e2vV7zD_NI4-00000-00000010-00000106 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS e2vV7zD_NI4-00001-00000106-00000113 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS e2vV7zD_NI4-00002-00000113-00000300 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. e2vV7zD_NI4-00003-00000300-00000306 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. e2vV7zD_NI4-00004-00000306-00000487 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >>> ONE LOCAL AUTHOR IS SHARING e2vV7zD_NI4-00005-00000487-00000493 WEIMANN. >>> ONE LOCAL AUTHOR IS SHARING e2vV7zD_NI4-00006-00000493-00000717 WEIMANN. >>> ONE LOCAL AUTHOR IS SHARING THE STORY OF BELTRAMI COUNTY'S e2vV7zD_NI4-00007-00000717-00000724 >>> ONE LOCAL AUTHOR IS SHARING THE STORY OF BELTRAMI COUNTY'S e2vV7zD_NI4-00008-00000724-00001915 >>> ONE LOCAL AUTHOR IS SHARING THE STORY OF BELTRAMI COUNTY'S NAME SAKE WITH AREA STUDENTS. e2vV7zD_NI4-00009-00001915-00001921 THE STORY OF BELTRAMI COUNTY'S NAME SAKE WITH AREA STUDENTS. e2vV7zD_NI4-00010-00001921-00001988 THE STORY OF BELTRAMI COUNTY'S NAME SAKE WITH AREA STUDENTS. AS JOHN EGGERS EXPLAINS IN HIS e2vV7zD_NI4-00011-00001988-00001995 NAME SAKE WITH AREA STUDENTS. AS JOHN EGGERS EXPLAINS IN HIS e2vV7zD_NI4-00012-00001995-00002055 NAME SAKE WITH AREA STUDENTS. AS JOHN EGGERS EXPLAINS IN HIS TWENTY FIRST BOOK, GIACOMO e2vV7zD_NI4-00013-00002055-00002062 AS JOHN EGGERS EXPLAINS IN HIS TWENTY FIRST BOOK, GIACOMO e2vV7zD_NI4-00014-00002062-00002125 AS JOHN EGGERS EXPLAINS IN HIS TWENTY FIRST BOOK, GIACOMO BELTRAMI WAS AN EXPLORER FROM e2vV7zD_NI4-00015-00002125-00002132 TWENTY FIRST BOOK, GIACOMO BELTRAMI WAS AN EXPLORER FROM e2vV7zD_NI4-00016-00002132-00002195 TWENTY FIRST BOOK, GIACOMO BELTRAMI WAS AN EXPLORER FROM ITALY AND WENT OUT TO FIND THE e2vV7zD_NI4-00017-00002195-00002202 BELTRAMI WAS AN EXPLORER FROM ITALY AND WENT OUT TO FIND THE e2vV7zD_NI4-00018-00002202-00002262 BELTRAMI WAS AN EXPLORER FROM ITALY AND WENT OUT TO FIND THE MOST NORTHERN SOURCE OF THE e2vV7zD_NI4-00019-00002262-00002268 ITALY AND WENT OUT TO FIND THE MOST NORTHERN SOURCE OF THE e2vV7zD_NI4-00020-00002268-00002302 ITALY AND WENT OUT TO FIND THE MOST NORTHERN SOURCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI. e2vV7zD_NI4-00021-00002302-00002308 MOST NORTHERN SOURCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI. e2vV7zD_NI4-00022-00002308-00002382 MOST NORTHERN SOURCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI. EGGERS WROTE THE CHILDREN'S BOOK e2vV7zD_NI4-00023-00002382-00002389 MISSISSIPPI. EGGERS WROTE THE CHILDREN'S BOOK e2vV7zD_NI4-00024-00002389-00002449 MISSISSIPPI. EGGERS WROTE THE CHILDREN'S BOOK AFTER LOOKING FOR THE STORY e2vV7zD_NI4-00025-00002449-00002455 EGGERS WROTE THE CHILDREN'S BOOK AFTER LOOKING FOR THE STORY e2vV7zD_NI4-00026-00002455-00002519 EGGERS WROTE THE CHILDREN'S BOOK AFTER LOOKING FOR THE STORY BEHIND THE NAME OF LAKE JULIA e2vV7zD_NI4-00027-00002519-00002525 AFTER LOOKING FOR THE STORY BEHIND THE NAME OF LAKE JULIA e2vV7zD_NI4-00028-00002525-00002585 AFTER LOOKING FOR THE STORY BEHIND THE NAME OF LAKE JULIA WHERE EGGERS LIVES NORTH OF e2vV7zD_NI4-00029-00002585-00002592 BEHIND THE NAME OF LAKE JULIA WHERE EGGERS LIVES NORTH OF e2vV7zD_NI4-00030-00002592-00002746 BEHIND THE NAME OF LAKE JULIA WHERE EGGERS LIVES NORTH OF BEMIDJI. e2vV7zD_NI4-00031-00002746-00002752 WHERE EGGERS LIVES NORTH OF BEMIDJI. e2vV7zD_NI4-00032-00002752-00003039 WHERE EGGERS LIVES NORTH OF BEMIDJI. >> I THINK IT'S A STORY KIDS e2vV7zD_NI4-00033-00003039-00003046 BEMIDJI. >> I THINK IT'S A STORY KIDS e2vV7zD_NI4-00034-00003046-00003343 BEMIDJI. >> I THINK IT'S A STORY KIDS WILL LIKE AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE e2vV7zD_NI4-00035-00003343-00003350 >> I THINK IT'S A STORY KIDS WILL LIKE AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE e2vV7zD_NI4-00036-00003350-00003773 >> I THINK IT'S A STORY KIDS WILL LIKE AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT RELATES TO NATIVE AMERICANS, e2vV7zD_NI4-00037-00003773-00003780 WILL LIKE AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT RELATES TO NATIVE AMERICANS, e2vV7zD_NI4-00038-00003780-00004033 WILL LIKE AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT RELATES TO NATIVE AMERICANS, AND RELATES TO A DISCOVERY THAT e2vV7zD_NI4-00039-00004033-00004040 IT RELATES TO NATIVE AMERICANS, AND RELATES TO A DISCOVERY THAT e2vV7zD_NI4-00040-00004040-00004347 IT RELATES TO NATIVE AMERICANS, AND RELATES TO A DISCOVERY THAT MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. e2vV7zD_NI4-00041-00004347-00004354 AND RELATES TO A DISCOVERY THAT MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. e2vV7zD_NI4-00042-00004354-00004634 AND RELATES TO A DISCOVERY THAT MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. WITH EGGERS BOOK IS AVAILABLE A e5n2hNp7mVU-00000-00000494-00001046 In terms of teacher recruitment, we are looking for a specific teacher. Number e5n2hNp7mVU-00001-00001046-00001541 one, we're looking for a teacher that is flexible -- you have to be flexible in this e5n2hNp7mVU-00002-00001541-00001807 model. Two, you have to be a collaborative teacher, e5n2hNp7mVU-00003-00001807-00002306 you have to -- you have to enjoy working with others because teachers who work in e5n2hNp7mVU-00004-00002306-00002645 isolation won't be successful in this model. Teachers have to communicate e5n2hNp7mVU-00005-00002645-00003206 constantly on a daily basis regarding where kids should go, what is the data e5n2hNp7mVU-00006-00003206-00003589 telling the teachers in terms of student achievement, e5n2hNp7mVU-00007-00003589-00004211 what sort of instructional shifts need to be made in order to address our e5n2hNp7mVU-00008-00004211-00004589 student needs as they grow at their different levels -- so those are a couple e5n2hNp7mVU-00009-00004589-00005071 of the things that we look for in our teachers now. It's a -- it's a very e5n2hNp7mVU-00010-00005071-00005465 rewarding process for our teachers but it's tough work. They have to work e5n2hNp7mVU-00011-00005465-00005915 collaboratively and so in order to do that, we do look for specific personality e5n2hNp7mVU-00012-00005915-00006160 types. etl03RoTeby-00000-00000000-00000401 Good day! Here are the results of the Lotto draws this morning, 9 pm Feb 18 2019 etl03RoTeby-00001-00000401-00000948 As an important reminder, please do not share or entrust your tickets etl03RoTeby-00002-00000952-00001424 and you must be at least 18 years old to play the lottery etl03RoTeby-00003-00001812-00002366 EZ2 Lotto 9 pm Feb 18 2019 etl03RoTeby-00004-00002677-00003508 Suertres 9 pm Feb 18 2019 etl03RoTeby-00005-00003629-00005230 Pares 11 am 9 pm Feb 18 2019 Swe3 11 am 9 pm Feb 18 2019 2 Digits 11 am 9 pm Feb 18 2019 etl03RoTeby-00006-00005930-00006895 Congratulations to all the winner! etyE5MpLepy-00000-00000024-00000444 Peer review is used to build skills you need in your professional career. etyE5MpLepy-00001-00000444-00000907 Being able to review and provide feedback on the work submitted by others is something etyE5MpLepy-00002-00000907-00001373 that is required in virtually every career. Receiving such a review, and then evaluating etyE5MpLepy-00003-00001373-00001936 that review is essential. How will you improve your work based on the feedback you receive? etyE5MpLepy-00004-00001936-00002397 How will you reply to the review? That's called the rebuttal process? And finally, how do etyE5MpLepy-00005-00002397-00002816 you react to a rebuttal that you have received, and assess that? etyE5MpLepy-00006-00002816-00003196 You've seen 5 important verbs pass here: submit etyE5MpLepy-00007-00003196-00003338 review evaluate etyE5MpLepy-00008-00003338-00003485 rebut, and etyE5MpLepy-00009-00003485-00003621 assess etyE5MpLepy-00010-00003621-00003896 Look out for these 5 verbs in the review tool. etyE5MpLepy-00011-00003896-00004086 You start by submitting your document. etyE5MpLepy-00012-00004086-00004602 Your document will go out, and be reviewed by some of your peers. In this course that etyE5MpLepy-00013-00004602-00005223 will be 2 peers. You do not know their identities. They will use a rubric and evaluate and comment etyE5MpLepy-00014-00005223-00005375 on your work. etyE5MpLepy-00015-00005375-00005879 At the same time you will review 2 other peers. These will almost certainly will be 2 other etyE5MpLepy-00016-00005879-00006374 learners in the course, but it might also be the same 2 people that you reviewed earlier. etyE5MpLepy-00017-00006374-00006798 The system keeps you informed, about when your peers have read, and evaluated the review etyE5MpLepy-00018-00006798-00006975 you have supplied. etyE5MpLepy-00019-00006975-00007442 In this part of the page you have to evaluate the reviews you received on your work. An etyE5MpLepy-00020-00007442-00007945 important 4th step is where you continue to provide a rebuttal. Whenever you see a page etyE5MpLepy-00021-00007945-00008480 like this in the system, please read the instructions carefully - over here - and supply what is etyE5MpLepy-00022-00008480-00008754 expected, thinking critically. etyE5MpLepy-00023-00008754-00009177 Not only do you supply a rebuttal, and you also receive the rebuttals from your peers. etyE5MpLepy-00024-00009177-00009728 The process has, as its final step where you read those rebuttals and provide an assessment etyE5MpLepy-00025-00009728-00010335 of them. Similarly, you will receive an assessment from your peers about your rebuttal. etyE5MpLepy-00026-00010335-00010840 Now here's another way to visualize the peer review cycle. We use these 5 verbs consistently etyE5MpLepy-00027-00010840-00010940 in the system. etyE5MpLepy-00028-00010940-00011442 You are here, and each dot represents an action you have to complete. etyE5MpLepy-00029-00011442-00011992 And here are your peers, and their dots are actions they are doing on your work. Pause etyE5MpLepy-00030-00011992-00012639 the video to take it all in. etyE5MpLepy-00031-00012639-00013083 The process also works as a mirror: not only does your submitted work go to your peers, etyE5MpLepy-00032-00013083-00013651 but you take action on the work received from your other peers. That's shown down here. etyE5MpLepy-00033-00013651-00014074 By the end of one such assignment, you and your peers would have been connected with etyE5MpLepy-00034-00014074-00014647 each other in a rich network, ensuring you are getting diverse feedback and interactions. etyE5MpLepy-00035-00014647-00015032 We realize this can be overwhelming at first, so we also have a summary table that gives etyE5MpLepy-00036-00015032-00015547 you a time-based overview of every step, it keeps you informed about your status, and etyE5MpLepy-00037-00015547-00016053 also that of your peers. Remember to refresh this page if you have had it open for a long etyE5MpLepy-00038-00016053-00016266 time in your browser. etyE5MpLepy-00039-00016266-00016707 This whole peer review process is repeated several times in the course. There is a progress etyE5MpLepy-00040-00016707-00017337 page to help you keep track of all assignments. So please find that in your course website. etyE5MpLepy-00041-00017337-00017722 And lastly, w e also look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on the peer review etyE5MpLepy-00042-00017722-00018233 process, so let us know about your experiences, and how it has helped you. euOAhWThoju-00000-00000348-00000610 Hello, Welcome to Kouvarakia. euOAhWThoju-00001-00000610-00001088 I am Stella and today I will show you how to knit this pumpkin. euOAhWThoju-00002-00001572-00002380 For my pumpkin I used Scheepjes Stone Washed. A sport weight yarn with 130m per 50gr. euOAhWThoju-00003-00002480-00002806 You can find the yarn colorways in the description box below. euOAhWThoju-00004-00002840-00003497 We will also need a small amount of black embroidery thread for the smile. euOAhWThoju-00005-00003806-00004216 We will use 2.50 mm Double Points Needles. euOAhWThoju-00006-00004380-00004782 We will also need 12 mm safety eyes, euOAhWThoju-00007-00004930-00005192 pins and a tapestry needle for sewing, euOAhWThoju-00008-00005292-00005456 a pair of scissors, euOAhWThoju-00009-00005528-00005752 fiberfill for stuffing, euOAhWThoju-00010-00005888-00006112 and optionally a stitch marker. euOAhWThoju-00011-00006184-00006681 You can find links for the written instructions in the description box below. euOAhWThoju-00012-00006881-00007116 We will start with the orange yarn. euOAhWThoju-00013-00007158-00007606 Leave a long tail at the beginning to sew the top closed when finished. euOAhWThoju-00014-00007676-00007936 Cast on 45 stitches (sts). euOAhWThoju-00015-00011174-00011606 Ready, as we said we want enough yarn left at the beginning. euOAhWThoju-00016-00011876-00012300 Because I use only one needle to cast on, now I'll have to spread the sts. euOAhWThoju-00017-00012300-00012766 We have 45 sts so I will place 15 sts on each needle. euOAhWThoju-00018-00012766-00012966 3 needles in total. euOAhWThoju-00019-00015474-00015980 I spread the sts in 3 needles and I will use the 4rth needle to knit. euOAhWThoju-00020-00016063-00016350 I check that the sts are no twisted. euOAhWThoju-00021-00016382-00016788 And I start the first round with 4 knit sts, euOAhWThoju-00022-00017660-00017800 One, euOAhWThoju-00023-00018180-00018304 Two, euOAhWThoju-00024-00018458-00018544 Three, euOAhWThoju-00025-00018592-00018744 Four. euOAhWThoju-00026-00018744-00018944 I purl the next st. euOAhWThoju-00027-00019164-00019648 and this will be our pattern, knit 4 sts, purl 1 st. euOAhWThoju-00028-00019712-00020002 Repeat until the end of the round. euOAhWThoju-00029-00020002-00020230 Knit 4, Purl 1. euOAhWThoju-00030-00023286-00023890 Continue on the second needle with knit 4, purl 1. euOAhWThoju-00031-00025618-00025812 I completed the first round. euOAhWThoju-00032-00025988-00026489 If you want you can use a stitch marker to separate the rounds. euOAhWThoju-00033-00026588-00026966 The next 19 rounds are exactly the same as the first. euOAhWThoju-00034-00026966-00027433 We continuously knit 4 and purl 1. euOAhWThoju-00035-00027526-00027970 When we complete them we will see together how to knit the 21st Round. euOAhWThoju-00036-00028564-00028827 I have completed the first 20 Rounds. euOAhWThoju-00037-00029104-00029656 In the 21st Round we will create the eyelets that we need for the safety eyes. euOAhWThoju-00038-00029672-00030226 If you don't want to use safety eyes just work the same as before. euOAhWThoju-00039-00030416-00031108 We started with knit 4, purl 1, repeating 3 times. euOAhWThoju-00040-00034968-00035238 We knit the next st. euOAhWThoju-00041-00035630-00035966 Then knit 2 sts together (decrease). euOAhWThoju-00042-00036380-00036782 Yarn Over and knit the next st. euOAhWThoju-00043-00036822-00037038 Purl the next st. euOAhWThoju-00044-00037076-00037448 we will continue with knit 4 and Purl 1. euOAhWThoju-00045-00037448-00037562 One, euOAhWThoju-00046-00037608-00037746 Two, euOAhWThoju-00047-00037746-00037946 Three. euOAhWThoju-00048-00037946-00038146 Four and Purl 1. euOAhWThoju-00049-00038372-00038614 Knit the next st, euOAhWThoju-00050-00038658-00039104 Yarn Over and Knit the next 2 sts together (decrease). euOAhWThoju-00051-00039398-00039860 Then knit 1 st and purl the next st. euOAhWThoju-00052-00040554-00041224 We will complete the Round with Knit 4, Purl 1, for 3 more times. euOAhWThoju-00053-00042814-00043286 The 21st Round was the only on that had something different. euOAhWThoju-00054-00043286-00044122 The next 20 Rounds are worked just like the first one, that is, Knit 4, Purl 1, around. euOAhWThoju-00055-00044468-00044780 We completed the next 20 Rounds. euOAhWThoju-00056-00044974-00045254 Now we will bind off all the sts. euOAhWThoju-00057-00045300-00045544 Knit 2 sts, euOAhWThoju-00058-00045666-00046228 and slip the first st over the second one and drop it of the needle. euOAhWThoju-00059-00046492-00046682 Knit one more st, euOAhWThoju-00060-00046850-00047512 and slip one off the needle like before. Repeat until all of your sts are bind off. euOAhWThoju-00061-00053250-00053620 Cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing. euOAhWThoju-00062-00055034-00055608 We have completed the knitted part of the pumpkin, now let's see the assembly. euOAhWThoju-00063-00056176-00056650 Place the safety eyes in the eyelets of Round 21. euOAhWThoju-00064-00056812-00057062 And secure the back. euOAhWThoju-00065-00058617-00059117 Done! Thread the tail on a tapestry needle. euOAhWThoju-00066-00059754-00060078 Weave the yarn through the opening. euOAhWThoju-00067-00060891-00061272 That way we will be able to pull the yarn and close the opening. euOAhWThoju-00068-00062236-00062717 In order to be able to close it completely we will have to repeat it a second time. euOAhWThoju-00069-00065478-00066074 After closing the opening and securing the yarn we can stuff the pumpkin with the fiberfill. euOAhWThoju-00070-00067080-00067394 At the end we will close the other side in the same way. euOAhWThoju-00071-00069834-00069918 Done! euOAhWThoju-00072-00069996-00070546 To give our pumpkin its shape, we will thread the yarn through the center and out the other side, euOAhWThoju-00073-00071594-00072054 Pull the yarn tight and secure it. euOAhWThoju-00074-00072136-00072458 Repeat if need it. euOAhWThoju-00075-00075534-00075882 Secure and weave in the yarn ends. euOAhWThoju-00076-00079546-00079644 Done! euOAhWThoju-00077-00079754-00079970 Now let's go make the stalk. euOAhWThoju-00078-00080288-00080574 For the stalk we will use brown yarn. euOAhWThoju-00079-00080980-00081402 Cast on 4 sts and make an I-cord. euOAhWThoju-00080-00081566-00081658 One, euOAhWThoju-00081-00081804-00081904 Two, euOAhWThoju-00082-00081984-00082104 Three, euOAhWThoju-00083-00082138-00082230 Four. euOAhWThoju-00084-00082230-00082560 Slip all the sts on the other side of the needle. euOAhWThoju-00085-00083024-00083254 and Knit them all. euOAhWThoju-00086-00084772-00085120 Slip them again, euOAhWThoju-00087-00085430-00085978 and knit them all. Repeat until you have approximately a 2 centimeters long I-cord. euOAhWThoju-00088-00089300-00089724 When you reach the 2 centimeters, we will start the increases. euOAhWThoju-00089-00090110-00090488 That is, I will Knit each st twice, one from the front and one from the back. euOAhWThoju-00090-00090886-00091422 Knit into the frond loop and then into the back loop. euOAhWThoju-00091-00092952-00093342 Because the sts will become crowded in one needle, I will spread the into a second one. euOAhWThoju-00092-00093778-00094124 If it is difficult for you to knit them, you can spread the sts into more needles. euOAhWThoju-00093-00095764-00096112 Turn the needle so you can have the working yarn on your right side. euOAhWThoju-00094-00096290-00096764 And continue increasing the sts by knit into the front and back loops. euOAhWThoju-00095-00099470-00099930 Spread the sts further if needed. euOAhWThoju-00096-00102750-00103332 Repeat the increases to the second needle. At the end you should have 16 sts. euOAhWThoju-00097-00106018-00106335 That's it! Now bind off all the sts. euOAhWThoju-00098-00111820-00112309 Done! Cut the yarn leaving a long tail for sewing. euOAhWThoju-00099-00113666-00113894 Thread the yarn to a tapestry needle. euOAhWThoju-00100-00113894-00114300 And connect the first st to the last. euOAhWThoju-00101-00116485-00117006 Place the stalk on the pumpkin and use pins to secure it. euOAhWThoju-00102-00117744-00118442 Use the yarn tail to sew the stalk. Weave in the ends. euOAhWThoju-00103-00120978-00121170 Ready! euOAhWThoju-00104-00121233-00121396 Now all we have left is the smile. euOAhWThoju-00105-00121433-00121890 Use black embroider thread or yarn. euOAhWThoju-00106-00121924-00122214 Ans embroider the smile between the eyes. euOAhWThoju-00107-00122244-00122488 Weave in the ends. euOAhWThoju-00108-00125118-00125326 And our pumpkin is ready! euOAhWThoju-00109-00125326-00125624 Thank you for watching! evfU2_mKE00-00000-00001521-00001841 You know, if someone comes in and they're just like a dog of a brand-– evfU2_mKE00-00001-00001841-00002330 not a PupSock, how do you know when you're going to take a client on? evfU2_mKE00-00002-00002330-00002683 Like, what gets you excited about a client, specifically? evfU2_mKE00-00003-00002750-00002891 Okay. Great question. evfU2_mKE00-00004-00002891-00003241 So, this is actually a question I get asked a lot from a lot of people evfU2_mKE00-00005-00003241-00003469 and it's mainly around what am I interested in. evfU2_mKE00-00006-00003471-00003730 And, I'm interested in a couple of different areas. evfU2_mKE00-00007-00003733-00003941 So, first, I'll talk about what are the requirements evfU2_mKE00-00008-00003944-00004155 that they will be taking on in a common thread evfU2_mKE00-00009-00004155-00004260 proven funnel, evfU2_mKE00-00010-00004337-00004877 we definitely enjoy brands that understand who their customers are, right? evfU2_mKE00-00011-00004877-00005152 Because what we really focus on is speaking evfU2_mKE00-00012-00005152-00005460 to specific personas as within your whole brand evfU2_mKE00-00013-00005460-00005813 because you have different reasons why different people like who you are, okay? evfU2_mKE00-00014-00005813-00005974 So, if you, as a brand, come and go, evfU2_mKE00-00015-00005974-00006247 we know consumer A, B and C are our guy. evfU2_mKE00-00016-00006249-00006732 Well, we'll take those understandings and start building out specific formulas evfU2_mKE00-00017-00006732-00007040 or funnels all the way through, speaking to them, communicating to them, evfU2_mKE00-00018-00007043-00007307 but at the end of the day, they're still buying the same products. evfU2_mKE00-00019-00007310-00007540 That's the beauty of Facebook because you understand, evfU2_mKE00-00020-00007540-00007936 you can use it as a tool to determine specific personas within one brand. evfU2_mKE00-00021-00007991-00008277 So, we like to have someone with an idea already coming in to us, evfU2_mKE00-00022-00008277-00008393 willing to be able to spend, evfU2_mKE00-00023-00008395-00008596 to understand that they need to buy that data. evfU2_mKE00-00024-00008596-00008784 There's no easy way of doing it, right? evfU2_mKE00-00025-00008828-00009031 If everything lines up you get a PupSocks, evfU2_mKE00-00026-00009031-00009336 when they come into a massive return in a short period of time. evfU2_mKE00-00027-00009336-00009586 But for a lot of the other brands, we sit there, evfU2_mKE00-00028-00009586-00009829 IDing back and forth and try to get to them, evfU2_mKE00-00029-00009829-00010066 I'll try to get them to understand that there's time evfU2_mKE00-00030-00010066-00010448 that we need to spend to develop who your ideal customers. evfU2_mKE00-00031-00010449-00010757 Or else, we're just spending money without any processes evfU2_mKE00-00032-00010757-00010904 and that's not what we want to do. evfU2_mKE00-00033-00010904-00011194 Do they need to have Facebook data built up ahead of time? evfU2_mKE00-00034-00011243-00011370 It makes it easier. evfU2_mKE00-00035-00011370-00011742 It really does, you know, it'll focus the spend evfU2_mKE00-00036-00011742-00011909 if that's the easiest way I can put it evfU2_mKE00-00037-00011911-00012301 because there are going to be dollars in testing product and testing audiences, evfU2_mKE00-00038-00012301-00012500 you're always going to have some wasted spend. evfU2_mKE00-00039-00012502-00012754 Again, not always, but I call it buying the data evfU2_mKE00-00040-00012757-00012970 because you learn not to put more money there. evfU2_mKE00-00041-00012970-00013179 But, it does make it a lot easier, evfU2_mKE00-00042-00013179-00013491 if you're already an existing funnel with something built out evfU2_mKE00-00043-00013491-00013772 or if you just have a firm stance and who you are as a brand evfU2_mKE00-00044-00013773-00014004 and I understand, “Okay, I know who we are, evfU2_mKE00-00045-00014004-00014233 I'm going spend until we get to what we need to do.” evfU2_mKE00-00046-00014233-00014483 I wanted to ask a little, specifically, with PupSocks in mind. evfU2_mKE00-00047-00014483-00014707 You don't have to give me their strategy or anything, evfU2_mKE00-00048-00014707-00014933 but what would be some of the remarketing evfU2_mKE00-00049-00014936-00015247 and frequency-based tactics that you would advise for a company evfU2_mKE00-00050-00015247-00015523 like PupSocks that had this huge, huge win, evfU2_mKE00-00051-00015523-00015857 did they, for instance, come back with a Father's Day campaign evfU2_mKE00-00052-00015857-00016027 to be like, “Hey, get your dad on a pair, evfU2_mKE00-00053-00016030-00016264 get your grand kid on a pair of socks.” or something like. evfU2_mKE00-00054-00016267-00016580 What's an actual strategy that you might employ for a company like PupSocks evfU2_mKE00-00055-00016580-00016882 which is like a novelty type product, as like when to remarket to them? evfU2_mKE00-00056-00016940-00017317 That's a great question because when you say win back campaign evfU2_mKE00-00057-00017317-00017602 or frequency retention or any of these fancy words evfU2_mKE00-00058-00017602-00017947 just saying re-offering your product to them, evfU2_mKE00-00059-00017947-00018201 it's just a matter of offer rotation. evfU2_mKE00-00060-00018201-00018372 So, understanding what your brand is. evfU2_mKE00-00061-00018372-00018549 So, brand, like you said is PupSocks, evfU2_mKE00-00062-00018551-00018843 they need to take advantage of holiday time, right? evfU2_mKE00-00063-00018843-00019035 So, as soon as that campaign was over, evfU2_mKE00-00064-00019038-00019182 It was right into Valentine's Day. evfU2_mKE00-00065-00019182-00019384 Valentine's Day into Mother's Day, evfU2_mKE00-00066-00019384-00019628 Mother's Day into Father’s, Fourth of July, evfU2_mKE00-00067-00019628-00019756 Back to School, right? evfU2_mKE00-00068-00019756-00019969 You see where I'm going with this? -Yeah, yeah. evfU2_mKE00-00069-00019969-00020409 That list is so large, that we just need to reframe like, evfU2_mKE00-00070-00020409-00020788 “Hey, you already bought from us, we already have your images. evfU2_mKE00-00071-00020789-00021111 Guess what, how about how would you like this product?” evfU2_mKE00-00072-00021205-00021519 Whether it's a mug, whether it's a similar product like that. evfU2_mKE00-00073-00021519-00021797 Reframing the offer to those who’ve already purchased from you. evfU2_mKE00-00074-00021797-00021958 One thing that you don't know about is evfU2_mKE00-00075-00021958-00022180 as soon as we realize how successful PupSock was, evfU2_mKE00-00076-00022180-00022396 we actually made facesocks.com. evfU2_mKE00-00077-00022535-00022870 So, facesocks.com was the second website that we just turned in evfU2_mKE00-00078-00022870-00023086 and now FaceSocks is unbelievably, evfU2_mKE00-00079-00023134-00023381 unbelievably pushing past on a year-round basis evfU2_mKE00-00080-00023381-00023547 than what Pup Socks was. evfU2_mKE00-00081-00023547-00023761 It's interesting, we didn't know this at the time. evfU2_mKE00-00082-00023761-00024020 But now, having human faces on everything, evfU2_mKE00-00083-00024069-00024345 we can really frame around boyfriend-girlfriend, evfU2_mKE00-00084-00024345-00024664 we can really frame around anniversary, weddings, right? evfU2_mKE00-00085-00024769-00024872 That's right, year-round. evfU2_mKE00-00086-00024872-00025140 I would have thought people liked dogs more than they like people. evfU2_mKE00-00087-00025140-00025317 But I guess not, that's good to know. evfU2_mKE00-00088-00025317-00025457 There's hope for us yet. evfU2_mKE00-00089-00025457-00025642 Yes, there is. People still like humans. evfU2_mKE00-00090-00025692-00025847 That's awesome. evfU2_mKE00-00091-00025847-00026202 Okay, so that would be a strategy for them to bring them back there. evfU2_mKE00-00092-00026202-00026566 What are you currently most fired up about in your job? evfU2_mKE00-00093-00026566-00027007 Like what aspect of marketing and eCommerce evfU2_mKE00-00094-00027007-00027206 are you most fired up about right now? evfU2_mKE00-00095-00027206-00027609 Wow, that was such a good question... exAb3HnDOnk-00000-00000249-00000471 Akeeba Backup can do more exAb3HnDOnk-00001-00000471-00000708 just backup your Joomla web site exAb3HnDOnk-00002-00000737-00000880 it can also backup exAb3HnDOnk-00003-00000896-00001042 files and sites exAb3HnDOnk-00004-00001045-00001265 that exist above your web root. exAb3HnDOnk-00005-00001280-00001480 There are 2 occasions where you may do this. exAb3HnDOnk-00006-00001530-00001688 If you have a downloads folder exAb3HnDOnk-00007-00001686-00001986 that you are protecting by keeping above the web root exAb3HnDOnk-00008-00001997-00002197 you want to make sure you back that up as well. exAb3HnDOnk-00009-00002262-00002462 You may also have installed exAb3HnDOnk-00010-00002462-00002690 an additional web site, perhaps a subdomain, exAb3HnDOnk-00011-00002690-00002853 for a forum like this. exAb3HnDOnk-00012-00002903-00003067 and you want to make sure exAb3HnDOnk-00013-00003086-00003267 that in your Akeeba Backup exAb3HnDOnk-00014-00003266-00003396 you include the forum exAb3HnDOnk-00015-00003411-00003611 as well the Joomla web site. exAb3HnDOnk-00016-00003744-00003944 To do this we need to go to our exAb3HnDOnk-00017-00003944-00004088 Akeeba Backup Professional. exAb3HnDOnk-00018-00004413-00004552 If we scroll down exAb3HnDOnk-00019-00004578-00004776 we can see there are two options exAb3HnDOnk-00020-00004778-00004978 for including data in the backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00021-00005052-00005329 One for databases and one for directories. exAb3HnDOnk-00022-00005422-00005682 To begin with let's look at the databases. exAb3HnDOnk-00023-00005732-00006033 So select Multiple Databases Definition. exAb3HnDOnk-00024-00006308-00006543 Here we can add the details of the exAb3HnDOnk-00025-00006547-00006810 additional databases that we want to backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00026-00006867-00007052 We do not need to give any exAb3HnDOnk-00027-00007054-00007409 information for our Joomla web site database as this automatic. exAb3HnDOnk-00028-00007505-00007705 Click on the small plus icon exAb3HnDOnk-00029-00007773-00007929 And a popup opens exAb3HnDOnk-00030-00007947-00008216 asking for the connection details for your database exAb3HnDOnk-00031-00008266-00008466 you should have this from your web host. exAb3HnDOnk-00032-00008552-00008752 First enter the hostname, exAb3HnDOnk-00033-00008906-00009106 the username, exAb3HnDOnk-00034-00009156-00009356 the password, exAb3HnDOnk-00035-00009422-00009780 and finally the name of the database you wish to backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00036-00009989-00010189 Click on Test Connection. exAb3HnDOnk-00037-00010351-00010646 When you have a success message click Save. exAb3HnDOnk-00038-00010780-00010980 You've now configured Akeeba Backup exAb3HnDOnk-00039-00010979-00011179 to include this additional exAb3HnDOnk-00040-00011175-00011375 database in your backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00041-00011425-00011625 We now want to include the files. exAb3HnDOnk-00042-00011644-00011844 So let's return to our Control Panel exAb3HnDOnk-00043-00012085-00012379 and select the Off-site Directories Inclusion. exAb3HnDOnk-00044-00012690-00012907 Again click on the small plus icon exAb3HnDOnk-00045-00013017-00013217 and then click on the folder icon. exAb3HnDOnk-00046-00013437-00013594 Here we can see that exAb3HnDOnk-00047-00013606-00013768 we have in our hosting account exAb3HnDOnk-00048-00013770-00013885 three folders. exAb3HnDOnk-00049-00013924-00014280 Downloads, where I am storing the off-site downloads, exAb3HnDOnk-00050-00014330-00014569 forum, for my phpBB forum, exAb3HnDOnk-00051-00014619-00014765 and public_html exAb3HnDOnk-00052-00014778-00015041 which is where my current joomla web site is installed. exAb3HnDOnk-00053-00015126-00015361 If I want to include the downloads folder exAb3HnDOnk-00054-00015376-00015576 simply select it exAb3HnDOnk-00055-00015694-00015894 and select Use exAb3HnDOnk-00056-00016044-00016244 and then click on the Save icon. exAb3HnDOnk-00057-00016388-00016588 Let's repeat that exAb3HnDOnk-00058-00016595-00016810 for the forum by clicking on the plus, exAb3HnDOnk-00059-00016860-00017023 browse, exAb3HnDOnk-00060-00017083-00017283 selecting the forum, exAb3HnDOnk-00061-00017318-00017518 and selecting Use. exAb3HnDOnk-00062-00017603-00017803 Finally Save. exAb3HnDOnk-00063-00017963-00018149 Now we have added our external exAb3HnDOnk-00064-00018149-00018303 database for the forum exAb3HnDOnk-00065-00018323-00018566 and our two folders for the downloads exAb3HnDOnk-00066-00018577-00018777 and the forum itself. exAb3HnDOnk-00067-00018827-00019177 Let's go back to the Control Panel and perform our Backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00068-00019868-00020068 Once the Backup is complete exAb3HnDOnk-00069-00020068-00020268 go to Manage Backups exAb3HnDOnk-00070-00020318-00020518 and download it to your computer. exAb3HnDOnk-00071-00021048-00021176 We're now ready to look at exAb3HnDOnk-00072-00021176-00021349 the restoration process exAb3HnDOnk-00073-00021371-00021614 of this Akeeba Backup that includes exAb3HnDOnk-00074-00021621-00021739 the additional exAb3HnDOnk-00075-00021789-00022035 folders and web sites. exAb3HnDOnk-00076-00022267-00022488 I'm going to use my ftp program exAb3HnDOnk-00077-00022538-00022853 to connect to a new server where I am going to restore this backup. exAb3HnDOnk-00078-00022925-00023080 I am using filezilla, exAb3HnDOnk-00079-00023092-00023292 but you could use any ftp program, exAb3HnDOnk-00080-00023305-00023505 to connect to the new server. exAb3HnDOnk-00081-00023719-00023932 As you can see my new server exAb3HnDOnk-00082-00023943-00024143 has a public_hmtl folder exAb3HnDOnk-00083-00024162-00024318 where my web site would live exAb3HnDOnk-00084-00024338-00024598 and if I navigate in you can see that its empty. exAb3HnDOnk-00085-00024626-00024826 Let's take the backup file exAb3HnDOnk-00086-00024955-00025113 and copy that across exAb3HnDOnk-00087-00025125-00025264 to our new server. exAb3HnDOnk-00088-00025608-00025966 Finally let's take our kickstart.php file exAb3HnDOnk-00089-00026058-00026258 and copy that across as well. exAb3HnDOnk-00090-00026388-00026604 Now let's return to our web browser exAb3HnDOnk-00091-00026619-00026784 and complete the restoration. exAb3HnDOnk-00092-00026948-00027139 Go to the special url exAb3HnDOnk-00093-00027141-00027341 for the kickstart.php file exAb3HnDOnk-00094-00027452-00027586 close this message exAb3HnDOnk-00095-00027591-00027686 and begin. exAb3HnDOnk-00096-00027715-00027954 We can see it has selected the archive file exAb3HnDOnk-00097-00028071-00028252 and we can let the Akeeba Backup exAb3HnDOnk-00098-00028251-00028573 kickstart program extract the files to our web server. exAb3HnDOnk-00099-00029143-00029294 Once tht has completed exAb3HnDOnk-00100-00029296-00029496 we can run the installer. exAb3HnDOnk-00101-00029710-00029947 As with all Akeeba Backup restorations exAb3HnDOnk-00102-00029975-00030067 the installer exAb3HnDOnk-00103-00030075-00030275 checks that our server is suitable exAb3HnDOnk-00104-00030297-00030497 and then we can click Next. exAb3HnDOnk-00105-00030713-00030913 Here we have an additional screen. exAb3HnDOnk-00106-00030939-00031117 We can see that this screen exAb3HnDOnk-00107-00031117-00031337 is to set up the EXTRA database, exAb3HnDOnk-00108-00031362-00031562 the one for our phpBB forum. exAb3HnDOnk-00109-00031687-00031863 So here make sure you enter the correct exAb3HnDOnk-00110-00031865-00032028 details for the forum exAb3HnDOnk-00111-00032041-00032241 not the Joomla web site exAb3HnDOnk-00112-00032243-00032379 and click Next. exAb3HnDOnk-00113-00032782-00032982 Once that database has been restored exAb3HnDOnk-00114-00033003-00033113 click OK. exAb3HnDOnk-00115-00033273-00033473 We are now ready to restore the site's exAb3HnDOnk-00116-00033479-00033623 main database. exAb3HnDOnk-00117-00033634-00033834 The one for your Joomla web site. exAb3HnDOnk-00118-00033884-00034084 Click Next to Continue. exAb3HnDOnk-00119-00034762-00035039 Finally complete the rest of the site setup exAb3HnDOnk-00120-00035054-00035326 for your Joomla web site as you would do normally. exAb3HnDOnk-00121-00035763-00035963 Remove the Installation directory. exAb3HnDOnk-00122-00036407-00036607 Return to that kickstart page exAb3HnDOnk-00123-00036620-00036733 and run Clean Up exAb3HnDOnk-00124-00036753-00037103 to remove the backup and the kickstart.php file. exAb3HnDOnk-00125-00037365-00037625 We can see our web site is now up and running exAb3HnDOnk-00126-00037675-00037875 but that's only the joomla web site. exAb3HnDOnk-00127-00037892-00038092 If I go to my forum exAb3HnDOnk-00128-00038339-00038586 we can see that that's not runing yet. exAb3HnDOnk-00129-00038608-00038808 Neither are any of the downloads that we exAb3HnDOnk-00130-00038806-00038967 were storing above the web root. exAb3HnDOnk-00131-00039036-00039286 To fix that and complete the restoration exAb3HnDOnk-00132-00039306-00039506 go back to your ftp program. exAb3HnDOnk-00133-00039650-00039881 Here in the public_html exAb3HnDOnk-00134-00039895-00040028 of your Joomla web site exAb3HnDOnk-00135-00040045-00040185 you will find a new exAb3HnDOnk-00136-00040215-00040415 folder called extranal_files. exAb3HnDOnk-00137-00040465-00040665 If you navigate into that exAb3HnDOnk-00138-00040715-00040838 you will find exAb3HnDOnk-00139-00040888-00041088 two folders and a readme file. exAb3HnDOnk-00140-00041138-00041338 This readme file explains exAb3HnDOnk-00141-00041364-00041564 that this one is our forum exAb3HnDOnk-00142-00041575-00041756 and this is our downloads. exAb3HnDOnk-00143-00041790-00041979 So the first thing we need to do is to move exAb3HnDOnk-00144-00041979-00042272 those to the correct location on our web server. exAb3HnDOnk-00145-00042341-00042643 Which in my case is above the public_html exAb3HnDOnk-00146-00042693-00042847 in the htdocs exAb3HnDOnk-00147-00042851-00043142 So I click don=wnloads and drag and drop exAb3HnDOnk-00148-00043218-00043418 and repeat the same for the forum. exAb3HnDOnk-00149-00043718-00043946 Now we can see we have our three folders exAb3HnDOnk-00150-00043996-00044244 I need to rename this downloads one exAb3HnDOnk-00151-00044268-00044583 and the forum to just be their unique names. exAb3HnDOnk-00152-00045312-00045592 Now they are back in the folders they were in originally. exAb3HnDOnk-00153-00045611-00045811 If we return to our web site exAb3HnDOnk-00154-00045924-00046083 and reload our forum exAb3HnDOnk-00155-00046102-00046317 we can see it is working perfectly. exAb3HnDOnk-00156-00046367-00046653 By using the multiple database definitions exAb3HnDOnk-00157-00046670-00046912 and the off-site directories inclusion exAb3HnDOnk-00158-00046924-00047124 feature of Akeeba Backup Professional exAb3HnDOnk-00159-00047174-00047305 we can use it exAb3HnDOnk-00160-00047315-00047561 to not only backup our Joomla web site exAb3HnDOnk-00161-00047593-00047828 but to backup all the other web sites exAb3HnDOnk-00162-00047836-00048036 within our hosting as well. exGrKKE6bz0-00000-00000000-00000504 Elon Musk enters the game in a unique way. Famed for his ability to enter and master multiple exGrKKE6bz0-00001-00000504-00000996 fields, he has cracked the code on how to work 120 hours per week while remaining focused on exGrKKE6bz0-00002-00000996-00001440 his vision, which has resulted in the billionaire living in a $50,000 tiny home. exGrKKE6bz0-00003-00001440-00001884 So what is the secret to Elon’s success? How does the billionaire think about conquering his exGrKKE6bz0-00004-00001884-00002202 fears and crushing his goals? Curious? Let’s find out! exGrKKE6bz0-00005-00002202-00002556 Whatever you think of Elon Musk, he is without a doubt one of the most successful exGrKKE6bz0-00006-00002556-00002832 entrepreneurs of his generation. His belief is that you don't exGrKKE6bz0-00007-00002832-00003234 have to focus solely on one thing to master it. Musk's compound learning method for exGrKKE6bz0-00008-00003234-00003582 compound knowledge is beneficial if you want to become a master of everything. exGrKKE6bz0-00009-00003582-00003888 Musk's ability to master multiple fields is essential exGrKKE6bz0-00010-00003888-00004296 for any entrepreneur. Even if you don't want to harness the sun's energy while also going exGrKKE6bz0-00011-00004296-00004776 to space, being the founder of an early-stage startup means wearing many hats and having many exGrKKE6bz0-00012-00004776-00005124 skills, from product development to sales and human resources. exGrKKE6bz0-00013-00005124-00005682 Musk used to read two books a day as a child. However, Musk's ability to learn is not solely due exGrKKE6bz0-00014-00005682-00006090 to his massive knowledge consumption. In fact, it's not just a matter of how much information exGrKKE6bz0-00015-00006090-00006450 you consume; it's also a matter of what information you consume, exGrKKE6bz0-00016-00006450-00006744 which is where most people go wrong, according to Musk. exGrKKE6bz0-00017-00006744-00007170 When people are excited or interested in learning something new, they tend to jump to the most exGrKKE6bz0-00018-00007170-00007512 interesting aspect of it, which is usually the more advanced aspect of exGrKKE6bz0-00019-00007512-00007788 it. In other words, there is a widespread tendency to skip exGrKKE6bz0-00020-00007788-00008070 over the fundamentals in order to learn the most interesting exGrKKE6bz0-00021-00008070-00008400 parts. However, by doing so, people do not truly learn exGrKKE6bz0-00022-00008400-00008874 the advanced or foundational parts. And this is not to the detriment of one particular topic, exGrKKE6bz0-00023-00008874-00009294 but to the detriment of all topics. The brain is a machine that processes information exGrKKE6bz0-00024-00009294-00009804 by connecting dots. According to scientists at the University of Oxford, our brains are exGrKKE6bz0-00025-00009804-00010098 constantly seeking to identify relationships and relativity exGrKKE6bz0-00026-00010098-00010476 in order to fill in missing information or form links between information. exGrKKE6bz0-00027-00010476-00010944 When each piece of knowledge serves as a point of reference or a dot waiting to be connected, exGrKKE6bz0-00028-00010944-00011400 the more dots we have, the faster we can make connections, learn new subjects, and exGrKKE6bz0-00029-00011400-00011706 compound our knowledge. The more we learn about one thing, the exGrKKE6bz0-00030-00011706-00012126 easier it is to learn about something completely different. People who know more are not exGrKKE6bz0-00031-00012126-00012378 necessarily more intelligent, but their brains have more exGrKKE6bz0-00032-00012378-00012636 points of reference, or dots, per se, allowing them exGrKKE6bz0-00033-00012636-00013104 to learn new fields far more quickly than those who do not have as many dots or reference points. exGrKKE6bz0-00034-00013104-00013608 Musk has developed the ability to not only learn new fields at seemingly superhuman speed, but exGrKKE6bz0-00035-00013608-00014058 also to see a much larger picture, thanks to a tremendous amount of fundamental learning. This exGrKKE6bz0-00036-00014058-00014532 is what allows him to do things in ways that others do not because he sees what others do not. exGrKKE6bz0-00037-00014532-00014952 With an ever-expanding to-do list, founders must not only have the knowledge to do many exGrKKE6bz0-00038-00014952-00015402 things well. With limited time, they must also be able to learn a wide range of skills quickly. exGrKKE6bz0-00039-00015402-00015719 Being a master of all trades, rather than just a jack of exGrKKE6bz0-00040-00015719-00016218 all trades, is critical for startup success. The majority of his fortune is derived from the exGrKKE6bz0-00041-00016218-00016530 stock he owns in Tesla, one of several companies he leads. exGrKKE6bz0-00042-00016530-00017064 I believe it's also fair to say that Tesla, as well as SpaceX, Musk's other high-profile company, exGrKKE6bz0-00043-00017064-00017340 are accomplishing things that almost no one else has. exGrKKE6bz0-00044-00017340-00017820 For example, SpaceX is launching missions to the International Space Station. They are about exGrKKE6bz0-00045-00017820-00018228 to launch people to the International Space Station and hope to eventually launch a human exGrKKE6bz0-00046-00018228-00018576 colony to Mars. Tesla, on the other hand, has done more than exGrKKE6bz0-00047-00018576-00019020 any other company to bring electric vehicles into the mainstream. Despite the fact that sales of the exGrKKE6bz0-00048-00019020-00019386 Model S have slowed in recent years, it remains the flagship EV. exGrKKE6bz0-00049-00019386-00019950 The Model 3 was the first mainstream, reasonably priced EV. The Model Y is the best-selling exGrKKE6bz0-00050-00019950-00020448 EV, outselling all non-Tesla models. It's also one of the best-selling vehicles overall. exGrKKE6bz0-00051-00020448-00020928 Oh, and the Model 3 was recently named the most American-made automobile. Tesla is a exGrKKE6bz0-00052-00020928-00021192 classic American business success story in many ways. exGrKKE6bz0-00053-00021192-00021780 At the same time, the journey has not been without difficulties. In fact, despite its success, Tesla exGrKKE6bz0-00054-00021780-00022272 has experienced numerous setbacks. The Model 3's production was notoriously difficult, to the exGrKKE6bz0-00055-00022272-00022524 point where Musk stated that it nearly bankrupted the company. exGrKKE6bz0-00056-00022524-00022974 That could be attributed to Tesla doing things in ways that no other company has ever done. exGrKKE6bz0-00057-00022974-00023448 You could also blame it on the fact that its CEO is one of the most eccentric people to lead a exGrKKE6bz0-00058-00023448-00023772 high-profile technology company. I believe there is something else to mention. exGrKKE6bz0-00059-00023772-00024288 Musk got personal for a minute at the B Word Conference, a cryptocurrency conference exGrKKE6bz0-00060-00024288-00024768 attended by Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey. "I would say I've had some pretty tough life exGrKKE6bz0-00061-00024768-00025266 experiences, and Tesla is probably responsible for two-thirds of all personal and professional exGrKKE6bz0-00062-00025266-00025614 pain combined," Musk said. Subscribe to the channel for more amazing exGrKKE6bz0-00063-00025614-00025908 videos like this. We'll see you with another interesting video. e-KHltLb_GQ-00000-00000144-00000672 10 Richest men in Ghana 2022 Some of the wealthiest people on the e-KHltLb_GQ-00001-00000672-00001376 continent live in one of West Africa's greatest economies, Ghana. Ghana, with its cultural, human, e-KHltLb_GQ-00002-00001376-00001928 tourism, entertainment, mineral, and agricultural potential, is one of Africa's e-KHltLb_GQ-00003-00001928-00002584 prides. Many of its residents live in comfortable surroundings. With a country as diverse as Ghana, e-KHltLb_GQ-00004-00002584-00003064 it's no surprise that some of its citizens are so wealthy that they are known around the world. e-KHltLb_GQ-00005-00003136-00003744 Ghana's wealthy people make use of the country's diversity in agriculture, entertainment, tourism, e-KHltLb_GQ-00006-00003744-00004376 automobiles, real estate, and other areas to get to the top of the country's wealthiest. e-KHltLb_GQ-00007-00004376-00004784 Africa reloaded presents the list of the wealthiest persons in Ghana, e-KHltLb_GQ-00008-00004784-00005168 together with their total net worth, professions, in today's video. e-KHltLb_GQ-00009-00005224-00005872 Come along with us on this journey. As we begin the countdown, please like, share, and subscribe. e-KHltLb_GQ-00010-00006272-00006768 10. Nana Akufo Ado Ghana’s President Nana Akufo Ado e-KHltLb_GQ-00011-00006768-00007536 is the 10th richest man in Ghana in the year 2022 with a net worth of about 250 million dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00012-00007592-00008152 He is a lawyer and a politician by profession. After obtaining a degree in Economics From the e-KHltLb_GQ-00013-00008152-00008712 University of Ghana, He studied law at the Inns of Court School of Law in the United Kingdom. e-KHltLb_GQ-00014-00008784-00009280 Since he took office as Ghana’s president, he has played a vital role in the development and e-KHltLb_GQ-00015-00009280-00010024 industrialization of the country. He has also been the country’s attorney general from 2001 to 2003. e-KHltLb_GQ-00016-00010024-00010656 He has also been the country’s minister of foreign affair. He is of the royal family of Adeline and e-KHltLb_GQ-00017-00010656-00011280 Edward Akufor Addo. His father has once been the country’s chief justice and non-executive e-KHltLb_GQ-00018-00011280-00011768 president for few years. It’s no surprise he has amassed such wealth from his family. e-KHltLb_GQ-00019-00012200-00012736 9. Dr. Kwesi Ndoum. Dr. Kwesi is a business man and a well-known e-KHltLb_GQ-00020-00012736-00013288 and prominent politician in Ghana that has also found his way on the list of the richest people e-KHltLb_GQ-00021-00013288-00013912 in Ghana. He has been in several governments in Ghana holding important key positions. Before e-KHltLb_GQ-00022-00013912-00014508 being known in Ghana, he spend most of his life in the united states. He worked initially for North e-KHltLb_GQ-00023-00014508-00015191 Western Mutual Life Insurance Company as a life insurance underwriter for 3 years. He made most of e-KHltLb_GQ-00024-00015191-00015880 his wealth helping the British Deliotte and Touch in West Africa. He has also been a member of staff e-KHltLb_GQ-00025-00015880-00016464 of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin. He Has a net worth of 300 million Dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00026-00016880-00017248 8. Kwabena Duffuor. Ghana's tenth richest man e-KHltLb_GQ-00027-00017248-00017792 is Kwabena Duffuor. Kwabena Duffuor is the CEO of House of Duffour Asset Holdings, e-KHltLb_GQ-00028-00017792-00018408 in addition to his huge UniBank investment. He has received numerous accolades as a result of his e-KHltLb_GQ-00029-00018408-00019024 commercial endeavors, and he is largely considered as the founder of IFS (The Institute for Fiscal e-KHltLb_GQ-00030-00019024-00019608 Studies). His sons are well-known in Ghana for their substantial economic responsibilities, e-KHltLb_GQ-00031-00019608-00020272 in addition to his own crucial presence. Kwabena Duffuor's net worth is at $680 million. e-KHltLb_GQ-00032-00020392-00020992 Dr. Kwabena Duffuor was born in Kumawu, Ghana's Ashanti Region. He earned a bachelor's degree e-KHltLb_GQ-00033-00020992-00021656 in economics in 1968. He is best known for serving as Minister of Finance and Economic e-KHltLb_GQ-00034-00021656-00022368 Planning of the Republic of Ghana in the Mills government (NDC) from 2009 to 2013. e-KHltLb_GQ-00035-00022368-00023080 In 2016, he was selected the 24th most influential person in Ghana by the general population, e-KHltLb_GQ-00036-00023080-00023584 honouring individuals whose work has positively influenced society and their communities. e-KHltLb_GQ-00037-00023976-00024488 7. Awuah-Darko. Kwame Awuah-Darko is a politician, e-KHltLb_GQ-00038-00024488-00025120 entrepreneur, and banker from Ghana. He is the third son of Nana Awuah-Darko Ampem I, e-KHltLb_GQ-00039-00025120-00025864 the Nkosuohene of Asante Juaben traditional territory in Ghana's Ashanti Region from June 1985 e-KHltLb_GQ-00040-00025864-00026552 until his death on November 25, 2005. Mr. Awuah-Darko has worked in the finance e-KHltLb_GQ-00041-00026552-00027168 and insurance industries in Africa, Europe, and the United States. In 2013, e-KHltLb_GQ-00042-00027168-00027839 he was the Managing Director of "Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited (BOST)," the e-KHltLb_GQ-00043-00027839-00028495 country's largest Petroleum Storage and Logistics Company. Mr. Awuah-Darko has been given additional e-KHltLb_GQ-00044-00028495-00029080 responsibilities as the Chief Executive Officer of Ghana's National Petroleum Refinery Asset, e-KHltLb_GQ-00045-00029136-00029688 the "Tema Oil Refinery (TOR)." His net worth is about 700 million dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00046-00030080-00030744 6. Alhaji Mohammed Ahmed Odaymat. Alhaji Mohammed Ahmed Odaymat is a e-KHltLb_GQ-00047-00030744-00031264 Lebanese-born Ghanaian. He is the owner of BBC Industrial Company, e-KHltLb_GQ-00048-00031264-00031839 which manufactures the Leyland and Leylac paint brands. He also owns Rana Motors and e-KHltLb_GQ-00049-00031839-00032416 Metal Works Engineering, as well as a number of other companies in Ghana. Mohammed Ahmed e-KHltLb_GQ-00050-00032416-00033120 Odaymat is estimated to be worth $800 million as a consequence of his several business activities, e-KHltLb_GQ-00051-00033120-00033576 which began with the founding of Rana Motors and Metal Works Engineering. e-KHltLb_GQ-00052-00033576-00034224 Mohammed Odaymat is also the Chairman of the Board of BBC Industrial (Ghana) Limited. e-KHltLb_GQ-00053-00034640-00035208 5. Dr Daniel McKorley. Daniel McKorley is the founder and CEO of e-KHltLb_GQ-00054-00035208-00035880 the McDan Group of Companies, a Ghanaian corporate conglomerate. Mckorley was born in Labadi, Accra, e-KHltLb_GQ-00055-00035880-00036608 on June 16, 1978. He is a Business Management graduate with over ten years of experience as e-KHltLb_GQ-00056-00036608-00037216 a business owner. At the Ghana Aviation Awards, Mckorley was named Entrepreneur of the Year for e-KHltLb_GQ-00057-00037216-00038064 2016. McDan Shipping Company was founded in Accra in November 1999, with offices in Tema, e-KHltLb_GQ-00058-00038064-00038920 Takoradi, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Equatorial Guinea. With partnerships with WCA (World Cargo e-KHltLb_GQ-00059-00038920-00039720 Alliance) and JC Trans, the company has a presence in over 2400 major air and sea ports across the e-KHltLb_GQ-00060-00039720-00040784 world. With a net worth of About 800 million dollars, he is the 7th richest man in Africa. e-KHltLb_GQ-00061-00040840-00041360 4. Irani Brothers The Irani brothers are so popular and a familiar e-KHltLb_GQ-00062-00041360-00041904 name in Ghana when it comes to wealth. They are the fourth richest in Ghana. They have been a e-KHltLb_GQ-00063-00041904-00042496 house hold name for more than 20 years. They have made gains in Ghana in the flour industry. e-KHltLb_GQ-00064-00042496-00043048 They are responsible for over 55% of the country’s flour and pastries. They have e-KHltLb_GQ-00065-00043048-00043664 impacted the Ghana economy in a way that cannot be overlooked. Their company has an annual output e-KHltLb_GQ-00066-00043664-00044384 of 200000 metric tones of flower. The net worth of these brothers is about 800 million dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00067-00044848-00045216 3. John Mahama Being the third on our list, e-KHltLb_GQ-00068-00045216-00045568 his net worth is estimated to be 900 million dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00069-00045632-00046224 He has once served as the president of Ghana in 2012 taking over from Late president Atta Mills. e-KHltLb_GQ-00070-00046304-00047024 He started his career as a writer, Historian and a communication expert. John Mahama has held several e-KHltLb_GQ-00071-00047024-00047616 post of responsibility in Ghanian government including, deputy minister of communications, e-KHltLb_GQ-00072-00047616-00048216 minister of communications, member of parliament and the Vice president of the country. In addition e-KHltLb_GQ-00073-00048216-00048752 Mr John Mahama has been a member of the NGO Plant international Ghana’s country Office e-KHltLb_GQ-00074-00048752-00049280 where he worked as International relations, Sponsorship communications and Grant Master. e-KHltLb_GQ-00075-00049736-00050192 2. Dr. Kwame Addo Kuffor. He is widely known as a e-KHltLb_GQ-00076-00050192-00050816 Ghanaian politician and who has held so many numerous post of responsibility. Dr. Kwame is e-KHltLb_GQ-00077-00050816-00051448 the brother of the emeritus president of Ghana John Kufour. He was once a member of parliament e-KHltLb_GQ-00078-00051448-00052400 and was appointed to the position of minister of defense from 2001 to 2007. Between 2008 and 2009, e-KHltLb_GQ-00079-00052400-00052960 he was the president of interior in Ghana. He studied medicine at the university of Cambridge e-KHltLb_GQ-00080-00052960-00053591 for 5 years and proceeded to Middlesex medical School hospital and Jesus college to further his e-KHltLb_GQ-00081-00053591-00054191 study in this field. Despite his rich medical study, he is a much more a politician than a e-KHltLb_GQ-00082-00054191-00054888 doctor. He is today head of Ghana chamber of mines and has a net worth of 1.2 billion dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00083-00055288-00055640 1. Ernesto Taricone. If you have been wondering e-KHltLb_GQ-00084-00055640-00056255 who is the richest person in Ghana, then here is your answer. Born in Italy and Naturalized e-KHltLb_GQ-00085-00056255-00056879 in Ghana several years Ernesto has a Net worth of approximately 1.3 billion dollars. e-KHltLb_GQ-00086-00056936-00057255 Having seen the potential within the Economy of Ghana, e-KHltLb_GQ-00087-00057255-00057840 Taricone decided to settle down in Ghana and make a wide range of investments in different sectors e-KHltLb_GQ-00088-00057840-00058408 of the Ghanaian Economy. He is the chairman and the executive CEO of the Trasacco group. e-KHltLb_GQ-00089-00058464-00059120 His companies employ more than 4000 Ghanaians and expatriates. He is a civil engineer by profession. e-KHltLb_GQ-00090-00059424-00059944 Ghana Like many other African countries has a handful of individuals that employ most of e-KHltLb_GQ-00091-00059944-00060567 the citizen and control the wealth of this nation. This is out list of the10 richest people in Ghana. e-KHltLb_GQ-00092-00060567-00061112 What are your thoughts. If You enjoyed this video, please make sure to like, share, e-KHltLb_GQ-00093-00061112-00061664 comment and subscribe to Africa Reloaded for more interesting and educative videos. eCpGBztLZOg-00000-00000150-00000876 welcome Taurus okay so what we're gonna do is we are going to look at what is going on eCpGBztLZOg-00001-00000876-00001626 for you over the next two weeks and what it is that you can do to assist with actually eCpGBztLZOg-00002-00001626-00002646 getting through this time of your life I Okay so I don't know what's on that just was yeah anyway eCpGBztLZOg-00003-00002718-00003564 I'm Juanita and we are going to be using today the sacred light Oracle deck and eCpGBztLZOg-00004-00003564-00004608 the Osho Zen tarot okay so let's start with sacred light Oracle I absolutely adore these eCpGBztLZOg-00005-00004608-00005142 cards so we'll give them a quick Shuffle and then we'll pick from the top because eCpGBztLZOg-00006-00005142-00005952 honestly it can take ages to shuffle let me just get this organized here okay eCpGBztLZOg-00007-00006144-00007122 so let's have a look first up here Taurus we have Divine creation very cool okay so um eCpGBztLZOg-00008-00007350-00008009 am I getting from this so tourists this this eCpGBztLZOg-00009-00008316-00008982 like if you think about Divine love right when you're talking about creation it's it's what eCpGBztLZOg-00010-00008982-00010014 that Divine creation actually kind of sends out yes so to me that's Divine love Yeah and eCpGBztLZOg-00011-00010086-00011334 um and and that would help you release um any negative feelings about you know Maybe like eCpGBztLZOg-00012-00012042-00012564 how would I put it like feeling bad about giving yourself time to nurture yourself okay eCpGBztLZOg-00013-00012696-00013182 um maybe any negative feelings surrounding any family issues that you might have eCpGBztLZOg-00014-00013397-00014482 um and it helps to release feelings of of like um mistrust or any vulnerabilities [Music] eCpGBztLZOg-00015-00014544-00015408 negative feelings occurring because of betrayal feeling guilty okay because it's like Taurus eCpGBztLZOg-00016-00015486-00016206 Old Wounds have stopped you from actually moving forward in your life and progressing eCpGBztLZOg-00017-00016206-00016704 so it could be the case for some of you that you might need some eCpGBztLZOg-00018-00016704-00017484 assistance from a professional to help guide you through that okay [Music] um eCpGBztLZOg-00019-00017718-00017880 yeah but eCpGBztLZOg-00020-00018138-00018834 accepting yourself for who you truly are because when you let in that Divine love eCpGBztLZOg-00021-00018834-00019614 it can create feelings of euphoria like when you actually connect in is so powerful that eCpGBztLZOg-00022-00019614-00020076 the physical body can't actually hold it like that is how powerful it is but eCpGBztLZOg-00023-00020076-00020850 on a Divine level it's sort of naturally where we come from you know um so yeah eCpGBztLZOg-00024-00021072-00021900 that's definitely something that will help you in your life okay so we have um this card here which eCpGBztLZOg-00025-00021900-00022920 is titled laziness now this I feel like this Taurus is like kind of doing the work half pie eCpGBztLZOg-00026-00022920-00023532 not actually putting in the full effort kind of like doing say a little bit of meditation eCpGBztLZOg-00027-00023532-00023970 and going okay well I've done the meditation now everything should be fine but it takes a lot more eCpGBztLZOg-00028-00023970-00024822 work than that okay um and also the other thing I get from this card is denial like this guy here eCpGBztLZOg-00029-00025080-00025560 hey um sorry I was just getting another message then which I'll hold on to to deliver eCpGBztLZOg-00030-00025650-00026430 um he is sitting in his kitchen pretending he's at the beach right and he's not actually eCpGBztLZOg-00031-00026430-00027018 accepting that that is not the case so he's in this kind of denial and eCpGBztLZOg-00032-00027083-00027930 um and I feel for you it's like you've put in so much work and you have made progress but eCpGBztLZOg-00033-00028032-00028968 you can't slack off okay you can um you can like I said before you can't just do a little bit and eCpGBztLZOg-00034-00028968-00029568 then kind of like wipe your hands off it and go okay well that's that done now okay it really is eCpGBztLZOg-00035-00029568-00030239 about taking this time because if you have a look here this picture on the inside here is eCpGBztLZOg-00036-00030239-00031032 um is all colorful right um I feel like this energy on the outside is is emanating from this eCpGBztLZOg-00037-00031032-00031722 person so this person has done a little bit of work to to make their world colorful okay as you eCpGBztLZOg-00038-00031722-00032370 can see here from their top but it hasn't actually radiated out into the outside world of this person eCpGBztLZOg-00039-00032370-00033306 because they haven't actually finished the job um so there is still work to be done okay and eCpGBztLZOg-00040-00033306-00033960 I get it tourist Place sometimes it's just like oh my gosh like it's just ah it's so heavy make eCpGBztLZOg-00041-00033960-00034584 sure you take time out to rest in between you know you don't have to do it all at once take the time eCpGBztLZOg-00042-00034698-00035700 um you know to actually refuel okay the next one we have here is Dharma wheel interesting so this eCpGBztLZOg-00043-00035772-00036960 Taurus is really about being mindful of um Karma okay things are going to be revealed okay um it's eCpGBztLZOg-00044-00036960-00037746 keeping yourself in check distant distancing yourself from any volatile situations okay eCpGBztLZOg-00045-00037746-00038658 any High any energy events and really making sure that you're acting with integrity and Grace okay eCpGBztLZOg-00046-00038772-00039594 um not caving into peer pressure okay looking at your comic lessons and being aware of those eCpGBztLZOg-00047-00039594-00040362 okay and potentially maybe how you could have created any um Karma that may be coming back to eCpGBztLZOg-00048-00040362-00041148 you in some shape or form okay and and just just keeping your moral compass in check pretty much eCpGBztLZOg-00049-00041280-00042276 um yeah but I feel like there is um you know lack in in business or you know things that eCpGBztLZOg-00050-00042276-00042900 you might be creating um in just to watch out yeah for other people around you because look eCpGBztLZOg-00051-00042900-00043620 at this politics it could be the politics of the situation to just be really weary and maybe keep eCpGBztLZOg-00052-00043620-00044352 away from people you don't know too well just for the time being okay because you don't want eCpGBztLZOg-00053-00044352-00045024 any snake slithering in and putting on this mask and pretending like they're all you know eCpGBztLZOg-00054-00045024-00045672 hunky-dory and actually they're being being very slice so be aware of that especially this coming eCpGBztLZOg-00055-00045672-00046524 up with the Dharma wheel be very aware of that past lives very interesting looking at Cycles um eCpGBztLZOg-00056-00047022-00047940 uh this could be generational um Karma coming around okay things could happen and you could be eCpGBztLZOg-00057-00047940-00048564 like why is this happening I haven't done anything to create this Karma it could be generational I eCpGBztLZOg-00058-00048564-00049134 feel like maybe if you know of any generational things that have happened in your family eCpGBztLZOg-00059-00049266-00049938 um to maybe look at seeing how you can heal that yourself okay really keeping it eCpGBztLZOg-00060-00049938-00050442 positive keeping that your mindset positive not getting into into any negative thinking eCpGBztLZOg-00061-00050442-00051102 because you don't want to project that out to come back at you at a later date okay eCpGBztLZOg-00062-00051228-00051954 Celestial Channel very interesting well this is really a mixed bag Taurus um eCpGBztLZOg-00063-00052470-00053190 it's kind of like in in order to be this Celestial channel to keep eCpGBztLZOg-00064-00053190-00054108 your generals clear to communicate with your guides or uh higher power eCpGBztLZOg-00065-00054258-00055079 um you need to really be dealing with any concerns or worries that you have about family that you eCpGBztLZOg-00066-00055079-00055740 might have about what's going on in your life whether it's work whether it's any relationships eCpGBztLZOg-00067-00055860-00057036 um you know really keeping yourself in that space of constantly cleansing and renewing eCpGBztLZOg-00068-00057036-00058590 your your energy field okay um making sure that you're grateful for what you have okay and also eCpGBztLZOg-00069-00058674-00059736 honoring your light and your Shadow Self okay because keeping those channels clear if you are eCpGBztLZOg-00070-00059736-00060329 not honoring either one of those some people don't honor the light because they don't actually want eCpGBztLZOg-00071-00060329-00061152 to shine okay um and some people only focus on the bad about themselves other people don't want eCpGBztLZOg-00072-00061152-00061667 to see the bad about themselves and Only Want To Shine the Light so whichever applies for you eCpGBztLZOg-00073-00061764-00062567 um just take on yep but it really is about honoring both because this is this is is the eCpGBztLZOg-00074-00062634-00063479 um Shadow and light encompasses the whole of who we are and so and if we are ignoring eCpGBztLZOg-00075-00063479-00064224 one or the other and not embracing them with love and nurturing and acceptance eCpGBztLZOg-00076-00064224-00064752 then we're not honoring ourselves and so therefore that kind of like [Music] um eCpGBztLZOg-00077-00065279-00065808 I'm just seeing do you know what I'm seeing I can't even find the words I'm seeing this eCpGBztLZOg-00078-00065808-00066708 this Cloud it's like this Clear Channel okay and this Cloud Bloom coming over and um and eCpGBztLZOg-00079-00066708-00067242 blocking that channel that's what I feel like may be happening for you okay because it might eCpGBztLZOg-00080-00067242-00067692 be like you're trying to connect them but you just can't quite get that channel there and that might eCpGBztLZOg-00081-00067692-00068574 not that might be what you want to focus on okay um reflect on the past yeah but move forward like eCpGBztLZOg-00082-00068574-00069246 heal what needs to be healed but make sure you move forward with with gratitude and excitement eCpGBztLZOg-00083-00069246-00069942 you know if you're looking for work or if you're looking for a new home or if you know there's eCpGBztLZOg-00084-00069942-00070710 things that are quite um a pressure for you just do it with gratitude and excitement as much as eCpGBztLZOg-00085-00070710-00071340 you possibly can if you're nervous about getting a job turn that into excitement because it's a eCpGBztLZOg-00086-00071340-00071892 close to closest emotion then easiest to turn it around rather than being nervous and trying eCpGBztLZOg-00087-00071892-00072864 to calm down okay so make sure you really um concentrate on that fool yourself Taurus okay and eCpGBztLZOg-00088-00073116-00074112 yeah I I just feel like for you it's a matter of understanding too that eCpGBztLZOg-00089-00074178-00075018 um you will have your time to shine it's a bit like the the Sun and the Moon yeah they eCpGBztLZOg-00090-00075018-00075690 each have their turn at coming around to shine so this is giving yourself eCpGBztLZOg-00091-00075690-00076416 the time to shine but also giving other people around you the time to shine okay eCpGBztLZOg-00092-00076554-00077304 um yeah I feel like sometimes there's a bit of an balance there for some reason and it may not even eCpGBztLZOg-00093-00077304-00077946 be just about shining it might actually be about stepping back to let other people take the lead eCpGBztLZOg-00094-00078216-00078672 experiencing actually um eCpGBztLZOg-00095-00078936-00079704 embracing yourself with what the experience that is going on there's this need for a destination eCpGBztLZOg-00096-00079704-00080358 but you're not experiencing the journey okay and to treat it like an adventure because what eCpGBztLZOg-00097-00080358-00080910 will happen for you Taurus is you will go along and you will actually learn so many eCpGBztLZOg-00098-00080910-00081924 things along this path and you need to give yourself that um that experience in order to eCpGBztLZOg-00099-00081924-00082614 grow okay and the other thing of just what I was saying with that is stepping back and allowing eCpGBztLZOg-00100-00082614-00083700 other people to experience things for themselves okay so yeah Sacred Space oh I like this this is eCpGBztLZOg-00101-00083700-00084438 really such a beautiful energy here so make sure that you create a Sacred Space for yourself okay eCpGBztLZOg-00102-00084564-00085632 um clear the space around you on a regular basis and just cut away any old energy to make the the eCpGBztLZOg-00103-00085632-00086580 divine connection okay to make in that Celestial channel to make that clearer it may very well be eCpGBztLZOg-00104-00086580-00087336 that you need to regularly renew the energy in your space and let you know open the windows let eCpGBztLZOg-00105-00087336-00088146 some light in clear out any clutter um really clear the space not just physically but also eCpGBztLZOg-00106-00088146-00089166 energetically as well okay so maybe burning some Sage or um incense oil anything that eCpGBztLZOg-00107-00089166-00089814 clears that okay being receptive and open year see this is so that you are receptive and open eCpGBztLZOg-00108-00089814-00090462 and this will lead to your growth as well okay because this is really important for you right eCpGBztLZOg-00109-00090462-00091068 now this connecting and is really important for you this will also help with a quick clear space eCpGBztLZOg-00110-00091068-00091704 that's going to help you to heal because you're going to be able to tap in and find out what it eCpGBztLZOg-00111-00091704-00092388 is that needs to be healed a lot easier than what you would with I feel like what I want to say is eCpGBztLZOg-00112-00092490-00093198 you know like instead of having this mind clutter um it's going to to clear that so eCpGBztLZOg-00113-00093198-00093966 you can actually come from your mind and into your heart space okay uh because it's like the eCpGBztLZOg-00114-00093966-00094656 mind is causing all this anxiety and it's not allowing your heart to open up to the eCpGBztLZOg-00115-00094656-00095268 opportunities and possibilities that are ahead of you and that present themselves to you it's going eCpGBztLZOg-00116-00095268-00095928 to be very hard for you to make a decision unless this channel is clear so take the time to do that eCpGBztLZOg-00117-00095928-00096984 okay next we have Galactic vibration I love this this is really such a high energy um these cards eCpGBztLZOg-00118-00096984-00098100 I feel like a high energy for you so so again this is connecting in okay to to that Universal spark eCpGBztLZOg-00119-00098100-00099168 that natural spark that is in the universe here um and and [Music] Taurus at night time eCpGBztLZOg-00120-00099474-00099732 go outside and eCpGBztLZOg-00121-00099900-00100512 and look at the stars connect with the Stars okay connect with the Galaxy connect eCpGBztLZOg-00122-00100512-00101286 with that spark of the universe okay and um and and this will help you to eCpGBztLZOg-00123-00101352-00101916 to open up those kennels and make that clear connection because I think what it will teach eCpGBztLZOg-00124-00101916-00102485 you is that you can it will teach you to reach for the stars because at the moment it feels eCpGBztLZOg-00125-00102485-00103074 like you're limited and whether that's because of this clouding of your mind eCpGBztLZOg-00126-00103158-00103830 or um because you're limiting yourself because of your own self-limiting beliefs eCpGBztLZOg-00127-00103968-00104652 um just go and stand outside and look at the stars and remind yourself to reach for the stars eCpGBztLZOg-00128-00104652-00105348 if nothing else remind yourself to do that for yourself okay so yeah and to make that connection eCpGBztLZOg-00129-00105348-00106056 with this Divine creation and with the celestial Channel and make the connection with Source right eCpGBztLZOg-00130-00106056-00106764 this is a compassionate New Beginning what is it that you desire in your heart of hearts what do eCpGBztLZOg-00131-00106764-00107502 you want to create okay get some guidance if you need to right seek professional help seek eCpGBztLZOg-00132-00107502-00108348 a a life coach or anyone who can put you on the right path for what you would like to create okay eCpGBztLZOg-00133-00108444-00108918 um and it may be that you are creating something or you have ideas about creating something and eCpGBztLZOg-00134-00108918-00109344 you write at the beginning of it present it to people see what they think give their feedback eCpGBztLZOg-00135-00109344-00110226 you know really brainstorm as to how you can actually um make your dreams come true um eCpGBztLZOg-00136-00110532-00111270 yeah you know the source the the essence of who we truly are this divine eCpGBztLZOg-00137-00111366-00112104 love is in our heart it doesn't reside in our mind it resides in our heart so this is where eCpGBztLZOg-00138-00112104-00112620 it is important for you to connect in here and clear these Pathways because your mind's eCpGBztLZOg-00139-00112620-00113183 getting in your in the way and the E goes too much tatter too much chatter in here okay eCpGBztLZOg-00140-00113268-00114083 innocence realizing that there's still so much to learn Taurus okay because this guy here is eCpGBztLZOg-00141-00114083-00115038 the a master in my eyes Okay and he sees this grasshopper sitting on his hand now in his eyes eCpGBztLZOg-00142-00115092-00115740 he sees that this grasshopper has so much to teach him he sees himself as the student eCpGBztLZOg-00143-00115878-00116711 right and he sees himself look at sorry he sees the grasshopper with innocence he sees it as eCpGBztLZOg-00144-00116711-00117396 innocent and he knows that he has something to learn from that so no matter who surrounds you eCpGBztLZOg-00145-00117396-00118116 okay make sure you put yourself into the space of what do I have to learn from them what can eCpGBztLZOg-00146-00118116-00118722 they teach me what can the circumstance teach me what can this situation teach me because eCpGBztLZOg-00147-00118722-00119232 there's always lessons in everything so try to make sure that you're drawing on those lessons eCpGBztLZOg-00148-00119232-00120246 so that you can evolve and move forward Consciousness oh wow okay so [Music] um eCpGBztLZOg-00149-00120708-00121494 I feel like for you this is about going within to rise above sort of maybe a bit of a victim eCpGBztLZOg-00150-00121620-00122358 mentality but like a victim Consciousness type of thing to to raise that Consciousness okay eCpGBztLZOg-00151-00122358-00123396 having self-love and compassion understanding that that will assist you you know for yourself yeah eCpGBztLZOg-00152-00123485-00123948 yes you you have that for everyone around you but you don't seem to be giving it to eCpGBztLZOg-00153-00123948-00124404 yourself because it's always the case that everyone else is coming before eCpGBztLZOg-00154-00124404-00125088 you and you need to start giving this to yourself so that you can start 100 percent eCpGBztLZOg-00155-00125328-00126233 project it out yeah to everyone else so this you know this is gonna help you with any personal eCpGBztLZOg-00156-00126233-00126930 realizations finding out what it is you need to work on it's going to help to dissolve any eCpGBztLZOg-00157-00126930-00127614 emotional triggers okay and you're going to have a higher understanding about yourself eCpGBztLZOg-00158-00127704-00128868 okay um and it will help dissolve any unconscious prejudices that you may have whether it's about eCpGBztLZOg-00159-00128868-00129738 situations other people or about yourself okay um again this is going to help clear these channels eCpGBztLZOg-00160-00129840-00130770 um I really feel like Taurus it is you creating this time in space because this connection is so eCpGBztLZOg-00161-00130770-00131292 important for you right now to make sure you actually do that so that when anything comes eCpGBztLZOg-00162-00131292-00132018 along and your routine changes in your life you're still you're going to have that connection so down eCpGBztLZOg-00163-00132018-00132492 packed that you won't ever let any routine get in the way of that you'll make sure that eCpGBztLZOg-00164-00132492-00133074 this is your number one priority above or else because you can see the improvements that this eCpGBztLZOg-00165-00133074-00133650 connection has made to your life and you will make sure just as much as it is brushing your eCpGBztLZOg-00166-00133650-00134388 teeth and showering that it is part of your routine on a daily okay letting go of control eCpGBztLZOg-00167-00134658-00135240 surrendering surrendering to this higher power surrendering to this Divine creation eCpGBztLZOg-00168-00135480-00135900 because at the moment there's a lot of this um control from your mind I've got eCpGBztLZOg-00169-00135900-00136302 to have it this way I've got to do it that way and what's going to happen if this eCpGBztLZOg-00170-00136302-00136974 you know with this this and this you've got to surrender and let go of that control because that eCpGBztLZOg-00171-00136974-00138024 is blocking your connection okay and when you do that the way is going to appear clearer for you eCpGBztLZOg-00172-00138114-00138624 you're gonna have a lot more trust in your intuition eCpGBztLZOg-00173-00138858-00139026 you're going to eCpGBztLZOg-00174-00139260-00139944 understand that whatever circumstances arrive arise uh for your highest good and for your eCpGBztLZOg-00175-00139944-00140808 and for your evolvement it's sorrow letting go of these Sorrows letting go of yeah because like that eCpGBztLZOg-00176-00140808-00141450 for the mentality right letting go of that this isn't working this is really heavy this is really eCpGBztLZOg-00177-00141450-00142644 hard seeing how you can make it an adventure right how can you make this experience an adventure eCpGBztLZOg-00178-00142728-00143436 you know you can tune the hardest of times into an adventure so really exploring how you can do eCpGBztLZOg-00179-00143436-00144318 that okay and it might take work and it's going to take a lot of creative um it's going to take eCpGBztLZOg-00180-00144318-00144840 Divine creation right and and you can tap into that when you clear these channels and clear eCpGBztLZOg-00181-00144840-00145314 your space and clear your mind you can tap into that to see how you can actually achieve eCpGBztLZOg-00182-00145314-00146766 that okay well being yes Taurus you know this is really seeking peaceful places to refuel okay um eCpGBztLZOg-00183-00147564-00148416 but part of your service is to help young ones and it could be young ones around you or this eCpGBztLZOg-00184-00148416-00149286 could be what you end up doing as a a regular um job or even if it's voluntary work whatever eCpGBztLZOg-00185-00149418-00150390 um and it's important for you to draw on your own youthful experiences to guide others okay eCpGBztLZOg-00186-00150390-00151020 going back to when you were young and and how was it for you okay times were different maybe Ben eCpGBztLZOg-00187-00151188-00152034 um that you know teaching people from your own experiences and and how you learn different things eCpGBztLZOg-00188-00152034-00152538 and and what these things taught you whether it was a hard time and how you got through it and eCpGBztLZOg-00189-00152538-00153312 and you overcame it using a particular technique or in a particular way you know so um integrating eCpGBztLZOg-00190-00153312-00154230 integrating all of your knowledge all of your lessons so far and and using those to help others eCpGBztLZOg-00191-00154230-00154920 okay and also I want to say this is to do with the Shadow and the light itself okay seeing the eCpGBztLZOg-00192-00154920-00155628 Shadow Self seeing these parts you you don't want to be revealed and bringing them into the light to eCpGBztLZOg-00193-00155718-00156384 be learned from it doesn't mean you have to share your most deepest darker Secrets but what eCpGBztLZOg-00194-00156384-00156978 you can share is the lessons you have learned from that and how to heal yourself you know eCpGBztLZOg-00195-00157044-00157488 um that will help to help others and really looking at things eCpGBztLZOg-00196-00157566-00158166 um honestly and seeing if there's any Cycles in your life that are repetitive and how it is eCpGBztLZOg-00197-00158166-00159006 that you can change those okay um by looking at maybe how you might be contributing to those and eCpGBztLZOg-00198-00159006-00159786 Harmony bringing in this peaceful Harmony into your life connecting into your heart so that eCpGBztLZOg-00199-00159786-00160440 this brings Harmony to your mind brings peace to your mind because it is really time to lead eCpGBztLZOg-00200-00160440-00161094 from the heart okay dropping from your mind into your heart because this is where Source resides eCpGBztLZOg-00201-00161094-00161712 it doesn't reside in your mind your authentic self resides in your heart not your mind eCpGBztLZOg-00202-00161928-00162486 so really Taurus start leading With Your Heart Light Seeker awesome eCpGBztLZOg-00203-00162486-00162954 yes this is you Taurus right you're the light Seeker yeah eCpGBztLZOg-00204-00163098-00163944 ah like you know it's like holding this torch in the darkness yeah confronting fears eCpGBztLZOg-00205-00164010-00165060 learning educating yourself right seeing through this Matrix that like that holds the unawakened eCpGBztLZOg-00206-00165060-00165618 really because if you look here behind the sky he's standing in front of this Matrix here eCpGBztLZOg-00207-00165618-00166164 because he's seen through it he's walked through it you will be able to guide others through it if eCpGBztLZOg-00208-00166164-00166884 they so need it yeah and look even the Matrix looks really pretty okay but it is a disguise eCpGBztLZOg-00209-00167010-00168012 um yeah you know you are the light bearer you have come to shine in the dark in these dark eCpGBztLZOg-00210-00168012-00168996 times and so this is where you know you have to draw on everything you have bring you out eCpGBztLZOg-00211-00168996-00169494 you know because your journey has taught you resilient resilience it's given you resilience eCpGBztLZOg-00212-00169614-00170436 um you know really made you a lot mentally stronger um emotionally stronger um and you eCpGBztLZOg-00213-00170436-00171264 know maybe there's certain things in your lifetime or in your past um that you still need to work eCpGBztLZOg-00214-00171264-00172014 through to gain that but honestly tourists do work because man oh man it is going to be worth eCpGBztLZOg-00215-00172014-00172848 it with this light Seeker here 100 I think that you are definitely the one who will lead the way eCpGBztLZOg-00216-00172848-00173886 for many okay by shining your light totality you uh I feel like part of you Taurus I feel like you eCpGBztLZOg-00217-00173886-00174468 fit you there's this sense of never happening because if you look at these acrobats right eCpGBztLZOg-00218-00174468-00175098 they have to swing back and forth in order to grab the hand of this one over here who's also swinging eCpGBztLZOg-00219-00175098-00175758 back and forth but has a shorter swing so it's up to these two to build the momentum to get the eCpGBztLZOg-00220-00175758-00176352 height in order to make this connection and this is what I feel like you need to do and it's like eCpGBztLZOg-00221-00176352-00176844 it it might feel like oh my gosh I've been trying this for ages and ages and it's just not happening eCpGBztLZOg-00222-00176844-00177462 I'm here to tell you to keep going because you're almost there you're almost making this connection eCpGBztLZOg-00223-00177462-00178476 okay and once this connection is made this light here will shine brighter okay the light that you eCpGBztLZOg-00224-00178476-00179424 bear will absolutely explode in a good way right patience yes have patience with yourself nurture eCpGBztLZOg-00225-00179424-00180222 this practice nurture yourself okay realize that this is a cycle that you need to go through in eCpGBztLZOg-00226-00180222-00181314 order to bring this forth and don't give up do not give up past life how interesting past life eCpGBztLZOg-00227-00181686-00182754 so yeah I healing or addressing past life memories okay some of you may remember eCpGBztLZOg-00228-00182754-00183642 things from the past or you may this you know from past lives but also the past as well okay eCpGBztLZOg-00229-00183726-00184674 um meditate for sure there's sort of this fear of failure for some of you Taurus so make sure eCpGBztLZOg-00230-00184674-00185748 that you're working on that as well okay um and and and give you Souls desires to the universe eCpGBztLZOg-00231-00185748-00186408 really surrender what it is that you truly want in your heart to the universe to entrust eCpGBztLZOg-00232-00186408-00187458 that the universe will take care of that and um the other thing here is be present okay stand eCpGBztLZOg-00233-00187458-00188022 in the present ground yourself in the present okay because whatever has happened in the past eCpGBztLZOg-00234-00188142-00188790 um and I'm not discounting you know or minimizing anything that has happened in eCpGBztLZOg-00235-00188790-00189390 the past but by grounding yourself in the present lets you know that you are solid eCpGBztLZOg-00236-00189516-00190308 um you have your back okay and you have made it through thus far so make sure that you eCpGBztLZOg-00237-00190404-00191214 um are allowing yourself to be completely and utterly present okay and this will also eCpGBztLZOg-00238-00191214-00191940 help your with this connection okay here we have fighting and exhaustion eCpGBztLZOg-00239-00192108-00192894 I feel like I feel like maybe this is what you feel like okay and and potentially this is why eCpGBztLZOg-00240-00192894-00193530 this has come up to surrender surrender to the universe and just hand it all over eCpGBztLZOg-00241-00193608-00194148 okay you don't need to carry it anymore because you're the light Seeker light Seekers don't need eCpGBztLZOg-00242-00194148-00194784 to carry that okay but it feels like maybe for some of you you're choosing to still and you eCpGBztLZOg-00243-00194784-00195624 need to let that go as uncomfortable as it may be it is time to let that go okay Taurus so yeah eCpGBztLZOg-00244-00195624-00196182 some work to do but it's going to be absolutely worth it this connection is the most important eCpGBztLZOg-00245-00196182-00196752 thing and once you hit that man you're gonna be flying we won't be able to keep up with eCpGBztLZOg-00246-00196752-00197286 you so yeah take care of your beautiful sales Taurus until next time see you bye eCugvO0Da-0-00000-00000010-00000056 WILLING TO TRAVEL TO PROVIDE eCugvO0Da-0-00001-00000056-00000063 WILLING TO TRAVEL TO PROVIDE eCugvO0Da-0-00002-00000063-00000183 WILLING TO TRAVEL TO PROVIDE TRAINING AND KITS TO BIG GROUPS eCugvO0Da-0-00003-00000183-00000190 WILLING TO TRAVEL TO PROVIDE TRAINING AND KITS TO BIG GROUPS eCugvO0Da-0-00004-00000190-00000390 WILLING TO TRAVEL TO PROVIDE TRAINING AND KITS TO BIG GROUPS >>> BEMIDJI WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00005-00000390-00000397 TRAINING AND KITS TO BIG GROUPS >>> BEMIDJI WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00006-00000397-00000530 TRAINING AND KITS TO BIG GROUPS >>> BEMIDJI WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS WERE NOTIFIED LATE eCugvO0Da-0-00007-00000530-00000537 >>> BEMIDJI WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS WERE NOTIFIED LATE eCugvO0Da-0-00008-00000537-00000677 >>> BEMIDJI WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS WERE NOTIFIED LATE LAST WEEK THAT THE BANK WILL BE eCugvO0Da-0-00009-00000677-00000684 CUSTOMERS WERE NOTIFIED LATE LAST WEEK THAT THE BANK WILL BE eCugvO0Da-0-00010-00000684-00001030 CUSTOMERS WERE NOTIFIED LATE LAST WEEK THAT THE BANK WILL BE CLOSING ITS DOWNTOWN BRANCH. A eCugvO0Da-0-00011-00001030-00001037 LAST WEEK THAT THE BANK WILL BE CLOSING ITS DOWNTOWN BRANCH. A eCugvO0Da-0-00012-00001037-00001101 LAST WEEK THAT THE BANK WILL BE CLOSING ITS DOWNTOWN BRANCH. A LETTER FROM THE WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00013-00001101-00001107 CLOSING ITS DOWNTOWN BRANCH. A LETTER FROM THE WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00014-00001107-00001187 CLOSING ITS DOWNTOWN BRANCH. A LETTER FROM THE WELLS FARGO DISTRICT MANAGER SAID THE eCugvO0Da-0-00015-00001187-00001194 LETTER FROM THE WELLS FARGO DISTRICT MANAGER SAID THE eCugvO0Da-0-00016-00001194-00001331 LETTER FROM THE WELLS FARGO DISTRICT MANAGER SAID THE COMPANY CONSISTENTLY EVALUATES eCugvO0Da-0-00017-00001331-00001337 DISTRICT MANAGER SAID THE COMPANY CONSISTENTLY EVALUATES eCugvO0Da-0-00018-00001337-00001448 DISTRICT MANAGER SAID THE COMPANY CONSISTENTLY EVALUATES ITS BRANCH NETWORK WHICH CAN eCugvO0Da-0-00019-00001448-00001454 COMPANY CONSISTENTLY EVALUATES ITS BRANCH NETWORK WHICH CAN eCugvO0Da-0-00020-00001454-00001648 COMPANY CONSISTENTLY EVALUATES ITS BRANCH NETWORK WHICH CAN LEAD TO BRANCH CLOSURES. SOME eCugvO0Da-0-00021-00001648-00001654 ITS BRANCH NETWORK WHICH CAN LEAD TO BRANCH CLOSURES. SOME eCugvO0Da-0-00022-00001654-00001764 ITS BRANCH NETWORK WHICH CAN LEAD TO BRANCH CLOSURES. SOME WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS HAVE eCugvO0Da-0-00023-00001764-00001771 LEAD TO BRANCH CLOSURES. SOME WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS HAVE eCugvO0Da-0-00024-00001771-00001965 LEAD TO BRANCH CLOSURES. SOME WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS HAVE POSTED THEIR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL eCugvO0Da-0-00025-00001965-00001971 WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS HAVE POSTED THEIR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL eCugvO0Da-0-00026-00001971-00002052 WELLS FARGO CUSTOMERS HAVE POSTED THEIR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE LOSS OF WHAT THEY eCugvO0Da-0-00027-00002052-00002058 POSTED THEIR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE LOSS OF WHAT THEY eCugvO0Da-0-00028-00002058-00002255 POSTED THEIR THOUGHTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE LOSS OF WHAT THEY CALL A CONVENIENT LOCATION FOR eCugvO0Da-0-00029-00002255-00002262 MEDIA ON THE LOSS OF WHAT THEY CALL A CONVENIENT LOCATION FOR eCugvO0Da-0-00030-00002262-00002332 MEDIA ON THE LOSS OF WHAT THEY CALL A CONVENIENT LOCATION FOR MANY OF THOSE WHO WORK AND LIVE eCugvO0Da-0-00031-00002332-00002338 CALL A CONVENIENT LOCATION FOR MANY OF THOSE WHO WORK AND LIVE eCugvO0Da-0-00032-00002338-00002572 CALL A CONVENIENT LOCATION FOR MANY OF THOSE WHO WORK AND LIVE IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI. WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00033-00002572-00002579 MANY OF THOSE WHO WORK AND LIVE IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI. WELLS FARGO eCugvO0Da-0-00034-00002579-00002722 MANY OF THOSE WHO WORK AND LIVE IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI. WELLS FARGO IS ENCOURAGING ITS COSTUMERS TO eCugvO0Da-0-00035-00002722-00002729 IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI. WELLS FARGO IS ENCOURAGING ITS COSTUMERS TO eCugvO0Da-0-00036-00002729-00002896 IN DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI. WELLS FARGO IS ENCOURAGING ITS COSTUMERS TO USE THE BANK LOCATION ON THE eCugvO0Da-0-00037-00002896-00002902 IS ENCOURAGING ITS COSTUMERS TO USE THE BANK LOCATION ON THE eCugvO0Da-0-00038-00002902-00003359 IS ENCOURAGING ITS COSTUMERS TO USE THE BANK LOCATION ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE OF THE CITY AND eCugvO0Da-0-00039-00003359-00003366 USE THE BANK LOCATION ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE OF THE CITY AND eCugvO0Da-0-00040-00003366-00003433 USE THE BANK LOCATION ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE OF THE CITY AND THAT THE CLOSURE WILL NOT IMPACT eCugvO0Da-0-00041-00003433-00003440 NORTH WEST SIDE OF THE CITY AND THAT THE CLOSURE WILL NOT IMPACT eCugvO0Da-0-00042-00003440-00003576 NORTH WEST SIDE OF THE CITY AND THAT THE CLOSURE WILL NOT IMPACT ANY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS eCugvO0Da-0-00043-00003576-00003583 THAT THE CLOSURE WILL NOT IMPACT ANY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS eCugvO0Da-0-00044-00003583-00003656 THAT THE CLOSURE WILL NOT IMPACT ANY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS THE DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI WELLS FARG eCugvO0Da-0-00045-00003656-00003663 ANY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS THE DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI WELLS FARG eCugvO0Da-0-00046-00003663-00003770 ANY OF THEIR CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS THE DOWNTOWN BEMIDJI WELLS FARG LOCATION WILL CLOSE WEDNESDAY, eF_PSylDDoY-00000-00000368-00000927 Hello! I started in 2007 as a generalist artist at Mikros Animation, eF_PSylDDoY-00001-00000927-00001688 but I always had something special with compositing. And first, I approached it with lighting eF_PSylDDoY-00002-00001752-00002314 and then i really specialized with compositingaround 2012. eF_PSylDDoY-00003-00002314-00002984 Great, so could you please tell us a little bit about the differentprojects we have been working on whether as a compositing supervisor eF_PSylDDoY-00004-00003056-00003364 or in your previous career? eF_PSylDDoY-00005-00003437-00004058 The firstproject I ever worked on was "Batman: the Dark Knight". So it was really special because it was a bigfeature eF_PSylDDoY-00006-00004058-00004608 and a lot of pressure because we wanted to be very relevant. eF_PSylDDoY-00007-00004608-00005477 And then after that, I started some other projects, some french project like "Arthur and The Minimoys". eF_PSylDDoY-00008-00005477-00006406 Also, when I started compositing for animation, I went to Illumination Macguff, where I worked on Despicable Me 2, Minions, eF_PSylDDoY-00009-00006406-00007131 and I arrived at Mikros, where I started working on Sherlock Gnomes and Asterix : The Secret of the Magic Potion, eF_PSylDDoY-00010-00007176-00007928 also on The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run. And now on a specific projectthat we are presenting this week at Annecy eF_PSylDDoY-00011-00007928-00008128 which is called OZI. eF_PSylDDoY-00012-00008210-00008858 Great so a lot of variety interms of projects! Do you have a favorite one? eF_PSylDDoY-00013-00008944-00009227 They all have a special place in my heart!! eF_PSylDDoY-00014-00009351-00009580 It's very difficult to choose one ! eF_PSylDDoY-00015-00009768-00010048 I don't know... I really have a special thing with OZI going on. eF_PSylDDoY-00016-00010160-00010744 I guess because it's the current one!! But it's really about the team and about the message of eF_PSylDDoY-00017-00010744-00011092 the movie and this is really close to my heart. eF_PSylDDoY-00018-00011133-00011497 I guess the hardest challenge is about time eF_PSylDDoY-00019-00011528-00012120 because, in compositing, we're at the end of the production chain. We always have a little amount eF_PSylDDoY-00020-00012120-00012728 of time to spend in compositing, but we still really wantto do our job really well. So we always need eF_PSylDDoY-00021-00012728-00013384 to fight the time. And I guess the way to overcome this is organization, eF_PSylDDoY-00022-00013456-00013984 and thinking in advance of the challenges that we are going to face by the end of the project. eF_PSylDDoY-00023-00014040-00014784 I think that the second big challenge of each show is about entering the artistic direction eF_PSylDDoY-00024-00014784-00015247 and the word of the movie that we're working on. Each movie is very specific. They are really very eF_PSylDDoY-00025-00015247-00015954 different from one another and we need to understand what the vision of the movie is, what's the message of themovie, eF_PSylDDoY-00026-00015954-00016706 and how the art director, or the productiondesigner, the director wants us to put it into image. eF_PSylDDoY-00027-00016706-00017520 So yes it's a lot of communication to understand where they want to lead us and for me this is like eF_PSylDDoY-00028-00017520-00018172 the perfect thing in a project. It's really interesting because each project is really different. eF_PSylDDoY-00029-00018172-00019147 OZI has a specific touch, a graphical touch that is done incompositing. We wanted to give it a special look. eF_PSylDDoY-00030-00019416-00019688 A lot has been done with the artistic direction eF_PSylDDoY-00031-00019768-00020416 among us and with the characters and also the environment but we wanted to add something more eF_PSylDDoY-00032-00020416-00020904 with the compositing. I'm not sure I can say how we do it technically. eF_PSylDDoY-00033-00021080-00021656 But for sure what i can say is that one of the main reference was the movie Bambi, from Disney eF_PSylDDoY-00034-00021656-00022296 and we took a lot of inspiration from how they treated the backgrounds, how they treated the set, eF_PSylDDoY-00035-00022296-00022880 the painting effect that we had in the movie, how they were erasing details in order to give more eF_PSylDDoY-00036-00022880-00023640 importance to the to the animation and to what was happening during the shots and yes, please, support us on Ozi. eF_PSylDDoY-00037-00023784-00024664 What are you up to? So you mentioned Ozi is still ongoing. Yes Ozi is still ongoing. eF_PSylDDoY-00038-00024664-00025592 Some challenges are waiting for us. We are expecting to deliver the movie by the month of october. So yeah eF_PSylDDoY-00039-00025712-00026136 we are still at the beginning of compositing. There is still a major part of the movie to do eF_PSylDDoY-00040-00026208-00027095 but it's really interesting to see the few first sequences coming to an end and see how they're connecting eF_PSylDDoY-00041-00027095-00027895 altogether. And we are really happy to present it to Annecy, to have a feedback from everyone. eF_PSylDDoY-00042-00028112-00028448 I think you need to be passionate because if you are passionate, eF_PSylDDoY-00043-00028448-00029032 you will want to produce, you'll want to share your stuff and be really happy to see everything that eF_PSylDDoY-00044-00029032-00029688 you're doing. Don't be afraid to be a junior ! Everyone started as a junior so it's perfectly okay if eF_PSylDDoY-00045-00029688-00030304 you're a student, if you're just fresh out of school. Come meet us and reach us by the social media, eF_PSylDDoY-00046-00030304-00030856 everyone and our recruters are here and yeah we're always happy to meet new talents. eF_PSylDDoY-00047-00031144-00031768 So don't hesitate ! Great ! So any tip for the people who would like to start a career in compositing? eF_PSylDDoY-00048-00032064-00032295 If you want specifically to start a career in compositing eF_PSylDDoY-00049-00032408-00033000 for animated movies, I would say to start to be very careful about colors. For me, grading and colours eF_PSylDDoY-00050-00033000-00033880 are the essential tips that I can give to people. It's like 80% of the job and you need to eF_PSylDDoY-00051-00033880-00034600 shape your eyes and this is the hardest thing to do. But this is more artistic to do and the more eF_PSylDDoY-00052-00034600-00035288 you do it, the more you learn. So yeah, don't be don't be afraid to just try new things and eF_PSylDDoY-00053-00035288-00036048 get out of your comfort zone. As you said, understand the art direction of eF_PSylDDoY-00054-00036048-00036752 the film and to understand the spirit of the peoplewh are working on the film. Yeah ! Especially here at Mikros eF_PSylDDoY-00055-00036752-00037560 Animation because we are doing movies for others so they come with what they have eF_PSylDDoY-00056-00037560-00038016 in mind, with their vision and you need to understand where they want to lead you to. eF_PSylDDoY-00057-00038016-00038712 So it's not about what you like to do. It's more about what they're expecting you to do and eF_PSylDDoY-00058-00038712-00039280 this is sometimes challenging but always very interesting because it's always leading you to a path eF_PSylDDoY-00059-00039280-00040088 you hadn't thought at the beginning. And it's really nice to meet new people and new directors. eF_PSylDDoY-00060-00040392-00040816 Thank you very much ! eF_PSylDDoY-00061-00040816-00041320 ah We have some questions from the people who are following us. eF_PSylDDoY-00062-00041456-00042472 Just behind you we saw the trailer of PAW Patrol: The Movie. Do you have a favorite character eF_PSylDDoY-00063-00042560-00043240 of PAW Patrol or any other shows that you've been working on? Oh wow, that is tough ! eF_PSylDDoY-00064-00043448-00044216 I have to admit I don't know much about the characters of the PAW Patrol. I'm sorry I don't know, eF_PSylDDoY-00065-00044216-00044872 I'm not too bad and everything (laugh) but on The SpongeBob movie, I really like Patrick Star because he's eF_PSylDDoY-00066-00044872-00045592 goofy, because he's dummy and in fact on every show, you can have a favorite character. I can see plenty of projects behind me. eF_PSylDDoY-00067-00045880-00046960 Great thank you very much and a a lot of applause for Anne-Sophie Palermo ! Thank you eG2OXiPs-fE-00000-00000400-00001000 Global Action Schools is a project of People in Need and its educational programme Varianty. eG2OXiPs-fE-00001-00001019-00001600 At our school, it runs in a way, that at the beginning of the school year we create, or rather rebuild a student team. eG2OXiPs-fE-00002-00001634-00002500 Then we let our students choose a subject related to the field of global development education they want to work on. eG2OXiPs-fE-00003-00002540-00003360 As we are a big school, comprising of a nursery, elementary and secondary school, the project runs on all these school levels. eG2OXiPs-fE-00004-00003360-00004300 The youngest children from the elementary school usually help with drawing pictures, because we collaborate with one children's home and with one school in Nairobi. eG2OXiPs-fE-00005-00004380-00004900 This work with children was about showing them how people live there. eG2OXiPs-fE-00006-00004980-00005600 We talked about Peter, for whom we organized a fundraiser so he could study high school. eG2OXiPs-fE-00007-00005600-00005836 He is 14 years old boy, who lives in the children's home. eG2OXiPs-fE-00008-00005852-00006600 Now, he is studying high school and he wants to become a doctor. Therefore, we still try to help him to pay his school fee even for the upcoming year. eG2OXiPs-fE-00009-00006600-00007800 We have started with the subject "gender as a challenge", which was unknown not only to students but also to us, teachers. eG2OXiPs-fE-00010-00007840-00008280 Generally, there is not much being said about this subject among people. eG2OXiPs-fE-00011-00008280-00008860 Only around one third of responded people was able to describe the meaning of gender itself. eG2OXiPs-fE-00012-00008860-00009700 The biggest contribution to the project from my side was, that I composed a song, which was about gender subject, eG2OXiPs-fE-00013-00009700-00010540 and it was telling the story of a woman living in poverty, who goes through some injustice, some oppression. eG2OXiPs-fE-00014-00010560-00011620 In collaboration with the Pontopolis organization, we organized an exhibition called the Fate of a Woman, whose core part was the students' presentation. eG2OXiPs-fE-00015-00011620-00012380 In elementary school, children create, for instance, comics focusing on Children's rights. eG2OXiPs-fE-00016-00012380-00013500 I think that it's good to talk about this with kids at such a young age because they should be aware of the fact they have some rights. eG2OXiPs-fE-00017-00013500-00014290 We chose to focus on religion as a subject because it has become hotly debated within society. eG2OXiPs-fE-00018-00014300-00015000 We conducted a questionnaire survey, from its data we created statistica l charts and thought about questions concerning religion. eG2OXiPs-fE-00019-00015080-00015500 The first question for our respondents was, what is the world's major religion. eG2OXiPs-fE-00020-00015540-00016080 Almost 90 per cent of respondents stated correctly, that it's Christianity. The rest stated Islam. eG2OXiPs-fE-00021-00016119-00017168 Now we have found a new partner for our project, Africa for Africa, who built the children's home and the school in the slum in Nairobi. eG2OXiPs-fE-00022-00017168-00018040 Every Kenyan speaks three languages. We have a mother tongue language, national language and official administrative language. eG2OXiPs-fE-00023-00018100-00018688 I really liked this lecture, I liked the way Fanel was talking, how he described everything, eG2OXiPs-fE-00024-00018688-00019388 that it can light up or change emotions about the way they see the world, the way the other people live. eG2OXiPs-fE-00025-00019420-00019900 I have thought about I would like to visit that place in the future and somehow help these kids. eG2OXiPs-fE-00026-00019940-00020600 Global Action Schools programme brings global topics into school's life. eG2OXiPs-fE-00027-00020600-00021397 We take the subject and present it, we go to the local community, to the public, and we offer to discuss it. eG2OXiPs-fE-00028-00021400-00022040 This brings a lot of joy and it makes me proud to see what students can achieve. eG2OXiPs-fE-00029-00022040-00022500 Because that young generation isn't that bad, as it is being often described. Quite the opposite. eG2OXiPs-fE-00030-00022500-00023360 I appreciated the most that I have learnt how to speak in public because I wasn't used to speaking in a hall full of people. eG2OXiPs-fE-00031-00023360-00023940 Now I think it's normal to be interested in what's happening in the world around us. eG2OXiPs-fE-00032-00023940-00024560 I think it has formed me, it has even directed me to the university I want to study. eG2OXiPs-fE-00033-00024600-00025300 I think that school should not only educate children in old fashioned subjects we have, eG2OXiPs-fE-00034-00025380-00025939 together with family, it should help to raise good people from its children. eG2OXiPs-fE-00035-00026000-00027760 People who think about the world around us. Who will become active voters once they are adults, so they will be able to think about what they want, and about the right way they think the society should follow. eG2OXiPs-fE-00036-00027760-00028356 It's a project that educates children to listen to their inner motivation, eG2OXiPs-fE-00037-00028356-00028995 so that they themselves want to work on something good. At the same time, it teaches them one substantial thing. eG2OXiPs-fE-00038-00028995-00029776 That they can contribute to a positive change in society with their active approach. I think this is extremely important. eIgcA-0W3kU-00000-00000065-00000340 (rhythmic music) eIgcA-0W3kU-00001-00000724-00000903 - After we've completed the training sample eIgcA-0W3kU-00002-00000903-00001184 the next step is sentiment model development. eIgcA-0W3kU-00003-00001184-00001405 Tell us about that process. eIgcA-0W3kU-00004-00001405-00001560 - Yeah, that's a good question. eIgcA-0W3kU-00005-00001560-00001826 To talk about the model itself, eIgcA-0W3kU-00006-00001826-00002043 I'll highlight this slide. eIgcA-0W3kU-00007-00002043-00002368 We're using a kind of Bayesian analysis, eIgcA-0W3kU-00008-00002368-00002782 a Bayesian math approach to calculating the negative eIgcA-0W3kU-00009-00002782-00002938 and positive values. eIgcA-0W3kU-00010-00002938-00003286 So what happens with this is we'll use the overall amount eIgcA-0W3kU-00011-00003286-00003620 of terms that are positive or negative in our dictionary eIgcA-0W3kU-00012-00003620-00004120 as the denominator in our prior values in the equation. eIgcA-0W3kU-00013-00004270-00004458 And as that model goes through, we'll always, eIgcA-0W3kU-00014-00004458-00004822 we always keep the same backend algorithm eIgcA-0W3kU-00015-00004822-00005015 for calculating the math eIgcA-0W3kU-00016-00005015-00005447 of how we actually generate a positive and negative term. eIgcA-0W3kU-00017-00005447-00005744 When that math runs through, it's gonna look at our list, eIgcA-0W3kU-00018-00005744-00006039 which is the primary thing that we're modifying. eIgcA-0W3kU-00019-00006039-00006413 We're changing the dictionary with adding or removing terms. eIgcA-0W3kU-00020-00006413-00006663 We're potentially changing inverting terms, eIgcA-0W3kU-00021-00006663-00007040 adding or removing inverting terms from that inversion list. eIgcA-0W3kU-00022-00007040-00007507 And then we can also change our prior values. eIgcA-0W3kU-00023-00007598-00007959 We can set those as overall term values, eIgcA-0W3kU-00024-00007959-00008228 and we can also change the amount of characters eIgcA-0W3kU-00025-00008228-00008528 that we're looking for for an inverting term. eIgcA-0W3kU-00026-00008528-00008633 But for the most part, eIgcA-0W3kU-00027-00008633-00008917 since we've used this model for a variety eIgcA-0W3kU-00028-00008917-00009124 of other different research activity, eIgcA-0W3kU-00029-00009124-00009570 we've really optimized those values from previous exercises. eIgcA-0W3kU-00030-00009570-00009797 So the model itself is really locked in eIgcA-0W3kU-00031-00009797-00010076 and what we're doing is really changing the dictionary eIgcA-0W3kU-00032-00010076-00010468 of terms to create that domain-specific model. eIgcA-0W3kU-00033-00010468-00010690 And so as we go through and change these terms, eIgcA-0W3kU-00034-00010690-00010999 we rerun that analysis until we get to the point eIgcA-0W3kU-00035-00010999-00011332 where we're at that 80% or above reliability, eIgcA-0W3kU-00036-00011332-00011575 so that we can then go to our secondary level eIgcA-0W3kU-00037-00011575-00011838 of running Kappa analysis on those results. eIgcA-0W3kU-00038-00011934-00012276 (guitar and drums music) eNgbuhDni7E-00000-00002618-00002718 OUTRO CONTEST!! eNgbuhDni7E-00001-00002718-00002818 Guess a number from 1-100, the closes wins one of the 3 outro's of your choice! eNgbuhDni7E-00002-00002818-00002918 One guess per person please! eNgbuhDni7E-00003-00002918-00003018 You have 3 day's! eNgbuhDni7E-00004-00003018-00003118 Good Luck! eNgbuhDni7E-00005-00003118-00003218 OH! and set your BELL 🛎 Icon for future GiveAways! eNgbuhDni7E-00006-00003218-00003318 Rules!! eNgbuhDni7E-00007-00003318-00003418 These are my rules and YouTube has nothing to do with this giveaway in any way! eNgbuhDni7E-00008-00003418-00003418 Song Title: Motion by: SchizoFranic ep40E0mPkVM-00000-00000000-00000200 Bass boosted background music for videos ep40E0mPkVM-00001-00000200-00000400 Bass boosted music remix sound effect ep40E0mPkVM-00002-00000400-00000600 here you get 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boosted songs status ep40E0mPkVM-00015-00003000-00003200 free ep40E0mPkVM-00016-00003200-00003400 English bass boosted songs jukebox ep40E0mPkVM-00017-00003400-00003600 download ep40E0mPkVM-00018-00003600-00003800 Bass boosted English songs remix 2020 epAXTsnUMa4-00000-00000000-00000468 [Music] hello welcome back to my channel if you're new you're welcome and I hope epAXTsnUMa4-00001-00000468-00000990 you stay today I'm bringing to you the Chinese chicken sauce so if you epAXTsnUMa4-00002-00000990-00001242 love some chicken sauce keep watching this video epAXTsnUMa4-00003-00001728-00002292 first of all I've got my chicken breast over here I'll just go ahead and cut them epAXTsnUMa4-00004-00002292-00002628 into smaller pieces this has been washed very well epAXTsnUMa4-00005-00002916-00003150 after cutting epAXTsnUMa4-00006-00003392-00004061 [Music] everything this is what we have here epAXTsnUMa4-00007-00004170-00004758 I will come in with about two tablespoon full of a blended mixture of garlic and onions epAXTsnUMa4-00008-00005178-00005244 one of my favorites epAXTsnUMa4-00009-00005658-00006900 favorite soy sauce [Music] Curry [Music] some white pepper black pepper epAXTsnUMa4-00010-00007172-00007673 [Music] grating a little bit of nutmeg salt to taste epAXTsnUMa4-00011-00007830-00008440 I'll break in an egg I'll come in with my wooden Ladle and mix it up [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00012-00008604-00009766 I'll pour in about four tablespoons full of fresh milk plus we'll make it very soft [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00013-00009984-00010464 finally I will come in with about four tablespoon full of regular flour epAXTsnUMa4-00014-00010674-00011016 go ahead and give this a very good mix I'll put epAXTsnUMa4-00015-00011016-00011262 this in the fridge and let it rest for about one hour epAXTsnUMa4-00016-00011466-00011850 I'll put a large pan on fire and come in with some oil epAXTsnUMa4-00017-00011850-00012744 now I will drop in my coated chicken breast I'll be doing those on medium epAXTsnUMa4-00018-00012744-00013468 five since it's very thin I'll fry each side for about one minute [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00019-00013956-00014610 so when it turns golden brown is ready as you can see they are ready I'll go ahead and get epAXTsnUMa4-00020-00014610-00015366 them out of the oil and Fry the rest using the same pan and the same oil I used in frying the epAXTsnUMa4-00021-00015366-00016013 chicken I'll drop in some chopped garlic I'll let this Fry on medium fry for about one minute epAXTsnUMa4-00022-00016176-00017310 after a minute I'll drop in my chopped onions some sweet pepper and some carrots our stir fry epAXTsnUMa4-00023-00017310-00017868 it for about a minute you don't need to overcook them you just need to soften them up a little bit epAXTsnUMa4-00024-00018132-00018312 come in with some white pepper epAXTsnUMa4-00025-00018312-00019518 some dark soy sauce and I'll pour in about half a cup of warm water a teaspoon full of epAXTsnUMa4-00026-00019518-00020152 cornstarch to thicken it up a little bit this smells super good [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00027-00020238-00021114 foreign for the chicken I'll chop the chicken into the vegetables and give us a good stir epAXTsnUMa4-00028-00021872-00021972 [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00029-00021972-00022452 I'll go ahead and come in with some more dark soy sauce as you can see I epAXTsnUMa4-00030-00022452-00022914 didn't put any salt in this one this is because dark soy sauce is super epAXTsnUMa4-00031-00022914-00023484 salty so you have to be careful I'll come up with some sweet corn epAXTsnUMa4-00032-00023634-00024600 foreign cover those up and let it cook for about 10 minutes and the epAXTsnUMa4-00033-00024600-00024996 Magic ingredients this is a teaspoon full of sugar epAXTsnUMa4-00034-00025104-00026580 so it's been after about 10 minutes and you can see it's almost ready I'll get rid epAXTsnUMa4-00035-00026580-00027258 of the lid and let this cook for two more minutes ladies and gentlemen here we are epAXTsnUMa4-00036-00027395-00028024 are super delicious Chinese garlic chicken sauce is ready [Music] epAXTsnUMa4-00037-00028289-00029088 this goes well with rice or some potatoes guys you definitely need to give this a try epAXTsnUMa4-00038-00029088-00029898 it tastes so good [Music] if you do give this a try let me know how it comes out for you if epAXTsnUMa4-00039-00029898-00030330 you've not subscribed please don't forget to hit the Subscribe button don't forget to share epAXTsnUMa4-00040-00030330-00030839 this with family and friends and don't forget to leave me that big fat thumbs up until next time epAXTsnUMa4-00041-00030839-00031491 I am going to see you again with another nice and interesting one bye bye [Music] eOPqst55n6U-00000-00001568-00001955 The aeration technique is one that is commonly known in pastry eOPqst55n6U-00001-00001955-00002252 because we work with meringue or whipped cream, eOPqst55n6U-00002-00002252-00002616 which are examples of recipes that we use to incorporate air eOPqst55n6U-00003-00002632-00002960 and create much lighter textures in pastry. eOPqst55n6U-00004-00002960-00003276 But today we're going to explain exactly how it works; eOPqst55n6U-00005-00003276-00003552 what parameters we have to take into account eOPqst55n6U-00006-00003579-00003896 in order to create a good and stable aeration eOPqst55n6U-00007-00003896-00004284 that allows us to create the elaborations and textures eOPqst55n6U-00008-00004284-00004384 as we want them. eOPqst55n6U-00009-00004416-00004668 Exactly, exactly Jordi. eOPqst55n6U-00010-00004668-00005072 As you say, not only in pastry do we find these airy textures, eOPqst55n6U-00011-00005072-00005544 but we can also find them in the ice cream industry, bakeries, eOPqst55n6U-00012-00005544-00005836 pastry shops, or even in restaurant desserts. eOPqst55n6U-00013-00005840-00006160 It's funny because I'd never have thought that a loaf of bread, eOPqst55n6U-00014-00006224-00006548 I've been in the world of bread all my life, since I was 15 years old, eOPqst55n6U-00015-00006588-00006800 that it was an aeration and it is. eOPqst55n6U-00016-00006840-00007112 Indeed, now we're going to explain it a little more. eOPqst55n6U-00017-00007180-00007559 In fact, we have a wide variety of textures, eOPqst55n6U-00018-00007559-00007895 all of them with different characteristics, eOPqst55n6U-00019-00007928-00008272 but what they all have in common is that they're created eOPqst55n6U-00020-00008272-00008500 by introducing air into a liquid. eOPqst55n6U-00021-00008596-00008948 And one way to classify them would be according to their density. eOPqst55n6U-00022-00008948-00009344 For example, density is mass divided by volume. eOPqst55n6U-00023-00009384-00009484 What does that mean? eOPqst55n6U-00024-00009516-00010200 For example, if we take two foams in the same space, if we... eOPqst55n6U-00025-00010200-00010412 When we talk, sorry, when we talk about foam, eOPqst55n6U-00026-00010416-00010708 we're talking about a loaf of bread, a cake... eOPqst55n6U-00027-00010708-00011036 it's not a foam as we know it in the world of restaurant desserts, eOPqst55n6U-00028-00011104-00011224 An airy texture. eOPqst55n6U-00029-00011224-00011352 Foam as a concept. eOPqst55n6U-00030-00011352-00011620 Exactly, we call it foam or airy texture. eOPqst55n6U-00031-00011724-00011772 Well, this. eOPqst55n6U-00032-00011856-00012320 When comparing two foams or airy textures, eOPqst55n6U-00033-00012320-00012668 in the same volume, if, for example, we take bread eOPqst55n6U-00034-00012668-00013172 and a meringue, we'll see that bread is denser, let's say, eOPqst55n6U-00035-00013172-00013516 because it has less air than, for example, a meringue, eOPqst55n6U-00036-00013516-00013796 or a chocolate air or whipped cream, eOPqst55n6U-00037-00013796-00014096 because they have more air in the same space, eOPqst55n6U-00038-00014096-00014360 unlike a bread or a cake. eOPqst55n6U-00039-00014384-00014744 This is a way of classifying foams according to their density. eOPqst55n6U-00040-00014768-00015019 Well, here in this table we have some examples eOPqst55n6U-00041-00015019-00015524 that we ordered from denser, or denser foams, eOPqst55n6U-00042-00015524-00015772 to less dense, with much more air. eOPqst55n6U-00043-00015812-00016068 Bread is an airy texture, eOPqst55n6U-00044-00016068-00016256 we will now explain how this foam is made, eOPqst55n6U-00045-00016352-00016712 followed by the sponge cake which we could say has less air, eOPqst55n6U-00046-00016776-00017364 to a marshmallow, a mousse, whipped cream, for example, eOPqst55n6U-00047-00017376-00017768 a meringue and, finally, an air. eOPqst55n6U-00048-00017768-00017976 Here we have a chocolate air, eOPqst55n6U-00049-00017980-00018404 but it could be any air that we use in a restaurant dessert eOPqst55n6U-00050-00018416-00018596 or in dessert in general. eOPqst55n6U-00051-00018640-00018828 They're textures with a lot of air. eOPqst55n6U-00052-00018828-00019084 From less dense to more dense. eOPqst55n6U-00053-00019112-00019452 So, Paula, exactly... What is a foam? eOPqst55n6U-00054-00019456-00019872 A foam is the introduction of gas into a liquid. eOPqst55n6U-00055-00019872-00020184 We could say that it's an emulsion of gas in water. eOPqst55n6U-00056-00020240-00020476 Just like an emulsion has two phases, eOPqst55n6U-00057-00020488-00020904 in foams or airy textures we also have two phases. eOPqst55n6U-00058-00020904-00021292 A continuous phase which is the liquid phase eOPqst55n6U-00059-00021292-00021620 and a dispersed phase which is the gas that we introduce. eS2eW2BFeUU-00000-00001074-00001200 Item #: SCP-105 eS2eW2BFeUU-00001-00001200-00001441 Object Class: Safe eS2eW2BFeUU-00002-00001441-00001964 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently eS2eW2BFeUU-00003-00001964-00002064 housed at Site-17. eS2eW2BFeUU-00004-00002064-00002768 SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3 (restricted) socialization privileges with approved site eS2eW2BFeUU-00005-00002768-00003326 personnel, granted based on continued good behavior and cooperation with Foundation personnel. eS2eW2BFeUU-00006-00003326-00004061 SCP-105's personal camera (designated SCP-105-B) is to remain in a locked safe-deposit box eS2eW2BFeUU-00007-00004061-00004411 at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. eS2eW2BFeUU-00008-00004411-00004821 Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to eS2eW2BFeUU-00009-00004821-00005239 be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. eS2eW2BFeUU-00010-00005239-00005883 At no point are SCP-105 and SCP-105-B or any other camera to be allowed to come into contact eS2eW2BFeUU-00011-00005883-00006130 without approval of the current managing researcher. eS2eW2BFeUU-00012-00006130-00006834 Description: SCP-105 (formerly known as Iris Thompson) is a female human of European descent. eS2eW2BFeUU-00013-00006834-00007423 Records indicate that SCP-105 was born in ████, making her ██ years old eS2eW2BFeUU-00014-00007423-00007581 at the time of acquisition. eS2eW2BFeUU-00015-00007581-00008065 She has blond hair and blue eyes, and at the time of this article, is 1.54 meters in height eS2eW2BFeUU-00016-00008065-00008282 and 50kg in weight. eS2eW2BFeUU-00017-00008282-00008721 She does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, eS2eW2BFeUU-00018-00008721-00009125 for all intents and purposes, a normal human being in good health. eS2eW2BFeUU-00019-00009125-00009946 SCP-105-B is a Polaroid One Step 600 camera, manufactured in 1982. eS2eW2BFeUU-00020-00009946-00010402 SCP-105-B does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, eS2eW2BFeUU-00021-00010402-00010915 for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons eS2eW2BFeUU-00022-00010915-00011213 aside from SCP-105. eS2eW2BFeUU-00023-00011213-00011871 When SCP-105 holds a photograph taken by SCP-105-B, the photograph changes from a still image eS2eW2BFeUU-00024-00011871-00012199 to that of a real-time image of the location in question. eS2eW2BFeUU-00025-00012199-00012652 SCP-105 is also able to reach through the photograph and manipulate objects within reach eS2eW2BFeUU-00026-00012652-00013022 of the original point at which the photograph was taken. eS2eW2BFeUU-00027-00013022-00013415 Persons witnessing this manipulation report seeing a disembodied female hand (determined eS2eW2BFeUU-00028-00013415-00014013 to be that of SCP-105) reaching out from an invisible portal and carrying out the actions eS2eW2BFeUU-00029-00014013-00014113 indicated. eS2eW2BFeUU-00030-00014113-00014683 SCP-105-B and the photographs taken by said camera have no unusual properties when used eS2eW2BFeUU-00031-00014683-00014860 by any other person. eS2eW2BFeUU-00032-00014860-00015453 SCP-105 has demonstrated limited ability to manipulate objects through other photographs, eS2eW2BFeUU-00033-00015453-00016166 but can only achieve fine control using photographs taken through SCP-105-B. So far, SCP-105 has eS2eW2BFeUU-00034-00016166-00016740 only been able to significantly advance her ability by using photographs taken by SCP-105-B. eS2eW2BFeUU-00035-00016740-00017380 Appendix 1: Circumstances of Acquisition: SCP-105 was brought to the Foundation's attention eS2eW2BFeUU-00036-00017380-00017607 shortly after the murder of her boyfriend. eS2eW2BFeUU-00037-00017607-00018040 SCP-105 claimed to have been on the phone with the victim at the time of his murder, eS2eW2BFeUU-00038-00018040-00018474 prompting her to hurry to his side; however, telephone records did not correspond to her eS2eW2BFeUU-00039-00018474-00018709 story, making her suspect in the murder. eS2eW2BFeUU-00040-00018709-00019231 SCP-105 informed her lawyer that she had, in fact, witnessed the murder through a photograph eS2eW2BFeUU-00041-00019231-00019542 she had taken with her boyfriend several days prior. eS2eW2BFeUU-00042-00019542-00020063 The attorney in question disregarded the story and recommended that the subject plead guilty. eS2eW2BFeUU-00043-00020063-00020485 Subject refused to do so and subsequently told her story in court, offering to demonstrate eS2eW2BFeUU-00044-00020485-00020608 her ability. eS2eW2BFeUU-00045-00020608-00020942 This lead to Foundation contact. eS2eW2BFeUU-00046-00020942-00021225 Subject was immediately contained by the Foundation. eS2eW2BFeUU-00047-00021225-00021847 Foundation Personnel retrieved SCP-105-B from SCP-105's home (replacing it with an identical eS2eW2BFeUU-00048-00021847-00022108 model), and returned it to her. eS2eW2BFeUU-00049-00022108-00022470 SCP-105's parents were informed that she was killed during the botched escape of another eS2eW2BFeUU-00050-00022470-00022927 patient while both were in custody of the █████████ ██████ psychiatric eS2eW2BFeUU-00051-00022927-00023082 care facility. eS2eW2BFeUU-00052-00023082-00023696 Appendix 2: Excerpt from Interview Log 105-08-4426, dated ██/██/████ eS2eW2BFeUU-00053-00023696-00024335 Dr. █████: Please give a brief personal introduction, including date and place of eS2eW2BFeUU-00054-00024335-00024620 birth, and your name. eS2eW2BFeUU-00055-00024620-00024763 SCP-105: Okay… eS2eW2BFeUU-00056-00024763-00025214 My name is Iris Thompson, I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, on May 12th, ████. eS2eW2BFeUU-00057-00025214-00025332 Good. eS2eW2BFeUU-00058-00025332-00025635 First question, when did you become aware of your abilities? eS2eW2BFeUU-00059-00025635-00025948 I'm not sure, but I think I was either ten or eleven. eS2eW2BFeUU-00060-00025948-00026335 I remember because I was looking at a picture of the ocean, and I noticed that the waves eS2eW2BFeUU-00061-00026335-00026494 began moving. eS2eW2BFeUU-00062-00026494-00026733 How did your parents respond when you told them? eS2eW2BFeUU-00063-00026733-00026928 They just said that I had an overactive imagination. eS2eW2BFeUU-00064-00026928-00027443 When did you discover that you were able to manipulate objects through a photograph? eS2eW2BFeUU-00065-00027443-00027784 It first happened when I was… eleven, twelve, maybe? eS2eW2BFeUU-00066-00027784-00027997 My family took a trip to the Grand Canyon. eS2eW2BFeUU-00067-00027997-00028399 I looked through the photo album after we got home, and brushed my hand up against one eS2eW2BFeUU-00068-00028399-00028499 by accident. eS2eW2BFeUU-00069-00028499-00028906 When I did, I pushed a rock over the edge, falling into the canyon; I could actually eS2eW2BFeUU-00070-00028906-00029133 hear it clatter on the way down. eS2eW2BFeUU-00071-00029133-00029249 Go on. eS2eW2BFeUU-00072-00029249-00029545 I became fascinated with photography after that. eS2eW2BFeUU-00073-00029545-00029933 Most of the time, it didn't work with photographs I took, but my parents got me a Polaroid One eS2eW2BFeUU-00074-00029933-00030413 Step 600 camera — I'd been begging for them to get it since Christmas. eS2eW2BFeUU-00075-00030413-00030627 <SCP-105 starts smiling.> eS2eW2BFeUU-00076-00030627-00031007 After I got the camera, the photos got… easier to interact with. eS2eW2BFeUU-00077-00031007-00031268 This is the camera we refer to as 105-B? eS2eW2BFeUU-00078-00031268-00031381 Your personal camera. eS2eW2BFeUU-00079-00031381-00031488 Yes sir. eS2eW2BFeUU-00080-00031488-00031745 How many photos can you focus on at one time? eS2eW2BFeUU-00081-00031745-00032237 I've gotten up to ten at once with my personal camera, but I'm sure I could do more eventually. eS2eW2BFeUU-00082-00032237-00032616 What is your impression of your time with the Foundation so far? eS2eW2BFeUU-00083-00032616-00032790 <SCP-105 remains silent.> eS2eW2BFeUU-00084-00032790-00032949 Please, do answer. eS2eW2BFeUU-00085-00032949-00033083 We don't take offense at these things. eS2eW2BFeUU-00086-00033083-00033252 It's sort of like… eS2eW2BFeUU-00087-00033252-00033422 New prison, new warden. eS2eW2BFeUU-00088-00033422-00033661 But I know it's better than what could've happened to me. eS2eW2BFeUU-00089-00033661-00033940 You've been very cooperative during your time here. eS2eW2BFeUU-00090-00033940-00034149 I'm a pretty well-behaved sort of person. eS2eW2BFeUU-00091-00034149-00034349 I also like doing the experiments. eS2eW2BFeUU-00092-00034349-00034578 Some of those things with photographs I would never have thought of. eS2eW2BFeUU-00093-00034578-00034955 Do you know why I am asking you these questions, Iris? eS2eW2BFeUU-00094-00034955-00035061 No, sir. eS2eW2BFeUU-00095-00035061-00035191 We've been setting up a special program. eS2eW2BFeUU-00096-00035191-00035556 If it goes through, you'll be occasionally allowed to leave the site and move about in eS2eW2BFeUU-00097-00035556-00035706 the outside world. eS2eW2BFeUU-00098-00035706-00035931 All we ask of you in return are a few favors. eS2eW2BFeUU-00099-00035931-00036084 Are you interested? eS2eW2BFeUU-00100-00036084-00036562 Addendum 3: History of Service with Mobile Task Force Omega-7: eS2eW2BFeUU-00101-00036562-00037234 SCP-105 was the second humanoid SCP recruited to Mobile Task Force Omega-7 under the Pandora's eS2eW2BFeUU-00102-00037234-00037399 Box initiative. eS2eW2BFeUU-00103-00037399-00038066 Unlike "Team Able" (associated with SCP-076-2), which was assigned to strike and capture operations, eS2eW2BFeUU-00104-00038066-00038546 "Team Iris" had the primary mission of reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. eS2eW2BFeUU-00105-00038546-00039009 "Team Iris" carried out over twenty missions in cooperation with the Bowe Commission. eS2eW2BFeUU-00106-00039009-00039319 These missions were carried out swiftly and without incident. eS2eW2BFeUU-00107-00039319-00039797 The first disciplinary incident involving SCP-105 involved the escalation of Team Iris eS2eW2BFeUU-00108-00039797-00040062 missions from reconnaissance to wetwork. eS2eW2BFeUU-00109-00040062-00040634 SCP-105 violently opposed the use of her abilities to carry out assassinations, even after members eS2eW2BFeUU-00110-00040634-00041109 of the Bowe Commission repeatedly attempted to secure her cooperation (see Interview Log eS2eW2BFeUU-00111-00041109-00041506 105-21-6543). eS2eW2BFeUU-00112-00041506-00041975 During these events, SCP-105 became emotionally distressed and attempted to deceive Foundation eS2eW2BFeUU-00113-00041975-00042377 personnel into believing that her anomalous traits had disappeared. eS2eW2BFeUU-00114-00042377-00042844 Dr. D███████ submitted a report recommending that SCP-105 be re-classified eS2eW2BFeUU-00115-00042844-00043237 as Neutralized, undergo amnestic treatment, and be released to the public with regular eS2eW2BFeUU-00116-00043237-00043352 monitoring. eS2eW2BFeUU-00117-00043352-00043536 This recommendation was denied. eS2eW2BFeUU-00118-00043536-00044075 Following this, Dr. D███████ aided SCP-105 in a containment breach aiming eS2eW2BFeUU-00119-00044075-00044296 to escape Foundation custody. eS2eW2BFeUU-00120-00044296-00045043 This breach was unsuccessful and SCP-105 was re-contained (see Incident X45-Site-17). eS2eW2BFeUU-00121-00045043-00045497 Investigation afterwards determined that Dr. D███████ had intentionally encouraged eS2eW2BFeUU-00122-00045497-00045868 SCP-105 to claim loss of anomalous abilities. eS2eW2BFeUU-00123-00045868-00046409 SCP-105 re-demonstrated her anomalous abilities in exchange for restoration of limited privileges. eS2eW2BFeUU-00124-00046409-00047003 Following the end of the Pandora's Box Initiative, all Mobile Task Force Omega-7 teams were disbanded, eS2eW2BFeUU-00125-00047003-00047168 and SCP-105 was returned to Site-17. eS2eW2BFeUU-00126-00047168-00047880 Because of the security risk she represents and lack of current utility, SCP-105 is presently eS2eW2BFeUU-00127-00047880-00048246 not allowed access to SCP-105-B. eS2eW2BFeUU-00128-00048246-00048737 All further information regarding Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is sealed by order of the Records eS2eW2BFeUU-00129-00048737-00048981 And Information Security Administration. eS2eW2BFeUU-00130-00048981-00049344 Director ██████ ███, Records And Information Security Administration eVqxtz14TBA-00000-00000054-00000650 This is an old-fashioned way of making bread... fantastic... look here eVqxtz14TBA-00001-00001782-00002402 Loukas is a place... it's a bakery who is doing in the old-fashioned way... eVqxtz14TBA-00002-00002416-00002820 ...in a wood oven. Fantastic! eVqxtz14TBA-00003-00003608-00003952 It's the most tasty bread in neighborhood eVqxtz14TBA-00004-00004302-00004698 It's almost sold out because it's late in the morning eVqxtz14TBA-00005-00004700-00004910 Everything is made in the oven eVqxtz14TBA-00006-00005714-00005848 The old tools... eVqxtz14TBA-00007-00005918-00006142 Look here! This is what is going in the oven eVqxtz14TBA-00008-00006280-00006360 Fantastic! eVqxtz14TBA-00009-00006570-00007114 Loukas is doing delivery with the bread too - you are delivering every day right? eVqxtz14TBA-00010-00007116-00007200 >> Yes, yes! eVqxtz14TBA-00011-00007266-00007380 Perfect! eVqxtz14TBA-00012-00007414-00007608 Look here, how nice eVqxtz14TBA-00013-00008446-00008672 Loukas, how many years do you have this shop? eVqxtz14TBA-00014-00008692-00009002 >> It exist... over 100 years eVqxtz14TBA-00015-00009030-00009176 Over 100 years! eVqxtz14TBA-00016-00009176-00009580 >> It's going in generations in the family? >> Yes, yes yes eVqxtz14TBA-00017-00010014-00010694 Look, not only are they making bread here but they are making lamb and potatoes eVqxtz14TBA-00018-00010710-00010798 Look at this! eVqxtz14TBA-00019-00011270-00011628 Again Giannis... Giannis, hello! eVqxtz14TBA-00020-00011722-00012324 Street Kapetanaki... if you follow this street straight ahead... eVqxtz14TBA-00021-00012404-00013010 ...you come down to the historic center. Okay... see you! eVqxtz14TBA-00022-00014066-00014402 [Singing] I will follow you... follow you, follow you! eVqxtz14TBA-00023-00014474-00014612 Opa! Opa! eVqxtz14TBA-00024-00014832-00014958 You are looking for food... eVqxtz14TBA-00025-00015328-00015424 Ok, here we go! eYN7st_q_2Q-00000-00000000-00000184 Kobe Bryant And Shaquille O'Neal eYN7st_q_2Q-00001-00000248-00000352 On the court eYN7st_q_2Q-00002-00000352-00000624 had a perfect relationship Off the court eYN7st_q_2Q-00003-00000680-00000816 at times we bumped heads eYN7st_q_2Q-00004-00000880-00001112 one of my professors he did this thesis eYN7st_q_2Q-00005-00001112-00001280 on the Beatles and i read it eYN7st_q_2Q-00006-00001280-00001432 and i never knew that John Lennon eYN7st_q_2Q-00007-00001432-00001616 and Paul MacCartney had problems eYN7st_q_2Q-00008-00001616-00001752 They bumped heads all the time eYN7st_q_2Q-00009-00001752-00001936 But guess what? They're one of the greatest eYN7st_q_2Q-00010-00001936-00002120 acts of all time and the crazy thing eYN7st_q_2Q-00011-00002120-00002312 about it is we would only go eYN7st_q_2Q-00012-00002312-00002472 back at each other through the media eYN7st_q_2Q-00013-00002472-00002624 That's what a lot of people don't realize eYN7st_q_2Q-00014-00002624-00002800 Kobe's guy was Jim Gray eYN7st_q_2Q-00015-00002800-00003112 So he's say something to Jim and Jim would say it on TV eYN7st_q_2Q-00016-00003112-00003328 My guy was Jim Hill After we win eYN7st_q_2Q-00017-00003408-00003632 who jumps in my arm? Like a little eYN7st_q_2Q-00018-00003632-00003911 7 year older Dad went to the military eYN7st_q_2Q-00019-00003911-00004064 and he came home to surprise him eYN7st_q_2Q-00020-00004064-00004200 We always respected each other eYN7st_q_2Q-00021-00004200-00004400 When you got two alpha males going at it eYN7st_q_2Q-00022-00004400-00004520 you're not gonna always get along eYN7st_q_2Q-00023-00004520-00004712 The key word The key component eYN7st_q_2Q-00024-00004712-00004936 when you're on the team when you're in a relationship eYN7st_q_2Q-00025-00004936-00005104 when you have business partners eYN7st_q_2Q-00026-00005104-00005264 one word Respect eYN7st_q_2Q-00027-00005264-00005536 You don't have to like a person but you gotta respect him eam4eBDvwEM-00000-00000002-00000202 Microsoft - Digital Transformation eam4eBDvwEM-00001-00000202-00000256 Kanteron Systems Personalized Medicine and Precise Diagnostics Jorge Cortell eam4eBDvwEM-00002-00001304-00001504 Hello, my name is Jorge Cortell, and I'm the Founder &CEOof Kanteron Systems eam4eBDvwEM-00003-00001672-00001872 What does Kanteron Systems do? eam4eBDvwEM-00004-00002270-00002470 We make the promise of Precision Medicine and Personalized Medicine come true eam4eBDvwEM-00005-00002590-00002790 And, what is Precision Medicine and Personalized Medicine? eam4eBDvwEM-00006-00003688-00003888 It's about, combining disparate data (genomics, pharmacogenomics, medical imaging, etc) eam4eBDvwEM-00007-00004446-00004646 offering each patient the most precise diagnostic and most adequate treatment eam4eBDvwEM-00008-00005196-00005396 because, the way medicine is practiced today, is not the most precise possible eam4eBDvwEM-00009-00005646-00005846 All this started several years ago, when I was living in New York, eam4eBDvwEM-00010-00005988-00006188 and I met a woman that was a cancer patient eam4eBDvwEM-00011-00006296-00006495 She was being treated at the best cancer centers in the city (Sloan Kettering and Mount Sinai) eam4eBDvwEM-00012-00007104-00007304 and I realised that the information that the oncologist, pathologist and surgeon had, eam4eBDvwEM-00013-00007480-00007680 it was not exactly shared digital information that would flow between them eam4eBDvwEM-00014-00007950-00008150 and that was causing a lot of trouble both in the diagnosis as well as treatment suggestions eam4eBDvwEM-00015-00008382-00008582 Back then I already had a software development company eam4eBDvwEM-00016-00008614-00008814 so I told my developers to stop everything we were doing eam4eBDvwEM-00017-00008972-00009172 (it was an irrational decision from a business point of view, but very necessary) eam4eBDvwEM-00018-00009508-00009708 and we endeavor to develop all that was needed to make it happen since there was nothing like this available in the market eam4eBDvwEM-00019-00010576-00010776 We developed modules for medical imaging, genomics, pharmacogenomics, biosensors, eam4eBDvwEM-00020-00011288-00011488 and all that combined into an easy to use tool eam4eBDvwEM-00021-00011650-00011850 enables doctors to have all the data they need at the point of care eam4eBDvwEM-00022-00012082-00012282 All that data, as I mentioned eam4eBDvwEM-00023-00012590-00012790 is integrated in a single interface, but even more important: it's integrated eam4eBDvwEM-00024-00013038-00013238 in a standard, normalized and easy to use way eam4eBDvwEM-00025-00013834-00014034 and this enables the famous Precision Medicine and Personalized Medicine to come true eam4eBDvwEM-00026-00014166-00014366 Kanteron Systems operates in over 15 countries eam4eBDvwEM-00027-00014816-00015016 We have received plenty of awards, but what makes us happier, what we prefer eam4eBDvwEM-00028-00015182-00015382 to use as reference is the words of our own customers, experts, analysts, and academics eam4eBDvwEM-00029-00015908-00016108 who have used the tool, have seen how it works eam4eBDvwEM-00030-00016218-00016418 and the advantages and benefits that brings eam4eBDvwEM-00031-00016698-00016898 and therefore are the most fitting to communicate, to the rest of the world, eam4eBDvwEM-00032-00016904-00017104 its virtues eam4eBDvwEM-00033-00017310-00017510 Here are some references, but you have many more in our website eam4eBDvwEM-00034-00017620-00017820 Going back to the case I mentioned at the beginning eam4eBDvwEM-00035-00017846-00018046 with the software we developed eam4eBDvwEM-00036-00018120-00018320 in the case of this patient eam4eBDvwEM-00037-00018548-00018748 it was detected why there were incongruences in the diagnosis eam4eBDvwEM-00038-00018998-00019198 it was detected which would be the treatment that would work better eam4eBDvwEM-00039-00019612-00019812 There is nothing like seeing a loved one approaching death in order to put pressure eam4eBDvwEM-00040-00019878-00020078 and achieve quick objectives and results eam4eBDvwEM-00041-00020172-00020372 The software worked eam4eBDvwEM-00042-00020372-00020570 They figured out what was happening eam4eBDvwEM-00043-00020844-00021044 a better treatment was prescribed eam4eBDvwEM-00044-00021044-00021228 and today this patient is cancer free eam4eBDvwEM-00045-00021228-00021356 and she's actually my wife eam4eBDvwEM-00046-00021356-00021500 so everything had a happy ending eam4eBDvwEM-00047-00021776-00021976 Since then we launched this solution to the market, two years ago eam4eBDvwEM-00048-00022418-00022618 The healthcare market adopts technological innovations slower than other industries eam4eBDvwEM-00049-00022818-00023018 but luckily it has been validated in many countries eam4eBDvwEM-00050-00023238-00023438 it's being used right now with over 80 million patients eam4eBDvwEM-00051-00023748-00023948 who have been either diagnosed or treated with our solution eam4eBDvwEM-00052-00024230-00024430 and doctors from 15 countries, as I mentioned before eam4eBDvwEM-00053-00024654-00024854 can attest that it is a new way to practice medicine eam4eBDvwEM-00054-00024938-00025138 and makes their work easier eam4eBDvwEM-00055-00025456-00025656 For that Microsoft has been a particularly important partner eam4eBDvwEM-00056-00025802-00026002 we have partnered with other large technology companies, but Microsoft eam4eBDvwEM-00057-00026218-00026418 has decided to support Healthcare eam4eBDvwEM-00058-00026439-00026639 and with its cloud, Azure eam4eBDvwEM-00059-00026804-00027004 and all its technological savvy and worldwide reach eam4eBDvwEM-00060-00027282-00027482 it's making Kanteron's solution known worldwide eam4eBDvwEM-00061-00027856-00028056 Thank you very much for your time. I hope you find this solution interesting eam4eBDvwEM-00062-00028150-00028350 and that it may help many more people in the world soon. ecixRNJEw5k-00000-00000020-00000118 Quest Time! ecixRNJEw5k-00001-00000118-00000260 It's Quest Time! ecixRNJEw5k-00002-00000260-00000606 It's Aira's Vanilla Quests. ecixRNJEw5k-00003-00000606-00001011 Quest the First: Om the Noms ecixRNJEw5k-00004-00001011-00001470 Listen up, my friends, because the quests are beginning now on this, my vanilla server ecixRNJEw5k-00005-00001470-00001692 for all patrons at $1 and up. ecixRNJEw5k-00006-00001692-00002101 To get the quest, you go here, to the Quest Shack on Mooshroom Island. ecixRNJEw5k-00007-00002101-00002279 Come through the nether if you want! ecixRNJEw5k-00008-00002279-00002472 It's right by the portal. ecixRNJEw5k-00009-00002472-00002686 Inside the shack, we got the books. ecixRNJEw5k-00010-00002686-00002834 Don't take the books! ecixRNJEw5k-00011-00002834-00003258 Take the books, break the traders who are here to give you your rewards. ecixRNJEw5k-00012-00003258-00003374 Don't mess 'em up! ecixRNJEw5k-00013-00003374-00003815 If you do mess 'em up completely by accident, after you have taken a moment to wallow in ecixRNJEw5k-00014-00003815-00004332 your shame, ping me, Aira, on the Discord, so I can fix it as soon as I'm able. ecixRNJEw5k-00015-00004332-00004548 You gotta get on that Discord though! ecixRNJEw5k-00016-00004612-00004836 The instructions are here in the books. ecixRNJEw5k-00017-00004837-00004981 What do the books say? ecixRNJEw5k-00018-00004981-00005216 They say it's farming time! ecixRNJEw5k-00019-00005216-00005488 Quest one is to farm up lots of food. ecixRNJEw5k-00020-00005488-00005912 You can do it by hand if you like, but this is also a great opportunity to learn how to ecixRNJEw5k-00021-00005913-00006189 make some automatic farms using redstone. ecixRNJEw5k-00022-00006189-00006437 The more you farm, the more rewards you get. ecixRNJEw5k-00023-00006437-00006578 What kinds of rewards? ecixRNJEw5k-00024-00006578-00006786 These kinds! ecixRNJEw5k-00025-00006786-00007189 Get those resources while you can because this quest is for a limited time only. ecixRNJEw5k-00026-00007189-00007302 How limited? ecixRNJEw5k-00027-00007302-00007429 About a week! ecixRNJEw5k-00028-00007429-00007813 When there's only one day left, I'll ping everyone in the Discord so you have a fair ecixRNJEw5k-00029-00007813-00008216 warning to hurry up and get farming and trading, you silly procrastinators. ecixRNJEw5k-00030-00008266-00008670 If you're not on the server but you want in on this, don't panic! ecixRNJEw5k-00031-00008670-00008968 It's only $1 per month to get on here and have a great time. ecixRNJEw5k-00032-00008968-00009348 Go to patreon.com/itsmeairalee to sign up. ecixRNJEw5k-00033-00009348-00009500 That's enough outta me. ecixRNJEw5k-00034-00009500-00009630 Happy farming! eeDADbaX-AY-00000-00000000-00000200 អត្ថប្រយោជន៍នៃការផ្សព្វផ្សាយ efk7z-YXHV8-00000-00000092-00000162 (Peter Griffin laugh) efk7z-YXHV8-00001-00000208-00000342 Hey Lois... efk7z-YXHV8-00002-00000362-00000436 (Peter Griffin laugh) efk7z-YXHV8-00003-00000463-00000762 Look at this Lois, I'm a dinosaur efk7z-YXHV8-00004-00000790-00001003 Get a load of me Lois. efk7z-YXHV8-00005-00001094-00001256 Oh peter... (Lois Griffin voice) efk7z-YXHV8-00006-00001276-00001446 How is that possible!? efk7z-YXHV8-00007-00001470-00001655 I'm puertasaurus. efk7z-YXHV8-00008-00001698-00001896 I'm in the ISLE Lois. efk7z-YXHV8-00009-00001914-00002234 The ISLE, It's me, Peter efk7z-YXHV8-00010-00002262-00002438 I'm a Dinosaur efk7z-YXHV8-00011-00002476-00002652 (Peter Griffin laugh) efk7z-YXHV8-00012-00002736-00003732 (Peter griffin hums Jurassic Park theme) eh6NszuJOFU-00000-00000008-00000376 So Allah wants us to be conscious and moral. eh6NszuJOFU-00001-00000376-00000791 And we know that our morality can never come to fruition eh6NszuJOFU-00002-00000791-00001271 in the fullest sense of the word. Until and unless we recognize the proper role eh6NszuJOFU-00003-00001271-00001592 models. Because there is an innate nature in us eh6NszuJOFU-00004-00001592-00001943 to never be satisfied unless we reach perfection. eh6NszuJOFU-00005-00001943-00002288 We know we don't have perfection in ourselves at the moment. eh6NszuJOFU-00006-00002288-00002640 But the potential to reach perfection is within us. eh6NszuJOFU-00007-00002640-00003127 And Allah helps us to reach perfection first and foremost by sending role eh6NszuJOFU-00008-00003127-00003560 models and representatives. Who are perfect and protected by Allah eh6NszuJOFU-00009-00003560-00003976 from deviation and from wrongdoing. And their message is eh6NszuJOFU-00010-00003976-00004432 perfect. Even Iblis as we know mentions this by his own tongue when he eh6NszuJOFU-00011-00004432-00004736 says that "I will beguile all of your eh6NszuJOFU-00012-00004736-00005128 creations, mankind" eh6NszuJOFU-00013-00005271-00005760 "I will, i am going to beguile every one of them eh6NszuJOFU-00014-00005984-00006431 except those purified by you, O Allah. The ones you have protected. eh6NszuJOFU-00015-00006431-00006992 Chosen to direct mankind. Those i cannot touch. Even Iblis agrees with that. eh6NszuJOFU-00016-00006992-00007423 As you know Imam Ali (AS) is a very controversial figure. eh6NszuJOFU-00017-00007423-00007984 He's a very controversial figure. Because though within the different schools of eh6NszuJOFU-00018-00007984-00008456 thought we all agree that he is rightly guided. eh6NszuJOFU-00019-00008456-00008840 To the lovers of Ahle Bayt he is beyond that. eh6NszuJOFU-00020-00008840-00009200 To the lovers of Ahle Bayt, he is the brother of the Prophet. eh6NszuJOFU-00021-00009200-00009728 Chosen from the same branch as the Prophet says. eh6NszuJOFU-00022-00009847-00010352 "Ali and i are from one tree. We are of the same noor." eh6NszuJOFU-00023-00010352-00010720 And thus the family that revolves around the messengers eh6NszuJOFU-00024-00010720-00011032 are critical that allah even in the quran is eh6NszuJOFU-00025-00011032-00011288 he says eh6NszuJOFU-00026-00011543-00012000 "A blessed tree neither east nor west it's a blessed chosen tree." eh6NszuJOFU-00027-00012000-00012328 So when we talk about Ahle Bayt when we talk about Imam Ali. eh6NszuJOFU-00028-00012328-00012671 We're not talking about issues that we have added as eh6NszuJOFU-00029-00012671-00012975 salt and pepper and spices to make this whole scenario eh6NszuJOFU-00030-00012975-00013504 of a new school of thought. When Allah has made them extraordinary eh6NszuJOFU-00031-00013504-00013719 that even in the challenge of the christians. eh6NszuJOFU-00032-00013719-00014136 Allah has made them extraordinary. What authority do you and i have eh6NszuJOFU-00033-00014136-00014463 to make them ordinary? What authority do you and i in saying eh6NszuJOFU-00034-00014463-00014752 "It's okay they're just one of the companions" "Sure they're just one of the eh6NszuJOFU-00035-00014752-00015200 family of the prophet." "They were good but others were also good" How can we eh6NszuJOFU-00036-00015200-00015528 blur our role models by mixing the good with eh6NszuJOFU-00037-00015528-00015887 the not so good? And then claim to reach Allah. Is it eh6NszuJOFU-00038-00015887-00016256 possible? It's a command of Allah in the Quran. It eh6NszuJOFU-00039-00016256-00016687 is a command of Allah for us to focus. Because it is these role models when you eh6NszuJOFU-00040-00016687-00017208 and i focus and obey. Believe me brothers and sisters i eh6NszuJOFU-00041-00017208-00017568 say with a sincere heart. No karbala would eh6NszuJOFU-00042-00017568-00017936 have taken place. No death and treachery on earth would eh6NszuJOFU-00043-00017936-00018376 have taken place the way it is now. In fact it would have been a very rare eh6NszuJOFU-00044-00018376-00018623 occasion on earth where a person would kill someone. eh6NszuJOFU-00045-00018623-00019120 Rare. This world would have been a paradise. eh6NszuJOFU-00046-00019159-00019536 They say the children of Imam Ali (AS) were captured to the point where eh6NszuJOFU-00047-00019536-00020104 they were buried between pillars. Hajjaji bin Yusuf had a field day eh6NszuJOFU-00048-00020104-00020592 killing. Both Muawiyah and Yazid had a field eh6NszuJOFU-00049-00020592-00020976 day attacking Ahle Bayt that even Imam Hassan says eh6NszuJOFU-00050-00020976-00021359 that "I will agree to not attack you because you eh6NszuJOFU-00051-00021359-00021776 are a treacherous leader." He says the condition of the treaty eh6NszuJOFU-00052-00021776-00022112 is "Do not harm the children of Ali and his family." Why? eh6NszuJOFU-00053-00022112-00022528 Because the animosity lies there. So Imam Ali is very controversial. eh6NszuJOFU-00054-00022528-00023168 Because he is that link as we call it that guards the city of eh6NszuJOFU-00055-00023168-00023472 knowledge. That's why the prophet so eloquently eh6NszuJOFU-00056-00023472-00023687 said eh6NszuJOFU-00057-00023840-00024240 When Imam Ali (AS). When they realized that they made mistakes. eh6NszuJOFU-00058-00024240-00024856 The people went to his house after the third khalifa was tragically eh6NszuJOFU-00059-00024856-00025287 killed. People ganged up on him and killed him. eh6NszuJOFU-00060-00025287-00025744 It's a tragic scenario when anyone is killed. I don't care who it is. eh6NszuJOFU-00061-00025744-00026119 And they go to the house of Imam Ali (AS) and they said "We acknowledge. We eh6NszuJOFU-00062-00026119-00026512 acknowledge. We acknowledge." They pulled him out of his house. They eh6NszuJOFU-00063-00026512-00026847 dragged him. Literally they were so excited that you eh6NszuJOFU-00064-00026847-00027327 have to take that position that god has conferred upon you. For we eh6NszuJOFU-00065-00027327-00027624 have realized that the muslim ummah has degraded in so eh6NszuJOFU-00066-00027624-00028256 many ways. And if Imam Ali accepts that with conditions eh6NszuJOFU-00067-00028256-00028560 He said "You will obey me the way allah has commanded" eh6NszuJOFU-00068-00028560-00029168 They agreed. Sadly when he comes into power many eh6NszuJOFU-00069-00029168-00029456 forces had already taken eh6NszuJOFU-00070-00029456-00030016 their bases in deep formations. One being Muawiyah. eh6NszuJOFU-00071-00030016-00030744 Muawiyah for 30 years plus had been establishing himself and taking eh6NszuJOFU-00072-00030744-00031239 from the public treasury to build a vast empire. History a little eh6NszuJOFU-00073-00031239-00031600 bit, brothers and sisters. The byzantium empire which is Syria eh6NszuJOFU-00074-00031600-00032063 today. That empire today when it fell eh6NszuJOFU-00075-00032063-00032480 from the Christian hands to the Muslims. The first governor was Muawiyah's eh6NszuJOFU-00076-00032480-00032880 brother. Who died very shortly before. And then eh6NszuJOFU-00077-00032880-00033224 right after that as you know Muawiyah takes governorship. eh6NszuJOFU-00078-00033224-00033640 And never leaves it till his death. Never leaves that leadership. And eh6NszuJOFU-00079-00033640-00034080 remember, the people of Byzantium who were Syrians of the time had not eh6NszuJOFU-00080-00034080-00034503 seen Ahle Bayt. It was foreign to them. They eh6NszuJOFU-00081-00034503-00034856 were Christians. And many had converted to Islam either eh6NszuJOFU-00082-00034856-00035200 through trade or whatever means. But they were not eh6NszuJOFU-00083-00035200-00035631 aware of the true power of Ahle Bayt. Thus eh6NszuJOFU-00084-00035631-00036096 Muawiyah systematically kept them in the dark and created all eh6NszuJOFU-00085-00036096-00036640 kinds of false ideas against Ahle Bayt. Which culminates in eh6NszuJOFU-00086-00036640-00036912 Ashura. That after Imam Hussein (AS) is eh6NszuJOFU-00087-00036912-00037184 martyred. When Imam Zain-ul-Abideen and Zainab eh6NszuJOFU-00088-00037184-00037640 (AS) enter the city of Sham which is known as Syria. eh6NszuJOFU-00089-00037640-00037968 When they enter it, people were mocking at them. eh6NszuJOFU-00090-00037968-00038408 Mocking them that it's good God has killed you, Oh you recalcitrant people. eh6NszuJOFU-00091-00038408-00038888 Who is this? Who are disobeying the caliph of the time? eh6NszuJOFU-00092-00038888-00039336 Not realizing that the ones that they killed, were the blood eh6NszuJOFU-00093-00039336-00039752 of the Prophet himself. Not realizing that. And that is why the power of the eh6NszuJOFU-00094-00039752-00040247 revolution of Karbala was so strong. That when Imam Zain ul Abideen enters the city eh6NszuJOFU-00095-00040247-00040519 of Sham. And Imam Zain ul Abideen climbs the eh6NszuJOFU-00096-00040519-00040840 pulpit for the first time. He addresses himself eh6NszuJOFU-00097-00040840-00041231 as to who he really is. The people of Syria begin to realize eh6NszuJOFU-00098-00041231-00041696 what a mistake they have made. Understand. This was Muawiyah. eh6NszuJOFU-00099-00041696-00042103 Tonight we commemorate the Shahada of Imam Ali (AS) on these grounds. eh6NszuJOFU-00100-00042103-00042472 On the grounds of hikma. On the grounds of justice. eh6NszuJOFU-00101-00042472-00042919 That while he is the khalifah, when somebody, a christian man, takes his eh6NszuJOFU-00102-00042919-00043447 shield. Imam doesn't taunt him and say "I am the khalifa, you have stolen my shield. eh6NszuJOFU-00103-00043447-00043831 Give it back to me and i will behead you." No. He goes into court eh6NszuJOFU-00104-00043831-00044175 and the judge addresses the christian man by his first name. eh6NszuJOFU-00105-00044175-00044759 And then he calls Imam Ali, by his title. Higher status. And imam is annoyed and eh6NszuJOFU-00106-00044759-00045072 the judge says you're already annoyed. He said how dare you have given me a eh6NszuJOFU-00107-00045072-00045296 higher status before you have passed the judgment. eh6NszuJOFU-00108-00045296-00045759 Before you have heard the arguments. How did you confer upon me greater status? eh6NszuJOFU-00109-00045759-00046072 Will you find just people like this in the world today> That the minute we get a eh6NszuJOFU-00110-00046072-00046391 little authority we want to abuse it. You think Imam Ali eh6NszuJOFU-00111-00046391-00046624 (AS) can be compared on this Earth like this? eh6NszuJOFU-00112-00046624-00047200 That's why Allah says that when he goes to the masjid eh6NszuJOFU-00113-00047200-00047624 and he becomes shaheed. That stroke should strike our hearts. eh6NszuJOFU-00114-00047624-00047975 That i need this man as my role model. For if i'm ever going to come to his eh6NszuJOFU-00115-00047975-00048344 perfection. To the love of the prophet. Because he is my reflector of the eh6NszuJOFU-00116-00048344-00048656 prophet. As the prophet saying eh6NszuJOFU-00117-00048808-00049119 by the sun and its brilliance and the moon which follows it. eh6NszuJOFU-00118-00049119-00049487 He says "I am that sun and the moon that follows me is Ali" eh6NszuJOFU-00119-00049487-00049896 "And the remaining 11 imams who will reflect me when I am not there" eh6NszuJOFU-00120-00049896-00050287 What a personality. I've had personalities who say when they go to eh6NszuJOFU-00121-00050287-00050631 his haram. There's an energy there that's second to eh6NszuJOFU-00122-00050631-00051080 none other than the Prophets. Really tonight we must reflect on him. eh6NszuJOFU-00123-00051080-00051488 Not only as a personality. But as a person to say what can i do to eh6NszuJOFU-00124-00051488-00051879 bring unity in my community? What can i do to be a good father? What eh6NszuJOFU-00125-00051879-00052200 can i be? What can i do to be a good brother and a sister? eh6NszuJOFU-00126-00052200-00052760 Allah says maintain unity. I'll give you a quick story before i end. eh6NszuJOFU-00127-00052760-00053320 When Imam Ali was taken. A man of the Jewish faith comes to him eh6NszuJOFU-00128-00053320-00053760 and says to him that "You see the prophet just died and eh6NszuJOFU-00129-00053760-00054295 you guys are already disputing about the authority" eh6NszuJOFU-00130-00054408-00055151 So he starts taunting Imam Ali. Now if he was not a wise man, he would have eh6NszuJOFU-00131-00055151-00055520 taken advantage of that and said "Yeah you know these guys have done an eh6NszuJOFU-00132-00055520-00055727 injustice to me" Because we are also willing eh6NszuJOFU-00133-00055727-00056032 to complain to anybody when our rights are taken. eh6NszuJOFU-00134-00056032-00056288 Look at imam. eh6NszuJOFU-00135-00056424-00056944 That he has nothing but trust to Allah. And look how he replies as a lesson for eh6NszuJOFU-00136-00056944-00057327 you and me. That as Muslims in this society do not eh6NszuJOFU-00137-00057327-00057639 allow sunni shia differences to divide us. eh6NszuJOFU-00138-00057639-00057983 Please. Never. When i see my brothers of eh6NszuJOFU-00139-00057983-00058279 different schools of thought, i see them nothing but as my muslim eh6NszuJOFU-00140-00058279-00058560 brothers. What does Imam Ali replied to this jewish man? eh6NszuJOFU-00141-00058560-00058936 He says to him "Your forefathers when they were freed eh6NszuJOFU-00142-00058936-00059424 from egypt and your leader Moses went up to the mountain. eh6NszuJOFU-00143-00059424-00059848 Their feet had not even dried of the salt water and they were already eh6NszuJOFU-00144-00059848-00060360 worshiping an idol. We Muslims have not gone there. eh6NszuJOFU-00145-00060360-00060688 We're united in the Kaaba. We're united in God. eh6NszuJOFU-00146-00060688-00061032 We're united in the Prophet. We're united in the Quran." eh6NszuJOFU-00147-00061032-00061495 We must unite as a muslim ummah and on a larger scale with our christian and eh6NszuJOFU-00148-00061495-00061895 jewish brethren. We must. And SubhanAllah even in these eh6NszuJOFU-00149-00061895-00062304 communities - there are christian pastors and priests eh6NszuJOFU-00150-00062304-00062720 who help the Muslims. And there are rabbis eh6NszuJOFU-00151-00062720-00063072 who support the cause of the muslims. Just like the muslims who support the eh6NszuJOFU-00152-00063072-00063520 cause of the christians and the jews. We come together. We understand our eh6NszuJOFU-00153-00063520-00063912 differences. But we understand our differences eh6NszuJOFU-00154-00063912-00064295 and we understand our goals in life is to maintain unity eh6NszuJOFU-00155-00064295-00064639 for the love of Allah. So these discussions eh6NszuJOFU-00156-00064639-00064944 is for this reason. And tonight when we commemorate eh6NszuJOFU-00157-00064944-00065712 his tragic sacrifice for the cause of Allah. This should be eh6NszuJOFU-00158-00065712-00066224 the lesson of our lives. For Imam Ali went to the altar of death eh6NszuJOFU-00159-00066224-00066760 in sujood in a masjid to teach us a lesson. And if we don't eh6NszuJOFU-00160-00066760-00067151 follow this lesson. Then our love for Imam Ali (AS) is out eh6NszuJOFU-00161-00067151-00067456 of focus. And it won't bring us benefit. It will eh6NszuJOFU-00162-00067456-00068183 harm us. It will harm us for sure. ehFProfTY_0-00000-00000000-00001203 *FREE* chief keef x shawn ferrari type beat - "glogang" ej578Q6cmmc-00000-00000010-00000180 LAKELAND NEWS WILL PREVENT ej578Q6cmmc-00001-00000180-00000186 LAKELAND NEWS WILL PREVENT ej578Q6cmmc-00002-00000186-00000487 LAKELAND NEWS WILL PREVENT CLUE NUMBER 3 TOMORROW NIGHT. ej578Q6cmmc-00003-00000487-00000493 LAKELAND NEWS WILL PREVENT CLUE NUMBER 3 TOMORROW NIGHT. ej578Q6cmmc-00004-00000493-00000640 LAKELAND NEWS WILL PREVENT CLUE NUMBER 3 TOMORROW NIGHT. JUNE IS LAKELAND WILDLIFE ej578Q6cmmc-00005-00000640-00000647 CLUE NUMBER 3 TOMORROW NIGHT. JUNE IS LAKELAND WILDLIFE ej578Q6cmmc-00006-00000647-00000734 CLUE NUMBER 3 TOMORROW NIGHT. JUNE IS LAKELAND WILDLIFE APPRECIATION MONTH. ej578Q6cmmc-00007-00000734-00000740 JUNE IS LAKELAND WILDLIFE APPRECIATION MONTH. ej578Q6cmmc-00008-00000740-00000997 JUNE IS LAKELAND WILDLIFE APPRECIATION MONTH. EACH WEEK NIGHT IN JUNE WE ARE ej578Q6cmmc-00009-00000997-00001004 APPRECIATION MONTH. EACH WEEK NIGHT IN JUNE WE ARE ej578Q6cmmc-00010-00001004-00001307 APPRECIATION MONTH. EACH WEEK NIGHT IN JUNE WE ARE FEATURING ONE WILDLIFE ej578Q6cmmc-00011-00001307-00001314 EACH WEEK NIGHT IN JUNE WE ARE FEATURING ONE WILDLIFE ej578Q6cmmc-00012-00001314-00001347 EACH WEEK NIGHT IN JUNE WE ARE FEATURING ONE WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPH. ej578Q6cmmc-00013-00001347-00001354 FEATURING ONE WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPH. ej578Q6cmmc-00014-00001354-00001421 FEATURING ONE WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPH. OUR PHOTOS AND INFORMATION ARE ej578Q6cmmc-00015-00001421-00001428 PHOTOGRAPH. OUR PHOTOS AND INFORMATION ARE ej578Q6cmmc-00016-00001428-00001735 PHOTOGRAPH. OUR PHOTOS AND INFORMATION ARE BEING PROVIDED BY AWARD WINNING ej578Q6cmmc-00017-00001735-00001741 OUR PHOTOS AND INFORMATION ARE BEING PROVIDED BY AWARD WINNING ej578Q6cmmc-00018-00001741-00002042 OUR PHOTOS AND INFORMATION ARE BEING PROVIDED BY AWARD WINNING FORECAST TO ATTRACT BIRDS TO ej578Q6cmmc-00019-00002042-00002048 BEING PROVIDED BY AWARD WINNING FORECAST TO ATTRACT BIRDS TO ej578Q6cmmc-00020-00002048-00002185 BEING PROVIDED BY AWARD WINNING FORECAST TO ATTRACT BIRDS TO YOUR YARD. ej578Q6cmmc-00021-00002185-00002192 FORECAST TO ATTRACT BIRDS TO YOUR YARD. ej578Q6cmmc-00022-00002192-00002609 FORECAST TO ATTRACT BIRDS TO YOUR YARD. MOUNTAIN ASH AND FLOWERING CRAB ej578Q6cmmc-00023-00002609-00002615 YOUR YARD. MOUNTAIN ASH AND FLOWERING CRAB ej578Q6cmmc-00024-00002615-00002799 YOUR YARD. MOUNTAIN ASH AND FLOWERING CRAB APPLE TREES. ekr_r_m1mKy-00000-00000003-00000714 I'm going insane oh no shit Keegan we ekr_r_m1mKy-00001-00000404-00001001 can read I didn't know if the rest of ekr_r_m1mKy-00002-00000714-00001442 you had it or not okay you look the ekr_r_m1mKy-00003-00001001-00001575 funny part is I said starting client to ekr_r_m1mKy-00004-00001442-00001773 kick you ekr_r_m1mKy-00005-00001575-00002913 alright men I'm back in our house Wow ekr_r_m1mKy-00006-00001773-00003117 look at this bulb chop down some wood ekr_r_m1mKy-00007-00002913-00003340 hey Brian I can't cut down this tree for ekr_r_m1mKy-00008-00003117-00003686 some reason because there is no tree ekr_r_m1mKy-00009-00003340-00003954 what guys I'm going insane I'm literally ekr_r_m1mKy-00010-00003686-00004671 I'M GOING INSANE yeah please tell me there's ekr_r_m1mKy-00011-00003954-00004920 a tree front of me right here hanging on ekr_r_m1mKy-00012-00004671-00004971 by the environment I have I'm dying ekr_r_m1mKy-00013-00004920-00005678 right now ekr_r_m1mKy-00014-00004971-00006401 there you go and nice and toasty oh shit ekr_r_m1mKy-00015-00005678-00006654 Brian oh my god this is bad where's the ekr_r_m1mKy-00016-00006401-00006779 water fire oh no I can't make it I'm ekr_r_m1mKy-00017-00006654-00006927 gonna die ekr_r_m1mKy-00018-00006779-00007113 I just want to tell you before I died ekr_r_m1mKy-00019-00006927-00007295 that I love you and that no matter what ekr_r_m1mKy-00020-00007113-00007511 happens I'll always make you to talk to ekr_r_m1mKy-00021-00007295-00007679 me when we find him I mean when you find ekr_r_m1mKy-00022-00007511-00008045 it felt to me that you don't save me ekr_r_m1mKy-00023-00007679-00008307 that oh shit not fine oh fuck Timmy ekr_r_m1mKy-00024-00008045-00009285 yeah ya know what I was talking about ekr_r_m1mKy-00025-00008307-00009500 there I love lizard flesh I'm not eating ekr_r_m1mKy-00026-00009285-00009825 all are me that he hasn't even tried to ekr_r_m1mKy-00027-00009500-00010293 cook just me I'm trying that's why I got ekr_r_m1mKy-00028-00009825-00010697 caught fire what you don't cook yourself ekr_r_m1mKy-00029-00010293-00010697 I go I get thank you ekr_r_m1mKy-00030-00010729-00011611 all right down the trees I'm a man sing ekr_r_m1mKy-00031-00011299-00012190 Christmas songs in the middle of July I ekr_r_m1mKy-00032-00011611-00012349 don't need no man oh fuck you singing a ekr_r_m1mKy-00033-00012190-00013540 song Roger Roger ekr_r_m1mKy-00034-00012349-00013807 this is Jonathan my son left me no I'm ekr_r_m1mKy-00035-00013540-00015112 just I'm I'm required by the state to ekr_r_m1mKy-00036-00013807-00015253 touch children guys pull up your Timmy ekr_r_m1mKy-00037-00015112-00015603 photo tell me if it's the most ekr_r_m1mKy-00038-00015253-00015603 horrifying thing you've seen all day oh ekr_r_m1mKy-00039-00015702-00016156 it looks like you just took so many ekr_r_m1mKy-00040-00015940-00016585 gallons of LSD straight through the nose ekr_r_m1mKy-00041-00016156-00016845 yeah I don't have it Timmy oh I guess ekr_r_m1mKy-00042-00016585-00016999 you don't have a son fuck you you know ekr_r_m1mKy-00043-00016845-00017245 how long that little shits been on my ekr_r_m1mKy-00044-00016999-00017635 side I want to get rid of him all this ekr_r_m1mKy-00045-00017245-00018166 time this plane crash i hi dr. Boyd ekr_r_m1mKy-00046-00017635-00018307 connects you to a real one I get a ekr_r_m1mKy-00047-00018166-00018535 little lonely here with that you know ekr_r_m1mKy-00048-00018307-00018853 Timmy Brian you know I don't know if ekr_r_m1mKy-00049-00018535-00019326 he's up for it at all you know I'd some ekr_r_m1mKy-00050-00018853-00019633 company but yeah IQ thing sorted ekr_r_m1mKy-00051-00019326-00019780 okay yeah that'd be great ekr_r_m1mKy-00052-00019633-00020143 we gotta make the house look nice before ekr_r_m1mKy-00053-00019780-00020533 MTV comes you know you don't even want ekr_r_m1mKy-00054-00020143-00020901 MIT then what are you saying you didn't ekr_r_m1mKy-00055-00020533-00021157 complete a single sentence day yo guys ekr_r_m1mKy-00056-00020901-00021436 we got guests oh do we go - hey guys ekr_r_m1mKy-00057-00021157-00021667 Oh cheeping yeah hurry up it's like when ekr_r_m1mKy-00058-00021436-00022029 I say guess I mean I mean we got shit ekr_r_m1mKy-00059-00021667-00022371 out of gas hey hey hey keep it down okay ekr_r_m1mKy-00060-00022029-00022477 the drinks are not for you ekr_r_m1mKy-00061-00022371-00023558 you elbEuDUBsAQ-00000-00000435-00000742 Jennifer Borgioli: Hello and welcome to the AskHistorians Digital Conference session elbEuDUBsAQ-00001-00000768-00001177 I Make The Governor Call Me Governor: Rewriting The History of Women's Agency elbEuDUBsAQ-00002-00001228-00001612 my name is Jennifer Borgioli Binis and I am EdHistory101 on AskHistorians elbEuDUBsAQ-00003-00001715-00001996 I'm a freelance editor and fact checker for academic and education authors elbEuDUBsAQ-00004-00002124-00002355 and I'm absolutely thrilled and delighted elbEuDUBsAQ-00005-00002406-00002585 To chair this panel with these brilliant historians elbEuDUBsAQ-00006-00002662-00003119 Our panel explores women's agency by looking at three different groups of women elbEuDUBsAQ-00007-00003123-00003456 Our talk and the Roundtable discussion will get into themes like motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00008-00003481-00003686 the nature of power, who has it, who's denied at elbEuDUBsAQ-00009-00003737-00003840 and historiography of women's history elbEuDUBsAQ-00010-00003993-00004147 before we start the session however elbEuDUBsAQ-00011-00004172-00004395 we'd like to acknowledge that the AskHistorians Digital Conference elbEuDUBsAQ-00012-00004403-00004779 is taking place on the ancestral, unceded, elbEuDUBsAQ-00013-00004787-00004966 and treaty territories of many indigeneous peoples elbEuDUBsAQ-00014-00004992-00005299 who have stewarded this land since time immemorial elbEuDUBsAQ-00015-00005401-00005734 we offer our gratitude to these peoples and recognize that colonial nations elbEuDUBsAQ-00016-00005785-00006195 continue to benefit from the brutality that enabled the original settler colonizers elbEuDUBsAQ-00017-00006272-00006323 to seize these lands elbEuDUBsAQ-00018-00006400-00006629 the AHDC organizers acknowledge both the land upon elbEuDUBsAQ-00019-00006631-00006860 which we are virtually hosting this conference elbEuDUBsAQ-00020-00006886-00007040 and the deep-rooted and long-lasting elbEuDUBsAQ-00021-00007065-00007295 harms caused by white imperialism and settler colonialism elbEuDUBsAQ-00022-00007398-00007771 we invite you to read our full land acknowledgment in our video description below elbEuDUBsAQ-00023-00007859-00008053 we'll be starting our panel with Chelsea elbEuDUBsAQ-00024-00008055-00008294 Hartlen, known as MoragLarsson on AskHistorians elbEuDUBsAQ-00025-00008345-00008499 she will soon be defending her dissertation elbEuDUBsAQ-00026-00008524-00008627 from the University of Guelph elbEuDUBsAQ-00027-00008704-00009012 her research addresses Scotland's judiciary court elbEuDUBsAQ-00028-00009015-00009314 as a social, legal, and bureaucratic institutition elbEuDUBsAQ-00029-00009315-00009432 during the first half of the 16th century and elbEuDUBsAQ-00030-00009434-00009750 explores questions about violence versus violation elbEuDUBsAQ-00031-00009753-00010086 including how gender and status figured into the perpetration and prosecution elbEuDUBsAQ-00032-00010137-00010188 of homicide elbEuDUBsAQ-00033-00010214-00010316 And nearly. elbEuDUBsAQ-00034-00010393-00010521 her most recent publication is elbEuDUBsAQ-00035-00010547-00011110 Catching Fire: Arson, Rough Justice and Gender in Scotland 1493-1542 elbEuDUBsAQ-00036-00011187-00011238 and the book elbEuDUBsAQ-00037-00011264-00011591 Crossing Borders: Boundaries and Margins in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain elbEuDUBsAQ-00038-00011596-00011724 published by Brill elbEuDUBsAQ-00039-00011776-00011955 Chelsea will be talking about her paper elbEuDUBsAQ-00040-00012006-00012469 Standing their Ground: Women and warfare in the Anglo-Scottish Borders elbEuDUBsAQ-00041-00012492-00012774 Chelsea Hartlen: In both academic and popular representations elbEuDUBsAQ-00042-00012825-00013131 the Scottish border region of the late medieval and early modern periods elbEuDUBsAQ-00043-00013134-00013516 has been cast as a violent, lawless and masculine area elbEuDUBsAQ-00044-00013568-00014028 in recent decades the culture of violence and conflict has become better understood elbEuDUBsAQ-00045-00014054-00014321 with historians like Jackson Armstrong advancing elbEuDUBsAQ-00046-00014324-00014643 strong arguments about the positive organizational role elbEuDUBsAQ-00047-00014668-00014924 that raiding and feuding played in regulating social, elbEuDUBsAQ-00048-00014950-00015129 cultural and economic relationships elbEuDUBsAQ-00049-00015232-00015411 the first of these - cattle raiding - elbEuDUBsAQ-00050-00015436-00015667 formed an integral part of the border economy elbEuDUBsAQ-00051-00015692-00016000 otherwise known as stouthreif, plundering or hereship elbEuDUBsAQ-00052-00016025-00016256 this is not the most feminine sounding pastime elbEuDUBsAQ-00053-00016281-00016472 but my co-panelist Julia Stryker might have some elbEuDUBsAQ-00054-00016474-00016665 thoughts about that where the high seas are concerned elbEuDUBsAQ-00055-00016742-00016994 indeed Scottish historians like Maureen Meikle and elbEuDUBsAQ-00056-00016996-00017280 Jackson Armstrong have established that women raiders elbEuDUBsAQ-00057-00017305-00017459 were not really a thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00058-00017484-00017780 as well as unearthing evidence of tacit agreements between elbEuDUBsAQ-00059-00017783-00018073 cross-border raiders to leave women and children alone elbEuDUBsAQ-00060-00018150-00018456 although women certainly played a role in concealing and elbEuDUBsAQ-00061-00018458-00018764 selling stolen goods we have yet to find examples of women elbEuDUBsAQ-00062-00018790-00018995 rounding up and stealing cattle themselves elbEuDUBsAQ-00063-00019046-00019404 in terms of feuding in the Borders and elsewhere in Scotland elbEuDUBsAQ-00064-00019430-00019659 this sort of conflict was typically instigated elbEuDUBsAQ-00065-00019662-00019891 by members of the nobility and landed elite elbEuDUBsAQ-00066-00019916-00020377 hashing out their differences and seeking vengeance for past wrongs through mostly elbEuDUBsAQ-00067-00020403-00020710 legitimate expressions of strength, honor and authority elbEuDUBsAQ-00068-00020812-00021120 these conflicts drew in lots of untitled, unlanded tenants, elbEuDUBsAQ-00069-00021145-00021555 but the one constant is that this dynamic is traditionally quite masculine elbEuDUBsAQ-00070-00021632-00021913 when historians go looking for women in this context elbEuDUBsAQ-00071-00021939-00022342 we typically find them showing up as mourners or brides in marriage settlements elbEuDUBsAQ-00072-00022348-00022553 however if that was the extent of their involvement elbEuDUBsAQ-00073-00022579-00022777 I wouldn't be giving this talk today elbEuDUBsAQ-00074-00022809-00022958 The title of this paper is elbEuDUBsAQ-00075-00022971-00023310 Standing their Ground: Women and Warfare in the Anglo-Scottish Borders elbEuDUBsAQ-00076-00023321-00023586 in the sixteenth-century records of Scotland's elbEuDUBsAQ-00077-00023599-00023894 justiciary court - the highest criminal jurisdiction at this time elbEuDUBsAQ-00078-00023910-00024152 there are glimpses into the ways that some women elbEuDUBsAQ-00079-00024154-00024448 engaged in forms of violence typically reserved for men elbEuDUBsAQ-00080-00024499-00024755 there are three things that all of these women have in common elbEuDUBsAQ-00081-00024780-00025011 first, they're almost always noblewomen elbEuDUBsAQ-00082-00025036-00025369 second, they attack people of the same or similar status elbEuDUBsAQ-00083-00025420-00025804 third, they overwhelmingly command violence rather than committing it elbEuDUBsAQ-00084-00025907-00026342 in terms of status most of the women were invested with authority in their own right elbEuDUBsAQ-00085-00026367-00026720 while others obtained their status from their husbands or broader kin relations elbEuDUBsAQ-00086-00026803-00027084 Some women like Margaret Hume, prioress of North Berwick, elbEuDUBsAQ-00087-00027110-00027468 were responsible for maintaining and defending ecclesiastical lands elbEuDUBsAQ-00088-00027519-00028031 her 1549 invasion and oppression of lands belonging to Alexander Oliphant of Kelly elbEuDUBsAQ-00089-00028057-00028185 with the intent to kill him elbEuDUBsAQ-00090-00028211-00028390 suggests territorial disputes elbEuDUBsAQ-00091-00028415-00028721 Others like Barbara Hume, wife of Alexander Lauder, had strong elbEuDUBsAQ-00092-00028724-00029030 ties to powerful kin through their natal and marital families elbEuDUBsAQ-00093-00029107-00029399 Barbara and the 21 other panels accused of the cruel slaughter of elbEuDUBsAQ-00094-00029401-00029798 William Guthrie of Kingany appear to have been under the protection of the Semples elbEuDUBsAQ-00095-00029823-00030078 who were a rather powerful family not so much in the elbEuDUBsAQ-00096-00030081-00030335 Border regions but a little further north in Perth elbEuDUBsAQ-00097-00030412-00030668 the victims of these women were of similar status elbEuDUBsAQ-00098-00030694-00031001 but in cases where the victims were not noble or landed individual elbEuDUBsAQ-00099-00031027-00031359 it was probably the case that the ambushes, assaults, and invasions elbEuDUBsAQ-00100-00031385-00031667 were meant to send a message to someone higher up on the social ladder elbEuDUBsAQ-00101-00031718-00032011 in 1536 Elizabeth Martin, Lady Fast Castle, was elbEuDUBsAQ-00102-00032013-00032307 accused of the housebreaking, slaughter, and arson elbEuDUBsAQ-00103-00032332-00032817 committed against the ostensibly untitled and unlanded James, Peter, and William Bisset elbEuDUBsAQ-00104-00032819-00032945 in another case elbEuDUBsAQ-00105-00032947-00033270 Dame Mariota Montgomery, Lady Semple, was was found guilty of sanctioning elbEuDUBsAQ-00106-00033273-00033561 her servants to commit the slaughter, wounding, mutilation elbEuDUBsAQ-00107-00033587-00033740 and imprisoning of several men elbEuDUBsAQ-00108-00033766-00034022 none of whom appear to have been titled or landed individuals elbEuDUBsAQ-00109-00034073-00034227 without more information elbEuDUBsAQ-00110-00034252-00034559 it's not clear whether these attacks were related to noble conflicts elbEuDUBsAQ-00111-00034585-00034969 but it is a relatively safe guess that the victims were casualties of their kin elbEuDUBsAQ-00112-00034995-00035276 or tenant affiliations with the targets of these women's violence elbEuDUBsAQ-00113-00035353-00035736 so given the extent of the damage, ambushes, invasions elbEuDUBsAQ-00114-00035738-00036044 slaughter, wounding, mutilation and taking prisoners elbEuDUBsAQ-00115-00036095-00036377 we would expect these women to suffer some serious consequences, yes? elbEuDUBsAQ-00116-00036479-00036723 we know from scholars like Garthine Walker and elbEuDUBsAQ-00117-00036725-00037017 Alexander Shephard that violence was coded into early elbEuDUBsAQ-00118-00037043-00037299 modern masculinity in a way that it was not for women elbEuDUBsAQ-00119-00037375-00037579 violence was one way of demonstrating manliness elbEuDUBsAQ-00120-00037581-00037785 as embodied in physical strength and prowess elbEuDUBsAQ-00121-00037862-00038220 in Scotland these imperatives contributed to a complex relationship elbEuDUBsAQ-00122-00038246-00038705 between lethal violence, justice and masculinity wherein society expected that elbEuDUBsAQ-00123-00038708-00039186 conflicts between men would eventually erupt into violence if left unchecked elbEuDUBsAQ-00124-00039194-00039527 thus, when women did commit violent physical assault or homicide elbEuDUBsAQ-00125-00039603-00039935 there were fewer interpretations available to those charged with punishing them elbEuDUBsAQ-00126-00039961-00040396 in part because it was just not as easy to justify or mitigate the violence of women elbEuDUBsAQ-00127-00040422-00040715 who were cast as either unnatural abominations elbEuDUBsAQ-00128-00040717-00041011 or the unfortunate pawns of manipulative men elbEuDUBsAQ-00129-00041062-00041406 accordingly, several factors affected the likelihood that a elbEuDUBsAQ-00130-00041409-00041702 man or woman would be convicted by the justiciary court elbEuDUBsAQ-00131-00041727-00042060 in the first place, women could not be convicted of crimes they did not commit elbEuDUBsAQ-00132-00042111-00042417 in Scotland women were less likely to take part in the warlike elbEuDUBsAQ-00133-00042420-00042828 scenarios that led to property offences which were more easily 'repaired' elbEuDUBsAQ-00134-00042854-00043212 by compensating the victims compared to making amends for loss of life elbEuDUBsAQ-00135-00043263-00043569 while men were often accused of homicide or greivious assaults elbEuDUBsAQ-00136-00043572-00043878 in addition to arson, stouthreif, hereship, theft, and other offences, elbEuDUBsAQ-00137-00043903-00044236 women were only rarely accused of more than a few offenses elbEuDUBsAQ-00138-00044262-00044543 slaughter, wounding, or forethought felony and oppression elbEuDUBsAQ-00139-00044620-00044851 in one or two rare circumstances elbEuDUBsAQ-00140-00044876-00045235 a noblewoman was held to account for instigating her vassals and tenants elbEuDUBsAQ-00141-00045260-00045593 to commit warlike violence, but these are exceptional instances elbEuDUBsAQ-00142-00045644-00045977 women rarely committed homicide or near lethal assault in large groups elbEuDUBsAQ-00143-00046054-00046310 furthermore and this is perhaps the most important factor elbEuDUBsAQ-00144-00046335-00046643 they tended not to upset or undermine social hierarchies elbEuDUBsAQ-00145-00046668-00046924 by assaulting or killing those above their own social rank elbEuDUBsAQ-00146-00046975-00047385 it seems that women of higher social standing received different sentences elbEuDUBsAQ-00147-00047411-00047641 than those further down the social hierarchy elbEuDUBsAQ-00148-00047667-00047948 potentially due to their ability to pay their way out of trouble elbEuDUBsAQ-00149-00047974-00048193 but for those few titled women who instigated elbEuDUBsAQ-00150-00048195-00048409 others to commit violence on their behalf elbEuDUBsAQ-00151-00048435-00048639 the court may also have interpreted their actions elbEuDUBsAQ-00152-00048665-00048947 in the context of loyal servants or tenants elbEuDUBsAQ-00153-00048972-00049227 obeying the orders of a noblewoman engaged in elbEuDUBsAQ-00154-00049229-00049484 the legitimate expression of authority or violence elbEuDUBsAQ-00155-00049587-00049894 so back to Margaret, Barbara, Elizabeth and Mariota elbEuDUBsAQ-00156-00049919-00050278 none of these women suffered capital punishment rather all were fined elbEuDUBsAQ-00157-00050303-00050713 made to pay compensation, or pardon for their roles in these altercations elbEuDUBsAQ-00158-00050739-00050995 but why? Because they weren't unnatural elbEuDUBsAQ-00159-00051020-00051404 nor were they submissive wives drawn into a life of crime by unsavory husbands elbEuDUBsAQ-00160-00051455-00051711 they were acting well within their social and political roles elbEuDUBsAQ-00161-00051788-00052034 in this period, homicide and near-lethal assaults elbEuDUBsAQ-00162-00052037-00052326 were acts of violence but not always violations elbEuDUBsAQ-00163-00052403-00052787 that the boundary between violence and violation was so complex and tenuous elbEuDUBsAQ-00164-00052812-00053145 is in part due to the ability of violent acts to both reinforce elbEuDUBsAQ-00165-00053171-00053401 and undermine the patriarchal hierarchy elbEuDUBsAQ-00166-00053427-00053606 that organized society in this period elbEuDUBsAQ-00167-00053657-00053964 underlying these factors and further informing elbEuDUBsAQ-00168-00053990-00054348 their relevance where the intersecting constructs of gender and status elbEuDUBsAQ-00169-00054425-00054681 From the initial experience of shame and insult elbEuDUBsAQ-00170-00054732-00055065 to the perpetration of an attack all the way through to sentencing elbEuDUBsAQ-00171-00055091-00055551 identity and associated social norms informed when, why, and how elbEuDUBsAQ-00172-00055577-00055705 men and women committed violence elbEuDUBsAQ-00173-00055756-00056115 whether communities perceived these actions as legitimate or illegitimate elbEuDUBsAQ-00174-00056140-00056422 and how accordingly, the court handled the case elbEuDUBsAQ-00175-00056499-00056954 in the sixteenth century the court was increasingly taking an interest in excessive elbEuDUBsAQ-00176-00056959-00057062 and warlike violence elbEuDUBsAQ-00177-00057113-00057497 identity played a key role in deciding what constituted violence elbEuDUBsAQ-00178-00057523-00057676 and what constituted a violation elbEuDUBsAQ-00179-00057727-00058123 Ultimately, the line that divided violence from violation elbEuDUBsAQ-00180-00058125-00058367 was different from men than it was for women elbEuDUBsAQ-00181-00058419-00058879 and women found themselves in situations requiring violent defense or retaliation elbEuDUBsAQ-00182-00058905-00059083 far less often than did men elbEuDUBsAQ-00183-00059084-00059340 although it has been widely acknowledged that violence played elbEuDUBsAQ-00184-00059366-00059596 key role in the maintenance of order and social hierarchy elbEuDUBsAQ-00185-00059673-00059847 men and women did not have equal access elbEuDUBsAQ-00186-00059852-00060006 to the uses of violence in this period elbEuDUBsAQ-00187-00060057-00060339 well titled and landed men were often in a position to enforce elbEuDUBsAQ-00188-00060364-00060646 boundaries with violence, through judicial raids, elbEuDUBsAQ-00189-00060671-00061030 or by exercising curial rights afforded to them by the crown elbEuDUBsAQ-00190-00061055-00061504 women were far less often directly involved in violence as a form of social control elbEuDUBsAQ-00191-00061516-00061825 the men charged with keeping order in the localities were steeped elbEuDUBsAQ-00192-00061827-00062201 in a culture of chivalric citizenship that had evolved from medieval notions elbEuDUBsAQ-00193-00062233-00062497 of chivalric masculinity to blend with early modern elbEuDUBsAQ-00194-00062509-00062822 of citizenship and protection of the commonweal elbEuDUBsAQ-00195-00062873-00063136 In this way the connection between masculinity elbEuDUBsAQ-00196-00063138-00063436 honor and righteous violence persisted and infused elbEuDUBsAQ-00197-00063462-00063692 sixteenth century political and personal relationships elbEuDUBsAQ-00198-00063718-00063948 between Scotland's greater and lesser magnates elbEuDUBsAQ-00199-00064051-00064435 this was a key factor in the survival and utility of the feud throughout this period elbEuDUBsAQ-00200-00064486-00064793 when the honor and authority of male landholders came under attack elbEuDUBsAQ-00201-00064819-00065023 it was expected that they would retaliate elbEuDUBsAQ-00202-00065049-00065433 but the overlapping concepts of honor, violence, and citizenship elbEuDUBsAQ-00203-00065459-00065715 were not presumably enmeshed in the femininity elbEuDUBsAQ-00204-00065740-00065945 or the responsibilities of women in the same way elbEuDUBsAQ-00205-00065996-00066380 nevertheless as we have seen, some landed women did indeed defend their lands elbEuDUBsAQ-00206-00066406-00066661 competently in the absence of husbands or other male elbEuDUBsAQ-00207-00066663-00066918 relatives who would otherwise handle that responsibility elbEuDUBsAQ-00208-00066943-00067404 when these women instigated violence in defense of the family name or properties elbEuDUBsAQ-00209-00067430-00067814 it was perhaps unusual but well within the bounds of acceptable behavior elbEuDUBsAQ-00210-00067839-00068095 for women have their station acting in a man's stead elbEuDUBsAQ-00211-00068147-00068326 Jennifer: Thank you so much Chelsea elbEuDUBsAQ-00212-00068351-00068505 our next panelist is Claire Burgess elbEuDUBsAQ-00213-00068531-00068659 She is a doctor of philosophy elbEuDUBsAQ-00214-00068684-00068945 student in early modern history at the University of Oxford elbEuDUBsAQ-00215-00068991-00069145 an Oxford-Swire graduate scholar, elbEuDUBsAQ-00216-00069171-00069400 her research focuses on the history of women in elbEuDUBsAQ-00217-00069402-00069631 the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries elbEuDUBsAQ-00218-00069683-00070092 in particular she studies women in France, Spain and Spanish colonial possessions elbEuDUBsAQ-00219-00070169-00070630 Claire is also the conference assistant for the online seminar series "Womandla! elbEuDUBsAQ-00220-00070655-00071106 Feminism and Social Movements in the Global South" and is publishing an article elbEuDUBsAQ-00221-00071142-00071368 this autumn in Women's History Today about indigenous elbEuDUBsAQ-00222-00071390-00071603 women's access to the colonial legal system elbEuDUBsAQ-00223-00071608-00071934 she will also feature on a guest episode of The French History podcast elbEuDUBsAQ-00224-00071935-00072237 speaking about her research into the women of the Guise family and their actions elbEuDUBsAQ-00225-00072243-00072422 during the French Wars of Religion and beyond elbEuDUBsAQ-00226-00072499-00072678 the title of her talk for this panel elbEuDUBsAQ-00227-00072703-00072896 is "Weaponizing Grief: The Women of the Guise elbEuDUBsAQ-00228-00072898-00073215 family and the Catholic League during the French Wars of Religion elbEuDUBsAQ-00229-00073420-00073701 Clare Burgess: The Guise women were crucial in the sustained rebellion of the elbEuDUBsAQ-00230-00073702-00073932 Catholic League against King Henri III in the 1580s, elbEuDUBsAQ-00231-00074009-00074334 but have been excluded from most histories of the Wars of Religion elbEuDUBsAQ-00232-00074393-00074751 I want to examine how they manipulated the conventions of feminine behavior elbEuDUBsAQ-00233-00074777-00075110 to exert influence over a major political and religious movement elbEuDUBsAQ-00234-00075161-00075468 and to preserve their family's place in French noble society elbEuDUBsAQ-00235-00075519-00075647 I'm going to discuss three women elbEuDUBsAQ-00236-00075699-00075888 The Duchess of Nemours, Anne d'Este elbEuDUBsAQ-00237-00075929-00076133 the widow of the second Duke of Guise, who elbEuDUBsAQ-00238-00076135-00076364 subsequently remarried to the Duke of Nemours elbEuDUBsAQ-00239-00076390-00076562 only to be widowed a second time; elbEuDUBsAQ-00240-00076646-00077044 her daughter; Catherine-Marie de Lorraine, the Duchess of Montpensier, elbEuDUBsAQ-00241-00077081-00077414 a childless widow who devoted herself to her family's cause elbEuDUBsAQ-00242-00077491-00077849 and finally, the newly widowed Duchess of Guise, Catherine de Cleves, elbEuDUBsAQ-00243-00077900-00078099 wife of the assassinated third Duke of Guise, elbEuDUBsAQ-00244-00078105-00078412 and mother of the new Duke, who was only a teenager elbEuDUBsAQ-00245-00078489-00078745 by demonstrating how the triumvirate of Guise women elbEuDUBsAQ-00246-00078771-00079027 were able to manipulate the conventions of feminine behavior elbEuDUBsAQ-00247-00079078-00079283 to play role denied them by society, elbEuDUBsAQ-00248-00079308-00079610 I intend to highlight that in the face of increasing restrictions elbEuDUBsAQ-00249-00079615-00080051 on their actions, women's responses showed creativity, intellignence, elbEuDUBsAQ-00250-00080076-00080358 and a refusal to abandon their positions of power elbEuDUBsAQ-00251-00080383-00080836 despite the enormous obstacles they had to face in order to exert that power elbEuDUBsAQ-00252-00080844-00081274 The early modern period saw increasing restrictions on women, and in particular elbEuDUBsAQ-00253-00081279-00081476 their roles outside the home elbEuDUBsAQ-00254-00081484-00081893 scholars such as Sarah Hanley have persuasively demonstrated that in France, elbEuDUBsAQ-00255-00081894-00082220 the later sixteenth century was marked by a concerted effort elbEuDUBsAQ-00256-00082227-00082471 to bolster state and monarchical authority elbEuDUBsAQ-00257-00082508-00082722 and that this involved the reinforcing elbEuDUBsAQ-00258-00082724-00083069 of the patriarchal family unit at women's expense elbEuDUBsAQ-00259-00083097-00083525 women's legal freedoms were limited in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries elbEuDUBsAQ-00260-00083532-00083878 and stricter controls were placed on marriage and reproduction elbEuDUBsAQ-00261-00083881-00084123 widows were specifically targeted and were subject elbEuDUBsAQ-00262-00084125-00084397 to new regulations during the sixteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00263-00084403-00084887 that restricted their ability to remarry, to inherit, and to pass on property, elbEuDUBsAQ-00264-00084889-00085196 but other women also experienced 'legal subjection' to men elbEuDUBsAQ-00265-00085247-00085709 which aimed to guarantee obedience to the slowly centralising state elbEuDUBsAQ-00266-00085734-00086168 during the French Wars of Religion, some women played significant public roles elbEuDUBsAQ-00267-00086169-00086699 and this resulted in a backlash aimed at excluding women from political life elbEuDUBsAQ-00268-00086707-00087129 De Waele characterises this as the foundation of a 'new public order' elbEuDUBsAQ-00269-00087142-00087546 in this context, women sought ways to exert influence and authority elbEuDUBsAQ-00270-00087603-00088058 for example, elite women were able to access power indirectly through patronage elbEuDUBsAQ-00271-00088063-00088388 and unofficial influence as wives and mistresses elbEuDUBsAQ-00272-00088396-00088675 this has been amply demnstrated by Sharon Kettering, among others elbEuDUBsAQ-00273-00088806-00089163 this is not to suggest that women were unable to have political roles elbEuDUBsAQ-00274-00089164-00089424 simply to demonstrate that there were narrow avenues elbEuDUBsAQ-00275-00089427-00089676 in which they could assert power, and that doing so elbEuDUBsAQ-00276-00089702-00090058 meant staying within the boundaries of acceptable behavior. elbEuDUBsAQ-00277-00090060-00090520 Grief was an acceptable and even necessary emotion in the early modern period elbEuDUBsAQ-00278-00090547-00090791 it was seen as proof of love for a deceased family member, elbEuDUBsAQ-00279-00090803-00091082 and was frequently used in propaganda such as pamphlets, elbEuDUBsAQ-00280-00091084-00091588 which were short printed texts, produced cheaply and intended for broad audiences elbEuDUBsAQ-00281-00091596-00092107 for women, expressing grief at the death of a husband, son, father, or brother elbEuDUBsAQ-00282-00092110-00092301 was not only legitimate, but expected elbEuDUBsAQ-00283-00092302-00092773 as such, there were expectations about how women should express that grief, elbEuDUBsAQ-00284-00092774-00093207 and boundaries between legitimiate and unacceptable forms of expression elbEuDUBsAQ-00285-00093209-00093498 Women were expected to show their grief passively, elbEuDUBsAQ-00286-00093501-00093712 as displayed in the trope of 'silent tears' held up elbEuDUBsAQ-00287-00093714-00093926 as an ideal form of expressing grief elbEuDUBsAQ-00288-00094003-00094156 The Church envisaged roles for widows elbEuDUBsAQ-00289-00094207-00094599 which involved good works, religious devotion, or dedication to family elbEuDUBsAQ-00290-00094606-00094957 these were all passive pursuits, requiring widows elbEuDUBsAQ-00291-00094959-00095210 to retire from public into family or pious life elbEuDUBsAQ-00292-00095283-00095768 similarly, mourning women's voices were commonly adapted in laments or complaintes, elbEuDUBsAQ-00293-00095769-00095993 songs with often use the passive, inconsolable elbEuDUBsAQ-00294-00095995-00096204 grief of a woman to make a political case elbEuDUBsAQ-00295-00096307-00096475 women's grief was used politically elbEuDUBsAQ-00296-00096486-00097123 but not by the women themselves, who were idealized as passive, silent, and retiring elbEuDUBsAQ-00297-00097126-00097604 the women of the Guise family, however were unwilling to remain passive elbEuDUBsAQ-00298-00097612-00097919 they conducted a sophisticated and effective propaganda campaign elbEuDUBsAQ-00299-00097971-00098067 against the King elbEuDUBsAQ-00300-00098073-00098557 in the wake of the assassinations of the Duke and Cardinal of Guise in 1588 elbEuDUBsAQ-00301-00098559-00099013 they were able to do this by exploiting the acceptability of feminine grief elbEuDUBsAQ-00302-00099020-00099379 they used their grief as a resource with which to justify their involvement and elbEuDUBsAQ-00303-00099404-00099558 win support for their cause elbEuDUBsAQ-00304-00099635-00099887 It was grief which underpinned their propaganda elbEuDUBsAQ-00305-00099890-00100272 and the feminine nature of their campaign made it successful elbEuDUBsAQ-00306-00100275-00100653 one of the crucial aspects of the propaganda campaign was Anne d'Este's elbEuDUBsAQ-00307-00100659-00100899 desperate attempts to recover the bodies of her sons elbEuDUBsAQ-00308-00100966-00101149 one pamphlet described how she had thrown elbEuDUBsAQ-00309-00101151-00101435 herself at the feet of the King and Queen Mother elbEuDUBsAQ-00310-00101437-00101757 begging, in vain, for the bodies of her sons elbEuDUBsAQ-00311-00101759-00102053 those bodies had actually been decapitated, dismembered, elbEuDUBsAQ-00312-00102055-00102348 burned, and their ashes scattered, on the King's orders, elbEuDUBsAQ-00313-00102374-00102553 in order to avoid their use as relics elbEuDUBsAQ-00314-00102579-00102909 and the further transformation of the brothers into martyrs elbEuDUBsAQ-00315-00102911-00103167 this denied the women of the Guise family the opportunity elbEuDUBsAQ-00316-00103193-00103473 to play the traditional role in the funerary commemorations elbEuDUBsAQ-00317-00103475-00103745 and the construction of the memory of the dead elbEuDUBsAQ-00318-00103752-00103998 thus private grief became public outrage, and the elbEuDUBsAQ-00319-00104001-00104227 King lost the war of propaganda elbEuDUBsAQ-00320-00104319-00104627 women played a vital role in perpetuating the memory of elbEuDUBsAQ-00321-00104652-00104755 deceased family members elbEuDUBsAQ-00322-00104756-00105151 commemorating them at their death and ensuring that their legacy was secured by elbEuDUBsAQ-00323-00105153-00105495 raising their children and continuing the dynasty elbEuDUBsAQ-00324-00105497-00105779 Catherine de Cleves, the Dukes widow, quite literally elbEuDUBsAQ-00325-00105804-00106060 assured the future of the Guise family after her husband's death elbEuDUBsAQ-00326-00106111-00106345 by giving birth to his posthumous son elbEuDUBsAQ-00327-00106367-00106571 this allowed her to further use her grief to elbEuDUBsAQ-00328-00106573-00106827 mourn the father her child would never know elbEuDUBsAQ-00329-00106828-00107052 and made her sympathetic figure to the masses elbEuDUBsAQ-00330-00107059-00107385 as she was amply fulfilling the expectations of a noblewoman elbEuDUBsAQ-00331-00107391-00107794 14 years before the assassination of the Duke and Cardinal of Guise, elbEuDUBsAQ-00332-00107801-00108303 the previous Duke, the husband of Anne d'Este, was assassinated elbEuDUBsAQ-00333-00108303-00108538 after his death, his mother and widow staged a procession elbEuDUBsAQ-00334-00108543-00108763 of the mourning women and children of the family elbEuDUBsAQ-00335-00108774-00109155 across Paris to the church where the King was attending vespers elbEuDUBsAQ-00336-00109158-00109408 they were followed by a contingent of armed soldiers elbEuDUBsAQ-00337-00109414-00109747 adding an air of menace to the tearful supplications of the women elbEuDUBsAQ-00338-00109823-00110027 they fell to their knees in front of the King, elbEuDUBsAQ-00339-00110029-00110303 begging him to seek justice for the late Duke elbEuDUBsAQ-00340-00110310-00110585 moved to tears, he promised to do so elbEuDUBsAQ-00341-00110591-00111047 this procession was a perfect demonstration of the power of feminine morning elbEuDUBsAQ-00342-00111052-00111511 to force a political decision, a lesson which the Guise family did not forget elbEuDUBsAQ-00343-00111513-00111916 Catherine-Marie de Lorraine was one of the mourning children involved in the procession elbEuDUBsAQ-00344-00111923-00112279 and upon the death of her brothers, she attempted to recreate it elbEuDUBsAQ-00345-00112281-00112747 the crucial difference was in the tone: rather than appealing dutifully to the King, elbEuDUBsAQ-00346-00112749-00113021 who in this case was responsible for the assassinations elbEuDUBsAQ-00347-00113023-00113559 she appealed directly to the people, demanding they take vengeance against the 'tyrant' elbEuDUBsAQ-00348-00113561-00113811 she dragged her brother's crying children into the street elbEuDUBsAQ-00349-00113817-00114079 and made their plight clear, but she set a tone of elbEuDUBsAQ-00350-00114081-00114500 angry defiance, demanding vengeance instead of justice elbEuDUBsAQ-00351-00114508-00114713 all three of the prominent Guise women elbEuDUBsAQ-00352-00114739-00115059 specified vengeance as the goal, not justice elbEuDUBsAQ-00353-00115065-00115347 their calls for violence against the King were numerous elbEuDUBsAQ-00354-00115353-00115706 and vehemet, and they justified the proposed regicide elbEuDUBsAQ-00355-00115711-00115987 by asserting that Henri III was in fact a tyrant elbEuDUBsAQ-00356-00115993-00116298 and thus his assassination would be justified elbEuDUBsAQ-00357-00116300-00116549 their grief allowed them to assert their case elbEuDUBsAQ-00358-00116556-00116933 suggesting that only a tyrant would leave a mother mourning the death of her sons elbEuDUBsAQ-00359-00116940-00117142 especially when those sons had been the most elbEuDUBsAQ-00360-00117145-00117475 stalwart defenders of Catholicism in the country elbEuDUBsAQ-00361-00117478-00117809 Anne d'Este addressed Henri as an 'inhumane tyrant' elbEuDUBsAQ-00362-00117811-00118060 in a letter immediately after her son's murders, elbEuDUBsAQ-00363-00118067-00118347 and a similar letter from Catherine de Cleves to the Pope elbEuDUBsAQ-00364-00118348-00118624 expressed radical ideas about the sovereignty of the people elbEuDUBsAQ-00365-00118630-00119139 and their right, or even duty, to punish an unjust and cruel king elbEuDUBsAQ-00366-00119142-00119423 grief was the perfect veil with which to justify such statements, elbEuDUBsAQ-00367-00119500-00119832 as it transformed them from disloyalty towards the rightful King elbEuDUBsAQ-00368-00119833-00120159 to the desperate and understandable pleas of bereaved women elbEuDUBsAQ-00369-00120166-00120406 and allowed the people of Paris to sympathize elbEuDUBsAQ-00370-00120422-00120916 with an inconsolable mother, a heartbroken widow, and a furious sister elbEuDUBsAQ-00371-00120934-00121317 the traditional roles of women in mourning and the preservation of memory elbEuDUBsAQ-00372-00121318-00121557 allowed the Guise women to justify their power elbEuDUBsAQ-00373-00121574-00121975 and to legitimize their calls for rebellion and regicide elbEuDUBsAQ-00374-00121983-00122441 their grief was a powerful weapon which the League propaganda fully exploited elbEuDUBsAQ-00375-00122444-00122719 there's a lot more detail I haven't been able to include here elbEuDUBsAQ-00376-00122726-00122976 I would have loved to discuss how Catherine-Marie de Lorraine elbEuDUBsAQ-00377-00122982-00123386 breached the norms of femininity in ways that her mother and sister-in-law did not elbEuDUBsAQ-00378-00123391-00123565 and how this led to her vilification elbEuDUBsAQ-00379-00123622-00124054 I also suggest that her disability, as she walked with a limp, and her elbEuDUBsAQ-00380-00124056-00124489 childlessness, were also taken as evidence of her inability as a women, however elbEuDUBsAQ-00381-00124543-00124696 what I have demonstrated elbEuDUBsAQ-00382-00124697-00124896 Is the ways in which the women of the Guise family elbEuDUBsAQ-00383-00124902-00125203 were able to use their own grief as a weapon against the King elbEuDUBsAQ-00384-00125209-00125591 in order to perpetuate public support for the Catholic League elbEuDUBsAQ-00385-00125600-00125976 in doing so, they manipulated and subverted the norms of femininity elbEuDUBsAQ-00386-00125977-00126330 which prescribed ideal ways of grieving and took a central role elbEuDUBsAQ-00387-00126335-00126809 in the organization and propaganda of a major religious and political cause elbEuDUBsAQ-00388-00126822-00127327 they were far from the only women to use the expectations of femininity to exert power elbEuDUBsAQ-00389-00127334-00127652 and there are similar examples across history elbEuDUBsAQ-00390-00127667-00127897 What makes the Guise women exceptional I would argue elbEuDUBsAQ-00391-00127923-00128168 is their bellicose and vengeful rhetoric elbEuDUBsAQ-00392-00128179-00128445 and the way in which they so effectively reintegrated their elbEuDUBsAQ-00393-00128448-00128962 family into court society after the Wars of Religion were over. elbEuDUBsAQ-00394-00128972-00129172 Jennifer: Our last panelist is Julia Stryker, elbEuDUBsAQ-00395-00129177-00129314 who will be talking about her paper elbEuDUBsAQ-00396-00129426-00129785 Masculinity, Myth-Making, and Women's Place at Sea in Maritime Life elbEuDUBsAQ-00397-00129792-00130022 Julia received her MBA at Memorial University elbEuDUBsAQ-00398-00130048-00130278 Newfoundland and is currently a PhD candidate elbEuDUBsAQ-00399-00130304-00130580 in History at the University of Texas at Austin elbEuDUBsAQ-00400-00130585-00130802 her current research uses shipping contracts, elbEuDUBsAQ-00401-00130804-00131046 law, and literature, to investigate women's work elbEuDUBsAQ-00402-00131072-00131429 at sea in the British Empire, particularly in the nineteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00403-00131430-00131635 She also pursues digital humanities methods elbEuDUBsAQ-00404-00131686-00132036 including using Python to map the voyages of women working at sea elbEuDUBsAQ-00405-00132044-00132325 and is a member of the COST Action Women on the Move elbEuDUBsAQ-00406-00132326-00132796 A transdisciplinary network of researchers working on women's labor mobility elbEuDUBsAQ-00407-00132812-00132929 welcome Julia elbEuDUBsAQ-00408-00133120-00133370 Julia Stryker: Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl elbEuDUBsAQ-00409-00133376-00133543 Starts with Mr. Gibbs repeating one of the elbEuDUBsAQ-00410-00133546-00133911 better-known and more often repeated maritime superstitions elbEuDUBsAQ-00411-00133913-00134320 'bad luck to have a woman on board too, even a miniature one.' elbEuDUBsAQ-00412-00134323-00134624 this is the second superstition he offers, but the first elbEuDUBsAQ-00413-00134630-00135058 that singing about Pirates will call Pirates is plot-based, not historical elbEuDUBsAQ-00414-00135065-00135307 so repeating the 'women are bad luck on ships' elbEuDUBsAQ-00415-00135310-00135622 superstition is let's say, historical flavoring elbEuDUBsAQ-00416-00135628-00135897 an optional coating of historical realism elbEuDUBsAQ-00417-00135898-00136227 but why say it? What kind of flavoring does it add? elbEuDUBsAQ-00418-00136243-00136485 How actually historical is it? Were women considered elbEuDUBsAQ-00419-00136487-00136779 bad luck at sea and what did it mean if they were? elbEuDUBsAQ-00420-00136780-00137128 the answer is: Yes; and, in practical terms: Nothing. elbEuDUBsAQ-00421-00137139-00137396 women went to sea anyway and if they were bad luck then elbEuDUBsAQ-00422-00137398-00137671 mariners were spectacularly bad at avoiding bad luck elbEuDUBsAQ-00423-00137753-00137970 we can talk about the origins of the bad luck belief elbEuDUBsAQ-00424-00137972-00138188 but what really interests me is why it's so popular elbEuDUBsAQ-00425-00138240-00138749 how does this out of all of the superstitions, have 700-year staying power? elbEuDUBsAQ-00426-00138752-00139154 I study women working at sea in the 19th century British Merchant Marine elbEuDUBsAQ-00427-00139161-00139463 and my work sits at the intersection of social and labor history, elbEuDUBsAQ-00428-00139468-00139722 legal history, and cultural history elbEuDUBsAQ-00429-00139724-00140032 I know women went to sea because we see women going to sea in the records elbEuDUBsAQ-00430-00140083-00140262 we didn't used to but we do now elbEuDUBsAQ-00431-00140268-00140722 and we can also talk about why, historiographically that is, since I study that too elbEuDUBsAQ-00432-00140728-00140939 but what's probably more interesting is the question elbEuDUBsAQ-00433-00140942-00141132 which drives the historical part of my research elbEuDUBsAQ-00434-00141184-00141491 why such a disconnect between the fact that women went to sea elbEuDUBsAQ-00435-00141516-00141639 and had been to going to sea elbEuDUBsAQ-00436-00141644-00141925 and in the nineteenth-century were going to sea a lot more, elbEuDUBsAQ-00437-00141926-00142232 and stories of life at sea, which are full of the idea that women didn't elbEuDUBsAQ-00438-00142234-00142438 go or didn't belong at sea when they did go elbEuDUBsAQ-00439-00142489-00142744 Why are the stories we tell different from the records? elbEuDUBsAQ-00440-00142745-00143127 Why do we come back so often to the idea that women were bad luck? elbEuDUBsAQ-00441-00143129-00143374 Though there's a few, one of the big issues in studying elbEuDUBsAQ-00442-00143376-00143839 women at sea is separating absence of evidence from evidence of absence elbEuDUBsAQ-00443-00143846-00144075 and one of the more potent examples of this is elbEuDUBsAQ-00444-00144078-00144307 not my work but the eighteenth century British Navy elbEuDUBsAQ-00445-00144384-00144839 The Admiralty banned women from ships in 1731 but as N. A. M. Rodger argues, elbEuDUBsAQ-00446-00144844-00145100 women were to some degree regular inhabitants of ships elbEuDUBsAQ-00447-00145152-00145630 particularly below decks. though their presence was entirely unofficial elbEuDUBsAQ-00448-00145638-00145952 the common sense assumption usually goes that if women had been aboard either elbEuDUBsAQ-00449-00145955-00146372 they eventually would appear in official records or somebody would have said something elbEuDUBsAQ-00450-00146380-00146661 first, it's important to note that admitting in the official records elbEuDUBsAQ-00451-00146663-00146944 that women were aboard would have gotten the officers in trouble elbEuDUBsAQ-00452-00146995-00147225 and second, they did say something about the women aboard elbEuDUBsAQ-00453-00147276-00147469 Suzanne Stark notes that Admiral Jervis was elbEuDUBsAQ-00454-00147471-00147712 obsessed with the women of the fleet wasting water elbEuDUBsAQ-00455-00147763-00148044 and waved a 'long but futile' campaign against them elbEuDUBsAQ-00456-00148121-00148454 she cites an exchange in Jervis' memoirs from 1797 elbEuDUBsAQ-00457-00148505-00148710 Admiral Nelson responded to Jervis with elbEuDUBsAQ-00458-00148761-00148952 "I know not if your ship was an exception but elbEuDUBsAQ-00459-00148954-00149248 I will venture to say that not an honorable [that is Captain], elbEuDUBsAQ-00460-00149299-00149529 but had plenty of them [them being women] elbEuDUBsAQ-00461-00149580-00149804 and they always will do as they please elbEuDUBsAQ-00462-00149811-00150169 orders are not for them, at least I never yet knew one who obeyed." elbEuDUBsAQ-00463-00150272-00150579 But then it's often said that these women were put ashore before sailing elbEuDUBsAQ-00464-00150604-00150859 And this is where official records do come through elbEuDUBsAQ-00465-00150860-00151227 In 1847, Queen Victoria announced the Naval General Service elbEuDUBsAQ-00466-00151230-00151628 Medal, a campaign medal for various wars between 1793 and 1840 elbEuDUBsAQ-00467-00151680-00151987 the medal roll lists two women who applied based on service elbEuDUBsAQ-00468-00151989-00152268 on the Goliath at the Battle of the Nile in 1797 elbEuDUBsAQ-00469-00152294-00152473 Ann Hopping and Mary Ann Riley elbEuDUBsAQ-00470-00152524-00152793 interestingly, these women don't appear in the muster book elbEuDUBsAQ-00471-00152796-00153108 of the Goliath, but according to David Cordingly, four others do elbEuDUBsAQ-00472-00153113-00153465 Sarah Bates, Ann Taylor, Elizabeth Moore, and Mary French elbEuDUBsAQ-00473-00153472-00153752 on the strength of their being awarded a 2/3 allowance for elbEuDUBsAQ-00474-00153754-00154035 services nurses and as widows of men slain during the battle elbEuDUBsAQ-00475-00154112-00154366 Jane Townshend also appears on the roll for her elbEuDUBsAQ-00476-00154369-00154624 service aboard the Defiance at Trafalgar in 1805 elbEuDUBsAQ-00477-00154700-00155103 there are two notes by her name, written by Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin elbEuDUBsAQ-00478-00155110-00155319 one in favor of awarding the metal based on the elbEuDUBsAQ-00479-00155321-00155571 strong proofs for her claim and another, right by the first, elbEuDUBsAQ-00480-00155576-00155693 denying her claim elbEuDUBsAQ-00481-00155699-00156032 on the basis that she was only one of many women equally useful to the fleet elbEuDUBsAQ-00482-00156057-00156325 and that giving her the medal would "leave the Army elbEuDUBsAQ-00483-00156327-00156595 exposed to innumerable applications of the same nature" elbEuDUBsAQ-00484-00156672-00156953 now the argument usually is that these must be unique outliers elbEuDUBsAQ-00485-00156979-00157209 but they're not unique outliers because women were unique elbEuDUBsAQ-00486-00157235-00157484 unless you think Jervis was going on about nothing elbEuDUBsAQ-00487-00157491-00157696 but because they appear in the official records elbEuDUBsAQ-00488-00157772-00158053 it's worth noting what it took for these women to make it into the elbEuDUBsAQ-00489-00158055-00158361 historical record and it's worth noting when and it's worth noting why elbEuDUBsAQ-00490-00158387-00158585 they were ultimately discarded elbEuDUBsAQ-00491-00158592-00158806 it took battles on the scale of Trafalgar and the elbEuDUBsAQ-00492-00158809-00159052 Nile, it took a market hungry for Napoleonic memoir, elbEuDUBsAQ-00493-00159078-00159334 and it took the first real British campaign medal elbEuDUBsAQ-00494-00159385-00159695 and ultimately they were excluded from commemoration both because they were elbEuDUBsAQ-00495-00159698-00160146 too many and because no matter their actions they were not the ones meant to be there elbEuDUBsAQ-00496-00160153-00160332 this continues in the 19th century elbEuDUBsAQ-00497-00160384-00160640 what happens is not that women start showing up, though their elbEuDUBsAQ-00498-00160643-00161017 numbers do increase and their positions aboard do professionalize elbEuDUBsAQ-00499-00161024-00161197 but that women become recorded elbEuDUBsAQ-00500-00161203-00161688 they become recorded both by accident and because what gets recorded expands generally elbEuDUBsAQ-00501-00161689-00162002 but the problem lingers of discovering what exactly these women are doing elbEuDUBsAQ-00502-00162004-00162304 aboard and figuring out why there's little historical memory of them elbEuDUBsAQ-00503-00162355-00162641 naval records start earlier and generally cover more, but elbEuDUBsAQ-00504-00162643-00162939 records on the Merchant Marine pick up in the nineteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00505-00162945-00163210 where, due to a number of factors, bureaucracy really takes off elbEuDUBsAQ-00506-00163302-00163518 my research uses crew agreements which have a long elbEuDUBsAQ-00507-00163521-00163797 history but get really refined in the 19th century elbEuDUBsAQ-00508-00163840-00164096 previously unacknowledged women show up on these agreements elbEuDUBsAQ-00509-00164172-00164428 but this is not a simple reaccounting of who's aboard elbEuDUBsAQ-00510-00164454-00164684 this bureaucracy takes a long time to develop elbEuDUBsAQ-00511-00164710-00165040 and for much of the century recording women remains optional elbEuDUBsAQ-00512-00165043-00165354 in the 1873 preliminary report of the commission on unseaworthy elbEuDUBsAQ-00513-00165356-00165677 ships, ships are still sleeping with women working aboard elbEuDUBsAQ-00514-00165683-00165861 but unrecorded on the agreement elbEuDUBsAQ-00515-00165862-00166194 So what do we know about women's lives at sea in the nineteenth century? elbEuDUBsAQ-00516-00166195-00166501 Well there aren't many first-hand sources but one is the account of elbEuDUBsAQ-00517-00166503-00166809 Ann Saunders, who went to sea in 1826 as a servant for the Master's elbEuDUBsAQ-00518-00166835-00167186 wife with her fiance working as cook in exchange for passage elbEuDUBsAQ-00519-00167193-00167434 A wave, stove in the stern of the ship, and the remaining elbEuDUBsAQ-00520-00167436-00167705 crew spent 22 days trapped on a partially submerged wreck elbEuDUBsAQ-00521-00167782-00167910 they resorted to cannibalism elbEuDUBsAQ-00522-00167987-00168304 while she did write her own account, the newspaper the Caledonian Mercury elbEuDUBsAQ-00523-00168307-00168601 offers a dramatic telling where Saunders, on her fiance's death elbEuDUBsAQ-00524-00168652-00168985 "shrieked a loud yell", cut her fiance's throat, and drank his blood elbEuDUBsAQ-00525-00169011-00169316 "insisting that she had the greatest right to it." elbEuDUBsAQ-00526-00169318-00169535 She won the ensuing scuffle but magnanimously elbEuDUBsAQ-00527-00169538-00169904 allowed her adversary to drink one cup of blood to her two elbEuDUBsAQ-00528-00169907-00170315 they say that Saunders "had more strength in her calamity than most of the men, elbEuDUBsAQ-00529-00170316-00170610 when the breath was announced to have flown she would sharpen her knives, elbEuDUBsAQ-00530-00170612-00171005 bleed the deceased in the neck, drink his blood, and cut him up as usual." elbEuDUBsAQ-00531-00171008-00171198 Like the battles this represents exceptional elbEuDUBsAQ-00532-00171201-00171392 circumstances preserving a woman's experience elbEuDUBsAQ-00533-00171468-00171824 the crew agreements reflect regular women in average circumstances elbEuDUBsAQ-00534-00171827-00172148 but as Eric Sager describes them, these accounts are fragmentary elbEuDUBsAQ-00535-00172150-00172568 and part of a long conversation between seafarers, officers, and the state elbEuDUBsAQ-00536-00172569-00172952 sometimes evidence that a woman is aboard awaits birth, sickness, or death. elbEuDUBsAQ-00537-00172953-00173184 sometimes it's the only thing recorded about her elbEuDUBsAQ-00538-00173260-00173383 but sometimes there's more elbEuDUBsAQ-00539-00173388-00173874 like the account of Sophie Hall in the official log of the Lottie Warren from 1864 elbEuDUBsAQ-00540-00173875-00174126 this wasn't the first altercation between Sophie and the elbEuDUBsAQ-00541-00174129-00174412 Master but, unlike birth, it highlights a woman's participation elbEuDUBsAQ-00542-00174438-00174865 in pretty typical seafarer agitation, complaining about food elbEuDUBsAQ-00543-00174873-00175257 in the log, Sophie at the breakfast table "without any provocation at all" elbEuDUBsAQ-00544-00175283-00175411 a favorite phrase of log-writers, elbEuDUBsAQ-00545-00175436-00175686 "commenced to be nasty and abusive." She accused elbEuDUBsAQ-00546-00175689-00175923 the Master of taking aboard bad provisions elbEuDUBsAQ-00547-00176000-00176267 this wouldn't be worthy of recording but then she commanded the third elbEuDUBsAQ-00548-00176270-00176537 mate to muster the crew to bring their complaint before the Captain elbEuDUBsAQ-00549-00176588-00176870 "in direct Disobedience to the Captain's order that he did not want to elbEuDUBsAQ-00550-00176896-00177144 see anyone while getting his breakfast." elbEuDUBsAQ-00551-00177152-00177346 Sophie's situation is unusual, which might suggest elbEuDUBsAQ-00552-00177349-00177636 why she felt emboldened to make this complaint elbEuDUBsAQ-00553-00177638-00177945 she was bored not only with her husband, the cook, but also her brother elbEuDUBsAQ-00554-00178022-00178329 however we only know about her brother because he died in May of that year elbEuDUBsAQ-00555-00178355-00178789 and his belongings instead of being auctioned are left in her care as his sister elbEuDUBsAQ-00556-00178790-00178969 this altercation happens in August elbEuDUBsAQ-00557-00179020-00179302 no way to know but certainly grief and bad breakfast don't mix elbEuDUBsAQ-00558-00179379-00179558 so, picture the nineteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00559-00179584-00179870 The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars go elbEuDUBsAQ-00560-00179872-00180198 from 1792 to 1815 and are pretty huge deal navally; elbEuDUBsAQ-00561-00180275-00180542 steamships start up in 1812 in the UK and, fun fact, elbEuDUBsAQ-00562-00180545-00180812 the last naval battle fought entirely with sailing ships elbEuDUBsAQ-00563-00180838-00181068 is the Battle of Navarino in 1827 elbEuDUBsAQ-00564-00181120-00181599 The first British 'nautical novel' is Marryat's "Frank Mildmay", published in 1829 elbEuDUBsAQ-00565-00181606-00181939 the Naval General Service Medal, remember, comes in 1847 elbEuDUBsAQ-00566-00181964-00182172 with more time we could delve into the connections here elbEuDUBsAQ-00567-00182174-00182444 but for now I have to appeal somewhat to experience elbEuDUBsAQ-00568-00182451-00182656 as people living in 'interesting times' elbEuDUBsAQ-00569-00182681-00182937 with an underlying theme of rapid technological change elbEuDUBsAQ-00570-00182988-00183162 perhaps we can appreciate this heady mix of elbEuDUBsAQ-00571-00183168-00183403 war-driven nationalism, technological development, elbEuDUBsAQ-00572-00183406-00183603 and nostalgic pop cultural commemoration elbEuDUBsAQ-00573-00183705-00183997 well it seems like what changed is that women became present aboard, elbEuDUBsAQ-00574-00184000-00184396 looking back, what changed is that women gained an acknowledged place aboard. elbEuDUBsAQ-00575-00184422-00184677 That place came in the midst of a massive reordering elbEuDUBsAQ-00576-00184679-00184934 of maritime life down to the very facts of how it was lived, elbEuDUBsAQ-00577-00185011-00185389 what work looked like aboard, and, yes, who participated in shipboard work elbEuDUBsAQ-00578-00185395-00185849 but not necessarily in terms of gender as much as nationality and race elbEuDUBsAQ-00579-00185856-00186056 and as the Age of Sail slipped away, elbEuDUBsAQ-00580-00186058-00186361 culture clung tighter to it, replacing memory with mythology elbEuDUBsAQ-00581-00186368-00186610 this mythology, like a lot of classical mythology elbEuDUBsAQ-00582-00186612-00186854 contrasted a lost Golden Age with modern reality elbEuDUBsAQ-00583-00186905-00187188 Violet Jessop, who should be famous for her fantastic memoir elbEuDUBsAQ-00584-00187190-00187392 but is mostly famous for surviving the Titanic elbEuDUBsAQ-00585-00187443-00187724 reflects that while a woman was a rarity in a shipping office when elbEuDUBsAQ-00586-00187750-00187878 she first signed on in 1908, elbEuDUBsAQ-00587-00187904-00188313 by the 1930s, a woman can enter that same office and not even be noticed elbEuDUBsAQ-00588-00188316-00188720 that there were women now, meant that there weren't women then, elbEuDUBsAQ-00589-00188725-00188913 because in a Golden Age, things are better elbEuDUBsAQ-00590-00188916-00189151 and men are better, so more men is more better elbEuDUBsAQ-00591-00189158-00189414 That is, through myth-making, through commemoration, elbEuDUBsAQ-00592-00189440-00189690 what had been a predominantly masculine environment elbEuDUBsAQ-00593-00189692-00189977 became idealized as an exclusively masculine environment elbEuDUBsAQ-00594-00189978-00190509 now we know that the exclusivity has been greatly exaggerated but we still cling to it elbEuDUBsAQ-00595-00190515-00190688 we still tell the story that puts a woman elbEuDUBsAQ-00596-00190690-00190893 there just to tell her that she doesn't belong elbEuDUBsAQ-00597-00190899-00191155 and partially this is just repeating what people said at the time elbEuDUBsAQ-00598-00191257-00191590 but it is also a refusal to reconsider the narratives that we hold dear elbEuDUBsAQ-00599-00191616-00191872 and to wonder why we tell ourselves the stories that we do elbEuDUBsAQ-00600-00192000-00192228 Jennifer: Thank you so much Julia elbEuDUBsAQ-00601-00192230-00192384 I could listen to the three of you talk elbEuDUBsAQ-00602-00192435-00192651 at length about your topics and what I'd like elbEuDUBsAQ-00603-00192654-00192870 to do to start off our Roundtable conversation elbEuDUBsAQ-00604-00192896-00193125 is to pull back a little bit. elbEuDUBsAQ-00605-00193126-00193433 The three of you are women historians studying women history elbEuDUBsAQ-00606-00193484-00193766 and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the larger topic elbEuDUBsAQ-00607-00193792-00193945 of women's history and historiography elbEuDUBsAQ-00608-00193971-00194252 and how you've seen it change over time elbEuDUBsAQ-00609-00194278-00194558 so for example are you the first person to look at your elbEuDUBsAQ-00610-00194560-00194912 particular topic; are you, many of you mentioned other historians elbEuDUBsAQ-00611-00194918-00195103 I would be curious about your thoughts on elbEuDUBsAQ-00612-00195105-00195404 women's history and the historiography of women's history elbEuDUBsAQ-00613-00195507-00195788 Clare: So I think for me it's really interesting because elbEuDUBsAQ-00614-00195840-00196044 for a lot of my women they haven't been studied so elbEuDUBsAQ-00615-00196047-00196325 out of the three of them there's no biography of Catherine de Cleves, elbEuDUBsAQ-00616-00196326-00196633 there's no biography of Catherine-Marie de Lorraine elbEuDUBsAQ-00617-00196684-00196926 and the biography of Anne d'Este is only available elbEuDUBsAQ-00618-00196929-00197321 in German at the moment and is a very recent thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00619-00197324-00197669 So it's not that they haven't been studied but I don't elbEuDUBsAQ-00620-00197671-00197862 think they've been given enough individual study elbEuDUBsAQ-00621-00197888-00198418 and I think that's largely a part of what had happened in the intervening years elbEuDUBsAQ-00622-00198425-00198936 so after the Wars of Religion were over in the seventeenth and then eighteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00623-00198937-00199418 French historians really wanted to masculinize the monarchy elbEuDUBsAQ-00624-00199424-00199859 and really throw away the women who had been heavily involved so Catherine elbEuDUBsAQ-00625-00199861-00200262 de Medici who was the Queen Mother at this point and is really important elbEuDUBsAQ-00626-00200268-00200499 but also women like the Guise elbEuDUBsAQ-00627-00200576-00200755 So I think they were kind of cut out elbEuDUBsAQ-00628-00200760-00200954 and a lot of people don't know who they were elbEuDUBsAQ-00629-00200960-00201289 because of that but they're finally getting a look in again elbEuDUBsAQ-00630-00201292-00201615 Chelsea: We have a similar, well, it's different elbEuDUBsAQ-00631-00201617-00201932 in Scottish history it's sort of a well-known elbEuDUBsAQ-00632-00202009-00202439 I don't know if it's a joke, a lamentation, if it's like a face-palm moment but elbEuDUBsAQ-00633-00202444-00202726 we've been about a decade or two behind elbEuDUBsAQ-00634-00202752-00202905 all of the other European elbEuDUBsAQ-00635-00202956-00203315 historiographies when it comes to women and a part of that is I think because elbEuDUBsAQ-00636-00203366-00203699 Scottish history has for so long been treated as like elbEuDUBsAQ-00637-00203724-00204236 a piece of English history that there were a couple of Decades of catch up with people elbEuDUBsAQ-00638-00204262-00204646 you know we did political and constitutional history a little longer than elbEuDUBsAQ-00639-00204672-00205127 England, then we did economic and social history a little later, and then we did elbEuDUBsAQ-00640-00205132-00205450 you know the cultural turn happened but it wasn't like fully embraced elbEuDUBsAQ-00641-00205452-00205747 as fast as it was in other places and then feminism nationally elbEuDUBsAQ-00642-00205772-00205977 you know, it just like, it's really slow elbEuDUBsAQ-00643-00206080-00206386 so in 1999 my advisor Elizabeth Ewen had said you elbEuDUBsAQ-00644-00206388-00206694 know we're still in the excavation phase like in 1999 elbEuDUBsAQ-00645-00206719-00206873 we're still finding women elbEuDUBsAQ-00646-00206924-00207179 thankfully we're way far past that now, there was elbEuDUBsAQ-00647-00207182-00207436 a really good article recently on the state of elbEuDUBsAQ-00648-00207488-00207846 gender history in Scotland by Katie Barclay and some others elbEuDUBsAQ-00649-00207871-00208130 and we're doing well now we're actually starting elbEuDUBsAQ-00650-00208133-00208358 to get into sort of like what is elbEuDUBsAQ-00651-00208384-00208762 feminine what is masculine, what gender history what about this, so elbEuDUBsAQ-00652-00208767-00208998 what's interesting in my work is that elbEuDUBsAQ-00653-00209023-00209291 it's partly the records that I look at if you want elbEuDUBsAQ-00654-00209294-00209561 to go looking for women and deviance in Scottish elbEuDUBsAQ-00655-00209587-00209888 history you're going to find borough court records, you're going to find elbEuDUBsAQ-00656-00209894-00210227 church court records, you're going to find studies about petty crime elbEuDUBsAQ-00657-00210252-00210892 about economic stuff like forestalling and brewing licenses elbEuDUBsAQ-00658-00210918-00211302 and then like prostitution, adultery, you'll find all that fun stuff elbEuDUBsAQ-00659-00211328-00211584 but we don't have a ton of research on violent women elbEuDUBsAQ-00660-00211635-00211788 or homicide and women elbEuDUBsAQ-00661-00211916-00212352 until you get to say like the enlightenment really with Emery Kilday and elbEuDUBsAQ-00662-00212403-00212631 someone else who's name I've forgotten elbEuDUBsAQ-00663-00212633-00212824 The book's called Weep Not For Me, it's about elbEuDUBsAQ-00664-00212826-00213017 infanticide can I remember who wrote it? No elbEuDUBsAQ-00665-00213145-00213451 But that's it so mine's a very tiny piece my entire elbEuDUBsAQ-00666-00213454-00213760 thesis is actually not about gender really it's about elbEuDUBsAQ-00667-00213836-00214220 social control and state formation and this criminal court elbEuDUBsAQ-00668-00214246-00214758 but that one chapter I insisted on is kind of where this paper comes from and it's elbEuDUBsAQ-00669-00214860-00215034 it's following in Garthine Walker's footsteps elbEuDUBsAQ-00670-00215040-00215167 stop saying that you know elbEuDUBsAQ-00671-00215219-00215398 it's not enough to go looking for women, elbEuDUBsAQ-00672-00215423-00215653 it's not enough to go study women on their own, elbEuDUBsAQ-00673-00215654-00215936 women are 50% of society, women were elbEuDUBsAQ-00674-00215987-00216371 in these course maybe not in the same amounts and not for the same reasons but elbEuDUBsAQ-00675-00216396-00216832 I don't like the idea of taking women out of their context in looking at elbEuDUBsAQ-00676-00216883-00217415 only female criminals so I like to sort of compare and do more relational work elbEuDUBsAQ-00677-00217420-00217586 to really figure out what's the role of gender elbEuDUBsAQ-00678-00217588-00217893 overall in how this stuff is being understood elbEuDUBsAQ-00679-00217932-00218098 Clare: And I think that's something that through elbEuDUBsAQ-00680-00218100-00218315 in that when you look at the records the women are there elbEuDUBsAQ-00681-00218316-00218726 when you look at the primary source and the archival material they're there and obvious elbEuDUBsAQ-00682-00218850-00219096 and yet somehow, for some reason, historians have just kind of elbEuDUBsAQ-00683-00219098-00219475 gone 'no we won't talk about that, that doesn't count.' elbEuDUBsAQ-00684-00219484-00219693 and I think that's what it is, it's putting the women back in elbEuDUBsAQ-00685-00219699-00220207 it's not, sort of, creating it, it's not sort of myth-making elbEuDUBsAQ-00686-00220211-00220490 they were always there, they've just been ignored elbEuDUBsAQ-00687-00220492-00220821 Julia: well I feel like I can, yeah, the commemoration elbEuDUBsAQ-00688-00220824-00221107 issue that Clare brought up is a big deal right elbEuDUBsAQ-00689-00221132-00221520 like it's how they want things presented and you have to sort of fight about it elbEuDUBsAQ-00690-00221522-00221868 it from the time the historical event passes into the past elbEuDUBsAQ-00691-00221875-00222104 to the present like that's just a constant thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00692-00222105-00222386 but then also what you say about separating, Chelsea, elbEuDUBsAQ-00693-00222388-00222668 separating women out and talking about them as if they're not elbEuDUBsAQ-00694-00222719-00223180 part of the continuous society also doesn't work very well elbEuDUBsAQ-00695-00223232-00223551 and this is one place where I can say that hooray maritime history, elbEuDUBsAQ-00696-00223553-00224098 niche we may be accused of being, has actually been on this for a long time elbEuDUBsAQ-00697-00224102-00224294 so good on them! That's why I really wanted elbEuDUBsAQ-00698-00224296-00224512 to bring in N. A. M. Rodger cause he's been such a elbEuDUBsAQ-00699-00224563-00224998 stalwart, he's an eminent historian elbEuDUBsAQ-00700-00225126-00225824 and his surveys he's like well women were there I don't know what you want me to say elbEuDUBsAQ-00701-00225843-00226099 He's not gonna lie so I don't know elbEuDUBsAQ-00702-00226278-00226457 but, oh my god, elbEuDUBsAQ-00703-00226463-00226632 I was going to say something else then I forgot. elbEuDUBsAQ-00704-00226635-00226775 Oh no! I have a great historiographic story elbEuDUBsAQ-00705-00226777-00227197 about this goes cause the medal thing, the medal roll elbEuDUBsAQ-00706-00227200-00227698 So one of the main articles for that is from the 1930s elbEuDUBsAQ-00707-00227700-00228198 Maritime history is also a very aged focus elbEuDUBsAQ-00708-00228209-00228793 so the guy who wrote it was a naval officer named Rowbotham, he found Jane Townshend elbEuDUBsAQ-00709-00228796-00229248 and he was just like isn't that weird andleft it elbEuDUBsAQ-00710-00229324-00229579 that was it he was just like this is just a weird thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00711-00229580-00229939 and he talked about it, it's not like he pretended it wasn't there but elbEuDUBsAQ-00712-00229990-00230333 the idea that this was at all relevant to the elbEuDUBsAQ-00713-00230335-00230732 greater historical story was just not gonna happen elbEuDUBsAQ-00714-00230835-00231115 Chelsea: I think that's why it's important for people to go elbEuDUBsAQ-00715-00231116-00231347 back to records that have already been looked at elbEuDUBsAQ-00716-00231372-00231806 because one thing that you'll find in, with my justiciary court elbEuDUBsAQ-00717-00231809-00232115 records, they are awful they are like degraded; the secretary elbEuDUBsAQ-00718-00232140-00232562 hand is just like...there are still some days where I have elbEuDUBsAQ-00719-00232564-00232985 screenshot things and put them on Twitter and say 'uh friends what is this word?' elbEuDUBsAQ-00720-00233011-00233164 I cannot real life of me figure it out elbEuDUBsAQ-00721-00233267-00233587 but we've been relying on these print editions and the elbEuDUBsAQ-00722-00233589-00233958 justiciary court records that we have in print are from 1833 elbEuDUBsAQ-00723-00233984-00234342 and a guy called Robert Pickham put them together and he just like elbEuDUBsAQ-00724-00234444-00234878 it's a selection, let's say, it's abridged, not everything is in there elbEuDUBsAQ-00725-00234880-00235134 If you looked at the printed editions you elbEuDUBsAQ-00726-00235137-00235392 would say 'oh women just never committed crimes' elbEuDUBsAQ-00727-00235417-00235667 And he has this very flowery description of elbEuDUBsAQ-00728-00235669-00236134 there is this woman who was burned at the stake for treason elbEuDUBsAQ-00729-00236211-00236518 in the 1530s, Janet Douglas, she's like pretty famous elbEuDUBsAQ-00730-00236544-00236748 [inaudible] in our history elbEuDUBsAQ-00731-00236876-00237158 and he has like half of the information about her elbEuDUBsAQ-00732-00237184-00237721 'oh and this delicate, fair Scottish flower was much-maligned elbEuDUBsAQ-00733-00237747-00237926 and I'm like okay so you're not biased elbEuDUBsAQ-00734-00237977-00238336 like there's this whole idea of representation in like well elbEuDUBsAQ-00735-00238361-00238771 we can't be seen to have unruly violent Women in our elbEuDUBsAQ-00736-00238796-00239180 history because what would that say about us as a society elbEuDUBsAQ-00737-00239283-00239641 so let's just not put them in the print edition of these records elbEuDUBsAQ-00738-00239667-00239769 they don't exist elbEuDUBsAQ-00739-00239795-00240332 so if you actually go back to the manuscripts which are a pain to use elbEuDUBsAQ-00740-00240358-00240537 but they're so valuable because, elbEuDUBsAQ-00741-00240614-00240844 can I say there's an abundance of women? No elbEuDUBsAQ-00742-00240896-00241023 But are they there? Yeah. elbEuDUBsAQ-00743-00241049-00241501 And they're doing really messed up things and it's really fascinating elbEuDUBsAQ-00744-00241510-00241690 Clare: Yeah I mean for me that's something elbEuDUBsAQ-00745-00241692-00242134 similar and terms of what you're saying about the compilations of sources elbEuDUBsAQ-00746-00242150-00242432 because a lot of the ways in which women had influence elbEuDUBsAQ-00747-00242534-00243020 that doesn't come across in the laws, or the official histories, elbEuDUBsAQ-00748-00243071-00243290 there was one woman early on when I was doing my thesis elbEuDUBsAQ-00749-00243292-00243532 and I wanted to talk about her because she was a widow elbEuDUBsAQ-00750-00243584-00244249 she was a dame d'honneur; a lady-in-waiting that's the word elbEuDUBsAQ-00751-00244300-00244582 to Catherine de Medici and then to the Queen of France elbEuDUBsAQ-00752-00244684-00244992 so she was really really involved, and her husband elbEuDUBsAQ-00753-00245043-00245191 died quite early on in their marriage elbEuDUBsAQ-00754-00245196-00245407 and she was responsible for arranging her elbEuDUBsAQ-00755-00245409-00245677 sons' marriages, for running all of their properties, elbEuDUBsAQ-00756-00245683-00245835 and actually advancing them elbEuDUBsAQ-00757-00245836-00246016 so she managed to get them a Dukedom elbEuDUBsAQ-00758-00246092-00246321 a huge amount of land, all this kind of thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00759-00246323-00246548 but when you become official records you never see her elbEuDUBsAQ-00760-00246553-00246886 she doesn't show up, there's her wedding certificate and that's about it elbEuDUBsAQ-00761-00246912-00247219 but then when you go to the private letters, she's everywhere elbEuDUBsAQ-00762-00247296-00247680 And even when it's not a letter directed to her it'll be, for example elbEuDUBsAQ-00763-00247705-00247975 a letter from her brother-in-law to her son that says 'well ask your elbEuDUBsAQ-00764-00247977-00248363 mother because we all know she knows what she's doing,' kind of thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00765-00248371-00248713 and it's so nice because at the time clearly her family and people outside elbEuDUBsAQ-00766-00248716-00248908 the family are recognizing that this woman is elbEuDUBsAQ-00767-00248934-00249190 powerful and clever and good at what she's doing elbEuDUBsAQ-00768-00249292-00249523 but in the history she kind of slips away elbEuDUBsAQ-00769-00249600-00249932 which It think again, it's a product of what gets elbEuDUBsAQ-00770-00249984-00250540 memorialized, what gets turned into print and into official sources elbEuDUBsAQ-00771-00250547-00250914 Yeah it's not great, and on the other thing when you're saying about elbEuDUBsAQ-00772-00251033-00251494 all the horrible things these women did Chelsea I mean I have to agree there because elbEuDUBsAQ-00773-00251545-00251795 at the moment it sounds like I probably love the Guise women elbEuDUBsAQ-00774-00251801-00252113 and I do they're interesting, but they're also awful, elbEuDUBsAQ-00775-00252116-00252428 like really awful in a lot of ways I mean these are elbEuDUBsAQ-00776-00252431-00252755 devout Catholics who genuinely think the existence of elbEuDUBsAQ-00777-00252758-00253158 Protestantism is a threat to their lives, to their social society elbEuDUBsAQ-00778-00253260-00253528 so you know, for example, on the Guise family elbEuDUBsAQ-00779-00253530-00253798 estate the women of the previous generation elbEuDUBsAQ-00780-00253823-00254149 burn a couple of people at the stake and this kind of thing, they're not nice elbEuDUBsAQ-00781-00254156-00254814 they very likely arranged the assassination of the King and of several other people elbEuDUBsAQ-00782-00254822-00255051 when he died, they went around sort of chanting elbEuDUBsAQ-00783-00255053-00255257 and cheering and giving out green scarves elbEuDUBsAQ-00784-00255283-00255529 which was the color of their house elbEuDUBsAQ-00785-00255539-00255667 so you know they're not elbEuDUBsAQ-00786-00255692-00255948 necessarily lovely but as you say they're fascinating elbEuDUBsAQ-00787-00256056-00256293 and I think it's really important that we do that for women elbEuDUBsAQ-00788-00256295-00256511 because there are plenty of men who are really awful elbEuDUBsAQ-00789-00256537-00256767 but they're still seen as viable historical subjects elbEuDUBsAQ-00790-00256844-00256992 where as for a lot of women it's well, elbEuDUBsAQ-00791-00256998-00257305 you have to be pretty, and you have to be sort of good and virtuous elbEuDUBsAQ-00792-00257331-00258016 and even in the sources Anne d'Este is just often known as just this beautiful woman elbEuDUBsAQ-00793-00258022-00258219 who, there's a quote about her where it says something elbEuDUBsAQ-00794-00258221-00258406 about like she had gotten two good husbands elbEuDUBsAQ-00795-00258431-00258756 and even in her fourties she could have gotten a third elbEuDUBsAQ-00796-00258764-00258968 and I think, okay but she wasn't trying, she elbEuDUBsAQ-00797-00258970-00259174 was busy running the Catholic League nearly elbEuDUBsAQ-00798-00259276-00259430 drives me crazy elbEuDUBsAQ-00799-00259532-00259774 Jennifer: I'm wondering if I could piggyback on what you're saying elbEuDUBsAQ-00800-00259777-00260039 about those nice women and how Chelsea talked about elbEuDUBsAQ-00801-00260044-00260286 how the women that, how women were written about elbEuDUBsAQ-00802-00260289-00260811 and I wonder Julia about the women who chose to step onto onto a boat and/or ship elbEuDUBsAQ-00803-00260812-00260965 and I'm wondering about motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00804-00260966-00261526 so, and I'm wondering, how do you as historians who study elbEuDUBsAQ-00805-00261529-00262169 women's history, how do you reconcile the nature of motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00806-00262195-00262502 what compelled these women to do the things that they do elbEuDUBsAQ-00807-00262553-00262937 how can lay-people better understand the role of motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00808-00262963-00263186 for your women, the women that you study elbEuDUBsAQ-00809-00263193-00263372 Julia: I can jump in on that one elbEuDUBsAQ-00810-00263449-00263910 cause actually it's a big argument, I want to start with my field. Hooray! elbEuDUBsAQ-00811-00264089-00264551 So when you have this question right and this, actually it came up in what elbEuDUBsAQ-00812-00264553-00264857 Chelsea was saying too cause right one of the things you said was that elbEuDUBsAQ-00813-00265164-00265292 a lot of the women that have elbEuDUBsAQ-00814-00265446-00265649 have been found have been found because you're sort elbEuDUBsAQ-00815-00265652-00265855 of looking for them in places where women are found elbEuDUBsAQ-00816-00265958-00266316 right and I mean this is true of all of us to a certain degree but elbEuDUBsAQ-00817-00266419-00266949 when you do that for women at sea, you get one story elbEuDUBsAQ-00818-00266956-00267211 and it's a very good story, a very accurate story elbEuDUBsAQ-00819-00267213-00267468 about how steamships enabled women to get jobs elbEuDUBsAQ-00820-00267494-00267697 they became professionals and it's cool elbEuDUBsAQ-00821-00267750-00268184 but then you get this alternate sort of story that goes with it, so since the 1960s elbEuDUBsAQ-00822-00268185-00268492 or so, since like labor history became a thing elbEuDUBsAQ-00823-00268518-00268743 they've been trying to get into like why did men go to elbEuDUBsAQ-00824-00268748-00269030 sea? Like was it really adventure did they really just want to like elbEuDUBsAQ-00825-00269081-00269569 taste the salt air; sea in your blood? Yar har har like whatever elbEuDUBsAQ-00826-00269573-00269864 and that's great, it's a good question and it gets you the inevitable elbEuDUBsAQ-00827-00269867-00270105 answer which is that people went to sea for a lot of reasons elbEuDUBsAQ-00828-00270131-00270438 and it wasn't necessarily this romantic lifetime appointment elbEuDUBsAQ-00829-00270540-00270698 that you went into cause you loved elbEuDUBsAQ-00830-00270899-00271103 but then when you get to women elbEuDUBsAQ-00831-00271129-00271456 right you start looking for women, you find them where you expect to find them elbEuDUBsAQ-00832-00271462-00271718 and then you say the thing you're expected to say which is that elbEuDUBsAQ-00833-00271749-00271961 well they just didn't have as many choices and they elbEuDUBsAQ-00834-00271963-00272155 only went aboard if their husbands went aboard and elbEuDUBsAQ-00835-00272157-00272435 it was only in the case that they had nothing else that they could do elbEuDUBsAQ-00836-00272460-00272819 right it's a story that's framed by the question of oppression elbEuDUBsAQ-00837-00272870-00273356 which is what Hilda Lerner I think brought up elbEuDUBsAQ-00838-00273612-00273918 and I don't like that question, I don't think it tells us anything important elbEuDUBsAQ-00839-00273919-00274110 well it does tell us important things about oppression elbEuDUBsAQ-00840-00274113-00274380 but it doesn't tell us anything about the women right elbEuDUBsAQ-00841-00274483-00274687 so what I found elbEuDUBsAQ-00842-00274713-00275097 just by trying to look at things generally, just by trying to look at things in place elbEuDUBsAQ-00843-00275148-00275403 Is that they went to sea for the same reason elbEuDUBsAQ-00844-00275405-00275660 that everybody else went to sea: it was a job elbEuDUBsAQ-00845-00275763-00275936 it was a job, it was a job that you could elbEuDUBsAQ-00846-00275942-00276198 maybe your husband was in it, maybe your family was in it elbEuDUBsAQ-00847-00276223-00276531 but that's how everybody got their jobs; it's not different elbEuDUBsAQ-00848-00276633-00277139 if you frame it as this thing about how women's opportunities are limited elbEuDUBsAQ-00849-00277145-00277581 and you know, they weren't necessarily, you look for the feminist motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00850-00277584-00277811 of like they went to sea just to stick it to the men elbEuDUBsAQ-00851-00277836-00278169 they went to see cause they could, some of them did elbEuDUBsAQ-00852-00278195-00278574 And some of them didn't, and some of them had no choice and some of them did elbEuDUBsAQ-00853-00278579-00278954 so I guess I don't - we're never going to be able to get at their elbEuDUBsAQ-00854-00278957-00279243 actual motivation cause none of them wrote it down for the most part elbEuDUBsAQ-00855-00279244-00279558 wouldn't that have been nice guys thank you even Ann Saunders elbEuDUBsAQ-00856-00279561-00279859 right she's writing her story and it's really about like elbEuDUBsAQ-00857-00279935-00280150 'I was saved because I found Jesus' elbEuDUBsAQ-00858-00280217-00280550 and you're like well you're safe cause you ate your fiance like let's be honest here elbEuDUBsAQ-00859-00280883-00281036 Jennifer: Yeah, interesting elbEuDUBsAQ-00860-00281062-00281215 Julia: Yeah, so elbEuDUBsAQ-00861-00281267-00281559 barring finding anybody that writes down that they went to sea elbEuDUBsAQ-00862-00281561-00281881 because they wanted to eat their fiance, they went to sea because they elbEuDUBsAQ-00863-00281907-00282060 just because that's what elbEuDUBsAQ-00864-00282086-00282419 it was something they could do they could get paid, they could get a job. elbEuDUBsAQ-00865-00282470-00282817 Chelsea: I think that that's so similar for my women too, it's like I'm never elbEuDUBsAQ-00866-00282819-00283063 going to go back and find a letter or an entry that says elbEuDUBsAQ-00867-00283161-00283391 'I tried to kill this guy because X.' elbEuDUBsAQ-00868-00283468-00283980 Although I did find a really good one where elbEuDUBsAQ-00869-00284006-00284568 sometimes you can kind of infer things when you have details so for me I elbEuDUBsAQ-00870-00284570-00285070 I just asked the same questions about my women that I do about my men elbEuDUBsAQ-00871-00285081-00285337 we have all this research that suggests that it's about elbEuDUBsAQ-00872-00285363-00285669 violence is linked to honor and if your honor elbEuDUBsAQ-00873-00285671-00285977 is injured then you become sort of shamed and elbEuDUBsAQ-00874-00286003-00286284 then shame turns to anger and anger turns to hate in the whole elbEuDUBsAQ-00875-00286335-00286540 Dark side of the Force situation and then you elbEuDUBsAQ-00876-00286566-00286859 then you get all your buddies together and you're like all right we're elbEuDUBsAQ-00877-00286861-00287180 gonna show them what's what because I cannot allow this insult to stand elbEuDUBsAQ-00878-00287206-00287378 Why would women feel any differently? elbEuDUBsAQ-00879-00287385-00288025 I mean we don't have evidence, but It seems silly knowing what we know about elbEuDUBsAQ-00880-00288179-00288639 psychology and sociology and anthropology and social relationships. elbEuDUBsAQ-00881-00288716-00289022 that women would kill for sort of the specific reason elbEuDUBsAQ-00882-00289025-00289331 might be very different but the underlying reason elbEuDUBsAQ-00883-00289356-00289535 is ultimately someone made you mad elbEuDUBsAQ-00884-00289817-00290355 and I think that sometimes I mean that women are just as likely to engage in this elbEuDUBsAQ-00885-00290380-00290739 these vengeful relationships as well elbEuDUBsAQ-00886-00290764-00291353 this one isn't a homicide but I have an example from, I think it's 1510s but elbEuDUBsAQ-00887-00291379-00291609 anyway it's in there, it's in the early sixteenth century elbEuDUBsAQ-00888-00291686-00292019 the entry that I have in the court records says that a woman and elbEuDUBsAQ-00889-00292044-00292531 another man were pardoned from mutilating a guy elbEuDUBsAQ-00890-00292582-00292965 but doesn't say what, so I went and looked at the Register of the Privy Seal elbEuDUBsAQ-00891-00292966-00293293 and that told me that the two of these people elbEuDUBsAQ-00892-00293299-00293606 mutilated the man in a very sensitive area elbEuDUBsAQ-00893-00293657-00293865 and in fact it wasn't mutilation it was demembration elbEuDUBsAQ-00894-00293867-00294118 which means taking the piece of the body off elbEuDUBsAQ-00895-00294143-00294374 mutilation is just damaging it so it doesn't work anymore elbEuDUBsAQ-00896-00294399-00294783 demembration is removal and it was a part that elbEuDUBsAQ-00897-00294886-00295141 meant that this man would not be able to have elbEuDUBsAQ-00898-00295143-00295398 any sort of progeny after this particular event elbEuDUBsAQ-00899-00295449-00295782 and so I mean we can't know for sure but elbEuDUBsAQ-00900-00295935-00296115 I'm feeling like there was a bit of maybe elbEuDUBsAQ-00901-00296140-00296314 sexual assault or something that happened elbEuDUBsAQ-00902-00296319-00296575 and this feels like a pretty reasonable response elbEuDUBsAQ-00903-00296601-00297087 so, yeah sometimes if you get those details you can kind of infer elbEuDUBsAQ-00904-00297164-00297393 I think I know what may or may not have happened here elbEuDUBsAQ-00905-00297395-00297779 but of course we'll never know and my records are really awful for just saying elbEuDUBsAQ-00906-00297804-00298509 so-and-so has been told to come to court on this day for the slaughter of this person elbEuDUBsAQ-00907-00298521-00298879 that's it. I don't know what happened, I don't know why, we don't have depositions elbEuDUBsAQ-00908-00298931-00299198 sometimes there are process notes and other documents that elbEuDUBsAQ-00909-00299201-00299468 may or may not exist or you may or may not have access to but, elbEuDUBsAQ-00910-00299673-00300005 yeah it's a lot of guesswork and a lot of estimating but that's like elbEuDUBsAQ-00911-00300007-00300262 what we do as historians we make a lot of educated guesses elbEuDUBsAQ-00912-00300441-00300697 Clare: Yeah I think I'm kind of the lucky exception in this case elbEuDUBsAQ-00913-00300723-00301255 which is definitely a product of studying noblewomen and very very senior noblewomen elbEuDUBsAQ-00914-00301260-00301644 so like the Guise are without doubt the most powerful noble family elbEuDUBsAQ-00915-00301772-00302147 in France at this time, obviously excepting the Royals elbEuDUBsAQ-00916-00302156-00302355 so they really, I know why they did what they did elbEuDUBsAQ-00917-00302361-00302566 they make it very obvious, there's a lot of elbEuDUBsAQ-00918-00302568-00302822 correspondence, there's a lot of outright pamphlets elbEuDUBsAQ-00919-00302847-00303129 where thesee women sort of say, you know, elbEuDUBsAQ-00920-00303155-00303539 The tyrant King Henri III has murdered my children elbEuDUBsAQ-00921-00303564-00303923 and therefore, and I'm thinking okay I mean that's a good reason good elbEuDUBsAQ-00922-00303948-00304230 but they also do it, so there's that personal motivation elbEuDUBsAQ-00923-00304302-00304531 and as you're saying it's kind of honor you know; the elbEuDUBsAQ-00924-00304537-00304792 the family has been disrespected, they want to get elbEuDUBsAQ-00925-00304794-00305049 revenge and they want to sort of redeem the family's honor elbEuDUBsAQ-00926-00305177-00305510 there's a fascinating case in that in which I mentioned elbEuDUBsAQ-00927-00305535-00306022 in my paper Catherine de Cleves gives birth to a son after her husband dies elbEuDUBsAQ-00928-00306073-00306585 that son, early in the seventeenth century, goes on to have a duel elbEuDUBsAQ-00929-00306662-00306995 at the court of Louis XIII in which he kills another man elbEuDUBsAQ-00930-00307071-00307430 and when you look at the details, what actually happened is he killed this man elbEuDUBsAQ-00931-00307455-00307737 because the man was involved in the assassination of his father elbEuDUBsAQ-00932-00307839-00308273 so sort of 20-something years earlier, and his mother, Catherine elbEuDUBsAQ-00933-00308276-00308710 de Cleves prays for mercy cause the punishment for that is death elbEuDUBsAQ-00934-00308761-00309017 but she prays for mercy and she said well look elbEuDUBsAQ-00935-00309043-00309273 he's only doing what I would do if I weren't a woman elbEuDUBsAQ-00936-00309299-00309630 you know you can understand why he's trying to take revenge, it's his honor elbEuDUBsAQ-00937-00309631-00310177 it's the family honor, and it's exactly what I would do but I can't elbEuDUBsAQ-00938-00310185-00310343 so there's a lot of really clear motivations elbEuDUBsAQ-00939-00310348-00310654 that they are very explicit about and that's so helpful elbEuDUBsAQ-00940-00310655-00310917 it's also a complete exception I think, to elbEuDUBsAQ-00941-00310919-00311244 studying very very senior figures within a society elbEuDUBsAQ-00942-00311295-00311853 but I think there's also, for a longtime in the Wars of Religion, in the historiography elbEuDUBsAQ-00943-00311859-00312063 people discounted the importance of religion elbEuDUBsAQ-00944-00312115-00312396 they looked at it as, 'oh they're doing this for political gain' elbEuDUBsAQ-00945-00312550-00312724 and I just don't you can do that now there's elbEuDUBsAQ-00946-00312726-00312928 been a movement to kind of reinstate the religion elbEuDUBsAQ-00947-00312934-00313176 there's a brilliant article and I cannot remember who elbEuDUBsAQ-00948-00313178-00313470 wrote it about putting the religion back in the Wars of Religion elbEuDUBsAQ-00949-00313471-00313625 because people genuinely believe elbEuDUBsAQ-00950-00313651-00314156 as Catholics that allowing Protestants to live will cause the end of the world elbEuDUBsAQ-00951-00314163-00314687 quite literally there's a lot of really apocalyptic thought going on elbEuDUBsAQ-00952-00314700-00314982 and I don't think you can discount those religious motivations elbEuDUBsAQ-00953-00315007-00315263 so for these women they think about having, elbEuDUBsAQ-00954-00315315-00315666 I mean the King isn't Protestant but they think he's not a proper Catholic elbEuDUBsAQ-00955-00315673-00315877 so having him on the throne they think is sort of going to elbEuDUBsAQ-00956-00315879-00316108 cause the ruin of the country and the end of the world, so elbEuDUBsAQ-00957-00316262-00316518 you have to I think accept the religious motivations as well elbEuDUBsAQ-00958-00316543-00317296 you can't discount them, even when people pay lip-service to god they actually mean it elbEuDUBsAQ-00959-00317311-00317707 they're not saying, you know, just to fit in, I really elbEuDUBsAQ-00960-00317709-00318105 do believe, especially with women as devout as these, the Guise family was elbEuDUBsAQ-00961-00318156-00318515 notoriously Catholic, sort of infamously Catholic. elbEuDUBsAQ-00962-00318643-00318970 Jennifer: It's so interesting because what I hear all three of you talking about elbEuDUBsAQ-00963-00318975-00319334 Is how, you know, women aren't a different species elbEuDUBsAQ-00964-00319385-00319615 they are human beings who have the similar motivations elbEuDUBsAQ-00965-00319667-00319918 and they're motivated by the same thing, you know that, elbEuDUBsAQ-00966-00319920-00320204 men are motivated by the same thing women are and vice-versa elbEuDUBsAQ-00967-00320255-00320486 and I think it's really fascinating to think about elbEuDUBsAQ-00968-00320511-00320687 the overlap even though you're looking at elbEuDUBsAQ-00969-00320689-00320895 three very different things so there are a lot elbEuDUBsAQ-00970-00320921-00321203 commonalities and one of the other things I was kind of struck by elbEuDUBsAQ-00971-00321228-00321477 is going back to the nature of agency elbEuDUBsAQ-00972-00321484-00321919 and you know when you talked about how she didn't that, one woman didn't elbEuDUBsAQ-00973-00321971-00322251 didn't do a duel because she couldn't cause she was a woman elbEuDUBsAQ-00974-00322252-00322635 but there were some things she did that women quote-unquote weren't supposed to do elbEuDUBsAQ-00975-00322636-00322867 so I'm wondering if you could speak to, elbEuDUBsAQ-00976-00322918-00323174 I guess it the ceiling or the limits of their agency elbEuDUBsAQ-00977-00323199-00323553 how did they decide how far to push it? Like Julia did you come elbEuDUBsAQ-00978-00323555-00323889 across any women who are like okay that's it I'm gonna be the captain now elbEuDUBsAQ-00979-00323891-00324121 like they decided they were going to be the captain or elbEuDUBsAQ-00980-00324147-00324607 how did, yeah so wondering if you talk about the limits elbEuDUBsAQ-00981-00324633-00324915 of agency and how the women you study elbEuDUBsAQ-00982-00324940-00325299 decided to stop pushing or did they push as hard as they could elbEuDUBsAQ-00983-00325350-00325629 and got as far as they could if that makes sense elbEuDUBsAQ-00984-00325631-00325947 Clare: so for me I think, with the three women there's a difference elbEuDUBsAQ-00985-00325964-00326271 So Anne d'Este and her daughter-in-law Catherine de Cleves elbEuDUBsAQ-00986-00326323-00326476 they use femininity elbEuDUBsAQ-00987-00326553-00326895 they manipulate it, they subvert it, but they stay within the boundaries elbEuDUBsAQ-00988-00326911-00327213 so they use it for their own ends and that's what makes them different from other women elbEuDUBsAQ-00989-00327219-00327628 but they're still within what's acceptable, so what I was saying about grief elbEuDUBsAQ-00990-00327654-00328297 that's a very normal and sort of 'wholesome' role for women to play elbEuDUBsAQ-00991-00328345-00328647 and then the other part of my thesis which I didn't talk about today elbEuDUBsAQ-00992-00328652-00328857 is about how they sort of reintegrated the family elbEuDUBsAQ-00993-00328883-00329087 and how they won their place back under the King elbEuDUBsAQ-00994-00329113-00329440 and again that's part of this conception of women as peacemakers elbEuDUBsAQ-00995-00329446-00329773 as sort of reconcilers and that fits again elbEuDUBsAQ-00996-00329779-00330060 the difference is Catherine-Marie de Lorraine elbEuDUBsAQ-00997-00330086-00330393 who is so much more violent, so much more masculine elbEuDUBsAQ-00998-00330444-00330905 she carries a pair of scissors around, in her belt, at all times, elbEuDUBsAQ-00999-00331033-00331232 she threatens that if she ever sees King Henri III elbEuDUBsAQ-01000-00331238-00331472 if he's ever captured, she will tonsure him herself, elbEuDUBsAQ-01001-00331474-00331699 give him the monk haircut and this kind of thing elbEuDUBsAQ-01002-00331711-00332035 so she's violent with it, she actively pursues elbEuDUBsAQ-01003-00332038-00332533 his assassination and there's a lot of circumstancial elbEuDUBsAQ-01004-00332536-00333002 evidence that she is behind it and lot of people think she was elbEuDUBsAQ-01005-00333004-00333414 she really, she sort of says, at one point he elbEuDUBsAQ-01006-00333439-00333744 threatenes her and he says 'if you don't stop what you're doing elbEuDUBsAQ-01007-00333772-00334028 I will capture you, you will be burned at the stake elbEuDUBsAQ-01008-00334054-00334330 and she actively says 'well fire isn't for pious elbEuDUBsAQ-01009-00334333-00334591 people like me it's for sodomites like you elbEuDUBsAQ-01010-00334694-00334847 so she's very elbEuDUBsAQ-01011-00334873-00335155 I know right she goes for it, she doesn't hold back elbEuDUBsAQ-01012-00335206-00335397 but because of this because of the fact she elbEuDUBsAQ-01013-00335399-00335610 doesn't have children, she doesn't try to remarry elbEuDUBsAQ-01014-00335692-00335965 she walks with a limp which for a lot of people is seen elbEuDUBsAQ-01015-00335967-00336230 as unfeminine and she should be hiding herself away elbEuDUBsAQ-01016-00336255-00336588 but instead she's out on the streets stirring up the people elbEuDUBsAQ-01017-00336639-00337093 that's not feminine and that wins her a whole lot of disapproval elbEuDUBsAQ-01018-00337104-00337316 so there's pamphlets, one in particular elbEuDUBsAQ-01019-00337382-00337663 which claims to be a list of all the books in her library elbEuDUBsAQ-01020-00337689-00337945 now it's very obviously not, but a lot of elbEuDUBsAQ-01021-00337971-00338278 the books are listed in there is like things about elbEuDUBsAQ-01022-00338329-00338687 her sexuality which they suggest that she's this licentious whore almost elbEuDUBsAQ-01023-00338995-00339225 and they really go for it so they say that elbEuDUBsAQ-01024-00339226-00339527 she slept with the assassin of the King and that was the only way she could elbEuDUBsAQ-01025-00339532-00339781 persuade him, things like this, so they really villainize her elbEuDUBsAQ-01026-00339788-00340063 whereas they don't do that to her mother and her sister-in-law elbEuDUBsAQ-01027-00340070-00340252 because they stay within what's acceptable. elbEuDUBsAQ-01028-00340326-00340633 Chelsea: Yeah that's I mean to me what I find in my records is elbEuDUBsAQ-01029-00340684-00340863 there's a lot that status and influence elbEuDUBsAQ-01030-00340889-00341182 and money will get you out of I mean that's part of elbEuDUBsAQ-01031-00341185-00341478 my dissertation right the gender's a part of it but through the whole elbEuDUBsAQ-01032-00341555-00341939 dissertation what I'm trying to argue is that basically if you're elbEuDUBsAQ-01033-00341944-00342142 if you have enough money and you have enough status and elbEuDUBsAQ-01034-00342145-00342323 you have enough influence you can do whatever you want elbEuDUBsAQ-01035-00342374-00343014 There are certain, also in Scotland anyway there certain social dynamics where elbEuDUBsAQ-01036-00343039-00343347 because, I mean in the sixteenth century Scotland is not like elbEuDUBsAQ-01037-00343398-00343551 I'm so sorry [inaudible], it's not like elbEuDUBsAQ-01038-00343577-00343884 like an absolutist state, like it's elbEuDUBsAQ-01039-00343885-00344065 trying, the Stuarts are trying and they're elbEuDUBsAQ-01040-00344067-00344233 trying to sort of centralize things not just elbEuDUBsAQ-01041-00344236-00344627 geographically in Edinburgh but to sort of have this this network elbEuDUBsAQ-01042-00344678-00344933 of interconnected agencies where the power kind elbEuDUBsAQ-01043-00344935-00345190 of flows from the King out through their agents elbEuDUBsAQ-01044-00345241-00345547 the thing is though that the regional magnates are elbEuDUBsAQ-01045-00345549-00345952 still extremely powerful and these families can command large standing armies elbEuDUBsAQ-01046-00345958-00346444 The King in Scotland or the Monarch or the Regent is just sort of like the top noble elbEuDUBsAQ-01047-00346495-00346598 They're not this elbEuDUBsAQ-01048-00346675-00346891 Despite all the the rhetoric around like 'oh elbEuDUBsAQ-01049-00346894-00347135 I'm god's chosen and I'm more special than you are.' elbEuDUBsAQ-01050-00347212-00347494 like the Nobles are not afraid to sort of say elbEuDUBsAQ-01051-00347519-00347801 we don't really like what you're doing elbEuDUBsAQ-01052-00347852-00348101 and remember that we can just get the entire border elbEuDUBsAQ-01053-00348104-00348343 region to just stop listening to you if we want elbEuDUBsAQ-01054-00348441-00348999 or I mean James V was, his whole minority he was being shipped around the country elbEuDUBsAQ-01055-00349001-00349183 by different people in different factions elbEuDUBsAQ-01056-00349363-00349721 sort of taking control of the personhood of the King, it was just elbEuDUBsAQ-01057-00349823-00350182 it was a volatile situation in a lot of cases and so these women elbEuDUBsAQ-01058-00350207-00350591 have associations with very powerful families and, elbEuDUBsAQ-01059-00350643-00351001 an attack on the woman is an attack on the Family elbEuDUBsAQ-01060-00351078-00351692 and women didn't give up their family associations or their birth names elbEuDUBsAQ-01061-00351718-00352281 when they married they just created a link between two kin groups elbEuDUBsAQ-01062-00352358-00352730 so it's not like 'oh well I'm not a Douglas anymore elbEuDUBsAQ-01063-00352732-00353075 I'm a Semple or what-have-you it's I'm both.' elbEuDUBsAQ-01064-00353126-00353254 and if you mess with this elbEuDUBsAQ-01065-00353279-00353638 one person there's a very good chance that these two families elbEuDUBsAQ-01066-00353663-00353817 will find common cause elbEuDUBsAQ-01067-00353971-00354278 to go after whoever has harmed them in some way and so elbEuDUBsAQ-01068-00354355-00354662 the King and other nobles have to be really careful about elbEuDUBsAQ-01069-00354764-00354969 how they respond to women who elbEuDUBsAQ-01070-00354995-00355174 maybe are getting a little uppity elbEuDUBsAQ-01071-00355199-00355839 because trying to smack them down could have severe consequences for the political elbEuDUBsAQ-01072-00355865-00356019 and social stability of the realm elbEuDUBsAQ-01073-00356095-00356411 Julia: Clare's right when she says that there's this sort of separation elbEuDUBsAQ-01074-00356414-00356710 when you have a high-status person who's able elbEuDUBsAQ-01075-00356735-00357085 one their records get preserved their thoughts gets preserved at a much greater rate elbEuDUBsAQ-01076-00357094-00357385 but two they're much more likely to write them down in the first place elbEuDUBsAQ-01077-00357401-00357733 but with respect to the differences like the class elbEuDUBsAQ-01078-00357735-00358067 differences are very very real so I don't want to elbEuDUBsAQ-01079-00358169-00358323 get rid of those but I do I wanna say elbEuDUBsAQ-01080-00358374-00358732 that it's partially from the historical sort of elbEuDUBsAQ-01081-00358758-00359045 interiority of these women of higher status that we can elbEuDUBsAQ-01082-00359048-00359372 understand that these people are still thinking people right elbEuDUBsAQ-01083-00359423-00359679 otherwise a lot of what I have is just numbers, elbEuDUBsAQ-01084-00359705-00359973 numbers about people like I could tell you everyone's ages elbEuDUBsAQ-01085-00359975-00360243 actually they lied about their ages but it's hard to tell elbEuDUBsAQ-01086-00360371-00360703 You know I can tell you what they said about how old they were elbEuDUBsAQ-01087-00360857-00361267 but when it's a question of sort of elbEuDUBsAQ-01088-00361395-00361753 did women how far were they pushing back for the elbEuDUBsAQ-01089-00361881-00362035 working-class women on ships elbEuDUBsAQ-01090-00362111-00362316 there's a lot of times when you could say elbEuDUBsAQ-01091-00362367-00362597 then doing what they're doing is pushing back right elbEuDUBsAQ-01092-00362599-00362828 like they're they're hitting that ceiling pretty hard elbEuDUBsAQ-01093-00362854-00363545 because I'm a single woman on a ship and I want to go to Hawaii so I'm gonna, right elbEuDUBsAQ-01094-00363724-00363903 the married women are also sort of, elbEuDUBsAQ-01095-00363929-00364202 a lot of them are getting paid at a rate that is usually elbEuDUBsAQ-01096-00364205-00364518 better than the able-seamen although it's worse than the other officers elbEuDUBsAQ-01097-00364543-00364953 so it's not exactly like they're just appendages elbEuDUBsAQ-01098-00365004-00365260 right not always, sometimes, but not always elbEuDUBsAQ-01099-00365311-00365542 and then you do get the cases where we have elbEuDUBsAQ-01100-00365593-00366054 you know, especially Captain's wives, especially women passengers elbEuDUBsAQ-01101-00366105-00366437 women who tended to write accounts, to keep journals and that sort of thing elbEuDUBsAQ-01102-00366438-00366744 it's a sort of cottage industry to have the woman come forward and elbEuDUBsAQ-01103-00366746-00367052 take over the ship when there's a disaster like you write a story elbEuDUBsAQ-01104-00367078-00367283 about that and not just stories but elbEuDUBsAQ-01105-00367308-00367539 people's experiences a couple of them got really famous elbEuDUBsAQ-01106-00367897-00368411 but it's kind of like, and Julie [inaudible] wrote a really good article about this elbEuDUBsAQ-01107-00368413-00368716 in the 1970s which I still find a very useful article elbEuDUBsAQ-01108-00368767-00368972 although many many women have worked on elbEuDUBsAQ-01109-00369023-00369331 sort of whaling wives since then like Lisa Norling and all these others elbEuDUBsAQ-01110-00369535-00369919 but one of the things that she notes is the way in which elbEuDUBsAQ-01111-00369945-00370227 kind of like what Clare was saying these women are elbEuDUBsAQ-01112-00370278-00370494 leveraging the limits put on them in order elbEuDUBsAQ-01113-00370496-00370739 to get things done that they couldn't get done elbEuDUBsAQ-01114-00370764-00371276 So what [inaudible] says is that the women that are going with their husbands on elbEuDUBsAQ-01115-00371302-00371481 whaling ships you know elbEuDUBsAQ-01116-00371532-00371733 frequently they're like oh you better teach me elbEuDUBsAQ-01117-00371735-00371967 navigation cause if you die I'm running a the ship back elbEuDUBsAQ-01118-00372172-00372339 Oh you need to teach this me, oh I need to go with elbEuDUBsAQ-01119-00372342-00372505 you cause I'm supposed to be your help-mate[?] elbEuDUBsAQ-01120-00372556-00372817 I want to go with you because that's what I'm supposed to do elbEuDUBsAQ-01121-00372838-00373297 It's still like, I don't know it's such a it's such a hard thing to prise elbEuDUBsAQ-01122-00373300-00373555 apart what is limiting them versus what they are using elbEuDUBsAQ-01123-00373580-00373836 in order to get more out of their situation elbEuDUBsAQ-01124-00373990-00374206 Jennifer: I think one of the themes that I'm elbEuDUBsAQ-01125-00374209-00374425 taking away after listening to you share is elbEuDUBsAQ-01126-00374476-00374772 the importance of recognizing both the individuality elbEuDUBsAQ-01127-00374775-00375065 of the women and the systems they operated within elbEuDUBsAQ-01128-00375116-00375526 and that each one of them made different decisions for different reasons and agency elbEuDUBsAQ-01129-00375551-00376139 is both a function of what the woman chooses to set and what society sets around her elbEuDUBsAQ-01130-00376140-00376473 which is just, it's so so fascinating and thank you elbEuDUBsAQ-01131-00376499-00376857 so so much, I think we're going to start wrapping up elbEuDUBsAQ-01132-00376959-00377139 so if there's anything else that you wanted to elbEuDUBsAQ-01133-00377164-00377676 share related to women's agency related to public history, please. elbEuDUBsAQ-01134-00377753-00377932 Chelsea: In terms of closing remarks elbEuDUBsAQ-01135-00377958-00378342 I just want to say thank you for really stimulating discussion I think that if anything elbEuDUBsAQ-01136-00378444-00378630 any one singular thing has come out of this elbEuDUBsAQ-01137-00378632-00378854 discussion that I want to leave everyone with it's that elbEuDUBsAQ-01138-00378879-00379340 I think what we might have shown today is that women are people too elbEuDUBsAQ-01139-00379545-00379622 thanks very much! elbEuDUBsAQ-01140-00379775-00380056 Clare: Chelsea's just beaten me to it I was going to use the women elbEuDUBsAQ-01141-00380058-00380339 are people line I think that's absolutely what we've shown elbEuDUBsAQ-01142-00380364-00380602 My only other sort of desperate request is that if elbEuDUBsAQ-01143-00380604-00380876 there are any sort of TV writers or producers out there elbEuDUBsAQ-01144-00380902-00381183 please come on, these are great stories, make them elbEuDUBsAQ-01145-00381337-00381747 because I think there's so much power in there, there's so much that is so interesting elbEuDUBsAQ-01146-00381875-00382126 give the Guise women a story maybe elbEuDUBsAQ-01147-00382131-00382481 Julia: Yeah I totally agree women are people and sign me up I'm elbEuDUBsAQ-01148-00382483-00382767 going to watch the show about the Guise women elbEuDUBsAQ-01149-00382769-00383052 please I would love to see that, absolutely elbEuDUBsAQ-01150-00383103-00383257 will drive the viewer ratings there elbEuDUBsAQ-01151-00383411-00383641 and thank you to the fellow panelists, this was wonderful elbEuDUBsAQ-01152-00383667-00383923 I love these conversations I always learn so much elbEuDUBsAQ-01153-00383974-00384204 and then I just want to say elbEuDUBsAQ-01154-00384230-00384486 enjoy that pirate movie man like that elbEuDUBsAQ-01155-00384511-00384728 I know that I say a lot of stuff about people elbEuDUBsAQ-01156-00384730-00384947 getting ignored and how it shouldn't happen but elbEuDUBsAQ-01157-00384998-00385279 love it love that media they're so fun elbEuDUBsAQ-01158-00385305-00385509 just because I said there should be more women in elbEuDUBsAQ-01159-00385511-00385715 it then they should stop being such jerks about it elbEuDUBsAQ-01160-00385740-00386047 doesn't mean you can't enjoy that. Watch all the pirate movies elbEuDUBsAQ-01161-00386124-00386381 Many thanks to all three of you we look forward to elbEuDUBsAQ-01162-00386383-00386757 seeing viewers in the Q&A that will be posted later this week elbEuDUBsAQ-01163-00386840-00387140 Captions by Avan (u/Starwarsnerd222) f05n0XuS54Q-00000-00000000-00000306 Elon Musk offered Twitter an offer it couldn't refuse f05n0XuS54Q-00001-00000306-00001014 last year. His offer to buy the corporation for $44 billion, or $54.20 per share, was dismissed f05n0XuS54Q-00002-00001014-00001506 at first as a joke. The sincerity of his offer became clear as time passed. Musk's takeover f05n0XuS54Q-00003-00001506-00001889 was approved by the company's board of directors and co-founder Jack Dorsey. f05n0XuS54Q-00004-00001889-00002346 Twitter's destiny was eventually decided by a vote of its shareholders, who approved the f05n0XuS54Q-00005-00002346-00002886 acquisition. However, Elon thinks that he has made a huge mistake! In this video, we’ll take a f05n0XuS54Q-00006-00002886-00003414 look at why Elon Musk regrets buying Twitter.. Elon Musk's apologies are quite unusual. Admitting f05n0XuS54Q-00007-00003414-00003810 his errors is not in his repertoire. It is frequently the contrary. Musk enjoys f05n0XuS54Q-00008-00003810-00004079 counter-attacking. He has used this tactic since gaining f05n0XuS54Q-00009-00004079-00004572 control of Twitter, our modern-day town square. He attacks people he regards to be his foes or f05n0XuS54Q-00010-00004572-00005118 adversaries: Democrats, awakened culture followers, the press, and Silicon Valley titans. f05n0XuS54Q-00011-00005118-00005550 What these alleged adversaries have in common, according to him, is that they oppose free f05n0XuS54Q-00012-00005550-00005916 speech, of which he sees himself as an "absolutist" champion. He f05n0XuS54Q-00013-00005916-00006144 also did not shy away from mocking the news coverage f05n0XuS54Q-00014-00006144-00006545 of his first moves as Twitter CEO. Musk is seeking additional revenue streams f05n0XuS54Q-00015-00006545-00007044 to help Twitter become profitable as quickly as possible. The issue he now faces is that f05n0XuS54Q-00016-00007044-00007368 he incurred $13 billion in debt to finance the platform f05n0XuS54Q-00017-00007368-00007776 acquisition. This was a margin loan in which he used some of his Tesla stock as security. f05n0XuS54Q-00018-00007776-00008220 A margin loan works on the basis that if the value of the collateral falls below the borrowed f05n0XuS54Q-00019-00008220-00008574 amount, the borrower must supply extra collateral to make up the difference. f05n0XuS54Q-00020-00008574-00009060 Because the purchase of Twitter took six months, it is difficult to determine when the loan was f05n0XuS54Q-00021-00009060-00009414 closed between May, in the early days of the Twitter acquisition negotiations, f05n0XuS54Q-00022-00009414-00009678 and October, when the deal was completed. f05n0XuS54Q-00023-00009678-00010452 During this time, Tesla shares climbed above $200, peaking at $317.54 on May 4. What is f05n0XuS54Q-00024-00010452-00011052 certain is that, with the share price ending at $179.05 on December 9, the collateral shares have f05n0XuS54Q-00025-00011052-00011556 lost between 10% and 40% of their value, potentially necessitating Musk to post further f05n0XuS54Q-00026-00011556-00011988 collateral to compensate for the value loss. Musk argued that he should never have f05n0XuS54Q-00027-00011988-00012456 taken out a margin loan on his Tesla shares since, regardless of the company's long-term potential, f05n0XuS54Q-00028-00012456-00012936 the stock's value is certain to fall in the short term in an unpredictable economic environment. f05n0XuS54Q-00029-00012936-00013422 "It is generally advisable to avoid taking margin loans on any company when there are f05n0XuS54Q-00030-00013422-00013944 macroeconomic issues," the billionaire tweeted on December 8. "As equities fluctuate in ways f05n0XuS54Q-00031-00013944-00014130 that are unrelated to their long-term potential." f05n0XuS54Q-00032-00014130-00014574 The tweet implies that even companies with great foundations, such as Tesla, are vulnerable in f05n0XuS54Q-00033-00014574-00015060 times of economic uncertainty, as is currently the case. Investors are prone to succumbing to f05n0XuS54Q-00034-00015060-00015569 fear and panic, resulting in a widespread stock sell-off, regardless of how strong the company is. f05n0XuS54Q-00035-00015569-00016169 As a result, Musk appears to advise against taking out a margin loan during such times. In doing f05n0XuS54Q-00036-00016169-00016614 so, he appears to be showing regret for having done it himself. We must consider the chance f05n0XuS54Q-00037-00016614-00016914 that this will turn out to be one of the funniest things that has ever happened. f05n0XuS54Q-00038-00016914-00017406 That's because it appears Musk constructed a large hole in the jungle, carefully filled it with punji f05n0XuS54Q-00039-00017406-00017904 sticks and crocodiles, and then dived in. Twitter currently generates 90% of its revenue from f05n0XuS54Q-00040-00017904-00018336 advertising. This signifies that you, the Twitter user, are not a customer of Twitter. f05n0XuS54Q-00041-00018336-00018912 Its product is you. Its clients are corporate advertising, and as any entrepreneur knows, the f05n0XuS54Q-00042-00018912-00019356 customer is always right. Grocery stores are concerned with the people buying for Cheetos, not f05n0XuS54Q-00043-00019356-00019644 the Cheetos themselves. Twitter's content filtering f05n0XuS54Q-00044-00019644-00020010 has been harsh at times, particularly when it froze my account because f05n0XuS54Q-00045-00020010-00020484 David Duke was upset with me. This is not due to Twitter being governed by an awakened mob. f05n0XuS54Q-00046-00020484-00020964 It's because Twitter needs to keep advertisers happy, and a certain type of environment for their f05n0XuS54Q-00047-00020964-00021426 ads is their main priority. This can take various forms. Delta's contract most f05n0XuS54Q-00048-00021426-00021912 likely states that its advertisements will not run near any tweets regarding airline crashes. f05n0XuS54Q-00049-00021912-00022380 However, advertisers in general do not want anything contentious that takes people out of the f05n0XuS54Q-00050-00022380-00022710 buying mood or, worse, makes them angry at the brands themselves. f05n0XuS54Q-00051-00022710-00023148 Procter & Gamble can't have its Charmin advertisements, which are aimed at the Upscale f05n0XuS54Q-00052-00023148-00023652 Panera Mom micro-demographic, appear beneath frenzied diatribes about annihilating all f05n0XuS54Q-00053-00023652-00024024 Muslims. Twitter is also a bad business from a financial standpoint. f05n0XuS54Q-00054-00024024-00024708 It has only been profitable for two years, in 2018 and 2019. It lost almost $1 billion in 2020 f05n0XuS54Q-00055-00024708-00025368 before recovering to lose only $222 million in 2021. To make matters worse, Musk's proposal to f05n0XuS54Q-00056-00025368-00025956 buy Twitter included borrowing $12.5 billion. This means that Twitter will have to pay an extra f05n0XuS54Q-00057-00025956-00026489 $1 billion every year to cover this debt. This is why Musk jumped right in with a groveling f05n0XuS54Q-00058-00026489-00026910 attempt to appease advertising. He must do everything in his power to keep them satisfied. f05n0XuS54Q-00059-00026910-00027420 As a result, if Twitter continues on its current path, it will continue to lose enormous sums of f05n0XuS54Q-00060-00027420-00027882 money eternally. However, if advertisers become concerned about Musk's management and f05n0XuS54Q-00061-00027882-00028272 abandon the platform, it might suffer annual losses in the billions of dollars. f05n0XuS54Q-00062-00028272-00028770 Perhaps Tesla will become so profitable that he will be able to use it to support Twitter until f05n0XuS54Q-00063-00028770-00029256 2090. The most likely scenario is that he has just requested the monkey's paw to grant him his f05n0XuS54Q-00064-00029256-00029706 biggest wish. Look at how the paw crooks its gnarled finger, and Musk's obsession with Twitter f05n0XuS54Q-00065-00029706-00030174 ends up obliterating the Twitter experience for one single user: Elon Musk. f05n0XuS54Q-00066-00030174-00030486 Subscribe to the channel for more amazing videos like this. We'll f05n0XuS54Q-00067-00030486-00030648 see you with another interesting video. f61bZuOx410-00000-00000608-00001136 hey everyone drew with geoarm and i am back to talk to you about the 2gig edge and how f61bZuOx410-00001-00001136-00001968 to learn the 2gig dash ft6e-345 in as a freeze detection device so at this f61bZuOx410-00002-00002032-00002488 at this point what it's going to be doing is the temperature will monitor for less than 41 degrees f61bZuOx410-00003-00002488-00003008 for three minutes and at that point if it does reach that time limit it'll send a transmission f61bZuOx410-00004-00003008-00003640 to the central station indicating of a low temp report so this is the device it is even though f61bZuOx410-00005-00003640-00004328 it's called a flood detector it does heat cold and flood so at this point let's learn it in f61bZuOx410-00006-00004328-00004744 go ahead and hit the gear in the bottom right hand corner and then enter your installer code f61bZuOx410-00007-00004744-00005432 mine is one five six one scroll down to where it says installer toolbox once you're in installer f61bZuOx410-00008-00005432-00005904 toolbox hit panel programming once you're in panel programming hit wireless zones f61bZuOx410-00009-00005960-00006576 now you would find the first available wireless zone that you have my case this is a blank panel f61bZuOx410-00010-00006576-00007023 so i am going to be using zone one so we will go ahead and highlight equipment code f61bZuOx410-00011-00007136-00007808 the equipment code on this one should be 2065 to match its uh its actual equipment type which is f61bZuOx410-00012-00007808-00008616 the flood detector so once you find 2065 you just choose that let's get that found here f61bZuOx410-00013-00008792-00009392 a series flood sensor hit the down arrow now it's going to ask for the sensor type i'm going to set f61bZuOx410-00014-00009392-00010000 this as a 24-hour auxiliary to monitor for the temperature hit the down arrow it's going to f61bZuOx410-00015-00010000-00010416 ask for the equipment type this point we are monitoring for a freeze so choose the freeze f61bZuOx410-00016-00010480-00011040 hit the down arrow now this is where we learn in the serial number there's three gold probes on the f61bZuOx410-00017-00011040-00011592 bottom of this device go ahead and hit learn and then press those three probes down and you should f61bZuOx410-00018-00011592-00012352 get the tx id into the panel hit accept make sure that serial number sticks hit the down arrow f61bZuOx410-00019-00012488-00012824 and then we're going to choose the loop number now for a freeze detection device f61bZuOx410-00020-00012824-00013304 you're going to choose loop three once that's been chose go ahead and press the down arrow f61bZuOx410-00021-00013416-00013832 edit voice descriptor so we're gonna go ahead and call this basement f61bZuOx410-00022-00013936-00014663 freeze okay once those entries have been made you can name it whatever you want i named it basement f61bZuOx410-00023-00014663-00015096 freeze but whatever you want to call it press the down arrow we don't want a sensor chime on f61bZuOx410-00024-00015096-00015544 this this isn't one of the sensors that you would really need a chime for hit the down arrow this is f61bZuOx410-00025-00015544-00016152 where you would partition it in my case i'm only using one partition so s1 would be the choice for f61bZuOx410-00026-00016152-00016712 me hit the down arrow transmission delay now i don't i don't like transmission delays because f61bZuOx410-00027-00016712-00017280 it adds another delay on top of whatever delay is already programmed in there so i always disable f61bZuOx410-00028-00017280-00017832 that so i'll choose disable and then press the down arrow sensor reports this is telling f61bZuOx410-00029-00017832-00018256 this device that it needs to report back to the central station in the event of anything happening f61bZuOx410-00030-00018360-00018952 hit the down arrow sensor supervised this means that the system itself is looking for this device f61bZuOx410-00031-00018952-00019440 constantly checking it in and if something's wrong the system will know about it immediately so i f61bZuOx410-00032-00019440-00019880 always leave that enabled once this device has been programmed like that you hit the back arrow f61bZuOx410-00033-00019880-00020352 all the way out of programming and it is learned in and ready for mounting if you guys have any f61bZuOx410-00034-00020352-00020792 questions or any comments please leave them below other than that take care and have a great day f61bZuOx410-00035-00020896-00021416 make sure to subscribe to our youtube page and click the show more tab underneath the f61bZuOx410-00036-00021416-00021808 video where you can view valuable links pertaining to this product f61bZuOx410-00037-00021872-00022464 similar how-to videos and our low-cost no contract alarm monitoring services f72QUniAiqy-00000-00000014-00000660 This is words Caucasian f72QUniAiqy-00001-00000660-00001137 The word Caucasian meaning the ‘white race’ has fallen out of favour with academia, however f72QUniAiqy-00002-00001137-00001678 it’s still as popular as ever with American cops, if the show Cops is anything to go by. f72QUniAiqy-00003-00001678-00002235 The term was coined by the German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in the 19th century, f72QUniAiqy-00004-00002235-00002648 to describe people from the Caucasus Mountains that extend from southeastern Europe into f72QUniAiqy-00005-00002648-00002818 Asia. f72QUniAiqy-00006-00002818-00003248 He said people who had descended from there were all part of the same race. f72QUniAiqy-00007-00003248-00003632 Which is really weird, because he couldn’t have chosen a more diverse area. f72QUniAiqy-00008-00003632-00003996 The Caucasus Mountains are where Africa, Asia and Europe converge. f72QUniAiqy-00009-00003996-00004534 It’s actually made up of two mountain ranges, that span Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, f72QUniAiqy-00010-00004534-00004721 Iran and Armenia. f72QUniAiqy-00011-00004721-00005077 So Blumenbach was actually pretty progressive for the time, saying the people who lived f72QUniAiqy-00012-00005077-00005510 there were all from the same race, because they were from a lot of different ethnic groups: f72QUniAiqy-00013-00005510-00005903 Europeans, Jews, Arabs, Asians, you name it. f72QUniAiqy-00014-00005903-00006357 To him, the shape of the skull was the main differentiator, above any other physical feature, f72QUniAiqy-00015-00006357-00006973 so although they may have had different skin, hair, etc, they all had similar shaped skulls. f72QUniAiqy-00016-00006973-00007367 It makes about as much sense as any racial classification. f72QUniAiqy-00017-00007367-00008039 He defined five races: Mongolian (the yellow race), Ethiopian (the black race), Malayan f72QUniAiqy-00018-00008039-00008811 (the brown race), Native American (the red race) and Caucasian, which was … miscellaneous. f72QUniAiqy-00019-00008811-00009220 He did actually call it the white race, but he was referring to a much more diverse group f72QUniAiqy-00020-00009220-00009582 of people than what we call caucasian today. f72QUniAiqy-00021-00009582-00010100 The story does show just how arbitrary racial categorisation is, and why the entire concept f72QUniAiqy-00022-00010100-00010452 of race - at least when it’s based on looks - has fallen out of favour among academics f72QUniAiqy-00023-00010452-00010752 over the past 50 years. f72QUniAiqy-00024-00010752-00010884 Thanks for watching Words. f72QUniAiqy-00025-00010884-00011196 If you liked it, click subscribe. f72QUniAiqy-00026-00011196-00011399 Cheers! f8AOAQ0lHtc-00000-00000000-00000200 The Last of Us RTX 4090 f8b9L-aJqxU-00000-00000465-00001434 Bill Hart-Davidson: One [challenge] is that when/if you stay dedicated to a learning model f8b9L-aJqxU-00001-00001434-00001966 of peer learning and you want to scale up. You do have to think very, very carefully f8b9L-aJqxU-00002-00001966-00002590 about how you’re going to ensure that you don’t lose anyone along the way, about how f8b9L-aJqxU-00003-00002590-00003664 these networks work. One of the things they were able to do in Eli* is they could watch f8b9L-aJqxU-00004-00003664-00004161 who was supposed to get peer feedback from someone else. They could see if there was f8b9L-aJqxU-00005-00004161-00004775 anybody out there who wasn’t engaging because they weren’t sending feedback, or they weren’t f8b9L-aJqxU-00006-00004775-00005707 receiving feedback, or both, and they could ping those people. That is something that, in the MOOCs f8b9L-aJqxU-00007-00005707-00006611 where I was a student, I could hide. If I wasn’t engaging, no one could see that. f8b9L-aJqxU-00008-00006611-00007609 They would just not know I was there. But here, because of the way they set that up, f8b9L-aJqxU-00009-00007609-00008395 they could see where there was expected activity and where there was none. I think that is f8b9L-aJqxU-00010-00008395-00009387 the biggest single hurdle if we are looking to translate the type of pedagogy we tend f8b9L-aJqxU-00011-00009387-00009813 to do in writing classes to a MOOC environment. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00000-00000156-00000552 For this method we [need] to have the edges oriented. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00001-00000552-00000908 I like to do this on the last two faces, like in Petrus, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00002-00000908-00001221 but you can also do it as the first step of your LL f9Wu1tI8G2k-00003-00001221-00001449 and do your S2L normally. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00004-00001501-00002721 [S2L solving intensifies] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00005-00002721-00003265 So we finish S2L here, and the next step is to build an edge-corner-edge block. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00006-00003356-00003747 So, for example, we can start by pairing up this corner (green-orange) with this edge (green), f9Wu1tI8G2k-00007-00004026-00004515 and then pairing up this (green-orange pair) with this (orange). f9Wu1tI8G2k-00008-00004992-00005664 We're normally left with four corners and three edges, but in this case we're just left with two corners that are twisted. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00009-00005664-00005858 So we just solve this directly. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00010-00006403-00007163 [scrambling] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00011-00007222-00007467 So… another example solve. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00012-00007467-00007713 We solve our S2L again. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00013-00008393-00008796 And this time we don't see anything nice either. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00014-00010231-00010425 So we start by forming a block. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00015-00010425-00010801 In this case we actually have two blocks, but they're not compatible with each other, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00016-00010801-00011001 so we just ignore the other one. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00017-00011001-00011301 Then we solve the last three edges. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00018-00011301-00011488 You can use a Sune for this. [actually I use an Antisune here but you get the idea] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00019-00011488-00011940 So, like… we move this blue edge over here, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00020-00011940-00012192 this yellow (cream) edge over here and this pink edge over here. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00021-00012483-00012696 Standard commutator stuff. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00022-00012696-00013079 And then we solve the last four corners using commutators as well. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00023-00013511-00013744 You use a commutator to solve one corner, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00024-00013744-00014068 and another commutator to solve the last three corners. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00025-00014238-00015512 [scrambling] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00026-00016844-00017520 Okay, so here we see that these two edges are permuted wrt each other, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00027-00017520-00017860 and we can insert this corner [orange-blue] into here with a commutator. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00028-00018208-00018499 And then we solve the last three edges… f9Wu1tI8G2k-00029-00018832-00019181 And then we solve the last four corners using commutators again. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00030-00019586-00019964 But in this case, this is an A perm; f9Wu1tI8G2k-00031-00019964-00020128 I use an alg for this. [but this alg is a commutator too, what was I thinking] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00032-00020652-00021909 [scrambling] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00033-00022902-00023124 Sometimes we have ready-made pairs, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00034-00023124-00023563 and we just use them to build an edge-corner-edge block. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00035-00023563-00023918 We hide the pair, move the edge over to form the block, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00036-00023918-00024089 and then re-solve the slot. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00037-00024236-00024950 And here we see that it's actually a U perm plus a pretty nice 3-cycle case, [it's a Niklas lol, I didn't even notice] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00038-00024950-00025241 so if you know the U perm alg you can just use that. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00039-00025447-00025999 And then do the commutator to solve the corners. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00040-00026075-00026839 [scrambling] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00041-00026975-00027298 And… another example. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00042-00028079-00028357 This time we have a block ready-made. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00043-00028457-00028985 We also have a pair here, but it's not so easy to preserve that, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00044-00028985-00029172 so we just don't care. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00045-00029172-00029401 We solve the edges as normal, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00046-00029401-00029877 and then we use a commutator to solve one corner first. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00047-00029877-00030270 In this case we would choose to solve this blue-orange corner, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00048-00030270-00030461 because it's at this position. [the comms with adjacent corners are generally nicer] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00049-00030764-00031022 And then we can use a… f9Wu1tI8G2k-00050-00031022-00031156 Wait. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00051-00031156-00031532 Yeah, we can use a commutator for these last three corners. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00052-00031777-00032148 I hope I don't mess this up… Wait, I messed it up. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00053-00032720-00032911 Wait… Ya, it's this one. [how am I so bad at this lol] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00054-00033214-00034087 [scrambling] f9Wu1tI8G2k-00055-00034156-00034373 One final example solve. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00056-00035212-00035641 We have a pair here, so we join that to the last edge it has to go with. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00057-00036283-00036482 Nothing nice here again. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00058-00036578-00036974 Here, instead of using a single Sune, we can use a double Antisune, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00059-00036974-00037228 which will permute the edges in the same way, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00060-00037228-00037684 but it does something else with the corners, so you can sometimes force a… f9Wu1tI8G2k-00061-00037684-00038066 force yourself to be left with three corners rather than four corners. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00062-00038066-00038339 So in this case if you use a double Antisune, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00063-00038339-00038512 it solves this corner, f9Wu1tI8G2k-00064-00038512-00038806 and we're left with three corners to do. f9Wu1tI8G2k-00065-00038925-00039058 Like that. frY7YghQev4-00000-00000000-00000468 Adding a hanging indent to a references page in Word: frY7YghQev4-00001-00000468-00000664 a tutorial in 1 minute. frY7YghQev4-00002-00000820-00001100 A hanging indent formats your references frY7YghQev4-00003-00001100-00001444 so only the first line of text aligns with the left margin. frY7YghQev4-00004-00001481-00001833 The following lines of each reference are indented. frY7YghQev4-00005-00001852-00002148 The reference page on the left is incorrect, frY7YghQev4-00006-00002169-00002521 whereas the page on the right uses the hanging indent frY7YghQev4-00007-00002521-00002826 and is how your finished page should look in APA format. frY7YghQev4-00008-00003094-00003288 To add a hanging indent, frY7YghQev4-00009-00003288-00003579 navigate to your references page. frY7YghQev4-00010-00003674-00003842 Highlight the full text, frY7YghQev4-00011-00003842-00004216 right click your mouse, and select 'Paragraph.' frY7YghQev4-00012-00004389-00004653 On the 'Indendation,' 'Special' menu, frY7YghQev4-00013-00004654-00004978 click the drop-down to select 'Hanging.' frY7YghQev4-00014-00005054-00005378 This will automatically fill in 0.5 inches. frY7YghQev4-00015-00005382-00005524 Click 'OK.' frY7YghQev4-00016-00005613-00005997 This is the proper formatting for a reference page in APA. frY7YghQev4-00017-00006050-00006404 You can also do this by navigating to 'Paragraph' frY7YghQev4-00018-00006404-00006560 and expanding the window. frY7YghQev4-00019-00006902-00007098 Questions? Need help? frY7YghQev4-00020-00007098-00007354 Just ask us. We're here to help. ft4ZPvfJByM-00000-00000192-00000624 Jeon Jong-hwan : The international school drew attention during the hearing of the justice minister candidate this time. ft4ZPvfJByM-00001-00000624-00001115 The international school is similar to a foreign school but is open to Koreans. ft4ZPvfJByM-00002-00001115-00001630 There are a total of 6 international schools in Korea that has been accredited by the Ministry of Education. ft4ZPvfJByM-00003-00001630-00002497 As you can see, the proportion of Koreans in these schools has reached an average of about 88% over the past four years. ft4ZPvfJByM-00004-00002497-00003035 Most of the students of international schools are planning to go overseas universities ft4ZPvfJByM-00005-00003035-00003661 Seo Jeong-moon : It is said that many overseas admission consulting companies give help high school students build their specs in various ways. ft4ZPvfJByM-00006-00003661-00004033 We have covered the actual situation of the private education market where you can buy specs with money. ft4ZPvfJByM-00007-00004362-00005413 PD Note team analyzed the papers of students of international schools and foreign schools with Kang Tae-young, an academic data analyst. ft4ZPvfJByM-00008-00005413-00005463 Kang Tae-young / Academic Data Analyst : Most international school students aim to enter US universities and overseas universities, so in the number of thesis publications, we could see this increasing pattern. ft4ZPvfJByM-00009-00005463-00007375 In the case of international schools and foreign schools that we newly researched, there were several cases it was explicitly stated that the co-author's affiliation is a consulting group or educational consulting firm. ft4ZPvfJByM-00010-00007545-00007820 This is a thesis of an international school student. ft4ZPvfJByM-00011-00007820-00008347 The affiliation of co-author is a consulting firm in New Jersey. ft4ZPvfJByM-00012-00008988-00010250 Another international school student's thesis also states that the co-author belonged to an educational consulting firm in Korea. ft4ZPvfJByM-00013-00010467-00011181 Besides international schools accredited by the Ministry of Education, there are many non-accredited international schools that are not counted. ft4ZPvfJByM-00014-00011181-00012042 Even with the high tuition fees, the proportion of Koreans in each international school was high. ft4ZPvfJByM-00015-00012042-00012908 Seo Dong-yong / National Assemblyman : The reason why international schools were built in the first place was to improve the living conditions of foreigners in Korea and promote foreign investment. ft4ZPvfJByM-00016-00012908-00013938 But the reality is that it has become a means for students to build specifications and go overseas schools. ft4ZPvfJByM-00017-00013938-00014770 And because of the very high tuition, it has become a school where only a few privileged class children attend. ft4ZPvfJByM-00018-00015004-00016482 It is said that students who attend an international school and prepare for overseas university admission manage their specifications with the help of an entrance consulting academy. ft4ZPvfJByM-00019-00016482-00016979 We were curious about what kind of counseling these academies offer. ft4ZPvfJByM-00020-00016979-00018578 Gangnam Overseas Admissions Consulting Academy A : In addition to SAT, we manage in a variety of ways, such as TOEFL, grades, recommendation letters, essays, after-school activities, extracurricular activities, etc. ft4ZPvfJByM-00021-00018578-00019280 There is also a service that connects professors in the US to write a thesis. ft4ZPvfJByM-00022-00019280-00019517 Is there such a service here too? ft4ZPvfJByM-00023-00019517-00020000 Yes, it’s an 8-week course and the price is $6,000 ft4ZPvfJByM-00024-00020000-00020550 Even if you prepare the specs perfectly, there is no guarantee that you will enter the Ivy League. ft4ZPvfJByM-00025-00020550-00020886 For students who do a lot of spec activities, the spec management fee is higher than the college tuition. ft4ZPvfJByM-00026-00020886-00021478 More than the tuition? The college tuition is 70 million won, so it's close to almost 100 million won I think. ft4ZPvfJByM-00027-00021478-00021606 Yes. ft4ZPvfJByM-00028-00021606-00022326 Gangnam Overseas Admission Consulting Academy C : We play the role of the mother who knows about the entrance exams very well. ft4ZPvfJByM-00029-00022326-00022579 What is the mother doing? She does everything. ft4ZPvfJByM-00030-00022579-00022816 We manage students in every way. ft4ZPvfJByM-00031-00022816-00023907 But what we mainly do is to get them a good GPA, course selection, recommendation letter, school leadership, social leadership, and to get them awards with it. ft4ZPvfJByM-00032-00023907-00024803 Unless parents and children talk about us, it’s confidential that they have received such kind of support. ft4ZPvfJByM-00033-00024803-00025046 Nowhere does it say that they were with us. ft4ZPvfJByM-00034-00025224-00025864 The contract of an admission consulting academy says that the consulting fee is a whopping 55 million won. ft4ZPvfJByM-00035-00025864-00026542 Students who make specs with money and then go to overseas universities, what is the reason behind? ft4ZPvfJByM-00036-00026542-00027038 Since 2014, when the ban on the record of thesis performance was announced in the domestic university entrance exam, ft4ZPvfJByM-00037-00027038-00027454 the number of thesis has a tendency to decrease sharply. ft4ZPvfJByM-00038-00027454-00028757 Professor Han Sang-hee / Konkuk University Law School : As this was banned, a more strict entrance examination system was established where it is impossible to get into a prestigious university through research performance manipulation or career manipulation in Korea. ft4ZPvfJByM-00039-00028757-00029684 So it seems that this situation has led to this expedient, in which students and parents build specifications for entrance to prestigious universities abroad. ft4ZPvfJByM-00040-00029831-00030355 Song Min-ju, a parent who went to a personal consulting briefing session, was shocked. ft4ZPvfJByM-00041-00030355-00030886 Song Min-ju (pseudonym) / Parent : Consulting fee is very high. It's a staggering number. ft4ZPvfJByM-00042-00030886-00031194 I thought I'd give it a try even if it was too much for me. ft4ZPvfJByM-00043-00031194-00032182 But when I said to my child, 'The teacher said he'll take the test for you, so you just go and pretend to take the test’, then my child said ‘I can’t do it. ft4ZPvfJByM-00044-00032182-00032650 In a situation, I couldn't tell my kid to do it anyway. ft4ZPvfJByM-00045-00032850-00033350 It was a medical college admission consulting briefing held by a graduate student ft4ZPvfJByM-00046-00033350-00033834 He said he would get students to win prizes in science contests and he can develop apps on behalf of them. ft4ZPvfJByM-00047-00033834-00034192 Lee Yoon-ho (pseudonym) / Graduate student, admissions consultant : I told you I can guarantee it. ft4ZPvfJByM-00048-00034192-00035174 Because there are many cases where I helped students win awards at international competitions, win ministerial awards in domestic competitions, develop an app and apply for it. ft4ZPvfJByM-00049-00035174-00035462 Do we have to design the research ourselves? ft4ZPvfJByM-00050-00035462-00035882 No, no. Of course, I do. ft4ZPvfJByM-00051-00035882-00036541 What if they ask my kid if you did it all by yourselves or if there was a guidance tutor? ft4ZPvfJByM-00052-00036541-00037206 That part is important. Because of course, whether it is domestic or international competitions, my name does not appear publicly, ft4ZPvfJByM-00053-00037206-00037550 and the teacher of the school where the student attends now will be listed as a guidance teacher. ft4ZPvfJByM-00054-00037671-00038171 Looking at the consulting brochure, it is 35 million won for the guidance of research and domestic competitions, ft4ZPvfJByM-00055-00038171-00038777 and 55 million won for experiments, awards in international competitions, and app development. ft4ZPvfJByM-00056-00038849-00039176 We went to the graduate student to check the facts. ft4ZPvfJByM-00057-00039280-00039504 Do you have time for an interview? ft4ZPvfJByM-00058-00039504-00039622 Yes, but not that long. ft4ZPvfJByM-00059-00039622-00040164 Yes, I thought it would be more comfortable to come outside because there were people inside. ft4ZPvfJByM-00060-00040164-00040528 It was difficult to meet him, but he wrote down his position on the cell phone and conveyed it. ft4ZPvfJByM-00061-00040528-00041310 Now you're saying you've never got paid. There is no proof because you've never got paid. right? ft4ZPvfJByM-00062-00041581-00042085 He denied to the end that he had never done any consulting for the college admission. ft4ZPvfJByM-00063-00042554-00042711 Kim Ho-jang / Admissions expert : There are no limitations in this spec market. ft4ZPvfJByM-00064-00042711-00043418 A fantasy world where money is everything, and you can buy anything you want. ft4ZPvfJByM-00065-00043418-00043990 You can buy a thesis, you can buy an award for the competition. ft4ZPvfJByM-00066-00043990-00044317 This is another Sky Castle that has been born. ft4ZPvfJByM-00067-00044531-00044858 The institutes streets where the lights don't go out until late at night, ft4ZPvfJByM-00068-00044858-00045508 what do students think about this reality that money can buy specs? ft4ZPvfJByM-00069-00045856-00046244 Choi Jin-hwan / 2nd year of high school : If you can buy specs, it's very disadvantageous for those who don't have money. ft4ZPvfJByM-00070-00046244-00046970 Kwon Soo-hyun / 1st year of high school : It's unfair because only people with money have such opportunities. ft4ZPvfJByM-00071-00047206-00047951 Yeo-won, a senior in high school, study for 17 hours every day for the entrance exam. ft4ZPvfJByM-00072-00048468-00048940 Chae Yeo-won / 3rd year of Suwon Foreign Language High School : These are all my essay materials. There are more at school. ft4ZPvfJByM-00073-00048940-00049660 Some were written by university, and some were written by question type. I've been practicing for essay tests. ft4ZPvfJByM-00074-00049775-00050095 Yeo-won has a long-held dream. ft4ZPvfJByM-00075-00050206-00050474 Chae Yeo-won / 3rd year of Suwon Foreign Language High School : It has been my dream to study abroad since middle school. ft4ZPvfJByM-00076-00050474-00050935 I really want to go abroad and make friends. ft4ZPvfJByM-00077-00050935-00051463 As long as you have financial support, you go to the US right away, study hard, and can go to US college. ft4ZPvfJByM-00078-00051463-00052047 But realistically, that's impossible for most people. It costs 100, 200 million won a year. ft4ZPvfJByM-00079-00052047-00052402 Not many families can afford it easily. ft4ZPvfJByM-00080-00052538-00053243 Whenever she sees the specs controversy of government officials' children on the news, she always has the same question arises. ft4ZPvfJByM-00081-00053491-00053792 Chae Yeo-won / 3rd year of Suwon Foreign Language High School : Parents' wealth is not your ability. ft4ZPvfJByM-00082-00053792-00054855 Still, it is really unreasonable to use parents' abilities for college entrance as if yours, ft4ZPvfJByM-00083-00054855-00055500 why our society has tolerated this, I wonder. ft4ZPvfJByM-00084-00055802-00056816 Seo Jeong-moon : Our reality is that some students are swayed by their parents and only build up their specs like crazy, while others can't even dream of receiving such support. ft4ZPvfJByM-00085-00056816-00057310 I think the people who get hurt in this process are all of our people. ft4ZPvfJByM-00086-00057310-00058023 Moreover, if we become a society where unfair competition is taken for granted, our education will eventually collapse. ft4ZPvfJByM-00087-00058023-00058337 Jeon Jong-hwan : The uneven playing field is not balanced by itself. ft4ZPvfJByM-00088-00058337-00058612 It will be corrected only if we put our efforts in. ft4ZPvfJByM-00089-00058612-00058919 The motto of the current government is 'fairness' and 'common sense'. ft4ZPvfJByM-00090-00058919-00059827 In order to teach the future of our society, high school students, what true fairness is, a society that can compete fairly should come first. ftExsWFDXCk-00000-00000224-00000894 "ABONE OLMAYI UNUTMAYIN" ftExsWFDXCk-00001-00000894-00001392 " YENİ VİDEOLAR İÇİN TAKİPTE KALIN " ftExsWFDXCk-00002-00001392-00001992 VİDEOYU BEĞENİP YORUM YAPMAYI UNUTMAYIN fw_tC7UBK1E-00000-00000000-00000600 Go to 1:58 to skip the intro. You can also find a playlist link for these videos in the description. fxx9g3fyEvA-00000-00000120-00000762 hello guys welcome back to another video we'll do another video on Twitter money fxx9g3fyEvA-00001-00000762-00001452 so let's get started this guy he's so annoying gets closer closer each day fxx9g3fyEvA-00002-00002130-00002208 all these fxx9g3fyEvA-00003-00002934-00003120 definitely gonna take some dumpsters here fxx9g3fyEvA-00004-00003444-00004092 welcome back to parts and service it looks like one of our guests left a personal item on our star fxx9g3fyEvA-00005-00004092-00004860 attraction let's return it to the lost and found carefully grab and remove the child's hat from fxx9g3fyEvA-00006-00004860-00005694 Freddy's mouth Freddy's got a pretty good hold of it give it another firm tug good job now place the fxx9g3fyEvA-00007-00005694-00006234 hat in the lost and found bin on your right while we're at it let's make sure there isn't anything fxx9g3fyEvA-00008-00006234-00006930 else stuck inside to access Freddy's chest cavity grab Freddy's bow tie and Pull It outwards fxx9g3fyEvA-00009-00007109-00007692 well done Freddy's chest cavity is now open remove the child's watch and place fxx9g3fyEvA-00010-00007692-00008202 it in the lost and found bin be careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring fxx9g3fyEvA-00011-00010104-00010506 oh I hit my too close to my desk fxx9g3fyEvA-00012-00012492-00013272 okay I fixed my boundary try this again fxx9g3fyEvA-00013-00015419-00015719 I click the wrong button fxx9g3fyEvA-00014-00016986-00017232 I I got the watch out I didn't touch anything fxx9g3fyEvA-00015-00017844-00018456 it's two parts in service it looks like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction fxx9g3fyEvA-00016-00018456-00019200 let's return it to the lost and found carefully grab and remove the child's hat from Freddy's fxx9g3fyEvA-00017-00019200-00019866 map Freddy's got a good job now place the hat in the lost and found while we're at it let's make fxx9g3fyEvA-00018-00019866-00020490 sure there isn't anything else stuck inside to access Freddy's chest cavity grab Freddy's bow fxx9g3fyEvA-00019-00020490-00021360 tie and Pull It outwards well done Freddy's chest cavity is now open remove the child's watch and fxx9g3fyEvA-00020-00021360-00021894 place it in the lost and found bin be careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring fxx9g3fyEvA-00021-00023844-00023862 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00022-00025008-00025110 goes back fxx9g3fyEvA-00023-00025704-00025770 for me fxx9g3fyEvA-00024-00027318-00027930 good job it appears there is a child's shoe wedged behind Freddy's Music Box the music fxx9g3fyEvA-00025-00027930-00028476 box must be removed before you can access the child's shoe gently grasp the music fxx9g3fyEvA-00026-00028476-00028944 box and extract it from Freddy's chest cavity before the safety latch descends fxx9g3fyEvA-00027-00030462-00030576 oh I just lied fxx9g3fyEvA-00028-00033354-00033714 carefully place the music box on the work table to your left fxx9g3fyEvA-00029-00033876-00034494 great job to reset the safety latch press the button located on Freddy's endoskeleton fxx9g3fyEvA-00030-00038400-00038838 now remove the child's shoe and place it in the lost and found bin fxx9g3fyEvA-00031-00043902-00043920 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00032-00047826-00048036 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00033-00052164-00052710 well done return the music box to Freddy's chest cavity and we'll call it a day fxx9g3fyEvA-00034-00052962-00053496 oh no you seem to have mishandled Freddie's music box this is not good fxx9g3fyEvA-00035-00053574-00054162 replacement may be found on the on those table a slow and even pace is recommended fxx9g3fyEvA-00036-00055260-00055805 crisis averted to close Freddy's chest cavity press the large black button on fxx9g3fyEvA-00037-00055805-00056640 the center of Freddy's face [Music] service our pay will be docked accordingly foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00038-00058320-00058440 using Bluetooth connection fxx9g3fyEvA-00039-00059304-00059550 it could be a coin or something in that room fxx9g3fyEvA-00040-00060167-00060294 times for this guy fxx9g3fyEvA-00041-00061296-00062058 welcome back to parts and service foxy has been out of oh no it looks like Foxy's proprietary fxx9g3fyEvA-00042-00062058-00062700 Servo Motors are malfunctioning is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times you fxx9g3fyEvA-00043-00062700-00063066 will need to place new control fuses in the exposed receptacles to continue fxx9g3fyEvA-00044-00063066-00063684 retrieve the fuse from drawer number one that matches Foxy's leg receptacle how to avoid fxx9g3fyEvA-00045-00063684-00064205 bodily harm wait for Foxy's legs to stop moving before inserting the control fuse fxx9g3fyEvA-00046-00064434-00065046 good job foxy has regained control of his legs a gentle reminder it is recommended that fxx9g3fyEvA-00047-00065046-00065694 you keep an eye on foxy at all times I'll try oh no it looks like a former employee fxx9g3fyEvA-00048-00065694-00066276 attempted to prepare Foxy's chest motor using an incorrect fuse carefully remove fxx9g3fyEvA-00049-00066276-00066804 the incorrect fuse from Fox's Channel and insert it into Foxy's upper arm receptacle fxx9g3fyEvA-00050-00067458-00067530 crap fxx9g3fyEvA-00051-00067890-00067908 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00052-00070692-00071214 well done the remaining chest fuses are located in drawers number two and number four fxx9g3fyEvA-00053-00071268-00071928 fix both fuses to continue his chest red blue and green fxx9g3fyEvA-00054-00072414-00072480 positive fxx9g3fyEvA-00055-00073632-00073692 this one fxx9g3fyEvA-00056-00074508-00074544 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00057-00077670-00078222 good job retrieve Foxy's eye from drawer number three when Foxy's eye fxx9g3fyEvA-00058-00078222-00078606 patch is fully open place the eye back into his eye socket fxx9g3fyEvA-00059-00079134-00079572 well done this concludes all your parts and service tasks fxx9g3fyEvA-00060-00079572-00079968 please go away bye fxx9g3fyEvA-00061-00081288-00081372 I'm not fxx9g3fyEvA-00062-00081612-00082308 let's go using proprietary technology developed by Fazbear entertainment our fxx9g3fyEvA-00063-00082308-00082752 VR development teams were able to use vintage control boards almost like Plug fxx9g3fyEvA-00064-00082752-00083310 and Play digitally recreating performances and personalities from the past in an instant fxx9g3fyEvA-00065-00083574-00083754 okay we finished parking service fxx9g3fyEvA-00066-00084102-00084186 you know what fxx9g3fyEvA-00067-00084618-00084894 else let's go here fxx9g3fyEvA-00068-00085614-00085830 let's check on our Mr Man fxx9g3fyEvA-00069-00086142-00086598 let's see if this is different wait Jeremy complained of nightmares when fxx9g3fyEvA-00070-00086598-00086904 he came in this morning he wasn't talking about it fxx9g3fyEvA-00071-00087084-00087588 you can always tell when a company is getting ready to fire someone they start giving out fxx9g3fyEvA-00072-00087588-00088182 written warnings for silly things making sure to build a paper trail and make a case for a fiery fxx9g3fyEvA-00073-00088182-00088764 things that normally no one would care about suddenly become grave offenses all worthy of fxx9g3fyEvA-00074-00088764-00089310 being written and documented I guess it works two ways because it also encourages a person fxx9g3fyEvA-00075-00089310-00089904 to quit rather than be scrutinized so heavily I think Jeremy was too far gone to consider fxx9g3fyEvA-00076-00089904-00090402 that option though the thing about it is that I don't think they were going to fire him because fxx9g3fyEvA-00077-00090402-00091128 of anything he was doing wrong they just knew he'd seen something they needed to discredit him fxx9g3fyEvA-00078-00091308-00092070 so this tape is talking about how William knows he found something fxx9g3fyEvA-00079-00092166-00092640 do I know Williams went out somebody knows about it he doesn't want them fxx9g3fyEvA-00080-00093110-00093210 [Music] fxx9g3fyEvA-00081-00093210-00093348 yes fxx9g3fyEvA-00082-00093774-00093906 we only have six coins fxx9g3fyEvA-00083-00094218-00094602 privacy honor oh we got that fxx9g3fyEvA-00084-00095184-00095412 you see that fxx9g3fyEvA-00085-00095784-00095844 anything fxx9g3fyEvA-00086-00096090-00096168 missing fxx9g3fyEvA-00087-00096396-00096630 I'm surprised if those ones get sold fxx9g3fyEvA-00088-00097116-00097410 there's more I could get foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00089-00098648-00098748 [Music] fxx9g3fyEvA-00090-00098748-00099138 if you guys want to you can like and comment I mean like And subscribe fxx9g3fyEvA-00091-00099378-00099414 wait fxx9g3fyEvA-00092-00100448-00100548 [Music] fxx9g3fyEvA-00093-00100548-00100638 let's return to menu fxx9g3fyEvA-00094-00100902-00100920 foreign fxx9g3fyEvA-00095-00101250-00101442 you guys want me to finish this fxx9g3fyEvA-00096-00101646-00102144 more do you want me to start this this will be after for now too fxx9g3fyEvA-00097-00102270-00102738 those guys are finished to finish I'ma hate this especially hate this fxx9g3fyEvA-00098-00103092-00103704 right now these are fidget snap one or start FNAF two please tell me in the fxx9g3fyEvA-00099-00103704-00104459 description oh no oh my game's completely better and I'll see you guys next time fzGIk3yFpPu-00000-00000000-00000176 This is not an apology fzGIk3yFpPu-00001-00000176-00000642 checking mic testing volume mic on one two three. We're on fzGIk3yFpPu-00002-00000789-00001037 This is not an apology fzGIk3yFpPu-00003-00001825-00002151 Dean here from travelvids, I just want to say one thing fzGIk3yFpPu-00004-00002239-00002525 creatives that have channels going on YouTube fzGIk3yFpPu-00005-00002575-00003128 Far too often apologize for stopping their creative flow yes, you should be sorry fzGIk3yFpPu-00006-00003168-00003827 But sometimes we can't help it sometimes life gets in the way sometimes. We get busy of course life gets in the way fzGIk3yFpPu-00007-00003828-00004182 That's why it's called life, but sometimes with good reason fzGIk3yFpPu-00008-00004200-00004970 So I'm definitely not going to apologize to anybody for not producing any content because I have been so busy fzGIk3yFpPu-00009-00005056-00005265 So busy over the last few months fzGIk3yFpPu-00010-00005323-00005870 Making sure that the right content is coming to you and that is very very important fzGIk3yFpPu-00011-00005871-00006437 You've got to know exactly what you want to film Darren Barker myself started travelvids just over two years ago fzGIk3yFpPu-00012-00006465-00007187 We've produced a lot of different types of content for our YouTube channel, and we get it. That's why people haven't followed our channel fzGIk3yFpPu-00013-00007200-00007889 That's because they don't know exactly what to expect or what they're gonna get and we were completely fine with that because we were exploring fzGIk3yFpPu-00014-00007906-00008106 What it is that we needed to do. fzGIk3yFpPu-00015-00008163-00008729 We've hit the nail on the head with what we want to do and that is the content that you're going to be seeing from fzGIk3yFpPu-00016-00008729-00009248 Now on so get familiar with the space for a little while because this is my little fzGIk3yFpPu-00017-00009259-00009510 Zone my Zen zone of talking to my camera fzGIk3yFpPu-00018-00009579-00010301 Using my camera as the tool to get through a message to you people and that is a series. That's coming out fzGIk3yFpPu-00019-00010324-00010769 Starting right now the first episodes out on how to film a fzGIk3yFpPu-00020-00010836-00011513 Sunrise with your smartphone. That's exactly what this series is all about how to film things with your smartphone fzGIk3yFpPu-00021-00011513-00011882 how to make it easy, but Dean how do I film a foodie video fzGIk3yFpPu-00022-00011882-00012221 But Dean I don't know how to get that other shot in but Dean fzGIk3yFpPu-00023-00012221-00012671 How do I put an action sequence together, but Dean what gear do you use but Dean? fzGIk3yFpPu-00024-00012671-00013103 I know what I want, but I just don't know how to get it Dean. I know exactly how to film fzGIk3yFpPu-00025-00013103-00013361 I've got the technical side down, but I don't know what to film fzGIk3yFpPu-00026-00013362-00013703 We're gonna help you with all of these questions and a whole lot more fzGIk3yFpPu-00027-00013759-00014444 Stay tuned to our series of how to make smartphone video easier for you this will cover not only the technical fzGIk3yFpPu-00028-00014476-00015153 Aspects hints tips, but also help you understanding exactly what you wanna film, or how you should be filming it fzGIk3yFpPu-00029-00015209-00015816 Sometimes only need is that first step to kick you into the first room, and you'll find the rest of the way yourself fzGIk3yFpPu-00030-00015823-00016053 But we'll be there to hold your hand all the way fzGIk3yFpPu-00031-00016112-00016711 Subscribe let us know what you want to learn what you want to see we're going to focus on keeping the content fzGIk3yFpPu-00032-00016733-00017358 Flowing from now on because we now know what we want to produce. Hope you enjoy our journey guys fzGIk3yFpPu-00033-00017363-00017730 Have a good 2018 here. We go. I aint sorry fzXEuzxmmQ8-00000-00000003-00000423 So where do these postulates come from? Well the relativity principle seems fzXEuzxmmQ8-00001-00000423-00000897 reasonable enough right? If I get in a car and go for a ride, I don't expect the fzXEuzxmmQ8-00002-00000897-00001388 laws of physics to suddenly change. But what about the second postulate? Well the fzXEuzxmmQ8-00003-00001388-00001778 laws of electromagnetism actually predict that light should travel at a fzXEuzxmmQ8-00004-00001778-00002265 particular speed. Scientists used to believe that all of space was filled fzXEuzxmmQ8-00005-00002265-00002688 with an invisible fluid called the aether and light traveled as a wave fzXEuzxmmQ8-00006-00002688-00003296 through this. Now if this was true. the aether as a fluid would flow and if it fzXEuzxmmQ8-00007-00003296-00003717 was flowing in this direction, as any light traveling in this direction would fzXEuzxmmQ8-00008-00003717-00004157 be carried along by the fluid and travel faster as opposed to if it was fzXEuzxmmQ8-00009-00004157-00004800 travelling in that direction. In 1887 however, a famous experiment by Michelson fzXEuzxmmQ8-00010-00004800-00005211 and Morley measured the speed of light in orthogonal directions; in this fzXEuzxmmQ8-00011-00005211-00005669 direction in that direction. To their surprise they found that it was the same. fzXEuzxmmQ8-00012-00005669-00006077 Speed of light didn't matter in which direction he shined. fzXEuzxmmQ8-00013-00006077-00006627 Now this spelled the end for aether based theories, as this and future fzXEuzxmmQ8-00014-00006627-00007136 experiments showed that even if the aether did exist, it would have no fzXEuzxmmQ8-00015-00007136-00007542 measurable effect on the physical world around us, so there would be no point fzXEuzxmmQ8-00016-00007542-00008097 talking about it. Ultimately, acceptance of the postulates comes down to fzXEuzxmmQ8-00017-00008097-00008543 experiment. Ever since the postulates and special relativity were first put fzXEuzxmmQ8-00018-00008543-00008877 forward, not a single reputable experiment has fzXEuzxmmQ8-00019-00008877-00009372 ever contradicted either of them. And because of this it seems reasonable to fzXEuzxmmQ8-00020-00009372-00009921 build a theory using them as the basis, and we can be happy with this until such fzXEuzxmmQ8-00021-00009921-00010379 a point in the future when an experiment is performed which contradicts either of fzXEuzxmmQ8-00022-00010379-00010646 the postulates. f-zNMZyns8Q-00000-00000000-00000200 do you know BTS professor? f-zNMZyns8Q-00001-00000200-00000400 professor: hm.. yes f_qr1jOXJBE-00000-00000000-00001650 Subtitles coming soon... fAoASixCWBY-00000-00000025-00001319 (Music) fAoASixCWBY-00001-00001319-00001479 Hey everyone, Rob Greenfield here! fAoASixCWBY-00002-00001479-00001895 I'm with Bryon and Kyle White, the Yaupon Brothers. fAoASixCWBY-00003-00001895-00002118 Right her, it might look like we are fAoASixCWBY-00004-00002118-00002311 standing in a forest, which we are, fAoASixCWBY-00005-00002311-00002525 but this is also their farm. fAoASixCWBY-00006-00002525-00002846 (music) fAoASixCWBY-00007-00002846-00003186 Right here is the yaupon holly tree fAoASixCWBY-00008-00003186-00003334 and this is why we are here. fAoASixCWBY-00009-00003334-00003564 I'm really excited to share their story with you fAoASixCWBY-00010-00003564-00003773 because this plant, right here, fAoASixCWBY-00011-00003773-00004072 could replace coffee and tea. fAoASixCWBY-00012-00004072-00004341 This is North America's only caffeinated plant. fAoASixCWBY-00013-00004341-00004736 It is a local, sustainable, and native source fAoASixCWBY-00014-00004736-00004987 for that caffeine that people love so much. fAoASixCWBY-00015-00004987-00005480 So, Bryan, tell us why are we here in the forest that you call your farm? fAoASixCWBY-00016-00005480-00005888 Bryan: Years ago, I was looking at our yaupon holly in our garden, fAoASixCWBY-00017-00005888-00006180 and I was reading about it and I realized that fAoASixCWBY-00018-00006180-00006461 it's North America's only native caffeinated plant. fAoASixCWBY-00019-00006461-00006798 It's been consumed by Native Americans for thousands of years. fAoASixCWBY-00020-00006798-00007055 And we started asking, Why doesn't anyone drink this stuff? fAoASixCWBY-00021-00007055-00007194 Why aren't we making any products from fAoASixCWBY-00022-00007194-00007372 this sustainable native plant species fAoASixCWBY-00023-00007372-00007652 that does everything for us that tea can do? fAoASixCWBY-00024-00007652-00007845 So, well it must not taste very good. fAoASixCWBY-00025-00007845-00008203 We started forcing it on our friends and relatives and we found out fAoASixCWBY-00026-00008203-00008420 that it is actually a great product and it fAoASixCWBY-00027-00008420-00008589 was just time for yaupon fAoASixCWBY-00028-00008589-00009083 to be reintroduced to the marketplace. That's what started us creating fAoASixCWBY-00029-00009083-00009312 Yaupon Brothers and creating the products we have today. fAoASixCWBY-00030-00009312-00009729 Rob: So, most people's question is, "What is yaupon?" fAoASixCWBY-00031-00009729-00009913 But we kind of went through that, so what fAoASixCWBY-00032-00009913-00010095 is so great about yaupon holly? fAoASixCWBY-00033-00010095-00010327 Bryan: Our yaupon is wild crafted, which fAoASixCWBY-00034-00010327-00010544 means it grows here, totally natural. fAoASixCWBY-00035-00010544-00010909 We don't add any pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation, fAoASixCWBY-00036-00010909-00011202 it's watered with Florida rain showers. That's it. fAoASixCWBY-00037-00011202-00011394 So we work totally in harmony with nature fAoASixCWBY-00038-00011394-00011671 to produce our yaupon tea here in Florida. fAoASixCWBY-00039-00011671-00012018 Rob: No watering, no pesticides, no herbicides, any of those things, fAoASixCWBY-00040-00012018-00012414 and a big part of that, right now, is that in Florida you have these fAoASixCWBY-00041-00012414-00012747 toxic algae blooms, so this would not contribute to that at all, right? fAoASixCWBY-00042-00012747-00013180 Bryan: Yeah, people buying yaupon over tea, over coffee, fAoASixCWBY-00043-00013180-00013354 they're making a choice fAoASixCWBY-00044-00013354-00013761 that helps to eliminate that source of pollution entirely. fAoASixCWBY-00045-00013761-00014175 Rob: So, it's grown right here, and then after harvesting, what's next? fAoASixCWBY-00046-00014175-00014575 Bryan: We got our factory, our tea shop, which is right down the road. fAoASixCWBY-00047-00014575-00014969 and we process yaupon into the products that you buy in the grocery store. fAoASixCWBY-00048-00014969-00015295 Rob: Alright, let's head on over there! fAoASixCWBY-00049-00015295-00016126 (music) fAoASixCWBY-00050-00016134-00016376 Rob: So, we are here at the yaupon factory and fAoASixCWBY-00051-00016376-00016619 this is where the leaves that are harvested fAoASixCWBY-00052-00016619-00016969 in the forest farm are now turned into something fAoASixCWBY-00053-00016969-00017293 that we can actually drink as a tea. fAoASixCWBY-00054-00017293-00017601 So, where is most of our tea and coffee, fAoASixCWBY-00055-00017601-00017768 where people are getting their caffeine, fAoASixCWBY-00056-00017768-00017894 coming from right now? fAoASixCWBY-00057-00017894-00018188 Kyle: Most coffee and tea in the U.S. actually comes from overseas. fAoASixCWBY-00058-00018188-00018364 It has to cross the ocean to get here. fAoASixCWBY-00059-00018364-00018578 So most of your coffee comes from South America, fAoASixCWBY-00060-00018578-00018932 most of your tea comes from Asia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. fAoASixCWBY-00061-00018932-00019210 This is really the only option for caffeinated tea that grows fAoASixCWBY-00062-00019210-00019415 in the continental United States. fAoASixCWBY-00063-00019415-00019658 So we like to present a better option here for tea fAoASixCWBY-00064-00019658-00019850 in the U.S. for people to drink. fAoASixCWBY-00065-00019850-00020234 Rob: So, changing that industry would be a massive shift fAoASixCWBY-00066-00020234-00020499 in the United States and around the world. fAoASixCWBY-00067-00020499-00020743 Kyle: It would take a lot of weight off the environment, as well. fAoASixCWBY-00068-00020743-00021219 Rob: Alright, so how can people drink yaupon holly if they want to? fAoASixCWBY-00069-00021219-00021496 Bryan: Well, the really great thing about being in the South, fAoASixCWBY-00070-00021496-00021711 is that you can process and produce fAoASixCWBY-00071-00021711-00022003 yaupon holly from trees in your own yard. fAoASixCWBY-00072-00022003-00022227 You can find it growing in the wild. fAoASixCWBY-00073-00022227-00022801 You can buy it from Yauponbrothers.com online, and we sell trees as well. fAoASixCWBY-00074-00022801-00023079 Rob: Cool, so you can literally go out and forage it, fAoASixCWBY-00075-00023079-00023251 you can buy the tea from them fAoASixCWBY-00076-00023251-00023599 at a lot of shops or online, or you can actually buy a tree fAoASixCWBY-00077-00023599-00023836 and grown it in your own yard. fAoASixCWBY-00078-00023836-00024119 If you are in North America and you're fAoASixCWBY-00079-00024119-00024449 drinking tea, coffee or yerba mate, fAoASixCWBY-00080-00024449-00024652 and you want to do it in a more sustainable way fAoASixCWBY-00081-00024652-00024843 that's not shipping stuff around the world fAoASixCWBY-00082-00024843-00025128 then yaupon holly is the tea for you! fAoASixCWBY-00083-00025128-00025353 (music) fAoASixCWBY-00084-00025353-00025500 Subtitles by the Amara.org community fAQoGVwMXS4-00000-00001276-00001736 I'm delighted to see you here that you're taking the time to do this course to fAQoGVwMXS4-00001-00001736-00002210 understand the health and the climate challenges that we are facing. I know it fAQoGVwMXS4-00002-00002210-00002718 can sometimes feel a bit as a drop in the ocean that any action that you take fAQoGVwMXS4-00003-00002718-00003389 does not have any impact but we are all part of bigger systems and what we do as fAQoGVwMXS4-00004-00003389-00003887 an individual or as a professional can really catalyze change in this broader fAQoGVwMXS4-00005-00003887-00004430 system and that is I think the most important message of this course is that fAQoGVwMXS4-00006-00004430-00004982 we all have a role to play in changing how we live how we move how we consume fAQoGVwMXS4-00007-00004982-00005414 and how we can restore the environment and also promote health and health fAQoGVwMXS4-00008-00005414-00005750 equity at the same time fAQoGVwMXS4-00009-00006039-00006618 and in this course, you will learn about the methodologies that we used, the fAQoGVwMXS4-00010-00006618-00007302 process evaluation, quantitative evaluation, cost-effective analysis and fAQoGVwMXS4-00011-00007302-00007839 you will also learn about all of the insights that we got from these studies fAQoGVwMXS4-00012-00007839-00008275 and I hope that these insights will inspire you in the same way as it has fAQoGVwMXS4-00013-00008275-00008868 inspired us, I want to wish you good luck with this course. fCZXdRjdwzu-00000-00000003-00000273 welcome back to talk to me in Korean after watching this video lesson fCZXdRjdwzu-00001-00000273-00000736 you will understand how to use 가지고 in your Korean sentences fCZXdRjdwzu-00002-00001536-00002022 안녕하세요. 선현우입니다. I'm Hyunwoo from talktomeinkorean.com fCZXdRjdwzu-00003-00002022-00002508 if you haven't visited our website and have only been studying with our YouTube videos fCZXdRjdwzu-00004-00002508-00002964 please take a moment to visit our website at talktomeinkorean.com. There you can see fCZXdRjdwzu-00005-00002964-00003244 many more Korean learning materials, ok? fCZXdRjdwzu-00006-00003244-00003473 So today we're talking about 가지고. fCZXdRjdwzu-00007-00003473-00003892 And it comes from the verb 가지다 which is "to have" fCZXdRjdwzu-00008-00003892-00004107 and it is often used in the form fCZXdRjdwzu-00009-00004107-00004668 가지고 있다, which means fCZXdRjdwzu-00010-00004668-00005092 "to have something in your possession" but today, we're not talking about that meaning. fCZXdRjdwzu-00011-00005092-00005802 We're talking about 가지고 or 아 가지고 or 어 가지고 or 해 가지고 fCZXdRjdwzu-00012-00005802-00006545 which can replace 아서, 어서, 여서, or 해서 fCZXdRjdwzu-00013-00006545-00007031 and apparently to many Korean learners who are just starting out, fCZXdRjdwzu-00014-00007031-00007156 it can sound like 가주구. fCZXdRjdwzu-00015-00007156-00007515 we've actually gotten the same kind of question or misunderstanding fCZXdRjdwzu-00016-00007515-00007868 from many people, many different people. fCZXdRjdwzu-00017-00007868-00007973 "So what does 가주구 mean?" fCZXdRjdwzu-00018-00007973-00008406 So I've thought about why it sounds like "가주구" and I think I have some explanation. fCZXdRjdwzu-00019-00008406-00008907 So 가지고 is the standard form and we have a lesson on fCZXdRjdwzu-00020-00008907-00009696 아서, 어서, 여서 at level 3 lesson 7. I'll link it down below and fCZXdRjdwzu-00021-00009696-00010104 it basically means this is the reason so therefore the result fCZXdRjdwzu-00022-00010104-00010386 or this is a reason therefore this is a result fCZXdRjdwzu-00023-00010386-00011036 s it's often translated to so therefore fCZXdRjdwzu-00024-00011036-00011775 or you do one action and then do another following action the following action fCZXdRjdwzu-00025-00011775-00012239 can be related or maybe it might not be related to the previous sections so fCZXdRjdwzu-00026-00012239-00012564 that's the general explanation without any sample sentences fCZXdRjdwzu-00027-00012564-00012627 here are some sample sentences fCZXdRjdwzu-00028-00012628-00013168 so the standard more common form in more formal Korean is, fCZXdRjdwzu-00029-00014591-00015200 So this is what you'd learn first and then in casual, colloquial conversations fCZXdRjdwzu-00030-00015200-00015772 you will also hear 아파 가지고 못 왔어요. fCZXdRjdwzu-00031-00015897-00016596 Technically, not incorrect. This is correct - but it sounds automatically more casual fCZXdRjdwzu-00032-00016597-00017014 and sometimes in certain contexts, depending on how you say it, fCZXdRjdwzu-00033-00017014-00017476 it sounds like something that a child might say. it's not too formal. fCZXdRjdwzu-00034-00017476-00018262 so although technically both forms are okay, you can use both, fCZXdRjdwzu-00035-00018262-00018844 but -서 is more standard. fCZXdRjdwzu-00036-00018940-00019488 People often shortened it to 아파 갖고. fCZXdRjdwzu-00037-00019488-00019692 This is definitely way more casual. fCZXdRjdwzu-00038-00019692-00020479 way more childlike. so I recommend that you don't say say it fCZXdRjdwzu-00039-00020479-00020973 like this in formal settings. he or she couldn't come here. fCZXdRjdwzu-00040-00020973-00021772 because he or she is sick. it changes to 아파 가지고 못 왔어요. fCZXdRjdwzu-00041-00021772-00021948 and then 아파 갖고 못 왔어요. fCZXdRjdwzu-00042-00021948-00022267 And 아파 갖고, or 아파 가지고, this part, fCZXdRjdwzu-00043-00022267-00022795 again in colloquialism in everyday casual conversations some people fCZXdRjdwzu-00044-00022795-00023425 actually many people they like to pronounce it as 가지구 or 아파 갖구 fCZXdRjdwzu-00045-00023425-00023780 to kind of sound a little more cute, more casual. fCZXdRjdwzu-00046-00023780-00024076 So that's why many learners fCZXdRjdwzu-00047-00024076-00024740 might have heard it as 가지구, 가주구, but it's just definitely incorrect. fCZXdRjdwzu-00048-00024740-00025240 so it's 서 changing to 가지고 and 갖고. fCZXdRjdwzu-00049-00025240-00025496 let me show you some more examples fCZXdRjdwzu-00050-00025496-00026083 this puzzle is so difficult that I couldn't solve it. fCZXdRjdwzu-00051-00026920-00027068 This changes to... fCZXdRjdwzu-00052-00027592-00028127 So here, it's okay. 가지고 is absolutely acceptable. fCZXdRjdwzu-00053-00028127-00028616 But if you change it to 갖고, fCZXdRjdwzu-00054-00028636-00029176 this becomes way more casual and I don't recommend that you use it yourself, okay? fCZXdRjdwzu-00055-00029348-00029888 When you are listening to a story and then you heard a piece of... I guess, fCZXdRjdwzu-00056-00029889-00030256 heard about a piece of development and then you wonder "And then what?" "And then what happened?" fCZXdRjdwzu-00057-00030256-00030988 so in that case you can say 그래서? And then what's omitted is 그래서 어떻게 됐어요? fCZXdRjdwzu-00058-00030988-00031429 그래서 그 사람이 뭐라고 했어요? fCZXdRjdwzu-00059-00031429-00031824 But often, people just say 그래서? or in polite language, 그래서요? fCZXdRjdwzu-00060-00031824-00032456 But then in the same meaning, you can say 그래 가지고? in casual speech fCZXdRjdwzu-00061-00032456-00032784 and in polite language, 그래 가지고요? fCZXdRjdwzu-00062-00032784-00033604 You see that it can replace -서 and then maybe one more example in the meaning of "so or therefore" fCZXdRjdwzu-00063-00033604-00033976 "It was so funny, so..." Maybe sometimes you don't you know want to fCZXdRjdwzu-00064-00033976-00034708 finish your sentences so in that case you can say "너무 웃겨서..." and then whatever is not said is omitted. fCZXdRjdwzu-00065-00034708-00035077 In that case you can say 너무 웃겨 가지고 fCZXdRjdwzu-00066-00035077-00035260 or 너무 웃겨 갖고. fCZXdRjdwzu-00067-00035260-00035692 Okay. Summary. You can say "so-and-so + 아서/어서/여서" fCZXdRjdwzu-00068-00035692-00036532 to mean "A therefore B" but you can replace it with so-and-so 가지고 fCZXdRjdwzu-00069-00036532-00036768 or 갖고, but 갖고, I'd recommend that you avoid using it. fCZXdRjdwzu-00070-00036769-00037333 You can talk about one action and then say, so and then talk about another action, fCZXdRjdwzu-00071-00037333-00037836 a sequential action that follows and for example, fCZXdRjdwzu-00072-00038232-00039120 I went home yesterday and did nothing but playing video games. In that case you can change that "서" part to "가지고." fCZXdRjdwzu-00073-00039588-00040012 But this makes the sentence much more casual and colloquial. fCZXdRjdwzu-00074-00040040-00040912 So that's why you keep hearing 가지고, 가지구, maybe incorrectly, 가주구, too. fCZXdRjdwzu-00075-00040913-00041212 Or 갖고. To mean the same thing as 서. fCZXdRjdwzu-00076-00041212-00041912 So please click on the link down below to go to the actual audio lesson, a free audio lesson where you can learn about 아서/어서/여서. fCZXdRjdwzu-00077-00041912-00042252 Alright. Thank you so much for studying with talktomeinkorean.com. fCZXdRjdwzu-00078-00042252-00042604 And I will see you in the next one. 감사합니다. Bye. 안녕히 계세요. fLKrvsn4NSg-00000-00000065-00000269 >> All right! fLKrvsn4NSg-00001-00000269-00000435 Prologue. fLKrvsn4NSg-00002-00000435-00000620 We live in a special time. fLKrvsn4NSg-00003-00000620-00000834 We're in the middle of this graph right now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00004-00000834-00001415 200 years ago, it took years to send information from one end of humanity to the other end fLKrvsn4NSg-00005-00001415-00001515 of humanity. fLKrvsn4NSg-00006-00001515-00001730 And now it's instantaneous. fLKrvsn4NSg-00007-00001730-00002276 But as we spread out to the other planets, to our stars, we won't be able to do that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00008-00002276-00002422 Because the speed of light. fLKrvsn4NSg-00009-00002422-00002584 A little bit about me. fLKrvsn4NSg-00010-00002584-00002772 A little bit more about me. fLKrvsn4NSg-00011-00002772-00002957 My name is Chad Ostrowski. fLKrvsn4NSg-00012-00002957-00003472 I live in the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy on a water world called Earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00013-00003472-00004125 On the East Coast of the United States in a small city called Lancaster, Pennsylvania. fLKrvsn4NSg-00014-00004125-00004478 This is what I've been up to for the past 14 years. fLKrvsn4NSg-00015-00004478-00004668 This is my entire.life chart. fLKrvsn4NSg-00016-00004668-00005015 Each of these dots is a month of my life. fLKrvsn4NSg-00017-00005015-00005351 The emojis represent significant things that happened. fLKrvsn4NSg-00018-00005351-00005482 You can get one yourself. fLKrvsn4NSg-00019-00005482-00005615 Go to entire.life. fLKrvsn4NSg-00020-00005615-00005775 That is the URL. fLKrvsn4NSg-00021-00005775-00005939 Check it out. fLKrvsn4NSg-00022-00005939-00006039 My day job. fLKrvsn4NSg-00023-00006039-00006214 I work at Citrusbyte. fLKrvsn4NSg-00024-00006214-00006800 We are about 70 people, all around the world, including here in Barcelona. fLKrvsn4NSg-00025-00006800-00007004 And we're always accepting applications. fLKrvsn4NSg-00026-00007004-00007365 So if you're looking for a new gig, check us out. fLKrvsn4NSg-00027-00007365-00007898 You can find me on the internet at Chadoh, just about everywhere. fLKrvsn4NSg-00028-00007898-00008054 Disclaimer. fLKrvsn4NSg-00029-00008054-00008715 Earth is a spaceship, and we're the passengers, cosmic pilgrims on a voyage towards truth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00030-00008715-00009081 Or we're basically algae on the side of a boat. fLKrvsn4NSg-00031-00009081-00009281 Cosmic algae. fLKrvsn4NSg-00032-00009281-00009418 I am cosmic algae. fLKrvsn4NSg-00033-00009418-00009529 I am learning with you. fLKrvsn4NSg-00034-00009529-00009827 I am not an expert on a lot of the things I'll be presenting. fLKrvsn4NSg-00035-00009827-00010417 So if you know better, please tell me afterwards so we can set the record straight. fLKrvsn4NSg-00036-00010417-00010517 Where are we going? fLKrvsn4NSg-00037-00010517-00011053 We're gonna talk about problems of the future or problems of futures present, and then we're fLKrvsn4NSg-00038-00011053-00011162 gonna talk about solutions. fLKrvsn4NSg-00039-00011162-00011353 We're gonna run through offline first. fLKrvsn4NSg-00040-00011353-00011781 We've heard about it a little bit already today, but we'll see it in this new context, fLKrvsn4NSg-00041-00011781-00011938 and then the distributed web. fLKrvsn4NSg-00042-00011938-00012409 And my goal is to give us a good framework for how to think about all of these different fLKrvsn4NSg-00043-00012409-00012686 technologies and how they all fit together. fLKrvsn4NSg-00044-00012686-00013028 So let's go on a journey. fLKrvsn4NSg-00045-00013028-00013303 How far is it to Mars? fLKrvsn4NSg-00046-00013303-00013543 Let me switch... fLKrvsn4NSg-00047-00013543-00013703 All right. fLKrvsn4NSg-00048-00013703-00014134 So this is a website called distance to Mars.com. fLKrvsn4NSg-00049-00014134-00014366 And it says... fLKrvsn4NSg-00050-00014366-00014588 If the Earth were 100 pixels wide... fLKrvsn4NSg-00051-00014588-00015029 And you can click a little arrow and fly to the moon. fLKrvsn4NSg-00052-00015029-00015244 The moon would be 3,000 pixels away. fLKrvsn4NSg-00053-00015244-00015534 Didn't take us long at all to get there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00054-00015534-00015931 Meanwhile, Mars, at its closest, would be... fLKrvsn4NSg-00055-00015931-00016081 And now we see the stars moving. fLKrvsn4NSg-00056-00016081-00016418 Which you would not see the stars moving on your way to Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00057-00016418-00016655 It would all be very still. fLKrvsn4NSg-00058-00016655-00017092 You would see the Earth shrink and then you would see nothing change for a long time. fLKrvsn4NSg-00059-00017092-00017450 As it says on the screen right now, we're currently going 7,000 pixels per second, which fLKrvsn4NSg-00060-00017450-00017760 is three times faster than the speed of light. fLKrvsn4NSg-00061-00017760-00018013 So we will get to Mars very quickly. fLKrvsn4NSg-00062-00018013-00018689 Much faster than we can send radio signals or text messages to Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00063-00018689-00019054 It'll take 150 days to actually fly to Mars, current technology. fLKrvsn4NSg-00064-00019054-00019543 Like I said, we're seeing right now kind of a simulation of how long it takes just to fLKrvsn4NSg-00065-00019543-00019778 send one message, one direction to Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00066-00019778-00020135 Except we're going three times faster than light. fLKrvsn4NSg-00067-00020135-00020442 Feels so fast, right? fLKrvsn4NSg-00068-00020442-00020559 And... fLKrvsn4NSg-00069-00020559-00020844 I think the stars are about to slow down. fLKrvsn4NSg-00070-00020844-00021226 You can see the little scroll bar over in the far right. fLKrvsn4NSg-00071-00021226-00021427 Working its way down the screen. fLKrvsn4NSg-00072-00021427-00021527 And here we are. fLKrvsn4NSg-00073-00021527-00021720 We're finally at Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00074-00021720-00022358 So that was... 56 million kilometers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00075-00022358-00022897 Divided by the speed of light is 3 light minutes, which is a 6 minute latency, 6 minutes round-trip, fLKrvsn4NSg-00076-00022897-00023299 during the fast part of the year. fLKrvsn4NSg-00077-00023299-00023625 At the longest, it can take 45 minutes, round-trip. fLKrvsn4NSg-00078-00023625-00023759 22 minutes each way. fLKrvsn4NSg-00079-00023759-00024038 When Earth and Mars are far apart. fLKrvsn4NSg-00080-00024038-00024278 Who here has heard of Mars One? fLKrvsn4NSg-00081-00024278-00024689 This is a non-profit organization that wants to establish a permanent human colony on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00082-00024689-00024838 The current estimates are 2030. fLKrvsn4NSg-00083-00024838-00025154 A lot of people don't think this will be the organization that actually does it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00084-00025154-00025456 But it's really fun to think through what this would... fLKrvsn4NSg-00085-00025456-00025608 How this would play out. fLKrvsn4NSg-00086-00025608-00026000 They want to land four people on Mars in 2030 and then four more people two years after fLKrvsn4NSg-00087-00026000-00026352 that, and four more two years after that, et cetera, et cetera. fLKrvsn4NSg-00088-00026352-00026727 On their website, on their FAQ, they have this question: What will the astronauts do fLKrvsn4NSg-00089-00026727-00026841 on Mars? fLKrvsn4NSg-00090-00026841-00027200 And part of the answer here has always stuck with me. fLKrvsn4NSg-00091-00027200-00027382 They say... fLKrvsn4NSg-00092-00027382-00027913 Internet access will be limited to the astronauts' favorite websites, which will be... fLKrvsn4NSg-00093-00027913-00028013 Oops, oops. fLKrvsn4NSg-00094-00028013-00028177 Let me go back. fLKrvsn4NSg-00095-00028177-00028308 There we go. fLKrvsn4NSg-00096-00028308-00028695 Easy internet access will be limited to their preferred sites, which are constantly updated fLKrvsn4NSg-00097-00028695-00028893 on the local Mars web server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00098-00028893-00029502 Other websites will take between 6 and 45 minutes to appear on their screen. fLKrvsn4NSg-00099-00029502-00029624 So this line... fLKrvsn4NSg-00100-00029624-00029963 Preferred sites that are constantly updated on the local Mars web server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00101-00029963-00030098 I was like... fLKrvsn4NSg-00102-00030098-00030198 Thinking about that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00103-00030198-00030298 It bugged me. fLKrvsn4NSg-00104-00030298-00030500 And I think what I came to was like... fLKrvsn4NSg-00105-00030500-00030812 Does this even qualify as the internet? fLKrvsn4NSg-00106-00030812-00030931 No! fLKrvsn4NSg-00107-00030931-00031037 This doesn't qualify. fLKrvsn4NSg-00108-00031037-00031233 The internet is a discussion. fLKrvsn4NSg-00109-00031233-00031364 It's many to many. fLKrvsn4NSg-00110-00031364-00031599 It is controlled by its participants. fLKrvsn4NSg-00111-00031599-00031830 It is a great democratizer. fLKrvsn4NSg-00112-00031830-00032247 And if I can't contribute, then it doesn't count. fLKrvsn4NSg-00113-00032247-00032352 So let's think through it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00114-00032352-00032830 Maybe Mars One was thinking about simple pages of static content like this one. fLKrvsn4NSg-00115-00032830-00033086 It doesn't matter what the content is, so I've blurred it out. fLKrvsn4NSg-00116-00033086-00033412 But even simple pages like this are very rare on the internet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00117-00033412-00033868 Usually they'll have a little thing on the bottom right where you can vote and say... fLKrvsn4NSg-00118-00033868-00033968 Yes, I liked this! fLKrvsn4NSg-00119-00033968-00034198 Or you can share it with your friends. fLKrvsn4NSg-00120-00034198-00034709 Moving up the stack of how interactive apps are from there, we have social media. fLKrvsn4NSg-00121-00034709-00034966 We on Earth will want to see what the Martians are up to. fLKrvsn4NSg-00122-00034966-00035261 We'll want to look at their Instagram feeds. fLKrvsn4NSg-00123-00035261-00035640 If the internet is read-only for them, how will we do that? fLKrvsn4NSg-00124-00035640-00036059 And then there are all the apps that assume that you have constant fast connection to fLKrvsn4NSg-00125-00036059-00036188 the backbone of the internet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00126-00036188-00036366 Stuff like Slack. fLKrvsn4NSg-00127-00036366-00036762 Things like Slack will just never work on Mars the way that they're written right now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00128-00036762-00036946 So meanwhile, 2017. fLKrvsn4NSg-00129-00036946-00037077 Why should we care about this? fLKrvsn4NSg-00130-00037077-00037265 Why did I bring us on this journey? fLKrvsn4NSg-00131-00037265-00037484 Why do we want to solve this problem? fLKrvsn4NSg-00132-00037484-00038144 My thesis is that tomorrow's problems are today's problems, but bigger. fLKrvsn4NSg-00133-00038144-00038809 If we solve tomorrow's problems, we will solve all sorts of interesting problems right now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00134-00038809-00039204 I'm gonna be talking a lot about helping people or serving people in this talk. fLKrvsn4NSg-00135-00039204-00039711 If that is not motivating for you, you can roughly translate those ideas into making fLKrvsn4NSg-00136-00039711-00040058 money. fLKrvsn4NSg-00137-00040058-00040461 Sometimes helping people can also help you make money from them. fLKrvsn4NSg-00138-00040461-00040624 Sometimes helping people does not make money. fLKrvsn4NSg-00139-00040624-00040822 But you can think of it that way. fLKrvsn4NSg-00140-00040822-00040922 All right. fLKrvsn4NSg-00141-00040922-00041022 So problem one. fLKrvsn4NSg-00142-00041022-00041122 Latency. fLKrvsn4NSg-00143-00041122-00041475 We can totally fix latency, if we fix this Mars problem. fLKrvsn4NSg-00144-00041475-00041707 These are Amazon's data center locations. fLKrvsn4NSg-00145-00041707-00042007 The yellow squares are their actual AWS locations. fLKrvsn4NSg-00146-00042007-00042544 And then the little red circles are their CDN, their content delivery network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00147-00042544-00042993 You can see that whole big parts of the globe are not served very well by them. fLKrvsn4NSg-00148-00042993-00043215 And some of these parts have the worst infrastructure. fLKrvsn4NSg-00149-00043215-00043760 This is a GIF showing the number of internet users and how it changed from 2000 to 2012. fLKrvsn4NSg-00150-00043760-00044121 That last one was 2012. fLKrvsn4NSg-00151-00044121-00044775 And you can see even at the end, in 2012, a lot of Africa still is not very well covered. fLKrvsn4NSg-00152-00044775-00045216 And the infrastructure in a lot of these places is not good. fLKrvsn4NSg-00153-00045216-00045451 It's very slow network speeds. fLKrvsn4NSg-00154-00045451-00045774 And sometimes people are charged a lot for the data that they use. fLKrvsn4NSg-00155-00045774-00046169 So we can fix this problem, if we make an internet that even works on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00156-00046169-00046591 There are 86 million people in Nigeria alone that are online right now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00157-00046591-00046844 And that's with 46% of the population. fLKrvsn4NSg-00158-00046844-00047194 So that's a lot of people to help. fLKrvsn4NSg-00159-00047194-00047741 And then bringing it closer to a lot of our experience, there's just airplane mode, or fLKrvsn4NSg-00160-00047741-00047956 spotty Wi-Fi connectivity. fLKrvsn4NSg-00161-00047956-00048152 Spotty cell connectivity. fLKrvsn4NSg-00162-00048152-00048615 Flaky network connections are not limited to the developing world. fLKrvsn4NSg-00163-00048615-00048861 It's something that we all experience. fLKrvsn4NSg-00164-00048861-00049125 Earth problem number two: Censorship. fLKrvsn4NSg-00165-00049125-00049627 In 2011, Egypt cut off all of the internet for the entire country. fLKrvsn4NSg-00166-00049627-00049766 Which brings us back to these folks. fLKrvsn4NSg-00167-00049766-00050069 This is during the Arab Spring. fLKrvsn4NSg-00168-00050069-00050490 They were trying to organize for democracy, communicating with Twitter, and then they fLKrvsn4NSg-00169-00050490-00050947 couldn't talk to each other anymore, because all of their communication was stored on a fLKrvsn4NSg-00170-00050947-00051184 server way far away. fLKrvsn4NSg-00171-00051184-00051574 And so it could no longer make the round-trip back to them. fLKrvsn4NSg-00172-00051574-00051887 This is countries at risk of disconnection. fLKrvsn4NSg-00173-00051887-00052331 The way that Egypt suffered disconnection. fLKrvsn4NSg-00174-00052331-00052674 We in the blue countries tend to feel pretty smug about this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00175-00052674-00053101 But just a little while after that, in San Francisco, the internet was shut down to foil fLKrvsn4NSg-00176-00053101-00053306 a protest. fLKrvsn4NSg-00177-00053306-00053504 And censorship is a similar problem. fLKrvsn4NSg-00178-00053504-00053977 It doesn't have to be as extreme as shutting down the entire internet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00179-00053977-00054304 Problem three: Data growth outpaces network speed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00180-00054304-00054841 In 2013, there were 4.4 zettabytes of data on the internet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00181-00054841-00055554 This graph is showing if you stacked up iPad Airs how far they would go to the moon. fLKrvsn4NSg-00182-00055554-00056450 Two thirds of the way in 2013 and in 2020, 0.6 or 0.7 ways to the moon. fLKrvsn4NSg-00183-00056450-00057272 A lot of this is driven by the internet of things. fLKrvsn4NSg-00184-00057272-00057677 Entire data centers are full of sensors that are now being used to track everything. fLKrvsn4NSg-00185-00057677-00057910 So they're just these huge datasets. fLKrvsn4NSg-00186-00057910-00058591 And other data demand is being driven by web VR or just VR in general. fLKrvsn4NSg-00187-00058591-00059079 All these new augmented reality experiences, or virtual reality experiences. fLKrvsn4NSg-00188-00059079-00059266 4K video. fLKrvsn4NSg-00189-00059266-00059454 Et cetera. fLKrvsn4NSg-00190-00059454-00059681 The speed of the network does grow exponentially. fLKrvsn4NSg-00191-00059681-00059866 This is a logarithmic graph. fLKrvsn4NSg-00192-00059866-00060425 So if straight line means that it's exponential -- but it doesn't grow as quickly, exponentially, fLKrvsn4NSg-00193-00060425-00061074 as computer power and our ability to store things and our desire to measure more things. fLKrvsn4NSg-00194-00061074-00061345 So what do we do about all these different problems? fLKrvsn4NSg-00195-00061345-00061682 How can we solve all of them? fLKrvsn4NSg-00196-00061682-00061810 Let's go one step at a time. fLKrvsn4NSg-00197-00061810-00061910 Let's think about... fLKrvsn4NSg-00198-00061910-00062295 We have Mars on one side and we have Earth on the other. fLKrvsn4NSg-00199-00062295-00062574 And let's say that I'm on Mars and I visit... fLKrvsn4NSg-00200-00062574-00062980 Oh, and let's just say on average that they're 12 light minutes apart. fLKrvsn4NSg-00201-00062980-00063500 So between 3 minutes and 22 minutes -- 12 light minutes. fLKrvsn4NSg-00202-00063500-00063675 So I'm there on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00203-00063675-00063936 And I make a request for a web page. fLKrvsn4NSg-00204-00063936-00064268 To entire.life, because why wouldn't I? fLKrvsn4NSg-00205-00064268-00064767 And it takes 12 minutes, goes out to Earth, comes the whole way back. fLKrvsn4NSg-00206-00064767-00065048 And then that page starts rendering and my browser says... fLKrvsn4NSg-00207-00065048-00065577 Oh, it also needs some styles and some JavaScript and some assets. fLKrvsn4NSg-00208-00065577-00066211 So back to earth it goes, gets the rest of the assets, and 48 minutes later, I can finally fLKrvsn4NSg-00209-00066211-00066438 look at one page. fLKrvsn4NSg-00210-00066438-00066624 Womp-womp. fLKrvsn4NSg-00211-00066624-00066745 So improvement one. fLKrvsn4NSg-00212-00066745-00066995 I think we heard about this earlier today. fLKrvsn4NSg-00213-00066995-00067129 HTTP 2. fLKrvsn4NSg-00214-00067129-00067410 So in this setup, I make the request for the web page. fLKrvsn4NSg-00215-00067410-00068049 It comes back, but instead of just that one page, it also pushes along my styles, my JavaScripts, fLKrvsn4NSg-00216-00068049-00068149 my assets. fLKrvsn4NSg-00217-00068149-00068393 All the assets I need in order to render that page. fLKrvsn4NSg-00218-00068393-00068537 This is called server push. fLKrvsn4NSg-00219-00068537-00068887 It is the server push feature of HTTP 2. fLKrvsn4NSg-00220-00068887-00069162 So 24 minutes. fLKrvsn4NSg-00221-00069162-00069262 Hurray? fLKrvsn4NSg-00222-00069262-00069438 I mean... fLKrvsn4NSg-00223-00069438-00069538 Still not great. fLKrvsn4NSg-00224-00069538-00069831 And it gets worse, because... fLKrvsn4NSg-00225-00069831-00070205 Let's say I tap a link, and now that link has to go the whole way back to Earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00226-00070205-00070305 Except wait... fLKrvsn4NSg-00227-00070305-00070486 We're frontend developers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00228-00070486-00070674 This is a single page app. fLKrvsn4NSg-00229-00070674-00070788 That will be instantaneous. fLKrvsn4NSg-00230-00070788-00070888 Great. fLKrvsn4NSg-00231-00070888-00071274 But let's say the next page loads in some plugin, JavaScript. fLKrvsn4NSg-00232-00071274-00071449 And it loads in some new assets. fLKrvsn4NSg-00233-00071449-00071650 So those now have to go to Earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00234-00071650-00072029 So it's 48 minutes for two whole pages. fLKrvsn4NSg-00235-00072029-00072148 Big improvement there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00236-00072148-00072404 And then we have to do it all again tomorrow. fLKrvsn4NSg-00237-00072404-00072860 If we want to visit the website again, our browser is gonna have to re-go through this fLKrvsn4NSg-00238-00072860-00072960 whole dance. fLKrvsn4NSg-00239-00072960-00073292 Downloading all of these files, even though they probably haven't changed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00240-00073292-00073591 So that sucks. fLKrvsn4NSg-00241-00073591-00073937 Improvement number two that we can make is service workers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00242-00073937-00074561 Service workers give us periodic background sync, push notifications, and most interestingly fLKrvsn4NSg-00243-00074561-00075073 for this context, they give us rich offline experiences. fLKrvsn4NSg-00244-00075073-00075236 They sit in between your app. fLKrvsn4NSg-00245-00075236-00075647 They run in the background in your browser, and whenever your app makes a request, it fLKrvsn4NSg-00246-00075647-00076024 will get intercepted by a service worker, and the service worker is gonna send back fLKrvsn4NSg-00247-00076024-00076361 cached assets, if it has them, so it doesn't have to go the whole way through the network fLKrvsn4NSg-00248-00076361-00076727 -- in this case, the whole way back to earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00249-00076727-00076888 Can we use it yet? fLKrvsn4NSg-00250-00076888-00076989 Yes. fLKrvsn4NSg-00251-00076989-00077911 If you look up is service worker ready -- the URL is not memorable -- but you can see which fLKrvsn4NSg-00252-00077911-00078192 browsers are currently supported. fLKrvsn4NSg-00253-00078192-00078631 For a lot of browsers they can already start using service workers right now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00254-00078631-00079339 So with service workers, I'm on Mars, I send my request to Earth, and now the server on fLKrvsn4NSg-00255-00079339-00079930 earth sends back my index.html, styles, assets, plus another asset. fLKrvsn4NSg-00256-00079930-00080316 Render service worker.js. fLKrvsn4NSg-00257-00080316-00080642 And as soon as that gets back to Mars, my page starts going through it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00258-00080642-00080960 And it's gonna send off the new request for the other stuff it's gonna need in the background fLKrvsn4NSg-00259-00080960-00081170 for my app to be fully functional. fLKrvsn4NSg-00260-00081170-00081437 And then Earth will send all that stuff back. fLKrvsn4NSg-00261-00081437-00082008 And now maybe, if I was sitting there looking at one page for 48 minutes, by the time that fLKrvsn4NSg-00262-00082008-00082306 I visit the next page, all of it will already be there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00263-00082306-00082787 The app is installed, essentially, within the browser. fLKrvsn4NSg-00264-00082787-00082924 And it will all be there tomorrow. fLKrvsn4NSg-00265-00082924-00083170 So whenever I go back, it's already there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00266-00083170-00083627 So I mean, we're gonna have to expect some latency for people on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00267-00083627-00083786 It takes a long time to get that stuff. fLKrvsn4NSg-00268-00083786-00084031 But at this point, we've got a working webapp. fLKrvsn4NSg-00269-00084031-00084436 It's not too bad. fLKrvsn4NSg-00270-00084436-00084571 It's pretty cool. fLKrvsn4NSg-00271-00084571-00084671 Except... fLKrvsn4NSg-00272-00084671-00084771 48 minutes to install the app. fLKrvsn4NSg-00273-00084771-00084897 Let's just say the app is installed now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00274-00084897-00085093 So app installed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00275-00085093-00085489 We'll just put a little check mark there to indicate that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00276-00085489-00085710 And then browsing around the site, I come to a form. fLKrvsn4NSg-00277-00085710-00085917 And now I fill out this form. fLKrvsn4NSg-00278-00085917-00086088 This is what entire.life looks like. fLKrvsn4NSg-00279-00086088-00086913 It's gonna send a post request to an endpoint, and when the data comes back from the server, fLKrvsn4NSg-00280-00086913-00087448 then we update the user interface to show that event that they saved. fLKrvsn4NSg-00281-00087448-00087972 This means that we're gonna have a post request going the whole way to Earth, coming the whole fLKrvsn4NSg-00282-00087972-00088392 way back, and 24 minutes for every single interaction. fLKrvsn4NSg-00283-00088392-00088606 Not so great. fLKrvsn4NSg-00284-00088606-00088720 Improvement three that we can make. fLKrvsn4NSg-00285-00088720-00088999 Local storage. fLKrvsn4NSg-00286-00088999-00089431 So the idea is that we will store data locally and sync it back to the server periodically. fLKrvsn4NSg-00287-00089431-00089849 There are two underlying technologies in modern browsers for this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00288-00089849-00090024 Local storage and indexedDB. fLKrvsn4NSg-00289-00090024-00090256 I didn't know what to call this whole concept. fLKrvsn4NSg-00290-00090256-00090394 Maybe web storage. fLKrvsn4NSg-00291-00090394-00090851 It's weird to call it local storage and have one of the subtechnologies also be called fLKrvsn4NSg-00292-00090851-00090981 local storage. fLKrvsn4NSg-00293-00090981-00091081 But here we are. fLKrvsn4NSg-00294-00091081-00091264 So yes, these things are ready. fLKrvsn4NSg-00295-00091264-00091470 You can use them in browsers now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00296-00091470-00091704 There are lots of tools to make them easier. fLKrvsn4NSg-00297-00091704-00092213 LocalForage is one that you can use. fLKrvsn4NSg-00298-00092213-00093001 Because all the browsers are implemented differently, Local Forage wraps them all up. fLKrvsn4NSg-00299-00093001-00093876 Pouchdb is in the browser and the idea is that you have an entire real database in the fLKrvsn4NSg-00300-00093876-00094418 browser and occasionally Pouchdb automatically syncs back to the server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00301-00094418-00094641 It's made to use Couchdb on the server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00302-00094641-00095124 That's couch with a C. You can use other things, though. fLKrvsn4NSg-00303-00095124-00095745 There are things like RxDB, which use the same idea but aren't as tied to CouchDB or fLKrvsn4NSg-00304-00095745-00095870 other tools. fLKrvsn4NSg-00305-00095870-00096361 And there are lots of other tools people are working on. fLKrvsn4NSg-00306-00096361-00097262 SyncedDB, SharedDB, and Hoodie, as a backend service, that makes it easy to do offline-first fLKrvsn4NSg-00307-00097262-00097419 applications. fLKrvsn4NSg-00308-00097419-00097768 So we're on Mars now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00309-00097768-00098033 We've installed this app with service workers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00310-00098033-00098352 We have our little check mark saying that we've installed it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00311-00098352-00098645 And now we're gonna add things to a queue. fLKrvsn4NSg-00312-00098645-00099127 Instead of sending a post request every single time that we hit save on the form, it's gonna fLKrvsn4NSg-00313-00099127-00099227 add them to a queue. fLKrvsn4NSg-00314-00099227-00099626 And I can add multiple things, and every now and then, it's gonna sync to earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00315-00099626-00100098 And when the request comes back, we can clear out the queue and now we know the database fLKrvsn4NSg-00316-00100098-00100368 and our local storage are both synced. fLKrvsn4NSg-00317-00100368-00100545 So we're getting there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00318-00100545-00100645 This is decent. fLKrvsn4NSg-00319-00100645-00100855 It's almost working. fLKrvsn4NSg-00320-00100855-00101241 Service workers plus local storage is approximately what people mean when they say progressive fLKrvsn4NSg-00321-00101241-00101341 webapps. fLKrvsn4NSg-00322-00101341-00101850 It's approximately what they mean when they say offline first. fLKrvsn4NSg-00323-00101850-00101950 So we're getting there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00324-00101950-00102232 But there are still problems. fLKrvsn4NSg-00325-00102232-00102433 So this all seems very Earth-centric. fLKrvsn4NSg-00326-00102433-00102827 Isn't is annoying that we live on Mars now? fLKrvsn4NSg-00327-00102827-00103194 But we have to keep going to Earth for all our data? fLKrvsn4NSg-00328-00103194-00103668 If we think about having this installed app -- we're gonna make it a new problem -- I fLKrvsn4NSg-00329-00103668-00104135 have installed the app, I'm on Mars, but I have a collaborator on Mars also. fLKrvsn4NSg-00330-00104135-00104578 One of the four people who is settling it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00331-00104578-00105041 When she wants to get the entire.life website, she has to make the request all the way back fLKrvsn4NSg-00332-00105041-00105682 to Earth, even though I have the files on my machine. fLKrvsn4NSg-00333-00105682-00105881 That's just so annoying. fLKrvsn4NSg-00334-00105881-00106155 Why can't she just request them right from me? fLKrvsn4NSg-00335-00106155-00106278 And then I send them right back? fLKrvsn4NSg-00336-00106278-00106608 Is there some way that we can do this? fLKrvsn4NSg-00337-00106608-00107003 We need a better architecture for building apps like this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00338-00107003-00107472 Specifically everything we've been talking about so far is the client-server architecture. fLKrvsn4NSg-00339-00107472-00107804 We have browsers that are in our phones, or in our computers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00340-00107804-00108252 And they send a request out across the internet to a server, and the server is the master. fLKrvsn4NSg-00341-00108252-00108471 The server is where all the data lives. fLKrvsn4NSg-00342-00108471-00108915 And then the server sends it back. fLKrvsn4NSg-00343-00108915-00109234 This is described by this 1962 chart. fLKrvsn4NSg-00344-00109234-00109866 Someone came up with this idea in 1962 when the US military, via DARPA, was coming up fLKrvsn4NSg-00345-00109866-00109966 with the DARPAnet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00346-00109966-00110370 They said we definitely don't want a centralized network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00347-00110370-00111013 That means if there's a natural disaster or a bomb strike on the centralized spot, we fLKrvsn4NSg-00348-00111013-00111127 can't communicate with each other. fLKrvsn4NSg-00349-00111127-00111372 That's bad. fLKrvsn4NSg-00350-00111372-00111781 What they wanted to build was a distributed network, where it's all a bunch of peers in fLKrvsn4NSg-00351-00111781-00111881 the network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00352-00111881-00112389 And instead of that, what we've ended up with is this decentralized network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00353-00112389-00112489 It's pretty good. fLKrvsn4NSg-00354-00112489-00112641 There's no one point of failure. fLKrvsn4NSg-00355-00112641-00112792 But there are still these... fLKrvsn4NSg-00356-00112792-00113270 You know, the servers are like the masters of the whole thing. fLKrvsn4NSg-00357-00113270-00113538 And then there are these dumb nodes out on the end. fLKrvsn4NSg-00358-00113538-00113922 So how do we get to this distributed one? fLKrvsn4NSg-00359-00113922-00114479 My tag line for the distributed web is where two or more devices are gathered, there the fLKrvsn4NSg-00360-00114479-00114627 internet is also. fLKrvsn4NSg-00361-00114627-00115051 So if we're sitting next to each other and have these amazing communication devices, fLKrvsn4NSg-00362-00115051-00115379 why can't they communicate with each other? fLKrvsn4NSg-00363-00115379-00115630 Why can't we do this? fLKrvsn4NSg-00364-00115630-00116080 The distributed web answers this question: Can my collaborator just ask for the files fLKrvsn4NSg-00365-00116080-00116220 right from my machine? fLKrvsn4NSg-00366-00116220-00116329 With an emphatic... fLKrvsn4NSg-00367-00116329-00116429 Yes! fLKrvsn4NSg-00368-00116429-00116555 Yes, let's do that! fLKrvsn4NSg-00369-00116555-00116741 So how do we do that? fLKrvsn4NSg-00370-00116741-00116874 BitTorrent? fLKrvsn4NSg-00371-00116874-00116998 Maybe BitTorrent. fLKrvsn4NSg-00372-00116998-00117345 BitTorrent uses a tracking server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00373-00117345-00117567 Which is kind of centralized. fLKrvsn4NSg-00374-00117567-00117752 To keep track of all these different pieces of files. fLKrvsn4NSg-00375-00117752-00118084 And then you can download all the different pieces of files from all the different peers fLKrvsn4NSg-00376-00118084-00118188 in the network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00377-00118188-00118400 It seems like it's getting close. fLKrvsn4NSg-00378-00118400-00118622 Or maybe we can use Git. fLKrvsn4NSg-00379-00118622-00119108 Git, unlike older version control systems, is totally decentralized. fLKrvsn4NSg-00380-00119108-00119605 Subversion, SVN, was a little like our Mars-Earth scenario that we've been talking about so fLKrvsn4NSg-00381-00119605-00119705 far. fLKrvsn4NSg-00382-00119705-00120208 But with Git, everyone has a complete, working, fully... fLKrvsn4NSg-00383-00120208-00120525 It has the entire history of the entire source code on every single machine. fLKrvsn4NSg-00384-00120525-00121114 And whenever you make changes, you push it up to some place where your collaborators fLKrvsn4NSg-00385-00121114-00121245 can pull it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00386-00121245-00121510 But it doesn't need to be GitHub. fLKrvsn4NSg-00387-00121510-00121610 We all use GitHub. fLKrvsn4NSg-00388-00121610-00121973 We have all centralized this beautiful decentralized piece of software. fLKrvsn4NSg-00389-00121973-00122231 But it doesn't need to be centralized. fLKrvsn4NSg-00390-00122231-00122629 Git does this using what's called a Merkle tree. fLKrvsn4NSg-00391-00122629-00122927 This structure. fLKrvsn4NSg-00392-00122927-00123479 This whole concept was invented by Ralph Merkle, who invented public-private encryption. fLKrvsn4NSg-00393-00123479-00124355 It's a decyclic graph. fLKrvsn4NSg-00394-00124355-00124659 There's a one to one relationship between a file and a hash of a file. fLKrvsn4NSg-00395-00124659-00125158 You create a hash of a file and the hash will uniquely identify that content. fLKrvsn4NSg-00396-00125158-00125869 So 3fa0d4b98 uniquely identifies hello world. fLKrvsn4NSg-00397-00125869-00126306 There will not be other content that could be represented by that hash. fLKrvsn4NSg-00398-00126306-00126667 So this means that we don't need the tracking server anymore in BitTorrent. fLKrvsn4NSg-00399-00126667-00127076 We might be able to use Git and BitTorrent together, because now we don't need a central fLKrvsn4NSg-00400-00127076-00127549 server to keep track of where all the pieces are, because all of our content is uniquely fLKrvsn4NSg-00401-00127549-00127825 identified by different files. fLKrvsn4NSg-00402-00127825-00128733 Enter IPFS, the interplanetary file system. fLKrvsn4NSg-00403-00128733-00129220 It describes itself as: Similar to the original aims of the web, but IPFS is actually more fLKrvsn4NSg-00404-00129220-00129839 similar to a single BitTorrent swarm exchanging git objects. fLKrvsn4NSg-00405-00129839-00130050 That sounds like what we want. fLKrvsn4NSg-00406-00130050-00130150 So improvement 4. fLKrvsn4NSg-00407-00130150-00130705 We'll throw in IPFS, a distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices fLKrvsn4NSg-00408-00130705-00131114 with the same system of files. fLKrvsn4NSg-00409-00131114-00131478 Right out at these edges of the network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00410-00131478-00132099 If built right, it could complement or replace HTTP. fLKrvsn4NSg-00411-00132099-00132283 It could complement or replace even more. fLKrvsn4NSg-00412-00132283-00132401 It sounds crazy. fLKrvsn4NSg-00413-00132401-00132668 It is crazy. fLKrvsn4NSg-00414-00132668-00132768 So how does it work? fLKrvsn4NSg-00415-00132768-00133007 It is content-addressible. fLKrvsn4NSg-00416-00133007-00133723 Right now, whenever you say Twitter.com/someuser/sometweet, it's kind of like going to a particular bookstore fLKrvsn4NSg-00417-00133723-00133823 and saying... fLKrvsn4NSg-00418-00133823-00134258 Give me the book five in from the edge on the bottom shelf. fLKrvsn4NSg-00419-00134258-00134658 And then that bookstore will hopefully hand you what you expect to see, but they could fLKrvsn4NSg-00420-00134658-00134794 change that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00421-00134794-00135443 Instead, IPFS uses /IPFS/the hash of some content. fLKrvsn4NSg-00422-00135443-00135660 And this hash uniquely identifies the content. fLKrvsn4NSg-00423-00135660-00135786 Just like in Git. fLKrvsn4NSg-00424-00135786-00136252 So you know what you're getting back is the content that you wanted. fLKrvsn4NSg-00425-00136252-00136737 This is more analogous to using an ISBN and being able to go get the book at whatever fLKrvsn4NSg-00426-00136737-00137140 local library, instead of needing to go to one particular bookstore. fLKrvsn4NSg-00427-00137140-00137333 So we can do this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00428-00137333-00137857 We can send the files from me to my collaborator on Mars, and now we both have the app installed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00429-00137857-00138057 No round-trip to Earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00430-00138057-00138173 Sweet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00431-00138173-00138289 But... fLKrvsn4NSg-00432-00138289-00138522 All right. fLKrvsn4NSg-00433-00138522-00139062 We have that, but we're still using this queue where we're adding different data that we fLKrvsn4NSg-00434-00139062-00139526 want to sync back to Earth, to my local machine. fLKrvsn4NSg-00435-00139526-00140005 And at some point, that's gonna sync back to Earth, and maybe Earth sends it to both fLKrvsn4NSg-00436-00140005-00140364 of us, and now my collaborator has the updated... fLKrvsn4NSg-00437-00140364-00140545 No, this, again, we don't want this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00438-00140545-00140739 We don't want round trips to Earth. fLKrvsn4NSg-00439-00140739-00140839 Way too long. fLKrvsn4NSg-00440-00140839-00140973 Takes too much time. fLKrvsn4NSg-00441-00140973-00141270 So instead of thinking of this queue, what if we just say... fLKrvsn4NSg-00442-00141270-00141725 Okay, this data structure that lives in my browser is the database. fLKrvsn4NSg-00443-00141725-00142135 We both have a full copy of the entire database, like Git. fLKrvsn4NSg-00444-00142135-00142495 And like Git, our database is identified by some hash. fLKrvsn4NSg-00445-00142495-00142768 hb716, et cetera. fLKrvsn4NSg-00446-00142768-00143274 And then whenever I add an event, the hash of my database changes. fLKrvsn4NSg-00447-00143274-00143446 And maybe I can broadcast that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00448-00143446-00143622 I can publish that out. fLKrvsn4NSg-00449-00143622-00143731 For different subscribers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00450-00143731-00143942 And the subscribers can say... fLKrvsn4NSg-00451-00143942-00144042 Cool. fLKrvsn4NSg-00452-00144042-00144268 And update their own local copy of the database. fLKrvsn4NSg-00453-00144268-00144547 And now we're storing a database in two different locations. fLKrvsn4NSg-00454-00144547-00144896 This decentralized database between the two of us. fLKrvsn4NSg-00455-00144896-00144997 Can we do this? fLKrvsn4NSg-00456-00144997-00145178 Oh, one more thing. fLKrvsn4NSg-00457-00145178-00145612 When someone back on Earth -- now our database only lives on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00458-00145612-00145773 What if someone on Earth wants it now? fLKrvsn4NSg-00459-00145773-00146222 We want to show off what we've been up to? fLKrvsn4NSg-00460-00146222-00146363 Maybe we can both send it back. fLKrvsn4NSg-00461-00146363-00146809 It'll be a little bit like BitTorrent where we can send back different pieces. fLKrvsn4NSg-00462-00146809-00147316 If there are four of us, we each send back a quarter of the data. fLKrvsn4NSg-00463-00147316-00147932 And once it's back on Earth, of course, it'll distribute very quickly across the Earth network. fLKrvsn4NSg-00464-00147932-00148032 Can we do this? fLKrvsn4NSg-00465-00148032-00148365 Yes, it's called IPFS PubSub. fLKrvsn4NSg-00466-00148365-00149109 There's a video you can find on the blog where it uses IPFS PubSub, the idea of updating fLKrvsn4NSg-00467-00149109-00149800 the file locally and broadcasting it to your peers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00468-00149800-00150163 And then it uses this algorithm called CRDTs. fLKrvsn4NSg-00469-00150163-00150470 Conflict-free replicated data types. fLKrvsn4NSg-00470-00150470-00150857 Which is a whole area of study into resolving conflicts. fLKrvsn4NSg-00471-00150857-00151276 So if we update the same line at the same time, what do we do about that? fLKrvsn4NSg-00472-00151276-00151980 CRDTs are a whole methodical area of research around what to do about that problem. fLKrvsn4NSg-00473-00151980-00152160 And there are already libraries that do this. fLKrvsn4NSg-00474-00152160-00152619 You can start playing with this and build cool little apps that really are serverless. fLKrvsn4NSg-00475-00152619-00152775 There's no server in the background. fLKrvsn4NSg-00476-00152775-00153180 It's just two browsers communicating with each other. fLKrvsn4NSg-00477-00153180-00153384 One more puzzle piece. fLKrvsn4NSg-00478-00153384-00153693 We've got distributed files and data now. fLKrvsn4NSg-00479-00153693-00154186 Files and data that live on the individual nodes, and then radiate out from there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00480-00154186-00154365 We're creating our content on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00481-00154365-00154799 It goes back to Earth when it's requested there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00482-00154799-00154976 What about server-side logic? fLKrvsn4NSg-00483-00154976-00155337 We now have this whole network of peers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00484-00155337-00155640 Where do we do things like transactions? fLKrvsn4NSg-00485-00155640-00156011 Sending people money or other things that we don't trust to run in JavaScript in someone's fLKrvsn4NSg-00486-00156011-00156111 browser? fLKrvsn4NSg-00487-00156111-00156236 Where they can manipulate it? fLKrvsn4NSg-00488-00156236-00156495 Really, what this is... fLKrvsn4NSg-00489-00156495-00156948 We think of it as server side logic, but what we really need is incorruptible logic. fLKrvsn4NSg-00490-00156948-00157168 Something that someone can't... fLKrvsn4NSg-00491-00157168-00157399 Muck with. fLKrvsn4NSg-00492-00157399-00157658 So we both have our apps installed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00493-00157658-00157910 And now, instead of sending data, let's say I want to send money. fLKrvsn4NSg-00494-00157910-00158239 We're gonna use this to keep track of how much money I have sent to the other people fLKrvsn4NSg-00495-00158239-00158339 on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00496-00158339-00158471 I don't know why we need money on Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00497-00158471-00158787 Maybe this metaphor is getting stretched too far. fLKrvsn4NSg-00498-00158787-00159242 But maybe I add it to a payments table in my local database and I broadcast that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00499-00159242-00159501 What's to prevent the other person on Mars from saying... fLKrvsn4NSg-00500-00159501-00159840 Oh yeah, he paid me way more than that, actually. fLKrvsn4NSg-00501-00159840-00160113 He paid me three times more than that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00502-00160113-00160305 That would make me very sad. fLKrvsn4NSg-00503-00160305-00160675 So we need some way to do distributed ledgers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00504-00160675-00161076 To all have a concrete idea... fLKrvsn4NSg-00505-00161076-00161822 To all be able to agree with no central authority coming in between us, to say who has how much fLKrvsn4NSg-00506-00161822-00161922 money. fLKrvsn4NSg-00507-00161922-00162409 We all need a way to agree on how much was sent and how much was received. fLKrvsn4NSg-00508-00162409-00162937 This GIF is from an awesome video about how the Blockchain works. fLKrvsn4NSg-00509-00162937-00163583 So this idea of distributed ledgers or distributed consensus, which is what we need -- is also fLKrvsn4NSg-00510-00163583-00164016 known as Blockchain, or BitCoin. fLKrvsn4NSg-00511-00164016-00164658 BitCoin came up with this idea of distributed consensus, without authority. fLKrvsn4NSg-00512-00164658-00165149 In this case, we want incorruptible logic, not just transactions. fLKrvsn4NSg-00513-00165149-00165722 We can use Ethereum, which gives you smart contracts, contracts that are run between fLKrvsn4NSg-00514-00165722-00166264 different machines in the network, without the need for a central authority. fLKrvsn4NSg-00515-00166264-00166364 This is their web page. fLKrvsn4NSg-00516-00166364-00166586 They talk about building unstoppable applications. fLKrvsn4NSg-00517-00166586-00167384 And they talk about this idea of smart contracts and incorruptible logic. fLKrvsn4NSg-00518-00167384-00167526 So improvement six. fLKrvsn4NSg-00519-00167526-00167626 Ethereum. fLKrvsn4NSg-00520-00167626-00167770 And we did it! fLKrvsn4NSg-00521-00167770-00168085 We have the fully functional app for any network edge. fLKrvsn4NSg-00522-00168085-00168457 We fixed the Martian internet, we fixed latency, we fixed censorship. fLKrvsn4NSg-00523-00168457-00168688 We can put data close to where it's needed. fLKrvsn4NSg-00524-00168688-00168926 We're feeling pretty good. fLKrvsn4NSg-00525-00168926-00169062 It gets crazier from there. fLKrvsn4NSg-00526-00169062-00169228 Instead of sadder. fLKrvsn4NSg-00527-00169228-00169660 Now it can get even weirder and cooler. fLKrvsn4NSg-00528-00169660-00169902 We're not limited to the same kinds of apps we built before. fLKrvsn4NSg-00529-00169902-00170050 This is from the Ethereum homepage. fLKrvsn4NSg-00530-00170050-00170322 On the bottom left here, it has this... fLKrvsn4NSg-00531-00170322-00170422 You can build... fLKrvsn4NSg-00532-00170422-00170571 I'll make it bigger. fLKrvsn4NSg-00533-00170571-00170932 You can build a virtual organization, where members vote on issue. fLKrvsn4NSg-00534-00170932-00171352 A transparent association based on shareholder voting. fLKrvsn4NSg-00535-00171352-00172174 Your own country, with an unchangeable constitution, and a better delegative democracy. fLKrvsn4NSg-00536-00172174-00172390 This all gets very Blue Sky. fLKrvsn4NSg-00537-00172390-00172668 Very, like, wild thinking. fLKrvsn4NSg-00538-00172668-00172988 And you can do things like... fLKrvsn4NSg-00539-00172988-00173275 Build air BNB the service, without air BNB the company. fLKrvsn4NSg-00540-00173275-00173914 Now that people can interact directly, without a middle man, a host can directly rent out fLKrvsn4NSg-00541-00173914-00174418 their room to guests, without needing AirBNB the company to mediate. fLKrvsn4NSg-00542-00174418-00174867 And that opens the doors to all kinds of crazy things, like this stuff. fLKrvsn4NSg-00543-00174867-00175080 So let's wrap up. fLKrvsn4NSg-00544-00175080-00175233 Where we've been... fLKrvsn4NSg-00545-00175233-00175360 Problems of futures present. fLKrvsn4NSg-00546-00175360-00175460 We have solved them. fLKrvsn4NSg-00547-00175460-00175823 And we've solved them with offline first, which is ready for you to use now, and the fLKrvsn4NSg-00548-00175823-00176230 distributed web, which is still falling into place around us. fLKrvsn4NSg-00549-00176230-00176687 And which you can still contribute to and shape the future of. fLKrvsn4NSg-00550-00176687-00176787 And that is all. fLKrvsn4NSg-00551-00176787-00176887 (applause) fLKrvsn4NSg-00552-00176887-00176987 >> All right. fLKrvsn4NSg-00553-00176987-00177738 >> Thank you so much, Chad! fLKrvsn4NSg-00554-00177738-00177860 That was really fantastic. fLKrvsn4NSg-00555-00177860-00178309 I'm very excited about the future of the interplanetary internet. fLKrvsn4NSg-00556-00178309-00178704 I have a few questions for you here from the audience. fLKrvsn4NSg-00557-00178704-00178987 Let's see. fLKrvsn4NSg-00558-00178987-00179279 You mentioned that AWS has the concept of regions. fLKrvsn4NSg-00559-00179279-00179886 Should we treat planets as regions and design for high interplanet availability? fLKrvsn4NSg-00560-00179886-00180255 >> I mentioned that what has regions? fLKrvsn4NSg-00561-00180255-00180544 Oh, AWS has regions. fLKrvsn4NSg-00562-00180544-00181297 Yes, so I would expect that one way we could make the Martian internet work is that you fLKrvsn4NSg-00563-00181297-00181519 would be able to deploy to Mars. fLKrvsn4NSg-00564-00181519-00181927 I would also expect that to be very expensive and for only big players to be able to do fLKrvsn4NSg-00565-00181927-00182027 it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00566-00182027-00182723 I would like to suggest solutions that are more accessible to all of us who are building fLKrvsn4NSg-00567-00182723-00183075 side apps or new startups. fLKrvsn4NSg-00568-00183075-00183223 >> Awesome. fLKrvsn4NSg-00569-00183223-00183597 Web RTC typically needs a signaling server to connect to peers. fLKrvsn4NSg-00570-00183597-00184412 Can this be distributed to interplanetarily as well? fLKrvsn4NSg-00571-00184412-00185512 >> I know that with the example that I gave, of that video, for using IPFS PubSub and CRDTs, fLKrvsn4NSg-00572-00185512-00185846 I know that your computers find each other. fLKrvsn4NSg-00573-00185846-00186213 I don't know if right now it's using some kind of signaling server. fLKrvsn4NSg-00574-00186213-00186654 A lot of this stuff with the distributed web, there are still parts that need to be centralized fLKrvsn4NSg-00575-00186654-00187042 right now, and people are doing a lot of thinking and a lot of work to figure out how to get fLKrvsn4NSg-00576-00187042-00187457 rid of all the bits of centralization. fLKrvsn4NSg-00577-00187457-00187660 >> Last question. fLKrvsn4NSg-00578-00187660-00188165 How do you handle sensitive data and how do you handle sync failures? fLKrvsn4NSg-00579-00188165-00188270 >> These are great questions. fLKrvsn4NSg-00580-00188270-00188759 Right now, IPFS is unencrypted. fLKrvsn4NSg-00581-00188759-00189133 You could encrypt it yourself and put something up there, but there's no way for... fLKrvsn4NSg-00582-00189133-00189484 You would have to work out with people on the other end how to decrypt that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00583-00189484-00189914 So you would have to send them a private key file or something like that. fLKrvsn4NSg-00584-00189914-00190233 Or use KeyBase.io. fLKrvsn4NSg-00585-00190233-00190853 So the IPFS team, the team that creates IPFS, which you could contribute to, of course, fLKrvsn4NSg-00586-00190853-00191279 but there is a company behind it, called Protocol Labs, and that is on their road map, is to fLKrvsn4NSg-00587-00191279-00191530 build in private data. fLKrvsn4NSg-00588-00191530-00191707 And it actually end up being more private. fLKrvsn4NSg-00589-00191707-00192145 Because instead of sending this data that you're then trusting a third party to encrypt, fLKrvsn4NSg-00590-00192145-00192365 you could essentially encrypt it yourself. fLKrvsn4NSg-00591-00192365-00192857 So it's encrypted the entire way over the wire, and only people you give access to can fLKrvsn4NSg-00592-00192857-00192957 read it. fLKrvsn4NSg-00593-00192957-00193057 >> Very cool. fLKrvsn4NSg-00594-00193057-00193157 Thank you so much, Chad. fLKrvsn4NSg-00595-00193157-00193369 Let's give him another round of applause. fMtB8QdhUeU-00000-00000062-00000803 Hi this is Gena again and I am going to show you how to draw people for sketch fMtB8QdhUeU-00001-00000803-00002069 50 2.0 day 3, back to basics. So I am in Adobe draw and I am using a basic round fMtB8QdhUeU-00002-00002069-00002622 brush. And one tip that I have for this is that if I go into the settings, I like fMtB8QdhUeU-00003-00002622-00003117 to turn the pressure dynamics and the velocity dynamics off. That way I get a fMtB8QdhUeU-00004-00003117-00003761 nice even line. So I will start with my people just by doing a basic stick fMtB8QdhUeU-00005-00003761-00004646 person because if you can do a basic stick person, then you can start to add fMtB8QdhUeU-00006-00004646-00005325 new details. So, after learning the basic stick person and turning that basic fMtB8QdhUeU-00007-00005325-00006255 stick person maybe to the side, or maybe you can also change the body it could be fMtB8QdhUeU-00008-00006255-00006929 a triangle it could be like this shape and I can have my basic stick person. fMtB8QdhUeU-00009-00006929-00008220 From here, I like to show students especially how to change it just slightly. This time for the body I'll do a rectangle but then I like to show joints fMtB8QdhUeU-00010-00008220-00008982 where the elbows are. I want to do one arm going up, one arm going down. And then if fMtB8QdhUeU-00011-00008982-00009407 I wanted to well let's just do one leg straight and let's say that this one was fMtB8QdhUeU-00012-00009407-00010061 slightly bent and then I do the detail of the hands just by doing a little loop. fMtB8QdhUeU-00013-00010061-00010638 And the reason I like Adobe Draw is because any closed shape that I have I fMtB8QdhUeU-00014-00010638-00011628 can go through and tap and hold and it will fill in. Okay and I'll show you skin fMtB8QdhUeU-00015-00011628-00012521 colors in just a minute. Okay, so if you know how to do a person standing I also fMtB8QdhUeU-00016-00012521-00013019 like to play around with a person running. So I'm going to do that same fMtB8QdhUeU-00017-00013019-00013941 circle rectangle and for running I due out and down with a foot then I kind fMtB8QdhUeU-00018-00013941-00014457 of go down at an angle and a little bit slightly up at an angle with a foot and fMtB8QdhUeU-00019-00014457-00015399 then the arm will go down in across and then back and down and then that's a fMtB8QdhUeU-00020-00015399-00015990 person running. If I want to show that he's running fast I can do run marks or fMtB8QdhUeU-00021-00015990-00016653 three marks with a little cloud. There we go. Now he's running really fast. And then fMtB8QdhUeU-00022-00016653-00017349 the last one that I like to do with this shape when I'm practicing is showing a fMtB8QdhUeU-00023-00017349-00017874 person jumping. So I start with the circle rectangle and then this time fMtB8QdhUeU-00024-00017874-00018633 I'll do hands in the air and make sure I do loops. Now, to show that he's jumping fMtB8QdhUeU-00025-00018633-00019392 I just do two lines parallel going down and then two lines going at fMtB8QdhUeU-00026-00019392-00020112 an angle like a 45 degree angle and then I just continue with my feet. And then if fMtB8QdhUeU-00027-00020112-00020670 I put some line marks right there it shows that he's jumping. Now I don't just fMtB8QdhUeU-00028-00020670-00021258 like to show students these shapes I also like to show a star person even fMtB8QdhUeU-00029-00021258-00021687 though I have to say that a star person is not my best person. But it starts with fMtB8QdhUeU-00030-00021687-00022197 a circle and you think of the arms like the other four points of this star two fMtB8QdhUeU-00031-00022197-00022668 three four but actually it's super fast. And now that I've been practicing it I fMtB8QdhUeU-00032-00022668-00023190 think I'm getting better at it. But, once you get that feeling you can figure out fMtB8QdhUeU-00033-00023190-00023730 how to turn those points in and turn them up, to kind of get different fMtB8QdhUeU-00034-00023730-00024405 positionings of hands. So, that one would be if you're turning the arms in maybe I fMtB8QdhUeU-00035-00024405-00025023 want one arm going up and one arm going to the side like I had in my other fMtB8QdhUeU-00036-00025023-00025958 person.There we go.That's good enough and then let's just try one more. Let's fMtB8QdhUeU-00037-00025958-00026574 do a circle and arms going in and maybe this person is sitting down so the legs fMtB8QdhUeU-00038-00026574-00027104 are also going in. What I like about the star people is you fMtB8QdhUeU-00039-00027104-00028100 can just color them any color. So tap and hold tap and hold. So to show diverse fMtB8QdhUeU-00040-00028100-00028586 people I don't even think about doing skin colors for these star people. I just fMtB8QdhUeU-00041-00028586-00029237 do random colors and it looks super fun when you make them random colors. Let's fMtB8QdhUeU-00042-00029237-00030008 do a bright pink. Now for my other people what I like to do is I like to customize fMtB8QdhUeU-00043-00030008-00030725 my color palette and I like to find skin colors and then add them. I'll do another fMtB8QdhUeU-00044-00030725-00031183 tutorial video for that in case you want to learn how to customize your color fMtB8QdhUeU-00045-00031183-00031835 palette. But I pick my skin color and then I go in and it's easier to get the fMtB8QdhUeU-00046-00031835-00032597 small parts of you zoom in and I like to use different skin colors for all the fMtB8QdhUeU-00047-00032597-00033172 different people just to show diversity. fMtB8QdhUeU-00048-00033232-00033836 But I love Adobe Draw because it is a free tool and you can fill things in fMtB8QdhUeU-00049-00033836-00034604 really quickly. And then let's just do a body this one could be blue this one fMtB8QdhUeU-00050-00034604-00035723 could be green. So those are different people that you can practice and try all fMtB8QdhUeU-00051-00035723-00036185 try every single kind and then figure out which one you like because one of fMtB8QdhUeU-00052-00036185-00036572 these or you'll find another one that's your go to stick person that you're fMtB8QdhUeU-00053-00036572-00037048 gonna do almost every single time. Thanks for watching! fMQgmUxl1bo-00000-00062572-00063000 >> David Ferriero. Greetings from the National Archives. I'm David Ferriero, Archivist of the fMQgmUxl1bo-00001-00063000-00063567 United States. It's my pleasure to welcome you to today's book talk with Dorothy Wickenden fMQgmUxl1bo-00002-00063624-00064176 author of The Agitators. Before we began I would like to tell you about two upcoming programs fMQgmUxl1bo-00003-00064176-00064848 you can view on our YouTube channel. Tomorrow March 31st at 7 p.m. will be a panel discussion fMQgmUxl1bo-00004-00064912-00065488 titled, "Overcoming Challenges, Women in the Military." Journalist Soledad O'Brien will lead fMQgmUxl1bo-00005-00065488-00066040 the discussion about the evolution of women's roles and responsibilities in the United States fMQgmUxl1bo-00006-00066040-00066632 Armed Forces. Joining O'Brien will be former Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, fMQgmUxl1bo-00007-00066632-00067304 retired Brigadier General Kristin K French and Lieutenant Madison Hovren. On Friday, April fMQgmUxl1bo-00008-00067304-00067920 2nd at noon, we will hear from George William Van Cleve author of, Making a New American Constitution. fMQgmUxl1bo-00009-00067976-00068573 In this book, Van Cleve explores the flaws in the U.S. Constitution and proposes solutions for them. fMQgmUxl1bo-00010-00068632-00068976 Archives and manuscript collections are often called treasure troves. fMQgmUxl1bo-00011-00069032-00069488 Archivists, librarians and curators take pride in seeing the materials in their care fMQgmUxl1bo-00012-00069488-00069928 come to light and be used to share previously well-known episodes of history. fMQgmUxl1bo-00013-00069984-00070496 In the case of our guest author Dorothy Wickenden, an encounter with a collection of neglected letters fMQgmUxl1bo-00014-00070496-00070968 unlocked the treasure of material leading to the story of three remarkable women. fMQgmUxl1bo-00015-00071024-00071552 The letters written by Frances Seward, the wife of President Lincoln's Secretary of State, fMQgmUxl1bo-00016-00071552-00071968 led Wickenden to Martha Wright, and Martha's writings led to Harriet Tubman. fMQgmUxl1bo-00017-00072032-00072608 These three, the agitators of the title, bring their own perspectives on the critical issues of fMQgmUxl1bo-00018-00072608-00073284 their time; slavery, women's roles and the rights of women and black Americans and the Civil War. fMQgmUxl1bo-00019-00073336-00073896 Dorothy Wickenden is the author of Nothing Daunted and The Agitators, and has been the executive fMQgmUxl1bo-00020-00073896-00074632 editor of the New Yorker since January 1996. She also writes for the magazine and is the moderator fMQgmUxl1bo-00021-00074632-00075224 of its weekly podcast, The Political Scene. A former Nieman fellow at Harvard, Wickenden fMQgmUxl1bo-00022-00075224-00075936 was the national affairs editor at Newsweek from 1993 to 1995. Before that, was the longtime fMQgmUxl1bo-00023-00075936-00076662 executive editor of the New Republic. Now, let's hear from Dorothy Wickenden. Thank you for joining us today. fMQgmUxl1bo-00024-00076800-00077214 >> Dorothy Wickenden. Thank you, David, and greetings to our audience. I wish fMQgmUxl1bo-00025-00077214-00077791 I could see you all out there. I am a journalist not a professional historian, but I love prowling fMQgmUxl1bo-00026-00077791-00078209 around libraries, and that's something I did a lot when I was working on this book. fMQgmUxl1bo-00027-00078280-00078768 I thought I would start with a few introductions because two of my protagonists have been basically fMQgmUxl1bo-00028-00078768-00079352 lost to history. First, let me tell you a little bit about Frances Seward. fMQgmUxl1bo-00029-00079352-00080056 A self-effacing, bookish aristocrat from Auburn, New York. Married in 1824 at the age of 19 fMQgmUxl1bo-00030-00080056-00080496 to a man who became one of the most controversial statesman of the century. fMQgmUxl1bo-00031-00080496-00081120 Martha Coffin Wright, Frances' closest friend who lived around the corner, a funny, frustrated, fMQgmUxl1bo-00032-00081120-00081720 irreverent Quaker who yearned for meaningful work outside the house. She was one of the organizers fMQgmUxl1bo-00033-00081720-00082512 of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. Harriet Tubman, everybody knows about Tubman's heroic fMQgmUxl1bo-00034-00082512-00083088 exploits on the Underground Railroad in the 1850s. But few people are familiar with the fMQgmUxl1bo-00035-00083088-00083752 rest of her life. In particular her extraordinary friendship with Frances Seward and Martha Wright. fMQgmUxl1bo-00036-00083752-00084256 They were co-conspirators in what turned out to be the second American Revolution. fMQgmUxl1bo-00037-00084256-00084904 These are the agitators. Frances thought she was marrying a local lawyer and that they would live fMQgmUxl1bo-00038-00084904-00085472 a quiet, peaceful life raising their children together in Auburn. He was addicted to politics fMQgmUxl1bo-00039-00085472-00086096 and quickly abandoned his legal practice. He turned out to be a gifted politician. fMQgmUxl1bo-00040-00086096-00086680 Henry, as Frances called him, became the governor of New York at the age of 37 and went on to be a fMQgmUxl1bo-00041-00086680-00087400 US Senator, then Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln. Southerners loathed and feared him. fMQgmUxl1bo-00042-00087400-00087888 What they didn't know was that Seward's elegant, self-effacing wife had even more fMQgmUxl1bo-00043-00087888-00088497 radical convictions than he did about women's rights and about slavery. fMQgmUxl1bo-00044-00088497-00089032 Seward's biographers hadn't written much about Frances, and I was curious about her. fMQgmUxl1bo-00045-00089032-00089424 Her letters are archived at the Rush Rhees Library at the University of Rochester. fMQgmUxl1bo-00046-00089424-00089896 And two years ago when I was in upstate New York, I went to read some of them. fMQgmUxl1bo-00047-00089896-00090568 Even a quick look showed how revelatory they were about marriage, race, politics and a country fMQgmUxl1bo-00048-00090568-00091528 that was a bout to be upended. Frances wrote one incredible letter to Henry in 1833 when she was 27 fMQgmUxl1bo-00049-00091528-00092072 furiously describing how her sister Lazette was being beaten by her husband. fMQgmUxl1bo-00050-00092072-00092520 Frances described he brother-in-law as the brute she lives with and said that Lazette fMQgmUxl1bo-00051-00092520-00093018 would across the ocean to escape him if she could take her daughter with her. fMQgmUxl1bo-00052-00093018-00093568 Men had framed laws to uphold themselves and their wickedness Frances wrote. fMQgmUxl1bo-00053-00093568-00094024 Women became their husband's property upon marriage literally. Men had total control fMQgmUxl1bo-00054-00094024-00094624 over their wives including the right to batter them. Women couldn't sit on juries, make a will, fMQgmUxl1bo-00055-00094624-00095344 sign a contract or file a lawsuit and, of course, they couldn't vote. If a woman pursued divorce, fMQgmUxl1bo-00056-00095344-00096083 she became a social pariah and lost her children, any money she had inherited and her reputation. fMQgmUxl1bo-00057-00096144-00096776 Frances' epiphany about women's powerlessness was followed two years later by her conversion into fMQgmUxl1bo-00058-00096776-00097496 a full-fledged abolitionist. She and Henry were taking a long summer trip from Auburn to Virginia fMQgmUxl1bo-00059-00097496-00098048 as they stopped at a tavern north of Richmond. They heard the sounds of weeping and moaning and fMQgmUxl1bo-00060-00098048-00098728 saw ten naked boys tied together by their wrists and fastened by a long rope. They watched with horror as a fMQgmUxl1bo-00061-00098728-00099360 tall white man holding a whip led them to a horse trough to drink, and then to a shed where they lay fMQgmUxl1bo-00062-00099360-00100040 down sobbing themselves to sleep. A slave trader was taking them to Richmond where they would be fMQgmUxl1bo-00063-00100040-00100568 sold at auction. A few of the tens of thousands of people Virginia supplied to the cotton and fMQgmUxl1bo-00064-00100568-00101392 rice fields in the deep South every year. AfterSeward was elected Senator in 1849, he soon became fMQgmUxl1bo-00065-00101392-00102032 known as the best host in Washington. He was convivial and charming. Even his political enemies fMQgmUxl1bo-00066-00102032-00102616 in the Democratic party attended his ten course dinners. He was convinced that socializing was fMQgmUxl1bo-00067-00102616-00103358 indispensable to his political success and as of 1854, to the future of the New Republican Party. fMQgmUxl1bo-00068-00103358-00103832 In those days, it was Republicans who espoused the rights of black men and reactionary Democrats fMQgmUxl1bo-00069-00103832-00104678 who defended white male supremacy. Frances, who was prone to migraine headaches and depression, fMQgmUxl1bo-00070-00104678-00105104 loved Henry's optimism, but she really didn't share his confidence that he could fMQgmUxl1bo-00071-00105104-00105592 persuade Southerners to change their minds about that momentous issue confronting them fMQgmUxl1bo-00072-00105592-00106280 all. She was revolted by Washington. It was a southern town where slavery was legal fMQgmUxl1bo-00073-00106280-00106856 and men, women and children in chains were bought and sold at auction on the mall, fMQgmUxl1bo-00074-00106856-00107392 and Henry's exclusive circles of strict hierarchy determined one's social life. fMQgmUxl1bo-00075-00107392-00107768 Frances, as the wife of a senator, was responsible fro drawing up guest lists fMQgmUxl1bo-00076-00107768-00108472 and menus for his lavish dinners and serve as his hostess. She dressed formally each day for fMQgmUxl1bo-00077-00108472-00109120 receiving visitors and making calls, and even more elaborately for his dinners. She estimated fMQgmUxl1bo-00078-00109120-00109752 in her journal that dressing and socializing consumed two thirds of the time of well-off women fMQgmUxl1bo-00079-00109752-00110352 making them as vapid as they are presumed to be. She wrote to her sister to Lazette in despair, fMQgmUxl1bo-00080-00110352-00110992 it is the life to which I am doomed. Still she extracted an agreement from Henry. fMQgmUxl1bo-00081-00110992-00111511 She would continue to live in their home in Auburn where she would carry on as she liked, but she fMQgmUxl1bo-00082-00111511-00112152 visited him in Washington once a year during the winter social season to plan and run his parties. fMQgmUxl1bo-00083-00112152-00112624 This unusual arrangement more or less worked until the late 1850s fMQgmUxl1bo-00084-00112624-00113056 when proslavery and free-state men in Kansas went to war, fMQgmUxl1bo-00085-00113056-00113576 and the Supreme Court issued the dread Scott decision, which described black men and women fMQgmUxl1bo-00086-00113576-00114400 as beings of an inferior order and opened up the West to the spread of slavery. Early in the decade, fMQgmUxl1bo-00087-00114400-00114983 Frances had converted her old basement kitchen into a station on the Underground Railroad, fMQgmUxl1bo-00088-00114983-00115544 and she did everything she could to help freedom seekers; teaching people to read and write, fMQgmUxl1bo-00089-00115544-00116267 donating money to help pay for freedom of enslaved family members, and helping job seekers find work. fMQgmUxl1bo-00090-00116383-00116952 Her two lives, like the two sections of the country, turned out to be irreconcilable. In the fMQgmUxl1bo-00091-00116952-00117592 waning days of 1858, Frances went to Washington as usual and prepared for Henry's New Year's Day fMQgmUxl1bo-00092-00117592-00118144 reception. It was particularly important to him that year because he intended to be the Republican fMQgmUxl1bo-00093-00118144-00118840 nominee for president in 1860. The Seward's daughter Fanny, who was just 15, watched the fMQgmUxl1bo-00094-00118840-00119359 servants in the kitchen as they prepared for their father's reception. They set out a dozen lemons fMQgmUxl1bo-00095-00119359-00119992 for a whiskey punch but her father came in to say that Ms. Seward thought it best not to have it. fMQgmUxl1bo-00096-00119992-00120544 Fanny, like her mother, supported women's rights, abolition, temperance and even animal-rights. fMQgmUxl1bo-00097-00120544-00121222 She wrote earnestly in her diary, so the punch is dispensed with, well, how glad I am. fMQgmUxl1bo-00098-00121222-00121800 She was upset to see the cook's scold to death as she put it, eight unfortunate terrapins. fMQgmUxl1bo-00099-00121800-00122359 Poor things. If I could influence anyone by doing so I would never taste animal food, fMQgmUxl1bo-00100-00122359-00123272 but I cannot. At any rate, I will not eat turtle, terrapins, lobsters, eels and frogs. fMQgmUxl1bo-00101-00123272-00123688 By noon that day, the dining room table was laden with turkey, ham, fMQgmUxl1bo-00102-00123688-00124144 tongue and oysters, chicken salad garnished with hardboiled eggs and celery, fMQgmUxl1bo-00103-00124144-00124800 and delicacies from Henry's favorite bakery in New York. Including a white frosted plum cake fMQgmUxl1bo-00104-00124800-00125544 decorated with the New York coat of arms, and what else, a banner emblazoned with Steward's name. fMQgmUxl1bo-00105-00125544-00126135 To Frances, Henry is opulent at entertaining and his hospitality toward slavery as an apologists fMQgmUxl1bo-00106-00126135-00126664 had never felt more offensive. He still stubbornly believed that politicians somehow fMQgmUxl1bo-00107-00126664-00127219 got along outside of Congress. They could overcome their ideological differences. fMQgmUxl1bo-00108-00127304-00127872 After the final guests departed, Henry called the Party a great success complacently telling fMQgmUxl1bo-00109-00127872-00128480 Frances they must have entertained 400 people. That triggered a rebellion in Frances that been fMQgmUxl1bo-00110-00128480-00129152 gathering force ever since he began to ran for office. She renounced her role as his hostess. fMQgmUxl1bo-00111-00129152-00129864 And on a return to Auburn that spring she ratcheted up her antislavery activities. My fascination with fMQgmUxl1bo-00112-00129864-00130464 Frances led me to Martha who encouraged Frances' growing activism. Nineteenth Century women were fMQgmUxl1bo-00113-00130464-00130992 expected to stick to their separate spheres. While men went out into the world to pursue money and fMQgmUxl1bo-00114-00130992-00131648 influence women cooked, cleaned produced babies, and cultivated the attributes of piety, purity fMQgmUxl1bo-00115-00131648-00132314 and submissiveness. Martha had six children, but she wasn't remotely pious or submissive. fMQgmUxl1bo-00116-00132314-00132914 She envied her husband David, his challenging law cases and his freedom to travel for work. fMQgmUxl1bo-00117-00132992-00133560 Lacking Frances' large inheritance and a houseful of servants, Martha did all of the cooking and fMQgmUxl1bo-00118-00133560-00134048 housework and made all of the family clothes. She changed the hay in the mattresses, washed fMQgmUxl1bo-00119-00134048-00134600 the windows, and shook out the carpets. She made her own soap and candles, and canned berries, fMQgmUxl1bo-00120-00134600-00135200 peaches and tomatoes for the winter. One morning it took her three hours to bathe her three fMQgmUxl1bo-00121-00135200-00135768 youngest children, who are three, five and seven, what with the hauling, and heating of water from fMQgmUxl1bo-00122-00135768-00136376 the well. I benefited enormously from Martha's letters too, which are part of the Sophia Smith fMQgmUxl1bo-00123-00136376-00137080 Collection and at Smith College. She kept up with a steady correspondence with her older sister. fMQgmUxl1bo-00124-00137080-00137880 The famous Lucretia Mott, a long time Quaker activist, minister and human rights advocate. fMQgmUxl1bo-00125-00137880-00138430 In one letter Martha summed up the drudgery of her days in a single sharp line. fMQgmUxl1bo-00126-00138480-00138936 The only way is to grub, and work, and sweep, and dust, and wash, and dress children, fMQgmUxl1bo-00127-00138936-00139704 and make gingerbread, and patch and darn. Mostly she transformed her frustrations into a sardonic, fMQgmUxl1bo-00128-00139704-00140344 serial of family life. Another housewife recommended whiskey and eggs with a quill, and she fMQgmUxl1bo-00129-00140344-00141008 did try it. Beating the eggs with the feather, she made a hideous mess, and she concluded to Lucretia fMQgmUxl1bo-00130-00141008-00141673 that the idea must have been invented by a goose. My nice wire egg beater is good enough for me. fMQgmUxl1bo-00131-00141768-00142384 Martha's early letters, too, provided a fantastic prospective on women's barely suppressed rage fMQgmUxl1bo-00132-00142384-00142856 about their constricted lives. The kind of thing that male historians used to dismiss fMQgmUxl1bo-00133-00142856-00143688 as social history. In the early 1840s, Martha began sheltering fugitive slaves in her basement kitchen; fMQgmUxl1bo-00134-00143688-00144280 actually, it was Martha who gave Frances the idea; turning the symbolic heart of the domestic fMQgmUxl1bo-00135-00144280-00144865 sphere where she made her mother's Nantucket pudding into a place of political asylum. fMQgmUxl1bo-00136-00144952-00145568 Martha loved breaking rules. Young men studying at the Venerable Auburn Theological Seminary, fMQgmUxl1bo-00137-00145568-00146160 which trained Presbyterian ministers according to strict Calvinist doctrine, often stopped by the fMQgmUxl1bo-00138-00146160-00146912 house to proselytize. They warned her about the fate of children who failed to devote Sunday's to God. fMQgmUxl1bo-00139-00146912-00147408 Martha replied that she didn't believe in forcing her family to read the Bible, or go to church, fMQgmUxl1bo-00140-00147408-00147872 and she would only read their tracks if they would read her pamphlets from the American fMQgmUxl1bo-00141-00147872-00148704 Antislavery Society. She wrote to Lucretia, these ascetics give religion such a repulsive character fMQgmUxl1bo-00142-00148704-00149147 I wonder who's ever made better by the perusal of such nonsense. fMQgmUxl1bo-00143-00149176-00149725 As such practices became known, people at Auburn branded Martha an infidel. fMQgmUxl1bo-00144-00149920-00150480 In 1848, Martha joined her sister Lucretia Mott and three others who were just as fed fMQgmUxl1bo-00145-00150480-00151064 up with the debasement of women; Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jane Hunt and Elizabeth McClintock, fMQgmUxl1bo-00146-00151064-00151709 to organize the Seneca Falls Convention. The first meeting in America devoted to women's rights. fMQgmUxl1bo-00147-00151768-00152280 Lucretia expected her sister to speak there, but at the time, the only women who spoke in fMQgmUxl1bo-00148-00152280-00152800 public were Quakers and participants in religious revival meetings. In any case, fMQgmUxl1bo-00149-00152800-00153448 Martha knew she couldn't measure up to Lucretia, a brilliant orator, and she was terrified by the fMQgmUxl1bo-00150-00153448-00154080 idea of speaking before a large audience. She was also six months pregnant with her seventh child, fMQgmUxl1bo-00151-00154080-00154624 and she tried to make herself inconspicuous in the back of the room, but Lucretia made sure that fMQgmUxl1bo-00152-00154624-00155248 Martha was heard. A few years earlier, Martha, annoyed by an article in a Philadelphia newspaper, fMQgmUxl1bo-00153-00155248-00155824 had instructed women to fulfill their conjugal duty with obedience and a cheerful smile fMQgmUxl1bo-00154-00155896-00156704 had written a lacerating essay in response titled, "Hints For Wives." While the liege lord, she wrote, fMQgmUxl1bo-00155-00156704-00157216 of the house went off each day to the ever varying scenes of everyday business, fMQgmUxl1bo-00156-00157216-00157776 his wife spent all her time tending to their family. After the children are in bed, fMQgmUxl1bo-00157-00157776-00158270 she was expected to delight her husband with the little art of pleasing. fMQgmUxl1bo-00158-00158360-00158864 In her essay she demanded, why is it not oftener insisted upon that the husband should always fMQgmUxl1bo-00159-00158864-00159480 return to his fireside with a smile and endeavor to soothe the perturbed spirit that fMQgmUxl1bo-00160-00159480-00160113 has for hours been subjected to the thousand annoyances of the nursery and the kitchen? fMQgmUxl1bo-00161-00160128-00160616 Lucretia, who lived in Philadelphia, arranged for the Hint For Wives be published, fMQgmUxl1bo-00162-00160616-00160997 and at the Seneca Falls Convention she read it aloud. fMQgmUxl1bo-00163-00161104-00161536 Frederick Douglass was there, the best known abolitionists in the world, fMQgmUxl1bo-00164-00161536-00162088 and Frances was astounded when he introduced himself afterward. Asking if he might republish fMQgmUxl1bo-00165-00162088-00162824 the essay in his newspaper the North Star based in Rochester. Martha struck up a friendship with fMQgmUxl1bo-00166-00162824-00163424 him and with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the driving force of the convention. After Seneca Falls, fMQgmUxl1bo-00167-00163424-00163976 Stanton enlisted Martha in the incipient woman's rights movement with Martha as her deputy. fMQgmUxl1bo-00168-00163976-00164576 She became busy Stanton wrote to her. They needed to organize legions of women to begin petitioning fMQgmUxl1bo-00169-00164576-00165200 their state legislators for full legal rights. Stanton and Martha made the most outrageous demand fMQgmUxl1bo-00170-00165200-00165760 of all the ones before the Seneca Falls the women be granted the right to vote. fMQgmUxl1bo-00171-00165848-00166344 Douglass drew Martha further into abolition. He frequently lectured across New York State, fMQgmUxl1bo-00172-00166344-00166832 and whenever he was in the area, Martha invited him to the house. This alone was a fMQgmUxl1bo-00173-00166832-00167528 small act of insurrection. Neighbors who already disapproved of Martha now saw her as a provocateur fMQgmUxl1bo-00174-00167528-00168232 who promoted social equality between the races. So I had two of my protagonists. The reserved, fMQgmUxl1bo-00175-00168232-00168872 irreproachably, proper Mrs. William Seward, who nevertheless oddly chose not to live with her husband, fMQgmUxl1bo-00176-00168872-00169639 and the very dangerous Mrs. David Wright. How did they come to collaborate with Harriet Tubman? fMQgmUxl1bo-00177-00169704-00170048 Abolitionists were closely knit but geographically scattered, fMQgmUxl1bo-00178-00170048-00170561 and they depended on utterly reliable personal contacts across the country. fMQgmUxl1bo-00179-00170616-00171092 Women who are underrated as a matter of course, were less likely to fall under suspicion. fMQgmUxl1bo-00180-00171184-00171888 In 1849, Tubman walked out of slavery in Poplar Neck, Maryland to Philadelphia. A distance of fMQgmUxl1bo-00181-00171888-00172488 almost a hundred miles leaving behind the parents and siblings, and her husband, fMQgmUxl1bo-00182-00172488-00173096 a free black man who had steady work and no desire to take his chances elsewhere. If he fMQgmUxl1bo-00183-00173096-00173528 was caught fleeing with a fugitive slave, he was likely to be sold into slavery, fMQgmUxl1bo-00184-00173528-00173983 get shot in the back, or be torn apart by bloodhounds. fMQgmUxl1bo-00185-00174096-00174616 Tubman made herself known to every abolitionists in Philadelphia, and she became close to Lucretia fMQgmUxl1bo-00186-00174616-00175354 Mott. It isn't known how Harriet met Frances and Martha, but a few historians have speculated, and I agree, fMQgmUxl1bo-00187-00175354-00175880 that Lucretia introduced her to Martha during one of Martha's visits to Philadelphia, fMQgmUxl1bo-00188-00175880-00176368 and then Martha introduced Harriet to Frances in Auburn. It was a convenient Underground fMQgmUxl1bo-00189-00176368-00176992 Railroad stop midway across New York State on Harriet's way to Canada. Frances and Martha, like fMQgmUxl1bo-00190-00176992-00177656 everyone who Tubman, were transfixed by the story of her life. Lacking a privilege of literacy, fMQgmUxl1bo-00191-00177656-00178160 she created an indelible oral history by telling the defining episodes over, fMQgmUxl1bo-00192-00178160-00178904 and over to Northern friends, and eventually to large audiences who took down what she said. Her fMQgmUxl1bo-00193-00178904-00179512 performances were totally unlike the dry lyceum lectures that white audiences were used to. One fMQgmUxl1bo-00194-00179512-00180144 of her Boston friends, the reformer Edna Dow Cheney, wrote that Harriet played all of the parts, and fMQgmUxl1bo-00195-00180144-00180866 the scenes rise before you as she saw it, and her voice and language changed with her different actors. fMQgmUxl1bo-00196-00180952-00181416 Harriet couldn't remember her oldest sister, who was sold into slavery when she was three years fMQgmUxl1bo-00197-00181416-00181904 old. Two other sisters had been leased away by their enslavers as their mother fMQgmUxl1bo-00198-00181904-00182496 pleaded for mercy. In a recurring nightmare, Harriet heard the thud of horses hooves and fMQgmUxl1bo-00199-00182496-00183128 the shrieks of women as men rode in and tore children out of their mother's arms. fMQgmUxl1bo-00200-00183128-00183664 Harriet was sent away to work at the age of six or seven, and she had scars on her neck from a fMQgmUxl1bo-00201-00183664-00184312 sadistic woman who thrashed her repeatedly for failing to do her chores to the woman's liking. fMQgmUxl1bo-00202-00184312-00184944 She had periodic blackouts from a head injury she had suffered when an overseer hurled an iron fMQgmUxl1bo-00203-00184944-00185744 weight at an enslaved man in a dry goods store and it hit Harriet instead. Harriet recounted, fMQgmUxl1bo-00204-00185744-00186449 the weight broke my skull and cut a piece that shawl clean off and drove it into my head. fMQgmUxl1bo-00205-00186520-00187154 To Frances this woman, 18 years younger than she was and barely five feet tall, fMQgmUxl1bo-00206-00187154-00187696 embodied the urgency and the potential of abolition. They were so different, fMQgmUxl1bo-00207-00187696-00188312 but they shared a deep religious faith and Harriet brought to mind Corinthians, God hath chosen fMQgmUxl1bo-00208-00188312-00188888 the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. She was unstoppable, fMQgmUxl1bo-00209-00188888-00189450 unafraid of the slave power of the South and impatient with the lawmakers in Washington. fMQgmUxl1bo-00210-00189472-00189992 Harriet told Martha about her final Underground Railroad extraction, explaining that she had gone fMQgmUxl1bo-00211-00189992-00190592 to Dorchester County hoping to rescue the only sibling left in slavery. Her sister Rachel, fMQgmUxl1bo-00212-00190592-00191198 and Rachel's two children. She had waited in vain throughout the night in a blizzard at the agreed fMQgmUxl1bo-00213-00191198-00191792 upon location in a woos. She later had learned that Rachel had died just a few days before. fMQgmUxl1bo-00214-00191792-00192488 Her fourth sister lost the slavery. Adding to her sorrow, she couldn't take Rachel's two children; fMQgmUxl1bo-00215-00192488-00193312 Andrew who was 13 and Ben 11. She told Cheney that she had to leave them there for want of $30. fMQgmUxl1bo-00216-00193312-00193896 The cost of paying someone to bring them to her. She did manage to spirit away a fMQgmUxl1bo-00217-00193896-00194440 couple and their young children. At one point, sensing they were being followed Harriet, fMQgmUxl1bo-00218-00194440-00195208 guided them through a swamp to a small island where they hid amid wet grasses. Around twilight, fMQgmUxl1bo-00219-00195208-00195828 a man appeared in Quaker clothing slowly walking along the path at the edge of the swamp. fMQgmUxl1bo-00220-00195912-00196456 Harriet thought he was talking to himself, but as he drew closer, she heard him say, fMQgmUxl1bo-00221-00196456-00196912 my wagon stands in the barnyard at the next farm along the way. fMQgmUxl1bo-00222-00196912-00197632 The horse is in the stable. The harness hangs on a nail. That journey took more than a month. fMQgmUxl1bo-00223-00197632-00198008 Martha wrote about it to her daughter Ellen, who was away in boarding school, fMQgmUxl1bo-00224-00198008-00198656 to impress upon her the torments faced by freedom seekers on the run. She said that Harriet Tubman fMQgmUxl1bo-00225-00198656-00199208 had just pioneered six people safely from Southern Maryland. One woman had held her fMQgmUxl1bo-00226-00199208-00199840 baby in her arms the entire way while Harriet and the men helped along the other two children. fMQgmUxl1bo-00227-00199840-00200456 Martha wrote, they walked all night carrying the little ones and spread the old comfort on the fMQgmUxl1bo-00228-00200456-00201136 frozen ground in some dense thicket where they all hid while Harriet went out foraging and sometimes fMQgmUxl1bo-00229-00201136-00201816 could not get back until dark fearing she would be followed. Then if they had crept in further fMQgmUxl1bo-00230-00201816-00202392 and if she couldn't find them, she would whistle or sing certain hymns and they would answer. fMQgmUxl1bo-00231-00202528-00203112 As I put these women's lives together, I also saw how meaningful Frances' relationship with Harriet fMQgmUxl1bo-00232-00203112-00203784 became for both of them. In Auburn in the spring of 1859, just after Frances told Seward she would fMQgmUxl1bo-00233-00203784-00204288 no longer be the handmaid at his Washington parties, she began to think more daringly fMQgmUxl1bo-00234-00204288-00204871 about her life. Martha by then was organizing conventions for women's rights and for abolition fMQgmUxl1bo-00235-00204871-00205584 breeding hecklers and mobs. Harriet Tubman had returned to the eastern shore some dozen of times rescuing fMQgmUxl1bo-00236-00205584-00206166 about 70 people including even her elderly parents and taking them all the way to Canada. fMQgmUxl1bo-00237-00206240-00206752 Harriet's father had rheumatism. Her mother blamed her for depositing them in a remote fMQgmUxl1bo-00238-00206752-00207384 frigid farm town, then rushing off repeatedly with no guarantee that she would return. fMQgmUxl1bo-00239-00207480-00208088 Frances had inherited some land in Auburn from her father. One parcel, about a mile from her house on fMQgmUxl1bo-00240-00208088-00208776 South Street, included seven acres of farmland, a new frame house, a barn, and a few outbuildings. fMQgmUxl1bo-00241-00208776-00209438 She decided Harriet should have it. It's really hard to emphasize just how subversive this was. fMQgmUxl1bo-00242-00209471-00209912 Through relentless lobbying, the women of New York had finally convinced the State Legislature to fMQgmUxl1bo-00243-00209912-00210464 change the law to allow wives to have control over their own property. But women still rarely fMQgmUxl1bo-00244-00210464-00211136 engaged in real estate transactions, let alone with fugitive slaves. The Fugitive Slave Law of fMQgmUxl1bo-00245-00211136-00211840 1850 required northern states to return fugitive slaves to the South. If you were caught assisting fMQgmUxl1bo-00246-00211840-00212560 a freedom seeker, you were subject to a $1000 fine, and subject to a possible jail sentence. fMQgmUxl1bo-00247-00212592-00213048 Frances would be flouting that law just as Seward was beginning a bid for president. fMQgmUxl1bo-00248-00213112-00213648 Yet he apposed it as much as she did, and he approved the sale, which conveniently took place fMQgmUxl1bo-00249-00213648-00214296 while he was off of an eight-month tour of Europe, Egypt and Palestine. As we know, Henry lost the fMQgmUxl1bo-00250-00214296-00214871 1860 Republican nomination, and the election to Lincoln. His appointment as Secretary of State fMQgmUxl1bo-00251-00214871-00215808 was something of a consolation prize. In February 1861 Seward gave his final speech as Senator. He fMQgmUxl1bo-00252-00215808-00216487 spoke about Lincoln's policy on slavery, which was to save the Union not to emancipate the slaves. fMQgmUxl1bo-00253-00216567-00217080 Citing Thomas Jefferson, he said, in political affairs we can't always do fMQgmUxl1bo-00254-00217080-00217696 what seems to us absolutely best. Frances was appalled accusing him of fMQgmUxl1bo-00255-00217696-00218471 abandoning convictions he held his entire life. She wrote, compromise is based on the idea that fMQgmUxl1bo-00256-00218471-00219088 the preservation of the Union is more important than the liberty of nearly 4 million human beings fMQgmUxl1bo-00257-00219088-00219728 cannot be right. A year later when the North appeared to be losing the war badly, fMQgmUxl1bo-00258-00219784-00220376 Harriet told a friend, Lydia Maria Child, that there would be no Union victory in the Civil War fMQgmUxl1bo-00259-00220376-00220960 until the president ordered emancipation. She said, God is ahead of Master Lincoln. fMQgmUxl1bo-00260-00221016-00221504 God won't let Master Lincoln beat the South until he does the right thing. fMQgmUxl1bo-00261-00221736-00222328 Harriet wanted to join the war herself, and in the spring of 1862, she persuaded northern fMQgmUxl1bo-00262-00222328-00222960 officials to sanction a new profession. She would go to Union occupied Port Royal, South Carolina fMQgmUxl1bo-00263-00222960-00223456 and become a freedom fighter for the Army, an idea she described to Martha, as a kind of fMQgmUxl1bo-00264-00223456-00224152 secret service. The Union Army had barely begun admitting black men, let alone black women. fMQgmUxl1bo-00265-00224152-00224704 Harriet would not be deterred. She explained her mission to a friend by citing the book fMQgmUxl1bo-00266-00224704-00225318 of Exodus. The good Lord has come down to deliver my people, and I must go help Him. fMQgmUxl1bo-00267-00225416-00225871 Frances and Martha saw the war just as she did, as a holy cause. fMQgmUxl1bo-00268-00225871-00226406 Frances wrote to Henry that there would be no peace without a promise of liberty to all. fMQgmUxl1bo-00269-00226440-00227040 Martha told her son Willie, a second lieutenant, before he left Auburn to die before ever helping fMQgmUxl1bo-00270-00227040-00227760 to return a slave to the South. He fought at Gettysburg. Frances' son Will fought at Cold fMQgmUxl1bo-00271-00227760-00228496 Harbor, Virginia and at the Battle of Monocacy Maryland. In the Agitators, I show the evolution fMQgmUxl1bo-00272-00228496-00229104 of these three women over three and a half decades from abject, dependence into dissidents. fMQgmUxl1bo-00273-00229104-00229592 They were part of something far bigger than they were. A most shattering period of social fMQgmUxl1bo-00274-00229592-00230270 and political change in America, but they also profoundly affected the course of those events. fMQgmUxl1bo-00275-00230304-00230792 The kinds of injustices that Frances Seward, Martha Wright and Harriet Tubman fMQgmUxl1bo-00276-00230792-00231323 fought against are still with us, and the battles they fought continue. fMQgmUxl1bo-00277-00231448-00232032 As John Lewis wrote, just before his death last year, ordinary people with extraordinary vision fMQgmUxl1bo-00278-00232032-00232623 can redeem the soul of America by getting into what I call good trouble, necessary fMQgmUxl1bo-00279-00232623-00233288 trouble. Harriet Tubman, despite the lasting injuries inflicted on her by slave holders fMQgmUxl1bo-00280-00233288-00233919 and the countless risks she took on behalf of others outlived Frances and Martha by decades, fMQgmUxl1bo-00281-00233919-00234328 and she never stopped working on behalf of black Americans and women. fMQgmUxl1bo-00282-00234328-00234928 She became close to the children of her original friends. Especially to Martha's daughter Eliza, fMQgmUxl1bo-00283-00234928-00235632 who carried on her mother's work of women's suffrage. In 1902, Eliza invited several women fMQgmUxl1bo-00284-00235632-00236240 into her house at 99 South Street in Auburn to discuss the next stage of the movement. fMQgmUxl1bo-00285-00236240-00236892 Her guests included her sister Ellen, Susan B Anthony and two younger activists. fMQgmUxl1bo-00286-00236967-00237471 After more than 50 years of organizing, women were no longer their husband's property, fMQgmUxl1bo-00287-00237471-00237976 and they could attend college and become doctors, lawyers and ministers. They still fMQgmUxl1bo-00288-00237976-00238560 hadn't achieve the vote nationally, but they were speaking and marching in growing numbers. fMQgmUxl1bo-00289-00238560-00239064 Eliza and her guests said they would carry on until every women in every state could go to the fMQgmUxl1bo-00290-00239064-00239894 polls. Nearly two decades later, they succeeded in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified. fMQgmUxl1bo-00291-00239992-00240400 One guest arrived a little late, 80-year-old Harriet Tubman, fMQgmUxl1bo-00292-00240400-00241048 a figure from another age, who walked over from her house almost a mile away. As they all greeted fMQgmUxl1bo-00293-00241048-00241552 her, she said in her fond, frank way that the last time they would be there together. fMQgmUxl1bo-00294-00241552-00241912 She had undertaking a long-term project that would outlive her fMQgmUxl1bo-00295-00241912-00242528 which she called her final work, the Tubman Home For Aged and Indigent negroes. It was fMQgmUxl1bo-00296-00242528-00243212 on the property she had bought all those years earlier from Frances Seward. 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It is highly recommended that students use fpRj8BCIhpQ-00006-00002880-00003352 Microsoft Stream as the streaming service because it's already available as part of the university's fpRj8BCIhpQ-00007-00003352-00003960 Microsoft Office 365 license, but YouTube or another streaming service works just as well. fpRj8BCIhpQ-00008-00004079-00004600 Only individuals from BSU may access your videos on Stream. So let's take a look at Stream. fpRj8BCIhpQ-00009-00004824-00005376 Simply go to mybsu.bridgew.edu to log on to the student portal; fpRj8BCIhpQ-00010-00005440-00005832 then click on your BSU email. Once you're in your email, fpRj8BCIhpQ-00011-00005832-00006376 go to the top left corner of the screen where you have this waffle icon or the app launcher fpRj8BCIhpQ-00012-00006480-00006952 and then click Microsoft Stream. 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If you'd prefer to share your video with just your fpRj8BCIhpQ-00020-00010752-00011392 professor or a classmate, you can permit access to just certain individuals to access your video. fpRj8BCIhpQ-00021-00011392-00011832 Once you're done adjusting your video settings, and the video finishes uploading to Stream, fpRj8BCIhpQ-00022-00011832-00012216 you can click 'publish' to make your video live and then click fpRj8BCIhpQ-00023-00012216-00012712 'share' to copy your link to your video. You will then share that link by pasting fpRj8BCIhpQ-00024-00012712-00013080 it in your response to a Blackboard discussion board or assignment. fpRj8BCIhpQ-00025-00013080-00013480 Your instructor and classmates will greatly appreciate being able to easily view your video fpRj8BCIhpQ-00026-00013480-00013863 rather than having to download a huge file; especially for those folks who have slower fpRj8BCIhpQ-00027-00013863-00013997 internet speeds. fpRj8BCIhpQ-00028-00014024-00014311 ♫ fOsLmlVvoMk-00000-00002296-00002936 Food is emotional it smells great it tastes great we eat it when we're happy we it will fOsLmlVvoMk-00001-00002936-00003536 be sad we eat it when it's for free welcome to let's call episode number 12. I really fOsLmlVvoMk-00002-00003536-00004096 hope that you are enjoying the episodes I'm ready when it comes to losing weight for the fOsLmlVvoMk-00003-00004096-00004568 very last time which really comes down to planning plan's really important Christmas fOsLmlVvoMk-00004-00004568-00005136 tends to scare people up because they will tend to overeat because the food is already there fOsLmlVvoMk-00005-00005224-00005928 and my advice is really to enjoy yourself because my number one tip when fOsLmlVvoMk-00006-00005928-00006720 it comes to Christmas time it's not so much not having the food but just pacing yourself and fOsLmlVvoMk-00007-00006800-00007528 watching your portion size as well that's significant portion and pacing it let the fun begin fOsLmlVvoMk-00008-00007672-00008280 recipe number one is a tahini sun dry salad very easy to fOsLmlVvoMk-00009-00008280-00010016 prepare spinach leaves, and the spinach leaves are very high in iron high in fibre fOsLmlVvoMk-00010-00010016-00010824 big bowl there you go so I'm just going to put this bowl to one side let's just throw that fOsLmlVvoMk-00011-00011008-00011912 whoops there goes once, and the five-second rule is gone so that's about two cups we've got our fOsLmlVvoMk-00012-00011912-00013032 next ingredient which is sun-dried tomatoes so you can see that the whole idea first is just to fOsLmlVvoMk-00013-00013256-00013552 all the raw vegetables first I've got some olives fOsLmlVvoMk-00014-00013712-00014528 yes green and black olives really just it depends on how many people you're gonna feed if you've got fOsLmlVvoMk-00015-00014528-00015328 one two three four just you can just gaze with a mountain one in there my guide is about 80 grams fOsLmlVvoMk-00016-00015328-00015888 to 100 grams of the olives and the sun-dried tomatoes and two-three big cups of this thing fOsLmlVvoMk-00017-00016152-00016440 it's a nice fresh vegetable fOsLmlVvoMk-00018-00016856-00017344 so put your cucumber around the edges I tend to do fOsLmlVvoMk-00019-00017688-00017738 and fOsLmlVvoMk-00020-00018144-00019000 really is nice these are quite fresh, and I got this from the local Italian deli, fOsLmlVvoMk-00021-00019000-00019784 and these are the artichoke hearts just to cut them in half early and present it fOsLmlVvoMk-00022-00020048-00020768 halfway up so when you cut it in the middle from the inside flip it and what the next fOsLmlVvoMk-00023-00020768-00021336 one is going to be I give you a hint it starts the letter L, fOsLmlVvoMk-00024-00021544-00022528 L for larry you give up it is lentils that were being so fine I didn't want to put that fOsLmlVvoMk-00025-00022528-00023144 on the bottom part that gets all crushed so just with a spoon you see just sprinkle fOsLmlVvoMk-00026-00023288-00024032 the reason why I've got that sprinkles just around the edge. First, it's about fOsLmlVvoMk-00027-00024032-00025112 one and a half two cups with the dressing it's two two two two we've got four ingredients and two fOsLmlVvoMk-00028-00025112-00026144 tablespoons per ingredient so, first of all, we've got some apple cider vinegar next is some tahini. fOsLmlVvoMk-00029-00026527-00027288 give it a shake now if you find that you can't open it the trick to opening a jar that is really fOsLmlVvoMk-00030-00027288-00028095 hard to open it with a wooden spoon no wooden spoon for the jar tap it on the top and tuck it on fOsLmlVvoMk-00031-00029344-00029583 on the top fOsLmlVvoMk-00032-00029792-00031264 two tablespoons one and two okay here's some soya sauce once again two tablespoons fOsLmlVvoMk-00033-00031576-00031983 one soy sauce some honey fOsLmlVvoMk-00034-00032360-00032608 is it easier if I just do this fOsLmlVvoMk-00035-00032888-00033960 soya sauce tahini apple cider vinegar and honey two tablespoons each and give it and then fOsLmlVvoMk-00036-00034712-00035336 and you can add to it which I will it's just a little bit of drizzle olive oil of course fOsLmlVvoMk-00037-00035464-00036608 and because I have my basil plant close by I'm going to take some of the basil fOsLmlVvoMk-00038-00036760-00037376 and just put some basil amongst the lentils fOsLmlVvoMk-00039-00037832-00038536 if I could marry basil plant, I would seriously this is so nice fOsLmlVvoMk-00040-00038712-00039384 okay as I'll plant it back inside and that is done voila fOsLmlVvoMk-00041-00039664-00040400 your tahini or sundried tomato and tahini salad there you go fOsLmlVvoMk-00042-00040736-00041120 beautiful recipe number one done in another 15 minutes well fOsLmlVvoMk-00043-00041200-00041552 really you can have this done like in like five minutes but because fOsLmlVvoMk-00044-00041608-00043584 like the talk and talk about how we grip together, but that is your dry tomorrow fOsLmlVvoMk-00045-00044176-00044984 so fOsLmlVvoMk-00046-00046064-00046992 recipe number two is a smoothie it's raw, and it's red, and it's raring to go it is beet fOsLmlVvoMk-00047-00046992-00047888 or a beetroot smoothie beetroot's great very good for the skin high in fibre high in folate fOsLmlVvoMk-00048-00047944-00048528 has lots of magnesium and potassium which is good for your body for your circulation same fOsLmlVvoMk-00049-00048528-00049448 time as well so beetroot has a lot of goodness in it as well so let's start with a nice beetroot fOsLmlVvoMk-00050-00049744-00050032 some green apple green fOsLmlVvoMk-00051-00050248-00050584 some fresh blueberries fOsLmlVvoMk-00052-00050840-00051296 orange cut up pineapple fOsLmlVvoMk-00053-00051640-00052400 spinach again maybe like popeye and olive oil and flax seeds fOsLmlVvoMk-00054-00052624-00053544 and water so we have really one two three four five six seven ingredients what should we start fOsLmlVvoMk-00055-00053544-00053967 with first well it doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it's about what we can wear, fOsLmlVvoMk-00056-00053967-00054664 so I'm gonna put some spinach and pound that down with something else, so I'm thinking why not add fOsLmlVvoMk-00057-00054664-00055504 our bishop first so I've already pulled the beetroot and I'm going to slice it up fOsLmlVvoMk-00058-00055960-00056279 so I've been told not to use a wooden spoon fOsLmlVvoMk-00059-00056279-00056744 so what I'm trying to do is cut it up in pieces like so fOsLmlVvoMk-00060-00057032-00057584 I'm done let's put another one in there and just slice it. fOsLmlVvoMk-00061-00057912-00058600 just go in a pineapple so I'm gonna throw some pineapple on top like such a pineapple's great fOsLmlVvoMk-00062-00058600-00059272 it really helps to break down the protein which reduces the stored fat and actual bursa fOsLmlVvoMk-00063-00059272-00060224 fat as well I'm going to add some green apple and surprisingly enough um pineapple is sweet, but it fOsLmlVvoMk-00064-00060224-00061079 doesn't have a large amount of sugar the same with a low in sugar as well and cut up a whole orange fOsLmlVvoMk-00065-00061167-00062024 because I'll probably end up making this tomorrow morning okay so and then we'll add some flax seeds fOsLmlVvoMk-00066-00062512-00062632 and then we'll add our water fOsLmlVvoMk-00067-00063000-00063591 it's about 150 mils perfect and just to make sure that you do have the fOsLmlVvoMk-00068-00063591-00063832 water on the level part on that side there as well fOsLmlVvoMk-00069-00063952-00064784 let's turn it all up and let's beat it and see if it turns red, I've got two nice big sizes of the fOsLmlVvoMk-00070-00064855-00065984 beetroot I'll put the recipe description um on the bottom part of this video fOsLmlVvoMk-00071-00066208-00066432 use the knives because we are going to fOsLmlVvoMk-00072-00067112-00068000 power's up it's now our baked smoothie you can't beat the smoothie from the weight loss king so fOsLmlVvoMk-00073-00068560-00068784 be very careful because it's going to fOsLmlVvoMk-00074-00069176-00070184 hmm fOsLmlVvoMk-00075-00070824-00071776 really good for weight loss and great for the skin I also put a description of the nutritional value fOsLmlVvoMk-00076-00071776-00072600 of each of the ingredients that we've used being spinach pineapple apple berries orange beetroot fOsLmlVvoMk-00077-00072600-00073088 flax seeds, and I'll give you a description of each one and why are they great for you fOsLmlVvoMk-00078-00073240-00073632 you beat smoothie which is different now let's put to the taste test fOsLmlVvoMk-00079-00074368-00074418 wow fOsLmlVvoMk-00080-00075080-00076048 really nice it's subtle it's not overpowering that is really really nice so give it a go fOsLmlVvoMk-00081-00076168-00076464 the raw beet smoothie record that fOsLmlVvoMk-00082-00076680-00077472 that's done sun-dried tomato and tahini salad followed by the beet fOsLmlVvoMk-00083-00077536-00078176 smoothie when it comes to losing weight for the very last time you need to fall in love with the fOsLmlVvoMk-00084-00078176-00078800 lifestyle that you have that isn't a boy because food isn't the enemy it's all about moderation fOsLmlVvoMk-00085-00078800-00079376 about portion size and just relaxing and enjoying the food you don't need to do any crazy fOsLmlVvoMk-00086-00079376-00080312 diets you just need to eat within reason have fun be relaxed don't go on any crazy fOsLmlVvoMk-00087-00080368-00081200 silly um diets or any starvation diet the food is emotional it smells great it tastes great fOsLmlVvoMk-00088-00081264-00081928 we eat it when we're happy we eat it will be sad we eat it when it's for free but we eat it because fOsLmlVvoMk-00089-00082000-00082384 is what it is and we are who we are so the best way around it fOsLmlVvoMk-00090-00082384-00083120 is just to make sure that we make better choices and better decisions when it comes to food and fOsLmlVvoMk-00091-00083120-00083688 being prepared and being planned really takes out the extra work that you have to fOsLmlVvoMk-00092-00083688-00084064 do when it comes to preparing a meal so if you've got the ingredients and your fOsLmlVvoMk-00093-00084064-00084536 kitchens organized your food's there, and what you can just make it when you don't fOsLmlVvoMk-00094-00084536-00085008 have it you know not planned for prepared for it that's when you make bad decisions, fOsLmlVvoMk-00095-00085008-00085664 and you bring up an order take away food, and then you will record it later so don't have regrets fOsLmlVvoMk-00096-00085664-00086208 be planned to be prepared prepare tod have your portion slice enjoy the food it's there fOsLmlVvoMk-00097-00086208-00086792 accept it just make better choices I'm Silvestro the weight loss king losing weight fOsLmlVvoMk-00098-00086792-00087600 for the very last time has never been easier at all I lost 80 kilos 18 years ago, and it took fOsLmlVvoMk-00099-00087600-00088224 me 18 months to lose it, and I'm living proof that it's never too late to start losing your fOsLmlVvoMk-00100-00088224-00088584 weight for the very last time thank you, everybody, fOsLmlVvoMk-00101-00088584-00088928 for watching I look forward to seeing you for now next episode fOsLmlVvoMk-00102-00088928-00089784 next Wednesday it's a surprise, but it's very Italian thank you and talk to you soon fOsLmlVvoMk-00103-00090440-00090832 the food is emotional it smells great it tastes great fOsLmlVvoMk-00104-00090888-00092208 we eat it when we're happy we even will be sad we eat it when it's for free fQtwugwonbU-00000-00000003-00000202 The Morrison County Sheriff's Department fQtwugwonbU-00001-00000213-00000821 and the county swat team deployed distraction devices today in Pierz while assisting with the fQtwugwonbU-00002-00000861-00001095 execution of a search warrant in a drug investigation. fQtwugwonbU-00003-00001186-00001646 People in the neighborhood may have heard loud bangs associated with the distraction devices, fQtwugwonbU-00004-00001653-00002408 but the Morrison County Sheriff's department says no shots were fired. No arrests were made and the investigation remains ongoing fVv7ccKfzzU-00000-00000045-00000274 How do you perceive God? fVv7ccKfzzU-00001-00000274-00000742 What do you think about when you hear the word "God"? fVv7ccKfzzU-00002-00000742-00001198 If you haven't thought about that, then you should probably take a minute or two to think fVv7ccKfzzU-00003-00001198-00001423 about it. fVv7ccKfzzU-00004-00001423-00001921 Because whether you are aware of it or not, you have a perception of God just like everyone fVv7ccKfzzU-00005-00001921-00002115 else has. fVv7ccKfzzU-00006-00002115-00002453 And perception affects reality. fVv7ccKfzzU-00007-00002453-00003175 So it is very important that you have a correct definition or awareness of Who God really fVv7ccKfzzU-00008-00003175-00003367 is in your mind. fVv7ccKfzzU-00009-00003367-00003917 And what expectations you should have of Him when you think of Him. fVv7ccKfzzU-00010-00003917-00004558 It is true that we could never in this life have a full and complete knowledge of God, fVv7ccKfzzU-00011-00004558-00004853 nor could we understand totally all His ways. fVv7ccKfzzU-00012-00004853-00005719 The bible says in Romans 11:33, "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge fVv7ccKfzzU-00013-00005719-00005885 of God! fVv7ccKfzzU-00014-00005885-00006679 How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!" fVv7ccKfzzU-00015-00006679-00007345 So that even though we might not fully understand Who God is, nor the processes or steps that fVv7ccKfzzU-00016-00007345-00007954 He might normally take or use to produce an outcome, we certainly know from the Word of fVv7ccKfzzU-00017-00007954-00008647 God what outcomes He is usually likely to produce for those who love Him. fVv7ccKfzzU-00018-00008647-00009318 The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says fVv7ccKfzzU-00019-00009318-00010061 the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." fVv7ccKfzzU-00020-00010061-00010601 The whole point of this is to understand God's nature and what His attitude is likely to fVv7ccKfzzU-00021-00010601-00010885 be in any giving situation. fVv7ccKfzzU-00022-00010885-00011496 So it is important that we have the right perception of who God is based on truth from fVv7ccKfzzU-00023-00011496-00011596 the Word of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00024-00011596-00012215 And we can also, based on our own experiences of His dealings with us, form the appropriate fVv7ccKfzzU-00025-00012215-00012345 perception of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00026-00012345-00012906 And the truth is that our experiences of God will agree with the bible and what it says fVv7ccKfzzU-00027-00012906-00013402 of God, because God hasn't changed and He cannot deny Himself. fVv7ccKfzzU-00028-00013402-00014243 And God's word is God's covenant with us in the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord. fVv7ccKfzzU-00029-00014243-00014838 So now let's explore further and deeper the nature of God based on scripture. fVv7ccKfzzU-00030-00014838-00015291 Because we know that scriptures cannot be broken. fVv7ccKfzzU-00031-00015291-00015894 Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God gives us clues about God and what His fVv7ccKfzzU-00032-00015894-00016521 prevailing tendency is likely to be in every giving situation. fVv7ccKfzzU-00033-00016521-00017152 He Himself embodied the Father in His own demeanor or attitude when He was on earth. fVv7ccKfzzU-00034-00017152-00017998 In Colossians 2:9, we are told, "For in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." fVv7ccKfzzU-00035-00017998-00018521 So that Jesus Christ was the outward expression of the Father when He walked the face of the fVv7ccKfzzU-00036-00018521-00018623 earth. fVv7ccKfzzU-00037-00018623-00019196 We see from the scriptures what manner of Person our Lord Jesus Christ was. fVv7ccKfzzU-00038-00019196-00019870 And as He Himself says, "I and My Father are One." fVv7ccKfzzU-00039-00019870-00020194 John 10:30. fVv7ccKfzzU-00040-00020194-00020781 So it will not be out of place for us to examine the life of our Lord Jesus Christ when He fVv7ccKfzzU-00041-00020781-00021509 was on earth and to deduce from it the qualities and characteristics of God the Father. fVv7ccKfzzU-00042-00021509-00022130 Because again Jesus says that the works He did were those that He saw the Father do as fVv7ccKfzzU-00043-00022130-00022504 He could not do anything by Himself. fVv7ccKfzzU-00044-00022504-00023181 This is how He puts it in John 5:19, "Then Jesus answered and said to them, 'Most assuredly, fVv7ccKfzzU-00045-00023181-00023898 I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever fVv7ccKfzzU-00046-00023898-00024238 He does, the Son also does in like manner.'" fVv7ccKfzzU-00047-00024238-00024883 So we are left without a shred of a doubt in the Word of God that Jesus exhibited the fVv7ccKfzzU-00048-00024883-00025614 very character of God the Father Who is in heaven on earth while He was here. fVv7ccKfzzU-00049-00025614-00026338 Now we can examine the character of Jesus Christ as it relates to how He acted and responded fVv7ccKfzzU-00050-00026338-00026957 to those who depended on Him and those who came to Him for help, so as to know how the fVv7ccKfzzU-00051-00026957-00027530 Father is likely going to respond to our own requests and pleas. fVv7ccKfzzU-00052-00027530-00027802 Jesus Christ never turned away anyone who came to Him for help. fVv7ccKfzzU-00053-00027802-00028177 I don't know if you have noticed that from the Scriptures. fVv7ccKfzzU-00054-00028177-00028786 But He never once insisted that He will not do good to those who came to Him for help. fVv7ccKfzzU-00055-00028786-00029286 Even when the Syro-Phoenician woman persisted after she was told by Christ that He had not fVv7ccKfzzU-00056-00029286-00029875 come except for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, He granted her wishes. fVv7ccKfzzU-00057-00029875-00030337 And yet He was so huge on faith and demanded that the people who came to Him trust that fVv7ccKfzzU-00058-00030337-00030897 He was capable of performing the signs and miracles that they sought from Him before fVv7ccKfzzU-00059-00030897-00031016 He did them. fVv7ccKfzzU-00060-00031016-00031658 Such is also the nature of the Father as is demonstrated in the life of our Lord Jesus fVv7ccKfzzU-00061-00031658-00031758 Christ. fVv7ccKfzzU-00062-00031758-00032416 The point is for us to understand that the Father is good and only good. fVv7ccKfzzU-00063-00032416-00032780 And that is the nature and character of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00064-00032780-00033624 The bible says in Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and fVv7ccKfzzU-00065-00033624-00034178 with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, fVv7ccKfzzU-00066-00034178-00034471 for God was with Him." fVv7ccKfzzU-00067-00034471-00035227 God was with Him as He did good because the very nature and character of God is doing fVv7ccKfzzU-00068-00035227-00035416 good. fVv7ccKfzzU-00069-00035416-00036099 This is the perception we must have in order to have and enjoy the goodness of God in our fVv7ccKfzzU-00070-00036099-00036199 lives. fVv7ccKfzzU-00071-00036199-00036785 I don't know what you are going through, but if you are a child of God, then I can certainly fVv7ccKfzzU-00072-00036785-00037406 make an accurate prediction of what the outcome of that situation is likely to be, based on fVv7ccKfzzU-00073-00037406-00037657 the nature and character of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00074-00037657-00038206 The bible says in Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to fVv7ccKfzzU-00075-00038206-00038968 those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." fVv7ccKfzzU-00076-00038968-00039627 I want you to start seeing God as your heavenly Father, the One who is incomparable in terms fVv7ccKfzzU-00077-00039627-00039853 of goodness. fVv7ccKfzzU-00078-00039853-00040359 If we believe that our earthly fathers are good and if we can ascribe the quality of fVv7ccKfzzU-00079-00040359-00040863 integrity to them, then I want you to pause a little and consider what this actually means fVv7ccKfzzU-00080-00040863-00041569 for your heavenly Father, the One whose very definition is love and holy. fVv7ccKfzzU-00081-00041569-00042215 We will do ourselves a lot of good if we would go into the word of God and glean from it fVv7ccKfzzU-00082-00042215-00042952 the truth of Who God is, and totally put our unwavering trust and faith in His character fVv7ccKfzzU-00083-00042952-00043246 as a faithful God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00084-00043246-00043812 The bible tells us that God is faithful to a fault, because He cannot deny Himself. fVv7ccKfzzU-00085-00043812-00044705 In 2 Timothy 2:13, the bible says, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot fVv7ccKfzzU-00086-00044705-00045074 deny Himself." fVv7ccKfzzU-00087-00045074-00045733 This is why you must put your complete trust in Him and in His word. fVv7ccKfzzU-00088-00045733-00046519 His promises will not fail if your faith in Him and in His Word is solid and unwavering. fVv7ccKfzzU-00089-00046519-00047203 Because as the bible says in Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please fVv7ccKfzzU-00090-00047203-00047840 Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those fVv7ccKfzzU-00091-00047840-00048121 who diligently seek Him." fVv7ccKfzzU-00092-00048121-00048849 If you could trust Him regardless of the situation you are facing, you will see that God is indeed fVv7ccKfzzU-00093-00048849-00049256 incapable of going contrary to His word. fVv7ccKfzzU-00094-00049256-00049822 He might stretch you a little and discipline you here and there, but they are all to toughen fVv7ccKfzzU-00095-00049822-00050459 and straighten you up, building in you the character necessary for the blessing He intends fVv7ccKfzzU-00096-00050459-00050806 to pour out abundantly on you. fVv7ccKfzzU-00097-00050806-00051400 So settle it in your mind and heart that God is not able to break His own word to you. fVv7ccKfzzU-00098-00051400-00052047 But you on the other hand, can only access His promises based on your unconditional trust fVv7ccKfzzU-00099-00052047-00052633 and faith in Him, without which you will not have access to the blessings He has already fVv7ccKfzzU-00100-00052633-00053419 provided for in the spiritual realm awaiting whoever would appropriate them. fVv7ccKfzzU-00101-00053419-00054277 Faith in God and in His abilities is essential for accessing His goodness and provision. fVv7ccKfzzU-00102-00054277-00055134 The bible says in James 1:6-8, "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who fVv7ccKfzzU-00103-00055134-00055714 doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. fVv7ccKfzzU-00104-00055714-00056363 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded fVv7ccKfzzU-00105-00056363-00056887 man, unstable in all his ways." fVv7ccKfzzU-00106-00056887-00057503 This is the only time you will not be qualified to access the promises of God for you, because fVv7ccKfzzU-00107-00057503-00058033 doubt makes God a liar and He is not a liar. fVv7ccKfzzU-00108-00058033-00058594 And the only way to build your faith strong is through getting into the word of God, because fVv7ccKfzzU-00109-00058594-00059008 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00110-00059008-00059546 Remember that God is absolutely good and He only seeks your well-being. fVv7ccKfzzU-00111-00059546-00059694 God bless you! fVv7ccKfzzU-00112-00059694-00060372 May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant us understanding into His nature and fVv7ccKfzzU-00113-00060372-00061020 character, so that we can see and trust in His unchangeable nature of goodness through fVv7ccKfzzU-00114-00061020-00061173 the word of God. fVv7ccKfzzU-00115-00061173-00061948 May He lavish on us His generosity and give us rest all around and about us, in His dear fVv7ccKfzzU-00116-00061948-00062464 Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we will taste and know for ourselves His love for fVv7ccKfzzU-00117-00062464-00062975 us who come to Him in faith and love. fVv7ccKfzzU-00118-00062975-00063175 In Jesus' Mighty name. fVv7ccKfzzU-00119-00063175-00063226 Amen. fVx3OlkWRmM-00001-00000050-00000100 * music * fVx3OlkWRmM-00002-00000100-00000150 * music * fVx3OlkWRmM-00003-00000150-00000200 * music * fVx3OlkWRmM-00009-00000550-00000600 Would you ever see real knights training fVx3OlkWRmM-00010-00000600-00000800 Would you ever see real knights training fVx3OlkWRmM-00011-00000800-00001000 in the courtyard of a castle. fVx3OlkWRmM-00012-00001000-00001200 in the courtyard of a castle. fVx3OlkWRmM-00015-00005200-00005400 First Sunday of the month comes here and knight group fVx3OlkWRmM-00016-00005400-00005600 First Sunday of the month comes here and knight group fVx3OlkWRmM-00017-00005600-00005800 they started two years with two or three men fVx3OlkWRmM-00018-00005800-00006000 they started two years with two or three men fVx3OlkWRmM-00019-00006000-00006200 now there are 35 there are 10 to Susteren fVx3OlkWRmM-00020-00006200-00006400 now there are 35 there are 10 to Susteren fVx3OlkWRmM-00021-00006400-00006600 This morning there were 30 fVx3OlkWRmM-00022-00006600-00006800 and people can just join in fVx3OlkWRmM-00023-00006800-00007000 learn sword fighting, archery, etc. fVx3OlkWRmM-00024-00007000-00007200 learn sword fighting, archery, etc. fVx3OlkWRmM-00026-00007400-00007600 Yes, it's just a fun activity fVx3OlkWRmM-00027-00007600-00007800 costs nothing you can just join in fVx3OlkWRmM-00028-00007800-00008000 drinking coffee, watching or participating. fVx3OlkWRmM-00029-00008000-00008200 drinking coffee, watching or participating. fXvVepXsrlA-00000-00000440-00000720 How do you worship a god that eats and drinks .. ? fXvVepXsrlA-00001-00000840-00001136 Your god eats? this is absurd. fXvVepXsrlA-00002-00001136-00001592 We are talking about God's manifestation in human form fXvVepXsrlA-00003-00001623-00001872 And we're saying that Christ fXvVepXsrlA-00004-00001952-00002672 Is a perfect human and into him came the whole of divinity fXvVepXsrlA-00005-00002720-00003010 This was something i didn't want to skim over fXvVepXsrlA-00006-00003010-00003336 That the body is temporary fXvVepXsrlA-00007-00003415-00003928 If you my muslim brother believe that this body is God you are wrong fXvVepXsrlA-00008-00004008-00004208 God came into this body uniting with it fXvVepXsrlA-00009-00004240-00004928 So Christ became the human manifestation of God fXzvL_mYHwE-00000-00000045-00000492 hey for every welcome back to I love me me me so I've been talking about dating and fXzvL_mYHwE-00001-00000492-00000977 being in relationships with narcissistic people if you have not seen my previous fXzvL_mYHwE-00002-00000977-00001464 two videos to definitely click the I at some point is definitely gonna take you fXzvL_mYHwE-00003-00001464-00001995 to those videos and of course if you missed the eye because you have gotten wrapped up fXzvL_mYHwE-00004-00001995-00002478 and what I have to say then definitely click the description box below after this video fXzvL_mYHwE-00005-00002478-00003030 and go ahead and watch those two so I gave you tips on what a narcissistic person is fXzvL_mYHwE-00006-00003030-00003570 and the traits that you're going to see as far as identifying a narcissistic person the fXzvL_mYHwE-00007-00003570-00004152 second video was talking about the five tips on how to stay sane with dating or being in fXzvL_mYHwE-00008-00004152-00004596 a relationship with a narcissistic person and so today I want to give you eight tips fXzvL_mYHwE-00009-00004596-00005094 on how to be happy in your relationship with a narcissistic person so stay tuned fXzvL_mYHwE-00010-00005604-00006465 our family thank you so much for coming back so the 8 tips on how to stay happy in fXzvL_mYHwE-00011-00006465-00007259 a narcissistic relationship the very first one is to try to introduce empathy to your partner fXzvL_mYHwE-00012-00007259-00007947 your lover your spouse you have to get them to see and basically put them put themselves in fXzvL_mYHwE-00013-00007947-00008466 your shoes so they can actually understand the feelings that you're having so try to introduce fXzvL_mYHwE-00014-00008466-00009087 empathy to your narcissistic person and all of these things are going to take work is fXzvL_mYHwE-00015-00009087-00009570 not like you introduce the concept and then you never have to bring it up again there's gonna fXzvL_mYHwE-00016-00009570-00010107 be constant work if you want your relationship to work and also if you want your narcissistic fXzvL_mYHwE-00017-00010107-00010839 partner not to be so narcissistic anymore or at least get them to see when they are being fXzvL_mYHwE-00018-00010839-00011361 narcissistic and maked reality in themselves okay so that's the very first thing is to try fXzvL_mYHwE-00019-00011361-00012036 to introduce empathy to your partner the second thing is for you to challenge them fXzvL_mYHwE-00020-00012036-00012534 like don't just go along with their program obviously if you are with the second type of fXzvL_mYHwE-00021-00012534-00013131 narcissistic person that I talked about which is the pathological narcissistic person which fXzvL_mYHwE-00022-00013131-00013919 they can become kind of lethal or controlling then of course you don't want to try challenges fXzvL_mYHwE-00023-00013919-00014522 I wouldn't I wouldn't challenge them because I don't want to get into a fistfight when I'm fXzvL_mYHwE-00024-00014522-00015162 just using some particular words that take them over an edge but you can challenge them fXzvL_mYHwE-00025-00015162-00015735 in a soft manner quote/unquote don't necessarily just always go along with their plan with their fXzvL_mYHwE-00026-00015735-00016326 program with their system especially if you don't want to do those things you you have the right to fXzvL_mYHwE-00027-00016326-00017193 use your power in your note so challenge them a little bit if if you can if you feel comfortable fXzvL_mYHwE-00028-00017193-00017784 in doing that the third thing that I want to bring to your attention is a lot of times with fXzvL_mYHwE-00029-00017784-00018372 narcissistic people they can do the name-calling and insults and everything and you don't want fXzvL_mYHwE-00030-00018372-00019053 that to be allowed in your relationship so you have to speak up and say something about that fXzvL_mYHwE-00031-00019053-00019662 if it's not working for you specifically on how they're talking to you or whatever it is fXzvL_mYHwE-00032-00019662-00020313 you have to speak up for yourself if it's not working for you now if you're okay with it then fXzvL_mYHwE-00033-00020313-00020850 all right we can move on cuz each of us can take different things in our relationships so fXzvL_mYHwE-00034-00020850-00021282 what I could take in my relationship you might not be able to take in yours and vice versa fXzvL_mYHwE-00035-00021282-00022152 just something for you to think about if you don't want the names and insults to be used against you fXzvL_mYHwE-00036-00022152-00022629 or on you then you have to speak up and say something about those things alright so number fXzvL_mYHwE-00037-00022629-00023307 four only take responsibility for things that are actually your fault because you're dealing with a fXzvL_mYHwE-00038-00023307-00024018 narcissistic person who loves to use manipulation or tape or turn things around on you so you think fXzvL_mYHwE-00039-00024018-00024510 that it was your fault and what happened you have to realize that's what's going on and fXzvL_mYHwE-00040-00024510-00025290 not take fault or not say sorry for those specific things that you know or not your fault because you fXzvL_mYHwE-00041-00025290-00025764 again you have to realize that they are turning things around on you or what's the your word that fXzvL_mYHwE-00042-00025764-00026568 I use the other day they're gaslighting you so you just have to be you just have to recognize fXzvL_mYHwE-00043-00026568-00027156 that's what's actually going on you don't want to get gas lit yes that's the word I don't know the fXzvL_mYHwE-00044-00027156-00027822 fifth thing to say happen your relationship was just not to react to their outbursts just don't fXzvL_mYHwE-00045-00027822-00028269 even do it it's going to happen you know that it's gonna happen it's probably gonna happen more often fXzvL_mYHwE-00046-00028269-00029102 than you personally would like but don't react to the outbursts and my best story to go along fXzvL_mYHwE-00047-00029102-00029724 with this is just you know how children do and when you don't recognize the crying screaming the fXzvL_mYHwE-00048-00029724-00030237 the falling out temper tantrums is the word I'm looking for when you don't recognize any of that fXzvL_mYHwE-00049-00030237-00030792 stuff what they end up doing they stop they kind of looking around cuz maybe probably you walked fXzvL_mYHwE-00050-00030792-00031173 away you know if it's in a safe environment in your home or whatever you walked away from you fXzvL_mYHwE-00051-00031173-00031557 let them do what they needed to do as far as throwing that temper tantrum and then you just fXzvL_mYHwE-00052-00031557-00032110 walked away from them that's the same thing that you have to do with the outburst of the narcissist fXzvL_mYHwE-00053-00032110-00032683 the person that you're dealing with just move over life let them have their moment by themselves and fXzvL_mYHwE-00054-00032683-00033325 you walk out of the room or do what you need to do just don't even acknowledge that stuff oh so fXzvL_mYHwE-00055-00033325-00033856 I talked about gas lighting I'm gonna bring it up here again just refuse it just just don't let them fXzvL_mYHwE-00056-00033856-00034426 get away with doing that which is once you start bringing up their bad behavior then they start to fXzvL_mYHwE-00057-00034426-00034894 change everything around oh you start bringing up all your past and what you use what you used to do fXzvL_mYHwE-00058-00034894-00035455 by the time they're finished dog you out insulting you in this particular moment now you're thinking fXzvL_mYHwE-00059-00035455-00036088 what did I actually do to deserve this like that I actually caused this because they use manipulation fXzvL_mYHwE-00060-00036088-00036736 once again that word they use a manipulation against you to think and to make you feel like fXzvL_mYHwE-00061-00036736-00037417 it was your fault because you brought up their bad behavior number 7 stop things from getting so fXzvL_mYHwE-00062-00037417-00038086 personal when you do confront them don't confront them and make it personal only address the facts fXzvL_mYHwE-00063-00038086-00039091 only address the facts don't make it personal straight to the point not this long drawn-out fXzvL_mYHwE-00064-00039091-00039739 explanation of this long drawn-out story just make it streamline or straight to the point from point fXzvL_mYHwE-00065-00039739-00040414 A to point B get there quick faster than the heard and I would say do it in that moment honestly fXzvL_mYHwE-00066-00040414-00040996 because a lot of times when we try to bring things up later on we don't have no idea what the other fXzvL_mYHwE-00067-00040996-00041662 person to talk about when the picture for them is vivid is very clear it is right there in their fXzvL_mYHwE-00068-00041662-00042232 minds but you looking like or you're trying to figure out what happened you know why are they fXzvL_mYHwE-00069-00042232-00042799 bringing up this this thing that happened weeks ago months ago when they should have fXzvL_mYHwE-00070-00042799-00043243 been addressed right away so if you can address it right away they'll know exactly what you're fXzvL_mYHwE-00071-00043243-00043948 talking about in that moment no guessing needing the a thing the eighth and final thing is that you fXzvL_mYHwE-00072-00043948-00044668 really just have to love yourself more than you love them especially with all of these seemingly fXzvL_mYHwE-00073-00044668-00045217 bad behaviors but again if you can deal with this type of thing then just trying to make sure that fXzvL_mYHwE-00074-00045217-00045799 you are making yourself happy is the Prai or see and not you quit yourself in the background so fXzvL_mYHwE-00075-00045799-00046303 these are the eight tips on how to stay happy when you are dating or in any relationship with fXzvL_mYHwE-00076-00046303-00046981 a narcissistic person what do you think about them can you relate to any of these things do fXzvL_mYHwE-00077-00046981-00047464 you do any of these things do you know somebody that you can pass along this video to share this fXzvL_mYHwE-00078-00047464-00048106 video with so they too can also take some of these things in my end again make a decision if this is fXzvL_mYHwE-00079-00048106-00049024 something that you want to deal with long-term or not alright I will see you in a few days for fXzvL_mYHwE-00080-00049024-00050023 the last video of this series talking about how to deal with how to how to to recognize narcissistic fXzvL_mYHwE-00081-00050023-00050629 people the traits how to stay saying how stay happy etc etc so I'll see you in a few days deuces fYkISVDBN1I-00000-00000078-00000128 You know fYkISVDBN1I-00001-00000128-00000248 This was the- fYkISVDBN1I-00002-00000284-00000401 This was the kind of music - fYkISVDBN1I-00003-00000408-00000520 - that I was listening to fYESQkm-dxk-00000-00000000-00000200 Boy attitude status fZwWkARaNs0-00000-00001667-00002095 Located in Southern Europe, this boot-shaped country is one of the world’s most popular fZwWkARaNs0-00001-00002095-00002665 travel destinations for a number of reasons that include art treasures, trendy fashion, fZwWkARaNs0-00002-00002665-00003077 stunning landscapes, passionate people and top-class cuisine. fZwWkARaNs0-00003-00003077-00003539 Italy offers so much to see and do that it would take a lifetime to explore. fZwWkARaNs0-00004-00003539-00003950 Here's a look at the best places to visit in Italy: fZwWkARaNs0-00005-00007650-00007754 Number 10. fZwWkARaNs0-00006-00007754-00007854 Naples. fZwWkARaNs0-00007-00007854-00008260 One of the busiest metropolitan cities in the country, Naples is the capital of the fZwWkARaNs0-00008-00008260-00008472 Campania region in Southern Italy. fZwWkARaNs0-00009-00008472-00008947 The city of Naples offers a treasure trove of art works and historic sites as well as fZwWkARaNs0-00010-00008947-00009395 a vibrant atmosphere of shops, restaurants and nightlife venues. fZwWkARaNs0-00011-00009395-00010004 Many favorite Italian foods originated from here such as pizza, spaghetti and parmigiana. fZwWkARaNs0-00012-00010004-00010657 These dishes are taken seriously in Naples and usually feature fresh, locally grown ingredients. fZwWkARaNs0-00013-00010657-00011113 As it is nearby famous sites like the Bay of Naples and Pompeii, Naples presents an fZwWkARaNs0-00014-00011113-00011470 ideal base to stay while exploring the area. fZwWkARaNs0-00015-00015375-00015475 Number 9. fZwWkARaNs0-00016-00015475-00015637 Italian Lake District. fZwWkARaNs0-00017-00015637-00015988 The Italian Lake District stretches across Northern Italy. fZwWkARaNs0-00018-00015988-00016409 The southern ends of most of the lakes are relatively flat but the northern ends are fZwWkARaNs0-00019-00016409-00016781 mountainous as the lakes reach deep into the Alps. fZwWkARaNs0-00020-00016781-00017226 Popular with tourists for over 100 years, the Italian Lakes combine good weather with fZwWkARaNs0-00021-00017226-00017395 attractive scenery. fZwWkARaNs0-00022-00017395-00017951 Garda is the largest lake, and offers stunning scenery, especially in its mountainous northern fZwWkARaNs0-00023-00017951-00018051 stretches. fZwWkARaNs0-00024-00018051-00018561 Como is equally stunning, with forested slopes rising directly from the water’s edge. fZwWkARaNs0-00025-00018561-00019109 Further west, Maggiore is less popular yet just as beautiful, with several popular family fZwWkARaNs0-00026-00019109-00019270 resorts. fZwWkARaNs0-00027-00024875-00024983 Number 8. fZwWkARaNs0-00028-00024983-00025083 Sicily. fZwWkARaNs0-00029-00025083-00025565 The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is an autonomous region of Italy that fZwWkARaNs0-00030-00025565-00025793 also includes several smaller isles. fZwWkARaNs0-00031-00025793-00026330 It is separated from the mainland region of Calabria by the 2 mile Straits of Messina. fZwWkARaNs0-00032-00026330-00026997 Home to every great Mediterranean civilization, Sicily is rich in art and history; from Agrigento’s fZwWkARaNs0-00033-00026997-00027332 Valley of the Temples to Palermo’s Baroque churches. fZwWkARaNs0-00034-00027332-00027900 The island’s most striking geological feature is Mount Etna, Europe’s tallest active volcano. fZwWkARaNs0-00035-00033007-00033111 Number 7. fZwWkARaNs0-00036-00033111-00033248 Cinque Terre. fZwWkARaNs0-00037-00033248-00033876 Meaning “Five Lands,” Cinque Terre comprises the five villages of Riomaggiore, Manarola, fZwWkARaNs0-00038-00033876-00034266 Vernazza, Monterosso and Corniglia. fZwWkARaNs0-00039-00034266-00034706 Located in Italy’s northwestern coastal region of Liguria, the villages of Cinque fZwWkARaNs0-00040-00034706-00035209 Terre feature some of the country’s most beautiful landscapes that include steep cliff fZwWkARaNs0-00041-00035209-00035628 sides and wine terraces dating back to hundreds of years. fZwWkARaNs0-00042-00035628-00036050 Among its many gems, Cinque Terre boasts a centuries-old complex of hiking paths that fZwWkARaNs0-00043-00036050-00036406 offer some of Italy’s most stunning coastal views. fZwWkARaNs0-00044-00036406-00036950 The Blue Trail is a paved trail connecting all five of the villages and is suitable for fZwWkARaNs0-00045-00036950-00037090 all ages. fZwWkARaNs0-00046-00041699-00041820 Number 6. fZwWkARaNs0-00047-00041820-00041920 Milan. fZwWkARaNs0-00048-00041920-00042419 Nearly destroyed from heavy bombing during WWII, Milan has since reconstructed and now fZwWkARaNs0-00049-00042419-00042718 shines as one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. fZwWkARaNs0-00050-00042718-00043246 Widely regarded as a mega fashion center teeming in designer shops, Milan also attracts many fZwWkARaNs0-00051-00043246-00043762 to its surviving world famous treasures like Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper, fZwWkARaNs0-00052-00043762-00044370 the La Scala Opera House, the Castello Sforzesco and one of the world’s largest Gothic cathedral. fZwWkARaNs0-00053-00044370-00044834 Nonetheless, Milan sometimes appears less Italian compared to the country’s predominantly fZwWkARaNs0-00054-00044834-00045280 historic cities and more of a glamorous city with modern architecture. fZwWkARaNs0-00055-00050987-00051087 Number 5. fZwWkARaNs0-00056-00051087-00051230 Amalfi Coast. fZwWkARaNs0-00057-00051230-00051686 Situated in Italy’s southwestern region of Campania, the Amalfi Coast is known for fZwWkARaNs0-00058-00051686-00052219 its extraordinary beauty that makes it one of Italy’s top tourist destinations. fZwWkARaNs0-00059-00052219-00052676 Stretching 30 miles along the southern side of the Sorrento Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast fZwWkARaNs0-00060-00052676-00053176 is prized for its picturesque coastline that features shimmering bays, craggy cliffs, lemon fZwWkARaNs0-00061-00053176-00053587 tree gardens, multicolored villas and ritzy resorts. fZwWkARaNs0-00062-00053587-00054117 One of the most romantic and posh towns along the Amalfi Coast is Positano with its beautiful fZwWkARaNs0-00063-00054117-00054520 pebbled beaches, pastel houses and scenic mountains. fZwWkARaNs0-00064-00054520-00054980 One of the larger towns, Amalfi, features lovely plazas lined with restaurants while fZwWkARaNs0-00065-00054980-00055540 the town of Ravello is favored for its beautiful villas of gardens and art works. fZwWkARaNs0-00066-00057047-00057166 Number 4. fZwWkARaNs0-00067-00057166-00057266 Pompeii. fZwWkARaNs0-00068-00057266-00057838 One of Italy’s most visited tourist destinations, Pompeii is a famous Roman city which was buried fZwWkARaNs0-00069-00057838-00058466 under several feet of volcanic ash for nearly 1,700 years after the cataclysmic eruption fZwWkARaNs0-00070-00058466-00058612 of Mt. Vesuvius. fZwWkARaNs0-00071-00058612-00059151 Excavation of Pompeii began in 1748, and the site is yet to be totally unearthed. fZwWkARaNs0-00072-00059151-00059392 The site is located near the modern city of Naples. fZwWkARaNs0-00073-00059392-00059964 A tour of Pompeii offers a fascinating insight into the everyday life of the ancient Roman fZwWkARaNs0-00074-00059964-00060064 world. fZwWkARaNs0-00075-00060064-00060566 Visitors can walk along the ancient streets to see the remains of bakeries, brothels and fZwWkARaNs0-00076-00060566-00060700 baths. fZwWkARaNs0-00077-00062402-00062511 Number 3. fZwWkARaNs0-00078-00062511-00062611 Venice. fZwWkARaNs0-00079-00062611-00063098 One of the most beautiful destinations in Europe, Venice is a unique city in that is fZwWkARaNs0-00080-00063098-00063502 built upon a lagoon surrounded by the Adriatic Sea. fZwWkARaNs0-00081-00063502-00064111 Located in northeastern Italy, Venice is an archipelago of 118 islands all connected by fZwWkARaNs0-00082-00064111-00064434 hundreds of beautiful bridges and scenic canals. fZwWkARaNs0-00083-00064434-00065052 Of the canals, the Grand Canal is most famous and divides the city into two sections. fZwWkARaNs0-00084-00065052-00065517 Picturesque waterways and historic architecture make Venice one of the most romantic cities fZwWkARaNs0-00085-00065517-00065624 in the world. fZwWkARaNs0-00086-00065624-00066149 Venice is often crowded but well worth visiting to see its magnificent landmarks like Saint fZwWkARaNs0-00087-00066149-00066573 Mark’s Square and Basilica, Doge’s Palace and Rialto Bridge. fZwWkARaNs0-00088-00066573-00067062 One of the most popular things to do is to take a gondola ride along one of its many fZwWkARaNs0-00089-00067062-00067130 canals. fZwWkARaNs0-00090-00071630-00071730 Number 2. fZwWkARaNs0-00091-00071730-00071830 Tuscany. fZwWkARaNs0-00092-00071830-00072461 Italy’s most famous region, Tuscany conjures images of beautiful rolling hills, olive groves, fZwWkARaNs0-00093-00072461-00072666 vineyards and cypress trees. fZwWkARaNs0-00094-00072666-00073232 The many pleasures of Tuscany include tasting wine in Chianti, simply relaxing in hill towns fZwWkARaNs0-00095-00073232-00073687 such as San Gimignano or exploring Renaissance art in Florence. fZwWkARaNs0-00096-00073687-00074201 The medieval city of Siena also holds excellent works of art while its historic center is fZwWkARaNs0-00097-00074201-00074489 one of the most popular places to visit in Italy. fZwWkARaNs0-00098-00074489-00075114 Elba, the largest of several Tuscan islands, offers great beaches while Pisa is world-famous fZwWkARaNs0-00099-00075114-00075320 for its Leaning Tower. fZwWkARaNs0-00100-00080826-00080944 Number 1. fZwWkARaNs0-00101-00080944-00081044 Rome. fZwWkARaNs0-00102-00081044-00081544 Formerly the capital of the Roman Empire, Rome today is the government seat and capital fZwWkARaNs0-00103-00081544-00081750 city of Italy. fZwWkARaNs0-00104-00081750-00082256 Located in the country’s central region of Lazio, Rome is a vast and complex city fZwWkARaNs0-00105-00082256-00082602 that is both historic and modern at the same time. fZwWkARaNs0-00106-00082602-00083080 Best known for housing ancient Roman structures and the Vatican City, Rome has endured for fZwWkARaNs0-00107-00083080-00083712 more than 2,500 years as an important center for culture, power and religion. fZwWkARaNs0-00108-00083712-00084257 From ancient romantic plazas to stunning cathedrals and Renaissance architecture, there is so fZwWkARaNs0-00109-00084257-00087168 much to see and do in Rome, that it could take months or even years to see it all. fZAMFMbqo4U-00000-00000050-00000251 [Silence] fZAMFMbqo4U-00001-00000301-00000308 [Background sounds] fZAMFMbqo4U-00002-00000308-00000891 >> It's been a life changing experience that I will always remember. fZAMFMbqo4U-00003-00000911-00001003 I will always cherish. fZAMFMbqo4U-00004-00001026-00001479 When I came in, I genuinely fell in love with the program. fZAMFMbqo4U-00005-00001479-00001802 >> I had never been here prior and I already feel like I'm really a part fZAMFMbqo4U-00006-00001802-00002349 of the whole community of Kingston and of Queen's and I think that it has a lot to do with Queen's, fZAMFMbqo4U-00007-00002349-00002517 with the things that Queen's has done. fZAMFMbqo4U-00008-00002669-00003043 >> The hallmark of Queens, I think, is that they come with a community spirit. fZAMFMbqo4U-00009-00003068-00003435 That the size of the university is more personal than some of the very large universities fZAMFMbqo4U-00010-00003476-00003692 but not too small that it doesn't offer enough programs. fZAMFMbqo4U-00011-00003703-00003934 So they're actually interested in a community. fZAMFMbqo4U-00012-00003934-00004276 So Kingston is a community, Queen's is a community, our Faculty is a community. fZAMFMbqo4U-00013-00004315-00004780 I think that's a very strong point about Queen's generally and about Kingston. fZAMFMbqo4U-00014-00004780-00004956 [Music] fZAMFMbqo4U-00015-00004956-00005365 >> Well our program is made up of a huge amount of practicum compared to coursework, fZAMFMbqo4U-00016-00005383-00005570 compared to other universities in this province. fZAMFMbqo4U-00017-00005613-00005666 That's number one. fZAMFMbqo4U-00018-00005705-00006194 Another unique feature is that we have a FOCI course where the people can take a course fZAMFMbqo4U-00019-00006224-00006829 such as at-risk youth or out of classroom experiences or teaching abroad or teachers fZAMFMbqo4U-00020-00006829-00007221 in business and industry or exceptional children in the regular classroom. fZAMFMbqo4U-00021-00007264-00007686 They can take these FOCI courses and really delve into the additional topic fZAMFMbqo4U-00022-00007690-00007825 and immerse themselves into more learning. fZAMFMbqo4U-00023-00007856-00008279 On top of that, they do a three week alternative practicum that puts meat to the bone fZAMFMbqo4U-00024-00008305-00008797 of that FOCI that they've been looking at. fZAMFMbqo4U-00025-00008809-00009249 >> We see a lot more placement than most universities offer and you have the opportunity fZAMFMbqo4U-00026-00009249-00009572 to do an alternative practicum which you can do anywhere in the world. fZAMFMbqo4U-00027-00009634-00010157 So for me, I'm going to the International School of Brussels in Belgium and, because of the way fZAMFMbqo4U-00028-00010157-00010626 that Queen's is setup, I was able to qualify for full funding to go. fZAMFMbqo4U-00029-00010676-00011087 >> I'm really excited for the alternative practicum because it's so wide open. fZAMFMbqo4U-00030-00011128-00011486 As long as it has something to do with education, you can do it. fZAMFMbqo4U-00031-00011601-00011925 The big draw for me was also the international fair because it's kind of one of kind fZAMFMbqo4U-00032-00011925-00012180 and if teaching overseas is something that someone's interested fZAMFMbqo4U-00033-00012180-00012306 in then this would be the school to go to. fZAMFMbqo4U-00034-00012306-00012441 [Music] fZAMFMbqo4U-00035-00012441-00012871 >> The first year students who are here have a real benefit because we come here knowing fZAMFMbqo4U-00036-00012899-00013082 that we will be considering first year teachers. fZAMFMbqo4U-00037-00013146-00013697 We tend to look for teachers with 2 to 8 years of experience, if not more, fZAMFMbqo4U-00038-00013768-00014118 but here we come looking for truly talented first year teachers. fZAMFMbqo4U-00039-00014147-00014625 I've hired several over my years in this fair and this is one of the only fairs I even look fZAMFMbqo4U-00040-00014625-00014993 at first teachers because of the reputation of the students who have come out of this program. fZAMFMbqo4U-00041-00015027-00015346 They have a shot at jobs and they have a shot at getting fZAMFMbqo4U-00042-00015354-00015611 that all important first position overseas. fZAMFMbqo4U-00043-00015655-00016047 And not just in any school but in some good schools. fZAMFMbqo4U-00044-00016071-00016647 It maintains that feel of Kingston and you know as they modernize things, which is great fZAMFMbqo4U-00045-00016647-00017077 and absolutely wonderful now to be online and able to access candidate databases, fZAMFMbqo4U-00046-00017077-00017471 they're managing to do that without losing that sense of family and that sense fZAMFMbqo4U-00047-00017471-00017592 of history that's been with the fair. fZAMFMbqo4U-00048-00017672-00017850 >> It's very easy to live in Kingston. fZAMFMbqo4U-00049-00017916-00018384 It's easy to get around and this is coming from a very complicated lifestyle too. fZAMFMbqo4U-00050-00018401-00018504 I am a single parent. fZAMFMbqo4U-00051-00018504-00018760 I have a 6 and a half year old daughter who's very active fZAMFMbqo4U-00052-00018765-00018955 and loves extracurriculars and everything. fZAMFMbqo4U-00053-00018955-00019267 And it's big enough that you have everything you need, fZAMFMbqo4U-00054-00019326-00019782 small enough that it's not too chaotic in any sense. fZAMFMbqo4U-00055-00019782-00019991 You don't have to have a vehicle to live in Kingston. fZAMFMbqo4U-00056-00020021-00020487 I have a car and I barely use it because I find it really easy to get fZAMFMbqo4U-00057-00020487-00020678 around without one especially if you're hanging fZAMFMbqo4U-00058-00020678-00020919 around like this end of town where the university is. fZAMFMbqo4U-00059-00020951-00021211 There's all sorts of conveniences available to you to live here. fZAMFMbqo4U-00060-00021260-00021531 I was able to find childcare. fZAMFMbqo4U-00061-00021531-00021779 I was able to find an apartment. fZAMFMbqo4U-00062-00021779-00022176 I was able to do everything that I needed to do before I even got here. fZAMFMbqo4U-00063-00022261-00022736 >> We have enormous resources to help teachers find jobs. fZAMFMbqo4U-00064-00022752-00023315 Throughout the year, we hold workshops including job search workshops, cover letter writing, fZAMFMbqo4U-00065-00023315-00023757 resume writing, because resumes for the education industry are very different fZAMFMbqo4U-00066-00023762-00024289 than resumes for other industries, interview workshops and one-on-one counseling. fZAMFMbqo4U-00067-00024465-00025059 There are a lot of dedicated people who are really upbeat, very optimistic, fZAMFMbqo4U-00068-00025137-00025548 who really care about the students in this program and care about the quality of education. fZAMFMbqo4U-00069-00025603-00025803 [ Music ] fZAMFMbqo4U-00070-00025804-00026045 >> [Singing] One by one, you and me, that's how we build community. fZAMFMbqo4U-00071-00026061-00026596 Take the step, take your turn, learn to teach, teach to learn, support, connect, fZAMFMbqo4U-00072-00026610-00026836 collaborate, be a part, help us create. fZAMFMbqo4U-00073-00026848-00027514 Yeah, one by one, you and me, that's how we build community, one by one, fZAMFMbqo4U-00074-00027556-00028340 that's how we build community, one by one, you and me, that's how we build community. fZAMFMbqo4U-00075-00028352-00029076 One by one, you and me, that's how we build community. fZAMFMbqo4U-00076-00029118-00029497 Learn to teach, teach to learn. fZAMFMbqo4U-00077-00029501-00029600 [Silence] fb8bJOrA9O0-00000-00000112-00000488 Hi, and welcome to Lesson Seven on Electromagnetic Waves. fb8bJOrA9O0-00001-00000488-00000888 In the previous two lessons, we have worked hard in deriving Maxwell's equations, fb8bJOrA9O0-00002-00000888-00001392 and finally it's time to apply them and show that light is, in fact, an electromagnetic wave. fb8bJOrA9O0-00003-00001456-00001888 So let's start by reviewing our understanding of Maxwell's equations. fb8bJOrA9O0-00004-00002144-00002752 So we derived Maxwell's equations in two very different forms. One was the integral form, and fb8bJOrA9O0-00005-00002752-00003232 the way how to understand this integral form is that it offers a global view of what is happening fb8bJOrA9O0-00006-00003232-00003911 with the electric and magnetic field. So here are the four Maxwell's equations (see slide). The fb8bJOrA9O0-00007-00003911-00004712 first two equations tell us about static fields and they look at fluxes through surfaces. So fb8bJOrA9O0-00008-00004712-00005296 always, remember that we are computing the flux of an electric field through a surface A, fb8bJOrA9O0-00009-00005360-00005848 some closed surface A, and also flux of the magnetic field through a closed surface A. fb8bJOrA9O0-00010-00005976-00006504 In the case of the electric field, this flux is actually dependent on the sources of fb8bJOrA9O0-00011-00006584-00007359 electric fields enclosed within the volume whose surface is A. In particular, it's given fb8bJOrA9O0-00012-00007359-00007904 by this term here (M1 RHS), the total charge of that volume divided by epsilon naught, which I fb8bJOrA9O0-00013-00007904-00008496 remind you is the permittivity of free space. In the case of a magnetic field, the flux through a fb8bJOrA9O0-00014-00008496-00009192 closed surface is always zero, much simpler. And Maxwell's third and fourth equation, they tell fb8bJOrA9O0-00015-00009192-00009824 us about time varying fields. What happens when we introduce fields that are changing in time? fb8bJOrA9O0-00016-00009912-00010544 And always, we are looking at a line integral on the left of the magnetic field and the electric fb8bJOrA9O0-00017-00010544-00011328 field, and somehow that's related to the time change of the other field. So the line integral fb8bJOrA9O0-00018-00011328-00012072 of the electric field is always related to the time change of the magnetic field, and vice versa. fb8bJOrA9O0-00019-00012272-00012776 The other form of Maxwell's equations is the differential form, and this tells us about fb8bJOrA9O0-00020-00012776-00013463 local view, it gives us local information of what the fields must do in order to satisfy classical fb8bJOrA9O0-00021-00013463-00014088 physics, classical electrodynamics. And here they are again (see slide), and in this case fb8bJOrA9O0-00022-00014088-00014719 we are always looking at a point in space, and at that point these are the four equations that fb8bJOrA9O0-00023-00014719-00015296 electric and magnetic fields must satisfy. So the first (two) equations tell us about the divergence fb8bJOrA9O0-00024-00015296-00015888 of the field, and always, the divergence of the electric field is again, related to fb8bJOrA9O0-00025-00015960-00016408 sources and sinks of electric fields, so to electric charges and electric charge fb8bJOrA9O0-00026-00016408-00016848 distributions, which is not surprising because this was the case in the integral form as well. fb8bJOrA9O0-00027-00016928-00017560 And similarly, to the flux of a magnetic field through a surface, its divergence must be equal fb8bJOrA9O0-00028-00017560-00018592 to zero because there are no magnetic monopoles. Also, Maxwell's third equation relates the curl of fb8bJOrA9O0-00029-00018688-00019064 the electric field to the change of the magnetic field. fb8bJOrA9O0-00030-00019304-00019968 And finally, the last Maxwell's equation tells us about the curl of the magnetic field fb8bJOrA9O0-00031-00019968-00020728 and how that relates to the time varying electric field. fboTilcz7W0-00000-00000176-00000848 Okay we've got a sample of skittles candy with 85 green, 72 orange, 100 purple, fboTilcz7W0-00001-00000848-00001576 95 red, and 72 yellows. We want to create a simple pie chart fboTilcz7W0-00002-00001576-00002600 for this data which will show the proportion that each color contributes to the total sample size. fboTilcz7W0-00003-00002896-00003679 So, in general the basic way to create any chart in Excel is going to be to highlight the data fboTilcz7W0-00004-00003679-00004456 that you want to have included in your chart. We usually don't want to highlight extra stuff, like fboTilcz7W0-00005-00004528-00004968 like maybe we have the total down here which would be something we might be interested in seeing, fboTilcz7W0-00006-00005024-00005376 or we have that column heading above. We want to highlight fboTilcz7W0-00007-00005456-00006056 just the data that we want plotted, okay, which is the count for each category and then we're going fboTilcz7W0-00008-00006056-00006600 to look under the Insert tab, we're going to look at the chart options and for a circle graph we're fboTilcz7W0-00009-00006600-00007512 going to take the first/simplest 2d pie chart, okay, and we'll click that and it appears here. fboTilcz7W0-00010-00007592-00007864 We're going to have to do a little bit of formatting to adjust it fboTilcz7W0-00011-00007959-00008696 but that's about the right display. You can see we've got a default legend that appears: fboTilcz7W0-00012-00008824-00009640 one, two, three, four, five. That legend doesn't really do us any good. We could correct the fboTilcz7W0-00013-00009640-00010360 labels so that they actually corresponded to the categories or we can do call-outs fboTilcz7W0-00014-00010360-00010928 so that each wedge is just directly labeled. And so if I right-click on one of these wedges fboTilcz7W0-00015-00011240-00011800 and look here under the add data label option, what I actually want to add is fboTilcz7W0-00016-00011856-00012464 data callouts. And so I've right clicked on a wedge brought up this context menu. I'm fboTilcz7W0-00017-00012464-00012919 looking under the add data labels options. I'm going to add what it's calling a "data fboTilcz7W0-00018-00012919-00013736 call out." Now each of these has been labeled with that index, one two, three, four, five, fboTilcz7W0-00019-00013808-00014384 and the percentage, 22 percent. So I still don't like those one, two, three, four, fives. I really fboTilcz7W0-00020-00014384-00014912 want them to correspond to the color names over here so I'm going to right click again fboTilcz7W0-00021-00015160-00015591 on one of these wedges in the chart and i'm going to choose "select data." That select fboTilcz7W0-00022-00015591-00016384 data option is going to give you this dialog that controls what is being plotted and what fboTilcz7W0-00023-00016384-00016984 labels are created. The default labels because I hadn't included any labeling in the chart fboTilcz7W0-00024-00017144-00017784 columns that I inserted is this one, two, three, four, five. I'm going to edit that. Click "edit." fboTilcz7W0-00025-00017784-00018304 I get another dialog box and I'm going to click out here in the body of the chart and highlight fboTilcz7W0-00026-00018368-00018656 the column that contains those actual corresponding fboTilcz7W0-00027-00018712-00019536 labels and once I've done that I click ok. I click ok, those labels now appear in the call outs and fboTilcz7W0-00028-00019536-00020088 they also appear down here in the legend. Now in this case because I've gone with these callouts fboTilcz7W0-00029-00020088-00020440 the legend down here is entirely redundant. So I'm going to turn it off. fboTilcz7W0-00030-00020528-00021088 If I look up here at this "add chart element" tab you can see I've got access to data labels, fboTilcz7W0-00031-00021088-00021664 title, and legend. I'm going to set it to "no legend." I don't need a legend because I've fboTilcz7W0-00032-00021664-00022280 got those call outs that give those names. I also want to edit that chart title. Okay fboTilcz7W0-00033-00022280-00022832 we either turn it off or we edit it to be an appropriate name. In other words, it should fboTilcz7W0-00034-00022832-00024084 never be left as that default placeholder value of "Chart Title." Let's use a descriptive title, like fboTilcz7W0-00035-00024456-00025336 "Skittles Color Distribution." Now that's pretty good. You can see it's a fairly even split among fboTilcz7W0-00036-00025336-00025936 those colors you can see the percentage labels you can see the color category labels, and so in most fboTilcz7W0-00037-00025936-00026495 cases, you know, that would be a pretty good for a pie chart. Now in this case, because our fboTilcz7W0-00038-00026495-00027632 category data is actually colors, it seems sort of silly to have the yellow wedge be blue and the red fboTilcz7W0-00039-00027632-00028239 wedge be yellow and the green wedge be blue, and so on. So I'm going to actually manually change fboTilcz7W0-00040-00028304-00028976 that color sequence so they correspond. Let's still keep the color names because that's helpful, fboTilcz7W0-00041-00028976-00029408 especially if you have a viewer looking at this who's colorblind or if you print it in fboTilcz7W0-00042-00029408-00029936 black and white. So one click and you'll see that I've got all of the wedges highlighted. fboTilcz7W0-00043-00030024-00030576 A left click again in one bar and now you can see that just this wedge is highlighted. So I've got fboTilcz7W0-00044-00030576-00031088 just this wedge highlighted, now I right click and I'm just going to change that fill color. fboTilcz7W0-00045-00031272-00031648 We'll make the green wedge green. Now I'm left clicking again. fboTilcz7W0-00046-00031704-00032152 I just have to make sure that I've got just this orange one highlighted. And well it just happened fboTilcz7W0-00047-00032152-00032776 to already be orange, so that looks good. We'll highlight this wedge. So I've clicked on it; fboTilcz7W0-00048-00032776-00033360 make sure that just that wedge is highlighted not the whole thing. Then I right click and change fboTilcz7W0-00049-00033360-00034072 the fill color to what I'm looking for, in this case it's purple. Okay, change this one to red fboTilcz7W0-00050-00034440-00035472 and we'll change this one to yellow. So those wouldn't be steps that I would necessarily fboTilcz7W0-00051-00035472-00036000 have to do every time I create a pie chart in Excel, but in this case I think it looks much fboTilcz7W0-00052-00036000-00036584 better to have the color coordination. And so there's our simple pie chart. fcZhkAnq1KQ-00000-00000546-00001200 A How-To Guide on setting up your lavalier microphone you will need a fcZhkAnq1KQ-00001-00001200-00001764 lavalier microphone with an eighth inch mini plug a tablet or smart phone fcZhkAnq1KQ-00002-00001764-00002641 adapter a windscreen and a tie clip to begin check to see if your microphone is fcZhkAnq1KQ-00003-00002641-00003372 powered by batteries for best results use new batteries each time now plug the fcZhkAnq1KQ-00004-00003372-00004047 microphone into the microphone input of the smartphone or tablet adapter plug fcZhkAnq1KQ-00005-00004047-00004776 the adapter into your camera's headphone jack use the windscreen provided in your fcZhkAnq1KQ-00006-00004776-00005442 kit to eliminate wind heavy breathing and background noise attach the tie clip fcZhkAnq1KQ-00007-00005442-00006198 near the microphone and pin to your interviewee plug headphones into the fcZhkAnq1KQ-00008-00006198-00006808 headphone input of your adapter monitor your audio through the headphones fcZhkAnq1KQ-00009-00006808-00007366 throughout the entire shoot the camera app does not let you monitor your audio fcZhkAnq1KQ-00010-00007366-00007798 while recording if you would like to do this you will need to download a fcZhkAnq1KQ-00011-00007798-00008416 third-party app if you are using the camera app make sure to record a test fcZhkAnq1KQ-00012-00008416-00009022 audio before filming and listen to your audio between each take sound is a key fcZhkAnq1KQ-00013-00009022-00009523 component to video by following these steps you will ensure good audio and be fcZhkAnq1KQ-00014-00009523-00010080 one step closer to a quality video ffZvHIJMKTY-00000-00003074-00003350 We arebeing killed. ffZvHIJMKTY-00001-00003350-00003744 We are being tortured. ffZvHIJMKTY-00002-00003744-00004244 Our kids are being raped. Hhijabs are of oursisters are being ripped apart. ffZvHIJMKTY-00003-00004244-00005896 Our kids, our elders, our youngsters, our ladies, ourgents; are being bullied in bright day light. ffZvHIJMKTY-00004-00006344-00007184 ...and and and these kuffars have the audacity to drop bombs right on our homes! ffZvHIJMKTY-00005-00007448-00007809 ...and in broad daylight right in our faces! ffZvHIJMKTY-00006-00007809-00008240 Right in the faces of these nuclear powers! ffZvHIJMKTY-00007-00008392-00008810 Right in the faces of these Arab, so-calledbrethren! ffZvHIJMKTY-00008-00008810-00009984 ...and right in the faces of these Arabs who call themselves "Khaidimain Al-Harmain Al-Sharifain" (the servants of the two Holy Masjids) ffZvHIJMKTY-00009-00010280-00010904 Nobody in this whole world has the audacity; has the courage... ffZvHIJMKTY-00010-00010904-00011592 ...to call upon Israel to stop the bombing... to not kill our kids... ffZvHIJMKTY-00011-00011944-00012896 Nobody has the courage to call the Americans, right in their faces to stop the Israeli aid! ffZvHIJMKTY-00012-00013119-00013472 Everyone of us... every muslim... ffZvHIJMKTY-00013-00013591-00014408 ...every citizen... and every leader all overthe world... is only worrying for his own self! ffZvHIJMKTY-00014-00014632-00015544 If i am getting the food on my table today, i haveno problem with my kids being killed in Palestine! ffZvHIJMKTY-00015-00015544-00015996 ...with my sisters being raped in Burma... ffZvHIJMKTY-00016-00015996-00016632 ...and withmy brothers being brainwashed and being imprisoned in china! ffZvHIJMKTY-00017-00016696-00017080 That is the state of Ummah right now! ffZvHIJMKTY-00018-00017080-00017424 Look at me! What am i talking about! ffZvHIJMKTY-00019-00017568-00018224 iIm not talking about the states! I'm not talkingabout the Palestinians and the Iraqis... ffZvHIJMKTY-00020-00018224-00018568 ...and the Libyans... and the.. and the Syrians and the Pakistanis... ffZvHIJMKTY-00021-00018568-00018984 and and and i'm not talking about that stuff! ffZvHIJMKTY-00022-00019240-00019612 I am talking about "WE", "US"! ffZvHIJMKTY-00023-00019612-00020256 I'm talking about us... that we were... before our colonisation! ffZvHIJMKTY-00024-00020432-00020680 ...and i'm talking about us that we werea hundred years ago! ffZvHIJMKTY-00025-00020784-00020834 ...that is us! ffZvHIJMKTY-00026-00020834-00020884 that is all ofus! ffZvHIJMKTY-00027-00020884-00022584 There is no Palestinian! there is no syrian there is no iraqi there is no pakistani there is no bangladeshi we are all us we are all us ffZvHIJMKTY-00028-00022752-00023400 and like prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said muslims are like one body if one ffZvHIJMKTY-00029-00023400-00024480 part if one organ is in trouble is sick the whole body gets sick that is us what happened to us ffZvHIJMKTY-00030-00024680-00025384 everyone of us is just worrying of about our food our jobs our future what future ffZvHIJMKTY-00031-00025536-00026495 you know every youngster in palestine wakes up for a future every day and a lot of them ffZvHIJMKTY-00032-00026616-00027488 are being killed the same day right in front of our eyes what future we are living in ffZvHIJMKTY-00033-00027488-00028352 the end times israel has completed its plan of building the third temple and they're about to ffZvHIJMKTY-00034-00028352-00029152 materialize those plants they must have built it already underneath aksa who knows and we and we ffZvHIJMKTY-00035-00029152-00029727 we worry about going to school the next day going to the job next day getting the next food ffZvHIJMKTY-00036-00029727-00030327 getting our next car next computer next mobile phone what are we doing where are we going ffZvHIJMKTY-00037-00030504-00031295 come on guys open your eyes now you would ask what can i do living in pakistan what can i ffZvHIJMKTY-00038-00031295-00032104 do living in saudi arabia you are everything we are living in a democratic world for good or for ffZvHIJMKTY-00039-00032104-00033008 bad but it is a democratic world you matter if you speak your government's fee tremble ffZvHIJMKTY-00040-00033192-00033896 if you speak if you discuss if you talk with each other it is a trouble for your government and if ffZvHIJMKTY-00041-00033896-00034848 enough of us speak it becomes obligatory for our governments to take action now you would ask what ffZvHIJMKTY-00042-00034848-00036152 action even if we stop or slow down the trade with us and israel for one month they would be forced ffZvHIJMKTY-00043-00036152-00036816 to stop their activities but you know let let's get this straight this is not going to happen ffZvHIJMKTY-00044-00036896-00037528 we're not going to wake up and and and not enough of us are going to wake up ffZvHIJMKTY-00045-00037528-00038552 so that our governments take action so so let's get this straight we are at this point we are at ffZvHIJMKTY-00046-00038552-00039576 the age we are we we are living in the era where prophet muhammad sallam huge wars will take place ffZvHIJMKTY-00047-00039824-00040536 just around the corner and i'm not making this up go go look up ahadees go look up eschatology ffZvHIJMKTY-00048-00040536-00041160 we are living in the exact same era and there is no doubt about that ffZvHIJMKTY-00049-00041160-00041792 and all of the scholars of eschatology from all schools of thoughts agree on that ffZvHIJMKTY-00050-00041928-00043072 and stop stop keeping your eyes closed and stop lying to yourself you do not know what tomorrow is ffZvHIJMKTY-00051-00043072-00043864 going to bring you know iraqis saddam hussein and and and the citizens of citizens of iraq then they ffZvHIJMKTY-00052-00043864-00044640 thought they had a future they did not you know muhammad kazafi our libyan brothers and sisters ffZvHIJMKTY-00053-00044640-00045376 they thought they had a future they did not have one yemenis are brothers over there they thought ffZvHIJMKTY-00054-00045376-00045896 and sisters and our children they thought they had a future they thought they would make a carrier ffZvHIJMKTY-00055-00045976-00046640 they thought they would have a rich lifestyle they did not have a career they did not have ffZvHIJMKTY-00056-00046640-00047432 a future they were planning and you know i think about that any of us could be next ffZvHIJMKTY-00057-00047560-00048136 so so take action we are not enough of us going to have going to wake up ffZvHIJMKTY-00058-00048256-00049056 to take action to to speak up in enough numbers for our governments to fear so let's get this ffZvHIJMKTY-00059-00049056-00049592 straight we are in the times where great wars would take place and what would happen ffZvHIJMKTY-00060-00049592-00050160 when great wars would take place you know when muslims are in their worst condition ffZvHIJMKTY-00061-00050312-00051024 and great wars are just around the corner allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would send someone ffZvHIJMKTY-00062-00051144-00052144 and allah subhanahu wa would bring some hope for the muslim ummah and what that hope would be ffZvHIJMKTY-00063-00052376-00053279 you know where i'm coming from that hope would be al-mahdi he would be a simple normal human ffZvHIJMKTY-00064-00053279-00053872 being a normal muslim from the lineage of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his name ffZvHIJMKTY-00065-00053872-00054367 would be muhammad and his father's name would be like the name of the father of prophet muhammad ffZvHIJMKTY-00066-00054600-00055304 so we are looking for someone whose name would be muhammad and his father's name would be abdullah ffZvHIJMKTY-00067-00055576-00056304 and we have to look for him and i'm not talking from the perspective that he's living in a cave ffZvHIJMKTY-00068-00056304-00057040 sleeping or something like that i'm talking about the sunni perspective the true sunnah the true ffZvHIJMKTY-00069-00057040-00057967 islam that has come to us so so it is time to look for that all of the signs of that person to appear ffZvHIJMKTY-00070-00058096-00058528 have been completed and and we have to look for that person ffZvHIJMKTY-00071-00058608-00059384 and any one of us who who has the anxiety who feels the pain of the ummah ffZvHIJMKTY-00072-00059384-00060384 would would would cry and would would shout his heart out and prostrate to allah prayer ffZvHIJMKTY-00073-00061264-00061784 in that time and if that person has born or not ffZvHIJMKTY-00074-00061872-00062608 look uh dr sara matt a very well known scholar of the modern times he said ffZvHIJMKTY-00075-00062816-00062976 a couple of decades ago ffZvHIJMKTY-00076-00063120-00063896 that he believes all of the signs of the mahdi have completed and the mahdi ffZvHIJMKTY-00077-00063896-00064800 must have born already so we have to look for that person and i told you the first sign that he his ffZvHIJMKTY-00078-00064800-00065488 name would be muhammad and his father's name would be abdullah and he would be from the lineage of ffZvHIJMKTY-00079-00065624-00066576 prophet muhammed and and where would he be he would take oath sitting with the wall of kaaba ffZvHIJMKTY-00080-00066720-00067672 but would he be an arab not necessarily so so where would he be are you looking for him in in ffZvHIJMKTY-00081-00067672-00068520 in the arab world no no brother and sisters you cannot look for him in the arab world ffZvHIJMKTY-00082-00068520-00069208 why because there are clear ahadis of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam which states ffZvHIJMKTY-00083-00069520-00070184 so the arabs they were given the quran in their own language it was their ffZvHIJMKTY-00084-00070264-00071024 responsibility first of all to take the quran hold it and spread its message and it's it's ffZvHIJMKTY-00085-00071024-00071992 sharia all over the world and look what they did they conspired with with with the british empire ffZvHIJMKTY-00086-00072096-00072880 and they rebelled again against their own khilafah and they created their own states ffZvHIJMKTY-00087-00072880-00073664 for their own vested gains and you are expecting that the mahdi would appear from arab ffZvHIJMKTY-00088-00073664-00074368 no and this is not me saying that this is prophet muhammad sallam the last prophet ffZvHIJMKTY-00089-00074368-00075280 then the final prophet muhammad sallam this is him saying that and in and and he said that ffZvHIJMKTY-00090-00075512-00075784 allah ffZvHIJMKTY-00091-00080448-00080720 so look where would the mahdi appear from then ffZvHIJMKTY-00092-00080928-00081920 when when the three when the three brothers fight over khilafah then the black signs ffZvHIJMKTY-00093-00082072-00082728 black visuals would arise from the east and even if you have to go skating on the snow ffZvHIJMKTY-00094-00082728-00083720 you would you must show your allegiance with them because there would be mahdi within them so mahdi ffZvHIJMKTY-00095-00083720-00084408 has to be in the east we have to look for him in the east so what lies in the east that is ffZvHIJMKTY-00096-00084408-00085200 pakistan afghanistan and i'm not i cannot say iran because that is a totally different perspective uh ffZvHIJMKTY-00097-00085280-00086016 there are hardly any sunnis over there so so we are looking for someone named muhammad ffZvHIJMKTY-00098-00086168-00087120 bin abdullah and that someone must be uh hashimi or uh meaning uh his ffZvHIJMKTY-00099-00087120-00087672 cost must be hashmi or sayyad meaning he must be from the lineage of prophet muhammad sallallahu ffZvHIJMKTY-00100-00087672-00088384 alaihi wasallam and there must be something to identify him and and what is there something ffZvHIJMKTY-00101-00088480-00089424 he must have some sign from allah that only the ones allah would give a special ffZvHIJMKTY-00102-00089424-00090552 vian would be able to see and identify there is one person there is one person with these signs ffZvHIJMKTY-00103-00090792-00091432 and his name is and this is me talking this is not him claiming mahdi this is me talking ffZvHIJMKTY-00104-00091512-00092240 i was looking for him and and this is my academic research you can call this is my own ffZvHIJMKTY-00105-00092328-00092824 research about that person and i could be wrong frankly i could be wrong ffZvHIJMKTY-00106-00092920-00093632 this is my research about that person i think that the mahdi ffZvHIJMKTY-00107-00093632-00094352 could be this person and the name of the person is muhammad qasim why i'm saying that there are ffZvHIJMKTY-00108-00094352-00094896 a lot of signs that fall true on him there are still some signs that do not fall true on him ffZvHIJMKTY-00109-00094976-00095696 but there are some signs that do fall through him on him so i can say that he's a very very very ffZvHIJMKTY-00110-00095696-00096488 solid candidate for mahdi number one his name is muhammad qasim so his first name is muhammad his ffZvHIJMKTY-00111-00096560-00097448 father's name was abdul kareem and al-karim over here is the name of allah meaning he is ffZvHIJMKTY-00112-00097448-00098008 the servant of allah or abdul kareem servant of allah and so was the name of the father of ffZvHIJMKTY-00113-00098456-00098872 the servant of allah so this is quite certain as well ffZvHIJMKTY-00114-00098872-00099480 that muhammad qasim is muhammad bin abdul qarim or you can say simply muhammad bin ffZvHIJMKTY-00115-00099480-00100368 abdullah and now what is his lineage his cost is hashmi that's what the family writes and ffZvHIJMKTY-00116-00100680-00101120 you can also call them sayyid so this is quite certain that their ffZvHIJMKTY-00117-00101120-00101560 lineage is uh also from uh prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ffZvHIJMKTY-00118-00101632-00102392 and another sign of mahadi uh that i already said that he would appear from the east and he's ffZvHIJMKTY-00119-00102392-00103176 in the east he's from pakistan and the prophet muhammad said that his nose would be tall ffZvHIJMKTY-00120-00103176-00103832 and his forehead would be broad and you can see in the picture it very much ffZvHIJMKTY-00121-00103832-00104800 falls perfect on muhammad khasi so very important sign why would we consider someone to be mahdi ffZvHIJMKTY-00122-00104800-00105592 that he could be mahdi that i already said he must have something that we could identify him from ffZvHIJMKTY-00123-00105688-00106432 and in the case of muhammad qasim he does hear allah's voice in his dreams ffZvHIJMKTY-00124-00106576-00107111 also he has seen uh prophet muhammad the final prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam uh several ffZvHIJMKTY-00125-00107111-00107983 hundred times in it in his dreams also the message he receives from allah and uh prophet muhammad ffZvHIJMKTY-00126-00108064-00109064 is that is that muslims must eradicate must get rid of all forms of shirk and you see ffZvHIJMKTY-00127-00109135-00110200 all of the jals all of the liars that have claimed themselves as mahdi missed this point that all ffZvHIJMKTY-00128-00110200-00110904 of the prophets that allah sent on this earth were sent to eradicate shirk because allah subhana wa ffZvHIJMKTY-00129-00110904-00111856 tala can't forgive anything except shirk and this is why all of the prophets were sent to this world ffZvHIJMKTY-00130-00112048-00113288 and and muhammad qasim is not claiming prophet he is explicitly exclusively said clearly said ffZvHIJMKTY-00131-00113288-00114192 that he is not a prophet he is not claiming a prophet in any case whatsoever knows and another ffZvHIJMKTY-00132-00114192-00114759 thing that he sees in his dreams that prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam calls him ffZvHIJMKTY-00133-00114759-00115632 my son prophet muhammad calls him qasim my son prophet muhammad sallallahu was called qasim so ffZvHIJMKTY-00134-00115632-00116400 the son of prophet muhammad allahu alaihi wasallam whose name was kosim uh passed away very young uh ffZvHIJMKTY-00135-00116472-00117288 but maybe allah took uh that Qasim him uh from um this world may and and maybe allah subhanahu ffZvHIJMKTY-00136-00117288-00117888 ta'ala gave another cosm to the lineage of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ffZvHIJMKTY-00137-00117983-00118920 and that qasim could become mahdi and since mahdi would be the one who would be ffZvHIJMKTY-00138-00118920-00119935 giving away a lot of food and a lot of money according to a hadees so maybe that's ffZvHIJMKTY-00139-00119935-00120688 the hikmah of allah that he has picked a person whose name is qasim as well but his first name ffZvHIJMKTY-00140-00120688-00121464 in any case whatsoever is muhammad that is uh exactly according to the sign explained ffZvHIJMKTY-00141-00121464-00122008 by prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the last prophet and the most important sign ffZvHIJMKTY-00142-00122176-00122808 the most important sign and this is also the one that all of the the jobs and and ffZvHIJMKTY-00143-00122808-00123600 all of the liars before have missed and that is that the mahdi would be someone who would hate ffZvHIJMKTY-00144-00123680-00124511 who would not like to be the mahdi and the people would take oath from him by force ffZvHIJMKTY-00145-00124511-00125464 and until the last point he would keep on denying keep on trying to run away from the responsibility ffZvHIJMKTY-00146-00125464-00125968 and all of the dajjals because they were in a rush they were in a hurry to ffZvHIJMKTY-00147-00126168-00126792 to gain the benefits of this world all of the dajjals and all of the kazabs and all of the ffZvHIJMKTY-00148-00126792-00127592 liars before have claimed mahdi themselves and you know this is me talking and i think ffZvHIJMKTY-00149-00127592-00128304 muhammad qasim could be madi but if you hear from muhammad qasim he has been saying for past several ffZvHIJMKTY-00150-00128304-00129183 years that he is not the mahdi and he will not claim mahdi ever this is a very solid point the ffZvHIJMKTY-00151-00129183-00130383 methi will revive islam and create one ummah and will combine all of the sections in the countries ffZvHIJMKTY-00152-00130440-00131184 and all of the different uh categories and groups of ummah into one ummah ffZvHIJMKTY-00153-00131184-00131928 and the mahdi will establish one khilafah from pakistan all the way to jerusalem ffZvHIJMKTY-00154-00132048-00132704 and after that there would be seven years of peace and after that there would be the jail and so on ffZvHIJMKTY-00155-00132704-00133416 and so forth so how would that happen for that matter you would have to look for muhammad qasim's ffZvHIJMKTY-00156-00133656-00134392 content on youtube and on the internet and you would have to find out what exactly is ffZvHIJMKTY-00157-00134392-00135016 his content and what is the message that is that he is receiving from allah and ffZvHIJMKTY-00158-00135016-00135800 uh and and the last prophet the prophet muhammad sallam through dreams and last but not least ffZvHIJMKTY-00159-00135888-00136728 that the dreams have a solid and a very strong position in sharia and prophet muhammad sallallahu ffZvHIJMKTY-00160-00136728-00137520 alaihi wasallam used to ask the dreams of his companions uh in after the fajr prayer ffZvHIJMKTY-00161-00137600-00138128 and then prophet muhammad sallam himself used to tell the interpretation or asked ffZvHIJMKTY-00162-00138128-00138784 one of the companions to uh interpret the dreams after hearing from the people ffZvHIJMKTY-00163-00138872-00140016 uh also uh prophet muhammad sallam said in in hadith that nothing out of the signs and the ffZvHIJMKTY-00164-00140016-00141048 powers of nabua is left apart from uh the blessed are true dreams that a mormon sees for himself or ffZvHIJMKTY-00165-00141048-00141736 someone that some other movement sees for him also prophet muhammed allahu alaihi wasallam said ffZvHIJMKTY-00166-00141736-00142560 that whoever has seen me sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a dream he has seen me because ffZvHIJMKTY-00167-00142672-00143552 the satan cannot take my shape i'll come out all and this is important and and understand it very ffZvHIJMKTY-00168-00143552-00144384 clearly if you or someone else has really seen prophet muhammad sallam in his dream ffZvHIJMKTY-00169-00144584-00145728 then you do not need anyone else approval for that because this is a demand that has been guaranteed ffZvHIJMKTY-00170-00145728-00146272 by prophet muhammad sallam himself that the satan cannot ffZvHIJMKTY-00171-00146392-00147184 take his ship and when something is guaranteed it is guaranteed it is a source of information ffZvHIJMKTY-00172-00147184-00148096 it is a source of solid signal from allah just like the quran has not been changed ffZvHIJMKTY-00173-00148168-00148736 from the day it was revealed on the final prophet muhammad allahu allahu salaam it ffZvHIJMKTY-00174-00148736-00149272 will never be changed until the day of the qiyamah because allah subhanahu wa said ffZvHIJMKTY-00175-00149576-00150688 it is the quran it is the book that was that was sent by allah and it is being protected by allah ffZvHIJMKTY-00176-00150688-00151304 nobody on earth nobody in the whole universe can change it because because it is the ffZvHIJMKTY-00177-00151304-00152000 guarantee of allah and the final prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the last prophet ffZvHIJMKTY-00178-00152000-00152712 of allah and is the messenger of allah there is no messenger there is no nabi after prophet ffZvHIJMKTY-00179-00152712-00153456 muhammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam so this is the guarantee of prophet muhammad sallam that whoever ffZvHIJMKTY-00180-00153456-00154376 sees him in a dream has seen him it was him if you felt that in the dream so now go over and look at ffZvHIJMKTY-00181-00154376-00154912 the dreams of muhammad qasim look at the content of mohammed qasim on youtube and the channel is ffZvHIJMKTY-00182-00154992-00155880 youtube.com slash mohammed qasim pk and his official website is muhammad kasim pk.com i hope i ffZvHIJMKTY-00183-00155880-00156728 made a solid point and you would think over it you would consider it and seek guidance from allah to ffZvHIJMKTY-00184-00156728-00157640 guide us to the right path and to to make us meet uh the true mahdi whoever he is and make us among ffZvHIJMKTY-00185-00157640-00158272 the army of mahdi and among the armies who would fight the jal and among the armies who would be ffZvHIJMKTY-00186-00161776-00161840 foreign fhKcjG2XCpY-00000-00000432-00000976 Hello everyone and welcome to ArtStarts Explores week two of mark making fhKcjG2XCpY-00001-00001104-00001880 the voice you're hearing now my name is Kay Slater I'm the gallery coordinator and preparator fhKcjG2XCpY-00002-00001880-00002744 at ArtStarts and i'll be guiding or leading you through today's exploration of mark making so I fhKcjG2XCpY-00003-00002744-00003464 said this was week two if you if you want to go back and check out week one you can at any time fhKcjG2XCpY-00004-00003464-00003840 this video is going to continue and we'll have it archived afterwards so if you want to go back fhKcjG2XCpY-00005-00003840-00004520 to week one you can but there's no order to your exploration this one doesn't come after it's just fhKcjG2XCpY-00006-00004584-00005112 more exploring so if you want to check out week one you can go back and if you're watching us fhKcjG2XCpY-00007-00005112-00005696 on facebook it's in our videos section if you're on youtube we have all of our sessions fhKcjG2XCpY-00008-00005768-00006384 in in our youtube channel so you can check out any of the weeks as well as on our website which fhKcjG2XCpY-00009-00006384-00007344 is ArtStarts dot com slash explores dash online so if this is your first time making with us welcome fhKcjG2XCpY-00010-00007344-00007895 we're so happy to have you if this is not your first declaration you've been with us uh lots fhKcjG2XCpY-00011-00007895-00008472 of weeks you know what's coming next and that is us going over the three uh rules or kind of fhKcjG2XCpY-00012-00008472-00008960 guidelines that we like to follow when we explore together and these aren't hard rules these are fhKcjG2XCpY-00013-00008960-00009384 just things we'd like to keep in mind while we're exploring so that we're kind of all in the same fhKcjG2XCpY-00014-00009384-00010144 place and it helps encourage us uh to to make and to not really put too much pressure on ourselves fhKcjG2XCpY-00015-00010288-00010808 so the first rule of explorers is that we like to practice respect some days we're better at it than fhKcjG2XCpY-00016-00010808-00011432 others so we're practicing uh so that we can get better at it we practice respect with ourselves uh fhKcjG2XCpY-00017-00011432-00011928 we we're kind to ourselves if we didn't sleep so well uh if we didn't have access to breakfast fhKcjG2XCpY-00018-00011928-00012440 this morning if we had a fight with somebody we might not be as enthusiastic to make this week as fhKcjG2XCpY-00019-00012440-00012944 we've been making uh in previous weeks and that's okay you can name that we might be really excited fhKcjG2XCpY-00020-00013024-00013504 we practice respect for each other in that same way you might be feeling really great fhKcjG2XCpY-00021-00013504-00014119 and energized but somebody else is making with you one of your grown-ups one of your siblings fhKcjG2XCpY-00022-00014119-00014544 one of your neighbours one of your friends anybody who is making with you fhKcjG2XCpY-00023-00014632-00015232 they might not be feeling so great so give them some space allow them to make it their own pace fhKcjG2XCpY-00024-00015232-00015640 maybe they're high energy and you're not high energy but if you name that and talk about that fhKcjG2XCpY-00025-00015640-00016328 before you make that can that can help things go a little smoother we practice respect for our tools fhKcjG2XCpY-00026-00016328-00016872 by putting them away when we're finished by using them safely while we're exploring fhKcjG2XCpY-00027-00016872-00017520 by sharing them with the other people we're making with and we practice respect by acknowledging fhKcjG2XCpY-00028-00017520-00018264 the land and the people whose land we're on so where you see my hands this studio right? here fhKcjG2XCpY-00029-00018264-00018944 I'm broadcasting from the stolen or unseated territories of the Coast Salish people fhKcjG2XCpY-00030-00019024-00019560 and in particular the Musqueam, Tsleil Waututh, and Squamish people fhKcjG2XCpY-00031-00019664-00020240 and I'm an uninvited guest on these lands and if you are also on these same uh lands making with fhKcjG2XCpY-00032-00020240-00020896 me we want to acknowledge the the people who have been here since time immemorial and are fhKcjG2XCpY-00033-00020896-00021504 still here and that while we're on these lands while we're making we want to be respectful guests fhKcjG2XCpY-00034-00021632-00022296 while we make and practice so those are a couple of different ways that we can practice fhKcjG2XCpY-00035-00022296-00022960 respect the second is that nothing is for keeps so everything that we're making today fhKcjG2XCpY-00036-00022960-00023448 is just practicing and that's really freeing because it doesn't really matter if we make a fhKcjG2XCpY-00037-00023448-00023840 mistake because we're just trying things out in fact you can make a mistake on purpose fhKcjG2XCpY-00038-00023840-00024312 to see what you learned from it and because nothing is for keeps we're not going to frame fhKcjG2XCpY-00039-00024312-00024664 it we're not going to put up on our fridge you can take things from your recycling bin fhKcjG2XCpY-00040-00024664-00025056 you can take them apart when you're all finished in fact that can be the hardest part of your fhKcjG2XCpY-00041-00025056-00025488 practice today and I encourage you to try when you're all finished even if you make something fhKcjG2XCpY-00042-00025488-00026008 really really cool you might want to show it to somebody when you're all finished try to rip it up fhKcjG2XCpY-00043-00026008-00026432 crumple it or put it back in the recycling bin because we're just trying things out fhKcjG2XCpY-00044-00026583-00026952 and then the last is that there are no expectations and because we're not trying fhKcjG2XCpY-00045-00026952-00027416 to make anything that's really good and perfect all ideas are good ideas remember I said you could fhKcjG2XCpY-00046-00027416-00027927 try to make a mistake if you already know how to draw something or how to make a mark really well fhKcjG2XCpY-00047-00027983-00028488 try to make a bad mark try to do it in a completely different way than you feel comfortable fhKcjG2XCpY-00048-00028488-00028927 and that can be hard but this is the time to practice because nothing is for keeps fhKcjG2XCpY-00049-00028927-00029392 now is the time to get out your sketchbooks or your or your paper from the recycling bin and just fhKcjG2XCpY-00050-00029392-00029968 try something new also you can practice surprise so if you don't know what's going to happen fhKcjG2XCpY-00051-00029968-00030448 that's more interesting that if you've drawn something 100 times and you just do it again sure fhKcjG2XCpY-00052-00030448-00031016 there's some some comfort in knowing what's going to happen but today I give you permission this is fhKcjG2XCpY-00053-00031016-00031680 the space for you to try and surprise yourself to see what happens so those are the three rules of fhKcjG2XCpY-00054-00031680-00032056 explore so we're going to have those we're going to keep those in mind as we are exploring mark fhKcjG2XCpY-00055-00032056-00032552 making today so you know I'm k I'm going to move all of these to the side so we have a bit more fhKcjG2XCpY-00056-00032616-00033240 making space here I'm going to move my mini host and the sandwich board over to the side as well fhKcjG2XCpY-00057-00033344-00033784 and let's get started exploring some mark making fhKcjG2XCpY-00058-00033912-00034560 so what I have in my studio today is some paper and you can see this was just paper that I got fhKcjG2XCpY-00059-00034560-00035056 from the recycling bin it's ripped up it's got a hole from where it was part of a three-hole punch fhKcjG2XCpY-00060-00035160-00035496 and so I just took this out of the recycling bin and I'm just going to practice on it fhKcjG2XCpY-00061-00035568-00035928 so if you have some paper and you can make along with us go grab some paper fhKcjG2XCpY-00062-00036040-00036496 and do you also have a mark making tool what's a mark making tool well a mark making tool is fhKcjG2XCpY-00063-00036496-00037104 anything that makes a mark so that could be a crayon that could be a pencil that could be fhKcjG2XCpY-00064-00037104-00037728 a pen that could be a marker that could be a pencil crayon that could be a this is a this is a fhKcjG2XCpY-00065-00037728-00038656 grease a grease crayon so like a an oil stick that I have here you could use a pastel you could use fhKcjG2XCpY-00066-00038776-00039264 an oil pastel a chalk pastel you could use chalk this is white chalk so it might not show up on fhKcjG2XCpY-00067-00039264-00039704 there but who knows practice surprise you might think that you know that the white chalk isn't fhKcjG2XCpY-00068-00039704-00040160 going to show up on white paper but have you tried it before and if you have different colour fhKcjG2XCpY-00069-00040160-00040632 paper from the recycling bin why can't you use the different colour paper you don't have to use white fhKcjG2XCpY-00070-00040720-00041152 the reason I try and find white paper for explorers is just because it's a little bit easier fhKcjG2XCpY-00071-00041152-00041624 for you to see but just because I use white paper doesn't mean that you have to use white paper fhKcjG2XCpY-00072-00041776-00042160 so once we have some tools and if you don't have any of these tools you can just watch fhKcjG2XCpY-00073-00042160-00042856 you can participate by watching and imagining listening to my voice reading my captions and fhKcjG2XCpY-00074-00042856-00043416 coming up with ideas in your head that is that is just as active making as putting a mark on fhKcjG2XCpY-00075-00043416-00044320 the page okay so I think this week what we're gonna try is uh we're gonna explore words you fhKcjG2XCpY-00076-00044320-00044776 might go wait a second words I thought we were going to be doing mark making kay what's going on fhKcjG2XCpY-00077-00044920-00045416 well if you uh if you participated last week you you might know you might start fhKcjG2XCpY-00078-00045416-00045944 knowing where uh where I'm going with this but what are words made out of fhKcjG2XCpY-00079-00045944-00046552 right? words are made out of letters but what are the letters made out of fhKcjG2XCpY-00080-00046672-00047264 marks right? to put it on the page we have we to write the words we have to make a mark fhKcjG2XCpY-00081-00047320-00048024 on the page so what I thought we would do is we would use words to inspire us but also to try fhKcjG2XCpY-00082-00048024-00048648 and communicate messages. I'm going to take a random word you know what I'm going to take cat fhKcjG2XCpY-00083-00048824-00049600 because I like cats most people like cats and so I'm gonna think I'm gonna you know think I'm gonna fhKcjG2XCpY-00084-00049600-00049944 actually look at the word and you can as well here I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger so that you fhKcjG2XCpY-00085-00049944-00050992 can see and I'm gonna do it all in caps even just writing it twice we can look at how different fhKcjG2XCpY-00086-00050992-00051536 this is when I did it smaller I did it in lower case I did my a's differently I did my t's fhKcjG2XCpY-00087-00051536-00052072 differently I did my s's differently these are all marks if you were to look at them without the word fhKcjG2XCpY-00088-00052144-00052520 right? sure that's an s but what if we turned it on its side fhKcjG2XCpY-00089-00052720-00053248 and what if we turn it upside down actually ends up looking the same but this end looks a little fhKcjG2XCpY-00090-00053248-00053776 bit bigger because of how I do the s these are just marks if you were to just use that fhKcjG2XCpY-00091-00053776-00054336 s and draw nothing or draw something using nothing but s's what would it look like fhKcjG2XCpY-00092-00054464-00054896 if you were going to draw a picture using nothing but t's what would it look like fhKcjG2XCpY-00093-00055144-00055640 so before we even get a drawing we just wrote a word there's so many things to check out and look fhKcjG2XCpY-00094-00055640-00056416 at just with four letters with three letters with a letter but that's more exploring what fhKcjG2XCpY-00095-00056416-00056952 we did last week with the individual letters I want to look at this word as a whole cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00096-00057055-00057704 and if you can read if you can read english you might have a picture in your head you might have fhKcjG2XCpY-00097-00057816-00058272 a sign you might actually know different languages that this translates into fhKcjG2XCpY-00098-00058272-00058984 this word on its own might be so much more than just the letter c a t s fhKcjG2XCpY-00099-00059120-00059560 but if we were exploring english and we were exploring the word cats which means fhKcjG2XCpY-00100-00059560-00060384 more than one cat singular what can we do with this word to express multiple cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00101-00060591-00060912 well we could look at the word in multiple ways fhKcjG2XCpY-00102-00060912-00061184 we could we could do what I was doing before where I could turn it around fhKcjG2XCpY-00103-00061560-00061784 to see what uh how we're inspired fhKcjG2XCpY-00104-00062008-00062328 we could look at pictures of cats and then come back to our word... fhKcjG2XCpY-00105-00062576-00063104 we could start exploring each of the forms and see about making this into a cat so I'm going to fhKcjG2XCpY-00106-00063104-00063567 start playing with these these lines here but if you're using the word cats as well try something fhKcjG2XCpY-00107-00063567-00064279 different you can copy me exactly but if you get an idea just by asking yourself how can I express fhKcjG2XCpY-00108-00064279-00065072 cats multiple cats with with these letters beyond just writing them go for it see what happens fhKcjG2XCpY-00109-00065216-00065632 well the first thing that comes to mind for me when I think of cats are those swishy tails fhKcjG2XCpY-00110-00065632-00066168 those tails that are so expressive they say so much and if you're really paying attention to fhKcjG2XCpY-00111-00066168-00066808 the tails you can you can understand how cats are feeling and so this s here it reminded me fhKcjG2XCpY-00112-00066808-00067256 of a tail and so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to make that a little bit bigger fhKcjG2XCpY-00113-00067320-00067792 but I'm not gonna close it off over here as if there was a cat sitting right? here fhKcjG2XCpY-00114-00067952-00068784 and then because my cat has got some black and white marks on it I'm gonna I'm gonna colour it in fhKcjG2XCpY-00115-00068864-00069384 you don't have to you could leave it white if you're using a different colour you could fhKcjG2XCpY-00116-00069384-00070224 colour it like that if you know some cats that are brown or uh red or gray and you want to colour it fhKcjG2XCpY-00117-00070224-00070752 like that go for it and I could colour this in different ways I could colour it in all black fhKcjG2XCpY-00118-00070752-00071232 but that's kind of like my my cat tail so I'm going to leave I'm going to leave that one like fhKcjG2XCpY-00119-00071232-00071904 that because there was that tail there now that I'm thinking about it sometimes cattails are also fhKcjG2XCpY-00120-00071984-00072440 kind of curvy and since this is supposed to be multiple cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00121-00072512-00073112 I think two tails would be really interesting I'm gonna colour it again but this one's going to be fhKcjG2XCpY-00122-00073112-00073568 inspired by a different cat that I know that just has a white tip and then it's all black fhKcjG2XCpY-00123-00073840-00074112 and this is just me. This is how I've decided to colour it in. You fhKcjG2XCpY-00124-00074112-00074384 might decide to do something completely different. fhKcjG2XCpY-00125-00074608-00074640 okay fhKcjG2XCpY-00126-00075056-00075384 There's my two tails. What else do I think of when I think of cats? fhKcjG2XCpY-00127-00075536-00076208 Well there are their whiskers, and you see how my A had this line that went further fhKcjG2XCpY-00128-00076280-00076800 than the ascenders, the bars, the lines, on the outside of the A? Here it kind of fhKcjG2XCpY-00129-00076800-00077552 went further. That reminds me of whiskers and so I'm going to keep drawing a few more lines there fhKcjG2XCpY-00130-00077848-00078024 so that now the A has whiskers. fhKcjG2XCpY-00131-00078256-00078576 Now it kind of looks like a nose right? Even though there are the fhKcjG2XCpY-00132-00078576-00079208 lines over here it's got this nose shape with these whiskers at the side and so I'm going fhKcjG2XCpY-00133-00079208-00079768 to take my crayon because I happen to have a red crayon and I'm going to colour it in red fhKcjG2XCpY-00134-00079960-00080928 like some cat's noses. In fact my cat's nose has a little bit of black up at the top...there we go. fhKcjG2XCpY-00135-00081320-00082184 And there! I've turned the A into a cat's nose and then I mean I could leave it like that... fhKcjG2XCpY-00136-00082184-00082592 Already we're starting to think about multiple cats because I've got the two tails so that's fhKcjG2XCpY-00137-00082592-00083056 obviously more than one cat (or it's a special cat that has two tails but probably it's two cats). fhKcjG2XCpY-00138-00083192-00084184 I could finish this shape here by drawing a cat right? That's maybe it's laying down here fhKcjG2XCpY-00139-00084328-00084808 and then have a little cat face it's looking towards us fhKcjG2XCpY-00140-00085288-00085864 right? and then I could do another one right? here maybe maybe uh one that's one that's sitting up fhKcjG2XCpY-00141-00086264-00086544 if he's peeking there you go he's peeking out the side of this one fhKcjG2XCpY-00142-00086800-00087544 there we go and legs coming down like this right? fhKcjG2XCpY-00143-00087640-00088360 Now I've actually drawn some figures into into my word you can still see the a the t the s fhKcjG2XCpY-00144-00088360-00089080 and c here right? but I've added a couple more details to show that this isn't just a cat it's fhKcjG2XCpY-00145-00089080-00089712 cats multiple cats and I could keep going maybe there was maybe there's a sleeping cat up here so fhKcjG2XCpY-00146-00089712-00090256 now I'm thinking about you know those scratching perches where cats like to get up really high fhKcjG2XCpY-00147-00090456-00090872 sometimes they scratch on the post down here and so this this cat oh you know fhKcjG2XCpY-00148-00090872-00091456 what I think I want to have a paw that comes down have you ever had a cat that fhKcjG2XCpY-00149-00091456-00092112 is so sound asleep that their their paw kind of comes off the side there we go so this cat is fhKcjG2XCpY-00150-00092112-00092656 sitting there but one paw is off to the side and one paws over here kind of sleeping on their paw fhKcjG2XCpY-00151-00092848-00093552 there we go there's whiskers and then some sleepy eyes there you go so there's three cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00152-00093616-00094504 right? and so just by being by responding to each of these letters I made decisions I made fhKcjG2XCpY-00153-00094504-00095016 some figures and some forms I'm going to make this a little bit deeper because you kind of lose the t fhKcjG2XCpY-00154-00095016-00095536 with the figure there right? and so I didn't have any picture in mind I didn't really know what was fhKcjG2XCpY-00155-00095536-00096144 going to happen I let the letters inspire me I let the letters uh be what I responded to fhKcjG2XCpY-00156-00096200-00096960 as I went along and I made decisions based on a story that I was building out by filling in fhKcjG2XCpY-00157-00096960-00097640 that by filling in the meaning around that word so there's one way of exploring it and yours probably fhKcjG2XCpY-00158-00097640-00098184 looks completely different even if you did cats right? it could have looked very different fhKcjG2XCpY-00159-00098320-00098704 let's take this same word again and let's draw it in a different way and if you're fhKcjG2XCpY-00160-00098704-00099088 still drawing the same way as you were drawing before keep going you don't have to change fhKcjG2XCpY-00161-00099168-00099696 but I want to take that word again and I want to explore it in a different way and so here I've fhKcjG2XCpY-00162-00099696-00100072 got a slightly smaller piece of paper right? they don't all have to be the same size this fhKcjG2XCpY-00163-00100072-00100680 was the edge of something that I cut off and so the paper that I had was I used and then I threw fhKcjG2XCpY-00164-00100680-00101296 this in the recycling bin and so this is what I'm going to use now and it looks like my marker is fhKcjG2XCpY-00165-00101296-00101728 going through my page so I'm going to take another piece of paper and put it underneath there we go fhKcjG2XCpY-00166-00102040-00102288 okay so I'm going to use the word cats again. fhKcjG2XCpY-00167-00102344-00102688 I'm going to make it a little smaller this time so I've got a bit more space around it fhKcjG2XCpY-00168-00103072-00103711 All right! For this one I drew what the meaning was around it but what if fhKcjG2XCpY-00169-00103711-00104168 the word is being said by somebody what if somebody was saying the word cats? fhKcjG2XCpY-00170-00104248-00104904 Can you think of ways to draw the word that makes the word mean different things? fhKcjG2XCpY-00171-00104959-00105383 right? now I've done it all in caps, so it could be that somebody's shouting CATS! fhKcjG2XCpY-00172-00105456-00105832 What can I add to this to make it really obvious that somebody's shouting? fhKcjG2XCpY-00173-00106040-00106496 Well I think I'm going to add an exclamation mark! There's no reason why I can't add some more marks fhKcjG2XCpY-00174-00106496-00107159 to my word right?? I'm not really changing the word but I am kind of changing the meaning I made fhKcjG2XCpY-00175-00107159-00108104 this really thick as if you couldn't ignore it right? It's so big! It's so bold, so it's not only fhKcjG2XCpY-00176-00108104-00108711 being shouted, it's being shouted with emphasis! I'm gonna make each of my letters really bold. fhKcjG2XCpY-00177-00108864-00109592 Maybe your word is being whispered. How does that look different? Maybe somebody's saying it fhKcjG2XCpY-00178-00109711-00110376 because they love cats? Could you draw the word differently so that it means something different fhKcjG2XCpY-00179-00110528-00111183 if somebody loved cats? Maybe they don't like cats at all! What could it look like then? In fact fhKcjG2XCpY-00180-00111256-00111968 maybe mine has yelled out loud, but they're really frustrated! They're frustrated that there are cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00181-00111968-00112496 everywhere!! You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to, because we're talking about somebody fhKcjG2XCpY-00182-00112600-00113952 expressing or saying this word, I'm going to add a speech bubble but remember how I said the person fhKcjG2XCpY-00183-00114016-00114488 who is saying this was really frustrated? Here I'm going to round up my S, there you go, I like fhKcjG2XCpY-00184-00114488-00114952 that better...and you can stop at any time and make and change your marks as you're going along fhKcjG2XCpY-00185-00114952-00115480 right? There! As you're looking, if your stomach tells you that something doesn't look right, fhKcjG2XCpY-00186-00115544-00115848 listen to it! Because we're...you're not doing any of these things for keeps so fhKcjG2XCpY-00187-00115952-00116416 try out a whole bunch of different things to see what uh what changes as you add marks! Okay fhKcjG2XCpY-00188-00116496-00117104 so, this person who is saying this, who is yelling this, who's signing this with emphasis, fhKcjG2XCpY-00189-00117104-00117576 they are upset with cats and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make it so that fhKcjG2XCpY-00190-00117688-00118816 I'm gonna add some marks to my speech bubble to show that this person is upset and so I'm gonna fhKcjG2XCpY-00191-00118816-00119616 leave some marks in here and now I'm going to make it dark down here as if it was raining they're so fhKcjG2XCpY-00192-00119616-00120240 frustrated they're so upset that there are cats everywhere that their their speech bubble is fhKcjG2XCpY-00193-00120240-00120711 casting a shadow and you know what I'm going to go all the way down into this right? so this probably fhKcjG2XCpY-00194-00120711-00121344 doesn't look like like uh like happy cats in fact you know what this kind of looks like legs now fhKcjG2XCpY-00195-00121440-00122735 huh I wonder I wonder if I was to add some faces around the outside of this how that would change fhKcjG2XCpY-00196-00122800-00123800 how the speech bubble looks I'm gonna put some here now they really look like they're invading fhKcjG2XCpY-00197-00123800-00124520 right? so that person is frustrated because there are cats everywhere you know what I think fhKcjG2XCpY-00198-00124520-00125040 I want to add some dark lines up here too it's raining everywhere they are frustrated with cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00199-00125432-00125880 and same thing even though I made that bold the the letters bold I feel like the speech fhKcjG2XCpY-00200-00125880-00126344 bubble needs to be bold too if they are yelling it out they are frustrated. CATS! fhKcjG2XCpY-00201-00126672-00127664 "Darn you cats! Get off my lawn! Stop eating my garbage! Stop chasing away the cats at my fhKcjG2XCpY-00202-00127664-00128183 bird feeder or sorry [laughs] the the birds at my bird feeder!" The cats are fhKcjG2XCpY-00203-00128183-00128783 are already at the bird feeder! What else do cats do that that frustrate people? fhKcjG2XCpY-00204-00128928-00129776 uh oh Cats knocking off things off of my table! Drinking out of the toilet! fhKcjG2XCpY-00205-00129952-00130680 Right? There you go! So that probably doesn't look like, happy! Maybe it's - - - they're fhKcjG2XCpY-00206-00130680-00131200 frustrated. I feel like adding the cats on the outside especially the cute little cartoon cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00207-00131200-00131744 makes it feel more like they're just frustrated than really angry. Then you could keep adding fhKcjG2XCpY-00208-00131744-00132328 cats around the outside. You could add them at different angles. How else could you express cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00209-00132472-00133136 using a speech bubble? I really like this one. I think I want to do one more speech bubble. fhKcjG2XCpY-00210-00133136-00133592 I'm going to use the word cats again but if you want to start using a different word to explore, fhKcjG2XCpY-00211-00133648-00134008 go for it! You don't have to use the word cats. You can come up with anything. fhKcjG2XCpY-00212-00134064-00134584 Maybe you're not a cat person. Maybe you're a dog person. If you want to write dogs instead, fhKcjG2XCpY-00213-00134584-00135160 maybe you have a hamster...how does the word change or how do you draw it differently when fhKcjG2XCpY-00214-00135160-00135832 you have one word or sorry a singular word versus a plural word? This is a plural because I've got fhKcjG2XCpY-00215-00135832-00136472 an S at the end so it means multiple cats, more than one, but what if you only want to write a fhKcjG2XCpY-00216-00136472-00137648 single word c-a-t right? Cat or dog or hamster or bird or shoe, cupcake, outside, downtown, fhKcjG2XCpY-00217-00137752-00138440 baseball! Any word! Write it down and see and see if you can express it in these different ways fhKcjG2XCpY-00218-00138528-00139208 and see how you write it. How it changes. What I was thinking was I did these I did fhKcjG2XCpY-00219-00139208-00139600 these in printing so I did the lowercase one so I could compare it with the capitals fhKcjG2XCpY-00220-00139600-00140200 then I did capitals again but I kind of made them fat capitals and then I added an exclamation mark fhKcjG2XCpY-00221-00140200-00140616 this time I'm going to write cats only I'm going to do it in cursive fhKcjG2XCpY-00222-00141536-00142136 so I went really slow and made sure my made sure that my lines were really uh fhKcjG2XCpY-00223-00142320-00143008 really emphasized right? I really did them with intention already just looking at how I drew that fhKcjG2XCpY-00224-00143008-00143616 the c-a-t-s and cursive compared to these already it looks completely different right? this is the fhKcjG2XCpY-00225-00143616-00144288 same word that I've written down in four different ways and it looks completely different and if fhKcjG2XCpY-00226-00144288-00144792 we think about it it kind of means something a little bit different right? so yelling out cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00227-00144872-00145312 this one being kind of uh cute with the picture in the background and we want to fhKcjG2XCpY-00228-00145312-00145832 spend more time looking at it because there's more information there are more things to notice here fhKcjG2XCpY-00229-00145832-00146552 than this this can kind of be still taken in as one uh one word even more so in cursive because fhKcjG2XCpY-00230-00146552-00147424 all the letters all the marks are combined there really is only one mark right? it's one continuous fhKcjG2XCpY-00231-00147424-00148160 mark it ends up being a word I guess two two words but I get like that one's interconnected right? I fhKcjG2XCpY-00232-00148160-00148872 did have to lift my pen off to do the t there so maybe two marks if we count mark says me lifting fhKcjG2XCpY-00233-00148968-00149552 the marker off the page this is just two marks but it's all connected as one one mark fhKcjG2XCpY-00234-00149704-00150304 because of how it intersects whereas these one two three four five this is five separate fhKcjG2XCpY-00235-00150424-00150968 characters to make the word cats and same with this one right? the letters are still fhKcjG2XCpY-00236-00150968-00151440 not connected even though the shapes are kind of connected right? I guess if I had fhKcjG2XCpY-00237-00151624-00152184 if I made a mark here that made the a go over to the cat we could make it so that all the letters fhKcjG2XCpY-00238-00152184-00152648 are connected but you know what I'm going to leave it right? now because it does even even though fhKcjG2XCpY-00239-00152648-00153320 that whisker kind of touches that a there but you know this cat here I've left some white marks in fhKcjG2XCpY-00240-00153320-00153784 between the t even though it does look like it's still connected right? there is that mark there fhKcjG2XCpY-00241-00153784-00154328 there is some separation between the letters so they still read as individual letters whereas it's fhKcjG2XCpY-00242-00154328-00155008 harder to read these as individual letters I could draw out each of these marks individually but it's fhKcjG2XCpY-00243-00155008-00155792 a little bit weird in cursive right? cursive is designed so that all the letters connect fhKcjG2XCpY-00244-00156024-00156736 just doing that looks completely different even though I i did all the marks that I had here fhKcjG2XCpY-00245-00156792-00157488 but I didn't connect them this looks so different I'm not only going left to right? I'm going fhKcjG2XCpY-00246-00157488-00158384 up down right? what if I was to do the cursive where I did it left to right? still fhKcjG2XCpY-00247-00158872-00159304 it looks weird right? this this is supposed to be together fhKcjG2XCpY-00248-00159376-00159680 what does this say if this was how we were going to write it fhKcjG2XCpY-00249-00159840-00160296 what is this what does this mean if we were just going to leave this if we were going to draw a fhKcjG2XCpY-00250-00160296-00160808 comic if we were going to draw a picture we just had all the cursive marks uh separate how does fhKcjG2XCpY-00251-00160808-00161632 it feel different maybe we want to express being unsettled maybe we want something uh the person fhKcjG2XCpY-00252-00161632-00162392 who is saying the word is really fancy but they're emphasizing each uh syllable so they're saying fhKcjG2XCpY-00253-00162840-00163400 so maybe we're trying to be funny we're trying to say something about the personality of the person fhKcjG2XCpY-00254-00163400-00163896 who would be saying this maybe we're trying to express that somebody is fhKcjG2XCpY-00255-00163952-00164928 jumbled or feeling strange maybe I don't know it's really weird I don't think I would ever do this fhKcjG2XCpY-00256-00165032-00165384 so it would have to be a very specific situation before I'd ever break up fhKcjG2XCpY-00257-00165456-00166200 the cursive like this I feel like I could actually do this because these read more like fhKcjG2XCpY-00258-00166200-00166888 individual marks by themselves and so if I was going to draw a picture where I was looking at fhKcjG2XCpY-00259-00166888-00167472 each of these letters it's easier to see this as a c rather than to see it as cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00260-00167544-00168032 right? so even by just changing the orientation I can look at each of these letters these marks fhKcjG2XCpY-00261-00168032-00168784 by themselves and they don't necessarily read cats it reads c a t s because we're used to fhKcjG2XCpY-00262-00168784-00169448 reading left to right? in english it's hard to see this just as c a t s especially because I've fhKcjG2XCpY-00263-00169448-00170040 got that capital c there right? we read the spaces but we still are reading that that's the word cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00264-00170216-00170680 so even just writing in cursive and breaking it into three different ways fhKcjG2XCpY-00265-00170680-00171256 I'm noticing a whole bunch of different things so one two three four five six different ways fhKcjG2XCpY-00266-00171256-00171696 that we've expressed the same word and they can mean completely different things fhKcjG2XCpY-00267-00171872-00172304 okay I said I wanted to kind of explore the speech bubble thing again but with all fhKcjG2XCpY-00268-00172304-00172776 but with a cursive word and so this time what I want to do is I wanted to express fhKcjG2XCpY-00269-00172776-00173424 that somebody really loves cats and so I'm going to do the speech bubble again fhKcjG2XCpY-00270-00173632-00174288 but this time I'm going to draw some shapes around the outside so hearts are a pretty traditional way fhKcjG2XCpY-00271-00174288-00174912 of expressing that you like something maybe i'll maybe i'll do some cute faces again fhKcjG2XCpY-00272-00175136-00175384 of the cats really long ears fhKcjG2XCpY-00273-00175664-00176160 there we go and depending on the mark making tool you have you might be able to get fhKcjG2XCpY-00274-00176216-00176864 really detailed right? so if you were doing if you were using a small pen you might be able to draw fhKcjG2XCpY-00275-00177008-00177360 and if you were doing cats right? you might be able to draw one fhKcjG2XCpY-00276-00177360-00178024 where you could actually get the rounded eyes of a cat you could colour in your eyes fhKcjG2XCpY-00277-00178560-00178992 right? so you can get a little bit more expressive if you have a smaller mark making tool fhKcjG2XCpY-00278-00179056-00179680 maybe colour in some there you go I've got I've got some marks on my cat's face right? I fhKcjG2XCpY-00279-00179680-00180264 wouldn't have been able to do that with my with my sharpie pen right? so even just changing up fhKcjG2XCpY-00280-00180328-00181184 the material the way that you're drawing these shapes changes how much detail you can put in fhKcjG2XCpY-00281-00181184-00181784 also just looking at this word now how it looks different this this looks like you want fhKcjG2XCpY-00282-00181784-00182248 to pay more attention to it because it has more detail compared to everything else that is there fhKcjG2XCpY-00283-00182248-00182520 so you could bring in multiple media you could bring in different fhKcjG2XCpY-00284-00182584-00183112 mark making tools to your one picture and see how that changes the meaning of the word that fhKcjG2XCpY-00285-00183112-00183616 you're drawing okay so I think you know what I think I want a couple more hearts down here fhKcjG2XCpY-00286-00183808-00184984 there we go and I'm going to bring my speech bubble and I'm going to intersect each of these fhKcjG2XCpY-00287-00185744-00186552 all right? so what did I do differently I had cats on this one right? I drew cats on the outside fhKcjG2XCpY-00288-00186616-00187008 of this speech bubble and I drew cats on the outside of this speech bubble fhKcjG2XCpY-00289-00187008-00187456 but why does it feel different when I drew them here compared to this one fhKcjG2XCpY-00290-00187736-00188344 well we already noticed right? the detail one so we want to pay a bit more attention to it fhKcjG2XCpY-00291-00188440-00188896 but do you notice where the line is on this one compared to where the line is on this one fhKcjG2XCpY-00292-00189128-00189792 the cats are on the outside of this one right? so it kind of feels like they're invading fhKcjG2XCpY-00293-00189864-00190584 it feels like this person who is frustrated about cats is other is outside is is fhKcjG2XCpY-00294-00190680-00191224 isn't perhaps not a cat person there's separation they're so frustrated the cats fhKcjG2XCpY-00295-00191224-00191784 are crawling up the walls they're crawling up their speech bubbles for even right? that's fhKcjG2XCpY-00296-00191784-00192136 they can't get rid of the cats the cats are everywhere they're peeking around corners fhKcjG2XCpY-00297-00192272-00193040 whereas this one the line kind of hugs the cat faces they become inclusive they could almost be fhKcjG2XCpY-00298-00193040-00193800 inside of the speech bubble what happens if we add more of the shapes inside the speech bubble fhKcjG2XCpY-00299-00194616-00195208 right? so now they're inside now it really feels like the cats are loved it's very fhKcjG2XCpY-00300-00195208-00195920 difficult to draw a convincing cat with this marker it's so thick there you go another cat fhKcjG2XCpY-00301-00195920-00196648 more hearts right? and it feels like the more the more shapes we add in here fhKcjG2XCpY-00302-00196752-00197344 the more this person is really obsessed the person who is saying the speech bubble or who's signing fhKcjG2XCpY-00303-00197344-00198104 the speech bubble really loves cats right? at this point because we have them all inside I fhKcjG2XCpY-00304-00198104-00198608 think if we were to draw some on the outside it probably wouldn't change the meaning but try it fhKcjG2XCpY-00305-00198608-00199320 out once you've done it so that the the shapes are included or bisected or kind of hugged by fhKcjG2XCpY-00306-00199320-00199792 the lines try adding some more on the outside what does it do does it change the meaning fhKcjG2XCpY-00307-00199944-00200400 maybe it feels like somebody who doesn't actually care that cats are crawling all fhKcjG2XCpY-00308-00200400-00201016 over the place because they they love the cat so much so because of the story that we've already fhKcjG2XCpY-00309-00201016-00201560 set up because of the other information that we have because of the cursive which tends to be fhKcjG2XCpY-00310-00201680-00202872 a bit more of a gentler way to to write right? it's it's it's generally a bit more fancy it's fhKcjG2XCpY-00311-00202872-00203792 generally a little bit more delicate when people do it in calligraphy it can it it typically is fhKcjG2XCpY-00312-00203792-00204368 something that's people say is pretty right? it's pretty cursive could you write uh if you if you fhKcjG2XCpY-00313-00204368-00204952 can write in cursive could you write cursive in a way that wasn't pretty what if you were to fill in fhKcjG2XCpY-00314-00204952-00205448 all the lines and make it really really uh bold like this one would it change the meaning again fhKcjG2XCpY-00315-00205528-00206264 try it out so with the last part of our workshop I think I want to add I want to do a different word fhKcjG2XCpY-00316-00206264-00206760 because we've tried this in different ways just so we can try something else a little bit different fhKcjG2XCpY-00317-00206760-00207600 so we added pictures we tried the speech bubbles in different ways now I think what I want to do fhKcjG2XCpY-00318-00207767-00208208 I think I'm going to use this paper here because this ended up being a little bit thicker fhKcjG2XCpY-00319-00208208-00208816 same thing from the recycling bin it's kind of crinkled in the middle no big deal and so fhKcjG2XCpY-00320-00208904-00209352 I'm going to what word am I going to use I'm going to use the word fhKcjG2XCpY-00321-00209584-00210328 I'm going to use the word rain because I am on I am in so-called Vancouver right? now and fhKcjG2XCpY-00322-00210328-00211408 it is raining and so I want to use I want to use the word rain and so I wrote it in the corner here fhKcjG2XCpY-00323-00211408-00212119 so we have the we have the word in our brains but you can see how I write words they may be a little fhKcjG2XCpY-00324-00212119-00212767 bit differently they're different from how you write words right? so if you were we talked about fhKcjG2XCpY-00325-00212767-00213664 uh ways of writing we talked about all caps I'm going to use my my grease marker there we go so we fhKcjG2XCpY-00326-00213664-00214823 talked about all caps then we've got a sentence case where you have a capital at the beginning fhKcjG2XCpY-00327-00215096-00215248 and then there's all lowercase fhKcjG2XCpY-00328-00215792-00216360 but what about if we wrote like me where I sometimes don't actually follow fhKcjG2XCpY-00329-00216528-00217152 the pattern I did a capital N at the end and that's just how I like to write because I've been fhKcjG2XCpY-00330-00217152-00217688 writing for a really long time and and you can see I know how to write in all caps in sentence fhKcjG2XCpY-00331-00217688-00218271 case lowercase so this is just a fun way for me to write and I just decided to choose that N fhKcjG2XCpY-00332-00218328-00219096 that's just how I make my mark that's how my handwriting shows my personality when I'm writing fhKcjG2XCpY-00333-00219184-00220064 some people dot their eyes with heart some people will have not very much space fhKcjG2XCpY-00334-00220248-00220712 between their words some people write really big fhKcjG2XCpY-00335-00220952-00221504 right? and so when you're when you're looking at your handwriting that also those are all marks fhKcjG2XCpY-00336-00221504-00221880 how does your handwriting look different from the other people you're making with how does it look fhKcjG2XCpY-00337-00221880-00222480 different from mine can you write something put it to the side and then come back to it later and fhKcjG2XCpY-00338-00222480-00223144 recognize your handwriting as you as you get older and as you keep writing more you might fhKcjG2XCpY-00339-00223144-00223864 notice that your handwriting or your mark making or your gesture changes and that can be because uh fhKcjG2XCpY-00340-00223864-00224448 we're influenced by things that we see I know that the reason that I like to write my a's fhKcjG2XCpY-00341-00224448-00225071 like this was because there was somebody when I went to high school who did their a's like that fhKcjG2XCpY-00342-00225071-00225832 and so I really liked it and I started making my a's like that but you can do your a's like that fhKcjG2XCpY-00343-00225984-00226504 some people will do their a's like that some people will make sure they have a really defined fhKcjG2XCpY-00344-00226560-00227304 line over there they're all a's right? but each one is different and is is specific to fhKcjG2XCpY-00345-00227304-00227896 the gesture of the person that has made it and so even just looking at the letters on their own fhKcjG2XCpY-00346-00227896-00228480 that's a way of expressing the mark making through your gesture through your hands fhKcjG2XCpY-00347-00228584-00229016 so I just wanted to call it out because without even thinking about it I made a capital N fhKcjG2XCpY-00348-00229016-00229544 at the end of that word and I could do that you know what this is this is my mark making so I'm fhKcjG2XCpY-00349-00229544-00230000 going to make sure that I do do that capital N but I do know that it is supposed to be spelled fhKcjG2XCpY-00350-00230000-00230536 uh with a lowercase n at the end and you can spell it however you want because this isn't for keeps fhKcjG2XCpY-00351-00230536-00230896 if people are always telling you you shouldn't write in caps or that you shouldn't write with fhKcjG2XCpY-00352-00230896-00231488 a capital N or a capital a in a letter today you have permission because it's not for keeps fhKcjG2XCpY-00353-00231488-00231944 we're just trying things out it doesn't have to be sentence case it doesn't have to be for fhKcjG2XCpY-00354-00231944-00232592 school work it doesn't have to be for a book okay so this time what I wanted to do was I fhKcjG2XCpY-00355-00232592-00233384 wanted to introduce something called contrast and texture and this is a way of bringing mark making fhKcjG2XCpY-00356-00233528-00234256 or adding depth and in previous weeks if you had checked out our texture workshops we did three fhKcjG2XCpY-00357-00234256-00235016 weeks of texture we explored different ways to use mark making to show texture well now we're fhKcjG2XCpY-00358-00235016-00235448 in the weeks of mark making and I'm going to bring texture back into it that's the fun thing about fhKcjG2XCpY-00359-00235448-00235960 exploring art is that when you explore one thing you learn a whole bunch of different things about fhKcjG2XCpY-00360-00236071-00236448 that technique or that subject or that theme and then you can bring it in when you're fhKcjG2XCpY-00361-00236448-00237071 exploring other things right? so I wanted to bring in uh texture and contrast because fhKcjG2XCpY-00362-00237071-00237744 rain has a whole bunch of different things going for it rain in itself is kind of hard to see fhKcjG2XCpY-00363-00237840-00238352 right? if you if you are outside you're probably not looking at the rain but there are lots of fhKcjG2XCpY-00364-00238352-00239096 things that change when it rains there's lots of things that look different themselves when rain fhKcjG2XCpY-00365-00239096-00239792 hits it you might not be able to see the rain but have you ever been outside and your hair gets wet fhKcjG2XCpY-00366-00239792-00240416 when it's raining or your clothing gets wet when it's raining or your backpack gets wet fhKcjG2XCpY-00367-00240416-00241071 when it's raining you might not be able to see the rain but you can notice things about your fhKcjG2XCpY-00368-00241071-00241623 hair your clothes your backpack your shoes that you wouldn't have you know that you wouldn't fhKcjG2XCpY-00369-00241623-00242256 necessarily that wouldn't happen unless it was raining or unless they got wet but it's hard fhKcjG2XCpY-00370-00242256-00242767 to actually look at it and say that is rain that looks like rain it just kind of looks wet right? fhKcjG2XCpY-00371-00242960-00243208 so if we were to if we were to think about the word rain fhKcjG2XCpY-00372-00243344-00243976 and try and express it with uh texture how can we do that fhKcjG2XCpY-00373-00244271-00245096 well we could think about how it falls right? and it usually falls from the sky right? from up high fhKcjG2XCpY-00374-00245096-00245400 down to the earth right? so there's kind of a downward motion fhKcjG2XCpY-00375-00245512-00246080 so to begin with I'm going to write some lines here there you go there's my rain. fhKcjG2XCpY-00376-00246367-00247048 I'm drawing the path of the rain right? rain doesn't usually come in these long drops like that fhKcjG2XCpY-00377-00247104-00247984 it's the path that the rain followed what if I just wanted to draw droplets of rain fhKcjG2XCpY-00378-00248536-00249328 so same thing I i showed the motion that it was coming from above to below by making a raindrop fhKcjG2XCpY-00379-00249328-00249904 and showing the raindrop was the the small part of the raindrop was up there because the heavy part fhKcjG2XCpY-00380-00249904-00250408 of the water that's being pulled down with gravity down to the earth is like that would it look fhKcjG2XCpY-00381-00250408-00250928 the same if I drew it like that what does that actually look like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna try it fhKcjG2XCpY-00382-00251376-00251736 doesn't really look like rain anymore does it kind of looks like seeds fhKcjG2XCpY-00383-00251840-00252376 or it looks like I drew the panel upside down if you were trying to draw something really fhKcjG2XCpY-00384-00252376-00253016 weird gravity had changed you're drawing a sci-fi comic and aliens or sucking up all the water or fhKcjG2XCpY-00385-00253271-00253688 I don't know why else would rain be going up maybe you're showing evaporation fhKcjG2XCpY-00386-00253688-00254456 right? maybe you're showing after it rains how how water gets uh gets condensed back up into fhKcjG2XCpY-00387-00254456-00254912 clouds again maybe that's something that you wanted to draw understanding that that that's fhKcjG2XCpY-00388-00254912-00255816 the opposite way now right? that it's going from the earth up to the sky so path showing the rain fhKcjG2XCpY-00389-00255919-00256616 showing the wrong way be a little bit weird how else could we do it well fhKcjG2XCpY-00390-00256696-00257264 what if that square all of a sudden became a window how can we show rain on a window fhKcjG2XCpY-00391-00257528-00258248 well same thing if the water goes down maybe we could draw it where it's so wet it's coming fhKcjG2XCpY-00392-00258248-00258871 down in sheets right? so the kind of wavy line is the water dripping down the surface fhKcjG2XCpY-00393-00259152-00259416 maybe the rain is coming down so hard fhKcjG2XCpY-00394-00259704-00260328 that it's hitting the the window in different at different speeds so some of them it's hitting and fhKcjG2XCpY-00395-00260328-00260823 it's actually creating a ripple some of them it's running down the the side of the window fhKcjG2XCpY-00396-00260823-00261552 and so I've added a few there so there's a few ways to draw rain I talked about a backpack fhKcjG2XCpY-00397-00261656-00262504 before here we go so there's the front of the backpack here we can kind of see the straps fhKcjG2XCpY-00398-00262504-00263024 over there there we go and then maybe it's got a little toggle down there so how do we want to fhKcjG2XCpY-00399-00263024-00263592 show that this backpack was out in the rain well maybe maybe the bottom of it got soaked through fhKcjG2XCpY-00400-00263720-00265032 right? so there's some wet at the bottom maybe we show that it's in a puddle maybe we show that fhKcjG2XCpY-00401-00265032-00265688 it's so wet that it's actually dripping we just put it down and the water is dripping off of it fhKcjG2XCpY-00402-00265960-00266616 so this is a couple of ways to express the word rain without the letters R-A-I-N but fhKcjG2XCpY-00403-00266616-00267232 now that we've explored that, we bring these back to the letters. So if I was to write down fhKcjG2XCpY-00404-00267384-00267872 my letters here, I'm going to write it the same way as I wrote it up here, fhKcjG2XCpY-00405-00267872-00268048 but you can write your letters however you want. fhKcjG2XCpY-00406-00268248-00269016 And maybe you didn't explore rain maybe you explored snow. I know it's snowing in a whole fhKcjG2XCpY-00407-00269016-00269792 bunch of places on Turtle Island right now. Or maybe you just decided to use the word water or fhKcjG2XCpY-00408-00269792-00270384 maybe you decided to use the word pudding right? I told you you could use whatever word you wanted! fhKcjG2XCpY-00409-00270752-00271288 There we go. So I made some block block letters and I did this so that I would have some space in fhKcjG2XCpY-00410-00271288-00271800 between to colour but if you wanted to start with just the outlines of your letters here, fhKcjG2XCpY-00411-00271800-00272120 you could do that right? There's so many different ways you can explore this mark fhKcjG2XCpY-00412-00272120-00272584 making. It doesn't have to be the same but I'm going to take some of these techniques fhKcjG2XCpY-00413-00272664-00273184 that I tried over here and I'm going to bring them into my letter here for rain fhKcjG2XCpY-00414-00273352-00274000 and so I think I'm going to start by I really like I really like the lines here I'm not fhKcjG2XCpY-00415-00274000-00274888 actually going to colour in the word itself I'm going to go on the outside so just like how when fhKcjG2XCpY-00416-00274888-00275296 you're inside the rain doesn't usually hit you unless you know there's a drop in the ceiling fhKcjG2XCpY-00417-00275480-00276232 this is the rain not getting in inside any of the letters there we go so I've got some lines there fhKcjG2XCpY-00418-00276232-00276688 showing that it's raining outside and if I wanted to you know I could probably add some clouds fhKcjG2XCpY-00419-00276992-00277192 right? yeah i'll do a few more because I already fhKcjG2XCpY-00420-00277192-00277472 started you don't have to do with clouds but why not fhKcjG2XCpY-00421-00277728-00278120 right? So now it's going down like this the eye was really high up there and so I'm going fhKcjG2XCpY-00422-00278120-00278600 to show that it got really wet I'm going to show all the letters it got a little wet at the top fhKcjG2XCpY-00423-00278600-00279032 right? Just at the top though like this one the bag got soaked at the bottom fhKcjG2XCpY-00424-00279032-00279440 this one it's still actively raining so it's still just the tops of the letters fhKcjG2XCpY-00425-00279512-00280344 they got wet so the rain didn't get through inside but it got on top of it but maybe it fhKcjG2XCpY-00426-00280344-00280824 did get a little wet actually maybe it's starting to do a puddle so I'm going to take that puddle fhKcjG2XCpY-00427-00281104-00281328 and I'm going to put it around the outside fhKcjG2XCpY-00428-00281416-00281888 because that's where it's soaking through it's creating a puddle underneath fhKcjG2XCpY-00429-00282064-00282536 the letters there and it's so very wet oh you know what I think I want a couple lines there fhKcjG2XCpY-00430-00282536-00283136 because I went behind the a and it's so very wet it's still very wet that a couple of drops fhKcjG2XCpY-00431-00283256-00283656 have come off of these letters now I can go over the lines here that's fine fhKcjG2XCpY-00432-00283744-00284112 there we go in fact maybe the rain is coming down at different fhKcjG2XCpY-00433-00284224-00284752 angles and I want to draw some dots showing the big wet raindrops fhKcjG2XCpY-00434-00284912-00285592 maybe the raindrops are hitting the puddle at the bottom and they're splashing up right? and there fhKcjG2XCpY-00435-00285592-00286344 you go right? so there was the word rain where I used the textures that I learned up here and fhKcjG2XCpY-00436-00286344-00286984 some contrast to show the different kinds of rain the negative space where I didn't draw anything fhKcjG2XCpY-00437-00286984-00287528 in the letters versus all the positive space the lines that I drew at the background to show that fhKcjG2XCpY-00438-00287528-00287992 the rain was hitting these letters but wasn't inside these letters that they were separate fhKcjG2XCpY-00439-00288208-00288760 so those are just a couple of ways that we can explore mark making and using words there's lots fhKcjG2XCpY-00440-00288760-00289184 of different ways that you can explore it and I encourage you to try this out with different words fhKcjG2XCpY-00441-00289184-00289776 you'll you'll find that as you're using different words you'll learn and discover different things fhKcjG2XCpY-00442-00289776-00290136 and when you're all finished if you're only using one colour there's no reason fhKcjG2XCpY-00443-00290200-00290840 why you can't start bringing different colours in and see how that changes because fhKcjG2XCpY-00444-00290840-00291264 remember colouring is just a different kind of mark making with a different kind of tool fhKcjG2XCpY-00445-00291320-00292152 it's adding information to your drawing or your exploration that you didn't have at the beginning fhKcjG2XCpY-00446-00292552-00292936 Thank you so much for exploring with me this week! We're going to have one more week fhKcjG2XCpY-00447-00292936-00293592 exploring mark making next week, next Saturday. And I'd love to see you then, but for now thank fhKcjG2XCpY-00448-00293592-00293968 you! Thank you for joining me! I'm going to leave the camera running for a little bit, fhKcjG2XCpY-00449-00293968-00294376 as I always do, because I want to clean up, and it's because that's part of practicing respect. fhKcjG2XCpY-00450-00294520-00295584 I look forward to making along with you next week! Thanks! Bye! fiFBzxxPpyc-00000-00000456-00001112 hello guys and welcome to coina's youtube channel don't forget to subscribe on us to see interesting fiFBzxxPpyc-00001-00001112-00001816 videos about the coins today i want to show you the beamy telecoins i have here fiFBzxxPpyc-00002-00001944-00002520 four coins from different countries and different years all of them as you see is b metallic fiFBzxxPpyc-00003-00002672-00003160 so let's start the first coin i have b metallic here this is 50 kuros from turkey fiFBzxxPpyc-00004-00003256-00003936 of 2010 from the turkey as you see here the letters the turkey republic fiFBzxxPpyc-00005-00004047-00004576 with the portrait of their leader facing lift fiFBzxxPpyc-00006-00004784-00005656 2010 this coin costs nothing one two dollars price but just as a coin as a beamy telecoin fiFBzxxPpyc-00007-00005656-00006256 i have here and i want to show you they made from the copper plated steel and copper nickel fiFBzxxPpyc-00008-00006488-00007208 the next coin beam attack i have here this two euro coin fiFBzxxPpyc-00009-00007208-00008048 as you see from the germany 2011 this coin cost 25 30 dollars very beautiful coin is beautiful design fiFBzxxPpyc-00010-00008144-00009560 13 stars around in good condition to euro of 2011 from the germany 25 30 if you have it you can post fiFBzxxPpyc-00011-00009560-00010240 it for sale on our website thecoinos.com the link you will see in description the fiFBzxxPpyc-00012-00010240-00010952 third coin i have here is two pounds of 2003 very beautiful look at this design look at the circles fiFBzxxPpyc-00013-00011136-00011856 huge coin of queen elizabeth ii the fourth portrait facing right elizabeth two fiFBzxxPpyc-00014-00012048-00013080 beautiful coin the weight is 10 grams diameter 25 millimeters two pounds of 2003 this coin cost 20 fiFBzxxPpyc-00015-00013080-00013736 15 20 if it's in good condition you can get that money guys for that coin fiFBzxxPpyc-00016-00013928-00014544 and the last coin i have here from russia 10 rubble of 1991 fiFBzxxPpyc-00017-00014776-00015928 russian republic the ussr guys the government bank the ussr coined the 1991 the last year of the ussr fiFBzxxPpyc-00018-00016247-00016728 10 ruble the 1991 coin costs if you have it in good condition fiFBzxxPpyc-00019-00016952-00017824 ten dollars so you can post it for sale if you have it that was all to be metallic coins fiFBzxxPpyc-00020-00017824-00018408 guys i have in my collection if you like this video please subscribe on our youtube channel fiFBzxxPpyc-00021-00018408-00019056 to see more interesting videos every day about the coins see you in the next video guys fl5voouA7Zo-00000-00003929-00004130 Paloma: bird (pigeon) / Peaceful person fl5voouA7Zo-00001-00004130-00004312 Paloma: "popcorn" ("palomita" in spanish) fl5voouA7Zo-00002-00004312-00004640 Paloma: common Spanish female name fl5voouA7Zo-00003-00004682-00004870 "PALOMA" fl5voouA7Zo-00004-00007092-00007208 "Paloma" fl5voouA7Zo-00005-00007836-00008350 "Be back soon, I think you may like this... Happy Birthday! Kisses: Dad." fl5voouA7Zo-00006-00008884-00008934 - Hey! fl5voouA7Zo-00007-00013256-00013328 - Hey! fl5voouA7Zo-00008-00013376-00013522 Didn't you have plans for today? fl5voouA7Zo-00009-00013638-00013688 I see... fl5voouA7Zo-00010-00013758-00013808 Yes fl5voouA7Zo-00011-00013840-00013991 You forgot? You fell asleep? fl5voouA7Zo-00012-00014056-00014118 Oh... fl5voouA7Zo-00013-00014204-00014326 So you're with Leti, right? fl5voouA7Zo-00014-00014440-00014497 No. fl5voouA7Zo-00015-00014602-00014780 I waited for you. What was I supposed to do? fl5voouA7Zo-00016-00014836-00014902 Untill now... fl5voouA7Zo-00017-00015069-00015241 No, you're the jealous one. fl5voouA7Zo-00018-00015391-00015441 No. fl5voouA7Zo-00019-00015478-00015528 Yes. fl5voouA7Zo-00020-00015660-00015790 Excuse me? No. fl5voouA7Zo-00021-00015841-00015896 Really? fl5voouA7Zo-00022-00015928-00016006 Did you just said that? fl5voouA7Zo-00023-00016084-00016146 Stop. fl5voouA7Zo-00024-00016232-00016434 Do not talk to me like that, boy. fl5voouA7Zo-00025-00016624-00016726 ASSHOLE! fl5voouA7Zo-00026-00018986-00019038 - Dad? fl5voouA7Zo-00027-00019108-00019158 - Dad. fl5voouA7Zo-00028-00019298-00019580 Yes, yes, I know you told me, damn, but... fl5voouA7Zo-00029-00019624-00019772 No, He is with Leti... fl5voouA7Zo-00030-00019888-00019938 Yes... fl5voouA7Zo-00031-00019992-00020088 Yes, I know, yes. fl5voouA7Zo-00032-00020158-00020356 Yes, I know you told me, right. fl5voouA7Zo-00033-00020496-00020672 Yes, ok. But you're not here either. fl5voouA7Zo-00034-00020752-00020982 Yes, very good, yes. Well... It's a telephone. fl5voouA7Zo-00035-00020992-00021084 Yes, It's a telephone... fl5voouA7Zo-00036-00021088-00021226 Yes, I love it but... fl5voouA7Zo-00037-00021226-00021332 What about you? fl5voouA7Zo-00038-00021386-00021732 No, If you can't that's okay, but... alright. No, but... fl5voouA7Zo-00039-00021840-00022026 I don't know, It's my birthday, you know? fl5voouA7Zo-00040-00022038-00022246 I thought... Okay. Bye. fl5voouA7Zo-00041-00023874-00023970 - HEY! HAHA fl5voouA7Zo-00042-00023998-00024302 GUESS WHO IS ALL ALONE, WITH NO FUTURE AND NO FRIENDS? fl5voouA7Zo-00043-00024332-00024382 YES! HAHA fl5voouA7Zo-00044-00024418-00024468 YES! fl5voouA7Zo-00045-00024520-00024672 Nobody, nobody... fl5voouA7Zo-00046-00024936-00025034 But you know what? fl5voouA7Zo-00047-00025078-00025128 Let's party. fl5voouA7Zo-00048-00026004-00026204 *Music starts playing* fl5voouA7Zo-00049-00032636-00032836 *phone rings* fl5voouA7Zo-00050-00035438-00035488 - Paloma? fl5voouA7Zo-00051-00035624-00035674 Paloma? fl5voouA7Zo-00052-00035710-00035760 - What...? fl5voouA7Zo-00053-00035770-00035994 - No, don't say anything, please. fl5voouA7Zo-00054-00036022-00036112 Just listen to me. fl5voouA7Zo-00055-00036166-00036240 I ask you... fl5voouA7Zo-00056-00036288-00036418 I ask you for three minutes. fl5voouA7Zo-00057-00036444-00036514 That's the time I have. fl5voouA7Zo-00058-00036548-00036640 Not much. fl5voouA7Zo-00059-00036676-00036888 I'm pretty sure you have things to do. fl5voouA7Zo-00060-00037056-00037196 You must be wondering who am I... fl5voouA7Zo-00061-00037196-00037328 ...and why you don't recognize my voice. fl5voouA7Zo-00062-00037388-00037504 But that doesn't matter. fl5voouA7Zo-00063-00037558-00037608 Not now. fl5voouA7Zo-00064-00037666-00037846 You know me, you know me very well. fl5voouA7Zo-00065-00037968-00038168 If It took me so long to call you... fl5voouA7Zo-00066-00038168-00038394 It's because I was expecting some changes here. fl5voouA7Zo-00067-00038464-00038684 I was expecting things to get better... fl5voouA7Zo-00068-00038780-00038830 And you see... fl5voouA7Zo-00069-00038882-00039130 The moment in which you are it's really important fl5voouA7Zo-00070-00039188-00039326 Not only for you... fl5voouA7Zo-00071-00039356-00039482 But for the two of us. fl5voouA7Zo-00072-00039602-00039864 You are about to see a movie that will change your life. fl5voouA7Zo-00073-00039912-00039996 You have doubts. fl5voouA7Zo-00074-00040034-00040112 Don't worry... fl5voouA7Zo-00075-00040136-00040318 It doesn't really matter what you choose! fl5voouA7Zo-00076-00040372-00040524 Fate has already chosen for you! fl5voouA7Zo-00077-00040572-00040672 Whatever you see... fl5voouA7Zo-00078-00040682-00040810 In the end it won't matter. fl5voouA7Zo-00079-00040874-00041000 Always the same pretty faces... fl5voouA7Zo-00080-00041050-00041182 the same characters... fl5voouA7Zo-00081-00041200-00041328 the same camera angles... fl5voouA7Zo-00082-00041396-00041584 And only this call can change that. fl5voouA7Zo-00083-00041674-00041852 That's why it's kind of a mistake... fl5voouA7Zo-00084-00041870-00041998 Kind of an interference fl5voouA7Zo-00085-00042010-00042210 A gap that it wasn't supposed to happen. fl5voouA7Zo-00086-00042270-00042366 But it did happen. fl5voouA7Zo-00087-00042388-00042552 And it's a chance. fl5voouA7Zo-00088-00042642-00042902 Right now you're in the kitchen preparing popcorn... fl5voouA7Zo-00089-00042910-00043190 ...which twists and explodes, away from the world. fl5voouA7Zo-00090-00043264-00043386 I can hear it in the background. fl5voouA7Zo-00091-00043472-00043522 But... fl5voouA7Zo-00092-00043648-00043892 The truth is that a single kernel can change your life... fl5voouA7Zo-00093-00043980-00044392 ...and right now, that kernel it's in there... rotating. fl5voouA7Zo-00094-00044448-00044588 And in 20 seconds it will explode... fl5voouA7Zo-00095-00044632-00044800 ...along with the microwave. fl5voouA7Zo-00096-00047296-00047368 *laughs* fl5voouA7Zo-00097-00047412-00047532 - You already stopped it, right? fl5voouA7Zo-00098-00047566-00047672 You thought "EHH!?!?" fl5voouA7Zo-00099-00047760-00047842 You trust me. fl5voouA7Zo-00100-00047912-00048054 You don't know why yet, fl5voouA7Zo-00101-00048094-00048270 but there's something on you who blindly trusts me. fl5voouA7Zo-00102-00048358-00048498 You are lost on the phone... fl5voouA7Zo-00103-00048498-00048744 ...but you are listening because somebody has something to say... fl5voouA7Zo-00104-00048780-00048954 ...or just because you have a lot of time to lose. fl5voouA7Zo-00105-00049040-00049206 Now, the microwave has stopped... fl5voouA7Zo-00106-00049236-00049388 ...and if you don't do something soon... fl5voouA7Zo-00107-00049436-00049520 ...nothing will change. fl5voouA7Zo-00108-00049660-00049826 And we don't want that to happen... fl5voouA7Zo-00109-00050096-00050146 No... fl5voouA7Zo-00110-00050232-00050282 I... fl5voouA7Zo-00111-00050300-00050562 I don't want to settle for the life i have right now. fl5voouA7Zo-00112-00050654-00050798 I need a trigger... fl5voouA7Zo-00113-00050846-00051002 I need that microwave... fl5voouA7Zo-00114-00051094-00051205 ...to start working again. fl5voouA7Zo-00115-00051316-00051486 It's the ticket for the trip of your life! fl5voouA7Zo-00116-00051562-00051728 And I need you to go on board, fl5voouA7Zo-00117-00051728-00051816 to trust me. fl5voouA7Zo-00118-00051929-00052105 Because I know what's in the other side... fl5voouA7Zo-00119-00052105-00052222 ...and I need you to see it... fl5voouA7Zo-00120-00052300-00052484 ...I need you to make me a different person. fl5voouA7Zo-00121-00052484-00052534 I... fl5voouA7Zo-00122-00052536-00052878 I... I've made a lot of mistakes during all this time... fl5voouA7Zo-00123-00052952-00053136 ...and It's time to finish this whole thing up. fl5voouA7Zo-00124-00053194-00053317 We're in this together. fl5voouA7Zo-00125-00053379-00053496 Let me help you help yourself. fl5voouA7Zo-00126-00053758-00053870 The kernel! fl5voouA7Zo-00127-00053870-00054138 That kernel is the detail that will mark your life! fl5voouA7Zo-00128-00054186-00054540 It will blown away with a force that will drill the flimsy envelope... fl5voouA7Zo-00129-00054564-00054734 ...and one of the microwave corners... fl5voouA7Zo-00130-00054764-00054891 ...arriving to the circuits... fl5voouA7Zo-00131-00054917-00055008 ...where it will bloom... fl5voouA7Zo-00132-00055040-00055138 ...like a flower bud... fl5voouA7Zo-00133-00055150-00055279 ...and between gears and cables... fl5voouA7Zo-00134-00055312-00055404 ...somehow... fl5voouA7Zo-00135-00055455-00055596 ...that Paloma will be free. fl5voouA7Zo-00136-00055674-00055796 It will break the system. fl5voouA7Zo-00137-00055846-00055970 Because it's different... fl5voouA7Zo-00138-00056004-00056110 Because it actually is... fl5voouA7Zo-00139-00056128-00056200 ...like me... fl5voouA7Zo-00140-00056267-00056338 Like you! fl5voouA7Zo-00141-00057464-00057674 And this Paloma will take you to a far away place... fl5voouA7Zo-00142-00057726-00057786 Inhospitable... fl5voouA7Zo-00143-00057810-00057994 And that you never thought you would visit... fl5voouA7Zo-00144-00058024-00058152 ...at least not this soon... fl5voouA7Zo-00145-00058220-00058308 ...the future. fl5voouA7Zo-00146-00065732-00065860 You still there, right? fl5voouA7Zo-00147-00065936-00066044 You haven't stopped it? fl5voouA7Zo-00148-00066120-00066170 Oh... fl5voouA7Zo-00149-00066294-00066344 Paloma! fl5voouA7Zo-00150-00066404-00066472 We are leaving! fl5voouA7Zo-00151-00066510-00066560 The two of us! fl5voouA7Zo-00152-00066620-00066710 And you know what? fl5voouA7Zo-00153-00066800-00066902 I can feel it. fl5voouA7Zo-00154-00066942-00067176 Maybe your life has been shit for a long time... fl5voouA7Zo-00155-00067240-00067394 ...and you will realize this too late... fl5voouA7Zo-00156-00067430-00067620 ...and you will drag everyone you love into that hole... fl5voouA7Zo-00157-00067664-00067714 But... fl5voouA7Zo-00158-00067748-00067854 I saved us! fl5voouA7Zo-00159-00067924-00068074 Now we are simply leaving... fl5voouA7Zo-00160-00068130-00068184 Paloma fl5voouA7Zo-00161-00068282-00068374 You did it! fl5voouA7Zo-00162-00068422-00068498 We are leav- fl5voouA7Zo-00163-00074332-00074768 Subtitles by Juan Luis Martínez corrected by Lucía de Arriba. go37mSaQ6Ng-00000-00000047-00000479 Did you know that over 1 in 4 Kiwi kids lives in poverty? go37mSaQ6Ng-00001-00000479-00000795 That's 270,000 children. go37mSaQ6Ng-00002-00000795-00001263 Enough to fill our biggest rugby stadium five and a half times. go37mSaQ6Ng-00003-00001263-00001703 These could be the doctors and nurses we need to look after our aging population. go37mSaQ6Ng-00004-00001703-00002057 Our scientists, artists, entrepreneurs. go37mSaQ6Ng-00005-00002057-00002472 Our future all blacks and silver ferns. go37mSaQ6Ng-00006-00002472-00002781 But what does living in poverty mean in New Zealand? go37mSaQ6Ng-00007-00002781-00003321 It means too many Kiwi kids live in rental or temporary accommodation, sleeping in damp go37mSaQ6Ng-00008-00003321-00003897 and mouldy bedrooms, spending winter in a house that is too expensive to heat. go37mSaQ6Ng-00009-00003897-00004479 Living like this makes our kids sick - Almost 190,000 had serious health problems in the go37mSaQ6Ng-00010-00004479-00004611 last year. go37mSaQ6Ng-00011-00004611-00005044 Things like pneumonia, rheumatic fever and meningococcal disease. go37mSaQ6Ng-00012-00005044-00005432 Babies and pre-schoolers are particularly vulnerable as they spend most of their time go37mSaQ6Ng-00013-00005432-00005576 at home. go37mSaQ6Ng-00014-00005576-00005775 But it doesn't have to be this way. go37mSaQ6Ng-00015-00005775-00006367 If New Zealand introduced a WOF for private and public rental housing we could make sure go37mSaQ6Ng-00016-00006367-00006940 that no child has to live in a cold, damp, poorly maintained home. go37mSaQ6Ng-00017-00006940-00007447 The current regulations for rental housing date back to 1947. go37mSaQ6Ng-00018-00007447-00007961 It's hard to believe, but some rental properties don't even meet basic standards for sanitation go37mSaQ6Ng-00019-00007961-00008088 or safety. go37mSaQ6Ng-00020-00008088-00008582 It's time we got our act together and provided better insulated homes which are more affordable go37mSaQ6Ng-00021-00008582-00008720 to heat. go37mSaQ6Ng-00022-00008720-00008984 If it's good enough for our cars, then why not our kids? go37mSaQ6Ng-00023-00008984-00009084 Credits: Written & voiced by Siouxsie Wiles. go37mSaQ6Ng-00024-00009084-00009184 Recorded by Neil Morrison. go37mSaQ6Ng-00025-00009184-00009284 Commissioned by Jilly Evans. go37mSaQ6Ng-00026-00009284-00009384 Animated by MohawkMedia.co.nz Published under Creative Commons - BY-NC-SA go37mSaQ6Ng-00027-00009384-00009484 (Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike) License go37mSaQ6Ng-00028-00009484-00009584 This is the first in a series of animations launched at the workshop 'Investing In Our go37mSaQ6Ng-00029-00009584-00009684 Nation's Kids Solutions to Child Poverty in New Zealand' go37mSaQ6Ng-00030-00009684-00009784 (tinyurl.com/cy9rlpo) in March 2013. go37mSaQ6Ng-00031-00009784-00009884 The statistics and recommendations are drawn from the report to the Children's Commissioner go37mSaQ6Ng-00032-00009884-00009885 on Solutions to Child Poverty in New Zealand: occ.org.nz/publications/child_poverty g80U-3Sec44-00000-00000211-00000358 excellent g80U-3Sec44-00001-00000358-00000971 Amd Ryzen infinity fabric ticks at [memory] speed that's kind of the focus of this video g80U-3Sec44-00002-00000971-00001394 But if you don't believe me [check] out the techpowerup article that I have referenced right here g80U-3Sec44-00003-00001395-00001871 this is actually revealed about a month ago by Robert Halleck over at Amd and g80U-3Sec44-00004-00001935-00002642 Among the different potential culprits for explaining some of Ryzen's lack of performance in very specific g80U-3Sec44-00005-00002685-00003266 at CPU limited situations with gaming this has become one of the prime suspects, so g80U-3Sec44-00006-00003330-00003935 There's other things that might have affected it, and I want to address those really quickly for instance game support in [General] g80U-3Sec44-00007-00003936-00004502 And that was just proven for instance with the ashes of the singularity update, which provided about a 30% improvement g80U-3Sec44-00008-00004557-00004811 with a Ryzen CPU in certain situations g80U-3Sec44-00009-00004830-00005285 We've also had potentials for windows updates that might cause some improvements as well g80U-3Sec44-00010-00005286-00005750 But in my opinion when you look at overall improving the performance of Ryzen across the board g80U-3Sec44-00011-00005751-00006398 It seems like memory speed is actually one of the things that's a pretty significant factor, so to that end g80U-3Sec44-00012-00006398-00006677 We have a new kit of memory here from G.Skill g80U-3Sec44-00013-00006678-00007172 This is the Flare X and it's designed very specifically for AMD Ryzen platforms g80U-3Sec44-00014-00007172-00007436 This is a 3200 speed kit g80U-3Sec44-00015-00007436-00007835 CAS Latency is 14-14-14-14-34 to be specific g80U-3Sec44-00016-00007836-00008231 and it's a 1.35 Volts kit. Now before I dive into g80U-3Sec44-00017-00008263-00008685 Actually installing this on my testbench and doing some testing I did do a bit of research g80U-3Sec44-00018-00008685-00009080 So I wanted to reference that and [of] course, links to all the stuff is down in the description below g80U-3Sec44-00019-00009097-00009737 First off of course just the revelation that [infinity] fabric does take at memory speed infinity fabrics g80U-3Sec44-00020-00009738-00010338 Put simply is the interconnect the communication layer that's in between the different parts of a Ryzen processor g80U-3Sec44-00021-00010386-00010586 Specifically it handles the interchange of information g80U-3Sec44-00022-00010632-00011393 between the two CCX units that exist in say Ryzen 17 and Ryzen 1800X processor, the theory is that g80U-3Sec44-00023-00011410-00011921 Latency between those those CCX units and Ryzen processor is what is causing some of the slowdown? g80U-3Sec44-00024-00011956-00012378 specifically again in CPU limited gaming situations like gaming at 1080p g80U-3Sec44-00025-00012406-00012950 But there has been a lot of testing and updates and stuff like that in the g80U-3Sec44-00026-00012950-00013523 So I have a couple legit reviews articles listed here. These are [posted] by name then he actually went over g80U-3Sec44-00027-00013552-00014039 What is the best DDR4 clock speed for a AM4 and to sum up, his article. g80U-3Sec44-00028-00014122-00014645 3200 was kind of where he found the sweet spot was you're not going to pay as much as you do for a g80U-3Sec44-00029-00014659-00015180 3200 kit as you would paying for like a premium kit like a 4000 speed which are still a lot more rare g80U-3Sec44-00030-00015219-00015647 So you can get a good amount of Price / Performance and you do get according to him g80U-3Sec44-00031-00015719-00016312 Something in the range of a 60% performance boost in 1080p gaming and about a 50% in g80U-3Sec44-00032-00016312-00016734 Performance Improvement in Memory Bandwidth Tests which are more synthetics g80U-3Sec44-00033-00016734-00017176 But you can see that there is a pretty significant difference. He also did a more recent article g80U-3Sec44-00034-00017236-00017594 discussing Single Rank versus Dual Rank, DDR4 Memory performance g80U-3Sec44-00035-00017594-00018194 And this is another reason why you might consider getting a kit like this Flare X kit from G.Skill g80U-3Sec44-00036-00018194-00018506 Is that single Rank and Dual rank g80U-3Sec44-00037-00018538-00019058 Memory configurations hasn't been a thing that's been discussed for quite some time it just hasn't really had an effect g80U-3Sec44-00038-00019087-00019695 But with Ryzen which seems to be a bit more particular about the memory speeds and even more specifically the memory g80U-3Sec44-00039-00019726-00019926 modules that are on each memory stick g80U-3Sec44-00040-00019966-00020391 It does seem like single rank is the way to go and that is what you I believe will be g80U-3Sec44-00041-00020398-00020613 Guaranteed to get with the G.Skill kit g80U-3Sec44-00042-00020613-00021104 They're not saying specifically, but I feel like if they're if they're doing what they know how to do as G.Skill? g80U-3Sec44-00043-00021104-00021840 They're probably giving you Samsung IC which are have been shown to be more stable with Ryzen and also single rank kits g80U-3Sec44-00044-00021874-00022254 As far as we can tell again, all we know from the packaging g80U-3Sec44-00045-00022258-00022424 Is that this is DDR4 3200 g80U-3Sec44-00046-00022436-00023076 CAS Latency of course 14 and then they specifically say it uses high performance integrated circuits screen g80U-3Sec44-00047-00023076-00023268 specifically for the AMD platform g80U-3Sec44-00048-00023268-00023756 So I have to assume that means it's going to be Samsung Single Rank stuff g80U-3Sec44-00049-00023756-00023964 And again jumping back to Nathan's article here g80U-3Sec44-00050-00023964-00024372 He found that especially when overclocking going a Single Rank 2 DIMM g80U-3Sec44-00051-00024400-00025042 Configuration is going to get you much higher speeds that are possible as well as a better performance overall g80U-3Sec44-00052-00025066-00025298 also bear in mind that again a two kits g80U-3Sec44-00053-00025329-00025724 Configuration is probably going to be a little bit more stable at this point in time. We're waiting on additional g80U-3Sec44-00054-00025776-00026477 Motherboard Bios updates, more validation from the memory manufacturers themselves but right out of the gate that seems to be a good option g80U-3Sec44-00055-00026547-00027247 Looking for a bit of a boost in performance with their Ryzen setups as well as hopefully improved gaming performance g80U-3Sec44-00056-00027324-00027619 Here is another video that has actually kind of taken off g80U-3Sec44-00057-00027619-00027791 Just recently this is from MindBlank Tech g80U-3Sec44-00058-00027791-00028166 Has got about 8,000 subscribers on YouTube right now g80U-3Sec44-00059-00028168-00028704 but a very well-done video where he actually got a 1700X up and running at g80U-3Sec44-00060-00028727-00029048 3600MHz speed so 1803.9 MHz g80U-3Sec44-00061-00029064-00029583 Or so the x2 is actually equal the memory speed he is also running at about 4GHz g80U-3Sec44-00062-00029608-00030160 And he founds through a bunch of tests and again I'll link this in the description so you guys can check them all out g80U-3Sec44-00063-00030160-00030752 I also like his overlays, he found some significant performance improvements depending on the game that you're playing and g80U-3Sec44-00064-00030786-00030986 even in some situations g80U-3Sec44-00065-00030987-00031720 Like here at Mafia 3 the 1700X actually jumps ahead of the 7700K of course there's lots of other g80U-3Sec44-00066-00031812-00032176 Specifics when it comes to his testing configurations that are pointed out in the video so again g80U-3Sec44-00067-00032177-00032377 I encourage you guys to check that out if you want to g80U-3Sec44-00068-00032397-00033079 And then finally I found XBnPC a fairly small YouTube channel, but there's lots of videos on g80U-3Sec44-00069-00033144-00033912 Horizon recently, and he actually has this specific kit of RAM, and he was able to do BCLK overclock and run it at g80U-3Sec44-00070-00033992-00034384 3400Mhz I believe was what he was actually running it trying to get at or g80U-3Sec44-00071-00034408-00035016 3466MHz or so was what he had so, he also goes through very specifically all of his g80U-3Sec44-00072-00035043-00035209 Configurations and the bios and everything like that g80U-3Sec44-00073-00035209-00035827 I don't think I'm going to be going specifically for the 3467MHz setup that he had with a base clock of g80U-3Sec44-00074-00035903-00036133 118.2 MHz if nothing else g80U-3Sec44-00075-00036134-00036628 I'm going to go for the straight out of the box 3200MHz speed settings that most people dial and pretty quickly g80U-3Sec44-00076-00036656-00036970 And then I'll be testing that against my existing g80U-3Sec44-00077-00037026-00037163 2933MHz Benchmarks g80U-3Sec44-00078-00037163-00037828 Or I need to redo my 2933MHz settings benchmarks with the 1070 and the 1700X and this is of course all g80U-3Sec44-00079-00037853-00038119 leading up to further preparation for my Ryzen 5 g80U-3Sec44-00080-00038144-00038821 Video which should be coming out, the Ryzen 5 is on top, which should be coming out very very soon like really soon g80U-3Sec44-00081-00038838-00039127 Can't tell you exactly when but Ryzen 5 launches on April 11th g80U-3Sec44-00082-00039128-00039489 So that's maybe a little bit of a hint for you guys. My testbench over here g80U-3Sec44-00083-00039536-00040280 Though, is basically the same system that I was using for my Ryzen 7 overclocking video is Asus Crosshair VI Hero g80U-3Sec44-00084-00040280-00040448 And I go to use them the latest g80U-3Sec44-00085-00040448-00041120 BIOS version that's available from them. I had a Corsair H100 V2 for the CPU cooler g80U-3Sec44-00086-00041120-00041664 1700, Ryzen 7 1700 is a CPU that's in there. I have a GTX 1070 from Galax here g80U-3Sec44-00087-00041667-00042326 I also be running overclocks the operating system and games are on a Patriot Hellfire M.2 480GB SSD g80U-3Sec44-00088-00042361-00042590 Which is an NVME SSD g80U-3Sec44-00089-00042591-00042992 It's very fast everything [is] powered by Coursair HX1000 High power supply g80U-3Sec44-00090-00042993-00043529 And then of course the memory is going to be my Flare X kit here from G.Skill 3200MHz speed memory. g80U-3Sec44-00091-00043537-00043875 I'm going to get this installed. I'm going to kind of go through and do some testing whatever g80U-3Sec44-00092-00043896-00044238 I'll come back and tell you guys what I've settled on as far as my testing goes g80U-3Sec44-00093-00044264-00044520 And then we'll do some benchmarks and some closing thoughts g80U-3Sec44-00094-00045168-00045656 So I actually decided pretty quickly that I was not gonna do the expanded memory overclock g80U-3Sec44-00095-00045656-00045976 I was going to settle with 3200MHz speed VS g80U-3Sec44-00096-00045992-00046144 2933MHz speeds g80U-3Sec44-00097-00046146-00046234 so I remember g80U-3Sec44-00098-00046234-00046779 2933MHz is already a bit of an overclock out of the box for Ryzen memory and not everyone has [been] able to hit it g80U-3Sec44-00099-00046803-00047223 so I'm not doing the wider gaps of comparisons that you would see with like a g80U-3Sec44-00100-00047281-00047652 2133MHz Speed DDR4 Memory Kit versus something like 3200MHz g80U-3Sec44-00101-00047655-00048093 But I started by getting the latest version of the Ryzen Master utility as well as my other g80U-3Sec44-00102-00048100-00048585 Monitoring utilities Like CPU-Z and then I updated the Crosshair VI Hero g80U-3Sec44-00103-00048592-00049248 Motherboard to the latest version of the BIOS which was released just march 24th. It's version 1002, in case you are curious. g80U-3Sec44-00104-00049248-00049792 I also had latest Microcode updates for the Ryzen CPU in there as well g80U-3Sec44-00105-00049800-00049904 which is of course the g80U-3Sec44-00106-00049906-00050570 1700 I did also install the balanced power plan that's optimized for AMD Ryzen processors? g80U-3Sec44-00107-00050571-00051051 This was just recently published on the AMD Ryzen Community website g80U-3Sec44-00108-00051085-00051489 Which has a specific power plan tailored for Ryzen CPUs? g80U-3Sec44-00109-00051489-00051767 It's not available in Windows 10 when you first load it up g80U-3Sec44-00110-00051767-00052233 So you do need to do an extra step to get this but I'm trying to give this setup the best g80U-3Sec44-00111-00052240-00052688 Possible chance at getting some good scores, so I decided to go with that as well from there g80U-3Sec44-00112-00052688-00053055 I moved on into overclocking and this is actually pretty much the same overclock g80U-3Sec44-00113-00053064-00053791 I had on my 1700 when I did my overclocking video a few weeks back, but it's a 3.9GHz, turning about 1.35 V g80U-3Sec44-00114-00053791-00054176 and that's via + .075 V offsets g80U-3Sec44-00115-00054232-00054736 Using the asus UEFI configuration and then for the baseline test the memory is running at DDR4 g80U-3Sec44-00116-00054736-00055008 2933MHz with CAS latency of g80U-3Sec44-00117-00055008-00055416 16-16-16-39 Which is not the tightest timings g80U-3Sec44-00118-00055416-00055832 but it is what it runs that out of the box if you just plug in 2933MHz and again g80U-3Sec44-00119-00055833-00056349 It's just for the baseline. Now after that I've ran some tests of course and I'll come back to that in a minute g80U-3Sec44-00120-00056349-00056756 But then I overclocked the memory just using the UEFI g80U-3Sec44-00121-00056757-00057423 I was able to just basically plug in the same CAS latency values and frequency that are listed on the Flare X kit g80U-3Sec44-00122-00057424-00057808 so 3200MHz speed 14-14-14-34 g80U-3Sec44-00123-00057808-00058376 was the timings, fortunately everything was pretty much rock-solid after I dialed that in and from there g80U-3Sec44-00124-00058377-00058578 I was able to do some benchmark tests g80U-3Sec44-00125-00058578-00059240 I started out with the Asus ROG realbench which is sort of a real-world test runs through multiple tests my baseline test score g80U-3Sec44-00126-00059240-00059904 145,850 and with the memory overclocked [I] got up to 148,672 g80U-3Sec44-00127-00059904-00060312 next up I did the AIDA64 memory Bandwidth test. This is definitely a synthetic test g80U-3Sec44-00128-00060317-00061058 It's purely testing raw memory Bandwidth Bandwidth speed read/write copy and latency and since there's some very specific numbers here g80U-3Sec44-00129-00061059-00061544 I'm just going to show these to you guys right side by side, don't pay too much attention to the cache because that won't be g80U-3Sec44-00130-00061545-00062016 Affected by my memory overclock that top line for the memory is what you want to look at and definitely a nice g80U-3Sec44-00131-00062041-00062558 Improvement in latency as well as the overall scores next up. I did some gaming benchmarks g80U-3Sec44-00132-00062559-00062728 I started with GTA V g80U-3Sec44-00133-00062728-00063366 Which is where I saw some definite disparity between Kaby Lake and Ryzen when I did my initial test running at 1080p g80U-3Sec44-00134-00063429-00063692 Here I got 122 FPS average g80U-3Sec44-00135-00063778-00064439 With the memory at 2933MHz buffy the memory a memory up to 3200MHz got me up to 125 FPS average g80U-3Sec44-00136-00064465-00064829 Seems Fairly Minor, but that is an improvement, and it was repeatable g80U-3Sec44-00137-00064829-00065375 So we're definitely seeing at [least] a percentage increase with the higher memory speed here. Next I went for For Honor g80U-3Sec44-00138-00065376-00065622 And I really ran the steps because it's a new one g80U-3Sec44-00139-00065622-00065969 And it's got a nice can benchmark and so I just threw it in there before g80U-3Sec44-00140-00065992-00066374 Actually double-checking some other people's results, the For Honor is one of those games g80U-3Sec44-00141-00066375-00066896 [that's] really just not showing much between Ryzen and Kaby Lake so as a results g80U-3Sec44-00142-00066946-00067424 improving my memory speed really got me the same it results overall and that just goes to show that the g80U-3Sec44-00143-00067440-00068152 1080p performance deficits that you're seeing in some situations with Ryzen. It's not across the board, you have to be CPU limited g80U-3Sec44-00144-00068152-00068624 For Honor It's not a game that CPU limited even at 1080p so the results were pretty much the same g80U-3Sec44-00145-00068646-00069092 Finally I popped in ashes of the singularity it had a recent update so I wanted to test it g80U-3Sec44-00146-00069093-00069315 I'm not testing against the old version of ashes g80U-3Sec44-00147-00069315-00069848 But I am testing in directX 12 mode at 1080p with the extreme profile and here I got g80U-3Sec44-00148-00069880-00070456 67.7 FPS average with the memory overclock that's compared to 63.1 g80U-3Sec44-00149-00070474-00070845 Average frames per second that I got without that memory overclocked so that was a pretty g80U-3Sec44-00150-00070864-00070962 significant improvement g80U-3Sec44-00151-00070962-00071544 And definitely the most pronounced of all the tests that I ran. So just to wrap things up and run down the results and remember g80U-3Sec44-00152-00071544-00071701 Here, I'm testing g80U-3Sec44-00153-00071704-00071968 2933MHz versus 3200MHz not g80U-3Sec44-00154-00071968-00072216 2133MHz versus 3200MHz g80U-3Sec44-00155-00072216-00072358 those are pretty close g80U-3Sec44-00156-00072358-00072827 Actual memory speed but in real bet realbench I saw 2% overall score improvement g80U-3Sec44-00157-00072868-00072969 It's pretty small g80U-3Sec44-00158-00072969-00073856 But definitely something. AIDA64 saw 8.3% faster reads 9.1% faster writes 10% faster Copy score and g80U-3Sec44-00159-00073856-00074048 16% reduced latency g80U-3Sec44-00160-00074048-00074672 and I think that reduced latency is a pretty key factor when it comes to performance improvements particularly with gaming g80U-3Sec44-00161-00074672-00075488 In GTA V an 1.6% better overall frame rate, so again pretty minor, but definitely measurable, and for honor again g80U-3Sec44-00162-00075492-00075567 There was no change g80U-3Sec44-00163-00075567-00075723 So not really much to speak of there g80U-3Sec44-00164-00075723-00076433 And then ashes of the singularity, I had a 7.3% better average frame rate and a 7.5% better average g80U-3Sec44-00165-00076468-00076865 CPU frame rate so there again very pronounced improved scores g80U-3Sec44-00166-00076866-00077433 And I would love to see how this could do going even beyond that like pushing it up to like g80U-3Sec44-00167-00077485-00077739 3400MHz or 3500MHz or something like that, unfortunately g80U-3Sec44-00168-00077812-00078276 I'm running out of time very quickly because the Ryzen 5 launch is right around the corner g80U-3Sec44-00169-00078276-00078686 So I'm going to have to cut these tests off here and hopefully come back to this in the future g80U-3Sec44-00170-00078730-00079184 [there] you go guys pretty clear evidence in my opinion that memory speed is a g80U-3Sec44-00171-00079216-00079607 Significant Factor when it comes to the overall performance of your Ryzen based system g80U-3Sec44-00172-00079607-00079892 That is not to say [this] [is] the end-all Be-all of course g80U-3Sec44-00173-00079929-00080552 Then plenty of tests already at lower memory speeds that have shown Ryzen performing very well it just depends what you're doing in g80U-3Sec44-00174-00080593-00080733 CPU limited gaming g80U-3Sec44-00175-00080733-00081347 Situations though which is kind of the point of contention for most people right now when it comes to Ryzen especially if you're talking about g80U-3Sec44-00176-00081349-00081602 Ryzen versus Intel Kaby Lake or something like that g80U-3Sec44-00177-00081663-00082202 Memory speed Matters, and it's definitely very nice to have the availability of the G.Skill Flare X kit g80U-3Sec44-00178-00082202-00082342 so that you know you have a g80U-3Sec44-00179-00082342-00082940 Validated and tested kit that can run at those higher speeds that will pretty much out of the box work with your Ryzen setup g80U-3Sec44-00180-00082944-00083462 But that's all for this video because I have a lot more testing still to do because Ryzen 5 again g80U-3Sec44-00181-00083463-00084035 it's just right around the corner so guys if you're interested in my Ryzen 5 testing which I have lots of plans for g80U-3Sec44-00182-00084073-00084434 Definitely hit the subscribe button and get subscribed to my channel because that's coming really soon g80U-3Sec44-00183-00084460-00084510 also g80U-3Sec44-00184-00084510-00085082 thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video and let me know comments down in the comment section are also always appreciated and g80U-3Sec44-00185-00085119-00085694 Check out links as well done there for links to my stories my shirts mugs pint glasses and help support my channel g80U-3Sec44-00186-00085694-00085898 Thanks again for watching guys, and we'll see you next time g8UI68LclNM-00000-00000000-00000200 What is Bookmark?? g9f8nNRLswY-00000-00000003-00000648 Hey everyone! Welcome back to another edition of Hijab Friday. My name’s Ika and I’m from Zolace Malaysia. g9f8nNRLswY-00001-00000648-00001298 Today I’ll show you a beautiful flowy shawl style that makes your face appear smaller and longer. To help give you a longer and smaller face g9f8nNRLswY-00002-00001299-00001387 Wearing a shawl g9f8nNRLswY-00003-00001387-00002072 always make sure it doesn’t cover your forehead. And the perfect shawl to use for this is our Zehna Chiffon Curved Shawl in Pearl g9f8nNRLswY-00004-00002072-00002272 and you can get it on Zolace.com. g9f8nNRLswY-00005-00003878-00004588 To get this entire look, this is our Eleventh Hour Invitation Top and Sweet Spirit Skirt, both shown here in Green. g9f8nNRLswY-00006-00004588-00004898 It’s an elegant outfit that is classic yet modern g9f8nNRLswY-00007-00004898-00005524 You can mix and match these pieces within your wardrobe, or wear as shown here. Pick out your colours on Zolace.com! g9f8nNRLswY-00008-00006114-00006588 For this look you’ll need 5 pins. So grab them, grab your shawl, and we’ll get started! g9f8nNRLswY-00009-00006630-00007086 First, take the edge of the shawl in front of you and bring both sides back around your head, g9f8nNRLswY-00010-00007088-00007288 Using a pin to secure them together g9f8nNRLswY-00011-00007979-00008490 Take the rest of the shawl and flip it over your head making sure it falls nicely around you g9f8nNRLswY-00012-00008972-00009280 Use two pins to secure it on both sides of your face g9f8nNRLswY-00013-00010398-00010858 Now take the hanging piece and slightly twist it and bring it back onto your shoulder g9f8nNRLswY-00014-00011926-00012364 Do the same thing with the other side, adjusting as you go, and pin it in place. g9f8nNRLswY-00015-00014838-00015038 And that's it you're done! g9f8nNRLswY-00016-00015140-00015797 Make sure to check out our other colours on Zolace.com. Our chiffon headscarf is super famous for being easy to style! g9f8nNRLswY-00017-00015852-00016300 I hope you enjoyed this style, it will really give you a trendy look in just a few simple steps! g9f8nNRLswY-00018-00017290-00017736 Don’t forget to comment and subscribe and we’ll see you next week for another edition of Hijab Friday! grpsw1UdiKU-00000-00000038-00000440 Those planes don't get off the ground and fly there's no mission. grpsw1UdiKU-00001-00000528-00000926 My job is to make sure those aircraft are able to get off the ground grpsw1UdiKU-00002-00000926-00001178 go out there and complete the mission and return back. grpsw1UdiKU-00003-00001420-00002048 There was an issue noted with the compressor valve on the number 4 which required the engine change. grpsw1UdiKU-00004-00002048-00002468 Basically we had to change the engine because of a high vibe scenario that we grpsw1UdiKU-00005-00002468-00002823 couldn't get to go away. So basically we just had to change out the engine rather grpsw1UdiKU-00006-00002823-00003070 than going through and borescoping entire thing. grpsw1UdiKU-00007-00003556-00004010 it's just like a sense of accomplishment in a way that something came in not grpsw1UdiKU-00008-00004010-00004325 working and you were able to get it working whether you didn't know what was grpsw1UdiKU-00009-00004325-00004690 wrong with it, or you knew exactly knew what was wrong with it, either way you got to make grpsw1UdiKU-00010-00004690-00004926 the plane FMC again and make it fly. grpsw1UdiKU-00011-00005132-00005626 You feel one with the aircraft and with the aircrew because of the closeness that you work with the aircraft grpsw1UdiKU-00012-00005626-00005782 and with the aircrew and making sure grpsw1UdiKU-00013-00005782-00005884 the mission takes place. grpsw1UdiKU-00014-00006146-00006738 We've had a great success rate here at Al Udeid, enjoying it day by day. Just looking forward to the rest of grpsw1UdiKU-00015-00006739-00006972 the mission gudFaRIvrnM-00000-00000463-00001224 Time is important, so let's talk about it! Todaywe'll look at process takt, lead and cycle time, gudFaRIvrnM-00001-00001224-00001872 and why it's imperative we measure these. Takt time is the speed of producing an item, matched to the gudFaRIvrnM-00002-00001872-00002536 customer demand. How is takt time calculated? Takt time is the total available working time divided gudFaRIvrnM-00003-00002536-00003152 by the number of units that a customer demands. Let's look at an example. We have eight hours a day gudFaRIvrnM-00004-00003152-00003760 times 60 equals 480 minutes. We'll subtract the 30-minute break, and the 60 minutes of downtime. gudFaRIvrnM-00005-00003760-00004408 In the end, we have a total of 390 minutes of available work time. Now, we'll divide this by the gudFaRIvrnM-00006-00004408-00005168 10 units demanded and get 39. This tells us that a unit needs to be produced every 39 minutes. gudFaRIvrnM-00007-00005168-00005688 It allows you to gauge the speed at which you need to work to satisfy the customer. This keeps you gudFaRIvrnM-00008-00005688-00006312 from being too slow and losing customers, as well as avoiding the production of too much inventory gudFaRIvrnM-00009-00006312-00006944 or waste. Your takt time should be similar or just over your throughput time. Throughput gudFaRIvrnM-00010-00006944-00007616 time measures how long it takes to produce one item, while takt time is how long it should take. gudFaRIvrnM-00011-00007616-00008304 How can you improve your takt time? First, map out your value stream and improve the processes. gudFaRIvrnM-00012-00008304-00009200 Conduct a 5S initiative. Conduct Heijunka. Increase production volumes. Finally, if your processes are gudFaRIvrnM-00013-00009200-00009848 optimized, look at increasing your capacity by hiring new staff, purchasing more equipment, gudFaRIvrnM-00014-00009848-00010536 or pulling more Kanban cards. Now, let's look at cycle time. Cycle time is a metric that measures gudFaRIvrnM-00015-00010536-00011224 how long it takes for an item to move from the "in progress" column to the "done" column. Cycle time is gudFaRIvrnM-00016-00011224-00011856 calculated by dividing all the work in progress items by their average completion rate. How do you gudFaRIvrnM-00017-00011856-00012512 calculate cycle time? We subtract the start date from the completion date, with an optional +1 gudFaRIvrnM-00018-00012512-00013263 to correct a zero day cycle - where a task is completed on the same day. This measurement alone gudFaRIvrnM-00019-00013263-00013887 is not that helpful, but we'll need several of these, to calculate and predict the average cycletime. gudFaRIvrnM-00020-00013887-00014472 Say there are five tasks with these cycle times for each task. We'll add up these weeks and gudFaRIvrnM-00021-00014472-00015216 divide them by 5 to get your average cycle time of 2.2 weeks. Thanks to this information, when a client gudFaRIvrnM-00022-00015216-00015824 comes back with a project consisting of 10 tasks, and you'll want to forecast the completiontime, gudFaRIvrnM-00023-00015824-00016600 multiply the average cycle time of 2.2 weeks times 10, to get a 22 weeks total cycle time. gudFaRIvrnM-00024-00016600-00017120 That is, assuming your system's throughput equals one unit for the average cycle time. This gives you gudFaRIvrnM-00025-00017120-00017752 a reliable way of communicating completion times to the client, and enables you to offer them realistic gudFaRIvrnM-00026-00017752-00018696 commitments. Here are three ways we can reduce your cycle time: 1: Limiting work in progress; 2: Speed up work, gudFaRIvrnM-00027-00018696-00019360 by ridding your process of bottlenecks and blockers; 3: Classify items on your board into gudFaRIvrnM-00028-00019360-00019944 groups or classes of service, since there may be variation in different types of work. For example, gudFaRIvrnM-00029-00019944-00020608 coding a new software feature will typically have a longer cycle time than fixing a minor bug. gudFaRIvrnM-00030-00020608-00021272 This is where a digital Kanban board can be a powerful tool because of its automatic, accurate and easy gudFaRIvrnM-00031-00021272-00022008 tracking of all cycle times, as well as various other statistics - like this Cumulative Flow Diagram, gudFaRIvrnM-00032-00022008-00022640 that shows the stability and predictability of work, and lets the team calculate and report on gudFaRIvrnM-00033-00022640-00023312 cycle times, not only on the overall speed of processing work. What is lead time? The lead time gudFaRIvrnM-00034-00023312-00023792 is the time from the moment when the request was made by a client, and placed on a board, gudFaRIvrnM-00035-00023792-00024328 to when all work on this item is completed, and the request was delivered to the client. gudFaRIvrnM-00036-00024328-00025016 So it's the total time the client is waiting for an item to be delivered and thus is very important. gudFaRIvrnM-00037-00025016-00025610 To clarify, cycle time measures the time between when a task is started to when it is finished. gudFaRIvrnM-00038-00025610-00026100 Lead time includes the time from when a customer makes a request to the request completion. gudFaRIvrnM-00039-00026100-00026877 I hope you enjoyed learning about these useful tools. Followus, to learn more about takt, lead and cycle times! g-9krtqRdsU-00000-00000400-00000869 Hello everyone and welcome to today’s TechSoup webinar. Thanks for joining us. g-9krtqRdsU-00001-00000869-00001376 My name is Crystal and I will be your host. Today’s webinar is Library Websites on a Budget: g-9krtqRdsU-00002-00001376-00002019 Tools, Tips, & Tales. We have 3 guests joining us who will share their experience redesigning g-9krtqRdsU-00003-00002020-00002473 their Library websites using free and open source software. g-9krtqRdsU-00004-00002473-00002886 We will be using the ReadyTalk platform for our meeting today. g-9krtqRdsU-00005-00002886-00003379 Please use the chat in the lower left corner to send questions and comments to the presenters. g-9krtqRdsU-00006-00003379-00003753 We will be tracking your questions throughout the webinar and will answer them g-9krtqRdsU-00007-00003753-00004183 at the designated Q&A section at the end. All of your chat comments g-9krtqRdsU-00008-00004183-00004669 will only come to the presenters. But if you have comments or ideas to share, we will forward them g-9krtqRdsU-00009-00004670-00005110 back out to the entire group. You do not need to raise your hand to ask a question, g-9krtqRdsU-00010-00005110-00005370 simply type it into the chat box. g-9krtqRdsU-00011-00005370-00005780 Should you get disconnected during the webinar you can reconnect using the same a link g-9krtqRdsU-00012-00005780-00006200 in your confirmation email. You should be hearing the conference audio g-9krtqRdsU-00013-00006200-00006609 through your computer speakers, but if your audio connection is unclear you can dial in g-9krtqRdsU-00014-00006609-00007059 using the phone number in your confirmation email. If you are having technical issues g-9krtqRdsU-00015-00007059-00007509 please send us a chat message and we will try to assist you. g-9krtqRdsU-00016-00007509-00007909 This webinar is being recorded and will be archived on the TechSoup website. g-9krtqRdsU-00017-00007909-00008313 If you are called away from the webinar, or if you have connection issues, g-9krtqRdsU-00018-00008313-00008909 you can watch a full recording of this webinar later. You will receive an archive email within 24 hours g-9krtqRdsU-00019-00008910-00009503 that will include a link to the recording, the Power Point slides, and any additional links or resources g-9krtqRdsU-00020-00009503-00010216 shared during the session. If you are tweeting this webinar please use that hashtag TS4Libs. g-9krtqRdsU-00021-00010216-00010576 We have someone from TechSoup live tweeting this event so please join us g-9krtqRdsU-00022-00010576-00010913 in the conversation there. g-9krtqRdsU-00023-00010913-00011533 TechSoup connects nonprofits, charities, libraries and foundations with tech products and services g-9krtqRdsU-00024-00011533-00012069 as well as information so that you can make informed decisions about technology. g-9krtqRdsU-00025-00012070-00012626 During the past 17 years, TechSoup has distributed over 11 million technology donations g-9krtqRdsU-00026-00012626-00013493 to over 200,000 nonprofit organizations, libraries, and charities in over 60 countries worldwide. g-9krtqRdsU-00027-00013493-00014026 TechSoup offers mobile devices, refurbished computers, software, and services g-9krtqRdsU-00028-00014026-00014526 through their product donation program from vendors like Better World Wireless and Microsoft. g-9krtqRdsU-00029-00014526-00014909 For more information about TechSoup products and donations, or services, g-9krtqRdsU-00030-00014910-00015530 please visit TechSoup.org and click on Get Products and Services. g-9krtqRdsU-00031-00015530-00015966 TechSoup for Libraries addresses the specific technology needs of public libraries. g-9krtqRdsU-00032-00015966-00016496 TechSoup for Libraries gathers stories from public libraries about how they are utilizing technology g-9krtqRdsU-00033-00016496-00017019 and shares them via webinars, blog posts, and the TechSoup for Libraries monthly newsletter. g-9krtqRdsU-00034-00017020-00017573 Find these stories and sign up for our newsletter at TechSoupforLibraries.org. g-9krtqRdsU-00035-00017573-00018086 With that, we are ready to begin today's webinar, Library Websites on a Budget: g-9krtqRdsU-00036-00018086-00018723 Tools, Tips, & Tales. We will hear the stories of 3 libraries who have undertaken website design g-9krtqRdsU-00037-00018723-00019156 projects with limited resources and they have survived to tell their tale. g-9krtqRdsU-00038-00019156-00019689 Please welcome our 3 guests for today’s program. Amy Marshall is the Director g-9krtqRdsU-00039-00019690-00020243 of the Craig Public Library, a small library on the remote Prince of Wales Island in Alaska. g-9krtqRdsU-00040-00020243-00020739 Amy has single-handedly redesigned her Library website to be engaging and responsive g-9krtqRdsU-00041-00020740-00021240 to community interests. Karen Mier is the Director of the Plattsmouth Public Library g-9krtqRdsU-00042-00021240-00021713 located south of Omaha, Nebraska. Karen manages the library website g-9krtqRdsU-00043-00021713-00022286 as part of the city website which she also maintains. Carol Gyger is the Library IT Manager g-9krtqRdsU-00044-00022286-00022716 for the Poudre River Public Library located in Fort Collins, Colorado. g-9krtqRdsU-00045-00022716-00023179 Carol recently led a complete redesign of the library website which involved a committee g-9krtqRdsU-00046-00023180-00023676 of library staff and stakeholders. My name is Crystal Schimpf and I will be your host g-9krtqRdsU-00047-00023676-00024183 for today’s webinar. Assisting us with chat and Twitter we have Ginnie Mies and Ale Bezdikian g-9krtqRdsU-00048-00024183-00025089 of the TechSoup for Libraries team. We will be on Twitter using the @techsoup4libs handle. g-9krtqRdsU-00049-00025090-00025863 During this webinar our guests will present a blend of tools, tips and tales from their experience. g-9krtqRdsU-00050-00025863-00026486 Each guest has used a different free or open source platform to design their website. g-9krtqRdsU-00051-00026486-00026989 We will share the links to their website after the webinar is over as part of the archive. g-9krtqRdsU-00052-00026989-00027689 During the webinar we invite you to focus on the content that they share in their slides. g-9krtqRdsU-00053-00027689-00028170 While we won’t be able to give you a full training on how each tool works, we do hope to show you g-9krtqRdsU-00054-00028170-00028713 some of the features and considerations using each tool. We hope that through their stories g-9krtqRdsU-00055-00028713-00029213 you learn of few new things to apply in your Library. We will have time for questions g-9krtqRdsU-00056-00029213-00029616 after each presenter. Please send your questions using the chat as they arrive, g-9krtqRdsU-00057-00029616-00030099 and we will address as many as we are able. If you ask a question that we are not able to answer g-9krtqRdsU-00058-00030100-00030586 during the webinar, we will follow-up later via email with a response. You can also ask questions g-9krtqRdsU-00059-00030586-00031126 on Twitter. All of the resources discussed today will be available in the archive of this webinar. g-9krtqRdsU-00060-00031126-00031443 We will also include a handout with tips and resources g-9krtqRdsU-00061-00031443-00031816 compiled from the content we are sharing. g-9krtqRdsU-00062-00031816-00032209 Now we wanted to learn just a little bit about why you are here today. g-9krtqRdsU-00063-00032210-00032520 So tell us does your library’s website need a makeover? g-9krtqRdsU-00064-00032520-00032973 Your responses are completely anonymous. Just select your response by selecting the radio button g-9krtqRdsU-00065-00032973-00033279 and then click Submit. g-9krtqRdsU-00066-00033280-00033920 We’ll give you a few seconds to respond here. We can see that many of you are here saying g-9krtqRdsU-00067-00033920-00034433 your library does need a website, your library’s website does need a makeover. g-9krtqRdsU-00068-00034433-00034743 Some of you aren’t sure, and I understand that may be a tricky position. g-9krtqRdsU-00069-00034743-00035349 You may want to investigate that idea a little bit more and this webinar may help you see that. g-9krtqRdsU-00070-00035350-00035830 I also know that some folks out there still in fact, do need a website for their library g-9krtqRdsU-00071-00035830-00036340 and that you may be designing one for the first time. You may have some just informational site up g-9krtqRdsU-00072-00036340-00036923 or something very basic, but you are looking to develop a more full-fledged website. g-9krtqRdsU-00073-00036923-00037229 It looks like most people have a responded who are probably going to, g-9krtqRdsU-00074-00037230-00037660 so we will go ahead and close the poll and see that wow, almost 70% of you are looking g-9krtqRdsU-00075-00037660-00038253 to give your library’s website a makeover, and more on top of that if we take into account g-9krtqRdsU-00076-00038253-00038646 those of you still creating a website for the first time, or who may be aren’t sure. g-9krtqRdsU-00077-00038646-00039303 So hopefully you’ll all get some new tips and ideas to incorporate into your process today. g-9krtqRdsU-00078-00039303-00039633 Now we also wanted to find out about how you feel about this topic. g-9krtqRdsU-00079-00039633-00039956 So tell us, how do you feel about working on your library’s website? g-9krtqRdsU-00080-00039956-00040523 Do you think it’s pretty easy, or is it more of a struggle, or is it the last thing that g-9krtqRdsU-00081-00040523-00041049 you really want to work on? I know there are some of us that would maybe rather do something else. g-9krtqRdsU-00082-00041050-00041570 And we can see as the responses are coming in, I’ll give you just a second to think about that. g-9krtqRdsU-00083-00041570-00042023 You are also welcome to share in the chat at any point. If you have commentary to share, g-9krtqRdsU-00084-00042023-00042376 please share it with us. And Ale will share that back out to the group if it is something g-9krtqRdsU-00085-00042376-00042913 that maybe everybody would appreciate, or if you have other ideas to share. g-9krtqRdsU-00086-00042913-00043563 And we can see that some of you are comfortable with web design and you have an easy time with it. g-9krtqRdsU-00087-00043563-00044329 But really the majority are having a bit of a struggle or would rather work on another project entirely. g-9krtqRdsU-00088-00044330-00044766 So we’ll go ahead and close the poll in just a second here so we can get the final results. g-9krtqRdsU-00089-00044766-00045443 And we will go ahead and close it now. Well thanks for sharing your thoughts with us g-9krtqRdsU-00090-00045443-00045879 on those 2 topics. It helps us see why it is you’ve joined us today. g-9krtqRdsU-00091-00045880-00046490 And again, hopefully you will get some tips and ideas regardless of where you are in the process. g-9krtqRdsU-00092-00046490-00047076 Now during this webinar you will learn about 3 free Web design tools and they are listed on the left. g-9krtqRdsU-00093-00047076-00047536 But there are other free tools which are also used by many libraries. And we’ll share some examples g-9krtqRdsU-00094-00047536-00048006 of other websites in the archive so you can see what other possibilities exist. g-9krtqRdsU-00095-00048006-00048569 We’ll also share the links directly to these tools so you will know where to find them. g-9krtqRdsU-00096-00048570-00049083 If you are relatively new to web design, we may be throwing around some terms today that are new, g-9krtqRdsU-00097-00049083-00049556 some tech jargon. So here are a few of the terms I just wanted to go through that might be confusing g-9krtqRdsU-00098-00049556-00049909 if this is a new topic for you. And I will just put them in context. g-9krtqRdsU-00099-00049910-00050446 We are talking about the overall topic of web design which is the creation of a website. g-9krtqRdsU-00100-00050446-00050933 Web hosting is the server or the location where the website content is stored and made available g-9krtqRdsU-00101-00050933-00051533 on the Internet. The content management system is the software that allows you to create, edit, g-9krtqRdsU-00102-00051533-00052006 and publish content. And if you are more advanced at web design, you may also incorporate g-9krtqRdsU-00103-00052006-00052539 a coding language like HTML to make specific customizations within your CMS. g-9krtqRdsU-00104-00052540-00052916 We’ll include these definitions in the archive as well. But hopefully, that will give you some context g-9krtqRdsU-00105-00052916-00053279 as we go into the topic today. g-9krtqRdsU-00106-00053279-00053600 Well we have made it through our introduction and it is time for me to hand over the controls g-9krtqRdsU-00107-00053600-00053960 to Amy Marshall, the Director of the Craig Public Library in Alaska g-9krtqRdsU-00108-00053960-00054723 who will tell us how she has made a big impact with their new library website using Weebly. Amy? g-9krtqRdsU-00109-00054723-00055209 Amy: Thanks. I’m Amy Marshall. I’m the Director of the Craig Public Library. g-9krtqRdsU-00110-00055210-00055750 I’ve been the director since 2010. I’m also now a member of the ARSL Board. g-9krtqRdsU-00111-00055750-00056610 My background is in archives and curation. So I was new to libraries when I got this job. g-9krtqRdsU-00112-00056610-00057129 Craig is a very remote place. We are on Prince of Wales Island so we are in Southeast Alaska g-9krtqRdsU-00113-00057129-00057960 1 Island over from Ketchikan. We have a 1200 ft.² building that serves 1200 people in Craig Alaska. g-9krtqRdsU-00114-00057960-00058783 We have 3,725 active patrons. So we also serve the greater Prince of Wales Island. g-9krtqRdsU-00115-00058783-00059269 And then we also have the influx of the summer visitors that come in every year. g-9krtqRdsU-00116-00059270-00059970 The only way in and out of Craig is by ferry or float plane. And this year coming up, 2015, g-9krtqRdsU-00117-00059970-00060479 is the 80th anniversary of our library. So that’s just to kind of give you a background g-9krtqRdsU-00118-00060479-00061140 of where Craig is, and what Craig is, and how small and remote it is. g-9krtqRdsU-00119-00061140-00062120 And we do have technological challenges here as far as broadband and things like that. g-9krtqRdsU-00120-00062120-00062873 Before 2012, someone had remarked about a website that had been started g-9krtqRdsU-00121-00062873-00063313 by a state technician and it was clunky. Our website was part of the city website g-9krtqRdsU-00122-00063313-00063783 and it was maintained using Publisher. And what you are seeing is my attempt, g-9krtqRdsU-00123-00063783-00064299 because this is the old website showing, how it looked on the web and then also how it looked g-9krtqRdsU-00124-00064300-00064946 in the matrix that you would use to update it. But that is my attempt to add graphics in 2011 g-9krtqRdsU-00125-00064946-00065349 because before that it had been all text. It was difficult to update. g-9krtqRdsU-00126-00065350-00066003 I would rather have cleaned the public toilets a thousand times over than update this website g-9krtqRdsU-00127-00066003-00066816 because it was clunky. It was almost unusable. Then in early 2012, our Police Department g-9krtqRdsU-00128-00066816-00067656 broke away from the CraigAK.com website and went with their own server. I said, “I can do that.” g-9krtqRdsU-00129-00067656-00068356 So I ended up getting a donation and it would cover 5 years of domain registration, hosting, g-9krtqRdsU-00130-00068356-00069076 and a subscription to Weebly Pro. And Weebly Pro is one step up from the regular free Weebly. g-9krtqRdsU-00131-00069076-00069593 Weebly itself will give you up to 10 pages. Weebly Pro will give you unlimited pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00132-00069593-00070013 It costs about $7 a month and to me it is well worth it. g-9krtqRdsU-00133-00070013-00070583 This is the website as it look last week. And I say last week because it’s been updated g-9krtqRdsU-00134-00070583-00071343 since last week. It is so easy to update that either weekly or spur of the moment, g-9krtqRdsU-00135-00071343-00071959 updates are just absolutely a snap because of the way it is designed. And if you are a small library g-9krtqRdsU-00136-00071960-00072743 with only 1 or 2 people that you can dedicate to a website, I can’t recommend this highly enough. g-9krtqRdsU-00137-00072743-00073636 I have past experience with Hostmonster. I have 2 other websites that are hosted on Hostmonster, g-9krtqRdsU-00138-00073636-00074413 so that is why I went with them. I had experience in Wordpress. Wordpress is a great platform. g-9krtqRdsU-00139-00074413-00074833 My Wordpress site was hacked. That was about a week of a nightmare g-9krtqRdsU-00140-00074833-00075236 because I couldn’t quite figure out how to fix what had happened. g-9krtqRdsU-00141-00075236-00076003 The reason to go with Weebly were the design elements, the ease of updating, g-9krtqRdsU-00142-00076003-00076663 and there is no HTML. I did have experience in PHP which if you are going to add e-commerce g-9krtqRdsU-00143-00076663-00077256 to it, I will just say you have to know HTML and go in and fix every little thing in there. g-9krtqRdsU-00144-00077256-00078129 And that was also not really fun to update. And as I was saying, if you go with Weebly Pro, g-9krtqRdsU-00145-00078130-00078823 $7 a month, infinite pages. You have an ability to hide pages on your website. So you can just say, g-9krtqRdsU-00146-00078823-00079293 you can be done with an event or done with a program and you can hide it, g-9krtqRdsU-00147-00079293-00079666 but then it is always there. You can go back and access it. g-9krtqRdsU-00148-00079666-00080103 You can preload pages for publication. We are just starting our Hot Reads for Cold Nights. g-9krtqRdsU-00149-00080103-00080796 So I created a form and it was hidden on the page. And then Saturday when we started g-9krtqRdsU-00150-00080796-00081323 our pre-registration I just took that little eye off and its live. g-9krtqRdsU-00151-00081323-00082083 So you can also do that which is really handy. g-9krtqRdsU-00152-00082083-00082636 The thing I absolutely love about Weebly, I’m a scrapbooker. It is like scrapbooking. g-9krtqRdsU-00153-00082636-00083389 On the left there you’ll see all the design elements. You can do text. There are images, g-9krtqRdsU-00154-00083390-00083956 images with text, titles that you can change the font, change the sizes. It is all drag and drop. g-9krtqRdsU-00155-00083956-00084693 There is a tool there that you can use to make columns. So you can set up columns g-9krtqRdsU-00156-00084693-00085633 and have 2 columns of different things like that. So that really does make it easy. g-9krtqRdsU-00157-00085633-00086299 Social media, on Wordpress you have to go find a widget or plug-in to do this for you. g-9krtqRdsU-00158-00086300-00087336 Here it is just drag and drop. On the left two down here, you will see something called social plug-ins. g-9krtqRdsU-00159-00087336-00088216 And then they appear right up here. You just add in the websites. You can add more as you would like. g-9krtqRdsU-00160-00088216-00088699 And they will all appear up there when you publish it. The other thing that is nice g-9krtqRdsU-00161-00088700-00089396 is that when you go and hit – it will save everything that you do and until you publish it g-9krtqRdsU-00162-00089396-00090316 it will be there so you can go back and work on it. g-9krtqRdsU-00163-00090316-00090716 The other thing that this allows you to do very easily is slideshows. g-9krtqRdsU-00164-00090716-00091359 You can embed YouTube videos. There are plug-ins for things like a countdown clock. g-9krtqRdsU-00165-00091360-00091976 When we were celebrating the launch of Orion, they have a programmable countdown clock g-9krtqRdsU-00166-00091976-00092419 that you can just drag right in there. It was a whole lot of fun. And when the mission got scrubbed g-9krtqRdsU-00167-00092420-00092816 we just went and just dragged in another one and kept it going. g-9krtqRdsU-00168-00092816-00093776 The forms feature is a whole lot of fun because it’s just a snap. They are customizable. g-9krtqRdsU-00169-00093776-00094456 Under the forms option you can choose to have them saved as a list that you can go back to g-9krtqRdsU-00170-00094456-00095186 the website and view as a list. Or you can name the form and designate an email address g-9krtqRdsU-00171-00095186-00095676 and have any answers to that form sent to that email address. g-9krtqRdsU-00172-00095676-00096393 So this is what we use for Hot Reads for Cold Nights. That’s how remotely we sign kids up g-9krtqRdsU-00173-00096393-00096946 for the summer reading program. We have a comment form. We have a suggestion form. g-9krtqRdsU-00174-00096946-00097589 We have another form for if you have suggestions for books, or DVDs, g-9krtqRdsU-00175-00097590-00098063 or materials that you would like, contact the librarian, ask us a reference question, g-9krtqRdsU-00176-00098063-00098873 anything like this, and it comes to an email that just makes it really handy and really easy. g-9krtqRdsU-00177-00098873-00099326 The other thing that it allows you to do is see how your website looks on a mobile device g-9krtqRdsU-00178-00099326-00099883 before you actually publish it and look at it on a mobile device. g-9krtqRdsU-00179-00099883-00100369 So this allows you to build a mobile friendly website because many people may be looking g-9krtqRdsU-00180-00100370-00101063 at your website on an iPhone or an Android. So it’s really nice because you can have the iPhone view g-9krtqRdsU-00181-00101063-00101503 before you publish it. You can look at the Android view before you publish it. g-9krtqRdsU-00182-00101503-00101983 So that is another thing that I really like about Weebly. g-9krtqRdsU-00183-00101983-00102619 Something outside of Weebly but that’s really neat, I use an online photo editor called PicMonkey g-9krtqRdsU-00184-00102620-00102990 which back in the day used to be Picnic until Google bought them. g-9krtqRdsU-00185-00102990-00104200 I’ll also mentioned PicMonkey is offering a 30 day free trial if you want to try their enhanced products. g-9krtqRdsU-00186-00104200-00104893 It’s very easy to use. You can do collages. I do my fliers using PicMonkey. g-9krtqRdsU-00187-00104893-00105419 I think they’re a really great thing for graphics to be able to pop on your website, g-9krtqRdsU-00188-00105420-00105909 and then also to put up around town if you’re trying to get people’s attention. g-9krtqRdsU-00189-00105909-00106690 This is where I am right now. I’m becoming more adventurous. I discovered this group g-9krtqRdsU-00190-00106690-00107286 which has a whole bunch of different plug-ins, has a whole bunch of different widgets that I can use g-9krtqRdsU-00191-00107286-00108413 on Weebly. And they are just one of a whole number of offerings that they have put together. g-9krtqRdsU-00192-00108413-00109069 So they’ve been really helpful. And finally, it’s nice to know you’re never alone. g-9krtqRdsU-00193-00109070-00109509 These folks have tutorials and you can sign up with them with your email. g-9krtqRdsU-00194-00109509-00110116 They will send it to your inbox. Little YouTube videos that will help you design, g-9krtqRdsU-00195-00110116-00110829 go beyond just the basic designs of Weebly, how to create sidebars, how to do different things. g-9krtqRdsU-00196-00110830-00111286 They were the ones who told me how to put a little map on the bottom of my website. g-9krtqRdsU-00197-00111286-00111689 So now I have a map so I know where people are accessing it from. g-9krtqRdsU-00198-00111690-00112783 So there are other things out there that can help you from the basics if you are just one person g-9krtqRdsU-00199-00112783-00113259 doing a website. I’m one person doing a website. But as I have gotten more comfortable, g-9krtqRdsU-00200-00113259-00113826 or if you have somebody has taken and interest and wants to volunteer to take over bits and pieces g-9krtqRdsU-00201-00113826-00114656 of it, you can also get more fancy. g-9krtqRdsU-00202-00114656-00115306 Crystal: Great. Amy, thanks for sharing all this information about the way g-9krtqRdsU-00203-00115306-00115753 you created your website using Weebly. Sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off there. g-9krtqRdsU-00204-00115753-00116166 But I think you were just maybe going to say, do we have any questions and answers? And we do. g-9krtqRdsU-00205-00116166-00116516 We’ve been getting a few good questions in the chat and I think we have time for a few of them. g-9krtqRdsU-00206-00116516-00117136 And there has been actually a lot of interesting conversation happening about other types g-9krtqRdsU-00207-00117136-00117769 of free software or software that are free or have maybe an additional cost. g-9krtqRdsU-00208-00117770-00118296 And we are looking for may be a bit of clarification about Weebly being both free g-9krtqRdsU-00209-00118296-00118783 and having a pro-version. And one person ask, do you know if you can sign up for a free account g-9krtqRdsU-00210-00118783-00119406 and lead that into a paid account if you know that you like it. Like can you transition into that? g-9krtqRdsU-00211-00119406-00119596 Have you experienced that? g-9krtqRdsU-00212-00119596-00120253 Amy: Yes, because I did sign up originally for – I just got the original Weebly starter was free g-9krtqRdsU-00213-00120253-00121076 with my host sponsor hosting. And I quickly out ran the 10 pages that I knew that they were going g-9krtqRdsU-00214-00121076-00121426 to give me. And I thought well, I know I’m going to go beyond the 10 pages g-9krtqRdsU-00215-00121426-00121836 because that really is the only difference between Weebly Pro and Weebly. g-9krtqRdsU-00216-00121836-00122586 If you can keep it within 10 pages it’s free. But you can start out just the Weebly starter g-9krtqRdsU-00217-00122586-00123336 and not pay anything, and then decide if you want to add more pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00218-00123336-00124016 Crystal: Great, great. So you can start out with very little cost. And then can you also clarify g-9krtqRdsU-00219-00124016-00124586 that if you do pay for Weebly or whether you don’t, can you clarify about the hosting. g-9krtqRdsU-00220-00124586-00124956 Is that something you have to pay for additionally? g-9krtqRdsU-00221-00124956-00125863 Amy: The hosting at Hostmonster was $3.95 a month. So yes, it was separate. g-9krtqRdsU-00222-00125863-00126456 Crystal: That’s a pretty low cost, so you found a good site for hosting that has a lower cost. g-9krtqRdsU-00223-00126456-00126776 So great. Well that clarifies some of the cost things people were having. g-9krtqRdsU-00224-00126776-00127346 Now we had a good question come in. Janelle wanted to know when you created your website g-9krtqRdsU-00225-00127346-00127946 initially, did you start from scratch or were you able to transfer some of the content from the old site g-9krtqRdsU-00226-00127946-00128283 into the new site? g-9krtqRdsU-00227-00128283-00128783 Amy: I tried to take what was good about the old site as far as the way the pages were organized g-9krtqRdsU-00228-00128783-00129376 and bring that in. Because our programs had changed so much, g-9krtqRdsU-00229-00129376-00130166 because we actually were having more programs, the original front-page would look a lot different g-9krtqRdsU-00230-00130166-00130726 than it would now. It used to be that we had a page that was dedicated to programming. g-9krtqRdsU-00231-00130726-00131119 And then we discovered that nobody could find that page because it was in a drop-down menu. g-9krtqRdsU-00232-00131120-00131626 So we grabbed all that and put it on the front page, and then had links to each program g-9krtqRdsU-00233-00131626-00132296 as each program needed one which is how I went over the 10 pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00234-00132296-00133136 But yeah, I did take what was good from the old Publisher site and translated over g-9krtqRdsU-00235-00133136-00133596 and then made changes as appropriate to make it a little less clunky g-9krtqRdsU-00236-00133596-00134066 because our original site was very clunky. g-9krtqRdsU-00237-00134066-00134463 Crystal: Great. Well it’s nice to know you could transition a little bit from the old content g-9krtqRdsU-00238-00134463-00135143 into the new and that you were able to adapt and make adjustments to the way people g-9krtqRdsU-00239-00135143-00135559 were able to find the content which is I know something that Karen is going to talk about. g-9krtqRdsU-00240-00135560-00135906 So it’s a nice segue in. We’ve got a whole lot of other questions, g-9krtqRdsU-00241-00135906-00136539 and so Amy, we’ll forward those to you afterwards. Or if you feel like answering some of them g-9krtqRdsU-00242-00136540-00136946 in the chat that is an option as well. So for those of you who have more questions, g-9krtqRdsU-00243-00136946-00137343 please continue to send them. But we are going to move onto here our second presenter at this time. g-9krtqRdsU-00244-00137343-00137556 So Amy, thank you again. g-9krtqRdsU-00245-00137556-00137746 Amy: Thank you. g-9krtqRdsU-00246-00137746-00138349 Crystal: And now it is time to hear from Karen Mier who is the Dir. of the Plattsmouth Public Library g-9krtqRdsU-00247-00138350-00138903 in Nebraska. Karen is going to share some tips for working within a city website hierarchy, g-9krtqRdsU-00248-00138903-00139319 and also working with the tool Joomla!. Karen? g-9krtqRdsU-00249-00139320-00139506 Karen: Hi, thank you. g-9krtqRdsU-00250-00139506-00140156 Yes, we are in a small town of 6500 people. That’s actually about one quarter g-9krtqRdsU-00251-00140156-00140869 of the total county population. We are located about a half an hour south of Omaha. g-9krtqRdsU-00252-00140870-00141770 We have 9 staff, but 4 of them are full-time including myself. So it is a relatively small library g-9krtqRdsU-00253-00141770-00142490 and you might sort of discern from the picture of the library that yes, we are a Carnegie library, g-9krtqRdsU-00254-00142490-00142936 so we are nearing our one hundredth anniversary. g-9krtqRdsU-00255-00142936-00143803 Now when I came to the city of Plattsmouth 3 ½ years ago, I was also given the opportunity g-9krtqRdsU-00256-00143803-00144683 to help out with the web pages. And we are using with the city of Plattsmouth Joomla! g-9krtqRdsU-00257-00144683-00145539 It is like all of these programs, open source program, so there is no cost for the program itself. g-9krtqRdsU-00258-00145540-00146323 What we pay as a city, the whole city altogether pays $50 to a hosting company per month g-9krtqRdsU-00259-00146323-00147113 to host it. Now that company because they also use Joomla! for other sites that they manage, g-9krtqRdsU-00260-00147113-00147753 they are also a good reference when I have questions. So that has helped out a lot too. g-9krtqRdsU-00261-00147753-00148366 The staff time for editing, the Police Department and the Recreation Department g-9krtqRdsU-00262-00148366-00148879 make their own edits and then I do that edits for the library and the rest of the city, g-9krtqRdsU-00263-00148880-00149483 and any menu changes just because I didn’t want to have to explain menus to everybody, g-9krtqRdsU-00264-00149483-00150023 the other part-time people that were doing it. Joomla! was created in 2000. g-9krtqRdsU-00265-00150023-00150646 There are over 200,000 community users and contributors so they are also very helpful g-9krtqRdsU-00266-00150646-00151096 through the forums and the discussion groups. And I have turned to them occasionally g-9krtqRdsU-00267-00151096-00151486 as I learned Joomla! g-9krtqRdsU-00268-00151486-00152246 I also had a varied background as far as website design. The first library where I did a website g-9krtqRdsU-00269-00152246-00152873 was using FrontPage. We moved that for a very short period of time g-9krtqRdsU-00270-00152873-00153569 to the Microsoft Web Expression. I’ve also used Dreamweaver and now Joomla! g-9krtqRdsU-00271-00153570-00154020 and I’ve used a few others as I go along. But that’s sort of my background g-9krtqRdsU-00272-00154020-00154470 in how I’ve worked with websites. g-9krtqRdsU-00273-00154470-00154926 Specifically for the city of Plattsmouth, I wanted to show you several different slides g-9krtqRdsU-00274-00154926-00155656 to sort of see how you can work within a larger entity whether that be a city, a university or school, g-9krtqRdsU-00275-00155656-00156463 or other agency where you are a part of the large organization and use their overall web design. g-9krtqRdsU-00276-00156463-00157229 So at the top you can see that there is the City of Plattsmouth banner and a series of menu options g-9krtqRdsU-00277-00157230-00157923 at the top. This happens to be the city’s home page. And so we had an event that happened g-9krtqRdsU-00278-00157923-00158743 last night for an open house. The side menu is specific to the generic city webpages. g-9krtqRdsU-00279-00158743-00159289 As you go through and see these other pages, you will notice that for instance, the library’s webpage g-9krtqRdsU-00280-00159290-00159880 has the same top banner and top menu. But then we have added our own banner g-9krtqRdsU-00281-00159880-00160460 to represent the library. And that banner is on all library pages. So yes, we still identify g-9krtqRdsU-00282-00160460-00160956 with the City of Plattsmouth but we do make ourselves unique so that when somebody g-9krtqRdsU-00283-00160956-00161356 is on a library page they know they're on the library’s webpages. g-9krtqRdsU-00284-00161356-00162239 Similar to Amy we had a webpage, the home page is our event page. g-9krtqRdsU-00285-00162240-00162843 So the first thing you want people to generally talk about and to know what’s going on is your events. g-9krtqRdsU-00286-00162843-00163599 So that is why we have our events page at the top. I’ll go a little bit into our menus in a short bit. g-9krtqRdsU-00287-00163600-00164256 The recreation Department, I’ll show you one other department. They have recently re-created g-9krtqRdsU-00288-00164256-00164826 their logo. And I’m very glad that they did because their previous logo was actually a collage g-9krtqRdsU-00289-00164826-00165443 of pictures and it took up a lot of space at the top of the page. g-9krtqRdsU-00290-00165443-00166013 That made it almost imperative that in order to see any content, you had to scroll down g-9krtqRdsU-00291-00166013-00166959 to see the information they wanted to provide. So I’m glad that they did. It’s still a fairly high banner g-9krtqRdsU-00292-00166960-00167786 but it is better than it used to be. So that is an improvement on the webpages also. g-9krtqRdsU-00293-00167786-00168346 Our side menu has the typical things that you might see on a library’s webpage, g-9krtqRdsU-00294-00168346-00169059 searching the catalogue, the About Us or Contact Us. We have various links. g-9krtqRdsU-00295-00169060-00169553 Some of the links are in text as you can see on the top. Some are images. So the download button g-9krtqRdsU-00296-00169553-00170133 for people who know they just want to go to Overdrive, that link is right on our home page g-9krtqRdsU-00297-00170133-00170589 and they can click on the image if they want to just make a quick link there. g-9krtqRdsU-00298-00170590-00171073 We have several of our links that take us to another webpage. g-9krtqRdsU-00299-00171073-00171659 Some of the links like the Library Newsletter actually takes us to the document g-9krtqRdsU-00300-00171660-00172130 for the newsletter. It’s not on a separate page. It’s just a link to the document, g-9krtqRdsU-00301-00172130-00172736 or links to the outside resources such as the Overdrive link or the Facebook link. g-9krtqRdsU-00302-00172736-00173226 So we serve a variety of purposes depending on what your needs are. g-9krtqRdsU-00303-00173226-00174046 One thing that I showed that was on the webpages that you saw earlier is the library location g-9krtqRdsU-00304-00174046-00174583 and hours. One thing when the Recreation Department had a new director, g-9krtqRdsU-00305-00174583-00175133 he looked at the webpages and said, “I really like the way the library shows their location and hours. g-9krtqRdsU-00306-00175133-00175703 Can you do that for the community center?” And I said, “Sure.” So I made another little – g-9krtqRdsU-00307-00175703-00176156 in Joomla! it’s called a little module. And I just said here is what I want. g-9krtqRdsU-00308-00176156-00176593 I want the community center hours. That was an instance where they said they found something g-9krtqRdsU-00309-00176593-00177223 on one webpage, you can find something on other library webpages, other agency webpages. g-9krtqRdsU-00310-00177223-00177706 If you find something you like, go ahead and use it, adapt it for your own pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00311-00177706-00178239 And it’s just another way, most of us are actually sort of proud if you sort of steal something g-9krtqRdsU-00312-00178240-00178650 that you find that you like on our pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00313-00178650-00179450 For Joomla! it does give us a number of options. In creating webpages you can make a long page. g-9krtqRdsU-00314-00179450-00179833 That means your patrons have to scroll down to find the information sometimes. g-9krtqRdsU-00315-00179833-00180526 You can do shorter pages which have the content mostly on the page, don’t have very much scrolling. g-9krtqRdsU-00316-00180526-00180946 But then you are clicking more to actually get to the additional pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00317-00180946-00181546 One additional thing that Joomla! provides is a way for us to create short articles. g-9krtqRdsU-00318-00181546-00182246 This happens to be screen shot of the home page for the city. You’ll notice that there g-9krtqRdsU-00319-00182246-00183046 are tiny little white arrows, so to speak. These denote the separate little articles. g-9krtqRdsU-00320-00183046-00183959 So on these articles it’s actually a way for me to create a small article and may be re-use it. g-9krtqRdsU-00321-00183960-00184556 Anything that is put into Joomla! you can unpublish it at any time. g-9krtqRdsU-00322-00184556-00185283 You can also time it to be unpublished at a specific time. So for instance, most of these g-9krtqRdsU-00323-00185283-00185753 have a Cleanup Day. So we have one in the spring, one in the fall. g-9krtqRdsU-00324-00185753-00186453 I keep that Cleanup Day information in there and I just unpublish it when the event is done. g-9krtqRdsU-00325-00186453-00187043 In the spring I’ve created it. In the fall I need to change it. So I just change spring to fall, g-9krtqRdsU-00326-00187043-00187623 change the dates, change the link to the new flyer, because the basic information is there. g-9krtqRdsU-00327-00187623-00187983 We’re doing a Spring Cleanup or a Fall Cleanup. Here’s where you can call. g-9krtqRdsU-00328-00187983-00188823 Here’s where you drop it off. So Joomla! allows us to say put this up. Publish it starting right away. g-9krtqRdsU-00329-00188823-00189329 Stop publishing it the next day after the event. And then you don’t have to come back g-9krtqRdsU-00330-00189330-00189773 and remember to take anything off. When you want to go back and reuse it for the next season, g-9krtqRdsU-00331-00189773-00190149 it is already there. You just make your minor changes and republish it. g-9krtqRdsU-00332-00190150-00190513 So those are very helpful. g-9krtqRdsU-00333-00190513-00191516 One thing that we are obviously doing is using an institutional, a city website, but we are branding it. g-9krtqRdsU-00334-00191516-00192146 Each department brands it so that it looks like their own. And then within Joomla! you just tell it g-9krtqRdsU-00335-00192146-00192879 where you want those banners to show up. So we identify that the library banners show up g-9krtqRdsU-00336-00192880-00193373 on the library webpages, the police banners show up on the police pages etc. g-9krtqRdsU-00337-00193373-00193989 If you don’t have other options like the sub menus, the side menus identify something g-9krtqRdsU-00338-00193990-00194566 that specific to your department, or if it’s just simple changing the colors g-9krtqRdsU-00339-00194566-00195146 so you can look a little bit different than your larger institution. g-9krtqRdsU-00340-00195146-00195709 The other thing that Joomla! does is it creates a very long web address as you can see. g-9krtqRdsU-00341-00195710-00196346 What we’ve done is created shortcuts. So we have PlattsmouthLibrary.org. g-9krtqRdsU-00342-00196346-00196846 That’s all we have to put on our promotional materials. And when you type that in g-9krtqRdsU-00343-00196846-00197313 it automatically goes to the Joomla! longer version of the web address. g-9krtqRdsU-00344-00197313-00198103 We’ve done a similar procedure with a variety of departments. So the long second one g-9krtqRdsU-00345-00198103-00199003 that you see there actually represents that long web address. For the Recreation Department g-9krtqRdsU-00346-00199003-00199593 actually can be put on their promotional materials as Plattsmouth.org/rec. g-9krtqRdsU-00347-00199593-00200236 We also have Plattsmouth.org/fire,/EMS etc., anything to make it easier g-9krtqRdsU-00348-00200236-00200583 for your marketing materials. g-9krtqRdsU-00349-00200583-00201133 The other thing that I would recommend is always try to make it simple for your people g-9krtqRdsU-00350-00201133-00201713 to find the information. As you can see, we are on the Police Department webpage. g-9krtqRdsU-00351-00201713-00202569 On the right they actually have a link to Animal Control. Their actual department name I think g-9krtqRdsU-00352-00202570-00203070 is Humane Department, but it is part of the Police Department. g-9krtqRdsU-00353-00203070-00203763 However we decided we are not going to strictly go with what the city identifies as a department. g-9krtqRdsU-00354-00203763-00204239 So the department includes things that we would normally think of as a department, g-9krtqRdsU-00355-00204240-00204816 but it also includes Animal Shelter. Here we call it Animal Shelter because we thought, g-9krtqRdsU-00356-00204816-00205416 what do people call this? They don’t have to know that in order to find something g-9krtqRdsU-00357-00205416-00205829 about the Humane Department, or Animal Shelter, or Animal Control that they have to go g-9krtqRdsU-00358-00205830-00206330 to the Police Department. We want them to be able to find it, so it is straight under Animal Shelter. g-9krtqRdsU-00359-00206330-00206669 Similar thing with the Recreational Department and the senior Center. g-9krtqRdsU-00360-00206669-00207026 The Senior Center is part of the Recreation Department. Nobody is going to look g-9krtqRdsU-00361-00207026-00207586 in the Recreation Department. So it is best to call it what the people are looking for g-9krtqRdsU-00362-00207586-00207996 and to make it as easy as possible to find it. g-9krtqRdsU-00363-00207996-00208619 The actual back end of Joomla! once you login there is a control panel that let’s you go in g-9krtqRdsU-00364-00208619-00209140 and add articles, manage the articles that are already in there. There is a section g-9krtqRdsU-00365-00209140-00209880 where you can actually identify which articles are on the front page, and dealing with the media g-9krtqRdsU-00366-00209880-00210250 and the other things that are going on behind the scenes. g-9krtqRdsU-00367-00210250-00211090 One page here shows what the library’s webpages, this is our main home page. g-9krtqRdsU-00368-00211090-00211636 And so you can see that it looks very similar to a word processor. g-9krtqRdsU-00369-00211636-00212019 We happen to work with tables, so you’ll actually see something that looks like a table. g-9krtqRdsU-00370-00212019-00212703 And it’s an easy way to add tables by using a drop-down. Just say how many columns and rows g-9krtqRdsU-00371-00212703-00213449 you want. Delete a table, add rows before or after, and delete them, or the same with columns. g-9krtqRdsU-00372-00213450-00214060 The images are easy to just find a one little click icon and go in there and edit the image. g-9krtqRdsU-00373-00214060-00214753 You can actually look at the source code if you want to. The links, everything is made pretty easy g-9krtqRdsU-00374-00214753-00215546 to find what you’re looking for. And the common, change your font sizes, things like that, g-9krtqRdsU-00375-00215546-00216256 so it’s fairly easy to manage. You can easily say publish it or don’t. Put it on the front page or don’t. g-9krtqRdsU-00376-00216256-00216916 And then there are categories for how we want to categorize the information that’s on there. g-9krtqRdsU-00377-00216916-00217796 But it’s a fairly easy program to use. And works easily for us. And like I said, when I have questions g-9krtqRdsU-00378-00217796-00218783 I ask either the company that hosts our webpages. And the other advantage is we did talk briefly g-9krtqRdsU-00379-00218783-00219313 to someone about hacking. Yes, the city’s webpages had gotten hacked once by someone g-9krtqRdsU-00380-00219313-00219793 in the Middle East. They did trace it back there. So that hosting agency earned their money g-9krtqRdsU-00381-00219793-00220283 when they were trying to get that back for us. So that’s a little bit about Joomla! g-9krtqRdsU-00382-00220283-00220829 and what it looks like to do the editing. g-9krtqRdsU-00383-00220830-00221390 Crystal: Great. Karen, thanks for sharing that with us and definitely a contrast to the single website g-9krtqRdsU-00384-00221390-00222026 that Amy created and the very different tool. And we only have time for about one question g-9krtqRdsU-00385-00222026-00222353 although we have a few others. So I will let you respond to them later. g-9krtqRdsU-00386-00222353-00223009 But the one question I’d like to know now, does Joomla! have upgrades and is it difficult to install g-9krtqRdsU-00387-00223010-00223710 those upgrades so that as new security patches or things come out, how easy is it to deal with that g-9krtqRdsU-00388-00223710-00223873 with Joomla!? g-9krtqRdsU-00389-00223873-00224239 Karen: Joomla!’s been upgraded a couple of times since I’ve been here. g-9krtqRdsU-00390-00224240-00224813 The hosting company does it for us. The couple of times that it was done, g-9krtqRdsU-00391-00224813-00225253 I did not have any problems. There were improvements on how to do some things, g-9krtqRdsU-00392-00225253-00225826 nothing that really took us out of service for any length of time. g-9krtqRdsU-00393-00225826-00226379 Crystal: Great, great. Well it sounds like it is a tool that is relatively easy to use, and has quite a bit g-9krtqRdsU-00394-00226380-00226860 of functionality. So if you have more questions about Joomla! or about Karen’s website, g-9krtqRdsU-00395-00226860-00227153 go ahead and put them in the chat and we will follow up with you later on. g-9krtqRdsU-00396-00227153-00227716 But now we have our third presenter and it is time to move on. So thank you again Karen. g-9krtqRdsU-00397-00227716-00228396 And now it is time to hear from our last presenter, Carol Gyger, who is going to talk to us g-9krtqRdsU-00398-00228396-00228836 about the process of redesigning a library website within a larger library district. g-9krtqRdsU-00399-00228836-00229359 The Poudre River Public Library is located in Fort Collins Colorado and had a team of staff work g-9krtqRdsU-00400-00229360-00229840 on redesigning the website using the Zurb Foundation’s framework. g-9krtqRdsU-00401-00229840-00230146 Carroll, tell us all about it. g-9krtqRdsU-00402-00230146-00230829 Carol: Hi, this is Carol Gyger. I am library IT manager at the Poudre River Public Library g-9krtqRdsU-00403-00230830-00231510 District in sunny Fort Collins, Colorado, sunny and cold. g-9krtqRdsU-00404-00231510-00232019 What I’m going to talk about is a little different than the previous ones, so less technical, g-9krtqRdsU-00405-00232019-00232793 more about process. We are a larger library. So we call ourselves medium-sized. g-9krtqRdsU-00406-00232793-00233489 I think that’s what we’re usually referred to as. But we are very busy. We have patrons g-9krtqRdsU-00407-00233490-00234183 with high expectations both for in-house and online resources. We have a large number g-9krtqRdsU-00408-00234183-00234889 of online users. The thing they like to do the most of course, is place holds. They use our databases. g-9krtqRdsU-00409-00234890-00235790 They download e-content. We have approximately 80 FTE, so we are the larger of the 3 g-9krtqRdsU-00410-00235790-00236290 that are presenting today. g-9krtqRdsU-00411-00236290-00237000 What did our website look like before? Well, here’s a screen shot of what our website g-9krtqRdsU-00412-00237000-00237736 used to look like. We had used it for about 6 years. It was designed by a third party marketing firm. g-9krtqRdsU-00413-00237736-00238713 And we had to fit everything within this design. A couple of the problems that we had g-9krtqRdsU-00414-00238713-00239373 with this design was one, the font always seemed too small, and we had a lot of complaints g-9krtqRdsU-00415-00239373-00239963 about that. It is not a responsive design so we actually had a separate mobile site. g-9krtqRdsU-00416-00239963-00240849 But with our new website we have them both in one site. And I will show you more about that g-9krtqRdsU-00417-00240850-00241166 in a moment. g-9krtqRdsU-00418-00241166-00241673 So why else would we redesign our site besides just the font size and the responsive design? g-9krtqRdsU-00419-00241673-00242463 Well, we wanted a modern look and feel, modern functionality. And the modern expectation g-9krtqRdsU-00420-00242463-00243123 is that no training is needed. That it is intuitive to use. And that is what we wanted to bring g-9krtqRdsU-00421-00243123-00243466 to the new website. g-9krtqRdsU-00422-00243466-00244533 We created a team, a core team of 6 people. In a bigger Library like ours, we had a need g-9krtqRdsU-00423-00244533-00245203 for a defined process. Planning was important. None of us on the team g-9krtqRdsU-00424-00245203-00245859 had done this big of a project before with the web. We hadn’t built something from the ground up g-9krtqRdsU-00425-00245860-00246423 before. So it was kind of scary going into it. And at times we were confident. g-9krtqRdsU-00426-00246423-00247136 And at times we were just scared. But most days I just put on a good face and lead the team through. g-9krtqRdsU-00427-00247136-00247839 We picked a good team of skilled motivated staff. g-9krtqRdsU-00428-00247840-00248646 We also had more help. Since we have so many – we actually have about 160 people on staff, g-9krtqRdsU-00429-00248646-00249416 many are part-timers. They were involved in various stages of the project g-9krtqRdsU-00430-00249416-00250233 either helping with layout, or content, testing. We have a couple of cool teams at our library. g-9krtqRdsU-00431-00250233-00250656 One is the Tech Heads. And our Collection Advisory Team were very helpful g-9krtqRdsU-00432-00250656-00251233 especially on the sub pages, public desk staff, and circulation managers, g-9krtqRdsU-00433-00251233-00251609 and of course everyone else. g-9krtqRdsU-00434-00251610-00252410 We started with a good objective statement. It helped us to refocus whenever we got off-track. g-9krtqRdsU-00435-00252410-00253119 So our statement was create a patron centered responsive web design that is engaging, g-9krtqRdsU-00436-00253119-00253563 easy to use, and accessible to our customers and their devices. g-9krtqRdsU-00437-00253563-00254263 And whenever we were veering away from that, we would just go back to this statement. g-9krtqRdsU-00438-00254263-00255013 I had it posted in my office. I brought it to every meeting. It was in all of our notes, g-9krtqRdsU-00439-00255013-00255376 all of our agendas. We had this at the top to remind us of what we were doing g-9krtqRdsU-00440-00255376-00255666 and why we were doing it. g-9krtqRdsU-00441-00255666-00256299 The first thing we did after we got our objective statement was put together and alpha mockup g-9krtqRdsU-00442-00256300-00257340 and what is above the fold you might say. I know this isn’t that easy to read but we had to decide g-9krtqRdsU-00443-00257340-00257880 really what was going to be the major layout. We were going to have a header here g-9krtqRdsU-00444-00257880-00258396 that was going to be consistent on as many pages as possible throughout our site. g-9krtqRdsU-00445-00258396-00259063 We wanted to decide what was going to remain the same, and what was going to change. g-9krtqRdsU-00446-00259063-00259863 The header remains the same all the time except for the hours which are dynamic. g-9krtqRdsU-00447-00259863-00260556 And then we wanted some places where we could change it up. The engagement box here g-9krtqRdsU-00448-00260556-00261213 has some scrolling items. And that has changed sometimes weekly, sometimes daily. g-9krtqRdsU-00449-00261213-00261816 It depends. We have 2 highlight sections where we can highlight our summer reading programs g-9krtqRdsU-00450-00261816-00262736 or particular programs or whatever. The teens and kids links, those remain the same all the time. g-9krtqRdsU-00451-00262736-00263256 So this is like above the fold. g-9krtqRdsU-00452-00263256-00264203 Below the fold we wanted to have a footer that has pretty much “our everything.” g-9krtqRdsU-00453-00264203-00265056 So people can find it there if it isn’t above the fold in that kind of 95% of what people usually do, g-9krtqRdsU-00454-00265056-00265509 it’s probably down here at the bottom. Like if you are a member of the Book Club g-9krtqRdsU-00455-00265510-00266083 and you want to go to the Book Club’s page, you will probably find that link and learn where it is g-9krtqRdsU-00456-00266083-00266776 and use it often. We also have this featured jackets area and that is used g-9krtqRdsU-00457-00266776-00267333 on many of our webpages besides just the home page where different staff members g-9krtqRdsU-00458-00267333-00268226 are responsible for loading up those jackets through a web app that we have g-9krtqRdsU-00459-00268226-00268776 for our content providers. g-9krtqRdsU-00460-00268776-00269693 So this is what it looks like today. This is the final product. A couple of things I wanted to point out g-9krtqRdsU-00461-00269693-00270723 was we wanted it to be patron centered. We wanted the top activities that people do g-9krtqRdsU-00462-00270723-00271513 are right up here at the top. It is above the fold. We wanted it to be engaging so we have good use g-9krtqRdsU-00463-00271513-00272343 of color. We have a graphic designer on staff. We wanted it to be easy to use, g-9krtqRdsU-00464-00272343-00273006 so we wanted to do things like well, most people expect a search box to be in the upper right g-9krtqRdsU-00465-00273006-00273523 or upper left or someplace. And we chose the upper right and have a kind g-9krtqRdsU-00466-00273523-00274346 of multi-function search box up here. The logo is on the left. That is a common spot for a logo. g-9krtqRdsU-00467-00274346-00274906 One of the things is that people don’t get trained on how to use your website g-9krtqRdsU-00468-00274906-00275833 so you want it to be as intuitive as possible. We used color also in plain language. g-9krtqRdsU-00469-00275833-00276656 For example, on our old site, research was e-resources which was a term that was useful g-9krtqRdsU-00470-00276656-00277199 some time ago, but research has become the more commonly used term. g-9krtqRdsU-00471-00277200-00277736 And it is plainer language. And it is also a green button. All of these buttons are different colors g-9krtqRdsU-00472-00277736-00278233 so when we are talking to customers we can say either on the phone or even in person we can say, g-9krtqRdsU-00473-00278233-00278969 click on the green button. That is easier than saying click on the button that says research on it. g-9krtqRdsU-00474-00278970-00279763 One of our branches is on a community college campus. And these colored tabs g-9krtqRdsU-00475-00279763-00280629 were actually an idea from our community college librarian. And it was great. It has been – g-9krtqRdsU-00476-00280630-00281416 our first iteration I think we just had different shades of brown. And it’s really helpful g-9krtqRdsU-00477-00281416-00281789 to have a different color of tabs. g-9krtqRdsU-00478-00281790-00282526 Another thing we did was by using the Zurb Foundation framework, we are able to have g-9krtqRdsU-00479-00282526-00283176 a responsive web design. And this is what the desktop version would look like. g-9krtqRdsU-00480-00283176-00283999 And then when you make it smaller, it is the mobile version. Yes, you can have many different versions g-9krtqRdsU-00481-00284000-00284676 in between, but we decided to concentrate on just sort of what I would call large and small, g-9krtqRdsU-00482-00284676-00285416 this being what shows on a mobile version. g-9krtqRdsU-00483-00285416-00286086 Timeline, well this was a pretty aggressive timeline for library of our size g-9krtqRdsU-00484-00286086-00287089 where you have to really incorporate a long history, plus many staff members, and patron needs, g-9krtqRdsU-00485-00287090-00288003 staff needs, you have one website that is for all, both staff and public needs. g-9krtqRdsU-00486-00288003-00289099 And we were charged with getting this done in a timely fashion. So we had our first meetings g-9krtqRdsU-00487-00289100-00289790 in January. By April we had our alpha mockups done, many meetings in between there. g-9krtqRdsU-00488-00289790-00290310 Then through May, June, and July, our web designer did a lot of development g-9krtqRdsU-00489-00290310-00291066 and we did a lot of creating of the subpages, content. The test-site went up in August g-9krtqRdsU-00490-00291066-00291413 and we actually launched our new site the end of September. g-9krtqRdsU-00491-00291413-00292289 So we are very happy. We are also happy that we have what is a fairly nimble website g-9krtqRdsU-00492-00292290-00293026 that we can change and adapt as time goes on. g-9krtqRdsU-00493-00293026-00293616 In the supplemental materials that I think Crystal either sent out or will be sending out, g-9krtqRdsU-00494-00293616-00294456 has a small schematic of our website. And that may help you also to see g-9krtqRdsU-00495-00294456-00295869 what the different products were that we used and on what different servers. I think that’s about it. g-9krtqRdsU-00496-00295870-00296360 Crystal: Yeah, Carol, thank you for sharing so much information about the process, g-9krtqRdsU-00497-00296360-00297173 and making decisions about content, and what to include on different parts of the page, g-9krtqRdsU-00498-00297173-00297973 and what your priorities were. And I can tell that you really put a lot of thought into that part g-9krtqRdsU-00499-00297973-00298306 of the process really determining and having an intention around it, g-9krtqRdsU-00500-00298306-00298909 and just kind of referencing back to the fact that you had those objectives that you came up with g-9krtqRdsU-00501-00298910-00299446 at the beginning. And yes, we do have a hand out which includes quite a bit of information g-9krtqRdsU-00502-00299446-00300056 about your redesign project. So Carol has shared a hand out with us which you will get g-9krtqRdsU-00503-00300056-00300566 in your archive materials. It just talks about her library’s process. g-9krtqRdsU-00504-00300566-00300983 Now Carol I know you didn’t want to talk too much about the technology g-9krtqRdsU-00505-00300983-00301309 and we certainly don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty technical questions, g-9krtqRdsU-00506-00301310-00301783 but can you just tell everybody again, what the software was that you used g-9krtqRdsU-00507-00301783-00302496 and a little bit about how it’s may be more involved than that Weebly or the Joomla! that we’ve seen g-9krtqRdsU-00508-00302496-00302889 so far just to give people a sense of what it was like. g-9krtqRdsU-00509-00302890-00303736 Carol: Sure. I am not the web developer. I manage the web developer but I am not the web developer. g-9krtqRdsU-00510-00303736-00304553 What she used was the Zurb Foundation framework which is really a bunch g-9krtqRdsU-00511-00304553-00305429 of customized javascript and CSS that you put on a server. And then you use PHP and HTML pages. g-9krtqRdsU-00512-00305430-00305990 The framework is a grid system that can be used to help you with responsive design. g-9krtqRdsU-00513-00305990-00306663 Beyond that it is our design. So we didn’t have a content management system that we used. g-9krtqRdsU-00514-00306663-00307436 The pages that are static are done – or the static portions of the pages are done g-9krtqRdsU-00515-00307436-00307883 by our web developer. But then she also developed some web apps g-9krtqRdsU-00516-00307883-00309013 which are kind of like little mini CMS. They are used for other nontechnical people to add content g-9krtqRdsU-00517-00309013-00309536 to like the kid’s page, and in the teen’s page, and the sliders. We have a little slider app g-9krtqRdsU-00518-00309536-00310163 so that marketing person can put in whatever pictures she wants in the slider app. g-9krtqRdsU-00519-00310163-00310729 And the book jackets, there is a little app for that. So all the content providers g-9krtqRdsU-00520-00310730-00311310 like the business librarian, the children’s librarian, the marketing person, they all use g-9krtqRdsU-00521-00311310-00312193 those different apps to push content into the site. Other than that we didn’t use a single product. g-9krtqRdsU-00522-00312193-00312816 And our main site is hosted by the City of Fort Collins. g-9krtqRdsU-00523-00312816-00313463 We are in their network, their computer network. g-9krtqRdsU-00524-00313463-00313843 Crystal: Great. Well that gives us some idea of what that technology was like. g-9krtqRdsU-00525-00313843-00314443 We are also getting people asking how is that spelled? I will tell you right now it is Z-u-r-b. g-9krtqRdsU-00526-00314443-00315026 And we have included a link to that in the archive materials which you will get within about a day g-9krtqRdsU-00527-00315026-00315553 along with a recording of the webinar. So keep an eye out for that in your archives. g-9krtqRdsU-00528-00315553-00315949 And Carol thank you very much. We do have to wrap up at this point, g-9krtqRdsU-00529-00315950-00316283 but I just want to say thank you for sharing all of this information. g-9krtqRdsU-00530-00316283-00316536 Carol: Thank you. g-9krtqRdsU-00531-00316536-00316959 Crystal: And for those of you, we just have a few announcements which I think you g-9krtqRdsU-00532-00316960-00317313 will be pretty interested in before we wrap up. And I will ask you to stay on the line. g-9krtqRdsU-00533-00317313-00317673 We’ll have a brief survey at the end. But just a couple of quick announcements g-9krtqRdsU-00534-00317673-00318443 before we go, the first one being that immediately following this webinar and for the next 2 hours, g-9krtqRdsU-00535-00318443-00319149 TechSoup is hosting a Soup Chat, live Q & A with Yann Toledano who is kind of web guru. g-9krtqRdsU-00536-00319150-00319656 And you can send him any questions and he will field them. He will be talking about nonprofit g-9krtqRdsU-00537-00319656-00320183 web design. So I know you may have some more general questions than what we addressed today, g-9krtqRdsU-00538-00320183-00320786 or even more specific questions. Send them your way. And Ale just put a link to that in the chat. g-9krtqRdsU-00539-00320786-00321319 And then if you did have questions that we weren’t able to get to directed to our presenters, g-9krtqRdsU-00540-00321320-00321763 we will be following up with you via email with responses in the next couple of days. g-9krtqRdsU-00541-00321763-00322226 A few other upcoming events that you might be interested in, tomorrow there will be g-9krtqRdsU-00542-00322226-00322699 another web chat, this one on the future of mobile with BetterWorld Wireless. g-9krtqRdsU-00543-00322700-00323203 On Thursday, January 8, you can learn about the TechSoup donation program g-9krtqRdsU-00544-00323203-00323726 for donations specific to libraries. And then on Wednesday, January 21, g-9krtqRdsU-00545-00323726-00324186 it will be our next TechSoup for Libraries webinar talking about library volunteers, g-9krtqRdsU-00546-00324186-00324669 assisting with public technology training or public technology assistance. g-9krtqRdsU-00547-00324670-00325153 So that will be a good one so stay tuned for more details about that through the TechSoup g-9krtqRdsU-00548-00325153-00325686 for Libraries newsletter and other avenues. With that I think we are ready to wrap up. g-9krtqRdsU-00549-00325686-00326153 We want to say thank you to ReadyTalk for being our webinar sponsor today. g-9krtqRdsU-00550-00326153-00326529 ReadyTalk is a tool that can help you collaborate and share information. g-9krtqRdsU-00551-00326530-00326833 Do you host webinars and online meetings at your library? g-9krtqRdsU-00552-00326833-00327273 Get more information about this product donation program at TechSoup.org. g-9krtqRdsU-00553-00327273-00327673 Like I said, please stay on the line and take a brief survey about today’s webinar. g-9krtqRdsU-00554-00327673-00327996 Thank you to our guest speakers for sharing their experience, g-9krtqRdsU-00555-00327996-00328193 and thank you all for joining us. g-9krtqRdsU-00556-00328193-00328499 Have a great day. gBzDZc41L4A-00000-00001024-00001368 You like them but you're unsure how they feel about you. gBzDZc41L4A-00001-00001464-00002080 Do they see you as a friend only? This is how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually. gBzDZc41L4A-00002-00002632-00003144 Hello, welcome to my channel, Redefine Your Relationship, where we give you gBzDZc41L4A-00003-00003144-00003592 all the valuable information you need to take your relationship to the next level. gBzDZc41L4A-00004-00003696-00004384 Subscribe and press the notification bell to never miss any of my video. gBzDZc41L4A-00005-00004976-00005416 Many of us are impatient and need some hint that our feelings aren't one-sided. gBzDZc41L4A-00006-00005520-00006288 So, it's time we figured this out because if you're like me, the waiting and anticipation gBzDZc41L4A-00007-00006288-00007184 are killing you. This is how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually. gBzDZc41L4A-00008-00008159-00008776 Number One. You feel it. There's this feeling that you are more than just friends. gBzDZc41L4A-00009-00008880-00009208 If you have a feeling that they're looking at you in a sexual way, gBzDZc41L4A-00010-00009264-00009984 well, don't doubt yourself so quickly, your intuition is probably right. gBzDZc41L4A-00011-00010160-00010736 Number Two. They hang around you. They want to be in your personal space. gBzDZc41L4A-00012-00010848-00011128 This is normal when it comes to sexual attraction. gBzDZc41L4A-00013-00011240-00011712 If they're not into you, they'll keep a distance from you because they're not interested. gBzDZc41L4A-00014-00012128-00012928 Number Three. They're touchy. If someone didn't like you, they wouldn't touch you. This is a gBzDZc41L4A-00015-00012928-00013528 huge sign to determine someone's thoughts about you. People don't touch people they don't like. gBzDZc41L4A-00016-00013808-00014519 Number Four. They're flirting with you. People do not flirt with people they're not interested in. gBzDZc41L4A-00017-00014616-00015224 It's that simple. If they're flirting with you, they're trying to build sexual tension gBzDZc41L4A-00018-00015224-00016984 and chemistry. This is a great sign that you're on their minds sexually. gBzDZc41L4A-00019-00017536-00017840 Number Five. They're nervous around you. gBzDZc41L4A-00020-00017936-00018264 They don't want to screw it up and ruin their chances with you. gBzDZc41L4A-00021-00018368-00019016 Plus since they want you, they're trying to calm themselves down and act as normal as possible. gBzDZc41L4A-00022-00019424-00019784 Number Six. They're all smiles around you. gBzDZc41L4A-00023-00019880-00020512 When you hang out, whether alone or with other people, they're always smiling. Both gBzDZc41L4A-00024-00020512-00021224 men and women smile a lot when they're around someone they're interested in. gBzDZc41L4A-00025-00021224-00021480 Number Seven. They tell you. gBzDZc41L4A-00026-00021576-00022096 If someone tells you, they can't stop thinking about you or you're always on their mind, gBzDZc41L4A-00027-00022096-00022704 it's not because they think about you as a friend, it's because they're sexually attracted to you. gBzDZc41L4A-00028-00023192-00023784 Conclusion. Learning how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually is a little hard gBzDZc41L4A-00029-00023784-00024408 to decipher but by using these signs, you'll be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. gBzDZc41L4A-00030-00024912-00025384 My team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends. gBzDZc41L4A-00031-00025480-00026048 If you are new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos like gBzDZc41L4A-00032-00026048-00026783 this. Look at your screen now to see two other videos we hand-picked for you to enjoy next. gEQ51De6vo4-00000-00000000-00000300 welcome back to my channel Today I'm going to build an iron giant tower that can be used in versions 1.18+ and above gEQ51De6vo4-00001-00000300-00000600 name first This Iron Giant Tower is only available in Bedrock Edition Bedrock Edition is MCPE/XOBOX/PS4/SWITCH/PC The platform of philosophy can only be used gEQ51De6vo4-00002-00000600-00000900 So let's take a look at the Iron Giant Tower first 【华文字幕打错是那么先来大概看铁巨人塔 gEQ51De6vo4-00003-00002500-00002820 Now let's look at the materials needed gEQ51De6vo4-00004-00002900-00003500 self-pause 54321 based on some issues So just look at the pictures sorry gEQ51De6vo4-00005-00003500-00003800 So now let's look at the required length, width and height (Remember this iron giant tower is flat near the tower) gEQ51De6vo4-00006-00003800-00004100 20 grids wide gEQ51De6vo4-00007-00004100-00004400 21 grids long gEQ51De6vo4-00008-00004400-00004700 8 blocks high (5 blocks underground) gEQ51De6vo4-00009-00004700-00005000 Then go straight to farm teaching now gogo gEQ51De6vo4-00010-00005700-00006000 First of all, first dig out a block 20 blocks wide and 12 blocks long gEQ51De6vo4-00011-00006000-00006300 and dig down 2 blocks deep gEQ51De6vo4-00012-00006936-00007244 That's it after gEQ51De6vo4-00013-00007244-00007536 Then take a fence around the surrounding part gEQ51De6vo4-00014-00009356-00009644 then first like this gEQ51De6vo4-00015-00009776-00010072 Then dig a fence and go in there gEQ51De6vo4-00016-00010088-00010312 then go to the left gEQ51De6vo4-00017-00010328-00010608 Then place 5 squares horizontally gEQ51De6vo4-00018-00010812-00011100 Then dig out 3 squares first gEQ51De6vo4-00019-00011112-00011404 Then dig down 5 blocks deep Then do the same on the right gEQ51De6vo4-00020-00011652-00011832 Well, it will be like this gEQ51De6vo4-00021-00011844-00011944 then go down gEQ51De6vo4-00022-00012044-00012344 Then place a row of arbitrary blocks (like the video) gEQ51De6vo4-00023-00012388-00012692 the other row too gEQ51De6vo4-00024-00012700-00013000 After that, take 20 beds gEQ51De6vo4-00025-00013028-00013328 Then go down and put the bed gEQ51De6vo4-00026-00013336-00013632 10 beds in one place gEQ51De6vo4-00027-00013640-00013936 The same goes for the other row gEQ51De6vo4-00028-00014088-00014391 Then put any block on the previous square of the bed to cover it gEQ51De6vo4-00029-00015063-00015347 After that, there are some torches on the top then leave it The same goes for the other row gEQ51De6vo4-00030-00015380-00015668 Take 20 arbitrary workstations later gEQ51De6vo4-00031-00015680-00015868 Then dig a row of walls and put the workstation in it (follow the picture) the other side too gEQ51De6vo4-00032-00016160-00016440 line up like this remember the other side too gEQ51De6vo4-00033-00016560-00016848 Then take the plank door to make the quarantine area (Following the video, I don't know what to say) gEQ51De6vo4-00034-00017224-00017400 finally got it gEQ51De6vo4-00035-00018292-00018576 It's like that, and then the other row gEQ51De6vo4-00036-00018672-00018956 Then comes the more troublesome part transport villagers! gEQ51De6vo4-00037-00018988-00019276 It is suggested that when you transport villagers leave one workstation first and then knock out the others I know where the villagers' workstations are then push him down gEQ51De6vo4-00038-00019288-00019576 Compare easy to do gEQ51De6vo4-00039-00019596-00019876 later locked him at the workstation where he was employed Then use the floor door and put a block on top of his head to keep him from getting out gEQ51De6vo4-00040-00019904-00020180 The same goes for the other 19 villagers gEQ51De6vo4-00041-00020204-00020500 like this There must be a cube on top of his head gEQ51De6vo4-00042-00020512-00020908 I suggest you get the Villager Breeder before getting the Iron Giant Tower I have the opportunity to make a video teaching in the iron giant tower villager breeding machine gEQ51De6vo4-00043-00021824-00022104 1 row is complete Of course the other row will do the same gEQ51De6vo4-00044-00022132-00022412 Kill the cat if there is one gEQ51De6vo4-00045-00022656-00022920 Then just cover gEQ51De6vo4-00046-00025020-00025288 Then dig out the 2 sides no longer needed gEQ51De6vo4-00047-00025876-00026168 then water gEQ51De6vo4-00048-00027083-00027372 Then dig the 2 blocks in the middle one block deep gEQ51De6vo4-00049-00027395-00027688 Then block the wall so that the iron giant can't get through gEQ51De6vo4-00050-00028036-00028316 Dig a space of width 4 length 9 gEQ51De6vo4-00051-00028608-00028883 Then put 2 blue ices in the second grid of water and then there How to get blue ice to watch the next video gEQ51De6vo4-00052-00029804-00030095 Then put 2 buttons on the blue ice gEQ51De6vo4-00053-00030224-00030520 Then the fifth grid in front of the blue ice digs down a grid deep (In the 5th grid, there are squares that count towards blue ice) gEQ51De6vo4-00054-00030552-00030836 Then put 2 chests in a position in front of you digging down one block deep gEQ51De6vo4-00055-00030856-00031148 funnel behind box gEQ51De6vo4-00056-00031168-00031452 Put the button on the previous square of the block in front of the funnel gEQ51De6vo4-00057-00032044-00032320 Put a button on the funnel gEQ51De6vo4-00058-00032432-00032712 Then put glass on top of the box to the ground gEQ51De6vo4-00059-00033032-00033324 Then put the button inside the top glass gEQ51De6vo4-00060-00033420-00033708 lava pours in (华文字幕又打错是岩浆就倒在里面) gEQ51De6vo4-00061-00033728-00034016 Then place a ladder 2 blocks in front of the box gEQ51De6vo4-00062-00034024-00034308 Then all the way to the ground gEQ51De6vo4-00063-00034352-00034632 Then knock down the iron giant wall gEQ51De6vo4-00064-00034672-00034960 Then pour water here gEQ51De6vo4-00065-00035036-00035328 Then pour water in front of the blue ice gEQ51De6vo4-00066-00035356-00035624 This is the result of hanging up for 10 minutes (should be this picture) gEQ51De6vo4-00067-00035648-00035924 This is the result of hanging up for 20 minutes (The result of hanging up for 10 minutes has been removed) gEQ51De6vo4-00068-00035952-00036220 If you hang up for a long time you will get a result like this gEQ51De6vo4-00069-00036242-00036536 *See the snippet below If you want to hang up for a long time or want to have a cat it can be like this There is a good chance that cats will be burned to death, but some will live And if the box is full, you can use a hopper to link 2 boxes, so there are 4 boxes that can be hung up (华文字幕又打错是 但是有些会活着) gEQ51De6vo4-00070-00036544-00036840 *See the snippet below It is suggested that you can also fence the gate on the other side of the stairs Prevent you from hanging up and there are monsters disturbing you gEQ51De6vo4-00071-00036852-00037140 *See the snippet below Prevent you from hanging up and there are monsters disturbing you Then watch the snippet below gEQ51De6vo4-00072-00037172-00037448 In fact, you can also leave the pressure plate out here gEQ51De6vo4-00073-00042652-00042940 can go mining if you are bored gEQ51De6vo4-00074-00043844-00044128 The fishing machine can also hang up the iron giant tower while fishing gEQ51De6vo4-00075-00045200-00045484 If you want to see how much iron, go out and look at the chest gEQ51De6vo4-00076-00046864-00047144 So today's video is here If you have any questions, please contact me on IG/TWITTER/LINE These things will go in the info bar I believe you should encounter several situations gEQ51De6vo4-00077-00047164-00047480 First, you'll meet the Iron Giants outside you guys can put some half bricks outside Also use a see-through machine to see if there are any caves nearby If there are any, put them in half bricks gEQ51De6vo4-00078-00047500-00047780 Then this iron giant is born very slowly, if he doesn't give birth for a long time, then it's right to wait sometimes born gave birth to many gEQ51De6vo4-00079-00047800-00048072 So today's video is like this How to get blue ice will be in the next video Villager Breeder will also do after If you want to watch these 2 videos gEQ51De6vo4-00080-00048108-00048400 Just remember to subscribe, like, share and comment Subscribe to me and you will receive the latest videos! Then see you in the next video goodbye everyone gEQ51De6vo4-00081-00048408-00048704 This video should have a lot of traffic gEQbQOLSNoM-00000-00000051-00000632 Disability History, Panel 20, 1990 through 1995. gEQbQOLSNoM-00001-00000632-00000894 Disability culture. gEQbQOLSNoM-00002-00000894-00001291 Naming and claiming who we are, where we come from, gEQbQOLSNoM-00003-00001291-00001440 and where we want to go. gEQbQOLSNoM-00004-00001717-00001855 Social viewpoint. gEQbQOLSNoM-00005-00001855-00001951 Covering the news. gEQbQOLSNoM-00006-00003080-00003184 Creating the news. gEQbQOLSNoM-00007-00004520-00004694 Social viewpoint. gEQbQOLSNoM-00008-00004694-00004930 Within the broader disability rights movement, gEQbQOLSNoM-00009-00004930-00005182 there has been a shift from rights to an emphasis gEQbQOLSNoM-00010-00005182-00005371 on disability culture. gEQbQOLSNoM-00011-00005371-00005721 Dr. Paul Longmore, a professor of disability studies, gEQbQOLSNoM-00012-00005721-00006004 has noted that the disability rights approach is still, gEQbQOLSNoM-00013-00006004-00006207 in some sense, rooted in the assumption gEQbQOLSNoM-00014-00006207-00006475 that disability is less desirable. gEQbQOLSNoM-00015-00006475-00006765 By contrast, disability culture asserts gEQbQOLSNoM-00016-00006765-00007215 that disability is not to be hidden, healed, or even overcome. gEQbQOLSNoM-00017-00007215-00007616 Disability is a culture, full of shared history and experiences gEQbQOLSNoM-00018-00007616-00007770 that should be honored and practiced. gEQbQOLSNoM-00019-00008168-00008335 Social viewpoint. gEQbQOLSNoM-00020-00008335-00008773 Barbie's new friend in a wheelchair, named after activist Becky Ogle. gEQbQOLSNoM-00021-00008773-00009100 Many activists hated the "share a smile" moniker. gEQbQOLSNoM-00022-00009100-00009286 And she's now known simply as Becky. gEQbQOLSNoM-00023-00009626-00009773 Social viewpoint. gEQbQOLSNoM-00024-00009773-00009956 Defining and re-imagining ourselves. gEQbQOLSNoM-00025-00010269-00010419 Social viewpoint. gEQbQOLSNoM-00026-00010419-00010643 Remembering our heroes. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00000-00000419-00000827 SHANE TEWS: We're going to open with Vint Cerf, which is always a gFP3ZWmlvdy-00001-00000827-00000927 pleasure. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00002-00000927-00001249 If you ever have a moment where you have 15 minutes, there gFP3ZWmlvdy-00003-00001249-00002007 is a great YouTube video, where Vint Cerf was interviewed for this gFP3ZWmlvdy-00004-00002007-00002386 conference two years ago, with Steve Crocker, and it's just one of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00005-00002386-00002486 my favorites. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00006-00002486-00002847 I have to admit, I've watched it several times, because he just goes through all of these gFP3ZWmlvdy-00007-00002847-00002947 moments where he's... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00008-00002947-00003189 Well, we were thinking about this, and we tried that and it worked gFP3ZWmlvdy-00009-00003189-00003436 and it seems like it's still working and it's great. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00010-00003436-00003910 We all get the pleasure of his smart ideas on an everyday gFP3ZWmlvdy-00011-00003910-00004116 basis, and I can't thank him enough. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00012-00004116-00004483 He kind of got this whole Internet party started for us, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00013-00004483-00004875 and all the things we get to do, because there are gentlemen like gFP3ZWmlvdy-00014-00004875-00005223 him who were smart enough to realize that there were things we could gFP3ZWmlvdy-00015-00005223-00005655 be doing with the web technology beyond just using it for its gFP3ZWmlvdy-00016-00005655-00006100 limited purposes, back in the '60s and early '70s. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00017-00006100-00006419 So Vint, if you wouldn't mind coming up and just getting us gFP3ZWmlvdy-00018-00006419-00006879 started here, come on up. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00019-00006879-00007552 VINT CERF: Well, good morning, everyone. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00020-00007552-00007912 It's a real pleasure to participate in IGF-USA. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00021-00007912-00008301 And I wanted to make a couple of observations about the regional and national gFP3ZWmlvdy-00022-00008301-00008432 IGF meetings. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00023-00008432-00008800 I think they are incredibly important, especially gFP3ZWmlvdy-00024-00008800-00009249 given that this phenomenon is sort of bottom-up. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00025-00009249-00009484 These things did not happen in consequence of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00026-00009484-00009766 the UN-sponsored IGF. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00027-00009766-00010281 They happened because people thought they needed to have conversations locally about gFP3ZWmlvdy-00028-00010281-00010397 issues arising. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00029-00010397-00010925 So I want to encourage you to participate in these things gFP3ZWmlvdy-00030-00010925-00011069 in the future. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00031-00011069-00011625 Because even if the international IGF were to evaporate for some gFP3ZWmlvdy-00032-00011625-00012177 reason, I think the aggregate of the national and regional IGFs gFP3ZWmlvdy-00033-00012177-00012592 could combine together to support further and continued gFP3ZWmlvdy-00034-00012592-00013038 international multistakeholder meetings. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00035-00013038-00013601 I have the convenience of being able to stand up here and state the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00036-00013601-00014169 obvious, because I'm the first speaker, and that way, I will say all gFP3ZWmlvdy-00037-00014169-00014435 the things that you already know, and all the other speakers are gFP3ZWmlvdy-00038-00014435-00014535 likely to say. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00039-00014535-00014738 But I can get away with it, because I'm the first gFP3ZWmlvdy-00040-00014738-00014838 speaker. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00041-00014838-00015416 So let me tell you how this current situation, with the Internet, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00042-00015416-00015824 looks to somebody who's been around and engaged from its very gFP3ZWmlvdy-00043-00015824-00015956 beginning. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00044-00015956-00016294 We thought it was important to have an open and free gFP3ZWmlvdy-00045-00016294-00016821 Internet, freely accessible Internet, and as you know, Bob and I gFP3ZWmlvdy-00046-00016821-00017387 gave away the design deliberately, published all the specifics, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00047-00017387-00017772 encouraged the Internet Engineering Task force and the Internet gFP3ZWmlvdy-00048-00017772-00018402 Architecting board to continue in a very open and multistakeholder gFP3ZWmlvdy-00049-00018402-00018502 way. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00050-00018502-00018766 The protocols were very open. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00051-00018766-00019118 Technically speaking, people could add new protocols if they wanted to, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00052-00019118-00019466 both horizontally and vertically, and of course, that is exactly gFP3ZWmlvdy-00053-00019466-00019709 what has happened, when the world wide web came along. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00054-00019709-00020216 Tim Berners-Lee layered HTTP on top of TCP/IP. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00055-00020216-00020923 All of this led to what many of us call permissionless innovation. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00056-00020923-00021226 All of which was very satisfying to me, watching this gFP3ZWmlvdy-00057-00021226-00021497 grow in a very organic way. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00058-00021497-00021897 There's only one small little detail that had not penetrated my gFP3ZWmlvdy-00059-00021897-00022261 thinking in the early stages, and that's: What happens when the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00060-00022261-00022472 general public gets access? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00061-00022472-00022967 And this was something I promoted strongly, especially in the late 1980s. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00062-00022967-00023325 The problem is that the general public is the general public. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00063-00023325-00023775 And it covers everybody, including the bad actors, who in fact do not gFP3ZWmlvdy-00064-00023775-00023965 have your best interests at heart. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00065-00023965-00024554 And so now, having created this giant engine, which gave everyone the freedom to speak, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00066-00024554-00024943 now all the bad guys also had freedom to speak, and they spoke in some gFP3ZWmlvdy-00067-00024943-00025302 fairly harmful ways. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00068-00025302-00025567 On the technical side, these bad actors could gFP3ZWmlvdy-00069-00025567-00025747 speak malware. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00070-00025747-00026123 And you know what DDoS attacks are. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00071-00026123-00026283 They're amplified DDoS attacks. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00072-00026283-00026527 These are the ones that make use of the domain name gFP3ZWmlvdy-00073-00026527-00026627 system. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00074-00026627-00027185 They use fake source addresses to make a query to the DNS, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00075-00027185-00027510 and the response goes to whatever the fake address was, and the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00076-00027510-00027960 fake address is the target of the amplified DDoS attack. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00077-00027960-00028398 So the DNS, which is part of the infrastructure of the Internet, is used to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00078-00028398-00028662 amplify an attack against a particular target. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00079-00028662-00029006 Now, there are technical responses to many of these things, although gFP3ZWmlvdy-00080-00029006-00029447 frankly not all the ISPs have implemented those technical responses. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00081-00029447-00030020 For the geeks in the crowd, BCP-38 is designed to inhibit the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00082-00030020-00030355 injection of packets that have false source addresses in them, but gFP3ZWmlvdy-00083-00030355-00030513 it hasn't been widely implemented. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00084-00030513-00031038 If there are any ISPs in the room who haven't implemented it, shame on you. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00085-00031038-00031422 But I can't help but observe that Twitter is another example of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00086-00031422-00031627 an amplified DDoS attack. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00087-00031627-00032000 Because if you tweet something, if it gets retweeted by a collection gFP3ZWmlvdy-00088-00032000-00032239 of people, that's an amplification. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00089-00032239-00032761 So in some sense, we are recurring in the social networking space, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00090-00032761-00033290 in the way that -- and discovering the same kinds of harmful problems gFP3ZWmlvdy-00091-00033290-00033454 that showed up in the technical space. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00092-00033454-00033847 Now, I'm not gonna go any further on the technical responses to many gFP3ZWmlvdy-00093-00033847-00034233 of these problems, except to say that one of the hardest problems is gFP3ZWmlvdy-00094-00034233-00034632 that programmers don't know how to write software that doesn't have gFP3ZWmlvdy-00095-00034632-00034773 bugs. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00096-00034773-00034991 And that's why malware works. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00097-00034991-00035600 And so those of us who care greatly about the research into programming gFP3ZWmlvdy-00098-00035600-00035965 really wish that we had better tools to keep ourselves from making gFP3ZWmlvdy-00099-00035965-00036224 mistakes that can be exploited later on. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00100-00036224-00036622 But I have to tell you that we are in our infancy, when it comes to that. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00101-00036622-00037000 We've had 80-plus years of programming in one way or another, and have gFP3ZWmlvdy-00102-00037000-00037344 failed miserably to find ways to inhibit some of the stupid bugs that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00103-00037344-00037582 we still put into our programs. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00104-00037582-00038115 But I want to move over now to what I think is the more critical gFP3ZWmlvdy-00105-00038115-00038400 question for this convening. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00106-00038400-00038860 By the way, the summary of the meetings and everything is fabulous. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00107-00038860-00039356 I mean, you have just an absolutely amazing array of people here, and I'm kicking gFP3ZWmlvdy-00108-00039356-00039734 myself, because I have to leave at 10:30 to get to the West Coast, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00109-00039734-00040035 to work on the interplanetary Internet, at the Jet Propulsion gFP3ZWmlvdy-00110-00040035-00040487 Lab, and I know we're very concerned about Martian porn, because gFP3ZWmlvdy-00111-00040487-00040983 we don't know how to recognize it, so we don't know how to filter gFP3ZWmlvdy-00112-00040983-00041083 it out. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00113-00041083-00041405 So I want to switch over to the social networking side of things, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00114-00041405-00041819 because that is in some sense part of the problem that we're gFP3ZWmlvdy-00115-00041819-00041989 grappling with today. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00116-00041989-00042431 Many of the themes that you'll be dealing with. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00117-00042431-00042811 I think that we can see that social networks produce a kind of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00118-00042811-00042977 amplification. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00119-00042977-00043350 There is a bubble reinforcement effect. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00120-00043350-00044169 Sometimes this is called bias, reinforcement bias, where gFP3ZWmlvdy-00121-00044169-00044550 you take a piece of information that matches your view of things, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00122-00044550-00044912 and by seeing it repeated in a social networking environment, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00123-00044912-00045272 it reinforces your belief that that's the correct thing and anything gFP3ZWmlvdy-00124-00045272-00045415 else is not. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00125-00045415-00045653 So we have this bubble effect, which is starting gFP3ZWmlvdy-00126-00045653-00045885 to show up in the Internet. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00127-00045885-00046148 And it's funny in a way, because on the surface, it looked gFP3ZWmlvdy-00128-00046148-00046566 like it would be a helpful thing to steer you in the direction of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00129-00046566-00046865 things you care about and are interested in. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00130-00046865-00047471 But the trouble is that it creates this amplification and reinforcement gFP3ZWmlvdy-00131-00047471-00047953 effect which isolates people from information that would gFP3ZWmlvdy-00132-00047953-00048433 have, perhaps, persuaded them to consider alternative views. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00133-00048433-00048647 So we have that problem to worry about. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00134-00048647-00048999 And there have been some attempts in the social networking space -- gFP3ZWmlvdy-00135-00048999-00049387 Facebook and others -- to try to -- even at Google -- to try to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00136-00049387-00049915 expose people to things that they didn't necessarily appear to want gFP3ZWmlvdy-00137-00049915-00050156 to get access to. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00138-00050156-00050505 The Arab Spring was a very good, concrete example gFP3ZWmlvdy-00139-00050505-00051024 of the way in which people have decided to use social networking gFP3ZWmlvdy-00140-00051024-00051124 techniques. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00141-00051124-00051337 Facebook in particular. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00142-00051337-00051737 And so what this told us, I think, is that people will figure out how gFP3ZWmlvdy-00143-00051737-00052166 to use our technologies in ways that we might not have anticipated. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00144-00052166-00052737 You can see the reaction of authoritarian regimes to this kind of use gFP3ZWmlvdy-00145-00052737-00053037 of online facilities. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00146-00053037-00053315 It's scary to think that a population that you gFP3ZWmlvdy-00147-00053315-00053941 are trying to control has the ability to bypass government limitations, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00148-00053941-00054410 and to coordinate and to organize. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00149-00054410-00054773 If you were in the Chinese government, for example, and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00150-00054773-00055248 you were watching the Arab Spring happen, I think this would scare gFP3ZWmlvdy-00151-00055248-00055370 you. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00152-00055370-00055760 And those of you who know Chinese history better than I do may gFP3ZWmlvdy-00153-00055760-00056149 recall that almost all of the major regime changes in China, as you gFP3ZWmlvdy-00154-00056149-00056514 move from one dynasty to another, were preceded by peasant gFP3ZWmlvdy-00155-00056514-00056705 rebellions of one kind or another. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00156-00056705-00057392 And so if you were currently in the Chinese government, high government, you gFP3ZWmlvdy-00157-00057392-00057962 would be looking at 1.2 or 1.3 billion people, worried about this gFP3ZWmlvdy-00158-00057962-00058261 particular risk. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00159-00058261-00058723 What I find absolutely amazing is that the Chinese government has gFP3ZWmlvdy-00160-00058723-00058983 simultaneously done two things. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00161-00058983-00059370 They have invested mightily in the Internet infrastructure. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00162-00059370-00059702 700-million-plus Chinese are online in China. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00163-00059702-00059991 So there's been huge investment in implementation. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00164-00059991-00060400 Fiber networks, online assets of various kinds. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00165-00060400-00060872 And at the same time, they have introduced a substantial degree of control. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00166-00060872-00061499 And this is scary, in some respects, and painful to watch, because gFP3ZWmlvdy-00167-00061499-00061804 of course many of us hope that the Internet would inhibit exactly gFP3ZWmlvdy-00168-00061804-00061932 that kind of control. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00169-00061932-00062475 But in fact the Chinese have demonstrated it's possible to filter a gFP3ZWmlvdy-00170-00062475-00062961 great deal of content, to use legal methods, and I suppose some gFP3ZWmlvdy-00171-00062961-00063322 people would say illegal methods, in order to limit what people are gFP3ZWmlvdy-00172-00063322-00063461 able to say. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00173-00063461-00063869 You notice that there are some very big companies that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00174-00063869-00064154 have evolved in the Chinese Internet environment. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00175-00064154-00064583 AliBaba, for example, Baidu, WeChat. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00176-00064583-00064904 These companies are substantial in scale. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00177-00064904-00065358 They rival, in terms of numbers of users, many of the other large gFP3ZWmlvdy-00178-00065358-00065747 companies that you see here in the United States and elsewhere. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00179-00065747-00066281 But they are largely under Chinese control with gFP3ZWmlvdy-00180-00066281-00066555 regard to censorship. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00181-00066555-00067093 So what we're seeing is a kind of reaction to the openness and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00182-00067093-00067272 freedom in the Internet. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00183-00067272-00067774 It translates into fragmentation, it translates into some other things, which are gFP3ZWmlvdy-00184-00067774-00068183 even more disturbing for me personally, anyway. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00185-00068183-00068931 And these are attempts by national governments to extend in an extraterritorial gFP3ZWmlvdy-00186-00068931-00069233 way their control over content. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00187-00069233-00069520 And so there are debates right now going on, leading up to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00188-00069520-00070151 the European Court of Justice, which in my view may be a kind of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00189-00070151-00070680 misnomer, that this question of the right to be forgotten should not gFP3ZWmlvdy-00190-00070680-00071131 simply be limited to the European countries, but it should be global gFP3ZWmlvdy-00191-00071131-00071338 in scope. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00192-00071338-00071664 We're seeing similar kinds of behavior in other countries. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00193-00071664-00072062 Even in Canada, for example, where the debate is: Should information gFP3ZWmlvdy-00194-00072062-00072472 that should be -- if it should be adjudicated, that this information gFP3ZWmlvdy-00195-00072472-00072736 should be suppressed in Canada, should it be suppressed everywhere gFP3ZWmlvdy-00196-00072736-00072856 in the world? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00197-00072856-00073160 These are not good outcomes for those of us who gFP3ZWmlvdy-00198-00073160-00073689 believe that openness and freedom of expression is vital to a gFP3ZWmlvdy-00199-00073689-00073822 democratic society. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00200-00073822-00074219 Well, that leads to yet another phenomenon, which all of you are gFP3ZWmlvdy-00201-00074219-00074576 very familiar with, especially given the most recent presidential gFP3ZWmlvdy-00202-00074576-00074725 campaign in the United States. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00203-00074725-00075230 And that's misinformation and the so- called "fake news". gFP3ZWmlvdy-00204-00075230-00075737 Again, this manifestation is another example of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00205-00075737-00076286 the kind of selection bias and silo reinforcement that I mentioned gFP3ZWmlvdy-00206-00076286-00076395 earlier. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00207-00076395-00076882 There was a Russian disinformation campaign, and they are, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00208-00076882-00077379 as many of you know, quite skilled at this kind of propaganda. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00209-00077379-00077567 It's not the first time that they've made use of gFP3ZWmlvdy-00210-00077567-00077824 it, although this might be the first time they've used it heavily gFP3ZWmlvdy-00211-00077824-00078079 in an online environment. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00212-00078079-00078527 And apparently, people were making money out of this campaign. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00213-00078527-00078782 In Macedonia, if I remember correctly, people gFP3ZWmlvdy-00214-00078782-00079347 were paid to generate completely ridiculous articles about Hillary gFP3ZWmlvdy-00215-00079347-00079943 Clinton or others who were part of the presidential competition. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00216-00079943-00080339 So it's sort of ironic that one of the poorest countries in Europe gFP3ZWmlvdy-00217-00080339-00080832 turned out to be making income out of generating fake news. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00218-00080832-00081311 And the worst part about all this is that this fake news was accepted in gFP3ZWmlvdy-00219-00081311-00081537 many circles, here in the United States. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00220-00081537-00081806 And the question is: Why is that? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00221-00081806-00081974 How can this happen? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00222-00081974-00082108 What's going on here? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00223-00082108-00082602 Well, part of it is an uncritical audience. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00224-00082602-00082770 Or a polarized audience. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00225-00082770-00083176 Where the fake news somehow reinforced their beliefs, even though gFP3ZWmlvdy-00226-00083176-00083538 they may have made absolutely no logical sense whatsoever. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00227-00083538-00084144 It's this uncriticality that really disturbs me a lot. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00228-00084144-00084758 I think that we should be teaching children how to think critically gFP3ZWmlvdy-00229-00084758-00085008 about the information that they get. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00230-00085008-00085231 They should ask: Where did it come from? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00231-00085231-00085445 They should ask: Who else believes this information? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00232-00085445-00085831 What other sources are there? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00233-00085831-00086360 Can we find a way to confirm the accuracy of the information gFP3ZWmlvdy-00234-00086360-00086609 that we're receiving in this system? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00235-00086609-00087120 And the fact that there are a lot of people who don't care to waste time gFP3ZWmlvdy-00236-00087120-00087404 thinking about the information they get is very disturbing to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00237-00087404-00087504 me. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00238-00087504-00087832 It's not just the Internet that creates this problem. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00239-00087832-00088047 It's all the other media as well. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00240-00088047-00088530 You get information -- misinformation -- from television, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00241-00088530-00089001 radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the Internet. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00242-00089001-00089157 Your friends. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00243-00089157-00089264 Your parents. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00244-00089264-00089710 There are all kinds of ways in which to get information which is incorrect. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00245-00089710-00090157 And not thinking about it is very disturbing. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00246-00090157-00090417 However, you get the other side of this coin. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00247-00090417-00090875 There are some families who have the belief that there is gFP3ZWmlvdy-00248-00090875-00091447 this authority, it rests in the family, and any information which the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00249-00091447-00091740 family doesn't agree with should be rejected. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00250-00091740-00092136 Even if it turns out that what the family believes is in fact wrong. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00251-00092136-00092712 And so you get another strong biasing effect in some parts of our society, here gFP3ZWmlvdy-00252-00092712-00093155 in the US, where certain families will reject any notion of critical gFP3ZWmlvdy-00253-00093155-00093449 thinking, because they consider that it undermines the authority gFP3ZWmlvdy-00254-00093449-00093563 of the family. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00255-00093563-00093820 So I find that kind of scary. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00256-00093820-00094298 There's another big problem, which contributes to this situation. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00257-00094298-00094801 And that's the failing business models for journalism. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00258-00094801-00095317 In the past, paper, newspaper in particular, turned out gFP3ZWmlvdy-00259-00095317-00095719 to be one of the cheapest ways of reproducing large quantities of information gFP3ZWmlvdy-00260-00095719-00096014 on a regular basis. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00261-00096014-00096417 And since everyone wanted to know what the news was, the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00262-00096417-00096766 people who developed the notion of newspaper also put in gFP3ZWmlvdy-00263-00096766-00096935 advertisements, because they figured... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00264-00096935-00097252 Well, they're gonna read the news and they'll see the ads, and I can charge gFP3ZWmlvdy-00265-00097252-00097352 people for that. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00266-00097352-00097499 It was perfect. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00267-00097499-00097801 It had a few features associated with the news cycle. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00268-00097801-00098160 You had to get your stories done by a certain time, in order to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00269-00098160-00098441 print the news and get the newspapers delivered. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00270-00098441-00098782 And so there evolved out of this -- I left out classified gFP3ZWmlvdy-00271-00098782-00099047 ads, which are another wonderful way of generating money. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00272-00099047-00099667 Now, we all know that many of those revenue generators have evaporated and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00273-00099667-00099974 reincarnated themselves in the online environment. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00274-00099974-00100730 So that undermined some of the business models that led to substantial quality journalism, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00275-00100730-00101020 because the newspapers could afford to do investigative gFP3ZWmlvdy-00276-00101020-00101334 reporting and to pay people for that, to pay people to be onsite, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00277-00101334-00101867 all around the world, providing content. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00278-00101867-00102566 So as those business models started to evaporate, that created a real problem for quality journalism. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00279-00102566-00102818 It's fair to say, by the way, that those who say... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00280-00102818-00103128 Well, you know, Google and the Internet have destroyed the news business... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00281-00103128-00103464 I would like to resist that conclusion a little bit. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00282-00103464-00104089 And argue that at least in our society, we were drifting away from the newspaper gFP3ZWmlvdy-00283-00104089-00104470 as a source of information, as radio, and especially as television gFP3ZWmlvdy-00284-00104470-00104570 came along. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00285-00104570-00105058 People were turning to those media rather than papers, to get their gFP3ZWmlvdy-00286-00105058-00105158 information. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00287-00105158-00105603 And there was a certain impatience in our society that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00288-00105603-00106097 I think limited our willingness to spend time absorbing and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00289-00106097-00106463 analyzing and evaluating new information. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00290-00106463-00106894 If you don't mind a small anecdote, some years ago, maybe 10 years gFP3ZWmlvdy-00291-00106894-00107417 ago or so, I was in New York, having lunch with Henry Kissinger. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00292-00107417-00107686 And we sat down, and Dr. Kissinger said to me... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00293-00107686-00107804 I hate the Internet! gFP3ZWmlvdy-00294-00107804-00107904 I thought... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00295-00107904-00108169 Well, lunch is over. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00296-00108169-00108383 I'm leaving now. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00297-00108383-00108483 But I said... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00298-00108483-00108705 Well, why is that, Dr. Kissinger? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00299-00108705-00108926 And he said... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00300-00108926-00109358 Well, people are satisfied with two-paragraph answers, and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00301-00109358-00109683 I write 700-page books. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00302-00109683-00109904 And so I could see his logic. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00303-00109904-00110276 He also said something else, which is not relevant to this conversation, except gFP3ZWmlvdy-00304-00110276-00110401 tangentially. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00305-00110401-00110651 He said he was also very unhappy with the fact that his gFP3ZWmlvdy-00306-00110651-00110954 grandchildren could not read cursive writing. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00307-00110954-00111198 They weren't being taught cursive. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00308-00111198-00111475 Which meant that the huge collection of historically important gFP3ZWmlvdy-00309-00111475-00111836 letters that he had were not accessible to his grandchildren. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00310-00111836-00112171 And I actually stopped to think... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00311-00112171-00112271 My God. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00312-00112271-00112371 That's right. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00313-00112371-00112546 That kids don't see cursive very much anymore at all. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00314-00112546-00112764 They see printed material. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00315-00112764-00113040 So as I say, that's a tangential observation. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00316-00113040-00113791 But I think that Kissinger was right about this satisfaction with too little information. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00317-00113791-00114226 And I think this dogs us still today. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00318-00114226-00114894 Well, so we have this problem of trying to reinvent journalism, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00319-00114894-00115064 reinvent business models. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00320-00115064-00115610 In the mean time, you know, we have this headline writing that is intended to capture gFP3ZWmlvdy-00321-00115610-00116115 eyeballs and not necessarily intended to convey reality. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00322-00116115-00116575 And so we get headline- grabbing ads and things like that. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00323-00116575-00116675 And loss of revenues. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00324-00116675-00116823 There is a silver lining, however. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00325-00116823-00117061 At least, in my view. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00326-00117061-00117413 When Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for an insanely small gFP3ZWmlvdy-00327-00117413-00117980 amount of money, relative to his resources, my impression as a Washington gFP3ZWmlvdy-00328-00117980-00118405 resident for 40 years now, is that the quality of the Washington gFP3ZWmlvdy-00329-00118405-00118729 Post journalism has increased again. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00330-00118729-00119016 And even if you don't agree with me, I think that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00331-00119016-00119397 they are certainly in a position to put more effort into gathering gFP3ZWmlvdy-00332-00119397-00119880 news, analyzing it, and doing more investigative reporting. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00333-00119880-00120329 And I think that's partly a result of Jeff's willingness gFP3ZWmlvdy-00334-00120329-00120492 to underwrite that cost. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00335-00120492-00120849 But somewhere along the line, we are going to have to figure out how gFP3ZWmlvdy-00336-00120849-00121255 to reincarnate business models that will support good quality gFP3ZWmlvdy-00337-00121255-00121933 journalism, because of its essential importance in open and free gFP3ZWmlvdy-00338-00121933-00122186 democratic societies. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00339-00122186-00123097 So I want to try to summarize a little bit here ways in which we might respond to some gFP3ZWmlvdy-00340-00123097-00123265 of these problems. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00341-00123265-00123540 The first one, I'll reiterate again, is early gFP3ZWmlvdy-00342-00123540-00123816 training in critical thinking. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00343-00123816-00124386 And I really am sad to think that there are people who gFP3ZWmlvdy-00344-00124386-00124738 would resist such an initiative. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00345-00124738-00125472 I don't understand how we could possibly have a society which is able to evolve gFP3ZWmlvdy-00346-00125472-00125786 in the face of all these new technologies, without being able gFP3ZWmlvdy-00347-00125786-00126130 to think critically about what we're seeing and hearing. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00348-00126130-00126641 We clearly have to reinvent the business of news. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00349-00126641-00126921 And I don't have really good answers for you. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00350-00126921-00127021 I wish I did. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00351-00127021-00127361 Short of suggesting that others like Jeff should keep gFP3ZWmlvdy-00352-00127361-00127579 buying newspapers. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00353-00127579-00128045 Maybe we should suggest that the other billionaires from the Internet world consider gFP3ZWmlvdy-00354-00128045-00128453 acquiring all the newspapers that are failing. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00355-00128453-00128799 On the other hand, if that becomes too concentrated, then we have a different problem gFP3ZWmlvdy-00356-00128799-00129158 on our hands, which we've also experienced in the past. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00357-00129158-00129460 There's also been suggestions that somehow we should be able to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00358-00129460-00129878 automate the process of filtering what we're calling "fake news" and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00359-00129878-00130049 misinformation. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00360-00130049-00130233 And I've given some thought to this, and it turns gFP3ZWmlvdy-00361-00130233-00130521 out it's not as easy as it sounds. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00362-00130521-00131012 For example, if you try to use a kind of voting mechanism that says this news gFP3ZWmlvdy-00363-00131012-00131486 is valid and this news is not, people who create botnets can use gFP3ZWmlvdy-00364-00131486-00131933 the power of the botnet to upvote fake information. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00365-00131933-00132033 If they want to. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00366-00132033-00132487 And so the algorithms that often are used to try to decide whether something gFP3ZWmlvdy-00367-00132487-00133014 is important or something is significant get distorted by gFP3ZWmlvdy-00368-00133014-00133497 mechanisms that automate these upvoting processes. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00369-00133497-00133612 And we saw a lot of that. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00370-00133612-00133952 I mean, the battle of the bots could very well describe gFP3ZWmlvdy-00371-00133952-00134276 the previous presidential campaign. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00372-00134276-00134546 And it continues to dog us today. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00373-00134546-00134898 So figuring out how to detect that sort of thing -- I gFP3ZWmlvdy-00374-00134898-00135238 mean, I'm sure many of you have logged onto a website and seen a little gFP3ZWmlvdy-00375-00135238-00135480 thing that says: I am not a robot! gFP3ZWmlvdy-00376-00135480-00135601 And you're supposed to click the... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00377-00135601-00135864 Of course, it's pretty easy to write a piece of software that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00378-00135864-00136351 sees "I am not a robot" in the web page and clicks that little gFP3ZWmlvdy-00379-00136351-00136451 box. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00380-00136451-00136822 So we have the problem of the software getting smarter and gFP3ZWmlvdy-00381-00136822-00137219 smarter, and in some sense, we're defeating ourselves. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00382-00137219-00137508 I think that what would be really important... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00383-00137508-00137608 JOLY MACFIE: Excuse me. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00384-00137608-00137708 We lost the screen. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00385-00137708-00137808 I'm just checking... gFP3ZWmlvdy-00386-00137808-00138169 It seems like the computer went to sleep. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00387-00138169-00138637 VINT: Well, I don't care if the computer went to sleep. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00388-00138637-00138848 I'm more concerned whether everybody in the audience gFP3ZWmlvdy-00389-00138848-00138998 went to sleep! gFP3ZWmlvdy-00390-00138998-00139104 (laughter) gFP3ZWmlvdy-00391-00139104-00139352 And you're not even allowed to bring the coffee into the room here, gFP3ZWmlvdy-00392-00139352-00139738 which is really terrible! gFP3ZWmlvdy-00393-00139738-00139899 So here we are. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00394-00139899-00140385 You've got this fabulous day ahead of you. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00395-00140385-00140729 To arm wrestle with some of the problems that I've gFP3ZWmlvdy-00396-00140729-00141286 tried to outline, and others that are shown in the program. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00397-00141286-00141667 I think what will be really helpful and important is at the end of the gFP3ZWmlvdy-00398-00141667-00142536 day if you can collect some thoughtful and practical ideas for combating gFP3ZWmlvdy-00399-00142536-00142885 the problems that we're seeing -- it would be super helpful. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00400-00142885-00143227 Because I would love to see you bring those to the Geneva meeting gFP3ZWmlvdy-00401-00143227-00143421 in December. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00402-00143421-00143800 If we think a little bit about the value of these regional gFP3ZWmlvdy-00403-00143800-00144391 and national IGFs, it's assembling thoughtful outcomes and bringing gFP3ZWmlvdy-00404-00144391-00145022 them to the international meeting, and to draw attention gFP3ZWmlvdy-00405-00145022-00145159 to some of those solutions. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00406-00145159-00145498 And of course, to compare with each other, with the other gFP3ZWmlvdy-00407-00145498-00146064 IGFs, regional IGFs, the conclusions that we reached. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00408-00146064-00146387 But in some sense, the fact that you're here in this room gFP3ZWmlvdy-00409-00146387-00146699 says you care about this agenda. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00410-00146699-00146957 And I hope that some significant fraction of you will gFP3ZWmlvdy-00411-00146957-00147355 be able to bring anything that came out of this discussion, that you gFP3ZWmlvdy-00412-00147355-00147876 consider to be practical and implementable, to that table. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00413-00147876-00148141 One last point. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00414-00148141-00148504 As you look at the Internet, as we see it today, you gFP3ZWmlvdy-00415-00148504-00148753 could reasonably ask: Is this helping our societies? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00416-00148753-00148982 Or is it harming it? gFP3ZWmlvdy-00417-00148982-00149236 And I think you would find answers on both ends of that gFP3ZWmlvdy-00418-00149236-00149369 scale. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00419-00149369-00149786 But what I would like to ask you to do is to think more about gFP3ZWmlvdy-00420-00149786-00150127 how we can make the Internet more useful for people. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00421-00150127-00150451 Let's make it a more people-centered system. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00422-00150451-00150877 Something which is taking into account solving problems for people, helping people gFP3ZWmlvdy-00423-00150877-00151534 discover each other, and ways in which they can help each other to gFP3ZWmlvdy-00424-00151534-00152052 make life a lot better for us and others in this world. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00425-00152052-00152466 It would be really disappointing if it turned out that all of this, for me, 40-year gFP3ZWmlvdy-00426-00152466-00152899 effort into the Internet, turned out to produce something gFP3ZWmlvdy-00427-00152899-00153245 which turned out to be more harmful than beneficial. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00428-00153245-00153735 And I'm sort of relying on you in this room to make sure that doesn't happen. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00429-00153735-00153865 So I think I'll stop there. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00430-00153865-00154069 And thank you all very much for your morning's attention. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00431-00154069-00154169 (applause) gFP3ZWmlvdy-00432-00154169-00154269 SHANE TEWS: Thank you very much. gFP3ZWmlvdy-00433-00154269-00154369 ============== gJlt1F5NVOI-00000-00000000-00000600 today we're gonna go over two huge mistakes that I see literally everybody making in Call gJlt1F5NVOI-00001-00000600-00001140 of dragons what's going on guys cheers Now call of dragons is still a very new game and because gJlt1F5NVOI-00002-00001140-00001626 of that a lot of players are jumping in for the first time and they're leveling different Heroes gJlt1F5NVOI-00003-00001626-00002184 and they're investing in different artifacts and people are rushing to test things they're rushing gJlt1F5NVOI-00004-00002184-00002676 to fight different Wars against a bunch of other players because it is a war game after all and gJlt1F5NVOI-00005-00002676-00003108 like that's why people downloaded the game but I'm here to advise you that we should be pumping gJlt1F5NVOI-00006-00003108-00003636 the brakes just a little bit on all the chaos here in the game because the two mistakes that a lot of gJlt1F5NVOI-00007-00003636-00004104 people are making are mistakes that are going to have more long-term consequences on your account gJlt1F5NVOI-00008-00004104-00004824 and in games like Hall of dragons or really any strategy game or RPG there is opportunity cost gJlt1F5NVOI-00009-00004824-00005310 to everything that you do so let's talk about the first massive mistake that I'm seeing virtually gJlt1F5NVOI-00010-00005310-00005958 everybody doing right now and that is leveling up their Legendary Heroes and using their Universal gJlt1F5NVOI-00011-00005958-00006738 Legendary tokens to boost the skill levels of these Heroes this is absolutely insane for two gJlt1F5NVOI-00012-00006738-00007158 reasons the first thing and this might be a little bit more obvious to players who have played games gJlt1F5NVOI-00013-00007158-00007818 like rise of Kingdoms but if you level up the Star level of a hero it will unlock additional gJlt1F5NVOI-00014-00007818-00008562 skills for that hero and any time that you add an additional skill to that hero it is added randomly gJlt1F5NVOI-00015-00008562-00009174 amongst the skills that you have unlocked so for Emrys here for example you could see here I got gJlt1F5NVOI-00016-00009174-00009666 his first skill to five and then I went ahead and added a second star to him which unlocked gJlt1F5NVOI-00017-00009666-00010236 his second skill now if I add an additional seal to Emrys the only skill that I can go in gJlt1F5NVOI-00018-00010236-00010746 is the second one if we take a look at a hero like Garwood you could see that I've also leveled him gJlt1F5NVOI-00019-00010746-00011286 up in fact I've leveled up Garwood much higher than I've leveled up my Emrys but I have not gJlt1F5NVOI-00020-00011286-00011808 added a second star to him and why is that it's because his first skill is only at three which gJlt1F5NVOI-00021-00011808-00012360 means I haven't gotten the maximum benefit out of this first skill and if you didn't know the first gJlt1F5NVOI-00022-00012360-00012924 skill on any hero is what's called The Rage skill and this is the skill that unlike the others which gJlt1F5NVOI-00023-00012924-00013541 are all passive skills the rage skill is an active skill so as you're fighting in the open world gJlt1F5NVOI-00024-00013541-00013986 you're going to accumulate rage and once you've hit a thousand you're going to trigger your rage gJlt1F5NVOI-00025-00013986-00014478 cycle from your first year Commander then from your deputy and these raid skills are the most gJlt1F5NVOI-00026-00014478-00015138 powerful skills on any hero in Call of dragons and so if you unlock that second star before this gJlt1F5NVOI-00027-00015138-00015702 first skill is at five well now anytime that you add an additional skill to that hero it will have gJlt1F5NVOI-00028-00015702-00016386 a 50 chance of going into the better skill and a 50 chance of going into the worst skill whereas gJlt1F5NVOI-00029-00016386-00016908 if you're doing what I did with Garwood right now if I add another skill to him it is guaranteed to gJlt1F5NVOI-00030-00016908-00017424 go into his best skill now this isn't as big of a mistake with epic Heroes because you're gonna gJlt1F5NVOI-00031-00017424-00017988 get epic hero tokens much more frequently then you're going to get legendary hero tokens and also gJlt1F5NVOI-00032-00017988-00018720 it takes fewer epic hero tokens to max out this hero if you want to get all of the skills for gJlt1F5NVOI-00033-00018720-00019476 an epic hero to 5 and unlock their Awakening skill it costs 440 epic hero tokens whether gJlt1F5NVOI-00034-00019476-00020094 you collect the specific hero tokens or if you use the universal tokens that you can exchange for any gJlt1F5NVOI-00035-00020094-00020754 hero it's a lot right 440 is a lot because these do feel pretty rare but eventually you will get gJlt1F5NVOI-00036-00020754-00021390 there especially because the universal epic hero tokens are more common than the legendary hero gJlt1F5NVOI-00037-00021390-00022002 tokens here but not only that in order to get a legendary hero skills to 5 meaning every single gJlt1F5NVOI-00038-00022002-00022704 skill is five and then you unlock their Awakening skill it costs 690 legendary hero tokens so not gJlt1F5NVOI-00039-00022704-00023292 only are legendary hero tokens more rare than they are for epics but you need more of them to finish gJlt1F5NVOI-00040-00023292-00023904 off that Commander so again it's not as big of a mistake with epics because let's say for example gJlt1F5NVOI-00041-00023904-00024366 my Gwanwyn I've unlocked these two skills here and let's say I really want this second skill gJlt1F5NVOI-00042-00024366-00024810 to 5 before I want this skill to five and now that I've unlocked both of them I can't control gJlt1F5NVOI-00043-00024810-00025362 which one the skill upgrades will go into that is unfortunate but remember eventually both of these gJlt1F5NVOI-00044-00025362-00025794 skills are gonna get to five and then you've fixed your Heroes like for example on my Indus gJlt1F5NVOI-00045-00025794-00026292 I actually brought my Indus to two stars before getting her first skill to five let's say that I gJlt1F5NVOI-00046-00026292-00026789 regret this and I really want this for a skill to five well there's really no way to fix that other gJlt1F5NVOI-00047-00026789-00027348 than leave them there do not unlock more of the stars and just be patient and eventually you're gJlt1F5NVOI-00048-00027348-00027756 going to fix it even if this second skill goes to five first then you're gonna guarantee get gJlt1F5NVOI-00049-00027756-00028152 the rest of the skills in this one and that's how you fix the hero it will take time and patience gJlt1F5NVOI-00050-00028152-00028554 and if you're wondering why I unlocked the second skill for Indus it's because this is a gathering gJlt1F5NVOI-00051-00028554-00028968 hero and I honestly don't care about this first skill at all I'd rather get this second skill gJlt1F5NVOI-00052-00028968-00029610 to five first if I can if not then it's fine but the skill upgrade order and cost is only one part gJlt1F5NVOI-00053-00029610-00030239 of this the part that a lot of players are either forgetting or ignoring even if you've played rise gJlt1F5NVOI-00054-00030239-00031062 of Kingdoms is using the legendary hero tokens I see so many players especially whales but also gJlt1F5NVOI-00055-00031062-00031739 free to play players investing their Universal legendary hero tokens into Heroes that they get gJlt1F5NVOI-00056-00031739-00032412 from the gold keys that they get from the golden chests here in the tavern now right now in Call of gJlt1F5NVOI-00057-00032412-00032946 dragons there aren't that many Legendary Heroes so you may be tempted to take your Universal gJlt1F5NVOI-00058-00032946-00033534 legendary hero tokens and invest them in some of the Heroes that you already have acquired but this gJlt1F5NVOI-00059-00033534-00034212 is a huge mistake the only people that should be doing this are people who are spending thousands gJlt1F5NVOI-00060-00034212-00034680 of dollars on Call Of Dragons I've spent now I have personally spent less than a thousand dollars gJlt1F5NVOI-00061-00034680-00035274 on this game and I've accumulated as you can see here 110 Universal tokens some of them are season gJlt1F5NVOI-00062-00035274-00035880 1 tokens the others are just complete legendary hero universals and even I am not investing a gJlt1F5NVOI-00063-00035880-00036462 single legendary every hero token into any of these Heroes except for kinara and we're going gJlt1F5NVOI-00064-00036462-00037050 to talk about her in a moment but I cannot express the magnitude of this error this is an absolute gJlt1F5NVOI-00065-00037050-00037716 huge L this is a huge L do not do this why is that well first of all the heroes that we have gJlt1F5NVOI-00066-00037716-00038166 in the game right now some of them yes they are very powerful I'm seeing Emrys do absolute work gJlt1F5NVOI-00067-00038166-00038640 on the open field I'm seeing Velyn do absolute work these are good Chads these are the heroes gJlt1F5NVOI-00068-00038640-00039090 that all the whales are using and they're getting really good results but you and I both know that gJlt1F5NVOI-00069-00039090-00039570 the developers of this game are going to continue to add Heroes and we know that for sure because we gJlt1F5NVOI-00070-00039570-00040014 have like Madeleine and boxy which haven't come into the game just yet at least not in the newer gJlt1F5NVOI-00071-00040014-00040500 servers and it's not going to stop there and the way that we know that for sure is that here we gJlt1F5NVOI-00072-00040500-00041142 see that some of the hero tokens are designated to a specific season so here you can see the S1 gJlt1F5NVOI-00073-00041142-00041850 here I can only exchange these season one custom tokens for Heroes that you get as you assume in gJlt1F5NVOI-00074-00041850-00042492 season one which applies the existence of season 2 Heroes season 3 Heroes and so on and as they gJlt1F5NVOI-00075-00042492-00043038 release More Heroes we know that they're going to be more powerful that's called Power creep gJlt1F5NVOI-00076-00043038-00043608 and it exists in every single game whether you play the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game Or you play gJlt1F5NVOI-00077-00043608-00044256 Rise of Kingdoms it doesn't matter there exists power creep in the newer content that just keeps gJlt1F5NVOI-00078-00044256-00044814 players engaged it gives you a reason to log in and collect the new things and also it gives the gJlt1F5NVOI-00079-00044814-00045354 whales a reason to spend more money with that being said these legendary hero tokens can be gJlt1F5NVOI-00080-00045354-00046038 used as far as we can tell on any legendary hero so why would you use them on a hero that you could gJlt1F5NVOI-00081-00046038-00046740 obtain in the tavern for free when you can save them for let's say six months and use them on a gJlt1F5NVOI-00082-00046740-00047358 season 2 hero which we know almost certainly is going to be more powerful than the heroes you gJlt1F5NVOI-00083-00047358-00047784 have in the tavern and not only that but you're gonna get the heroes from The Tavern for free gJlt1F5NVOI-00084-00047784-00048372 over time just by doing events by collecting gold keys and yes the progress on these Heroes is going gJlt1F5NVOI-00085-00048372-00048996 to be incredibly slow but it's still gonna happen over time and let's say that even if the season 2 gJlt1F5NVOI-00086-00048996-00049566 heroes are only as good or maybe not as powerful well then you can go back and invest the rest of gJlt1F5NVOI-00087-00049566-00050070 your legendary hero tokens into the Legendary Heroes that you were accumulating over time and gJlt1F5NVOI-00088-00050070-00050556 now you'll actually have a better gauge as to how many of these you need to invest in those Heroes gJlt1F5NVOI-00089-00050556-00051108 because you'll have already unlocked maybe one or two additional skills on that hero in the meantime gJlt1F5NVOI-00090-00051108-00051678 for free from The Tavern now I did mention before that kinara was an exception and she's not the gJlt1F5NVOI-00091-00051678-00052290 only one Madeline is also going to be an exception here in Call of dragons the reason that Kinnara gJlt1F5NVOI-00092-00052290-00052944 is an exception is because this hero is not one that you can get for free over time yes you can gJlt1F5NVOI-00093-00052944-00053412 get her from the Lucky Spin event and if you have some gems that you got free to play then you can gJlt1F5NVOI-00094-00053412-00053808 use those gems on the Lucky Spin event you have to buy tickets to do that and maybe you can get gJlt1F5NVOI-00095-00053808-00054155 her for free but there's a limit to that right there's a limit to how many gems that you can gJlt1F5NVOI-00096-00054155-00054570 get as a free-to-play player if you guys missed it I actually did just make a video talking about a gJlt1F5NVOI-00097-00054570-00054984 ton of different ways to get free gems for free to play players so go ahead and check that out on the gJlt1F5NVOI-00098-00054984-00055602 channel but kinara is not in the same boat as the other Legendary Heroes that you find in season one gJlt1F5NVOI-00099-00055602-00056279 so if you are a whale if you are spending a lot in the game then kinara and Madeline are absolutely gJlt1F5NVOI-00100-00056279-00056916 some of the Heroes that you can consider using those Universal legendary hero tokens on however gJlt1F5NVOI-00101-00056916-00057636 I would encourage you to use the season one tokens first why is that because these have a limit to gJlt1F5NVOI-00102-00057636-00058229 them you can only use these on season 1 Heroes and if we go back into my item list if I tried to use gJlt1F5NVOI-00103-00058229-00058884 one of these tokens you can see that I can use this token on any of the tavern heroes or I can gJlt1F5NVOI-00104-00058884-00059514 use them on the Lucky Spin Heroes like kinara so some of these Heroes like Garwood or like gJlt1F5NVOI-00105-00059514-00060096 Theia or Nico or Velyn these are all heroes that I can obtain for free by open opening the tavern gJlt1F5NVOI-00106-00060096-00060582 keys and again I understand that you're going to collect them very slowly but you're still going to gJlt1F5NVOI-00107-00060582-00061110 collect them over time Kinnara does not fall into that bucket you will not be getting her for free gJlt1F5NVOI-00108-00061110-00061596 over time and of course you can spin the wheel but as we mentioned there's a limit to that so of all gJlt1F5NVOI-00109-00061596-00062286 these Heroes the hardest ones to get are the Lucky Spin Heroes so in a world where this token can be gJlt1F5NVOI-00110-00062286-00062874 redeemed for a more common hero or a more rare hero you might as well go for the more rare hero gJlt1F5NVOI-00111-00062874-00063396 especially because they seem to be better anyway I think kinara is the most powerful Choice here gJlt1F5NVOI-00112-00063396-00063924 now Velyn and Emrys who is glitching out right now apparently they're both very powerful but gJlt1F5NVOI-00113-00063924-00064344 again as a free-to-play player if you're looking long term if you're looking a year from now they gJlt1F5NVOI-00114-00064344-00064788 are more likely to be power crept out of the game than a hero like kinara so to conclude gJlt1F5NVOI-00115-00064788-00065382 this portion of the video I would say use all of your season one universals on one specific Lucky gJlt1F5NVOI-00116-00065382-00065946 Spin hero of your choosing whether that's saving it for Madeline or for Kinnara or whoever else gJlt1F5NVOI-00117-00065946-00066540 you can do that the legendary hero tokens should only be used on the wheel exclusive gJlt1F5NVOI-00118-00066540-00067218 Heroes for Wells but you probably should save them especially if you're a lower mid spender gJlt1F5NVOI-00119-00067218-00067740 you should probably save these and use them on another hero that comes out in season 2 or Beyond gJlt1F5NVOI-00120-00067740-00068166 because they're going to be more powerful anyway one last important note for those of you who are gJlt1F5NVOI-00121-00068166-00068706 spending in the game whether a low spender or a well the daily deal here this daily bundle you gJlt1F5NVOI-00122-00068706-00069330 will be able to switch this to the other Cavern Heroes as well as kinara and Madeleine later down gJlt1F5NVOI-00123-00069330-00069732 the line so if you missed your chance to get Kinnara you will eventually have that chance gJlt1F5NVOI-00124-00069732-00070344 once again and this is another way that you're going to be able to get more tokens for those gJlt1F5NVOI-00125-00070344-00070974 Tavern Heroes whereas in season 2 and Beyond it's gonna take a long time to get access to them here gJlt1F5NVOI-00126-00070974-00071628 in this daily deal bundle so all that to say the legendary heroes in the game right now feel very gJlt1F5NVOI-00127-00071628-00072102 powerful because that's all that we have but later on line these are probably going to be gJlt1F5NVOI-00128-00072102-00072732 the worst Legendary Heroes in the game so save your tokens spend them wisely do not pump them gJlt1F5NVOI-00129-00072732-00073194 all into Emrys just because you see insane battle reports yes I've seen them too yes he's very good gJlt1F5NVOI-00130-00073194-00073734 but this game is about long-term investment not short term don't get emotional don't get gJlt1F5NVOI-00131-00073734-00074358 too excited save your tokens okay now the second mistake that I'm seeing literally everybody is gJlt1F5NVOI-00132-00074358-00074922 making right now is waging too much war in Call of dragons and I know that that sounds insane gJlt1F5NVOI-00133-00074922-00075438 right this is a war game literally like that's the whole point of this game but if your hall gJlt1F5NVOI-00134-00075438-00076092 is not level 25 right now you should almost never be fighting in war now this game is different than gJlt1F5NVOI-00135-00076092-00076728 rise of Kingdoms in Rise of Kingdoms in order to heal your troops you have to spend resources in gJlt1F5NVOI-00136-00076728-00077286 this game you can heal some of your troops for free which is great and that also encourages gJlt1F5NVOI-00137-00077286-00077940 people to fight in war and honestly that's fine and that's cool however a lot of players are gJlt1F5NVOI-00138-00077940-00078468 fighting in war and I'm seeing their power is not going down what that means is their resource gJlt1F5NVOI-00139-00078468-00079044 healing okay so as much as we want to sit there and say oh well you can heal your troops for free gJlt1F5NVOI-00140-00079044-00079662 in this game so it's fine to fight the reality is players aren't really doing that players are using gJlt1F5NVOI-00141-00079662-00080136 resources to heal because they want to get back into the fight because it's fun and I totally get gJlt1F5NVOI-00142-00080136-00080538 that of course that's a game you want to have fun in a game but it doesn't stop there right because gJlt1F5NVOI-00143-00080538-00080904 some of you might be saying Omniarch that's not me I don't use I don't do resource healing and gJlt1F5NVOI-00144-00080904-00081354 that's good you should you shouldn't do that but if your troops are filling your hospital even if gJlt1F5NVOI-00145-00081354-00081900 you're healing them for free you're now going to have fewer troops at your disposal in that period gJlt1F5NVOI-00146-00081900-00082440 to fight the darklings out in the open world and in the early game these are actually kind of hard gJlt1F5NVOI-00147-00082440-00083034 like you actually do need a good portion or a good number of troops in order to take down these gJlt1F5NVOI-00148-00083034-00083640 darklings in any substantial number right but it doesn't end there because healing with resources gJlt1F5NVOI-00149-00083640-00084240 is not the only thing that I see players do when it comes comes to war if your alliance is at war gJlt1F5NVOI-00150-00084240-00084816 with other players then you are more inclined to rush your military technology in order to gJlt1F5NVOI-00151-00084816-00085314 participate and be more effective in that war look at this I haven't even finished this for Cavalry gJlt1F5NVOI-00152-00085314-00085848 because I don't care I'm barely Waging War and if it is it is certainly not with Cavalry because gJlt1F5NVOI-00153-00085848-00086490 that is not my most effective open field March at this time and yes tier 4 is absolutely your first gJlt1F5NVOI-00154-00086490-00087042 goal here in Call of dragons you want to get to your four you pretty much can't be an effective gJlt1F5NVOI-00155-00087042-00087564 fighter in this game without tier 4 I mean that's kind of just how it is unless it's like the first gJlt1F5NVOI-00156-00087564-00088134 week of a server like you pretty much need tier 4 to do anything in this game so while you should be gJlt1F5NVOI-00157-00088134-00088560 making progress towards this and as you can see I'm I'm pretty much there you should be focusing gJlt1F5NVOI-00158-00088560-00089136 on your economic technology and what I'm seeing is a lot of players their alliances are getting into gJlt1F5NVOI-00159-00089136-00089730 early game wars and they're taking their focus away from their economic technology and focusing gJlt1F5NVOI-00160-00089730-00090210 more heavily on their military Tech when they shouldn't be doing that for example the reason gJlt1F5NVOI-00161-00090210-00090606 that I'm not doing economic Tech right now is because I can't go any farther with scholarship gJlt1F5NVOI-00162-00090606-00091086 this is like the most important thing for me was this I have to upgrade my city hall first before gJlt1F5NVOI-00163-00091086-00091614 I can do that so right now is the perfect time for me to focus on getting to tier four and yes gJlt1F5NVOI-00164-00091614-00092106 I guess I could technically upgrade my city hall and then focus more on these things and then yes gJlt1F5NVOI-00165-00092106-00092502 tier four would be cheaper but I've spent a little bit in this game I'm not exactly a free-to-flight gJlt1F5NVOI-00166-00092502-00093072 player so I'm not doing things perfectly but if you're free to play you pretty much have to be uh gJlt1F5NVOI-00167-00093072-00093606 perfect if you want things to go as quickly as they possibly can and waging more in the early gJlt1F5NVOI-00168-00093606-00094170 game and investing in your military Tech in the early game just makes absolutely no sense gJlt1F5NVOI-00169-00094170-00094764 it makes absolutely no sense it's only going to slow down your progress because the more you have gJlt1F5NVOI-00170-00094764-00095208 in economic Tech the more resources you're gonna have the less it's gonna cost to do things and the gJlt1F5NVOI-00171-00095208-00095676 faster you're going to progress which doesn't seem like a big deal when you're Hall Level 1 through gJlt1F5NVOI-00172-00095676-00096234 16 but once you trust me once you start getting up the hall level at 20 plus it takes a long time gJlt1F5NVOI-00173-00096234-00096672 to upgrade these buildings and it's extremely expensive it takes millions and millions of gJlt1F5NVOI-00174-00096672-00097236 resources to upgrade these things so you need your economic technology it's not fun or cool gJlt1F5NVOI-00175-00097236-00097896 to upgrade your economic technology but this is the best long-term strategy and Waging War in the gJlt1F5NVOI-00176-00097896-00098424 early game encourages doing the wrong thing but it doesn't stop just there because it also encourages gJlt1F5NVOI-00177-00098424-00099084 your alliance to focus more on war technology as well which is not what you should be doing gJlt1F5NVOI-00178-00099084-00099558 alliances in the early game should be focusing on development Tech they should be focusing on gJlt1F5NVOI-00179-00099558-00100122 getting as many resources into the hands of the players in that Alliance as possible this means gJlt1F5NVOI-00180-00100122-00100680 that alliances should be forming treaties with other alliances growing peacefully until these gJlt1F5NVOI-00181-00100680-00101406 alliances are filled with players that have City Hall 25 a rising tide raises All Ships and if gJlt1F5NVOI-00182-00101406-00101880 you're Waging War as an alliance leader then you have to think okay well we have to put something gJlt1F5NVOI-00183-00101880-00102276 into to the military Tech because then you're going to have a higher probability of winning gJlt1F5NVOI-00184-00102276-00102792 that war and that makes sense logically but the actual correct decision is you shouldn't wage war gJlt1F5NVOI-00185-00102792-00103182 in the early game like that makes no sense now you're not going to get along with everybody I gJlt1F5NVOI-00186-00103182-00103626 understand that and sometimes war is it has to be waged and Lord knows that the alliance that gJlt1F5NVOI-00187-00103626-00104196 I'm in we there's been plenty of War to be waged but making allies and postponing war is definitely gJlt1F5NVOI-00188-00104196-00104778 the better play in the long run because even if you wage a ton of war in season one and your gJlt1F5NVOI-00189-00104778-00105354 alliance ends up winning the season right you're almost certainly going to go into season two at gJlt1F5NVOI-00190-00105354-00105924 a much bigger disadvantage than those players who focused on being in an alliance that focuses gJlt1F5NVOI-00191-00105924-00106476 on growth rather than winning season one winning season one is not the end goal that is not going gJlt1F5NVOI-00192-00106476-00106998 to change your life in Call of dragons nobody is going to care about season one when you talk about gJlt1F5NVOI-00193-00106998-00107556 Season Two Season three season four season five season six season seven season eight and the one gJlt1F5NVOI-00194-00107556-00108048 thing that you're going to keep for all of that is your tier V units and your city hall progress gJlt1F5NVOI-00195-00108048-00108594 okay a lot of things reset every season this does not so you should be focusing on the things that gJlt1F5NVOI-00196-00108594-00109176 don't reset in my opinion season one progress is not nearly as important as unlocking tier 5 units gJlt1F5NVOI-00197-00109176-00109752 as getting your hall to level 25 those things are what matters the most because yes you might lose gJlt1F5NVOI-00198-00109752-00110178 season one but you're gonna be in a much better position for every single season that comes after gJlt1F5NVOI-00199-00110178-00110826 that and again this game is about opportunity cost and long-term investment what might feel gJlt1F5NVOI-00200-00110826-00111383 good now and make sense right now might not be the best long-term strategy so yes if you're waging a gJlt1F5NVOI-00201-00111383-00111954 ton of War right now you may want to focus on your war tech and go all in on Emrys but those are the gJlt1F5NVOI-00202-00111954-00112458 two worst things that you can do for your account progress that I that I've seen so many people do gJlt1F5NVOI-00203-00112458-00112998 and it is absolutely insane and just to be clear okay as my final point I'm not saying don't wage gJlt1F5NVOI-00204-00112998-00113520 war right the fact that you heal troops for free is good there is some more that you can wage but gJlt1F5NVOI-00205-00113520-00114168 understand that if you are like Mass training tier threes for war you are making a huge mistake you gJlt1F5NVOI-00206-00114168-00114654 are making a massive error if you are speeding up your Tech so you can focus on upgrading your gJlt1F5NVOI-00207-00114654-00115133 military Tech before you've gone all the way into the economic Tech as far as you can go you're gJlt1F5NVOI-00208-00115133-00115661 making a huge mistake if you are pumping all of your legendary tokens into a hero like Garwood gJlt1F5NVOI-00209-00115661-00116502 you're making a huge mistake so wage war but don't do it at the cost of the progress of your account gJlt1F5NVOI-00210-00116502-00117102 because you're gonna lose all the other Wars that come in the future as a result of that trust me in gJlt1F5NVOI-00211-00117102-00117509 six to 12 months you're gonna come back to this video and say oh my God Omniarch thank you so gJlt1F5NVOI-00212-00117509-00117966 much for this advice I'm finally hitting to your five units and all my friends aren't anyway guys gJlt1F5NVOI-00213-00117966-00118385 with that being said if you enjoyed this video and found it useful or informative drop a thumbs up on gJlt1F5NVOI-00214-00118385-00118733 it it really helps out the channel a ton of helps get this video out into the YouTube algorithm so gJlt1F5NVOI-00215-00118733-00119064 other call of dragons players might see it comment down below some more mistakes that you've seen gJlt1F5NVOI-00216-00119064-00119490 other players make that you think is a big problem and maybe I'll talk about it in a future video and gJlt1F5NVOI-00217-00119490-00119778 while you're down there make sure you subscribe to the channel and click the Bell to be notified gJlt1F5NVOI-00218-00119778-00120246 the next time that I upload a call of Dragons video we are so close to 50 000 subscribers gJlt1F5NVOI-00219-00120246-00120708 we're like 500 away at the time of recording this so go ahead and drop a sub and with that being gJlt1F5NVOI-00220-00120708-00121026 said guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon gJOBiHlCo-u-00000-00000088-00000572 [Robert Schmieder] When we got to the bottom, I turned to my buddy and I went – gJOBiHlCo-u-00001-00000572-00000966 Which is to say, "Do you believe what you're seeing?" gJOBiHlCo-u-00002-00000966-00001146 And that's the way we felt. gJOBiHlCo-u-00003-00001146-00001558 We just couldn't believe it. It was spectacular. gJOBiHlCo-u-00004-00002410-00002932 [Narrator] Cordell Bank lay beneath the surface, unknown for millennia, gJOBiHlCo-u-00005-00002938-00003506 while hundreds of mariners unsuspectingly passed over its uppermost pinnacles. gJOBiHlCo-u-00006-00003560-00003938 The famed George Davidson had an up-and-coming hydrographer gJOBiHlCo-u-00007-00003938-00004140 by the name of Edward Cordell gJOBiHlCo-u-00008-00004140-00004454 who in the mid-1800s had assisted Henry Stellwagen gJOBiHlCo-u-00009-00004454-00004782 in the discovery of a bank outside of Boston Harbor, gJOBiHlCo-u-00010-00004782-00005212 now designated as Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. gJOBiHlCo-u-00011-00005412-00005960 After gaining notoriety as an accomplished hydrographer, Davidson enlisted Cordell gJOBiHlCo-u-00012-00005960-00006480 to search and conduct further surveys of the shoal west of Point Reyes, California, gJOBiHlCo-u-00013-00006480-00006966 originally discovered by Davidson in 1853. gJOBiHlCo-u-00014-00006966-00007545 Following birds and marine mammals, he located the shoal in 1869, gJOBiHlCo-u-00015-00007545-00008058 determining the overall contours of this hidden biological oasis. gJOBiHlCo-u-00016-00008131-00008604 The location and general contours were all that was known about Cordell Bank gJOBiHlCo-u-00017-00008604-00008912 until a group of intrepid explorers' efforts, gJOBiHlCo-u-00018-00008912-00009126 driven by raw curiosity, gJOBiHlCo-u-00019-00009126-00009448 gave rise to the unimaginable discovery gJOBiHlCo-u-00020-00009448-00010048 of what rose from the bottom 20 miles off Point Reyes, waiting to be discovered. gJOBiHlCo-u-00021-00010126-00010478 [Schmieder] So I unrolled a chart, and I looked at it, gJOBiHlCo-u-00022-00010478-00010834 to the north and slightly west of the Farallones gJOBiHlCo-u-00023-00010834-00011494 I saw this place in darker color and it was labeled "Cordell Bank." gJOBiHlCo-u-00024-00011494-00011994 Simple curiosity, I started asking, well, what do we know about Cordell Bank? gJOBiHlCo-u-00025-00011994-00012274 Nobody knew anything. gJOBiHlCo-u-00026-00012274-00012604 So the reaction in my part was reflexive. gJOBiHlCo-u-00027-00012604-00012766 We have to go there and find out. gJOBiHlCo-u-00028-00013119-00013524 [News announcer] In teams of twos and threes the divers splash into the ocean. gJOBiHlCo-u-00029-00013524-00013956 They want to obtain a representative collection of the species that live there. gJOBiHlCo-u-00030-00013956-00014346 A chance to dive to this place that is so worthy of federal protection. gJOBiHlCo-u-00031-00014346-00014666 [Schmieder] I demurred for I think about two years. gJOBiHlCo-u-00032-00014666-00014930 I said we need to do more work gJOBiHlCo-u-00033-00014930-00015247 to increase the list of species. gJOBiHlCo-u-00034-00015247-00015660 The sanctuary programs division of NOAA asked gJOBiHlCo-u-00035-00015660-00016136 would it be appropriate to nominate Cordell Bank to be a sanctuary gJOBiHlCo-u-00036-00016136-00016472 and then at the end of the roughly two years, gJOBiHlCo-u-00037-00016472-00016728 of course my answer was absolutely yes. gJOBiHlCo-u-00038-00016728-00016928 [News announcer] A bank of data has been gathered here gJOBiHlCo-u-00039-00016928-00017190 thanks mainly to the efforts of Robert Schmieder, gJOBiHlCo-u-00040-00017190-00017428 who now awaits federal government action, gJOBiHlCo-u-00041-00017428-00017970 hoping marine sanctuary designation will be conferred to the Bay Area's underwater mountain. gJOBiHlCo-u-00042-00018316-00018760 [Narrator] The understanding generated by Schmieder and his team at Cordell Expeditions gJOBiHlCo-u-00043-00018760-00019366 over ten years of documentation illuminated the need for protection of Cordell Bank. gJOBiHlCo-u-00044-00019438-00020216 NOAA announced the designation of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary in May 1989. gJOBiHlCo-u-00045-00020216-00020536 The bank sits at the edge of the continental shelf gJOBiHlCo-u-00046-00020536-00021260 and rises abruptly from the soft sediments of the shelf to within 115 feet of the ocean surface. gJOBiHlCo-u-00047-00021260-00021898 Years of research, education, resource protection, and community engagement gJOBiHlCo-u-00048-00021898-00022315 led to the sanctuary expansion in June 2015. gJOBiHlCo-u-00049-00022388-00022970 This added nearly 900 square miles of critically important deep-water habitats gJOBiHlCo-u-00050-00022970-00023136 surrounding the bank. gJOBiHlCo-u-00051-00023174-00023548 The prevailing offshore near-surface California Current gJOBiHlCo-u-00052-00023548-00023790 flows southward towards the equator gJOBiHlCo-u-00053-00023790-00024172 and the upwelling of nutrient-rich deep ocean water gJOBiHlCo-u-00054-00024172-00025050 supports the sanctuary's dense biological community of fish, invertebrates, marine mammals, and seabirds. gJOBiHlCo-u-00055-00025050-00025479 July 2019 marked the 30th anniversary gJOBiHlCo-u-00056-00025479-00026102 of the designation of this biodiversity hotspot as a national marine sanctuary. gJOBiHlCo-u-00057-00026133-00026362 [Scientist] Wow. This really is something. gJOBiHlCo-u-00058-00026362-00026674 [Jenny Stock] It really was when we started getting some of the high-resolution imagery, gJOBiHlCo-u-00059-00026674-00026936 the video footage, that I started realizing gJOBiHlCo-u-00060-00026936-00027218 what an amazing place it was gJOBiHlCo-u-00061-00027218-00027436 and it seemed to be untouched by humans. gJOBiHlCo-u-00062-00027436-00027742 [Tessa Hill] The sanctuary is important to me for a variety of different reasons. gJOBiHlCo-u-00063-00027742-00028420 One is that is protects this really interesting and important and also pretty unexplored habitat. gJOBiHlCo-u-00064-00028420-00028616 The ocean is changing very fast gJOBiHlCo-u-00065-00028616-00028795 and one of the things the sanctuary does is gJOBiHlCo-u-00066-00028795-00029133 protects areas that we're still trying to understand. gJOBiHlCo-u-00067-00029133-00029362 We know they're important and we want to know more gJOBiHlCo-u-00068-00029362-00029682 and that's certainly the case for Cordell Bank. gJOBiHlCo-u-00069-00029682-00030200 [Schmieder] The public has a chance to see something that they couldn't see. gJOBiHlCo-u-00070-00030200-00030495 I had to go to a lot of work to see this gJOBiHlCo-u-00071-00030495-00031020 and it actually resulted in something that a member of the general public gJOBiHlCo-u-00072-00031020-00031720 can appreciate through exhibits, through website, and so on. gJOBiHlCo-u-00073-00031720-00032060 [Hill] In particular when I think about 30 years from now, gJOBiHlCo-u-00074-00032060-00032454 I think about Cordell Bank as being a place that was protected gJOBiHlCo-u-00075-00032454-00032934 and carefully managed by stakeholders during a time when the ocean was changing a lot. gJOBiHlCo-u-00076-00032934-00033352 And so it becomes more and more important as we go forward in the future. gJOBiHlCo-u-00077-00033454-00033732 [Stock] One of the things that I've loved about this place is that gJOBiHlCo-u-00078-00033732-00034134 just of our coast we have in this incredible slice of biodiversity gJOBiHlCo-u-00079-00034134-00034532 that is really hard to match in other parts of the world gJOBiHlCo-u-00080-00034532-00035056 from the abundance of life and the diversity of species, gJOBiHlCo-u-00081-00035056-00035360 the fact that species travel from all around the Pacific gJOBiHlCo-u-00082-00035360-00035672 to come eat here, it's really just this hot spot. gJOBiHlCo-u-00083-00035672-00036128 And I really hope that as we move forward 30 years from now that it stays gJOBiHlCo-u-00084-00036128-00036530 as biodiverse and as exciting and abundant as it is right now. gJOBiHlCo-u-00085-00036680-00037176 [Caryl Hart] I can't think of anything more important right now in today's world gJOBiHlCo-u-00086-00037176-00037574 than to let people know the importance of areas like this in the oceans. gJOBiHlCo-u-00087-00037742-00038008 [John Largier] It's really an interesting place to be because gJOBiHlCo-u-00088-00038008-00038354 we have so many different perspectives on the sanctuary gJOBiHlCo-u-00089-00038354-00038864 yet gathered around this common purpose of making the sanctuary as good as it can be. gJOBiHlCo-u-00090-00038904-00039386 [Dan Howard] Cordell Bank is due west of us about six miles completely offshore, gJOBiHlCo-u-00091-00039386-00039916 and so if you look right out there, this is your national marine sanctuary. gJOBiHlCo-u-00092-00040342-00040618 [Schmieder] Whenever I get a chance to mention Cordell Bank gJOBiHlCo-u-00093-00040618-00040908 it's with a lot of pride and appreciation gJOBiHlCo-u-00094-00040908-00041279 to the sanctuary programs division of NOAA gJOBiHlCo-u-00095-00041279-00041428 and the staff of NOAA, gJOBiHlCo-u-00096-00041428-00041834 and the staff that has shepherded Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary gJOBiHlCo-u-00097-00041834-00042420 since it was established in just a wonderful exemplary fashion. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00000-00000552-00000767 Especially during certain parts of the semester. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00001-00000767-00001007 I know that school can be pretty tough gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00002-00001072-00001147 Perhaps you are gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00003-00001147-00001589 imagining that you're somewhere else participating in adventures around the world. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00004-00001623-00002112 Maybe you're on a sunny beach in California or in a breathtaking part of New Zealand. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00005-00002180-00002409 Perhaps you are in a scene in your favorite movie. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00006-00002470-00002816 Or maybe, just maybe, you're in outer space. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00007-00002972-00003416 OK, so this may not be possible, but it is possible to use tools gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00008-00003416-00003867 like one button studio to your advantage in order to get effective results. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00009-00003902-00004179 Though a green screen effect may seem complicated, gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00010-00004179-00004657 one button studio is the perfect software that everyone has the skill set for. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00011-00004683-00004934 The steps are simple, and I will guide you through them. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00012-00004954-00005295 Swipe into the room and pull up the one button studio software. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00013-00005342-00005612 Once you have this loaded, you can plug in a flash drive gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00014-00005612-00005909 if you're choosing to have a place for your file to go. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00015-00005930-00006423 Once it's finished being recorded. From there, you can get your positioning all set up gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00016-00006446-00006559 and then press record gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00017-00006758-00007103 Once you have completed your recording, you can simply push the button gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00018-00007103-00007510 to stop your video and then save the file onto your own computer. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00019-00007532-00007867 This is a simple yet effective tool to really get some of gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00020-00007892-00008363 the most professional videos and kind of content that you would like in your projects. gNRPvZ6d8Uu-00021-00008396-00008688 Happy creating. Looking forward to seeing your projects. gP7RimG9eOI-00000-00000000-00000292 COD Modern Warefare 2 Review..... gPS4mHS-Hjg-00000-00000100-00000656 We will also take a look at some of the many tools that are available for students as they write. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00001-00000720-00001468 This one is one example called Grammarly, which is a tool that makes corrections for students on their writing. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00002-00001607-00002156 You can see in the example how Grammarly has identified spelling errors as well as grammar gPS4mHS-Hjg-00003-00002156-00002472 errors in students’ writing. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00004-00002764-00003276 In week six, we will see how technology has opened up the world of spoken English for gPS4mHS-Hjg-00005-00003284-00003624 language learners everywhere. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00006-00003636-00004184 The Internet provides precious opportunities for listening in on English in use for many gPS4mHS-Hjg-00007-00004188-00004432 different purposes. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00008-00004444-00005084 Our expert, Professor Gary Ockey, will help us to understand what listening really means gPS4mHS-Hjg-00009-00005120-00005652 so teachers can make the best use of technology for developing their students’ listening gPS4mHS-Hjg-00010-00005652-00005760 skills. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00011-00005992-00006296 Let me begin by briefly introducing myself. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00012-00006296-00006836 My name is Gary Ockey, and I’m a professor at Iowa State University. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00013-00006836-00007431 I first began teaching English when I was in my early twenties, I was teaching English gPS4mHS-Hjg-00014-00007431-00007595 in Taiwan. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00015-00007631-00008212 And I taught there for a few years and I became very interested in especially listening and gPS4mHS-Hjg-00016-00008212-00008536 speaking, but I’ll talk about listening today. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00017-00008568-00009184 And then I worked at the Educational Testing Service for a number of years, and there I gPS4mHS-Hjg-00018-00009184-00009752 worked on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) listening test. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00019-00009752-00010248 And I’ll talk just a little bit about that as I move on. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00020-00010248-00010868 And the other thing that I’m doing right now that’s related to listening is co-authoring gPS4mHS-Hjg-00021-00010872-00011248 a book on the assessment of listening. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00022-00011252-00011684 And in this book we talk about: “What is listening ability?” gPS4mHS-Hjg-00023-00011736-00012024 “Should it include visual information, for example?” gPS4mHS-Hjg-00024-00012064-00012552 “Should it include the ability to accommodate to a variety of accents?” gPS4mHS-Hjg-00025-00012664-00012988 and “Should listening be taught with only authentic material?” gPS4mHS-Hjg-00026-00013028-00013447 I’m going to talk a little bit about each of these aspects as I answer some of the other gPS4mHS-Hjg-00027-00013456-00013656 questions that I’ll be asked. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00028-00013663-00014040 So that gives you a little bit of an idea of my background. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00029-00014124-00014640 We will take a look at examples of the kinds of listening that students can find on the gPS4mHS-Hjg-00030-00014640-00014800 Internet. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00031-00014812-00015504 Students can find interesting talks with excellent content like this example of Ted Talks, which gPS4mHS-Hjg-00032-00015504-00015984 are very popular in the United States and around the world. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00033-00016232-00017200 Teachers will be able to find TED Talks that are important and useful topics for both adults and for children. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00034-00017284-00018236 They can select the appropriate TED Talks for their students by filtering their search for particular topics. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00035-00018460-00019076 Students can also listen and watch news from America on the Voice of America website. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00036-00019392-00019836 In week seven, we will see how technology can connect learners around the world for gPS4mHS-Hjg-00037-00019836-00020076 oral communication in English. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00038-00020172-00020812 Our expert, Professor John Levis, will help us to understand the kind of help that students gPS4mHS-Hjg-00039-00020812-00021072 need to develop their speaking skills. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00040-00021224-00021848 We will take a look at how we can use technology for helping students to improve their pronunciation gPS4mHS-Hjg-00041-00021848-00022104 and fluency. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00042-00022140-00022848 I’m John Levis, I am a professor in the Applied Linguistics program here at Iowa State, gPS4mHS-Hjg-00043-00022864-00023744 and I teach classes in oral communication and oral language, a class in technology and gPS4mHS-Hjg-00044-00023744-00024334 oral language, and another graduate class in the teaching of pronunciation in speaking gPS4mHS-Hjg-00045-00024352-00024576 and listening. gPS4mHS-Hjg-00046-00024578-00025220 I also teach undergraduate classes in phonetics and phonology and this semester I’m teaching gPS4mHS-Hjg-00047-00025224-00025920 a class in dialects in American literature, and I’m co-teaching that with another faculty member. gTLDX-TPNSA-00000-00002000-00002901 Middle-aged housewife housework gTLDX-TPNSA-00001-00003500-00004501 Making a bento and cleaning up last night's dishes gTLDX-TPNSA-00002-00004501-00004801 It's just another story gTLDX-TPNSA-00003-00005008-00005307 When making tamagoyaki for lunch gTLDX-TPNSA-00004-00005487-00005787 How carefully do you beat the eggs? gTLDX-TPNSA-00005-00005991-00006291 After breaking the egg into the bowl gTLDX-TPNSA-00006-00006434-00006733 First beat the eggs, add the dashi stock and beat again. gTLDX-TPNSA-00007-00006950-00007250 Add water to dilute and dissolve (mix?) gTLDX-TPNSA-00008-00007419-00007719 It repeats like this every time gTLDX-TPNSA-00009-00007841-00008141 A side dish of dried daikon radish given to me by my mother gTLDX-TPNSA-00010-00008375-00008673 I would like to put it in an unusual shaped side dish cup gTLDX-TPNSA-00011-00008783-00009084 I want to put side dishes in the corner of the bento box. gTLDX-TPNSA-00012-00009199-00009499 I chose a cup of this shape gTLDX-TPNSA-00013-00009599-00009899 I was thinking when I was putting side dishes in the cup. gTLDX-TPNSA-00014-00009970-00010268 There is enough aluminum gTLDX-TPNSA-00015-00010338-00010639 Although it claims to be semicircular gTLDX-TPNSA-00016-00010725-00011026 The shape of aluminum is already crumbling... gTLDX-TPNSA-00017-00011096-00011396 The original prototype is no longer retained gTLDX-TPNSA-00018-00011650-00011948 A semicircular shape that survives, barely protected by rice gTLDX-TPNSA-00019-00012025-00012325 Hiroshi's sudden appearance here gTLDX-TPNSA-00020-00012530-00012831 I can think of fresh green suitable for the coming season gTLDX-TPNSA-00021-00013001-00013301 Green was born on rice gTLDX-TPNSA-00022-00013568-00013868 The scattered greenery is quickly reaped gTLDX-TPNSA-00023-00014104-00014404 Take a picture of your lunch? while doing gTLDX-TPNSA-00024-00014577-00014878 I will not stop cleaning up the surroundings gTLDX-TPNSA-00025-00015023-00015322 The moment when I'm puzzled to close the lid because of the tomato gTLDX-TPNSA-00026-00015460-00015760 I have to be careful next time gTLDX-TPNSA-00027-00015907-00016207 It is a reflection point of lunch box making that still occurs gTLDX-TPNSA-00028-00016316-00016616 Kitchen paper used lightly once gTLDX-TPNSA-00029-00016846-00017147 The tableware used for dinner the day before gTLDX-TPNSA-00030-00017382-00017682 Reuse like this for wiping gTLDX-TPNSA-00031-00018396-00019396 Dirt that stands out when warm gTLDX-TPNSA-00032-00019396-00019694 I don't know if it's because the warm days continue gTLDX-TPNSA-00033-00019936-00020235 I felt that the dirt in the drain was conspicuous gTLDX-TPNSA-00034-00020438-00020739 After cleaning this baking soda and citric acid gTLDX-TPNSA-00035-00020884-00021184 I would like to sprinkle it on small items in the sink gTLDX-TPNSA-00036-00021414-00021713 The ice cream spoon used for that purpose gTLDX-TPNSA-00037-00021806-00022107 use this little spoon gTLDX-TPNSA-00038-00022305-00022606 Sprinkle an appropriate amount of baking soda and citric acid gTLDX-TPNSA-00039-00022726-00023026 Sprinkle in order and add lukewarm water last gTLDX-TPNSA-00040-00023323-00023622 I'm already swishing before pouring lukewarm water gTLDX-TPNSA-00041-00023897-00024197 I feel like this fizzy feeling is working gTLDX-TPNSA-00042-00024469-00024769 What will happen? gTLDX-TPNSA-00043-00025070-00025368 I'll leave it for a while and see what happens gTLDX-TPNSA-00044-00026399-00027399 Caring for blankets and water servers gTLDX-TPNSA-00045-00027399-00027697 I'm still struggling with night sweats gTLDX-TPNSA-00046-00027814-00028114 That's right, a blanket that can't be washed all year round gTLDX-TPNSA-00047-00028305-00028603 It is Febreze which is convenient in such a case gTLDX-TPNSA-00048-00028787-00029087 Checking if my middle-aged sweat odor is gone gTLDX-TPNSA-00049-00029479-00029779 I have something to do once a week in the kitchen gTLDX-TPNSA-00050-00030395-00030695 That's the maintenance of the water server gTLDX-TPNSA-00051-00031026-00031326 This place where hot water or cold water is poured gTLDX-TPNSA-00052-00031670-00031968 With kitchen paper moistened with water gTLDX-TPNSA-00053-00032279-00032579 I go every day to wipe it dry gTLDX-TPNSA-00054-00032914-00033214 What do you do once a week? gTLDX-TPNSA-00055-00033376-00033675 Clean function gTLDX-TPNSA-00056-00033925-00034225 In short, it is a function to keep the inside of the server clean. gTLDX-TPNSA-00057-00034359-00034659 Just press this button on the back gTLDX-TPNSA-00058-00034859-00035156 This will heat the cold water in the tank to about 70° gTLDX-TPNSA-00059-00035246-00035547 It seems to circulate and heat sterilize gTLDX-TPNSA-00060-00035609-00035909 I don't know what's difficult, so I'll leave the rest to you gTLDX-TPNSA-00061-00036498-00037497 I changed it to the spring specification gTLDX-TPNSA-00062-00037497-00037796 A paper bag containing consumables and other things gTLDX-TPNSA-00063-00037829-00038129 From now on, I would like to change only the front one. gTLDX-TPNSA-00064-00038241-00038540 I've heard that they should be stored away in paper bags or something. gTLDX-TPNSA-00065-00038635-00038937 I never thought I would be like that gTLDX-TPNSA-00066-00039135-00039436 I rarely collect and keep it, so gTLDX-TPNSA-00067-00039699-00040000 Decide on just two places gTLDX-TPNSA-00068-00040198-00040498 I collect and store them in a range that can fit only in there gTLDX-TPNSA-00069-00040844-00041144 Starbucks spring-style stuff I got the other day gTLDX-TPNSA-00070-00041267-00041568 Does this design change every year? gTLDX-TPNSA-00071-00041823-00042123 Melamine sponge, drain net, etc. gTLDX-TPNSA-00072-00042339-00042639 It doesn't contain anything big inside. gTLDX-TPNSA-00073-00043421-00044422 A dancing bear appears! ? gTLDX-TPNSA-00074-00044422-00044721 It will be a continuation of Starbucks gTLDX-TPNSA-00075-00045927-00046227 I found something interesting on the receipt I bought. gTLDX-TPNSA-00076-00046286-00046586 i think i'll play with it now gTLDX-TPNSA-00077-00046645-00046943 If you fly from the QR code on the receipt gTLDX-TPNSA-00078-00047000-00047300 I was moved to a page like this gTLDX-TPNSA-00079-00047382-00047682 There was my favorite pink world gTLDX-TPNSA-00080-00047781-00048081 If I can keep looking at cute pictures like this gTLDX-TPNSA-00081-00048156-00048455 You can wait forever for boot time gTLDX-TPNSA-00082-00048878-00049179 A small cherry tree suddenly appeared in this room gTLDX-TPNSA-00083-00049591-00049891 "Huh? What is this, the real thing?" gTLDX-TPNSA-00084-00050203-00050503 I'm getting really ignorant about things like this gTLDX-TPNSA-00085-00050864-00051164 Although I am an aunt who is nearly 50 years old, gTLDX-TPNSA-00086-00051626-00051925 I will not imitate searching the back of the iPhone by hand gTLDX-TPNSA-00087-00052335-00052636 Barista bear, don't you have to go back to the store? gTLDX-TPNSA-00088-00053426-00054427 After cleaning the drain gTLDX-TPNSA-00089-00054427-00054726 Small items in the drain that were left for a while gTLDX-TPNSA-00090-00055101-00055402 What happened to the slippage and smell? gTLDX-TPNSA-00091-00055615-00055915 Chlorine-based odor that remains stronger than the odor of raw garbage gTLDX-TPNSA-00092-00056287-00056588 Small white lumps looked like grains of rice gTLDX-TPNSA-00093-00056760-00057058 I prepared disposable vinyl gloves gTLDX-TPNSA-00094-00057319-00057619 Is it a little exaggerated because it's not bleach? gTLDX-TPNSA-00095-00057831-00058131 I'm not sure, but I put on gloves for now. gTLDX-TPNSA-00096-00058341-00058640 I will wash from the small place gTLDX-TPNSA-00097-00058860-00059160 Is it because of the smell of chlorine that wafts around here? gTLDX-TPNSA-00098-00059602-00059903 Is it just my imagination that it seems to be working? gTLDX-TPNSA-00099-00060143-00060443 Small dirt etc. in this wastefully fine mesh gTLDX-TPNSA-00100-00060707-00061007 Cleaned up better than before cleaning gTLDX-TPNSA-00101-00061356-00061656 You can see through the sides gTLDX-TPNSA-00102-00061871-00062172 In the sink where the aftertaste of baking soda or citric acid remains gTLDX-TPNSA-00103-00062664-00062964 Rinse off the white marks that remain slightly with water gTLDX-TPNSA-00104-00063623-00063923 Put water in the drain cover gTLDX-TPNSA-00105-00064369-00064669 Finally pour it around like this and it's over gTLDX-TPNSA-00106-00065058-00065357 I threw away the toothbrush that I used so much for cleaning this time. gTLDX-TPNSA-00107-00065812-00066112 Throw away disposable plastic gloves, of course. gTLDX-TPNSA-00108-00066431-00066731 Wipe off the water droplets around the cleaning gTLDX-TPNSA-00109-00067023-00067324 Put a cloth on it, and this time it's really finished gTLDX-TPNSA-00110-00067926-00068925 Preparing dinner while it's still light gTLDX-TPNSA-00111-00068925-00069224 It's not a small child's unpleasant period gTLDX-TPNSA-00112-00069352-00069653 If you don't start early, you'll get frustrated gTLDX-TPNSA-00113-00069751-00070051 Cooking my daily dinner gTLDX-TPNSA-00114-00070150-00070450 So it's still early, but I'm ready gTLDX-TPNSA-00115-00070640-00070940 first in the frying pan gTLDX-TPNSA-00116-00071287-00071588 Olive oil, garlic and hawk's claws gTLDX-TPNSA-00117-00071803-00072103 Furthermore, if you look at the spring cabbage from earlier, gTLDX-TPNSA-00118-00072479-00072779 Anyone who sees it thinks it's pasta gTLDX-TPNSA-00119-00073078-00073378 The menu is an ordinary stir-fried vegetable that went diagonally ahead of expectations gTLDX-TPNSA-00120-00073581-00073882 Carbohydrates that should not be taken at night gTLDX-TPNSA-00121-00074070-00074371 At the timing when the cabbage is cooked gTLDX-TPNSA-00122-00074611-00074911 18 yen tax included bean sprouts from the housewife's side gTLDX-TPNSA-00123-00075075-00075373 Use non-canned anchovies gTLDX-TPNSA-00124-00075705-00076006 On the day I got anchovies gTLDX-TPNSA-00125-00076264-00076564 It's getting more and more like pasta! ? gTLDX-TPNSA-00126-00076820-00077220 Silken tofu with bean sprouts and bonito flakes gTLDX-TPNSA-00127-00077288-00077589 Serve with ponzu sauce, but sprinkle sesame oil before that. gTLDX-TPNSA-00128-00077712-00078013 Is it because of the anchovies, or is it because of how I fry it? gTLDX-TPNSA-00129-00078183-00078483 I don't know why gTLDX-TPNSA-00130-00078663-00078963 Stir-fried vegetables that have turned brown gTLDX-TPNSA-00131-00079050-00079351 "There's no reason why brown food doesn't taste good." gTLDX-TPNSA-00132-00079462-00079763 It was the family motto of my family that I made in haste just now. gWferXWFfCY-00000-00000244-00000774 so Sam you've got three different books here which one would you like to tell me gWferXWFfCY-00001-00000774-00001479 about Jess the snail one Jess the snail one perfect do you like snails no you gWferXWFfCY-00002-00001479-00002061 don't I just like slugs and woodlice yeah you like slugs and wood lice now and did you learn gWferXWFfCY-00003-00002061-00002723 a lot from this story you did what do you think the snails like to eat birds gWferXWFfCY-00004-00002723-00003247 you think snails like to eat birds do you think that's the other way round gWferXWFfCY-00005-00003247-00003975 yeah why's it the other way around now it says here are you a snail no do you think you're gWferXWFfCY-00006-00003975-00004919 a snail do you think mommy's a snail yeah [laughter] so it says here that if your a snail your gWferXWFfCY-00007-00004919-00005507 life began as an egg like this you see all these little snails where they've gWferXWFfCY-00008-00005507-00006540 turned into snails haven't they so like so when you hatch you end gWferXWFfCY-00009-00006540-00007017 up looking like your mommy just like this that's not a mummy that's a mummy gWferXWFfCY-00010-00007017-00008499 snail and there's the baby snail [starts counting from 1 to 24] gWferXWFfCY-00011-00008499-00009408 I think you're very very good at counting Sam I can caount to 75 now I think that gWferXWFfCY-00012-00009408-00009930 you've learned quite a lot from this book Sam I have can you tell me what gWferXWFfCY-00013-00009930-00010746 these are called no you can't remember what they're called are you sure you can't gWferXWFfCY-00014-00010746-00011331 remember do you have a favourite picture of in this book yeah you do would you gWferXWFfCY-00015-00011331-00011712 like to show me what your favorite picture is that yeah and what's gWferXWFfCY-00016-00011712-00012193 happening in that picture you don't know when they are getting gWferXWFfCY-00017-00012193-00012721 eaten by birds well that's what birds like to eat isn't it poor snail poor gWferXWFfCY-00018-00012721-00013147 snails that's right so do you think the snails would like to go in the day time gWferXWFfCY-00019-00013147-00013777 or the night time all the daytime and what might happen if they go out in the gWferXWFfCY-00020-00013777-00014491 daytime birds will get them so it might be better if they learn at night who else gWferXWFfCY-00021-00014491-00015273 might they meet at night time mr. Fox how do you like mr. Fox no you don't Oh gWferXWFfCY-00022-00015273-00016285 is he a bit naughty yeah what about the humans no no what do snails have to do gWferXWFfCY-00023-00016285-00016888 they have to move move out of the way that's right excellent now did you enjoy gWferXWFfCY-00024-00016888-00017488 this book yeah would you pick it again in the library you would what I think gWferXWFfCY-00025-00017488-00018040 you've done super well there Sam out of your three books which book do you gWferXWFfCY-00026-00018040-00018573 think that's just my phone that's all right we don't mind phones going up gWferXWFfCY-00027-00018573-00019129 in the library that's fine so with your three books Sam here which one did you gWferXWFfCY-00028-00019129-00020019 like the best which one you're going to choose gWferXWFfCY-00029-00020019-00020637 did you like them all the same that one excellent so you would definitely borrow gWferXWFfCY-00030-00020637-00021069 that one again I think next time you choose your next book for the challenge gWferXWFfCY-00031-00021069-00021432 you should choose another one about bugs and what other one did you say you know gWferXWFfCY-00032-00021432-00021936 you might snails what else did you say you like I guess like woodlice gWferXWFfCY-00033-00021936-00022443 and snails not slugs woodlice and snails but not slugs what I think we've got plenty of gWferXWFfCY-00034-00022443-00022815 books for you in the library about woodlice and snails so maybe for your next gWferXWFfCY-00035-00022815-00023439 book you could choose a slug a snail or a wood lice book and then come and tell gWferXWFfCY-00036-00023439-00024099 us about that next time does that sound good it does that s love okay you gWferXWFfCY-00037-00024099-00024929 dressing up the table okay well I think that that ought to thank you gWzBz4VSmoc-00000-00000106-00000394 Scholarly vs. Popular Sources gWzBz4VSmoc-00001-00000394-00000884 In some cases your professors will require you to use a scholarly source for your research. gWzBz4VSmoc-00002-00000884-00001192 Scholarly sources, which are also referred to as gWzBz4VSmoc-00003-00001192-00001392 peer-reviewed or refereed sources, gWzBz4VSmoc-00004-00001392-00001722 provide a very solid basis for your own research. gWzBz4VSmoc-00005-00001722-00002082 The term scholarly originates from the idea that these articles are gWzBz4VSmoc-00006-00002082-00002266 written by scholars in a field gWzBz4VSmoc-00007-00002266-00002482 for scholars in a field. gWzBz4VSmoc-00008-00002482-00002758 Sometimes scholarly articles are called peer-reviewed gWzBz4VSmoc-00009-00002759-00003063 because they're also reviewed by other scholars in the field gWzBz4VSmoc-00010-00003063-00003443 who are deeply familiar with the topics being researched. gWzBz4VSmoc-00011-00003443-00003744 This is different from much of the information we encounter gWzBz4VSmoc-00012-00003745-00004158 which is generally popular - meant for the general public. gWzBz4VSmoc-00013-00004158-00004502 Some examples of popular sources you've probably seen gWzBz4VSmoc-00014-00004502-00004884 are weekly news magazines such as Time and Newsweek. gWzBz4VSmoc-00015-00004884-00005280 Articles from popular sources are generally written by reporters gWzBz4VSmoc-00016-00005280-00005641 and the articles tend to be short - less than three pages. gWzBz4VSmoc-00017-00005644-00006012 There may be interesting photographs or illustrations in the text gWzBz4VSmoc-00018-00006013-00006391 but they may not be a critically important part of the article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00019-00006391-00006612 When you get to the end of the article gWzBz4VSmoc-00020-00006612-00007098 there is no bibliography to show that the author did research to write the article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00022-00007178-00007614 For comparison, here's a scholarly article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00023-00007614-00007822 Scholarly articles are much longer, gWzBz4VSmoc-00024-00007823-00008129 usually at least three pages and they can even be as long as gWzBz4VSmoc-00025-00008129-00008306 twenty, fifty, or more pages. gWzBz4VSmoc-00026-00008306-00008578 If there are any images or illustrations gWzBz4VSmoc-00027-00008578-00008766 they support the content of the article; gWzBz4VSmoc-00028-00008767-00009131 you might find a variety of charts and graphs. gWzBz4VSmoc-00029-00009131-00009491 Scholarly journal titles are more descriptive than popular titles - gWzBz4VSmoc-00030-00009491-00009786 they generally incorporate the name of the discipline in the title. gWzBz4VSmoc-00031-00009787-00010131 For example, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, gWzBz4VSmoc-00032-00010131-00010434 International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, gWzBz4VSmoc-00033-00010434-00010748 or Shakespeare Quarterly. Watch out for things that have the word gWzBz4VSmoc-00034-00010748-00010874 journal in the title that gWzBz4VSmoc-00035-00010874-00011225 aren't technically journals. Examples of those imposters gWzBz4VSmoc-00036-00011225-00011559 are the Providence Journal and the Wall Street Journal. gWzBz4VSmoc-00037-00011559-00011750 The authors of scholarly articles gWzBz4VSmoc-00038-00011750-00012172 as mentioned before, are scholars and their research affiliations are usually listed gWzBz4VSmoc-00039-00012172-00012384 clearly on the first page of the article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00040-00012384-00012626 Sometimes though they're listed at the end. gWzBz4VSmoc-00041-00012626-00012976 These authors are researchers at a University. gWzBz4VSmoc-00042-00012976-00013350 Most of the time scholarly article titles are long and descriptive too. gWzBz4VSmoc-00043-00013350-00013660 While some might have a catchy or informal portion gWzBz4VSmoc-00044-00013660-00014018 the titles do include specifics about the article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00045-00014018-00014373 Scholarly articles tend to have abstracts at the beginning as well. gWzBz4VSmoc-00046-00014373-00014716 Researchers are busy people and the abstract or summary gWzBz4VSmoc-00047-00014716-00014955 at the beginning helps them determine whether the article is gWzBz4VSmoc-00048-00014955-00015280 relevant to their research or not. gWzBz4VSmoc-00049-00015280-00015554 Science and social science research articles gWzBz4VSmoc-00050-00015555-00015888 generally contain detailed information about the research done gWzBz4VSmoc-00051-00015888-00016254 including the methods used, the results, and a discussion. gWzBz4VSmoc-00052-00016254-00016563 Humanities research articles have a more narrative style gWzBz4VSmoc-00053-00016563-00016951 and are not likely have charts and graphs. Here we see methodology gWzBz4VSmoc-00054-00016951-00017607 and a chart. And here is the discussion and conclusion from the same article. gWzBz4VSmoc-00055-00017608-00017912 Finally, scholarly articles have extensive footnotes gWzBz4VSmoc-00056-00017912-00018241 or bibliographies that describe exactly where the researchers found the gWzBz4VSmoc-00057-00018241-00018461 information that they based their research on. gWzBz4VSmoc-00058-00018461-00018961 You can use these to find more information on the topic if you need it. gWzBz4VSmoc-00059-00018961-00019300 These are some clues to help you determine whether something is scholarly. gWzBz4VSmoc-00060-00019301-00019727 If you need assistance or more tips please feel free to ask a librarian. gWTtz4hK4pM-00000-00000068-00000481 Stocks on Wall Street surging for a third straight day Wednesday as of this gWTtz4hK4pM-00001-00000481-00000841 afternoon the Nasdaq at an all-time high our next gWTtz4hK4pM-00002-00000841-00001296 guest says that this bull market is still intact we're joined by Courtney gWTtz4hK4pM-00003-00001296-00001632 Dominguez she's a financial planner at Payne Capital Management welcome back gWTtz4hK4pM-00004-00001632-00002122 Courtney so the market snapped back pretty strongly after last week's gWTtz4hK4pM-00005-00002122-00002764 volatility yeah and now it's up for three straight days.. I'm starting gWTtz4hK4pM-00006-00002764-00003070 to wonder are investors too complacent the coronavirus is still out gWTtz4hK4pM-00007-00003070-00003475 there and growing yeah I would not say they're too complacent I think if gWTtz4hK4pM-00008-00003475-00003892 anything investors aren't necessarily bullish enough because what we saw over gWTtz4hK4pM-00009-00003892-00004303 the last year is we saw some record inflows into bonds and money markets gWTtz4hK4pM-00010-00004303-00004669 which means people despite the fact that the market is doing well we are on a gWTtz4hK4pM-00011-00004669-00005067 record bull run are still so nervous and putting money into safety right now and gWTtz4hK4pM-00012-00005067-00005481 at the first sign of something to be nervous about like the coronavirus that gWTtz4hK4pM-00013-00005481-00005823 only accelerated so I would actually argue the economy's on really good gWTtz4hK4pM-00014-00005823-00006226 footing and the fact that people aren't euphoric and aren't throwing money into gWTtz4hK4pM-00015-00006226-00006577 the stock markets means there's probably still more room to grow and what happens gWTtz4hK4pM-00016-00006577-00007084 the money the the muni funds sure enough that really is been growing you gWTtz4hK4pM-00017-00007084-00007597 last year two people been pouring money in I guess partly because of the taxes gWTtz4hK4pM-00018-00007597-00007993 status as well but do you see it parked there for now temporarily and going back gWTtz4hK4pM-00019-00007993-00008359 into stocks or is that going to be there for the long run yeah I would actually gWTtz4hK4pM-00020-00008359-00008635 argue a lot of that money that has been pouring into bonds and pouring into gWTtz4hK4pM-00021-00008635-00008902 money markets at some point in time you're gonna see that come back into the gWTtz4hK4pM-00022-00008902-00009247 stock markets because you're getting this fear of missing out not just from gWTtz4hK4pM-00023-00009247-00009583 retail investors but also from institutions at some point in time gWTtz4hK4pM-00024-00009583-00009988 they're gonna want to partake in this long bull market when you see that going gWTtz4hK4pM-00025-00009988-00010288 that's a whole another catalyst you can bring the markets higher all right now I gWTtz4hK4pM-00026-00010288-00010735 mentioned the coronavirus earlier it keeps spreading yeah but you say this gWTtz4hK4pM-00027-00010735-00011161 bull market is still intact very much so you really got to look at the underlying gWTtz4hK4pM-00028-00011161-00011551 data of how the economy is doing we're still seeing unemployment at record lows gWTtz4hK4pM-00029-00011551-00011941 we're seeing saving rates really high one thing I find fascinating also is gWTtz4hK4pM-00030-00011941-00012283 manufacturing was probably the one sector of the economy that people were gWTtz4hK4pM-00031-00012283-00012718 seeing these declines in but even then we saw a really surprising positive news gWTtz4hK4pM-00032-00012718-00013116 there those back in growth territory and some of that too I think has to deal gWTtz4hK4pM-00033-00013116-00013465 with the trade Wars and just the fact that we're getting some gWTtz4hK4pM-00034-00013465-00013784 sort of optimism that things are moving along and now we're seeing new orders in gWTtz4hK4pM-00035-00013784-00014137 manufacturing it's just showing more of the economy is on good footing right now gWTtz4hK4pM-00036-00014137-00014785 well but we've seen for example GM idle production in China because of the gWTtz4hK4pM-00037-00014785-00015134 coronavirus we've also seen Starbucks close half their stores Levi-Strauss gWTtz4hK4pM-00038-00015134-00015806 has done the same you fear that they might have a negative economic impact on gWTtz4hK4pM-00039-00015806-00016306 US growth short-term you're going to see the markets jumping around as they are gWTtz4hK4pM-00040-00016306-00016762 but no long term I don't see any sort of effect from that with any viruses in the gWTtz4hK4pM-00041-00016762-00017215 past it's A. always been short term B. when you look at the US economy we are gWTtz4hK4pM-00042-00017215-00017560 pretty insulated from the rest of the world about 85 percent of our economy is gWTtz4hK4pM-00043-00017560-00018007 domestic in some of these closures and things they're pretty short-term events gWTtz4hK4pM-00044-00018007-00018293 it would take a really long time just to give you an idea gWTtz4hK4pM-00045-00018293-00018656 Starbucks would have to close their stores for about 17 years just to have gWTtz4hK4pM-00046-00018656-00019168 about 0.1% of effect on our GDP so it's it's a pretty minimal effect when you gWTtz4hK4pM-00047-00019168-00019406 actually look at things. Ok, so Courtney going back to what you gWTtz4hK4pM-00048-00019406-00019822 you said at the top as you see it investors are not bullish enough correct gWTtz4hK4pM-00049-00019822-00020104 I would have to agree with that and I think it's it we're in a really good gWTtz4hK4pM-00050-00020104-00020453 bull market you're gonna want to partake in that. Thank You Courtney. Thanks gWTtz4hK4pM-00051-00020453-00020765 for having me. Our thanks to Courtney Dominguez of gWTtz4hK4pM-00052-00020765-00021360 Payne Capital Management I'm Fred Katayama this is Reuters. ga-OoglPOB0-00000-00000012-00000389 i'm going to basically rubbing my butt and putting my butt in bill's face ga-OoglPOB0-00001-00000389-00000867 all day long what are you doing ga-OoglPOB0-00002-00000867-00002368 [Music] what is good marvel squad and welcome ga-OoglPOB0-00003-00002368-00002732 back to our channel as you guys can see bill is sleeping on the couch right now ga-OoglPOB0-00004-00002732-00003048 he's actually taking a nap because we've been doing a lot this morning we've been ga-OoglPOB0-00005-00003048-00003240 like filming a lot of tick tocks you know he's been working on the ga-OoglPOB0-00006-00003240-00003639 flooring which i am so proud of him the flooring looks so good and it's almost ga-OoglPOB0-00007-00003639-00003857 done um but he is taking little nap because ga-OoglPOB0-00008-00003857-00004198 um we are about to go grocery shopping and just do a lot of stuff but as you ga-OoglPOB0-00009-00004198-00004546 guys read by today's title i'm going to basically rubbing my butt ga-OoglPOB0-00010-00004546-00004982 and putting my butt in bill's face all day long to see how he reacts i don't ga-OoglPOB0-00011-00004982-00005269 know if you guys saw this tick tock that we did of me like shoving my butt in his ga-OoglPOB0-00012-00005269-00005515 face you guys absolutely loved that so i ga-OoglPOB0-00013-00005515-00005855 thought i'd make a youtube video about it and do it all day to see how he ga-OoglPOB0-00014-00005855-00006098 reacts just put my butt in his face all day ga-OoglPOB0-00015-00006098-00006391 long i mean what man wouldn't want that i mean he's gonna ga-OoglPOB0-00016-00006391-00006759 absolutely love it but the same time if we're filming and i'm putting my butt ga-OoglPOB0-00017-00006759-00007023 is basically like babe what are you doing babe what are you doing but ga-OoglPOB0-00018-00007023-00007506 he is feeling a lot lot better because we have been resting i'm going to stress ga-OoglPOB0-00019-00007506-00007838 this enough just so you guys know no he does not have covet he is ga-OoglPOB0-00020-00007838-00008280 perfectly fine he just has a little cold um it has been raining here so i think ga-OoglPOB0-00021-00008280-00008593 it has a lot to do with that but he is taking a nap so basically what ga-OoglPOB0-00022-00008593-00008863 i'm gonna go do is i'm gonna wake him up i'm gonna stop the camera and i'm gonna ga-OoglPOB0-00023-00008863-00009294 put my butt in his face to wake him up and basically see how he reacts and then ga-OoglPOB0-00024-00009294-00009574 the rest today i'm just gonna figure out different ways to put my butt in his ga-OoglPOB0-00025-00009574-00009815 face so bill you're gonna love this video but ga-OoglPOB0-00026-00009815-00010222 the same time t mariah so make sure this video a big thumbs up make sure ga-OoglPOB0-00027-00010222-00010618 you guys are subscribed to our channel and showing all your love and support ga-OoglPOB0-00028-00010618-00010929 we are so blessed for every single one of you guys i want you guys to comment ga-OoglPOB0-00029-00010929-00011467 down below letter by letter but comment but letter by letter and ga-OoglPOB0-00030-00011467-00011892 then at the end add the butt emoji to be entered in our post notification shout ga-OoglPOB0-00031-00011892-00012165 outs that's how you get shout out at the end of every single one of our ga-OoglPOB0-00032-00012165-00012595 videos we actually are when you guys are seeing this video we will be flying home ga-OoglPOB0-00033-00012595-00012886 from chicago today is wednesday so tomorrow will be thursday ga-OoglPOB0-00034-00012886-00013228 but we're going home and we're surprising our family for the 4th of ga-OoglPOB0-00035-00013228-00013641 july which we are super excited about so we cannot wait but let's get right on ga-OoglPOB0-00036-00013641-00013954 to this video i'm going to stop my talking and let's vlog and let's have a ga-OoglPOB0-00037-00013954-00014197 good day let's just rub my butt in bill's face ga-OoglPOB0-00038-00014197-00014297 let's get it like first of all look at how good ga-OoglPOB0-00039-00014297-00014627 this flooring looks oh my god i'm so excited ga-OoglPOB0-00040-00014627-00014791 all right guys let's wake him up baby you're gonna get a booty full morning ga-OoglPOB0-00041-00014791-00014891 oh that was a good little rhyme there [Music] ga-OoglPOB0-00042-00014891-00014991 good morning you're [Music] ga-OoglPOB0-00043-00014991-00015091 good morning say hi to the booty all right is that a good way to wake up ga-OoglPOB0-00044-00015091-00015191 mm-hmm hey i just want to sleep [Music] ga-OoglPOB0-00045-00015191-00016724 how are you going to miss my booty what are you doing ga-OoglPOB0-00046-00016724-00017548 hi hi so you see it from the back what ga-OoglPOB0-00047-00017548-00020036 what is with you okay i got a new workout set from jim shark and i just ga-OoglPOB0-00048-00020036-00021206 wanted to show it off to you why why are you gonna do that when i'm ga-OoglPOB0-00049-00021206-00021869 sleeping and that when i'm like awake guys ga-OoglPOB0-00050-00021869-00022734 i'm sorry oh my god you need to give me more water now ga-OoglPOB0-00051-00022734-00023190 say good morning to the marble squad even though it's not morning it's midday ga-OoglPOB0-00052-00023190-00023545 we're filming now yeah i'm filming what's this oh this girl's going crazy ga-OoglPOB0-00053-00023545-00023784 guys so i just decided to take a nap right ga-OoglPOB0-00054-00023784-00024484 now hold on you could tell you because we're leaving i'm here i i'm not ga-OoglPOB0-00055-00024484-00024863 that sick anymore he isn't he's he's honestly really good ga-OoglPOB0-00056-00024863-00025029 now but i know you guys didn't see but i ga-OoglPOB0-00057-00025029-00025431 just woke up from a nap i wanted to take a nap because my coughing is ga-OoglPOB0-00058-00025431-00025808 like i don't cough when i sleep so it makes my throat feel better i feel like ga-OoglPOB0-00059-00025808-00026161 it'll get rid of my cough because i am not sick anymore i just have a cough and ga-OoglPOB0-00060-00026161-00026407 it's so freaking annoying so we're gonna get some pop drops to make you feel ga-OoglPOB0-00061-00026407-00026522 better this girl just woke me up by rubbing her ga-OoglPOB0-00062-00026522-00026622 butt mike okay your todd told me you didn't like that ga-OoglPOB0-00063-00026622-00026922 no i'm saying what about you guys comment down below if you would like it ga-OoglPOB0-00064-00026922-00027627 if i rub my butt in your face i was gonna say before i was so rudely ga-OoglPOB0-00065-00027627-00027891 interrupted what a better way to wake up than with your brother oh ga-OoglPOB0-00066-00027891-00028224 okay i wish you guys could have saw it okay okay ga-OoglPOB0-00067-00028224-00028743 okay okay we're gonna go to the store right now get some cough chops ga-OoglPOB0-00068-00028743-00029302 and some starbees oh you guys already know what's up in the marble crib ga-OoglPOB0-00069-00029302-00029600 let's get it all right so it didn't rain which it usually ga-OoglPOB0-00070-00029600-00029903 does every single day though but we missed it ga-OoglPOB0-00071-00029903-00030300 it passed our house and it didn't rain on the car so i'm fine with that i hate ga-OoglPOB0-00072-00030300-00030528 driving the corvette in the rain but we just ga-OoglPOB0-00073-00030528-00030900 made it a target our new mission is to get inside and give me some damn ga-OoglPOB0-00074-00030900-00031191 cough drops because i honestly totally forgot that they made ga-OoglPOB0-00075-00031191-00031588 stuff to help your cough i was like i thought i was just all out of luck ga-OoglPOB0-00076-00031588-00031886 what are you doing oh i was just stretching look at this girl ga-OoglPOB0-00077-00031886-00032349 i'm stretching what your ass really has to be in my face ga-OoglPOB0-00078-00032349-00032750 oh did you fire something no did you fart ga-OoglPOB0-00079-00032750-00033050 okay no i did oh no i didn't i'm starting ga-OoglPOB0-00080-00033050-00033463 all right you know this car so do you like the view it compacted i need to ga-OoglPOB0-00081-00033463-00033664 like i like the view i like the view that's a ga-OoglPOB0-00082-00033664-00034042 full-on today but i like it um anyways we're ga-OoglPOB0-00083-00034042-00034215 gonna go inside right now get some cough shops help ga-OoglPOB0-00084-00034215-00034672 billy bring billy back make billy better hashtag bring billy back in the comments ga-OoglPOB0-00085-00034672-00034892 hashtag bring billy back make up a hashtag i ga-OoglPOB0-00086-00034892-00035197 don't even know like this video for me to get better like i said let's go ga-OoglPOB0-00087-00035197-00035585 all right guys so we are in target and we're actually in a calendar aisle ga-OoglPOB0-00088-00035585-00035862 because during our move our calendar got messed ga-OoglPOB0-00089-00035862-00036181 up yeah now it's like it was so hot in the crate that we had ga-OoglPOB0-00090-00036181-00036477 for our like stuff like ripped off the black all ga-OoglPOB0-00091-00036477-00036809 everything on the actual calendar got taken off so we have ga-OoglPOB0-00092-00036809-00037140 to get a new one today we're going to get one right now there's some cute ones ga-OoglPOB0-00093-00037140-00037432 over there what right here with the black one or ga-OoglPOB0-00094-00037432-00038028 the clear one stop are you filming me no ga-OoglPOB0-00095-00038028-00039166 i mean this one is more simple this one's nice i like this one right ga-OoglPOB0-00096-00039166-00040972 here [Music] ga-OoglPOB0-00097-00040972-00042778 [Music] [Music] ga-OoglPOB0-00098-00042778-00043166 so part one to our mission has been complete we got the cough drops i ga-OoglPOB0-00099-00043166-00043482 already have one in here we didn't find actually a few uh oh no we didn't yeah ga-OoglPOB0-00100-00043482-00043828 the thing that we were what was it called the camera thing the ga-OoglPOB0-00101-00043828-00044159 little calendar um oh like a calendar on the wall but now ga-OoglPOB0-00102-00044159-00044516 we're at lowe's yes we're looking for a new dishwasher ga-OoglPOB0-00103-00044516-00044809 because our dishwasher is space the dishwasher that came with our house was ga-OoglPOB0-00104-00044809-00045197 actually like crap like it literally looked like it came out of like they got ga-OoglPOB0-00105-00045197-00045412 it out of like a junkyard and put it in our house like ga-OoglPOB0-00106-00045412-00045656 that's they might have done that you never know ga-OoglPOB0-00107-00045656-00046206 but what are you doing what are you doing ga-OoglPOB0-00108-00046206-00046584 baby can you stop flaunting i think okay mariah's been doing this all day ga-OoglPOB0-00109-00046584-00046986 i don't know why but i really think that her new outfit ga-OoglPOB0-00110-00046986-00047291 has been getting her obsessed with twerking and stuff ga-OoglPOB0-00111-00047291-00047838 shoot for me tighten it though it's tired don't you tighten it though for a ga-OoglPOB0-00112-00047838-00048250 second you're just un you're just untied tight ga-OoglPOB0-00113-00048250-00049026 oh my god okay oh thanks for that ass sitting on me ga-OoglPOB0-00114-00049026-00050481 [Music] i wish i learned the facts by the touch ga-OoglPOB0-00115-00050481-00051052 here you better hurry for someone walks over here ga-OoglPOB0-00116-00051052-00051758 it's like it's like tying up like a paddle or whatever after you're ga-OoglPOB0-00117-00051758-00052333 straightening off feeling myself yeah i'm in a cute outfit i know you do look ga-OoglPOB0-00118-00052333-00052711 good i'm not gonna lie like you're not gonna okay ga-OoglPOB0-00119-00052711-00052994 hey the only thing different is my butt's bigger but anyways besides that ga-OoglPOB0-00120-00052994-00053258 fact have i coughed once since i had a cough ga-OoglPOB0-00121-00053258-00053620 drop in my mouth no not once and guess what what i just finished ga-OoglPOB0-00122-00053620-00053751 it i'm already feeling like i'm going to ga-OoglPOB0-00123-00053751-00054339 cough are you serious i was kidding all right let's go find ga-OoglPOB0-00124-00054339-00054622 what we need and get out of here because i need to go home and rest ga-OoglPOB0-00125-00054622-00055048 i literally started coughing so bad at lowe's that we had to leave but we got ga-OoglPOB0-00126-00055048-00055235 what we came for and it's actually funny because ga-OoglPOB0-00127-00055235-00055566 one of the things that we bought was too long to fit in the corvette ga-OoglPOB0-00128-00055566-00055998 so i cracked it in half and i put it back there you can't really see it okay ga-OoglPOB0-00129-00055998-00056098 where is it where are they back there but ga-OoglPOB0-00130-00056098-00056975 babe mariah hold on i'm getting your cough drop for you ga-OoglPOB0-00131-00056975-00057916 people are in the cars over there okay off camera babe how many do you want off ga-OoglPOB0-00132-00057916-00058357 camera your butt looks good can i two ga-OoglPOB0-00133-00058357-00059000 oh you might need more more i needed more in the store ga-OoglPOB0-00134-00059000-00059186 oh my i god your butt why am i coughing so much ga-OoglPOB0-00135-00059186-00059480 anything else back here it's probably because you're wowing me hey ga-OoglPOB0-00136-00059480-00060140 i don't want to follow my caller no no we're not even putting this in the video ga-OoglPOB0-00137-00060140-00061076 we're not putting another video you damn girl you know how funny this would ga-OoglPOB0-00138-00061076-00061230 be if we were going to put this in the video ga-OoglPOB0-00139-00061230-00062050 anything else yeah one more no i don't i don't ga-OoglPOB0-00140-00062050-00062311 i was kidding you haven't even given me any more ga-OoglPOB0-00141-00062311-00062874 what are you doing oh my god you look [ __ ] hot i understand you look hot ga-OoglPOB0-00142-00062874-00063208 you can start driving we're not putting this in video it's ga-OoglPOB0-00143-00063208-00063672 like guys baby you look hot as frick i know come on get back up here so ga-OoglPOB0-00144-00063672-00064137 we can start filming so i'm gonna stay here i can talk to the ga-OoglPOB0-00145-00064137-00064399 camera am i just gonna drive yeah right here let me put your seatbelt ga-OoglPOB0-00146-00064399-00064954 on all right guys we're gonna go driving i'm putting mimi's seatbelt on safety ga-OoglPOB0-00147-00064954-00065251 first before me okay okay ga-OoglPOB0-00148-00065251-00065775 you're the one putting pressure on me girl babe ga-OoglPOB0-00149-00065775-00066161 you're you're literally all over the car chill ga-OoglPOB0-00150-00066161-00066559 why have you literally like you're appreciating my button up so ga-OoglPOB0-00151-00066559-00066913 i appreciate your facebook off camera i appreciate your ass so much ga-OoglPOB0-00152-00066913-00067261 clearly not why have you been shoving that crap ga-OoglPOB0-00153-00067261-00067593 in my bubble tell me why because baby i just wonder ga-OoglPOB0-00154-00067593-00067951 if i button your face all day i have new pants on ga-OoglPOB0-00155-00067951-00068322 trust me i would love to attend more if i wasn't sick i love it i'm ga-OoglPOB0-00156-00068322-00068668 like a lot right but i thought a little bit more ga-OoglPOB0-00157-00068668-00069051 no you look good you look good rub my butt in your face ever again ga-OoglPOB0-00158-00069051-00069781 hold on don't do that i was trying to please you go get it all day go get my ga-OoglPOB0-00159-00069781-00069881 booty okay dead ass ga-OoglPOB0-00160-00069881-00070062 yay all right come on come back come back back okay honestly ga-OoglPOB0-00161-00070062-00070857 you know where you threw it okay oh my god we've been filming this whole time ga-OoglPOB0-00162-00070857-00071233 okay hold on mariah has literally been on some i don't know how much of that ga-OoglPOB0-00163-00071233-00071489 we're gonna put in this video but i'm on some ga-OoglPOB0-00164-00071489-00072020 caffeine mariah she's been putting your butt all over my ga-OoglPOB0-00165-00072020-00072183 body literally ever since we started because ga-OoglPOB0-00166-00072183-00072703 i was filming it i just talked that way you got that you ga-OoglPOB0-00167-00072703-00073108 know that ticket i only did that i was put my butt in your ga-OoglPOB0-00168-00073108-00073638 face what i decided to bring it on and do it all day long i ga-OoglPOB0-00169-00073638-00074402 just put two and two together no no no no no oh no the only ga-OoglPOB0-00170-00074402-00074766 reason why i figured that out is because we did a tick-tock not too long ago a ga-OoglPOB0-00171-00074766-00074977 couple days ago where mariah went in the back seat and ga-OoglPOB0-00172-00074977-00075114 she put her butt in my face i didn't even ga-OoglPOB0-00173-00075114-00075432 wait to do that to the end because i didn't want to do that in the beginning ga-OoglPOB0-00174-00075432-00075767 because then you would have already caught on except exactly why ga-OoglPOB0-00175-00075767-00075951 that's why i was going back there dramatically ga-OoglPOB0-00176-00075951-00076217 oh if you do this at the beginning of the video i would have figured yeah ga-OoglPOB0-00177-00076217-00076452 that's what i mean that's why i was low-key doing it in the beginning ga-OoglPOB0-00178-00076452-00077297 all day long damn it guys i thought you were just hyping up ga-OoglPOB0-00179-00077297-00077725 your news you knew stuff from gymshark because god damn you do look good not ga-OoglPOB0-00180-00077725-00078044 gonna lie and you look amazing i'm sorry for coughing all over you and making ga-OoglPOB0-00181-00078044-00078390 really like you know weird but you look awesome all day i just thought ga-OoglPOB0-00182-00078390-00078652 you were like feeling be honest i'm feeling good though are you good you ga-OoglPOB0-00183-00078652-00078916 can keep doing it i just put my butt in your face ga-OoglPOB0-00184-00078916-00079429 wait so after all like after we turn off the camera you can just keep doing it ga-OoglPOB0-00185-00079429-00079691 you know that i don't want it no i'm fine with that no you can keep doing it ga-OoglPOB0-00186-00079691-00079927 no no you you're going you never got my cough drop back though ga-OoglPOB0-00187-00079927-00080267 i don't i'm not can you please no you're done with today ga-OoglPOB0-00188-00080267-00080604 you're you're done you're coughing all right cover your mouth ga-OoglPOB0-00189-00080604-00080973 hey this is mariah actually getting back dude this is actually gonna get mad ga-OoglPOB0-00190-00080973-00081360 yeah it's annoying she would be actually pissed right now if we weren't filming ga-OoglPOB0-00191-00081360-00081552 so shout out tomorrow squad i haven't been ga-OoglPOB0-00192-00081552-00081755 going we're coming to clubs i'm getting sick ga-OoglPOB0-00193-00081755-00081994 why are you coughing everywhere that okay that's not really going to get you ga-OoglPOB0-00194-00081994-00082363 sick i'm coughing this way the projector is going to get me sick are we going to ga-OoglPOB0-00195-00082363-00082574 roll up what a wall bang it's not going to hit that ga-OoglPOB0-00196-00082574-00082869 we gotta get it out it's okay it's already it's already settled your ga-OoglPOB0-00197-00082869-00083177 freaking germs need to get punished out of the ga-OoglPOB0-00198-00083177-00083450 car because it is i'm not getting sick before we leave ga-OoglPOB0-00199-00083450-00083786 why does your face look like it lives on tomato look at that ga-OoglPOB0-00200-00083786-00084193 guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's video ga-OoglPOB0-00201-00084193-00084557 i know bill definitely enjoyed it seeing my booty okay not gonna lie ga-OoglPOB0-00202-00084557-00084939 i love that you are totally welcome to do more videos like this mariah picky ga-OoglPOB0-00203-00084939-00085348 promise me you will please please for my freaking sake hey ga-OoglPOB0-00204-00085348-00085969 that could be another video hey you never ga-OoglPOB0-00205-00085969-00086417 know you're dirty that's dirty i don't even think about it ga-OoglPOB0-00206-00086417-00086687 i'm not thinking about it now but guys we're gonna give our end of the ga-OoglPOB0-00207-00086687-00087231 video post on a vacation shout out so this shout out goes to nicole ga-OoglPOB0-00208-00087231-00087331 church's shout out to you for commenting prank ga-OoglPOB0-00209-00087331-00087555 letter by letter on our last video you are awesome ga-OoglPOB0-00210-00087555-00088246 i want you guys to comment down below like i said in the beginning of the ga-OoglPOB0-00211-00088246-00088488 video but letter by letter and end it with a ga-OoglPOB0-00212-00088488-00088748 butt emoji at the end oh a beach emoji a butt ga-OoglPOB0-00213-00088748-00089045 comment it down to get a notification in our next video hopefully next video i'm ga-OoglPOB0-00214-00089045-00089412 feeling better i probably will because we're not filming for a couple days no ga-OoglPOB0-00215-00089412-00089723 cause can we say it now we're going we're going to chicago i'm ga-OoglPOB0-00216-00089723-00090026 going to surprise our family and i'm so excited ga-OoglPOB0-00217-00090026-00090483 guys like i said i'm going to stress this enough we do not have covered we're ga-OoglPOB0-00218-00090483-00090838 not sick we wouldn't risk anybody else's ga-OoglPOB0-00219-00090838-00090999 life you know we're not leaving today so we ga-OoglPOB0-00220-00090999-00091314 still got some time for me to get better i literally like just over the past ga-OoglPOB0-00221-00091314-00091741 three days have gotten so much better so i'm almost fully recovered just a ga-OoglPOB0-00222-00091741-00092014 cold and we're gonna make sure we have masks on and everything like that so ga-OoglPOB0-00223-00092014-00092150 don't worry we're we're being safe we're taking the ga-OoglPOB0-00224-00092150-00092606 car i'm fine but yeah guys stay tuned because we are going to film it on our ga-OoglPOB0-00225-00092606-00092891 vlog channel um getting everyone's reaction i'm just ga-OoglPOB0-00226-00092891-00093219 hoping it all works out the way that we plan to my sister's already suspicious ga-OoglPOB0-00227-00093219-00093519 but my mom has no idea either way it's going to be awesome and ga-OoglPOB0-00228-00093519-00093810 we can't wait to go see we haven't been back in chicago in two ga-OoglPOB0-00229-00093810-00094324 freaking three three months oh yeah wait three months three months that is crazy ga-OoglPOB0-00230-00094324-00094794 imagine moving away from home like across the united states we did we ga-OoglPOB0-00231-00094794-00094994 did we did no we did across the united states illinois to ga-OoglPOB0-00232-00094994-00095331 florida we we crossed we moved across we didn't move ga-OoglPOB0-00233-00095331-00095600 out of we moved across the united states oh ga-OoglPOB0-00234-00095600-00096237 okay okay i get it yes but guys i hope you enjoyed today's video and we will ga-OoglPOB0-00235-00096237-00096422 see you guys in the next video but until then