLZssa1yM-00073-00031738-00031938 JEA: So...are you going to buy this for me? FIvLZssa1yM-00074-00032339-00032476 Let's do a prank! FIvLZssa1yM-00075-00032536-00032672 JEA: What's your name? FIvLZssa1yM-00076-00032677-00032770 SY: It's Soyoung Shim FIvLZssa1yM-00077-00032838-00033078 JEA: Let's tell the guy that you are going to buy me these sunglasses FIvLZssa1yM-00078-00033080-00033318 so he has to buy me these sunglasses FIvLZssa1yM-00079-00033628-00033884 JEA: Tell him you're going to buy these with the money you earned today FIvLZssa1yM-00080-00033920-00034080 Say they looked so good on me FIvLZssa1yM-00081-00034088-00034422 that you had to buy these for me as customer service FIvLZssa1yM-00082-00034470-00034602 Because they genuinely looked soo good on me FIvLZssa1yM-00083-00034602-00034816 say you couldn't resist FIvLZssa1yM-00084-00034904-00035044 And so he must buy it for me as well FIvLZssa1yM-00085-00035320-00035462 So this is the prank? FIvLZssa1yM-00086-00035464-00035576 SY: I'm going to head over to him now FIvLZssa1yM-00087-00036284-00036384 Ep. 2! FIvLZssa1yM-00088-00036446-00036578 JEA: Soyoung is going to buy these for me FIvLZssa1yM-00089-00036620-00036728 For real? FIvLZssa1yM-00090-00036766-00036892 JEA: Look at how good it looks on me FIvLZssa1yM-00091-00036944-00037062 So we have to buy them for her? FIvLZssa1yM-00092-00037136-00037236 (acting on point) FIvLZssa1yM-00093-00037320-00037456 *a bit dizzy* FIvLZssa1yM-00094-00037674-00037778 Ep.2 Coming Soon Written by Jea / Directed by Jea FKwQ1fvBzvM-00000-00000053-00000246 So I've been at NASA my whole career. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00001-00000246-00000841 I am born and raised a NASA geek, I, you know, unabashedly can say that. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00002-00000841-00001390 Um, I, uh, was educated at Brown and Stanford universities where it was really encouraged FKwQ1fvBzvM-00003-00001390-00001887 to think creatively across the domains of science and Humanities -- and that, for me, FKwQ1fvBzvM-00004-00001887-00001987 was very important. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00005-00001987-00002200 It's why I went to those two universities. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00006-00002200-00002584 There's endless numbers of great ones; those two allowed that in me. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00007-00002584-00003218 Um, I got to NASA, to really, to try to work to understand Mars in the context of the solar FKwQ1fvBzvM-00008-00003218-00003455 system relative to Earth. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00009-00003455-00003682 Is it a place we can ask, "Are we alone?" FKwQ1fvBzvM-00010-00003682-00003782 Is it worthy of that? FKwQ1fvBzvM-00011-00003782-00004328 I came to NASA to do that, um, been lucky enough to see experiments that I've been involved FKwQ1fvBzvM-00012-00004328-00004778 with, that I started, fly to Mars, fly to Mars orbit, fly in the space shuttle. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00013-00004778-00005144 I mean, really, I sometimes poke myself and say "Did it really happen?" FKwQ1fvBzvM-00014-00005144-00005323 Did we really make those measurements? FKwQ1fvBzvM-00015-00005323-00005692 And I've been fortunate to work with incredible engineers. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00016-00005692-00006026 Scientists have ideas; engineers make ideas practical. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00017-00006026-00006508 Um, we try to measure the unmeasurable, but the engineers tell us, unmeasurable FKwQ1fvBzvM-00018-00006508-00006608 is it? FKwQ1fvBzvM-00019-00006608-00007063 And so we've been lucky -- I've been lucky, many of my colleagues, across NASA, have been FKwQ1fvBzvM-00020-00007063-00007178 very lucky -- to do that. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00021-00007178-00007747 So I got to where I am by working as a scientist, rank and file: proposing experiments, working FKwQ1fvBzvM-00022-00007747-00008286 with colleagues, giving papers, writing papers, and eventually coming to the point where my, FKwQ1fvBzvM-00023-00008286-00008725 uh, value, really, was partly strategic. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00024-00008725-00009338 I served on Sally Ride's committee after the Challenger setback in the late 80s as a strategist, FKwQ1fvBzvM-00025-00009338-00009832 bringing science into the equation as one of things we'd like to do; um, I chaired one FKwQ1fvBzvM-00026-00009832-00010289 of NASA administrators', um, special "skunk works" for the future of human and science FKwQ1fvBzvM-00027-00010289-00010804 exploration about ten or twelve years ago; um, was one of the finding, uh, the founding FKwQ1fvBzvM-00028-00010804-00011278 fathers of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity mission, now twelve years ago when we first FKwQ1fvBzvM-00029-00011278-00011464 came up with the idea with the community. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00030-00011464-00011960 So I've done a little bit of everything; I've actually served as NASA...NASA's agency-wide FKwQ1fvBzvM-00031-00011960-00012075 chief scientist. FKwQ1fvBzvM-00032-00012075-00012567 Um, uh, under the Bush administration when we proposed to go back to the Moon and then FKwQ1fvBzvM-00033-00012567-00013158 Mars, so I've done a little bit of everything, and, you know, quite frankly, it's been quite FKwQ1fvBzvM-00034-00013158-00013643 a ride -- and most of the ride of doing what I've done has been because of other people FKwQ1fvBzvM-00035-00013643-00014100 and so my job is a people job, in a sense, because scientists, we're a strange group, FKwQ1fvBzvM-00036-00014100-00014726 but when we get together and do great things, we solve amazing problems, and that's why FKwQ1fvBzvM-00037-00014726-00015065 NASA is where it is, I think, because of that great cadre of people. FMfLnFG1E-o-00000-00000003-00000348 So when you walk down the streets, you could smell the grilled meats the kabobs FMfLnFG1E-o-00001-00000348-00000722 That's one of the many delicious dishes we're gonna show you in this video FMfLnFG1E-o-00002-00001752-00002327 So in this video we will take you to Central Asia in New York City FMfLnFG1E-o-00003-00002616-00003041 We're here in Rego Park Queens which has a large Bukharan community, so we FMfLnFG1E-o-00004-00003041-00003351 have a lot of Uzbek restaurants here and this is a Bukharan Jewish FMfLnFG1E-o-00005-00003351-00003696 community, so the food here is Kosher. Don't come here on a Friday night or FMfLnFG1E-o-00006-00003711-00004032 mostly Saturday, it will be closed for Shabbat. FMfLnFG1E-o-00007-00004340-00004876 We are at Cheburechnaya to eat some Uzbek food. We got our wine because it's BYOB. FMfLnFG1E-o-00008-00004962-00005390 That's what we love about these Uzbek spots here in Queens and pretty much around the city. They're all BYOB FMfLnFG1E-o-00009-00005390-00005669 You see people coming through here they don't play around they come through with FMfLnFG1E-o-00010-00005669-00005997 the big bottles of vodka and just drink all night. I love it this is like it's FMfLnFG1E-o-00011-00005997-00006443 always a party in these places. We got what this place is known for its chebureki. FMfLnFG1E-o-00012-00006443-00006900 So this place is called Cheburechnaya. FMfLnFG1E-o-00013-00006900-00007254 So there's actually a logo of a chebureki on the sign outside. Pretty cool. So it's a FMfLnFG1E-o-00014-00007254-00007575 pastry that's fried as you can see it's very crispy FMfLnFG1E-o-00015-00007575-00007925 We got one that's the special chebureki which has lamb in it we also have FMfLnFG1E-o-00016-00007925-00008279 chebureki with meat. We don't know which meat, we're gonna have to figure that out. FMfLnFG1E-o-00017-00008279-00008567 Let's get in here. FMfLnFG1E-o-00018-00008745-00009115 Nice crispy outside. It takes a while to get to the filling. The filling is really FMfLnFG1E-o-00019-00009115-00009511 concentrated at the bottom. Definitely like lamb. Juicy - you can literally see FMfLnFG1E-o-00020-00009511-00009937 the juices coming out of this. One thing about this ground lamb FMfLnFG1E-o-00021-00009937-00010468 it's very juicy, has onions and even better it has dill. You know we love dill. FMfLnFG1E-o-00022-00010468-00011080 Dill an essential ingredient in Uzbek cooking so you're gonna see it quite often FMfLnFG1E-o-00023-00011080-00011692 Alright so we got here is samcy aka samsa. We have another baked pastry here FMfLnFG1E-o-00024-00011692-00012328 It's called goshtgizhda. So goshtgizhda has a similar filling to the others. It FMfLnFG1E-o-00025-00012328-00012769 has chopped lamb, onions. I see cumin seeds excited already but FMfLnFG1E-o-00026-00012769-00013231 the shell is much lighter it's not flaky. It's a very light shell it's also covered FMfLnFG1E-o-00027-00013231-00013728 in sesame seeds and black sesame seeds. Let's take a bite. FMfLnFG1E-o-00028-00014052-00014575 That's a cumin heavy filling right there. Very juicy and what's nice is the shell FMfLnFG1E-o-00029-00014575-00015231 is pretty sturdy so it soaks up all those juices from the lamb. Oh. Very tasty FMfLnFG1E-o-00030-00016310-00016803 Alright so I just love how they serve these kabobs on these sword-like skewers FMfLnFG1E-o-00031-00016803-00017250 Look at it, it's sharp about to stab the camera right now haha. But they also just FMfLnFG1E-o-00032-00017250-00017505 dress them very simply with some raw red onion on top. Well we got more FMfLnFG1E-o-00033-00017505-00018265 coming yes (wooo). Let's try this veal liver. It looks so good FMfLnFG1E-o-00034-00018479-00019025 Wow it's so juicy. You see the juice all over the plate. They just put a little FMfLnFG1E-o-00035-00019025-00019462 salt on there. The liver flavor that's not very strong. If you are on the fence FMfLnFG1E-o-00036-00019462-00019756 about liver try this this might change your mind FMfLnFG1E-o-00037-00019756-00020137 Wow. And there's even little pieces of fat in between on the skewer too for extra FMfLnFG1E-o-00038-00020137-00021235 flavor. Amazing. We got veal hearts. We love hearts. Let's give this one a try. FMfLnFG1E-o-00039-00021235-00021692 Cooked perfectly. Again very lightly seasoned just with some salt. The lamb ribs I love they keep it the FMfLnFG1E-o-00040-00021692-00022182 bone-in. They asked if we want the fat. Fat is good for you, right? FMfLnFG1E-o-00041-00022245-00022568 Unlike the others, they actually season this lamb rib FMfLnFG1E-o-00042-00022568-00023150 I'm wondering if it's because to lighten up the gameyness of the lamb meat. Wow. FMfLnFG1E-o-00043-00023150-00023620 It's really good. You get to gnaw on all the cartilage all the pieces by the bone. FMfLnFG1E-o-00044-00023620-00023968 That's what you want - all the good stuff FMfLnFG1E-o-00045-00024138-00024298 No meat gets left behind FMfLnFG1E-o-00046-00024449-00024818 Alright time for the sweetbreads. No, this ain't sweet bread with sugar on FMfLnFG1E-o-00047-00024818-00025178 it. This is the meats this is a neck gland. It's actually the first offal I FMfLnFG1E-o-00048-00025178-00025555 ever eat when I was a kid at Greek Easter FMfLnFG1E-o-00049-00025772-00026200 It's tender got a very unique texture and taste to it FMfLnFG1E-o-00050-00026200-00026725 Wow. It's pretty lean. It's hard to describe, but you just gotta give FMfLnFG1E-o-00051-00026725-00027372 sweetbreads a shot. If you see it on the menu, order it FMfLnFG1E-o-00052-00027372-00028191 Look at this. I got the balls to eat this one. Yep, balls. It's lamb testicles. FMfLnFG1E-o-00053-00028191-00028709 I've eaten these many a time. Let's try it out FMfLnFG1E-o-00054-00028787-00029264 It's a much softer meat. The meat is actually FMfLnFG1E-o-00055-00029264-00029820 pretty spongy. Not in a bad way. Kind of a spongy texture to it. It's interesting. I FMfLnFG1E-o-00056-00029820-00030249 think the flavors of the others are better, but always drawn to have at least one of FMfLnFG1E-o-00057-00030249-00030780 these every time we come here Good flavor though eaten it many FMfLnFG1E-o-00058-00030780-00030862 times, they're good. FMfLnFG1E-o-00059-00031016-00031127 We got desserts! FMfLnFG1E-o-00060-00031239-00031695 So what's cool. Baklava you might associate a lot with Greek, Middle FMfLnFG1E-o-00061-00031695-00032100 Eastern like Turkey Lebanon, right? But Uzbek restaurants also sell baklava. FMfLnFG1E-o-00062-00032100-00032583 So they have a walnut baklava, but we had to get the green baklava because it has the FMfLnFG1E-o-00063-00032583-00033093 pistachios in it. I've never seen one that's so green like this. Look how green that FMfLnFG1E-o-00064-00033093-00033544 color is. It's so different FMfLnFG1E-o-00065-00033544-00033936 Very different. It's really not too sweet. If you're one of those people who FMfLnFG1E-o-00066-00033936-00034233 think baklava is way too sweet this is not one of them FMfLnFG1E-o-00067-00034233-00034672 Definitely taste the pistachio. Very light FMfLnFG1E-o-00068-00035643-00036202 And another Uzbek place of course we're gonna get Uzbek food. This FMfLnFG1E-o-00069-00036202-00036766 place is so cool. The tandoor is actively currently on FMfLnFG1E-o-00070-00036766-00037047 fire right now FMfLnFG1E-o-00071-00037468-00038366 You see? Only samsa FMfLnFG1E-o-00072-00038366-00038798 This will be some very warming comforting food. Very excited FMfLnFG1E-o-00073-00039127-00039441 Alight so first up we got the plov, which is often considered the national FMfLnFG1E-o-00074-00039441-00039978 dish of Uzbekistan. So it's a very soulful dish so you have all the rice here and FMfLnFG1E-o-00075-00039978-00040399 it's actually a bit crunchy the rice. The rice you have the meat, which is lamb in this FMfLnFG1E-o-00076-00040399-00040828 case. You have strips of carrots. You have cumin seeds. Cumin seeds everywhere - very FMfLnFG1E-o-00077-00040828-00041128 excited for that. Garlic cloves here which is really interesting. And they FMfLnFG1E-o-00078-00041128-00041602 even have a quail egg. Excited to get into this very warming comforting food FMfLnFG1E-o-00079-00041602-00041886 right now. Let's go. FMfLnFG1E-o-00080-00042299-00042613 So you have some bits of the rice that are little crunchier and you also FMfLnFG1E-o-00081-00042613-00043100 have some that are more moist from the broth and from the meat lamb fat in there. FMfLnFG1E-o-00082-00043100-00043412 You have the chickpeas. You have the carrots for a little sweetness and you FMfLnFG1E-o-00083-00043412-00043868 have those cumin seeds. It's not too much cumin seeds but there are some here. Take FMfLnFG1E-o-00084-00043868-00044202 a bite with that rich quail egg. FMfLnFG1E-o-00085-00044202-00044693 Get that luscious lamb fat and then you pair FMfLnFG1E-o-00086-00044693-00045305 that with the quail egg. It's very very rich right there. So cool thing with the plov FMfLnFG1E-o-00087-00045305-00045700 think of pilaf so it's another one of these Silk Road dishes that is in FMfLnFG1E-o-00088-00045700-00046034 numerous countries including Uzbekistan. So it's cool to see the FMfLnFG1E-o-00089-00046034-00046313 different Silk Road connections of the foods here. FMfLnFG1E-o-00090-00046313-00046666 And that's gonna lead us right into our next dish too. FMfLnFG1E-o-00091-00047066-00047484 Alright so leading into the next one we have the lagman. Another popular Uzbek FMfLnFG1E-o-00092-00047484-00047862 dish here. So it's a soup with hand-pulled noodles that are slightly thick. They're FMfLnFG1E-o-00093-00047862-00048222 not wide but just lightly thick and chewy and it has chunks of beef in there. FMfLnFG1E-o-00094-00048222-00048555 It's a tomato-based broth a lot of different vegetables you have long beans FMfLnFG1E-o-00095-00048555-00049134 peppers tomato onion a little celery in there and sliced garlic. It looks really FMfLnFG1E-o-00096-00049134-00049802 good. I also see a lot of dill. So let's take a sip and bite. FMfLnFG1E-o-00097-00049802-00049990 Very nice broth with that tomatoey flavor. FMfLnFG1E-o-00098-00049990-00050093 That dill is what hits. FMfLnFG1E-o-00099-00050332-00050548 Now let's try some of the noodles FMfLnFG1E-o-00100-00050984-00051415 Slight chew to them. Nice little bounce to them. I love the texture of these. They go FMfLnFG1E-o-00101-00051415-00052141 so well with the broth let's try it with a piece of beef. FMfLnFG1E-o-00102-00052141-00052432 Beef is pretty nice and tender. FMfLnFG1E-o-00103-00052432-00052857 This is a perfect dish for a day like today. It's a cold one. They also give FMfLnFG1E-o-00104-00052857-00053322 you a piece of the leposhka bread. FMfLnFG1E-o-00105-00053322-00053592 It's cooked fresh in the tandoor right here and it's nice to give it FMfLnFG1E-o-00106-00053592-00053879 so you can dip it right in that broth FMfLnFG1E-o-00107-00054577-00054958 We like that the bread has a really crispy bottom to it that's because it's stuck FMfLnFG1E-o-00108-00054958-00055284 onto the wall of the tandoor. FMfLnFG1E-o-00109-00055311-00055600 Alright so we got the star of the show here FMfLnFG1E-o-00110-00055600-00055948 It's the samsa. So what's funny when you walk in here, you see there's some FMfLnFG1E-o-00111-00055948-00056422 samsa here at the counter. But we ordered it and about 15 minutes later he FMfLnFG1E-o-00112-00056422-00056805 gave us two fresh ones. So they came fresh out of that tandoor oven that was just FMfLnFG1E-o-00113-00056805-00057253 flaming minutes earlier. Bottom of it is really crispy you could see because it was sitting on the FMfLnFG1E-o-00114-00057253-00057600 wall of that tandoor oven. So let's see, let's take a look inside of FMfLnFG1E-o-00115-00057600-00058107 the filling. I see lamb, chunks of lamb, there's onion black pepper and we FMfLnFG1E-o-00116-00058107-00059258 see cumin seeds. You know our eyes light up when we see cumin, right? Yes! FMfLnFG1E-o-00117-00059258-00059694 Really rich lamb flavor. Decent amount cumin seeds with slight FMfLnFG1E-o-00118-00059694-00060129 saltiness onion. That outside, the skin of it is really thin so it's not like FMfLnFG1E-o-00119-00060129-00060570 the flakier versions that you might see. This is more it's lighter it feels FMfLnFG1E-o-00120-00060570-00061176 lighter. It's really good, really fresh. Definitely recommend these samsa. FMfLnFG1E-o-00121-00061176-00061752 On the side they also give you a red sauce. Let's put some on the samsa. FMfLnFG1E-o-00122-00061752-00062022 Let's give it a shot. FMfLnFG1E-o-00123-00062258-00062670 Sauce has a tomato flavor little vinegar a slight spiciness to it. I see a couple seeds in FMfLnFG1E-o-00124-00062670-00062991 there. It's nice it does add - cuts through the richness a little bit when FMfLnFG1E-o-00125-00062991-00063395 you add it with that acidic flavor. It's good. One of the things that we really wanted to FMfLnFG1E-o-00126-00063395-00064117 get when we got here they said they ran out of it but... FMfLnFG1E-o-00127-00064426-00064647 But, it's here! FMfLnFG1E-o-00128-00064647-00065094 Got a whole batch of them fresh. So excited. It's called bechak. So what it is is a FMfLnFG1E-o-00129-00065094-00065537 samsa that's stuffed with pumpkin FMfLnFG1E-o-00130-00066277-00066655 Vegetarians out there watching - yes there is an option for you. We've eaten a lot of meat, FMfLnFG1E-o-00131-00066655-00067006 but here's your option right here. It's a delicious option. Shape is more FMfLnFG1E-o-00132-00067006-00067360 triangular shape.It's topped with sesame seeds. So let's take a bite FMfLnFG1E-o-00133-00067360-00067684 The fillings already dripping out of it. FMfLnFG1E-o-00134-00068014-00068737 Oh that's good. Got a real sweetness to it. I like that. Very earthy. It's got some onions as well. All of FMfLnFG1E-o-00135-00068737-00069247 these have onions in them. A really nice sweet flavor you don't expect that at first FMfLnFG1E-o-00136-00069247-00069723 Wow. It's really good. Change of pace completely FMfLnFG1E-o-00137-00072964-00073220 What a surprise we have in here. We were FMfLnFG1E-o-00138-00073220-00073685 about to leave the place. We were done with our food and what and the owner (I think) FMfLnFG1E-o-00139-00073685-00074204 stopped Greg and told him to sit down FMfLnFG1E-o-00140-00074204-00075177 because in three minutes, there's fresh samsa coming out of the tandoor. That is so cool! FMfLnFG1E-o-00141-00076697-00077337 We're here at Taste of Samarkand. Samarkand is a city in Uzbekistan and FMfLnFG1E-o-00142-00077337-00077712 of the oldest cities in the world. Beautiful place that we really want to FMfLnFG1E-o-00143-00077712-00077993 go someday. It's so pretty in here and I can't wait to eat. FMfLnFG1E-o-00144-00078930-00079412 Their waitstaff is dressed in traditional clothes. FMfLnFG1E-o-00145-00080020-00080302 Alright, so we're starting off with a Korean mixed vegetable platter, which is really FMfLnFG1E-o-00146-00080302-00080704 interesting because there is a Korean community over the years in Central Asia FMfLnFG1E-o-00147-00080704-00081007 and Russia. So that's why we have this influence. So you will see the cabbage FMfLnFG1E-o-00148-00081007-00081331 here it's kind of like a kimchi. We have beets. And we also have FMfLnFG1E-o-00149-00081331-00081798 morkovcha, which is a spicy carrot salad. So we're gonna try all these out. Excited. FMfLnFG1E-o-00150-00081798-00082203 Let's try some of this morkovcha first. FMfLnFG1E-o-00151-00082432-00082852 It's very crisp. You have a lot of herbs in here it's got a little oil FMfLnFG1E-o-00152-00082852-00083410 slick on there a little tangy yeah very tasty FMfLnFG1E-o-00153-00083428-00084177 Now let's try cabbage. Smells a little like kimchi, but not as funky. FMfLnFG1E-o-00154-00084216-00084678 Oh it's got a kick. So it doesn't really have that fishy kimchi FMfLnFG1E-o-00155-00084678-00085095 flavor. It's not as fermented taste but it has a nice kick to it. It's still pickled. It FMfLnFG1E-o-00156-00085095-00085467 was nice it is definitely different than kimchi might be used to, but quite tasty FMfLnFG1E-o-00157-00085467-00085847 nonetheless. Now let's try the beets. FMfLnFG1E-o-00158-00086282-00086756 The beets are nice and crisp. Little tangy and slight sweetness to them too. FMfLnFG1E-o-00159-00086756-00087388 Also good. This is definitely a plate if you wanna get your veggies in, vegetarians, this is your dish. FMfLnFG1E-o-00160-00087430-00088035 We also got a traditional Uzbek soup called shurpa. So it has beef, a lot FMfLnFG1E-o-00161-00088035-00088333 of different vegetables in here. There's potato there's carrots there is FMfLnFG1E-o-00162-00088333-00088745 chickpeas and there's a lot of dill in here, which we're really excited about. It's FMfLnFG1E-o-00163-00088745-00089577 a cold day outside. Let's try some of this. That dill really shines through right away. FMfLnFG1E-o-00164-00089577-00090008 The beef looks very tender I was able just cut it with a spoon FMfLnFG1E-o-00165-00090079-00090568 The broth's pretty simple. It's not a heavy broth, not overly beefy. FMfLnFG1E-o-00166-00090568-00090988 So it really lets the actual ingredients like the vegetables and the beef shine FMfLnFG1E-o-00167-00090988-00091522 And that dill that dill is really the star of the soup. Yes, so a beautiful thing FMfLnFG1E-o-00168-00091522-00091861 about Uzbek cuisine is that they do have the manti, which are dumplings you can find FMfLnFG1E-o-00169-00091861-00092242 manti also in Turkey, Afghanistan and other countries in the Middle East and Central FMfLnFG1E-o-00170-00092242-00092446 Asia. So let's give their as a shot. Theirs is FMfLnFG1E-o-00171-00092446-00092878 filled with beef lamb onions and it's also topped with dill which we're also FMfLnFG1E-o-00172-00092878-00093586 happy about. I see so much dill here this is great. There's a mixture of beef and lamb, but you FMfLnFG1E-o-00173-00093586-00093922 definitely get more of that lamb flavor. It's a stronger flavor. And the skin of FMfLnFG1E-o-00174-00093922-00094417 it is quite delicate. But love the dill once again. If you're a big fan of dill like FMfLnFG1E-o-00175-00094417-00094980 we are you will love it. There's a little bit of a sauce on top too. Really nice. FMfLnFG1E-o-00176-00094980-00095300 This place is also BYOB. FMfLnFG1E-o-00177-00097349-00097555 you FNm9rmhLT98-00000-00002847-00002970 A ten stick. FNm9rmhLT98-00001-00002970-00003231 A ten stick. And how much is a ten stick worth? FNm9rmhLT98-00002-00003231-00003330 10 FNm9rmhLT98-00003-00003330-00003445 10 FNm9rmhLT98-00004-00003445-00004230 So I have my ten stick and I have one cube. FNm9rmhLT98-00005-00004230-00004343 What if I had… FNm9rmhLT98-00006-00004343-00004498 two cubes? FNm9rmhLT98-00007-00004498-00004602 What if I had… FNm9rmhLT98-00008-00004602-00004735 three cubes? FNm9rmhLT98-00009-00004735-00004912 How much is this worth, right here? FNm9rmhLT98-00010-00004912-00005054 13 FNm9rmhLT98-00011-00005054-00005232 10 and 3 more makes? FNm9rmhLT98-00012-00005232-00005383 13 FNm9rmhLT98-00013-00005383-00005486 13, great. FNm9rmhLT98-00014-00005486-00005830 Now, I'm going to put that on a number bond. FNm9rmhLT98-00015-00005830-00006082 I'm going to put 10 here. FNm9rmhLT98-00016-00006082-00006485 Bacari, 10 here, and I'm going to put my 3 here. FNm9rmhLT98-00017-00006485-00006859 What number do I make when I put them together? FNm9rmhLT98-00018-00006859-00006965 13 FNm9rmhLT98-00019-00006965-00007080 13 FNm9rmhLT98-00020-00007080-00007679 10 and 3 makes 13. Say it with me. FNm9rmhLT98-00021-00007679-00008007 10 and 3 makes 13. FOhaeKd3g04-00000-00000000-00000325 [ The following fan made trailer by MacamTV is rated 'R' for realistic, created for entertainment purposes ] FOhaeKd3g04-00001-00001198-00001466 [Indiana Jones] hey FOhaeKd3g04-00002-00001665-00002712 this is a map of the Yukon my son is always real stories he's crazy about the news coming out of FOhaeKd3g04-00003-00002712-00003047 the Yukon it wasn't a gold he didn't care aboutthat it was Noah's Ark FOhaeKd3g04-00004-00003140-00003477 [Irina Spalko] you will help us find it FOhaeKd3g04-00005-00004043-00004715 for centuries people has been hiding any proof in real life of the Bible FOhaeKd3g04-00006-00005364-00005748 the IBS Network would like to offer you the position of co-host in Daybreak FOhaeKd3g04-00007-00005928-00006534 [Indiana Jones] Do you have any idea what's going on in the world andyou want me to do stories about fake Alaska FOhaeKd3g04-00008-00006559-00006759 A STEVEN SPIELBERG FILM FOhaeKd3g04-00009-00007206-00007452 I've looked up to you all my life FOhaeKd3g04-00010-00007575-00007901 [Indiana Jones] Well then get a puppet FOhaeKd3g04-00011-00008562-00008946 Runners are frozen you help your dogs a mighty loud if FOhaeKd3g04-00012-00008946-00009169 you take the Jeep hole and break them out FOhaeKd3g04-00013-00009169-00009294 Jeep ho FOhaeKd3g04-00014-00010980-00011688 thanks for watching today's trailer made by MacamTV they are created to inspire fans writers FOhaeKd3g04-00015-00011688-00012330 actors and directors in hopes to increase its chance of coming true want more realistic fan-made FOhaeKd3g04-00016-00012330-00013074 trailers subscribe now and hit your notification Bell icon until next time never stop dreaming FOMLSM3_3Gg-00000-00000000-00000160 Hello all township fans FOMLSM3_3Gg-00001-00000370-00000570 I will show you some great tricks here today FOMLSM3_3Gg-00002-00000724-00000924 Please watch to the end! FOMLSM3_3Gg-00003-00001064-00001264 That's it for today, bye bye! FP-JUnlh0cU-00000-00000000-00000119 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00001-00000119-00002097 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00002-00002097-00004020 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00003-00004020-00005760 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00004-00005760-00007456 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00005-00007456-00008374 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP-JUnlh0cU-00006-00008452-00010014 Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy... {...on us/...on me) FP_GSZSxCDc-00000-00000594-00001066 Has your instructor assigned you to peer-review your classmates assignment? FP_GSZSxCDc-00001-00001066-00001549 No worries! This short video will provide you with everything you need to complete FP_GSZSxCDc-00002-00001549-00001832 the peer review. FP_GSZSxCDc-00003-00001888-00002465 first you might be wondering what peer review is the review part is the idea of FP_GSZSxCDc-00004-00002465-00003004 having someone look at your work be it a document such as an essay or report a FP_GSZSxCDc-00005-00003004-00003479 presentation such as a PowerPoint or even a spreadsheet for just a few FP_GSZSxCDc-00006-00003479-00004072 examples you always need a second set of eyes the peer part of peer review is FP_GSZSxCDc-00007-00004072-00004460 that the person is familiar with the learning taking place in the particular FP_GSZSxCDc-00008-00004460-00005012 class you're taking perhaps they have an idea that you could use to enhance or FP_GSZSxCDc-00009-00005012-00005396 improve your assignment so someone learning the same concepts as you and FP_GSZSxCDc-00010-00005396-00006051 always remember to use those rules of online netiquette FP_GSZSxCDc-00011-00006127-00006641 in addition to giving feedback using the netiquette your instructor will have FP_GSZSxCDc-00012-00006641-00007084 provided you in your classmates with a rubric this rubric is a listing of the FP_GSZSxCDc-00013-00007084-00007619 criteria your assignment needs to meet in various categories often a rubric is FP_GSZSxCDc-00014-00007619-00008075 simply a checklist as to whether the criteria has been met or at what level FP_GSZSxCDc-00015-00008075-00008627 the best part of the rubric or checklist is the comments this is where you make FP_GSZSxCDc-00016-00008627-00009413 the suggestions for improvement that your peer is hoping to read some FP_GSZSxCDc-00017-00009413-00009917 feedback is better than no feedback so for example although the criteria for FP_GSZSxCDc-00018-00009917-00010520 comment number six in the example below was Matt the reviewer added a compliment FP_GSZSxCDc-00019-00010520-00011114 to the writer and showed interest in their topic was the background study FP_GSZSxCDc-00020-00011114-00011654 clearly explained yes very good explanation interesting link sounds like FP_GSZSxCDc-00021-00011654-00012308 a fascinating study and although number seven was not met the reviewer has a FP_GSZSxCDc-00022-00012308-00012638 good suggestion for the writer always use spell checker FP_GSZSxCDc-00023-00012638-00013205 it's not always easy finding the right words but the key to giving comments and FP_GSZSxCDc-00024-00013205-00013741 suggestions is to find a balance between finding good points and making helpful FP_GSZSxCDc-00025-00013741-00014603 suggestions for improvement so bottom line everyone wins FP_GSZSxCDc-00026-00014603-00015213 when we learn from each other peer review is a win-win situation FQqrCLzm674-00000-00000898-00001098 hello FQqrCLzm674-00001-00001937-00002137 I guess so FQqrCLzm674-00002-00006361-00006411 I guess FQqrCLzm674-00004-00011582-00011846 yea. FQqrCLzm674-00005-00017626-00017794 :[ FUcsmVo51Cy-00000-00000065-00000635 Konstitusi gak bilang ada wajib ber agama nggak,anda berhak untuk ber agama dan pemerintah FUcsmVo51Cy-00001-00000635-00000982 negara melindungi hak itu. FUcsmVo51Cy-00002-00000982-00001391 Hak apa hak masuk surga bukan,hak untuk menjalankan ibadah,tidak di ganggu. FUcsmVo51Cy-00003-00001391-00002248 Tapi kalo lingkungan agama kan ya keluaraga mewajibkan tapi negara gak wajibkan. FUcsmVo51Cy-00004-00002248-00002600 Nah orang suka gak paham apa itu hak. FUcsmVo51Cy-00005-00002600-00002806 Ada yang bawa panadol gak saya pusing ini. FX9T4xjWfFY-00000-00000000-00000207 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata. FX9T4xjWfFY-00001-00000207-00000819 Today's topic is "Can't we create unique painting with normal ideas?" FX9T4xjWfFY-00002-00000819-00001262 "Is normal idea bad?" FX9T4xjWfFY-00003-00001262-00001817 Today, I'll use mainly orange and purple gouache FX9T4xjWfFY-00004-00001817-00002287 and will paint a pumpkin and a black cat on this paper. FX9T4xjWfFY-00005-00002287-00002490 This idea is so normal!! FX9T4xjWfFY-00006-00002490-00003076 I won't try to twist it up or anything and will paint just normally! FX9T4xjWfFY-00007-00003076-00003974 I can get slump so easily if I try too hard to get twisty ideas I don't come up with! FX9T4xjWfFY-00008-00003974-00004277 So, I just relax to paint! FX9T4xjWfFY-00009-00006887-00007281 Just a normal pumpkin! FX9T4xjWfFY-00010-00008557-00009118 If there was a theme, and I came up with a very normal idea FX9T4xjWfFY-00011-00009118-00009614 If summer was the theme, fish swimming in blue ocean, FX9T4xjWfFY-00012-00009614-00010191 or Santa Claus and tree in white snow for Christmas painting. FX9T4xjWfFY-00013-00010191-00010749 These ideas are so normal! Why can I come up with more twisty ideas!? FX9T4xjWfFY-00014-00010749-00011236 You don't like that if you want paint something unique! FX9T4xjWfFY-00015-00011236-00011469 I used to be that way! FX9T4xjWfFY-00016-00011469-00011771 If so, I can't even start painting! FX9T4xjWfFY-00017-00011850-00012248 So, let's just paint! FX9T4xjWfFY-00018-00015557-00016033 Even with normal ideas, we can just express it uniquely! FX9T4xjWfFY-00019-00016033-00016458 We can think how we paint instead of what to paint. FX9T4xjWfFY-00020-00016458-00016856 It's nice to begin with twisty ideas, FX9T4xjWfFY-00021-00016856-00017486 I recommend two ways to paint if you only came up with normal ideas. FX9T4xjWfFY-00022-00017486-00018262 1. Start with normal idea, but you can create different images from it and paint uniquely. FX9T4xjWfFY-00023-00018262-00018808 2. You just paint normal idea with your own style. FX9T4xjWfFY-00024-00021918-00022357 I'm too used to see my own style, FX9T4xjWfFY-00025-00022357-00022779 so I don't see my works are twisted all. FX9T4xjWfFY-00026-00022779-00023033 But you don't have to think too hard FX9T4xjWfFY-00027-00023033-00023774 because for third person, just because you created, your artworks are very unique and awesome! FX9T4xjWfFY-00028-00026272-00026763 If you think you don't have your style, FX9T4xjWfFY-00029-00026763-00027289 but how you paint now is already your style! FX9T4xjWfFY-00030-00027289-00027494 Your current style. FX9T4xjWfFY-00031-00027494-00027765 Style can be change. FX9T4xjWfFY-00032-00027765-00028053 If you don't like your style, FX9T4xjWfFY-00033-00028053-00028599 you can spice your style up a little by a little! FX9T4xjWfFY-00034-00033628-00033854 It's about myself, FX9T4xjWfFY-00035-00033854-00034345 sometimes I think everything I create is very normal FX9T4xjWfFY-00036-00034345-00035014 because I feel so natural about ideas I come up with, so I think are normal. FX9T4xjWfFY-00037-00035014-00035448 However, I shouldn't care normal or twisted FX9T4xjWfFY-00038-00035448-00035791 because that's not my way to look at. FX9T4xjWfFY-00039-00035791-00036440 I just assume people see my works might think are too normal. FX9T4xjWfFY-00040-00036440-00037073 I won't find answers about what's unique or what's art by other people's view FX9T4xjWfFY-00041-00037073-00037404 because I don't know what's other people's answers! FX9T4xjWfFY-00042-00037404-00037829 All of us have our own uniqueness! FX9T4xjWfFY-00043-00037829-00038368 So, I already know what my uniqueness is! FX9T4xjWfFY-00044-00038368-00038959 So , I can't figure out anything from other people's judgement. FX9T4xjWfFY-00045-00038959-00039354 So, I get trouble if I think too hard! FX9T4xjWfFY-00046-00042550-00042912 I paint for many years and noticed FX9T4xjWfFY-00047-00042912-00043415 uniqueness appears when we don't realize. FX9T4xjWfFY-00048-00043415-00043804 so I don't have to know what my uniqueness. FX9T4xjWfFY-00049-00043804-00044159 We don't try to create unique artworks. FX9T4xjWfFY-00050-00044159-00044600 When we relax and enjoy painting, our art become unique. FX9T4xjWfFY-00051-00044600-00045168 I imagine unique people means people who are different. FX9T4xjWfFY-00052-00045168-00045780 but for me, my uniqueness is only myself, so it's just normal! FX9T4xjWfFY-00053-00045780-00046232 So, I guess unique is not that different! FX9T4xjWfFY-00054-00049029-00049328 I think crazy artworks can be more interesting, FX9T4xjWfFY-00055-00049328-00050099 so adding some stuff that different from me makes my are more interesting. FX9T4xjWfFY-00056-00050099-00050954 But I don't do very well if I get too many crazy stuff I can't come up with. FX9T4xjWfFY-00057-00052675-00052906 Here it is! FX9T4xjWfFY-00058-00052906-00053470 A pumpkin, a black cat, skeletons and a ghost that are very normal objects! FX9T4xjWfFY-00059-00053470-00053786 But I guess it looks like my style! FX9T4xjWfFY-00060-00053786-00054008 Speaking of pumpkin, FX9T4xjWfFY-00061-00054008-00054369 Oct, 1 to 15, 2021 at cafe doudou FX9T4xjWfFY-00062-00054369-00054528 in Kanagawa city, FX9T4xjWfFY-00063-00054528-00054930 I'm participating the art show "Pumpkin x Pumpkins" FX9T4xjWfFY-00064-00054930-00055260 I'll paint on stuff you brought while I'll be there. FX9T4xjWfFY-00065-00055260-00055708 So, please come to have coffee and see our artworks! FX9T4xjWfFY-00066-00055708-00056242 I post information below, so please check if you are interested! FX9T4xjWfFY-00067-00056242-00056536 Well, that's it for today! FX9T4xjWfFY-00068-00056536-00056741 Thank you for watching! FX9T4xjWfFY-00069-00056741-00057341 If you like this video, please consider subscrbing! FX9T4xjWfFY-00070-00057341-00057650 See you next time! Bye bye!! FZKAupVf6Zo-00000-00000010-00000086 THAT WOULD BE GREAT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00001-00000086-00000093 THAT WOULD BE GREAT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00002-00000093-00000230 THAT WOULD BE GREAT. >> GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THEM GL. FZKAupVf6Zo-00003-00000230-00000236 THAT WOULD BE GREAT. >> GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THEM GL. FZKAupVf6Zo-00004-00000236-00000420 THAT WOULD BE GREAT. >> GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THEM GL. THANKS, JUSTIN. FZKAupVf6Zo-00005-00000420-00000426 >> GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THEM GL. THANKS, JUSTIN. FZKAupVf6Zo-00006-00000426-00000580 >> GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THEM GL. THANKS, JUSTIN. >> CLASSES TOUCH ON A GOOD BIT FZKAupVf6Zo-00007-00000580-00000587 THANKS, JUSTIN. >> CLASSES TOUCH ON A GOOD BIT FZKAupVf6Zo-00008-00000587-00000784 THANKS, JUSTIN. >> CLASSES TOUCH ON A GOOD BIT OF EVERYTHING, SALSA, FOLK, AND FZKAupVf6Zo-00009-00000784-00000790 >> CLASSES TOUCH ON A GOOD BIT OF EVERYTHING, SALSA, FOLK, AND FZKAupVf6Zo-00010-00000790-00000984 >> CLASSES TOUCH ON A GOOD BIT OF EVERYTHING, SALSA, FOLK, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. FZKAupVf6Zo-00011-00000984-00000990 OF EVERYTHING, SALSA, FOLK, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. FZKAupVf6Zo-00012-00000990-00001227 OF EVERYTHING, SALSA, FOLK, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. REPORTER MAL MEYER PUT ON HIS FZKAupVf6Zo-00013-00001227-00001234 EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. REPORTER MAL MEYER PUT ON HIS FZKAupVf6Zo-00014-00001234-00001388 EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. REPORTER MAL MEYER PUT ON HIS DANCING SHOES AT THE SCHOOL OF FZKAupVf6Zo-00015-00001388-00001394 REPORTER MAL MEYER PUT ON HIS DANCING SHOES AT THE SCHOOL OF FZKAupVf6Zo-00016-00001394-00001651 REPORTER MAL MEYER PUT ON HIS DANCING SHOES AT THE SCHOOL OF DANCE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00017-00001651-00001725 >> SATURDAY NIGHT WE EXPECT TO FZKAupVf6Zo-00018-00001725-00001731 >> SATURDAY NIGHT WE EXPECT TO FZKAupVf6Zo-00019-00001731-00001821 >> SATURDAY NIGHT WE EXPECT TO SEE THAT EXECUTED WITH FZKAupVf6Zo-00020-00001821-00001828 >> SATURDAY NIGHT WE EXPECT TO SEE THAT EXECUTED WITH FZKAupVf6Zo-00021-00001828-00001861 >> SATURDAY NIGHT WE EXPECT TO SEE THAT EXECUTED WITH PRECISION. FZKAupVf6Zo-00022-00001861-00001868 SEE THAT EXECUTED WITH PRECISION. FZKAupVf6Zo-00023-00001868-00002045 SEE THAT EXECUTED WITH PRECISION. >> AND TONIGHT'S LESSON IS ALL FZKAupVf6Zo-00024-00002045-00002052 PRECISION. >> AND TONIGHT'S LESSON IS ALL FZKAupVf6Zo-00025-00002052-00002245 PRECISION. >> AND TONIGHT'S LESSON IS ALL ABOUT LINE DANCING WITH A LITTLE FZKAupVf6Zo-00026-00002245-00002252 >> AND TONIGHT'S LESSON IS ALL ABOUT LINE DANCING WITH A LITTLE FZKAupVf6Zo-00027-00002252-00002545 >> AND TONIGHT'S LESSON IS ALL ABOUT LINE DANCING WITH A LITTLE BIT OF CHA-CHA. FZKAupVf6Zo-00028-00002545-00002552 ABOUT LINE DANCING WITH A LITTLE BIT OF CHA-CHA. FZKAupVf6Zo-00029-00002552-00002826 ABOUT LINE DANCING WITH A LITTLE BIT OF CHA-CHA. >> THE DANCE TO THE SOUND OF A FZKAupVf6Zo-00030-00002826-00002832 BIT OF CHA-CHA. >> THE DANCE TO THE SOUND OF A FZKAupVf6Zo-00031-00002832-00003079 BIT OF CHA-CHA. >> THE DANCE TO THE SOUND OF A LADY'S SHOES SCUFFING ACROSS THE FZKAupVf6Zo-00032-00003079-00003086 >> THE DANCE TO THE SOUND OF A LADY'S SHOES SCUFFING ACROSS THE FZKAupVf6Zo-00033-00003086-00003113 >> THE DANCE TO THE SOUND OF A LADY'S SHOES SCUFFING ACROSS THE FLOOR. FZKAupVf6Zo-00034-00003113-00003119 LADY'S SHOES SCUFFING ACROSS THE FLOOR. FZKAupVf6Zo-00035-00003119-00003263 LADY'S SHOES SCUFFING ACROSS THE FLOOR. >> THEY HAVE BEEN TEACHING FZKAupVf6Zo-00036-00003263-00003269 FLOOR. >> THEY HAVE BEEN TEACHING FZKAupVf6Zo-00037-00003269-00003486 FLOOR. >> THEY HAVE BEEN TEACHING TWISTS, SHIMMIES AND TURNS FOR FZKAupVf6Zo-00038-00003486-00003493 >> THEY HAVE BEEN TEACHING TWISTS, SHIMMIES AND TURNS FOR FZKAupVf6Zo-00039-00003493-00003656 >> THEY HAVE BEEN TEACHING TWISTS, SHIMMIES AND TURNS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES DISM I WAS FZKAupVf6Zo-00040-00003656-00003663 TWISTS, SHIMMIES AND TURNS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES DISM I WAS FZKAupVf6Zo-00041-00003663-00003696 TWISTS, SHIMMIES AND TURNS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES DISM I WAS LUCKY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00042-00003696-00003703 ALMOST TWO DECADES DISM I WAS LUCKY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00043-00003703-00003877 ALMOST TWO DECADES DISM I WAS LUCKY. MY MOM TAUGHT DANCE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00044-00003877-00003883 LUCKY. MY MOM TAUGHT DANCE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00045-00003883-00004027 LUCKY. MY MOM TAUGHT DANCE. I GREW UP WITH IT FROM THE TIME FZKAupVf6Zo-00046-00004027-00004034 MY MOM TAUGHT DANCE. I GREW UP WITH IT FROM THE TIME FZKAupVf6Zo-00047-00004034-00004104 MY MOM TAUGHT DANCE. I GREW UP WITH IT FROM THE TIME I WAS TINY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00048-00004104-00004110 I GREW UP WITH IT FROM THE TIME I WAS TINY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00049-00004110-00004304 I GREW UP WITH IT FROM THE TIME I WAS TINY. >> IT WAS A CAREER THAT ALMOST FZKAupVf6Zo-00050-00004304-00004310 I WAS TINY. >> IT WAS A CAREER THAT ALMOST FZKAupVf6Zo-00051-00004310-00004337 I WAS TINY. >> IT WAS A CAREER THAT ALMOST WASN'T. FZKAupVf6Zo-00052-00004337-00004344 >> IT WAS A CAREER THAT ALMOST WASN'T. FZKAupVf6Zo-00053-00004344-00004561 >> IT WAS A CAREER THAT ALMOST WASN'T. HE DROPPED OUT OF HIS FIRST FZKAupVf6Zo-00054-00004561-00004567 WASN'T. HE DROPPED OUT OF HIS FIRST FZKAupVf6Zo-00055-00004567-00004657 WASN'T. HE DROPPED OUT OF HIS FIRST COLLEGE DANCE CLASS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00056-00004657-00004664 HE DROPPED OUT OF HIS FIRST COLLEGE DANCE CLASS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00057-00004664-00004801 HE DROPPED OUT OF HIS FIRST COLLEGE DANCE CLASS. BUT AFTER BUILDING UP THE NERVE, FZKAupVf6Zo-00058-00004801-00004808 COLLEGE DANCE CLASS. BUT AFTER BUILDING UP THE NERVE, FZKAupVf6Zo-00059-00004808-00004964 COLLEGE DANCE CLASS. BUT AFTER BUILDING UP THE NERVE, HE GOT BACK OUT THERE, DANCING FZKAupVf6Zo-00060-00004964-00004971 BUT AFTER BUILDING UP THE NERVE, HE GOT BACK OUT THERE, DANCING FZKAupVf6Zo-00061-00004971-00005271 BUT AFTER BUILDING UP THE NERVE, HE GOT BACK OUT THERE, DANCING IN THE SPRING SHOW AT HIS ALMA FZKAupVf6Zo-00062-00005271-00005278 HE GOT BACK OUT THERE, DANCING IN THE SPRING SHOW AT HIS ALMA FZKAupVf6Zo-00063-00005278-00005432 HE GOT BACK OUT THERE, DANCING IN THE SPRING SHOW AT HIS ALMA MATER, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00064-00005432-00005438 IN THE SPRING SHOW AT HIS ALMA MATER, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00065-00005438-00005595 IN THE SPRING SHOW AT HIS ALMA MATER, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. >> WE GOT ON STAGE THE FIRST FZKAupVf6Zo-00066-00005595-00005602 MATER, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. >> WE GOT ON STAGE THE FIRST FZKAupVf6Zo-00067-00005602-00005702 MATER, BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY. >> WE GOT ON STAGE THE FIRST TIME, WE DID IT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00068-00005702-00005709 >> WE GOT ON STAGE THE FIRST TIME, WE DID IT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00069-00005709-00005792 >> WE GOT ON STAGE THE FIRST TIME, WE DID IT. WE DID IT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00070-00005792-00005799 TIME, WE DID IT. WE DID IT. FZKAupVf6Zo-00071-00005799-00006029 TIME, WE DID IT. WE DID IT. WE DANCED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00072-00006029-00006036 WE DID IT. WE DANCED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00073-00006036-00006229 WE DID IT. WE DANCED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. >> ONE AND TWO. FZKAupVf6Zo-00074-00006229-00006236 WE DANCED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. >> ONE AND TWO. FZKAupVf6Zo-00075-00006236-00006403 WE DANCED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. >> ONE AND TWO. >> SUSIE SAYS HER FAVORITE DANCE FZKAupVf6Zo-00076-00006403-00006409 >> ONE AND TWO. >> SUSIE SAYS HER FAVORITE DANCE FZKAupVf6Zo-00077-00006409-00006636 >> ONE AND TWO. >> SUSIE SAYS HER FAVORITE DANCE TO TEACH IS THE WALZ BECAUSE IT FZKAupVf6Zo-00078-00006636-00006643 >> SUSIE SAYS HER FAVORITE DANCE TO TEACH IS THE WALZ BECAUSE IT FZKAupVf6Zo-00079-00006643-00006813 >> SUSIE SAYS HER FAVORITE DANCE TO TEACH IS THE WALZ BECAUSE IT IS SOME OF THE MORE BASIC STEPS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00080-00006813-00006820 TO TEACH IS THE WALZ BECAUSE IT IS SOME OF THE MORE BASIC STEPS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00081-00006820-00006950 TO TEACH IS THE WALZ BECAUSE IT IS SOME OF THE MORE BASIC STEPS. >> YOU CAN TAKE THE BEGINNERS FZKAupVf6Zo-00082-00006950-00006956 IS SOME OF THE MORE BASIC STEPS. >> YOU CAN TAKE THE BEGINNERS FZKAupVf6Zo-00083-00006956-00007120 IS SOME OF THE MORE BASIC STEPS. >> YOU CAN TAKE THE BEGINNERS THAT REALLY ARE QUITE TERRIFIED, FZKAupVf6Zo-00084-00007120-00007127 >> YOU CAN TAKE THE BEGINNERS THAT REALLY ARE QUITE TERRIFIED, FZKAupVf6Zo-00085-00007127-00007330 >> YOU CAN TAKE THE BEGINNERS THAT REALLY ARE QUITE TERRIFIED, AND BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE IN FZKAupVf6Zo-00086-00007330-00007337 THAT REALLY ARE QUITE TERRIFIED, AND BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE IN FZKAupVf6Zo-00087-00007337-00007520 THAT REALLY ARE QUITE TERRIFIED, AND BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE IN 10, 15 MINUTES, THEY ARE LIKE FZKAupVf6Zo-00088-00007520-00007527 AND BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE IN 10, 15 MINUTES, THEY ARE LIKE FZKAupVf6Zo-00089-00007527-00007630 AND BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE IN 10, 15 MINUTES, THEY ARE LIKE THIS ISN'T SO BAD. FZKAupVf6Zo-00090-00007630-00007637 10, 15 MINUTES, THEY ARE LIKE THIS ISN'T SO BAD. FZKAupVf6Zo-00091-00007637-00007770 10, 15 MINUTES, THEY ARE LIKE THIS ISN'T SO BAD. I THINK I CAN DO THIS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00092-00007770-00007777 THIS ISN'T SO BAD. I THINK I CAN DO THIS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00093-00007777-00007987 THIS ISN'T SO BAD. I THINK I CAN DO THIS. >> FROM THERE DYNAMIC DUO CAN FZKAupVf6Zo-00094-00007987-00007994 I THINK I CAN DO THIS. >> FROM THERE DYNAMIC DUO CAN FZKAupVf6Zo-00095-00007994-00008114 I THINK I CAN DO THIS. >> FROM THERE DYNAMIC DUO CAN MOVE THE STUDENTS ON TO FZKAupVf6Zo-00096-00008114-00008121 >> FROM THERE DYNAMIC DUO CAN MOVE THE STUDENTS ON TO FZKAupVf6Zo-00097-00008121-00008274 >> FROM THERE DYNAMIC DUO CAN MOVE THE STUDENTS ON TO DIFFERENT DANCES. FZKAupVf6Zo-00098-00008274-00008281 MOVE THE STUDENTS ON TO DIFFERENT DANCES. FZKAupVf6Zo-00099-00008281-00008421 MOVE THE STUDENTS ON TO DIFFERENT DANCES. >> THEY FIND ONE OR TWO THAT FZKAupVf6Zo-00100-00008421-00008428 DIFFERENT DANCES. >> THEY FIND ONE OR TWO THAT FZKAupVf6Zo-00101-00008428-00008508 DIFFERENT DANCES. >> THEY FIND ONE OR TWO THAT THEY REALLY LOVE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00102-00008508-00008515 >> THEY FIND ONE OR TWO THAT THEY REALLY LOVE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00103-00008515-00008745 >> THEY FIND ONE OR TWO THAT THEY REALLY LOVE. I WANT TO BE REALLY GOOD AT THE FZKAupVf6Zo-00104-00008745-00008752 THEY REALLY LOVE. I WANT TO BE REALLY GOOD AT THE FZKAupVf6Zo-00105-00008752-00008778 THEY REALLY LOVE. I WANT TO BE REALLY GOOD AT THE CHA-CHA. FZKAupVf6Zo-00106-00008778-00008785 I WANT TO BE REALLY GOOD AT THE CHA-CHA. FZKAupVf6Zo-00107-00008785-00008935 I WANT TO BE REALLY GOOD AT THE CHA-CHA. >> OVER THE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS, FZKAupVf6Zo-00108-00008935-00008942 CHA-CHA. >> OVER THE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS, FZKAupVf6Zo-00109-00008942-00009102 CHA-CHA. >> OVER THE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS, THEY WILL TEACH 12 DIFFERENT FZKAupVf6Zo-00110-00009102-00009109 >> OVER THE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS, THEY WILL TEACH 12 DIFFERENT FZKAupVf6Zo-00111-00009109-00009386 >> OVER THE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS, THEY WILL TEACH 12 DIFFERENT DANCE STYLES, AND EVEN FZKAupVf6Zo-00112-00009386-00009392 THEY WILL TEACH 12 DIFFERENT DANCE STYLES, AND EVEN FZKAupVf6Zo-00113-00009392-00009716 THEY WILL TEACH 12 DIFFERENT DANCE STYLES, AND EVEN COMPETITORS LEARN A THING OR FZKAupVf6Zo-00114-00009716-00009723 DANCE STYLES, AND EVEN COMPETITORS LEARN A THING OR FZKAupVf6Zo-00115-00009723-00009743 DANCE STYLES, AND EVEN COMPETITORS LEARN A THING OR TWO. FZKAupVf6Zo-00116-00009743-00009749 COMPETITORS LEARN A THING OR TWO. FZKAupVf6Zo-00117-00009749-00010026 COMPETITORS LEARN A THING OR TWO. >> A LITTLE BIT NEW FOR ME. FZKAupVf6Zo-00118-00010026-00010033 TWO. >> A LITTLE BIT NEW FOR ME. FZKAupVf6Zo-00119-00010033-00010326 TWO. >> A LITTLE BIT NEW FOR ME. >> BRIAN WESTER MAN AND HIS WIFE FZKAupVf6Zo-00120-00010326-00010333 >> A LITTLE BIT NEW FOR ME. >> BRIAN WESTER MAN AND HIS WIFE FZKAupVf6Zo-00121-00010333-00010443 >> A LITTLE BIT NEW FOR ME. >> BRIAN WESTER MAN AND HIS WIFE JUDY HAVE BEEN MOVING AND FZKAupVf6Zo-00122-00010443-00010450 >> BRIAN WESTER MAN AND HIS WIFE JUDY HAVE BEEN MOVING AND FZKAupVf6Zo-00123-00010450-00010583 >> BRIAN WESTER MAN AND HIS WIFE JUDY HAVE BEEN MOVING AND GROOVING FOR YEARS, BUT THEY FZKAupVf6Zo-00124-00010583-00010590 JUDY HAVE BEEN MOVING AND GROOVING FOR YEARS, BUT THEY FZKAupVf6Zo-00125-00010590-00010750 JUDY HAVE BEEN MOVING AND GROOVING FOR YEARS, BUT THEY CAME TO THE STUDIO TO IMPROVE FZKAupVf6Zo-00126-00010750-00010757 GROOVING FOR YEARS, BUT THEY CAME TO THE STUDIO TO IMPROVE FZKAupVf6Zo-00127-00010757-00010867 GROOVING FOR YEARS, BUT THEY CAME TO THE STUDIO TO IMPROVE THEIR SKILLS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00128-00010867-00010874 CAME TO THE STUDIO TO IMPROVE THEIR SKILLS. FZKAupVf6Zo-00129-00010874-00011047 CAME TO THE STUDIO TO IMPROVE THEIR SKILLS. >> I THINK LINE DANCERS LIKE WE FZKAupVf6Zo-00130-00011047-00011054 THEIR SKILLS. >> I THINK LINE DANCERS LIKE WE FZKAupVf6Zo-00131-00011054-00011311 THEIR SKILLS. >> I THINK LINE DANCERS LIKE WE ARE DOING TONIGHT, WE PROBABLY FZKAupVf6Zo-00132-00011311-00011317 >> I THINK LINE DANCERS LIKE WE ARE DOING TONIGHT, WE PROBABLY FZKAupVf6Zo-00133-00011317-00011484 >> I THINK LINE DANCERS LIKE WE ARE DOING TONIGHT, WE PROBABLY KNOW 12 DIFFERENT DANCES THAT WE FZKAupVf6Zo-00134-00011484-00011491 ARE DOING TONIGHT, WE PROBABLY KNOW 12 DIFFERENT DANCES THAT WE FZKAupVf6Zo-00135-00011491-00011544 ARE DOING TONIGHT, WE PROBABLY KNOW 12 DIFFERENT DANCES THAT WE LEARNED HERE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00136-00011544-00011551 KNOW 12 DIFFERENT DANCES THAT WE LEARNED HERE. FZKAupVf6Zo-00137-00011551-00011715 KNOW 12 DIFFERENT DANCES THAT WE LEARNED HERE. >> AND FOR THOSE THAT THINK THEY FZKAupVf6Zo-00138-00011715-00011721 LEARNED HERE. >> AND FOR THOSE THAT THINK THEY FZKAupVf6Zo-00139-00011721-00011871 LEARNED HERE. >> AND FOR THOSE THAT THINK THEY DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, IT'S FZKAupVf6Zo-00140-00011871-00011878 >> AND FOR THOSE THAT THINK THEY DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, IT'S FZKAupVf6Zo-00141-00011878-00012011 >> AND FOR THOSE THAT THINK THEY DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, IT'S WORTH A TRY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00142-00012011-00012018 DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, IT'S WORTH A TRY. FZKAupVf6Zo-00143-00012018-00012142 DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, IT'S WORTH A TRY. >> YOU ARE NEVER THE ONLY ONE FZKAupVf6Zo-00144-00012142-00012148 WORTH A TRY. >> YOU ARE NEVER THE ONLY ONE FZKAupVf6Zo-00145-00012148-00012295 WORTH A TRY. >> YOU ARE NEVER THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE FZKAupVf6Zo-00146-00012295-00012302 >> YOU ARE NEVER THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE FZKAupVf6Zo-00147-00012302-00012325 >> YOU ARE NEVER THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. FZKAupVf6Zo-00148-00012325-00012332 THAT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. FZKAupVf6Zo-00149-00012332-00012509 THAT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. >> TEACH A VARIETY OF OTHER FZKAupVf6Zo-00150-00012509-00012515 DOING. >> TEACH A VARIETY OF OTHER FZKAupVf6Zo-00151-00012515-00012719 DOING. >> TEACH A VARIETY OF OTHER CLASSES AS WELL AT THEIR DANCE FZKAupVf6Zo-00152-00012719-00012726 >> TEACH A VARIETY OF OTHER CLASSES AS WELL AT THEIR DANCE FZKAupVf6Zo-00153-00012726-00012909 >> TEACH A VARIETY OF OTHER CLASSES AS WELL AT THEIR DANCE STUDIO, IN BEMIDJI, WITH THIS Fe2D6KzI_So-00000-00000079-00000571 You've heard the phrase, it's, it's easiest to find a job when you have one. Fe2D6KzI_So-00001-00000571-00000724 That's what it means. Fe2D6KzI_So-00002-00000724-00001135 It means while you're, while you're trying to figure out what you're most passionate Fe2D6KzI_So-00003-00001135-00002165 about, put an insane amount of work ethic into what you're doing currently. Fe2D6KzI_So-00004-00002165-00002498 It depends on whether or not that thing that you're doing, you're actually talented at Fe2D6KzI_So-00005-00002498-00002598 and good at. Fe2D6KzI_So-00006-00002598-00003173 Because like, if you're talented at something, and like what you're producing is like high Fe2D6KzI_So-00007-00003173-00003380 quality. Fe2D6KzI_So-00008-00003380-00003930 But it's not necessarily like, you know, your passion. Fe2D6KzI_So-00009-00003930-00004480 It's a whole lot easier to go all in on that thing in the meantime, when what you're doing Fe2D6KzI_So-00010-00004480-00004682 isn't that great. Fe2D6KzI_So-00011-00004682-00004805 And it's not your passion. Fe2D6KzI_So-00012-00004805-00005212 It's literally just like, this is my job right now, I'm going to do it. Fe2D6KzI_So-00013-00005212-00005339 Not that great at it. Fe2D6KzI_So-00014-00005339-00005466 I don't like doing it. Fe2D6KzI_So-00015-00005466-00005662 Well, that's a whole other story. Fe2D6KzI_So-00016-00005662-00006107 You know, this idea of, you know, your gifts are God given, you're operating out of those Fe2D6KzI_So-00017-00006107-00006715 gifts, people can see that because it comes out through the work. Fe2D6KzI_So-00018-00006715-00007197 And it's going all in on those things like like, this may not be what I like to do, it Fe2D6KzI_So-00019-00007197-00007470 may not be what I want to be filming right now. Fe2D6KzI_So-00020-00007470-00007880 But I have a God given gift to film, and to create these videos. Fe2D6KzI_So-00021-00007880-00008403 And I'm going to do them to the absolute best of my ability until the right opportunity Fe2D6KzI_So-00022-00008403-00008690 to film what I really want, you know, comes along. Fe2D6KzI_So-00023-00008690-00009191 At the end of the day hard work, and the willingness to put in the work, the willingness to do Fe2D6KzI_So-00024-00009191-00009483 what it takes, ultimately, is what wins. Fe2D6KzI_So-00025-00009483-00009838 And so then you have to look at these areas where you said, Okay, I could go all in here, Fe2D6KzI_So-00026-00009838-00010242 I could go all in there, you go all in there might as well go all in on the one that I Fe2D6KzI_So-00027-00010242-00010363 actually enjoy doing. Fe2D6KzI_So-00028-00010363-00010595 So man, I love that. Fe2D6KzI_So-00029-00010595-00011271 It's also inspiring to people, and really encouraging to anybody that does go out and Fe2D6KzI_So-00030-00011271-00011756 try some new things to realize that hey, like in six months, in a year and two years, I Fe2D6KzI_So-00031-00011756-00012154 mmay not realize that this was like I was born to do this. Fe2D6KzI_So-00032-00012154-00012481 But I may find something that I just absolutely enjoy. Fe2D6KzI_So-00033-00012481-00013078 Because that in itself will create opportunities that you can get passionate about. Fe2D6KzI_So-00034-00013078-00013569 You're not going to, you cannot just sit down one day and get a blank piece of paper and Fe2D6KzI_So-00035-00013569-00013822 say, Okay, what is my dream career? Fe2D6KzI_So-00036-00013822-00014197 What is my, what is my passion that I want to go all in on? Fe2D6KzI_So-00037-00014197-00014372 These things will happen over time. Fe2D6KzI_So-00038-00014372-00015291 And it comes from putting in massive action, massive effort, over a period of time, for Fe2D6KzI_So-00039-00015291-00015550 those for those passions to evolve. Fe2D6KzI_So-00040-00015550-00015847 For you to, for you to create more self awareness. Fe2D6KzI_So-00041-00015847-00016180 For you to have a better idea of who you are and what your strengths are. Fe2D6KzI_So-00042-00016180-00016461 How can you figure out what your strengths are, if you don't try things? Fe2D6KzI_So-00043-00016461-00017191 And what this boils down to, I believe, in our society, we have an epidemic of opportunity Fe2D6KzI_So-00044-00017191-00017398 entitlement. Fe2D6KzI_So-00045-00017398-00018163 And the problem with it is the higher level performer you are the less immune you are Fe2D6KzI_So-00046-00018163-00018263 to it. Fe2D6KzI_So-00047-00018263-00018363 Yeah. Fe2D6KzI_So-00048-00018363-00018779 Because if I know I can operate at this level, but my current opportunity only has me in Fe2D6KzI_So-00049-00018779-00019358 this type of career or this type of whatever environment. Fe2D6KzI_So-00050-00019358-00019547 There's an entitlement issue there. Fe2D6KzI_So-00051-00019547-00020118 Yeah, you have to constantly be focused on making sure that you're doing what you're Fe2D6KzI_So-00052-00020118-00020399 doing right now to the best of your ability. Fe2D6KzI_So-00053-00020399-00020790 And to me, that's the definition of integrity. Fe2D6KzI_So-00054-00020790-00021549 But to be able to be in a current opportunity, it's almost like that old saying, playing Fe2D6KzI_So-00055-00021549-00021804 the hand you're dealt like it's the one you want it. Fe2D6KzI_So-00056-00021804-00021904 Yeah. Fe2D6KzI_So-00057-00021904-00022390 Like excelling and going all in and putting 100% effort in your current opportunity as Fe2D6KzI_So-00058-00022390-00022684 though it's the perfect opportunity, right. Fe2D6KzI_So-00059-00022684-00023141 And in doing that, there will be a progression that gets you to where you want to ultimately Fe2D6KzI_So-00060-00023141-00023356 go. Fe2D6KzI_So-00061-00023356-00023861 The alternative is what I see so often is people saying, well, this is what I'm meant Fe2D6KzI_So-00062-00023861-00024039 to do. Fe2D6KzI_So-00063-00024039-00024645 I don't have time to mess with this, you know, I don't have like...honestly as though it's Fe2D6KzI_So-00064-00024645-00024794 like something that could hurt them. Fe2D6KzI_So-00065-00024794-00024983 Like if I spend too much time here. Fe2D6KzI_So-00066-00024983-00025564 Like it can somehow you know, hurt those skills and in gifts and abilities that I have that Fe2D6KzI_So-00067-00025564-00025664 are pushing me towards this. Fe2D6KzI_So-00068-00025664-00025815 It's like No, no. Fe2D6KzI_So-00069-00025815-00026570 Like, you're your integrity says, go all in where you are, and show the people around Fe2D6KzI_So-00070-00026570-00026962 you that you're willing to sweep streets like like this. Fe2D6KzI_So-00071-00026962-00027399 You're willing to be the best, the very best at whatever you're doing right now. FeLckwB0Rgu-00000-00000287-00000404সংবিধান-অনুযায়ী-জাতীয়-সং/ ‎ FeLckwB0Rgu-00002-00000685-00000785সংবিধান-অনুযায়ী-জাতীয়-সং/ ‎ FeLckwB0Rgu-00005-00003024-00003124সংবিধান-অনুযায়ী-জাতীয়-সং/ ‎ FeLckwB0Rgu-00008-00004085-00004185সংবিধান-অনুযায়ী-জাতীয়-সং/ ‎ FeLckwB0Rgu-00012-00004975-00005075সংবিধান-অনুযায়ী-জাতীয়-সং/ ‎ Ff-y8yYYiu0-00000-00001102-00002333 She's the former Big Brother Australia star who is by no means shy when it comes to flaunting her surgically-enhanced assets on social media. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00001-00002483-00004206 And posing in a barely there bikini on top of a jet ski, on Saturday, Skye Wheatley was at it again. Taking to to share a series of racy shots, the 23-year-old drew attention to her taut frame. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00002-00004356-00006281 'Salty girl', she captioned the post. Straddling the blue jet ski, Skye ensured all eyes were on her ample cleavage. Donning a pink bikini, the star stayed sun smart with a straw hat and pair of sunglasses. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00003-00006431-00007573 Taking to Stories, the former reality star showcased another shot of her overlooking the ocean whilst smothered in sand. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00004-00007723-00009763 Sitting on the edge of the water vehicle, Skye flaunted her washboard abs and lean legs. And it didn't look like the aspiring makeup artist was alone, with an unidentified male also around the jet ski while Skye added love heart emoji's around him. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00005-00009913-00011322 In 2015, the makeup artist traveled to Bangkok for a $3,800 breast augmentation, despite her families pleas for her not to go. Ff-y8yYYiu0-00006-00011472-00013080 Skye later the surgery was botched and had left her with a 'double bubble' in one breast. The following year, Skye paid a Sydney surgeon $28,000 to fix the surgical error. FlKhntb0CX4-00000-00000262-00000442 Let's Welcome two of the main influinfluential figures FlKhntb0CX4-00001-00000474-00000624 that were involved whenit look off FlKhntb0CX4-00002-00000668-00000860 Johan Staël von Holstein who founded "Icon media Lab" FlKhntb0CX4-00003-00001052-00001378 and Jonas Bigersson that founded "FramFab" FlKhntb0CX4-00004-00001426-00001496 and "Bredbandsbolaget" FlKhntb0CX4-00005-00001540-00001684 and Christain Albinssion that give us company here FlKhntb0CX4-00006-00001772-00001950 whom also has writen this book FlKhntb0CX4-00007-00001980-00002324 When everything just went up, how did it feel? FlKhntb0CX4-00008-00002356-00002962 Everything feel like "IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING" . Everything is Possible. Just like it is today FlKhntb0CX4-00009-00003006-00003184 MaybeMaybe even easier today FlKhntb0CX4-00010-00003242-00003496 There are opportunities unlike ever before. FlKhntb0CX4-00011-00003534-00003832 We broke new ground. We created something new FlKhntb0CX4-00012-00003894-00004126 We tore down and old society that wasn't working FlKhntb0CX4-00013-00004164-00004436 and created what would become infrasturcture and entrefreneuship. FlKhntb0CX4-00014-00004474-00004704 risk capital. Everything came FlKhntb0CX4-00015-00004744-00004874 out of what we created durung those years. FlKhntb0CX4-00016-00004990-00005164 A fanstatic period to take part in. FlKhntb0CX4-00017-00005240-00005494 You guys were good for 5 billion SEK FlKhntb0CX4-00018-00005540-00005598 each FlKhntb0CX4-00019-00005668-00005946 We had thousand of employees, we had offices FlKhntb0CX4-00020-00005978-00006232 all over world, we work with the biggest companies FlKhntb0CX4-00021-00006266-00006576 It FramFab and Icon hadn't done what they did, FlKhntb0CX4-00022-00006630-00006902 industries like ABB, Erricsson and Volvo FlKhntb0CX4-00023-00006948-00007136 would not be the industries there are today FlKhntb0CX4-00024-00007180-00007354 We were able to move FlKhntb0CX4-00025-00007442-00007640 all the barries in our society. FlKhntb0CX4-00026-00007681-00007972 But to get some perspective, I focus on the beauty of it FlKhntb0CX4-00027-00008004-00008282 We saved Sweden and its people. We changed society from the bottom. FlKhntb0CX4-00028-00008318-00008670 We are today one of the most exciting countries to be in. FlKhntb0CX4-00029-00008710-00008872 Everthing is good because of it. The big crimes FlKhntb0CX4-00030-00008910-00008960 are the old structures that were created G1yJBWAGQBy-00000-00000003-00000513 Hi, my name is Cynthia and I'm coming to you on behalf of women who are concerned G1yJBWAGQBy-00001-00000513-00000996 about breast cancer but can't afford to be tested or treated. There is help G1yJBWAGQBy-00002-00000996-00001550 available through MidMichigan's Center for Women's Health. Last year 144 women G1yJBWAGQBy-00003-00001559-00002025 were either tested or treated through donor funds. Mammograms, treatments if G1yJBWAGQBy-00004-00002025-00002477 needed, and help with transportation costs are available to those who might G1yJBWAGQBy-00005-00002477-00002960 not have done anything because of the financial burden. May 7th, your donation G1yJBWAGQBy-00006-00002960-00003393 to the Breast Health Fund, will help keep this program going and may even save the G1yJBWAGQBy-00007-00003393-00003894 life of a friend, someone's mother or daughter. Please give local, Midland, to G1yJBWAGQBy-00008-00003894-00004248 the MidMichigan Breast Health Fund and let's work together, let's pool our G1yJBWAGQBy-00009-00004248-00004641 resources to make sure every friend, sister, mother and daughter can get the G1yJBWAGQBy-00010-00004641-00005348 help she needs. Together, we can do this, please give. Thank You! G2SGMyWViIy-00000-00005510-00005869 Hi and welcome to today's presentation on the protective factors for G2SGMyWViIy-00001-00005869-00006201 co-occurring disorders. G2SGMyWViIy-00002-00006437-00006984 Over the next hour we're going to define what protective factors really are. They G2SGMyWViIy-00003-00006984-00007426 aren't just the opposite of risk factors protective factors can also fall into G2SGMyWViIy-00004-00007426-00007831 some other categories. We'll identify protective factors for addiction and G2SGMyWViIy-00005-00007831-00008296 mental health issues in the following domains individual peer family work G2SGMyWViIy-00006-00008296-00008782 school and community and we will discuss similarities and differences between G2SGMyWViIy-00007-00008782-00009205 risk and protective factors for each disorder now one of the things I want G2SGMyWViIy-00008-00009205-00009571 you to look at is the domains that we're talking about here are roughly the same G2SGMyWViIy-00009-00009571-00010100 domains we were talking about in the last class on the socio-ecological model G2SGMyWViIy-00010-00010100-00010684 for the development of mental health and substance use disorders so the good G2SGMyWViIy-00011-00010684-00011250 thing is I guess there are a lot of different models that are using a G2SGMyWViIy-00012-00011250-00011803 similar framework so we can extrapolate data from them and we're not comparing G2SGMyWViIy-00013-00011803-00012499 apples and oranges we're kind of comparing apples and apples protective G2SGMyWViIy-00014-00012499-00012886 factors are those characteristics affiliated with persons who are mentally G2SGMyWViIy-00015-00012886-00013369 and physically healthy so we want to consider the individual so what is it G2SGMyWViIy-00016-00013369-00013800 about the person that makes them mentally and physically healthy G2SGMyWViIy-00017-00013800-00014391 biologically physically do they have obviously they're healthy they're G2SGMyWViIy-00018-00014391-00014679 probably exercising probably getting good nutrition sunlight G2SGMyWViIy-00019-00014679-00015032 yadda-yadda-yadda we all know what we're supposed to do we G2SGMyWViIy-00020-00015032-00015481 also want to look at their peers are they surrounded by a healthy peer group G2SGMyWViIy-00021-00015481-00016044 that is supportive of wellness behaviors and a healthy peer group that is G2SGMyWViIy-00022-00016044-00016507 supportive of them if they are having a bad day we want to make sure that they G2SGMyWViIy-00023-00016507-00016948 have adequate healthy social support then we want to look at the work and G2SGMyWViIy-00024-00016948-00017287 school environment to make sure it's not burnout prone make sure it's something G2SGMyWViIy-00025-00017287-00017701 that maybe fits with their temperament and also make sure it's something that G2SGMyWViIy-00026-00017701-00018228 provides them a sense of accomplishment and it's something that they really G2SGMyWViIy-00027-00018228-00018726 preferably enjoy doing finally we're going to look at the community and G2SGMyWViIy-00028-00018726-00019084 there's a little less we can do there but we want to look at what are the G2SGMyWViIy-00029-00019084-00019631 character characteristics of the community that this person is living in G2SGMyWViIy-00030-00019631-00020126 and this community can be expanded from just what we talked about in the G2SGMyWViIy-00031-00020126-00020432 socio-ecological model with the Microsystems G2SGMyWViIy-00032-00020432-00021068 to looking at and to looking at the greater things like the weather in that G2SGMyWViIy-00033-00021068-00021681 particular community certain communities have micro climates where it's grayer G2SGMyWViIy-00034-00021681-00022412 Rainier blah ear nice clinical term there and some things about the G2SGMyWViIy-00035-00022412-00022970 community may also engender depressive feelings likewise there are a lot of G2SGMyWViIy-00036-00022970-00023384 things that in communities that can engender a sense of attachment and G2SGMyWViIy-00037-00023384-00023898 positive feelings like parks and sunshine and cleanliness if you've been G2SGMyWViIy-00038-00023898-00024584 to a community that is not so clean or even to a part of your community that's G2SGMyWViIy-00039-00024584-00025106 not so clean my sense is you probably have a different feeling about hope and G2SGMyWViIy-00040-00025106-00025625 optimism and all that stuff in that environment versus an environment that G2SGMyWViIy-00041-00025625-00026222 is attractive it doesn't have to be pristine it doesn't have to be fancy and G2SGMyWViIy-00042-00026222-00027083 foo-foo it just has to be clean so and this is one of those things you want to G2SGMyWViIy-00043-00027083-00027569 focus on hint hint in prevention what we're talking about G2SGMyWViIy-00044-00027569-00027959 are three different levels primary prevention keeps the problem from G2SGMyWViIy-00045-00027959-00028431 occurring by promoting healthy behaviors and protecting from risk factors so G2SGMyWViIy-00046-00028431-00029063 primary prevention keeps drug abuse depression anxiety from ever happening G2SGMyWViIy-00047-00029063-00029684 teaching healthy coping skills ensuring a positive community climate helping G2SGMyWViIy-00048-00029684-00030221 children learn how to form proper relationships as they're growing up G2SGMyWViIy-00049-00030221-00030849 instead of waiting until maybe teenagehood or or high school other G2SGMyWViIy-00050-00030849-00031825 things also now nowadays are looking at prevention by helping teens and adults G2SGMyWViIy-00051-00031825-00032337 learn how to navigate the worldwide web without letting it impact them because G2SGMyWViIy-00052-00032337-00032641 it can be a very G2SGMyWViIy-00053-00032752-00033248 not pleasant place and one of the things that we talked about in the e therapy G2SGMyWViIy-00054-00033248-00033977 class is digital dis inhibition when somebody is not face to face with you G2SGMyWViIy-00055-00033977-00034397 they tend to be more likely to say things they would never dream of saying G2SGMyWViIy-00056-00034397-00035012 to your face because there's no there's no impact to them you are just on the G2SGMyWViIy-00057-00035012-00035426 screen you're a name on the screen you might not even be a face so this digital G2SGMyWViIy-00058-00035426-00036263 disinhibition allows people to be as pleasant or as unpleasant as you know G2SGMyWViIy-00059-00036263-00036881 they want to be there's no consequence so secondary prevention stops or slows G2SGMyWViIy-00060-00036881-00037313 the progression of the problem this is when you know we see that there may be G2SGMyWViIy-00061-00037313-00037955 some things going on bullying for example may be starting to occur in a G2SGMyWViIy-00062-00037955-00038345 school system so we want to stop it we want to nip it in the bud it already G2SGMyWViIy-00063-00038345-00038762 started so how do we prevent it from progressing and becoming this huge G2SGMyWViIy-00064-00038762-00039436 social issue in the community same thing with addiction depression and anxiety G2SGMyWViIy-00065-00039436-00039941 tertiary prevention improves the welfare of the person with the problem and seeks G2SGMyWViIy-00066-00039941-00040466 to prevent other problems so you know we missed him on primary they developed G2SGMyWViIy-00067-00040466-00040988 depression we missed him on secondary we didn't get it when it was you know a G2SGMyWViIy-00068-00040988-00041669 mild mood disorder now we're at clinical depression tertiary prevention would say G2SGMyWViIy-00069-00041669-00042341 okay let's stop it here and not add on obesity and alcoholism and you know G2SGMyWViIy-00070-00042341-00042941 anything else that may go along with long-standing clinical depression that G2SGMyWViIy-00071-00042941-00043481 someone just really needs to try to find relief from so primary keeps it from G2SGMyWViIy-00072-00043481-00043943 happening secondary slows the progression and tertiary improves the G2SGMyWViIy-00073-00043943-00044303 welfare and prevents it from causing a cascade effect and causing other G2SGMyWViIy-00074-00044303-00044572 problems G2SGMyWViIy-00075-00044743-00045158 prevention example for addiction in primary prevention we want to start out G2SGMyWViIy-00076-00045158-00045761 with things like parent education and youth education in my opinion and y'all G2SGMyWViIy-00077-00045761-00046366 know I'm pretty opinionated this needs to start when children are infants small G2SGMyWViIy-00078-00046366-00046906 bits of parent education public service announcements handouts from the G2SGMyWViIy-00079-00046906-00047464 pediatrician little bite-sized chunks that people can take that are practical G2SGMyWViIy-00080-00047464-00048073 that they can use expecting people to go to a class and sit through 16 weeks or G2SGMyWViIy-00081-00048073-00048508 an hour a week isn't likely and it isn't realistic for most parents G2SGMyWViIy-00082-00048508-00048870 so we need to figure out how to get the information to them G2SGMyWViIy-00083-00048870-00049182 this will help them educate their children G2SGMyWViIy-00084-00049182-00049840 likewise youth education a lot of our television programs now I I mean I'm G2SGMyWViIy-00085-00049840-00050251 happy to see it I wish they were able to get it from like actual human people but G2SGMyWViIy-00086-00050251-00050998 a lot of our television programs teach communication skills they teach manners G2SGMyWViIy-00087-00050998-00051706 they teach different values that most of us would want our children to have you G2SGMyWViIy-00088-00051706-00052093 know I grew up on Sesame Street and they teach you know be nice and be kind and G2SGMyWViIy-00089-00052093-00052673 all that kind of stuff and the new programs have have taken that and are G2SGMyWViIy-00090-00052673-00053320 still building upon it youth education also occurs in preschools where my son G2SGMyWViIy-00091-00053320-00053782 had one of the most amazing preschool teachers they still love to watch her G2SGMyWViIy-00092-00053782-00054250 work because she was so able to understand exactly where that child was G2SGMyWViIy-00093-00054250-00054829 but move him as Vygotsky would say to the next zone of proximal development G2SGMyWViIy-00094-00054829-00055318 she would encourage him to say okay you know you didn't like what he did how do G2SGMyWViIy-00095-00055318-00055888 you think he felt and encouraged this you know young child to move from being G2SGMyWViIy-00096-00055888-00056399 egocentric to being able to take someone else's perspective and if he couldn't do G2SGMyWViIy-00097-00056399-00056938 that she would say okay how would you feel if he did it to you and then that G2SGMyWViIy-00098-00056938-00057262 would help him sort of start connecting the dots G2SGMyWViIy-00099-00057262-00057805 excellent preschool teachers are indispensable parents who have the tools G2SGMyWViIy-00100-00057805-00058225 to help their children indispensable we also want to increase these G2SGMyWViIy-00101-00058225-00058697 protective factors and reduce risk factors in the community we want to G2SGMyWViIy-00102-00058697-00059135 encourage some of the things that we're going to talk about in order to create G2SGMyWViIy-00103-00059135-00059638 an environment create that community that supports the development of healthy G2SGMyWViIy-00104-00059638-00060122 youth and families secondary prevention remember this is when the addiction has G2SGMyWViIy-00105-00060122-00060611 already started but we want to keep it from becoming a major issue we want to G2SGMyWViIy-00106-00060611-00060974 make sure we have the ability availability of treatment for persons G2SGMyWViIy-00107-00060974-00061495 with addiction issues now that insurance regulations have G2SGMyWViIy-00108-00061495-00061852 changed some a lot of people are actually not seeking secondary G2SGMyWViIy-00109-00061852-00062638 prevention because there is no for most insurance plans there is no deductibles G2SGMyWViIy-00110-00062638-00063079 are not deductible but no copay any more you have to meet your deductible before G2SGMyWViIy-00111-00063079-00063583 you can do anything so a lot of people are like you know I don't have $6,000 G2SGMyWViIy-00112-00063583-00064024 for secondary prevention so I'm just gonna try to stick it out on my own G2SGMyWViIy-00113-00064024-00064456 which moves us up to tertiary prevention because they're probably going to get G2SGMyWViIy-00114-00064456-00065068 worse we want to educate people about secondary illnesses and problems that G2SGMyWViIy-00115-00065068-00065654 are going to be caused or that could be caused by the addiction some schools of G2SGMyWViIy-00116-00065654-00066338 thought would encourage if you're going to have someone that has an addiction G2SGMyWViIy-00117-00066338-00066788 problem access to clean needles if they're gonna shoot up at least make G2SGMyWViIy-00118-00066788-00067131 sure they're not getting HIV and hepatitis and spreading that around G2SGMyWViIy-00119-00067131-00067663 access to methadone clinics and nutrition and medical care availability G2SGMyWViIy-00120-00067663-00068325 to make sure they don't get any other sort of STDs or or other illnesses G2SGMyWViIy-00121-00068325-00068989 communities vary on their willingness to use some of these harm reduction G2SGMyWViIy-00122-00068989-00069392 strategies but it is important to understand that tertiary prevention G2SGMyWViIy-00123-00069392-00070154 really is a harm reduction strategy so let's look at individual protective G2SGMyWViIy-00124-00070154-00070651 factors for addiction knowledge about addiction and risks well we're all like G2SGMyWViIy-00125-00070651-00071426 duh of course but it is important that people understand how G2SGMyWViIy-00126-00071426-00071963 why addiction develops how addiction develops and the fact that it's not just G2SGMyWViIy-00127-00071963-00072458 alcohol it's not just illicit drugs it can be prescription medications it can G2SGMyWViIy-00128-00072458-00072908 be over-the-counter medications it can be behavioral addictions so people need G2SGMyWViIy-00129-00072908-00073451 to understand that addiction is a way of numbing pain when nothing else seems to G2SGMyWViIy-00130-00073451-00074210 be working that way they can wrap their heads around them the purpose of their G2SGMyWViIy-00131-00074210-00074591 behavior and start preventing it or understand that when they're in pain G2SGMyWViIy-00132-00074591-00075053 they need to seek out some sort of assistance negative attitudes towards G2SGMyWViIy-00133-00075053-00075503 substance use and some of those other addictive behaviors internet porn G2SGMyWViIy-00134-00075503-00076085 gambling obviously if the individual has negative attitudes toward it they are G2SGMyWViIy-00135-00076085-00076682 less likely and I don't say unlike not likely at all I say less likely to G2SGMyWViIy-00136-00076682-00077185 experiment with it at a certain time point if the pain gets bad enough G2SGMyWViIy-00137-00077185-00077837 they're probably gonna start just trying anything to make the pain stop but if G2SGMyWViIy-00138-00077837-00078200 they know the risks and they already have negative attitudes they know it's G2SGMyWViIy-00139-00078200-00078662 risky they know it's not where they want to go then that's going to bolster the G2SGMyWViIy-00140-00078662-00079181 likelihood that they will seek out positive protective factors and options G2SGMyWViIy-00141-00079181-00079664 to to deal with whatever it is that's going on with them bonding to a G2SGMyWViIy-00142-00079664-00080396 pro-social culture if the individual tends to be in isolation then they're G2SGMyWViIy-00143-00080396-00080867 going to be at higher risk if the individual tends to bond with people who G2SGMyWViIy-00144-00080867-00081695 share a affinity for addiction addictive behaviors high risk-taking then they're G2SGMyWViIy-00145-00081695-00082232 going to be at higher risk pro-social culture is really very very broad you G2SGMyWViIy-00146-00082232-00082489 know it doesn't mean necessarily religion it doesn't mean necessarily G2SGMyWViIy-00147-00082489-00082997 volunteering it could just be with the you know eight other people that live in G2SGMyWViIy-00148-00082997-00083686 your neighborhood that are trying to maintain a healthy happy environment but G2SGMyWViIy-00149-00083686-00084388 most of us most people are not meant to live in isolation we're not really G2SGMyWViIy-00150-00084388-00084779 solitary creatures there are people who prefer G2SGMyWViIy-00151-00084779-00085259 groups you know your introverts tend to prefer a group of two or three instead G2SGMyWViIy-00152-00085259-00085682 of 20 or 30 it doesn't mean they don't like people it just means they prefer to G2SGMyWViIy-00153-00085682-00086090 focus their energy on a couple of people we want to make sure that couple of G2SGMyWViIy-00154-00086090-00086816 people that they have available to them are promoting a healthy lifestyle G2SGMyWViIy-00155-00086816-00087455 behavior etc positive relationships with adults when the child is growing up if G2SGMyWViIy-00156-00087455-00087947 the child has positive relationships with adults they're going to be able to G2SGMyWViIy-00157-00087947-00088364 communicate with someone who is developmentally theoretically more G2SGMyWViIy-00158-00088364-00088856 advanced than they are who can help them like my son's preschool teacher did move G2SGMyWViIy-00159-00088856-00089354 them in the along the developmental pathway give them good ideas because you G2SGMyWViIy-00160-00089354-00089882 know by the time you're 20 25 45 you've had a lot more experiences than someone G2SGMyWViIy-00161-00089882-00090695 who's both social competence social support is some of our greatest buffers G2SGMyWViIy-00162-00090695-00091349 against stress healthy social support in order to have healthy social support you G2SGMyWViIy-00163-00091349-00091766 have to have a sense a feeling of being socially competent effective G2SGMyWViIy-00164-00091766-00092312 communication skills ability to do behave in a give-and-take way good G2SGMyWViIy-00165-00092312-00092747 boundaries all that stuff that goes into forming healthy relationships but then G2SGMyWViIy-00166-00092747-00093140 you also have to believe that you are socially competent there are so many G2SGMyWViIy-00167-00093140-00093668 people who have social anxiety now because they've spent 90% of their lives G2SGMyWViIy-00168-00093668-00094124 communicating with their thumbs instead of with a real person that actually G2SGMyWViIy-00169-00094124-00094655 getting in front of people can be very anxiety-provoking the ability to G2SGMyWViIy-00170-00094655-00095048 self-regulate we are not taught how to self-regulate we don't we aren't taught G2SGMyWViIy-00171-00095048-00095594 how to self-soothe from from jump that is something that we learn as we grow G2SGMyWViIy-00172-00095594-00096065 grow up now we learn it it's either going to be dysfunctional or it's going G2SGMyWViIy-00173-00096065-00096566 to be functional dysfunctional ways would be addiction head-banging G2SGMyWViIy-00174-00096566-00097100 getting into trouble cutting functional ways would be more talking it out G2SGMyWViIy-00175-00097100-00097736 writing in a diary working out something to help pro socially get rid of that G2SGMyWViIy-00176-00097736-00098168 energy and then problem-solve an involvement in act G2SGMyWViIy-00177-00098168-00098669 Vivat ease when people are involved in pro-social activities in whether it's G2SGMyWViIy-00178-00098669-00098993 going to the park and going on a jog walking your dog you know I'm not G2SGMyWViIy-00179-00098993-00099433 talking necessarily anything huge but there are a lot of things people will do G2SGMyWViIy-00180-00099433-00099962 that they won't engage in it in an addictive behavior at the same time G2SGMyWViIy-00181-00099962-00100283 you're not going to watch internet porn while you're at the park walking your G2SGMyWViIy-00182-00100283-00100880 dog you're going to walk into a tree if you do but it also you know it defeats G2SGMyWViIy-00183-00100880-00101438 kind of the purpose of internet porn so involvement in activities that not G2SGMyWViIy-00184-00101438-00102083 only get you out get you exposed to people ideally but are just G2SGMyWViIy-00185-00102083-00102563 contradictory to any addictive behaviors so those are all addiction protective G2SGMyWViIy-00186-00102563-00103072 factors moving over to mental health issues because as I say every time G2SGMyWViIy-00187-00103072-00103526 co-occurring disorders are the expectation not the exception that shit G2SGMyWViIy-00188-00103526-00104153 needs to be my tagline I just need that on a t-shirt a secure attachment a child G2SGMyWViIy-00189-00104153-00104864 who believes that his or her parent will go away and will come back it's G2SGMyWViIy-00190-00104864-00105350 important a child that believes that will grow up to believe that there are G2SGMyWViIy-00191-00105350-00105770 adults that will go away and will come back adults that don't have secure G2SGMyWViIy-00192-00105770-00106183 attachment have really dysfunctional relationships because they're constantly G2SGMyWViIy-00193-00106183-00106825 fighting against this fear of abandonment in easy temperaments no G2SGMyWViIy-00194-00106825-00107675 that's a pretty broad thing there but a child who is very very fussy may tend to G2SGMyWViIy-00195-00107675-00108188 have more difficulty learning how to self-soothe partly because the parents G2SGMyWViIy-00196-00108188-00108583 have difficulty teaching him or her to self-soothe G2SGMyWViIy-00197-00108583-00109130 it is possible and and there is that caveat there people with addictions tend G2SGMyWViIy-00198-00109130-00109580 to have more difficult temperaments they tend to have more difficulty G2SGMyWViIy-00199-00109580-00109955 self-soothing which is why there's an asterisk by that because that kind of G2SGMyWViIy-00200-00109955-00110378 goes to both things now an easy temperament is also G2SGMyWViIy-00201-00110378-00110953 something that is pretty subjective G2SGMyWViIy-00202-00110955-00111519 knowing what your triggers are for stress is really important G2SGMyWViIy-00203-00111519-00112131 you know I can be relatively flexible but I like to know what's what's G2SGMyWViIy-00204-00112131-00112760 happening I love my schedules so I don't do well in an environment where there is G2SGMyWViIy-00205-00112760-00113421 a lot of chaos a lot of the clients when I worked in residential if we had to G2SGMyWViIy-00206-00113421-00113739 cancel the group if we had to move a group if there was a different G2SGMyWViIy-00207-00113739-00114354 facilitator for a group would throw them into a complete tailspin as people G2SGMyWViIy-00208-00114354-00114935 progress in their addictions they become more needing to control everything which G2SGMyWViIy-00209-00114935-00115554 creates a more difficult temperament so helping people figure out what their G2SGMyWViIy-00210-00115554-00115983 triggers are for stress how to deal with them and how to sort of compromise G2SGMyWViIy-00211-00115983-00116403 because you're not always going to be able to plan for everything effective G2SGMyWViIy-00212-00116403-00116745 communication skills this goes back for both of them G2SGMyWViIy-00213-00116745-00117176 if you can't effectively communicate with others you can't ask for help or G2SGMyWViIy-00214-00117176-00117588 you get angry really easily because you can't self soothe or you've never G2SGMyWViIy-00215-00117588-00117924 developed those communication skills so you haven't developed healthy G2SGMyWViIy-00216-00117924-00118523 relationships you see kind of where this is all a cascade kind of jumbly thing G2SGMyWViIy-00217-00118523-00118920 then you have difficulty developing social competence there's that word G2SGMyWViIy-00218-00118920-00119520 again and the ability to self-regulate good coping skills G2SGMyWViIy-00219-00119520-00120149 well addiction is a coping skill it is not a good one but it is one that people G2SGMyWViIy-00220-00120149-00120654 tend to employ when nothing else seems to be working or working effectively or G2SGMyWViIy-00221-00120654-00121128 quickly enough so the development of good coping skills can help a person G2SGMyWViIy-00222-00121128-00121557 from getting to the point where they're in so much pain that they need to just G2SGMyWViIy-00223-00121557-00122325 numb it out for a little while now this is not the only cause of addiction but G2SGMyWViIy-00224-00122325-00122810 we do know that most of our clients who come into treatment whether they've got G2SGMyWViIy-00225-00122810-00123359 mental health issues they they come in and go I'm depressed or they come in and G2SGMyWViIy-00226-00123359-00123642 go I'm an alcoholic most of the time they don't come in and G2SGMyWViIy-00227-00123642-00124278 go you know here's the dsm-iv thing in here they will present with one G2SGMyWViIy-00228-00124278-00124811 particular complaint and as we do our assessment we will ferret out and see if G2SGMyWViIy-00229-00124811-00125091 there are other kin current disorders which there usually G2SGMyWViIy-00230-00125091-00125769 are but good coping skills can help with both of them addiction and mental health G2SGMyWViIy-00231-00125769-00126230 issues and even some physical health issues cuz things like ulcers and G2SGMyWViIy-00232-00126230-00126833 gastric upset and some of those things that are exacerbated by stress if you've G2SGMyWViIy-00233-00126833-00127275 got good coping skills then those physical maladies that somatization will G2SGMyWViIy-00234-00127275-00127704 not take place and again involvement in activities so G2SGMyWViIy-00235-00127704-00128234 you see there's a lot of overlap in the protective factors for mental health and G2SGMyWViIy-00236-00128234-00129063 addiction issues the good thing is you get more bang for your buck in an G2SGMyWViIy-00237-00129063-00129489 addiction we want people to have a sense of well-being a sense of self esteem G2SGMyWViIy-00238-00129489-00129933 same thing for mental health if people feel good about themselves and they're G2SGMyWViIy-00239-00129933-00130308 confident in themselves then they're not looking to others to tell them you're G2SGMyWViIy-00240-00130308-00131118 okay when you start looking externally for validation then the world can become G2SGMyWViIy-00241-00131118-00131448 a very very scary place because then you're always looking for someone else G2SGMyWViIy-00242-00131448-00131844 to tell you you're okay instead of being able to go you know I'm all that and a G2SGMyWViIy-00243-00131844-00132489 bag of chips in it they don't like it tough totally winks positive future G2SGMyWViIy-00244-00132489-00132996 plans and achievement motivation true for both people we want people to want G2SGMyWViIy-00245-00132996-00133488 to get off the sofa we want people to have hope that the future is actually G2SGMyWViIy-00246-00133488-00133968 going to be rewarding you don't have hope if you're hopeless and hopeless you G2SGMyWViIy-00247-00133968-00134526 know those are two of our key features of depression if you don't have a lot of G2SGMyWViIy-00248-00134526-00134832 hope and you don't have faith that you can do it G2SGMyWViIy-00249-00134832-00135428 that's we've got some anxiety going on there hopeless helpless depressed and G2SGMyWViIy-00250-00135428-00136074 just kind of paralyzed you can see where this might lead someone to just go well G2SGMyWViIy-00251-00136074-00136542 screw it I'm gonna put my head back in the sand and maybe when I pull it out G2SGMyWViIy-00252-00136542-00137154 next time it'll be a different outcome and I preach it all the time and so I'm G2SGMyWViIy-00253-00137154-00137553 not gonna spend a lot of time on it but for both mental health and addiction G2SGMyWViIy-00254-00137553-00138009 issues good health maintenance behaviors you need to get quality sleep so your G2SGMyWViIy-00255-00138009-00138551 body can repair itself so you can back to that homeostatic level of G2SGMyWViIy-00256-00138551-00138963 everything you need to have good nutrition so your body can repair itself G2SGMyWViIy-00257-00138963-00139457 you're not going to ask somebody to go out and fix a house but not give them G2SGMyWViIy-00258-00139457-00140078 any supplies that wouldn't make any sense at all the same thing is true for G2SGMyWViIy-00259-00140078-00140586 fixing yourself you need to make sure your body has good healthy nutrition now G2SGMyWViIy-00260-00140586-00141093 I'm not talking going overboard and suddenly cutting out entire food groups G2SGMyWViIy-00261-00141093-00141606 or entire things talk with your doctor find simple changes you can make for G2SGMyWViIy-00262-00141606-00142044 example drinking enough water you'd be amazed at how many people find that that G2SGMyWViIy-00263-00142044-00142521 makes a huge difference in the way they feel and that's one of those things G2SGMyWViIy-00264-00142521-00143013 that's pretty much not gonna hurt anybody so talk to your doctor make sure G2SGMyWViIy-00265-00143013-00143586 that you're getting adequate nutrition and you know I've said before I said I G2SGMyWViIy-00266-00143586-00143904 wasn't gonna spend a lot of time on this but here we are G2SGMyWViIy-00267-00143904-00144504 good nutrition one of the rules that one of my friends who's a dietician said and G2SGMyWViIy-00268-00144504-00145077 it stuck with me ever since is three colors on the plate at every meal if you G2SGMyWViIy-00269-00145077-00145473 have three colors on the plate at every meal you're probably going to be doing G2SGMyWViIy-00270-00145473-00146049 fine and the other little tidbit your stomach is about as big as your balled G2SGMyWViIy-00271-00146049-00146463 up fist so you don't need to be taking one of those big dinner plates and G2SGMyWViIy-00272-00146463-00147135 heaping it high get a salad plate put three colors on it eat enjoy your meal G2SGMyWViIy-00273-00147135-00147528 and then if you're hungry you can go back but that gives people time to not G2SGMyWViIy-00274-00147528-00148098 only digest their food multiple colors trick your brain or let your brain know G2SGMyWViIy-00275-00148098-00148539 that there's actually a lot more food coming in than having one solid color G2SGMyWViIy-00276-00148539-00148958 and the smaller plate tricks your brain into thinking you're eating more than G2SGMyWViIy-00277-00148958-00149436 you're actually eating if you put that same amount on a big plate you're like G2SGMyWViIy-00278-00149436-00150393 oh I want more food salad plate it looks great so let's move over to those peer G2SGMyWViIy-00279-00150393-00151068 protective factors pro-social peer group and peer acceptance well you got to find G2SGMyWViIy-00280-00151068-00151583 a peer group that's pro-social and figure out a way to fit in G2SGMyWViIy-00281-00151605-00152157 I encourage people to know themselves first and a lot of our clients don't G2SGMyWViIy-00282-00152157-00152511 know themselves because they've been back in that category where they've been G2SGMyWViIy-00283-00152511-00153072 looking for external validation for so long that they've become chameleons they G2SGMyWViIy-00284-00153072-00153816 are whoever someone wants them to be you want me to be a wild and crazy drug G2SGMyWViIy-00285-00153816-00154275 addict that's what I'm gonna be you want me to be a super conservative G2SGMyWViIy-00286-00154275-00154857 Churchmouse that's what I'm gonna be while I'm in your presence part of G2SGMyWViIy-00287-00154857-00155487 recovery is figuring out who you are part of prevention is encouraging people G2SGMyWViIy-00288-00155487-00156066 to figure out who they are and be comfortable with that develop that self G2SGMyWViIy-00289-00156066-00156566 esteem going this is who I am and that's okay not everybody's gonna like it G2SGMyWViIy-00290-00156566-00157068 same thing with mental health issues access to pro-social peers if all your G2SGMyWViIy-00291-00157068-00157899 peers are negative if all your peers are focusing on unhealthy trends then it's G2SGMyWViIy-00292-00157899-00158445 going to be or even most of your peers then it's going to be harder to prevent G2SGMyWViIy-00293-00158445-00159045 problems if you are surrounding yourself with peers who are who all feel that G2SGMyWViIy-00294-00159045-00159423 they are good enough smart enough and gosh darn it people like me Stuart G2SGMyWViIy-00295-00159423-00160182 Smalley esque it's going to be a much healthier environment for a person not G2SGMyWViIy-00296-00160182-00160716 necessarily even just a child for a person to be in and the ability to make G2SGMyWViIy-00297-00160716-00161241 and maintain healthy friendships there's a lot of people who are really good at G2SGMyWViIy-00298-00161241-00161763 making friendships but maintaining them is a little bit more difficult it's like G2SGMyWViIy-00299-00161763-00162114 okay you know we're we're cool there's a lot to talk about and then as soon as G2SGMyWViIy-00300-00162114-00162581 the initial lot to talk about gone it's like I'm bored with you goodbye G2SGMyWViIy-00301-00162581-00163121 we need to encourage people to learn how to maintain healthy friendships and G2SGMyWViIy-00302-00163121-00163596 communica Munich ate with one another and find fulfillment from those G2SGMyWViIy-00303-00163596-00163877 relationships G2SGMyWViIy-00304-00164032-00164891 family family connectedness harmony and stability are essential to preventing G2SGMyWViIy-00305-00164891-00165383 addiction and mental health issues you know you don't have to be warden June G2SGMyWViIy-00306-00165383-00165998 Cleaver but that sense that everybody knows kind of what everybody is doing G2SGMyWViIy-00307-00165998-00166940 and is interested is important the sense that you know children you know as they G2SGMyWViIy-00308-00166940-00167339 get older they don't really want to hang out with us all the time as parents but G2SGMyWViIy-00309-00167339-00167698 if they're willing to hang out with us some that's good G2SGMyWViIy-00310-00167698-00168383 encouraging family time so we're able to not only learn more about what's going G2SGMyWViIy-00311-00168383-00168892 on with them but also just get a sense from the nonverbals where they are G2SGMyWViIy-00312-00168892-00169421 emotionally mentally physically you can get a pretty good idea about what's G2SGMyWViIy-00313-00169421-00170000 going on family stability not moving around every G2SGMyWViIy-00314-00170000-00170414 six months and sometimes it's you know if you're in the military it's not G2SGMyWViIy-00315-00170414-00170981 necessarily possible to have all that same kind of stability especially if you G2SGMyWViIy-00316-00170981-00171656 live off-base but family stability where there is some consistency of people who G2SGMyWViIy-00317-00171656-00172196 are there they're not always running off and being you know locked up in prison G2SGMyWViIy-00318-00172196-00172643 or disappearing for months at a time this is what I'm talking about I'm not G2SGMyWViIy-00319-00172643-00173072 talking again I'm not talking about necessarily Leave It to Beaver because G2SGMyWViIy-00320-00173072-00173588 most people don't have that kind of family but the more communication you G2SGMyWViIy-00321-00173588-00174167 have the healthier boundaries you have the healthier communication you have the G2SGMyWViIy-00322-00174167-00174635 more you're modeling for children as they grow up these behaviors so they can G2SGMyWViIy-00323-00174635-00175235 form healthy relationships positive consistent parenting support and G2SGMyWViIy-00324-00175235-00175985 discipline being there and being aware is so important for children because G2SGMyWViIy-00325-00175985-00176285 they know what they can get away with and children are going to be children G2SGMyWViIy-00326-00176285-00176780 they're going to try to get away with stuff most of the time so if the G2SGMyWViIy-00327-00176780-00177197 parenting is consistent and they know that if if I do this I'm going to get in G2SGMyWViIy-00328-00177197-00177756 trouble it creates a much more calm environment G2SGMyWViIy-00329-00177756-00178740 for the child my son um when he was had just turned he just turned 2 yeah I G2SGMyWViIy-00330-00178740-00179310 think yeah he had just turned 2 and we were at my grandmother's house and G2SGMyWViIy-00331-00179310-00179847 nothing had been child proofed but he knew we didn't touch the television but G2SGMyWViIy-00332-00179847-00180366 we were in a new place and there were new people around so he walks over to my G2SGMyWViIy-00333-00180366-00180849 grandmother's television and he looks at me and he goes no touch I said that's G2SGMyWViIy-00334-00180849-00181383 right honey no touch and he looks at me he looks at the TV and he looks at me G2SGMyWViIy-00335-00181383-00181899 and he touches the TV and he looks back at me and goes timeout and I said yes G2SGMyWViIy-00336-00181899-00182709 sweetie timeout so the consistency and parenting he knew that if I do this this G2SGMyWViIy-00337-00182709-00183147 is going to happen he's - it's not like it's brain surgery I'm expecting him to G2SGMyWViIy-00338-00183147-00183621 do but he was able to understand what happened and then when timeout was done G2SGMyWViIy-00339-00183621-00184071 he came out and everybody was good he didn't feel bad about it he was just G2SGMyWViIy-00340-00184071-00184638 being a little scientist living in a two-parent family has been associated G2SGMyWViIy-00341-00184638-00185225 with reduction of risk of a lot of mental health and addiction issues G2SGMyWViIy-00342-00185225-00185772 partly because this means that there's a greater chance that one out of the two G2SGMyWViIy-00343-00185772-00186291 parents is going to be there to be checking in on people and consistently G2SGMyWViIy-00344-00186291-00186729 supporting and parenting you know not that one is and one isn't I'm just G2SGMyWViIy-00345-00186729-00187350 saying it's more of a tag-team it's more of a relay so there is definitely G2SGMyWViIy-00346-00187350-00187848 something to be said for families even if the parents are not married and G2SGMyWViIy-00347-00187848-00188529 living together to have one parent involved at all times higher parent G2SGMyWViIy-00348-00188529-00189147 education is involved is associated with preventing the development of addiction G2SGMyWViIy-00349-00189147-00189804 in children this hasn't been replicated as much in mental health issues one of G2SGMyWViIy-00350-00189804-00190206 the things they speculate is that higher parent education means that the parents G2SGMyWViIy-00351-00190206-00190766 are probably able to earn more money create a situation where the environment G2SGMyWViIy-00352-00190766-00191540 is more positive less transient you know there's less risk of homelessness the G2SGMyWViIy-00353-00191540-00191939 parents may be less stressed about finances yada yada yada which takes us G2SGMyWViIy-00354-00191939-00192641 to financial stability that connection if a child is not worried about where G2SGMyWViIy-00355-00192641-00192962 his next meal is going to come from or whether there's gonna be a roof over G2SGMyWViIy-00356-00192962-00193383 their head or that kind of stuff that's good G2SGMyWViIy-00357-00193383-00193995 if a child I mean children are very very aware so if the parents are worried G2SGMyWViIy-00358-00193995-00194387 about it the children may not understand exactly what the parents are worried G2SGMyWViIy-00359-00194387-00194832 about but that stress bleeds down young children especially have very poor G2SGMyWViIy-00360-00194832-00195262 boundaries so if mom and dad are stressed they get a little stressed too G2SGMyWViIy-00361-00195262-00196076 I'll give you an example when the treatment program I used to work at we G2SGMyWViIy-00362-00196076-00196505 had an IO P program which is intensive outpatient and people would come five G2SGMyWViIy-00363-00196505-00197034 days a week for three hours each day during spring break they would bring G2SGMyWViIy-00364-00197034-00197630 their children and the staff would just be very very frustrated during spring G2SGMyWViIy-00365-00197630-00197939 break when they would bring their children because the children would come G2SGMyWViIy-00366-00197939-00198321 and they'd be fine and then all of a sudden quote-unquote they would start to G2SGMyWViIy-00367-00198321-00198795 act out and I was doing my internship and I was sitting in a supervision G2SGMyWViIy-00368-00198795-00199838 session and the director of the program at the time said you know children are G2SGMyWViIy-00369-00199838-00200405 little barometers if little Johnny is doing just fine in the room and then he G2SGMyWViIy-00370-00200405-00201072 starts to act out my guess is something's going on with mom now if G2SGMyWViIy-00371-00201072-00201411 little Johnny is acting out from jump you want to figure out if there was G2SGMyWViIy-00372-00201411-00201875 something going on mom to begin with where he's stressed out or whether mom G2SGMyWViIy-00373-00201875-00202337 doesn't have the ability doesn't have the skills necessary to teach him how to G2SGMyWViIy-00374-00202337-00202599 self-soothe either way we're getting a lot of G2SGMyWViIy-00375-00202599-00203198 information from little Johnny so yeah I think the kids still do get to come and G2SGMyWViIy-00376-00203198-00203837 be present during the spring break and they had activities they would go do G2SGMyWViIy-00377-00203837-00204242 they wouldn't sit in there groups that wouldn't be useful or G2SGMyWViIy-00378-00204242-00205064 appropriate but it was interesting to see that perspective so higher parental G2SGMyWViIy-00379-00205064-00205736 expectations about school showed children who are pushed to do their very G2SGMyWViIy-00380-00205736-00206144 best tend to focus more time on schoolwork so they have less time to get G2SGMyWViIy-00381-00206144-00206786 involved with other less healthy stuff and parents that model effective coping G2SGMyWViIy-00382-00206786-00207354 we went over that other things that go into preventing the mental health issues G2SGMyWViIy-00383-00207354-00207739 that may underpin some addictions G2SGMyWViIy-00384-00207746-00208394 protection from harm and fear if children are in scary environments then G2SGMyWViIy-00385-00208394-00208998 they can develop anxiety depression and eventually lean towards addiction to G2SGMyWViIy-00386-00208998-00209460 self-soothe opportunities to resolve conflict if they don't know how to G2SGMyWViIy-00387-00209460-00210011 resolve conflict that's one of those things you got to learn then sometimes G2SGMyWViIy-00388-00210011-00210635 that anger resentment guilt all those things get stuffed down and eventually G2SGMyWViIy-00389-00210635-00211235 they either come erupting out or they have to be numbed and emotionally G2SGMyWViIy-00390-00211235-00211796 available responsive caregivers these are parents that are there and they can G2SGMyWViIy-00391-00211796-00212571 say you know you're having a bad day my son bless his heart I talk about my G2SGMyWViIy-00392-00212571-00213054 daughter in some other programs but when he was little G2SGMyWViIy-00393-00213054-00213567 he had a Dede I mean depending on your school of thought he may still have it G2SGMyWViIy-00394-00213567-00214233 but he's not symptomatic anymore but he would get overstimulated and he when he G2SGMyWViIy-00395-00214233-00214842 would get overstimulated he would meltdown and as little as three years G2SGMyWViIy-00396-00214842-00215448 old he knew when he was starting to hit that wall and I remember one day we were G2SGMyWViIy-00397-00215448-00215784 sitting at the house and I was working on the computer I was working on my G2SGMyWViIy-00398-00215784-00216291 schoolwork and I don't know what had happened I don't remember many many G2SGMyWViIy-00399-00216291-00216876 years ago but I distinctly remember him looking at me saying mommy I'm over G2SGMyWViIy-00400-00216876-00217332 stimulated popping his binky in his mouth and going and sitting in his room G2SGMyWViIy-00401-00217332-00217728 and he had his little toddler bed and we had one one wall in his room that was G2SGMyWViIy-00402-00217728-00218085 nothing but blank white and he was just sitting in there staring at the white G2SGMyWViIy-00403-00218085-00218619 wall and when he felt like he had gotten it together he came back out like 15 G2SGMyWViIy-00404-00218619-00219435 minutes later but teaching children how to identify their own stuff teaching G2SGMyWViIy-00405-00219435-00219732 children how to identify when they're over stimulated when they're tired when G2SGMyWViIy-00406-00219732-00220269 they're hungry when they're angry is really important because those are the G2SGMyWViIy-00407-00220269-00220919 things that's the awareness that the children need to have and people need to G2SGMyWViIy-00408-00220919-00221478 have to prevent developing bad things when we talk about with people with G2SGMyWViIy-00409-00221478-00221952 addictions they'll say this relapse came from out of the blue G2SGMyWViIy-00410-00221952-00222453 well nothing comes from out of the blue so what was it that you missed what was G2SGMyWViIy-00411-00222453-00222984 it that you weren't paying attention to in your own feelings most of our clients G2SGMyWViIy-00412-00222984-00223683 have a real big big difficulty identifying lesser feelings they get it G2SGMyWViIy-00413-00223683-00224148 when it's rage they get it when it's elation they get it when it's terror but G2SGMyWViIy-00414-00224148-00224829 if it's a little bit anxious they just ignore that or you know kind of blah G2SGMyWViIy-00415-00224829-00225411 they ignore that instead of nipping nipping it in the bud and going why am I G2SGMyWViIy-00416-00225411-00226254 not feeling happy so all these things go toward helping develop people families G2SGMyWViIy-00417-00226254-00227310 and communities that nurture healthy people work in school we need to have a G2SGMyWViIy-00418-00227310-00227685 caring work climate a caring school climate whether the teachers actually G2SGMyWViIy-00419-00227685-00228201 care about the students not just whether the students score a certain score on G2SGMyWViIy-00420-00228201-00228762 their annual achievement test but who actually care who actually pay attention G2SGMyWViIy-00421-00228762-00229469 to what's going on with the youth same thing at work bosses who actually care G2SGMyWViIy-00422-00229469-00230175 making a much more tolerable environment because you know not everybody wants to G2SGMyWViIy-00423-00230175-00230621 go to work every day but if you have a boss that actually says you know hey you G2SGMyWViIy-00424-00230621-00231071 seem like you having a bad day it makes it a lot easier for people G2SGMyWViIy-00425-00231071-00231690 to want to be there and feel a sense of connection to a work environment if G2SGMyWViIy-00426-00231690-00232232 there's successes we want to make sure whether it's at school or at work that G2SGMyWViIy-00427-00232232-00232752 people have successes and they are congratulated on their successes and not G2SGMyWViIy-00428-00232752-00233325 just corrected on their mistakes we all make mistakes but if the only time you G2SGMyWViIy-00429-00233325-00233794 ever hear from your boss is when he or she is coming in to correct a mistake G2SGMyWViIy-00430-00233794-00234632 that's not okay it gets to be you start to dread seeing that person just like in G2SGMyWViIy-00431-00234632-00235082 school or just like in the family high performance standards are really G2SGMyWViIy-00432-00235082-00235488 important because if people are trying to perform well and perform at their G2SGMyWViIy-00433-00235488-00236169 best then they're going to be more focused on the task at hand they may G2SGMyWViIy-00434-00236169-00236731 also ask for help they may also find social support regular attendance is G2SGMyWViIy-00435-00236731-00237233 important for mental health and addiction to prevent this from happening G2SGMyWViIy-00436-00237233-00237746 if you've got someone who's calling in sick constantly especially Mondays or G2SGMyWViIy-00437-00237746-00238326 the day after payday if you don't get paid on Friday that's that's a big clue G2SGMyWViIy-00438-00238326-00238848 and it also hurts connection and when you have somebody who's absent a lot not G2SGMyWViIy-00439-00238848-00239328 only are they not connecting with their peers but they're also spent in the G2SGMyWViIy-00440-00239328-00239783 workplace at least often times drawing some criticism from their peers because G2SGMyWViIy-00441-00239783-00240342 everyone else is trying to pick up their slack this connection and communication G2SGMyWViIy-00442-00240342-00240758 between family and school is really important to prevent mental health G2SGMyWViIy-00443-00240758-00241704 issues in youth and teens children as they start to develop their own person G2SGMyWViIy-00444-00241704-00242294 their own sense of who they are their own peer groups can behave very G2SGMyWViIy-00445-00242294-00242700 differently in different settings so making sure the communications there G2SGMyWViIy-00446-00242700-00243323 where a teacher may notice something that wouldn't even be demonstrated at G2SGMyWViIy-00447-00243323-00244086 home environmentally the availability of communities of G2SGMyWViIy-00448-00244086-00244551 court services health mental health housing food and child care we have got G2SGMyWViIy-00449-00244551-00244905 to take care of that you know Maslow hierarchy we've got to G2SGMyWViIy-00450-00244905-00245433 get that bottom rung taken care of those biological needs we need to make sure G2SGMyWViIy-00451-00245433-00245883 that children are a safe in a safe environment parents who are stressed G2SGMyWViIy-00452-00245883-00246265 about where their kids are are not going to be good workers they're going to be G2SGMyWViIy-00453-00246265-00246825 anxious you know we need to make sure that we're looking at not only the G2SGMyWViIy-00454-00246825-00247248 safety of the child but the well-being of the parent and that parent ability to G2SGMyWViIy-00455-00247248-00247898 be productive at work and be emotionally available at home for their child G2SGMyWViIy-00456-00247898-00248319 opportunities for community involvement and community attachment are huge for G2SGMyWViIy-00457-00248319-00248751 both if you're getting out and you're engaging with other people then you've G2SGMyWViIy-00458-00248751-00249246 got that social support does it mean you will never get depressed no does it mean G2SGMyWViIy-00459-00249246-00249646 you will never get anxious or stressed out no but it means you've got more G2SGMyWViIy-00460-00249646-00250134 resources available in your toolbox when those things happen more healthy G2SGMyWViIy-00461-00250134-00250881 resources low unemployment if people are not stressed out about finances all the G2SGMyWViIy-00462-00250881-00251280 time then it reduces the stress in a lot of G2SGMyWViIy-00463-00251280-00251823 other areas positive community climate obviously we want to create an G2SGMyWViIy-00464-00251823-00252336 environment that is welcoming to all people one that encourages people to G2SGMyWViIy-00465-00252336-00252705 like smile at their neighbors and there's community parks and people go G2SGMyWViIy-00466-00252705-00253363 out and do stuff as opposed to staying walled up in their in their apartment G2SGMyWViIy-00467-00253363-00254250 with the door locked and the windows and the blinds drawn so what we want to do G2SGMyWViIy-00468-00254250-00254746 all of these things are basically devoted to helping develop a person you G2SGMyWViIy-00469-00254746-00255207 notice I don't say a child because this can start at any place in the age G2SGMyWViIy-00470-00255207-00255759 continuum we want to develop a person with a strong self-esteem teach them G2SGMyWViIy-00471-00255759-00256269 what self-esteem means it's feeling good about who you are not what you do for G2SGMyWViIy-00472-00256269-00256773 other people but who you are as a person helping people learn effective coping G2SGMyWViIy-00473-00256773-00257437 skills there aren't two this very day I read different books I G2SGMyWViIy-00474-00257437-00257869 different classes I encounter different people I still learn new coping skills G2SGMyWViIy-00475-00257869-00258321 it doesn't just because you've become an adult doesn't mean you've learned all G2SGMyWViIy-00476-00258321-00258748 your coping skills there are lots of skills and tools that you can learn G2SGMyWViIy-00477-00258748-00259438 along the way I try to learn something from everybody that I encounter and I G2SGMyWViIy-00478-00259438-00259927 try to learn at least one thing every day it's not always a coping skill but G2SGMyWViIy-00479-00259927-00260554 that helps keep me looking forward and that helps keep me curious positive G2SGMyWViIy-00480-00260554-00261048 health maintenance behaviors I know broken record nutrition sleep G2SGMyWViIy-00481-00261048-00261583 exercise circadian rhythms we need to take care of ourselves so our body can G2SGMyWViIy-00482-00261583-00262485 take care of us a healthy support system a system means more than one generally G2SGMyWViIy-00483-00262485-00262960 helping people develop relationships that are nurturing that they can fall G2SGMyWViIy-00484-00262960-00263575 back on and a sense of pride in and connection to their family the community G2SGMyWViIy-00485-00263575-00264259 and the workplace we want people to feel like they belong we want people to feel G2SGMyWViIy-00486-00264259-00264775 like they're not only needed but they're wanted we want people to feel like G2SGMyWViIy-00487-00264775-00265606 they'll be missed if they disappeared we want to develop a community that G2SGMyWViIy-00488-00265606-00266026 maintains a positive accepting social climate and has sufficient resources to G2SGMyWViIy-00489-00266026-00266581 meet the needs of its resonance now that's a big one what does that mean G2SGMyWViIy-00490-00266581-00267067 what does that mean for your client your community what's resources does it need G2SGMyWViIy-00491-00267067-00267541 and how can those be developed through volunteer programs where I came from in G2SGMyWViIy-00492-00267541-00268060 in Florida you know we had the University so we had interns coming out G2SGMyWViIy-00493-00268060-00268495 our ears there were plenty of volunteers to help out with stuff and there were G2SGMyWViIy-00494-00268495-00269281 plenty of programs that knew how to exploit those resources but not all G2SGMyWViIy-00495-00269281-00269716 communities have that I'm in a in Nashville right now you know you would G2SGMyWViIy-00496-00269716-00270250 think Nashville has everything they don't have a vet school and I do Pet G2SGMyWViIy-00497-00270250-00270817 Rescue and in Gainesville we had the the UF School of G2SGMyWViIy-00498-00270817-00271549 medicine and a lot of our spay/neuter z' and low-cost rescue medical care went G2SGMyWViIy-00499-00271549-00271948 through the vet clinic here we don't have that so it's trying to figure out G2SGMyWViIy-00500-00271948-00272503 how to meet the needs of the homeless puppies and kittens in an affordable way G2SGMyWViIy-00501-00272503-00273111 so we need to make sure that we take a good inventory of what resources our G2SGMyWViIy-00502-00273111-00273604 communities have what resources they need and how we might be able to make G2SGMyWViIy-00503-00273604-00274189 those come to fruition it provides opportunity for engagement of people of G2SGMyWViIy-00504-00274189-00274932 all ages a lot of times communities have a ton to do for elementary and younger G2SGMyWViIy-00505-00274932-00275855 and a ton to do for adults but from the age of like you know 9 to 18 G2SGMyWViIy-00506-00275855-00276399 there's not a lot unless you're involved in school sports or a couple of you know G2SGMyWViIy-00507-00276399-00277165 some school extracurricular things which is fine except for on the weekends when G2SGMyWViIy-00508-00277165-00277447 school is not in session in the summers and the breaks G2SGMyWViIy-00509-00277447-00278122 so what opportunities are there for youth to get involved and do things you G2SGMyWViIy-00510-00278122-00278452 know it could be educational opportunities it could be volunteer G2SGMyWViIy-00511-00278452-00278938 opportunities it could just be recreation the community needs to G2SGMyWViIy-00512-00278938-00279475 communicate the unacceptance of addictive and violent behaviors and this G2SGMyWViIy-00513-00279475-00280243 isn't just substance use this is also violence internet porn gambling those G2SGMyWViIy-00514-00280243-00280642 sorts of things provides adequate educational G2SGMyWViIy-00515-00280642-00281197 opportunities to help residents prevent mental health and addiction issues bite G2SGMyWViIy-00516-00281197-00281880 size chunks again I want to emphasize that especially in this digital time G2SGMyWViIy-00517-00281880-00282220 that we live in people like snippets they don't like G2SGMyWViIy-00518-00282220-00283034 things that are an hour two hours long as I prattle on for the 47th minute G2SGMyWViIy-00519-00283034-00283500 people like things in short little bite-sized chunks that they can get in G2SGMyWViIy-00520-00283500-00283956 public service and announcements that they can get in a postcard that they can G2SGMyWViIy-00521-00283956-00284569 get in a handout that they can get in a ad goes before a YouTube video all of G2SGMyWViIy-00522-00284569-00285139 these educational opportunities it's 15 to 30 seconds to give some someone a G2SGMyWViIy-00523-00285139-00285609 tool that will help them or gives someone some information that they can G2SGMyWViIy-00524-00285609-00286410 use at a different point in time so if you've watched this and participated for G2SGMyWViIy-00525-00286410-00286851 CEUs you can now log into the classroom and take the quiz if you've watched and G2SGMyWViIy-00526-00286851-00287242 participated in this presentation and once it you used but have not yet G2SGMyWViIy-00527-00287242-00287695 registered you can purchase access to the quiz and certificate at all CEUs G2SGMyWViIy-00528-00287695-00288297 comm slash live - interactive - webinars G2SGMyWViIy-00529-00288302-00288756 this presentation was recorded as part of a live interactive webinar if you're G2SGMyWViIy-00530-00288756-00289074 watching it on replay please remember you can contact dr. Snipes on her G2SGMyWViIy-00531-00289074-00289724 personal chat page at pure chat em e /q t v-- x G3USH0waLzy-00000-00000565-00000960 So thank you everyone for participating in this event today. G3USH0waLzy-00001-00000960-00001079 My name is David Scherer. G3USH0waLzy-00002-00001079-00001398 I am the scholarly communications and research curation consultant G3USH0waLzy-00003-00001398-00001678 librarian with the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries. G3USH0waLzy-00004-00001678-00002039 And thank you for joining us for our event, Open Access & The Library of G3USH0waLzy-00005-00002039-00002381 the 21st Century, A Discussion of the Open Access Initatives and G3USH0waLzy-00006-00002381-00002679 Practices at the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries. G3USH0waLzy-00007-00002790-00003129 We have already discussed some housekeeping events, so G3USH0waLzy-00008-00003129-00003264 we can skip over this. G3USH0waLzy-00009-00003491-00003769 We have a jam-packed agenda for today's event. G3USH0waLzy-00010-00003769-00004319 I'll be giving a brief overview of our open access initiatives at CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00011-00004319-00004666 I'll be presenting some of the things that we've been doing over the last year that G3USH0waLzy-00012-00004666-00005073 have allowed us to ensure that open access is the default at CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00013-00005191-00005423 We'll then have our introductions of our panel chair and G3USH0waLzy-00014-00005423-00005734 panelists, followed by a panel discussion. G3USH0waLzy-00015-00005848-00006237 We'll also have a period for questions and comments. G3USH0waLzy-00016-00006237-00006710 And then our panel chair Dean Webster will be presenting his perspectives on G3USH0waLzy-00017-00006710-00007118 the future of open access at CMU, followed by our final remarks. G3USH0waLzy-00018-00007618-00008167 So just to provide a brief history of open access at CMU, the university has had G3USH0waLzy-00019-00008167-00008702 an active role, and it's taken a number of actions to promote open access. G3USH0waLzy-00020-00008702-00008793 In 2003, G3USH0waLzy-00021-00008793-00009342 then Provost Mark Kamlet signed the Budapest Open Access Initiative from 2002. G3USH0waLzy-00022-00009342-00009737 In 2007, CMUs Faculty Senate formalized G3USH0waLzy-00023-00009737-00010141 the commitment with an open access resolution that strongly G3USH0waLzy-00024-00010141-00010547 encourage faculty to make their work more available to the public when possible. G3USH0waLzy-00025-00010685-00011180 In 2008, the University Libraries launched CMUs first institutional repository G3USH0waLzy-00026-00011180-00011341 known as Research Showcase. G3USH0waLzy-00027-00011341-00011832 This allowed members of the CMU community to make their research and G3USH0waLzy-00028-00011832-00012056 other materials open access. G3USH0waLzy-00029-00012056-00012543 In 2012, through the Roger Sorrells Fund, the University Libraries created G3USH0waLzy-00030-00012543-00012995 the CMU Article Processing Charge, or APC Fund, which to date has supported G3USH0waLzy-00031-00012995-00013435 the publishing of 183 journal articles in two open access monographs. G3USH0waLzy-00032-00013633-00014171 In 2015, the University Libraries received its first open access data set, G3USH0waLzy-00033-00014171-00014577 which was further led to in 2016 the University Libraries G3USH0waLzy-00034-00014577-00015016 launching the comprehensive institutional repository for CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00035-00015016-00015438 Whose mission is to increase the dissemination of research data sets, and G3USH0waLzy-00036-00015438-00015834 other scholarly outputs made open access through the CMU community. G3USH0waLzy-00037-00015991-00016437 To learn more about updates on our open access activities, and G3USH0waLzy-00038-00016437-00016790 other scholarly communication news and events, G3USH0waLzy-00039-00016790-00017261 please follow our monthly scholarly communication newsletter, G3USH0waLzy-00040-00017261-00017699 Scholarly Communication News, or as we refer to it, SCONE. G3USH0waLzy-00041-00017699-00018164 2020 has become the year where we've been able to make things possible G3USH0waLzy-00042-00018164-00018505 where our scholarship at CMU could be open by default. G3USH0waLzy-00043-00018624-00019015 As stated by Provost James Garrett, Carnegie Mellon is committed G3USH0waLzy-00044-00019015-00019394 to ensuring that our publicly funded research is accessible to the world. G3USH0waLzy-00045-00019394-00019809 And moving our research to an open access platform is an important step G3USH0waLzy-00046-00019809-00020200 to knowledge sharing, and helps pave the way for our colleagues across academia. G3USH0waLzy-00047-00020332-00020736 Announced in November of 2019, a transformative agreement was reached G3USH0waLzy-00048-00020736-00021181 with the commercial publisher Elsevier, which demonstrated our ongoing commitment G3USH0waLzy-00049-00021181-00021640 to ensuring that the university's research would be open and accessible to the world. G3USH0waLzy-00050-00021740-00021946 As the first such agreement between Elsevier and G3USH0waLzy-00051-00021946-00022378 a university in the United States, CMUs agreement free and G3USH0waLzy-00052-00022378-00022643 public access to the university's research, and G3USH0waLzy-00053-00022643-00023037 ensure CMU scholars will have access to all Elsevier academic journals. G3USH0waLzy-00054-00023195-00023658 This further led to the CMU collaboration with the University of California, G3USH0waLzy-00055-00023658-00023943 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and G3USH0waLzy-00056-00023943-00024281 Iowa State University in developing a new publishing model, G3USH0waLzy-00057-00024281-00024635 an open access agreement with a society publisher, the Association for G3USH0waLzy-00058-00024635-00024986 Computing Machinery, which is the university's largest publisher. G3USH0waLzy-00059-00025146-00025446 Additionally, CMU is also the single biggest contributor to ACM. G3USH0waLzy-00060-00025446-00025945 Also, beginning on January 1st of this year, G3USH0waLzy-00061-00025945-00026194 this three year agreement covers both access to G3USH0waLzy-00062-00026194-00026655 an open access publications in ACMs journals, proceedings and magazines for G3USH0waLzy-00063-00026655-00027033 these universities, and represented the first transformative agreement for ACM. G3USH0waLzy-00064-00027250-00027404 Most recently, CMU and G3USH0waLzy-00065-00027404-00027969 the Public Library of Science, or PLOS, created a 100% open access publisher, G3USH0waLzy-00066-00027969-00028329 which announced a two year open access agreement, which began this past July. G3USH0waLzy-00067-00028481-00028702 This allows our researchers to publish and G3USH0waLzy-00068-00028702-00028972 PLOS suite of journals without incurring any APCs, G3USH0waLzy-00069-00028972-00029385 where the cost of that would be covered by our agreement through the libraries. G3USH0waLzy-00070-00029770-00030186 And you can read more about our publisher, or write arrangements and agreements on G3USH0waLzy-00071-00030186-00030580 our CMU Publisher Relationships webpage, which is linked here on the slide. G3USH0waLzy-00072-00030898-00031258 Now that I've presented to you a brief history on open access at CMU, G3USH0waLzy-00073-00031258-00031533 it's now my pleasure to introduce our panel chair. G3USH0waLzy-00074-00031633-00031839 Keith Webster is the Dean of University Libraries, G3USH0waLzy-00075-00031839-00032297 and Director of Emerging and Integrated Media Initiatives here at Carnegie Mellon. G3USH0waLzy-00076-00032297-00033010 Keith, I now turn it over to you >> Thank you very much, G3USH0waLzy-00077-00033010-00033271 David, and good morning everyone. G3USH0waLzy-00078-00033271-00033651 It is great to see so many of you with us today. G3USH0waLzy-00079-00033651-00034122 I'm seeing friends and colleagues from around the country, and from overseas. G3USH0waLzy-00080-00034122-00034398 So wonderful that Zoom allows us to do this. G3USH0waLzy-00081-00034398-00034827 And maybe I could invite the panelists to make sure that their cameras and G3USH0waLzy-00082-00034827-00035032 microphones are now switched on. G3USH0waLzy-00083-00035161-00035473 And I will just introduce them briefly, but G3USH0waLzy-00084-00035473-00035906 I will in turn invite them to say a bit about why they are here. G3USH0waLzy-00085-00035906-00036192 And I hope they know the answer to that question. G3USH0waLzy-00086-00036192-00036641 Our panelists have all used open access support from Carnegie Mellon, G3USH0waLzy-00087-00036641-00037080 either through access to the funds we make available to G3USH0waLzy-00088-00037080-00037522 support payment of article processing charges. G3USH0waLzy-00089-00037522-00037975 Or they have published through some of the agreements that G3USH0waLzy-00090-00037975-00038327 David outlined with Elsevier PLOS, or ACM. G3USH0waLzy-00091-00038327-00038784 Or they have deposited their work in the KiltHub repository that David also G3USH0waLzy-00092-00038784-00038953 mentioned. G3USH0waLzy-00093-00038953-00039170 So with us today, we have Ian Cruickshank, G3USH0waLzy-00094-00039170-00039618 a research scientist in the Institute for Software Research. G3USH0waLzy-00095-00039618-00039873 Krista, a professor of chemical engineering, G3USH0waLzy-00096-00039873-00040228 biomedical engineering, and material science and engineering. G3USH0waLzy-00097-00040228-00040723 Cole Gleason, a PhD student in the Human Computer Interaction Institute in G3USH0waLzy-00098-00040723-00040941 our School of Computer Science. G3USH0waLzy-00099-00040941-00041493 Molly Lewis, special faculty in psychology and social and decision sciences. G3USH0waLzy-00100-00041493-00041898 And Shawn Professor of Mechanical Engineering. G3USH0waLzy-00101-00041898-00042323 And conscious that we are gathering on Veterans Day, and G3USH0waLzy-00102-00042323-00042801 when we had a meeting of the panel last week, Ian talked about his G3USH0waLzy-00103-00042801-00043290 journey into open access whilst he was deployed in Afghanistan. G3USH0waLzy-00104-00043290-00043722 And therefore, I think it's appropriate that we acknowledge him for G3USH0waLzy-00105-00043722-00044050 his service, and express our gratitude both to him, G3USH0waLzy-00106-00044050-00044367 and to all who have served America on Veterans Day. G3USH0waLzy-00107-00044469-00045033 So with that, I am going to get the panel engaged and talking to us. G3USH0waLzy-00108-00045033-00045600 And my opening question is to ask you what you've done to promote open access, G3USH0waLzy-00109-00045600-00045916 or pursue open access in your own work. G3USH0waLzy-00110-00045916-00046194 And tell us what sucked you into that. G3USH0waLzy-00111-00046194-00046669 I am going to start just with the order of panelists on my screen, G3USH0waLzy-00112-00046669-00046846 and Cole is number one. G3USH0waLzy-00113-00047035-00047171 >> Hey, yeah, thanks. G3USH0waLzy-00114-00047171-00047578 Yeah, I mean, I think that open access is a really good way for G3USH0waLzy-00115-00047578-00048169 us to get the work that we have in our own little subfields out into other fields, G3USH0waLzy-00116-00048169-00048441 but more importantly, into industry. G3USH0waLzy-00117-00048441-00048801 Especially in my field in Computer Science where, G3USH0waLzy-00118-00048801-00049295 there might be industry developers who especially are independent or G3USH0waLzy-00119-00049295-00049697 smaller and would not have any institutional access so, G3USH0waLzy-00120-00049697-00050176 facilitating that kind of research to tech transfer is important. G3USH0waLzy-00121-00050176-00050666 I work in accessibility where, it's really important to kind of get the things G3USH0waLzy-00122-00050666-00051127 we research for people with disabilities actually into the market, and so G3USH0waLzy-00123-00051127-00051385 I think Open Access can facilitate that. G3USH0waLzy-00124-00051385-00051691 >> Hey, thank you, Shawn. G3USH0waLzy-00125-00051691-00051959 >> So, where it's been really important for us and G3USH0waLzy-00126-00051959-00052405 Open Access is similar to what Cole said, in terms of getting the information out G3USH0waLzy-00127-00052405-00052713 to those that might not have academic subscriptions and G3USH0waLzy-00128-00052713-00053165 that includes both industry, but also prospective students that are interested G3USH0waLzy-00129-00053165-00053483 in finding out which faculty they might wanna work with. G3USH0waLzy-00130-00053483-00053850 One of the challenges have been, there's so many journals out there and so G3USH0waLzy-00131-00053850-00054193 many papers being published, how to rise above, kind of the noise and G3USH0waLzy-00132-00054193-00054358 make sure people are aware of it. G3USH0waLzy-00133-00054358-00054698 We use social media, could have been our group, LinkedIn, G3USH0waLzy-00134-00054698-00055172 Twitter to announce when papers come out, and it's really nice Open Access that you G3USH0waLzy-00135-00055172-00055623 can link to something that's not behind a paywall and is accessible to others. G3USH0waLzy-00136-00055623-00055942 >> Right, thank you very much, Molly. G3USH0waLzy-00137-00055942-00056393 >> Hey, so I would say that sort of Open Access is sort of pretty G3USH0waLzy-00138-00056393-00056836 critical to every stage of my research process from sort of G3USH0waLzy-00139-00056836-00057351 the beginning stages of developing a project and sharing code and, G3USH0waLzy-00140-00057351-00057996 experimental materials to data and sort of the final publish form of a publication. G3USH0waLzy-00141-00057996-00058484 So and in addition to that, I try to share, [COUGH] Excuse me, course materials G3USH0waLzy-00142-00058484-00059002 publicly, et cetera but I would also say that sort of more on the consumption side, G3USH0waLzy-00143-00059002-00059499 I benefit a lot from Open Access, so I work a lot with sort of existing datasets. G3USH0waLzy-00144-00059499-00059925 And so now it is, Open Access has been pretty critical G3USH0waLzy-00145-00059925-00060344 to actually sort of doing the data of main research. G3USH0waLzy-00146-00060344-00060637 >> Thank you, Iain. G3USH0waLzy-00147-00060637-00061034 >> Hey, so I'm gonna echo comments that have kinda come up already, and G3USH0waLzy-00148-00061034-00061498 that's the Open Access is a way that we can provide information especially things G3USH0waLzy-00149-00061498-00061653 like data and methods, for G3USH0waLzy-00150-00061653-00062099 those folks who may be outside the formal university system or its libraries. G3USH0waLzy-00151-00062099-00062626 So as you mentioned, sir, in my case, my journey with this was back in 2014 G3USH0waLzy-00152-00062626-00063201 in Afghanistan, when I was an infantry officer with 101st Airborne Division, and G3USH0waLzy-00153-00063201-00063718 we were working on real social problems within the area of concern we were at. G3USH0waLzy-00154-00063718-00064055 And the thing of it is, you couldn't really get access to a lot of G3USH0waLzy-00155-00064055-00064474 the material, a lot of this stuff had been researched, but a lot of it was behind G3USH0waLzy-00156-00064474-00064805 paywalls or obscured or somehow not easily accessible and so, G3USH0waLzy-00157-00064805-00065189 there are a lot of missed opportunities when that kind of thing happens. G3USH0waLzy-00158-00065189-00065674 And so, I am a big fan and supporter of the Open Access movement and G3USH0waLzy-00159-00065674-00065939 providing those things to people, G3USH0waLzy-00160-00065939-00066463 who are otherwise in academia to actually use for real world results. G3USH0waLzy-00161-00066463-00066775 >> Great thanks and Chris. G3USH0waLzy-00162-00066775-00067260 >> I'm gonna sound a lot less noble than everybody else here, I'm gonna say that we G3USH0waLzy-00163-00067260-00067696 wanna publish our work in the best possible journal that will accept it. G3USH0waLzy-00164-00067696-00068152 And so with that in mind, a lot of times those journals you have to pay, G3USH0waLzy-00165-00068152-00068571 it's an Open Access journal or it's a certain type of journal. G3USH0waLzy-00166-00068571-00069069 And so, having the available funds there to be able to publish, cuz a lot of grants G3USH0waLzy-00167-00069069-00069590 are getting stingier and stingier about covering publishing fees, that's great. G3USH0waLzy-00168-00069590-00070007 It also makes it a lot easier if you're funded by the National Institutes of G3USH0waLzy-00169-00070007-00070245 Health, to upload your documents later, G3USH0waLzy-00170-00070245-00070695 as required by the National Institutes of Health, I mean, I'm not gonna repeat G3USH0waLzy-00171-00070695-00071121 what other people have said, I'll just take the lazy and cheap route here. G3USH0waLzy-00172-00071121-00071554 But it's a great opportunity, when I tell some of my colleagues at other G3USH0waLzy-00173-00071554-00072095 institutions that we have this available, they're often very jealous because they're G3USH0waLzy-00174-00072095-00072580 limited in the journals that they can even submit to because of the rising costs. G3USH0waLzy-00175-00072580-00073003 And I say, well, that doesn't come into consideration for us, we publish in G3USH0waLzy-00176-00073003-00073451 the best possible place where we can get the best possible viewership for our work. G3USH0waLzy-00177-00073451-00073807 >> Great. So I wonder if then and I'm not going to G3USH0waLzy-00178-00073807-00074344 go sequentially around the panel again, unless things dry out, G3USH0waLzy-00179-00074344-00074862 but I wonder if any of you could respond to what benefits you've G3USH0waLzy-00180-00074862-00075381 seen from your approach to publishing in Open Access formats, G3USH0waLzy-00181-00075381-00075776 have you seen greater visibility of your work? G3USH0waLzy-00182-00075776-00076207 Have you seen greater citation patterns or collaborators or G3USH0waLzy-00183-00076207-00076790 better opportunities to form industry engagement or attract research funding? G3USH0waLzy-00184-00077289-00077499 >> I can go, if no one else. G3USH0waLzy-00185-00077499-00077575 >> Please. G3USH0waLzy-00186-00077575-00078077 >> I actually find that people will read it more than on the surface level, G3USH0waLzy-00187-00078077-00078313 if they get to see the whole work. G3USH0waLzy-00188-00078313-00078698 Sometimes I think there's this habit of I'm not gonna pay for G3USH0waLzy-00189-00078698-00079150 the whole article, so I'll just read the abstract if it's available, G3USH0waLzy-00190-00079150-00079418 and now if the whole article is available. G3USH0waLzy-00191-00079418-00079794 I didn't think this actually happened, I thought people would request it, and G3USH0waLzy-00192-00079794-00079887 get it sent to them, G3USH0waLzy-00193-00079887-00080209 but now I see that people will actually get a deeper sense of the work. G3USH0waLzy-00194-00080209-00080535 And that actually does lead I find to collaborations and G3USH0waLzy-00195-00080535-00081000 interest in the not just the results that we have found and put in the abstracts, G3USH0waLzy-00196-00081000-00081388 but the techniques that we've used to get to those results, and so G3USH0waLzy-00197-00081388-00081731 that has led to better collaborations internationally. G3USH0waLzy-00198-00082057-00082342 >> I would say it's kind of anecdotal, but G3USH0waLzy-00199-00082342-00082930 I can't really measure it from the other side of things, but from the reader side, G3USH0waLzy-00200-00082930-00083443 I do know that I will encounter and read more papers that are Open Access, G3USH0waLzy-00201-00083443-00083796 especially, this year with a lot of time at home. G3USH0waLzy-00202-00083796-00084258 And you're not always logged on to the VPN and something comes up seems interesting G3USH0waLzy-00203-00084258-00084700 quick Google search, you're on the Open Access article and then you can meet it G3USH0waLzy-00204-00084700-00085086 there, so, from that side of the coin, I expect it has that impact. G3USH0waLzy-00205-00085503-00085886 >> Any other thoughts on that? G3USH0waLzy-00206-00085886-00085938 Molly. G3USH0waLzy-00207-00085938-00086273 >> I would agree as a publisher, or as someone who's writing articles, G3USH0waLzy-00208-00086273-00086664 kind of I don't know that I have a lot of direct evidence that I'm actually getting G3USH0waLzy-00209-00086664-00086865 cited more, people are reading it more. G3USH0waLzy-00210-00086865-00087354 But, there's sort of a recent experience made it salient to me what sort of value G3USH0waLzy-00211-00087354-00087822 of Open Access was, when, the summer I published a paper that got some in a non G3USH0waLzy-00212-00087822-00088205 Open Access journal, I got some sort of international press. G3USH0waLzy-00213-00088205-00088624 And I had all these people from around the world like emailing me trying to, G3USH0waLzy-00214-00088624-00089064 they were like journalists writing up sort of a short thing about my paper, but G3USH0waLzy-00215-00089064-00089437 they couldn't actually access the paper, and as a consequence, G3USH0waLzy-00216-00089437-00089726 what they were writing wasn't totally accurate. G3USH0waLzy-00217-00089726-00090244 And so that was salient to me that was really unfortunate that they G3USH0waLzy-00218-00090244-00090727 couldn't actually see the primary source of the document. G3USH0waLzy-00219-00090727-00091067 >> Yeah, are you seeing any shifting trends or G3USH0waLzy-00220-00091067-00091591 emerging trends in your disciplines in terms of an attitude towards G3USH0waLzy-00221-00091591-00092180 openness whether it is making your publications available, Open Access, G3USH0waLzy-00222-00092180-00092845 making available preprints of your work or sharing your data or code or other things? G3USH0waLzy-00223-00093271-00093531 >> I think sharing preprints and data and G3USH0waLzy-00224-00093531-00093985 code is getting a lot more popular, I mean, it has been popular for G3USH0waLzy-00225-00093985-00094480 a few years but I mean, in terms of formally Open Access, I don't know if G3USH0waLzy-00226-00094480-00094962 that's taken off quite as fast as the preprints and and all that have. G3USH0waLzy-00227-00094962-00095399 But there is being more data sets being shared, more quick code being shared and G3USH0waLzy-00228-00095399-00095538 I think more preprints. G3USH0waLzy-00229-00095962-00096223 >> Yes, I know that you have. G3USH0waLzy-00230-00096223-00096590 Elements of funding from the NIH, and G3USH0waLzy-00231-00096590-00097072 they have just published their Open Data policy. G3USH0waLzy-00232-00097072-00097495 Have you had much communication either from the NIH or G3USH0waLzy-00233-00097495-00097994 from anybody else about their expectations now that you will be G3USH0waLzy-00234-00097994-00098501 sharing data from your research and does that prove complicated G3USH0waLzy-00235-00098501-00098992 in any ways through privacy or commercial confidentiality? G3USH0waLzy-00236-00098992-00099446 >> No, but our work isn't that interesting anyway, it's not gonna be patented or G3USH0waLzy-00237-00099446-00099668 it's not really useful for anything. G3USH0waLzy-00238-00099668-00100157 And we've been keeping it backed up for over a decade anyway, G3USH0waLzy-00239-00100157-00100553 so we've just got a lot of hard drives stacked up. G3USH0waLzy-00240-00100553-00100789 No one's [LAUGH] asked us for any, that's embarrassing. G3USH0waLzy-00241-00100789-00101336 But in terms of your other question, there's a lot of other library issues. G3USH0waLzy-00242-00101336-00102003 I know this is about open access, but also about predatory journals cropping up. G3USH0waLzy-00243-00102003-00102460 And that I think is where the ability to have open-access almost fights G3USH0waLzy-00244-00102460-00102986 the predatory journals, because predatory journals not only want your money and G3USH0waLzy-00245-00102986-00103400 your publication, but they kinda wanna pull your work into it. G3USH0waLzy-00246-00103400-00103858 So having the ability to have the open access almost G3USH0waLzy-00247-00103858-00104360 undoes the power of some of these new unknown journals so G3USH0waLzy-00248-00104360-00104777 I really appreciate it from that area as well. G3USH0waLzy-00249-00104777-00105052 >> Yeah, that's a very important issue and G3USH0waLzy-00250-00105052-00105509 particularly to those who are in the earlier stages of their career. G3USH0waLzy-00251-00105509-00106056 That [COUGH] many of us receive almost daily emails from publishers G3USH0waLzy-00252-00106056-00106574 offering as you see to suck our work in exchange for some cash. G3USH0waLzy-00253-00106574-00107077 And if you need publications clocked up that can be quite a tempting offer. G3USH0waLzy-00254-00107077-00107609 But as you see if the playing field has been leveled in a way G3USH0waLzy-00255-00107609-00108096 that allows you to pursue established publishers, G3USH0waLzy-00256-00108096-00108708 that does negate some of the downsides of predatory publishing. G3USH0waLzy-00257-00108708-00109089 >> One as our panel continues discussing their questions and their feedback, G3USH0waLzy-00258-00109089-00109488 please remember if you have any questions that you'd like to pose to our panel to G3USH0waLzy-00259-00109488-00109898 please post those to the chat and I will present those to the panel during our Q&A, G3USH0waLzy-00260-00109898-00109960 thank you. G3USH0waLzy-00261-00110240-00110823 >> So, Ian you talked about your experiences in Afghanistan and G3USH0waLzy-00262-00110823-00111249 now that you are on the academic side of life, G3USH0waLzy-00263-00111249-00111856 how have you tried to embrace the opportunities of open access? G3USH0waLzy-00264-00111856-00112362 >> So I think that first and foremost, the library here provides an opportunity to G3USH0waLzy-00265-00112362-00112875 actually embrace open access in a way that really as other folks have mentioned, G3USH0waLzy-00266-00112875-00113103 a lot of other schools just don't. G3USH0waLzy-00267-00113103-00113480 So first and foremost, there's a fair number of journals, so G3USH0waLzy-00268-00113480-00114002 I work in computational social science, and particularly social network analysis. G3USH0waLzy-00269-00114002-00114303 There's a fair number of journals like the journal for G3USH0waLzy-00270-00114303-00114710 Applied Network Analysis or something like that that are open-access. G3USH0waLzy-00271-00114710-00115157 And having something like the CMU APC fund, allows me to actually publish G3USH0waLzy-00272-00115157-00115625 in those journals versus pulling it for both one that isn't open access, but G3USH0waLzy-00273-00115625-00115959 one that's like less important to the domain as well. G3USH0waLzy-00274-00115959-00116409 So in order to really embrace kind of trying to publish open access, G3USH0waLzy-00275-00116409-00116860 it's incredibly helpful to have something like the CMU APC fund and G3USH0waLzy-00276-00116860-00117192 now these agreements with groups like PLOS ONE and G3USH0waLzy-00277-00117192-00117605 stuff that just it makes it almost like a seamless way to do it. G3USH0waLzy-00278-00117605-00117889 So it isn't a huge burden financially to try and G3USH0waLzy-00279-00117889-00118103 publish open access if you want to. G3USH0waLzy-00280-00118705-00119235 >> So you mentioned just the agreements we have in place and G3USH0waLzy-00281-00119235-00119776 we continue to negotiate with other publishers to try and G3USH0waLzy-00282-00119776-00120002 add more to the roster. G3USH0waLzy-00283-00120002-00120341 One of the challenges we face is that every society and G3USH0waLzy-00284-00120341-00120855 every publisher has different business models and different financial needs. G3USH0waLzy-00285-00120855-00121201 But if we were able to set that aside for a moment, G3USH0waLzy-00286-00121201-00121683 are there particular publishers that you would encourage us to give G3USH0waLzy-00287-00121683-00122073 priority to as we enter the next wave of negotiations? G3USH0waLzy-00288-00122288-00122581 >> I think everyone's gonna have a different answer for G3USH0waLzy-00289-00122581-00122933 that depending on their research area, but you should do mine. G3USH0waLzy-00290-00122933-00123035 >> Which is? G3USH0waLzy-00291-00123035-00123347 [LAUGH] >> I'm just kidding, I'm kidding. G3USH0waLzy-00292-00123347-00123709 I'm also wondering why in the Pittsburgh area, G3USH0waLzy-00293-00123709-00124239 why aren't the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon team up. G3USH0waLzy-00294-00124239-00124725 So I do medical research, and I may once or twice have asked a colleague of mine G3USH0waLzy-00295-00124725-00125106 over at the University of Pittsburgh to access an article for G3USH0waLzy-00296-00125106-00125453 me that I wouldn't have access to or things like that. G3USH0waLzy-00297-00125453-00126286 And I often wonder why there's not a bundling of either local or, right? G3USH0waLzy-00298-00126286-00126629 >> Sure, it's an absolutely valid question. G3USH0waLzy-00299-00126629-00127126 I would be interested offline to chat with you about which journals because we've G3USH0waLzy-00300-00127126-00127450 tried in recent years to really expand our coverage. G3USH0waLzy-00301-00127450-00127937 But to your specific question, we do license a lot G3USH0waLzy-00302-00127937-00128380 of our journal packages through consortia. G3USH0waLzy-00303-00128380-00128863 And there are a number of regional Pennsylvania academic libraries G3USH0waLzy-00304-00128863-00129254 consortium, there's one for the Northeast region. G3USH0waLzy-00305-00129254-00129774 So we do to an extent secure some sort of volume G3USH0waLzy-00306-00129774-00130351 discount based on that buying club essentially. G3USH0waLzy-00307-00130351-00130861 We did a couple of years ago approach two of the big commercial G3USH0waLzy-00308-00130861-00131522 publishers to explore what we could do by joining forces between Pitt and CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00309-00131522-00131991 And the bottom line was that they were quite excited about the possibility G3USH0waLzy-00310-00131991-00132143 because in both cases, G3USH0waLzy-00311-00132143-00132591 they saw the opportunity to charge us even more than they did already. G3USH0waLzy-00312-00132591-00133255 And it was just seen not quite as a money printing opportunity but G3USH0waLzy-00313-00133255-00133946 not far off it, and there were no gains to be had by joining forces. G3USH0waLzy-00314-00133946-00134447 Not to say that that will remain the case in perpetuity because we G3USH0waLzy-00315-00134447-00134957 are seeing a lot of shifts in the scholarly publishing business, G3USH0waLzy-00316-00134957-00135404 and it's one that we would want to keep an eye on for sure. G3USH0waLzy-00317-00135913-00136439 So, Shawn, I'm going to turn to you and ask if you have any G3USH0waLzy-00318-00136439-00137160 thoughts about open access from an academic career advancement perspective. G3USH0waLzy-00319-00137160-00137689 I'm conscious that at CMU we are heading towards the mean annual reappointment, G3USH0waLzy-00320-00137689-00137919 promotion and tenure committees. G3USH0waLzy-00321-00137919-00138581 And I wonder if you have any thoughts on whether open access publishing is G3USH0waLzy-00322-00138581-00139232 something that hardly your faculty ought to be encouraged to pursue and G3USH0waLzy-00323-00139232-00139645 mix something with that in their Dorsey's. G3USH0waLzy-00324-00139645-00140148 >> Yeah, it's definitely a new aspect to consider. G3USH0waLzy-00325-00140148-00140630 I'm not sure about the overall impact it's had at this point yet G3USH0waLzy-00326-00140630-00140889 but one of things you often look for G3USH0waLzy-00327-00140889-00141335 in such things is visibility to external in the community, G3USH0waLzy-00328-00141335-00141829 within your field, different departments, things like that. G3USH0waLzy-00329-00141829-00142407 So anything that helps with visibility outside, externally an academia or G3USH0waLzy-00330-00142407-00142949 an industry, certainly would be helpful to put a direct measure on it, G3USH0waLzy-00331-00142949-00143195 I don't have much to add there. G3USH0waLzy-00332-00143195-00143668 But no, I think I was just gonna mention we've recently utilized the new agreement G3USH0waLzy-00333-00143668-00143932 with Elsevier and a couple of publications and G3USH0waLzy-00334-00143932-00144541 I just wanted to mention that, Really appreciate how easy that was to use. G3USH0waLzy-00335-00144541-00144910 It wasn't having to go through a separate request for funds, G3USH0waLzy-00336-00144910-00145377 it was just a matter of couple extra clicks in the submission process. G3USH0waLzy-00337-00145377-00145726 And I think, I just wanted to mention that brought us back to some journals that we G3USH0waLzy-00338-00145726-00146052 were having questions about whether we would continue publishing or not. G3USH0waLzy-00339-00146208-00146290 >> That's good to hear. G3USH0waLzy-00340-00146290-00146590 I'll pass on the workflow feedback to them, G3USH0waLzy-00341-00146590-00147040 because this was a system that they pretty much had to design for us. G3USH0waLzy-00342-00147532-00147974 One of the things we avoided doing until about half an hour into G3USH0waLzy-00343-00147974-00148383 this event is make any reference to the pandemic. G3USH0waLzy-00344-00148383-00148829 And usually it's in the first 30 seconds that somebody talks about the exceptional G3USH0waLzy-00345-00148829-00149045 and unusual year we've had. G3USH0waLzy-00346-00149045-00149533 But I would like to hear from each of you, your reaction to what impact G3USH0waLzy-00347-00149533-00150095 the pandemic has had on your work and on the flow of publications. G3USH0waLzy-00348-00150095-00150599 We're hearing interesting reports from publishers about shifting G3USH0waLzy-00349-00150599-00151179 volume of articles and fields in which people are conducting research. G3USH0waLzy-00350-00151179-00151614 I'm also interested, Shawn, you mentioned earlier, being at home and G3USH0waLzy-00351-00151614-00151949 having perhaps more time to access and read materials. G3USH0waLzy-00352-00151949-00152293 So I'd be interested in anything of that sort as well. G3USH0waLzy-00353-00152483-00152792 >> Yeah, so that's definitely been a challenge. G3USH0waLzy-00354-00152792-00152999 Of course, we are all familiar with that. G3USH0waLzy-00355-00152999-00153256 We have an experimental group and so G3USH0waLzy-00356-00153256-00153616 we were kind of out of the lab for quite a while. G3USH0waLzy-00357-00153616-00153954 And that gave us opportunity to do a lot of publishing, but one of the things, G3USH0waLzy-00358-00153954-00154248 it's not really related exactly to open access. G3USH0waLzy-00359-00154248-00154572 But in the the review cycles one of the challenges we have this year, G3USH0waLzy-00360-00154572-00154869 is whenever a reviewer asked for some additional measurement or G3USH0waLzy-00361-00154869-00155211 condition to be checked, you're kind of stuck at a point. G3USH0waLzy-00362-00155211-00155734 And so this goes to another point you brought up which was the the preprint G3USH0waLzy-00363-00155734-00156025 repositories, archive and those things, G3USH0waLzy-00364-00156025-00156541 those have been heavily utilized for COVID research during the pandemic. G3USH0waLzy-00365-00156541-00156734 So one of the challenges, I think, G3USH0waLzy-00366-00156734-00157058 that those have is that they're not peer reviewed as well. G3USH0waLzy-00367-00157058-00157500 And so of course, they have even warnings on the top of G3USH0waLzy-00368-00157500-00157795 the pre-read archives that they should not be cited by media or G3USH0waLzy-00369-00157795-00158138 anything at that stage, like med archive and stuff. G3USH0waLzy-00370-00158138-00158539 Those are some things that have been kind of a challenge for us, we've had more time G3USH0waLzy-00371-00158539-00158922 to get papers out from prior work, gut when we get pushback from a reviewer, and G3USH0waLzy-00372-00158922-00159224 they ask for stuff we're kind of stuck at that point usually. G3USH0waLzy-00373-00159462-00159762 >> Great, Iam. G3USH0waLzy-00374-00159762-00160110 So with the onset of the COVID pandemic, G3USH0waLzy-00375-00160110-00160642 some people probably heard there's also now the infodemic. G3USH0waLzy-00376-00160642-00161185 So this explosion of misinformation in this huge natural global experiment G3USH0waLzy-00377-00161185-00161653 that was created for studying human behavior computationally. G3USH0waLzy-00378-00161653-00162145 So kinda along with that, what I have seen in my field, right, within social G3USH0waLzy-00379-00162145-00162530 network analysis or computational social sciences, is an explosion of people trying G3USH0waLzy-00380-00162530-00163029 to publish their data and their findings early about this infodemic. G3USH0waLzy-00381-00163029-00163508 So that we can do things like trace trends or even just allocate what research groups G3USH0waLzy-00382-00163508-00163914 are gonna work on what of the many dozens of research problems out there. G3USH0waLzy-00383-00163914-00164295 So that you're not simultaneously working on the same thing to come to the same G3USH0waLzy-00384-00164295-00164524 result and then something gets lost. G3USH0waLzy-00385-00164524-00164928 And so what I have seen, both when I have submitted publications, but G3USH0waLzy-00386-00164928-00165181 then also just within the field at large is that G3USH0waLzy-00387-00165181-00165583 push towards using pre-publication servers like Archive. G3USH0waLzy-00388-00165583-00165992 So as a case in point, it was actually submitted for an open access publication G3USH0waLzy-00389-00165992-00166363 journal, when I submitted it and they said, yeah, we'll accept with edits. G3USH0waLzy-00390-00166363-00166768 They also said, please publish this in Archive as soon as possible, too. G3USH0waLzy-00391-00166768-00167020 So it's almost like we're seeing, at least in my field, G3USH0waLzy-00392-00167020-00167314 a huge push towards now, trying to G3USH0waLzy-00393-00167314-00167665 put these things in pre-publication servers as soon as possible. G3USH0waLzy-00394-00167665-00168139 In addition to finalizing things out through an open access model, too, G3USH0waLzy-00395-00168139-00168354 since the onset of the pandemic. G3USH0waLzy-00396-00168757-00169044 >> Right, I said I would ask each of you to respond. G3USH0waLzy-00397-00169044-00169428 So I'll just start picking on Molly [LAUGH]. G3USH0waLzy-00398-00169428-00169765 >> Sure, so I would say sort of open access has become salient to me G3USH0waLzy-00399-00169765-00169989 in sort of two ways with respect to COVID. G3USH0waLzy-00400-00169989-00170087 One is that I think, G3USH0waLzy-00401-00170087-00170453 conferences have sort of become a slightly less, they're certainly happening but G3USH0waLzy-00402-00170453-00170752 they're a less central way that information and research is getting G3USH0waLzy-00403-00170752-00171093 disseminated sort of early on in the research process before publication. G3USH0waLzy-00404-00171093-00171465 And so pre-prints have become a little more important than they were before. G3USH0waLzy-00405-00171465-00171953 And then the second is, a lot of people in my field do lab research, G3USH0waLzy-00406-00171953-00172448 which is, as others have said, become obviously harder. G3USH0waLzy-00407-00172448-00172828 And so more people have turned to working with existing datasets or G3USH0waLzy-00408-00172828-00173024 reanalysis of data. G3USH0waLzy-00409-00173024-00173521 Meta analyses, computational social science methods and sort of having access G3USH0waLzy-00410-00173521-00173990 to other people's data has become more important during COVID in that way. G3USH0waLzy-00411-00174284-00174729 >> Cool, were you finishing your PhD during the pandemic or G3USH0waLzy-00412-00174729-00175103 had you- >> Yeah, I've been [CROSSTALK] I'm sorry. G3USH0waLzy-00413-00175103-00175171 >> [CROSSTALK] Go ahead. G3USH0waLzy-00414-00175171-00175595 >> So I've been finishing over the past few months. G3USH0waLzy-00415-00175595-00176144 So yeah, definitely during the pandemic and I think the way it's affected our work G3USH0waLzy-00416-00176144-00176699 mostly is that we can't do in person user studies with people like we used to. G3USH0waLzy-00417-00176699-00177146 Luckily, we found ways to do remote user studies and G3USH0waLzy-00418-00177146-00177562 stuff like that, but it has changed maybe the research problems we've worked on. G3USH0waLzy-00419-00177562-00177934 But with regard to open access, I think the biggest thing, G3USH0waLzy-00420-00177934-00178403 I'll echo Molly, is that the places we publish are often conferences. G3USH0waLzy-00421-00178403-00178866 And I've seen people kind of maybe G3USH0waLzy-00422-00178866-00179345 spread out when the publications come out using pre-prints and stuff like that. G3USH0waLzy-00423-00179470-00179878 Because of either the conference is not being as important or G3USH0waLzy-00424-00179878-00180321 the work being COVID related and wanting to get that out quicker. G3USH0waLzy-00425-00180321-00180529 >> Great. G3USH0waLzy-00426-00180529-00180661 [CROSSTALK] >> Sorry. G3USH0waLzy-00427-00180661-00180802 >> Sure. G3USH0waLzy-00428-00180802-00181274 >> [CROSSTALK] So I was a plenary speaker in one of our big conferences this G3USH0waLzy-00429-00181274-00181737 year and it turned into quite a challenge because you went with those G3USH0waLzy-00430-00181737-00182153 kinda big overview talks, you go through a lot of material. G3USH0waLzy-00431-00182153-00182632 And with the way that the conference was done, we had to post videos of these G3USH0waLzy-00432-00182632-00183110 talks and post the slides as well, and then the copyright issues related to G3USH0waLzy-00433-00183110-00183506 that required a scramble to get all the permissions in place. G3USH0waLzy-00434-00183506-00183774 And I think open access would have simplified that. G3USH0waLzy-00435-00183774-00184252 So if we're gonna see more, especially in the next year or so, more and G3USH0waLzy-00436-00184252-00184594 more conferences going online or virtual format, G3USH0waLzy-00437-00184594-00185064 having to get away from having to get all those permissions in place for G3USH0waLzy-00438-00185064-00185552 one new permission per slide, that would be appreciated thing, yeah. G3USH0waLzy-00439-00185740-00186112 >> And I just wanted to check Molly, did I cut you off? G3USH0waLzy-00440-00186216-00186298 >> No, you're fine. G3USH0waLzy-00441-00186298-00186565 I couldn't tell who you were directing your question to. G3USH0waLzy-00442-00186565-00186721 >> Thanks. G3USH0waLzy-00443-00186721-00187115 Kris, what has COVID meant for your scholarship? G3USH0waLzy-00444-00187226-00187615 >> So a lot of my students, to keep them busy, G3USH0waLzy-00445-00187615-00188103 they started writing review papers based on their work. G3USH0waLzy-00446-00188103-00188470 And so we're now publishing those, and G3USH0waLzy-00447-00188470-00188932 those often require looking through a lot of other data. G3USH0waLzy-00448-00188932-00189614 And I'll go back to what Shawn's point was, that when students have roommates and G3USH0waLzy-00449-00189614-00189999 everyone's trying to VPN, that was kind of a nightmare. G3USH0waLzy-00450-00189999-00190471 So being able to go through other people's data to present in the review paper, G3USH0waLzy-00451-00190471-00190908 I'm sure that they really enjoyed the ability of open access data to put in G3USH0waLzy-00452-00190908-00191036 their review paper. G3USH0waLzy-00453-00191348-00191934 >> Great and cool, if I remember from our earlier conversation, G3USH0waLzy-00454-00191934-00192467 you were editing a proceedings around this time as well. G3USH0waLzy-00455-00192467-00192940 So Has that been challenging beyond G3USH0waLzy-00456-00192940-00193183 the normal challenges of being a proceedings editor? G3USH0waLzy-00457-00193183-00193826 >> I mean, it's challenging in terms of COVID. G3USH0waLzy-00458-00193826-00194180 I think you know what Sean was saying in terms of the videos, G3USH0waLzy-00459-00194180-00194638 we've included a lot more stuff in the proceedings this year, with videos and G3USH0waLzy-00460-00194638-00195260 slides and captions and everything, so there was a bit of challenge from that. G3USH0waLzy-00461-00195260-00195857 And I don't know that much of that was open access related, G3USH0waLzy-00462-00195857-00196350 although there was a few, CMU authors using the CMU-ACM agreements. G3USH0waLzy-00463-00196350-00196489 That was pretty cool. G3USH0waLzy-00464-00196489-00196978 But yeah, I mean, proceedings have definitely been interesting G3USH0waLzy-00465-00196978-00197318 this year because you're trying to archive basically the whole conference and G3USH0waLzy-00466-00197318-00197971 not just the papers output. G3USH0waLzy-00467-00197971-00198438 Yeah >> Mayor Man one other comment it is G3USH0waLzy-00468-00198438-00198920 exacerbated by COVID and that is researcher and G3USH0waLzy-00469-00198920-00199258 especially the PI researcher and G3USH0waLzy-00470-00199258-00199769 I don't mean no disrespect to non PIs time. G3USH0waLzy-00471-00199769-00200443 So I have small kids at home who have been really at home lately. G3USH0waLzy-00472-00200443-00200862 And that has been a bit of a nightmare situation. G3USH0waLzy-00473-00200862-00201134 And even before that, G3USH0waLzy-00474-00201134-00201644 being able to have really good library services, you never appreciate it. G3USH0waLzy-00475-00201644-00202097 I will tell the horror stories to my graduate students of the days where we had G3USH0waLzy-00476-00202097-00202615 to go with our list and walk to a library and photocopy journals. G3USH0waLzy-00477-00202767-00203330 Maybe Sean is with me on this one, you other guys are too young. G3USH0waLzy-00478-00203330-00203574 And I have to say Carnegie Mellon talking to my colleagues and G3USH0waLzy-00479-00203574-00203869 some of the best library services, so I do wanna say thank you and G3USH0waLzy-00480-00203869-00204529 also like if you do a request APC charges, It's like this five line form. G3USH0waLzy-00481-00204529-00204707 It's not a big thing. G3USH0waLzy-00482-00204707-00205203 So the fact that people are really appreciative of people's time, right, G3USH0waLzy-00483-00205203-00205598 that you have to write the paper, submit the paper, go through revisions, G3USH0waLzy-00484-00205598-00206161 address the author's comments, all of this and then you get to the final stage. G3USH0waLzy-00485-00206161-00206663 You either have to submit the preprint or you have to ask for help with charters, G3USH0waLzy-00486-00206663-00207184 that it's so streamlined and helpful is really great for G3USH0waLzy-00487-00207184-00207492 people who have so little time and especially with COVID. G3USH0waLzy-00488-00207492-00207746 So I want to say thank you and also recommend for G3USH0waLzy-00489-00207746-00208194 people who are watching elsewhere, that is such a blessing G3USH0waLzy-00490-00208194-00208691 to have great people helping out with that. G3USH0waLzy-00491-00208691-00209244 >> Thank you Kris, I see a number of my colleagues on this event so G3USH0waLzy-00492-00209244-00209664 they will hear your thanks directly but I will make sure that those are passed on. G3USH0waLzy-00493-00209664-00210253 But you and I also have that vintage of the photocopiers and G3USH0waLzy-00494-00210253-00210921 it really points to an interesting shift in workflow 20 years ago, G3USH0waLzy-00495-00210921-00211379 researchers had to organize their information workflows around the line for G3USH0waLzy-00496-00211379-00211904 it's actually 25 years ago, that if you wanted to stay up to date, you had to come G3USH0waLzy-00497-00211904-00212406 and browse the new issues of journals in the library and if you wanted to read G3USH0waLzy-00498-00212406-00212931 something, you have to come and photocopy it or sit in the library and read it. G3USH0waLzy-00499-00212931-00213441 Today we deliver that content wherever you are, whenever you want it. G3USH0waLzy-00500-00213441-00213956 And we now have to make sure that our services and G3USH0waLzy-00501-00213956-00214412 resources fit into your workflow and are visible to you. G3USH0waLzy-00502-00214412-00215004 And we've certainly seen over the past seven or eight months striking increase G3USH0waLzy-00503-00215004-00215584 in the consumption of content, books, electronic journals and electronic books. G3USH0waLzy-00504-00215584-00216131 And one of the things we are reflecting upon now is, G3USH0waLzy-00505-00216131-00216965 as with so many aspects of our lives, have we moved towards a different next normal, G3USH0waLzy-00506-00216965-00217371 where telemedicine might replace visits to the doctor's office for G3USH0waLzy-00507-00217371-00217877 some cases, and many of us might not go to the movie theaters again. G3USH0waLzy-00508-00217877-00218473 And what impact will that have on the role of the library is, G3USH0waLzy-00509-00218473-00218863 an interesting question, but not one that I want to spend too much time on just now. G3USH0waLzy-00510-00218863-00219301 But as I think about workflow, I think also about G3USH0waLzy-00511-00219301-00219789 the broader approach to open science that we've been promoting. G3USH0waLzy-00512-00219789-00220334 And the variety of workflow tools that we are making available, whether it's G3USH0waLzy-00513-00220334-00220923 to support open protocols or data sharing or collaborative authoring, G3USH0waLzy-00514-00220923-00221442 using latech data repositories and the like. G3USH0waLzy-00515-00221442-00222046 And I wonder, to an extent how visible the library is and G3USH0waLzy-00516-00222046-00222524 how visible these surfaces are across CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00517-00222524-00222963 And, I'm not pursuing a particular agenda. G3USH0waLzy-00518-00222963-00223383 There's just a general question about and G3USH0waLzy-00519-00223383-00223890 how often do people think about the library as a point of support for G3USH0waLzy-00520-00223890-00224181 open science and scholarly workflow tools. G3USH0waLzy-00521-00224686-00225005 And if they don't, what could we do to be more visible? G3USH0waLzy-00522-00225355-00225719 >> I mean, I think that from the student side of things, G3USH0waLzy-00523-00225719-00226223 the library might be seen foremost as the building you go to and then maybe G3USH0waLzy-00524-00226223-00226817 the place you go to get access to various things when you're outside of VPN. G3USH0waLzy-00525-00226817-00227341 But I think that things like the open access agreement with ACM. G3USH0waLzy-00526-00227341-00227851 A lot of the PhD students who publish that ACM did hear about that because G3USH0waLzy-00527-00227851-00228217 they got an email about it or because one of their co authors told them about it. G3USH0waLzy-00528-00228217-00228618 And so I think shifting to those sorts of services, G3USH0waLzy-00529-00228618-00229112 this is the the right approach in making kind of these options, G3USH0waLzy-00530-00229112-00229570 the default is helpful to kind of show off these services. G3USH0waLzy-00531-00229863-00230300 >> Yeah, it's an interesting question because for most people, G3USH0waLzy-00532-00230300-00230738 the library is a big building full of books and journals. G3USH0waLzy-00533-00230738-00231166 And when those books and journals have shifted to digital form, G3USH0waLzy-00534-00231166-00231676 what does the building become and is that in our essence of librarians that we need G3USH0waLzy-00535-00231676-00231990 to capture again twice. G3USH0waLzy-00536-00232179-00232588 So I just want to offer a quick anecdote and then I'll come to you, Sean. G3USH0waLzy-00537-00232588-00233140 About 25 years ago, the British government published a review into the future G3USH0waLzy-00538-00233140-00233651 of academic libraries at the very start of this digital transformation and G3USH0waLzy-00539-00233651-00234130 they quite seriously offered a position that library buildings could G3USH0waLzy-00540-00234130-00234601 become parking garage buildings because they had the load bearing on G3USH0waLzy-00541-00234601-00235121 the floors that could hold the books and journals and could hold vehicles but G3USH0waLzy-00542-00235121-00235482 thankfully we haven't quite descended into that. G3USH0waLzy-00543-00235482-00235661 Sean I'm sorry I. G3USH0waLzy-00544-00235661-00236143 >> So you're asking about like, the open data side of things, G3USH0waLzy-00545-00236143-00236654 the open science side of things and how the library plays a role. G3USH0waLzy-00546-00236654-00237023 I just think about how we currently do that in kind of my field and G3USH0waLzy-00547-00237023-00237400 we're often looking at trying to dump every variety of data type G3USH0waLzy-00548-00237400-00237755 into supplemental information with our journals. G3USH0waLzy-00549-00237755-00237916 Whether it's video links, G3USH0waLzy-00550-00237916-00238525 tables, additional documents with algorithms in them and code. G3USH0waLzy-00551-00238525-00239046 And maybe this is a question to you Keith or other people on the panel but now, G3USH0waLzy-00552-00239046-00239631 where would be a point where we would decide not put that into the SI G3USH0waLzy-00553-00239631-00240015 paper versus storing it within CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00554-00240015-00240448 So if it's like we do a lot of like high resolution X-ray work and G3USH0waLzy-00555-00240448-00240781 those can be very big files those can be gigabyte type files. G3USH0waLzy-00556-00240781-00240891 Sizes that we have. G3USH0waLzy-00557-00240891-00241170 So it's not something that somebody's going to randomly click on and download. G3USH0waLzy-00558-00241170-00241696 And so I don't know if there's thoughts on how an author might G3USH0waLzy-00559-00241696-00242244 pick whether to do SI or one of the resources within the library. G3USH0waLzy-00560-00242244-00242828 >> Yeah, so David mentioned in his opening remarks our Kilt Hub Repository G3USH0waLzy-00561-00242828-00243317 which is available of course for depositing publications, G3USH0waLzy-00562-00243317-00243759 but also for depositing data sets of different sorts. G3USH0waLzy-00563-00243759-00244337 And one of the advantages we find there is that as you deposit something G3USH0waLzy-00564-00244337-00245004 that DOI is minted, which gives a degree of permanence and pointing to the data. G3USH0waLzy-00565-00245004-00245456 But rather than me waffle about things that I am at best G3USH0waLzy-00566-00245456-00245928 an enthusiastic amateur about, maybe I could call on my G3USH0waLzy-00567-00245928-00246391 colleague Hannah Gunderman, who I see is on the call. G3USH0waLzy-00568-00246391-00246747 Because she is our data consultant and G3USH0waLzy-00569-00246747-00247183 will give you the definitive encouragement. G3USH0waLzy-00570-00247183-00247277 Hi, Hannah. G3USH0waLzy-00571-00247277-00247455 >> Hi, thank you. G3USH0waLzy-00572-00247455-00247755 Yeah, thank you for the acknowledgement. G3USH0waLzy-00573-00247755-00248369 And yes, so I work with some of my great colleagues on the Kilt Hub team. G3USH0waLzy-00574-00248369-00248874 And my role is really to when we get data sets submitted to us and G3USH0waLzy-00575-00248874-00249215 we want to make sure that it's reusable. G3USH0waLzy-00576-00249215-00249645 We want to make sure that you're getting as much exposure as possible for G3USH0waLzy-00577-00249645-00249879 this data beyond just keeping it safe. G3USH0waLzy-00578-00249879-00250076 We want to take it that extra step. G3USH0waLzy-00579-00250076-00250632 So we do spend a lot of time making sure that it's in formats that are sustainable, G3USH0waLzy-00580-00250632-00251174 that it's got metadata in a read me file that just is gonna help with that reuse. G3USH0waLzy-00581-00251174-00251387 And so when you submit data to us, G3USH0waLzy-00582-00251387-00251706 there's a lot of care that goes into it on our end. G3USH0waLzy-00583-00251706-00252278 And we're just really passionate about making sure that that data is safe, G3USH0waLzy-00584-00252278-00252655 is sustainable, and is as reusable as possible. G3USH0waLzy-00585-00252655-00253103 With the hope that it brings you more potential citations and data reuse and G3USH0waLzy-00586-00253103-00253296 collaborations in the future. G3USH0waLzy-00587-00253296-00253412 So we're always here. G3USH0waLzy-00588-00253412-00253803 We're always here to answer your questions on that and G3USH0waLzy-00589-00253803-00254160 happy to do consultations or anything like that. G3USH0waLzy-00590-00254160-00254873 >> Another of my colleagues points out in the chat that we have a data set. G3USH0waLzy-00591-00254873-00255225 I don't know if you meant under a terabyte, G3USH0waLzy-00592-00255225-00255545 meaning one kilobyte or just under a terabyte. G3USH0waLzy-00593-00255545-00256021 But we certainly have large data sets and our Kilt Hub repository is G3USH0waLzy-00594-00256021-00256474 built on the Fixture platform which may be known to some of you. G3USH0waLzy-00595-00256865-00257353 So I am hoping that the audience might be thinking of a few questions G3USH0waLzy-00596-00257353-00257492 to present to you. G3USH0waLzy-00597-00257492-00258022 But as they do so, maybe I could offer a final question which is, G3USH0waLzy-00598-00258022-00258533 again for each of you, what would you say to your colleagues or G3USH0waLzy-00599-00258533-00259114 your students, by way of encouragement to get engaged in this space? G3USH0waLzy-00600-00259114-00259615 Whether it's by sharing publications in preprint servers or G3USH0waLzy-00601-00259615-00260050 publishing an open access journals or sharing data. G3USH0waLzy-00602-00260050-00260265 How would you encourage them? G3USH0waLzy-00603-00260580-00260670 Chris. G3USH0waLzy-00604-00260879-00261369 >> This is a bit, can I be pessimistic before I'm optimistic? G3USH0waLzy-00605-00261369-00261622 >> Sure, it's 2020. G3USH0waLzy-00606-00261622-00261824 >> All right, there we go. G3USH0waLzy-00607-00261824-00262364 One thing that I've noticed with the open resource that I wanna be very careful G3USH0waLzy-00608-00262364-00262948 about, and I always tell with my students, when they're consuming information. G3USH0waLzy-00609-00262948-00263275 Is some of it is like social media, G3USH0waLzy-00610-00263275-00263727 that there is a lot more information out there, G3USH0waLzy-00611-00263727-00264113 the open availability of information. G3USH0waLzy-00612-00264113-00264589 And I don't know if other people who've been academics for G3USH0waLzy-00613-00264589-00264808 a long time have seen this. G3USH0waLzy-00614-00264808-00265354 Because people are asked to review so many papers, the quality of reviews G3USH0waLzy-00615-00265354-00265847 has gone down, the quality of editorial decisions has gone down. G3USH0waLzy-00616-00265847-00266140 And so with more information out there, G3USH0waLzy-00617-00266140-00266617 it's important that you always take things with a grain of salt. G3USH0waLzy-00618-00266617-00266932 Not every publication obviously. G3USH0waLzy-00619-00266932-00267365 But especially when it's open, right? G3USH0waLzy-00620-00267365-00267724 If there's two articles you could look at and one's free and G3USH0waLzy-00621-00267724-00267887 you can just grab that one. G3USH0waLzy-00622-00267887-00268124 You just always have to be careful to double and G3USH0waLzy-00623-00268124-00268387 triple check any information if it's available. G3USH0waLzy-00624-00268387-00268966 And also I think it's also incumbent on us as people who are publishing, G3USH0waLzy-00625-00268966-00269318 just cuz we could sneak something through, G3USH0waLzy-00626-00269318-00269812 we have to take that much more ethics on ourselves to be putting G3USH0waLzy-00627-00269812-00270355 things in the public domain that we know to be good and true science. G3USH0waLzy-00628-00270355-00270810 So I wanted to put that out there that with great power comes G3USH0waLzy-00629-00270810-00271006 great responsibility. G3USH0waLzy-00630-00271006-00271136 I heard that somewhere. G3USH0waLzy-00631-00271136-00271759 And I think that's really important now in a more open format, G3USH0waLzy-00632-00271759-00272253 and I just wanted to bring that up for discussion. G3USH0waLzy-00633-00272253-00272525 >> Cool, I'm looking at you. G3USH0waLzy-00634-00272525-00272863 What would you say to PhD students or others? G3USH0waLzy-00635-00272863-00273318 >> I mean, I think that the goal of getting our work out to the public or G3USH0waLzy-00636-00273318-00273628 the industry partners is really important. G3USH0waLzy-00637-00273628-00274078 And open access is one prong in the way to do that. G3USH0waLzy-00638-00274078-00274479 And I would just emphasize that open access is one way to do it, G3USH0waLzy-00639-00274479-00274920 making our research more accessible to people with disabilities. G3USH0waLzy-00640-00274920-00275335 Making sure that our researches may be readable by machines so G3USH0waLzy-00641-00275335-00275725 that you can kind of do some of these large scale analyses, G3USH0waLzy-00642-00275725-00276268 which have become really important with the amount of COVID research out there. G3USH0waLzy-00643-00276268-00276517 So I think that there's a bunch of different ways to do this. G3USH0waLzy-00644-00276517-00277014 But open access is clearly one of the easiest paths out there right now to make G3USH0waLzy-00645-00277014-00277543 your work relevant to the public or to partners outside of that industry bubble. G3USH0waLzy-00646-00277543-00277888 And that's a good reason to do it. G3USH0waLzy-00647-00277888-00278466 And it's becoming easier and more default now at least at CMU. G3USH0waLzy-00648-00278466-00278831 >> Holly. G3USH0waLzy-00649-00278831-00279183 >> I guess I would say modular those sort of financial issues. G3USH0waLzy-00650-00279183-00279673 There's not a lot of downside and a lot of upside to researchers sort G3USH0waLzy-00651-00279673-00280044 of engaging in a variety of open access practices. G3USH0waLzy-00652-00280044-00280530 I think the one that I think people are maybe most hesitant to engage in in my G3USH0waLzy-00653-00280530-00280743 field is sharing data and code. G3USH0waLzy-00654-00280743-00281230 And probably because, I don't know for fear of people finding errors or G3USH0waLzy-00655-00281230-00281734 just the extra work involved in maybe in sort of actually making it public. G3USH0waLzy-00656-00281734-00282242 But I guess for me, the effort that goes into that is as much, G3USH0waLzy-00657-00282242-00282642 for me as and my collaborators as other people. G3USH0waLzy-00658-00282642-00283078 It's important to catalog your data and G3USH0waLzy-00659-00283078-00283720 your code in a way that you can sort of reuse at a future date. G3USH0waLzy-00660-00283720-00284074 And you'd never have to worry about someone emailing you and G3USH0waLzy-00661-00284074-00284499 you can't like find something from some publication a year or two back. G3USH0waLzy-00662-00284499-00284594 So, I don't know. G3USH0waLzy-00663-00284594-00284807 I think there's a lot of upside to it in general. G3USH0waLzy-00664-00284991-00285290 >> Sure, Ian. G3USH0waLzy-00665-00285290-00285852 >> So usually when encouraging, it's not so much peers. G3USH0waLzy-00666-00285852-00286310 As I'm a recent PhD student myself in terms of encouraging more open access G3USH0waLzy-00667-00286310-00286747 practices, it's normally with an advisor to try to get them on board. G3USH0waLzy-00668-00286747-00287034 An older professor to get them on board with doing these things. G3USH0waLzy-00669-00287034-00287451 And so the same way, you can almost always encourage academics, G3USH0waLzy-00670-00287451-00287680 you're gonna get more citations. G3USH0waLzy-00671-00287680-00287891 It's gonna raise your gravitas and G3USH0waLzy-00672-00287891-00288202 you're standing in the field if you go open access. G3USH0waLzy-00673-00288202-00288368 And that normally works for G3USH0waLzy-00674-00288368-00288731 helping to encourage people to use open access practices. G3USH0waLzy-00675-00288731-00289084 But along with kinda what Molly said one of the, I would say issues but G3USH0waLzy-00676-00289084-00289484 it's becoming much better, is this idea of publishing your code. G3USH0waLzy-00677-00289484-00289959 So data in the world of like social network analysis can often be G3USH0waLzy-00678-00289959-00290096 hard to release. G3USH0waLzy-00679-00290096-00290324 Cuz it often has like personally identifiable stuff. G3USH0waLzy-00680-00290324-00290712 And you don't wanna like go down the path of Cambridge Analytica and G3USH0waLzy-00681-00290712-00290988 kind of, some kind of unethical things. G3USH0waLzy-00682-00290988-00291531 But the code should be, at least to some extent, reusable and published out. G3USH0waLzy-00683-00291531-00291874 Like if you can't actually take somebody's code and G3USH0waLzy-00684-00291874-00292125 test it on your own thing type of stuff, G3USH0waLzy-00685-00292125-00292700 it really negates that the usefulness of the publication to a large degree. G3USH0waLzy-00686-00292700-00292938 So, >> Great, thanks and Shawn. G3USH0waLzy-00687-00293064-00293614 >> Yeah, I think for those for those that they're here, they're students or G3USH0waLzy-00688-00293614-00294158 early career, you know, getting priority on your results and findings. G3USH0waLzy-00689-00294158-00294542 And making sure it's externally visible as we talked about a little earlier G3USH0waLzy-00690-00294542-00294615 that's key. G3USH0waLzy-00691-00294615-00294913 And so open access is part of that, but G3USH0waLzy-00692-00294913-00295353 the preprint archive type methods is one way to do that. G3USH0waLzy-00693-00295353-00295727 And it seems a little bit scary when I think what even to me it seems a little G3USH0waLzy-00694-00295727-00296151 scary putting something out there before I've had the test of a peer review in it. G3USH0waLzy-00695-00296151-00296372 And I probably would be hesitant to cite anything but G3USH0waLzy-00696-00296372-00296613 you can't really say anything and then for peer review. G3USH0waLzy-00697-00296613-00296922 But it gets a chance to get your visibility out there and of course, G3USH0waLzy-00698-00296922-00297179 the more people that can see your papers, the better. G3USH0waLzy-00699-00297395-00297647 >> So I think David has a couple of audience questions. G3USH0waLzy-00700-00297647-00298255 We've lasted almost half an hour before I forced us to talk about COVID-19. G3USH0waLzy-00701-00298255-00298543 We have lasted shade over 45 minutes before G3USH0waLzy-00702-00298543-00298824 anybody said anything about the election. G3USH0waLzy-00703-00298824-00299308 But David, I think the first question from the audience is indeed about G3USH0waLzy-00704-00299308-00299544 what happens after the election. G3USH0waLzy-00705-00299689-00300094 >> Yeah, so the question that was posed by our audience member highlights G3USH0waLzy-00706-00300094-00300541 that on January 20th, we will have a new administration in the White House. G3USH0waLzy-00707-00300541-00301042 And hopefully, with plans at this White House will further G3USH0waLzy-00708-00301042-00301646 actions that took place earlier in 2013 with the the OSTP mandate. G3USH0waLzy-00709-00301646-00301722 And a push for G3USH0waLzy-00710-00301722-00302205 funding agencies to require the resources they find to be made openly available. G3USH0waLzy-00711-00302205-00302782 So, the audience never liked to ask the panel to to present their thoughts or G3USH0waLzy-00712-00302782-00303317 hopes of what this new administration will do to further open access. G3USH0waLzy-00713-00303317-00303811 Or what you hope funding agencies will do to make it easier to make your G3USH0waLzy-00714-00303811-00304118 research available openly. G3USH0waLzy-00715-00304118-00304858 >> So I can answer that having done the the NIH route, G3USH0waLzy-00716-00304858-00305350 the NIH College of Library. G3USH0waLzy-00717-00305350-00305825 I don't know what it's called, G3USH0waLzy-00718-00305825-00306248 I'm sorry, maybe you do.? G3USH0waLzy-00719-00306395-00306963 The National Institutes of Health has a whole National Institute for G3USH0waLzy-00720-00306963-00307199 cataloging and libraries. G3USH0waLzy-00721-00307199-00307480 >> That is the National Library of Medicine. G3USH0waLzy-00722-00307480-00307605 >> Yes, yes. >> It's at the NIH? G3USH0waLzy-00723-00307605-00307715 >> Right, yes. G3USH0waLzy-00724-00307715-00308111 And so they set up a really nice website that whenever G3USH0waLzy-00725-00308111-00308573 you have something published they can't obviously take. G3USH0waLzy-00726-00308573-00308889 If it's not an open access journal they can't obviously steal it cuz that's G3USH0waLzy-00727-00308889-00308993 a copyright violation. G3USH0waLzy-00728-00308993-00309691 So you have to go and put your preprint up on the website and it's four clicks. G3USH0waLzy-00729-00309691-00309918 You know, you upload it. G3USH0waLzy-00730-00309918-00310663 They look through it briefly and then it goes up on the NIH PubMed Website. G3USH0waLzy-00731-00310663-00310769 And it's really, really nice. G3USH0waLzy-00732-00310769-00311379 And I think now that a lot of the governmental agencies are coming together G3USH0waLzy-00733-00311379-00311931 that it's probably they're all going to adopt some form of that. G3USH0waLzy-00734-00311931-00312172 So it's really not that scary, G3USH0waLzy-00735-00312172-00312603 as long as you keep a good version of your preprint right. G3USH0waLzy-00736-00312603-00313003 Not with you know, your advisors notes that say the section is junk or G3USH0waLzy-00737-00313003-00313136 something like that. G3USH0waLzy-00738-00313136-00313454 Yeah, just keep the version that you submit to the journal and G3USH0waLzy-00739-00313454-00313572 it's very seamless. G3USH0waLzy-00740-00313572-00313997 And if you want to do it through Carnegie Mellon, I think they will do it as well. G3USH0waLzy-00741-00313997-00314129 It's just I usually have the students do it. G3USH0waLzy-00742-00314129-00314230 So. G3USH0waLzy-00743-00314402-00315310 >> Anybody else with any thoughts on that question? G3USH0waLzy-00744-00315310-00315391 Or, David? G3USH0waLzy-00745-00315391-00315647 Any other questions? G3USH0waLzy-00746-00315647-00316009 >> I mean, I would like to see more, you know, pressure or G3USH0waLzy-00747-00316009-00316327 support from funding agencies for open access. G3USH0waLzy-00748-00316327-00316825 I know a lot of the funding at CMU comes through different government agencies. G3USH0waLzy-00749-00316825-00317313 And I personally had a NSF fellowship for most of my PhD tenure here. G3USH0waLzy-00750-00317313-00317847 And so if there was say, support for open access in terms G3USH0waLzy-00751-00317847-00318350 of funding, I mean, maybe at CMU with the APC fund. G3USH0waLzy-00752-00318350-00318776 I wouldn't need that but there's plenty of PhD students all over who would G3USH0waLzy-00753-00318776-00318994 benefit from from support like that. G3USH0waLzy-00754-00318994-00319226 If not, some sort of mandate. G3USH0waLzy-00755-00319522-00319961 >> So I will second Cole's statements. G3USH0waLzy-00756-00319961-00320083 I was an NSF fellow myself. G3USH0waLzy-00757-00320083-00320456 And so like the NSF as part of being one of their graduate research fellows, G3USH0waLzy-00758-00320456-00320686 you get like supercomputer access. G3USH0waLzy-00759-00320686-00321088 They have these little grip and other industry type fellowships you can apply to G3USH0waLzy-00760-00321088-00321433 and get additional funding to like do over the summer type of stuff. G3USH0waLzy-00761-00321433-00321846 It would be nice if that like as if you were an NSF fellow, or an NIH fellow, or G3USH0waLzy-00762-00321846-00322287 whatever the case might be as if they did provide a little additional stipend that G3USH0waLzy-00763-00322287-00322424 you could use, right? G3USH0waLzy-00764-00322424-00322659 For publishing open access while you're in fellowship status. G3USH0waLzy-00765-00322659-00323018 That would be the kind of thing I think would really help students, G3USH0waLzy-00766-00323018-00323378 especially as graduate students really adopt those practices and G3USH0waLzy-00767-00323378-00323631 then get kind of used to the way of doing it too. G3USH0waLzy-00768-00324210-00324625 >> Right,we have another question that's come in from our audience. G3USH0waLzy-00769-00324625-00325003 And they've asked the panel if they could discuss, G3USH0waLzy-00770-00325003-00325607 how open access especially open data has influenced the IRB application process? G3USH0waLzy-00771-00325607-00326019 Specifically, would people be less willing to participate in a study, G3USH0waLzy-00772-00326019-00326480 if their data especially audio visual data, would become publicly available? G3USH0waLzy-00773-00327377-00327892 >> So I've never given options to participants to publish G3USH0waLzy-00774-00327892-00328366 the entirety of audio visual data they give us. G3USH0waLzy-00775-00328366-00328932 The most I ever ask for is the ability to quote them in partial text for G3USH0waLzy-00776-00328932-00329549 publications or presentations I do think that if I asked people to publish G3USH0waLzy-00777-00329549-00330216 the audio visual data in open access in its entirety as a condition of the study, G3USH0waLzy-00778-00330216-00330686 I think that would reduce participant participation. G3USH0waLzy-00779-00330686-00330923 But as an optional thing, I don't know. G3USH0waLzy-00780-00330923-00331334 A lot of people feel pretty comfortable sharing that stuff for G3USH0waLzy-00781-00331334-00331843 quotation I don't know that they would feel comfortable sharing all of it. G3USH0waLzy-00782-00331843-00332172 >> I can speak to that IRBs I've worked on typically G3USH0waLzy-00783-00332172-00332670 have like the consent form has a box where people can check about whether or G3USH0waLzy-00784-00332670-00333171 not they're okay with people sharing their audio visual data. G3USH0waLzy-00785-00333171-00333362 And the kinda stuff I do is very sensitive. G3USH0waLzy-00786-00333362-00333751 But I can say that people actually rarely opt out of that. G3USH0waLzy-00787-00333751-00334003 They, they seem pretty comfortable. G3USH0waLzy-00788-00334003-00334215 So it hasn't effect, they can, G3USH0waLzy-00789-00334215-00334675 it doesn't affect participation because you can opt out of it. G3USH0waLzy-00790-00334675-00334904 >> But in practice people don't, that often. G3USH0waLzy-00791-00334904-00335325 I'm sure that would vary if I were doing more sensitive stuff, but G3USH0waLzy-00792-00335325-00335485 that's my experience. G3USH0waLzy-00793-00335646-00336108 >> Yeah, and clearly any legislative provisions could G3USH0waLzy-00794-00336108-00336366 override open data sharing. G3USH0waLzy-00795-00336366-00336810 Which hopefully will give people a degree of confidence that their sensitive data G3USH0waLzy-00796-00336810-00336952 would not be made public. G3USH0waLzy-00797-00337436-00338090 Okay, well, I think it is time for us to thank our panel for their engagement. G3USH0waLzy-00798-00338090-00338723 The time has passed and I'm grateful to Ian Chris called Molly and Sean. G3USH0waLzy-00799-00338723-00339271 For their engagement, I believe the next bit on the agenda is for me just to G3USH0waLzy-00800-00339271-00339732 say a few words about the future which my colleagues will know means a few slides. G3USH0waLzy-00801-00339732-00340226 And as I make that transition, so I would like to acknowledge Which. G3USH0waLzy-00802-00340226-00340601 In the audience on some may see a few of my colleagues who G3USH0waLzy-00803-00340601-00340862 are leaders in our work in this field. G3USH0waLzy-00804-00340862-00341383 David and Hannah you have heard from already, Katie and Anne Marie. G3USH0waLzy-00805-00341584-00342268 And Rick are there to help you with digital scholarship and repository needs. G3USH0waLzy-00806-00342268-00342496 Five chin on data collaboration, G3USH0waLzy-00807-00342496-00342925 data reuse and artificial intelligence type things. G3USH0waLzy-00808-00343103-00343443 And Sierra on systematic reviews. G3USH0waLzy-00809-00343443-00343856 My apologies if I have forgotten anyone else who was there ready to roll their G3USH0waLzy-00810-00343856-00344407 sleeves up, but do please engage with them as you wish. G3USH0waLzy-00811-00344407-00344943 So David asked me to say a few words about The future, G3USH0waLzy-00812-00344943-00345205 and how it sees all this playing out. G3USH0waLzy-00813-00345205-00345442 And for so many reasons. G3USH0waLzy-00814-00345442-00346345 It's both timely, but difficult to be precise about, what that might look like. G3USH0waLzy-00815-00346345-00347094 But let me Do my best to try and help you there. G3USH0waLzy-00816-00347094-00347420 Can I just check David, can you see my slide? G3USH0waLzy-00817-00347590-00347640 >> No. G3USH0waLzy-00818-00347838-00347959 Yes, now we can see your slides. G3USH0waLzy-00819-00347959-00348640 >> You can see my slide correct and can you see second slide, the graph Great. G3USH0waLzy-00820-00348640-00349154 So I just threw this one in as the panel was talking because I was conscious G3USH0waLzy-00821-00349154-00349714 of the point that was made about slowing G3USH0waLzy-00822-00349714-00350219 the decline in arguable decline in standards of peer review and so on. G3USH0waLzy-00823-00350219-00350737 And I think this is best reflected by the changes we've seen over the last G3USH0waLzy-00824-00350737-00351068 >> 2025 years in terms of the volume of G3USH0waLzy-00825-00351068-00351583 scholarly output, and this is for the US the European Union. G3USH0waLzy-00826-00351778-00352205 It included the UK post asked I could get away with that and G3USH0waLzy-00827-00352205-00352659 obviously the increase in output from China And G3USH0waLzy-00828-00352763-00353105 some of you know that before coming to Carnegie Mellon I worked with Wiley, G3USH0waLzy-00829-00353105-00353627 one of the big publishers and whilst I don't want to give unto sympathy, G3USH0waLzy-00830-00353627-00354076 I am conscious that the volume of Article submissions G3USH0waLzy-00831-00354076-00354560 was such that It was taking a lot of G3USH0waLzy-00832-00354560-00355101 effort with no real additional resources to manage the peer review process. G3USH0waLzy-00833-00355101-00355364 But that was just a reaction to that comment. G3USH0waLzy-00834-00355364-00355827 What I did want to do was try and frame a few thoughts on the future G3USH0waLzy-00835-00355827-00356194 against the backdrop of open science. G3USH0waLzy-00836-00356194-00356629 We've talked about that a few times during the panel discussion and G3USH0waLzy-00837-00356629-00357071 I particularly wanted to point to the release last month of G3USH0waLzy-00838-00357071-00357608 a global recommendation on Open Science from UNESCO. G3USH0waLzy-00839-00357608-00357952 And they point to the you know, G3USH0waLzy-00840-00357952-00358500 a broad definition there of open science as various movements that come together G3USH0waLzy-00841-00358500-00358905 to make scientific knowledge, methods, data and evidence. G3USH0waLzy-00842-00358905-00359354 Available for anyone and everyone to use. G3USH0waLzy-00843-00359354-00359933 For a number of years and I have when I talk about open access described it G3USH0waLzy-00844-00359933-00360466 as a stepping stone on the way towards open science and G3USH0waLzy-00845-00360466-00360832 Dr. Foster a London based G3USH0waLzy-00846-00360941-00361447 Clinical evidence organization has developed a taxonomy of open science. G3USH0waLzy-00847-00361447-00361772 And you can see at the top on the first note, G3USH0waLzy-00848-00361772-00362414 that open access is one component of the bigger goal of open science. G3USH0waLzy-00849-00362414-00362819 So I just wanted to try and frame our thoughts about open access and G3USH0waLzy-00850-00362819-00363069 our discussions around open data. G3USH0waLzy-00851-00363069-00363530 In that broader context of reproducibility workflows, G3USH0waLzy-00852-00363530-00364031 and policies alongside access and data, and G3USH0waLzy-00853-00364031-00364603 UNESCO in particular has embarked upon a very ambitious agenda, G3USH0waLzy-00854-00364603-00365132 because we are confronting major challenges. G3USH0waLzy-00855-00365132-00365650 Across the planet, on all aspects of the environment, society, health and G3USH0waLzy-00856-00365650-00366239 the economy, and science is a critical response to that. G3USH0waLzy-00857-00366239-00366557 I was pleased to see an endorsement for G3USH0waLzy-00858-00366557-00366930 the fact that the President Elect will be listening to the scientists. G3USH0waLzy-00859-00366930-00367550 I'm not sure what the outcome precedent Said that with the opportunity for G3USH0waLzy-00860-00367550-00368204 me to use it as a segue, but we have heard on a number of fronts that G3USH0waLzy-00861-00368204-00368856 the incoming administration will be paying more Attention to the scientific world. G3USH0waLzy-00862-00368959-00369479 And that is particularly important given the impact of COVID-19. G3USH0waLzy-00863-00369479-00370053 And the extent to which that has driven both an awareness of the importance G3USH0waLzy-00864-00370053-00370689 of research, but also a remarkable degree of global cooperation. G3USH0waLzy-00865-00370689-00371245 I've got a slide coming up that will show just how much stuff has been generated G3USH0waLzy-00866-00371245-00371513 over the past few months by the scientific community. G3USH0waLzy-00867-00371615-00372119 And I was on a call with some people at the White House Office of Science and G3USH0waLzy-00868-00372119-00372707 Technology Policy where they were saying that they know If we didn't already, G3USH0waLzy-00869-00372707-00373219 they get it that they have seen the benefits of the global community shooting G3USH0waLzy-00870-00373219-00373779 data for reanalysis reuse combination G3USH0waLzy-00871-00373779-00374243 to allow insights to be gathered At an accelerated pace. G3USH0waLzy-00872-00374358-00374941 We also have comments about concerns about the the challenge G3USH0waLzy-00873-00374941-00375445 to scientific facts app theory and this info demmick of misinformation, G3USH0waLzy-00874-00375445-00375895 flagged up by the Secretary General of the United Nations. G3USH0waLzy-00875-00375895-00376464 I do think that this is an important caveat to understand that if we G3USH0waLzy-00876-00376464-00376990 make it easy for people to share, we need also to ensure they have the skills and G3USH0waLzy-00877-00376990-00377465 the critical thinking To question what it is that they're consuming, G3USH0waLzy-00878-00377465-00377770 making decisions upon, and reusing. G3USH0waLzy-00879-00377770-00378238 And again, I see that as a critical role for G3USH0waLzy-00880-00378238-00378787 libraries everywhere, to be supporting the questioning G3USH0waLzy-00881-00378787-00379161 of information that we receive from any source. G3USH0waLzy-00882-00379265-00379768 I don't want to belabor the points but just to show the key G3USH0waLzy-00883-00379768-00380239 thinking behind UNESCO's Open Science Framework G3USH0waLzy-00884-00380239-00380743 that it is driven by the expansion of technology. G3USH0waLzy-00885-00380864-00381343 To increase the societal impact of science, G3USH0waLzy-00886-00381343-00381931 to open up the work of scientific communities globally, to verification, G3USH0waLzy-00887-00381931-00382526 to scrutiny and critique and to build an evidence base for decision making. G3USH0waLzy-00888-00382667-00383099 And to allow anyone who has an interest and G3USH0waLzy-00889-00383099-00383639 an ability to contribute to scientific discussion, to be able to do so G3USH0waLzy-00890-00383639-00384102 to democratise knowledge to guide scientific work towards G3USH0waLzy-00891-00384102-00384650 solving the problems that are confronting Citizens everywhere. G3USH0waLzy-00892-00384650-00385122 And I would encourage you to look at this the UNESCO recommendation. G3USH0waLzy-00893-00385122-00385305 It's only a few pages long. G3USH0waLzy-00894-00385305-00385960 But really is an important part of the landscape in which we are operating. G3USH0waLzy-00895-00385960-00386437 And it very much frames open science as a global public good, G3USH0waLzy-00896-00386437-00386894 an essential part of research infrastructure. G3USH0waLzy-00897-00386894-00387261 And I have little doubt that we will see real momentum G3USH0waLzy-00898-00387373-00387837 build around open science in the next little while. G3USH0waLzy-00899-00387837-00388462 Just last week, UNESCO was joined by the World Health Organization and G3USH0waLzy-00900-00388462-00388807 the Office of the High Commissioner for G3USH0waLzy-00901-00388807-00389278 Human Rights to make a giant appeal for open science. G3USH0waLzy-00902-00389278-00389750 Framing this in the context of the sustainable development goals and G3USH0waLzy-00903-00389750-00390103 calling on member states to support open science. G3USH0waLzy-00904-00390103-00390638 Now, of course, just a note that the United States G3USH0waLzy-00905-00390638-00390963 left UNESCO a couple of years ago. G3USH0waLzy-00906-00390963-00391504 I hope that the Biden administration will refute that G3USH0waLzy-00907-00391504-00392103 decision and become part of the global community in this context once again. G3USH0waLzy-00908-00392103-00392453 So I just wanted, given the topicality of this, G3USH0waLzy-00909-00392453-00392906 to frame today's event in the bigger picture of open science. G3USH0waLzy-00910-00392906-00393578 We also touched on COVID-19 and the impact on researchers and their behavior. G3USH0waLzy-00911-00393578-00394072 A survey report came out last week from frontiers on the academic G3USH0waLzy-00912-00394072-00394283 response to COVID-19. G3USH0waLzy-00913-00394283-00394850 Number of interesting points in there, but particularly, G3USH0waLzy-00914-00394850-00395450 this illustration showing that PhD students are the most likely G3USH0waLzy-00915-00395450-00395951 group of authors to publish an open access journals. G3USH0waLzy-00916-00395951-00396534 And as a separate question about sharing data with a similar response profile. G3USH0waLzy-00917-00396534-00397207 And you can see a slight edging down as people's career stage advances. G3USH0waLzy-00918-00397207-00397697 And you could hypothesize that senior researchers may feel that G3USH0waLzy-00919-00397697-00398088 they have made it and this is not a big deal for them. G3USH0waLzy-00920-00398088-00398595 But certainly, at Carnegie Mellon, I do see a huge amount of support and G3USH0waLzy-00921-00398595-00398911 engagement across the entire institution. G3USH0waLzy-00922-00399126-00399646 With COVID-19, it has been striking, and a few of our panelists made this point, G3USH0waLzy-00923-00399646-00399930 about just how much stuff has been generated. G3USH0waLzy-00924-00399930-00400391 Dimensions is a database of scholarly publications that G3USH0waLzy-00925-00400391-00400775 indexes journals and preprint servers. G3USH0waLzy-00926-00400775-00401441 And just before we started this event, I updated the slide to today's figure's, G3USH0waLzy-00927-00401441-00402013 185,000 publications of some sort referencing COVID-19. G3USH0waLzy-00928-00402013-00402302 And you can see also, if you're interested, G3USH0waLzy-00929-00402302-00402753 that Dimensions points to data sets, patterns, clinical trials, and G3USH0waLzy-00930-00402753-00403147 other interesting products of the research process. G3USH0waLzy-00931-00403147-00403397 What is striking also is G3USH0waLzy-00932-00403397-00403877 how much of that material is available as an open access publication. G3USH0waLzy-00933-00403877-00404300 You can see those broken down at the bottom right of the slide. G3USH0waLzy-00934-00404300-00404867 150,000 of the 185,000 are open access. G3USH0waLzy-00935-00404867-00405507 Publishers have been good citizens, I will say, during the pandemic, in opening G3USH0waLzy-00936-00405507-00406103 up their collections to share relevant research without paywall barriers. G3USH0waLzy-00937-00406103-00406795 And you can see that reflected in the bronze open access, with about 60,000. G3USH0waLzy-00938-00406795-00407236 Generally, commercially published papers that have been made freely G3USH0waLzy-00939-00407236-00407528 available on publishers platforms. G3USH0waLzy-00940-00407528-00407822 So just an interesting observation there. G3USH0waLzy-00941-00407924-00408313 As I think more specifically about open access, G3USH0waLzy-00942-00408313-00408970 I think there are three issues that will confront us in the coming here and beyond. G3USH0waLzy-00943-00408970-00409578 Those around policies, payments and incentives. G3USH0waLzy-00944-00409578-00410067 On the policy side, the big thing that is coming in about seven or G3USH0waLzy-00945-00410067-00410431 eight weeks is the implementation of planets. G3USH0waLzy-00946-00410431-00410851 Which has been promoted by many national governments. G3USH0waLzy-00947-00410851-00411085 Research funders in the European Union, G3USH0waLzy-00948-00411255-00411714 charitable organizations like Howard Hughes and the Gates Foundation. G3USH0waLzy-00949-00411714-00412181 And they are acquiring that from the beginning of next year, G3USH0waLzy-00950-00412181-00412695 research that the fund must be published in open access journals. G3USH0waLzy-00951-00412695-00413298 Or made immediately available without an embargo through an open access repository. G3USH0waLzy-00952-00413298-00413628 And the sweep of the institutions and G3USH0waLzy-00953-00413628-00414130 researchers that will be exposed to the Plan S mandate. G3USH0waLzy-00954-00414130-00414412 It's such that I think we will begin to G3USH0waLzy-00955-00414412-00414862 see even greater momentum towards open access publishing. G3USH0waLzy-00956-00414862-00415146 There are other things bubbling around in China. G3USH0waLzy-00957-00415146-00415732 We are seeing a different sorts of attention being paid to how and G3USH0waLzy-00958-00415732-00416081 where Chinese researchers publish. G3USH0waLzy-00959-00416081-00416528 And an encouragement to them to publish more research in G3USH0waLzy-00960-00416528-00416958 domestic journals and how that impacts open access. G3USH0waLzy-00961-00416958-00417297 It's not clear how that impacts the business models of G3USH0waLzy-00962-00417297-00417531 Western publishers, also. G3USH0waLzy-00963-00417531-00417827 It's not yet clear, but given my other chart, G3USH0waLzy-00964-00417827-00418110 clearly there's a lot to think about there. G3USH0waLzy-00965-00418110-00418472 We mentioned also in the panel discussion, G3USH0waLzy-00966-00418472-00419038 the publication at the end of October by the NIH of its final policy for G3USH0waLzy-00967-00419038-00419389 data management and data sharing. G3USH0waLzy-00968-00419389-00419913 And that also will bring a broader focus G3USH0waLzy-00969-00419913-00420364 on to the importance of that part of open science. G3USH0waLzy-00970-00420516-00420982 Around about this time last year, there were rumors about the federal G3USH0waLzy-00971-00420982-00421392 funding agencies in this country, either joining planets or G3USH0waLzy-00972-00421392-00421899 mandating open access publishing for those in receipt of federal funding. G3USH0waLzy-00973-00421899-00422061 That didn't go anywhere. G3USH0waLzy-00974-00422061-00422543 There was a vigorous backlash from commercial publishers seeking to G3USH0waLzy-00975-00422543-00422768 protect their business. G3USH0waLzy-00976-00422768-00423227 So it will be interesting to see how the incoming G3USH0waLzy-00977-00423227-00423640 administration revisits that question. G3USH0waLzy-00978-00423640-00424126 We've heard already, I won't say any more about the open G3USH0waLzy-00979-00424126-00424572 access agreements that we have put in place here, but G3USH0waLzy-00980-00424572-00425080 those do raise our focus on the flow of money for open access. G3USH0waLzy-00981-00425080-00425535 And some thoughts there around the author paying G3USH0waLzy-00982-00425535-00426069 transaction fees and how they are supported in doing so. G3USH0waLzy-00983-00426069-00426295 Whether the institution pays for G3USH0waLzy-00984-00426295-00426691 an agreement of the sort we have with Elsevier and others. G3USH0waLzy-00985-00426691-00427126 Or whether other search funder covers the costs of open access. G3USH0waLzy-00986-00427126-00427352 Those are all broad possibilities. G3USH0waLzy-00987-00427352-00427820 We are seeing some interest in multiplayer models or G3USH0waLzy-00988-00427820-00428151 on how societies subscribe to open. G3USH0waLzy-00989-00428151-00428643 One of the big undercurrents has been attention raised in Europe G3USH0waLzy-00990-00428643-00429153 about the excess of funds in the scholarly communication system. G3USH0waLzy-00991-00429153-00429362 And fairly simplistically, G3USH0waLzy-00992-00429362-00429946 they have identified how much money exists in the global subscriptions business. G3USH0waLzy-00993-00429946-00430418 And they've estimated that to be around 8 billion euros, but G3USH0waLzy-00994-00430418-00431006 if every article that was published, there are roughly 2 million articles, G3USH0waLzy-00995-00431006-00431588 paying an EPC of 2,000 euros, that should be about 4 million euros. G3USH0waLzy-00996-00431588-00431932 So there is a sense that there is a lot of profit G3USH0waLzy-00997-00431932-00432355 in the system that might be diverted in different ways. G3USH0waLzy-00998-00432355-00432742 So, again, something to watch as we move forward. G3USH0waLzy-00999-00432742-00433088 And I've got a number of presentations on these issues. G3USH0waLzy-01000-00433088-00433910 And these will be available in our KiltHub repository in the next little while. G3USH0waLzy-01001-00433910-00434384 Benefits of open access are on this slide, G3USH0waLzy-01002-00434384-00434860 again, I'm not gonna belabor the point. G3USH0waLzy-01003-00434860-00435292 Our panelists covered these two fairly good effect, and G3USH0waLzy-01004-00435292-00435681 I don't want to say more about those. G3USH0waLzy-01005-00435681-00436198 I do want to flag up the important tool Carnegie Mellon has played in G3USH0waLzy-01006-00436198-00436763 the last few weeks of talking about the sustainable development goals. G3USH0waLzy-01007-00436763-00437315 The release of our voluntary university review and how open science and G3USH0waLzy-01008-00437315-00438045 open access are intimately interlinked with progress towards attaining the SDGs. G3USH0waLzy-01009-00438045-00438595 And for those at CMU, I would encourage you to think about open access, G3USH0waLzy-01010-00438595-00438812 open science against that backdrop. G3USH0waLzy-01011-00438812-00439395 And finally, whilst we're not promising any citation premium, G3USH0waLzy-01012-00439395-00440019 I would show an analysis of publications by CMU authors with Elsevier. G3USH0waLzy-01013-00440019-00440635 And the citation premium shown in the middle of the the bars for G3USH0waLzy-01014-00440635-00441157 those that have been published as gold open access. G3USH0waLzy-01015-00441157-00441655 So with that, I am going to conclude my G3USH0waLzy-01016-00441655-00442181 remarks and bring the event to a close. G3USH0waLzy-01017-00442181-00442658 I think David is going to wrap up the presentation. G3USH0waLzy-01018-00442658-00442816 So I will hand back to him. G3USH0waLzy-01019-00442816-00443116 And thank you all for your participation today. G3USH0waLzy-01020-00443116-00443441 It's been great to see you all. G3USH0waLzy-01021-00443441-00443664 >> Thank Keith, and thank you to our panel. G3USH0waLzy-01022-00443664-00444022 Also thank you to our audience for your attendance today. G3USH0waLzy-01023-00444022-00444400 We greatly appreciate you all coming to listen to our panelists. G3USH0waLzy-01024-00444400-00444712 And again, just a final thank you to them. G3USH0waLzy-01025-00444712-00444971 As I mentioned earlier in the presentation, G3USH0waLzy-01026-00444971-00445331 we will be making this presentation available via recording, G3USH0waLzy-01027-00445331-00445726 which will be posted on our university library's YouTube Channel. G3USH0waLzy-01028-00445726-00446047 As well, all of our attendees that registered for G3USH0waLzy-01029-00446047-00446485 this event will receive an email when we have posted the recording. G3USH0waLzy-01030-00446485-00446856 With that, if you have any further questions for myself or G3USH0waLzy-01031-00446856-00447264 Keith or our panelists, please feel free to pass those on to me, G3USH0waLzy-01032-00447264-00447622 and I can pass those on to those respected individuals. G3USH0waLzy-01033-00447622-00447957 With that, thank you all very much and have a pleasant day. 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THE PATROL SAYS THE SEMI PAGE WAS DRIVING WAS SOUTHBOUND ON G5GFeXFCAEM-00023-00002168-00002175 THE PATROL SAYS THE SEMI PAGE WAS DRIVING WAS SOUTHBOUND ON G5GFeXFCAEM-00024-00002175-00002242 THE PATROL SAYS THE SEMI PAGE WAS DRIVING WAS SOUTHBOUND ON HIGHWAY 169 WHEN IT BROADSIDED G5GFeXFCAEM-00025-00002242-00002248 WAS DRIVING WAS SOUTHBOUND ON HIGHWAY 169 WHEN IT BROADSIDED G5GFeXFCAEM-00026-00002248-00002322 WAS DRIVING WAS SOUTHBOUND ON HIGHWAY 169 WHEN IT BROADSIDED ANOTHER SEMI AT THE INTERSECTION G5GFeXFCAEM-00027-00002322-00002328 HIGHWAY 169 WHEN IT BROADSIDED ANOTHER SEMI AT THE INTERSECTION G5GFeXFCAEM-00028-00002328-00002425 HIGHWAY 169 WHEN IT BROADSIDED ANOTHER SEMI AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY HIGHWAY 3 ABOUT FIVE G5GFeXFCAEM-00029-00002425-00002432 ANOTHER SEMI AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY HIGHWAY 3 ABOUT FIVE G5GFeXFCAEM-00030-00002432-00002582 ANOTHER SEMI AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY HIGHWAY 3 ABOUT FIVE MILES WEST OF PALISADE. G5GFeXFCAEM-00031-00002582-00002589 OF COUNTY HIGHWAY 3 ABOUT FIVE MILES WEST OF PALISADE. G5GFeXFCAEM-00032-00002589-00002799 OF COUNTY HIGHWAY 3 ABOUT FIVE MILES WEST OF PALISADE. THE DRIVER OF THE OTHER SEMI, G5GFeXFCAEM-00033-00002799-00002806 MILES WEST OF PALISADE. THE DRIVER OF THE OTHER SEMI, G5GFeXFCAEM-00034-00002806-00002906 MILES WEST OF PALISADE. THE DRIVER OF THE OTHER SEMI, 45-YEAR-OLD GARIN LEE HOCKETT G5GFeXFCAEM-00035-00002906-00002912 THE DRIVER OF THE OTHER SEMI, 45-YEAR-OLD GARIN LEE HOCKETT G5GFeXFCAEM-00036-00002912-00003066 THE DRIVER OF THE OTHER SEMI, 45-YEAR-OLD GARIN LEE HOCKETT OF BACKUS SUFFERED NON-LIFE G5GFeXFCAEM-00037-00003066-00003073 45-YEAR-OLD GARIN LEE HOCKETT OF BACKUS SUFFERED NON-LIFE G5GFeXFCAEM-00038-00003073-00003239 45-YEAR-OLD GARIN LEE HOCKETT OF BACKUS SUFFERED NON-LIFE THREATENING INJURIES. G5GFeXFCAEM-00039-00003239-00003246 OF BACKUS SUFFERED NON-LIFE THREATENING INJURIES. G5GFeXFCAEM-00040-00003246-00003333 OF BACKUS SUFFERED NON-LIFE THREATENING INJURIES. THE STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS G5GFeXFCAEM-00041-00003333-00003339 THREATENING INJURIES. THE STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS G5GFeXFCAEM-00042-00003339-00003546 THREATENING INJURIES. THE STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS BOTH DRIVERS WERE WEARING THEIR G5GFeXFCAEM-00043-00003546-00003553 THE STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS BOTH DRIVERS WERE WEARING THEIR G5GFeXFCAEM-00044-00003553-00003646 THE STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS BOTH DRIVERS WERE WEARING THEIR SEATBELTS AND ROAD CONDITIONS G5GFeXFCAEM-00045-00003646-00003653 BOTH DRIVERS WERE WEARING THEIR SEATBELTS AND ROAD CONDITIONS G5GFeXFCAEM-00046-00003653-00003777 BOTH DRIVERS WERE WEARING THEIR SEATBELTS AND ROAD CONDITIONS WERE DRY AT THE TIME OF THE Gr0sLWLtuzy-00000-00000011-00000513 What are the seating guidelines for bars and restaurants? In this video I'll Gr0sLWLtuzy-00001-00000513-00001044 review the architectural standards for correct bar and restaurant seating and Gr0sLWLtuzy-00002-00001044-00001700 aisles, and later, I'll review a special sketch I've prepared just for you! Gr0sLWLtuzy-00003-00001700-00001830 Coming up! Gr0sLWLtuzy-00004-00003120-00003340 Hey, Rick Uzubell again from Cabaret Design Group, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00005-00003340-00003700 where I share my personal ideas and tips on bar design, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00006-00003700-00003962 draught beer system design and product reviews. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00007-00003962-00004339 Later in this video I'll give you 'Today's Takeaway'. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00008-00004339-00004670 If you're new here, please consider subscribing, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00009-00004670-00004944 and check-out the show notes and links in the Gr0sLWLtuzy-00010-00004944-00005168 'YouTube Description' below. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00011-00005168-00005401 Now let's jump into the show! Gr0sLWLtuzy-00012-00005401-00005780 Confused about how many seats and tables your bar Gr0sLWLtuzy-00013-00005780-00006044 or restaurant can accommodate? How wide should the Gr0sLWLtuzy-00014-00006044-00006347 aisles be? These are common questions in bar Gr0sLWLtuzy-00015-00006347-00006561 and restaurant design. As you'll see Gr0sLWLtuzy-00016-00006561-00006822 later in this story, there are many possibilities. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00017-00006822-00007300 Here's an example of a bar with an adjacent area for Gr0sLWLtuzy-00018-00007300-00007733 casual dining and general entertainment. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00019-00007786-00008309 The focus of this discussion concerns the area to the right of the bar, and the Gr0sLWLtuzy-00020-00008309-00008777 question is 'How many dining seats can that space yield?' To illustrate the issue, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00021-00008777-00009403 I'm going to demonstrate two approaches. The first concept features two tables of Gr0sLWLtuzy-00022-00009403-00010040 six seats each and one table with ten seats, yielding a Gr0sLWLtuzy-00023-00010040-00010430 total of 22 seats. An alternate seating arrangement, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00024-00010430-00010991 shown here, features seven tables with four seats Gr0sLWLtuzy-00025-00010991-00011218 each, yielding a total of 28. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00026-00011218-00011627 On the other side of the bar, we're showing three 2-tops Gr0sLWLtuzy-00027-00011627-00012247 along the wall, which yields dining for six. Another way of using that Gr0sLWLtuzy-00028-00012247-00012895 twenty two-foot long space would be as a drink rail for 11, but this wouldn't be Gr0sLWLtuzy-00029-00012895-00013019 conducive for dining. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00030-00013030-00013340 The same holds to for the banquette seating along the Gr0sLWLtuzy-00031-00013340-00013753 opposite wall, which can seat 14-16. The long banquette Gr0sLWLtuzy-00032-00013753-00014119 and drink rail are both great complements to the bar. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00033-00014119-00014465 You may decide to choose one or both, but Gr0sLWLtuzy-00034-00014465-00014619 just realize their limitations. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00035-00014719-00015047 When space planning, we need to use the Gr0sLWLtuzy-00036-00015047-00015507 following architectural standards referenced in this downloadable sketch. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00037-00015507-00016394 2-top table planning: 66"-78" in depth, 24"-30" in width. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00038-00016394-00017179 4-top table planning: 66"-78" in depth, 48"-54" in width. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00039-00017179-00017834 Access aisles: 18" of space is needed from the backs of chairs on Gr0sLWLtuzy-00040-00017834-00018520 adjacent tables and service aisles of 36" for waitstaff and ADA. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00041-00018659-00019304 Customer activity zone of 30" from the bar edge on all sides of the bar, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00042-00019304-00019680 and 10" from the edges of all dining tables. Gr0sLWLtuzy-00043-00020256-00020626 When preparing for comfortable dining seating, allocate Gr0sLWLtuzy-00044-00020626-00021030 14 square foot per patron. To achieve this goal, Gr0sLWLtuzy-00045-00021030-00021318 architectural standards are the key to Gr0sLWLtuzy-00046-00021318-00021945 planning bar and restaurant seating. See you next time! Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00000-00000963-00001211 - Welcome, everybody, and Taavi, welcome Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00001-00001211-00001459 to the Department of Communications. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00002-00001459-00001627 Thank you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00003-00001627-00001839 - The camera actually takes from here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00004-00001839-00002035 You should come. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00005-00002035-00002279 - I'm glad you know what we're doing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00006-00002429-00002543 - I have done this TEDx part. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00007-00002543-00002842 You have to sit in the green spot, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00008-00002842-00003107 the red spot like, yeah. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00009-00003107-00003303 - Before we get started today, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00010-00003303-00003472 I would like to acknowledge that this event Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00011-00003472-00003732 is being held on the traditional lands Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00012-00003732-00003900 of the Ngunnawal people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00013-00003900-00004023 I would like to acknowledge the Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00014-00004023-00004299 traditional owners and custodians of the land, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00015-00004299-00004715 and play my respect to their elders, both past and present. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00016-00004715-00004960 This morning, we are certainly privileged Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00017-00004960-00005403 to have Mr. Taavi Kotka, the Chief Information Officer Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00018-00005403-00005731 for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00019-00005731-00005904 in Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00020-00005904-00006263 Estonia is one of the world's leading e-governments Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00021-00006263-00006683 with technology platforms that encourage transparency Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00022-00006683-00006994 while maintaining privacy and security. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00023-00006994-00007263 And they've been designed to be adaptable, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00024-00007263-00007584 anticipating future technologies. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00025-00007584-00007907 And we've got a lot to learn in Australia about that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00026-00007907-00008259 Estonia is a founding member of the Digital Five, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00027-00008259-00008483 otherwise known as D5. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00028-00008483-00008715 And the D5 is a network of digital governments Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00029-00008715-00008935 working to strengthen the technology Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00030-00008935-00009251 and digital economic sectors. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00031-00009251-00009452 Mr. Kotka comes to government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00032-00009452-00009699 after a successful startup career, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00033-00009699-00010191 and was named the European CIO of the year in 2014. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00034-00010191-00010534 Please join me in welcoming Mr. Taavi Kotka. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00035-00010534-00010763 (applause) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00036-00011047-00011252 - So hi everybody. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00037-00011331-00011455 It's lots of people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00038-00011455-00011739 I expected only a camera and a couple of kangaroos Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00039-00011739-00011876 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00040-00011876-00012176 because it's so early in the morning. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00041-00012236-00012398 Yeah, I come from Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00042-00012398-00012591 It's very far away from here, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00043-00012591-00012795 a small country in Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00044-00012795-00013090 But just a couple of things about myself. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00045-00013090-00013419 Yes, I'm the Government CIO, not just the Ministry CIO, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00046-00013419-00013887 so my job is to dream and to figure out Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00047-00013887-00014368 what should be next big thing for Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00048-00014423-00014739 What should we do with IT and communications, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00049-00014840-00015147 and so I am the blah, blah, blah guy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00050-00015147-00015352 The rest have to work. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00051-00015519-00015784 But my personal background, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00052-00015784-00016047 I'm software engineer. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00053-00016047-00016291 My education, my profession, my hobby, everything, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00054-00016291-00016659 I have done the whole life is software engineering. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00055-00016659-00016873 I'm doing my PhD in Computer Science. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00056-00016873-00017087 I have a Master's in Computer Science, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00057-00017087-00017411 so yeah, full of IT. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00058-00017411-00017755 And the startup I did, I was part of a team Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00059-00017755-00018007 who built up the largest software development Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00060-00018007-00018360 company in our region, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00061-00018360-00018836 and I ran the company for 11 years, and then I retired. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00062-00019023-00019116 I did exit. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00063-00019116-00019376 I sold my shares. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00064-00019376-00019691 And I got this non-competition clause, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00065-00019691-00019879 so I can't compete in private sector Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00066-00019879-00020307 for certain period, and Estonian government noticed that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00067-00020307-00020670 As it's a small country, we're all relatives. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00068-00020670-00020875 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00069-00020875-00021082 You should know the same with Tasmania. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00070-00021082-00021255 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00071-00021255-00021514 So yeah, we all meet each other Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00072-00021514-00021678 at every wedding and funeral. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00073-00021678-00022178 And the Minister of Economy asked me to join the government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00074-00022206-00022663 become the Government CIO, and I have to say, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00075-00022663-00022895 first of all, I said, "No," of course. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00076-00022895-00023395 In Estonia only handicapped person works for the government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00077-00023411-00023871 All the healthy men, they should do real work. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00078-00023871-00024199 That's the mindset, the attitude in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00079-00024199-00024699 but now I'm like a kid in a candy store or a toy store. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00080-00024704-00024990 I have loads of money, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00081-00024990-00025216 and I have full political support, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00082-00025216-00025404 and I can do whatever I want to do, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00083-00025404-00025683 because IT is complicated, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00084-00025683-00025839 so nobody understands it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00085-00025839-00026058 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00086-00026058-00026291 If you go to the Cabinet like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00087-00026291-00026507 "Oh I had this new great idea, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00088-00026507-00026683 "like e-residency." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00089-00026683-00026927 "Oh, okay, let's do it." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00090-00026927-00027195 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00091-00027195-00027488 We did e-residency. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00092-00027488-00027727 It went through the Parliament, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00093-00027727-00028074 80 votes in favor, zero against. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00094-00028074-00028327 So all everyone, "Yes, we have to do it." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00095-00028327-00028522 And the journalist went afterwards Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00096-00028522-00028651 to the parliament member asking, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00097-00028651-00028986 "Did you actually understood what you did at the moment?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00098-00029043-00029300 "No, but it looks good." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00099-00029355-00029637 So that's the thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00100-00029694-00029859 You can do crazy stuff in Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00101-00029859-00030172 That's great. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00102-00030247-00030712 And yeah, thanks Europe for the title. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00103-00030855-00031292 Yeah, I ended my entrepreneuric career basically in 2012. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00104-00031292-00031443 I was lucky enough to earn enough money Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00105-00031443-00031747 so I can afford working for the government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00106-00031747-00031948 So, yeah. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00107-00032054-00032395 If somebody wants to talk about Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00108-00032395-00032591 digital and single market strategy for Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00109-00032591-00032943 later on, then I can comment on that also. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00110-00032943-00033207 I am one of the special advisors Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00111-00033207-00033534 for Vice President Ansip who is responsible Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00112-00033534-00033876 for this development in Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00113-00033951-00034164 (mumbles) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00114-00034219-00034604 So, okay, let's stop talking about me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00115-00034646-00034846 Let's talk about Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00116-00034942-00035220 So, that's Europe if you don't know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00117-00035271-00035556 Most probably smaller than Victoria State, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00118-00035948-00036239 but yeah, that's Estonia, the green one. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00119-00036239-00036676 And it looks small, but it's actually extremely big. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00120-00036687-00036930 That island here, second largest, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00121-00036930-00037167 actually bigger than Singapore, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00122-00037339-00037652 and the country itself, it's bigger than Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00123-00037652-00037863 Denmark, for example, or Belgium, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00124-00037863-00038215 or Holland, or Switzerland, land-wise. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00125-00038215-00038399 So land-wise, it's a big country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00126-00038399-00038648 People-wise, extremely small, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00127-00038648-00038947 and they all speak funky language. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00128-00038947-00039160 Actually, it's not funky. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00129-00039382-00039596 You are this part of the world, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00130-00039596-00039884 okay, it's more for New Zealand people, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00131-00039884-00040260 but in the Lord of the Rings book, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00132-00040298-00040703 there is a language of elders, and that language Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00133-00040703-00041203 was invented looking at Finnish language, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00134-00041363-00041688 and Estonian, Finnish, same language, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00135-00041747-00042040 so yeah, we do that blah, blah, elders talk. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00136-00042123-00042240 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00137-00042282-00042491 Yeah, so if you want me to say something Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00138-00042491-00042719 or write you something in that language, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00139-00042719-00042917 I can do that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00140-00042979-00043243 But that picture, that slide basically Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00141-00043243-00043700 explains the basics, why Estonia is like e-country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00142-00043899-00044267 The name is E-stonia, so it's basically stone age, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00143-00044267-00044496 but with slightly E. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00144-00044774-00045062 Estonia's as old a country as Finland, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00145-00045062-00045428 almost 100 years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00146-00045478-00045978 Was established in 1918, and the beginning was great. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00147-00046254-00046609 We were like kinda before US during the thirties. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00148-00046667-00047007 There was no drinking law in US, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00149-00047007-00047388 and kinda they just send spirits across the border. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00150-00047528-00047695 We did the same with Fins. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00151-00047695-00048019 And we became extremely rich, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00152-00048019-00048334 instant inflation, richer country than Finland Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00153-00048334-00048644 before second World War, or even Norway, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00154-00048727-00049082 but then Soviet occupation came for fifty years, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00155-00049082-00049371 and that stopped our development for fifty years, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00156-00049371-00049571 and we had to start again from scratch, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00157-00049571-00049815 basically from scratch in 1991. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00158-00049815-00050132 If I say scratch, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00159-00050132-00050632 you can't believe what it is to live in communist society. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00160-00050691-00051191 Just to one example, none of my generation, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00161-00051251-00051639 or who are older than me cannot say a sentence Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00162-00051639-00052011 that, "Like my entrepreneurial father said," Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00163-00052011-00052167 because during Soviet Union time, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00164-00052167-00052375 there was no entrepreneurship. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00165-00052375-00052823 So I am the first entrepreneur of my whole family. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00166-00052827-00053147 So my sons now can say that, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00167-00053147-00053399 "My entrepreneur father said." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00168-00053399-00053899 So that was invented, discovered, from zero in 1991. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00169-00054079-00054380 In the Soviet Union, nobody has property, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00170-00054491-00054691 so basically first ten years, everybody tried to Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00171-00054691-00054911 earn their first million, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00172-00054911-00055239 to build their first house and all of that stuff, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00173-00055239-00055540 so it's a slight different starting point, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00174-00055540-00055731 but what is important is that, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00175-00055731-00055898 you want to prove yourself, Estonia wants to Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00176-00055898-00056215 carve that position, what we had before second World War Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00177-00056215-00056463 as a very developed and advanced country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00178-00056463-00056587 We have very good education systems, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00179-00056587-00056799 the best, not the best, the second-best in Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00180-00056799-00057088 after Finland. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00181-00057175-00057315 And yes, and we do IT. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00182-00057315-00057691 And we do IT because it's a huge amount of land, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00183-00057691-00057843 not too many people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00184-00057843-00058103 Basically half of the nation lives in the capital, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00185-00058103-00058386 so the rest is living in countryside, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00186-00058386-00058679 which is market failure region, basically. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00187-00058851-00059168 It never reach four person per square kilometer. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00188-00059243-00059567 And if you have four person per square kilometer, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00189-00059567-00059911 it's obvious that you can't serve those people physically. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00190-00059911-00060043 It's impossible. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00191-00060043-00060279 You have to push them to use digital tools, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00192-00060279-00060527 self service, et cetera. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00193-00060527-00060831 And if it's not done, the government will notice that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00194-00060831-00061015 It's also private sector who notice that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00195-00061015-00061370 There can't be bank office in every small town or village, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00196-00061370-00061591 so lots of things, what we have been doing, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00197-00061591-00061839 we have been doing together with private sector, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00198-00061839-00062071 be we both have the same needs. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00199-00062071-00062275 And we started it basically 20 years Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00200-00062275-00062523 ago with all this stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00201-00062523-00062979 And key for all this development is that sentence. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00202-00062979-00063151 Trust your engineers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00203-00063151-00063616 And what I mean by this is that for example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00204-00063640-00064035 if we want to build a bridge in the city, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00205-00064135-00064295 it's a political question. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00206-00064295-00064491 Where should we build it? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00207-00064491-00064923 But after we have decided, okay here should be a bridge. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00208-00064991-00065202 After that, it's an engineering question, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00209-00065202-00065400 and politician doesn't interfere anymore, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00210-00065400-00065824 because it's decided, it's settled, just do it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00211-00065910-00066042 The same in medicine. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00212-00066042-00066223 You don't argue with your doctor that, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00213-00066223-00066532 "No, no, I think you treat my knee wrongly." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00214-00066532-00066759 You don't argue with your doctor, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00215-00066759-00067008 but in software engineering, somehow politicians Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00216-00067008-00067304 think they can interfere, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00217-00067479-00067651 but software engineering is as complicated Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00218-00067651-00068029 as building a bridge or to do the knee surgery. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00219-00068123-00068311 And our politicians, they understood Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00220-00068311-00068508 that since the beginning. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00221-00068508-00068977 Why I say that is, doing these kind of strong IT forms, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00222-00068977-00069295 for example, giving everybody an ID card, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00223-00069295-00069516 or forcing people to use e-school Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00224-00069516-00069783 or e-prescription, it takes time. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00225-00069783-00070039 It's not like that you can actually Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00226-00070039-00070226 implement it with couple of years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00227-00070226-00070376 It might take, for example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00228-00070376-00070612 writing out our ID card, making it actually valuable Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00229-00070612-00070883 and working took seven years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00230-00070883-00071356 It's the only one parliament session. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00231-00071399-00071608 It might be like several times, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00232-00071608-00071775 but it's very important that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00233-00071775-00072007 when you start something, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00234-00072007-00072300 before it matures, you need to keep it on track Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00235-00072300-00072488 so you can't freak out. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00236-00072488-00072655 And what we see in many countries Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00237-00072655-00072987 that during the reform, politicians freak out, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00238-00072987-00073271 and then they turn it down. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00239-00073271-00073479 With Australian card, for example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00240-00073479-00073792 But I didn't do that example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00241-00073843-00074064 So, yeah. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00242-00074126-00074299 I'm proud that our government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00243-00074299-00074655 and parliament, they trust the engineers, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00244-00074655-00074951 even if they don't understand it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00245-00074951-00075451 That's the e-residency thing, that was just an example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00246-00075471-00075566 They didn't understand it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00247-00075566-00075840 but it looks good, and let's do it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00248-00075908-00076192 So if I talk... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00249-00076211-00076460 If you talk about Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00250-00076659-00076919 we are the only nation who uses Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00251-00076919-00077187 digital signature nationwide. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00252-00077187-00077315 What it actually means is Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00253-00077315-00077583 if you approach any Estonian with paper contract, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00254-00077583-00077835 they look you suspicious. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00255-00077835-00078090 "Why you do that? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00256-00078090-00078299 "Why you use this un-efficient and Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00257-00078299-00078631 non-economical friendly method? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00258-00078631-00078796 "Do you know how many trees was cut Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00259-00078796-00078879 because of your contract?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00260-00078879-00079079 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00261-00079256-00079656 If you can send document digitially Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00262-00079683-00080020 using your email, why you don't do that? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00263-00080195-00080695 And over in Estonia, they have this national ID card Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00264-00080755-00081012 that was introduced around 13 years go. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00265-00081012-00081368 We copied it from Finland, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00266-00081442-00081622 because they invented the technology, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00267-00081622-00081862 actually, they copied it from Sweden, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00268-00081862-00082029 but that's how it goes. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00269-00082138-00082427 Norway invents something, Sweden copies Norway, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00270-00082427-00082647 Finland copies Sweden, we copy Finland, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00271-00082647-00082860 Latvia copies us, and that's how it goes. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00272-00083372-00083635 But the problem is if you have copied everybody, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00273-00083635-00084051 and you have everything up and running, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00274-00084051-00084282 there's nobody to copy from anymore, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00275-00084282-00084660 so we have to start inventing, like that's a problem. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00276-00084723-00084972 So also they... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00277-00085016-00085255 We have this ID card, and that's number one Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00278-00085255-00085419 document in Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00279-00085419-00085591 What it means, it's number one? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00280-00085591-00085860 Passport is voluntary. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00281-00085886-00086183 If you don't want to travel to Australia Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00282-00086183-00086579 and people know where your whereabouts, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00283-00086579-00086815 like I was coming from Eastern Europe, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00284-00086815-00087023 just couple days in Australia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00285-00087023-00087320 Most probably after Krakow or something. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00286-00087320-00087528 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00287-00087751-00087879 So that's a mandatory document. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00288-00087879-00088143 Everybody has to have it, no excuses. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00289-00088143-00088547 That was our innovation on top of Finnish innovation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00290-00088547-00088702 They didn't do it mandatory. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00291-00088702-00089027 It was just, if you want you can have it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00292-00089027-00089303 And if you do it this way, nobody will take it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00293-00089303-00089647 so Finland is 5.6 million country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00294-00089647-00089922 and only less than 100,000 have the ID cards. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00295-00089922-00090187 Basically, a total failure. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00296-00090187-00090371 Most probably, we have near future, more Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00297-00090371-00090783 e-residents from Finland that are using the same cards, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00298-00090783-00091015 but issued by Estonian government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00299-00091015-00091259 even though the Finnish card actually works Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00300-00091259-00091670 in our system also, becuse it's a 100% Fin technology. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00301-00092146-00092443 I just used the card for demo. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00302-00092443-00092607 We actually use mobile ID. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00303-00092607-00092811 So everything we do, we do with this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00304-00092811-00093195 It's the same functions you have in this phone. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00305-00093195-00093544 And another reason why Estonia Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00306-00093544-00093859 perhaps to use IT is this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00307-00093859-00094022 So this is our summer. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00308-00094022-00094227 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00309-00094227-00094653 Okay, I'm exaggerating. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00310-00094653-00094991 Like eight months every year, it's like this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00311-00094991-00095303 Really bad skiing weather. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00312-00095303-00095519 Children are not allowed to go to school Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00313-00095519-00095851 if there is more than minus 23 Celcius. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00314-00095851-00096156 If it's less than 23, no excuse. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00315-00096156-00096303 Just grab your stuff and go. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00316-00096303-00096543 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00317-00096543-00096909 If you need to walk, like two miles long, run. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00318-00097404-00097759 So yes many days, the weather is extremely bad, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00319-00097759-00098127 and it's actually good to sit inside. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00320-00098127-00098383 And thus we are far north, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00321-00098383-00098695 at the same latitude as Alaska. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00322-00098695-00098935 It's normal that during long winter nights, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00323-00098935-00099050 it's basically dark. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00324-00099050-00099387 The sun is only up for six hours, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00325-00099387-00099563 then we stay inside in the room, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00326-00099563-00099879 and if you spend all days and nights in your room, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00327-00099879-00100055 what you do? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00328-00100055-00100272 You program. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00329-00100272-00100463 That's why we are so good engineers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00330-00100463-00100696 (mumbles) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00331-00100839-00101152 Most of computer scientist from Soviet Union Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00332-00101152-00101303 actually came from Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00333-00101303-00101591 so that's the historial background. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00334-00101591-00101715 But yes we do create stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00335-00101715-00102103 Do you want to see how voting looks like in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00336-00102103-00102344 how certain people vote? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00337-00102523-00102844 So I need to change the screens, just a second. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00338-00103039-00103316 Let's see what we have here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00339-00103603-00103755 Oh! Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00340-00103986-00104440 From the voting page, they download application, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00341-00104440-00104736 and that's me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00342-00104944-00105196 They put the card in the reader, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00343-00105267-00105648 they push PIN one, login. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00344-00105819-00106051 Now the system says that that's me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00345-00106051-00106379 That's my official name, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00346-00106379-00106683 and that's my digital name. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00347-00106683-00106907 And we are proud of our digital name. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00348-00106907-00107155 You are not ashamed of your name, right? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00349-00107155-00107319 If you don't like it, change it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00350-00107319-00107699 But you shouldn't be ashamed of your digital name also. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00351-00107699-00107810 It's a very important thing here, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00352-00107810-00107971 because you don't have digital names. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00353-00107971-00108132 And that's one of, I think, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00354-00108132-00108632 the biggest obstacles why you can't develop Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00355-00108646-00108863 to this e-society. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00356-00108863-00109023 It's not a political thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00357-00109023-00109203 It's an engineering thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00358-00109203-00109611 In engineering world, you need objects to be unique. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00359-00109611-00110064 Then you can connect data with that object. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00360-00110064-00110331 And Taavi Kotka, it's an ordinary name. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00361-00110331-00110515 In English, it's David Eagle. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00362-00110515-00110771 So, there might be many people Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00363-00110771-00111002 who are named David Eagle, John Smith. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00364-00111002-00111247 So you need unique identifiers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00365-00111247-00111603 That's why your Apple ID or your Gmail is unique. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00366-00111603-00111842 Because to be sure that you are the one Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00367-00111842-00112004 who gets the e-mail. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00368-00112004-00112303 So everybody has to have the personal ID. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00369-00112303-00112563 So if I'm talking about ID card, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00370-00112563-00112714 card is not important. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00371-00112714-00112923 You can use fingerprints, whatever username Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00372-00112923-00113067 how to get in. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00373-00113067-00113363 What is important is that everybody has a unique identifier. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00374-00113363-00113479 The code. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00375-00113479-00113695 That code. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00376-00113695-00113946 In Estonian case, it includes my sex, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00377-00113946-00114290 my birth date, my region where I'm coming from, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00378-00114290-00114403 my control number. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00379-00114528-00114956 And Japan will start using the same thing Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00380-00114956-00115390 next year as there are a little bit more of Japan's than... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00381-00115390-00115583 We have 11 digit number. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00382-00115583-00115771 They will have 12 digit number, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00383-00115771-00115955 and they will become the first superpower nation Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00384-00115955-00116291 who issues that, and I think it gives them Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00385-00116291-00116595 a huge advantage compared to countries Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00386-00116595-00116799 who doesn't have that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00387-00116799-00116942 You. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00388-00116942-00117076 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00389-00117076-00117192 So let's go back to the voting. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00390-00117192-00117391 So what I did, I just logged in. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00391-00117391-00117662 I'm checking that yes, it's me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00392-00117662-00117783 So then I proceed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00393-00117783-00117927 Those are the candidates, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00394-00117927-00118227 all blood animals. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00395-00118227-00118635 Let's take this one, select. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00396-00118635-00118900 That's the candidate I selected, now I vote. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00397-00118900-00119320 Vote basically means I sign. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00398-00119395-00119503 And that's it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00399-00119503-00119820 It goes to Estonia and check if the signature's valid. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00400-00119883-00120168 Viola, I voted. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00401-00120311-00120490 So basically, you can do it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00402-00120490-00120819 I'm in Canberra, and I'm participating Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00403-00120819-00121051 in Estonian elections. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00404-00121051-00121356 I'm at bed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00405-00121427-00121603 Whenever I am, I can participate. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00406-00121603-00121771 I can vote, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00407-00121771-00122059 and voting period lasts five days, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00408-00122059-00122220 because if it's like once, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00409-00122220-00122515 then I can put a gun in your head and say, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00410-00122515-00122747 "Vote for me." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00411-00122747-00123003 Now what I do is, okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00412-00123003-00123328 You put the gun now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00413-00123363-00123587 I give you a gun, you point to me like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00414-00123587-00123647 "Vote for me." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00415-00123647-00123730 Vote for you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00416-00123730-00123864 Oh, okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00417-00123864-00124055 And then you leave, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00418-00124055-00124395 and I vote again, and I vote again, I vote again, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00419-00124395-00124583 I vote again, I vote again. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00420-00124583-00124855 One lady voted 648 times. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00421-00124855-00125355 We sent police there to check if it's a cybercrime. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00422-00125567-00125699 The lady opened door. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00423-00125699-00125971 Police ask, "Why you vote so much?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00424-00125971-00126255 "You have a problem with that?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00425-00126255-00126347 No. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00426-00126347-00126483 You can if you want. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00427-00126483-00126732 Yeah, okay, sorry. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00428-00126871-00127035 So, you can vote as many times as you want Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00429-00127035-00127379 and only the last vote counts, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00430-00127379-00127555 so ahh. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00431-00127555-00127792 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00432-00127859-00128051 You really thought we are what, idiots? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00433-00128146-00128395 No, we smart nation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00434-00128395-00128771 Not so smart as Singapore, but still. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00435-00128771-00128989 So that was voting. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00436-00129043-00129435 And this way Estonians vote already more than 10 years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00437-00129435-00129635 It's not just a new thing we discovered. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00438-00129635-00130013 This is because we have this basic stuff in place, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00439-00130013-00130332 and everybody has a card, everybody has a chance. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00440-00130332-00130528 Most of the people still actually use old method Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00441-00130528-00130712 because they like it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00442-00130712-00131007 They like the way, on voting day you dress, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00443-00131007-00131265 and you put your tie like that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00444-00131265-00131590 And then you go and do it like... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00445-00131590-00131923 Or if you want to write on a voting paper Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00446-00131923-00132264 that they're all idiots. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00447-00132327-00132636 Yeah, with e-voting, you can't do that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00448-00132719-00132939 Before that, if you put that selection there, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00449-00132939-00133240 everybody checks that, so. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00450-00133240-00133492 In e-voting, you have to actually choose somebody. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00451-00133492-00133908 But in paper voting, you can spoil your vote. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00452-00134019-00134171 Just one example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00453-00134171-00134467 The digital signature thing works in the same way. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00454-00134467-00134886 You see it's my desktop. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00455-00134886-00135300 If I do right-click here, that's in Estonian, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00456-00135383-00135754 but it means sign digitially. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00457-00135754-00136254 The file, that Word file goes into the container Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00458-00136334-00136623 for about a day to unload the application from Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00459-00136623-00137039 so internet is slow here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00460-00137527-00137675 Sorry about that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00461-00137675-00137768 One core principle, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00462-00137768-00137958 if you push some people to use some service Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00463-00137958-00138163 and e-service, one core principle Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00464-00138163-00138331 has to be that the country has Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00465-00138331-00138551 to have the best internet available. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00466-00138551-00138959 It wasn't Singapore who covered the country with 4G. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00467-00138959-00139183 It was Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00468-00139183-00139683 And three operators providing 3G all over Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00469-00139702-00139911 In central Tallin, in the capital, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00470-00139911-00140159 or in the bloody forest, you get at least Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00471-00140159-00140563 50 megabits download over the phone. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00472-00140563-00140715 And that's huge problem, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00473-00140715-00140948 because nobody wants fiber anymore. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00474-00140948-00141419 But I want them to actually have fibers at home. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00475-00141419-00141811 Because the bandwidth is limited, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00476-00141843-00142031 and when the internet of things develop Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00477-00142031-00142271 and more and more machines need to be Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00478-00142271-00142643 connected in the internet, we need the bandwidth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00479-00142643-00143132 So we have a government program at the moment Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00480-00143187-00143431 because internet is human right in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00481-00143431-00143848 so the program that will finish in 2017, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00482-00143848-00144050 half is done already, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00483-00144050-00144303 that it can't be further than one mile Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00484-00144303-00144635 from every household with fiber, ultrafast fiber. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00485-00144635-00144967 So the last mile up to the guy, or up to the farm, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00486-00144967-00145323 have to do that, if they do a nano-network Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00487-00145323-00145719 over there, or they actually do their own cable up to them Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00488-00145719-00145942 but the backbone, we have to be Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00489-00145942-00146187 no further than one mile. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00490-00146187-00146367 And so that's government thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00491-00146367-00146498 So this is the container. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00492-00146498-00146607 What it means is I can actually Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00493-00146607-00146763 add anything into this container. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00494-00146763-00146995 So I can add their, like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00495-00146995-00147195 let's see, there's a PDF file. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00496-00147195-00147375 I could add other kind of file here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00497-00147375-00147699 I could have music file, picture, whatever. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00498-00147699-00147939 And then I sign it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00499-00147939-00148388 The signature goes to Estonia to validate if it's okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00500-00148471-00148699 As you see, I'm using the same tools, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00501-00148699-00148996 the same tools like I was with the voting. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00502-00148996-00149184 That's extremely important. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00503-00149391-00149691 People don't use government tools too often. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00504-00149691-00149915 And we have combined these government tools Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00505-00149915-00150099 with private sector tools, so actually Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00506-00150099-00150455 I can login into the bank exactly with the same tools. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00507-00150455-00150651 And if I can login into any portal Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00508-00150651-00150914 with the same tools, I get used to it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00509-00150914-00151155 Because user experience, even for elder people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00510-00151155-00151331 "Ah, okay, that I know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00511-00151331-00151559 "Okay, yeah ,PIN one I remember. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00512-00151559-00151812 "That's in my left pocket. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00513-00151819-00152020 "And the PIN two is in my right pocket." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00514-00152022-00152195 Yeah, so. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00515-00152195-00152507 And I signed, and it's valid, as you see. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00516-00152507-00152703 And this is not valid only in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00517-00152703-00152919 it's valid all over Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00518-00152919-00153154 Digital signature is equalized Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00519-00153154-00153467 with physical one since 1999. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00520-00153467-00153683 And so for example, we can go to Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00521-00153683-00153867 any court in Europe and the court Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00522-00153867-00154047 needs to accept that document. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00523-00154047-00154248 It might be a problem for them to open it up, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00524-00154248-00154616 but it is legal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00525-00154735-00154955 Well, it's good. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00526-00154966-00155243 I just did one example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00527-00155243-00155636 Let's assume that I have to do a contract, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00528-00155636-00156067 business contract with you, and I'm in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00529-00156067-00156276 and you are here in Canberra. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00530-00156276-00156659 If you do it on paper, I print it out, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00531-00156659-00157007 I sign it, I invite a courier, like FedEx, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00532-00157007-00157479 DHL, whatever you have here, pay 200 Euros. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00533-00157479-00157663 most probably. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00534-00157663-00157735 (coughs) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00535-00157735-00157836 I'm sorry. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00536-00157836-00158204 Send it to here, takes at least one week. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00537-00158204-00158591 You open it up, you sign it, you invite a courier, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00538-00158591-00158950 pay 200 Euros, and it goes back. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00539-00158950-00159148 And we have spent 400 Euros, which is like Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00540-00159148-00159607 600 locals here, for a contract. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00541-00159723-00160064 Instead, I just signed, as you saw, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00542-00160064-00160219 take less than a minute. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00543-00160219-00160535 If I hit that link, Send Container E-mail, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00544-00160535-00160679 the e-mail client opens up, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00545-00160679-00160795 basically Outlook opens up. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00546-00160795-00161047 It will become an e-mail attachment. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00547-00161047-00161204 I send it to you as an e-mail. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00548-00161204-00161435 You open it up, the same container, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00549-00161435-00161631 you put your signagture, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00550-00161631-00162080 you click the same link, and it goes back. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00551-00162098-00162326 Less than five minutes, signed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00552-00162326-00162568 Cost, zero. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00553-00162568-00163068 So, that's why we are pushing this in Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00554-00163155-00163304 That's why our society uses it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00555-00163304-00163655 because zero cost, ultra fast. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00556-00163655-00163991 And environment-friendly. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00557-00163991-00164095 Yeah. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00558-00164095-00164400 So those are just couple of examples Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00559-00164400-00164563 of the solutions, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00560-00164563-00164783 but my point is that every... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00561-00164783-00164979 And like, if I do a bank transaction, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00562-00164979-00165056 I use this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00563-00165056-00165238 I use this PIN one to login. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00564-00165238-00165571 If I want to confirm the bank transfer, I use the PIN two. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00565-00165571-00165710 It's your signature. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00566-00165710-00165911 So I'm using the same tools everywhere, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00567-00165911-00166055 and that's extremely important. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00568-00166055-00166196 Then especially elder people, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00569-00166196-00166430 or people who don't use computers so often, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00570-00166430-00166608 they get used to it, they know, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00571-00166608-00166759 "Okay, I can do that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00572-00166759-00166975 "I can always do PIN one and PIN two. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00573-00166975-00167079 "That's easy for me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00574-00167079-00167380 "I have learned that, I understood that." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00575-00167411-00167677 So going back to the presentation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00576-00168175-00168364 Let's see what happens here now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00577-00169038-00169208 Ah! Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00578-00169239-00169478 So, we talked about elder people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00579-00169622-00169775 The second important thing... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00580-00169775-00169899 First important thing was Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00581-00169899-00170399 everybody has unique identifier and ID card. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00582-00170434-00170544 That was the first thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00583-00170544-00170867 Everybody has access. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00584-00170867-00170963 Second thing, the communication Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00585-00170963-00171046 has to be very good. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00586-00171046-00171179 I mean, like, internet everywhere Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00587-00171179-00171247 has to be very good. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00588-00171247-00171359 Third thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00589-00171359-00171716 Everything needs to be connected. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00590-00171731-00172011 And I will answer the Big Brother issue later on. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00591-00172011-00172191 But if I say connected, what it means, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00592-00172191-00172491 for the people, it will be normal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00593-00172491-00172608 If something happens with you, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00594-00172608-00172919 let's say in Western Australia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00595-00172919-00173083 you break a leg. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00596-00173083-00173243 Sorry about that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00597-00173243-00173447 You are treated. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00598-00173447-00173732 The hospital takes X-ray pictures, everything, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00599-00173732-00174007 but you live here in Canberra. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00600-00174007-00174208 So after a week here in Canberra, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00601-00174208-00174416 you went to a doctor to re-examine Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00602-00174416-00174635 your knee, or leg. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00603-00174635-00174859 Would be nice to know what they actually did Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00604-00174859-00175155 with you in west side. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00605-00175155-00175332 Would be normal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00606-00175332-00175563 But always the data travels with you, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00607-00175563-00175766 because you are the owner of the data, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00608-00175766-00175927 and that's a very important point. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00609-00175927-00176163 Data belongs to the person in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00610-00176163-00176307 not to the government, to the person. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00611-00176307-00176688 And I, as a person decide who sees that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00612-00176688-00177027 It's mine to decide. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00613-00177027-00177247 Would be nice, right? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00614-00177247-00177416 To do that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00615-00177416-00177607 you need to start working. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00616-00177607-00177828 You need to force hospitals to share information. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00617-00177828-00178091 They can only share information Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00618-00178091-00178307 if you have a unique identifier, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00619-00178307-00178575 because if you don't have it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00620-00178575-00178835 do I know who the John Smith is now? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00621-00178835-00178939 No. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00622-00178939-00179235 So it's not only like digital signature or voting, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00623-00179235-00179419 it's basically everything. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00624-00179419-00179706 Like, in healthcare, in education, everywhere. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00625-00179706-00179895 It's an engineering thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00626-00179895-00180087 It's not a political thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00627-00180087-00180526 So that's how we present it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00628-00180526-00180915 All the blue cylinders are government registries. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00629-00180915-00181294 There are more than 900 of them, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00630-00181294-00181695 and in every country, basically the number is the same. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00631-00181695-00181975 Because in the digital world, countries are same size. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00632-00181975-00182323 It can't be that Australia is 20 times Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00633-00182323-00182823 larger than Estonia, so in our hospital system, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00634-00182883-00183159 we only have patient registry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00635-00183159-00183380 and the next step is symmetry. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00636-00183380-00183503 Because we are small country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00637-00183503-00183712 and we can't afford a system. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00638-00183712-00183939 But you, as a large country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00639-00183939-00184183 you need much more functions than we do. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00640-00184183-00184363 You can do the operations and treatment Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00641-00184363-00184592 and everything that we can't. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00642-00184592-00184802 Looks silly, right? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00643-00184802-00185227 Now, our hospitals works exactly Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00644-00185227-00185364 the same way like your hospital. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00645-00185364-00185684 You just have more hospitals, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00646-00185695-00185815 Or you have like... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00647-00185815-00185979 Basically, you're talking about the same Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00648-00185979-00186435 Excel table, you just have more rows, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00649-00186435-00186691 but attributes are the same. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00650-00186691-00186883 We both have names, we both have passports, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00651-00186883-00187067 we both have using services. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00652-00187067-00187287 The cost per transaction is actually Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00653-00187287-00187551 higher for us than for you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00654-00187551-00187899 So it's actually for us, it's actually a luxury. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00655-00187899-00188115 For you, it's a commodity. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00656-00188115-00188366 So there's no excuse that you can't do that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00657-00188366-00188539 where like, "Oh, you are the small country." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00658-00188539-00188703 I'm like, "What's your excuse?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00659-00188703-00188855 You're the large one. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00660-00188855-00189039 Cost per transaction's so small. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00661-00189039-00189179 Why can't you do it? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00662-00189179-00189323 Today, in the time of cloud, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00663-00189323-00189604 it's only scalability issue. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00664-00189604-00189843 Takes less than three minutes to increase Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00665-00189843-00190155 the power, the performance of the server Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00666-00190155-00190355 10 times, 20 times. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00667-00190355-00190787 Just adding clicks, how many servers you want to buy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00668-00190787-00190990 There's no excuse that you can't do that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00669-00190990-00191331 Or Estonia can't do that because you are small. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00670-00191507-00191731 You actually have way better platform, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00671-00191731-00191923 but everything's connected. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00672-00191923-00192423 Also private sector companies, if they want to. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00673-00192479-00192779 That's a picture that we use for politicians. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00674-00192779-00192975 The real picture is like this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00675-00192975-00193179 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00676-00193179-00193423 Why you laugh? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00677-00193423-00193692 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00678-00193711-00193895 So all the green dots, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00679-00193895-00194334 all the green dots are registries or applications, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00680-00194334-00194547 and all the black lines are connections Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00681-00194547-00194751 between those systems. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00682-00194751-00195019 And actually, it looks like spaghetti, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00683-00195019-00195252 but I'm really proud of this picture. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00684-00195252-00195535 We have full understanding of what happens here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00685-00195535-00195695 All the dots are registered. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00686-00195695-00195867 All the attributes and tables inside Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00687-00195867-00196071 those green dots are registered. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00688-00196071-00196479 I know what kind of data this green dot is keeping, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00689-00196479-00196763 and what kind of data that green dot's keeping. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00690-00196763-00197006 And if they share data, I know Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00691-00197006-00197203 what kind of data they're sharing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00692-00197203-00197442 I can't see every transaction, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00693-00197442-00197831 but I know why they have this link. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00694-00197831-00198063 And I also know if I have to remove this, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00695-00198063-00198371 or replace it, what will be affected. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00696-00198371-00198522 I know that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00697-00198522-00198991 My team sees those transactions Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00698-00198991-00199227 in consolidated way, so there's Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00699-00199227-00199415 no one administrator in the system. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00700-00199415-00199788 We just see that, "Okay, here is unusual pattern. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00701-00199788-00199967 "We should interfere." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00702-00199967-00200387 We see ten times query increase, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00703-00200387-00200495 what's the reason? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00704-00200495-00200676 If there's a cyber security problem, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00705-00200676-00200803 what's the reason? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00706-00200803-00200907 But that's the only thing we see. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00707-00200907-00201091 We don't see that Tom asked Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00708-00201091-00201271 information about Ann. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00709-00201271-00201435 We can't see that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00710-00201435-00201664 It's extremely powerful. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00711-00201664-00201955 There's no one administrator for the system Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00712-00201955-00202187 that actually sees all the systems. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00713-00202187-00202407 There's no one that type of guy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00714-00202407-00202904 It's fully 100% decentralized architecture. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00715-00202904-00203127 So what it means is every house, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00716-00203127-00203411 every ministry, takes care of their own stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00717-00203411-00203606 Even cyber security. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00718-00203606-00203831 And if one green dot fails, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00719-00203831-00204279 let's say for example that hackers can get in here, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00720-00204279-00204647 okay, they can get part of the information, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00721-00204647-00204811 but only that part. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00722-00204811-00205167 They can't get further, because those links Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00723-00205167-00205372 are only for certain purpose. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00724-00205372-00205571 I mean, like there's only limited data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00725-00205571-00206004 For example, let's say that this is car registry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00726-00206239-00206463 and this is insurance registry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00727-00206463-00206722 and now you are here in insurance registry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00728-00206722-00207016 and then start pumping information from car registry. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00729-00207016-00207147 Already unusual pattern. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00730-00207147-00207367 We see that, and we close it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00731-00207367-00207651 So extremely good. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00732-00207651-00207927 And I was proud this year in Mobile World Conference Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00733-00207927-00208295 in Barcelona, I was staged together with Intel CEO, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00734-00208295-00208598 and VMWare CEO. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00735-00208598-00208747 They have started to talk about it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00736-00208747-00209247 All the corporations should build their system the same way Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00737-00209298-00209530 because the old concept basically puts Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00738-00209530-00209715 firewall around your systems, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00739-00209715-00209936 and you think you're safe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00740-00209936-00210103 You are not. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00741-00210103-00210376 So the old concept is that if you get through Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00742-00210376-00210642 the firewall, basically everything is open. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00743-00210642-00210803 That's bad. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00744-00210803-00211302 In our case, we have firewall around every green dot. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00745-00211302-00211480 So if you getting anything, it's not enough. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00746-00211480-00211750 And if you want to take this system down, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00747-00211750-00212015 theoretically, it's possible, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00748-00212015-00212251 but you have to design more than 800 Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00749-00212251-00212583 different cyber attacks, because all those systems Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00750-00212583-00212883 are built with different technology. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00751-00212883-00213082 We use custom software a lot. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00752-00213082-00213307 Some of them use Oracle databases. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00753-00213307-00213564 Some of them use four square. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00754-00213564-00213903 Some of them use Java, some of them use Microsoft Tools. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00755-00213903-00214095 So you never know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00756-00214095-00214203 And if you wanted to take it down, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00757-00214203-00214600 you need to start designing different type of attacks Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00758-00214600-00214866 and designing 800 different type of attacks. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00759-00214866-00215144 Theoretically possible, practically, no. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00760-00215206-00215515 So that's why the thing that NATO has Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00761-00215515-00215735 the Cyber Security Excellence Center Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00762-00215735-00215987 in Tallin, it's not a coincidence. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00763-00215987-00216223 It has a reason. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00764-00216223-00216527 So the people who actually figured this out Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00765-00216527-00216879 already like 20 years ago, extremely smart people, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00766-00216879-00217043 and we're proud they did that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00767-00217043-00217496 But, for politician, this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00768-00217616-00217763 This picture is actually misleading. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00769-00217763-00217903 The ones who are, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00770-00217903-00218230 know anything of programming, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00771-00218230-00218502 it looks like a service bus. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00772-00218502-00218659 It isn't. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00773-00218659-00218977 It's point-to-point connections. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00774-00218994-00219191 If this point needs to talk with that point, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00775-00219191-00219315 they have direct connection. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00776-00219315-00219443 There is no like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00777-00219443-00219707 there is no X-route they're going through. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00778-00219707-00219895 That's the picture is misleading. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00779-00219895-00220097 Don't be fooled. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00780-00220097-00220211 So but okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00781-00220211-00220447 You put this in place, but still government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00782-00220447-00220803 institutions, we all are the silos right now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00783-00220803-00221010 I don't work with Ministry of Culture. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00784-00221010-00221203 They're all idiots. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00785-00221203-00221467 You know that feeling. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00786-00221467-00221747 You have the same. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00787-00221747-00221919 Actually, I like the Ministry of Culture people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00788-00221919-00222135 I have a problem with the Ministry of Justice. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00789-00222135-00222376 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00790-00222383-00222491 So how do you force them? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00791-00222491-00222639 And this is extremely important Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00792-00222639-00222811 when you're building this information society. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00793-00222811-00223255 In many cases, normal person doesn't understand Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00794-00223255-00223511 why you need to push this or that kind of thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00795-00223511-00223963 The thing that Finland offered the ID card voluntary, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00796-00223963-00224196 "If you want to jump in, please." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00797-00224196-00224540 And like, they don't. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00798-00224603-00224790 You have to force them. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00799-00224790-00225015 In most cases, Estonia uses system Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00800-00225015-00225331 or method, innovation through pain. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00801-00225331-00225831 Pain means that to make it better, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00802-00225879-00226119 you have to feel some pain in the beginning. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00803-00226119-00226291 For example, we forced all the schools Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00804-00226291-00226507 to use e-school, a communication platform Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00805-00226507-00227007 between a teacher, school, parent and student. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00806-00227043-00227540 And it was year 2002, not 2015, 2002. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00807-00227639-00227771 Go back 13 years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00808-00227771-00228023 Imagine elder people using IT. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00809-00228023-00228363 Most of the teacher elder people, like using IT. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00810-00228363-00228851 "Do I really need to put all the kids here? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00811-00228851-00229276 "And topics, I can't even see that." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00812-00229335-00229519 Yes, you have to. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00813-00229579-00229771 "You can't push me!" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00814-00229779-00229923 Yes, I can. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00815-00229923-00230019 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00816-00230019-00230159 "How?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00817-00230159-00230367 I don't pay you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00818-00230367-00230483 "Okay." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00819-00230483-00230652 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00820-00230652-00230948 So the whole implementation took two months. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00821-00230948-00231266 And the hard one, like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00822-00231266-00231443 I mean there was some resistance, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00823-00231443-00231755 but the headmaster basically refused to pay out the salaries Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00824-00231755-00231972 before the grades are inside system. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00825-00231972-00232207 And the best one, they suffered two months Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00826-00232207-00232535 and then it was done. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00827-00232535-00232700 The same with this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00828-00232700-00233075 Basically introduced a law Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00829-00233075-00233307 that the government can ask information Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00830-00233307-00233500 from the citizen only once. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00831-00233500-00233880 We call it once only policy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00832-00234022-00234231 The ones who are more active with Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00833-00234231-00234443 you know that in digital single market strategy Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00834-00234443-00234571 there is also once only policy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00835-00234571-00234979 That same principle should require in Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00836-00234979-00235134 It's not easy to to, because Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00837-00235134-00235284 has the same problem than you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00838-00235284-00235615 If you don't have that unique identifiers, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00839-00235615-00235827 it's really hard to do once only. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00840-00235827-00236143 But we introduced the law here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00841-00236143-00236435 Only at development, and you can see the jump. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00842-00236435-00236704 So what it means is that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00843-00236704-00236911 certain type of information can be located Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00844-00236911-00237227 only in its original place. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00845-00237227-00237570 Passport information can be only kept Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00846-00237570-00237847 in population registry, nowhere else. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00847-00237847-00238191 If any need that information, you will go and ask. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00848-00238191-00238403 That's the thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00849-00238403-00238587 You will go and ask that information, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00850-00238587-00238762 and you get back, but you can't store Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00851-00238762-00238999 that information in your system. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00852-00238999-00239142 That's again why the communication Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00853-00239142-00239382 has to be so good, up and running. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00854-00239382-00239495 Because the system doesn't work Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00855-00239495-00239964 if you remove part of it, important part. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00856-00239964-00240294 So, and now it gets even better. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00857-00240294-00240551 And also, the society likes that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00858-00240551-00240829 I mean, like, they like the thing that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00859-00240829-00241060 currently you have to run every paper Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00860-00241060-00241351 to one ministry, and then to another ministry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00861-00241351-00241614 and then a third ministry, and why? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00862-00241614-00241791 I mean like, I already gave it to one ministry. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00863-00241791-00241971 Just ask it from them. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00864-00241971-00242055 And they like that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00865-00242055-00242219 They start demanding it, and that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00866-00242219-00242523 actually improves the system by itself. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00867-00242523-00242867 So now we reach most important question for you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00868-00242867-00243216 Big Brother. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00869-00243254-00243499 I always like, when I'm in Anglo-Saxon country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00870-00243499-00243719 I always like this part. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00871-00243719-00244003 You can't do this because the government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00872-00244003-00244468 becomes Big Brother. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00873-00245059-00245259 You can't trust our government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00874-00245259-00245468 The government has historically shown Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00875-00245468-00245798 that if he has all the data, it might cause problems. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00876-00245798-00246080 It's okay that US government will have all our data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00877-00246080-00246215 That's fine. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00878-00246215-00246704 That's totally fine, but our government, no way. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00879-00247015-00247423 This thing knows more about my health Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00880-00247423-00247892 than myself, my doctor, and my government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00881-00248074-00248574 This thing knows like very secret stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00882-00248914-00249240 You can't imagine what I have done with this. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00883-00249307-00249511 I can't imagine what you have done it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00884-00249511-00250011 And it's all known, but not to your government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00885-00250067-00250176 And you trust it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00886-00250176-00250419 You use it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00887-00250518-00250744 This doesn't have GPS. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00888-00250851-00251056 This has. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00889-00251056-00251219 Contacts server after every 30 seconds. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00890-00251219-00251443 Where are you? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00891-00251443-00251611 If this company wants to sell your data Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00892-00251611-00251859 to the third person, nobody knows Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00893-00251859-00251991 before they do that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00894-00251991-00252086 Google definitely does it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00895-00252086-00252500 They sell your information to the marketing purposes. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00896-00252574-00252714 How you control it? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00897-00252714-00252911 You can't. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00898-00252911-00253066 You have to trust them. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00899-00253066-00253207 And we all do. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00900-00253207-00253448 Raise your hand if you don't have a smartphone. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00901-00253599-00253820 No hands. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00902-00253887-00254229 So (mumbles) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00903-00254303-00254443 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00904-00254443-00254736 Start trusting your government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00905-00255084-00255383 So, how we do that? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00906-00255383-00255683 How we build this trust? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00907-00255683-00255939 We put big person in charge. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00908-00255939-00256207 So we basically become your own Big Brother. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00909-00256207-00256411 Not your own, but your government Big Brother. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00910-00256411-00256771 So by law, all information, for example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00911-00256771-00257158 all the patient records, can be accessed by any doctor. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00912-00257158-00257356 Okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00913-00257356-00257655 If you access this information without any reason, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00914-00257655-00258060 we will put you in jail. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00915-00258355-00258740 I'm sorry, I'm just doing another example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00916-00258771-00259127 So the thing is that if you ask patient data Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00917-00259127-00259363 without reason, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00918-00259363-00259548 you get... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00919-00259715-00259963 Okay, you will be released instantly off this job. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00920-00259963-00260307 You can't do your job anymore. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00921-00260307-00260603 And if you think about it, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00922-00260603-00260914 if you're a doctor, you have studied seven years Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00923-00260914-00261048 to become a doctor. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00924-00261048-00261295 Then you do four years practice. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00925-00261295-00261708 So you waste 11 years of your life on selling something. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00926-00261791-00262047 And now you want to sneak somebody's data Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00927-00262047-00262343 and it's discovered, and you get instantly kicked out Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00928-00262343-00262479 from the system. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00929-00262479-00262702 You have to start from scratch. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00930-00262702-00262951 Is it worth to do that? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00931-00262951-00263230 Okay, let's say if the newspaper pays a lot, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00932-00263230-00263451 maybe it's worth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00933-00263451-00263827 So if you pass this information to third person, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00934-00263944-00264217 three years in jail. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00935-00264491-00264784 You have to get really well paid. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00936-00264918-00265277 So I will show to you how we control it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00937-00265463-00265740 I have to switch screens again. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00938-00265836-00265949 And we have patient portal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00939-00265949-00266186 Sorry, it's in Estonian. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00940-00266402-00266807 I haven't built it in English version. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00941-00266807-00266995 I will just... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00942-00266995-00267320 It's a log book. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00943-00267774-00267988 I click now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00944-00268051-00268276 Mmm, internet! Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00945-00268547-00268967 So what it means, I can see in that date Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00946-00268967-00269467 from that hospital, my data was accessed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00947-00269591-00269842 Alright, that was the doctor. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00948-00269842-00270208 And if looks logical for me, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00949-00270208-00270611 I know that on that date, I had an appendix surgery. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00950-00270663-00270879 So, okay, yes they had to access my data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00951-00270879-00271124 It's normal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00952-00271124-00271311 That one. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00953-00271311-00271639 That's my cardiologist. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00954-00271639-00271878 Yes, I visit her. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00955-00271878-00272011 Okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00956-00272011-00272243 This one. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00957-00272243-00272462 That was the guy who actually surgered me. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00958-00272462-00272760 The appendix, but it happened... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00959-00272804-00273015 No, sorry, it happened actually year less. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00960-00273015-00273155 Sorry, I'm in the wrong year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00961-00273155-00273548 It was Spring 2014. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00962-00273619-00274052 It was Spring 2014, but here is something in November. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00963-00274147-00274351 Basically, I already have a point. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00964-00274351-00274725 Why he accessed my data in November. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00965-00274775-00275067 I was in that hospital in May. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00966-00275119-00275371 And this is the guy who doesn't have an excuse. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00967-00275371-00275652 The thing happens what I just explained to you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00968-00275652-00276152 But the guy saved my life, so I don't go after him. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00969-00276203-00276591 And it actually says that he did some kind of documentation, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00970-00276591-00276735 so it's end of the year, most probably Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00971-00276735-00276958 he missed something and need to correct something. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00972-00276958-00277067 It's fine. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00973-00277067-00277287 But you get my point. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00974-00277287-00277487 I can do the same with police data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00975-00277487-00277623 I can do the same with any data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00976-00277623-00277907 I can turn to any register holder and ask, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00977-00277907-00278203 "What you collect about me, who can see that? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00978-00278203-00278379 "Who has seen that?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00979-00278379-00278551 And the same rules. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00980-00278551-00278815 After work, jail. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00981-00278815-00279155 The same rules apply to everybody. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00982-00279155-00279423 So now you start controlling it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00983-00279423-00279635 You start controlling the whole system, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00984-00279635-00279927 and people like it, and people are starting Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00985-00279927-00280330 to trust our government, and we have reached Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00986-00280330-00280510 in the situation at the moment, for example Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00987-00280510-00281010 where companies give all their transactions Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00988-00281063-00281291 that are more than a thousand Euro, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00989-00281291-00281482 all those transactions, they give Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00990-00281482-00281647 this information to government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00991-00281647-00281808 because this helps government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00992-00281808-00282216 to control that VAT and tax frauds. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00993-00282216-00282363 Because companies want to have Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00994-00282363-00282663 transparent and fair Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00995-00282663-00283144 business environment with everybody's equal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00996-00283163-00283371 That nobody's cheating with taxes and stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00997-00283371-00283547 Everybody wants to be honest. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00998-00283547-00283763 And there are still some cheaters. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-00999-00283763-00284086 And to reach, for those cheaters, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01000-00284086-00284339 the only way is that everybody gives out the data Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01001-00284339-00284475 so we can match the connections, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01002-00284475-00284763 and if the connections match, everything okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01003-00284763-00285075 If the connection doesn't match, there's a cheater. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01004-00285075-00285455 And it has helped improve the situation significantly. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01005-00285455-00285844 VAT tax is the second largest income Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01006-00285844-00285995 for Estonian government. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01007-00285995-00286171 We have been able to improve that income Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01008-00286171-00286375 more than 12% during last year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01009-00286375-00286559 So imagine. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01010-00286559-00286743 We basically have like cleaned Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01011-00286743-00287128 all the black market out from the government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01012-00287128-00287623 from Estonia, only thanks to people's trust Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01013-00287623-00287827 and the entrepreneur's trust. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01014-00287827-00288111 You can't understand it, but let's think about it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01015-00288111-00288519 Let's assume that you have some kind of lumber company, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01016-00288519-00288794 and you buy and sell lumber. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01017-00288794-00288979 And what if I get your information Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01018-00288979-00289231 from Tax and Custom. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01019-00289231-00289363 I know now if all the partners, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01020-00289363-00289551 I know from whom you are buying. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01021-00289551-00289771 I know to whom you are selling. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01022-00289771-00290107 I'm taking a loan, and I'm offering to your partners Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01023-00290107-00290311 10% for the deal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01024-00290311-00290603 I basically steal all your customers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01025-00290603-00290939 I subsidize this for one year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01026-00290939-00291207 You're out of business, and now I'm Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01027-00291207-00291687 rising the prices in a way I can pay back the loan. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01028-00291687-00292104 So easy it would be to push you out from market. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01029-00292104-00292472 You already okay with that actually now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01030-00292536-00292724 You're trusting banks. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01031-00292760-00292959 Bank have the same information. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01032-00292959-00293063 They do the transaction. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01033-00293063-00293211 They know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01034-00293211-00293351 You are trusting banks, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01035-00293351-00293607 so can you trust your government? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01036-00293607-00293820 It goes back to that point I just said. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01037-00293820-00294195 You trust this, and of course government Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01038-00294195-00294571 has to earn it, but you should trust government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01039-00294571-00294702 because if you trust government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01040-00294702-00295011 if you have those terrific tools in place Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01041-00295011-00295283 that engineers need, you can create, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01042-00295283-00295582 enormously great stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01043-00295582-00295863 And to make another example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01044-00295863-00296071 if you have all the business transactions, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01045-00296071-00296298 you have full understanding of your economy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01046-00296298-00296692 Not anymore on yearly basis, like you do now, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01047-00296692-00296959 but you have that understanding on monthly basis. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01048-00296959-00297231 So basically, you can run future prediction models Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01049-00297231-00297567 on top of this data and then have these kind of things that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01050-00297567-00297743 for example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01051-00297743-00298243 with 80% probability, if you don't do nothing, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01052-00298299-00298586 in East Estonia, in chemical industry, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01053-00298586-00298912 during next six months, we will lose 1,000 jobs. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01054-00299015-00299227 And not only that 1,000 jobs we are losing, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01055-00299227-00299548 that we are losing , like this like subcontractor Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01056-00299548-00299764 gets hit, that subcontractor gets hit. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01057-00299764-00300039 That will be a disaster of that region, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01058-00300039-00300215 because they are only employer, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01059-00300215-00300715 so we can do something, or at least we can be prepared, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01060-00300730-00301091 and offer solutions six months ahead. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01061-00301091-00301387 So without reacting to the things what happens, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01062-00301387-00301735 government can start to be proactive, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01063-00301735-00301827 but that's the point. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01064-00301827-00301967 That's the new type of challenge. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01065-00301967-00302271 It needs totally new type of people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01066-00302271-00302540 And the current way with the politician Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01067-00302540-00302855 has never done anything else than being politician, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01068-00302855-00303039 you're not good enough. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01069-00303039-00303343 Those tools become so powerful Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01070-00303343-00303771 that this needs very experienced people to run them. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01071-00303771-00304012 And it demands all totally new type of people Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01072-00304012-00304228 to be the management of the country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01073-00304228-00304452 You can see this happening in Singapore, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01074-00304452-00304738 because they run the country, basically like a company. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01075-00304738-00305019 But we can do the same thing Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01076-00305019-00305364 in our type of countries. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01077-00305599-00305975 If you have this trust from a citizen, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01078-00305975-00306186 they trust data to you, and you actually Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01079-00306186-00306371 can be a better manager. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01080-00306371-00306595 Of course, it needs better people than we have now, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01081-00306595-00307037 but that can be improved through the elections. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01082-00307143-00307304 So, agenda. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01083-00307359-00307679 What matters, it's not confidentialty. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01084-00307679-00308062 The thing that okay, we can't have ID card, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01085-00308062-00308288 we can't do this number, because it's Big Brother, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01086-00308288-00308455 and we don't trust the government, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01087-00308455-00308687 and we all understood it's most valuable Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01088-00308687-00309003 maybe 20, 30 years ago, but it's a relic now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01089-00309158-00309291 It's not confidentiality. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01090-00309291-00309479 Its control that matters. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01091-00309479-00309659 And it's sad that I only got one hour, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01092-00309659-00309947 because I had like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01093-00309947-00310292 I had 43 slides, and I am on slide 15 now. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01094-00310292-00310496 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01095-00310496-00310768 And I actually wanted to talk about e-residency more. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01096-00311122-00311375 You have only exactly one hour, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01097-00311375-00311652 or we can do ten minutes more? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01098-00311823-00312023 Ten it is. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01099-00312023-00312139 So I will pass many things. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01100-00312139-00312304 I mean, I don't talk about, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01101-00312304-00312471 I had the goal that every e-service Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01102-00312471-00312680 has to be so that if it's used, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01103-00312680-00313110 it takes less time to use that service than boil an egg. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01104-00313110-00313451 That was a goal, and we ended up with ridiculous stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01105-00313451-00313679 I mean, you can actually open up a company Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01106-00313679-00313891 with 18 minutes. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01107-00313891-00314095 And we were so proud, world record. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01108-00314095-00314313 Company with 18 minutes. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01109-00314313-00314579 Basically, you have idea, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01110-00314579-00314775 you can have your company and bank account Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01111-00314775-00315064 on the same day, you can start working. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01112-00315095-00315371 And after everybody actually gets sober, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01113-00315371-00315871 you'll think like, "Oh, who needs company with 18 minutes?" Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01114-00316106-00316447 Figuring out the company name takes a year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01115-00316447-00316591 Okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01116-00316591-00316779 So if you're working so easy, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01117-00316779-00317095 the votes are actually get started. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01118-00317095-00317363 If it's so easy to create the company, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01119-00317363-00317626 it's very easy to make a fraud. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01120-00317626-00317950 And that's why UK actually demanded Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01121-00317950-00318271 that in Europe, you should be able to Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01122-00318271-00318529 open up a company with less than 24 hours. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01123-00318529-00318719 Then they went back and said, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01124-00318719-00318906 "Okay, we have 18 minutes, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01125-00318906-00319036 "and the result is this, that people Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01126-00319036-00319307 "start cheating with VAT, and the only way Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01127-00319307-00319571 "how we can fight back is that those companies Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01128-00319571-00319723 "have to give you all the information." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01129-00319723-00319991 Only then you can fight back. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01130-00319991-00320359 Is your society willing to give the data to you? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01131-00320359-00320740 Obviously, the answer is no, so it's different. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01132-00320740-00321111 But I'm not talking about that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01133-00321111-00321404 Jump, jump, jump, jump... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01134-00321468-00321667 That's important. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01135-00321667-00321852 We have no legacy policy, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01136-00321852-00321999 so there can't be any government system Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01137-00321999-00322247 that is older than 13 years. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01138-00322247-00322700 So even if it works, doesn't care, rewrite it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01139-00322751-00322981 You have to think about it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01140-00323002-00323296 It's a bloody smart idea. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01141-00323414-00323579 According to OCD, Estonia has the best Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01142-00323579-00323822 e-health systems in the world. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01143-00323822-00324114 Those systems were built in 2004. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01144-00324114-00324299 Those things invented, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01145-00324299-00324595 okay, actually Microsoft invented them in 2002, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01146-00324595-00324839 but Apple copied them in 2007, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01147-00324839-00325175 so let me be clear there. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01148-00325175-00325403 But people habits are changing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01149-00325403-00325832 Our family doctor, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01150-00325948-00326035 here's the baby. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01151-00326035-00326151 Okay, let's weigh it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01152-00326151-00326507 I put the baby on the scale, okay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01153-00326507-00326687 Stay. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01154-00326687-00326947 Okay, weight. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01155-00326947-00327055 Stand up, please. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01156-00327055-00327250 Yep. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01157-00327250-00327484 That's the current tools. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01158-00327484-00327903 Instead, like, "Weight, 4.5. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01159-00327903-00328403 "Height, 54." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01160-00328483-00328735 Voice recognition, easy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01161-00328735-00328842 Hands-free. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01162-00328842-00329090 People like to use these kinds of tools. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01163-00329090-00329303 But if you stay and keep staying, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01164-00329303-00329599 and like okay, yeah I built this stuff in seventies, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01165-00329599-00330096 it needs to be here, like, and for next century. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01166-00330198-00330335 And like ridiculous. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01167-00330335-00330484 We all understand that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01168-00330484-00330976 And also, we've looked at cost side. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01169-00331002-00331352 And Estonian IT budget, all the salaries, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01170-00331352-00331599 all the innovation money, everything, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01171-00331599-00332059 all the maintenance cost, 50 to 60 million Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01172-00332059-00332215 Euros per year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01173-00332215-00332368 Million, not billion. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01174-00332368-00332563 M, mmm. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01175-00332563-00332808 Million. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01176-00332983-00333176 I just heard like the Victorian department Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01177-00333176-00333652 wrote off like one billion on some project? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01178-00333652-00334079 I could run 20 years of Estonian IT for that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01179-00334115-00334215 Okay, no, no. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01180-00334215-00334452 Not 20, you're Austrialian, so 15. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01181-00334673-00335112 So if everything is digital, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01182-00335251-00335491 it actually gets really interesting, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01183-00335491-00335891 and that's why I'm saying I'm kid in a toy store. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01184-00335891-00336223 If everything's paperless, if everything is digital, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01185-00336223-00336663 it creates new type of challenges and opportunities. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01186-00336663-00337071 You know, we have a quite strange neighbor. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01187-00337071-00337377 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01188-00337526-00337686 I mean like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01189-00337686-00337916 and it's not Latvia we are talking about, or Finland. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01190-00337916-00338140 It's another neighbor. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01191-00338195-00338402 And they equate in Russia as you know, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01192-00338402-00338711 and they have occupied us 70 or 80 years ago, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01193-00338711-00339171 and you never know what's there in their mind. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01194-00339171-00339387 They just officially have said that they want to, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01195-00339387-00339666 okay, restore the Great Russia again. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01196-00339666-00339815 It also includes Alaska, so I don't know Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01197-00339815-00339971 what they're going to do. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01198-00339971-00340103 How they're going to get that back, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01199-00340103-00340503 but they started from Crimea as you remember. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01200-00340503-00340795 You have your own personal touch with Malaysia here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01201-00340795-00341111 So you never know what happens. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01202-00341111-00341415 And when the Crimea went happened, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01203-00341415-00341719 we were actually sort of concerned, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01204-00341719-00342171 so we thought, can we actually run a country from the cloud? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01205-00342171-00342620 Even if the country territory is occupied? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01206-00342620-00342804 Think about it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01207-00342830-00343127 We have e-election, so location independent election. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01208-00343127-00343396 Estonians all around the world can elect. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01209-00343396-00343599 Parliament can work location-independently. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01210-00343599-00343826 Cabinet can work location-independently. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01211-00343826-00344019 Court system can work location-independently. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01212-00344019-00344248 Tax system, location-independently. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01213-00344248-00344392 So if everything is location-independent, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01214-00344392-00344639 who needs location? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01215-00344639-00344907 Theoretically, it's possible. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01216-00344907-00345103 We started to work with that idea, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01217-00345103-00345483 and we invented a new concept. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01218-00345483-00345831 And whoever knows Liam Maxwell from UK, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01219-00345831-00346046 Liam helped us here a lot, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01220-00346046-00346315 I mean, I give his team has been very Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01221-00346315-00346679 supportive with us, and we invented data embassies. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01222-00346679-00346872 So embassies for data. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01223-00346872-00347115 Currently, you know, embassies for people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01224-00347115-00347515 But now we can imagine that inside UK's type of Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01225-00347515-00347743 data center, there's iron cage, and that iron cage Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01226-00347743-00347920 there are computers, and those computers Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01227-00347920-00348260 have diplomatic immunity. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01228-00348266-00348452 Think about it. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01229-00348567-00348823 So basically, we are like Lord Voldemort Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01230-00348823-00349139 in Harry Potter movie, putting ourselves Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01231-00349139-00349396 in different places, like. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01232-00349440-00349543 But we are the good ones, of course. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01233-00349543-00350028 I mean like, yeah, you never know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01234-00350060-00350428 Yeah, and of course there is a problem you always face. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01235-00350428-00350894 But it's the same thing like with the phone. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01236-00350894-00351215 We already trust that model, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01237-00351215-00351403 so why bother? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01238-00351403-00351632 And if your territory is occupied, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01239-00351632-00351799 that's the last thing you care. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01240-00351799-00352136 So what it means, I mean like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01241-00352136-00352468 we can runt he country from the cloud, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01242-00352468-00352586 and what it also means is that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01243-00352586-00352795 there will be more and more countries Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01244-00352795-00353003 in the world who actually doesn't have territory. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01245-00353003-00353259 There's actually one country in United Nation Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01246-00353259-00353659 that doesn't have any territory, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01247-00353659-00353978 and it's recognized by 124 other countries. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01248-00353978-00354207 Not by US, and I don't know about Australia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01249-00354207-00354619 but 124 countries have recognized that country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01250-00354619-00354832 Do you know what country it is? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01251-00354851-00355128 No. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01252-00355163-00355344 Go on. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01253-00355432-00355656 It's Knights of Malta. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01254-00355707-00355980 Yeah, not the easy answer. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01255-00355998-00356243 But if you think about, for example, ISIS. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01256-00356243-00356551 It's not a good example, but it's a good example Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01257-00356551-00356942 to reflect what happens, what will start to happen. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01258-00356942-00357195 What's the territory of ISIS? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01259-00357195-00357307 Is it Syria? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01260-00357307-00357423 Is it Libya? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01261-00357423-00357632 Is it London? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01262-00357632-00357723 You don't know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01263-00357723-00357875 And that's what's the thing, what you see Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01264-00357875-00358102 in information society. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01265-00358102-00358252 People are getting more and more clever. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01266-00358252-00358631 The head of IBM in Europe is Australian. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01267-00358631-00359043 Guy lives in Europe, but he's an Australian. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01268-00359043-00359323 So it always matters what you feel in here, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01269-00359323-00359582 not so much where you actually are. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01270-00359582-00359783 And it's normal that people travel, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01271-00359783-00359971 and one year they work here, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01272-00359971-00360171 one year they work there. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01273-00360171-00360331 It's important how they feel here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01274-00360331-00360571 And that's why you see ISIS-type, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01275-00360571-00360840 or okay, on the positive side, for example Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01276-00360840-00361035 if Silicon Valley wants to create their own country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01277-00361035-00361239 yes you can. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01278-00361239-00361739 It's like Jews before country of Israel was born in 1948. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01279-00361927-00362427 They managed, they acted as a nation without territory. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01280-00362579-00362691 So it's actually possible. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01281-00362691-00363191 It's not something illusional, or like it can't happen. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01282-00363303-00363635 And this gets really interesting. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01283-00363635-00363915 If you remember, Estonia is 1.3 million country, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01284-00363915-00364311 but we want to restore our historical shine, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01285-00364311-00364479 so we want to be something good, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01286-00364479-00364759 something big, like Sweden. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01287-00364759-00364939 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01288-00364939-00365155 Okay, from music point, we never Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01289-00365155-00365391 compare to ABBA of course, but Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01290-00365391-00365799 can we be 10 million country, like Sweden? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01291-00365799-00366195 And yes, I took this challenge as an engineering problem. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01292-00366195-00366663 How can I do, as an engineer, how can I do 10 million? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01293-00366663-00366984 First of all, you have couple of choices. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01294-00366984-00367299 You can do babies. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01295-00367299-00367519 Basically, you start producing more babies, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01296-00367519-00367859 and that's how you increase your population Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01297-00367859-00368035 and get more customers, and get more Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01298-00368035-00368271 wealth to your country and to your people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01299-00368271-00368475 That's one way, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01300-00368475-00368931 Egypt increased their population 1.5 million every year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01301-00368979-00369119 So, poof, one Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01302-00369119-00369235 Poof, one Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01303-00369235-00369419 Poof, one Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01304-00369419-00369531 Yeah that's possible. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01305-00369531-00369671 That's a solution. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01306-00369671-00369835 So I went to my wife... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01307-00369835-00370092 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01308-00370103-00370247 Those are actually my children. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01309-00370347-00370511 So I went to my wife, saying, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01310-00370511-00370948 "Okay, I have this plan." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01311-00370963-00371295 And she says, "Door is there. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01312-00371295-00371499 "Come back when you don't drink anymore." Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01313-00371499-00371724 (laughter) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01314-00371735-00371811 So that wasn't the plan. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01315-00371811-00372191 So the second thing, how you can solve this, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01316-00372191-00372423 and how many countries, including this country Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01317-00372423-00372679 have solved this, is immigration. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01318-00372679-00372856 You just bring in more customers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01319-00372856-00373058 Let's call them customers, because Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01320-00373058-00373267 they actually increase your economy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01321-00373267-00373515 The latest report I saw from US, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01322-00373515-00373883 immigrants increased last, it was Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01323-00373883-00374218 growth more than five percent. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01324-00374218-00374528 Without illegal immigrants, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01325-00374528-00374726 the head of their taxes says that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01326-00374726-00374935 there won't be any other country in US Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01327-00374935-00375131 without illegal immigrants. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01328-00375131-00375315 So they are needed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01329-00375315-00375535 Germany, France, Sweden, they all Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01330-00375535-00375678 actually benefit from that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01331-00375678-00375831 They bring in good people. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01332-00375831-00375978 Yes, there are among them also, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01333-00375978-00376195 there's a radicals, but they just bring in more people, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01334-00376195-00376687 and that's the basic of the economical growth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01335-00376687-00376807 And there's a problem. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01336-00376807-00377116 Nobody wants to come to Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01337-00377116-00377616 because again, latitude is 59, so it's dark. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01338-00377679-00378043 Lots of suicides and you drink only like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01339-00378043-00378336 that's the only way help get warm. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01340-00378336-00378503 No, I'm kidding. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01341-00378503-00379003 But on the same latitude, there is Sweden and Norway, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01342-00379091-00379399 and even if the ones who are actually are willing Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01343-00379399-00379703 to come to hard conditions, if you have Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01344-00379703-00380175 like Sweden and Norway, it has loads of social benefits. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01345-00380378-00380545 No benefits. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01346-00380545-00380708 So it's was quite easy choice where to go. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01347-00380708-00381131 They must probably try to go Sweden, Norway. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01348-00381131-00381379 And you have limit how many immigrants Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01349-00381379-00381552 can come to Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01350-00381552-00381887 It's 1,200 every year. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01351-00381887-00382233 That limit has never reached. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01352-00382233-00382477 So that's just to express the situation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01353-00382494-00382847 So even there is a huge immigration problem in Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01354-00382918-00383247 and yes, we will have our quota of how many Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01355-00383247-00383503 we have to accept, and we are glad to accept them, et cetera Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01356-00383503-00383895 but most probably they don't stay, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01357-00383895-00384155 because of the tough conditions. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01358-00384425-00384807 So if Mohammed doesn't want to come to the mountain, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01359-00384807-00385115 the mountain has to go to the Mohammed. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01360-00385115-00385519 Now we are able to serve Estonians all around the world Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01361-00385519-00385687 Already know. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01362-00385687-00385999 Person in Silcon Valley participates in voting, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01363-00385999-00386239 participates in taxation, anything. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01364-00386239-00386387 Making part of their society. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01365-00386387-00386887 If it wants to express his ideas in political, please. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01366-00386891-00387328 I mean you can be part of the community in its true way. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01367-00387328-00387572 So. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01368-00387975-00388290 Invented new status called e-residency. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01369-00388290-00388415 That's the beauty. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01370-00388415-00388915 You can start being part of our society Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01371-00388915-00389319 without actually moving to Estonia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01372-00389475-00389843 So you want to live in Tonga or in Australia, fine. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01373-00389843-00390083 If you want to run your business in Europe, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01374-00390083-00390191 and this is important. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01375-00390191-00390395 Not Estonia, Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01376-00390395-00390652 All the countries in Europe are equal. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01377-00390652-00390822 So if you have your company in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01378-00390822-00390999 it's European company. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01379-00390999-00391267 If your bank account in Estonia, European bank account. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01380-00391267-00391571 So all transactions very smoothly. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01381-00391571-00391739 All document exchange, everything, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01382-00391739-00391915 like you are inside Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01383-00391915-00392087 You are like the same. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01384-00392087-00392423 So free movement of data and labor and everything. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01385-00392423-00392574 So voila. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01386-00392574-00392891 You can run your European business Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01387-00392891-00393148 just being here in Australia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01388-00393148-00393303 And this is not tax haven. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01389-00393303-00393487 So we don't want to copy Luxembourg Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01390-00393487-00393930 or like Switzerland, or any of those tax paradise. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01391-00393930-00394137 We actually want to conquer the world Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01392-00394137-00394447 slightly different way, through the, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01393-00394447-00394667 how do you say, positive service. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01394-00394667-00395056 The thing is that if you don't use our roads, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01395-00395056-00395211 if you don't use our healthcare system, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01396-00395211-00395491 you don't use our educational system, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01397-00395491-00395739 you just use some electricity, you run your stuff Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01398-00395739-00396011 on our service that you pay for, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01399-00396011-00396255 then why we should tax you? Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01400-00396255-00396599 There's no way why we should tax you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01401-00396599-00396815 But you are Australian tax residents, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01402-00396815-00397063 so your taxes should be paid here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01403-00397063-00397395 Sure, right, that's the truth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01404-00397395-00397691 So what we want to achieve is to physically Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01405-00397691-00398078 with one click, you create, you get an e-residency, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01406-00398078-00398326 and with one click you create a company. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01407-00398326-00398523 The second click, you create the bank account, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01408-00398523-00398831 you're up and running, and you do your stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01409-00398831-00399068 You sell in Europe, you do your stuff, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01410-00399068-00399307 you provide your service in Europe. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01411-00399307-00399647 The money that lands in a bank account, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01412-00399647-00399868 Estonian bank and Estonian Tax and Custom Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01413-00399868-00400267 takes care of that money in a way that the IRS in Australia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01414-00400267-00400547 the tax in Australia, tax department Australia Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01415-00400547-00400856 is happy, because they get the tax. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01416-00400856-00400927 So you are happy. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01417-00400927-00401238 You have hassle-free tools in Europe Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01418-00401238-00401616 and you can focus on whatever you're good at. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01419-00401616-00401783 So basically if you're drummer in a band Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01420-00401783-00402063 and you play in different bands, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01421-00402063-00402203 you know everything about drumming, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01422-00402203-00402367 but you know nothing about accounting. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01423-00402367-00402719 Fine, we take care of that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01424-00402740-00402922 But you still can be an honest citizen, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01425-00402922-00403422 not hiding your incomes somewhere in 80 places. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01426-00403535-00403826 And you just enjoy the benefit that's so hassle-free. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01427-00403826-00403971 You don't have to do anything. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01428-00403971-00404235 It's taken care of. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01429-00404235-00404318 That's the environment we would Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01430-00404318-00404543 like to provide to the world, because trends shows Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01431-00404543-00404871 that more and more people become freelancers, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01432-00404871-00405211 so they actually provide the service globally. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01433-00405211-00405619 Business statistics estimated that by 2020, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01434-00405619-00406011 40% of US labor force will be freelancers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01435-00406011-00406134 They are good at something, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01436-00406134-00406358 but not good at accounting and all that stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01437-00406358-00406527 And we take that hassle away. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01438-00406527-00406811 That's the dream, that's the vision Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01439-00406811-00406963 that we are fulfilling. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01440-00406963-00407271 And they run this project, have a startup Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01441-00407271-00407555 and the start has been extremely good. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01442-00407555-00408031 We basically started with B-dal last December, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01443-00408031-00408231 but then you have to come twice to come Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01444-00408231-00408390 to Estonia to get the card. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01445-00408390-00408618 Now you don't have to come to Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01446-00408618-00409003 but so we basically started with May we can say. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01447-00409003-00409278 So the first three months, we got Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01448-00409278-00409710 more than 5,000 paying customers. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01449-00409710-00410210 And more than 20,000 is in the waiting list. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01450-00410219-00410327 Problem is that you have to see Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01451-00410327-00410587 Estonian officer, because we take fingerprints. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01452-00410587-00410959 We do the face recognition, we take fingerprints, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01453-00410959-00411340 and we do copy of your passport. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01454-00411347-00411708 And closest embassy to you is Tokyo. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01455-00411739-00411847 There will be in Sydney. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01456-00411847-00412114 So that's the point I'm making. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01457-00412114-00412283 It's just not reachable for everybody. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01458-00412283-00412579 In Africa, they only have one in Cairo. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01459-00412579-00413079 So in Asia, we have one in Beijing, in Tokyo and New Dehli, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01460-00413315-00413439 and okay Ankara, also. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01461-00413439-00413583 That's Asia. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01462-00413583-00413963 So what we see here is there's an interest. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01463-00413963-00414299 There are positive trends that we like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01464-00414299-00414606 and yes, there is a potential that we can grow Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01465-00414606-00414794 because it's a digital growth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01466-00414794-00414983 It's not a physical growth. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01467-00414983-00415219 Like Facebook grows their users, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01468-00415219-00415435 so it's digital growth, it's scale able Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01469-00415435-00415636 that we can reach 10 million people, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01470-00415636-00416136 if you worked off this and if you still trust this vision. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01471-00416231-00416400 But what you're kinda gonna see in you future Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01472-00416400-00416546 is that there will be many countries, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01473-00416546-00417026 like Singapore, Dubai, whoever offering this e-residency. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01474-00417026-00417195 That will be a normal thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01475-00417195-00417343 And that's will be the normal thing Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01476-00417343-00417475 that you are Australian citizen, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01477-00417475-00417635 you are the Australian taxpayer, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01478-00417635-00417987 but for certain purposes, you have Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01479-00417987-00418339 Singapore e-residency, Estonia residency. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01480-00418339-00418471 Singapore because, I don't know, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01481-00418471-00418587 for financial services. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01482-00418587-00419050 Estonian one because of European presence. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01483-00419050-00419318 And use all the tools, and use all the signatures and stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01484-00419318-00419619 You can all do that here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01485-00419619-00419975 So the life will change. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01486-00419975-00420314 You will start living in a place you like, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01487-00420314-00420664 in Barcelona, in Rome, like wherever you like to live, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01488-00420664-00421007 and you run your business where it's suitable for you, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01489-00421007-00421387 and still be a like normal, honest citizen. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01490-00421387-00421639 That will be the dream of Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01491-00421639-00421931 that whole the world should look like. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01492-00421931-00422347 So if you know this picture, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01493-00422347-00422714 Uber, the world largest taxi company owns no vehicles. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01494-00422714-00422967 Airbnb, the world's largest accommodation, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01495-00422967-00423195 provides almost no real estate. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01496-00423195-00423471 And let me present, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01497-00423756-00424187 the world largest country has only 1.3 million Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01498-00424187-00424479 physical residents, citizens. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01499-00424479-00424603 That's our dream. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01500-00424603-00424930 And thank you for having me here. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01501-00424930-00425039 And this was my presentation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01502-00425039-00425200 And see you soon. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01503-00425200-00425652 (applause) Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01504-00426287-00426525 - Taavi, that was absolutely fascinating. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01505-00426525-00426635 Thank you for joining us, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01506-00426635-00426963 and I'm sure those people that are working Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01507-00426963-00427295 with the Digital Transformation Office agenda Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01508-00427295-00427615 have got a lot out of that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01509-00427615-00427879 We've got a long way to go in this country. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01510-00427879-00428135 I hope you're meeting with the Digital Transformation Office Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01511-00428135-00428363 and espousing your... Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01512-00428363-00428512 - My plane leaves at one, so. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01513-00428739-00429239 - And fascinating around the trust issue. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01514-00429306-00429450 I found that very interesting, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01515-00429450-00429655 because fundamentally where we failed Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01516-00429655-00429968 in this country, was getting that level of trust. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01517-00429968-00430367 - Just to be clear, it's not, that trust Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01518-00430367-00430686 is not the only Estonian thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01519-00430686-00430920 All the Scandinavian countries, like Denmark, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01520-00430920-00431226 Norway, Sweden, Finland, our neighbors, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01521-00431226-00431458 Latvia and Lithuania, they all have that. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01522-00431458-00431655 So it's not just an Estonian thing. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01523-00431655-00432018 They all have that, and for example, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01524-00432018-00432302 in Estonia, we keep some things secret. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01525-00432302-00432667 For example, private sector income's a secret. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01526-00432667-00432947 My salary as public sector officer, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01527-00432947-00433098 that's of course has to be public, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01528-00433098-00433263 but the private sector is secret. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01529-00433263-00433423 But it's open in Finland, for example. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01530-00433423-00433700 Everybody knows how much everybody earns, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01531-00433700-00433943 and it creates jealousy, and we thought that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01532-00433943-00434436 okay, that might not be, that might be too much. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01533-00434436-00434544 But that trust is not only in Estonia, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01534-00434544-00434835 so all the Nordic has shown that Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01535-00434835-00435227 that transparency and trust can lead Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01536-00435227-00435518 into good stuff. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01537-00435518-00435802 - Well, ladies and gentlemen, please thank Taavi Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01538-00435802-00436059 for joining us this morning, and fascinating. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01539-00436059-00436239 We haven't got time for questions, unfortunately, Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01540-00436239-00436455 but amazing presentation. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01541-00436455-00436567 Thank you for coming. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01542-00436567-00436700 - Thank you. Gx4-kwH2Cxg-01543-00436700-00437013 (applause) Gxj3w7EFhhU-00000-00000530-00000893 Animals do not grow smarter and wiser. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00001-00000907-00001505 Animals that are born with lack of vision die out in a visual field. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00002-00001531-00002088 Nature kills 10,000 animals for each one it produces. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00003-00002102-00002301 I better do that with a worm. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00004-00002315-00002722 If you could spread this idea into all areas: Gxj3w7EFhhU-00005-00002736-00002928 Worms are born... Gxj3w7EFhhU-00006-00003098-00003394 This is a drawing of a worm. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00007-00003430-00003847 A worm has light cells all over its body. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00008-00003861-00004393 They're very weak, their eyes, but the early stages of the eye. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00009-00004425-00004919 When this worm sticks its front end out of the ground Gxj3w7EFhhU-00010-00004962-00005203 and a bird sees it, it picks it off. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00011-00005224-00005665 If it's born with more light cells up here, just a few more Gxj3w7EFhhU-00012-00005679-00006177 then if the bird's shadow comes, it retracts. - Gotcha. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00013-00006201-00006790 Then eventually all the worms that survive have light cells over here. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00014-00006804-00007126 The eye is an organization of light cells. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00015-00007140-00007673 It starts out with light cells all over, but the worms that survive Gxj3w7EFhhU-00016-00007687-00007969 are the worms with the light cells at the leading edge. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00017-00007983-00008350 If they're at the trailing edge, it doesn't survive. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00018-00008393-00008883 When a bird lands with a worm, and the other birds open their mouths Gxj3w7EFhhU-00019-00008897-00009166 (I did this years ago) Gxj3w7EFhhU-00020-00009219-00009678 the bird that moves the most with its mouth open gets all the worms. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00021-00009692-00010167 - Gotcha. - It doesn't feed all the birds. - It feeds the most active. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00022-00010181-00010503 - I made a plastic bird with its mouth wide open Gxj3w7EFhhU-00023-00010517-00010960 on a spring that moved more, and the bird put all the worms in there. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00024-00010974-00011263 That's when I became a mechanist. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00025-00011282-00011617 I believe that human beings cannot think or reason Gxj3w7EFhhU-00026-00011632-00011981 they're mechanisms that respond to the environment Gxj3w7EFhhU-00027-00011995-00012413 because they have a wide range of responding sensors. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00028-00012485-00012974 I looked at robots the same way, but we're organic. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00029-00012992-00013318 We get hungry, so we hunt. Robots don't. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00030-00013337-00013593 Robots don't say "I need lubrication Gxj3w7EFhhU-00031-00013607-00013841 so I'm going to behave a certain way." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00032-00013862-00014166 They don't care whether you lubricate them or not. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00033-00014184-00014409 They don't evolve. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00034-00014434-00014926 No man has been able to make a robot that says "Just a minute. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00035-00014947-00015420 I feel good doing that. " Robots don't feel good or bad. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00036-00015471-00015829 I don't know if you've noticed this: when a wolf has incisors (larger) Gxj3w7EFhhU-00037-00015843-00016138 he could tear off bigger pieces of meat. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00038-00016152-00016611 If he swallows it faster, he could survive starvation. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00039-00016634-00017041 Animals do not chew their food. They rip off the meat and swallow it Gxj3w7EFhhU-00040-00017055-00017371 whole, just as it is. I don't know if you've noticed that. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00041-00017385-00017661 That animal will survive in scarcity. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00042-00017681-00018173 The animal that tears the meat off and chews on it won't have enough food. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00043-00018191-00018507 The animals tear it apart, fast Gxj3w7EFhhU-00044-00018532-00018846 and they don't outgrow that. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00045-00018860-00019131 The animals born with larger fangs survive Gxj3w7EFhhU-00046-00019145-00019514 those with shorter fangs don't get a bigger piece of the meat. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00047-00019536-00019852 Animal life has no purpose is what I'm trying to say. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00048-00019866-00020234 There's no purpose to eyes, ears, teeth or anything. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00049-00020253-00020748 If you're born with things that work under those conditions, you survive. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00050-00020769-00021218 If you're born with a more rational mind Gxj3w7EFhhU-00051-00021232-00021563 and you're rational about everything, you can't live. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00052-00021584-00021874 You might leave a little food for your young. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00053-00021893-00022196 If a bird doesn't feed its young Gxj3w7EFhhU-00054-00022219-00022616 (let's say it just eats the food) that species is gone: Gxj3w7EFhhU-00055-00022678-00022909 a bird that doesn't take care of its young. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00056-00022923-00023189 Birds are not born to take care of their young. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00057-00023203-00023503 They say "They instinctively take care of their young." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00058-00023522-00023995 The birds that don't feed their young are dead. They're gone. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00059-00024030-00024272 If you start looking for purpose in life Gxj3w7EFhhU-00060-00024286-00024486 everything seems to have a purpose. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00061-00024500-00024836 Questioner: So you're looking at the successful birds that still exist. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00062-00024850-00025050 - Under those conditions. - Yes, under those conditions Gxj3w7EFhhU-00063-00025064-00025381 that feed their young. That's why they're there... Gxj3w7EFhhU-00064-00025395-00025621 (Jacque) - Yes, same with humans. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00065-00025777-00026098 You feed their young because they're not helpless. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00066-00026112-00026442 Chinese used to drown babies that were female. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00067-00026472-00026645 Did you know that? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00068-00026669-00026873 Because they can't feed them. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00069-00026887-00027220 An Eskimo would put his grandma out on the ice Gxj3w7EFhhU-00070-00027242-00027496 when there is a shortage of seals. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00071-00027525-00027754 She never wanted to be put out on the ice Gxj3w7EFhhU-00072-00027768-00028009 so she'd always behave very well. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00073-00028023-00028324 It took an Eskimo who had a wonderful grandmother Gxj3w7EFhhU-00074-00028338-00028660 a little longer to put her out on the ice. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00075-00028702-00029079 That's very hard to accept that humans are machines. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00076-00029100-00029332 They're responding organisms. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00077-00029385-00029560 Very difficult. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00078-00029585-00029988 People that used to attend my seminars for years Gxj3w7EFhhU-00079-00030002-00030327 would write songs about 'I'm a responding organism Gxj3w7EFhhU-00080-00030348-00030545 a bundle of tropisms.' Gxj3w7EFhhU-00081-00030559-00030905 You know, and they couldn't get along with normal people. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00082-00030925-00031108 You must understand that. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00083-00031123-00031515 A guy said "I've been attending your sessions. I'm losing my friends!" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00084-00031535-00031745 I said "You're not losing your friends Gxj3w7EFhhU-00085-00031759-00032230 you're losing people that are hardheaded, hardwired." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00086-00032311-00032730 You'll have to change people to get along with them. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00087-00033023-00033277 I call it poisoning the well. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00088-00033320-00033804 I'm saying that all things are shoved by something else. There's nothing... Gxj3w7EFhhU-00089-00033825-00034264 Although we can't see the wire up our ass connected to the sun Gxj3w7EFhhU-00090-00034278-00034672 we depend on the sun, the radiant energy of the sun. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00091-00034698-00034997 You may not see the forces that move you: Gxj3w7EFhhU-00092-00035011-00035533 nutrition, different food combinations strengthen your fingernails Gxj3w7EFhhU-00093-00035554-00035856 lack of it makes them soft and they crack. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00094-00035876-00036347 You don't know how your body operates, but if you study nutrition Gxj3w7EFhhU-00095-00036361-00036717 and physical degeneration, you know more about the body. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00096-00036746-00037271 You never know everything. The word 'everything' is a stupid word. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00097-00037301-00037677 It implies that there is such a thing as everything. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00098-00037760-00038226 When you get into the mechanistic point of view, all that the mechanist says Gxj3w7EFhhU-00099-00038246-00038601 is that all things are shoved by other things. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00100-00038619-00038900 There is no prime source of that movement. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00101-00038919-00039443 In other words, if this begins to roll, it means the table is not level. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00102-00039463-00039890 Nothing moves of itself. Plants do not grow. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00103-00039909-00040350 They depend on sunlight, water, moisture, soil, temperature Gxj3w7EFhhU-00104-00040364-00040816 many different things. There's no prime mover. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00105-00040836-00041056 They say "How did the universe begin?" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00106-00041075-00041474 That's a stupid question. It assumes a beginning. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00107-00041494-00041805 A seed they say is the beginning of a plant. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00108-00041819-00042038 How do you know it's not the end product? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00109-00042059-00042304 Why do you call it the beginning? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00110-00042356-00042695 Do you understand what I am saying? Man projects like hell Gxj3w7EFhhU-00111-00042709-00042871 including scientists. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00112-00042930-00043298 There's no good, no bad, no smart people, no dumb people. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00113-00043312-00043675 There are people that have less tools than you do. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00114-00043695-00043923 You might have better tools. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00115-00043955-00044295 If a girl falls in love with a taller guy than you Gxj3w7EFhhU-00116-00044309-00044654 because she likes tall people, and you get mad at her Gxj3w7EFhhU-00117-00044675-00044978 you don't understand the effects of environment. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00118-00044992-00045387 When you understand you'll never dislike anybody or hate them. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00119-00045401-00045659 You'll understand where they're coming from Gxj3w7EFhhU-00120-00045685-00046041 and that will stop a lot of crime and a lot of... Gxj3w7EFhhU-00121-00046055-00046316 That's what I mean by we're not educated. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00122-00046339-00046780 I hope you know what I mean now, we're not given a... Gxj3w7EFhhU-00123-00046794-00047121 "Well I've never heard of Fresco, he has no Ph.D. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00124-00047141-00047644 He never graduated junior grade school. Therefore, fuck Fresco. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00125-00047663-00048123 You're a follower of some fraudulent guy." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00126-00048144-00048524 That's what they'll tell you if you talk to normal people Gxj3w7EFhhU-00127-00048546-00048751 but if you understand what I'm saying Gxj3w7EFhhU-00128-00048765-00049155 you'll only understand those things that have parallel Gxj3w7EFhhU-00129-00049169-00049467 that you have experience with. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00130-00049496-00050045 I can't talk to anybody. They would hate me. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00131-00050224-00050496 If I talk to scientists, they'd say Gxj3w7EFhhU-00132-00050510-00050820 "Well where the hell do you get your ideas from? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00133-00050846-00051121 You know I got mine by hard work." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00134-00051141-00051535 So did I. To get it, I worked very hard Gxj3w7EFhhU-00135-00051555-00051811 questioning everything, trying to. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00136-00051830-00052091 I still have a few carry-overs Gxj3w7EFhhU-00137-00052105-00052328 which I'm okay with. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00138-00052342-00052532 - Primordial slime. - What? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00139-00052546-00052945 - Primordial slime. - Yes, primordial slime, exactly. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00140-00053001-00053206 That goes for all of us. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00141-00053220-00053575 We could never be objective. Do you know why? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00142-00053595-00054139 We can never be open-minded, because all of us have some of the slime. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00143-00054234-00054620 There are some of us that can accept a wider range of behavior Gxj3w7EFhhU-00144-00054634-00054955 due to background. If you don't have this background Gxj3w7EFhhU-00145-00054969-00055421 if you've never been here, you'll retain what you've been given Gxj3w7EFhhU-00146-00055440-00055784 but from now on, you're poisoned. You can't go back Gxj3w7EFhhU-00147-00055804-00056229 to the old way of thinking. You'll never be able to go back. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00148-00056253-00056493 There are no roads to yesterday. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00149-00056531-00057025 Do you know what I mean by that? We can't go backwards and say "Well Gxj3w7EFhhU-00150-00057039-00057358 I've become an atheist. Now I'm going to become a Catholic again" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00151-00057378-00057723 unless you see things differently. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00152-00057799-00058251 Believe in miracles, and you believe in people with power of telekinesis. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00153-00058265-00058692 If you don't know how they do that, you might go back to church. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00154-00058706-00058920 Questioner: Were you once Christian? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00155-00058934-00059428 Jacque: Yes, I was once a believer in God. Let's say that. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00156-00059472-00059832 I believed that somebody made the world because that's what they told me. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00157-00059846-00060070 Questioner: What made you change your mind? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00158-00060084-00060474 Jacque: A motion picture called 'The Ten Commandments.' Gxj3w7EFhhU-00159-00060488-00060748 Ever hear of it? Cecil B. Demille. - Yeah, I saw that. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00160-00060762-00060985 Jacque: The old one, the original. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00161-00060999-00061453 I came home and said to my older brother "I don't understand the Egyptians. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00162-00061467-00061744 Didn't they believe in the same God we believe in?" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00163-00061758-00062006 He said "No, maybe they were atheists." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00164-00062020-00062387 My brother was a little older, and I asked "What's an atheist?" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00165-00062401-00062725 "Well atheists believe that animals evolved. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00166-00062739-00063101 The giraffes, they ate things, and made a longer neck Gxj3w7EFhhU-00167-00063115-00063377 and animals went through evolution." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00168-00063391-00063638 He knew a little bit about evolution Gxj3w7EFhhU-00169-00063652-00064168 and from my background at that time, that made more sense. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00170-00064193-00064605 If I had another background, I'd have said "Gee, maybe there isn't a God." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00171-00064619-00064927 I began to talk to people. They said "You're nuts! Gxj3w7EFhhU-00172-00064941-00065140 There's got to be a God." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00173-00065154-00065491 Then I read books on atheism, a little bit Gxj3w7EFhhU-00174-00065504-00066105 and it made more sense than God making a man and a woman out of clay Gxj3w7EFhhU-00175-00066120-00066512 earth, and he turned them loose in the Garden of Eden. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00176-00066533-00066780 That sounded more like a fairy tale. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00177-00066794-00067099 I had enough of a background to make it. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00178-00067119-00067392 If I didn't, I would have rejected it. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00179-00067466-00067838 When the minister said "It rains to make the plants grow" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00180-00067852-00068061 I said "Why does it rain at sea?" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00181-00068075-00068406 I really wanted to know. I was not an atheist. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00182-00068429-00068672 He said hold out your hands and he beat me Gxj3w7EFhhU-00183-00068690-00069144 and I began to doubt the wisdom of that guy. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00184-00069191-00069490 Then he said "God works in strange ways. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00185-00069504-00069893 After we die, we'll know why certain things happen. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00186-00069938-00070387 Today, you won't understand it. " So I bought the package Gxj3w7EFhhU-00187-00070429-00070754 and then I said "Why does a flood drown children. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00188-00070768-00070977 They've had no experience." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00189-00071010-00071332 He said "Because the Lord works in strange ways. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00190-00071353-00071800 We may not know that, but there is a reason for everything." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00191-00071861-00072189 Then he gave me some reasons, he did. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00192-00072210-00072727 He said a man he met went blind due to cataracts. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00193-00072764-00073090 The blind man said "Since I was blind Gxj3w7EFhhU-00194-00073104-00073621 I realized a lot of things that I didn't appreciate in the past." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00195-00073659-00073911 He said "The purpose of that guy going blind Gxj3w7EFhhU-00196-00073925-00074396 was to give him the realization of how wonderful it is to have sight Gxj3w7EFhhU-00197-00074416-00074740 and then how wonderful it is to have senses. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00198-00074761-00074974 There's a reason for everything." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00199-00074988-00075462 That stalled my ability to think things out. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00200-00075493-00075904 It was a good example, and then going on Gxj3w7EFhhU-00201-00075918-00076426 I didn't find blind men particularly smarter than anyone else. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00202-00076460-00076899 This particular blind man that he quoted, yes it did Gxj3w7EFhhU-00203-00076922-00077220 but there are many people that have a negative experience Gxj3w7EFhhU-00204-00077234-00077462 and it makes them more negative. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00205-00077483-00077689 Do you understand what I'm talking about? Gxj3w7EFhhU-00206-00077703-00077954 It's very hard to be objective Gxj3w7EFhhU-00207-00077968-00078568 and I found conflict in the early stages of beginning to question things. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00208-00078609-00079013 I found "Well, it's better if you go to church once a month" Gxj3w7EFhhU-00209-00079027-00079266 you know, not give it up entirely Gxj3w7EFhhU-00210-00079280-00079665 so I said "God would know I was false then." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00211-00079679-00079916 Then I didn't have to go once a month Gxj3w7EFhhU-00212-00079942-00080294 because I said "I can't put it over on God." Gxj3w7EFhhU-00213-00080341-00080705 Then I learned more about evolution Gxj3w7EFhhU-00214-00080719-00081102 and learned more about God sacrificing His son Gxj3w7EFhhU-00215-00081123-00081624 and if He knows everything He would know that His son would be crucified. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00216-00081660-00082091 Then it didn't make sense. I began to question that whole pattern. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00217-00082105-00082548 It went in circles, you know what I mean? Then I pulled out Gxj3w7EFhhU-00218-00082570-00082996 but if I didn't question the patterns. I don't think I could make it. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00219-00083018-00083325 If I wasn't shoved further enough along Gxj3w7EFhhU-00220-00083339-00083571 I wouldn't have questioned anything. Gxj3w7EFhhU-00221-00083590-00083825 Here you're being shoved Gxj3w7EFhhU-00222-00083839-00084150 and from now on you'll question more things. GxPTsahSSBY-00000-00000080-00000672 Today, we're going to issue notifications when you make a video private or deleted. And that's GxPTsahSSBY-00001-00000672-00001144 because I really, really, really want you to stop deleting your videos or making them private. GxPTsahSSBY-00002-00001264-00001704 Make all of your videos public. sorry That is because there was a new update GxPTsahSSBY-00003-00001704-00002152 which was released recently, which made all videos before 2017 become private, GxPTsahSSBY-00004-00002152-00002528 and now I can't watch them. And if you make videos private while we're reviewing, GxPTsahSSBY-00005-00002528-00002792 we can't review your video if it's private or deleted. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00000-00000081-00000438 Interviewer: Today I’m joined by Daniel Sloper from the Department of Foreign Affairs Gz8kYxCqfg0-00001-00000438-00000614 and Trade in Canberra. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00002-00000614-00001187 The Australian Government has appointed Daniel as G20 Special Representative to support Australia’s Gz8kYxCqfg0-00003-00001187-00001789 G20 Sherpa and conduct outreach on the G20 during Australia’s presidency. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00004-00001789-00001989 Daniel, thank you for your time today. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00005-00001989-00002231 Daniel Sloper: Not at all, it’s a pleasure to be here. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00006-00002231-00002425 Interviewer: Can you tell me a bit about your role? Gz8kYxCqfg0-00007-00002425-00002808 Daniel Sloper: Sure, as Special Representative, I’m required, on behalf of the G20 as a Gz8kYxCqfg0-00008-00002808-00003365 whole, to conduct engagement with non-G20 government members, stakeholders such as NGOs Gz8kYxCqfg0-00009-00003365-00003715 and others, and also regional international organisations. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00010-00003715-00004152 In doing so I have to articulate clearly the G20’s agenda, listen to the views of others Gz8kYxCqfg0-00011-00004152-00004508 and see what other ideas there might be so we can prosecute that at the end of this year Gz8kYxCqfg0-00012-00004508-00004652 through the leaders’ summit. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00013-00004652-00004929 Of course I’m not the only one responsible for outreach. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00014-00004929-00005431 This is led by the head of our government – the Prime Minister, who holds the presidency Gz8kYxCqfg0-00015-00005431-00005893 this year for the G20 – the foreign minister, the treasurer, the trade minister as well, Gz8kYxCqfg0-00016-00005893-00006243 as they each have respective meetings and the employment minster through the year. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00017-00006243-00006647 Through those different means and my own outreach we hope to listen to others through the year Gz8kYxCqfg0-00018-00006647-00006784 and their views. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00019-00006784-00007010 Interviewer: What does the G20 want to achieve this year? Gz8kYxCqfg0-00020-00007010-00007521 Daniel Sloper: The G20 at the end of the year in November, really wants leaders to come Gz8kYxCqfg0-00021-00007521-00007968 together and give a commitment to action: concrete, practical action to lift economic Gz8kYxCqfg0-00022-00007968-00008306 growth and job opportunities globally. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00023-00008306-00008581 Growth projections over the last few years have not been the same they were before the Gz8kYxCqfg0-00024-00008581-00008703 Global Financial Crisis. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00025-00008703-00009179 What we’re looking for now is G20 members to look domestically at what action they can Gz8kYxCqfg0-00026-00009179-00009645 take to complement the collective action to strengthen the global economy in recent years. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00027-00009645-00009792 This won’t be easy – it will be difficult. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00028-00009792-00010006 We have set a quantitative target. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00029-00010006-00010442 Finance Ministers in February agreed that we would over the next five years try to lift Gz8kYxCqfg0-00030-00010442-00010843 our economic growth above the trajectory forecast by more than 2 percent. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00031-00010843-00011235 So we’re talking about structural reform, something that is never easy but if we can Gz8kYxCqfg0-00032-00011235-00011754 set those macroeconomic policies, increase investment, look at trade as a driver for Gz8kYxCqfg0-00033-00011754-00012338 growth, exchange ideas about employment policies we put in place the settlings to allow that Gz8kYxCqfg0-00034-00012338-00012450 growth to occur. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00035-00012450-00012800 Interviewer: What affect does the G20’s actions have on the global economy? Gz8kYxCqfg0-00036-00012800-00013212 Daniel Sloper: Perhaps I’ll answer that by first noting some characteristics about Gz8kYxCqfg0-00037-00013212-00013312 the G20. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00038-00013312-00013809 This is an organisation that represents 85 percent of global GDP, approximately 75 percent Gz8kYxCqfg0-00039-00013809-00014475 of trade, 65 percent of the world’s population, a major source of foreign direct investment. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00040-00014475-00014922 So clearly when leaders come together and achieve consensus they can drive change and Gz8kYxCqfg0-00041-00014922-00015237 have a positive impact on the global economy. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00042-00015237-00015641 We saw this in response to the Global Financial Crisis, now we are looking ahead and trying Gz8kYxCqfg0-00043-00015641-00015881 to achieve sustained, balanced growth. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00044-00015881-00016411 As I said before, that refers to domestic action, but needs to go beyond that and consider Gz8kYxCqfg0-00045-00016411-00016631 what impact our policy agenda has on others. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00046-00016631-00017068 So we also do work, for example, on the development agenda, where we are trying to look for coherence Gz8kYxCqfg0-00047-00017068-00017726 and assist emerging economies attract private investment, improve their taxation regimes, Gz8kYxCqfg0-00048-00017726-00018120 have access to formal financial services and continuing good work on food security and Gz8kYxCqfg0-00049-00018120-00018231 human resource development. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00050-00018231-00018434 Interviewer: Daniel, thank you for your time today. Gz8kYxCqfg0-00051-00018434-00018554 Daniel Sloper: Not at all, thank you. GzKYG9z8PAM-00000-00000008-00000320 hey everybody welcome to crafty chats it is a show GzKYG9z8PAM-00001-00000320-00000848 where we talk about craft beverages and i do crafts with sam and try not to hate it yeah GzKYG9z8PAM-00002-00001192-00001448 also this is a sam can do production stop GzKYG9z8PAM-00003-00001528-00002104 wait a minute these are these are trying times have you not liked this video already if you GzKYG9z8PAM-00004-00002104-00002816 want to help a small business help a local community of uh makers aspiring makers uh then GzKYG9z8PAM-00005-00002816-00003247 just hit that like button and subscribe to this channel also how can you not like these faces GzKYG9z8PAM-00006-00003544-00004128 allergies sorry we are vaccinated yeah which if you didn't see we made little vaccination GzKYG9z8PAM-00007-00004128-00004512 pins that you can wear on the last time on the last episodes check it out all right what are GzKYG9z8PAM-00008-00004512-00005288 we drinking today on today's episode of crafty chats i'm breaking out a bourbon that i happen GzKYG9z8PAM-00009-00005288-00005888 to like very much it's not a very popular bottle but today we're drinking old bardstown GzKYG9z8PAM-00010-00005888-00007031 estate bottled kentucky bourbon sour mash whiskey sour mash sour mashed double distilled GzKYG9z8PAM-00011-00007031-00007631 and aged for 10 years which is the same as the last bottle oh that's right right here GzKYG9z8PAM-00012-00007768-00008304 ding she listened it is rich complex bourbon that really develops in the glass it has hints of corn GzKYG9z8PAM-00013-00008304-00008912 vanilla an american oak enjoyed with a fine cigar is recommended what kind of cigars do you like GzKYG9z8PAM-00014-00008912-00009832 um i like uh robusto length cigars with like a maduro every now and then you didn't actually care GzKYG9z8PAM-00015-00009832-00010576 um all right we're gonna get turnt on this one because this is 101 proof which GzKYG9z8PAM-00016-00010576-00011408 uh kudos to old bardstown for being 101 proof and i think it's like 50.5 alcohol oh my god GzKYG9z8PAM-00017-00011408-00011912 yeah it was a little hot it's a little good good uh so let's give it a nose samantha GzKYG9z8PAM-00018-00012112-00012624 i liked the last whiskey but i've never uh my ears it made my ears itch it's GzKYG9z8PAM-00019-00013280-00013519 okay now are we going to drink it uh what do you smell GzKYG9z8PAM-00020-00013768-00014368 straight up just uh pool cleaner it smells like chlorine no that is what you're smelling GzKYG9z8PAM-00021-00014368-00015024 there is sherry mint uh a small amount of sweetness highs behind a very upfront blast of GzKYG9z8PAM-00022-00015024-00015704 copper leather uh when your product has an up front blast from blast GzKYG9z8PAM-00023-00015936-00016240 we eventually have a whiskey brand it's going to be the opera blast GzKYG9z8PAM-00024-00016240-00017160 a front blast old time old school all alcohol gold 67 alcohol 48 uh ketamine GzKYG9z8PAM-00025-00017640-00018104 i retract my statement we will not be selling we have no plans to sell ketamine GzKYG9z8PAM-00026-00018200-00018384 all right let's give it a taste give it a taste GzKYG9z8PAM-00027-00019208-00019664 oh my god there was a single moment about that that i found pleasant GzKYG9z8PAM-00028-00019752-00019952 and then all sour mashes are there GzKYG9z8PAM-00029-00020440-00020584 i need to report a crime GzKYG9z8PAM-00030-00020888-00021416 i think what you're feeling is the abv the proof it's it's 101 proof 50 points GzKYG9z8PAM-00031-00021416-00021928 well it's like i drink it and then and then it i have this sounds so ignorant GzKYG9z8PAM-00032-00021928-00022624 i drink it and then it goes in my throat and it feels well it's like i couldn't breathe GzKYG9z8PAM-00033-00022624-00023128 because because it also kind of vaporizes yeah open your mouth yeah for sure for sure GzKYG9z8PAM-00034-00023192-00023720 so a sour mash is a type of bourbon not all bourbon is sour mash but all sour mash GzKYG9z8PAM-00035-00023720-00024344 is bourbon so the the sour mash process uses previously batched burgers to start the process GzKYG9z8PAM-00036-00024344-00025136 so when you drink this and the smell hits you i enjoy the smell it hurts my body yeah yeah it's GzKYG9z8PAM-00037-00025136-00025520 this this is a really it's like i'm trying to drink it and then my nose is like listen it has GzKYG9z8PAM-00038-00025520-00026127 a lot of vanilla and oak for it i like poison poison i've been poisoned have i been poisoned GzKYG9z8PAM-00039-00026208-00026783 no i have been poisoned if you don't catch the reference you should have watched the last episode GzKYG9z8PAM-00040-00026880-00027536 today we're doing acrylic pour paint like the paint is bad wait you gotta push my gun GzKYG9z8PAM-00041-00027592-00028239 oh wait today we're doing acrylic pouring paint a poor paint acrylic pour a bad paint we're not GzKYG9z8PAM-00042-00028239-00028760 doing a bad paint so i was at work this week and a colleague said we just did acrylic pouring paint GzKYG9z8PAM-00043-00028760-00029400 and what it means is it's the uh process of mixing um acrylic paint with just a little bit of water GzKYG9z8PAM-00044-00029400-00029968 so that it's much more runny like whiskey um wait what would happen if when we did crafts GzKYG9z8PAM-00045-00029968-00030344 i had the same reaction that you had have when you drink whiskey GzKYG9z8PAM-00046-00030600-00030936 oh i forgot i'm only supposed to peel one side i messed up already GzKYG9z8PAM-00047-00030936-00031295 look at this great is it beautiful oh my god i can't GzKYG9z8PAM-00048-00031527-00031560 you know GzKYG9z8PAM-00049-00031783-00031856 i try to be full GzKYG9z8PAM-00050-00032192-00032840 okay so what we're gonna do is we are going to pick um i would suggest like five paint GzKYG9z8PAM-00051-00032840-00033272 colors like mickey mouse oh my god i could literally end our friendship immediately GzKYG9z8PAM-00052-00033336-00033896 okay we're going to pick five colors oh and make um a pretty good amount of paint GzKYG9z8PAM-00053-00033896-00034176 we're probably gonna use all the paint bottles like the bottles that we have GzKYG9z8PAM-00054-00034176-00034544 they'll probably be gone whichever colors you choose and then we're gonna dilute it GzKYG9z8PAM-00055-00034544-00035024 with a little bit of water so that it runs really well we put all five in the same cup GzKYG9z8PAM-00056-00035256-00035776 one no you're gonna get five cups five separate cups five super cups dilute them with a little GzKYG9z8PAM-00057-00035776-00036480 water then we're going to get a sixth cup i would suggest doing this with a more reusable resource GzKYG9z8PAM-00058-00036480-00036992 such as like cardboard cups because this is not earth friendly but this is all i have so i'm going GzKYG9z8PAM-00059-00036992-00037512 to use them and it'll be fine i mean it's not going to be fine we'll plant a tree later um and GzKYG9z8PAM-00060-00037512-00037944 then when you're done with figuring out colors you know there's another one right here that's fine GzKYG9z8PAM-00061-00038080-00038848 you're going to then pour them all into one and pour it out so i do five separate ones and then i GzKYG9z8PAM-00062-00038848-00039320 actually do put them all in yeah but you pour them in one at a time carefully and hopefully the idea GzKYG9z8PAM-00063-00039320-00039904 is that the lines will stay i do not believe you and then i am dubious i think we're making brown GzKYG9z8PAM-00064-00039904-00040320 paint but we'll find out we'll find out so go ahead and get your five cups and once we get to GzKYG9z8PAM-00065-00040320-00041032 the pouring thing the pouring part we're gonna get paint on our hands i don't like that look gloves GzKYG9z8PAM-00066-00041192-00041656 ain't no pump pick your paint colors first oh and squeeze out your paint colors i would like a green GzKYG9z8PAM-00067-00041656-00042240 i like a perk i would like and you could do this on a canvas i thought it'd be fun to do shakes and GzKYG9z8PAM-00068-00042240-00042888 i think this is a vibe that is a solid vibe i uh approve your vibes okay so do i empty this entire GzKYG9z8PAM-00069-00042888-00043584 yeah really yeah and if we have if we i feel wasteful but okay oh my god this color blue is GzKYG9z8PAM-00070-00043584-00044152 literally what my hair dye looks like and it makes me like i want to do hair we should do an episode GzKYG9z8PAM-00071-00044152-00044688 where i color your hair oh hell yeah i'm so down what if i tear it up and then you're GzKYG9z8PAM-00072-00044688-00045128 stuck with bad hair for a month you won't i'll even let you change the color of my spot GzKYG9z8PAM-00073-00045304-00046016 you can dye purple yeah you can actually no i hate that i'm doing it okay now i'm gonna test first GzKYG9z8PAM-00074-00046016-00046608 because i really don't want to overdo it like see this seems to this seems almost appropriately GzKYG9z8PAM-00075-00046608-00047072 viscous yeah i think that's why these okay okay that's the viscosity that you're looking for GzKYG9z8PAM-00076-00047264-00047992 see how it jiggles it's like it's not watery i would say it's the consistency GzKYG9z8PAM-00077-00048048-00048464 pepto-bismol i think that's what we're going for okay uh that has a good frame of reference GzKYG9z8PAM-00078-00048464-00049024 in my head do you have a hot take for today's episode um i do have a recent rediscovery GzKYG9z8PAM-00079-00049024-00049664 the movie shrek is wonderful what i want go home you hate it no i don't hate it i i mean GzKYG9z8PAM-00080-00049664-00050080 it shrek is a kids movie made for adults right that's the thing is lucy could watch it and i GzKYG9z8PAM-00081-00050080-00050480 was like giggling the whole way through it was a funny move how do we feel about our viscosity GzKYG9z8PAM-00082-00050480-00051072 they roasted weight stigma and i don't remember unrealistic beauty standards like you want the GzKYG9z8PAM-00083-00051072-00051576 princess to be on that's a good point she turns into a shirt she turns into which was her true GzKYG9z8PAM-00084-00051576-00052000 love's form and he was like you're beautiful you're wonderful and also she liked to fart GzKYG9z8PAM-00085-00052000-00052479 and burp and she was challenging gender norms and i mean it was very progressive you know what man GzKYG9z8PAM-00086-00052591-00053167 you know what shrek slaps whoa look at the way this one is i don't like i'm i'm still working GzKYG9z8PAM-00087-00053167-00053816 on number two i i'm okay i will help you also this is the thing about life i good things come GzKYG9z8PAM-00088-00053816-00054408 to those who swish um i run into crafts the way that i run into most things which is with GzKYG9z8PAM-00089-00054464-00055144 reckless reckless abandon and unearned confidence and also just understanding that you know what GzKYG9z8PAM-00090-00055144-00055688 you could prepare all day and things are still going to go wrong it's true so why not just finish GzKYG9z8PAM-00091-00055928-00056552 look how pretty this is everyone look how pretty this is like the joker i just love our wedding GzKYG9z8PAM-00092-00056552-00057096 colors were uh purple and green just like that purple and green were your wedding colors yeah GzKYG9z8PAM-00093-00057160-00058072 all beige suits put your judgment away it was a beautiful time you know what's funny is i had a 12 GzKYG9z8PAM-00094-00058072-00058528 i had a 12 color wedding palette i know i was there there's a there's this running GzKYG9z8PAM-00095-00058528-00058984 uh reality that sam never remembers the fact that i was at her wedding she's like you were there GzKYG9z8PAM-00096-00059079-00059344 it's all about me sam i do remember that you're there now GzKYG9z8PAM-00097-00059784-00060400 okay wait can i just first make note of the fact that my shirt is different now from the uh first GzKYG9z8PAM-00098-00060400-00061055 cut because i got yellow paint on my shirt and sam says that my shirt is ruined it is acrylic and it GzKYG9z8PAM-00099-00061055-00061464 might be ruined so support our channel and share it so that we can make enough money to buy me one GzKYG9z8PAM-00100-00061464-00062296 new shirt thank you okay next so we are going to then pour a little bit at a time of each color GzKYG9z8PAM-00101-00062296-00062760 now you could choose there's a couple ways you could do that you could pour them on top of each GzKYG9z8PAM-00102-00062760-00063312 other and let like and let them pull out you could pour on different sides of the cup i'm GzKYG9z8PAM-00103-00063312-00063904 going to suggest pouring on top of it and letting rings form i need a new cup yeah yeah how much GzKYG9z8PAM-00104-00063904-00064232 i didn't put a cup in front of you because you go i love six cups what do i do GzKYG9z8PAM-00105-00064416-00065144 now please on guys pay attention when you pour out you're going to there's two ways you can do it GzKYG9z8PAM-00106-00065224-00065712 you can either flip it upside down which tends to be people's favorite method GzKYG9z8PAM-00107-00065712-00066368 what yeah i know but how will i do there's more control well you're gonna you we can get a new GzKYG9z8PAM-00108-00066368-00066784 cup every time so you don't use all the paint don't use all the paint flip it upside down GzKYG9z8PAM-00109-00066784-00067336 and then take it off and then you're going to use your fingers to make to rotate the paint GzKYG9z8PAM-00110-00067336-00068144 to all sides that's why i'm so nervous about this situation yeah get into it okay here i go GzKYG9z8PAM-00111-00068272-00068688 oh no i messed up no you didn't no you didn't there's no messing up there's no messing around GzKYG9z8PAM-00112-00069008-00069336 just try to pour it on top of that same loop that's your only job bloops GzKYG9z8PAM-00113-00069456-00069904 and if there's drips everywhere it's fine it's fine like this is the craft that it live the GzKYG9z8PAM-00114-00069904-00070512 art lives in itself like it is its own life okay oh my god i'm so excited let me admit GzKYG9z8PAM-00115-00070664-00071400 this is beautiful like it's oh my gosh it's very pretty ready okay GzKYG9z8PAM-00116-00071400-00071992 what okay actually you can do it this way oh yeah yeah that's better okay one two three go GzKYG9z8PAM-00117-00072144-00072896 oh god it's so uneventful and uh i don't know if we put enough pain in there well the cup looks GzKYG9z8PAM-00118-00072896-00073384 nice did not put enough paint in yours for sure i didn't put enough but neither of us put enough GzKYG9z8PAM-00119-00073440-00073792 look take it off i'm gonna this is what i'm suggesting on top of that bloop GzKYG9z8PAM-00120-00073872-00074448 add a little bit add some more paint oh go directly on but look how pretty that is GzKYG9z8PAM-00121-00074616-00074840 do you trust me just a little bit though not a whole lot because GzKYG9z8PAM-00122-00074984-00075304 yeah why don't we just do it directly onto because it does something else look we're GzKYG9z8PAM-00123-00075304-00075672 just trying to follow the rules okay give me the purple give me the purple purple here GzKYG9z8PAM-00124-00075752-00076288 the paint four gods are not smiling at us they're so pain poor they need to be paint rich GzKYG9z8PAM-00125-00076288-00077016 okay now spread it oh my god look at mine though what am i oh just like roll rolly rolly rolly GzKYG9z8PAM-00126-00077184-00077768 look and you're just gonna try to spread it and don't try yeah yeah yeah you know what i'm not GzKYG9z8PAM-00127-00077768-00078232 gonna give you any more instructions because i just want you to live do you see how the holes GzKYG9z8PAM-00128-00078232-00079008 and the drips are like doing cool stuff yes this is admittedly kind of cool this is fun art is fun GzKYG9z8PAM-00129-00079008-00079896 crafts are fun wow look at what you made yeah this is legit cool real talk this might be the coolest GzKYG9z8PAM-00130-00079968-00080648 craft we've done so far adam look at you you're an artist okay so then push it out of the way GzKYG9z8PAM-00131-00080648-00081280 and then we're gonna keep going craft question yes can i reuse this i wouldn't because it's gonna GzKYG9z8PAM-00132-00081280-00081760 blend colors more okay okay okay all right do you feel like you know what to do now i do okay let's GzKYG9z8PAM-00133-00081760-00082528 go again i would aim to get it to this like first line that's a lot i know okay blue is so viscous GzKYG9z8PAM-00134-00082664-00083472 so okay if you could be any type of food no one's gonna eat you you're just going to exist as a GzKYG9z8PAM-00135-00083472-00083928 flavor palette for eternity what kind of food would you be i would be a deep fried pad thai GzKYG9z8PAM-00136-00083928-00084720 burrito with a side of chimichurri that was quick you've thought about this before GzKYG9z8PAM-00137-00084720-00085608 yeah where where might one purchase a pad thai burrito it don't exist i'm built different oh GzKYG9z8PAM-00138-00085608-00086296 my god you i thought you already flipped it one two three arch she said one two three art GzKYG9z8PAM-00139-00086536-00087592 i picked up my cup oh my gosh look at my paint oh my god oh my gosh it is so beautiful it's so GzKYG9z8PAM-00140-00087592-00088096 freaking pretty i don't know what to do with my life anymore i don't sam i don't know what to GzKYG9z8PAM-00141-00088096-00089144 do with my life anymore i'm convinced this mine is so gorgeous oh my god holy [ __ ] GzKYG9z8PAM-00142-00089144-00089704 you feel the power of the crafts how confident are you feeling yeah i'm in it you're in it we GzKYG9z8PAM-00143-00089704-00090184 got one more i'm fully in this yeah it's like now i have a strategy maybe a bonus round GzKYG9z8PAM-00144-00090360-00091184 i'm going to go for it go for it shall we go fully go for it GzKYG9z8PAM-00145-00091712-00092584 that one for the win oh my god that is amazing how do you get the black to do the little blue GzKYG9z8PAM-00146-00092584-00093200 blocks uh i don't it's art and it lives what's yours are you ready for this ah GzKYG9z8PAM-00147-00093360-00094096 look at that look at you that is crazy okay how do you feel could you handle a bigger GzKYG9z8PAM-00148-00094096-00094672 better challenge do you feel up to it i have i don't time out we're gonna do it pause GzKYG9z8PAM-00149-00094752-00095432 reset here we go what are we doing we're we're we're sinking low because GzKYG9z8PAM-00150-00095432-00095960 this is our palette we are going to each get a cup we are going to fill them to our desire GzKYG9z8PAM-00151-00096064-00096616 like do whatever colors you want of these colors okay and then we are going to i'm going to take GzKYG9z8PAM-00152-00096616-00096960 this quadrant you're going to take this quadrant we're going to smack them down and then we're GzKYG9z8PAM-00153-00096960-00098184 going to rotate it and we're going to see whatever happens okay let's go okay ready and uh enjoy GzKYG9z8PAM-00154-00098464-00098840 i'm so uncomfortable with this i don't know what's gonna happen okay oh my god GzKYG9z8PAM-00155-00098840-00099600 this is gonna be terrifying one two three one two three go okay i think we should go this way yeah GzKYG9z8PAM-00156-00099952-00100208 this is gonna be the whiskey this is gonna be a literal nightmare GzKYG9z8PAM-00157-00100456-00100760 sam what have you gotten us into it's like okay pull back GzKYG9z8PAM-00158-00100968-00101488 wait that way no keep it coming just don't do it such [ __ ] oh god oh god let's go the other way GzKYG9z8PAM-00159-00101736-00101872 now the people at home can see GzKYG9z8PAM-00160-00102088-00102696 if you let me i'm gonna paint the corners hold on wait let me flip this oh my gosh GzKYG9z8PAM-00161-00103472-00103783 yeah we're doing it GzKYG9z8PAM-00162-00103928-00104216 we got one more corner after that one let's see if i can GzKYG9z8PAM-00163-00104272-00104600 yeah let's see if i can get that come on this side and get this corner GzKYG9z8PAM-00164-00104864-00105368 so cool and the cool thing is the wooden frame is gonna make this look amazing GzKYG9z8PAM-00165-00105559-00106064 you guys i think i like crafting i think i was converted today GzKYG9z8PAM-00166-00106232-00107016 oh my gosh that is and look at the frame the wood goes around it and it'll hang out two inches over GzKYG9z8PAM-00167-00107016-00107735 the out of the wall i'm a hot mess right this looks so cool too like the paint strokes wow GzKYG9z8PAM-00168-00107808-00109383 okay thanks so much for watching cheers to um a craft that actually was fun crafty chats GzSUq4v5gDo-00000-00000066-00000766 Even when you are absolutely, 100%, "objectively" sure that you are right. GzSUq4v5gDo-00001-00000791-00000982 So, for example... GzSUq4v5gDo-00002-00001019-00001192 Maybe you're vegetarian. GzSUq4v5gDo-00003-00001272-00001647 And you have a million reasons. GzSUq4v5gDo-00004-00001648-00002148 Because not being vegetarian is cruel to animals, it pollutes the environment. GzSUq4v5gDo-00005-00002156-00002485 It creates unnecessary suffering, GzSUq4v5gDo-00006-00002487-00002701 it's not healthy. GzSUq4v5gDo-00007-00002702-00003158 And in these farms they use all kinds of chemicals and antibiotics. GzSUq4v5gDo-00008-00003160-00003593 And, in the farms they use pesticides and so on... GzSUq4v5gDo-00009-00003615-00004292 So, you believe that we should all be vegetarians. GzSUq4v5gDo-00010-00004322-00004759 And that agriculture should be based on organic farming, GzSUq4v5gDo-00011-00004760-00005107 with no genetically modified organisms, etc. GzSUq4v5gDo-00012-00005108-00005196 Okay. GzSUq4v5gDo-00013-00005196-00005587 That is a point of view that is easily defendable. GzSUq4v5gDo-00014-00005590-00005854 There are a lot of good reasons. GzSUq4v5gDo-00015-00005930-00006180 Your reasoning kicks in. GzSUq4v5gDo-00016-00006194-00006645 That will tell you that all people should be vegetarians. GzSUq4v5gDo-00017-00006691-00007107 And, please if you feel so, be a vegetarian. GzSUq4v5gDo-00018-00007109-00007212 That's great. GzSUq4v5gDo-00019-00007222-00007446 But don't get attached to it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00020-00007496-00007716 Because, what will happen, sooner or later? GzSUq4v5gDo-00021-00007745-00008156 One day you're going to reunite with your old friend from high school. GzSUq4v5gDo-00022-00008161-00008469 You haven't see him or her for 20 years. GzSUq4v5gDo-00023-00008510-00008687 And you're really looking forward to that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00024-00008690-00009243 You meet at the restaurant and you will order a vegetarian or vegan meal. GzSUq4v5gDo-00025-00009246-00009726 And she will say, "I would like a steak, bloody as hell". GzSUq4v5gDo-00026-00009858-00010356 If you are attached to the idea that everyone should be vegetarian, GzSUq4v5gDo-00027-00010359-00010730 and if you resist the idea that some people still eat meat, GzSUq4v5gDo-00028-00010732-00010914 you will suffer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00029-00010951-00011598 That concept, without even seeing or looking at that steak, GzSUq4v5gDo-00030-00011601-00012068 just by saying to the waiter, "I would like a steak", GzSUq4v5gDo-00031-00012098-00012852 you will be in desire, in anger, in pride because your friend is stupid. GzSUq4v5gDo-00032-00012869-00013177 You are better, somehow, then him. GzSUq4v5gDo-00033-00013180-00013338 Holier-than-thou. GzSUq4v5gDo-00034-00013417-00013601 Or you will be in shame. GzSUq4v5gDo-00035-00013656-00014289 Or in guilt, because: "That's terrible, I must do something about that," GzSUq4v5gDo-00036-00014290-00014937 "I must save my friend from his own non-vegetarianism." GzSUq4v5gDo-00037-00014956-00015212 That is the road to hell. GzSUq4v5gDo-00038-00015284-00015569 Certainly, you can offer your perspective. GzSUq4v5gDo-00039-00015613-00015754 You can talk about that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00040-00015774-00016235 You can mention that you've been vegetarian for the last twenty years. GzSUq4v5gDo-00041-00016287-00016565 And then your friend will say, GzSUq4v5gDo-00042-00016566-00016914 "Yeah, but, you know, my doctor told me that's not healthy." GzSUq4v5gDo-00043-00016923-00017197 Now you can offer your point of view. GzSUq4v5gDo-00044-00017198-00017347 But without being attached. GzSUq4v5gDo-00045-00017348-00017587 Because if you are attached, GzSUq4v5gDo-00046-00017604-00018104 that means that you are right and the other person is wrong. GzSUq4v5gDo-00047-00018107-00018364 And that leads to violence. GzSUq4v5gDo-00048-00018428-00018836 It doesn't necessarily mean that the violence will be physical violence. GzSUq4v5gDo-00049-00018838-00019200 It can be emotional violence, it can be verbal violence. GzSUq4v5gDo-00050-00019254-00019785 If you are attached to the idea that everyone should be vegetarian, GzSUq4v5gDo-00051-00019842-00020299 your friend ordering meat will put you in a vibration of, let's say, anger. GzSUq4v5gDo-00052-00020300-00020701 Because you have unfulfilled desire that everyone should be vegetarian. GzSUq4v5gDo-00053-00020748-00021241 That evening will completely turn, for the worse. GzSUq4v5gDo-00054-00021242-00021892 Because you will start to speak to your friend from the vibration of anger. GzSUq4v5gDo-00055-00021965-00022149 On any topic. GzSUq4v5gDo-00056-00022150-00022440 Not just on the topic of vegetarianism. GzSUq4v5gDo-00057-00022518-00023161 So, whenever you catch yourself thinking how the world would be a much better place, GzSUq4v5gDo-00058-00023164-00023857 if only everyone just had the same point of view, or perspective as I do... GzSUq4v5gDo-00059-00023860-00024134 you are bound to suffer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00060-00024166-00024455 And you will... GzSUq4v5gDo-00061-00024457-00024772 Well... you will contribute to the world's violence. GzSUq4v5gDo-00062-00024774-00025158 You cannot fight what you don't like. GzSUq4v5gDo-00063-00025242-00025512 Invest your energy in things that you do like. GzSUq4v5gDo-00064-00025517-00025760 But don't fight what you don't like, because GzSUq4v5gDo-00065-00025762-00026003 it will just create a counter-effect. GzSUq4v5gDo-00066-00026006-00026513 Your old friend that you haven't seen for 20 years GzSUq4v5gDo-00067-00026514-00026817 will not be as happy to see you GzSUq4v5gDo-00068-00026819-00027238 if you attack him that he or she should be a vegetarian. GzSUq4v5gDo-00069-00027240-00027633 Because either he or she doesn't care. GzSUq4v5gDo-00070-00027664-00027947 And that's actually better solution. GzSUq4v5gDo-00071-00027948-00028385 But let's say, for example, that your friend knows, GzSUq4v5gDo-00072-00028387-00028661 at least subconsciously, GzSUq4v5gDo-00073-00028664-00029173 that eating meat is a form of cruelty to animals. GzSUq4v5gDo-00074-00029233-00029807 That will put him or her in the vibration of guilt and shame. GzSUq4v5gDo-00075-00029808-00029995 Because I should be better than that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00076-00030043-00030241 I'm guilty because I'm still eating meat. GzSUq4v5gDo-00077-00030242-00030711 You telling him: "Yeah, you should do it tomorrow," GzSUq4v5gDo-00078-00030712-00031322 you're just rubbing that terrible vibration of guilt and shame into him. GzSUq4v5gDo-00079-00031342-00031588 Please don't do that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00080-00031895-00032288 What else? We are also attached to our reputation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00081-00032362-00032617 We are attached to our social status. GzSUq4v5gDo-00082-00032618-00032870 We are attached to education. GzSUq4v5gDo-00083-00032873-00033020 We are attached to nationality. GzSUq4v5gDo-00084-00033022-00033213 So, maybe you're... GzSUq4v5gDo-00085-00033394-00033574 a quantum physicists. GzSUq4v5gDo-00086-00033577-00033862 You are a really very well-educated person. GzSUq4v5gDo-00087-00033865-00034297 There is certain allure to the idea of being a quantum physicist. GzSUq4v5gDo-00088-00034346-00034857 You're not going to talk with people who are not at your level. GzSUq4v5gDo-00089-00034924-00035202 You're attached to the idea GzSUq4v5gDo-00090-00035209-00035506 that everyone should be as smart as you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00091-00035528-00035870 You resist the idea of talking with people GzSUq4v5gDo-00092-00035873-00036525 who have nothing to contribute to your conversation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00093-00036726-00036963 And you don't know that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00094-00036964-00037390 Because every person is a genius in something. GzSUq4v5gDo-00095-00037452-00038149 If you dismiss someone just because he's not as smart as you, GzSUq4v5gDo-00096-00038151-00038405 you're missing a great opportunity. GzSUq4v5gDo-00097-00038406-00038900 Because that person, maybe she's just a cleaning woman in your company, GzSUq4v5gDo-00098-00038902-00039384 and, of course, you are the head of your department. GzSUq4v5gDo-00099-00039416-00039884 But she knows a lot more about, let's say, plants. GzSUq4v5gDo-00100-00039939-00040237 And she has a very interesting perspective. GzSUq4v5gDo-00101-00040280-00040480 That's different from yours. GzSUq4v5gDo-00102-00040531-00040626 I agree. GzSUq4v5gDo-00103-00040652-00040728 Nevertheless! GzSUq4v5gDo-00104-00040735-00040908 Don't get attached. GzSUq4v5gDo-00105-00040917-00041296 And don't resist the idea that other people GzSUq4v5gDo-00106-00041299-00041875 could somehow contribute to your conversation or being. GzSUq4v5gDo-00107-00041876-00042265 Just because they are not of the same social status. GzSUq4v5gDo-00108-00042268-00042662 They do not have the same education and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00109-00042674-00042884 We are also worried about our reputation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00110-00042964-00043139 So, you know.. GzSUq4v5gDo-00111-00043142-00043942 Once we are well-established as an author, writer, songwriter, whatever, GzSUq4v5gDo-00112-00044069-00044967 we tend to be much more afraid about what people are going to think about us. GzSUq4v5gDo-00113-00044968-00045595 Because we don't want to lose that social status that we somehow achieved. GzSUq4v5gDo-00114-00045596-00045903 And we resist the idea of losing it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00115-00045904-00046079 That's the same thing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00116-00046081-00046206 So, you know... GzSUq4v5gDo-00117-00046286-00046687 Now I can say whatever I want on this. GzSUq4v5gDo-00118-00046688-00047026 But, once I'm famous, GzSUq4v5gDo-00119-00047029-00047436 I will need to be really careful what I say. GzSUq4v5gDo-00120-00047528-00048194 Because I don't want to lose my social status or whatever. GzSUq4v5gDo-00121-00048316-00048484 But, nevertheless. GzSUq4v5gDo-00122-00048487-00048759 To just make the bottom line. GzSUq4v5gDo-00123-00048777-00049152 It's not about the circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00124-00049280-00049785 All those circumstances, people, events, concepts, emotions and so on, GzSUq4v5gDo-00125-00049786-00050493 teachings, and emotions, and fantasies, all that we talked about. GzSUq4v5gDo-00126-00050494-00050691 Suffering is not about them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00127-00050694-00051185 Suffering is about your attitude towards them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00128-00051186-00052083 Just as famous Captain Jack Sparrow from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean says: GzSUq4v5gDo-00129-00052084-00052247 "The problem is not the problem." GzSUq4v5gDo-00130-00052250-00052576 "The problem is your attitude about the problem." GzSUq4v5gDo-00131-00052662-00052773 And that's really great news. GzSUq4v5gDo-00132-00052774-00053120 Because you can't choose the circumstances, but... GzSUq4v5gDo-00133-00053146-00053629 You certainly can choose your attitude towards them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00134-00053629-00054009 And your attitude is all about your attachments. GzSUq4v5gDo-00135-00054010-00054299 And all about your resistances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00136-00054415-00055144 So, next time a situation makes you angry or depressed, GzSUq4v5gDo-00137-00055146-00055442 or on the level of desire, or fearful... GzSUq4v5gDo-00138-00055532-00056049 Just take a closer look at what you are attached to. GzSUq4v5gDo-00139-00056052-00056255 And what you resist. GzSUq4v5gDo-00140-00056305-00056643 And just analyze it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00141-00056646-00057166 Because now you know that your ATTACHEMENT to it GzSUq4v5gDo-00142-00057168-00057486 is what creates your suffering. GzSUq4v5gDo-00143-00057522-00057971 And it has nothing to do with circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00144-00058092-00058538 Maybe now you will understand the quote from Gandhi GzSUq4v5gDo-00145-00058541-00058888 that's really not understood that well. GzSUq4v5gDo-00146-00058938-00059646 He said: "No one can hurt me without my permission." GzSUq4v5gDo-00147-00059713-00060034 What do you mean no one can hurt me without my permission? GzSUq4v5gDo-00148-00060100-00060206 Of course they can. GzSUq4v5gDo-00149-00060209-00060359 Well, actually, they can't. GzSUq4v5gDo-00150-00060360-00060765 Because you being hurt is only a matter of GzSUq4v5gDo-00151-00060767-00061163 your own attachments and your own resistances GzSUq4v5gDo-00152-00061166-00061408 to that particular situation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00153-00061473-00061849 Let's say, for example, that after this lecture GzSUq4v5gDo-00154-00061850-00061997 someone will come to you and say: GzSUq4v5gDo-00155-00061997-00062273 "You know what, I've been watching you the entire evening." GzSUq4v5gDo-00156-00062274-00062572 "And you are really an annoying person". GzSUq4v5gDo-00157-00062707-00063091 That has nothing to do with you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00158-00063146-00063840 It has everything to do with that person's attachments and aversions. GzSUq4v5gDo-00159-00063945-00064541 Maybe you remind him or her of someone that he really dislike. GzSUq4v5gDo-00160-00064745-00065261 That creates in his own mind GzSUq4v5gDo-00161-00065264-00065917 feelings, thoughts, perceptions and even memories GzSUq4v5gDo-00162-00065920-00066432 that are unpleasant and they are getting what they don't like. GzSUq4v5gDo-00163-00066540-00067023 If you are really smart, you can take advantage of that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00164-00067084-00067770 Whenever you are annoyed with some people or situations GzSUq4v5gDo-00165-00067772-00068089 or concepts that someone is talking about, GzSUq4v5gDo-00166-00068090-00068904 and you feel angry or have the desire to make them see things your way, GzSUq4v5gDo-00167-00068906-00069296 just take a look at your own resistances, GzSUq4v5gDo-00168-00069299-00069725 at your own clingings, cravings and graspings. GzSUq4v5gDo-00169-00069768-00070451 Why that situation, that person, that idea, that concept... GzSUq4v5gDo-00170-00070452-00070718 Why does that make you angry? GzSUq4v5gDo-00171-00070742-00071174 Why does that put you in a vibration that you do not prefer? GzSUq4v5gDo-00172-00071217-00071763 By doing that, you will find out more about yourself. GzSUq4v5gDo-00173-00071802-00072222 You will find out what your attachments are, what your resistances are. GzSUq4v5gDo-00174-00072245-00072642 Then you can just let them go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00175-00072702-00073252 And that person, that situation that made you angry or anxious, GzSUq4v5gDo-00176-00073254-00073503 was a great teacher. GzSUq4v5gDo-00177-00073566-00073679 Thank you! GzSUq4v5gDo-00178-00073680-00074497 I am so grateful that you created the situation or concept or whatever GzSUq4v5gDo-00179-00074500-00074963 that made me angry, or that put me in a level of fear. GzSUq4v5gDo-00180-00074964-00075189 Or that put me in a level of guilty and shame. GzSUq4v5gDo-00181-00075190-00075523 Because, now I know more about me. GzSUq4v5gDo-00182-00075524-00075972 And now I can correct my own resistances to that idea, GzSUq4v5gDo-00183-00075974-00076174 or that person, or that situation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00184-00076202-00076837 Because I know that my vibratory state has nothing to do with outer circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00185-00076838-00077209 Only with how am I going to respond. GzSUq4v5gDo-00186-00077211-00077573 What my vibratory attitude is going to be towards that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00187-00077576-00077988 And that has everything to do with me and me only. GzSUq4v5gDo-00188-00078030-00078534 Or to be more precise, with my own attachments and with my own aversions. GzSUq4v5gDo-00189-00078590-00078950 So, just let go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00190-00079015-00079806 And you will feel like some space is created inside you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00191-00079856-00080152 Something was released. GzSUq4v5gDo-00192-00080194-00080552 You will feel lighter. GzSUq4v5gDo-00193-00080554-00080969 And that is a really, really good thing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00194-00081006-00081242 Just let it go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00195-00081299-00081668 Learn from that situation and then let it go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00196-00081724-00082145 There is a lot confusion about that concept of letting go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00197-00082148-00082822 Because some people assume that when you let go of situation that you don't like, GzSUq4v5gDo-00198-00082824-00083215 that means some kind of ignoring. GzSUq4v5gDo-00199-00083216-00083540 It's a kind of passive resignation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00200-00083612-00083915 No, no, no, no, no, it's nothing like that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00201-00083917-00084157 It's not passive. It's not like: GzSUq4v5gDo-00202-00084159-00084542 "Oh, well, that situation is terrible and I don't care." GzSUq4v5gDo-00203-00084628-00085152 It's just a matter of working WITH life, GzSUq4v5gDo-00204-00085154-00085576 WITH circumstances that made you angry, GzSUq4v5gDo-00205-00085578-00085918 or anxious, or worried, or something like that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00206-00085920-00086179 Not fighting them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00207-00086182-00086560 That is a huge difference. GzSUq4v5gDo-00208-00086680-00087337 From time to time, someone will say something that will make you really mad. GzSUq4v5gDo-00209-00087366-00087773 The first thing that really you should ask yourself is, GzSUq4v5gDo-00210-00087774-00088180 "Would I rather be happy or right?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00211-00088183-00088848 Because it has everything to do with your attachments and your aversions. GzSUq4v5gDo-00212-00088850-00089276 And it has everything to do with your attitude toward them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00213-00089278-00089638 It has nothing to do with circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00214-00089664-00090044 Of course, you are right, of course you're feeling right. GzSUq4v5gDo-00215-00090046-00090426 Because your mind makes it real. GzSUq4v5gDo-00216-00090559-00090902 You will always feel right. GzSUq4v5gDo-00217-00090905-00091141 But the real trick is GzSUq4v5gDo-00218-00091142-00091593 to use the circumstances that you do not like, GzSUq4v5gDo-00219-00091594-00091871 that are putting you in a vibration that you don't like GzSUq4v5gDo-00220-00091872-00092441 and find out what you are filtering them through. GzSUq4v5gDo-00221-00092462-00092907 So, this is all about filtering your perception. GzSUq4v5gDo-00222-00092908-00093257 Filtering your inputs that are coming through your senses. GzSUq4v5gDo-00223-00093258-00093668 through your mind, that's creating attachments, aversions and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00224-00093671-00094032 And putting you in a vibratory state that you actually don't prefer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00225-00094066-00094240 Learn from that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00226-00094313-00094469 And you know what? GzSUq4v5gDo-00227-00094472-00095094 In life there is a lot of opportunities to do just that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00228-00095194-00095759 Because we are resisting and attaching and craving and clinging, GzSUq4v5gDo-00229-00095760-00096152 and rejecting and denying all the time. GzSUq4v5gDo-00230-00096312-00096728 And let me prove that to you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00231-00096768-00096868 So... GzSUq4v5gDo-00232-00096985-00097430 Tomorrow, it will be, let's say, Monday. GzSUq4v5gDo-00233-00097550-00097883 On Monday, you will open your eyes. GzSUq4v5gDo-00234-00097884-00098196 Your alarm clock will go off. GzSUq4v5gDo-00235-00098218-00098692 You will open your eyes and you know that you need to go to work. GzSUq4v5gDo-00236-00098769-00099236 What is the first thought that comes to your mind? GzSUq4v5gDo-00237-00099258-00099482 It is either "I didn't get enough sleep". GzSUq4v5gDo-00238-00099681-00099948 Or "I don't have enough time". GzSUq4v5gDo-00239-00100096-00100619 And then already, five seconds after you wake up, GzSUq4v5gDo-00240-00100620-00100930 you are already in a state of anxiety. GzSUq4v5gDo-00241-00100952-00101404 Because you are attached to the idea that you should have more sleep. GzSUq4v5gDo-00242-00101406-00101983 And you resist the idea that you don't have enough time. GzSUq4v5gDo-00243-00101984-00102783 That means: "I am not free to do what I would really like", and I resist that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00244-00102809-00103072 I would like to stay in bed. GzSUq4v5gDo-00245-00103074-00103284 I don't want to get up. GzSUq4v5gDo-00246-00103286-00103669 I would like today to be Saturday or Sunday. GzSUq4v5gDo-00247-00103670-00103885 So that I don't need to go to work. GzSUq4v5gDo-00248-00103914-00104231 I want Saturday, I don't want Monday. GzSUq4v5gDo-00249-00104300-00104603 Then you get up and you make a quick breakfast. GzSUq4v5gDo-00250-00104604-00104815 Because you're already late. GzSUq4v5gDo-00251-00104816-00104983 Somehow in your head. GzSUq4v5gDo-00252-00104983-00105405 Then you sit in your car and you drive to your office. GzSUq4v5gDo-00253-00105408-00105628 Of course, there's a traffic jam. GzSUq4v5gDo-00254-00105742-00106180 Immediately you are angry, because why now? GzSUq4v5gDo-00255-00106206-00106713 Or afraid, because I'm going to be late to work and I'm going to lose my job. GzSUq4v5gDo-00256-00106714-00106958 And I'm going to get fired, and that's a terrible thing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00257-00106960-00107095 Because I will die. GzSUq4v5gDo-00258-00107096-00107285 Because I won't have anything to eat. GzSUq4v5gDo-00259-00107285-00107385 Okay. GzSUq4v5gDo-00260-00107442-00107909 So you are angry. Instead, you could be enjoying a beautiful day. GzSUq4v5gDo-00261-00107909-00108046 Maybe it's a sunny day. GzSUq4v5gDo-00262-00108094-00108509 Everything is fine. Sure, you're driving towards your office. GzSUq4v5gDo-00263-00108531-00109088 Does you being angry make you go any faster? GzSUq4v5gDo-00264-00109178-00109311 Of course not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00265-00109314-00109611 In fact, while you're driving, GzSUq4v5gDo-00266-00109621-00109914 anyone who is driving slower than you is an idiot, GzSUq4v5gDo-00267-00109917-00110205 and anyone who is driving faster than you is a maniac. GzSUq4v5gDo-00268-00110271-00110597 You do not drive at the same speed every day. GzSUq4v5gDo-00269-00110598-00110953 So it's not about them, it's about you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00270-00110973-00111195 You believing that you don't have enough time. GzSUq4v5gDo-00271-00111196-00111478 And you have resistance towards going to work. GzSUq4v5gDo-00272-00111480-00111763 And you don't want to go to work, you want to stay at home. GzSUq4v5gDo-00273-00111764-00112116 You want to go to the park and you want to have a beautiful time GzSUq4v5gDo-00274-00112118-00112336 with your friends, etc. GzSUq4v5gDo-00275-00112432-00112709 And then, of course, the next thought: GzSUq4v5gDo-00276-00112709-00113096 "And it's only Monday, it's the beginning of the week." GzSUq4v5gDo-00277-00113098-00113483 "I don't want this to be Monday, at least I want it to be Friday." GzSUq4v5gDo-00278-00113582-00113746 If not Saturday or Sunday. GzSUq4v5gDo-00279-00113749-00114031 I don't want it to be Monday. GzSUq4v5gDo-00280-00114089-00114315 And then there's a traffic jam. GzSUq4v5gDo-00281-00114318-00114427 Why is there a traffic jam? GzSUq4v5gDo-00282-00114428-00114635 Because some workers are repairing the road. GzSUq4v5gDo-00283-00114652-00115211 "They are repairing the road during the rush hour and on Monday, they are idiots." GzSUq4v5gDo-00284-00115214-00115737 "I want the road to be repaired when I'm not on the road." GzSUq4v5gDo-00285-00115738-00116023 "And I don't want roads to be repaired right now." GzSUq4v5gDo-00286-00116026-00116532 Because it creates a traffic jam and I have even less time. GzSUq4v5gDo-00287-00116535-00116797 And I am afraid that I will lose my job. GzSUq4v5gDo-00288-00116798-00117268 And I am ashamed because what will other people think of me because I'm always late. GzSUq4v5gDo-00289-00117270-00117597 And I will feel guilty, and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00290-00117651-00117920 Then you come to your office and your office secretary GzSUq4v5gDo-00291-00117920-00118133 is extremely cheerful that day. GzSUq4v5gDo-00292-00118158-00118523 And she says: "Oh, hello, beautiful morning, welcome". GzSUq4v5gDo-00293-00118525-00118748 And immediately you hate her. GzSUq4v5gDo-00294-00118890-00119285 Because you're not as cheerful as her and you have all kinds of excuses. GzSUq4v5gDo-00295-00119285-00119459 And then you remember: GzSUq4v5gDo-00296-00119501-00119672 "You know, that's because she's young." GzSUq4v5gDo-00297-00119674-00119866 She's maybe only 25 years old. GzSUq4v5gDo-00298-00119868-00120282 "When I was 25, I was that cheerful." GzSUq4v5gDo-00299-00120284-00120493 "But noooo, what happened then?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00300-00120494-00120826 "Then life happened to me..." GzSUq4v5gDo-00301-00120886-00121267 And I actually resent her being in a good mood. GzSUq4v5gDo-00302-00121378-00122085 But then she says: "Oh, you know, the boss wants to meet you in 10 minutes." GzSUq4v5gDo-00303-00122111-00122651 Immediately, you're in a state of fear, afraid, anxious: GzSUq4v5gDo-00304-00122654-00122853 "Why? What's going on?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00305-00122856-00122987 "Did I do something wrong?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00306-00122988-00123135 Guilt, shame. GzSUq4v5gDo-00307-00123138-00123302 "What does he want from me?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00308-00123305-00123501 "I can't lose the job, I need this job." GzSUq4v5gDo-00309-00123502-00123661 And so on, and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00310-00123661-00124005 And then you spend the next ten minutes in absolute agony. GzSUq4v5gDo-00311-00124006-00124240 Because, who knows what he wants. GzSUq4v5gDo-00312-00124309-00124475 And then it's actually great news. GzSUq4v5gDo-00313-00124476-00124772 Because he's offering you a promotion. GzSUq4v5gDo-00314-00124804-00124907 More money. GzSUq4v5gDo-00315-00124908-00125121 Yes, I want more money. GzSUq4v5gDo-00316-00125122-00125269 Better social status. GzSUq4v5gDo-00317-00125272-00125485 Yes, I want better social status. GzSUq4v5gDo-00318-00125485-00126029 But, at the same time it will be longer office hours. GzSUq4v5gDo-00319-00126030-00126320 You'll need to work more, so you will have even less time. GzSUq4v5gDo-00320-00126322-00126520 And you don't want that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00321-00126523-00126928 And maybe he's offering you a position in international sales. GzSUq4v5gDo-00322-00126932-00127266 So sometimes you will have to work during the night. GzSUq4v5gDo-00323-00127320-00127741 Because all your clients are maybe in China and you are somewhere in Europe. GzSUq4v5gDo-00324-00127742-00128222 And during their office hours it is 3 AM for you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00325-00128242-00128719 So, sometimes you will need to pull some extra weight. GzSUq4v5gDo-00326-00128749-00129014 And you don't want that, you resist that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00327-00129016-00129580 But you do want more money and that creates confusion in your mind. GzSUq4v5gDo-00328-00129633-00130053 And, of course, then your self-doubt kicks in. GzSUq4v5gDo-00329-00130054-00130540 Because: "Who knows if I'm going to be good at that job." GzSUq4v5gDo-00330-00130590-00130971 You know: "Maybe I will fail, maybe I won't be as good." GzSUq4v5gDo-00331-00130974-00131609 "Am I really good, will I really be good at that job?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00332-00131610-00131765 "What if I fail?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00333-00131766-00132073 "What if I mess up something?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00334-00132164-00132405 And that's another form of resistance. GzSUq4v5gDo-00335-00132408-00132671 Because you are resisting your natural self. GzSUq4v5gDo-00336-00132672-00133058 You are questioning your ability to do that job. GzSUq4v5gDo-00337-00133064-00133389 And you want more money, but you don't want more work. GzSUq4v5gDo-00338-00133390-00133503 And so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00339-00133504-00133774 And that creates a terrible situation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00340-00133892-00134105 Then while you're thinking about that, GzSUq4v5gDo-00341-00134106-00134475 you are a little bit in fear, little bit in desire. GzSUq4v5gDo-00342-00134478-00134882 I want more money, but what if I fail? GzSUq4v5gDo-00343-00134884-00135339 But if I refuse maybe he will fire me. GzSUq4v5gDo-00344-00135340-00135525 And so on, and it's all very confusing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00345-00135527-00135954 Then you sit at your desk and you get a newsletter GzSUq4v5gDo-00346-00135957-00136255 from your favorite travel agency. GzSUq4v5gDo-00347-00136258-00136914 And they're saying: "Next week, 50% discount on our vacation" GzSUq4v5gDo-00348-00136917-00137172 "to a beautiful tropical island." GzSUq4v5gDo-00349-00137208-00137331 And you want that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00350-00137334-00137482 "Oh, I need that." GzSUq4v5gDo-00351-00137485-00137674 "I want that vacation." GzSUq4v5gDo-00352-00137694-00138064 "I don't want to be in the office. I want to go on a vacation." GzSUq4v5gDo-00353-00138076-00138376 "Why am I not rich already?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00354-00138378-00138543 "Why wasn't I born rich?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00355-00138544-00138667 That's even better. GzSUq4v5gDo-00356-00138668-00139009 Because: "I want a vacation, I need a vacation." GzSUq4v5gDo-00357-00139012-00139569 If you really want that vacation, that will probably make you angry. GzSUq4v5gDo-00358-00139570-00139826 Because: "Why can't I go to that vacation?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00359-00139885-00140117 Then you will go to lunch. GzSUq4v5gDo-00360-00140178-00140565 You will order the same thing that you ordered last week and it was excellent. GzSUq4v5gDo-00361-00140566-00140803 But today it's not that tasty. GzSUq4v5gDo-00362-00140840-00141232 And you're angry, because you have unfulfilled desire. GzSUq4v5gDo-00363-00141235-00141604 To have a better tasting lunch. GzSUq4v5gDo-00364-00141696-00141905 So, now you're angry. GzSUq4v5gDo-00365-00141906-00142525 Because that lunch that you're paying for isn't as good as it should be. GzSUq4v5gDo-00366-00142526-00142788 Or it's not as good as it was last week. GzSUq4v5gDo-00367-00142792-00143102 "These idiots in the kitchen don't know what they are doing." GzSUq4v5gDo-00368-00143125-00143328 Then you get back to your office. GzSUq4v5gDo-00369-00143330-00143525 Then you maybe open your Facebook feed. GzSUq4v5gDo-00370-00143526-00143693 Or something like that, Instagram feed. GzSUq4v5gDo-00371-00143696-00144033 And then you get all those beautiful quotes like: GzSUq4v5gDo-00372-00144036-00144207 "Love yourself." GzSUq4v5gDo-00373-00144286-00144425 "Take your time." GzSUq4v5gDo-00374-00144453-00144629 "Follow your passion." GzSUq4v5gDo-00375-00144631-00144813 "Indulge yourself." GzSUq4v5gDo-00376-00144815-00145227 And then you say: "Ohhh, indulge myself, you know what - my back really hurts." GzSUq4v5gDo-00377-00145230-00145520 "I need a massage, yes, that's what I need." GzSUq4v5gDo-00378-00145530-00145949 "I don't want to sit in office, I want to go for a massage." GzSUq4v5gDo-00379-00145995-00146118 Okay. GzSUq4v5gDo-00380-00146167-00146620 Then you sit in your car after the office hours and you drive home. GzSUq4v5gDo-00381-00146640-00147198 Then you come home and then there's a whole different bunch of problems. GzSUq4v5gDo-00382-00147214-00147646 Because there are dishes to wash. GzSUq4v5gDo-00383-00147660-00147912 And your partner is not helping enough. GzSUq4v5gDo-00384-00147916-00148707 You told him 100 times to throw out the trash before going to work. GzSUq4v5gDo-00385-00148709-00148941 And he didn't even do that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00386-00148995-00149409 And it's all on you, and: "Oh, poor little me", and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00387-00149410-00149731 You are resisting the situation as it is and you're fighting GzSUq4v5gDo-00388-00149733-00149929 the situation as it is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00389-00149932-00150375 Because you are attached to the idea that your partner should be helping you more. GzSUq4v5gDo-00390-00150376-00150811 And you have resistance to the idea that he is not helping you enough. GzSUq4v5gDo-00391-00150812-00151377 And that puts you, right now, in a really, really terrible vibration. GzSUq4v5gDo-00392-00151462-00151633 And you know what? GzSUq4v5gDo-00393-00151634-00152113 At the end of the day, you go to brush your teeth, to go to sleep. GzSUq4v5gDo-00394-00152114-00152553 And then you notice dark circles under your eyes. GzSUq4v5gDo-00395-00152554-00152754 You are tired. GzSUq4v5gDo-00396-00152756-00153366 And you ASSUME that you are tired because you have a lot to do. GzSUq4v5gDo-00397-00153368-00153915 And everything is on your shoulders. GzSUq4v5gDo-00398-00153916-00154529 You are carrying the weight of the world and nobody is helping you and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00399-00154530-00154682 But actually... GzSUq4v5gDo-00400-00154711-00154900 You are not tired. GzSUq4v5gDo-00401-00154902-00155183 You are uninspired. GzSUq4v5gDo-00402-00155218-00155833 You know, what's really tiring, what is draining your energy GzSUq4v5gDo-00403-00155836-00156553 is your resistance. You're fighting life as it is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00404-00156583-00156923 You are attached, you're clinging, you're craving, you're grasping GzSUq4v5gDo-00405-00156924-00157379 some other form of life that you prefer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00406-00157472-00157678 That you THINK that you prefer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00407-00157680-00157966 That would be much more precise. GzSUq4v5gDo-00408-00158074-00158436 You know what? You don't need that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00409-00158439-00158711 Just let it go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00410-00158752-00159025 And accept what is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00411-00159026-00159601 When you accept what is, instead fighting what isn't, GzSUq4v5gDo-00412-00159604-00160208 and you think that you should be doing... GzSUq4v5gDo-00413-00160210-00160625 Your insisting and insistence is resistance. GzSUq4v5gDo-00414-00160672-00161133 Resistance is draining your energy. GzSUq4v5gDo-00415-00161136-00161853 Because all you need to do is to stop that mental complaining. GzSUq4v5gDo-00416-00161921-00162425 All you're doing is creating mental complaining, judgments. GzSUq4v5gDo-00417-00162426-00162811 This is good, this is bad. This should be this way, this should be that way. GzSUq4v5gDo-00418-00162842-00162959 You are labeling. GzSUq4v5gDo-00419-00162960-00163296 This man is crazy, this one is stupid. GzSUq4v5gDo-00420-00163306-00163498 I want this, I want that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00421-00163500-00163775 You are worrying, you're fighting what is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00422-00163778-00164212 You're insisting that your life must go a certain way. GzSUq4v5gDo-00423-00164214-00164778 And you don't want it to go any other way. GzSUq4v5gDo-00424-00164784-00165103 You are insisting and insistence is also resistance. GzSUq4v5gDo-00425-00165104-00165703 And actually what you are creating is self-inflicted misery. GzSUq4v5gDo-00426-00165754-00166245 All suffering, all misery in life, GzSUq4v5gDo-00427-00166248-00166624 all emotional pain is SELF-INFLICTED. GzSUq4v5gDo-00428-00166646-00167028 You are doing it to yourself. GzSUq4v5gDo-00429-00167194-00167558 You should notice what is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00430-00167705-00167975 Learn from that situation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00431-00167978-00168421 Because if that situation is creating pleasant feelings, GzSUq4v5gDo-00432-00168422-00168523 great! GzSUq4v5gDo-00433-00168526-00169214 If it's creating unpleasant feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anger and so on... GzSUq4v5gDo-00434-00169342-00169524 Take a look at that situation. GzSUq4v5gDo-00435-00169600-00169731 Own it! GzSUq4v5gDo-00436-00169734-00170024 Do not go into denial. GzSUq4v5gDo-00437-00170060-00170367 That is our natural response. GzSUq4v5gDo-00438-00170368-00170551 "It's not about me, it's about them." GzSUq4v5gDo-00439-00170552-00170697 "It's about the circumstances." GzSUq4v5gDo-00440-00170700-00170856 "It's not about me." GzSUq4v5gDo-00441-00170862-00171399 "I deny that my own attachments and resistances" GzSUq4v5gDo-00442-00171401-00171757 "are creating this vibration that I'm in." GzSUq4v5gDo-00443-00171824-00172188 "And I really want things to be different." GzSUq4v5gDo-00444-00172272-00172600 "When things are different, I will be happy." GzSUq4v5gDo-00445-00172640-00172852 "Once I get what I want." GzSUq4v5gDo-00446-00172924-00173570 You won't be happy when you get what you think you want right now. GzSUq4v5gDo-00447-00173574-00173820 Because on the level of desire, GzSUq4v5gDo-00448-00173843-00174198 when you want things to be in a certain way, GzSUq4v5gDo-00449-00174214-00174522 all you are creating is more desire. GzSUq4v5gDo-00450-00174600-00174984 And maybe you think that $1,000,000 is more than enough GzSUq4v5gDo-00451-00174992-00175205 to make you happy for the rest of your life. GzSUq4v5gDo-00452-00175206-00175583 But, once you reach the $800,000 threshold, GzSUq4v5gDo-00453-00175586-00175862 $2,000,000 will sound even better. GzSUq4v5gDo-00454-00175864-00176102 And then 5, and then 10... GzSUq4v5gDo-00455-00176112-00176324 It never ever ends. GzSUq4v5gDo-00456-00176452-00176790 You just need to accept what is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00457-00176792-00176921 Learn from it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00458-00176922-00177132 But first you need to own it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00459-00177160-00177548 You need to own it, because you can't change anything you don't own. GzSUq4v5gDo-00460-00177616-00177949 You can't change the color of this room, because you don't own this room. GzSUq4v5gDo-00461-00177950-00178333 But, you can change the color of your own bedroom. GzSUq4v5gDo-00462-00178334-00178562 Because you own that bedroom. GzSUq4v5gDo-00463-00178572-00178727 You can change it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00464-00178728-00178917 So, you accept responsibility. GzSUq4v5gDo-00465-00178920-00179344 You say: "Yes, I am feeling bad about the situation." GzSUq4v5gDo-00466-00179346-00179687 "And I'm really grateful for that situation." GzSUq4v5gDo-00467-00179689-00180132 "Because now, I will be able to learn something new about myself." GzSUq4v5gDo-00468-00180170-00180330 And then you accept it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00469-00180340-00180452 And then you own it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00470-00180479-00180617 And then you can change it. GzSUq4v5gDo-00471-00180620-00180829 And you will change it by GzSUq4v5gDo-00472-00180831-00181300 finding out what your resistances and what your attachments are. GzSUq4v5gDo-00473-00181434-00182118 Or in the words of the greatest psychiatrist ever, Carl Gustav Jung: GzSUq4v5gDo-00474-00182121-00182539 "We cannot change anything until we accept it." GzSUq4v5gDo-00475-00182540-00182928 "Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." GzSUq4v5gDo-00476-00182982-00183428 Everything that annoys you, everything that makes you nervous, GzSUq4v5gDo-00477-00183431-00183738 or anxious or ashamed or guilty, GzSUq4v5gDo-00478-00183741-00184196 is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself. GzSUq4v5gDo-00479-00184308-00184602 And this is great, great news. GzSUq4v5gDo-00480-00184605-00184940 Because you are in charge. You are in control. GzSUq4v5gDo-00481-00184942-00185347 It's all about YOUR attachments and your resistances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00482-00185375-00185763 And, you know, you can't control outer circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00483-00185766-00186325 But you can control your own attachments, aversions and resistances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00484-00186326-00186733 And in that way, you can use all the negative, GzSUq4v5gDo-00485-00186734-00187138 so-called, negative inputs from the outside GzSUq4v5gDo-00486-00187178-00187626 as a tool, as a teaching tool and be grateful for them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00487-00187724-00188283 So, the first great insight that we get from Buddha's Four Noble Truths GzSUq4v5gDo-00488-00188284-00189011 is that all suffering is self-inflicted. It is NOT about the circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00489-00189014-00189660 Suffering is about your chosen attitude toward the circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00490-00189714-00189867 And this is nothing new. GzSUq4v5gDo-00491-00189869-00190185 Because from the recap of the second chapter, GzSUq4v5gDo-00492-00190186-00190357 we have this sentence: GzSUq4v5gDo-00493-00190358-00190840 Your vibratory state - meaning happiness, inspiration, creativity - GzSUq4v5gDo-00494-00190842-00191148 has nothing to do with external circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00495-00191184-00191666 Only with how you choose to respond to these circumstances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00496-00191779-00191912 It's actually the same thing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00497-00192115-00192601 We just reached the same conclusion from two completely different paths. GzSUq4v5gDo-00498-00192648-00192886 The first path was by Dr. David Hawkins. GzSUq4v5gDo-00499-00192896-00193002 The map of consciousness. GzSUq4v5gDo-00500-00193108-00193536 The second path was from Buddha's Four Noble Truths. GzSUq4v5gDo-00501-00193539-00193850 And they lead to the same place. GzSUq4v5gDo-00502-00193889-00193989 Kind of... GzSUq4v5gDo-00503-00194040-00194666 Because if you are really careful about what we are saying here... GzSUq4v5gDo-00504-00194716-00195395 The Buddha says: "Suffering is self-inflicted and it is about you." GzSUq4v5gDo-00505-00195396-00195743 So, he talks about suffering, the removal of suffering. GzSUq4v5gDo-00506-00195780-00196077 And Dr. David Hawkins says: GzSUq4v5gDo-00507-00196078-00196500 circumstances are not what creates your vibratory state. GzSUq4v5gDo-00508-00196502-00196852 Your vibratory state is about how you respond. GzSUq4v5gDo-00509-00196854-00197066 So, Buddha is talking about suffering GzSUq4v5gDo-00510-00197069-00197412 and Dr. David Hawkins is talking about happiness. GzSUq4v5gDo-00511-00197498-00197760 Maybe that will sound strange to you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00512-00197762-00198348 Because not being unhappy and being happy are not exactly the same thing. GzSUq4v5gDo-00513-00198382-00198504 Right? GzSUq4v5gDo-00514-00198506-00199051 We want to be happy, not just to remove suffering. GzSUq4v5gDo-00515-00199114-00199411 Removing suffering will not make me happy. GzSUq4v5gDo-00516-00199412-00199512 Right? GzSUq4v5gDo-00517-00199538-00199744 Well, it will! GzSUq4v5gDo-00518-00199780-00200333 And it is the second great insight that Buddha gave us GzSUq4v5gDo-00519-00200336-00200644 in his very concise "Four Noble Truths". GzSUq4v5gDo-00520-00200716-00201227 And that is: Happiness is your natural state. GzSUq4v5gDo-00521-00201313-00201815 When you remove whatever makes you unhappy, GzSUq4v5gDo-00522-00201817-00202316 you are getting back to your natural state of being. GzSUq4v5gDo-00523-00202319-00202679 Not filtered through your mind, which will make it real. GzSUq4v5gDo-00524-00202680-00203021 Whatever circumstances are going on will make them real. GzSUq4v5gDo-00525-00203022-00203541 So, once you remove suffering, you're raising your vibration. GzSUq4v5gDo-00526-00203591-00204087 You don't need to add anything to you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00527-00204088-00204490 You just need to remove what you are not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00528-00204554-00204847 Or in Buddha's own words: GzSUq4v5gDo-00529-00204849-00205550 "It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person free from remorse." GzSUq4v5gDo-00530-00205619-00206190 All you need to do is remove what you do not prefer. GzSUq4v5gDo-00531-00206314-00206475 What you are not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00532-00206476-00206647 What does not resonate with you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00533-00206648-00207263 You just need to find out about your attachments and about your resistances. GzSUq4v5gDo-00534-00207264-00207469 And let them go. GzSUq4v5gDo-00535-00207512-00207789 Once you let them go, GzSUq4v5gDo-00536-00207790-00208310 once you release the weights that are holding you down, GzSUq4v5gDo-00537-00208313-00208798 you will naturally lift your vibration. GzSUq4v5gDo-00538-00208908-00209219 That is kind of surprising. GzSUq4v5gDo-00539-00209247-00209511 But it is in the nature of things. GzSUq4v5gDo-00540-00209512-00209764 It's just the way it is. GzSUq4v5gDo-00541-00209880-00210361 It's just like the great sculptor, Michelangelo. GzSUq4v5gDo-00542-00210362-00210849 He created some real gorgeous sculptures, masterpieces. GzSUq4v5gDo-00543-00210850-00211139 Like the Pietà or David. GzSUq4v5gDo-00544-00211140-00211379 And someone asked him once: GzSUq4v5gDo-00545-00211382-00211692 "Oh, my God, Michelangelo, this is gorgeous." GzSUq4v5gDo-00546-00211694-00212389 "How could you create this beautiful sculpture from a piece of stone?" GzSUq4v5gDo-00547-00212467-00212918 And he said: "You know what, David was already in the stone." GzSUq4v5gDo-00548-00212920-00213226 "I just removed the extraneous stone." GzSUq4v5gDo-00549-00213264-00213627 I just removed what David was not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00550-00213658-00213783 Okay? GzSUq4v5gDo-00551-00213784-00214339 And by removing what David was not, there it is, David. GzSUq4v5gDo-00552-00214340-00214628 As we know him today. GzSUq4v5gDo-00553-00214706-00215302 So you don't need to ADD anything to you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00554-00215305-00215583 You are already perfect. GzSUq4v5gDo-00555-00215585-00215809 As the Eastern traditions would say. GzSUq4v5gDo-00556-00215810-00215956 You're already perfect. GzSUq4v5gDo-00557-00215958-00216476 What you need is to remove from yourself what you are not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00558-00216573-00216815 It's kind of like a balloon. GzSUq4v5gDo-00559-00216817-00217059 You know those hot-air balloons. GzSUq4v5gDo-00560-00217100-00217583 There is a balloon and here you're inside. GzSUq4v5gDo-00561-00217604-00217912 And these balloons often have some weights. GzSUq4v5gDo-00562-00217940-00218146 That's called ballast. GzSUq4v5gDo-00563-00218229-00218771 The only function of these weights is to keep you at a certain altitude. GzSUq4v5gDo-00564-00218832-00219063 If you want to go higher, GzSUq4v5gDo-00565-00219064-00219544 what you need to do is cut off one of those ballasts. GzSUq4v5gDo-00566-00219626-00219737 Okay? GzSUq4v5gDo-00567-00219739-00220069 Then you will make yourself lighter GzSUq4v5gDo-00568-00220071-00220468 and the balloon will go higher naturally. GzSUq4v5gDo-00569-00220472-00220951 You don't need anything to add to that balloon. GzSUq4v5gDo-00570-00220952-00221515 Only remove the ballast, the weight that you don't need. GzSUq4v5gDo-00571-00221517-00221805 If you want to go higher. GzSUq4v5gDo-00572-00221928-00222146 And that is why... GzSUq4v5gDo-00573-00222240-00222690 I am strongly opposed, personally, to calling this, GzSUq4v5gDo-00574-00222693-00223210 what we are talking about, self-help, or self-improvement. GzSUq4v5gDo-00575-00223264-00223823 Because self-improvement means that there is a better version of yourself. GzSUq4v5gDo-00576-00223825-00224046 Somewhere in the future. GzSUq4v5gDo-00577-00224139-00224505 And if there is a better version of me in the future, GzSUq4v5gDo-00578-00224506-00224898 that means that this version now is not good enough. GzSUq4v5gDo-00579-00224961-00225345 That immediately puts you in guilt and shame. GzSUq4v5gDo-00580-00225355-00225691 Because you are not good enough or you are afraid. GzSUq4v5gDo-00581-00225692-00225988 You're worried about what people will think of you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00582-00225991-00226242 Because you should be better. GzSUq4v5gDo-00583-00226325-00226517 Please don't do that! GzSUq4v5gDo-00584-00226548-00227271 Please don't do self-help and please don't do self-improvement. GzSUq4v5gDo-00585-00227271-00227644 What you should do is self-exploration. GzSUq4v5gDo-00586-00227700-00227860 Self-discovery. GzSUq4v5gDo-00587-00227914-00228264 Find out what you already are. GzSUq4v5gDo-00588-00228367-00228687 And when you find out what you already are... GzSUq4v5gDo-00589-00228693-00229017 The path to finding what you already are GzSUq4v5gDo-00590-00229020-00229500 is by removing from yourself what you are NOT. GzSUq4v5gDo-00591-00229590-00229815 As the great poet Rumi said: GzSUq4v5gDo-00592-00229907-00230175 "Your task is not to seek for love," GzSUq4v5gDo-00593-00230177-00230606 "but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself" GzSUq4v5gDo-00594-00230609-00230874 "that you have built against it." GzSUq4v5gDo-00595-00230983-00231343 Of course, when Rumi talks about love, he talks about this kind of love. GzSUq4v5gDo-00596-00231344-00231469 It's unconditional love. GzSUq4v5gDo-00597-00231469-00231891 It's not being in love, being attached to your partner. GzSUq4v5gDo-00598-00231894-00232259 And being in a kind of constant resistance and rejection GzSUq4v5gDo-00599-00232262-00232535 that something will go wrong with your relationship. GzSUq4v5gDo-00600-00232536-00232892 It's about this love, it's about a love of life. GzSUq4v5gDo-00601-00233032-00233660 This is the second brilliant insight from Buddha's "Four Noble Truths". GzSUq4v5gDo-00602-00233663-00234130 And that is that happiness is your natural state. GzSUq4v5gDo-00603-00234233-00234598 All you need to do is remove what you're not. GzSUq4v5gDo-00604-00234768-00235243 But there is also third brilliant point that Buddha made. GzSUq4v5gDo-00605-00235244-00235892 He gave us the cure, which is Buddha's Eightfold Path. GzSUq4v5gDo-00606-00235944-00236843 It is a PATH, it is not a destination, or target, or aim. GzSUq4v5gDo-00607-00236901-00237098 It is a path. GzSUq4v5gDo-00608-00237101-00237641 It is about being in the right vibration right now. GzSUq4v5gDo-00609-00237710-00238292 And then in the next moment, and then in the moment after that, and the next one. GzSUq4v5gDo-00610-00238358-00239130 By being happy in every particular moment - you have a happy life. GzSUq4v5gDo-00611-00239167-00239938 It's not about arriving there, it is about enjoying your journey. GzSUq4v5gDo-00612-00240056-00240375 And these are two completely different things. GzSUq4v5gDo-00613-00240444-00240837 In the Eastern traditions they found that out thousands of years ago. GzSUq4v5gDo-00614-00240873-00241293 They created all kind of riddles that we don't understand today GzSUq4v5gDo-00615-00241294-00241511 that are pointing to just that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00616-00241512-00242108 For example, the great Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher, Taoist philosopher, he said: GzSUq4v5gDo-00617-00242150-00242808 "A skillful traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving." GzSUq4v5gDo-00618-00242906-00243333 What do you mean a skillful travel has no intent upon arriving? GzSUq4v5gDo-00619-00243334-00243562 Isn't that the whole point? GzSUq4v5gDo-00620-00243614-00243903 A traveler goes from point A to point B. GzSUq4v5gDo-00621-00243906-00244138 He wants to get to point B. GzSUq4v5gDo-00622-00244141-00244448 If he doesn't get to point B, he failed, right? GzSUq4v5gDo-00623-00244450-00244573 No! GzSUq4v5gDo-00624-00244623-00245136 He has no intent in arriving, because he is open to anything. GzSUq4v5gDo-00625-00245190-00245762 He trusts that life will bring him opportunities and situations GzSUq4v5gDo-00626-00245773-00246308 that will allow him to learn a little bit more about himself, GzSUq4v5gDo-00627-00246310-00246703 to remove his own attachments, to remove his own resistances, GzSUq4v5gDo-00628-00246705-00246935 to learn a little bit more about himself. GzSUq4v5gDo-00629-00247005-00247273 And that's the point, that's the whole point. GzSUq4v5gDo-00630-00247276-00247692 There is no point in arriving, the point is in traveling. GzSUq4v5gDo-00631-00247750-00248030 Or if you prefer Buddha, that's fine. He said: GzSUq4v5gDo-00632-00248141-00248635 "There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path." GzSUq4v5gDo-00633-00248723-00249047 Happiness is the path, there is no path to happiness. GzSUq4v5gDo-00634-00249048-00249298 And what's equally confusing, GzSUq4v5gDo-00635-00249350-00249952 in the fourth noble truth, where Buddha talks about a cure for that, GzSUq4v5gDo-00636-00249986-00250573 he says that the cure for our suffering is meditation GzSUq4v5gDo-00637-00250576-00250805 and a way of life that is consistent with it, GzSUq4v5gDo-00638-00250808-00251304 that doesn't create unnecessary suffering for ourselves or for others, and so on. GzSUq4v5gDo-00639-00251334-00252082 And that is another confusing concept for us Westerners. GzSUq4v5gDo-00640-00252236-00252888 Because, are you really telling me that sitting quietly, doing absolutely nothing GzSUq4v5gDo-00641-00252892-00253122 will somehow make me happy? GzSUq4v5gDo-00642-00253172-00253343 Yes. GzSUq4v5gDo-00643-00253345-00253801 Yes, and the explanation for that goes a little bit GzSUq4v5gDo-00644-00253802-00254121 beyond the scope of this course. GzSUq4v5gDo-00645-00254232-00254696 But it will be explained it in much more detail in another course. GzSUq4v5gDo-00646-00254710-00255052 It will be probably called "A Course in Meditation", or something like that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00647-00255140-00255887 By sitting quietly and kind of trying to turn off your mind. GzSUq4v5gDo-00648-00255944-00256181 That's not as easy as it seems. GzSUq4v5gDo-00649-00256203-00256903 But by turning off your mind, you are in a way making the mind more visible. GzSUq4v5gDo-00650-00256985-00257474 You are able to cut through the jungle of your thoughts. GzSUq4v5gDo-00651-00257532-00257935 Because there are fewer of them and then you can GzSUq4v5gDo-00652-00257935-00258251 look at them without any judgment. GzSUq4v5gDo-00653-00258254-00258711 Without worrying, without mental complaining and accept them. GzSUq4v5gDo-00654-00258713-00259160 And work with them and that is a much more efficient. GzSUq4v5gDo-00655-00259291-00259609 You know, you can imagine life like a river. GzSUq4v5gDo-00656-00259694-00260154 And you can sit on the boat in the middle of a river GzSUq4v5gDo-00657-00260156-00260410 and just let the current lead you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00658-00260546-00260801 Maybe just a little bit here, a little bit there. GzSUq4v5gDo-00659-00260802-00261127 You will correct your path. GzSUq4v5gDo-00660-00261128-00261284 But just a tiny little bit. GzSUq4v5gDo-00661-00261300-00261811 If you try to swim upstream, GzSUq4v5gDo-00662-00261812-00262221 or if you try to cling to the right side of the river, GzSUq4v5gDo-00663-00262222-00262437 to the right bank and not to the left bank, GzSUq4v5gDo-00664-00262439-00262741 so you don't want the left bank, you want the right bank, GzSUq4v5gDo-00665-00262800-00263476 it will be much more not only difficult, but tiresome. GzSUq4v5gDo-00666-00263566-00263745 You don't need to do that. GzSUq4v5gDo-00667-00263747-00264104 The road already knows where it leads. GzSUq4v5gDo-00668-00264131-00264342 So your life is leading you somewhere GzSUq4v5gDo-00669-00264344-00264767 and your life knows what's best for you. GzSUq4v5gDo-00670-00264870-00265281 We'll talk a lot about that in the coming chapters. GzSUq4v5gDo-00671-00265283-00265786 But, you accept responsibility for your state. GzSUq4v5gDo-00672-00265828-00266517 And trust that life will bring you exactly the circumstances and situations GzSUq4v5gDo-00673-00266520-00266768 and people that you actually need. GzSUq4v5gDo-00674-00266770-00267168 Not that you THINK that you need; that you actually need. GzSUq4v5gDo-00675-00267278-00267594 The third brilliant point from Buddha's "Four Noble Truths", GzSUq4v5gDo-00676-00267596-00267893 is that there is no path to happiness. GzSUq4v5gDo-00677-00267895-00268166 Happiness is the path. GzSUq4v5gDo-00678-00268168-00268448 And please note, it is a path. GzSUq4v5gDo-00679-00268450-00268764 It is not a destination. GzSUq4v5gDo-00680-00268863-00269137 The thing that our mind reacts to, GzSUq4v5gDo-00681-00269138-00269938 things that are making us worry or fearful or anxious or angry or guilty GzSUq4v5gDo-00682-00269966-00270405 are exactly the situations that are pointing us GzSUq4v5gDo-00683-00270408-00270923 to our own attachments and our own aversions. GzSUq4v5gDo-00684-00271143-00271545 And this is really powerful stuff. GzSUq4v5gDo-00685-00271647-00271833 And we are only halfway there. GzSUq4v5gDo-00686-00271834-00272182 Because, as we remember, the causes of our suffering GzSUq4v5gDo-00687-00272184-00272503 are desire and ignorance. GzSUq4v5gDo-00688-00272504-00272723 So, this was all about desire. GzSUq4v5gDo-00689-00272725-00273222 And ignorance is much, much more interesting and even more powerful. G-kAIVhtpMY-00000-00000000-00000468 I just spent five thousand dollars on this Mystery Collection of sneakers right here I G-kAIVhtpMY-00001-00000468-00000924 don't know what's inside these boxes but I'm excited to crack them open I've done this a G-kAIVhtpMY-00002-00000924-00001326 couple times on my channel if you guys didn't know already and I'm excited to do this again G-kAIVhtpMY-00003-00001326-00001770 because low-key this stuff is kind of fun so with all that being said let's get these sneakers down G-kAIVhtpMY-00004-00001770-00002190 to the studio and start unboxing all the kicks and see if we got our money's worth or not all G-kAIVhtpMY-00005-00002190-00002556 right you guys you know what time it is if you haven't seen the previous episodes of me doing G-kAIVhtpMY-00006-00002556-00003012 this before basically I'm gonna run through all of the sneakers over here show you guys what I got G-kAIVhtpMY-00007-00003012-00003528 because it's just a mystery I just gave him cash and he gives me random shoes and then I picked G-kAIVhtpMY-00008-00003528-00003870 through the sneakers of the stuff that I want to keep and then everything that I don't want to keep G-kAIVhtpMY-00009-00003870-00004284 I put it on the website for you guys to have an opportunity to get it as well and typically he G-kAIVhtpMY-00010-00004284-00004722 throws in different samples and a bunch of random sneakers in there so hopefully it's worth the G-kAIVhtpMY-00011-00004722-00005118 five thousand dollars hopefully I can find some things I want and hopefully there's some things G-kAIVhtpMY-00012-00005118-00005646 for you guys so if you haven't already check out the website I'll have that link G-kAIVhtpMY-00013-00005646-00006096 for you guys down below in the description as well and every time I do videos I like this I G-kAIVhtpMY-00014-00006096-00006504 always put the extra shoes on the website so you guys have opportunities to get them for good deals G-kAIVhtpMY-00015-00006504-00006995 as well so with all that being said let's go ahead and crack open this first box because we got a lot G-kAIVhtpMY-00016-00006995-00007530 to get through all right starting with the first one right here we have a Nike sock Dart SE and I G-kAIVhtpMY-00017-00007530-00007914 already know what the sock darts are okay this right here is like an Oreo colorway we got the G-kAIVhtpMY-00018-00007914-00008508 all black upper with the Oreo midsole this is a size 12. now if these were 13 I would definitely G-kAIVhtpMY-00019-00008508-00009168 be keeping these all right next up right here we have a Kyrie 5 oh oh I think I know what this is G-kAIVhtpMY-00020-00009168-00009774 because I got the last one before it is let's go we have the sneaker room Kyrie 5 right here G-kAIVhtpMY-00021-00009774-00010470 I got these from him last time and apparently he has the other colorway as well all right next up G-kAIVhtpMY-00022-00010470-00011124 we have a size 13 Huarache now I'm not too big of a huarache guy but I do respect it oh this is G-kAIVhtpMY-00023-00011124-00011586 a clean shoe right here we got the what is this like a stingray material looks like a stingray G-kAIVhtpMY-00024-00011586-00012276 hirachi size 13. now I'm not too big of a fan but I do respect it so this is gonna be something I'm G-kAIVhtpMY-00025-00012276-00012618 probably gonna put on a chopping block but these honestly are pretty nice I don't know I might have G-kAIVhtpMY-00026-00012618-00012941 to keep these ones low-key I'm a debate about this one actually I'll think about this I'll G-kAIVhtpMY-00027-00012941-00013722 let you know later all right right here we have a Nike react Presto ah these are drunk what the G-kAIVhtpMY-00028-00013722-00014358 hell okay so the react Presto I like the reacts I like the prestos but the whole thing together G-kAIVhtpMY-00029-00014358-00014897 was kind of weird to me I feel like they should have just kept them you know as is but this is G-kAIVhtpMY-00030-00014897-00015606 uh are these worn they look like these look like they're brand new everything looks good on here G-kAIVhtpMY-00031-00015606-00016086 I don't know looks like a brand new pair of react Presto so if anybody wants these you can have them G-kAIVhtpMY-00032-00016086-00016656 because definitely not really my cup of tea Nike LeBron 9 vhm size 12 and a half oh this is a good G-kAIVhtpMY-00033-00016656-00017184 one man I used to have these back in the day this would be a good one to get back I don't know why G-kAIVhtpMY-00034-00017748-00018576 Okay so I take that back this is not a LeBron what is this all right I'm gonna have to do some G-kAIVhtpMY-00035-00018576-00019044 research on this one it's very interesting to say the least what though is this like a G-kAIVhtpMY-00036-00019044-00019560 mixture of different shoes I don't know I don't even feel I'm okay I'm Loki sad G-kAIVhtpMY-00037-00019614-00020286 I thought it was the BHM LeBrons this is not what I wanted yeah whoever wants these to have these G-kAIVhtpMY-00038-00020286-00021174 come on I thought that was following that let down what do we have right here LDV vintage size G-kAIVhtpMY-00039-00021174-00021912 13. definitely not my cup of tea either a little old school Vibe you know I'm saying I'll be seeing G-kAIVhtpMY-00040-00021912-00022596 people rocking shoes like this but me personally yeah I'ma pass on those too all right here we go G-kAIVhtpMY-00041-00022596-00023100 now we're talking Nike SB we got a black with the purple box this is an older Arrow right here so G-kAIVhtpMY-00042-00023100-00023970 there's got to be something good inside of here Nike Zoom Air what the what is this oh my gosh G-kAIVhtpMY-00043-00024192-00025146 oh what is this even an SB it says SB in the insole Nike this is look they look like some G-kAIVhtpMY-00044-00025146-00025656 Vans with some elephant print this is very interesting what is this even called these G-kAIVhtpMY-00045-00025656-00026777 things are dirty Nike Air Verona premium yeah so uh ten dollars ten dollars who wants them G-kAIVhtpMY-00046-00026777-00027348 ten dollars bro we're off to a rough start today this is crazy normally I mean I know every time G-kAIVhtpMY-00047-00027348-00027966 in the batches there's like some good and bads but like where's the goods at Nike Trainer One Premium G-kAIVhtpMY-00048-00028404-00029166 right when I say that that's funny so these these are some Goods right here the oh my G-kAIVhtpMY-00049-00029166-00029658 gosh they got damn it's it's cracking a little bit on the 3M but this is the 112 G-kAIVhtpMY-00050-00029658-00030186 trainer one right here this is a very good one right here I don't know about you guys I like G-kAIVhtpMY-00051-00030186-00030732 trainer ones this this is like a grill right here when it comes to Trader ones definitely G-kAIVhtpMY-00052-00030732-00031212 foreign definitely keeping these I'm gonna have to check them out I know the G-kAIVhtpMY-00053-00031212-00031644 3M is like cracking a little bit where the crease is the right way either way G-kAIVhtpMY-00054-00031866-00032262 our fire see right when I had some doubt I thought we was going to be on a bad streak G-kAIVhtpMY-00055-00032262-00032664 but we're looking good we're looking good I like this I like this next up we have a G-kAIVhtpMY-00056-00032664-00033660 Nike eye ID box let's listen inside this is what is this NikeiD is this the uh KD G-kAIVhtpMY-00057-00033792-00034272 it's like missing the laces though I don't know what the hell it says Nike ID on the tag size G-kAIVhtpMY-00058-00034272-00035016 12 and a half it looks like he cut the lace things off like a just like a like a slipper type vibe to G-kAIVhtpMY-00059-00035016-00035520 it next up is one that I already know what it is because I see the packaging hopefully I don't get G-kAIVhtpMY-00060-00035520-00036186 too deceived but you got the Penny Pack right here and let me see if I can open this there we go so G-kAIVhtpMY-00061-00036294-00036936 got the pennies right here the Foamposites looking good I remember when this pack first came out I G-kAIVhtpMY-00062-00036936-00037536 used to have this pack back in the day and then uh I ended up getting rid of it and I feel like G-kAIVhtpMY-00063-00037536-00038358 it just never hit like it just was never like dope like it wasn't I don't know like Foamposites was G-kAIVhtpMY-00064-00038358-00038904 hidden during that time but this package just it didn't get the job done I don't know that's G-kAIVhtpMY-00065-00038904-00039246 why I ended up getting rid of it let me know what you guys think about this pack Down Below in the G-kAIVhtpMY-00066-00039246-00040050 comment section all right on to the next one we got a MOAB OG ah Classic this is a good one right G-kAIVhtpMY-00067-00040050-00040440 here this is a nice one right here if anybody wants these I'm gonna put these on the site this G-kAIVhtpMY-00068-00040440-00041136 is definitely gonna be a really good pickup for somebody all right next up XL air Presto TP uh-oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00069-00041136-00042084 uh oh we got that Tech pack Presto all black in a size XL hey if these fit good just know sorry G-kAIVhtpMY-00070-00042084-00042780 guys I'm keeping these for sure all right we got an Air Trainer 2 Premium quick strike size 13. G-kAIVhtpMY-00071-00042834-00043518 oh these actually are kind of clean I don't know if I would ever wear these but these are nice the G-kAIVhtpMY-00072-00043518-00044130 materials on these are fire and it's got the promo sample in there okay all right next up G-kAIVhtpMY-00073-00044130-00044766 we got an Air Huarache size 13. y'all know I'm not the oh I was about to say I'm not really the G-kAIVhtpMY-00074-00044766-00045438 Huarache guy but this is a solid colorway giving you that solar Yeezy vibe I ain't mad at this one G-kAIVhtpMY-00075-00045438-00045900 this what does it say a size 13 right I'm not keeping these but this is definitely a solid G-kAIVhtpMY-00076-00045900-00046398 colorway all right here we got an air Presto mid acronym NOW we talking now we talk on my language G-kAIVhtpMY-00077-00046398-00047148 the only problem is this is a size large and I can definitely not fit a size large that's crazy bro G-kAIVhtpMY-00078-00047208-00047736 I need this colorway why is it never in my size on the stuff that I want all right right here G-kAIVhtpMY-00079-00047736-00048714 we got a Nike roshi run throwing it back that is not a Nike Roshe Run okay we got the sample G-kAIVhtpMY-00080-00048714-00049344 tags on there right there suede posit look at the sample sample not for resell stamped on the G-kAIVhtpMY-00081-00049344-00049818 inside cool little drop what size is these I have to I used to have these back in the day I G-kAIVhtpMY-00082-00049818-00050616 used to wear these ended up getting rid of them years ago size 12. ah I definitely can't film G-kAIVhtpMY-00083-00050616-00051276 Foamposites in a size 12. right here we got an Air Force One High retro size 12. what's going on G-kAIVhtpMY-00084-00051372-00052212 and it's a good shoe this is crazy brother oh we got the high top purple joints this thing is G-kAIVhtpMY-00085-00052212-00052698 a classic right here I know these definitely go crazy on the East Coast especially I know I can't G-kAIVhtpMY-00086-00052698-00053232 make orc I got other forces inside so I just don't work I'm like low-key like a 13 13 and a half so G-kAIVhtpMY-00087-00053232-00053850 for me to try to make a size 12 squeeze it I can tell you it's just not gonna work it's rare that G-kAIVhtpMY-00088-00053850-00054402 I can do it but it has to be like a really soft sneaker open mesh on the upper type thing Nike G-kAIVhtpMY-00089-00054402-00055374 Air Trainer one SB size 13 okay what we got let's go let's go let's go that's what I'm talking about G-kAIVhtpMY-00090-00055452-00056220 the gold digger trainers now I used to have these back in the day and I uh got rid of them and now G-kAIVhtpMY-00091-00056448-00056724 I'm keeping these I'm getting these back in the collection I don't know about like I said G-kAIVhtpMY-00092-00056724-00057102 I like trainer ones I don't know about you guys but I do like trainer ones I probably G-kAIVhtpMY-00093-00057102-00057666 got about like maybe five or seven pairs of Trader ones in my collection so to bring these G-kAIVhtpMY-00094-00057666-00058236 back into the collection size 13 right let me check the boxes let me see yep we good size G-kAIVhtpMY-00095-00058236-00058890 13. sorry guys I'm keeping these all right next up we got a Nike black and purple SB G-kAIVhtpMY-00096-00058890-00059454 box old school Vibes kicking it now we had a major letdown earlier with the purple SB box G-kAIVhtpMY-00097-00059454-00060300 so hopefully they don't do it to us again Nike Dunk High premium SB black oh foreign G-kAIVhtpMY-00098-00061386-00062670 let's go oh my gosh this is crazy okay so oh what do I even say okay long story short I have G-kAIVhtpMY-00099-00062670-00063066 to make a video about this shoe sorry you guys I haven't shown you what it is inside yet this is G-kAIVhtpMY-00100-00063066-00064212 the MF Doom Nike SB dunk high this this right here is a sneaker that I used to have and the G-kAIVhtpMY-00101-00064212-00065124 crazy thing is I got this pair from my boy that that I got these from I got this pair from him G-kAIVhtpMY-00102-00065232-00065892 and then I had them for years he wanted them back I traded him back to him probably about like G-kAIVhtpMY-00103-00065976-00066996 maybe five or seven years ago and then he just gave them back to me this is crazy bro G-kAIVhtpMY-00104-00066996-00067518 it's been so long we were just talking about this the other day he was reading my mind G-kAIVhtpMY-00105-00067590-00068148 oh my gosh I never thought he was gonna let go of these and this is like my only chance of getting G-kAIVhtpMY-00106-00068148-00068766 a clean pair from somebody and because I knew oh this is crazy bro I don't even know if these G-kAIVhtpMY-00107-00068766-00069282 things are worse right now let me see so right now these are hidden for around two thousand dollars G-kAIVhtpMY-00108-00069396-00070080 that's crazy I remember when these was like 400 bucks back in the day and that was a lot G-kAIVhtpMY-00109-00070188-00070974 bro thank you thank you bro this is crazy I feel like we could just stop the video now I know we G-kAIVhtpMY-00110-00070974-00071562 got like five more stack three one two three four we got five more Stacks over here to go through oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00111-00071562-00072216 bro damn I got I feel like I gotta leave these out the box on display like let them just sit right G-kAIVhtpMY-00112-00072216-00072882 here so yeah just bullet type thing like that's crazy I'm gonna I'm gonna make a full review for G-kAIVhtpMY-00113-00072882-00073392 you guys telling you guys a story about these uh I gave you guys a short version but yeah good times G-kAIVhtpMY-00114-00073488-00074400 definitely keeping these thank you bro oh bro yes that's crazy all right um all right let's get G-kAIVhtpMY-00115-00074400-00075240 back situated I don't even know what to do right now this is crazy Nike free Flyknit Checker size G-kAIVhtpMY-00116-00075240-00075978 12 what we got it's a free Yep this is his shoe these honestly low-key again bro I bet you these G-kAIVhtpMY-00117-00075978-00076458 are very comfortable to say the least um this is probably gonna be a good pickup for somebody if G-kAIVhtpMY-00118-00076458-00076926 these were a size 13 I would look you snag these and keep these because you need some good everyday G-kAIVhtpMY-00119-00076926-00077340 shoes you know what I'm saying I feel like I wouldn't be mad at having these in the collection G-kAIVhtpMY-00120-00077340-00078108 at all but in other news let's talk about these NF these MF dudes real quick you know what I'm saying G-kAIVhtpMY-00121-00078216-00078942 bro I'm actually this is crazy these are you see how I'm stacking everything else over here but the G-kAIVhtpMY-00122-00078942-00079596 MF Dooms is right here next to me because I gotta make sure I I keep those in a real close site but G-kAIVhtpMY-00123-00079596-00080262 yeah boy Air Max 90 current what we got right here oh now this shoe is very very comfortable G-kAIVhtpMY-00124-00080262-00080940 I have these in the baking colorway and uh very comfortable shoe uh what size are these size 13 G-kAIVhtpMY-00125-00080940-00081348 so I'm not gonna keep these but if anybody does want to grab these trust me when I tell you G-kAIVhtpMY-00126-00081348-00081906 you're gonna love them all right next up we got a Barkley posit Max wow throwing it back we got the G-kAIVhtpMY-00127-00081906-00082458 sportswear box this is something that we haven't seen for some years with the eggplant joints bro G-kAIVhtpMY-00128-00082536-00083208 take me back was this like 2012 2013 sometime around what year was this yeah 2012. G-kAIVhtpMY-00129-00083286-00083976 oh my gosh that's crazy this is Throwback Vibes right here these brand new they look like they've G-kAIVhtpMY-00130-00083976-00084642 been worn Nike buy you Nike ID this looks like oh this is like that Joyride joint or something G-kAIVhtpMY-00131-00084642-00085380 is that the name of it Joyride what's the name of it isn't this the joyride it's got the little G-kAIVhtpMY-00132-00085548-00086124 where's this I'm trying to remember the oh no it's something like that either way I've G-kAIVhtpMY-00133-00086124-00086616 never tried these on before what size are these there's a 12. I've never tried these on before so G-kAIVhtpMY-00134-00086616-00086982 I couldn't tell you how comfy they are I heard they were comfortable but I feel like this was G-kAIVhtpMY-00135-00086982-00087480 a wave that came and went very fast and not that many people really stuck with them but let me see G-kAIVhtpMY-00136-00087546-00088038 it's got a real cushiony insole I don't know let me know what you guys think about these Down Below G-kAIVhtpMY-00137-00088038-00088392 in the comment section I'll put these on the website because I mean yeah I can't really do G-kAIVhtpMY-00138-00088392-00088782 nothing with them in a size 12. all right next up right here now this one I actually did see earlier G-kAIVhtpMY-00139-00088782-00089298 simply because it's just such a tiny box and I had to take a peek at it it's the Air Max 270 G-kAIVhtpMY-00140-00089298-00089946 Cactus Trails got the little Travis Scott joints right here I think these are just like dope in a G-kAIVhtpMY-00141-00089946-00090336 kid size now personally in adults I'm not really rocking with them but I think it's cool for a G-kAIVhtpMY-00142-00090336-00090690 little kid to rock these with the Air Max look at that air bubble in the back looking huge I don't G-kAIVhtpMY-00143-00090690-00091056 know I feel like this is something to be cool to you know keep for the collection and maybe have my G-kAIVhtpMY-00144-00091056-00091458 kids wear someday or something so I think it's worth keeping you know what I'm saying I don't G-kAIVhtpMY-00145-00091458-00091794 know how much these things are worth like in the resale Market maybe like 100 bucks or something G-kAIVhtpMY-00146-00091794-00092328 like that I don't know we'll I'll look it up and see [__] retail on these was 95 dollars G-kAIVhtpMY-00147-00092448-00092976 crazy I thought the retail was like 60 bucks that's actually wild all right next up right G-kAIVhtpMY-00148-00092976-00093636 here we have the Kyrie 5 and it's looking like this might be it this might be what we needed to G-kAIVhtpMY-00149-00093636-00094074 complete the set I got the Reds and the white the whites was right there I got the Reds last time G-kAIVhtpMY-00150-00094074-00094620 and the blacks is right here this is all three from the set so this is a sneaker room Kyrie 5. G-kAIVhtpMY-00151-00094620-00095202 and yeah I think I'm completing the set so it only makes sense to keep these ones so for now I think G-kAIVhtpMY-00152-00095202-00095700 he gave me the whole set we should be good to go I got two here and I got the red ones before so G-kAIVhtpMY-00153-00095796-00096228 I'm a happy camper with that but let's talk about something real quick let's talk about something G-kAIVhtpMY-00154-00096228-00096978 real quick move those out the way ah the EMF Doom so if you didn't know about these right G-kAIVhtpMY-00155-00096978-00097542 here all right y'all my bad my bad I mean that's that's the girl status right there you know what G-kAIVhtpMY-00156-00097542-00097884 I'm saying there's always something in there just like remember last time what was it done I got the G-kAIVhtpMY-00157-00097884-00098454 off-white prestos and uh he threw something else in there I'm trying to remember all them Kobe's G-kAIVhtpMY-00158-00098454-00099000 he'll be throwing in some good bangers in there low-key we got some Air Max One oh geez right G-kAIVhtpMY-00159-00099000-00099468 here clean I can't you can't go wrong with these right here white and red colorway this is a retro G-kAIVhtpMY-00160-00099468-00100098 what 2012 yeah it's been a little minute since these dropped but yeah I am not mad [__] what G-kAIVhtpMY-00161-00100098-00100644 side is this 13 yeah yeah we're gonna have to keep these I got a few pairs of these from the G-kAIVhtpMY-00162-00100644-00101136 different Generations I don't have this retro in particular so I feel like I feel like it's only G-kAIVhtpMY-00163-00101136-00101826 right I should keep these next up we got a Nike Free OG 2014 whatever that means is this a free G-kAIVhtpMY-00164-00102000-00102528 is this what is considered as a free it's like a huarache though with some rope laces on it G-kAIVhtpMY-00165-00102528-00103032 with like the full infrared Vibe I don't know I saw these on the internet before back in the day G-kAIVhtpMY-00166-00103032-00103608 how long was it yeah 2015 I was about to say about five or six years ago this is an interesting shoe G-kAIVhtpMY-00167-00103608-00104058 I feel like these are low-key comfy but it's a size 12 so I can't really do nothing with it what G-kAIVhtpMY-00168-00104058-00104411 do y'all think about these let me know Down Below in the comment section all right here we go we got G-kAIVhtpMY-00169-00104411-00105335 a box of Jays that's what I like to see Air Jordan 6 Retro black Varsity Red oh what is the size 12. G-kAIVhtpMY-00170-00105335-00106044 why damn we got the varsity Reds breads whatever you want to call them the suede on these things G-kAIVhtpMY-00171-00106044-00106680 is so freaking nice these are actually in really really good condition honestly why isn't this a G-kAIVhtpMY-00172-00106680-00107526 size 13. all right next up we got the Nike paella Paya Qs paella I think it's paella we'll call it G-kAIVhtpMY-00173-00107526-00108168 oh this is kind of cool it's a little everyday joint right here these oh this foam is like really G-kAIVhtpMY-00174-00108168-00108744 soft these are probably extremely comfortable this is a size what 12 I can't even try these G-kAIVhtpMY-00175-00108744-00109272 on to see if they fit I mean I might try these on see this is kind of cool I don't know I don't know G-kAIVhtpMY-00176-00109272-00109644 about you but for everyday sneaker I would not be mad at these let me know what you think down G-kAIVhtpMY-00177-00109644-00110052 below and this Loki look kind of like a water shoe like I don't know if it probably look like it'd G-kAIVhtpMY-00178-00110052-00110532 be slick like on rocks and stuff though based on the bottom of the shoe but these definitely look G-kAIVhtpMY-00179-00110532-00110946 comfy I don't know if anybody's ever tried these on their feet let me know how you feel about these G-kAIVhtpMY-00180-00110946-00111383 Down Below in the comment section because in my opinion just based off of looks they look like G-kAIVhtpMY-00181-00111383-00112218 they're really comfortable all right right here we got an Air Jordan 5 oh no oh no oh no bruh G-kAIVhtpMY-00182-00112218-00113016 why why why why why why he did this to me last time the groan Nike or the grown Air Jordan one G-kAIVhtpMY-00183-00113304-00113874 ten dollars ten dollars who wants them ten dollars he stinks are hideous bro what though G-kAIVhtpMY-00184-00114258-00114911 oh no we just got some dope Retro Sixes and then we get those in the mix like who does that that is G-kAIVhtpMY-00185-00114911-00115554 a prime example of buying in bulk getting the good in the bad to say the least we have the Air Max G-kAIVhtpMY-00186-00115554-00116328 one Qs right here size 13. what we got white and blue colorway the royal blue right here ah size G-kAIVhtpMY-00187-00116328-00116796 13. now these look like they've been around the block a little bit but you know what I wouldn't G-kAIVhtpMY-00188-00116796-00117216 mind spinning these around the block a little bit more myself I might have to keep these you G-kAIVhtpMY-00189-00117216-00117659 know I'm saying this is a good little rainy day shoe yeah I mean Air Max One classic Model good G-kAIVhtpMY-00190-00117659-00118194 colorway I say we keep them I don't know they low-key need to be clean though bro they got G-kAIVhtpMY-00191-00118194-00118680 stains on the mesh and everything oh no we might have to make a tutorial video or something about G-kAIVhtpMY-00192-00118680-00119214 this how to clean these because geez I don't know maybe I might not keep these all right next up we G-kAIVhtpMY-00193-00119214-00119958 got a Nike Air Trainer premium right here and uh definitely not my cup of tea but I respect G-kAIVhtpMY-00194-00119958-00120383 it I respect it I'm interested to see what people think about these Down Below in the G-kAIVhtpMY-00195-00120383-00120792 comment section honestly the color pattern isn't that bad on these either got a little suede with G-kAIVhtpMY-00196-00120792-00121259 the mesh on the upper this is cool this is cool not for me but they cool all right what G-kAIVhtpMY-00197-00121259-00122454 we got right here Air Jordan no bro you can't do this twice don't come on say it ain't so oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00198-00122538-00122952 ten dollars ten dollars who wants them the grown G-kAIVhtpMY-00199-00122952-00123618 Nike or Air Jordan one degree what I can't even speak when it comes what G-kAIVhtpMY-00200-00124356-00124764 hold on let me cheer myself up real quick we gotta we got the freaking G-kAIVhtpMY-00201-00124878-00125730 delicious remember the bright side remember the bright side fellas we still did get the MF Dooms G-kAIVhtpMY-00202-00125850-00126690 them groans is terrible all right here we go we got a Nike box with no label on it oh wow oh wow G-kAIVhtpMY-00203-00126690-00128388 what is this a harachi free dunk is that what it is what is this dunk free Dusty Sage promo sample G-kAIVhtpMY-00204-00128682-00129294 is this size on there well that's interesting it says 12 amps so it has a size on the pull tab on G-kAIVhtpMY-00205-00129294-00130056 the back end too so it's a free dunk you said Nike Dunk a sample huh I've never seen these before let G-kAIVhtpMY-00206-00130056-00130361 me know what you guys think about these Down Below in the comment section all right here we got the G-kAIVhtpMY-00207-00130361-00131136 Nike Air Max 97 oh gee oh oh you can never go wrong with these little silver bullets yeah I'm G-kAIVhtpMY-00208-00131136-00131604 standing look at that right now look at that right now but this is what size is this is 12 um I might G-kAIVhtpMY-00209-00131604-00132042 have to try to make these squeeze I don't know if these don't fit I'll let you guys have them but G-kAIVhtpMY-00210-00132042-00133026 if they do just know I'm keeping them all right right here we got a Nike Air Max One DLX Deluxe oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00211-00133338-00133398 oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00212-00133710-00134748 yeah yeah yeah that little fancy upstairs some good stuff in here it's not as much G-kAIVhtpMY-00213-00134748-00135150 good stuff as normal but it's some good stuff in here all right right here we G-kAIVhtpMY-00214-00135150-00135816 got a Nike sock Dart size 12. another sock Dart not in my size this is a cool G-kAIVhtpMY-00215-00135816-00136164 colorway too this is like the one at the beginning we had the the other one was uh G-kAIVhtpMY-00216-00136236-00136704 black colorway with the Oreo speckled kind of vibe this is a great colorway with the Oreo speckled G-kAIVhtpMY-00217-00136704-00137238 Color Vibe again like I said very comfortable shoe I love this sneaker I have a few pairs in my G-kAIVhtpMY-00218-00137238-00137736 collection as well and uh you can never go wrong with these unfortunately this is not my size but G-kAIVhtpMY-00219-00137736-00138156 I wish these were because I would I would wear these all the time too all right we got an air G-kAIVhtpMY-00220-00138672-00138972 air more money what are these G-kAIVhtpMY-00221-00139164-00139782 I never seen this one before this is just all black suede with the gold tips on them G-kAIVhtpMY-00222-00139782-00140412 oh I think I think I heard about these before this is a Chinese exclusive I don't know what G-kAIVhtpMY-00223-00140634-00141630 on the back 883 on the back I'm not exactly sure what this all means and what it's all for G-kAIVhtpMY-00224-00141726-00142302 but I like the air more up tempos and the air more monies and this is a part of that kind of G-kAIVhtpMY-00225-00142302-00143016 category so I'm gonna do some research on this shoe um but low-key these just clean G-kAIVhtpMY-00226-00143016-00143682 I might have to keep these these ain't not bad at all I like these can't go wrong with the all G-kAIVhtpMY-00227-00143682-00144192 black shoe especially with some gold accents like that all right next up right here we have a box G-kAIVhtpMY-00228-00144288-00144900 inside out box what is inside okay we got a Flyknit Air Force One these things are extremely G-kAIVhtpMY-00229-00144900-00145476 light that is so crazy and this is a sample too that's nice to know so we got a sample flying in G-kAIVhtpMY-00230-00145476-00146112 Air Force One right here definitely very very clean shoe next up we got a Nike Free orbit 2 G-kAIVhtpMY-00231-00146112-00146808 SP boom boom boom man I remember this time right here everybody used to be rocking these not me in G-kAIVhtpMY-00232-00146808-00147276 particular but I do remember when a lot of people were wearing these back in the day all right G-kAIVhtpMY-00233-00147276-00147690 right here we got a box looks like a sample box there's no tags on it's got some writing on there G-kAIVhtpMY-00234-00147774-00148998 yo what you threw these in there this is a Yeezy inspired Nike Dunk high this is a sample that's G-kAIVhtpMY-00235-00148998-00149478 crazy I can't believe you threw these in there this is a sample that has never been seen before G-kAIVhtpMY-00236-00149478-00150132 it has all the elements and materials of the Yeezy 2 on it with the different colors the tongue has G-kAIVhtpMY-00237-00150132-00150588 the Yeezy 2 tongue everything's the same I think the only thing that they didn't replicate was the G-kAIVhtpMY-00238-00150588-00151038 reptile material on the back end simply because of production issues or something like that but G-kAIVhtpMY-00239-00151038-00151458 yes this does have the sample tag on these I might have to keep these just off of you G-kAIVhtpMY-00240-00151458-00152262 know the old nostalgic Vibes that's crazy next up we got a Nike Air footscape woven this is a G-kAIVhtpMY-00241-00152262-00152682 clean colorway it's kind of got that all the vibe with the woven footscape on over this is a clean G-kAIVhtpMY-00242-00152682-00153372 all right we got another Nike Air woven footscape this colorway is clean too oh wait with the gray G-kAIVhtpMY-00243-00153474-00153966 these are clean anybody who knows about the footscapes you know what's up if you know you G-kAIVhtpMY-00244-00153966-00154536 know this is one of them shoes that goes crazy all right right here we got a roshi run wow G-kAIVhtpMY-00245-00154608-00155154 wow this is kind of like a tech pack type of vibe to it this is bringing back memories bro G-kAIVhtpMY-00246-00155328-00155754 I know these probably ain't worth much but this is definitely bringing back memories right here if G-kAIVhtpMY-00247-00155754-00156270 anybody wants to add a very comfortable sneakers in her collection again another one right here all G-kAIVhtpMY-00248-00156270-00157362 right right here we got a Nike ID Air Max One what a black denim upper gum bottoms this is cool and G-kAIVhtpMY-00249-00157362-00158136 it's a size 13. shoot I might have to slide on these I ain't gonna lie this is clean all right G-kAIVhtpMY-00250-00158136-00159024 next up right here we have a Air Force One Travis Scott size three youth all right Travis force is G-kAIVhtpMY-00251-00159024-00159492 right here um what should I do with these should I keep them should I get rid of them G-kAIVhtpMY-00252-00159600-00159984 it's probably worth like I don't know I'll look it up and see how much they're worth but they're G-kAIVhtpMY-00253-00159984-00160350 probably going for like 150 bucks or something like that 200 bucks I don't know we'll see next G-kAIVhtpMY-00254-00160350-00161370 up we got an Air Max 362 that is not an Air Max 360 at all it's like a lunar uh what's G-kAIVhtpMY-00255-00161370-00162294 this upper uh I was about to say uh chukka but not Checker uh why can't I think of the freaking upper G-kAIVhtpMY-00256-00162294-00162876 of this shoe ah I know the upper why and it's a sample it's got the full sample tag in here too G-kAIVhtpMY-00257-00162972-00163362 what is the name of these why can't I think of the name of the freaking upper all right right here G-kAIVhtpMY-00258-00163362-00164100 we got a Nike Air Trainer one SB all right with a black and purple box Kicking It Old School oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00259-00164226-00165018 oh I got another one right here on The Hit List now these I might have to know I'm gonna let go G-kAIVhtpMY-00260-00165018-00165414 of these I don't like these as much as I like the other ones but this is a solid colorway I G-kAIVhtpMY-00261-00165414-00165708 ain't mad at these at all I got a little bit of creasing you know saying they've been around the G-kAIVhtpMY-00262-00165708-00166026 block a little bit I ain't mad at it we thought he's on there for a low all right right here we G-kAIVhtpMY-00263-00166026-00166698 got a dunk Comfort premium this is the other one the Red October that's crazy so he threw both of G-kAIVhtpMY-00264-00166698-00167304 them in I like that I like that so very comfy Vibe because it's you know a comfort dunk but they did G-kAIVhtpMY-00265-00167304-00167712 a red October on these ones I know the other one didn't but I don't remember if these ones actually G-kAIVhtpMY-00266-00167712-00168162 did end up releasing to the public same thing on here they kind of did those same Vibes with G-kAIVhtpMY-00267-00168162-00168702 the materials and everything and uh you know this was a good ERA a good time that was also about 10 G-kAIVhtpMY-00268-00168702-00169098 years ago so you know what I'm saying that's something to think about but I remember this G-kAIVhtpMY-00269-00169098-00169710 era in Red October everything was hot back then I don't know if you guys all remember that but Red G-kAIVhtpMY-00270-00169710-00170376 October was like every brand was releasing a all red sneaker so to see them do this on a dunk High G-kAIVhtpMY-00271-00170376-00170742 definitely something dope for those people that like dunks I think that would be a good addition G-kAIVhtpMY-00272-00170742-00171198 for you I don't think I would keep these ones in particular but I do like the solar ones a little G-kAIVhtpMY-00273-00171198-00171546 bit more oh no let me know what you guys think Down Below in the comment section all right right G-kAIVhtpMY-00274-00171546-00172464 here we got a Nike Air Trainer Victor Cruz oh bro you see see I just said that the Red Octobers was G-kAIVhtpMY-00275-00172464-00172902 hidden back then this is also when Victor Cruz was good at football I'm not saying he's not good at G-kAIVhtpMY-00276-00172902-00173478 football that probably came out wrong but this is when he was popping at the time which was again G-kAIVhtpMY-00277-00173478-00174060 like 10 years ago but you see what I'm saying Red October it's got very similar Vibes when it comes G-kAIVhtpMY-00278-00174060-00174792 to the design the colors the materials everything like that again not a bad shoe just not for me I G-kAIVhtpMY-00279-00174792-00175308 think it's I don't know I just like the actual trainer one a little bit more than these all G-kAIVhtpMY-00280-00175308-00176112 right here we go we got a pink box Nike on the top here we go Nike Tongue High SB oh what is it oh G-kAIVhtpMY-00281-00176454-00177792 and do we have another Grail do we have another Grail oh gee Dayla highs let's go let's go G-kAIVhtpMY-00282-00177888-00178848 my dog I appreciate you you're a real one yes this was the one that I was missing I needed these G-kAIVhtpMY-00283-00178986-00179766 yes oh my gosh this is great I don't know what these are hidden for right now but I know SBS G-kAIVhtpMY-00284-00179766-00180300 are popping so they're probably taxing but this is this is a Grail that I always wanted in my G-kAIVhtpMY-00285-00180300-00180978 collection this is crazy all right right here we got a sample tag Nike Air Trainer One Premium G-kAIVhtpMY-00286-00180978-00181896 sampled up oh these are those draft day joints oh money joints is this it's got the uh let me see G-kAIVhtpMY-00287-00181896-00182562 I feel like these were Loki in Outlets I don't remember but it is these are sampled up though G-kAIVhtpMY-00288-00182562-00183552 promo sample size 13. leather on these is really nice I don't know if I keep these though I gotta G-kAIVhtpMY-00289-00183552-00183894 think about these I'm gonna think about it we there was a couple other trainers I was in the mix G-kAIVhtpMY-00290-00183894-00184548 today all right right here we got a Nike Air Max One Ultra flying it oh can't go wrong with that G-kAIVhtpMY-00291-00184710-00185406 OG colorway on them um now I know he just gave me the other pair with the but G-kAIVhtpMY-00292-00185622-00186018 I might have to keep these too little key I don't have these ones either there's so many G-kAIVhtpMY-00293-00186018-00186546 different Air Max ones with the OG white and red colorway that's crazy all right you guys last but G-kAIVhtpMY-00294-00186546-00187446 not least right here we have a Nike Paya Paya Papa whatever you wanna call them another one this one G-kAIVhtpMY-00295-00187446-00187974 is a different colorway though this is more like a bone you call it bone it's not really sale it's G-kAIVhtpMY-00296-00187974-00188514 not really like tan it's more like a grayish kind of color but it's like a bone colorway interested G-kAIVhtpMY-00297-00188514-00189108 to see how these feel what size are these this is a size 12. probably not gonna fit me I'm gonna end G-kAIVhtpMY-00298-00189108-00189546 up trying these on and just seeing because these look like they're extremely comfortable so that's G-kAIVhtpMY-00299-00189546-00190146 gonna do it you guys we had over seven thousand dollars in sneakers and I'm excited to be able G-kAIVhtpMY-00300-00190146-00190536 to add some new additions to the collection and especially get a couple things back into G-kAIVhtpMY-00301-00190536-00191004 the collection that's gonna be a very dope thing because I mean the MF Dooms that's just crazy I G-kAIVhtpMY-00302-00191004-00191382 still can't believe that one so if you guys are ever interested on grabbing anything that you G-kAIVhtpMY-00303-00191382-00191928 saw from today's video that I decide not keeping make sure you check out I did this G-kAIVhtpMY-00304-00191928-00192360 before uh I think this is our third time doing it so make sure you guys go check out the old videos G-kAIVhtpMY-00305-00192360-00192792 as well and if you want to see any in the future I'll consider doing another one I know this is G-kAIVhtpMY-00306-00192792-00193164 our third time doing it but maybe we might have to do a fourth go around and see what we got because G-kAIVhtpMY-00307-00193164-00193602 apparently we always get something good so our low key might be excited to do another one if you G-kAIVhtpMY-00308-00193602-00193938 guys want to see more drop a comment down below I'll see you guys another one all right y'all G-kAIVhtpMY-00309-00194118-00194634 yo if you enjoyed this video and want to grow your collection or make extra money on the side G-kAIVhtpMY-00310-00194634-00195102 I built a VIP Mastermind that will teach you everything that I've learned about growing my G-kAIVhtpMY-00311-00195102-00195642 sneaker collection over the past 15 years this will also give you access to the DNA fam in my G-kAIVhtpMY-00312-00195642-00196152 VIP Community where we talk about investing outside of sneakers and don't worry if you G-kAIVhtpMY-00313-00196152-00196668 don't plan on joining the VIP Community it's okay I also set up a private DNA fam community G-kAIVhtpMY-00314-00196668-00197172 that gives you access to all the behind the scenes looks from the studio and multiple chances to win G-kAIVhtpMY-00315-00197172-00197652 free sneakers and gear from weekly and monthly challenges so all you need to do is click on G-kAIVhtpMY-00316-00197652-00198072 the link Down Below in the description or the first link pinned in the comment section that G-kAIVhtpMY-00317-00198072-00198444 will get you set up and into the community I'm excited to see you guys on the inside GC7buQZLITu-00000-00000123-00000718 I'm making a video on how to backspace in mit app inventor 2 GC7buQZLITu-00001-00000718-00001349 I took 3-4 hours finding out how to do it and then I found out how do it GC7buQZLITu-00002-00001349-00001612 so, to help you guys, I decided to make a video GC7buQZLITu-00003-00001612-00001892 and nobody else has made one yet GC7buQZLITu-00004-00001892-00001992 Ok. GC7buQZLITu-00005-00001992-00002305 So, I'm going to start a new project GC7buQZLITu-00006-00002305-00002514 Lets call it backspace GC7buQZLITu-00007-00002514-00004616 Ok, here we go So, what we are going to need is a horizontal arrangement, a label and a GC7buQZLITu-00008-00004616-00004810 button GC7buQZLITu-00009-00004810-00005459 For the button we are going to use a picture GC7buQZLITu-00011-00008508-00008769 image GC7buQZLITu-00012-00008769-00009650 Lets re-size it a little bit GC7buQZLITu-00013-00009650-00012016 Lets just make that label a text box GC7buQZLITu-00014-00012016-00013072 Lets GC7buQZLITu-00015-00013072-00014862 go GC7buQZLITu-00016-00014862-00015281 to the blocks! GC7buQZLITu-00017-00015281-00017204 button GC7buQZLITu-00018-00017204-00019098 textbox1.text... GC7buQZLITu-00019-00019098-00019390 I know this fluently because i have done a draft GC7buQZLITu-00021-00022587-00023011 Now for the testing, GC7buQZLITu-00022-00023011-00023309 I'm gonna go ahead and type something in GC7buQZLITu-00023-00023309-00024445 lets say cgj GC7buQZLITu-00024-00024445-00024902 I'm gonna backspace g and j GC7buQZLITu-00025-00024902-00025154 And we got c GC7buQZLITu-00026-00025154-00025254 Yeah! GC7buQZLITu-00027-00025254-00025379 So it works! GC7buQZLITu-00028-00025379-00025499 Thanks for watching. GC7buQZLITu-00029-00025499-00025599 Like if it worked. GC7buQZLITu-00030-00025599-00025604 Subscribe for more! GDgdeUpEFqy-00000-00000000-00000300 On behalf of the lottery and the state of Kansas, congratulations GDgdeUpEFqy-00001-00000312-00000612 to all of you, we're excited, we're probably excited as you are GDgdeUpEFqy-00002-00000625-00000925 to give away our money, to you and we GDgdeUpEFqy-00003-00000956-00001256 wish the best for all of you who won yesterday so congratulations. GDgdeUpEFqy-00004-00001407-00001909 I got a phone call from Deshana, screaming in the phone GDgdeUpEFqy-00005-00001929-00002229 saying we won the $250K GDgdeUpEFqy-00006-00002298-00002726 and she was trying to get ahold of a live person and I was the first person she got a hold of. GDgdeUpEFqy-00007-00002726-00003026 My children have a whole list of what they want to get so we'll see. GDgdeUpEFqy-00008-00003113-00003413 I'll probably give some to the church and GDgdeUpEFqy-00009-00003440-00003740 I've got one son who is getting ready to go to college GDgdeUpEFqy-00010-00003741-00004041 so I'm sure some of it will go to that. GDgdeUpEFqy-00011-00004100-00004400 My wife is going to be driving a new red convertible pretty soon. GDgdeUpEFqy-00012-00004774-00005074 We won a quarter of a million dollars playing Mega MIllions (cheers). GGdWWyNxLwI-00000-00000000-00000520 do you guys even really like ken like am i the only one who don't really like GGdWWyNxLwI-00001-00000520-00001104 her i cannot be the only one but i like fashion so you're gonna get a couple coins GGdWWyNxLwI-00002-00001360-00001592 not too much GGdWWyNxLwI-00003-00002112-00002808 hey y'all it's your girl boulevard fox and i'm back with another video and of course it's the GGdWWyNxLwI-00004-00002808-00003408 unboxing because i am a shopaholic and i'm a fashion bully so i'm going to give you everything GGdWWyNxLwI-00005-00003408-00003832 that you want to see i'm going to review every fashion trend that you want to see GGdWWyNxLwI-00006-00003976-00004424 so you can decide if you want to spend your coin on it because i'm going to be mine okay GGdWWyNxLwI-00007-00004504-00004960 period i'm gonna spend it either way so i'm gonna share with y'all i'll help you out and GGdWWyNxLwI-00008-00005128-00005672 the line that i'm unboxing today obviously you can tell from the title is skins skins GGdWWyNxLwI-00009-00005672-00006144 designed by kim kardashian everybody knows kim so i'm pretty sure everybody knows skims GGdWWyNxLwI-00010-00006232-00007023 first things first i don't really like her i don't she's just weird to me like i don't know i'm not GGdWWyNxLwI-00011-00007023-00007840 a kim fan so i was on the fence if i even wanted to support her but either way sisters get money GGdWWyNxLwI-00012-00007840-00008376 so i'm not mad at how sis gets money and i'm not mad at her fashion sense i like those two things GGdWWyNxLwI-00013-00008376-00009000 about her but other than that something about her to me it's just ultra fake and i can't deal GGdWWyNxLwI-00014-00009128-00009592 so when her line dropped i looked at it i browsed it dropped like maybe a year ago GGdWWyNxLwI-00015-00009592-00010136 or something a year and a half maybe two i don't know but the one item that i wanted GGdWWyNxLwI-00016-00010208-00010792 sold out so quickly so at that time i put my name on the email list to get reminded GGdWWyNxLwI-00017-00010864-00011624 for when the item that i wanted came back in stock in legit it's probably been almost a year GGdWWyNxLwI-00018-00011728-00012512 since it's been back in stock specific item specific color so when i got the email was like GGdWWyNxLwI-00019-00012512-00013200 oh maybe it's a sign it's been a long time maybe it's a sign i'm not really supposed GGdWWyNxLwI-00020-00013200-00013640 to be shopping as much as i'm doing but it's for youtube so you know what that's GGdWWyNxLwI-00021-00013640-00014104 the excuse i'm giving for everything so everything i buy i'm unboxing it because GGdWWyNxLwI-00022-00014160-00014960 it's for um my youtube business or whatever so the color drops i got it the second i saw the email GGdWWyNxLwI-00023-00014960-00015704 and let's see if it was worth the wait okay because it's been about a year kimberly GGdWWyNxLwI-00024-00015976-00016176 what you doing you don't do anything GGdWWyNxLwI-00025-00016544-00017144 like this was before this was not even like no covet related delays GGdWWyNxLwI-00026-00017144-00017880 this was way before coping like this item i'm gonna link it below but it might be sold out now GGdWWyNxLwI-00027-00017880-00018464 this is probably one of the hottest outfits in the hottest color like my favorite color the other GGdWWyNxLwI-00028-00018464-00019232 colors they are you know the eyes but this this is the hottest color so i'm pretty sure y'all seen on GGdWWyNxLwI-00029-00019232-00020432 boxes of skins before but this is this is the box nice and simple i'm not a trouble girl okay GGdWWyNxLwI-00030-00020664-00021328 this one got my address i got a little packing slip it looks like it's wrapped in GGdWWyNxLwI-00031-00021488-00021904 paper with some branding and then the items are in GGdWWyNxLwI-00032-00022200-00022584 it's like cute smoky colored plastic GGdWWyNxLwI-00033-00022920-00023528 i am plastic i am not i am not plastic so i don't know what this is GGdWWyNxLwI-00034-00023776-00024368 whatever i was made from plants okay save the world okay okay GGdWWyNxLwI-00035-00024904-00025872 this is my order slip so i got the cotton ribbed thermo leggings in two sizes because like i said GGdWWyNxLwI-00036-00025872-00026295 this was selling out so quick let me get both sizes now i'll just return the one i don't need GGdWWyNxLwI-00037-00026295-00026808 i ain't trying to get the wrong size go and try to exchange it it's not left then i just got the top GGdWWyNxLwI-00038-00026808-00027224 then i don't got the whole set like i need to set this outfit like you need the top and the bottom GGdWWyNxLwI-00039-00027295-00027904 in my opinion like i might be able to wear the leggings with a different top but the top i need GGdWWyNxLwI-00040-00027904-00028624 the link is with it period like the outfit is one so i got the cotton rib thermal leggings GGdWWyNxLwI-00041-00028712-00029544 in medium and small and i have the cotton plunge bralette in the medium hopefully a medium bits GGdWWyNxLwI-00042-00029920-00030408 i'm gonna be annoyed if the medium ain't fit damn i shoulda got a medium and a smile on the top too GGdWWyNxLwI-00043-00030552-00031080 but usually most things the small top i can't fit it's not enough coverage versus GGdWWyNxLwI-00044-00031080-00031776 like i need some coverage um so hopefully it fit we gonna see we don't see okay so y'all GGdWWyNxLwI-00045-00031776-00032688 probably already noticed it like i just listed i have three pieces um this is kind of cute GGdWWyNxLwI-00046-00032992-00033784 sorry for all the breakfast let me show y'all real quick GGdWWyNxLwI-00047-00034504-00035560 this is the red oh sorry this is a red bralette the standard bra closure GGdWWyNxLwI-00048-00035920-00036632 three hooks it's a cute little simple tag it says skims y'all can't see that GGdWWyNxLwI-00049-00036872-00036968 oh maybe GGdWWyNxLwI-00050-00037320-00037696 sorry my um youtube hand i haven't mastered that yet so GGdWWyNxLwI-00051-00037752-00038448 bear with me it has a cute little logo on there which i'm sure everyone has seen the quality GGdWWyNxLwI-00052-00038448-00039104 looks pretty good it looks really good actually because you know these items are not cheap GGdWWyNxLwI-00053-00039200-00039984 they're pricey fizz here's the leggings same level on the front this is a size small GGdWWyNxLwI-00054-00040288-00041392 and then let's look at the large medium oh don't do that girl this is the medium okay this is the GGdWWyNxLwI-00055-00041544-00042184 small compared to the medium in sizing can y'all see that so this is extra like an extra inch GGdWWyNxLwI-00056-00042328-00042928 so it's definitely a difference the length is there a length difference GGdWWyNxLwI-00057-00043032-00043328 no there's not really a length difference they're about the same length GGdWWyNxLwI-00058-00043472-00043800 but there's definitely a difference in the waistband GGdWWyNxLwI-00059-00043920-00044616 very stretchy material i'm excited to try it on um i got this set in the color GGdWWyNxLwI-00060-00044688-00045312 kyanite sorry for the interruption but i realized while editing that this video GGdWWyNxLwI-00061-00045312-00045856 doesn't do the color of this outfit any justice here's a clip outside to see the true color GGdWWyNxLwI-00062-00046192-00047000 kyanite kindness am i pronouncing that right i don't know if i ain't don't blame GGdWWyNxLwI-00063-00047000-00048024 me but it doesn't have the items itemized on the shipping slip so i will insert a picture here um GGdWWyNxLwI-00064-00048192-00048648 yeah so you guys know exactly what i got and like i said i'll link it down below as well GGdWWyNxLwI-00065-00048648-00049320 so let's try this one this is the medium top and the small bottoms internal first GGdWWyNxLwI-00066-00049472-00050112 since i might have should have gotten enlarged because okay these GGdWWyNxLwI-00067-00050112-00050584 boobs are ready for outside apparently they've been cooped up for too long GGdWWyNxLwI-00068-00050696-00051560 they might slip out if i've been the wrong way but i'm never too mad about some cleavage GGdWWyNxLwI-00069-00051712-00052344 okay this is the back i guess that is a nice bra style i have it on the second hook GGdWWyNxLwI-00070-00052608-00052872 i didn't want to strain the waistband too much GGdWWyNxLwI-00071-00053000-00054040 but here's a little up close this is a small the waistband cuts in a tiny bit even a little bulge GGdWWyNxLwI-00072-00054096-00054872 my waist is first boss this can probably go to the gym but outside of that my waist is 30 inches GGdWWyNxLwI-00073-00055088-00055976 oh this is it up front my hips are 40. this stretches fine around my head this type but GGdWWyNxLwI-00074-00055976-00056720 i don't know if you guys can see the material but this type of material seems like it might get worn GGdWWyNxLwI-00075-00056720-00057344 out after like stretched out after a couple wears so this isn't something that i would wear on the GGdWWyNxLwI-00076-00057344-00057960 regular that's not really something that i would wear on the regular anyway but i feel nice and GGdWWyNxLwI-00077-00057960-00058679 comfy it's not too tight the waistband's not too tight the material itself is not too tight this GGdWWyNxLwI-00078-00058679-00059479 is what the bottom oh oh my feet are ashy don't look at my feet only look i'm not doing this over GGdWWyNxLwI-00079-00059720-00060591 my feet are so ashy y'all don't look at them but this is what the bottom of the legs look GGdWWyNxLwI-00080-00060591-00061160 like they're kind of like what's that thing you put under um your pants and which is on GGdWWyNxLwI-00081-00061655-00062191 they're giving me long john vibes they're like the cutest long johns you will ever have GGdWWyNxLwI-00082-00062279-00062776 okay i'm not sure if y'all want to see well i'm going to try on the medium anyway i like the small GGdWWyNxLwI-00083-00063000-00064128 um yeah okay let me give y'all a whole look really quick i'm not sure where i will wear this GGdWWyNxLwI-00084-00064128-00064896 to maybe brunch because you know houstonians love a good brunch so maybe a little cute sexy brunch GGdWWyNxLwI-00085-00065104-00065448 so for the medium it's giving me the same vibe on the waistband GGdWWyNxLwI-00086-00065512-00066064 not too snug still good low polish here that means i just need to get in the gym GGdWWyNxLwI-00087-00066064-00066576 and do my bicycle get my bicycle going um if i really felt like it but i probably won't so GGdWWyNxLwI-00088-00066760-00067384 i like this extra low weight because i used to be very skinny so i'm not mad at no weight no wear GGdWWyNxLwI-00089-00067512-00068216 one little detail i didn't want to point out is this high cuff i love how high this cuff GGdWWyNxLwI-00090-00068216-00068912 is on the leggings it makes it look more plush like the end of the legging doesn't just GGdWWyNxLwI-00091-00069008-00069848 end abruptly or have like a cute little short cuff it's nice elongated cuff it makes the material oh GGdWWyNxLwI-00092-00069848-00070840 my hand is actually too girl i'm sorry y'all just ignore it it makes the leggings just look the more GGdWWyNxLwI-00093-00070840-00071696 expensive more luxurious she definitely took like i said before what's it called some long johns GGdWWyNxLwI-00094-00071696-00072168 it made them fashionable and i feel like she's the only person that might be able to do this GGdWWyNxLwI-00095-00072240-00072816 and make us spend our money on it even though i don't like her see she got me by herself and GGdWWyNxLwI-00096-00072816-00073760 i don't even really like her so i'm pretty sure her fans spent the rent on it um i'm not really GGdWWyNxLwI-00097-00073760-00074472 sure which size i'm going to keep and after thinking about it for a second i might for real GGdWWyNxLwI-00098-00074472-00075304 resell the size that i don't want so i might mess around and put it on my poshmark make a couple GGdWWyNxLwI-00099-00075304-00075824 coins off of it obviously it's not gonna be retail i don't know what to think about that i'm going GGdWWyNxLwI-00100-00075824-00076816 to return it or put it on my polish mark and get some lunch money out of it we gonna see not sure GGdWWyNxLwI-00101-00077112-00077368 but thank you guys for watching GGdWWyNxLwI-00102-00077520-00078272 make sure you subscribe like comment if you have any questions is my elbow GGdWWyNxLwI-00103-00078464-00079232 no that's just a glare i was about to say girl um make sure you show your girl some love GGdWWyNxLwI-00104-00079392-00079896 like comment subscribe thank you for watching i appreciate all your views GGdWWyNxLwI-00105-00079896-00080128 i'ma show some love too because you know what GGdWWyNxLwI-00106-00080560-00081072 period like you don't gotta mean nothing that i'm gonna show love to you show up i'ma show love and GGdWWyNxLwI-00107-00081072-00081784 we both we all gonna blow up that's what i'm about to do oh i look kind of bo why don't you tell me GGdWWyNxLwI-00108-00082168-00082912 to show off some inches i don't know about it but i look kind of it's too late now wow this video is GGdWWyNxLwI-00109-00083016-00083720 all over the place miss ashy hair to the back i don't know what else probably something dirty GGdWWyNxLwI-00110-00083720-00084184 in the background it's just a lot going on so if you made this as far i appreciate you GGdWWyNxLwI-00111-00084400-00085088 like i said please share please like please comment please subscribe you know what to do GGdWWyNxLwI-00112-00085088-00085360 this is youtube you know what you're supposed to do you do GGdWWyNxLwI-00113-00085360-00085504 what you're supposed to do i'm gonna do what i'm supposed to GGdWWyNxLwI-00114-00085776-00086456 i always be forgetting to make thumbnails i don't realize that after i edit the GGdWWyNxLwI-00115-00086456-00087048 video i'm trying to post it and then i'm over here trying to screenshot recordings GGdWWyNxLwI-00116-00087048-00087568 it might be looking so blurry i need to get it together do y'all even really like ken GGdWWyNxLwI-00117-00087736-00088392 like am i the only one who don't really like her i cannot be the only one if you don't like her oh GGdWWyNxLwI-00118-00088392-00088848 i can't be saying all that because you know her squad is going to come and give me thumbs down GGdWWyNxLwI-00119-00089008-00089216 oh yeah i'll take it back this is all right GGdWWyNxLwI-00120-00089416-00089784 but now my favorite kardashian jenner is stormy that's my girl GGdWWyNxLwI-00121-00090056-00090488 the rest of them stormy and kendall the rest of them is just too much for me GGdWWyNxLwI-00122-00090632-00090848 okay too much appropriation for me GGdWWyNxLwI-00123-00091072-00091360 but i like fashion so you're gonna get a couple coins GGdWWyNxLwI-00124-00091616-00092072 not too much that's it for the review thank you guys for watching like comment GGdWWyNxLwI-00125-00092072-00092704 subscribe share all that do order for your girl especially if you made it this far cuz you know GGdWWyNxLwI-00126-00092824-00093048 people be watching for one minute and then clicking off GGdWWyNxLwI-00127-00093224-00093736 am i boring give me some feedback give me some constructive feedback GGdWWyNxLwI-00128-00093896-00094456 from my girls who have been youtubing for longer than i have been it's only been three months GGdWWyNxLwI-00129-00094632-00095072 and this is work i didn't realize it's gonna be so much work but it is fun i love it GGdWWyNxLwI-00130-00095072-00095680 i love it i like it it's cool but yeah show your girl some love i'ma show you love it back GGdWWyNxLwI-00131-00095800-00096272 bye GIrFkf_oIG0-00000-00000421-00000712 Headtracking on the Oculus Rift GIrFkf_oIG0-00001-00000741-00000852 Hi how are you? GIrFkf_oIG0-00002-00000852-00001258 Today we're going to review the headtracking on the Oculus Rift GIrFkf_oIG0-00003-00001258-00001565 I'm playing the Half-Life 2 helicopter chase map GIrFkf_oIG0-00004-00001565-00001700 I'm on a motorboat GIrFkf_oIG0-00005-00001700-00001989 And I'll use the headtracking GIrFkf_oIG0-00006-00001989-00002315 to try to not lose sight of the helicopter GIrFkf_oIG0-00007-00002315-00002441 Wish me luck! GIrFkf_oIG0-00008-00002515-00002641 Here we go, GIrFkf_oIG0-00009-00002641-00003000 one of my favourite maps of my favourite game GIrFkf_oIG0-00010-00003000-00003400 this scene, this motorboat chase is spectacular GIrFkf_oIG0-00011-00003400-00003600 this helicopter that you're about to see will chase me GIrFkf_oIG0-00012-00003600-00004300 very few games have managed to deliver such an intense situation GIrFkf_oIG0-00013-00004300-00004500 I'm unarmed, I can't shoot GIrFkf_oIG0-00014-00004700-00005300 Look how I can check the helicopter's position GIrFkf_oIG0-00015-00005300-00005500 just looking around GIrFkf_oIG0-00016-00005700-00005930 I have to be very careful with my health GIrFkf_oIG0-00017-00006400-00006650 Here it comes GIrFkf_oIG0-00018-00006800-00007100 Entering the tunnel is awesome GIrFkf_oIG0-00019-00007100-00007400 The 3D effect is so great GIrFkf_oIG0-00020-00007500-00007700 But map size is the best GIrFkf_oIG0-00021-00007700-00007900 I never get tired of repeating it GIrFkf_oIG0-00022-00007900-00008200 Maps feel huge inside the Oculus Rift GIrFkf_oIG0-00023-00008600-00008700 Loading screen GIrFkf_oIG0-00024-00008700-00009000 PCs of that time didn't have so much RAM as today GIrFkf_oIG0-00025-00009000-00009400 so maps had to be split GIrFkf_oIG0-00026-00009500-00009800 It's impressive when it's so close GIrFkf_oIG0-00027-00009800-00010100 The 3D effect is so great GIrFkf_oIG0-00028-00010200-00010450 It's so well done GIrFkf_oIG0-00029-00010600-00010750 Careful with mines GIrFkf_oIG0-00030-00010800-00011150 I must try to get to the end with plenty of health GIrFkf_oIG0-00031-00011150-00011400 If I can't, it will be very hard GIrFkf_oIG0-00032-00012487-00012887 You know, you can also get a very good 3D effect GIrFkf_oIG0-00033-00012887-00013087 with a 3D projector GIrFkf_oIG0-00034-00013087-00013316 and ajusting the convergence GIrFkf_oIG0-00035-00013387-00013716 you can get a similar immersion feeling GIrFkf_oIG0-00036-00013816-00014147 but you're missing this, the head tracking GIrFkf_oIG0-00037-00014147-00014347 so the game can follow your movements GIrFkf_oIG0-00038-00014516-00014647 It's a very important difference GIrFkf_oIG0-00039-00014647-00015147 comparing to mouse or gamepad head tracking GIrFkf_oIG0-00040-00015247-00015747 Moving your head naturally as if you were in the game GIrFkf_oIG0-00041-00015907-00016107 is way better GIrFkf_oIG0-00042-00016307-00016597 I'll try to enter on the first try GIrFkf_oIG0-00043-00016807-00016947 Done GIrFkf_oIG0-00044-00017207-00017447 We're a little bit closer! GIrFkf_oIG0-00045-00017607-00017797 Another loading screen GIrFkf_oIG0-00046-00018100-00018300 And here it comes again GIrFkf_oIG0-00047-00018850-00019290 Turning your neck is good for your health! GIrFkf_oIG0-00048-00019800-00020090 Over here... where are you? GIrFkf_oIG0-00049-00020090-00020190 Here GIrFkf_oIG0-00050-00021210-00021390 A little bit closer! GIrFkf_oIG0-00051-00021390-00021590 And here it is GIrFkf_oIG0-00052-00022190-00022500 I couldn't get that power charge GIrFkf_oIG0-00053-00022590-00022700 And life is running low GIrFkf_oIG0-00054-00022790-00022900 I hope I'm lucky GIrFkf_oIG0-00055-00023400-00023600 Over here GIrFkf_oIG0-00056-00024200-00024400 Leave me alone! GIrFkf_oIG0-00057-00024600-00025000 A little stop... ok go on GIrFkf_oIG0-00058-00025000-00025200 A speed bump to jump GIrFkf_oIG0-00059-00025400-00025680 and I'm are very close to the end GIrFkf_oIG0-00060-00026300-00026680 This scene is spectacular GIrFkf_oIG0-00061-00026680-00026780 Just look at the chimney GIrFkf_oIG0-00062-00026780-00026980 when it collapses GIrFkf_oIG0-00063-00026980-00027300 Impressive inside the Oculus Rift, you can't imagine! GIrFkf_oIG0-00064-00027300-00027700 So awesome watching how it collapses just ahead of you GIrFkf_oIG0-00065-00027900-00028100 Go on, I'm almost there GIrFkf_oIG0-00066-00028100-00028500 This tank will launch some missiles GIrFkf_oIG0-00067-00028500-00028800 And the helicopter is still here GIrFkf_oIG0-00068-00028900-00029100 I'll try to avoid them GIrFkf_oIG0-00069-00029200-00029500 Great, we're saved! GIrFkf_oIG0-00070-00029600-00029700 Perfect! GIrFkf_oIG0-00071-00030100-00030400 And that was the helicopter chase GIrFkf_oIG0-00072-00030400-00030600 I can take a deep breath here GIrFkf_oIG0-00073-00030800-00031200 The path is blocked and must be cleared for the motorboat GIrFkf_oIG0-00074-00031500-00031600 Over here GIrFkf_oIG0-00075-00031800-00032000 Say goodbye to the helicopter GIrFkf_oIG0-00076-00032000-00032150 We're safe now GIrFkf_oIG0-00077-00032200-00032500 Do you want me to keep playing? GIrFkf_oIG0-00078-00032500-00032700 Well, let's talk about it! GIrFkf_oIG0-00079-00032784-00032929 I'm still alive! GIrFkf_oIG0-00080-00032929-00033129 And after a chase like that, GIrFkf_oIG0-00081-00033129-00033229 believe it or not, GIrFkf_oIG0-00082-00033229-00033329 but my heart is pumping! GIrFkf_oIG0-00083-00033329-00033629 The Oculus Rift makes everything more intense GIrFkf_oIG0-00084-00033629-00034029 You step into the game as you never imagined GIrFkf_oIG0-00085-00034029-00034233 There is something I want to talk about GIrFkf_oIG0-00086-00034233-00034393 For future videos, GIrFkf_oIG0-00087-00034393-00034799 some people asked me to play a bit longer, GIrFkf_oIG0-00088-00034799-00035183 to play Half-Life 2 with no comments at all, GIrFkf_oIG0-00089-00035183-00035502 just me playing so you can hear the game sounds GIrFkf_oIG0-00090-00035502-00035899 and you can look how I play GIrFkf_oIG0-00091-00035899-00035990 in virtual reality GIrFkf_oIG0-00092-00035990-00036285 I wasn't really keen on doing that kind of videos GIrFkf_oIG0-00093-00036285-00036580 I didn't want to make something like that but GIrFkf_oIG0-00094-00036580-00036902 if you want me to do it, just let me know GIrFkf_oIG0-00095-00036902-00037269 in our forum and I can try to make it, just as an experiment GIrFkf_oIG0-00096-00037269-00037633 I was thinking on the bridge map, it's one of my GIrFkf_oIG0-00097-00037633-00037930 favourites, I have to cross it from side to side GIrFkf_oIG0-00098-00037930-00038169 and then go back, pursued by a flightship GIrFkf_oIG0-00099-00038169-00038369 that I must shoot down, then I get to GIrFkf_oIG0-00100-00038369-00038549 the car and I must flee from a train GIrFkf_oIG0-00101-00038549-00038808 If you want me to do it, just let me know GIrFkf_oIG0-00102-00038808-00038968 See you soon! GJ1XcZAVfS0-00000-00000078-00000326 This morning I woke up to a nice little message. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00001-00000326-00000672 11 of my videos have been demonetised. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00002-00000672-00000818 Time for a celebration! GJ1XcZAVfS0-00003-00000818-00001174 It means that I am making videos that may “offend” some people. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00004-00001175-00001499 Technically, the videos haven’t been fully demonetised. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00005-00001499-00001742 The actual message reads as follows: GJ1XcZAVfS0-00006-00001742-00002318 “Monetization status: Limited or no ads due to content identified as not suitable GJ1XcZAVfS0-00007-00002318-00002470 for most advertisers. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00008-00002470-00002940 Your video remains fully playable and is eligible to earn subscription revenue from YouTube GJ1XcZAVfS0-00009-00002940-00003028 Red. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00010-00003028-00003497 Advertisers avoid placing ads on videos that don't align with their brand. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00011-00003499-00004079 For example, they may choose not to advertise on content that's sexually suggestive, includes GJ1XcZAVfS0-00012-00004079-00004404 bad language, or is considered controversial.” GJ1XcZAVfS0-00013-00004404-00004908 The list of my videos that are not considered appropriate include: Diversity in the Workplace GJ1XcZAVfS0-00014-00004908-00005586 Is out of Control, News Blackout Day 03, Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal in Australia, GJ1XcZAVfS0-00015-00005586-00006246 Just a Rat in a Japanese Cage, Film Discussion - Sexy Beast (2000), Decadence - The Moral GJ1XcZAVfS0-00016-00006247-00006981 Decline of Society, Capital Punishment is Wrong, Military Might, Violence Begets Violence, GJ1XcZAVfS0-00017-00006981-00007438 War on Drugs Doesn't Work, and Political Correctness Gone Mad. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00018-00007438-00007836 I’ve posted a link to each of these videos below so you can see how “controversial” GJ1XcZAVfS0-00019-00007836-00007954 they are. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00020-00007954-00008112 I get why it has happened. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00021-00008112-00008628 YouTube (and their parent company Google) make most of their money from advertising. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00022-00008628-00009086 If the advertisers kick up a stink about the videos that are showing their ads, then YouTube GJ1XcZAVfS0-00023-00009086-00009298 are forced to take action. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00024-00009298-00009694 If they don’t do what their advertisers demand, then they will lose money. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00025-00009694-00009926 As a consequence, I lose money. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00026-00009926-00010400 I can still have my say, that is, my videos are still available to be watched on YouTube, GJ1XcZAVfS0-00027-00010400-00010734 but I won’t be getting much money from the more controversial ones. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00028-00010734-00010852 So what do I do? GJ1XcZAVfS0-00029-00010852-00011108 I could just make videos that meet all the guidelines. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00030-00011108-00011652 For your interest, here are the official things that videos should not contain: Controversial GJ1XcZAVfS0-00031-00011653-00012313 issues and sensitive events; Drugs and dangerous products or substances; Harmful or dangerous GJ1XcZAVfS0-00032-00012313-00012938 acts; Hateful content; Inappropriate language; Inappropriate use of family entertainment GJ1XcZAVfS0-00033-00012938-00013594 characters; Incendiary and demeaning; Sexually suggestive content; and Violence. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00034-00013594-00013713 So what’s left? GJ1XcZAVfS0-00035-00013713-00013928 Opening presents is okay. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00036-00013928-00014250 Cat videos are okay as long as they’re not violent. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00037-00014250-00014774 Maybe I should change my channel from Daily Rant Australia to Daily Pussy Australia and GJ1XcZAVfS0-00038-00014774-00014993 show cats running about doing stupid things. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00039-00014994-00015234 Hmm … now that’s an idea. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00040-00015234-00015647 All of this just proves my point that wealthy people control society. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00041-00015647-00015968 If they don’t like something, then the little people don’t get paid. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00042-00015968-00016400 Even the so-called “free” and “open” Internet is not immune to the power of the GJ1XcZAVfS0-00043-00016400-00016498 dollar. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00044-00016498-00016826 Honestly, it doesn’t matter if they demonetise a couple of videos. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00045-00016826-00017160 They could demonetise all of them – I’m still going to make them. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00046-00017160-00017482 A rant isn’t a rant, unless it causes some controversy. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00047-00017482-00017780 You can take my money, but you can’t take my thoughts. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00048-00017780-00018378 As Huey Newton once said, “You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can't jail the Revolution”. GJ1XcZAVfS0-00049-00018378-00018798 In summary, Daily Rant Australia must live on! GJPEledddIQ-00000-00000057-00000565 Treasury Notes or T-notes are bonds issued by the federal government to cover expenses. GJPEledddIQ-00001-00000565-00001209 Suppose you obtain a $5000 T-note with 3% annual interest, with maturity in 4 years. GJPEledddIQ-00002-00001209-00001400 How much interest will you earn? GJPEledddIQ-00003-00001400-00001635 Assume the T-note pays simple interest. GJPEledddIQ-00004-00001635-00002106 We will be solving this problem using the simple interest formula shown below. GJPEledddIQ-00005-00002106-00002432 I equals p time r times t. GJPEledddIQ-00006-00002432-00002636 I is the interest paid. GJPEledddIQ-00007-00002636-00003077 p is the principal, which is the original or starting amount. GJPEledddIQ-00008-00003077-00003565 r is the interest rate expressed as a decimal. GJPEledddIQ-00009-00003565-00003967 t is time expressed in years. GJPEledddIQ-00010-00003967-00004757 So the key information here is that you obtain a $5000 T-note with 3% annual interest and GJPEledddIQ-00011-00004757-00005205 the maturity is in 4 years. GJPEledddIQ-00012-00005205-00005628 So $5000 is the principal or starting amount. GJPEledddIQ-00013-00005628-00006342 The interest rate is 3%, but it must be expressed as a decimal. 3% as a decimal is equal to GJPEledddIQ-00014-00006342-00006640 0.03. GJPEledddIQ-00015-00006640-00007120 The maturity is in 4 years so time t is 4 years. GJPEledddIQ-00016-00007120-00007465 We are trying to determine the interest earned. GJPEledddIQ-00017-00007465-00008252 Therefore the unknown is I. Using our formula we have the interest I is equal to p the principal GJPEledddIQ-00018-00008252-00009302 of 5000 times r, the annual interest rate as a decimal, 0.03 times t, time in years, GJPEledddIQ-00019-00009302-00009504 which equals 4. GJPEledddIQ-00020-00009504-00010277 I equal to, multiplying from left to right, 5000 times 0.03 is equal to 150. GJPEledddIQ-00021-00010277-00010715 150 times 4 is equal to 600. GJPEledddIQ-00022-00010715-00012110 Which means you earn $600 in interest. GJPEledddIQ-00023-00012110-00012220 I hope you found this helpful. GMbEX-5p0jo-00000-00000179-00001205 Hello. Welcome to the instructions for Module 5. I want to remind you that you GMbEX-5p0jo-00001-00001205-00001851 should be reading Chapter 4 of your OER and reviewing the powerpoints for GMbEX-5p0jo-00002-00001851-00002606 this chapter. And we will also be completing the usual module activities. GMbEX-5p0jo-00003-00002606-00003735 This includes your discussion post and your Module 5 quiz. In addition to those GMbEX-5p0jo-00004-00003735-00004710 assignments you will also be taking your Unit 1 exam. Please remember that Unit 1 GMbEX-5p0jo-00005-00004710-00005723 exam is going to be covering Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4 of your OER. So you need to GMbEX-5p0jo-00006-00005723-00006476 go back and review the key concepts from those chapters. I'd also like to suggest GMbEX-5p0jo-00007-00006476-00007179 that you review your discussion posts from those modules as well as your video GMbEX-5p0jo-00008-00007179-00007884 response as reviewing that information is going to be helpful for you as you GMbEX-5p0jo-00009-00007884-00008688 prepare for this Unit 1 Exam. Unit 1 Exam has a specific due date. Make sure GMbEX-5p0jo-00010-00008688-00009420 you take the exam before that due date passes. And also you know Unit 1 Exam is GMbEX-5p0jo-00011-00009420-00010547 worth 100 points. Okay, let's talk a little bit about the focus for Module 5 which GMbEX-5p0jo-00012-00010547-00011409 is consciousness. One major area of consciousness in the field of psychology GMbEX-5p0jo-00013-00011409-00012218 is understanding the sleep cycle. I would like you to focus on the stages of non GMbEX-5p0jo-00014-00012218-00013044 REM sleep and REM sleep. Each of these different types of sleep GMbEX-5p0jo-00015-00013044-00014215 serves unique value in our physical and psychological well-being. As a matter of GMbEX-5p0jo-00016-00014215-00014763 fact, often times students find themselves very busy either with their GMbEX-5p0jo-00017-00014763-00015735 coursework or job obligations or maybe even family obligations. And often times GMbEX-5p0jo-00018-00015735-00016399 students are sleep-deprived. The research on consciousness shows us GMbEX-5p0jo-00019-00016399-00017128 that you are more able to process information on a daily basis when you GMbEX-5p0jo-00020-00017128-00017676 have the opportunity to sleep. The correct amount of hours each night GMbEX-5p0jo-00021-00017676-00018427 essentially sleeping allows us to consolidate memory. This means moving GMbEX-5p0jo-00022-00018427-00019009 information from short-term memory to long-term memory. We'll revisit memory GMbEX-5p0jo-00023-00019009-00019639 when we reach that chapter in the OER later. One last thing I wanted to GMbEX-5p0jo-00024-00019639-00020293 bring up about consciousness is the idea of altering consciousness. Oftentimes GMbEX-5p0jo-00025-00020293-00020880 when we think of altering consciousness we think that we're referring to GMbEX-5p0jo-00026-00020880-00021670 ingesting medication or recreational substances. In reality there are other GMbEX-5p0jo-00027-00021670-00022373 forms of altering consciousness. We have an incredible amount of control over our GMbEX-5p0jo-00028-00022373-00023008 consciousness. Psychology provides us with an understanding that we can exert GMbEX-5p0jo-00029-00023008-00023826 that control know various techniques. These techniques can include biofeedback, GMbEX-5p0jo-00030-00023826-00024610 different forms of meditation, and also specific techniques of psychotherapy GMbEX-5p0jo-00031-00024610-00025312 including hypnosis. Again we'll return to the idea of altering consciousness GMbEX-5p0jo-00032-00025312-00025823 through psychotherapy in later chapters. GMbEX-5p0jo-00033-00025829-00026394 If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will see you back GMbEX-5p0jo-00034-00026394-00027150 after you have completed Unit 1 Exam in your Module 6 instructions. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00000-00000010-00000170 IN 37 YEARS, 6-3, TOP LINE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00001-00000170-00000176 IN 37 YEARS, 6-3, TOP LINE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00002-00000176-00000390 IN 37 YEARS, 6-3, TOP LINE SCORING ALL 6 GOALS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00003-00000390-00000397 IN 37 YEARS, 6-3, TOP LINE SCORING ALL 6 GOALS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00004-00000397-00000453 IN 37 YEARS, 6-3, TOP LINE SCORING ALL 6 GOALS. AND YESTERDAY THOSE NEWLY GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00005-00000453-00000460 SCORING ALL 6 GOALS. AND YESTERDAY THOSE NEWLY GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00006-00000460-00000513 SCORING ALL 6 GOALS. AND YESTERDAY THOSE NEWLY CROWNED STATE CHAMPION GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00007-00000513-00000520 AND YESTERDAY THOSE NEWLY CROWNED STATE CHAMPION GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00008-00000520-00000583 AND YESTERDAY THOSE NEWLY CROWNED STATE CHAMPION THUNDERHAWKS RETURNED HOME TO GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00009-00000583-00000590 CROWNED STATE CHAMPION THUNDERHAWKS RETURNED HOME TO GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00010-00000590-00000897 CROWNED STATE CHAMPION THUNDERHAWKS RETURNED HOME TO WAITING FANS... GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00011-00000897-00000904 THUNDERHAWKS RETURNED HOME TO WAITING FANS... GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00012-00000904-00001224 THUNDERHAWKS RETURNED HOME TO WAITING FANS... >> AFTER A POLICE ESCORT GUIDED GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00013-00001224-00001231 WAITING FANS... >> AFTER A POLICE ESCORT GUIDED GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00014-00001231-00001454 WAITING FANS... >> AFTER A POLICE ESCORT GUIDED THE TEAM HOME, FANS YOUNG AND GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00015-00001454-00001461 >> AFTER A POLICE ESCORT GUIDED THE TEAM HOME, FANS YOUNG AND GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00016-00001461-00001651 >> AFTER A POLICE ESCORT GUIDED THE TEAM HOME, FANS YOUNG AND OLD PACKED THE CIVIC CENTER IN GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00017-00001651-00001658 THE TEAM HOME, FANS YOUNG AND OLD PACKED THE CIVIC CENTER IN GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00018-00001658-00001775 THE TEAM HOME, FANS YOUNG AND OLD PACKED THE CIVIC CENTER IN GRAND RAPIDS YESTERDAY TO GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00019-00001775-00001781 OLD PACKED THE CIVIC CENTER IN GRAND RAPIDS YESTERDAY TO GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00020-00001781-00002038 OLD PACKED THE CIVIC CENTER IN GRAND RAPIDS YESTERDAY TO WELCOME BACK THEIR STATE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00021-00002038-00002045 GRAND RAPIDS YESTERDAY TO WELCOME BACK THEIR STATE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00022-00002045-00002175 GRAND RAPIDS YESTERDAY TO WELCOME BACK THEIR STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00023-00002175-00002182 WELCOME BACK THEIR STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00024-00002182-00002439 WELCOME BACK THEIR STATE CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM. >> I WAS BEFUDDLED TO SEE ALL GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00025-00002439-00002445 CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM. >> I WAS BEFUDDLED TO SEE ALL GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00026-00002445-00002552 CHAMPION BOYS HOCKEY TEAM. >> I WAS BEFUDDLED TO SEE ALL THE PEOPLE STANDING ON THE SIDE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00027-00002552-00002559 >> I WAS BEFUDDLED TO SEE ALL THE PEOPLE STANDING ON THE SIDE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00028-00002559-00002772 >> I WAS BEFUDDLED TO SEE ALL THE PEOPLE STANDING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, HONKING THEIR HORNS GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00029-00002772-00002779 THE PEOPLE STANDING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, HONKING THEIR HORNS GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00030-00002779-00002939 THE PEOPLE STANDING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, HONKING THEIR HORNS AS THEY DROVE BY, SEEING GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00031-00002939-00002946 OF THE ROAD, HONKING THEIR HORNS AS THEY DROVE BY, SEEING GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00032-00002946-00003076 OF THE ROAD, HONKING THEIR HORNS AS THEY DROVE BY, SEEING EVERYONE LINED UP IN THE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00033-00003076-00003083 AS THEY DROVE BY, SEEING EVERYONE LINED UP IN THE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00034-00003083-00003119 AS THEY DROVE BY, SEEING EVERYONE LINED UP IN THE STREETS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00035-00003119-00003126 EVERYONE LINED UP IN THE STREETS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00036-00003126-00003520 EVERYONE LINED UP IN THE STREETS. IT DIDN'T SINK IN UNTIL WE GOT GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00037-00003520-00003526 STREETS. IT DIDN'T SINK IN UNTIL WE GOT GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00038-00003526-00003553 STREETS. IT DIDN'T SINK IN UNTIL WE GOT HERE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00039-00003553-00003560 IT DIDN'T SINK IN UNTIL WE GOT HERE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00040-00003560-00003740 IT DIDN'T SINK IN UNTIL WE GOT HERE. >> AND YOU NECK NICE SO MANY GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00041-00003740-00003747 HERE. >> AND YOU NECK NICE SO MANY GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00042-00003747-00004060 HERE. >> AND YOU NECK NICE SO MANY FACES AND SEE THEM ALL WEEK GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00043-00004060-00004067 >> AND YOU NECK NICE SO MANY FACES AND SEE THEM ALL WEEK GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00044-00004067-00004114 >> AND YOU NECK NICE SO MANY FACES AND SEE THEM ALL WEEK LONG. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00045-00004114-00004120 FACES AND SEE THEM ALL WEEK LONG. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00046-00004120-00004277 FACES AND SEE THEM ALL WEEK LONG. >> CLASS 2A STATE TITLE WAS THE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00047-00004277-00004284 LONG. >> CLASS 2A STATE TITLE WAS THE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00048-00004284-00004521 LONG. >> CLASS 2A STATE TITLE WAS THE FIRST GROUP OF THUNDERHAWKS GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00049-00004521-00004527 >> CLASS 2A STATE TITLE WAS THE FIRST GROUP OF THUNDERHAWKS GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00050-00004527-00004701 >> CLASS 2A STATE TITLE WAS THE FIRST GROUP OF THUNDERHAWKS SINCE 1980 AND THE BOYS COULDN'T GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00051-00004701-00004708 FIRST GROUP OF THUNDERHAWKS SINCE 1980 AND THE BOYS COULDN'T GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00052-00004708-00004994 FIRST GROUP OF THUNDERHAWKS SINCE 1980 AND THE BOYS COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER TO BRING A A GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00053-00004994-00005001 SINCE 1980 AND THE BOYS COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER TO BRING A A GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00054-00005001-00005095 SINCE 1980 AND THE BOYS COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER TO BRING A A BANNER HOME. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00055-00005095-00005101 HAVE BEEN HAPPIER TO BRING A A BANNER HOME. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00056-00005101-00005288 HAVE BEEN HAPPIER TO BRING A A BANNER HOME. >> IT'S JUST AMAZING. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00057-00005288-00005295 BANNER HOME. >> IT'S JUST AMAZING. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00058-00005295-00005462 BANNER HOME. >> IT'S JUST AMAZING. COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00059-00005462-00005468 >> IT'S JUST AMAZING. COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00060-00005468-00005495 >> IT'S JUST AMAZING. COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER TALENT. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00061-00005495-00005502 COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER TALENT. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00062-00005502-00005692 COULDN'T ASK FOR A BETTER TALENT. IT'S THE BEST PLACE I WOULD EVER GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00063-00005692-00005699 TALENT. IT'S THE BEST PLACE I WOULD EVER GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00064-00005699-00005919 TALENT. IT'S THE BEST PLACE I WOULD EVER WANT TO GROW UP, AND I COULDN'T GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00065-00005919-00005925 IT'S THE BEST PLACE I WOULD EVER WANT TO GROW UP, AND I COULDN'T GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00066-00005925-00006132 IT'S THE BEST PLACE I WOULD EVER WANT TO GROW UP, AND I COULDN'T ASK ANYWHERE ELSE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00067-00006132-00006139 WANT TO GROW UP, AND I COULDN'T ASK ANYWHERE ELSE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00068-00006139-00006279 WANT TO GROW UP, AND I COULDN'T ASK ANYWHERE ELSE. I LOVE IT HERE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00069-00006279-00006286 ASK ANYWHERE ELSE. I LOVE IT HERE. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00070-00006286-00006499 ASK ANYWHERE ELSE. I LOVE IT HERE. >> EVEN THOUGH ALL THE POMP AND GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00071-00006499-00006506 I LOVE IT HERE. >> EVEN THOUGH ALL THE POMP AND GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00072-00006506-00006649 I LOVE IT HERE. >> EVEN THOUGH ALL THE POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00073-00006649-00006656 >> EVEN THOUGH ALL THE POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00074-00006656-00006830 >> EVEN THOUGH ALL THE POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE DOWN, THIS TEAM WILL ALWAYS BE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00075-00006830-00006836 CIRCUMSTANCE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE DOWN, THIS TEAM WILL ALWAYS BE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00076-00006836-00007133 CIRCUMSTANCE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE DOWN, THIS TEAM WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED BY TWO WORDS, STATE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00077-00007133-00007140 DOWN, THIS TEAM WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED BY TWO WORDS, STATE GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00078-00007140-00007167 DOWN, THIS TEAM WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED BY TWO WORDS, STATE CHAMPS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00079-00007167-00007173 REMEMBERED BY TWO WORDS, STATE CHAMPS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00080-00007173-00007450 REMEMBERED BY TWO WORDS, STATE CHAMPS. >> NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00081-00007450-00007457 CHAMPS. >> NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00082-00007457-00007490 CHAMPS. >> NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT FEELS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00083-00007490-00007497 >> NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT FEELS. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00084-00007497-00007640 >> NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD AS IT FEELS. IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00085-00007640-00007647 FEELS. IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00086-00007647-00007854 FEELS. IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. >> AND YOU COME BACK HERE IN 30, GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00087-00007854-00007861 IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. >> AND YOU COME BACK HERE IN 30, GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00088-00007861-00008017 IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD. >> AND YOU COME BACK HERE IN 30, 40 YEARS, AND BE ABLE TO SAY YOU GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00089-00008017-00008024 >> AND YOU COME BACK HERE IN 30, 40 YEARS, AND BE ABLE TO SAY YOU GOpMqF2Vq5Y-00090-00008024-00008188 >> AND YOU COME BACK HERE IN 30, 40 YEARS, AND BE ABLE TO SAY YOU ARE PART OF A TRADITION, AND